CHICAGOMagazine/Summer 1987he crisis of liberal educationis a reflection of a crisisat the peaks of learning . . .an intellectual crisis of thegreatest i magnitude,whichconstitutesthe crisisof ourcivilization.-Allan BloomLETTERSTHE TURKEYDOES FLYEditor:Please inform James E. Miller ("AnAmericanist in Paris," SPRING/87) that thenative American fowl (turkey) does fly.JohnK. Bown, PhB'28Temple, TXALUMNI INVITED TOSTUDENT THEATEREditor:My thanks to Mark Hollmann for his finearticle on the recent widespread revivalof interest in student theater on campus("Of Bubbles and Bangs and Treading theBoards," WINTER/87). Looking back on itnow, I'm more than a bit surprised at thenumber of people it took to refloat the oldship and fill its sails for the long haul. Beyond the many names mentioned byHollmann, I would like to acknowledge thecontributions of Irene Conley, director ofstudent activities; the Women's Board of theUniversity, whose financial assistanceenabled University Theater to restore thetheater spaces in Reynolds Club; and theCommittee on the Quality of Life, whoseequal generosity made it possible for thenew improvisational group to set up shop.Finally, I'd like to invite alumni/ae whoare or will be in the area to come and take alook at what's going on. If you'd like to see aparticular show or be put on our regularmailing list, simply call Steven Schroer,managing director of University Theater, at(312) 702-3414.Frank KinahanAssociate ProfessorDepartment of EnglishLanguage & LiteratureUniversity of ChicagoTHE DEBATECONTINUESEditor:I have read with interest and concern thenews of the decision of the trustees to keepUniversity stock in companies operating inSouth Africa .... We should be asking,"Isn't there some other perhaps untried wayto work for change?"Perhaps the University can do more, if itwill, by keeping its stock, but it will need tofind a better reason for doing so than makingmoney; and its rationale, if it is to be self-respecting, cannot be that if it divests, otherswill buy. The only reason I can see, and it is a good one, is that the trustees can exercise influence in decision-making when shareholders meet.Can't some of the offices and plants ofthose companies [in South Africa] be movedout of the cities and into the homelands? Isthat a crazy idea whose time has come? Can'tanyone else see whites commuting to thehomelands as well as blacks commuting tothe cities? Can't anyone see companies witha mixed management setting up goodschools and opening attractive stores in thehomelands— and building pleasant homesthere for its workers and management, andreplenishing the soil? Can't anyone see theultimate result, even if years away, of a mixof blacks and whites everywhere in SouthAfrica brought about by business? Morethan the churches, the universities, and thepoliticians, business has that opportunityand duty, because it has the means.Can the trustees realize their opportunity to do more than earn money while they invest funds— at least in this case? They aregood, dedicated people who because of adifficult decision have opened a way to workfor changes that can result in worldwidegood, because it will set an example and givemanagement and shareholders a vision ofboth duty and potential.Gertrude H. Mcintosh, AM'51Claremont, CAEditor:The pros and cons on divestment, aspublished in Letters recently, seem to havestruck political positions which only can besorted out by a scholar of the works ofAristotle, especially his Politics. One suchwould have been the late Richard McKeon,dean of the Division of the Humanities atChicago and editor of The Basic Works ofAristotle (Random House, 6th printing,1941). From my reading and perhaps faultycomprehension of the Politics I am inclinedto suggest that the politicization seems tofollow the lines of oligarchy and mob rule,the bad forms of political organization ofAristotle's six forms.Though Richard McKeon may not behere to define the good and bad forms ofpolitical organization as found in Aristotle'sPolitics, I would suggest that a present dayAristotelian scholar enlighten the readers ofThe University of Chicago Magazine regardingthe pros and cons of divestment.Charles Foley, AB'48Marblehead, MAEditor:What no participant (so far as I can tell)has pointed out is that divestment is a movement fostered by speculators to feather their fay Berwanger collecting his prize— a free shave—as winner of the 1936 Mustache Race.THANK YOUWe would like to take this opportunity to say "thank you" to the 6,871 of ourreaders who graciously responded to ourannual fund-raising appeal. Your donations this year amounted to $80,244, arecord since we started asking for voluntary contributions five years ago . By contrast, last year 7, 396 donors sent in a totalof $67, 683.This year's fund-raising appeal, inthe form of a letter to alumni and the answers to our quiz on traditions whichappeared in the Magazine, has receiveda Silver Award from the Council forthe Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) in a national competition.Felicia Antonelli Holtonown nests, and neither to help nor hurt thecompanies against which it is directed.(Robert W. Blair, X'43, in FALL/86 Letters,came closest.)If I hold stock in Company A (a South African corporation) or Company B (an American corporation doing business in SouthAfrica), I can divest myself of that stock onlyby selling it to someone else. If speculatorscan break the buyers' market by adversepropaganda, I shall be obliged to sell it forwhat I can get. The difference between theprevious market price and the new debasedprice hurts me, helps the speculator whorigged it, and has no effect on either Company A or Company B. Both received theirmoney when the stock was originally issuedthrough international bankers and brokers.They retain it as working capital regardlessof who owns stock. The only difference isthat someone now gets a higher dividend inrelation to the cost of purchase.Joe D. Thomas, PhB'29, AM'30Houston, TXEditorFelicia Antonelli Holton, AB'50Staff WriterMark Ray Hollmann, AB'85Class News EditorKim ShivelyDesignerTom GreensfelderThe University of Chicago Office ofAlumni RelationsRobie House5757 South Woodlawn AvenueChicago, IL 60637Telephone: (312) 753-2175President, The University of ChicagoAlumni AssociationEdward L. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49Executive Directorof University Alumni RelationsCarol Jenkins Linne, AB'66Associate Directorof University Alumni RelationsRuth HalloranNational Program DirectorRoberta SherwoodChicago Area Program DirectorCrista Cabe, AM'83Director, Alumni Schools CommitteeJ. Robert Ball, Jr., X'70The University of ChicagoAlumni Executive CouncilEdward L. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49Herbert B. Fried, JD '32Mary Lou Gorno, MBA'76William B. Graham, SB'32, JD'36William Hammett, AM'71Danette G. Kauffman, AM'69Kenneth C. Levin, AB'68, MBA'74John David Lyon, AB'55William C. Naumann, MBA'75Daniel B.Ritter, AB'57Edward W. Rosenheim, AB'39, AM'46, PhD'53Jerry G.Seidel, MD'54Thomas H. Sheehan, MBA' 63Judy Ullmann Siggins, AB'66, AM'68, PhD'76Dirk van Ausdall, AB'80Susan Loth Wolkerstorfer, AB'72Faculty/Alumni Advisory Committeeto the University of Chicago MagazineEdward W. Rosenheim, AB'39AM'47, PhD'53, ChairmanDavid B . and Clara E . SternProfessor, Department of Englishand the CollegeWalter J. Blum, AB'39, JD'41Edward H. Levi Distinguished ServiceProfessor, the Law SchoolLinda Thoren Neal, AB'64, JD'67John A. SimpsonArthur Holly Compton DistinguishedService Professor, Department ofPhysics and the CollegeLorna P Straus, SM'60, PhD'62Associate Professor, Department ofAnatomy and the CollegeThe University of Chicago Magazine ispublished by the University of Chicagoin cooperation with the AlumniAssociation. Published continuouslysince 1907. Editorial office: RobieHouse, 5757 South Woodlawn Avenue,Chicago, IL 60637. Telephone (312)753-2323. Copyright©1987by theUniversity of Chicago. Published fourtimes a year: fall, winter, spring,summer. The Magazine is sent to allUniversity of Chicago alumni. Pleaseallow four weeks for change of address.Second class postage paid at Chicago,IL, and at additional mailing offices.Typesetting by Skripps & Associates,Chicago. The University ofCHICAGOMagazine/ Summer 1987Volume 79, Number 4 (ISSN-9508)IN THIS ISSUESecular Humanism: The Religion ofBy Martin E. MartyInfidels and free-thinkers used to get theblame; now when things go wrong somereligious sects blame it all on secularhumanists.Page 2Today's University —Where Democracy is AnarchyBy Allan BloomAn excerpt from the best-selling bookwhich is attracting international attentionfor its harsh assessment of Americanhigher education.Page 6 DEPARTMENTSChicago JournalPresident's PageClass NewsDeathsBooksSec ULARTHEMartin E. MartyBy Martin E Marty T HE PHONE RANG AT THEnational Humanities Centerin North Carolina. The'Donahue" show was looking for talent, someone to appear on television. The caller hadstumbled on to the prestigious retreatfor humanities scholars at Research Triangle Park. The Center staffer whopicked up the phone heard a peculiarrequest: "Could you produce someoneexciting to take on the anti-humanistpeople who want the school textbooksall thrown out?"The staff member cleared his throatand asked why the television show hadcome to the Center with such a request."Well, you're the humanists that thebook-burners are always after, aren'tyou? Here's your chance to fight back.""No," said the Center person, "ourscholars tend to be professors on sabbatical, students of the humanities. Thismeans that they are experts in literature,history, religion, philosophy, linguistics. . . ." They are obliging sorts and, hewent on, some of them would havesomething serious to contribute to thetelevision program. From the "Donahue" end came an abrupt dismissal: "WeMartin E. Marty, PhD' 56, is the Fairfax M.Cone Distinguished Service Professor in theDivinity School and the Committee on theHistory of Culture. His most recent booksare Modern American Religion. Vol. I,1893-1919, The Irony of It All (Universityof Chicago Press) and Religion and Republic: The American Circumstance (Beacon Press).UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SUMMER 1987RELIGION OFaren't interested in professors, becausethey can't get anything said withoutfour-syllable words and three-minutesentences."The whole encounter had been acase of mistaken identity. The television producer no doubt found a non-professorial defender of the textbooksto appear on the program. The "humanities humanists" [the Oxford English Dictionary allows us to call them"humanitians, " but finds that use obsolete] went back to their own books.Mistaken identities are reported tobe frequent on the humanities/humanists trails. For some years an urbanmyth had it that Minnesota appointeda "humanist circuit rider" to promoteliterature and history in high schools.The humanist-bashers, it was said,soon drove him off the circuit and hewas lucky to escape without tar andfeathers. The Minnesota State Humanities Commission, it turns out, didnot send out such an agent. But the Arkansas Endowment for the Humanitiesfound it advisable to delete the word"academic humanists" from its publicity. Leaders of such commissions andendowments in many states report onconfusions of identities in their states.Secular Humanists, however youdefine them, should have been beyondsighting for a long time. They seemedto fill no purpose in society. Once upona time, they did. My own effort to trackthem is worth telling about and is partof what makes up my credentials togive the present accounting. A third ofa century ago, I embarked on a disser tation at the University of Chicago. Asa student of Christian history in Europe, I was always struck by the visibility of modern god-killers there— Marx,Nietzsche, Darwin, and Freud were inthe front rank— and the invisibility orpaucity of such figures here. Surely, Isurmised, the powerful churches inAmerica had intimidated the anti-religious, had suppressed knowledgeof their presence, and sent them off thecircuit cowering.As often happens with historicalresearch, the data destroyed the original thesis. Far from having driven intohiding the antireligious or antichurch-ly figures, the churches gave publicityto individuals and movements that,to say the least, were insignificantin Western intellectual history. ElihuPalmer, Abner Kneeland, Robert Inger-soll, and H. L. Mencken were certainlyno match for the bearded god-killers onthe other side of the Atlantic. Thechurches, however, kept scouring thebushes looking for anyone ambitiousenough to be reckoned as an "infidel."From colonial times down to the 1920sreligious leaders would point to theinfidel to show the terrible thingsthat would happen if infidelity, freethought, or rationalism might prevailin America. "Support us and keep theinfidel at bay, " was the message of thebogey-hunters.By the time the dissertation appeared, in book form, [The Infidel:Freethought and American Religion] the image of the infidel, as my final chapter title put it, had become "useless." For x^Snce upon a time,infidels and freethinkers were theusual scapegoats foranything that wentwrong in America.Today, some religioussects blame it all onsecular thing, the term "secularist" was toreplace the old "infidel." For another,"while denominations were defeatingsecularists, the secularization of society went on apace, " so why seek or findvillains for a process that went on automatically, unreflectively? The churcheswere by then so varied, their proclamations so protean and diffuse, that it hadbecome impossible for surviving secularists to know where to aim their cannon. Finis?Not quite. Even in my book therewere Distant Early Warning Signalsthat something new was on the horizon. "In the nineteenth century, spokesmen for [freethought] organizations insisted that their members werereligiously uncommitted. Today, having sensed more accurately the nation'sethos, such spokesmen declare the opposite," my last chapter noted. ThusJerome Nathanson of Ethical Culture [amovement which emphasizes the study of ethical principles, service to others, fellowship, and application ofethics to all relations of life] told Lookmagazine that "sixty-four millionAmericans who do not go to church"were not antireligious. They shared theimportant idea that it was possible tobe "'religious,' moral, and decent"without being part of church life. Atthe end of the book, I judged, "mostAmericans are but dimly conscious ofvestigial organizational forms of atheism and secularism." That horizonseemed almost empty. The last line:"The image of the infidel was dead,and the churches did not seem to beexpecting its resurrection, however reluctantly they may have officiated at itslast rites." This time, for sure, finis.So much for my antennae and prophetic powers. The Infidel was publishedin 1961. That very year in Torcaso v.Watkins (367 U. S. 488), a footnote by U. S.Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Blackstated that "among religions in thiscountry which do not teach what wouldgenerally be considered a belief in theexistence of God are Buddhism, Taoism,Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism andothers." The first two of these were inar-guably religions; their presence in encyclopedias of religion was noncontrover-sial. Ethical Culture had become arespectable, churchlike, if godless presence after late nineteenth-centuryAmerica. But who made up the new listing, Secular Humanism?So far as I know, scholars havefound no usage of this term before the Torcaso v. Watkins ruling. Here may bean instance where one can date precisely the birth of a religion: June 19, 1961.Professor Joseph L. Blau of ColumbiaUniversity and Leo Pfeffer of Long Island University evidently coined theterm for perfectly plausible reasons.Encyclopedias of religion used broaderdefinitions of religion than the courtshad done. Not all religions focused on aSupreme Being; dared the UnitedStates courts show bias by favoringthose that did? Pfeffer and Blau notedthat some tiny humanist groups didthink of themselves as religious, andgave them the new name, SecularHumanism.PFEFFER MAY HAVE SINCEhad second thoughts. In Religion, State and the Burger Court(Prometheus, 1984), he couldsay, "'Secular Humanism,'whatever that may mean . . . ." and "exactly what is meant by 'Secular Humanism' has never been judicially determined . . . ." In any case, it was by thenhaunting courts, legislatures, and schoolboards, just as it had become a major factor in appeals from and revivals in the Religious Right.Whatever Secular Humanism wasand whether or not it could be religious,it had come to replace "Infidelity" or"Freethought" in American controversy. Congressman John Conlan (R., Arizona) brought it into the legislativebranch of government in 1976. He proposed an amendment to the NationalDefense Education Act which wouldprohibit any kind of support for anything "involving any aspect of the religion of secular humanism." Hisamendment won 222 to 174; 36 legislators abstained. The Senate did not accept such an amendment. Yet the termwould not die, and for the past ten yearsit has kept a place in The Reader's Guide toPeriodical Literature. It still belongs moreto the worlds of politics and polemicsthan of religion and scholarship. Thenew fifteen-volume Encyclopedia of Religion (Macmillan) has no such entry.Today the Secular Humanist receives blame from some religious sectorsfor whatever goes wrong in America. Arecent decision by Mobile, AL, U.S. District Court Judge W. Brevard Hand that"secular humanism" is a religion whichappears in textbooks whenever something like Judeo-Christianity does nothas kept the term on the front pages. It will be there even after his decision isoverturned by higher courts, as it likelywill be. It is tempting to deride the Handdecision, inspired as it was by his desireto provoke or take revenge on the UnitedStates Supreme Court. But that case willreceive all the publicity it needs with noneed of help from me. I would like to return to more serious discussion of whatis going on in the manufacture of a termthat some day encyclopedias may haveto treat as "Secular Humanism, the Religion of."First, we can clear away any notionthat the humanities have anything directly to do with a religion of SecularHumanism. British philosopher ErnestGellner rightly rued the "unfortunate"term "humanist" for any "culturebased on literacy." It "survives fromthe days when a concern with mundane, 'human' literature was primarilydistinguished, not from either illiteracy or science, but from theological, divine concerns." For contemporary purposes, "it is the literacy, and not itsmundane or extra-mundane orientation which matters. 'Humanist' concerns now embrace the divine. (Bothspeak the same language.)"Today there are some nine hundreddepartments of religion in the higherAmerican academy; about half are tax-supported. Almost all of them are located in departments of the humanities; this makes the religionists andeven the theologians at church-relatedcolleges "humanists," a title they donot find uncomfortable. Several yearsago a Commission on the Humanitiespointed to the zone of the humanities.The humanities "reveal how peoplehave tried to make moral, spiritual,and intellectual sense of a world . . . ."It was true, as John A. Symonds oncepointed out, that "the essence of humanism consisted in a new and vitalperception of the dignity of man as arational being apart from theologicaldeterminations, "as classical literaturerevealed.This perception, it should be said,challenged some aspects of some theologies. Frederick Olafson in The Dialecticof Action put it well: "The relationshipbetween humanism and religious belief is one that has given difficulties forcenturies and has caused a good deal ofpersonal anguish to those humanistslike St. Jerome and Petrarch who haveaspired to be sincere Christians." Olafson went on: "That there is some deepsource of conflict here seems undeni--i UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SUMMER 1987able; but it would just as certainly bemistaken to define humanism as atheistic or even anti-religious." Someforms of religion admittedly were anti-humanistic because they proclaim the"nothingness of man and transfer totheir gods every possible form of agency or achievement with which manmight otherwise be tempted to credithimself." Yet religions also can concede"a measure of significance and value tothe achievements of human culture."From Petrarch to the present therehave been scholars in the humanitieswho should be seen as "Christian humanists." In 1982 professors from twoCatholic and two Lutheran collegescompiled an anthology, Readings inChristian Humanism (Augsburg), a 685-page bundle of samples from Benedictand Bernard, Erasmus and Calvin,Dante and Milton, Newman andNiebuhr, down to Walker Percy andMartin Luther King. No one accusessuch writers or the compilers or the users of the book of pushing at the margins of what it is to be Christian. But"humanism," we can now and thussee, seems to need an adjective, and"Secular Humanism" is the currentchallenge.IF "HUMANITIES HUMANISM"is at issue only through confusion of identities, then whatclearly is at issue? My answer:politics, mainly. There's a waron for the mind and heart, the votesand the pocketbook of America, fromthe local school board and libraryboard to the Supreme Court and theWhite House. A whole range of critics,from the Religious Right to neoconser-vative intellectuals of some sorts tomany kinds of liberals are concernedabout the waning of historic (Enlightenment, Biblical, etc.) themes andsymbols from American life. Such critics move on, then, to inquire as towhat, if anything, takes the place ofsuch symbols.The most common and plausibleanswer is "everything and nothing."That is, America's pluralism is so wildthat its many elements and movementscancel each other out, leaving a void.The less common but more dramaticanswer is that the void must be filledby some coherent philosophy, indeedreligion, and that Secular Humanism,(b. 1961), best describes such an outlook and set of institutions. Definitions are difficult to come by,and it is not likely that many will agreeon any of the three terms, "secular,""humanist," or "religion." At the veryleast, secular must refer to this age, thisworld. I like to paraphrase the late German theologian Karl Rahner and picture that, in secular interpretation, theworld "rounds itself off within itself,"as it were. That is, one need not reachfor explanations from a supernatural,suprahuman, transcendental, sacred,or divine order of meanings in order forthe process of life— whether in laboratory or legislature or wherever— toproceed.On such terms, there is a great dealof secularity around. It would be hardto picture modern pluralist societyworking if nothing could proceed without basis in agreed-upon theologicalexplanations. One may be a Mormon,but does not look for Mormon brainsurgery; a patient simply hopes for thebest neurosurgeon. When one wants alightning bolt described or a malfunctioning carburetor diagnosed, there isno reason to seek religious interpretations (though I have heard some bettercussedly religious analyses of what iswrong with my car than the mechanicalanalyses I get at my friendly neighborhood repair shop).On what I call the "operative" sideof life, most of us are simply secular onthese terms all the time. The modernacademy operates largely on such secular assumptions, however friendly tothe study or practice of religion many ofits members may be.This simple or mere secularity can,of course, be raised to some levels of ideology when people translate styles fromthe operative side of life to what I call"the passional," where they seek themost profound meanings. Here it is easyto document the move that many havemade toward their declarations or conclusions that no supernatural, suprahuman, transcendental, or whatever othersuch order of meaning is available to humans. In a few cases such conclusionslead to a measure of militancy against allreligion, now perceived as dehumanizing superstition. However, according toa recent study by The Carnegie Foundation for The Advancement of Teaching,Princeton, NJ, only six percent of higheracademic faculty members list themselves as "antireligious." Most academichumanism, one presumes, is simplynonreligious.On this scene, say the John Conlans and W. Brevard Hands and their clericalbackers, Secular Humanism appearsnot as a nonreligion but an Anti-OtherReligions religion on its own .Thus JohnConlan joined with lawyer John W.Whitehead to say that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, in itsreligion clauses, had only Christian denominations in mind. "The religion ofthe First Amendment is traditional theism and, in particular, Christianity."Such critics do not like it that the Supreme Court now uses definitions of religion as broad as encyclopedias do.They see this tendency as a shift from"traditional theism's emphasis onGod-centeredness to Secular Humanism's emphasis on man-centeredness."Moral chaos in America, they argue,follows from this shift.What the Conlans and the Whiteheads and the millions who buy booksby militant clergy of their outlook contend is that all alternatives to "traditional theism" amount to a competitivereligion of Secular Humanism. When atextbook does not mention the God ofthe Bible, they say, it necessarily leavesa void which it must fill with the Religion of Secular Humanism. If so, argueplaintiff parents in courts and complaining parents to school boards, atleast give us "equal time." Why not giveprivilege and, in effect, subsidy to, thetraditional religion of the vast majority,a religion that currently comes underthe banner of "Judeo-Christian?"When a Justice W. Brevard Handmakes a decision of the sort he did,most humanists protest that he doesnot have them in focus. The few thousand Americans who belong to organizations that admittedly do make areligion of their Secular Humanism doget a lot of free publicity. Some of thisthey use to insist that the last thing theywould want is any kind of establishment or privilege from government.They want radical separation of churchand state, of religious from civil jurisdictions and support. Their protests gounheeded.Here is a case, then, in which secularity, a general societal ethos thatresults chiefly from pluralism, gets defined into a religion that has almost noadherents. The elementary and highschool textbooks in America, virtuallyeveryone agrees, do a terrible job at telling the story of religion in America andthe world. They do so though the U.S.Supreme Court, even as it was rulingContinued on page 12 * ¦•S&:;'MINDToday'sUniversity -WhereDemocracyIs AnarchyBy Allan BloomwW w catHAT IMAGE DOES Afirst-rank college or university present today toa teen-ager leaving homefor the first time, off to theadventure of a liberal education? He has four yearsof freedom to discover himself— a spacebetween the intellectual wasteland hehas left behind and the inevitabledreary professional training that awaitshim after the baccalaureate. In thisshort time he must learn that there is agreat world beyond the little one heknows, experience the exhilaration of itFrom The Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom.Copyright © J987 by Allan Bloom. Reprinted by permission of Simonand Schuster. and digest enough of it to sustain himself in the intellectual deserts he is destined to traverse. He must do this, thatis, if he is to have any hope of a higherlife. These are the charmed years whenhe can, if he so chooses, become anything he wishes and when he has theopportunity to survey his alternatives,not merely those current in his time orprovided by careers, but those availableto him as a human being. The importance of these years for an Americancannot be overestimated. They are civilization's only chance to get to him.In looking at him, we are forced toreflect on what he should learn if he is tobe called educated; we must speculateon what the human potential to be fulfilled is. In the specialties we can avoidsuch speculation, and the avoidance ofthem is one of specialization's charms.But here it is a simple duty. What are weto teach this person? The answer maynot be evident, but to attempt to answerthe question is already to philosophizeand to begin to educate. Such a concernin itself poses the question of the unityof man and the unity of the sciences. Itis childishness to say, as some do, thateveryone must be allowed to developfreely, that it is authoritarian to imposea point of view on the student. In thatcase, why have a university? If the response is to "provide an atmosphere forlearning, " we come back to our originalquestions at the second remove. Whichatmosphere? Choices and reflection onthe reasons for those choices are unavoidable. The university has to standfor something. The practical effects ofunwillingness to think positively aboutthe contents of a liberal education are,on the one hand, to ensure that all thevulgarities of the world outside the university will flourish within it, and, onthe other, to impose a much harsherand more illiberal necessity on the student—the one given by the imperialand imperious demands of the specialized disciplines unfiltered by unifyingthought.The university now offers no distinctive visage to the young person. Hefinds a democracy of the disciplines—which are there either because they areautochthonous or because they wandered in recently to perform some jobthat was demanded of the university.This democracy is really an anarchy, because there are no recognized rules forcitizenship and no legitimate titles torule. In short there is no vision, nor isthere a set of competing visions, of whath UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SUMMER 1987Allan BloomThe "democracy of the disciplines"argues the author, actually createschaos for the undergraduate and makesit impossible for him to make areasonable choice of what to study. an educated human being is. The question has disappeared, for to pose itwould be a threat to the peace. There isno organization of the sciences, no treeof knowledge. Out of chaos emergesdispiritedness, because it is impossibleto make a reasonable choice. Better togive up on liberal education and get onwith a specialty in which there is at leasta prescribed curriculum and a prospective career. On the way the student canpick up in elective courses a little ofwhatever is thought to make one cultured. The student gets no intimationthat great mysteries might be revealedto him, that new and higher motives ofaction might be discovered within him,that a different and more human way oflife can be harmoniously constructedby what he is going to learn.Simply, the university is not distinctive. Equality for us seems toculminate in the unwillingness and incapacity to make claims of superiority,particularly in the domains in whichsuch claims have always been made —art, religion and philosophy. When Weber found that he could not choosebetween certain high opposites—reason vs. revelation, Buddha vs. Jesus—he did not conclude that all things areequally good, that the distinction between high and low disappears. As amatter of fact, he intended to revitalizethe consideration of these great alternatives in showing the gravity and dangerinvolved in choosing among them; theywere to be heightened in contrast to thetrivial considerations of modern lifethat threatened to overgrow and renderindistinguishable the profound problems the confrontation with whichmakes the bow of the soul taut. The serious intellectual life was for him thebattleground of the great decisions, allof which are spiritual or "value"choices. One can no longer present thisor that particular view of the educatedor civilized man as authoritative; therefore one must say that education consists in knowing, really knowing, thesmall number of such views in their integrity. This distinction between profound and superficial— which takes theplace of good and bad, true and false-provided a focus for serious study, butit hardly held out against the naturallyrelaxed democratic tendency to say,"Oh, what's the use?" The first university disruptions at Berkeley were explicitly directed against the multiversitysmorgasbord and, I must confess, momentarily and partially engaged my7CLOSINGOF THEAMERICANMINDN.Y. Times' No. 1 Best-SellerTakes Author by Surprise"When I was fifteen years old I saw theUniversity of Chicago for the first timeand somehow sensed that I had discovered my life."Thus writes Allan Bloom in hisbook The Closing of the American Mind:How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students (Simon & Schuster). Bloom,PhB'49, AM'53, PhD'55, is professor inthe Committee on Social Thought andthe College, and codirector of the JohnM . Olin Center for Inquiry into the Theory and Practice of Democracy.Bloom's book has generated enormous attention in the media, and to theauthor's and publisher's surprise hasbecome a best-seller, both in the U.S.and in France, where it was publishedsimultaneously. At the InternationalBook Festival in Geneva, Switzerland,the book won Bloom the Jean JacquesRousseau Prize, which included a cashaward of thirty-five thousand dollarsfrom the city of Geneva.In The Closing of the American MindBloom is highly critical of higher education today, specifically the educationavailable to undergraduates in "thetwenty or thirty best universities" inAmerica. Bloom feels that over the lasttwenty-five years the university (heuses the term to include all universities)has "lost its focus" and "lacks wholeness." In fact, he insists that "liberal education . . . has no content" and "a certain kind of fraud is being perpetrated .""I'm surprised at the response,"Bloom said in an interview, leaningback on a black leather couch in hishandsomely furnished apartment,from whose windows he can see thecampus. "It's not an easy book, and Iobviously wasn't writing this for a popular audience, " he continued. "I wasn'tthinking about any audience in particular. The fact is that I'm very critical ofthings that are very hot items with thepublic today, and I'm not taking the same type of positions that lots of otherprofessors are."As the author of a brand-new bestseller, Bloom is delighted with what hetermed his "three-week" celebrity-hood. He was, he confided, about torun off "to be interviewed for TorontoTV." And he pulled forth, from a pile ofreviews of the book, one in the Frenchmagazine Le Point. "This is my favoritephoto [of those taken by the press] . It's aWoody AJlen comic dream," he said,laughing. In the photograph, Bloom,wearing fedora and trench coat, isstanding in a rakish pose in front of theFrench Institute. Not everyone will agree with all ofBloom's views. In examining modernAmerican families, for instance, hewrites, "I am not arguing here that theold family arrangements were good orthat we should or could go back to them.I am only insisting that we not cloud ourvision to such an extent that we believethat there are substitutes for them justbecause we want or need them."In presenting his arguments,Bloom moves through centuries ofthinking about freedom, values andthe ends of education.In a section of his book titled "Nihilism, American Style," Bloom arguesthat there is "a new language of goodand evil" that prevents us "from talking about good and evil anymore." It isthe language of "value relativism,"which is "a change in our view ofthings moral and political as great asthe one that took place when Christianity replaced Greek and Roman paganism." Bloom defines the term "value" as "the radical subjectivity of allbelief about good and evil." This Ian-"My impression is that the liberaleducation component at Chicagois different, and it's better thanany place else. It's still themost intellectual university."guage he identifies as part of the "German invasion of the U.S.," the emergence in this country over the last threedecades of an imported philosophyshaped by Nietzsche.The target of Nietzsche's criticismwas modern democracy, says Bloom;he is distressed because Americans arenot aware of how they have been influenced by these antidemocratic doctrines, which are contemptuous of thesocial contract that is the basis of theAmerican political system.As a counterpoint, he feels stronglythat students should be encouraged tostudy rigorously the ideas of such writ-Bloom is harshly critical of today'scollege students. He feels that they lackcuriosity and are less cultivated thanany generation he has known since hebegan teaching in the 1950s. "Their primary preoccupation is themselves, understood in the narrowest sense," hewrites. He deplores the fact that theyhave "lost the practice of and the tastefor reading." Instead, he says, they areobsessed with rock music, which "encourages passions and provides modelsthat have no relation to any life theyoung people who go to universities canpossibly lead, or to the kinds of admiration encouraged by liberal studies."UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SUMMER 1987ers as Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau inorder to gain an understanding of thefoundations of liberal democracy.When asked to compare the Collegeof the University of Chicago today withwhat it was like when he was an undergraduate, Bloom replied, "It would beunfair for me to make a comparison; I'dbe looking at it from such different ends.I'm a [Robert Maynard] Hutchinsenthusiast without believing that thatwas the only way Or even perhaps theright way."My impression, " he said, "is thatthe liberal education component atChicago is different, and it's better thanany place else. It's still the most intellectual university. Chicago today ismore like other universities in that themajor prepares you for some specialty.Whereas at Chicago in the past therewas no major. My impression is thatthe liberal education component ispretty much restricted to the first twoyears, and in that restriction, howeveryou fool around with that, you reachonly the lower age. [As a student] it'swhat you're going to get through; youmay like it or not, but that's not themost serious part of life. But those programs as such do not perform the fundamental experience of conversion thatthe College used to. That doesn't meanto say it can't take place here. The University of Chicago probably has morepossibility of doing it than elsewherebecause of its tradition, its general seriousness, somehow its concentrationon the Great Books, but I don't see thatthere is that same atmosphere, whichis always ambiguous."In his book, Bloom advocates the"good old Great Books approach" asthe "only serious solution" to the crisisin education.However, he said, "I don't provideany prescriptions. I'm going to try toresist going through symposia with aslogan of what is to be done." It isenough, he feels, that people begin toexamine what really constitutes a liberal education, and how to go about providing it. If his book helps to open upsuch a dialogue, he feels that will bemuch more satisfying than his current"three-week" celebrityhood.In these pages we present an excerpt from The Closing of the AmericanMind.-F.A.H. sympathies. It may have even been thecase that there was some small elementof longing for an education in the motivation of these students. But nothingwas done to guide or inform their energy, and the result was merely to addmultilife-styles to multidisciplines, thediversity of perversity to the diversity ofspecialization ....Thus, when a student arrives at theuniversity, he finds a bewildering variety of departments and a bewilderingvariety of courses. And there is no official guidance, no university-wideagreement, about what he should study.Nor does he usually find readily available examples, either among students orprofessors, of a unified use of the university's resources. It is easiest simplyto make a career choice and go aboutgetting prepared for that career. Theprograms designed for those havingmade such a choice render their students immune to charms that mightlead them out of the conventionally respectable. The sirens sing sotto vocethese days, and the young already haveenough wax in their ears to pass themby without danger. These specialtiescan provide enough courses to take upmost of their time for four years in preparation for the inevitable graduate study. With the few remaining coursesthey can do what they please, taking abit of this and a bit of that. No public career these days— not doctor nor lawyernor politician nor journalist nor businessman nor entertainer— has much todo with humane learning ....The real problem is those studentswho come hoping to find out what career they want to have, or are simplylooking for an adventure with themselves. There are plenty of things forthem to do — courses and disciplinesenough to spend many a lifetime on.Each department or great division ofthe university makes a pitch for itself,and each offers a course of study thatwill make the student an initiate. Buthow to choose among them? How dothey relate to one another? The fact isthey do not address one another. Theyare competing and contradictory, without being aware of it. The problem ofthe whole is urgently indicated by thevery existence of the specialties, but it isnever systematically posed. The net effect of the student's encounter with thecollege catalogue is bewilderment andvery often demoralization. It is just amatter of chance whether he finds oneor two professors who can give him an insight into one of the great visions ofeducation that have been the distinguishing part of every civilized nation.Most professors are specialists, concerned only with their own fields, interested in the advancement of thosefields in their own terms, or in their ownpersonal advancement in a worldwhere all the rewards are on the side ofprofessional distinction. They havebeen entirely emancipated from the oldstructure of the university, which atleast helped to indicate that they are incomplete, only parts of an unexaminedand undiscovered whole. So the student must navigate among a collectionof carnival barkers, each trying to lurehim into a particular sideshow ....LORNELL [UNIVERSITY]was, as in so many otherthings, in advance of itstime on this issue. Thesix-year Ph.D. program,richly supported by the Ford Foundation,was directed specifically to high schoolstudents who had already made "a firmcareer choice" and was intended to rushthem through to the start of those careers.A sop was given to desolate humanists inthe form of money to fund seminars thatthese young careerists could take on theirway through the College of Arts and Sciences. For the rest, educators could devote their energies to arranging andpackaging the program without having toprovide it with any substance. That keptthem busy enough to avoid thinkingabout the nothingness of their endeavor.This has been the preferred mode of notlooking the Beast in the Jungle in the face—structure, not content. The Cornellplan for dealing with the problem of liberal education was to suppress the students' longing for liberal education byencouraging their professionalism andtheir avarice, providing money and all theprestige the university had available tomake careerism the centerpiece of theuniversity.The Cornell plan dared not state theradical truth, a well-kept secret: the colleges do not have enough to teach theirstudents, not enough to justify keepingthem four years, probably not eventhree years. If the focus is careers, thereis hardly one specialty, outside thehardest of the hard natural sciences,which requires more than two years ofpreparatory training prior to graduate9studies. The rest is just wasted time, or aperiod of ripening until the students areold enough for graduate studies. Formany graduate careers, even less is really necessary. It is amazing how manyundergraduates are poking around forthe courses to take, without any plan orquestion to ask, just filling up their college years. In fact, with rare exceptions,the courses are parts of specialties andnot designed for general cultivation, orto investigate questions important forhuman beings as such. The so-calledknowledge explosion and increasingspecialization have not filled up the college years but emptied them. Thoseyears are impediments; one wants toget beyond them. And in general thepersons one finds in the professionsneed not have gone to college, if one isto judge by their tastes, their fund oflearning or their interests .... Thesegreat universities— which can split theatom, find cures for the most terriblediseases, conduct surveys of wholepopulations and produce massive dictionaries of lost languages— cannotgenerate a modest program of generaleducation for undergraduate students.This is a parable for our times.There are attempts to fill the vacuum painlessly with various kinds offancy packaging of what is alreadythere— study abroad options, individualized majors, etc. Then there areBlack Studies and Women's or GenderStudies, along with Learn Another Culture. Peace Studies are on their way to asimilar prevalence. All this is designedto show that the university is with it andhas something in addition to its traditional specialties. The latest item iscomputer literacy, the full cheapness ofwhich is evident only to those whothink a bit about what literacy mightmean. It would make some sense topromote literacy literacy, inasmuch asmost high school graduates nowadayshave difficulty reading and writing.And some institutions are quietly undertaking this worthwhile task. Butthey do not trumpet the fact, becausethis is merely a high school functionthat our current sad state of educationalaffairs has thrust upon them, aboutwhich they are not inclined to boast.Now that the distractions of the sixties are over, and undergraduate education has become more important again(because the graduate departments,aside from the professional schools, arein trouble due to the shortage of academic jobs), university officials have had somehow to deal with the undeniable fact that the students who enter areuncivilized, and that the universitieshave some responsibility for civilizingthem. If one were to give a base interpretation of the schools' motives, onecould allege that their concern stemsfrom shame and self-interest. It is becoming all too evident that liberal education—which is what the small band ofprestigious institutions are supposedto provide, in contrast to the big stateschools, which are thought simply toprepare specialists to meet the practicaldemands of a complex society — has nocontent, that a certain kind of fraud isbeing perpetrated. For a time the greatmoral consciousness alleged to havebeen fostered in students by the greatuniversities, especially their vocationas gladiators who fight war and racism,seemed to fulfill the demands of the collective university conscience. Theywere doing something other than offering preliminary training for doctors andlawyers. Concern and compassionwere thought to be the indefinable Xthat pervaded all the parts of the Artsand Sciences on campus. But when thatevanescent mist dissipated during theseventies, and the faculties foundthemselves face to face with ill-educated young people with no intellectual tastes — unaware that there evenare such things, obsessed with gettingon with their careers before havinglooked at life— and the universities offered no counterpoise, no alternativegoals, a reaction set in.LIBERAL EDUCATION-since it has for so long beenill-defined, has none of thecrisp clarity or institutionalized prestige of the professions, but nevertheless perseveres andhas money and respectability connected with it— has always been a battleground for those who are somewhat eccentric in relation to the specialties. It issomething like the condition of churches as opposed to, say, hospitals. Nobody is quite certain of what the religious institutions are supposed to doanymore, but they do have some kind ofrole either responding to a real humanneed or as the vestige of what was oncea need, and they invite the exploitationof quacks, adventurers, cranks, and fanatics. But they also solicit the warmest and most valiant efforts of persons ofpeculiar gravity and depth. In liberaleducation, too, the worst and the bestfight it out, fakers vs. authentics, sophists vs. philosophers, for the favor ofpublic opinion and for control over thestudy of man in our times. The mostconspicuous participants in the struggle are administrators who are formallyresponsible for presenting some kind ofpublic image of the education their colleges offer, persons with a politicalagenda or vulgarizers of what the specialties know, and real teachers of thehumane disciplines who actually seetheir relation to the whole and urgentlywish to preserve the awareness of it intheir students' consciousness.So, just as in the sixties universitieswere devoted to removing requirements, in the eighties they are busywith attempts to put them back in, amuch more difficult task. The word ofthe day is "core." It is generally agreedthat "we went a bit far in the sixties,"and that a little fine-tuning has now become clearly necessary.There are two typical responses tothe problem. The easiest and most administratively satisfying solution is tomake use of what is already there in theautonomous departments and simplyforce the students to cover the fields,i.e., take one or more courses in each ofthe general divisions of the university:natural science, social science, and thehumanities. The reigning ideology hereis breadth, as was openness in the age oflaxity. The courses are almost alwaysthe already existing introductorycourses, which are of least interest tothe major professors and merely assume the worth and reality of thatwhich is to be studied. It is general education, in the sense in which a jack-of-all trades is a generalist. He knows a bitof everything and is inferior to the specialist in each area. Students may wishto sample a variety of fields, and it maybe good to encourage them to lookaround and see if there is somethingthat attracts them in one of which theyhave no experience. But this is not a liberal education and does not satisfy anylonging they have for one .... Withoutrecognition of important questions ofcommon concern, there cannot be serious liberal education, and attempts toestablish it will be failed gestures.It is a more or less precise awareness of the inadequacy of this approachto core curricula that motivates the second approach, which consists of what10 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SUMMER 1987one might call composite courses.These are constructions developed especially for general-education purposes and usually require collaborationof professors drawn from several departments. These courses have titleslike "Man in Nature," "War and MoralResponsibility," "The Arts and Creativity," "Culture and the Individual." Everything, of course, depends upon whoplans them and who teaches them.They have the clear advantage of requiring some reflection on the generalneeds of students and force specializedprofessors to broaden their perspectives, at least for a moment. Thedangers are trendiness, mere popularization and lack of substantive rigor. Ingeneral, the natural scientists do notcollaborate in such endeavors, andhence these courses tend to be unbalanced. In short, they do not point beyond themselves and do not providethe student with independent means topursue permanent questions independently, as, for example, the study ofAristotle or Kant as wholes once did.They tend to be bits of this and that . Liberal education should give the studentthe sense that learning must and can beboth synoptic and precise. For this, avery small, detailed problem can be thebest way, if it is framed so as to open outon the whole. Unless the course has thespecific intention to lead to the permanent questions, to make the studentaware of them and give him some competence in the important works thattreat of them, it tends to be a pleasantdiversion and a dead end— because ithas nothing to do with any program offurther study he can imagine. If suchprograms engage the best energies ofthe best people in the university, theycan be beneficial and provide some ofthe missing intellectual excitement forboth professors and students. But theyrarely do, and they are too cut off fromthe top, from what the various facultiessee as their real business. Where thepower is determines the life of thewhole body. And the intellectual problems unresolved at the top cannot be resolved administratively below ....Of course, the only serious solutionis the one that is almost universally rejected: the good old Great Books approach, in which a liberal educationmeans reading certain generally recognized classic texts, just reading them,letting them dictate what the questionsare and the method of approachingthem— not forcing them into categories we make up, not treating them as historical products, but trying to readthem as their authors wished them tobe read. I am perfectly well aware of,and actually agree with, the objectionsto the Great Books cult. It is amateurish; it encourages an autodidact's self-assurance without competence; onecannot read all of the Great Books carefully; if one only reads Great Books,one can never know what a great, as opposed to an ordinary, book is; there isno way of determining who is to decidewhat a Great Book or what the canon is;books are made the ends and not themeans; the whole movement has a certain coarse evangelistic tone that is theopposite of good taste; it engenders aspurious intimacy with greatness; andso forth. But one thing is certain: wherever the Great Books make up a centralpart of the curriculum, the students areexcited and satisfied, feel they are doingsomething that is independent and fulfilling, getting something from the university they cannot get elsewhere. Thevery fact of this special experience,which leads nowhere beyond itself,provides them with a new alternativeand a respect for study itself. The advantage they get is an awareness of theclassic— particularly important for ourinnocents; an acquaintance with whatbig questions were when there werestill big questions; models, at the veryleast, of how to go about answeringthem; and, perhaps most important ofall, a fund of shared experiences andthoughts on which to ground theirfriendships with one another. Programs based upon judicious use ofgreat texts provide the royal road tostudents' hearts. Their gratitude atlearning of Achilles or the categoricalimperative is boundless ... .A goodprogram of liberal education feeds thestudent's love of truth and passion tolive a good life. It is the easiest thing inthe world to devise courses of study,adapted to the particular conditions ofeach university, which thrill those whotake them. The difficulty is in gettingthem accepted by the faculty.None of the three great parts of thecontemporary university is enthusiastic about the Great Books approach toeducation. The natural scientists are benevolent toward other fields and toward liberal education, if it does notsteal away their students and does nottake too much time from their preparatory studies. But they themselves areinterested primarily in the solution of the questions now important in theirdisciplines and are not particularlyconcerned with discussions of theirfoundations, inasmuch as they are soevidently successful. They are indifferent to Newton's conception of time orhis disputes with Leibniz about calculus; Aristotle's teleology is an absurdity beneath consideration. Scientificprogress, they believe, no longer depends on the kind of comprehensive reflection given to the nature of science bymen like Bacon, Descartes, Hume, Kantand Marx. This is merely historical study, and for a long time now, even thegreatest scientists have given up thinking about Galileo and Newton. Progress is undoubted. The difficultiesabout the truth of science raised by positivism, and those about the goodnessof science raised by Rousseau andNietzsche, have not really penetrated tothe center of scientific consciousness.Hence, no Great Books, but incremental progress, is the theme for them.bOCIAL SCIENTISTS ARE INgeneral hostile, because theclassic texts tend to deal withthe human things the socialsciences deal with, and theyare very proud of having freed themselves from the shackles of such earlierthought to become truly scientific. And,unlike the natural scientists, they are insecure enough about their achievementto feel threatened by the works of earlierthinkers, perhaps a bit afraid that students will be seduced and fall back intothe bad old ways. Moreover, with the possible exception of Weber and Freud, thereare no social science books that can besaid to be classic. This may be interpretedfavorably to the social sciences by comparing them to the natural sciences,which can be said to be a living organismdeveloping by the addition of little cells, averitable body of knowledge proving itself to be such by the very fact of thisalmost unconscious growth, with thousands of parts oblivious to the whole,nevertheless contributing to it.This is in opposition to a work ofimagination or of philosophy, where asingle creator makes and surveys an artificial whole. But whether one interprets the absence of the classic in thesocial sciences in ways flattering or unflattering to them, the fact causes socialscientists discomfort ....nMore difficult to explain is the tepidreaction of humanists to Great Bookseducation, inasmuch as these booksnow belong almost exclusively to whatare called the humanities. One wouldthink that high esteem for the classicwould reinforce the spiritual power ofthe humanities, at a time when theirtemporal power is at its lowest. And it istrue that the most active proponents ofliberal education and the study of classic texts are indeed usually humanists.But there is a division among them.Some humanities disciplines are justcrusty specialties that, although theydepend on the status of classic booksfor their existence, are not really interested in them in their natural state-much philology, for example, is concerned with the languages but not whatMartyContinued from page 5out prayer and devotional Bible readingin schools, urged the schools to do better, to do well, in teaching religion.Textbooks and schools teach poorly,however, not because a dedicated set ofvotaries influenced by documents calledHumanist Manifestos have engaged in aconspiracy to keep all religion, or "other" religion, at bay. They do so because ofan atrophy of imagination among textbook writers and the school boards thatbuy books. Texts today are silent aboutreligion because of religious pluralism.What Mormon, publishers and authorsreason, will buy a book that has a linethat Mormons find unsatisfactory?What non-Mormon will allow whatmight look like something favorable toMormons? How speak of a Judeo-Christian tradition when members ofthe same denominational cluster cannotget along? For example, how please fourtypical Baptists: Jesse Jackson [X '67]and Jesse Helms, Harvey Cox and JerryFalwell? Since one cannot please, then isit not advisable simply to be silent aboutreligion in the texts? It should be clearthat I think there can be a Religion of Secular Humanism, but I do not think that itappears as the alternative to "traditionaltheism" whenever a textbook does notpromote such theism. The more theConlans and Hands push such an idea, is said in them— and will and can donothing to support their own infrastructure. Some humanities disciplinesare eager to join the real sciences andtranscend their roots in the now overcome mythic past. Some humanistsmake the legitimate complaints aboutlack of competence in the teaching andlearning of Great Books, although theircriticism is frequently undermined bythe fact that they are only defendingrecent scholarly interpretation of theclassics rather than a vital, authenticunderstanding. In their reaction thereis a strong element of specialist's jealousy and narrowness. Finally, a largepart of the story is just the generaldebilitation of the humanities, which isboth symptom and cause of our presentcondition.the more difficult it will be to dealacademically with religion and itsalternatives.Before serious Americans turnaway from the issue in disdain, however, they might do well to send a card ofthanks to the Religious Right and its allies for pressing the issue. Alfred NorthWhitehead once wrote that "Greatideas enter into reality with evil associates and disgusting alliances. But thegreatness remainsIt is not for me to call " evil" the associates of the notion that we might dobetter in dealing with religion in American schools and public life. (I may findsome of the alliances disgusting, butlet's leave that for another day.) But I dothink that "doing better" is a "greatidea." Slighting religion now meansthat we have to censor or distort half thelibrary of the humanities. We leave children simply bewildered by phenomenalike the novels of Herman Melville, theIranian revolution, the speeches ofAbraham Lincoln, the "abortion debate," most wars afar and politicalcontention near to home, and muchthat heals, consoles, and gives purposeto life.If the agitators would stop seeing aReligion of Secular Humanism wherever they find what they do not like, therecould be some beginnings. If the pro-religion people would be content to seereligion among the disciplines and notto be used for "discipling," we wouldcome to stage two. Then the religiousgroups in America will have to learnsome patience with each other, something that is now in short supply. Onsuch a scene, a new generation might To repeat, the crisis of liberal education is a reflection of a crisis at the peaksof learning, an incoherence and incompatibility among the first principleswith which we interpret the world, anintellectual crisis of the greatest magnitude, which constitutes the crisis of ourcivilization. But perhaps it would betrue to say that the crisis consists not somuch in this incoherence but in our incapacity to discuss or even recognize it.Liberal education flourished when itprepared the way for the discussion of aunified view of nature and man's placein it, which the best minds debated onthe highest level . It decayed when whatlay beyond it were only specialties, thepremises of which do not lead to anysuch vision. The highest is the partialintellect; there is no synopsis. Hretrieve from its heritage some sensethat elementary and secondary pupilswould do well to learn something of thestories, the weight, the status, the roleof religion in the modern world. It is notgoing away; there is as much as ever.Some of it is dangerous. More of itneeds to be understood for possiblepositive roles.In a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in1940, Justice Felix Frankfurter tucked infour lines that speak to today: "The ultimate foundation of a free society is thebinding tie of cohesive sentiment. Sucha sentiment is fostered by all those agencies of the mind and spirit which mayserve to gather up the traditions of a people, transmit them from generation togeneration, and thereby create that continuity of a treasured common life whichconstitutes a civilization." (Miners villeSchool Dist. v. Gobitis, 310 US. 586).Cohesive sentiment may include elements of "traditional theism" and ofmany philosophies that don't have to betransformed into "Religions of . . . ."Should our "agencies of the mindand spirit," from families throughchurches and synagogues to schoolsand voluntary associations do better atsuch gathering up and transmitting,American society might be better off.One casualty could be a feasible sequelto my old book which, I thought, hadfinished off The Infidel. Volume Two:Son of Infidel: the Religion of Secular Humanism could then be a short book.And citizens, theists and humanists,religionists and cherishers of both "cohesive sentiment" and creative dissent,could get back to serious business andmore enjoyment of each other. B12 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SUMMER 1987CHICAGO JOURNALSTUDENT DISCOVERSERROR IN NEWTONIt is the three hundredth year sincepublication of one of the masterworksof science, and in February a University physics student celebrated theanniversary by finding an error inthe work.The masterwork is the Principia, SirIsaac Newton's theory of motion andgravity, which is widely consideredthe crowning achievement of the greatest career in science. The student,Robert J. Garisto (AB'87 as of June 13),found and corrected an error and several inconsistencies that appear tohave gone undetected in the threehundred years that scholars havestudied the work.The efforts of Garisto, who cameto the College from New York, NY,earned him the Prize for Excellence inScience of the University's chapter ofthe national scientific honor societySigma Xi."This is a really interesting discovery about Newton's work, " said NoelSwerdlow, professor in the Departments of Astronomy & Astrophysicsand of History and Garisto 's advisorfor the study. "Robert has found aglaring mistake and explained it, andit's a mistake no one else appears tohave found in three hundred years."Garisto 's discovery began as aroutine class assignmentiromSwerdlow-td work through Newton'scalculations for Proposition Eight ofBook Three of the Principia."Professor Swerdlow told me thathe had never gotten all of Newton'snumbers in Proposition Eight to agreewith each other," Garisto explained."My project was to try to reproducethe numbers as closely as possible."The Proposition is an importantone, Garisto explained, because itmakes use of many of the conceptsdeveloped by Newton throughout thePrincipia. In particular, in PropositionEight Newton demonstrated the powerof his theory by calculating the mass,surface gravity, and the density of themajor planets. It is in the calculation ofthe mass of the Earth that the inconsistency appears. "Newton's calculation of theEarth's mass is fifteen percent greaterthan can be accounted for by his data, "Garisto said. "The question is, howdid Newton make this mistake?"Garisto searched through sixdifferent editions of the Principia totrace Newton's steps. He found thateven Newton was capable of a slip ofthe pen."The error arises from repeatedchanges in one of the values Newtonused for the calculation," Garisto said."Although Newton incorporated thelatest value in the Principia, he neglected to revise his calculation of theEarth's mass."In his search, Garisto also resolvedfour other related inconsistencies invarious editions of the Principia.Garisto said that the error hefound is important because of thegenius of Newton and the Principia,not because it changes any important ideas in physics."The small error I have found doesnot detract from the greatness of thePrincipia, but rather indicates howpractically infallible it is, " Garistowrote.Garisto 's effort to check Newton'swork was made more difficult becauseNewton did not usually record whichof several values of a quantity he actually used in a calculation. Also, someapparent errors in the Principia turnedout to be caused simply by approximations made by Newton. "Remember,Newton didn't have a calculator, "Garisto noted.Larry ArbeiterHADEN MOVES TOREED COLLEGEWilliam R. Haden, vice-presidentfor development and alumni relations,left the University July 1 to assumea position at Reed College in Portland, OR.Haden, who held several positionsin development since coming to Chicago in 1979, became vice-president forpublic affairs at Reed, a seventy-five-year-old liberal arts college with anenrollment of eleven hundred.In his new position, Haden is responsible for community and government relations and news and publications. He also is responsible fordevelopment, alumni relations andcampus information services."Bill Haden has organized and ledour development activities with a highdegree of professionalism and accomplishment," said Hanna H. Gray,president of the University. "He hasdone an outstanding job during hiseight years with the University."Haden, who lived in Portlandduring his military service, said, "Ihave greatly enjoyed the time I havespent at the University. It has beenboth a privilege and a pleasure to havebeen part of this extraordinary community and to have helped build astrong development program that willserve the University well for manyyears to come. At the same time, I amlooking forward to returning to thePacific Northwest and to assuming abroader range of responsibilities atReed College."NICHOLAS NAMEDDEAN OF COLLEGERalph W. Nicholas, AM'58,PhD'62, professor in the Departmentof Anthropology and of social sciencesin the College and deputy provostsince 1982, has become dean of theCollege. He succeeded Donald N.Levine, AB'50, AM'54, PhD'57, PeterB. Ritzma Professor in the Departmentof Sociology and the College, whoseterm ended this year.Nicholas' appointment, effectiveJuly 1, was announced by Hanna H.Gray, president of the University.Describing him as "a wonderful teacher and colleague and a person of manytalents," Gray said Nicholas "willbring to the College deanship a deepknowledge of and commitment to theideas of the University"He understands as well as anyonethe central integrative role the Collegeplays in the life of the University, "said Gray.Nicholas, 52, will continue as director of the Center for InternationalStudies, which coordinates and oversees the University's departments,13centers and committees devoted to thestudy of other countries and regions.Nicholas taught at Portland StateCollege, Portland, OR, and MichiganState University, East Lansing, MI,before returning to Chicago in 1971.He chaired the anthropology department in 1981-82.Nicholas said he has been "closelyinvolved with the College for manyyears," particularly in teachingcourses in common core social sciences and nonwestern civilization. Hewas chairman of the Social ScienceCollegiate Division's "Self, Cultureand Society" common core sequencefor six years in the 1970s."No other college faculty in thecountry has a more comprehensivenotion of what liberal education is, "Nicholas said. "To be dean of this college is an overwhelming challenge."Gray praised Levine for providingleadership in the renewal of the College's curriculum and in improving thequality of student life."Don has been an eloquentspokesman for liberal education andhas developed numerous programs toelucidate the meaning of liberal education in the contemporary world," Graysaid. "The College has made tremendous and lasting strides under hisstewardship."GSB PROFESSORSHIPHONORS SHULTZThe Graduate School of Business(GSB) has established a professorshipin honor of U.S. Secretary of StateGeorge P. Shultz, a former member ofthe faculty and dean of GSB from 1962to 1968.The George P. Shultz Professorship was created with gifts fromfriends and colleagues as well ascharitable foundations. The chair,which has yet to be filled, is one ofnine created as a result of a capitalcampaign which raised $23.2 millionfor GSB."We take great pride in announcing the establishment of the George P.Shultz Professorship. It is a fittingtribute to a man whose leadership hasmeant so much to this institution andto the nation," said Hanna H. Gray,president of the University. "It is especially gratifying to havean opportunity to recognize GeorgeShultz and his many outstandingcontributions to the University and theGraduate School of Business, " saidJohn P. Gould, Jr., MBA'63, PhD'66,dean of GSB. "It has been twenty-fiveyears since Shultz was appointed deanat GSB. We now have the historicalperspective to see the effect of hisvisionary leadership and its positiveimpact on the School."As dean, Shultz— who joined theGSB faculty in 1957 as a professor ofindustrial relations after leaving thefaculty of the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology— is credited with recruiting several top faculty membersand with making the GSB's curriculum more international in scope.In addition, he developed theCareers for Blacks in ManagementProgram, which provided corporate-sponsored scholarships. In 1986 theprogram was expanded to become theMinority Relations Program. The program focuses on recruitment and jobplacement services for minority students as well as providing them withscholarships.Prior to his 1982 appointment asU.S. Secretary of State, Shultz wasU.S. Secretary of Labor from 1969 to1970, Director of the U.S. Office ofManagement and Budget from 1970 to1972, and U S. Secretary of the Treasury from 1972 to 1974.He was an executive with theBechtel Corporation from 1974 to 1982,serving as president of Bechtel Group,Inc. from 1981 until 1982.GRAY CONDEMNSHARASSMENTIn April, Hanna H. Gray, presidentof the University, issued a secondstatement deploring recent acts ofharassment against gay students andother members of the University community and outlining steps the University is taking to deal with the problem, including the establishment of ahotline to receive information aboutharassment.The harassment began during theAutumn Quarter interim when a number of faculty, students, and administrators received hate letters throughthe U.S. mail. Later, in January, posters bearing a bogus Student ActivitiesOffice stamp and targeted to the Gayand Lesbian Alliance, as well as toindividual students, appeared oncampus.The first statement from Gray,released in January, described theseacts as "particularly malicious andoutrageous and totally in conflict withthe values for which this universitystands."In her second statement, Graystated:"Recently, anonymous and pernicious letters, posters, and other materials have been circulated about individuals attacking them for their sexualorientation and, in some cases, fortheir political views. Some victims ofthese attacks also have been subjectedto harassing telephone calls and otherintrusions upon their privacy. Suchattacks have no place here or, for thatmatter, anywhere else in our society."She said the University is trying todetermine who is responsible for theharassment "with the intention ofinitiating disciplinary action, asappropriate."Gray, who met prior to the WinterQuarter interim with gay students andothers who have been harassed, saidan outside consultant has been hiredto assist in the security department'sinvestigation into the harassment. TheUniversity has also contacted federaland local law enforcement officials.The hotline, telephone number(312) 702-4357, is staffed by EdwardTurkington, associate dean of studentsLINNE RESIGNSAS ALUMNI DIRECTORCarol Jenkins Linne, AB'66, executive director of University AlumniRelations since 1984, has resigned,effective July 1.Linne will devote her energies tofinishing her dissertation. She is acandidate for a Ph.D. in English at theUniversity of Colorado, Boulder.Charles D. O'Connell, AM'47,special assistant to the president, willresume his former responsibilities forAlumni Relations and The University ofChicago Magazine on an interim basis.O'Connell retired last year as vice-president and dean of students in theUniversity. BM UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SUMMER 1987THE PRESIDENTS PAGEBy Edward L. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49, President, The Alumni AssociationLast October the restructuring of theAlumni Association was completed.The new Alumni Executive Council willfunction as the governing body overseeing the activities of the AlumniSchools Committee, the Alumni FundBoard, the Magazine, and the newlydubbed Alumni Relations Board, responsible for clubs, programming, reunions, student relations and careercontacts.Two well-attended meetings of thecouncil have been held, and I can withenthusiasm report that the state of theunion is excellent. We now have thirty-four active clubs with the chartering ofnew clubs in Taipei, Taiwan, and Seoul,South Korea. While we are no longersoliciting the formation of new clubs,the interest level in these two citiesjustified our expansion. The Universityof Chicago Club of Chicago (UOMC forthe mathematically literate) has beencontinuing its phoenix like rise and hasprogressed from a memory to being, fittingly for an area holding thirty-onethousand alumni, our most activegroup. UC2MC is clearly doing something right when so many have voluntarily paid local club dues!You have already heard about thenew spirit and attendance at reunion.We seem to be zeroing in on the formulanecessary to bring back to campusthose many alumni who have delayed areturn. As a resident of Princeton, NJ, Iam amazed each year at the numberand enthusiasm of the Princeton University alumni who return to campus attheir five year reunion intervals. Nevertheless, when my fortieth reunion cameup last year, I found myself hesitant.Unlike many schools, we lack the continuum of big-time athletic prowess andintimate class structure. As a Collegegraduate from the Hutchins era, I wasafraid that I wouldn't even know anyonein my "class." Could that bittersweetnostalgia of half-forgotten friends,youthful adventures, classes and teachers really stir me? Wasn't it a bit outre?Too much Joe College? I knew that myChicago education had set the parameters of my life, but wasn't that the past?I needn't have worried. I had a won derful time. And among the letters I received was one from an alum whohadn't ever been back in forty years.She explained that she had had thesame doubts as I, but had enjoyed herself so much that she volunteered towork on the next one. Try a reunion.You'll like it.Along these lines you will bepleased to know that our student relations program is going well. Membersof the Class of 1990 and transfer students were presented with "GargGriffin" coffee mugs this fall. The logoincluded "The University of ChicagoAlumni Association" as a daily reminder of our interest in the recipients. TheOffice of Alumni Relations' receptionfor the 902 foreign students currentlyon campus drew a good crowd; a seriesof sherry hours for graduate and professional school students was well attended. At a fall "Life After Graduation"program for all students, the HonorableStephen R. Yates, AB'63, JD'67, Judgeof the Circuit Court of Cook County,County Division, talked informallyabout his career pathway from the College to the courtroom. The frosting onthe cake was having Judge Yates arrange for the students to visit a trialwith him. Juniors and seniors in largenumbers enjoyed three downtown programs called "Career Conversations,"co-sponsored by the Alumni Association and Career and Placement Services. Alumni in the fields of advertisingand marketing and Ph.D.'s in non-academic careers were on hand to chatinformally with students.At the end of January, on the coldestnight of the year, the Office of AlumniRelations hosted a sophomore/juniorice-skating party on the Midway. Alumni joined students for skating and awarm-up and refreshments afterwardsat Ida Noyes Hall . Again this year, seniors have dined in style at Robie House;the Office of Alumni Relations hosted aseries of ten dinners this spring. Onceagain, students are being invited to joinalumni, parents and friends in celebrating the Third International Universityof Chicago Day, scheduled for July 26,1987. Our current major project is that ofalumni services. In comparison to comparable schools we have a limited menuof activities of a service or intellectual nature. Several meetings of focusgroups have been held around thecountry and a questionnaire is beingprepared to help us determine the levelOur major projectis [to improve]alumni services.of alumni interest in various potentialprograms. Some of the ideas are commonplace elsewhere and some are,perhaps, far out.Our laundry list includes: summercamps with an academic focus; a VCRlibrary of leading faculty lectures orconversations; famous alumni on tapetalking about their careers and howthey did it as an aid in career pursuits;a national bed-and-breakfast network;local interest groups (advertising, finance) meeting over breakfast; Earth-watch-type projects using alumni assemi-skilled assistants for faculty research on location; access to our or other downtown clubs in major cities;welcoming socials for younger alumniwho are big-city newcomers at a local"gathering spot"; expansion of theAlumni Contact files; four-day AlumniColleges around a specific topic, e.g., atMonticello studying Jefferson with pre-assigned readings and University ofVirginia and University of Chicago faculty lecturers; a continuing program oftravel opportunities for alumni; accessto a computer bulletin board with localand national activities listed; and more.I told you that some were far out!Give some thought to these projects. Ifyou have ideas send them to me at theOffice of Alumni Relations. But hurry,because we are already underway.I think you can see why I'm excited.Get involved. Join in the fun! B15CLASS NEWS Photos by Jim WrightlOIn September, Laura Marie Weber, PhB'13,_L\_y celebrated her 105th birthday in the Americana Nursing Home, Westmont, IL."1 C Margaret Fenton Headland, PhB'15, metLO (Oscar) Paul B. Headland, X'14, her latehusband, at a party in Robie House (now theUniversity's Alumni House) shortly after hergraduation from the University, according to herdaughter, Elizabeth Headland Oostenbrug,AB'44. Oostenbrug lives in Hinsdale, IL, with herhusband, William R. Oostenbrug, SB'47, whileHeadland lives at Plymouth Place, a LaGrange,IL, retirement home."1 /T Rosa Biery Andrews, PhB'16, lives in a retire--LO ment apartment building in Midland, MI."I O Leila Venable Hager, PhB'18, MAT'26,_LO lives in Winter Park Towers, a Presbyterianretirement home in Orlando, FL. She taught forthirty years at Florida State University at Tallahassee, where she was the only woman at the time tohold a full professorship. She celebrated her ninety-eighth birthday in April.*Sr\ Marjorie Neill Taylor, PhB'20, lives inZ.\J Springmoor, a Raleigh, NC, retirementhome.r)r\ Mila Pierce Rhoads, SB'22, MD'25, andZ.Z. Paul S. Rhoads, SB'22, MD'24, live in Richmond, IN.OQ Mary Burkhalter Peregoy, X'23, lives inZ. \J Apple River, IL.rj A Helen M. Crane, PhB'24, retired afterZ—~±. twenty-five years as director of cafeteriasfor the Los Angeles Public Schools, lives in LosOsos, CA.Gertrude Epstein Harris, SB'24, is retired andlives in Glencoe, IL.Alice Crandell Park, SB'24, of Washington,DC, celebrated her eighty-fifth birthday last yearand enjoys travel, genealogy, and photography.^C Hal Baird, PhB'25, AM'28, and his wife,Z—\J Goldie Lou (nee Belcher), a former teacherat the University Laboratory School, live in Westminster Towers, a Presbyterian retirement homein Orlando, FL.Edith Heal Berrien, PhB'25, an Oak Park, IL,author who writes under the name Edith Heal,won second prize from the Deep South Writer'sContest, held by the University of SouthwesternLouisiana, for The Case of the House in the Tree. Inaddition, the New York Poetry Foundation, Inc.,accepted a poem of hers for inclusion in ananthology.Robert J. Mason, SB'25, MD'29, and his wife,Alice, live at Broadmead, a Quaker perpetualhealth care center in Cockeysville, MD, and havethree children, thirteen grandchildren and eightgreat-grandchildren .Virginia Buell Pope, PhB'25, of Winter Park,FL, does volunteer work at two art museums.Erroll W. Rawson, MD'25, of Seattle, madetrips to Alaska and to Mt. Rainier (WA), where hevisited his daughter.Helen Sisson Redefer, PhB'25, of NewMilford, CT, is writing her autobiography, including an account of her career in the fashion industry, which began at Marshall Field & Co. shortlyafter her graduation from the University.^ (*. James M. Bradford, SM'26, has retired andZ\J participates in church and community activities in New Concord, OH, the birthplace ofWilliam Rainey Harper.John M. Dorsey, SB'26, MD'31, professoremeritus of surgery at Northwestern UniversityMedical School, Chicago, and chairman emeritusin the Department of Surgery at Evanston (IL)Hospital, lives in North Palm Beach, FL. Allen Heald, AB'26, JD'30, of Cedar Rapids,1A, made a trip with his wife which included "riding an elephant in the hills of northern Thailandand resisting playful monkeys in a forest on Bali."Eighty-three-year-old Helen Wooding Sihler,PhB'26, AM'27, lives in Old Saybrook, CT.OH? Virginia Everett Leland, AM'27, PhD'40,*_/ of Bowling Green, OH, writes that on thesame day in December 1985, her son, John L. Leland, delivered a paper at the American HistoricalSociety meeting in New York while she took partin a Chaucer session at a meeting of the ModernLanguage Association in Chicago.Francis J. O'Brien, PhB'27, of La Jolla, CA, retired in 1985 from his private practice of law. Forseveral years he served as president of the boardof law examiners for the state of Minnesota, and ispast president of the International Academy ofTrial Lawyers.Philo T. Pritzkau, PhB'27, AM'31, of Northampton, MA, professor emeritus of educationin foundations and curriculum at the Universityof Connecticut, Storrs, worked in a seminar session at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, in 1985.^Q Having retired as vice-president for mer--—.O chandising at Marshall Field & Co., VerleL. Barber, AM'28, lives in Lakeview, AR.Charlotte Sparrowhawk Heifer, PhB'28, ofColumbus, OH, has three children, eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild.The Lumber Jack Hall of Fame inducted CarlH. Henrikson, Jr., PhB'28, of Lindstrom, MN, into its ranks for his work in lumber camps and inlog drives on Minnesota rivers sixty years ago. Healso received honors from the American Association for State and Local History for producing adocumentary film on logging.Elizabeth Linn Murray, X'28, vice-presidentof the Porter County Welfare Board, lives in Washington, DC. Her daughter, Jane A. Allen, AB'56,MFA'61, and her grandson James W. L. Allen,AB'84, are alumni.^Q Francis A. Chandler, PhB'29, lives in WestZ-J Chester, PA, with his wife, Barbara.OH Gordon N. Christopher, PhB'30, who\J\J headed the foreign languages departmentat Hillhouse High School, New Haven, CT, forthirty-nine years, has two children, ten grandchildren, and one great-grandchild and lives inExeter, NH.Loretta Miller Edsall, PhB'30, MAT'38, livesin a retirement home in Bozeman, MT.Robert Shane, SB'30, PhD'33, and JeanneLazarus Shane, SB'41, of Jensen Beach, FL,celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversarywith a tour of Alaska and the Canadian RockyMountains.Frances Swineford, SB'30, AM'35, PhD'46, issenior measurement statistician at the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ.0*1 At the invitation of the CzechoslovakianJ _L Academy of Sciences, Simon H. Bauer,SB'31, PhD'35, of Ithaca, NY, presented a plenarylecture at an international conference held inSeptember at Liblice. Earlier that month, in Jerusalem, he discussed his work at the Sixth International Symposium on Gas Flow and ChemicalLasers.George L. Hecker, PhB'31, JD'33, and JanetRobins Hecker, X'33, celebrated fifty years ofmarriage in December 1985. George, who practices law in Los Angeles, served as chairman ofthe class gift for his fiftieth reunion at the LawSchool.George H. Otto, SB'31, PhD'42, of Linton, IN,works as a consulting geologist. O ?\ In retirement from teaching, Donald Lowrie,OZ. SB'32, PhD'42, of Sante Fe, NM, works as anaturalist for the Grand Teton National Park (WY)and the Fort Clatsop National Memorial (OR).Q Q Reuben Frodin, PhB'33, JD'41, and RebeccaOO Hayward Frodin, PhB'33. See 1934, Elisabeth Cason Nicholson and Edward W. S,Nicholson.In retirement from Eastman Kodak Co.,William E. Gray, Jr., PhB'33, of La Grange, IL, enjoys photography, traveling, church activities,and ballroom dancing with his wife of fifty-twoyears, Marjorie.Janet Robins Hecker, X'33. See 1931, GeorgeL. Hecker.Sydney H. Kasper, PhB'33, of Silver Spring,MD, is a consultant on public relations for the Association of Radio Reading Services, a nonprofitnational organization of radio stations providinga special reading service for visually handicappedpersons, based in Washington, DC.Catharine E. Logan, MD'33, lives in Monti-cello, IN.Robert G. Mindrup, SB'33, MD'37, of Jersey-ville, IL, has practiced medicine for fifty years.Alice F. Mooradian, X'33, of Lewiston, NY,received the doctor of humane letters degree fromNiagara University in March 1986, and serves onseveral committees and boards of directors in Niagara County.Richard O. Niehoff, PhB'33, AM'34, hascompleted a book-length manuscript on the professional life of the late Floyd W. Reeves, MAT'21,PhD'25, who taught at the University from 1929 to1953. Niehoff lives in East Lansing, MI, where heis assistant dean and professor at Michigan StateUniversity.Rubin Sharpe, PhB'33, JD'35, is vice-chairman of the Milwaukee, WI, chapter of SCORE(Service Corps of Retired Executives)."To say, T can see,'" writes Mary WebbStowe, PhB'33, of Port Hueneme, CA, "is breathtaking." She hopes to go east to visit her familywhen she has recovered completely from cataractsurgery.rH~A Earl A. Dennis, PhD'34, lives in Washing-\J±. ton, DC, where "very good opera, balletand symphony performances temper the hecticdomestic and international goings-on of politicosand bureaucrats."Belle Korshak Goldstrich, PhB'34, retired as afund-raising chairman for the University in the Miami, FL, area after almost twenty years of service.Rosemary Volk Howland, PhB'34, completedfourteen years on the Norwalk (CT) ConservationCommission and built a house on Cape Cod, inChatham, MA, overlooking the Oyster River.Rowland L. Kelly, AB'34, and his wife, HelenVarkala Kelly, X'37, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in June 1986 with a trip to Alaska .Harry W. Malm, AM'34, and his wife,Dorothy Heinke Malm, X'44, met Robert D.Tschirgi, SB'45, SM'46, PhD'49, MD'50, and hiswife, Elisabeth, on board the SS Queen Elizabeth IIbetween New York and Southampton last autumn. The Malms reside in Chicago, where Harrypractices law. Robert Tschirgi is professor ofneurosciences at the University of California, SanDiego.Bernard B. Miran, PhB'34, AM'39. See 1935,Anne Gosenpud Miran.The children of Elisabeth Cason Nicholson,PhB'34, and Edward W. S. Nicholson, SB'34,gave a party in Washington, DC, in honor of theirparents' fiftieth wedding anniversary. Paul M.Cliver, Jr., SB'34, and Mary Ellison Cliver,UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SUMMER 1987PhB'34, AM'75; Reuben Frodin, PhB'33, JD'41,former associate editor of The Magazine, andRebecca Hayward Frodin, PhB'33; Ralph W. S.Nicholson, AB'36; and Geraldine SmithwickAlvarez, PhB'34, helped celebrate.Theodore K. Noss, AM'34, PhD'40, is retiredand lives in Black Mountain, NC.A member of the University's swimming teamas an undergraduate, Allan E. Sachs, SB'34,MD'37, continues to swim competitively, winning more than 150 medals over the past twoyears in the Masters Swimming Program. He livesin Mercer Island, WA.Donald M. Typer, AM'34, of Mount Vernon,IA, past president of the Iowa division of the United Nations Association, won the Garst Awardfrom that organization for his leadership andsupport.Sara Jane Leckrone Whittier, AB'34, AM'46,lives in Gretna, LA.Or Philip C. Doolittle, PhB'35, of Valparaiso,OC/ IN, traveled to the Soviet Union andRomania.Fred Fortess, SB'35, professor emeritus anddirector of apparel research at the PhiladelphiaCollege of Textiles, lives in Ventnor City, NJ.Robert A. Hall, Jr., AM'35, completed termsas president of the Wodehouse Society and of theLinguistic Association of Canada and the U.S., and served as special editor of the issue of thejournal Historiographia Linguistica which commemorated the centenary of the birth of the lateLeonard Bloomfield, PhD'09, who taught at theUniversity from 1927 to 1940.Anne Gosenpud Miran, PhB'35, and her husband, Bernard B. Miran, PhB'34, AM'39, of LosAngeles, CA, celebrated their fiftieth weddinganniversary in August 1986.Boyd S. Weaver, SM'35, retired after thirtyyears as a chemist for the Oak Ridge (TN) National Laboratory, includes reading at Recording forthe Blind among his activites.After retiring as its director, Alvin M. Weinberg, SB'35, SM'36, PhD'39, of Oak Ridge, TN, isa distinguished fellow of the Institute for EnergyAnalysis. With Jack Barkenbur, he is editing Strategic Defense and Arms Control, a collection of the institute's recent studies.O/l After forty-eight years of service, Alexan-OO der M. Moore, AB'36, retired in June 1986as assistant superintendent for curriculum in theIndianapolis (IN) Public Schools.Ralph W. S. Nicholson, AB'36. See 1934,Elisabeth Cason Nicholson and Edward W. S.Nicholson.rV~7 John M. Beal, SB'37, MD'41, is retired andO / lives in Chapel Hill, NC.Gretchen Warren Dean, X'37, of St. Peters burg, FL, teaches adult painting for the PinellasCounty Schools. Her son, Mark Warren Dean,AB'73, AM'75, is working on a Ph.D. at theUniversity.In December, Dena Polacheck Epstein,AB'37, of Chicago, retired as assistant music librarian of the University Libraries after twenty-two years on the University staff.Claude B. Hazen, X'37, former forensic scientist for the crime laboratory of the Chicago PoliceDepartment, is founder and former director of theMiami Valley Crime Laboratory, Dayton, OH, andpast secretary-treasurer of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. He lives in Leesburg, FL.Donal K. Holway, SB'37, is consultant on hydroelectric and other projects for W. R. Holway &Associates, Tulsa, OK.Helen Varkala Kelly, X'37. See 1934, RowlandL. Kelly.Helen Leventhal Michel King, SB'37. See1958, Stephen L. Michel.Joyce Bodenheimer Kohn, AB'37, and herhusband, Arthur, of Mayfield Heights, OH, traveled with the University of Chicago Alumni Safarito Kenya and Tanzania in January.Floris Rottersman Mills, AB'37, retired fromthe Missouri state employment office in December. She enjoys attending the Opera Theatre of St.Louis, sewing, and reading.FAMILY ALBUM-'87it^^MUw^im ^ ill '"'" ^J" 11' J[ |[ II^*mtmm ) If1 HB9K w m£9lidl ^. " i - ^nyi' -~**M HB. -¦-wr "~"; ;^IMRalph J. Wood, Jr., AB'48; and Ralph J. Wood III, PhD' 87. (Not shown:Marcella Pfeiffer Wood, SB'23; and Norma E. Pfeiffer, SB'09, PhD'13.) fames J. Flick, MBA87; and his uncle, Charles D. O'Connell, AM'47, formtvice-president and dean of students in the University.Freda Gould Rebelsky, AB'50, AM'54, AB'55; Samuel A. Rebelsky, SB' 85,SM'87; and Michelle Steele, AB'86. (The late William Rebelsky was X' 55. Notshown: Jeffrey M. Leiden, AB'75, PhD'79, MD'81; andAmyL. Leiden,AB'78, MD'82.) (Back row, I. tor.) Frank]. Baker II, MBA' 84, professor and chairman of theDepartment of Emergency Medicine; and Mary M. Juric-Baker, MBA'87,special assistant to the vice-president for marketing and corporate developmtUniversity of Chicago Hospitals. (Front row) Deborah Baker and Daria BahWayne A. Proell, SB'37, lives in retirement inLas Vegas, NM, with his wife. He has published abook in the field of thermodynamics and works asa consultant in optical research.Arnold J. Rodman, MD'37, ofTarrytown, NY,has retired from the practice of internal and pulmonary medicine.Retired from opthalmology, James D. Stratton,MD'37, lives in Charlotte, NC.Q Q Annette Ivry Sukov Feldman, AB'38, mar-C/O ried Sam Feldman, formerly of Chicago, andlives in Minneapolis, MN, and Palm Springs, CA.Ruth Maimon Grodzins, AB'38, manuscripteditor for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, startedan editorial service, called Editors II, with RuthJohnson Young, AB'70. Grodzins' grandson,Adam M. Rose, is in the Class of 1990 in theCollege.Clarence C. Lushbaugh, SB'38, PhD'42,MD'48, is chief of radiation medicine for the OakRidge (TN) Associated Universities. Followingthe Soviet nuclear power plant accident atChernobyl in 1986, he served on the briefing teamfor the U.S. Embassy staffs in Romania, Poland,and the Soviet Union.Alvis C. Mansfield, SB'38, has retired andlives in Yeadon, PA.Retha Rosenheimer Mason, AB'38, AM'45,and her husband, Robert A. Mason, X'38, whotaught at the University Laboratory School forthirty-eight years, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary in June 1986. Retha, past president of the Southern Arizona Watercolor Guildand current state music chairman for the NationalLeague of American Penwomen, composed a triofor flute, clarinet and bassoon that members ofthe Tuscon (AZ) Symphony have performed several times.Having retired as vice-president and directorof research for the Amalgamated Clothing andTextile Workers Union, Vera Miller, AB'38,AM'40, PhD'47, of New York, NY, is president ofEnnes Productions, Ltd., a music production andpublishing company.James J. Murray, SM'38, has retired andwrites novels in Marietta, GA.Richard A. Rasmussen, MD'38, retired fromsurgical work after thirty-eight years in Grand Rapids, MI. Two of his former associates have University affiliations: Robert W. Harrison, former assistantprofessor of surgery at the University, andLawrence H. Patzelt, MD'75. Both of Rasmussen'ssons are doctors.OQ Gertrude Kellogg Chartrand, X'39. SeeOy 1941, Stanley R. Chartrand.James W. Childers, PhD'39, and his wife,Margaret, have retired to Asbury Methodist Villagein Gaithersburg, MD.Robert C. Hunter, MD'39, retired from the U.S.Army as chief of professional services at WalterReed General Hospital in 1970, and as director of theuniversity health service of Florida State University,Tallahassee, in 1980.Mathilde J. Kland, SB'39, of Lafayette, CA, iswriting a chapter on pesticides for a book aboutchemical teratogens.Virginia Kenny Lamer, X'39, of Orinda, CA,volunteers as a case-worker for the AmericanRed Cross.Active with the University of Chicago Club ofPuget Sound Area, Joseph A. Whitlow, AB'39, livesin Mercer Island, WA.A f\ Lulu O. Kellogg, AM'40, is professor emeri-^\J tus at the University of Wisconsin-StevensPoint.After six years as owner of the Giving Tree, a toyand gift shop, Ruth Hauser Petrie, AB'40, of SeaCliff, NJ, retired and works as a volunteer in a localadolescent drug abuse program. She also helped organize a Gray Panthers group on Long Island, NY.Katherine Wells White, SB'40, of Marietta, GA,is a volunteer at the Alzheimer Care Center in Atlanta and for University fund-raising campaigns. A"\ Stanley R. Chartrand, AM'41, retired from^1 U.S. diplomatic service, enjoys travel andlives with his wife, Gertrude Kellogg Chartrand,X'39, in Boulder, CO.Robert O. Evans, AB'41, of Lexington, KY, retired as professor of English and comparative literature and as director of honors at the Universityof New Mexico, Albuquerque.Norton S. Ginsburg, AB'41, AM'47, PhD'49,is director of the Environment and Policy Instituteat the East-West Center, Honolulu, HI.In collaboration with his son, George R.Gordh, PhD'41, professor emeritus of HollinsCollege, Roanoke, VA, created and presented aperformance piece, "Weavin'," at Saint Mark'sChurch in the Bowery in New York.Clifton G. Hoffman, DB'41, is retired andlives in Athens, GA.Everett P. Misunas, AM'41, retired as art department chairman for the Waukegan (IL) HighSchools, operates a studio.Jeanne Lazarus Shane, SB'41. See 1930,Robert Shane.Angeline Cocco Sutherland, MBA 41, retiredas professor in the City Colleges of Chicago, livesin West Des Moines, IA.Abram VanderMeer, AM'41, PhD'43, professoremeritus of higher education at the University of Alabama, serves as a teacher and consultant for themaster's degree program in public and private management at Birmingham (AL) Southern College.A ^\ Marie Nordsieck, AB'42, retired from herx^L. work as a statistical analyst for the U.S.Public Health Service, spends half her time inBoerne, TX, and the other half in Richmond, IN,enjoying her hobbies of music and travel.Shirley Buro Robeson, AB'42, AM'43, hastaught at Lane Technical High School in Chicago fortwenty-eightyears. She has eleven grandchildren.E. Duane Sayles, PhD'42, professor emeritusat Eastern College, Saint Davids, PA, spent July1986 on a tour of the Fiji Islands, Australia, NewZealand, and Tahiti. He lives in Sarasota, FL.Sol S. Weiner, AB'42, of Evanston, IL, is amember of the Visiting Committee for the Schoolof Social Service Administration at the University.AO Frank H. Braunlich, Jr., SB '43, of Tulsa, OK,TcC' retired from Dow Chemical Co. as managerof industrial health in the Dowell Division.On Hallowe'en 1986, Johnson Clark, SB'43,celebrated his sixty-fifth birthday with his wife,Louise Harvey Clark, SB'45, and their six children and five grandchildren. In retirement, Johnson plans to spend more time at his Dublin, CA,hotel and restaurant.Retired from thirty-two years as a teacher,coach and administrator for Reavis High School inBurbank, IL, John W. Fitzgerald, SB'43, hasserved as that city's first and only mayor for thelast seventeen years.DeaneR. Hinton, AB'43, U.S. Ambassador toPakistan, and his wife, Patricia, announce thebirth of a son, Deane Patrick Akbar George, inOctober.A A Eugene H. Lehman, X'44, professor at11 Dawson College, Montreal, Canada, won amedal in the First World Masters Swim Championships in July 1986 in Tokyo, Japan.Dorothy Heinke Malm, X'44. See 1934, HarryW. Malm.Elizabeth Headland Oostenbrug, AB'44. See1915, Margaret Fenton Headland.Doris Hendrickson Seal, X'44, retired as librarian for the Chatanooga (TN) public schools.A Chicago resident for over forty years,Lenora Blackburn Young, BLS'44, retired andmoved to Frankfurt, KY.ylC Louise Harvey Clark, SB'45. See 1943,rt\^ Johnson Clark.After a sabbatical year, Ernst R. Jaffe, SB'45,SM'48, MD'48, returned to his duties as Distinguished University Professor of Medicine andsenior associate dean at the Albert Einstein Col lege of Medicine, Bronx, NY.Last summer Margaret Mitchell Jeffrey,BLS'45, AM'48, of Cincinnati, OH, traveled bytrain from Paris, France, to Shanghai, China.Betty Jane Stearns, PhB'45, AM'48, of Chicago, merged her independent public relationsagency, the Public Relations Board, with theOMNICOM Group, the second largest communications company in the world, and becameexecutive vice-president for its public relationscompany, Doremus Porter Novelli.Lotte Wolf Stein, PhB'45, SB'47, is coordinator of developmental mathematics at Barry University, Miami Shores, FL.Robert D. Tschirgi, SB'45, SM'46, PhD'49MD'50. See 1934, Harry W. Malm.Edna Constantine Thompson Wetzel, X'45,of Riverside, IL, has a daughter, Jill AnneThompson, who is a student in the Law School.yj/^E. Theodore Bachmann, PhD'46, ofTlO Princeton Junction, NJ, is researching therise of churches around the Pacific perimeter.H. William Bardenwerper, SB'46, MD'49, hasretired and lives in Louisville, KY.Bernard A. Galler, PhB'46, SB'47, PhD'55,professor of computer and communication sciences at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,will spend a sabbatical at the Hebrew Universityof Jerusalem this fall.Eleanor Rafton Gordon, X'46, lives in Deer-field Beach, FL, with her husband, Harold.Retired as vice-president for research and development of Thomas J. Lipton, Inc., Harold N.Graham, PhD'46, of Englewood, NJ, is a consultant to the food industry.Ina Altman Hines, SB'46, of San Diego, CA, retired in August 1986 after a career of teaching andadministration. Her nephew, Geoffrey B. Altman,is a student at the Graduate School of Business.David O. Long, X'46, retired to his farm inAltus, AR, and writes articles on the state of U.S.defense.Olaf K. Skinsnes, SM'46, MD'47, PhD'47, isin the Department of Pathology at Sun Yat SenUniversity of Medical Sciences, Guanazhou,Guanadong, People's Republic of China.A rj Robert McCormick Adams, PhB'47,rt / AM'52, PhD'56. See 1959, Frank G. Burke.Ernest V. Clements, AM'47, retired in September from Wright College, Chicago, after seventeen years as president and nine years ascampus head of Wright and Loop Colleges.Edwin Diamond, PhB'47, AM'49, associateprofessor and director of the news study group atNew York University, writes a regular column forNew York magazine.Steven E. Mayer, AB'47, SB'50, a visiting professor of pharmacology at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine while on leave from theUniversity of California, San Diego, studies molecular mechanisms of drug action on nerve cells.Marshall T. Nanninga, AB'47, MBA'47, of FortLauderdale, FL, toured Yugoslavia, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria last year.William R. Oostenbrug, SB'47. See 1915,Margaret Fenton Headland.^O David L. Jickling, AB'48, AM'51, PhD'53,TlO of Washington, DC, is a consultant on development management.As the recipient of a Commonwealth Fellowship from the Australian government, Henry S.Maas, PhD'48, of Vancouver, British Columbia,Canada, lectured at the University of Melbourneand at nine other tertiary education institutionsduring October and November.Gertrude Strauss Oliner, AM'48, of Bethes-da, MD, directs client assistance programs at theMontgomery County Division of Elder Affairs.With his mobile laboratory in New Mexico,John H. Reynolds, SM'48, PhD'50, is on sabbatical leave from the physics department at the University of California-Berkeley, where he waschairman.18 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SUMMER 1987FAMILY ALBUM-'87James W. Wilson, MBA'84; Patricia Smiley Wilson, AM'77, PhD'87; Margaret Conrad A. Plimpton, SM'66, MBA'67; John Conrad Plimpton, AB'87; andSmiley; and Lloyd Smiley. Ann S. Plimpton, X'68.William S. Bacon, AB'56; Kathryn E. Alter, AB'57; Stephanie K. Bacon,AB'87; Benjamin Bacon; and Andrew L. Bacon. Mark MacLean; Hector M. MacLean; Elizabeth MacLean, AB '87; Elizabeth J.MacLean; and Petrit Alibali, AB'83.AQ ^ne American Psychological Association,jCy Division of Psychology, presented TheronR. Alexander, PhD'49, of Menlo Park, CA, with acertificate in recognition of his contribution toclinical psychology.Joseph Lash, Jr., PhB'49, maintains his private medical practice of thirty-two years in Sacramento, CA.Irma Revilla-Ramos, AM'49, of Hato Rey, PR,retired as director of Medicaid programs in thehealth department of Puerto Rico.Joseph P. Roth, JD'49, of Park Forest, IL, wasre-elected chairman of the board of trustees of theChicago South Suburban Mass Transit District inOctober. He has served as Park Forest's representative since 1976.Zane Spiegel, SB'49, SM'52, a groundwater hy-drologist and environmental scientist, taught thecourse "Dollars and Sense: Environmental and Economic Impact of the 1987 New Mexico State Legislature" at Sante Fe Community College.Mary Aley Wilkinson, AB'49, director ofspecial services at Chaminade University ofHonolulu (HI), also serves on the Hawaii KaiNeighborhood Board and volunteers as aLaubach Literacy Tutor.Cf\ Harry D. Eshleman, AB'50, has taughtD\J English and journalism at the University ofPennsylvania in Kutztown, PA, for twenty-threeyears.A recently-elected member of the NationalCartoonists Society, Gerald L. Garden, AB'50, of Sherman Oaks, CA, has taught English and cartooning in the Pasadena Unified School Districtfor twenty years.[T'l William M. Cross, AM'51, received the<D 1 1986-87 Malcolm F. Stewart Faculty Awardfor Intercultural Education from Illinois College,Jacksonville, where he is Pixley Professor of Social Science.LucienL. Farkas, AM'51, of Tucson, AZ, doesfree-lance writing in his retirement.CO Rondo Cameron, PhD'52, professor at\J Z- Emory University, Atlanta, GA, was elected vice-president of the International EconomicHistory Association at the Ninth InternationalCongress of Economic History in Bern, Switzerland, in August 1986.Guy A. Franceschini, SM'52, of Caldwell,TX, retired in January 1986 after thirty-four yearsin the Department of Meteorology and Oceanography at Texas A&M University, College Station.Thelma Yutan Gruenbaum, AB'52, AM'56, astudent in the Radcliffe publishing procedurescourse at Harvard University last summer,produces newsletters for organizations as a freelance writer/editor in Brookline, MA.CO Philip W. Arnold, AB'53, of Washington,\J\J DC, is senior foreign service officer for theU.S. Information Agency.As a member of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Eugene J. Chesrow, Jr., AB'53, MBA'56,writes that he "still exercises skills developed inthe old Mead and Snell-Hitchcock poker games." HA Babette M. Becker, AM'54, PhD'57, lives\_/^I in Memphis, TN.Howard M. Ham, PhD'54, of Nashville, TN,authored a sound filmstrip, "Welcome Christmas," which the United Methodist PublishingHouse has produced in three languages.C C Eloise S. Cofer, PhD'55, of Raleigh, NC, re-^J^J tired from her job as assistant director of theNorth Carolina Agricultural Extension Service.Having become chairman emeritus of anesthesia, Wei Chi Liu, SM'55, is director of the acupuncture pain clinic at Louis A. Weiss MemorialHospital in Chicago.Walter L. Walker, AB'55, of Memphis, TN, resigned as president of Lemoyne-Owen Collegeand is assistant to the chancellor at the Universityof Tennessee, Memphis, and professor of humanvalues and ethics in its College of Medicine.C/: Jane A. Allen, AB'56, MFA'61. See 1928,>JO Elizabeth Linn Murray.Kenneth J. Appel, AM'56, assistant clinicalprofessor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, also acts as a consultant tothe U.S. Surgeon General.John H. Rolker, AB'56, of Carlsbad, CA, doesresearch and development for Kodak in SanDiego and enjoys surfing, science, and music.C'T Mary Anne Piatt Rushlau, AB'57, an-\J I nounces the September 1986 birth of hergrandson Kevin Michael .CO Stephen L. Michel, SB'58, MD'62, writes\JO that his mother, Helen Leventhal Michel19King, SB'37, shared in his twenty-fifth medicalschool reunion this year, and he in her fiftiethCollege reunion. They both live in Beverly Hills,CA. King's late brother, Michael L. Leventhal,SB'22, MD'24, and late husband, Herbert L.Michel, SB'28, MD'32, were alumni.AMILYALBUM-'87Thomas Bryson, AM'86; Susan Bryson, AM'85; Richard Highfield, PhD'87;Dorothy K. Highfield; and William Highfield.Lola Flamm; Jill Martz Flamm, MBA'86; Eric Flamm, MBA'82; ArnoldFlamm, PhB'47, JD'50; and A. E. Martz, Jr. 60;Elsa Broida Richmond, PhB '32; Marlene Richmond Kamish, AB '58; JuliaBeth Kamish, AB'87; David Bart, AB'85; and Ted Kamish. (Not shown:Mariam V. Kamish, AB'82.) CQ Max O. Biltoft, MBA59, traveled through-\Jy out the U.S. last year and also visited theVancouver World's Fair in Canada. He is president of Biltoft Investments in Cocoa Beach, FL.AllanS. Birndorf, AB'59, of Rockville, MD, isfounder and president of Concord MortgageCompany, with headquarters in Landover, MD, andan office in Chicago.Frank G. Burke,AM'59, PhD'69, ActingArchivist of the UnitedStates, notes that Chica-goans administer three ofthe major cultural institutions of the federalgovernment: himself; former University professorDaniel Boorstin, Librarianof Congress; and RobertMcCormick Adams,PhB'47, AM'52, PhD'56,former provost of the University and now Secretaryof the Smithsonian Institution. Burke lives with hiswife, Hildegard ArndtBurke, AM'59, in Annan-dale, VA.Susan SugarmanGuber, AB'60, ofMiami, FL, won a seat inthe Florida House of Representatives in November./'-I Richard J. Osius,Ol MBA' 61, chief executive officer of the WorldBank and InternationalMonetary Fund's creditunion, lives in Washington, DC, and plays chamber music in a quartet.S~r\ Rabbi Michael A.\DZm Oppenheimer,AB'62, of Shaker Heights,/j OH, was appointed to thegovernor of Ohio's Holocaust commission./IO Gerald D. Black-DO will, MBA'63, isvice-president for the personal asset division ofSecurity Pacific Bank, LosAngeles, CA.Valerie Dalwin Etra,SB'63, MAT 65, chairs thescience department atMamaroneck (NY) HighSchool. With fifty otherteachers across the nation,she attended PrincetonUniversity as a Dreyfus-Woodrow Wilson MasterChemistry Teacher.Bruce M. Beltt,AB'64, is psychological services director atthe St. Peter (MN) Regional Treatment Center,where he also chairs the institutional research reviewboard .Mildred B. Ford, X'64,of Blackville, SC, is visiting associate professor ofeducation and coordinator of the MAPP programat Lander College,Greenwood, SC.Richard L. Jacobson,SB'64, is special counsel inthe Palo Alto, CA, office ofthe law firm of Heller, Ehr-64! man, White & McAuIiffe.Jean Paulson Peterman, AB'64, was electedpresident of the Illinois Pro-Choice Alliance. Sheand her husband, William A. Peterman, AB'64,SM'66, live in Oak Park, IL./I C M. Barbara Akin, AM'65, PhD'70, chairs\J\J the history department of Grove City College and serves as vicar of the Church of theEpiphany, Grove City, PA.Glenn E. Loafmann, AB'65, of Chicago, spenta week of dinosaur tracking in the Oklahoma panhandle in September.f /~ Andrea J. Borr, AB'66, of Los Gatos, CA,DO works for Tandem Computers.Karen Wallace Rehfeldt Pribyla, AB'66, received an M.B.A. in August 1986 from SouthernMethodist University, Dallas, TX./l t~7 Charles-James N. Bailey, AM'67, PhD'69,D/ professor at the Technical University ofBerlin, was a Porchheimer Visiting Professor atthe Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1985-86.James B. Keating, MBA'67, of Summit, NJ, issenior vice-president and chief investment strategist for AMEV Asset Management./1Q Bruce E. Chaddock, AM'68, is vice-presi-UO dent and director, training and development, Citytrust, Inc., Bridgeport, CT.Charles D. Patton, MBA'68, is vice-presidentfor Resort Condominiums International, an Indianapolis, IN, travel company.Janet Gross Wagner, AB'68, is youth serviceslibrarian at the Darien (IL) Public Library./2Q L. Patrick Gage, PhD'69, is vice-president\jy for exploratory research at Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., a pharmaceuticals company. Helives with his wife, Evelyn, and their son, Christopher Patrick Ambrose (born October 1986), inVerona, NJ.In December, Mark L. Zwick, AM'69, dedicated a new building for the Casa Juan Diego, acenter for refugees from Central America and forthe Spanish-speaking homeless, which he andhis wife, Louise, founded in 1981 in Houston, TX.rJfX Alexandre D. S. C. Barros, AM'70,/ U PhD'78, of Brasilia, Brazil, is a consultantin political risk analysis.Ruth Johnson Young, AB'70. See 1938, RuthMaimon Grodzins.ryi Paul L. Carnahan, Jr., AM'71, is a party/ 1 consultant for George Jewell Service Ltd.,a Chicago catering firm .In May 1985, Arthur B. Kennickell, AB'71,AM'74, and his wife, Jane S. Morse, AB'71, received graduate degrees: aPh.D. in economics fromthe University of Pennsylvania for Kennickell, a research economist at the Board of Governors of theFederal Reserve System in Washington, DC; and amaster of social service degree from the Bryn MawrCollege Graduate School of Social Work for Morse,who practices psychotherapy at the CommunityPsychiatric Clinic in Bethesda, MD.Sally Baumann Reynolds, AM'71, PhD'76,and her husband, Russell, of Raleigh, NC, hadtheir second daughter, Ruth, in February 1986.ryy David A. Baron, AB'72, PhD'79, and Su-/ Z. san D. Kay, AM'79, of Charleston, SC, announce the birth of a second son, Zachary Noah,in September 1986.Emily N. Sieger, AB'72, AM'76, works for theCollege National Finals Rodeo in Bozeman, MT,and is active in local environmental issues.Jose L. Velazquez, MD'72, chief of anesthesiology at Clearwater (FL) Community Hospital,has a son, Joseph Daniel.ryO Ann Cory Bretz, PhD'73, moved to India-/ \D napolis, IN, with her husband, Harold,after he retired from the Illinois Institute ofTechnology in Chicago.Mark Warren Dean, AB'73, AM'75. See 1937,Gretchen Warren Dean.FJ A Michael N. Borish, AB'74, opened a law/ x. practice in Philadelphia, PA.Mark C. Brickell, AB'74, and Anita JarminUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SUMMER 1987Brickell, AB'75, MBA'76, of New York, NY, announce the birth of their second daughter, Amanda, in May 1986.Michael W. Urbut, MBA'74. See 1975, BarbaraKirchickUrbut.r7fT Joseph K. Bagel, MBA'75, is a partner at/ <J Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., Chicago.Anita Jarmin Brickell, AB'75, MBA'76. See1974, Mark C. Brickell.Ronald M. Cervero, AM'75, PhD'79, associate professor of adult education at the Universityof Georgia, Athens, and Janna Dresden, AM'82,had their second child, Mark, in June 1986.Gary M. Kazin, AB'75, an Atlanta attorney,had a second child in February.Lawrence H. Patzelt, MD'75. See 1938, Richard A. Rasmussen.William T. Schram, Jr., MBA'75, of Elmhurst,IL, is vice-president of finance and administration for the Morton Chemical Division of MortonThiokol, Inc. His second child, Rebecca, was bornin May 1986.Barbara Kirchick Urbut, AM'75, and MichaelW. Urbut, MBA'74, of Glencoe, IL, announce theNovember birth of a daughter, Sarah Margaret.Jack L. Witlln, MBA'75, a partner with ToucheRoss & Co., lives in Northbrook, IL, with his wife,Gail, and their children, Brian and Lauren.niL Niso D. Abuaf, MBA'76, PhD'85, of/ D Douglaston, NY, is vice-president andeconomist at the Chase Manhattan Bank, N. A.Joseph H. Delehant, JD'76, of Manchester,MA, married Marietta Barnes in March 1985.77 ^nerry Chase-Conant, AB'77, took a leave/ / of absence as assistant district attorney in Brooklyn, NY, to care for her daughter, MiriamFrances Chase-Conant, born August 1986.Jessica C. Landman, AB'77, is an environmental lawyer with the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., in Washington, DC. Last yearshe married Daniel Mullaney, also a Washingtonlawyer.Daniel A. Sumner, AM'77, PhD'78, associateprofessor of economics at North Carolina StateUniversity, Raleigh, spent 1986-87 as a residentfellow at the National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy at Resources for the Future (RFF).7Q Robert S. Bresalier, MD'78, is assistant/ O professor of medicine (gastroenterology) atthe University of California, San Francisco,School of Medicine.Richard H. Brown, AB'78, received a master'sdegree in journalism from Boston University andis news director of Long Island radio stationsWGSM-AM and WCTO-FM. He and Ivy Gold-baum, an interior designer, married in August1986, and they live in Dix Hills, NY.7Q Mark S. Ackerman, AB'79, works at Pro-/ y ject Athena at the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology, Cambridge, MA.Susan D. Kay, AM'79. See David A. Baron,1972.Jane A. Volberding, AB'79, is executive director of the Evanston (IL) Commission on Aging.QC\ After three and one-half years of travel inOV_/ South America, Nancy L. Alexander,AB'80, of Brooklyn, NY, is studying at ColumbiaUniversity Teachers College, New York.Q-1 Robert S. Gray, MBA81, of Chicago, is vice-0 1 president in the fixed-income department at Goldman Sachs.O^ Janna Dresden, AM'82. See 1975, RonaldOZm M. Cervero.O O Last year Richard Aelion-Moss, AM'83, and0\D Elizabeth Aelion-Moss, AM'83, married inAugust and moved to Moscow in November, whereRichard is the accredited representative for Chile-wich Corp.Ronald A. Schy, JD'83, and his wife, AndreaL. Fischer, of Washington, DC, had a daughter,Lauren Fischer Schy, in October.Bradley Z. Snyder, AM'83, married RebeccaR. Aim, AM'83, in August 1986. Snyder works inthe management information services department for Marvin Snyder and Associates, Ltd.,Merion Station, PA. Aim teaches compositionand humanities at Beaver College, Glenside, PA,while working toward her Ph.D. in English Language and Literature at the University.Q/l James W. L. Allen, AB'84. See 1928, Eliza-Ori beth Linn Murray.Steven D. Barnhart, AB'84, married MargaretJ. Jones of Kenil worth, IL, in October. Steven is acredit analyst at the American National Bank ofChicago.OC Richard A. Carlson, MBA'85, is productO^J manager for the Johnston Company, a Milwaukee, WI, dessert manufacturer.Cynthia B. Chanenson, MBA'85, and HaroldA. Robin, MBA'85, were married in August 1986.Q/l Thomas C. Bowden, MBA'86, equity port-OO folio manager for San Diego Trust & Savings Bank, lives in La Jolla, CA.Allisyn Gras Cashdan, AB'86, and Daniel M.Cashdan, Jr., MBA'86, live in Las Vegas, NV.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONTravel and Learn with Faculty and Alumni FriendsTO THE LANDS OF THE MIDNIGHT SUNAugust 3-17, 1987To voyage To the Lands of the Midnight Sun is to explore Europe's lastfrontier. This vast area of spectacular and unspoiled beauty— rarely visitedby outsiders— stretches from the breathtaking fjords of mainland Norway,across the Arctic Circle to untouched Bear and Jan Mayen Islands and theSpitsbergen archipelago, and culminates in Iceland, where vast lava fields,green valleys, and quaint towns all aesthetically combine to make this a landof great diversity.Along the way, ornithologists will help you discover the wildlife of Arcticcoastal cliffs and tundra, ranging from cliff-nesting birds and waterfowl tothe rare Icelandic Gyrfalcon.PASSAGE TO RIOOctober 29 - November 15, 1987Cruise to South America, a continent renowned for its stunning naturalscenery and historically rich past. Explore Angel Falls, the world's highestwaterfall, and the tropical, untouched Amazon River Delta. Visit Brazil'scolonial city of Olinda and the thriving metropolis of Rio de Janeiro.Throughout the program, a University of Chicago professor will providegreat insights into the historical, social, and cultural forces that have shapedthese South American countries of Venezuela, Suriname, and Brazil.: JrJjMBS For additional information about these educational opportunities with theUniversity of Chicago Alumni Association, contact:Ruth Halloran, Associate Director, University Alumni RelationsUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONRobie House, 5757 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637(312) 753-2178DEATHSFACULTYIn April, Harold A. Anderson, PhB'24,AM'26, associate professor emeritus of education,died at the age of eighty-seven. During his forty-year tenure at the University, Anderson taught atthe University High School and in the Departmentof Education, where he served as director of student teaching, as dean of students in the Divisionof Social Sciences, and as executive officer of theUniversity's Pakistan Education Project, a program to improve the educational system in Pakistan. He retired in 1964.Donald F. Bond, PhB'22, AM'23, PhD'24, professor emeritus of English, died in March at theage of eighty-eight. His five-volume critical edition, published in 1965, of the eighteenth-centuryessays of Joseph Addison and Richard Steele madehim the world's foremost authority on the subject.When he retired from the faculty in 1967, he hadtaught at the University for more than thirty years.Robert D. Moseley, Jr., chairman of the Department of Radiology from 1958 to 1971, died inMarch. A participant in the development of international radiation standards, he was named president of the International Congress of Radiology in1985; in that same year he retired as professoremeritus from the University of New Mexico,where he had chaired the radiology departmentsince 1978.Carl Rogers, former professor of psychology,died in February at the age of eighty-five. Duringhis years at Chicago, from 1945 to 1957, Rogers developed his influential approach to psychotherapy. As set forth in a 1951 book, Client-Centered Therapy, his technique has become one of the mostwidely used among therapists and counselors.THE CLASSES1910-19Mate Lewis Bradley, PhB'13, March.Charlotte Pauli Harris, AB'13, August 1986.Elsebeth Martens Sexton, PhB'13, April 1986.George W. Caldwell, PhB'15, February.John P. McGalloway, PhB'15, JD'15, February.Isabella Compton, PhB'16, June 1986.Joseph L. Adler, SB'17, PhD'30, March.Gladys Arlington Redding, PhB'17, February.Foster A. Parker, PhB'18, JD'22, September.Helen Driver Clement, PhB'19, February.Beatrice Jane Geiger, SB'19, February.1920-29Mary Ruminer Cook, PhB'22, March.Mildred Osmundson Gordon, PhB'22, March.Olive Eames Latham, PhB'22, December.Clarence B. Day, AM'23, January.Abe Jaffee, PhB'23, December.Emile O. Bloche, PhB'24, JD'26, February.Leonard B. Krick, PhB'24, February.Elizabeth Robinson Lauesen, PhB'24, November.Alfred R. Root, AM'25, January.Elma Hesh Uhlitzsch, AM'25, March.Mary Sleezer White, PhB'25, December.Bernard W. Friedman, PhB'26, JD'28, March.Elsa E. Schilling, AM'26, February.Gus J. Solomon, PhB'26, February.Julia H. Lorenz, PhB'27, AM'37.PaulE. Mathias, LLB'27, February.Betty McGee, PhB'27, July 1986.Alice Carter Querfeld, PhB'27, March.William R. Avard, PhB'28, January.Frances Heilbrun Berkenfield, PhB'28, OctoberDoris M. Blachly, PhB'28, March.Eugene A. Changnon, SB'28, MD'35, February.Avis G. Hamilton, SB'28, March.Nicholas M. Lattof, PhB'28, January. Ethel Everett Lind, SM'28, PhD'31, March.Alonzo W. Pond, AM'28, December.Elsie F. Gibbs, AM'29, December.Ralph N. Goebel, SM'29, March.Kathryn N. Miller, AM'29, AM'35, November.1930-39Henry J. Rehn, PhD'30, March.WilburM. Stuenkel, PhB'30, November.George B. Duggan, X'32, January.Lillian Hunter Folino, AM'32, January.Moses Hartman, MD'33, February.Eleanor Whitelaw Whitford, AM'33, March 1986.Helen M. Wiltshire, X'33, October.Elizabeth Butler, PhD'34, January.L. Lee Hasenbush, SB'34, January.Lillian L. Rich, MD'34, March.William O. Philbrook, SB'34, March.Barbara Broughton Stock, PhB'34, January.Helen Johnson Ardrey, PhB'35, January.Robert A. Storer, AB'36, March.Edward A. Wight, PhD'36, May 1986.Nelda Schubert Freeman, AB'37, January.Eleanor Lauer Graham, AB'37, December.Lillian Piper Moukas, AB'37, January.Carson R. Neifert, X'37, January.W. Russell Shull, X'37, November.Gladys M. Zak, PhB'37, December.Dorothy Alice Read St. John Cooke, PhB'38,February.David Dolnick, AB'38, AM'39, January.Gertrude M. Edgar, PhB'38, January.Owen Fairweather, JD'38, February.Sidney N. Miller, MD'38, November.Anne Sinai Conway, SB '39, October.Walter E. Hambourger, MD'39, February.Edward D. Robbins, SB'39, MD'43, March.Ruth Schuler Stewart, AM'39, October.1940-49Daniel J. Sullivan, AM'40, July 1986.Ernest Samuels, PhB'23, JD'26, AM'31,PhD'42, Bernard Berenson: The Making of a Legend(Belknap Press of Harvard University Press). Thisbiography of the noted art connoisseur also provides a social and cultural history for his era. Samuels, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1965 for his biography Henry Adams: The Major Phase, is FranklynBliss Snyder Professor Emeritus of English atNorthwestern University, Evanston, IL.PatrickF. O'Mara, AB'37, Some Lunar Dates fromthe Old Kingdom in Egypt (Paulette) and Some IndirectSothic and Lunar Dates from the Late Middle Kingdom inEgypt (Paulette). These constitute volumes 3 and 4in O'Mara's continuing series, Studies in theStructural Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. O'Marais professor emeritus at Los Angeles City College.John P. Conrad, AM'40, and Ernest van denHaag, The United Nations: In or Out? A Debate(Plenum Press).C. E. Schorer, AM'41, PhD'48, Indian Tales ofC.C. Trowbridge (Green Oak Press). Charles C.Trowbridge collected these eleven tales throughinterpreters in the 1820s from the Wyandot,Miami, and Shawanoe Indians, with whichSchorer has provided additional notes, a bibliography, and an index. Schorer is director of trainingat the Lafayette Clinic in Detroit.Fritz Veit, PhD'41, Presidential Libraries and Collections (Greenwood Press). This study presents Leo Lichtenberg, SB'42, October.Yvonne Giroux, AM'43.William Swanberg, PhB'43, February.Ruth Olmstead Hotton, X'45, November.Elsie M. Lindholm, PhB'45, October.Fredrick T. Bent, AM'47, PhD'54, March.Henry A. Dye, SM'47, PhD'50, November.Katherine L. Hagberg, AM'47, March.Peter Krehel, AB'47, JD'51, February.W. Joseph McCullough, SB'47, December.Margaret Dunning Wenstrom, AM'47, December.Arthur A. Blauvelt, AB'48, February.Charlotte Miller Spaulding, X'48.Loyd G. Starrett, SM'48, February.Rhea Alec Taylor, PhD'48, January.Ruth R. Richards, PhD'49, March 1986.1950-59HaigP. Papazian, PhD'50, January.Jennie L. De Luga, AM'52, February.Rosemary Ellis, AM'53, PhD'64, October.Stanley Mandeles, PhD'53, December.Richmond W. Unwin, X'54, January 1986.John Payne Mitchell, PhD'55, July 1986.H. Joseph Hinton, MBA'56, January.1960-69Frederick L. Goss, Jr., MBA 60, March.George N. Stone, MAT'60, February.James E. O'Neill, PhD'61, March.Sharon Smith Irvine, AB'63, AM'76, January.William D. Cobb III, AM'64, PhD'66, February.Theodore N. Thalassinos, PhD'67, March.Frances Hooper, X'68, April 1986.Daniel C. Brown, AM'69, February.Marilyn Wogman Sadow, AM'69, PhD'77,March.1970-79John P. Kinneberg, JD'71, April 1986.Ann Marie Conway, AM'75, December. 1data for and a historical overview of presidential li-d braries and collections dating from George Wash-s ington to the present. Veit is director of librariesemeritus, Chicago State University.Charles Meister, AM'42, PhD'48, The PoundingPothers (McFarland & Co.). This book recalls thei main events of the Constitutional Convention oft 1787 and recounts the highlights of the lives of theleading framers of that document. Also Chekhovn Criticism (McFarland & Co.). Meister, president•t emeritus at Eastern New Mexico University, Por-i tales, lives with his wife, Ellie, in Pine, AZ.i C. Frederick Kittle, MD'45, Current Contro-e versies in Thoracic Surgery (W. B. Saunders Co.) anda Mesothelioma: Diagnosis and Management (Year BookMedical). Kittle is a Chicago physician andn surgeon.e William H. Maehl, PhD'46, The German Socialist Party, Champion of the First Republic (American'. Philosophical Society) . In this book, in some waysa sequel to Maehl's August Bebel, Shadozv Emperor of"i the German Workers (American Philosophical Society), Maehl studies the German Social Democratici Party's democratic and egalitarian policies duringthe Weimar Republic and documents the party's5 mistaken sacrifice on behalf of a state that gradually slipped under reactionary influences. Maehl isprofessor emeritus of history at Auburn Universi-s ty, Auburn, AL.BOOKS by AlumniUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SUMMER 1987Edwin A. Diamond, PhB'47, AM'49, The Spot:The Rise of Political Advertising on Television (MITPress). This book, recently released in paperback,won the Frank Luther Mott Prize, Best Books of1984. Diamond is associate professor and directorof the news study group at New York University.Norman Macht, PhB'47, and Dick Bartell, Rowdy Richard: A Firsthand Account of the National LeagueBaseball Wars of the 1930s and the Men Who Fought Them(North Atlantic Books). This is a look at the style ofthe game and the characters of the era, coveringthe period from 1927 to 1954, baseball's "goldenage." Macht, instructor in finance and management at Central New England College, Worcester,MA, is also a free-lance sports and financial writer.Barbara Michaels (pseudonym for BarbaraGross Mertz, PhB'47, AM'50, PhD'52), ShatteredSilk (Atheneum) . Anovel. Michaels, areviewerforThe Washington Post, lives in Frederick, MD.Donald E. Osterbrock, PhB'48, SB'48, SM'49,PhD'52, James E. Keeler, Pioneer American Physicist(Cambridge University Press). This biographytraces the career of Keeler, a nineteenth-centuryastronomer and director of the Lick Observatory.Osterbrock, professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of California, SantaCruz, also directs the Lick Observatory.Robert T. Handy, PhD'49, A History of UnionTheological Seminary in New York (Columbia University Press). Handy is Henry Sloane Coffin ProfessorEmeritus of Church History at Union TheologicalSeminary.Kaspar T. Locher, PhD'49, Gottfried Keller:Welterfafirung, Wertstruktur, und Stil (Francke).Locher is professor at Reed College, Portland, OR .Aasta S. Lubin, AM'49, Managing Success: High-Echelon Careers and Motherhood (Columbia University Press) . Lubin takes a firsthand look at five women who hold high-level jobs in New York City, earnover fifty thousand dollars yearly, and have youngchildren. Lubin practices psychotherapy in NewYork, NY.Thomas Parrish, AB'49, AM'79, The UltraAmericans: The U.S. Role in Breaking the Nazi Codes(Stein and Day ) . Parrish dwells on the U. S. role inthe breaking and exploitation of German ciphersin World War II.Morris Philipson, AB'49, AM'52, SomebodyElse's Life (Harper & Row). This is the fifth novel byPhilipson, who directs the University of ChicagoPress.Victor H. Yngve, SM'50, PhD'53, Linguisticsas a Science (Indiana University Press). Yngve laysout a notational apparatus capable of confrontingin detail all the evidence of how people communicate. His approach provides formal methodssuitable for studying pragmatic, contextual, andvariational phenomena. Yngve is professor of information science, linguistics, and behavioral sciences at the University.EliasM. Stein, AB'51, SM'53, PhD'55, editor,Beijing Lectures in Harmonic Analysis (Princeton University Press) . Based on seven lecture series givenby leading experts at a summer school at PekingUniversity in 1984, this book surveys recent developments in the areas of harmonic analysis mostclosely related to the theory of singular intervals,real-variable methods, and applications to severalcomplex variables and partial differential equations. Stein is professor of mathematics at Princeton University.David Ray, AB'52, AM'57, The Touched Life: Newand Selected Poems (Scarecrow Press) and Sam 's Book(Wesleyan University Press). These are two booksof poetry by Ray, who teaches at the University ofMissouri-Kansas City and is visiting professor atthe University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand,for 1987.Arnold D. Richards, AB'52, and MartinWillick, coeditors, Psychoanalysis the Science ofMental Conflict: Essays in Honor of Charles Brenner (Analytic Press) . Richards practices psychiatry in NewYork, NY. Whitney Pope, AB'55, AB'58, AM'62, andLucretta Pope, Alexis De Tocqueville: His Social andPolitical Theory (Sage Publications). EmphasizingTocqueville's theoretical contributions, this bookis the first systematic statement of Tocqueville'stheory of freedom. Whitney Pope is professor ofsociology at Indiana University, Bloomington.Mary Alzina Stone Dale, AM'57, and BarbaraSloan Hendershott, Mystery Reader's Guide: London(Passport Books). This book provides eleven walking tours of London which follow the paths of themost widely read mystery writers, their sleuthsand characters. Dale, a free-lance writer whowrites under the name Alzina Stone Dale, lives inChicago.George E. Wellwarth, PhD'57, Modern Dramaand the Death of God (University of WisconsinPress). This is a study of philosophical themes inthe modern drama. Wellwarth is professor of theater and comparative literature at the State University of New York at Binghamton.Arthur Fine, SB'58, PhD'63, The Shaky Game:Einstein, Realism, and the Quantum Theory (Universityof Chicago Press). Fine offers an account of Einstein's realism which he links to current debates inphysics, and suggests a new philosophical attitude toward science, neither realist nor antirealist.Fine is John Evans Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University,Evanston, IL.William Harmon, AB'58, AM'68, MutatisMutandis: 27 Invoices (Wesleyan University Press).This book of poems won Harmon the 1985 W. C.Williams Award from the Wesleyan UniversityPress. Also, thefifth edition of Handbook to Literature(Macmillan) . Harmon is professor at the University of North Carolina.Robert Jewett, DB'58, The Thessalonian Correspondence: Pauline Rhetoric and Millenarian Piety (Fortress Press) . This book suggests that Paul was con-fronted with a millenarian radicalism inThessalonica, unparalleled elsewhere in earlyChristianity. Jewett is professor of New Testamentinterpretation at Garrett-Evangelical TheologicalSeminary, Evanston, IL.Harold J. Johnson, PhD'58, editor, The Medieval Tradition of Natural Law (Medieval Institute Publications). This collection of papers from sessions ofthe International Congress on Medieval Studies,volume XXII in the series Studies in Medieval Culture, contains an introduction and essay by Johnson, who is professor emeritus of philosophy atthe University of Western Ontario, London.Alan B. Anderson, DB'59, AM'66, PhD'75,and George W. Pickering, DB'63, AM'66, PhD'75,Confronting the Color Line: The Broken Promise of the Civil Rights Movement in Chicago (University of GeorgiaPress). The authors chronicle what they describeas the death of the civil rights movement in Chicago. Anderson heads the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Western Kentucky Universityin Bowling Green, and Pickering is associateprofessor of religious studies at the University ofDetroit.Min-sun Chen, AM'59, PhD '71, and Lawrence N. Shyu, editors, China Insight: Selected Papersfrom the Canadian Asian Studies Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 1982-1984 (Canadian Asian Studies Association). This book contains fifteen articles as well as Chen's paper, "Ho Lung (1896-1969)and Norman Bethune (1890-1939) in North China,1938-1939." Chen is associate professor of historyat Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario,Canada.Ingrid Guenther Daemmrich, AM'60, andHorst S. Daemmrich, PhD'64, Themes and Motifs inWestern Literature: A Handbook (A. Francke Publishers). This reference guide traces the historical development of themes and motifs, examines theirspecific function in texts, and establishes their reciprocal relationship to literary figures. Both authors teach in Philadelphia, PA: Horst as professorof Germanics and comparative literature at the University of Pennsylvania, and Ingrid in the Department of Humanities and Communication atDrexel University.Earl Johnson, Jr., JD'60, California Trial Guide(Matthew Bender-). In this five-volume set Johnson offers a trial practice system for California civiltrial lawyers. Last year Johnson was reelected to atwelve-year term as a justice of the CaliforniaCourt of Appeal.Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal, AM'60, editor,Nietzsche in Russia (Princeton University Press).This book documents and interprets FriedrichNietzsche's enormous impact in Russia between1890 and 1917, focusing especially on his influence on Russian symbolist literature and painting, Russian theology, and Bolshevism. Rosenthal is professor of history at Fordham University,Bronx, NY.(Neville) John Drew, AM'61, India and the Romantic Imagination (Oxford University Press). Inthis book Drew argues in detail for an Indian influence on the Western imagination in general, andon English Romantic poetry in particular. Also TheLesser Vehicle (Bloodaxe Books), a book of poetry.Drew is writer-in-residence at the Cambridge Poetry Workshop, Cambridge, England.Mary Gardner, AM'61, Keeping Warm (Atheneum). A novel. Gardner, a writer, teaches part-time at the marine branch of Texas A & M University, College Station, TX.Alex Glassman, MBA 61, editor, Printing Fundamentals (TAPPI Press). For printers, the textexplains the terms, the tests, and the characteristics of paper; for papermakers, it discusses the elements of printing. Glassman, of Foxboro, Ontario,Canada, is president of Paper & Graphic Arts,Inc., a consulting firm.Aristide R. Zolberg, PhD'61, and IraKatznelson, editors, Working-Class Formation:Nineteenth-Century Patterns in Western Europe and theUnited States (Princeton University Press). An international group of historians and social scientists here explores how class, rather than other social bonds, became central to the ideologies,dispositions, and actions of working people, andhow this process was translated into diverseinstitutional legacies and political outcomes.Zolberg is University-in-Exile professor of political science at the New School for Social Research,New York, NY.Philip G. Altbach, AB'62, AM'63, PhD'66,The Knowledge Context: Comparative Perspectives on theDistribution of Knowledge (State University of NewYork Press). Altbach analyzes publishing andknowledge distribution worldwide, with a stresson the production and distribution of knowledgein the Third World . Also Higher Education in the ThirdWorld: Themesand Variations, second, revised edition(Advent Books). With Denzil Saldanha and JeanneWeiler, Education South Asia: A Select Annotated Bibliography (Garland Press).Charles E. Butterworth, AM'62, PhD'66, Philosophy, Ethics, and Virtuous Rule: A Study of Averroes'Commentary on Plato's Republic (American University of Cairo Press). This monograph is part of theseries, Cairo Papers in Social Science. Butterworthis professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland, College Park.Gordon M. Burghardt, SB'63, PhD'66, editor,Foundations of Comparative Ethology (Van NostrandReinhold). Offering reprints and translations ofpreviously uncollected papers, this collectionsheds new light on the development of KonradLorenz's distinctive theoretical and methodological approach to animal behavior. Burghardt is professor of psychology and zoology at the Universityof Tennessee, Knoxville.Edwin B. Firmage, JD'63, LLM'64, JSD'64,and Francis D. Wormuth, ToChaintheDogofWar:TheWar Power of Congress in History and Law (SouthernMethodist University Press). This study providesan analysis of virtually every act of war in American history. Firmage is professor of law at the Uni-23versify of Utah, Salt Lake City.Margaret Peil, PhD'63, Cities and Suburbs:Urban Life in West Africa. This book summarizes surveys of eight cities in Ghana, Nigeria and the Gambia. Also Social Science Research Methods: An AfricanHandbook and African Urban Society. These are textbooks for African universities which Americanand British universities also have used. Peil is professor of West African sociology at the Centre ofWest African Studies, Birmingham University,United Kingdom.Jack M. Bloom, AB'64, Class, Race, and the CivilRights Movement: The Changing Political Economy ofSouthern Racism (Indiana University Press). In thisanalysis of the civil rights movement, Bloom analyzes the interaction between the economic andpolitical systems in the South, which led to racialstratification, and then looks at the historicalforces that ultimately undermined this order andled to the collapse of the old agricultural rulingclass. Bloom is assistant professor of sociology atIndiana University Northwest, Gary, IN.Walter L. Brenneman, AM'65, Spirals: A Studyin Symbol, Myth, and Ritual (University Press ofAmerica). With Stanley Yasian, The Seeing Eye: Her-meneutical Phenomenology in the Study of Religion(Pennsylvania State University Press). Brenneman is associate professor of religion at the University of Vermont.Christopher Clausen, AM'65, The Moral Imagination: Essays on Literature and Ethics (University ofIowa Press). Clausen writes about both popularand "elite" literature in this collection, providing aview of the moral imagination which the authorsexpress through their characters and writings.Clausen is professor and head of the Departmentof English at Pennsylvania State University, University Park.William L. Hendricks, AM'65, PhD'72, Theology for Aging (Broadman Press). Hendricks is director of graduate studies at Southern BaptistTheological Seminary, Louisville, KY.Eric Homberger, AM'65, American Writers andRadical Politics (Macmillan) and John le Carre(Methven). Homberger is lecturer in Americanstudies at the University of East Anglia, Norwich,England.Judith Walzer Leavitt, MAT'65, AM'66,PhD'75, Brought toBed: Childbearing in America 1750to1950 (Oxford University Press). This book detailsthe origins, evolution and consequences of theprocess by which birth changed from a woman-centered home experience to a hospital-centeredmedical routine. Leavitt is professor at the University of Wisconsin at Madison.Karen Orren, AM'65, PhD'72, and StephenSkowronek, editors, Studies in American Political Development (Yale University Press). Reflecting thegrowing interest among political scientists in thehistorical development of political institutions inthe United States, this new annual will provide aforum for this field, as well as for the subfields ofAmerican and comparative politics. Orren is assistant professor at the University of California,Los Angeles.Sherry B. Ortner, AM'66, PhD'70, and HarrietWhitehead, AM'66, PhD'75, editors, Sexual Meanings: The Cultural Construction of Gender and Sexuality(Cambridge University Press). This collection ofarticles represents state-of-the-art thinking on theanthropology of gender. Ortner is professor andchair, and Whitehead is assistant research scientist, in the Department of Anthropology at theUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor.A. B. Paulson, AB'66, AM'67, Watchman Tell Usof the Night (Viking Penguin). A novel. Paulsonteaches fiction writing and American literature atPortland (OR) State University.Thomas A. Heberlein, AB'67, and Bo Shelby,Carrying Capacity in Recreation Settings (Oregon StateUniversity Press). The authors analyze one of themost difficult questions facing researchers andmanagers in recreation resource management: how to determine the optimum carrying capacityof a given recreation site. Heberlein is professor inthe Departments of Rural Sociology and Sociologyat the University of Wisconsin-Madison.Philip C. Kolin, AM'67, and James MadisonDavis, Jr., editors, Critical Essays on Edward Albee (G .K. Hall). This volume provides a selection of reactions to virtually all of Albee's plays, including anew interview with the playwright and three original essays. Kolin is professor of English at the University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg.Claude J. Summers, AM'67, PhD'70, and Ted-Larry Pebworth, editors, "Bright Shootes of Everlas-tingnesse" :The Seventeenth-Century Religious Lyric(University of Missouri Press). This collection ofessays on the flowering of the religious lyric poemin late Renaissance England includes an essay bySummers, who is professor of English at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.Judith Testa, AM'67, PhD'83, The Beatty Rosarium: A Manuscript with Miniatures by Simon Bening(Davaco Publishers). This two-volume work (complete color facsimile and commentary volume),first in the series Studies and Facsimiles ofNetherlandish Illuminated Manuscripts, is thefirst facsimile of a manuscript by Simon Beningto be published since 1921. Testa is associateprofessor of art at Northern Illinois University,DeKalb, IL.William D. Marder, AB'68, AM'72, and Fre-dric D. Wolinsky, The Organization of Medical Practiceand the Practice of Medicine (University of MichiganHealth Administration Press). This book examines the impact of medical practice organizationon the practice of medicine. Marder is director ofmanpower and demographic studies at the American Medical Association, Chicago.MarkBruce Rosin, AB'68, Stepfathering (Simon& Schuster). Rosin based this book, reputedly thefirst on stepfathering, on the experiences of himself and of over fifty other stepfathers from acrossthe country whom he interviewed. With StevenJay Fogel, The Yes-TCan-Guide to Mastering Real Estate(Times-Random House). This handbook derivesfrom Fogel's method for real estate investment,which he used to build a real estate portfolio worthover three hundred million dollars. Rosin lives inLos Angeles, where he writes for feature films andtelevision.Frederick R. Schram, PhD'68, editor, Crustacean Biogeography (A. A. Balkema). An up-to-dateoverview of recent advances in our understandingof the distribution of crustaceans, both fossil andrecent, this is volume 4 in Schram's ongoing series, Crustacean Issues. Schram is curator of paleontology at the Natural History Museum, SanDiego, CA.Michael H. Weisman, MD'68, and Betsy A.Weisman, What We Told Our Kids about Sex (HarcourtBrace Jovanovich, Inc.). This is a guide for parentsand teachers in educating preadolescent childrenabout their own sexuality and sexual development. Michael Weisman is associate professor ofmedicine at the University of California at SanDiego.William O. Beeman, AM'71, PhD'76, Language, Status, and Power in Iran (Indiana UniversityPress). Through this study of the intricacies offace-to-face sociolinguistic interaction in Iran,Beeman explores how social power is negotiated,alliances are made, action is predetermined, andchoices of strategy are decided by the use andmeanings of particular words in conversation.Beeman is associate professor of anthropology atBrown University, Providence, RI.Deborah K. Ward Modrak, AM'71, PhD'74,Aristotle: The Power of Perception (University ofChicago Press). For this study of Aristotle's psychology, or philosophy of the mind, Modrak takesaccount of relevant secondary literature anddraws in ideas from current psychological theoriesabout the mind. Modrak is associate professorof philosophy at the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.Vincent Tinto, PhD'71, Leaving College: Rethinking the Causes and Cures of Student Attrition (University of Chicago Press). Tinto offers a synthesis thatbrings together and expands upon what is knownabout student departure and what actions institutions should take to reduce it. Tinto is professor ofsociology and education at Syracuse University,Syracuse, NY.Ritch C. Savin-Williams, AM'73, AM'75,PhD'77, Adolescence: An Ethological Perspective(Springer- Verlag). This book points out many ofthe shortcomings and biases inherent in conventional methods for studying adolescence, andsupports the techniques of observation and inference to explore human development. Savin-Williams is associate professor at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.James Tabor, AM'74, PhD'81, Things Unutterable: Paul's Ascent to Paradise in its Greco-Roman, Judaic,and Early Christian Contexts (University Press ofAmerica). A broad, historical study of the apostlePaul's thought, career, and religious experience,this book uses the account of Paul's "journey toheaven" as a way of moving into the world of histime. Tabor is assistant professor of religion at theCollege of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA.Mary Jo Deegan, PhD'75, and Michael R. Hill,editors, Women and Symbolic Interaction (Allyn &Unwin). The readings collected for this volumelink the sociological study of women with the established tradition of research and theory in theChicago School of Symbolic Interaction. Deeganis visiting research associate in the women's studies program at the University of Michigan, AnnArbor.David Bodanis, AB'77, The Secret House (Simon& Schuster). Drawing on interviews with specialists ranging from researchers on bacteria, airmovements and the structure of bricks to food-company chemists, Bodanis presents a close-upview of the bizarre, microscopic activity that occurs in ordinary households.Daniel E. Bornstein, AM'77, PhD'85, translator, Dino Compagni's Chronicle of Florence (Universityof Pennsylvania Press) . This is a translation of theChronica, which gives a detailed account of Florentine history from about 1280 through the first decade of the fourteenth century. Bornstein teacheshistory at the University of California, San Diego.Anne Norton, AB'77, AM'79, PhD'82, Alternative Americas: A Reading of Antebellum Political Culture(University of Chicago Press). Weaving togetherpolitical, literary, and anthropological analyses,Norton presents the Civil War and the debates thatpreceded it as the struggle to determine the meaning of America. Norton is assistant professor ofpolitics at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.William O'Grady, PhD'78, Principles of Grammar and Learning (University of Chicago Press). Inthis book, concerned with the nature of linguisticcompetence and with the cognitive structures underlying its acquisition and use, O'Grady proposes that adequate grammars can be constructedfrom a conceptual base not specific to language.O'Grady is associate professor of linguistics at theUniversity of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.Carmelo Louis Cocozzelli, AM'79, Social Workers' Theoretical Orientations (University Press ofAmerica). This book assesses the validity and reliability of a range of theoretical orientation measures, and examines the variability in clinical social workers' theoretical orientations. Cocozzelliis assistant professor of social work, University ofHawaii at Manoa.David R. Baker, JD'82, coauthor, Qualified Retirement Plans, 1987 Edition (West Publishing Co .). Inthis comprehensive primer on tax-qualified retirement plans, Baker discusses legal qualification requirements, plan operation and administration,termination of plans, enforcement of the rights ofparticipants under plans, and criteria used in selecting plans. Baker practices law in Orlando, FL.24 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SUMMER 19871986 University Alumni Directory SupplementThe following Information was intended for publicationin the 1986 University Alumni Directory but wasreceived after the Directory went to press.ANDERSON, James Michael: BUS MBA 1981 : POB296, West Carrollton, OH 45449ASCH, Dr Michael I; COL AB 1965; 11663 72nd Ave,Edmonton AB T6G 0B9. Canada. (403) 437-3209;Bus: Prof. University of Alberta, Dept of Anthropology,Edmonton AB T6G 2HY, Canada, (403) 432-5840BARDIN, Carol M; {Carol Maxine Schultz); COL PHB1946 (1948) COL SB 1948; Box 68, Rural Rt 1 , Chelan,WA 98816, (509) 682-4732; Bus: Lab Tech (Retired),Wenatchee Valley CollegeBAUM, Captain Joseph H; COL AB 1952; 5368Gainsborough Dr, Fairfax, VA 22032, (703) 323-5586;Bus: Chief Judge, US Coast Guard, Court of MilitaryReview, US Coast Guard Headquarters G-L-3, 2100Second St SW, Washington, DC 20593, (202)267-0045BEUSELINK, Frank George; BUS MBA 1975; AveFloreal 92, Brussels 1180, Belgium; Bus: Director,Polymers, BASF Belgium SA. Ave Hamoir 14,Brussels 1180, Belgium 322-375-2400BOYAN, Catherine; (Catherine Stein). SOC AB 1966;9458 Two Hills Ct, Columbia, MD 21045, (301 )730-5131 ; Bus: Elementary Sch Tchr, Howard CountyBd of Ed, 12041 Route 108, Clarksville, MD 21029,(301)531-2088BRIGGS, William Manuel; LAW JD 1969; 1410Campbell Ln, Sacramento, CA 95822, (916)446-3398; Bus: Assoc Attorney, Friedman, Collard,Poswall & Virga, Suite 300, 7750 College Town Dr,Sacramento. CA 95826, (916) 381 -901 1CHAPMAN, Patricia; (Patricia Blasdel); COL AB 1939;Greenleaf Farm. 2971 5 NE Timmen Rd. Ridgefield,WA 98642, (206) 887-4690COLL, Dennis Raymond; BUS MBA 1973; MeadowHill Farm, Barrington Hills, IL 60010, (312) 381-3115;Bus: Pres and CEO, Murdoch and Coll Inc, Suite 300,188 W Randolph, Chicago, IL 60601 , (312) 372-0600CONWAY, Carol Y; (Carol Yvonne Werner): COL SB1958; 1868 E St, Hayward, CA 94541 , (415) 582^1603;Bus: Instr of Math and Comp Science, ChabotCollege, 25555 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94545,(415)786-6884COUTSOUMARIS, George P; SOC AM 1950, SOCPHD 1953; 33-A25 Martiou St, Filothei, Athens,Greece, 999-681 -8731 ; Bus: Prof Emer of PoliticalEconomy, Grad Sch of Econ & BusCOX, Dr Ann B; COL SB 1965; POB 35506, BrooksAFB.TX 78235DAVID, Edward Daniel; BUS MBA 1972; One HillsideAve, Great Neck, NY 11 022, (516) 466-4457DELANEY, Joseph F; BUS MBA 1976; 426Meadowlark Ln, Satellite Beach, FL 32937 (305)773-0864; Bus: Harris Corp, Bus CommunicationSystems Div, 1025 W NASA Blvd, Melbourne, FL32901,(305)724-3604DENISON, Richard Eugene, Jr; DIV AM 1982, DIVDMN 1985; 2403 Belleview Rd, Harrisburg. PA 171 04.(717) 236-7247; Bus: Pastor, First Church-State StUnited Methodist Parish, First United MethodistChurch, 260 Boas St, Harrisburg, PA 17102, (717)237-7316FIRESTONE, Dr Melvin M; COL AB 1967; 3544 BiddleSt, Cincinnati, OH 45220, (513) 861-4320; Bus:Physician, Group Health Assoc, 2915 Clifton Ave,Cincinnati, OH 45219, (513) 872-2031GORDON, Melvin S; COL AB 1950; Lenape Hill, 605Broad Run Rd, West Chester, PA 19380, (215)793-9338; Bus: Pres, CAPP Assoc Inc, POB 800,West Chester, PA 19380, (215) 692-2850HALL, Dr Jay Gordon; SOC AM 1944, SOC PHD 1953;1470 Clarendon Rd, Bloomfield Hills, Ml 4801 3; Bus:Dir Govt Relations (Retired), General Motors CorpHANLEY, James Frederick; COL AB 1982; Apt 410,2225 Buchtel, Denver, CO 80210, (303) 722-2622;Bus: Assoc Consultant, Tower, Perrin, Forster, &Crosby, Suite 1200, One Tabor Center, 1200 17th St,Denver, CO 80202, (303) 592-1200HINDS, John J; COL AB 1967; 17928 NW ParkviewBlvd, Portland, OR 97229, (503) 645-2504HINES, Ina C; Una Claire Altman); BSD SB 1946; 4545Tivoli St, San Diego, CA 92107, (619) 224-4213; Bus:Registrar (Retired), Evolving Tech InstJACOBSON, Richard L; COL SB 1964; 9200 DeerPark Rd, Great Falls, VA 22066; Bus: SpecialCounsel, Heller Ehrman White & McAulifife, 525University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 , (415) 326-7600 JONES, Verleen J K; (Verleen J K Ching): LYS AM1977; Apt 2402, 800 W First St, Los Angeles, CA9001 2, (213) 680-01 84; Bus: Tech Serv Librarian,Kenneth Leventhal & Co, 2049 Century Park East, LosAngeles, CA 90067 (213) 227-0880JOSEPH, Laura Gelles; (Laurie Gelles); COL AB 1964;8227 Ney Ave, Oakland, CA 94605, (415) 638-0601 ;Bus: Housing Fin Officer, California Housing FinAgency, 2351 Powell Avenue, San Francisco, CA94605, (415) 557-2740KAKU, Kagehide; SOC 1972; 2-36-7 Ogikubo,Suginami-Ku, Tokyo, Japan, 03-391-7265; Bus: Chief,Domestic Res Div, Res and Statistics Dept, The Bankof Japan, Frankfurt, West Germany, 03-279-111 1KAWASE, Yoshikazu; BUS MBA 1983; CI Rm F-1203,Yamazaki-cho 1356, Machida, Tokyo 194-01 , Japan,0427 (92) 0532; Bus: Asst Mgr, Toyota Motor Corp,Tokyo Office 2-18 Koraku, 1 -Chome Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo112, Japan, 03-817-7559KNAEPS, Mark Jozef; BUS MBA 1981 ; 309 E 19th St,Costa Mesa, CA 92627, (714) 548-6275; Bus: ExecAsst to the Gen Mgr, ITT Electro Mech ComponentsIntl, 10550 Talbert Ave, Fountain Valley, CA 92627(714)964-8420KODATE, Yoshiro; DIV 1978; 36-18 Sagigamori,1 -Chome, Sendai City 980, Japan, 0222-71 -5150;Bus: Prof, Shiga Univ of Med Science, Office ofPhilosophy, Seta Tsukinowa-cho, Otsu City 520-21 ,Japan, 0775^18-2100LOWE, Maryetta R; (Maryetta M Ralph); SSA AM 1965;330 Third Ave, Pelham, NY 10803, (914) 738-0337;Bus: Psychiat Soc Work Supr, Bronx Children'sPsychiat Ctr, 1000 Waters Place, Bronx, NY 10461 ,(212) 892-0808MARTIN, Mary C; (Mary E Carper); HUM AM 1935;Cottage 11 4. Friendship Village Of Tempe, 2625 ESouthern Ave, Tempe, AZ 85282; Bus: (Retired),Tempe Elementary Sch DistMARTINEZ, Miguel E; SOC AM 1966, SOC PHD 1970;9421 Winterset Dr, Potomac, MD 20854, (301)340-7647; Bus: Div Chief, World Bank, 1818 H St NW,Washington, DC 20431 , (202) 477-6558MASON, Cheryl White; LAW JD 1976; 3844 W 27th,Los Angeles, CA 9001 8, (213) 731 -0565; Bus: Assoc,O'Melveny & Meyers, 14th Fl, 400 S Hope St, LosAngeles, CA 90071 , (213) 669-6000MERRITT, Robert Wilson; COL AB 1970; 1784 ChurchSt, San Francisco, CA 94131 ; Bus: Sr Customer ServRep, Dictaphone Co, Suite 108, 501 Forbes, S SanFrancisco, CA 94080, (415) 871-0990MEYER, Leslie O; COL SB 1936; No 6, 1232 LeisureLn, Walnut Creek, CA 94595, (415) 939-6342; Bus:Real Estate Sales (Retired) Mason-McDuffieMONTROSE, Marie Z; (Marie Zunt Cole); COLPHB 1938;7212 Gran Vida Dr, El Paso, TX 79912,(915) 584-6454; Bus: (Retired)O'BRIEN, Frances Patrick; (Patrick O'Brien); BUSMBA 1974; Apt 2-LE, 315 E 36 St, New York, NY10028, (212) 289-9508; Bus: Vice Pres-Finance,RCA/Columbia Pictures Intl Video. 71 1 Fifth Ave, NewYork, NY 10022, (212) 303-7855OLSON, Mark David; COL AB 1984; 42-51 KetchamSt, Elmhurst, NY 11 373, (71 8) 639-5211 ; Bus:Scientist, Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY11973,(516)282-3865PATHAK, Devavrat N; SOC AM 1948; 21 New AlkapuriSociety, Gulbai Tekra, Ahmedabad 38001 5, India,442378; Bus: Vis Prof, Peace Res Ctr, GujaretVidyapith, Ahmedabad 38001 4 India, 446148PORTNAY, Linda R; COL AB 1966; 21 Robbins Rd,Lexington, MA 02173, (617) 862-6004; Bus: Dir, RamatEl Jewish Curriculum CtrPUIGCERV6R, Dr Manuel Z; PHY SM 1958; C DrFerran, 18 8, 08034 Barcelona, Spain, 999-203-9903;Bus: Prof of Atmospheric Physics, Univ of Barcelona,Dept of Terrestrial & Cosmic Physics, Av Diagonal,647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain, 999-330-7311ROGOT, Evelyn B; (Evelyn Deren Bellotf); COL PHB1948; 9504 Forest Rd, Bethesda, MD 20814, (301 )530-9541 ; Bus: Dir of Pedagogy, The Music SchoolInc, 9504 Forest Rd, Bethesda, MD 20814, (301 )530-1034ROOKER, C Keith; LAW JD 1961 ; 23 Quail Hollow,Henderson, NV 8901 5, (702) 451 -9178; Bus: Pres,AmPac Development Co, 8201 Gibson Rd, POB 797Henderson, NV 8901 5, (702) 565-8741ROSE, Elizabeth Quincy; (Elizabeth Quincy Wright);SOC AM 1953; Route 2, Box 312, S Mountain PassRd, Garrison, NY 10524, (914) 424-4118; Bus: SalesPerson, Century 21 Country Bumpkin, Rte 9D,Garrison, NY 10524, (914) 328-3654ROSENTHAL, Thomasine M; (Thomasine M Tyson);SSA AM 1966; 59 E Raybum Rd, Millington, NJ07946, (201 ) 647-2371 ; Bus: Supr, Family Serv ofMorris County, 62 Elm St, Morristown, NJ 07960, (201 )927-1100 ROTH, Jane H; LYS AM 1965; 3646 Cumberland StNW, Washington, DC 20008; Bus: Librarian, StAlbans School for Boys, Mount St Alban,Massachusetts and Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington,DC 2001 6, (202) 537-6408RUSSELL, Janet; LYS AM 1970, EDN MAT 1970; 5423S Dorchester Ave, Chicago, IL 60615, (312)363-6980;Bus: Special Projects Dir.C Berger & Co, 130 WLiberty Dr. Wheaton, IL 601 87 (312) 653-111 5RUTLAND, S Edward, II; BUS MBA 1970; Apt 12-R,11 55 Warburton Ave, Yonkers, NY 10701 , (404)346-7546; Bus: Exec Vice Pres, No-Tox Products, Inc,164 S Terrace Ave, Mt Vernon, NY 10550, (914)667-2360RUTSTEIN, Leonard D; COL AB 1952, LAW JD 1955;8812 Lowell Ter, Skokie, IL 60076, (312) 677-6394;Bus: Attorney-Partner, Williams, Rutstein, Goldfarb &Sharp Ltd, Suite 800, 140 S Dearborn, Chicago, IL60603,(312)263-1100SAFANI, Alan; COL AB 1968; Apt 5-B, 15 W 84th St,New York. NY 10024, (212) 580-2388; Bus: Owner.Safani Gallery, 960 Madison Ave, New York, NY10021 , (212) 570-6360SAWAYAMA, Hiroshi; BUS MBA 1980; c/0 Mr ShigeruSawayama, 30-19 Shinoharadaimachi, Kohoku-KuYokohama-shi 222, Japan. 045-421 -2164; Bus: Mgr,Merchant Banking Group, The Long Term Credit Bankof Japan, 1 -2-4 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku. Tokyo 100,Japan, 03-211-5111SAVERS, Paula M; HUM AM 1967; 19985 Wild CherryLane, Germantown, MD 20874, (301 ) 428-9656; Bus:Comp Analyst-Programmer, National Assoc ofSecurities Dealers, 1735 K St NW, Washington, DC20006, (202) 728-8087SHENKOYA, Dr Kayode A; Former Faculty; 3, AgoraOdiyan St, Off Adeola Odeku St, Victoria Island,Lagos, Nigeria, (01)61-6705; Bus: Dir of MedicalServices, Nigerian National Petroleum Corp, PMB12701 , Ikoyi-Lagos, Nigeria, (01 ) 68-0846SHOOK, Dr Robert C; PHY SM 1927, PHY PHD 1934;Queensland, Halifax County, NS B0J 1T0, Canada,(902) 857-9557; Bus: (Retired), Dalhousie UniversitySIBLEY, Dr Robert J; PHY PHD 1965; 11 9 WindermereRd, Auburndale, MA 02166, (617) 527-7054; Bus: Prof,MIT Dept of Chemistry, Cambridge, MA 02139, (617)253-1470SIEGEL, Melvyn; BUS MBA 1974; 2510 StonemiirRd,Baltimore, MD 21208, (301 ) 825-8686; Bus: The StoneMill Group, Suite 1810, 36 S Charles St, Baltimore, MD21201,(301)547-6660STAIR, John R; COL AB 1948, LAW JD 1951 ; MercerIsland, WA 98040, (206) 236-0197; Bus: Attorney 8Managing Dir, John R Stair (PS) Inc, 454 CentralBuilding, 810 Third Ave, Seattle, WA 98104. (206)624-8820SUMMIT, Steven C; COL AB 1972; POB 329, 269Hopewell Rd, S Glastonbury, CT 06073, (203)659-2194; Bus: Attorney, POB 329, 269 Hopewell Rd,S Glastonbury. CT 06073. (203) 659-1901SUNDSTROM, G O Zacharias; LAW MCL 1963;Havsudden 144, 06 950 Emsalo, Finland. 915-27620;Bus: Attorney. Partner, Nordic Law, Mannerheimintie12 A, SF-00100 Helsinki, Finland, (90) 648-71 1THOMAS, Rev Parathundyil T; DIV AM 1963, HUM AM1970; Palmos, Kodappanakunnu, Trivandrum 695005,Kerala, India, (0471 ) 64051 ; Bus: Prof, Mar IvaniosCollege, c/o Archbishop's House, Trivandrum 695004,(0471)82053VATTER, Michael Leon; COL AB 1972; POB 1572,Olympia, WA 98507, (206) 426-1099; Bus: Comp InfoConsultant, State of Washington, Dept of Licensing,Highways-Licenses Building, Olympia, WA 98504,(206) 586-2215WILLOUGHBY, Father William, III; COL AB 1977;Church of St Mary the Virgin, 145 W 46th St, NewYork, NY 10036, (212) 869-9342; Bus: Chaplain, StHilda's and St Hugh's School, 619 W 114th St, NewYork, NY 10025. (212) 666-9645YARBROUGH, Don; COL 1979; Apt 704, 3200 PortRoyale Dr N , Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308, (305)776-6045YOUNGBLOOD. Lee R; BUS MBA 1980; Apt 717, 5020S Lake Shore Dr. Chicago, IL 60615, (312) 684-8649;Bus: Broker, Dean Witter Reynolds Inc, 4343 LincolnHighway, Matteson, IL 60443, (312) 756-4463ZELENTY, Michael W; COL AB 1977; Apt 3D, 467Valley St, Maplewood, NJ 07040, (201 ) 763-2739; Bus:Assoc, Clapp & Eisenberg PC, 80 Park Plaza,Newark, NJ 07102, (201) 642-3900(Sal] ^J m \JOIN YOUR FEITOW ALUSTUDENTS/^ SUNDAY, JULY 26Join your fellow alumni andstudents for this internationalcelebration of the birthday ofthe founder and first presidentof the University, William RaineyHarper. You are invited to attendthe festivities in any of thelocations listed.Participating cities are listedalphabetically, with specialsections at the end for datevariations, titled "Early Birds"and "Late Section."Students who are attendingthe University of Chicago,incoming students, and childrenunder 12 have special reducedrates for many of the events.For information about specificprograms, call the contactperson listed under thatcity. If you wish toreceive a brochure,write to:Roberta SherwoodUniversity ofChicagoAlumni AffairsOffice, 5757 S.Woodlawn Avenue,Chicago, IL 60637,or call (312) 753-2180.ALBANYCapital DistrictSara Harris(518) 465-3071 (evenings)(518) 465-6927 (days) ATLANTASee "Early Birds"BOSTONHarry Greenwald(617) 864-3256 CHICAGO(312) 753-2175DENVERCarolyn Fodrea(303) 220-9455,Harvey Ancel(303) 798-2815or Josie Gaskill(303) 741-5200HOUSTONDiana Rathjen(713) 222-5685 (days)(713) 729-7302 (eves)or Betty Schoolar(713) 799-1224 (days)(713) 523-6979 (eves)LOS ANGELESORANGE COUNTYJoyce Newman(818) 794-7400MIAMIJohn orKathy Gaubatz(305) 661-2481MILWAUKEESee"Late Section"MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAULTwin CitiesBob Miller(612) 926-2176 (eves)NEW YORKSee "Early Birds"Wr i -~_PHILADELPHIASaul Levit(215) 587-0809 (days)PITTSBURGHN. Gwyn Cready (412) 928-6814 (days)or (412) 276-0782 (eves)PORTLANDB. J. Seymour(503) 228-2472or Ed Gronke(503) 656-6546PUGET SOUND(Seattle)Joe Kittay(206) 232-5584 (eves)SAN FRANCISCO BAYPamela Hawkins Wilson(415) 435-2923or Joan Florence(415) 661-3347TOKYONobuyki Horie(03) 344-7357or K. Yoda(03) 344-7201TORONTOArthur Rubinoff(416) 978-3345 (days)(416) 483-9318 (eves)TULSANancy G. Feldman(918) 742-6463UNITED KINGDOMJohn Montague0235-24141 (days)073-447-1496 (eves)or Sammye Fuqua Haigh(0 865) 751137WASHINGTON DCStephanie Wallis(703) 237-9013 (eves)EARLY BIRDSATLANTADavid Robichaud(404) 586-6748 (days)(404) 329-0467 (eves)LATESECTIONNEW YORK CITYMark Delman(212) 370-1313 (days);(718) 972-8707 (eves)MILWAUKEECamilla Nilles(414) 332-9770INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO DAY g 6) IDn i— icO rfeW Ovtfl o\Cnn wr^?oa3UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO37 736 593