Magazin\v¦•¦*-.\OfBuAnd BangsAnd TreadingThe BoardsFar Eastern StudiesMark a MilestoneOOD FOR THOUGHhealthy library is the heart of tions. Four challenge grants provide a menuevery great university, but no library can of opportunities to match your gift to thesurvive without certain minimum daily re- Library. Make a gift now to ensure that whatquirements. So we'd like you to digest this we serve continues to be both rare and wellproposition.The Campaign for the Arts and Sciences seeksS 10 million for the acquisition of new mate-rials and conservation of the Library's collec-For more information, please write or call The University of Chicago, Campaign for the Arts and Sciences, Box 32, 5733 University Avenue,Chicago, 111., M163"7 Téléphone: 312/962-6080,EditorFelicia Antonelli Holton, AB'50Staff WriterMark Ray Hollmann, AB'85Class News EditorKim ShivelyDesignerTom Greensf elderThe University of Chicago Office ofAlumni RelationsRobie House5757 South Woodlawn AvenueChicago, Illinois 60637Téléphone: (312) 753-2175Président, The University of ChicagoAlumni AssociationEdward L. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49Executive Directorof University Alumni RelationsCarpl Jenkins Linné, AB'66Associate Directorof University Alumni RelationsRuth HalloranNational Program DirectorBette ArnettChicago Area Program DirectorCrista Cabe, AM'83Director, Alumni Schools CommitteeJ. Robert Bail, Jr.,X'70The University of ChicagoAlumni Executive CouncilEdward L. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49Herbert B.Fried, JD'32Mary Lou Gorno, MBA' 76William B. Graham, SB'32, JD'36William Hammett, AM'71Danette G. Kauffman, AM'69KennethC Levin, AB'68, MBA'74John David Lyon, AB'55William C Naumann, MBA'75Daniel B. Ritter, AB'57Edward W. Rosenheim, AB'39, AM'46, PhD'53JerryG.Seidel, MD'54Thomas H. Sheehan, MBA' 63JudyUllmann Siggins, AB'66, AM'68, PhD'76DirkvanAusdall, AB'80Susan Loth Wolkerstorfer, AB'72Faculty/ Alumni Advisory Committeeto the University of Chicago MagazineEdward W. Rosenheim, AB'39AM'47, PhD'53, ChairmanDavid B. and Clara E. StemProfessor, Department of Englishand the CollègeWalter J. Blum, AB'39, JD'41Edward H. Levi Distinguished ServiceProfessor, the Law SchoolLinda Thoren Neal, AB'64, JD'67John A. SimpsonArthur Holly Compton DistinguishedService Professor, Department ofPhysics and the CollègeLorna R Straus, SM'60, PhD'62Associate Professor, Department ofAnatomy and the CollègeThe University of Chicago Magazine ispublished by the University of Chicagoin coopération with the AlumniAssociation. Published continuouslysince 1907. Editorial Office: RobieHouse, 5757 Woodlawn Avenue,Chicago, Illinois 60637. Téléphone (312)753-2323. Copyright©1987by theUniversity of Chicago. Published fourtimes a year, Fall, Winter, Spring,Summer. The Magazine is sent to ailUniversity of Chicago alumni. Pleaseallow four weeks for change of address.Second class postage paid at Chicago,Illinois, and at additional mailingoffices.Typesetting by Skripps & Associates,Chicago. The University ofCHICAGOMagazine/Winter 1987Volume 79, Number 2 (ISSN-9508)Page 2Page 10Cover: Under the direction of Joan Polner,senior in the Collège, cast members of theUniversity Theater production of Tango, bySlawomir Mrozek, go through warm-upexercises, just prior to dress rehearsal. AtPolner's urging, actors try to relax by imag-ining themselves as "bubbles in the sea."Engaged in the exercise are (clockwise fromlower right) Ned Haie, junior in the Collège; Robert Devendorf, AB'84; SusanBonde, AB'86; Paul Reubens, senior in theCollège (behind table); Joe Walsh (on leavefrom the Collège); and Polner. (Photo by].Bradley Burgess.) IN THIS ISSUEFar Eastern StudiesMark a MilestoneBy Michael AlperThe University prépares to celebrate fiftyyears of Far Eastern studies.Page 2Of Bubbles and BangsAnd Treading the BoardsBy Mark Ray HollmannStudent actors and directors vie forperformance space in a thriving theaterscène— thereby repeating history.Page 10DEPARTMENTSChicago Journal 18Class News 28Deaths 36Books 37Letters 40Wlark a Nlileston eFROM 'TREPARING (FOR)MISSION WORK," THE UNIVERSITY'SFAR EASTERN STUDY PROGRAMSHAVE PROLIFERATED, OVER THE PASTFIFTY YEARS, INTO AN AMAZINGLYDIVERSE GROUP OF PURSUITS.By Michael Alper¦T WM ment** ^" fionsPhotographs byMichael P. Weinstein hen the odor of noodles simmering inchicken broth wafts up from the base-ment at 5736 Woodlawn, faculty and stu-dents working in the old house whichserves as the headquarters of the Department of Far Eastern Languages and Civiliza-tions know it must be Friday. That's whenGeorge Chih-ch'ao Chao and his students in Chineselanguage get together to cook lunch. Not surprisingly,many former students drop by. As they I Far Eastern Languages and Civiliza-wield chopsticks with great aplomb,students chatter gaily— in Chinese, be-cause that's the rule. Afterwards, theywatch a movie— in Chinese. The objectof thèse sessions— delightful thoughthey may be— is educational. Chao, associate professor in the Department ofMichael Alper, AB'81, AM'83, former associate editor of the Magazine, is a free-lancewriter. tions, wants his students in Chinese language classes to familiarize themselveswith Chinese culture, and to feel perfect-ly comfortable conversing in Chinese.Efforts to broaden cultural under-standing between the West and the FarEast hâve been undertaken at the University for many years. On February 5,members of the University's Far Eastern studies programs will convene overa festive dinner in Hutchinson Com-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/ WINTER 1987Niu pei heng ti t'u ("Playing the Flûte on a Buffalo 's Back "),painted by Kuo Hsii (1456-?). Ink on paper, 29. 9 cm. tall, 25 cm. wide. The illustrationisfrom Shang-hai po wu kuan ts'ang hua (Paintings in the Shanghai Muséum).Shanghai: Jen min mei shu ch 'u pan she, 1959.mons to celebrate the fiftieth anniversa-ry of formai programs in Far Easternstudies at the University.On this occasion, faculty and ad-ministrators will gather with local com-munity and business leaders and withdiplomatie and trade représentatives ofEast Asia, to commemorate the found-ing of what has become one of the na-tion's leading centers for study of theFar East. The guest speaker will beClayton Yuetter, the U.S. ambassadorfor international trade.The formai history of Far Easternstudies at the University dates back to1936, with the establishment of a Chinese studies program in the Departmentof Oriental Languages and Literature.Far Eastern subjects had, in fact,been taught and studied at the University long before that: George S.Goodspeed taught courses on Far Eastern Religions in the Department ofComparative Religion during the Uni-versity's early years. Instruction in Jap-anese language was first offered at theUniversity in 1901, and in Chinese theyear after, the stated purpose of the language courses being "to prépare thosewho intend to do mission work" in theFar East.But for the first décades of the Uni-versity's history, Far Eastern studieswere, for the most part, an ad hoc mat-ter, limited to particular pursuits by in-dividual scholars scattered throughoutthe departments.Harley Farnsworth McNair, for example, who joined the Department of History as a professor in 1928, pioneered in thestudy of China's relations with the West.Ernest B. Price, lecturer in the Department of Political Science from 1935 to1942, was a former U.S. consul in Shanghai and a leading authority on Chinesediplomatie history.In 1936 the University boosted itscommitment to Far Eastern studies byintroducing its first formai program ofstudy in the subject. The man responsi-ble for starting the program was HerrleeG. Creel, PhB'26, AM'27, PhD'29,whom the University invited as instruc-tor of Chinese history and language,and charged to develop a Far Easternstudies program. Over the next fourdécades Creel— now the Martin A.Ryerson Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus— became an important influence, not just in his department, buton China studies throughout theworld. Creel 's writings, from his classic TheBirth of China (1936) through The Origins ofStatecraft in China (Volume One of whichwon the University of Chicago Press'sGordon J. Laing Prize in 1971), are mod-els of scholarship that hâve enlighteneda wide audience of experts and laymenalike. His educational innovativenesslikewise spread well beyond the campusthrough his widely used three-volumetext, Literary Chinese by the Inductive Method(1938-1952).Creel also gets the crédit for assem-bling the foundation of the University'sFar Eastern library collection, a key tothe department's future growth and Eastern program continued to growthrough the 1940s. With the outbreak ofWorld War II, the University did its partfor the war effort by conducting U.S.Army training programs in Chinese andJapanese. The library continued to aug-ment its Far Eastern holdings by ac-quiring the extensive Berthold LauferCollection in East Asian languages fromthe Newberry Library.Creel, now retired, is extremelymodest, and hâtes having a fuss madeover him. In 1985, when his colleagueswanted to honor him, his friend DavidT. Roy, professor in the Department ofFar Eastern Languages and Civiliza-Anthony Yu, (left), professor in the Divinity School and Far Eastern Languagesand Literature (FELC), won the 1983 Gordon J. Laing Prize from the Press for histranslation o/The Journey to the West. Tang Tsou (right), the HomerJ. LivingstonProfessor in Political Science and FELC, specializes in current Chinese politics.prestige. Traveling to China in 1939 witha book-buying fund of $30,000 from theRockefeller Foundation, Creel took ad-vantage of deflated Depression-eraprices to buy up several outstandingcollections, totaling 70,000 volumes.From that auspicious start, the University has gone on to mass a worldrclass Far Eastern collection. With over400,000 holdings, the University of Chicago 's Far Eastern Library currentlyranks as the fourth largest in the U.S.and the largest in the Midwest.Beyond sheer bulk, the collection'srange and quality are exceptional. Its extensive periodical holdings make it an important resource center for the most up-to-date information, while its classicalChinese collection is considered by someto be the best outside of China.With Creel at the helm, the Far tions, had to use ail his persuasive pow-ers to get Creel to put in an appearance.Once there the octogenarian guest ofhonor enjoyed himself immensely.The 1950s were a period of majorgrowth and innovation in Far Easternstudies at the University. In 1951, ac-knowledging the wide-ranging rele-vance of Far Eastern studies, the University established an interdisciplinarycommittee on Far Eastern studies. Thisprogram was later reorganized with thesupport of funds from the Ford Foundation, the U.S. Department of Educationand other sources, as the Center for FarEastern Studies.With the Center for Far Eastern Studies in place as a forum for coordinatingthe activities of scholars across severalfields, a separate Department of FarEastern Languages and Civilizations4 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/ WINTER 1987was established in 1963, to f ocus specif i-cally, as its name implies, on coursesand degree programs with a purely FarEastern content.Today, Far Eastern studies continueto grow and diversify at the University.For example, in 1985 the Numata Foundation of Tokyo endowed a new visiting pro-fessorial chair in Buddhist Studies at theDivinity School. Yoshiro Tamura of Ris-sho University, Tokyo, will be the first visiting professor this spring. Recently, aKo-rean studies program has been added,accompanied by a drive to increase the li-brary's Korean language holdings. As areflection of this, one of the most activegroups on campus is the Korean Students Organization, which sponsors aspring festival each year with help fromlocal Korean businesses.Serving as a clearinghouse for FarEastern académie resources, the Centerfor Far Eastern Studies brings togetherscholars from across the spectrum of thesocial sciences and humanities, andsponsors numerous activities that fostergreater understanding of the Far Eastwithin the University and beyond.Students do not take courses or re-ceive degrees from the Center, but fromthe University departments, profession-al schools and degree-granting commit -tees to which the Center's faculty be-long. In addition to the Départaient ofFar Eastern Languages and Civilizations(FELC), the Center's thirty-two full-timefaculty corne from departments in thehumanities and social sciences, as wellas from the Graduate School of Business, the Graduate Library School, theDivinity School, and the Committee onInternational Relations.The Center's activities go beyond thecross-listing of courses. The Centerseeks out and distributes fûnds for re-search, fellowship grants, and other académie activities. Each year it brings twoor more scholars to campus as résidentvisiting professors. In 1986, for example,with funding from the Luce Foundation,it hosted Qiucheng Jing, profess'or ofpsychology at Peking University, vice-director of the Institute of Psychology ofthe Chinese Academy of Sciences, andprésident of the Chinese PsychologicalSociety. Kuniaki Mitani, associate professor in early Japanese literature atYokohama Municipal University of Ja-pan, and Hoseop Yoon, a senior fellowof the Korean Rural Economies Institute,are the Center's visiting scholars thiswinter. The Center sponsors overseas studies programs for students traveling toJapan and China to take part in language programs, university exchangeprograms, and field research; and it re-turns the favor by hosting scholars andstudents from abroad. Edmund Lee, agraduate student in the Department ofPolitical Science, has spent much of thepast two years in Shanghai, compilingan oral history of the Shanghai businesscommunity in the 1930s.The Center also directly helps satis-fy the public 's continually growing in-terest in the Far East. Interested partiesof ail sorts— from the Chicago Chamberof Commerce to the local and nationalnews média— hâve corne to rely on theCenter's faculty, staff, and students as apool of experts.Over the past three years the Centerhas run or participated in teacher trainingworkshops in collaboration with the Associated Collèges of the Midwest, theChicago Council on Foreign Relations,and other educational groups. For twoweeks this summer, educators from ele-mentary school through collège level willcorne to campus to keep abreast of the lat-est in scholarship, teaching techniques,and classroom materials.This fall, the Center and the Committee on International Relations jointlysponsored a lecture by Charles Green-leaf, the executive director of the Agencyfor International Development.The Office of Continuing Educationhas been especially active in bringingthe University's Far East scholars, aswell as scholars from the Middle Eastern and South Asian area centers, andthe public together. This year it is initi-ating a year-long séries of public classeson Eastern literary classics, such as the12th century Japanese novel, The Taie ofthe Genji.Trade between the U.S. and Asiannations is the subject of much of thepublic's interest in the Far East. In lateApril, Continuing Education will holda major séries of conférences for mem-bers of the business community. Thisprogram will bring together facultyfrom the Center for Far Eastern Studies,the Center for Middle Eastern Studies,and the South Asia Language and AreaCenter, along with trade représentatives from the U. S. and Asia, to addressthe status of trade between the U. S. andJapan, India, and Turkey. The program,a collaborative effort among the University, the U.S. Commerce Department, and several Asian trade organizations(including the Japanese Ministry ofInternational Trade and Industry), willfocus on the socio-political factors—différences in contract law, financing,and culture— that are of concern to com-panies wishing to do business in Asia.Extracurricular activities play an important part in the Far East studies program at the University. The Center sponsors dozens of visits each year by guestlecturers from universities in the U.S.and the Far East. A récent visitor wasXiao-lin Ji, of the State Education Commission of the People's Republic of China, a Hubert Humphrey Fellow of the U.S. Department of Education, who spokeon éducation reform in China.The Center also sponsors culturalactivities, such as an evening of classi-cal Japanese theater in Mandel Hall,performed by the Kita No Companyand the Izumi Kyogen Company.At the student-run West/Non-WestWorkshop, funded by the University'sCouncil on Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, graduatestudents, faculty, and guest speakers gettogether on an informai basis to air theirworks-in-progress, and to address issues both scholarly and popular.An indication of the interest in FarEastern studies can be seen in enroll-ment figures. Throughout the University, total enrollments exceed 1,200 incourses with a greater or lesser degreeof Far Eastern content, on topics fromBuddhist sculpture to international finance policy. As many as one third ofthe seventy or so graduate studentsworking on Far Eastern studies in a giv-en year are of East Asian descent, of ei-ther U. S. or Asian citizenship."I'm impressed by the number ofstudents coming hère from the Far Eastwho take Far Eastern subjects hère,"said William Parish, director of the Center for Far Eastern Studies and professor in the Department of Sociology."And their présence contributes a greatdeal to the courses. They're not shyabout letting me know when they thinkI haven't gotten it right."Those Ph.D.'s who return to theirnative land are another important resource of the Far Eastern studiesprograms. They provide one of thestrongest links between the depart-ment and its subject, and are a steadysource of current research coming toChicago from the Far East. What'smore, they bring Chicago's influencewith them, contributing in that way to alively and growing académie scène inthe Far East."There's a real boom in social science research in the Far East, " said Par-ish. "I think the future of social scienceresearch is there."To give a sensé ofthe variety ofFar Eastern studies at the University, the Magazine inter-viewed a handful of faculty members who talkedabout their fields of research and teaching.WILLIAMPARISHThe findings aren't ail in yet on howthe récent political changes in main-land China hâve benefited its inhabitants. But there can be little doubt thatthey hâve been a boon for WilliamParish, who studies contemporary Chinese society. For one thing, he no longerhas to rely on a kind of académie blackmarket for ail of his information onwhat goes on in the People's Republic ofChina (PRC).In the early 1970s, when Parish, professor of sociology and the director of theCenter for Far Eastern Studies, beganconducting his research on contemporary life in the PRC, he did so under thehandicap of having a closed subject.Restrictions on travel by foreigners madeit impossible for Parish to visit the PRChimself or to obtain reliable informationfrom other Western observers, and officiai sources were not exactly fortheom-ing with the kind of sociological data heneeded. Nevertheless, through the testi-mony of émigrés from the PRC whom hecontacted in Hong Kong, he was able toput together some of the most authorita-tive research available on life inside thePeople's Republic. He produced severalstudies, including two books writtenwith Martin King Whyte, a sociologistfrom the University of Michigan, Villageand Family in Contemporary China andUrban Life in Contemporary China, (1978and 1984, University of Chicago Press).In their books Parish and Whyte examine the effect of the Cultural Révolutionon such aspects of Chinese society asfamily life, the work force, économie se-curity, and rural development. Parishfound his émigré sources, many ofwhom were urbanités who left the main-land after having been relocated to the countryside, to be particularly acute intheir observations of rural life and the ef-f ects of the massive social dislocations ofthe period.In 1975, when Parish was first al-lowed to enter the PRC, he was able toverify first-hand the accuracy of hissecond-hand research. "What sur-prised, " he said, "was that nothing sur-prised me."Now, with the rapid changes thathâve resulted from the récent liberaliz-ing of the Chinese economy and socialpolicies, Parish should hâve his workeut out for him. Already he knows of aplethora of startling changes to examine, such as officiai attitudes towardprivate enterprise, attitudes toward theWest and Western values, and of spécialinterest to Parish, the activities of thepopular and académie press."The Chinese are turning out such araft of very good studies that one coulddo a long analysis— a re-analysis— onwhat they've corne out with."The debate is really quite lively"—and often quite irreverent, he said,ranging from subjects like "bourgeoishumanism" to career advancement tothe rôle of good manners in a revolu-tionary society."There are ail kinds of muckraking inthe press," he said, "articles on environ-mental pollution that will turn your hair.There are articles against the current birthcontrol campaign. There are articles onhow to beg in Shanghai and make a suc-cessof it."AKIRAIRIYEAkira Iriye, an expert on Japanese-American diplomatie history, is a walk-ing illustration of his subject. Born in Tokyo, educated at Haverford Collège inPennsylvania (B.A. 1957) and HarvardUniversity (Ph.D. 1961), he is equally athome in the académie worlds of Japanand the U. S. , and has an estimable réputation in both.It is a réputation based on a careerspent enlarging the two nations' under-standing of one another. Such under-standing, he says, is essential to main-tain an alliance that has seen its shareof strain."The relationship between the twocountries, " he has written, " whether mil-itary, political, économie, or cultural, is in Akira Iriyedesperate need of redéfinition if it is tobe Consolidated and survive temporaryclashes of interest and occasional gaps inmutual respect and understanding."His work has focused on how thetwo countries' self-conceptions andperceptions of one another hâve col-ored the relationships in the past.Iriye, who has taught at the University since 1969, was named a Distinguished Service Professor in 1983, andin 1985 he was named the first appointée to the new Stein-Freiler Distinguished Service Professorship. Hiswritings hâve been celebrated in Japanas well as in the U.S. In 1982 his book,Power and Culture: The Japanese- AmericanWar, was nominated for a Pulitzer Prizein history. He is president-elect of theAmerican Historical Association, andwill take office in 1988.This year Iriye is a visiting professorat the Centre d 'Etudes Nord-Americaines Ecoledes Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, inFrance, where he conducts seminars inAmerican foreign affairs, and is doing research on cross-cultural attitudes towardwar and peace."My broad field is 20th century international history, the interactions ofcultures," he explained, during a briefvisit to Chicago. "I am interested in warand peace in the 20th century. I hope togo beyond the narrow area of decision-making, and study public attitudes andawareness. At bottom, there is the question of what the ordinary citizen or indi-vidual thinks about thèse matters. Weshould not just confine ourselves to dis-6 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/ WINTER 1987William Parish Mary Brinton George Chi-ch 'ao Chaocussing the Stratégie Défense Initiative,but should consider people's attitudes,such as how they visualize peace, andwhy we hâve wars despite the désire forpeace. Thèse kinds of very human questions hâve to be looked at across culturalboundaries. I am reading books aboutwar and international affairs, looking atthe 1890s, to see what the French, Amer-icans, and Chinese were writing aboutinternational affairs."GEORGECHI-CHAO CHAOFew challenges can be more dauntingto English-speaking students than learn-ing Chinese. Few Chinese language programs can be more challenging than theUniversity of Chicago's, overseen byGeorge Chi-ch'ao Chao, associate professor in the Department of Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations.After their first year of Chinese language instruction, students are expect-ed to hâve mastered Chinese pronunci-ation and to be fluent, if not yet quiteexpert, in everyday conversation andlistening compréhension. But despitethe rigors of the program, Chao is notthe object of students' fear and loath-ing, but of their respect and even theiraffection, as testified by the QuantrellAward for Excellence in UndergraduateTeaching he won in 1981.The Chinese language program atthe University stresses communication skills first and foremost. Among thechallenges that face beginning studentsis the f act that Chinese dépends on variations in pitch to distinguish entirelydistinct meanings. Another is the Chinese writing System, which consists ofmonosyllabic characters."If we don't give the students a sol-id f oundation in the sound System, theymay never learn the proper tones, " ex-plained Chao. "If we start at the verybeginning to teach them tones and writing ail at once, we may train the studentto read something not naturally, asspeech, but just broken pièces. " That iswhy students don't so much as look at aChinese text until their second quarter.Chao feels that older methods ofteaching Chinese which stressed translation from Chinese into the students'native tongue hindered the acquisitionof the well-integrated package of skills astudent needs to achieve fluency."When they'd get the meaning in theirnative tongue, they would assume thatthe language training had been accom-plished. Therefore there are lots of peuple who cannot open their mouths tomake themselves understood amongChinese speakers," said Chao.Chao is involved in a project that willfurther enhance his students' abilities tocommunicate. Although Mandarin Chinese has been officially promulgated asthe language of both the People's Republic of China and Nationalist China, thevariety of régional accents can confoundnon-native speakers. Chao is the mainU. S. coordinatorof ajointproject among language institutions from the U.S. andten universities from the PRC preparingstudy guides on dialectal accented Chinese. They hâve prepared the most com-prehensive materials of their kind—tapes, glossaries, comparative phoneticcharts, etc.— on twenty distinct dialectareas."We hâve to train our students,"Chao maintained, "in a balanced way—not only to be traditional scholars, to readand write, but also to hâve the skills todeal with their counterparts in China."How well has he succeeded? Onstandardized tests, University of Chicago students score well above nationalnorms. More tellingly, Chao has foundfrom past expérience that "after twoyears of our training, our students canbe placed in a Chinese community andjust do fine— they can handle it."I'm proud of them," he conclud-ed, beaming. "Very proud of them."HARRYHAROOTUNIANOne of the récurrent trends in Japanese culture is the question of Japaneseculture itself— what it is, how it got thatway, and how its identity can be pre-served amid the competing influencesof other cultures. Harry Harootunian,professor and former chairman of theDepartment of Far Eastern Languagesand Civilizations (FELC), studies Japanese culture and how it has been— and7continues to be— shaped by the culturalself-consciousness of the Japanese.Harootunian, the Max Palevsky Professor of History and Civilization in theCollège, the Department of History, andFELC, came to the University of Chicagoin 1974. His work has focused on modem Japanese intellectual history, specif i-cally the efforts among Japanese intellec-tuals who, writing from the mid-18thcentury onward, sought to define thecivilization in which they lived. In someof his earlier works, for example, "I dealtwith a number of writers— idéologues—who were instrumental in trying to re-think, or rather to think anew, thegrounds for a modem political order,"he explained. His most récent work"deals with a number of writers whom Icall Nativists, writing from about themid- to late-18th-century into the 19th,who were largely responsible for . . . in-venting a modem Japanese identity."No mère visionary construct, theworks that thèse writers produced hâvecontinued to influence Japanesethought down to the current day. Partic-ularly as ties between Japan and theWest increase, "in many instances whatthe Japanese had thought about in termsof who they are in référence to the Chinese was merely applied later on to theWest," explained Harootunian.The Japanese Nativists were origi-nâlly reacting against the influence ofChinese culture which, in the long cycleof Sino-Japanese relations dating back to the 7th century, had dominated Japanese religion, philosophy, and even theJapanese writing System. As with manyNativist movements in the West, theysought much of their inspiration in thedistant past, before the incursions ofalien cultures. The rise of the Shinto religion—a revival of indigenous reli-gious forms as an alternative to Bud-dhism— dates to this period."They recognized that so much oftheir life, civilization, writing, hadbeen profoundly affected by the Chinese, and yet they believed there wassomething basically Japanese under-neath ail of this. The identity that theyimagined would differentiate the Japanese, first from the Chinese and ulti-mately from Europeans and Ameri-cans— and that identity is still verymuch a part of the way the Japaneselook upon themselves in terms of theoutside world, " said Harootunian.LEOOU-FAN LEEIf your bookshelf is already groan-ing under the weight of ail those novelsyou've been meaning to read, you maynot like the tidings Léo Ou-Fan Leebrings. It seems that the most populouscountry on the face of the earth is alsothe source of a vital and growing créative literature. Lee, who came to the University asprofessor in 1982, teaches modem Chinese literature in the Department of FarEastern Languages and Civilizations,where he introduces his students to abody of writing which many hâve beenunf amiliar with, and maybe oblivious to—a state of affairs Lee hopes to correct.Lee, who was educated at NationalTaiwan University (B. A. 1961) and Harvard University (M. A. 1964, Ph.D. 1970)has written books and articles in bothChinese and English about contemporary Chinese literature. He is the authorof a major study of the Chinese writerand intellectual Lu Xun, who died in1936. Lu Xun's works are enormouslypopular in the People's Republic ofChina, but he remains undiscovered byWestern readers.Because of his leftist revolutionarypolitics, Lu Xun's works were pro-scribed in Taiwan when Lee was a student there. "So naturally," he said,"when I came hère I wanted to read hisworks."Lu Xun was one of the first writersto introduce Marxist literary theory intoChina, and the first to experiment withthe modem short story form in China, "explained Lee. "He was also a leadingpractitioner of a form of essay which isbasically a cultural criticism of the Chinese national character."Lu Xun is so popular in China, saysLee, that he is widely read "from schoolchildren on up to the top intellectuals.Léo Ou-fan Lee Tetsuo Najita and Harry Harootunian Edward ShaughnessyUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/ WINTER 1987Some of his writings hâve been incor-porated into textbooks."Lee has edited one book on Lu Xun,Lu Xun And His Legacy, (University ofCalifornia Press, 1985), and has anotherone due out soon, Voices from the lronHouse: A Study of Lu Xun (Indiana University Press, 1987. )If you're curious to read Lu Xun,says Lee, try Complète Stories by Lu Xun,(Indiana University Press in association with Foreign Languages Press,Beijing, 1981.)MARYBRINTONAs an enlightened outsider lookingin, Mary Brinton is in perhaps the idéalposition to observe some of the moresensitive issues in contemporary Japanese society. Brinton, assistant professor in the Department of Sociology, hasbeen conducting research on the position of women in the Japanese economy—research that has revealed another aspect of a society that is far more complexthan the well-oiled machine it is oftenstereotyped as."Most people (in the West) would saythat Japan is twenty or thirty years behindthe U. S. in terms of women's status, " saidBrinton. But she questions "whether Japan is behind or whether it's following apattern that is simply différent, not nec-essarily better or worse, but a pattern thatdoesn't see men and women as necessari-ly competing directly with each other inthe work force."Addressing that debate requiresBrinton to understand what is and is notunique about those Japanese social institutions— in particular the structure ofthe Japanese family and the structure ofthe labor market— which act as "rein-forcing mechanisms" in shaping therôles that men and women play insociety.She has found that the Japanesefamily, on what she refers to as the "labor supply side, " and Japanese employ-ers on the "labor demand side," hâvespécifie économie incentives for invest-ing differently in maies and females."Japanese parents, " she explained,"hâve traditionally expected to rely onat least one child in their old âge. Ifthere's a sex-discriminatory labor market and maies succeed better than females do, then it's rational for parents to expect to rely on a son, " and to hâve ac-cordingly higher educational and pro-fessional expectations for maie chil-dren. Likewise, it is more rational froman employer's perspective to invest inmaie employées, who are likely to stayin the labor market for a longer timethan females.Brinton, who received her Ph.D.from the University of Washington in1986, found that when she went toJapan to conduct her research, despiteher controversial subject she met withless résistance than she expected ayoung Western woman to face. "I triedto analyze that too. If I were a Japanesewoman trying to do this sort of research, I think it would be very diffi-cult. But being an outsider, I'm not verythreatening to people— I'm never goingto try to succeed in Japanese society[by] competing against men. Also, Ispeak Japanese more or less fluently,which is a tremendous bonus. And Iknow how to get things done in Japan. "Brinton came by her interest in Japanese society fortuitously. As a juniormajoring in French at Stanford University, she decided to take a non-Indo-European language "just for intellectual curiosity's sake. ""At that time the exchange rate wassuch that I figured out on paper that Icould go to Japan and corne back for thesame amount of money as it would costto stay at Stanford and take the language. I convinced my parents to sendme to Japan for eight weeks . . . andfrom that point on I became thoroughlyfascinated with the culture. "EDWARDSHAUGHNESSYEdward Shaughnessy, assistantprofessor in the Department of FarEastern Languages and Civilizations,who teaches courses on classical Chinese literature and ancient Far Easterncivilization, isn't sure how to classifyhimself and the research he does onChina during its Bronze Age (roughly1200 B.C. to 800 B.C.)."I'm not an archeologist, or a histo-rian," he said. "I'm not a teacher of literature. I suppose you could call me apaleographer, but that's not a very spécifie term. I prefer to think of myself as asinologist— one who studies China."Shaughnessy's work focuses on China's Western Chou dynasty of thellth century B.C., a period that, hesays, "has been particularly influentialin Chinese history because that's thedynasty that Confucius looked back on... as the Golden âge, the âge that pro-duced the wisdom that would sustainChina."Much of that wisdom is containedin three canonical texts originating inthat period: The Book of Changes (com-monly known in the West as the 1Ching), a collection of divination texts;the Book of Documents, a collection of royal addressses and other texts formingthe basis of later Chinese political phi-losophy; and the Book of Poetry, a collection of courtly verse.One of Shaughnessy's projects (andthe subject of his Ph.D. dissertation atStanford University) has been "an at-tempt to get back to the original text" ofthe Book of Changes, "and to déterminewhat it meant and how it was used in thecontext of the society at that time."To isolate and interpret thèse texts,Shaughnessy must also analyze theculture in which they originated; thisone quest led to another. His currentproject, for example, began as a militaryhistory of the Western Chou. Much ofthe military record cornes from arti-facts, notably bronze vessels whichwere inscribed with such informationas the date of the casting, the maker'sname, the patron who requested it, andthe occasion, such as a military victory.Shaughnessy's work on bronze ves-sel inscriptions became a study in itself,augmented by his study of oracle boneinscriptions from the earlier Shang dynasty. Thèse ritual artifacts— usuallythe scapular bones of oxen or the plastrons (stomach shells) of turtles— wereheated by Shang priests until theycracked; from thèse cracks, the priestswould divine the omens for a particularcourse of action, which was often re-corded on the bone itself. Whenever acache of such artifacts is unearthed, theentire historical record cornes a little bitmore in focus.As if the field of Shaugnessy's studies wasn't copious enough, it is madestill more so by the pace of discoveriesin the field. "It's one of the things thatmakes the study of ancient China reallyvibrant, " he said. "I don't think anyonehas a vested interest in any one position, because you can't afford to.Tomorrow something might be dug upand just blow everything away." Ba¦ ^B n historié moment inAmerican theater history(right). Mike Nichols, X'53(left) and Andrew Duncan,X'55 (right) présent anépisode from the "LivingNeivs" at the Compass in1955. The Compass Players'use of improvisation pavedthe way for The Second Citytheater group and, even-tually, " Saturday NightLive" and similar effortsin nightclubs, onstage andon télévision. (Below)A1925 chorus Une of womenas "the men ofthe campus, "from the first Mirror Revue.Student actors and directors vie forperformance space in a thriving theaterscène— thereby repeating history.By Mark Ray Hollmann"You are a bubble floating in the water. You can't feel any-thing except the sensation of floating. You can't do anythingexcept float with the waves. Ail you can see is the open sea, theopen sky, and the endless depths of the water."As she talks, at a quarter after seven on an October eve-ning, Joan Polner is lying on the stage of the Reynolds Clubfirst floor theater. Around her, also lying on the floor, are sixother student actors whom she is instructing. Looking alarm-ingly like dead bodies strewn across the stage, the group is en-gaged in warm-up exercises to prépare themselves for the eve-ning's performance, the dress rehearsal of Tango, by Polishplaywright Slawomir Mrozek. A few minutes before, underPolner's direction, they had bounced up and down on thestage in a set of fast-paced physical exercises."Feel the warm wetness of the water," whispers Polner,Mark Ray Hollmann, AB'85, is staff writer for the Magazine. As astudent in the Collège, he directed and acted in student theater productions, in 1985 winning a Louis f. Sndler Prize in the Performing andCreative Arts. He now appears regularly with the improvisational theater group Avant-Garfielde at Jimmy's Woodlawn Tap in Chicago.11a senior in the Collège. "Feel yourselffloating."If thèse actors can be persuaded to be-lieve, however briefly, in something thisfar removed from reality, they will moreeasily become people unlike themselves— namely, the characters they will createon stage in less than an hour.Meanwhile their director, JustynaFrank, sitting in the house, keeps oneeye on her east lying prone on the stagewhile she repeatedly tries to fire a gun.Frank, who is working simultaneouslyon bachelor's and master's degrees inthe Department of English Languageand Literature, appears to be a littlefrustrated. The previous night the plastic toy gun used in rehearsal shatteredto pièces when one of the actors threw itacross the stage. The replacement fortonight's dress rehearsal, a starter's pis-tol which fires blanks, won't break aseasily— but then, neither will it workas well."I don't hâve an AD [assistant director], I don't hâve a TD [technical director], but I hâve a wonderful east," Franksays as she relaxes after rehearsal. Thatfact, for a director of any skill or means,can make up for a lot. "They're perfect."From the beginning of the University's history, Chicago students likeJustyna Frank and Joan Polner hâve notfelt content to let Shakespeare or Ionesco sit on the library shelf only to be read.At least a dozen drama groups hâve ex-isted on campus at one time or another,serving a range of thespian interestsfrom musical comedy to acrobatietheater,In the past four years, moreover, theUniversity has enjoyed something of arenaissance in student theater. In thisperiod of renewed interest it has beentypical that, for most weekends in theacadémie quarter, a student group hasoffered a live production. Such hasbeen the demand for campus theaterspace that the University Theater (UT)Board, the faculty/staff body whichoversees this very active extra-curric-ular activity, has had to juggle play production proposais each quarter to makethings fit.Editor's note: We spell it "theater. " Theatricalgroups, over the years, hâve spelled it "théâtre. " We respect the différence. The X after aperson's name indicates an alumnusla whomatriculated but did not graduate. The nu-merals indicate the last year in which helshewas on campus. 0'n another historiéoccasion (above) CharlesW. Paltzer, AB'06, JD'09,appeared as a chorus girlin The Passing of PahliKhan, the first Blackfriarsproduction, in 1904.(Opposite page, left toright) Paul Sills, X'52;Charles Jacobs, AB'53, JD'56;Joyce Hitler Piven, X'50;Estelle Luttrell, AB'53; andEugène Troobnick, X'53, in a1955 UTpublicity still. Last quarter's schedule required noless juggling. In addition to JustynaFrank's production of Tango, studentsthis past autumn directed, designed,and acted in productions of Fiddleron theRoof, Alan Ayckbourn's comedy SisterlyFeelings, Dracula (an adaptation of thenovel), and Eugène O'Neill's MoumingBecomes Electra.This ambitious season testif ies to a di-versity among students' tastes in drama,but of necessity it also requires a kind ofunity. At a university where students'time is precious (during a production, actors and technicians must struggle tosqueeze schoolwork into their schedules)and resources of money and space arejust as limited, it seemed mutually bénéficiai last year that the students rallyaround their common interest in theaterin order for it to remain vital on the Chicago campus. To that end, three of theUniversity's four student theater groupsagreed to merge last spring."This is a major reorganization ofthe way theater is done hère, " accord-ing to Steve Schroer, X'80, managingdirector of UT. Under the new System,Schroer and UT technical director BobJames serve on the UT Committee withseven students from the three groups.The committee has taken over the taskof scheduling each quarter's season ofproductions from the UT Board, whichwill nonetheless continue its supervi-sory function in student theater hère.The responsibility to fund studentshows, once the domain of the studentgovernment, now also lies with the UTCommittee. Its subcommittees, moreover, provide assistance with spécifieaspects of a production, such as publici-ty and technical work.Before the merger a would-be student director spent much of his timesearching out money and manpowerfor his production; now the merger haspooled together the resources availableto student theater hère. Students whopropose to direct a play can rely on theUT Committee and its subcommitteesfor support."Anyone who 's directing has endedup in the last few years doing every-thing, " said Dan Biemer, a fourth-yearstudent in the Collège. "You wind upwith misérable grades and nervousbreakdowns. This way there will be alarge body of people you could go toscreaming for help."No matter how much help one gets,however, theater productions alwaysUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1987'*.,..,Mm ...'¦0"à%.•*» J ¦''M; s ¦"'?'¦'".-. . .¦>'¦ .-.¦''¦.--- ¦'¦¦:¦¦:*,EIdAsner, X'48, getssome help from EugèneTroobnick, X'53, in thePlaywrights Theater 1954production of The Be-spoke Overcoat, by WolfMankowitz.14 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1987A¦ A ndrew Duncan, X'55,(left, below) as a Frenchcouturier; Barbara Harris asa French model; and DavidShepherd as Christian Dior,in a Compass Players"Living News" satire in1955. The skit was a take-offon a column in TheChicago Daily News onChristian Dior. seem to require some last-minute attention. It is Thursday: at one hour beforethe opening night curtain Ned Haie andPaul Reubens, junior and senior in theCollège, respectively, practice their tango for Tango."One and two and tan-go switch!"Offstage, Joan Polner watches Haieand Reubens intently, checking theirtiming— Haie bows to Reubens,Reubens clamps the stem of a rose between his teeth, and they yield to theLatin rhythm."You know why Joan's so nervous, "says Frank . " She's listed in the programas choreographer.""That looks pretty good, guys,"calls Polner.The brief dance lesson will hâve todo. It's time to get ready for the show.This idea of a student theater unionhas played other, older stages at Chicago. Today's unified body takes itsname from the original University Théâtre, which formed in 1946— also from anumber of separate student groups andfrom the need to combine and strength-en. Before that, in 1923, a "Dramatic Association" established itself as an um-brella organization for what wouldbecome three drama sub-groups.The leader of the 1923 reorganiza-tion effort was an undergraduate whomthe 1923 Cap and Gown described as having "rather long hair" and a "terrifiestalk;" "his eye, his voice," accordingto the yearbook staff, "were awesomethings." The late Will Geer, SB'24, leftChicago to pursue a long, successful career on Broadway and in film and télévision, and became well-known in the1970s as the grandfather character onthe long-running TV séries, "TheWaltons." In 1923, however, the manwho would play wry, kindly GrandpaWalton gave a différent first impressionto his fellow thespians. "... [He] re-minded them of pirates and gave themto shiver, " noted the Cap and Gown.What William Ghere (he phoneti-cally simplif ied the spelling of his namefor the stage) had actually helped ac-complish was to pick up the pièces fromthe University's first organized studenttheater group, the Dramatic Club,which since its founding in 1895 hadfigured as the most active company oncampus.The Dramatic Club sought out newplays from student authors: it held anannual playwriting contest and pre-sented a bill of the winning one-act plays every June on "Académie Day, "later "Junior Day. " It also produced thework of a well-known author every au-tumn or winter quarter. On the eveningof January 14, 1904, for instance,William Butler Yeats sat in the audienceof one of thèse winter productions, theclub's rendition of his plays The Duennaand The Land o' Heart's Désire. From hisseat in the Reynolds Club third-floortheater he responded to cries of "Author!" by complimenting the east ontheir interprétation of his writing.By the early 1920s, however, theDramatic Club suffered from financialdifficulties and internai division; thiswas the club Geer helped to reorganize.In 1924 the new Dramatic Assocationconsisted of three branches: the TowerPlayers, a men's dramatic group; theMirror, an annual women's musical revue; and the Gargoyles, the controllingboard of the Association.At that point there existed one theater group, the Blackfriars, which didnot find it necessary to reorganize un-der Will Geer's leadership. Taking theirname from the old monastic order, theBlackfriars had organized some twentyyears earlier in 1904 to produce original, student-written musical comédieswith all-male casts. While other clubswaxed and waned, the 'Friars enjoyedsuccess after success with their annualspring shows.In 1918 the world war took many ofthe Blackfriars "chorines" out of theirkicklines and into the trenches, so thatyear saw no Blackfriars show in MandelHall; in 1941, World War II also necessi-tated a pause in the annual routine.This time, the Blackfriars stage re-mained dark for thirteen years. Othergroups lapsed as well. The formation ofUT in 1946 took up the work of the then-defunct Dramatic Association, and notuntil 1955 did the Blackfriars re-registeras a recognized student organization.In their reconstitution the Blackfriars allowed women to join the order,and thus filled the void created by thewartime dissolution of the DramaticAssociation's Mirror Revue. (Like theBlackfriars, the Mirror presented a popular spring musical show which recruit-ed from one gender— in the Mirror'scase, the women of the University— andthen cross-dressed some of its east toprovide characters of the opposite sex.)With men and women united, theBlackfriars continued. In the yearssince, original student-written shows15hâve become rarer, but the Blackfriarsnonetheless maintained their musicalcomedy tradition at Chicago.When Dan Biemer and his fellowBlackfriars met in the merger negotia-tions last winter and spring, they foundit a difficult tradition to forsake. "Thetradition was so strong that it was notconceivable to many people that any-one could do a musical besides Blackfriars, " said Biemer, who supported themovement to merge. As it happened,the students reached a compromise: ailmusicals under the new plan will bearthe crédit "a UT/Blackfriars production." Said Biemer, "That sort of préserves the tradition. "Biemer knows what it takes to préserve a Blackfriars tradition. When hismusical comedy 'TU the End of the Worldplayed to full houses in Autumn Quarter 1985, it was the first original showthe order had produced in more thanthree years, only the third in the lastdécade, and perhaps the sole exampleof a Blackfriars musical for which onestudent wrote everything— book, lyr-ics, andmusic."I did it mostly on breaks," he explained. "I'd corne home and spendtwo or three weeks just at the typewrit-er or at the piano." The process of put-ting his work on stage taught him somevaluable practical lessons ("I've got awhole book full of notes for revisions")which will help him complète his nextshow, a rock opéra calledRz'cfc Cosmos andthe Green Things From Mars.Justyna Frank preserved quite another kind of tradition, that of her native language and literature, with herproduction of Tango. She had read theplay in one of her undergraduate Eng-lish courses and had liked it. The translation she used in class, however, disap-pointed her— especially when she wentback to read the original Polish.Frank, who emigrated with her parents from Poland in the late 1970s,sensed that something about the translation did not ring true. "The languageseemed artificial," she said. "They [thetranslators of the published version]missed ail the nuances. It seemed to methat they were not Polish— that Polishwasn't their first language."She decided to translate the playherself . Like Biemer, she found the production process invaluable toward thedevelopment of her work.Any director or playwright knowsthat his or her work hasn't finished once the opening night curtain goes up.Justyna Frank sat through ail five performances of Tango— sometimes tocheck the fluidity of her translation,and— every night in the first act— to runbackstage and slam a chair against thefloor."The gun never did work," explained Joe Walsh, whose character,Stomil, fires a pistol in the play's firstact. The starter's pistol which Franktried to fix on the night of dress rehearsal worked in rehearsal but the blankswould never fire in performance. Franksimulated the sound with the slam ofthe chair.Walsh, on leave of absence from theCollège, has had expérience with gunsthat don't work and with the dozens ofother things which can go wrong in thetheater. He has acted in, directed, andassisted with student theater productions since his first year in the Collège.In ail that time he has seen the opportu-nities for student theater at Chicago im-prove greatly."When I started, there were justCourt Studio and Blackfriars," recalledWalsh. In the 1970s and early 1980s,Court Studio served as a small, expérimental offshoot of Court Théâtre, theUniversity-supported professional theater. By the time Walsh came to campusas a freshman in 1980, the original UThad long since withered away, andCourt Studio provided the only campus forum for non-musical theater.In 1982 Walsh became involved with anew student theater group which soongained a réputation for productions ofavant-garde plays with well-designedsets, costumes, and lights. The group,Concrète Gothic Théâtre, inspired theformation of several other student theaterorganizations over the next four years.This prolifération of groups helped createthe need to unité which the new UT satis-f ied last year.Court Théâtre phased out its CourtStudio as students began to channeltheir theatrical activities through student groups, but it continues to offerUniversity students opportunities forexpérience in theater.According to Mark Tiarks, Court'smanaging director, students participatein many parts of the production process: they serve internships in drama-turgy, directing, designing, management, and set construction. Even CourtTheatre's highly-acclaimed profession-Continued on page 26UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAG AZINE/WINTER 1987t ¦,*!. i ¦ «.i in*1^ctAAi-*Y"~II mprovisation is back oncampus. Bernard Sahlins,AB'43, (right, above) aco-founder of The SecondCity, taught a course on"The Short Comic Scène"this f ail. Above he directsgraduate student EllenNerenberg, AM'86, andsenior Matt Denckla. Below,Sahlins and class memberswatch some ofthe aspiringcomics rehearse.17CHICAGO JOURNALTMASUCKERFOR EXCELLENCE."Irving B. Harris, a trustée of theUniversity, has donated $6.9 millionto help establish a graduate schoolfor public policy studies at the University of Chicago."I'm a sucker for excellence,"Harris said."There's Walter Payton in football.There's the Chicago Symphony inmusic. And there's the University ofChicago, an island of excellence. I justwanted to help provide an endowmentfor them to attract more faculty andstudents."The $6.9 million gift, one of thelargest in the University's history,cornes in two parts: a $5 million pay-ment for endowment and five annualgifts of $375,000 for the school's oper-ating expenses.Harris said he was making the gift"because we need better people ingovernment. At présent many of thebest and brightest minds of this nationare being siphoned off into lucrativeprofessions such as law, investmentbanking and accountancy. We do notdo as well as we should in attractingtop people into public life. I'd like theschool for public policy studies to helpchange that."Hanna Holborn Gray, président,said, "The generosity and commitmentthat Irving Harris has shown to thisUniversity, and to other institutions, isoverwhelming. He has done so much,and we will be forever grateful."She added, "A school for publicpolicy studies at Chicago would fill animportant national need for scholar-ship that seeks a better understandingof pressing public policy issues. Onesuch issue, the well-being of children,is of spécial concern to Mr. Harris, andhe addresses it in a very direct andmeaningful way through his supportof a child psychiatry program."Previously Harris, who became atrustée of the University in 1970, en-dowed a chair in social policy and lastyear he donated $4 million for childpsychiatry programs at the University'sMédical Center. He has long been inter-ested in early childhood development Irving Harrisand organized a private partnershipwith the State of Illinois, the Ounce ofPrévention Fund, to provide matchinggrants to prevent family dysfunction,including child abuse and neglect.When established, the new schoolwill continue the work which the University's Committee on Public PolicyStudies began eleven years ago. Thecommittee has four faculty memberswho currently serve ninety students,including fourteen studying for doctor-ates and seventy-six in a two-year mas-ters' degree program. Russell Hardin,professor in the Departments of PoliticalScience and Philosophy and chairmanof the Committee on Public Policy Studies, said that the $6.9 million gift wouldenable the program to expand to ten ortwelve faculty members and 150 to 160students. He estimâtes that the schoolwould eventually need an endowmentfund of at least $20 million.Harris said he hoped that the money would prompt other benefactors todonate, too."Universities are creating very fewnew schools thèse days," said Harris.He pointed out that Chicago 's schoolwill join the Woodrow Wilson School atPrinceton, the Carnegie-Mellon Schoolof Public and Urban Policy, and theKennedy School of Government atHarvard, in this field. Duke University and the Universities of Michigan andCalif ornia at Berkeley also offer publicpolicy studies.Harris, a native of St. Paul, MN, anda graduate of Yale University, controls anumber of companies including Standard Shares, Inc., a holding company;the Pittway Corporation, which manufactures numerous items such as smokedetectors; and the Harriscope Broadcast-ing Corporation. He also has interests inreal estate, resorts, and more than twodozen trade publications such as theSchool Product News.MEDICAL CENTERRESTRUCTUREDOn September 18 the UniversityBoard of Trustées voted to establishthe University of Chicago Hospitalsand Clinics as a new, separate corporation on October 1.As a resuit, the restructured University of Chicago Médical Center nowconsists of three branches: the Division of the Biological Sciences, respon-sible mainly for médical research; thePritzker School of Medicine, responsi-ble for teaching student doctors andother graduate students; and the newcorporation, the University of ChicagoHospitals, responsible for patient care.At its first meeting on October 6,the corporation's board of trustéeselected Ralph W. Muller as présidentof the Hospitals. Muller had served asvice-président for the hospitals andclinics, as well as deputy dean for finance and management of the Divisionof the Biological Sciences, since Janu-aryl985.KOHL PRESENTSVISITING PROFESSORSHIPWest German Chancellor HelmutKohi, on a state visit to the city of Chicago, met at the Law School's KirklandMoot Courtroom with about 100 lawand international relations studentsand faculty.In a question-and-answer sessionmoderated by Gerhard Casper,William B. Graham professor and deanof the Law School, Kohi stressed that18 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAG AZINE/WINTER 1987an increased exchange of studentsbetween the United States and WestGermany must take place as "a veryessential precondition for the continued cultivation of German- Americanrelations." Kohi spoke through aninterpréter.At the end of the forum Kohi an-nounced that the West German govern-ment will sponsor a German scholar as avisiting professor in German légal studies at the University for one quarterduring each of the next five years. Theprofessorship bears the name of the lateMax Rheinstein, a refugee from NaziGermany, who taught at the Law Schoolfrom 1935 until his death in 1977. Hewas the Max Pam Professor of Comparative Law.COLLEGE REVISESCURRICULUMLast fall the Collège offered avariety of new courses and courseséquences as part of the revised cur-riculum that took effect this year fornew students. The resuit of more thantwo years of discussion and planning,the new curriculum replaced an un-dergraduate program that had beenused since 1965.The most extensive new offering isNatural Sciences 101-106, titled "Phys-ical and Biological Evolution." Thisinterdisciplinary, six-quarter séquencefufills the College's requirements inboth physical and biological sciencesfor social science and humanities majors. Ideally, the course gives studentsan understanding of the évolution ofthe universe, life on earth, and therelationships between the two."In the 1920s, Chicago offered oneof the nation's first staff-taught naturalscience survey courses, 'The Nature ofthe World and of Man, ' " said DonaldLevine, AB'50, AM'54, PhD'57, deanof the Collège. "Our new séquencefollows in its tradition of integratingseveral disciplines in the physical andbiological sciences, while achievingselectivity through focus on a centralthème."This year's courses, 101-102-103,are "The Evolution of the Universe,""The Evolution of the Solar Systemand the Earth" and "Evolution— Chemical to Biochemical." Next year'sofferings, 104-105-106, willbe "Biological Evolution," "The Design and Function of Organisms" and"Organ-isms to Ecosystems."A new, integrated two-quarterséquence now fufills the requirementof two courses beyond precalculusmath. This séquence, MathematicalSciences 120-121, likewise is gearedtoward students in the humanities andsocial sciences. "Students will inte-grate mathematics, statistics and computer science to analyze sets of data,make mathematical models and thenmake prédictions based on those models," said David Oxtoby, master of thePhysical Sciences Collegiate Division."This year, we are offering moresections of Common Core Humanitiesthan we ever hâve before," said KathleenShelton, master of the Humanities Collegiate Division."We hâve forty-one sections eachquarter, with unusually high facultyparticipation, and we are going to tryvery hard to get the entire freshmanclass signed up for the Common Core,plus ail the second-year students whohaven't yet taken it."The division will house a new séquence designed to fufill the civilizations requirement, Judaic Civilization,Humanities 200-201-202. The courseswill view two millennia of Judiac civilization from historical, political, and social perspectives.The philosophy department hascreated a four-quarter séquence on thehistory of philosophy, another new addition to the Humanities Common Core.The Social Sciences Core has alsochanged, according to collegiate divisionmaster Tetsuo Najita, "to eut acrossdisciplines and to make students awareof the basic concepts which give cohérence and also variation to key aspects ofthe social sciences."Two séquences of courses, SocialSciences 101-102-103 and 121-122-123,replace the four that were offeredthrough 1985. Both séquences concen-trate on political economy in autumnquarter, the relationships of the individ-ual to society in the winter and the ex-amination of other cultures in the spring.ENROLLMENTINCREASESAGAINEnrollment on the quadrangles hasincreased significantly for the thirdstraight year.Figures compiled by the registrarshow that a total of 8,844 students hadsigned up for classes as of the end ofthe third week of the autumn quarter.This represents an increase of 435 stu-ALUMNI MEET AT DARTMOUTHWhile at Dartmouth Collège to speak in a program which brings distinguished women to the Han-over, NH, campus, Président Hanna H. Gray met with alumni from the Vermont-New Hampshirerégion. (L. to r.) Léonard Rieser, Jr. , SB'43; Julia Honeywell Frost, SB'42; Rosemary Rieser; ReubenFrodin, PhB'33, ]D'41; Joanna Frodin, AM'71; Président Gray; Hans M. Ermath, AM'67,PhD'73; Rebecca Hayward Frodin, PhB'33; Sean Gorman, ]D'81; Rosemary Garst Campbell,AM'47; Neal Oxenhandler, AB'48; Colin Campbell, PhD'50; Donald Pease, Jr., PHD'73; (backrow) Hans Penner, DB'58, AM'62, PhD'65; (front row) William Cook, AM'77; Mollie YospeBrooks, AM'55; and Richard Brooks, AB'56, AM'58.dents, or 5.2 percent, over the sameperiod in 1985.The comparable increases from1984 to 1985 and from 1983 to 1984were, respectively, 3.6 percent and 4.4percent. The overall increase from 1983to 1986 has been 13.7 percent.The most dramatic increase overthe three-year period has been in thegraduate divisions, where enrollmentof degree candidates has increased by529 students, or 26.1 percent. The increase follows several stable years ofenrollment, preceded by a period ofsignificant décline.Enrollment of degree candidates inthe Collège since 1983 has increased by237 students, or 8.2 percent. At 858, thenumber of freshmen in the Collège thisyear made the class of 1990 the largest inthe University's history.LIBRARY OFCONGRESS,WESTERN BRANCHWith grants from the Mellon Foundation and the U. S. Department ofEducation, the University of ChicagoLibrary has become a contributor to thedatabase of the Library of Congresscataloging System.With this database, the computer-ized équivalent of a card catalog, theUniversity's library functions essential-ly as a remote cataloging section of theLibrary of Congress. It makes records ofUniversity Library holdings instantlyavailable — both to the nation's Libraryand to the nation's libraries.The University Library, one of theeight U. S. libraries whose original cataloging meets Library of Congress national standards, first considered the possi-bility of cataloging-by-computer withthe Library of Congress when it mergedwith the John Crerar Library in 1981. Itseemed désirable then to update Crerar'scard catalog in order to help integratethat library's 700,000 volumes into theUniversity's collection, and to providequick, computerized access to its catalogof science-related holdings.In 1984, the Library of Congressinstalled its spécial terminais in theUniversity Library's cataloging depart-ment. To date, library staff hâve "keyedin" almost forty thousand records ontothe terminais, which give catalogers adirect link to the national Library ofCongress System. Aside from the Li-Continued on page 22 PALEVSKY CINEMADEDICATEDOn October 28 two searchlightssent their mile-high beams into the skyover the Midway Plaisance. On thatnight, Hollywood made a visit to theUniversity of Chicago.Présent that evening to receive theunlikely guest were Hanna HolbornGray, président of the University, andher husband Charles M. Gray, professor in the Department of History andthe Collège; almost five hundred faculty, staff, students and friends of theUniversity; and the new Max PalevskyCinéma.The Palevsky Cinéma figures as thecenterpiece of the ongoing $6 millionrénovation and restoration project at IdaNoyés Hall, which opened as a women'sclub in 1916. In the third and final stageof the rénovation and restoration project, plans call for landscaping on thesurrounding grounds, including thedevelopment of a garden in the cloisterwhich faces South Woodlawn Avenue;the création of several new offices for theuse of student groups; and the construction of a bowling alley and other gamerooms in the basement. The cinéma,part of the second phase of the project,occupies the space that formerly housedthe gymnasium at Ida Noyés Hall.The dedication of the cinémaspotlighted its namesake, Max Palevsky,SB'48, PhB'48, and Jonathan Demme,director of film and télévision. Palevsky,former trustée of the University and président of three California computer-based companies, donated $1 milliontoward the cinema's construction.Demme, perhaps best known as thedirector of the Academy Award-winningmotion picture Melvin and Howard (1980),arranged a sneak preview of his latestfilm, Something Wild, to celebrate thecinema's dedication.After the screening, Palevsky andDemme joined members of the audience in the Ida Noyés Hall library fora Champagne réception. On his waythere, Demme joked that once the filmhad started he "got nervous afterabout twenty minutes and went downto the Pub for a drink." (The Pub is thestudent tavern in the basement of IdaNoyés Hall.) By his very manner themodest, soft-spoken Demme contra-dicted the glaring searchlights outsideon Fifty-ninth Street.Palevsky concurred. "Let me tellyou, I've been around Hollywood,"confided Palevsky, who has himselfhelped produce such films as Fun withDick and fane, Islands in the Stream andThe Hellstrom Chronicles. "JonathanDemme is not typical. He's very intelligent, very generous."With regard to the new cinéma,Palevsky seemed pleased with theresuit of his own generosity. "I thinkit's just remarkable," he said. "Thearchitect [Vickrey/Ovresat/AwsumbAssociates] did a beautiful job. Everyseat, as far as I could tell— and I sat ina lot of them — is a perfect seat."Referring to the tiered, 500-seatcinéma, Demme said, "It's a greatSearchlights play on front oflda Noyés Hall at a preview of Jonathan Demme'sfilm "Something Wild.'UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/ WINTER 1987•r*(Above) The new Max Palevsky Cinéma in IdaNoyés Hall, on opening night. (Right) FormerTrustée Max Palevsky, SB'48,PhB'48, chatswith students at a Champagne réception, follow-ing dedication ofthe new ciné— and the sound System workedwell." Demme noted that Something Wildis his first narrative film (as opposed tohis 1984 concert film Stop Making Sensé,which featured the music of the bandThe Talking Heads) to use the Dolbymotion picture sound process. ThePalevsky Cinéma, which also features afull-size movie screen and an enclosedprojection room, has a Dolby stereosound system.The cinéma serves as the new homefor the Documentary Film Group, betterknown as Doc Films, the oldest continuing film society in the United States,which for the first time in its f if ty-fouryear history has a formai movie theater."I am very pleased with the cinéma,"said Erik Lieber, fourth-year student inthe Collège and président of Doc Films."Quantrell is a lecture hall, but this is areal movie theater," explained Lieber.The group had screened films in Quantrell Auditorium in Cobb Hall since 1968.Having relocated, Doc continuesits nightly program: popular features on Fridays and Saturdays, with eachnight of the rest of the week devoted toa film séries which concentrâtes on theworks of a particular director, actor, orgenre. Ticket prices, at $2.00 Sundaythrough Thursday and $2.50 on Fridays and Saturdays (quarterly passessell for $14.00), provide students withlow-cost entertainment.Sometimes, Doc also provides aclassroom for students who enroll inGerald Mast's film courses. Mast, AB'61,AM'62, PhD'67, professor in the Department of English Language and Literature and the Collège, teaches courses inthe study of film. According to Lieber,Mast will occasionally coordinate part of V<*:mhis course's syllabus with a film séries atDoc for the quarter.Even outside the classroom, however, film enthusiasts pursue their subject.In the midst of the crowded réception,Palevsky and Demme graciously an-swered students' questions about theirwork and about film in gênerai.For ail that they hâve brought toChicago— from Palevsky, the resourcesto build a cinéma; from Demme, thechance to preview a new film— theUniversity community seemed happyto hâve them hère. Indeed— if men likePalevsky and Demme are moviedom'sambassadors to campus, one wishesthat Hollywood would visit more often.21Franklin "Buzz" Spector in his studio with two examples ofhis art. In the foreground is History ofthe World, in which the pages hâve been shredded; the open book is strewn with ancient pebblesfroma geological site. It's "as if the words and pages ofthis book are dying and as they die they become fossils, "says the artist. Behind it is an old encyclopedia which also has been torn purposely, to create a décrépiteffect; in its open center rests a "book mark"— a 200 year-old sharpening stonefor knives, symbolic ofhow the book itself has helped readers sharpen their minds.brary of Congress itself, only the University of Chicago and Harvard Universityhâve this direct, nationwide access.According to Charles T. Payne, assistant director for Systems at the University Library, the on-line capability willallow the University to contribute valu-able records of its holdings, and partic-ularly of the University's spécial collections. For the purposes of historicalresearch, the knowledge that a certainrare book in Spécial Collections actuallyexists can become important informationin itself. "That information is completelynew," said Payne. "It's unique to theUniversity of Chicago."BREAKINGUP BOOKSTO CREATE ART"I'm not burning books, but whenI tear them up, I'm making a case forart which is phoenix-like, in whichsomething is destroyed so that the actof destruction becomes an act of transformation," says Franklin "Buzz"Spector, MFA'78, in his carefully artic-ulate way. Spector, twice-recipient ofa National Endowment for the Artsfellowship, tears upthe pages ofbooks, breaks their backs, and cutsgutters through the width of them. Buthe does this lovingly. You might say hedoes it reverently.Like an archeologist unearthinglayers of meaning, Spector "excavates"his texts, making a book "more ofitself." Spector's volume of Pushkin,the Russian poet, is open to a pagewashed in black, its opposing leaf issplashed bright blood-red. The tornpages of his turn-of-the-century encyclopedia fan out in a "constellation ofletters," a text as fragmentary as theknowledge the almanac holds; it is an"elegy, " Spector says, to the book'slost authority."I'm very interested in history as aproblem per se," says Spector, sittingin a sunny corner of his Chicago lof t,once an Arthur Murray dance studio,which he shares with his wife, NjaraStout, MBA' 85. Appropriating booksand other printed matter as the rawmaterial for his work occurred to Spector, purely by accident, several yearsago. At that time, he was creating hisown books, bound collections of draw-ings and texts, an art form known as"artists' books," which blossomed inthe sixties. Preparing a wedge-shaped bookwith each page longer than the onebefore it, Spector used an old volumeto fashion an example for his binder.A third of the way through tearing outpages of the book, which happened tobe titled The Evolution ofa Life or From theBondage of Superstition to the Freedom ofReason, he saw a metaphor in the making. "The empty pages, the short pages were at the beginning. The complètepages were at the end. Like the évolution of an éducation." With that, "ev-erything changed," he says. "It wasa sudden left turn in the direction ofa new idea I've been exploring eversince."The contemporary artist's relation-ship to the ideas of Modernism is "one of refinement, " he says. The questionis: "How to understand the potency ofthose ideas, and use them with a philosophy directed towards this time." Spector's Library, eleven wedge-shapedvolumes on a shelf above another filledwith smooth, white rocks, suggestswe are left with two kinds of évidence:written and natural. The torn books areretreating to history, which is dwarfedby the âge of the stones; what we com-prehend of both, he says, nurtures thenew ideas. we create.As symbols, words and images areequally potent, says Spector. "There'sprobably a greater différence between awritten word and a spoken word thanthere is between a written word and arecognizable visual image, " he says.22 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAG AZINE/WINTER 1987"Because as soon as a word is printed it'spictorialized." As editor of the journal,WhiteWalls, also the récipient of an NEAgrant, Spector indulges "an ongoinginterest in the kinds of writing that Visual artists do." He minored in journal-ism at the University of Southern Illinoisat Carbondale, where he received hisbachelor's degree in art in 1972. After-wards, when he supported himself as aneditor and graphie designer, he was tornbetween making art and writing. "It wasat the University," he says, "that peoplewere pointing out to me that that was anarbitrary distinction I was making."When he considered going to graduate school Spector "looked for a programwhich had the best possible universityattached to it." Chicago, despite its smallfine arts program which still numbersless than twenty graduate students,offered, he says, "the most rigorouschallenge I could give myself, an intellectual one."I felt I had the studio tools I need-ed," he says. "The question was howto make art, not from a compulsionthat I could not know, but how to usethat désire to communicate within aframework of ideas."— Brigitta CarlsonBENJAMIN MAYSSCHOLARS NAMEDFannie Theresa Rushing andCynthia Foster hâve become the University's first Benjamin E. Mays fel-lows. The full-tuition, stipended fel-lowships, designed to attract blackPh.D. candidates who wish to pur-sue académie careers, honor the lateBenjamin E. Mays, AM'25, PhD'35, former président of Morehouse Collège.Rushing, formerly director of mi-nority student services at Rosary Collège, holds a B. A. in anthropologyfrom Roosevelt University and an M. éducation from Chicago State University. Her studies in anthropolgy atthe University will focus on théories ofsocial and cultural change, with particular emphasis on the United States,the Caribbean and South America.Foster, formerly on the staff of thelibrary at Tulane University, graduatedfrom Xavier University and holds mas-ter's degrees from both the University ofWisconsin and Loyola University in NewOrléans. As a doctoral candidate in theDivinity School she will concentrate her research on historical theology, partic-ularly the early church f athers of theAlexandrian School."The nation has a critical need forblacks and other minorities in the académie professions," said PrésidentHanna H. Gray in her announcementof the full-tuition scholarships. "TheUniversity of Chicago, which histori-cally has been a leader in graduatingblack Ph.D. 's, is well-equipped to helpmeet this need."UNIVERSITY EXCHANGES962 FOR 702On January 1 the University'sDirect Inward Dial (DID) téléphoneexchange, formerly 962, became 702.In terms of numbers, the DIDchange made almost four thousand new,direct téléphone lines available to University faculty and staff. The Universityhad had access to less than two-thirds ofthe ten thousand possible numbers inthe old 962 exchange, with the balanceheld by other Illinois Bell customers.TWELVEPROFESSORSJOIN FACULTYTwelve new professors, specializ-ing in areas ranging from biologicalsciences to justice in the Middle Agesto the mechanisms of neurotransmit-ters, hâve joined the University.The new full professors are:Lazlo Babai, professor in computerscience, who came to the University in1984 as a visiting professor from EotvosUniversity in Budapest, Hungary. Hewas named an AT&T Fellow in 1985.Babai alternâtes years between the University and Eotvos.Robert Bartlett, professor in history, a specialist in the Middle Ages whocornes to Chicago from the Universityof Edinburgh.Jane Buikstra, AM'69, PhD'72,professor in anthropology, a specialistin biological anthropology who servedas a faculty member at Northwesternbefore joining the University.James Fernandez, professor in anthropology, a former Princeton facultymember who specializes in Africanreligion.Michael Geyer, professor in history,a specialist in modem German historywho cornes to Chicago from the University of Michigan. Lynne Levitsky, professor in pedi-atrics, who has been associated withthe Michael Reese Hospital and Médical Center and the Pritzker School ofMedicine since 1973.Yair Mundlak, the F. H. Prince Professor in Economies, who is formerdirector of research at the Center forAgricultural Economies Research atHebrew University in Israël. He hasbeen the F. H. Prince Visiting Professorin Economies hère since 1978.Robert Perlman, AB'57, SB'58,MD'61, professor in pediatrics, whomost recently was professor and headof the Department of Physiology andBiophysics at the University of Illinoisat Chicago.Veerabhadran Ramanathan, professor in geophysical sciences, an atmosphe-ric scientist who led the Cloud-ClimateInteractions Group at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.Stephen Schulhofer, the first Frankand Bernice J. Greenberg Professor inthe Law School, was a visiting professor hère last year. Schulhofer taughtmost recently at the University ofPennsylvania.Ursula Storb, professor in molecu-lar genetics and cell biology, a specialist in the development of the immuneSystem who cornes to Chicago from theUniversity of Washington in Seattle.Robert Topel, professor in theGraduate School of Business, who leftthe University in 1985 and served as afaculty member at the University ofCalifomia-Los Angeles."USA/USSR SOLUTIONS"CONFERENCE HELDSecretary of State George P. Shultz,former dean of the Graduate School ofBusiness, delivered the keynote addressat a day-long conférence on Soviet-American relations in Mandel Hall inNovember. Shultz praised PrésidentReagan's proposais to reduce nucleararms while pursuing research on theStratégie Défense Initiative (SDI).International House and the ChicagoSun-Times sponsored the forum, titled "ASearch for Solutions: USA/USSR." Thedinner in Hutchinson Commons whichfollowed included a speech by NicholasDaniloff, the U. S. News and World Reportcorrespondent whom the Soviet govern-ment detained for over two weeks lastyear on the charge of spying.23VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIPCONFERENCE HELD"I think éducation is a debt duefrom the présent to future générations.From this University, I believe, hascorne a higher percentage of graduâteswho hâve been involved in higheréducation than from any other majoruniversity. It's a unique quality. Itmeans that contributions hère hâve atremendous multiplier effect. It meansthat money given hère is seed moneyfor a séminal expérience that has asgood a chance as any of influencingthe shape of the future, and that's whyI give to the University, and that's whyI think many people give to the University," Richard!. Bechtolt, PhB'46,AM'50, told attendees at the first annual National Volunteer LeadershipConférence, which was held on campus on October 10 and 11. Bechtolt, aretired Exxon Chemical Companyofficiai, has succeeded Trustée HartPerry, AM'40, as chairman of the Hut-chinsFund.Bechtolt was one of three alumniwho shared their reasons for giving tothe University."This is a historié meeting, the firstof its kind," Edward L. Anderson, Jr.,PhB'46, AM'49, the newly-electedprésident of the Alumni Association,said in welcoming conférence members. The National Volunteer Leadership Conférence replaces the annualmeeting of the National Alumni Cabinet, which has been phased out ofexistence with the restructuring of theUniversity of Chicago Alumni Association. Among the people attendingwere members of the Alumni RelationsBoard, the Alumni Fund Board andvolunteers for the Campaign for theArts and Sciences. Members of theAlumni Schools Committee, who helpto recruit students, were not at thisyear's conférence; they will attend inaltemating years."It is a pleasure to welcome you,"Président Hanna Holborn Gray toldattendees. "The fall is the best time ofthe year, the time when our best friendscorne back. You are our best friends, ailof you who give so much time, and givegenerously in others ways as well, tothe growth of our institution and to itslong-term sustenance."Volunteers were welcomed also byB. Kenneth West, MBA 60, chairman of24 the board of trustées; and William R.Haden, vice-président for develop-ment and alumni relations."We want to stress the fact that whilegiving is very important, it's not the onlything," said Haden. "For those of youwho help us in club organizations, wewant you to know that what you do isevery bit as important as the fundrais-ing. I think it is wonderful that we canbring ail of you together."Haden reported on progress in theCampaign for the Arts and Sciences."We are entering the most excitingtime for the Campaign," he said. "Ishould mention, just to remind you,that it has a goal of $150 million, and itis being carried on primarily to sup-Ellen Swanberg, AM'77port the Collège and the graduatedivisions. We hâve raised nearly $110million so far, and we hâve two givingseasons left; that means we hâve twoDecembers to go. The Campaign willend December 31, 1987. "Haden also reported that in the1985-86 Alumni Fund drive alumnigave a total of $3.85 million to the University, compared to $3.48 million inthe 1984-85 drive.During the conférence, alumniparticipated in a séries of workshops.Norman Barker, Jr., AB'47,MBA53, was chairman of a panel onthe Campaign for the Arts and Sciences and the National Alumni FundBoard. Two alumni shared with theaudience their reasons for giving tothe University, and Barker read a letterfrom a third, who could not attend ."In any university présentationyou hâve to define your terms, "saidlira Wright (4) Richard Bechtolt. "My Universityof Chicago définition cornes— of ailplaces— from the Chicago Tribune, of ayear ago. It's a wonderful phrase: 'Thearrogant, brilliant, infuriating andinescapable community of scholarsproducing ideas that change theworld.'"When we ail went to school, tui-tion was $100 a quarter. But even backin those days, tuition didn't cover thecost of our éducation," Bechtolt said."There were people who had confidence in the University, who didn'tknow me, who made it possible for meto corne hère ... I like Elton Trueblood'slittle statement about people who planand shape dreams, knowing full wellthat they may never sit in their shadow.That is what some anonymous peopledid for me and what we hâve a chanceto do in our giving to the Universityof Chicago."Irwin Biederman, AB'40, MBA42,told the group: "Each of us considersthat the time when he attended theUniversity was unique. I do feel thatthe years immediately preceding thesecond World War were unique in-deed. We were well into the administration of Robert Maynard Hutchins,and the forces which would soon bringWorld War II were at work. The atmosphère on campus was challengingand we were challenged by it . . . Andthose endless discussions we used tohâve down at the University Tavernover the finer points of Aristotle carried over for most of us, I think, into acontinuing interest in inquiry intohuman thought. ... I think we ail cameto realize that this community of scholars could not exist on our goodwillalone, that it requires a good deal ofmoney for the University to remainGary Greenberg, AB'62, AM'63Trustée Marion Lloydindependent, to provide the climate,faculty and leadership that makes itsuch an important institution. Thiscannot be accomplished without ourcommitment."Barker read a letter from Samuel D.Kersten, AB'35, in which he describedhis reasons for giving to the University. "You requested that I summarize, ina letter, my reasons for endowing theKersten Physics Teaching Center,"wrote Kersten. "Your assignment isnot an easy one, for the décision toendow the building was made onlyafter a great deal of reflection. . . .Instrumental in my thinking was mywife, Elaine. As we discussed the ideaof the contribution, she consistentlyencouraged me not to 'think small' . . ."I attended the University of Chicago during the depths of the Dépression.At the time, the opportunity to obtain acollège éducation was a privilège thatfew enjoyed. My years at the Universityof Chicago prepared me well for laterlife. I feel very strongly that I wouldhâve not become the person I am without the knowledge and discipline theUniversity gave me. Thus, as I consid-ered the idea of making a major contribution, it became clear that the University of Chicago ought to be its récipient."When I first approached the University with this idea, there were several major projects underway whichrequired financial underwriting. However, the Physics Teaching Center wasfrom the beginning a natural choice.First, the success of my company istied to scientific research, in that wemanufacture equipment for laborato- ries. It is therefore appropriate that mygift further scientific research. Second, the building itself was then underconstruction, and it was clear that itwas going to be a truly outstandingstructure. The idea of having theKersten name associated with it ap-pealed to me very much."... Underlying ail of my thinkingabout this is the idea that this gift is mylegacy to my wife, my children, theUniversity and the community. TheKersten Physics Teaching Center re-presents what I hâve given back tothose people and those institutions,and I think this is the real reason whyI gave it."A panel of four students told volunteers about their expériences at theUniversity. Karen Anderson, a juniorin the Collège, said, "I was afraid I'dnever learn how to do such basic citythings as hail a taxi or ride the el train.... I guess the first thing that I reallyleamed is that the University providesincredible opportunities if you just goout and look for them. I've been in-volved on the newspaper staff hère,and I felt it was a really wonderful wayto get to know a lot of the people in theadministration and I've learned a lotabout the University."One thing I'd like to mention thathas disappointed me about the University is that when I got into my classes, I started to ask myself 'where arethe women?', because after taking anentire year of the common core inWestern Civilization, I had read onepièce that was supposed to be by awoman and it was St. Perpétua talkingabout the wonders of being a martyr."William McDade, who is a candidate for a joint M. D. -Ph.D. said, "Mybiology professors [at De Paul University] felt that pursuing a joint degree,both an M.D. and a Ph.D., might besomething I'd like to think about. Sothey arranged for me to corne over totalk to the chairman of the biochemistrydepartment, Don Steiner. [Steiner,MD'56, SM'56, is the A. N. PritzkerDistinguished Service Professor inMedicine, Molecular Genetics, and CellBiology.] I didn't realize at the timewhat a great honor that was. I lookedinto the book that's published about theDivision of Biological Sciences, calledResearch In Progress, and I decided therewere a number of people that I wantedto work with. It's a very schizophréniesort of life that you lead because you don't know whether you're a graduateor a médical student ... I went to fivenational meetings last year, presentingtalks on my work and différent aspectsof my work. I've published papersand hâve actually written sections inmonographs."Prior to the National VolunteerLeadership Conférence, the newlyconstituted Alumni Executive Councilheld its first meeting on Thursday,October 9. The Council consists of thechairmen of the three alumni boards,(the Alumni Fund Board, the AlumniSchools Committee, and the AlumniRelations Board.) Other members arethe chairman of the University of ChicagoMagazine Advisory Committee; theprésident of the University of ChicagoClub of Metropolitan Chicago; andthe chairman of the next scheduledannual reunion. The Council alsoincludes four représentatives of theprofessional schools' alumni associations and six at-large members.The new Alumni Association constitution stipulâtes that managementof the association shall be vested in anAlumni Executive Council. The Council shall set policy, advise the University administration on alumni affairs,and shall coordinate and oversee theactivities of three alumni boards.The Alumni Executive Councildiscussed, among other things, services to alumni with the intention ofexpanding thèse; activities of alumniof the professional schools, with aneye to expanding thèse so that ailalumni might sometimes be invited;and how to strengthen alumni clubs. SJohn Dille, AB'35, AM'5625OF BUBBLESAND BANGSContinued from page 16al stage has held student actors whoplayed non-Equity (non-union) rôles."I regularly go to the student shows andtry to keep track of actors who might beinteresting, " saidTiarks.In addition to thèse professionalopportunities, students also can earncrédit for their work in theater. "There'sa little known fact that a student at theUniversity of Chicago can graduatewith a theater major," asserted FrankKinahan, associate professor in the Department of English Language and Literature and the Collège and chairmanof the UT Board of faculty advisors.According to Kinahan, students maypursue a course of study with a theaterconcentration."There are three ways in which a student can get académie crédit for practicalwork," noted Kinahan. "One is throughcoursework." Kinahan refers to thecourses in acting, directing, and stage design which the Committee on GeneralStudies in the Humanities has offered inthe past three years. "Another is theCourt Théâtre internship program. A student can take the internship as a coursewithin the Committee on General Studies in the Humanities which is super-vised by the person they're immediatelyworking with, and ultimately by me. Fi-nally, you can gain académie crédit forworking in UT by registering for a readingcourse in the Committee on General Studies. You can direct, you can design, youcan act."In addition to thèse options, students who major in English may pursuea theater concentration (with more ofan emphasis on académie work) and/orchoose to use theater work as the basisfor their bachelor's papers. In the caseof Tango, Joan Polner used her rôle asEleanor as the basis for her critical anal-ysis of the play, and Justyna Frank sub- mitted her finished translation to theEnglish department.For her part, Frank considers thetranslation a milestone in her life.Whereas she entered the Collège withthe idea that she would study biochem-istry, she leaves it this year with plans tomake a career of writing and translatingfor the theater. "This is what I want todo," she said of the expérience, "andthis was a way for me to see what it'slike. This was a turning point."Somehow, sans theater department, the University has provided atime and a place for the turning points.Harry Morgan, X'34, first becamefamous on the 1960s TV police drama"Dragnet," and then as ColonelSherman T. Potter on one of television'slongest-running séries, "M*A*S*H."Interestingly enough, the Col. Pottercharacter had a love for horses whichhad stemmed from his days in thecavalry of the U. S. Army. As a student inthe Collège, Morgan (then Bratsburg)took a class called "Hippology andEquitation"— in other words, the studyof horses.Céleste Holm, X'34, began her study of drama hère; since then, her manyprofessional honors hâve includedAcademy Award nominations for herwork in the films Corne to the Stable (1949)and AU About Eve (1950), as well as the1947 Oscar for best supporting actressin Gentleman's Agreement.Marilu Henner, X'74, left the Collège to begin her career in the touringcompany of the hit musical Grease. Sheeventually achieved stardom in thepopular TV séries "Taxi."InNewYorkMikeNichols, X'53, haswon Antoinette Perry (Tony) awards asdirector for the Broadway plays Barefoot inthe Park (1963), Lw(1964), The Odd Couple(1965), Plaza Suite (1968), The Prisoner ofSecond Avenue (1971), and The Real Thing(1984); in Hollywood he won an Acade my Award as best director for his filmThe Graduate (1967) . In April 1951 Nicholsdirected his first play in the third floortheater of Ida Noyés Hall, a productionof W. B. Yeats' Purgatory.On that play's opening night theUniversity audience saw one of EdAsner's, X'48, first performances as anactor. Asner became famous as the"Lou Grant" character in television's"Mary Tyler Moore Show" and thespin-off " Lou Grant; " in both séries therôle won him a total of five of his sevenEmmys. In 1947 he had corne to the University intending to study political science. After a couple of years he foundhimself divested of what little académieambition he had brought to Chicago,but in the process he discovered a newinterest: acting. He dropped out of theCollège and began to take part in UTproductions, in which he played suchrôles as Thomas a Becket in Murderin theCathedral and Sir Pertinax Surly in TheAlchemist.Asner worked with other peoplewho began to realize their talents in thetheater, among them Paul Sills, X'52. "Ican remember one time being so angryat him, " said Asner. "He put together awonderful production of Peer Gynt . . .and I was playing a troll."He irritated me backstage aboutsomething and I brought the anger onstage. In my entrance as a troll, I came inand I swung off a beam. I guess I secret-ly knew karaté, which I didn't know, because I came swinging on the beam andI flacked down on the stage with mybare feet. I broke the two-by-four orwhatever we were landing on with myheel. So, naturally Paul was the two-by-four, but it really got it out of my System.That's the only time I can remember being mad athim."Ed Asner played a troll?"Oh, I was great as a troll, " claimedAsner. "I was fantastic."Sills, Asner's momentary two-by-four, directed several student theaterproductions at the University. Hefound himself surrounded by a remark-able pool of talent. Nichols, Asner, Susan Sontag, AB'51, and Fritz Weaver,among others, ail acted in student productions at the University during Sills'time in the Collège.Partly resulting from this confluence of talent, a group established itself in the autumn of 1950 as the avant-garde complément to UT. CalledTonight at 8:30, it proceeded to reflect2b UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1987on stage the intensely créative atmosphère Hyde Park maintained in theearly 1950s. "It was the same raw ener-gy that was occurring off Broadway inNew York (or about to), in which themoribund stage was brought to life byyoung people— young people who per-haps did not bring jaded technique, butwho brought energy, " recalled Asner."And [there was] nobody to say 'No, it'snot done that way. " 'The way they did do it was revolu-tionary. That group of young peopleand their association at the Universityformed the basis for what would become The Second City. In 1953 they leftthe University and reunited in a Company called the Playwrights TheaterClub. In 1955, after two years and sometwo dozen plays produced there, theclub lost its North Side theater throughfire code violations. Later that year,however, Sills and David Shepherdstarted an improvisational theater, theCompass Players, in a bar at the cornerof 55th Street and University Avenue.Until 1957 audiences crowded in,five nights a week, to see some inspiredchaos. Using improvisational techniques which Sills' mother, Viola Spo-lin, had developed, the Compass Players acted not from scripts but from eitheraudience suggestions or their own briefstory outlines. The troupe, consistingmostly of UT and Tonight at 8 : 30 alumni,created a delightful rapport with theiraudiences and each other.The chemistry between Nicholsand Elaine May, for instance, launchedthem to national prominence in the late1950s when they left Chicago. Withscènes they had improvised together atthe Compass as their act, they found almost immédiate success. An Eveningwith Mike Nichols and Elaine May, theirtwo-person show on Broadway, en-joyed great popularity, as did their record albums and their radio and télévision appearances.The story is told that they hadstarted their famous collaboration asMay waited in one of the downtown Illinois Central stations for a train to HydePark. Nichols approached the benchwhere she sat. "May I sit down?" he in-toned in a German accent. "If youweesh," she replied. They proceededto improvise a conversation betweentwo secret agents.They ended their unique partnershipin order to pursue their separate careers,but until they did, one of their producers was Bernie Sahlins, AB'43. Sahlins knewas well as Nichols and May that the Compass' new ideas held great potential forthe theater. With Sills and Howard Alk,he helped start a new nightclub, The Second City, at 1842 North Wells Street.Sahlins acted as business manager, Sillsas director, and Alk as actor in a eastwhich also included Roger Bowen, X'55,Severn Darden, X'50, Andrew Duncan,X'55, Eugène Troobnick, X'53, BarbaraHarris, and Mina Kolb. Like the Nicholsand May routines the east generated itsmaterial, a satirical revue of songs andsketches, from improvisation in rehearsaland performance. Also like Nichols andMay, they met with success.The Second City has since become anational institution of comedy. When inthe mid- 1970s "Saturday Night Live" became the hit of late-night télévision, Second City could claim crédit both as thetraining ground for many of its comedi-ans and as the prototype for its irreverentsatire. Through the John Belushis and theBill Murrays, Sahlins has produced and/or directed the semi-annual Second Cityrevues for their entire twenty-seven-yearhistory in Chicago.Sahlins returned to campus thispast October— back to where it ulti-mately began for the révolution inAmerican theater— to teach studentswhat he has done so successfully andwell at The Second City. The Committee on General Studies in the Humanities sponsored his course, "The ShortComic Scène," which Sahlins madeavailable to students by audition only.From the approximately 120 who triedout for him last spring, Sahlins chosetwenty students for registration in theautumn quarter class."I came back to campus because ofthe kind of student at Chicago," saidSahlins. "I want my actors to play at thetop of their intelligence. Eventually, theywill get to the point that they become self-sufficient. I want to be able to leave hèrehaving created an on-going thing." Thisspring in the Cloister Club at Ida NoyésHall the students will perform their cast-written revue, which for an unusual classlike this may well serve as the final exam.While most of the students Sahlinsdirected hâve no expérience in improvisation, some hâve studied the technique already under Steve Schroer.Schroer reinstated the study of improvisational theater at the University:for the last three years he has conductedworkshops in improvisation and in 1985 he began Avant-Garfielde, a week-ly show of live improvisation at Jimmy'sWoodlawn Tap. As they once did atCompass (whose building stood half ablock west of Jimmy's) Hyde Parkers fillthe room, drink béer, and throw outsuggestions for scènes to the troupe.Paul Sills, who directed those ear-lier improvisors at the Compass, said,"One of the reasons Chicago had suchan impact on theater, if you want toknow the truth, is that it never had adrama department. Well, I don't knowwhy. It's sort of a paradox. Everybodythat was in it, that was interested in theater, had a chance through the University or through Tonight at 8:30 to maketheir own forms. We had the energy todo that. Whereas if we had been trainedby Mr. This or Mr. That, working inclasses, I doubt we'd hâve had that sameenergy or that same ability to keepworking. We just did what we did, andleamed thereby."* * *At 10:30 on this Thursday night, thetheater doors open. Tango' s openingnight audience straggles into the Reynolds Club stair hall and begins to min-gle with the east.Oblivious to the excitement aroundhim, Paul Reubens looks at his makeup-stained costume, a black full-cut tuxedo,and sighs, "This definitely needs to bedry-cleaned."Frank makes her way through thegroups of well-wishers and embracesReubens, tuxedo and ail. "The danceworked!"She's happy because tonight the éléments of her play— except for the gun—hâve corne together for the first time.People hâve corne together: Frank'smother and father from the northwestside of Chicago watch her as she acceptsfrom friends the congratuations herwork has earned. Concepts hâve cornetogether."The people in this play are just likesome people in Poland," says Frank.Her mother and father agrée— they sawpolitical relevance in the playwrightMrozek's work. "I didn't see it until tonight," Frank says, a little amazed."Being in theater at UT," remem-bered Ed Asner, "you were forced tolearn about things other than theater."Like many who hâve contributed tothe vitality of student theater hère,what Justyna Frank leamed had to dowith those other things. S27CLASS NEWS Photos by C. G. Bloomni Schuyler Jones, X'21, and his wife livem-. A. in Wichita, KS. They enjoy traveling.Samuel C. Ratcliffe, PhD'21, professoremeritus of sociology at Illinois WesleyanUniversity, Bloomington, celebrated hislOOth birthday in September.O *} Charles A. Messner, AM'22, teaches' ' courses in world literature at JohnKnox Retirement Village, Lees Summit, MO.Marie Niergarth Zander, PhB'22, real-tor associate with Merrill Lynch Realty/Boomhower in Sarasota, FL, was honoredat a luncheon for her outstanding achieve-ment of thirty years of service with the firm.f} Q Arthur J. Goldberg, PhB'23, of Losm-\\J Angeles, retired after working as aC.P.A. since 1923. O'Tln June, Robert C. Calderwood,Ami AM'27, ministerof membership andVisitation at the Wesley Methodist Church,Bloomington, IL, was honored by his congrégation for his fifty years of work in theministry. In May, he received an award fromthe United Way of MacLean County, IL, forhis volunteer work as chairman of the Seniors and Handicapped on Wheels— Bus toUrban Services. He also was honored by theEast Central Illinois Area Agency in Aging,Inc., as the "outstanding volunteer in MacLean County."Mildred L. Melville, PhB'27, is a memberof the board of directors of the School of MusicAlumni of the University of Houston.Alice Carter Querfeld, PhB'27, and herhusband Dale celebrated their fifty-sixth anni-versary in August. They live in Boulder, CO.FAMILY ALBUM- '86(Back row) Mrs. Richard S. Brokaw; Dr. Richard S. Brokaw; James A. Brokawll, PhD'86; Dr. Louis F.Sandock; (Front row) Phyllis Silvertrust Sandock, AB'39; Ruth Mandel, AM'80; Mollie Sandock,AM'76, AM'79, PhD'85.O C Last spring, Earl O. Latimer, SM'25,Am\\*s MD'28, received the DistinguishedAlumnus Award from Hendrix Collège,Conway, AK. He lives in Sun City, AZ.^/T Eleanor Howard Coulter, MAT'26,Z—\J of Fayette, MO, delivers "Meals onWheels" to house-bound families. She iswriting a genealogy entitled The Howards andSomeRelated Families. OO Allan A. Filek, SB'28, MD'33, ofm—\D Sun City, AZ, works for the MilitaryEntrance Processing Station in Phoenix.Estelle Rochells Greenberg, PhB'28,and her husband Rabbi David L . Greenbergcelebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversa-ry. They were honored by their congrégation for fifty-five years of association withthe Temple Beth Israël of Fresno, CA. Ofj Harry C. Partlow, JD'30, retired af-\J\J ter fifty years of law practice andmembership in the Illinois State Bar Association. He is an extra class amateur (ham) radio operator in Casey, IL.Elise Rosenwald Schweich, PhB'30,and her husband hâve been married for fif-ty-four years. Elise is active in Springboardto Learning, a cultural enrichment program, which she founded in 1964 for ele-mentary schools in the St. Louis area.Ol Robert W. Bâtes, PhD'31, of Kino\J J_ Springs, AZ, was awarded an honor-ary doctor of science degree from SimpsonCollège, Indianola, IA.Frédéric W. Heineman, JD'31, is a suprême court judge by appointment andpractices non-controversial law in Phoenix.Dale A. Letts, PhB'31, JD'35, and his wifeLouise celebrated their fortieth anniversary inAugust. They live in Amarillo, TX.Chester V. Lewis, PhB'31, conducted aséries of seminars on pre- and post-retire-ment planning at the University of Arizona,Tucson.William S. Minor, DB'31, PhD'71, isprofessor of créative communication in theCollège of Communications and Fine Arts,Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.Edward F. Steichen, MD'31, of Lenora,KS, was founding director of the ValleyHope Alcohol and Drug Treatment Centersand is active in the support of this program,now in five states. He developed a "Univer-sal Safety Exercise" designed to assist cardi-ac rehabilitation and gênerai recovery.OO Norman N. Gill, PhB'32, is adjunct\J mm\ professor of political science and director of the Institute of Citizenship at Marquette University, Milwaukee.OO George L. Herbolsheimer III, PhB'33,\J\J JD'35. See 1936, Henrietta Herbolsheimer.Alice F. Mooradian, X'33, of Lewiston,NY, received an honorary doctor of humaneletters degree from Niagara University, NY,in récognition of "her lifetime of service toothers."For her extensive work in Jewish community programs, Lorraine Solomon Moss,PhB'33, was honored at the Jewish Community Centers of Chicago Adult Services Hallof Famé Banquet held in June.In March, Louis B. Newman, MD'33, ofChicago, was recognized by the IllinoisPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Society for his service, research and teaching inthe field of physical medicine and rehabilitation.Herman E. Ries, Jr., SB'33, PhD'36, is aresearch associate in the Department of Mo-lecular Genetics and Cell Biology at theUniversity. In May he was elected a fellow ofthe American Association for the Advance-ment of Science, which cited his work inUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/ WINTER 1987"the formation and properties of monomo-lecular films, and for extension of film tech-nology to the study of biologically signifi-cant Systems."35ford, IL.Rachel H. Cummings, PhB'35, is anursing-home volunteer in Rock-O /l Last spring California State Univer-vUO sity-Los Angeles inaugurated "TheJean Burden Poetry Séries" in honor of JeanPrussing Burden, AB'36, of Altadena, CA.This program will enable The Writing Center at Cal-State to sponsor several visitingpoets each year.Harriet Wells Gill, PhB'36, a clinical social worker, writes a weekly essay for theSan Diego Public Broadcasting System,KPBS Radio.The board of trustées of the AmericanMédical Association presented HenriettaHerbolsheimer, SB'36, MD'38, with theDoctor Benjamin Rush Award for Citizen-ship and Community Service for her outstanding contribution to the community.Fourteen members of her family wereprésent at the ceremony, including GeorgeL. Herbolsheimer III, PhB'33, JD'35,Catherine Herbolsheimer Hoobler, SB'38,and George L. Herbolsheimer IV, MBA'73.O O Catherine Herbolsheimer Hoobler,OO SB'38. See 1936, Henrietta Herbolsheimer.Jean Saurwein Simmons, PhD'38, retired as assistant to the président of UpsalaCollège, East Orange, NJ, where she is professor emeritus of chemistry and biochem-istry. She participâtes in various scientificand other organizations, and she does workand publishes in the history of science.O Q Charles Ban'fe, Jr., X'39, is a lecturerJ y in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Managementand teaches new enterprise management atthe Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, CA.Philip Kramer, MD'39, of Natick, MA,is professor emeritus and a member of theadmissions committee at the Boston University School of Medicine.Ole G. Landsverk, PhD'39, ofRushford, MN, published a history of hisfamily and translated into English several ofhis father's poerns. He has written severalbooks on previously unknown concealeddates and messages in sixteen runic carv-ings from New England to the MississippiRiver basin.David S. Logan, AB'39, JD'41, of Chicago, is chairman of the literature panel andthe artists-in-residence panel of the IllinoisArts Council.AC\ Chauncy D. Harris, PhD'40, the Sa-j\) muel Harper Distinguished ServiceProfessor Emeritus in the Department ofGeography at the University of Chicago,was awarded the Cullum GeographicalMedal by the American Geographical Society. He was honored for his contributions tourban geography, économie geography, So viet studies, and geographical bibliography.Bundhit Kantabutra, MBA'40, of thefirm Kantabutra and Kantabutra, Consulting actuaries and statisticians, Bangkok,Thailand, was awarded the honorary degree of doctor of science in statistics by Ka-setsart State University, Bangkok, for hiscontributions to the administration, collection, and processing of basic officiai statistics and to statistical éducation in Thailand. Norman B. Sigband, AB'40, AM'41,PhD'54, is professor in the Graduate Schoolof Business of the University of SouthernCalifornia, Los Angeles. He received anhonorary doctor of humane letters degreefrom DePaul University, Chicago, in récognition of his contributions to the field ofmanagement communication and in récognition of his international réputation in thefield.FAMILY ALBUM- '86(Back row: l. to r.) Xiaqing Diana Chen, AM'86; Chingjean Tsien, PhD'84; T. H. Tsien, AM'52,PhD '57; professor emeritus, Far Eastern Languages and Literature and former curator, Far EasternLibrary. (Front row) Wen-Ching Tsien.1 * *'f¦ I i Il É(Back row: l.(Front row: l to r.) Rudolph E. Nelson; Linda Nelson Bailis, AM'86; Ronald S. Bailis, JD'66;to r.) David Bailis; LaVerne Fedro Nelson; Jacob Bailis.29Ajj Sara Boddinghouse, AM'42, wasJÏ.A-. named a "Woman of Distinction" bythe Half Moon Bay (CA) Soroptimists inhonor of her years of community service.Daniel L. Levy, AB'42, of Los Angeles,enjoyed a trip to Israël and Greece thissummer.Robert O. Wright, AB'42, is executivedirector of the Peoria, IL, Economie Development Association. PhD '50, retired from Northwest MissouriState University, Kirksville, after thirty-fiveyears of service there. He was dean of theGraduate School.Oscar F. Schaaf, AM'46, retired fromhis joint appointment in mathematics éducation with the University of Oregon andthe Eugène, OR, public schools. He continues as professor of éducation at the University of Oregon.FAMILY ALBUM-'86Robert A. DeVries, SB'58, MBA'61; Robert S. DeVries, MBA'86.AO H. Frank Brooks, SB'43, MD'45, is^t\J clinical assistant professor at theUniversity of Illinois Collège of Medicine atPeoria.Joseph A. Parks, Jr., MD'43, of Prescott,AZ, visited Nicaragua with a group underthe auspices of Witness for Peace. Living intemporary shelters, they toured villagesand hospitals in the countryside./^ /\ In April Robert E. Ledbetter, Jr.,JL J. DB'44, PhD'50, a retired ministerand social worker, received the 1986 Bow-man-Moore Award given by the TexasCouncil on Family Relations at its annualconférence in Arlington, TX. The award rec-ognized his "significant contributions tomarriage and family life in Texas." He livesin Austin.A£L Phoebe Mellinger Anderson,rtO AM'46, PhD'68, of Chicago, wasawarded a degree of doctor of humane let-ters, honoris causa, for her work in Christianéducation.In June 1985, Léon F. Miller, AM'46, AJ~7 Thomas E. Connolly, AM'47,jl.J PhD'51, professor of English at theState University of New York at Buffalo, ison research leave for 1986-87.Herbert J. Gans, PhB'47, AM'50, theRobert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology atColumbia University, New York, was elect-ed président of the American SociologicalAssociation.Bill Kamin, PhB'47, of Menlo Park, CA,teaches corporate finance at local universities and does free-lance photography.Carolyn Lindsay Ortmeyer, SB'47, re-turned from Hong Kong where she taughtEnglish at the Chinese University for twen-ty years. She lives in Santa Rosa, CA, andteaches English to foreign students at Sono-ma State University, Rohnert Park, CA.AQ George Anastaplo, AB'48, JD'51,"O PhD'64, is professor of law at LoyolaUniversity of Chicago, professor emeritusof political science at Rosary Collège, andlecturer in the libéral arts at the Universityof Chicago. During 1985-86, he deliveredthe Gannett Bicentennial Lectures on the Constitution at the Rochester Institute ofTechnology, Rochester, NY. The lectureswere published in the Loyola University of Chicago Law Journal.Ernst L. Gayden, Jr., PhB'48, resignedfrom his position as urban planning member of the King County (WA) Design Commission after seventeen years of service. Hehas traveled to Morelia, Mexico, to teach inWestern Washington University's foreignstudy program, developing opportunitiesfor students to do village internships in ap-propriate technology.Gale Scribner Gill, PhB'48, of Texarkana,TX, makes stoneware pottery, runs an artshop, and writes a visual arts newsletter.Robert E. Lamitie, AB'48, of Union-ville, CT, works as a consultant after retiringfrom his job as associate commissioner oféducation in Connecticut.In June, Donald Osterbrock, PhB'48,SB'48, SM'49, PhD'52, was awarded anhonorary doctor of science degree by OhioState University, Columbus. He is on thefaculty of Lick Observatory, University ofCalifornia-Santa Cruz.Last year, Austin M. Wright, AM'48,PhD'59, received the $25,000 Whiting Writ-er's Award from the Mrs. Giles B. WhitingFoundation. He is the Charles Phelps TaftProfessor of English at the University ofCincinnati and has written several books.Margery Stone Zeitlin, PhB'48, is edi-torial secretary for the World Zionist Organization in Jérusalem.AÇ\ Dan E. Andrew, MBA'49, retired as^t.y chairperson of the board of DesPlaines National Bank in July. He will continue as a member of the board of directors of thebank and of Des Plaines National Bancorp,Inc., holding company of the bank, and asvice-chairman of the holding company.Richard L. Bloch, AB'49, and his wifeNancy live in Santa Fe, NM, where they import, breed, and train show jumper horsesunder the name of Pinon Farm.John V. Long, AB'49, JD'51, an attorneywith the law firm of Long and Long, Bethes-da, MD, was appointed vice-chair of theCommittee on International Laws and Procédures of the American Bar AssociationSection of Family Law.Eric Schopler, AB'49, AM'55, PhD'64,received the 1985 Distinguished Professional Contribution Award and the Oliver MaxGordon Award from the University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill, and theAmerican Psychological Association. Hewas recognized for his work with autisticchildren and their families.CH Charles H. Arnold, DB'50, AM'61,\J \J was appointed to write the centenni-al history of the University Church of Disciples of Christ at the University of Chicago.Charles E. Burnett, MBA'50, of SanFrancisco, retired after thirty-five yearswith Pacific Telesis. He does Civil War research, and he and his wife Barbara restoreVictorian homes and run a Consulting firm.Oscar J. Krasner, AM'50, is professor ofmanagement in the executive M.B.A. program at Pepperdine University, Los30 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAG AZINE/WINTER 1987Angeles. He will serve as co-chairperson ofthe 1987 Babson Entrepreneurship Conférence to be held at Pepperdine's MalibuCampus this spring.Lionel J. Lerner, AB'50, AM'52, is anelectrical génération Systems specialist forthe California Energy Commission, Sacra-mento. He lives with his wife, Sally, in Car-michael, CA.Vernon W. Ruttan, AM'50, PhD'52, wasappointed Régents Professor of Agriculturaland Applied Economies at the University ofMinnesota, St. Paul, and he became a fellowof the American Association for the Advance-ment of Science. He also received the Distinguished Service Award from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the DistinguishedPolicy Contribution Award from the American Agricultural Economies Association.CT"1 Robert P. Anderson, AM'51, PhD'54,\J -L is professor emeritus of psychology atTexas Tech University, Lubbock.Irving Horwitz, AB'51, AM'54, retiredfrom the U.S. Department of Housing andUrban Development and works with theHyde Park, Chicago, Co-op Fédéral CréditUnion. His wife, Riva Levin Horwitz,AM'56, is a career counselor at the JohnMarshall Law School.Chrysoula Kardara, PhD'51, is professor emeritus at Athens University, Greece.Aletha A. Kowitz, SB'51, received theAward of Merit of the Odontographic Society of Chicago in April 1985. She compiledthe bibliography Dentistry Joumals and Sériais:An Analytical Guide.CO Paul R. Kuhn, AB'52, SB'54, MD'56,\J m\m, serves on the board of directors ofHoag Mémorial Hospital, Newport Beach,CA. His son, Jeffrey Kuhn, MD'85, is at Stanford University, CA, and will join Paul in hisprivate practice after he complètes his residen-cy in internai medicine.[TQ Warren D. Orloff, AB'53, SB'54,\J \J and his wife celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with an Alaskancruise. Orloff is a consulting actuary for amajor firm specializing in the design andadministration of retirement plans. He livesin Santa Monica, CA.C C David K. Hartley, AM'55, is affiliated•±J\J with the commercial appraisal staff ofReal Estate Resources, Washington, DC.In May Harriet Lange Rheingold,PhD'55, was awarded an honorary degreeof doctor of science from the University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill.Gerald M. Sass, AM'55, vice-présidentof éducation at the Gannett Foundation,Rochester, NY, received an award in Febru-ary from the Howard University School ofCommunications, Washington, DC, for hiswork in increasing opportunities for minor-itiesin journalism.[T/C Angelo G. Garoufalis, MBA 56, was^J\J elected vice-président of health caresales of Varco Inc., Chicago.Riva Levin Horwitz, AM'56. See 1951, Irving Horwitz.Richard G. Swift, AM'56, is professorof music at the University of California-Davis. Three of his compositions premieredin 1986: Stravaganza X, Sérénade Concertante II,and Things of August.Sam Venturella, AM'56, retired fromthe Chicago Department of Economie Development in January 1986. He is présidentof Henry George School of Social Science,Chicago.57Denver.John B. Aycrigg, MD'57, is executivedirector of the Bethesda Hospital inPT O Donald Nordstrom, MBA'58, is vice-\«/C_/ président of human resources forPrudential Overall Supply, Irvine, CA.Robert H. Puckett, AM'58, PhD'61,professor of political science at IndianaState University, Terre Haute, was appointed to the académie advisory committee of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff Collège. pleted a term as président of the American Ed-ucational Research Association.James B. Sipple, AM'59, is chairman ofthe Department of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Lawrenceville School, NJ.lL Ç\ After serving as youth director ofV/V/ the North Shore Congrégation Israël, Glencoe, IL, for 30 years, Alvin Platt,AM'60, became executive director of Temple Emanuel in Beverly Hills, CA.Ç**\ Arthur J. Klowden, SB'62, is an at-\JmCm tending anesthesiologist at the Illinois Masonic Médical Center and the Shrin-ers Hospital for Crippled Children, and aclinical assistant professor at the Universityof Illinois Collège of Medicine, Chicago. Hereceived the Illinois Masonic HousestaffAssociation award for excellence in teaching and was appointed to the Committee onEconomies of the Illinois Society of Anes-thesiologists. He lives with his wife and twodaughters in Skokie, IL.Dan "Skip" Landt, AM'62, marriedFAMILY ALBUM- '86Ada Poller Roger; Anthony Paul Roger, AM'86; Robert Alan Joseph Roger, MBA 52.C Q Mary Ann Glendon, AB'59, JD'61,\_J y MCL'63, delivered the Julius Rosen-thal Foundation Lecture Séries for f ail 1986at the Northwestern University School ofLaw, Chicago.Lee S. Shulman, AB'59, AM'60, PhD'63,professor of éducation at Stanford University,Stanford, CA, directs a research programsponsored by the Carnegie Corporation to de-velop teacher assessments for the NationalBoard of Teaching Standards. He also com- Fran Wishinsky in July. He is director ofplanning and assistant to the chancellor atthe City Collèges of Chicago. He teachesharmonica at the Old Town School of FolkMusic and serves on the panel on Ethnieand Folk Arts for the Illinois Arts Council./TO David Fleming, AM'63, PhD'65, ofV/vJ St. Louis, is completing an eight-yearterm as provincial director of the Society ofMary for the Midwest and as chancellor of St.31Mary's University, San Antonio, TX.Richard Grayson, AM'63, professor ofmusic at Occidental Collège, Los Angeles,was commissioned by the collège to write awork for chorus and orchestra to celebrateits centennial in 1987.Susan Guggenheim Lowenstam, AB'63,is gênerai counsel and secretary of the boardof trustées of the Aerospace Corporation, LosAngeles.£LA Philip G. Henderson, MBA'64, ofv/^t Lake Bluff, IL, is senior vice-président of A. S. Hansen, Inc., Deerfield, IL,and is vice-chairman of the board of direc-tors of ACME, Inc., the association of management consulting firms.Michael H. Hoyle, SM'64, was appointed deputy chairman of the EconomistsAdvisory Group Ltd., a London-based firmof économie consultants.Barbara S. Hughes, AB'64, AM'68, received her J.D. from the University of Wis-consin Law School in May and was admit-ted to the State Bar of Wisconsin and the /T /2 Benjamin Cohen, AB'66, AM'68, isUU Systems manager for the Institutefor Theoretical Physics-Santa Barbara, CA.His wife, Patricia Cline Cohen, AB'68, is associate professor of history at the Universityof California-Santa Barbara. They hâve twochildren and live in Goleta, CA.Dennis M. DeLeo, JD'66, director ofEastman Kodak Company's corporate commercial affairs, was elected a corporate vice-président of Kodak. He and his wife live inWebster, NY.Virginia Valiska Gregory, AM'66, of In-dianapolis, IN, was awarded an IndividualArtist Master Fellowship by the IndianaArts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts for "artistic excellence andachievements" in the field of children's literature.Richard Hasher, SB'66, received a Cer-tificate of Honor from the San FranciscoBoard of Supervisors in récognition for "hisoutstanding contribution to the San Francisco General Psychiatrie Services Community Advisory Board in representing theFAMILY ALBUM- '86Dr. Rosalie M. Barr; Linda Barr; Maria Barr Collier, AB'85, MAT 86; John R. Collier, AB '83.U.S. District Court, Western District of Wisconsin. She joined the law firm of Stolper,Doritzinsky, Brewster, and Neider. She alsoco-published an article on estate planningunder Wisconsin's new property laws.(L C Eugène Garver, AB'65, PhD'73, wasU\-/ named to the chair in critical thinking at St. John's University, Collegeville,MN, which is the first endowed chair in critical thinking in the country. needs of clients and family members."Peggy Wai Chee Hochstadt, AM'66,chief librarian at the University of Singa-pore, received the Public AdministrationMedal from the Ministry of Education inSingapore for her service in éducation.Howard J. Isador, AB'66, JD'69, of Cano-ga Park, CA, heads the corporate trust depart-ment of Trust Services of America, a LosAngeles based subsidiary of Calfed, Inc.John C. Jacobs, AM'66, PhD'75, re ceived the 1986 Translation Center Awardfrom the Translation Center at ColumbiaUniversity, New York, for his translation ofThe Fables of Odo of Cheriton .Richard O. Miller, MBA 66, became portmanager of the Port of Brookings, OR, afterserving as gênerai manager of Bear Creek Valley Sanitary Authority, Medford, OR.Bette Silver Pollard, MST'66, is a statisti-cian and computer programmer in the epide-miology and biometry branch of the NationalInstitute of Àging of the National Institutes ofHealth. Harvey B. Pollard, SM'69, MD'69,PhD'73, is chief of the laboratory of cell biology and genetics, NIADDK, at the National Institutes of Health. They live in Potomac, MD.Arthur G. Rubinoff, AM'66, PhD'77,associate professor of political science at theUniversity of Toronto, was elected to theboard of directors of the Canadian AsianStudies Association. He also serves on theboard of directors of the Shastri Indo-Cana-dian Institute, the principal cultural exchange organization between India andCanada.ÉJJ William L. Foster, SM'67, teaches sci-O / ence at Troy High School, Troy, KS.Robert L. Griess, Jr., SB'67, SM'68,PhD'71, is on leave from his position as professor of mathematics at the University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, to do research on fi-nite simple groups as a master of research inthe mathematics department at the EcoleNormale Supérieure, Paris.Triloki Pandey, PhD'67, is a visitingprofessor in anthropology at North-EasternHill University, Shillong, India, for 1986-87.He is doing research among the tribal people of north-eastern India.Ronald J. Slaughter, SM'67, MD'67, ofLas Vegas, is président of the Nevada StateMédical Association for 1986-87.David E. Sternberg, AB'67, is médicaldirector of Falkirk Hospital in Central Valley, NY, and lecturer in psychiatry at theYale University School of Medicine. Hiswife, Frances Glazer Sternberg, AM'67, isan instructor of history at Rockland Community Collège. They hâve two sons andlive in New City, NY.Judith Testa, AM'67, PhD'83, received aTravel to Collections grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and theNewberry Library-British Academy Fellowship for Study in Great Britain. With thegrant she spent the summer in England stu-dying sixteenth-century Flemish illumina-ted manuscripts in British collections. Atthe request of the Union of Italian JewishCommunities, she is also writing a book onthe Jewish catacombs of Rome.£ O Mark S. Auburn, AM'68, PhD'71,UO was appointed vice-président for finance and administration of the Universityof Arkansas, Little Rock.Patricia Cline Cohen, AB'68. See 1966,Benjamin Cohen.Arthur L. Harshman, AM'68, PhD'77,chairperson of the art department at California State University-Dominguez Hills,was promoted to full professor of art. He isworking on chapters on Renaissance and32 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/ WINTER 1987modem art and history for a humanitiestextbook.Elliot Simon, AM'68, of Guerneville,CA, joined the Occidental CommunityChoir, which is planning a two-week concert tour of the Soviet Union in spring 1987./T Q Galen Cranz, AM'69, PhD'71, is as-\Jy sociate professor of architecture atthe University of California-Berkeley. Atthe Kellogg National Fellows' Forum onhealth care policy, held in Battle Creek, MI,she led a workshop on establishing a policyfor response to homelessness.Christopher J. Eigel, MBA'69, of Glen-view, IL, is senior vice-président and gênerai manager of Koenig & Strey Realtors, andvice-président of the North Shore Board ofRealtors, Chicago.Elliot J. Feldman, AB'69, is research associate professor at Tufts University, Med-ford, MA, and research director of the University Consortium for Research on NorthAmerica at Harvard. His sixth book, Concorde and Dissent: Explaining High Technology Project Failures in Britain and France, waspublished last year.Penny Schine Gold, AB'69, and her husband David Amor announce the adoption oftheir son, Jeremiah Gold Amor, born in De-cember 1985. They live in Galesburg, IL.Robert M. Hambourger, AB'69, is associate professor of philosophy at North Caro-lina State University at Raleigh. He is mar-ried and has two children.Richard Hansen, SM'69, PhD'73, issenior scientist at the Center for PotentialFields Studies, Colorado School of Mines,Golden, CO.Harvey B. Pollard, SM'69, MD'69,PhD'73. See 1965, Bette Silver Pollard.Cyriac K. Pullapilly, PhD'69, professorin the Department of History at SaintMary's Collège, Notre Dame, IN, wasawarded a gold plaque and citation by theInternational Congress on Baronius and theArts held in Sora, Italy. He and his wifewere chief guests of the congress of special-ists in sixteenth-century church history.The award was in récognition of his book,Caesar Baronius, Counter Reformation Historian.Robert Rubenzik, MD'69, has a privatepractice in ophthalmology in Phoenix. Hehas three children.Cynthia Tobias, AM'69, PhD'77, is ahuman factors engineer at the AerospaceCorporation in Los Angeles, working onhuman-computer interfaces.Steven Viktora, SB'69, MAT'76, ischairman of the mathematics department atKenwood Academy in Chicago. He helpedwrite Advanced Algebra and helped reviseTransition Mathematics for the University ofChicago School Mathematics Project. He isprésident of the Metropolitan MathematicsClub of Chicago.Mary Derringer Lawson, AB'70, is alearning disabilities specialist andan instructor for disabled students at SantaBarbara City Collège, CA. Her husband,David Lawson, X'70, is a staff cartographerin the geography department of the University of California-Santa Barbara. He is working toward a Ph.D. in computer-as-sisted cartography.Daniel A. MacLean, AM'70, of DesPlaines, IL, is an associate with Communis-pond, Inc., a business communicationsconsulting firm.Mahar K. Mangahas, PhD'70, is président of Social Weather Stations, Inc., a non-profit social research organization in thePhilippines. He is editor of the Philippine Economie Journal, and is working on a book en-titled Distributive Justice in the Philippines: Ide-ology, Policy and Surveillance.Gilbert Schedler, PhD'70, is chairpersonof the Department of Religious Studies at theUniversity of the Pacific, Stockton, CA. Dur-ing fall 1986, he was on faculty developmentleave to prépare a world religions course forspring 1987. His book of poetry, That InvisibleWall, was published in 1985.Sarunas Valiukenas, AB'70, of Spring-field, IL, is program director and spécialprojects coordinator for Illinois Secretary ofState Jim Edgar.Geoffrey A. Clark, PhD'71, wasnamed Distinguished Research Professor of Anthropology by the GraduateCouncil of Arizona State University, Tempe,for 1987-88.Donald V. Coscina, PhD'71, head of thesection of biopsychology research at theClarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, waspromoted to full professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology at theUniversity of Toronto. Mavis Sigwalt Hiremath, AM'71,works with a voluntary organization in Di-harwad District, Karnataka, India, involvedin community organization, éducation, andincome-generating activities.Arlene Boshes Hirschfelder, MAT'71, isan éducation consultant for the Associationon American Indian Affairs, New York. Herarticle, "Lost and Found Traditions," ap-peared in Instructor magazine.Steven Hyde, AB'71, MBA'76, is manager of business planning at the Navistar International Corp. He lives with his family inNaperville, IL.Susan Winston Leff, AB'71, is vice-président in the commercial real estate department of the Provident Institution forSavings in Boston.Léonard A. Zax, AB'71, is chairman ofthe American Bar Association Committeeon Housing and Urban Development Law.He is a partner in the Washington and NewYork law firm of Fried, Frank, Harris,Shriver and Jacobson.Peter B. Dessing, MBA'72, ofParkersburg, WV, was named gênerai manager of the Latin American divisionof Borg- Warner Chemicals, Inc.Julia Hecht, AM'72, PhD'76, is a scientific programmer/analyst at Group HealthCooperative's Center for Health Studies inSeattle.Wayne M. Liao, AB'72, cofounded theSan Francisco law firm of Spiegel, Cutler,Liao & Kagay.FAMILY ALBUM- '86(Back row: l. to r.) Gary Sircus; Lawrence Crandus, AB'86; Harold D. Crandus, PhB'49, MBA '53;(Front row: l. to r.) Roslyn Cohen Crandus, X'49; Helen Salvat Goldman, X'26; Mindy Crandus Sircus.33John Lister, AB'72, entered the ForeignService in January 1986, and was assignedtoAbuDhabi, U.A.E.Charles H. Troe, JD'72, of Englewood,CO, founded and is président of ArapahoeCapital Corp., investment banking. He alsohas a private law practice.TO William S. Criss, MBA'73, cofounded/ \J Automated Laser Systems, Inc.,FAMILY ALBUM-'86Arthur Stillman, MD'85; Randi ShermanStillman, AM'77, MBA'86; AriPaul Stillman.Berkeley, CA, which develops devices for bothindustrial and surgical applications.In August 1985, Ellen Diamond, AB'73,received a doctorate in clinical psychologyfrom the Illinois School of Professional Psychology. She and her husband, SherwinWaldman, AB'73, MD'77, hâve two daugh-ters and live in Chicago.After working three years as director ofMental Retardation Services at the CapeAnn area office of the Massachussetts Department of Mental Health, Joshua Fein,AB'73, became executive director of Koino-nia Homes, Inc., of Cleveland, a privateagency serving mentally retarded persons.His wife, Susanna Gréer Fein, AB'73, is assistant professor of English at Kent StateUniversity. They hâve two daughters andlive in Kent, OH.Edward Goldberg, AM'75, received his master's degree in business administrationfrom the University of Phoenix, AZ. Helives in Tucson, AZ, where he is gêneraimanager of Smith Pipe and Steel Co.George L. Herbolsheimer IV, MBA'73.See 1936, Henrietta Herbolsheimer.Alphine W. Jefferson, AB'73, directorof African-American Studies at SouthernMethodist University, Dallas, was the firstrécipient of the Margareta Deschner Teaching Award from the Women's Studies Council of SMU. He was selected as a faculty affil-iate of the Graduate School of the Universityof Texas at Austin, and was appointed to theadvisory board of the International Journal ofOralHistory.Gordon P. Katz, AB'73, is partner in theBoston law firm of Widett, Slater and Goldman. He has also served as counsel for severalpolitical campaigns, including those of Sena-tor John F. Kerry.Huey L. Perry, AM'73, PhD'76, an associate professor of political science at Southern University, Bâton Rouge, LA, wasawarded a 1986-87 Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship for Minorities to con-duct a study on the social and économie im-pact of increased black politicalparticipation in the South. He also receivedtenure in the Department of Political Science at SU.r7/l Walter P. Jost III, AM'74, AM'79,/ TC PhD'85, received his Ph.D. from theUniversity's Committee on Ideas and Meth-ods in August 1985, and is assistant professor of rhetoric at the University of Virginia,Charlottes ville.lia S. Rothschild, AM'74, practices lawin Chicago and is staff attorney with the Office of General Counsel of the AmericanHospital Association.This summer, Dave Stevenson, AB'74,of Los Altos Hills, CA, finished tenth in the100 Mile Western States Endurance Run inCalifornia. He works at Rational, a start-upcomputer company and software developerand manufacturer.TC Robert K. Hall, MBA'75, of Arling-/ \J ton Heights, IL, was appointed gênerai manager of Apache Control Systems, St.Paul, MN.Wendy S. Klein, AB'75, is an attorneywith the Chicago law offices of Léonard B.Miller.Sandra C. Knox, AB'75, AM'82, is program coordinator at the Bobby E. WrightComprehensive Community Mental HealthCenter, Chicago.Horace Nash, AB'75, is an attorney withthe San Francisco law firm of Howard, Rice,Nemerovski, Canady, Robertson and Falk.Adrienne A. Rogalski, AB'75, is assistant professor of anatomy at the Universityof Illinois Collège of Medicine in Chicago.She served a National Institutes of HealthPostdoctoral Fellowship at the University ofCalifornia-San Diego.Arne Selbyg, PhD'75, was awarded aBush Leadership Fellowship for 1986-87from the Bush Foundation. He was selectedby the American Council on Education Center for Leadership Development to be an ACE Fellow for 1986-87, during which hewill serve as an administrative intern in theoffice of the président of Union Collège,Schenectady, NY.T/l Rajendra V. Gurjar, SM'76, PhD'79,/ U is a fellow of the Tata Institute ofFundamental Research, Bombay, India. Hereceived the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship. He was also avisiting associate professor in the Department of Mathematics at Duke University,Durham, NC.Roxanne Laux, AB'76, SM'82, andBruce Delahorne, AB'78, MBA'80, had ason, Colin, in June. Bruce is an account superviser for Needham Harper Worldwide,Chicago. Roxanne is on leave of absence as aplanning specialist for Abbott Laboratorieswhile she complètes her M.B. A. at the University of Chicago. They are résident headsof Chamberlin House at Burton-JudsonCourts for 1986-87.TT George Cooper, AB'77, is practising/ / business and corporate law in Denver.John J. McCoy, JD' 77, is a partner withthe Cincinnati law firm of Taft, Stettinius &Hollister.David A. Shore, AM'77, of Wilmette, IL,is assistant secretary of the Council on DentalEducation and Commission on Dental Accre-ditiation, American Dental Association.'TO David L. Applegate, JD'78, is a/ O member of the Chicago-based lawfirm of Karon, Morrison and Savikas, Ltd.Richard A. Crinzi, SM'78, is an oral andmaxillofacial surgeon in Bellevue, WA. Healso works in the oral and maxillofacial department of the University of Washington.Bruce Delahorne, AB'78, MBA'80. See1976, Roxanne Laux.Robert G. A. Fox, AM'78, PhD'78, is associate professor in the speech and hearingscience section of the Department of Communication at Ohio State University, Co-lumbus. He and his wife, Carol Hofbauer,X'79, a speech pathologist, live with theirtwo children in Columbus, OH.Michael Haederle, AB'78, and his wifeLeslie are reporters for the Houston Post.They had a girl, Kate Martha, in August.TO C. Elizabeth Schweinfurth Davis,/ 37 AB'79, graduated from the Northwestern School of Law at Lewis and ClarkCollège, Portland, OR. In July 1985, shemarried James W. Davis. They live in Portland, OR.Christine Tyma DeGrado, AB'79, andWilliam F. DeGrado, PhD'81, had a daugh-ter, Jessica Lucille, in June.Carol Hofbauer, X'79. See 1978, RobertG. A. Fox.Patricia A. Michael, MBA'79, receivedan M.D. from the University of North Caro-lina at Chapel Hill. She is a postdoctoral fellow in médical information science at theUniversity of California-San Francisco.Qfj Linda Buch, MBA'80, of Evanston,OU IL, is président of the Buch Consulting Group, which specializes in gênerai34 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1987management and technical consulting formanufacturer of food, drugs, médical de-vices and cosmetics. She was on a panel forthe Institute of Management Consultantsdiscussing government régulation and de-regulation.Martha Clark, AB'80, is an associatewith the Minneapolis law firm of Doherty,Rumble & Butler.Jeffrey A. Heller, JD'80, is of counsel tothe Lawyers Committee for Human Rights.He opened his own law practice in NewYork City, and lives with his wife anddaughter in Hoboken, NJ.Susan L. Meekins, AB'80, is a litigationassociate with the law firm of Herrick andFeinstein in New York.0*1 Carole Cooke, AB'81, married Wal-O -L ter Ogier in August. She is an associate with the law firm of Jacobs, Grudberg,Belt & Dow, New Haven, CT.William F. DeGrado, PhD'81. See 1979,Christine Tyma DeGrado.Stephen C. Hallin, AB'81, of Biloxi,MS, received the Air Force AchievementMedal for accomplishments as the WingWeather Officer to the 93rd BombardmentWing (stratégie air command) at Castle AirForce Base, CA. As an aerial reconnaissanceweather officer, he flies with the 53rdWeather Reconnaissance Squadron (theHurricane Hunters) at Kessler AFB, MS.Aaron Levin, AB'81, received hisM.B.A. from the University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, in May. He is an account executive for AT&T in Southfield, MI.Morris I. Liberman, AM'81, marriedCaron M. Rubin iri August. He is a consulting psychotherapist and is executive director of Introductions Ltd., a relationshipagency in Minneapolis, MN.Gregory Movesian, AM'81, of Denver,CO, is vice-président of Martin J. MoranCo., a New York public relations firm.David P. Pasulka, AB'81, practices lawwith the firm of Barclay, Damisch and Sin-son, Ltd., Chicago.Andrew Patner, X'81, is a student at theUniversity of Chicago Law School. Lastyear he traveled around the world.Paul W. Thompson, MBA'81, is président of Hydro-Sonic Systems, Inc., a pollution control subsidiary of Lone Star Technologies in Dallas.OO David C. Beeman, MBA'82, married(J-C Donna L. Shaw in September 1985.Beeman is director of marketing for the TravelManagement Service division of AmericanExpress International, Inc., in Tokyo.In June 1985, Wendell W. Holley,AB'82, received a B.S. in aerospace engineering from Auburn University, AL. Heworks for the U.S. Air Force as a projectmanager on spacecraft standardization.Alan Armand Mick, AB'82, is a software engineer at Eastman Kodak Companyin Rochester, NY.Robin N. Mitchell, AB'82, received aFulbright Teaching Assistantship in Viennafor 1986-87. She is working on her doctoratein comparative literature at Brown University, Providence, RI. Susan Ricka Stein, AM'82, of Baltimore, was appointed curator of Monticello,the home of Thomas Jefferson in Charlot-tesville, VA.OO Lawrence A. Gyenes, MBA'83, of0\_/ Matteson, IL, is vice-président ofmarket development for Lorex Pharmaceu-ticals, Skokie, IL.Diane Thomas Hagen, MBA'83, is a corporate finance officer with the Harris Bank,Chicago. She lives with her husband Neil inPark Ridge, IL.Michael J. Lacktorin, MBA'83, is assistant vice-président in mergers and acquisitions of Nonura Securities International inNew York.Linda Levenson, AB'83, of Elmhurst,NY, attends New York Law School. Shespent summer 1985 in Poland.Robert Londin, AB'83, received his J.D.from Northwestern University Law School.He works for the New York law firm of Cox,Cahill and Gordon.Mark Ombrellaro, AB'83, married Lau- Montgomery Ward & Co., Inc.David B. Toub, AB'83, is a médical student at the University's Pritzker School ofMedicine. He was appointed to the editorialboard of the journal Perspectives in Biology andMedicine, and he also co-authored a paperon supernumerary ovaries. He composesavant-garde music between clinical rotations.Boris Zaretsky, SB'83, received his M. aeronautical and astronautical engineeringat MIT, Cambridge, MA. He works in aerody-namics research and technology at McDon-nell Douglas Corp. in Long Beach, CA.QA Wendy Cole Ashlock, AB'84, mar-0\t ried Daniel Ashlock in September.She develops educational computer software in Pasadena, CA.Lois Apman McFadden Fisher, PhD'84,won the 1985 award of the Association forthe Study of Higher Education for the mostdistinguished dissertation on a topic con-cerned with that field for her study, "StateLégislatures and the Autonomy of Collègesand Universities, 1900-1979." Fisher is as-FAMILY ALBUM- '86(Back row) Jane Finlayson; Kenneth R. Finlayson, MBA'86; Mary Finlayson; Andréa Finlayson;(Front row) Barbara Redman Finlayson; Kay Finlayson. (The late Ronald A. Finlayson was MBA'46).ree V. Thiessen in Portland, OR, in Novem-ber. He studies medicine at the Universityof Washington, Richland, WA.Peter Poulos, AB'83, of Burbank, IL,has been teaching English as a second language in the Hunan Province, People's Republic of China. He is studying Chinese at aMongolian university.Glen W. Taylor, MBA'83, of Naperville,IL, is senior vice-président of marketingwith the Signature Group, a subsidiary of sistant professor of management at RutgersUniversity, New Brunswick, NJ.Tom O'Connor, MBA'84, is a financialcounselor with the Los Angeles office of theAsset Management Group.In August, Carol Spadinger, MBA'84,was promoted to senior accountant at De-loitte, Haskins and Sells, Chicago.85 Jeffrey Kuhn, MD'85. See 1952, PaulR. Kuhn.DEATHSFACULTYRobert S. Mulliken, PhD '21, professorof physics and chemistry and Nobel lauréatein chemistry, died in October at âge ninetyFor his work on atomic and molecular structure, he received the Nobel Prize in 1966 . Heinvented the molécule orbital theory whichdescribes how the électron orbits of atomsare altered when atoms join to form molécules. Léon Stock, chairman and professorof chemistry, described Mulliken as "the father of modem théories of structural chemistry. His ideas were so original and créativethat they are still very widely used today."Frank R. Breul, AM'41, professor emeritus in the School of Social Service Administration, died in July. He was seventy. Hetaught at SSA from 1956 to 1969, and from1965 to 1969 he was associate dean of SSA,He was also on the editorial board of theSocial Service Review and served as editor from1973 until his retirement in July,Lloyd J. Roth, MD'52, former chairmanof the Department of Pharmacology, died inJuly at âge seventy-four. He served as chairman of the department now known as theDepartment of Pharmacological and Physio-logical Sciences from 1957 to 1972. He pio-neered in the use of radioactive isotopes fordrug monitoring and studying the distribution of drugs in the body.STAFFMorris M. Rossin, AB'38, spécial giftschairman for the Campaign for the Arts andSciences, died on November 20. Rossin wasprésident of Rossin's Food & Liquor Shop onEast 71st Street . On his retirement in 1974 hejoined the staff of the University's Development Office. Since then he had served invarious fund-raising capacities for the University, including the Alumni Fund, theGeneral Committee, and the Spécial GiftsCommittee. He was a director and vice-président of the Western Golf Association.As an undergraduate, Rossin played varsitybasketball. He was a member of the Order ofthe C and of Phi Beta Delta .THE CLASSES1900-1909Charlotte Donders Baer, PhB'06, May 1985.Avis Fiske Hopkins, PhB'06, March.1910-1919Fay G. Fulkerson, PhB'll, June.Lucile Mertz Warner, PhB'll, March.Alice L. Herrick Myers, PhB'12, June.Sidney M. Cadwell, SB'13, PhD'17, June.Elsebeth Martens Sexton, PhB'13, April.Gustave O. Arlt, AB'15, AM'29, PhD'31,September.Vaden T. Wood, X'15, June.Harold D. Caylor, SB'16, MD'18, June. Isabella Compton, PhB'16, June.Harriet Parsons Hall, SM'16, PhD'21, July.Florence Gorton Halsted, PhB'17, July.John Huling, Jr., PhB'17, May.Cecilia Quigley Pierce, SB'17, April,HelenGlassmanWeiss, PhB'17, August.Hugo H. Wermine, SB'17, June.Dorothy Bulkley, PhB'18, August.Helen Brown Chinlund, X'18, May.Marian L. Erley, PhB'19, August.Cedric C. Gifford, PhB'19, June.Elizabeth J. Hart, PhB'19, December 1985.Louis Leiter, SB'19, SM'20, MD'21,PhD'24, May.Edith Doan Willett, PhB'19, October 1985.1920-1929EarlB. Dickerson, JD'20, September.Alan L. Strout, AM'20, August.Constance Beach, AM'21, PhD'30,November 1985.Ruth Browne Burchard, PhB'21, MBA22,June.Frank G. Kuchler, X'21, November 1985.Elise H. Moore, AM'21, September.MarionJ. Tait, PhB'21, AM'29,January 1986.Théodore K. Ahrens, SB'22, January.Grâce E. Crocker, X'22, February.Myra E. Thompson Ingmanson, PhB'22,August.Mary Malone, PhB'22, April.J. Earl Arrington, AM'23, September.Jane Bartlett Bâtes, PhB'23, June.Richard H. Bauer, PhB'23, AM'28, PhD'35,August.Herbert C. Beeskow, SB'23, SM'24,PhD'54, September 1985.Eva H. Carstensen, PhB'23, AM'29, May.Alla Vershovsky-Levy Jesmer, SB'23, June.Edward Nudelman, PhB'23, May 1985.Newton E. Barrett, AM'24, March.William T. Chambers, SM'24, PhD'26,February.Harold Hughes, PhB'24, JD'30, April.Raymond H. White, MAT'24, August.Ethel Bouffleur Behncke, MAT'25,October 1985.Roscoe C. Coen, AM'25, July.Lloyd E. Foster, AM'25, June.Evangeline Lovett Nine Jensen, PhB'25,July.Marjorie Carroll Johnson, PhB'25, JD'27,July.Helen Giddings Scott, PhB'25, August.Bernice B. Shannon, PhB'25, April.Winifred Wadsworth, PhB'25, July.Richard A. Day, X'26, July.Henri S. Denninger, SB'26, MD'32,February.MargaretR. Murray, PhD'26, July,Masilko Ruzicka, PhB'26, June.Walter V. Schaefer, PhB'26, JD'28, June.Van W. Taylor, MD'26, July.Earl F. Zeigler, AM'26, September.CathrineB. Felding, PhB'27, August,William Keith, PhB'27, AM'29, September, Anita Doyle Maloy, PhB'27, August.Mary Aloysiu Sherin, SM'27, August.EdwinM. Soderstrom, SB'27, August.Helen Abelson Brody, X'28, June.Vincent B. Marquis, MD'28, May 1985.Willard C. Melville, PhB'28, January 1986.John M. Michener, SM'28, February.Luella A. Newell, PhB'28, August.Bess Rogers Bartlett, X'29, June 1985.Cornelia L. Beckwith, PhB'29, May 1985.Elizabeth (Betty) Lawrie Harper, PhB'29,September.William S. Maynard, AM'29.Margaret Sayre Ransone, AM'29, July.George W. Stuppy, PhD'29, MD'32, July.1930-1939JuliaMolsby Brown, SB'30, July.Lillian Shaleem Entwhistle, AB'30, July.Benjamin Landis, X'30, August.Frank L. Menehan, MD'30, March.Raymond Perlman, JD'30, August.Waldo S. Richards, AM'30, July.Meyer S. Ryder, PhB'30, June.Marcus T. Block, MD'31, August.R. Sayre Bradshaw, PhB'31,September 1985.Benjamin R. Cohen, PhB'31, June 1985.Nelson Dunford, PhB'31, SM'32,September.Lafayette Fisher, PhB'31, JD'33, June.EdmundT. Hyzy, SB'31, June.Frank Zancanaro, PhB'31, March.Helen Griffith Breuhaus, PhB'32, July.Edward H. Buehrig, PhB'32, AM'34,PhD'42, August.Signe A. Corneliuson, MAT'32,August 1985.Lee O. Garber, PhD'32, August.Mary F. Gates, SM'32, May.Lloyd W. Germann, PhB'32, March.Seymour Greenwald, SB'32, MD'37,January 1986.Joël Cari Welty, PhD'32, May.Ernest Witte, PhD'32, July.Hanes M. Fowler, SB'33, MD'36, June 1985,CliffordW. Fredberg, MD'33, August.NicollF. Galbraith, PhB'33, February.T. Jackson Laughlin, MD'33, October 1985.Dora Taylor Pletz, PhB'33, July.Marion Weir Baker, X'34, August.George D. Cannon, MD'34, August.Richard Hooker, AB'34, PhD'43,September.William A. Kaufman, Jr., PhB'34, August.Madison A. Kuhn, AM'34, PhD'40,December 1985.Alice TrindallMoran, X'34, May.Robert W. Poore, PhB'34, JD'36,November 1985.BartonL. Smith, AB'35, September 1985.Robert W. Conner, AB'36, JD'37,January 1986.David A. Howard, LLB'36, May.John C. Irwin, AB'36, December 1985.Joseph E. Kopcha, MD'36, July.Wyman L. Williams, PhD'36, June.36 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAG AZINE/WINTER 1987Miles M. Brousil, AB'37, MBA 40,June 1985.DewittH. John, AM'37, October 1985.Louis G. Kaplan, MD'37, June.Norman B. McCullough, PhD'37, MD'44,June.Maurice A. Shinefield, MD'37, May.Eugène Victor Simison, MD'37,September 1985.Margaret S. Follstad, SM'38, August.Rudolph W. Gilbert, X'38, July.Marion A. Hopper, PhB'38, August.Marguerite M. Iknayan, AB'38, AM'39,January 1986.NoraBellTully MacAlvay, PhB'38, June.Yvo Oester, PhD'38, MD'43, June.Harleigh B. Trecker, AM'38, August.Benjamin Crâne, X'39, May.Betty Lumley Erickson, X'39, April.Albert W. Hilker, MD'39, May.Ellis E. Jensen, PhD'39, January 1986.John J. Moucka, MBA'39, August 1985.John R. Ong, Jr., MD'39, June.Victor H. Peterson, AM'39, June.George Probst, AB'39, AM'55, September.William G. Rence, SB'39, MD'41, July.Robert P. Saalbach, AM'39, December 1985.1940-1949James W. Denny, AB'40, August.Constance Kent English, AM'40, June.Joseph Giganti, AM'40, July.Margaret Lumpkin Strom, AM'40, July.Violet Gunn Sutton, AB'40, August.Frances L. Taylor, X'40, September.Eleanor Coambs, SB'41, August 1985.Enid Baskin Fink, SB'41, April.Amy Goldstein Philipson, SB'41,October 1985.Arthur C. Schreiber, AM'41, May.Robert W. Woods, PhD'41, December 1985.Ronald W. Duncan, AM'42, August.Dalton Potter, SB'42, AM'49, January 1986.Ralph G. Wilburn, AM'42, PhD'45, April.Doris Fisher Shapiro, SB'43, July.William R. Wicks, MD'43, February.Elinore Winslow Crocker, AB'44, August.Florence T. McGetrick, AM'44, July.Edward Senz, SB'44, MD'46, October 1985.Mae Stephens, MBA 45, January 1986.June Cozine, PhD'46, November 1985.Eugène R. Du Fresne, PhB'46, SM'57,PhD'62, September 1985.Henry G. Fechter, SB'46, SM'59, February.Johnathan Steiner, AB'46, April.Mary C. Bulger, AB'47, March.Eric V. Lovgren, AB'47, November 1985.WarrenF. Webb, AM'47, August.Peter C. Anderson, MBA 48, June.Arthur C. Brown, AB'48, SM'54, June.Perry P. Burnett, JD'48, April.John P. Green, AM'48, PhD'53, July.Albert J. Neely, AM'48, August.Ruth E. Simons Nicholson, AM'48,August.LenoreE. Gold Pressman, AB'48, AM'53,September.Richard P. Zallys, PhB'48, AM'56, May.Richard L. Bartlett, PhB'49, July.David G. Osborn, AM'49, PhD'53, March.Russell R. Raney, MBA 49, May.Marvin J. Taylor, AM'49, May. 1950-1959Robert W. Faulhaber, AM'50, August,Robert T. Herz, MBA'50, March.Robert H. Hull, MBA'50, March.Billie V Birney, AM'51, June 1985.John S. Harris, PhD'51, October 1985,Victor E. Ricks, PhD'51, August.Earl H. Erland, Jr., AB'52, April.Robert J. Batson, AM'53, PhD'63,August 1985.Vaughn N. Andersen, MBA55,December 1985.Janet B. Ross, AM'55, September.R. Marlin Smith, JD'56, June.James B. Doten, Jr., MBA57, July.James J. Gleason, SB'57, SM'58, July.S. Morris Eames, PhD'58, September.Jay M. Israël, SB'59, January 1986.1960-1969James M. Lipham, PhD'60, May.Sonja Samson, AM'60, PhD'69, August, Max Woolpy, X'61, June.RichenelTjonaman, SM'62, June.Fred M. Dolin, AB'63, MBA'65, November,Bruce C. McQuaker, AM'63, May.Robin Klein, AB'64, August.Vohnie Stedge Hilker, AB'65, June.Douglas R. Jacobson, MD'65,September 1985.Miodrag B. Petrovich, AM'65, PhD'74,July.1970-1979Richard Krouse, AM'71, September.Willard C. Chinn, AM'72, January 1986,Virgil Florell, AM'72, September.Doris M. Irvin, AM'72, August.Lucy Doft, SM'74, November 1985,Michael A, Frigo, AM'75, July.Donald R. Fortier, AM'79, August.1980-Kimberly Fisher Seitter, AM'80, May.BOOKS by AlumniKirtley F. Mather, PhD' 15, The PermissiveUniverse (University of New Mexico Press).This work, published posthumously, expresses Mather's belief that science and religion complément and support each other inail facets of our daily lives. Mather taught atHarvard University for thirty years, and wasvisiting professor at the University of NewMexico, Albuquerque.Laura Epstein, SB'34, AM'36, TalkingandListening: A Guide to the Helping Interview(Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co.). Thisbook is widely used in various helpingdisciplines.Norman H. Nachtrieb, SB'36, PhD'41,and David W. Oxtoby, Principles of ModemChemistry (Saunders Collège Publishing Co.).Nachtrieb is professor emeritus of chemistry,and Oxtoby is associate professor of chemistry, both at the University of Chicago.Miriam Almond Elson, AM'42, Self Psychology in Clinical Social Work (W. W. Norton &Co.). The author discusses the particularlybénéficiai relationship between self psychology and clinical social work practice as itworks to deepen and enhance the treatmentprocess with both children and adults and inindividual and family therapy. Elson is a lec-turer in the School of Social Service Administration at the University and a consultantto the Chicago Child Care Society.Lyle R. Johnson, SB'44, MBA'48, co-author, JBM's Early Computers (MIT Press).The authors show how IBM, based on primitive and limited computer hardware Systems, transformed itself and contributed tothe dynamic and disciplined new era ofstored-program electronic computers.Johnson is a staff member of the IBM Tho mas J. Watson Research Center, YorktownHts.,NYElizabeth Wirth Marvick, PhB'44,AM'46, Louis XIII: The Making of a King (YaleUniversity Press). This portrait of Louis XIIIfrom his birth until âge sixteen provides astudy in both political history and child de-velopment, offering a psychoanalytic perspective on how child-rearing practicesshaped Louis's character, his political goals,and his first, brutal acts as king. Marvick isvisiting lecturer in political science at theUniversity of California, Los Angeles.Edith Schneiderman Fein, PhB'47,AM'49, with Anthony Maluccio andKathleen A. Olmstead, Permanency Planningfor Children: Concepts and Methods (Tavistock).This book focuses on the theory and practiceof permanency planning for children andyouth . Fein works at Child and Family Services in Hartford, CT.John B. Cobb, Jr., AM'49, PhD'52, andFranklin I. Gamwell, AM'70, PhD'73, Existence and Aduality: Conversations with Charles Hart-shorne (University of Chicago Press). Cobbteaches at the Southern California School ofTheology, Claremont, CA. Gamwell is dean ofthe Divinity School at the University.Vernon W. Ruttan, AM'50, PhD'52, andYujiro Hayami, Agricultural Development: AnInternational Perspective (The Johns HopkinsUniversity Press). In this revised and ex-panded édition of an earlier text, the authorsbuild on their earlier model of technicalchange as a factor endogenous to économieSystems. Ruttan is professor in the Departments of Economies and Agricultural andApplied Economies at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.37John R. Nabholtz, AM'52, PhD'61, MyReader My Fellow Labourer: A Study of EnglishRomantic Prose (University of MissouriPress). Nabholtz examines the attempt, insome of the original Romantic prose non-fiction, to enlist the reader as the partner,sometimes as the protagonist, in the exposi-tory or argumentative process. Nabholtz isprofessor of English at Loyola University ofChicago.JohnMueller, AB' 60, Astaire Dancing: TheMusical Films (Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.). In thisexamination of Fred Astaire's music anddance career, Mueller makes extensive useof recently released material from a numberof Hollywood archives and of interviews,including one with Astaire himself.Roy Wagner, AM'62, PhD'66, Asi-winarong: Ethos, Image, and Social Power amongthe Usen Barok of New Ireland (Princeton University Press). Wagner examines theMelanesian tribe of the Usen Borak, takinginto account the way in which they conceiveof their own institutions and actions. He dis-cusses how their culture is generatedthrough commonly-held images, whichmay be public actions, verbal metaphors, orspatial constructions. Wagner is professor ofanthropology at the University of Virginia.William D. Dean, AM'64, PhD'67,American Religious Empiricism (SUN Y Press).Dean défends the thesis that American em-pirical theology, especially associated withthe Chicago School, is a postmodern move-ment as advocated by deconstructionists.He discusses the unity of American theo-logical thought from Jonathan Edwards,through the philosophies of James, Dewey,and Whitehead, and the socio-historical empiricism of the Chicago School theologians,to the current work of process theologians.Dean is professor of religion at GustavasAdolphus Collège, St. Peter, MN.James F. Fisher, AM'67, PhD'72, Trans-Himalayan Traders: Economy, Society, and Culturein Northwest Népal (University of CaliforniaPress) . Fisher illuminâtes the complex inter-relationships among ethnicity, ecology, andéconomie and cultural change among theMagars of Tarangpur, a Himalayan tribewhich lives on the fringes of both the Hinduand Buddhist societies in Népal. Fisheris professor of anthropology and directorof Asian studies at Carleton Collège,Northfield, MN.Claude J. Summers, AM'67, PhD'70, andTed-Larry Pebworth, editors, The Eagle and theDove: Reassessingjohn Donne (University of Missouri Press). This collection of essays explores the critical assumptions on whichDonne's réputation rests, re-evaluates hismost celebrated work, and draws attention torelatively neglected areas of his works. Summers is a professor of English at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.Norman L. Bonney, AM'68, PhD'71, ThePolitics and Finance of Provincial Government in Pa-pua New Guinea (Centre for Research in FédéralFinancial Relations, Australia). Studying thedécentrai ization of Papua New Guinea after itestablished independence from Australia in1975, Bonney surveys the political origins of the decentralization campaign, its impact onthe political System, and the major features ofprovincial/national government relations inthat country. Bonney is lecturer in sociologyat Aberdeen University, Scotland.Frederick R. Schram, PhD'68, Crustacea(Oxford University Press). This overview ofail the groups of crustaceans reviews what isknown about their anatomy, natural history,development, fossil record, and taxonomy.Schram is curator of paleontology at the Natural History Muséum, San Diego, CA.Lois Grant Beck, AM'69, PhD'77, TheQashqa'i oflran (Yale University Press). Beckgives a historical and anthropological account of the Qashqa'i, a Turkic-speaking,predominantly pastoral nomadic people insouthwest Iran who occupy a stratégie areabetween the Persian Gulf and the majorpopulation centers of Iran. Beck analyzesthe connections between the confederacyand the Iranian state during the last threecenturies. Beck is associate professor ofanthropology at Washington University,St. Louis.Ann T. Meyerson, AB'69, with RachelG . Bratt and Chester Hartman, editors, Critical Perspectives on Housing (Temple UniversityPress). This collection of articles examinesthe structural housing crisis which perme-ates America's cities, suburbs, and rural areas today, and analyzes the private housingmarket, government involvement, and stratégies for change. Meyerson is assistant professor of metropolitan studies at New YorkUniversity, New York.William Michael Murphy, AM'70,PhD '81, The Parnell Myth and Irish Politics,1891-1956 (Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.). Thefocus of this study is the popular writingabout Charles Stewart Parnell (leader of theIrish Parliamentary Party 1880-90) duringthe first sixty-five years since his death.There hâve been références to a "Parnellmyth" since the week he died; this is the firstsystematic study. Murphy's research confirais for the first time the existence of a realhistorical entity called the "Parnell myth." Itprobes deeper than the romantic story of the"lost leader" to find the myth's roots inParnell's rôle as a représentative of Irish na-tionalist aspirations. Murphy is director ofthe university publications office at the University.Rasma Slide Karklins, AM'71, PhD'75,Ethnie Relations in the USSR: The Perspectivefrom Below (Allen & Unwin). Karklins discusses popular ethnie attitudes and behav-ior among the various nations and nationali-ties of the USSR. She shows that ethnicitymatters not only in Soviet high politics andin économie and cultural planning, but thatit is also a dominant force in the daily life ofmany of the people. Karklins is assistantprofessor of political science at the University of Illinois at Chicago .Marc J. Blecher, AM'72, PhD'78, China:Politics, Economies and Society— Iconoclasm andInnovation in a Revolutionary Socialist Country(Lynne Reiner). This book surveys Chinesesocialism, focusing on how China came toreject the Soviet model of socialist organiza tion and development, and explored alternatives that hâve provided models and les-sons for other socialist countries. Blecher isassociate professor of government and chairof the Committee on Third World Studies atOberlin Collège, Oberlin, OH.Blanche Pulliam Gaston, AM'72, 7 LikeMe (Urban Research Institute) . This is one ina séries of books written to help childrenbuild positive self-concepts.Lawrence G. Newman, JD'72, Texas Corporation Law (Parker and Son Publications,Inc.). Newman provides clear, précise cov-erage of ail essential issues concerning thecorporation laws of Texas. Newman prac-tices law in Dallas.Larry E. Arnhart, AM'73, PhD'77, Political Questions: Political Philosophy from Plato toRawls (Macmillan Publishing Co.). Arnhartsurveys the history of political philosophy inthe light of certain critical issues in American political history. The book is organizedaround a séries of questions raised by theclassic texts of twelve political philosophers.Arnhart is associate professor of politicalscience at Northern Illinois University,DeKalb.Richard E. Foglesong, AM'73, PhD'81,Planning the Capitalist City: The Colonial Era tothe 1920s (Princeton University Press).Focusing especially on the Progressive Era,the author gives both a narrative accountand a theoretical interprétation of urbanplanning in the United States. He arguesagainst several Marxist state theorists bytranslating structural concerns into empiri-cal terms and examines the relation betweenurban planners and various sectors of private business. Fogelsong is assistant professor of politics at Rollins Collège, WinterPark, FL.Joël D. Wolfe, AM'73, PhD'78, Workers,Participation, and Democracy: Internai Politics inthe British Union Movement (GreenwoodPress). Wolfe présents a theory of participa-tory democracy in response to the challengeto démocratie theory put forth by the theoryof oligarchy of Robert Michels. Evidence forWolfe's theory is provided by the analysis ofpolicy-making on critical issues in majorBritish unions, the Trades Union Congress,and the Labour Party during World War I.Wolfe is assistant professor of political science at the University of Cincinnati.T. L. Brink, AM'74, PhD'78, ClinicalGerontology: A Guide to Assessment and Practice(Haworth Press). This volume assesses de-mentia and dépression in later life, and assesses techniques for individual, group, andfamily therapy. Brink is director of the graduate program of public administration at theCollège of Notre Dame, Belmont, CA.Katherine Newman Carlitz, AM'74,PhD'78, The Rheloric ofChin P'ing Ma (IndianaUniversity Press). Inexamining ChinP'ingMei,the late Ming dynasty novel, Carlitz analyzesthe author's varied techniques, the dominantconcerns of late Ming China, and the verbaland narrative structure. Carltiz is adjunct assistant professor in the Department of EastAsian Languages and Literatures at the University of Pittsburgh, PA.38 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAG AZINE/WINTER 1987"Itis difficult to think of any one— student, schohi, judge, citizen—who will not beneût from The Founders' Constitution.With documents drawn together hère for the first time, thiscollection constitutes a kind of national treasure."— Walter Berns, American Enterprise InstituteTo be published to coincide with the bicentennial of the Constitution of the United States, thismonumental five-volume set assembles documents from the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nine-teenth centuries that bear on the contents of the Constitution from the Preamble to the TwelfthAmendment. The questions that agitated the génération of American Founders are revealed hèrein ail their freshness, complexity, and breadth.Documents range from public debates to private letters, from judicial opinions to broadsides,from philosophie essays to penny pamphlets. They cover the period from the beginnings ofself-government in the English colonies to the judicial constmetions and reflections of thelongest-lived Founders in the 1830s.THE FOUNDERS' CONSTITUTIONEdited byPHILIP B.KURLANDWilliam R. Kenan, Jr.( Distinguished Service Professorin the Collège and professor in the Law School,University of Chicago, andRALPH LERNERprofessor in the Committeeon Social Thought and in theCollège, University of ChicagoVolume 1 is organized thematically.Volumes 2 through 5 are organized byconstitutional clause.Cross-referenced throughout.3,520 pages.Available in 5-volume set only. -Available at spécial price until June 30, 1987The University of Chicago PressDept. BN, 5801 Ellis Avenue. Chicago, IL 60637Please send me set(s) of The Founders' Constitution@ $250.00 ($300.00 after 6/30/87) #46387-7Two convenient way s to pay:I — I Check or money order endosedI — I Please charge my crédit card:D MasterCard D VISACrédit Card No Signature Name List price total: $ .Sales tax:(IL addresses, 7%;Chicago addresses, 8%) $ .Shipping and handling:TOTAL: Expiration Date Phone ( ) $ 5.00 per set$ Address City /State/Zip.AD 0573Mark L. Cowett, AM'74, MAT'76, Birmingham s Rabbi: Morris Newfield and Alabama,1895-1940 (The University Press of Alabama). American Jewish history has beencriticized for its failure to explore the rela-tionship between Jews and other ethniegroups in America. Cowett examines the lifeof Morris Newfield, a rabbi who led TempleEmanu-El in Birmingham from 1895 to 1940,and uses it as a vehicle to explore the natureof ethnie leadership in America. Cowettteaches in Rockford, IL.Ralph P. Locke, AM'74, PhD'80, Music,Musicians, and Saint-Simonians (Universityof Chicago Press). The Saint-Simonians,whose movement flourished in early 19th-century France, are recognized for their contributions to history and social thought. Inthis interdisiplinary study, Locke describesand documents the Saint-Simonians' view ofmusic as an ideological tool and the influenceof this view on musical figures of the early Romantic period . Locke is associate professor ofmusicology at the Eastman School of Music,University of Rochester, NY.James S. Thayer, JD'74, Pursuit (CrownPublishers). Pursuit isThayer'sfourth novel.Arne J. Selbyg, PhD'75, Nonvay Today(Norwegian University Press). Selbyg présents an overview of the current social conditions in Norway, and compares them tothose of the United States and Great Britian.Selbyg is an administrative intern in the office of the président of Union Collège inSchenectady, NY.Marshall B. Gentry, AM'76, FlanneryO'Connor's Religion ofthe Grotesque (UniversityPress of Mississippi). Gentry proposes newpositions on understanding O'Connor'snarration and the rôle of the grotesque in hercharacterizations. By investigating the na-lure of religious expérience prévalent in herworks, he concludes that O'Connor's prima-ry interest is rédemption achieved by grotesque and unconscious means. Gentry isan assistant professor of English at IndianaCentral University, Indianapolis.Jud Newborn, AM'77, and Annette E.Dumbach, Shattering the German Night: TheStory ofthe WhiteRose (Little, Brown and Co.).This true story tells of a group of Germanstudents whose disillusionment withNational Socialism, and its promises ofpower and glory, gave birth to an organization called the White Rose. Based on interviews with surviving friends, family, andmembers of the group, as well as court records, diaries, and letters, the book recréâtes the lives of five students whose human-istic and moral backgrounds brought themtogether to f ight against and eventually to beexecuted by the Third Reich.Jorunn Jacobsen Buckley, PhD'78, FemaleFault and Fulfillment in Gnosticism (The University of North Carolina Press). Buckley challenges scholarly, stereotypical views of women in Gnosticism, which tend either towardidealization or outright dévaluation . She analyzes a variety of female figures within theircontexts by examining six Gnostic texts or traditions that illuminate women characters. Buckley is a lecturer in the Department of Humanities at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, Cambridge, MA.Jan W. Herlinger, PhD'78, The Lucidariumof Marchetto of Padua (University of ChicagoPress).Louise Buchwalter Young, SM'80, TheUnfinished Universe (Simon and Schuster).According to most scientists, the universe isgrowing more random and chaotic as timeprogresses. Young argues the opposite, thatcosmic order is increasing and has beensince the world began. She claims that theLETTERSThe Magazine welcomes correspondence from itsreaders. The editor reserves the right to shortenletters.PROS AND CONSON DIVESTMENTEditor:Congratulations to Président Gray, thetrustées and the vote of the Faculty Senate indeciding against South African disinvest-ment reported in your Fall 1986 issue. Itmade me a bit more proud of my aima materto learn that our leaders are not stampededby illogical mob hysteria.Also, congratulations to Robert W. Blair,X'43 and Bruce A. Rogers, SM'20, for theirsuperb letters on the subject. Those lettersshould be printed on the front pages of U.S.newspapers.Elliott A. Johnson, PhB'28, JD'31Houston, TXEditor:In his letter in the fall issue, Robert BlairStates that the University's disinvestmentwill hâve no effect on South Africa becausesomeone else will simply buy the stocks. Ata time when one of the many institutionsthat has already disinvested is General Motors, and when Congress has overridden theprésidents veto on sanctions against SouthAfrica, there is hardly a seller's market forSouth African corporations' stock. If what Ilearned in high school, let alone at the University, is correct, when more stockholdersare selling a stock than want to buy it, its value goes down. This should hâve some effecton the South African government.Of course, the question really is not how,but whether, to put pressure on the infa-mous Botha régime, and I trust I've alreadymade clear which side I'm on. In line withMartin Lubin's letter in the same issue, advo-cating divestment by alumni from the Alumni Fund, I'd like to make a similar but morepositive suggestion. I recommerid that oth-ers who feel the University is already politi- universe was not spawned by chance aloneand that créative processes are organizedand directed toward perfection.Helen Hardacre, PhD'80, Kurozumiskyôand the New Religions of Japan (PrincetonUniversity Press). The author examinesKurozumiskyô, one of the many "new religions" of Japan, to show how thèse hâve de-veloped from older religious organizations,and she identifies a common world-viewuniting the new religions. Hardacre is assistant professor of religion and East Asian studies at Princeton University. Scized, and would like to see its political position changed, make the same pledge I'mmaking now.On the day that the University an-nounces its plan to disinvest from SouthAfrica, and not until then, I will make at leasta nominal contribution to the Alumni Fund.On the day that divestment is completed, Iwill make a contribution that is signif icant interms of my income. If enough others do so,this will be significant in terms of the University's income as well.Millea Levin Kenin, BFA'63Oakland, CAEditor:I express my regrets that Robert Blair, inhis letter, has used terms like "shrill andmindless mobs" and "a mob of ignorant students" who demand "vacant symbols" because they (the students) hâve called on ouruniversities to disinvest from their portfolios securities held in corporations with aprésence in South Africa ... I cannot agréethat divestment of those securities by anyuniversity constitutes "politieization of theUniversity."To imply, as Blair does, that students(who demonstrate) are incapable of reach-ing reasonable conclusions because of theiryouthful vigor is pure nonsense. It is not ir-relevent to remind ourselves of the important rôle (however unruly) student protestsplayed in arousing this country and gettingus out of Vietnam— a war fought in thewrong place at the wrong time. Démonstrations are part of the démocratie processwherein ail who wish to participate expresstheir views to help those who govern on ourbehalf. Non-violent démonstrations hâvebeen supported by Thoreau, engaged inwith success by Ghandi and King. Peacefuldémonstrations are not to be condemned;they are yet another vehicle whereby in a democracy the will of people is expressed.Joseph A. Hasson, MBA 47,AM'50, PhD'51Rockville, MD40 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/WINTER 1987rbEditor:If there are other alumni/alumnae whoshare my feelings about the moral impropri-ety of aiding and abetting the University ofChicago trustées in their efforts to continueto profit from investments in the System ofapartheid in South Africa, I urge them to get-in touch with me. I suggest that we establishan escrow fund of alumni contributions thatwould go to the University of Chicago only ifeither the University totally divested itsportfolio of stock in companies doing sub-stantial business in South Africa or if SouthAfrica éliminâtes apartheid.Leslie Friedman Goldstein, AB'65, AM'67Newark, DEEditor:I was saddened to learn that our distinguished faculty has decided to continue indirect support— through financial investment—for the régime in South Africa.Corporate interests seem to speak withone voice, and as usual it is the timid voice ofthe man who fights a fire by closing his eyesand whispering that nothing is really thematter. The voices of our faculty seem tohâve joined in with this monotone of neu-trality. I am far more impressed by the voicesof expérience in South Africa . The AmericanCatholic bishops, the Anglican Church,Amnesty International— I haven't namedany communists yet, hâve I?— are reliable intheir convictions concerning that dying nation and in their reports of its forced relocations, imprisonments, tortures . . .Président Gray's comments reveal whatseems to be a new wave of comf ortable isola-tionism at the University. I am frightened forwhat this may mean for our school's intellectual and moral integrity.In protest I am withholding my contributions to ail University of Chicago fundsuntil the University takes a décent standagainst investment in South Africa.Marc De Francis, AB'76, MAT'78Alexandria, VATHANKS FOR ARTICLEON"OILANDWAR"Editor:I want to thank you for the excellently in-formative article, "Oil and War," by MarvinZonis in the fall issue.An understanding of factions in this région is very difficult for most persons giventhe lack of overall views in the daily press. Iwonder whether any scholar has accumula-ted récent historical and political information on the current state of the technologyand distribution of the world's natural gasand its réservoirs? Being informed aboutnatural gas would be an asset for understanding our total energy situation.William P. Murphy, AB'50, AB'62Chicago, IL Next June 5 & 6,why don't you°QJoin some old friendso Meet some new friendsoCatch up with a lifelong friend:The University of ChicagoOO\J Spécial Class Reunions:1927-60th1932-55th1937-50th1947-40th1952-35th OO 1962-25th1967-20th1977-lOth1982-5tho? ? 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