The University ofCHICAGOMagazine/Fall 1985\* mlLondon: PicnicTHEUNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOLIBRARYLETTERSThe Magazine welcomes correspondence fromits readers. The editor reserves the right to shortenletters.MORE HONORSFOR DUNHAMEditor:To follow up on Marianne Eismann's article (Summer, 1985) on Katherine Dunham:Miss Dunham continues to gain "some longoverdue recognition." Katherine Dunhamwill receive a Distinguished Service Awardfrom the American Anthropological Association at its 1985 annual meeting this December, for her contributions to the anthropologyof dance.Dancer and anthropologist Pearl Primuswill also be honored .June Helm, PhB'44, AM'49, PhD'58President-elect,American Anthropological AssociationIowa City, IAEditor's note: We neglected to mention inthe article that Dunham received a ProfessionalAchievement Award in 1968 from the Alumni As-sociaton. Plans are underway for a week-longDunham retrospective in Chicago for next spring.THE ORIGINAL CASEY?Editor:In perusing Casey at the Bat in the Summer, 1985, issue, I compulsively noticed aninconsistency. Out of curiosity you maywant to ask Mr. Gardner about the same.Stanza four of the ballad mentions JimmyBlake but stanza five, referring to the sameMr. Blake, calls him Johnny. Was Mr. Thayer's original Mr. Blake Jimmy or Johnny? Ido not expect the answer to change theprice of rice in China but just thought Iwould challenge Mr. Gardner because hestated "this is the original version ofCasey— word for word, comma for comma—exactly as it appeared in the fourth column of the fourth page of the San FranciscoExaminer, Sunday morning, June 3, 1888."Paul A. Fee, M.D.Martin Gardner replies: Dr. Fee's sharpeyes caught one of two errors in the first printingof Casey. In my book on Casey / have nineteenfootnotes to this original version of the ballad.Note 12, on the line that mentions "Johnnie,"reads: "A printer's mistake. It should have beenJimmy."In William Schuman's opera The MightyCasey we learn that Blake's full name is JamesElmer Blake. He played third base. As "Bobo"Blake, he was also the leader of a local dance bandcalled the Mudville Melodians. WHAT ARE THEYREALLY DOING?Editor:I would like to point out a minor inconsistency in the article "The Good Citizen— AThreatened Species?" (Summer, 1985). Thecaption for the picture on the title page of thearticle mentions the Pledge of Allegiance, Circa 1889. However, according to the 1985 WorldAlmanac the original Pledge of Allegiance wasfirst published in the September 8, 1892, issueof the Youth 's Companion.Robert J. Shlifer, MBA'67Longmeadow, MAEditor's note: The reference librarian at theUniversity of Chicago reports: You are correct.The Pledge of Allegiance was, indeed, firstpublished in 1892. But, he adds, it had been usedbefore that time. As a matter of fact, publicationresulted in a dispute over its proper wording.FACULTY FORMDIVESTMENT COMMITTEEEditor:As alumni of the University and members of its faculty, we would like to informother alumni about FDSA, a newly formedcommittee of Faculty for Divestment inSouth Africa.The Committee seeks to promote discussion in the University community toward the end of persuading the Universityto divest itself of holdings in corporationsthat are themselves invested in South Africa. That country's legislated segregationand oppression of its black population— theso-called apartheid system— is an abomination. Members of this committee believethat corporate support for South Africaamounts to support for this system, whichhas remained as oppressive as ever duringthe recent period of growth in American investment there. The committee urges theUniversity to exercise both its moral leadership and its economic leverage by reshaping its investment portfolio in the light ofthis recognition. The committee sees no valid reason to think such reinvestment a violation of the fiduciary responsibilities of theUniversity's trustees.In the coming months FDSA will circulate a faculty petition that will appear in theMaroon early in the autumn quarter. It plansto disseminate literature on affairs in SouthAfrica, on the effects of American involvement there, and on the feasibility of divestment as a strategy of opposition. It alsoplans a University-wide teach-in in the autumn quarter. The committee invites comment, information, and support from interested alumni. The address is: FDSA, c/o JamesChandler, Department of English, 1050 E.59th St., University of Chicago, Chicago, IL60637.Wayne Booth, AM'47, PhD'50Department of EnglishJames Chandler, AM'72, PhD'78Department of EnglishTed Cohen, AB'62Department of PhilosophyJohn MacAloon, AM'74, PhD'80Social Sciences Collegiate DivisionRobert Morrissey, PhD'82Department of Romance LanguagesDavid Orlinsky, AB'54, PhD'62Department of Behavioral SciencesRobert J. Richards, PhD'78Department of HistoryJoel Snyder, SB '61Committee on General StudiesMichael J. Wade, PhD'75Department of BiologyGeorge Walsh, AB'67Department of ClassicsContinued on page 50EDITOR'SNOTESThis spring, Jamie Graff's article,"Preserving Egypt's Ancient Records,"(Fall, 1984) won a Gold Medal Award inthe Best Articles of the Year category inthe annual Recognition program sponsored by the Council for Advancementand Support of Education (CASE).There were 317 entries in the category;11 won Gold Medal Awards, 10 won Silver Medal Awards, and four won BronzeMedal Awards. Our congratulations toformer staff writer Graff, who is studying for a master's degree in Munich, andtraveled to Egypt to do the article for us.Letitia Lestina reports that a representative of Baxter Travenol Laboratories in Deerfield, IL, after reading abouther efforts in the Magazine, ("The Matchmaker," Summer, 1985) called to offerused laboratory equipment for use inthe Chicago public schools. (BaxterTravenol's chairman is trustee WilliamGraham, SB'32, JD'36.)EditorFelicia Antonelli Holton, AB'50Staff WriterBrigitta CarlsonDesignerDiane HutchinsonThe University of Chicago Office ofAlumni AffairsRobie House5757 South Woodlawn AvenueChicago, Illinois 60637Telephone: (312) 753-2175President, The University of ChicagoAlumni AssociationMichael Klowden, AB'67Executive Directorof University Alumni AffairsCarol Jenkins Linne, AB'66Associate Directorof University Alumni AffairsRuthHalloranNational Program DirectorBette ArnettChicago Area Program DirectorMark Reinecke, AM'81Director, Alumni Schools CommitteeJ. Robert Ball, Jr., X'70The University of ChicagoAlumni AssociationExecutive Committee, the CabinetMichael Klowden, AB'67Edward J. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49RobertO. Anderson, AB'39Patricia C. Cassimatis, AB'67 MAT'69Peter A. Goodsell, AB'71Mary Lou Gorno, MBA'76William B. Graham, SB'32, JD'36Patricia Rosenzweig, AB'61Barbara Wagonfeld, AB'58Clyde Watkins, AB'67Faculty/Alumni Advisory Committeeto the University of Chicago MagazineEdward W. Rosenheim, AB'39AM'47, PhD'53, ChairmanDavid B. and Clara E. SternProfessor, Department of Englishand the CollegeWalter J. Blum, AB'39, JD'41Wilson-Dickinson Professor,the Law SchoolGreta Wiley Flory, PhB'48Carl Lavin, AB'79John A. SimpsonArthur Holly Compton DistinguishedService Professor, Department ofPhysics and the CollegeLorna R Straus, SM'60, PhD'62Associate Professor, Department ofAnatomy and the CollegeLinda Thoren Neal, AB'64, JD'67The University of Chicago Magazine ispublished by the University of Chicagoin cooperation with the AlumniAssociation. Published continuouslysince 1907 Editorial Office: RobieHouse, 5757 Woodlawn Avenue,Chicago, Illinois 60637. Telephone (312)753-2323. Copyright© 1985 by theUniversity of Chicago. Published fourtimes a year, Autumn, Winter, Spring,Summer. The Magazine is sent to allUniversity of Chicago alumni. Pleaseallow four weeks for change of address.Second class postage paid at Chicago,Illinois, and at additional mailing offices. The University ofCHICAGOMagazine/Fall 1985Volume 78, Number 1 (ISSN-9508)Page 8Page 18Cover: The University of ChicagoClub of London celebratedInternational University ofChicago Day with a ploughman'slunch on the Thames. (Photo byR. J. L Thomas).Typesetting by Skripps & Associates. Ch icago. IN THIS ISSUEIn A Secular Society, How Can We TeachPeople About Philanthropy?A Conversation with Robert L. Payton.Page 2The World's First Formal Architecture?By Brigitta CarlsonIn Turkey, Robert and Linda Braidwoodhave uncovered surprisingly sophisticatedbuildings, which date to about 7,250 B.C.Page 8Fighting For Women'sRights in the WorkplaceBy Marianne EismannA report on Joyce Dannen Miller'scareer in the labor movement.Page 12International University of Chicago DayPage 15Exceptional Conditions, Not ExceptionalTalent, Produce High AchieversBy Brigitta CarlsonThe findings surprised even the researchers,reports education expert Benjamin Bloom.Page 18Alumni Medal to Congressman YatesPage 29 vREUNION 1985Page 32 - ,; i ,DEPARTMENTSChicago JournalClass NewsDeathsBooks 20345152IN A SECULARSOCIETY, HOW CANWE TEACHPEOPLE ABOUTPHILANTHROPY?Conversationobept L. Robert L. Pay ton, AM '54, has beenpresident of Exxon Education Foundationsince 1977. He had served earlier as presidentof Hofstra University and C. W. Post College, and was U. S. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Cameroon from 1967 to1969.Payton was on the staff of WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis for nine years, serving as vice-chancellor from 1961 to 1966.Currently, he is a member of the VisitingCommittee to the College of the University ofChicago.In 1984 the Council for Advancementand Support of Education (CASE) presentedits Distinguished Service to EducationAward to Payton. CASE presents the awardannually to the person, publication, or organization performing a service of nationalsignificance to education.CASE praised Payton for his "enlightened philanthropy" as head of the Exxon Education Foundation, as well as his accomplishments as president of HofstraUniversity and C W. Post College, and as auniversity publications editor at WashingtonUniversity. They also cited him for "developing professionalism" in the fields of campuspublic relations, fund-raising, and alumnirelations.On a recent visit to Chicago, Paytontook time out to talk to the Magazine's editor, Felicia Antonelli Holton, on his favoritetopic— the failure of colleges and universitiesto study or teach about philanthropy. Theeditor's interview with Payton follows:Holton: You have said that you feelthat scholars should study the philanthropic tradition, and that they shouldteach students about it. Can you explain why you feel this way?Payton: The value of philanthropyoriginated in ancient practice and belief, and modern philanthropy has lostits conscious grip on that tradition.Today, policymakers are further re-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985Photo by James L. BallardThere is very littleserious effort to helppeople who work in thephilanthropic world getat the theory and thehistory of their work."moved from the recipients of charityand philanthropy than was the case insimpler and smaller societies. As giving and receiving become increasinglysystematized and specialized, organizational values replace personal ones.Detached from religion, charity andphilanthropy lose their place to value-neutral terms like "grant making" and"contributions." We should try todeepen our understanding of the issues by encouraging scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to engage instudy and discussion of philanthropicvalues, their origins, and their modernexpression.For the past several years I have beentalking— interminably, I'm afraid—about the need to study philanthropy. Idon't want to imply that there aren'tany serious scholars at work on thesubject. The historian Barry Karl hereat the University of Chicago, for example, and Stanley Katz, now at Princeton, have launched a major explorationof that unique American institution,the philanthropic foundation, and theimpact of foundations on the formation of public policy in America.Franklin Gamwell, dean of the DivinitySchool at Chicago, has recently published an important and original analysis of voluntary associations.But there is no such thing as a synthesisof the philanthropic tradition as yet,nor is there an integration of the tradition into the educational experience ofundergraduates.The personal obligation to act to relievethe suffering of others— the concept ofcharity— arose in a religious context.What happens to such an idea in a society that becomes systematically secular? In many cases it seems to me to fallinto a vague humanitarian mush, orsimply shift from a very precise anddisturbing personal obligation to a much more distant and impersonal collective responsibility.Edward Shils— to name another Chicago contributor to this dialogue— in hisbook, Tradition, makes it clear that traditions that are not dynamic, if not reinforced attenuate rather quickly. If wedo not teach young people about theimportance of voluntary service andvoluntary giving in our society — if wedo not really understand those ideasourselves — then we have every reasonto be fearful. Every other society in thewestern tradition has drifted awayfrom its philanthropic practice. Onlyrecently have some begun to appreciate the value of what was so casuallyabandoned a generation ago.Holton: Can you explain what youmean when you say "drifted away"from this tradition?Payton: I think it is instructive to lookat the European experience after WorldWar II. In much of western Europe theintention was for the state to replacevoluntary charity. Basic needs were tobe met as a matter of right, not privilege. The state also assumed the responsibility for philanthropy— forenhancing the quality of life in thecommunity— replacing individual patronage of the arts and scholarship, forexample. Along with the drying up ofvoluntary giving, there is also a declineof voluntary service. Because the stateprovides so many things, there is also no encouragement of voluntary association in the public interest. Where wehave in this country positively encouraged all three of these dimensionsof the philanthropic tradition-voluntary giving, voluntary service,and voluntary association— other societies have neglected them or even imposed disincentives on one or more ofthem. There is no significant "independent sector" in most societies ofthe world. In American society thatsector represents 93 million volunteers, $75 billion in contributions, seven million full-time jobs, and almost800,000 organizations.Yet for the most part, when you talkwith a group of faculty members in thehumanities and social sciences, youwill find that for most of them it is thefirst time they've ever been engaged ina serious academic discussion of thesubject. You may at the moment bemeeting in a building built with philanthropic dollars, you may have studentssupported by scholarship funds inyour classes, your own professorshipmay be endowed, yet you may still findit possible to ignore the tradition altogether. It is extraordinary to me thatthe philanthropic tradition can sodeeply permeate American academiclife — American society as a whole —and yet be simply ignored intellectually by the vast majority of scholars.Holton: Can you expand on the ideathat an unsupported tradition maydisappear?Payton: Let me give you an exact analogy of what I mean. In 1969 when I returned from Africa and became president of C. W Post College on LongIsland, I found myself in the midst ofturmoil on the campus. One of theprincipal issues at that point was thestudent attack on general education requirements. In the faculty debates that3Acts of charity andphilanthropy revealcomplicated issues ofpolitical, economic, andsocial philosophy, butthey also reveal somedeeply human insightsas well."ensued it became apparent to me thatthe people teaching at that time hadinherited the ideas of general educationbut had not internalized them at all. Theysimply imposed requirements with nophilosophical understanding of whythe requirements were there. In the debate on the foreign language requirement, for example, the head of modernlanguages expressed great anxietyabout the outcome: "You know whatwill happen if we do this — we'll lose ourjobs."The same kinds of forces are at work inthe philanthropic tradition. We don'tfully grasp the continuing importanceof private voluntary charity and philanthropy in our society. Other alternatives are suggested and we quicklyabandon the lessons of the past. At onepoint in recent history, that meantshifting responsibility from individuals to the society as a whole; more recently, it has been shifting responsibilities from the state and from thenon-profit sector into the marketplace.Holton: Could you explain what youmean when you say that modern philanthropy has lost its conscious gripon the tradition?Payton: Consider the change that hastaken place over the years in giving bybusiness. John D. Rockefeller, Sr., began tithing as a religious obligationwhile still a teenager. It was a personalresponse to a religious mandate. Hispurpose was not to serve man but toserve God. Over the years that personal obligation of business owners likeRockefeller becomes a collective obligation when those companies areguided by managers. For a variety ofother reasons as well, managers oflarge corporations today are much lesslikely to impose their personal valueson the corporation, especially their religious values. The corporation thentends to become a strongly secularinstitution. This has happened at a time when thestate has become the source of moralvalues. It is a time when we criticize thebusiness corporation for being amoraland yet deny it any moral voice. Theassumption is that we will be able topreserve philanthropic and charitablevalues completely detached from fundamental personal beliefs and convictions. I am doubtful that such a worldis possible, but I don't claim to know towhat extent it matters or how it matters. I want simply to ask how life willbe different, how people will be different, how relationships between peoplewill change, if we secularize and depersonalize such things as voluntarygiving and acts of charity.I came on a meditation by an Englishtheologian a few years ago that promptsme to ask whether a Christian can meethis religious obligations to others bypaying his taxes in a welfare state. Ithink some people would accept that:that the high purposes of charity andphilanthropy can be disposed of bymandatory income transfers.A British rock star participating in thegreat television extravaganza for Ethiopian relief made an impassionedstatement to the effect that the needs ofstarving children should not be met byvoluntary charity of this kind— itshould never come to that. As a matterof justice, he said, people should haveenough to eat. He seemed not to havethought much about why that proves to be such a difficult problem for theworld: why political and economic systems seem to fail, why voluntary actionof some kind, for someone, seems always to be necessary, whether in Ethiopia or America or Cuba or Cameroon,That strong sense of justice is verymuch in the Chicago tradition, at leastas I remember it from my days here andas I infer from Visiting Committee visits. The combination of justice andfreedom, however, continues to leaveus with failures of various kinds, failures which some people always seemto respond to voluntarily, personally,directly, often courageously. Acts ofcharity and philanthropy reveal complicated issues of political, economic,and social philosophy, but they also reveal some deeply human insights aswell. They are issues and insights thattouch the lives of every student, andwe should help students to understand them better.Holton: Can you suggest what students would look into, in a study ofphilanthropy?Payton: Philanthropic values are expressed in every great civilized tradition, every great religious tradition.They are central to the Judeo-Christian, Greco-Roman Western tradition. Almsgiving is one of the pillarsof Islam. Benevolence is obviously important in Buddhist thought. Yet as faras I know there is no convenient sourceof information about the different religious traditions in their beliefs andpractices in charity and philanthropy,not even a convenient collection oftexts of the prototypical religious statements about them.Why is it that the philanthropic tradition manifests itself so differently indifferent societies? Within a few milesof my office in midtown Manhattanone could undertake a comparativestudy of philanthropic values andpractices in most of the cultural tradi-4 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985tions of the world. Most of the samecultural variety is available on or nearthis campus. How do philanthropicpractices differ in Muslim cultures?How is the Koran interpreted differently among Indonesian Muslims, forexample, or among the various Islamicsocieties of the Middle East? How doesAfrican Muslim practice differ fromthose? Compare philanthropic practiceamong orthodox, conservative, and reformed Jews. Compare philanthropicpractice among those who are openlyreligious in their approach with thosewho are secular.Holton: Do you see philanthropy andvolunteerism taught elsewhere thanin anthropology and religion courses?Payton: I don't teach and so I can onlyspeculate. Public policy courses mightfocus on the question of the shiftingboundaries among the three sectors ofgovernment, marketplace, and thenon-profit world— on "reprivatiza-tion" of welfare services, for example.Business schools tried for a while todeal with the social responsibility ofbusiness corporations, but I don'tthink there has been a serious reexamination of the fundamental casefor corporate philanthropy in morethan thirty years. The moral questionof providing assistance to "geneticstrangers"— the outpouring of relieffrom America and Europe to helpstarving Ethiopians, for example —remains problematic. The changed human relationships that arise whenagents intervene between givers andreceivers is a growing problem. Howdoes one organize large-scale fund-raising and keep some sense of personal involvement? (In the developmentoffices of most colleges and universities those are agonizing issues.) Thenegative attitude toward philanthropists is eloquently expressed in literature, especially in such writers asDickens or more recently in Vonnegut.History, literature, philosophy, sociol- The philanthropictradition— theindependent sector ofvoluntary service, giving,and association— isthe wellspring of mostof the social changein our society."ogy, psychology, law, business ... allof the social sciences and humanitiesand most of the professions have reason to deal with some aspect of thephilanthropic tradition.The philanthropic tradition— the independent sector of voluntary service,giving, and association— is the well-spring of most of the social change inour society. It is the source of the cultural innovation that changes the values as well as the behavior of our society. It provides the medium of moraldiscourse that establishes and modifies the public agenda. I believestrongly that this tradition is directlyrelated to our survival as a free andopen and democratic society. Yet we donot yet have philanthropic histories ofthe civil rights movement, the environmental movement, the women's movement, the human rights movement— orhistories of the countervailing movements that have risen up against themin the same sector.Holton: Were you yourself consciousof the philanthropic tradition beforebecoming president of Exxon Education Foundation?Payton: I was conscious of only oneside of the process; the other side wasthere to be dealt with, not understood.I didn't have any sense of the workingsof the marketplace of philanthropicsources, for example, no sense thatthere was a theoretical model that would help me better understand whatI was trying to do and why. The emphasis of almost all of the so-called "professional" organizations related togrant making and fund-raising is how-to sessions of one sort or another.There is very little serious effort to helppeople who work in the philanthropicworld get at the theory and the historyof their work. I think that failure is related to the relatively low social standing of such people on most campuses,for example, and to the relatively highturnover among people working inthis field.In ancient Israel, the most honoredpeople in the community were thoseentrusted with the responsibility tocollect and distribute alms.I am fascinated by the ways the relationships among people changein different aspects of philanthropy.There is the familiar superior-inferior,dominance-dependence relationshipreflected in statements such as "I'drather die than accept charity fromanybody." That provides an insight into traditions of individualism as well.There is the phenomenon so familiar inlarge cities of derelicts seeking handouts (even the language has echoes ofthe nineteenth century). I discoveredas a new commuter into Manhattanconfronted with this phenomenonevery day that I made a distinction between giving to derelicts and giving totheir agents. That is, inexplicably, Iwould walk past a blind man with a cupwithout giving him anything, but Iwould go out of my way to make a giftto a Catholic nun or to a SalvationArmy petitioner, each there to raisealms in behalf of the blind man or others in similar straits.One factor at work in dealing with basic needs as basic rights is to assuredignity in human relationships. Thehope is to achieve dignity by minimizing differences. Yet part of our problemI would walk past ablind man with a cup . . .but I would go out ofmy way to make a giftto a Catholic nun orto a Salvation Armypetitioner, each there toraise alms in behalf ofthe blind man or othersin similar straits."is our misguided notion that some ofus don't need help while others do.Only those who have led uniquelysheltered lives could believe they arebeyond the need of charity.Holton: You said that philanthropycontinues to be the source of most social and cultural innovation. Wouldyou elaborate on that?Payton: Social innovations are themost obvious ones. As I understandthe environmental movement, for example, a few people re-thought thepurposes of what had been called conservation and began to formulate anew case for protecting the environment from human despoliation, muchof it resulting from actions of the marketplace. Much of the early work camefrom academic scientists who wereconcerned about the effects of industrial pollution on the public water supply.The initiative of individuals in callingthe problem to the attention of othersled to the formation of organizations todo something about it. The organizations were to serve the public ratherthan individual private interests. Theywere not able to sustain themselves inthe marketplace, and at that point intime government did not have a clearsense of its role in the matter.Organizations need money to carry ontheir work; investors are not availablefor non-profit, especially "negative-profit" activities. In our system, suchorganizations are helped by beingmade exempt from taxation; people areencouraged to give to them by beinggiven tax deductions for doing so.The environmental movement may bestudied as an illustration of socialmovements: it is a "SP(I)N," as twoMinnesota anthropologists once put it.The movement is segmented (S) overtime as organizations compete forleadership around different strategies;the movement is polycephalous (P) inthat several people emerge as the prin cipal voices of concern; the movementis a loose affiliation of people and organizations in a network (N); and thewhole thing is held together by a senseof a common enemy — that is, by an ideology (I). That is the context in whichmany voluntary associations come together and claim our attention. Manyfail. Some, however, so win our attention and approval that politicians andjournalists and academics accord theirblessing and public policy begins tochange.Holton: As president of the ExxonEducation Foundation what are youdoing to encourage people to studyand teach about philanthropy?Payton: All too little, I'm afraid. Thephilanthropic tradition is not on the tipof academic tongues, and so we arehounded all too seldom to pay attention to the subject. We have long supported efforts to improve the quality offund-raising and to achieve more professional standards of institutionaldevelopment, but no foundation orcorporation that I know of has yet developed a grant program in educationabout the philanthropic tradition.I chair two "seminars" on philanthropy, however. The first began two yearsago at Columbia University. The Columbia Seminars are permanent seminars, usually meeting monthly, andusually made up half of faculty members (from Columbia and other institu tions) and half from professional fieldsand corporations. This fall the Columbia Seminar on Philanthropy will begin a year-long case study of philanthropy in action. Our first case will bethe Ethiopian crisis. We will invitescholars and specialists to make presentations about the voluntary organizations at work in Ethiopia, aboutfund-raising in the United States andin Europe, about philanthropic valuesamong the Ethiopian people themselves, about the extraordinary roleplayed by the news media and advertising, and so on. Our hope is to develop an annual series of case studies inthis seminar format, and to publishthem as we go along. (Donald Levine,dean of the College at the University ofChicago, once specialized in Ethiopiansociety and he has been very helpful inmaking suggestions of other scholarswe might call upon. I wish we couldborrow him for the year.)The other seminar is unique, I think.The Exxon Seminar on Philanthropy ismodeled on the Columbia seminar butit is restricted to Exxon employees suchas myself who are engaged in makinggrants for the corporation. The majority are individuals who have primaryresponsibilities other than philanthropy but who advise us on philanthropicdecisions — on support of environmental organizations, for example, or onsupport of a new degree program inMiddle Eastern studies. Our seminarmeets once a month for several hours(toward the end of the day, I shouldadd, so that the participants impose ontheir personal time as well as on business hours). If we are able to sustainthis effort for a few years, we'll have anucleus of people widely distributedwithin the company who are informedin depth about the ways the philanthropic system works in American society, and what the relationship of thebusiness corporation to that process isand ought to be.6 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985Through my work with IndependentSector, the Council for Advancementand Support of Education, and otherorganizations, I am in regular contactwith scholars like Barry Karl here atChicago, with John Simon who headsthe Program on Nonprofit Organizations at Yale, with individual scholarsat Penn and Virginia and Syracuse.There is a growing body of people andorganizations intellectually interestedin philanthropy— it is premature tospeak of a "movement"— and the cumulative efforts are beginning to havesome effect. What I most want to see isthe development of teaching materialsthat can be conveniently added topresent course offerings. The thematicgeneral education courses on the philanthropic tradition will arise out of theinterest of individual faculty members,or not at all.Holton: Was there a historical precedent, for Exxon, in the DistinguishedService to Education Award that youreceived from CASE (Council for theAdvancement and Support of Education) in 1984?Payton: Yes. In 1953, the award was given to Frank W Abrams, who was thenchairman of Standard Oil Company ofNew Jersey, the company now calledExxon. Frank Abrams establishedExxon Education Foundation in 1955.He was the first corporate executive Iheard about when I entered universityadministration in 1957. Abrams had ledthe effort to clarify the right of corporate management to make contributions where there was no direct benefitto the company or its shareholders.The landmark case of A.R Smith Company vs. Barlow in New Jersey in 1953involved an action by a shareholder,Mrs. Barlow, to prevent the companyfrom making an unrestricted gift of$1,500 to Princeton. Judge Stein heardtestimony from people like FrankAbrams, Alfred R Sloan of GeneralMotors, and others, and was persuad- Will (my grandson)learn about thephilanthropic tradition?I really believe that thephilanthropic traditionneeds and deservesthe best thought ofthe best people, andperhaps my grandsonwill benefit from theirwork and wisdom."ed by them that such a practice was indeed in the long-term interest of thecompany and its shareholders, as wellas important to freedom in Americansociety.Two years later Exxon created ExxonEducation Foundation; in addition togrants in support of such things aschemical engineering, which the company had been making since 1919, thenew foundation made unrestrictedgifts to liberal arts colleges. The firstfunding provided to the foundation byExxon and some of its affiliated companies amounted to $1.5 million in1955. Our grants in 1984 exceeded $30million, representing something morethan fifty-two percent of Exxon domestic contributions for all purposes.The grants included support for thosecompany-related interests like chemical engineering; they also includedsubstantial amounts for the humanities and social sciences.Holton: Have you been able to convince anyone to start teaching aboutphilanthropy?Payton: Most of what I've done is tomeet other people who have come tothe subject as I have— from personalexperience combined with intellectualcuriosity. (Whenever anyone asks mewhat my field was, I also reply that Iwent to the University of Chicago.)Interaction with these scholars andpractitioners is a wonderfully reward ing, often exhilarating experience. Ithas added a new dimension to my understanding of the American educational system, and to the unique qualities of American society.Now that I have a grandson to thinkabout, I am concerned about the placeof the philanthropic tradition in theworld in which he hammers out his lifeand career. He will graduate from highschool in the year 2000. If he attendsthe University of Chicago, Will he paytuition or will the state pay his way?Will he apply for a scholarship fundedby private gifts?Will he learn about the philanthropictradition? The University of Chicago isas appropriate a place for the traditionto become intellectually important asany I know. I really believe that thephilanthropic tradition needs and deserves the best thought of the best people, and perhaps my grandson willbenefit from their work and wisdom.But more important than my grandsonknowing about the philanthropic tradition is another question:Will he practice it?Bibliographical note:Karl, Barry, and Stanley Katz. "American Private Foundations and thePublic Sphere, 1890-1930," Minerva(Summer 1981).Gamwell, Franklin. Beyond Preference:Liberal Theories of Independent Associations. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984.Shils, Edward. Tradition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.On SP(I)Ns: Hine, Virginia. "The BasicParadigm for a Future Socio-Cul-tural System." World Issues (April-May 1977). The Center for theStudy of Democratic Institutions. Hi - - '••¦ ¦ In Turkey, Robert and Linda Braidwoodhave uncovered surprisingly sophisticatedbuildings, which date to about 7,250 B. C.TheWorld!sFirst FormalArchitecture?By Brigitta CarlsonNear the headwaters of the ancientTigris in southeastern Turkey anexpedition co-directed by RobertBraidwood, field director of thePrehistoric Project for the University's Oriental Institute, has unearthed what may be the earliestformal architecture ever created.Three communally built structures uncovered by a team of archeologists from the University of Chicago, Istanbul University, and Karlsruhe University are surprisingly old, dating from 7,250 B.C. to 6,750B.C., and in their detailing, unexpectedly sophisticated."What I think we have here," said Braidwood, PhD'43,professor emeritus in the Oriental Institute and theDepartment of Anthropology, "is the first evidence thatchanges began to happen much faster than we realized,once people began controlling their food supply."The buildings were uncovered in Cayonu (pronouncedchi-'oe-noo), short for Cayonu Tepesi, meaning "themound in front of the stream," where Robert Braidwoodand his wife, Linda Schreiber Braidwood, AM'46, OrientalInstitute associate, have been excavating since 1964.In one building the archeologists have found roughly fifty human skulls, cut off just above the ears, and seemingly burned. A specialist in human osteology at Hacitepe University in Ankara, Turkey, is analyzing these, along withother human bones found buried in the same building. Butwhat the three structures were intended for isn't certain."I can tell you their purpose," said Braidwood, leaninghis lanky frame back to laugh at what he doesn't know, "itwas either sacred or secular. Anyway, we think it was not domestic."But archeologists have already gleaned some informationfrom the remains at Cayonu. There is an elaborate terrazzofloor in one building, for example, made of salmon-coloredlimestone and lines of white marble chips set in cement."When we found the floor, we thought at first it must be fromGreco-Roman times," said Braidwood. "We had no idea thepeople at this early time were so advanced." The people whocreated the floor had mastered the pyrotechnology necessaryto create cement by burning limestone. Stones for the buildings must have been moved by a group of people, becausedraft animals hadn't been domesticated yet. That the villagehad time and was organized enough to manage this suggeststhat basic needs for food and shelter had been satisfied and asimple political structure formed.(Top, left) Detail of the terrazzo floor. The length of the stick is fivecentimeters. (Right) In the foreground is a building foundation in Cayonumade up of a series of cells. In the background is a foundation that resemblesa grid. Both types of foundations have been seen elsewhere, but these arethe clearest examples yet discovered. (Right, inset) Linda SchreiberBraidwood and Robert Braidivood.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985***¦>"''"**-,. ¦&:¦'0 j#* '¦ings, which each measure about 26 by23 feet and face south, include pilasters that appear to be for simple decoration and, in the building with the terrazzo floor, a piece of limestone carvedwith an almost life-sized human face.The skulls were found in two stone-floored rooms in another building,fronted by a large room with a plasterfloor and traces of red paint on its mud-plastered walls. In that room is a one-ton piece of well-polished stone not.^fci^****™****'t&4r~^&* *-->*.w*-?.- £.%>.%mThe "skull building," so-called because that iswhere archeologists found fifty human skulls.The skulls, too fragmentary to show in a photograph, were on the floors of the small back roomsto left and right. (Top, inset) Human burial foundin the left back room of the "skull building." Ithas not yet been determined whether the personwas buried in this building, or whether the burialwas already in place before the building waserected. The great importance of Cayonuand sites like it in the Near East is thatthey are humankind's first settlements,made possible after plants and animalswere domesticated. Braidwood once referred to these early communities as the"germ plasma" of western culture, because they preceded and, indeed,heralded, the advent of the great literatecivilizations that grew in the lower riverbasins of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Thediscovery of such early architecture,Braidwood suggests, is evidence thatonce human beings did settle down,their cultural development quickened ata rate archeologists hadn't anticipated.Other details of the three build- common to the area. (A sample of thestone is being tested at Karlsruhe University.) The building itself has a foundation of roughly dressed limestone.Archeological discoveries tend toreveal themselves slowly. As early as1964 when the Braidwoods began theirexcavation of Cayonii they were awareof a building with a flagstone floor."Yes, this was an unusual building,nothing like it had ever been encountered before," said Braidwood. "So weset it aside as something that we wouldlook into later on." In 1970 the terrazzofloor was uncovered. "We knew thiswas something special," he said, "butsomehow or other we didn't really un-10 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985derstand it." In 1981 they discoveredthe first of the skulls in the third building. "But it still didn't soak throughcompletely. And then last year we finally realized that here was somethingthat was really very special."Cayonu is also unusual for its storeof small copper artifacts. "One thingthat's peculiar about Cayonu is the lackof small (stone) finds," said LindaBraidwood, who is a specialist inchipped stone artifacts. (RobertBraidwood's special expertise originallywas pottery. "But then I very cleverly re-focused myself back to a time when theyweren't making any pots yet," he said,laughing.) Instead of the small figurinesthat were plentiful at similar sites wherethe Braidwoods had excavated, in Cayonu the archeologists uncovered thirtyor forty pieces of copper. Half of themare recognizable little pins, drills,hooks, and other tools, presumablywrought out of native copper from astill-productive mine only fifteen milesupslope from the settlement. "They realized that this (copper) behaved in away that natural stone did not," saidBraidwood.Cayonii followed a revolution inlifeways that culminated around 8,000B.C. "Some people don't like to use theword 'revolution,' for the food-producing revolution," said Braidwood."I'm still comfortable with it becausegiven the enormous time span before it,when things changed, they did so in ahurry." Of the revolution's importanceBraidwood once wrote, "After nearlytwo million years of cultural evolutionbased solely on predatory food-gathering, hunting and collecting,much had to be changed. The oldfolkways, the old notions of property,the old gods, the old morals, needed renovation as well as did the objects of everyday use."Exploring the origins and the earlyresults of this great transition has beenthe major occupation of the Braidwoodssince they inaugurated the OrientalInstitute's Prehistoric Project in 1947."I've often wondered whether my innate incompetence at language studyhelped focus my early interests on preli-terate societies," Braidwood once jokedin a retrospective essay in the archeolog-ical journal Antiquity. When pressed hefinds it difficult to say just what led himto anthropology at the University ofMichigan during the Great Depression,though his start as an architecture student in 1929 was ill-fated. "The combi nation of wretched scholarship and theonset of the Great Depression auguredill for a career in architecture," he wrotein the same essay. He turned instead to acombined curriculum in ancient historyand anthropology and in 1930 joined aMichigan expedition south of Baghdad."That did it," he said. "I've earned myliving at archeology ever since."Linda Braidwood jokes that she"sort of got bludgeoned into it by marriage" after general studies at the University of Michigan and a career inmerchandising. But their conversationis dense with references and ideas thathave been agreeably shared and debated for a lifetime. After Braidwood finished his master's degree at Michiganhe joined the Oriental Institute's expedition to sites in the Amouq in northwestern Syria where, in 1937, in the fallof the year they married, Linda joinedhim. Funding was cut back in 1938 andthe Braidwoods came back to Chicagoto work on graduate degrees. At theend of World War II, as the Braidwoodsprepared papers for a year-long anthropology course called "Human Origins," their plans for investigating thebeginnings of human beings' evolutioninto farmers finally coalesced.In 1947, when it became possible forthe Oriental Institute to return tofieldwork in Iraq, the Braidwoods began work on the prehistoric village ofJarmo, on advice from a friend whowas an advisor to the Iraqi Directorateof Antiquities. The excavation of Jarmocontinued until 1958 when the Iraqimonarchy fell and political instabilityensued.It was while they were working atJarmo that Braidwood introducedwhat was then a ground-breakingmulti-disciplinary approach tofieldwork. He invited scientists fromthe natural sciences to join him in recovering and interpreting the evidenceof human beings' early food-production. Each was assigned to apply his or her specialty to figure outwhat the plant and animal resources inthe area had been in prehistoric times,the strategies these ancient people hadused to procure and use certain ofthese resources efficiently, and, finally, the process by which certain wildplant and animal species had becomedomesticated.In his lab at the Oriental InstituteBraidwood said, simply, "We neededhelp," and laughed. "I myself can't tella wheat plant from a barley plant. I can tell a sheep from a goat, but I couldn'ttell the bones of a sheep from those of agoat. It was clear, we needed help."The National Science Foundationwas so taken by the Braidwoods' interestin using natural scientists in archeologythat they offered the Braidwoods funding. "When I came out of my dead faint. . . "mused Braidwood, describing theday that the late Carl Kraeling, then director of the Oriental Institute, calledhim up to meet the NSF official who offered him funding then and there. During their years of work at Jarmo, Sarab inIran, and Cayonu, the Braidwoods havebeen able to employ the expertise of aPleistocene geologist; zoologists; a lim-nologist, who studies the physical,chemical, meteorological, and biologicalconditions of fresh water; a dental paleontologist; paleoethnobotanists whostudy food plants, agronomy and plantgenetics, micro-botanies, and historicalforest patterns; and palynologists, whostudy pollen patterns. These specialistshave helped the Braidwoods gain amuch broader understanding of life inthe seventh millenium villages.The Braidwoods have been able towork at Cayonii through a special collaboration with Istanbul University, arranged by Halet Cambel, professor andhead of the university's prehistoricprogram. "We wanted to work in theupper Tigris valley but we hadn't beenable to make any headway," said Braidwood. "It was a military zone and foreigners weren't allowed." It wasthrough Cambel, a good friend, thatthe Istanbul-Chicago Universities JointPrehistoric Project was created. Since1978 Wulf Schirmer, head of the Institute for Architecture at Karlsruhe University, has also been a participant.In September the Braidwoods returned to Cayonii for another diggingseason. Robert Braidwood has beenemeritus since 1975, but the thought ofactually retiring does not appeal tohim. After fifty-five years spent excavating archeological sites, he's stillintrigued by the quest. Speaking of thediscovery in Cayonii of these specialtypes of buildings, which appeared soearly in the development of village-farming communities, he concludedthat their importance may be only transitory. "Come and see me again tomorrow," he said. "There may be startlingnew evidence just uncovered, either atCayonii or some other site, of far greater importance. That's the fascination ofarcheology."HnUT lor/oyce Dannen MillerFighting forWomen's Rightsin the WorkplaceJoyce Dannen Miller,after thirty-four years in the labormovement, still sees unions as"a source for social good."By Marianne Eismann For women who want to fightwage discrimination in the workplace, Joyce Dannen Miller hasthis advice: Join a union.Miller, PhB'49, AM'51, is vice-president and director of social services for the Amalgamated Clothing andTextile Workers Union and nationalpresident of the Coalition of LaborUnion Women (CLUW). Since leavingthe University in 1951 she has spentthirty-four years working to improvethe status of women in the workplace.In 1980, Miller made labor union history when she became the first womanappointed to the executive council ofthe AFL-CIO. Like the fabled names ofthe labor movement of earlier years—names like Joe Hill— Miller's name willbe remembered. She is already commemorated in this verse added toWoody Guthrie's song Union Maid:Not many days ago, in the AFL-CIO,Lane looked around and this is what hefound:Not a single woman on the executiveboard.He said, "That's mighty strange,I think we need a change."So he held a meeting,Male chauvinism took a beating.Joyce Miller was her name.Speaking of Miller's history-making appointment to the executivecouncil of the AFL-CIO, LaneKirkland, its president, says Miller wasthe "unanimous choice to become thefirst woman elected as vice-presidentof the AFL-CIO because of her outstanding record as a trade union leader." Since her election, Kirkland says,Miller has "taken on an important rolein the deliberations and committees ofthe executive council and has earnedthe respect and regard of the leaders ofthe nation's major trade unions."(There are now two women on thecouncil. Barbara Hutchinson, directorof the women's department of theAmerican Federation of GovernmentEmployees, was appointed in November, 1981.)Miller's appointment, also unusualbecause she was not president of aunion, the rank previously required forexecutive council membership, wasevidence of the "outstanding record"of which Kirkland speaks. In addition12 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985Marjanne Eismann, AM'84, is a doctoral candidate in the positions cited above, Miller alsois a trustee of the German MarshallFund of the United States, the GeorgeMeany Center for Labor Studies, theAmalgamated Social Benefits Association, the Amalgamated DepartmentStore and Retail Employees Insuranceand Pension Funds, the AmalgamatedChicago Group Employees PensionPlan, and the Rochdale Institute.Miller is also a director of theAmalgamated Trust and Savings Bankand a member of the U.S. MetricBoard, the U.S. Social Security Commission, the President's Export Council, the AFL-CIO Standing Committeeon Civil Rights, the AFL-CIO Community Services Committee, the NationalCommission on Working Women, andthe Public Affairs Committee. Addmembership on the executive or advisory boards of a dozen and a half moreservice, labor, and educational institutions and you begin to get the picture.But it's only the beginning, the grayoutline of the picture. Color and toneappear when Miller talks about the beliefs that led to those jobs and to herposition today as one of the country'stop labor leaders and spokespersons.After thirty-four years in the labormovement, Miller still sees that movement as "a source for social good inthis country." Moreover, she says she isfar from unique in her beliefs. "If youscratch the surface," she said in an interview in her New York office, "youwill find a lot of people like me withidealism for the labor movement."Others, she knows, don't always see ither way and sometimes look on organized labor as a "macho," monolithicinstitution with "criminal" overtones.The labels are Miller's own examples of"the kind of stereotypes you have tobreak ." She believes the U . S . is " a basically anti-union society" and that antiunion feeling is fostered by an image oflabor as a big, bad, special interestgroup. That image "is perception, notfact," she says, and is spread by "thepresent administration in Washingtonand ... by some of the successesunions have had."The press has not helped to counter that image, Miller says. "Wheneverthey can write a juicy, anti-labor story,they will." Miller is executive director of the Hillman Foundation, which wasfounded in 1950 to provide, accordingto its own description, a "forum foroutstanding and progressive thinkersin every walk of life." The foundationtries to counter what Miller calls a "badpress" with awards which "honor andencourage a sense of social awarenessin newspapers, books, magazine articles, and radio and television programs." Recent award winners includeSeymour Hersh, AB'58, for his book onHenry Kissinger, The Price of Power andCarl Sagan, AB'54, SB'55, SM'56,PhD'60, for his article, "Nuclear Warand Climactic Catastrophe," in ForeignAffairs magazine.Miller, an expert on the status ofwomen in the work force, cites the pertinent statistics: A woman earns sixty-two cents for every dollar a man earns.Twenty percent of all children live insingle-parent homes. Ninety percentof those homes have a woman as headof the household. By 1990, there will beten million more working women thanthere were in 1980, and many of thosewill be mothers of young children.During President Ronald Reagan's firstterm, families headed by women wereleft with less money to spend while average income for all Americans increased. Union women are paid thirtypercent more than non-union women.Union membership is especiallyimportant for women if wage inequalities are to be erased, Miller says. Whilethe growing use of high technology hascreated jobs, women still, in general,occupy the lowest-paying of thosejobs. The continued existence of"pink-collar" ghettoes— the clerical,sales, and restaurant jobs held for themost part by women— are what mayprovoke a resurgence of interest inunion membership, Miller believes."A union contract doesn't knowsex," she states emphatically, reiterating her point that union women earnnearly a third more than non-unionwomen. Wages, not the job itself, arethe main factor in creating the "ghetto," she says. She believes that a unioncontract setting uniform pay scales formen and women in the same job is theanswer to the problem. "As wages goup, you'll find men entering the field.When we raise the standard for wom en, we feel we're raising it for men."Miller's personal and professionalgoals are integrated in those of theCoalition of Labor Union Womenwhich she co-founded in 1974. Her career and her experience as a divorcedwoman with three children combinedto intensify her concern for the problems of working women, workingmothers, and working single parents.Because she fit all three of those categories she saw the need for child careas "both an intellectual and an emotional issue." In Chicago in the mid-1960s, Miller established a day-carecenter for Amalgamated workers' children that was described in a federal report as the "Rolls Royce" of child care.What made Miller's program an outstanding model were the quality andrange of its services. Based on a Swedish child care plan, Miller's center hada dentist, pediatrician and psychiatricsocial worker on staff. The progressivenature of the center meant that children were made to feel that they wereat home and not in an institutional environment. Miller says the "carte blanche" attitude that children are alwaysbetter off at home than at a day-carecenter is "ridiculous."Where a child is better off dependsas much on the quality of the home lifeas it does on the quality of the day-carecenter. "Children in a group situationlearn a tremendous amount," she says,pointing out one study that found thatchildren who had been in the Head-start program or who had some kind ofchild care before starting school generally did better academically and socially through elementary school thanchildren who were kept at home untilthey started school.While the growing useof high technology hascreated jobs, womenstill, in general, occupythe lowest-paying ofthose jobs.While Miller is a strong advocate ofday care she is not an indiscriminatingone. She disapproves of day care forprofit, which she says is on the rise inthe U.S., because she believes childcare is too expensive to be done well ona profit basis. Quality child care costsfrom $3,600 to $4,000 a year for onechild, she says. Private programs eitherhave to charge that much, thereby excluding many people who can't affordsuch a steep rate, or they have toscrimp on quality. The latter is one ofthe reasons behind the abuses in childcare, she says. Scandals arise, Millersays, "because the staff is not good."Ideally, she says, child care wouldbe provided on a "non-profit servicebasis, similar to the public school system." She said she believes the availability of such care would benefit morethan the families whose children wereserved. Society in general would benefit because more people would be freedto work to the best of their abilities.Child care is only one concern ofCLUW, which acts as a feminist lobbywithin all trade unions. At its 10th anniversary conference in Chicago in1984 the group reaffirmed its commitment to organize the millions of nonunion working women in the UnitedStates, to encourage women to take active roles in union leadership and politics, and to fight job discrimination.The first of those goals may be thehardest one to achieve. In recent yearsthe number of organized workers inthe U . S .—approximately sevenmillion— has remained constant although the size of the total work forcehas increased to about forty-two million, Miller says. The result is that thepercentage of organized workers hasdecreased. People are not as attuned tothe idea of joining a union in 1985 asthey were in, for example, 1935, whenthe Depression served as a powerfulimpetus for workers to organize."We're working very hard in termsof organization, but it's very difficult. . .We're looking for new ways to reachpeople and tell them what we're allabout," Miller says. Many workers today feel that unions have nothing to offer them. "People come to work todayand work in air-conditioned factories,they have decent wages, and then willsay, 'What do I need a union for?'"Miller says. She doesn't need to thinkabout the answer to their challenge."They need it in terms of job security."Miller once told a reporter that she came into the labor movement withstars in her eyes. The phrase has beenpicked up by other writers and used todescribe her many times. Exactly whoor what put those stars there is something Miller can't say, but she remembers being aware of the concerns ofworking people when she was growingup in Chicago and working in her father's railroad salvage store and hermother's family's dry goods store. Sheis proud that the dry goods store wasone of the first places to sell steel-tipped safety shoes for workmen.Miller's first real exposure to the labor movement came during a summerwhen she was a student in the College.She worked as an assembler for theLeaf Gum Co. in Chicago. Her job description is brief. "I moved gumballsfrom one conveyor to another." But thejob was harder than she thought itwould be. After a day of standing between two machines and repeating thesame motion from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., "Iknew real physical exhaustion, asopposed to mental exhaustion," sheremembers. That year helped directher towards her future career in laboreducation and organization.Her interest in the welfare of theworking class crystallized at the University, where she met others, including the late Kermit Eby, professor of social sciences, who shared her outlook."We all looked for places to make a contribution" to society, she says. "I lovedthe University of Chicago. Outside ofmy parents it was the most importantinfluence in my life. I loved the stonesin the Social Science building. I lovedwalking across campus." She smiles.She is a long way from the quadrangles, but the intensity of the young reformer remains. After years of work asa director of education and social programs for union members, as an organizer of day-care centers, as a builder ofhousing for union families, she has lostnone of her zest for the battle.Two years as a wrapper at MarshallField's department store in Chicagoand a summer in the student programat the United Auto Workers' CampF.D.R. in Huron, MI, completedher college labor experiences. Afterearning her master's degree in the Division of the Social Sciences, she becameeducation director for the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America inChicago, training people to become active in their own unions and chapters.Labor education still produces one of her greatest professional satisfactions:the transformation of a passive unionmember into a participant. When is shehappiest in her work? "When I seeunion members— male or female-become activated within their unionand in the larger political process," sheanswers.The labor movement had its heyday in the 1930s, a time when manypeople viewed unionism as perhapsthe only means to the economic survival of the worker. Miller believes andhas said repeatedly that the 1980s willbe for unionism and women what theGreat Depression years were forunionism and men. "It's a revolutionand we're living in the middle of it,"she says. The world has changed andcontinues to change. She points toHanna Gray's appointment as president of the University in 1978. "Thatwouldn't have happened thirty yearsago." The selection of GeraldineFerraro as the 1984 Democratic vice-presidential candidate is another positive sign — for men and for women, shesays. "It's the most exciting thing that'shappened. I think it really electrifiedthe country . . . I give Walter Mondalea lot of credit. I think he had the courage and the vision and it took a certainamount of nerve," she says.Miller is pleased with any progresswomen make in taking their place infields which used to be reserved formale players, but says there is stillmuch to be done. In the corporateworld, for example, "there's beenmovement . . . but certainly not anything great." The ranks of female corporate presidents and chief executiveofficers are still very thin. Rather thandiscouraging Miller, the paucity of female top exectives spurs her on. "I'mthe kind of person who looks at a glassand says it's half-full," but adds, "it's aconstant fight."Revolution, fight, awakening-whatever you want to call it, Miller ishelping to lead and to shape it. "I seethe labor movement as one of the mostimportant vehicles in our society for social change," she says. And unionmembers, whom she describes as "verysincere, dedicated, hard-working people" are clearly those with whom shemost likes to associate. Union membershave a sense of community, commonpurpose, and shared destiny sheprizes. "Unions represent so manymore people," she says, "than just thepeople who pay dues." S14 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985New YorkIn the Big Apple,alumni, guests, andstudents (a total of125 people) spentthe day exploringGovernor's Island. ChicagoMore than four hundred Chicago alumniand students gathered for a barbecueon the main quadrangles. Later theyattended a productionof "The Mikado."mversily ofhicago DayTokyoThe University ofChicago Club of Tokyocelebrated with a barbecue at the Chinzan-so Restaurant.Minneapolis-St. PaulSarah KlumpnerSchermer, and herdoll, Alice. Sarah isthe daughter ofDaniel W. Schermer,AB'66, and JudithKlumpner Schermer,AB71.More than 1,700 alumni, students, familymembers, and friends gathered togetherat 27 different locations around theworld on Sunday, July 28 (note: a fewheld celebrations a week earlier), to celebrate the first International University ofChicago Day. The parties ranged froman eight-person luncheon, hosted byMuriel Beadle and former president ofthe University, George Beadle, inClaremont, CA, to a barbecue on themain quadrangles at Chicago attendedby more than 400 people. Among the festivities were a ploughman's lunchwhile cruising on the Thames in London;a barbecue at a restaurant in Tokyo; aferryboat ride and barbecue on anisland in Boston Harbor; a behind-the-scenes tour of the Woodland ParkZoological Gardens in Seattle, conducted by Judy Ball, AB'60, director ofoperations at the zoo; a tour of theCastle at Cherokee Ranch near Denver,CO; and assorted picnics, swim parties,and ice cream socials.Susan WolkerstorferMarie Pribyl, AB'81,holds a sign at LongWharf to guide Boston alumni to theferryboat. George's Island in the Boston harbor was the setting for a picnic held by theUniversity of Chicago Club of Boston. Attending were ninety-four alumniand students.San DiegoFifty-eight San Diegoalumni held a picnicon Mission Bay, thenattended a pops concert by the San DiegoPops Orchestra.Michael Weisman,MD'68, and family, atthe San Diego picnic.MilwaukeeIn Milwaukee, ninety alumni and guests held a garden party at the BradleySculpture Garden. They toured the grounds, and then had a picnic. Karen Tarrant, JD'73,her husband JohnRaines, and son Ben,at the Twin Cities(MN) celebration.16 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985Edward Butler, SB'38, PhD'51; Harriett George Barclay, Ph0'28,at the Tulsa ice cream social.PrincetonIn Princeton, NJ, seventy-fivealumni and friends gatheredfor a picnic/pool party at thehome of Edward J. Anderson,PhB'46, SM'49. On hand wereJoan Forscher, AB'74; her husband Gerry Ramage; and theirsons, Danny Ramage and MarkForscher, (who share theirnames between them).riftAtlantaThe Atlanta Club held a barbecue at Stone Martin Park, attendedby thirty alumni and students. Watching over the grill were (I. to r.)Musa Rubin, AB'72, MBA'82; Linda Holmes-Rubin, AB'79, MBA'81;Jean Fraser, Class of 1987, the College; and her parents, Martyand Carol Fraser. SeattleRalph Rehbock,AM'28, feeds an elephant at the behind-the-scenes tour of theWoodland Park Zoosponsored by thePuget Sound AlumniClub in Seattle, WA.Fifty-nine alumni andstudents made upthe party.San FranciscoGabe Angel, AB'41, (right) president of the San Francisco Bay Area AlumniAssociation, presents Donald Levine, AB'50, AM'54, PhD'57, dean of theCollege, with San Francisco Mayor Diane Feinstein's proclamation, whichdeclared July 28 University of Chicago Day in that city. Eighty-eight alumni,students, and friends gathered for a barbecue in Tilden Park.Talent, says BenjaminBloom, a leading educational researcher,must be nurtured inorder to flourish.Bloom, PhD'43,the Charles H. Swift DistinguishedService Professor Emeritus in the Department of Education, headed a research team which has conducted afive-year study of some 120 superstars-Olympic swimmers, tennis players,concert pianists, sculptors, world-classmathematicians, and scientists. The researchers were trying to understandhow one gets to the extremes of learning.Their discoveries were surprising — even to the researchers. The potential for talent is more common thanmost people have assumed, and it wassustained encouragement— by parentsand teachers — which brought thegreatest development of talent amongthese high achievers."I've hit on something that seemsto involve parent-child relations that Ihad not anticipated," said Bloom.The team's findings were published this year in a book, DevelopingTalent in Young People (BallantineBooks), which Bloom edited. Bloom'sfindings, important to him for whatthey say about education, also suggestthat a great deal of potential in thiscountry goes unrealized."The notion that if a child has perfect pitch discrimination he will surelybecome a great musician isn't so unlesshe participates in a long process of excellent instruction," said Bloom. "InThe illustrations are from Elements of Phrenology, by George Combe. John AndersonJun., Edinburgh and Simpkin & Marshall,London. 1824. the U.S. we're always looking for 'greatgifts' as the rationalization for providing special lessons and we expect thatonly the most 'gifted' child can aspireto high levels of talent development."For the study approximately twenty subjects were interviewed in each ofsix fields where individual accomplishment could be fairly objectivelymeasured. The concert pianists, for example, were included because theyhad placed as finalists in one of half adozen international piano competitions. With only a few exceptions theinterviewees were younger thanthirty-five. Bloom hoped that thememories of their childhoods were stillvivid and that their parents would beable to provide collaborative stories.All of Bloom's subjects were born andbred in the United States to insure thatwhat was studied was within theframework of the American system."I had expected going into this thatthe talented people would have 'talent'stamped all over their faces from thetime they were very young," saidBloom. "What we found was that theband of people who are capable ofachieving high levels of talent development is actually quite broad. But thefew who achieved it had similar experiences." At the beginning those vital experiences occurred within the individual's family life. Although Bloomfound that the parents of his subjectswere "child oriented," and willing tomake great sacrifices for their families,they did not expect or demand thattheir children become great musiciansor brilliant mathematicians. "I didn'thave any ambitions for him except thathe be successful in whatever he choseto do," said the mother of one mathematician, in a response typical of otherparents in the study. Parents were often hard workers, though, and by theirexample their children came to valuethe work ethic. "I always have to dothings the best I can. My dad is thesame way," said one Olympic swimmer. "It can't just be good enough topass, it has to be right."Bloom, who defines talent as anunusually high level of achievement ina given field, believes that the eventualaccomplishments of only a tenth of thetalented individuals interviewed forhis study could have been predicted bythe end of elementary school. In theentire sample of 120 subjects only a fewhad been picked out as child prodigiesby teachers, parents, or experts. \As children, the subjects of Bloom'sstudy were not given lessons becausethey had demonstrated a marked abilityon the piano or in the swimming pool. Itwas the lessons that came first, and thechild's "small successes and earlyprogress" that prompted his parents toprovide him with more opportunities togrow in a given field. The interests of thefamily determined the field in which thechild was given his first lessons. Whydid a mother give her child piano lessons? "Because I liked music. Because Ifelt the kids needed it." said one mother,echoing the sentiments of many of theother parents.The long and arduous road to thelimits of a field takes from ten to twenty years to travel and is, Bloom found,marked by three distinct stages. Thesethree stages were documented timeand again in each of the six fields theteam studied. The first is characterizedby the child's playful delight in learning, the second by a more disciplinedcommitment, and the third by the individual's total identification with thefield. These stages are not orchestratedby set amounts of time, but representplateaus an individual reaches andmoves beyond on the way to fulfillinghis aspirations. Bloom's researchersare already beginning to uncover thesame stages of learning in other fields,including ballet and poetry."What we keep finding," he said,"is that the first teacher must be almostlike a wonderful mother, nurturing,supporting, encouraging the child andmaking the first learning playful andexciting. After the child has that forseveral years he needs to go to a teacher who emphasizes precision and theunderlying reasons for things. Then,UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS, NOTEXCEPTIONAL TALENT,PRODUCE HIGH ACHIEVERSThe findings surprised even the researchers,reports education expert Benjamin Bloom.By Brigitta Carlsoneventually, he has to move to a masterteacher who helps him find his ownunique style." It is this long and dedicated learning process that is necessary to develop great talent, saysBloom, not the inevitable emergence ofan early gift. A great deal can divertthis process and Bloom says that aweakness of the study is that it dealsonly with successful subjects, suggesting what leads to the development oftalent, but not what may inhibit it."In our country we say: Is he musically inclined? Does he have an aptitude for music? Then we'll give himmusic lessons," he said. "But in manycountries they're saying all childrenneed music, all children need art, allchildren should read poetry and literature. In this country we parcel out thosewho should and those who shouldn'treceive special instruction." It is the notion that only the child with perfect pitchmay grow up to be the next Mozart thatplagues Bloom. What is tragic to him isthat only that child may be encouragedto study music at all.Developing Talent in Young People,however, is not so much a study of thepath to genius as it is a journey into theways of learning. As such, the studygrows naturally out of Bloom's more than four decades of research on education. Its findings, although fascinating in their own right, are important toBloom for how they may illuminateclassroom learning. "I've been studying education for forty-five years andI've been trying to understand underwhat conditions do students learn welland under what conditions do theylearn poorly," said Bloom, "The talentstudy is an attempt to study the extremes of learning . . . It is not merelya study of 'how do you produce geniusor great talent? ' but ' what are the variables that influence learning under various conditions?'"In 1956 Bloom, together with colleagues at other universities,published the first part of Taxonomy ofEducational Objectives (David McKay,1956-64), a two-volume classificationof learning objectives and testing procedures that sold more than a millioncopies on its way to becoming a biblefor curriculum reform throughout theworld. But it was Stability and Change inHuman Characteristics (J. Wiley, 1964),published eight years later, that provided the framework for much ofBloom's later work. In the latter Bloomsuggested that a child born into thesupportive environment of a "culturally advantaged" home is best preparedto begin the work of elementaryschool. "In short, the culturally advantaged child learns to learn very early,"he wrote. Encouraged by other studieson child development, Bloom began toresearch the ways all young childrencould be taught to learn more effectively. His findings, which inspired preschool programs across the world,were cited in this country as the basisfor beginning the Headstart program. These preschool programs were often quite successful in their own right,but a few years into elementary schooltheir young graduates frequently fellbehind. Bloom, who investigated thisbacksliding, came to the unhappy conclusion that schools often inhibitedtheir students' potential. The ability tolearn was interpreted as a fixed quotient. The best learners were, ironically, given the most support while otherswere left to struggle. Mastery learningis a method of teaching Bloom createdto enable most of the students in aclassroom to reach high levels ofachievement. The basic premise ofmastery learning is that a student mustmaster one learning task before he canbe expected to comprehend and learnthe next. The result of using the method, now employed in classrooms fromelementary to graduate school, is a dra-Continued on page 4919CHICAGO JOURNALB.KENNETH WESTTRUSTEE CHAIRMANB. Kenneth West, MBA'60, chairman and chief executive officer of theHarris Trust and Savings Bank and itsholding company, Harris Bankcorp,Inc., has been elected the new chairman of the University's board of trustees. West, who has been a trusteesince 1981, is credited with being thefirst graduate of the University's business school to earn a straight "A" average. He is director of the Bank of Montreal and of Motorola, Inc . , and is onCharles S. Lockethe governing boards of a number oforganizations, including Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, the Orchestral Association of Chicago, TRUST, Inc., Chicago CentralArea Committee, the Crusade ofMercy, and the University of IllinoisFoundation.His appointment follows that ofEdwin Bergman, AB'39, who steppeddown from the position after fouryears. At the annual meeting KingmanDouglass, president of KingmanDouglass, Inc.; James T. Rhind, partner of Bell, Boyd & Lloyd; and Barry F.Sullivan, MBA57, chairman of theboard and chief executive officer ofFirst Chicago Corporation, werenamed vice-chairmen of the board. John D. MabieCharles Locke, chairman and chiefexecutive officer of Morton Thiokol,Inc., and John Mabie, president ofMid-Continental Capital, Inc., wereelected members of the board. Locke,who has a master's degree in accounting from the University of Mississippi,joined Morton Thiokol in 1975 as avice-president and director. He is alsoa director of the First Chicago Corporation, the First National Bank of Chicago, NICOR, Inc., and the NorthernIllinois Gas Company, and a trustee ofthe Museum of Science and Industry.Mabie, who graduated from Williams College with honors in 1954, purchased Mid-Continental Capital in1983 and reorganized it as an independent investment advisor. Since 1983 hehas been president of the board oftrustees for the University's BrainResearch Foundation. He is a founding member of the University's Council for the Biological Sciences and thePritzker School of Medicine. A non-trustee member of the Committee onHospitals and Clinics since 1979, henow joins the new board of governorsof the hospitals and clinics.FACULTY, STUDENTSDEBATE DIVESTMENTStudents and faculty at the University have created groups to urge theadministration to divest its stock infirms which do business in SouthAfrica, in order to influence the whiteminority government there to abolishapartheid.Students sponsored a "DivestNow!" rally on May 31 on the mainquadrangles with the Reverend JesseJackson as the featured speaker. Earlier in the month the Chicago Maroonpublished a special issue on divestment and at the College commencement in June a number of graduatingseniors wore red arm bands on thesleeves of their graduation robes toprotest the University's position ondivestment.In a letter to the Chicago Maroon inMay, President Hanna Gray stated theUniversity's position. "Let me say atthe outset that the system of apartheidpracticed in South Africa is totallyreprehensible. It must be condemned,and it must be ended," she wrote."It is the policy of the University'sBoard of Trustees to invest, in the caseof corporations that may do businessin South Africa, only in companiesthat act in accordance with the Sullivan principles," she continued. "TheBoard believes that acting as a responsible shareholder goes hand in handwith its obligations to the University'swell-being."The questions posed by investments in corporations that do businessin South Africa speak to no disagree-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985ment about the goal of seeing apartheid eliminated — for on that there isunanimity. Instead, they speak todifficult judgments, on which deeplycommitted and concerned people mayand do differ, as to the means for itsaccomplishment."Those who argue for total divestiture maintain that any such investments are wrong because no companyshould operate at all in South Africa.This view holds that such involvementis in itself a support to the system ofapartheid and an implication in itsevils, and that divestiture is a means tothe end of doing away with apartheidand to separating the investing institution from any association with it."Another point of view, which theUniversity's trustees have adopted, isthat the role to be played by responsible corporations doing business inSouth Africa is one of pursuing, in theface of apartheid, policies in the workplace diametrically opposed to thesystem by introducing fair employment practices and equal rights fortheir workers. In this way, it is hoped,some improvement of conditions maybe accomplished, with wider potentialeffects for introducing significantsocial change. If investing institutions,acting as shareholders, are to requirethe pursuit of such policies, they mustremain shareholders and continue toexercise influence within the corporation involved. By divesting, the University would take a purely symbolicstep and lose any power for constructive action. Divestiture, from thispoint of view, actually means transfer ofresponsibility to other shareholderswho may well be less concerned.The board's policy is also to measure a company's conformity to theguidelines represented by the Sullivanprinciples, using the evaluations madeby the Investor ResponsibilityResearch Center, an independent not-for-profit institution that conductsregular reviews of performance andanalyzes any stock proxy issues. TheUniversity's treasurer's office is directed to review each issue on a case bycase basis to determine if the company's policies are responsible and inaccord with the Sullivan principles."The Faculty for Divestment inSouth Africa (FDSA) committee is co-coordinated by John Comarof f, as sociate professor of anthropology andsociology, and his wife, JeanComaroff, associate professor in theanthropology department, the Collegeand the Committee on Human Nutrition and Nutritional Biology. Both arewhite South African expatriates.Alumni members of FDSA, created inJune, have expressed their views in aletter to the editor of the Magazine (seeLetters).LIBRARY NAMEDFORKITAGAWAThe library of the Divinity School'sInstitute for the Advanced Study ofReligion has been named the JosephM. Kitagawa Library, in honor of theformer professor and dean of theschool who retired in March. Theannouncement was made after a symposium entitled "Joseph M. Kitagawaand the William Rainey Harper Tradition," part of a celebration held onMay 9 in his honor.Kitagawa, PhD'51, professor emeritus in the Divinity School and the FarEastern languages and civilizationsdepartment, and former dean of theDivinity School, was honored with thesymposium, a reception and a banquet. His "legacy to the University" asa teacher, scholar, and administrator is"immense" said Franklin Gamwell,AM'70, PhD'73, dean of the DivinitySchool. "Mr. Kitagawa has long beenone of the most articulate and creativerepresentatives of Harper's vision ofthe University and the DivinitySchool."ROSENHEIM HEADSILLINOIS HUMANITIESEdward W. (Ned) Rosenheim,AB'39, AM'46, PhD'53, the David B.and Clara E. Stern Professor in theDepartment of English Language andLiterature and the College, has beenelected chairman of the IllinoisHumanities Council. As chairman ofthe Council, which provides fundingfor a wide variety of cultural activities,Rosenheim will direct "InventingIllinois," a substantive series of programs on both the heritage and futureof the state, and oversee the council'sother programs. Alma MaterNow Non-sexistA new, non-sexist version of theUniversity's Alma Mater was presentedto incoming freshmen at this year'swelcoming convocation September 22in Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. Atotal of four changes were made in theanthem, written in 1894 by EdwinHerbert Lewis, PhD'94, then a graduate student, who sat down and dashedit off between dinner and dessert, forthe first public performance of theUniversity's Glee Club, of which hewas a member. Lewis took the melodyfrom the University of Rochester'salma mater."We thought the changes wereminimal, but that they corrected someof the most offensive aspects of thesong," said Ellen Turner Harris, AB'70,PhD'76, associate professor and chairman of the music department, whomade the changes along with DonaldLevine, AB'50, AM'54, PhD'57, deanof the College, and Jean SitterlyTreese, AB'66, advisor in the Collegeand director of College orientation."I have always thought it odd andwrong that daughters were omittedfrom this coed university's alma mater," wrote President Hanna Gray, in arecent memo. The University has beencoed since it opened its doors on October 1, 1892. Gray is among those whothink there should be a new song written for the University's Centennial in1991.Here are the first two stanzas (theonly ones changed) in the new versionof Alma Mater, . The old words are inparentheses:Today we gladly sing the praiseOf her whose daughters and whose sons(who owns us as her sons)Now (Our) loyal voices proudly (let us) raise,To (And) bless us with our benisons,Of all fair mothers, fairest she,Most wise of all that wisest be,Most true of all the true, say we,Is our dear Alma Mater.Her mighty learning we would tell,Tho life is something more than lore;She could not love her children (sons so) well,Loved she not truth and honor more.We praise her breadth of charity,Her faith that truth shall make us (men) free.That right shall live eternally,We praise our Alma Mater.21THIRD YEAR OFBENTON FELLOWSA dozen broadcast journalists,chosen as this year's William BentonFellows in Broadcast Journalism, willspend six months on campus studyingpublic policy and examining the issuesof their profession. Of the more than1,000 journalists who competed for thefellowships, inaugurated in 1983,twelve were chosen. The seven women and five men are:Carol Ann Blakeslee, 37, whoproduces political reports for theMacNeil/Lehrer Newshour; JohnDeering, 35, chief news assistant forthe British Broadcasting Corporationin Northern Ireland; Jill Dougherty, 36,midwest correspondent for the CableNews Network; Sara Frasher, 39,AM'69, producer/reporter/writer forIowa Public Television's syndicatedprogram on agriculture, "Market toMarket"; Julie Hartenstein, 29, associate producer for ABC-TV's "Nightline"Bill Johnson, 45, reporter on environmental and political issues for WGME-TV in Portland, ME; Charles Keyes,35, investigative reporter for WIS-TVin Columbia, SC; Jerome Miller, 43,producer, writer, and interviewer forKDKA-TV documentaries in Pittsburgh; Essex Porter, 29, educationreporter for KIRO-TV in Seattle; JuliaRockier, 29, reporter and weekendproducer/anchor for KWCH-TV inWichita, KS; Barbara Lorraine Rodgers,38, news anchor and general assignment reporter for KPIX-TV in SanFrancisco; and Deborah Seibel, 31,executive news producer for KPNX-TV in Phoenix.The program, directed by JohnCallaway senior correspondent forWTTW-Channel 11 in Chicago, isunderwritten by the William BentonFoundation, named for the lateWilliam Benton, who was chairman-publisher of Encyclopaedia Britannica,a U.S. Senator from Connecticut, anda trustee of the University. He died in1978.THREE NAMED TOENDOWED CHAIRSThree faculty members, one inJapanese studies and two in econom ics, have been named to endowedprofessorships. Tetsuo Najita, masterin the social science collegiate division, and associate dean of the Division of Social Sciences and the College, has been appointed the firstRobert S. Ingersoll DistinguishedService Professor in Japanese studies.The chair, named for the former chairman of the board and chief executiveofficer of Borg- Warner Corp. and aUniversity life trustee since 1981, isfunded by a gift from the Borg- WarnerFoundation.James Heckman, professor in theeconomics department and the College, research associate in the Economic Research Center of the NationalOpinion Research Center, and editorof the Journal of Political Economy, hasbeen named the Henry Schultz Professor in Economics. The chair, named forthe founder of econometrics who diedin 1938, had been held by Karl Butzer,former professor of anthropology.Edward Lazear, professor in theGraduate School of Business andfounding editor of the Journal of LaborEconomics, has been made the Isidoreand Gladys J. Brown Professor inUrban and Labor Economics.ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUSSTUDENT CHAPTERA chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous, exclusively for students, hasbeen formed on campus. Althoughthere are other A. A. groups that meetin Hyde Park, this is the first one devoted to students, who can reach thegroup by calling the campus Hotline."We have become increasinglyaware that there are students herewith serious alcohol-abuse problems,"said Ralph Hamilton, assistant dean ofstudents in the University. "The formation of this new group, which isexclusively for students, is one steptoward dealing with the problem."CHICAGO MAROONSUBSCRIPTIONSThe Chicago Maroon, campus newspaper at the University since 1892, isoffering subscriptions to alumni andothers who might be interested incurrent events at the University. "We'd like to offer alumni a look attoday's University of Chicago from theviewpoint of its students," explainedMaroon editor Rosemary Blinn. "I alsothink that a fair number of alumswould simply get a kick out of readingthe Maroon again."The Maroon, published twice aweek, produces the Grey City Journaleach Friday, the Chicago Literary Reviewat the end of each quarter, and anApril Fool's Day spoof issue each year.Mail subscriptions cost $24 for a year.(Write to Maroon Subscriptions, 1212E. 59th St., Chicago, IL, 60637.)FOUR FACULTYELECTED TO AAASFour University faculty memberswere elected fellows of the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement ofScience, founded in 1848 and boastingapproximately 16,000 fellows chosenfor their "scientifically or sociallydistinguished" work.The new University fellows are:Charles Bidwell, AB'50, AM'53,PhD'56, chairman of the educationdepartment, professor in the education and sociology departments and inthe College; Norman Bradburn,AB'52, Provost and Tiffany andMargaret Blake Distinguished ServiceProfessor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences, professor in the Graduate School of Business and the College, and member of the Committeeon Public Policy Studies; Leo P Ka-danoff, the John D. MacArthur Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Physics, the James FranckInstitute, and the Enrico Fermi Institute; and Donald H. Levy, chairman ofthe chemistry department, professorin the James Franck Institute, thechemistry department, and the College, and associate editor of the Journalof Chemical Physics.Bidwell studies the relationshipsand interdependencies of formal organizations, emphasizing colleges,universities, and school districts. Brad-burn, who specializes in survey research methods, has studied neighborhood racial integration andpsychological well-being and happiness. Kadanoff studies critical phenomena, events that occur in the process ofmaterials changing from one state toUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985SWIFT EXHIBIT OPENS;¦ • « ¦, / / ¦ "- ¦Lr/KUI¦ '¦ ( i "' a , .I ,. ,.../.. ; ¦:. . ..;/The letter reads:30 Dec 1950Dear Harold:You have given me everything one man cangive another, money, friendship, sympathy,support. I owe you my position, my Island, andmost of my friends. You have my life-long gratitude and devotion. I hate to leave you—but 1 dothink it will turn out to have been best for theUniversity.Affectionately yours,Bob An exhibit honoring (the late)Harold H. Swift, AB'07 is on displayat the Department of Special Collections, Regenstein Library, throughmid-January, 1986. In 1914 Swift became the first alumnus appointedto the University board of trustees, aposition he held for over forty years, twenty-five of which he served asboard chairman. Materials in theexhibit are from the University'sarchives. The exhibit is open to thepublic (for information call 962-8713.)Two items from the exhibit, a letterto Swift from Robert M. Hutchins, anda photograph, are shown here.Harold Swift (center) on the steps of the University's president's house with vice president FredericWoodward (left) and newly-appointed President Robert M. Hutchins (right). The photo was takenApril, 1929, following the announcement of Hutchins' appointment. The porch and steps of the president's house have since been removed.another. Levy studies the structure andbehavior of molecules through a technique called supersonic jet cooling.NON-DISCRIMINATION FORSEXUAL ORIENTATIONTo its disclaimer stating that theUniversity does not discriminate onthe basis of race, color, religion, sex,age, national or ethnic origin, or handicap, the University has recentlyadded the phrase "sexual orientation." The addition was made to thedisclaimer, published on all admission, financial aid, and applicationforms for both students and employees, at the request of the student Gayand Lesbian Alliance (GALA). RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPSTOGARBERANDIRIYEDaniel Garber, director of graduate studies and associate professor inthe philosophy department, the College, and the Committee on Conceptual Foundations of Science, and AkiraIriye, Distinguished Service Professorin the departments of history and FarEastern languages and civilizationsand the College, and chairman of thehistory department, have beenawarded research fellowships fromthe American Council of LearnedSocieties. Garber's fellowship willsupport his study of the philosophicalfoundations of 17th-century science,in particular the work of Rene Des cartes and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.Iriye, who is an authority on Americanforeign policy in the Far East, receivedthe fellowship for his work on thechanging ideas of war and peace in the1930s. Garber and Iriye were two ofsixty-seven scholars to receive fellowships this year from the ACLS, a federation of forty-five scholarly associations that supports humanisticstudies.ROCKEFELLER CHAPELFALL CONCERTSThe University's RockefellerMemorial Chapel will present a performance of the Requiem by Gabriel-Urbain Faure on November 3 and23Johann Sebastian Bach's Cantata No.140 and motets and carols of the season on December 15. Tickets for bothare available through the University's Reynolds Club box office. Call962-7300.CAMPAIGN UPDATE:PAST THE HALFWAY POINTA multi-million dollar gift fromSamuel Kersten, AB'35, and his wife,Elaine, has helped the Campaign forArts and Sciences reach a total of morethan $77 million. This puts the campaign, which was started in 1983, atslightly more than halfway toward itsfive-year goal of $150 million. TheKerstens' gift, presented to the University at the fiftieth reunion of theclass of 1935, will support the newPhysics Teaching Center. The newlycompleted center will be named forthe Kerstens. The elder Kersten ishead of the Water Saver Faucet Chicago. The Kerstens' son,Steven, graduated from the LawSchool in 1980.A $1.25 million gift from the AlvinH. Baum family will be used to endowthe twelfth professorship created aspart of the campaign. Baum, PhB'20,who died in 1982, was a senior partnerof Security Supervisors, a firm heformed. His widow, Ann, was instrumental in creating the Alvin H. Baumprofessorship, which will be either ineconomics or a related field.This year alumni gave nearly $3.5million to the Central Annual Fund.Of the $77 million raised for the campaign, $13.9 million comes from unrestricted annual support. Gifts contributed to the campaign support theCollege and the graduate divisions,the Oriental Insitute, the DivinitySchool, the Committee on Public Policy Studies, and the Library.Other contributions to the campaign include: a $500,000 endowmentfor the Numata Visiting Professorshipin Buddhist studies from the BukkyoDendo Kyokai (Buddhist PromotingFoundation) of Tokyo; a $1 millionpledge from the J. Howard Pew Freedom Trust in Philadelphia to supportan interdisciplinary M.D./Ph.D. program in medicine and law, business,divinity, and social sciences; and5225,000 from Dow Chemical Co. for an equipment loan fund for the physical sciences.GOULD GIVES $1 MILLIONTO LAW SCHOOL CAMPAIGNBenjamin Gould, AB'35, JD'37, apartner in the Chicago law firm ofGould and Ratner, has pledged $1million to the Campaign for the LawSchool to help underwrite the renovation of the administration buildingand the extension of the school's library. The new administration building will be named for Gould's son,Frederick, who died in 1982.Construction has begun on theLaw School's library extension which,when completed in the fall of 1986,will be named for the family of attorney Dino D'Angelo, JD'44, who haspledged $4 million to the project.GSB CAMPAIGN AT$17.5 MILLION MARKMore than $17.5 million has beenpledged to the Graduate School ofBusiness, as part of the first capitalcampaign in the school's eighty-sevenyear history. The campaign, intendedto strengthen GSB's endowment, hasa goal of $21.5 million, to be used forprofessorships, faculty research,scholarships, physical improvements,and general funds. Five new professorships have already been established from funds raised so far in thecampaign. The new professorshipsinclude: The Sigmund E. EdelstoneProfessorship, from the estate ofSigmund E. Edelstone; the RobertR. McCormick Professorship, fromthe Robert R. McCormick CharitableTrust; the Sears, Roebuck & Company Professorship of Financial Services, from Sears, Roebuck & Co.; theCharles H. Kellstadt Professorshipof Marketing, from the Charles H.Kellstadt Foundation; the Wallace W.Booth Professorship, from Wallace W.Booth, MBA48. This brings the totalnumber of endowed professorships atGSB to eighteen.MEDICAL ETHICSCENTER CREATEDThe increasingly complicatedethical and legal issues of modern day medicine have given rise to the nation's first Center for Clinical MedicalEthics, headed by Dr. Mark Siegler,MD'67 associate professor in theDepartment of Medicine. A $50,000grant from the Henry J. Kaiser FamilyFoundation funded the developmentof the center and a $500,000 grant fromthe Andrew W. Mellon Foundationfunds its operations."There are several establishedinstitutes around the nation devotedto the study of ethics, but often theydeal with medical issues in a theoretical or conceptual way," said Siegler."Unlike these institutions, our program will be in a university teachinghospital and will focus on real clinicalconcerns of patients, physicians, andnurses." The clinic, which offers thefirst clinical ethics fellowship, issponsoring teaching and researchprograms, lectures, seminars, andsymposiums."CHICAGO EGG" HOMEFROM OUTER SPACEThe "Chicago Egg," the 5,000-pound cosmic ray detector, so-calledbecause of its ovum-like shape, ishome from what University scientistscall a "fabulously successful" eight-day experiment in space aboard thespace shuttle Challenger. The "Egg,"designed to collect information on theorigin of cosmic rays, the explosivedeaths of massive stars, and the natureof interstellar magnetic fields and gasin our galaxy, was built in the University's Enrico Fermi Institute at a cost of$10 million.MEMORIAL TOTEDHAYDONThe track at Stagg Field will bededicated to the memory of the lateEdward M. "Ted" Haydon, PhB'33,AM'54, professor emeritus of physicaleducation and athletics, during half-time of the Homecoming footballgame on October 26 against RiponCollege.Haydon, much-beloved headcoach of the men's cross country andtrack and field varsity teams from 1950to 1985, and founder of the internationally known Chicago Track Club,died in May. aUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985The University of ChicagoiLtlMaol ii970 East 58th Street • Chicago. Illinois 606.17 • (312) 962-8729Sweatshirt50% Cotton, 50% AcrylicAdults: $14.40Size: S, M, L, XLMaroon with white sealGray with maroon sealNavy with white sealWhite with maroon sealChildren: $12.40Size: S(6-8) MdO-12) LU4-16)Maroon with white sealWhite with maroon seal Canvas Sportbag24" longRed trim and colorfulUniversity crest$24.00 Hooded Sweatshirt50% Cotton, 50% AcrylicAdults: $19.20Size: S, M, L, XLMaroon or GrayChildrens: $17.60Size: S(6-8) MdO-12) LU4-16)Maroon onlySweatpants50% Cotton, 50% AcrylicAdults: $14.60Size: S, M, L, XLMaroon or GrayChildren: $12.60Size: S(6-8) MdO-12) L(14-16),/r — nnn nnlv Plebe T-Shirt witUniversity Seal50% Cotton, 50% PolyesterWhite with maroon trimSize: S, M, L, XL$7.80Jogging Shorts withUniversity Seal100% NylonAttached briefs and conceakpocketAdults: $9.30Size: SI28-30) MI32-34 > L(36-.'XL(40-42)Maroon w/ white sealSuperheroes inCornerVivian Gussin PaleyOffering lessons for parents andteachers, Paley explores the dif-ices in the ways boys andgirls play and fantasize.Cloth $12.50The Willys Dream Kit:A NovelJan NovakA picaresque first novel by aCzech emigre alumnus of theUniversity (B.A. and MA), set inthe "Czech spring" of 1968.Cloth $19.95A River Runs Through ItNorman MacleanPhotographs by Joel SnyderA well-nigh perfect novella.Cloth $25.00; 15 photographsPaperback (not illustrated) $6.95YinCarolyn Kizer1985 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.Paperback $6.95Seven Clues to the Origin ofLife: A Scientific DetectiveStoryA.G. 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SHIPPING & HANDLINGUp to $10.00 add $3.00$10.01-$20.00 add $4.50Over $20.00 add $5.50Items mailed in U.S. and Canada only.Prices are subject to change without notice.Phone orders accepted on MasterCard orV[sa only. No COD's Sub-TotalIllinois ResidentsAdd 9,9c sales taxAdd Shipping andHandlingGrand TotalPhotos by Michael WeinsteinAlumni Medal ToCongressman YatesLife is strange," said Rep. SidneyR. Yates, PhB'31, JD'33, uponhis receipt of the Alumni Association's 1985 Alumni Medal. "Ihad no inkling when I was on campusthat I would wind up in Congress asmy life's work. As a matter of fact, running for the House every two years,I'm kind of surprised that it turned outto be my life's work." Yates was one ofseven alumni and ten graduating seniors on whom the Alumni Associationbestowed awards at its annual assembly on June 1, Reunion Day, in the Oriental Institute's Breasted Hall.Yates, a former assistant attorneygeneral in Illinois, turned to politics in1948. "I was trained as a lawyer andpracticed for a while, but I never reallyenjoyed the practice," said Yates."When I returned from service in theNavy in World War II, I looked aroundfor a new way of life and decided Iwanted to go to Congress. And therebyhangs a tale, for in Chicago — politicsbeing what it is— the wish may be father to the thought but it's a long wayfrom the thought to its realization."In 1948 Democrats in the Illinoisninth Congressional District, which ina brief span of eight years had swungfrom Republican to Democrat and backagain, were faced with the "monumental task" of defeating an incumbent Republican. Though Yates askedfor the nomination ("In retrospect, I'mreally surprised by my chutzpah," hetold his audience) the district's wardcommitteemen decided, instead, on acandidate of German descent. As theyear wore on and President HarryTruman's prospects for re-electionseemed to plunge, the German candi-. date grew nervous. When the postmaster of Chicago died unexpectedly thecandidate managed to be appointed inhis place. And with six weeks to goYates agreed to run for the House seat."The result is history," said Yates."Today when young people ask mehow to be elected to political office, Itell them to do as I did: find a ticket on Sidney R. Yateswhich Harry Truman is running forpresident, Adlai Stevenson the elderis running for governor, and PaulDouglas is a candidate for the Senate.With such a ticket, one can be elected."Yates' congressional career was interrupted in 1962 when he ran unsuccessfully for the Senate; the followingyear he was appointed ambassador tothe United Nations on the TrusteeshipCouncil by the late President John F.Kennedy. In 1964 Yates was re-electedto his former seat in the House, a position that he continues to hold today. InCongress he is perhaps best known forhis role as chairman of the Subcommittee for the Department of the Interiorand Related Agencies, which overseesfunding for, among other federal agencies, the Smithsonian Institution andthe National Foundation on the Artsand the Humanities. He is a seniormember of the House AppropriationsCommittee, a member of the ForeignOperations Subcommittee, the Commission on Security and Cooperationin Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, and a congressional representative to the U.S. HolocaustMemorial Council.In accepting the Alumni Medal,Yates credited the University for hispolitical longevity. "The professors,the students, the activities, the athleticteams, the classes, the clash of ideas—the total ambience— fashioned my philosophy and my vision of America in away that found favor in the politicalarena," he said. "I came out of the University a liberal Democrat and I remainone today. Some of my Democraticbrethren are looking for a more attractive ship to board, but they haven'tfound any yet. As for me, I like the shipI'm on."Charles Darwin Andersen,PhB'34, AM'35, who has ardently promoted the University in the Washington, D.C.area for more than forty years, receivedthe Alumni Service Citation. In hiswork for the Alumni Schools Committee Andersen has been responsible forliterally hundreds of high school students applying to the University.Andersen became co-chairman of theAlumni Association Schools Committee in 1972 and a year later was electedto the Alumni Cabinet. He is a formersecond vice-president of the University of Chicago Club in the Washington,D.C. area and a member of the Washington area alumni board. He served aschairman of the Alumni AssociationSchools Committee from 1973 to 1984,and is credited with organizing andmaintaining one of the strongest suchgroups in the country.Professional AchievementCitations were bestowed onWillie D. Davis, MBA68, LynnMargulis, AB'57 and GeorgeWest Wetherill, PhB'48, SB'49, SM'51,PhD'53, in recognition of accomplishments in their respective careers.Davis, one of professional football'sall-time great defensive ends, foundedthe Willie Davis Distribution Companyin Los Angeles, which quickly became29Boston University Photo ServiceElbert C. Cole Lynn Margulis Willie D. Dams George West Wetherillone of the largest trucking companieson the West Coast. He is president ofAll-Pro Broadcasting, Inc., whichowns and operates five radio stationsin major cities that include LosAngeles, Milwaukee, and Houston. Heis, in addition, a founder, major stockholder, and board member of the Alliance Bank. The 1978 NAACP Man ofthe Year, Davis has been appointed byPresident Ronald Reagan to serve onthe Executive Exchange Commission.He was a director of the 1984 OlympicCommittee and is a past chairman anddirector of the Los Angeles UrbanLeague.Lynn Margulis has made majorcontributions to understanding the evolution of plant, animal, and protocistcells, and their relationship to bacteria.Through extensive research Dr.Margulis has helped support the concept that the parts of a cell were originally free-living bacteria that becameincorporated by host cells. She has alsocollected a vast amount of informationon the possible nature of the earlyearth. She has worked with the National Academy of Sciences and served onseveral NASA advisory committees,the Space Science Board, and NASA'sAdvisory Council. Now a professor ofbiology at Boston University, Dr.Margulis has also taught at BrandeisUniversity, Scripps Institute ofOceanography, and the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology. Her manyawards include a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship, the George LambAward for outstanding U.S. botanist,the Diamond Award, and, most recently, election to the National Academy ofSciences.George West Wetherill is widely recognized as the leading Americanscientist in developing a model for theformation and evolution of terrestrialplanets. Dr. Wetherill was a staff member at the department of terrestrialmagnetism of the Carnegie Institutionin Washington, D.C. before joining theUniversity of California at Los Angelesas a professor of geophysics and geology. In 1975 he returned to the CarnegieInstitution as director of the department of terrestrial magnetism. Early inhis career Dr. Wetherill worked on thedevelopment of precise geologicalclocks. Later he became the outstanding expert on the processes by whichsolar system matter coalesced to formplanetesimals (small celestial bodies)and eventually planets. Dr. Wetherill isalso considered a leading authority onthe orbits of meteorites in space andtheir diffusion throughout the solarsystem. He is former president of theMeteoritical Society, the GeochemicalSociety, and the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochem-istry. A member of the National Academy of Sciences and a fellow of theAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Wetherill has received theLeonard Medal from the MeteoriticalSociety and the G.K. Gilbert Award ofthe Geological Society of America.Dr. Elbert C. Cole, DB'42, andEstelle R. Ramey, PhD'50, receivedPublic Service Citations, awarded toalumni who have shown both "creative citizenship and exemplary leadership in voluntary service." Dr. Cole,who has served congregations in Indiana and Missouri since he was ordained in 1942, has been a U.S. Navychaplain, visiting dean of the StanfordUniversity Chapel, and director of reli gious programs at the University ofChicago. He may be best known,though, for his innovative work withthe elderly. In 1972 Dr. Cole foundedThe Shepherd's Center, which has become a model for programs for the elderly across the country. The Center isa network of churches and synagoguesthat use the voluntary services of senior citizens to aid the elderly. He continues to serve as chairman of Shepherd's Centers, International, and isalso chairman of the Governor's Advisory Council on Aging, a board member of the National Council on Aging,and a member of the American Geren-tological Society.Estelle R. Ramey, who began herresearch and teaching at the Universityof Chicago and has continued it at theGeorgetown University School ofMedicine, is a vigorous champion ofwomen's rights. Dr. Ramey's specialityis endocrinology and she has studiedthe relationship of glands and the nervous system to stress responses. Thatphysiological research has led her tostudy gender differences. A leader inthe biomedical field, she has writtentwo books, co-authored more than 150articles, and been awarded nine honorary degrees, including one fromGeorgetown University. As anothertangible form of her commitment towomen's rights she has establishedscholarship and loan funds for womenwho plan on careers in medicine andscience. She has been a member of thePresident's Advisory Committee forWomen, president of the Women inScience Education Foundation, president of the Association for Women inScience, and a member of the AdvisoryBoard of the International Institute ofUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985Charles Darwin Andersen ,«;. Estelle R. RameyWomen's Studies. In 1984 Dr. Rameywas selected as one of the hundredmost important women in America bythe Ladies Home Journal . She was namedWashingtonian of the Year in 1972 andreceived the Woman AchievementAward of the Public BroadcastingCorporation in 1983.As the assembly's final presentation Edward McCormick Blair andRobert E. Merriam, AM '40, presenteda check to the University for the establishment of the Emmett Dedmon Visit ing Professorship of Public Affairs, tohonor the memory of their late friend.Dedmon, AB'39, served as nationalchairman of the Alumni Fund for nearly twenty years, until his death in 1983.He had been a University Trustee since1946, and in 1983 he was awarded theUniversity's first Alumni Service Medal. "Those of us who attended the University," Dedmon said then, "almostinvariably came away with two new elements in our lives. They are: First, asense of the importance of the intellect and training in the discipline of thatintellect. Secondly, the very atmosphere of this place breathes into you anexcitement over ideas." Since these elements "remain with us throughoutlife," he said, "what could be more appropriate than that throughout life weas alumni maintain our affection, interest, and support for the University."After Dedmon's death later that yearfriends began to gather the funds to establish a memorial to the former vice-president and editorial director of theChicago Sun-Times and the Chicago DailyNews. Their presentation on June 1 wasthe first step in their plan to endow afull professorship in honor of Dedmon.The chair will be associated with theCommittee on Public Policy Studies, inmemory of Dedmon's devotion to public affairs.At the ceremony ten graduatingseniors were presented withHowell Murray Awards fortheir extracurricular activitieson campus: Michael Gordon Beyer;Tracey Jane Button; Christina Gomez;Newton Phillip Hall; Frederick A. Ju-bitz; Reginald Jon Mills, Jr.; JoshuaMilton Salisbury; Joan Mary Spoerl;Jay Mitchell Vogel, and Elizabeth JeanZimmerly.Howell Murray Award WinnersElizabeth fean Zimmerly Michael Gordon Beyer Reginald Jon Mills, Jr. Christina Gomezlay Mitchell Vogel Joan Mary Spoerl Neu'ton Phillip Hall Tracey Jane Button Frederick A. Jubitz, IIIPhotos by Michael WewsteinWELCOME BACK ALUMNISuzanne Kcm Eldred, PhB'30 (left), ami VirginiaPatton Keith, PhB'30, toast the Class of 1930 at aluncheon for its fifty-fifth reunion.Charles Darwin Andersen, PhB'34, AM'35, (left); JohnDeWitt Worcester, PhB'37, MBA'40: Joseph Varkahi, AB'25,AM'36; Leona Piatt, PhB'48, SB'50: and her husband, ElliottRoen, outside Robie House.Jennifer Rudolph, AB'85(left); Amy Lelyxvld,AB'85: and Adam GreenAB'85.Edith Kritzer Paulman, PhB '30 (left), and Winifred Heal Hayden, PhB'ilSat Tarn Singh Khalsa,AB'75,AM'78defi),with his wife: Sat TaraKaur Khalsa. at aparty for the tenthreunion of theClass of 1975.Woii Ernst jaffe, SB'45, MD'48, SM'48 (left): Janet Davison Rowley. PhB'45, SB'46,MD'48, the Blum-Riese Distinguished Service Professor in medicine and moleculargenetics: and Donald Rowley, SB'45, SM'50, MD'50, professor in pathology andpediatrics, and director of research for La Rabida Children 's Hospital.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 19S5ON'85President Raima Gray greets Jack Shane, SB'25, SM'26. MD'51 (right), and Paul Patchen. SB'25, MD'30,atthe sixtieth reunion of the Class of 1925.Edward John (Jack) Hetbig, AB'SOileft); Jeffrey Makos, AB '81, AM '82, Assistant Director of CollegeAdmissions: John O'Donnell, fr., AB'SO; and Bonnie Humphrey, AB'SO, on the roof top outside Ida NeyesTheatre, site of the Class of 1980's fifth reunion dance.Sidney R. Yates, PhB'31, JD'33 (right), Adeline HollerYates, PhB'34, and StephenYates, AB'63, JD'67.SS OM**yCharles Olin Sethness, AB'35, jD'3/ (left): Sidney Cutright,X'37; and Alison Burge Sethness.Sol Tax, PhD'55, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Anthropologyand the College, with hisdaughter, Mariannn Tax Choldin, AB'62,AM'67, PhD'79.Bernard Hunk, AB'60. AM'62, PhD'67 (left); hiswife,Diana bAunk; and Lois Mandel Libien, AB'60.33CLASS NEWSIF YOU DON'T FINDYOUR NEWS ITEM . . .Please have patience. It will appear.The reason it may not appear as soon asyou expect is that it takes severalmonths for an item to go through thevarious stages of production. Generally,you can expect to see it two issues afteryou sent it. We do try to use every itemthat comes in, so— have patience.1 /I George K. Shaffer, X'16, retired af-A\J ter sixty-six years in the newspaperbusiness. His wife, Rosalind KeatingShaffer, AB'17, has retired from newspaperwork. Rosalind has also written motion picture scenarios for movies such as JimmyCagney's Lady Killer, and Tyrone Power'sJesse fames. George writes that he and hiswife "owe their start in newspaper careersand their preface to sixty-six years of matrimony to a first meeting on the staff of theDaily Maroon." They live in Tarzana, CA.17 Rosalind Keating Shaffer, AB'17See 1916, George K. Shaffer.*1 ft While visiting Israel in November,J.O 1983, Harold J. Fishbein, PhB'18, ofLa Jolla, CA, organized and attended a reunion of refugees who had been in Berlinafter the end of World War II.^r\ Lucia E. Tower, SB'20, MD'26, livesjL\J in Chesterton, IN, and spends summers in Onekama, MI.O'l Ramona Hayes Healy, PhB'21,A- _L AM'32, of Chicago, won a trip toAustralia offered by Qantas Airlines. Shevisited Australia, Papua New Guinea, theislands of the Pacific, New Caledonia, andVanuatu (New Hebrides).O C Katherine Barrett Allen, PhB'25, ofAm\D Rockport, ME, serves on variousboards and committees of her local hospital,church, and garden club.O /2 Charles F. Jespersen, SB'26, has six-ZiO teen grandchildren and thirty-fivegreat-grandchildren. He lives in Gaithers-burg, MD.In May, 1984, at the Kansas City meetingof the American Board of Orthodontics,Wilton M. Krogman, PhB'26, AM'27,PhD'29, of Lancaster, PA, was honored asone of seven scientists "who have contributed the most to orthodontic education."He did research in craniofacial growth anddevelopment in both normal children andchildren requiring orthodontic treatment.Mildred Hagey Reimers, PhB'26, lives in Orlando, FL. She enjoys oil painting andother artwork.Harry G. Ziegler, PhB'26, is a semi-retired consultant for Securities Counsel,Inc., Jackson, MI.O'T Catherine StoufferBlewett, PhB'27Ami and her husband are working to reforest a farm in Poynette, WI.Charles Mann, SB'27, a retired Chicagophysician and surgeon, and his wife,Marjorie Kneen Mann, AB'37, are enjoyingretirement in Hot Springs Village, AR.^Q Gordon Moffett, PhB'29, JD'30, andA. y his wife, Jane, moved to St. Petersburg, FL.Melanie Loewenthal Pflaum, PhB'29,lives in Javea Alicante, Spain. Her thirteenth book will be published this year.Of) H. Lee Jacobs, AM'30, is professor\J\J emeritus in the College of Medicine,University of Iowa, Iowa City.William M. Weiner, MD'30, lives in SanFrancisco. He and his wife have two sonsand two grandchildren.O *1 Eloise Webster Baker, SB'31, SM'32,\J JL retired after working thirty-sevenyears in the Chicago school system. Shelives in Lamar, AR, and is active in variousorganizations.Julia Mele Codilis, PhB'31, of Glen-view, IL, retired after many years in themarketing and reservation department atthe executive office of United Airlines^Though retired, Richard M. Kain,AM'31, PhD'34, teaches a course in Irishstudies at the University of Louisville, KY,and is arranging the Kain Irish Library. Heis also an advisory editor of the fames JoyceQuarterly, and read a paper at the Joyce Symposium in Frankfurt, West Germany.In 1983, Willard Sprowls, SB'31, SM'35,PhD'38, married C. Elizabeth Ford NelsonSprowls, SM'32. They live in Richmond,VA.OO Last summer, Marjorie DanielOAm Cole, AM'32, PhD'35, and AllanCole, AM'37, PhD'40, of Concord, MA,traveled through the Swiss, Italian, Austrian and Bavarian Alps.Florence Andrews Frappier, PhB'32, ofSouth San Francisco, is retired and enjoysreading, traveling, painting and volunteerwork.Norman N. Gill, PhB'32, is directorof the Institute for Citizenship and PublicPolicy and adjunct professor in the politicalscience department of Marquette University, Milwaukee. He is also president of theUniversity of Wisconsin Extension Educational Foundation for the Elderly, and president-elect of the Milwaukee ResearchClearinghouse.Robert B. Greenman, SB'32, MD'37, of University City, TX, traveled through central Europe last summer.Maurice B. Olenick, SB'32, retired after thirty-three years as an internal revenueagent and attorney with the Internal Revenue Service. He lives in Palm Springs, CA.C. Elizabeth Ford Nelson Sprowls,SM'32, See 1931, Willard Sprowls.OQ H. Gwen Jones, X'33, is active in\J\J various organizations in Concord,NH.Jerry Jontry, PhB'33, writes that heranks first in the seventy-three and oldercategory at his tennis club in New York. Heis also the only member in the seventy-three and older category.Robert Zolla, PhB'33, is a partner andcodirector of Zolla/Lieberman Gallery, oneof Chicago's largest fine art galleries.O A Charles D. Andersen, PhB'34,\Djl AM'35, of Bethesda, MD, was elected chairman of the Montgomery County Library Board.Eugene J. Boros, SB'34, MD'38, ofBethany, IL, retired after practicing medicine for forty-five years.A. Neal Deaver, PhB'34, of Independence, MO, is president and director ofAcme Fund Raising Consultants of BlueSprings, MO.Don W. Holter, PhD'34, of Prairie Village, KS, is a bishop in the MethodistChurch. He has been researching the history of the United Methodist Church inNebraska for his book, Flames on the Plains.Harry W. Malm, AM'34, a Chicago attorney, writes travel articles after serving aslegal counsel to the American Society ofTravel Writers for twelve years.Alice Hamilton Stewart, MD'34, ofNew York, received a Fifty- Year ServiceCitation from the Medical Society of theState of New York in honor of her dedication to the practice of medicine.O C Charles Bane, AB'35, of Palm\J^S Beach, FL, practices law in Chicagowith Isham, Lincoln and Beale.Rupert I. Chutkow, PhB'35, works ininvestment real estate in Rancho Mirage,CA.Fred Fortess, SB'35, of Ventor, NJ, is thedirector of research at the School of Textiles,Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. He received the Harold Dewitt SmithAward from the American Society of Testing and Materials. He is also a technicalconsultant to the American Apparel Manufacturers Association.Philip W. Myers, AB'35, of Ashland,OR, is planning a trip to Alaska.Stanley G. Reynolds, Certificate'35, ispresident of the Library Foundation, a nonprofit organization to fund major projects,acquisitions and capital expansions ofCorona, CA, libraries.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/FALL 1985FAMILY ALBUM-'85Leon Seidman, SB'34, MD'37; Shari Seidman Diamond, JD'85;Stewart Diamond, AB'61, JD'63; Nicole Diamond; and Rita Seidman Vilma Bell; Anthony feskey, MBA'75; Myra Jeskey, AM' 85;Caren Jeskey; and M. James Bell, MBA'66.John D. Burton, AM'85, with his parents, Verona Burton, andDaniel F. Burton, SM'40, PhD'47. James Garcia; Margaret (Meg) Garcia, JD'85; Puri Garcia;Virginia Garcia, AB'85; and Domingo A. Garcia.Brian Frankl, AB'80; Rachel German, AB'80, AM'85; RebeccaGerman, AB'77; Pearl Schneibolk German, AM'50; JeremiahGerman, AB'51, AM '51; and Daniel German. Keith Knapp, AB '76; Mary Pasulka Knapp, AM'85; DavidPasulka, AB'81; and Donald Pasulka, AB'83. (Not shown: RobertPasulka, AB'76, MBA'81.)O £ W. Barney Johnson, AB'36, of Dal-<J\J las, is vice-president of the NewYork Stock Exchange firm of Eppler, Guerinand Turner, Inc.Marian E. Madigan, PhD'36, receivedthe 100-year Family Pioneer Farm Award. Her Weston, NE, farm has been in her family since 1883.Richard D. White, SB'36, and his wife,Sara Baumgardner White, SB'36, live inCorpus Christi, TX. Sara is retired, andRichard is a consultant geologist. Ory Allan Cole, AM'37, PhD'40. See\Di 1932, Marjorie Daniel Cole.Marjorie KneenMann, AB'37. See 1927,Charles Mann.James C. Plagge, SB'37, PhD'40, is professor emeritus at the University of IllinoisFAMILY ALBUM-'85Joanne Powley Zelder, AM'52; Martin Zelder, AM'85; EricZelder; and Raymond E. Zelder, AM'52, PhD'55. Jeanne Stewart; Donald E. Stewart, AB'50; Judith Stewart,AM'85; and Barbara Stewart.Lcnore Shoelson; Steven £. Shoelson, PhD'84, MD'85; his wife,Kathryn L. Edmiston, AB'78, MD'82; and Mitchell Shoelson. Catherine Mary Meyer, MD'85, with her parents CatherineLeinen Meyer, PhB'47, and Robert L. Meyer, AB'42.Dillu Ashby; Peter Mavrogenes, AB '79; Mary Mavrogenes;John Mavrogenes; Nancy Ashby Mavrogenes, PhD'85; GeorgeMavrogenes; and Sarah Beutner. Tina Gabby, MD'85; James I. Gabby, SB' 50, SM'51, MD'53;and Maria Gabby. (The late Olga Demas Gabby, the mother of Tinaand Maria, received her A.M. in 1948).College of Medicine. Last fall, he was a visiting professor of anatomy at the Universityof Arkansas College of Medicine at LittleRock.Louis H. Spector, MD'37, is a familyphysician in Rochester, NY. Thomas M. Torgerson, MD'37, of SantaRosa, CA, retired from medicine and isdeveloping retirement homes.OO Adolph Weinstock, MD'38, prac-v_/0 tices medicine in Rolling Prairie, IN. QQ Harvey Ancel, AB'39, of Littleton,<J ^ CO, is vice-president of the Colorado Gallery of Art in Denver.Winifred Winsor Flanagan, AB'39, assisted in establishing and maintaining apublic library in Flagler County, FL.AC\ Paul T. Archipley, SB'40, of LagunaJL\J Hills, CA, is a consultant to ageotechnical firm and director of music at alocal church.John A. Bauer, SB'40, of Dickinson, TX,enjoys traveling since retiring from Standard Oil, Co. (Indiana) after forty-one yearsof service.In June, 1984, Katherine Morris Bruere,SB'40, of Madison, WI, and her husbandRichard Bruere, professor emeritus of classics at the University of Chicago, took anAmerican Institute of Foreign Studies trip toseveral Mediterranean and Mid-Easterncountries.Martin Levit, SB'40, AM'47, PhD'49, isprofessor of philosophy and education atthe University of Missouri-Kansas City. In1984 he received the Thomas JeffersonAward from that university, and in 1985 hereceived the John Dewey Award from theAmerican Humanist Association "for advancing the philosophy of John Dewey."A^\ Luther H. Foster, AM'41, PhD'51, of^_L Alexandria, VA, is chairman of theboard of Morton Memorial Institute and ispresident emeritus of Tuskegee Institute,Tuskegee, AL. His wife, Vera ChandlerFoster, AM'50, was appointed to the Virginia Advisory Board on Aging.Greg Huffaker, AB'41, and SallyAdams Huffaker, AB'43, live in UpperMontclair, NJ. Greg is a commodity brokerin New York. Sally works in public relationsfor the New Jersey Division of Mental Retardation.By invitation of the National Anthropological Archives of the Smithsonian Institution, William A. Lessa, AM'41, PhD'47, ofSherman Oaks, CA, donated his researchcollection of field notes, photographs, andcorrespondence for study by qualifiedscholars.42OR. Frank W. Johnson, MD'42, practicesophthalmology in Klamath Falls,J. Alfred Rider, SB'42, MD'44, PhD'51.See 1978, Dean Rider./I Q Robert F. Foster, SB'43, is retiredivj and does volunteer work in thePhoenix, AZ, community.Benson E. Ginsburg, PhD '43, is thefounder and head of the department ofbiobehavioral sciences at the University ofConnecticut, Storrs. This year, he occupiesthe visiting Scheinfeld Chair of HumanGenetics at the Hebrew University inJerusalem.Sally Adams Huffaker, AB'43. See1941, Greg Huffaker.Doris Argile Johnson, AB'43, displayedher weavings, drawings and watercolorpaintings at an art exhibit in Klamath Falls,OR, last summer.Anniebeth Floyd Young, AB'43, ofRockville Centre, NY, is the volunteer director of Help Line Thrift Shop, which benefitsHelp Line, a telephone counseling center inNew York City. A A Mark Beaubien, SB'44, MD'46, is^tTC deputy director of the Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in theHealth Sciences, the National Institutes ofHealth, Washington, D.C. His wife, HarrietFrazier Beaubien, AM'49, volunteers in political and civic organizations.Barbara Gilfillan Crowley, AB'44,practices law in Los Angeles, specializing inprobate, estate planning, tax and litigationrelating to estates and trusts. She has twograndchildren./I C Anne Stowell Mairesse Freedman,^t\J AM'45, is a retired social worker living in Los Angeles. She sings and volunteers at a Unitarian Church. She has threechildren and four grandchildren.In March Helmut Hirsch, PhD '45, ofDiisseldorf, West Germany, spoke at a banquet of the ninth annual symposium onGerman and Austrian exile literature at theUniversity of New Hampshire, Durham.The eleventh revised edition of his book,Rosa Luxemburg, was recently published.Idabell Waddy, AM'45, of Maywood,IL, joined the board of the West SuburbanShelter, Inc. , which is an effort to meet a serious need for emergency shelter for runaway young people, deserted mothers andfamilies in dire need.A-(~\ E' Theodore Bachmann, PhD'46, of^t\J Princeton Junction, NJ, does research and writing in the history and development of the ecumenical movement, particularly as it found response in Asian,African, and Latin American churches.In July, 1984, Bernard A. Galler, PhB'46,SB'47, PhD'55, of Ann Arbor, MI, receivedthe Distinguished Service Award from theAmerican Federation of Information Processing Societies, which honored him as thefounding editor-in-chief of the Annals of theHistory of Computing.Winslow Hunt, AB'46, AM'50, movedto Pocatello, ID, from New York City wherehe was practicing psychiatry. He was also anassociate professor at Columbia University's Medical School.Thomas R. Masterson, PhB'46,MBA' 48, PhD'56, retired after twenty-fouryears of teaching in the Graduate School ofBusiness, Emory University, Atlanta.Joan Kohn Schiffer, PhB'46, is publicinformation director for Ferndale (MI)Schools.Herbert W. Siegal, AM'46, of San Antonio, TX, received his Ph.D. in secondary education from Columbia Pacific Universityin June, 1984.Helen G. Stout, AM'46, retired afterforty years in social work. She lives in Hollywood, CA.Robert P. Williams, SM'46, PhD'49, ofBellaire, TX, was elected president of theAmerican Society for Microbiology in 1984.He is the chairman of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents for 1985.A fj Harry F. Brauer, PhB'4Z a Santarr/ Cruz County Superior Court judge,was appointed by Governor George Deukmejian as justice for the Sixth DistrictCourt of Appeals in San Jose, CA.Richard Lieber, AB'47, volunteers inthe emergency room of a hospital inCarmel, IN.Arthur Olsson, PhB'47, of Nashua, NH,is an engineering scientist for RCA.Albert Rees, AM'47 PhD'50. See 1965,Daniel Hamermesh.Elbert B. Smith, Jr., AM'47, PhD'49, ofCollege Park, MD, is president of the Virginia-Maryland-Washington, D.C. chapter ofthe Fulbright Alumni Association and vice-president for government relations of thenational Fulbright Alumni Assocication.Frank D. Trovillion, AB'47, MBA'49, ismanager of the Citrus Administrative Committee, Lakeland, FL. He has two daughters and two grandsons.Joan Frye Yoken, AB'47, of Scarsdale,NY, is manager of the bookstore at Pace University, White Plains.Last spring, Werner S. Zimmt, SB'47,PhB'47 SM'49, PhD'51, returned from aneighteen month special assignment in Belgium. He is now retired and lives inAudubon, NJ.AQ Irving S. Bengelsdorf, SM'48,^fcO PhD'51, writes a weekly sciencenews column for the Los Angeles Herald.George J. Francis, JD'48, practices lawin Denver.Fred Gottesman, X'48, of North Bell-more, NY, is managing editor of the LI Business Newsweekly, of Ronkonkoma, LongIsland, NY.Janet E. King-Aiton, AM'48, marriedEdward W. Aiton in July, 1984. They live inVenice, FL, in the winter and in Rossmore,NJ, in the summer.Sidney Liswood, MBA'48, of Toronto, ispresident of the Ontario chapter of the University of Chicago Alumni Club.Martin K. Nurmi, AM'48, teaches in thedepartment of English at Kent State University, Kent, OH.Robert H. Snyder, PhD'48, of GrossePointe Park, MI, is vice-president of tiretechnology of Uniroyal tire division,Uniroyal, Inc.Robert Stearns, AB'48, AM'50, is executive director of the Santa Fe (NM) Association for Retarded Citizens and is an activistwith New Mexicans for a Bilateral NuclearWeapons Freeze.Last year, Constance Foley Twining,AM'48, of Perryville, MD, and her husbandtraveled through England and Wales.Dorothy Baker Windhorst, AB'48,SB'54, MD'54, of Groton, CT, works withcomputers and new drug research at PfizerCentral Research.A Q Harriet Frazier Beaubien, AM'49.Ht/S See 1944, Mark Beaubien.C. Conrad Browne, DB'49, is a pastor atthe First Baptist Church in Girard, KS.William G. Carmichael, PhB'49, is aprivate physician in Weston, MA.Mary Ann Ash Chidsey, AB'49, of OldGreenwich, CT, works for Time, Inc., NewYork.Albert Elias, AM'49, of Princeton, NJ, isassociate professor at the City University ofNew York John Jay College of CriminalJustice.Norman Elkin, AM'49, of Glenview, IL,is vice-president of the Urban Investmentand Development Co., Chicago. He is amember of the organizing committee whichcreated the Earl and Esther Johnson Fund inthe divisional masters program of the University's Division of the Social Sciences. Heis on the board of education of the New TrierTownship High School, Winnetka.Richard A. Freeman, AB'49, of Atlanta,is a limited partner with Bear, Stearns andCo.G. Robert Harrison, AB'49, AM'61, ofFort Myers, FL, is assistant vice-presidentof Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, andSmith, Inc.R. Warren James, PhD'49, lives on afarm outside Ottawa, where he is workingon a political biography.Alan Johnson, SB'49, MBA' 66. See 1966,Fred Saland.Morris Philipson, AB'49, AM'52, director of the University of Chicago Press, received the honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Coe College, CedarRapids, IA, in May.Jerome Steiner, AB'49, AM'53, is clinical assistant professor in the department ofpsychiatry at Cornell University School ofMedicine, New York. In November, he participated in a project in China with the U.S.China Educational Institute involving orientation of Chinese exchange scholars inmedicine.Donald F. Stetzer, SB'49, AM'66,PhD'75, is associate professor of geographyat the University of Wisconsin at StevensPoint.Algerd F. Zavist, SM'49, PhD'50, ofLouisville, KY, retired from General ElectricCo. and is a consultant.Eugene S. Zemans, AM'49, retired aftera career in criminology in Europe and theU.S. He is the author of two books on crimeand juvenile delinquency.CO Last summer, Ralph L. Anderson,\_/V_/ AB'50, visited rehabilitation centersand other health facilities in Great Britain togain ideas for the Sacramento (CA) Biofeedback and Behavior Modification Center,which he and his wife, Betty, direct.William L. Bowden, AM'50, PhD'57, isassistant director of the Alabama Commission on Higher Education, Montgomery.Joseph M. "Mac" Burnett, MBA'50, retired after serving for ten years as presidentof the Seaboard Life Insurance Company,Vancouver, British Columbia.Gerald R. Daly, AM'50, owns a business writing company in Glastonbury, CT.Jean Milles Daniel, AB'50, AM'54, andher husband, Patrick Daniel, AM'53, ofPort Hope, Ontario, are teaching in Chinathis year.Vera Chandler Foster, AM'50. See 1941,Luther H. Foster.Patricia King Hodges, AB'50, of Clare-mont, CA, is chairman of the department of psychiatry at California State University-Los Angeles. She founded the ClaremontPsychological Services, Inc.Lewis R. Lipsitt, AB'50, is professor ofpsychology and medical science at BrownUniversity, Providence, RI. He is director ofBrown's Child Study Center, carrying outresearch on the sensory and learning processes of infants and young children. He isalso involved in studies of prenatal andbirth risk factors in relation to adverse outcomes, such as crib death.Warren C. Miller, AB'50, AM'54. See1954, Elinor Smith Miller.C'l Solon B. Cousins, Jr., AM'51, of^J _L Winnetka, IL, is the national executive director of the YMCA of the USA. InNovember, he attended an internationalmeeting in the South Pacific under the auspices of the YMCA Statesmanship ProgramXIVLloyd M. Gordon, AB'51, MBA'52, ofSkokie, IL, is president of Data-Dine International, Inc., a computer software company marketing business systems designedfor commercial segments on an international basis.Carol Lundie Pemberton, PhD'51, is director of the Office of Institutional Researchat the University of Delaware, Newark. Herhusband, Wilfred A. Pemberton, PhD'51,is retired.C O Saul H. Borash, AM'52, is in private\_/ Am practice in psychiatry in Westwood,Los Angeles.Arthur Gef fen, AB'52, AM'55, PhD'68,is professor of English and American studies at the University of Minnesota,Minneapolis.CO Donald Bloesch, DB'53, PhD'56, is\JvJ an author and professor of theologyat the University of Dubuque TheologicalSeminary, Dubuque, IA.Patrick Daniel, AM'53. See 1950, JeanMilles Daniel.Joseph M. Heikoff, AM'53, PhD'59, ofSchenectady, NY, is professor of public administration at the State University of NewYork at Albany. He has written severalbooks and is writing one on the culture ofmanagement.Alan H. Jacobs, AM'53, is professor ofanthropology at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. He spent the summersof 1983 and 1984 in Kenya working forUSAID, helping to increase livestock production among Kenya's pastoral societies.Caroline Lee, AB'53, has returned toChicago after working as a sculptor in Parisfor many years.C A Dwight Brookens, MBA'54, of Den-\J^S. ver, tutored math and English in aColorado prison last summer.Elinor Smith Miller, AM'54, PhD'66, isvice-chancellor for academic affairs at theUniversity of South Carolina, Coastal Carolina College, Conway. Her husband,Warren C. Miller, AB'50, AM'54, writes fiction and teaches creative writing at USC. 55 Ethan Z. Kaplan, AB'55, AM'58, ofChanute, KS, is executive director ofa ten-county regional planningcommission.Hugh Winter, MBA'55, is a professor inthe business and economics department ofthe University of Albuquerque, NM. He isalso active nationally in amateur radio.C C. Sidney R. Bernstein, MBA'56, of\_/0 Chicago, received the 1984 Henry T.Zwirner Memorial Award from the Association of Paid Circulation Publications foroutstanding contributions to the association's work.Ray H. Zarmer, MBA'56, is manager ofoperations at the Extrion Division of VarianAssociates, Inc., Gloucester, MA, a division of Varian's semiconductor equipmentgroup. Zarmer also manages activities atfeeder plants in New Bedford and Woburn,MA.Matthew A. Zuckerbraun, AB'56,AB'57 is an investment manager with Pilgrim Management Co. in Fort Lee, NJ.C'T Jacques Amyot, AM'57 PhD'60,\J i founded the department of anthropology and sociology at ChulalongkornUniversity, Bangkok, and the SocialResearch Institute, where he teaches, advises, writes, does research and consultingfor international organizations.Raymond J. Bathurst, MBA'57, of Alexandria, VA, retired from the Social SecurityAdministration after forty years of combined military and civil service.Ingeborg Grosser Mauksch, AM'57PhD'69, is a distinguished lecturer at theUniversity of South Florida, Ft. Myers. Sheowns and manages home health agencies.Yi C. Wang, PhD'57, is professor of history at Queens College of the City University of New York.CO Robert D. Carswell, JD'58, is judge\_/0 of the High Court of Justice inNorthern Ireland, pro-chancellor and chairman of council of the University of Ulsterand Honorary Fellow of Pembroke College,Oxford.Emmet E. Eklund, AM'58, of Roseville,MN, retired after teaching Americanchurch history at the Pacific Lutheran University for eighteen years. His book, PeterFjellstedt: Missionary Mentor to Three Continents, was published in 1983.CQ John H. Allison, MBA'59, of Rich-\J y mond, VA, owns and manages aconsulting/lobbying firm.Noble E. Brown, MBA'59, of FortWalton Beach, FL, retired after working forforty years for the U.S. Air Force. He was aprogram manager for the "CombinedEffects Munition" of the U.S. Air Force.James Burke, Jr., SM'59, is professor ofoptical sciences at the University of Arizona, Tucson.Jerome Cohen, AM'59, is dean of thecollege and chief executive officer of theCommunity Hospital of Roanoke ValleyCollege of Health Sciences, Roanoke, VA.FAMILY ALBUM-'85Beth Honomichl, MBA' 85, with her father, Jack J. HonomichlAM' 56. Stanley Vodraska, AM' 63, with his son, Adam Vodraska, AB'85.Raymond P. Kenny, MBA'58, with his daughter, KathleenKenny, MBA'85. Ann LoMonaco Neal, AB'83, MBA'85, and her husband, CharlesChambers Neal, JD'85, MBA'85.Karen Runo Crotty; John Thomas Crotty, MBA'62; Valerie LynnCrotty, MBA'85; and Peter Rogers. (The late Robert Runo, X'39, alsoattended the University.) Toby Sampson Bornstein, PhB'46, SB'48; Daniel E. Bornstein,AM'77, PhD'85; and Margery Jane Schneider, AM'74. (Notshown:Harold D. Bornstein, PhB'47, SB'48, SM'49.)pvl ] Edna Heatherington Bergman,\J\J SB'60, of Albuquerque, NM, is a certified construction specifier and managerof the specification department at W.C.Kruger and Associates, architects-planners. She is also chairperson of the Save the Sunshine (Building) Committee, a historicpreservation group.Reatha Clark King, SM'60, PhD'63, thepresident of Metropolitan State Universityin St. Paul, MN, was honored at a graduation recognition celebration and special convocation sponsored by Empire StateCollege, Saratoga Springs, NY, in June. In1984, she was chosen by the U.S. Information Agency to travel to Moscow and Leningrad to speak on the contemporary university and educational excellence.FAMILY ALBUM-'85Tatiana Christides, AB'84, and her husband, David Scott Ganis,AB' 82, MBA'85. Barbara Houck; Chariest. Houck, AM'58; Jeorg Houck, AB'85;and Carrie Schrooten.John Merutka, MBA'55; Gene Merutka, SB '85; Rose Merutka; Paul L. Puryear, Jr. , AB '83, MBA'85, with his father, Paul L.and Dr. Don Merutka, SB'78. Puryear, AM'55, PhD'60.Agustin Carstens, AM' 83; Catherine Mansell, AB'82; Alice Priscilla Chang Kaufman, PhD'58; Sheldon Kaufman, SM'51,Mansell, AB'85; and Catherine and Alice's grandfather, Frank Mayo, PhD'53; David Kaufman, AB'85; and Alice Kaufman, amemberofSB'29, PhD'31. the class of 1988.Leonard Sugerman, MBA'60, received a tions and president of the board of directors also volunteers at a nursing home.master of public administration degree of The Free Shakespeare Company. Ben Barkow, AB'61, an applied psy-from New Mexico State University, Las chologist and head of the firm "BehaviouralCruces. h\\ Mar8aret Ammons, PhD'61, is chair- Team" in Toronto, was appointed to theSusan Trevelyan-Syke, X'60, of Chica- \J J. man of the department of education consultative committee of the Nationalgo, is president of Trevelyan-Syke Produc- at Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA. She Research Council of Canada.40 UNLien Chan, AM'61, PhD'65, of Taipei,Taiwan, is Minister of Communications ofTaiwan.Michael Kanninen, AB'61, is a commissioner in the Municipal Court in Fremont,CA. He is married and has two children.G. Dennis O'Brien, PhD'61, of Lewis-burg, PA, is president of the University ofRochester, NY. He is a director and regionalboard member of the Chase Lincoln FirstBank, N.A./TO Paul T. Davidson, MD'62, of Whit-KjAm tier, CA, is director of tuberculosiscontrol for Los Angeles County Department of Health Services./^O John T. Bonner, MD'63, is presi-C/v-J dent-elect of the Fresno-MaderaMedical Society, Fresno, CA.Bernardine Dohrn, AB'63, JD'67, is anassociate with the law firm of Sidley andAustin, Chicago.Sue R. Ketola Reamer, SB'63, of Chestnut Hill, MA, received her M.B.A. fromBoston University and is doing research onthe high costs of health care. She is workingon her Ph.D. in organizational systemsmanagement at the Fielding Institute.(m.A Robert B. K. Dewar, SB'64, PhD'68,DTl is professor of computer science atthe Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. He heads theADA group, which in 1983 received the firstvalidation certificate for the first workingADA compiler. He lives in New York withhis wife, Karin Anderson Dewar, AB'65,and their two children.Kern O. Kymn, PhD'64, of Olney, MD,is professor of economics at West VirginiaUniversity, Morgantown.Bernard Sanders, AB'64, was reelectedmayor of Burlington, VT, this year. According to the Miami Herald, he is the nation'sonly socialist mayor.Paula Larson Stein, AB'64, of McLean,VA, works with a consulting firm. She hasdeveloped and is marketing an economicalline of church software for IBM microcomputers and compatibles.Elsa L. Stone, SB'64, has a pediatricspractice and is assistant clinical professor atYale University Child Study Center, NewHaven, CT./I C Karin Anderson Dewar, AB'65. SeeD\J 1964, Robert B. K. Dewar.Mary Beth Dingman, AB'65, AM'70, ofLebanon, NH, co-founded the New VictoriaPress, a feminist printing and publishingcompany.Michael Feer, X'65, is a cognitive therapist at Cotting School for HandicappedChildren, Boston.Jean W. Gilpatrick, DB'65, is minister ofthe First Unitarian Church, Alton, IL.Daniel Hamermesh, AB'65, is chairperson of the department of economics atMichigan State University, East Lansing.He is co-author, with Albert Rees, AM'47PhD'50, of the third edition of Economics ofWork and Pay. Lawrence Kaplan, AB'65, is a lawyer inLakeport, CA.Bienvenido S. Magnaye, MBA'65, issenior vice-president and director of Jar-dine Davies Group in Manila, Philippines.He was elected governor and vice-president of the Employers Confederation of thePhilippines and corporate secretary of thePhilippine Chamber of Commerce andIndustry.Fred Mason, AM'65, of Bayside, NY, isan associate editor with the McGraw-Hilltrade publication, American Machinist.C. Jeffory Mellor HI, AB'65, AM'67,PhD'72, is in charge of testing English oralproficiency of foreign teaching assistants atthe University of Tennessee, Knoxville.John S. Reist, Jr., AM'65, PhD'76, isprofessor of Christian Studies and Literature at Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI.David W. Shane, AM'65, is vice-president for rehabilitation and gerontology atthe McDonough District Hospital, Macomb,IL.Christina Olson Spiesel, AM'65, is avisual artist and chairman of the CulturalAffairs Commission of New Haven, CT. In1984 she was a visiting lecturer at Yale University and acting executive director of Art-space, Inc.Milton Steadman, MBA'65, is vice-president of Government Personnel Services, Inc., of Tampa, FL.Howard A. Sulkin, MBA'65, PhD'69, ispresident of Spertus College of Judaica,Chicago.James G. Thorne, MBA'65, of Clayton,MO, is vice-president of human resourcesat Fisher Controls International, Inc.William R. Winkler, SM'65, of Long-mont, CO, was editor of two 1984 issues ofthe quarterly National Weather Digest,published by the National WeatherAssociation.David P. Wolf, AB'65, JD'68, is a partnerin Copeland, Landye, Bennett, and Wolf, aPortland-Anchorage, AK, law firm. He andhis wife, Grace Daniels Wolf, AM'66, havea daughter, Rachel./1/2 Kitty Stein Boyan, AB'66, teachesUv_/ elementary school in Howard County, MD. She and her husband, StephenBoyan, Jr., PhD'66, have a son, Justin.Susan E. Close, MAT'66, of Penfield,NY, received an M.B.A. in 1983 and a C.RA.registration from New York State University, in 1984. She is manager of telecommunications engineering and field support atXerox Corporation.Thomas W. Cole, Jr., PhD'66, is president of the West Virginia State College,Institute, WV, and member of the NationalScience Foundation Committee on EqualOpportunity in Science and Technology. Heis also a member of the visiting committeeof the department of chemistry at MIT andvarious other educational committees.In 1984-85 William Conger, MFA'66,was visiting professor at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, from DePaul University, Chicago. He became professor andchairman of the Department of Art Theory and Practice at Northwestern University inSeptember. In June his paintings were exhibited at the Roy Boyd Gallery in Chicago.Daniel Kesden, AB'66, of LauderdaleLakes, FL, opened a medical center forcardiac, pulmonary and orthopedicrehabilitation.Joel E. Kleinman, SB'66, MD'73,PhD'74, is chief in the section on clinicalbrain studies of the neuropsychiatry branchof the National Institute of Mental Health.He is also resident in neurology at GeorgeWashington University Medical School,Washington, D.C.William A. Koelsch, PhD'66, a facultymember at Clark University, Worcester,MA, served as a visiting professor at theUniversity of Trier, West Germany.Norman Leaf, MD'66, is chairman of theAMA Physician's Advisory Panel for motion pictures, television and radio. He practices plastic surgery in Beverly Hills, CA,and Aspen, CO.Kenneth E. Naylor, Jr., PhD'66, is secretary of the American Committee of Slavists.He received a grant to attend the seminarfor Bulgarian language, literature and culture in Sophia. He is also professor of SlavicLinguistics at Ohio State University,Columbus.Fred Saland, X'66, practices emergencymedicine at several hospitals in northernCalifornia. He and Alan Johnson, SB'49,MBA'66 own two computer stores, Shoreline Software.Grace Daniels Wolf, AM'66. See 1965,David P Wolf.£TJ John D. Ashcroft, JD'67 of Jefferson\J l City, MO, became governor of Missouri in January, 1985.Sandra Baxter, AB'67, of Herndon, VA,is a faculty member at the School of Justiceat the American University, Washington,D.C. She has a daughter and is the coauthor of a book, Women and Politics: TheEmerging Majority.Leon Botstein, AB'67, president of BardCollege, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, received his Ph.D. in history from HarvardUniversity in June. He and his wife had adaughter, Clara Haskell Botstein, in May.Lawrence Cherniack, AM'67 foundedthe Free University in Winnipeg, Manitoba,and is a public interest lawyer. He is married and has two children.Carrie Cowherd, AM'67 PhD'72, is associate professor of classics at Howard University, Washington, D.C, where she is alsodirector of the honors program.Patrick J. Henry, AM'67, owns TheAtlantic Group, an urban developmentconsulting company. He works under contract with the office of Housing and UrbanDevelopment to assist cities with UrbanDevelopment Action Grant projects andother development projects.James Hill, AM'67, was promoted to fullprofessor of philosophy at Valdosta StateCollege, Valdosta, a member of the University of Georgia system.Reinhild Janzen, AM'67, is curator ofthe Kauffman Museum in North Newton,KS. He is the author of two books on arthistory.Dale E. Johnson, SM'67, PhD'71, associate professor and assistant director of bio-engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle, was elected president of theElectron Microscope Society of America for1985.C. Philip Kearney, PhD '67, of AnnArbor, MI, is professor and chair of the division of educational foundation, policy andadministration at the University of Michigan School of Education.Nancy Knight, AM'67 is a reference librarian at Georgetown University MedicalLibrary, Washington, D.C.Philip Lankford, AB'67, AM'68,PhD'71, of Fremont, CA, does research inforecasting regional commercial propertydemand and mortgage default rates bystandard metropolitan statistical area. Hewrites that his real delight is "learning toread and write Japanese in evening classes."W. Scott Nekrosius, AB'67 is a psychiatrist in private practice in Dayton, OH. He ismarried and has one daughter.Cary B. Retlin, MBA67, is a markettechnician and portfolio strategist on theNew York research staff of ThomsonMcKinnon Securities, Inc.Barry Rich, SB'67 MAT'69, MD'74, is apediatrician and pediatric endocrinologistin Hinsdale, IL. His wife, Nancy KrashenRich, AB'67, MD'71, is an obstetrician/gynecologist. They have three sons.J. Christopher Rooney, MBA'67, ofOakton, VA, was appointed deputy admin-istrator of the Federal RailroadAdministration.Judith Testa, AM'67, PhD'83, is an assistant professor at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. She was awarded a one-year, $9,000 Robert H. and Clarice SmithFellowship Grant to provide financial support for revising for publication her dissertation, "The Sunset of the Illuminated Book:A Study of the Beatty Rosarium, a Manuscript with Miniatures by Simon Bening."Geraldine Van Doren, AM'67, PhD'80,teaches English at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. She spends her springswith her husband in Italy.Janet Gross Wagner, AB'67, of Lombard, IL, is a reference librarian at ElmhurstPublic Library. She and her family frequently visit the upper peninsula of Michigan.Bernard Aronson, AB'68, directsThe Policy Project, a private consulting firm in Washington, D.C.Michael Bassis, AM'68, PhD'74, is associate dean of faculty and interim assistantchancellor for educational services at theUniversity of Wisconsin— Parkside. He ismarried and has four children.Martin Campbell, SB'68, writes fictionand poetry. He lives on St. Croix, VirginIslands.James J. Chmelik, MBA'68, of Ijamville,MD, is the business manager of theSmithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.David B. Citron, AB'68, MBA'75, ofEvanston, IL, is vice-president of National42 Comprehensive Services, Inc., Chicago.Dennis Dingemans, AB'68, serves on acommittee implementing a general education program for the University of California at Davis where he is associate professorof geography. He was elected chairpersonof the city Design Review Commission.Kristin Glaser, AM'68, PhD'83, is aclinical psychologist in private practice inMontpelier, VT. She is married and has twinsons.Adele Eskeles Gottfried, AM'68, is professor of educational psychology at California State University, Northridge.John C. Hamil, MBA'68, is dean of theBusiness and Industry Institute of theGuilford Technical Community College,Jamestown, NC.Miles K. Hoffman, AM'68, of SouthBend, IN, is a market research analyst incharge of consumer research for productplanning for Heath/Zenith Company inBenton Harbor, MI. His wife, Ruth CasselHoffman, AM'68, PhD'76, teaches Frenchand does translation work for the Allied/Bendix Corporation. She also delivers papers at conferences in the field of medievalFrench literature.Susan Loren Keiser, AB'68, is treasurerof the Women's Bar Association of NewYork. Her article on a team approach to matrimonial law was published in the New YorkState Bar Journal in December.Judy Goldstone Landt, AB'68, MAT'70,is assistant general counsel to World Book,Inc., Chicago.Margaret Berman Lurie, MAT'68, ofEvanston, IL, published the Children's Software Catalog, a nation-wide catalog of educational software.Charles A. Marvin, JD'68, MCL'70, ofOttawa, is director of administrative law reform for the Canadian Department ofJustice.Richard O. Maschmeyer, SM'68, ismanager of aspherics in the research anddevelopment division of Corning GlassWorks, Corning, NY.Christine Williams Medeiros, AB'68,MBA'71, of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, works at aconsulting firm doing financial analyses.Her husband, Paulo de Tarso Medeiros,AM'71, is a director at Comissao de ValoresMobiliarios, the securities and exchangecommission of Brazil. They have threechildren.Judith A. Levy Miller, MBA'68. See1976, Alan B.Miller.Yona Liebersohn Munro, AB'68, is aCPA in the small business services department of Deloitte Haskins and Sells, Chicago. She and her husband had their fourthchild, Logan Royce, in November, 1984.Joan Phillips Sandy, AB'68, and RobertE. Sandy, Jr., JD'68, had their second child,John Phillips, in April, 1984.Judith Lester Schavrien, AB'68, isbranch administrator of the Getty SquareBranch of Yonkers Public Library, NYSusan Katz Shargal, AB'68, of Auburn,NH, is proposing legislation to license thepractice of psychotherapy in NewHampshire. Christine L. Shields, AB'68, is a generalinternist on the faculty of the Boston University School of Medicine. She also practices at two neighborhood health centers inBoston.Roger A. Boshes, PhD'69, of Glen-coe, IL, is assistant professor of psychiatry at the Illinois State Psychiatric Institute of the University of Illinois MedicalSchool.Henry Brenner, SM'69, PhD'72, is associate professor of chemistry at New YorkUniversity. His son David was born in June,1983.Barbara Wenban Busca, SM'69, ofGeneva, Switzerland, works with a team ofanalyst-programmers with the WorldHealth Organization's program of research,research training, and development in human reproduction.David Dorfman, AB'69, is manager ofcost accounting for Fireman's Fund American Life Insurance Companies in SanRafael, CA. His daughter, Shana Miriam,was born in August, 1984.Mark Holmes, PhD'69, has written abook on educational evaluation publishedby the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto.Julio D. Kaplan, MBA'69, is a memberof the board of directors and executive committee of Fric-Rot, SAIC, a shock absorbersmanufacturer in Rosario, Argentina.Gerald C. Rekow, AM'69, is in privatepractice of psychiatry working with groupsand families in Fort Worth, TX.A son, Alexander John, was born toAndras Riedlmayer, AB'69, and his wife inJuly, 1984. They live in Cambridge, MA.Alvin Rosenthal, AB'69, and DianeArnkoff, AB'70, live in Silver Spring, MD.Alvin works with a consulting firm on government contracts. Diane is associate professor of psychology at the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.Doris Ward Ryan, PhD'69, is assistantdirector of the Ontario Institute for Studiesin Education in charge of research and fieldservices. She has written several bookspublished by the OISE Press.Robert D. Shaklovitz, AB'69, practiceslaw with the firm of Eikenburg and Stiles,Houston.Lynn Junker Simms, SB'69, is a member of the technical staff of the softwareanalysis firm, LOGICON, Dahlgren, VA.Kenneth D. Simonson, AB'69, of Washington, D.C. , is special assistant to the chairman of Millipore Corporation and his liaison to the President's Commission onIndustrial Competitiveness. Last fall, hewas a guest of the Japan External Trade Organization as part of a business study/tourof Japan.Ann Thompson, AB'69, is director ofthe pediatric intensive care unit and criticalcare medicine training program at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, where she isalso assistant professor of pediatrics andanesthesiology. She is married and has ason.Dennis C. Waldon, AB'69, of DownersUNFAMILY ALBUM-'85Katherine O'Connell, AB'85, and Patrick O'Connell, AB'84. Karl Studtmann, AB'85, andhis father, Earl Studtmann, SB'56.lva Means; Lynda King; Scott David King, AB '85; Robert King;MindaKing; Lynn Means, SB '42, SM'44. Susan Mueller; fudith Reader Mueller, BFA'59; Karl Mueller,AB'85; John E. Mueller, AB'60; and Karen Mueller.Harry F. Topping, MBA'40; Ruth Irwin Topping, AM'75; HarryTopping, Jr., MBA'85; Joan Topping Russell; Linda Topping O'Brien,(a resident at the University Medical Center from 1973 to 1976 andassistant professor from 1977 to 1978); and Steven O 'Brien, AM'74. (Vivienne) fane Kattapong, AB'82, AM'84; Bartley F. Goldberg,AB'81, JD'85; Betty Goldberg; Cebette Goldberg, AB'82; and BarryGoldberg. (Not shown: Verna Voth Kattapong, AM'54; Alden VothPhD' 59.)Grove, IL, is a lawyer specializing in litiga- Andrew H. Connor, AB'70, JD'79, prac-tion with the law firm of Keck, Mahin and tices law with Reuben and Proctor, a Chica-Cate in Chicago. go law firm. He is married and has threechildren.Wf\ Diane Arnkoff, AB'70. See 1969, Michael Cooperman, MBA'70, is a part-/ \J Alvin Rosenthal. ner in the management consulting firm of Peat, Marwick and Mitchell, WashingtonD.C. 'Philip J. Greenberg, PhD'70, of Eaton-town, NJ, teaches science and math at aprep school in New Jersey.Harry P Greenwald, AB'70, of Cam-FAMILY ALBUM-'85Walter H. Chaveriat, JD'27, with his great-nephew Andrew J.Chaveriat, AB'85. Frank Langrock, AB '85, and his father, Peter Langrock, AB'58,]D'60.Liz Saliman; Karen Saliman; Andy Saliman, AB'85; StanSaliman; Jerry Saliman, AM'84; and Dora Saliman. Doug Berman; Adolph Berman; Robert Berman, AB'85; ArleneBerman; and Jeffrey Berman, AB '84.Miriam Inger; Robert Inger, SB '42, PhD' 54; Sharon Inger; Rachel Hal Muir Smith, PhB'48, }D'54; Louise Rhoads Smith, AM '56; Eleanor ReeIn^er, AB'85; Morton Inger, AM'66, JD'57; and Mary Ballew Inger, Smith, AB'85; Harry Smith; and Jane Smith. (Not shown: Nell Muir Penick Seago,X'46. (The late Sarah Silverman Inger was AB' 56, AB'57, AM '63.) PhB'29.The late Erwin Seago was ]D'30; the late Elizabeth Penick Smith wasPhB'23.)bridge, MA, is vice-president and controller of Venture Economics, Inc., a publishingand information company.James Kahn, AB'70, MD'74, of LosAngeles, is a staff writer for the televisionshow, £.R. He wrote the novelization of the movie Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.Lawrence Kreisman, AM'70, does research and writes books on Northwestarchitecture and history. He is the generaleditor of a comprehensive study of civic design and planning history in Seattle and is preparing a guide to historic preservationin Seattle with a grant from the NationalEndowment for the Arts.SethMasia, AB'70, ofTahoeCity, CA, issenior editor of Ski Magazine.John Modschiedler, AM'70, PhD'80, ispresident of the Association for the Development of Philosophy Teaching. He is associate professor of philosophy and religiousstudies at the College of DuPage, GlenEllyn, IL, and was chosen to sponsor thePhi Beta chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, theNational Honor Fraternity/Sorority forcommunity and junior colleges.Catherine E. Moritz, AB'70, of Cambridge, MA, is administrator of a physiciangroup practice affiliated with the Multi-group Health Plan.Parker Quammen, AB'70, SM'74, is acomputer programmer in patient accounting with Burroughs Corporation, Chicago.He has two children.Wendy Rickert, CLA'70, AB'78, is marketing manager of the commercial divisionof Static Control Services, a Boulder Creek,CA, based electronics firm specializing instatic control technology.John A. Schaffner, AB'70, is acting director of the gastroenterology unit at RushPresbyterian St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago.His wife, Susan Quartin, AB'70, is afreelance writer.Robert S. Schwartz, AB'70, and hiswife, Nancy, have a daughter, Lila Krasa.They live in New York.Wilbur A. Weder, AM'70, is a senior research analyst with the Office of FamilyAssistance, Washington, D.C. He does research on the effects of legislative and regulatory changes on families who receive assistance from Aid to Families withDependent Children.Diane Arkin, AM'71, is president ofArkin Associates, Washington, D.C.Grace Van Benthuysen Bailey, AM'71,handles adoption for the Lutheran SocialServices of Texas in Houston.Judith Brown Elamin, AM'71, is director of the INROADS/St. Louis affiliate, a career development organization for minorityyouth.Charles F. Flynn II, AB'71, MBA'77, is achartered financial analyst and partner inStein Roe and Farnham investment counselfirm in Chicago.Donald B. Freeman, PhD'71, teaches inthe geography department of York University, Downview, Ontario.Judith A. Griffin, MBA'71, ofSecaucus, NJ, is senior vice-president of thebusiness development group at ShearsonLehman/ American Express.Julius L. Harrington, AM'71, is directorof planning for the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, Harrisburg.Gloria Owens Hemphill, MST'71, thedaughter of Jesse Owens, watched as herown daughter, Gina, carried the OlympicTorch into the stadium to begin the XXIIIOlympiad in Los Angeles. Gloria lives inChicago.Emi Ito, SB'71, PhD'79, is assistant professor in the department of geology andgeophysics at the University of Minnesota,Minneapolis. She married Ian Maitland inlune, 1984.Leo Korman, MBA'71, of ArlingtonHeights, IL, was promoted to vice-presi dent and chief financial officer of A. C.Nielsen Company. He was also elected to itsboard of directors.Bernard Linsky, AB'71, is an associateprofessor at the University of Alberta,Edmonton. He writes that he and his wife,Betty, "made (University of Chicago)Professor Leonard and Joan Linskygrandparents."Thomas T. McCroskey, AB'71, opened achiropractic practice in Denver. He and hiswife, Marilyn, have two children.Paulo de Tarso Medeiros, AM'71, See1968, Christine Williams Medeiros.Terry Pearson Pomper, AB'71, receivedher Ph.D. in education and child development from Bryn Mawr College in May, 1984.She and her husband Sidney S. Pomper,MBA'73, had their second child, StevenDerek, in August, 1984.Richard R. Risk, MBA'71, is vice-president of planning for Evangelical HealthSystems, Oak Brook, IL.Ronald W. Schwizer, MAT'71, is assistant professor in the department of naturalsciences of Baruch College, CUNY. He received an award from the New York StateHealth Research Council to undertake astudy entitled, "In Vitro Effects of DHEAand Selected Metabolites on InsulinRelease from Pancreatic Islets in a Perifu-sion System."Mark L. Silbersack, JD'71, is chairperson of the management assistance servicesdivision of the Community Chest of Cincinnati. He is also a trustee of both the HydePark Neighborhood Council and of EasyRiders.Alan R. Smith, SB'71, MD'75, waselected chief of staff at the Bayonet PointRegional Medical Center, Hudson, FL, for1985-86.David M. Spinner, AM'71, of NewHaven, CT, is an associate with the law firmof DiPietro, Kantrowitz, and Brownstein,PC.Gill Winograd, AB'71, MBA'71, is senior vice-president for systems at LaSalleComputer Marketing in New York.Barbara Yondorf, AB'71, is director ofthe health care cost containment project forthe National Conference of State Legislatures. She lives in Denver with her husband,Doug Mitchell, and their two children.Lucy Arimond, AB'72, coordinatesan emergency meal program in St.Paul, MN.Steven Bachenheimer, PhD'72, is associate professor at the University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill. He has organizedconferences entitled "Gene Transfer andExpression" for the program in molecularbiology and biotechnology at UNCCH.A son, Jacob Michael, was born toDavid Baron, AB'72, PhD'79, and SusanKay, AM'79, of Charleston, SC.Thomas C. Berg, AB'72, of Homewood,IL, was promoted to senior attorney-assistant secretary in the law department ofAmsted Industries Inc., Chicago.Richard P. Brusky, AB'72, works for theU.S. Air Force at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH.Mary Ellen Spector Druyan, PhD'72, ofHinsdale, IL, is associate professor of biochemistry at Loyola University's StritchSchool of Medicine and School of Dentistry.She is active in the theatre of WesternSprings, IL.John A. Germ, MBA'72, of Naperville,IL, is chairman and chief executive officerof the Consultant Network Ltd., a corporate consortium of small, specialized consulting organizations.Last summer, Emily Grosholz, AB'72,of State College, PA, was an artist-in-resi-dence at the Djerassi Foundation, Wood-side, CA. She was also a fellow at the Bread-loaf Writers' Conference.Arthur E. Henningsen, Jr., MBA'72,was promoted to vice-president and controller of Economics Laboratory, Inc., St.Paul, MN.Erik M. Jensen, AM'72, is on the lawfaculty at Case Western Reserve University,Cleveland.Charles E Kaplan, AM'72, PhD'76, isexecutive vice-president of the NationalAssociation of Industrial and Office Parksin San Antonio, TX.Michael J. Karash, AM'72, writes thathe is the "mayor of (the) town" ofKadumim, Israel.Norman E. Lansford, JD'72, was elected to a four-year term as judge of the 339thdistrict court of Harris County, (Houston),TX.Neal S. Millard, JD'72, is a member ofthe law firm of Jones, Day, Reaves andPogue, Los Angeles. He was a technologymanager at the aquatic events and was appointed to the Citizens' Advisory Commission for the 1984 Summer Olympic Games.Dennis F. Miller, AM'72, of Bethesda,MD, is study director of the NationalResearch Council Committee. He is also executive director of the Board on Army Science and Technology, which is part of theNational Research Council/National Academy of Sciences.Donald Reed, MBA'72, is with the Central National Bank of Cleveland, where he isresponsible for government affairs andcommunity development.Michael Squillacote, SB'72, assistantprofessor of chemistry at Brown University,Providence, RI, won a $1,500 grant for distinguished contributions to undergraduateeducation. He will use his grant to developa microscale undergraduate laboratorycourse in organic chemistry.Jeanette M. Stanhaus, AM'72, is president of J. M. Stanhaus Marketing Services,Inc., an advertising agency in Evanston, IL.Jonathan E Wolfe, AB'72, is an accountexecutive at Charles R. Feldstein and Co.,Inc., a fund-raising consulting firm inChicago.Donna L. Bedard, PhD'73, ofLatham, NY, is a staff scientist in biological sciences at the General ElectricResearch and Development Center,Schenectady, NY. She is married and hastwo children.Nettie Shleser Breslin, PhD'73, is apsychologist and family mediator in privatepractice in Chicago.Kathleen Ezolt Carle, AB'73, MBA'81,was promoted by Union Carbide Corporation to southwest region technology manager of the marketing department of theLinde Division in Houston.Gail Christie, AB'73, is assistant professor of microbiology and immunology at theMedical College of Virginia, Richmond .Hersecond son, David, was born last October.C. Bruce Dunn, MBA'73, of Wilmette,IL, is director of investments in the investment department of Washington NationalInsurance Company, Evanston.In January, Ronald H. Engler, MBA'73,of Lincolnshire, IL, received his J.D. fromLoyola University, Chicago.William Farris, AB'73, is an attorneywith the New York City law firm, Sullivanand Cromwell. He was married last October.Stanley I. Griffin, AM'73, is managerof economic research with the InsuranceBureau of Canada, Toronto.Alphine W. Jefferson, AB'73, is onleave from his position as assistant professor of history at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, to serve as visiting assistantprofessor of history and interim director ofAfrican-American Studies at SouthernMethodist University, Dallas. He publishedan article, "Southern Dreams/Urban Realities" in Illinois: Its History and Legacy.Lee A. Kaplan, AB'73, is a dermatologist in private practice in La Jolla, CA.A son, Jasper Stanley, was born in September, 1984, to Debbie Levey, AB'73, andCrispin Weinberg, SB'73, SM'73, ofBrookline, MA.Ann McCullough, AM'73, co-directed aconference, "The Humanities and theCriminal Justice System," held last Octoberat the University of Wisconsin, Madison.James Phelan, AM'73, PhD'77, is associate professor of English at Ohio State University, Columbus.Sidney Pomper, MBA'73. See 1971,Terry Pearson Pomper.Laura Roderick, AB'73, finished her anesthesia residency at the University ofWashington, Seattle, and is working forProject Hope.Stephen H. Snyder, AM'73, PhD'75, isassociate professor of Linfield College,McMinnville, OR. He is working on a manuscript on women religious outsiders inAmerican history.Earl E. Swansen, MBA'73, of Prescott,AZ, is active in the Service Corps of RetiredExecutives and is an estate planning officerfor the Evangelical Covenant Church in Arizona and New Mexico.James A. Talbert, AM'73, practices social work and coaches girls' cross countrytrack at Leyden High School, Skokie, IL.Kelsey Clark Underwood, AB'73, iscompleting her Ph.D. in anthropology atthe University of California, Berkeley. Witha fellowship from the National ScienceFoundation and the American Institute ofIndian Studies, she and her husband spenta year in Madras, India, where she did herdissertation research. John A. Wallick, MBA'73, is vice-president in the personal trust investment division of the investment support group, TheNorthern Trust Company, Chicago.In June, 1984, a daughter, MelissaAnn, was born to Mark C. Brickell,AB'74, and Anita Jarmin Brickell, AB'75,MBA'76. Anita is vice-president of Citibank's petroleum department, and Markworks in the liability management area ofMorgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York.Timothy Buchman, SB'74, SM'74,PhD'78, MD'80, and Barbara A.Zehnbauer, SM'77, PhD'79, were marriedin March, 1982. Both work at Johns HopkinsHospital, Baltimore. Barbara is in molecularbiology research, and Timothy is a surgicalresident.Glenda Bullock, AM'74, is promotiondirector of WGVC-TV, a Grand Rapids, MI,public television station.James Collins, AB'74, teaches anthropology and linguistics at Temple University,Philadelphia.David A. Erekson, AM'74, PhD'79, Alameda, CA, is associate staff manager oftraining technology for Pacific Bell.Nick Fanella, MBA'74, is president ofMFC Mortgage, a subsidiary of the FirstNational Bank of Wheeling, IL.Thomas J. Garrity, MBA'74, of Zions-ville, IN, is director of market planning ofanimal products for Elanco Products Company, the agricultural marketing division ofEli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis.Laura Groshong, AM'74, is chairpersonof the Psychoanalytic Association of Seattle .She lectures on the development of self-esteem to various groups. She has twochildren.Dan B. Grubb, MBA'74, is presidentof Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, Lombard, IL.Thomas Hoi, AB'74, is a corporationlawyer in New York.Yevette Newton Jackson, AM'74, is corporate development representative at theCole-Taylor Financial Group, Inc.,Northbrook, IL.Mark F. Lloyd, AB'74, is university archivist of the University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia. In January, 1984, he and hiswife had their second child, DuncanMackenzie.Marilee A. Melvin, AM'74, of Alexandria, VA, is executive assistant to EdwinMeese III, Attorney General of the UnitedStates.Carolyn Mies, AB'74, is a fellow in surgical pathology at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.Darrell Panethiere, AM'74, is head ofthe appeals department at the law firm ofWindle Turley, PC, Dallas.Alan Pemberton, AB '74, is a lawyer withCovington and Burling in Washington, D.C.He is married and has two daughters.John Scadding, PhD'74, is vice-president and director of public information forthe Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.Elizabeth Schnur, AB'74, is doing apostdoctoral research fellowship at the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ.She had a son, Warren Michael, in May,1984.Jeffrey B. Wallace, MBA'74, of Darien,CT, is assistant treasurer of the Dun andBradstreet Corporation.S. Enders Wimbush, AM'74, is directorof the Society for Central Asian Studies,Oxford, England.In the summer of 1984, Charles M.Adelman, PhD'75, worked on publication of Sinda, as a guest scholar of theSwedish Council for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences in Uppsala,Sweden.Nel M. Benton, AM'75, works with ahome health organization in Houston.Anita Jarmin Brickell, AB'75, MBA'76.See 1974, Mark C. Brickell.Carl Cohen, AB'75, is product managerof ten-speed bicycles at Schwinn BicycleCo., Chicago.John D. Eggert, PhD'75, of Manlius,NY, is executive director of Developmentand Evaluation Associates, Inc., providingprogram evaluation services to clients in areas of human resources development andtraining.Rex E. Gerald, PhD'75, is associate professor of anthropology at the University ofTexas at El Paso. He is involved in the excavation of the 300-year-old mission ofSocorro.Robert J. Hudzik, MBA'75, assistantvice-president of marketing for Illinois Bell,Chicago, was elected to Children's Homeand Aid Society's board of trustees.Elizabeth Menaghan, AM'75, PhD'78,is assistant professor of sociology at OhioState University, Columbus. She receivedthe Reuben Hill Award from the NationalCouncil on Family Relations for an outstanding research and theory articlepublished in 1983.Burton Michaels, AM'75, of Evanston,IL, is a senior copywriter for Frank J.Corbett, Inc., Chicago, a division of Batten,Barton, Durstine and Osborn, Inc.Kurt Moehlmann, AM'75, MAT'76, ofHoffman Estates, IL, owns R.PL, a construction supplier and consultant service.Elissa Moses, AB'75, of Kew Gardens,NY, is associate research director and vice-president of Batten, Barton, Durstine andOsborn, Inc. , an advertising agency in NewYork.Terence Murphy, PhD'75, is director ofthe Fondation des Etats-Unis at the CiteInternationale Universitaire, Paris. He alsoteaches at the American College in Paris.Brad H. Neuman, MBA'75, ofNorthbrook, IL, was elected first vice-president of planning and control of HomartDevelopment Co., the commercial real estate development group of Coldwell Banker/Sears Financial Network.James E. Orr, SM'75, PhD'82, is a resident in pathology at the University of Chicago Health Center.Mariana C. Rados, MBA'75, is generalmanager for the Santiago Branch and country head for Chile for Continental Bank.FAMILY ALBUM-'85Sherry Shuwal, AM' 84; Reuben Gamoran, MBA'85; MiriamGamoran, AB'85; Rabbi Hillel Gamoran; Adam Gamoran, AB'79,AM'79, PhD'84, holding Joel Gamoran; Maria Gamoran; and JudithGamoran. Steve Gernon; Will Gernon; William H. Gernon, SB' 59, MD'63;John Gernon, AB'85; T.J. Gernon; Peter Schmidt, SM'66, PhD'72;Felice Barrett Schmidt, PhB'29; Lawrence J. Schmidt, PhB'32; andNorma Andrea Schmidt Gernon, AB'61. (Not shown: John BarrettWolff, PhB'47, ]D'51. The late John H. Gernon was SB'17, MD'19.)Beth Weber; Jacqui Weber; Brian Weber, AB '81, (a second yearstudent in Law School); James Weber; Tom Weber, AB '85; AngieWeber; Bruce Weber; Tess Weber; Gayle Weber; and Mary Weber. (Notshown: Kathleen Weber, AB'77, MAT'78; Timothy Weber, AB'76,AM'77; and Laura Akgulian Weber, AB '76.) Gregory River, AB'79; Renee Kaplan River, AB'58; DavidVictor River, AB'85; Louis P. River, III, PhB'49; and Louis P. River,Jr., SB'22, MD'25. (Not shown: George L. River, AB'52; PhillipRiver, AB'79; Laura River, AB'79; Marcella River Lehmann,PhB'29. The late W. Leslie River was PhB '25.)Carlos G. Rizowy, AM'75, PhD'81,chairman of the political science department at Roosevelt University, Chicago, appeared on ABC's "Of Cabagges and Kings"program as an expert on legal and politicalaspects of terrorism. He has presented twoseminars on terrorism and was a weekendscholar-in-residence for Congregation BnaiTikvah on the topic: "Images: ChangingAlliance in the Middle East."Sanford C. Schulert, MBA'75, is director of marketing communications for Amoco Chemicals Corporation, Chicago.Rosanne Stead, AM'75, is manager ofJocundry's Books, East Lansing, MI.James Sugarman, AM'75, of New York,is president of the Board of Senior Action ina Gay Environment.John C. Taylor, AB'75, practices law inChampaign, IL. He is married and has twochildren.Gerald L. Truesdale, MD'75, is in pri vate practice in plastic and reconstructivesurgery and hand surgery in Greensboro,NC. His first son was born last October.Andrea Worthington, AB'75, ofSchenectady, NY, is assistant professor ofbiology at Siena College, Loudonyille.^7£i Reva Allen, AM'76, is assistant pro-/ O fessor of social work at MissouriWestern State College, St. Joseph. She married Charles St. Clair in March, 1984.David J. Doerge, MBA'76, is a vice-president with Goldman, Sachs and Co. in Chicago. He is married and has one daughter.Steven M. Friedman, AB'76, MBA'77, isa principal in the investment firm, OdysseyPartners, in New York. His son, MarkDavid, was born last September.O. Mark Gjovik, MBA'76, is vice-president and management supervisor on thePontiac account at D'Arcy MacManusMasius, Bloomfield Hills, MI. Jan E. Van Wyk Hanson, AM'76, married David Hanson in January. She works atthe Croton-on-Hudson Library, NY.Leo Haviland, AB'76, is vice-presidentof the futures department with Goldman,Sachs and Co., New York.Louis A. Lawrence, MBA'76, is president of the Mississippi River TransmissionCorporation unit of Midcon Corp., Lombard, IL.David Levin, AB'76, is director of finance and administration of the New YorkFoundation for the Arts.Thomas W. Ludlow, MBA'76, was promoted to controller of Whitman's Chocolates, Philadelphia, a division of PetIncorporated.Alan B. Miller, MBA'76, is senior vice-president and general counsel of FocusFinancial Group, Chicago. He and his wife,Judith A. Levy Miller, MBA'68, have threechildren and live in Highland Park.Evelyn Mulder-Kendall, AB'76, is ananalyst at the Tokyo branch of Vickers daCosta, Ltd. She is married and has one son.In July James Nachbar, AB'76, begana residency in plastic and reconstructivesurgery at the University of Virginia,Charlottesville.George F. Nardin, AB'76, practicesophthalmology at Ochsner Clinic in NewOrleans.Phillip T. North, MD'76, practices surgery and is in the Air Force. In June, hemoved from RAF Lakenheath, UK, toLangley AFB, VA.Michael J. Paczolt, MBA'76, of Mer-rillville, IN, is a certified management accountant and certified public accountant.Deirdre Stegman, AB'76, of MenloPark, CA, is on the staff in general internalmedicine at the Palo Alto Medical Clinic.Paul Stelter, AB'76, of Grove, OK, manages the energy management division of amechanical/electrical contractor in northeast Oklahoma. He is married and has oneson.Richard E. Wendt III, AB'76, MBA'77,was appointed research assistant professorof radiology at Baylor College of Medicine,Houston.Neil S. Braun, JD'77, is senior vice-president of film programming,Home Box Office, Inc., New York.George R. Cooper, AB'77, is in privatepractice with the law firm of Nunn andAssociates, PC, of Denver.In June, 1984, a son, NathanielKingman, was born to Susan UptonDouglass, AB'77, and Kingman S.Douglass, MBA'77, of New York.Mark Eckman, AM'77, of McLean, VA,is an attorney in private practice in Washington, D.C, limited to immigration andnationality law.Robert Finn, AB'77, is a writer for Engineering and Science Magazine of the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology, Pasadena.Jonathan E. Kenny, SM'77, PhD'79, ofSomerville, MA, is a co-recipient of a$50,000 grant from the National ScienceFoundation Interdisciplinary Program todevelop a remote groundwater contamination detector which uses laser-induced fluorescence and fiber optics.Scott R. King, SB'77, is a senior analystin biotechnology with Montgomery Securities, San Francisco.J. Michael Kirkman, MBA'77 was promoted to senior vice-president and partnerwith The Interface Group, Ltd., an executive search consulting firm in Washington,D.C.Michelle A. Kristula-Green, AB'77,AM'81, is an account executive for newproducts with Leo Burnett Advertising inChicago.Michael A. Sells, AM'77, PhD'82, is assistant professor of comparative religion atHaverford College, Haverford, PA.Rostyslaw Roman Smyk, MBA'77, ofLake Bluff, IL, heads the market researchand strategic planning functions for theMidland division of the Dexter Corporation. Robert A. Sternberg, AB'77, is a computer graphics art director and manager oftechnical services for Arctan Graphic Arts,a DICOMED service bureau in Rochester,NY. He is married and has one son.Peter C. Stimmes, AB'77, MBA'80, wasawarded the professional designation ofchartered financial analyst by the Instituteof Chartered Financial Analysts. He lives inLisle, IL.Steven Urkowitz, PhD'77, of New York,was appointed associate professor of English at Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY.He is also co-chair of the Columbia University seminar on Shakespeare.Twin daughters were born to CatherineVanderloos, AB'77, and DavidScarborough, AB'77, in March, 1984.Catherine completed her residency in ob-stetrics-gynecology at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago in June and returned to Bostonto a private practice. David completed hisresidency in internal medicine at MichaelReese Hospital in June and began a fellowship in endocrinology at Tufts-New England Medical Center, Boston.Barbara A. Zehnbauer, SM'77, PhD'79.See 1974, Timothy Buchman.Robert R Chitwood, AB'78, is finishing his Ph.D. in clinical psychologyat the State University of Florida,Tallahassee.John M. Costigan, MBA'78, ofArlington Heights, IL, is vice-president andassociate general counsel of Dart and Kraft,Inc., Northbrook, IL.Jonathan Jones, AB'78, is user servicescoordinator for the Center for Demographyand Ecology at the University of Wisconsin,Madison. He and his wife, Lorece Ferm,AB'79, own Pegasus Games, a game shop inMadison.David Kirchheimer, MBA'78, and hiswife had a daughter, Amy Catherine, inJuly, 1984. David works at Price Waterhousein Los Angeles.Don Kleinmuntz, AB'78, MBA'80,PhD'82, is assistant professor of management in the Graduate School of Business atthe University of Texas at Austin.Thomas W. Lukens, PhD'78, MD'80, isclinical instructor of emergency medicine inthe department of internal medicine at Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia.Kent Maynard, Jr., AB'78, MBA81, hasreturned to Chicago after living for threeyears in Argentina.Julia Moran, MD'78, practices internalmedicine in Palo Alto, CA, in affiliationwith Stanford University.Kathleen Morgan, SM'78, of Durham,NC, is a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of reproductive and developmental toxicology at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences-National Instituteof Health.Teresa Sahakian O'Day, MBA'78, isplanning coordinator in the marketing division of Computervision Corp., Bedford,MA.Dean Rider, MD'78, has joined his father, J. Alfred Rider, SB'42, MD'44, PhD'51, in gastroenterology practice in SanFrancisco.Martin Simon, AB'78, of San Francisco,was promoted to junior grade lieutenantand serves as a combat information centerofficer on board the USS Goldsborough,which has its home port in Pearl Harbor,HI.Ralph L. Smathers, Jr., MD'78, is assistant professor of radiology at Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA. Hedoes research in computerized radiology,filmless radiography and three-dimensional reconstruction of computed tomographyand magnetic resonance.Michael F. Thompson, MBA'78, is vice-president of Arthur D. Little Valuation,Inc., Woodland Hills, CA. He continues asthe controller of the company, which specializes in financial and tax consulting tomajor corporations.Lori C. Tracey, MBA'78, is market manager of ferrous metals for Burlington Northern Railroad, Fort Worth, TX.Arturo Vazquez, AM'78, is deputy commissioner of the the department of economic development of the City of Chicago.William H. Arnold, SM'79, is manager of VLSI lithography development, an integrated circuit manufacturerfor Advanced Micro Devices, Sunnyvale,CA. In May, 1984, he married Jean FrancisLarsen.Melinda Corey, AB'79, AM'82, is anassociate editor at Macmillan PublishingCompany, New York.Sara E. Davis, AB'79, of La Verne, CA,is on the audit staff of Oppenheim, Appel,Dixon and Co., Los Angeles.Michael J. Delaney, AM'79, is with theForeign Service of the U.S. Department ofState, serving as vice-consul at the U.S.Consulate in Ponta Delgada, Azores.Udo W. Drews, MBA'79, of Ridgewood,NJ, is president and chief executive officerof Sonocare, Inc., a medical systemscompany.Lisa Maun Fein, AB'79, is an assistantdistrict attorney in Middlesex County, MA.She married David Siegel in May.Lorece Ferm, AB'79. See 1978, JonathanJones.Henry A. Greenblatt, AB'79, is a second-year resident in internal medicine atJacobi-Albert Einstein Hospital, Bronx, NYRonald Humphrey, AB'79, is a postdoctoral fellow in the training program in socialpsychology at Indiana University,Bloomington.In 1984 Sean P. Higgins, AB'79, receivedhis J.D. from the New England School ofLaw in Boston.Gary T. Horowitz, PhD'79, assistantprofessor of physics at University of California at Santa Barbara, received a SloanResearch Fellowship, carrying a two-yeargrant of $25,000.Susan A. Kay, AM'79. See 1972, DavidBaron.William M. Kuhn, AB'79, is a FrederickC. Lane Fellow at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, where he is working on aUPPh.D. in history.Chi Keung Leung, PhD'79, is in the department of geography at the University ofHong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong.Katrina Chan Leung, MBA'79, of Azu-sa, CA, is a marketing director of Genera]Medicine Centers, the HMO subsidiary ofGreatwest Hospitals.E. Douglas Lewandowski, AB'79,works with nuclear medicine research atthe University of Dallas Health ScienceCenter.John R. Benda, MBA'80, is plantmanager of the United States SteelTubing Specialties plant in Gary, IN.Edward F. Carter, MBA'80, is seniorplanning engineer with Harza EngineeringCo., Chicago.Paul D. Chironna, AB'80, is working onhis Ph.D. with the Committee on SocialThought at the University.Mary Casey Finan, PhD'80, of Whittier,CA, is a management consultant specializing in operations and productivityimprovement.L. Gordon Crovitz, AB'80, returnedfrom Brussels, Belgium, where he was editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal/Europe, to New York where he writes editorials for the Journal. He is also in Yale LawSchool.Aria DiBiase, AB'80, is in house stafftraining in internal medicine at StanfordUniversity Hospital.Robert E. Heckmann, AM'80, receivedhis M.Div. from Concordia Seminary in St.Louis last year and serves as pastor at Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Decatur, IL.Lawrence "Chip" Horner, Jr., MBA'80,of Morristown, NJ, is product manager ofthirteen businesses at Warner Lambert New Jersey.Margareta Freeman Levin, AM'80,works at Family Service Association ofDuPage, IL.Maria A. Misunas, AB'80, of Berkeley,CA, works for John F. Kennedy University,Orinda, CA, where she just received herM.A. in museum studies.Kim Matson O'Malley, MBA'80, is director of marketing and corporate planningfor Northwest Community Hospital,Arlington Heights, IL.William A. Risler, AB'80. See 1982,Emily M. Bloomfield.Francis N. Cavalier, MBA'81, ofKenilworth, IL, is a group vice-president of the Austin Company, an international engineering and constructionorganization.Jill F. Chamberlain, MBA'81, was promoted to vice-president and tranferred toStamford, CT, to open a new office for theChi-Cor Information Managementcompany.Lucy Garliauskas, AM'81, of Baltimore,is special projects coordinator for the MassTransit Administration, Department ofTransportation of the state of Maryland.Romik M. Kesian, MBA'81, is vice-president with Equity Associates Incorpo rated, Denver.Martha Koenig, AB'81, AM'84, teachesGerman at the University of Chicago LabSchool.Jeffery J. Makos, AB'81, AM'82, isworking for his Ph.D. at the University. Heis assistant director of admissions for theCollege.Rebeccah Prastein, AB'81, is a medicalstudent at the University of Illinois atChicago.Joel Angiolillo-Bent, PhD'82, livesin Freehold, NJ. His second son,Eric Francis, was born in January, 1984.David R. Baker, JD'82, of Orlando, FL,revised a book on individual retirement accounts in the tax management portfolio series published by the Bureau of NationalAffairs.Allan H. Berliant, MBA'82, is an actuarial assistant with The Travelers InsuranceCompany, Hartford, CT. He was named anAssociate of the Society of Actuaries.In May, 1984, Emily M. Bloomfield,AB'82, and her husband William A. Risler,AB'80, received masters of public administration from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs of Syracuse University, NY. William also received his J.D. fromSyracuse University College of Law. Emilyis a researcher in public sector managementwith the World Bank in Washington, D.C.Kevin Carey, AM'82, is a referencelibrarian at the University of Illinois atChicago.Bruce Eckert, SB'82, and Amy Wibertwere married last September. Bruce is director of technical services at The NobleCo., Grand Haven, MI, a manufacturer ofconstruction waterproofing.Brad Edwards, AB'82, was appointeddirector of research services at the Princeton, NJ, headquarters of Response AnalysisCorporation.Steven Engerer, PhD'82, is assistantprofessor of chemistry at Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN.Paul W. Gronke, AB'82, is in a Ph.D.program at the University of Michigan, AnnArbor.John C. Haas, AM'82, was licensed tothe ministry of the Mennonite Church bythe Allegheny Mennonite Conference lastSeptember. He serves the Mennonites ofIndiana, PA.Aldo A. Benejam, AM'83, of SouthMiami, FL, attended the nationalmeeting of the Gerontological Society inSan Antonio, TX, last November.Joseph A. Dimuro, Jr., AM'83, is an instructor in English and the humanities atCentral New England College, Worcester,MA.Douglas Jones, AB'83, is a playwrightand resident professional actor in Richmond, VA, where he is also doing graduatestudy at the University of Virginia.Frank J. Verbelen, MBA'83, is a staffconsultant in the management informationconsulting division of Arthur Andersenand Co., Brussels, Belgium. S BLOOMContinued from page 19matic increase in the number of students who do well.It is with this history of exploringwhat he has called the "limits of learning" that Bloom approached his studyof the country's extraordinary achievers.Developing Talent in Young People, already in its third printing, has generated public interest more quickly thanany of Bloom's previous groundbreaking work. Reviews and articlesabout the book have been published bythe New York Times, the Washington Post,Reader's Digest, the Los Angeles Times, andthe Associated Press. "News about thebook was spread very, very rapidlythroughout the world," said Bloom. "Itis likely to be more widely read than myother books because it speaks to everyfamily. Everyone has some notion ofsomebody in his or her family who, given the right conditions, could becomeunusual or special."Nevertheless, Bloom is reluctant togive parents advice on how to nurturetheir child's talent development. Inpart, that's because the subjects of hisstudy were children in the early 1950swhen, unlike today, almost all theirmothers were able to stay home and devote a great deal of time to encouragingtheir very young children. "I'm not trying to say that the mother must stayhome," he said. "There must be lovingand nuturing caretakers if we're still togive children a good start on talent development." The findings of the studyare not easily transplanted into the1980s because the conditions for raisingchildren are so changed. "I'm sure thatwe will continue to produce great violinists, pianists, and swimmers," Bloomsaid, "but maybe we'll have to createvery different child-care conditionsfrom what we saw in this study." To onewould-be parent Bloom did offer whathe sees as the most important elementfor a child's well-being: "Love, that's allyou need," he said, with a smile.With that as groundwork a child cantake root and flourish. "What you haveis the home preparing the ground . . .and then the succession of teachers thatmakes such a great difference," he says."We were looking for exceptional kidsand what we found were exceptionalconditions." H41LETTERSContinued from inside front coverUNWILLING TO "READWITHOUT JUDGING"Editor:I read Davidson Loehr's article "To CareWithout Judging" in the Spring, 1985, issuewith careful attention to its arguments andthesis, noticing the articulateness of the author and the emotional effectiveness of theauthor's appeal for compassion. I was nevertheless unwilling to "read without judging." I was all the less ready to suspend mycritical faculties because the appeal for compassion was formulated in terms and autobiographical revelations that invoked emotions all the more forcefully because of therestraint governing the narration.I have some questions that I need tohave answered satisfactorily before I couldaccede to the article's appeal. Could any soldier in any war for any cause, including thestorm troopers under Hitler, be held accountable for his actions if the viewpoint ofDavidson Loehr were extended to them individually or collectively (to any of them byany reasonable projection of the decisionsmade by them leading to their actions)? Orare Vietnam War veterans the only ones towhom his charity is to be extended? If thedispensation is only to include VietnamWar veterans, why? Indeed, if the viewpoint of Davidson Loehr in this article isuniversally extended could any individualbe held accountable for any of his deeds under any circumstances?Without a satisfactory set of answers tothe questions raised, it seems to me that ifLoehr's views are accepted then the greatredeeming feature of the Vietnam War isconsiderably weakened. That feature is thatAmericans very widely are of the opinionthat that war was lost and that the returningmilitary personnel were involved in thatloss. For a broad section of the Americanpopulation this is a novel attitude to have:to believe that any war America engaged inwas a failure and that America's militarypersonnel were not heroes . . .I found it interesting that Loehr doesnot mention the young Americans whoevaded military service in Vietnam, oftenwith considerable risks to their present andfuture safety. He refers to his own chains:his decision to get closer to combat so thatin future years he would not feel as if he hadevaded danger to his person and had notbeen a participant in the conflict that waslooming so large for Americans, especiallythose of his generation. When I read the account I could not keep out of my consciousness that every pacifist who avoided military service must have had a similar chairoswith parallel realizations that they musthenceforth live with the fact that they had not been a participant or put their bodies injeopardy (unless they became ambulancedrivers or medical aides). But such materialis peripheral to the key questions the articleimpinges upon.Gerald Udell, PhD'66North Canton, OHBRAVO FOR JANOWITZEditor:Congratulations on including MorrisJanowitz's scholarly and constructive feature in your Summer, 1985, issue. It is mostrefreshing to hear a man of his stature speakout on citizen responsibilities, when wehear too often only of citizen "rights". Myfaith in the University is strengthened tosee you feature an article of this nature.John D. McGill, Jr., AM'42Tupelo, MSLOVE THE EARTH, NOTTHE NATIONEditor:Morris Janowitz's "The Good Citizen—A Threatened Species" most disappointedly missed the essence of his subject.First, the University should lead in programs to encourage the only meaningfulcitizenship: love of the Earth before anynarrow nationalism. Second, Janowitz'sideas on "national service" are most unreal. One would suspect that he has neverhad any experience as a participant himselfin volunteering for either military or other"youth" activities.At the rate Janowitz is going he will onlycontinue the useless jingoism of the pastwith war and destruction.William M. Wilderson, AB'40Florida City, FLEditor's note: Second Lieutenant MorrisJanowitz served in the Army of the United Statesfrom 1943 to 1946. He was awarded the PurpleHeart for wounds received in combat.ON EXTENDINGCIVIL RIGHTSEditor:I share Morris Janowitz' concern fordeveloping a greater "civic consciousness"(Magazine, Summer, 1985), but I am disturbed that he attributes the decline of patriotism to "fifty years of expansion in thesubstance and procedure of citizen rightswhile clarification of citizen obligations andtheir implementation have lagged extensively." I think that setting up citizen rightsas the converse and, perhaps, the enemy ofcitizen obligations is both erroneous and,potentially, dangerous. The extension of civil rights to variousclasses of Americans over the last fiftyyears (actually, mostly during only the last25 to 30 years) has increased the stake ofthose Americans in the civic polity— i.e.,they now have far more reason to be patriotic. I do not believe that contemporaryAmericans are overeducated as to theirrights. Indeed, deepening the appreciationof Americans for the rights of all their fellowcitizens is perhaps the best way to enhancethe sense of civic obligation. After all, theultimate obligation of citizens of a democratic republic is to do that which securesand enhances the rights of themselves andtheir fellow citizens.Jonathan K. Baum, JD'82Evanston, ILJANOWITZ'S ARGUMENTIS "REPUGNANT"Editor:While I am not opposed in principal tothe concept of a universal youth service, Ifind Morris Janowitz's conception of it inthe Summer, 1985, Magazine utterly repugnant. Stripped to its essentials, his argument proposes that economic coercion(such as denial of college aid) should beused to force a problematic group (middle-class youth) into an indentured servitude at"subsistence level" to do good works (i.e.,to labor on those national ills which adultsociety deplores but is unwilling to expendanything other than lip service to solve) andlearn "civic consciousness" (i.e., politicalindoctrination). Those "few" youth whomight arise "in blind opposition" againstsuch an indentured servitude are, Sovietstyle, to be declared "deviant" or "criminal-like."Janowitz's underlying political motivations are easy to see. He suggests that in essence, mere exposure to middle class youthcan teach the lower orders "morality" andredeem them from the shif tlessness whichimprisons them in poverty. Such a nationalservice in its very existence would thus distract attention from the truly difficult question: does society have any economic placesavailable for "poverty youth" even if theysuddenly did manage to assimilate sacredmiddle-class mores? I think not, and believe that this is a central economic questionof our time. But even if this is not the case,another question remains: Can untrainedsuburban youths offer anything other thangood intentions? . . .Today, society is steadfastly unwillingto do anything serious about those thingsJanowitz cites as appropriate to the moralvenue of youth: the environment, health,the causes of poverty, or the conditions ofi1the elderly. Further, middle-class womenare proving unconveniently restive in theirold roles as social housekeepers. Now theywant to be paid for their services, for quiterightly they sense that what our society isunwilling to pay for, it does not (whateverthe rhetoric) truly value. Universal youthservice is one means by which society canonce more show its concern (but not itsmoney) by relegating social responsibilityto the unpaid and the marginal, youthsDEATHSFACULTYWalter Johnson, AM'38, PhD'41, professor and former chairman (1950-1961) inthe Department of History and author ofseveral books on American history, died inJune. He was sixty-nine. He edited eightvolumes of AdlaiE. Stevenson's papers.Warner A. Wick, PhD'41, professoremeritus of philosophy and former dean ofstudents, died in May. He was seventy-four. He was a William Rainey Harper Professor of Humanities, specializing in logicand metaphysics.THE CLASSES1900-1909Norman H. Pritchard, JD'09, March.1910-1919Elisabeth Hurd Hamilton, PhB'12,February.Helen Earle, PhB'13, April.Thomas A. Goodwin, PhB'16, AM'22, May.Caesar Portes, X'19, April.1920-1929Nona Walker Daugherty, PhB'20, May.Florence D. Ames, MD'21, March.Naomi Brenneman, AM'21, April.Martin Larson, AM'21.Henry Doniat, SB'22, November.Ray W Irwin, AM'22, January.Edward J. Kielar, SB'22, April.Rosamond Libonati Mirabella, X'22,January.Bertha Tigay Saposs, PhB'22, May.Laura Fitzgerald Beckman, X'23,December.W. Paul Hollar, AM'23, May.Leonard A. Honl, SB'23, MD'27Henry H. Moore, X'23, January.Albert D. Morris, JD'23, January.Helena Baldauf Rosenberg, PhB'23, March.Margaret H. Cain, PhB'24, AM'39,November.Frank A. Melton, PhD'24, May.Sidney A. Sheridan, SB'24, March.Stewart V Van Berschot, X'24, April.Marque L. Jackson, SB'25, MD'29,December. whose "public service" will be very me-diagenic, and accompanied by fine wordsand much shedding of patriotic tears, butwho will likewise be safely ineffectual.This sort of universal service, ratherthan imparting character and teaching"civic consciousness," instead institutionalizes and rationalizes its opposite. WhatJanowitz proposes is a cultural inversion oflabor in which "kids" serve the nation and(however incompetently) take care of itsC Glenn Kaiser, AM'25, October.Robert N. McMurry, PhB'25, SM'32,March.Peter R Person, PhB'25, September 1984.Melba A. Pyle Doan, SB'26, January 1984.Catherine Campbell Hibben, PhB'26, MayElizabeth C. Hendrickson Marble, SB'26.Arthur Rappeport, SB'26, MD'31, May.Harry L. Schenk, Jr., PhB'26, JD'28, May.Faris D. Whitesell, X'26, November.Ernest S. Ford, SM'27, PhD'42, June 1984.Henry C. Isaacson, X'27 February.Arthur Goldberg, PhB'28, JD'30, June 1984.Irving P Pflaum, PhB'28, April.David T. Prosser, PhB'28, March.Ralph G. Smith, PhD'28, April.Edna McCray Turner, AM'28, February1984.Gwendolyn Williams, PhB'28, May.Wilhelm Anderson, PhB'29, AM'30,PhD'32.Lela E. Gipson Bowman, AM'29, March.Alice Wiles Driver, PhB'29, March.Corinne Rosenfeld Goldsmith, X'29, April.Lula D. Roach, PhB'29, April.Lilian Taylor, PhB'29, AM'37 June.1930-1939M. Ildephonse Feely, PhB'30, December.Gertrude Axelson Clarida, PhB'31.Leonard S. Cottrell, Jr., PhD'33, March.Frances H. Mains, AM'33, June.Glenn F. Tilton, SB'33.Kenneth R. Nelson, MD'34, April.BarnetRoss, PhB'34, April.Natalie Pannes Allen, AB'35, May.Charleton F. Chute, PhD'35, March.Daniel Eisler, SB'35, July 1984.Harry G. Heaney, MD'35, May.Hildegarde Thun Plehn, AB'35, July 1984.Virgil P Puzzo, AB'35, AM'37, May.J. Lloyd Trump, AM'35, PhD'43, May.Betty Smith Fulton Ware, AB'35.Anita Goshkin Busacca, AB'37, March.Anna Bell T. Robinson, PhB'38, May.William P Robinson, AM'38, November.Katherine E. Cottingam Shiftman, AB'38.Charles J. Corcoran, AB'39, April.Maurice W. Lee, PhD'39, March.Betty Watson Pfender-March, AB'39,January. dry rot, whereas the middle-aged take cares of the "important" stuff (making moneyt and wars) and serve themselves.A national youth service is not implau-r sible, but only if completely voluntary, or ifg it is in the context of a corresponding commitment on the part of all of society to thet greater good.f Ronald Sheets, AB'70i Assistant Professor of Mathematicss University of Minnesota1940-1949Arthur Hillman, PhD'40, April.Ella H. Karsh, AM'40, June.Rebecca R. Scott Whiteley, X'40, June.Virginia Blick, AM'41, March 1984.William J. Hand, SB '41, MD'43, May.Charles F. MacLellan, AB'41, December.Harry Sholl, X'41, May.Ralph B. Rowe, AB'42, March 1984.Robert H. Peters, X'44, April.Michael I. Hartman, JD'45, January.Alice Ginsburg Katzin, AM'46, September1984.June Myers Nusser, PhB'46, AM'49, March.Robert O. Frantz, AM'47, June.Ursula Wolff Jacobs, AM'47, April.Paul F. Breed, PhB'49, AM'55, March.1950-1959John M. Peterson, AM'50, PhD'56, April.Orena E. Armstrong, AM'51, April.Harry P Nielsen, MBA'51, July 1984.Marcelle F. Sadlier, AM'51, May.Charles Nolan Brown, PhD'53, February.Fred J. Dayhuff, MBA'55, March.James J. Doheny, MBA'56, April.Mildred Kornacker, AB'57, AM'58, PhD'66,September 1984.Elizabeth Fanning Raus, SB'57 December.Andrew L. Thomas, AB'57, SB'57 May.George S. Ikeuchi, AM'58, May.Robert E. Smolker, PhD'59, April.1960-1969Edward W. Warner, AM'60, April.Edwin A. Foley, MBA'61, June 1984.Green M. Wadsworth, Jr., MBA'61,February.Donald W Glaves, JD'62, September 1984.David L. Papermaster, MBA'62, March.Gary Yudkoff, AB'69, May 1984.William Ware, AB'69, JD'75, May.1970-1979Robert D. Ricketts, MFA'77 May.BOOKS by AlumniThe Magazine is pleased to print announcements of new books by alumni. To have your booklisted, please send a brief description of the book,including title and publisher to: Books, The University of Chicago Magazine, Robie House, 5757S. Woodlawn Ave . , Chicago, IL 60637.Allen S. Weller, PhB'27, PhD'42, Loradoin Paris: The Letters of Lorado Taft, 1880-1885(University of Illinois Press). For fortyyears, sculptor Lorado Taft was one of theoutstanding artists in Chicago andthroughout the Midwest. Based on morethan 230 letters, postcards, and notebookentries from Taft and other significant primary sources, Weller carefully analyzes andrecreates the life of this great artist duringhis sojourn in Paris.Edward G. Klemm, Jr., PhB'32, 1 WonderWhy (International University Press). A collection of short poems.Martin D. Kamen, SB'33, PhD'36, Radiant Science, Dark Politics (University of California Press). Kamen's autobiography recounts his long career as a scientist. Kamenwas a co-discoverer of carbon 14 and a member of the Manhattan Project. The book includes a portrait gallery of some of the century's greatest scientists and excitingaccounts of basic research.Anselm Strauss, AM'42, PhD'45, withShizuko Fagerhaugh, Barbara Suczek, andCarolyn Wiener, Social Organization of Medical Work (University of Chicago Press). Thisbook demonstrates how health workers areconfronting the problems created by chronic disease and are coping with today's highly technologized hospitals. Focusing on theconcept of illness trajectory, the authors illustrate the complex, contingent nature ofmodern medical work. Strauss is a professor in the department of social and behavioral sciences at the University of Californiaat San Francisco.David R. Krathwohl, SB'43, AM'47,PhD'53, Social and Behavioral Science Research(Jossey-Bass Inc.). Krathwohl provides thebackground needed to understand the goalsof research methods while clarifying keymethodological concepts. He constructs anew framework to use as a practical guide inplanning, conducting, and presenting social and behavioral research studies so thatthey will gain greater acceptance from thescientific community. Krathwohl is the Hannah Hammond Professor of Education atSyracuse University, NY.Jaroslav Pelikan, PhD'46, The ChristianTradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volumes 3 and 4 (University of ChicagoPress). Pelikan was awarded the HaskinsMedal of the Medieval Academy of Americafor these last two volumes of his series onthe history of Christian doctrine.Christine E. Haycock, PhB'47, SB'48,editor, Trauma and Pregnancy (PSG Publishing Company, Inc.). This volume deals withthe additional problems pregnancy maypresent in traumatic injury and brings allthe latest developments in trauma care to the particular problem of the injured pregnant patient from the time of injury to postoperative care.Phyllis Steiss Wetherill, PhB'47,AM'50, Cookie Cutters and Cookie Molds: Art inthe Kitchen (Schiffer Press). Illustrated withmany photos and line drawings, this bookdisplays and explains every imaginableshaped cookie cutter in encyclopedic fashion. Wetherill is the founder of the CookieCutter Collectors Club based in Washington, D.C, and is editor of the club newsletter, Cookies.Nolan E Jacobson, PhD'48, Understanding Buddhism (Southern Illinois UniversityPress). This is the third in a series of bookson Buddism by Jacobson. He is emeritusprofessor of philosophy at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, SCAnn Marshak Jernberg, PhB'48,PhD'60, Theraplay: A Structured New ApproachFor Problem Children and Their Families(Jossey-Bass Inc.). Jernberg is clinical director of the Theraplay Institute of Chicago.Johanna Krout Tabin, PhD'48, On theWay to Self: Ego and Early Oedipal Development(Columbia/NYU). Tabin presents a comprehensive theory of personality developmentwhich recognizes gender identity as the element that interlinks body ego and identification of self both as a separate individualand as a psychosocial entity. She demonstrates how this theory explains anorexianervosa, and discusses some possiblecauses of various normal and abnormalbehaviors.Roger W. Axford, AM'49, PhD'61, Successful ReCareering (Media Productions andMarketing, Inc.). The author profiles olderadults who changed careers late in life andwho found new energies and often greatersatisfaction than they had before. Axford isthe associate professor of adult education atthe Center for Higher Adult Education, Arizona State University, Tempe.Raymond L. Gold, AM'50, PhD'54,Ranching, Mining, and the Human Impact ofNatural Resource Development (TransactionBooks). A sociological account of impacts ofnatural resource development projects onthe social structure and way of life of smallcattle-ranching communities in westernU.S.A.Felicia Antonelli Holton, AB'50,COMPUKIDS: A Parents' Guide to Computersand Learning (New American Library). Theauthor explains what a computer is, howcomputers are being used in schools, andwhat parents can do to help their childrenenjoy what she calls "these wonderful machines." Holton raises the issues to be considered, by parents and educators, in introducing computers into the nation'selementary schools. She warns parents notto expect too much too soon; it will taketime to train teachers to use computers. Shepoints out that it will also take time and effort for educators to figure out how to integrate the computer into the curriculum, which the author feels should be the ultimate goal of computer education. The bookgives advice on how to shop for computersand software. Teachers will also find thebook a useful guide. Holton is editor of TheUniversity of Chicago Magazine.Louis Crompton, AM'51, PhD'54, Byronand Greek Love: Homophobia in 19th CenturyEngland (University of California Press).Crompton argues that homosexual involvements played a significant role in Byron'slife, especially at Cambridge and during histwo sojourns in Greece, and were a majorreason for his exile from England. The bookdescribes the harsh legal treatment of homosexuals in regency England, where executions were common, and draws on morethan 400 pages of manuscripts by JeremyBentham protesting British prejudices andsupporting law reform.Paul Ekman, X'51, Telling Lies (WWNorton and Company). Ekman has spentfifteen years doing scientific studies ofnonverbal communication and the clues todeception. He explains why people lie, whysome are successful and others not, howsome people are skillful at detecting deception, and which clues to deception are reliable. The New York Times Book Reveiw calledthe book "an accurate, intelligent, informative and thoughtful work that is accessibleto the layman and scientist alike."William J. Kirwin, Jr., AM'51, PhD'64,co-editor with G.M. Story and J.D.A.Widdowson, Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press). This historical dictionary presents the lively lexiconof one of the oldest overseas communitiesof the English-speaking world. It is basedon a comprehensive survey of printedsources and a large corpus of recordedspeech.Barbara Kiefer Lewalski, AM'51,PhD'56, Paradise Lost and the Rhetoric of Literary Forms (Princeton University Press).Lewalski interprets Paradise Lost as a rhetoric of literary forms, by attending to thebroad spectrum of literary genres, modes,and exemplary works Milton incorporateswithin that poem. She argues that Miltonuses the Renaissance genre system and cultural significances as a vehicle of his artisticperception, and as a means of accommodating his work to his audience in an educational manner. Lewalski is the WilliamR. Kenan Professor of English Literatureand of History and Literature at HarvardUniversity.Philip Kotler, AM'53, with Liam Faheyand Somkid Jatusripitak, The New Competition: What Theory Z Didn't Tell You About-Marketing (Prentice-Hall). The authors describe the role played by Japanesemarketing strategies and tactics in identifying, entering, penetrating, and dominatinginternational markets. With Karen Fox,Strategic Marketing for Educational Institutions(Prentice-Hall). This book describes marketing strategies that colleges and other ed-UN'VERSTTvnp ruir^rn MA^ . ..ucational institutions can use to survive inan increasingly competitive environment.Kotler was awarded the "Prize for Marketing Excellence" for 1984-85 by the EuropeanAssociation of Marketing Consultants andSales Trainers. Kotler is a professor at theKellogg Graduate School of Business,Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.Arthur W. Thurner, AM'54, PhD'66,Rebels on the Range: The Michigan Copper Miners' Strike of 1913-1914 (John H. Forster Press).Virginia Olesen, AM'56, and EllenLewin, AB'67, editors, Women, Health, andHealing (Tavistock). This collection of essaysexplores both familiar and little-examinedtopics in the area of women and healthwhich lead to a new departure in understanding of substance and policy. Olesen isprofessor of sociology in the department ofsocial and behavioral sciences, and Lewin ison leave from the Medical AnthropologyProgram, both at the University of California, San Francisco.William Harmon, AB'58, AM'68,Mutatis Mutandis (Wesleyan UniversityPress). Harmon is a professor of English atthe University of North Carolina.Paul C. Rosenblatt, AB'58, with Leni deMik, Roxanne M. Anderson, and Patricia A.Johnson, The Family in Business (Jossey-BassInc.) More than ninety percent of the businesses in the U.S. are owned or operated byfamilies. Based on interviews with suchfamilies, this book portrays the tensions,conflicts and problems in businesses thatare run by families and in families who ownbusinesses.David C. Yu, PhD'59, Guide to ChineseReligion (G. K. Hall and Company). This reference book on English works on Chinesereligions serves as a research aid for students and nonspecialists in Chinese studies. Yu is professor of religion and philosophy at Maryville College, Maryville, TN.John Mills, SB '61, co-editor with MaryT. Ho, Patricia R. Salber and Donald D.Trunkey, Current Emergency Diagnosis andTreatment (Lange Medical Publishers). Thiscomprehensive, practically-oriented textbook covering all aspects of emergencymedicine is geared for medical students,residents, and practicing physicians.Henry S. Bienen, AM'62, PhD'66, co-editor with William J. Foltz, Arms and theAfrican (Yale University Press). In Arms andthe African, six African specialists examinethe causes and consequences of the militaryfactors that have come to play an increasingrole in Africa's international politics. Theydiscuss the affects these factors have on therelations of African states with each otherand with outside powers, particularly theSoviet Union and France. Bienen is WilliamStewart Tod Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University.Michael I. Asch, AB'65, Home and NativeLand: Aboriginal Rights and the Canadian Constitution (Methuen of Canada). Asch is professor and chairman of the department ofanthropology at the University of Alberta.William J. Couch, AM'65, PhD'70, co-editor with Bruce Rigby, EnvironmentalAssessment in Canada: University Teaching andResearch 1983-84 (Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office). This book is acompendium of academic activities in thefield of environmental impact assessmentand related areas of studies at Canadianuniversities. Couch is a policy analyst at theFederal Environmental Assessment ReviewOffice in Ottawa.Janice Moulton AM'68, PhD'71, andGeorge M. Robinson, PhD'70, Ethical Problems in Higher Education (Prentice-Hall). Thisbook includes chapters on the relation ofthe educational institution to society, hiringand evaluation of faculty, research, andteaching. The authors discuss the problemsof academic freedom, research fraud, tenure and promotion, student-faculty relationships, fairness in admissions, and plagiarism. Moulton and Robinson are facultymembers at Smith College, Northampton,MA.Frederick R. Schram, PhD '68, co-editorwith Adrian M. Wenner, Larval Growth, andFactors in Adult Growth (A. A. Balkema Publishing Co.). These two volumes examine allaspects of growth in crustaceans. They are apart of an ongoing series, Crustacean Issues,of which Schram is general editor.Judith Van Herik, AB'68, MAT'71,AM'73, PhD'78, Freud on Faith and Femininity(University of California Press). This is a paper edition of her earlier book. Van Herik isassociate professor at the PennsylvaniaState University, University Park, PA.W. Shepherd Bliss III, ThM'69,DMN'71, editor, The New Holistic HealthHandbook: Living Well in a New Age (TheStephen Greene Press). This book containssixty-seven articles from respected practitioners, physicians, nurses, and scholars.They explore a wide variety of systems andpractices of medicine such as Oriental,Western, Native American, ancient, andmodern from both the established and alternative points of view. Topics includeddeal with homeopathy, acupuncture, natural birth control, yoga and much more.Penney S. Gold, AB'69, The Lady and theVirgin: Image, Attitude, and Experience inTwelfth-Century France (University of Chicago Press). An analysis of key medieval images of women— the figures of the lady inthe secular realm and the virgin in the sacred realm— and of the relationship between these images and the actual experience of women. Gold argues that thecomplex interactions between men andwomen as expressed in both image and experience reflect a common pattern of ambivalence and contradiction. Gold is associate professor of history at Knox College,Galesburg, IL, and was a visiting associateprofessor in the College of the University ofChicago, Winter, 1985.Donald F. Smith, PhD'71, CRC Handbookof Stereoisomers: Drugs in Psychopharmacology(CRC Press). Smith has compiled all available information on the effects of stereoisomers on neural and behavioral processes.He includes discussions of stereoisomers instudies of the psychopharmacological effects of other drugs and provides detailedexperimental procedures, theoretical discussions, and three-dimensional drawingsto illustrate how drugs influence cerebral functions.Richard D. Mohr, AB'72, The PlatonicCosmology (E. J. Brill). The book interpretsand assesses arguments in passages of thelate Platonic dialogues which expound Plato's theology, ontology, epistemology, psychology, physics and theories of space andtime. Mohr is associate professor of philosophy at the University of Illinois-Urbana.Thomas A. Bass, AB'73, The EudaemonicPie (Houghton Mifflin). This true story is afascinating and entertaining account of howa group of California physicists tried tobreak the banks at Las Vegas by using Newtonian laws to predict the outcome of a roulette game. The author provides a delightfulaccount of how they invented microprocessors that fit into shoes, and came up withvarious other madcap scientific schemes.The Eudaemonic Pie is a wonderful saga ofcontemporary science and technology, a social fable of the American West, the American Dream, and the creative, rebellious generation of the 1970s.David Scott Levin, AB'74, DevelopmentalExperiences: Treatment of Developmental Disorders in Children (Jason Aronson). This bookpresents a psychodynamic model for thetreatment of psychopathology in infancyand early childhood. Levin is a lecturer inthe department of psychiatry at the University of Chicago, a faculty member of theChicago School of Professional Psychology,clinical director of the One-to-One Learning Center, and a psychologist in privatepractice in Lake Forest, IL.Benjamin McArthur, AM'74, PhD'79,Actors and American Culture: 1880-1920 (Temple University Press). McArthur exploreshow actors have become prominent figureson the social landscape and how the impulse toward professionalization has arisenamong actors.Gary Kates, AM'75, PhD'78, The CercleSocial, the Girondins, and the French Revolution(Princeton University Press). Kates reconstructs the history of the Cercle Social, agroup of influencial writers and politicianswho were active during the French Revolution and whose pioneering interest in women's rights and land reform made their clubone of the most progressive in revolutionaryParis. Kates is assistant professor of historyat Trinity University in San Antonio, TX.Kevin Krisciunas, AM'76, translator,The History of Astronomy from Herschel toHertzsprung (Cambridge University Press).This revised English edition of a book byDieter Herrman covers the development ofastronomy from Herschel to the presentday, explaining the scientific shift from positional astronomy to astrophysics and theevolution of more accurate and thoroughinstruments of research.David E. Leary, PhD '77, co-editor withSigmund Koch, A Century of Psychology as Science (McGraw-Hill). This collection of essaysby major psychologists and scholars reviews and critically assesses the first century of scientfic psychology. Leary's chapteron "The Cult of Empiricism in Psychology,and Beyond" is co-authored with StephenToulmin, professor in the Committee onSocial Thought at the University of Chicago .Short Words Are BestAnd TheOld Words When ShortAre Best Of AirSir Winston Churchill£», lllll DMHarper'The College Taking our cue from Sir Winston, herewith someshort, old words.The Quadrangles. Harper Library. Cobb Hall.Regenstein. Burton-Judson. Green Hall. The Midway.w»i The Point. Jimmy's. Words thatconjure up, for many of us,happy memories.The Best Education. Threeshort words that sum up whatr" we received at the University" S8 • of Chicago.Alumni. A single wordwhich means a great deal to theUniversity. An institution'sstudents— present and past— are its raison d'etre.Keep in Touch. Three words that tell, simply, why theUniversity sends you The University of Chicago Magazine.We need your help. Four words to ask you to send avoluntary contribution of $10 to help pay for the costsof printing and mailing the Magazine. It will continue tocome, whether you send a contribution or not.Thank you. Short words, old words, heartfully sent.Felicia Antonelli Holton, AB'50Editor'The Second World War: Moral of the Work, Vol. 1, The Gathering Storm (1948).