The University of•* I tvmMagazine/ Spring 19& II)n|its waytooiiterspace^w:* kLETTERSHERSH'S MOTIVES?Editor:I enjoyed the double entendre in yourcover caption on Seymour Hersh: "TawdryMeans or Lofty Ends?" Certainly Hersh'smotives are as subject to question as those ofthe people he criticizes.What 1 find most disturbing about Hersh isthe fact that in all his years as an "investigativereporter" he has never written a piece that wascritical of the "Communist line." In this regardhe has served as a literal "fifth columnist" in thepropaganda war against the United States.Henry Cagg, SB'33Winter Park, FLHOORAY FOR HERSHEditor:I applaud this issue, especially the Graffarticle on Hersh's book. Will you have reprintsof this article? In any case, could a copy of themagazine be sent to The Christian ScienceMonitor and Washington Week In Review oneducational television?Claudia Boynton, PhB'25Leesville, S.C.NO HOORAYS HEREEditor:I find the Seymour Hersh story(WINTER/84) demeans an institution whichprides itself on objectivity. It contributesnothing to the information of the alumni otherthan that he has written a book dealing withHenry Kissinger. The language attributed toHersh in the article raises questions on hisobjectivity.There is a continuity of behavior in individuals which reveals their hidden agenda.Why was this story selected for publication? Isthere sympathy for his goals and methods? ForHersh, his agenda is clear. He is a "liberal" concerned not with a concentration of power, butinto whose hands it falls.I am afraid the article will alienate morealumni than it will please.Duncan R.C. Scott, AB'47THE RIGHT TOTHROW BOMBS?Editor:Congratulations upon the very excellent article about the Nobel Prize winner Chandrasehkhar.His story and his picture are an inspiration to allUniversity of Chicago students, past and present.How different is the picture of the self-satisfied "Man of Principle" Anastaplo, whoseattitude endorsing the Soviet threats to "bury us," misrepresent us, and conspire against usraises the question, how inappropriate can TheUniversity of Chicago Magazine get? This article stinks. I happen to have studied law at Chicago and this sort of thing makes my bloodboil. I left Chicago after passing the Bar examination with a 100 percent score, being welcomed into the Illinois Bar and joining theChicago Bar Association, and working for aChicago law firm. I should add I went to Annapolis and served as an officer in the Navy intwo wars.Anyone who hired a lawyer who was aCommunist would not be well served andwould not be getting his money's worth.Anastaplo's idea about the word REVOLUTION as it appears in the U.S. Constitutiondemonstrates the man's total ignorance. TheFounding Fathers did not contemplate "theright to throw bombs" but approved the idea offree speech to OBJECT. Anastaplo evidently isnot aware that in Soviet Russia every personwho objects to the government is quickly putaway.The article by Kurland is another exampleof poor taste I hardly believed would be possible to read in your paper. Is it possible thatKurland is a Communist and is your paper conniving to bury us?W.E.D. Stokes, Jr., X'23Lenox, MAA GOOD CITIZENEditor:We wanted to let you know how much weenjoyed the last issue of the Magazine.The article on Seymour Hersh wasoustanding.The story on George Anastaplo gave us agreat deal of personal pleasure. He's an oldfriend, a remarkable human being, and a veryuseful citizen.You and your writers are doing a wonderful job.J. William Hayton, AB'46, JD'50Beata M. Hayton, AB'43THE DIRECTOR ASCREATOR-IN THE 30sEditor:It's a dandy magazine, which I always enjoy and from which I always learn.Ted Shen is quite wrong in his recent pieceon Doc Film, when he says the theory that thedirector is the organic creator of an art filmcame out of France in the 1950s. It was a commonplace of conversation on our campus in the1930s. I specifically recall that the first week ofschool, in the Fall of 1934, a bunch of us fromthe Beta house went with Normari MacLean, our mentor, ("guru" was then still below thehorizon of the vernacular), to the old moviehouse at 63rd Street and Cottage Grove, to seeJohn Ford's The Informer, and had a long bull-session afterwards. Stars of this session wereWinston Ashley, AM'37, (now retired as theRev. Benedict Ashley, O.P, former professor ofsacred theology at St. Rose Priory, Dubuque,IA), and Gene Davis, AB'38, later a lawyer. Itwas the first time I had heard film discussed according to the classical canons of criticism.This was in the first flower of the "Aristotelian"criticism for which R.S. Crane, Paul Goodman,and Richard P. McKeon did such subtle wonders.Thomas B. Stauffer, AB'36WHAT ABOUT THEWOMEN IN DOC FILMS?Editor:As an alumna of Doc Films, I was pleasedto see an essay in The University of ChicagoMagazine chronicling the history of the organization. I was disappointed, however, to notethat the careers of women like myself who participated in Doc's activities were entirelyignored by the writer, Ted Shen, in the sectionwhich summarized the achievement of Docmembers during the so-called "Golden Era."One such woman is Emily Sieger, AB'72,AM'76, who is now a film archivist at theLibrary of Congress. A responsible and valuedmember of the film studies community, Sieger'scontributions to film preservation and scholarship are often gratefully acknowledged in theprefaces of books in the field, though they areoverlooked by Shen.Another woman who receives no mentionin Shen's essay is Barbara Bernstein, AB'70,who now writes and produces television commercials for Leo Burnett Company, Inc. Heressay "That's Not Brave; That's Just Stupid,"first published in Doc's journal Focus!, made animportant early feminist statement on HowardHawks and has been reprinted in the widelyused anthology Women and Cinema, edited byKaryn Kaye and Gerald Peary.Compared to such contributions, some ofthe achievements of Doc's male alumni cited byShen are of questionable value. On my own behalf, I might add that I now hold an associateprofessorship at the University of Illinois-Chicago and am the editor of Cinema Journalthe quarterly publication of the Society forCinema Studies, which is the leading scholarlyorganization devoted to film studies. My thirdbook on film is now in press,Shen reports that Doc has just recentlyelected its first woman president. I am happy toContinued on page 46.EditorFelicia Antonelli Holton, AB'50DesignerTom GreensfelderThe University of Chicago Office ofAlumni AffairsRobie House5757 South Woodlawn AvenueChicago, Illinois 60637Telephone: (312) 753-2175President, The University of ChicagoAlumni AssociationMichael Klowden, AB'67Executive Directorof University Alumni AffairsCarol Jenkins Linne, AB'66Associate Directorof University Alumni AffairsRuth HalloranProgram DirectorMark Reinecke, AM'81Director, Alumni Schools CommitteeRobert Ball, Jr.The University of ChicagoAlumni AssociationExecutive Committee, the CabinetMichael Klowden, AB'67Edward J. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49Jay Berwanger, AB'39Anita Jarmin Brickell, AB'75. MBA'76Emmett Dedmon, AB'39Gail Pollack Fels, JD'65Mary Lou Gorno, MBA'75Guy Nery, AB'47Clyde Watkins, AB'67Gregory Wrobel, AB'75, JD'78, MBA'79Faculty /Alumni Advisory Committeeto the University of Chicago MagazineEdward W. Rosenheim, AB'39,AM'47, PhD'53 ChairmanDavid B. and Clara E. SternProfessor, Department of Englishand the CollegeWalter J. Blum, AB'39, JD'41Wilson-Dickinson Professor,the Law SchoolJohn A. SimpsonArthur Holly Compton DistinguishedService Professor, Department ofPhysics and the CollegeLoma P. Straus, SM'60, PhD'62Associate Professor, Department ofAnatomy and the CollegeGreta Wiley Flory, PhB'48Linda Thoren, AB'64, JD'67The University of Chicago Magazine ispublished by the University of Chicago incooperation with the Alumni Association.Published continuously since 1907.Editorial Office: Robie House, 5757Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, Illinois60637. Telephone (312) 753-2323.Copyright© 1984 by the Universityof Chicago.Published four times a year. Fall, Winter,Spring, Summer. The Magazine is sent toall University of Chicago alumni. Pleaseallow eight weeks for change of address.Second class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices.Typesetting by Skripps & Associates, Chicago. The University ofCHICAGOMagazine /Spring 1984Volume 76, Number 3 (ISSN-9508)IN THIS ISSUEPage U l\ 1'- 1; :¦ i 1 4::Page 20Page 26Cover: Wayne Johnson, seniordesign engineer, (center) directspositioning of "the Egg," theCosmic Ray Nuclei Experiment, inpreparation for placing it in acontainer for shipment to CapeCanaveral, where it will ride theColumbia space shuttle next March.(Photo by Steve Kagan) LASR'S "Eyes" In Outer Space.By Robert EbischThe Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space Researchhas sent experiments to outer space on thirty spaceships.Now it prepares to send experiments on the Columbiaspace shuttle and the International Solar Polar Probe.Page 6Green Mulch and ChampagneBy Michael Alper, AB'81, AM'83Undergraduates learn first-hand about the rigors — andrewards — of basic research.Page 14Good NeighborsThe University shares some of its resources withyoungsters from the community to help thembecome better students.Page 20An American Looks at CanadianCivil RightsBy Edgar Z. Friedenberg, PhD'46An examination of how Canada's policies for dealingwith civil rights differ from ours.Page 26DEPARTMENTSOn the QuadsClubsClass NewsDeathsBooksThe View from Down Here 23334424347On The OuadsHarold H. Hines, Jr.HAROLD H.HINES JR.ELECTED TO BOARDOF TRUSTEESHarold H. Hines Jr., a member ofthe University of Chicago's Council forthe Division of the Biological Sciencesand The Pritzker School of Medicine,was elected a member of the Board ofTrustees last month.Hines, who was graduated from YaleUniversity in 1948 with a B.S. degree ineconomics, is a native of Chicago. Currently executive vice president and director of the Combined International Corporation of Chicago, Hines was presidentand chief operating officer of the RyanInsurance Group until it was acquired byCombined International.Hines is also a trustee of MichaelReese Hospital, the Adler Planetarium,and the Hospital Research and Educational Trust. Since 1978, he has beena member of the University's CitizensBoard.Hines is married to the former MaryPick, a member of the Women's Boardof the University of Chicago. CONTRIBUTIONS ENDOWTHREE NEW CHAIRSAlumni and friends of the Universityhave made contributions to enable theestablishment of three new chairs.Two endowed professorships wereestablished in December by the executivecommittee of the Board of Trustees. TheRobert W. Reneker Distinguished ServiceProfessorship was named for Reneker,PhB'33, who became a trustee in 1972and was chairman of the board from1976 until his death in 1981. Gifts toestablish the distinguished professorshipwere given by friends, including University trustees and members of the business community.Reneker was a vital member of theChicago business community for morethan forty years. He joined Swift & Co.,where his grandfather and father hadworked, soon after his graduation in1933. Reneker rose through the organization, becoming its chief executive officer in 1967. In 1973, Reneker reorganizedthe company, placing it under a newholding company, Esmark Inc. In 1976,Reneker was elected chairman of theBoard of Trustees of the University, thefirst alumnus to hold that position sincethe 1930's.Wallace W Booth, AB'48, MBA'48,has established the Wallace W. BoothProfessorship in the Graduate School ofBusiness. Booth, a trustee since 1982, ischairman, president and chief executiveofficer of Ducommun Inc.The Rev. Andrew M. Greeley,AM'61, PhD'62, has donated funds tothe University which will be usedto endow a chair in Roman Catholicstudies. The chair will be shared by theDivinity School and the Division of theSocial Sciences. Greeley, a Roman Catholic priest and popular novelist, said thedonation solved the problem of whathe should do with his royalties. Radiointerviews quoted Greeley as saying hedid not want to be a millionaire.The chair will be named for Greeley'sparents, Andrew Thomas and GraceMcNichols Greeley. Greeley called the endowment "an investment in thefuture" and said he decided to give themoney to the University because both heand his sister, Mary Greeley Durkin,AM'72, DMN'74, are alumni.Greeley combines fiction writingwith his work as a research associateat the University's National OpinionResearch Center, and a teaching post insociology at the University of Arizona atTucson.UNIVERSITY PRESS RECEIVESNEH CHALLENGE GRANTThe University of Chicago Press hasreceived a $250,000 challenge grant fromthe National Endowment for the Humanities to support publications in thehumanities.The grant is to be matched on athree-for-one basis by funds raised fromprivate donors to establish a $1 millionendowment for the long-term support ofscholarly monographs and journals inthe fields of literary criticism, classics,music, religion, philosophy, art, andarchitecture.The Press is one of 75 educationaland cultural institutions receiving NEHchallenge grants and is the only university press among the recipients.Morris Philipson, director of thePress, said the grant is "invaluable inbringing national attention within theprivate sector to the urgent need to subsidize publications in the humanities."Sales of scholarly monographs in thehumanities are half of what they wereten years ago. Journals have suffered asimilar, if less drastic, fate. The trendsreflect demographic and economicchanges that have affected higher education in the U.S. and are not easily controlled or likely to be reversed.The result is that few books andjournals in the humanities now recovertheir costs, and subsidies have become anecessity. The Press has sought to developways of supporting such publications,and the establishment of an endowmentis a major step towards a solution.2 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE -Spring 1984ADAMS APPOINTEDSMITHSONIAN SECRETARYRobert McCormick Adams Jr.,PhB'47, AM'52, PhD'56, provost of theUniversity and Harold H. Swift Distinguished Service Professor of Anthropology and Near Eastern Languages andCivilization, has been named secretaryof the Smithsonian Institution.-Adams will become the 137-year-oldinstitution's ninth director in September,when he succeeds the current secretary,S. Dillon Ripley. Adams's selection continues the tradition of naming a scientistto fill what may be the most importantscientific and cultural post in the UnitedStates.As secretary, Adams will overseean annual budget of approximately $280million, a staff of five thousand, andthirteen museums visited each year bymore than twenty million visitors. Hewill also be given time to pursue hisown research in anthropology andarcheology.Adams joined the faculty of theUniversity in 1955 and became a full professor in 1964. He served as director of the Oriental Institute twice, from 1962-68and from 1981-83. He also served twiceas dean of the Division of the SocialSciences, from 1970-74 and from 1979-80.He was named provost in September, 1982."Robert Adams has strengthened theintellectual distinction and integrity ofour institution," said University President Hanna H. Gray. "We will greatlymiss his presence; we know that he willserve the nation equally well."Adams's primary research interestsare in the agricultural and urban historyof the Near and Middle East, the geographical and archeological study of settlement patterns, and the comparativeand social history of pre-modern societies.CAMPAIGN FOR ARTS ANDSCIENCES ONE-QUARTERWAY TO GOALThe Campaign for the Arts andSciences has raised more than $42 million towards its five-year goal of $150million.Recent gifts included a $2 milliondonation from an individual donor whowishes to remain anonymous, according to Robert G. Wilkens, Jr., executivedirector of the campaign. Capital giftsfrom individuals total $22.5 million.Foundation gifts exceed $11.1 million, which represents 70 percent of thecampaign's foundation goal of $16 million, Wilkens said. Among the foundation contributions are $581,000 from thePew Memorial Trust for undergraduateeducation and predoctoral workshopprograms in economics, and a $250,000challenge grant from the Smart FamilyFoundation to seek endowment supportfor the Smart Gallery during 1984.The National Endowment for theHumanities has made two challengegrants, totalling $1.25 million, to support a broad-based continuing processof strengthening vital programs in thehumanities. Together, the grants — $1million to the University and $250,000 tothe University of Chicago Press — comprise the largest amount to a single institution among the $22 million in grantsannounced by NEH in December.Corporations have contributed $4million to the campaign, or 27 percentof the campaign's $15 million goal forcorporate giving. Richard M. Morrow,University trustee and chairman of theProvost of the University Robert McCormick Adams will become the secretary of the Smithsonian Institution in September.board of Standard Oil Co., heads thecampaign's corporate gifts division.Annual unrestricted giving has contributed $4 million to the campaign thisyear, Wilkens said.Robert O. Anderson, AB'39, chairman of Atlantic Richfield Co., is nationalcampaign chairman. B. Kenneth West,MBA'60, University trustee and chairman of Harris Bankcorp Inc., heads anational major gifts division, seekingcontributions from those who can contribute $100,000 or more. Universitytrustee Charles Marshall, chairman andchief executive officer of AT&T Information Systems, is chairman of the NewYork major gifts drive. Norman BarkerJr. AB'47, MBA'53, University trusteeand chairman of First Interstate Bank, isLos Angeles chairman.REMOTE-CONTROLLEDTELESCOPE WILL RECORDFLEETING EVENTSThe first large remote-controlledtelescope capable of rapid instrumentchanges allowing astronomers to chartrare and transient events such as supernova will be built by the University andfour other institutions.The University has formed a consortium with New Mexico State University, Princeton University, the Universityof Washington and Washington StateUniversity to build what will be the second-largest university-managed telescopein the world and the largest since the200-inch Mt. Palomar, CA telescope wascommissioned in 1948. The estimated $6million to $8 million cost of the 140-inchtelescope will be divided equally betweenprivate and government funds.Donald G. York, PhD'71, associateprofessor in the department of astronomy and astrophysics, the Enrico FermiInstitute and the College, has been electedfirst director of the telescope by the consortium's board of governors.The telescope will be built at Sacramento Peak, NM, about 100 miles northof El Paso, TX. The sky at SacramentoPeak is "exquisitely dark and stable," according to Bruce Margon, professor andchairman of astronomy at the Universityof Washington and chairman of the consortium board. "The telescope's large sizeand the excellent seeing at SacramentoPeak will combine to make this instru-4 ment fully as powerful as any other inthe world," he said.The telescope is scheduled to beginits observations in mid-1987. The telescope and its optics are being built underthe direction of the University of Washington and Washington State University;the instrumentation is the responsibilityof the University and Princeton University; and site development is being supervised by New Mexico State University.The telescope will be especiallysuited for such studies as systematicsearches for gravitational lenses, determining stellar mass-luminosity relationsin external galaxies, and observations ofsupernova explosions, which must beviewed within hours of discovery inorder to understand their causes. Highspeed satellite data links or telephonelines will connect the telescope to eachof the consortium campuses and toChicago's Adler Planetarium, allowingthe public a view usually reserved forastronomers.York, who is the first astronomer tomake regular remote observations fromhis office using a satellite observatory,said the proposed telescope will allowthe scientists involved to make optimaluse of their time. "The time saved bynot traveling across the country to theobservatory and by not wasting cloudynights will give us more time to analyzedata from the instrument and to teach,"he said. "The absence of flexible observing schedules has prevented astronomersfrom attacking many important questions," York added. "With this telescopewe can match our observing schedule tophenomena as they occur and to thoserare moments of superb seeing conditions."COLLEGE SENIOR AWARDEDRHODES SCHOLARSHIPSean Mahoney, a senior in the College, has been named a Rhodes Scholarfor two years of study at Oxford University. A native Chicagoan, Mahoneysaid he intends to continue his studies ineconomics and political philosophy atOxford. He is considering a career inlaw or business.Thirty-two Americans are choseneach year as recipients of the prestigiousscholarship, which provides tuition andan annual stipend of about $7,000.Mahoney, 21, is a varsity basketball andsoccer player and is a national officer of his fraternity, Psi Upsilon.Mahoney said he was "very wellprepared for not receiving the awardand totally unprepared" for winning."Once I met the other candidates, Ifelt I had very little chance of getting theaward," he said. "They were that impressive. I still can't believe it."BUSINESS SCHOOLLAUNCHES ITS FIRSTCAPITAL CAMPAIGNThe Graduate School of Business(GSB) has launched "Intellectual Capitalfor American Business," the first capital campaign in its history, with half ofthe money to meet its $21.5 million goalin hand.The campaign was formally announced at a dinner last December.Barry F. Sullivan, MBA'57, chairman ofthe First National Bank of Chicago, presented the school with $10.7 million onbehalf of the Capital Gifts PlanningCommittee.Sean MahoneyHerbert Silverman, a fourth-year student in the College, opens an account for a customer at theUniversity Student Federal Credit Union.This amount will enable GSB toestablish four new chairs. The ChicagoMercantile Exchange, Charles H.Kellstadt Foundation, and Sears,Roebuck & Co. have each endowed aprofessorship. The fourth chair comesfrom an individual, Wallace W. Booth,MBA'48, who stated that "the selectionof faculty to occupy this chair is thedecision of the Graduate School of Business, as is the particular area of study."GSB Dean John P. Gould, MBA '63,PhD'66, thanked Booth at the dinnerand said: "This is the type of unrestricted support that allows the Schoolthe greatest flexibility in utilizing itsresources."Over half of the campaign's stateddollar goal will be used for support forfaculty, in the form of either endowedchairs or research fellowships."To me it's the real crux of the campaign," said Edwin S. Bergman, AB'39,chairman of the Board of Trustees."Having identified and trained the finestyoung business faculty in the world, wemust ensure that the best of them willjoin the School's tenured ranks and contribute in their turn to Chicago's tradi tion of excellence."Endowment funds are also soughtfor student support and the renovationof the Walker Museum. A major earlycontribution for an endowed studentscholarship fund has come from the FirstNational Bank of Chicago.John R. Opel, MBA'49, chairman ofInternational Business Machines, Inc.,told the gathering that "products of thisinstitution are needed now as neverbefore, not only here in America butwherever American business extendsaround the world, because the businessof business today is far more thanbusiness."Students at the University openedtheir own "bank" in mid-January, theUniversity Student Federal Credit Union,located in the Reynolds Club.The USFCU got off to a fast start itsfirst week, according to Hannah Grausz,a second-year student in the College,who is one of the project's organizers and serves on its eleven-member boardof directors. When the doors opened onMonday, January 16, the credit unionhad a grand enrollment of eleven — itsown board of directors. But by the closeof business the following Friday, 450people had joined up. Within a year,Grausz said, the credit union hopes tohave 3,000 members.Grausz said because most USFCUmembers are students it is hard to set agoal for the amount of money the creditunion would like to have on deposit.Given students' transitory nature, "ninety percent of what we have may disappear in June," Grausz said.The USFSCU is legally and financially independent of the University andis the first such credit union in the Midwest, according to Edgar F. Callahan,chairman of the National Credit UnionAssociation, which granted a charter tothe new credit union. Callahan spoke ata ceremony inaugurating the creditunion. There are half a dozen student-run credit unions in the country, he said."The USFSCU is a vehicle throughwhich alumni can make contributionsand have their deposits keep working forstudents," said Callahan at the dedication ceremonies. "It is in the spirit ofwhat a credit union really is — peoplehelping people." The funds from today'sgeneration of students would be recycledfor the next generation of students, headded.The credit union will be open toimmediate relatives of students and alsoto alumni. It offers a range of serviceswhich include savings accounts, share-draft (checking) accounts, check cashingprivileges, and travelers' checks. Automatic banking machines, debit cards,branch banking, and banking by mailmay be available in the future.Chaired by sophomore Kenn Bloom,the board of directors oversees a three-member supervisory committee andabout 110 other students involved in theproject. Students from the GraduateSchool of Business formed task forces tostudy marketing and capital financingfor the UFSCU and many undergraduates worked in their dorms as representatives for the union.Organizers of the credit union saythat in addition to providing a service tothe University community, they hope theorganization will give valuable, hands-onexperience to students interested in theoperation of financial institutions. BSTUDENT-RUN CREDIT UNIONOPENS AT REYNOLDS CLUBThe Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space Researchhas sent experimental devicesinto outer space aboard thirtyspacecraft. Coming up,"the Egg" will ride aboardthe Columbia Space Shuttleand the COSPIN will travelon the International SolarPolar Probe to be flungover the top of the Sun.By Robert EbischPhotographs by Steve Kagan *m$mv^STY "F "Ks eyesUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/ Spring 1984The yellow box (lower left) was built tohold the Cosmic Ray Nuclei Experiment(upper right) for its trip to the KennedySpace Center, where it will go aloft in theColumbia space shuttle.Just off one of the long, cool, blue hallways of the University's Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space Research,there's a bright little room where graduate studentshunch over computer terminals. Punching their keyboards, transfixed by the restless patterns on the glowing screens, they pay no attention as Jim Lamport walksto a heavy vault door in the room's back wall, strugglesto open it and enters.On a shelf just inside the door sits a sealed chamberwith a window on the front, looking rather like a microwave oven on a kitchen counter. Dry air, released slowly from apressurized container, bathes its interior, protecting the devicewithin from moisture and contaminants. You can see it in there, sitting like a princess on a gilded throne, attended by its own private,sterilized atmosphere, a black metal box with a single, gold-rimmedwindow on one side. The device inside the box is a high energy telescope which will travel as part of the Cosmic and Solar ParticleInvestigation, (COSPIN), on the International Solar Polar Probe tobe launched in 1986. The Solar Polar Probe is a joint project between NASA, (the National Aeronautics and Space Agency), andESA, (the European Space Agency).The telescope is the work of John A. Simpson, the Arthur HollyCompton Distinguished Service Professor in the department ofphysics, the Enrico Fermi Institute and the College. Simpson is theprincipal investigator of the COSPIN team which includes scientistsfrom Canada, England, Germany, France, and the European spaceagency, all of whom are providing additional instruments to go onthe Solar Probe. Simpson's team is doing research on galactic cosmic rays and high energy particles from the Sun. In addition, therewill be nine other topics of investigation on the probe, with experiments being conducted by scientific teams from around the globe."The telescope was completed a year ago and sent off toEurope," says Lamport. A stocky, animated man who gives the impression of being distracted by obligations elsewhere, Lamport isthe laboratory's manager of technical services, which means he's responsible for keeping the engineers busy on the many tasks athand. "It's just come back from tests in France, Germany, and Holland," he says. "It goes back to Europe again in the autumn of '84 tobe installed in the Solar Polar spacecraft. In the spring or summerRobert Ebisch is a free-lance writer who specializes in science writing.In Outer SMany of LASR's experiments have travelled into space aboard Pioneer spacecraft-of '85, they'll ship the whole spacecraft toCape Kennedy."From there, the Solar Polar Probe,with the complement of instruments fromthe COSPIN team as one of its experiments, will ride the space shuttle into orbit. The shuttle's manipulator arm will liftthe probe out of the cargo bay and a booster rocket will send it off to Jupiter. Fourteen months later, some half -billion milesaway, the probe will steer close enough toJupiter so that the giant planet's gravityfield takes hold and flings it up in a longarc over the top of the Sun, the first spaceprobe ever to leave the plane of the solarsystem's equator. In 1990 that probe willpass some 200 million miles over the Sun'snorth pole where the direction of the solarmagnetic field is upward from the poleand opens up like a "window" into interstellar space. The telescope enclosed in thelittle black box, now resting in a darkenedvault on the University of Chicago campus, will be among the "eyes" peering outfor the first unobstructed view of the highenergy radiation from the interstellarmedium and of our galaxy. In particular,it will be seeking information about cosmic rays. The Laboratory for Astrophysics andSpace Research (usually abbreviated toLASR, pronounced "laser"), a part of theUniversity's Enrico Fermi Institute, is aleading center for the study of cosmicrays, particles of unknown origin thatcome in like bullets from all over the galaxy. Cosmic rays are atomic nuclei, atomswithout their electrons, electrically chargedparticles coming from the stars and interstellar space. They've been traveling formillions of years at almost the speed oflight. Their energies far exceed the energies physicists can create in gigantic terrestrial accelerators like the four-and-a-halfmile circle of magnets at Fermi NationalAccelerator Laboratory in Batavia, IL.The name "cosmic rays," which was givento these particles after their discovery in1912, simply reflects the amazement of scientists about a phenomenon they couldnot, at the time, explain. In interstellarspace, approximately one-third of the energy density of the interplanetary mediumis in the form of cosmic rays. They are thehighest energy form of matter in the knownuniverse, and they constitute one of themajor mysteries in science, in spite of all ofthe advances made in studying them. All the elements known to science arefound as cosmic rays. How they wereformed, where they come from, and howthey got their fantastic speed are amongthe mysteries that occupy the attentions ofLASR's seventy-eight scientists, students(graduate and undergraduate), engineersand support personnel. The clues to thosemysteries are coming from instrumentsdesigned and built right here.Cosmic ray instruments made at theUniversity of Chicago have been flying onhigh-altitude balloons since the 1940s andhave gone into orbit as observers on thirtyspacecraft. They rode the first ships toreach Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter. They're out there right now, identifying cosmic rays, measuring their speedsand trajectories, and sending that information back from satellites orbiting Earth.On one such spacecraft, the ISEE-3, nowen route to a 1985 rendezvous with thecomet Giacobini-Zinner, there is an experiment designed by another leading LASRscientist, Peter Meyer, professor in the department of physics, the Enrico Fermi Institute, and the College. Constantly, newinformation is being sent back to thequadrangles from probes billions of milesaway among the planets. And since thesummer, the data have been coming byradio transmission from outside theknown solar system as well.Last June 13, a little spacecraft knownas Pioneer 10 passed beyond the orbits ofthe farthest planets and became the firstman-made object ever to leave the solarsystem. Twelve years after Pioneer 10'slaunch, one of the instruments operatingon board is a cosmic ray detector developed by Simpson.Simpson still communicates with Pioneer 10. Radio signals take four-and-a-halfhours traveling at the speed of light to crossthe three billion miles that now separatethe probe from Earth. A command sent byradio waves to the experiment early in theUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1984John Simpson with a scale model of the Solar Polar spacecraft.John Simpson: "If we can get outsidethe heliosphere, we can begin to see thevery low-energy cosmic rays that can'tget through. This introduces us to awhole new realm of information aboutprocesses in the stars that producedthese rays." morning doesn't get a reply until late inthe day. Getting up early is a small priceto pay, however, for Pioneer 10's weakening signal chronicles its search for whatSimpson calls the "Holy Grail" of the Pioneer program — the edge of the heliosphere.The heliosphere is a vast magneticbubble around the sun, engulfing everything in the solar system. The sun createsthis bubble by the outward pressure of itssolar wind, high-speed protons and electrons blown outward from the solar furnace, a million tons of them each second.This stream drags the sun's magnetic fieldout like molasses. Because cosmic rays areelectrically charged particles, a magneticfield can turn them aside, an invisible barrier around the solar system."If we can get outside the heliosphere, "Simpson says, "we can begin to see thevery low-energy cosmic rays that can't getthrough. This introduces us to a wholenew realm of information about processesin the stars that produced these rays."Simpson likens this step to anothermade a quarter of a century ago, the escape from the Earth's magnetic field madepossible by the space age: "In the 30s and40s we studied cosmic rays from the surface of the earth, but the Earth's magneticfield deflected a lot of them before theycould reach us. When we got off the Earth,we were able to see those rays. Now we'dlike to get outside the Sun's field. It'salmost like digging yourself out of a seriesof holes."Thus the importance for cosmic raywatchers of the Solar Polar Space Probe.Because the Sun's magnetic field lines looparound from pole to pole and extend billions of miles outward in the equatorialplane, some cosmic ray particles comingtowards the Sun from the side cut acrossthese lines and are deflected back into interstellar space. But rays coming downfrom above the pole run along these lines,with little interference, and can "slide"right down into the solar polar mission'swaiting detector. Voila! just like beingoutside the heliosphere.When the International Solar PolarMission was planned and approved byCongress in the late 1970s there were to betwo spacecraft launched simultaneouslyDietrich Muller in front of the Cosmic Ray Nuclei Experiment (CRNE).Dietrich Muller: "Only the verylightest elements could have beenproduced in the beginning— hydrogen orhelium. As the universe expanded, thisoriginal cosmic 'soup' of energy and lightelements eventually formed galaxies,and some of the material condensedto form stars."towards Jupiter. The European spacecraftwas to catapult over one pole of the Sun,with the U.S. spacecraft taking a routeover the opposite pole.More than 400 investigators frommany nations were competing in teams tobe selected for these two spacecraft. Approximately ten experiments were selectedfrom different fields of science for each ofthe two spacecraft. After the selections,Chicago was asked to be on the Europeanspacecraft, while some Europeans andU.S. scientists were assigned to the American spacecraft. This turned out to be alucky break for Chicago, since the newadministration in 1981 decided to kill theU.S. spacecraft in order to save money. This left the U.S. and European investigators who had been assigned to the American spacecraft with no mission. Only theEuropean spacecraft will undertake humankind's first three-dimensional exploration of the heliosphere.Simpson, a short man with dark eyebrows, white hair, and a quiet, questioning manner, came to the University in1943 to work on the Manhattan Projectthat produced the first nuclear chain reaction. After the war, with an initial research budget of $1,500, he persuaded themilitary to let him travel with his cosmicray detectors on B-29 bombers, on flightsfrom the Earth's equator to near the northpole. These missions resulted in discover ies that ultimately led to new investigations in space.Later, Simpson sent his equipment upon high-altitude balloons, and, when thespace age began with Sputnik, on NASAsatellites. In 1958, Simpson and Meyersent aloft their first rocket-borne experiment. Lacking adequate equipment to pretest the instrument for its ability to withstand shock and vibration, they had itdropped out of a third floor laboratorywindow into a toy sandbox. The instrument survived and went up that November on Pioneer 2.At that time, there was an obviousneed for engineering as well as science talent in their growing group. LASR did notcome into official existence until its present building was put up in 1962, (whenSimpson obtained the NASA grant thatbuilt it), but it got underway in the late1950s as a response to the new demands ofthe space age.Chicago Midway Labs, a high-techfacility five blocks from the Enrico FermiInstitute, had been set up by the Universityof Chicago for military research in the Korean war; by 1958 it had little to do."I went to see President LarryKimpton in 1957, and told him I wantedto initiate a space program, and to do itI'd need money to hire engineers fromChicago Midway Labs," recalls Simpson."He'd been worrying about what to dowith the lab and he asked me how much itwould cost to start a space program. I toldhim $5,000 would do it, with part-timeengineering help, so he wrote out a checkright there. I chose the best people I couldfind out of Midway Labs, Jim Lamport being one of them."The style for carrying out research atLASR is highly individualistic, in spite ofthe "big science" aspects involving majorballoon flights and space missions. Eachfaculty member has his own group of research associates and students, many ofthe latter working on their doctoral thesisresearch. (More than 70 students have received their PhDs since 1964, workingwith four or five faculty members at LASR . )LASR is run by a faculty policy committee; the chairmanship of the committee rotates. Because LASR is part of the EnricoUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1984Fermi Institute, the astrophysicists continually engage in a wide and lively exchangeof ideas with cosmo-chemists and high energy particle physicists. Currently, ninegraduate students are participating inLASR studies. In addition, undergraduatestudents are encouraged to work with thefaculty and staff and from time to time areco-authors on published research papers.All of the equipment used in researchby LASR scientists is built on the premises, in LASR's own solid-state, detector,quality assurance, micro-electronics, andmechanical laboratories."This is a very ugly but very famousroom," observes Dietrich Muller, in hisgentle German accent, as he looks thoughtfully around us. Muller, associate professor in the department of physics, theEnrico Fermi Institute, and the College, isa physicist who came here from Germanyin 1968. He now leads one of the researchgroups and is the current chairman of theLASR policy committee. The steel railingon which we lean keeps us from falling into an enormous pit filled with a clutter ofequipment in temporary storage. The pityawns in the concrete floor at one end ofan enclosed, echoing space big enough tohouse a modern foundry. The ceiling isseveral stories up; rows of windows runalong the walls high overhead.The room is famous because of a particle accelerator, designed by Enrico Fermiand Herbert Anderson, which occupiedthe pit in the 1950s and led the world inthe study of subatomic physics. But technology marched on, and the acceleratorbecame outmoded. It was dismantled andremoved more than a decade ago to makeroom for new projects.Muller points across the pit at onesuch project in the building's far corner,what looks like an enormous golden egg,twelve feet high as it stands on one end,protectively embraced by a metal scaffold. When Spacelab II, a group of thir- Peter Meyer: "We want to measureberyllium 10 at energies almost 100 timeshigher than Simpson measured them.So for an observer on earth the particle'sclock is going slower. Instead of living1.6 million years on average,the beryllium 10 nuclei might live16 million years."Peter Meyer adjusts a part of the High Energy Isotopic Detection Instrument, (HEIDI).teen experiments, rides into orbit on theColumbia space shuttle in March 1985,this gleaming oval will ride in the back ofthe shuttle's cargo bay just below the tail-fin. Even though it will be just one of thirteen experiments, its one-and-a-half tonswill make up forty percent of the shuttle'sallotted cargo weight. (The thirteen experiments were selected by NASA in an international competition which attracted several hundred proposals.)Right now the egg is not such a weightyaffair, however, because it's still empty.Muller leads the way to a prefabricatedbuilding which, though about the size of asingle-family home two stories high, looksmuch smaller, standing in the middle ofthe huge room's floor. Inside, two youngwhite-smocked technicians work on theegg's future contents, the twelve-foot-highCosmic Ray Nuclei Experiment (CRNE).CRNE is a joint project of Muller andMeyer. The home-sized room that housesCRNE was built especially for this project."We need to keep it as clean as possible,"explains senior design engineer Wayne"Skip" Johnson. "Before we pack it in theegg, we'll give CRNE a very special cleaning. The astronauts don't want to contaminate space with stuff from Earth."Simpson's solid state cosmic ray detectors, made from cookies of treated silicon which measure one to three inches indiameter, have to be small to ride intodeep space. But the space shuttle has madeit possible for the first time to send a totally different kind of detector above the atmosphere, one that can catch cosmic rayswith a thousand times more energy thanthose visible to Simpson's detectors. Raysof such high energy are so rare that a largeobject is required to catch them."We prefer to look at the high energycosmic rays," Muller says, "because thosewith lower energies have a hard time getting into the solar system."The Cosmic Ray Nuclei Experimentuses the same kind of detectors that routinely catch particles produced in accelerators on Earth — those at Fermilab inBatavia, for example. The top and bottomof the big instrument are rounded by gas-filled hemispheres called Cerenkov counters. As a cosmic ray passes through that One of Meyer's balloons being inflated for flight.gas it produces a faint burst of light thatregisters on sensors surrounding the gasand reveals the particle's energy. As theray passes toward the center of the egg itpenetrates sheets of plastic called scintillators, producing more bursts of light thatreveal its chemical identity.In the very center of the egg, the raypasses through a stack of transition radiation detectors that measure the energies ofparticles going too fast for even theCerenkov counters. These are a new kindof detector, developed in this laboratoryand specifically for this project. They looklike quilts, outside layers of polyethylenesewn together through a center of whitestuffing, actually plastic fibers of the kindused to insulate outdoor equipment. Acosmic ray particle will produce X-rayswhen traversing this material. The X-rayintensity, measured in large and very delicate "proportional chambers," will thentell the energy of the particle."We had been experimenting foryears looking for the right material," saysJohnson. "Somebody mentioned fibers and I said, 'Gee, I just bought a ski jacket."I took out some stitches in the arm andlooked at the fibers under a microscope.They looked promising. We got samplesof different fiber mixes from a manufacturer, tested them in a particle accelerator,and got an optimum mix."Muller waves at the machine andsays, "All this was done in our shop.We've been working on it for five years.Suddenly our people have had to worryabout all kinds of new technologies thatare required to build a space instrument ofthis gigantic size."The CRNE project has been fundedby NASA for about $10 million. If CRNEhad been built by industry, LASR scientists estimate it would have cost abouttwice as much.One of the problems was figuring outhow to transport the egg and its contents(CRNE), to the Goddard Space FlightCenter in Maryland for testing last year,then back to the Chicago lab for morework. (The egg and its precious contentsleft recently for Maryland, where CRNEUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 19will be worked on some more, beforeheading for Cape Kennedy, for its flightaboard the Columbia space shuttle.) Flying the instrument aboard a plane mighthave cost $40,000 each way, Johnson says,so they bought a special trailer for $5,000."We monitored the highways all theway to Washington, DC," Johnson says,"and found that the worst roads werewithin five miles of the University. I realized that the University is entirely surrounded by viaducts, and that the instrument would be too high on an ordinarytrailer. One night I was driving down theDan Ryan Expressway, following a lowboy type trailer carrying a bulldozer. Icontacted the company that made thetrailer and they built one to our specs.Now, we can clear the 47th Street viaductby two or three inches. Once we get to theinterstate, we're fine."One of the CRNE experiment's mainobjectives is to measure the proportions ofdifferent elements in high energy cosmicrays, which should reveal a lot aboutwhat they encountered on their journeythrough the galaxy.Most of the elements we know werenot produced in the "Big Bang," the primordial explosion in which the universe isthought to have begun, Muller explains."Only the very lightest elements couldhave been produced in the beginning —hydrogen or helium. As the universe expanded, this original cosmic 'soup' of energy and light elements eventually formedgalaxies, and some of the material condensed to form stars."The stars make heavier elementsthrough the thermonuclear fusion processthat powers our sun. Over time these starsgave their mixture of light and heavy elements back to interstellar space, some of itsprayed out like exhaust in the equivalentof our solar wind, some of it in the burstswe call stellar flares. Stars also die in explosions that blow most of their mass backinto the void. Eventually new stars condense from the debris of earlier stars.Since stars only live a few billion yearsand the universe is judged to be about fifteen billion years old, this tumultuous stellar life cycle has taken place several times inour galaxy. This is the story of chemical evolution, how matter as we know it hasbeen cooked up, blown out of one kettle,absorbed into another, and cooked somemore. Cosmic rays can provide the detailsof that story if only we can figure out theirstory first. What happens to change them,for example, before they reach our detectors?"One way to understand this is tostudy the abundance of very specific elements which are created only by breakupin collisions during the trip," says Muller."Beryllium, lithium, and boron, for example — there is no way that stars can makeany significant amount of these products.When we see them arriving here, they'vebeen formed by breakup of carbon or oxygen atoms en route."By measuring the proportions ofthese breakup elements relative to otherelements like carbon or oxygen, the Cosmic Ray Nuclei Experiment will tell usabout those interstellar collisions. Breakup elements can also tell us just how longthe average cosmic ray travels before itleaks out of the galaxy."One of the breakup elements, beryllium, will be scrutinized in 1984 by anotherbig instrument lurking behind a lockeddoor less than a hundred feet away fromwhere the Cosmic Ray Nuclei Experimentis being assembled. This instrument is onlyten-and-a-half feet high, with Cerenkovand scintillation counters but none ofthose new-fangled transition radiation detectors. This is the High Energy IsotopicDetection Instrument, HEIDI for short.This project is headed by Meyer. HEIDIrides balloons, not space shuttles.Meyer, who is also from Germany,joined the University of Chicago in 1953.Author of Encyclopedia Britannica's nine-page article on cosmic rays, he does moreof his work with high altitude balloonsthan with space shots. Balloons may notleave the atmosphere, but then againthere's not all that much atmosphere leftat their maximum height of twenty-five miles or so."Balloon experiments are less expensive and you can do them on a shortertime scale," Meyer says. "With satellites ittakes a long time between proposing anexperiment and getting the results backfor analysis. Particularly in a universityyou want to have experiments where onestudent can put an experiment together,follow it through, and analyze it."The balloons which Meyer uses arebetween 300 and 400 feet long, and have avolume of about 30 million cubic feet.They are made of a special kind of polyethylene that can withstand very low temperatures of the upper atmosphere without getting brittle, which would cause aproblem with wind shear.Meyer and his crew launch a balloonwhen the wind conditions are favorable.These conditions are very carefully checkedbefore launch. "The balloon goes wherethe wind wants it to go. We want it to goin the direction where we can recover thepayload after a radio command releases itfrom the balloon and brings it down byparachute," said Meyer. The balloon itselfis not retrieved, just the payload containing the equipment for the experiment.Planes track the balloon — which staysaloft from ten to 60 hours — throughoutits flight, so they have some idea of wherethe recovery will be made. In the flightsfrom Hawaii a water recovery is requiredand the U.S. Air Force has agreed to pickup the capsule by helicopter (just like aspace capsule recovery). The same procedure is followed for flights over land.Instruments flown at the far northern latitudes are tracked by seaplanes, since thereare no airports there for regular planes. Ahelicopter then brings the payload to thenearest airstrip.HEIDI is midway is size and weightbetween the small equipment carried bythe small scientific satellites and CRNE,which will go in the Columbia space shuttle. All of the instruments sent up byLASR are designed, built, and tested atthe University.The launch site for balloons is determined by the particular experimentinvolved. Meyer chose Hawaii as theContinued on page 31.13Photographs byMichael P. WeinsteinGREEN MULCH AndCHAMPAGNEBy Michael Alper, AB'81, AM'83Despite the assertion ofCaptain James T. Kirkof the starship "Enterprise," outer space isnot necessarily the"final frontier."Scholars also work atfrontiers, constantly expanding the borders in their fields of knowledge. Undergraduates who take on the challenge ofbasic research find that the path to thistype of frontier, like that of either spaceexploration or the opening of the west,can be an arduous one."It's drudgery," sighs Barnali Som, afourth-year biology student in the College. "You have to keep doing it, and usually it doesn't work the first time."She's describing what it's like to workMichael Alper. AB'81. AM'83, formerassociate editor of The University of ChicagoMagazine, is in the doctoral program in thedepartment of English. at the forefront of science. Som is a researchassistant in the laboratory of Clyde A.Hutchison, Jr., the Carl William EisendrathDistinguished Service Professor Emeritusin the department of chemistry, the EnricoFermi Institute, and the College.To Som, drudgery means 2 a.m. tripsto the lab to check on experiments whoseschedules defer not at all to human bio-rhythms. Pre-dawn excursions certainlyrate as "drudgery," as do her regular outings to Chicago's slaughterhouses in searchof pigs' blood, a necessary part of her lab'swork on the transport of iron in the bloodof vertebrates.But Som is not really complaining.Neither is Andrew Kolbert, a fourth-yearstudent in the College who spends timechopping down Lombardy poplar trees —all in the name of science. For his projecton a specific protein involved in electrontransport in photosynthesis, Kolbertfound that Lombardy poplars are a sourceof that protein. Kolbert and some of hiscolleagues drove northwest from Chicagoto a nursery in Prairie View, IL whichstocked the poplars."We chopped down these trees and westripped the leaves and then we strippedthe little woody parts from the leaves because we didn't want the wood to wreckthe blender. We washed the leaves and weblended them in a phosphate buffer untilwe had gallons of green mulch," he recalled.Kolbert, Som, and other students getto see more than green mulch and pigs'blood. At the other end of the researchprocess are results and, occasionally, Dana Howd (left),and Karen Walsh,third-year studentsin the College,examine results ofa procedure inProfessor RobertHaselkorn'sbiochemistrylaboratory.* <f£.champagne.Third-year students Dana Howd andKaren Walsh work in the lab of RobertHaselkorn, Fanny L. Pritzker Professorand chairman of the department of biophysics and theoretical biology and FannyL. Pritzker Professor in the College anddepartments of biochemistry and chemistry. The arrival of good news in Haselkorn'slab is accompanied by a glass of goodcheer. "They bring out the champagneand pop the bubbly and everybody has adrink!" Howd said.It's a long road from green mulch tochampagne but the students who followthe path find the trip more than worthwhile. The chance to do such "drudgery"gives them a taste for it, as well as a deep-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE SprinK 1084jJl* or**** if ifm•* r v• *_____ __er appreciation for the fruits of it."You appreciate research a lot more ifyou've been through it yourself," saysSom. "When you read in a textbook thatWatson and Crick discovered the DNAmodel, you say, Okay, this is a fact Ihave to remember for the test." But whenyou're working in a lab you realize, myGod, they probably had to work ten yearsand come in late at night, and they wenthome worried because they couldn't figure out how to do it. You really appreciatethe hard work that goes into maybe onesentence in the textbook."Many undergraduates are learningfirst-hand what it's like to do research. TheCollege offers this opportunity to studentsin every field, in the social sciences and College students learnfirst-hand about the rigors-and rewards-of doingbasic research.Barnali Som(left), and AndrewKolbert, fourth-year students inthe College, aredoing researchprojects in thelaboratoryof chemistryprofessor ClydeA. Hutchison, Jr."\Jndergraduates in the lab are treated asmembers of a large team of scientists workingtoward a common goal. They are fitted intothe team, as their schedules and theirabilities allow."humanities as well as in the biological andphysical sciences. Students in the Collegehave spent hours in laboratories cloningDNA, analyzing the molecular structureof proteins, and studying the cellular basisof bird songs. They have sat in on sessionsof the Juvenile Court in Chicago for astudy of the probation system, and theyhave rung doorbells all over the neighborhoods of Chicago to do opinion research.They have gone to New York City to studycrowd behavior at Shea Stadium; to NorthCarolina to study the archives of ThomasWolfe; and to Panama to study plant ecology. None has been to the moon yet, but the work some of them have done, asresearch assistants for professors in theUniversity's Enrico Fermi Institute andLaboratory for Astrophysics and SpaceResearch, has gone considerably farther.As exciting as all that sounds, whatmost students learn is how down-to-earthan activity research is. Far from being disillusioned by that insight, however, manystudents find it one of the most valuablethings they get from the experience.Many students get involved in research early in their college careers, eitherby initiating their own research projectsor by assisting in the project of a professor or research associate. In addition, students may enroll in courses or course programs which require a specified amount ofresearch work.In the "hard" sciences (i.e., the biological and physical sciences), students usually first get involved in research by workingon faculty members' research projects aspaid assistants or technicians. Undergraduates routinely work in the labs of clinicians, chemists, and physicists. Veryoften, their own research later in their College careers grows out of this work. JamesFowler, AB'83, and Geoffrey Burks, AB'82,graduate students in the departments ofastronomy and astrophysics, did researchwhile in the College in the laboratory ofPeter Meyer, professor in the departmentof physics, the Enrico Fermi Institute, andthe College, whose work in astrophysicsresearch is described in this issue (see"LASR's 'Eyes' in Outer Space," Page 6).Daniel Akerib, a senior in the College, isworking with Meyer now.The research programs in the socialsciences and humanities are conducted according to the demands of those disciplines. Gary Orfield, AM'61, professor inthe departments of political science andeducation and in the Committee on PublicPolicy Studies, says "I have seen no substitute for this kind of experience in learning how to do policy research. There's noinstruction. We do not have class meetings. We generally start the students offwith a book or two just to give them somegeneral background, but they are going tohave to 'invent' their own books. They'rewriting about something nobody knowsabout. If it were already written downsomewhere, we wouldn't be doing this."The College offers economic assistance to students who wish to conduct independent research. Through the HedwigLoeb fellowship program (named for thelate Hedwig Loeb, PhB'02, who died in1981), approximately 12 students a yearhave found financial support for theirwork. That level of assistance has justachieved a big boost. In January, theRichter trust began a three-year commitment to the University with a donation of$27,000 per year to support undergraduate research. This will make possible anincrease in both the size and number ofawards.The Loeb fellowships provide up to$600 for research during any quarter.Loeb recipients in the humanities andsocial sciences often use their fellowshipsto finance travel, both domestic andabroad, to conduct research. PhilipKeyes, AB'82, an anthropology major,16 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE SprinK 1084traveled to Peru to study native Indiansystems of reciprocity and exchange. LisaDickler, AB'81, traveled to Dublin to interview members of W.B. Yeats's familyfor a study of the Irish literary revival.Still others do their work' closer io home.Katrina Lofgren Vidal, AB'78, receivedthe first Loeb fellowship in 1977 for astudy of the Chicago patronage system.Susan Feurzeig, a senior majoring in history, studied the development of Negrotheater during the 1930s by diggingthrough the archives of the New YorkPublic Library. Rachel Flick, AB'80, studied Chicago-area violin makers. PeterChen, SB'82, working on a Loeb fellowship, synthesized a new, energy-rich cycliccompound, (4 pi + 2 pi cycloadduct between anthracene and benzene), which isthe first member of its class of compoundsto be prepared in a pure state. Each year,the College receives twenty-five to thirtyproposals from students, and awards between eight and twelve fellowships.The Dorothy M. and Hugh A.Edmondson, MD'31, fellowships and theBeatrice B. Garber fellowships (named forthe late Garber, SM'48, PhD'51, who diedin 1980) are also offered through the College. They provide stipends to supportstudents doing biological research overthe summer. Recipients can work on theirresearch full-time, as they cannot duringthe school year. The College awardsabout seven of each of these fellowshipsevery year.Last summer's recipients of Edmondsonfellowships and their fields of inquiry included: Howard Adler, biochemistry;Thomas Huffer, pharmacology; ThomasLee, biochemistry; John Maraganore, biochemistry; Erasmo Passaro, psychiatry-pharmacology; Francis Podbielski, atherosclerosis; Scott Schnell, membrane chemistry. Students doing research with Garberfellowships included: Kurt Brorson, bloodresearch on sickle cell anemia; ThomasGajewski, Jr., antigen problems; DouglasKaplan, brain surgery; Linda Lee, viralgenetics; Vesna Martich, leukemia; AliceMichel, behavioral ecology; CatherineMoran, amphibian physiology; DavidRaskin, blood reproduction; and XillaUssery, blood cell growth.Although the recipients of Collegefellowships usually work under the guidance of a faculty sponsor, they are alloweda free hand in the use they make of theirresearch. They are under no obligation toapply their findings toward any kind ofcourse work or degree requirements."Whatever the student gets, in the way ofdata as well as experience, belongs to the student," says Gerson M. Rosenthal, Jr.,professor of biology and chairman of theBiological Sciences Undergraduate ResearchCommittee.Students who take on research projects must be willing to commit themselvesto a long and demanding task. One doesnot lightly sign on for such a long haul."I'm expected to come in three afternoons a week," says Som. "And the twodays during the week that I don't come induring the afternoons, I'm supposed tocome in for an hour or so, to make sure ofthe experiments I've got going, and if oneneeds watching then either I have to comein or I have to have someone else check onit. It's not a nine-to-five job— I'm expectedto come in at two in the morning to checkon things if they need it. And then we'resupposed to come to Saturday morningmeetings from nine to twelve." All this inaddition to a full load of courses and, recently, the ordeal of applying to graduateschool.Kolbert, who works with Som inHutchison's lab, spends about twenty-fivehours a week there. He also tutors freshmen chemistry students, and one afternoon a week he teaches students at one ofHyde Park's public elementary schoolshow to play chess. How does one managesuch a schedule?"You give up sleeping," he says.Doing research is a task, moreover,that takes students far above and beyondthe call of degree requirements."It's not required in any way," saysRosenthal. "Every student who's in the research program in biology is there of hisown absolutely and completely freevolition."That's not to say the research programs are entirely extracurricular. Aresearch project makes the difference between graduating with or without honorsin the biological sciences. And studentsget course credit, of course, for their independent reading and research courses.Although the standard undergraduate degree has provisions for doingresearch, the means by which studentstake advantage of these provisions is left up to them. Research projects, as theirname implies, usually can't be containedwithin the context of a formal coursestructure. A research project has to gowherever the data lead, not where the curriculum directs.Unlike most aspects of the undergraduate degree program, which tends to haveclearly defined goals and requirements,the stages of a research project are asmuch their own responsibility for undergraduates as they are for graduate students. It may be a slightly scaled-downversion of what's expected from graduatestudents, since it's often all College students can do to fit all that extra lab timeinto their more varied schedules. But thebasic assumptions about what constitutesresearch are the same."The point we try to emphasize,"says Rosenthal, in advising students ontheir research projects, "is that when youwork as a research student, you're notsupposed to be a technician, you're supposed to be doing some research. Thetotal breadth or depth of a research problem may be greater for graduate students,simply because they have the time andthey have more technical and general scientific background. But there is, and issupposed to be, a considerable amount ofindependence on the part of students."Part of that independence involves aprevious ability and willingness to acquirethe basic know-how one needs to embarkon a research project in the first place. Notonly do students have to learn the material, they have to learn how to get at the material. There are no specific provisions inthe program for allowing students to testthe waters before taking the plunge intoactual research. Students pick up some ofthe fundamentals of research procedures,such as basic lab techniques or the conventions of documentation, in Common Coreor other lower level courses. Armed withthese morsels of knowledge, studentsentering a research situation quickly learnhow rudimentary such tools are.Professors who serve as researchsponsors for undergraduates tend to favora sink-or-swim approach, confident thatany students who really want to do research can at least keep their heads abovewater without taking swimming lessons.It's a system of proven effectiveness, evenif it does leave students flustered and dazedat the beginning. The students who makethe best researchers, say those who supervise them, are the ones who are the quickest studies, and this sudden immersioninto research is one of the best ways theyknow to cultivate that talent.17James FowlerAB'83, GeoffreyBurks AB'82 andfourth-year studentDaniel Akeribstand in front ofthe Cosmic RayNuclei Experiment,on which theyworked withphysicist PeterMeyer.For many students, research projectsmay be their first encounter with trying tosqueeze information out of the real worldand with real world deadlines. Orfieldsays, "I tell the students, ' Get this done bythe time you're supposed to get it done because the rest of the project depends onthis, so call me up as soon as you run intoa problem.' So I see the students probablyon the average of every three days whenwe're at the height of the process. And Ihave a graduate student who works withme, he sees them constantly, too. So weget to know these students extremely well.There's a lot of supervision but there arealso a lot of things they do on their own."In the hard sciences, students whowant to get into research commonly beginby working in one of their professors' research laboratories, as paid lab technicians or assistants. Their responsibilitiesinvolve mostly technical operations, buttheir higher-ups consider the studentsanything but supernumeraries. The challenge of the job often lies in trying to liveup to expectations.It may sound like a ruthless system,but casualties are few. It's just a matter oftime before most students get a feel for thekind of work that's expected of them. Andit has real practical advantages. Professorsget a steady, capable supply of labor, atrelatively low cost, ("Slave labor!" jokes one student), and students get invaluableexperience."There's really no other way to learn, "insists Kolbert. "You can't learn aboutresearch by reading papers alone."5 —• 0 ^v» w*—w t 1 (VUndergraduate researchers oftencomment on how different research isfrom what they expected it to be. The unexpected value they find in doing it hasmore to do with the quality of the experience than with the salary they've earned,the procedures they've mastered, or thebrownie points they've racked up. Thosequantitative measures of experience areundeniably important, but many studentscome to think of them as means to an endthat is much more interesting."They are acquiring skills that wouldbe very difficult to acquire in any otherway, and which will stand them in verygood stead if they choose to do graduatework. It's a tremendous head start," says Haselkorn. The students in his lab, hesays, are witnessing "the leading edge ofmodern molecular biology, and the techniques they are mastering are ones thatthey can use if they want to do graduatework in any area of molecular biology.But, he adds with emphasis, beyondthat, "they will have learned a way ofthinking that will stand them in goodstead in the future as well, a way of thinking about scientific problems, how toapproach them, what constitutes anexperiment.""The labs you have in school are helpful," says Walsh, "but usually you havesuch a time constraint that you can't gothrough something completely and understand it. You just do bits and pieces ofthings, and it isn't as interesting." Thanksto her hands-on experience, she says, "Ihave a completely different attitude aboutwhat research is and the importance of itin our society.""I'll read a textbook and say, 'Hey,I've done this! I know what's going onhere,' and it makes so much more sensewhen you can actually go through it."Her roommate, Dana Howd, agrees."We learned about Southern blot geneticsin class," she says, "and I came here thenext day and did one."Students feel that when they do research on certain material, they don't just18 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1984get acquainted with it. They becomefamiliar with it. Not coincidentally, theylearn how important personal contacts arein reaching this kind of familiarity.In the biological and physical sciences, particularly, to break into therealm of serious research, you usuallyhave to know somebody, or at least youhave to be willing to get to know somebody. One thing that surprises studentswhen they begin working in a research labis how important personal contacts are.It's not a case of rampant nepotism; theysimply discover that a lab is a communityand that scientific discovery, more oftenthan not, is a group effort.The undergraduates in his lab, saysHaselkorn, "are treated as members of alarge team of scientists working toward acommon goal. They are fitted into theteam, as their schedules allow and theirabilities allow. They participate fully inthe affairs of my group— not just socially,which is true also, but intellectually.""It's a cooperative effort," saysKolbert of working in Hutchison's lab.'That's one thing they're big on. We're allequal at Hutchison labs — and the professor's on top.""I was very surprised," he continues."I was treated like a research associate,not like an undergraduate."Besides being able to share the workload, an important benefit of being part ofa research group is learning how the dynamics of the group affect the process ofdiscovery.Howd likens it to "the kind of camaraderie you might find on the basketballcourt." (The contention is not a glib one,in her case. As Haselkorn proudly pointsout, with Howd and Walsh working forhim, "In my lab right now is 40 percent ofthe U. of C. women's basketball team.")"When you're in grade school," saysWalsh, "and you hear about scientists doing this and that, you picture people intheir labs, all hunched over, never talkingto people, just bubbling their chemicalsaway and finding the secrets of life. Butthey seem like very normal people to me. Inever expected a lab to be quite so social,quite so much of a family. We get togetherand go to basketball games."I also notice very little competitionbetween the people who work here. Oneperson's work can only help someone else,and that's how they look at it. When yousee that kind of attitude among people,you can't help but feel that way, too,"Howd adds."A lot of it has to do with gettingalong with people that you work with," says Som. "Doing research in a group,you learn to interact with people andwork effectively with them, and learnthings from other people that you don'tget in class."That kind of benefit is hard-won."At first, I had personal conflictswith some people," she says, "because Ithought they expected too much from me.I also thought I wasn't capable of it, thatyou had to be a genius. But working in Professor Hutchison's laboratory hasmade me realize that, no— it helps to be agenius, but you can do it by hard work.He's made me like research."Such insights into the ways of research are not limited to the hard sciences.The Public Policy Studies program, for example, which started five years ago, is bynature a course in mastering a variety ofresearch techniques. Taken in the juniorContinued on page 32.±\ one has been to the moon yet, but the worksome students have done, as researchassistants for professors in astrophysics andspace research, has gone considerably farther.Dawn Canty, asecond-yearstudent in theCollege, conducts aneighborhoodsurvey as part of| her research in thesocial sciences.19Joseph Williams, professor of English, leads a discussion in one ofPEP's seminars. Students are Jennifer Branch and Charles Cook.Good NeighborsThe University sharessome of its resources -faculty time, books, andclassroom space - withyoungsters from thecommunity, to help thembecome better students.Erik Ponder andAlthea Burgess, PEPstudents from Hyde Park Career Academy,search for books atRegenstein Library.swith one's neighbors is an old Americantradition— a cup of sugar, the lawn-mower, a set of folding chairs. TheUniversity of Chicago has been sharingsome its resources — faculty time, thebooks at Regenstein Library, classroomspace, courts at the Crown Field House —with some of its young neighbors for thelast 16 years. Annually, about 700 seventh-through-twelfth graders, most ofthem black and from Chicago's SouthSide, stream through the five programsadministered by the University's Office ofSpecial Programs (OSP). OSP's goal is tohelp these youngsters learn how to become better students.Since 1975, when the Pilot Enrichment Program (PEP) was added to theroster of OSP's programs, 201 of its 220high school seniors have gone on to enrollat the University of California at LosAngeles, Harvard University, Minnesota'sMacalester College, Tennessee State University and dozens of other colleges. EightPEP alumni chose to stay at the University, and enrolled in the College.The Pilot Enrichment Program takesabout 100 students each year from theHyde Park Career Academy (a nearbypublic high school) and, each week, putsthem through two days of rigorous classesat the University" While the record of college admissions of these students is impressive, and fulfills the original goal of theOSP, PEP is about a lot more than an annual influx of college acceptance letters.PEP is about students who want to learnand who are willing to work uncommonlyhard to do it. Their two days a week at theUniversity are spent in intensive classes inmath, reading, and writing given by highschool teachers who work part-time at theprogram and by staff members of the OSP.The pace is such, according to LarryHawkins, director of the Office of SpecialPrograms, that the students are able tocover six years of math in four years. Combined with the regular Hyde Park CareerAcademy workload, the students takeeight courses, three more than the norm.Clearly, PEP students are not average.The Office of Special Programs describesthem as "educationally disadvantaged but academically able" and the second description soon overtakes the first. Theyare not only able; they are highly motivated. During last fall's three-week-longstrike by Chicago public school teachers,Hawkins's seven-person staff (three arefull-time) and academic staff of about 20teachers, graduate students (all part-time),and volunteers, provided classes and tutorials for PEP students. Each day, QuantrellAuditorium in Cobb Hall was filled withthe gentle buzz of several hundred shutout students, busy making up the workthey were missing in regular classes.The fact that almost all of the students in PEP are black "skews the pot"Hawkins said, because for many a collegeeducation may have seemed out of reach—academically, financially, or both. College graduation is the goal for PEP students but the path there is built as muchon self-confidence as it is on test scoresand class performance. By encouragingstudents to believe in themselves, the obstacles blocking the way to becoming acollege graduate become less threatening.Hawkins said his message to the students,and their parents, is to have faith inthemselves."We tell them, 'You're as capable asany person, you simply have to increaseyour ability to gather information andprocess it,' " he said.Hawkins and his staff lead studentsand parents through the labyrinth of college visits, admissions, and financial aidapplications but their concern extends farbeyond the details of college admission."We're not promoting a college degree as a job ticket only, but also as an opportunity to learn about yourself and theworld you live in," Hawkins said.In the past few years experts have suggested that one way to improve educationat all levels is for universities and collegesto form partnerships with nearby highschools to make sure students are preparedproperly for higher education. Hawkins ishappy about the recent emphasis on betteruse of resources. The idea of a partnershipis something he has been promoting since1968, when he started the Tutorial Program for elementary and secondary publicschool students. A recent "Newsweek onCampus" report quoted Hawkins on the Antoinette Byrdsong"We tell them, 'You'reas capable as anyperson, you simplyhave to increaseyour ability togather informationand process it.'"21PEP is aboutstudents who wantto learn and who arewilling to workuncommonly hardto do it. importance of a community utilizing everyresource it has in order to educate its children. "South Side schools have an extraordinary resource in the University, " he said.There is also something in the ideathat a university owes something to itscommunity. Roger H. Hildebrand, professor in the departments of physics, astronomy and astrophysics, the Enrico FermiInstitute, and the College, who has beeninvolved with OSP since its founding,said, "The University of Chicago feels a responsibility to do something for the community and I think this is a very appropriate thing. After all, what universities aresupposed to be good at is education."An eleven-member faculty advisorycommittee, appointed by President HannaH. Gray, works with the Office of SpecialPrograms. Peter O. Vandervoort, AB'54,SB'55, SM'56, PhD'60, professor in the department of astronomy and astrophysicsand the College, is currently the chairman.Vandervoort said the committee perTforms a variety of functions for the OSP,from going in quest of personal computersand terminals to the logistics of findingclassroom space. The committee runs onthe principle that the OSP "should havesome faculty input," Vandervoort said."Our function is not to tell the Office ofSpecial Programs what to do, but ratherto point out what they ought to worryabout or why they should consider doingthings a certain way," he said.While the committee may act mostlyas a sounding board, its members have atendency to become involved more deeply,Vandervoort said. Committee membersand other faculty members frequently lecture to students in the program. Duringthe summer, a faculty member meets dailywith the students to explain his or herfield, Hawkins said. The scholars introduce the students to fields they may notbe familiar with, such as anthropologyand astrophysics. Hildebrand, who gavean astrophysics lecture to students in theprogram last summer, said the experiencewas a good one for him and for the students. "It's a very upbeat bunch of kids.They have a very positive attitude andthey work hard," he said.Vandervoort said his introduction towhat is often known as simply "The Pro- At a Saturday morning tutorialsession, Larry Hawkins, director ofthe Office of Special Programs, goesover details with Mrs. AudreyWinfrey, a parent.gram" happened when he was asked to givea lecture on astronomy to a group of OSPstudents. Vandervoort's schedule wastight, but the requests were persistent and ayear later the lecture took place. "It was avery exciting hour and a half, " Vandervoortsaid. "As soon as the kids saw I was responsive they were quite willing to ask questions. Not knowing what to expect, I wentin with the astronomer's tactic of showingmany slides. The kids were asking verygood questions, questions to which wedidn't know the answers but which wereobviously very important." The next summer, Vandervoort gave a repeat performance. "It was a very appealing experience, " he said. So appealing, in fact, that "Iwas hooked," he said.But even with all of these pluses,bringing an ivory tower face to face with acommunity is not always easy. First, thetwo sides have to get to know each other."Demystification, that's the wholepoint," Hawkins said, explaining that oneof his jobs is to provide mutual accommodation. The next task is to get the studentsto adapt themselves to an environmentthat is foreign to them. The students aretold they are at the University for "veryspecial reasons and there's a change foreveryone." To ease the transition,Hawkins tells the students to "learn todeal with adults on an adult level.""One of the points (of being at theUniversity) is to learn how to get on andthat means to speak to people in a waythey understand," he said. The mutual accommodation works. After students havecome to the quadrangles to participate inOSP programs, "many of them think of thisplace as their high school," Hawkins said.One of those students is Gregory Hall,a fourth-year economics major in the College. Hall, who works in the Tutorial Program, first met Hawkins at an orientationsession for students about to enter highschool. An elementary school teacher hadsuggested that Hall consider going to HydePark Career Academy so that he couldtake advantage of PEP."Believe me, I had no idea what I wasgetting into," Hall said. Going to schooltwice — once at the University and once atHyde Park— was "kind of a double wham-my," he said. But the whammy paid offUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/SprinE 1984academically and in what Hall calls the"hidden benefits" of the program, the newor increased confidence and discipline thestudent gains in all aspects of his life."Exposure to the University of Chicago is so valuable," Hall said. When hefirst started in PEP it was "just somethingto do" but "later on it clicked, what it really is," he said. "I found when I went intothe College there was hardly any transitionat all," he said. "Universities such as theUniversity of Chicago can scare a student,even though he's accepted for entrance. It'sa world class university and it's intimidating . "Erik Ponder is the fifth child in hisfamily to pass under Larry Hawkins's demanding eye, and Mrs. Carrie Ponder, hismother, says at least two more Ponderchildren plan to sign up when they're oldenough. Mrs. Ponder, who has raised hereight children alone for the last eightyears, is disappointed because her youngest child, a fifteen-year-old daughter,"wants to be an artist, and isn't interestedin PEP." Maria, a senior at Hyde ParkCareer Academy, where Erik is a junior, isalso in the PEP program. Rhinold andReginald went from PEP to Princeton University, where Reginald is a senior. Rhinoldis in law school at New York University.Sharon, another PEP alumna, is at Illinois State University. Erik, who began in theTutorial Program in the seventh grade andis now in PEP, revealed that even withthese examples of what PEP could do, hedid not fully understand the program untilhe was in it himself."At first, I didn't really know what Igot into," he said, echoing Hall's words."Now I see it's helped a lot with school-work. It comes much easier."Yolanda Harrell joined the TutorialProgram when she was in eighth grade.She plans to be a pediatrician and one ofher reasons for enrolling in PEP is to prepare herself for what she knows is the longhard road ahead."Before I go to college I want to beadjusted to the idea of a lot of work andthis is the place to be for a lot of work,"she said with a smile. Harrell said sheknows what she has to do to achieve hergoal but sometimes is disturbed by people'sreactions to her methods. What Hall callsthe "double whammy" of going to schooltwice cuts deeply into a student's free time.That is a tradeoff Harrell is willing to makebut others don't always see it her way.Ponder said some of his classmates atHyde Park Career Academy "think we'rechosen to be in the program." That's nottrue, he said. "They all have a chance to do it." Letting all those other studentsknow they have a chance is a big part ofwhat Hawkins tries to do outside of theclassroom. But chances are made, theydon't just happen and Hawkins said theinsistence on educational quality must begin with the parents, at home. He encourages parents to start thinking about theirchild's college education long before thefact. Even if the idea of their child going tocollege is initially foreign, thinking aboutit long enough can make it seem a matterof course. "Eventually, the point takes,"he said.The Tutorial Program, which nowmeets three times a week, and the SummerProgram were followed by Upward Bound,a federally funded program for studentswhose families meet income levels established by the government. Upward Boundprovides tutoring, guidance, and culturalactivities during the academic year andcontinues with an intensive classroom andtutoring program during the summer. Afifth program is intended as a pre-highschool enrichment experience, an academic and cultural course for seventh andeighth graders, administered with the BigBuddies Youth Services, Inc.The first of OSP's five programs beganin 1968 as a summertime tutorial session23akftM£ ¥0/m£ ^ 4<!for South Side elementary and secondaryschool students, recalls Hawkins.When asked how the OSP grew froma tutorial program which serves about 300students per year to five programs whichhave enrolled "a whole host" of youngpeople, Hawkins smiled and said, "likeTopsy." The Summer Program, for example, begun in 1972, combines an NCAA-funded athletics course with an academiccurriculum designed by Hawkins and hisstaff. The six -week-long course is the largest of the programs and since 1972 has enrolled approximately 400 students eachsummer.The academic portion of the SummerProgram is something close to Hawkins'sheart. Athletics are an important part ofhis life. After a brief stint as a member ofthe Harlem Globetrotters basketball team(which he said was "fun" but is not something he chooses to spend much time talking about) Hawkins worked for the Chicago Board of Education as an athleticsdirector and basketball coach, leadingCarver High School to the state championship in 1963. Along the way, Hawkinsspent four years in the U . S . Army, receiveda B.S. and an M.S. degree from GeorgeWilliams College in Chicago, and did advanced work at the University of Illinoisand Roosevelt University. The result was a synthesis of his various pursuits. "I ended up being interestedin how sports education worked in schools, "he said. 'There should be some relationship between excellence in sports and excellence in the classroom."The means for excellent performancein both areas are "not essentially different," he said. "In both instances you haveto work toward a goal and you have tosacrifice and persevere to achieve excellence." As Hawkins sees it, many peoplestill see sports as separate from academics,even at the elementary and secondaryschool levels. What he is working towards, both at the University and in theChicago school system (he divides histime between the two), is for sports to beused to help further educational goals.Hawkins is convinced that "education canbe enhanced in schools through the judicious use of sport as a motivational tool."Convincing others of that, he finds, is atough job.Hawkins said one of the aims of hisprograms is to change the way many parents approach their children's schooling."Most parents feel the basic responsibilityfor the education of their children restswith the school system." He sees things theother way around. "Parents have the central responsibility," he said, "and every thing else is a resource." Every child needsto have his parents involved in his education, Hawkins believes. No matter howhard-working a child is, if his parents arenot interested in his education it's comparable to "having a carpenter build a housefrom the second floor first," Hawkins said.Hawkins, his staff, and the parents ofchildren in his programs have built thefirst floor and are working on the second.Last year, parents raised $20,000 of theprograms' $400,000 annual budget; a major fund-raiser in December brought in$64,000 immediately and promises of$10,000 more — surpassing the goal of$70,000, Hawkins said. The balance of thefunding for the program — no student orhis parents are required to pay anythingto attend, but are expected to join in thefund-raising efforts — comes from a combination of University money and private,state, and federal grants. Parents alsowork in the program as volunteers.Other ways in which the Office otSpecial Programs reaches out to the community are through an annual citywidemathematics competition, now in its fifteenth year. Since 1970, the competitionhas exercised the newly held popular conception that more attention must be givento the teaching of math to elementary andhigh school students.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Sprine 1984Gregory Hall, a PEP alumnus anda fourth-year student in the College,tutors Michael Fenton (left) andMichael Thomas.The reason for OSP's anticipation ofwhat is now recognized nationally has alot to do with Paul J. Sally Jr., professorin the department of mathematics and theCollege. Sally has been "one of our supporters for years," Hawkins said, and wasinstrumental in initiating the competition."When he puts his mind to something itjust happens," Hawkins said.Sally has not been actively involvedwith the competition since 1976, when hebecame chairman of the department ofmathematics. But under his direction, thecompetition more than doubled its number of individual participants and schoolsfrom 300 students from a dozen South Sidehigh schools in 1970 to 700 students from24 high schools all across the city in 1976.Sally believes that mathematics teaching suffered in elementary and secondaryschools because of an increased emphasison teaching reading. "There was notenough time being spent in the classroomon mathematics," Sally said. The competition, which awards small cash prizes to individual winners and participatingschools, was designed to "motivate thekids as much as possible" and to "make excellence in mathematics as rewarding asexcellence in athletics," Sally said.Preparation for the competition goeson in the schools all year long, Sally said.Students use exams from previous yearsfor their general studies and for gainingexperience with the kinds of problems,both multiple choice and written, that thecompetition asks. As a result of the OSPmath competition, public school studentshave the opportunity to participate in regional and national math competitions.The competition has served as amodel for other public school systems,Hawkins said.Despite its programs, the Universitydoes not expect or believe it can improvesecondary education on its own. A crucialelement for keeping students interested inlearning, in high schools as in universities,is excellent teaching. To underscore thatbelief, the OSP recognizes exceptional efforts by Chicago public school teachersand counselors through the Blum-KovlerTeacher Awards. The awards were established by Peter B. Kovler, AB'74, when hewas an undergraduate, though Kovler, now a private investor and a director ofthe Blum-Kovler Foundation, said themoving force behind the awards wasHawkins. "It all started in a casual conversation with Larry," Kovler said. "We weretalking about what people might do tohelp the public schools in Chicago. Wethought if we could boost the morale ofthe most excellent teachers and publishour findings, it would encourage them tocontinue to do superb work."Each year, eight teachers and counselors from Chicago high schools are chosento receive Blum-Kovler awards. Theawards are presented at a special luncheonat which the recipients and their schoolsare given identical commendatory plaques.The recipients also receive a $200 check.Kovler said the awards do for high schoolteachers what the University's QuantrellAwards, established in 1938 by the lateErnest Eugene Quantrell, X'05, a formertrustee of the University, do to honor outstanding college teachers.Kovler said the recent national emphasis on secondary education shows theBlum-Kovler awards were on the righttrack. "It's astounding to Larry and methat suddenly, in the last year, a nationalcommission is beginning to focus on theidea that you should recognize the excellent teacher. We feel somewhat self-congratulatory. After all, we had it figuredout 10 years ago. Our basic idea was to getsome money for good teachers and somepublic attention for them in the media."In addition to running OSP, Hawkinscoaches volleyball and track at Hyde ParkCareer Academy and is a member of theteachers' union. Being part of the systemhe is trying to improve helps to countercriticisms from colleagues that the University programs are being imposed on them."We still have teachers who go in for thatkind of stuff," he said. But that old attitude, which Hawkins sums up as "throwthe money over the wall but don't messwith us" does not work, he feels. The alternative, he says, is for the Universityand the community to work together. "TheUniversity and the community, as neighbors, might as well take down their fencesand see what they can do for each other,"he said. "We live and die with whatevercomes out of it." S Lisa Tan"We had it figuredout ten years ago.Our basic idea wasto get some moneyfor good teachersand some publicattention for themin the media."OPINIONAnAmericanExaminesCanadians'GrowingAwarenessof TheirCivil Rights-or the Lack ThereofBy Edgar Z. Friedenberg, PhD'46 ON SEPTEMBER 15,1983, Mr. Justice MerlinNunn of the SupremeCourt of Nova Scotiahanded down a 182-pagedecision in a case brought by fifteen NovaScotia landowners who had sought a permanent injunction against Nova ScotiaForest Industries, to prevent the Swedish-owned pulp and paper company fromspraying lands adjacent to their own withthe herbicides 2,4-D and 2,4, 5T, which areingredients of the defoliants used in Vietnam under the name Agent Orange.The effects of these substances,which contain or release dioxin, on thehealth of Vietnamese in contaminatedareas appears to have been devastating.American veterans have mounted massivelitigation seeking recompense for injuriesthe defoliants may have caused them.Their use has, in any case, been bannedby the United States as it has in Swedenand several provinces of Canada, including Ontario and British Columbia, whichare major producers of pulpwood.Mr. Justice Nunn denied the injunction. The landowners had obtained a temporary injunction against the spraying lessthan a week before it was to have begun inthe summer of 1982, thus forestalling ituntil the case for a permanent injunctioncould be tried on its merits. In contestingthis injunction the defendants could, anddid, require the landowners to pledge assets covering any damages sustained byNova Scotia Forest Industries (NSFI) as aresult of not having been allowed to spraythese lands. This meant that the landowners, having no other resources to coverwhat the law, in effect, treats as theirwager, were obliged to offer their ownlands as security, to be forfeited if theylost the case, as they now have. Canadianlaw also makes the losing side in a civilsuit liable for the court costs and expensesof both sides, subject to a ruling by thejudge who, in this decision, awarded legalcosts to NSFI without allowing the landowners to argue this issue; though a hearing will be held later to determine theamount to be assessed against them.Edgar Z. Friedenberg, PhD'46, professorof education, Dalhousie University, NovaScotia, is an American citizen who has taughtin Canada since 1970. He is the author of sixbooks, including The Vanishing Adolescent,Coming of Age in America, and Deference toAuthority: The Case of Canada. He also haswritten an (as yet unpublished) autobiographical account of his life as an academic, entitledScrew Your Courage.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1984Judging from the media reactions afterMr. Justice Nunn handed down this decision, the Canadian public was stunned byit, especially by the probability that thelandowners might be rendered destitute asa result of their temerity in having launcheda lawsuit in which they asked for nothingfor themselves except protection for theirhealth and that of their children andneighbors. As spokesmen for the NSFIhave been quick to point out, they shouldn'thave been. The landowners were aware of,and appalled by the risks; but they hadsought for months to persuade the Provincial authorities to forbid the spraying, onlyto be dismissed contemptuously as a bunchof probably subversive kooks. The application for the injunction was the only avenue open to them; though they knew itmight lead into a trap. It is possible thatthose of us who sympathize with and support their position have responded onlywith stunned dismay because expressionsof anger at the Court's decision or derogatory comment on it would subject us to citation for contempt of court under Canadianlaw, although sober analysis of its possibleunfortunate consequences, offered with duerespect is, presumably, permitted.I do not, however, wish to discussthis case, or the issues raised by it, exceptas illustrations of certain aspects of theCanadian legal system, which most Americans, even University of Chicago graduates, know nothing about but assume tobe essentially similar to our own. It is not.It is more similar to the British system, butin some respects significantly more repressive than either. The differences often turnout to be greater on paper than in practice, especially when the U.S. Departmentof Justice is part of an administration generally unsympathetic to civil rights andcivil liberties. But they are nonethelessenormous.Formal civil liberties, entrenched in aConstitution and paramount over otherlaws and regulations, are foreign to theBritish legal tradition which Canadashares. They are rejected as undemocraticunder the doctrine of ParliamentarySupremacy which holds that no aspect ofhuman life or behavior may be ruled apriori to lie beyond the jurisdiction of theelected representatives of the people.Hence, no entrenched rights; what Parliament giveth, Parliament may taketh away.The courts do recognize certain rights basedon common law and natural justice ratherthan on legislation. But these are not immune to legislative attack or abolition.Parliament may and does legislate aboutanything. It may and does pass legislation that in the United States would be regarded as bills of attainder. Provincialparliaments, for example, frequently legislate an end to specific legal strikes. Manyemployers feel, with some reason, thatthis greatly facilitates the process of collective bargaining, and Provincial governments tend to compete to see which cando most to encourage industry.The doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy might have a legitimate appeal toCanadians who favor democratic government, if Canada were governed primarilyby Acts of Parliament. But it is not. Theactual governing of Canada is accomplished primarily by Orders-in-Council,which have the force of law and requireno approval by Parliament. Indeed, theymay be secret; as in the case of the Orderfixing the price of uranium a few yearsago which became public only when Canadian producers seeking to comply withit ran afoul of American anti-legislation —though Canada has very similar legislation with which the Order was probablyin conflict. An Order-in-Council is established by the inner Cabinet — including thePrime Minister, of course— and proclaimedby the Governor General in the name ofthe Queen. The Cabinet is drawn chieflyfrom elected members of Parliament butalso includes some Senators, who are appointed in Canada. It does not includemembers of the opposition. Its minutesare secret and lie beyond any subpoenapower. Its members retain the title ofPrivy-Councillor, and remain bound bytheir oath of secrecy, for life. This may beused to obstruct official inquiries intomatters of government policy — or anything else. Some 4,000 Orders-in-Councilare passed each year, and this, rather thandirect legislation, is the usual device forattacks on civil liberties. The War Measures Act, for example, was invoked byOrder-in-Council during the Quebec October Crisis in 1970, suspending all formalcivil liberties in Canada.In 1982 Canada adopted a writtenConstitution whose central and most important feature is a Charter of Rights andFreedoms. This break with tradition wasnot accomplished without great conflictand compromise. Most of the Provincialgovernments opposed it as a threat totheir own power to govern and succeededin turning the final draft into an awkwardand self-limiting document, weakened byexemptions and waivers. It neverthelessprovides a basis on which Canadians canbring suit to declare policies and legislation invalid as violations of the Charter,which was never possible before— the Ca- The public wasstunned by theprobability that thelandowners might berendered destitute asa result of theirtemerity in havinglaunched a lawsuit inwhich they asked(only) for protectionof their health andthat of theirchildren.Formal civil liberties,entrenched in aConstitution andparamount overother laws andregulations, areforeign to the Britishlegal tradition whichCanada shares. nadian Bill of Rights, adopted by theDiefenbaker administration in 1960 was itself merely an Act of Parliament like anyother act and the courts generally refusedto disallow legislation on the grounds thatit conflicted with the Bill of Rights. Theyalso interpreted the initial clause of theBill, which begins by asserting that: "inCanada there have existed and shall continue to exist ... the following humanrights and fundamental freedoms" as providing that the Bill of Rights could nottherefore be construed to have providedCanadians with any rights or freedomsthey hadn't had before it was passed.These were the grounds on which the Supreme Court of Canada rejected, interalia, the plea that capital punishment wasunconstitutional.There can be no doubt that the Constitution Act of 1982, with its Charter ofRights and Freedoms, is paramount, andit has given rise to a flurry of litigation inthe short time since it has been in effect.(Not all of it is in effect. There is a three-year waiting period attached to the provision, for example, that guarantees equalrights to women. Americans, who haverejected their own Equal Rights Amendment, are hardly in a position to criticizethat.) Whether the charter will provemore effective than the Bill did remains tobe seen.What the adoption of the Charter hasundoubtedly done is make civil liberty anissue prominent in public consciousness ina way that it never was before in Canada,and with this comes a heightened awareness of existing laws and legal practicesthat affect the freedom and dignity of individuals. Some of these will probablycome to be seen as unconscionable. In arecent decision Judge John Fitzpatrick ofthe Supreme Court of Ontario held thatnotwithstanding the Charter of Rights,the Attorney General of Ontario still possesses absolute immunity against any actionfor damages, even if malicious prosecution could be proved. The plaintiff was ayoung hospital nurse who had been driveninto hundreds of thousands of dollars ofdebt defending herself against highly publicized charges of having murdered infantsin the hospital's care. At a preliminaryhearing to determine whether the caseshould be brought to trial, the judge threwit out for lack of evidence — some of theactions alleged against Susan Nelles hadoccurred at times when the records clearlyshowed her not to have been on duty; andthere were other irregularities. By this decision, Miss Nelles has been denied a trialon the merits of her case against the Attorney General, the Honorable RayMcMurtry, although her actions againstsome subordinate law-enforcement officials continue.Judges in many countries, includingthe United States, enjoy absolute immunity from any possible litigation that mightotherwise result from what in other professions would be called malpractice.Other public officials in most jurisdictions, including Canada and the UnitedStates, enjoy a qualified but extensive immunity under the terms of the well-established "good faith" defense: to wit, thatthe official was doing what he believed tobe his duty with perhaps misguided zeal.But this immunity does not excuse eitherreckless negligence in carrying out thoseduties, or, certainly, malice.Such extraordinary immunity is justified by the assumption that law enforcement officers must be free to carry outtheir duties without fear of reprisal fromthose who might claim to have been victimized, no matter how just those claimsmight be. The Government of Canada isnot based on formal separation of powers,and although an independent judiciary isvalued and usually taken for granted, thejudiciary is administered by the Office ofthe Attorney General, Provincial or Federal as the case may be. Judges in Canadaare appointed to serve to the age of 75 andcannot be removed by the Attorney General of the day. But they are dependent onhis office for the amenities and arrangements that govern their professional life.The involvement of the judiciary in theoperations of what in the United Stateswould be called the executive branch ofgovernment has led to serious questionsabout the independence of the judiciary,some of which are pending in cases beforethe Supreme Court of Canada — a violation, surely, of the maxim that no manshould sit in judgment of his own case,but where else can it be decided? Similarand more extensive questions were raisedby the Honorable Jules Deschenes, ChiefJustice of the Superior Court of Quebecand one of Canada's most respected jurists, in a remarkable and astonishingly little publicized book called Maitres Chex Eux—Masters in Their Own House, publishedin 1981.None of this, of course, is evidencethat Judge Fitzpatrick's decision was influenced by the Attorney General or his office; and I do not suggest that it was. Thatis not the issue that concerns me here. Iam merely perplexed by the logic of ajudicial system that dare not risk exposing28 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1984THfiT ILL BE 32* fOnTHE IBM ...PLUS 5*FOR HANDLING. - ¦ ' '.. ':: ¦"¦' ¦ ' "' itself to the slightest risk of retribution,even by due legal process, at the hands ofthose it may have wronged, but admits nodoubt of its power to render an impartialdecision in a case against an official who iscertainly empowered by his position toharass a judge, though he would, onetrusts, be disinclined to do so. The decision suggests a certain asymmetry in itsvision of justice, which may perhaps beblind but should not be astigmatic.There is a possibility, however slim,that the Supreme Court of Canada mayinterpret the Charter so as to resolve suchissues as these more favorably to liberty.But there is one aspect of the Canadian legal system which it is not designed totouch and which I, as an American, findquite incredible. Canadian criminal lawpermits a defendant to be prosecuted overand over for the same offense indefinitely,after having been acquitted each time.Theoretically, it does not. TheCharter of Rights does provide that noperson shall be prosecuted again for an offense of which he has been finally acquitted. But an acquittal is not necessarilyfinal until the Supreme Court has reaffirmed it or refused to hear an appealagainst it by the Crown prosecutor. In theUnited States the prosecution cannot, ofcourse, appeal an acquittal at all. In England, the Crown may do so to clarifyan error in law, but this action does notplace the defendant in further jeopardy —he goes free even if the Crown prevails onappeal. But not in Canada.One celebrated case, which draggedon for more than five years to a final settlement involves a charge against TheBody Politic, the Toronto based and internationally respected Gay Rights monthly,for publishing in November, 1977, an article entitled "Men Loving Boys LovingMen." This was not an obscenity charge;such charges may be brought under Canadian law, but that statute was not invokedin this case. The law that was invoked isbroader, vaguer, and would be unconstitutional on its face in the United States— itforbids the distribution of indecent, immoral, and scurrilous material. This neednot be obscene in the usual sense if theposition advocated is sufficiently offensive to community standards in Canada.Nobody has been charged under this section of the Criminal Code with distributing the statements of Pierre ElliotTrudeau; but if The Body Politic had lost,someone might have felt encouraged tobring such a charge, especially in westernCanada where the buffalo now outnumber the Liberals.But The Body Politic didn't lose. It was acquitted. The Attorney-General ofOntario — the same one as in the Nellescase, Roy McMurtry — appealed againstthe acquittal, and won the right to try TheBody Politic again on the same charge,before a different judge. It was acquittedagain. McMurtry appealed again, but thistime his appeal for a third trial on thesame charge was dismissed. This, action,too, was appealable, but no appeal was,in fact, filed within the 30 days permitted,and the acquittal has finally become final.No jury was involved in any of theproceedings against The Body Politic. Theuse of a trial jury in Canada is exceptional— only about two percent of trials on indictable offenses (felonies) are jury trials.The right to trial by jury is, like otherhuman rights in Canada, recognized butrestricted. It is not available to defendantscharged with minor offenses. If an accusedperson is tried by a jury, the Crown has theright to exclude any forty-eight potentialjurors on a panel until all other possiblejurors have been excluded. The defense isaccorded no corresponding right. A jurytrial need not be accorded civil litigants,and rarely is. The plaintiffs in the NovaScotia herbicide case requested a jury trial,but were denied it on the grounds that ajury could not be expected to assess thecomplex technical evidence of scientific ex-perts with competence.There are many other characteristicsof the Canadian legal system whichAmerican readers might find arresting,but I have written enough to suggest itsflavor. Taken as a whole, my observations would lead me to two opposing butcomplementary general conclusions aboutthe legal system's basic relationship tothose who are subject to it.The first of these is that the Canadianlegal system now derives its effectivenessas a means of social control less from thesanctions it may formally impose on thosewho finally lose cases before it than fromthe expense and harrassment to whichthey find themselves subjected, often foryears, as a consequence of their involvement with it, even if they win. This isespecially true, of course, of persons whofeel that they are trying to defend a vitalprinciple in court. A more venially motivated litigant would merely estimate hisposssible losses shrewdly and cut themby abandoning his case. The Crown cannot be unaware of the power that it invokes by bringing an action, civil or criminal, whether or not it can reasonably expect to win its case. It may not intend toharass its victims, but a reasonable Crownmust surely be aware that this is a highlyprobable consequence of its actions. This,in an ordinary civil action, would beenough to establish liability for those consequences, which almost inevitably include the exhaustion of its adversaries'resources, physical and emotional as wellas financial. Since, in a matter of principle,those who support the principle feelobligated to help as far as they can todefray the costs imposed on their embattled colleagues, the litigation becomes adevastating tool by which the resources ofan adversary may be drained. During thelandowners' lawsuit against the NovaScotia Forest Industries, opponents of herbicide spraying contributed $150,000 tohelp defray these costs. The court costsand damages, not yet assessed, may run toas much as half a million dollars more,though I would predict that prudence inthe face of public opinion may limit thedefendant's claim for a kilogram of flesh.An appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada is legally possible, and would surely bein the public interest, but fifteen alreadydestitute landowners can hardly be expected to contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars in this cause. Indeed, onDecember 9, 1983, an agreement was announced whereby Nova Scotia ForestIndustries agreed to settle for the balanceof about $10,000 remaining in the defense fund contributed by the landowners' supporters, in return for their agreement notto appeal the decision against them. NSFIalso stated that it would match this contribution and use the total sum to establish ascholarship fund for students of forestry.A newly formed organization, whichplans to continue to oppose herbicidespraying by political persuasion, avoiding, if possible, the quagmire of the courts,will have to start from scratch.The Body Politic case, thoughultimately successfully defended, has leftthe paper with a threatening deficit andhas been a drain on the gay communityand on other civil libertarians who, likemyself, have each contributed hundredsof dollars toward legal costs through theyears. It adds to our sense of outrage thatthis is, in effect, a form of taxation to support hostile government action even as wedefend ourselves against it.But the opposing and complementaryconclusion I would reach is that the Canadian public is becoming aware of its legalsystem as a source of constraint upon it,and is resisting that constraint before ithappens, more vigorously and more effectively than I would have thought possibleon the basis of my first ten years in thiscountry — I came here in 1970. There hasbeen an awakening of sorts. The countryisn't becoming radicalized, for sure — itmay be becoming polarized. Despite frequent public assertions to the contrary,Canadians are not lurching to the right interms of political philosophy, though Ithink they may be in economic philosophy. The illusion that they are is due, Ibelieve, to a form of social parallax. Asthe left picks up speed, stationary institutions, holding on for dear life, appear tobe moving backwards. None of the thingsI complain of in this article is a new incursion on liberty; all are examples of customs and procedures that have been accepted here with little or no protest formore than a century, and are only nowbeing perceived as abuses.New incursions on liberty run intoheavy resistance. The government's newNational Security Bill C-157, which wouldhave set up an internal security serviceauthorized to do everything the CIA hasever dreamed of doing and provided apenalty of five years imprisonment foranyone who revealed who was doing it,seems to have been opposed by almostevery interest group in the country. Civillibertarians, of course, but also provincialpremiers, associations of police chiefs,and conservative citizens who considerthat some of the actions allowed in the Bill are indecent unless performed by theirspouse or the Royal Canadian MountedPolice, who are presently vested with thedefense of national security in Canada butwould lose that responsibility if the proposed new bill were passed. Leading theopposition, and on civil libertariangrounds, was Ontario Attorney-GeneralMcMurtry himself. The national debatewas a marvelous and cheering spectacle,rather like a Harvard University HastyPudding Show, which derives much of itseffect from casting burly Harvard men inroles extravagantly inappropriate to theirapparent inclinations. The bill has beenwithdrawn from the Order Paper of thecurrent session of Parliament, and may beexpected to be substantially altered beforeit reappears.Earlier, in 1972, groups representingthe interests of women and aboriginalpeoples — as well as, in this instance, thoseof the Canadian people generally, who remain indebted to them — succeeded incompelling the government to restoreclauses guaranteeing certain rights towomen and to native peoples which hadbeen excised from the Constitution at theeleventh hour in an effort to gain Provincial acceptance. The enfeebled version ofthe document had been accepted, albeitrather sadly, by the Prime Minister. It wasalready being trumpeted, albeit somewhatmutedly, by the media, when it was turnedaround by militant groups of women,Inuit, and Indians. O, my! What are wecoming to?I do not know the answer to thisquestion, which certainly concerns me.The one thing I am fairly sure of is that theconflict over liberty in Canada is going toget more severe before it begins to reachequilibrium — it will never be resolved, ofcourse, here or anywhere. On the onehand Canada has a population that includes a growing number of increasinglyarticulate persons who have learned whatcivil liberty means and why it is important. On the other hand, Canada has institutions which often seem smugly proudof their ability to resist change, and bafflethose who challenge them, quite withoutregard to the merits of their challenge.Under these circumstances the legalsystem must serve as a safety valve formounting social tensions by providing anapparent channel for the redress of grievances against those instituitions and, ifpossible, a real one as well. The Canadiansystem cannot do this effectively if itcomes to be perceived as, essentially, apart of the problem rather than thesolution. 930 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1984LASRContinued from page to launch HEIDI because he wantedto be near the equator for geo-magneticrequirements.Later this year, Meyer will send aballoon up from Hudson Bay in northernCanada because of different geo-magneticrequirements for another experiment.However, not all of Meyer's experimentsneed a specific locale for a launch. "Someexperiments," he explained, "do not haveany restrictions on the geo-magnetic field. "HEIDI will be looking for two isotopes of beryllium when it rises beneath aballoon from Hawaii this year: Beryllium10 and beryllium 9, designated 10Be and9Be. °Be is a stable isotope. 10Be is radioactive and decays with a half -life of 1.6million years into boron. The longer thecosmic rays have been traveling, the longerago beryllium will have been produced incollisions, and the smaller will be the ratioof lOBe to 9Be among them. Because thehalf -life of lOBe, the time it takes for half asample to decay, is known exactly, beryllium serves as a radioactive time clock thatshould tell scientists how long the typicalcosmic ray flies around before it leaks outof the galaxy.Simpson's small silicon detectors measured the beryllium ratio in lower energycosmic rays from an interplanetary spaceprobe over a five-year period, "a delicateexperiment," he explained, "because youcatch about three atoms of beryllium in aweek." His results said that cosmic raysaverage an age of 10 million years ormore. (Previously it had been widely believed that the average age was only oneto two million years.)Meyer's larger detector, however, cancatch rays traveling much closer to thespeed of light. And when matter pressesclose to the speed of light, it enters a realmwhere time and space are warped in thefun house mirror of relativity. Time slowsdown for the particle."We want to measure l°Be at energiesalmost 100 times higher than Simpsonmeasured them," Meyer says. "So for anobserver on Earth, the particle's clock isgoing slower. Instead of living 1.6 millionyears on average, the higher-energy 10Benuclei might live 16 million years." The longer-lived time clock may beable to tell exactly how long the averagecosmic ray has been traveling. But eventhat, points out Mark Wiedenbeck, "doesn'tnecessarily tell you how long ago the cosmic ray particle was formed." Wiedenbeck,assistant professor in the department ofphysics, the Enrico Fermi Institute, andthe College, is LASR's newest facultymember, and head of another researchgroup. He came here a year ago from theUniversity of California at Berkeley,where he also had studied the riddles ofcosmic ray isotopes."A cosmic ray that's been travelingfor ten million years," he says, "may actually have been ejected from a star a billionyears ago, and accelerated much later."Most cosmic rays probably do notget their speed when they're thrown out ofa star. They're believed to be acceleratedlater on by shock waves, surges of energythat ripple through space from farawaystellar upheavals and explosions. AsWiedenbeck points out, the time betweenexit and acceleration is another mystery,and there is a whole list of elements andisotopes which, if caught, may providethe answer. The Solar Polar mission, forone, will be searching for some of these.As cosmic rays reveal more and moreabout their nature to the scientists behindthe detectors, they also reveal more aboutthe astrophysical puzzles out of whichthey originated — the complicated chainsof fusion events that perform science'sversion of genesis inside a star; a star's ultimate collapse into a neutron star orwhite dwarf or its disappearance in a self-immolating explosion; the dynamo ofmatter and energy in interstellar space-puzzles only a theorist could love."One of the strong points of this laboratory is that we have experimentalistsand theorists under one roof," observesMuller.Down the hall from Muller's officeat LASR is the office of SubrahmanyanChandrasekhar, the Morton D. Hull Distinguished Service Professor in the departments of astronony, astrophysics, andphysics, who was awarded the Nobel Prizelast year for his studies of stellar evolutionand relativity. Nearby is Eugene Parker,Distinguished Service Professor in the departments of astronomy, astrophysics andphysics, the Enrico Fermi Institute and theCollege, who predicted the existence ofthe solar wind years before its discovery.Currently, Meyer, Parker, and Simpsonare also studying high energy phenomenaon the Sun, which eventually should havean impact on our understanding of the failure of communications on Earth overthe polar regions. Simpson likes to referto this research as the "solar-terrestrialconnection.""We are deeply concerned with fundamental research, and we are makingmajor discoveries at an extremely rapidrate," he explains. "Experiments fromChicago are distributed throughout thesolar system. We now have a completeUniversity of Chicago solar system laboratory' out there, continuously sendingdata about cosmic radiation in the galaxy,and about transient phenomena from theSun, back to Earth by radio"How did a laboratory which startedwith one man, borrowing space for his instruments on a WW II bomber, developinto an institution on the scientific cuttingedge, with equipment that flies on thespace shuttle, and rides space probes thatleave the solar system and leap over thepoles of the Sun?"You can't underestimate the importance of having a lab that's able to innovate," said Simpson. "Already in 1959 itbecame clear that novel detectors wereneeded to fully exploit the challenges ofspace flight."At Chicago, Simpson, Meyer, andtheir colleagues decided to set up a smalllaboratory in solid state physics, using thenewly acquired facilities and engineers ofChicago Midway Labs. There they developed an early lead in the design of thosesilicon semiconductors that were to takecosmic ray research deep into space over atwenty-five year period.Then, when the opportunities camealong, we were a generation ahead,"Simpson says. "Chicago was first into orbit with these devices. We were on thefirst space probes to the planets. Ourgroup in Chicago has been very fortunate.We are in the position of being able to carry out fundamental astrophysical researchwhile, at the same time, exploring the entire solar system. The credit for theseachievements goes to everyone involved —faculty, scientific staff, professional team,and students."Sitting in his office at LASR, Simpsonpicks up a small scale model of the telescope which will ride in the Solar PolarProbe over the top of the sun, and smilesat it. It will be at least six years before theoriginal telescope will start reporting backto this Earth-bound scientist. But whenever it does, you can bet Simpson will bescanning its messages carefully, eager tolearn what this latest of LASR's very special emissaries can tell him about the mysteries of interstellar space. B31MulchContinued from page 19.year, the program is a two-quarter FieldResearch Project. That means not justknowing a considerable amount of statistics, economics, and sociology, but alsoknowing how to put them all together intoa creative and useful statement about social conditions. The idea behind the project, says program coordinator Orfield, isthat "the only way you can actually learnhow to do policy research is to do policyresearch."The exact nature of the project variesfrom year to year, but it usually involvesdoing a study for an outside client on someissue that is relevant to important decisions on public policy. The study is expected to be of professional caliber. Thisyear's group is studying access to highereducation for the Citizen's Schools Committee, a public interest group."They are looking at a lot of extremely complicated issues, and finding verydramatic stratification of students by classand race throughout the whole educational system," said Orfield. Last year theydid a report on "Latinos in Chicago: AStudy of Housing and Employment," forthe Latino Institute of Chicago.In doing the project, students becomenothing less than experts on the subject athand. "We start out, for example," saysOrfield, "with students who don't knowanything about census data systems. By theend of the second quarter, some of themknow more about the issue they're lookingat than anybody else in the country."To reach this level of expertise, students must have a firm interdisciplinarygrounding, particularly in the social sciences. But what they learn from doing theproject is more than the sum of its parts.They learn what kind of skill and imagination are needed to put those parts together into a useful statement. The complexities of social issues can be referred totheoretically; but to be understood, theymust be experienced in practical terms."One of the skills that you have todevelop when you work on policy problems," explains Orfield, "is learning howto find basic sources, how to find peoplewho can explain to you what you have toknow, because these problems do nothave neat boundaries. You have to devel op the theories and hypotheses and datasources, and the understanding to explainand answer an actual problem somewhere."The Public Policy program seems tobe succeeding at doing just that. The report for the Latino Institute last year wasthe first important piece of research on urban Latinos to use the 1980 Census Bureaudata, and has had a considerable politicalimpact since it was released last fall. "I getcalls on it every day or two," says Orfield."All of the congressional offices called forcopies. There's been a congressional hearing already where some of the data weresubmitted. It's being used in grant applications for job training programs aroundChicago." The importance of such a project, Orfield believes, is that, "if we do itright, it really does add to knowledge in away that wouldn't be, otherwise; becausenobody would have given the money toproduce this kind of research."Undergraduate research has otherpractical benefits as well. "It has evenmade contacts for people. Several students had jobs last summer that related tothe kinds of work we were doing. Severalhave developed long-term interests insome of these issues — I think as a result,not just of being interested in something,but of learning something themselves, ofmaking information, and coming to understand their own society in a differentway, and beginning to understand the importance of different kinds of public actions," said Orfield.Doing research cultivates habits ofthought in a way that other academic experiences do not. So thinks Richard Taub,associate dean of the College, who considers the Public Policy program a model forthe kind of innovation that can help theCollege adapt to changing educationalneeds. Perhaps the most valuable thing tobe gathered from research, quite apartfrom particular skills and impressive resume credentials, is "a special insight intowhat knowledge is — that knowledge is, ina way, a man-made product."He cites the Public Policy program asan example. "If you're going to be a policymaker, then it's essential that you understand the research process. Very often policies are not made within the frameworkof a bedrock of fact. They're made of people's beliefs about what the world is like.And while people should always have beliefs about what the world should be like,they ought not to have beliefs about whatthe world is like without having the kindof knowledge that research provides."All research," he continues, "has severe limitations. When you learn some thing about the world, what you learn isonly true within some framework. In doing social science research, you learn thatyou're constrained by the kinds of datathat are available, by the costs of collecting data, by the fact that people are reticent."As part of Project '84, a year-longendeavor in which eleven task forces offaculty and students are re-examining theCollege curriculum, Martha K. McClintock,associate professor in the department ofbehavioral sciences and the College, headsa committee which is investigating ways tomake undergraduate independent researchprojects an even more valuable experience. The nine faculty members and sevenstudent members of the committee meetbi-weekly. "We are looking at new ways toincorporate undergraduate research intothe curriculum," said McClintock. "Thestudents on the committee are trying to figure out a way of centralizing informationabout research opportunities, so that students hoping to do research and facultyseeking student researchers can find outabout each other with ease."Reflecting on her experiences in doingundergraduate research, Susan Feurzeigtouched on some of the intangibles shehad gained along the way:"I wanted to do something with thedevelopment of American theatre, andNick Rudall (associate professor in the department of classical languages and literature and artistic director of Court Theater)suggested I look up the Federal TheaterProject — they had separate Negro companies from about 1930-45. Black theater ofthis period, as all theater, was becomingmore socially and politically activist. Forthe first time, black playwrights begancontributing significant amounts of work.I went to the New York Public Library tolook for scripts and programs. The LoebFellowship gave me the freedom to gowhere I knew there was a lot of source material, at a time when I thought I mighthave difficulty just finding enough stuff.At first I was afraid that what I was doingwould be an incomplete survey, and that itwould be so incomplete that I wouldn'thave a right to say anything. Now I don'tthink that. I got to the point where I'd seenenough examples of things, and readenough things so if I missed something Iprobably would have some idea of what Iwas missing, instead of being completelyin the dark."I think it was important to do this,"she concluded, "because it gave me thefeeling that I could analyze things myself,instead of counting on some sort of expertto show me the answers." 8UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1984City Catalog of University of Chicago ClubsClub Name Club PresidentAlbany, NYAtlanta, GABoston, MAChicago, IL'Cleveland/Akron, OHDallas, TX•Denver, CODetroit, MIHong KongKansas City, MOLondon, EnglandLos Angeles, CAMiami, FLMilwaukee, WIMinneapolis, MNNew York, NYNorth CarolinaNorthwest IndianaPhiladelphia, PAPhoenix, AZPittsburgh, PAPortland, ORSt. Louis, MOSan Diego, CASan Francisco, CASeattle, WATokyoToronto, CanadaTucson, AZTulsa, OKWashington, DC The University of Chicago Clubof the Capital DistrictThe University of Chicago Clubof AtlantaThe University of Chicago Clubof BostonThe University of Chicago Clubof Metropolitan ChicagoThe University of Chicago Clubof Northeast OhioThe University of Chicago Clubof DallasThe University of Chicago Clubof DenverThe University of Chicago Clubof Metropolitan DetroitThe University of Chicago Clubof Hong KongThe University of Chicago Clubof Kansas CityThe University of Chicago Clubof Great BritainThe University of Chicago Clubof Greater Los AngelesThe University of Chicago Clubof Greater MiamiThe University of Chicago Clubof MilwaukeeThe University of Chicago Clubof the Twin CitiesThe University of Chicago Clubof New York, Inc.The University of Chicago Clubof North CarolinaThe University of Chicago Clubof Northwest IndianaThe University of Chicago Clubof Greater PhiladelphiaThe University of Chicago Clubof PhoenixThe University of Chicago Clubof PittsburghThe University of Chicago Clubof Greater PortlandThe University of Chicago Clubof St. LouisThe University of Chicago Clubof San DiegoThe University of Chicago Clubof the San Francisco Bay AreaThe University of Chicago Clubof the Puget Sound AreaThe University of Chicago Clubof TokyoThe University of Chicago Clubof Canada-Ontario ChapterThe University of Chicago Clubof TucsonThe University of Chicago Clubof TulsaThe University of Chicago Clubof Washington, DC Ronald S. Calinger, PhD'7110 Crystal Lane, Latham, NY 12110David P. Robichaud, AB'741076 North Valley Drive, Decatur, GA 30033Thelma Gruenbaum (Mrs. Michael), AB'52, AM'56260 Dean Road, Brookline, MA 02146John Jay Berwanger, AB'36117 Briarwood Street, Oak Brook, IL 60521Gregory Balbierz, AB'72, AM'733111 Coleridge Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44118Joseph Rosenstein, AB'39, AM'41, PhD'505848 Colhurst, Dallas, TX 75230Joyce K. Newman (Mrs. Melvin), PhD'551517 South Dexter Street, Denver, CO 80222Frederick P. Currier, X'517 Rathbone Place, Grosse Pointe, MI 48230Lincoln C.K. Yung, MBA'70— Nanyang Cotton Mill, Ltd.Room 1830, Swire House-Central, Hong Kong, Hong KongBarbara M. Ruml (Mrs. Treadwell), AB'44121 West 48th Street, Kansas City, MO 64112Sir Robert M. Shone, AM'347 Windmill Hill, London NW3, EnglandJames H. Murr, AB'41928 Wiladonda Dr., La Canada, CA 91011John T. Gaubatz, JD'672912 Alhambra Circle, Coral Gables, FL 33134Blaine E. Rieke, MBA'706111 North Berkeley Boulevard, Whitefish Bay, WI 53217Kenneth L. Cutler, AB'70, MBA'70— Dorsey & Whitney2200 First Bank Place East, Minneapolis, MN 55402Peter A. Goodsell, AB'716050 Boulevard East, Apt. 17-G, West New York, NJ 07093John P. Beckwith, Jr., JD'744101 Five Oaks Drive, Apt. 40, Durham, NC 27707Elizabeth W Williamson (Mrs. E. Bernard), AB'43, AM'48309 West 47th Street, Gary, IN 46408Martin Wald, MBA'57, JD'64— Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis1719 Packard Building, Philadelphia, PA 19102Eugene M. Kadish, AB'63, JD'661500 Candlestick Drive, Tempe, AZ 85283Joseph Pois, AM'27, PhD'29825 Morewood Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213B(arbara) J. Seymour, PhB'48, AM'621405 Park Avenue, S.W., Apt. 34, Portland, OR 97201Fred J. Moriarty, MBA'7115515 Highcroft Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017Carl D. Nelson, MBA '635285 Alta Vista Street, San Diego, CA 92109Donald L. McGee, JD'6630 Boulevard Court, Walnut Creek, CA 94596Joseph A. Whitlow, AB'394222 Shore Club Drive, Mercer Island, WA 98040Iwao Shino, MBA'55— Pfizer Taito Company, Ltd.P.O. Box 226, Mitsui Building, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, JapanFrederic L.R. Jackman, PhD'80— Invicta Investments, Inc.60 Young Street, Suite 200, Toronto, Ontario M5E, 1H5 CanadaJohn M. Boop, MBA'686255 Camino Pimeria Alta, Apt. 130, Tucson, AZ 85718Nancy G. Feldman (Mrs. Raymond), AB'44, JD'462120 East 46th Street, Tulsa, OK 74105Patricia C. Cassimatis (Mrs. Emanuel), AB'67, MAT'699619 Kingston Road, Kensington, MD 20895*to be chartered33CLASS NEWS1 ry Mary Van Dyke Haney, PhB'17, of_1_ / Winona Lake, IN, teaches illiterates andthe handicapped.James Sellers, ABT7, of Lexington, MO, ispresident of Wentworth Military Academy, 20 Helen M. McClure, SB'20, AM'23, hasmoved to the Van Dyke Nursing Home,in Ridgewood, NJ.Leonie Krocker Thornburg, PhB'20, ofMilwaukee, WI, does volunteer work for St.FROM A.B. TO NEW MUSICi '•Three young alumni have left Hyde Park for the north side of Chicago, where they work as 911, aband specializing in new music. From left to right: Marcus Padgett, AB'83, MBA'83; Karl Kaiser,AB'83; David Gruenbaum, AB'81; and Willy Tebbits. Not shown is Owen Cooper.where he teaches Latin.Ethlyn Lindley Walkington, PhB'17, wroteher memoirs, Gently Down the Stream, in1981, and remembers the days when the tuitionat U of C was $20 per quarter. Her first book,Journey Through a Century, was published in1966, and recalled the story of her stepmother'slife through memories which were "valuablehistory." She lives in Twin Falls, ID.Hamlin, X'18, ofetired author and"I O Charles HunterJ.O Fulton, MO,teacher.Clifford Manshardt, PhB'18, AM'21,PhD'24, of Los Angeles, CA, is a retired socialworker, editor, author, and state departmentofficial.1 Q Helen Joy Weinberg, X'19, of Chicago,AJy recently had a retrospective exhibitionof her work shown at the Montgomery WardGallery. John's House and Tower, and is vice-presidentof its council.*} *} Charles A. Messner, AM'22, of Lee's£u£U Summit, MO, teaches literature coursesto retirees at the John Knox Village retirementcommunity.O O Ruth Bowers Piette, PhB'23, AM'45, of4-L <J Leesburg, FL, attended her sixtieth classreunion last June.Wilbema Ayres Wigelsworth, PhB'23,lives in Los Angeles, CA.*} A William T. Heron, PhD'24, of Goleta,£jjt. CA, has fourteen grandchildren andfive great-grandchildren.O tZ James W. Cooksey, PhB'25, of ArlingtonZivJ Heights, IL, is retired from Illinois Bell.Philip H. Wain, PhB'25, and his wife recently celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They live in Los Angeles, CA. O f"7 Anton B. Burg, SB'27, SM'28, PhD'31,i-i i of Los Angeles, CA, is continuing research as a professor emeritus at the Universityof Southern California.Everett A. Grimmer, X'27, is retired fromdentistry after fifty years.*} O Charles S. Barrett, PhD'28, of Denver,£j(J CO, has been awarded for his "abilityand leadership in materials research" by an international journal.Alice Kastle Brown, PhB'28, of Sun City,AZ, is secretary in her husband's geologicalconsulting business.Catherine Boettcher Felding, PhB'28, ofSarasota, FL, contributed $25,000 to the AsoloOpera Guild.Elmer Gertz, PhB'28, JD'30, of Chicago,recently received the Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity award for his work. He teaches at theJohn Marshall Law School.Alexander Pogo, PhD'28, of Pasadena,CA, recently celebrated his ninetieth birthday.He has been a member of the Carnegie Institution of Washington for more than fifty years.29 Helen Waddle Roofe,Paul G. Roofe. PhB'29. See 1934,O f\ Alice de Mauriac Hammond, PhB'30,<J\J SM'32, is eighty-four years old. Shelives in Cody, WY.Leonard Landwirth, PhB'30, of Los Angeles, CA, is retired and stays active by playinggolf and bridge.Raymond B. Sawyer, PhD'30, and his wifehave moved to a new retirement home inAllentown, PA.O'l Ruth Aranoff, PhB'31, of Los Angeles,<JjL CA, recently visited the campus after athirty-six year absence.Arthur R. Cahill, PhB'31, of Branson,MO, has been retired for eleven years. He ismarried to Jeannette Smith Cahill, PhB'32.lO Jeannette Smith Cahill, PhB'32. SeeOAt 1931, Arthur R. Cahill.Waldo Crippen, PhB'32, of Louisville, KY,was recently married. His crossword puzzlesare syndicated in about 400 publications.Florence Andrews Frappier, PhB'32, ofSouth San Francisco, CA, is retired and recently traveled to Europe.Robert B. Greenman, SB'32, MD'37, andhis wife recently visited Israel.Guillelmine Cummins Prehn, AM'32, ofCookeville, TN, works in her studio at home,and teaches art and French.Ruth Elna Schoneman, PhB'32, of Chicago, is active in the Society of ArchitecturalHistorians, for which she travels widely.Maxine Speyer, PhB'32, of ClarendonHills, IL, is president of the local chapter of theAmerican Association of Retired Persons.Charles Woodruff, PhB'32, JD'34, of Alexandria, VA, has retired from law practice, butUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE Spring 1984is still active as chairman of an American BarAssociation Committee.O O George R. Balling, PhB'33, AM'38, of<J<J Santa Monica, CA, is retired from theChicago Public School system.John W. Brooks, PhB'33, of Chicago, manages a golf driving range for the Chicago ParkDistrict.Col. Vernon P. Jaeger, X'33, of Portland,OR, has been appointed to a second term onthe Governor's Advisory Committee to theOregon Dept. of Veteran's Affairs.Richard O. Niehoff, PhB'33, AM'34, ofWest Lansing, MI, and his wife recently stayedat the Quadrangle Club.Mary Davis Zeisler, AB'33, of Chicago,has retired as director of the Chicago Unit ofRecording for the Blind.O A Harry W. Malm, AM'34, of Chicago,OTX was named a Marco Polo member ofthe Society of American Travel Writers for "extraordinary service." Malm, whose law office isin the Chicago Monadnock building, has beenlegal counsel to the group for twelve years. He ismarried to Dorothy Heinke Malm, X'40.Paul G. Roofe, PhD'34, is retired as a professor of anatomy and neurology. He lives inLawrence, KS. He is married to Helen WaddleRoof, PhB'29.O C W. Edward Clark, AB'35, of Omaha,<D\J NE, enjoys traveling since his retirementfrom high school teaching.J. Henry Gienapp, AM'35, is retired fromteaching after fifty years at Concordia College,Milwaukee, WI.Harold L. Hitchens, AB'35, AM'36,PhD'59, of Pittsburgh, PA, is a senior researchassociate at the University of Pittsburgh, and aconsultant to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs.Herman Pines, PhD'35, of Evanston, IL,has been awarded the Docteur Honoris Causafrom the University of Lyons in France.Cornelia M. Roberts, AM'35, of Grays-lake, IL, is retired from teaching.O/l Randolph Bean, AB'36, of Brunswick,>D\J ME, sings with local jazz groups andhas just sold a books-and-music store he founded fifteen years ago.Martin F. Young, AB'36, of Dobbing, CA,is retired from engineering, and is working to"ban the bomb, remembering the Oxford Oathwe signed at a Quadrangle rally in '34."'I H William F. Hewitt, MS'37, PhD'42, of<J / Whittier, CA, recently received the"Volunteer of the Year" award at the LosAngeles Sex Information Helpline.Doris May Hunter, SB'37, of Pittsburgh,PA, is an associate professor at the Universityof Pittsburgh, and is in private practice as apsychoanalyst.Emil Lucki, AM'37, PhD'40, lives in Clearwater, FL.William T. Zusag, SB'37, of Joliet, IL, retired in 1980. Lee's Summit, MO.Ellis B. Kohs, AM'38, has written two musical compositions, Subject Cases and Men, using texts by Gertrude Stein. The first piece wasperformed in 1982 at the Schoenberg Institutein Los Angeles, and the second is scheduled fora 1984 premiere at the University of SouthernCalifornia, Los Angeles. His book, MusicalComposition , was published in 1980 by Scarecrow Press.Ernest M. May, PhD'38, of Newark, NJ, Marvin Weissburg Weldon, X'39, of Hollywood, CA, retired after forty years as ascript supervisor.J. A. Whitlow, AB'39, is active in the University of Chicago Club of Puget Sound, Washington, which has been recently reactivated.A (\ Bernice L. Anderson, SM'40, of Indian-"v apolis, IN, is retired from the U.S. CivilService and the food service of the U.S. Army.Katharine Jane Bruere, SB'40, lives inFAMILY ALBUM— '84Paulo Leme, AM'Sl, Claudia Leme, AB'83, Patricia Alves. (Not shown, father OgLeme, AM'56.)38 Edith S. Beadle, SB'38, lives in the JohnKnox Village retirement community in is a member of the National Commission onNursing.O Q Judson W. Allen, AB'39, of New Yorktjy City, is associate manager of OverseasTreasury Service of the Presbyterian Church.Martin Bronfenbrenner, PhD'39, of Durham, NC, will retire from Duke University atthe end of this academic year to take a post at aTokyo college.Leah Spilberg Joseph, AB'39, AM'40, ofBaltimore, MD, has retired from her state jobwith the Mental Hygiene Administration.Elbert M. Long, PhD'39, and his wife livein Hermosillo, Mexico.Ruth Moser Sellers, SM'39, and her husband live in a retirement community inGwynedd, PA.Don Smucker, AB'39, of Indianapolis, IN,has retired after forty years in the industrialcoated abrasives field.Ruth Schuler Stewart, AM'39, SM'40,lives in Escondido, CA. Madison, WI.Seymour K. Coburn, SB'40, of Pittsburgh,PA, is retired from U.S. Steel and runs a corrosion consultant practice.Sherman C. Lowell, SB'40, is a retiredmathematics and computer science professorfrom Washington State University, Pullman,WA.Dorothy Heinke Malm, X'40, See 1934,Harry W. Malm.Rev. Lester B. Rickman, AM'40, of Columbia, MO, is Minister-President Emeritus ofthe Christian Church of Mid-America.Lois Hay Swisher, SB'40, and her husbandhave moved to Albuquerque, NM.A -1 Jean Berkson Sachs, SB'41, SM'43, isTx -L director of the Bureau of Home Economics of the Chicago Board of Education.Frederick L. Swanson, AB'41, and HarrietAugustus Swanson, AB'41, of Chicago, celebrated their thirty-seventh anniversary.A*} Robert H. Dreisbach, PhD'42, MD'42,HiZj lives in Seattle, WA.David Lazarus, SB'42, PhD'49, of Urbana,IL, is a professor of physics at the University ofIllinois, and has been elected a fellow of theAmerican Association for the Advancement ofScience.Blossom Willens Levin, AB'42, has movedto Chicago from Indiana.Thomas Fred Lewin, AM'42, PhD'62, isretired from the University of Washington six months in Florida.Yaffa Draznin, AB'43, has been admittedto the PhD program at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, where she willfocus on Victorian England for her doctorate inhistory.Dorothy Best Goldberger, AB'43, of Seminole, FL, has retired after thirty years with theDepartment of Health and Human Services.Beverley Blanksten Hummel, AB'43, ofBethesda, MD, has had four one-woman showsFAMILY ALBUM— '84Joseph Phillips, Gregory Phillips, AB'74, PhD'83, Mary Phillips, Mary C. Phillips, AB'81.School of Social Work, Seattle.S. Dell Scott, AB'42, JD'47, was named"Man of the Year" by the Foundation of theJunior Blind. He and his wife, Ruth PollackScott, AB'44, live in Sherman Oaks, CA.Robert O. Wright, AB'42, is associatedean for administrative services at the University of Illinois, College of Medicine, at Peoria.He has been chairman of the Peoria Health Fairfor two years, and writes, "we have been toldby the National Health Screening Council thatthis Health Fair is one of the top three in theUnited States in terms of participant and screening turnout."A O Frank Brooks, SB'43, recently had tri-TX«J pie bypass surgery. He teaches at theUniversity of Illinois.Silvia Gaetti Calesini, AM'43, of Glen-view, IL, has taken summer study at Clare College, Cambridge University.Grace Moore Dean, SB'43, of De Land,FL, is retired and spends six months in Illinois, of her abstract acrylic paintings.Ruth Irene Mitchell, SB'43, AM'50, ofWashington, PA, is retired from missionary nursing in India and lives at the ThomasCampbell retirement community.Rev. Harold K. Shelley, AB'43, was installedas minister of the Unitarian Fellowship ofCocoa, FL. He lives in Rockledge, FL.A A Haskell M. Block, AB'44, a professor atTITX the State University of New York, Bing-hamton, was a visiting professor at the University of Antwerp in Belgium last year.Elvira Vegh Gil de Lamadrid, SB'44, andher husband, Jesus Gil de Lamadrid, SB'48,SM'49, of Minneapolis, MN, took a year-longsabbatical in Paris.Ruth Johnson, SB'44, SM'49, of Norfolk,NE, is retired and enjoys traveling.Harriett Jacobson Schwarcz, AB'44, ofWatchung, NJ, is involved in real estate.Ruth Pollack Scott, AB'44. See 1942, S.Dell Scott. Mary Reed Wendel, PhB'44, AM'47, andArthur F. Wendel, MD'49, have four grandchildren. Arthur is still in medical practice, as istheir son, Reed Wendel, MD'75.A C Ernst R. Jaffe, SB'45, MD'48, MS'48, ofTlv Tenafly, NJ, is president-elect of theAmerican Society of Hematology.A £. Charles P. Bluestein, AB'46, AM'47, ofTt \J Los Angeles, CA, works for the California Employment Development Departmentand the U.S. Bureau of the Census.Ruth Fay Cooper, AB'46, of Austin, TX,teaches at the University of Texas School ofBusiness.Malkah T. Notman, PhB'46, SB'47, ofBrookline, MA, practices psychoanalysis inBoston. Until recently, she taught at the Harvard Medical School.Leila Stuart Shostak Rowe, PhB'46,MAT'71, of South Holland, IL, spent fiveweeks touring England.A <~7 Jacob Brouwer, AM'47, of Sheridan,TX / WY, is retired as a Veterans' Administration hospital administrator.Donald L. Fernow, AB'47, MBA'48, ofDarien, CT, is an executive with ThomsonMcKinnon Securities, Inc.Fred E. Fiedler, AM'47, PhD'49, of Seattle,WA, has been named to a second term on theWashington State Medical Disciplinary Board.Fanchon Frohlich, PhB'47, of Liverpool,England, attended a conference on biologicalsystems.JohnHoving, AB'47, of Washington, D.C.,has been named deputy chairman for planningof the Democratic National Committee.Robert E. Howard, PhB'47, of Little Rock,AZ, is retired after twenty years of collegeteaching and fifteen years as a realtor.Oscar Miller, AM'47, of Skokie, IL, remains a professor of economics at the Universityof Illinois after his retirement as associate vice-chancellor and dean of students.Marshall T. Nanninga, AB'47, MBA'47, ofFt. Lauderdale, FL, retired after eighteen yearswith Walter E. Heller & Co.Guy Nery, AB'47, of Hinsdale, IL, isretired.Phil Richman, AB'47, of Chicago, has established a public relations firm.Jonas H. Siegel, AB'47, of Tulsa, OK, is anaccountant and financial consultant for TechDesign, Inc.Ellen Lund Walker, AB'47, is retired andlives in the Carol Woods retirement community, Chapel Hill, NC.Chester A. Williams, Jr., AM'47, of NewOrleans, LA, is president of a mail ordercompany.A O James W Carty, Jr., DB'48, of Bethany,TtU WV, was named Doctor of Divinity bythe interdenominational Seminary of Puerto Rico.Jesus Gil de Lamadrid, SB'48, SM'49. See1944, Elvira Vegh Gil de Lamadrid.Morris W. Leighton, SM'48, PhD'51, ofUrbana, IL, has been appointed chief of the Illinois State Geological Survey.Sidney Liswood, MBA'48, of Ontario,Canada, was honored by the establishment ofUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAr.A7INF,s„ri„„ ,oa,<the Sidney Liswood Chair in health administration and economics at Ben-Gurion University,Tel Aviv, Israel. He has also been named a visiting professor there.John H. Russel, PhD'48, is retired from theUniversity of Toledo, OH, where he was namedprofessor emeritus.Sara Louise Seekford, SB'48, of Charleston, WV, is retired as coordinator in a countyschool system.George Warren, AM'48, is a retired armyofficer and university professor.George J. Worth, AB'48, AM'51, is a professor of English at the University of Kansas inLawrence.Jerome M. Ziegler, AM'48, is dean of theCollege of Human Ecology at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.AQ Wa,ter E- Broman< AM'49, PhD'51, is^.y professor of English at Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA.John W. Buck, AM'49, of Terre Haute, IN,has retired after twenty-nine years with the Indiana Department of Corrections.Warren E. Gauerke, PhD'49, of GrossePoint, MI, interviews prospective students forthe University of Chicago.Harry E. Groves, JD'49, of Durham, NC,spoke on constitutional law in Bangladesh lastsummer.M. Henry Jamison, MBA'49, of Bartles-ville, OK, is advisor to Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corporation.Susan Pearlman Kagan, X'49, recently received a PhD from the City University of NewYork in the Bronx.Daniel Lautman, PhB'49, MBA'51, of LosAngeles, CA, is president of Hollywood Ribbon Industries, Inc.Paul Lerman, PhB'49, of Teaneck, NJ, isprofessor of social work and sociology atRutgers University, NJ.Elizabeth M. Nichols, MBA'49, waselected regent of a chapter of the Daughters ofthe American Revolution. She lives in GreenCove Springs, FL.Julian Perlstein, MBA'49, is retired aftertwenty-seven years with the State of Connecticut Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.Karl Zeisler, PhB'49, of Chicago, is financial vice-president of Rush-Presbyterian-St.Luke's Medical Center.CA Donald M. Baer, AB'50, PhD'57, of\J\J Lawrence, KS, taught and lectured forsix weeks in Japan.Patricia King Hodges, AB'50, of Clare-mont, CA, is chairman of the department ofpsychology at California State University.Katherine A. Kendall, PhD'50, has beennamed a visiting professor at Hunter College,New York City, NY.Charles E. Koch, AB'50, MD'55, of Venice, FL, and his wife are developing a drug rehabilitation program for teenagers.Maurice E. McGaugh, PhD'50, of Wichita, KS, is professor emeritus at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI.William C. Schwartz, SB'50, of Orlando,FL, has sold International Laser Systems,which he founded in 1968. CI Robert P. Anderson, AM'51, PhD'54,sj _L of Lubbock, TX, is professor of psychology at Texas Tech University. He is alsochairman of the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists.Renato Beghe, AB'51, JD'54, of New YorkCity, is a partner in the law firm of Morgan,Leis, & Bockius.Clifford B. Reifler, AB'51, of Rochester,NY, has been named medical director of StrongMemorial Hospital. tension Service.Sumner C. Kraft, MD'55, of OlympiaFields, IL, has been named chairman of the editorial board of Medicine on the Midway, thepublication of the University of Chicago Medical Alumni Association.C /L Jack P. Edelstein, MD'56, of Palo Alto,<S \J CA, practices child psychiatry and psychoanalysis and is a clinical associate professorat Stanford University. He and his wife, MarciaFAMILY ALBUM— '84(Left to right) James K. Curtin, MBA'61, Donna Curtin, James W Curtin, AB'83, Donna Curtin,and Birgit Butzer, a second year student in the College.M Clement C. Watkins, AM'52, of Gary,\D £4 IN, is retired after thirty-five years as ateacher and principal.John Wooding, AB'52, of Oak Lawn, IL,would like to hear from some of his classmates.53 Henry W. Kircher, PhD'53, is a professorat the University of Arizona, Tuscon.E" A Marcia Swiren Edelstein, AB'54. SeeO^ 1956, Jack P. Edelstein.Bert Z. Goodwin, AB'54, JD'57, of Valparaiso, IN, has received a Fulbright awardand will teach American law in Japan.Henry A. Kallet, AB'54, SB'55, of AnnArbor, MI, has been named professor of pathology at Michigan State University, East Lansing.J. Morgan Kavanaugh, AM'54, of Boulder,CO, is a salesman for Data Documents.C C El°'se Snowden Cofer, PhD'55, ofOO Raleigh, NC, has retired as assistant director for the North Carolina Agricultural Ex- Swiren Edelstein, AB'54, are the parents of PeterEdelstein, a first year student in the PritzkerSchool of Medicine.Lee G. Pondrom, SM'56, PhD'58, receivedthe Distinguished Alumni Award from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, and isprofessor of physics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.[T ^7 Elenie Kostopoulos Huszagh, AB'57, of\J / Glenview, IL, is looking forward to herthirtieth class reunion.Millard F. Long, AM'57, PhD'61, of Washington, DC, is an economist at the World Bankin Washington, DC.Payton Smith, JD'57, of Seattle, WA, is apartner in a law firm, and a Fellow in theAmerican College of Trial Lawyers.CQ Richard H. Malone, MBA'58, of Jack-kJO sonville, FL, is chairman of the FloridaHospital Association.Lewis W. Williams, II, PhD'58, is profes-uJune 1&2Rekindle Old Memories:V^ Class Events— Visit old friends and make newones at special anniversary parties. The CLASSOF 1934 and the CLASS OF 1944 will eachhold a Cocktail Reception and Dinner, and a10th Anniversary Cocktail Party is being heldby the CLASS OF 1974. An elegant luncheonat the Quadrangle Club prepared for theCLASS OF 1924 will be followed by theEMERITUS CLUB TEA.Rejoice in a World of Discovery:l^ The Alumni Awards— Highlighting theAwards Assembly will be the conferral of theAlumni Medals, the Alumni Citations, theService Awards, and the Howell MurrayStudent Awards. The ceremony will beheld at the Oriental Institute.V^ Champagne Reception — President HannaHolborn Gray will greet the award winnersand all returning alumni at a special receptionin Hutchinson Court, following the AwardsAssembly.l^ Candlelight Dinner in HutchinsonCommons— Dine in the stately and collegiatesetting of the Commons with fellow alumni,faculty members, and administrators, past andpresent. Edward (Ned) Rosenheim, A.B.'39,A.M. '46, Ph.D.'53, David B. and Clara E.Stern Professor in the Department of EnglishLanguage and Literature and the College,will be the Master of Ceremonies for whatpromises to be rare — and iconoclastic-entertainment.Repast in Style:\^ Continental Breakfast on the Quadrangles followed by:]^ A Carillon Concert, Organ Demonstration,and Guided Tour of Rockefeller Chapelwill start your day off on a melodious note.\^ The Annual Reunion Picnic on theQuadrangles— The perfect setting for analfresco barbecue, with live music undera festive tent. Enjoy!Renew Scholarly Pursuits:U^ Conversation with the Deans — TheUniversity of Chicago is known for its happywedding of tradition and change. Come tohear the Deans of the College, past andpresent, engage in a lively discussion of theCollege then and now.l^ An All-Day Workshop— "Changing Roles,Changing Times, & Changing Needs" willbe sponsored by the School of Social ServiceAdministration and will be followed byl^ The Helen Harris Perlman Lecture— to begiven by Jean Strouse, the prize-winningauthor of The Biography of Alice James.Ms. Strouse is also the author of Women andAnalysis. Meet this year's lecturer at areception afterward at SSA.\^ The 1984 Communicators' Dinner— TheCommunicator of the Year Award will bepresented to Norman F Maclean, WilliamRainey Harper Professor Emeritus in theDepartment of English Language andLiterature, whose English classes stimulatedgenerations of students and whose book TheRiver Runs Through It quietly blossomed intoa nationwide best seller. His longtime colleague,Professor Ned Rosenheim, will give theintroduction.\TRenaissance & RevelryRediscover the Campus:U* Robie House Hospitality Center— Whatcould be a better place to meet your friendsthan this historic house, justly famed as anarchitectural jewel representing the best ofFrank Lloyd Wright? The Robie House willbe open all day. Come, relax, chat. Alumnivolunteers and student representatives willprovide information and refreshments.V^ Tours of Hyde Park and Kenwood in aLondon-Style Open-Air Bus— and—Walking Tours of Campus and SpecialSites will depart throughout the day fromthe Robie House.1^ Athletic Facilities— Want to slip away foryour daily run or workout? Bartlett Gym andthe Henry Crown Field House will be openthroughout Reunion '84.1^ The Annual Hyde Park Art Fair— It's just asyou remember it, with a huge selection of art,sculpture, prints, jewelry, crafts, and muchmore— Saturday and Sunday.Relive Times Past:1^ A U. of C. Film Retrospective— planned bythe University of Chicago Club of Metropolitan Chicago will feature film clips of various erasof the University's history.U* Interfraternity Sing— Hutchinson Courtwill be the setting for the 74th Annual Sing.V* Alumni Night at Jimmy's— End the eveningat the Woodlawn Tap with Jimmy Wilson,Honorary Alumnus '82. Experience thecamaraderie once again at this historic wateringhole. We've booked the University Room forthe evening. . . and there's no curfew.Reserve Accommodations:U* The Hyde Park Hilton— will give out-of-town guests a home away from home. Identifyyourself as an alumnus returning for thereunion and you will be entitled to a reducedprice-$44.00 (single), $54.00 (double).Reserve directly or indicate on the formbelow that you would like more information.We will gladly send you a hotel brochure.The Hyde Park Hilton4900 South Shore DriveChicago, Illinois 60615(312) 288-5800Reservations must be received by the hotelbefore May 1st.Spaces are limited.I (we) are in the Class(es) of.Name(s) Address _and wish to receive additional information on Reunion '84. Degrees City/State/Zip Code-Please include a hotel brochure.Please detach and mail to: Reunion '84, Office of Alumni Affairs, 5757 S. Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago,Illinois 60637, -or call 312/753-2175I would be interested in child care arrangements for child(ren) agedno.sor emeritus at Beloit College, Beloit, WI.OQ Montague Brown, AB'59, MBA'60, ofsjy Shawnee Mission, KS, is president ofStrategic Management Services, Inc.G. Edward Schuh, AM'59, of St. Paul,MN, is head of the department of economics atthe University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.60 William B. Hauser, SB'60, of Rochester,NY, is chairman of the department of Richard Harris, JD'62, of Chicago, is inlaw practice.Karl H. Meister, MBA'62, of Morristown,NJ, is a divisional president with the ScheringPlough Corporation.D. Michael Ray, PhD'62, of Ottawa, Canada, had a bypass operation in 1978.Daniel Rosenblum, SB'62,MD'66, of Kensington, MD, is an internist and oncologist, andis involved in community groups to providesupport for cancer patients.FAMILY ALBUM— '84Erl Dordal, AB'52, MD'56; Mildred Dordal, AM'53; Peter Dordal, AB'78, SM'78; MargaretDordal, PhD'82, MD'83; Ruth Smith; Franklin A. Smith, Jr.history at the University of Rochester.Nancy Freed Kovitz, AB'60, of Glencoe,IL, is an information specialist in an audit andmanagement consulting library./1"1 Sara Lewison Adler, AB'61, of LosU -L Angeles, CA, is an arbitrator in laborand commercial affairs.Richard J. Osius, MBA'61, of Washington,DC, is chief executive officer of a federal creditunion. His first son, Matthew, was born inAugust, 1982.ZlO Olga Kennick Beattie Emery, AB'62,O^J PhD'82, recently received $250 as oneof four people awarded the Walter NicolaiPrize by the American Aging Association.Emery was also awarded the $1,000 HavighurstPrize for a Doctoral Dissertation on Agingfrom the University of Chicago. She is assistantprofessor in the Department of Psychiatry,Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH. £J\ Dave Kellerman, MBA'63, of Albis,UO Switzerland, is manager of marketingresearch for Dow Chemical Europe.Stuart Schan, MBA'63, PhD'67, has accepted a distinguished professorship in the College of Design at Louisiana State University inBaton Rouge.David R. Segal, AM'63, PhD'67, of College Park, MD, is doing psychiatric research atWalter Reed Army Institute of Research./L A Thomas R.Lawton, MBA'64, of Mill-UTI bum, NJ, is a vice-president and director of the Fantus Company.Bill Peterman, AB'64, SM'66, of OakPark, IL, is associate professor at the Universityof Illinois, Chicago and director of the NatalieP. Voorhees Center for Neighborhood andCommunity Improvement.Jean Peterman, AB'64, of Oak Park, IL,served a two-year term as president of a suburban National Organization of Women group.Beverly Dahlen Rimpila, AM'64, of West chester, IL is on the board of directors of theWestchester Chapter of the American CancerSociety.Mitchell S. Shapiro, JD'64, of Los Angeles, CA, is in law practice.Paula Larson Stein, AB'64, of McLean,VA, works for a consulting firm./I £T Charles A. Edwards, AB'65, of Chica-\JkJ go, has been named a vice-president ofCharles R. Feldstein and Company, Inc.Eric Hirschhorn, AB'65, of Washington,DC, practices international trade law.Harold Jones, AM'65, of Cedar Rapids,IA, is a high school mathematics teacher.B. Robert Kreiser, AM'65, PhD'71, is anassociate secretary of the American Association of University Professors. His wife, JeanetteSharpe Kreiser, AB'65, MAT'69, is a coordinator at the University of Maryland. They live inSilver Spring, MD.Robert R. McConnell, AM'65, of Toronto,Canada, is vice-president of program development at Southams, Inc.Albert C. Parr, AB'65, PhD'71, is a research physicist with the National Bureau ofStandards. His wife, Ruth Pieplow Parr,AB'66, runs a day-care center in their home.They live in Gaithersburg, MD.Vincent J. Pelletiere, AB'65, of HoffmanEstates, IL, is chief of plastic and reconstructivesurgery at Northwest Community Hospital./I /I Robert M. Berger, JD'66, is a partner inUU a Chicago law firm, and a member ofthe American College of Real Estate Lawyers.Wiliam Ray Heitzman, of Havertown, PA,is head men's basketball coach at NeumannCollege.Eugene Lowenthal, AB'66, of Austin, TX,is vice-president and director of database machine projects for a new computer technologycompany.Ruth Pieplow Parr, AB'66. See 1965,Albert C. Parr.Zl T7 Elodie Smith Colquitt, AB'67, of Dahl-\J / gren, VA, is a physicist with the U.S.Navy, and the mother of two.Rachel Weisbard Dolan, AB'67, AM'68, ofScottsdale, AZ, is a business development officer for the Northern Trust Company of Arizona.Ned J. MacCarthy, MBA'67, of Newark,OH, is retired from the Air Force after morethan twenty-four years of service.Janet B. Midgley, AM'67, of Chicago, is asales associate with the Urban Search Corporation.Robert D. Rugg, AM'67, teaches at VirginiaCommonwealth University in Richmond, VA.Vera I. Wilson, AM'67, of Baltimore, MD,is coordinator of the vocational education division of the Baltimore City Public Schools./I O Richard E. James, MAT'68, of NewUO Paltz, NY, teaches history and hascoached various sports at New Paltz CentralHigh School since 1967.Marion Sirefman, BFA'68, of Chicago, isthe mother of two children, and works withabused and neglected children.69 Mark Falstein, AB'69, of San Pedro,CA, is managing editor of an educa-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE Spring 1984tional journal dealing with computer software.Lynn Junker Marker, SB'69, of Fredericksburg, VA, has been awarded an SM from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.Gregory J. Nigosian, X'69, of Washington,DC, is director of program development of theAssociation of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges.Jerry Sagotsky, AB'69, of New York City,is an assistant research director at an advertising agency.Nicolaus Tideman, PhD'69, of Blacks-burg, VA, was a visiting professor at the University of Buckingham last summer.1~7(\ Margaret Burke Lee, AM'70, PhD'78,/ \J of Portage, MI, is the dean of instructionat Kalamazoo Valley Community College.Warren Moysey, AM'70, of Ontario,Canada, is senior executive vice-president ofThe Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce,Toronto.David B. Nichols, AB'70, and MarthaShillens Nichols, AB'71, had their second child,Sarah, in 1982. They live in Fort Collins, CO,where David is a senior in veterinary school.Constance Coleman Tice, AB'70, ofTacoma, WA, is a practicing dentist in Seattle.She recently had her first child.Howard H. Turner, MBA'70, and CynthiaMoyer Turner, X'70, of Kirkwood, MO, recently had their first child, Alexander Chase Turner.Cynthia is the daughter of Robert R. Moyer,AB'39, and Caroline Grabo Moyer, AB' Roxanne Bailin, AB'71, of Boulder, CO,/ _L has been appointed a county judge.Joel R. Chapa, AM'71, received his doctorate from the University of Denver, CO. Hiswife, Lorna Asai Chapa, AM'71, is an executive with the Denver social service group. Theyhave two sons, Daniel and Kenji.Fred Cogelow, AB'71, of Willmar, MN,has won many awards for his woodcarvings.Ben Kempeer, MBA'71, of Houston, TX, isan executive in charge of a petroleum equipment group.Dale Larson, AB'71, of Santa Clara, CA,is assistant professor at the University of SantaClara, and has edited a book on psychologyteaching. He and Deborah Jane Kennedy weremarried recently.Martha Shillens Nichols, AB'71. See 1970,David B. Nichols.Tim O'Brien, AB'71, of Cicero, IL, and hiswife recently had their second child, Emily.Carol Rodning-Otteson, MST'71, is headof early childhood education at CaliforniaLutheran College in Thousand Oaks, CA.Donald Frederick Smith, PhD'71, of Morton Grove, IL, is doing research at a Denmarkpsychiatric hospital.H'J David A. Baron, AB'72, PhD'79, and/ 4-1 Susan Duchon Baron, AM'79, weremarried last summer. He is assistant professorat the Medical University of South Carolina,Charleston. She is a project coordinator for alocal higher education committee.Steve Zimo, AB'72, MBA'72, is controllerof the Chicago Corporation. He and his wife,Deborah Hewitt Zimo, AB'75, have had theirfirst child. f7^ Terri S. Feinstein, AB'73, of New Yorki <J City, is an associate with the law firmKleinberg, Kaplan, Wolff, & Cohen.Robert Schulmann, PhD'73, of Princeton,NJ, is assistant editor for a publication ofAlbert Einstein's correspondence and papers.rjA Francis B. Harrold, AM'74, PhD'78,/ TX TX, is assistant professor at the University of Texas, Arlington.David W Murray, AM'74, of Quaker Hill, Deborah Hewitt Zimo, AB'75. See 1972,Steve Zimo.r7/l Caryn Ronda Bienstock, AM'76, of/ \J Rowayton, CT, is assistant clinical professor of social work at Yale University and is adoctoral candidate at New York University,New York City.Brian Harman, AM'76, of Indianapolis,IN, and his wife, Bonnie, have switched denominations from the United MethodistFAMILY ALBUM— '84(Left to right, back row) Mary Rafferty; Mark Zezulak, AB'81; Patricia Zezulak; George Zezulak;Kathleen Zezulak, AB'77, PhD'83; Robert M. Sklar, PhD'79; Joann Kizuch; Bob Kozuch. (Leftto right, front row) Theresa Zezulak; Cynthia Zezulak Erviti, AB'80; and Ellen Sklar.CT, teaches at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA.John L. Scadding, PhD'74, is director ofpublic information at the Federal Reserve Bankof San Francisco, CA.ryC John G. Carlson, MBA, of New York/ J City, is an executive with General Instrument Corp. He and his wife have had their firstchild, Sean.Michael Franzen, AB'75, has accepted apost-doctoral fellowship at the University ofNebraska, Omaha.Carlos G. Rizowy, AM'75, has been admitted to the Illinois Bar, and is chairman ofthe political science department at RooseveltUniversity, Chicago.Pamela J. Ruggieri, AM'75, of San Diego,CA, has received her PhD in clinical psychology at the California School of ProfessionalPsychology.Truman P. Young, AB'75, of Littleton,CO, is assistant professor at the University ofMiami, Coral Gables, FL. Church to the Evangelical Orthodox Church.William Alan Kolb, AB'76, of River Forest, IL, received a PhM from Cambridge University, England.Dennis F. Misurell, AB'76, MBA'78, ofFlanders, NJ, is a director of consumer productsmarketing with the Warner Lambert Company.James J. Romanek, JD'76, of Chicago, is alegal counsel for the Inland Steel Company.Melissa Trommer Weiss, PhD'76, of Tulsa,OK, is in private practice, and is a state appointee to the Foster Care Review Board of theState of Oklahoma.TJ rj Roberta Robin Ellis, AB'77, AM'83, of/ / Boston, is an environmental consultant.Andrew Krakauer, MBA'77, of Secau-cus, NJ, is a financial manager with the HealthCare Group.Genevra Chasanov Neumann, SB'77, ofWalnut Creek, CA, is a computer programmer.Michael O'Kane, AB'77, of Miami, FL, isworking for the Panama Canal Commission.f7Q Jonathan Baskin, AB'78, AM'79, of/ V Cambridge, MA, is working on an economics doctorate at Harvard University.Bruce E. Fleming, AM'78, of Salisbury,MD, has received a PhD from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.Michael Francis Hoff, AB'78, and MaryBarcellos of San Francisco, CA, were marriedrecently.John MacDougall, X'78, and Lisa Roberts,AB'82, traveled through Central America lastsummer.Hank A. Milius, AM'78, of East Tawas,MI, is a mental health clinical program director. He and his wife have two children.Gustavus F. Swift, AB'78, AM'83, MBA'83,of Chicago, and his wife had their second childlast year.70 Susan Duchon Baron, AM'79. See/ y 1972, David Baron.Kathleen Capels, AM'79, of Atlanta, GA,is assistant director of the Georgia Endowmentfor the Humanities.Christine Tyma Degrade AB'79, ofMedia, PA, has received her AM in Spanish literature from the University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, and is working on her PhD.Steven J. Dzurak, AM'79, of Milwaukee,WI, has joined the law firm of Petrie, Stooking,Meixner & Zeisig.Michael S. Fitzgerald, AM'79, has joinedthe history department of the University ofSouthern Colorado, Pueblo.Sarah Hudnutt Pilgrim, AM'79, of CedarRapids, IA, is founder and president of a translation company.John Joseph Riordan, MBA'79, of MountProspect, IL, is a manager at InternationalMinerals and Chemical Corp. He and his wifehave had their second child.Mark N. Schneider, JD'79, of Salt LakeCity, UT, is retired from law practice, and is ahost on a consumer affairs talk show.Liz Christensen Schweinfurth, AB'79, isattending law school at Northwestern-Lewisand Clark School of Law, Portland, OR.QA Nancy K. Karp, X'80, of Chicago, isKJ\J active in her family's Oriental art importing business.Michael Kuby, AB'80, and Lauren HacketKuby, AB'80, of Somerville, MA, were married in Philadelphia, PA.Edward A. Kuske, MBA'80, of Upper Saddle River, NJ, is president and chairman of theboard of Enzyme Bio-Systems, Ltd.Jeff Leavell, AB'80, has been graduatedfrom law school at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.Dave Samson, AB'80, of Cambridge, MA,is working for a PhD at Harvard University.Charles Stone, AB'80, of Taiwan, is studying at Taiwan Normal University under a Japanese government scholarship.William J. Udovich, AB'80, is a graduatestudent in sociology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.Karl Voltaire, MBA'80, PhD'83, of Arlington, VA, works as an economist for the WorldBank . He and his wife recen tly had a son , Mikael . O"! Joseph R. Gordon, MD'81, of Brook-kJ-L. lyn, NY, is in training in general surgery.George Klawitter, PhD'81, is assistantprofessor of English at Viterbo College, LaCrosse, WI.Julio Mateo, Jr., AB'81, is a studentat the University of Minnesota Law School,Minneapolis.Stephen May, AB'81, teaches reading toadults in Los Angeles, CA, schools.Q1! Heather E. Lorimer, AB'82, of New\J 4-i York City, is a biochemist at ColumbiaPresbyterian Medical Center.Sherie Negrea, AB'82, of Madison, NJ, is anewspaper reporter. Timothy Rolte, PhD'82, is an assistant professor at Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA.Q O Stacy Dutton, AB'83, of Washington,OO DC, is working for an AM from JohnsHopkins University, Baltimore, MD.Thomas Lang, AB'83, of Portland, OR, isconducting research at the Weitzman Institutein Israel on an Israeli grant. He also received afellowship to the University of California atBerkeley, which he plans to use next year.Richard Moss, AM'83 of Ft. Morgan, CO,works in the commodity business.Jay M. Wasserman, AB'83, of Miami, FL,is a management consultant with an accounting firm. BDEATHSFACULTYAllison W. Davis, the John Dewey Distinguished Service Professor in Education, diedNovember 22. Davis was one of the first blacksto obtain a full-time teaching post at a majornorthern university. His research in intelligenceshowed that some IQ tests were unfair to blackchildren.John C. Jamieson, SB'47, PhD'52, a professor in the Geophysical Sciences, died June26. A professor at the University since 1956, heled research studying the effects on matter ofpressures and temperatures. He was also a consultant to several laboratories, including LosAlamos National Laboratory, and was an editorial advisory board member of the journalHigh Temperatures-High Pressures. He was a1968 recipient of the Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.Warren C. Johnson, Vice-President andProfessor Emeritus, died October 17. He was aprofessor in the department of Chemistry.Murray Rabinowitz, Louis Block Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at the University, a member of the National Academy ofSciences, and an award-winning heart researcher, died October 18. He received the AmericanHeart Association's research achievementaward in 1983. Rabinowitz was director of theMedical Center's Cardio-Pulmonary Laboratory.THE CLASSES1900-1909Tracy W Simpson, X'09.1910-1919Josephine Mayer Stern, PhB'10, August.Ada W. Dickerson, PhB'U, October.Louise P. Smith, X'llElizabeth C. Crosby, SM'12, PhD'15, July.Emada Avery Griswold, PhB'12, November.Hirsch Essie Soble, PhB'13, JD'15.Benjamin Victor Cohen, PhB'14, JD'15, August.Bertram P. Hoist, AM'14, October.Leland Levitt Bull, SB'15, MD'17, July.Julia Frances Conklin, PhB'15, September. Ralph M. Hogan, SB'15, AM'16, PhD'27,January.Stanley Hart Udy, PhB'15, September.Myra Mead Cope, SB'16, MD'23, January 1983Raymond Brandt Kepner, MD'17, August.Thomas P. Mulligan, X'17, March.William J. Gallagher, SB'18, MD'20,February 1983.Carmen Ullmer Hunter, X'18, July.Katherine B. Jobson, PhBT9, August.Carroll Mason Russell, SB'19, October.Ethel Amelia Wold, AM'19, June.1920-1929Joseph P. Brennan, MD'20, May.Lansing R. Felker, X'20, July.Lee W. Foster, PhB'20, March.Robert F. Imbt, SB'20, June.Marion Moore Maguire, PhB'20, March.Robert E. Mathews, JD'20, November.Charles H. Piper, SB'20, MD'22, July,.Albert A. Yort, LLB'20, October.Henry L. Cox, PhD'21, AugustMary Talmage Shambaugh, PhB'21,February 1983.Enid Townley, SB'21, SM'25, February 1983.Alta Lola Weir, AM'21, July.Irma Gladys Aleshire, SB'22, MD'24,November.John T Browning, X'22, October.Raymond E. Draper, JD'22, November.Frank R. Hamblin, PhD'22, October.Mollie Bahr Nieland, SB'22, December.Virgil M. Jacoby, JD'23, April.Walter H.C. Laves, PhB'23, PhD'27, October.Agness Todd Miller, AM'23, October.Betty Miller, PhB'23, June.Elizabeth Christy Payne, PhB'23, October.Emily C. Peterson, PhB'23, December.Clarence C. Clark, AM'24, September.Marcella Ehrmann Comstock, PhB'24, April.Lillian Herstein, AM'24, August.Andrew P. Slabey, PhB'24, July.Irwin Goldman, PhB'25, JD'27, April.A. Bert Johnson, PhB'25, February 1983.Laura Novak Kerr, PhB'25, October.Robert A. Lundy, PhB'25, August.John William McHaney, MD'25, November.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 19Orpheus W. Barlow, PhD'26, MD'36, JuneJoseph W. Beard, SB'26, July.Royal J. Casper, PhB'26, July.Goodwin L. Dosland, JD'26, March.Leslie T. Kent, SB'26, September.Helen Warner Lewis, X'26, February 1983,Eleanor Holmes Morgan, PhB'26, AM'29,October.Helen Strause Oberndorf, PhB'26, May.Alex C. Pendleton, PhB'26, JD'27.Ruth Felicia Petran, AM'26, May.Robert E. Skinner, X'26, May.Oscar K. Dizmang, AM'28, August.Joseph E. Gubbins, X'27, September.Frederick A. Lloyd, MD'27, August.Ruth Funston Marquardt, PhB'27, September.Robert S. Lowell, JD'27.Milford E. Rice, PhB'27, June.Lewis W. Woodruff, MD'27, August.Karl Berninger, PhB'28, October.Floyd H. Davidson, PhB'28, May.Ruth Marguerite Downey, SB'28, September.James S. Julien, SB'28, August.Carl E. Larson, AM'28, September.H.J. Sachs, PhB'28, AM'29, November.George Jacob Buchy, PhB'29, September.Ferdie Davis, PhB'29, November.Grace Read Dean, AM'29, November.Samuel Z. Goldman, LLB'29, July.Thomas E. Hunt, PhD'29, July.Raymond Edward Nelson, AM'29, July.Mary Rawles Spurbeck, SM'29, PhD'34,August.Frances S. Nuelson, AM'29, August.Isidor Walerstein, PhD'29, June.1930-1939Myrtle Brannon Ferrell, AM'30.Verle N. Fry, JD'30.S. Elizabeth McFetridge, MD'30, September.Anna Sexton Mitchell, AM'30, July.C. Malcolm Moss, JD'30, February 1983.Alice Sarisky Siegal, PhB'30, June.Richard Seth Zug, SM'30, February 1983.Herbert W. Vandersall, SM'30, September.Herbert Wald, SB'30, August.Cecil E. Combs, X'31, December 1982.Esther Jeannette Donnelly, PhB'31, March 1982.Richard C. Keen, SM'31, PhD'35.Russell MacFall, AM'31, September.Margaret Hall Powers, SM'31, August.Gordon K. Smith, PhB'31, May.Sara A. Thompson, PhB'31, August.Raymond V. Cradit, AM'32, October.John W. McConnell, PhB'32, August.J. Paul McGinnis, AM'32, August.Carl M. Skonberg, PhB'32, October.Leila Stevens, AM'32, October.Harry B. Miller, MD'33, July.John M. Simpson, X'33, October.Alice Lawrence Smith, PhB'33, March.Edward J. Bedrava, SB'34, April.Helen Luetta Bell, PhB'34, April.Elwyn Evans, MD'34, May.Kenneth I. Kesler, PhB'34, June.Alma Christine Leonhard, AM'34, June.David C. Levine, X'34, July.Robert J. Reynolds, SB'34, August.Ward Stewart, AM'34, July.William G. Straitiff, SB'34, July.Walter G. Williams, PhD'34, October.Harold A. Baker, PhD'35, April. Daniel C. McNaughton, AM'35, July.George E. Rosengreen, MD'35, March.Frank Bernard Sazama, MD'35, July.Dorothy Grimes Evans, AB'36, April.Helen Cook Newman, X'36, September.Joseph D. Romino, MD'36, August.Sanford Goodfriend, MD'37, April.Elizabeth Seley Hemmens, SB'37, PhD'41,September.Harold H. Shively, JD'36, August.Inabel Burns Lindsay, AM'37, September.Mary Ella Harrison, PhB'38, October.Jack H. Knox, AM'38, August.Bertram D. Kribben, PhD'38, June.J. Fredrich Lutz, MD'38, November.Jane Greene Michel, AB'38, August.Arthur L. Vogelback, PhD'38, October.Samuel Cummins, SM'39, October.John H. Gilbert, Jr., AB'39, JD'40, July.Carl A. Hanson, X'39, June.Francis Oster, SM'39.Harvey M. Patt, SB'39, PhD'42.Margaret Hobson Patterson, AM'39, March.Eva Ravnitzky, AM'39, February 1983.1940-1949David L. Harris, AB'40, AM '41, September.Maurice Krinsky, X'40, July.Leroy E. Purvis, X'40, July.Fern Lowry, AM'40, October.Leo A. Luckhardt, SB'41, January 1983.Max Nicolai, JD'41, September.Eli Martin Obler, AB'41, June.Hilgard Pannes, X'41, July.Nellie Kerchner Epple, AM'42, May.C. Edhem Taneri, SB'42, March.Betty Marguerite Wettstyne, MBA'42, August.Martha Johnson Goes, AB'43, November.Joseph L. Jernegan, Jr., MD'43, March.Charles Johnson, SB'43, MD'45, August.Jean Caswell Johnson, X'43, January 1983.Charlotte Weiss Rosenberg, X'43, August.Evelyn Berkowitz Katz, X'44, September.Merrill Mead Parvis, PhD'44, July.Gloria K. Chapman, MBA'45, April.Richard A. Johnson, PhB'45, MBA'47, July.Priscilla Bergquist Steinbrecher, AB'45, March.Hazelle Bernstein Haberman, MBA'46,September.Roy Paul Meyer, AM'46, October.Ruby Dorothy Nutting, AM'46, June.Jack Webb, MBA'46, August.Helen M. Simpson, PhB'18, Makers ofHistory, a book, says the author, "about myfather, husband, and daughters."Walter Blair, AM'26, PhD'31, and RavenMcDavid, both of whom are emeritus professors in the Department of English Languageand Literature, editors, The Mirth of a Nation:America's Great Dialect Humor (University ofMinnesota Press). Nineteenth-century American humorists delighted their countrymen withcomic stories about American life. Rebellingagainst the genteel literature of the day, with Eugenia Lea Remelin, PhD'46, October.B. June Gilliam, PhB'47, September.Warren P. Sights, Jr., PhB'48, MD'52,September.May Lillian Tangern, AM'48, April.Milton L. Rakove, AM'49, PhD'56, November.1950-1959Frank M. Schabel, Jr., PhD'50, August.Sumner Scott, PhD'50, October.Edwin A. Strugala, AB'50, JD'53, January 1983.Grace Maeta Larsen, AM'51, April.Max D. Orr, X'51, September.Edwin A. Tulley, MBA'51, March.Robert E. Weintraub, AM'52, PhD'54,September.Marjorie Lucille Page, AB'53, November 1982.Eugene H. Peters, DB'53, PhD'60, May.Martha Irene Hoist, AM'54, July.Elliot D. Weitzman, MD'55, June.Clifford J. Hand, PhD'57, September.Herbert P. Feibelman, Jr., JD'57, June.Frances Zapatka, X'59, July.1960-1969Henry D. Gebben, AB'60, November.Robert E. Sonnenburg, MD'62, October.Richard A. Semmler, SM'63, October.Marian E. Iwert, SM'64, MBA'71, September.Wayne T. Edblom, AB'65, September.T. Abner Huff, MBA'65, August.Mary Nevin Slawski, AM'65, August.Virginia M. Kaiser, AM'67, August.Jacob Meir Duker, PhD'68, July.Randall H. Evans, Jr., MTh'68, DMn'70.David G. Nelson, AM'69, PhD'72, May.1970-1979Harold K. Markell, PhD'71, August.Edmunde D. Riedl, MBA'71, October.Arlie O. Boswell, Sr., JD'72, July.O.W Cundiff, PhD'72, JulyCarl K, Mirikitani, JD'72, July.William F. Kruger, MBA'73, March.James R. Price, AM'74, August.Roy M. Chapman, AB'76, April, 1982.Edward W Fitz, AM'76, August.Donald J. May, MBA'76, November 1981.Ann O'Gorman Smagorinsky, AM'77,August 1982. 9f its stuffy diction and orthodox spelling, these/ rambunctious jokesters created a rich new indigenous style, which H. L. Mencken said "firsti forced the seasoning of American writing withthe pungent herbs of the vernacular." But ine their zeal, the humorists used misspellings, abbreviations, and other devices so lavishly thatf many modern readers find it impossible to wadethrough the dialect and enjoy the humor. Blairi and McDavid present a selection of these crea-5 tions in carefully modernized texts that sacrificei neither the wit nor the grit of the originals.BOOKS by Alumni43Blair also is editor of the recently publishedMark Twain's West, (Lakeside Press.) These areBlair's thirtieth and thirty-first books.Harold Eugene Davis, AM'27, History andPower: The Social Relevance of History (University Press of America). Davis, professoremeritus of history and international service atAmerican University, Washington, DC, examines the theory of socio-political power and itsrelationship to the theory of history. He inquiresinto the nature of social power, historical contributions to social power, and the historical relevance of question^ of social policy.Helen Rummons Schaible, AM'27, LateSeason (Orangewood Press, Orange, CA). Theauthor reports that her book of poetry, published in 1981, "has done very well."M. Emett Wilson, AM'27, Relativity ofSurvival and Evolution (Vantage Press, Inc).The author contends that human thinking andfeeling, which determine human behavior, arejust as materialistic as the physical body. Hefeels that educators and the law must be devotedto establishing the physical thinking and behavior that will insure survival.James Wakefield Burke, X'29, DavidCrockett: The Man Behind the Myth (EakinsPublishing Company, Austin, TX). Burke describes this, his twentieth book, as a "revisionist" biography containing material on Crockettnever before published, and one which will "endall Crockett biographies."George Lynn Cross, PhD'29, Letters to Bill:On University Administration (University ofOklahoma Press). Cross was president of theUniversity of Oklahoma from 1943-68, duringwhich time the institution went through manychanges. Drawing on his experience, the authorwrites advice to college presidents in the form ofletters to a fictional nephew, who has becomepresident of a moderate-sized middlewestern institution. The foreword is by Rev. Theodore M,Hesburgh, president of Notre Dame University.Merton Gill, PhB'34, MD'38, Analysis ofTransference: Volume I. and (with I. Z. Hoffman)Analysis of Transference: Volume II, (International Universities Press, NY). The first volumedeals with the theory of technique, and the second volume contains nine psychoanalytic interviews. Dr. Gill is professor of psychiatry atthe University of Illinois-Chicago, and a supervising analyst at the Chicago Institute ofPsychoanalysis.Herman Kogan, AB'36, Traditions andChallenges. This is a history of Sidley &Austin, Chicago's oldest law firm (1866), manyof whose 400 members are University of Chicago alumni. This is Kogan's fifteenth book;he's working on numbers sixteen and seventeen, in addition to his labors as corporate historian of Field Enterprises.Eda Howink, X'38, They Lived Their Lives;Lifting the Edge; and Wives of Famous Men(Golden Quill Press, Francestown, NH). Thefirst two are the author's fifth and sixth published volumes of poetry; the third, in prose, is acollection of mini-biographies. Howink lives inSt. Louis, MO.Alfred de Grazia, AB'39, PhD'48, HomoSchizo II: Human Nature and Behavior(Metron Publications).Frank L. Klingberg, PhD'39, CyclicalTrends in American Foreign Policy Moods: The44 Unfolding of America's World Role (UniversityPress of America). The book deals with the cyclical trends in American moods, the dominantattitudes and feelings in the national temperament which affect foreign policy in three primary dimensions of American life — international, cultural, and political. These cyclicaltendencies seem to be based on the successionof generations and hold the key to understanding America's future world role. Klingberg isprofessor emeritus of political science, Southern Illinois University.Erwin A. Gaede, DB'42, Politics and Ethics: Machiavelli to Niebuhr (University Press ofAmerica). Gaede brings together in this book astudy of political ethics in the modern age, focusing on Machiavelli, Luther, Hobbes, Locke,Rousseau, Smith, Burke, Marx, and Niebuhr,and believes that it will be useful for all studentsof political science. He is minister emeritus atthe First Unitarian Universalist Church of AnnArbor, MI.John M. Gandy, AM'42, Alex Robertsonand Susan Sinclair, editors. Improving SocialIntervention (Croom Helm Ltd.). This is a collection of 10 essays by scholars in the fields ofsocial work, sociology, and social administration from the United Kingdom and Canada.They examine the impact of research on socialintervention in policy and social work practicein a variety of settings. Gandy is professoremeritus, Faculty of Social Work, University ofToronto, Toronto, Ontario.Maurice Lorr, PhD'43, Cluster Analysisfor Social Scientists (Jossey-Bass). Lorr is professor emeritus at the Catholic University ofAmerica, and continues doing research in thedepartment of psychology and the Center forthe Study of Youth Development there.Elizabeth Wirth Marvick, PhB'44, AM'46,The Young Richelieu: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Leadership (University of ChicagoPress). Marvick uses both contemporary andclassic psychoanalytic theory in an effort todiscover how much of Richelieu's distinctiveand distinguished career can be understood interms of his personality and, especially, his early childhood history.Jay Schmidt, X'44, Good Bye Loneliness(Stein and Day). This is Dr. Schmidt's fifthbook. He is a plastic surgeon in Waukegan, IL.Mary Jane Cook, AB'45, Trouble Spots ofEnglish Grammar: A Text-Workbook for ESL,Volumes I and II, (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich).This is a remedial textbook and workbook forintermediate and advanced students of Englishas a second language. Cook is associate professor of English at the University of Arizona,Tucson, AZ.Harley Flaunders, SB'46, SM'47, PhD'49,Scientific Pascal (Reston Publishing Co.).Flaunders is in the department of mathematicsat Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Fl,William H. Maehl, PhD'46, A History ofGermany in Western Civilization (Universityof Alabama Press), August Bebel, Shadow Em-porer of the German Workers (American Philosophical Society). Maehl retired as professor ofmodern history after thirteen years at AuburnUniversity, Auburn, AL, in 1981 and has sincetraveled with his wife to the People's Republic ofChina. On his retirement, the Alabama Senatepassed a resolution honoring him for his "extra ordinary" scholarly career.Joseph Froomkin, MBA'47, PhD'50, contributor and editor, The Future of Higher Education (Academy of Political Science, New York).David Felix, AM'47, Marx as Politician(Southern Illinois Press). Marx is commonlyperceived as a great thinker, but a failed anddistracted leader. Felix challenges that belief.He observes the 100th anniversary of Marx'sdeath with a radical reinterpretation of Marx asa man of action whose ideas were rooted in political reality. Felix is professor of history at theGraduate Center and Bronx Community College of the City University of New York.Alvin W Skardon, AM'47, PhD'60, SteelValley University: The Origin of YoungstownState (Youngstown State University). Skardonis professor of urban history at YoungstownState in Ohio.George Anastaplo, AB'48, JD'51, PhD'64,The Artist as Thinker (Swallow Press Books,Ohio University Press). Discussions of well-known texts of English literature, meant forboth the specialist and the general reader.Anastaplo is lecturer in the liberal arts at theUniversity; professor of political science andphilosophy, Rosary College; and visiting professor of law, Loyola University of Chicago.James Iorio, AM'48, Journeys (GoldenQuill Press). This is Iorio's fourth book of poetry. He lives in Park Ridge, IL.Roger W Axford, AM'49, PhD'61, Successful Re-Careering: How to Shift GearsBefore You Are Over the Hill (Media Productions & Marketing, Inc., Lincoln, NE). Axford,an associate professor of higher and adult education at Arizona State University, profilestwenty-six older adults who changed careerslate in life and found new energies and oftengreater satisfaction than they had before.Richard D. Chessick, PhB'49, SB'54,MD'54, Freud Teaches Psychotherapy (Hackett)and A Brief Introduction to the Genius ofNietzsche (University Press of America). Theseare Chessick's seventh and eighth books. He isprofessor of psychiatry at Northwestern University and adjunct professor of philosophy,Loyola University of Chicago. He is senior attending psychiatrist at Evanston Hospital, andpractices in Evanston, IL.Paul Lerman, PhB'49, Deinstitutionalization and the Welfare State (Rutgers UniversityPress). Choice selected it as one of the outstanding books of 1982. Lerman is distinguished professor of social work and sociology at RutgersUniversity, NJ.Arlon R. Tussing, AB'50, with Connie C.Barlow, The Natural Gas Industry: Evolution,Structure, and Economics (Ballinger, Cambridge, MA). This book covers a wide range oftopics pertinent to the natural gas industry,from early developments in the 1800s to thefundamentals of petroleum geology to the economics of gas marketing. Tussing is presidentof ARTA Inc., a Seattle economics consultingfirm, and is professor of economics at the Institute of Social and Economic Research of theUniversity of Alaska.James M. Gustafson, DB'51, Ethics from aTheocentric Perspective. Volume I: Theologyand Ethics (University of Chicago Press). InApril, this book was named winner of the 1982Gordon J. Laing Prize for being the title ofUNIVERSITY OF rmrAr.n iviAr A7iNF/«,„-i„„ wiu"greatest distinction" published during the pasttwo years by the University of Chicago Press.Gustafson is University Professor in the Divinity School and on the Committee on SocialThought at the University.Barry D. Karl, AM'51, The Uneasy State:The United States from 1915-1945 (Universityof Chicago Press). Karl views this thirty yearperiod as a time when the United States triedunsuccessfully to develop a political, economic, and cultural nationalism, despite the crisesof two world wars and the depression. Karl isthe Norman and Edna Freehling Professor inthe department of history and the College.Matthew Melho, AM'52, with RichardWeigel, Peace in the Ancient World (McFarland),and with Leonard Cargan, Singles: Myths andRealities (Sage). The first book studies ten longperiods of peace in ancient history. The bookabout singles compares their happiness andhealth with that of married people.Donald Bloesch, DB'53, PhD'56, The Future of Evangelical Christianity (Doubleday). Inthis, his twentieth book, Bloesch examines therole of evangelism today and the possibility ofits weakening due to disagreements betweensubgroups of evangelical theology. He looks atthe hard-core fundamentalist stand of the MoralMajority and the dangers presented by the FarRight, and also criticizes the "nebulous" doctrines of liberal thought. By this book, he hopesto defend the importance of evangelism, and toencourage the development of a unified movement among the various splinter groups andchurches involved. Bloesch is professor of theology at the University of Dubuque, IA, an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ,and the most widely published author on theDubuque faculty.Kay Franklin, AB'53, AM'70, co-author ofDuel for the Dunes (University of Illinois Press).She and her husband, Robert L. Franklin, PhB'48,have lived in the Indiana Dunes since 1969.Bette Howland, AB'55, Things to Comeand Go (Knopf). The book includes three longstories. Howland has been a recipient of grantsfrom the Rockefeller and Guggenheim Foundations and the National Endowment for the Arts.Mary (Alzina) Stone Dale, AM'57, TheOutline of Sanity (Wm. Eerdmans PublishingCo.). This biography of G.K. Chesterton hasbeen favorably reviewed in Time, The WallStreet Journal and the New York Review ofBooks, and will soon be printed in paperback.Another book, containing two comedies byDorothy L. Sayers and commentary by Dale(Kent State University Press), is to be publishedthis year. Dale is publicity chairman for theMystery Writers of America and the ChicagoPTA.Paul Eidelberg, AM'57, PhD'66, Jerusalemvs. Athens: In Quest of a General Theory ofExistence (University Press of America). Usingconcepts drawn from the Hebrew Bible andfrom mathematical physics, Eidelberg describesthe shortcomings of previous philosophicalthought and develops a philosophy of historyand nature supported by the Torah. He is professor of political science at Bar Ilan University,Ramat-Gan, Israel.Joan Davis Levin, AB'58, JD'72, with EveBorgmann and Sidney Wolfe, Stopping Valium(Warner Books). She is also one of several co authors of Over the Counter Pills That Don'tWork (Pantheon).Betty McCarthy, AB'58, A Harvest ofHerbs, a guide to the care of indoor herbs.McCarthy is a garden writer and a staffmember of the botany/biology greenhouse atthe University of Chicago.Robert O. Crummey, AM'59, PhD'64,Aristocrats and Servitors: The Boyar Elite inRussia, 1613-1689 (Princeton University Press).Crummey studies the elite of seventeenth-century Russian government and society, andfinds, contrary to belief, that the boyars were a"working elite" with useful governmental functions. He is professor of history at the Universityof California at Davis.Richard Kern, AM'60, PhD'68, FindlayCollege: The First Hundred Years. Kern is professor of history at Findlay College, Findlay, OH .Rebecca Barr, AM'61, PhD'68, and RobertDreeben, with Nonglak Wiratchai, PhD'80,How Schools Work (University of ChicagoPress). This book examines the influence of individual first-graders' reading skill on their assignment to different reading groups, their curriculum within groups, and their subsequentreading aptitudes. Two of the authors are associated with the University of Chicago: Barr is aresearch associate in the department of education and Dreeben is professor in the department of education and the College.George J. Papagiannis, AB'61, co-authored Nonformal Education and National Development: A Critical Assessment of Policy,Research, and Practice (Praeger Press). Thebook is comprised of theoretical and empiricalstudies of non-formal education in Third Worldcountries. Papagiannis is associate professor ofeducation at Florida State University.Larry Goldberg, AB'62, A Commentaryon Plato's "Protagoras" (Peter Lang, New Yorkand Berne). Goldberg writes, "this reading ofthe dialogue clarifies the differences betweensophistry and philosophy, especially in regardto the teachability of virtue."Bernard Grofman, SB'62, AM'68, PhD'72,co-editor with Arend Lijphart, Robert McKay,and Howard Scarrow, Representation and Re-districting Issues (Lexington. Books). Grofmanteaches at the University of California at Irvine.Philip Kossoff, AM'62, Valiant Heart: ABiography of Heinrich Heine (CornwallBooks). Library Journal wrote: "A vivid portrayal of the man, his life, his work, and hisworld... it will be much appreciated by thegeneral reader."Jenny Strauss Clay, AM'63, The Wrath ofAthena: Gods and Men in the Odyssey (Princeton University Press). This scholarly work is areorientation of Homeric scholarship awayfrom the traditional reason given for the wandering of Odysseus, namely the wrath of Poseidon, toward discussion of Athena's divine angerat the Greek hero.Barry D. Bayer, AB'64, and Joseph J,Sobel Dynamics of VisiCalc (Dow-JonesIrwin). This is a guide to show business peoplehow to develop their own sophisticated applications of the famous computer software program VisiCalc. Bayer, a lawyer, lives in Home-wood, IL. He is a director of the InternationalApple Core, and a contributing editor of AppleOrchard. Randy Biasing, AM'66 To Continue(Persea Books, NY).Perry Duis, AM'66, PhD'75, The Saloon:Public Drinking in Chicago and Boston (University of Illinois Press). Duis, a member of thehistory department at the University of Illinois,chronicles the rise and fall of the saloon in twovery different cities — "wide open" Chicago andcontrolled Boston. Duis is also the author oftwo books about Chicago, Chicago: CreatingNew Traditions and the forthcoming The People of Chicago.Donald R. Hopkins, MD'66, Princes andPeasants: Smallpox in History (University ofChicago Press). The effects of smallpox on historical events and man's attempts to understand and control the "egalitarian killer" whichafflicted royalty, armies, and civilian populations are the subjects of what reviewers havecalled a "fascinating" and "definitive" account,Hopkins is assistant director for internationalhealth, Center for Disease Control in Atlantaand an assistant surgeon general in the U.S.Public Health Service.Robert D. Auerbach, AM'67, PhD'69,Financial Markets and Institutions (Macmillan).A second edition of Auerbach's 1982 book,Money, Banking, and Financial Markets wasissued this winter.Thomas V. Busse, PhD'67, The Professor'sBook of First Names (Green Ball Press). Thebook includes popularity ratings of hundredsof names. Busse teaches at Temple University.Claude J. Summers, AM'67, PhD'70, E.M.Forster (Frederick Ungar). Summers, author ofthree other books about Christopher Marlowe,Ben Jonson and Christopher Isherwood, teaches English at the University of Michigan atDearborn.Byron Farwell, AM'68, The Ghurkas (W.W Norton & Co).William L. Rodman, AM'68, PhD'73 andDorothy Ayers Counts, Middlemen and Brokers in Oceania (University of Michigan Press1982). Rodman is associate professor of anthropology at McMaster University in Hamilton,Ontario.Robert D. Haslach, AM'69, Netherlands World Broadcasting (Miller Publishing,Media, PA).Lee Feigon, AM'70, Chen Duxiu: Founderof the Chinese Communist Party (PrincetonUniversity Press).John Lark Bryant, AB'71, AM'72, PhD'75,Melville Dissertations, 1924-1980, An Annotated Bibliography, and The Companion toMelville Studies (Greenwood Press).Arlene Boshes Hirschfelder, MAT'71,American Indian Stereotypes in the World ofChildren: A Reader and Bibliography (Scarecrow Press), Annotated Bibliography of theLiterature on American Indians Published inState Historical Society Publications: New England and Middle Atlantic States (Kraus International Publications), and Guide to Researchon North American Indians (American LibraryAssociation).Richard A. Hoehn, PhD'72, Up FromApathy: A Study of Moral Awareness and Social Involvement (Abingdon Press). Hoehn interviewed activists to see what spurred theirpolitical involvement. Hoehn is associate pro-45fessor of Church in Society at the Brite DivinitySchool of Texas Christian University.Martin Kreiswirth, AM'72, WilliamFaulkner: The Making of a Novelist (Universityof Georgia Press).Natalie DeViney McKelvy, AB'72,MBA'80, Pension Fund Investments in RealEstate: A Guide for Plan Sponsors and RealEstate Professionals. The book is a guide forpeople wanting to invest in income property,and for real estate people who want to helpthem. McKelvy is a speechwriter for the USLeague of Savings Institutions.John Komlos, AM'72, The HabsburgMonarchy as a Customs Union (Princeton University Press). The book takes a new view ofnineteenth century economic growth in Austria-Hungary. Komlos is assistant professor atRoosevelt University, Chicago, IL.Jerome A. Offner, AB'72, Law and Politicsin Aztec Texcoco (Cambridge University Press).Louis Agosta, AB'73, AM'74, PhD'77,translator, Vols. 1 and II; Contemporary German Philosophy . His translations cover the his tory of logic, information processing, and Kant.Virginia Louise Blanford, AM'73, GoldenIllusions (Jove-Berkely Publishing Group).Charles Camic, AM'75, PhD'79, Experience and Enlightenment: Socialization for Cultural Change in Eighteenth Century Scotland(University of Chicago Press). Camic is an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin.Frederic G. Reamer, AM'75, PhD'78, Ethical Dilemmas in Social Service (Columbia University Press).Stephen Miller, PhD'76, El Mundo deGaldos: Teoria, Tradicion y Evolucion Creativadel Pensamiento Socio-Literario Galdosiano(Sociedad Menendez Pelayo). The book evaluates the work of Benito Perez Galdos.Martha P. Weston, MST'76, Washington!Adventures for Kids (Children's Innovations).Robert M. Doroghazi, MD'77, editor, withE.E. Slater, Aortic Dissection (McGraw-Hill).Mary Lackritz Gray, AM'78, co-authoredA Guide to Chicago's Public Sculpture (University of Chicago Press). 9LETTERSContinued from inside front cover.see that women now are accepted as an important part of the Doc organization. This was notthe case when I was member. Doc's "GoldenAge" was not a golden age for women, and Iregret that this iniquity has been perpetuated inShen's history of those years.Virginia Wright Wexman, AB'70,AM'71, PhD'76FREUD'S AUDIENCE WASDISRESPECTFUL, TOOEditor:The bad experience of ProfessorSubrahmanyan Chandrasekhar when he gavehis first lecture on the theory of black holes hasa parallel in the early experience of SigmundFreud. When Freud gave his first lecture onpsychoanalysis, the audience got up and left,because they though t Freud was a dirty old man— all the more surprising because he was ayoung man at the time!It indicates the unscientific side of science,which characteristically yields random resultsin this respect. Albert Einstein, on the otherhand, at the opposite extreme of this randomwalk, was never put down by anyone, exceptFreud, who called him a "young upstart" fortrying to tell Freud something about psychoanalysis—all the more surprising becauseEinstein was not very young at the time!What we have here is the human equation.which B.F. Skinner is always worried about.Skinner has that problem right now. When he wrote Beyond Freedom and Dignity, and said"We can no longer afford freedom," he broughtthe house down on his head. Had he named hisbook Above Anarchy and Pride, and said "Wecan no longer afford anarchy," he would probably be borne aloft in triumphal glory.Kenneth J. Epstein, SM'52IT WAS THE ARMYAIR CORPS!Editor:Tsk, tsk.Those who choose a journalistic careermust be (among other things) very knowledgeable about history or capable of and ready toengage in research.Probably you're too young to remember (Iassume you graduated much younger than themodal age of 22), but there were times in ournation's history without television, withoutman's use of atomic energy, and without AirForce blue.Indeed, at the time of the Pre-MeteorologyProgram, there wasn't an Air Force. The airforce (uncapitalized) was the Army Air Corps,and their uniforms were olive drab or khakidepending on the calendar.Eugene C. Pomerance, SB'42, MBA'47Elmhurst, ILFORGOTTEN TRADITION?Editor:The article by Michael Alper in theWINTER/84 issue of The Magazine was very interesting, especially to an alumnus with aninterest in heraldry. I had never known theorigin and development of the University coatof arms. And the full color reproduction of thecoat of arms is superb.But the caption to the photo on Page 23 ofthe brass plaque in front of Hutchinson Commons contains a sad commentary on the lack ofrespect of later generations not only for valuable property, but equally valuable traditions.It reads, in part, "In past days, tradition required that one not step on it. " One of the firstthings I learned as a matriculating freshmanwas that you NEVER EVER stepped on thatplaque! The reasons did not need to beexplained.Apparently, present-day students have noqualms about helping wear out a unique bit ofthe University's history, O temporal O mores'.George F. Dale, SB'33Radford, VAEMMETT— A GREAT FRIENDOF THE UNIVERSITYEditor:Emmett Dedmon, AB'39, was certainly agreat friend of the University. When I was afreshman Pledge in the Phi Psi in 1939, Emmettwas my senior advisor, and later, when he wasbook editor of the Sun-Times, he published myfirst book review.Emmett was keen to join the Air Force (sic)in World War II. But he kept failing hisphysicals due to high blood pressure. Myfather. Royal F. Munger, PhB'36, secretly arranged for Emmett's personal physician to givethe test. Without anxiety, Emmett passed andwas soon flying over Germany.He never told me whether, after he wasshot down and languishing in a P.O.W. camp,he still appreciated my father's help. But therewas an irrepressible spark of life in Emmett thatmakes me think he remained positive. After all,when he returned from the war he changed hisname from Deadman to Dedmon!Ned Munger, SB'47, SM'48, PhD'51Professor of Political GeographyCalifornia Institute of TechnologyTHANKS TO SOC 2Editor:Circumstances prevented me from contributing to the Alumni Association, but myinterest in and gratitude to the University havenever flagged. I immigrated to Israel in 1968,where I have been associated with Tel-AvivUniversity for many years.It has often occurred to me that "takingSoc 2" greatly facilitated my understandingand adapting in daily living to the effects ofbecoming part of a population representingmore than 90 ethnic origins.My son, Marc Zeitlin, MBA'79, is engagedin international marketing.Margery Stone Zeitlin, PhB'47THE VIEW FROM DOWN HEREMy First YearBy David Fischer,Class of 1987Throughout high school I had eagerlylooked forward to attending college. Being able to live in an environment dedicated primarily to academicsrather than next Friday's football game orthe latest gossip about the cute blondecheerleader seemed a distant but worthwhile goal toward which I aimed my life.Although I applied to five schools, Ifought most for acceptance to the University of Chicago. When the University accepted me, I knew that I would choose itover the other schools, despite protestsfrom family and friends who for variousreasons thought I should attend otherschools.I never particularly liked high school.I hoped a college like the one at theUniversity of Chicago would be different.In choosing a college I had searched forone which could offer me an academicchallenge. Since I had long been interestedin physics, I had heard of the Universityof Chicago. Then, sometime near the endof my junior year in high school I receivedmy first recruiting mail from the University. The cover of a brochure strikingly informed me that, of the many people whowould apply to the University of Chicagoin the next year, "only 700" would be ac-David Fischer is a first-year student in theCollege. While at Gahanna Lincoln HighSchool, Gahanna. OH, he edited the schoolnewspaper. He won two Gold Key awards fromQuill and Scroll for investigative reporting, andFirst Place in editorial writing in a national competition sponsored by the fournalism EducationAssociation. He writes the Class News sectionfor this magazine. cepted. It also informed me that I could beone of those few. Such a challenge wasenough for me. The following November,when I came to the campus, I was disappointed when, during my interview, I wastold that the University would not usethat brochure any longer. Some people,apparently, considered it "too elitist."Whether they still use that brochure I donot know, but it was one of the few piecesof college mail I ever received that I remember, and the only one that drew meto action so readily.That brochure also promised a challenging education at the University ofChicago. On my first day here, my hopeswere reinforced. Dan Hall, dean of admissions, in a speech to the entering class,spoke of the aims of the College, of thequest for knowledge as the ideologicalmotive behind a college education, of instilling in us skepticism without also instilling cynicism. His words reflected mythoughts and hopes, and I was reassuredthat I had made the right decision.During Orientation Week, I metothers who shared my outlook. I met people whose views on any topic were invariably opposed to mine, and I met peoplewho agreed with me, I was extremelypleased to realize that there were peoplehere who cared enough about themselvesto both define and defend their thoughts.Additionally, most of these people were inthe same situation I was — we knew no oneelse coming to school here. That we wereall in this position probably made it easierto become acquainted and to becomefriends. Each new person I met during thatweek surprised me in some way. Discov ering the campus, Hyde Park, and, ofcourse, Chicago, with these new friendswas an exciting experience, as was thespeed with which we came to know oneanother.Orientation Week stands put as thetime when attending the University ofChicago was carefree, or as near to carefree as one can be here. With the exception of placement tests and scheduling, lifewas, for that short time, relatively easy.There were free Doc Films, and the University even pitched in for free entertainment. I went to a freezing White SoxDavid With an amount of free time sogreat I now cannot believe it actually occurred on this campus, we all became poolsharks, ping-pong specialists, and nightlyparty-goers. Some of us even becamebrave enough to venture downtown to explore the nation's second-largest city.After that first week, a general feelingseemed to be that we had all been heremuch longer than just seven days. Weknew the campus and we had some inklingof knowledge about Hyde Park, Chicago,and even each other. To have accomplished so much in one week seemed impossible. One of my new friends here constantly looks back upon these months ofher freshman year and professes that shecannot believe so much has happened toher in such a short period of time. It is Ithink, a commonly held feeling.We were all worrying about classeseven then, but once they did begin, Iknew again that I would enjoy attendingthe College of the University of Chicago. Ifelt that the faculty here would emphasizeunderstanding rather than memorization.So what, I asked myself, if my physicsprofessor had a heavy German accent,and, when wanting the mass of our planet, would ask "Vat iz zee maz of zee ert?"So what if my calculus teacher had ascraggly beard and a blue mohawk haircut? Or that my humanities professorlooked like Woody Allen, or that my social sciences professor ripped students'arguments to shreds? After all, I told myself, this is college; it's not supposed to beconventional. Despite these curious distinctions of my teachers, I enjoyed myclasses immensely. Not surprisingly, all ofmy classes were markedly better than anyI had plodded through in high school. Thevariety of topics covered by all of mycourses is what must be considered theultimate collegiate goal — a solidly-grounded and well-rounded education.Since I am interested primarily, butnot solely, in physics and science, I alsohave enjoyed those classes I have takendealing with literature and philosophy, allpart of the College's Common Core curriculum. It has been very rewarding thusfar, and I think I have found an excellentblend of topics and disciplines. In my humanities and social sciences classes, thereadings have covered a wide range ofthought and philosophy, and not one hasfailed to benefit me in some way. Whilethere are people who do not like or appre ciate the Common Core, I find that it hasstimulated my thinking in areas otherthan my major, which is a primary reasonI chose to attend the University of Chicago, rather than some institute of technology. My physics class, unlike anyother that I have taken, has never failed toevoke in me a wonder and respect for thescience. Additionally, demonstrations bythe professor, if not always showing theprinciples he wishes to verify, at leastkeep us amused when his show backfires.The labs, too, keep me interested; neverbefore had I had the opportunity to use alab with such a large inventory of high-quality equipment.That this school stands out as a leader in my major — physics — is exciting. Itsphysicists and their research are respectedinternationally. Besides, what more coulda physics major ask for than to be able tolook out his dorm window and see thespot, now marked by the famous HenryMoore sculpture, where humankindachieved the first controlled self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction? Or that, in hisfirst year at the University, a faculty member, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, hasbeen awarded the Nobel Prize in physics?Of course, going to college cannot bewithout problems. Dorm food, for instance, falls into this category. Perhapsforcing us to eat it is the University's wayof subtly reminding us that the real worldcan be a hard and unfair place. Perhaps itis the University's way of making us appreciate the education we receive hereover such materialistic pleasures as goodfood. Perhaps it is the University's way ofimitating a monastic code of life for us;celibacy, perhaps, from good food. Suffice it to say that I now appreciate realcooking much more than ever before, allthanks to the University of Chicago. Having to do my own laundry and shoppinghas become an unwelcome hassle as well.If good for little else, though, shoppingand washing clothes are always viable excuses to delay studying for a little while.Compared to the overall quality ofthe University, though, the problems ofliving here are sufficiently small. Andthere are many other advantages, Manyof my friends from high school now attend large state universities. Others attendsmaller schools. Neither of these groups offriends can boast of the benefits I enjoy bycoming to school here. Where else could acollege freshman, after only a few weeks at school, have listened to a ninety-minutespeech by Helmut Schmidt? There are somany other activities on campus that itwould be impossible to list them all. Fromfree concerts, Doc Films, and Court Theatre, to the many campus lectures and student groups, there is almost always something to do.One of the University's greatestassets, though, is not even directly relatedto the school. Many of my friends in smallcolleges say they envy me because whenever they have free time or need a break,they have nowhere to go momentarily toescape the pressures of school. Here, theattractions of a large, exciting city — suchas the Art Institute and other museums,Second City, or just a walk up MichiganAvenue — are only a bus, train, or "El"ride away. Even more, our education cangrow by going downtown. What othersmall colleges are in a city in which onecan go to the top of the world's tallestbuilding, eat the world's best pizza, orobserve a bum talking to a building, complimenting it on the fine quality of its marble? If only the University would remindus that life can be strange by sending usdowntown every weekend instead ofmaking us eat dorm food, school wouldbe almost perfect.Perhaps that brochure which enticedme here was only a clever piece of sensationalist propaganda. Perhaps it was elitist. So what? I am glad that I received it.While I probably would have applied tothe University nonetheless, I would nothave labored so diligently to be accepted,and I would not have enjoyed being accepted as much. Regardless of the natureof that brochure, I am now a student atthe University of Chicago, and I have enjoyed my time here more than I have enjoyed any other period in my life. As Iwished, the College does offer challengingcourses as a rule, not as an exception. Inow know people from many differentbackgrounds, who have many differentabilities and interests. Many are of uncommon ability; if that statement strikessome as "elitist," so be it.Early this year I received a letter froma friend, a sophomore in another small college. She asked if I missed high school, andthen answered her own question. "I don'tsuppose you have," she wrote. "Believeme, if you don't, after your first year atcollege you won't anymore." There was alot of truth in that statement. S48Return to the QuadsThis SummerFind challenge and renewal —refresh your outlook on economics, AmericanStudies, education (14 courses), and humanities.Stretch your imagination with Philosophy of Mind(Can computers be conscious?) Expand your political/historical background with a series on RussianCivilization.Some courses are given for five or eight weeks.Special tuition rates are available for teachers andfor persons thirty-five years old and above (Returning Scholars). The Summer Quarter Office, (312)962-6033, will be happy to supply further information and registration materials. Please send me the 1984 Summer Quarter Bulletin. I am particularly interested in City ..Zip.SUMMER QUARTER OFFICEThe University of Chicago1116 E. 59th Street Chicago, IL 60637THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOSummer Quarter 1984