The LJniversiteiiSfpanesegrimage'By Oliver Statler, AB'57A modern pilgrim relates his 1 ,QBp-milfj journey ,on foot, to the Eighty-Eight Tertfples owShikoku.LETTERSWHAT ABOUT COHLER?Editor:I very much enjoyed I. Graft s article on'Self, Culture and Society" (Soc 2). It broughtback many happy memories of my own experience in the course. I was disappointed, however, to find no mention of my teacher,Bertram Cohler (William Rainev Harper Professor of Social Sciences in the College andprofessor in the Departments of Behavioral Sciences, Education and Psychiatry). Cohler influenced me and, I think, many other studentsboth intellectually and personally. His classeswere never less than exciting; he was also chairman of the course for several years.1 am certain that Cohler made importantcontributions to the form and content of "Self,Cuture and Society." And I know that my experience in the course would not have been halfas great without him.Capers Rubin, AB'81New York, NYEditor:As organizers of the recent Social Sciences2 symposium and former chairs of the course,we would like to express our thanks to JamesGraff and the rest of the Magazine staff for thefine coverage of this event ("The Debate GoesOn," Spring, 1983). The article has promptedcommunications from alumni that will greatlyassist us in our efforts to analyse the history ofthe course and to chart directions for it in thefuture.Unfortunately, in your otherwise excellentaccount, the contributions of our colleagueBertram Cohler, William Rainev Harper Professor of Social Sciences in the College and professor of Human Development, were overlooked. Bert Cohler chaired Social Sciences 2for five of the past six years and will bereassuming the post again next autumn. As agraduate of the College (AB'61) and a nationally renowned researcher in behavioral science,his leadership has been invaluable in maintaining the course's traditional commitment to theaims of general education. As much as anyoneconnected with the long and storied traditionof "Soc. 2" in the College, Bert Cohler isresponsible for our having had something tocelebrate last November.Ralph Nicholas, AM'58, PhD'62John MacAloon, AM'74, PhD'80McKim Marriott, AM'49, PhD'55David Orlinsky, AB'54, PhD'62Susanne RudolphSHIMER IS ALIVE AND WELL!EditorHow could you write an article on Soc 2and the Hutchins program and not mention Shimer College? Shimer was legally a part ofthe University of Chicago for some sixty-sevenyears until we parted company in the early fifties. There was a very free interchange of faculty for many years. Shimer and Shimer students are still animated by the integrativegeneral education program begun underHutchins. Richard McKeon (Charles F. GreyDistinguished Service Professor Emeritus,Departments of Classical Languages and Literatures and Philosophy) serves on our boardand has carried the flame from his days atColumbia in the twenties.Soc 2 is alive and well and living in Wau-kegan, Illinois. Admissions at Shimer are up tosuch a degree, in fact, that we will be startingfreshmen in rented quarters at Barat College inthe fall.Barry J. CarrollDes Plaines, IllinoisTrustee, Shimer CollegeFERMI'S HUMOR, NATURE'SLAWSEditor:"Looking Back," the Spring 1983 article onthe birth of the atomic age, attributes the immense stature of Enrico Fermi to his extraordinary theoretical aptitude, methodologicalrigor, and ability to inspire students.He also had an excellent sense of humor,and used it very effectively to make a point.In 1951, when I was in his thermodynamics class, he said, The second law of thermodynamics tells us that you cannot take heatenergy from sea water and put it into the boilerof a steamship to sail across the ocean withoutanything else happening. It would be very niceif you could. No one would mind."He then shrugged his shoulders, and added,"But there's a law against it."It never even got a laugh. The studentstook him so seriously that they accepted it aspar for the course.The remark could be paraphrased by saying, "The institutes were built on credit, butnature never gives any credit to anyone.Mother Nature, like President Reagan, alwaysinsists on a balanced budget, and has no previous administrations to blame for a deficit."In discussing the nuclear arms race, it isimportant not to lose sight of the basic problem, namely, that wars are started by dictators.The only good thing Mussolini ever did wassend Fermi to Chicago.The final solution to the bomb is to reducethe number of dictators to zero. The Soviet scientists should tell that to the Kremlin, andmake them believe it. Sigmund Freud said, "Thevoice of reason prevails, sooner or later." It's EDITOR'SNOTESOn many visits to the Art Institute ofChicago we have enjoyed exhibits of modern Japanese prints from "The OliverStatler Collection." Browsing through theClass Notes one day, we discovered thatOliver Statler was a fellow-alumnus, andthat he had written a book on the prints,which are called hanga. Further investigation led us to read his next book, JapaneseInn. By now, we had become Statler fans,so we caught up with him on one of hisvisits to the mainland from his home inHonolulu. He talked happily about hisfondness for the Japanese, and how he cameto collect hanga. That story is told on Page2, and an excerpt from his newly publishedbook, Japanese Pilgrimage , starts on Page4. Statler's latest book is dedicated to hisgood friend, Joseph Kitigawa, PhD'51, professor (and former Dean) in the DivinitySchool and the Department of Far EasternLanguages and Civilizations.Hutchinson Commons has seldomlooked so lovely. On the evening of Friday,April 15, the familiar long oak tables hadbeen removed and replaced with a roomfulof round ones, each adorned with a whitelinen tablecloth, on which sat a centerpieceof cut flowers, surrounded by a circle oflow, lighted candles. As guests entered theCommons, trumpeters heralded them froma balcony over the entry way. The occasionwas the launching of the Campaign for theArts and Sciences, details of which begin onPage 10.In the next issue, we plan to take youon a visit to a classroom. In this instance, itwill be to listen in on a course team-taughtin the Divinity School by two theologians,Langdon Gilkey and David Tracy, and twophilosophers, Paul Ricoeur and StephenToulmin. In the sessions we taped, theydiscuss thinking about the unthinkable:How does one deal, morally and philosophically, with the possibility of nuclear holocaust? Their point of departure is JonathanSchell's book, The Fate of the Earth, butyou need not have read it to enjoy thediscussion.too late for it to prevail sooner, but better laterthan never.Kenneth J. Epstein, SM'52ChicagoWHERE CREDIT IS DUEEditor:As the Executive Director of the International House, I enjoyed reading your articleentitled "No More Chambermaids," but I wishto clarify one statement made in it.Continued on Page 21EditorFelicia Antonelli Holton, AB'50Staff WriterJames L. Graff, AB'81DesignerRuss CoombsThe University of Chicago Office ofAlumni AffairsRobie House5757 Woodlawn AvenueChicago. Illinois 60637Telephone: (312) 753-2175President, The University of ChicagoAlunmi AssociationMichael Klowden, AB'67Executive Directorof University Alumni AffairsCarol Jenkins Linne, AB'66Associate Directorof University Alumni AffairsRuth HalloranProgram DirectorMark Reinecke, AM'81Director, Alumni SchoolsCommitteeRobert Ball, Jr.The University of Chicago AlumniAssociation Executive Committee, theCabinetMichael Klowden, AB'67Edward J. Anderson. PhB'46, SM'49Jay Berwanger, AB'39Anita Jarmin Brickell, AB'75, MBA'76Emmett Dedmon, AB'39Gail Pollack Fels, JD'65Mary Lou Gorno, MBA'75Guy Nery, AB'47Clyde Watkins, AB'67Gregory Wrobel, AB'75, JD78, MBA'79Faculty/Alumni Advisory Committeeto The University of Chicago MagazineEdward W. Rosenheim, AB'39, AM'47,PhD'53ChairmanDavid B. and Clara E. SternProfessor, Department of English and theCollegeWalter J. Blum, AB'39, JD'41Wilson-Dickinson Professor, the LawSchoolJohn A. SimpsonArthur Holly Compton DistinguishedService Professor, Department of Physicsand the CollegeLorna P. Straus, SM'60, PhD'62Associate Professor, Department ofAnatomy and the CollegeGreta Wiley Flory, PhB'48Linda Thoren, AB'64, [D'67The University of Chicago Magazine ispublished by the University of Chicago incooperation with the Alumni Association.Published continuously since 1907, Editorial Office: Robie House, 5757 WoodlawnAvenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637. Telephone(312) 753-2323. Copyright 1983 by theUniversity of Chicago. Published fourtimes a year. Autumn. Winter, Spring,Summer. The Magazine is sent to all University of Chicago alumni. Please alloweight weeks for change of address. Secondclass postage paid at Chicago, Illinois, andat additional mailing offices. The University ofCHICAGOMagazine /Summer 1983Volume 75, Number 4 (ISSN-9508)Page 23 IN THIS ISSUEOf "Hanga", a Pilgrimage, and the"Miniguchi-Ya"Oliver Statler, AB'57, tells how he came to collectJapanese prints, visit a lovely inn, and embark on afamous pilgrimage.Page 2Japanese PilgrimageBy Oliver Statler, AB'57A westerner's account of his 1,000 mile journey to theEighty-Eight Temples of Shikoku.Page 4The Campaign for the Arts and SciencesThe University launches a campaign to raise moneyfor the College and the four Divisions.Page 10DEPARTMENTSClass NewsDeathsBooks Page 15Page 22Page 23Typesetting by Sknpps & Associates, ChicagoOf Hanga, a Pilgrimage,and the Miniguchi-YaKenkoku ni tatsu yama otoko (Mountaineer standing in a mountain hollow). 1967, AzechiUrnetaro. (The David & Alfred Smart Gallery, The University of Chicago). vuhen Oliver Statler, AB'57, decided to write a book on a famous Japanese pilgrimage, he chose not to make therounds of the 88 temples on the island ofShikoku by car or bus, as most modern pilgrims do. Instead, he made the 1,000-milejourney on foot, thereby conducting hisresearch in the very best of Chicago traditions first-hand.Statler has done a great deal of firsthand research in Japan over the lastthirty-six years, as an art collector andwriter, and the beneficiaries of his effortshave been his fellow westerners, to whomhe has introduced many interesting anddelightful aspects of Japanese culture.On a recent visit to Chicago from hishome in Honolulu, Statler talked abouthis fascination with Japanese culture. Heis a tall, thin man, who speaks in a softvoice.As a soldier in World War II, (he wasoriginally in the Class of 1937), fighting inthe Pacific theatre, Statler fully expectedto take part in the invasion of Japan. Butthe war ended while he was home in Huntley, Illinois, on leave, and the army refused to send him to Japan. He got thereanyway, becoming a civilian employee ofthe U.S. occupation forces. He stayed forseven years. Since then, he has visitedJapan many times, as a teacher or as awriter gathering material.During his first stay in Japan, "likeany tourist" Statler went looking for souvenirs. He found only gimcracks, untilone day he attended an exhibition ofhanga, modern Japanese woodblockprints. He became an instant aficionado,and today he owns one of the world'sHow Oliver Statler, AB'57, came to collect modernJapanese prints, set forth on a fascinating religious journey,and stay at an enchanting country inn.UNIVERSITY OF CHIC AC.l1 MAr:A7ngreat collections of hanga. Almost fromthe beginning, Statler sent over small collections of hanga to the Art Institute ofChicago for exhibition. Today, the Art Institute houses the Oliver Statler Collectionof more than 1,000 hanga. Statler has donated many prints to the Art Institute, therest are "on loan."Statler's deep interest in hanga led tothe launching of his career as a writer.With the help of a friend, a Nisei namedAnsei Uchima, Statler met many of theartists who were producing hanga. He wasinvited to give a talk about them and theirwork before the Asiatic Society, and thetalk was published in the journalMonumenta Nipponica.James Michener saw the article andtold Charles Tuttle, head of the famouspublishing firm in Japan, "You should getthis guy to write a book for you."The result was Modern JapanesePrints: An Art Reborn, which introducedwestern readers to the beauty of theseprints, and to the artists, with whomStatler had become friends. Specifically,Statler's book is about one kind of hanga,called sosaku, which are one-man works.First published by Tuttle in 1959, the bookhas gone through thirteen printings.At the time Statler wrote his book,many westerners were familiar with ukiyoe,traditional Japanese woodblock prints,but few had seen the hanga, which herefers to as "an art reborn" not a revival."What we are experiencing is a renascence, not a restoration," wrote Statler."The new prints are as much a part of today as the old ukiyoe prints were of theirday..." The ukiyoe died, explainedStatler, when Perry entered Japan and theJapanese "plunged headlong into the modern world.""In their race to catch up with theWestern world the Japanese made few reservations," he wrote. "In art as in industry, they set out to learn new ways, andhundreds of artists turned from brushingink on paper to daubing oil on canvas.Then some of them made an astonishingdiscovery. They found that their European idols, the impressionists and post-impressionists, had been obviously excited and just as obviously influenced byJapanese ukiyoe. . Japanese artists madea further discovery: European artists were making their own prints carving theirown blocks, doing their own printing. Itwas cause for reflection."Under the old tradition, ukiyoe wereproduced through the collaboration ofseveral people "a man who provided thepicture or design, a man who cut that design onto the blocks, a man who printedfrom those blocks... and a publisher,"said Statler. "When the new print artistsof Japan turned to one-man creations theirself-designed, self-carved, self-printed,and mostly self-published prints weresuch a departure from Japanese traditionthat a new name was coined for them. Theartists called them 'creative prints.' "Statler and Michener first met, appropriately, at the Art Institute of Chicago. Statler had become a friend of (thelate) Margaret Gentles, who in the 1950swas associate curator of Oriental Art, andresponsible for the Buckingham Collection. She had arranged to exhibit themodern Japanese prints Statler had sentover, (the first exhibit of hanga in anAmerican museum, Statler thinks). WhenStatler, back in the U.S. on leave, visitedher, she said, "James Michener's hereworking with the collection for a bookhe's doing on Japanese prints." She invitedthem both to dinner at her home. Michenertold Statler, "As soon as I get to Japan I'lllook you up.""I figured he was just being polite,"said Statler, "but he'd been in Japan aboutthree hours when he phoned me and wanted to meet the artists."Michener encouraged Statler on hisnext book, Japanese Inn, in which Statlerrelates the history, in semi-fictional form,of a rural Japanese inn, over four centuries. Published in 1961, Japanese Inn received a rave review on the front page ofthe New York Times Book Review, andimmediately became a best-seller.Japanese Inn tells the story of eighteen generations of innkeepers and theirguests including war lords and lovers,pilgrims and emperors in the Miniguchi-ya, a 400-year-old country inn in Okitsa.The inn is on the Tokaido Road, whichruns from Tokyo to Kyoto, and over the Untitled Woodcut (Ashura), TokurikiTomikichiro. (The David & Alfred SmartGallery. The University of Chicago).years, through custom and convenience,some fifty-three stopping places had beenestablished about a day's journey apart.The Tokaido Road, and its fifty-threestops, were immortalized in the ukiyoeprints of artist Ichiryusai Hiroshige, whotravelled that way in 1832.Over breakfast at the Union LeagueClub, Statler recalled how he first discovered the Miniguchi-ya:"In 1947, the first summer that I wasin Yokohama, it was a classic Japanesesummer, hot and humid," said Statler."At that time my civil service rank was avery unfortunate one. I had officer rankbut very low. So I couldn't apply for leaveat any of the enlisted men's hotels, and myrank was so low when I applied for an officer's hotel, I didn't get that either. I wasfeeling very frustrated. Finally, I saw anad in the Nippon Times, as it was calledthen, saying this little inn in Okitsa wason-limits. Almost without exception theJapanese inns were off-limits to us. So Idashed to a travel bureau and made a reservation, and went down with a friend."I fell in love with the place, as I tellin the book, and kept going back."In his latest book, Japanese Pilgrimage, published last month, Statler onceagain takes his readers on a Japanese journey, this time, to trace the origins of the88 temples which are way stations on a famous religious pilgrimage which is takenin homage to the great Buddhist masterKobo Daishi.Kobo Daishi is the posthumous titleof the great priest named Kukai, who livedfrom 774 to 835. He founded the Shingonsect of Japanese Buddhism, as well as agreat monastery called Joyasan. He wasan outstanding scholar and calligrapher."Over the years Kobo Daishi becamea cult figure, so that the pilgrimage is nownon-sectarian," explained Statler. "It hasbeen popular since the beginning of the17th century; about 100,000 people take itannually."As he made the 1,000-mile pilgrimageon foot, Statler learned the legends ofeach of the 88 temples, and heard storiesof priests and henro (pilgrims) who hadmade the pilgrimage over the centuries. Inthe following pages we bring you a briefexcerpt from Statler's own Japanesepilgrimage. IMsKobo DaishiA modern pilgrim relatesthe story of his 1,000-milejourney to the Eighty-EightTemples of Shikoku.The Japanese havetravelled this routein homage to the greatBuddhist master,Kobo Daishi, sincethe 17th century.By Oliver Statler, AB'57This article fs adapted from the book lapanese Pilgrimage, byOhoer Statler. Copyright 1^83 by Oliver Statin Reprinted bypermission of William Morrow and Company. Inc.JapanesePilgrimageUNIVERSITY OF CHICACO MACAZINF Snmmi.r 1083TXhis is where one begins. On thismountaintop, at the holiest spot of thissprawling complex of temples, in the shadow of these towering cedars, one standsbefore the tomb of the saint whose life andlegacy inspire the pilgrimage. Here one askshis blessing, his guidance and protection,his company, on the pilgrimage to come.I linger here as I always do. Beforeme is the ancient tomb, deep in theshadow of the trees; behind me a greathall where thousands of lanterns crowdthe ceiling to dim recesses, each flickeringlight testimony to a prayer and an offering, where priests sell talismans and perform the fire service to burn away the sinsof man.I watch the worshippers stream by.They light their candles and their sticks ofincense, adding them to banks of flameand urns that issue clouds of scentedsmoke. They come singly, in families, andin tour groups marshaled by an amplifiedguide . . .He was born in 774. As a priest hebore the name of Kukai but he is bestknown as Kobo Daishi, a title conferredby the imperial court posthumously, in921. Kobo means "to spread widely theBuddhist teachings"; Daishi means "greatteacher" or "great master," but considering the connotations it is probably moreaccurate to be less literal and translate it as"saint."It is faith in Kobo Daishi that hasalways sent the pilgrim forth, set him onthe long route that encircles the island ofShikoku, fourth largest of the Japaneseislands. The journey is almost a thousandmiles: if walked and for centuries therewas no way to go but walk it takes about Pilgrims going up a mountain (A painting byKogai Gyokusen)two months. . .Along the way there areeighty-eight Buddhist temples, numberedin sequence, clockwise. This is the Pilgrimage to the Eighty-eight Sacred Placesof Shikoku.Kobo Daishi was born on Shikoku,and after his conversion to Buddhism hereturned often to his home island forascetic practice in remote places in itsmountains. It is believed that the pilgrimage follows a trail that he trod.More than that, the pilgrim believesthat he walks with the Daishi at his side.The motto of the pilgrimage is "We Two Pilgrims Together," the Daishi and I. . . .It is said at least it was said in theold days that when a pilgrim passesthrough the gate of his first temple hecommits himself to completing his pilgrimage even at the risk of death along theway. His white robe testifies to that: inJapan white is the color of death. Movingthrough the gate of Number One I too feela sense of commitment. Now I am a henro a pilgrim to the Eighty-eight SacredPlaces of Shikoku.To go by myself would be lonely, andthere is a tradition against it because in theold days if accident or illness befell a lonehenro there would have been no one tolook after him or her, for there havealways been many women pilgrims. Thisspring I will take the pilgrimage with ayoung man who has just graduated fromcollege. . .His name is Morikawa Nobuo(in Japanese style, which places surnamesfirst).I have my equipment from previouspilgrimages, but Morikawa must be outfitted, so we go to the temple's shop. Hegets a white robe like mine, about hip-length. He gets a stole, a purple band ofcloth to wear over his shoulders, embroidered to announce that he started his pilgrimage at Number One. He gets a sedgehat, woven nowadays of straw, round,shaped like an inverted bowl, about a footand a half in diameter. Its ancient design isreally very practical, I have discovered: itshades the eyes, it is cool on the head, andwhen its vinyl cover is stretched over it, it makes an effective rain hat. He gets a rosary of a hundred and eight prayer beads.We each get a bell of brass to hang fromthe belt. A bell calls one to prayer and is areminder of impermanence: its quicklyfading sound is like human life "changing, inconstant, unstable," predestined tobe transitory.He gets an album filled with doubledsheets of fine paper. The pages are blanknow but at each temple he will present thisbook and on a fresh page his visit will becertified with vermilion stamps and calligraphy in black ink. I have mine: one carries the same album for life; the templesadd stamps over and beside the old impressions. Count the stamps and you willknow how many times a henro has madethe pilgrimage.He gets a supply of name-slips and apouch to carry them in. Printed on theslips are the name of the pilgrimage and alikeness of Kobo Daishi ... At every altarwhere we worship we will leave a slip onwhich we have written name, age, homeaddress, and date. Thus henro testify totheir prayers and presumably sublimate man's deep-seated urge to commit graffiti.Yet many temple walls bear names anddates historically valuable because theyare centuries old.Most important, Morikawa selects asturdy staff. It is the henro's one essential.He leans on it often, especially in themountains; he is grateful for its support.But beyond that, it symbolizes KoboDaishi. It embodies the faith at the heartof the pilgrimage, that the Daishi travelsat the side of every pilgrim. And so thehenro treats it reverently. When he stopsfor the night, his first act, before he looksto his own needs, is to wash the base of his The old Daishi Hall at Temple Twenty-Six (Apainting by Sakata).staff, to wash the dust of travel fromKobo Daishi's feet as was necessary in thedays of straw sandals. And in the roomwhere he sleeps he puts the staff in theplace of honor. On not only the staff buton much of the rest of our equipment hat, album, name-slips and the pouch tocarry them in are the words DogyoNinin: "We Two Pilgrims Together."LLt is the third day of our pilgrimage . . .Rounding a curve in the road, we enterthe village that has grown up below Temple Number Ten. The temple is out ofsight on the wooded height above us. It isthe last of the temples in this valley; it isthe first of the temples we must climb toreach . . .Halfway up is an altar where onemust pause: a spring (credited to theDaishi, of course), a stone basin intowhich it flows, images of Kannon andJizo, two of Buddhism's friendliest deities,and heaped before them, long thin stripsof wood, each bearing the name of someone who has died. We pray here. We dipwater from the basin and pour it over thestatues, for in washing them we cleanseourselves. We wet the strips of wood inbenediction to the departed souls, to erasetheir sins and calm their spirits.w'e cross the wide gravelly bed ofthe Yoshino River and head into the foothills to Temple Eleven. There we spendthe night, resting our blisters for the daylong climb up into the mountains to Number Twelve.It is a long climb. Sometimes the oldpath is gentle underfoot, sometimes roughand steep. We pass through tangled copsesand stands of tall cedars, plumb valleys,and file along the ridges from which themountains fall away on either side to riseagain in ranges green and blue as far as theeye can see. We find gravestones a century or two old. Most bear no name, justHENRO and a date; this trail has taken itstoll . . .Twelve is the first real mountain tem-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MACA7INF s,,In a spring rain henro cross a mountain between Temples Thirty-six and Thirty-seven(Detail from a book illustration by Shugetsu)pie of the pilgrimage: high in the mountains, deep in the mountains, of the mountains. The Japanese have always reveredtheir mountains. In this country the universal emotions that mountains stir thesense of beauty, mystery, awe becomethe singular Japanese blending of god andman, nature and art. And so the mountaintemples of the pilgrimage have a specialcharacter and significance. We sense thathere, in the compound of the temple, andyet we know that we have r\ot reached thelocus of this mountain's secret. TempleTwelve's legends center on its innermostsanctuary. We are tired, our legs haveclimbed today as far as they want to, butstill we must reach that inner altar on thepeak. We announce our arrival, shed ourpacks, and ask the priest about thepath up.It is hard going. Three-quarters of amile takes us three-quarters of an hour.We know we are close when we find astone image and a sign: women must gono farther; they will worship from here.On this mountain an ancient taboo is stillmaintained. We push on, sometimes skirting precipice, sometimes buffeted by sudden gusts. But the vistas gaunt old trees,cloud-swept ranges, patchwork valleyshrunk below: Morikawa says it is likemoving through a Chinese landscapepainting . . .In the evening the priest performs afire service, a goma, for the henro lodgingat the temple tonight. The goma is one ofthe great rituals of Shingon; always I amcaught up in its drama. The priest sits at aspecial altar with a fire basin at its center.Intoning the supplication, he kindles thefire and feeds it with a hundred and eightsticks of wood. They represent the hundred and eight illusions of the soul, butthe number is an abstraction: the sins ofman, the illusions he is heir to, are infinite. The priest chants. He strikes drumsand gongs and bells. He adds incense, oils,and green leaves, which spit and snap.The flames leap high.I have seen several priests performthe goma. Each stamps his personality onit as he must: it is not only a service con ducted for the worshippers but an intenseinner experience for the priest. The abbotof the temple where I lodge on Mount Koyais a scholar and perfectionist; he brings tothe goma precision and grace within passionate concentration. The priest here atTwelve reflects the traditions of this temple: he evokes beliefs before Buddhism,holy men to whom the mountains werehome. In his intensity there is somethingwild: the sticks of firewood are jumbled,the thrown leaves do not always fall in thefire. His little son, four years old perhaps,scampers about the altar retrieving thosethat miss and adding them to the flames.There is nothing unseemly in this: a childcannot be irreverent.The last stick of wood is placed onthe fire; the flames die down; the priestfinishes the liturgy and rises to leave. Atthe doorway he turns and invites us, if wewish, to rub the smoke from the dying fireon those parts of our body that need help.Then he is gone. Is his leaving a gesture ofdisdain for an old superstition? If so it islost on us. We all cluster about the fire,catch the smoke in our hands, and rub iton our legs, knees, backs, and in obligatory modesty, on our heads.L. n the morning we leave TempleTwelve, start down the mountain. Wecome to a roadside chapel, a great cedar, agravestone, and the legend of how the pilgrimage began.The story is that of the first pilgrim,Emon Saburo. It is the story of a rich andgreedy man who refused to give almswhen the Daishi appeared at his gate, butwho then, chastened and remorseful, setout to find the Daishi and beg forgiveness.Worn out from circling Shikoku again andagain, near death, struggling up this pathin bitter cold, he finally met the Daishihere. Here the Daishi gave him absolutionas he died, buried him, and planted hisstaff beside the grave. The staff grew intothe cedar that shades us. (Actually, says aman passing by, this tree is the secondgeneration.)This is the primary legend of the pil grimage. It points to the basic concept ofthe pilgrimage, that the henro travelsalways with the Daishi, for it is impliedthat Kobo Daishi guided Emon Saburo allthrough his grueling quest. And it emphasizes that the pilgrimage was originated bya layman, not a priest, attesting to thepopular nature of Kobo Daishi worshipand of the pilgrimage. It goes to the heartof the common man's religion, a religionof faith and piety uncluttered by doctrine.We continue down the are places along the pilgrimageroute where we can almost feel the presence of those holy men of long ago.Such a place is Temple Forty-five. Weapproach it through a gorge carvedthrough cliffs mottled gray and yellow.Towers and minarets sprout amidsthumped forms that loom over us like prehistoric monsters. Every rocky face ispocked with holes. Geologists say thatabout fifty million years ago this conglomerate was deposited near the sea,then thrust up into mountains that wereslashed and scoured by torrents. Thesense of ancient forces is overpowering.We walk in silence.It is a sharp climb up to the ledgewhere the temple clings. Attaining it westop in wonder. A wall of scarred rockrises six hundred feet above us. The mainhall and the Daishi Hall back against it asif bearing its weight. Of the priest's residence we see little more than the facade; itis built into a huge cave. A ladder risesto a deep, twisting tunnel that widens intoa chapel. The temple song says that theDaishi carved all this:The power of prayer of the Great Saint Witness caves in a mountain of rock!Witness here also Paradise!One cannot stand dwarfed before thistowering natural altar without knowingthat it has been a sacred place since manfirst found it. A god resides here. And holy men have come to sojourn with him.Such another place is the waterfall atTemple Thirty-Six, where briefly weemulate ascetics by standing under thechill cataract as we chant our prayers. . .At Ashizuri it is a three-day walkfrom the preceding temple; again the oldriercro-path has been overlaid by a modernhighway, painful to walk along. There is astrong temptation to take the bus andsometimes I have done so. So did a friendof ours, the novelist Tosa Fumio, and hefelt as guilty as I did. He wrote of lookingout the window to see, in the swirlingdust, a family of henro waiting for his busto pass: on a rough cart sat the father, a Henro on the cliff at Ashizuri (A book illustration by Shugetsu).cripple, bedding and cooking utensilspiled about him; the mother was pullingthe cart, a daughter of twenty or sopushing from behind. "Their robes wereas brown from dust as if they had beendipped in soya sauce, their skin was dark,their hair tangled and matted. The daughter was staring vacantly at the bus, enjoying those on it, when she caught sight ofus in henro robes. For a moment sheglared, then relapsed into dull resignation.I felt as if I had eaten lead."There is an alternate approach toAshizuri, a quiet road along the coastlinking fishing villages. Morikawa and Iwalk that road and are rewarded withunspoiled headlands, coves, and whitesand beaches. Still it is a long walk and arelief to reach the temple. We drop ourpacks and go to cliff's edge, stand theregazing out at the limitless ocean and downa dizzying drop to rocks scoured to fantastic shapes and colors; the sea pounds atthem, white water explodes over themand falls back into the pools.A,ks we walk into the valley towardEighty-seven we are very conscious thattoday we will reach Eighty-eight. Thatwill not be the end of our pilgrimage: wemust close the circle by returning toNumber One. But will our pilgrimage this pilgrimage that we began more thantwo months ago end there?There are pilgrimages all over theworld. In most, one travels to a place orplaces hallowed by events that took placethere. One goes; one reaches one's goal;one returns. There are pilgrimages in Indiathat follow a spiral route, moving arounda mountain in a narrowing circle, gradually approaching the summit, the goal. Butthis Shikoku pilgrimage is the only pilgrimage I know of that is essentially acircle. It has no beginning and no end.Like the quest for enlightenment, it isunending . . .From the valley we walk into themountains. It seems right that Eighty-eight should be a mountain temple. Everytemple is in the religious sense a moun-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Smtner 1983tain one of the names that every templebears is the name of a mountain but asthe henro crosses the plains he findshimself focusing on the real peaks that risebeyond and on the temples that crownthose peaks. He knows what the mountains will demand of him and what theywill give in return: a lifting of the spirits atthe summit, a sense of awe.Echoing in the mountain we hear thetemple bell. We round the last curve. Opposite the temple is a campsite, proclaimed by a Coca-Cola sign. There areparked cars and a Sunday crowd of picnickers; this has become a tourist spot.We feel on exhibition as we walk pastfood, drink, and souvenir shops towardsteps that rise against the mountain.The walls of the main hall are hungwith crutches, braces, plaster casts, clothbreasts; suspended from the ceiling is atwo-wheeled cripple's cart; each is signedor tagged: name, age, address specificsevoking the nameless who have throngedthe pilgrimage over all the years seeking tobe healed.The priest attending the altar, havingleafed through our albums to confirm thatwe came all the way from Number One,asks us to kneel. Murmuring a benediction, he touches us with a priest's staff.Then he inscribes our albums with a vermilion stamp reading, like the stone pillar below, "The Place of Fulfillment ofthe Vow."He shows us the staff with which heblessed us. It is of forged metal about asbig around as a finger, surmounted by ametal finial shaped into two loops, eachholding three metal rings. It was theDaishi's, he tells us, given to him by hismaster in China, left here by him when hecompleted his pilgrimage.Following what they believe to be theDaishi's example, many henro who havecompleted their pilgrimage leave theirstaffs here. The Daishi Hall and the veranda around it are crowded with staffs andsedge hats. The priest tells us that the temple annually holds an out-of-door fire ceremony toward the end of summer to burnthe year's accumulation . . . We climb back to the old path, saygood-bye, and set out. We still have walking to do, and we have the kind of paththat makes portions of the pilgrimage ajoy, old and well-worn but clear and clean.There are henro-stones to mark the distances and images of Jizo to watch over it.Morikawa takes the lead here. Hispack is as usual a little askew our mapsbulge at one side but it rides easily onshoulders two months toughened. Thereis a bond between us now, a bond ofshared delights and discomforts, of mutual dependency, of search and discovery,each into himself and together into a newlandscape. They say a henro carries thebaggage of his life: true, and the pilgrimage gives him time to sort out some of it.We are headed back to Number Onebut I know now that my pilgrimage willnot end there. When I started from MountKoya on my first pilgrimage, the abbot ofmy temple sent me off saying, "You willsee all aspects of man, some pure, someimpure. You should see both without misunderstanding." Pure and impure: I haveseen both aspects, in myself. He also said,"If you are earnest, you will to somedegree be transformed." This I know to betrue. Anyone who performs the pilgrimage seriously must be to some degreetransformed. But in my own case, to whatdegree? Of one thing I am certain: thetransformation I yearn for is incomplete. Ido not know whether I am any closer toenlightenment I do not really expect toachieve it but I know that the attempt isworth the effort.The pilgrimage is addictive, as ahenro we met some time back remarked.This circuit around Shikoku will pull meback to try again. And again. It is a striving, and that goes on. What is importantis not the destination but the act of getting there, not the goal but the going.Morikawa, dropping back to walk besideme, breaks the silence: "Someday I wantto make the pilgrimage again."It is growing dark and it is rainingwhen we enter the gate of Temple NumberOne. Morikawa rings the temple bell.Namu Daishi Henjo Kongo! SUniversityLaunches Campaignfor theArts and SciencesGoal is to raise$150 millionin the next five yearsfor the Collegeand fourGraduate Divisions.Edwin A. Bergman. AB'39. Faculty SupportStudent AidStrengthening Undergraduate EducationHutchins FundResidential House ProgramsFacilitiesFund for Graduate EducationInterdisciplinary StudiesOriental InstituteDivinity SchoolCommittee on Public Policy StudiesArea and Civilization StudiesLibraryFund for Basic Biological SciencesFund for Physical SciencesFund for HumanitiesFund for Social SciencesUnrestricted EndowmentUnrestricted Annual Support $ 25 million20 million15 million5 million10 million10 million10 million10 million5 million5 million10 million$125 million25 millionTotal Campaign Goal $150 millionUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MACAZINE/Summer 1983The metaphorical figure selected to symbolize the Campaign for the Arts and Sciencesis carved at midpoint in the north parapet overthe reading room of the William Rainey HarperMemorial Library, completed in 1912 and dedicated to the memory of the first president of the University. With its monastic cowl and accompanying quill pen, book, and globe, the figurepersonifies the spirit of rigorous scholarly in-uiry and a sense of the University as an independent community devoted to learning.j%\tmttmAlt a dinner given by the Board ofTrustees on April 15, the University announced a Campaign for the Arts and Sciences to raise $150 million in the next fiveyears for the College and the four graduate divisions.The campaign is a major componentin "Toward the Centennial," the University's program to raise $400 million in thenext five years."The year 1991 will mark the 100thanniversary of the founding of a great university which did indeed revolutionizehigher education in this country," saidPresident Hanna H. Gray. "Its solidityand accomplishment are beyond question.Now we are embarked on the effort to ensure the intensive pursuit of new levels ofexcellence and strength, to give leadingauthority and purpose to the University inits second century."Toward that end, we are undertaking to raise $400 million over the next fiveyears, double the amount we would normally expect to secure from privateresources. We intend that the University'scentennial express not simply the continu-Robert O. Anderson, AB'39. ing and important sustenance of achievement, but the continuing fulfillment of alarger promise."We mean to go beyond 'business asusual' and to recreate the University and itsrole for the future. As another president ofthe University once said, 'a university, likethe world of the ancient Greek philosopher, is always becoming, never is.' "Chairman of the Campaign for theArts and Sciences is Robert O. Anderson,AB'39, chairman of the Atlantic RichfieldCompany."The University of Chicago requiresthis assistance to maintain the independence and integrity that have been itshallmarks since its founding in 1891,"Anderson said. "It has planned its priorities carefully. I am proud to pledge mysupport and to urge the support of otherswho are as convinced as I am that thequality of American life depends directlyon the quality of American thought towhich this University has contributed sogreatly."Edwin A. Bergman, AB'39, chairmanof the Board of Trustees, announced thatRichard M. Morro more than $30 million already has beenraised for the Campaign for the Arts andSciences through nearly 100 gifts including one $3 million anonymous giftand several of $1 million or more fromindividuals, corporations, and privatefoundations.Bergman said that two trustees wouldhead committees for the campaign. B.Kenneth West, MBA'60, president ofHarris Trust and Savings Bank and itsholding company, Harris Bankcorp, Inc.,will be chairman of the Major Gifts Committee, and Richard M. Morrow, president and a director of Standard Oil Company (Indiana), will head the CorporateGifts Committee.Hart Perry, AM'40, will head thecommittee for the Robert MaynardHutchins Fund."The arts and sciences at the University exemplify the essential core of theinstitution its health and vigor, itsaspiration to provide the finest educationand the best environment for creativeresearch and scholarship to be foundanywhere," said Gray.Kenneth West, MBA'60.(Left to right) The Honorable Marjorie (Mrs. Charles) Benton, who is a member ofthe Women's Board, Mrs. Robert (Hope Feldman) Samuels, AB'36, and trusteeStanley M. Freehling, X'42.'a university ,like the world ofthe ancient Greekphilosopher,is always becoming,never is. "(Left to right) Trustee Weston R.Christopherson and Mrs. Robert Reneker.who is a member of the Visiting Committeeon the College. "The campaign's objectives have todo, above all, with the talented people,faculty and students, who define the University's excellence," she continued."Hence, it is also a campaign dedicated toresources and financial support of libraries and laboratories and facilities that willattract the best people and that will enablethem to do their best work, to venture onnew paths of teaching and new paths oflearning. The specific goals of this campaign have to do with those objectives."Above all, we are seeking supportfor junior as well as senior faculty and forundergraduate and graduate student aid.We are seeking support for the strengthening of undergraduate education, in aunique research university that has at itsheart a small, rigorous liberal arts college.The College maintains an integrity of itsown, and leads in thinking about education while drawing support and sustenance from the larger institution in whichit lives. We are seeking support for newpaths in graduate education because webelieve that this is not a time to retrench inthe area of graduate education in the artsand sciences. Instead, this is a time to begoing against the tide and to be re-invigorating programs of graduate education inorder to be training those who will beleaders in research and scholarship andeducational momentum in the 1990s andbeyond."Bergman added that faculty salaries"must be given first consideration whenhard choices are made among competingpriorities." While Chicago's faculty salaries arecompetitive and have improved steadily,he pointed out, the endowment funds supporting them are smaller than at severalother institutions in its rank.Gray noted that $16.7 million hasbeen allocated for scholarships and fellowships in the current academic year. Ofthat amount, she said, $14.3 million upsharply from last year comes from unrestricted funds."We are committed to seeking thebest students available," she said."We are determined to continue thepolicy under which no qualified undergraduate student is deprived of admissionfor financial reasons, and we will continueto do our best to assure graduate studentsof the funds they need through fellowships, scholarships, loans, and otherforms of assistance."Costs are rising, shifting patterns ofgovernment and private support havecaused a decline in outside student aidresources, and the competition for topstudents is increasing."The University has an annual operating budget of $422 million. Its endowmenthad a market value of $500 million as ofMarch 31. It raised $130 million in giftsand pledges between 1979 and 1982.About $65 million of the campaign'stotal goal will be added to endowment tosupport such central expenditures as faculty salaries, student aid, library acquisitions, and laboratory costs.Some two-thirds of the funds soughtwill be used to support current programs.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'Summer 1983(Left to right) Life trustee George A. Ranney, trustee Robert O. Anderson, AB'39, chairmanof the Campaign for the Arts and Sciences, and Mrs. Caylord (Frances Tollerton) A. Freeman,Jr., PhB'31, Women's Board. (Left to right) Trustee Willie D. Davis,MBA'68, and Jay Berwanger, AB'36.The remainder will be used to strengthenthe University's programs. This includes$10 million for new construction and renovation, and about $40 million for such initiatives as development of new researchand selected faculty appointments.(For specific goals of the campaign,see the opening page of this article.)The $15 million sought to strengthenundergraduate education includes threecomponents: The Robert Maynard HutchinsFund to provide resources for facultycommitted to undergraduate teaching,course development, teaching internshipsfor advanced graduate students, and promoting public discussion of the centralissues of liberal education. Hutchins waspresident, and later chancellor, of the University from 1929 to 1951. Residential House Programs toenhance the quality and diversity of life inthe five major residence halls that arehome to more than two-thirds of all undergraduates and almost all freshmen. Facilities to renovate Ida NoyesHall, the student center, and to raise fundstoward the construction and renovationof buildings used for instruction in physicsand chemistry.The $10 million fund for interdisciplinary study recognizes the importance forscholars to be able to change and redefinetheir scopes of inquiry through extensivecooperation with specialists of varyingbackgrounds in other fields.Funds are sought to support the workin several important centers of interdisciplinary research: the Oriental Institute,the Divinity School, the Committee onPublic Policy Studies, and Area andCivilization Studies, which concentrateon a variety of geographical areas.The University's library system, forwhich $10 million is sought, holds morethan 4.4 million items, a manuscript andarchival collection of more than 4 millionpieces, and a photographic study collection of visual art estimated at more than500,000 pieces. In addition, it containsextensive collections of maps, aerial pho tographs, textbooks, phonograph records, and children's books.The library fund is designed to helpmeet the rising cost of acquisitions especially scholarly publications, whose costsare increasing at a rate of 10 to 15 per centa year.The unrestricted endowment goal of$10 million seeks to give the Universityflexibility in meeting unforeseen opportunities and challenges as they arise in virtually every area of its operation: facultysalaries, student aid, supporting traditional and special teaching and research, andmaintaining physical properties.The $25 million for unrestrictedannual support, or "annual giving," recognizes the importance of individualannual gifts in the University's steadyprogress toward a balanced budget.The goal is to increase these gifts toan average level total of $4 million a yearduring the course of the campaign, inaddition to $5 million in unrestricted support to be sought from corporate sources.m(Left to right) Trustees Donald A. Gillies andJames T. Rhind.(Left to right) Gaylord A. Freeman, Jr., a member of the Citizens Board, Charles M.Gray, professor in the Department of History and the College, and trustee George Ranney.mercigraciasgrazieobrigadomultmiridankedanktacktaktakkdziekujedekujihvalakoszonomkiitostesekkurterima kasihdankonspasiboefcharistoshoukrantodahdankkansha suruassantethankyou Thank you.Thank you for your response to our request for voluntary contributions to helpdefray the Magazine's operatingcosts. Many alumni have chosen this way of voicing their appreciation for receiving themagazine. Alumni from 32countries (and Hong Kong) sentin checks.We also want to expressour gratitude to the many non-alumni readers who sent incontributions.As voluntary contributions, your gifts to theMagazine are tax-deductible.(And if you haven't sent in agift yet, it's not too late to doso. Make it payable to theUniversity of Chicago Magazine.)We are always happy toreceive comments from ourreaders about the magazine:"Amazing what you accomplish with two staff members. Almost as good as Harvard Magazine with dozens ofstaff." Mary A. Darragh,AM'45, Lowell, MA."The magazine is terrific broader in concept and soentertaining." Elizabeth CowenDavis, PhB'29, Chicago, IL."For a two-person operation you do a fantastic job!Glad to be able to help (however humbly)." Stuart D.Boynton, AB'49, Bronx, NY.You may recall that in ourletter asking for voluntary contributions, we asked alumni tomake a "generic" gift; in returnwe offered to name an issue, apage, a paragraph, a word or acomma after them. Here aresome of the comments whichaccompanied their gifts:"Your 'generic' letter is aclassic. I wish you could acknowledge that I contributedan exclamation point!" AryehL. Mutzkin, Cambridge, MA."How can anyone resistbeing one of the first genericcomma givers in the history ofthe dear old U of C? I am thetarget of endless appeals. Mostgo directly to that large filewhich is emptied daily. Yourshas been preserved and shownto friends. I must have receivedat least $10 worth of fun fromit." Father George I. Wilson,AB'50, Detroit, MI. "The amount enclosed ismodest, and does not reflectmy great appreciation for theunique and witty appeal, whichI am forwarding to my daughter, Shirah Hecht, who is nowa graduate student at the University . . . She is making up myincompletes. Contribution is forthe purchase of a semicolon ..." Alezah DworkinWeinberg, PhB'46, nowM.S.W., Fairview Park, OH."Please name an exclamation point for me." EmilyMorgan Woodson, AB'41,Mercer Island, WA."Enjoy the magazine andwould like a double space to benamed for me." Elice Baer,PhB'34, Honolulu, HI."Funniest 'gimme' letter Iever read! And your magazineis the best." Mrs. ReedSchlademan, AB'37, Pittsburgh,PA."The generic comma is absolutely brilliant and I willknow mine when I see it."James R. Nelson, MFA'60,Birmingham, AL.El wood T. and Helen E.Starbuck, Honolulu, HI, sent in$100, to cover their contribution and that of nine others.They requested we name a "-"for them, or a "?"."Never underestimate thepower of a word. I'm sending$25 instead of $10." Jack H.Sloan, SB'25, SM'26, MD'31,Chicago, IL."You've finally given memy charitable classification. I'ma generic giver!" Perlita KnightGauthier, AM'53, Paonia, CO."Never in my nearly seventy years have I received suchan outrageously humorous letter of appeal! It is worth farmore than the mere $10 yourequested in fact, one couldsay it's priceless. Personally, I'llsettle for a Charles ConradJohn Hutchison Quackenbushapostrophe!" Charles C.Quackenbush, MBA'52,Waldwick, NJ."Most creative fund-raisingletter ever written. Enclosed istwice what you ask." ThomasW. Wilson, MD'61, Fort Worth,TX.Richard R. Gantt, MBA'54,Albuquerque, NM, said: "Iwould like all the commas in the next issuefor me.]" [to be namedThe following letter isfrom Edgar W. Mills, Jr.,PhB'47, DB'53, associate professor of sociology, Universityof Texas at San Antonio:"Dear Felicia AntonelliHolton (if that lovely name isnot yet another invention ofyour fevered brain):"I can't afford things likethis . . . What I really wouldlike for my ten dollars is tohave my very own file folder inyour correspondence file. Iwant it to say clearly 'Edgar W.Mills, Jr.' so that as my friendsbrowse through your files theywill not have to guess aboutthe genericity of the gift. Infact, please add 'Ted' (by whichnickname my friends know mebest) so they will be sure it isnot just any old Edgar W.Mills, Jr. sitting there in the fileof honor."Of course, it would alsobe OK to name the file drawerfor me or even the entire filing cabinet. The Edgar W.Mills, Jr., Top Drawer has acertain elegance, don't youthink? But I realize for $10 onecan't expect too much . . . Thatwas a neat letter. So is theMagazine. Agenerically yours."Yes, Ted, that is my realname, and in the Robie Housegarage (which is where ourstaff is housed) we now have atop drawer named just for you.Michael L. Rosin, AB'73,Freehold, NJ, had the most unusual request of all:"Your solicitation hasprompted me to increase mygift ... I ask no special favorsfor myself in return. However,I might suggest that my toypoodle, Robert Tuffie, wouldlike to have an honorary dog-torate awarded to him so thathe can sign his nameROBERT TUFFIE, PhDog."Please rubber stamp theenclosed diploma. .At the Rosin householdthere is now a diploma, signedby your editor, with a properuniversity seal on it, issued toRobert Tuffie, PhDog'82.Welcome, Dr. Tuffie, toacadogemia.Felicia Antonelli Holton SUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE Summer 1983CLASS NEWS06 Fred Baird, PhB'06, JD'08, see 1936,Louis R. Miller.rtQ Alice Johnson Bostick, PhB'09, still\J y lives in her own home in southeasternMichigan at the age of 94. Her book about thehistory and geology of the area, called Roots ofInkster, was published a year and a half ago."My desire to specialize in geology," shewrites, "was thwarted by the fact that 'therewas no provision for girls on field trips.'-1 rj Margaret M. Doorty, PhD'17, had a1 / reunion with Ruth Sheehy Patterson,PhB'17, who was visiting her daughter, AnnPatterson Street, AB'44. Patterson lives inDallas, TX, Doorty in Ithaca, NY.Josephine S. Starr, PhB'17, writes that sheis "weak in the legs but still enjoying some useof the top story."1 Q Helen Roe Henn, PhB'19, and her hus-1 y band, Dr. Samuel C. Henn, Jr., havecelebrated their sixty-first weddinganniversary.*}A Lucia E. Tower, SB'20, MD'26, hasZj\J finally retired after fifty-five years ofpracticing medicine. She lives in Chesterton, IN.^-1 Walter E. Landt, PhB'21, writes, "At,Z_j J_ the time I was graduated, many youngmen, if they had no job waiting for them, became bond salesmen. I started out that wayand forty-five years later retired as a broker."*"} *"} Robert S. Adler and Elwood G.Za/u Ratcliff, both PhB'22, were thankedalong with the rest of the Class of 1922 byMartin Runkle, director of Regenstein Library,for the continuing benefits to the library of theClass of 1922 Book Fund. The fund goes to purchase books that describe the social, politicaland technical problems involved in preservingand managing the environment.Ford H. Kaufman, PhB'22, stills worksevery day as a stockbroker at the age of 81. Helives in Indianapolis, IN.Helen Sanderson, PhB'22, is enjoying herfirst year of retirement in Davenport, IA, at theage of eighty-five years.~\ O Florence Schatt Lauter, SM'23, writesAu O the she was "astounded" at the map ofcampus in the Spring, 1982, issue of the Magazine. "I have not been back to the campus since1940," she writes, "and hence was dumbfounded (and delighted) to see such tremendousgrowth."Walter B. Posey, PhB'23, continues toteach American history. He and his wife live inAtlanta, GA."} A Harold A. Anderson, PhB'24, AM'26,^IjTX is retired and lives in Northbrook, IL.Lillian Larmon Hillburg, X'24, has agrandson, Robert Larmon Denby, in the College.^\ /l Bernice Hartmann Peeling, PhB'26,ZjU lives in a retirement community inMechanicsburg, PA, and organizes GreatBooks discussion groups. She has just startedher fifth such group.*"\ r"7 Leon Despres, PhB'27, JD'29, and J.Ai / Parker Hall, PhB'27, received lettersof thanks from Regenstein Library directorMartin Runkle for the continued support to thelibrary of the Class of 1927 Book Fund. Thefund has been especially useful in building thehistory and literature collections.John M. Jackson, SB'27, PhD'32, after acareer as a chemist/food technologist withAmerican Can Co. and the Green Giant Co., isretired and lives in Lakeside, MI.Alice Carter Querfeld, PhB'27, movedwith her husband from Detroit to Boulder,CO, eleven years ago. Her sister, DorothyCarter Snow, PhB'29, and her son also live inBoulder, where they are all active in volunteercommunity activities.Joseph Haskell Shaffer, SB'27, MD'32, andAnne Stump Shaffer, SB'29, were marriedwhile both were attending the University. Theylive in Birmingham, MI.Jessie Lease Spaulding, AM'27, is a resident of Hillcrest Retirement Homes, Bozeman,MT 59715.^y Q Kenneth G. Ansley, X'28, was ap-ZjO pointed a Distinguished Hoosier byIndiana Governor Robert Orr in February.Ansley's long list of appointments includesHonorary Governor of Indiana, KentuckyColonel, and Honorary Lieutenant Colonel inthe Alabama Militia. He is also an admiral inthe Great Navy of the State of Nebraska.Theodore J. Jenson, PhB'28, has a Ph.D.from the University of Wisconsin and lives inLeesburg, FL.Kate Hevner Mueller, PhD'28, graduatedat the same commencement as her late husband,John H. Mueller, PhD'28, but did not meet himuntil five years later. She was editor of the National Association of Women Deans and Counselors Journal for ten years, and has publishedsix books and 51 articles. Her husband waschairman of the sociology department at Indiana University before his death in 1964.Georgina Pitcock, AB'28, taught juniorand senior high school for eighteen years andworked as an assistant pharmacist for manyyears. She lives in Manitou Springs, CO.Estelle Alice Roop, SB'28, is in her sixthyear as a resident of Friendship Village, a retirement home in Schaumburg, IL, consideredthe largest in the country. She writes that she is"extremely contented."'") Q Charlotte Howard Greer, SB'29, SM.31,Zi / is enjoying Michigan in retirement.Anne Stump Shaffer, SB'29, see 1927,Joseph Shaffer. Dorothy Carter Snow, PhB'29, see 1927,Alice Carter Querfeld.O A Marquis T. Alderman, PhB'30, is re-tjU tired and enjoying life on the shores ofLake Hamilton, in Hot Springs, AR.Alice deMauriac Hammond, PhB'30,SM'32, at the age of eighty, lives in Cody, WY.For thirty years she managed a ranch in Norfolk, WY, raising Herfords.Leonard Landwirth, PhB'30, is retired andliving in Los Angeles, CA.Ralph McCallister, PhB'30, is retired as associate director of the Department of MedicalStudies of the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina. He and his wife havesince lived for a year in England, traveled tothe Soviet Union and to the People's Republicof China ("establishing warm friendships ineach place"), and given themselves over to "anabsorbing interest in a revival of positivedemocratic action."S. Elizabeth McFetridge, MD'30, has retired and lives in Beckley, WV. Both her sonspractice medicine in West Virginia.David A. Revzan, PhB'30, AM'35,PhD'43, lives in San Francisco, CA. He isretired from the University of California atBerkeley.Leo Rosten, PhB'30, PhD'37, was recentlynamed Honorary Fellow of the London Schoolof Economics and awarded the honorary degreeof doctor of Hebrew letters by both the University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, and HebrewUnion College, Cincinnati, OH.Dorothy Cahill Sargent, PhB'30, AM'40,is active in the Retired Senior Volunteer Program in Phoenix and Scottsdale, AZ.Catherine S. Scott, PhB'30, has moved forthe sixth time since retiring from the ForeignService ten years ago. She lives in Rockport,MA, an artists' center where she hopes to concentrate on painting.John T. Sites, AM'30, retired from teachingat Dodge City Community College, Dodge City,KS, in 1972. He lives in Kansas City, MO.O -1 Charles A. Pollak, PhB'31, was the re-J JL cipient of the United Way of LosAngeles Adult Leadership Award for 1982. Hehas been elected to a third term as president ofthe board of the Los Angeles Child GuidanceClinic.Tatsuji Takeuchi, PhD'31, is professor ofpolitical science and director of internationalstudies at Kansai University of Foreign Studiesat Hirakata, Osaka, Japan. His responsibilitiesinclude an undergraduate Asian studies program in which close to a hundred foreign students, mostly Americans, are enrolled.0*1 Ruth Rosenthal Aronberg, PhB'32, isJ^4 active in the St. Louis, MO, AlumniSchools Committee, which interviews prospective students for the University.Harris M. Benedict, PhD'32, retired fromSRI International about ten years ago. He keepsbusy consulting on the effects of air pollutantson vegetation, and is also working on the rees-tablishment of a guayule rubber industry.Lester A. Reynolds, X'32, has resumed attending auctions in search of antiques after about of poor health. He lives in retirement inStewartsville, IN.Emil H. J. Rintelmann, AM'32, retiredfrom the University School of Milwaukee in1972 after fifty years of teaching. He then servedas a substitute teacher in the Milwaukee PublicSchools for eleven more years. He is eighty-fiveyears old and still teaching as a volunteer.Eldon C. Robson, PhB'32, is still active assales promotion manager for Chicago SanitaryProducts Co. and Amity Building Service Corp.Studs Terkel, PhB'32, JD'34, was awardedthe Paul Robeson Award last fall by the ActorsEquity Association in recognition of, amongother things, his "concern for and service to fellow humans and respect for the dignity of theindividual."Gladys True, PhB'32, writes that she has"never been so busy." She is retired and livingin River Forest, IL.O O Harvey A. Karam, MD'33, is still inJ J active practice in Akron, OH.Robert B. Shapiro, PhB'33, JD'35, is "having a great time" being retired on top of Mt.Tamalpais, twenty minutes from San Franciscoin Mill Valley, CA. He does as much community volunteer work and as little financial management consulting as possible.MGeraldine Smithwick Alvarez, PhB'34,has finished her tenure as presidentof the Children's Research Foundation, whichraises funds for medical research in children'sdiseases done principally at Wyler Children'sHospital at the University's Medical Center.The new president is Susan Parsons Eblen,MAT'71. Chairman of the medical advisoryboard is Marc O. Beem, MD'48. GeorgeGirton, AB'41, Betty Headland Oostenbrug,AB'44, and Marion Baker Salmon, AB'44, areboard members, and William Oostenbrug,SB'47, is on the financial advisory committee.A. Neal Deaver, PhB'34, is director, AcmeFund Raising Consultants, Blue Springs, MO.Deaver lives in Independence, MO.Helen L. Morgan, AB'34, AM'36, lives andworks as a volunteer at Pilgrim Place, Clare-mont, CA, an ecumenical retirement center forpeople who have been in professional churchwork for twenty years or more. Morgan was ateacher and principal of a United Church ofChrist school for girls from 1952 to 1977.Harold G. Petering, SB'34, retired in 1978as professor emeritus of environmental healthscience at the University of Cincinnati (OH). In1975 he received the Chemist of the Year Awardfrom the Cincinnati section of the AmericanChemical Society. He is now self-employed as aconsultant and lecturer.William O. Philbrook, SB'34, has retiredas emeritus professor of metallurgical engineering and material science at Carnegie-MellonUniversity, Pittsburgh, PA, after thirty-sixyears of teaching there. He continues to be professionally active from his home base inPittsburgh.Harry Ruja, AM'34, has been professor ofphilosophy emeritus, San Diego State Universi ty, since 1979. He was visiting lecturer inphilosophy at Haifa University, Haifa, Israel,in the spring of 1981.O C John W. Auld, AB'35, is retired andJsJ lives in Mountain View, CA, where hedonates his time to civic projects.E. Jackson Baur, AB'35, AM'38, PhD'42,has retired and received the designation of professor emeritus of sociology at the Universityof Kansas (Lawrence). His friends have established a scholarship fund in his honor for students of conflict and peace. Baur lives in Lawrence, KS.Conrad E. Ronneberg, PhD'35, is chairman of physical science emeritus at DenisonUniversity, Granville, OH, and LieutenantColonel, Retired, in the U.S. Army. He lives inMedford, OR.Helen M. Staunton, AB'35, the first student at the University to attain three years ofcredit in four quarters, has moved from Yonk-ers, NY, to St. Simon's Island, GA. She willcontinue Staunton Editorial Services in the newlocation, and also works as associate editor ofColumbia Features, Inc., New York, NY.T S Herbert D. Landahl, SM'36, PhD'41,^y \S is professor emeritus of biophysics andbiomathematics, University of California atSan Francisco. He was chief editor of the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology from 1972 to 1982,and was recently elected president of the Society for Mathematical Biology.Louis R. Miller, AB'36, JD'37, particularlyappreciated the picture of Fred Baird, PhB'06,JD'08, on the back cover of the Fall '82 issue ofthe Magazine. In his position as general counselof Armour & Co., Baird increased Miller's annual salary from $3,600 to $4,500 after thewar. Miller went on to become general counselof Armour, then of Greyhound when it acquiredArmour. He lives in Paradise Valley, AZ.Marion McWilliams Mitchell, AB'36,AM'59, retired in 1978 as director of foster careand adoption, Chicago Child Care Society. Sheis listed in Who's Who of American WomenAlexander M. Moore, AB'36, is assistantsuperintendent for curriculum and supervisionfor the Indianapolis (IN) Public Schools.Fred A. Replogle, PhD'36, was elected tothe Senior Citizens Hall of Fame last May at aceremony at the Chicago Cultural Center. Hehas also been recognized recently by GeorgeWilliams College for his twenty-five years as amember of that institution's board of trustees.Stanley G. Reynolds, X'36, retired in 1976from the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake,CA, after 26 years as an electronics engineerfor the Department of the Navy. He is chairman of the Corona (CA) Library Foundationand a former president of the Corona RotaryClub.O r"7 Cora Gouwens, PhB'37, retired fromO / the O'Keefe School, Chicago, in 1959,and then did office work for twelve years. Shelives in South Holland, IL.Bernard Silber, MD'37, spent five years inthe Army and thirty-six in medical practice. Heis seriously considering retirement. Silber isswimming competitively in the Masters' Program, doing calligraphy and learning computerscience. He lives in Atherton, CA. All eight members of the Nu PiSigma (senior honor society ) of the Classof 1937 gathered in August, 1982, for athree-day reunion in Boulder, CO.Those attending were Caroline HamiltonZimmerly Acree, AB'37, AM'40, ofGreenville, MS; Hannah Fisk Flack,AB'40 (originally Class of 1937), of OakHarbor, WA; Margaret ThompsonKinnaird, SB'37, of Ellsworth, ME;Genevieve Fish Lewis, AB'37, ofBoulder, CO; Elizabeth Ellis Reed,AB'37, of Evanston, IL; Louise HoytSmith, AB'37, of Tacoma, WA;Catherine Pittman Watkins, AB'37, ofWatkins Island, WI; and Marie WolfeYocum, AB'37, of Indianapolis, IN.Charles F. Stroebel, MD'37, retired frommedical practice ten years ago after a heart attack. He is chairman of the emeritus staff of theMayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.TO Alton A. Linford, AM'38, PhD'47, is<}£? retired, living in Shingle Springs, CA,enjoying reading and playing golf.Paul C. Lippold, PhB'38, has been retiredfor fifteen years after thirty-five years as anelementary school principal.Paul E. Mapes, AM'38, retired in 1964from Joliet (IL) Public Schools.Sidney E. Mead, AM'38, PhD'40, hastaught as visiting or distinguished professor ineight different universities scattered fromChapel Hill to Santa Barbara. He is currentlyteaching at Western New Mexico University,Silver City, NM. "Old professors never die,"Mead writes, "they are just graded away."Rudolph C. Mendelssohn, AB'38, retiredfrom the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics asassistant commissioner in 1980, after fortyyears of service. He has since worked as a consultant in computer systems for the WorldBank and for the United Nations DevelopmentProgram in Bangladesh and the Philippines.OQ Sherman P. Corwin, AB'39, JD'41, hasJy been elected president of the ChicagoEstate Planning Council, an association of over600 lawyers, accountants and life underwriters.Corwin recently went on a four week trip toChina.Burt Moyer, AB'39, is chairman of theAlexandria, VA, Commission on Aging andchairman of volunteers for an emergency assistance program supported by thirty-fiveAlexandria churches. He writes that "everynow and then, I laugh to myself when I remember how old the World War I veterans lookedto me in 1939."Kenneth D. Osborn, Jr., AB'39, is directorof employee and public relations for a hospitalin Carlsbad, NM. He moved there from Albuquerque seven years ago.Marion Elisberg Simon, AB'39, is directorof special services for patients at Michael ReeseHospital, Chicago. She recently instituted abingo game for patients on the hospital's in-service television channel, an innovation thatwas very well received.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Summer 1983A f\ Robert Cuba Jones, X'40, attended theTX \J 10th World Congress of Sociology inMexico City last summer. He and his wife,Ingeborg, direct the International CulturalCenter in Oaxtepec, Mexico. Jones founded theCenter more than twenty-five years ago to promote understanding between Mexico and theUnited States.Virginia Maguire Lerner, AB'40, after acareer as a social worker in pediatrics and psychiatric child welfare services, is retired andlives in Brooklyn, NY.Robert S. Miner, Jr., SB'40, went on toearn an M.A. and a Ph.D. from Princeton,then spent thirty years in industry. He hasretired and is pursuing consultant work inchemistry and chemical engineering both domestically and abroad.Norma Yerger Queen, AM'40, was reelected to a second term as secretary of theboard of trustees of the Canton (OH) Art Institute. She has also been active in Planned Parenthood there.Janet Cameron Solomon, AB'40, and herhusband, Ezra Solomon, PhD'50, have celebrated their twentieth year at their home on thecampus of Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.A ""I Donald J. Egr, AM'4l, following re-TlJL. tirement from the U.S. Department ofAgriculture, lives in Oregon City, OR, at theend of the Oregon Trail. He has a second"leisure" home high over the Pacific Ocean onthe central Oregon coast. Egr is one of threevoluntary commissioners serving with theOregon City Civil Service Commission.George Girton, AB'41, see 1934, GeraldineSmithwick Alvarez.A. Leland Jamison, PhD'41, is professor ofreligion emeritus, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. In 1981, he was elected an honorarymember of Phi Beta Kappa, and in July of 1982,he observed the 45th anniversary of his ordination to the Presbyterian ministry. Jamison isstill active as an occasional preacher.Joseph L. Mihelic, PhD'41, retired fromteaching Old Testament literature and languages at the University of Dubuque (IA) Theological Seminary in 1972. He continues toteach part-time, do archival work, and raiseorganically-grown vegetables and fruits for hisfriends.Joyce Dannen Miller, PhB'41, AM'51, wasre-elected president of the Coalition of LaborUnion Women last year, and is also a memberof the Executive Council of the A.F.L.-C.I.O.,director of the Amalgamated Bank of NewYork, trustee of the German Marshall Fund ofthe U.S., and member of the Council on Foreign Relations.Hilgard Pannes, X'41, was a guest aboardthe Joseph Conrad for the ship's hundredth anniversary celebration in Mystic Harbor, CT, inSeptember. Pannes showed five reels of filmtaken on board while he was an able seamanfor the ship's circumnavigation of 1934-36.Leo Lichtenberg, SB'42, see 1952, EvaFishell Lichtenberg.42A T Harold M. Mayer, PhD'43, is profes-Tt*3 sor of geography at the University ofWisconsin/Milwaukee and vice-president ofthe Mi'waukee Harbor Commission. He re ceived the National Council of GeographyEducators' Distinguished Teaching Award attheir October meeting in San Diego, CA.A A Anna Harmens, SB'44, is retired, occa-Jt^fc sionally teaching an adult Sundayschool class. She lives in Kalamazoo, MI.Elizabeth Headland Oostenbrug, AB'44,and her husband, William R. Oostenbrug,SB'47 (Class of '43), are looking forward to thefortieth anniversary of the Class of 1943, to beheld in June at the University, and hope to seemany classmates there. Betty has retired as assistant meetings manager of the AmericanNuclear Society and plans now to devote timeto the nuclear disarmament effort. They livein Hinsdale, IL. See also 1934, GeraldineSmithwick Alvarez.Marion Baker Salmon, AB'44, see 1934,Geraldine Smithwick Alvarez.Ann Patterson Street, AB'44, see 1917,Margaret M. Doorty.A [T John J. Antel, MD'45, is director of^fc**/ psychiatric services, El CaminoHospital, Mountain View, CA.Harry G. Kroll, PhB'45, SB'47, MD'50,practices orthopedic surgery in Topeka, KS. Heis vice president of Mid-Central States Orthopedic Society and assistant clinical professor oforthopedic surgery at Kansas University Medical School.Eve Milbradt, X'45, is the mother ofKenneth B. Milbradt, AB'82. She lives inNaperville, IL, and he in Hyde Park.Alfred W. Painter, PhD'45, has been chairman of the philosophy department at OrangeCoast College, Costa Mesa, CA, for fifteenyears. He was voted Outstanding Teacher ofthe Year in 1974 and elected to the NationalTeachers' Hall of Fame in 1975. He is active inthe community and in the National Conferenceof Christians and Jews. He plans to retirein 1984.Madeline Sohn Schroeder, SB'45, is completing her second four-year term as trustee ofthe Village of Arlington Heights, IL.A /L George H. Orwig, SB'46, SM'48, after^t\J retiring three years ago, divides histime equally between his home in SatelliteBeach, FL, and his farm in Morrison, TN.W. H. Tilley, AM'46, PhD'64, runs an investment firm and a consulting service andteaches part-time at the New York School ofVisual Arts.A rj Rolf K. Hasner, MBA'47, is executiveTt / vice-president of Globe Slicing Machine Co. He is active in the Rotary Club ofGreenwich, CT, and is executive vice presidentof the Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce, New York, NY.Louis Kriesberg, PhB'47, AM'50, PhD'53,is president-elect of the Society for the Study ofSocial Problems. He is married to Lois AblinKriesberg, AM'53. They live in Syracuse, NY.William Oostenbrug, SB'47, see 1944,Elizabeth Headland Oostenbrug.Ferris S. Randall, AB'47, BLS'48, isemeritus director of Morris Library, SouthernIllinois University, Carbondale, IL, aftertwenty-one years of service.Helen Savran, AM'47, is into her second career: printmaking. "When I say come up andsee my etchings,'" she writes, "I mean it literally." She lives in Los Angeles, CA.E. B. Smith, AM'47, PhD'49, spent theFebruary-June semester, 1982, as FulbrightVisiting Professor of American History atMoscow State University in the Soviet Union.He also lectured at Tashkent University andLeningrad University. Smith's recent book,Francis Preston Blair, won the Phi Alpha ThetaInternational History Honorary Society's $500award for best book by a member.David Temkin, AM'47, retired fromNortheastern Illinois University, Chicago, in1981, as professor emeritus of psychology.A Q George Anastaplo, AB'48, JD'51,TlO PhD'64, was profiled in the December,1982 issue of Chicago magazine by assistanteditor Andrew Patner, a former editor of theChicago Maroon.Marc O. Beem, MD'48, see 1934, GeraldineSmithwick Alvarez.Walter R. Benn, PhB'48, SB'50, saw hisson, Paul L. Benn, receive his M.D. degreefrom the University in June, 1981.Helen M. Hooves, AM'48, has retiredfrom the University of Hawaii Graduate Schoolof Social Work and is doing many activities shewas too busy for before.Richard Lamey, SM'48, has worked in themicrobiology department of Baxter-TravenolLabs for thirty-four years, presently as manager. He lives in Mt. Prospect, IL.Richard T. Renck, PhB'48, AM'53, PhD'65,is president of a marketing research company,KRP Associates, Inc., specializing in televisionresearch. He worked for the Industrial Relations Center at the University from 1950 to1965. He lives in Scottsdale, AZ.William B. Stone, AB'48, AM'57, teachesEnglish at Indiana University Northwest,Gary, IN.A Q Dan E. Andrew, MBA'49, is chairman^t y of the board and chief executive officer of the Des Plaines National Bank, DesPlaines, IL. Andrew had been president of thebank since 1979.Hannah Diggs Atkins, BLS'49, was inducted into the Oklahoma Women's Hall ofFame. One of only four living women honoredat the ceremony, Atkins was cited for "makingoutstanding contributions to the political andcultural life of the state and nation."Michael A. Cann, AB'49, AM'53, is apsychologist on the staff of the University ofMassachusetts Health Services at Amherst,MA. He is rehabilitation consultant to Goodwill Industries, Springfield, MA.Nellie M. Hartman, AM'49, after a careerin social work agencies and in teaching in Chicago, India, and Hawaii, is retired and fives inHonolulu, HI.Ramon Mendez-Perez, MBA'49, is president of Mendez Martinez & Co., a bakery supply house in San Juan, Puerto Rico, founded byhis father sixty-one years ago.CA N. D. Fisher, AB'50, JD'53, has formu-\y\J lated the thesis that the books of Lukeand Acts comprise a friend-of-the-court legalbrief written by Luke in Rome in 63 A.D. indefense of Paul. He delivered his thesis lastsummer as a sermon at the Gomer, OH, Churchof Christ, where John M. Hoffman, AB'50,BD 54, is pastor. Fisher is assistant editor of St.Louis Commerce MagazineRonald Frazee, AM'50, retired in Marchas director of the Fondation des Etats-Unis,University of Paris, a position he has heldsince 1962.George J. Resnikoff, SB'50, former deanof graduate studies at California State University, Hayward, retired as professor of mathematics and statistics at the same institution inJune, 1980.Ezra Solomon, PhD'50, see 1940, JanetCameron"! Paul J. Allison, JD'51, practices law inKy J_ Spokane, WA.Rene Anselmo, AB'51, is president ofSpanish International Television Network(SIN), which has 184 affiliated stations acrossthe United States. Anselmo co-founded the network twenty years ago. He lives in Greenwich,CT.Elihu Bergman, AM'51, is executive director of Americans for Energy Independence, anational public interest organization. He livesin Bethesda, MD.David E. Honnold, AB'51, was drawn by"the lure of black gold" to the oil fields andthen to the University of Oklahoma for anM.S. in petroleum engineering. He is now vicepresident of DeGoyler and MacNaughton,worldwide petroleum and mineral consultants,Dallas, TX.Wright D. Jackson, AM'51, has retiredafter thirty years teaching psychology at Harbor College, Los Angeles, CA, and in a specialhigh school for students with problems in LongBeach, CA.Carol Lundie Pemberton, PhD 51, andWilfred A. Pemberton, PhD'51, became grandparents in March, 1982, when their son, AlanPemberton, AB'74, and his wife had a daughter. Carol is associate director of the Office ofInstitutional Research at the University of Delaware, Newark, DE. Bill is retired and teachesin the University of Delaware's ContinuingEducation Division.Emanuel S. Savas, AB'51, SB'53, was appointed by President Reagan and confirmed bythe Senate as Assistant Secretary of Housingand Urban Development. He is responsible forthe Office of Policy Development and ResearchE" ^\ Raymond F. Davenport, X'52, is vice-s_/^Li president for development, ChicagoTheological Seminary. Davenport lives inIndian Head Park, IL.Paul Kruger, SM'52, PhD'54, recentlycelebrated his twentieth anniversary on thefaculty of Stanford University, Palo Alto, CAEva Fishell Lichtenberg, AB'52, AM'55,PhD60,is a practicing clinical psychologist inthe Chicago area, with both a private practiceand a consultantship at Columbus-Cuneo-Cabrini Medical Center. She is active on theAlumni Fund Board. Her husband, LeoLichtenberg, SB'42. a non-practicing lawyer, ispresident of three companies: a contract cleaning firm, a security guard service, and a chemical manufacturing companyPaul R. Kuhn, AB'52, MD'56. has a private internal medicine practice in Newport Beach, CA. He is also chief of staff at HoagMemorial Hospital, Presbyterian in NewportBeach.53 Lois Ablin Kriesberg, AM'53, see1947, Louis Kriesberg.C A William Bondareff, M.D., PhD'54, a^^t geriatric psychiatrist at the Universityof Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, hasbeen appointed to the Delia Martin Chair ofMedical Research in Psychiatry at U.S.C.Clyde Curry Smith, DB'54, AM'61,PhD'68, was on campus twice last summer forconvocations involving his son, Harald C.Smith, AB'82, AM'82. On the first occasion healso performed the wedding ceremony for hisson and Mary Jacoby, AB'82, at the Chapel ofthe Holy Grail in the Disciples Divinity House.Donovan E. Smucker, AM'54, PhD'57, isemeritus professor of social science at ConradGrebel College, University of Waterloo, Ontario. He continues to teach part-time, and thispast year has been visiting professor at the University of Winnipeg.C C Lois Marie Fink, AM'55, PhD'70, re-\y\y ceived the honorary degree of Doctorof Humanities last spring from Capital University, Columbus, OH. Since 1970, she has beencurator of research at the National Museum ofAmerican Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.William S. Morris, PhD'55, has been professor emeritus of philosophy at LakeheadUniversity, Thunder Bay, Ontario, since lastJune. Since then he has been professor ofphilosophy at Nepirsing University, NorthBay, Ontario.Janet Bremner Ross, AM'55, teachesEnglish to foreign professionals at the Philadelphia Nationalities Service Center at the age ofeighty-one.Robert W. Sellen, AM'55, PhD'58, professor of history at Georgia State University,Atlanta, GA, delivered the Wilson BennettLectures at McMurry College, Abilene, TX, inMarch, 1982. His topic was "American ForeignPolicy and Morality."fT/L Ivan A. Backerman, M.D., AB'56,^J\y practices obstetrics and gynecology inEast Point, GA. He recently became a qualifiedgynecologic laser surgeonOtome Mary Hirakawa Myers, AM'56, ispsychology instructor at Windward Community College, Kaneohe, HI, which bears the distinction of being the only college in the U.S.sharing a common campus with a state psychiatric hospital. Myers lives in Kaneohe.Wilma J. Phipps, AM'56, PhD'77, is professor and chairperson, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, and director of Medical-SurgicalNursing, University Hospitals of Cleveland.Richard Swift, AM'56, is co-editor of 29f/iCentury Music. His String Quartet V was givenits premier performance by the Bloch Quartetin May, 1983. Swift is professor of music atUniversity of California, Davis, CA[T f~7 Ingeborg Grosser Mauksch, AM'57,<y / PhD'69, is a self-employed lecturerand consultant in nursing in Fort Myers, FL. Robert Jay Reichler, AB'57, SB'57, is professor of child psychiatry at the University ofWashington (Seattle), where his research centers on "high risk" children whose parents havepsychiatric disorders. Both of Reichler's children attend Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA,[ Q Edwin A. Anderson, AM'58, is retiredKyO and lives in Washington, D.C., wherehe is continuing his education at the Library ofCongress.CQ Robert J Bumcrot, SB'59, SM'60, is\Jy professor in the Department ofMathematics at Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY. He has published three texts onmathematics as well as numerous reviews andarticles. His son, Christopher, graduated fromYale last year and is an applied mathematician;the other son, David, is studying biochemistryat Cornell. Bumcrot lives in Manhattan withhis wife, Francesca.Aurora Roxas-Lim, AM'59, received herPh.D. in the history of art and archaeologyfrom Cornell University in 1972. She is directorof the Asian Studies Program at the Universityof the Philippines in Quezon City.Arthur H. Schomp, MBA'59, is vice president and account executive in the Sarasota, FL,office of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner &Smith.G. Edward Schuh, AM'59, PhD'61, is headof the Department of Agricultural and AppliedEconomics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Last year he was president of theAmerican Agricultural Economics Association./l/"\ G. Bennett Humphrey, MD'60,Uv PhD'63, was recently named editor ofPediatric Oncology , published by Martinus-Nijdhoff.Joanna Lion, AB'60, AM'63, PhD'74, is asenior research associate at Heller School,Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, where sheis working on health policy issues. She is married to physicist Robert Frank. Her daughter,Leah Lion, is a second year student in the College, where, according to her mother, she ismajoring in playing bridge./L"1 Margaret Amnions, PhD'61, is pro-UJ. fessor of education, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA. She also does volunteerwork at a nursing home.James Lahr, X'61, is chairman of the boardof trustees, Blackburn College, Carlinville, IL.That institution awarded him the honorarydegree of Doctor of Education in May, 1982.Bruce Powers, SM'61, is senior fellow inthe Strategic Concepts Development Center,National Defense University, Fort McNair,Washington, DC.Loren Shapiro, AB'61, AM'67,AM'70, isprofessor of English at Truman College,Chicago. His wife, Mama Alexander Shapiro,AM'61, is guidance counselor at Lincoln ParkHigh School in Chicago.Karolyn Spencer, AM'61, and Mary BethMeyer, AM'77, are among five social workpartners in Professional Services to Youth ofEvanston, IL, beginning their second year ofprivate practice with adolescents and theirfamilies. Spencer is also group home directorfor Mary Barthelme Homes, and Meyer is di-!MVFRSITY OF ruir-Ar-r-i rrector of child care at St. Joseph's CarondeletChild Center.Margaret Swideck Strodtz, AM'61, wasrecently named pastor of the First PresbyterianChurch of Maynard, IA. She resigned her position as management analyst for the IllinoisBureau of Employment Security last Septemberin order to serve the church.Ginger Tsien, SB'61, is assistant to Dr.Cesar Fernandez, professor of surgery andphysiology at the University of Chicago.zlO Ira Fistell, AB'62, JD'64, hosts a three-\j£l hour radio talk show that can be heardon thirty stations in all parts of the country, including New York and Los Angeles ("but notChicago yet"). He also does a cable TV show,Sports Look." seen in 49 states, and his bookon travelling the U.S.A. by rail came out in thespring. He lives with his wife, Tonda, and fivechildren in Los Angeles.Richard P. Martin, AB'62, spent two yearsin Leningrad, USSR, as resident director. Cooperative Russian Language Program at Leningrad State University. He is currently assistantdirector of the Artists Series. PennsylvaniaState University, University Park, PA.Thomas Stoelting, AM'62, works for theIdaho Department of Health and Welfare as asocial worker for nursing home residents andchild sexual abuse victims and their families.He lives in Pocatello, ID./lO Noel Kaplan, JD'63, has been ap-\J»J pointed vice president 'operations forMcDonald's Corp. He was previously regionalvice president for the St. Petersburg region andassociate general counsel for McDonald's.Eliot A. Landau, AB'63, has ended twelveyears as a law professor and dean at DrakeUniversity, Brooklyn College, and Northern Illinois University to open a private law practice.His firm now has offices in Downers Grove,Naperville and Batavia, IL.Alice Swift Riginos, AB'63, AM'66, hasbeen promoted to associate professor of classics at Howard University, Washington, DC.Pearl Bloom Taback, AB'63, is developinga program for gifted and talented children atSAR Academy, a progressive Jewish day schoolin the Bronx. She and her husband. Stanley,have two daughters, aged ten and eleven.£LA Peter Benedict, AM'64, PhD'70, hasUtX been appointed director of the U.S.foreign aid mission in Mauritania by the Agency for International Development, Departmentof State. His wife, Cordelia Dahlberg Benedict,AM'67, teaches at the International School inMauritania and is active with development associations there.Barbara S. Hughes, AB'64. AM'68. hasbeen promoted to cancer education programcoordinator at the Wisconsin Clinical CancerCenter, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Shehas two children, Kathy and Andy Eichelman.Richard L. Jacobson, SB'64, is a partner inthe Washington, DC, office of Mayer, Brown& Piatt. He is occasionally an adjunct professorof law at Georgetown University Law Center,Washington, DC. Jacobson is married and hasa three-year old son.Donald G. Twentyman, Jr., AB'64, wasordained to the diaconate in the Episcopal Church. An administrator with the MayoClinic-Mayo Foundation, he will continue inhis secular vocation while providing a non-stipendiary ministry under the oversight of theBishop of Minnesota./L (Z Nicholas A. Ashford, PhD'65, JD'72,L/v/ has been appointed director of theCenter for Policy Alternatives at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is associateprofessor of technology and policy in theSchool of Engineering.Lawrence S. Bloom, AB'65, JD'68, hasbeen re-elected alderman of Chicago's 5thWard, which includes the University of Chicago. He is married to Ruth Winter, AB'70.Glenn Leafmann, AB'65, was installed asassociate pastor of St. Paul's United Church ofChrist, Chicago, in October.Thorn C. Roberts, AB'65, is assisting BowValley Petroleum, Inc., in the development of aDevonian shale oil field in northwestern WestVirginia. He lives in his hometown of Elizabeth,WV, where his father was an independent oiland gas operator.66 John Lion, AB'66, is director of theMagic Theater in San Francisco, CA.Zlry Cordelia Dahlberg Benedict, AM'67\J / see 1964, Peter Benedict.William D. Billow, AM'67, has begun hissixth year as assistant professor and director ofthe social work program at Concordia College,Seward, NE. Before that, he was consultant toseveral social work institutions of the JapanEvangelical Lutheran Church in the Tokyo area.Michael B. Bourgo, AM'67, was recentlyappointed systems manager for IBM in CedarRapids, IA.Dominique Dubois, MBA'67, is sous-director with Banque Francaise du CommerceExterieur, Paris, in charge of financing Frenchinvestments in foreign countries. Dubois ispresident of the European Alumni.Julie Jarett Marcuse, AB'67, is a psychoanalyst living in New York City with her husband, Donald, and their young son, Joshua.She has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology andgraduated from the William Alanson WhiteInstitute in 1981 . Her time is divided among private practice, teaching, family life and colorphotography.Mary Diederich Ott, SM'67, PhD'71, is asenior research analyst in the Office of Institutional Studies, the University of Maryland,College Park, MD.Carlos Segovia Fernandez, PhD'67, hasbeen named rector of the Universidad deBuenos Aires, Argentina.Mel M. Shields, AB'67. MAT'69, is in hiseighth year as entertainment columnist formany West Coast papers, including Variety andDaily Variety, the industry's trade papers. He isalso in charge of upper-level English curriculafor Robert McQueen High School, Reno, NV.Nancy S. Toder, AB'67, lives in Oakland,CA, with her husband, Dan McClosky, andtwo young children.£\ft PaU' Burstein' AB'68, and his wife,\J(J Florence Katz, had their first child,Nathan Katz Burstein, in March, 1982. Theylive in Nashville, TN. Muhammad Rafiq, AM'68, PhD'71, isworking as the United Nation's chief technicaladviser on processing the 1978 population census of Tanzania. He lives in Dar es Salaam.Talbert O. Shaw, AM'68, PhD'73, is deanof the College of Arts and Sciences at MorganState University, Baltimore, MD.Richard S. Sohn, MD'68, has been in private neurology practice in St. Louis, MO, since1976. He is associate professor of clinical neurology at Washington University MedicalSchool, St. Louis./L Qk Ernest B. Jaski, PhD'69, is professor of\Jy business administration and education. City Colleges of Chicago. He was recentlyawarded a grant to develop mastery learningintegrated with the Plato system of computerassisted instruction.Sharon Levy, AB'69, is a social worker forthe Erie County Probation Department, Buffalo. NY.Richard E. Mendales, AB'69, AM'70, has"recycled" himself into a lawyer. He was admitted to the New York Bar in May, 1982, andis an associate with Cravath, Swaine & Moorein New York City.Michael Richfield, AB'69, has been appointed assistant clinical professor in theDepartment of Family Practice, University ofSouth Florida School of Medicine, Tampa, FL.He is in the private practice of rhematology inSt. Petersburg.Ellen Silon, AB'69, was married toStephen Ben Axelrath in June, 1980. She has aPh.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Denver, CO, and works as a school psychologist and in private practice. She has livedin Denver since 1970.ry/A Kye-Choon Ahn, AM'70, PhD'73, is/ \J professor of sociology at YonseiUniversity, Seoul, Korea.Amy Bridges, AB'70, PhD'80, has beenpromoted to associate professor in the Department of Government at Harvard University. Shemarried Richard Kronick, a health policy analyst, in June, 1981. They live in Cambridge, MA.Judith D. Kaufman, AB'70, AM72, PhD'78,writes that she has "finally made the tenuretrack after three years on a 'visiting' contract."She is assistant professor of English and director of technical writing at Eastern WashingtonUniversity, Cheney, WA.Marion E. Kornfeld, AM'70, has been inprivate practice as a clinical psychiatric counsellor in Libertyville, IL. Before that, she workedwith the Veterans Administration, Family Services of North Lake County, and Youth ServiceBureau of Lake County.Martin Richards, MBA'70, moved fromTrinidad in the West Indies to San Francisco in1974. He is married, has two children, and isemployed as controller and treasurer of LogoParis, Inc., a large eyewear distributioncompany.James A. Stankiewicz, AB'70, MD'74, isassistant professor of otolaryngology-head andneck surgery at Loyola University MedicalCenter, Chicago. He and his wife have threechildren and live in Orland Park, IL.Ruth Winter, AB'70, see 1965, LawrenceS. Bloom.Hi I j Gary A. Curtis, AB'71, has been named/ _L vice-president of American Management Systems, Inc., Chicago, IL. Curtis lives inChicago.Susan Parsons Eblen, MAT'71, see 1934,Geraldine Smithwick Alvarez.Anne Michael Lipke, AB'71, and PeterLipke, SB'71, live in Brooklyn, NY. Peter wasrecently promoted to associate professor atHunter College, City University of New York,and Anne works for the Outreach AdoptionProgram. They have four children ranging inage from eight to sixteen.Michael Joseph Tangney, MBA'71, hasbeen appointed general manager of theColgate-Palmolive Co. in Colombia after having worked in marketing for the firm's operations in the U.S.A., Mexico, Spain andVenezuela. He lives in Cali, Colombia.r"70 Kevin Avruch and Sheila K. Smith,/ /a both AB'72, announce the birth oftheir second daughter, Elizabeth Sophia, onNovember 27, 1982. They live in Fairfax, VA.Peter Just, AB'72, and his wife, Anne, areliving in the mountain village of Mbawa inBima on the island of Sumbawa in eastern Indonesia, where he is doing two years of fieldwork towards a Ph.D. in anthropology fromthe University of Pennsylvania. He writes thatvisitors are welcome: "Just go to Bima and sayto anyone, 'Kai dou bura ma nge'e ese douggo?' that's Bimanese for 'where are the white people who live on top of mountains?'Dennis F. Miller, AM'72, has been appointed executive director of the National Research Council's Board on Army Science andTechnology, an element of the National Academy of Sciences. He is also acting executivedirector of the Energy Engineering Board.C. Richard Shoemate, MBA'72, moved toMontreal, Quebec, in January, 1981, to becomepresident and chief executive officer of CanadaStarch Co., an affiliate of CPC International.He and his wife, Nancy, have three sons.r70 Carol J. Any, AB'73, AM'74, PhD'82,/ J is assistant professor of Russian, Grin-nell College, Grinnell, IA.Steve Mencher, AB'73, thinks his class'stenth-year reunion should be held in San Francisco. The sizable contingent of alumni alreadythere have formed a softball team called theOrphans, and Melcher leads them in walks. Heis tuning and playing pianos while he decides"what 1 want to be when I grow up."Deena Rosenberg, AB'73, was married inSeptember to Dr. Ernest Harburg. She is director of the Musical Theatre Program at NewYork University's School of the Arts. She haswritten many articles and a book, The MusicMakers (with Bernard Rosenberg, ColumbiaUniversity Press, 1979), and is writing anotherbook on the Gershwin brothers.VI A Patricia Heller Adler, AM'74, is assis-/ ^X tant professor of sociology at TulsaJunior College, Tulsa, OK. Her husband, PeterAdler, AM'74, is assistant professor of sociology at the University of Tulsa. Their book onthe social dynamics of financial markets will bepublished in 1984.Joan Curtin, MAT'74, teaches math at amiddle school in Bedford, NY, where she also coaches an "Olympics of the mind" team.Curtin spent last summer on an archaeologicaldig in Carthage, Tunisia.Alan Pemberton, AB'74, see 1951, Caroland Bill Pemberton.Ila S. Rothschild, AM'74, is the law clerkwith the Office of Legal Affairs at MichaelReese Hospital and Medical Center in Chicago.Paul M. Sullam, AB'74, MD'78, marriedKathleen Maxwell, AM'77, in July. They live inSan Francisco.Robert Thornton, AM'74, PhD'78, hasbeen working on a book about narrativeethnography with the aid of a National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship while onsabbatical leave from the University of CapeTown, South Africa.rTJ" Charles M. Adelman, PhD'75, is assis-/ \J tant professor in the Art Department,Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY, and has servedas guest lecturer on "Egypt and the Nile" tourswith the J.B. Speed Art Museum. Adelman hasreceived a grant from the Swedish GovernmentHumanities-Social Science Research Councilthat will enable him to complete publication ofhis research on "Sinda," a Bronze Age site onCyprus.Charles A. Becker, SM'75, PhD'80, andMary A. Druke, PhD'82, are the parents ofAdrian Bernard Druke Becker, born on December 30, 1982.Dean Soble Daskal, AB'75, recently married Nina Edidin and moved to Atlanta, reportshis best friend, Ira R. Friedlander, M.D.,AB'75. Daskal works for the law firm Powell,Goldstein, Frazer and Murphy.Michael D. Eversmeyer, AB'75, works forthe architectural firm of Stanley Muller &Associates in New Orleans, LA. He and hiswife, Janna Smith Eversmeyer, AM'79, are theparents of Alex Michael, born on April 6, 1981.Thomas Eric Kilcollin, AM'75, PhD'80,was named vice president and chief economistof the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in June,1982.Ray Saenz, AM'75, is assistant professorof psychology at Del Mar College, CorpusChristi, TX, while maintaining a private practice. He was recently appointed to the HispanicAffairs Commission of the Corpus ChristiCatholic Diocese.Bill Sobbing, AB'75, lives in Omaha, NE.r"7/L Reva I. Allen, AM'76, is assistant pro-/ \J fessor of social work, Missouri Western State College, St. Joseph, MO.Sharon Barnartt, PhD'76, and WayneStinson, PhD'78, announce the birth of theirfirst child, David Mark Stinson, on October 9,1982. Barnartt is assistant professor in theDepartment of Sociology and Social Work atGallaudet College in Washington, DC, andStinson works for the American Public HealthAssociation.Elizabeth J. Jensen, AB'76, MBA'79, is international systems analyst with Intel Corp., aposition that calls for a good deal of international travel. "Better than being in the Navy!,"she writesKevin Krisciunas, AM'76, works for theUnited Kingdom Infrared Telescope Facility inHilo, Hawaii. He is collaborating onastronomy research, writing computer soft ware for the observatory, and running a smalltechnical library. The telescope is at the 13,800foot summit of Mauna Kea on the island ofHawaii, and is the largest infrared telescope inthe world.Thomas J. McNamara, AB'76, has beenappointed adjunct professor of law at NewYork Law School. He practices with the NewYork City law firm of Friedlander, Gaines,Cohen, Rosenthal & Rosenberg.Luther J. Rollins, Jr., AB'76, received amaster's degree in hospital administration fromSaint Louis University in 1981 and now worksas district planner for the Veterans Administration Medical Center of St. Louis. He is marriedto Susan C. Jackson, an assistant trust officerat Mercantile Bank in St. Louis.1 J I J Neil S. Braun, JD'77, formerly senior/ / vice president of International FilmInvestors, has been appointed director of motion picture planning for Home Box Office, New York.Turgay Kaya, AB'77, MBA'81, is presidentof International Equipment Trading Ltd. inNorthbrook, IL.Kathleen Maxwell, AM'77, see 1974, PaulM. Sullam.Bruce G. McKelvy, MBA'77, marriedDeborah A. Heckle last June and is projectmanager for Barton-Malow. He lives in Bloom-field Hills, MI.Wayne Mark McLemore, AM'77, is pastorof First Christian Church, Chicago Heights, IL.He and his wife, Bonnie Jean Miller, AM'80,live in Homewood, IL.Mary Beth Meyer, AM'77, see 1961,Karolyn Spencer.Richard K. Shire, AB'77, received his from Chicago Kent College of Law inJanuary, 1981, and is a member of the Illinoisbar. He is an associate in the litigation and appeals department of Hanson & Shire, Chicago.P"7Q Peter Lars Dordal, AB'78, SM'78,/ O received his Ph.D. in mathematicallogic from Harvard University in June, 1982.His wife, Margaret Smith Dordal, PhD'82, willreturn to medical school to complete her worktoward an M.D. Peter Dordal is the son of ErlDordal, AB'52, MD'56, and Milly ReinkeDordal, AM'53.David E. Hunt, JD'78, is with Pierce,Atwood, Scribner, Allen, Smith & Lancaster, inPortland, ME. He and his wife, Denise, and son,Christopher, live in Cumberland Foreside, MEJames M. McCord, Jr., MBA'78, is vicepresident of First Chicago investments CanadaLtd. in Toronto. He has two children, playstennis and squash, rides his bicycle, and lovesToronto.William W. Quinn, Jr., AM'78, PhD'81, isa historian for the Bureau of Indian Affairs inWashington, DC.Margaret Rapp, AM'78, was awarded aCharlotte Newcomb Dissertation Fellowshipfor 1982-83. She spent part of the year studyingin Paris.Buzz Spector, MFA'78, has been awardeda National Endowment for the Arts Visual Artists Fellowship Grant of $5,000. A selection ofhis drawings, collages and sculptures, called'The Reading Room," was exhibited at Chicago's Roy Boyd Gallery in May and June ofUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAG A /".me,r wg31982.Wayne Stinson, PhD'78, see 1976, SharonBarnartt.^7Q Damon Darlin, AB'79, is a staff re-/ ? porter for the Wall Street Journal in itsCleveland bureau.Janna Smith Eversmeyer, AM'79, see1975, Michael D. Eversmeyer.Landy Carien Johnson, AB'79, is a reference librarian in Holden, MA. She serves onthe board of directors of Regatta Point Community Sailing, Inc., in Worcester, and is chairman of the board of Christian education at theFirst Congregational Church of Holden.William M. Kuhn, AB'79, took a sixmonth leave of absence from Leo BurnettU.S.A. and spent it in London "drinking goodbeer and writing bad short stories." He hasreturned penniless but happy, and has decidedto pursue a PhD. in history in the fall.Q(\ Jeffrey S. Cope, AB'80, completed aUv basic radio production techniquescourse at Western Public Radio in San Francisco. Cope lives in Berkeley, CA.Frieda Hammerman, AM'80, is a specialistin aging for Catholic Family Services, Gary IN.She also plays violin with the Northwest Indiana Symphony Orchestra.Anne Midler, AB'80, is attending the University of California at Berkeley in pursuit of amaster's degree in social welfare.Bonnie Jean Miller, AM'80, see 1977,Wayne Mark McLemore.Janet L. Moyer, MBA'80, is manager ofquality assurance in the Service Products Division International of First National Bank ofChicago. She was formerly with Booz Allen &Hamilton in Buenos Aires, Argentina.Peggy Rourke, AM'80, has lived for fouryears on He de la Reunion, a French possessionin the Indian Ocean. She keeps busy photographing the Creoles, teaching English and raisingtwo children.Roberta Green Scheff, MBA'80, owns andoperates Scheff Translation Services, aSpanish-French-German-English translationbureau in Chicago. She and her husband,Hank, had their first child, Julie Ann, in July,1982.Mary Scriver, AM'80, is doing a circuit-riding ministry for the Unitarian-UniversalistAssociation in Montana. "Living in a trailerand riding the grub line," she writes, is "colorful but not profitable."Sherry Tucker, PhD'80, and Eliot Asser,PhD'82, are the parents of Kathleen ElizabethTucker. Tucker is assistant professor of organizational behavior at the School of Business,Washington University, St. Louis, MO. Asseris assistant vice president of personnel withMark Twain Bancshares in St. Louis.Q-1 Paul L. Benn, MD'81, see 1948, WalterOJ. R. Benn.Teng-Yung Feng, PhD'81, is an associateresearch fellow at the Institute of Botany,Academia Sinica, Taiwan, where he heads amolecular biology laboratory.John Kuechmann, MBA'81, is vice president of the Barrington Township (IL) Republican Organization, vice president of the LakeCounty Tuberculosis Association, and treas urer of Lounsbury Lodge 751 -Masonic Templein Barrington.Joseph M. Lullo, MBA'81, division marketing manager, AT&T, was appointed branchmanager of the Advanced Information SystemsDivision of American Bell, Inc., in Chicago.American Bell is a new subsidiary of AT&Tthat grew out of last year's anti-trustsettlement.Jennifer Catroll Scanlon, AB'81, has had athird child, a son, and plans to return to theUniversity in the autumn to pursue a master'sdegree in art history.Q^) Margaret Dordal, PhD'82, see 1978,OZu Peter Lars Dordal.Mary A. Druke, PhD'82, see 1975, CharlesA. Becker.Mary Jacoby, AB'82, see 1954, ClydeCurry Smith.William K. Mahoney, PhD'82, is MacArthurFoundation Assistant Professor of Religion atDavidson College, Davidson, NOKenneth B. Milbradt, AB'82, see 1945, EveMilbradt.Cyrus M. Quigley, AM'82, is vice-consulat the American Embassy in Bangui, CentralAfrican Republic.Ned Roscoe, AB'82, stopped by to say thathe had crossed the Nullarbor Plain in SouthCentral Australia.Harald C. Smith, AB'82, AM'82, see 1954,Clyde Curry Smith. LETTERSHAPPY 300,000,000 thlJack Harmon. AB 4o (left), a homely littlenon-alum (center), and Zigy Kaluzny .AM'76 (right), celebrated the 300 millionth birthday of the Texas armadilloin December in Fredericksburg. Texas.No guests of honor were located untilKaluzny. a photographer covering theevent for the New York Times, finallyand triumphantly nabbed the tail of ahotly pursued diller. Harmon, a resident of San Antonio, was handling public relations for the event, which included races, a proclamation from theGovernor, and plenty of beer drinking. Continued from inside front coverThe October 31 (1983) conference onSoviet-American relations, which will serve asa capstone to our fiftieth anniversary celebration, is being organized under the leadership ofMrs. Peter Wolkonsky, Life Trustee of theUniversity and a member of the Board ofGovernors of International House. Her initiative in raising funds and in contacting prospective speakers at the highest levels ofgovernment, business, and academia has madethis conference possible.C. Lester Stermer, AB'51ChicagoST. PETER AT THENIGHT DESKEditor:I lived at the I-House during 1947-48. I hadnot realized until I read your article in thespring issue that I had resided at the MidwayRitz-Carlton. I had lived in four dormitoriesbefore I moved to the I-House, and they all hadchambermaids.Gourmet dining on campus was a topic ofgreat interest. I don't think any of us realizedwhat care was lavished on the cuisine. Thefood was good, but for some people it wasmainly that one could always get rice at theI-House. Some preferred Ida Noyes. Yang andLee seemed to favor the soot-laden ambiance ofthe Commons.The I-House was a good place to live. Myroom was quiet and pleasant. There was anight desk man whom everybody called St.Peter. Some people had records of popularsongs from India, the first such songs I had everheard. Every Sunday night there was Viennesewaltzing.Ann Youker Sponsler, PhB'47Santa Paula, CAJIMMY'S FRESHENED UP?Editor:As to the Spring 1983 issue: the photographs from "Is There Life on Campus?" arevery entertaining, and the text is witty. But itlooks as if somebody either washed or paintedthe walls at Jimmy's. How shocking!Mary Eastman Sexton, AB'68Portland, OREditor:Your Spring '83 issue gave needed encouragement to the notion that joie de vivre is notonly compatible with good scholarship, butenhances it. For too long, the University hashindered itself by clinging to an image of seriousness at the expense of all else.Christine Luisi-Abbott, AB'67, AM'69Zurich, SwitzerlandDEATHSFACULTYEverett C. Hughes, PhD'28, an eminentsociologist who taught at the University fortwenty-three years, died in January. He cameto Chicago in 1938 as an assistant professor,was named professor in 1949, and served aschairman of the Department of Sociology from1952 to 1956. After resigning in 1961, Hughestaught at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA,and was visiting professor at Boston College.He was editor of the American Journal ofSociology from 1941 to 1961.Edmund Jacobson, MDT5, a pioneer inthe field of tension control, died in JanuaryAfter receiving his Ph.D. in 1909 underWilliam James at Harvard, Jacobson took hisM.D. from Old Rush Medical School, later tobecome the Pritzker School of Medicine. From1926 to 1930. he was a research associate, andfrom 1930 to 1937 assistant professor in theDepartment of Physiology of the University.He then founded and directed his own Laboratory for Clinical Physiology in Chicago,THE CLASSES1900-1909Genevieve Sullivan, EdB'05, PhB'05, January.Helen Bergman Frank, X'09, November,Helen Zurawski Martin, PhB'09, November.1910-1919Karl K. Darrow, SB'll, PhD'17, June 1982.Leon C. Angel, PhB'12. NovemberAlonzo C. Goodrich, PhB'12, 1981.Nell Henry, AB'12, SM'15, October.Cecelia Wertheimer Stern, PhB'12, January.Annie Louise Ford McConoughey, PhB'13,August 1982.Charles B. Goes, Jr., X'14, March.Hazel Miller Levine, PhBT5, 1979.Julius W. Pratt, AM'15, PhD'24, JanuaryDavid Wiedemann, Jr., PhB'15, JanuaryHelen Bourquin, SM'16, PhD'22, NovemberCarl A. Dragstedt, SB'16, SM'17, PhD'23,March.Reba Mackinnon, SB16, December.Mildred Clark Baier, SBT7, April 1982.Aaron I. Brumbaugh, AM'18, PhD'29,February.Lena Carr, PhD'18, January.Irene Okeberg Owen, PhB'18. FebruaryFrancoise Ruet Livingston, AMI", October.Donald M. Swett, PhB'19, January.lohn J. Willaman, PhD'19, December1920-1929Fannie Kathenne Templeton Larkin, PhB'21,December.Anderson Ashley Owen, PhB'21, March,Ben B. Rosen, SB'21, December.Laurence H. Bowen, AM'22, OctoberHoward L. Hatfield, MD'23. Januaryloseph B. Kingsbury PhD'23, JanuaryClara Brennan Wilson, PhB'23, July 1982.Paul lean Bresltch. SB'24, MD'28. July 1982. William R. Fredrickson, SB'24, SM'26, PhD'28,lanuary.Mark H. Ingraham, PhD'24, November.Catherine Johnson Kilpatrick, PhB'24, August1982.Constance Aurelius Nicklaus, SB'24, January.Thomas C. Phemister, SM'24, December.Thelma Robison D'Errico, PhB'25, May 1982.Henriette Daumalle Bini, X'26, February 1982.W. Drew Chipman, MD'2b, October.Ruth O'Brien Clark, AM'26, November,William J. Davis, PhB'26, February.Frances Twells Evans, PhB'26, February.David M. Cans, SB'26, SM'27, PhD'29,DecemberLeon Howard, AM'26, December.Mabel Hessler Cable, AM'27, PhD'34,December.Lavone Agnes Hanna, AM'27, October.Robert W. Lackey, SM'27, February.Reese Harper Price, PhB'27, December.Rudolph I. Bartz, PhB'28, September.Elizabeth Ripley Moore Cameron, PhB'28,lanuary,Richard Hoiland, PhB'28, November.Raymond I. Rickelman, SB'28, September.Jeanne De Lamarter Bonnette, X'29, March.Gerald I. Burk, SB'29, September.Frank D. Carson, Jr., X'29, May 1982August H. Fellheimer, PhB'29, ID'31,NovemberSidney Grossman, PhB'29, JD'30, January.Warren E. King, PhB'29, JD'31, MBA'44,March.John W. Payne, AM'29, December.Dorothy Clara Simpson Starr, PhB'29,October.Audrey Boyers Walz, PhB'29, February.1930-1939Noel E. Craig, AM'30, December.Walter H. Ellwanger, AM'30, December.Elizabeth McCallum Holmes, PhB'30,February.Maxwell Mason, SB'30, November.Olive Eggan Redfield, PhB'30, November.Margaret Clark Morgan, SM'31, lune 1982.Mattie Pattison Paddock, AM'31, PhD'45, July1982.Berget H. Blocksom, X'32, DecemberGrace Myers Krueger, PhB'32, December.Violet E. Mau, PhB'32, SeptemberPercy P. Poliak, MD'32, February 1982.Ralph H. Smallman, PhB'32, August.Wesley G. Thorson, SB'32, DecemberKarl D. Arends, PhB'33, April 1982.Anne 1. Baudler, PhB'33, February,L. R. Cortesi, PhB'33, MD'37, MarchHjalmar W. Johnson, X'33, January-Gerald Austin Heuver, X'34, September.Lucile Lucas Strother, PhB'34, February.Eleanore L. Clemmer, SB'35, SM41,November,William E. Elliott, MD'35, August 1982Lawrence Engler, SB'35, May 1982.Robert M. Grogan, SB'35, December.lack W. Loeb, AB'35, March.Stephen P. Vango, SB'35, December. Alan Joseph Grossman, AB'36, JD'38,December.Samuel F. Hammer, MD'36, December.Lois Smith Johnson, AB'36, November,James A. Meldrum, AM'36, October.Robert D. Beaird II, SB'37, June 1982.Walter Pilkington, AM'37, January.John F. Raney, JD'38, December.Idabel Sine, AM'38, February.Martha Eret Wiltsee, AM'38, February.Harry M. Chester, AM'39, January.Margaret Stowell Shanks, SM'39, 1981.1940-1949Dorothy Powell Kakehashi, X'40, December.Frances Engelmann Knock, SB'40, PhD'43,lanuary.Graham M. Chen, MD'42, 1981.Mary Jane Gilkey, AM'42, February.Walter E. Hook, X'42, February.Thomas Y. Nakao, MD'42, November,Eugenie Sidonie Guillaume, AB'43, February.Stanley A. Jashemski, SB'43, July 1982.Edward Hammond Storer II, SB'43, MD'45,February.Robert C. Dille, AB'44, March.Aneita Tidball, X'44, October.Paul Q. Nichols, PhB'45, November.Mary Eloise Rauh, AM'46, October,Richard B. Haerr, AB'47, 1981.Robert W. Murphy, MBA'47, March 1981.Ira J. Bergman, JD'48, November.Robert J. Cole, AM'48, December,Price A. lackson, PhB'48, February.John G. Womack, X'48, 1981.Wallace L. Alstrin, X'49, April 1982.Walter F. Ballenger, PhB'49, January,Clara Little Brown, X'49, September.1950-1959Charles Frost Camp, AM'50, November,Adelaide Marie Fritz, SB'50, AM'59.lack K. Kough, AM'50, PhD'55, December,Paul A. Doty, AB'51, MBA'56, October,V. Emil Gudmundson, DB'52, December.Robert J. Kutak, AB'52, JD'55, lanuary.Anthony J. Borowski, MBA'53, December.Horace DwightTaft, SM'53, PhD'55, February.Francis A. Covington, MBA'55, March 1982Carroll Bordelon Krause, AB'58, February.1960-presentOlive H. Golden, AM'62, December,Steven A. Lukes, MD'77, March,CorrectionWe wish to apologize to Annette BreakstoneDavis X'38. for publishing an erroneous noticeof her death in the SPRING 83 issue. Not onlyis she alive and well, she reports, but she recently became Mrs. Robert Pizer.The Magazine, in order to avoid such errorsinsists that we have written documentation of aperson s death. In this instance, we did have awritten, signed note stating that the person haddied. By one of those wild flukes of chance, itwas about another person with the same nameUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE Summer l°83BOOKS by AlumniErnest Samuels, PhB'23, JD'26, AM'31,PhD'42, Letters of Henry Adams. Volumes 1-111(Harvard University Press). More volumes willfollow.Edward Wageriknecht, PhB'23. AM'24,The Novels of Henry James (Frederick UngarPublishing Co.). A survey and critical study ofall of James's book-length works of fiction,along with a short biography of the novelist.The book is dedicated to the memory of EdithTHE TIME OF MAN. By ElizabethMadox Roberts. With introductions byWilliam H. Slavick and Robert PennWarren and illustrations by ClareLeighton. The University Press ofKentucky, Lexington, Kentucky40506-0024.The Time of Man, first published in1926. was the first novel by ElizabethMadox Roberts, a Kentuckian of forty-five who had received her master'sdegree from the University only fiveyears earlier. It was a bestseller and aselection of the Book-of-the-MonthClub; more importantly, it drew praisethat held the promise of lasting staturefrom the foremost literary critics of thetime. "My love of the book is beyondexpression," wrote Sherwood Anderson."No one in America is doing such writing." Ford Madox Ford called it "themost beautiful individual piece of writing that has yet come out of America."Yet who now knows of ElizabethMadox Roberts? For many years, herwork has been critically neglected andher name curiously unspoken. This Rickert, professor in the Department of Englishfrom 1930 to 1937. Wagenknecht is professoremeritus of English at Boston University,Boston, MA.Elmer Gertz, PhB'28. JD'30, Theodore G.Gertz, AB'58. and Robert K. Garro, A Guideto Estate Planning (Southern Illinois UniversityPress). Through explanations in layman's language and numerous case examples, theauthors demonstrate how to most efficientlywell-appointed new edition, issued bothin cloth and paper covers, might helpcorrect this disheartening oversight.In a letter written a few years afterThe Time of Man, Elizabeth MadoxRoberts wrote: "How a man gets his living. . on top of the ground makes agreat difference in how he loves orthinks or worships .. . [L little thingswhich we see and touch and need everyday make up the warp and woof of themind, ..making the general, theabstract, come forward in flashes, making it more powerful by keeping it rare."While writing her poetry and constructing her first novel, ElizabethMadox Roberts supported herself at herloom making fine articles for sale. Thesense of pattern-making, of "warp andwoof," as she called it, carried over intoher writing.As a schoolteacher in the hill country around Springfield, Kentucky, shehad lodged in turn, as was the custom,with the families of her pupils. She hadabsorbed the ways and the strangenessof speech, much of it profound in itssimplicity, of the indigent sharecroppersand tenant farmers. From these shewove the story of Ellen Chesser, a sensitive and rebellious adolescent, whogrows through trial and betrayal into afigure of biblical strength.The novel is true to the region, forElizabeth Madox Roberts was a perfectionist. But its themes are more thanregional, illuminating aspects of theentire race of mankind. Hard land andhard usage, she tells us, are apt to makehard people. The cycles of the seasonsexact their effects in ways both gentleand fierce. The Time of Man is a time oflove and lust, brawls, killings, and barn-burnings, all of it tempered and givenmeaning, as Robert Penn Warren writes,by the author's sense of wonder. Thereader comes away from this book witha clear sense of what William Slavickcalls her affirmative vision of life, avision that gains its strength from having grappled with an intensely realworld.Pearl Andelson Sherry plan an estate. Elmer Gertz is a prominentlawyer, writer and educator; his son,Theodore, is a director in the law firm Pretzeland Stouffer, Chicago; and Garro is a vice-president of Continental Illinois National Bankin Chicago.Walter A. Lurie, PhD'35, Strategies forSurvival. Principles of Jewish CommunityRelations (KTAV Publishing House). An overview of principles of policy, strategy and procedure for Jewish community relations organizations. Lurie, a social psychologist, lives inMamaroneck, NY.Katinka Loeser, AB'36, A Thousand Pardons (Atheneum). A collection of nine wiseand poignant short stories, all of which originally appeared in The New Yorker. Two of thepieces in this, Loeser's third collection, werecited in The Best American Short Stories 1981Elizabeth Abel, AM'40, editor. Writingand Sexual Difference (University of ChicagoPress). In this collection of essays, sixteenfeminist critics examine the subtle and significant ways in which gender informs literaryworks, from Aristophanes and Petrarch toH.D. and Gertrude Stein. The material originally appeared in several issues of CriticalInquiry.Dr. Seymour Gray, PhD'45, Beyond theVeil: The Adventures of an American Doctorin Saudi Arabia (Harper & Row). An accountof the three years Dr. Gray spent in SaudiArabia as a member of the first medical staff ofa new hospital funded by the royal family.Gray's status as a physician gave him a rare opportunity to view the complexities and contradictions of human relations in Saudi society.He has taught for many years at Harvard University and lives in Brookline, MA.Woodson W. Fishback, PhD'48. AHistory of Murphysboro, Illinois (1843-1982)(Jackson County Historical Society, P.O. Box7. Murphysboro, IL 62996). Woodson is professor emeritus at Southern Illinois University,Carbondale, IL, and has lived in Columbus,MS, since 1979.Nolan Pliny Jacobson, PhD'48. Buddhismand the Contemporary World (Southern Illinois University Press). An exposition ofBuddhism's relationships to both process philosophy and modern science. Jacobson is alsocontributor and editor with Kenneth K. Inadaof Buddhism and American Thinkers (StateUniversity of New York Press). He is professoremeritus at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, SC,and lives in Adel, GA.Rita Kramer, AB'48, In Defense of theFamily: Raising Children in America Today(Basic Books). A plea to "return child care tothe home, responsibility to the family, andauthority to parents." Kramer supports oldvalues in the belief that the democratic societygets the kind of individual it needs from thetraditional family. She lives in Manhattan andis the author of many books and articles onchild development.Melvin R. Levin, AM 48. PhD'56, EndingUnemployment: Alternatives to Public Policy(University of Maryland). An argument for thereinstitution, in a more permanent form, offederal jobs programs for unemployed andmarginal workers. Levin argues that unemployment is not bound to simply go away, andthat the public monies spent supporting thejobless could be better used in projects torebuild neglected public facilities. Levin is professor and director of the Department of Community Planning at the University of Marylandat Baltimore.Raymond J. Nelson, PhD'49, The Logic ofMind (D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland). An examination of philosophical arguments in support of a computationalist theory of the humanmind. Nelson's main thesis is that intentionalattitudes such as belief can be accounted forwith concepts of mathematical logic. He isTruman P. Handy Professor of PhilosophyEmeritus at Case Western Reserve University,Cleveland, OH.Emanuel S. Savas, AB'51, SB53, Privatizing the Public Sector: How to Shrink Government (Chatham House). A program calling forthe supply of public services by private means.Savas argues that simply because the government provides a service, it does not have toproduce it. He is Assistant Secretary for PolicyDevelopment and Research in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.Emma W. Bragg, PhD'52, Golden Anniversary Class Reunion (Brevity Press). A bookof the Class of 1932's reminiscences of collegedays at Fisk University, Nashville, TN.Nathan Keyfitz, PhD"52, PopulationChange and Social Policy (Abt Books). Ascholarly look at some of the dilemmas ofmodern population analysis and policy, andthe ways in which data can contribute to theirresolution. Keyfitz is Andelot Professor ofSociology and Demography at Harvard University and Lazarus Professor of Social Demography at Ohio State University.David Ray, AB'52, and Amritjit Singh, India (Ohio University Press/New Letters). Acollection of poetry, fiction, and essays fromthe work, both English and non-English, ofIndia's best contemporary writers. Ray is professor of English at the University of Missouri,Kansas City, and editor of New Letters, aliterary quarterly. Singh is professor of Englishat the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India.Editor's note: We regret the confusion arisingfrom our having included a quotation from thelate William Carlos Williams in last issue'snotice of Ray's recent poetry collection. TheTouched Life (Scarecrow Press). Though thequotation did refer to some of the poems collected in that book, it was made in 1961, twoyears before Williams' death. Williams' praisefor Ray was inadvertently included in promotional material for the new book, whence itmade its way into this column,William Vasilio Sotirovich, AM'57,AM'60, Grotms Universe: Divine Law and aQuest for Harmony (Vantage Press). An examination of the legal and theological thoughtot the great Dutch |unst Hugo Grotius, wholived in the first halt of the seventeenth century. Sotirovich reflects in particular Grotius'semphasis on harmony and reason,Theodore G. Gertz, AB 58, see 1928,Elmer Gertz Murray S. Davis, AB'61, AM'62, Smut:Erotic Reality Obscene Ideology (University ofChicago Press). The author demonstrates thatthe state of sexual arousal is fundamentally different from everyday reality, then uses this distinction to explore the social genesis of sexualrepression and pornography. John J. MacAloon,associate professor of social sciences at theUniversity, writes that the book "delivers fullyon its promise of a truly fresh view of sexuality."Harry E. Dembkowski, AB'62, AM'64,PhD'74, The Union of Lublin. Polish Federalism in the Golden Age (East European Monographs/Columbia University Press). An examination of the political and legal relationshipsthat culminated in the constitutional union ofPoland and Lithuania in 1569. This seminalwork, the first serious study in English of thiscrucial period of Polish history, won theKosciuszko Foundation Doctoral DissertationAward for 197o.Candida Lund, PhD'63, Coming of Age(Thomas More Press). An anthology centeringon the experience of approaching maturity,with selections from the writings of RichardWright, Shirley MacLaine, James Joyce,Mahatma Gandhi, and others.James Reiss, AB'63, AM'64, Express(University of Pittsburgh Press: Pitt PoetrySeries). Reiss's second book of poems, celebrating his native New York City among otherthemes. Reiss commutes weekly from Manhattan to his post as professor of English at MiamiUniversity, Oxford, OH.Elizabeth J. Block, AM'68, A Woman'sGuide to Credit (Ace). Block is a financialwriter in New York City.Alan M. Jacobson, MD'69, and D.XParmelee, M.D., editors, Psychoanalysis:Critical Explorations in Contemporary Theoryand Practice (Brunner/Mazel). A review of thestatus of many aspects of contemporary psychoanalytic theory and its clinical application.Jacobson is assistant professor of psychiatry atHarvard University and chief of Mental HealthServices at the Joslin Diabetes Center inBoston, MA.Eric Davis, AM'70, PhD'76, ChallengingColonialism: Bank Misr and Egyptian Industrialization. 1920-1941 (Princeton UniversityPress). An analysis of Egypt's first indigenouslyfinanced and directed industrialization movement: why it succeeded initially, why it failedto free Egypt from foreign interests and crashedin 1939. The book challenges classic theories ofdependency and sheds light on inter-Arabpolitical and economic cooperation in the 1920sand 1930s. Davis is associate professor of political science at Rutgers University, NewBrunswick, N!.Stewart J. Brown, AM'74, PhD'81,Thomas Chalmers and the Godly Commonwealth in Scotland (Oxford University Press).A biography of the nineteenth-century ScottishEvangelical social reformer, focusing on hiscampaign to revive a Christian communal idealin response to the social dislocations of rapidindustrialization and urbanization. Brown isassistant professor of historv at the Universityof Georgia, Athens, GAMichael D. Buckner, PhD'75, and NatalieAbrams, editors, Medical Ethics: A ClinicalTextbook and Reference for the Health Care Professions (M.I.T Press). "The strengths ofthe book," writes Arthur L. Kaplan of the Hastings Center, "are that it is solidly rooted in clinical action and practice, and that it successfullyintegrates case material drawn from law andmedicine with interdisciplinary analyses." BothBuckner and Abrams are assistant professors ofphilosophy at New York University MedicalSchool and co-directors of the school's Philosophy and Medicine Program.Jeffery C. Goldfarb, PhD'77, On CulturalFreedom: An Exploration of Public Life inPoland and America (University of ChicagoPress). This study explores the nature of cultural freedom by examining the conditions thatfavor or threaten its development in Polandand the United States. Goldfarb is associateprofessor in the Department of Sociology at theNew School for Social Research, New York.George Anastaplo, AB 48, JD'51, PhD'64,The Artist as Thinker from Shakespeare toJoyce (Swallow/Ohio University Press). Imaginative discussions of the works of fourteen authors, among them Austen, Dickens, Melvilleand Stevenson. Appended to these essays aresystematic expositions of the principles of artand interpretation that Anastaplo employs inhis criticism. He is lecturer in the liberal arts atthe University; professor of political science andol philosophy. Rosary College; and visitingprofessor of law, Loyola University of Chicago.Johannes Fabian, AM'65, PhD'69, Timemid the Other. How Anthropology Makes ItsObject (Columbia University Press). In this critique of the emergence and present shape of anthropological discourse, the author contests thenotion that ethnology produces knowledge ofthe "other" that is of use in other fields, andsuggests rules for the critical pursuit of anthropology. Fabian is professor of anthropology atthe University of Amsterdam.Abby Wettan Kleinbaum, AB'63, TheWar Against the Amazons (McGraw-Hill). Anexamination of the myth of the woman warriorfrom Antiope and Hippolyta to "WonderWoman." Kleinbaum argues that men haveconceived of Amazons as the times demanded:the conquistadors, for instance, confused themwith gold. She is associate professor of historyat Manhattan Community College, New York.AUTHOR'S QUERYFor a family biography, 1 am seekingreminiscences, written materials, photographs on the following: Edward CaryHayes, PhD'02, University of Chicago,founder of the Department of Sociology, University of Illinois, 1907-1928;Mrs. Edward Cary (Annie) Hayes, B.A.1890 from Bates College, resident ofHyde Park variously 1900-1928; HenryHammersley Walker, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Chicago TheologicalSeminary, 1910-1927; Helen WalkerHayes, BA'20 in English literature (withhonors), member of Deltho Club,worked at Harper Library. Please contact Dr. Edward Cary Hayes II, 11112Polaris Drive, San Diego, CA 92126,telephone 619/695-0787.icr 1°83ATTERNSof scholarly activity vary. Individuals,disciplines, literatures differ. But a common element within this diversity is theneed for the raw materials of research.Original texts, bibliographies, statisticaldata these are only a part of the inventory scholars must draw on. And buildon. Investigation of Schubert's relationswith his publishers raises questions aboutthe 19th century music market. These, inturn, suggest lines of inquiry into thecultural life of a growing European middleclass. And study in this area may lead toinsights about the shaping of values thatstill influence our own attitudes. The work is unending because it is everexpanding, bringing new questions tolight, bending back on itself, confirmingassumptions or raising doubts aboutthem. The University of Chicago Libraryexists to support this process. Its successhas been recognized. Like our own facultyand students, visiting scholars frequentlycomment about having found among itscollection of over four million volumesthe one or two books that are "just right"for what they need. 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