The University ofCHICAGOMagazine/Spring 1983XAJMMiM'0faf WMIMStudent Activities in the EightiesLETTERSUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SI!"CHICAGO SCHOOL/' NO!Editor:I enjoyed the piece on George Stigler'sNobel award in the current University ofChicago Magazine but feel obliged to correct acouple of inaccurate statements made in itabout "Chicago School" economics.First, nine, not eight, of the thirteenAmerican Nobel winners in economics havebeen associated with the University of Chicago. In addition to the eight listed in yourarticle, Tjalling Koopmans (Nobel 1975), nowat Yale University, was a faculty member atChicago during the late 1940s and early 1950sand was for a time director of the Cowles Commission for Research in Economics there. Hedid some of his most important work on activity analysis and the identification problemwhile he was at Chicago.Second, of the nine economists associatedwith Chicago, only four (von Hayek,Friedman, Schultz, and Stigler) can, by even[he widest stretch of the imagination, be associated with the so-called "Chicago School."Samuelson, Arrow, Koopmans, Klein, and Imarched (and march) to the beat of quitedifferent drums from the one that paces the"Chicago School."While I was a student at Chicago (the1930s) and in my later association with theCowles Commission in the 1940s and 1950s,there was no single orthodoxy in the University's Economics Department. I studied withHenry Schultz, an econometrician; PaulDouglas, then a socialist; Henry Simonds, theclosest approximation to a "Chicago School"economist at that time; Simeon Leland, apragmatist; Oscar Lange, a socialist, andothers. I count this exposure to distinguisheddiversity one of the principal blessings, amongmany, of my Chicago education. The CowlesCommission, where I found myself in stimulating association with Arrow, Koopmans, andKlein, as well as with such other outstandingnon- 'Chicago School" economists as JaschaMarschak, Leo Hurwicz, Don Patinkin, andFranco Modigliani, provided an important second part of my economic education.University of Chicago, si! "ChicagoSchool," no!Herbert A. SimonAB'36, PhD'43, LLD'64Pittsburgh, PA.Editor:Your hagiographic celebration of GeorgeStigler's recent Nobel Prize in Economics(Winter, 1983) conforms exactly to the journalistic standards one expects from alumni magazines. James Graff reports that "TheNobel record clearly attests to the pervasiveinfluence of the so-called Chicago School' oncontemporary economic thought." Apart fromthe fact that the intellectual contribution of theChicago School remains doubtful to the majority of mainstream economists, it is a gravemisrepresentation to employ the Nobel recordas a measure of its prestige. Several of theNobel Prize-winning economists Graff citesas exemplary products were so disturbed bythis type of propagandistic allegation that in recent correspondence with the New York Timesthey explicitly disassociated themselves fromthe Chicago School. For the sake of accuracy,and with all due respect for the intellectual integrity of Professors Arrow, Klein, Koopsman,and Simon, I expect that you will reprint theirletter (to the Times) in its entirety. Needless tosay, they are not the only University of Chicago students who have feared that someday,someone (most likely from the publicity office)will compromise their careers with unjust association with this university's more sordiddepartments.Paul Gootenberg, AB'78Chicago, ILEditor:In your list of alumni, faculty membersand researchers of the University of Chicagowho have won the Nobel Prize, you neglectedto include Tjalling Koopmans, who was on thefaculty from 1944-1954.Wyatt Mankin, PhD'71Oak Park, ILWATCH THAT TITLE!Editor:A small but not insignificant error occurred in the Winter 1983 issue of The Magazine, on Page 18. Until this new, 13th edition,the Manual was called A Manual of Style, notThe Manual of Style.F. J. Goellner-Cortwright should haveknown better. The illustration on page 17 iscorrect; the text on page 18 was wrong.Otherwise, it was a fine article and anexcellent issue, as usual.Louis Barron, AB'39Downsville, NYOF INSPIRATIONSEditor:The Winter 1983 number came today, andas usual, I read the necrology and the classnews and looked over the rest. I concluded thatContinued on Page 47. EDITOR'SNOTESThe pressures of academics. A lack of opportunities for casual meetings betweenmen and women. The severity of Chicagowinters. The shortcomings of Hyde Park(the University neighborhood) itself.Complaints against student life at theUniversity of Chicago are as old as thebricks of Cobb Hall. Such complaints bytoday's students can be read in the pages ofThe Maroon and heard in the meetings ofthe Student Association and in the often-crowded Ex Libris coffee shop in RegensteinLibrary.Actually, we didn't write those twoparagraphs. We lifted them from the pagesof Notre Dame magazine, the superb alumni publication of the University of NotreDame, our neighbor in South Bend, IN. Wemerely substituted place names, and left outa phrase which read "The pervasiveness ofalcohol," because whatever the problems ofstudent social life may be at this University,that is not one of them.We were intrigued by these paragraphsbecause we were in the midst of reportingon student social life for this magazine, andwere struck by the similarity of the complaints that were being voiced here. Fora report on student opinions about sociallife on the Quadrangles and the status ofstudent activities, turn to Page 18.During a three-day conference heldon campus last November a graduate student who had done his undergraduate workelsewhere took the microphone and said;"This is a remarkable place. Where elsewould they hold a conference to celebrate acourse?" The occasion was a gathering offormer and current faculty and alumni toobserve the fortieth birthday of one of thecore courses in the College, Social Sciences2. Staff writer Jamie Graff reports on theconference and the course, starting on Page6. (Now, perhaps, we could have a conference to celebrate 40-odd, or is it 50-odd,years of general education?)The University hosted another commemorative symposium, this one on December 1-2, to mark the fortieth anniversary of the first controlled, self-sustainingnuclear chain reaction. About sixty scientists gathered for two days of talks aboutnuclear energy. That was the public side ofthe meeting. On the private side, alumniamong the sixty scientists took the opportunity to have a reunion, and we report onthat gathering on Page 13.If you've been thinking about visitingone of the National Parks, now is the timeto do so, while they're still there to be enjoyed, suggests Joseph L. Sax, JD'59, in ourOpinion column on Page 16.If you sent us an item and it does notappear in this issue, please have patiencewith us. We'll publish it as soon as possible.EditorFelicia Antonelli Holton, AB'50Staff WriterJames L. Graff, AB'81DesignerTom GreensfelderThe University of Chicago Office ofAlumni AffairsRobie House5757 Woodlawn AvenueChicago, Illinois 60637Information: (312) 753-2175President, The University of ChicagoAlunmi AssociationMichael Klowden, AB'67Executive Directorof University Alumni AffairsCarol Jenkins Linne, AB'66Associate Directorof University Alumni AffairsRuth HalloranAssistant Directorof University Alumni AffairsDeborah Joynes, AM'77National Program DirectorSarah S. CoyleChicago Area Program DirectorPaula Wissing, AM'71, PhD'76Alumni Schools Committee DirectorRobert Ball, Jr., X'71The University of Chicago AlumniAssociation Executive Committee, theCabinetMichael Klowden, AB'67Edward J. Anderson, PhB'46, SM'49Jay Berwanger, AB'39Anita Jarmin Brickell, AB'7S, MBA'76Emmett Dedmon, AB'39Gail Pollack Fels, JD'65Mary Lou Gorno, MBA'75Guy Nery, AB'47Clyde Watkins, AB'67Gregory Wrobel, AB'75, JD'78, MBA'79Faculty/ Alumni Advisory Committeeto The University of Chicago MagazineEdward W. Rosenheim, AB'39, AM'47,PhD'53ChairmanDavid B. and Clara E. SternProfessor, Department of English and theCollegeWalter J. Blum, AB'39, JD'41Wilson-Dickinson Professor, the LawSchoolJohn A. SimpsonArthur Holly Compton DistinguishedService Professor, Department of Physicsand the CollegeLorna P. Straus, SM'60, PhD'62Associate Professor, Department ofAnatomy and the CollegeGreta Wiley Flory, PhB'48Linda Thoren, AB'64, JD'67The University of Chicago Magazine ispublished by The University of Chicago incooperation with the Alumni Association.Published continuously since 1907, Editorial Office: Robie House, 5757 WoodlawnAvenue, Chicago, IL 69637. Telephone(312) 753-2325. Copyright © 1983 by TheUniversity of Chicago. Published fourtimes a year, Autumn, Winter, Spring,Summer. The Magazine is sent to all University of Chicago alumni. Please alloweight weeks for change-of -address. Secondclass postage paid at Chicago, IL, and atadditional mailing offices. The University ofCHICAGOMagazine /Spring 1983Volume 75, Number 3 (ISSN-9508)Page 18Cover: David Haselkorn, a fourth-yearstudent in the College, and friend EllenBrownstein were among the revellersat the dance held during the wintercarnival, Kuviasungnerk.(Photo by Richard Younker.) IN THIS ISSUEThe Debate Goes OnBy James GraffA celebration of the forty years (more or less) ofSocial Sciences 2 and its approach to generaleducation.Page 6Looking BackProminent physical scientists gathered on campuscommemorate the Stagg Field experiment and thebirth of the atomic age.Page 13Will the National Parks Survive?By Joseph SaxA law professor looks at the threats that privateinterests represent for the National Parks.Page 16Is There Life On Campus?Outside of the classroom and Regenstein, doUniversity of Chicago students really study all thetime?Page 18DEPARTMENTSOn the QuadsClass NewsDeathsBooks by AlumniWillie D. Davis Stanley M. Freehling Bernard WeissbourdTHREE ALUMNINAMED TRUSTEESThree alumni have been elected tothe Board of Trustees. They are Willie D.Davis, MBA'68, Stanley M. Freehling,X'42, and Bernard Weissbourd,SB'41, JD'48.Davis holds a B.S. degree fromGrambling College, is owner-operator ofthe Willie Davis Distributing Company(a Schlitz beer distributorship), andowns a Los Angeles radio station. He isa member of the Council of the Graduate School of Business.Davis, who has been described asone of the greatest defensive ends of alltime, played professional football fortwelve years in the National FootballLeague, ten of them for the Green BayPackers. The Packers won world championships during five of those years. Healso played in the first two Super Bowlgames. In 1975 he was named to theGreen Bay Packers' Hall of Fame. Healso was named to the Hall of Fameof N.A.I. A. Freehling is a partner in Freehling& Co., Chicago stockbrokers. He is amember of the Visiting Committee to theDivision of the Humanities, the VisitingCommittee on the Visual Arts, and theCitizens Board of the University. He hasrecently taken on a leadership role forCourt Theatre.In 1981 Freehling received the Outstanding Volunteer Award of the Chicagochapter of the National Society of Fund-Raising Executives. He has long beenone of the most active supporters of thearts in the city of Chicago.Weissbourd is president of Metropolitan Structures, Inc., an urban development firm with headquarters inChicago, which he formed in 1959. He isa member of the Visiting Committee tothe Committee on Public Policy Studies.After graduating from the Collegein 1941 as a chemistry major, Weissbourdworked for three years on the Manhattan Project, where Enrico Fermi and hiscolleagues achieved the first controlledself-sustaining nuclear chain reactionunder the west stands of the old StaggField. He then entered the Law School and from 1948-1959 was a partner in thefirm of Antonow and Weissbourd. Heleft the firm to found MetropolitanStructures, Inc.Two of Weissbourd's children anda son-in-law are alumni: Ruth AnnWeissbourd Grant, AB'71, Robert M.Weissbourd, JD'79, and Stephen D.Grant, AB'71.REVENUE SHORTAGESFORCE CUTS; NON-FACULTYHIRING SUSPENDEDPresident Hanna H. Gray announcedin December that the University wouldundertake an immediate reduction in theunrestricted budget because unrestrictedrevenue this year will be nearly $4 million less than anticipated."We shall have to take immediatesteps to correct this problem, not onlyin order to meet the mandated balancethis year but also to effect a permanentreduction in the unrestricted budget basefor the future," she said.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1*"Action taken now will have a positive impact for next year and beyond.Without such action, the problem wouldbe doubled for 1983-84 and after."The first step, she said, is an immediate suspension of filling non-facultyvacancies as they arise.Exceptions will be made only forextraordinary reasons and when theoffice involved demonstrates it can meetreduced targets in its unrestricted budget.Gray said funding priority will continue to be given to faculty salaries, student financial aid, library acquisitions,and strengthening "selected programsand initiative of special promise."The University's unrestricted budgetis supported by revenues available forthe entire range of its activities and purposes. All other revenues are designatedby donors or granting agencies for a specific use, or are generated by auxiliaryenterprises which in turn use them todefray expenses.In discussions with officers, deans,the Committee of the Council, and theCouncil of the University Senate, Graysaid private research universities arebeing affected as a group by trends inthe academic economy this year and infuture years."We are seeing a decline in anticipated unrestricted revenue, a declinethat indicates a slowing of future growthas well and that requires us to take measures now to reduce expenditures," shesaid. "Several of our peer universitiesare embarking on the same course."The shortage in anticipated revenueadds up to roughly three percent in thecurrent year's unrestricted budget planand is expected in three areas, she said: $400,000 in tuition because ofa drop in graduate enrollment,especially in the Humanities andSocial Sciences Divisions. $1.5 million in cash investmentbecause of lower cash balancesand falling interest rates. $2.2 million in indirect costrecovery income, the federalreimbursement for overheadassociated with work doneunder federal grants.The national decline in indirect costrecovery funding is not yet fully understood. An analysis is underway "inorder to understand the interplay between grant and contract volume, theactivities and attitudes of federal agencies, and the patterns of expenditure on the part of principal investigators,"Gray said.She said the average annual growthof the University's unrestricted income,which has been 13 percent since 1979,is likely to be only 5.5 to 7 percent in1983-84.Gray said the University will doeverything possible to increase unrestricted revenue but "there can be noquestion" that the budget base must becut to insure the University's long-termstability and to support its priorities.Reduced unrestricted budget targetsfor the remainder of 1982-83 have beendistributed to all offices and deans of theUniversity and may be met by "somewhat different combinations of costreductions," she said.She noted, for example, that officeswith heavy expenses for central computation would benefit from significantreductions in charges by the Computation Center starting January 1."There is widespread recognitionthat the deteriorating economic environment, not only in this nation but in the world at large, has negative impacts oninstitutions as well as individuals," Graysaid. "Great research universities mayeven be more typically at risk than otherinstitutions, since their business is toemploy all their resources as fully andconsistently as possible in the pursuit ofknowledge."There is a sense of order and momentum in any such pursuit, one thatcannot be cut back at will to matchabruptly declining support without introducing grave stresses into the wholeacademic enterprise."Yet if swings in external supportare of sufficient magnitude, a failure toadjust to them would quickly consumeall available reserves and place an institution like ours in even greater, moreimmediate jeopardy."Precisely in order to maintain ourstrength and resilience our capacity torespond to major new challenges andopportunites that may occur at any time we must accept the need for a realisticadjustment to the present economicenvironment."LINNE NAMED ALUMNIAFFAIRS DIRECTORCarol Jenkins Linne, AB'66, hasbeen appointed executive director ofthe Office of University Alumni Affairsby Charles D. O'Connell, AM'47, vice-president and dean of students in theUniversity.Linne comes to the University froma position as data dictionary supervisorfor Multi List/McGraw-Hill in California.Linne received her A.B. from the Carol Jenkins LinneCommittee on General Studies in theHumanities. She was instructor inEnglish at the University of Colorado,where she received an M.A. in Englishin 1971.Linne has been a member of theAlumni Cabinet, the executive body ofthe Alumni Association, has served asan interviewer for the Alumni SchoolsCommittee in Texas, California, andColorado, and has been a city chairperson for the Alumni Fund.From 1966-68 Linne was a PeaceCorps Volunteer in Salvador, Bahia,Brazil. She taught English as a secondlanguage, and organized a course inwhich she taught women who received"Foods for Progress" how to use thesefoods which were strange to them.She replaces Peter Kountz, AM'69,PhD'76, who became dean of studentsat the University of Rochester last fall.PHILIPSON RECEIVESPEN AWARDMorris Philipson, AB'49, AM'52,director of the University of ChicagoPress, has been awarded the PEN America Center's Publisher Citation, markingthe first time the prize has been givenfor leadership of an academic press.PEN, an international organizationof writers and editors, cited Philipsonfor " distinguished and continuous service to international letters and to thefreedom and dignity of writers."Karen Kennerly, executive directorof PEN, said that Philipson "has raisedthe University of Chicago Press to itsplace as the best university press in thecountry."Philipson was editor of VintageBooks at Knopf; editor of the ModernLibrary series at Random House; andsenior editor at Basic books before coming to the Press as executive editor in1966. He became director in 1967.He is the author of four novels, twonon-fiction books, and many stories,articles, and reviews.NO MORECHAMBERMAIDSTo promote international understanding and friendship of the peopleof Chicago and the Middle West toward nations and cultures other thantheir own.Such was the expressed hope ofJohn D. Rockefeller, Jr., in 1932, whenhe provided the funds to build the International House on the University of Chicago campus. Now in its fiftieth year ofoperation, I-House is reaffirming itscommitment to that goal.The golden anniversary was markedin late October at a dinner featuring a speech by U.S. Senator Charles H. Percy,AB'41. The dinner was the first in aseries of events planned to commemorate the occasion. In the coming year,there will be a dinner to honor the menand women who have invited foreignstudents for Thanksgiving dinner overthe last twenty-five years; a dinner for210 business leaders and academicianswho have served on the I-House Boardof Governors over the last fifty years;and a dinner for former and presentemployees of I-House. I-House DirectorC. Lester Stermer, AB'51, also hopes torevive the Festival of Nations, an all-dayaffair "with food, dance and entertainment" planned and executed by foreignstudents.The capstone of the anniversaryyear will be a conference next October.Stermer plans to invite scholars and government leaders to address the questionof Soviet-American relations, perhapsthe most crucial determinant of theinternational understanding Rockefelleraimed to foster.At I-House itself, there have beensome changes over the years. No longer, for instance, do "chambermaids" carefor the women's sections, nor "orderlies"for the men's. No longer do I-Houseresidents rate the attentions of a gourmetchef, though some say I-House food isstill the best on campus and others takesolace in the recently installed computerterminal facility. And no longer do students gather at the end of the year for acandlelight ceremony, as they did in theInternational Student Association in thedays before I-House itself, to recitetogether the following lines:As light begets light, so love, friendship and understanding are passedfrom one to another. We pledge ourselves that the light of friendshipwhich has thus been kindled shallnever die out.However drastically these thingshave changed, the building itself remainsthe very picture of permanence. It wasdesigned by the influential Chicago architectural firm of Holabird and Rootand built at a cost of $3 million on thesite of the original Del Prado Hotel at1414 East 59th Street. Faced in Indianalimestone to harmonize with the rest ofUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGA7INE/Spring W*the campus, it has a twelve story tower.The interior's original appointments,most of which remain intact, werecarefully planned and quite elaborate;the Hotel Monthly of December, 1932called the main lounge "a masterpiece infurniture and decoration."The International House at the University of Chicago was the last of foursuch institutions built by Rockefeller.The others are at Columbia Universityin New York City, in Paris, and at theUniversity of California at Berkeley.Like its counterparts, the ChicagoI-House aims to provide a forum forcontact between foreign students andAmericans by maintaining a roughparity between domestic and foreignresidents. Economic and other factorssometimes makes this impossible:through much of the 1960s and 1970s,foreign residents often made up onlyabout a quarter of the total.Things are better today, with aroughly 60-40 split between Americanand foreign students. The I-House 50thAnniversary Fund, newly inauguratedby the chairman of the board of gover nors, Jerald C. Brauer, PhD'48, NaomiShenstone Donnelley Professor in theDivinity School, will help maintain thedesired balance by defraying living costsfor some foreign students. DirectorStermer says that the current fund-raising efforts, while begun in fortuitousconjunction with the anniversary, willcontinue for two or three years.Stermer believes that the specialvalue of I-House is that it allows foreignand American students to get acquaintedon a one-to-one basis in a natural socialsetting."It provides an interlude in the livesof men and women seeking their graduate degrees," he says. "It's neutralground where they can forget aboutpolitical trappings and relax."Of the 44 different nationalities represented at I-House, Japan leads amongforeign countries with 25 residents,followed by India, Taiwan, Belgium,Canada and Hong Kong. All togetherthere are 519 students, over two hundredof whom study business, making that farand away the most prevalent area ofstudy for I-House residents. The remaining students study in virtually everygraduate department of the University.Prominent former residents ofI-House include Katharine MeyerGraham, AB'38, publisher of theWashington Post; James Hoge, AM'61,publisher of the Chicago Sun Times;Chen Ning Yang PhD'48, and TsungDao Lee, PhD'50, recipients of the1957 Nobel Prize in physics; HastingsKamuzu Banda, PhB'31, president ofMalawi; and the late Enrico Fermi, theCharles H. Swift Distinguished ServiceProfessor in Physics.PATRICIA CONNELLYIS RHODES SCHOLARPatricia Connelly, a fourth-year student in the College, has been awardeda Rhodes Scholarship for two years ofstudy at Oxford.Connelly was among 32 studentsfrom the United States selected Dec. 19by the Rhodes Scholarship Trust. Anannual stipend of about $7,000 accompanies the scholarship."The competition was very impressive," said Connelly, 22, shortly afterlearning of the award. "The fact that Iwon still hasn't completely sunk in. Ifeel very fortunate." Connelly, who is from Belleville,N.J., is a student in the Committee onGeneral Studies in the Humanities andhas concentrated on German and English literature and European history. AtOxford, she will pursue an interest inmedieval studies, particularly the roleof women mystics in the Middle Ages.She plans to work toward a medieval literature following her twoyears abroad.Connelly said she was surprised byher selection as a Rhodes Scholar. "Ihaven't had what you would call anorthodox academic experience," shesaid, noting that she has worked half-time throughout her academic career andtook the 1980-81 school year off totravel and work in Europe.The scholarship was begun in 1902through a bequest from Cecil Rhodes,a British colonist in South Africa whomade his fortune in diamonds. Applicants must be between 19 and 25 yearsold and have received a bachelor'sdegree before they go to Oxford.The 32 U.S. winners this year wereselected from 1,183 applicants representing 321 colleges. Connelly is the 23rdstudent to win the award while enrolledat Chicago. She will begin studies atOxford in the autumn.CHICAGO ABROADThe College has for the first time inits history aligned itself with a programof foreign study for third-year students.Elissa Weaver, associate professor ofItalian in the College, said that beginning next year, students will be able toattend the University of Bologna forcredit under a program developed byBrown University in Providence, RhodeIsland. Dean of the College Donald N.Levine, AB'50, AM'54, PhD'57, said thatthe new policy aims to "try to make itmore convenient for students to takepart in foreign programs." If the resultsof the Italian program are satisfactory,a more comprehensive program encompassing study in Germany, France andSpain might be adopted.In the past, students wishing tostudy abroad had to apply directly tothe foreign university and arrange forthe transfer of credit on their own.Credit was frequently given, sometimesin advance, but the new policy couldmake that process a simpler one. aA CELEBRATION OFm t was a familiar sight for¦ the University of Chi-m cago: a set of tweedym scholarly types present-^^^^i ing papers, respondingto papers, sometimes arguing in theirpeculiarly civil way. But this gathering ona November weekend was no ordinaryacademic conference, where scholars of aparticular discipline exhibit and updatetheir knowledge. It was, rather, a criticalcelebration of a course, a Festschrift notfor an eminent professor towards the endof his career, but for a course with a venerable past and a promising future. Theobject of analysis was Social Sciences 2,known familiarly as Soc 2 and more recently as "Self, Culture and Society," oneof several courses that remain from thedays when the College offered a programof exclusively general education.The symposium, entitled "GeneralEducation in the Social Sciences: Reflections on 40 Years of Social Sciences 2,"was sponsored by the Dean of the Collegeand the Forum for Liberal Learning, madepossible by a generous grant fromMaurice F. Fulton, AB'40, JD'42, andMuriel G. Fulton, X'43, and organizedby John MacAloon, AM'74, PhD'80, associate professor in the Social SciencesCollegiate Division. During the three daysof lectures and panel discussions, overtwenty-five former and present facultymembers and about 150 alumni reminisced about the course, reflected on thepast and current state of general education, and wrangled over issues of curriculum and pedagogy.Soc 2 is not, nor has it ever been, asurvey course that holds up, say, first anthropology, then psychology and sociology for cursory examination. It does notpurport to offer a synthesized vision ofhumankind in which the characteristicperspectives of each of those disciplineshave been melded into some semblanceof unity. It does not aspire to train itsstudents as professional social scientists.Soc 2 is rather an interdisciplinarycourse more given to raising thorny questions than to providing answers. Whateconomic, social, or psychological func tions are served by religion? What are thebasic sources of social conflict? In whatways does society affect the expression ofhuman personality? To what extent is"human nature" itself the product of aspecific culture?There are, of course, no simpleanswers to such questions, but the discussions they generate in the context of Soc 2have broadened and excited the minds ofseveral generations of students, and inspired some of them to pursue careersdedicated to such inquiry."We came here as freshmen lookingfor answers that we could write down in anotebook and memorize," says third-yearstudent Tony Neske. "For us Soc 2 waslike running into a wall."Few academic programs can claim tohave made as discernible an impact onscholarship and education as Soc 2. Forover forty years, it has spawned from theranks of its instructors and students someof the most prominent social scientistsof several generations. David Riesman,Daniel Bell, Philip Rieff, AB'46, AM'47,PhD'54, and Sylvia Thrupp are amongthose who have taught it; Herbert Gans,PhB'47, AM'50, Leon Bramson, AB'50,AM'53 and Norman Bradburn, AB'52, areamong those who have taken it. Soc 2'scommitment to original sources and bigquestions has been transplanted to manyother institutions, from Harvard Collegeto York University in Ontario, from theUniversity of California at San Diego toBarat College, a small liberal arts schoolin Lake Forest, Illinois.What determined this success? Thevery calling of a symposium to examinethat question is itself an indication of oneof the course's greatest strengths: its self-consciousness. "Only at the University ofChicago would a conference like this onebe held," said David Bakan, a formerteacher of the course who came from YorkUniversity for the symposium. "I think itwas Marshall McLuhan who said something to the effect that if you wantedto find out something about water, don'task the fish. Chicago is distinguished bythe fact that they talk all the time aboutthe water in which they swim."SOCIAL SCIENCESTheDebaheGoes OnA Tribute To Forty Years (More Or Less)Of Social Sciences 2 And The Value OfGeneral Education. By James Graff It is by now a commonplace anarguable one that this self-consciousnessabout the educational enterprise stemsfrom the vaunted chancellorship of President Robert Maynard Hutchins, and it isin the strictest sense the fortieth anniversary of the so-called Hutchins College thatwas marked in 1982. David Orlinsky,AB'54, PhD'62, professor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and in theCollege and a former chairman of Soc 2,has written an interpretive history of thecourse (an early version of which was animportant source for this article). Mostother conferees eventually agreed with hisjudgment that the course itself began in1931, when Harry Gideonse, Louis Wirth,PhB'19, AM'25, PhD'26, and JeromeKerwin developed the IntroductoryGeneral Course in the Social Sciences,numbered Social Sciences I, for the two-year "New College Plan" instituted byHutchins and Dean Chauncey Boucher.The syllabus prepared for that origi-Raymond Fogelson(standing), professor inthe Departments ofAnthropology, BehavioralSciences and theCollege, and currentlyon the Soc 2 staff, in adiscussion with formerfaculty member DavidBakan, now of YorkUniversity in Canada.Alumni enjoy some of themore material fruits of theSoc 2 conference (top left). The current Soc 2 faculty includes John MacAloon,Susanne Rudolph, and DavidOrlinsky (left to right below). \In the background, formerfaculty members DavidRiesman (left) and ReuelDenney in 1954.nal course proposed "to study economic,political, and social institutions in the perspective of the industrial revolution." In1934, co-founder Wirth wrote, "A majorpart of our effort consists in making thestudents aware of their biases and of thepresuppositions derived from their cultural heritage with which they come tous" evidence that at least a part of Soc2's spirit was already in place then. Someof the articles read by the inaugural classhave not attained greatness in subsequentyears one thinks in particular of HerbertHoover's "American Individualism" while others, like The Wealth of Nationsand The Communist Manifesto, have recurred on course reading lists up to today.f EMiLf DURKHEl/VI..^THEELEMENTARtf|RELIGIOUS LIFEiKMAt the beginning of the 1942 academic year, the College was reorganizedto become a four-year institution offeringthe A.B. degree. Hutchins appointed anew dean, Clarence Faust, AM'29, PhD'35,to the revolutionary task of organizinga College staff that would be independentof the departments and divisions. Thefaculty of the social sciences, like theircolleagues in other disciplines, werecharged with developing a three yearsequence for all undergraduate students.In that process, the material of SocialSciences I was held more or less intact, thecourse was renamed Social Sciences 2,and Maynard Krueger, X'30, was namedacting chairman of the course.The change in the structure of theCollege had far-reaching effects. "To havea college faculty set up with the powerto appoint and promote faculty and legis late curriculum without approval fromthe departments created an unusual scopefor discretion and freedom," says MiltonSinger, PhD'40, professor emeritus inthe Department of Anthropology, PaulKlapper Professor Emeritus in the College,and a chairman of the Soc 2 staff in theforties. It allowed the College to undertake interdisciplinary approaches thatmight have been considered "impure" bythe graduate divisions, and it insulated theCollege faculty, at least to some degree,from the pervasive dictum to "publish orperish." The question of balance betweenresearch and teaching, which was addressed by these innovations, remains acentral question in higher education, ascontroversial today as it was in 1942.The so-called "golden age" of Soc 2began four years later, when Singer andDavid Riesman, among others, movedfrom the staff of Social Sciences 3, whichexamined issues of public policy, to anexpanding Soc 2, which offered materialsof what Riesman considered "richer empirical substance." Under the guidance ofRiesman, Singer and Robert Redfield,PhB'20, SD'21, PhD'28, the theme of "personality and culture" became the course'sorganizing principle. Instead of treatingthe tensions that exist between the social,political and economic aspects of society,as the course had up to then, it turned tothe tension between individual and collectivity, which remains a central concern ofthe course.In 1947, Riesman was given twoquarters off from teaching Soc 2, duringwhich time he worked to recruit a wide-ranging combination of scholars for theCollege social sciences curriculum. He hadcome to the University from a law professorship at the University of Buffalo,and was not averse to hiring instructorson the basis of merits other than formaltraining in the social sciences. LewisCoser, now professor of sociology at StateUniversity of New York at Stonybrookand an editorial board member of thejournal Dissent, had at that time recentlyresigned from an editorship at the ModernReview and was working as best he couldas a free-lance writer. Riesman came to New York and offered him a job teachingAmerican history in the Social Sciences 1sequence."I said, 'What? '," remembers Coser,who had studied comparative literature." 'You want to import somebody born inBerlin who's lived in the meantime in Parisand then in London to teach Americanhistory to corn-fed youngsters in theMiddle West? That's very kind of you,Professor Riesman, but thank you verymuch. '" When assignments were shuffledto make room for Coser on the staff ofSoc 2, however, he accepted and beganteaching in the fall of 1949. "It was only alittle over two years," Coser says of histenure in the College, "but I think theywere the most significant years in myintellectual life."The only degree ever granted toanother Soc 2 faculty member, MarkBenney, was from the Borstal Institution,the legendary British reform school. Agifted and successful writer, Benneyworked for several years at the LondonSchool of Economics with the politicalscientist Harold Laski, among others.His sociological research led in time toan invitation to America, where he metDavid Riesman and Everett Hughes and,in 1951, accepted a position on the staffof Soc 2. Among Benney 's closest friendsin Hyde Park was another Soc 2 facultymember, Reuel Denney, who first published in the Yale Younger Poets Series andthen went on to co-write The Lonely iCrowd with Riesman and Nathan Glazer.It subtracts nothing from their notableacademic achievements that the carousing jof Benney and Denney has acquired analmost legendary status in the annals ofHyde Park.After the Second World War, HydePark was home to a rare kind of effervescence, an atmosphere charged withintellectual and cultural ferment. "Withinthat magic square mile," wrote Benney inhis autobiography, Almost a Gentleman,"any idea that was distinguishable fromthe accepted canon of a given field, and ;could hold its own in informed circles, :|was likely to be handsomely rewarded; ]and in consequence intellectual diligenceUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring W83K-:»<i;>-i.f: '"'f.f.. ¦'<¦'¦:' . . ''¦'¦"'... . . .-"^fflSfiSwiWKFormer course staff membersMarc Galanter (top), now ofthe University of Wisconsin;Sylvia Thrupp (middle, left),University of Michigan; andLewis Coser, State Universityof New York at Stony Brook.Former Dean of the College Champion Ward (bottom, left)talks with former staff member McKim Marriott. In thebackground, former staffmembers Gerhard Meyer andChristian Mackauer in 1960.and ingenuity flouished.""The College then not only playedwith ideas," said Coser at the conference."It so to speak eroticized ideas in a manner that Herbert Marcuse never dreamtof. It's the only place that I discovered inmy by now very long career where ideasreally had sex appeal." Students could attend any of the twice-weekly discussionsessions, and it was not uncommon forsome to visit two of them on a single day.If word had spread that a given teacherwas good, his classroom would overflowwith students. Instructors could devote"almost lapidary care" to their lectures,writes Riesman, since the task of lecturingwas (and still is) shared among the entirestaff, with support from other members ofthe University faculty. The lectures werefrequently given as much in the hope ofimpressing colleagues as of educating students. When one was particularly outstanding, Mandel Hall would resoundwith students' applause.Those students had a style all theirown, reinforced, perhaps, by Hyde Park'sconfiguration after the War as a kindof midcontinental Greenwich Village."Their verbal sharpness, not uncommonbohemianism, and frequent pedagogicaland political radicalism all alienated parents, the Chicago business community,Chicago alumni of a more staid era, andmany graduate school professors," wroteChristopher Jencks and David Riesman inThe Academic Revolution. In a paperdelivered at the symposium, Riesmanwrites that "the real ability of the courseto sustain itself lay in the attitude of thestudents. A great majority took it forgranted that it was up to them to seek tomaster the material."The College faculty was notablystrong and deep, particularly in the social¦sciences. Riesman and his colleagues hadbrought promising young anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists to theCollege both from the graduate departments and from other universities. In thisperiod, the Soc 2 staff included dedicatedCollege teachers like Gerhard Meyer andChristian Mackauer; Daniel Bell andDavid Riesman, among America's most prominent qualitative sociologists; RobertRedfield, one of the first anthropologists to bring the discipline to bear onmodern societies; Benjamin Nelson, aneconomic historian who helped introduceMax Weber's work to American scholars; Sylvia Thrupp, a medieval economichistorian and a founder of the prestigiousJournal of Comparative Studies; MortonGrodzins, chairman of the political science department (and chairman of Soc 2);Barrington Moore, a sovietologist and important advocate of historical sociology;Joseph Lohman, X'34, a criminologistwho later became sheriff of Cook County;and Philip Rieff, admiringly termed "anapocalyptic psychosociologist" by acurrent faculty member. There were theanthropologists Milton Singer, RosalieHankey Wax, PhD'51, and Murray Wax,SB'42, PhD'59; the sociologists ReinhardBendix, AB'41, AM'43, PhD'47, JosephGusfield, PhB'46, and Robert Weiss; theeconomist Bert Hoselitz, AM'45, the political scientist Sebastian de Grazia, AB'44,PhD'48, the historian Livio Stecchini the list is long and illustrious."I know of no story in Americanhigher education that better gives the lieto the notion that research and undergraduate teaching are incompatible," saidJohn MacAloon.~==S=THEPROTESTANTETHIC ANDTHE SPIRIT OFAPITALISMliWith a new iflimdacfeu by Afitfeatf Gi&iensFirst in 1953 and then more decisively in 1958, the University moved awayfrom its undergraduate commitment toexclusively general education bydiminishing common course requirementsand bolstering the requirements for the divisional concentrations. These changesbrought on a storm of controversy at thetime. Morton Grodzins, a former chairman of Soc 2, wrote that upon examination of the record, the future historian"can come to only one conclusion: awrong action is proposed for the wrongreasons at the wrong time with the wrongconsequences. Finding no rational explanations for the action, the historianwill seek irrational ones. He will not lookfar before he can label these collectivelythe post-Hutchins Thermidor." Proponents of the changes mustered equalpassion and finally won the day.The new policies telescoped theformerly three-year sequences in thehumanities, natural sciences and socialsciences into two-year programs beginning in the 1960 academic year. Onequarter of material previously treated inSocial Sciences 3 was appended to a condensed Soc 2 course to form SocialSciences 121-122-123 ("Culture andFreedom"). This mixture of apples andoranges or more accurately, of "descriptive-analytic and policy-philosophic concerns" was not easily achieved. Theeventual success of the course in thisperiod has been attributed to GerhardMeyer, who served as course chairman inthe early sixties and helped the staff toforge a unity out of what might have beena patchwork.The effect of these changes and further ones instituted five years later byProvost (later President) Edward Levi,PhB'32, JD'35, was to reduce the formerlythree-year social science requirement, by1965, to a single year-long sequence. Thestudent could still take Soc 2 or anothercourse that combined elements of the oldSoc 1 and Soc 3, but there was no longer acommon social science curriculum for allundergraduates.The sixties were difficult years forSoc 2 on several counts. The heterogenouscourse material was a problem, but thevolatile social issues of the times oftenpresented even greater challenges. Nonewas more weighty, perhaps, than theSelective Service Board's decision in 1966that class standing would play a role indetermining the draft status of students."The moral dimension of this shookmany of us," remembers SusanneRudolph, professor in the Department ofPolitical Sciences and the College and thecurrent chairman of the course. "The stafffinally issued a statement that none of uswanted to give a grade that could be usedin that manner." Many other Universityfaculty later advocated a policy of notranking students and, over a year later,the Council of the Faculty Senate made itan official stance for the entire University.In the late sixties and early seventies,the College social science faculty developed several alternatives for fulfilling theCommon Core requirements in responseto student and faculty demands for relevance. Soc 2 instructors were granted theprerogative of designing their own coursesfor the spring quarter. In Social Sciences121-122-123, now renamed "Self, Cultureand Society," students continued to readthe classics Emile Durkheim, SigmundFreud, Karl Marx, Max Weber duringthe first two quarters, but could thenchoose in the spring from among the particular expertise and research interests ofcourse staff members: "Self and GroupProcesses"; "The Northern Ghetto"; "ThePhenomonology of Self"; "The Student,the University, and Social Change";"Socialization and Achievement"; "SocialPsychology of International Relations";"Law, Deviance and Compliance"; and"Adult Socialization-Psychology of theProfessions." This experiment ended in1974 when the course returned to a common three-quarter format.Spirited discussion of the curriculumis a deep-seated tradition in Soc 2. "I gotinto my first fight with David Riesman,"remembers Coser, "because DavidRiesman in those days would always say,well, why do we have to read Marx, let'shave a little more Margaret Mead. Orwhy do we have to read whomever, JohnStuart Mill, let's do a little more footworkreading with Ruth Benedict, and I wasunhappy about that."The battleground for such disputations has always been the weekly staffmeetings, an institution of the Hutchins College which persists in some courses. Inthe Soc 2 staff meetings, a kind of "SocialMetascience 2" has long been pursued, inthe coinage of Ralph Nicholas, AM'58,PhD'62, professor in the Department ofAnthropology and the Social SciencesCollegiate Division, Deputy Provost ofthe University, and a former chairman ofSoc 2. One controversy aired at several ofthe November conference sessions gavea taste, perhaps, of those meetings andthe "social metascience" that frequentlycharacterizes them.At issue was the current coursereading list. At the Saturday afternoonsession, McKim Marriott, AM'49,PhD'55, professor in the Department ofAnthropology and Social Sciences in theCollege and a former Soc 2 chair, calledfor a radical revamping of the current Soc2 curriculum, which, he claimed, is conceptually suited only to the examinationof Western culture. Marriott asserted, forexample, that the opposition between individual and society is nonsensical to aHindu, and that only a "Hindu socialscience" can provide the proper guidelinesfor the study of that culture. RespondentHarry Harootunian, Max Palevsky Professor of History and Civilization in theCollege and professor in the Departmentsof History and Far Eastern Languages andCivilizations, criticized the course readings along similar grounds. As it nowstands, he claimed, "the greats of socialscience have been elevated to the status ofclassics," and therefore "sprung from themediation of both time and place his tory, in other words." Harootunian andothers claimed that a canon of great textscan lead to the misconception that theknowledge of the discipline is given andcomplete. "Here is, I believe, the gravestconsequence of canonizing texts asclassics," he said, "for it really reifies themas the source of their own value and itestablishes as a result a kind of preemptiveclosure." Milton Singer, who left thecourse in 1952 because he thought it tooethnocentric, nonetheless said, "I wouldbe very unhappy myself if we tried to turnthe social science general education courseinto a course of non-western civilizations."Lewis Coser was among the severalscholars who defended the reading ofthe classics of Western social science. "Itseems to me a kind of self-hatred of theWestern rational mind," he said, "if onemore or less discards a major portionof the rationalistic tradition by going'native' not only as an individual butalso in the mind." But is the word "rational," as Susanne Rudolph asserted,often nothing more than "a code word forWestern cultural patterns?" The question,like many of those raised in and about Soc2, was left unresolved and tantalizing.Occidentalism aside, Soc 2's emphasis on the classics met with othercriticism as well. "If you're going to givestudents any idea of the modern world,why don't you get them in touch withwhat is going on in 20th centurythought?," asked Sylvia Thrupp. "Whyare you scared of it? Why run backto Daddy Freud? Make them read theclassics sometimes, sure, but if you areprofessing to give an activist introduction ;to what's going on in the modern world,you can't do it by sticking to classics.""It is no accident that those texts areclassics," countered Jonathan Everett, :jAB'72, who was a student in Soc 2 in1968. "They are classics because they have :been found to repeatedly challenge andstimulate the minds of generation after]generation." IAnd so the debate continues.In "Self, Culture and Society" cur-,rently, social institutions are treated in theContinued on Page 38.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE Spring 1983years afterthe birth of nuclear fissionthe men who made ithappen are still findingnew possibilities in theatom and still pleadingfor sane policies to governtheir use.THE UNIVERSITY hosted a two-day commemorative symposium on December 1and 2 to mark the fortieth anniversary ofthe first controlled, self-sustaining nuclearchain reaction, achieved under the weststands of Stagg Field by Enrico Fermi andhis colleagues. A singular collection ofaround sixty prominent scientists joinedthe general public for an exploration ofimportant issues of science and politicstouching on the legacy, both wondrousand horrifying, of that initial leap intothe atomic age. The conference was alsoan occasion for the physics and chemistryalumni in attendance to reminisce aboutthe old days in Chicago, to gossip, andto catch up on the achievements of colleagues now dispersed in physical sciencedepartments throughout the country andthe world.Speaking at the Henry Moore sculpture that stands at the site of the experiment, John A. Simpson, the Arthur HollyCompton Distinguished Service Professorin the Department of Physics and theEnrico Fermi Institute, soberly noted that"no amount of further nuclear research ortechnological development will eliminatethe fact that both the Soviet Union and Photos byMichael P. WeinsteinTop to bottom: MelvinGottlieb, PrincetonUniversity (emeritus);Owen Chamberlain, University of California atBerkeley; MarshallRosenbluth, University ofTexas at Austin; C. N.Yang, State University ofNew York at Stony Brook;Sam Treiman, PrincetonUniversity.Top to bottom: HaroldArgo. Los AlamosNational Laboratory;Jack Steinberger. European Center for NuclearResearch; Richard Garvin, IBM Corp.,Columbia University;Tsung Dao Lee, Columbia University; MarvinGoldberger, CaliforniaInstitute of Technology.the United States have stockpiles ofdeliverable nuclear weapons, many timesthe number needed to rapidly destroyeach other."Simpson took the Reagan administration to task for "its bellicose and provocative statements and unbridled publicdisplays of ignorance on many aspects ofboth the arms race and the survival ofsociety." He recounted several instancesof fruitful international contact betweenscientists and its cooling effect on ColdWar tensions, and expressed his dismay atthe administration's intent to more tightlyrestrict the flow of basic scientific information, a move that he claims would"weaken the United States scientific enterprise in the long run."Simpson called for the establishmentof "peace libraries" in cities and towns,which would provide the nation "witha. highly visible and reliable source ofknowledge to serve as a counterforce tothe federal government's ever-tighteningrestrictions on the flow of information tothe public."Between sessions and after the symposium, attendees often discussed theirgraduate school experiences in the decadefollowing the Second World War, whenthe University contained an array of greatphysicists and chemists that has remainedunequaled up to the present time. Duringthat period, many gifted graduate students whose studies had been interruptedor postponed because of the war swarmedto study with the Chicago scientists. "Itwas the most productive period both interms of quantity and quality of graduatestudents in any university up to that timeand since a kind of peak," said ChenNing (Frank) Yang, PhD'48, the AlbertEinstein Professor of Physics and directorof the Institute for Theoretical Physics atthe State University of New York at StonyBrook, who won the 1957 Nobel Prize forwork in particle physics with Tsung DaoLee, PhD'50, the Enrico Fermi Professorof Physics at Columbia University."Those few years provided many leadersof the American physics community, indeed, of the world physics community."(Yang and Lee were two of four alumni ofthe Physics Department from that erawho have since won Nobel Prizes.)The most important factor in theblooming of physics at the University was the faculty, at the center of which stoodEnrico Fermi. The non-physicist in attendance could not help but notice that thesemen and women, recipients of the world'shighest prizes and possessors of some ofits greatest minds, nonetheless reservean extra degree of respect and even awefor Fermi's brilliance. His extraordinarytheoretical aptitude, his methodologicalrigor, and his ability to personally involveand inspire his graduate students all figurein his immense stature among those mostqualified to judge. Owen Chamberlain,PhD'49, who received the 1959 NobelPrize for his discovery of the anti-proton,remembers making yearly trips from California to Chicago to discuss his currentprojects with Fermi, if only for a fewhours, until the Italian-born scientist diedin 1954. "If he had lived only three moreyears," Chamberlain said, "I would be amuch better physicist today."The scientific cooperation during thewar was a powerful lesson in the value ofinterdisciplinary study for physical scientists. It was in large part this perceptionthat lead President Robert MaynardHutchins, long-time physics professorSamuel K. Allison, and Physics Department chairman William Zachariasen to establish three important research institutesafter the war: the Institute for NuclearStudies (now the Enrico Fermi Institute),the Institute for the Study of Metals (nowthe James Franck Institute), and the Institute for Nuclear Biology and Biophysics(since dispersed among several differentdepartments).At the institutes, physicists and chemists were granted the then unique opportunity to work together under the sameroof and engage in the kind of constant,informal exchange of ideas that spurscreativity.The genesis of the research instituteswas just one of many objects of discussionfor the physicists at the symposium. "Thestory goes that after the institutes wereestablished, someone asked Hutchins,'Where did you get all the money from toestablish them?'," Yang recalled. "AndHutchins said, 'I didn't have the money.If I had waited until I got the money, wewould never have had the institutes.""And we would all have been atPrinceton," joked a colleague.The Institute for Nuclear Studies,which now bears Fermi's name, containedwhat Professor of Physics Robert Sachs,chairman of the committee that organized the symposium, has called "a stellarassembly of physicists and chemists." Itwas here during the post-war years, forinstance, that Willard F. Libby made hisdiscovery of the carbon-14 dating technique, which revolutionized archaeology and led to his receipt of the 1960Nobel Prize in chemistry. Maria GoeppertMayer was here, too, both as a voluntaryassociate professor at the Institute herhusband Joseph's professorship in theInstitute and the chemistry department atthat time precluded a more substantial appointment and as senior physicist atArgonne National Laboratory. In 1963,she, too, received the Nobel Prize, for herdevelopment of the notion that nucleicontain a "shell" structure analogous tostable electron shells. The great physicistLeo Szilard was on campus during thoseyears; Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar,now the Morton D. Hull DistinguishedService Professor in the Departments ofAstronomy and Astrophysics, Physics,and the Enrico Fermi Institute (EFI),taught then as well, along with such important figures as Edward Teller, HaroldUrey (another Nobel Prize-winner),Gregor Wenzel, and William Zachariasen.That luminous faculty meshed exceptionally well with the backlog of giftedphysics students that arrived after thewar. They were bright, eager to learn, andgraced by being in the right place at theright time."There was a spirit in that class, and Idon't know quite why and how, of working with each other, of teaching eachother," remembers Marshall Rosenbluth,SM'47, PhD'49, who won the James ClarkMaxwell Prize for plasma physics in1976 and now works at the University ofTexas in Austin. "I always say that thefaculty member from whom I learned themost was Frank [Yang], a fellow student.He would spend hours and hours teaching me."Rosenbluth taught Yang, too. Havingcome to the U.S. only recently from China,Yang wanted to complete his Americanization process by learning how to drive.He and two other Chinese graduate students bought an old car, and Rosenbluthgamely set out for Lake Shore Drive no half-measures here to instruct them inthe finer points of the art. Only years laterdid he admit that he was completely unqualified for that task. "American chauvinism prevented me from admitting thatI had never driven before," he said.The classes of 1948 and 1949 wereparticularly fertile in training some ofthe world's most prominent experimental physicists. One of Rosenbluth'sclassmates was Jack Steinberger, SB'42,PhD'49, who was a professor at ColumbiaUniversity for twenty years before leavingtwelve years ago for the European Centerfor Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva,Switzerland. Steinberger's subsequentcareer sheds an amusing light on hisearlier distinction of having failed hiscandidacy examinations the first timearound. "The University of Chicago is anexcellent school," he said, "and I wouldlike to believe that I set a new excellencefor flunking the examination.""There was a tremendous concernamong the students and faculty aboutsocial issues, ethical issues, about generaleducation, all of those things, and as aresult a very healthy interaction betweenthe different disciplines," recalls MelvinGottlieb, SB'40, PhD'52, director emeritusof the Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory. "The College did a greatdeal to promote this, but it was inevitablethat everyone got involved."Gottlieb has been working for severalyears on a fusion energy project. "We areworking up to a stage in the next severalyears where [the reactor] will essentiallyachieve energy balance, meaning you getas much energy out as you have to putin to keep it running. And that will bethe first actual demonstration process [offusion] in the world." He pointed outthat the fusion research, like most in thephysical sciences, requires a large investment, about $300 million. The government has committed itself to help, but,Gottlieb says, "they have to be pushed.Our concern is that the energy problem isnot going to go away. It's just not acute atthis moment."The problem of nuclear arms is notgoing away either, despite the exhaustiveefforts of many atomic scientists over theyears to place it at the head of the publicagenda. Marvin Goldberger, PhD'48, president of the California Institute of Tech nology, is chairman of the Committee onInternational Security and Arms Controlof the National Academy of Sciences. Itsthirteen or fourteen American membersmeet on a regular basis with their counterparts in the Soviet Academy, who arehighly placed physicists and political scientists. Though legally unable to pursueactual negotiations with the Soviets, thescientists do discuss long-range issues ofsecurity, such as the anti-satellite treaty,possible means for deeply cutting strategicnuclear weapons, and the impact of newtechnologies, such as the so-called beamweapons, on world security. "The Sovietscientists' positions on these issues arevery close to our own," Goldberger said."In fact, I've occasionally said that if Iclose my eyes and ignore the fact thatthey're talking a funny language, I can'ttell whether it's one of their group talkingor one of our group."Though some of the figures responsible for the "golden years" of Chicagophysics have dispersed, and in others havedied, the Physics Department and theEnrico Fermi Institute are in a new phaseof exciting science, according to Sachs.James W. Cronin, SM'53, PhD'55, University Professor in the Department of Physics, EFI, and the College, who joined thefaculty in 1971, in 1980 became the fourthstudent of that era to receive the NobelPrize, for his earlier discovery that a fundamental symmetry of physics could beviolated. "Cronin has attracted goodyoung people to the University, and theyin turn attract others," said Sachs. Theastronomy and astrophysics graduateprogram has also been strengthened bythe efforts of Simpson and Eugene N.Parker, Distinguished Service Professorin the Departments of Astronomy andAstrophysics and Physics, EFI, and theCollege. Chandrasekhar, one of theworld's foremost theoretical astrophysicists, has played a continuing part both inhis own work and in strengthening thefaculty. His efforts on both counts havebeen especially successful in the fieldof the general theory of relativity, inwhich the University is now very active.At a time when many graduate programsthroughout the country in all fields aresuffering declining enrollments, Sachsnoted, "We are seeing an increase in highquality graduate students." SOPINIONWill theNational ParksSurvive ?IF YOU LOOK CAREFULLY,you will see in every national parkan unobstrusive bronze tablet dedicated to Steve Mather, the Chicagomining magnate who was the firstdirector of the Park Service. Its brief inscription ends with the words "There willnever come an end to the good that he hasdone." Mather was the sort of public servant who seems wholly to have vanishedfrom our national life. He rode around theparks in a big Packard touring car, withthe license number USNPS-1, greeting parkvisitors; when a facility was needed atYosemite, and Congress refused to appropriate funds, Mather reached into his ownpocket and financed the purchase; andwhen a concessioner refused to remove anillegal sawmill in Glacier Park, Matherpersonally appeared on the scene, invitedguests from the nearby hotel to come outside for a demonstration, and, as if hewere laying a cornerstone, lighted a fuseand blew up the sawmill with thirteenJoseph L. Sax, JD'59, is the Philip A. HartDistinguished Service Professor at the University of Michigan Law School where he hastaught since 1966. His specialty is environmental and public land law. His most recent book isMountains Without Handrails: Reflections onthe National Parks (University of MichiganPress, 1980). By Joseph L. Sax, JD'59charges of TNT. With each detonation, hebecame more cheerful. "Just celebratingmy daughter's nineteenth birthday,"he said.The serious business of the parks,then as now, was to control the itch ofcommercial and industrial interests to gettheir hands on the spectacular untappedresources the national parks represented,and it was in resisting these pressures thatMather was at his best. There is hardly ascheme that has not at some time been putforward for what a Senate Committeeonce called "the vandalism of improvement" of the great western parks. Foryears entrepreneurs sought to build asteam-powered elevator to take visitorsdown into the Grand Canyon of theYellowstone, and in the 1920's a San Francisco engineer named Davol put forward ascheme to string a cableway across theGrand Canyon, all the way from the ElTovar Hotel on the south to the NorthRim. Perhaps the gravest threat was aplan to dam up Yellowstone NationalPark for water power and irrigation. Recognizing that the Yellowstone projectwould set a shaping precedent for theentire park system, Mather fought it relentlessly, and ultimately successfully, inthe years following World War I.Since then, the national parks havebeen conceded to be off limits to water and energy development, commercial lumbering and mining. There have, of course,been some exceptions, and there were stilla few great battles to be fought: Proposeddams that would have backed water upinto Grand Canyon brought the SierraClub to national prominence in the1960s; and during World War II, InteriorSecretary Harold Ickes fought and won abitter battle to save Olympic Park's massive sitka spruces from military procurement and eager Washington State lumberinterests. Grazing is still an issue in Utah'sCapitol Reef National Park, and there hasbeen a uranium mine on the south rim ofGrand Canyon. All in all, however, thenational park borders were secured, andMather's foresight vindicated.The parks were reasonably safe untilthe oil shock of the mid-1970s renewed theold threats with a savage new twist. Whilerespecting parklands themselves, energydevelopers moved up to their borders,lines on maps that neither wildlife norwater systems are able to respect. Coalmining now stands poised just at the edgeof Glacier and Bryce Canyon Parks; oiland gas exploration is threatened on oneside of Yellowstone Park and geothermaldevelopment on the other. The Department of Energy would like to install thenational nuclear waste dump just outsideCanyonlands National Park on a sitethat would be reached by trainloads ofradioactive waste following the path ofthe Colorado River. The threats literallynumber in the hundreds, and they rangefrom mining at the remotest areas, suchas the Indian ruins at Chaco Canyon innorthern New Mexico, to a nuclear powerplant that was scheduled for constructionjust beyond the boundary of the IndianaDunes National Lakeshore.Astonishing as it may seem, the ParkService has no general legal authority todeal with such threats, however menacingthey may be to park resources, so long asthey originate outside the boundaries ofthe parks themselves. If problems arise onneighboring privately owned land, theparks have no more protection than youor I would have if an oil boom beganacross the road from our summer cottages. There may, of course, be local zoning restricting such uses, but local officialsare usually more concerned with economic development than with protectionof the national parks.Even if the problems come from federally owned lands such as the nationalforests that often surround the parksthose lands are under the jurisdiction of adifferent department (Agriculture), whose16 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1983mandate does not include guardianship ofthe parks, and which has historically beena rival and at times even an active adversary of the Park Service.It is true that the bulk of federal landis managed by the Bureau of LandManagement (BLM), which is like thenational parks under the generalauthority of the Secretary of the Interior.When BLM lands are a source of danger,the Secretary could restrict their use inorder to protect the parks. Some InteriorSecretaries, such as the old curmudgeonHarold Ickes, would doubtless have doneso. National parks do not, however, seemto be a high priority under SecretaryJames Watt. He did not lift a finger to prevent the BLM from authorizing drillingfor a nuclear waste dump next to the Can-yonlands National Park in Utah. And hehas sought to reverse a decision made justa few years earlier by his predecessor,Cecil Andrus, which had declared landjust outside Bryce Canyon National Parkunsuitable for mining.The external threat problem has beenwell known for years to those who keepan eye on national park matters. Congresshas spent tens of millions of dollars tryingto repair the damage done to RedwoodsNational Park by commercial logging onprivate lands adjacent to the park. ThePark Service fought (for a while) andlost (ultimately) in an effort to keepdevelopers from desecrating the site ofGettysburg National Battlefield. It took aSupreme Court decision, years of politicking and an Act of Congress to prevent theForest Service and Walt Disney Enterprises from building a high speed roadthrough Sequoia National Park in orderto turn California's Mineral King Valleyinto a winter ski resort. As these examplesreveal, while energy development may bethe most far-reaching threat to the parks,it is by no means the only one.There is no other word to describethe present situation than the much overused term crisis. Without dramatic actionto buffer them, the national parks simplywill not survive the next few decades asthe nearly-pristine natural landscapes thathave made them the envy and model ofthe world for 110 years. A study doneseveral years ago by the Park Service, entitled "State of the Parks", identified nearly twenty-five hundred external threatsranging over dozens of categories fromacid mine drainage and radioactivity tooil spills, blasting shocks and disposition of toxic chemicals. Some of the mostseverely endangered parks are also amongthe jewels of the jewels, those places categorized as international biospherereserves. Glacier National Park reported56 threats, Yellowstone 46, the Evergladesand the Great Smoky Mountains 41.Bandalier National Monument, the siteof priceless Indian ruins, is in the shadowof large-scale geothermal development, asis the largest hot water lake in the worldat Lassen Volcanic National Park. Coppersmelter, aluminum refineries, open pitcoal mines, raw sewage, pulp mills, acidrain and chemical wastes are all nowamong the primary concerns of park rangers, the friendly people who used tospend their days on horseback and snow-shoes in the back country. And the fact isthat we are far from even knowing the fullmagnitude of the problem, for money hasnot yet been appropriated even to monitor most of the parks' resources.For all this gloom, there is some encouraging news. Last fall Congress for thefirst time considered legislation designedto provide general protection for the national parks against external threats. Abill (H.R. 5162) passed the full House ofRepresentatives in September, but in thewaning autumn days before the electionsit did not obtain consideration in theSenate. The bill is by no means perfect. Itcovers only harm-threatening activities byfederal agencies, omitting coverage ofprivate and local-government activities. Itcontains a good deal of what lawyers call'weasel words', such as a provision requiring a finding as to whether "the public interest in the proposed action is greaterthan the public interest in avoiding theadverse effects on the . . . affected national park." It is full of terms that cry outfor explanation, such as the scope of thephrase "lands adjacent to any unit of thenational park system." And it reposes agood deal of confidence and discretion inthe Secretary of the Interior, at a timewhen there is some question as to who iswatching whom.Technical problems of bad legislativedraftsmanship can always be cured, andevery bill needs a process of refinement tobring it to final form. The important pointis that Congress has finally moved thethreats issue onto its active agenda. ThePark Service itself has become increasingly alert to the need to look beyondits borders. The press in now attentive todevelopers as they sneak up on newsworthy places like Yellowstone. Perhaps thoseof us who use and care about the parkswill take a moment to dash off a noteof alarm to our man or woman inWashington. Perhaps Congress will actwith resolution and courage. Perhapsdespite the absence of a magnetic leaderlike Steve Mather, and the presence of themost complacent park steward ever in theSecretary's office, our national parks willsurvive the assault under which they arenow bending. There is some reason to behopeful. But just in case, this year wouldbe a great time to take that long-delayedtour of the great western parks. a17floor at the Bon Wow Uow concert are ll. to r.l undergradu-'' 'ales Juuon Park and SharonCaddigan. Business School student Peter Sprudz. third-yearstudent Pamela Pinnoic, andSuzanne Icester, an adciser inthe College.<C3¦-«¦' ' Student Activities in the 80sChicago students like tosay that all they do is study.Is that really all they do?n the night of January 21,University of Chicago students did their bit to helpmake this one of the city'swarmest winters on record.Outside it was cold but notfreezing. Inside Ida NoyesI Hall it was a hotbox andthe excessive heat was not being generated by the radiators. It arose from more than a thousand students engaged in wriggling, leaping, and twisting to the ear-splitting sound of Bow Wow Wow, a British rock group.When sweating dancers stepped outside the ballroom tocool off, they found little relief, because the place wasjammed. As is usual at any social event, there were people there to see, and to be seen (some of them deckedout with more panache than the band members).Punk rockers at the University of Chicago?Yes, indeed.Actually, underneath those New Wave haircutsthere still exist "Reg rats." (That's the name today'sstudents give themselves; it refers to the many hoursthey spend each week in Regenstein Library.) Like generations of Chicago students before them, "Reg rats"spend a lot of time studying but they are equally willingto get together and have fun, given the opportunity.Students at the University do not always feel they4$ihave enough opportunities for socializing. In fact, it is de rigueur fora University of Chicago student to complain about the quality of student life. It's been that way for years, and remains so, in spite ofmany changes brought about in recent years to increase the numberand kinds of opportunities for a varied social life.Moreover, the perception that there is little or no student sociallife at the University appears to have been acquired by some peoplewho have never lived here. In recent surveys both the College Admissions Office and the Baker Commission on Graduate Educationhave found that this perceived lack of student social life is a majorreason why people who have been admitted to the University havechosen to go elsewhere.n^*£hat do today's students complain about?Martina Hone, a third-yearstudent in the College, feels that"a lot more could be done" toimprove student social life andthat both students and the administration tend to "cop out"on such matters. Hone is a member of the Student GovernmentActivities Committee.Mike Weaver, a second year student in the College, thinksstudents here are too timid "to take reasonable risks to explore newareas" and that the University "puts too much emphasis on veryesoteric activities which have a limited appeal." A member of PhiGamma Delta, Weaver was chairman of the Interfraternity Council'shighly successful Homecoming Barbecue last fall.Chris Isidore, a fourth-year student in the College, says the ratioof men to women on this campus is "death to social life" and thatcompared to Georgetown (DC) Hyde Park is "a wasteland." Isidoreis a former editor of The Maroon.Aldo Benejam, a student in the Divisional Master's Program inthe Social Sciences, feels there should be more opportunities forgraduate students to interact with undergraduates.On the other hand:Alan Granger, a fourth-year student in the College, says thereare no problems about getting dates on this campus "and I'm noRobert Redford." Granger, who is president of Student Government,says that S.G.'s main efforts these days are devoted to "improvingstudent life."'This is a sensitive, responsive administration," Granger said."We point out a problem, demonstrate that we have some idea of theproblems inherent in any solution, suggest a solution, and theUniversity responds very quickly."Robert Sparks, a third-year student in the College, says there is"more to do here than anyone has time to get around to doing."I ini vfr<;itv nc rmr Ar-.r^ \n &r a -zimc /c-,r,ng 1933Leslie Rigby, a fourth-year student in the College, says that sheheard beforehand "that at the University of Chicago there was nosocial life and that it's grey and gloomy and everyone spends all theirtime reading books, and I don't find it that way at all.""Part of the social life here is yelling and screaming about howbad the social life is," said Weaver.Jonathan Z. Smith, who has just finished a five-year term asdean of the College, says that students in the College like to perpetuate the myth that all they do is study. Smith, the Robert O.Anderson Distinguished Service Professor of Humanities in the College, said:'There is a mythology about the College which does not meshwith the facts. And that is the belief that students in the College don'tdo anything but study. When I drew up a list of what goes on here inthe way of extracurricular activity, what I found was staggering. Weare an utterly characteristic institution, but our students acquire that21V .xi -*"%"^^CyH \f^_Fl raduates and undergraduates mingled at parties in students' apartments (1, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11) both before and afterattending the dance at Ida NoyesHalt during Kuviasungnerk (thefirst annual winter carnival), heldin January. At Ida Noyes, wherethe British rock group Bow WowWow was the main attraction,degrees of punk rock style werein evidence (2, 4, 5).W~ i r :*^m W ^ ^^n, ^^k^^H i^l ^L >^|v^^^BE'^^i J^^H^^E^^^^^^^IflBH11NIVFRS1TY of rmrAm \>iAr~A7iTperception of themselves as soon as they arrive, and cheerfully clingto it, while taking part in this enormous range of outside activities."The myth that Smith refers to may have had its origins in reality about thirty years ago. In the period after World War II, circumstances combined to establish a situation where the Universityplayed a minimal role in helping students to have a social life. Forone thing, President Robert Maynard Hutchins subscribed to theEuropean view of university students. Hutchins felt that what a student did outside of class was his own private business and his ownpersonal responsibility. This policy was accepted by the veteranswho dominated campus in the years immediately following the war,but it made life very difficult for younger students, some of whomentered the College at the age of sixteen, after their sophomore yearin high school.Some members of the University did feel concern. In the early1950s a faculty group, in the Bradbury report, sharply criticized thelack of organized social life for students and called for renewed efforts to build a social life around new residence halls. Nothing muchwas done about it until the late 1950s, when the decision was made todefine the College as a residential institution. Two new dormitoriesfor undergraduates were built, Woodward Court (1957) and PierceHall (1960), and it became a requirement for first-year students tolive in the residence halls unless they were commuting from home.Under the guidance of resident heads (advanced graduate students orjunior faculty who live in the residence halls) younger students wereoffered the opportunity to participate in a variety of house activities.This, of course, was a return to conditions as they had been beforethe war. Alumni from earlier years can recall having rich social lives,centering on their life in the residence halls.wo important changes tookplace in the residence hall systemin the early 1970s. Edward Levi,PhB'32, JD'35, who was thenpresident, in response to studentprotests over living conditions,provided more living space fordormitory residents by converting most double rooms to singles. At the same time Levi institutedthe Resident Masters' Program. Resident Masters are senior facultymembers who live with their families in the residence halls.Social activities sponsored by the Resident Masters vary greatly,according to the interests of the individual masters. These includesmall dinners with students in the dorms, visits to museums andethnic restaurants, and trips to Northern Indiana to pick apples, orto the Indiana Dunes. Recently, Sandy and Charles Cohen, residentmasters of Pierce Hall, accompanied a group of forty students to see"A Chorus Line" at a downtown Chicago theatre. (Sandy Cohen is asocial worker at the University Medical Center; Charles Cohen isprofessor in the Department of Art and in the College). Culturalevents in the residence halls have included poetry readings, musicalperformances, and creative writing contests. Some of the events inthe residence halls are open to the entire University.Three years ago, President Hanna H. Gray instituted the Visiting Fellows Program, which brings leaders from various fields ofpublic life to the University. Visiting Fellows stay in the residencehalls, attend classes, and meet informally with students over coffeeor sherry or meals. Among the Visiting Fellows have been SupremeCourt Justice John Paul Stephens, AB'41, writer Mary McCarthy,physicist Hans A. Bethe, and former senators Adlai E. Stevenson IIIand J. William Fulbright.Today, 65 percent of single undergraduates and 27 percent ofsingle graduate students live in university housing. Five ResidentMasters and their families live in the halls, together with residentheads and assistants in each of the houses.The residence halls are divided into "houses" usually eachfloor or entry is a "house." Most houses sponsor a weekly studybreak, usually hosted by the resident heads in their apartments, or inthe residence hall lounges. Study breaks take place around 9:30 or 10p.m., and refreshments are served.Over the last decade, partly as a result of efforts by both theadministration and students, and partly because of changing tastesboth on and off campus, there have been several major additions tothe social scene on the Quadrangles.For example, at Student Activities Night last fall, when it istraditional for student organizations to set up booths in Ida NoyesHall and make pitches to entering students about the merits of theirorganizations, a record-breaking 124 activities were represented.Among the organizations present were clubs for people with suchvarying interests as bridge, chess, debating, drama, medieval andW» -Igr.-*;i *^^m*kHPK, the student-runradio station (2), is well on itsway to a tenfold increase of itsmeager 10 watt signal, thanks inlarge part to the efforts of stationmanager Tom Uhl (3) and somematching grants from the University. Chicago Maroon editors talkshop (4). The paper now comesout twice a week. Doc Filmsmembers gather in their office(6). The group, now in its fiftiethyear, showns a film almost everynight Political activity at theUniversity takes many forms.Members vote at a Student Government meeting (5); conservativeand libertarian taw students convene the Federalist Society (7);CAUSE member offers literatureon EI Salvador (8), and a memberof the Committee for Arms Control and Disarmament smiles asshe takes a stand (9); studentswork in the Pilsen neighborhoodfor an independent Springfieldhopeful (10).I TNTVFRSITV nc ruir-Ai-/-» M Ar a 7imc ,c jng 1983renaissance history, linguistics, dancing (aerobic, tap, and folk), fantasy games, and jazz. There also were clubs for black students, forHispanic students, for women, and for people with political beliefsranging from the extreme left to the extreme right.Reflecting the current craze for fitness now sweeping Americansociety, a whopping eighty percent of the students who live inuniversity housing and a great many who live in the community participate in intramural athletics. The remaining twenty percent oftheir housemates usually come out to cheer these athletes, particularly in the playoffs.One of the most remarkable changes on campus as throughoutthe nation in recent years has been the great expansion in women'sathletics, a direct result of the women's movement.Mary Jean Mulvaney, professor and chairman of the Department of Athletics, commented on this change at the University:"In the past, women athletes at the University had practically noresources in comparison to men. Women would have sports days,where a group of schools would get together and play, say, basketball against each other. That was it. Today women's varsity sportsare given the same level of attention as men's. Women varsity athletes practice two hours a day, have games at home and away, andparticipate in the National Collegiate Athletic Association's DivisionIII, just as our varsity men players do".For example, last Thanksgiving weekend the women's varsitybasketball team travelled to Cambridge, MA, to participate in atournament with teams from Harvard/Radcliffe, William and Mary,Bucknell, and other universities.nother obvious change in thecampus social scene in recentyears is the number of big acts rock and roll bands, blues, jazz,contemporary classical music,and others, which are now scheduled each year. The studentsthemselves are responsible forthis. Since it was beyond the budget of any one student group to payfor bringing outside groups to perform on campus, it was suggestedthat the groups join forces. Student Government held an all-campusreferendum, in which it was decided to charge all students a $5 quarterly activities fee. Sixty percent of the monies go to support studentorganizations. Each student group must present and defend abudget before the Student Government Finance Committee. The remaining forty percent of the funds raised by activities fees go to theMajor Activities Board, a seven-person student committee, whichuses it to book major entertainment acts. Among the acts they havebrought to campus have been singers Joan Armatrading and GaryU.S. Bonds, the B 52s rock group, and the Jimmy Cliff reggae band.There has been a revival of interest in the sound of the bigbands, and with it, ballroom dancing. This year will see the fifth annual Spring Dance on campus, which usually attracts about 1,500students, to dance to the strains of "big bands" such as the GlennMiller orchestra, or Panama Francis and his Sultans of Savoy. In addition, there is now a traditional "dry run" dance which takes placetwo weeks before the real one, at which instruction in ballroomdancing is offered. Last year more than 500 people turned out for thepractice dance, to learn how to glide around the floor in each other'sarms. There also has been a revival of Senior Prom, which had beendefunct for several years. The Senior Prom is just one activityscheduled by seniors in a revived Senior Week. (The Yearbook hasalso been revived.)mong the other social eventswhich attract large numbers ofstudents are the parties whichPresident Gray throws annuallyfor students, one for graduatesand one for undergraduates.Last year, over 3,300 studentsBBHRHi attended the two parties. Thefamous Second City improvisational group (which was founded byalumni and which has launched many alumni in show businesscareers) performed at the undergraduates' party.Many campus activities are open to both graduates andundergraduates. Students in the graduate divisions and the professional schools also get together in their own groups, to eat or drinkor dance together. Many field intramural athletic teams and severalhold annual follies. The graduating class in the Pritzker School offcAvp?m v# vZhz^-u-.---'I you are a varsity athlete atChicago, chances are you will goto graduate school. More than75% of Chicago's varsity playersdo. Chicago has 17 varsity teams,19 men's teams and 7 women'steams, all of which compete inthe NCAA Division LV. In addition, men's teams compete in theMCAC and women's in theMACW. On Homecoming Day arecord crowd joined cheerleaders(8) and a band (9) to root for theMaroons against Beloit (6, 7). Ata varsity meet a swimmer encourages a teammate (3). Themen's varsity basketball team (1)and the women's varsityvolleyball team (4) are shown inaction in Crown Field House, andthe varsity soccer team at StaggField (2).Medicine writes a "senior skit" which is in fact a full-length show,presented to a capacity audience in Mandel Hall. The BusinessStudents Association, which also presents an original show annually, from time to time sponsors an event unique to its own interests,called an LPF. At an LPF, a firm interested in recruiting graduatesmakes a presentation. It also provides the liquid refreshments whichgive the event its name: Liquidity Preference Function. Thus dobusiness students learn how to combine business with pleasure, acrucial skill for life after graduation. There are also student associations in the Divinity School, the Law School, and the School forSocial Service Administration, all of which schedule social activities,as well as meetings to discuss academic and professional interests.In spite of heavy academic schedules, a surprising number ofstudents find time for volunteer work. The Student VolunteerBureau (S.V.B.) is a United Way agency which shares space with theUniversity Church (Disciples of Christ) in Hyde Park. S.V.B. placesabout 200 volunteers a year, most of them University students, insituations according to their skills or interests. For example, volunteers tutor in all of the local schools, including those for mentally andemotionally handicapped children. Some students volunteer for theHyde Park Neighborhood Club, which has programs for children.Other students spend time as volunteers for Recording for the Blind,Inc., which has an office on campus. Students work as volunteers inboth Billings and Wyler Children's Hospitals. A student group calledE.F. Clown, dressed as clowns, entertains children at Wyler Children's Hospital.From 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. every day of the school year at least twovolunteers staff the University of Chicago Hotline, fielding callsranging from inquiries about that evening's Doc Film to where onecan find psychiatric help. According to Clark Price, a fourth yearstudent in the College, who co-ordinates the Hotline with hisclassmate, Laurie Wood, "The average U of C student call goes, 'It'stenth week, I've got sixteen papers due, my boyfriend/girlfriend justbroke up with me, I haven't slept in two days, and I really need totalk to someone.' Generally by the end of the call there is some reliefin the voice." The roughly forty students who work on the Hotlineare trained in the techniques of "reflective listening" developed byCarl Rogers. They are advised and supported by a group of psychological academicians from the School of Social Service Administration and the Student Mental Health Clinic.'tudents get passionate overintramurals (IMs) at Chicago.More than 3,800 people participate in IMs each year. Inseason, more than 400 IM basketball games are played. One of the77 LM basketball teams plays atCrown Field House (7). Softballgames are played on the Midwayand at Pierce Halt playing field(1, 5, 6). The Midway is also thesetting for soccer (2, 9), and football (11). Team names are part ofthe fun. Sample titles: The PorkBelly Futures (business school),The Medflies and Home Platelets(medical school), and The Complete Greek Tragedies (the College.) During basketball playoffsHitchcock House rented an electric organ and played thenational anthem and ComptonHouse's team arrived in a cardecorated with the house colors.In addition to IMs, there are 29club sports, recreational, competitive, and instructional, amongthem Ultimate (frisbee) (10, 12),and gymnastics (3). Recent singleevents included the wet sweatshirt relay (4) and, on Homecoming Day, the Home Run (8).ng 1983One of the first things you notice when you enter the genteellyshabby second-floor lounge in Ida Noyes Hall which houses the Student Activities Office (S.A.O.) is a plate of sweet rolls set invitinglyon a low table, next to some lounge chairs. The plate seems never tobe empty, nor is the nearby coffee pot. The rolls and coffee are oneof S.A.O. Director Irene Conley s ways of letting students know thatthey are always welcome to drop in.One of S.A.O. s functions is to advise student groups. Last year,Conley and her assistant, Eleanor Leyden, hosted a series of six informal workshops/receptions for students interested in learning publicity strategies, programming, and budgeting. The meetings offeredstudent organization leaders the opportunity to exchange ideas andto share their concerns with the S.A.O. staff.S.A.O., with a staff of part-time student employees, operatesMandel Hall, the Reynolds Club, several coffee shops on campus,and The Pub, the Frog and Peach Restaurant, and the Bakery, in IdaNoyes Hall.S.A.O. occasionally brings musical groups to campus, such asthe Philip Glass (AB'56) Ensemble (avant garde musicians). Sometimes it purchases blocks of tickets to downtown cultural events andoffers the tickets to students at reduced prices.In addition, S.A.O. sponsors a group of "eclectic ed" non-creditcourses, mainly for recreational purposes. Included have beencourses covering a wide range of interests, such as Italian cooking;stained-glass window-making; Ikebana (Japanese flower arranging);aerobic, ballroom, belly, and tap dancing; and money management.Conley said that S.A.O. recently has increased its involvementwith graduate students. It sponsored a series of "Pub Nights" (in ThePub, located in the basement of Ida Noyes) for each of the graduatedivisions and the professional schools. S.A.O. also has helpeddevelop a support group for student spouses, and is surveying otheruniversities to determine the extent of social support they offer thefamilies of graduate students.Still, in spite of all these activities, the entrenched image of theUniversity as a place with no active social life for students is sometimes hard to dispel.Chris Isidore, of course, has a point when he complains aboutthe ratio of men to women on campus. But he can take heart. Theratio of women to men entering the College has been increasing witheach entering class in the last several years. Two years ago only 35percent of the freshman class were women; the class of 1986 has 40percent women students, and the College Admissions Office is confident the percentage will continue to climb. In the University as awhole, the percentages are 64 percent men to 36 percent women. Obviously, at Chicago, men have to try harder.Many Hyde Parkers would probably take umbrage at Isidore'slabelling their neighborhood as a "wasteland." Like many city neighborhoods in the last several decades, Hyde Park has undergone manychanges. Urban renewal, shifting demographics, and the troubledeconomy have all combined to create a neighborhood which hasfewer bars and nightclubs than existed in the late 1950s. Chicago, ofcourse, offers a wide range of cultural activities to choose from, ifone is interested and has the time. The city boasts one of the world'sbest symphony orchestras, and is internationally famous for its bluesand jazz. Again, it seems to be a matter of individual opinion. JoshuaMurphy, a fourth -year student in the College, observed:"If you're really interested in going out, there are a lot of musicclubs in the area, and it's not too difficult to get downtown."tudents voiced a recurringtheme: There are lots of thingsfor students to do, both on campus, and in Chicago, but the initiative to participate must comefrom the individual, more so atthis university than at manyI others.Stephanie Levy, a fourth-year student in the College, said:"I have a great social life, due mainly to my own motivation.The University of Chicago doesn't spoon-feed its students in anything, and particularly in social activities. There are things to do, butbasically, you have to get out and do whatever you want to do.""You have to make an effort to have a social life," said LarryRocke, a fourth-year student in the College. "It took me two years todo that, but once I looked around, I found that organizations hereare very informal, easy to join."Lots of people complain that there is nothing to do here," hecontinued, "but actually, there is a lot going on out there. I am interested in music so I take part in WHPK (the campus radio station)."Lorna P. Straus, (X'53, the College), SM'60, PhD'62, associateprofessor in the Department of Anatomy and the College, who- usic and the performing arts are as vital as ever onthe quadrangles. BarbaraSchubert (3) conducts the Univer-sitg Symphony Orchestra inwhich many students play, including Mark Crutchfield (1) andAlan Gordon (2). The choralgroup of Collegium Musicuumsings in Bond Chapel (4).Students join in a workshop atthe 23rd annual Folk MusicFestival (5). The Organization of Black Students hosts a poetryreading with poet GwendolynBrooks as guest (14), and conducts a weekly jazzercise class(8). College student CampbellMcGrath reads his poetry at abenefit for the Chicago LiteraryReview (10). Blackfriars, now inits 79th year (and open to women)puts on "Guys and Dolls" (11, 15).New to campus is Concrete GothicTheatre, shown auditioning (13).A member of the Debate Club holds forth (12) and the prize-winning Chess Club practices (9).A student volunteer tutors agrade schooler (7). The HispanicCultural Society conducts phona-thons to encourage minority students to attend the University (6).--¦*¦ rf ^..l - «\( 'm/* f.jr id1 :V A 1recently completed an eleven-year stint as dean of students in theCollege, also stressed the fact that the student who wants to have asocial life at the University must go out and find activities to suit hisor her own interests."I have told many students that our attitude toward student activities is very different from what you will find at a typical collegeor a big state university. In high school the faculty goes out afterstudents for extracurricular activities. In high schools there are veryobvious bulletin boards and daily announcements on the schoolloudspeakers. A lot of colleges do their own collegiate version ofthis; in some places it's very difficult not to be involved in activities.At the University of Chicago it isn't like that. Here it's somewhat likeit is for young adults who don't go to college, or for alumni after theyleave college. You find people with similar interests, whether it'schess or volleyball, writing, or whatever. We have been asking ourcollege students to function like that, and it's more a matter ofdiscontinuity for them as they switch from high school to college."Just as it is de rigueur for students here to complain about theirsocial lives, it is equally true that they take academic studies veryseriously. This, of course, has an impact on the amount of time theyspend on other activities. Many of the younger students, for example, seem to feel that they cannot possibly take time out from studiesto socialize. However, after a student has been in the College for awhile, generally he finds he can make time.IINIVFRSITY OF THirAr.n n,1 A./~A7i*ic,c-..:ng 1983hi Delta Theta serves beerduring the Interfraternity Council's barbecue on HomecomingDag (1). Phi Gamma Delta traditions include an annual pig roast(2), and a Friday night dinnerwith coats and ties at which theAlma Mater is sung (3). At campus religious houses studentscook dinner on Sunday nights.Noah Udalt, president of theDivinity School Association,washes dishes at Brent House(Episcopal) (4), and a group singsafter dinner at Calvert House(Roman Catholic) (5). RabbiDaniel Leifer donned ahamentashen-shaped hat forIlillel's 36th annual LatkelHamentashen Symposium (11).Carollers gathered at Ida Noyesfor the annual Wassail Party (10).During Kuviasungnerk, juniorBrian Kiniry conducted a teaceremony in Jackson Park (6) andan ice sculpture of a chimeraappeared on campus (9). TheMedieval & Renaissance Societyheld a summer fair (7, 8). The student rock group Dumb Ra playedat the Homecoming bonfire(12, 13). Seth Tuler, a third-year student in the College, who is chairmanof the Committee for Nuclear Disarmament, concurred:"Lots of people say, 'I wish there were things for me to do.' Isaid it my first year a lot, but in my second year I made time andlooked for things, and got involved. I became a d.j. at WHPK."Donald N. Levine, AB'50, AM'54, PhD'57, newly appointeddean of the College, discussed the connection between academicdemands and the opportunities for social life:"We get serious students and we place great academic demandson them, and we're not going to stop doing that. We think that ismore right now than ever, because standards around the country areeroding. We feel it is very important to uphold our standards, notonly because that is proper for this institution, but also because ofthe constructive effect it may have nationally."At the same time, we recognize that this creates a situation forstudents where they are under very serious kinds of pressures. Wewant to do whatever we can to bolster them. There have been tremendous improvements in social and cultural activities, both in andoutside of the residence halls. I think the number of discrete studentactivities has tripled in the last decade. We will continue to makeimprovements."n his first month as dean of theCollege, Levine invited studentsto accompany him on an earlymorning walk to the Japanesegarden on Jackson Park's woodedisland. Guide for the tour wasDouglas Anderson, a Hyde Parkresident who is an expert on thelocal flowers and bird life. "I wanted them to become acquaintedwith features of the neighborhood which many of them haven'tseen," explained Levine.The Maroon promptly dubbed it "the Dean's Duck Walk."To help students cope with what can sometimes seem interminable a Chicago winter Levine and his staff scheduled a week of"upfront frivolity" for the third week in January. They named theirwinter carnival Kuviasungnerk and offered a prize to the first studentwho could translate the title, and write an essay on it. David Siegel, aTV ^- ..'"'¦' ¦' ¦'¦fir* " ?4t 'A'""'^m WPP ' W \ ¦ ¦ J. 1 1 -"\. ** rat>third-year student in the College, won an art book for first prize.(Kuviasungnerk is an Eskimo word which means "pursuing happiness.") In a raffle held as part of the carnival, Ken Fox, a third-yearstudent, won an all-expenses paid trip to Disney World for himselfand two friends.On one morning during Kuviasungnerk a rather surprisingnumber of stalwart souls braved fifteen-degree weather at 6:45 a.m.and gathered together at Woodward Court to join Herman Sinaiko,AB'47, PhD'61, dean of students in the College, for a walk to LakeMichigan to see the sunrise. They were rewarded with hot chocolateand rolls. On another morning, students accompanied Dean Levinefor a walk to the wooded island in Jackson Park, to participate in aJapanese tea ceremony, performed by Brian Kiniry, a third-year student in the College. On alternate mornings, students met at 6:45a.m. at the Henry Crown Field House to perform kangeiko, intensive physical fitness exercises modeled on an old Japanese samuraitradition. There were noontime reggae concerts in the Reynolds Clublounge, afternoon sessions in front of the fireplace at Ida Noyes withfaculty reading writings with winter themes, and a late evening bonfire in Hutchinson Court. Other events included an 18th century dinner; a performance of "Winter Parables" by the Facets PerformanceEnsemble and a performance by Robert Klein, a comedian formerlywith Second City and Saturday Night Live. There was also a dance,free to all students, with two bands, BowWowWow, and Polyrock.On Sunday morning, students gathered for a pajama brunch at IdaNoyes Hall.Levine said he is making plans to provide more opportunities forcommuting students to take part in campus social life."About ten percent of the students in the College are commuters. They have not been successfully integrated into any of thecenters, such as residence halls, which provide social activities fortheir students. So we have initiated a program to give them their ownhouse master, and a budget for social and cultural activities."inaiko shares Levine's concernabout helping students to recognize that one can have both aserious academic life and a sociallife. Like Levine, Sinaiko wasonce a student in the College. Heexplained why he thinks somestudents feel there is no time forhaving fun. "Well, we have this little university, with about 1,000faculty, and something like 5,000 or 6,000 graduate students. Set inthe midst of this are fewer than 3,000 undergraduates. This place isdominated by people ranging in age from their late twenties up totheir seventies, people who are powerfully committed to intellectual^ Jnstructured conviviality isstill the rule among students.Undergraduates gather at thePub in Ida Noyes (1) and for astudy break in Burton-JudsonCourt (2). Swift Coffee Shop (3)is popular for lunch and daytime trysts, while Ex Libris inRegenstein (4, 5) serves as a refueling site for evening scholars.The oldest and most storiedestablishment in Hgde Park, ofcourse, is Jimmy's Woodlawn Ihp(10) at 55th and Woodlawn. A fewstudents of thirty years ago stillowe owner Jimmy Wilson (9) forthe beer credit he extended them.And there's downtown. AndrewDunne and Jennifer Holt, graduate students in international relations, walk on North and SouthMichigan Avenue (6, 8) and visitthe Art Institute (7). \0v.-pafcwork. Most of them are married and have fairly settled lifestyles.When you take an 18-year-old and throw him into this kind of society, he suddenly finds himself dealing with a situation where the expectations of him are those you would ask of a 28-year-old. Thefaculty sometimes treats younger students as it treats the older ones.The older students also set the tone for personal and privatebehavior.'The 18-year-olds sometimes find this very confusing. Meantime, the older people on campus can't understand why collegestudents are constantly complaining. Some of them do not understand that the younger students are trying to live according tosocietal rules that are inappropriate for them."Fortunately, what happens to most of them is that after sixmonths or so, they do get to meet people, and they do get involvedin activities. They do all kinds of things, but they only do that bydiscovering slowly, and sometimes painfully, the rules that governthis somewhat more grownup place. They come to realize thatnothing happens if you don't make it happen. You have to take theinitiative."Alcohol abuse, which is an overriding concern on many collegecampuses, is not considered a major problem by either students orthe administration at the University. However, on the Midway, aselsewhere, there are some problems related to the use of alcohol.Charles D. O'Connell, AM'47, vice-president and dean of students in the University, said:"We have had serious instances of students who were incapableof organizing their lives effectively because of alcohol, whom wehave referred to the mental health or alcohol abuse program at theUniversity Clinics. But they are isolated cases rather than thepattern."ver the last two decades, succeeding administrations havemade many improvements Edward Levi in the residencehalls, and John T. Wilson inathletic facilities. High on the listof priorities for President Gray isthe remodelling of Ida NoyesHall, to expand the function of the building as a student center. Planscall for the gymnasium to be converted into a 500 seat cinema andlounge area. (Doc Films, which now presents films nightly in Quan-trell Auditorium, Cobb Hall, would shift its activities to the newcinema.) The lower level of Ida Noyes will be modified to house astudent lounge, an arts and crafts room, a billiards room, new kitchen facilities, and even an electronic games room. Locker facilities willbe renovated. Food service facilities for the Frog and Peachrestaurant, the Cloister Club, and The Pub will be modernized andexpanded. The Sun Parlor and its cloak room will be converted intonew offices for student organizations.Judging from the photographs which accompany this article,there do appear to be some student activities going on around campus. And the ones shown represent only a portion of the events actually taking place. One can only conclude that yes, there is life oncampus outside of the classroom and Regenstein. Whether or not astudent avails himself of it, and how he feels about it, are highlyindividual matters. And that, too, is typical of the University ofChicago. BPhoto Credits:Pages 20-21: Richard Younker,1, 2, 4, 5. Kathleen Reeve, 3, 6,7. Jean-Claude Lejeune, 8.Pages 22-23: Richard Younker,1-11.Pages 24-25: Marc PoKempner,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8. Younker, 7;Michael P. Weinstein, 9; NinaBerman, 10.Pages 26-27: Reeve, 1, 4;PoKempner, 3, 5; Lejeune, 6, 7,8, 9.Pages 28-29: Lejeune, 1, 2, 5,6, 10. William Simms, 4.Reeve, 3, 9, 10, 12.PoKempner, 11.Pages 30-31: Younker, 1, 2, 3,14. PoKempner, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,12. Victor Adams, 10. Reeve,13. Alan Fuchs, 11, 15. Pages 32-33: Lejeune, 1.Weinstein, 2. Edward Achuck,3. PoKempner, 4, 5, 10, 11.Adams, 6, 9, 12, 13. GailLefkowitz, 7, 8.Pages 34-35: PoKempner, 1, 2,3, 4, 6, 9, 10. Younker, 5, 7, 8. : it ?? Jt ?¦?JJ *¦? H*t EfTELSE4*i- iks r noon i'i.Kl.l'.VATOKSECTUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MACAZINE/Soring W83'9$ ¦$ S 9888 a r<tv*-. i. ."fflat_, * S ' ±E=£fc**i,a p ; ItIri J , v W ,:I.OW1.U I.I.VK1. PLANBILLIARDS COKKIDOH LOCKKR ROOMA: LOOKING WEST . da Noyes Hall, dedicated in1915 "to the life of the women ofthe University, " will undergo anambitious $6 million renovationand restoration in the next fewyears. The new plans aim toplace Ida Noyes at the center ofstudent life on campus, with anew full-sized cinema, expandedoffice space for student groupsand a regular smorgasbord ofrecreational facilities. Thebuilding's original character willbe preserved in the new designs,which call for restoration of allareas except the ggm and thebasement, where the new featureswill be built The plans weredeveloped by VickreylOvresatlAwsumb Associates after extensive consultation with a committee of faculty and students.Soc 2Continued from Page 12.autumn quarter through a close examination of work. Last year's syllabus madeuse of the works of Adam Smith, Marxand Engels, and Max Weber, as well asde Tocqueville's Democracy in America.These were supplemented in various sections by Hannah Arendt's The HumanCondition, E.E. Evans-Pritchard's TheNuer, E.P. Thompson's The Making ofthe English Working Class, and N.F.Cott's The Bonds of Womanhood.The readings of the winter quarteraim for an understanding of culture,looked at through the more wieldy prismof religion and religious symbols. They include Durkheim's The Elementary Formsof the Religious Life, Freud's Totem andTaboo, Victor Turner's The Forest ofSymbols: Aspects of Ndembu Ritual, andselections from Claude Levi-Strauss'sStructural Anthropology and CliffordGeertz's The Interpretation of Cultures.In the spring, students study cognitive and personality development with theaid of Freud's Introductory Lectures onPsychoanalysis , Jean Piaget's Six Psychological Studies, Erik Erikson's Childhoodand Society, L.S. Vygotsky's Mind inSociety, and Bronislaw Malinowski's Sexand Repression in Savage Society.Some of the changes in the Collegeover the last quarter century were greetedwith dismay by some of those attending the symposium. "I've had the feelingwhen I've come back of someone whowas visiting Paestum, perhaps, and foundthese disiecta membra lying around," saidChampion Ward, Dean of the Collegefrom 1946 to 1954, and an honored guestat the symposium. He was particularlycritical of "the one-to-one match-up of theCollegiate Divisions with the GraduateDivisions," an arrangement that heclaimed led to "at least four definitions ofgeneral education derived by deliberations within those four groups but nounitary definition of general education,which is all we had in what is now calledthe Hutchins College."Robin Kaufman, AB'65, a computerscientist at Billings Hospital who took Soc2 in 1962, criticized the cutback to oneyear of general education. "We had a two-year requirement," she said at the conference, "and everybody took more or lessthe same courses. I believe this was very38 significant in providing a whole environment where the issues that were talkedabout in the classes were also discussed inthe dormitories or in political meetingsor wherever we happened to be. Thestudents today are missing that and Ithink that may be unfortunate. We tookour general education as a serious, perhaps the most serious part of our education here."The implication that Soc 2 is currently in something like "the Diet Pepsi AgeGone Flat," as current Soc 2 instructorWard Keeler, AM'77, PhD'82, puts it,was soundly rejected at the conference.Donald N. Levine, AB'50, AM'54,PhD'57, the recently appointed Dean ofthe College, has asserted that the level ofinvolvement of University faculty in College teaching is really much higher nowthan it was in the fabled years of the past.Moreover, there was plenty of evidencethat Soc 2 is as vibrant and provocativeas ever."I'd like to assure you that the fire isstill there," said Vicky Farmer, a currentstudent. "I have a course that meets fromfour till five-thirty and there have been acouple of times when the course actuallylasted until seven-thirty because peoplelike to argue, people like to deal withthese questions." In the latest of a seriesof student names for the course, Farmerand her fellow-students wryly call it "SelfTorture and Anxiety."Such dolorous handles stem from thefact that the Soc 2 material is and alwayshas been extemely challenging, and itstreatment in class pulls no punches butneither do the students. Tony Neske andhis friends eventually came to regard thematerial in a manner not atypical ofprevious generations of College students:"My recollection is that we admired professors who would take apart the texts,take apart the authors, and then just leavethe pieces on the table for us to look at. Bythird quarter the 'self section we haddisemboweled Freud completely and notone author in the course was acceptable tous." Surely this is not the blind adorationof the "classics" that the conferees sodisapproved.For many at the conference, Soc 2 hasretreated in memory to become, in thewords of one, "a sentiment and anostalgia." It may have been this element,more than substantive evidence, that insome cases informed the Hutchinsalumni's boundless praise for "the olddays" and consequent criticisms of thepresent College curriculum one wouldhave to have experienced both to knowfor sure. There have been significant changes, brought on by changes in theCollege, by the University's efforts tomeet the practical needs of students facedwith a precarious job market, and by factors outside the University itself. Whathas maintained itself is the high standardof education in Soc 2."After about fifteen years in which [Iheard that] the College had been killedabout sixteen times," commented JoeGusfield, professor of sociology at theUniversity of California at San Diego, "Ibegan to feel that since you've risen fromthe ashes so much, it was time to move toPhoenix."And what now will issue forth fromthe symposium on Soc 2? First of all, abook is being compiled containing interpretive histories of the course and thepapers presented at the symposium; manyalumni, too, have written with their reflections on the course and its legacy.The organizers hope that the book willgenerate fruitful discussion of generaleducation among a national audience ofsocial science educators. And it is possible; too, that the College will profit moredirectly from the discussion of Soc 2.Dean Donald N. Levine, a strong advocate of general education, said, "Thesymposium provided an opportunity forrethinking the rationales for general education in the eighties and for stimulatingthe faculty to reconstruct a general education curriculum in accord with that."That process of renewal, if indeed it canbe carried out, will look to Soc 2 as anexample of good pedagogy and intellectual vitality. 9The Sexual Life of Savages, i I1L Kl 1 C4/M. i tv^^LJ} Vittof W iurrwrCLASS NEWSU Norman S. Parker, AB'll, PhD'16, isenjoying life in the Carmel Valley, afew miles from the Pacific, in Carmel, CA.12 William D. Wollesen, JD'12, at ninety-eight years old, is residing in Chicago.1 fc\ Paul H. Beck, AM'16, is a retired ele-_LO mentary school principal from theKosciezka School, Chicago. Beck lives in St.Joseph, MO.Jean Dorrel, PhB'16, who will turn eighty-eight this year, is a retired teacher of art, andlives in Washington, DC.Percy E. Wagner, PhB'16, is chairman ofthe Midwest Chapter of the American Societyof Real Estate Counselors.1 Q Eva Adams Sutherland, SB'18, lives in_LO Kalamazoo, MI, where she has accessto many cultural programs at the colleges inthe area. She is working on a small, state-approved reforestation project in northwesternIndiana.-1 Q Charles C. Green, PhB'19, JD'21, isXSy living in Chicago.Marie Keen Hillman, PhB'19, lives in theCovenant Village, Northbrook, IL. Other residents of that community include Anne KennedyGentles, PhB'20, Harold A. Anderson, PhB'24,Am'26, Margaret Cody, PhB'24, and LillianSkagman Henrickson, SB'24.*") (\ William C. Christianson, LLB'20, afteraJV a law career which included such positions as member of the Supreme Court of Minnesota, member of the War Crimes Tribunals,Nuremberg, Germany, and district judge of thefirst judicial district of Minnesota, is retiredand lives in Red Wing, MN.Anne Kennedy Gentles, PhB'20. See 1919,Marie Keen Hillman.Pauline Lyon, SB'20, has retired to theNapa Valley, CA, about which she observes,"peonies and lilacs bloom here as in Chicago,but not in Los Angeles. Citrus trees grow hereas in Los Angeles, but not in Chicago.''J. Paul Yost, PhB'20, is living in Pon-tiac, IL.nPaul G. Annes, PhB'21, JD'23, attended some seminars in the GraduateSchool of the University of Paris this pastspring.E.C. Ted Curtiss, PhB'21, lives in Largo,FL, where he has resided for over twenty-three years.*^ ^ Carolyn Thompson Costen, PhB'22,Zu/u celebrated her eightieth birthdaywith her four children, seven grandchildren,and two great-grandchildren. She lives in St.Louis, MO.23 Edna Specht Beyer, PhB'23, lives inMansfield, PA, where her husband is professor emeritus at Mansfield State College.Lela B. Carr, PhB'23, AM'40, retired assupervisor of child welfare at the state agencyof Illinois. She's keeping busy as a volunteer inSpringfield, IL.Daniel J. Cohn, PhB'23, who turnedeighty this year, spends his time in fishing,gardening, travel and taxes, "all in that orderof enjoyment."Frances A. Mullen, PhB'23, AM'27,PhD'39, continues to travel widely and to givevolunteer service to the International Councilof Psychologists, and to SHARE, a hospitalityprogram for psychologists in internationaltravel, of which she is chairperson.Amalie Sonneborn Shakmankatz, PhB'23,writes that she is "still enjoying life, completewith husband, 12 grandchildren, and a firstgreat grandchild,"^ A Agnes L. Adams, PhB'24, was the firstJLujl. person named to the Hall of Honor bythe National College of Education, Evanston,IL. The citation read, "Distinguished ServiceAward for loyalty and deep commitment."Adams has also received a Meritorious ServiceAward from the Illinois Association forChildhood Education International.Harold A. Anderson, PhB' 24, AM'26. See1919, Marie Keen Hillman.Margaret Cody, PhB'24. See 1919, MarieKeen Hillman.Alfreda Barnett Duster, PhB'24, helpedcelebrate the establishment of the Ida B. WellsBarnett Distinguished Chair of Journalism andInternationalism at Fisk University, Nashville,TN. Duster is the younger daughter of IdaB. Wells.Lillian Skagman Henrickson, SB'24. See1919, Marie Keen Hillman.Mary C. Lewis, SB'24, has just finisheda term as president of the board of directorsof Spence-Chapin Services to Families andChildren, New York City.Joseph Lyons, PhB'24, at age eighty is anactive golfer and is a school volunteer in BayHarbor Island, FL."} CT James W. Cooksey, PhB'25, is retiredjUiJ and lives in Arlington Heights, IL.Laura Nowak Kerr, PhB'25, is living inLa Jolla, CA.Robert J. Mason, SB'25, MD'29, is retiredand enjoys "relaxed living" at Broadmead, aQuaker Perpetual Health Care Center,Cockeysville, MD.Vernon W. Schick, SB'25, MD'29, retiredlast year after fifty-three years of medical practice. He travelled last summer to Normandy,France.Frances Conderman Slocum, PhB'25,resides in Chicago.O A David M- Cox' phB'26- has embarkedZjU on a new career as part-time discjockey on a classical radio station. He lives inSan Antonio, TX, and enjoys golf, swimming, and travel.John F. Latimer, AM'26, is professor emeritus of classics, George Washington University,Washington, DC.*J t~J Idress Cash, PhB'27, recently cele-jUJ / brated her eighty-ninth birthday. Sheis professor emerita, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.Henrett Farrelly Kehoe, PhB'27, is livingin the same Evanston, IL, apartment aftertwenty-seven years.William McCoy, SB'27, and Josephine J.Turner McCoy, SB'28, enjoyed the WesternEuropean Passage Tour sponsored by theAlumni Association.Thomas B. Stephenson, X'27, retired assports editor of the Elkhart (IN) Daily Truthin 1971, and is writing feature articles for theDaily Truth AM Magazine.Paul M. Thiele, PhB'27, is living inChicago.^ Q W. Frank Bush, PhB'28, is retired and^_j(_/ lives in Vancouver, BOWilliam A. Castle, PhD'28, is professoremeritus of biology, University of Virginia,Charlottesville. He lives in Fredericksburg, VA.Josephine J. Turner McCoy, SB'28. See1927, William McCoy.Eleanor Metheny, SB'28, is professoremerita of physical education, the Universityof Southern California, Los Angeles. She is atravel counsultant with Parkhill Travel, Inc.,Newport Beach, CA.John Metzenberg, PhB'28, has retired asan executive of the Cromwell Paper Co.,Chicago, and resides in Tesuque, NM.OO Lois 'ean Sinclair Doggett, PhB'29,£uy edits a monthly house organ for the400 people who live in Willamette ViewManor, the community in which she lives inPortland, OR.Samuel S. Frey, SB'29, SM'31, received afifty-year certificate as a member of theAmerican Chemical Society. His last publication was an illustrated lecture of electro-cleaning of metals. Frey has three daughters,seven grandchildren, and one great grandchild.O (\ Albert H. Allen, LLB'30, in addition toJ \J practicing law full time, sails his Peterson 44 to Hawaii and Mexico, and sculpts inmarble.Irene Martin Dalton, PhB'30. See 1931,Donald H. Dalton.Eleanor A. Davis, PhB'30, AM'38, hasretired after 35 years as director of journalism,York High School, Elmhurst, IL. Now active inchurch work and the local AAUW (AmericanAssociation of University Women), Davis alsodirects the Abbey Choraliers, a group of 16senior citizens who perform for churches, senior centers, nursing homes, and local schools.Eugenie Beck Dowling, PhB'30. afterthirty years in teaching, is retired and lives inGilbertsville, NY, where her projects includebrushing up on French, Italian and German viatrips to Europe and the Middle East, and restoring a nineteenth century melodeon and learning to play it.Helen K. Dunn, PhB'30, and her husband,Thomas Dunn, recently celebrated their 56thanniversary.Harriet Dean Hathaway Fearon, PhB'30,is volunteer public relations chairman for theBangor Symphony Orchestra, Bangor, ME, theoldest continuing community orchestra in theUnited States. She and her husband justcelebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.H. Lee Jacobs, AM'30, is professor emeritus in the College of Medicine at the Universityof Iowa, Iowa City. Jacobs participated lastsummer in the United States Aging and HealthCare Leaders Good Will People-to-People Delegation Tour, visiting Japan and the People'sRepublic of China.Mabel M. Riedinger, AM'30, lives inAkron, OH, where she is trying to organize anAkron-Canton-Wooster, Ohio alumni group.James D. Rutter, PhB'30, is associate manager of the Tulsa, OK office of Bache HalseyStuart Shields Incorporated.Frederick Sass, Jr., PhB'30, JD'32, hasretired from active practice of law, but continues to do consulting, and participates in BarAssociation activities, in addition to traveling,golf and yard work.0"1 Eloise Webster Baker, SB'31, SM'32, isJ _1_ retired and keeping herself busy withthe local Beta Sigma Phi, and the RepublicanWomen's Club. She lives in Lamar, AR.Elizabeth Newman Cleghorn, AM'31, hasbeen active in the formation of the Universityof Chicago Club of Canada-Ontario Chapter.She lives in Toronto,Donald H. Dalton, SB'31, has been electedto the Republican State Committee of Maryland and the Montgomery County CentralCommittee. He and his wife, Irene MartinDalton, PhB'30, live in Chevy Chase, MD.Richard M. Kain, AM'31, PhB'34, is professor emeritus of English, the University ofLouisville, Louisville, KY. In recognition of hisdonations of rare renaissance books, and hisextensive collection of modern Irish literature,the Richard Morgan Kain Exhibit room hasbeen named in the new University of LouisvilleLibrary.Arthur W. Walz, PhB'31, and LauraKremer Walz, PhB'36, are both retired. Hetaught drafting and social studies for fortyyears at Tilden and Lane High Schools, both inChicago, while she taught English and biologyfor thirty-seven years at Mundsen HighSchool, Chicago. They live in Chicago.O *J J. William Anderson, PhB'32, AM'35,v3^J is retired and living in Chicago. Hewrites a weekly newspaper column, writes fortwo local historical associations, and lecturesto small groups on current topics.Robert B. Greenman, SB'32, MD'37, andhis wife have returned from a trip to London,Lisbon, Florence, Naples and Greece. They livein Universal City, TX.Alice J. Mc Gregor, PhB'32, is living in Chicago.Everett C. Olson, SB'32, SM'33, PhD'35,presented seminars to graduate students atArizona State University, Tempe, AZ, WichitaState University, Wichita, KS, and in PuertoRico. He is also planning a trip to New Guineaon an expedition to collect lepidoptera.John Post, SB'32, MD'37, is living in Elko,CO, and "enjoying semi-retirement in this veryrural, mountainous area."Peter Newton Todhunter, PhB'32, JD'37,is a consultant to Belnap, Spencer &McFarland, Chicago, and represents clients doing business in Australia. He is a resident ofWinnetka, IL, and has a winter home in SanDiego, CA.Joel Carl Welty, PhD'32, is retired as professor of zoology and chairman of the biologydepartment, Beloit College, Beloit, WI.T O Bazil Bilder, SB'33, is retired and livesOO in Idyllwild, CA.John D. Davenport, PhB'33, is a realtorassociate with Merrill Lynch Realty,Scottsdale, AZ.Ralph M. Perry, PhB'33, AM'37, since hisretirement from Illinois State University, Normal, IL, in 1979, lives half of the year in MasonCity, IL, and the other half in Fort Myers, FL.MMary Jane Cohn Block, PhB'34, is amember of the Cultural and Fine ArtsAdvisory Commission of the Los AngelesOlympics Committee for 1984.Edwin M. Duerbeck, AB'34, AM'35,traveled to China this year, visiting Beijung,Xian, Chong going, Shanghai, and HongKong. Duerbeck went to Japan in 1972.David B. Eskind, PhB'34, is retired andliving in Washington, DC.Noel B. Gerson, AB'34, is the author,under the pseudonym of Dana Fuller Ross, ofthe Wagons West series of paperback novels.The Wagons West series has sold close to 14million books.Sam Pedis, SB'34, SM'36, PhD'38, retiredthis past December (for the second time) fromPurdue University, West Lafayette, IN, wherehe served on the mathematics faculty.*5 C Charles A. Bane, AB'35, is practicingkj»»/ law in Chicago, and recently joinedthe faculty of the Federal Judicial Center as alecturer on law and economics.Lucile Fairbairn O'Toole, PhB'35, hasretired after twenty-nine years of teaching inthe Chicago Public Schools. She lives in PalosHeights, IL.Alvin M. Weinberg, SB'35, SM'36,PhD'39, received the Harvey Prize from theTechnion, Israel Institute of Technology "inrecognition of invaluable contributions to thefield of nuclear physics and to the developmentof nuclear energy technology for peaceful purposes." Weinberg retired as director of the OakRidge (TN) National Laboratory in 1974, and isnow director of the Institute for Energy Analysis of the Oak Ridge Associated Universities.36abundant.Clarence A. Bostwick, AM'36, writesthat "golfing is excellent, and life is G. Helen Campbell, AB'36, AM'38, isretired after forty years of teaching Latin,French and English, and lives in Polo, IL. Herrecent travels include Oberammergau in 1980,Egypt in 1981, and the Pacific Northwestin 1982.Mary Alice Eaton Ericson, AM'36, is professor emerita of sociology, Coe College,Cedar Rapids, IA.W. Edgar Gregory, BD'36, presented apaper, "A General Systems Approach toPsychological Stress", at the Third International Conference on Psychological Stress andAdjustment in Times of War and Peace, in Tel-Aviv, Israel.Donna Dickey Guyer, AB'36, is a freelance writer. She is working on a novel aboutthe 1930s and 1940s. Her articles, pieces of fiction, and poetry have appeared in the NewYork Times, New York Herald Tribune, WallStreet Journal, McCall's, and other publications. Guyer is the recipient of the Lyric Memorial Award given by The Lyric Magazine.Herman Kogan, AB'36, interviews authorsand reviews books on "Critic's Choice," aweekly program on WFMT, Chicago's classicalradio station. He is also corporate historian forField Enterprises, Inc., Chicago.Simon M. Shubitz, MD'36, attended theannual scientific assembly of the AmericanAcademy of Family Physicians in SanFrancisco.Laura Kremer Walz, PhD'36. See 1931,Arthur W. Walz.O r7 Ralph O. Baird, SB'37, is retired andkJ J living in Tubac, AZ, in a house hebuilt out of mud.Beatrice Bardacke, AB'37, has retired fromDoubleday Publishing Co., and resides inHampton Bays, NY, where she is president ofthe local community association.Lottie Rosenson, AB'37, AM'38, willreceive a doctorate of Hebrew letters, honoriscausa, from the Hebrew Theological College,Chicago.'JQ Charles P. Burnett, AB'38, has retired*J\J after over forty years with Shell Oil.He lives in Aurora, CO.William W. Cooper, AB'38, is the FosterParker Professor of Management, Finance andAccounting at the University of Texas Graduate School of Business, Austin, TX. He is aco-recipient of the 1982 John von NewmannTheory Medal, awarded jointly by the Instituteof Management Sciences and the OperationsResearch Society of America. Cooper wasawarded an honorary doctorate of science thisyear by Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, which also established a WilliamW. Cooper Professor of Economics and PublicPolicy in his honor.Catherine M. Coughlan, AB'38, is working part-time at First Federal Savings and Loan,Wilmette, IL.Hugh M. Davidson, AB'38, PhD'46, Commonwealth Professor of French Literature, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, has beenappointed visiting professor at the Universityof Paris (Sorbonne), for 1982-83.Alfred A. Diamond, X'38, has been prac-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1983ticing general surgery for thirty years. He livesin Los Angeles, CA, with his wife of thirty-sixyears, Georgiana.Ellen Sager Duncan, AB'38, is a medicalsecretary in the Neuroradiology Department atthe LAC /USC Medical Center, Los Angeles,CA.Dorothy Emerick, AB'38, AM'42, hasbeen active in a number of political campaignssince her retirement in 1968.Jack H. Knox, AM'38, is superintendentemeritus of the Salisbury (NC) city schools.Henry M. Lemon, SB'38, works in the carrier section of the Department of InternalMedicine, the University of Nebraska MedicalCenter, Omaha, NB.Helen Linder Myers, AB'38, travelsaround the country with her husband, attending computer and electronics conventionswhich her husband covers as a contributingeditor to Computer Magazine. Myers lives inChicago.Emma Dum Stanton, SM'38, retired in1977 as professor emerita, Portland StateUniversity, Portland, OR.OQ Robert L. Brackenbury, AB'39, AM'39,Jy PhD'48, has retired as professor emeritus of education after 30 years at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles.Margaret Merrifield Clark, AB'39, hasretired to Estes Park, CO, where she hikes,cross-country skis, snowshoes, plays tennis,and quilts. Clark traveled to Israel this year.George L. Gill, MD'39, has retired frommedical practice, and lives on Table Rock Lakenear Lampe, MO.Howard Hawkins, AB'39, JD'41, MBA'53,has retired from business and is living inHillsborough, CA, "improving my golf score."David Kritchevsky, SB'39, SM'42, ischairman of the graduate group on molecularbiology at the University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia.Helen Miller, AM'39, after thirty-fiveyears in teaching, is retired and resides inSunset Home, Quincy, IL.Merrill Yoh, AB'39, is director of communications for Recorder Publishing Co., SanFrancisco. This summer Yoh was at HertfordCollege, Oxford University, taking a course inShakespeare.Af\ Ralph W. Collins, AM'40, is retired,TX \J and is working as a volunteer in Michigan's mental health system.Nathan Cooper, AM'40, was elected to theLos Angeles County Museum of Art, Modernand Contemporary Art Council, as vice-chairman and founder, for 1982, of the ArcoWing. Cooper lives in West Los Angeles.Ralph Fearing, SB'40, SM'43, has retiredafter twenty-five years with Stouffer ChemicalCo., Dobbs Ferry, NY, and has moved to StateCollege, PA.J. Thomas Hastings, AM'40, PhD'43, isprofessor emeritus of educational psychology,University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL.A "I Robert B. Baum, SB'41, was re-electedTI_L to a 4-year term as state district judgeof the 314th District Court of the State of Earl Johnson, AM'32, PhD'41, (right)former director of the Divisional Master'sProgram, was honored at a reception inNovember. Ralph Austen, (center) associate professor in the Department of History and director of the M.A. Program in theSocial Sciences, was a host. Jill Swenson,AM' 81, (left), was given the first Earl andEsther Johnson Prize of $1,000 for hermaster's paper.FIRST EARL JOHNSONAWARD TOJILL SWENSONLast year, alumni of the DivisionalMaster's Program got together tohonor their former professor, Earl Johnson,AM'32, PhD'41, who was director of theprogram from 1957-1959. At that time,they set up the Earl and Esther JohnsonFund for the Master's Program in the SocialSciences, (formerly the Divisional Master'sProgram.)Recently, the same group, with the collaboration of some of Johnson's former colleagues, held another reception, and againthe Johnsons came in from Milwaukee forthe occasion.The Johnson Fund already has taken inmore than $20,000. It was decided to use income from the fund for a prize for the socialscience master's paper which best embodiesEarl Johnson's own goals. These are to"combine high scholarly achievement witha concern for humanistic aspirations andthe practical application of the socialsciences."At a reception in November JillSwenson, AM'81, was awarded the firstEarl and Esther Johnson Prize. NormanElkin, AM'49, presented the award of$1,000 to Swenson, for her paper on"Women's Roles and Strategies: The Impactof Development in Saudi Arabia." Elkin commended it as "scholarly, pertinent,humanistic a fine reflection of what welearned from Earl."Westview Press will publish TheHumanistic Teachings of Earl Johnson in1983.Organizers of the receptions wereDorothy Meyers, AB'45, AM'61, and RalphAusten, associate professor in the Department of History and director of the Masterof Arts Program in the Social Sciences.Among alumni attending were: RobertAdams, AB'48, AM'52; Wade Arends,AM'58; Jeanne Arnoff, AB'46, AM'49; JohnBeck, AM'47, PhD'53; Janice Berman,AM'48; Timuel Black, AM'54; NormanBritan, SB'39, AM'51; Herbert Burgess,AM'59; Hymen Chausow, AB'41, AM'46;Violet Krai DeWind, AB'46, AM'49;Howard Donaldson, AM'51; NormanElkin, AM'49; Ethel Freel, AM'52; SheldonGarber, X'50; Frances Gaul, AM'48; AaronGordon, AM'59; Robert Havighurst,AM'47; Mary Herrick, AM'31, PhD'55;Fred Hillbruner, AM'55; Mavis Hoberg,AB'50, AB'56, AM'62; Melvin Kahn,AMK'58; George Kaiser, AM'48; MorrisKaufman, AB'54, AB'55; Philip Kotler,AM'53; Mini Lieber, AB'48, AM'51;Channing Lushbough, AB'48, AM'52;Robert Merriam, AM'40; Dorothy Meyers,AB'45, AM'61; Philip Mullenback, AB'34;Carl Myrent, AB'43, AM'47; VincentPetrilli, AM'56; Joanne Helperin Saunders,AM'58; Peter Senn, AM'47; Leonard Stein,AM'49, PhD'62; Edward Ulassi, AB'50,AM'57; Sam Venturella, AM'56.Texas. He has held that position since hisappointment in 1979.Reinhard Bendix, AB'41, AM'43, PhD'47,gave the Albion Small lectures at the University last October.Mary E. Coleman, AM'41, PhD'45, is professor emerita, the University of Pennsylvania,Philadelphia, PA. Coleman had been on thefaculty there since 1945.David J.C. Elson, X'41, is retired dean oftheology at St. Stephen's College, Edmonton,Alberta. He teaches a course in New TestamentLiterature at the University of Alberta.W.H. Roger Smith, AB'41, MBA'50, ispresident of the board of directors of Friendship Village, Schaumburg, IL, a life care retirement facility.A ^y James Burtle, AB'42, AM'48, is profes-T* (I sor of economics, Iona College, NewRochelle, NY.Carol E. Evans, X'42, is assistant directorof programs, International Student Center, theUniversity of California at Los Angeles. Evanswas personal secretary to the late Adlai E.Stevenson II for many years. She was assistanteditor, along with Walter Johnson, of the eightvolume work The Papers of Adlai E. Stevenson.Ted Fields, SB'42, is board chairman ofMIL Imaging Co., Northbrook, IL. He is alsopresident of Health Physics Association andFields, Griffith, Hubbard Associates.Martha C. Johnson, SB'42, has retired andis now enjoying traveling about the world onfreighters.Dimitra I. Kachiroubas, AB'42, has beenpromoted to manager of the Utilities LawDepartment, and assistant vice-president,Commerce Clearing House, Inc., Chicago.A O Charlotte F. Andress, AM'43, was^t»Z/ named executive director emerita onretirement after twenty-two years as executivedirector of Inwood House, New York City.Richard R. Carlson, PhB'43, SB'45,SM'48, PhD'51, is professor of physics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.Robert G. Frazier, PhB'43, SB'45, MD'47,after 13 years as executive director of theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics, has returnedto academic life as senior associate dean foracademic affairs, the Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University of Chicago. His wife,Ruth Ann Johnson, AB'49, is a professionalartist who sculpts in steel.Eugene R. Mindell, SB'43, MD'45, waselected president of the American Board ofOrthopedic Surgery for the term 1983-1984.Florence Steinhorn Sinclair, AM'43,served as executive director of the Sarasota(FL) Jewish Federation until she resigned totake a trip around [he world. Sinclair is nowselling real estate in Sarasota, FL.Harry D. Wilson, MBA'43, is president ofScott Powr-Ply Co., designers and manufacturers of high performance fly fishing rods, SanFrancisco, CA.A A Norman Barker, Jr., AB'44, MBA'53,rr^T and Sue Keefe Barker, AB'44, are theparents of Peter Barker, MBA'71. Their sonMichael is a student in the Graduate School of Business. Barker is a trustee of the University.Harry O. Pearce, AM'44, was appointedprofessor emeritus of education upon his retirement last summer from the University ofWisconsin at Platteville.Mary C. Reese, AM'44, is retired and living in Colorado Springs, CO, where she isengaged in volunteer work.Paul F. Wallace, MD'44, was recently appointed associate professor of hand surgery atthe University of South Florida, Tampa, and iscurrently neutral examiner for the NationalFootball League. Wallace is president-elect ofthe Florida Orthopedic Society.45 Rabbi Daniel Goldberger, PhB'45,AM'50, of the Hebrew Educational Alliance Synagogue, Denver, CO, is the newlyelected president of the Denver RabbinicalCouncil.A Si Jeremiah Cameron, AM'46, is publicTlU relations director of the Kansas City,MO, branch of the National Association forthe Advancement of Colored People. Cameronheads the language and literature departmentat Penn Valley Community College, KansasCity, and is a member of the local civil rightsboard.A VJ Francesca Alexander-Levine, PhB'47,71 / AM'50, is on the full-time faculty atCalifornia State University, Los Angeles, in theDepartment of Sociology.Third and fourth year students in the College were invited to a Career Conversationssession this fall by the University of Chicago Club of Metropolitan Chicago. At theseevents, held quarterly, alumni in variousfields answer questions from students about their work. At this session, held in the offices of Perkins & Will, courtesy of PatriciaPiatt Rosenzweig, AB'61, president-elect ofthe club, alumni from large corporationsand small firms participated.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MACAZINE/Spring 1983Frank Eckert, AB'47, SB'52, and his wife,Gail, are farming in Underhill, VT.Frances Eldredge, PhD'47, retired in 1975from Chatham College, Pittsburgh, PA, whereshe had chaired the department of English forover 20 years. Eldredge lives in Cobb, CA,enjoying the northern California countryside, while teaching humanities at Yuba College, Marysville, CA. She is also president ofClearlake Performing Arts, a new organizationemphasizing classical music in the county.Donald R. Gerth, AB'47, AM'51, PhD'63,is president of California State University,Dominguez Hills. The campus is to be the siteof the 1984 Olympic cycling events, to takeplace in the Southland Olympic Velodrome,now under construction.Edward A. Lichter, PhB'47, is professorand department head, Department of Preventive Medicine, the University of Illinois Collegeof Medicine, Chicago.Rozella Schlotfeldt, SM'47, PhD'56, wasnamed professor and dean emeritus of theFrances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, CaseWestern Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.Douglas Stewart, AB'47, is professor ofeducation, Western State College, Gunnison,CO.Marion A. Trozzdo, PhB'47, MBA'50, ischairman of the Nutritionists Institute ofAmerica, Inc., Kansas City, MO.A O Lee R. Chutkow, PhB'48, is clinical di-TlC? rector, the Central State Hospital,Louisville, KY. Chutkow teaches a course inthe biological basis of behavior at SpaldingCollege, Louisville, KY.Alicia F. Morales DeDiego, AM'48, hasretired from the mental health program forwhich she worked for 20 years. She remains active in voluntary work and as a consultant inmental health and community organizations.She lives in Hato Rey, Puerto Rico.Audrey Holzer Douthit, AM'48, is intakesupervisor at the New Hope Foundation of Illinois, Inc. She became a grandmother in July.Dorothy N. Ember, MBA'48, announcesthat "retirement is the greatest facade ever."Ember has two sons, each of whom has bothan M.B.A. and a C.P.A., and her daughter,Marlene Ember-Bartolomei, holds a B.A. fromLoyola (Chicago).Charles E. Foley, Jr., AB'48, is employment and training coordinator for theMassachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.Having received a master's in education and acertification of advanced graduate study fromNortheasten University, Boston, MA, Foley isvice-chairperson of the Massachusetts Dept. ofEducation, Northeast Regional EducationCouncil.Emerson Lynn, Jr., PhB'48, publishes thelola Register, Iola, KS. Lynn traveled to Zer-matt, Switzerland, on a trip which included astop at the Matterhorn.Gerald A. Somers, BLS'48, is director ofthe Brown County Library in Green Bay, WI.He received the Wisconsin Library AssociationLibrarian of the Year Award in 1972.49 John Craig, PhB'49, SM'50, living onhis 40 foot sailboat "Evening Star," has been sailing the U.S. east coast and theCaribbean the last five years. He is temporarilyusing Oriental, NC as home port for refitting.Dennis J. Fleming, AM'49, is chairman,Civil Services Committee, City of LongBeach, MS.Alan P. Frederickson, AB'49, is a retiredarchitect and leader of a traditional jazz bandin Evergreen, CO.David N. Larson, PhB'49, is deputy commissioner, Department of Planning, City ofChicago.Ruth Ann Johnson, AB'49, See 1943,Robert G. Frazier.Paul J. Scheips, AM'49, is an historianwith the U.S. Army Center of Military History, Washington, D.C. He serves as the secretary of the Society for History in the FederalGovernment.Sara M. Turner, AM'49, taught for a yearat Tunghai University in Taichung, China, onan Asia Foundation and Fulbright-Hays grant.Her appointment there was in the GraduateInstitute of Sociology and Social Work. Turneris associate professor in the department ofsociology, anthropology, and social welfare atHumboldt State University, Areata, CA.Cf\ Donald M. Baer, AB'50, PhD'57, waskJ\S elected president of the Associationfor Behavior Analysis. He will be in JapanNovember to December, 1983, as an invitedfellow of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science.Harris L. Dante, PhD'50, retired afterthirty-two years from Kent State University,where he had a joint appointment in historyand secondary education. His daughter, NancyDante Bennison, MAT'70, and her husband,Victor Bennison, SM'75, PhD'76, live inAmherst, NH, where he is a researcher forDigital Equipment Co.Edward E. Marcus, AM'50, PhD'76, is aresource developer for the Area Agency onAging, Broward County, FL. Marcus is alsofield representative of Health Care of Broward,Inc., developing corporate planning for theHealthplane Management Corp. of Florida,part of a national chain.Eugene T. Sweeney, AM'50, PhD'61, is onmedical leave from the University of Hartford,Hartford, CT.{Z~\ Abraham J. Falick, MBA'51 is presi-^J _1_ dent, Navigator Press, Inc., LosAngeles. He is also chairman of the Coalitionfor Rapid Transit, and a member of the SierraClub, NAACP, the Gray Panthers, and othercitizens' organizations.Julius Halpern, AB'51, is a financial planner and registered representative of theVariable Annuity Life Insurance Co., Chicago.Halpern lives in Evanston, IL.Marvin E. Harges, SM'51, after 30 yearswith Gulf Oil, is now division geologist withMonterrey Petroleum Corp., Midland, TX.Gertrude E. Knox, AM'51, lives in IdahoSprings, CO, and reports she is "busy withchurch, civic, and conservation activities." Shewill visit Ecuador and the Galapagos Islandsthis spring.Keith E. Mixter, AM'51, is professor of music and chairman of graduate studies in music, the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.Albert C. Svoboda, Jr., AB'51, SM'55,MD'58, practices at the Sarsum Medical Clinic,Santa Barbara, CA. He is president, 1982-83,of the Southern California Society ofGastroenterology, governor for California forthe American College of Gastroenterology,and president-elect of the Southern CaliforniaSociety for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.C^ Emma Louise White Bragg, PhD'52,kJ^J edited the Golden Anniversary ClassReunion, a book on the lives of twenty-fourmembers of the class of 1932 at Fisk University,Nashville, TN.Steve Ellner, AB'52, is entering his fifteenth year with Burger King, Miami, FL, asdirector of planning and development for thedistribution division.Ethel Freel, AM'52, is supervisor of vocational rehabilitation services in Valparaiso, IN,"a charming turn-of-the-century town." Herdaughter, Bettie J. Freel, AB'69, is practicingmedicine in Hoffman Estates, IL.Vivian B. Hamilton, AM'52, is presidentof the El Paso (TX) section of the IlluminatingEngineering Society. A lighting designer forapartments, houses, churches, and museums,Hamilton lives in San Antonio, TX.Stanley J. Heywood, AM'52, PhD'54, professor of education, Eastern Montana College,Billings, MT, was on assignment, last fall, asan academic specialist for the United StatesInformation Agency at the University ofDacca, Bangladesh, and Hong Kong BaptistCollege, Kowloon. Heywood was president ofEastern Montana College from 1966-1976.Margaret Jaeger Nichols, AM'52, is aschool social worker in Oak Brook, IL.Arthur Solomon, AB'52, JD'61, and hiswife, Lois Adelman Solomon, AB'60, JD'61,are practicing law together at Solomon &Behrendt, Chicago. They live in Wilmette, IL,where they are Democratic precinct captains.CO W. Bruffie Connor, AM'53, is retiredkJJ and lives in Little Brook, TN, practicing organic gardening, reading, and writing.Hilda A. Davis, PhD'53, is professoremerita of English, Wilmington College, NewCastle, DE. In 1981 she was honored by thealumni of Talladega College, Talladega, AL,and in 1982 she was honored by the minorityalumni of the University of Delaware, NewCastle, DE.tZA David L. Daniel, AM'54, is assistantsj^t director of the Illinois Department ofPublic Aid. He lives in Chicago.Ann B. Spencer, AM'54, has retired fromsocial work, and lives in River Forest, IL.[T C Donley Budd Jordan, AB'55, is presi-<*SkJ dent of Budd Jordan & Associates, afirm engaged in design, construction, andmanagement of real estate. The firm has officesin Missoula, MT, and Chicago.C/l John M. Brown, MBA'56, is "hap-^J\J pily retired" and living in WinterHaven, FL.Jean C. Devaud, AB'56, AM'58, retired in1980 after teaching French for 16 years in theCity Colleges of Chicago. Devaud's interest isin French-Swiss literature, about which he haswritten in the Swiss American Review, theFrench Review, and Swiss-French Studies.George F. Griewank, AM'56, after retiringfrom a career in teaching, lives in Durham,NH, and works part-time in a book store.Michael J. Harrison, SM'56, PhD'60, afterserving for seven years as dean of LymanBriggs College at Michigan State University,East Lansing, has returned to a full programof research and teaching in the physicsdepartment.Karl Rodman, AB'56, leads groups oftourists to the U.S.S.R. His son, Benjamin, is afreshman in the College.tZ ^7 Karl Aun, AM'57, is professor emer-S^ / itus, Wilfred Laurier University,Waterloo, Ontario. Aun was professor of political science there from 1964-1979.Walter F. Murphy, PhD'57, has been appointed to the New Jersey Supreme Court Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct byChief Justice Robert N. Wilentz. Murphy isMcCormick Professor of Jurisprudence atPrinceton University, Princeton, NJ.Louis Schaffer, MBA'57, is program manager for Woodward Associates, a San Diego-based management/engineering consultingfirm, involved in loss control management,especially in heavy construction and mining.Schaffer lives in Genoa, NV.£TO Howard M. Goldfinger, AM'58, is\J\J on the copy desk of the Milwaukeelournal, Milwaukee, WI.Stephen L. Michel, SB'58, MD'62, is theassociate director of surgery at Cedars-SinaiMedical Center in Los Angeles, and assistantclinical professor of surgery, the Universityof California at Los Angeles School of Medicine. Michel is vice-chairman of the LosAngeles County Emergency Medical ServicesCommission.£ZQ Charles Wah Lee, SB'59, SM'60, has\Jy been elected chairman of the department of chemistry, physics, and environmental science at William Paterson College,Wayne, NJ.£\C\ 'ohn T" Bycraft< MBA'60, has gone\J\J into business for himself, with a partner, acquiring two businesses, Jack-Post Corp.,Galien, MI, and South Bend Toy, Inc., SouthBend, IN.Lois Adelman Solomon, AB'60, JD'61. See1952, Arthur Solomon./T'l Myra Gainsboro Posert, AB'61, lives\J A. in Belvedere, CA, and is the interiordesigner for the 3,000-acre Victorian ranchwhich Star Wars producer George Lucas isbuilding as a pre-and post-production moviefacility.Charles F. Reichmuth, MBA'61, is leadingwhite water expeditions down the Coloradoand various other rivers as part of his WasatchOutdoor Recreation Consulting Service. "The managing of river trips and the negotiation ofrapids is much more challenging than that ofbusiness and contacts," he writes. Reichmuthlives in Ogden, UT.Miriam E. Buckman Warner, AM'61, isin a Ph.D. program in anthropology at theUniversity of California at Berkeley./I ^ Jane Kurtz Andringa, AB'62, is work-\_/^-J ing for the special education cooperative in Chicago Heights as resource servicessupervisor. She lives in Palos Park, IL.ZLO Luke L.Y. Chang, PhD'63, has re-\JkJ cently joined the University of Maryland at College Park as professor and chairmanof the department of geology.Sarah M. Farmer, MBA'63, retired as alieutenant colonel from the U.S. Air Force. Shelives in Santa Barbara, CA.Roberta Reeder, AB'63, is a research fellow of the Russian Research Center, HarvardUniversity, where this past summer she directeda "Ukranian Film Festival." Reeder wrote alecture-demonstration, "The Evolution of theRussian Cabaret," which she and members ofthe New England Conservatory performed inNew York at the AATSEEL (American Association of Teachers of Slavic and Eastern European Languages) national meeting, and againat Harvard in the spring.Richard W. Scheimann, PhD'63, is currently in the parish ministry at St. John'sLutheran Church in Wanatah, IN, and enjoysrural life and gardening.David R. Segal, AM'63, PhD'67, is a guestscholar at the Brookings Institution, writing abook on military manpower policy under agrant from the Twentieth Century Fund. Hiswife, Mady Wechsler Segal, AM'67, PhD'73,recently returned to the Department of Sociology, the University of Maryland, College Park,after a two-year leave at the Department ofMilitary Psychiatry, the Walter Reed ArmyInstitute of Research. They live in CollegePark, MD.Juri Taalman, SB'63, presented the department of special collections at the Universitywith a gift of five volumes, including rare editions of Cicero's Opera and De Legibus./T A Mildred B. Ford, X'64, is director of\_/7I teacher education and student teaching at Voorhees College, Denmark, SC, whereshe has been on the faculty since 1959. Sheserves on three standing committees atVoorhees College, and on other civic, socialand church committees. Ford is president of theDenmark Branch of AAUW (AmericanAssociation of University Women)William T. Garner, AB'64, MAT'67,PhD'73, is acting dean, the School of Education, the University of San Francisco.Arlene Wright Kanno, AB'64, is themother of eight children, and teaches part-timein the Oak Park, IL school district.Paul Stuart, AB'64, is on the faculty in thedepartment of social work at the University ofWisconsin Eau Claire.Rev. Donald G. Twentyman, Jr., AB'64,was ordained to the diaconate in the EpiscopalChurch. An administrator with the Mayo Clinic-Mayo Foundation, he will continue inhis secular vocation while providing a non-stipendary ministry under the supervision ofthe Bishop of Minnesota. Twentyman lives inRochester, MN./I JT Arthur Sherwood, SM'65, is practic-\J\J ing law in Los Angeles, CA. He ismarried and has two sons.Charlotte Weissberg, AB'65, AM'67,PhD'73, retired from teaching in the sociologydepartment at Brandeis University, Waltham,MA, to devote time to practicing psychotherapy. Weissberg, who lives in Cambridge, MA,also writes magazines and journal articles.John J. Wiorkowski, SB'65, SM'66,PhD'72, is assistant to the vice-president foracademic affairs, and professor of statistics inthe program in mathematical sciences at theUniversity of Texas at Dallas./T /L Arthur H. Bartsch, AM'66, PhD'79,UU is assistant professor of history, DavidThompson University Centre, Nelson, BritishColumbia,Benjamin J. Cohen, AB'66, AM'68, worksat the computer center at the University ofCalifornia at Santa Barbara, and is in a degreeprogram in computer science. His wife,Patricia Cline Cohen, AB'68, is assistant professor of history at the University of Californiaat Santa Barbara. The Cohens have one child.Richard Ganz, AB'66, practices internalmedicine in Healdsburg, CA.A.B. Paulson, AB'66, AM'67, is assistantprofessor of English, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY. His wife, Karen Kondrad Paulson,AB'67, is an assistant director of communications and development at Hamilton, in chargeof office operations. They have a daughter,Phoebe, age ten.Nancy Barty Saunders, AB'66, is enrolledin a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology atthe State University of New York at Albany.She and her husband, B. David Saunders, havethree children./L i~7 Caroline E. Carlson, AM'67, gradu-\J J ated in September from the LutheranCenter for Substance Abuse, after a thirteenmonth training program in alcoholism counseling. She lives in Palos Park, IL.Alfred Lewy, SB'67, PhD'73, MD'73, isassistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Oregon Medical School, Eugene, OR.Steven Lowenstam, AB'67, is associateprofessor and chairman of the department ofclassics at the University of Oregon, Eugene.Lowenstam is also director of the humanitiesprogram. His book, The Death of Patroklos:A Study in Typology, came out last year.Karen Kondrad Paulson, AB'67. See 1966,A.B. Paulson.Mady Wechsler Segal, AM'67, PhD'73.See 1963, David R. Segal./lO Murray G. Brown, AM'68, PhD'74, is\J\J associate professor, the departmentsof preventive medicine and economics,Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.Patricia Cline Cohen, AB'68. See 1966,Benjamin Cohen.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1983FAMILY ALBUM '83Margaret Olin, AB'68, AM'77, PhD'82, the graduate, is surrounded her husband, Robert S. Nelson, assistant professor in the Depart-by her family. They include (I. to r.) her sister, Nancy Olin Unferth, ment of Art and the College; her mother, Rosalyn Wechter Olin,AB'65, AM'74; her brother-in-law, Robert Unferth, AB'62, MBA '64; AB'36; and her father, Lester K. Olin, JD'36.Judith F. Feldman, AB'68, received aPh.D. in January 1981, from the GraduateFaculty of the New School for Social Research,(NY) in psychology. Since 1980 she has been aresearch scientist in the developmental psycho-endocrinology research unit of the New YorkState Psychiatric Institute, New York City.Jim Lane, AM'68, has retired after 33 yearswith the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Heworks as a consultant to the meat packingindustry, and lives in Albany, NY.Richard W. Petticrew, MBA'68, is president of Futures Management, Inc., which hasbeen selected the advisor of a $15 million Public Commodity Fund offered by ThomsonMcKinnon Securities, Inc.A. Keith Brown, SB'69, is an analytical specialist with Rockwell International, Boulder, CO. His work involves thedesign and implementation of laboratory computer systems.Dennis Cohen, AB'69, married StephanieSinger in May. A copywriter for a subsidiaryof J. Walter Thompson, Cohen is part-time lecturer in music history, California State University, Northridge, CA, and a professional cellist, performing with several orchestras andchamber groups in Los Angeles.M.W. Emmett-Oglesby, AB'69, is associate professor, the Department of Pharmacology, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine,Fort Worth, TX.Bettie J. Freel, AB'69, See 1952, EthelFreel.Raymond M. Rahner, AM'69, is a televi sion weatherman at CBS in Albuquerque, NM.Nancy Dante Bennison, MAT'70, See1950, Harris L. Dante.Timothy V. McGree, AB'70, JD'73, ispracticing law in Chicago. He is married andhas two children.Donald Palumbo, AB'70, and his wife,Julie, are the parents of David Vincent, bornlast September. Palumbo is associate professorof English and director of freshman English atNorthern Michigan University, Marquette. Heis also a script writer under contract withMarvel Comics.Jacob M. Weintraub, AB'70, is assistantdirector for pediatric education, the Kalamazoo campus of Michigan State UniversityMedical School.Peter Barker, MBA'71. See 1944,Norman Barker, Jr.Laurie M. Brandt, AB'71, AM'74, receiveda Psy.D. in 1980 from the Illinois School ofProfessional Psychology. She is assistant attending psychologist at McLean Hospital,assistant clinical instructor, Harvard MedicalSchool, and a clinical psychologist at the NorthShore Children's Hospital. She is married toJay Koslof, also a psychologist.Anne Barrett Clark, AB'71, PhD'75, andher husband, David Sloan Wilson, are theparents of Katherine Barrett Wilson. Clarkdoes research and teaches at Kellogg BiologicalStation, Hickory Corners, MI.Nachiko Ikeda Ide Holzhauer, AM'71, andJuergen Holzhauer, are the parents of Ian Sebastian, born in October.Lawrence Osinski, AM'71, lives inWashington, D.C., and "reads Thomas Hardyand the University of Chicago Magazine."Gregory J. Ramel, AM'71, is assistantcommissioner of unemployment insurancewith the Illinois Department of Labor.David M. Spinner, AM'71, is an associatewith the law firm of DiPietro, Kantrouitz, &Brownstein, New Haven, CT. He specializes incommercial law.Louis N. Strike, MBA'71, is president ofHess and Eisenhardt Co., a manufacturer ofarmored personal cars, convertibles, andlimousines, Cincinnati, OH.Alice Carnes, PhD'72, is executive di-ector of Willamette Science and Technology Center, a participatory museum. Sheand her daughter, Rachael, live in Eugene, OR.Jonathan Cohen, AB'72, received a J.D.from Wayne State Law School, Detroit, MI. Heis law clerk for the U.S. district judge for theEastern District of Michigan, the Hon. HoraceW. Gilmore. He and his wife, Ann, are theparents of Lisa Sarah Cohen. They live inDetroit.Cordie C. Coordes, AB'72, is completinghis last year of residency in cardiothoracic surgery at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. He and his wife are the parents ofChristopher Robert Coordes, born inSeptember.John A. Edwardson, MBA'72, is vice-president and treasurer of the Ferrell Companies, Inc., a diversified energy company inKansas City, MO. He is also director of theKearney Commercial Bank, Kearney, MO.Edwardson and his wife, Kate, have threedaughters, Laura, Anne, and Shelley.M. Carl Johnson, III, MBA'72, was namedexecutive vice president of marketing and salesat Campaign Communications Institute ofAmerica, New York City. Johnson was formerly an executive manager of Colgate-PalmoliveCompany.Robert E. Koenig, AB'72, See 1973, LanaI. Vacha.Edward F. Madinger, AB'72, is programofficer for the United Nations Children's Fund(UNICEF), in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,Richard D. Mohr, AB'72, is assistant professor of philosophy at the University ofIllinois, Urbana, IL. He has discovered that"current civilization is so far advanced overthat of Socrates' day that now one can bothcorrupt the youth and be rewarded with freestate lunches in the Prytaneum."James M. Sack, AB'72, and his wife,Susan, are the parents of Jamie Jessica, bornlast March. They live in Alexandria, VA,where Sack is an aspiring tax lawyer,r70 Ronald A. Engler, MBA'73, is a sec-/ kJ ond year law student in the eveningprogram at the Loyola University (Chicago)Law School.Nancy L. Green, AM'73, PhD'80, is visiting assistant professor at Stanford Universityin Tours (France), and chargee de conferencesat the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en SciencesSociales, Paris.Richard Kateley, AM'73, was elected senior vice-president and director of investmentadvisory services, the Real Estate ResearchCorporation, a national consulting firm headquartered in Chicago.James C. Kidd, PhD'73, was married inSeptember to Teri Lee Duke. Kidd is associateprofessor of fine arts at Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Sydney, VA.James A. Talbert, AM'73, is a socialworker and girls' cross country track coach atLeyden High School, Franklin Park, IL.Lana J. Vacha, AM'73, and Robert E.Koenig, AB'72, were married last October inMilwaukee, WI, where they both live. Vacha isprogram manager for community planning anddevelopment in the Milwaukee area office ofthe U.S. Department of Housing and UrbanDevelopment, and is teaching a course in economic development at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Koenig attends law schoolat Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.Vernita Dixon Winn, AM'73, is a socialworker for the DeKalb (GA) Mental HealthAgency. Prior to this, Winn worked for theGeorgia Retardation Center.r7A James D. Deffendall, AB'74, serves as/ TX a consultant with the HBH companyto the Saudi Arabian Naval forces in Al-Jubail,Saudi Arabia.Jann Pasler, AM'74. PhD'81, is assistantprofessor of music at the University of California, San Diego. Pasler organized the International Stravinsky Symposium held there inSeptember. !~7C Victor Bennison, SM'75, PhD'76. See/ <D 1950, Harris L. Dante.Nancy Lyman Huse, PhD'75, is associateprofessor of English, Augustana College, RockIsland, IL. Huse has received grants from theAmerican Council of Learned Societies and theUniversity of Iowa to work on a sabbaticalproject, "Art and Politics in the Criticism ofChildren's Literature." Part of the research willbe done in Europe this spring.Terence D. Murphy, PhD'75, is chairman,the Division of Social Sciences, American College in Paris (France).Charles D. Orzech, AM'75, and his wife,Mary Ellis Gibson, AM'75, PhD'79, spent ayear in Hong Kong where Orzech was on aRotary Fellowship at the Chinese University ofHong Kong. Orzech is instructor in the religious studies department of the University ofNorth Carolina, Greensboro, where Gibson isassistant professor of English.Mariana C. Rados, MBA'75, is generalmanager of the new branch of the ContinentalIllinois National Bank and Trust Co. in SanJuan, Puerto Rico.Jeffrey S. Rasley, AB'75. See 1977, AliceTodd Rasleyr7/T Joseph H. Aronson, AB'76, is an attor-/ \y ney admitted to the Massachusetts andNew Hampshire bars. Employed as law clerkto Maurice P. Bois, associate justice of theSupreme Court of New Hampshire, Aronsonlives in Portsmouth, NH.Richard Basofin, MBA'76, has beentransferred to the Pittsburgh office of Coopers& Lybizand, to help establish the actuarial,benefits, and compensation consulting group.Bruce Carroll, AB'76, JD'79, and MicheleC. Kane, JD'80, were married in Bond Chapelin August. They both practice law in Chicago.Edward C. Conner, AB'76, MBA'78, married Susan E. Braden in June. They work forMark Controls Corp., Evanston, IL.John G. Conover, AM'76, was electedto the Charlottesville (VA) City Council in1980, and elected to vice-mayor by the council in 1982.Ed Derman and Deirdre Downes, bothAB'76, have been married since 1977 and haverecently welcomed the arrival of their firsthome computer. They live in Sacramento, CA,where Ed has been a budget analyst for theCalifornia State Legislature since 1978, "duringwhich time the state's fiscal condition hasdeteriorated from a surplus of $3.8 billion to adeficit of $1.5 billion." Deirdre, writing underan assumed name, recently signed a contractwith Bantam Books for a paperback novel.Linda J. Fassberg, MBA'76, is assistantplan manager of the American Postal WorkersUnion health plan, in Silver Spring, MD.Robert C. Glustrom, JD'76, is a member ofthe law firm of Arnall, Golden & Gregory,Atlanta, GA.Jeffery Helgeson, AM'76, has written aplay, Ithaca, produced and performed last fallat the Arium Theater in Chicago.Margery L. Spiro, MBA'76, marriedSteven B. Jacobson in June. She is a marketingconsultant with Management DecisionSystems, Inc., Los Angeles. Thomas J. Thomas, MBA'76, is director ofcorporate accounting, Tandem Computers,Cupertino, CA.r"7^7 George Benda, AM'77, has been ap-/ / pointed director of the division of energy programs at the Illinois Department ofEnergy and Natural Resources, Springfield, IL.John Matthew Farber, MD'77, marriedMichaela Ludmila Zajicek in August. He is instructor of pediatrics at the Johns HopkinsUniversity School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.John Edward Filer, AM'77, has beennamed P.M.B. Self and William King Self Professor of Free Enterprise Economics at theUniversity of Mississippi Business School,Oxford, MS.Sharon Tucker Lustig, AM'77, had adaughter in April. She is director of socialwork at Mt. Sinai Green Tree Health CareCenter, Milwaukee, WI.Anthony P. Mayo, AB'77, MBA'78, hasestablished his own firm, Anthony P. MayoComputer Assistance.Alice Todd Rasley, X'77, and her husbandJeffrey S. Rasley, AB'75, live in Indianapolis,IN, where she is a public information aid forthe Indiana attorney general, and he is a lawyer. Alice Rasley's first novel, The ReluctantLady, was published by Dell Books last fall.Daniel A. Sumner, AM'77, PhD'78, married Susan C. Jenkins in March, 1982. He isassistant professor of economics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NO He and hiswife are fixing up a one-hundred year oldhouse in downtown Raleigh.r7Q Daniel Frank, AM'78, married Patricia/ \y Frances Lowy, in Dobbs Ferry, NY,Frank is an editor in the books division ofReader's Digest.Harold Wilfred Green Jr., AB'78, hasreceived a J.D. from the John Marshall LawSchool, Chicago. He received the Corpus JurisSecundum Award and the West Publishing Co.Award for significant legal scholarship andhighest academic achievement during his second and third years of law school. Green wasadmitted to practice law by the AlaskaSupreme Court and the United States DistrictCourt, District of Alaska. He lives inAnchorage.Glenn Pape, AB'78, MBA'81, and his wife,Nancy, are the parents of Katie, born last fall.Ernest Troth, AB'78, is a foreign serviceofficer with the Department of State, now inintensive Arabic language instruction at theForeign Service Institute, prior to departure forTunisia in 1983.Paul N. Yannias, AB'78, is attending theUniversity of Colorado School of Law,Boulder, CO.70 Dou8 Amick, MBA'79, is looking for/ y investors to put his "Aero 135 Personal Commuter Vehicle" into production. Thevehicle weighs 800 pounds, has a nose like a jetfighter, and gets seventy-five miles to thegallon.John L. Carley, JD'79, married MauraLoughlin in August. Carley is an attorney withOrange and Rockland Utilities, Inc., PearlUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1983River, NY.Stephen M. Colarelli, AM'79, has beennamed director of the Ball Foundation, GlenEllyn, IL, which specializes in aptitude testing,career counseling and research. Colarelli, anindustrial psychologist with a Ph.D. from NewYork University, lives with his wife, Margaret,in Wheaton, IL.Charles G. Curie, AM'79, is executivedirector of the Sandusky Valley Mental HealthCenter, Tiffin, OH. The agency covers a threecounty area and offers a variety of mentalhealth services.Helen Fedor, AB'79, lives in Washington,DC, and works at the Library of Congress.Chi-keung Leung, PhD'79, has been promoted to the position of reader in the Department of Geography and Geology, the University of Hong Kong. He is also editor of the Journal of Oriental Studies and chairman of thesame university's contemporary Chinese studies seminar program.Bobbye Middendorf, AB'79, is chairperson of the Jobvine Committee for ChicagoWomen in Publishing, which publishes jobopenings and job-wanted listings for publishingand writing professionals in the Chicagometropolitan area.David Schabes, AB'79, married SarahAnn Winchel in June. He is in the first scholarmanagement training program at the FirstNational Bank of Chicago, and is working onan M.B.A. in the University's 190 Program,which is a part-time program in businessadministration.Nancy E. Scheer, AB'79, is working as anadministrative consultant to a financial consulting firm. She lives in Evanston, IL.Steven T. Thomas, AB'79, has leftCitibank-Bahrain to join Gulf Riyad Bank,Bahrain, as assistant manager for corporaterelationships in the western provinces of SaudiArabia and for U.S. companies in the MiddleEast. "Bahrain is an independent state, not apart of Saudi Arabia," Thomas instructs us. "Itis merely near Saudi Arabia."Paul D. Chironna, AB'80, is pursuing a doctorate in the Committee onSocial Thought at the University.Andrea G. Bonnette, MBA'80, has beennamed vice president for finance and museumservices at the Field Museum of NaturalHistory, Chicago.Lawrence E. Cutler, MD'80, married EileenKominsky in Short Hills, NJ. He is a third yearresident in obstetrics/gynecology at the NewYork Hospital-Cornell University MedicalCenter in New York.John J. Farrell, MBA'80, is general manager of American Precision Division of Arnet,Inc., Chicago.Robert S. Garrick, JD'80, is employed bythe New York City law firm of LeBoeuf, Lamb,Leigy & MacRae, in Washington, DC.Michele C. Kane, JD'80. See 1976, BruceCarroll.Warren M. Kati, SM'80, married GretchenE. Blaho in September. Kati is a biochemist forUpjohn Co., Kalamazoo, MI.Ryan R. McKenzie, AB'80, is a commercial loan officer at the American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago. Ryan marriedClaire Monno last July.William Allan Risler, AB'80, and EmilyMay Bloomfield, AB'82, were married inJanuary. Bloomfield is a marketing associatefor Telephone Systems Management Corp.,and Risler is attending Syracuse UniversitySchool of Law, Syracuse, NY.Laura Uerling, AB'80, is a first year graduate student in anthropology at the Universityof Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.Karl Voltaire, MBA'80, is an economistfor the World Bank, Washington DC, in theindustry department.Janet K. Fair, AM'81, married ThomasW. Christianson in August. The ceremony took place at Bond Chapel.Jenny Gurahian, AB'81, spent the pastyear at the University of Yerevan, Armenia,April 20. The University of Chicago Club ofMetropolitan Chicago Alumni LuncheonSeries. Speaker, Sidney Davidson. Topic: ALayman's Guide to the New Tax Laws (co-sponsored with the Graduate School ofBusiness).LETTERSContinued from inside front cover.your layout man must have been sniffing glue.You'd had some sad issues before, but this issuedrives me to action. It is so very amateurish.If you want details, send me a couple ofcopies and I'll mark them up. I've done it forthe magazine before. I have always beenamazed at the doggedness of the book anddismayed by its feeble content and wretchedlooks. I suppose I ought to mention that Iworked in the magazine publishing biz for 25years. I am not seeking employment, and Ioffer this service freely.Tis the season to be jolly and this carddoesn't add any cheer, I know. But look at itthis way suppose no one cared?David M. Kinsler, SB'37, AM'39Cleveland Heights, OHNO BOY SCOUTS, WEEditor:In the hope that you will accept this letteras an attempt on my part to be constructive,not critical, I write to inform you that there isno compass direction "north by northeast"(Winter, 1983 issue, page 11). U.S.S.R., studying Armenian language andhistory. She is a legal assistant in the countyattorney's office, Westchester County, NY.John C. Polster, AB'81, is attending lawschool at Notre Dame University, SouthBend, IN.Russell L. Bennett, AB'82, is a firstyear medical student, Thomas JeffersonUniversity Medical School, Philadelphia, PA.Emily May Bloomfield, AB'82, see 1980,William Allan Risler.Mary L. Borchardt, AB'82, received herdegree in art history and took only three weeksof Chemistry 101. Now she is doing marketresearch for a chemical company. "The connection?," she writes. "Why, a U. of C. degree, ofcourse."Charles Ro, SM'82, is a Ph.D. candidate inphysics at the University. SApril 20. The University of Chicago Club ofMetropolitan Chicago Winter TheatreSampler. "Surprise Play" at Victory GardensTheatre.June 3-4. Alumni Weekend. (See ad in thisissue).The compass points in the 0-90° quadrantare, going clockwise:north, north by east, north-northeast,northeast by north, northeast, northeast byeast, east-northeast, east by north, east.I suppose there is a bit of irony that thismatter arose in the same issue which reportedon the 13th issue of The Chicago Manual ofStyle although, strictly speaking, style is notthe subject of my comment.In any case, the magazine continues tomake for very interesting reading, issue afterissue after issue.Gerald R. Daly, AM'50South Glastonbury, CT,LAW OF THE SEIZE?Editor:Might Norton Ginsburg's opinion be summarized thusly:For the Law of the Sea,The United States has substituted theLaw of the Seize.Viz. what you sees, you seize.Mary H. Deal, AB'65, AM'66Dayton, OHFUTURE ALUMNI EVENTSI I ifSatisfy your craving for/nostalgia,your hunger for knowledge ,your curiosity about old faces\and places eunionJune 3-4, 1983Picnic on the Quads. RobieHouse Open House. Run forfun. Dizzy Gillespie in concertat Mandel HaExplore the Future.Information sessions for parents,students and future students,sponsored by the Office of CollegeAdmissions and Aid and the Officeof Career Counseling and Placement.Rekindle Old MemoriesClass reunions.International House 50thAnniversary Celebration.Medical Alumni Reunions.Interfraternity Sing. NationalAlumni Awards Ceremonyand Champagne Reception atthe Oriental Institute. HydePark's 57th Street Art Fair.I (we) are in the class of and wish to receive futuremailings for Reunion ' detach and mail to: Reunion S3. Robie House,5757 S. Woodlawn, Chicago, Illinois 60637. Or call 312/753-2105.DEATHSFACULTYJack Woolf served as Douglas SmithFellow at Billings Hospital at the Universityfrom 1942 to 1945, and was a neurosurgeryinstructor at Billings in 1945-46. September.STUDENTSLisa Good, 18, a first-year student in theCollege, died in a fall from a window in Woodward Court on December 3.A memorial service for Good was held onDecember 8 in Bond Chapel.Good was born on April 20, 1964 in IowaCity, Iowa. She attended Oskaloosa (Iowa)High School, where she was active in band,debate, and drama.She is survived by her parents, Mr. andMrs. Donald Good, and a sister, Jennifer, allof Oskaloosa.THE CLASSES1900-1909Helena Bassett Reed, AB'06, October.George W. Cox, SB'08, May.Harry Ernest Flansburg, MD'09, February.1910-1919Clarence E. Parmenter, PhB'10, PhD'21,September.Ludwig A. Emge, SB'12, MDT5, February.Roger D. Long, XT3, September.Hayes H. Culbertson, MD'14, June.Paul C. Shelley, SBT4, SM'29, June.Berthold S. Kennedy, SB'15, MD'17, 1980.James Herbert Blackhurst, PhBT6, AM'17,September.Irwin M. Baker, PhB'17, JD'21, August,Marion Hines, PhD'17, August.Dorothy Boyden Maxwell, XT7.Ida Amanda Powell, PhBT7, AM'23.Ethel Vine Bishop, PhB'18, SeptemberMerlin L. Cooper, SM'18, October.1920-29Austin N. Clark, PhB'20, October.Jean Cooper Clark, PhB'20, October.Martin Luther Beck, AM'21, October.Chang Kong Chuang, SB'21, PhD'24.Nathan N. Crohn, SB'21, MD'24.Dora Kirschenbaum Fishback, SB'21, August.Lewis Lathrop Fisher, PhB'21, October.Mary Dorothea Mulroy, PhB'21, AM'32,August.Paul A. Weber, PhB'21, September.Herbert O. Crisler, PhB'22, AugustWilliam K. Gordon, PhB'22, JanuaryMartin Hayes Kennedy, PhB'22, JD'24,October.Loren Clark Sheffield, SB'22, MD'26,November.Catherine Mary Hartigan, PhB'23,September.Edward M. Keating, PhB'23, JD'24, June.Paul M. Ryerson, SB'23, MD'27, 1981. Charles W. Stiefel, Jr., PhB'23, January.Louise Comstock Veitch, PhB'23, March.Ruth Waits Weicher, PhB'23.Arthur E. White, Jr., PhB'23.Clara Brennan Wilson, PhB'23, July.George Howard Carragan, PhD'25, July.Merrick Martin Evans, JD'25, March.William Nelson Fuqua, PhB'25, August.Carl A. Johnson, SB'25, SM'27, MD'29,August.Kathryn A. McHenry, PhB'25, August.Rowland South Metzger, JD'25, July.Demont D. Obenchain, PhB'25, September.Mary Cross Partridge, AM'25, July.Charlotte Gower Chapman, AM'26, PhD'28,September.George Robert DeBlois, PhB'26, 1981.Leland Hazard, X'26.Lois Wilfred Griffiths, PhD'27, 1981.John R. Russell, PhB'27, December.Orville D. Strader, AM'27, November.Harry Barnard, PhB'28, August.Louise Jarratt Geiger, AM'28, June.Paul J. Hartsuch, SM'28, PhD'35, October.Marjorie MacKenzie Bode, PhB'29,September.Mary M. Connery, PhB'29, April.Dorothy Hartford Dorgan, PhB'29, May.Merwin O. Lanam, MD'29.Delia Van Norman Miner, SM'29, OctoberTheodore V. Oltman, MD'29, March.Ethel Bobinsky Shanberg, PhB'29, April.Dorothy Simpson Starr, PhB'29, October.1930-39Helen Younggren Arregger, AM'30.Louis H. Engel, Jr., PhB'30, November.Hazel A. Hannemann, PhB'30, July.Paul R. Kerschbaum, PhB'30, July.Frank J. Morris, PhB'30, AM'33, September,Rolph Page, AM'30.Jerome N. Sampson, PhB'30, November.Harold C. Treichel, X'30, August.Richard L. Woolbert, AM'30, March.Charles F. Adler, PhB'31, JD'33, March.Emily G. Bacon, AM'31, May.Martin L. Butzel, JD'31, July.Edward J. Schmitt, JD'31, October.Charles D. Lutz, AM'32, September,Ralph H. Smallman, PhB'32, August.Sister Catherine Louise Powers, AM'33,August.Myrtle Runyan, PhB'33, October,Mary R. Sullivan, PhB'33, August.Pearl Maurer Kozak, AM'34.Shirley Eichenbaum Messer, PhB'34,November.Lennie Marie Turnham, SB'34, January, 1982.David Van Tyne, X'34, July.Helen O'Rourke Corcoran, AM'35.Lambert F. Craemer, SB'35, May.Ralph O. Earlandson, PhB'35, August.Joseph D. Farrington, MD'35, January, 1982.Robert S. Shankland, PhD'35, March.William D. Watson, AB'35, June.Mary Rita Smith McCulloh, AB'36, October.John McDiarmid, PhD'36, November.Christian R. Goodhope, MD'37, 1980. Ruth Mandeville Leverton, PhD'37,September.Robert A. Bakeman, X'38, May.Esther E. Bjorkman, PhB'38, October.Harold M. Brez, SB'38, September.Ella M. Cunningham, PhB'38, October.Annette Breakstone Davis, X'38.Joan Dodds Edgar, AB'38, May.Deborah Brewster Pentz, AM'38, August.Albert F. Fricke, SB'39, MD'41, August.Carlos R. Garcia-Benitez, SM'39,PhD'41, 1981.Linda Smith Hawkes, AM'39, January, 1982,Laura Bergquist Knebel, AB'39, November.Irving Mack, SB'39, MD'42, February.Wilbur F. Potter, MD'39, August.1940-49Elias Louis Epstein, PhD'41, November,Clarence W. Seay, X'41, May.Karl P. Conklin, MD'42, July.Susan Follansbee, AB'42, September.Jacqueline Cross Mitchell, X'42, February.Douglas M. More, SB'42, PhD'51, June.Luke Sezonov, AB'42.Prince E. Wilson, AM'42, PhD'54, October.Joseph B. Cleary, AB'43, JD'50, September.Janice Goode Potts, AB'43, 1981.Mary Osborne Shirk, X'43, October.Marion Conant McPherson, AM'44, April.Maxine Margrave Stout, AB'44, OctoberFaye Woodward Grant, SB'45, SM'47,PhD'54, April.Tilton Davis, Jr., AM'46, September.John H. Conneely, Jr., MBA'47, August.Charles F. Mitchell, AM'47, 1981.Anna Sivia Elonen, PhD'48, August,1950-59Dorothy Sharman Plack, AM'51, 1981.Paul E. Breslow, AB'52, AM'56.Jum C. Nunnally, Jr., PhD'52, August.E. Howard Johnston, MBA'53, August.Tena M. Roseman, AM'53, March.Myron E. Tracht, SM'54, MD'55, PhD'55,October.Robert L. Hunter, MBA'56, September.Lynward W. Stevenson, DB'56, September.James L. Bonde, MBA'57, 1981.1960-69Eleanor White Blakely, AM'60.Daniel C. Jordan, AM'60, PhD'64, October.Earl C. Bodine, MBA'64, May.Carol Baum Jarrett, AB'65, September.John B. McClurkin, AM'66, June.1970-79John L. Driscoll, Jr., MBA'70, October.John W. McNeil, MBA'70, April.Gary V Heider, MFA'71, June.Jerry G. Baumgardner, AM'73.John B. Tillotson, AB'78, October.1980-Elizabeth Scott Compton, MBA'82, March.?c UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1983BOOKS by AlumniLeona Bachrach, PhB'20, Benchmarks HI(MacKintosh & Young). Bachrach's third collection of poetry, short stories and essays.Leonidas Berry, SB'25, MD'30, I Wouldn'tTake Nothin' for My Journey: Two Centuriesof an Afro-American Minister's Family(Johnson Publishing Co.). A saga of black survival across six generations, through slavery,the Civil War, and racial discrimination, by adistinguished gastroenterologist who lives inHyde Park.Rose Charnow Brandzel, PhB'31, AM'42,and S. Siemens, Sexuality: Nursing Assessmentand Intervention (Lippincott, 1982). A guide tosexual rehabilitation for health professionals,aimed at furthering the emotional and physicalrecovery of their patients.James I. Brown, AM'33, Reading Power(Heath). A textbook for use at the communitycollege level. Brown is professor emeritus,University of Minnesota, St. Paul campus.Lynton K. Caldwell, PhB'34, PhD'43,Science and the National Environmental PolicyAct. Redirecting Policy through ProceduralReform (University of Alabama Press). Astudy of how the procedural reforms requiredby the National Environmental Policy Actforced a redirection of federal environmentalpolicy. Caldwell is Arthur F. Bentley Professorof Political Science and professor of public andenvironmental affairs at Indiana University.William H. McNeill, AB'38, AM'39, ThePursuit of Power. Technology , Armed Force,and Society since A.D. 1000 (University ofChicago Press). An extensive account of thedevelopment of warfare by one of the world'spreeminent historians. McNeill argues that the"command" approach to war dominant in theancient world was undermined in the middleages by the commercialization of organizedviolence: warfare became a commodity. Hesuggests that the increasing complexity of armsproduction and weapons design since theSecond World War precludes the efficient control of war by any one nation. McNeill isRobert A. Millikan Distinguished Service Professor of History at the University.George J. Stigler, PhD'38, The Economistas Preacher and Other Essays (University ofChicago Press). A collection of Stigler's wittyand telling essays on the history and sociologyof economics. He is Charles R. WalgreenDistinguished Service Professor Emeritus in theDepartment of Economics and in the GraduateSchool of Business at the University.June Sark Heinrich, AB'40, AM '41, Education for Older People: Another View ofMainstreaming (Phi Beta Kappa EducationalFoundation). The author argues that Americanhistory and ideals support the inclusion ofolder people within mainstream educationalinstitutions at all levels and in age-integratedclasses.Norman B. Sigband, AB'40, AM'41,PhD'54, Communication for Management andBusiness (Scott, Foresman and Co.) Sigband isprofessor in the Department of Business Communication of the University of SouthernCalifornia School of Business Administration. Carl Q. Christol, PhD'41, The ModernInternational Law of Outer Space (PergamonPress). Christol is professor of internationallaw and political science at the University ofSouthern California.Eda Howink, X'41, Wives of Famous Men(Golden Quill Press). Prose poems aboutElizabeth Shaw Melville, Syrie BarnardoWellcome Maugham, Catherine HogarthDickens and over thirty other wives of mostlyliterary men. Howink is "a social work dropoutand a literature returnee" who lives in St.Louis.Frederick J. Stare, MD'41, Dear Dr. Stare:What Should I Eat? and Nutrition for GoodHealth (George F. Stickley Co.). The first is acollection of letters and responses from Dr.Stare's syndicated column on nutrition; thesecond is "a Cook's tour of nutrition in easy-to-read style." Dr. Stare is professor emeritusof nutrition, Harvard University School ofPublic Health.Richard V. Andree, SB'42, and JosephineP. Andree, SB'42, SM'44, Exploring Computing with TRS-80 and Common Sense(Prentice-Hall). The latest of 40 books by theAndrees about mathematics, computing andgifted education. Richard Andree is professorof mathematics and computing science at theUniversity of Oklahoma; his wife is coordinator of the In-Service Institutes for Mathematically Gifted Students at the University ofOklahoma.Harry W. Fischer, SB'43, MD'45,Radiology Departments: Planning, Operation,and Management (Granville Books, 215 W.Broadway, Granville, OH 43023). Fischer isprofessor and chairman, Department of Radiology, University of Rochester (NY) School ofMedicine and Dentistry.Josef Baker, AM'44, Basic Theory ofMusic for Pianists (Whitehall Publishing Co.).Baker was formerly assistant professor ofpiano and theory at the Chicago Music Collegeof Roosevelt University, and now teachespiano, theory and voice at his private studio inHighland Park, IL.Mary Woolsey Lewis, AB'44, VolunteerPrograms for Secondary Schools (R & EResearch Associates, Palo Alto). Lewis retiredfrom the Palo Alto Unified School Districtin 1981.Perez Zagorin, AB'44, Rebels and Rulers,2 vols. (Cambridge University Press). A comparative study of revolution in early modernEurope. Zagorin is Wilson Professor of Historyat the University of Rochester.James A. Servies, PhB'45, AM'50, andRobert R. Rea, The Log of the H.M.S. Mentor,1780-1781. A New Account of the British Navyat Pensacola (University Presses of Florida).This annotated and edited version of a Britishsloop-of-war's log chronicles the Spanish victory in the Battle of Pensacola, which cut offBritain's southern access to the rebelliousAmerican colonies and marked the end ofBritish power in the Gulf of Mexico.Edwin Diamond, PhB'47, AM'49, SIGN OFF, The Last Days of Television (The M.I.T.Press). In a series of essays, veteran journalistDiamond, who is media critic for WNEV-TV inBoston and senior lecturer in political science atthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology, examines television's performance "in its primeyears." Diamond faults TV news coverage forits safe, neutral stance. He probes the majornetworks' failure to give us the full story aboutThree Mile Island, and their ratings-gameexploitation of the Iranian hostage crisis. Hedescribes five discernible rhetorical modes inpolitical commercials, ranging from Carter'shomey biography-personality style to Reagan'saura spots, which avoid content as much aspossible. Fred Friendly said of the book: "Likethe reports of Mark Twain's death, (this book]may be slightly exaggerated, but the authorhas picked up the acrid scent of decay." Publisher's Weekly called it "perceptive, witty,provocative."Ned Munger, SB'47, SM'48, PhD'51,Touched by Africa (The Castle Press, 516North Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena, California91103). Munger, professor at the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology and president of theL.S.B. Leakey Foundation, has written amemoir of "twenty-six friends who haveenriched my life and work in Africa," includingthe Leakeys, Jane Goodall and Alan Paton.Irving Cutler, AM'48, Chicago: Metropolis of the Mid-Continent (Geographic Societyof Chicago). A revised and enlarged edition ofCutler's comprehensive introduction to theChicago Metropolitan area, including newmaterial on the growth of the suburbs and thecontemporary roles of various ethnic and racialgroups. Cutler is chairman of the Departmentof Geography at Chicago State University.Edward de Grazia, AB'48, JD'51, andRoger K. Newman, Banned Films. Movies,Censors and the First Amendment (Bowker). Ahistory of film censorship in America followedby short descriptions of the censorship battleswaged over 122 films, from The Birth of a Nation (banned more often than any other film inhistory) to Emmanuelle. Among the first to callfor censorship at the beginning of the centurywere progressives aghast at film's immensepotential for social evil. "To many," write theauthors, "films loomed as a new kind of urbanvice." It was largely due to the efforts of thesereformers that the Supreme Court removedmotion pictures from the protection of the FirstAmendment in 1915. Movies remained unprotected until another Supreme Court rulingin 1952. The shifting justifications of censorsthrough the years, the astounding tenacity ofthe "righteous" in the face of the law, and thelegal extremes to which some lawyers have hadto go to prove "redeeming social value," allcontribute to informative and sometimes amusing reading. De Grazia is professor of law atYeshiva University's Benjamin N. CardozoSchool of Law in New York City.Elaine Gerald Greenspan, PhB'48, A Survival Guide for Teachers (Xerox EducationPublications). An attempt "to help teacherscope with the demands of an exacting profes-sion." Greenspan is a free-lance writer specializing in educational topics and a humanitiesteacher at Eldorado High School, Albuquerque, NM.Ann Marshak Jernberg, PhB'48, PhD'60,Theraplay: A New Treatment Using StructuralPlay for Problem Children and Their Families(Jossey-Bass). Jernberg is clinical director of theTheraplay Institute in Chicago.Richard F. Hamilton, AB'50, Who VotedFor Hitler? (Princeton University Press). Awell-researched account of the NationalSocialist Party's precipitous ascent to electoralpower in the late twenties and early thirties.Hamilton argues against the widely acceptednotion that the lower middle class ralliedbehind Hitler and voted him into power. Onthe basis of election data from the pivotal voteof July, 1932, that so-called centrist explanation "appears to be without substantial foundation and, in some key respects, is fundamentally mistaken." He asserts instead that theNational Socialists profited from a backlashagainst the increasingly untenable policies ofboth bourgeois and leftist parties, and that alarge measure of credit for their success is duenot so much to the mass manipulations ofGoebbels and Hitler as to the efforts of the party's grass-rools activists. Hamilton is professorof sociology at McGill University, Montreal.Mary Cornelia Porter, AM'50, PhD'70,G. Alan Tarr, AM'70, PhD'76, eds., StateSupreme Courts: Policymakers in the FederalSystem (Greenwood Press). A collection ofessays focusing on the character, causes, andeffects of state supreme court policy initiativeswithin the broader framework of Americanconstitutional law. Porter is professor andchairperson in the Department of PoliticalScience at Barat College in Lake Forest, IL. Tarris assistant professor of political science atRutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.Lawrence L. Berman, AB'51, The HebrewVersions of Book Four of Averroes' MiddleCommentary on the Nicomachean Ethics(Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities)Berman was recently promoted to professor ofreligious studies at Stanford University,Stanford, CA.Gulnar K. Bosch, PhD'52, John Carswell,Guy Petherbridge, Islamic Bindings andBookmaking (Oriental Institute Museum). Acatalogue of an exhibition held at the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute during thesummer of 1981. Co-author Carswell is curatorof the Oriental Institute Museum.David Ray, AB'52, AM'57, The TouchedLife (Scarecrow Press). William CarlosWilliams has called this volume of selectedpoems "the best stuff to come out of anyEnglish department in the past 50 years." Rayis professor of English at the University ofMissouri-Kansas City and editor of New Letters. He has received a National Endowmentfor the Arts Fellowship in literature for 1983.Kenneth S. Tollert, AB'52, JD'55, AM'58,Black Colleges as Instruments of AffirmativeAction (Institute for the Study of EducationalPolicv). A defense of black colleges and a pleafor returning blacks to the center of the civilrights movement.Melvin Feffer, PhD'54. The Structure ofFreudian Thought. The Problem of Immuta bility and Discontinuity in DevelopmentalTheory (International Universities Press).Feffer moves from discussing logical difficultiesin the works of Freud to delineating thenecessary characteristics of any theory ofdevelopment that presumes "a Cartesian worldview." He is professor of psychology at theInstitute of Cognitive Studies, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ.Michael Edelstein, AB'62, AM'64,Overseas Investment in the Age of HighImperialism. The United Kingdom, 1850-1914(Columbia University Press, Methuen Press).Edelstein is professor of economics at QueensCollege of the City University of New York.Richard Harris, JD'62, Construction andDevelopment Financing (Warren, Gorham andLamont). A treatment of the legal and businessaspects of lending and borrowing for thedevelopment of real estate. Harris practices lawin Chicago.Frederick Vaughan, AM'64, PhD'67, TheTradition of Political Hedonism from Hobbs toJ.S. Mill (Fordham University Press). An account of the emergence of hedonism in theseventeenth century and its impact on thecourse of political philosophy in subsequentgenerations. Vaughan is professor in theDepartment of Political Studies, University ofGuelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.Dan R. Aronson, AM'65, PhD'70, Galatyand Salzman, eds., the Future of PastoralPeoples (International Development ResearchCentre, Ottowa). Aronson is associate professor of anthropology and chairman of the anthropology department at McGill University,Montreal.Philip Carl Salzman, AM'66, PhD'72, ed.,When Nomads Settle: Processes of Seden-tarization as Adaption and Response (Praeger/Bergen). Salzman is professor of anthropologyat McGill University and chairman of theInternational Union of Anthropological andEthnological Sciences' Commission on Nomadic Peoples.Robert C. Bray, AM'67, PhD'71, Rediscoveries: Literature and Place in Illinois(University of Illinois Press). An examinationof the literary production of Illinoisians, somefamous, some unacknowledged, from pioneerdiaries to the epic realist novels of UptonSinclair and Frank Norris. Bray's close attention to place and time in the works he examinesevinces their character both as works of art andas social documents. He is associate professorof English and American studies and chairmanof the English department at Illinois WesleyanUniversity in Bloomington.Stephen Manes, X'67, I'll Live (AvonBooks). A depiction of a young man's complexresponse to his father's death. "A strong, deeply moving, and life-centered novel," accordingto Newberry Medal winner Lloyd AlexanderManes lives in New York City.Karen Zelan, AM'67, and BrunoBettelheim, On Learning to Read (Knopf)Zelan lives in Seabrook, Texas. Bettelheim isStella M. Rowley Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in Education, BehavioralSciences and Psychiatry.Wallace B. Clift, AM'68, PhD'70, Jungand Christianity: The Challenge of Reconciliation (Crossroad Publishing Co.). Clift is chairperson of the Department of ReligiousStudies, University of Denver.Patricia Cline Cohen, AB'68, A Calculating People (University of Chicago Press). Acultural history of numeracy (the ability tothink quantitatively) in early America. Cohenis assistant professor of history at the University of California at Santa Barbara.Allen M. Young, PhD'68, The PopulationBiology of Tropical Insects (Plenum). This textbook, intended for undergraduates and beginning graduate students, "considers the evolutionary and ecological forces that characterizethe spatial and temporal distribution of insectspecies." Young is curator and head of the invertebrate zoology section of the Milwaukee(WI) Public Museum.Eastwood Atwater, PhD'69, Adolescenceand Psychology of Adjustment (both Prentice-Hall). Atwater is professor at MontgomeryCounty Community College, Blue Bell, PA.Richard A. DeAngelis, AM'69, PhD'75,Blue-collar Workers and Politics: A FrenchParadox (Croom Helm, London). An exploration of the political divisions within the working class, drawn in part from the results of a1974 study of workers in Eastern France, wheremanual laborers regularly vote for right-wingcandidates. DeAngelis teaches political scienceat the Flinders University of South Australia.Marc Kolden, AM'69, PhD'76, Called bythe Gospel: An Introduction to the ChristianFaith (Augsburg Publishing House). Kolden isassociate professor of systematic theology atLuther Northwestern Theological Seminary inSt. Paul, MN.Nelle L. Leidemer, AM'69, Geology ofHalifax County: a selective bibliograpy(Dalhousie University Libraries and School ofLibrary Science). Leidemer is information services librarian and supervisor of interlibraryloan at the University Library, DalhousieUniversity, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.G. Alan Tarr, AM'70, PhD'76, see MaryCornelia Porter, AM'50, PhD'70.Michael C. Markovitz, AM'73, PhD'75,The BBP Guide to Human Resource Management (Bureau of Business Practice/PrenticeHall). An exploration of employee-employerrelations that suggests how management canuse theoretical formulations in the social sciences to improve productivity in the workplace.Guity Nashat, PhD'73, The Origins ofModern Reform in Iran, 1870-80 (University ofIllinois Press). An examination of an oftenneglected period in Iran's transition from amedieval Islamic monarchy to a more Western-influenced constitutional monarchy. Nashat isa member of the history faculty at the University of Illinois at Chicago.John G. Galaty, AM'74, PhD'77, andSalzman, eds., Change and Development inNomadic and Pastoral Societies (Brill, Leiden).Galaty is associate professor of anthropologyat McGill University.Dorothy V. Jones, PhD'79, License forEmpire (University of Chicago Press). A studyexamining the ways in which diplomacycreated a classic case of colonialism in eighteenth century America. Jones is a fellow of theNewberry Library and historical consultant tothe Department of Special Collections at theUniversity's Regenstein Library. 8. UNIVERSITY Of CHICAGO MAGAZINE/Spring 1983OLUNTEERSon the Jj^archAlumni volunteers will be rallyingin your town soon, calling for pledges tothe 1983 Alumni Fund. If 20,000 of youjump on the bandwagon, you'll be the biggest parade in town. And the Universitywill break all past Alumni participationrecords and receive a $25,000 grant fromthe Joy Don't let theparade pass you by! Support the Alumni Fundand help keep the University of Chicago fit tobeat the band! The Alumni Fund5733 University AvenueChicago, Illinois 6063"(312) -53-194OT^ 14EASTERNANATOLIANADVENTUREA 22 day tour to Eastern Turkey visiting ISTANBUL, ADANA,DIYARBAKIR, TATVAN, VAN, DOGUBAYAZIT, KARS, ERZURUM, ANDTRABZON. Includes excursion to NEMRUT DAGI, AKDAMAR ISLAND,AND ANI. ALSO INCLUDES 3 Nights aboard ship cruising the BLACKSEA COAST FROM TRABZON TO ISTANBUL.EASTERN ANATOLIA;REFUGE, MELTING POT.CROSSROADSThe geography of the region is as varied as its culture andhistory. Its landscapes range from dry desert steppes, to snowcapped mountains. The ruins of once powerful castles broodover modern highways which trace the tracks of ancienttrade routes. Vestiges of the Nomadic Past are evidenteverywhere. Join us on a voyage to this unique andfascinating region that is sure to provide you with a lifetimeof unforgettable memories. D $3 W» <-P pTOUR FEATURES INCLUDE:¦ Round Trip air via Pan Am.¦ 20 Nights hotel accommodations in DELUXE (ISTANBUL)and BEST AVAILABLE Hotels elsewhere.¦ ALL MEALS.¦ Comprehensive Program of Sightseeing.¦ All Transfers, Meeting and Porterage¦ Touring by First Class Motor Coach.¦ Special Dinners and Events.¦ Sponsored by the Center for Middle Eastern Studies ofthe University of Chicago.¦ Escorted in May by DR. JOHN WOODS, Asst. Director,and in September by Dr. Richard L. Chambers, Directorof the Center of Middle Eastern Studies.¦ Lecture Series by Dr. Woods, Dr. Chambers, and othernoted Turkish Historians.¦ Limited MembershipDEPARTURE DATES: MAY 6. and SEPTEMBER 2 1983LAND TOUR COST: $1990(per person double occupancy. PLUS AIR FARE iFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:The World of OZA CORTELL GROUP COMPANY3 East 54th Street, New York, NY 10022Telephone: (212) 751-3250 outside N Y (800) 223-6626m X. oelf S !3Crf g IP era Ia»8 » S8 Si?