3VTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1'sVOLUME-tXXÎfrNUMBER 1AUTUMN 1979>THEUNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOLIBRARYTHE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOMAGAZINEVolume LXXIII, Number 1Autumn 1979(ISSN 0041-9508)Alumni Association5733 South University AvenueChicago, Illinois 60637(312) 753-2175Président: Charles W. Boand, llb'33,MBA'75Executive Director of UniversityAlumni Affairs:Peter Kountz, am'69, PhD'76Associate Director of University AlumniAffairs: Ruth HalloranProgram Director: SylviaHohri, AB'77Chicago Area Program Director: MariaLedochowskiAlumni Schools Committee Director: J.Robert Bail, Jr.Second-class postage paid at Chicago,Illinois, and at additional mailing offices.Copyright 1979 by The University ofChicago. 1U I. S VfI tj 7 ? /f $c. ^,V? bc$ ,«s^ \Published quarterly Spring, Summer,Fall, and Winter by the University ofChicago Alumni Association. CONTENTSA Perilous Journey to Hyde Park 2Albert M. TannlerThe Spiritual Canticle 12John Frederick Nims, phD'45An Atomic Energy Proposai 2 1Bernard M. Loomer, PhD'42Alumni Affairs Study Commission:Factual Summaries of the Sub-Committee Investigations 27On the Midway 38Alumni NewsClass Notes 47Letters to the Editor 59Crédits 59Musing from Alumni House 60Guest Editor: Paula S. Ausick, ab'72Assistant Editor: Linda ThorneCHICAGO.""qnnmïïiDnaaara=BSC...JÛQQDDu^ ......iDDDDDKJD^JGQOOÛOSQniEOD47T,'DODGgooDDDDqBnciL_inaaDDQDCDDDCDgnQ'nOÙDOD PAS*fpaoo "iJJUD[Jmnw MAP OFTHEVILLAGEOPHyde ParkILLINOIS.S CALEHyde Park Village (1888) originally extended from Thirty-eighth toOne-hundred and thirty-ninth Streets.A Perilous Journey to Hyde ParkBy Albert M. TannlerA reader of the Ladies' Home Journal for December,1901, would hâve found among the articles and adver-tisements extolling the holiday season, the first install-ment of a story by Emily Wheaton: "The Russells inChicago, the Expériences of a Young Boston CoupleWho Move to the West." Ned Russell is eager to returnto Chicago where he had worked for two years aftergraduating from Harvard Law School. Despite AliceRussell's fear of unknown Western périls "Stanley'sexplorations in Darkest Africa were not of greater sig-nificance than a journey west of Buffalo"1 Ned hasaccepted a position with a Chicago law firm:He had been innoculated with the virus of the West, andit had taken so successfully that he was forever weanedfrom ail Eastern conventionality and conservatism. Helonged to get back again where he had room to grow andspread out; he loved the whole breezy, energetic atmosphère; he felt the force and strength of the West, and waseager to plunge into the thick of the smoke, the noise andthe din of the battle of life.2As Mrs. Wheaton's sériai unfolds, the virus proves in-fectious, and both Russells are caught up in the noiseand din of turn-of-the-century Chicago, sharing the cul-tural resources of the Auditorium Théâtre and the ArtInstitute as well as the social diversity of Jane Addams'Hull House.If the rhetoric of this passage from "The Russells inChicago" seems, shall we say, exubérant, it emphaticallyconveys the sensé of vitality experienced in latenineteenth- and early twentieth-century Chicago. In- deed, the more sober voice of classical scholar WilliamGardner Haie had declared to Wellesley instructor Mar-ion Talbot some nine years earlier:My dear Miss Talbot:I hope you will turn a kind ear toward Dr. Harper's propositions. We are going in time not instantly to hâve agreat University in Chicago, and it seems to me it mightwell be an attractive idea to you to help shape its policy, atthe outset, in some very important lines. And you mustn'tthink of 'missionary,' work, either. Chicago is not whatthe average reader of Eastern newspapers imagines. Iwent out, on my first visit, with full New England préjudice; but I hâve corne to see how greatly likeable theplace is, and am already strongly attached to a number ofpeople. There is life and happiness in Chicago.3For the fictional Russells and for Marion Talbot and hercolleagues bound for Chicago, the pronouncement of aBoston matron "Why should I travel when I'm alreadyhère?"4 fell on apparently deaf, if somewhat appre-hensive, ears.One can appreciate the excitement inhérent in thèsestatements of 1892 and 1901 if one recalls that theroughly twenty-five years from 1890 to World War Isaw one of the most créative outpourings in art, litera-ture, and the sciences in Western civilization since theRenaissance, and, furthermore, that no American cityexpressed the vitality of the time, the willingness to takerisks and to experiment with new possibilities, as didChicago. It was for this reason that a young architect bythe name of Louis Sullivan, having worked in Philadel-phia and studied in Paris, chose to settle in Chicago. It3Top: View of the University from the Columbian ExpositionFerris Wheel. Right: Silas B. Cobb Hall and the DivinityDormitories, now E. Nelson Blake, Frederick T. Gates, andThomas W. Goodspeed Halls. Far right: Albert A. Michel-son delivered the Convocation Address at the Seventh Convocation, July 2, 1894- Cobb Hall is on the right, the Mid-way Plaisance in the background.was also why many of the first faculty of the Universityleft secure and prominent positions in order to partici-pate in an intellectual enterprise of extraordinarybreadth and vision. At first the strength and promise ofthe vision had to compensate for the absence of physicalamenities. Marion Talbot described her first sight of theUniversity, in the company of Alice Freeman Palmer,William Gardner Haie and J. Laurence Laughlin, in aletter to her parents in Boston:We . . . hurried on to the University to see our académiehome. Cobb Hall, with the adjoining Divinity Hall to beused this year by graduate students . . . was far from com-pletion. We were much impressed however with its quietstrength and beauty as we looked at it across the roughfield and from the hole in the ground Mr. Laughlin askedus to imagine as his house. We made our way in thetwilight through the corridors, scrambling over piles oflumber and shavings and nearly falling through the holesin the landings where loose boards served as treads. It aillooked very promising, but more so for next year than fornext month. However, this is Chicago we thought.(It gives one pause to realize that this twilight cavortingin Cobb Hall was done by two department chairmen andthe dean of women!)Miss Talbot continues:In the evening Président Harper called and we had ourfirst interview a most delightful man. I suppose I ought to give you a sketch of him but it would not be fair to doso in my présent rush. I was deeply impressed by hisimmense stock of energy and hopefulness. He is full ofresources, and confident of success and has certainly ac-complished already enough to secure him famé in draw-ing together the wonderfully interesting group of menand women who make up his staff.5Like many other substantial endeavors of mind and imagination which corne into being during a créative era,the founding of the University had a séminal impact onthe immédiate locality in which it was situated. The attractions of Hyde Park were already considérable, ofcourse, and no doubt influenced the University's décision to locate there. In the 1860s, the Illinois CentralRailroad had extended its service as far south as 56thStreet. In 1871, Frederick Law Olmsted had laid out theplans for the South Park System, encompassingWashington and Jackson Parks connected by the Mid-way Plaisance. Ail this proved too appealing for the cityfathers of Chicago who annexed the suburb in 1889-The next year the year before the founding of theUniversity it was announced that Chicago andJackson Park specifically had been chosen as the site ofthe World's Columbian Exposition. Henry Ives Cobb'sGothic-revival buildings thus arose in the midst of abuilding-boom, their dignity, however, unimpaired.5Sheep in South Park keeping the grass trim beforethe patronage System. Right: Bicycling in Washington Park, circa 1900.Jackson Park Lagoon-Nina, Pinta, and the SantaMaria during the Columbian Exposition.The University's impact on the neighborhood at thistime has been described by architectural historianRobert Wagner:The building of the Gray City (the University) wentlargely unnoticed, certainly by the gênerai populace, inthe excitement produced by the White City (the Exposition), but just as certainly, its profounder effect on HydePark and, eventually, Kenwood was not long in de-veloping. From the time the University of Chicago ac-quired its first parcels of land in early 1890 and brokeground for its first buildings 26 November 1891 it hasslowly extended its immédiate influence over the entirearea. . . . Beyond the physical présence buildings forinstruction, student housing, faculty homes, etc. theUniversity also transformed what was becoming andwould hâve become just another residential area in theCity of Chicago and environs into Hyde Park a nearlyself-contained intellectual enclave.6"Enclave," if I may remind you, is defined as "a tract orterritory enclosed within foreign territory." And lest wethink that this self-contained quality of the Universityand its neighborhood is of récent origin, let us rejoinour friends from Boston, the Russells, as they look for ahome in 1901:Alice had heard of the Chicago University, and thoughtnaturally that the location around this great seat of learn-ing would be like her own Cambridge, and that there shemight find people more suited to her taste, in the familiesof the Professors. But no one seemed to know anythingabout thèse distinguished men and women. The ChicagoUniversity, to the average person in Chicago, is DoctorHarper. If any one north of the Chicago River, which isthe Mason and Dixon line, ever gives a thought to thepower behind Doctor Harper's throne that keeps thewheels of the Chicago University going, he never saysanything about it, because one scarcely ever meets any ofthe splendid members of the University set north of theriver. Alice could not understand this, for in Boston theHarvard set is eagerly sought after.7Although the Russells settle on the north side of the cityon the advice of their initial circle of friends, Alice Rus-sell subsequently makes a discovery:It was something of a mental shock, some months later, to find that among ail the women she had met in Chicago,and liked the most for their mental attainments, earnest-ness of purpose and real refinement of manner, werewomen from the "impossible south and west sides oftown." What is more, after she became acquainted withthe city, and went about, she often regretted that they hadnot settled on the south side of town, as Hyde Park,Englewood and some of the other suburbs were so beauti-ful, and of infinitely greater importance the matter oftransportation was worth more than every other considération.8What Alice Russell learnt was clearly a secret and stillis from many Chicagoans.The founding of the University had a crucial impacton the character of Hyde Park which in turn has sus-tained and been sustained by this institution in such away as to create that somewhat elusive but nonethelessspécial quality which is this community. Certainly manychanges hâve taken place in the eighty-seven years sincethe first faculty and student body assembled hère. AfterWorld War I, Chicago lost some of the vitality and pro-gressivism which had hitherto characterized it. Like theolder cities on the East coast, it looked to Europe forleadership and ignored much of its incomparable indi-genous héritage. Urban problems, in no way unique tothis city, placed tremendous pressure on the resourcesof both the University and the neighborhood. Yet now,as in 1950 or 1930 or 1900, the créative interplay be-tween the University's pursuit of excellence and thecommunity's sustaining rôle in that pursuit, continues.Is it wise or even possible to attempt to charac-terize this environment with its unique amalgam ofscholars, students, and résidents? Everyone who hasbeen a member of this community has his or her ownmemories and critical assessments. I hâve had occasionto examine some of the novels written about the University and Hyde Park some fifty titles hâve beenfound to date and remain awed and bemused by thesizable proportion of those who hâve shared in, or at anyrate, been exposed to this place who hâve attempted to7capture its essence sometimes, alas, despite little talent and less style and immortalize it in print. Yet thisis, I think, characteristic. There is a quality, or a range ofqualities in shadings from dark to light, that inspiressocial- and self-assessment and a désire to communicatewhat the University and the neighborhood are "ail a-bout."We are justifiably proud of the University of Chicago.The state of the University its réputation and itssubstance is as sound as ever. I wonder, however, howmany are aware that, perhaps in spite of its réputation,but certainly because of its substance, the state of theneighborhood is sounder than ever. I am not thinkingparticularly of our crime statistics, which, given a judici-ous sensé of the realities of modem urban life, might becalled enviable, nor of the newly acquired gleam in theeyes of Hyde Park realtors although thèse are some-what symptomatic. I am thinking rather of the sensé of excitement, of pleasure, that can be found in today'sHyde Park. And with this sensé of pleasure has come arenewed and thoughtful sensé of Hyde Park's héritage.For example, this very self-conscious, self-reflectivecommunity finally has an Historical Society. It was es-tablished in 1976 under the presidency of Mrs. GeorgeWells Beadle. Its board of directors hâve ranged in âgefrom twenty-one to some of the most awesome seniorcitizens (I hope they won't mind the phrase) it is myprivilège to know. The Hyde Park Historical Society isactively seeking through programs, publications, andthe préservation of historical records to document theachievements of the past and inform the community ofits substantial héritage. Soon thèse activities will be cen-tralized in a restored headquarters building Chicago'slast remaining cable car station erected on Lake ParkAvenue between 55th and 56th streets in 1893.Récognition of Hyde Park's significance is by noTop: Hyde Parkers enjoyed the many waterfronts on thesouth side. Right: Jackson Park Lagoon. Far right top: Kim-bark Avenue, south from Forty-seventh Street: Far right bot-tom: The résidence of Mr. H.J. Furber.8Hyde Park, circa 1921 .means merely local. In 1977 a Hyde Park-KenwoodHistorié District was proposed under the auspices of theState of Illinois and sent to Washington, D.C. for possible inclusion on the National Register of HistoriéPlaces. The National Register nomination form forHyde Park is approximately sixty pages in length andrefers to some four hundred and sixty-one structures ofspécial architectural or historical significance and con-tains detailed descriptions of two hundred and twenty-two of thèse. On February 14, 1979, the Hyde Park-Kenwood Historié District was placed on the NationalRegister a confirmation of the spécial character of thecommunity as articulated in the nomination form:By the end of World War I, both Kenwood and HydePark had reached residential maturity. At almost the samemoment, however, a slow, almost imperceptible déclineset in: conversions and transciency were on the increaseand the gênerai residential desirability began to suffer. Inthe late 1940's and early 1950's, the decay had assumedcrisis proportions of such magnitude that the Universityitself was threatened and Hyde Park-Kenwood seemeddestined to play out the standard, final pages of inner-cityneighborhood history. By 1955, though, plans for clear-ance and far more important rehabilitation were beingimplemented. Though a combination of local communitygroups, the University, and city and fédéral agencies, thetide was turned and, though much irretrievable but prob-ably reclaimable older fabric was lost, the essentials ofearlier Hyde Park-Kenwood were successfully restored.That renewal effort, its récent date notwithstanding, hasitself begun to assume historié proportions.9 That last sentence is one of the most significant in thisdocument, and will increasingly corne to be recognizedas such.The Hyde Park-Kenwood Historié District includeswithin its boundaries an uncommonly large proportion ofthe City of Chicago's most important architectural andhistorical landmarks, a word that can be applied with im-punity in this case. Architecturally, the great number ofbrilliant individual structures is nearly overwhelming andthe range, from Henry IvesCobb's University of ChicagoGothic to Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House . . . immense.Beyond architectural excellence, significant historical associations attach to numerous structures. Individuals [liv-ing in Hyde Park-Kenwood] affected not only Chicagobut the nation. And then there is the University ofChicago, without which neither Hyde Park-Kenwood,Chicago, nor American éducation would be what they aretoday.Important as the individual structures and their associations are, the Hyde Park-Kenwood Historié District isnot merely an accumulation of unrelated particulars. In itsentirety, from the mansions of the moneyed aristocracy tothe most humble cottage, from the halls of the Universityto the apartment buildings and townhouses, there is aunity, a striking character that can only be this place andno other.10One can sensé daily in today's Hyde Park the interplaybetween past achievements and présent vitality. Thisquality has been captured by Jean F. Block in her récentbook, Hyde Park Houses: An Informai History, 1856-1910, which recounts Hyde Park's growth, through its10domestic architecture, from suburb to urban neighborhood. Mrs. Block's text evokes the past while her illustrations portray it as it is seen today:Hyde Park-Kenwood is not embedded in a single décadeof the past, nor is there uniformity of architecture. Noone will ever call it quaint . . . The picture of its past asone strolls the streets is dynamic rather than static. . . .There is no sensé of tightness, restriction, or régulation.Rather, the houses of Hyde Park-Kenwood express thefreedom and the eagerness to experiment with ideas,techniques, and materials that enlivened nineteenth- andearly twentieth century life."As one who is concerned with the présent quality of life,as well as with its historical dimensions, I can say withpleasure that Hyde Park is an exciting and graciousplace in which to live and work. It is natural to enter anew community with some appréhension. For the student, the University présents the challenge of replacingold and familiar habits of the mind with new and exact-ing ones. For the résident, Hyde Park offers what maybe the first encounter with the complexity of modemurban living. Both the University and the neighborhoodpossess considérable resources to sustain, as well as challenge, those who join this community. Journeys worthmaking always hâve their périls. Despite the "thick ofthe smoke, the noise and din of the battle of life" and Istrongly suspect, because of it there is indeed life andhappiness in Chicago, the University, and Hyde Park.Notes'Emily Wheaton, "The Russels in Chicago, the Expériencesof a Young Boston Couple Who Move to the West," Ladies'Home Journal, Volume XIX, No. 1 (December), 1901, p. 9.The story appeared monthly thereafter through Volume XIX,No. 5 (April), 1902.2Ibid., p. 9.3W. G. Haie to Marion Talbot, August 7, 1892; from the Marion Talbot Papers, The Department of Spécial Collections,The University of Chicago Library.4Michael P. Conzen and George K. Lewis, Boston, A Geo-graphical Portrait (Cambridge: Ballinger, 1976), p. 1.5Marion Talbot to Emily and Israël Talbot, September 25,1892; from the Marion Talbot Papers.6Robert Wagner, "Hyde Park-Kenwood Historic District,"National Register of Historic Places Inventory NominationForm (November 10, 1977), [p. 11].7Wheaton, "The Russells in Chicago," (December, 1901), p.46.Hbid.'Wagner, "Hyde Park-Kenwood Historic District," [p. 11].l0Ibid., [p. 9]."Jean F. Block, Hyde Park Houses: An Informai History,1856-1910, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1978,pp. 87-88.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS :I am grateful to the Executive Committee of the National Alumni Fund Board for providing the occasionfor my initial thoughts on this subject. I also wish par-ticularly to thank Ronald T. Gagnon for his contributionto this article, both in its embryonic stages and its finalform.Albert M. Tannler, of the Joseph Regens tein Library' s Department of Spécial Collections, is the author of One InSpirit: A Rétrospective View of The University ofChicago Based on the Records of the University Archives (1973). Mr. Tannler, a member of the Board ofDirec-tors of the Hyde Park Historical Society, is a fréquent com-mentator on the history of the University and Hyde Park.South Park in the winter.11Tbe SpiKÎTUAL CANTÎCLefrom Tbe poeMS of st. jobN op The crossTRANSLATet) fcy JobN pRetieRick NÎMSThe poems of St. John of the Cross (1542-1591) whom many consider among the greatest of the world'spoets hâve corne in for attention from very différentquarters lately. Werner Erhart, of EST famé, has an-nounced that he has been reading the poems with theresuit that there was a noticeable upsurge in orders forthem inCalifomia. And we learn that Karol Wojtyla, asa young Polish student in Rome, was devoted to thepoems; Wojtyla, now Pope John Paul II, wrote a thesison St. John and learned Spanish to read him better.Most of us know of St. John of the Cross as an important figure in the history of mysticism; his "dark night ofthe soûl" is a term and concept known to everyone in-terested in the psychology of religion. Fewer know ofhim as the suprême poet he is. Dâmaso Alonso, proba-bly the most distinguished Spanish critic of our time,tells us that it is the unanimous opinion of the Spaniardswho know about such matters that St. John of the Crossis the greatest Spanish poet. Pedro Salinas says that hisbest works, with their "incomparable sensual power,"are "charged with poetic potency like no other workwritten in this world." Jorge Guillén thinks that histhree best poems "form a séries which is perhaps thehighest culmination of Spanish poetry." Garcia Lorcatoo is passionate in his praise. In his essay on duende,Lorca tells us that there are artists sponsored by anAngel; others that are sponsored by the Muse. There isalso a third type, which has duende: the Andalusian termfor that mysterious power "that ail may feel and nophilosophy may explain," that ail Dionysian artists attheir best hâve, the bullnghter "who hurls his heartagainst the horns" or the flamenco singer "like a womanpossessed, her face blasted like a médiéval weeper . . .feeling the power rise from the very soles of her feet."St. John of the Cross belongs not with the Angel, as wemight think. And not with the Muse. For Garcia Lorca, he is the poet who above ail others possesses is possessed by the mysterious power of duende.My présent concern is with St. John as poet, not asmystic. Mysticism itself cannot write poetry; it can onlystammer about the ineffable. Hundreds of anecdotesabout the masters show that they were canny craftsmenmore often than mysterious winged créatures. St. Johnof the Cross, certainly, was a technician as well as avisionary. When asked by a nun if his poems were theresuit of inspiration or of his own hard work, heanswered, as any good poet would: of both. "Daughter,some of them God gave me and some I looked formyself."The poet, Garcia Lorca reminds us, is a professor ofthe five sensés. Whereas St. John's mystical quest drovehim into a dark night where the sensés had to be aban-doned, in the world of his poetry he never left them."We are immediately fascinated," says Guillén, "bythèse forms that do not break with the laws of ourworld." As poet, St. John was facing what might seem aninsoluble problem. The expérience he wanted todescribe divine love is not a form of physical reality;not even the subtleties of the subatomic can approach it.The brain cannot reproduce it by any arrangement of itsmolécules. There are no words, no mental frameworkeven, for what St. John had to say.As poet, he had to put into sensuous terms what wasnon-sensuous and to most of us non-sense. He had tosee the unimaginable love between his Ineffable Some-one and a human being in terms of the imaginable lovebetween one person and another, lover and lover,bridegroom and bride. His précèdent was the Song ofSongs, the most loving and lovable part of the often direOld Testament. The Song of Songs has always beensuspect among the decorous because of its imagery,which is frankly amorous Saint Teresa tells us, with12sadness, that she even knew of religious who wereshocked by it.The poetry of St. John has been shocking to some forthe same reason: how can the love of God for man, theywonder, be in any way like that of a human lover? Theonly bond, St. John would hâve said, is in metaphor,which can suggest much by stating nothing. The Spanishpoet and saint thought his metaphor a proper one, andwas so complète a poet, so accomplished a professor ofthe five sensés, that he never once, in the great poems,blurred his imagery, mixed his metaphor, by referring toGod as God in the pastoral and romantic landscape hecreated. God is nearly always el amado, the loved one,the one we might affectionately call our "love" or"lover." Or he is aquel que yo mâs quiero ("the one I lovethe most"), or mis amores ("my love "), or vida mia ("mylife"), or even carillo ("darling") and what puritancould address His Grandeur that way?But the puritan penumbra had not fallen on St. Johnof the Cross it seems never to hâve occurred to himthat the language of human passion might be an impro-per metaphor for divine love. Nor is he fevered by it;critics hâve never ceased to wonder at the freshness,sweetness, and delicacy with which he has handled thethème.Always metaphor-conscious, he explains that he isusing this or that as a figure of speech, or that he is usingsuch and such a figure so as not to mix the metaphor. Hedoes not blur levels of reality; in his great poems thereare no obtrusive signposts pointing skyward. Once welook at the poetry with a workman's eye, perhaps whatwe notice first is what Guillén calls cohérence ofmetaphor. But St. John is careful too about lesserthings. Once, he writes out for us a technical descriptionof a stanza form, complète with number of syllables andrhyme scheme. In his best work he keeps to a tightpattern, generally with lines of seven and eleven syllables."The sound," said Robert Frost, "is the gold in theore." St. John, who loved music and folk song, was sen-sitive also to the analogous music of speech, and to theway sound can dramatize meaning as well as state it.AU of this suggests that when St. John was writing hispoems his attention was not on his "thought" alone. Therelation between thought and sound has been describedby Paul Valéry, the one who has perhaps gone deepestinto the poetic process:If he is a true poet, he will nearly always sacrifice to form(which, after ail, is the end and act itself, with its organicnecessities) any thought that cannot be dissolved into thepoem because it requires him to use words or phrasesforeign to the poetic tone. An intimate alliance of soundand sensé, which is the essential characteristic of poeticexpression, can be obtained only at the expense ofsomething that is, thought."A proof", Valéry continues, "does not sing." In hispoems St. John was not proving; he was singing. His mystical expériences, he insists, cannot logically be described at ail, "for it would be ignorance to think thatsayings of love understood mystically, such as those ofthe présent stanzas, can be fairly explained by words ofany kind." But since he had been asked as what poet isnot? what his lines meant, he did undertake to eluci-date the three great poems with the caution, however,that his readers remember that poetry can say betterthan prose what there is to be said. What resulted isprobably the most detailed self-explication ever written.Both the "Ascent of Mount Carmel" and "The DarkNight," nearly five hundred pages in ail, start out asexplications of a short lyric on the dark night andnever get beyond Une 10 of the poem.In the 29th stanza of "The Spiritual Canticle," forexample (it begins, "Wings flickering hère and there"),the imagery is of birds and animais, landscape, the phys-ical éléments. Poetically, St. John means birds and animais and the rest; his physical world is a real one. Mystically, however, he has also in mind another level ofreality. The birds, he tells us in his prose explication, arequickmoving, flighty they stand for the "digressions ofthe imagination" that interfère with spiritual méditation.The lion stands for "the acrimonies and impetuosities ofthe irascible faculty"; the gamboling antler and the shygazelle for the other faculty of the soûl, which feels lustand fear, is lecherous and timid. Peak, précipice and shoreare images for disorderly acts of memory, understand-ing, and will, when going too high as in arrogance, toolow as in faint-heartedness, or when stretching level inmère mediocrity. A comparison between the stanzasand their explication perfectly illustrâtes the différencebetween poetry and expository prose. In the poem,meanings are suggested by imagery and music; in theprose, they are fussily spelled out and elaborated. St.John does not mix the two modes: the lion of the poemis a lion, as real as Rilke's: Zàhne zeigt und Zunge. It isnot "the lion of acrimony," or anything so hybrid, forthis poet, like Ezra Pound much later, believed that thenatural object is always the adéquate symbol. His poemsare, as Guillén observed, "almost completely uncon-taminated by allegory."And from what kind of life, we might wonder, did thispoetry arise? Born in 1542 in a village of Old Castile,Juan de Yepes was brought up in great poverty by awidowed mother. As a youth he worked as carpenter,tailor, painter; he had some training in art and later drewa remarkable crucifixion which Salvador Dali has madefamous. He loved music, particularly the popular songsof the people. In school he probably became acquaintedwith the Latin poets; he would hâve heard ail aroundhim the Spanish romances or folk ballads, unrivaled inEurope.Becoming at twenty-one a Carmélite friar, he spentfour years at the University of Salamanca. Biblicalstudies claimed a good part of his time, since "no protes-13tant divine ever quoted Scripture more often." Just be-fore leaving the university he met Teresa of Avila, thenpast fifty, and became interested in her project for thereform of the Carmélite order: its retum to a moreprimitive rule that would stress prayer and contemplation. In 1568, as Juan de laCruz, he took his vows withthe Reformed Carmélites. For about the next ten yearshis existence, in a simple country monastery and as con-fessor to the convent at Avila, was outwardly unevent-ful.Then in 1577 he became the key figure in a cloak-and-dagger épisode. Because of the hostility of the un-reformed Carmélites (St. John himself had been de-nounced to the Inquisition) he was kidnaped anddragged off to the Priory at Toledo the large building,now destroyed, to the right of the bridge in El Greco'sPlan of Toledo. There he was shut in a gloomy, ill-smelling little closet; half starved; permitted no changeof his flea-ridden clothing for eight months, and beatenby his unreformed brethren at fréquent intervais withsuch zeal that his shoulders were crippled for life.In the midst of his sufferings, he heard one eveningfrom the street below a popular song about unhappylove sixteenth-century blues:Muèrome de amores,Carillo, qui har'e?-Que te mueras, alah'e!Always susceptible to the charm of music and poetry,capable of hearing them a lo divino (as symbolizing thelove between God and man), St. John, enraptured bythe sadness and beauty of that worldly song, was himselfinspired to expression. His greatest lyrics, "TheSpiritual Canticle" and "The Dark Night," were writtenin whole or in part during thèse months in prison.His escape, the following August, was as melodramat-ic as the kidnaping eight months earlier. With ropestwisted from strips of blanket and tunic, he let himselfdown from a dizzy height into the darkness. Somehow,after a stunning fall, he found his way, through theblackness of a strange city, to the Reformed CarméliteConvent; there he was taken in "looking like an image ofdeath." That he regarded his poetry as more than a pas-time is shown by his dictating some verses he had composée) in prison but had been unable to write down.The following spring was spent at a mountain hermit-age, rugged and beautiful, in Andalusia. Hère he com-pleted the lyrics, and his dazzling career as poet, whichhad opened not many months before, was practicallyfinished.In 1582 he went to Granada as prior for three quietyears; on a hillside near the Alhambra he wrote hiscommentaries on the poems. In the years that followed,as Vicar General for Andalusia, he traveled widely, byburro, through southern Spain, sleeping, like Don Qui- jote, in the open air or by the brawling, overcrowdedinns. In 1588 he became prior at Segovia, a post he helduntil his insistence on chapter élections by secret ballotled to his disgrâce and removal to a solitary spot inAndalusia. To destroy him once and for ail, enemieswithin his own order set about collecting or fabricatingévidence. Only his final illness saved him from furtherpersécution: in September of 1591 he was brought lowwith fever and terrible ulcers; thèse proving uncontrol-lable, on December I4th he died, his voice rising fromthe rotted flesh in delight at the beauties of the Song ofSongs. Almost immediately there were wild public démonstrations in his favor. Popularly recognized as asaint even in his own lifetime, he was canonized in 1 726,proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1926.At times the extraterrestrial flights of his poetry mightremind us of the imagery of science fiction; at othertimes of the dreamy sorcery of the surrealists. (No wonder Dali has been attracted to him.) But this year, whenArno Penzias and Robert Wilson hâve been given aNobel Prize for their discovery of the lingering warmthof the explosion with which the universe began, anotherset of images suggests itself. For the poetry of St. John isabout what preceded the Big Bang, about how to useonly an image where we hâve no fact it was as if a greathand opened in the timeless nowhere to release its roc-ketry of Time and Space and History, its expandingpyrotechnie display that, eighteen billion years later, isproliferating into new forms with undiminished versatil-ity and brilliance. The great hand opened, St. Johnwould hâve said, out of the love and splendor that itwished to share, and delight and eestasy were what ithad to offer, at least to anyone courageous enough to goadventuring into the Dark Night by which the soûl istested. John Frederick Nims, PhD'45John Frederick Nims has a PhD in Comparative Literaturefrom the University of Chicago. His 1945 thesis, a criticalédition of James Shirley's Love's Cruelty, will be publishednext year in the "Renaissance Drama" séries. His translation of Euripides' Andromache is included in the University of Chicago' s Complète Greek Tragédies; other translations of his are in Sappho to Valéry, which the PrincetonUniversity Press is reprinting this winter. He has publishedfour books of his own poetry and Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry. A new édition of his The Poems of St.John of the Cross was brought out in October by the University of Chicago Press. Mr. Nims, currently Professor ofEnglish at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, iseditor of Poetry.14THE SPIRITUAL CANTICLETHE BRIDEWhere hâve you hidden away,lover, and left me grieving, care on care?Hurt me and wouldn't staybut off like a deer from there?I hurried forth imploring the empty air.You shepherds, you that roveover the range where mountains touch the sky,if you should meet my love my one love tell him whyI'm faint, and in a fever, and may die.Fil wander high and lowafter the one I worship; never fearthe wild things where I go;not gather flowers; get clearof ail the mighty and over the frontier.From the poems of st. john of the cross with permission of The University of Chicago Press. © by 1919 TheUniversity of Chicago. AU rights reserved.15A QUESTION TO THE CREATURESO fields and woods between,foliage planted by a lover's hand,O bluegrass, evergreen,with marigolds japanned,tell me, has he been lately in your land?THEIR REPLYLavishing left and righta world of wonders he went streaming bythe woodland, quick as light.And where it touched, his eyeleft a new glory on the earth and sky.THE BRIDELeft me new suffering too!Once and for ail be really mine, and cure it!Yourself! No making dowith couriers who'd endure it?I want your living voice, and thèse obscure it.Ail that corne and gotell of a thousand wonders, to your crédit;new rumors each a blow!Like death I dread it.Something the telltale tongue, a-stumble, said it.How manage breath on breathso long, my soûl, not living where life is?Brought low and close to deathby those arrows of his?Love was the bow. I know. I've witnesses.And wounds to show. You'd cleaveclean to the heart, and never think of healing?Steal it, and when you leaveleave it? What sort of dealing,to steal and never keep, and yet keep stealing?O shorten the long daysof burning thirst no other love allays them.Let my eyes see your face,treasure to daze them.Except for love, it's labor lost to raise them.16If only, crystal well,clear in your silver mirror could arisesuddenly by some spellthe long-awaited eyessketched in my heart of hearts, but cloudy-wise.Love, cover those bright eyes!I'm lifted! off on air!THE BRIDEGROOMCorne settle, dove.The deer look yonder lieshurt on the hill above,drawn by your wing he loves the coolness of.THE BRIDEMy love: the mountains' height,forest ravines their far-away recesses,torrents' sonorous weight,isles no explorer guesses,the affectionate air, ail whisper and caresses;night sunk in a profoundhush, with the stir of dawn about the skies,music without a sound,a solitude of cries,a supper of light hearts and lovelit eyes.Our bed, a couch of roses,guarded by lions sunning with their young;our room which peace encloses,her purple curtains swung;our wall, with a thousand gold escutcheons hung.Seeing your sandal-markgirls whirl to the four winds; their faces shinestung by a sudden spark,flushed with the glorious wine.Their breath a very heaven the air's divine!Shown deeper than beforein cellars of my love I drank; from therewent wandering on the moor;knew nothing, felt no care;the sheep I tended once are who knows where?17There he made gently free;had honey of révélation to confide.There I gave ail of me;hid nothing, had no pride;there I promised to become his bride.Forever at his doorI gave my heart and soûl. My fortune too.I've no flock any more,no other work in view.My occupation: love. It's ail I do.If I'm not seen againin the old places, on the village ground,say of me: lost to men.Say I'm adventure-boundfor love's sake. Lost on purpose to be found.In the cool morning hourswe'll go about for blossoms, sweet to wear;match emeralds and weave flowerssprung in love's summer air;I'U give for their entwining the very haircurling upon my shoulder.You loved to see it lifted on the air.You loved it, fond beholdercaught fascinated there;caught fast by an eye that wounds you unaware.Your eyes in mine aglowprinted their living image in my own.No wonder, marveling so,you loved me, thought me grownworthier to return the fervor shown.But thought me, cheek and brow,a shade too Moorish, and were slow to praise.Only look this way nowas once before: your gazeleaves me with lovelier features where it plays.Now that the bloom unclosescatch us the little foxes by the vine,as we knit cônes of rosesclever as those of pine.No trespassing about this hill of mine.Keep north, you winds of death.Corne, southern wind, for lovers. Corne and stirthe garden with your breath.Shake fragrance on the air.My love will feed among the lilies there.THE BRIDEGROOMShe enters, the bride! closesthe charming garden that ail dreams foretold her;in comfort she reposesclose to my shoulder.Arms of the lover that she loves enfold her.Under the apple tree,hands joined, we spoke a promise, broke the spell.I took you tenderly,hurt virgin, made you wellwhere ail the scandai on your mother fell.Wings flickering hère and there,lion and gamboling antler, shy gazelle,peak, précipice, and shore,name, air, and flooding well,night-watchman terror, with no good to tell,by many a pleasant lyreand song of sirens I command you, so:down with that angry choir!AU sweet and lowand let the bride sleep deeper. Off you go!THE BRIDEGirls of Jérusalem,now that the breath of roses more and moreswirls over leaf and stem,keep further than before.Be strangers. And no darkening our door.Stay hidden close with me,darling. Look to the mountain; turn your face.Fingerat lips. But seewhat pretty mates embracethe passer of fabulous islands in her chase.19THE BRIDEGROOMThe little pearl-white dovewith frond of olive to the Ark returns.Wedded, the bird of loveno longer yearns,settled above still water, among ferns.Her s were the lonely days;in loneliest of solitudes her nest.Her guide on lonesome waysher love ah, loneliest,that arrow from the désert in his breast.THE BRIDEA célébration, love!Let's see us inyour beauty! Jubileeson the hill and heights above!Cool waters playing! Please,on with me deep and deeper in the trees!And on to our eyrie then,in grots of the rock, high, high! Old rumor placed itfar beyond wit of men.Ah but we've traced it,and wine of the red pomegranate there we'll taste it!There finally you'U showthe very thing my soûl was yearning for;and the same moment, Omy dearest life, restoresomething you gave the other day: once morethe breathing of the air,the nightingale in her affectionate vein,woods and the pleasure therein night's unruffled reign thèse, and the fiâmes embracing without pain.With none around to see.Aminadab the démon ned offended.Above, the cavalry,their long siège ended,sighted the shining waters and descended.An Atomic Energy ProposaiBy Bernard M. LoomerThis is an account of a proposai which qui te probably fewif any atomic scientists ever heard about, not even thoseat the University of Chicago, although that is where thefoUowing séries of events took place. This account is notmeant to reflect the contemporary debate about nuclearenergy. The story is told for its possible historical in-terest.It began in the late summer of 1947. It was one ofthose spécial Chicago days, pleasantly warm with a de-lightful breeze and a clear blue sky. I was sitting on abench in the middle of the Quadrangles of the University of Chicago having a leisurely talk with Ernest Col-well, président of the University. He was discussingseveral of his administrative problems, including the factthat he had received a resolution signed by about ahundred research scientists at Oak Ridge, stating thatthey would resign in a body unless the directorship ofthe research laboratory were returned to the Universityof Chicago. (I seem to recaU, perhaps mistakenly, hissaying that a St. Louis chemical company was in chargeof the laboratory at the time. Apparently the scientistswere quite dissatisfied with this arrangement.) So he hadthe job of finding a director.I was duly but only abstractly sympathetic with hissituation. I listened to the récital of his problems withbut a portion of my mind. It was too nice a day tobecome seriously engrossed in administrative respon-sibilities. Besides, as dean of the Divinity School I hadmy own problems which he wasn't about to résolve forme, and I was glad that I was in no position to tackle his. So as each of us went his separate way I put the contentof our conversation out of my mind.Several days later I woke up with a hairbrained idearunning around in my head. Suppose, I theorized, thatthe University of Chicago had a monopoly or a nearmonopoly of atomic scientists. (I didn't know what ouractual situation was in this respect.) And suppose,further, that thèse scientists were to form a solid community of mutual support dedicated to the purpose ofmaking the most créative use of their unique position.And suppose, finally, that thèse scientists, with the helpof many other members of the University, were to stipu-late to the United States government certain conditionsthat must be realized if they were to continue in atomicresearch.What should be the nature of those conditions?Naturally I did not know. But in the first flush of en-thusiasm I felt that they should hâve national and international conséquences. My idealistic imagination im-mediately entertained the vague notion that thèse conditions should include a commitment to fondamentaléconomie transformations or basic poUtical changes in-volving, say, the United Nations. Obviously my ideas atthis point were quite inchoate. Any spécifie stipulationsI might make would be purely suggestive in character. Amore considered and responsible answer would requirethe composite wisdom of the whole University. But atthis initial stage I was concerned to stress the uniquestatus of thèse scientists and to urge that some con-certed action commensurate with this status be taken.21The controlled fissionable form of atomic energy wasa little less than five years old at the time of my conversation with Président Colwell. The successful experi-ment of December, 1942 under the west stands of StaggField occurred at the beginning of my teaching and administrative work at the University. The bombs hadbeen dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki a little morethan two years prior to our conversation. The setting upof the Atomic Energy Commission was of very récentorigin. I was aware of the political traffic betweenChicago and Washington on the part of atomic scientists.But in spite of ail thèse momentous happenings I didnot waken from the slumber of my passive acceptance ofthe event of atomic energy until I found my mind pos-sessed by this idea concerning the stratégie political sig-nificance of atomic scientists.A PANDORA'S BOXI came to the existential awareness, in contrast to anintellectual récognition, that the centuries-old advanceof science had reached acritical stage. Pandora's box hadbeen opened and could not be closed. In several décisive respects the word would never be the same again. Anew world was emerging before our very eyes. Most ofus were increasingly cognizant that this new world ofatomic power posed a serious threat to humanity's future, but we felt powerless to offset the seeming au-tonomous direction and décisive rôle of this new forcein human life.Possibly nothing significant could be done to controlthe use of atomic power for the realization of fondamental human values on a Worldwide scale. But in the lightof this idea it occurred to me that perhaps for the firsttime in western history academicians held the balance ofpolitical power if only for a time. What if they were tocorne to a fully conscious realization of their unparal-leled rôle and position, and what if they were to exercisetheir power in constructive or even revolutionary ways?As I contemplated thèse possibilities my spirit soared.In my mind's eye the existence of atomic weapons couldbe counterbalanced by a new and créative advance to-ward the socialization of the human community.Well, it was tremendously exciting to think aboutthèse matters and to daydream in terms of thèse grandiose possibilities. But the enthusiasm engendered by theinitial brainstorm was followed shortly by a deflatingreaction. I had drunk deeply of political realism in thewritings of Reinhold Niebuhr. This influence was at warwith my idealistic yearnings and imagination. In the coldlight of this realism the idea appeared to be not onlypolitically unfeasible and altogether impossible, but wildand downright absurd. From this perspective the ideawas so diffuse as to be almost without meaning. It co- vered so much territory that it was quite unmanageable.How did one take hold of it? The practical and theoreti-cal obstacles to be overcome were too obvious andnumerous to be mentioned.Furthermore, it occurred to me that even if the ideahad any merit it was probably born out of season. Un-doubtedly its time of relevance was past. So much hadhappened and so many forces had been set in motionthat the idea was probably another instance of lockingthe barn after the horse had been stolen. And quiteprobably the idea had been conceived, discussed, anddiscarded at an earlier time, perhaps by the scientiststhemselves. In this mood I concluded that the wholenotion was sheer nonsense.Because of thèse négative feelings I tried to put theconception out of my mind during the next several days.But it refused to remain discarded. It kept intrudingitself in spite of my repeated résolve to forget it. Itbegan to preoccupy me almost to the exclusion of every-thing else. I decided to unburden myself by discussing itwith someone who might be in a position to tell me flatout whether the idea was possibly fruitful or patentlyabsurd or passe.So I phoned "Pomp" Colwell (who had been my pre-decessor in the Divinity School), gave him the gist of theidea, and asked him whether it had any merit. After ashort pause he responded with a "Good Lord!" Headded that he didn't know what to say, that the idea wasout beyond his depth, and that I had better talk it overwith Bob Hutchins.I sympathized with Colwell's response. His feelingscorresponded with some of my own. But his suggestiongave me pause. I respected Hutchins' critical and analy-tic mind. And while I was fully aware of his openness toail kinds of radical notions, I did not relish being in theposition of proposing something that could be quicklyjudged to be utterly ridiculous by someone of Hutchins'stature. Nor did I look forward to the real likelihood ofbeing quietly informed that the idea, while indicative ofsome imagination, was hopelessly out of date and out oftouch with events in the actual world. So I delayedcommunicating with him for several more days. But Ifinally screwed up my courage and called him.In typical fashion Hutchins listened to my propositionwithout interruption. But when I had finished speakingthere was no response at ail. The silence continued formany seconds. When the interval became prolonged,and thinking that the téléphone connection might hâvebeen broken, I asked him whether he was still on theline. He finally said that he was. After another longpause he asked if I knew what he was doing. In responseto my reply in the négative, he said: "I'm sitting hèrekicking myself for not having thought of this idea myself!" Then in a somewhat brisker voice he went on tosay that he had to go out of town for several days but in22the meantime I should get in touch with the atomicscientists, especially Léo Szilard.HUTCHINS' REACTIONHutchins' response amazed me. I had been impressedseveral times previously by his ability to grasp the essen-tials of a proposition after one reading or hearing. Hedid not need a préface, an introduction, and the graduaidevelopment of a thème in order to get to the heart of aproposai. AU that he required of the other person was aclear and concise statement of the basic idea or thesis.Usually he got the point quickly and without waste motion. (His quick and perceptive understanding was oneof the reasons why it was often difficult to hâve a longdiscussion with him.) This occasion was no exception.He asked for no content or clarification or élaboration.Apparently the significance and the possibilities of theproposai were fairly obvious to him. So his ready compréhension was not what amazed me, even though thisidea had dimensions and implications exceeding thoseof most notions. Since I had not really expected it, I wastaken aback by the character of his response. But whatreally astonished me was Hutchins' immédiate willing-ness to explore the idea and to do so as the chief administrative officer of the University. Surely this proposition constituted an extrême instance of his reiteratedcontention that éducation should resuit in a moral andspiritual révolution.Even now I would hâve great difficulty in naminganother person, comparably situated, who would hâvemade such a reply or taken a similar action.Hutchins' response, while encouraging, also soberedme considerably. The proposai had been taken seri-ously. His reply transformed the exciting contemplationof an idea into a demanding commitment to a projectwhose boundaries could not be ascertained. A dreamhad become a reaUty. And the world of actuality is oftenmore frightening than the world of dreams. I becameaware that I had a tiger by the tail, that I was involved insomething that was probably too big to handle. As Kris-tol's law reminds us: "Being frustrated is disagreeable,but the real disasters in life begin when you get whatyou want."As originally conceived, the idea focussed on a prop-osed action by the atomic scientists. The University wasto play an advisory and supportive rôle. However,further reflection brought a change in conception. As aresuit I did not first get in touch with the scientists.(Because of the way things turned out I never did com-municate with them.) Perhaps this was a mistake instrategy. But in addition to the fact that I was not per-sonally acquainted with the scientists, I had come tothink that the University itself should become the cent ral agent. Any décision by the University as a wholewould involve a corresponding and necessary action bythe scientists.In order to place the matter before the University, Ithought it advisable that the proposai take the form of afaculty resolution. To this end, early in September I sentto the Divinity School faculty (then called the FederatedTheological Faculty) a draft of a letter to be addressed toChancellor Hutchins.The letter was a preliminary version of the ideas already referred to. It expressed the belief that the University's décisions concerning its research in atomicenergy reflected too much the departmentalization ofthe University. It cited the educational and moral idealsprofessed by the central administrative officers of theUniversity. It urged the University to stipulate politicalor other conditions appropriate to those ideals thatwould govern its continuance in atomic energy research.The conditions suggested in the letter centered on theU.S. government's commitment to a constitutional convention for a world government, and its agreement tomake the atomic "secret" available to any nation thatwould support this commitment. (An alternative condition involved a resolution to do away with the right ofveto in the Council of the United Nations.) It was rec-ognized that of course the strength of the proposai de-rived from the stratégie rôle of the atomic scientists ofthe University, and from their willingness both to coop-erate with the scheme and to conduct a sit-down strike ifthe stipulated conditions (whatever they turned out tobe) were not met. It was recommended, further, that thescientists in other institutions be invited to join with theUniversity scientists in this struggle to strengthen theconditions of peace.It was emphasized that the conditions as stated werepurely suggestive and wholly discussable. The opinionwas voiced that if the University as a whole were todiscuss (not to mention carry out) this proposai or something like it, it might become more truly a university.The belief was expressed that the project was educa-tionally important, ethically justifiable, and politicallysignificant.As one can imagine, it took a little time for the facultyto absorb and respond to the contents of the letter. Thiswas the case especially for those who had not yet re-turned to the city for the beginning of the fall term andwho had no context in which to understand and relate tothe project. But in due time the replies came in. Somewere basically supportive and others were mainly négative. Most were replète with questions or criticismswhich, as expected, focussed on the political viability, orlack of it, of the suggested stipulated conditions. A fewoffered more cautious and more realistic (that is, morerealizable) versions of what thèse conditions might be.AU agreed that further discussion was necessary.23CONTEMPLATIONOut of conversations both within and outside the Divin-ity faculty several problems came to hâve a décisive importance. First, what is the University? Normally wedefine a university academically, and quite clearly theproposai envisaged an action primarily by the facultyand administration. But legally the responsible agencyof a university is its board of trustées (or régents orfeUows). Therefore, wouldn't the project ultimately callfor an officiai commitment by the University's trustées?Second, beyond its educational goals and its concernfor research, does a university stand for anything? Withrespect to issues of large social policy, in what sensé canit be said that a modem American university adoptsspécifie économie, social, ethical, or political positions?Besides, it is not within the American tradition for uni-versities and coUeges to act or even try to act poUtically.In contrast to the practise of some South American orEuropean universities, in this country universities byand large hâve not functioned as political arenas orseedbeds of political révolutions.On the other hand, did the unusual circumstances ofthis situation, especially the incredible power and importance of atomic energy and the unique rôle of university scientists, make this project a justifiable exception to the tradition? Would the proposed action, if taken, become a précèdent? Or should the tradition betransformed? In terms of what social and ethical under-standing of scientific research could scientists remaindissociated from or even indiffèrent to the public conséquences of their labors? How does a scientist or athinker isolate his professional inquiries from his hu-manity? How can a university isolate its educational ideals from ethical sensitivities? If a university not onlyreflects but is also concerned to transcend the values ofits culture, is this transcendence to occur only in therealm of thought or should it also be exemplified inaction? If the latter, what forms and areas of action areexcluded?Third, and closely related to the second topic, onwhat grounds can a university make demands on thegovernment? The situation was not that the atomic scientists were then currently working directly for thegovernment as they had been during the war, especiallythroughout the period extending from the time of thenuclear experiments under the west stands to the de-velopment of the atomic bomb. After the war thèsescientists (or some of them) became members of theUniversity faculty, at liberty to pursue their own research interests. However, whether their research wasrelated directly or only indirectly to various concerns ofthe government, particularly those of the department ofdéfense, for better or worse their work in atomic energywas bound up with what was conceived to be the national interest. The act whereby they were appointed to the faculty constituted an endorsement of their researchby the University and was at the same time the décisionthrough which the University became involved in ac-tivities related to the national interest. (It could well becontended that the University's involvement had an ear-lier origin. It began when it agreed to undertake theexperiment in atomic fission under the west stand ofStagg Field.)The aim of the proposai was to dramatize the questionof the character and direction of our national interest,and of the University's responsibility (because of its research) in helping to shape an answer to this question.Did not this involvement and this responsibility consti-tute an ethical basis for the University's setting downcertain stipulations as the conditions for its continuingto engage in this kind of research?THE FACULTY RESPONDSIf this way of thinking seemed to be reasonably cogentto me, it did not so appear to some others. In this connection I well remember an encounter with ProfessorPaul Douglas (later to become a very important U.S.Senator from the State of Illinois). During a chancemeeting on the Quadrangles one day, he grabbed me bya lapel with his one good hand and informed me withsome passion that the University could not make demands on the government. When I asked him to statethe principles in terms of which the proposed action wasto be judged as inappropriate, he repUed: "Never mindthe principles. A university just can't make demands onthe government in a démocratie society!" (I hâve won-dered whether the Paul Douglas of the 1920s and 1930swould hâve given the same answer as the Paul Douglaswho had served with the U.S. Marines in the 1940s.)One of the interesting implications of the proposaibecame explicit on further reflection. The plan involvedthe criticism of the research interests of one departmentby another department of the University. The generali-zation of this feature of the proposai results in the création of a principle that is novel, radical, and highly con-troversial. The actual practice of this principle wouldrun counter to the dominant tradition of the freedom ofAmerican universities. It would seriously qualify the au-tonomy of the several departments, divisions, andschools within the University. Many faculty would regard the procédure as an obstacle to research or créativeinquiry, stultifying at best and dangerous at worst. Onthe other hand, if carried out with some wisdom it mightbe an important condition in the émergence of a finerintegrity within the University as a whole. It could alsohelp to restore a needed balance or tension between theright of freedom of inquiry and the sensé of communalinterdependence. Yet it must be granted that the prin-24ciple would lend itself to a large degree of ambiguity.W. Barnett Blakemore, dean of the Disciples DivinityHouse, was one of the first to perceive this dimension ofthe plan. To quote a paragraph from his letter of Sep-tember 12: "Obviously, what you propose is a step in-volving a principle that affects every department of theUniversity. If we présuppose within our unity the rightof the University as a whole to review the circumstancesunder which research is done by any one department wewill hâve to face the fact that this principle should beuniversally appUed. This presupposition involves a tre-mendous faith in what wisdom the University, even as awhole, may hâve."The discussion of thèse problems suggested one possible reason for Hutchins' willingness to explore theproposai. The gap between the sciences and thehumanities had been widening for many years. Hutchins' conception of the University in dialogue, exemplify-ing the great conversation, expressed his concern tounité thèse disjoined disciplines. But the coming ofatomic energy with its transformative conséquencesseemed to hâve increased the distance of séparation.The University's décision to undertake the original ex-periment in atomic energy made the aftermath ail themore poignant for Hutchins. That décision, and the suc-cess of the experiment, created pressures that added tothe imbalance within the very university Hutchins de-sired to integrate. The possibility of achieving some significant unity seemed even more remote. I believe thatHutchins viewed the proposai as a way of taking a concrète step in the direction of redeeming what had become a fairly bleak scène.In October the faculty convened to formulate andvote on a proposai. George Probst, the executive sec-retary of the University of Chicago Round Table, became interested in the whole idea and brought his re-cording equipment to Swift Hall. A prolonged and con-fused session determined the essential points which theDean was authorized to draft in the form of a resolutionto Chancellor Hutchins. This was eventually signed byseventeen members of the faculty. The essential contents of this three and one-half page document, datedOctober 22, 1947, can be briefly summarized.THE RESOLUTIONThe resolution began with a séries of "whereases" whichprovided the context of the proposai: the real possibilitythat further research in atomic energy could be used tocreate more destructive military weapons as well as toserve peaceful purposes; the moral ambiguity of theUniversity in engaging in this kind of research; theprééminent position of the University in this field andits conséquent stratégie political rôle; the threat of atomic energy to civilization under the présent politicalorganization of national states; the inadequacy of theUnited Nations to control thèse destructive forces; andthe résultant need for a world government. The resolution went on to propose that the University could discharge its moral responsibility and continue its researchin atomic energy only under conditions such as the threefollowing which should be presented to the UnitedStates government: 1) that the United States government immediately call a constitutional convention forthe purpose of establishing a world government; 2) thatthe Marshall Plan be extended to any nation which attends the convention; 3) that upon the adoption of theconstitution the United States will surrender its know-ledge of the atomic bomb to the world government.The document contained a section entitled "explana-tion" which spelled out certain détails of the proposai.But basically it stressed the tentative nature of the stipulated conditions, and urged that political and économieexperts in the University be called together, along withthe atomic scientists within and outside the University,to discuss the proposai and to suggest other and "better"conditions. It recognized that the plan hinged on theunity and integrity of the scientists. It affirmed the facul-ty's belief that the University, in part because it is mor-ally responsible for its actions, had the ethical and political right to levy conditions on a démocratie government.To make the emphasis doubly strong, the point wasreiterated that "ail suggestions for action contained inthis proposai are meant merely to furnish a concrètebasis for discussion on the part of concerned personsand groups in the University."It should be recorded that most of the faculty werenot seriously troubled by the ethical problem of makingdemands on the government, even though this was anovel situation for ail of us. Perhaps they should hâvebeen more troubled than I recall they were. But theywere disturbed about the problem of the nature of thèsedemands. This was the area of greatest disagreement.This seemed to be the issue on which at least elevenfaculty chose not to sign the re solution. Even given theprovisional character of the suggested stipulations in theproposai, and given the fact that the document caUed forthe recommendations of the political and économiescholars, those who did sign the resolution were quiteuneasy and hésitant about the spécifies involved, especially the more realistic amongst them.Throughout this account I hâve reiterated the tentative, suggestive, or représentative character of the conditions that were offered for discussion. The problem ofthe nature of the demands was the most sensitive area ofthe proposai. The particular conditions mentioned con-stituted the most vulnérable and weakest section of thedocument. The faculty were aware of the idealistic, uto-pian, and possibly flamboyant qualifies of the conditions25proposed. Many of them shared with me a tension between their idealistic hopes and their sensé of the politi-cally possible. Quite probably their reasons for support-ing the document were quite mixed.Why then those conditions? Why not more cir-cumspect aims that lay more clearly within the realm ofthe possible? One explanation is that several felt onlyconditions of the type indicated could adequately con-vey the seriousness of the dangers confronting thecivilized world. The whole point of the proposai was tocall attention to a unique situation, and an unparalleldopportunity to advance the cause of the human community. The détails were negotiable. In any event, andfor better or worse, the resolution was sent to Hutchins.NO CROSS, NO CROWNThe rest of the story can be quickly told. In fact, thiswhole account can be looked at as a long windup for aslow pitch. The slow pitch is that the scheme died, if notaborning then in its earliest infancy.Two deans' meetings, one speciaUy convened at Col-well's home, were given over to a discussion of theproposai. My memory of the détails of those occasions isfrustratingly skimpy. According to my recollection, inaddition to Hutchins and Colwell, the foUowing deanswere présent: Walter Bartky (physical sciences), Wen-dell (Pat) Harrison (biological sciences), Ralph Tyler(social sciences), Thorkild Jacobsen (humanities), Her-man Fussler (library), Garfield Cox (business), HelenWright (social service), Wilbur Katz (law), eitherChampion Ward or his predecessor (collège), and myself. This is probably due in part to my deep disap-pointment with the quality of our conversations.The deans displayed little if any concern about thenature of the spécifie conditions proposed. Nor, as Irecall, did they show any inclination to ponder the possibilities of the University's unique position in the fieldof atomic energy. Their comments centered almost ex-clusively on the question of the right of the Universityto levy demands on the fédéral government. Theirstance was on the négative side. One dean comparedthis aspect of the plan to a threat by coal mines to let thecountry freeze to death by refusing to mine coal unlesstheir demands are met. Another dean likened it to hav-ing people starve because farmers refuse to plant cropsunless their demands are granted. My response took theform of asking what they thought John L. Lewis and theFarm Bureau had been up to for the last many years.One dean said he didn't like the proposai because if itwere acted upon his scientists would lose their jobs, andthey hadn't been trained to do anything else. By way of areply I suggested that in coming to a décision the University would need to weigh various factors, includingthe possible contributions of atomic scientists to peace- ful enterprises, in the field of medicine, for example.Robert Redfield the renowned sociologist attendedthe second meeting. He had been asked to offer analternative proposai. He started to outline a plan, but hestopped soon after he began and said that he had noalternative but he didn't like the one that had been pre-sented originally.At the end of the second session Bob Hutchins, whohad remained notably silent during most of the discussions, stood up and said (as nearly as I can recall hisexact words): "You don't understand, do you?" And thenas though he was struggling to recognize and accept anunpleasant fact, he went on: "You really don't understand. You recall that when I first came hère I suggestedthat the motto of the University should be: 'Solitary,singing in the West, I strike up for a New World'(Whitman). I now propose that the motto of the University should be, 'No Cross, No Crown'." With that, he satdown. With those words the meeting came to a quietclose. And the proposai came to a quiet end.There is a postscript to the story. A short time later Imet Bill Munnecke, vice président of the University.He told me that, in view of the atomic energy proposai,I might be interested in the meeting he had just attended which involved Hutchins and David Lilienthal,the first chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission.The meeting was devoted to financial arrangements between the University and the Commission. Munneckereported that after the business matters had been attended to, LiUenthal asked Hutchins to give him a fewmore minutes because he had another problem to dis-cuss. Munnecke's account, again as closely as I can corneto recapturing his words, went like this.Lilienthal said: "I desperately need to talk to some-body. I préside over a Commission that deals with thegreatest physical power known to man. We make décisions that affect the whole planet. But we do not knowwhat we are doing. We can't judge the conséquences ofour décisions. We don't know what the basis of ourdécisions should be. There are no guidelines for us tofollow. We are like children playing in the sand on theedge of an endless beach. We need to bring some ra-tional order out of this chaos. Do you know where I cango for help?"Hutchins replied that he didn't. Then he added: "Youmight try the Divinity School. They seem to be worry-ing about this more than some of the rest of us."I never met Mr. LiUenthal.Bernard M. Loomer, PhD'42, was at the University ofChicago Divinity School from 1940 to 1965 where he wasmost recently Professor of Religion. He is currently at theGraduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California.26Alumni Affairs Study Commission:Factual Summaries of the Sub-CommitteeInvestigationsIn this Autumn, 1979 issue of The University of Chicago Magazine we are verypleased to include a portion of the research material gathered by the Ad HocCommission on Alumni Affairs. Thèse Factual Summaries are the results of theinvestigations of the Commission's sub-committees and form the basis of the Com-mission's recommendations to Président Gray. More of the Commission's reportwill be included in future issues of the Magazine. We hope you will read the materialand, if you hâve any comments you will send them to us.Mr. Arthur W. Schultz, ChairmanAd Hoc Commission on Alumni Affairs5733 S. University AvenueChicago, Illinois 60637The members of the Commission would welcome your reactions.For the Ad Hoc Commission onAlumni AffairsArthur W. SchultzChairman27ORGANIZATION AND PURPOSEPurpose: The University of Chicago Alumni Association,founded in 1892, is presently an unincorporated volun-tary association whose purpose, according to the currentConstitution and Bylaws, is as follows:The purpose of the Association shall be to establish, encourage, and maintain a mutually bénéficiai relationshipbetween The University of Chicago and its Alumni. (Article II)Scope: The University of Chicago Alumni Associationembraces ail alumni of the University, including thoseof the Collège, the Divisions, and the ProfessionalSchools. Membership in the Alumni Association is inclusive of ail those persons defined as alumni by thecurrent Constitution and Bylaws:AU persons who hâve attended the University as students,or who hâve served as members of its faculty, and are nolonger in résidence as such, shall be considered alumniand shall automatically be members of the Association.(Article IV, Section 1)The names of 85,914 living alumni are currently in-cluded in the Alumni Association files. This total in-cludes approximately 5,370 non-graduates and 400former faculty. While records and procédures are opera-tive which automatically enter any graduating studentinto the active files, non-degree students and past faculty are entered into the active files only on spécifierequest. It is estimated that there are probably 250,000or more such alumni who are not listed in Alumni Association records.Relationship of the University of Chicago Alumni Association to the Four Professional School Alumni Associations:Alumni of four of the professional schools are membersof both the University of Chicago Alumni Associationand the alumni associations which serve thèse four professional schools:the Law School since 1907;the Médical School since 1934 and active since 1944;the Social Service Administration since 1951;the Graduate School of Business since 1958.Thèse alumni associations are separate and distinct fromthe University of Chicago Alumni Association, havingtheir own organization, purpose, publications, and ac-tivities. Thèse programs only occasionally overlapAlumni Association activities on the local level in par-ticular persons and events.Présidents of each of the four professional schoolalumni associations serve as ex officio members of theUniversity of Chicago Alumni Association Cabinet (de-scribed below).No distinct alumni associations exist to serve the Divinity School, the Library School, the Graduate Divisions or Departments, or the Collège.Relationship of the Alumni Association to The University ofChicago: Historically, the University of Chicago AlumniAssociation has been a separate organization of alumni and has not been an intégral part of the University ofChicago. For many years it was a limited, dues-paying,self-supporting organization. Solicitation of life mem-berships resulted in a capital fond which is presentlyvalued at approximately $366,000. This fond is ownedby the University Alumni Association but held by theUniversity in its Consolidated Investment Merger bythe terms of a 1952 agreement with the University.Dues for membership in the University of ChicagoAlumni Association were discontinued in 1967 and in1969 paid subscriptions to The University of ChicagoMagazine were also discontinued.The University of Chicago Alumni Association ispresently funded by the University of Chicago, exceptfor the income from the Life Membership capital fondwhich now suppléments the annual budget by about$28,000 per year. The Executive Director and AssociateDirector of Alumni Affairs and the staff of the AlumniAssociation are employées of the University of Chicago.The Director also serves as a member of the AlumniAssociation Cabinet.The Cabinet: The current Constitution and Bylaws provides that the Cabinet shall be the governing body of theAlumni Association.MEMBERSHIP: Members of the Cabinet are electedby the Executive Committee of the Cabinet fromnominees proposed by the Cabinet Nominating Committee for the Cabinet and appointed by the Présidentof the Association with the approval of the ExecutiveCommittee. The Cabinet Nominating Committee ischarged with proposing nominees representing thebroad spectrum of the total alumni body, includingalumni of ail the professional schools, graduate divisions, and the Collège, and the geographical distribution of alumni.The Constitution provides that the Cabinet shall con-sist of not fewer than forty nor more than one hundredfifty members. The term of a member is three years, andterms are staggered so that one-third of the membersare to be elected each year. Service on the Cabinet islimited to two consécutive terms (six years), but after anabsence of one year a former member is eligible forre-election.Other members of the Cabinet include the Directorof Alumni Affairs and, ex-officio, the présidents of eachof the Professional School Associations, the président ofthe Alumni Fund, and représentatives from the Executive Program Club, the Library School, and the DivinitySchool.The Cabinet presently consists of seventy votingmembers, including the Director of Alumni Affairs.Election of new members was temporarily suspended inthe Autumn of 1978 in view of the ongoing Commissionstudy. Terms of ail current members expire in the Autumn of 1981.28MEETINGS AND OFFICERS: The Cabinet is requiredto hold at least one meeting each year. The meeting isdesigned to include discussions and tours which will en-able the Cabinet members to familiarize themselveswith the current state of the University. The customaryprocédure has been to hold an annual meeting in theAutumn of the year shortly after the beginning of Au-tumn quarter. Any ten members of the Cabinet con-stitute a quorum for the transaction of any businessgermane to the purposes of the Association. At its meeting in odd numbered years the Cabinet elects officers ofthe Association for two year terms from amongnominees proposed by the Officers Nominating Committee (appointed by the Président of the Association)and nominations from the floor. The officers elected inthèse odd-numbered years include: président; one ormore vice présidents; secretary; treasurer; and any necessary assistants to the secretary or treasurer. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be held by the sameperson, and the Director of Alumni Affairs may serve ineither or both such capacities.The président of the Association is the chief executiveofficer and présides at ail meetings of the Cabinet.EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee of the Association consists of the président, the viceprésidents, and not fewer than five or more than twelvemembers of the Cabinet. Between meetings of theCabinet, the Executive Committee exercises the fullpowers of the Cabinet except that it may not amend theConstitution and By-laws. The Constitution currentlyprovides that the Executive Committee shall be re-sponsible for the annual budget and for its coordinationwith the University's annual appropriation. The budgetis prepared by the Director of Alumni Affairs and pre-sented to the Executive Committee for its final approvalin advance of the date it is to go into effect.By tradition, the Executive Committee of the Cabinetmeets at least quarterly. Eight of the nine current members of the Executive Committee are résidents of theChicago area.Committees of the University of Chicago Alumni Association: The Constitution and By-laws of the Associationpermit the Président of the Association to appoint oneor more of the following committees: Finance; AlumniAwards; Programs; Schools, and Publications.For many years the only Committee appointed by thePrésident of the Alumni Association has been the twelvemember Alumni Awards Committee. The FinanceCommittee has been unnecessary with the advent of thefunding of the Association's activities primarily by theUniversity. The Alumni Association staff and CollègeAdmissions Office hâve taken over the appointment ofthe Schools Committees, and the staff of the AlumniOffice has assumed responsibility for Alumni Programsand Alumni Publications. The Relationship ofthe University Alumni Association andLocal University of Chicago Clubs: There are currentlyfifty-five listed University of Chicago clubs in theUnited States and abroad. Of thèse clubs, nine areknown to be active, and six hâve written to indicate thatthey are relatively active, with potential for more activ-ity, while ten club leaders hâve indicated that their clubsare completely inactive. Eleven clubs hâve existing constitutions or specified organizational structures that areknown, although seven of thèse clubs are currently inactive. There is currently no national organization oftheclubs, no procédure for officially chartering and organiz-ing a club, and no officiai représentation of the clubs inthe Cabinet.Coopération between the Alumni Association and thelocal clubs for mailings, programming, and organizational guidelines is now largely contingent upon the initiative ofthe local club leaders. Alumni Association professional staff assist in the planning of programs andpréparation and sending of mailings for local clubs at therequest of the local club.Four cities, New York, Los Angeles, WashingtonD.C., and San Francisco, hâve régional représentativeshired and supervised by the Office of Development andcharged primarily with coordinating and fund-raising activities in connection with the Alumni Fund.Pund-Raising Among the Alumni of the University ofChicago: Article X of the Constitution and By-laws ofthe University Alumni Association places responsibilityfor ail fund-raising activities among alumni of the University outside the province of the University AlumniAssociation and in the hands of the Alumni Fund, aseparate organization governed by a Board of Directorsappointed by the Président of the University and ad-ministered through the Office of Development.HOUSEKEEPING: RECORDS MAINTENANCEThe three main éléments in the basic records main-tained on alumni by the Alumni Association are (1)Prospect Data Card (PDC) file; (2) the Biographical File;(3) Biographical File jackets.Prospect Data Card (PDC) File: The Prospect Data Cardfile is a by-product ofthe computer GIFTS System, whichwas designed to provide gift information and fund-raising data to the Development Office. The GIFTS System became fully implemented in December, 1972 andis currently under the jurisdiction ofthe Comptroller'sOffice.While the University's Data Center is responsible forGIFTS data control and System management, the AlumniAssociation provides ail input for the nominativechanges made for alumni in the file: name, address,status, profession, degrees, and other identifying data.The Alumni Association's Prospect Data Card file serves29as the central card System for effecting thèse information changes. A complète set of computer printed cardsis maintained in geographical order. They contain name,address, class year, degree, maiden name, marital status,ID number, mail codes, occupation, cumulative gift record from 1969 forward, and, in some instances, téléphone numbers. There is currently no System for distin-guishing alumni by their departments or divisions.AU data for the entire alumni body, regardless of whoinitiâtes it or the point at which it cornes in contact withthe University, is processed through the Alumni Association Records Department, including préparation ofstandard encoded forms used to key-punch changes atthe Data Center for computer tapes. Approximately98,000 changes and additions a year are initiated by theAlumni Association alone. Since ail input into the computer is done at the Data Center by a small number ofkey punch operators, however, there is a very slow turnaround time involved in the updating and/or inquiry ofthe computer records. It can presently take one to twomonths to get records updated or information retrieved.The original GIFTS plan was to be three-phased. First,the nominative data (provided by the Alumni Association); second, the gift record information (from theOffice of Development, the Treasurer's Office, andother principal users); and third, other useful data, e.g.,degrees from other institutions, student activities whileon campus, next of kin, persons who would always knowan alumnus' address. The third phase, except for somestudent activities, was not incorporated into the System.The Alumni Association's Biographical file is currentlythe only source for that information.Biographical File: The biographical file is the one complète master file of ail alumni. It contains about 120,000records on cards contained in large rotating card trayshoused on the first floor of the Alumni Associationhouse. The file is alphabetical and includes ail graduâtes,living or dead, plus approximately 5,000 non-graduates.The cards contain information on past and current ad-dresses (business and résidence); degrees and classyears; date of previous membership or subscription;biographical information on occupations, communityactivities and awards; publications; fraternity and clubassociations; undergraduate activities; external nationalassociations, e.g. Who's Who, Nobel Prize, etc.; degreesfrom other schools; and names of people who willalways know the address of the alumnus. Marriedalumnae are cross-filed under maiden names.This is the only available file for quick, visual référence and is used on a constant daily basis by the Association staff and others. It is the only source of "activity"data on alumni and the only source for tracing lostalumni through names and addresses of persons alwaysable to contact the alumna/us and for recording of degrees from other universities and collèges. Biographical File Jackets: A file of biographical filejackets, now numbering about 5,500, is maintained inalphabetical order. The jackets contain clippings, corre-spondence and other documents and an increasing rangeof additional information on alumni leaders and prospective alumni leaders. Corresponding dossier cardsare filed in geographical order.This file contains information on activities of currentand potential alumni leaders nationwide which is notavailable through the automated tape record.Other files include:QUESTIONNAIRE FILE containing ail questionnairesreturned by Alumni.SPECIAL RESOURCE FILE contains names and addresses on 612 top alumni leaders who receive spécialmailings from the Alumni Association.AWARDS FILE: a card file containing the names ofthe 879 alumni who hâve received Alumni AssociationMedals, Citations, or Professional AchievementAwards.COMMUNICATORS FILE: a file containing information on about 1725 alumni in the field of communications.PERMANENT, TEMPORARY TAB AND REMOVEFILES: contain correspondence or other documentationfrom alumni who hâve asked that their names be tem-porarily or permanently removed from the files or fromthe mailing lists.RECRUITMENT OF STUDENTS: THE ALUMNISCHOOLS COMMITTEESOrganization and Purpose: The Alumni Schools Committee was established in 1966 as a standing committeecharged with developing and carrying out effective ve-hicles through which alumni might support the work ofthe Collège Admissions Office. In 1968 the establishment of Schools Committees was approved for any citywhere numbers and interest might justify it, to identifyoutstanding high school and junior coUege students, toinform them of the educational programs and financialassistance opportunities at the University of Chicagoand to encourage them to consider the University intheir educational plans.There are currently thirty-three committees whichhâve been formed in thirty-two major metropolitanareas involving almost 1,000 active alumni volunteers.Another 250 alumni serve as independent interviewersin areas where no Alumni Schools Committee exists.The committees are composed entirely of volunteersand membership in the committee is automatic for anyalumnus who volunteers, regardless of whether volunteers are alumni ofthe Collège. (A possible 20% oftheprésent Schools Committee members are not alumni ofthe Collège.) There is currently no single or consistentmodel for structuring or appointing leadership of local30Alumni Schools Committees and no national organization of the Alumni Schools Committees. The AlumniSchools Committees are jointly administered throughthe Collège Admissions Office and the Alumni Association, with one full-time professional in the Alumni Association and one half-time professional in the Office ofCollège Admissions.Programs: The operational fonctions of the AlumniSchools Committees include Collège Days and Nights,interviewing, individual follow-up on prospective students, sponsoring parties, and Information Sessions forstudents and their parents. The activities range in format from an informai party to a sample class taught by amember ofthe faculty to a symposium on private libéralarts éducation. Forty-four such programs were held in1977-78 involving fifteen hundred potential Collègestudents. AdditionaUy, prospective students and theirparents are invited to local Alumni Group programs thatfeature faculty speakers.Communications and Training: There is currently noregular publication for Alumni Schools Committees andno designated or active training or program for ASCmembers.Relation to Graduate Divisions and Departments and Professional School Alumni Association Student Recruitment:The Alumni Schools Committees hâve little or no relationship to recruiting needs in the Graduate Departments or Divisions and little or no coordinationwith Professional School Alumni Association recruitment organizers on the local level.COMMUNICATIONSAU Communications to Alumni: The principal vehicle ofcommunication between the University of ChicagoAlumni Association and its membership is The University of Chicago Magazine. Other communications sent toalumni include program and reunion announcementsand information; mailings from the Alumni Fund officewhich include an annual letter from the University Président, a newsletter, and additional sélective mailingsabout events or projects of spécial interest; the Bulletinproduced by the PubUc Information Office which is sentto selected alumni and others; and occasional AlumniAssociation mailings of the Maroon to alumni.AdditionaUy, each of the professional school alumniassociations publishes and distributes material to itsalumni members.The University of Chicago Magazine: The University ofChicago Magazine is a quarterly magazine with between32 and 48 pages, which has an average circulation of80,000. The circulation fluctuâtes because of the absence from campus of students during the summer quar- ter. The Magazine is distributed or mailed free of chargeto the following persons: (1) approximately 7,500 students in résidence on campus or in the Hyde Park area;(2) ail parents of undergraduates, numbering about2,200; (3) 230 selected newspapers and periodicals andabout 40 alumni publications on an exchange basis; and(4) the remaining circulation to alumni.CHARACTER OF THE MAGAZINE.'T£<? University ofChicago Magazine is currently printed on low cost stock,including the cover, with a single color cover and limited amounts of artwork and photography. The présentmasthead of the Magazine reads, "The University ofChicago Magazine, Published quarterly Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter by The University ofChicago."A comparative study was undertaken analyzing oneissue of The University of Chicago Magazine and examples of alumni magazines from ten other major privateeducational institutions in terms of issues per year, sub-scription charges, number of pages, content of articles,and several other variables. In terms of the broadcatégories of subject matter, the University of ChicagoMagazine was found to be very close to the averagedistribution of articles having to do with Campus HardNews, Alumni Hard News, Campus Features, AlumniFeatures, Articles Related to the School and ArticlesUnrelated to the School. The University of Chicago Magazine may be characterized by relatively fewer articleswritten by alumni or by faculty.QUESTIONNAIRE: Early in May, a questionnaire onpossible improvements in the Magazine was sent to9,146 alumni in zip codes hand selected to provide thegreatest possible représentation of alumni. Responseswere asked to the following questions: (1) Should therebe substantial improvement in The University of ChicagoMagazine? (2) Should an additional publication (whichmight appear alternately with the Magazine and less ex-pensively produced) be added to report primarily onevents and activities at the University and amongalumni? (3) How would you respond to solicitation forvoluntary contributions for the support of the publications program? (4) What are your views on returning tothe former practice of accepting advertising? (5) Whatadditional suggestions or comments do you hâve? Thisletter was also sent to over fifty members of the faculty.Responses to this questionnaire are currently being col-Iected and tabulated.COSTS: Costs per issue of The University of ChicagoMagazine vary according to the differing total pages andcirculation for each issue. The budget for the Magazinein the 1978-79 fiscal year was $69,300, which includedcosts for paper, composition, printing and binding,postage, computer labelling, art and photography, andmiscellaneous production expenses. Salaries for aneditor and assistant editor draw upon a separate sectorof the Alumni Association budget.31Other University of Chicago Alumni Magazines: Four professional schools Medicine, Law, Business and SocialService Administration also publish alumni magazines.Alumni of thèse schools thus receive both The University of Chicago Magazine and the alumni publicationsfrom their respective professional schools. The publications of the professional school alumni organizations areproduced and distributed completely independently,and often bear little explicit récognition of affiliationwith the University of Chicago as a whole.PROGRAMMING AND CLUBSPROGRAMS: A program may be defined as "a formallyplanned, scheduled, and publicized event aimed at anaudience of University of Chicago alumni." Given thisdéfinition, it is possible to distinguish broadly betweenon-campus and off-campus programming. (A) On-campus alumni programs consist, at the présent time, of(1) annual reunion, including the reunion luncheon andawards assembly, and (2) Alumni Collège. (B) Off-campus alumni programs are get-togethers, either oneof a kind or parts of a séries, that range over a broadspectrum from soberly intellectual to lightheartedly social.STAFFING: To a large extent, the current allocationof staffing at the Alumni Association reflects this basicdivision between on-campus and off-campus programming: there is a full-time position, that of a ProgramDirector, who is charged with arranging off-campusprograms outside of the Chicago area and providing avariety of support and coordinating services (includingpubUcity mailings, bookkeeping, and financial arrangements); there is a half-time Program Assistant re-sponsible for on-campus and Chicago area programming; and there is a full-time secretary for program cor-respondence and records. In addition, there is a half-time position, that of Awards Coordinator, which isconcemed with the research, editorial, and duplicatingwork and Awards Committee correspondence that areentailed by présent awards procédures.On Campus Alumni Programs: ANNUAL REUNION: TheAlumni Association Annual Reunion is now a two-dayevent, usually held on a Friday and Saturday in May orJune, and includes class banquets, workshops, and tours,and is climaxed by the Saturday reunion luncheon andAwards Assembly. The Alumni Association staff sets upand works closely with class committees, since personalcontact from other class members has proved to be theone catalyst which will engender interest in a class reunion. The alumni class that has always been centeredupon and specially solicited to attend annual reunionremains the 25-year class. In addition, Emeritus Clubmembers (alumni who graduated 50 years and moreago) remain active supporters of the Annual Reunion. In the past, there was a mid-year as well as an annualreunion; annual reunion itself used to last most of aweek and represented a real mix of intellectualexpérience e.g. a seminar or panel discussion withalumni and faculty participation and social and nostalgie activities. However, in its current largely social format, and in duration and attendance levels, annual reunion now represents a significant atténuation over earliertimes.Because of costs, there are only sélective mailingsabout annual reunion made to alumni outside thegreater Chicago area. In addition, there are severe limitations of space on campus and limited campus areaaccommodations for attenders of reunion.THE REUNION LUNCHEON AND AWARDS ASSEMBLY: The reunion luncheon and awards assembly are theclimax of annual reunion. The awards assembly brings toyearly fruition the considérable labors of the twelvemember Awards Committee, appointed by the président of the association, which is comprised of AlumniAssociation awardees who serve staggered three-yearterms and who review the credentials, biographical andprofessional information concerning the nominees foreach year and détermine a list of awardees. There arethree catégories of Alumni Association awards:The Alumni Medal: Founded in 1941 and awarded forextraordinary distinction in one's field of specializationand extraordinary service to society. To date, 69 medalshâve been awarded.The Alumni Citations: Established in 1941 to honor thosewho hâve fulfilled the obligations of their éducationthrough créative citizenship and exemplary leadership incommunity service which has benefitted society and re-flected crédit upon the University. To date, 723 alumnicitations hâve been awarded.The Professional Achievement Awards: Begun in 1967 torecognize those alumni whose attainments in their voca-tional fields hâve brought distinction to themselves, créditto the University, and real benefit to their fellow citizens.Eighty-seven Professional Achievement awards hâve beengranted to date.In addition to the Alumni Association awards, which areunder the jurisdiction of the Awards Committee andwhich go preponderantly to non-recent alumni, thereare the Howell Murray Awards, which recognize out-standing student contributions to the extra-curricularlife of the University. Ten of thèse awards are made tograduating seniors yearly, and there is a single yearlyClass of 1914 Scholar Award.Alumni Collège: The current Alumni Collège program isa weeklong program of non-credit lectures, seminars,and spécial activities which is held in July for an in-tended audience of alumni, although enrollment is notrestricted to this group. Alumni Collège, in its présentarrangement, has been in existence since 1976. It isentirely administered by the Extension Division; theAlumni Association pays only for mailings to alumni.32The weeklong session offers a mix of experts fromvarious fields which bear on each year's chosen thème: in1976, "Technology and American Life"; in 1977, "LifeCycle"; and in 1978, "Individual Rights and the Conceptof Equality".Attendance figures for the Alumni Collège are nothigh; there were forty-nine for the 1978 session, ofwhom thirty were alumni. This may be related to theincreasing cost to attendees for the program: in 1978,résident costs were $270 and nonresident costs were$195.Alumni Collège 1979 was cancelled for lack of attendance.Additional On-campus and Chicago Area Programs: In1978, there were in addition to alumni reunion andalumni collège, ten other Chicago-area programs foralumni, including four réceptions for Président HannaGray. Thèse events were coordinated by the half-timeAlumni Association Program Assistant for Chicago-areaprogramming.OFF-CAMPUS ALUMNI PROGRAMS: In 1978-79, therewere 66 programs in twenty-five cities outside ofChicago, including seven réceptions for Président Gray.Save for the réceptions for Président Gray, thèse programs were largely initiated by the local clubs them-selves, with assistance in coordinating, publicitybrochures and mailings, bookkeeping and financial arrangements provided by the Program Director, theExecutive Director, and the Associate Director of theAssociation. Alumni programming, like other alumni efforts, fundamentally rests with volunteers, the officersand other active members of Alumni Clubs and alumnigroups throughout America and in some foreign coun-tries, with the assistance ofthe Alumni Association staff.Cities with Régional Représentatives: In four of thelargest alumni cities, New York, Washington, San Francisco and Los Angeles, régional représentatives hiredand supervised by the Office of Development arecharged with coordinating and fund-raising in connection with the Alumni Fund, and with spending a portionof their time on coordinating Schools Committees activities and assisting in programming for the city. Thèsecities, and Chicago, contain 47% of living alumni.Types of Programs: The nature of Chicago alumniprograms and those of comparable institutions in récentyears has overwhelmingly been the speaker-questiontype of event. Depending on the identity ofthe speaker,the program fonctions in one or another way to put itsalumni audience into contact with the University. Theclosest contact is provided when the speaker is a facultymember or administrator, and this is the most commontype of program of non-local origin; the next closestcontact is provided by an alumni speaker. Still a thirdtype of speaker program focuses on an aspect ofthe city in question, e.g. Boston's informai luncheon discussionséries, New York's "Meet Céleste Holm," "An Eveningof Jazz with Dick Hyman," and tours connected with theTutankhamen exhibit, the Pompeii exhibit, etc.By far the most significant séries of programs nation-wide currently has been the séries of réceptions forPrésident Gray. Eleven such réceptions hâve been heldthis year (4 in the Chicago area) and ten additional onesare planned for next year. The Président Gray réceptions hâve enjoyed an extraordinary success byalumni programming standards.Attendance: The attendance yield on other alumniprogram events is low if 5% ofthe alumni receiving amailing attend an event it is regarded as successful inordinary terms. The réceptions for Mrs. Gray hâve beenan extraordinary and exciting exception to this gênerailow attendance.Clubs: There is currently a total of 55 University ofChicago alumni groups in the United States and abroad.In April of 1979 a questionnaire was sent to leaders ofthèse alumni groups in each of fifty-three cities, fifty-one of them in the U.S. This questionnaire inquiredabout- the existence of any constitution or specified or-ganizational structure for the local alumni group, andasked for an évaluation of the relative activity or in-activity ofthe local alumni group. By June 15, there wasa total of twenty-five responses, which yielded the following information:VERY ACTIVE CLUBS: Chicago, and the four citieswith régional représentatives New York, WashingtonD.C., San Francisco and Los Angeles are ail active andail except Chicago hâve a constitution or specified or-ganizational structure. In addition to thèse there arefour active clubs that responded; of thèse, three,Northwest Indiana, Hong Kong, and Milwaukee, hâve aconstitution and/or specified organizational structure,and one, Boston, has no constitution or specified structure.RELATIVELY ACTIVE CLUBS WITH POTENTIAL FORMORE ACTIVITY: Six clubs responded which are active tosome degree, though none has a constitution or specified organizational structure. Thèse clubs are: Albany,Newark, Clearwater/Tampa/St. Petersburg, Springfield,Seattle, and West Palm Beach.INACTIVE CLUBS: Ten club leaders responded thattheir local clubs were completely inactive. Of thèse,three hâve a constitution or specified organizationalstructure: Atlanta, Dallas, and Kansas City. Seven hâveno constitution or specified structure: Madison, Omaha,Columbus, Orlando, Philadelphia, Providence, andWilmington, Del.There is currently no consistent model for the charter-ing or organization of University of Chicago clubs, andno formai représentation of club leadership on theCabinet.33RELATIONSHIPS TO PROFESSIONALSCHOOLSThe Four Professional School Alumni Associations: Alumniof four ofthe professional schools are members of boththe University of Chicago Alumni Association and thealumni associations which serve thèse four professionalschools:The Law School since 1907The Médical School since 1934 and active since 1944The Social Service Administration, since 1951The Graduate School of Business since 1958Thèse alumni associations are separate and distinct fromthe University of Chicago Alumni Association, havingtheir own organization and purpose and serving the spécial interests and needs of their members. The four associations are very similar in their activities and organization. Like the larger University Alumni Association,they put out an assortment of news pubUcations, sponsor continuing éducation programs, arrange for alumnito return to campus for reunions or other annual meetings, and keep a record of the whereabouts andachievements of their alumni. Unlike the Association,ail are actively involved in fundraising. With the exception of the Law School Alumni Association wherealumni activities and development form separate areasof responsibility the staff members of thèse organiza-tions are occupied both in fund-raising and in gêneraialumni activities. Furthermore, in the area of development especially, thèse associations work very closelywith the administrators of their respective schools. Theidentities ofthe professional school alumni associationsare very strongly tied to the professional schools ratherthan to the University as such; in none of the publications of thèse alumni associations, for instance, is there astrong explicit identification with the University ofChicago as a whole.THE LAW SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: Unlikethe other professional school alumni associations, theLaw School Alumni Association is divided into rwo distinct parts: (1) Development and Records; and (2)Alumni Activities. There are currently 5,063 LawSchool Alumni in the active files and it is estimated thatapproximately 3,000 of thèse live in the Chicago area.There are also twenty-one régional chapters of the LawSchool Alumni Association, each with an alumnus Régional Président whose name is printed with those ofthe other régional présidents on the Law School AlumniAssociation letterhead. Publications of the Law SchoolAlumni Association include the semi-annual Law SchoolRecord, which contains an alumni notes section, and aséries of Occasional Papers, which are reprints of schol-arly papers or speeches. Major programs include: TheAnnual Dinner, usually held in April and encompassingmore than 600 alumni, faculty and friends; a réceptionfor Law School Alumni which hosts over 100 people at the ALI luncheon in Washington in May; a réception atthe ABA annual meeting in August; and quinquennialreunions, often scheduled to coincide with the AnnualDinner in April and including a spécial affair for the50th Reunion Class. The Law School has no separateawards program for their alumni.THE MEDICAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: The MédicalAlumni Association works closely with the Médical Development and Public Relations offices. There are 4,813alumni of Pritzker and 1,752 alumni of Rush up to1942. The Médical Alumni Association does not dévoteitself exclusively to graduâtes of the Pritzker School ofMedicine, however; doctors who interned or did res-idency at Billings are contacted, as are faculty members,SM or PhD degree holders in biology, a wide variety ofdoctors in the Chicago area, and gênerai "friends" ofthemédical center. There are no régional chapters, thoughthe Director of the Médical Alumni Association occa-sionally works with Régional Représentatives in LosAngeles and San Francisco. Programming is specializedand is focussed around small réceptions and cocktailparties held at the same times as major specialty conférences. Reunions are quinquennial and are scheduledto coincide with the June graduation cérémonies ofthemédical school. Approximately twenty graduâtes of eachclass return to campus for activities which include anAwards Luncheon. There is quite a variety of publications; the gênerai interest newsletter and magazine arecirculated to about 10,000 people, while the "University of Chicago Children's News" is sent out to just over900 pediatricians.SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION ALUMNIASSO-CIATION: Administration of the SSA Alumni Association is the responsibility of the SSA Director ofAlumni Affairs, the Executive Secretary of the SSAAlumni Association, and a Board of Directors whichmeets five times a year. Administrative activities includeboth programming for alumni and opération of the Annual Fund Drive. SSA has 6,163 alumni, of which abouthalf are considered "active." There are thirty-two régional chapters of the SSA Alumni Association, with thelargest and most active chapter in Chicago. Programsinclude an Alumni Dinner which is held every Autumnand features the présentation of awards to distinguishedalumni, and a Reunion Luncheon which is held in theSpring. The SSA Alumni Association Newsletter is published and sent to alumni twice a year.GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: The Graduate School of Business AlumniAssociation works closely with GSB Development aswell as overseeing publications and programming for its15,065 living alumni. This figure includes graduâtes ofthe Downtown Extension School, the Executive Program, Professional Option: Business, and campus MBA'sand PhD's. Of thèse, those who received their MBA from34the Executive Program are the most active. There arealso régional clubs in San Francisco, Los Angeles, NewYork, France, Belgium, and Germany. Major programsinclude the Business Forecast Luncheon in Decemberand the Management Conférence in April. Attendanceat both events is high: nearly 2,000 alumni attended lastyear's Business Forecast Luncheon. The BusinessSchool publishes two semi-annual news publications for"alumni and friends," which appear in alternatequarters the magazine Issues and Trends and the tab-loid "Graduate School of Business Chicago."Interaction of the Professional School Alumni Associationsand the University of Chicago Alumni Association: Theprofessional school alumni associations are autonomousorganizations with little or no interaction with the University of Chicago Alumni Association except in (1) theuse ofthe GIFTS information system; (2) informai communications between the staffs regarding dates of reunions and programs and awards; and (3) occasional in-frequent interaction on the local level depending on theinitiative and interest of the particular local alumni leadership. Présidents of each of the four professionalschool alumni associations also serve as ex officio members of the Cabinet of the University of Chicago AlumniAssociation, as do représentatives from the ExecutiveProgram Club, the Library School, and the DivinitySchool, and are invited in their ex officio capacity to theannual meeting of the Cabinet.The only area of real overlap between the Universityof Chicago Alumni Association and the four professional school alumni associations is in the area of records. The GIFTS computer system is given informationthrough the use of Prospect Data Cards (PDC's) whichare continuously revised as gifts are received. AU datafor the entire alumni body, regardless of where it originales, is processed through the Alumni AssociationRecords Department, which enters ail changes or newentries into the Alumni Association master Biographicalfile and prépares standard encoded forms used to key-punch changes at the Data Center for computer tapes.At présent, the staff members of the various alumniorganizations are aware of each others' activities in programming, reunions, and awards, but there is no realcommunication between them, no officiai ties, and nojoint sponsorship of programs or activities.The Alumni Association serves ail University ofChicago alumni. Notices of the réception for PrésidentHanna Gray in San Francisco, for instance, went to ailUniversity of Chicago alumni in the Bay area. However,there is very little interaction on the local level betweenthe planning, programs, and activities of the professional school alumni associations and the planningand lork of the University of Chicago Alumni Association. Whatever interaction there may be is entirely con tingent upon the individual interest and initiative of particular local alumni leaders.AD HOC COMMITTEE ON ALUMNI AFFAIRS: An AdHoc Committee on Alumni Affairs was set up in theAutumn of 1978. The Committee was charged withcreating "officiai" channels of communication betweenthe Alumni Association, the Development Office, Admissions, and the professional school alumni associations. Thèse channels are still not officially operating,and the committee is now inactive.RELATIONSHIPS TO GRADUATEDEPARTMENTSScope: There are now 85,914 names of living alumniincluded in the alumni files. This total includes about5,370 non-graduates and 400 former faculty. Ofthe re-mainder, approximately 23,108 hâve bachelors degreesonly; 8,952 bachelors and graduate degrees, and 48,084graduate degrees only.The majority of students who receive degrees fromthe University of Chicago are students in the graduateor professional schools. While the number of studentswho hâve graduated from the Collège represents 27%of the total number of degrees which hâve beenawarded by the University, degrees granted in thegraduate divisions represent 29% of the total and degrees in the professional schools 43% ofthe total.Current Alumni Association Records and Relations toGraduate Departments: It is widely recognized thatgraduâtes of the professional schools and the graduatedivisions and departments seem to identify more withtheir schools or departments than with any other organizational entity in the University. While more than75% ofthe professional school alumni are served by thealumni associations for their particular professionalschools, however, the University of Chicago Alumni Association currently has no procédures for identifying thedepartments or focussing on the spécial interests of thealumni of the graduate departments of the University.The current Systems of record-keeping, primarily theGIFTS system and the master Biographical file, containno procédures for identifying graduâtes by their departments, and there are currently no officiai ties between any ofthe graduate departments and the University of Chicago Alumni Association.Présent Departmental Relations to Alumni: In the Springof 1979 a questionnaire was sent out to each of thegraduate department chairmen asking them about theirrecords for and relations to departmental alumni. Fivequestions were asked, inquiring about whether (1) records are kept of alumni whereabouts; (2) alumni areemployed for recruiting; (3) alumni are appealed to forfund-raising; (4) social gatherings are held for alumni;35and (5) whether the department would be interested indeveloping closer ties to its alumni.An impressive majority of the departments thirty-six of them responded to the questionnaire. Thirty-one ofthe departments keep some kind of track of theiralumni, though their files are not coordinated withAlumni Association files or with the GIFTS system and areoften incomplète and out of date. Six departments de-finitely appeal to their alumni for help in recruiting students, seven appeal for fund-raising help, and fourteenformally sponsor or hâve sponsored gatherings of theiralumni at major professional meetings or elsewhere.Thirty ofthe 36 departments responded that they wouldbe interested in developing closer ties with their alumni;only three expressed no interest or were uncertainabout developing closer ties with their alumni.EXAMPLES OF DEPARTMENTAL LETTERS TOALUMNI: Two examples of letters to alumni werestudied by the Commission. One was written by theChairman of the Department of Sociology to ail alumniof the Sociology Department asking for aid in the re-cruitment of students and giving a detailed updating ofdepartmental programs and faculty. A second letter waswritten by the Faculty Représentative to The Alumni ofthe Department of Geography informing alumni of thedepartment about the 75th Anniversary Reunion andenclosing a brochure detailing changes and additions indepartmental programs, courses, and faculty. (Copies ofthèse letters are appended to the O'Connell/Klowdenreport on the recruitment of students.)Comparison with Other Institutions: The organization ofdepartmentally spécifie relations to graduate department alumni at Harvard is exemplified in their AlumniAssociation for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The letterhead carries the title "HarvardGraduate Society for Advanced Study and Research,Alumni Association for the Graduate School of Arts andSciences" foUowed by the name of the particular department and the name and title of the departmentchairman, and includes a pre-printed form solicitingpaid membership in the Harvard Graduate Society forAdvanced Study and Research. Letters drafted by the department chairmen giving récent information aboutthe activities of the department, récent work of department members, placement of graduate students, andappeals for recruitment or fund-raising help are sent onthis letterhead to ail alumni/ae of the department.RELATIONSHIP TO COLLEGE ALUMNIHistory: Alumni of the CoUege were the primary focusof the earliest activities of the University of ChicagoAlumni Association. While the Alumni Council wasformed in 1909 to give représentation to alumni fromparticular schools and divisions within the University,the Alumni Council was dominated by the CollègeAlumni Association until a reorganization in 1941. Afterthe reorganization, and with the development of theincreasingly autonomous alumni associations of four ofthe professional schools, coUege alumni became part ofan agglomerated residue of divisional graduâtes andsome professional school graduâtes (Divinity and Library) which were served as a group, despite their diverse interests, only by the Alumni Association of theUniversity.The Spécial Nature of the Collège: Alumni of the Collègehâve proved over the years to be one ofthe University'smost loyal alumni groups. Much of the distinctivenessand tradition of the University of Chicago is associatedwith the educational philosophy of and the place of thelibéral arts in the Collège. However, there are currentlyno programs or procédures for identifying and appeal-ing to the spécial interests and loyalties of the Collègealumni either in programming or in fundraising. Currentfundraising appeals to Collège alumni focus on needsfor unrestricted funds e.g. maintenance and fuelcosts rather than focussing on particular needs of theCollège like scholarship fonds, funds for the athleticprograms and extraordinary funds for experiments inthe curricula. Correlatively, programming which wasonce directed to the "Great Books" interests and loyalties of Collège Alumni is no longer specialized to iden-tify and serve this distinctive group.36XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SPECIAL OFFER TO ALUMNI10% Discount fromThe University of Chicago Press AFRICAN RHYTHM AND AFRICAN SENSIBILITY10344-7 ^eslhelics and Social Action io Atrican Musica/ IdiomsJohn Miller ChernoffChernoff. who spent several years in Ghana learning the artof drumming from masterdrummers, explores the ways in which Af ricans rely on music to articulale their philosoph-ical and religious héritageCiorh 104 iwr. /il'jt t.w.i c.a.tK. rjovember DISCOVERERS, EXPLORERS, SETTLERS26071-2 The Diligent Writers of Early AmericaWayne FranklinFranklin shows that thediscovery of the New World was not a single glorious act in 1492. Itwas instead a long process of progress and retreat, sudden insights and blind insistence onold ways of seeing a process to which the power of the word was essential and the diligence of the writers vitalCloth 240 pages Mus. J15.00 Available October A TIMELESS AFFAIR31804-4 The Life of Anita McCormick BlaineGilbert HarrisonA fascinating portrait of a strong-minded woman, the part she played in the educationaland political movements of her time (1866-1954), and the grâce and sympathy with whichshe handled the often tragic affairs of her rich and prominent Chicago familyCloth 253 pages Mus. $75.00 Available November THE ONE AND THE MANY50337-2 Reflections on the American IdentityArthur MannDrawing upon 200 years of history, Arthur Mann traces the interplay between ethnie diver-sity and the American identity to construct a paradigm for the development of group affiliation in the United States. At the same time he shows how the country's définition of itselfhas left room for ethnie loyaltyCloth 208 pages S12.95 Available THE EMERGING GODDESS72948-6 The Creative Process in Art, Science, and Other FieldsAlbert Rothenberg, M.D.The purpose of this study is to understand scientifically the créative process in the individual: the thought processes, the affects, the expériences, and the psychodynamic structureof the psychological events related to creatingCloth 448 pages $22.50 Available November EVA PERÔN79143-2 The Myths of a WomanJ. M. Taylorlulie M. Taylor examines the politically powerful Eva Perôn through the images thatsurround her: the ultrafeminine Lady of Hope; the dark, evil whore; and the revolutionary.Taylor shows how the conflicting myths relate to the basic split in Argentinian societybetween "sophisticated" city and "barbarie" rural areasCloth 192 pages Mus. $15.00 Available NovemberPlease send me the books checked above at 10% off list price. Iunderstand that if for any reason I am not completely satisf ied, theymay be returned within ten days for a full refund or cancellation ofcharges. To: The University of Chicago Press11030 S. Langley AvenueChicago, Illinois 60628List price totalLess10%Sales tax (in III]Total NAME.I enclose payment. Publishers pays postage.anywhere in the world. (Add 5% sales tax for orderssent to Illinois addresses.)Please bill me. ADDRESSCITY. .STATE. J^IP.AD041737ON THE MIDWAYBen-David Named Rowley Professor inEducationJoseph Ben-David, visiting professor insociology at the University since 1968,has been named the Stella M. RowleyProfessor of Education in the Departments of Education and Sociology.Since 1974 Ben-David has been président of the research committee on thesociology of science of the InternationalSociological Association and a memberof the editorial boards of the AmericanJournal of Sociology, Minerva, ScienceStudies, and Current Sociology. He wasprofessor of sociology at Hebrew University in Jérusalem.Sharp New Director of Budget andFinancial PlanningAlexanderE. Sharp II was appointed Director of Budget and Financial Planningat the University. Président Hanna H.Gray announced the appointment Sep-tember 13.The budget and financial planningoffice is a new office in the University,and Sharp is its first director.Since last March, Sharp has been director of a major welfare reform projectestablished by the Department ofHealth, Education, and Welfare and theExecutive Office of Management andBudget. His group made recom-mendations to Président Carter aboutsimplifying the administration of theseven largest means-tested programs,including the three largest welfare programs, Section 8 Housing, Food Stamps,and CETA.Sharp received his AB from Yale University in 1965 and was a student at theWoodrow Wilson School of Public andInternational Affairs at Princeton University, receiving an MPA in 1969- Cover Appointed Médical Center'sDirector of DevelopmentNelson Cover has been appointed Director of Development for the University of Chicago Médical Center. He willalso serve as Executive Director of theUniversity of Chicago Cancer ResearchFoundation.Cover formerly served as director ofthe Alumni Fund at Johns Hopkins University. He received his AM in créativewriting from California State Universityat San Francisco and completed hisundergraduate studies in English atJohns Hopkins University.Office of Public Information Cited forExcellence in NewswritingNewsweek and the Council for Advance-ment and Support of Education (CASE)presented a "Citation for Excellence inNewswriting" to the University ofChicago's Office of Public Information.The award is given annually for out-standing work in the field of médiacommunications in higher éducation.Press releases from the Office of Public Information primarily focus on theresearch done by the University's faculty. Many of thèse press releases hâvebeen incorporated in or hâve inspired articles in newspapers and magazinesacross the nation.lustice Stevens First Visiting FellowJustice John Paul Stevens of the U.S.Suprême Court was the first Fellow in anew Visiting Fellows Program at theUniversity.On October 18 and 19 Stevens partici-pated in seminars, class sessions, andconducted a question-answer sessionwith a large gênerai audience from the University. He met with students at informai gatherings and spent his two dayshère living and eating in the Burton-Judson dormi tory.Justice Stevens graduated from theCollège of the University of Chicago in1941 in gênerai humanities and receivedhis law degree from Northwestern University in 1947. During his collège yearshe was active in Psi Upsilon, the IronMask, the tennis team, and the DailyMaroon.Stevens was nominated by GeraldFord in 1975 to replace Justice WilliamO. Douglas on the Suprême Court. Hispragmatic "case by case" approach to lawhas given him a réputation as a "wildcard" vote on the Suprême Court.Justice Stevens was selected as the inaugural Fellow by a committee of fourfaculty members and three undergraduate students appointed by Président Hanna H. Gray. The committeenominated a number of other publicfigures to be invited during the 1979-80académie year and it is expected therewill be two or three more Fellows oncampus during that period.The program was established with agift from the Women's Board of theUniversity.Schachinger Tenth Compton LecturerPhysicist Lindsay Schachinger presentedthe tenth Arthur H. Compton lectureséries at the University of Chicago fromOctober 6 through December 15. Herséries, titled "Quarks and Symmetries,"explores the sub-microscopic world ofhigh-energy physics, where scientistsstudy nature's smallest particles.Quarks are the elusive particles be-lieved to make up most matter, thoughthey hâve so far stymied science's bestefforts to detect them directly. Symmetries of various kinds on différent scaleshelp to order knowledge in sciencefrom the systematic structure of theperiodic table to the relations betweendifférent types of quarks inside atomicnuclei.Schachinger says some symmetriescommon in everyday events are "bro-ken" or violated in the sub-microscopicworld of quantum effects. "If someonedrops a bail with first his right hand andthen his left hand, we expect the sameresults, the bail falls downward," saysSchachinger."There is no différence between amirror image of the bail dropping andthe event itself. However, if a baildropped from the right hand always fellup, while one dropped from the lefthand fell down, this mirror symmetrywould be violated.38"The symmetry is violated by certainevents in the quantum world," addsSchachinger. "For example, only lefthanded neutrinos are ever created.Right handed neutrinos, which would bemirror-images ofthe left handed variety,do not exist. This breaks the mirrorsymmetry."After the introductory lecture,Schachinger traced the history of parti-cle accelerators, from the first smallatom smashers of the 1930s to the fourmile tunnel of concrète and steel of theFermi National Accelerator in Batavia,Illinois.As accelerators hâve grown in powerfrom a few thousand to nearly a trillionvolts of energy, physicists hâve been ableto "smash" the nuclei of atoms withgreater force, revealing ever more of theinner mysteries of the building blocks ofnature."I will emphasize the expérimentalside of the new physics," saysSchachinger. "Important experimentswith increasingly powerful instrumentshâve led to our présent understanding ofnature on the smallest scale. Personsinterested in developments in physicsshould know of thèse experiments because they are the test of currentthéories."The lectures are named for ArthurHolly Compton, professor of physics atthe University of Chicago from 1923 to1945. He was awarded the Nobel prizein 1927 for his discovery of the Compton effect the description of the fre-quency shift in x-rays after their collisionwith électrons.The Compton lectures are sponsoredby the Enrico Fermi Institute with fundsfrom a bequest by John W. Watzek, anindustrialist and a friend of Compton.Haden Appointed Director ofUniversity DevelopmentWilliam R. Haden has been appointedby Président Hanna H. Gray to the position of Director of University Development. He will Work directly withPrésident Gray and Jonathan F. Fanton,vice président for Académie Resourcesand Institutional Planning, on develop-ment planning and has overall responsibility for the entire developmentstaff.Haden assumed his responsibilities ata time when the University's fundraising activity has been particularly suc-cessful, according to Vice Président Fan-ton. Fanton notes that the Universitykst year received 30.7 million dollars incash gifts and new pledges. For 1979-80, Haden projects a fund-raising goal ' M- Y --' 1 \wk *i': m mm W¦ï. ¦', tjjferff ' m m *" «pp\, ; tll i\ "m ^l "- ' J^ ¦H1» J^^idr -5 'IH \k. &y ; ' '. ' .'¦¦; Théodore Schultz, Professor Emeritus in Economies.of $37.65 million, an increase of 22.5percent over the 1978-79 achievement.Haden had previously served as director of the médical center developmentprogram and as associate director of university development at the University ofRochester. He received his AB fromWest Virginia University in 1964 and anAM degree in public administration fromGeorge Washington University in 1965.Two Awarded Nobel PrizesThéodore W. Schultz, professoremeritus in économies at the Universityof Chicago, and Herbert C. Brown,SB'36, PhD'38, professor of chemistry atPurdue University, were awardees oftheprestigious Nobel Prize.Schultz shared the 1979 Nobel Prizein Economies with Sir Arthur Lewis ofPrinceton University. In its citation, theSwedish Royal Academy noted thatSchultz developed a detailed critique ofindustrialization policies in developingcountries that hâve operated to the détriment of agriculture. He showed that in-vestment in éducation rather than in ex-penditures on machinery can increase ag-ricultural production as well as help anation's whole economy.Brown and Georg Wittig of Germanyshared the prize in chemistry. Brown'sdevelopment of a new family of com-pounds called organoborances hâve become versatile tools in the synthesis ofmany vital, new chemicals.Simpson, Saturn, and Pioneer 1 1Man's first explorer of the planet Saturnencountered the planet in September after a journey of more than six years.Like the first space probes to Mercury,Mars, and Jupiter, Pioneer 11 carriedhigh energy charged detectors designedand built at the University of Chicago'sEnrico Fermi Institute.The experiments on Pioneer 11, developed under the direction of physicistJohn Simpson at the University's Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space Research, approached Saturn with a distin-guished record of scientific discoveriesalready behind them. Pioneers 10 and11 were launched by the NationalAeronautics and Space Administrationin 1972 and 1973-Pioneer 1 1 and its sister ship Pioneer10 also equipped with Chicagocharged particle experiments sweptpast Jupiter in 1974 and 1973. Therethey found a magnetosphere more thantwice as large as expected, and also dis-covered that électrons accelerated inJupiter's own magnetic field coursedthroughout the solar system.Simpson and his colleagues looked forsimilar phenomena when Pioneer 11approached Saturn. A new moon ofSaturn and charged particles trapped inSaturn 's magnetic field were among thediscoveries made by the University ofChicago's experiments aboard Pioneer11.Physicist Simpson says that ail of theobjectives of the experiments werefulfilled. The experiments also dis-covered that the charged particlestrapped in Saturn's magnetic field areannihilated by both Saturn's rings and itssatellites.Simpson explains that the moon dis-covered by the Chicago charged particledetector is the first moon ever dis-39'fST.ff^/Êt/Artist Concept of Pioneer Spacecraft.Professor John A. Simpson, Director, TheEnrico Fermi Institute, Laboratory for As-trophysics and Space Research. covered by me ans other than an opticaltélescope. The detector measurescharged particles électrons, protons,and the nuclei of heavier éléments. AsPioneer passed within one hundred-thousand miles of Saturn, the number ofparticles striking the detector suddenlydropped for twelve seconds as themoon shielded Pioneer from the radiation trapped in Saturn's magnetic fields.Simpson said Pioneer probably passedwithin 1,500 miles of the newly dis-covered satellite, which is now believedto be one hundred to four hundred milesin diameter.The charged particle radiation dis-covered to exist within Saturn's magnetic field is far less intense than that ofSaturn's larger brother, Jupiter, butPioneer still received 5,000 times thefatal exposure for a human being duringits encounter with the planet.Shortly after the twelve second dropin particle intensity, Pioneer's detectorsrecorded what Simpson calls a "precipi-tous drop in intensity" as Pioneer cross-ed under the rings which are composedof millions of small pièces of rock andice. Simpson says the rings annihilate thecharged particles as the particles attemptto pass through the rings. He explainsthat this "sweeping up" of the particlesby the rings accounts for Saturn's lack ofradio émission. Jupiter emits largeamounts of radio noise, as would Saturn,if there were charged particles nearenough to Saturn to be accelerated bythe magnetic fields that are strongestclosest to the planet.The high intensity radiation trappedin the magnetic field is also absorbed bySaturn's other satellites, says Simpson,especially the moons Tethys and En-celadus. Pioneer's successful encounter withSaturn is over, but its mission is not."Our instruments hâve performedperfectly," says Simpson. "Pioneer isnow heading out of the solar system to-ward interstellar space. The instrumentsthat hâve served us so well inside thesolar system will operate for eight moreyears, beaming us our first spacecraftdata from near the edge of the solar System.At Chicago, Simpson was assisted byDr. Bruce McKibben, Dr. Roger Pyle,Gordon Lentz, David Shennete and staffat the Laboratory for Astrophysics andSpace Research.Simpson is the Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Service Professor inthe Department of Physics, the EnricoFermi Institute, and the Collège. The Office of Public InformationThe University of ChicagoMore Clues to the UniverseThe universe may hâve begun as miniature black holes that evaporated tocreate matter, according to two as-trophysicists at the University. DavidSchramm, chairman of the departmentof Astronomy and Astrophysics, andMichael Turner, an Enrico Fermi Fellow, hâve applied the newest théories ofelementary particle physics to explainboth the création of matter at the begin-ning of time and the formation of thegalaxies.Schramm and Turner' s mini-blackhole theory is the first to explain variations in density of the early cosmoswithout variations in température. Someastrophysicists think such constant températures with changes in density werenecessary for the making of galaxies.The researchers explain that miniature black holes of the type produciblein the hot and dense early universe (thebig bang) are unstable. The black holesémit radiation through a process whoseresuit is a lessening of the black hole'smass. As the black hole becomessmaller, it emits radiation of higher andhigher energy.Schramm and Turner used prédictionsof new unification théories to show thathigh energy radiation from the blackholes could hâve been the creator ofthephysical world.Unification théories attempt to unifythe separate explanations of the four différent forces in nature-gravity, elec-tromagnetism, and the strong and weaknuclear forces. The newest such unification théories also predict something thatphysicists had long believed wasimpossible the decay of the proton40David Schramm, Associate Professor in theDepartment of Astronomy.into energy and electron-like particles.Protons and neutrons make up thecore of every atom in the universe. Theyand similar particles belong to a familyknown as baryons. In ail experimentsknown, the number of baryons that re-sulted was equal to the number of baryons at the star t.This posed a problem for physicists.How were baryons (protons and neutrons) created from the energy ofthe bigbang if the number of baryons in theuniverse cannot change?According to the new unificationthéories, this so-called conservation ofbaryon number does not apply at thevery high énergies of the radiation emit-ted by the black holes studied bySchramm and Turner.It is well known in physics that radiation can spontaneously turn into particles. In transformations so far observed,radiation turned into equal numbers ofmatter and antimatter particles. But theunification théories predict that veryhigh energy radiation could producemore matter than antimatter.Consequently, a universe that startedout as pure energy and mini-black holescould hâve evolved naturally into a universe with the amount of matter we observe today. This évolution would occurthrough the transformation into baryonsof the high energy radiation from theblack holes.Turner describes the formation ofgalaxies: "The existence of galaxies withnearly empty space between themmeans the early universe also had lumpsin it, places where matter was con-centrated." In théories of création that do notpredict black holes, density variations inthe early moments of time cause température variations. Schramm andTurner say that matter created by blackholes can be the same température,whatever the density of the black holes.Thus, their theory, unlike others, allowsfor the uniformity of température con-sidered necessary by some astrophysi-cists.Schramm explains what lies ahead:"The decay of protons predicted by theunification théories has to be observed.This decay takes about 1032 years for asingle proton. That's trillions of timesthe âge of the universe. We don't hâvethat much time, so we look at largenumbers of protons at a time to increaseour chance of seeing a decay. Even with1032 protons, one-hundred fifty tons ofmatter, under observation, only oneproton can be expected to decay in ayear."Yet just one observation of protondecay will solve the old riddle ofthe création of matter. Study of the very small-est things may reveal facets of the universe that the largest télescopes arepower le ss to observe.Adds Schramm: "The search for proton decay will one of the most difficultand rewarding experiments of the nextfive years." The Office of Public InformationThe University of ChicagoRobert H. Marsh, 1926-1979J. A. B. Van Buitenen, 1928-1979Robert H. Marsh, professor in Englishand in the Collège, died September 3.He was the author of a number of schol-arly reviews and articles. His book, FourDialetical Théories of Poetry: An Aspect ofEnglish Neoclassical Criticism, was published by the University of ChicagoPress in 1965. He was also a member ofthe international editorial board of Criti-cal Inquiry from the magazine's incep-tion in 1974.Johannes Adrian Bernard van Buitenen, the George V. Bobrinskoy Distinguished Service Professor in SouthAsian Languages and Civilizations, diedin Champaign, Illinois, September 21after a short illness. He had translatedand edited the first five books of theMahabharata, an early Indian epic written in Sanskrit and was working on thetranslation ofthe other thirteen books ofthe epic. He had joined the faculty ofthe University in 1957 and was the firstGeorge V. Bobrinskoy Professor at theUniversity. Eye Research Laboratories DedicatedA facility for research by faculty members of the Department of Ophthalmol-ogy was dedicated at the University September 15.The new Eye Research Laboratoriesare housed in a completely renovatedbuilding at 939 E. 57th Street whichformerly served as the University's Expérimental Biology Building. It was con-structed in 1947.A scientific program, "Ophthalmology1979 and the Décade to Corne," washeld at the Drake Hôtel in downtownChicago in conjunction with the dedica-tion of the new building .Funding for the Eye Research Laboratories was made available by an alumnusof the University.HomecomingAlumni, students, faculty, and friends ofthe University cheered on the Monstersofthe Midway on October 13- Bonfires,cheerleaders, an alumni band, clowns,pop corn, a pipe organ, after-gamedances, and the famous "Kazoo March-ing Band" plus one violin ("Only at theU of C," laughed one alumna.) providedfun and excitement despite the Ma-roons' loss to Lake Forest, 17-8.A RECORD IN 1978-79300 New Donors Key SuccessMore people gave more money to the Alumni Fund in1978-79 than in any previous year, making the cam-paign a record-breaker in ail respects.Donors UpThe pattern of increased participation eut across ailsegments of the alumni population. Every graduatingclass had more donors than the year before, each cityregistered an increase, percentage of participation washigher for both Collège alumni and graduate alumni. Ailin ail, 3,000 alumni gave last year for the first time ever,and thousands more renewed their support after a lapseof one or more years. The following shows the dramaticprogress we hâve made: President's Fund Sets Pace For Dollar GrowthAlumni and friends rose to the challenge offered by theJoyce Foundation to spur giving to the President's Fund.Over 160 alumni gave $ 1,000 or more for the first time,and many members from 1977-78 increased their giftsby $1,000 or more. This pushed the President's Fundover the million dollar mark for the first time, enablingthe University to earn the entire $100,000 offered bythe Joyce Foundation, and inspiring a new kind of challenge for this year (see below). With the President'sFund leading the way, the Annual Giving program set anew dollar record: $1.73 million. This increase, illus-trated on the following graph, represents the thirdstraight year of record achievement. This, in turn,means more money for the University to use whereverthe need is greatest.Donors to the Central Annual Fund1976/1977-1978/197916,000oco0^ 8,000S3z 14,67410.584 10,1561976-77 1977-78Year 1978-79 Growth of Central Annual Fund1976/77-1978/79oQ 1,731,549+22%+ 13% 1,423,0001,264,0001976-77 1977-78Year 1978-79The University is grateful to ail who contributed to this record-breaking performance.42A CHALLENGE FOR 1979-80$2.1 Million Goal SetThe National Alumni Fund Board, meeting on campuson October 12, approved a goal of $2. 1 million for the1979-80 Alumni Fund drive. Emmett Dedmon '39, National Chairman, said of the goal "It's ambitious, but,given the enthusiasm of alumni around the country andthe dedication of our volunteers, I'm convinced that itcan be done. The University of Chicago looks to theAlumni Fund for vital unrestricted support. I know thatthe alumni will be more generous than ever."Joyce Foundation To Match Gift IncreasesThe Joyce Foundation has pledged up to $150,000 tospur increased unrestricted giving to the Alumni Fundin 1979-80. Anyone who increases his or her gift to joina new club will hâve the amount of the increase matchedby the Joyce Foundation. Increases up to the President'sFund ($1,000 or more), Midway Club ($500 or more),Scholars Club ($200 or more), and Century Club ($100Alumni Fund volunteers, over 1,600 of them, made the1978-79 Fund year the success it was. The results oftheir work, and your generosity, can be seeneverywhere on campus; in the library, where new bookswere bought with unrestricted support; in the studentaid budget, which could be increased because of increased Alumni Fund giving; and in laboratories, whereAlumni Fund dollars are used to buy basic expérimentalequipment. At the National Alumni Fund Board Conférence, held October 12-13 on campus, Jonathan F.Fanton, Vice-Président for Académie Resources and In-stitutional Planning, presented awards to fifteen volunteers, for outstanding work last year.1978-79 Outstanding Volunteer AwardsOutstanding Service AwardsJack Harris '35 Chicago Alumni FundMarcia Schiff '70 Albuquerque Spécial GiftsShirley Weiss '34 Los Angeles President's FundSpécial Achievement AwardsRoss Ardrey '63 Seattle Alumni FundRobert Brawer 70 New York President's FundRoger Morse '51 and Peter Bruce 70 MilwaukeeAlumni FundNational Alumni Fund Board Excellence AwardsDonald Clark 74 Rockford, Top Participation Smaller Cities or more) will ail be eligible for matching. Jonathan F.Fanton, Vice-Président for Académie Resources and In-stitutional Planning, described the Challenge as "a tre-mendous opportunity for the University. A generousgift can be twice as meaningful this year. We are veryfortunate to again hâve the Joyce Foundation as a partner in our efforts to seek increased support from ouralumni."Reaching the GoalTo reach $2.1 million, the Alumni Fund will need additional support at ail levels of giving, from both currentand new donors. Be part of another record-breakingyear. Support the 1979-80 Alumni Fund.Questions about the Joyce Foundation Challenge maybe addressed to The University of Chicago AlumniFund, 5757 South Woodlawn, Chicago 60637.Everett George '36 Dallas, Top Participation LargerCitiesMargaret Hedden 70 Columbus, Top Increase InDonors Smaller CitiesQuentin Ludgin '57 and Richard Stone '67 Washington, D.C., Best Overall Improvement MajorCitiesIsabelle Polner '42, '48 Madison, Top Increase inDonors Larger CitiesHarold Rosenbaum '53, '55 Near North SuburbanChicago, Top Performance In ChicagoDouglas Stone '52, '55, '62 Tampa/St. Petersburg, TopCentury Fund IncreaseThis year, volunteers will again play a key rôle. EmmettDedmon '39 said at the Fund Board Conférence, "Inmy twelve years as National Chairman, the most heart-ening development has been the growth of the volunteer program. A strong volunteer force is an invaluableresource to the University. Volunteers communicatetheir own enthusiasm about Chicago to their fellowalumni and to their communities. Thus, they help toensure the University's well-being, both now and in thefuture."We wish to thank ail of the members of the NationalAlumni Fund Board, and ail volunteers for outstandingeffort last year, and for their continuing service to theUniversity.VOLUNTEERS ENSURING APROSPEROUS FUTURE43Geography Not GeologyGilbert F. White was a member and chairman in and had received ail of his degreesfrom Chicago's Department of Geography, not geology as erroneously noted inthe Summer 1979 issue ofthe Magazine.Nuveen Wing DedicatedThe University of Chicago dedicated arenovated portion of Swift Hall inmemory of the late John Nuveen,PhB'19, prominent Chicago civic andbusiness leader, at cérémonies on October 3. The Nuveen Wing will house theInstitute for the Advanced Study ofReligion, which is the research arm ofthe University's Divinity School.Funded by a gift from Mrs. John Nuveen, the rénovation converted an areaof library stacks in the south wing on thebuilding's second floor to a complex offaculty studies, conférence rooms, and alibrary lounge. Rénovation began inearly 1979 and was just completed. Efforts were made to retain the architectural character of the rest of theneogothic structure.Housed in the John Nuveen Wing,the Institute for Advanced Study ofReligion supports individual and teamstudies of such areas of inquiry as theethical dimensions of médical research,the place of religion in contemporaryinternational conflict, and the changingpatterns of religious behavior inAmerica. It also seeks to involve scholarselsewhere and in other disciplines byhosting lectures, distributing occasionalnewsletters or pamphlets, and sponsoring fréquent seminars. The Institute willprovide to the clergy and laity access to awide range of programs emerging fromits research activities.Fellows of the Institute includeSamuel Sandmel, the Helen A. Re-genstein Professor of Religion, andHans Dieter Betz, Professor of NewTestament and director of the Americanbranch of the Corpus HellenisticumNovi Testamenti project, which is nowpart of the Institute.John Nuveen, for whom the new wingis named, was a trustée of both the University and the Baptist TheologicalUnion for thirty years before his deathin 1968 at âge 72. He served for manyyears as chairman ofthe Board of Trustées of the Baptist Theological Union,which is the major supporter ofthe University's Divinity School.An investment banker, Mr. Nuveenwas director and vice-chairman of theboard of John Nuveen and Co., whichendowed in 1962 a professorship in theDivinity School. The chair, first oc-cupied by the late Paul Tillich, is nowheld by philosopher Paul Ricoeur.Mr. Nuveen also was known for hisactivity in foreign affairs. He headed theMarshall Plans mission to Greece in1948 and later served in a similar capac-ity in Belgium and Luxembourg. Helater was a consultant on foreign aid to the U.S. Department of Commerce.Mr. Nuveen received a PhB degreefrom the University in 1919 and wasawarded the University's Alumni Medalin 1953.The Glory That Was Greece . . .Extension Division Offers TourThe University of Chicago ExtensionDivision is sponsoring "A Journey toClassical Greece" from March 23through April 9, 1980. Cost ofthe tour,per person, double occupancy is $2200which include s round trip air fare fromChicago to Athens, surface transporta-tion, first-class hôtel lodgings (singleroom available with $125.00 supple-mental charge), meals, tour lectures,service charges, orientation lectures, andtravel kit.The tour will be conducted by Professor Arthur W. H. Adkins, chairmanof the Department of Classical Lan-guages and Literature at the University.Professor Adkins will give two orientation lectures in advance of the tour andan informai séries of talks during thetour to prépare for and reflect on thesites visited.The tour ofthe major sites of ClassicalGreece will integrate the art history andthe history of the great architecturalmasterpieces and major sculptures ofthe fifth and fourth centuries B.C., inmainland Greece featuring Athens,Thebes, Delphi, Olympia, Sparta,Corinth and Epidaurus, and the islandsof Delos and Mykonos.44For a detailed brochure describing thetour, write to: Greece, The Universityof Chicago Extension Division, 1 307 East60th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637.George G. Cameron, 1905-1979lames I. Palmer, 1899-1979George G. Cameron, am'30, PhD'32,died in Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 15. He had received a doctoratefrom the University in Assyriology andserved on the faculty of the Oriental Institute until 1948. He joined the University of Michigan and founded its Department of Near Eastern Studies.James L. Palmer, am'23, life trustée ofthe University, died September 17 inPark Ridge, Illinois. He had beenelected a trustée in 1964. He receivedhis master's degree in 1923 and servedas a member of the faculty of theGraduate School of Business from1922-24. He was a former présidentand member of the board of directors ofMarshall Field & Company. He hadbeen both trustée and président of theChicago Natural History Muséum (nowthe Field Muséum of Natural History)and served many Chicago civic organizations.Alumni Input in Career Counselling"Life After Graduation: A Bag LunchSéries" are co-sponsored by the AlumniAssociation and the Office of CareerCounselling and Placement. The noonforum provides contact between students and people in various career fields.Meetings are informai, opening with abrief statement by featured speakers andfollowed by a question and answer session.The Office of Career Counselling andPlacement is working with the AlumniAssociation in organizing an "AlumniContact File" in the Chicago area.Alumni "Contacts" will talk to studentsabout career information in their fields.In on-going workshops and seminarson campus, alumni hâve been active indiscussing with doctoral students the re-alities facing them in the académie jobmarket. Other alumni hâve related theirPersonal expériences in their transitionfrom académie to non-academic careersgoals.Alumni EventsBOSTON: Over 200 alumni from NewHampshire, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts attended a President's Réception held at the Boston Muséum of FineArts on September 13. Ms. Susan Leffcoordinated the event. CHICAGO: On August 2, area alumnigathered for a Court Théâtre Night, en-joying the Chicago Opéra Theatre's présentation of Mozart's "Cosi fan Tutte."Following dinner at the QuadrangleClub, Alan Stone, founder and ArtisticDirector of the Chicago Opéra Théâtre,spoke to those attending.On August 26, over 100 alumni attended a production of Hamlet, whichwas preceded by a box lunch and talk byRichard Strier, assistant professor, Department of English and the Collège.Between October 11 and 13, severalalumni events were held on campus. The13th Annual Alumni AssociationCabinet Meeting coincided with thelOth Annual Alumni Fund Board Meeting and with the 2nd Annual Homecom-ing Festivities. A spécial invitation wasextended to récent graduâtes to attendthe pre-game buffet luncheon in BartlettGymnasium on October 13, an eventco-sponsored by the Department ofPhysical Education and the Alumni Association.Alumni gathered on November 1 1 tohear Arthur Mann, Preston and SterlingMorton Professor in the Department ofHistory, deliver a Woodward Court Lecture, "The 1960s Revisited." Récentgraduâtes were invited to an informaisupper preceding the lecture.On December 9, alumni were invitedto a Christmas Oratorio conducted byRichard Vikstrom, Music Director,Rockefeller Chapel. Following the performance, they attended a réceptionhonoring the concert's soloists.DENVER: James S. Coleman, professorin the Department of Sociology and amember of the Committee on PublicPolicy Studies, spoke to area alumni on"The Relation Between Research andPolicy in Education" last November 12at the University of Colorado MédicalCenter's Denison Auditorium.KANSAS CITY: On December 2, Président Hanna Gray, selected faculty andstudents participated in a program titled'The University of Chicago Cornes toKansas City," which included a luncheon, a round table discussion, and aninformai réception.LOS ANGELES: On August 25, over 200area alumni attended a Mexican fiesta atthe Beverly Hills home of Dr. and Mrs.Stephen Michel.Dr. Edward C. Stone, SM'59, PhD'64,professor of physics at California Institute of Technology, spoke to alumnilast November 27 on "Voyager Fly-Bysof Jupiter and Saturn: A New Look atOld Worlds in Space." NEW YORK: On September 18, the Program Committee of the University ofChicago Club of New York sponsored aréception at the Lotos Club. A spécialinvitation was extended to alumni re-cently settling in the area, and over 1 50people attended.Losing Time, the Manhattan ThéâtreClub's production of a play by JohnHopkins starring Jane Alexander, Shir-ley Knight, and Tony Roberts, was seenby more than 100 area alumni. Orga-nized by the Program Committee of theUniversity of Chicago Club of NewYork, the evening began with cocktailsand a buffet dinner.NORTHWEST INDIANA: On October 8,Thomas V. Long II, research associateand associate professor, the Committeeon Public Policy Studies, spoke on "Be-yond Three-Mile Island: The SocialCosts of Coal and Nuclear Power." Heldat the Wicker Park Social Center, theevent was organized by the University ofChicago Club of Northwest Indiana,Elizabeth Williamson, président.SAN FRANCISCO: On November 16,Jonathan Fanton, Vice Président forAcadémie Resources and InstitutionalPlanning, spoke on new directions in theUniversity and paid tribute to Mrs.Cerna S. Hirsch, Régional Représentative in the Bay Area, for her service tothe University of Chicago. The gather-ing was organized by the University ofChicago Club of the Bay Area, Dr. LucyAnn Geiselman, président; LouiseWechsler, program chairperson.ST. LOUIS: 'The University of ChicagoCornes to St. Louis" was the title of aprogram held last December lst featur-ing Président Hanna Gray, selected faculty and students. A luncheon, a roundtable discussion, and an informai réception were held.WASHINGTON, D. C: Arnold W. Ravin,Addie Clark Harding Professor, Departments of Biology and Microbiology,the Collège, the Committee on Genet-ics, and the Committee on the Con-ceptual Foundations of Science; Director, the Morris Fishbein Center for theStudy of the History of Science andMedicine; and Program Co-ordinator,ASHUM, spoke to area alumni onNovember 16. His subjects wereASHUM and the new undergraduate program in the history of science andmedicine. The event was organized bythe University of Chicago Club of Washington, D. C, Carol Unger, programchairperson; Oliver D. Long, président.45The Poems opSC. John ofthe CrossThird Edition"fcanstafeô byDobn fRer>eRîck nîrasa BiLiQGaaL eDîtîooSan Juan de la Cruz, a great sixteenth-century Spanish mystic, is regarded by many as Spain's finest poet. Pas-sionate, eestatic, and spiritual, his poems are a blend of exquisite lyricism and profound mystical thought. InThe Poems ofSt. John ofthe Cross John Frederick Nims présents his superlative translation of the complètepoems, recreating the religious fervor of St. John's art.This third édition culminâtes twenty-five years of work by Nims, who is a poet in his own right as well as anaccomplished translator. He has completely revised many of his translations from the earlier éditions, bringingthe poems even closer to the intensity and spirit of the originals. He concludes this work with two essays: thefirst, a critique of the poetry, the second, a short pièce on the Spanish text which appears alongside thetranslation.The University of Chicago Press Chicago 60637461917JOHN HULING, JR., PhB'17, a retiredarmy colonel who lives in rural Elkhorn,Wisconsin, was named the state's topvolunteer for 1978 by the RepublicanParty of Wisconsin.1920EARL B. DICKERSON, JD'20 was honoredlast July when the Vivian G. Harsh Collection of Afro- American History andLiterature, Woodson Régional Library,exhibited "Earl B. Dickerson: AnAmerican Original." The exhibit was thefirst of a séries to feature outstandingblack Chicagoans, and was offered incélébration of Dickerson's eighty-eighthyear.1922WILLIAM DOCK, MD'22, retired to Parisin 1977 after fifty-five years of médicalpractice. He has finished one manuscripton the history of the Jardin des Plantesand another on the discoverers ofradioactivity.HAROLD F. GOSNELL, PhD'22, sendsseveral items of good news. He is co-author with Richard Smolka of AmericanParties and Elections (Columbus, Ohio:Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company).He is sole author of Truman's Crises: APolitical Biography of Harry S. Truman,to be published by Greenwood Press,Westport, Connecticut, early next year."Trials and Tribulations of a Scholarly Author" is one essay in a séries he iscurrently writing. And he is celebratingsomething else: he and his wife, theformer Florence lucy fake, PhB'19,hâve been married fifty years.CHARLES A. MESSNER, AM'22, profes-sor emeritus, New York State University Collège at Buffalo, has been teach-ing courses in world literature in theCommunity Education Program sponsored by Longview Community Collègeat John Knox Retirement Village, Lee'sSummit, Missouri.CHARLES RENNICK, SB'22, MD'24,was honored for his several years of service as a pediatrician at NewarkMethodist Hospital, El Paso, Texas. Dr.Rennick has been taking care of babiessince he arrived in El Paso in 1933.1923J. BROOKS HECKERT, AM'23, was namedthe first récipient ofthe President's Cup,an award to be given annually by theColumbus, Ohio chapter ofthe NationalAssociation of Accountants. Heckertjoined the faculty of Ohio State University in 1925 and took an early retirementfrom his position as accounting professor to become vice président and manager of the eastern division of AvisRent-a-Car. He is presently a member ofthe board of directors of Dollar SavingsAssociation.ERNEST SAMUELS, PhB'23, JD'26,AM'31, PhD'42, emeritus professor ofEnglish at Northwestern University, has been appointed as the first member ofthe Library ofCongress Council of Scho-lars. Samuels received the Pulitzer Prizein 1965 for his three-volume biographyof Henry Adams and is presently atwork on a biography of Bernard Beren-son. The first volume, Bernard Berenson:The Making of a Connoisseur, was re-leased early this year.1925BENJAMIN E. MAYS, AM'25, PhD'35,président emeritus of Morehouse Collège, was the guest speaker for thethirty-fourth annual homecoming célébration held at the Second Baptist Churchin Kansas City, Missouri, last June 10.Dr. Mays spoke of the rôle of black collèges in producing black leaders, and ofthe légal aspects involved in the struggleto obtain quality éducation for blacks.1929The American Association of UniversityWomen, St. Augustine, Florida, branch,in anticipation of its one-hundredthbirthday nationally, has made a spécialeffort to raise funds for a fellowship tobe sent to Washington. The branch hasdonated its $500-named-fellowship inthe name of DOROTHY KONRAD,PhB'29, AM'34, a scholar and promoterof scholars.1930LEO ROSTEN, PhB'30, PhD'37, is the au-47thor of Silky! , a new détective novel(Harper & Row, May, 1979).1932ALFRED FRANKENSTEIN, PhB'32, hasbeen appointed the first Ednah RootCurator of American Art at the Fine ArtsMuséums of San Francisco. This newlyestablished curatorship is the Fine ArtsMuséums' first endowed one. In his position, Frankenstein will be in charge of anewly formed Department of AmericanArt Studies, including painting,sculpture, and décorative art. Art criticof the San Francisco Chronicle and theauthor of some fifteen books and exhibition catalogues, Frankenstein has had along and distinguished association withAmerican art.EDWARD G. KLEMM, JR., PhB'32, hasco-authored a book: The Claudia SandersDinner House of Shelbyville, Kentucky,Cookbook. (Claudia is the Colonels wife.)1934The Honolulu Chapter of the AmericanMarketing Association has namedIRWIN S. BICKSON, AB'34, JD'36, Marketing Person ofthe Year. Bickson, whois managing director of Budget Rent-a-Car International, Budget Rent-a-CarAmerica, and Budget Rent-a-CarHawaii, was selected for the award foroutstanding achievement in marketingand civic contributions.MEL FRANK, PhB'34, who is celebrat-ing his fortieth year in show business,has written and directed a dramaticcomedy, "Lost and Found," which réunîtes Glenda Jackson and George Segalfrom his "A Touch of Class."B. F. HART, md'34, co-authored "ANew Approach to the Collagen Dis-eases," an article appearing in the July,1979 issue oiLet's Live.CELESTE HOLM, x'34, AcademyAward winning actress, was featured inNoël Coward's "Hay Fever" at the Wil-liamstown Théâtre Festival last July.1935MARIE HALUN BLOCH, PhB'35, sendsseveral pièces of good news. She wasnamed "Member of the Year" (1978-79) by the Society of Children's BookWriters. As régional adviser, she organized the Rocky Mountain branch ofthe society. On July 19, she was guestspeaker at the Kerlan Collections (ofcontemporary juvénile literature) at theUniversity of Minnesota. Her seven-teenth book for young readers was re-cently published: Displaced Person (Lot-hrop, Lee & Shepard).CHARLES C. DONOVAN, JD'35, is celebrating his fiftieth anniversary in thesavings and loan business. He has builtPrairie Fédéral Savings and Loan inChicago Heights into a $135 million savings institution and has been instrumental in formulating innovative methods ofhome financing, neighborhood rede-velopment, land development, and savings instruments that hâve been adoptedthroughout the savings and loan indus-try.ALVIN M. WEINBERG, SB'35, SM'36,PhD'39, authored "Salvagingthe AtomicAge," an article appearing in the Sum-mer, 1979 issue oiThe Wilson Quarterlyin which he reviews the history ofatomic power and suggests what must bedone to ensure its future.1936WILLIAM H. SAFRANEK, SB'36, has received the AES Scientific AchievementAward, bestowed upon those whoseoutstanding scientific contributions hâveadvanced the theory and practice ofelectroplating and allied arts, raised thequality of products and processes, or advanced the dignity of the profession.1937JOHN CHARLES, am'37, PhD'38, has retired from active professorial duties atWabash Collège, Indiana. Charles wasthe collèges Lafayette professor ofGreek language and literature, and a professor of history.HUBERT L. MINTON, PhD'37, hasbeen named the first professor emeritusofthe University of Central Arkansas aschool he entered seventy years agowhen it was known as Arkansas StateNormal School.1938In 1979 LEILA W. ANDERSON, AM'38,DB'40, was selected by a governmentCommittee on Aging as one of four fromher home county for récognition of heractivities and service since her sixtiethbirthday.OLIVER LUERSSEN, AB'38, MBA'39,has retired from his position as associateprofessor of business administration atIllinois Wesleyan University. He waswith the university for thirty-five years.GEORGE J. STIGLER, PhD'38, CharlesR. Walgreen Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Economiesand in the Graduate School of Businessat the University of Chicago, director ofthe Center for the Study ofthe Economyand the State, and editor of the Journal ofPolitical Economy, received an honoraryDoctor of Science degree during Junecommencement cérémonies at Northwestern University. 1939ROBERT O. ANDERSON, AB'39, runsARCO, one of the eight largest oil com-panies in the United States. Called the"Renaissance man" ofthe oil business bysome, he has found time to assembleone of the nation's largest ranching empires and personally owns land equal tothe size of Delaware. Chairman of theAspen Institute for Humanistic Studies,the Colorado forum for top executivesand académies, he sits on several non-business boards, including the University of Chicago's.JANE FROST KALNOW, AM'39, wasawarded an honorary doctorate ofhumane letters degree by HeidelbergCollège, Tiffin, Ohio, last August. Shehas been a Heidelberg Collège trustéesince 1963.On May 31, CHARLES H. NICHOLS,AB'39, retired as director ofthe NationalFoundation of Funeral Service atEvanston, Illinois. He had served theFoundation since 1949, and under hisleadership it earned the réputation ofbeing "the nation's graduate school offuneral service."1940M. E. GRENANDER, AB'40, AM'41,PhD'48, was a member of a délégationfrom the State University of New Yorkat Albany which was invited to thePeople's Republic of China during Mayand June. The team was drawn fromSUNY's Institute for Humanistic Studiesas well as from its Chinese Studies Program. They gave lectures on récent de-velopments in the humanities at theAcademy of Social Sciences and also atvarious Chinese universities.ALVIN R. GROVE, PhD'40, associatedean for Pennsylvania's CommonwealthCampuses and Continuing Education inthe Collège of Science, retired recentlywith the rank of associate dean emeritusand professor emeritus of botany. He isco-author of Botany, the largest sellingtextbook in its field, and author of hureand Lore ofTrout Fishing.1941JOSEPH B. GITTLER, PhD'4l, is visitingFulbright Professor, American StudiesDepartment, Faculty of Integrated Artsand Sciences, Hiroshima University,Hiroshima, Japan, for 1979-80.1942ROBERT P. STRAETZ, SB'42, has beenprésident and a director of Textron,Inc., a multi-market company, since1978. In July of that year, he was electedto the company's board. He has spentmost of his business career with the48Homelite Division of Textron.The Fédéral Reserve Bank of Chicagohas redesignated ROBERT H. STROTZ,AB'42, PhD'5 1, as chairman of the boardof directors for the upcoming year. Président of Northwestern University,Strotz is a distinguished academician,economist, and community leader, andhas been active as a director of a numberof major corporations, educational organizations and Chicago-area civicgroups.LESLIE WALLER, x'42, has authored anew novel, The Brave and the Free (Del-acorte Press).ROBERT O. WRIGHT, AB'42, is nowAssociate Dean for Administrative Services at the Peoria School of Medicine.His responsibilities include personnel,finance, buildings and grounds, and en-hancement of the clinic services.1943On September 1, werner a. baum,SB'43, SM'44, PhD'48, returned toFlorida State University as its Dean ofthe Collège of Arts and Sciences. Aneminent meteorologist and educationaladministrator, Baum began his career atFlorida State in 1949, leaving the campus in 1963 to become vice président ofthe University of Miami. He has alsoserved in prominent administrativeposts at New York University, the University of Rhode Island, and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.On September 1 , JOHN R. HOGNESS,SB'43, MD'46, président of the University of Washington in Seattle, assumedthe presidency of the Association ofAcadémie Health Centers (AAHC). Between 1971 and 1974, Hogness served asthe first président of the NationalAcademy of Sciences' Institute ofMedicine.1944WILLIAM J. CARROLL, JR., x'44, marriedDorothy I. Withey last June in Dallas,Texas. Carroll, président of LuzerneConstruction Company, is a professionalcivil engineer. The bride is an art in-structor at Dallas Senior High Schooland chairperson of the Dallas SchoolDistrict's art department.1945TED C. BLOCH, PhB'45, président ofBloch Lumber Company, Chicago, hasbeen elected président of North American Wholesale Lumber Association. Hewas selected last May during the eighty-seventh Annual Meeting of the 580-member organization at the Boca RatonHôtel & Club, Boca Raton, Florida.JANE O'LEARY BROWN, PhB'45, for- merly a teacher with the Berkeley,California school System, and HARRY B.BROWN, AM'51, retired social worker,hâve founded Bed & Breakfast International, which offers travelers' lodgings inprivate homes along the West Coast,with the largest group in the San Francisco Bay Area. The organization, established in 1977, is an outgrowth of theirseveral European jaunts.VIRGINIA L. JONES, PhD'45, receivedan honorary degree at the University ofMichigan's summer commencementAugust 19. The first black person toearn a doctorate in library science, she isdean of the School of Library Service,Atlanta University.FRANK J. ORLAND, SM'45, Ph.D'49,was presented with the H. TrendleyDean Mémorial Award at the opening ofthe fifty-seventh General Session oftheInternational Association for Dental Research. A noted educator, historiog-rapher and oral microbiologist, Orlandwon the award for his research ingermfree study on dental caries.Southwest Missouri State Universityhas awarded an AM in Speech andThéâtre to SHERLU RARDIN WALPOLE,ab'45.1946JUDITH FIEDLER, PhB'46, is the authorof Field Research: A Manual for Logis ticsand Management of Scientific Studies inNatural Settings ( Jossey-Bass, Pub-lishers). She is the assistant director ofthe Educational Assessment Center atthe University of Washington, Seattle.DAVID MERRITT HELD, DB'46 was oneof sixty-eight graduâtes of the School ofTheology at Claremont in May. He wasawarded the Doctor of Ministry degree.JEWEL STRADFORD LAFONTANT,JD'46, was awarded an honorary doctorof laws degree by Oberlin Collège during commencement cérémonies lastMay. A former United States DeputySolicitor General and représentative tothe United Nations, Lafontant is currently Spécial Assistant Attorney General for the State of Illinois and seniorpartner in the Chicago law firm of Lafontant, Wilkins and Malkin.1947joseph orme evans, ab'47, has retiredfrom his post as partner in the architectural firm of Evans Mills Gardner Associates, Bloomington, Indiana.ROBERT B. MURRAY, MBA'47, a viceprésident and director of corporateplanning at Eastman Kodak Company,has been elected to the board of trustéesof Rochester Savings Bank. Murray hasbeen with Kodak since 1947. A political science professor at Con-cordia Collège, Moorhead, Minnesota,harding noblitt, am'47, has beenelected président of the MinnesotaHigher Education Coordinating Boardfor a one-year term.The Central Bancorporation of Cincinnati, Ohio has announced the élection of ROBERT R. ZIMMERMAN,MBA'47, as senior vice président respon-sible for organizational planning. Zim-merman cornes to Central Bancorporation from Federated Department Stores,where he was operating vice présidentfor organization and key executive planning.1948JOHN ALOFS, AB'48, mba'51, has beenpromoted from instructor to assistantprofessor business at Herkimer CountyCommunity Collège, Little Falls, NewYork.Stauffer Chemical Company has announced the appointment of JOHN F.BELOW, PhB'48, SM'51, as research associate at its de Guigne Technical Centerin Richmond, California. Below hasbeen with Stauffer since 1955.RALPH M. GOLDMAN, AM'48, PhD'51,is the author of Search for Consensus: TheStory of the Démocratie Party, publishedby Temple University Press.ROBERT MYERS, AM'48, PhD'59, pub-lisher of The New Republic since 1968,has left to become an independent pub-lishing consultant.victor c. petchul, x'48, editor andpublisher of The DuPage Magazine, amonthly publication he launched in1978 covering DuPage County, Illinoisactivities, was the récipient of the firstplace award for Best Publication in theChicago suburbs in the annual excellence award program of the SuburbanPress Club of Chicago for 1979.MILTON RASKIN, PhB'48, SB'49,MD'54, has been named clinical directorof Big Spring State Hospital, Big Spring,Texas. Prior to joining the BSSH staff,Dr. Raskin was chief of inpatient services at the Wm. Beaumont Army Médical Center in El Paso.According to a July 12, 1979, NewYork Times article, VIRON PETER VAKY,AM'48, Assistant Secretary of State forInter-American Affairs, demonstratedan unusual dual capability as policyplanner and crisis manager during theNicaraguan affair.1949MICHAEL M. BERNARD, ab'49, is the author of Constitutions, Taxation, andLand Policy (Lexington Books: D. C.Heath & Co.).49THOMAS GORDON, phD'49, has beennamed adjunct professor in the department of Early Childhood Education atthe University of South Carolina Collègeof General Studies. Gordon is mostnoted for his book, P.E.T. Parent Effec-tiveness Training, which has been trans-lated into fourteen languages. His programs in effectiveness training hâve beentaught in every state and in many foreigncountries.In an interview appearing in the July23, 1979, issue of People, EDWARDGROSS, PhD'49, says that embarrassmentis a uiiversal condition. A collector ofexamples of embarrassment since 1964,Gross observes, "Even the wittiest person rarely handles it well."WILLIAM C. MUSHAM, MBA'49, mar-ried Bettye Martin last August 4 inSummit, New Jersey. He is vice chairman of Gould, Inc., Rolling Meadows,Illinois. She is founder and président ofGear, Inc., a design, merchandising andmanufacturing firm in New York City.THOMAS PARRISH, AB'49, is the editoroïThe Simon and Schuster Encyclopedia ofWorld War II, chosen by the AmericanLibrary Assocation as one of the outstanding référence books of 1978.1950ANNE MARIE CHIRICO, MD'50, Spoke ata luncheon last May for the alumnae ofSeton Hall Collège, Greensburg, Penn-sylvania. She is an assistant professor ofmedicine at the University of Penn-sylvania and specializes in internaimedicine in her private practice.The University of Washington's deanof the Collège of Education is JAMESisao DOI, am'50, PhD'52. Formerlydean of Rochester's Graduate School ofEducation and Human Development,Doi is the first Asian-American to hold afull deanship of a collège or school onthe UW campus.JOHN A. JANOUS, AB'50, corporateindustrial hygienist for Hooker Chemical, has been elected treasurer of theAmerican Industrial Hygiène Association. Janous will serve a three-year termas treasurer of AIHA, a Worldwide professional organization for specialists inoccupational health science.ANDREW KENDE, AB'50, professor ofchemistry at the University of Roches-ter, has been appointed chairman of theuniversity's Department of Chemistry.He currently holds a Guggenheim Fel-lowship in syntheric organic chemistry,and is chariman-elect of the OrganicChemistry Division of the AmericanChemical Society.RONALD L. MARTIN, SM'50, PhD'52,has been named Manager of Argonne National Laboratory's Heavy-Ion FusionProgram. Martin is one of theoriginators of the heavy-ion fusion concept, the newest approach to developingcommercial fusion reactors. Since join-ing Argonne in 1962 as associate director of the Particle Accelerator Division,Martin has directed the construction andopération of the Zéro Gradient Syn-chrotron. In 1967, he was named director of the Accelerator Division, which in1973 was combined with the HighEnergy Facilities Division to form theAccelerator Research Facilities Divisionwith Martin as its director.GUY D. POTTER, AB'50, SB'57, MD'60,was appointed director of the Department of Radiology, Lenox Hill Hospital,New York City.JEAN MCGILLIVRAY SCHNEEBERGER,AM'50, reports that she and her husbandare taking a "hard-earned" retirement toGreen Valley, Arizona. She was schoolpsychologist of the Lansing, MichiganSchool District.The Board of Trustées of the HumanResources Research Organization(HumRRO), Alexandria, Virginia, electedJAMES W. SINGLETON, AM'50, PhD'54,as its président. Singleton cornes toHumRRO from his position as vice président and associate manager, Technology Systems Group, Océan Data Systems, Rockville, Maryland.1951MATTHEW DILLON, AB'51, was appointed Associate Director, ChicagoPrograms, for the University of IllinoisFoundation, effective July 1. A nativeChicagoan, Dillon was previously Director of Development at Illinois Instituteof Technology.CHARLES M. HERZFELD, PhD'51, hasbeen appointed director of research forInternational Téléphone and TelegraphCorporation. Herzfeld joined ITT in1967 as technical director of its DéfenseSpace Group. Previously, he was director of the Advanced Research ProjectsAgency of the U.S. Department of Défense.A. B. RHODES, phD'51, professor ofOld Testament at the Louisville Pre-sbyterian Seminary, was guest ministerat the Harrodsburg United PresbyterianChurch last June 10.An expert on family life who has beeninvolved in social work projectsthroughout the world, IRVING B. TEBOR,AM'51, has been named dean of theSchool of Social Work at West VirginiaUniversity. Tebor, who was most re-cently a distinguished visiting professorat the University of Nevada in Reno, hasestablished social work programs in Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Norway.KENNETH W. THOMPSON, PhD'51, isthe author oïEthics, Functionalism, andPower in International Politics, recentlypublished by Louisiana State UniversityPress. He is currently director of theWhite Burkett Miller Center of PublicAffairs at the University of West Virginia.1952The Board of Trustées ofthe UnitarianUniversalist Association has selected theRévérend Dr. O. EUGENE PICKETT,DB'52, as its président. Pickett has beendirector of the UUA's Department ofMinisterial and Congregational Services.E. VICTOR WILLIAMS, MBA'52, writesto report that his retirement of lastspring has been short-lived. He was appointed the first Director ofthe CollègePreparatory Program for Japanese students on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University. After getting theprogram launched successfully bothacademically and in the community hewas invited to résume his teachingstatus. On January 1, 1979, he resumedbeing an assistant professor in that university's marketing department.1953The American Hospital Association'sHouse of Delegates has electedBERNARD J. LACHNER, MBA'53,chairman-elect-designate of the Boardof Trustées. Lachner, président andchief executive officer of the EvanstonHospital Corporation, takes office in1981.HAROLD E. WHITELEY, MBA'53, isvice président, opérations, for theAppliance Division of The TappanCompany. Prior to his appointment withTappan, he served as senior vice président of opérations for the Vendo Company and executive vice président anddirector for Geuder, Paeschke & FreyCo.1954BOYD GIBSON, DB'54, AM'55, has beenpromoted to associate professor of religion at Susquehanna University,Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. A member ofSusquehanna's faculty for the past tenyears, Gibson is director ofthe university's Baltimore Urban Term, an interdis-ciplinary urban studies program involv-ing a ten-week internship in Baltimore.He is also a coordinator of the FacultySeminar program.1955WILLIAM G. BLACK, db'55, was electedbishop co-adjutor of the Episcopal Dio-50cese of Southern Ohio this past June.JOAN ELDEN feitler, am'55, hasopened a consulting service that provides counseling for students and theirfamilies in collège and preparatoryschool sélection and placement. Shegives personal attention to students andtheir families in the sélection of collèges,boarding and day schools, summercamps, study programs, and non-traditional alternatives including the intérim year and study abroad. She mostrecently served as a collège counselorfor the University School in Milwaukee.SAMUEL MEYER, x'55, has beennamed a vice président of Julius Straus& Sons, Inc., a Richmond, Virginia, in-surance firm.JAMES W. STOCKHAM, AM'55, hasbeen appointed gênerai manager of thePittsburgh service center of Joseph T.Ryerson & Son, Inc., the nation's largestmetals service center organization. Priorto this appointment, Stockham was gênerai manager for Ryerson's Dayton,Ohio coil processing plant.1956WILLIAM GERBERDING, AM'56, PhD'59,has resigned his post as chancellor oftheUniversity of Illinois' Urbana campus tobecome président of the University ofWashington.CHARLES MITTMAN, AB'56, SB'57,MD'60, was accorded a DistinguishedService Award for 1979 by the University of Chicago's Médical Alumni Association for "having achieved great distinction in his chosen field and reflectingmuch crédit on this school." Dr.Mittman, a chest specialist, presented apaper at the awards ceremony titled"Genetic Aspects of Lung Disease."During June commencement cérémonies at the University of California-San Francisco School of Nursing, VIRGINIA OLESEN, AM'56, was named aTeacher of the Year. She is a professorof social and behavioral sciences.ROBERT ASH WALLACE, PhD'56,former Chicago bank président, assistantsecretary of the Treasury, aide to then-Senator John F. Kennedy, and congres-sional économie adviser, is back inChicago as chairman of PSM International Corporation, a construction management firm.1957JAMES H. BURROWS, SM'57, has beenappointed director of the Institute forComputer Sciences and Technology,part ofthe Commerce Department's National Bureau of Standards. Before tak-ing the position, Burrows was the AirForce's top civilian officiai responsible for overseeing its data processing support program.Churches should join efforts to get theUnited States government to providedisaster aid to Vietnam, believes BARBARA FULLER, AM'57. Fuller, a résidentof Ann Arbor, Michigan, is part-timeconsultant of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) on Vietnam relation-ships.By the time children enter kindergar-ten, researchers at Rutgers Universityhâve found, it is évident that they valuework and expect to work. The "non-work ethic" is something that today'ssociety sometimes imposes when theyare older. This is one ofthe conclusionsmade by BERNARD GOLDSTEIN, PhD'57,and Jack Oldham in their new book,Children and Work. The book is the firstlarge-scale investigation of the socializa-tion of children to work.WALTER F. MURPHY, PhD'57, profes-sor in and chairman of the Departmentof Political Science at Princeton University, has written a book with a wildplot The Vicar of Christ.WILLIAM R. NELSON, PhD'57, hasbeen appointed associate professor atWest Virginia University School ofMedicine's Department of Pathology.He is former associate director ofbiochemistry at the Michael Reese Médical Center in Chicago.MARTIN ROTH, AM'57, PhD'65, pro-fessor of English at the University ofMinnesota, will be exchange professor atthe University of Sussex for 1979-80.His wife, martha silverman roth,AB'58, médical editor and writer, andtheir three children will be with him.1958JAMES C. GOODALE, JD'58, has beenelected a vice chairman of the NewYork Times Company. In his new position, Goodale will serve as gênerai coun-sel. He was previously an executive viceprésident ofthe company, specializing infinancial, corporate and légal matters.CHARLES E. GRIFFITH III, AB'58, hasbeen appointed assistant vice présidentof regulatory proceedings for AmericanAirlines. His office is at the Airlines'headquarters in the Dallas-Fort Wortharea. Griffith joined American in 1979as a director of properties after servingas gênerai counsel and corporate secretary for both the Nashville and KnoxvilleMetropolitan Airport Authorities.WILLIAM HARMON, AB'58, AM'68, iseditor of the recently published OxfordBook of American Light Verse. He has justfinished a five-year term as chairman ofthe Department of English at the Uni versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hilland spent 1978 as a RockefellerHumanities Fellow. Now he is just aplain Professor.While he was trying to support himself as a novelist, film director PHILIPKAUFMAN, AB'58, drove a tractor in Israël, taught math in Italy , and taught English in Greece. During the early sixties,he turned to filmmaking and has di-rected "Invasion ofthe Body Snatchers"and 'The Wanderers."ROBERT J. LADECKY, AM'58, MBA'59,has been named vice président, Systemsand controls, for the Thrall Car Man-ufacturing Company.Since his takeover as executive director of Baptist Médical Center inJacksonville, Florida, RICHARD H.MALONE, mba'58, has turned a non-profit hospital that was operating in thered into an institution that is showing ahealthy profit.The San Francisco Examiner reportsthat IRIS MITGANG, AB'58, went toWashington to testify at the Senateconfirmation hearings on attorney gênerai Benjamin Civiletti so she could callattention to the abysmally small numberof women on fédéral court benches. Sheis an attorney in Orinda, California, andthe newly-elected leader ofthe NationalWomen's Political Caucus.WALTER D. WAGONER, x'58, has beennamed intérim minister at Center Con-gregational Church, Meriden, Connec-ticut. He has served as the director ofthe Boston Theological Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts; as dean of theGraduate Theological Union, Berkeley,California; and as university chaplain atNorthwestern University.1959SAMUEL GREENGUS, AM'59, PhD'63, hasbeen appointed acting dean of the Cincinnati School, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Greengushas been professor of Semitic languagesat the Collège since 1963.Students in New Jersey's WilliamPaterson College's EnvironmentalStudies Program will be prepared to understand the social and political, as wellas the scientific aspects of environmentalconcerns as the resuit of a $183,280grant to the collège from the NationalScience Foundation. CHARLES W. LEE,SB'59, SM'60, professor of environmental studies and the program's director,says: "We hope to produce scientistswho will be better prepared for theirwork and to compete in the job marketby integrating the study of the environ-ment with various scientific disciplines,the social sciences and the process of51communication.'JAMES B. SIPPLE, am'59, campus chap-lain at Millersville State Collège, Penn-sylvania, participated in the World Council of Churches' conférence at Massachusetts Institute of Technology lastJuly. Approximately four hundred scientists and theologians attended the two-week session which focused on thethème "Faith, Science and the Future."Voyager 2 Project Scientist EDSTONE, SM'59, PhD'64, has beenselected by Time magazine as one of fiftyAmericans under the âge of forty-five tobe profiled in a spécial section on youngleaders. Stone was selected because ofhis rôle as chief scientist for the greatlysuccessful Voyager encounters with Jupiter in March and July of this year. Involved in space research since the early60s, Stone is a physics professor atCalifornia Institute of Technology.1960VERNON BRIGHTMAN, PhD'60, has beenappointed chairman of the Departmentof Oral Medicine of the University ofPennsylvania School of DentalMedicine. Brightman was associatedwith Dr. Lester Burket and Dr. IrwinShip in the development of the Department of Oral Medicine and Dental Research at Philadelphia General Hospital,serving as director of that unit from 1974until it closed in 1977. More recently,he was responsible for developing theOral Medicine Diagnostic Clinic andLaboratory that re-opened at the Schoolof Dental Medicine in 1978.In addition to teaching calculus anddifferential équations to undergraduatesat Michigan State University's LymanBriggs Collège, ronald hamelink,SM'60, PhD'64, farms 240 acres of landduring the summer months.LUTHER A. HARTHUN, JD'60, hasbeen named vice president/generalcounsel and international opérationsofficer of A-T-O, Inc., Willoughby, Ohio.He has been with A-T-O since 1966, andwas associated with the law firm of Hopkins, Sutter, Owen, Milroy, Wentz &Davis prior to that.MILTON G. LAUENSTEIN, MBA'60, hasrecently accepted three new respon-sibilities. He is président and CEO ofTelequip Corporation, a manufacturer ofautomatic coin dispensers used in con-junction with electronic cash registers.He is chairman of the board of HélixTechnology Corporation, of which hehas been a director since 1977. And heis a senior lecturer in the GraduateSchool of Business of the University ofChicago, where he teaches business policy one day a week. The National IAFP Board of Directorshas announced the appointment ofRICHARD A. YOUNG, MBA'60, as its 1979Convention Chairman. Since 1972,Young has served as président of hisown planning and consulting firm inChicago, Financial Stratégies, Inc.1961BERTRAM J. COHLER, AB'6l, WilliamRainey Harper Associate Professor ofSocial Sciences in the Collège and Associate Professor in the Departments ofBehaviorial Sciences and Education atthe University of Chicago, has authoreda new booklet with Anne C. Petersenand Dr. Daniel Offer. Titled "Careers inDevelopmental Research," the bookletdiscusses developmental research onchildhood, adolescence, and the secondhalf of life.Last March 31, the Fédéral HomeLoan Bank Board endorsed the appointment of JAMES R. FAULSTICH,JD'6l, as président ofthe Fédéral HomeLoan Bank of Seattle.ANDREW GREELEY, AM'6l, PhD'62, isthe author of The Making of the Popes1978, an observation of Vatican poli tics.FRIEDHELM RADANDT, AM'6l,PhD'67, has been named président ofNorthwestern Collège, Orange City,Iowa. Radandt has previously served asNorthwestern's acting président and asits vice président for académie affairs.Prior to coming to Northwestern, hewas an instructor of german at the University of Chicago and at Lake ForestCollège.LARRY P. SCRIGGINS, JD'6l, has beenelected a director of the United StateFidelity and Guaranty Company, Baltimore. He is a partner in the law firm ofPiper & Marbury, where he heads thecorporation and securities law department.1962L. WILLIAM COUNTRYMAN, AB'62,AM'74, PhD'77, reports that he has beenappointed Assistant Professor of theNew Testament at Brite DivinitySchool, Texas Christian University, FortWorth.A former Rhodes Scholar, FulbrightScholar, and Rockefeller Graduate Fellow, GEORGE A. DRAKE, DB'62, AM'63,PhD'65, has been named the tenth président of Iowa's Grinnell Collège. Drakecornes to Grinnell from Colorado Collège, where he was a professor of history.lowell N. ELSEN, JD'62, has beenappointed Senior Attorney of Texaco,Inc. DAVID F. GREENBERG, SB'62, SM'63,phD'69, associate professor of sociologyat New York University, has had twobooks published recently: Correctionsand Punishment (Sage Publications) andMathematical Criminology (Rutgers University Press).JERRY J. TOMASOVIC, SB'62, MD'65,has been named chairman of the Department of Neurology at Wilford HallUSAF Médical Center, Lackland AirForce Base, Texas. Tomasovic, alieutenant colonel, has been a memberof the Wilford Hall staff since January,1977, when he was assigned as staff childneurologist in the Department ofPediatrics.1963ina GORDON, AB'63, has been electedprésident ofthe League of Women Vot-ers of Mamaroneck, New York.ROBERT C. SMITH, AM'63, is managingeditor of TV Guide magazine at its Rad-nor, Pennsylvania, headquarters. He waspreviously managing editor of the Col-umbia Journalism Review and a teacher atColumbia's Graduate School of Journalism.WILLIAM B. SVOBODA, md'63, director of the Learning Disabilities Clinics atthe West Virginia University School ofMedicine, is the author of a new book,Learning About Epilepsy, published byUniversity Park Press of Baltimore.1964STEPHEN BERK, AM'64, led a weekendof Jewish studies held June 24-27 at theNippersink Manor Resort, Genoa City,Wisconsin. The occasion was the thir-tieth annual B'nai B'rith Institute ofJudaism, and its thème was "America,Israël, and the Middle East."GERALD cohn, JD'64, senior partnerof Cohn, Kardis & Sherwood, has beenappointed to the board of directors,Wood River Township Chamber ofCommerce, Wood River, Illinois.MARIAN E. IWERT, SM'64, MBA'71,was elected a trust investment officer bythe board of directors of the AmericanNational Bank, Chicago. She will be aninvestment strategist in the trust department.JERALD c. WALKER, DB'64, présidentof Baker University, Baldwin City, Kan-sas, since 1974, has assumed the pres-idency of his undergraduate aima mater,Oklahoma City University.1965M. BARBARA AKIN, AM'65, PhD'70, headof the Department of History at GroveCity Collège, Erie, Pennsylvania, has52been ordained deacon in the EpiscopalChurch.JOHN canuteson, am'65, assistantprofessor of English at William JewelCollège, Liberty, Missouri, has been appointed director of that college's writingprogram. In his job, he will lead the im-plementation of a comprehensive andcampus-wide writing program adoptedby the WJC faculty in May, 1979.As part ofthe récent scientific and cul-tural exchange agreement betweenHungary and the United States, FREDERICK W. CARSON, phD'65, is visitingDebrecen, Hungary. Professor Carson isengaged in collaborative research,synthesizing naturally occurring enzymes for use in cancer research. Theresearch effort involves his biochemicallaboratory at the American University,Washington, D.C., and the UniversitySchool of Medicine, Debrecen.ALBERT HOWARD CARTER III, AB'65,has been named Associate Dean of theFaculty for General Education at EckerdCollège, St. Petersburg, Florida. Hewrites: "Working with faculty in a variety of disciplines prompts me to ap-preciate once again the excellence of myundergraduate éducation at the U. of C."ERIC J. GANGLOFF, AB'65, PhD'73, isthe new chairman of the Asian StudiesCommittee at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville.JAMES M. going, mba'65, projectcoordinator for Town Center Associates,Seattle, has been appointed State Director for Washington/Idaho/ Alaska by theInternational Council of Shopping Cen-ters.DANIEL S. HAMERMESH, AB'65, pro-fessor of économies at Michigan StateUniversity, has recently authoredjoblessPay and the Economy (Johns HopkinsUniversity Press).ROBERT HASSENGER, PhD'65, wasmarried to Linda A. Cuminale last May25 in Saratoga Springs, New York. Thebride works in the children's room ofthe Saratoga Springs Public Library. Thebridegroom is employed by EmpireState College's Coordinating Center inthe same city.Associate professor ROBERT KREISER,AM'65, PhD'71, of the University ofRochester's history department, received a travel grant from the AmericanCouncil of Learned Societies to speak atthe International Conférence on the En-lightment in Pisa, Italy, last summer. Aspecialist in early modem French history, Kreiser discussed "The Emergenceof Veterinary Medicine in Late 18th andEarly 19th Century France."WARREN R. MADDEN, MBA'65, hasbeen promoted to associate vice prés ident and budget officer at Iowa StateUniversity of Science and Technology.Madden has been assistant vice président for business and finance at ISUsince 1970.DAVID RAY, MBA'65, an executivewith Lin Broadcasting Corporation, hasbeen named président and chief executive officer of Commodity News Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Knight-Ridder Newspapers.JOHN S. REIST, JR., AM'65, PhD'76,chaplain and teacher at Dickinson Collège in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, has beencalled to Central Baptist TheologicalSeminary in Kansas City, Kansas, to bean associate professor of theology.MARY M. SCHROEDER, JD'65, judge ofthe Arizona Court of Appeals, has beennominated by Président Carter to the9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in SanFrancisco.LEONARD B. SHAW, MBA'65, hasjoined Trans-Lux Corp. as vice présidentof corporate planning and spécial opérations. Previously, he was vice présidentof internai opérations for the ChicagoMercantile Exchange, and he has been amanagement consultant, corporateofficer, and technical supervisor for industrial firms and service organizations.WALTER M. STUHR, JR., AM'65,PhD'70, has been named président ofPacific Lutheran Theological Seminary,Berkeley, California. Professor of ethicsat the seminary since 1967 and dean ofthe master of divinity program since1975, he had been serving as acting président.JAMES J. VANECKO, AM'65, PhD'70, aspecialist in éducation research, wassworn in last July 2 by HEW AssistantSecretary for Education Mary F. Berryas her Deputy Assistant Secretary forEducation (Policy Development). Priorto his appointment Vanecko wasemployed by Abt Associates, Inc., inBoston, where he was responsible foréducation activities.1966Butler International, Montvale, NewJersey, has appointed ROBERT A.RUCINSKI, mba'66, as controller. Hejoins the company after having served asvice président of finance in the automo-tive carrier division of Ryder System.Atlanta University's Board of Trustées has appointed THOMAS W. COLE,JR., PhD'66, university provost and viceprésident for académie affairs. Cole hasserved on Atlanta's faculty for the pasttwelve years in capacities ranging fromassistant professor to Distinguished Cal- laway Professor of Chemistry and chairman ofthe Department of Chemistry.CLIFFORD M. DETZ, SM'66, PhD'70,co-authored "Microbial Desulfurizationof Coal," an article appearing in the July,1979 issue of Mining Congress Journal.JOHN N. king, AM'66, PhD'73, assistant professor of English at Bâtes Collège, Lewiston, Maine, has been appointed associate professor.KENNETH E. NAYLOR, PhD'66, pro-fessor of Slavic Linguistics at Ohio StateUniversity, received a grant from theNational Endowment of the Humanitiesin November 1978 to do a survey ofresearch tool needs in Slavic Languagesand Literatures. The survey, part of aséries of similar surveys in otherbranches of the humanities, lasted fromNovember 1978 to December 1979.JOHN P. TAGGART, am'66, has beenpromoted to full professor of English atShippensburg State Collège, Pennsylvania. Since coming to Shippensburgin 1969, he has published four books ofpoetry, the most récent of which isDodeka with an introduction by RobertDuncan (1979).The Board of Directors of theRichardson Company, Des Plaines, Illinois, has elected its chief executiveofficer and président, RENO J. TESTO-LIN, MBA'66, to the additional positionof Chairman ofthe Board.Palm Beach Incorporated has appointed CECIL M. TRULUCK, MBA'66, asvice président for planning and controlat the corporate level. Truluck's newpost includes responsibility for opera-tional planning and control, inventorymanagement, and scientific projects on acorporate-wide basis. He has been withthe company since 1975, when hejoined as a director of management information services.1967CHARLES W. ALLEN, MBA'67, an AirForce major, has arrived for duty at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. Allen,chief of resources and requirements forthe 76th Civil Engineering Squadron, aunit of the Military Airlift Command,previously served at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea.LEON BOTSTEIN, AB'67, président ofSimon's Rock Early Collège, was chosenby Time magazine as one of fifty futureleaders in the United States. Titled"Leadership in America: Fifty Faces forthe Future," the August 6 article calledBotstein "one ofthe nation's most force-ful advocates of an often-neglectedcause: the small libéral arts collège." Hehas been président of Bard Collège inAnnandale-on-Hudson, New York,53since 1975, and became président ofboth collèges last February when Si-mon's Rock was made a unit of Bard.Peoples Bank & Trust Company,Waterloo, Iowa, has announced thepromotion of JOHN L. CALTON, JD'67,to the position of senior vice présidentand trust officer. Calton has been withPeoples Bank since 1969.BRUCE E. CREGER, MBA'67, founderand président of Marquis Industries,Inc., Chicago, has been elected amember of the Lay Advisory Board ofRésurrection Hospital.DONALD KLEIN, AB'67, has been appointed an assistant attorney gênerai inNew Mexico. Klein had been with thestate engineer's office for five years,working on important water litigation.NILI OLIVE LOGAN, AB'67, wasawarded an MBA during the two hundredthirteenth anniversary commencementat Rutgers University, New Jersey, lastMay 24.JAMES H. MATSON, MBa'67, has beennamed director of opérations ofWestwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Buf-falo, New York. He came to Westwoodin 1975 from Mallinkrodt, Inc. of St.Louis and was most recently Westwood'sdirector of manufacturing.RUSSELL R. MILLER, AM'67, PhD'71,co-edited two books with David J.Greenblatt recently: Handbook of DrugTherapy (Elsevier, 1979), and DrugTherapy Reviews, Volume 2 (Elsevier,1979).LAWRENCE R. OKAMURA, AM'67, as-sociate professor of history at CalumetCollège, has been awarded a RackhamPredoctoral Fellowship for the 1979-80year by the University of Michigan'sRackham Graduate School. A memberof Calumet's faculty for twelve years,Okamura is a linguist who speaks eightlanguages including Latin and ClassicalGreek. The fellowship will enable him todo research and to write his PhD dissertation on the reign ofthe mid-third century A.D. Roman Emperor Gallienus.CLYDE P. WATKINS, AB'67, has beenappointed vice président of Charles R.Feldstein and Company, Fund RaisingCounsel, Chicago. Watkins was formerlyAssociate Vice Président for Planningand Académie Resources and Directorof Development at the University ofChicago.DEBRA RUTH WOLIN, AB'67,graduated from Brooklyn Law Schoollast June and was awarded the ScribesAward for writing the outstanding lawreview note. She is now working as lawassistant to the Honorable ShanleyEgeth, Suprême Court of the State ofNew York. GILBERT R. WOLTER, MBA'67, is viceprésident, Research & Engineering, forthe Sunbeam Appliance Company, division of Sunbeam Corporation. He hasbeen with Sunbeam since 1956.1968J. ROBERT ADAMS, AM'68, former associate librarian at the University ofArizona, Tucson, is now librarian atWesleyan University in Middletown,Connecticut. Adams was a member ofthe staff at the University of ChicagoLibrary from 1964 to 1968 and thenserved five years at the WashingtonUniversity Libraries in St. Louis.GILBERT W. BASSETT, MBA'68, was onhand last August to speak at the SixtiethAnnual Convention of the InternationalAssociation of Printing HouseCraftsmen in French Lick, Indiana. Hehas been executive director of theGraphie Arts Technical Foundationsince 1974, a Pittsburgh-based,member-supported, non-profit, scientific, technical and educational organization serving the international graphiecommunications industries.MICHAEL R. DARBY, AM'68, PhD'70,professor of économies at UCLA, has recently had two books published: Inter-mediate Macroeconomics (McGraw-Hill)and The Effects of Social Security on Incomeand the Capital Stock (American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research).H. ROLAND HEYDEGGER, PhD'68, hasbegun his duties as head of the Department of Chemistry and Physics at Pur-due University, Calumet. A PurdueUniversity faculty member for nineyears, Heydegger's specialized areas ofinstruction are nuclear, physical, andanalytical chemistry.ANN LOUSIN, JD'68, an associate professor of law at John Marshall LawSchool in Chicago, received honorablemention in the Illinois State Bar Association's 1979 Lincoln Award légal writingcontest for her essay, "Heller & Co. et alv. Convalescent Home et al; Leases,Sales and the Scope of Article Two ofthe U. C. C. in Illinois."MARY FRANCES O'SHEA, AM'68,PhD'73, received the top award of theU.S. Department of Health, Educationand Welfare, Office for Civil Rights. Shewas chosen from more than 1,700 OCRemployées to receive the "Director'sAward" and was recognized for hermanagement skills, créative leadership,and contribution to achieving the goalsof the fédéral HEW office that combatsdiscrimination.Thomas sowell, PhD'68, professor of économies at UCLA, is writing a sériesof columns addressing themselves toéconomie issues for the Los AngelesHerald Examiner. Basic Books will soonissue his latest book, Knowledge and Social Progress.R. ROOSEVELT THOMAS, JR., MBA'68,has been appointed associate dean of theAtlanta University Graduate School ofBusiness Administration. Thomascornes to Atlanta University from theHarvard University Graduate School ofBusiness Administration, where heserved on the MBA and DBA faculties.1969RICHARD N. CHRISMAN, am'69, formerassistant dean of the Chapel at PrincetonUniversity, is now the first full-timechaplain at Tufts University, Medford,Massachusetts. His new post involvesboth religious leadership and counselingfor the university community.LINDLEY DARDEN, AM'69, SM'72,PhD'74, has been promoted to associateprofessor of philosophy and history withtenure in the Department of Philosophyat the University of Maryland, CollègePark.He first saw the Tut artifacts in Cairoas a boy of thirteen. In 1976, when hewas thirty-seven, his employer, the NewYork Metropolitan Muséum of Art, dis-patched him to Egypt to pack the KingTut treasures for their tour through theUnited States. In addition to his dutiesat the Muséum, TOM LOGAN, x'69, isputting the final touches to his doctorateon the syntax of hieroglyphics.JAMES M. MCGOLDRICK, JR., JD'69,professor at the Pepperdine UniversityLaw School, Malibu, California, has beennamed associate dean of the law schoolfor the 1979-80 académie year. McGol-drick, who joined the Pepperdine LawSchool faculty in 1971, served for twoyears as trial attorney for the antitrustdivision ofthe U.S. Department of Justice.The newly appointed prosecuting attorney of Houghton County, Michigan,RICHARD S. MURRAY, AB'69, JD'76, saysthat one of his early goals will be to clearthe "air of hostility" that has existed between the county board of commission-ers and the prosecutor's office.DOUGLAS K. PINNER, MBA'69, hasbeen appointed to the position of président and chief executive officer of theGuterl Spécial Steel Corporation. Hebrings to the specialty steel producer adiversified expérience at various executive levels with several steel companies,most recently having served as présidentof Jessop Steel in Washington, Pennsylvania.54ALBERT A. RABY. x'69, former inter-governmental liaison officer for theOffice of Législative and GovernmentalAffairs at ACTION, has been named director of the Peace Corps in Ghana. Hewill supervise more than two hundredPeace Corps volunteers serving inmath/science éducation, teacher training, agriculture, rural development, andhealth projects.DONALD L. SCHOBER, PhD'69, hasbeen named market manager, Wire andCable Materials, for the Polyolefins Division of Union Carbide Corporation.He has been with Union Carbide since1969.William j. smits, mba'69, has beenappointed président and chief executiveof Tele-Service, a subsidiary of CookElectric, Morton Grove, Illinois. He hasbeen employed by Cook Electric for thepast twenty years, most recently as thecompany's group director of transmission products.JOSEPH P. STOLTMAN, MAT'69, hasbeen reappointed as chairman of theDepartment of Geography at WesternMichigan University, where he is an associate professor.1970ROBERT M. HENRY, MBA'70, was electedtreasurer ofthe Student Loan MarketingAssociation (Sallie Mae) by its Board ofDirectors. Henry joined Sallie Mae inOctober, 1973 as manager of FinancialPlanning, and was promoted to assistanttreasurer in 1977.DANIEL H. KAISER, AM'70, PhD'77,has assumed teaching duties as an assistant professor of history at Grinnell Collège, Iowa.If you are a Chicagoan who is worriedabout condo conversions and how theyaffect you, you might want to take a lookat "Condo Watch," a column appearingin the Sun Times and authored byDANIEL LAUBER, AB'70.RICHARD MURRAY, AM'70, assumedhis duties as director ofthe BirminghamMuséum of Arts on September 1.EDWARD A. ROBINSON, MAT'70, associate professor of secondary éducationat Northeastern Illinois University, hasbeen awarded a Robert Moton Fellowship for Independent Studies for the1979-80 académie year. The MotonCenter provides opportunities for collégiale faculty and senior scholars topursue research in a variety of académiedisciplines, and Robinson's researchproject will focus on the development ofAfro- American théâtre since 1964.WILLIAM C. ROWLAND, MBA'70, hasbeen elected a member of the Board ofDirectors of General Téléphone & Elec tronics Corporation, Stamford, Connec-ticut.ALLEN R. SANDERSON, AM'70, is oneof four assistant deans in the Princetongraduate school. As Princeton graduateschool's assistant dean for budgeting andfinancial planning, Sanderson will supervise a $10-million student aid budget,develop enrollment forecasts andevaluate how well department chairmenare spending their money.1971BRIAN R. ALM, AM'71, has been promoted to industrial product publicityeditor at the world headquarters ofDeere & Company, Moline, Illinois.JOHN G. ANDERSON, MBA'71, hasbeen appointed investment officer, se-curities department, in the investmentopérations at Connecticut General LifeInsurance Company, Hartford, Connecticut. Anderson has been with Connecticut General since 1972.JOHN M. EGGEMEYER III, MBA'71, hasbeen appointed senior vice présidentand controller of Northwest Bancorpo-ration, Minneapolis. Eggemeyer joinedthe company in 1977 as vice présidentand treasurer following nine years withthe First National Bank of Chicago.DAVID C. GARDNER, MST'71, was recently appointed principal of ReavisElementary School, Chicago Board ofEducation. Previously, he had served asthe associate principal of Corliss HighSchool. Gardner was a member of theGraduate School of Education's FordTraining and Placement Program during1970-71.JOHN B. HILLMAN, MTH'71, MBA'77,has been named vice président of personnel and administration of the Metropolitan Chicago YMCA. Hillman beganhis career with the local Schenectady,New York Y as a day camp counselor atCamp Tippecanoe. For the past fiveyears, he served as personnel director atthat city's Central YMCA Community Collège.JOHN KINNEBERG, JD'71, is the business development officer for the La Jollaoffice of United California Bank.DENNIS MONOHAN, MAT'71, writesthat POUBALHAN PILLAY, SM'70, hascompleted a year of post-doctoral research in ring theory with Professor KarlFaith at the Institute for AdvancedStudies, Princeton, New Jersey, and hasreturned to his home in Durban, SouthAfrica.LAURENCE shatkin, Am'71, receivedhis PhD from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania and is now employed at Educational Testing Service. He and his wife,Nancy, réside near Trenton. During August, LARRY SIPE, ab'71,served as art director of the second annual Ail Saints' Church music camp inPrinceton, New Jersey.JESSE H. TURNER, JR., SB'71, MBA'73,married Joyce E. Hays last July 14 inMemphis, Tennessee. Mrs. Turner is ateacher with the Memphis City Schools,and Mr. Turner is vice président of theTri-State Bank in that city.MARVIN G. WASCHKE, AB'71, AM'73,writes to tell us that he is now a memberof Local 756Carpenters & Joiners International and is founder of the FanferonPress, P.O. Box 943, Bellingham,Washington 98225, a publishing housedevoted to fine printing, passion, wit,and folly. He writes: "If a cold wintershuts down heavy construction in theNorthwest, I will hâve time to answercorrespondence and manuscripts."1972This fell, THEODORE BERLAND, AM'72,began a one-year appointment as Visiting Professor of Journalism at BowlingGreen State University in Ohio. He isteaching feature writing, magazine journalism, and science reporting. Berlandhas previously taught at NorthwesternUniversity's Medill School of Journalismand at Chicago's Columbia Collège.Los Angeles City Attorney Burt Pineshas announced the promotion of MARIEBLITS, JD'72, to the position of DeputyCity Attorney III, a post similar to thatof partner in a private law firm. A légaladvisor in the Employée Relations Division of the City Attorney's Office, Blitsworks on a wide range of issues rangingfrom employée disputes to discrimination charges.PHILIP DEELY, AM'72, has beenselected as a Joseph Klingenstein Fellowat Columbia University for 1979-80.Chairman of the history department atthe Foxcroft School, Deely will be tak-ing courses at Columbia in independentschool administration.JO FREEMAN, AM'72, PhD'73, hasbeen awarded a Root-Tilden Scholarshipfor the study of law at New York University.JOËL krichiver, mba' 72, reportedthat he and his family are moving toKansas City, Missouri, where he hasbeen promoted to the position of Department Head of Management Advis-ory Services with Alexander Grant &Company.harry l. LEOPOLD, mba'72, a Systems management executive with overtwenty years expérience in industry, hasbeen named director of management information Systems for the JointCommis-55sion on Accréditation of Hospitals. Forthe past nine years, Leopold held management positions with the AmericanReserve Corporation.PAUL MARQUIS, MD'72, authored"Thérapies for Cérébral Palsy," whichappeared in the June, 1979 issue ofAmerican Family Physician. He is a fellow in developmental pediatrics at theJohn F. Kennedy Institute for Habilitation of the Mentally and PhysicallyHandicapped Child, which is affiliatedwith Johns Hopkins University Schoolof Medicine.MYRON MEISEL, ab'72, has been appointed senior counsel for MelvinSimon Productions, Inc. Meisel waspreviously with the Long & Levit lawfirm of Los Angeles and San Francisco,and will now undertake major respon-sibilities for légal opérations of thefilmery.ALBERT J. SMITH, PhD'72, was nameda teacher of the year during WheatonCollege's honors convocation last spring.Smith, chairman of the biology department, has been a member of Wheaton'sfaculty since 1967.RICHARD STECK, MBA'72, has beenelected a vice président of Lincoln National Investment Management Company (LNIMC) in Chicago.JILL ANN STRASSMAN LUSTER, AB'72,writes that she is now an attorneylicensed to practice law in the State ofCalifornia.1973R. M. ADAMS, MBA'73, is co-author of"Critical Solvent Deashing of LiquefiedCoal," an article appearing in the June,1979 issue oi Chemical Engineering Prog-ress.GRETCHEN DONART, AB'73, has beennamed assistant editor of Labor Unity,the monthly newspaper of the Amalga-mated Clothing and Textile WorkersUnion. Last year she won the Best Fea-ture award from the Canadian Association of Labour Media for articles shewrote and photographed about union activities in Montréal and Winnipeg. She ismarried to University of Massachusettsgraduate Jack Clark and lives in Brooklyn, New York.HUGH R. HALLGREN, MBA'73, recently assumed the post of administratorat Illinois Masonic Médical Center.First California Business and Industrial Development Corporation openedits doors for business in Santa Ana lastJune. Its directors hope it will become amajor financing force in launching, sup-porting and helping small businessesgrow, first in Orange County, thenstatewide. SIDNEY NADLER, MBA'73, is the corporation's executive vice président.DONALD M. PRINCE, MBA'73, wasawarded a Certificate of Merit by the Illinois Community Collège Trustées Association at the group's Annual Meetingin Springfield. Vice président of RandMcNally Corporation in charge of theéducation publishing division, Princewas previously chairman of the IllinoisBoard of Higher Education.On April 28, GEORGE VINCENTRED-FEARN, AM'73, married Kathy AnnStublefield. She is an occupationaltherapist at the Rehabilitation Instituteof Chicago; he is employed by MelanithyAssociates, Business Consultants inChicago.MICHAEL J. SHIELDS, MBA'73, hasbeen named assistant controller of planning and analysis in the international division of Abbott Laboratories. Previously, he was manager of financialanalysis.1974F. WAYNE BOWEN, SM'74, MBA'77, hasbeen promoted to second vice présidentof Rollins Burdick Hunter of Illinois,Inc., a subsidiary of Rollins BurdickHunter Company, multinational insur-ance brokers with headquarters inChicago and with offices throughout theworld. Bowen previously served as assistant vice président of the Illinois subsidiary.T. L. BRINK, am'74, phD'78, is the author of Gériatrie Psychotherapy, published by Human Sciences Press.BARRETT JOBILL COBB, MAT'74, married Rosemary Ann Sullivan last July inHingham, Massachusetts. He is a project consultant for Mohawk Data Sciences Corporation, Parsippany, NewJersey.WILLIAM FEINGOLD, PhD'74, hasbeen named head of the division of be-haviorial and social sciences at BellevueCollège, Omaha, Nebraska. He is aspecialist in Irish history.MARILU HENNER, x'74, might hâvebeen living in Washington, D.C. todayinstead of Hollywood if she hadn't de-cided to give up studying political science at the University of Chicago andpursue an acting career. Winner of aYouth Foundation scholarship in 1970,Henner chose to study political sciencebecause the University offers no dramamajor. But Broadway was more invitingthan the Midway, and Henner eventu-ally moved to New York to join the national touring company of "Grease."She's now one of the stars of ABC'sTaxi."JUDY MERCADO, MBA'74, has beenselected to serve a one-year fellowship in Washington, D.C, as an assistant tothe president's senior advisors. She isthe first person of Puerto Rican descentto serve on the president's advisory staffin the White House.GRACEMARY ROSENTHAL, AM'74, isstaffing the office of the Orland ParkOutreach Office on a part-time basis.Her expérience includes five years as aclinical social worker with the Bay AreaGuidance Center, Bay City, Michigan,and with the Jewish Children's Bureau,Chicago.WILLIAM T. SPITZ, MBA'74, is CO-author of "New Tools for RetirementPlanning," an article appearing in theMarch, 1979 issue oi Trusts & Estâtes.1975NEIL S. ANGERMAN, MD'75, has begungraduate médical training in gynécologieoncology at the Mayo Graduate Schoolof Medicine.THOMAS V. BANFIELD, MBA'75, hasbeen appointed director of law department administration for Santa Fe Industries, Inc., Chicago, where he is respon-sible for business and administrativefunctions within the law department including budgeting, planning, supportservices, and cost control. Prior to join-ing Santa Fe, he served as controller forArgonne National Laboratory.MICHAEL E. BRETON, PhD'75, a research associate at the National Research Council of Canada, has been de-signated the 1979-80 CongressionalScience and Engineering Fellow of theOptical Society of America and theAmerican Association for the Advance-ment of Science. The fellowship willpermit him to spend a year inWashington working in the UnitedStates Congress on the staff of a senator,a représentative, or one of the congressional committees.JOHN B. JONES, MBA'75, has beennamed administrative assistant to theprésident of Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, transmission subsidiary of Peoples Gas Company.JEFFREY J. PUSCHELL, ab'75, has received a PhD in astrophysics from theUniversity of Minnesota and has ac-cepted a research associateship at theNational Radio Astronomy Observatoryin Charlottesville, Virginia.STEVEN G. SORELL, mba'75, has beenappointed manager for investment planning for Flying Tiger Line. In his position, Sorell is responsible for the préparation and administration of the air-freight airline's capital budget, includingfinancial review of capital expenditureproposais.ROBERT ARMIN STERNBERG, MBA'75,56married Katherine Ann Sklarsky lastJuly 8 in a ceremony held at TempleBeth Am, Buffalo, New York. Agraduate of Rochester Institute ofTechnology, the bride is a high schoolart teacher. The bridegroom is workingtowards a master's degree in médical illustration at his wife's aima mater.ROGER L. TAYLOR, MD'75, has enteredinto the practice of obstetrics andgynecology with Westwood Obstetricsand Gynecology, Ltd., Kankakee, Illinois.1976THOMAS M. BODENBERG, AB'76,MBA'77, has been appointed seniormanagement scientist in the Market Response Group of Management DécisionSystems, Inc., of Waltham, Massachusetts.FRANK L. ELLSWORTH, PhD'76, assistant dean of the University of ChicagoLaw School and instructor in the socialsciences collegiate division, assumed hisduties as président of Pitzer Collège inClaremont, California, last July 1. At theâge of thirty-five, Ellsworth is theyoungest président in the history of theClaremont Collèges.MICHAEL RAUEN, mba'76, has beennamed assistant non ferrous productmanager at Fullerton Metals Company,Highland Park, Illinois. Rauen has beenwith Fullerton since 1973-1977On July 16, CHARLES K. BARRETT,MBA'77, former director of financialplanning for the Chicago Tribune, assumed his duties as chief financial officerfor the Ft. Lauderdale News and Sun Sen-tinel.JAMES H. BRADNER, JR., MBA'77, hasbeen appointed to the position of SeniorAttorney in the National Strategy Program of the National District AttorneysAssociation Economie Crime Project.VINCENT A. GENNARO, MBA'77, andhis wife, KAREN GLOWACKI GENNARO,MBA'78, have recently moved fromChicago to St. Louis. They have purch-ased an expansion membership in theone-year-old Women's ProfessionalBasketball League and have chosen toput their team in St. Louis. Vince is serv-ing as président and gênerai manager ofthe club, which has been nicknamed the"St. Louis Streak." Karen is an accountexecutive with CompuServe, Inc., asmall computer timesharing firm.MERYL D. KAHN, MBA'77, has joinedEastern Gas and Fuel Associates as anopérations analyst. Prior to joining Eastern, she was a financial analyst with theXerox Corporation.KLAUS P. KRETSCHMANN, MBA'77, has recently been promoted to seniorinvestment analyst in the urban invest-ments department of ConnecticutMutual Life Insurance Company. Heanalyzes new real estate in Connecticutand on the WestCoast. Kretschmann hasbeen with the company two years.JOSEPH E. MORAHAN III, MBA'77, isthe author of "Bad Faith Awards AgainstInsurers The Next Bonanza?", an article appearing in the May 26, 1979 issueof the Weekly Underwriter. He is an account executive with Alexander & Ale-xander in Chicago, specializing in insur-ance company professional liability.ROBERT ARTHUR O'BRIEN, MBA'77,and CAROLYN ROGERS, AM'76, weremarried last June. The bride has servedwith VISTA in Rabun County, Georgia.The bridegroom is a marketing analystfor the General Motors Corporation inDétroit.JOHN S. STRONG, PhD'77, assistantprofessor of religion at Bâtes Collège,received a grant from the AmericanCouncil of Learned Societies, an awardgiven to récent récipients of doctoraldegrees to assist them in preparing theirdissertations for publication. He spentthe summer at Harvard University com-pleting a study and translation of theSanskrit legends of a third century B.C.Indian Buddhist monarch.1978LESTER T. BERN, AB'78, MBA'79, isemployed as a cash management analystby the First National Bank of Chicago,where he's applying his degree in business économies, marketing, and finance.MICHAEL BRANDWEIN, JD'78, was onhand last March at the Chicago PublicLibrary Cultural Center' s birthday célébration for magician Harry Houdini.Brandwein paid homage to Harry byperforming one of the master's besttricks ever the strait jacket escape.JOHN M. COSTIGAN, MBA'78, waselected vice président and assistant gênerai counsel by the Kraft, Inc. Board ofDirectors. He is responsible for direct-ing the company 's antitrust, patent, andfood and drug law activities.CHARLES DAVID HUGELMEYER,AB'78, married Laura Ann Potthoff onJune 23 in Racine, Wisconsin. The brideis a psychiatrie social worker in Chicago,and the groom is a médical student at theChicago Collège of OstéopathieMedicine.DAVID F. KERN, AM'78, has joined theCleveland Bureau of United Press International as a staff reporter. He hopesto apply his master's in social science to ajournalism career focusing on cities withproblems like Cleveland's.JOYCE MONACO, AM'78, and her hus- band, Greg, began two-year terms withthe Mennonite Voluntary Service inPortland, Oregon last June. Joyce iscounseling runaways at a youth serviceagency; Greg is working at the PortlandMilitary and Vétérans CounselingCenter.JEROME NAGEL, MBA'78, has beennamed administrative assistant to thevice président of Marketing and Ratesfor Natural Gas Pipeline Company ofAmerica, a transmission subsidiary ofPeoples Gas Company.TODD L. PARCHMAN, MBA'78, hasjoined the staff ofthe energy natural re-sources division of Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis as an assistant vice président. A specialist in financ-ing for the petroleum industry, Parch-man will have responsibility for ailfinancings involving the exploration, development, and processing of petroleumreserves in the Upper Midwest andRocky Mountain régions. Prior to joining Northwestern, he was with theHouston-based energy division of theFirst National Bank of Chicago.BETTY ANN WOLOSZYN, am'78, married RICHARD N. WOOLSLAYER, MBA'78,last June in Dunkirk, New Jersey. TheWoolslayers réside in Houston, Texas.1979HENRIETTA DE VEER, PhD'79, receivedher degree in urban anthropology inJune from the University of Chicago andis continuing in her post as spécial assistant to the Commissioner of Employ-ment in New York City.KAREN J. MALES, mba'79, is assistantbrand manager of Frito-Lay in Dallas,Texas.DAVID TIMOTHY READ, am'79, married Sarah Jane Orr during a June ceremony performed at the ImmaculateConception Chapel of Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey.Both are graduâtes of Yale. The bridehas completed her first year at the University of Wisconsin Law School, andRead has entered that university's PhDprogram in English, where he holds ateaching assistantship.SUSAN M. SWISS, JD'79, is practicinglaw with Procopio, Cory, Hargreavesand Savitch, San Diego.In Memoriam19001919Rose Haas Alschuler, x'04; GeorgeKonrad Karl Link, SB' 10, PhD' 16; JohnCarlisle Pryor, JD'10; Zoe Ella Fisk,PhB'll, AM'l4, whose first novel, GreyTowers, depicted a move by the Univer-57sity of Chicago to become a graduateschool exclusively, died in WalnutCreek, California, last July at the âge of92.Rupert C. Gibson, JD'l4; James E.Lebensohn, SB'14, SM'16, MD'17; ErlingLunde, PhB'l4; Harry M. Paine, PhD'l4;Helen Kennedy Paine, SB' 15.Robert Guy Buzzard, SB'16, SM'17, aformer président of Eastern IllinoisUniversity, died last July at his retirement home in Laguna Hills, California;Juanita Helm Floyd, PhB'l6; Irène CaseSherman, phB'16, phD'24, md'32; AmyL. Wolford, PhB'16.Maurice L. Bluhm, llb'17; Francis L.Brinkman, PhB'17, JD'19; Martha N.Grimes, PhB'17; Ove Martin Olsen,x'17; Caroline R. Bohem, phB'18;George Haynes, AM'19, a leader inPhiladelphia-area Quaker activities, diedlast June in Langhorne, Pennsylvania.19201929Lindon Seed, MD'20; G. Norman Wige-land, PhB'20; Melville W. Borders,JD'21; Floyd Farquhar, AM'21; Philip E.Golde, PhB'21, JD'23; Floyd E. Reeves,AM'21, PhD'25, nationally and interna-tionally known educator who had servedas consultant to Michigan State University's Président John Hannah, died August 20 enroute to a hospital in EastLansing, Michigan; Alfred Watts New-combe, X'21.Cecil M. P. Cross, PhD'22; Sidney J.French, SB'22, pioneer planner and firstdean at the University of South Florida,died May 20 in St. Petersburg after along illness; Eugène M. Hinton, AM'22;Olga Marie Hoesly, AM'22; Fred W.Kranz, PhD'22; Kenneth N. Parke,PhB'22, AM'24; Mary Gwendolyn Shaw,SB'22, SM'30.Meta Schroeder Beckner, PhD'23;Marie A. Hinrichs, PhD'23, MD'34; Frederick Tilberg, am'23; J. ElizabethBarns, AM'24; James Wines, x'24; MaxH. Braun, PhB'25; Wilson H. Shorey,phB'25.Reno W. Backus, md'26; Chester P.Freeman, SM'26; S. William Halperin,PhB'26, PhD'30, professor emeritus,Department of History, died April 15,1979, at the âge of 74; Arthur W. Howard, PhB'26; W. C. Krumbein, PhB'26,SM'30, PhD'32, a pioneer in the use ofcomputers in solving geological problems and considered the "father of computer geology," died last August after anillness of several years; Charles W.Lauthers, AM'26; Oscar Snyder Lehman,AM'26; Alice W. Lundy, PhB'26; Louis I.Schubert, PhB'26, JD'28; Hallie L.Smith, AM'26.Nellie M. Hord, AM'27; Catherine J.Murphy, PhB'27; Mary Elizabeth Waits Williams, AM'27; T. Thomas Wylie,x'27.Alyce Jane McWilliams, PhB'28,AM'31; Norman M. Silverman, SB'28;Jérôme Weiss, PhB'28, JD'30, formerprésident of the Chicago Bar Association, died last September.Mary Louise Harroun Eaton, PhB'29;James T. Farrell, x'29, author of theStuds Lonigan trilogy, died of a heart at-tack last August in his New York apart-ment; Thomas P. Harris, JD'29; LoisMettler Rittenhouse Jones, PhB'29;James F. Malone, PhB'29, JD'32; DuaneV. Ramsey, AM'29.19301939Jonathan C. Bunge, PhB'30, JD'32; Fr-ances A. Chandler, AM'30; Landon Lincoln Chapman, JD'30, aChicago attorneywho became known in the 1940s for hispart in civil rights cases, died last July;Eula H. Cutt, am'30; Norbert F.Leckband, MD'30; Israël Michelstein,SM'30, MD'35; Everett V. Stonequist,PhD'30, professor emeritus of sociologyat Skidmore Collège and author of anumber of works on race relations including The Marginal Man, died of aheart attack last March.Vell B. Chamberlin, JD'31; KennethW. Clark, PhD'31; Horace Welles Doty,md'31; Marjorie G. Mooney, PhB'31;Beulah C. Bosselman, MD'32; WilliamBurrows, PhD'32, Professor Emeritus ofMicrobiology at the University ofChicago died last November; Louis E.Kanne, PhB'32; Arthur HoustonRichardson, PhB'32; Janet L. HarrisWolfson, PhB'32.George A. Crapple, SM'33; ThelmaGladys Force, X'33; John M. Frazier,x'33; Charlemae Hill Rollins, x'33.James Louis Henning, AB'34, JD'36;Ruth L. Sackett, PhB'34; Thomas H.Wason, PhB'34; Wendell M. Willett,MD'34, a retired Washington, D.C,dermotologist, died of cancer last July inAnnapolis, Maryland.Holger Benjamin Bentsen, PhB'35;Harry Hill, PhD'35; Alethea SalomeKose, AM'35; Frederick T. Lauerman,ab'35; James Hemenway Morton,SM'35; Rebecca Rubin Pearlman, x'35;Kathryn Hand Welch, AM'35; FernGeneviève Witt, PhB'35.C. Emmet Eiler, AM'36; Charles EarlHawkins, x'36, a retired researchanalyst and législative adviser on socialwelfare policies for the Department ofHealth, Education and Welfare, died ofcancer last June.Bernard H. Ailts, MD'37; William Director, AB'37, retired chief of personnelin the Office of the Secretary of Health,Education and Welfare, died of ananeurysm last August; John W. Hight, AB'37; Harold W. Morgans, MD'37.Edward E. Grice, AM'38; BengtHamilton, x'38; Virginia J. PrindivilleHamilton, ab'38; Donald A. Morgan,JD'38; Ruth Marie Victoria Anderson,phB'39; Louise Gerrard, AB'39, AM'40,head of the West Virginia Commissionon Aging, died last July in Johns Hopkins University Hospital after a fightwith cancer.19401949Shirley N. Teton, AB'40; John R. Cas-tles, AB'4l; John A. Muntz, SM'4l,PhD'45, professor and chairman of theDepartment of Biochemistry at the Al-bany Médical Collège from 195 5 to1974, died last June after suffering astroke.Thomas W. Anderson, SB'43, md'45;Julian W. Daane, SB'43; Wilhelm Moll,JD'45; Cari W. Anderson, SB'47,mba'48; Lois Boerger Zerbst, x'47.William Charles Gribble, Jr., SM'48,retired Army Lieutenant General andchief of engineers of the Army from1973 to 1976, died of cancer; ThomasA. Johnson, Jr., PhB'48, MD'52; Florence Ruth VanHoesen, PhD'48; RobertKent Cox, phB'49-19501959Fritz Alexander Bauer, MBA'50; Frederick S. Harper, MBA'50; Agnes Lévy,AB'50; Ernest S. Newmark, AB'50,MBA'53; lia Fern Warren, AM'50; OttoH. Christensen, PhD'51; Patricia DyerFort, AB'51; Glenna Juanita Sprout Al-bers, AM'52; Ross A. Von Wiegand,MBA'53, an authority on alcoholism andone of the founders of the Associationof Labor-Management Administratorsand Consultants on Alcoholism, died inApril at Lenox Hill Hospital, Manhattan.Charlotte Mitchell, AM'54; WilliamRebelsky, x'55; Robert Roy Paulsen,AM'56; Arne Richards, x'58; Kermit B.Coleman, AB'59, gênerai counsel forChicago's Afro-American Police Leagueand a civil rights activist, died of a strokelast August; Peter R. McKeon, ab'59,am'62, PhD'65.19601972Sheldon D. Parzen, SB'60, died inMarch, 1976, after a seven year battlewith Hodgkin's Disease; Thomas C.Campbell, PhD'63, former président ofChicago Theological Seminary, died ofcancer last August; William J. Lavez-zorio, MBA'67; David T. Martin,MBA'70; Abdul Hamid El-Zein, PhD'72,noted Middle Eastern and East AfricanScholar, died last August in Philadel-phia.58We Are ThrilledRichard Kaye's article on Court Théâtrein the Summer issue was the best pièceof journalism I've seen this side of JohnMcPhee.The Marv Phillips quote on "trees andlights" caught the man's twinklinghumor just right. There was a time inUniversity Theater when everybodytalked like that.Bob Dalton, SB'59Palm Beach FloridaThe Editor replies: Thank you for thecompliment. Mr. Kaye, also fromFlorida, contributes frequently to theChicago Maroon. Fans can subscribe tothe Maroon by writing to: Subscriptions,Chicago Maroon, 1212 East 59th Street,Chicago, Illinois 60637. The subscrip-tion rate is twelve dollars a year. Mr.Kaye says he will dedicate his next article to Mr. Dalton.TranscendenceIn the September 1978 issue two members of the Department of BehavioralScience state that business executivesshould meet stress head on instead ofavoiding it through méditation. Theyadded that méditation "interrupts thework day and encourages passivity, notthe aggressive tackling of a problem."Perhaps thèse scientists were notaware of the study done at the GraduateSchool of Business at the University ofChicago, in 1975, by Kenneth E. Friend, PhD. His subject was the "Effects of theTranscendental Méditation Program onWork Attitudes and Behavior." Thestudy replicates and extends previousfindings of increased job satisfaction andperformance, and improved re-lationships with supervisors and co-workers in people participating in theTranscendental Méditation program.The findings of positive applicationsof the TM program to business life havenot been confined to laboratory studies.An example of a corporate response tothe TM program is the following quota-tion by Roy Morter, Régional PersonnelDirector, General Motors:A significant number of those who complétée! (our) TM management coursehave been offered promotions or havebeen promoted. It appears that . . . the TM technique definitely points in the direction of greater energy, improvedhealth.Both subjective and objective findingmake a strong case for eliminating stressinstead of fighting it. Over a millionpeople throughout the world practicethe TM technique; increased creativity,energy, and organizing abilities allowthem to deal effectively with situationswithout being worn down by theirbody's stressful response. This in no wayencourages passivity or a retreat fromthe challenges of life. It merely allows anindividual to use his full internai re-sources to accomplish his goals with theleast effort.Larry A. Stein, MBA'74Fairfield, IowaCréditsThe Department of Spécial Collections,The Joseph Regenstein Library pages 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11The Office of Public Information pages 39, 40, 41The University of Chicago Press page 15The Alumni Association page 60William Simms pages 41, 59, coverArt direction: Paula S. Ausick59Musings from Alumni House On October 11, 1979, the NationalAlumni Cabinet opened its annual meeting, convened by Président CharlesBoand. There were two significant différences between this meeting and ear-lier ones, quite apart from the content:the meeting was held at the same time asthe annual meeting of the NationalAlumni Fund Board and it was held during Homecoming Weekend. TheCabinet and the Alumni Fund Board hadthree joint gatherings including a luncheon at which Président Gray spokeand a Roundtable discussion on the Collège, chaired by the Dean of the Collège,Jonathan Smith. Both Cabinet and FundBoard members were delighted with thejoint sessions and the gênerai good spiritof the weekend. Even though the Ma-roons lost the game to Lake Forest Collège, the Homecoming festivities weregreat fun and, I suspect, something of asurprise to those alumni who have notbeen keeping up with campus activities.The University of Chicago Jazz Band, ofwhich I am a member, closed out itssegment of the Homecoming Dance at1:1 5AM Sunday morning, and as we putour stands and music away I saw twoCabinet members and their spousesheading up to the third floor of IdaNoyés Hall where a disco band was stillplaying.Prior to the meeting, National AlumniCabinet members were sent a copy ofthe final working draft of the report ofthe Ad Hoc Commission on Alumni Affairs. The three formai sessions of theCabinet meeting were based solely onthe report, and from their level of participation, it is évident that Cabinetmembers read the report very carefully.Generally, the Cabinet gave the report astrong endorsement after considering itsection-by-section and, in some cases,line-by-line. Members, however, wereunhappy with the idea of club dues andwith a common club charter, both ofwhich were suggested by the Commission. As always, there was the quest forthe famous "unified diversity" of The University of Chicago, and at this meeting the Cabinet members seemed tohave reached it.Many members of the Cabinet told ushow much they enjoyed the meeting andthat, for once at least, they felt like con-tributors instead of followers. There wasa sensé of purpose in this meeting and,while the purpose may be more to thecrédit of the Commission members thanto the staff of the Alumni Association, itis clear that the Cabinet members responded enthusiastically and gave themeeting both a fine edge (for the Commission report) and a strong foundationon which to begin the process of renew-ing the University's Alumni Affairs program. Ail of us on the staff were deeply60Président Hanna H. Gray meets and ad-dresses Cabinet members.Charles Boand, président of the AlumniAssociation, présides at the Cabinet meetings.impressed with the sensitivity and theconcern of the Cabinet members andtheir extraordinary commitment to theUniversity. In the meeting discussions,the Cabinet members reminded us that,as they work in their communities, theyneed dependable support from the staffsof the Alumni Association, the AlumniFund of the Office of Development andthe Office of Collège Admissions. Some-times the message from the Cabinetmembers was hard and quite pointed butit was, at the same time, understandable.The Cabinet members are helping ail ofus understand what spécifie détails mustbe attended to if we are going to servethe needs of alumni leaders and volunteers. In assessing the report of theCommission, the Cabinet provided thenecessary test of reality; the "will it Jonathan Fanton, vice président forAcadémie Resources and InstitutionalPlanning, addresses the Cabinet Meeting.work" and "is it practical" questions ofleaders and volunteers who work "outthere." In their unique way, the National Alumni Cabinet and the NationalAlumni Fund Board taught ail of usworking in Alumni Affairs at the University to be more realistic and to deal inspécifies and not in the vagueness thatsometimes finds its way out of our offices (and our typewriters).Perhaps what was most important forme was the realization that the Cabinetmembers led me to: we have not yetreached the clarity of purpose that wemust have if the Cabinet is to have a lifeof its own. We are just now and verymuch because of the work of theCommission beginning to address thequestion of the purpose and function ofthe National Alumni Cabinet. For yearsit seems the National Alumni Cabinethas existed with the changing member-shipt' provided by the Constitution withdut anyone really knowing why orfor what. But to admit uncertainty ofpurpose is also to admit the possibility ofchange, the opportunity for a new beginning. We could not have asked for amore hopeful and provocative Cabinetmeeting than the one we had this year. Arthur Schultz, chairman of the Commission on Alumni Affairs, addresses theCabinet Meeting, Thursday, October 11,1979 at the Quadrangle Club.Next time too, I want to tell you alittle about the move of the Alumni Association Offices to the Robie House ofFrank Lloyd Wright. This move, whichwill be completed in early January,1980, is yet another élément in thestrengthening of the University'sAlumni Affairs program. We are ail ex-cited by the opportunity to join forceswith Frank Lloyd Wright and his PrairieHouse masterpiece. It seems to us that itis quite appropriate for the University'sAlumni Association to be housed in aNational Landmark and in a house whichreflects the care and sensitivity withwhich Wright met the needs and wishesofthe Robie family. The lesson is important and we take it seriously. Until nexttime. . . .Peter Kountz, am'69, PhD'76Executive DirectorUniversity Alumni Affairs61