THEUNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOMAGAZINE'<>> 51&t¦I?**%MARCH/APRIL 73.Three questions about the sustainednuclear chain reactionHerbert AndersonA 'botanistaV adventures in the AndesPatricia ArmstrongHonor roll of alumni donors 16a'We're hère to stay!'Ursula Stone 17Trodigal son' 3121 Quadrangle news 22 Letters 25 Alumni newsVolume LXV Number 5March/April, 1973The University of Chicago Magazine,founded in 1907, is published six timesper year for alumni and the faculty ofThe University of Chicago, under theauspices of the Office of the Vice Président for Public Affairs. Letters andeditorial contributions are welcomed.Don Morris, AB'36EditorJane LightnerEditorial AssistantSecond class postage paid at Chicago,Illinois; additional entry at Madison,Wisconsin. Copyright 1973, The University of Chicago. Published in July/August, September/October, Novem-ber/December, January/February,March/April, and May/June. The University of ChicagoAlumni Association5733 University AvenueChicago, Illinois 60637(312)753-2175John S. Coulson, '36, PrésidentArthur Nayer, Director, AlumniAffairsRuth Halloran, Assistant DirectorLisa Wally, AM'68Program DirectorRégional Offices1542 Riverside Drive, Suite FGlendale, California 91201(213) 242-8288320 Central Park West, Suite 14ANew York, New York 10025(212) 787-78001000 Chestnut Street, Apt. 7DSan Francisco, California 94109(415) 928-03375850 Cameron Run TerraceAlexandria, Va. 22303(703) 768-7220cover: Although her article in this issue deals with her expériences as a botanist inSouth America, Patricia Armstrong (sm'68) appears hère as photographed on aprevious expédition, to the Juneau ice fields of Alaska.picture crédits: Page 1, Mary Ann Tiffany; Pages 5, 7, Town and Country; Page8, 9, Charles Armstrong; Pages 11, 12, 16, Patricia Armstrong; Page 31, LyndaCaspe.Three questionsA bout the sustained nuclear chain reaction1. How would the development of atomic energy hâvegone, if it hadn't been for the war?2. Who invented the chain reaction, anyway? (Since thisis just a question of fact that some of you may know, Ialso ask Question 2B: When was the invention made?)3. This question is really a pointed one which I like toraise whenever I stand in front of a captive audience withreprésentatives from government and business: How important do you consider that the rôle of knowledge-oriented science was in the development of nuclearenergy?Herbert 'AndersonWhile you are thinking about how you might answerthose questions, Fil take you back in history.It's always difficult to know where history begins. Butin my own mind, the story of the development of thechain reaction begins in Sweden. It begins with OttoFrisch, and I thought it would be appropriate to let youhâve the description of that beginning in his own words:This is where I came in, because Lisa Meitner was lonelyin Sweden and as her faithful nephew, I went to visit her atChristmas. There in a small hôtel in Kungalo, near Gote-borg, I found her at breakfast, brooding over a letter from[Otto] Hahn. I was skeptical about the contents — thatbarium was formed from uranium by neutrons, but she kepton with it.We walked up and down in the snow, I on skis and she onfoot, and gradually the idea took shape that this was nochipping or cracking of a nucleus but rather a process to be explained by [Niels] Bohr's idea that the nucleus was like aliquid drop. Such a drop might elongate and divide itself ;Dr. Anderson, professor in the Department ofPhysics andthe Enrico Fermi Institute of Nuclear Studies, was anoriginal member of the team which achieved the firstsustained release of nuclear energy. The accompanyingarticle, recalling some little-known aspects of that development, is excerpted from a talk Dr. Anderson gave inDecember as part of cérémonies marking the thirtiethanniversary of the achievement. Présent at that occasion,which included a symposium on energy needs and poli-cies, were représentatives ofCongress, the Atomic EnergyCommission, Argonne National Laboratory, the businesscommunity, the diplomatie corps and the University.3and when I worked out the way the electric charge of thenucleus would diminish the surface tension, I found that itwould be down to 0, just around Z= 100, and probably quitesmall for uranium. Lisa Meitner worked out the énergiesthat would be avàilable, from the mass defect in such abreakup. She had the mass defect curve pretty well in herhead, and it turned out that the electric repulsion of thefragments would give them about 200 MeV of energy andthat the mass defect would indeed deliver that energy sothat the process could take place on a purely classical basiswithout having to invoke the crossing of a potential barrier;which of course could ne ver hâve worked.We only spent two or three days together that Christmas,and then I went back to Copenhagen and just managed totell Bohr about the idea as he was catching his boat to theUnited States.And I remember how he struck his head after I hadbarely started to speak and said, "Oh what fools we hâvebeen. We ought to hâve seen that before." But he had not,and nobody had.This was exciting news for Bohr. The idea of the liquiddrop was his idea and he had been looking for expérimental évidence that his idea was the right one. Fissionwas just the thing. When he arrived in New York, on thatJanuary 16, 1939, he was so excited about his newdiscovery , that he just had to tell it to someone, althoughhe had been cautioned not to let the cat out of the bagbefore Frisch had done the experiment.So a few days after settling in Princeton, he came toColumbia looking for Enrico Fermi; he wanted to seeFermi's reaction to his great news. He looked for him inone of the laboratories. Fermi wasn't there, but I was.Undeterred, he came right over, grabbed me by theshoulder and said: "Young man, let me explain to youabout this new phenomenon in physics called fission."And he rushed to the blackboard and began to explainhow the fission occurred according to his idea of theliquid drop.It was a fairly exciting expérience for me to see suchimportant news from such a great man, and as soon as heleft, I felt that I had to find Fermi and tell him whathappened. When I got into his office, which was on theseventh floor, and before I had a chance to say anything,he started out, "I know what you want to tell me about.Let me explain to you about fission." He went to theboard, and he showed how the two particles would corneapart, and the energy yield, and ail that kind of thing. Ihâve to say that Fermi's explanation was a lot clearer tome than Bohr 's was.At that time I was a graduate student. I had helpedbuild the cyclotron, and I had just about completed someequipment that I had made for some research that I wasgoing to do in neutron physics. Among other things, I hadconstructed an ionization chamber and an amplifier,which were the kind of instruments popular in that day, and it just seemed to me that this apparatus might verywell adapt itself to seeing the fission process occur.So I went to Fermi and I said, "Look, you've justarrived and you don't hâve any equipment, but I hâvejust the kind that would be good for working on fission.Why don't we work together? I need a good professorwho understands the physics and you might need agraduate student who's well equipped with apparatus."He appreciated that there would be some problems,because I was already working for John Dunning, but hetalked to Dunning; the switch was accomplished, and Ibegan a collaboration with Fermi that lasted twenty-fiveyears.We didn't lose any time; we mounted a layer ofuranium in this ionization chamber, and took it down tothe cyclotron in order to bombard that chamber withneutrons, to see if we could see the fission which ought totake place. But the cyclotron wasn't working well thatnight. Then I remembered that John Dunning had someof thèse artificial neutron sources that you can make bymixing radium with béryllium. I found Dunning andtogether we tried it. Lo and behold, we were able to seethe fission of uranium on our cathode ray oscilloscopethat very evening.It was a very propitioûs moment. Fermi had alreadyleft earlier that day to attend a meeting in Washington.Dunning, appreciating the significance of our resuit,telegraphed Fermi that we had seen the fission process.Of course Bohr was there, too, and the whole meetingjust blew up with the news. The physicists called up theirlabs, and very shortly confirmations came from practi-cally every major nuclear physics lab in the country.Fermi came back to Columbia and straightway calledme and wrote on the blackboard a long list of experi-ments he wanted to do right away.One of the experiments that we did very early was totry to find out whether new neutrons were emitted whenuranium was bombarded by neutrons. We carried outsuch an experiment with positive results.An uninvited suggestionBut then in a very curious way, [Léo] Szilard in-terjected hirnsel^ into our work.Just after we finished that experiment he went toFermi, and said, "You know, Enrico, you are using aradium-beryllium source and you must know that such asource has rather energetic neutrons. How do you knowthat there isn't an (n, 2n) reaction which would disturbthe results?""Well," Fermi said, "you may be right." Szilard said,"It just happens that I hâve a radium-beryllium photoneutron source which gives neutrons of much lower4energy , and if you use that you won't hâve the problem ofthe (n, 2n) reaction."Fermi somewhat re-luctantly had to admit thatthe results would be lessopen to question if the experiment were done with aphoto-neutron source, sowe carried out the experiment with that source aswell. In the paper describ-ing the results, crédit wasgiven to a curious or-ganization known as theAssociation for ScientificCollaboration, and it al-ways seems strange to meas I look back over history,that not a word was said —that it was really Szilardwho had the idea, and itwas from him that we ob- Enrico Fermitained the source. Any way,Szilard then became a part of the Columbia group.It was curious how he came to Columbia. He was not amember of the faculty. He just sort of appeared one day,because he knew that that's where the action would be.He went to the dean, who appointed him a guest scientist.He then participated in some of the experiments.Contrasting stylesI remember very clearly how it was, working withSzilard and Fermi. Fermi's idea of doing an experimentwas that everybody worked. It was his style to workharder than anybody else, and everyone worked prettyhard. But Szilard was a thinker; he wasn't the one to domanual work. He thought he ought to spend his timethinking; and he didn't want to stay up half the nightmeasuring activities and putting together the variousparts of the experiment.He said, "I realize this work has to be done, but itwould be much better for me to spend my time thinking. Iwill hire a young man who will do whatever is required,and he will do it much better than I could." And so theexperiment that we did together was really done byFermi, Anderson, and a man named S. F. Krewer,although the paper was signed Fermi, Anderson, andSzilard.It was the first and also the last experiment in whichFermi and Szilard collaborated. The contrast between theSzilard approach and the Fermi approach was reallyextrême. And it shows how such différent kinds of peoplecan succeed in science. Szilard understood this very well. In fact at one point he pointed out the différencebetween Fermi's approach and his. When the questioncame up about whether the chain reaction could go ornot, he said, "Well, Fermi and I, we're both conservativein our thinking; according to Fermi, if he sees somechance that the reaction will not work, he doesn't want tosay it will; he'd rather be sure of his facts. So he'llcontinue to work until he can be more certain."For Szilard, if there 's even a small chance that thereaction will work, then he feels that he should starttaking précautions. He should alert people, tell themwhat might happen, what the dangers might be, and beready for the contingencies that might corne about.Although we are primarily concerned with Fermi hère,I do want to inject a bit more about Szilard.Let me tell you in Fermi's own words what he thoughtabout Szilard. He said, "I don't know how many of youknow Szilard. No doûbt many of you do. He is certainly avery peculiar man, extremely intelligent."And then, since the audience was amused by this, hesaid, "I see that's an understatement. He's extremelybrilliant. And he seems — at least that is the impressionthat he gives to me — to enjoy startling people."Szilard proceeded to startle physicists by proposing tothem, that given the circumstances (it was early 1939, andwar was very much in the air) — given the danger thatatomic energy and possibly atomic weapons could be-come the chief tool for the Nazis to enslave the world — itwas the duty of the physicists to départ from what hadbeen the tradition of publishing significant results as soonas the Physical Review or other scientific journals mightturn them out.Instead, he said, one had to go easy, to keep back someof the results until it was clear whether thèse results werepotentially dangerous or potentially helpful to our side.Szilard had that kind of foresight that led to the origin ofsecrecy in the atomic energy project. It was a hardburden to carry; not so hard during the war, but particu-larly hard later.The problem of moneyOne of the interesting questions is how did we get themoney to do the chain reaction? The answer illustrâtesthe différence between the Fermi and the Szilard ap-proaches.Szilard realized from the beginning that this enterprisewouldn't go unless we could get the money for it, and healso realized that in some way we had to alert thegovernment. Most of you know the story about how hefound the way to alert the government through PrésidentRoosevelt. Szilard wrote a letter for Einstein to sign; hegave it to Alexander Sachs, who had an inside track, andgot it to Roosevelt.5After some weeks, the White House called and saidthat there was going to be a meeting with Lyman Briggs,the director of the Bureau of Standards, a ColonelAdamson of the Army, and a Commander Hoover fromthe Navy and they would be willing to meet with thethree Hungarians, [Eugène] Wigner, [Edward] Teller, andSzilard, to discuss what was needed in the way of atomicenergy. Merle Tuve of the Carnegie Institution of Washington sat in. Hère is how Szilard tells it:"It was our gênerai intention not to ask the governmentfor money, but only ask for the blessing of the government, so that we could go to foundations and raise thefunds and get some coordinated effort going. However,thèse things never go the way you've planned them. Inthe course of the meeting, Tuve ventured the opinion thatthe work that Fermi had going didn't require very much,and the most that he could imagine that it would costwould be about $15,000."When the représentative from the Army heard this,he said, 'Well how much money do you need?' And I[Szilard] said, ail we need money for at this time is to buysome graphite, and the amount of graphite which wewould hâve to buy would cost about $2,000. Maybe a fewexperiments which would follow would raise the sum to$6,000 — something of that order of magnitude."At this point, the représentative of the Army starteda rather long tirade. He told us that it was naive to believethat we could make a significant contribution to défenseby creating a new explosive. He said that if a newweapon was created, it usually took two wars before oneknew whether the weapon was any good or not. And thenhe explained rather laboriously that, in the end, it is notweapons that win the wars, but the morale of the troops."He went on in this vein for a long time, until suddenlyWigner, the most polite of us, interrupted him. He said, inhis high pitched voice, that it was very interesting to hearthis. He had always thought that weapons were veryimportant, and that weaponry is what costs money, thatthis is why the Army needed such a large appropriation.He said he was very interested to hear that he waswrong — that it is not weapons but morale that wins thewars; and if this is correct, perhaps one should take asecond look at the budget of the Army — maybe thebudget could be eut."Colonel Adamson wheeled around to look at Mr.Wigner and said, 'Well as far as that $2,000 is concerned,you can hâve it.'"That's not as funny as it sounds, because that was thefirst money that the government ever gave in the supportof scientific research. And, to compare the budget todayto the budget of those times, you can see that ColonelAdamson took a very big step.And there's also a little dig which I can't resist making.The industrial people didn't show up too well either.Szilard says, "In recalling this period I should mention,that until the government showed interest, I was un- decided whether this development ought to be carried outby industry or by the government. And so just a week ortwo before the meeting in Washington, I met with thedirector of research of the Union Carbide and CarbonCo., W. F. Barrett. There was some mixup in theappointment, because they expected Fermi, but it was I[Szilard] who turned up."There were five people sitting around a table, and Itold them that the possibility of a chain reaction betweenuranium and graphite must be taken seriously. At thispoint, I said, we could not say very much about thispossibility, and that we would talk about it with muchgreater assurance if we had first measured the absorptionof neutrons in graphite. It was for this purpose that wewould need about $2,000 worth of graphite. I wonderedwhether they might give us this amount of graphite onloan. The experiment would not endanger the graphite,and we would return it to them."Well, Barrett said, 'You know, I'm a gambling manmyself , but you're asking me to gamble with stockhold-ers' money, and I'm not sure that I can do that.'"Compton's dilemmaHow did the project corne to Chicago? There wereseveral reasons. One was that this atomic energy projectwas being run mainly by enemy aliens. There was a waron, and Fermi and those Hungarians were oflSciallyenemy aliens — hardly the right people to be in charge of awar project. Furthermore there were two other linesalready occupying the Columbia faculty. One was HaroldUrey's project, separating isotopes by diffusion throughbarriers. And John Dunning had a big enterprise, separating isotopes by gaseous diffusion. So Columbia felt that ithad about as much as it could handle in this type ofwartime activity.A committee was formed, the so-called S-l Commit-tee; [Arthur] Compton was a principal member of thecommittee; there was also E. D. Murphy of the StandardOil Company and Ernest Lawrence, among others. It wasthis committee that decided who would run the project.Compton decided that he liked the whole idea and wouldbring it to Chicago, and that's how it got hère. He thencalled Fermi and asked him if he would like to corne toChicago. Fermi agreed, because Chicago looked like avery attractive place.It's also interesting to recall how it happened that thechain reaction took place hère, on campus * As a matter offact, the original intention was to construct the pile at theArgonne Forest, a site outside the city. Construction hadbeen going on. But around October 20 there were somelabor difficulties, and it was clear that we would be readyto assemble the pile before the building was completed.This threatened a serious delay.Fermi went to Compton to tell him that he believed hecould make the chain reaction work safely right hère in6Léo Szilard before the erstwhile West Stand at StaggField.Chicago. Compton said, "Let's hear your analysis."When Compton was satisfied that Fermi knew what hewas talking about, Compton decided to follow his suggestion.He did hâve this considération: "The only reason fordoubt" — to quote Compton — "was that some new, un-foreseen development might appear under conditions ofrelease of nuclear energy of such vastly greater powerthan anyone had previously handled. We did not see howa true nuclear explosion could possibly occur, but theamount of potentially radioactive material présent in thepile would be enormous, and anything that would causeexcessive ionizing radiation in such a location would beintolérable."The outcome of the experiment might thus greatlyaffect the city, and as a responsible officer of the University of Chicago according to every rule of organizationalprotocol, I should hâve taken the matter to my superior."But this would hâve been unfair. Président Hutchinswas in no position to take an independent judgment ofthe hazards involved. Based on considérations of theUniversity's welfare, the only answer he could hâvegiven would hâve been no. And this answer would hâvebeen wrong. So I assumed the responsibility myself . Inthe building under the west stands of Stagg Field was a squash court, and I told Fermi to use this room and goahead with the critical experiment."An added note from Compton: on November 14, at ameeting of the S-l Committee in Washington, "I reportedwhat we were doing. When I mentioned that we werepreparing to perform the critical experiment on theChicago campus, faces went white. General Grovesrushed to the nearest phone to find out from the Army inChicago whether in fact, it was impossible to use the newbuilding at Argonne Forest, and it was évident thatGroves did not like what we were doing in the least. But Iwas not told to stop the experiment. Everyone knew theneed for speed. The élément of risk involved was ac-cepted as a hazard of war."A prior discoveryThe answer to Question 2 cornes out of Szilard'smemoirs. He says, "In the fall of 1933, 1 found myself inLondon. I kept myself busy trying to find positions forGerman colleagues who had lost their university positions with the advent of the Nazi régime."One morning I read in the newspaper about theannual meeting of the British Association, where LordRutherford was reported to hâve said that whoever talksabout the libération of atomic energy on an industrialscale is talking moonshine."Pronouncements of experts to the effect that some-thing cannot be done hâve always irritated me. That dayas I was walking down Southampton Row and wasstopped for a traffic light, I was pondering whether LordRutherford might not prove to be wrong. As the lightchanged to green and I crossed the street, it suddenlyoccurred to me that if we could find an élément which issplit by neutrons and which would émit two neutronswhen it absorbed one, such an élément, if assembled insufficiently large mass, could sustain a nuclear chainreaction, liberate energy on an industrial scale and makepossible the construction of atomic bombs."The thought that this might be possible became anobsession with me, and it led me into nuclear physics, afield in which I had not worked before, and the thoughtstayed with me even though my first hunches in thisregard turned out to be wrong."In the spring of 1934 I applied for a patent whichdescribed the laws governing such a chain reaction. Itwas the first time, I think, that the concept of criticalmass was developed, and that a chain reaction wasseriously discussed."Knowing what this would mean — and I knew itbecause I had read H. G. Wells — I did not want thispatent to become public. The only way to keep it fromthe public was to assign it to the government, so Iassigned this patent to the British admiralty."A bot anfeta s adventuresPatricia K. ArmstrongI went to South America to study the alpine plants.Armed with forty pounds of camping, mountaineering,and plant collecting equipment in my trusty backpack, Ibade farewell to my family at O'Hare airport and headedsouth. I had a round-trip ticket and a nearly forgottenyear of collège Spanish to help me on my way.My plans began with several weeks in northern Peru,where the Cordillera Blanca reaches over 22,000 feet andthe puna (dry tundra) spreads up the quebradas (canyons) between timberline at 13,000 feet and the vascularplant limit at 17,000 feet.Huaraz was my headquarters in Peru, and while accli-mating myself to the 10,000-foot élévation, I tried to find'a way to the Mina Huinac. I had read about the rare Puyaraimondii which grew there at 13,000 feet, and I wantedvery much to see it. Puya is the largest member of theBromeliaceae (pineapple) family, living for over 100years and reaching a height of over twenty feet beforeflowering, setting seed, and dying.I found out that it would be impossible to go to themine without spending a lot of money for a spécial guideand transportation, but there was a refinery located intown that I could easily walk to. Being a somewhat daringindividual with a very small budget, I reasoned that thebest way to get to the mine would be to ask for a ride onthe truck that went from the refinery to the mine. Itwould obviously be located along the river which flowedthrough town.I set out early Thursday morning armed with myever-present English-Spanish dictionary and a smallemergency lunch. I got on board the colectivo at theHôtel Monterrey, where I was staying, and rode intotown. Soon the vehicle was so loaded with people that itwas impossible to see. "I want to get off at the smallriver," I yelled at the driver. I struggled to the door, paidmy two soles (five cents) and stepped into the dustystreet.The early morning sun was scorching hot. I pulled mypurple, wide-brimmed hat more snuggly on my head and set off. Everywhere ragged little children called"Gringa! Gringuita!" and I stopped to smile and returntheir greeting."Hola, muchacho, dônde esta la refinadura?"\ kickedtheir soccer bail back to them and admired their babybrothers and sisters. They were shy but friendly.And of course it turned out to be the wrong refinery.However, the foreman obligingly drove me to his com-petitor's mill."What is your name?" the foreman asked as he got outof the car."Sefiora Patricia Armstrong.""You wait hère, I go talk to the boss." He went inside.A few minutes later he came out with another man. "Thisis Senorita Armstrong who wants to see the Puya." Hehad ignored the fact that I was married.I shook his hand. There was more fast talk, then myf riend got back into the car. "The truck has already goneto the mine today," he explained slowly so I couldunderstand. "They only go once, in the morning, so theycan spend the afternoon fixing the truck. But I hâve madeThe intrepid author (SM'68) won her Chicago degree witha thesis on mosses and lichens (cryptogam communities)on the talus and cliffs ofDevil's Lake, Wisconsin.She has since studied tundra plants and ecology inNew England and themountains of Colorado,Wyoming, Alberta, BritishColumbia, Alaska, theYukon and — last year —Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. She lives with herhusband and two daught-ers and is working in theéducation department of the Morton Arboretum, in thewestern suburbs of Chicago.8in f he Andesa plan for you. You can go with the truck tomorrow at7 a.m. Everything has been arranged.""That's super! But I can't possibly get hère at 7 in themorning. I live in Monterrey, five kilometers away. Thecolectivos don't run so early in the morning and I couldnever find this place in the dark.""Don't be sad, my Patricia Armstrong, I will corne foryou at 6:30. Now I take you home, okay?""Okay, but I don't even know your name.""It's Luis, but you must call me Lucho.""Gracias, Lucho."He let me off right at the door. "Tomorrow morning at6:30, right hère," he reminded me.Pursuit of the PuyaAt 6:30 the next morning, without breakfast, I sat bythe door and waited for Lucho. I had packed a smalllunch. It was just getting to be daylight."Buenos dias, Patricia.""Buenos dias, Lucho, you're very prompt."He smiled. "Are you ready for the Puya?""Si, you see I hâve on my hiking shoes, and I hâvebrought my caméra and notebook.""You look like a little boy in those knee pants and bigshoes. I hâve talked to the driver and he has agreed towait for you while you photograph. You must tell himthis — " and he gave me correct Spanish sentences for "Ineed half an hour to study the Puya" and "I'm ready toreturn now." We spoke completely in Spanish to eachother, with a few English words thrown in when he knewone, or when I didn't know the Spanish. There weremany gaps in our conversation where communicationwas lost. We'd laugh and try a différent word. I wasamazed how fast the long unused vocabulary seemed tocorne back to me."You are kind to do ail this for me.""It is nothing. You are very nice. Now I must hearabout your trip today. Will you meet with me tonight at Nevada Cayesh, this 18,593-foot peak in Peru, may be theworld's most beautiful mountain.7 o'clock? I would like that very much.""Then of course I will.""Fil pick you up at Monterrey at 7. Now hâve a good trip.I wish you many Puya with many flowers.""Muchas gracias. Hasta la noche."The driver was an older man, with many wrinkles. Hebrought his son and daughter along too, and the four of uscrowded into the cab of the truck. The trip to the minetook two and one half hours. I was glad I hadn't tried towalk it.I got off beside the Puya while the driver went on.There were about eight plants above the mine but many,many more a few kilometers on down the road. Therewere no blossoms, as I had expected, since it wasmidwinter, but still they were grand. They stood seven toten feet tall — bristling bunches of sawfish leaves. Thedriver returned for me and we shared our lunches.On the way back to town he stopped the truck and theygot out to pick the waist-high flowers of "ichu" (Stipaichu, the most common puna grass). Not wanting to beleft out, I too got out and began picking the grass."Why are we picking grass?" I asked the girl."To make a broom."We finally got back to Huarâz about 4:30. It took mequite some time to get a colectivo back to Monterrey,since they ran mostly between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. to suitthe marketing times of the natives. When I did get back, Ihad to take a bath and wash my hair before gettingdressed.I wore my one and only skirt — a dark purple one — withknee socks and a striped knit top. I wasn't the mostglamorous woman in town, but at least I was clean andlooked like a woman instead of a little boy.Just before 7 the wind began to blow and it began torain — a very rare occurrence for August in the dryseason. The lights went out at the hôtel and we went oncandie power until someone started the generator. Soonafter 7 a little car pulled up to the door. It was hard to seein the dark. "Lucho?""Si, get in."Ail the lights were off in town too. I expected that hewould take me to dinner, since I had had very little to eatail day. (The hôtel didn't serve dinner until 8 o'clock.)Instead we turned into a yard. "This is my home. Thecompany pays for it and I stay hère when I'm in Huarâz.""Then where do you really live?""In Lima. There I am the number two man with ail themines. I must be hère now to talk to the labor organiza-tion. We hâve big problems. Today I didn't eat my lunchuntil 5 o'clock."The house was beautiful. It was a light colored brickwith dark shutters on ail the door s and Windows. Therewas a brick wall around the yard with a zigzag design likerickrack. Flowers grew against the walls."Do you live alone?""Yes, my wife likes to stay in Lima and my boy has togo to school. Myself, I like it hère. I can look out mywindow to the mountains, and I hâve much time to readand just relax. In Lima there is always too much to do."He unlocked the door and stumbled around in the darkto find a candie. "Corne in, corne in." The candlelightglinted on a huge golden wall décoration across from thedoor; then we entered the spacious living room. "I hâve aboy who stays hère to keep the house and grounds inshape. There are three bedrooms.""Why it's grand."He set the candie on the table by the couch and lit twomore. "Would you like a drink?""Nothing alcoholic; I don't care for it.""Me neither — only good wine at dinner. How about aCoca-Cola?""That would be just fine."He went into the kitchen and returned with a bottleand a glass. "Do you like music?""Yes, very much. But there's no electricity." "I hâve a battery powered record player." He pro-duced it and put on a German record. He had music fromail over the world. "My sister and I hâve a record shop inLima." He sat on the couch beside me. "Now tell me howyour trip to the Puya went today."I jumped up and gestured as I recounted my trip andthanked him for arranging it."Did you see any flowers?""No, it's not the right season.""Too bad. Now you must corne back to Peru again tosee the Puya flowers, yes?""Yes, that would be nice."We talked on for hours — almost exclusively in Spanish. On my lap lay the dictionary. I used it often. Wediscussed our families, the weather, politics. About11 o'clock he asked, "Would you like another drink?""No, but maybe you hâve a little something to eat. Fvehad only two pièces of bread, a banana, and a candy barail day." I thought he could hear my stomach growling bynow."Oh, my goodness, yes. How terrible of me not tothink. Please forgive me." He was almost on his kneesbefore me. His face was twisted in pain. "I didn't think ofthat. You were at the mine ail day. What would you like?A steak? Some fried potatoes? Soup? I'il send my boyout right away."Before long his invisible boy returned with a multi-stacked set of porcelain pans. We went to the kitchen toeat. He took dishes out of the cupboard and served methe complète five course meal."Nothing for you?"He shook his head. "I ate my lunch very late today; I'mnot hungry now. Besides I couldn't eat and look at you atthe same time."I blushed and dropped the chicken wing into the soupwith a big splash. He watched me as I ate. It made mevery nervous."I think that you are a woman of strong character —one who knows just what she wants and goes straight toget it.""You are very perceptive. Thank you for the dinner.""It's nothing. It's a pleasure to hâve you in my house.""You're very kind.""Not at ail. You're very pretty."He was leaning closer across the table. The lights cameon. I pushed away and picked up the dishes. I went torinse them in the sink. He came and stood behind me."Leave them for my boy.""But it's easier if they hâve some water to soak." Hetook my hand and we went back into the living room."Your Spanish is pretty good. With more practice itcould be perfect.""That's nice to hear. I don't use the verbs correctly,but I can communicate.""Your Spanish is much better than my English. I wish I10knew it better. In my work ail the important informationon mining and machinery is written in English. I shouldlike to go to the United States some day to learn muchmore.""Yes, that would be good.""If I came to near Chicago, would you be there?""Yes, of course, and you could stay at my house and Iwould help you find your way in my country.""You are very kind.""No, just like you. I like to help a friend. But it'sgetting pretty late.""You want to go? Too bad. I'd like you to stay.""But some sleep is necessary before tomorrow.""You could sleep hère. I hâve three bedrooms. Itwould not cost you any thing to stay hère. My boy wouldsee that you hâve ail the things you need.""Thanks, but I must go back to Monterrey and plananother trip for plants.""What do you do tomorrow?""I don't know yet. I must go into the quebradas.""Then I will corne to Monterrey at 7. If you corne, Iwill be very happy. And if you don't corne, I will be sad."I nodded and stood up. He took my hands. "You'vemade me very happy tonight to corne with me.""It was my pleasure."He smiled and we went" out to the car and drove toMonterrey. By the entrance we sat in the car awhile."Thank you, Lucho, for so much! For the trip to themine, the talk, the dinner tonight, and everything.""It was nothing.""It wasn't nothing to me. You're very kind to astranger from a foreign country.""And you are more than wonderful!" He leanedtoward me in the dark, and before I knew what happened,he had kissed me fondly on the cheek. I was a littlestunned. In the United States I might hâve slapped him orsaid something rude, but hère I didn't know exactly howto take it. Then I thought of ail the mothers and children,uncles and nièces, fathers and daughters, and cousins Ihad seen greet one another so at the hôtel. Close friendsand family always greeted each other with kisses on thecheek."Good night, my friend, and pleasant dreams," I saidand got out of the car.His hand caught mine on the car door handle. "Thankyou again," he said."Thank you, Lucho." I hurried into the hôtel.Mountains, friends, and a retreatI ne ver saw Lucho again, for when he called for methat next night I was making my bed beneath the wildstars some fifty miles away. I had joined fourteen moun-taineers for a truck ride to Caras and the beginning of atwo-day hike into the Cordillera Blanca. The group was *î 2 ~C> ir.< x,V *\ ~*~-V 0 ~\-«?**¦ \ \\ .... .~~s V1 ( v>\: -A young Puya raimondii; in a century it may grow tomaturity. An additional five to six years is required toproduce the tall flowering top. The plant grows at anélévation of about 14,000 feet.made up of one married couple, twelve men, and me. Weplanned to camp and climb in the Quebrada Santa Cruzfor three weeks and hopefully reach the summit ofAlpamayo, Artesonraju, or Quitoraju.As I went about the task of spreading my foam pad andsleeping bag and then opening my Inca-Cola and can oftuna fish for supper, I looked up to see eleven childrengathered around me in the darkness — I suppose because Iwas the only woman alone."Hola amigos y amigas. Como estan?"They giggled, but soon overcame their shyness andtalked freely to me. "Who are you?""My name is Patricia. I came to climb your mountainsand to learn about your plants.""What are you doing?""I'm making my bed and having my supper. Would youlike some of this tuna?""Gracias." They eagerly passed it around and evenlicked out the can. I was glad to see it go, since it tastedterribly oily to me. We chatted back and forth. Then theyasked, "Would you like us to sing for you?"Il"I'd love it." And it was grand. The other mountaineersnoticed what was going on by now and joined in the fun.The kids sang to us. Then we sang to them. The songssoon gave way to dancing, acrobaties, and mock fightsthat kept us awake half the night. But it was worth it.The next morning I awoke to find a pile of fruits lyingby my side like a secret offering in the night. The childrencame again although they seemed much shyer in thedaylight. "Thank you for the fruit. Can I eat it?"They nodded."Tell me about it. What's it called?"The oldest girl, Carmella, who appeared to be aboutthirteen but had a baby of her own, stepped forward. It'sa chirimoya. It's very sweet. It grows on this tree, andhère 's the huayaba next to it. It's not very good."We talked on. I held her baby while she wrote the plantnames in my book for me. At last the burros were loadedand we were ready to begin our hike. I waved goodbye tothe children and started up the dusty road.The sun was extremely hot and the climb was steep.Although my pack was light, I didn't feel very strong so Ifell behind. A young man quickly caught up to me, and ashe passed we exchanged a few words."Buenos dias. ""Buenos dias. Where are you going?" he asked inSpanish."Into the Quebrada Santa Cruz to climb and study theplants.""Are you a botanist then?""Si, do you know the names of the plants?"He smiled."Then could you tell me what this one 's called?""Rétama.""And this one?""Molle."And so it went. We walked together, and he wrote thenames of the plants for me in the book. Every man,woman, and child I met seemed to know the plants andwhat they were good for. When they learned that I wasinterested in plants they were ail eager to help me.At last we reached the town of Santa Cruz at 1 1 ,000feet and Manuel left me at his house. "You are going topay me for writing down the names for you?""No.""You hâve lots of money in United States. I think youshould pay me.""I had to work hard for three years to save enoughmoney to corne to Peru. I need every bit of it myself. Ifyou were to corne to my country, I would name ail ourplants for you for free, and I would even ask you to myhouse for dinner, too."He looked surprised, but his dinner was smelling prettygood, so I just had to add that. He ducked into his houseand I went on my way."Senorita." Wheat growing in the Cordillera Negra in Peru — at altitudes in the 13,000-foot range.I turned. He ran up and placed a fresh baked bread inmy hand and smiled."Muchas gracias, Manuel. You are a real friend. I willnot forget you."After lunch in Santa Cruz, I felt much worse. That sunhad been beating down unmercifully ail day. The otherswere complaining of my slow pace, so Victorino, ourhead porter, took my pack, and I trudged off after him tokeep my water supply in sight."How corne you are going into the mountains?" heasked."My husband came down hère to climb three yearsago. His name is Chuck. Do you remember him? He has abeard."Victorino nodded."Well, he loved your country and your mountains, sohe insisted that I had to corne this year. It costs too muchfor us both to corne, so he is home with our daughterswhile I am hère to climb and study the flowers.""The flowers?""Si. I'm a botanist. I want to know what plants grow inthe mountains." So, as we walked, Victorino namedsome plants for me, and we became friends.The next day we made our base camp at 13,000 feetand then our high camp at 15,000 feet. I worked as hardas anybody packing supplies and setting up advancecamps. I broke my own personal altitude records wher-ever I went. I got up as high as 17,700 feet on the glaciersand collected flowers ail over the Quebrada Santa Cruz.But I kept feeling worse.On my last day in camp it took me two hours to walkdown to base camp, with every step a painful bouncingréverbération in my abdomen. My fever was nearly103° F., and the leader of the group decided that I hadbetter go back to Huarâz before I got any worse.One group had climbed Artesonraju and brought megentians (Gentiana sedifolia) f rom 18,000 feet. We were12half way through our time, and every one was. in basecamp for a huge fresh fish and potato fry that lasted wellafter midnight.The next day I tearfully struck my tent and packed mygear for the departure. Everyone came to wish mef are well, and each porter brought me a flower. Theyhanded me their gifts of the strange and rubbery-leavedTillandsias that festooned the sunny, north-facing bould-ers of our canyon. Then I was helped into the saddle andled unmountaineeringly out of the quebrada by Victorino, who was wearing my pack. Through misty eyes Icould see the reddish-tipped leaves and brilliant crimsonand ochre bracks of the Tillandsias bouncing as hewalked. Some parts of the trail were so bàd I was forcedto walk, and it was hard to tell whether it was morepainful to walk or ride.The news of my undignified exit preceded us to Caras,and when we got there after dark, Carmella was waitingwith an armload of flowers and some more chirimoyas. Icouldn't keep from crying. They were ail so nice. I hadcollected almost as many spécimens as gifts in one day asI had in the mountains in two weeks.As I was bouncing over the road to Huarâz in the backof a truck with empty oil drums, ears of corn, sheep, pigs,shovels, and about six other people, I thought to myself — I hâve managed to grit my teeth through thirteenhours of stumbling horse and jarring truck rides; I reallymust not hâve appendicitis after ail. I gripped my bouquet of Tillandsias and other flowers and smiled up at thestreaking stars. I was down, but I wasn't beaten yet.Bolivia; mountaineering by taxiAfter a night in the Huaraz hospital, I donned my packand hiked the seven kilometers back to Monterrey and ahot minerai bath. I still felt weak, but the fever was down,and I had some antibiotics. I went about preparing for thenext leg of my journey — the southern puna.I flew to Lima and spent a few days working in theherbarium of the Muséum of Natural History and thenwas off to La Paz. My plane landed at 1:30 in themorning. It was 36°F. and I was dressed in shorts. Ihurried into the airport building and wondered where LaPaz was. I had seen no sign of lights from the air."How far to the city?" I asked the information man."Fifteen kilometers.""How far to the mountains?""They are ail around. Wait until morning and you willsee.""Is it possible to sleep in the airport?""Yes, anywhere, but it is very cold."Cold! Thèse people didn't know what cold was. I founda little side room and unrolled my sleeping bag and pad inthe corner. There were no other planes, and I spent apleasant, though much too warm, night. The man sweep- ing the floor early the next morning chuckled curiouslywhen he found me.After a small breakf ast of some pastries brought fromLima and tea at the snack bar, I started out hiking towardthe mountains. I could see the big snow mass of Illimani,but I knew that it was too far. I picked a smaller peak thathad some snow on it and walked through the sleepystreets of a little town.Suddenly I came to the brink of a huge bowl-shapedvalley, and there, filling it to the brim and spilling over ontop of the altiplano, was La Paz. The effect was similar todiscovering the Grand Canyon. I skirted the bowl to theleft, keeping on the altiplano. I was at 13,000 feet anddidn't want to lose any altitude. Buses switched their wayback and f orth along the one road leading down into thecity.I had walked for over two hours and was well ontbeyond the last town when I stopped to rest in a pièce ofshade and hâve a bite to eat. A taxi came by. Two youngmen were riding in front. They slowed to pass and as theywent by the driver made a thumb up sign. I raised mythumb and did the same. The taxi stopped and backed up."Taxi?" he said. "Where are you going?""No, no taxi. I go on foot up the mountain." I smiled atthe gringo face of the passenger. "Hi, where are yougoing?" I asked him in English."I don't speak English," he replied in French. Ishrugged. What a funny thing! We could hâve been theonly two gringos on the altiplano, and we couldn't eventalk to each other."I don't speak French," I said to him in English. "Doyou speak French?" I asked the driver in Spanish."No," he said, "but corne with us. We are going to themountain, too." He looked to be on the young side ofthirty and darkly handsome. He had longish hair thatcurled behind his ears, and sideburns fringed his cheeks.He wore a tight-fitting rose-pink shirt that accentuatedhis shoulders. He had dimples when he smiled."I hâve no money for a taxi. Fil walk.""No. No." He got out of the car. "The Frenchman haspaid. You can corne too." He helped me load my packinto the back seat and I got in. "You hâve no money?Where did you sleep last night?""At the airport, on the floor.""On the floor?" He laughed. "Impossible! I don'tbelieve it. You are ail alone?""Yes, my husband and daughters are back in theUnited States.""That is not good. Up hère we hâve a saying: 'Whenone sleeps alone it is no good; a woman must hâve a manto keep up the body heat!'""That isn't necessary for me. I hâve a sleeping bag thatis very warm.""It's not the same. Besides it's dangerous for a womanto travel alone."13"I am very careful. God watches over me."Just then a policeman of some kind came out of the tallgrass beside the road and stopped us. He and the drivercarried on a brief conversation. "There, you see!" heturned to me. "Last night there was a taxi stolen nearhère. He asked me if I had seen any thing as I drove outfrom La Paz this morning. You must be very careful."I laughed. "No, you are the one who must be verycareful. I don't hâve a taxi."We laughed together. The Frenchman smiled a little,but he didn't know what was going on. I tried to talk tohim about climbing mountains, but I got nowhere. I thinkhe was mad at me for joining his taxi.The road began to zigzag upwards. It was rough androcky and quite narrow — hardly more than two goattracks in the rocks. The Frenchman began to look pale.The driver talked less and concentrated on his driving. Atlast we found parking beside a ski chalet. It was deserted."You don't know how lucky you are to find a car totake you up hère this time of the year."We communicated to the Frenchman in sign languagethat we were going to walk to the top of the mountain. Hewasn't interested at ail. "I think the altitude has gotten tohim," I said. It was over 17,000 feet, and the wind wasvery strong and cold.I pulled a scarf from my pack and also my collectingbags and notebook. "What 's this? You really corneprepared for everything," he observed."Of course, for everything."We walked. He was always on ahead and waiting forme to catch up. I had just corne from several days inLima and the hospital in Huarâz so I was taking it prettyeasy. "Corne on." He took my hand."No," I pulled away. "I must go slowly and not makemy heart beat so fast. I'm not used to this altitude likeyou.""Your heart is not used to a handsome man like me.You should listen to your heart.""You are a little handsome, but my husband is more so.What is your name?""Juan, and yours?""Patricia.""Patricia, that's very pretty." We puffed onward, goingmore slowly now. It took a lot of breath to talk againstthe wind at 17,000 feet. At last we reached the summit,and he put his arm around my shoulder. With the otherarm he gestured to the horizon. "There is Illimani andthere Huayna, that means 'wind' in Quechua. You see LaPaz? The whole city lies at your feet. I give to you theworld; you give to me a kiss, okay?""No, kissing someone up so high is very dangerous.""How so?""The air 's too thin. You might faint.""Then sit down and we won't be up so high," helaughed. "I think that you would be more likely to faintthan I." I nodded and pulled away. He could not catch me onthe descent. My better shoes gave me the advantage onthe slippery rocks. He had to pick each step morecarefully.The Frenchman was sitting in the sun out of the wind. Itried to tell him how beautif ul the view had been and howcold the wind was. Juan joined us for a minute to warmup, and then we got into the taxi."Where do you go from hère?" Juan asked. "Fil takeyou to La Paz.""No, not now. I'd rather go to the ruinas of Tia-huanaco. Maybe you can tell me how to get there. Can Iwalk?"He whistled long. "It's much too far — forty kilometers — but I can take you there after I take the Frenchmanback to La Paz.""No, that isn't necessary. Just tell me which bus totake. I will get along just fine."He looked a little downcast. "Fil leave you by the roadto Tiahuanaco. Look for the bus to Rio Seco. It will getyou there. Maybe you will corne to the city tonight and Iwill see you?""No, I don't think so. Fil probably stay up hère. It'smuch cheaper than a hôtel.""But it's too cold up hère.""I will manage. Thank you very much. Good-bye.""No, not 'good-bye,' 'until later.'"I smiled and nodded, and the taxi drove slowly downthe road toward La Paz. The bus to Rio Seco came in alittle while, and I got to the ruins ail right. I spent severalhours there eating, resting, exploring, botanizing, andtalking to the people. While I was sitting by the side ofthe road waiting for a return ride, a man came by ridingon a bicycle."Buenas tardes, Sehor. ""Buenas tardes, Sehorita. Are you English?""I'm from the United States.""Then you know English.""Yes." He got off his bike and took some books andpapers from the basket and joined me on the side of theroad."Can you help me with this problem? I'm trying tolearn how to speak English, and I don't understand thislesson."I looked it over. It consisted of groups of sentences tobe memorized ail involving the idiom "going to.""Why are you learning English?""I would like to speak to the tourists about thèse ruinsand sell them carvings made by the local artists.""Why that's wonderful. Tell me about the ruins,please. And do you know if this is llareta, the famousplant that's burned as fuel?"And so we talked. He told me about the ruins and thenearby town and his family, and I taught him his Englishlesson in Spanish until the bus came.14Ecuador: a brusque welcomeWhen I arrived in Quito, the only thing I knew was thename of the most important botanist in ail of Ecuador.Luckily he was in the phone book, and there was a cheaphôtel located near his place. I took a taxi to the HôtelMetropolitan and settled in.I decided to see if I could find Dr. Arnao, and beforelong I was climbing the stairs to his third floor office. Thedoor was locked, and no one answered my knock, so Itried the door across the hall which also had his name onit. I think it was his apartment.A man came to the door. "When will Dr. Arnao return?It's very important that I see him, " I said in my bestSpanish."The doctor cannot be bothered now. Corne back at3." He nearly pushed me down the stairs and then lockedthe stairway door so no other intruders could get in.When I returned at 3 , 1 was surprised to see the sameman. "Are you Dr. Arnao?" He was in his fifties at leastand shorter than me. He had a squarish face and a smallmustache. His hair was very, very dark."Yes, and I apologfze for this afternoon, but I was at avery important meeting and couldn't be disturbed.""I understand. It was rude of me to just corne right up,but I need your help.""You're American, aren't you?" He switched to English. "What is your business, and how can I help?""I'm a botanist and I've collected plants in Bolivia andPeru in the puna. Now I want to collect some plants hèrein the pâramo of Ecuador, but I don't know where to goor how to get there.""You're a botanist? You're much too young andpretty.""I've corne to you because you're the most importantauthority on Ecuadorian plants. Can you help me arrangefield trips while I'm hère in Quito? Fil be hère a week."He questioned me about my background and my work.Then he told me much about his work and the time thathe had visited Chicago many years ago. I had seen hisname on many spécimens at the Field Muséum of Natu-ral History, where I studied for my trip."You must not tie yourself down to a family andchildren," he advised. "Dévote your total life to science.While you are hère you must not tell anyone about yourhusband and children. Spanish men do not like theirwives to hâve jobs and run around alone. When you getback home, you should leave your family, if you can, soyou will be able to study and publish and make a greatname for yourself in science.""But it's not necessary that I leave my family to dothat. I hâve already studied the tundras in much of theUnited States, Canada and Alaska. Now I am down hère.My family does not tie me down."We talked about my plans for hours. It was nearly 7o'clock when we finished, and he said "I hâve worked very hard ail morning and early afternoon today. I thinkFil take a small vacation. Let's go out for dinner and thenmaybe to the movies. But please, Miss Patricia, put onlong pants. When I see you in short pants, I think you arebad woman. Now I know how good you are, but pleaseput on long pants for dinner. Fil pick you up at your hôtelin fifteen minutes.""Fil be ready." And I was. It didn't take too long to slipmy wool knickers on over my shorts and comb my hair.We went to a Chinese restaurant nearby that featuredreal Ecuadorian dishes with Chinese sounding names.The food was good, and he bought plenty. We had extrasoup and ice cream and cake and pop and talked on intothe night. He told me about the Galapagos and hisresearch in the jungle. "I work ail of the time — in thefield — at home — at night.""But it's so exciting to work on ail those projects, to doail those things. You hâve done so much to further thescience of botany in South America.""I only wish my wife felt the way you do. For manyyears now we hâve been separated. She didn't understand my work — that I must do it. She always wanted meto go places with her instead of tending to my work.""That's too bad.""And my secretary and the students who work for meare sadly lacking in scientific skills. They are constantlytyping my manuscripts with the scientific names ailwrong."Suddenly he asked, "Do you feel like a movie? I thinkwe should go to a movie.""I'm really rather tired, and tomorrow I must be upearly to climb Pichincha.""I rarely go to movies. We'll just walk by and see. If itis a good show, we'll go. If not, Fil take you home,okay?""Okay."When we got to the show, the sign said people undereighteen not admitted. "It doesn't look too good, doesit?" I suggested."It looks okay. Let's go." The owner was a friend ofMiguelito's. We nodded as we passed inside for free.The first film was in Spanish and lacked a plot. Therewere a lot of men ripping the clothes off women anddragging them into the next room. The second film was inRussian with Spanish subtitles. It was much better. Atleast it had a plot, and I could read the Spanish betterthan I could listen to it. We finally walked back to myhôtel after midnight."Thank you for the dinner and the show and ail yourhelp in planning my field trips.""Thank you for going with me. You are nice company.Tomorrow I will call you at 4 to see how you hâve doneon Pichincha.""It's nice of you to do ail this when you're so busy.""It's nothing. You hâve made my job more fun today.I was on vacation tonight. Good luck tomorrow. Be sure15to wear your long pants, and if the clouds corne in, hurrydown off the mountain."'Work, work, and publish, too'I didn't see Miguelito again until just before the week-end. I had climbed Pichincha and visited the ForestService tree farm and climbed part way up Cotopaxi. Ihad collected many plants and spent Friday exploring theshops in town and pressing my spécimens. Early thatafternoon he called."Miss Patricia Armstrong? I've been so busy, busy,busy lately with thèse meetings that I still can't be withyou tonight. And what is worse, tomorrow I can't go withyou to Urbina. I'm so sorry, because it was to be for memuch fun to go with you in the field at Urbina.""Don't be sad. My plane flight has been changed toearly Sunday morning so I can't go to Urbina. Insteadmaybe I could go north tomorrow. Would it be possibleto go part way up Cayambe?""Yes, I think so. Corne right over now. You must cornequick. I hâve a meeting at 4, but I must give you the bookI promised and make your plans for Cayambe with you.""FU be right there."He met me at the door. "Corne in. How nice to see you,but I am sorry I cannot go with you to Urbina. I can'teven eat with you tonight.""I understand. You mustn't give up your importantmeetings just for me. I am getting on just fine with yourhelp. I hâve fifty plants from Pichincha and forty-sevenfrom other sites.""Did you get ail the grasses?""I don't think so. I'm sorry, but they are hard for me.There weren't many with flowers, and without flowers Ican't tell them apart.""But the grasses are very important.""I know. Next time Fil do much better.""I think that when you corne again to Ecuador youwon't go back. You will stay for life.""No, I don't think so. Ecuador is very nice, but I likethe seasons to change and the days to get long and short.""No, you don't understand! I mean the next time youcorne to Ecuador I will not let you go. I will put you injail.""But I wouldn't be happy in jail. I need to be free onthe mountains — in the pdramo to see my plants.""Ah, yes! When you corne back Fil take you on a fieldtrip that will last the rest of your life. You don't knowhow lonesome it can be to be a man alone. I hâve mywork and that is ail. There 's no one close to understandor share. You understand. Someday you will be a greatscientist too. But you must work, work, work, and publish too. Promise me that when you get back to theUnited States you will work on this paper right away.""Fil probably not hâve time until winter.""Promise you will write the paper or Fil not let you go now." He put his warm hands on my knees. "A goodwoman like you shouldn't wear short pants. It talks tomen.""I'm sorry, but you said to corne right over, so I did. Ididn't take time to change.""Aren't you cold?""No, I'm used to wearing shorts.""On the pâramoT'"Sometimes.""We hâve a saying hère — how can I tell you? Onealone to sleep is cold, but a man and a woman togetherkeep up the body heat. I cannot translate it exactly foryou.""I've heard that before, but I do not believe it."Gentiana sedifolia (the little flower, blue or white, is about1 cm. in diameter) grows as high as 18,000 feet in theCordillera Blanca."I believe it, and when you corne again to Ecuador, itshall be for life, and we shall be together. But now I hâvethe book for you. And Dr. Williams is on his way. Wemust go to a conférence tomorrow. That is why I cannotgo with you. I will be at the conférence, but my heart willbe with you.""No, I think your heart will be much better if it is inyour work.""You are right. You understand. Good-bye now. Re-member your science — to work and publish.""I will and thanks for everything.""Don't thank me. Just corne back to me." He shook myhand in a businesslike manner, but I felt something morethan business in his grip. After a few silent moments, helet my hand slip from his. I turned and quickly descendedthe stairs to the street below.The plane ride home took many hours. I had a longtime to think about my hundreds of plant collections andmy several, wonderful friends. It had been a terrifieadventure, and already I was planning another visit.16.OHOF foII1 ailllIMlM fflLVIIMo ïyIn 19729 1 lie Universitty oi Oiicago wasA Jke Universitty is graverai to ailts anring éli( generoiisly su; A.ose wirio ts atamniriio1 lie iollowing almini liiave niacle spécial girts or pleages.MR. WILLIAM H. ABBOTT*MR. & MRS. ROBERT S. ADLER*ESTATE OF MRS. MARY K. ASCHERMR. & MRS. EDWIN A. BERGMANESTATE OF MR. ERNEST W. BURGESSESTATE OF MISS MARGARET BURTON .ESTATE OF MR. FRANCIS D. BUSTINESTATE OF EFFIE E. CAMERONESTATE OF MRS. FRANK P. CLARKEESTATE OF JEAN HAMILTON CUSHMANMR. & MRS. BRUCE A. EISSNERESTATE OF MR. HOWARD ELLISESTATE OF MRS. MARTHA B. ESWINMR. CHARLES R. FELDSTEINDR. & MRS. RALPH W. GERARDMRS. NATHAN S. GOLDSTEIN ESTATE OF MR. CHARLES h. GOODINGESTATE OF MR. BERT C. GOSSESTATE OF MRS. ELIZABETH R. GRAVESESTATE OF MISS CORA E. GRAYMR. HAROLD J. GREENMRS. LEE FELDMAN GREENWALDESTATE OF DR. E. CLAUDE HAWLEYMR. EDWARD G. HEFTER*DR. RALPH M. HOGANMR. & MRS. STANTON E. HYER*ESTATE OF MISS MARY L. KNAPPESTATE OF MR. WILLIAM LEACHMRS. CHARLES F. MARTINMISS RUTH P. MAY*ESTATE OF MR. ARDEE WAYNE MCMILLENDR. JOHN U. NEF ESTATE OF MR. JOHN P. ORENDORFFMR. & MRS. ROSCOE A. PAGE*MISS ELSIE M/ PLAPP*MR. JOHN B. POOLEMR. MAURICE A. ROSENTHALMR. RICHARD A. RUBOVITS*DR. & MRS. JOHN H. RUSTMR. BERNARD SANGMR. FREDERICK SASS*MR. LOUIS C. SASSESTATE OF MISS MARION SCHAFFNER MR. CHARLES P. SCHWARTZMRS. CLARENCE W. SILLSESTATE OF MISS HELEN M, STEVENSONDR. RALPH K. STRONG*MR. KENNETH H. VANDERFORDMRS. ELIZABETH U. VAWTERMRS. JULIAN D. WEISSMR. DAVID H. WEISSMR. LAWRENCE E. WEISSMR. JACK WITKOWSKYMRS. ROSE ADLER ZEISLER**LIFE INCOME GIFT - INCOME FROM THIS TYPE OF GIFT IS PAYABLE TO THE DONORS ORTO OTHER PERSONS FOR THEIR LIVES, AT© THE UNIVERSITY RETAINS THE REMAINDERINTEREST. SEVERAL ALUMNI WHO MADE SUCH GIFTS ASKED TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS,1 lie iollowing aliMiini liave inade giros oi mnore man 5p>1s«R THOMAS H ALCOCKMR EDWARD L ANDERSON JRMR LLOYD I ANDREWSMRS EMIL ARM INMR A WATSCN ARMCUR IVMR LESTER ASHERMRS DONALC G AVERYMR IRVING AXELRADMR ARTHUR A BAERMR RUSSELL BAKERMR ROLAND J BARSTOWMR REX J BATESMR ALVIN H RAUMMRS GEORGE B BEALLMR EDWIN A BERGMANMR EDWARD M BERNSTEINMR LEONARD J BEZARKMR CHARLES A BILLMRS CHARLES A BILLMISS ETHEL V BISHOPMR-- ABE L BLINDERMRS JEAN F BLOCKMR LEIGH B BLOCKMRS Wl LLIAM 8LCGMMR WALTER J. BLUMMR CHARLES W BOANCMR ARCHIE R BOEMRS JOHN W BOEHR JRMR WALLACE W BGCTHMRS BELLE N BORLANDMR CHARLES H BOXENBAUMMRS CHARLES T BCYNTONMISS LUCY BREGMANMRS HUGH S BROWNDR JAMES BRCWN IVMR JAMES T BRUNOTMR JAMES E BURCMRS R M BURNETTDR HELEN RISLOW BURNSMR WILLIAM G BURNSESTATE ÛT Jt R CHARLES H BUTLERMR JAMES W BUTTONDR DON F CAMERONMR GEORGE G CAMERONMR RAYMOND N CARL ENMR LEO J CARLINMR LAURENCE A CARTONMRS JORDAN T CAVANMRS R" RANDOLPH CHAMBERLAINMR EUGENE J CHESROW JRMR NORTON CLAPPMRS SUZANNE 3 CLARKEMR DWIGHT M COCHRANMR MARCUS COHNESTATE OF ORA B CCLEDR T FREEMAN COPEMR IRA G CORN JRMI SS LOUI SE COSKERYMR JOHN S COULSONMR WILLIAM F CRAWFORDMRS WILLIAM F CRAWFORD MR BERNARD J UEL GIORNOMR. FRANK H. CETWEILERMRS. EDISON DÎCKMR JOHN F DILLE JRMRS JOHN F DILLE JRMR JAMES R DONNELLEYMR I SAI AH S DCRFMANMR JOSEPH N DUCANTOMR JOSEPH DUCOEURMR SIGMUND E EDELSTONEMR EDMUND K FICHENGREENMRS ROBERT M EISENDRATHMR. RICHARD R. ELLEDGEMR ALEX EL SONMR LOUIS H ENGEL JRMR R ICHARD D ENGLEHARTMR. BERNARD E. EPTONMR EH.vARD MMR ARTHUR TMR MORRIS EMRS HOWARDMR RAYMONDMRS RAYMONDMRS. HOWARDMR. ROBERT SESTATE CF MDR MORRI S FMISS SUSANNMR WALTER TMRS GAYLORDMRS. ABRAHAiMR. HERBERTMR GEORGE WMR WILLIAM FAHLSTROMFATHAUERFEIWELLFELDINGFELDMANG FELDMANW. FENTONFI FFEREMERY T FILBISHBEINE FISHERFISHERA FREEMAN JRJ. FREILERR. FRIEDFRIEDEFRIEOMANMR JOHN P GALLAGHERMR PERCIVAL T GATESMRS PERCIVAL T GATESESTATE OF HAZEL B GAYMR E CARROLL GFRATHYMRS ISAK V GERSONMR GERALO S GIDWI TZMR JOSEPH L GIDWÏTZMR WILLARC GIDWITZMRS WILLARD GIDWI TZMR. JACK L. GLABMANMISS MARY ANN GLENDONMR ALONZO C GOODRICHMRS. MILTON A. GORDONESTATE CF MISS VIRGINIA GOREMRS KATHARINE M GRAHAMMR WILL IAM S GRAY IIIMRS WILLIAM S GRAY IIIMR JOHN L GRAYMR FRANK GREENBERGMR ROBERT J GREENEBAUMMRS. CHARLES F. GRIMESMR CHARLES F GRIMESM" ROBERT P GWINNMR JOSEPH J HACKETTMR HARRY H HAGEY JR MK LLOYD A HALEMRS AL ICE W HALLMR B eRCWER HALLMR J PARKER HALLMR JOSEPH B HALLMR CHALKLEY J HAM3LETONMR DAVID K HARDINMR DAVID J HARR IS JRESTATE OF MISS EDITH HARRISMR HUNTINGTON B HARRISMR MORT IMER B HARRISMRS R WENDELL HARRISCNMR E HOUSTON HARSHAMRS AUGUSTIN S HART JRMR DONALD M HAWKINSMRS DONALD M HAWKINSMR LEE M HECHTMR. ELMER M. HEIFETZMRS. WILFRED F. HEITMANNMR WI LFRED H HEITMANNESTATE OF MISS EONA HELLERMRS ABRAHAM HERTZBERGMR CHARLES E HERZOGDR JOHANNA HEUMANNMRS. FRANK P. HIXCNMR GEORGE C HOFFMANNDR LEO FORVITZESTATE OF MISS IRENE HUBBELLMR JAMES S HUDNALLMR JCHN C HUDSCNCOL JCHN HULING JRMRS JOHN HUL IN G JRMR ROBERT L HUNTFRMR ROBERT F I MB TESTATE OF DR JOSEPH C IRELANDMR GEORGE F JAMES jKMR RAYMOND A JENSENMR. JCHN F. JEUCKMRS FRED W JOBEMR ELMER W JOHNSON JRMR WARREN H JCHNSONMR S HARRI SON KAHNMR. BURTON W. KANTERDR WILLIAM R KEASTMR FRANK E KELLERMR WILLIAM L KELLEYMR THOMAS A KELLYMR KEITH W KINDREDMR PAUL R KITCHESTATE OF MISS LILLIAN KLEINMRS ELEANOR KNIGHTMR LORENZ F KOERBER JRMRS LORENZ F KOERBER JRMR JOHN H KORNBLITHMR. FEPC KRAMERMR. HOWARO G. KRANEMRS WILLIAM A KRISTENSENMR. DAVID L. KRCOTH MR. SIGNUND W. KUNSTADTERMISS ANNE E KUTAKMR. JFRCME F. KMTAKMR PETER F LANGROCKMR. EDWARC J. LAWLER JRMR RALPH F LEACHMR PETER D LEDERERMR EDWARD H L EV IMR MOSES LEVITANMR ROBERT B L IFTONDR THEODORE A LINKMRS KATHERINE TREES LIVEZEYMR GLEN A LLOYDMRS CLARENCE LOEBMRS BEVERLY GLENN LONGMR VICTOR A LOWNESMR. EARLF LUDGINMR WILLIAM D MARIEMR RAY W MACDONALDDR BRUCE B MACLACHLANDR HAROLD M MALK.INMR HERBERT S MANN INGMR ROBERT T MARKLEYDR SUMNER MAYBURGMRS ROBERT B MAYERMR LOYD R MC CULLEYMR W ILSCN E MC DERMUTMR ROBERT MC DCUGAL JRMR DUGALD S MC DOUGALLMISS MARGARET MC KENZIEMR THOMAS J MC LAUGHLINMR FRANK J MC LORAINEMR JOHN F MCCARTHYMR RICHARD S MELVINMR. CHARLES J. MERRIAMMR ROBERT L METZENBERGMR PHILIP L METZGERMR JOHN M MEYER JRDR. LEONARD B. MEYERMR BYRON S MILLERDR.C PFILL IP MILLERMRS C PHILLIP MILLERMRS. FLORENCE LOWDEN MILLERMR NORMAN T MILLERM* ROBERT H MOHLMANREV. CHARLES S. MCRRIS IIMR HAROLD F MOSESMISS DOROTHY M. MOSIMANMR GORDON E MOSKALMR THOMAS R MULROYMR. JOSHUA A. MUSSMR GEORGE V MYERSMR NORMAN H NACHMANMRS. ALAN Y. NAFTALINMR IRVING B NAIBURGMR. BERNARD NATHMR. JCHN G. NEUKOMMR KENNETH NEWBERGERMR ROBERT H O-BRIEN .ESTATE CF JOSEPH D OLIVER JRMR JOSEPH D CLIVER JRMR HARRY D O-RR JRMR FRANKLIN B CRWINMRS SANDER OSTROWIAKMR HENRY F CTTC JRMK KOBERT R PALMERMR CHARLES 0 PARKERDR HARRY W PARKSMR DONALD A PETRIEMR DEAN B PHEMISTERMR FREDERIC G PICKMR ROBERT F P ICKENMR. GEORGE S- PLETSCHMR. & MRS. MAUftlŒ A. POLLAKMR GEORGE A. POOLEMR. MARTIN JAY POSNERMR WALTER I POZENMR EOW IN L RAMSEY JRMRS EDWIN L RAMSEY JRMR ARTHUR E RASMUSSENMR FLWCCD G RATCLIFFDP CLARENCE C REEDDR MINA REESDR. MARGARET G. REIDMR ROBERT W RENEKERMR. DONALD RICHARDS DR HENRY T RICKETTSMR GEORGE G RINDERMRS GEORGE G RINDERMR HARRY V ROBERTS JRMR PHILIP ROCTBERGMR. JCHN H. ROSENHEIMMR MARTIN R ROSENTHALDR PETER A ROSIMRS EDWIN A ROTHSCHILDESTATE OF MISS MYRTLE RUGENMP HARRY H RUSK INMRS PAUL S RUSSFLLMR. CHARLES I. RUTENBERGMR WILLIAM W SACOMR ROBERT E SAMUELSMR LOUIS C SASSMR CHARLES C SATINOVERMR RALPH S SAULMR CALVIN P SAWYIERMRS CALVI N P SAWYIERMR ADAM SCHAAFMR ALDEN J SCHNEIDERDR JONAS F SCHREIDERMR. ARTHUR W. SCHULTZMR. & MRS. THEODORE W. SCHULTZMR. MAURICE D. SCHWARTZMISS M ART HA H SCOTTMR S FDKARD SCOTTMISS ADELAÏDE MAY SEEBERGERMR MILTCN !• SHACUR mk SAUL S SHERMANMRS EARLE A SHILTONDR WEBSTER G SIMONMRS WEBSTER G SIMONMISS GURLEY LORRAINE SINKLERMR DANIEL C SMITHESTATE OF DR JOSEPH F SMITHMR RICHARD J SMITHMR. ROBERT ELLSWORTH SMITHMR. JAY M. SMYSERMR DALE R SNOWMR JOSEPH SCNDHEIMERESTATE OF MR LAWRENCE MSPEAKERMR ROBERT R SPENCEMR. SIDNËY STACKLERMISS EL IZÂBETH B STEINMR SYDNEY STEIN JRESTATE OF ARTHUR STENNMR IRVING STENNMRS IRVING STENNMR UICK A STOKENDR WALTER A STRYKERDR GEORGE W STUPPYMR. FREDERICK D. SULCERMS PEGGY A SULLIVANFSTATE OF HELEN P SUMMERSMR JOSEPH R THOMASMR C ROBERT TULLY MRS ERRETT l VAN NICEDR CORNELIUS A VANDER LAAflDR CHARLES W VOGLMISS ELSBETH B WAGNERMR MAURICE WALKMRS JAMES H WARNERMRS. ELEANOR B. WARNERMR ROY I WARSHAWSKY JRMR MAURICE S WEIGLEMRS MAURICE S WEIGLEMR. IRVING L. WEINDR BERNARC WEIN8ERGMR. GEORGE M. WEINERMR EDWIN L WEISLMR JEROME S WEISSMISS MARY C WELBORNMRS. JCHN D. WERKMANMR GERALD H WEST3YMR JAN G WETTERMR. WARNER A. WICKMR WILLIAM W WILKOWMR HOWARD L WILLETT JRESTATE OF MRS ROBERT C WILSONDR PAUL G WOLFFMR. JCHN R. WOMERMR. J. EARLE WCODINGMR MAX WOOLPYMISS RUBY K WCRNERMR HARRY N WYATTMRS HARRY N WYATT1 lie iollowing alninni Lave inacle gifts of f roiii $250 to $999o99sMR W ILL IAM H ABBOTTMR NEIL H ADELMANMR HOWARD ADLER JRMR ROBERT E ALLARDMR-HARRY B ALLINSMITHMR MAYNARO D ALL YNMRS, ROSE ALSCHULERMR ROBERT 0 ANDERSONMR. CHARLES R. ANDREWSDR THOMAS W ANDREWSMR PAUL G ANNESMR LEONARD P ARIESMR RONALD J ARON3ERGMR IRWIN J ASKCWMISS BEPNICE AUGENBRAUNM.R- W ALL IS AUST INMR CYRLS L 8ALDRIDGEMR. C LA Y TON H BANZHAFMR FDWARD F BARMCLE JRMR EDWARD B 6ATESMR GEORGE A BATFSMR RENATQ BEGHEMR E RVIN E BEI SELMR. L. HOWARD RENNE TT•)R VIRGINIA M SENS ONMR DANIEL L BEN TONMR FRANK C BERNARDMR FOGAR BERNHARDMRS EDGAR 3EPNHARDMRS EDGAR D I rtA SDR. CHARLES E. BIDWELLDR HERMAN S BLCCHMRS HERMAN S BLOCHDR WAYNE C 6COTHMRS WAYNE C BOOTHMR D R RORSTMR JOHN W BCWDENMR CHARLES A BOWSHERMR STUART B eRACLEYMR WI LLI AM R BRANDTMR HAROLD R BRANERDR. GECRGE PPAUNLICHMR FRANK R BREULMR CAVID S BRODERMRS DAVID S ERCDERDR DONALD S BRODERMR HERBERT C BRQOKDR YALE 3ROZENmr ALBERT E BRUGGEMEYERMR MARTIN L BUTZELMR ARTHUR R CAHILLMRS EL IZABETH H CAHNMR CHARLES G CALLARD JRMR JOHN M CANNONMRS GUY CARDEN JRMR F STROTHER CARY JRMR EDWIN H CASSELS JRMR GRANT C CHAVEMR STANLEY D CHRISTIANSONMR BENJAMIN V COHENMR SIONEY B COHENMRS SIDNFY 3 COHENMR SANFORC COHNMRS JCAN J CCLEMANMR SHELDON C COLLENMISS PATRICIA J. COLLETTEMR. SIDNEY H. COLLINSMR JAMES R CCMPTONMR. JOHN A. COOKDR NORMAN R CCOPERMANMR GEORGE J COTSIRILOSDR JACK P COWENMR. ROBERT W. CROWEMR. MICHAEL J. CULLENMR. STANLEY L. CUMMINGSMR MILES E CUNAT DR HARRIS L DANTEMISS EDNA R. DAVISMR CARLOS DE FRANCISCOMISS ZOILA DE LA GARZAMR. LESTER B. CEANMR LEON M DESPRESMR. CARL B. DICKERSONMR. JACK W. DILGRENMR WILLIAM DIRECTORMR GEORGE T CONCGHUE JRMR QUERIN P DORSCHELMRS CECIL E DRF.WMR MAURICE J CUFFICYMR. JAMES A. DUNKINMR DONALD F DVORAKMR RÎCHARO ELOENMR LOMMEN 0 ELEYMAJ CHARLES ELLENBOGENMR. RONALD L. ENGELMR . CHARLES EPHRAIMMR ALBERT A EPSTEINMI SS HARRIET C ERICKSONMR~ C CUPTIS EVERETTMR WEAVER E FALBERGMR JOSEPH L FEARING I I IMR. A. DANIEL FELDMANMR. THOMAS W. FETZERMR MARSHALL FIELDMR S RICHARD FINEMR ELI E FINK^R. DAVID L. FISHERMR HENRY C FISHERMR HARRIS J FISHMANMI SS ALICE V FITCHMR NQRRIS C FLANAGINMR DANIEL FOGELMR J L FOX JRMS PHILLIS T FOXMRS ZOLLIE S FRANKMR GEORGE S FREUDENTHAL JRDR ALBERT F FRICKEMR. HOWARD J. FRIEDENMRS. MARCIA F, FRIEDLANDERMRS. ROY J. FRIEDMANMR SIDNEY FRISCHMISS RUTH R FUERSTMR FARLé C FULLERMRS ANNE R GALTMR JAMES L GARARDMR. RCWLAND H. GECRGEMRS MAURICE P GERAGHTYMRS JOSFPF L GIDWITZMISS MILORED J GIESEMR. HARRI S A. GILBERTDR MARGARET C L GILDEAMR. T. GEORGE G.IL INSKYDR FRANCES MC NIELL GILLDR JULIUS E GINSBERGDR CARL GCETSCHMR MILTON D GOLDBERGMR PERRY B GGLCBERGMRS PERRY B GOLDBERGMR R HOWARD GOLDSMITHMRS. HCWARD GOOCMANMR PAUL W GOODRICHMR. COLIN S . GORDONMR GERALD R GOR^ANMR WILLIAM B GRAHAMMRS CLAUDE M GRANGERMR DONALD M GREENMR MARVIN GREENMR ERNEST GRFENBERGERDR HOWARD S GREENLEEDR J DAVIO GREENSTONEMRS J DAVID GREENSTONEMR JOHN R GRIMES MR EDGAR A GRUNWALDDR FRED L HADSELMR JAMES A HAKKENMISS CATHERINE HAMMR ANDREW C HAMILTONHON RICHARD A HARFWOODMRS RICHARD A HAREWOODMR I FRANK HARLCWHP CHAUNCY D HARRI SDR. L. JULIAN HARRISDR. PHILI P M. HAUSERMR EDWARD M HAYCCNMRS EDWARC M HAYDCNMR J WILLIAM HAYTONMR THOMAS DODD HEALYMR FRITZ F HEIMANNMRS BEN W HEINE MANMR J GORDON HENRYMR SIDNEY J HESS JRMISS AUGLSTA S. HEWLETTMR. HERBERT H. HEYMANMR DAVID C HILLIARDESTATE OF MISS IDA HOEBEKEMR WESLEY J HOLLANDMRS DOROTHY H HOOVERMR JAMES M HOPPERMR FRANKLIN E HCRWICHMR LAWRENCE HOWE JRDP VAN W HUNTMRS VAN W HUNTMR. DAVID T. HUNTERCCL FRANCJS W IM MASCHEMR LOUIS' G ISAACSONMR MAURICE H JACOBSDR LEON 0 JACOBSONMR SAMUEL L JACOBSONMR MILES JAFFEDR JOSEPH W JARABAKMR NEWELL N JENKINSMISS JEANNE JEWETTMR WILLIAM P JOCHEMMR CARROLL JOHNSON!rMR. DANIFL E. JCHNSONMRS. FRANCES H. JOHNSONMR HENRY A JCHNSONMR JOHN A JCHNSCNMRS MARJORIE 0 JOHNSONMR OWEN M JCHNSONMRS OWEN M JOHNSONMR ROLAND .0 JONESMR NORMAN E JCRGENSENMR. MILTON K JOSEPHMR HARCLD I KAHENMR DAVID V KAHNMR. WARREN R. KAHNDR LOUIS S KASSELMR JERONE S KATZINMR FEL IX KAUFMANMR FREMCNT M KAUFMANMISS IRENE KAWINMISS RUTH M KELLOGGDR ALFRED HINSEY KELLYMR CLARENCE B KENNEYMR DUNCAN F KILMARTINDR JOSEPH M KITAGAWAMR PER A KJELLSONMR FRANKLIN W KLEINDR IRVING M KLCTZMRS ETHEL VERRY KNIGHTMR. JOHN M. KNOWLTONDR. HELEN L. KOCHMR SAMUEL F KOGENMR FRANK E KOL8MR IRA S KOLBMI SS LILLIAN E KRAEMER MR. ABE NRASHDR NATHAN KREVITSKYMR WILLIAM D KUHNSMRS. PHILIP B. KURLANDMR. ROBERT J. KUTAKMR HAROLD S LADENMR CHARLES W LAKE JRMR JOHN R LANAHANJ.UDGE RENJAMIN LANDI SMISS REGIS B LAVERYMR. WALTER V. LEENMR. PAUL. H.. LEFFMANNMR. ERNEST S. LEISERDR. MICHAEL LEPAWSKYMR JUL IAN H LEVIMR. WENDELL M. LEVIMR RICHARD H LE VINMR ROBERT E L EV INMR SAMUEL R LEWIS JRMP . EDWARD LEWISONMRS. EDWARC LEW ISONMRS RICHARD B LEWYDR. ALEXANOER L ICHTORMR RORERT A LINCGRENMR ALTON A LINFOPDMR. CHARLES A. LIPPITZMR CARL S LLCYDMR. JACK W. LOEBESTATE OF MISS HANNAH LOGASAMR. WI LLIAM W. LOVETTMR RALPH D LUCASOR CHANMNG H LUSHBOUGHMRS-ELOISE T LUSH80UGHDR E W ILSON LYONMRS F WILSON LYONMR. JOSEPH L. MACKMISS JULIA MANASTERMISS VIOLA C MANDERFELDMRS. WILLIAM P. MANGOLDDR HARCLD MARCUSMRS. HAROLD MARCUSMR. RICHARD L. MARCUSMR. CHARLES K. MARKMRS. MAYNARD J, MARKSMR H BRUCE MARQUANO,MR LAFAYETTE M MARSHDR CHARLES E MARSHALLMR HENRY T MASCHALMR JOHN A MATTHLLERMR. & MRS. FRANK D. MAYER, JR.DR JAMES' A MC CLINTOCKMR JACE-S'J MC CLURE JRMR GORDON H MC NEILMR DONALD H MC PHERSONDR DONALD F MC-BRIDEMISS ELIZABETH A MEEKMR. LEE H. MELTZERMR ELfcOOD F MESCHTERMR LOUIS R MILLERDR. DAVID MINARCDR ROBERT Y MQCREMISS MARIA A. MORETMR. DGNALD A. MORGANHON ROBERT D MCRGANMR. SAMUEL MORGANMR JOHN A MORRISMR HANS W MORSBACHMRS HANS W MORSBACHMR. HOWARD W. MORTTHE HON STANLEY MOSKMR BURTON B MOYER JRMR. GERALD F. KUNITZDR EDWARD R MUNNELLDR EDWARD S MURPHYMR MEYER J MYERDR BERNICE L NEUGARTENMR FRANKLIN NEWHALLMR. PHILLIP J. NEXONMR WILLIAM C NORBYMR ARNOLD NCRDHEIMMR HARCLD W NORMANMR A EDWARD NORRÏSMR. BERNARD J. NUSSBAUMMR. MICHAEL NUSSBAUMMR KARL F NYGRENMR. EWALD B. NYQUISTMR DALL IN H OAKSMR BENJAMIN CRDCWERMI SS PHYLLI S R OSBORNMR STANLEY OWENSDR WALTER L PALIERDR CONSTANTINE G PANOSMR KEITH I PARSCNSMR RUSSELL J PARSCNSDR PAUL J PATCHENNR ELLMCRE C PATTERSONMI SS VIRGINIA. I . PATTI SONMRS ROBERT H PEASEMR MAX S PERLMANMRS MILDRED G PETER SMISS NORMA E. PFEIFFERMR HENRY W PHILLIPSMR. GEORGE B. PIDCTMR ALEXANCER POLIKOFFMR WtRBERT PORTESMR J4MES T POWER SMR ALFRED W PRESK ILLMR KENNETH C PRINCEM ISS VERNISE I PRUITTMR JCHN X PRYORMRS DALE QUERFELDMRS GkACE L RAGLEDR RAYMOND S RAINBOW JRMI SS MARY E RALLMR GEORGE D RAMSPECKMRS GEORGE A RANNEYMR. GERALD RATNERVMR CHARLES E REDFIELDMR. LAURENCE REICHMR. VINCENT P. REILLYMR LESTER REINWALD MR DAVID REITERMR HARRY M REITERMR. JEROME RICHARDMRS AMCS R'ICHARDSONMR LAWRENCE RIESERMR. SANGER P. ROBINSONMR DAVID ROCKEFELLERMR WALTER J ROCKLERMR. FRECERIC P. ROEHR IIIMRS CHARLES H ROSSMRS ANN M ROTHSCHILDMR GEORGE W ROTHSCHILDMRS HERBERT E RUBENDR LAURENCE H RUBENSTEINMR ADOLPH A RUBI.NSONDR OSWALD K SAGENMR. & MRS. ROBERT E. SAMUEL?MR. ANTONIO ROSAS SARABIADR BERNARD G SARNATMRS BERNARD G SARNATMR FREDERICK SASS JRMR JOHN G SATTER JRMR L PETER SAUERMR EDWARD W SAUNDERSMR GECRGE L SAUNDERS JRHON WALTER V SCHAEFERMRS ROBERT L SCHELLMR J LECNARD SCHERMERMR A BRUCE SCHIMBERG SRMR A BRUCE SCHIMBERG JRMR LAWRENCE J SCH^IOTMRS LAWRENCE J SCHMIDTMR EDGAR L SCHNADIGMR. LEONARD SCHPAMMR JOHN R SCHUERMANMR F MAX SCHUETTEMRS ARTHUR W SCHULTZMR JOHN G SEVCIKMR LEE C SHAWMISS HELEN H SHELLMR RENSLOW P SHERERMRS DAVID L SHILLINGLAWMR . J AMES H. SHIMBERGMRS HCLLY C SHULMANMR CLARENCE W SILLS JR DR. DANIEL J. SILVERMRS. MARVIN L. SIMONMR MARVIN L SIMONMR EZRA SCLCMONMR HARRY 8 SCNDHEIMDR. EDWARC M. SPENCERMR HARCLC E SPENCERDR MICHAEL N SPIRTOSMR BERYL W SPR INKELMAJ JANES B STEEREMR CHARLES D STEINDR DONALD F STEINERMR SAUL I STERNDR GEORGE J STIGLERMR LERCY C STINEBOWERDR. ELIZABETH K. STRAUSMR. EDWIN A- STRUGALADR. NATHAN SUGARMANMR PIKE H SULLIVANMR FRANK L SULZBERGERMR JOSEPH C SWIDLERDR. DON AL C M . SWITZMR STtPHEN E TALLENTDR ARNOLD L TANI SDR EDWARD R TANNENBAUMDR SOL TAXMR HERMAN L TAYLORMRS MARICN F'TEHANMRS RUTH TESTMRS. THELMA G. THOMPSONMR E HOCSON THORNBERMRS MARIAN W TILLOTSONMR PETER N TOOHUNTERMR KENNETH S TCLL.ETTMR PHILIP R TOOMINMISS ENID TOWNLEYDR OTTO H TRIPPELMR PAUL VAN CLEEFMR JAMES VAN SANTENDR. VERNhK S. WAITEOR . ROBERT WALLACHMR P.AYMCNC WALLENSTEINMR HARCLD A WA.RD IIIMR . JOSEPH J. WASKO MR GEORGE H WATKINSMRS GEORGE H WATKINSDR W ILL ARC B WEAR YDR ALVIN M WEINBERGMRS JANE G WEINBERGMR. STANDAU E. WEINBRECHTDR JOHN M WEIR JRMRS JOHN M WEIR JRMRS TREVOR C WEISSMR JAMES M WELCHDR RAYMOND P WESTERDAHLMRS FRANK H WESTHEIMERMR THEODORE S WEYMOUTHMR PHILIP C WHITEESTATE OF MISS CARCLYNWHITLOCKMR ROSS B WHITNEYMR LYDON WILDMR EDWIN P WILEYTHE HON HUBERT L WILLMISS MARIE B. WILLIAMSDR ROBERT P WILLIAMSMRS JACK A WILLIAMSONMR LOUIS WINERMRS. LCUIS WINERMR. GEORGE E. WISEMR. MAYNARD I. WISHNERMISS ELIZABETH WISNERDR ROBERT W WI SSLERMR ARTHUR T WOERTHWEINMRS. EDNA S. WCLBACHMR ARTHUR M WOLFMRS VfALTER E WOLFDR. WAYNE WON WONGMR. HERBERT N. WOODWARDESTATE CF CR HELEN R WRIGHTMI SS MARY V WYMANMR FREDERICK A YONKr,,MR HORACE A YOUNGMR JAMES L ZACHARI A bMR. SIDNEY R. ZATZDR FRANK G ZIGBROWSKIMR SAMUEL l IVMR. ROBERT J. ZCLACMR CLIFFORD A ZCLL1 lie iollowing alnniniAMR GRANIT C AADNFSENMR FLY M AARONMRS ELY M AARONMR ROBERT P ABATEMR JOSEPH J AR8ELLESTATE OF MARGÏA R ABBOTTMR RICHARD D A3ELSUN -MR JOHN M ABRAHAMMR M F ARRAHAMSONMR ROGER W ACHMR WILLIAM L ACHENBACHMR MONRCE ACKERVANMRS MELVI N J A DAMSDR SAMUEL CLIFFORD ADAMS JRDR HARRY F ADLERDR JACK J ADLERMRS JACK J ADLERMRS JANES N ADLERDR JOSEPH L ADLEROR DOROTHY A IK INDR BERNARD H AILTSDR JULES C ALCIATOREMRS JULES C ALCIATOREMR ABRAM L ALCCRNMRS LOUIS E ALEXANDERMR RICHARD E ALEXANDERMRS GERALC E ALFGNSODR HAROLD J ALFORDMR ALBERT V ALHADEFFMR ALBERT H ALLENMISS MARION C ALLENMR ALEXANDER C ALLISCNMR. PAUL J. ALLISONMR RUBEN D ALMONACIDMR. JEROME M. ALPERMR JACOB E ALSCHULERMRS. RIpff^RC H. ALSCHULERMR SAM ALSCHULERMR WILLIAM J ALSPAUGHMR LUTZ ALT kMRS GERALDINE S ALVAREZMRS HIBBARD H AMESMI SS PCLLY SCRIBNER AMESDR LAMPIS D ANAGNOSTOPOULOSMISS BARBARA B ANDERSONDR. CLAIRE M. ANDERSONMR EDWIN A ANDERSONMISS ELIZABETH S ANDERSONDR WILHELM ANDERSONMRS HAZEL M ANDREWMR VICTOR L ANDREWSMISS GERTRUDE L ANTHONYMR RICHARC E APPLEGATEMR T ROSS ARCHIBALDDR JOSEPH P ARCOMANOMRS HELEN JCHNSCM ARDREYMISS NANGY L ARENDSENDR RONALD H ARENDT DR LEO B AREYDR CATHERINE A ARMSTRONGMRS. ÇECIL W. ARMSTRONGMR ANTHONY C ARNOLDMR. MERLE A. ARNOLDMRS RAY M ARNOLDMR JOSEPH M ARNSTEINOR LESTER ARONBEP.GDR JACOB S ARONCFFMR HAROLD L ARONSON JRMR GEORGE ARQUILLA JRDR JOHN D ARTERBERRYMRS JOSEPH ASCHFEIMMR LESTER E ASFEIMMR. GILBERT F. ASHERDR MARK ASHINMI SS STELLA W. ATENMR THOMAS R ATKINSONMR LAWRENCE P AVRILMR CHARLES F AXELSCNMR. HARRY E. AXON JRVRS ALICE Q AYRESMRS WAYNE 8-RELLSMRS ROBERT RABCOCKDR IVAN A BACKERMANDR. CHARLES R«. BACONMRS DAVID BADALMRS ARTHUR A BAERMRS D ARTHUR BAERMR JERRY W BAERDR. ROBERT M. BAERMR BRUNSWICK A BAGDONMR RUSSELL M BAIRDMI SS ANNIE LAURIE BAKERDR ELOISE PARSONS BAKERMR KENNETH A BAKERMRS ORVIE E 8AKERMR E M BAKWINMRS RICHARD H BALDWINMR. FRANK R 3ALL JRDR MARTO A BALLESTEROSDR. EUGENE L, BALTERDR ROBERT S BANDURSKIMRS ROBERT S BANDURSKIMR. DANIEL BANESMISS LAURA BANFIELDMRS SEYMOUR BANISHMR STEPHEN S BARATDR DAVID H BARBERMR FRANKLIN D BARBERMRS FRANKLIN D BARBERDR NANCY H BARBERMR. WILLIS R. 8AR8ERMISS ELIZABETH BARBOURMISS L ILL IAN BARBOURDR ROSS H BARDELLMR MARVIN A BARGEMANDR ROBERT I . BAR ICKMAN JR MR NORMAN BARKER JRDR CHARLES A BARNESVR JCHN P eARNESMR ROBERT C BARNESMR. STEVE M. BARNETTMRS EDWARC F BARNICLE JRMR LEWIS R BARONMRS LEWIS R 8ARONMR WARREN N 8ARR JRMISS J .LOUISE BARRETTMR JCHN H BARRCWMR. ROBERT D. 8ARRYDR BERLF I 3ARTHDR FRANK K BARTLETTDR JAY P BARTLETTMR FRED H BARTL ITMR WILLIAM S BARTMANDR MALCOLM D BARTONMP BERNARD EARUCHMR STEVEN L BASHWINERMRS ALVAN D RATTEYMR. HOWARC K. BAUERNFEINDDR CLARENCE M BAUGHMR JOHN H BAUMANDR CARL H H BAUMANN JRMISS CAROL A. BAUMEI STERMR JACK G BEAMERMR ROBERT W BEASLEYMRS ROBERT 'W BEASLEYDR MARK S 6EAU8IENMR RICHARD L BECHTOLTMRS RICHARD L BECHTOLTMI SS RUTH R BECKDR ROGER W 3ECKLUNDMP ARTHUR J BEECHERMR THOMAS M BELLAIREMR CHARLES A BELLOWSCOL G N 3ENCH USA-RETDR LAURETTA 8ENDERMRS. WALTFR R. BENDERDR HOWARD S BENENSOHNMR P ICHARD E BENNETTDR DONALD W 8ENSONDR GEORGE B BENSCNMRS. HARRIET F. BENSONDR STERLING K BERBERIANMR EUGENE P BERGOR JACK C BERGERDR. ANTON H. BERKMANDR FRANZ J BERLACHERMISS FLORENCE BERNSTEINMR JOËL BERNSTEINMRS JOËL BERNSTEINMR ORRIN L BERNSTEINMRS ORRIN L BERNSTEINMR SIDNEY R BERNSTEINMR STUART BERNSTEINMR TERRY S BERNSTEINMR THOMAS A BERRYMR RICHARD B BERRYMANMR JOHN, J BERWANGERDR R ICHARD N BESKOW MR RCEERT H BETFKEMR THOMAS J BEVANMR LESL IE BEZARKMRS LESLIE BEZARKMR EDGAR BÏBASMR. ROBERT R. BIDWELLMR IVAN L BIELENBERGDR ROBERT P BIGELOWMISS LCIS E GINNSDR HERBERT F BINSWANGERMRS MILLARD P BINYONDP HENRY J BITTERMANNMR EINAR L 3JORKLUNDMISS DOROTHY A BLACKLEDGEDR WALTER BLAIRDR R ICHARD K BLAI SDELLMRS L L BLAKE JRMR JOHN ADAMS BLANCHARD JRMR STEVE NAVRAN BLANKDR LLOYD E BLAUCHMRS LLOYD E BLAUCHDR MICHAEL E BLAWMR JESSE B ELAYTONMR P ALAN BLISSDR MATTHEW H BLOCKDR BERGET H BLCCKSOMMR ALAN D B BLOOMMR MAX S BLOOMDR J R BLGOMFIELDMR DAVID L BLUMBERGMR MORRIE K BLUMBERGMR. EDWARD J. BLUMEMR ROGER L BLUMEMR GECRGE V BOBRINSKOY JRDR OSCAR BODANSKYMRS WILLIAM, C BODEMR GEORGF T BOGÊRTMRS GEORGE T BOGERTMR. SPENCER C. ÊOISEMR CHARLES G BOMBERGERDR IAN H BONDMRS IAN H BONDDR MICHAEL BONFIGLIOMRS DANIEL J 300NEMR MICHAEL BORGE 'MR JEROME J BORNSTEINMRS JERCME J BCRNSTEINMR. ROBERT H. 80SCHMISS ROSE D BOTZMISS JANET M. BOURNMR. FRANCIS L. BOUTELLDR. HAROLD I. BOVERMANDR. HERMANN C. BOWERSOXDR RALPH B BOWERSOXMRS RALPH B BOWERSOXMRS ALMON N BOWESDR E R BOWIEMISS LOUISE R. BOWLERMR RICHARD L BOWLERMR EDGAR M BOWM-ANMR. JOHN F. BOYDMR. NORMAN M. BRADBURNMR WILLIAM J BRADFORD JRMR JOHN A BRADFORDMR JUDSON T BRADFORDMR MARK A BRADLEYDR CARROLL P BRADYMRS RUDOLPH BRADYDR ROBERT J BRAIDWOODMRS ROBERT J BRAIDWOGOMR CHARLES R BRAINARDMR LAWRENCE R BRAINARDMRS LAWRENCE R BRAINARDMR ROLAND E BRANDELMR. WILLIAM M. BRANDTMR PRESTON R BRANSKYMAJ. WILLIAM F. BRATHDR. JERALC C. eRAUERDR ALAN P BRAUNMR ERNEST A BRAUNMR JEFFREY K BRAUNMR PIERCE BRAYMISS MARGARET M BRAY.TONMR MILLARC S BRECKENRIDGEMR STEPHEN J BRECKLEYMR F GLENN BREENMR JCHN R BREHMERDR. ARNOLD K. BRENMANMISS ERNA M BRENNEMANMR STEPHEN A BRENNENDR HOWARD L BRESLERDR PAUL J BRESLICHOR HERBERT C BREUHAUSMRS HERBERT C BREUHAUSMR. ALFRED W. BRICKMANMR DONALD E BRIDGMANMRS FAY T BRILLMRS FRITZ A BRINKDR JOSEPH H BRITTONMRS JOSEPH H BRITTONDR JOHN C 8RIXEYMR JOHN W BROADDR JUDITH BRODERDR ADRIAN BRCDEYMR. ALAN R. BRODIEMR BENJAMIN M BRODSKYMR GEORGE D BRODSKYMRS A L BRODYMR. DARWIN C. BROENENMR WILLIAM H BROKAWMRS W ILLIAM H BROKAWMRS ALFRED BROMBERGMR ROBERT BRONSTEINDR.0 ARTHUR EOWARD BROOKSMR HAROLD E BRCCKSMR. DAVID N. BROWNDR. DONALD D. BROWNMR EDWIN G BROWNMR EDWIN S BROWNDR. EMILY C. BRCWNMISS ETTA I . BROWNDR. GEORGE H. BROWNMR. GERARD S. BROWNDR HERBERT C BROWNMRS HERBERT C BROWNDR RACHEL F BROWNDR ROBERT B BROWNDR ROBERT V BROWNMR. GEORGE F. BRUDERDR. JULIAN M. BRUNERMR.LYLE C BRYANTMR LORENS Q BRYNESTADMISS ZDENKA BUBENMR GEORGE J RUCHYMR EARLE E BUCKMISS ANN M. BUDYMR ROBERT BUEHLERMISS MARGARET M. 8ULLARDHON FELIX M BUOSCIO.DR ERNEST S BURCH JRMRS. JEAN P. BURDENDR GORDON M BURGHARDTMR RICHARC V BURKSMR JOSEPH M BURNETTMR WILLIAM A BURNSMR. WELLINGTON R. BURT JRDR HILDAHL I BURTNESSMRS HILDAHL I BURTNESSDR. PAUL S. BURTNESSDR HENRY C BUSHMRS. WILLIAM M. BUSHNELLDR. ELIZABETH BUTLERMRS. ROY BUTLERMRS JAMES W BUTTONMRS LEONARD 8YMANDR. WALLACE BYRDMRS WILLIAM F BYRONCDR NORMAN L CADMANMRS. NED CAHENMRS ARTHUR R CAHILLMR BERNARD D CAHNMR THOMAS J CAIEDR JOSEPH P CALIGURIDR GEORGE B CALLAHANMRS ANNETTE A CALLOWAYMR DENNIS A CALVANESEMR CECIL R CAMPBELLMISS GLADYS CAMPBELLDR DONALD C CANNONDR. BENJAMIN CAPLANDR EZIO CAPPADOCIAMRS DOUGLAS CARLMR THOMAS CARLINMR JAMES ALBERT CARLSONDR JCAN E CARLSCNDR JOHN S CARLSCNDR. RALPH F. CARLSONMR RICHARC R CARLSONMI SS DORI S CAROTHERS DR RICHARC E CARP ENTERMR FRANKLIN D CARRMRS DANIEL T CARROLLDR. MARY E. D. CARROLLDR GEORGE B CARSON JRMRS. THEODORE CARSONDR HARCLO G CARSTENSENDR M LOUI SE CASONMR THOMAS G CASSADYMR. JAMES L. CATEMR HENRY P CHANDLERMISS ELIZABETH H CHAPMANTHE HON JCHN W CHAPMANMRS JOHN WM CHAPMANDR. JAMES D. CHARLESDR RUTH F CHARLESMISS AN-SHIH CHENGMR DAVID S CHERNOFFMISS DOROTHEA C. CHICKERINGMR MAX L CHILLDR JOSEPH C CHISHOLM JRDR PHYLLIS PEASE CHOCKOR PWEH B CHOCKDR SAM S CHRISOSMR ANTON E CHRISTENSENMR FRANK J CHRISTIANDR NICHOLAS CHRISTOFFDR ROBERT W CHRISTYDR WILLIAM A CHUPKAMR SAMUEL CHUTKOWMR FRANK CICERO JRDR BARBARA CLARKDR DAVID B CLARKDR. FAITH CLARKMR HAMILTON L CLARKMRS. J. BUNKER CLARKTHE HON RAMSEY CLARKMR THOMAS J CLARKMR DAVID G CLARKEMR PHIL IP R CLARKE JRMR. RCBERT C. CLAIJSMI SS HELEN V. CLAUSONMR ARTHUR J CLAUTER JRMRS ARTHUR J CLAUTER JRMRS. PATRICIA G. CLEEKMR BRUCE L CLELANDMRS CHARLES CLEMENTMRS ULYSSINE G CL IFTMR N ËAYARC CLINCH JRMR. HERBERT W. CLOUGHOR GEORGE E COADEMR. KENNETH J. COATESMR ROY D COBBDR KENNETH W COCHRAN JRMISS JEANNETTE M COCHRANEMR. JOSEPH CODYMRS OTTO H COELLN JRMRS SERENE W COHANMRS. BERNARD COHENMR STEPHEN Z COHENDR. CHARLES E. COHNMRS MAXINE HILLIARD COHNMR. RICHARD J. COHNDR. JOHN R. COLEMANMR. PHILIP M. COLEMANMRS. MARK CCLLARINOMRS MARVIN J COLLINSMISS ELOA ANGELA COLOMBODR ELI B CCMAYDR DONALD COMI TERDR CLINTON L COMPEREDR EDWARD L COMPEREMRS EDWARD L CCMPÉREDR BEULAH R COMPTONMR HUBERT S CÛNOVERMR GEORGE H CONRADESMR. CHARLES M. CONSTANTINEDR PHILIP A CONSTANTINIDESDR. JOSEPH CONWAYMR FRANK M CCOKMR PAUL W COCKDP ROBERT E COOKMR WILLIAM SINCLAIR COOKDR WILLIAM T COOKMISS OLIVE B. COONSMRS WI LLIAM W CCOPER JRMISS CORA W. COOPERMRS THOMAS A CCOPERMR WILLIAM W CCCPER JRDR H CARY COPPOCKDR HOWARD F CORBUSMR JACK H CORNELIUSMR. SHERMAN P. CORWINDR BYRCN CCSBY IIMR ALBERT F COTTONREV RCGER J COUGHLINMR LEONARD W COULSCN JRMRS. J. RITCHIE COWANDR HENRY L CCXMISS MARY A. CRAIGMR ERNEST G CRAINMR RONALO E CRAMERDR. JAY J. CRANEDR. ROBERT R. CRAWFORDMR ROGER J CRISEMRS ROBERT 0 CROCKETT JRDR, LEE J. CRONBACHMR. GEORGE T. CROSSLANDMR CHARLES M CROTHERSDR. MARTIN M. CROWDR EDWARD 8 CROWELL' JR -MRS. JOHN C. CROWLEYMRS. JAMES H. CRYSTMRS PAUL N CULPMRS H S CULVERDR GEORGE G CURLMISS EVA UNITY CURLESSMR LCUIS C CUROTTOMI SS ESTHER W CURRIEMR FREDERICK P CURRIER MR JAMES J CUSACK JRDR. G. CAMPBELL CUTLERDR JAMES R OAHLMISS PHYLLIS J DAHLBERGMISS WILDA J. DAILEYDR PAT C CAILYMR L JORN DAKINMR WINSTON C DALLECKMR ROBERT E DALTONPROF KENNETH W DAMMR. WELDON K. DANIELSONMR WENDELL DEWAYNE DAVENPORTDR. PAUL T. DAVIDSONDR. GEORGE M. DAVIESMR WALTER H DAVIESMR PAUL H DAVI S JRDR. CARL H. DAVISMRS. JOSEPH DAVISMRS KENNETH C DAVISMR MYRON D DAVISMR WALKER B DAVISMISS HELEN DAWLEYDR JOSEPH G DAWSON JRDR. JOHN S. DE BEERSMR DANIEL M DE MUNTERMR. EVERETT K. DEANMR JOËL P DEANDR CYRUS C DECOSTERMR WARREN J DELANEYDR WILL S DELOACHMR JAMES A DEMCAKMRS JAMES A DEMCAKMR. JOËL S. DEMSKIDR. ANTON W. DEPORTEMRS LEON M DESPRESMR CHESTER M DESTLERMRS SAMAYLA D DEUTCHMR HASKELL DEUTSCHMRS HASKELL DEUTSCHMRS CARL DEVOEMRS. MARGARET DIAMONDMR. VINCENT L. DIANADR WILLIAM E DIEZDR ALFORD C DILLERMR PAUL JONES DILLONMR. ARTHUR DINWIDDIEMR RAYMOND R DIRKSENDR RICHARC L DCANMR. ROBERT L. DCANDR. CATHERINE L. DOB SONDR RICHARC L DOBSONDR WILLIAM DOCKMR. DONALD B. DODDMISS MARIE DOLESEMR FRED M DOLINMR. ALEX H. DOLNICKMR DAVID DOLNICKMR. ROBERT E. DONDR LILIAN DCNALCSONMR MANUEL H DONCHINMR. JAMES A. DONOHOEMR WILLIAM C DONOVANDR. HOWARD D. DOOLITTLEMR. FRED J. DOPHEIDEMRS BERTHA L DOREMUSOR ALBERT DORFMANDR AMOS DORINSONMRS AMOS DORINSCNOR. JOHN M. DORSEYDR WULF H DOSERMR. ALLAN M. DCUGLASSLT COL RUTH M DOWNEYDR ARTHUR H COWNINGDR CHARLES F DOWNINGDR. LESTER R. DRAGSTEDTMR GEORGE T DRAKEMR S ROLAND DR A Y SONMRS S ROLAND DRAYSONMR ROBERT M DREVSMR CECIL E DREWMR CLAIRE T DRISCOLLMR JOHN E DROTNINGMR MURRAY P DRYMRS. ARTHUR OUBINDR ROY DUBISCHMR ORA S CUFFENCACKMRS ORA S DUFFENDACKMR BURTON DUFF IEMR MARC DUM€NTMR FRAMK C DUNBAR IIIDR. T. BENTLEY DUNCANDR. JCHN F. DUNKELDR. WILBUR D. DUNKELMR VERNE C DUSENBERYDR THOMAS F DUTCHERMRS. A. GILMORE DUVALDR THOMAS F DWYERDR ALLEN MILLER DYER JRDR. H. R. DYERMR WILLIAM W DYERMRS WI LLIAM W OYEREMR WILLIAM LDR. RICHARDMR KEITH E EMISS JANE C.OR ROBERT HDR. EOWIN GDR. JEAN R.MR. JCHN A.DR. EFFIE M.DR L A ECKLUMR CAMERON EOR CORINNE SMR JCHN ECELMR SEYMOUR L EAGLETONH. EARLEASTINEBBSEBERTEBYECKERLYECKLERECKLUNDNDDDYEDDYBROCKEOELSTEIN DR JOHN H EDGCOMBMRS PETER ECGEMR MICHAEL A EDIDINMR. THEODORE EDIDINDR CLAYTON B EDISEN«R. JAMES E. EDMONDSDR ROBERT M EOWALDSMR DONALD E FGANDR FREDERICK R EGGANMRS FRECERICK R EGGANDR EVELINA W EHRMANNMR HENRY PIERCE EICKELBERGDR WALTFR B EICBODR. FREDERICK L. EIHLDR W ROBERT FLGHAMMERMR ALLEN E ELICTMR E MELVIN ELLINGSENMRS OWEN ELLIOTTMR GERRY J ELMANMRS ALEX ELSCNMR W ILLIAM B ELSON JRMR ROBERT B ELY JRMR EARL H EMENDORFERMRS JOSEPHINE R EMERYMISS JULIA EMERYMISS MARGARET A EMERYDR LUDWIG EMGEMI SS M. CAROLINE EMICHMRS MAX D ENGELHARTMR ELLIOT S EPSTEINMI SS LAURA EPSTEINMRS RAYMOND EPSTEINHON SAMUEL B EPSTEINMR A GERALD ERICKSONDR CARL A ER ICKSONMR. RICHARD C. ERICSONDR ALEXANDER ERVANIANDR. J. NICK ESAUMR JAMES H EVANSMR LOUIS E EVANSDR RICHARC H EVANSDR. SHIRL 0. EVANS JRMR. VICTOR H. EVJENFMR FREDERIC FADNERMR JOHN E FAGGMR. RALPH R. FAHRNEYMRS C F FAILEYDR MORTON Z FAINMANMISS JEAN E. FAIRMR. DEXTER FAI RBANKMRS. HARRIET K. FALKMR JOHN PHILIP FALKMI SS RUTH FALKENAUOR LLOYD A FALLERSMRS LLCYO A FALLERSDR. ROBERT L. FANTZMR ROBERT M FARQUHARSONDR ARTHUR E FATHMR THEODORE F FATHAUERMISS GLADYS FAWLEYMRS MARGARET S FAYDR JERRY E FEINMR DAVID H FELDMANMR LANSING R FELKERMR AUGUST H FELLHEIMÊRMR EDWARD G FELSENTHALDR I SAAC M FELSHERMISS ZELMA J. FELTENMISS SARA t. FENWICK .MRS. MARGARET B. FERKINHOFFDR ALAN M FERNMRS ALAN M FERNMR THOMAS FIELDDR ELLIS K FIELDSMRS ELLIS K FIELDSDR JOSE A FILOS-DIAZDR LAURENCE FINEERGMRS. ALEXANDER C. FINDLAYMR ALEXANDER C FINDLAYDR JOHN W FINDLEYDR T ALDRICH FINEGANMR PERRY B FÏNKDR VICTCR H FINKDR ROBERT S FIRCHDR HARRY W FISCHERDR D JEROME FISHERMRS D JEROME FISHERMR HARRY N D FISHERMR PHILIP MCKAY FISHERMISS RAE FISHERDR WALTER 0. FISHERMRS WALTER/.T FISHERDR JEROME FISHMANHON. THOMAS H. FITZGERALDMR. ARNOLD M. FLAMMDR C LARKIN FLANA GANMRS HARLEY FLANDERSPROF HARLEY FLANDERSMR. CARL B. FLAXMANMR JOHN T FLECKENSTEINMR DAVID C FLEDDERJOHNDR JOAN FLEMINGMISS LOUISE FLETEMEYERDR LOUIS B FLEXNERMRS RICHARD F FL INTPROF RICHARD F FLINTDR. CHARLES D. FLORYMRS WILLIAM N FLORYMR ASHLEY A FOARDMR. CHARLES E. FORDMR. JCHN E. FORSSMR RICHARD L FORSTALLDR. WALTER L. FORSTERMR ALBERT M FORTIER JRDR DANIEL J FORTMANNMR BRUCE H FOSSLERDR. DAVID FCXMTSS ELSIE R FOX16dOR JCHN P FGXMR VERNON FOXOR W ILLIAM P FOXMR JOHN F FRALICK IIMR. DAVID L. FRANCISMR. GEORGE W. FRANCISMR EVGEN FRANGERDR HUGH A FRANKMRS HUGH A FRANKMRS JOSEPH FRANKMRS. TENNEY FRANKDR WILLIAM P FRANKMR CARL B FRANKELMR. STILLMAN M. FRANKLANDDR ALLAN H FRANKLEMRS ALLAN H FRANKLEMR. HARVEY B. FRANKLINMISS GLADYS G FRASERMR J LESTER FRASERMRS JESSE FREDERICKMRS RIVERS FREDERICKMR MERRILL A FREEDMRS NORMAN FREEHLINGDR JOSEPH K FREILICHMRS. BENJAMIN B. FREUDDR JAMES L FREYMR B MARK FRIEDMRS B MARK FRIFDMR. D. CASS FRIEDBERGMR LEE R FRIEDBERGMRS LEE R FRIEDBERGMR WILLIAM S FRIEDEMANDR. HERBERT N. FRIEDLANDERDR ELMER A FRIEDMANMISS HORTENSE FRIEDMANMR. JOËL M. FRIEDMANMR JOHN M FRIEDMAN JRDR MAURICE H FRIEDMANDR WILLIAM E FROEMMINGMRS. ERNEST FRUEHMR GEORGE J FULKERSONMRS EARLE C FULLERMR. LOGAN FULRATHMRS. PETER G. GAALDR PETER G GAALMR LEON GABIMETOR. EUGENE L. GAIERDR LEON J GALINSKYMR WILLIAM R GAL ISDR THOMAS C GALLOWAYMR. ALBERT J. GALVANIMR HERBERT J GANSMR ALAN J GARBERMRS BEATRICE B GARBERMRS BAR.8ARA M GARCIAMR. ALLEN M. GARFIELDMRS JAY M GARNERMISS JANE L GARRETTSONMR. I. EDWARD GARRICKDR SAMUEL GARRICKMR WILL IAM H GARVEY JRMR JOSEPH J GASIORMR MARVIN GASTMRS. ROGER R. GAYMRS DOROTHY M GAZAWAYMR ARTHUR M GEEMRS KATHARINE S GENOVAMR VEIT GENTRYMISS AASE GEORGEMR. EVERETT GEORGEDR. GRACE B. GERARDDR RALPH W GERARDMRS RALPH W GERARDMR FRANCIS J GERLITSMR. PAUL J. GERSTLEYMRS BARBARA H GETZMR ARTHUR P GEUSSOR. E. DELMAR' GI8BSMISS ISABEL E GIBSONMR JAMES T GIBSONMR. VICTOR E. GIDWITZOR RICHARD H GIERMRS. ARTHUR C. GIESEDR ARTHUR C GIESEMRS ELDEN G GIESKEMR. ALVIN J. GILBERTMR ARNOLD M GILBERTMR. HOWARD N. GILBERTDR RICHARC K GILCHRISTDR PAUL C GILLILANDMRS GRACE H GILMANMR EDWARTJ J GINIATDR NORTON S GINSBURGMR VIRGIL J GISTDR. GARY L. GITNICKMR. JOHN GIURADR SARAH E GLASSDR ROBERT G GLASSERMR BURTON E GLAZOVDR M KATHRYN GLICKMR. ROBERT D. GLICKDR. DONALD J. GLOTZERDR ARTHUR GCETSCHDR. MARGARET L. GOETSCHMRS HENRY R GOGGINMRS MYRON B GOLBERMR ARTHUR J GOLDBERGMS MERILYN C GCLDBERGDR JACOB S GOLDENMR IRW IN H GOLDMANMR ARTHUR GCLDSCHMIDTMR JAMES K GOLDSMITHDR NAOMI GOLDSMITHMISS CAROL K GCLDSTEINMRS. JEROME GOLDSTEINMR. MORTON E. GOLCSTEINMRS. EMANUEL GOLDSTRICHMR HARRY GOLTER MR WALTER R GOODMR JOHN M GOODEMP. ROBERT B. GOODENDR. JOHN I. GOCDLADMRS. ABRAM V. GOODMANSHERRY B GOODMANMR. ERNEST 8. GOODMANDR RAYMOND D GOODMANESTATE CF DR EDGAR JGOODSPEEDMRS ARLENE R GORDONMR HARCLD J GORDONDR ROBERT B GORDONMR SIDNEY S GORHAM JRMR SAMUFL J GORLITZDR. JOSEPH GORSICMR PAUL A GCTTSCHALKMRS PAUL A GOTTSCHALKMP DONALD L GOULDDR MARTIN P GOUTERMANMR WILLIS SEYMOUR GOUWENSMRS. JOSEPH Y. GRADEDR PHILIP W GRAFFMR. ELMER C. GRAGEMR RUSSELL A GRAHAMMR BRUCE M GRASMR. HYMEN S. GRATCHMISS HELEN G GRAVESMR ROBERT L GRAVESMR EARL Q GRAYMISS MERLE GRAYDR SEYMOUR J GRAYMR. FRANK M. GRAZIOSOMR CHARLES FREDERICK GREENMR DAVID GREENDR. JOHN P. GREENMR ROBERT M GREENMI SS RUTH E GREENMR DANIEL B GREENBERGMR DANIEL N GREEN8ERGDR CHARLES R GRËENEMR JACK W GREENEMR MICHAEL GREENEBAUMMRS MICHAEL GREENEBAUMDR MAURICE H GREENHILLMRS. IRVING GREENHUTMRS HOWARC S GREENLEEMR ARTHUR GREENMANMR GERALD B GREENWALDMRS GERTRUOE SMITH GREENWOODDR. DAVID S. GREERDR ANNA B GREYDR DOROTHY GREYDR JAMES A GRIDER JRMR A RUSSELL GRIFFITHDR WILLIAM E GRIGSBYMR JOHN W GRIMESMRS JCHN W GRIMESDR ROY R GRINKER JRMR BERNARC J GROSSDR IRMA H GRCSSMR. LAWRENCE N. GROSSDR MORTIMER D GROSSMR. RICHARD S. GROSSMANMR A EUGENE GROSSMANN JRMR BRIMSCN GROWMISS HARRIET GRUGERDR GEORGE F GSELLMR. MARTIN M. GUONDR CLIFFORD W GURNEYMRS CLIFFORD W GURNEYMR JOHN F GUSTAFSONMR. STANLEY È. GWYNNMRS. KALMAN GYARFASMR CARL E GYLFEHMR. KENNETH S. HABERMANMRS HER8ERT F HACKWORTHYMISS RUTH HADDENMR. T. CARTER HAGAMANMR. HAROLD A. HAGENDR . DONALD HAGEROR CORNEL IUS S HAGERTYDR JOHN S HAIGHMR HERBERT Z HALRRECHTMR GEORGE C HALCROWMR GEORGE N HALE JRMR GEORGE E HALEDR BRADLEY T HALES'MR. EDWIN M. HALLMR. RICHARD D. HALLMR. ROBERT T. HALLAOAYM ISS HAZEL M HALLORANDR. BERNARD A. HALPERINMISS ELIZABETH M. HAMBLETONMR. DANIEL S. HAMERMESHMR BRYCE L HAMILTONMRS. HUGH L. HAMILTONMRS. JAMES A. HAMILTONMR ROBERT D HAMILTONMR JEROME J HAMMERMANMRS JEROME J HAMMERMAN^MISS EVA HANCEMR. BOB HANCCCKMR ROBERT S HANDLERMR PETER W HANENMRS PETER W HANENDR MARTIN E HANKEDR. JOHN W. HANNIMR CARL R HANSENDR. MARTIN E. HANSON¦ DR SUSAN E HANSONMR LAURFNCE J HAPGOODMISS DOLORES E HAPPDR ARNCLD C HAREERGERESTATE OF DR HELENHARDENBERGH MR PAUL H W HARD ERSMR MELVIN A HARDIESMR CHARLES F HARDING IIIMR M GLENN HARDINGOR GEORGE F HARDYMRS. ROWENA H. HARGRAVEMISS MARY HARMSDR DAVID S HARRERMR. DAVID L . HARRISDR E JACK HARRISDR JOSEPH M HARRISMR. MORTON J. HARRISMRS RAYMOND HARRI SMR RAYMOND P HARRISMR SCLOMON E HARRISONMRS MILTON E HARTMR WALTER W HARTMRS. HANS HARTENSTEINMRS RICHARD M HARTERDR. MARGARET E. HARTFORDDR. MOSES HARTMANMISS NELLIE M. HARTMANMR JOSEPH D HARTWIGMRS JOSEPH D HARTWIGMR RONALD G HARVEYDR THOMAS G HARWARDMR. KEITH E. HATTERMR MORTCN HAUSLINGERMR JAMES E HAUTZINGERMISS ISABELLE HAVENSMISS RUTH E. HAVENSMRS. LLOYD E. HAWESDR HELEN C HAYDENMISS ELINCR G. HAYESDR KENNETH HAYGOODMRS. KENNETH HAYGOODDR. BOYD E. HAYWARDMRS PAUL A HAZARD JRMRS LESTER S HECHTMR OSCAR F HEDENBURGMR WILLIAM S HEDGESMR PAUL B HEFLINDR. WOODFORD A. HEFLINMRS. ROBERT E. HEFTDR ROBERT E HEFTMR. EDWARD G. HEFTERMR JACK R HEGRENESMR GARDNER W HEIDRICK JRMR ROBERT K HELMLEMR. ELMER W. HENDERSONMR HAROLD L HENDERSONMISS SUSAN AYLEEN HENDERSONMR. DONALC S. HENDRICKSONMR JAMES L HF.NNINGMISS GRACE M HENNISDR L DELL HENRYDR LAURIN L HENRYMR WILLIAM T HENSEY JRMR FREDRICK HENZIDR GEORGE L HERBOLSHEI MERDR. GERALC P. HERMANDR RICHARD HERRMRS. RUTH B. HERRMISS BETTY HERSCHERDR LEROY S HERSHMR. STEPHAN HER SONMR REED HERTFORDDR CHARLES M HERZFELDMR WILLIAM E HERZOGMR G ECWARD HEVERANDR. RICHARD G. HEWLETTMISS REBECCA E. HEYMRS ROBERT D HEYENDR MARGARET M HEYMANDR RUTH M HEYNMR GEORGE N HIBBENDR ,LUCY H HICKRODMISS MARGARET E HIELSCHERMR PAUL B HIGDCNMRS CHARLES G FIGGINS SRMRS. FRANK P. HIGGINSDR NORMAN HILBERRYMRS NORMAN HILBERRYMR HOWARD C HILL IIIMR JAMES RENWICK HILLDR JAMES PCWLANC HILLMR KARL B HILLMRS. KNOX C. HILLDR KNCX C HILLDR. THOMAS B. HILLGRACE HILLER MOMRS HARRY HIMMELMR. ABRAHAM HIMMELBLAUDR PAUL A HINENBURGMRS N B HINSCNDR JAMES H HIRASAMRS HENRY D HIRSCHMR. RALPH 8. HIRSCHMRS. MAURICE H. HOBBSMR LAWRENCE P HOCHBERGDR. CLARENCE V. HODGESDR EDWARD R HODGSONMRS ERNEST H HODNETTDR. JACK HOEKZEMADR WALTER F HOEPPNERMR I RWIN S HCFFMR ARNOLD J HOFFMANNMRS GEORGE C HOFFMANNDR THEODORE A HOHMMR. CHRISTOPHER HOLABIRDMRS ANN C HOLMESMR WILLIS H HOLMESMR JAMES T HOLTONDR HANS D HOLTZMRS. J. A. HOLZEN8ERGMR JOËL D HONIGBERGMR INGHRAM D HOOKMR RICHARC K HCOPERDR WILLIAM F HOPKINSDR CHIKAO G HORIMR. CARL E. HORN DR EDWARD N HORNERMR. CHARLES T. HORNGRENMR J R HORTCNMR ELLIS J HORVITZMRS ARNCLD HORWEENMR ALLAN HORWICHMR THEODORE HORWICHMR JAMES K HCTCHKISSMR JOHN M HCUSEMR JOHN B HOWARDDR LOUIS B HOWARDDR MYRON E HOWLAND JRMR. JOHN C. HOYLEDR MICHAEL E HRINDAMR VICTOR E HRUSKAMR FRANK E HUBACHEK JRMR EDWIN F HUDDLESON IIIDR HARRIET D FUDSONMR HOWARD P HUCSONMR. HAROLD W. HUFFDR. JOHN C. HUFFERDR EVERETT C HUGHESDR GEORGE R HUGHESDR. HELEN MACGILL HUGHESMR ROBERT B HUMMELDR. EDMUND C. HUMPHERYDR M GWENETH HUMPHREYSDR DORIS M HUNTERMR JAMES G HUNTER JRMR CHARLES E HUSSEY IIMR WILLIAM Y HUTCHINSONMRS. GRAHAM HUTTON.DR GEORGE G IGGERSMR FRANK ILETT JRDR ROBERT F INGERMRS ROBERT F INGERMRS EDWIN N IRONSMR GEORGE U ISAACSMR MARC R ISAACSONMR HERMAN W ISENSTEINJDR DAVID M JACKSONOR. JOHN M. JACKSONMR JULIAN J JACKSONMRS JULIAN J JACKSONMRS. ROBERT B. JACKSONMR CHARLES M JACOBSMR ROBERT S JACOBSMR. MARSHALL M. JACOBSONDR. ERNST R. JAFFEMRS HELEN STEIN JAFFEMR RICHARC P JAHNMISS ALICE JAMESDR HENRY T JAMESTHE REV. A. LELAND JAMISONDR ROBERT W JAMPLISMR SHI H JANGMRS SHI H JANGMR KARL A JANITZKYDR C HELGE N JANSCNMRS ANABEL I JANSSENDR ROBERT S JASONMRS. ALFRED C. JEFFERSONDR ALFRED C JEFFERSONMRS JOSEPHINE S JENNEYMR GERHARDT S JERSILDMR. THOMAS N. JERSILDMR. BALLARD L. JEWELLMR HANS C JCHANSSONDR CLARA RITCHIE JOHNSMR ARNOLD >/ JOHNSONDR BYRUM É JOHNSONMRS. CLAYCA C. JOHNSONMISS ELINOR C JCHNSONMR ELLIOTT A JOHNSONDR HARCLD B JCHNSON JRMR HOWARD W JOHNSONMR JAMES A JOHNSONMR LEWIS H JCHNSONMRS. LYLE R. JOHNSONMR LYLE R JOHNSONMISS MARGARET L. JCHNSCNMRS. RALPH G. JOHNSONMR THOMAS B JOHNSONMR. WI LLIAM D. JOHNSONDR. FRANCES A. JOHNSTONMR MARLE R JOHNSTONMR ARCHBOLD R JONESDR CULVER JONESMR E PATRÏC JONESMR GEORGE R JONESMR JCHN T JONESMR. WI LLIAM C. JONESMR JOHN E JOSEPHMR. WILLIAM H. JOSEPHSONMR DAVID J JOYCEMR. NORMAN 0. JUNGMISS' OLIVE A. JUNGEMRS. CAROLYN R. JUSTMR BYRCN E KABCTMR JOSEPH M KACENADR GEORGE I KAGANDR JOSEPH A" KAHLMR JOHN K KAHLERMR JOHN M KAHLERTMR JOSEPH N KALLICKMRS. CARL R. KALNOWMR HARRY KALVEN JRDR Mart|m D KAMENMR WILLIAM S KAMINMR HAROLD R KAMPMR SAMUEL M KANEMR ERNEST KANRICH16eDR. MARSHALL A. KAPLANMRS RUTH T KAPLANMR. SIDNEY Z. KARASIKMR NORMAN KARLINMR. KENNETH L. KARRMR THOMAS L KARSTENDR. LAWRENCE D. KARTUNMR ROBERT S KASANCFMR EDWIN M KATZMR HAROLD A KATZMR SIDNEY M KATZDR RICHARC A KATZMANMRS. THEODORE J. KAUDERSMR DANIEL P KEARNEYDR. JERRY KEARNSDR JAMES E KEASLINGMR. RICHARD C. KEATINGMRS HARRY R KEISERMR MAXWELL P KE I THMR. SEYMOUR KEITHDR CARL H KELLERMISS NAOMI KELLERMRS. JEAN C. KELLOGGMR JOHN P KELLOGGMR. ALFRED HERBERT KELLYMR. ARTHUR L. KELLYMR ROWLAND L KELLYMR. CHARLES S. KENDALLDR. KATHERINE A. KENDALLMR EDWARD T KENNEDYMR HENRY W KENNEDYMR WALKER KENNEDYMR ERNEST W KENT JRDR JOHN F KENWARDMR KARL K KERNSDR GRAHAM A KERNWEINMR SAMUEL D KERSTENMR ROBERT D KESTNBAUMDR BURTON E KETCHAM JRMISS FLORENCE L KETCHAMDR MARSHALL D KETCHUMMR GLENN A KEYESMR JAMES C KEYESDR NATHAN KEYFITZMISS MARY L KIBELEMR THOMAS H KIERENMRS FREDERIC R KILNERDR. JCHN R. KIMBALLDR. NEIL B. KIMERERMR MERWYN S KINDMRS THOMAS G KINDELDR. ERNEST Q. KINGMR JAMES R KINGMR R EUGENE KINGDR. DANIEL M. KINGSLEYMRS FREDERICK B KINGSLEYMISS FLORENCE K KINOSHITAMR RAYMOND A KINZIEMRS RAYMOND A KINZIEMR RONALD E KIPERMR SAMUEL A Kl RKMRS SAMUEL A KIRKMR. PAUL A. KIRKLEYDR JOSEPH B KIRSNERMR. JULIAN A. KISERMR EDMUND W KITCHMI SS DOROTHY A. KITTELDR JOSEPH T KLAPPERDR RCNALD MARTIN KLARMRS ELIZABETH L KLEEMR WILBUR K KLEINMRS BERNARD KLEINMANMR JOSEPH H KLEMSMRS JCSEPH H KLEMSMISS JEAN A KLINGENSTEINMISS TERESE E. KL INGERMR. JEROME W. KLOUCËKDR GEORGE H KLUMPNERMRS GEORGE H KLUMPNERMRS. SARAH KNAPPMRS LAURA BERGQUI ST KNEBELMRS. JAMES W. KNECHTDR JAMES W KNECHTDR WILLIAM KNELLERMR ROY W KNIPPER JRDR.' FRANCES KNOCKMR THEODORE E KNOCKMR. JERRY KNOLLMR JOHN M KNOWLTONDR KATHRYN KNOWLTONMISS KATHARINE I KCCHDR RICHARD C KOENIGOR ROBERT E KOENIGMRS ROBERT E KCENIGMR MULLER KOEPERMISS BARBARA KOHLSAATDR KATE H KCHNDR MASARU KOIKEMR. ALLEN E. KOLBDR GWIN J KCLBMRS DOROTHY W KONRADMR WILLIAM J KORSVIKDR JOHN JCSEPH KCTTRAMR ARPAD F KOVACSMR. LOUIS E. KOVACSDR. JOHN S. KOZYMR ELBERT J KRAMDR. PHILIP KRAMERDR YALE: KRAMERMRS. ROBERT KRAUSMR. HYMAN J . KRAUSSMR. MILTON H. KREINESMR CARL KRESLDR. KAI B. KRISTENSENMRS. IRVING KRISTOLMR GENE KRITCHEVSKYMRS GENE KRITCHEVSKYMR RICHARD S KRCHNOR HARRY G KROLLDR. ELWCOD L. KRCNICKMR. MERRILL F. KRUGHOFF MR ARTHUR H KRUSEMRS ARTHUR H KRUSEMISS FERN V. KRUSEMR SHERMAN M KUHNMR WALTER A KUMPFMR EOGAR P KURTZMANMR. PAUL H. KUSUDALMR ALFRED F LABARGEDR EDWARD L LADENMR KENNETH LAIRDDR. FREDRIC D. LA KEOR ANTHONY F LALL IMR IRVING C LAMBERTMR. LEONARD R. LAMENSOORFMR JAMES R LANCASTERMRS. WILLIAM LANDAUOR AUBREY W LANDERSMR FREDERIC S LANEMR DONALD CHARLES LANGMR IRVING G LANGMR HOWARD G LANGE -MR. PAUL M. LANTINMI SS ZELLA Z. LARIMERMRS. RICHARD E. LASSARMRS. PETER S,. LATHAMMR. FREDERICK T. LAUERMANMR' ARTHUR J LAUFFDR ERIC W LAUTERMRS FLORENCE SCHOTT LAUTERMR GERHARCT K LAVESMR ROBERT J LAVIOGEMR RAPHAËL MELVIN LAVINMR MICHAEL B LAVINSKYMR EARL L LAWRENCEDR IVAN C LE COMPTEDR GEORGE V LE ROYMR ARNOLD' K LEAVITTDR FRANCIS L L EDER.ERDR. HERBERT LEDERERMRS CHRISTIAN S LEDLEYMRS BERNARD S LEEDR. HARRY B. LEEDR. HOWARD HOOK-TAN LEEMR LAURENCE R LEEDR LAWRENCE B LEEMR. MONTGOMERY R. LEEDY JRMISS DCROTHY LEGGITTMR JAMES F LEHANMR OSCAR S LEHMANDP HERBERT W LEHMANNMR JORDAN H LEI8MANMRS. ERLE V. LEICHTYMR GEORGE S LEISUREDR LOUIS LEITERMRS LOUIS LEITERMRS MAURICE LENSERDR BENJAMIN H LERNERMR HERBERT LESSERMRS HERBERT LESSERMISS BESSIE L LESTERDR NICHOLAS J LETANGMR MILTON A LEVENFELOMR. HARRY J. LEVIMR. DANIEL E. LEVINMR DAVID LEVINDR ERWIN LEVINMR. LEONARD D. LEVINMRS PETER R LEVINDR ROeERT S LEVINEMR. SAMUEL M. LEVINEDR. THEODORE LEVINEMISS ELINOR B. LEVINSONMR . SAMUEL LEVINSONDR. DAVID M. LEVITANDR. ALBERT LEVYMRS CHARLES LEVYDR. DAVID M. LEVYMR ELIEZER LEVYDR. NORMAN LEWAKMR. CARY B. LEWISDR H GREGG LEWISMRS H GREGG LEWISMRS HAROLD S LEWISMR HAROLD W LEWISDR. HYLAN G. LEWISMR JAMES WILLIAM LEWISMR. JULIUS LEWISDR. LLCYD G. LEWISDR MADGE K LEWISMR PETER S LEWIS"MR RALPH LEWISMR. LEON M. LIDDELLMR MARK S L IEBERMANMR MORRI S A LIEBERMANMISS GREGORY L ILLYMISS HANNAH M LINDAHLMR. CHARLES E. LINDBLOMOR GEORGE K K LINKDR. MARYLCU J. LIONELLSMP ROBERT L LIPPERTMR. CHARLES C. LIPSCHULTZMR NORMAN G LI PSKYMR ALFRED R L IPTONDR EMANUEL C LISSMI SS MARGARET I. LI STONMR WILLIAM- S L ITAWADR. RAYMOND W. LITWILLERDR. WEI C. LIUMR. VCN E. LIVINGSTONMR WILLIAM P LOEHRERMRS R J LOEWENTHAL JRDR ARTHUR LCEWYMR ALVIN W LCNGMR JOHN V LONGMI SS VIOLET E LONGDR RICHARD L LONG INI MR CHARLES H LCCMISDR. CLAYTON G. LOOSLIMR JAMES H LCRIEDR. ANDREW E. LCPINCZMRS HENRY 0 LOVE-TT .MR HARRY J LOWENBACHMR ALAN V LCWENSTEINDR GARY D LOWERMR. ALEXANDER I. LOWINGÊRMR. QUENTIN LUDGINMR ERL ING H LUNDEMR* L. L. LUNDGAARDMR. MICHAEL R. LUTZMR GECRGE C LYMAN JR 'MR F RANCI S J LYNCHMR. JAMES T. LYONMR THOMAS A LYONMRS. DAVID J. LYONSMR DAVID J LYONSMMRS. THOMAS C. MABBOTTMR JOHN E MAC KENZIEDR MARY E MACDONALDMISS EMILY MACHOVSKYMR. DONALD A. MACKAYMR ARTHUR T MACKLIN JRMISS ANNE M. MACPHERSONMR FRANK J MADDENMR HERBERT C MADISONDR. JAMES S. MAGIDSONMI SS MARI ON M. MAGUIREMR CHARLES B MAHINMR BRUCE A MAHONMR. LOUIS R. MAINDR HAROLD M MALLERDR KATHARINE C MALONEMR LOUIS V MANGRUMMR. RAYMOND P. MANLEYMR RALPH A MANTYNBANDDR FREDERICK E MAPPMR. JEROME H. MARCUSMRS MARIANNE MARGOLINMRS CYRUS MARKDR HAROLD KEITH MARKELLMR JAMES P MARKHAMDR JOHN B MARKSMRS. MEYER B. MARKSDR RACHEL B MARKSMRS HENRY M MAROSZDR ROBERT R MARTELLEMR C VIRGIL MARTINMR CLAUOE C MARTINDR. EDWARD M. MARTINDR. LOWELL A. MARTINDR RONALD L MARTINDR. MARTIN E. MARTYDR. EDWARC A. MASERMRS MARVI N L MASSMR GIFFORC M MASTMR AMOS M MATHEWSMRS MARCELLA K MATHEWSMR PAUL E MATHIASMR. RUDY MATTHEWSMR. HANS W. MATTICKDR HOWARD MAUTHEMR JOHN M MAXWELLMR HARRY J MAYMR. PETER W. MAYDR. ROBERT E. MAYMR JOSEPH MAYER JRMR JOSEPH H MAYERMR ROBERT B MAYERDR STEVEN E MAYERMRS STEVEN E MAYERMRS WOODS MC CAUSLANDMISS HELEN M MC CLUREMR WILLIAM W MC COLLUMMRS MAURICE L MC CONNELLDR ROBERT M' MC CORMACKMRS C JAMES MC COYMR JAMES A MC DEV ITTMRS CAROL W MC DONALDMR C BOUTON MC DOUGALMR EDWARD C MC COUGAL JRMRS MURRAY MC DOUGALMR EUGENE C MC OOWELLMR REMICK MC DCWELLDR JOHN T MC ENERYMISS IRENE H MC ENROEMR DENNIS G MC EVOYMR WILLIAM H MC GOWANMR DURMONT W MC GRAWMR WILLIAM MC GREGCRMRS FRANCIS E MC INTYREDR JAMES E MC KEOWNMRS JAMES E MC KECWNMR DONALD C MC K INLAYMISS BARBARA JEAN MC K INNEYMRS. EDWARD C MC KINNEYDR MATTHEW MC K IRDIEMRS RUTH P MC LAINMR HAROLD H MC LEANDR DOUGLAS R MC MANISMR JOHN T MC MILLANMR ANDREW MC NALLY IVMR JCHN MC NEILMI SS MARY L MC NUL-TYDR ROBERT BRUCE MC PHERSONMR BRUCE C MC QUAKERDR JAMES B MC-BEANDR JACK D MC-CARTHYMR JOHN E MCADAMMR EDWARD J MCADAMSDR ELIZABETH MCBROOMMR ROBERT E MCCABEHON. DWIGHT MCKAY JRMRS. WILLIAM J. MCKEEMR LAWRENCE E MCLEÀNMR PHILIP D MCMANUS DR. JAMES B. MCMILLANMR. WI LLIAM H. MCNEILLMRS. L. E. MEADORMR L E MEADORMRS WI LLIAM MEALIFFMR EARL G MEDLINSKYMRS. ELMER G. MEIERDR JACK W MEILANDMR. BERNARD E. MELANDOR AL DO W MELLMR JACK MELTZERMRS RAE MELTZERMR JAMFS A MENAULDR EUGENIC MENDOZAMR CHARLES A MESSNER JRDR ALBERT- W MEYERDR. BERTRAND W. MEYERMR. CHAMOLER 0. MEYERMR JOHN H MEYERMR MICHAEL E MEYERDR RCNALD W MEYERDR WILLIAM H L MEYER JRMRS 0 DANIEL MICHELHON ABNER J MIKVAMRS ABNER J MIKVADR. MAX B. MILBERGMR ALEXIS T MILLERDR. BRUCE J. MILLERMRS. BYRON S. MILLERDR. DEAN D. MILLERMR. DONALD W. MILLERDR DONALD G MILLERMRS DONALO G MILLERMR. EDMUNC A. MILLERDR. JAMES E. MILLER JRMR STANFORD MILLERMR THOMAS S MILLERMRS THOMAS S MILLERDR. VERA MILLERMR WILLIAM A MILLERDR. LAURENS J. MILLSMRS. KATHARINE T. MINERMR. ROBERT S. MINER JRDR. VICTOR J. MINTEKDR. FREDRICK S. MISHKINMR ALDUS S MITCHELL JRMR. CHARLES F. MITCHELLMR. JOHN A. MITCHELLMR NED E MITCHELLDR. SHIZUTO MIZUIREDR WALTER E MOCHELMRS WALTER E MOCHELOR. ROBERT H. MOEDR DALE V MOENDR WILLIAM F MCNCREIFFDR ROBERT A MOCDYMR WILLIAM L MOORE JRDR. HALLIE E. MOOREMR I ANDREW MOOREDR. JOHN T. MOOREMRS WILLIAM A MOOREMRS. EADITH B. MORALESMR GEORGE E MORGENSTERNMR WILLIAM V MORGENSTERNDR. HIDEO D. MORIMR FRED J MORIARTYDR. BUEL MORLEYMI SS MAUD MCRLCCKMRS. RICHARD A. MORTONDR RICHARC A MORTONMR PAUL E MOSESMRS CONRAD J MOSSDR J PAUL MOULTCNMRS MURIEL MOULTONDR RUTH MOULTONDR RICHARD H MOYMR . MORRIE MUCHDR CHARLES E MUHLEMANMR RICHARD F MULLINSDR EDWARD L MURPHYDR WILLIAM. R C MURPHYDR JOËL E MURRAYMR M THOMAS MURRAYMRS M THOMAS MURRAYDR IRVING E MUSKATMR JACCB MUSKATDR MARTHA J MUTTIDR RONALD E MYERSNMR JAMES L NACHMANMR CARLETON F NADELHOFFERMR ROBERT 8 ;NAGELMR IRVEN NA1MANMR. SAM I. 'NAKAGAMADR. THOMAS Y. NAKAOMR GEORGE F NARDINMRS GEORGE F NARDINMR JCHN J NAUGHTONDR. RICHARD H. NEALMR ALLEN J NELSONMR JOSEPH NEUBAUERDR RICHARD J NEUDCRFERMRS H W NEVILLEMR GRAHAM S NEWELLMR DONALD R NEWKIRKMR. PHILIP B. NEWKIRKMR FRED C NEWMANMR KENNETH B NEWMANDR MELVIN M NEWMANMRS ROBFRT J NEWMANMR VINCENT E C NEWMANMR WILLIAM H NEWMANMRS WI LLIAM H NFWMANMR LAWRENCE S.NEWMARKMISS A8BA V. NEWTONMR S HUBERT H NE XONMR L DOW NICHOLDR. WAYNE M. NICHOLS16fMR JAMES B NICHOLSONMR THOMAS L NICHOLSONMR. OLIVER L. NIEHCUSE-MR LEONARD G NIERMANDR CHARLES F N IMSMR. HING CHCNG. NI PMR DALE NOBLEMR JOSEPH 8 NORBURYMISS IRENE L. NOROINETHE REV. EDWARD J. NORTON SVDMR 0 ROBERT NOTTELMANNDR. HUGH C. NOURSEMRS. HERMIEN D. NUSBAUMMRS. HELEN M. NYSTROMMRS CHARLES D 0 CONNELLMISS MABEL C 0 DONNELLMR JOSEPH M O-ROURKEMR ROBERT A OAKES JRMR. ERNEST A. OBERINGMISS NORMA E. OCONDR WILLIAM D ODELLDR YVO T OESTERMR. RICHARD N. CGLEMR JOHN F OKEEFE JRMR WRISLEY B CLESONDR HARRY S OLINMR LEONARD K OLSENMRS BRUCE OLSONMR ERNEST C OLSONMRS ERNEST C OLSONDR. EVERETT C. OLSONMR. HAROLD A. OLSONDR VERNCN E OLSCNMR FRANZ M OPPENHEIMERMRS FRANZ M OPPENHEIMERMR MARK R ORDOWERDR FRANK J ORLANDDR ROBERT ANTHONY ORLANDOMR WARREN D CRLCFFMR MAX D ORRMR ALAN R ORSCHELMR DCNALO I OSTERMRS JOHN N OSTROM JRDR EVELYN A OTHMANMR ELVIN E OVERTONMR JOHN H OWEN JRMR PHIL IP K OXMANMRS SARAH R PACKARDMR DONALD L PADGITTDR EUGENE C PAIGE JRDR. ROBERT C. PAINTERMR IRVING PALEYMR GARY H PALMDR E SCHUYLER PALMERMR PIERRE S PALMER JRMRS PIERRE S PALMER JRLT COL WALTER G PALMERDR BEATA PANAGOPOULOSDR E P PANAGOPOULOSMISS MIRIAM A. PAPEMISS BELLE T PARDUEMR COLIN PARKMR DANIEL N PARKERMRS DANIEL N PARKERDR KELVIN M PARKERMR NORMAN S PARKERMR. BRUCE S. PARKHILLMR CHARLES C PARLIN JRMRS. CLIFFORD S. PARSONSDR HOWARD L PARSONSMRS KEITH I PARSONSDR ROBERT W PARSONSMR AARON D PASHKOWMR. HENRY E. PATRICKMRS ANTHONY S PATTONDR. MARSHALL PATTULLCMRS CHARLES T PAYNEMRS.- THOMAS J. PAYNEDR THOMAS PAYNEMRS. MORTON L. PEARCEDR MORTCN L PEARCEDR. ANN M. PEARSONDR NORMAN M PEARSONMR ROBERT H PEASEDR. LISA R. PEATTIEDR. ALPHONSE PECHUKASMR C DAVID PEEBLESMRS. CHARLES U. PEELINGDR DAVID C PELLETTDR JERRY P PENDRASMR JAMES S PENNINGTON JRDR. ECHO C. PEPPERMISS ROSE M. PEREZMR JONATHAN H PERLMANMR HENRY PERNETMISS JOSEPHINE A PERRYDR EDWARD A PERSONMR JAN B PERSSONDR SAMUEL L PERZIKMR DOUGLAS L PETERSENMRS DOUGLAS L PETERSENMRS ALBERT J PETERSONMR DAVID D PETERSONDR SHIRLEY J PETERSONDR FRANK M PETKEV ICHMRS RUTH H PETRIEMRS ALICE S PFAELZERMR WILLIAM G PFEFFERKORNMR. J. BARTON PHELPSDR M AL ÏCE PHILLIPSMRS. JORAM PIATIGORSKYMR WESLEY C PICKARDOR FRANK G PICKELMR. BUFORO L. PICKENS DR. ARTHUR C. PIEPKORNMISS HELEN F PIERCEMRS. ROY L. PIERCEDR ROGER 0 PINCMRS. HAROLD PINKMR. JOSEPH S. piNKERTMR. THEODORE S. PIWOWARMR A BGYD PIXLEYDR ANTHONY PIZZOMISS ELSIE M PLAPPDR BLAIR PLIMPTONDR HENRY A PLÛEGSTRAMRS ERMIN F PLUMBMRS. ALFRED PODOLSKYMRS WALTER POLNERMR. ROBERT C. POOLEMRS. ALEXANDER H. POPEMR ALEXANDER H POPEMRS. J. DUDLEY POPEMR JAMES L PORTERMR STUART W PORTERDR JOSEPH PCSTMR. LAWRENCE J. POSTMUSDR ELIZABETH V POTTEROR ALBERT M POTTSMR HOWARD W POWERSMISS LILLIAN R POWERSMRS GEORGE A PREUCILMRS MILES 0 PRICEDR JEAN PRIESTDR ROBERT E PRIESTMR JAMES L PRITCHARDMR NORMAN H PRITCHARDMR CARL W PRITCHETT JRMR ERNST W PUTTKAMMERESTATE OF MISS LOUISE PUTZKEMR. VIRGIL P. PUZZOMISS MARTHA ALICE QUANDTDR WILLIAM J QUICKMRS VIRGINIA C QU ILL INANDR. JOHN H. RAACHDR RICHARD T RADAMRS RICHARO T RADADR LAURENT V RADKINS JRMRS LAURENT V RADKINS JRMR JOSEPH RADOVDR PATRICK A RAGENDR ROBERT J RAIMANMRS ROBERT J RAIMANMRS. THEODORE W. RALLDR THEOOORE W .RALLMRS ROBERT H RALSTONMR AUGUST H RAMHORSTMR RAY e RANDMR RAY E RANDALLMR ROBERT L RANDALLMR GEORGE A RANNEY JRDR ALAN D RAPPMRS ALAN D RAPPMR DAVID K RAYMR THOMAS LAWRENCE RAYMR LYLE LAVERNE RAYMONDMISS MUNCY RECEMR RICHARD REED JRMRS CHARLES A REEDMRS ELIZABETH E REEDMR RICHARD C REEDDR ALBERT E REESMRS MARY C REESEMR JOHN P REGANMR OWEN E REGANMR ROBERT N REICMR HENRY G REIFSNYDERDR ERICA REINERMR. GERALC CLAIR REKOWDR. ALFRED D. REMSONMR THEODORE A RENSTROMMRS FRED A REPLOGLEMR BURTON P RESNICKMRS IRVING C REYNOLDSMR PAUL G REYNCLDSDR W ILLIAM F REYNOLDSMR EMANUEL REZNICKMR ROBERT L RICEMRS ROBERT L RICEMR DANIEL C RICHDR JOSEPH RICHARDMISS LILLIAN M RICHARDSMR ROY C RICHARDSMR IRVING RICHARDSONDR HAROLD A RICHMANMRS IRVIN F RICHMANMRS JAMES M RIDDLE JRDR J ALFRED RIDERMR. DONALD RIDGEDR JAMES M RIDGWAYMR EMIL D RIESMRS LAWRENCE RIESERMR BRENT CAIL RIGGSDR WILLIAM RILEYMI SS MARGARET RIOMR SHELDON I R IPSDR I I RITTERDR LOUIS P RIVER JRMR RICHARD THOMAS ROACHMR BURR L RCBBINSMR ARTHUR H ROBERTSMRS RCDNEY M ROBERTSMR HUBERT 0 RCBERTSONMR SCOTT ROBERTSONDR RICHARC A ROBIEMI SS LOUI SE C ROBINSONMR JOHN HANNA ROBISONMRS WALTER F ROCKWELL MR HANS H RODER ICHMRS SHERWIN A RODINMR 0 JCHN RCEMR ALVAH ROGERS JRMISS D. KATHARINE ROGERSDR. THOMAS ROLANDDR CONRAD E RONNEBERGMR JAMES L ROODDR. IRWIN A. ROSEDR NORMAN A ROSEDR SELWYN RCSEMR BEN B ROSENMR HOMER E ROSENBERGMRS HOMER E ROSENBERGMR MERWIN S ROSENBERGMR PHILLIP I ROSENBERGMR PAUL A ROSENBLUMMRS JOSEPH ROSENFIELDMR. MARTIN G. ROSENFIELDDR EDWARD W ROSENHEIM JRMRS EDWARD W ROSENHEIM JRDR JOSEPH RCSENSTEINMR. MASON P. ROSE-NTHALMR MARK C RCSERMR PHILIP R ROSIDR. ARNOLD E. ROSSDR. DONALD A. ROSSMR MORRIS M ROSSINDR ISADORE ROSSMANOR LEO C ROSTENMR CLAUDE A ROTHDR IRVIN ROTHMRS WILLIAM H ROTHERMEL JRMRS GERTRUDE R ROTHSCHILDMR GARLANC C ROUTTMRS GARLAND C ROUTTDR DONALD A ROWLEYOR JANET ROWLEYDR NORMAN M ROZANSKYDR IRVING H ROZENFELDDR. FRANK E. RUBOVITSDR GEORGE J RUKSTINATMRS GEORGE J RUKSTINATMRS TREADWELL RUMLMRS CHARLES J RUNNERMR CHARLES F RUSS JRDR HENRY P RUSSEDR PAUL S RUSSELL JRDR A YVONNE RUSSELLDR JOHN R RUSSELLMRS JCHN R RUSSELLMR WALLACE P RUSTERHOLTZMRS JACOB RUSTMANMR. LEONARD D. RUTSTEINDR J COERT RYLAARSDAMMR JOHN M SAADADR SHELDON SACKSMRS. SHELDON SACKSDR LEO SADOWMRS LEO SADOWMR OL IVER S SAFFIRMR JAN JEFFRY SAGETTDR MARK SAJJADIDR. MELVIN R. SALKMRS. IRVING D. SALTZSTEINMR CHARLES N SALZMANDR. LEO SAMELSONDR JOËL F SAMMETDR LEO T SAMUELSMRS MOLLI E K SANDERSDR FRED M SANDIFERMR LESLIE SANFORDMRS LESLIE SANFORDMR RAYMOND C SANGSTERMRS KARL SANZENBACHERMR. ROBERT E. SARGENTMR. DAVID B. SARVERMR CARL W H SASSDR GEORGE A SATHERMISS M. ANNE SAUCIERMRS. CHARLES SAUNDERSMR WALT SAVELANDMR. WILLIAM B. SCACEDR THEODORE SCHAEFER JRDR RICHARD C SCHAFERMR. LESLIE D. SCHARFMISS SUE C SCHEFFLERMR EARL E SCHEIBEDR. VERNON W. SCHICKMR PHILIP SCHILLERMR WILLIAM L SCHMIDTMR RICHARD W SCHMIDTLEINMRS 8ERNACOTTE E SCHMITTMR. FRANK L. SCHNEIDERDR JOSEPH C SCHOOLARDR. FREDERICK R. SCHRAMMR RICHARD E SCHREIBER JRMR. JESSE B. SCHREITERMR. GILBERT F. J. SCHRODTMR. JOHN SCHUCHARDTOR ARTHUR E SCHUHMR. HARRY SCHULMANDR THEODORE SCHULMANDR ABRAHAM SCHULTZMISS AMANDA 0. SCHULTZMR LOWELL G SCHULTZMRS. STELLA B. SCHULZDR. FREDERICK L. SCHUMANDR BORIS SCHUSTERMR.' WILLIAM S. SCHWAB JRMR. JUSTIN M. SCHWAMMMR ARTHUR SCHWARTZMISS ELIZABETH SCHWARTZMR. HARRY W. SCHWARTZMR. JCHN C. SCHWARTZDR. JOSEPH R. SCHWARTZMR CHAUNCEY H SCOTT MR H M SCCTTDR. ORLAND B. SCOTTMR WILLIAM R SCOTTMR MERRILL SCOVILLEMR ROBERT L SEAVERMR EDWARD A SEEGERSMR. ROBERT M. SEELEYMRS. J. A. SEGALDR. MORRIS J. SEICEMR H LESTER SEIDNERMR WILLIAM E SELFMRS WILLIAM E SELFMR. MARVIN H. SELINEDR. WALTER SELOVEMR ARTHUR 0 SELTZERMRS NATAL I£ R SELTZERMISS CATHERINE R SELZERMISS HELEN R SEMMERLINGMRS J IM SENFTNERDR EDWARD H SENZMRS EDWARD H SENZDR HERMAN M SEROTAMR RICHARD N SERVAASDR COLEMAN R SESKINDMISS HELEN V SEYMOURMI SS ALICE C SHAFFERMR. ELL IS I. SHAFFERMR. SHOUKY A. SHAHEENMRS SEYMOUR A SHANEDR PHILIP D SHANECLINGMR THOMAS R SHANLEDR. ARTHUR S. SHAPIRODR CHARLES M SHAPIROMR JACOB MEYER SHAPIROMR. JOSEPH R. SHAPIROMRS. LEOPCLD J. SHAPIRCDR LEOPOLD J SHAPIROMR MITCHELL S SHAPIRODR WILLIAM W SHAPIROREV D R SHARPEMR DONALD J SHAUGHNESSYMR JESSE M SHAVER JRMR PAUL SHAWDR JOHN E SHEEDYDR ELEANOR SHELDONMR. PETER L. SHELDONMS VIRGINIA SHELDONMR . JAMES M. SHELLOWMR JCHN N SHEPHARDMI SS KATE B SHEPHEROMRS. NANCY M. SHERMANMR DAVID H SHIOELERDR. EMERSON W. SHIDELERMR JOHN H SHINERDR CHARLES H SHIREMANOR JOAN F SHIREMANMR. WALTER L. SHIRLEY SRMR. WILLIAM F. SHOREMISS IDA M SHRODEDR SUSAN J COOK SHUMWAYMR. PAUL M. SHUPACKMR JOSEPH C SIBLEY JRDR. VIOLET M. SIEDERDR. GORDON S. SIEGELDR RALPH E SIEGELMR RICHARD H SIEGELMR LOWELL A SI FFVR. MICHAEL S. SIGALMR A DAVID SILVERMRS BEN D SILVERMRS. JAY A. SILVERBERGMR JAY A SILVERBERGMISS ANNE T SILVERSTEINMR DUMARSAIS M SIMEUSMRS ALBERT J SIMONMRS EUGENE W SIMONMRS. HERBERT A. SIMONDR HERBERT A SIMONMISS JOY F. SIMONDR R ICHARD D SIMONMRS GEORGE N SIMPSONMR ALLEN M SINGERDR. MILTON SINGERMR. RAYMOND R. SIPOWICZDR. WILLIAM H. SIPPELMR GEORGE F SISLERPROF LESTER S SKAGGSDR JOSEPH H SKOMMRS JOSEPH H SKCMMR. 3ERTIL 0. SKOOGMR WILLIAM L SLAYTONMR BERNARD L SLCANMR DAVID M SLOANDR JACK SLOANDR. IRVING E. SLOTTDR SEYMOUR SMIDTMRS SEYMOUR SMIDTDR DONALD P SMILEYMR BISSELL J SMITHMR DONALD L SMITHMRS DONALD L SMITHMISS ESTHER A. SMITHMRS FCWLER SMITHMR ISRAËL SMITHMR. JOHN F. SM ITHMR JOHN H SMITHMRS JOHN H SMITHDR KENNETH M SMITHMRS KENNETH M SMITHMISS MAUDE SMITHMR. MICHAFL BAYARD SMITHMR MILAN DALE SMI TH JRMR PAYTON SMITHDR RALPH 0 SMITHDR ROBERT L SMITHMR TERRY SMITHMI SS VILLA B SMITHMR WALTER H SMITHMRS JOHN M SMYTH JR16gMR CHARLES G SNELLMR FREDERICK 8 SNITEMRS ROYALL H SNOWMISS EVE SNYDERMRS. FRANKLYN R. SNYDERCOL GRAVES H SNYDERMP. HUBER J. SNYDERDR WILLIAM S SNYDER JRMRS. KWAN-WAI SOMR. LEC J. SCKCLMI SS LI LLIAN J. SGLDATMR. HARRY B. SOLMSON JRMR. LEE SCLTOWMRS GARY M SOMERSDR ALBERT SOM ITMRS M E SCNDERBYMR MAX E SONDERBYMRS HARRY fi SONCHE IMDR. DAVID E. SCNQUISTMR ARTHUR J SORENSEN JRMR ROBERT FRED SOUKUPMISS THEODATE HAINES SOULEMR. W ILL IAM A. SOULESDR. WILLIAM G. SPADY JRMR RICHARD S SPANGLERMR MORTCN J SPARKSMRS MORTCN J SPARKSMRS CHARLES H SPAULDINGDR. DAVID C. SPAULDINGDR H GLADYS SPEAROR LOUIS H SPECTORMR MORRIS SPECTORMRS MORRI S SPECTORMISS OTHA H SPENCERDR ROBERT C SPENCERMRS ROBERT C SPENCERMISS BEVERLY J. SPLANEMP FRANK C SPRINGER JRMR. ALEXANOER M . SQUAIPMP ROBERT T STAFFCRÛMR JOHN R STAIRMRS. H. B. STALLINGSMR. JCHN M. STALNAKERMR CARL S STANLEYMISS MABEL E STANLEYDR. DONALD G. STANNUSMR W ILL IAM H STAPLETONMR HYMAN STAROR- FREDRICK J STAREMR DCNALD £ STARS IN I CMRS DAVID H STEBBINGMR WALTER STEELMRS WALTER STEELMR S JAMES B STEERE •MISS DOROTHY M.. STEHLEMR. MICHAEL L. STEIN'DR PHILIP J STEINMR. ROBERT A. STEINMR SHELDON R STEINDR'RUDOLPH STEINRERGERMRS RUDCLPH STEINBERGERMR. GAAP W. STEINERMR PHIL IP H STEINERMRS. MAITLAND R. STEINKOPFOR WILLIAM K STELLMR. WILLIAM L. STELTERDR EDWARD M STEMPELMRS FDWARD M STEMPELMR N B STEPWENS SRDR W MARY STFPHENSMK ALFRED D STERGESMR. HENRY L. STERNMR JOËL M -STERNMR JOHN A STERNMR. MAX STERNMR MAYER K STERNMRS S WALTER STERNMR THOMAS R STERMAUDR. ADAM C. STEVENSDR HARRY R STEVENSMR ROBERT A STIEP.ERMRS ROBERT A STIERERDR MANUEL L STILLERMANMR ARNOLD D STINEMRS ARNCLC D ST INEMR. J. WARRINGTON STOKEjSDR W ILLIAM STONEMRS. RICHARC B. STOUGHTONDR RICHARD B STOUGHTONMR RICHARC M STOUTMRS. ROBERT P. STRAETZMR ROBERT P STRAETZDR EMCRY R STRAUSERMR. L. HARRY STRAUSSMR WALTER J STRAUSSDR FREDERICK J STRENGMS MARGARET PONDER STRONGDR ALAN M STROUTDR. GERD P. STRUVERMISS HELEN G. STRZALKADR. MORRIS F. STUB3SMRS. *AX I. STUCKERMR MAX I STUCKERMR. ARTHUR N. STUNZMRS. VERNON A. STURMOR JEROME STYRTMRS JEROME STYRT MR DANIEL D SUGÈRMANMR FREDERICK D SULCERMR BARRY F SULLIVANMRS RALPH R SUNDQUISTREV RALPH R SUNDQUISTDR HELEN SUNUKJIANMRS HUGO E SURMANDR CHARLES F SUTTONDR ALBERT C SVOBODA JRDR EMELI-ZA SWAINMR EARL H SWANSCNMR. HARRY R. SWAN SONMISS LILLIAN C. SWAWITEDR ZOE A SWECKERDR. WILLIAM J. SWEELEYMR FREDERICK SWEENEY JRMR. TlMOTHY D. SWEENEYMISS FFFIE S. SWENSONMR. IRVING G. SWENSON.MR MILTON SYKESTMR. JAMES E. TAAFFEMR,. COUR'TNEY H. TABERMR. MATSUO- TAKABUKIMR YOSHIHARU TAKIMURAMRS. JOHN A. TANGERMANMRS ARNCLC L T ANISDR. ROY T. TANOUEMISS DOROTHY E TANTERDR F C TANZIDR NICHOLAS L TARTARDR ARCHIE H TA XDR. D. J. TAYLCRMI SS JANE URBAN TAYLORRRIG. GEN. RICHARD R. TAYLURDR JOSEPH TAYMORMRS JOSEPH TAYMOR¦MR THCMAS H TEBBENDR DONALD E TEMPLEMRS TROXEL L TENNANTMRS. CRYSTELLE L. -TENQRIOMR HENRY J TEPASKEMR. MARVIN T. TEPPERMANDR. VICTOR TERRASDR CHARLES E TESTMR ALFRED B TETONMRS. THERESE M. THATCHERMISS CHRISTINE L THOMASDR. COLIN G. THCMASMI SS GRACE H. THOMASMISS OVELLE THOMASDR ALBERT W THOMPSONMR. JAMES H. THOMPSONMR. JOHN E. THOMPSONDK MANLEY H THCMPSCN JRMR. ROBERT W THOMPSONDR RONALD B THCMPSONDR WILLIAM H THOMPSONDR. JOHN F. THOMSONDR PRCCTER THOMSON JROR . ELIZABETH A. THORNMTSS FLORENCF C THORNEMR. ROBERT A. THORSEN.MRS VINCENT M THROOPMR. NICHOLAS TIEDEMANMR. ERNFST H. TILFCRDMR HARRIS R TILl. JRMISS HANNAH E. T ILLMANMISS MARY C. TILLMAN •MR. JOHN C. TINNERMISS MATTIE M. TIPPETMR KENNETH S TISDELMRS. JCHN R. TCBINDR JOHN R TCRINMR KENNETH R TODD JRMR WILLIAM G TCDDMR JOHN TOIGODR UWAMIE TOMIYASUMRS. FARRELL C. TOOMBSMR . JAMES W. TORENMR. CFANKEY N. TOUARTMR PAUL D TOWNSENDMR- MELVIN T TRACHTMR. JEROME TPAUTSCHOLDMRS STEPHEN A. TREFFMANMISS VIRGINIA A TRFSCOTTMRS SUSAN TREVELYAN-SYKEMRS RUPERT S TRIMMINGHAMMRS. JOHN H. TROLLMR. HARRY L. TRUGMANDR DAVID B TRUMANDR HARLAN L TRUMRULLDR DAVID J TSCHETTERMR JUNJIRO J TSUBOTAMR W WALLACE TUCORMRS LOLISF L TYLERDR RALPH W TYLERUDR ARTHUR UhLIR JRMR ROBERT E ULBRICHTMR MYRON EDWARD ULLMAN DR LEON UNGERDR. HIROBLMI UNOMRS ROBERT C UPTONDR. MARSHALL R. URISTMR CLIFTON M UTLEYMRS CLIFTON M UTLEYMRS ROBERT A VACCAMISS GLADYS E VA I LMR JCHN R VAN DE WATERDR DAVID W VAN GELDERMR. PETER E. VAN NICEDR LAWRENCE H VAN VLACKDR RAYMOND VANDER MEERDR MARTHA VAUGHANMR JOHN S VAVRAMR DOUGLAS W VEITMRS LOUISE C VEITCHMISS MARY VERNIAMR GEORGE R VINERMR PAUL WILLIAM VOEGELIDR GERALD W VOGELDR ELMER A VCRI SEKMRS ELMER A VORISEKDR BERT J VCSMR HOWARD W VOSSMR GREGORY B VOTAWMR JOHN WADDELLMR ROBERT W WADSWORTHDR HAROLC WAGNERMR PERCY E WAGNERDR SAMUEL WAGONFELOMRS SAMUEL WAGONFELDMRS MARSHALL I WA I S JRDR HERBERT WALDMR. JEROME S. WALDMk MARTIN WALDdr. jercmf walcmanmr morley walkermr. robert l. walkermr. walter l. walkermi ss wilma w walker "or david wallmrs. david l. wallacedr robert a wallacedr edmund n walshmr robert e walshmr lesl ie j wardmiss evelyn waremr. charles a. warnermrs james h warnerdr nancy f warnfrdr. robept warnfrdr gecrge w warrickmrs roy i warshawsky jrdr Franz w wassermannmr donald p watana3edr tom t watanabemr. charles a. m. waterhousemi ss helen m watersmr william r watersmr jchn b watkins "mrs john b watkinsmr george d watrousdr bernard c watsondr lucille wattmr richarc f wattdr. arthur b. wattsmr josiah f wearin jrdr richard a weavermrs richard a weavermr w ill iam n weaverdr eugene j websdr. eugene a. webermr matthew j weberdr william c webstercol donald c week smiss genevieve c weeksmr ralph j wehlingmr joseph s weildr robert j weilerdr arthur m weimerdr marvin s weinrebdr. edward i. weinshflbaumdr adolph weinstockdr. alan m. weintraubmr bernaro wei sbergmr. sidney r. weisbergmr sidney m we ismanmrs sidney m weismanmr. robert 'l. weissdr. roger w. weissmr bernard weissbourdmiss louise c. weitbrechtmi ss kathryn s. weitzeldr cord 0 wellsmr. lcuis m. welshmr. ira t. wendermr hardy l wennerdr dennis k wentzdr vida b wentz DR DONAT G WENTZELMI SS BEATRICE WERBLEMR. HUGO H. WERMINEDR. RUTH M. WERNERMR ROBERT V WESSMRS ROBERT V WESSMR DONALD M WESSLINGMR B KENNETH WESTMR. ROBERT L. WESTDR. JOHN P. WESTFRGARTDR BEULAH D WESTERMANMR. GEORGE H. WESTERMANMI SS WINIFRED E WE TE RMR. C. NELSON WETHERELLMR CHARLES E WHARTONDR DENIS R WHARTONMR ALAN F WFERRITTMI SS GERTRUDE WHIPPLEMR THOMAS L WHISLERMISS DOROTHY WHITEMR JOSEPH A WHITLOWMR ALAN J WHITNEYMR FORREST H WHITNEYMR. GEORGE D. WIDDOWSONMRS JANt A WIECENHEFTMR ALLEN P WIKGRENDR. HOWARD A. WILCOXDR J ERNEST WILKINS JRDR RAYMOND L WILKINSMRS. JOHN A. WILKINSONDR JOHN A WILKINSONMRS MARGARET STANLEY WTLLETTMR AUVERGNE WILL IAMSDR. CHESTER H. WILLIAMSMR(S. CONSTANCE R. WILLIAMSMISS CONSTANCE WILLIAMSMRS. HENRY N. WILLIAMSDR HENRY N WILL IAMSMR. KEITH A. WILLIAMSMRS REBFCCA J WILLIAMSMR. ELWOOC J. WILSONMISS GERTRUDE WILSONMR. GROVER C. WILSONDR JOHN A WILSONMR JOHN L WILSCNMR. WILLIAM T. WILSONMR WILLIAM ROBERT WILSONDR EDWARD F WILTDR. NAPIER WILTMRS HARRY WI NKLERDR HENRY R WI NKLERMR. HARRY C. WINSLQWMR HARCLD P WINTERMR. . BERNARD W. WITNEYMRS JCHN H WITTE JRMR. BERTRAM J. WOLFMR SIDNEY J WOLFMR NATHAN WCLF8EKGMR. DAN T. WOLFEMR. WlLeUR E. WOLFEMRS JANET METZENBERG WCLFSONOR HARVEY WOLINSKYMR MILTCN S WOLKE JRDR WU-TSUAN WONGMR. J. PHELPS WOODDR. L. FCSTER WCODDR OLIVER M WOODMR BENJAMIN T WCODRUFFMRS DOROTHY CLYBURN WCCDSMISS JUNE R. WORKMR GECRGF A WORKS JRMRS F HOWELL WRIGHTCR. GEORGE D. WR IGHTMR. JAMES C. WRIGHT¦ DR . JOHN S. WRIGHTMRS A L WYMANMR S R WYNNDR ALBINA A YAK A I T I S- SURB I SMR DONALD J YELLCNMR. THOMAS W. YODERDR. MORTON YOHALEMMR' ALBERT A YORTMR. HERBERT H. YOSHIKAWAMR. J. PAUL YCSTDR A DOUGAL YCUN&DR. CLARENCE J. YOUNGMRS GECRGE J YOXALLDR ROBERT D ZAASMR W ILLIAM F ZACHARIASMRS HENRY G ZANDERMR. IRWIN I. ZATZMR. JERRY L. ZAUGDR DANIEL ZELINSKYMR . JEROMF M. ZIEGLERMR DAVID M ZIMBEROFFMRS DAVID M ZIMBEROFFMRS LOIS B ZIOBROWSKIMR HERBERT E ZOBELMR MARK A ZCLLAPMRS BETTY H ZOSSMR. MATTHEW A. ZUCKERBRAUNI lie m liowing atamni Itiave matÀe giffe of W $50 to $99.99:^^ MR JEROME L ABRAHAMS DR VINCENT ACCARD1 CR KENNETH H ACAMSMR ARTHUR S ABBOTT 0R RICHARC ABRAMS MISS HANNAH M ADAMS MRS ROBERT M ADAMSMRS THERESE J ACAMSMR EUGENE H ADELMANDR JOSEPH AFTERMANDR ZARAH AINBINDERMRS ZARAH AINBINDERMR GEORGE E AKERMS M BARBARA AK INMR HARRY C ALDRICH JRMR ARNOLD ALEXANDERDR. C. DEAN ALLENDR AARON M ALTSCHULMRS. LAURENCE AMSTADTERDR JOSEF ANDERLEMR DAVID E ANDERSONDR DONALD A ANDERSONMISS OLIVE E ANDERSONMR STEFAN S ANDERSONMR TERENCE J ANDERSONMISS CHARLOTTE F. ANDRESSDR WILLIAM H ANDREWS JRMR KARL D ARENCSMRS LESLIE B AREYMRS. E.ARL F. ARNETTDR JOHN M ARTHURMR AARON ASHERMR. OLIVER R. ASPEGREN JRMR BORIS AUERBACHHON RICHARD B AUSTINMR. ALBERT AXELRODDR JOHN B AYCRIGGDR CHARLOTTE G BABCOCKDR. G. LELAND BACHDR RENO W BACKUSMR WARREN H 8ACON SRMR RICHARC I BADGER JRMRS RICHARD I BADGER JRMR HERBERT I BAERMRS HER8ERT I BAERDR. CHARLES R. BAILEYMR FREDERICK R BAIRDDR HERBERT L BAIRD JRMR JOHN C BAIRDMR CHARLES W BAKERMR DONALD BAKERDR FRANCES E BAKERDR JOHN E BAKERDR. MARSHALL Q. BAKERMR STANLEY D BAKERMRS STANLEY D BAKERMR GEORGE F BALDWINMR BARRY M BARASHDR FRANCIS L 8ARHAMMRS FRANCIS L BARHAMMR NORMAN BARKERMRS HILDA N BARNARDDR V JOHN BARNARDMISS BETSY BARNESMR JOSEPH E BARNESMRS. EDWYNA T. BARNETTMRS MARK T BARNETTDR GEORGE R BARRYMISS MARGARET BARTELSMR FRED A BARTMAN JRDR ROBERT W BARTONMR JEFFREY D BASHEDR HAROLD N BASSMR DONALD H BATESMISS FAYE E BATESMRS DAVID R BATHRICKMR ALVAN D BATTEYMR STEPHEN H BAUERDR E JACKSON BAURMRS. LILLIAN F. BEASLEYHON AXEL J BECKDR JOHN M BECKMRS JCHN M BECKMISS MERLE LYNNE BECKERMR PAUL M BECKERMR STEVEN N BECKERDR CHARLES H BEHRE JRMISS RUTH M. BEIFUSSMR. STUART B. BELANOFFMR. OONALC W. BELESSMR GRANVILLE C BELEW JRMR IRA S BELLMR WILLARD J BELL JRDR HILLEL M BEN ASHERMR GARY L BENGSTONMR PAUL A BENKEMR DONALD R BENTZMRS. BLAINE J. BERBACHMRS. DCROTHEA R. BERGMRS JACK C BERGERMISS SUZANNE D. RERGERMR FRED G BERGHCEFER•MRS JOSEPH B BERGMANMR. JERRY BERL INMR JULES H BERMANMR ROGER P BERNHARDTMRS HERMAN C BERNICKDR WALTER F BERNS JRDR SAMUEL S BERNSTEINMRS. ETHEL J . BERRYDR LEONIDAS H BERRYMR RUDOLF F BERTRAMDR JOHN J BERTRANDMR JOHN H BETJEMANNMR GEORGE F BETTSDR. JCHN L. BETTSMR ALLAN E BIBLINMRS REASON H BIDDLEMRS. HARRY BIEGMRS ARTHUR S BIRKEMEYERDR DON T BLACK ISTONMR. GECRGE P. BLAKEDR LLOYD J BLAKEMAN JR OR W BARNETT 6LAKEMORE JRDR ROeERT J bLattnerMRS ROBERT J BLATTNERMR. WALTER W. BLINSTRUBMR ROBERT S BLOCHMR HASKELL M BLOCKDR MARCUS T 8LOCKDR. RICHARD E. BLOCKMR STANLEY B BLOCKDR JACK E BLOOMMRS. JACK T. BLUEMR. MAURICE L. BLUHMMRS DAVID L BLUMBERGMI SS ELSIE S. BLUMBERGMRS STANLEY BLUMBERGMR NORMAN R BOBINSDR ALLEN B08R0FF *MRS ALLEN BOBROFFDR MARGARET ALICE BOELLMISS MARY I BOGARDUSMR DANNY JULIAN ROGGSMRS DANNY JULIAN BOGGSMRS. WILLIAM BOGOLUBDR MARJCRIE A BCHNHOFFCOL. WILBUR C. BCHNHOFFMR. CHRISTOPHER P. BOHUSMRS RICHARD D BOKUMMRS JEAN RUDD BOLINMR SOTIPIOS BONANOSMR. DAVID B. 800THMR HARRY R BOOTHMISS MARY E. BCOZERMR JOHN G BORDIEMR. VICTOR L. BORKENHAGENMR HARCLD D BORNSTEIN JRMR JAMES L BCRCWITZDR. GEORGE H. BORTSMR MCHOLAS J BOS ENDR. JOHN A. BOSTROMMISS HELEN BOURQUINMRS E G BCVILLMR ALBERT P BOXERMANMRS. DOUGLAS BOYDMR THOMAS N BOYDENMISS BLANCHE B BOYERMISS FRIEDA M. BRACKEBUSCHMRS JAMES C BRADDOCKMRS WILLIAM N BRADFORDMRS JCHN D BRADLEYMR THEODORE BRADLEYMR THOMAS L BRAJEMRS JEANNETTE D BRANCHDR WAYNE G BRANDSTADTMR RICHARC J BRASHLERMR. MICHAEL BRAUDEMR HOWARD H BRAUERMR. JEAN R. BRAUWEILERMR NATHAN N BRAVERMANMRS MILAN C BRENKUSDR FRANCES E BRENNECKEMI SS MARY 0. BRENZMR WILLIAM BREWSTER JRMRS WILLIAM 8REWSTER JRDR. CAESAR BRIEFERMRS. FINNEY BRIGGSMR ROBERT L BRIGGSMR JAMES R BRIGHAM JRMR CLAUDE L BRIGNALLMRS EUGENE L BRILLMR MATTHEW E BRISLAWNMRS GRACE B BRISTOLMR. GERALD F. BRITT JRDR. VIRGINIA BRITTONMISS FERN H. BRODIEDR ALEXANDER A BROEL-PLATERI SDR MARTIN BRONFENBRENNERMR. AUSTIN J. BROUNSMR DOUGLAS A BROWN JRMR DWIGHT BROWNDR KENNETH S BRCWNMISS SUSANN BROWNMISS MARJORIE M BROWNEDR. ROBERT M. BROWNELLMRS SHERRY Z BROWNSTEINDR AARON J BRUMBAUGHMRS AARON J BRUMBAUGHDR HAROLD J BRUMMMRS. PAUL BRUNETTEMISS MARIE F. BRUNGARDMR MC KNIGHT BRUNNMRS EARLE E BUCKMR ROBERT L BUCKMR WILLIAM M BUCK JRDR ALFRED W BULLDR ROBERT A BUNNELLMR DONALD L BURNSDR. PADRAIC BURNSMRS ROYAL V BURTISDR. HAROLD BUSCHMANMR KENNETH V BUTLERDR DONALD E BUTTERFIELDMR HAROLD E BUTZMISS JESSIE S. 8YNUMDR CHESTERMR ALLAN MMR. S IDNEYDR. DANIELMR. CLARENCMRS MICHAELDR EDWARD HDR ROBERT SMR MICHAELMR JERCME EMRS JERCMEMR. RALPH EDR. FREDERIMISS LELA B H CABLECADITZCAHNF. CALHCUNE T. CALLAHANJ CALLAHANCAMPCAMPBELLE CANESCARLINE CARLINCARLSONCK S. CARNEYCARR mrs eleanore r carruthmrs j j carruthersdr. albert b. carsonmr jchn j cartermi ss phylli s g. cartermr r guy carteror. wilbur l. caslermr jacob w casparmrs william h cat esdr harold d caylcrmr. frederick w. channerdr june r chapindr ned chapinmr raymond a charlesdr james s chasemrs deborah a chassmandr hymen m chausowmr harry f chaveriatmr walter h chaveriatmr george chazanowmr kenneth chi menemr eugene chiumiss reba e chcatedr mildred g christianmrs stanley d christiansonmrs, mary w. christopherdr Lee r chutkowDR FAUSTO ClUL INIMR MICHAEL E CLAFFEYDP HOUGHTON G CLAPPMISS VIRGINIA CLARKMRS. FRED A. CLARKEMR. THOMAS A. CLARKEMISS CATHERINE B. CLEARYMR JOSEPH B CLEARYMISS CAROL A CLEAVEMISS DAISY M. CLOUSTONMR. DONALD G. COCHRANDR RICHARD E COGGESHALLMRS ABRAHAM H COHENMRS EDWARD I COHENMRS HARVEY H COHENDR LOUIS COHENMR DAVID E COLBURNMR BEVERLEY C CCMPTON JRMR BASIL G CONDOSMR JOHN P CONRADMR. J. HOWARD COOKMR W DAVID COOKDR JULIUS M COONDR LOUIS COOPERMR LAWRENCE J CORNECKMR ROBERT T CORNW ELLMRS JOHN S CCULSONMR ALEXANDER COUTTSMRS THOMAS A COWANMR. GEORGE I. COWELLMR DWIGHT M CRAMERMRS. THELMA W. CRANEMR WILLIAM A CRANEMR JAMES R CRISEMR STEVEN F CROCKETTMRS STEVEN F CROCKETTMR. NORMAN B. CROMARTIEMR GEOFFREY L CROOKSMR RICHARD W CROSSMRS. MARY M. CRUMPACKERDR DANIEL R CUNNI-NGHAMMRS DANIEL R CUNNINGHAMMR H STUART CUNNINGHAMMR. MELVIN B. DAHLINMR DAVID L DANIELMRS EDWARD DARLINGMR LOUIS E DAVIDSONMR BENJAMIN B DAVISDR HARRY R DAVISMRS HARRY R DAVISDR M EDWARD DAVIS SRMRS M EDWARD DAVIS SRMR SIDNEY M DAVISMI SS DONNA M. DAYMR. DAVID NEIL DE BORDMR GECRGE V DEALMR. DONALD W. DEANEDR. EDMUND V. OECHASCADR FRED H DECKERDR HAROLD C DEERINGMISS DOROTHY E. DEETHMRS MARGARET S DEFOUWMR WILLIAM I DEHUSZARMR LOUIS W DEITELBAUMMRS LOUI S W DEITELBAUMDR. HENRY DELEEUWMR DENNIS M DELEOMISS KATHARIN B DEN BLEYKERMRS A LINCOLN DESSERMRS HENRY A DEWINDDR IVAN F DIAMONDMRS IVAN F DIAMONDMRS. OTTO V. DICKERSONMRS. WILLIAM DIEBOLDMR. ARTHUR J. DIERSMRS MARY W DIGGLESMRS ROBERT DIGIUL 10MRS MARVIN H DIX ONMRS. DAVID S. DODGEMISS EL IZ DOHANIANMR. GECRGE M. COLISMR WILLIAM M DOMBROWSKIMR. ROBERT J. OONOVANDR EPLING DCRFMR CHARLES LEWIS DOSTAL JRMRS. EDWARD G. DOTYDR ROBERT R DOUGLASSDR ARTHUR S DOVERMR. PHILLIP L. OOWD DR. EDWIN H. DRAINEMRS LOUIS F DRIVER JRDR VICTOR H DROPKINMR . ALBERT C. DROSTEDR WALTER M DR ZEW IEN IECK IMR. EDWIN M. DUERBECKMR CHARLES R DUFFYMR ROBERT J DULSKYDR. VLADIMIR A. DUPREMRS DAVID B OUSENBERYMRS. BENJAMIN C. DUSTERDR MARIE DYEEMR. RALPH 0. EARLANDSONDR WALTER C EARLEMS CAROL P EASTINMR DAVID K EASTCNMR HENRY F EATON .THE HON EDWARD K EBERHARTREV MYRON L EBERSOLEMRS ARTHUR R ECKELSMISS FLORENCE P ECKFELDTMR. RICHARD H. ECKHOUSEDR JACK P EDELSTEINMR STEWART EDGERTONMRS ALICE M EENMISS DOROTHY B EICHDR BURR S EICHELMAN JRMISS MARY A EININGERMP GEORGE ELINMI SS JO ELEANOR ELLICTTDR. ROBERT L. ELL ISTONMRS. LUCY W. ELMENDORFMR WI LLIAM R EMERYMRS WILLIAM R EMERYMR OLIN N EMMONSMR FRANK LOUIS ENDRI ZDR HOWARD R ENGELMR ALLEN C ENGERMANMR MARI ON C ENGLISHMR DONALD M EPHRAIMMR MILTON T ERICKSONDR KERMIT C ERICSSONMR. JULIAN R. ETTELSON <MR E GRAHAM EVANS JRMR GERALD N EVASCUMRS WILLIAM K EWINGMI SS EDNA A FAGANMR . CLIFFORD W. FALBYDR. ALVAN R. FEINSTEINDR. EUGENE D. FEITDR W ILLIAM E FELCHMRS ELIZA FELDDR. CHESTER FELDMANMR LEONARD J FELZENBERGDR. ERNEST N. FERGUSDR ARTHUR N FERGUSONMRS ELMER L FERGUSONMR ARMIN F FICKDR. HAROLD B. FIELDSMRS THEODORE FIELDSDR ALBERT E FINHOLTDR ASHER J FINKELDR FREO FIRESTONEDR WEBB S FISERMISS CONNIE FISHMR LAWRENCE R FISHMR LESLIE P FISHERMR STEVEN L FISHMANMISS FERN E FISTERDR FRANK W FITCHMR ROEERT D FITZGERALDMR JOSEPH P FLANAGANMR. HOWARD C. FLOMENHOFTDR JOHN A FLUECKMRS JOHN A FLUECKMR RAYMOND J FOLEYDR. JOHN D. FORETMRS WINFIELD C FOSTERMR GECRGE J FOXDR THEODORE A FOXMR WILLIAM T R FOXMR RICHARC T FRANCHDR. ALBERT A. FRANKMRS. BERNARD FRANKDR. MARGARET FRANKMR ROBERT A FRANKDR MARK S FREDMRS. MARK S FREDDR. WILLIAM FREDERICKMR FREDERICK D FREEDMR. MICHAEL J. FREEDMRS PAUL E FREEHLINGMR HARDY FREEMANDR MARVIN S FREILICHMRS. W: K. FRENTZELMRS ANNA GLIER FREUNDDR. STANTON A. FRIEDBERGMR. ROBERT S. FRIENDDR CALVIN SCUTHER FULLERMR. PERRY L. FULLERMR ALEX A FULTONDR EDWARD J FURSTMRS HAROLD P FURTHMR. DAVID J. FUYSDR. WILLIAM R. GABLEMR C MACK GALAZNIK JRDR THOMAS F GALLAGHERMRS THOMAS F GALLAGHERMR. JOSEPH A. GARONDR ROBERT K GASSLERMRS. ARISTOTLE GAVRASMISS JCANNE P GEALYMRS ELIZABETH R GEBHARCMR GABRIEL EDMUND GEDVILAMR GERALO P GEHMANDR WILLIAM GELLMANMR NEIL A GENSHAFTDR. ELIZABETH GENTRYMR. WILLIAM N. GECRGESCNMR JOHN A GERMMR JEREMIAH J GERMANDR WILLIAM H GERNONMRS WILLIAM H GERNONMR ROBERT W GERWIGDR ROBERT D GERWINMR. CLYDE GETZMR. DONALD R. GETZMR. LEONARD J. GIBLINMR ROBERT E GIFFENMISS M LOUISE GILBERTTHE HON GERALD F GILESMR KENNETH L GILL ISDR BENSON E GINSBURGDR. JOHN R. GINTHERMR. MARVIN GITTLERMR JOHN L GLENNDR FRANK Z GLICKMR PHILIP M GLICKDR PAUL B GLICKMANMISS ALTHEA GLINESDR LOUIS GLUCKMR. RAYMOND N. GOETZMR. DAVID L . GOLBERMR LYN I GOLDBERGMRS EVA GOLDSCHMIDTDR MARK GOLDSMITHDR ELLIOT J GOLDSTEINMRS SAMUEL J GOLOMBMR. MELVIN R. GOODESDR. SANFORD GOOOFRIENDDR REASON A GOODWINMRS. JAMES R. GORDLEYMR JAMES R GORDLEYMRS. GEORGE G. GORDONMR WILLIAM K GORDONMRS RALPH M GORENDR SEYMOUR 8 GORENMR. IZA R. GOROFFMR JOHN W GOSSELINMISS CYNTHIA M. GRABOMRS. EVERETT D. GRAFFMR JARLATH J GRAHAMMR THCMAS A GRANTMRS EDWARD 0 GRAYMR. J. RUCYARD GRAYMR. LEO C. GRAYBILLMR DAVID GREEN JRMRS DAVID GREEN JRMRS PHYLLIS KRAVITZ GREENBAUMMR JOHN A GREENEDR MAX E GRIFFINDR KATHRYN P GRIFFITHMR JOSEPH N GRIMSHAWMRS JOSEPH N GRIMSHAWRABBI OSCAR GRONERDR HANNS GROSSMRS HERBERT GROSSMR ARTHUR I GROSSMANMRS. MARY J. GRUNSFELDDR FABIAN GUDASMRS EDWIN L GUNKLEMISS GRACE T. GUNNOR. ROBERT E. GUNNINGMRS. LAURIE M. GUNTERMR. SCLOMON GUTSTEINMRS. LESTER GUTTMANHDR. ARTHUR G. HAASMISS HELEN HAASMR EDWIN B HADFIELD JRDR WAYNE B HADLEYDR EDWARD L HAENISCHMR WILLIAM N HAGOODMRS. GEORGE W. HAL ESDR. DONALD HALFCRDDR. EUGENE HALPERTDR DENNIS L HAMEYMR J KENNEDY HAMILLMR STUART HAMILTONMR J ANTHONY HAMMERDR. R. PHILIP HAMMONDMRS ROBERT S HAMMONDMI SS LUCILE HAMNERMR NORMAN J HANFLINGDR. RAYMOND J. HANKSMRS. JULIAN G. HANLONMISS FRANCES M. HANSONMR. WILLIAM HANZELMR RICHARD V HARDIN I IMR GEORGE M HARDINGMISS HELEN B HARDINGMRS C MERLE HARGERMISS ALEXINA HARINGMRS DWIGHT E HARKENMRS. ROBERT H. HARLANMR ROBERT H HARLANMI SS MILDRED A HARMSMRS. MARGARET HARRISMR. RICHARD HARRISMR. ROY 0. HARRISOR. WILLIAM P. HARRISMISS KATHERINE M. HARTMISS ROSELLA M HARTMR RICHARC M HARTER DR JOSEPH G HARWELLMISS LILLIAN HARWOODMR JOHN D HASTINGSMR JULIUS HAUSERMR WILLIAM B HAUSERMR BRUCE F HAVELLMR. DANIEL W. HAVENSMI SS CYNTHIA A. HAWKESMR HOWARD G HAWKINS JRMR. BROWNLEE W. HAYDONMR RAYMOND E HAYE SMR C J HEADMS ELIZABETH HEADDR ARNOLD M HEISERMRS. MAURICE L. HELLERMR. RONALD 8. HEMSTADDR. LAWRENCE M. HENDERSONMR ROY MILES HENDERSONMR S TCM HENDERSONMRS. FRANCES 8. HENIOTDR. HARCLD E. HENKEMR KENNETH M HENNINGSMR WALTER R HEPNERMR ABIMAEL HERNANDEZMR. JOSEPH A. HERRMR WILLIAM, W HERZOGMRS WALTER M HEYMANNMR. JOHN W. HIBBOTTMR. HENRY L. HILLMISS CECILE M HILLYERDR EDWIN W HIRSCHMR GECRGE A HISERT JRTHE REV. PAUL S. HIYAMAMRS JOHN HLETKOMRS. DEE HODGEMR. FRANK J. HOOGESMRS IRWIN S HOFFMRS JOHN A HOLABIRDMRS. E. S. HOLDERNESSMR. DANIEL C. HOLLANDMR OLIVER W HOLMESDR RICHARD S HOMERMR HOWARD C HOPPSDR BERNHARD L HORMANNMR HARVEY L HORWICHMRS. PEARL L. HCRWITZMR. WILLIAM 0. HOSKINGMRS LY HOTCHKINMRS STEWART R HOTCHKISSMR. SCOTT w. HOVEYMR. JCHN R. HOWARDMR JOHN. S HOWE JRMR DAVID N HOW ELLMRS JAMES E HOWIEMR LAWRENCE T HOYLE JRMISS HELEN R HUBERDR LYMAN C HUFFDR. JAMES M. HUFFERMR. ROBERT W. HUGHESMRS ROBERT F HUGHESMISS EMILY A HULLMR. RCBERT R. HUMPHREYMR ALBERT R HUNTER JRMISS RETTA HUNTERMR. FREDERICK W. HUSZAGHDR WILLIAM T HUTCHINSONMR RAYMOND B HUTT IGDR. HELEN HUUSDR. EARL K. HYDEIMISS ALICE Y ICHIKAWAMR MICHAEL L IGOE JRMISS MARGUERITE M IKNAYANMRS. S. R. INCHMRS. THOMAS M. INGMANMR SPENCER E IRONSMR DOUGLAS ALBERT IRVINGDR. MEYER W. ISENBERGMR HENRY S ISHIZUKAJMR JERALD E JACKSONMR ROBERT H JACKSONMR WILLIAM E JACKSCNMISS ELIZABETH JACOBMRS ISRAËL S JACOBSDR BARRY M JACOBSCNMRS NATHAN JACOBSONMR HARRIS S JAFFEMR DAVID W JAMES JRMR ARTHUR R JAMFSONDR HERBERT JANSCNDR ROSE MARY JAR'OSMR STANLEY A JASHEMSKIMR MARTIN J JASKCT JRMR. GEORGE 8. JAVARASDR ELLIS E JENSENMR JOHN E JENSENMR KENNETH R JENSENMR .JOSEPH B JERCMEMR HOWARD E JESSENDR. DAVID L. J ICKLINGMR. WI LLIAM F. JOHNSDR ARL IEN JOHNSONMR DONALD R JOHNSON "MI SS DOROTHY M JOHNSONMISS ELEANOR M. JOHNSONMR EUGENE M JOHNSCNDR FRANK W JOHNSONMRS HARRIETT L JOHNSONDR. JOSEPH C. JCHNSONMR LARRY L JOHNSONMISS MADGE JOHNSONMI SS NELL E JOHNSONMR. ROBERT V. JOHNSON MRS. WALTER M. JOHNSCNDR. WILLIAM G. JOHNSTONDR ETHEL B JCNESMR H MAURICE JONESMR HOWARD M JONESCAPT W R JONES MC-USNMRS. WYLIE L. JONESDR DAVID K JORDANMR. GECRGE M. JCSEPHMRS. GEORGE JOSIMOVICHMISS EVA M. JULSTROMKMR. THOMAS H. KABAKERPROF GERALD E KADISHMRS. MORRIS KADISHMR. WOLF KAHNMR MATHEW KALINOWSKIMR BERNARD S KAPLANMR JOËL HARVEY KAPLANMR SIDNEY KAPLANMR STANLEY A KAPLANMR. GEORGE D. KARCAZESMRS ERNEST A KARLDR. JOHN E. KARLINMR. STEPHEN L. KARPFMR ARNCLD J KARZOVDR. JEROME J. KASTRULMRS DANIEL KATZMRS HAROLC A KATZMRS M SHAKMAN KATZMR. FORD H. KAUFMANMRS HOWARD E KAUFMANMR LESTER KAUFMANMR. NOBORU KAWAKAMIMR PETER A KECHIKMRS JOHN F KEHOEDR FRANK B KELLY SRDR SAMUEL P KELLYDR FRANCES 0 KELSEYMR CHARLES 0 KELSOOR JOHN H KEMLERMRGEORGE KENDEMR EDWARD ALLEN KENNEDYDR MARY C KENNEDYDR. ALLAN T. KENYONMRS CHARLES KERBY-MILLERMRS MARGARET J KERLEYMR GLENN SHELTCN K EYDR. ROBERT W. KEYESMRS H C KIMBROUGHMISS RUTH G KINDREDDR CHARLES E KINGMRS. LETTIE J. KINGMRS MARTHA BENNETT KINGDR MICHAEL J KINNEYMR ALBRECHT R C KIPPMR. PHILSP C. KIRTONDR. WILLIAM A. KISKENMR THOMAS D KITCHMR STEPHEN EDWARD KITCHENDR WILLIAM J KLAPPROTH JRMISS BARBARA L KLASSYMR STEPHEN KLEINMR HAROLD L KLUGMRS. RUTH I. KNEEOR. MARY KNELLERMRS J LUTHER KNI£SDR. WILLIAM B. KNCXMR LEONARD J KOCHMR ERNEST K KOEHLERMR DAVID J KCESTERMRS. ROBERT H. KOFFMR. HERMAN KCGANMR. PETER R. KOLKERMR ALEC E KOLLENBERGOR. EDWARC H. KCLNERMR HAL KOMEMR. JOSEPH S. KOMIDARMR BRUCE MACNEILL KOPFMRS. ADOLPH KORANMR ALLAN R KORETZDR HAROLD KOREYMISS MAURINE E. KORNFELDMR. PETER J. KOSIBADR JANE KCUKOLDR SANFORD B KRANTZDR. FRED W. KRANZMR RICHARD PEARSON KRASNOWMISS T FERNE KRATZERDR ALBERT KRAUSMR BERNARD KRAUSSDR. BERTRAM D. KRIBBENMRS LAZARUS KRINSLEYMR. ASHTON S. KRUGDR PAUL KRUGERMI SS LAVERNE J KUHNKEDR FREDERICK I KUHNSMRS. MARY S. KUNSTDR. WERNER KUNZDR. HS IAO LAN KUODR DIETER KURATHMR . MAX KURZMISS MARY C KUSCHKEL• MR I SRAEL M LA8CVITZDR. CARL H. LAESTARPROF ELIOT A LANDAUMRS. MARGARET E. LANDRAMMR JAMES M LANEDR WARREN W LANEMR. EDOLPH A. LARSONDR RICHARC G LARSONDR. ABRAHAM F. LA SHDR SIDNEY R LASHMRS DANA LATHAM MR MILTCN C LAUENSTEIN JRMR DANIEL LAUTMANOR LAWRENCE G LAVENGOODOR CHARLES H LAWRENCEMISS MARY LAWRENCEMR DAVID L LAWTONMRS DALE LEATHERSMR EOWARD J LEDCERMR FRANCIS L LEDERER IIMRS. ADRIENNE M. LEFKOWITZMR BURTON M LEISERMR WALLACE E LELANDMISS MARTHE J LELOUPPOR CRAIG B LEMANMRS NORMAN E LEMMCNOR' JAMES A LENNERTZDR ROËERT C LENTZNERMR KENNETH LEONARDMR ROBERT M LEONEDR WILLIAM LECNG JRDR LAWRENCE S LERNERMRS CARL E LESHER JRMR. JAMES N. LESPARREMR DAVID J LESTERMISS GEORGENE N LESTINAMRS. MILTON A. LEVENFELDMR COLMAN LEVINMR JERRY W LEVINMR SIDNEY N LEVINMR HOWARD LEVINEMRS KAY A LEVINEMR. LAWRENCE LEVINEDR VICTOR LEVINEMR AL VIN S LEVINSONMS NANCY LEVNERDR KENNETH F LEWALSKIMRS EDWARC J LEWISDR. JACK K. LEWISMRS S M.LEWISDR MATTHEW M LEWISONMRS. LEO LICHTENBERGOR ALAN A LIEBERMANMR GEORGE W LIEBMANNMR THAYER C LINDAUERMR MAURICE B L IPSEYMR ABBOTT B LIPSKYMRS. RAYMOND A. L I SHMR RAYMOND A LISHMISS ELSIE C LCGANMR JOHN A LOGANMISS BERTHA LONDEENDR. ESMOND R. LONGMR. GEORGE LONGMR RALPH B LONGMR WILLIAM E LONGMRS. RICHARD L. LONGINIDR M RAY LOREEMRS. HELEN G. LORINGMISS ANN MARIE LOUSINMISS MARI AN LOWEPROF SHERMAN C LOWELLMR WILLIAM H LOWERYMR ALLEN H LOYDDR. ROBERT E. LUCAS JRCOM ARTHUR W LUCHSMR KARL W LUCKERTMR CHARLES L LUNDMR. ARVID C. LUNDEDR CYRIL V LUNDVICKMISS ALICE H. LYCHEDR LEONARC J LYCNM.MR WILLIAM P MAC LEANDR. COLIN F. MACKAYMRS. ANITA J. MACKEYDR. NORMAN F. MACLEANMRS. RODERICK J. MACPHERSONMR NEAL D MADDENDR THOMAS J MADDENMRS. ROBERT P. MADISONDR. GEORGE W. MAGNERDR. JOHN R. MAGNESSMR. JEB S. MAGRUDERDR. HENRY C. MAGUIRE JRMR. RALPH L. MAHONMR.. JOHN G. MAIERDR. MARJORIE W. MAINDR JOHN J MAI SELMR JAMES A MALKUSMR. FREDERICK V. MANCCURTMR MAURICE S MANDELMRS. PAUL A. y MAN ESMRS JAMES MANNDR ARM IN A MANSKEDR RICHARC U MARGOLISMRS. FRANK MARINERDR MORTON F MARKMISS ELVA L MARQUARDMRS CHARLES E MARSHALLMISS HELEN MARSHALLDR. JCHN S. MARSHALLDR ROBERT I MARTENSMR ALV'IN FRANK MARTINDR. EDGAR W. MARTINMR. ROBERT DAVID MARTINMR ROBERT J MARTINEAUMRS. ARTHUR K. MASONDR HAROLD L MASONMR PHILIP A MASONMRS PHILIP A MASONMRS. MARIUS 0. MATHISONMRS GEORGE L MATTHAEIMRS LUCILE I MATTHEWSMR ROLAND C MATTHIESMR JOHN R MAUFF JRMR OSCAR H MAYERMRS. FRIEDERICKA M. MAYERSDR FRANK R MAYOMR BENJAMIN E MAYS16jDR LAWRENCE E MC ALLISTERDR CHARLOTTE MC CARTHYOR HOWARD Y MC CLUSKYMR JOHN W MC CCNNELLMRS CHRISTINE E MC COOEYMR THONAS H MC CRACK ENMR CHESTER C MC CULLOUGH JRMRS IRENE T MC CURRYMR WILLIAM D MC DONALDMR GEORGE E MC DOWELLMR JOHN E MC GINTYDR JAMES R MC GRATHMISS HELEN MC M.ILLANMR ROBERT P MC NAMEEMRS ARCHIBALD T MC PHERSONDR MARY M MC REYNOLDSMR LEE B MC TURNANMR TERRY A MCILROYMR. GORDON C. MCKEAGUEDR. JOHN T. MCNEILLDR ARCHIBALD T MCPHERSONMR. VICTOR L. MCQUISTIONMRS. BEN S. MEEKERMR BEN S MEEKERMR. A. JAMES MEIGSDR DAVID IMEISELMANMR SHELDON M MEIZLISHMR JAMES A MELDRUMMISS REGINA MENDELDR JOHANNA M MESKILLDR WENDELL P METZNERMR CHARLES A MEYERMR MARLYN E MEYERMR ROGER A MICHAILOFFDR ISRAËL MICHELSTEINMRS DAVID B MIDGLEYMISS ELEANOR R. MIHANMR RICHARD J MILGRAMMR JOHN J MILLARMISS HARRIET E. MILLERMISS ISABEL MILLERMRS JOHN B MILLERCOL JOHN T MILLERDR JOSEPH L MILLER JRMR OMER W MILLERDR. SANFORD M. MILLERMRS. WALTER R. MILLERMR WALTER R MILLERMR JOHN MILLSMRS JOHN MILLSDR EUGENE R MINDELLMR HUBERT L M INTONRABBI CHARLES D MINTZMR GEORGE MIRONMRS GEORGE MIRONMISS RUCHIEL A MIRRIELEESMR DAVID L MOHRMR LAWRENCE C MOHRDR SHELDON W MOLINEMISS CLOTILDE M MOLLERMR EDWARD MONDELLOMR 'JOHN R MONTGOMERY IIIMR. CHARLES H. MOODYMISS MARGARET C MOOREDR* WILLIAM C. MOOREDR WILLIAM A MOOREMR LESLIE G MOREYMR CLEON J MORGANMRS WILLIAM V MORGENSTERNMR. JAMES S. MCRISONMR. JEROME MORITZMR DCN MORRISMR JACK S MORRISDR NATHAN A MOSCOVITCHMR. JCHN W. MOSCOWDR ROBERT W MOSESMR. JOHN E. MOSSMRS RICHARD H MCYMRS. HELEN K. MUKOYAMAMR EOWARD J MULDCONDR JUNE BCNNER MULLINSDR W ILLIAM W MULLINSMR DONALD F MULVIHILLMRS. JOHN A. MUNTZDR JOHN A MUNTZMRS. GRADY B. MURDOCKMR. CHARLES E. MURPHYMISS DOROTHY N MURPHYMRS JOHN B MURPHYMR ROBERT W MURPHYMRS. ROBERT MURRAYMR WILLIAM C MUSHAMMR. JAMES I. MYERSMR MICHAEL P MYERSMRS. ROBERT J. MYERSDR ROBERT J MYERSOR. ANDERS M. MYHRMANMR LEOPOLD MYSL ICKINMR FRED A NACHMAN IIIDR NORMAN H NACHTRIEBMR EMIL J NAGELEMRS RICHARD L NAIBERTMR VAHE NAL8ANDIANMR STUART C NATHANMRS DANIEL NATHANSMR A H NEBEKERMISS RUTH F NECHELESMR JAMES A NELSCNMR.S JOHN G NFUKOMMRS GERARC G NEUMANMR CALVIN M NEWMANMRS. JAMES E. NEWMANMR JAMES E NEWMANMR. MELVI N S. NEWMANMR W ILLIAM 0 NEWMANMR WILSCN L NEWMAN MR. DONALD A. NEWTONMR GEORGE F NICHOLS SRMRS GEORGE F NICHOLS SRMRS. JOHN H NICHOLSMR LAWRENCE E NICHOLSONMR RALPH W S NICHOLSCNDR RUTH L NICHOLSONMR. RICHARD C. NIEHOFFMR PAUL NOELKEMR LAIRD NOHMR. CHARLES E. NOOTENSMRS JAMES T NORRISM ISS MIRIAM NORRISMRS. KARL K. NORTONMISS E. SHEPLEY NOURSEREV ORVILLE W NYBLADEMR CHARLES D 0 CONNELLMRS R S O-CCNNELLMR TOM R OBERBECKDR HARRY OBERHELMAN JRMR KENNETH J OBRZUTDR SCHUBERT M OGDENMR ROBERT E OHLZENMR FRANCIS M OKI TAMR BARTON WILLIAM OL INGERMRS COLLEEN E CLINGERMR. EL WOOD T. OL'SENMR EUGENE OLSHANSKYMI SS LOI S OLSONMR WILLIAM R OOSTENBRUGMR RICHARC M ORL IKOFFDR. MARIE ORTMAYERMRS. HARRY W. OSBORNDR. J. MARSHALL OSBORNMR ANDERSON A OWENDR CHARLES Y PAKMR OSMOND E PALMERDR. DENNIS J. PALUMBOMR JCHN PANAGAKISMR LEE I PARKMR. DANIEL N. PARKERREV. EVERETT C. PARKERMRS THOMAS S PARKERMR WILLIAM G PARSCHDR JAMES B PARSONSMR DAVID L PASSMANMR MARSHALL A PATNERMR BRADLEY H PATTERSON JRMRS BRADLEY H PATTERSON JRDR PAUL PAVILAEKDR ARTHUR T PEDERSENMR JAMES J PELTSMR. GILES H. PENSTONEMISS DEBORAH B PENTZMI SS AURELIA PERGANDEMISS RUTH E PERKINSMRS MILCRED P PEROVICHDR RALPH M PERRYMR. CHARLES B. PERSELL IIIMRS LESTER C PERTLEDR EDWARD L PESANTIDR EMANUAL PETERFREUNCMR. JAMES S. PETRIEMISS MARY PETR IEDR RAY C PETRYDR RICHARD D PETTITMR., ALAN I. PFEFFERDR PHILIP M PHIBBSMR MELVIN PHILBRICKMRS. MELVIN PHILBRICKMISS MARTHA E. PHILLIPSMR. WALTER G. PHILLIPSMR PETER E P IECHOCKIDR ALAN E PIERCEDR CARL W PIERCEDR. HELEN M. PILLANSMR RODNEY C PITTSDR HENRY H PIXLEYDR. JOHN E. PIXTON JRMI SS RUTH M. PLACEDR ALFRED J PLATTDR DAVID M PLETCHERMR EUSTACE T PLIAKASDR. DOROTHY L. POL INGMRS GERTRUDE PGLLITTMR ROBERT W POOREMR ROMAN E PCSANSKIMRS ROMAN E POSANSKIDR ALGIRDAS C POSHKUSMR JCHN M POSTELLMRS JOHN M POSTELLMR. WILLIAM POSTELNEKDR. DAVID G. POSTCNMRS JOHN L POTTENGERMR. ELMER B. PCTT ERDR ROBERT M POTTERMR LEO POVERMANMI SS DOROTHY E PRAYDR ROBERT A PREISMANMR CHARLES PRESSMANMRS CHARLES PRESSMANMISS ANNE E PRICEMR ROeERT T PRICEMR WILLIAM E PRICEMR CLYDE S PRITCHARDMR C HERMAN PRITCHETTMR HERBERT V PROCHNOW JRMR STEPHEN G PROKSAMR ROBERT L PRUITTMISS MARY J PUGHMR MAX J PUTZEL MR CHARLES C QUACKEN8USHMR ERNEST L QUENONMRS ERNEST L QUENONMR JOHN J QUIGLEYMR JCHN R GUINN -MR LAWRENCE W RABB JRMISS HELEN G RABICHOWMISS LINDA MARY RACANSKYDR ARNOLD W RACHMANMISS ANDREA E RADCLIFFEMR HERSCHEL RADERLT COL PAUL F RADKE JRMR JAMES F RAINEYMRS ALBERT E RAMMMR FERRIS S RANDALLMR ROBERT L RANCALLDR. SYLVAN H. RAPHAËLMR PHILIP A RASHMANDR RICHARD A RASMUSSENMR. MILTON L. RAYDR MARY J READMRS OLIVE E REDFIELDMRS RALPH P REECEMRS NANCY REEDDR. LEO G. REEDERMR ROBERT GL EN REESEMISS MARION D REGNERtfR WILLIAM J REIDMRS. SOPHIE M. REIFFELMR RONALD M REIFLERMRS 8ERNARD D REINMR. WILLIAM J. REINKEDR JOHN R REITZMR RICHARD D RENDINEMR THOMAS E REYNOLDS JRDR GEORGE S RHYNEERMR H CLIFFORD RICHMISS MARIAN J RICHESONMR WILLIAM P RICHMONDREV LESTER B RICKMANMR GEORGE S RIEG JRMR WRAY M RIEGERMR HERMAN E RIES JRMR RICHARC MAXWELL RIESER JRDR DAVID RIFKINDMRS EITEL W RILEYMI SS SARAH R RILEYDR G ROY RINGOMISS LILIAN M. RIPPLEMR ADOLPH C RI SKOMR JOHN A RITSHERDR DAVID M RITTERMRS SEYMOUR ROBBINDR PAULINE 0 ROBERTSDR. LUCILE ROBEYMR. HENRY L ROBINSONMRS PENELOPE ROBINSONMR PHILIP E ROBINSON JRLT COL CLAYTON W ROBSONMRS JCHN F ROCHEDR. RAYMOND 0. ROCKWOODMISS LINDA D. RODENBECKMRS J C THOMAS ROGERSMR DAN R ROINMRS MARY HURST ROOSMR GEORGE F ROSE JRDP C PETER ROSENBAUMDR ALLAN D ROSENBLATTMR SIDNEY L ROSENFELDMRS ADOLPH M ROSENTHALDR MARCIA W ROSENTHALMRS. MARTIN R. ROSENTHALDR JAY Y ROSHALMR. JCHN ROSIERDR MAURICE 0 ROSSMR DAVID ROTHDR DONALD A ROTHBAUMMRS A A ROTHBERGMR DANIEL M ROUNSAVELLMI SS MARY E ROUNTREEDR. WILLIAM RUBINSONDR DORCTHEA RUCNICKDR PHILIP RUDNICKMRS PHIL IP RUDNICKMISS MARGARET A. RUDYMISS SIGLINDE H. RUEHLDR DAV ID RUMLMRS DAVID RUMLDR . WILLIAM G. RURIKMR RAYMOND L RUSNAKMR F GARLAND RUSSELL JRMR WILLIAM H RUSSELLDR CHARLES J RUTHMI SS MARGARET M. RYANMRS. ROGER RYANMRS. MARY N. RYNERSONMISS JULIA E SABINEMR. EDWARD SACKDR VIRGINIA C SAFTMR ROBERT W SAIGHMRS. GEORGE SANDUSKYMRS. GENE W. SAPERDR PAUL G SAPERDR JEREMY A SARCHETDR A Q SARTAINMISS AUCREY F. SAYMANMR S ALVIN H SCAFFMRS SARAH B SCHAARMISS IRFNE W. SCHERMERHORN MRS. HENRY R. SCHEUNEMANNMR JAMES A SCHINOLERDR CHARLES M SCHLOSSMANMR JAMES ADDISON SCHMID JRMR. RICHARD D. SCHMOYEPDR. IMOGENE P. SCHNEIDERDR. DONALC LINCOLN SCHOBERMRS THEODORE SCHOCKENMISS RUTH E. SCHONEMANMR BRUCE H SCHOUMACHERMR CHESTER T SCHRADERMR PAUL SCHREIBERDR MARGARET S SCHUBERTMRS JOHN R SCHUERMANDR KARL V SCHULTZDR. KATHRYN L. SCHULTZMR DAVID MARK SCHULZMR ARTHUR F SCHWARTZMR ARTHUR M SCHWARZMR HAROLD A SCHWINDMR S DELL SCOTTMR. LARRY SCRIGGINSMR. WILLIAM W. SEARSDR JERRY G SEIDELPROF. DANIEL M. SEIFERMR LOUIS SELIGERMRS LOUIS SELIGERMR WILLIAM SELTZERMR. MAGNUS SENGMR. OSCAR E. SHABATDR BENJAMIN SHACKELFORDMR ERWIN SHAFERMR MAURICE G SHANBERGDR ROBERT S SHANEMS GOLDIE SHAPIROMR LEO S SHAPIROMR. MICHAEL H. SHAPIROMR. ROBERT L. SHAPIROMR. SAMUEL B. SHAPIRODR. AGNES A. SHARPMI SS LORETTA R SHARPMR ALAN JOHN SHAWDR ELIZABETH T SHEERERMRS ALBERT W SHERER JRDR CHALMERS W SHERWINMR. KASUMI SHIMOOKAMR. VALENTINE SHIPLEMRS. JACK C. SHNIDERMR WILLIAM J SHORROCKMISS GLADYS W SHUFORDMR. DONALD LEE SHULMANDR. BERNARD J. SIEGELDR BERNARC SILBERDR JULIUS SIL3ERGER JRMRS CHARLES A SILBERMANMR. MARCUS L. SILVERMR. RONALD H. SILVERMANMR HOWARD J SILVERSTONEDR. MAURICE SIMKINMRS EARL F SIMMONSMR PAUL R SIMONMRS SAVILLA MILLIS SIMONSMR TRACY W SIMPSONMR. JAMES R. SINCOXMISS IDABEL SINEDR. DAVID SINGERMISS IRENE D. SINGERDR. JAMES D. SINGLETARYMRS AMY Y SIPEMR. PETER K. SIVASLIANMISS RUTH M SKINNERDR ROBERT E SLAYTONDR ARNE E SLETTEBAKMISS CORA P SLETTENMR. LAWRENCE SLIFMANDR WILLIAM R SLOANMRS AUCREY D SMITHMRS CHARLOTTE W SMITHOR DONNAL V SMITHMR EDWARD K SMITHDR ELBERT B SMIJH JRMRS GEORGE T SMITHMRS. GORDON H. SMITHMR HAL M SMITHMISS I EVELYN SMITHMI SS MARJORY A. SMITHMRS MILDRED B SMITHMR WILLIAM L SMITHMI SS ELSIE M. SMI THIESMR DONALD S SNYOERDR. ROBERT H. SNYDERMRS. ELAINE P. SNYDERMANMRS MAURICE SOKOLOWDR. RICHARD W. SOLBERGMRS ERNEST M SOLOMONMR WILSCN F SOUDERSMR WILLIAM 8 SOWA SHDR BENJAMIN H SPARGOMRS. MAE C. SPIEGELMRS. DAVID SPIEGLERMRS. IRVIN N. SPIELBERGDR ALEXANDER SPOEHRDR KENATH H SPONSÊLMRS KEITH J SPRINGERMR BERRY J SPROTTMRS ROBERT SPURGIN JRMR MICHAEL S SQUYRESMISS JOSEPHINE H. STAABMR JAMES H STACKEDR HENRY L STADLERDR ROBERT G STAGMANMRS GUSTAVE F STAMMMR. PETER STANNEMR HENRY E STANTONMRS. NATHAN J. STARKMR ROBERT I STARRMRS RALPH W STEARNSDR ERNEST L STEBBINSMR PETER 0 STEEGE16kMR IRWIN H STEINBERGMR WILLIAM P STEINBRECHERDR MARTIN J STEINDLERMRS MARTIN J STEINDLERMR CONRAD G STEINHOFFMISS KATHRYN E ST6INMETZMR. F. QUINN STEPANMR PAUL H STEPAN -MR JAMES W STEPHANMR HARVEY B STEPHENSMRS ROCKWFLL R STEPHENSMR ERNEST STERNMR HENRY H STERN JRMR. HERBERT J. STERNMRS. RAE S. STERNBERGMR BEN T STEVENSONMR. CHARLES L. STEWART JRDR PAUL B STEWARTCR EDWIN L STICKNEYMR. ALAN R. STILESDR LEONARD A STINEMR GERHARD STOLLMISS MARJORIE A STOLZENBURGDR. MARVIN J . STONEMR. SHERWIN J. STONEMR FRANK R STOTTDR. H. TODD STRADFORDDR FRANCIS H STRAUS IIPROF LORNA P STRAUSMRS ROBERT LEE STRAUSMRS ALAN J STRAUSSDR EUGENF STRE ICHERMISS ELIZABETH A STR INGERMRS INA W STRINGFROR NORMAN L STROMINGEROR ROBERT H STROTZMR FRED W STUCKWISCHMR JOHN W STUKENBERGMISS LENORE SUDERDR. HIROSHI SUGIYAMAMISS DOROTHY H SULLIVANMR. HAROLD X. SUMMERSMRS. ADOLPH SURTSHINMR GECRGE F SUTHERLANCMR WOCDROW ALLEN SUTTCN JRMRS V IRGINIA H SWANMR. NILS SWANSCNDR. WENDEL 3. SWAN SONTHF HON JOHN E SYPE DR GORDCN LAING TELFORDMI SS DIANA K TEMPLEDR H KENT T ENN EY JRMR RENO J TESTCLINDR. HAROLD W. THATCHERMRS. RUBEN THEVENETMR PAUL M THIELEDR. JOHN W. THIERETMRS. BARBARA H. THIESMR ALFRED R THOMANDR. E. GREGORY THOMASDR. L. EUGENE THOMASMISS M. ANTONIA THOMASMR ROY K THCMASMR THOMAS M THOMASOR RANDALL L THOMPSONMR RC8ERT A THCMPSONMRS. DUNCAN M. THOMSONDP DUNCAN M THOMSONMI SS LINDA J THCRENDR HAROLD K TICHOMRS ANNE H T INKERMRS HOWARD J TOBINOR SHELDON S TOBINDR SANFORC S T CMMR ERWTN A TOMASCHCFFMISS MARGARET A. TOPPSDR THCMAS T TOURLENTESDR LUCIA E TOWERDR SARAH S TOWERMR LAWRENCE C TRAEGER JRMRS GEORGE W TRAVERMISS JEAN E. TREATMR FRANK D TROVILLICNMR ARTHUR M TRUCMISS GLADYS M. TRUCMR JOHN 0 TUCKEROR LEDYARC R TUCKEROR. NCPMAN B. TUREMR JOHN M TURLEYMR. ARTHUR F. TURMAMMR RUEBEN TURNERMR. STANLEY C. TUTTLEMANDR ANDREA TYREEUTMR .SEYMOUR TABINMR . WILLIAM L . TACKOR. HCRACF C. TAFTDR LEONG T TANDP JESST- W TAPP JR¦¦1RS. A SPAM M. TARGOWM[ SS ETHEL G TAUROGMR GEORGE W TAYLORMRS HASSELTI ME B TAYLCRMR. ROBERT P TAYLORMRS ROY H TAYLGRDR STEWART F TAYLCRMR. MORRIS S. telECHANSKY MR EDWARD THOMAS UNTERMANMRS MARTIN URISTDP WILBERT H URRYOR. GECRGE USDANSKYLT COL CAROLINE E VAN MASONMRS HERBERT VAN STRAATENMR ROYAL M VANDERBERGMRS KATHERINE VANMETREMR WILLIAM A VANSAJVTENREV °HILIP G VAMZANDTMR WALTER L VARCO JRDR KIRSTEN VEMNESLANDMR MURRAY A VICK ERSDR JOHN A V IEGTl Le iollowing atanini hâve madeplts oi mp •MK JOHN M AABERCMR HUGH AARONOR RUTH AARONMR I SADORE A AARONSOR LOUIS AARONSMISS HANNAH C AAS EMRS ARTHUR S ABBOTTMRS VIRGINIA C ABBOTTMR R REINHCLD ABELE 'MRS MONRCE W ABELSMR LESTER S ABELSONMISS SARA ABELSONDR BERNARD M ABRAHAMMR CARL HENRY ABRAHAMMISS GOLDY G ABRAHAMMR WILLIAM J ABRAHAMMR JUL IAN L ABRAHAMSMRS JULIAN L ABRAHAMSMP JOHN D ARRAHAMSONDR DONALD J ABRAMOSKEMRS HYMAN ABRAMSDR JACK S ABRAMSDR ARTHUR F A.8TMRS JANET L ABU-LUGHODMRS ROBERT D ABYMRS DEANNA R ABZUGMR PETER ACHERMANNMR EDWARD S ACHTELMR EUGENE K ACHTERDR BERNICE ACKERMANMR DAVID J ACKERMANMR A FRANK ACKERMANN JRMRS BERENICE C ACKLEYDR FRANCES D ACOMBMR BUDD B ADAMSMISS DOROTHY W ADAMSMR E THCMAS ACAMS II IMRS EL.EANCR K ADAMSMR GEORGE W ADAMSMISS J OLGA ACAMSDR JAMES L ADAMSMR JAMFS M ADAMS JRLT COL JOHN H ADAMSMR JUDSON C ADAMSMR KENNETH Q ACAMSMR ROBERT A AOAMSDR ROBERT P ADAMSMRS ROBERT P ADAMS MR HERBERT HARDY ADASKOMRS HERBERT HARDY ADASKOMRS ALLAN H ADELMANMR HARRY ADELMANMR MILTCN M ADELMANDR ROBERT L ADELMANMRS H L ADENMR RCLAND ACICKESMRS HOWARD ADLERDR KENNETH P ADLERMR PAUL M ADLERMR ROBERT S ADLERMRS ROBERT S ADLERMR WILLIAM H ACLERMRS ROBERT J ADLEY JRMISS DOROTHEA K ADOLPHMR ANDRE AERNE1 MR ANDREW A AFFRUNTIMR HYMAN AFRICKMR LECN C AGANDR M E AGHASSIMRS BURTON AHLSON' MR M MCPIN AHMACDP SYED S AHMADMR ARTHUR P AHRENDTDR TED AICMANMRS R C AIKENSMR ALEXANCER BLAIR A IKMANDR PETER W AIRASIANMR OSCAR A AKERLUNDDR SUSAN G AKERSMR AGOSTINO A ALAGNAMISS CATHERINE L ALBANESEMRS D L ALBASIOMRS H MONTEI TH ALBERSMR OWEN S J ALBERTMRS RICHARD E ALBERTMRS LEE W ALBERTSMRS ANTOINETTE C ALBRECHTMRS BARBARA S ALBRECHTDR PAUL A ALBRECHTDR RUTH E ALeRECHTMRS F S ALBRIGHTMRS HARRY ALBRIGHTMISS NANCY RECTOR ALCOCKDR BARBARA ALDENMR MARQUIS T ALDERMANMRS HARRY C ALDRICH JRMR JOHN M ALEXMISS ANNA H ALEXA MR LEONARD A VITCHAMR C NICHOLAS VOGELDR JCHN L VCGFLMR ROBERT J VOLLENMR JOHN E VOLLERTSENDR HARCLD C VORISMR EDWARD R VRABLIKw ,HELEN C WAARAMR. -MICHAEL R. A. WADEMISS WINIFRED H WADSWORTHMISS DOROTHY L. WAGGONERMR. ROBERT A. WAGNERMRS MARTIN WALDMR RICHARC J WALDMI SS EL'.EN B. WALLACEMISS MARGARET R WALLACEMR MARQUIS E WALLACEMR S KUR T E WALLACHMISS LORRAINE B. WALLACHMR. HENRY A. WALLERMR WILLIAM R WALLINMRS JON CLARENCE WALTERSMR DAVID J WALTONMISS EVA WANAEVDR. HARRY WANGMRS. H. STANLEY WANZERDR WALTER E WARDMR ALFRED G WARCLEYOR JAMES I WARGINMR. ALAN V. WASH8URNMR ROBERT H WASZDR . TPTSUI WATAMABEMRS PHYLLIS R WAXMRS. MORDECAI WAXMANRABRI MORDECAI WAXMANDR DANIEL C WEAVERMR WILLIS C WEBBMR ROBERT G WEBERMR WI LBUR A WEDERDR CHARLES W WEGENERDR. PHÏLI P WEHNERMRS ALICE B G WEIMR. ROGER A. WEILERMR MICHAEL WEINBERG JRDR MARY M WEINSTEINM ISS AN ITA M WEISMRS E RICH WEI SDR. SEYMOUR W. WEISRERGMR EDWARD H WEISSDR SANFORD G WEISSMANDR ALLEN S WELLERMRS ALLEN S WELLERMR SAMUEL R WELLSMR. GERALD E. WELSHDR HERBFRT H WERLINMR. . LEO R . WERTSDH EDWARD S WESTMR CLIFTCN R WHARTCN JRMRS. HARRY J . WHARTONMRS E P WHITAKERMRS ALFRED D WHITEMISS ANNA L WHITEDR CHARLES .M ALEXANDERMR DAVID F ALEXANDERMISS CTA E ALEXANCERMR RICHARD PETER ALEXANDERMR THOMAS R AL'EXANOERMISS GRACE L ALKEDEAN HARRY T ALLANMRS HELEN P ALLAN.0MR. FRED A ALLARDYCEDR RUSSELL J ALLEMANMRS ALICE P ALLENMR. AMI F. ALLENMRS ANITA F ALLENMR DAVID L ALLENMISS HAZEL K. ALLENDR J GARROTT ALLENMR JAY B ALLENMISS LYDIA F. ALLENMISS MARGARET F. ALLENMI SS% MARY B. ALLENMISS* MARY JANE ALLENMISS MILDREC ALLENDR. NELSON ALLENMR P DRAKE ALLEN JRMR REX W ALLENDR ROGER W ALLENMRS. ROY ALLENMISS THEODORA ALLENMR CHARLES D ALL I S JRMISS CAROL J ALLISONMR ROBERT DEAN ALLISONMISS RUTH M ALL I SONMISS MYRTLE E. ALLMANDR GABRIEL A ALMONDMR. HY ALMONDMISS MINNIE ALPERMRS JACK B ALPERINMRS MAURICE S ALPERINMR BERNARD ALPERTMRS LOUIS D ALPERTMR JOHN STEPHEN ALTERMANMR ALFRED S ALTSCHULMRS. HENRY ALTSHULERDR. ALVITC P. ALVARESMR RONALD P ALWINMRS. JOHN T. AMBERMR STANLEY AMBERMR. LASZLO AMBRUSMR JOHN R AMBRUSTERMR EDWARD C AMESMRS LOIS S AMESMR NAVINCHANCR* B AM INMR CHARLES R AMOSMISS 8ERNICE AMSPOKER MR. RONALD A. WHITEDR GEORGE W WHITE HE ADDR GLEN M WHITESELMR DONALD W WHITNEYMRS EDWARD A W ICHER SRMR. BERNARD WICZERMI SS RUTH A WIESINGERMISS LOIS WILDYMR RUSSELL WILES JRMR S RUSSELL WILES JRMISS RCSEMARY F W ILEYMR. WILFRIED 0. G. WILKEMR GEORGE E WILKERSON JRCDR PAUL A WILLEMRS. EDGAR A. WILLIAMSMR FREMONT A WILL IAMSMRS FREMONT A WILLIAMSMR HUGH L WILLIAMSOR. ARTHUR N. W ILSONMR. DANA F. WILSONMR FRANCIS S WILSON JRMRS. HOWARD E. WILSONMR. RICHARD R. WILSONMR VOYLE C WILSONMR DANIEL J WINOGRADMR MARSHALL E WINOKURMP MICHAEL J WINTERDR. ADC.LF N. WÏTTMI S5 LOUI SE WOERNERDR BETTY I WOLFMfsS MYRTLE P. WOLFFMR. BERNARD WOLNAKMR HARCLD F WCOCMRS. R. J. WCODMR DONALD E WOODRUFFMR B J WORLEYMISS ELIZABETH P. WRIGHTMISS MARGARET J WRIGHTDR. KWANG TSING WUM ISS LILLIAN WURZELMR EDWARD E YALCW ITZDR. MA SA YAMAMOTOMR JERRY A YARBROUGHMR. GECRGE I. YASEENDR. JOSEPH YAVI TMISS M AU DE YEOMANDR. DONALD E. YCCHEMDR. EDWARD A. YONANDP DAV ID A YOUNGMRS. JCHN 3. YCCNGMR. WILLIAM THOMAS ZALESKIDR ALGERD F ZAVISTMR KIM A ZE ITLINMR IRVING T ZEMANSMR AL VIN ZIMMERMANMR. WILLIAM E. ZIMMERMANMR. DUDLEY A. ZINKEMR ROBERT ZCL» •*DR GEORGE ANASTAPLOMRS GEORGE ANASTAPLOMR HARVEY H ANCEL .MRS MARLENE R ANDALMANM ISS CHARLOTTE ANOERSMR CHARLES DARWIN ANCERSENMISS ELIZABETH L. ANDERSEN.MISS KAREN M ANCERSENMRS. A. W. ANDERSONMRS. ALFRED ANDERSONMRS ALFRED ANDERSONMRS BEULAH M ANDERSONMR CHARLES DAVID ANDERSONDR CCLENA M ANDERSONMR DAVID E ANDERSONMR DAVID G ANDERSONMRS. ERIC G. ANDERSONDR. ERNEST C. ANDERSONMS EVELYN J ANDERSONMR. FRED A. ANDERSONMR HOWARD R ANDERSONMR JCHN R ANDERSONMRS. KNUTE E. ANDERSONREV LE IL A W ANDERSONMR LECNARC^.M ANCFRSONMR LUTHFR'  ANDERSONREV OSCAR V ANDERSONDR PHILIP ANDERSON JRMISS RACHEL E. ANDERSONDR. RICHARD C. ANDERSONDR. ROBERT P. ANDERSONDR ROBERT H ANDERSONMISS RUTH M V ANDERSONMRS THEODORE W ANOERSCN JRMR THOMAS H ANDERSONMR WARREN B ANOERSCNMR THOMAS F ANDREOLICOL. MALCCLM K. ANDRESENMR GILBERT E ANDREWS JRMRS GILBERT E ANDREWS JRMR SCOTT FRANCIS ANDREWSMRS FRANZ SIMON ANDROSCHDR ROBERT W ANGELLMRS ROBERT W ANGELLMR STEPHEN L ANGELLMR. MYCHAL P. ANGELOSMR JOHN C ANGLEMRS. SALMA S. ANGRESMISS LUCY A. ANICHDR FRANK J ANKNERMR. CHARLES S. ANNELLDR. PAULIS J. ANSTRATSMI SS JOELLA J ANTESMISS LOIS M ANTHESDR TERENCE R ANTHONEYMR LESTER J ANTLERMISS MARY A ANTONMR RUSSELL F APITZMR ROBERT D APPELBAUMMR. EVAN H. APPELMANMR HERBERT S APPLEMANMR. RALPH J. APTONMISS SUZANNE ARATAMRS FERNANDO ARAYAMR. GEORGES AR BUZMRS N NEWTON ARCHAMBEAULTMISS KATHARINE L ARCHERMTSS LEOTA ARCHERMRS KATHERINE P ARCHIBALDDR RALPH G ARCHIBALDMRS J G ARDENMR ROSS ARDREYMISS FLORENCE F ARENBERGMR. GARY N. ARENSONMISS CLIO ARGIRISDR. HAROLD V. ARGOMR KOSTIS T ARGOEMRS ELIZABETH B ARKEMAMRS NAT I ARKINMISS EDITH ARLENDR HUDSON T ARMERDINGMRS OIANE R ARMSTRONGMRS. FRANCES ARMSTRONGMISS ORENA E ARMSTRONGMISS CLARA ARNDTMR DONALD E ARNDTDR. HILDA ARNDTMR DONALD P ARNCTSENMRS RUNO E ARNEMR JOSEPH R ARNEMANNMRS RALPH ARNHEIMMRS WILLIAM ARNOFFTHE REV C HARVEY ARNCLDMRS H L ARNOULDMRS. INA B. ARONOWMR ARNOLD ARONSONMR BERNARD W ARONSONMRS DAVID A ARONSONMR SIMON H ARONSONMRS EDWARC C ARREGGERMRS. JOSE H. ARRIETAMR WAYNE DEE ARROWOODMR CHESTER A ARTHURMI SS ESTHER V. ARTISTMISS INVELDA M ARTZMRS. MARYKMGHT ASBURYREV HOMER ULYSSES ASHBY JRDR WINIFRED M ASHBYMR JOHN D ASHCROFTMRS JOHN C ASHCROFTMR CLARENCE E ASHERMRS. INES N. ASHERMR JAMES H ASHIDAMRS CLAIRE 8 ASHMANMR. ROBERT J. ASKEVOLDMRS ALEXANDRE ASKIENAZYMR. HOMER J. ASKOUNISMRS. MARVIN E. ASPENMR STEVEN T ASTMISS H ADRÏENNE ATHANAS l_THE REV EDGAR E ATHERTONDR ELWOOD A ATHERTONMR KENNETH K ATKINSMR. W. JAMES ATKINSMR RICHARC F ATKINSONMISS KATHLEEN P. ATLASSMR JOHN C ATTIGMR WARREN E ATWATER JRMRS WARREN E ATWATER JRMISS RUTH ATWELLMR F DAVID AU BUCHONMRS EDWIN E AUBRÈYMI SS L. RUTH AULDMR. SAMUEL J. AURELIUS JRMR ROBERT L AUSTINMISS 8EPNICE J AUSTRHEIMMRS DAVID L AUTONMR HAROLD L AUTREYMR VINCENT ROBERT AUTYMRS. DON E. AVERYMR. GARY V. AWADMR DAVID E AXELRODMRS DAVID W AXELRODMRS ELY AXELRODMR. FREDERICK WILLIAM AXLEYMR EDWARD A AZCFFMR . DAVID R. BABBMISS ORPHA BABCOCKMRS RUTH V BABCCCK ,MR. MICHAEL J. BACHMRS. PETER M. BACHINMISS HARRIET BACHMANMR ROBERT W BACHMEYERREV PAUL S BACKLUNDMRS. FRANCIS L. BACONMRS. RAYMOND L. BACONDR CLARENCE A BACOTEMRS. E. W. BADENOCHMR GEORGE E BADENOCHTHE REV EDWIN H BADGER JRDR. RUFUS F. BAEHRMISS EVELYN E BAERMI SS IRENE R BAERMR JOSEPH W 8AERDR. LCUIS S. BAERDR. PAUL BAERMR AUGUST P RAETKEMR RALPH W 8AGCONASMR. FREDERIC EMANUEL BAGERDP. ANDREW R. BAGGALEY DR. OSMOND J. BAGGENSTCSSMR CHANCE BAHADURDR DEAN R BAHLEPMRS MARGARET A BAHRMR. DAVID P. BAIERMRS J L BAILENMR CHARLES-JAMES N BAILEYMRS. EDWARD W. BAILEYMISS JUDITH ANNE BAILEYMI SS LOIS C BAILEYDR STEPHEN BAILEYMR MARVIN K BAILINMR. RONALD S. BAILISMR ROBERT BAIMEDR ROBERT K BAINMR- FREDERICK H BA IR JRMR ERNST R BAIRDMRS ERNST R BAIRDMRS. GEORGIA C. BAIRDMRS JCHN C BAIRDMR ROGER B BAIRDMRS RUSSELL M BAIRDMISS PAULINE BAKEMANDR ROGER C BAKER JRMRS A SHERWOOD BAKER .MR. CALVIN H. BAKERMR . CHARLES R. BAKERMRS CHARLES C BAKERMRS. DAVID A. 0AKERMR E G STANLEY BAKERMRS ESTHER M BAKERMRS FRANK S BAKERDR. GLADYS L. BAKERDR H ROBERT BAKERMISS IRENE A BAKERMR JAMES E BAKERMRS JAMES E BAKERMR JOHN C BAKERCOL KEMPER W BAKERDR OREN H BAKERMR R08ERT JOHN BAKERMR RUSSELL E BAKERMI SS RUTH E. BAKERMR A VERNON BAKKERSMR FRANK BALDANZA JRMR THOMAS G BALDERSTONMR DONALD E BALDOVINMISS MARIE BALCRIDGEMR. DENNIS R. BALDWINMR EDWARD T BALDWINDR LOUIS W BALDWINMISS GERALDINE BALLMR WILLARD J BALLMR FOSTER K BALLARDMRS FOSTER K BALLARDMRS KATHERINE W BALLARDMRS RUSSELL W BALLARDDR W ILLIAM R BALLARDDR. ALBERT G. BALLERTDR JOHN C BALLINDR NATHAN E BALLOUMRS. JAMES C. BALLOWMR ZIGURDS BALODÎSMR JOSEPH S BALSAMODR DAI SY F BALSLEYMRS. SUSAN W. BALTERMR HERBERT L BALTHAZARMR CHARLES A BANEMR JOHN THOMAS BANGHARTDR CARL 0 BANGSMR FRANK A BANKSMR SEYMOUR BANKSMRS Z IRENE BANKSMRS THOMAS J BANNINDR. WILLIAM K. BANNISTERMR RUSSELL A BANTHAMMR HENRY B BANZHAFMRS GISELA L BARALTMP JOHN S BARANMR ANTHONY HARLAN BARASHDR BERNARD BARASHMISS BARBARA G BARATZMRS GLEN C BARBARASMI SS BESSIE BARBEEMISS JULIA M BARBERMRS LUTHER H eARBERCOL REGINALD C BARBERMR RULAND W BARBERMR TI MOTHY N BARBERMR JACK V BARBERAREV HERMAN L BARBERY-DR. CHARLETON C. BARDMR WILL IAM C BARDMRS. BEATRICE BARCACKEMR JOHN P BARDEN IIIDR H WILLIAM BARDENWE'RPERMISS ELIZABETH M. BARINEAUMISS MARIE W BARKMANMR WILLIAM A BARLETTAMRS CARRIE M BARLOWDR' CHARLES F BARLOWMISS ELSIE C BARLOWLT COL HARLEY T BARLOWMR. MILTON M. BARLOWMISS SARAH J. BARMOREMRS C H BARNARDMRS. HELEN P.. BARNARDMISS ROSALIE BARNARDBISHOP WILLIAM P BARNDSDR EUGENE B BARNES JRDR. MARIAN BARNESMS DELLA BELLE BARNETTMRS GECRGE S BARNETTMI SS RUTH BARNEYDR. DONALD S. BARNHARTDR. KENNETH E. BARNHARTMRS KARL R BARNICKOL II IMISS J EL IZABETH 8ARNSDR. H. GARDINER BARNUMDR JOSEPH M BARON MR RINEHART BARONMR DAVID FABIAN BARONEMR CHARLES B BARRMR. JAMES M. BARRMR. JERRY M. BARRMR JOHN M BARRMR ROY R BARRDR WAYNE E 8ARRDR CHARLES S BARRETTMR GEORGE H BARRETTMR NEWTON E BARRETTMRS. REGINALD BARRETTMR HOWARD R BARRONMR LESTER M BARRONMR LCUIS D BARRONMRS VERA BARRONMR CHARLES H BARROWMR DENNIS R BARRYMI SS EDYTH E. BARRYREV JOHN BARRYMR STEPHEN FRANK BARSKYMR GEORGE J BARTELREV ERNEST J BARTELL CSCMR LEWI S M 8ARTHMR. MAX BARTHDR. DORIS A. BARTHOLOMEWMISS ELEANOR R BARTHOLCMEWMRS. JAMES G. 8ARTH0L0MEWMR PAUL L BARTOLAINMISS CARRIE M. BARTONMR DAVID WICHMANN BARTONMR MERRITT BARTONMR ROBERT J BARTONMR. THOMAS J. BARTONDR. DELPHINE B. BARTOSIKMR. DAVID BARUCHMISS BARBARA BASKERVILLEMISS LATHAM BASKERVILLEDR. ROBERT BASKINDMI SS DIANA BASKOVITZMR. DAVID C. BASSMR GECRGE WARREN BASSMRS HARRY E BASSMRS PERKINS B BASSMR OLIVER L BASSETTMR. V. LEWIS BASSIEMRS. ARTHUR BASSINDR LANGSTCN F BATEMR F LYNN BATESMRS JERRY W BATESMRS LAWRENCE J BATESTHE REV ROBERT S BATESMR VINCENT L BATESCOL LEE H BATSELDR MARK LEVITT BATSHAWMR RICHARD A BATTDR. PAUL A. BATTIESDR. HARON J. BATTLEDR PETER S BAUCHWITZOR FREDERICK C BAUER JRMR JOHN A BAUERMR MARVIN A BAUERDR. RICHARD H. BAUERDR. SIMON H. BAUERMR ROBERT M BAUGHMAN IIIMR. JOST J. BAUMMR. MAURICE J. BAUMMR. PHILIP T. BAUMDR RICHARD N BAUMMR. ROBERT B. BAUMDR WERNER A BAUM' v_MR BERNARD MARION BAUMANMR. ALFRED H. BAUMEMR. WILLIAM H. BAUMGARTNERMR. ROBERT BAUMRUKMR GEORGE L BAYERMRS GEORGE L BAYERMR PETER J BAYNEDR CONSTANCE L EEACHMI SS GENE F. BÉACHMRS WILLIAM E BEACHMISS BARBARA BEACHYMRS EDITH M BEADLEDR MYRON C BEALDR LATHROP V BEALEMISS MILDRED G BEALEMR JCHN DANN BEAMMR. RANDOLPH BEAN JRMR RICHARD W BEANMI SS MATA V. BEARMRS JOHN S BEARDDR W ILLIAM A BEARDSLEEMR. WALLACE R. BEARDSLEYMR ERVING E BEAUREGARDDR. LESTER A. BEAURL INEMR ALBERT L BEAUVAISPROF JAMES E BEAVERMR. PAUL F. BECHTOLDMISS BRENDA E. BECKMR. HAYWARO JENNINGS BECKMR. HERBERT G. BECKMR NORMAN W BECKMR ROPERT N BECKMR. ARTHUR E. BECKERMRS CAROLINE C BECKERMR CHARLES E BECKERMR DAVID M BECKERMISS FLORA M BECKER"R FRANK C BECKERDR GARY S BECKERDR GERALD L BECKERMS K JANE BECKERMR . KARL M. BECKERMR. LAWRENCE G. BECKERMRS. MARI CN E. BECKERMISS MILLIE A BECKERMRS OTTO C BECKERDR PETER T BECKMAN JRMRS. LADDIE E. BECVARMR BARRY T BEDENKOP THE REV JOHNSTCNE 8EECHDR GRACE L BEEDEMISS ETHEL L. BEELERMR JACK D BEEMMRS MAURICE 3 BEEMDR MAY M BEENKENMR. JESSE I. BEERMR. JON L. BEERMANNMISS EDNA P. BEERSMR. JOHN R. BEERYDR. HERBERT C. BEESKOWMR. MICHAEL J. BEGABMR. GREGORY B. BEGGSMRS HUGH BEGGSDR ELLINOR H PEHREMRS CHARLOTTE R BEHRENDTMRS HOWARD BEHRENSMR DALE ECWARD BEIHOFFERCOL DONALD E BEITSCHDR ADAM BEITTELMR. M. JOHN BELAIRMR ALBERT J BELANGERMS DALIA E BELINKOFFMR I RVING L BELINKOFFDR MARK M BELK INMRS ELSTON L BELKNAPMISS FLORENCE L BELLMR LANNY D BELLMRS. ALBERT J. BELLGMR SHELDON BELOFSKYMR. WILLIAM L. BELVIN JRMRS STEVE BEMISMR OTTO'' K BENCAMRS OTTO K BENCAMR LAWRENCE JAY BENDELSONMR STEPHEN MARC .BENDELSONREV LOUIS B BENDER JRMRS WILLIAM J BENDERMISS OLGA BENDEROFFMRS. -HERMAN BENDIXDR THOMAS G BENEDEKMR. THANE BENECICTMRS SOL J BENENSOHNDR. ALFRED J. BÉNESHMISS EUGENIA M. BENEVENTIOR JOHN R BENFIELDMRS JOHN R BENFIELDDR IRVING S BENGELSDORFMRS JUDITH S BENISEKMISS EDITH I BENJAMINMRS JACK A BENJAMINMR JAMES E BENJAMINMRS MARTIN BENJAMINMR SAMUEL J BENJAMINMRS SAMUEL J BENJAMINMR MAIR J BENKOILMR WALTER R 8ENNMRS DWIGHT BENNETTDR. J. PAUL BENNETTDR JOAN W BENNETTMR MARSHALL T BENNETTMR RICHARC C BENNETTMR ROBERT G D BENNETTMRS ARTHUR W BENOLKENMR. LESTER A. BENSEMAMI SS BEATRICE BENSONMR EDMUND T BENSONMISS MARY ANN BENSONMISS MILDREO W BENSONMR ROBERT C BENSON JRMR SHERWOOD BENSONMR ROBERT 0 BENT IIMR FRANK N BENTKOVERMRS. MARGARETA E. 8ENTLEYMR ROBERT S BENTONMR CONRAD B BENTZENMRS CONRAD B BENTZENMR. MYRON BENUCKMI SS ELIZABETH V BENYONMRS H T BERCMR WALTER F BERDALMR HERBERT B BERDANMRS HAROLD BERGMR HERBERT BERGMR HERBERT R BERGMISS MADGE BERGMR NELS H BERGMR SAMUEL M BERGMR WARREN A BERGBOMMR MARVIN L BERGEMISS MARJORIE S. BERGERMR PAUL H BERGERMR. ROBERT G. BERGERMR ROBERT M BERGERDR CLARA M BERGHOEF*ERMRS GUY BERGHOFFMR JOHN C BERGHOFFMRS JOHN C BERGHOFFMR. ROBERT A. BERGHOFFMRS. CARL BERGHULTMR CARL I BERGKVISTMR HERSCHEL R BERGMANMRS HERSCHEL R BERGMANMRS LEWIS J BERGMANMR WESTON D BERGMAN JRMR RUDOLPH W BERGNERMRS. HERLYS D. BERGQU ISTMR ERIC E BERGSTENMR ROBERT W BERGSTRANDMISS ANNA T BERGSTROMMRS ELINOR P BERKMR ROY K EERKENFIELDMRS ROY K BERKENFIELDDR BARBARA BERKMANDR M ICHAEL G BERKMANMRS MICHAEL G BERKMANDR LEONARD D BERKOVITZMRS JEFFREY ALEX BERKSONMR MARSHALL H BERKSONMR KENNETH R BERLIANT16mMR ARTHUR E BERLINDR. BARNEY M. BERLINMISS HELEN M. BERLINMR. LAWRENCE H. BERLINMISS MAXI-NE R. BERLINGERMR EDWARD A BERMANMRS IRVING S PERMANMR LAWRENCE V BERMANMR NATHAN BERMANDR. RICHARD M. 'BERNARDMR RUDOLPH W BERNATHDR ROBERT F BERNERDR ROGER B PERNHARDTDR LAURENCE BERNSMR ARTHUR H BERNSTEINMRS DAVID A BERNSTEINDR. ELI N. BERNSTEINMISS ESTHER BERNSTEINDR HAROLD BERNSTEINMR JOËL M BERNSTEINMR. LOUIS H. BERNSTEINMR. SIDNEY M. BERNSTEINMR RICHARD L BERNTHALMRS STEPHEN BERRIENMR. GORDON HATHAWAY BERRYMRS THELMA BERRYMRS ARNOLD BFRSHADMR HERBERT C BERTHOLDCAPT JCHN J BERWANGERDR PAUL L BESSETTEMR WILLIAM H BESSEYMISS MARGARET E BESTMISS HERMINE BEUKEMAMISS LUCILLE E BEUTELMR WI LLIAM R BEUTLERMR ERWIN F BEYERMRS LEONARC K BEYERMISS LUCILLE BEYMMRS LEONARD J BEZARKMRS ARAM V BEZAZIANMRS P G BHUTAMR A DAVID BIATCHMISS HENRIETTA M. BIBEEMRS. JANE M. BICEKMRS OTTO BICISTEMR REGINALD S BICKFORDDR. MARTIN H. BICKHAMMRS. MARY C, BICKINGMRS C L BIDWELLMRS LAWRENCE BIEKERMR. LAWRENCE G. BIENERTMR CECIL L BIGELOWMRS ELLEN B BIGELOWMRS ROBERT BIGGERTMR PETER A BIGGINSMR ZARKO BILBIJAMR. BAZIL BILDERRABBI ALBERT T BILGRAYMRS C P. BILLMR HAROLD C BILLINGSDR MILDRED K BILLINGSMR ROBERT C BILLS JRMRS MAURICE H BILSKYMR GORDON A B1NGHAMMRS ROBERT C BINGHAMMISS HENRIETTE D BINIMISS DONNA H. BINKHORSTMRS MYRA BINYONMR WILLIAM T BIRCHMRS RAY BIRCHARDMRS- EDWARD M. BIRDDR MIRIAM C BIRDWHISTELLMRS BRIGITTE BIRKEDR JORGEN M BIRKELANDMR. DAVID S. BIRKESMISS KATE BIRKHOFFMRS NICHOLAS BIROMISS SARAH S BISSELLMR GEORGE A BISSINGERMRS MARY ALCWIN BISSONMR TERRENCE PAUL BISSONMRS JOSEPH P BJERKLIEMRS EINAR L BJORKLUNOMR. DONALD S. BJORKMANMISS ESTHER E BJORKMANDR. GUY BLACKMR. KENNETH W. BLACKMR. LEONARD 0. BLACKMRS RUTH A BLACKMISS MARY F BLACKBURNMRS EMMA S BLACKMANMR JOSEPH K BLACKMAN JRMR. PAUL E. BLACKSTONEDR ASHBY C BLACKWELLMRS HAROLD 0 BLAIRMR. JAMES A. BLAIRMISS RUTH ANN BLAIRMRS JAMES J BLAKEMR. ROSS BLAKEDR. LEO V. BLAKLEYMR RICHARD E BLAKLEYMRS RICHARD E BLAKLEYMR DON R BLANKINSHIPMR. LAWRENCE A. BLASBERGMISS IRENE BLASEMR ROBERT S BLATTMR. J. RODNEY 8LAUSERMR ROBERT W BLEYMISS VIRGINIA BLICKDR M ELEANCR BLISHMI SS CATHERINE H BLISSMR ERNEST L BLISSDR ISAREL STJ BLISSMR HARVEY EUGENE BLI TZDR. BEN B. BLIVAISSMISS LINDA K BLIZZARDMRS SAUL BLOCHMR. THEODORE C. BLOCHDR BERNARD H BLOCK MRS BERNARD H BLOCKMR NEAL JAY BLOCKTHE REV. DONALD G. BLOESCHMR JOHN P BLOMSTROMMRS EDWARC J BLONDINMI SS JOANNE BLONDINMRS WINNIFRED W BLONSKYMR ALVI.N H BLOOMDR. BENJAMIN S. BLOOMMR CHARLES G BLOOMMR. JAY D. BLOOMMRS KRYN BLOOMDR. STEWART D. BLOOMDR ARTHUR I BLOOMFIELDMRS MICHAEL I BLOOMSTEINMR DONALD M BLOSSOMTHE REV. JOHN H. BLOUGHDR BEN A BLUESTEINMR. CHARLES P. BLUESTEINDR. WILLIAM T. BLUHMMRS DOROTHY C BLUMMRS FREDRICK BLUMDR JACOB J BLUMMRS SARAH L BLUMMR. HENRY D. BLUMBERGDR STANLEY BLUMBERGMR ABE BLUMENFELDMRS HELMUT BLUMENTHALMR JOHN R BLYTHDR. FERN C. BOANMRS. THOMAS P. BOARDMR B ROBERT BOBISUDMR EPNESTO BOBONISMRS ERNESTO BOBONISMISS DARILYN W BOCKDR G DIRAN BODENHORNMRS JEANNE S BODFISHDR. DAVID BODIANMRS ARNOLD RUDOLPH BCDMERMR ROBERT G 80 EMR W DONALD BOE JRMRS. MARIE M. BOEBECKMRS. GERHAROT J. BOEHMERMR BERT H BOERNERMRS BERT H BOERNEROR. DONALC BCERSMAMR ALBERT V BOETTICHERMR. J. ROY BOETTLERMRS LEO BOGARTDR. LAWRENCE BOGORADMISS ELSA H. BOGOSIANMR. RICHARD W. BOGOSIANMI SS SARAH BOGCTMR. WALTER BOHANMR. ALAN P. BOHMEMR DAVID E BCHNERMRS WILBUR H BOIES IVMR SERGIUS M BOIKANMR JOHN D BOLGER JRMR A R BOLLAERTMISS MARGARET E. BOLLEMISS MARGARET HELEN BOLLERMR. LANCRUM R. BOLLINGDR SAMUEL J BOLCNIKMRS. WILLIAM BOLOTINMR. FLOYO B. BOLTONMRS. CYRIL B. BONDMRS DONALD C BONDDR DONALD F BONDMRS. ELEANOR B. BONDDR. JAMES A. BONDMR DOUGLAS E BONDYMRS GRACE E BONELLDR JOHN T BCNNERMRS ARTHUR B BONNHEIMMR JOHN R BONN IW ELLMRS ANITA BAKER BOOKMR DANIEL IRVIN BOOKERDR AARON M BOOMMRS RUTH F BOORST INMR JAMES T BOOSALESMISS MARJORIE W BOOTHMS MARY W BOOTHMR. SHERMAN M. BOOTH JRMRS. MARY A. BORCHARDTMI SS MURLE BORCHARDTMR FRANK R BORCHERT JRMR MELVILLE W BORDERSCOL CARL J BORDIGADR E L BORKONMISS MARGARET F BORNMRS EMILY M BORNSTEINMRS SAMUEL DAVID BORNSTEINMR DAVID BOROWITZMRS LULU GLASS BOROWITZMR PIER CARLO BORRAMI SS MARIE E. BORROFFMRS CHARLES D BORST .MR. JOHN BORST JRDR THADDEUS W BORUNMRS DAVID M BORUSDR JOSEPH C BORZENSKIDR HENRY BORZODR ROGER A EOSHESMR WILLIAM J BOSSENBROOKMR ALLAN G BOSTELMANNMRS W F BOSTICKMRS. GEORGE BOSWELLOR DAVID C BOTTING JRMRS. RICHARD BOUCEKMRS MAUDE D BOUCHERMR WILLIAM I BCUD'ROMRS MARGUERITE B BOUGEREMRS. S. PETER BOURBAKIMRS. RUTH 0. BOURNAZIANDR. EDWARD G. BOURNSDR JOHN W BOUSEMANMRS P R BCWDISHMR WILLIAM J BOWE JR MRS. EUGENE D. BOWEN '¦MRS. FRANK M. BOWENDR. MERLIN S. BOWENMRS MILTON M BOWENMR STEPHEN STEWART BOWENMR. H. VIRGIL BOWERMISS JULIA W BOWERMISS A MARGARET BOWERSMR GERALD RICHARD BOWERSMR JOHN M BCWLUSMR. BEN C. BOWMANMR. HARCLC H. BOWMANMRS JESSE E BOWMANMR LARRY W BOWMANMRS LARRY W BOWMANDR BARUCH BOXERMRS ELAINE LACHSHIN BOXERMRS. HERMAN BOXSERMR JAMES I BOYCEDR.cMOFFATT G. BOYCEMI SS GRACE M BOYDMR JOHN H BOYDMR WILLIAM L BOYDMR ROBERT E BOYDST.ONMRS JOHN W BOYER JRMI SS HALCIE M. BOYERDR MERLE W BOYERMISS KATHARINE A BOYLANMR J BARTON BOYLEMR. RICHARD L. BOYLEDR ROBERT W BOYLEMRS HAROLD E BOYSAWMR. PETER A. BOYS ENMR ROGER V BOYVEYMISS RUTH B BOZELLMISS ELLEN L. BRACHTLOR ROBERT L BRACKENBURYMR WALTER E BRACKMANMR JAMES THCMAS BRADBURY IIIMR W DAVID BRADDOCK IIIMRS. B. B. BRADENDR JAMES W BRADENMISS RUTH L BRADISHMRS CHARLES BRADLEYDR. LEONARD 0. BRADLEYMRS LEROY BRADLEYMRS LESLI E L BRADLEYMRS MICHAEL P BRADLEYMR JERRY C BRADSHAWMRS. ELIZABETH P. BRADTMR ARTHUR E BRAGGDR WILBUR G BRAHAMMRS LAWRENCE JCHN BRAINARDMRS. OWEN W. BRAINARDMR RONALD NOBLE BRAKEMR' LEON BRAMSONMR STANLEY H BRANDESDR HARRY eRANCMANMRS. CHARLES BRANDTMISS GLADYS L. BRANDTMISS M BERTHA BRANDTMISS LINDA LEE BRANDWEINMRS ROSE BRANDZELMRS SCL BRANDZELMRS DALE R BRANERMR LEO BRANOVANMRS LEC BRANOVANDR LEWIS C BRANSCOMBMR ARTHUR H BRANSKYMR. UZZELL S. BRANSON III-MI SS OTIE G. BRANSTETTERMR WILLIAM BRASWELLDR LEE BRAUDEMR MICHAEL E BRAUDEMRS HAROLO I BRAUOYDR ABRAHAM A BRAUERMRS ESTHER L BRAUERDR. LECNARD L. BRAUNDR. KENNETH M. BRAUNERMR ROBERT A BRAWERMISS THERESITA N BRAXTONMRS. EDWARD A. BRAYDR. GEORGE A. BRAYMRS M D BRAYPROF WILLIAM 0 BRAYDR HOWARD N 8REAMMISS HELEN I BRECHTMISS ELIZABETH BREDINMR WILLIAM 0 BREECLOVE IIMRS RICHARD J BREENMRS. W. H. BREENMI SS GERTRUOE E BREESEMR RICHARD C BREITBACHDR. ARNE G. BREKKEMR GERALD CLARENCE BRENMR RALPH C BRENDESDR RCY PRENERMR WILLIAM E BRENNENMRS MORRIS BRENNERMISS MIRIAM BRENNWASSERMISS RHEA L BRENNWASSERMR. TIMOTHY M. BRESNAHANMRS MARION M BREWERMRS. CHARLES T. BREWSTERMRS. H. DANIEL BREWSTERDR RAY Q BREWSTERMR. HAROLD M. BREZDR D GARRON BRIANDR. HARRY BRICKERMRS. EARL C. BRIENMR ROBERT M BRIESCHKEMRS R L BRIGGSMRS ROBERT L BRIGGSMR. LESTER H. BRILLMRS. BERNARD BRINDELLMRS MARION F BRINKERMR ROBERT R BRINKERMRS ROBERT R BRINKEROR ROBERT S BRINKERHOFFMR JOSEPH 0 ERISBEN MISS ROBERTA D. BRISGALLDR EDGAR C BRISTOW IIIMRS. LILLIAN L. BRISTOWMR NORMAN BRITANMR THERMAN P BRITT JRVMR LESTER G BRITTONMRS MARQUER ITTE H BROMR. ROBERT N. BROADUSMR. ERNEST G. BROCKMRS. M. C. BROCKMISS RUTH A BROCKMEIERMR. RICHARD I. BRODMISS L. EMMA BRODBECKMISS CATHERINE M. BRDDERICKMR WILLIAM D BRODERICKMRS WALTER J BRODERSONMRS ARTHUR BRODEYDR BERNARD BRODIEMR ALEX BRODSKYMR. BERNARD D. BRODSKYMISS MILDRED BRODSKYMR ROBERT J BRCDSKYMR GERALD H BRODYMRS JOSEPH I BRODYMRS JOHN S BROEKSMITMR. ABRAHAM BROIDODR J PHILIP BROMBERGMR SAMUEL M BRCMBERGMR. WERNER H. BROMUNDMR GECRGE C BROOKMR FRANCI S J BRGOKE IIIMRS. FREDERICK T. BROOKSMRS HALLIE B BROOKSMRS. MARGARET E. BROOKSMRS MAURINE STAUFFER BROOKSDR ULYSSES S BROOKSDR. JERE E. BROPHYMS ADELINE Q BRORSENMRS HENRY W BROSINMR. NORMAN J. BROSKYMR JACCB BROUWERMRS JACOB BROUWERDR. PAUL J. BROUWERMR S ROBERT BRCWARDR. PAUL V. BROWERDR LUDVIG BROWMANMRS A H BROWNMI SS AMY FRANCES BROWNDR. ARTHUR BROWNMR BRUCE E 8R0WNMR CAREY H BROWNMR CHARLES £ BROWNMRS CHARLES E BROWNOR CHARLES N BROWNMRS CHARLES' N BROWNDR OARRELL Q BROWNDR. OAVID V. L. BROWNMRS DAVID DUNNING BROWNMRS DAVID M BROWNMRS DONALD BROWNMR DONALD A BROWNMRS DONALD A BROWNMISS FRANCES R. BROWNDR. HAROLO Z. BROWNREV IAN F BROWNDR J M FINOLEY BROWNMRS. JACOB S. BROWNMR JAMES W BROWNMRS KARL S BROWNMRS KENNETH S BROWNDR. L. KEITH BROWNLT COL LARRY F BRCWNDR. LEO R. BROWNMRS. LCIS C. BROWNMR MALCOLM BROWNMISS MARTHA A BROWNMISS MARY B. BROWNDR MILTON W BROWNLT COL NOBLE E BROWNMR. OLIVER G. BROWNDR PATRICIA ANN BROWNDR. RALPH L. BROWNMR RAY E BROWNMRS RICHARD M BROWNMR. ROBERT D. BROWNDR. ROBERT H. BROWNMRS ROBERT 8 BROWNMR ROBERT C BRCWNMR ROGER W BROWNDR. STERLING W. .BROWNMRS SYDNEY T BROWNMR TALLON H BROWNMRS. WALTER X. BROWNMRS. WILLIAM F. BROWNMRS E WAYL.E^S BROWNE JRMRS JAMES R BROWNEMRS ALBERT W BROWNELL IIIMR. VERNE W. BROWNELLDR WILLIAM A BRCWNELLDR PRESTON MERCER BROWNING JRMISS ALETA M BROWNLEEDR MICHAEL JAY BRQWNSTEINMRS MICHAEL JAY BROWNSTEINMRS YALE BROZENDR ROBERT R BRUBAKERMR PETER W BRUCEMR THOMAS J BRUDIEMR CHRISTOPHER J BRUELLMISS MARGARET ELLEN BRUELLDR JOHN E BRUGGERREV IRVING K BRUHNMISS ELISE K. BRUMLDR FAYLON M BRUNEMEIERMR WANZER H ERUNNELLEMR CHARLES BRUNNERMR ADOLPH A BRUXMRS EARLE C BRYANMI SS ELIZABETH BRYANMISS SANDRA G. BRYAN16nMR GLENDON E BRYCEMR A EARL BRYSONMI SS NORA E. BUCHMR . JOHN M. BUCHERMR MARK A BUCHHOLZMR. DAVID P. BUCHMUELLERMRS MARGARET V BUCHORNMR. GEORGE H. BUCKMRS. GEORGE W. BUCKMISS MIRIAM G BUCKMISS MARY E BUCKLEYMISS MARY J BUCKLEYMR. IVO W. BUDCEKEMRS. FLORENCE C. BUDENHCLZERDR JAY S BUDINMISS MARY E. BUCKEMR JOHN BUETTNER-JANUSCHMRS JOHN BUETTNER-JANUSCHMR REED L BUFFINGTCNDR. CHARLES J. BUHROWMR WALTER LOUIS BULBICKMR JOHN C BULLEITMR DENISON K BULLENS JRMRS. MARION K. BULLITTMR DALLAS F BULLOCKDR. VERN L. BULLOUGHMR. ROBERT J. BUMCROTDR PAUL L BUNCEMRS. ANN C. BUNCHMI SS MIRIAM L BUNDYMISS HANNAH M. BUNGEMRS. CELIA N. BUNKERDR ROBERT L BUNTINGMRS. DELBERT BUNTMANMR F RONALD 8UOSCICMR. MARVIN D. BURACKDR. MARVIN EURACKMR. ROBERT D. BURAKDR WILLIAM D BURBANCKMR CHARLES E BURBRIDGEMR. MARSHALL D. BURCHMRS. NATHAN L. BURCHMRS. LOUIS F. BURCHWCODDR FRANK A BURDMR. VAN A. BURCMR JAMES B BURDICKDR RAYMOND T BURDICK 'MR C JCHN BURES HMRS C JOHN BURESHMRS DAVID BURFORDDR. ANTCN B. BURGMR RALPH J BURGEMR AARON BURGERMRS. ANN W. BURGERMRS 0 H BURGERMEISTERMR EDWARD W BURGESSMR FRANK K BURGESSMR ROBERT S BURGESSMRS THOMAS C BURGESSMR EDWARD M BURGHLT. COL. NEWTON M. BURGNERMRS PETER F BURIDR ALBIE D BURKEDR FRANK G BURKEMRS FRANK G BURKEMISS LORRAINE G BURKEDR MEAD BURKEMR RICHARD W BURKEMRS SARETTA L K BURKEMR VINCENT J BURKEMRS HERBERT BURKHARTMAJ LEE BORNERDR BRAOFORD BURNETTDR DEIRDRE S BURNETTDR. GEORGE H. BURNETTMISS IRENE E. BURNETTMRS. MARY E. BURNETTMR WELLS D BURNETTEMRS DAVID H BURNSMR GERALD E BURNSMR HUGH A BURNSMR. LESLIE E. BURNSMR MAURICE E BURNSMRS MICHAEL P BURNSDR NORMAN BURNSMRS RICHARD M BURNSDR. ROBERT K. BURNSMR. ROBERT W. BURNSMR RAPHAËL A BURNSTEINMR. GASTON N. BÙRONMISS FAYE E. BURRAGEMISS MARJCRIE F. BURRELLMR CHARLES H BURRILLMISS C MARCIAL BURROUGHSDR GLENN V BURROUGHSMR ROBERT W BURROUGHSMISS VIOLETTE L BURSTATTEMR PHILIP LEE BURSTEINMR JAMES L BURTLEDR DANIEL F BURTONMR JERROLD A BURTONMISS MARTHA E. BURTONMR N TERRY 3URTONMR REGINALD C BURTONMISS HELEN E BUSCHEMR DAVID BUSHMR HARCLD BUSHMI SS VERA R. BUSHINGMR MICHAEL C BUSKMR JCHN H BUSKEYMR. KENT VERNON BUSSEMRS. RUBY BUSSENDR. THOMAS P. BUTCHERMR ARTHUR P BUTLERMRS ARTHUR P BUTLERDR WILLIAM J BUTLERJUDGE WILL IAM P BUTLERMR ROBERT A BUTTERFIELDMR ALLEN V BUTTERWORTHMRS GEORGE A BUTTRICK MISS SARAH A. BUTTSMISS KATHERINE L BUXBAUMMRS EDGAR G ËUZZELLDR. FRANK M. 8YERS JRDR JAMES E BYRDMISS ANNE F BYRNEDR NORMAN E BYSTOLCDR J ALLEN CABANISSMRS. JAMES CABLESMR DANIEL J CABRERAMRS. MARY ANN CABRERAMR CLARENCE L CADEMR ROBERT D CADIEUXMISS REBECCA CADITZDR. SIDNEY M. CADWELLMISS FRANCES E. CADYMRS. L. V. CADYMR J HAROLD CAE SARDR PHILLIP D CAGANMR. ROY E. CAHALLMR JAMES JOSEPH CAHILLMR STEVEN MURCHIE CAHILLDR. GLEN G. CAINMISS H DEVERE CAINMISS MARGARET H CAINMRS FLORENCE B CAIRDMRS JOHN C CALDERMRS GECRGE T CALDWELLMRS. L. CALDWELLDR ROBERT A CALDWELLMRS ROBERT A CALDWELLMR JOHN F CALEFDR. WESLEY C. CALEFMISS JANET E. M. CALKINSMISS GERTRUDE L CALLAHANPRCF JOHN F CALLAHANMRS. RUTH C. CALLAHANMRS JACK B CALLAWAY•MR SAMUEL R CALLAWAYMR. JOHN B. CALLENDERMR. JOHN L. CAL TONMRS LORNE A CAMERGN JRMR DAVID CAMERONMRS FRED CAMERONMRS OLIVER G CAMERONDR . RONDO E. CAMERONDR. PETER S. CAMMARATAMRS M H CAMPDR. N. HARRY CAMP JRMR ALLEN FREDERICK CAMPBELLMRS. COLIN CAMPBELLMR. EDWARD A. CAMPBELLMISS G HELEN CAMPBELLMI SS JUNE H CAMPBELLMRS MABELLE H CAMPBELLDR. MERTON V. CAMPBELLMR ROBERT CAMPBELLMR WILLIAM J CAMPBELL JRDR KENNETH M CAMPIONEMRS. FELICE J. CAMPOSMR MARSHALL V CANADADR GEORGE A CANDELAMR. MICHAEL A. CANNMRS." JOHN B. CANNINGMR. ALVIN N. CANNONMRS CHARIES B CANNONMR GARFIELD S CANRIGHTMR LOUI S E CAPEKMR. HERBERT L. CAPLANDR ROBERT H CAPLANDR SAMUEL M CAPLINDR BRIAN CAPONMR CHARLES CAPOUCH JRMISS EVA B. CAPPETTAMR DANIEL W CAPPSDR. F. HERBERT CAPPSMISS MAYBELLE I CAPRONMR RICHARD E CARBONEDR ROBERT W CARDENDR BRYAN J CARDER SRDR LECNARC CARDONMR. EOWARO R. CAROONEMS KATHRYN H CARDWELLMR JAMES P CAREY IIIDR. RAYMOND G. CAREYMR THOMAS G CAREYMR JCHN A CARLBORG JRMR. DONALD H. CARLISLEMRS ARTHUR C CARLSONMR DAVID E CARLSONDR. HELEN B. CARLSONMR. LEONARD I. CARLSONCAPT MARTIN E CARLSONMR RALPH W CARLSON JRMR RAYMOND WILLIAM CARLSONMR ROBERT M CARLSONMR RODNEY 0 CARLSONMR ROLAND R CARLSONMR. ROLLANO S. CARLSONMRS J VERNON CARNEMR DONALD C CARNERMI SS HELEN A. CARNESDR LEON CARNOVSKYMR FRANK CARPENTERMISS GRACE E. CARPENTERDR. HOYLE D. CARPENTERMISS IRENE M. CARPENTERMRS MAURICE M CARPENTERMRS. MECCA R. CARPENTERMRS. ROBERT D. CARPENTERMR BERNARD F CAPRMR. LAUREL E. CARRMRS LAURENCE H CARRMR ROBERT A CARRMR. ROGER F. CARRMR WALTER. S CARR MR WILBERT L CARRDR. G. HOWARD CARRAGANMRS THOMAS J CARROLLMR. WILLIAM J. CARROLLMRS E BRUCE CARSONMRS A L CARTERMISS EL IZABETH F CARTERMR FRANKLIN I CARTERMISS HARRIET I CARTERDR. M. EILEEN CARTERMRS. STÇFAN A. CARTERDR W ILMOTH A CARTERMRS. THERESA S. CARTERETTEDR. GROVES H. CARTLEDGEMRS. JAMES CARTWRIGHTDR EDWARD H CARUSMR FREDERICK LEONARD CARUSMR RANSCM F CARVERMR LELAND D CASEMISS HELEN L. CASEBIERDR BYRON L CASEY JRCOL JAMES E CASEYMRS MARJORY A CASEYMR THOMAS P CASEYDR JOHN CASHMANMRS. WALTER CASKEYMRS PATRICK A CASOMRS ISABEL W CASSMRS. MARY C. CASS IDYMISS MARGARET C CASTELAZMRS EDWARD C CASTLEMR JCHN R CASTLESMISS RUTH P. CASTLESMRS CHARLINE C CASTORIMR. LESTER G. CATESMISS FERN CATRONMRS. CHARLES E. CATTELLMR PHILIP S CAUCHARDDR. BEVERLEY D. CAUSEYDR. DANIEL J. CAVANAUGHMRS. HARRY E. CAVEMRS EDWARD H CAVINMRS CLARK W CELLDR CHARLES W CENTNER JRMR EDWARD V CERNYDR JOSEPH CHADAMRS ARTHUR CHADBOURNEMISS LETITIA CHAFFEEDR. SAUL W. CHAIKINMR JOHN P CHAMALESDR JAMES W CHAMBERSMRS. OVERTON S. CHAMBERSDR WILLIAM T CHAMBERSDR. ARTHUR L. CHANDLERMISS BARBARA A CHANDLERMRS HENRY P CHANDLERMR. JAMES R. CHANDLERMR KENT CHANDLERMR RICHARC HILL CHANDLERMR THOMAS M CHANDLERMISS MARGARET S. CHANEYOR CHAO-PING CHANGMR KUO-HO CHANGMISS ELSA CHAPINMR JOHN J CHAPINMR WILLIAM A CHAPINMISS MARGARET A. CHAPLANMRS. GLORIA 0. CHAPMANMR LAWRENCE H CHAPMANMRS LESLIE W CHAPMANDR. MYRON G. CHAPMANMISS NADINE SUE CHAPMANMRS R C CHAPMAN JRMRS. RAY 0. CHAPMANMRS. THERON T. CHAPMANMRS. DOROTHY M. CHAPPLEMISS HELEN G CHARLEYMR. ROLF CHARLSTONMR. JOHN J. CHARNOWDR SANDRA B CHASALOWDR HERMAN B CHASEMR. VERNE E. CHATELAINDR YAU PIK CHÀUMR FRANK B CHAUNERDR MELVIN J CHAVINSONMR. JAMES E. CHEEKSMR MIN-SUN CHENMRS MIN-SUN CHENDR PEARL H CHENDR SIMCN K CHENMR. STEPHEN S. CHENMR TAR CHENDR ALBERT G CHENICEKDR JOSEPH A CHENICEKMR ARA A CHERCHIANMRS BYRON CHERKASMRS MARY CHERLINMR MELVIN CHERNOMISS ALTHEA V CHERRYDR. FRANK T. CHERRYMRS GEORGE W CHESSMANDR ROY ARTHUR CHEVILLEDR. JOHN J. CHIAKULASMR EDWARD CHIKOFSKYMR ROBERT L CHILENSKASMR FRANK J CHILESEMRS AMY P C CHINMI SS ROSE M CHIONIMISS CHARLENE CHI SEKMR ROSS CHISMMRS ROSS CHI SMDR JOSEPH F CHITTUMMR. JULIUS R. CHITWOODMR KANG MOY CHIUMRS DEANE CHIVINGTONMR FRANK V CHMIELCWI ECMRS FRANK V CHMIELOWIECMR CHING-FAI CHOMR GARY ALLEN CHOPAKMR ROBERT L CHREIST MR. ARLAND F. CHRIST-JANERDR OTTO H CHRISTENSENMISS EDITH J CHRISTENSONMR. FERDINAND G. CHRISTGAUMISS THERESA CHRISTIANREV GERALD CHRIST IANSONMRS. RONALD J. CHRISTIEMR DONALD J CHRI STLMRS DONALD J CHRISTLMRS. PAUL CHRISTONMISS EDNA L. CHRISTOPHERMR^ THOMAS S CHRISTOPHERMR CHARLES ARTHUR CHRISTYMR DUANE W CHRISTYDR. CHARLES K. CHUMRS A L CHUBBMR MITCHELL CHUKERMANMR STEPHEN R CHUMMERSMR KENNETH C M CHUN-HOONMR. C. HOWARD CHURCHMR CHARLES H CHURCH JRMR. H CCLLYER CHURCH JRMR LEROY F CHURCHMISS BETTY C. CHURCHILLDR JERRY G CHUTKOWMRS MELICENT R CHUTKOWMISS ANNE F. CIERPIKMISS STEPHANIE J. CIERPIKMR JAMES J CIZEKMR CHARLES F CLAASSENDR GEORGE F CLABAUGHMR ROBERT DENNIS CLAESSENSMISS VIVIEN CLAIRMRS HENRY N CLAMANMS INGER CHARLOTTE CLANEYDR WENTWORTH B CLAPHAM JRMR DONALD B CLAPPMRS ROBERT H CLARIDAMRS ASA V CLARKMR AUSTIN N CLARKDR. CLARENCE C. CLARKMR COLEMAN CLARKMRS. DWIGHT E. CLARKMR GEOFFREY ANDERSON CLARKMR JERRY N CLARKMR JOHN M CLARKMRS JCHN M CLARKMRS. LAURENCE M. CLARKMISS LINDA MARIE CLARKMRS. MARGARET C. CLARKMISS MARY JEAN CLARKMR. RICHARD E. CLARKMRS. RICHARD CLARKMR RONALD W CLARKMR. W. EDWARD CLARKMR WARD CHRISTOPHER CLARKMR HOWARD P CLARKEMRS. JAMES C. CLARKEMISS SHERRY LEE CLARKEMR LARRY EDWARD CLARYMR EGON F CLAUERMR BRUCE D CLAUSONTHUEMR. PETER 0. CLAUSSMRS LEAH W CLAWSONREV BEN H CLEAVERDR DALE G CLEAVERMR ALFRED CLEBSCH JRMRS ALFRED CLEBSCH JRMR ARCHIE R CLEGGDR. ROBERT G. CLEMENTDR LEO P CLEMENTSMR WALTER C CLEMENTSMISS FRANCES M CLENDENINGMR ROBERT H CLEWLOWMISS BERNICE J. CLIFFORDMR. RICHARD W. CLIFFORDMR SAMUEL G CLIFFORDMRS JOHN F CLINEMR THEODORE S CLINEMR JAMES E CLINTONCAPT THOMAS F CLINTON JRMR MALCCLM CLISSOLDMR PAUL M CLÏVER JRMRS PAUL M CLIVER JRDR. JOHN B. CLOKEMS ANNABELLE CLONERMRS EDITH W CLOSEMR. ROGER L. CLOUGHMR RICHARD H CLUMDR MARK G COANMRS. E. KENNEDY COBBMR JAMES WILLIAM COBBDR JOHN B COBB JRDR. SUSAN P. COBBSMR ALAN COBHAMMR. GEORGE M. COBRENMR FRANK E COBUN JRMR SEYMOUR K COBURNDR. ELIZABETH COCHRANMRS ARTHUR C CODYMR. PAUL F. COEMISS STELLA M COESFELDDR. ELOISE S. COFERMR GEORGE COFFIN JRMR. HARRY COFFMANMRS WI LLIAM COGBILLMR PETER C COGGESHALL VMR. BARNEY B. COHENDR BENJAMIN B COHENMR ELLIOTT COHENMI SS ESTA L COHENMRS. HYMAN COHENMR KENNETH A COHENMR LAWRENCE B COHENMRS LAWRENCE B COHENMRS LAWRENCE I COHENMR LAWRENCE M COHENMR. MARC ALAN COHENMRS MARTIN A COHENDR. MERRILL COHEN16oMISS MOLLIE S COHENDR MORRIS H COHENMR MORRI S L CCHENMISS MYRTLE COHENMRS RALPH CCHENMR RALPH L CCHENMI SS SARA -BARR COHENDR. WILLIAM P. COHENMRS. MI LTCN J. CCHLERMP BENJAMIN F COHNMRS. ESTHER S. COHNMR. EUGENE R. COHNMRS. EVA M. COHNMRS. IRWIN E. COHNMR MARVIN M COHNDR. MAURICE L. COHNMR RICHARD ALLEN COHNMRS. WILLARD L. COHODASDR WILLIAM CCLBURNMRS FLORENCE H COLBYMRS. GLEN H. COLBYMRS J R CCLBYDR CARL 0 COLDITZMISS EUGENIA COLDWELLDR ÀLLAN B CCLEMRS ALLAN B COLEMR BRUCE M COLETHE REV. ELBERT C. COLEMR GERALD B COLEDR JOHN E COLEMRS JOHN E CCLEDR VERSA V COLEMR. ARNOLD P. COLEMANMR DAVID S COLEMANMR ELSTON C COLEMAN JRDR HAROLD M COLEMANMRS MARVIN H COLEMANMISS MARY E. COLEMANMRS WILLYE A F COLEMANMR RALPH J CCLETTAMR. LARRY COLKERDR ROBERTA R CCLLARDMRS VERA D CCLLARDMISS LOUISE A. COLLEYMISS MYRTIE COLLIERMI SS FLORENCE COLLINSMRS FLORENCE R COLLINSMR. JOHN M. COLLINSMR KINS R COLLINSMRS KINS R COLLINSMR LAURENCE G COLLINSMRS. MARK P. COLLORMR JOSEPH A COLOSIMR CHARLES E COLSON II IDR. DAVID L. COLTONDR. FRANK B. COLTONMAJ. GEN. CECIL E. COMBSMR. NORTON J. COM EMR. JOSEPH L. CCMOMR. JAMES V. COMPTONDR MICHAEL CONANTMRS. ROGER E. CCNDITMISS MARY L. CONDONMR WILLIAM F CCNFRAYMRS. PHILIP CONGINOMRS. FANNE L. CONKLINGMR. JCHN T. CONLEEMRS ARTHUR L CCNNDR ERIC E CONNMRS ERIC E CCNNMR. JOSEPH H. CONNELLMR. JAMES K . CONNELLYMAJ GEN STANLEY W CONNELLYUSAR-RETMR. JAMES C. CCNNERMRS LEORA L CCNNERMR S JOHN S CONNETMR ANDREW H CONNORDR ARTHUR C CCNNORDR DONALD W CONNORMISS ELIZABETH CONNORMI SS IRENE M CCNNORMRS. JOHN CONNORTONDR THEODORE E CONRADMR. LEO M. CONSTANTINCMR ALVIN C CONWAYDR. DWIGHT C. CCNWAYDR PAUL W COOK JRMR ALBERT T T COOK JRDR BARNETT C COOKMR CHARLES H COOKMR DAVID C COOK IIIMRS DAVID N CCCKMISS JANET R COOKDR KENNETH L COOK.MRS PAUL W COOKMR RICHARD F COOKMR WI LLIAM CAVIC COOKMISS ELEANOR COOKEMRS. LELA F. COOKEMR. WI LLI AM J. CCCKEMRS. AUBREY 0. COOKMANMISS HELEN. L. CCCLEYDR CLYDE H CCCMBSMRS CLYCE H COOMBSMRS DCNALC N COOMBSDR. JAMES H. COONDR JESSE B COONMRS JESSF D CCCNMISS RUTH COONMR JOHN Y COUPERMR JOSEF D CCOPERMISS MARJORIE COOPERMRS NORMAN S COOPERDR RUTH E CCOPERMRS SHERMAN 0 COOPERMR' THCMAS LEE CCOPERREV. EDWARD A. CGCPERRIDERREV. JOHN E. COCPERRIDERREV LUTHER H CCCPERRIDER OR. RICHARD C. COOPERSMITHMRS. D. STANLEY CQORSMR HENRY P CCCRSMR ALFRED H COPE.MRS ALFRED H COPEMISS ELIZABETH J COPEMR ARTHUR B COPE L ANDMR JIJL IUS COPFLANDDR. LLEWELLYN E. COPELANDMR WILLIAM D COPELANDMRS. ARMOND COPPÛLADR. RALPH J. CCPPCLAMISS LENORE F. .CORALOR EUGENE C CORBETTMI SS MARY M CORRETTMRS STANLEY M CORBETTMR HARRY F CCRBINMI SS MILDRED CORBINMR W ILLIAM J CORCORANMR RCeERT C CORCEKMRS JOHN CORDES SRMR HEPMAN H COREMR. ROBERT D. COREYMI SS CAROLINE L. CORKEYMR JOHN H CÔRNDR ROBERTA C CORNELIUSMISS SIGNE A CORNELIUSONMR JOHN E CORN ELL JRMI SS HAZEL M CCRNELLMR . WILLIAM A. CORNELLMRS DCRCTHY W CCRNINGMR. ALBERT N. CCRPENINGDR. LOL I R. CORTESIDR ARTHUR F CORWINMR. LAURENCE M. CORWINMRS CHARLES E C0S3YDR JONATHAN LEEDS COSTADR PAUL T COSTA JRMRS STEPHEN CCSTELLOMRS. JAMES B. COSTENDR. WALTER P. COTTAMMRS CLARENCE E COTTERMISS LEXIE L COTTONMISS A LOUISE COTTRELLMR. FRANK S. COTTRELLDR H DICK COUNTRYMANMR L WILLIAM CCUNTRYMANMR GEORGE JOSEPH COUPE JRMR ALFRED H COURT IIIMRS LUCMILLA R COVENMR ROBERT E COVERTMR. GEORGE M. COVINGTONMR CHARLES G COWANMR S CHARLES G COWANDR THEODORE T CDWGILLDR MAY L COWLFSMR. THOMAS COWLEYDR BEVERLY F COXMR CLIFFORD E P COX JRDR RICHARD H COXMRS ROBERT D CCXMR. WILLIAM T. COXMR WILLIAM M COYMRS WILLIAM M COYMR JACK AUSTIN CRABBS JRMISS MAEEL CRABTREEMR. VERNE E. CRACKELMRS. FRANCIS M. CRAGEMRS. RICHARC E. CRAGGMRS ALLAN CRAIGMRS HELEN B CRAIGMR. JCHN R. CRAIGMR. NCFL E. CRAIGDR W L CRAINMISS MARION K. CRAINEMR AMBROSE L CRAM JRMR ROBERT H CRAMERMISS GENE S. CRANCHMR NORMAN CRANDUSMRS JEFFERSON W CRANEMR ROBERT A CRANEMRS ROGER A CRANEMRS. ALFRED G. CRASKEMR GARY A CRAVERMR. COE l. CRAWFORDMR. EDWARC R. CRAWFORDMRS ELISABETH G CRAWFCRDMR . JOHN S. CRAWFORDDR JOSEPH G CREANMR. JOSEPH CREANZADR HERLEF G CREELMRS HERLEF G CREELMISS CAROL RUTH CREWS¦ MR ANDREW B CRICHTONMR. JOHN F. CRIMMINGSMR JOSEPH N CRISC'UOLADR LESTER C CRISMONMR. ALBERT J. CRI STMR. MARVIN C. CRITTENDENMISS ALICE 3 CRCCKERMRS JOHN CRCCKER JRMR LESTER EMANUEL CROCKETTMR EDWIN J CROCKIN.MRS. ALBERT J. CRCFTMR JOHN T CROFTSMRS JCHN T CRCFTSM{ SS MARY C CRONEOR CONSTANCE E CRONINMR GAYLFN W CRCNKMR R08E.RT G CROMSONMR STANLEY CROONQUISTMRS JOHN H CROSSLT COL CLYDE C CROSSWHITEMISS MARTHA E. CROTTSMR JOHN T CROTTYMISS KAREN ANN CROTTYMI SS WANDA M CRCUSEMR JEAN G CROUZETMR. PAUL F. CRCWDERMI SS MARTHA J. CRCWE MRS. DORIS F. CROWLEYMISS ÉILFEN M CROWLEYMR JEROME J CROWLEY JR •MISS MONA M CROWLEYDR FERRI S 8 CRUMMR BEN W CRUMEREV D CLIFFCRD CRUMMEYDR ROBERT C CRUMMEYMRS ROBERT 0 CRUMMEYMR. RCNALD A. CPUTCHFIELDMR. VERLIN W. CURBAGEMRS GEORGE M CUCICHMRS. MARY CUINMR. JAMES B. CULBERTSONMR RICHARC A CULBERTSONMR. MICHAEL M. CULLYMR JOHN F CULP IVMR WARREN A CULPMRS E A CUMMINGSMR WILLIAM W CUMMINGSDR SAMUEL D CUMMINSMR EDWARD J CUNNINGHAMMISS HELEN C CUNNINGHAMMRS. JESSIE C. CUNNINGHAMMR. JONATHAN R. CUNNINGHAMDR. ROBERT S. CUNNINGHAMMR. RONALD S. CUNSOLOMISS MARY K. CUPPMS BARBARA B CURCICMISS DOROTHY CURNOCKDR. JCSEPH M. CURRANDR LLOYD A CURRIEMR CHARLES A CURTISMRS. F. LOWELL CURTISMI SS FRANCES A CURTISMR GEORGE A CURTISDR L SIMINGTCN CURTISMRS LEROY H CURTI S JRMR. EOWIN C. CURT ISSMR CHARLES F CUSTERMRS CHARLES F CUSTERMR. RICHARD H. CUSTERMR PRESTON S CUTLERMRS THOMAS M CUTTMR GORDON CUTTSTHE REV. JOHN W. CYRUSMR WILLIAM A CZAPARDR MARI E C D-AMCURMRS RENE C-HARNONCOURTMR. AL8ERT M. CAB8ERTMR JAMES L DACKDR B E DACEMR JCHN B CAGGETTMR. WOODY DAGNEAUMR ROY A CAHLMR. JCHN N. DAHLEMRS J V DAHLSTROMMR JERRY M DAILYMR CHARLES P DAKEMR HARRIS W DAKEDR MARTHA E DALEMR. PHILIP S. DALEMR. ROBERT V. R. DALENBERGMISS DOROTHY L CALLMANNMR DONALD H DALTONDR MELVILLE DALTONMISS VALERIE F. DALW INMR. EDWARD P. DALYDR. DAVID J . DAMASMRS. BARON R. DANAMRS. MABEL R. N. DANALISDR. HUNG-CHEN DANGMR JAMES W DANIELSMISS MIRIAM N. CANIELSONLT COL WALTER R DANIELSON JRMISS THELMA M. DANILSONMR CLYDE E DANKERTDR KARL H DANNENFELDTMR MOSES DANNENHIRSHDR BUDEY BALDWIN DANSBYDR MINNA HANSEN DANZIGERMR CHARLES F DAOUSTMR JCHN B DARCYMRS ROBERT DARLANDMR. OU ANE D. DARL INGMR FRANK C DARL INGMR. JOSEPH N. DARWEESHMRS GEORGE H DASKAL JRMR MERVIN A DAUBMR FDWARD S DAUBERMISS AILEEN C DAUGHERTYMRS MARION R DAUGHERTYMR. PAUL H. DAUSMRS. JCHN R. OAVENPORTMR GFRSON DAVIDMR. DAVID J. DAVIDSONMR DONALD B DAVIDSONDR HUGH M DAVIDSONDR JAMES F DAVIDSONDR. NORMAN P. CAVIDSONMR BRAOLEY W OAVIESMISS HELEN E DAVIESMR WILLIAM T DAVIESMR M EDWARD DAVIS JRMR ARTHUR H CAV ISMRS ARTHUR H DAVI SMRS. BERNARD G. DAVISMPS CHARLES F DAVISMRS CLYDE W DAVI SMISS ELEANOR A. DAVISMI SS EVE DAVISDR FRED DAVISMR GARY E DAVISMRS. HAROLD A. DAVISMR HAROL D E DAVISMRS. HAYCEN DAVIS mi ss hazel davisdr james e davisdr. john e. davisdr . john h. davismr jchn w davismr. joseph davismiss laurel e. davismrs lawrence c cavismi ss margaret c davi smr paul s davismr ralph davismp s ralph davismr richarc a cavismrs robert r davi smr vepnon e davis.mrs virginia r cavisdr ward b davi smr william w davismiss betsy j. oavisonmr hurford h davi sonmrs hurford h cav isonmr. daniel j. davittmr john p dawkinscol jay p dawleymr george leonard dawsondr john m dawsonmr jchn r dawsonmiss laura a dawsonmr arthur r caymrs. frances p. daymiss marvalene l daythe rev rcbert b daymr william a daymrs betty dayronmr j r de bachermr jose p de guzmanmiss joyce marie ce haanmr hendri k de jcngmr richard w de kortemr. harclc de montfortmrs selenia p de prattsmrs. 3erta c. de rodrigufzmr davic f de rcs amrs. margery de schweinitzmrs. gay f. dealmrs george v dealmiss mary h. dealmiss maedcna deamesdr c ross deanmiss doris a. deanmiss ella r. deanmr. jonathan deanmrs kenneth w deanmr. william tucker deanmr john h deansmrs j albert dear jrthe rev ccrnie a debruinmrs jerome h debsdr edwin j ceccstarev alan s deccurcymrs tillie k decykmrs alicia f m cedediagcmi ss brucya dedinskymiss dorothy deedsmrs george s deedsmr james j deeganmr william c deenmiss gfrtrude a. degenfelderdr richarc l degowinmr edward r degraziadr alfred t degrootmiss ellen dehaandr robert f dehaandr joseph l dehmermrs marion n deiningermi ss mary s deishermr harry g dekkermrs alice s dekovenmrs ben del monacomrs hazle g celagahmiss mary l delanodr. paul s. delaupmr karel w deleeuwdr frances h delislemr. carl dellacciomiss muriel b. cemarsmr kenneth dembmrs morris dembowitzdr. gilbert dementismr. paul a. demkovichmr albert w demmler jrmr. christopher t. demosmr robert d denhammr david s pennismiss mary e-."' dennismr emerson dennymiss fannie e. centonmrs ida b depencierlt col john w dermodydr. james j. deroosdr florence e derooverms brahna r derrmrs grace w cerrmr. cornelius destigtermrs john a detchonmr martin j detmerdr . francis j. detomamfss lcuie oeupreemr victor h deutschmr jean c devaudmr. arthur cevenport iiimr edwin l devilbi ssdr jay samuel devoredr. Daniel a. devriesmrs. p'eter w. devriesmrs. peter cevriesmr. robert a. devriesmr stewart c e dewarmrs allan m oewey jrmr donald j dewey16pDR HENRY A DEW INDDR LOREN T DEWINDMISS JOSEPHINE A. DEYOMR. RUSSELL G. DEYONGMR VINCENT P Dt MASIMRS ROBERT DIAMANTMR DARREL KEITL DIAMONDMR. DAVID J. DIAMONDMRS. ELAINE F. DIAMONDMR. HERBERT DIAMONDMR. JOSEPH M. DIAMONDDR MARTIN DIAMONDMRS. PHILIP H. DIAMONDMR THOMAS OIAMONDSTONEMRS. ROBERT DIBBLEMR. STANLEY Z. DICKERMISS JEANETTE M DICKERSONMISS REPECCA N CICKERSCNMRS WILLARD P DICKERSONMR DEAN R CICKEYMISS ISABELLA H DICKEYMRS. MARION DICKEYMR ARTHUR T CICKINSONMRS ARTHUR T DICKINSONMR. JOSEPH M. DICKSONMISS NAN DICKSCNMR FREDERICK 0 DICUSMISS MARY E DIEDERICHMR. CHARLES I. CIEHLMR LEON E DIETSCHWEILERMRS JESS C DIETZMR JOSEPH J DIFIGLIODR CLYDE R DILLARDMR EDWARD B CILLMANNMI SS FRANCES H DILLONMRS JUOITH C DILLONLT COL G H DIMON JRDR ISRAËL A DINERMANMR RICHARD G DINNINGMRS GERALDINE M DIOR 10MI SS JOSEPHINE DI PAOLAMRS SHARON BROOKS DIRAGOMR JOSEPH P DIRUSCIOMR ISRAËL DISSENMR HAROLD E DITTMERDR NATHAN J DIVINSKYMRS PORTER E DIXMR JEROME F DIXON JRMISS HELEN A. DIXONMRS. HELEN F. DIXONDR HELEN DIXCNMR LOWELL C DOAKMRS LOWELL C DOAKDR. FRANK W. DOBBSMR SLOBODAN DOBRILOVICMR BERNARD R DOBRINMR HENRY B DOBSONDR Z P DOBYNSMR. STANLEY P. DODDMISS ALICE C. DODGEDR DAVID C DODGE IIMISS JULIA A DODGEMR LECNARD W DODSONDR. PAUL C. DOEHRINGMRS W BEAUFORT DOGGETTMR CHARLES V DOHERTYMISS IRMA DOHRMANNDR JAMES I DOIMR RCBERT J DOLANMRS BELLA R DOLINKOMRS. FRANK R. DOLLMR. JAMES I. DOLLIVERMRS CHARLES DOMANMR ROBERT F DONAHUEMISS ALICE A DONALDSCNMRS RUTH R DONATOMR. MARK E. DONCHINDR. JACK P. DOMSMR JOHN D DONLEVYMISS CHARLOTTE C DÛNNELLMR ROBERT J DONNELLANMR DAVID M DONNELLYMR FREDERICK J CONNELLYLT COL WILLIAM J DONOHUE JRMISS MARY J. DGNOUGHMR ROBERT A DONCVANMR. THOMAS A. DONOVANMR LEONARC W DOOLAN IIIMRS JOHN C DCOLITTLEMR PHILIP C DOOLITTLEMRS. P. DCPPELTDR ERL DORDALMR. ARTHUR I. DORDEKMR. IRA DCRFMANDR. ERNEST A. DORKODR SANFORC M DORNBUSCHMISS JEAN A DORRELMRS. RONALD DORRI SMR. HARRY N. DORSEYMRS GLADYS D DOTTSOR. ROBERT W. DOTYMRS JUDITH J DOUGHERTYDR RALPH C DOUGHERTYMRS ROBERT A DOUGHERTYMISS CLARA J DOUGLASMI SS MARION R. DOUGLASSMR AVRON DOUGLISDR. JOHN DOULLMRS. FLOYD R. DOWELLMR. JAMES I. CCWIEMRS JOE DCWLINGMR W ILLIAM L DOWL INGMRS. ANN C. COWNEYCOL. CURRIE S. DOWNIEDR. M. ELIZABETH DOWNINGMR RICHARD E DCWNINGMRS EUGENE L DOWNSDR ALAN K DCWTYDR BERTRAM W DCYLEMP. JAMES E. DOYLE MISS ELDA P. DRAHEIMMRS EVELYN S DRAKEMR G BRYANT DRAKEDR L ALAN DRAKEDR BENJAM*IN DRAPERMR WALTER J DRAUS JRMR. JOHN S. DRAYNAOR HERMAN DREERMR LEWIS E DREHMANNMRS. MARTIN T. DREISBACHMISS ALICE R DRELLMRS. GENE DRESSELHAUSDR DAVID M DRESSLERMRS DAVID M DRESSLERMR. WILLIAM H. DRESSLERMR JAMES B DREWMRS JAMES B DREWMRS. MAURICE M. DREYFUSMR. ALBERT W. DR I GOTMR STANLEY W DRIGCTDR GENEVA DRINKWATERMR. PHILIP M. DRIPPSMISS THELMA E. DRISCOLLMRS. HANS P. DROBECKDR MIGUEL OROBINSKYMRS MIGUEL DROBINSKYCAPT ROGER H DRUEMRS DOROTHY M DRUKERMRS GLENDA L DRUYANDR ROBERT DRUYANMRS SHIRLEY DRYMR. CHARLES L. CRYDENMRS JANE B DU BOISMRS WILL DUDGEONMR LEONARD J DUDZIKDR DAVID R DUFFELLMR. DONALD D. DUFFEYDR JOSEPH M DUFFY JRMRS. DONALD DUFTMR DONALD M DUKEMR. JOHN T. DULANEYMRS. E. H. DUNAVINMISS AGNES OUNAWAYMRS DAVID R L DUNCANDR. FRANCIS DUNCANMRS. HUGH D. DUNCANMR STANLEY F DUNCANMR THEODORE R DUNCANMR MICHAEL JCHN DUNDONDR CHARLES L DUNHAMDR LUCIA J DUNHAMMR. CHARLES A. OUNKELMR FRANK D DUNKELMRS. CHARLES E. DUNLAPDR THOMAS A DUNLEAMRS HELEN K DUNNMAJ. NCRWOOD C. DUNNMISS PHYLLT S J. DUNNEMRS CHARLES DUNPHYMISS JESSAMINE M DURANTEMRS MILTON L DURCHSLAG .DR ARTHUR E CURFEEMR ROBERT A DURFEE JRMISS CLAUDIA M. DURHAMMR. EARL LAWRENCE DURHAMMRS FRANK J DUSAKMR. SEYMOUR H. DUSSMANMISS MARGARET A DUSTONMRS. ELIZABETH F. DUTCHERMR ROGER PAUL DVORAKDR HARRY S DWECKMRS GERTRUDE B DWORK INMRS E D DWOSKINMR. JOHN F. DWYERMR JOHN MICHAEL DWYERMR GEORGE B OYGERT JRMR EDWIN A DYGERTMISS MARILYN DYKEMAMI SS MATTIE M. DYKESDR GEORGE DYKHUIZENMR. MORRIS G. DYNEREmr Douglas g eadiemr. william j. eadiemp. rcbert c. eadsmr james c eamonmr robert i eastmrs wi lliam e eastmr holton c eastermiss mary a. easterbrookmr. robert l. eastcnmrs thomas a eastonmr. william s. eastonmr edwin h eaton jrmrs norman 8 eatonmrs elizabeth d eberhardmrs. charles w. ebersdr elmer ebertmr. henry h. ebiharamr paul j ebledr thomas g erreymi ss anne s echolsmr jon arthur eckertmr clifton j ecklundmrs clifton j ecklundmiss niki e eccnomoumrs. lloyd g. eddinsmr r03ert l eddymiss deborah a. ecelmr. bernard l. edelmanmr. dav id m. edgarmr gary richarc edidinmrs edith b edingtonmr. howarc w. edmundsmrs 3enner edwardsmr charles a edwards MISS ELIZABETH EDWARDSMR JOHN F EDWARDSMR. LEONARD M. EDWARDSMR LEONARC P EDWARDS IIIMI SS MARY E EDWARDSMISS NINA M EDWARDSMRS P A EDWARDSMR JOHN ROBERT EFFINGER JRMR FRANCIS L EGAN JRDR DOUGLAS A EGGENDR JAMES M EGL INMR MARVIN W EHLERSMR GEORGE EHNEBOMMRS ROGER W EHRICHMR. HEYWARD B. EHRLICHMR SHERWYN L EHRLICHMRS 8URR S EICHELMAN JRMRS. VICTOR EICHENBAUMMR THEODORE F EICHSTAEDTDR DALE FLOYD EICKELMANMISS GABRIELLA M EICKHOFFDR. BENEDICT S. EINARSONMR WILLIAM F EINBECKERDR ELIZABETH EISELENDR CHARLES EISEMANMRS FERDINAND EISEMANMRS. SHARON L. EISEMANMISS SARA Z. EISENMR DAVID B EISENBERGMRS MELVIN EISENBERGMR DAVID B EISENDRATH JRMRS WERNER EISENSTAEDTMRS. HAROLD L. EISENSTEINMR DANIEL M El SLERDR DIANE B EISMANDR EUGENE EISMANMI SS MARION E EISNORDR JAMES R EISZNERDR ABRAHAM C EITZENTHE REV EMMET E EKLUNDDR. DANIEL J. ELAZARMI SS GENE S ELBINGERMISS JEANNETTE M. ELDERMISS MARY L. ELDERMRS. THOMAS ELOREDMRS SELMA B ELGUTTERMR ALBERT ELIASMR DONALD C ELIFSONMR. NCRMAN ELKINCHAP EDWARD ELLENBOGENMR MILTON Q ELLENBYMRS MYRON S ELLINMRS HELEN ELLINGHOUSEMISS ANITA M ELLINGSONMISS CHARLOTTE G. ELLINWOODMR WILLIAM H ELLIOTMRS. ARTHUR E. ELL IOTTMR ARTHUR E ELLIOTTMP FRANCIS F ELLIOTTMR JESSE D ELLIOTTMR JOHN B ELLIOTTMRS J-OHN B ELLIOTTMRS. W. E. ELLIOTTMISS ALICE C. ELLISMISS CHARLOTTE ELLISMR DAVID W ELLISMISS EFFIE G W ELLISMR MURRAY ELLISMR URCHIE B ELLISMRS. BRAD S. ELLISONMR GILBERT P ELLITHORPEMR RALPH E ELLSDR. P. BLAIR ELLSWORTHDR ARTHUR S ELSTEINMRS ARTHUR S ELSTEINMR LEWIS ELSTONMRS. JAMES K. ELYMR. ROGER M. EMANUELMRS. MARY C. EMANUELSONMISS DOROTHY M. EMERICKMR ROBERT D EMERMANMRS JOHN T EMERSONMRS HILDA L EMERYDR. WALTER EMMERICHMI SS LUCILE EMMONSMISS RUTH P. EMORYMR CLARENCE W EMSHOFFDR MARY P ENDRESMISS EVELYN G. ENDRIZMR JOHN D ENDRIZDP DANIEL M ENERSONMRS ALBERT MING ENGMRS RICHARD ENGDAHLDR BARNEY M ENGELMRS. E. KENNETH ENGELMR JOSEPH ELLICT ENGELDR HELMUT M ENGELMANNMRS MAX E ENGERMANMRS WILLIAM H ENGLANOERCAPT RAYMOND E ENGLEDR CARL ENGLEBARDTMR DONALD B ENGLEYMR JOHN P ENGLISH I IMR CHARLES H ENGLISHMR H ROWLAND ENGLtSHMRS. CARL R. ENGLUNDMR. J. ERIC ENGSTROMMISS RUTH E ENLOWMR WILLIAM H ENNISMR DUDLEY C ENOSMR. ROSS E. ENSMINGERMR JAMES S ENTRINGERMR HENRY D EPHRONMRS HENRY D EPHRONDR PAUL HULLMAN EPHRCSSMRS PAUL HULLMAN EPHROSSMRS JAMES F EPPENSTEINDR FLIAS L EPSTEINMRS ERWIN H EPSTEINMISS GAIL M EPSTEIN MRS JANE C EPSTEINMRS. MORTON B. EPSTEINMRS. PHYLLIS S. EPSTEINMRS PATRICIA F ERBNSMR HERBERT J ERFURTHMR. CARL C. ERICKSONMR. CLIFFORD G. ERICKSONMRS. GUSTAVE A. ERICKSCNMR. LEONARD W. ERICKSONMISS VERA E ERICKSONMR VICTCR ERICKSONMR VINCENT W ERICKSONMR WARREN H ERICKSONDR. S. BERNHARD ERLINGMR. JOSEPH E. ERNSTEENMP ARTHUR ERNSTEINDR JAMES W ERRANTMISS DOROTHY E. ERSK INEDR. MERTON W. ERTELLMR. THOMAS E. ERTLMRS STANLEY J ERVINMR DAVID B ESKINDMR ROBERT W ESKRIDGEDR LEONARC J ESLICKDR MORRIS E E SONMRS MORRIS E ESONMR WILLIAM J ESSIGMRS. THURLOW G. ESSINGTONMR WILLIAM B ESSONDR JAMES A ESTERLYMISS EMILY B. ESTOWMR FRANCI S H ETEROVICHMR JOHN L ETTERMR. RALPH B. ETTL INGERDR CLYTEE P EVANSCR. DORIS A. EVANSMRS. DOROTHY M. EVANSMISS EDITH EVANSMRS GERALC H EVANSMR. JOHN EVANSDR JOHN S EVANSMR MICHAEL C EVANSMR. RANDALL H. EVANSMR THOMAS W EVANSDR. W. VINCENT EVANSDR ARTHUR W EVEOR. BARTON M. EVELETHDR. ROBERT E. EVENSONMRS FOL SON EVERERTDR HARRY S EVERETTMR. JAMES A. EVERETTDR. MILLARD S. EVERETTDR. GALEN W. EWINGMR JAMES JOYCE EWINGMRS. MARGARET F. EWINGMR. ALAN B. ÉXELRCDMR EUGENE EXMÀNFMS MARION FACINGERMRS HENRY C FAETHMI-SS IRENE FAGINDR THOMAS F FAGLEYMRS. MICHAEL FAINDR JOSEPH FAINBERGMRS JOSEPH FAINBERGMRS. ARTHUR B. FAIRBANKDR ROBERT D FAIRCHILOMISS ROBERTA A FAIRCHILDMISS VIOLET FAIRCHILDMISS MARGAR&TA A FAISSLERMISS EDITH L FAITHORNMR MAX FAJNMR JOHN R FALBY JRMRS R L F AL ESMR PAUL FALICKMRS GEORGE R FALKMR. RUDOLPH A. FALLERMR CARLTON M FALLERTMR. EUGENE F. FAMAMR JAMES R FANCHERMR. ALAN J. FARBERMRS SEYMOUR FARBERDR. ELLSWORTH FARISMRS THELMA N FARISONMR FRANK C FAR ISSMISS GRACE T. FARJEONMR LUCIEN L FARKASMISS MARJORIE M. FARLEYMR. WARD FARNSWORTHMR. FLOYD E. FARQUEARDR ROBIN H FARQUHARMISS MABELLE V FARRDR RICHARD S FARRMRS ALICE F FARRARDR JOHN A FARRELLMR VICTOR M FARRELLMRS THOMAS E FARROWMR HAROLD F FARWELL JRMRS EDWARC P FARWELLDR. GEORGE W. FARWELLMR. RICHARD W. FARWELLMR. GUY K. FASIGMI SS LOUISE B FASSLERMR EDWIN J FASTERDR GECRGE H FATHAUERMR. JAMES R. FAULSTICHDR. MARTIN L. FAUSTDR. VOLEY E. FAWMR LEE C FAWCETTMR MARK FAWCETTMR. JAMES P. FAYMISS MARJORIE J FAYMRS. ROBERT E. FFAGANSMR TERENCE FEALEYMR RALPH B FEARINGMR JAMES ERNEST FEARN JRMRS. W. ROSS FEARONMR W ILFRED FECKLERDR SARA FEDER-KEYFITZMR ARTHUR FEFFERMANMISS VIRGINIA FEHRDR. DON E. FEHRENBACHERMRS MIRIAM C FEIGELSONMR JCHN W FEIGHTNERMRS. ERIC 0. FEIGLMR. JOHN J. FEILERMRS EDWARC M FEIMANMISS SHARON B FEIMANDR ALFRED L FEINMR ELIHU H FEINMR MAX L FEINBERGMRS MAX L FEINBERGMRS RONALD M FEINBERGMRS WILLIAM FEINSTEINMRS KARL FEISMR ALAN H FÉIVESCNMR BRUCE S FELDACKERMRS AARON FELDMANMR ALLAN ROY FELDMANMR HAROLO W FELDMANMRS JEROME FELDMANMISS JUDITH F. FELDMANMISS MARY M. FELDMANMRS THELMA F FELDMANMISS PATRICIA E FELDSIENMRS HAROLD FELDSTEINMR PAUL J FELDSTEINMRS. GAIL P. FELSMRS AARON FELS INGMR MARCUS K FELSONMISS PEARL FELTENSTEINMR ROBERT E FELTESDR FREDRIK G FELTHAMMISS NORDICA FENNEMANMRS ERWIN W FENZAUMR MAX FERBERMR RICHARD HENRY FERENCEDR A GORDON FERGUSONMR DWIGHT H FERGUSONMR J RCBERT FERGUSON JRDR JAMES M FERGUSONMR. JOHN H. FERGUSONDR LLCYD A FERGUSONMRS MAE SAKAMOTO FERGUSONMRS. MARJORIE F. FERGUSONMRS GEORGE L FERNANDEZMR DONALD G FERNSTROMDR LOUIS V FERRARAMR BENJAMIN FERREIRAMRS BETTY FERRISMR CHARLES W FERRIS JRMR LARRY G FERRISMRS E A FESSENDENMRS RAYMOND C FETTERLEYMR CECIL R FETTERSMR WALLACE FEURZEIGMRS WALLACE FEURZEIGMR. ERNEST J. FEYMR. KAREL F. FICEKMR HERBERT J FICKMISS CHARLOTTE E FIECHTERMRS BERNARD H FIEDLERDR FRED E FIEDLERMRS JUDITH JOSEPH FIEDLERMR. CARL J. FIELDMRS HENRY F FIELDDR W ILL IAM J FIELDERMRS CHARLES FIELDSDR HOWARD L FIELDSMRS. MELVIN FIELDSMR THEODORE FIELDSMR WILLIAM JOHN FIENUPMISS MELITA T FIGUEROAMI SS ELAINE J. FILA'OR. ALLAN A. FILEKMRS. CHARLES FILIPPIMR WILLIAM L FILLOR JOHN V FINCHMR JAN H FI NDERMR ISADORE J FINEMR RICHARC I FINEDR. IRA FINEGOLDMRS OLGA FINEMANDR. HARRY FINESTONEMRS JUNE K FINFERMR WENDELL H FINKBEINERMR JCHN D FINLEYMI SS GLADYS L FINNSISTER MARY JEREMY F INNEGANMRS. WALDC M/ FINNELLMR ROLAND A FINSTONMRS EDWIN I FIRESTONEMR ROSS F FIRESTONEMR ROBERT G FISCHMISS MARICN A FISCHERDR. PETER B. FISCHERMRS PETER W FISCHERMR RAYMOND C FISCHERMR STANLEY THOMAS FISCHERMR. WALTER M. 0. FISCHERMR H Y FI SHMR STANLEY K FISHMR ROBERT E FISHBACKDR WOODSON W F ISHBACKDR. CHARL ES W. FISHELDR GRANVILLE FISHERDR. LAWRENCE F ISHERMRS LESTER E FISHERDR MARGARET T FISHERMRS. MARY L . F ISHERMISS OLIVE M. FISHERDR. SAMSON FISHERMISS SOPHIE E. FISHERMR WARD P FISHERMRS ALEXANDER FISHMANMR ERIC FISHMANMR SHERMAN S FISHMAN MR DUNCAN M FITCHETMR JAMES H FITZBUTLER JRMR. JOSEPH J. FITZGERALDMISS LORETTA J. FITZGERALDMISS MARILYN J. FITZGERALDMISS MAUREEN FITZGERALDMISS ROBBIE L FITZGERALDDR. J. PAUL FITZGIBBCNMISS EILEEN FITZSIMONSMR. MATTHEW A. FITZSIMONSMISS RUTH E. FIZDALEMRS HANNAH F FLACKMR REUBEN S FLACKSMR. GEORGE J. FLANAGANMR. ROBERT J. FLANAGANMRS I JERCME FLANCEDR THOMAS W FLATTERYMR JAMES H FLAUGHERMR HARVEY M FLAUMENHAFTMR. DENNIS J. FLEMINGMISS EDITH M. FLEMINGDR JAMES F FLEMINGMR. RUDC FLEMINGMI SS MARY H FLETCHERMISS SHIRLEY A. FLINTMISS EUMCE V FLOCKDR. NESTOR W. FLODINMRS. ROY D. FLOODMRS FREC FLORENCEDR ROBERT T FLORENCEMR. JAMES M. FLORSHEIMMRS. LILLIAN H. FLORSHEIMMRS. VIRGINIA F. FLORYMR DENNIS M FLYNNMI SS MARY K FLYNNDR MYRON J FOGDEMRS STANLEY FOGEDMR. DARRYL M. FOHRMANDR. DONALD L. FOLEYMRS JOHN FOLEYMR MICHAEL JAMES FOLKMRS MICHAEL JAMES FOLKMR DAVID C FOLLMERMRS FRANK I. FONAROFFMR DUNCAN A G FOOTMANMRS DUNCAN A G FOOTMANDR MAX FORBESDR BLISS FORBUSHMRS ALEXANDRA MCNICOL FORDMR DONACD D FORDMR. WILLIAM L. FOREMAN JRMR KENNETH R FORESMANREV. J. 0. FORESTMRS. HENRY D. FORMANMRS. MARIE F. FORMANMRS MIRIAM A FORMANDR WILLIAM D FCRNEYMRS DAVID G R FORRESTMR WILLIAM R FORRESTERMR VERNON W FORSMANMR FRANK E FORSYTHEMR DANIEL M FORTMR FRED FORTESSMR JAMES OONALD FORT 1ERDR. ROBERTO F. FORTUNCMR JOHN FORWALTERDR H SCHUYLER FOSTER JRMRS LUTHER H FCSTER JRMR JAMES E FOSTERDR JEANNETTE H FOSTERMR JOHN 8ERNARD FOSTERMR JOSEPH G FOSTERMISS NANCY L FCSTERDR NORMAN G FOSTERDR. PHILIP J. FCSTERMR. WILLIAM L. FCSTERDR DAVID C FOWLERDR EARLE B FCWLERMR WILLIAM J FCWLERMR. ALLAN 8. FOXMR DAVID W FOXMI SS ETHA B. FOXMR. EVERETT V. FOXMR GOULD FOXMISS JEANNETTE FOXDR MARVIN FOXDR RUTH FOXDR W INSLOW G FOXMR FRED FRAGNERMR DAVID MERRILL FRAMEDR BYRON J FRANCI SMRS RCBERT W FRANCKEMRS A RICHARD FRANKMR BERNARD FRANKMR HASKEL S FRANKMRS. HERBERT L. FRANKMRS JAY T FRANKMRS. JEROME N. FRANKMR JOSEPH W FRANKMR. PAUL C. FRANKMR RICHARD WAYNE FRANKDR RONALD E FRANKMRS SYDNEY J FRANKMRS GORDON L FRANKEMRS ROBERT B FRANKEMISS IRENE FRANKELMR. ALFRED V. FRANKENSTEINMRS RENATE G FRANKENSTEINMRS GLADYS S FRANKLINMR. WILL IAM G. FRANKLINMISS CONSTANCE FRASERPROF. LIONEL B. FRASERMR RONALD FRAZEEMR WILLIAM H FRAZERDR ROBERT G FRAZIERDR. DUKE FREDERICKMRS. ELIZABETH FREDERICKMR. ALAN P. FREDERICK SONLT COL CHARLES L FREDERIKSENMRS. WALTER H. FREORICKS MISS ADELE L FREDRICKSONMR WILLIAM H FREDRICKSON JRMR BRUCE F FREEDMRS. FRANK FREEDMR MARTIN JAY FREEDMRS MERRILL A FREEDMRS BERNARD B FREEDMANDR. MILTCN FREEDMANDR R HARRISON FREEDMANDR. RONALC FREEDMANMR HERBERT S FREEHLINGDR LESLIE G FREEMAN JRMR CASTLE W FREEMANMRS CASTLE W FREEMANMRS HARVEY FREEMANMRS NELDA S FREEMANMR. RICHARD A. FREEMANMRS. CHARLES J. FREERICKSDR ELIOT L FREIDSONDR DAVID M FREIFELDERMR. AUGUST FRENCHMI SS CARRIE I. FRENCHMR FLOYD FRENCHDR HARRY T FRENCHMR RICHARD A FRENCHMR. SIDNEY J . FRENCHMR. WAYNE W. FRENIERDR MARCEL FRENKELMR EVAN EGBERT FREUNDMRS. ESTHER H. FREYMISS ADELE M FRICKEMR. ALECK FRIEDDR JULIUS L FRIEDDR. MARTIN B. FRIEDMR SEYMOUR N FRIEDMRS GERRI W FRIEDBERGMR JOSEPH F FRIEDHEIMMRS. PINGREE M. FRIECINBERGDR. BERTHOLD C. FRIEDLMRS NATHAN 8 FRIEDL08MR. ARTHUR W. FRIEDMANDR ARTHUR FRIEDMANDR GARY D FRIEDMANMRS GARY D FRIEDMANDR. HAROLD L. FRIEDMANMRS HAROLD FRIEDMANDR JACK P FRIEDMANDR LEONARD R FRIEDMANMR MAX FRIEDMANDR MORRIS S FRIEDMANMR. MORTON J. FRIEDMANMR NORMAN B FRIEDMANMRS NORMAN B FRIEDMANMR RICHARD F FRIEDMANMR WILLIAM H FRIEDMANMR HERBERT C FRIEDMANNMR RALPH JOHN FRIEDMANN JRMR EPHRAIM HAUSLER FRIEDRICHMR EDWARD A FRIENDMR. PAUL C. FRIENDMISS HELEN HILLER FRINKRAB8I LOUIS FRISHMANMISS PHYLLIS L FR ISTOEMR WALLACE H FRISTOEMISS ADELAÏDE M FRITZMR EDWARD C FRITZMR JOHN MERWIN FRITZMRS FRANCIS J FROEHLICHMR CHRISTIAN H FROEMKE JRMRS. ABEL FROMANMISS CONSTANCE COR INNA FRONKMRS RCGFR R FROSSMR NORBERT FRUEHAUFMR. THEODORE E. FRUEHLINGMR. ARTHUR M. FRUTKINDR FRANCIS 0 FRYMR JOHN S FRYMRS JOHN S FRYMR FLOYD N FRYDENDR WILLIAM E FRYEMI SS GRACE E. FRYSINGERDR. FRITIOF M. FRYXELLDR. ROBERT E. FRYXELLOR. LO-SHU FUMR LOUIS H FUCHS JRMR. CLINTON P. FUELLINGMR JIMMY S FUERSTMISS DOROTHY FUHRMANDR STEPHEN V FULKERSCNMR F TIMOTHY FULLERMRS. JCHN B. FULLERMRS JEAN B FULTONMR HARRY T FULTZMRS MARGARET S FUNKMR HAROLD J FUNKHOUSERMISS WINIFRED A FUNSTONMRS. IRENE G. FUNTMR KEN R FURSTMR. BARRY W. FURZEDR HERMAN H FUSSLERMISS AL ICE G. FUZYDR AL8ERT J FYFEDR . JAMES A. FYFEGMRS. GECRGE F. GAALMR SYDNEY GAAROERDR RICHARC W GABLEMR. LECNARD W. GACKIMRS MERRILL E GADDISMR JAMES R GAEBETHE REV. ERWIN A. GAEDEMRS. HERBERT GAETJENSMISS IRENE GAGAOUDAKIDR LEONARD PATRICK GAGEMR LOUIS J GAGLIANOMRS. THCMAS W. GAGNONMRS. WILLIAM E. GAINER MR GERALD D GAINSMR HENRY MARTIN GAJEWSKlMR FILLMORE W GALATYMRS JAMES 8 GALBRAITHMR JOSEPH C GALEMRS LEO GALEMR RICHARC F GALEMRS S B GALEYMR LOUIS M GALIEMR CHARLES J GALLAGHERMR. GERALD R. GALLAGHER JR-MRS. LOIS W. GALLAGHER'MRS. LUCILE N. GALLAGHERDR BERNARCA GALLERMRS BERNARD A GALLERMRS. WILLIAM GALLERMR WARD E GAMBLEMISS RUTH GAMERTSFELOERMR. JOHN M. GANCYDR SAMUEL L GANDYMR HAROLD L GANOMRS. BENJAMIN GANSMRS. L. S. GANSMRS HOWARD I GANSERDR. RALPH V. GANSERMISS HENDRENE GANSEVOORTMISS EVELYN R. GARBEMRS. HARRY GARBERMR SAMUEL B GARBERMR BENJAMIN B GARBOWMR BURTON S GARBOWMR RICHARD L GARCIADR B DELWCRTH GARDNERMISS M LUELLA GARDNERMR WILLIAM JAMES GARDNERMR. ROBERT T. GARENDR JOSEPH M GARFIELDDR HERBERT GARFINKELDR CARMELO GARIANCMR CYRIL GARLANDMRS. LEO C. GARLIEBMR ROBERT EDWARD GARLITZMR EMILE J GARNEAUMR MARION W GARNETTMR GILES W GARRETTMR FRANCISCOGARRIGA-RCDRIGUEZMRS. LLOYD J. GARRISONMR. ROBERT T. GARRITYMR EDWARD C GARSTMR WAYNE P GASPERDR. GEORGE W. GASSERMR DAVID WESLEY GASTMR ELMER C GASTMR. CHARLES E. GASTEYERMISS EDNA H GASTEYERMRS MARY C GASTEYERMRS JOHN GASTON SRMRS ESTHER H GATEWOODMR RCGER B GATEWOODMR VAN R GATHANYMISS CECELIA C. GAULMRS ARCHIBALD GAULCCHERMR. EDGAR H. GAULTMRS. JCHN M. GAULTMR JOHN M GAULTMISS STELLA P. GAVRILAVICZMRS AMY M GAYDR. NED L. GAYLINMR JOHN MICHAEL GAYNORDR ARTHUR I GEFFENMRS. S. W. GEHRDR RALPH D GEHRKEMI SS BEATRICE J GEIGERMR C GREGG GEIGERMRS C GREGG GEIGERMISS KATHERINE M. GEIGERMR. HENRY G. GEILENMRS. MARIAN GEISMR NORMAN W GEISMR FREDERICK W GEISSINGERMRS. LUCILE B. GELDERTMRS FRED T GELLETTMRS HERMAN GENDELMR MARTIN B GENDELLMR JACQUES R GENDREAUMR LOUIS GENÉSENMR ANDREW C GENOR IIIMRS WALTER J GENSLERMRS GREGOP J GENTLEMANMRS JANE F GENTLEMANDR GEORGE V GENTRYMR LEONARC L GENUNGMR RAYMOND E GEORGE JRMR THOMAS/P GEORGEMR CARL E'VGEPP INGERMI SS JULIANA GERANMR PASCAL A GERARDMR. THCMAS H. GERARDDR LANE A GERBERDR WILLIAM P GERBERDINGMR GORDON H GERDTMRS. ASHER GERECHTGEN JOHN K GERHARTMISS MAI-LIIS KRISTHNAc GERINGMISS JAMIE WALLACE GERMANMRS JEREMIAH J GERMANDR A YALE GERCLMRS LAWRENCE GERR INGDR SOL D GERSHONMR NOËL B GERSONDR MURRAY GERSTENHABERDP. PHILLIP E. GERTLERMRS DOROTHY G GERWINMRS. ROBERT D GERWINMI SS JANET GESCHWI.NDMR ALVIN J GESKEMR JULIAN A GESTRINMRS JULIAN A GESTRINMRS PHIL IP W GETTS16rDR. HARRY T. GETTYMR JAMES E GETZMR BYRON M GETZOFFDR KEVIN GREENE GEYERMRS. JUDITH S. GEZONMR. WALTER M. GIBBMRS JOSEPH GIBBONSMR JOSEPH J GIBBONSMR. JOSEPH H. GI8BSMR. RAYMOND L. GIBBSMISS BEATRICE A GIBSONREV. BOYD GIBSONMISS ETTA GIBSONMR ROBERT N GIBSONMR ROBERT WILLIAM GIBSONDR WILLIAM M GIBSONMR. CYRUS V. GIDDINGSMR WALLACE R GIEDTDR WALTER C GIERSBACHMR CARL W GIESSELMR. RICHARD D. GIFFORDDR WILLIAM H GILBERT JRMRS WI LLIAM H GILBERT JRMR ANTHONY C GILBERTMR EDWARC G GILBERTMR. HORACE S. GILBERTMR JOHN H GILBERT JRMISS LAURA M. GILBERTDR. ROBERT A. GILBERTMISS ROSALIND GILESMR BRADFORD GILLMRS. ELIZABETH 0. GILLMISS GERTRUDE GILLMISS JOCELYN R. GILLMISS LUCILE GILLESPIEMR. DARWIN L. GILLETT IVMR. CHARLES E. GILLETTEMR RICHARC H GILLEYMR WILLIAM B GILLIES IIIDR H VIRGINIA GILLILANDMR. ANDREW RONALD GILL INMR RICHARC E GILLOCKDR GLENN W GILMANMRS DAVID E GILSINNMR SALVADOR GINERMR. LEONARD G. GINGERDR F WILBUR GINGRICHMR STEFAN J GINILEWICZMR FRANK H GINNDR. BERNARD GINSBERGDR. DAVID J. GINSBERGMRS MAURICE J GINSBERGMR. GILBERT J. GINSBURGMR JACOB GINSBURGMRS. JACOB GINSBURGDR NORMAN M GINSBURGDR ROBERT N GINSBURGMR. GEORGE B. GIRTONMISS GRACE I GISHMRS. ALICE L. GITTELSONMISS CLIVE J. GJERSTADMISS MARY LOUISE GLADISHDR ROBERT W GLADISHDR GERALD A GLADSTEINMR CHARLES M GLADSTONEMRS CHARLES M GLADSTONEDR MARTELL M GLADSTONEDR DANIEL GLASERDR JAMES H GLASGOWDR. HOWARD G. GLASSMR EDWARD R GLASSERMR. M. LAWRENCE GLASSERMRS ADELAÏDE D GLASSNERMR. WILLIAM A. GLASSONMR RAYMOND J GLATTHORNMRS F E GLAUSERMR. DONALC W. GLAVESMR EDWARD S GLAVIS JRMR DANIEL GLAZERMR. ERIC J. GLEACHERMR. THOMAS L. GLEASONMR. PAUL F. GLEESONDR. THEODORE K. GLEICHMANMRS. CAROL S. GLENNDR LEON J GLFSERDR IRA 0 GLICKMR MARVIN H GL ICKMR. STANLEY GLICKMANDR MAURICE GLICKSMANMR GEORGE GLOECKLERMRS. GEORGE GLOECKLERMR MORTON M GLUCKMRS. ROBERT M. GLUCKMANDR ROBERT GNAEDINGER JROR. EVA L. GOBLEMR. PHILLIPS GCDDARDMI SS MARIAN P GODEHNMRS. JAMES L. GODFREYOR JAMES L GCDFREYMR ERWIN E GOEHRINGMR ARTHUR F GOEINGMR. I SADORE GOFFENDR WALTER C GOGELDR SWEE H GCHMR. JOSEPH H. GOLANTMR JOHN L GOLANTYMRS. PERNARC H. GOLDMR JACOB V GOLDMR. JAMES R. GOLDDR. JAMES S. GOLDDR RAYMOND L GOLDMRS. RICHARD M. GCLODR RICHARD M GCLDMR WILLIAM L GOLDMR ARTHUR A GOLDBERGMRS ARTHUR J GCLDBERGMR BURRILL GOLDBERGOR EDWARD D GOLDBERGMRS. ESTER A. GCLCBERGM ISS ESTHER D GOLDBERG MRS FRANCES E GOLDBERGDR HARRY C GOLDBERGDR . HOMER B. GOLDBERGMRS IRA M GOLDBERGMI SS LOUISE GOLDBERGMRS. MORTON GOLDBERGMR MURRAY A GOLDBERGMR. EDWIN H. GOLDBERGERDR. PHYLLIS K. GOLDBLATTMR PHILIP E GOLDEDR LEON GCLDENMISS LUCILLE H GOLDENMR RICHARC C GOLDENMR. SAMUEL D. GOLDENDR. ABRAHAM R. GOLDFARBDR. HOWARC GOLDFINEMRS SAM GCLDFUSMRS ALAN GOLDINMR ABE A GOLDMANMRS. ALBERT D. GOLDMANMISS DORA GOLDMANMR. ELLIOT GOLDMANMRS. HAROLD L. GOLDMANDR HAROLD GCLDMANMR HAROLD L GOLDMANMR. JEFFREY S. GOLDMANMRS MELVIN L GOLDMANDR RALPH H GOLDNERMR JOHN E GOLD SMRS CATHERINE C GOLDSCHMIDTMRS. JEAN ANN GOLDSMITHDR JULIAN R GOLDSMITHMRS JULIAN R GOLDSMITHMR. LINN C. GOLDSMITHMR RICHARC N GOLDSMITHMRS ROBERT L GOLDSMITHMR ZALMON S GOLDSMITHDR ALBERT GOLDSTEINMR. ALBERT GOLDSTEINMRS ALBERT GOLDSTEINMRS. CHARLES GOLDSTEINMI SS EDA G. GOLDSTEINMRS EDWARC C GOLDSTEINMR HOWARD A GOLDSTEINMR JOËL H GOLDSTEINMR. MAURICE GOLDSTEINMR. ROBERT V. GOLDSTEINMISS RUTH D GOLDSTEINMR STEVEN GOLDSTEINMRS. NADINE M. GOLDSWORTHYMRS. IRVING GOLEMANMR JCHN -W GOLOSINECDR EVA 0 GOLSONMR THOMAS A GOLTZMR LEON A GOLUBMR HOWARD E GOMBINERMRS HOWARD E GOMBINERMR AUGUST T GONIAMRS CHARLES H GOODMR ROBERT C GOODMR JAMES C GOODALEMRS MERRILL R GOODALLMRS EDWARC D GOOOELLMISS FRANCES ALMA GOCDHUEMR EDWARD A L GOODKINDMR BERNARC H GOODMANMI SS EVELYN A GOODMANMR HENRY A GOODMANMR IRVING GOODMANMR I SRAEL GOODMANMRS LOUIS GOODMANMR ROBERT J GOCCMANMR ROBERT L GOODMANMR STEPHEN M GOODMANMR MARVIN J GOODRICHMR PETER ANDREW GOODSELLMR PETER E GOODSTEINMR. WILLIAM B. GOODSTEINMRS. JAMES C. GOODWINDR ROBERT M GOODWINDR GEORGE R GORDHMRS. ALICE S. GORDONMRS ANNE A ROSHER GORDONMRS BENNETT GORDONMR BERNARD GORDONMR CHARLES P GORDONMRS. DONALD B. GORDONDR FRANCIS B GORDONMRS FRANCIS B GORDONMR GERALD S GORDONMR HAROLD R GORDONMRS HARCLC R GORDONMR HARRY PALMER GORDONMRS INA D GORDONDR LEON GCRDCNMRS LILLIAN GORDONMR MICHAEL GORDONMR. MILTON GORDONDR MORTON GORDONMR S STEWART GORDONMR SHEFFIELD GORDONMRS W ALTON M GORDONMR WILFERD GORDON QCMR RALPH M GORENMR ROGER S GORMAN JRMR HARCLD J GORMANDR. DAVID P. GORMLEYMISS MARY ELLEN GORNICKMR LEON B GCRTLERPROF DAVIC'B GOSHIENMRS DEBCRAH C GOSHIENDR HAROLD F GOSNELLDR PAUL GOSSARDDR R ICHARD P GOSSELINMRS. MELVIN B. GOTTLIEBMRS ALEXANCER GOTTSCHALKMI SS MARY C GOTTSCHALKMRS THOMAS A GOTTSCHALKMR BRUCE A GOTTSCHALLCAPT ROBERT G GOUGH MISS CAROL C. GOULDDR EMMA KRAIDMAN GOULDMRS. LYNN L. GOULDINMR. CHARLES R. GOULETMRS. NATHANIEL GOUSEDR CORNEL IUS GOUWENS. MISS HELEN M GOWDYMR HERBERT E GOWDYDR FRANK J GRABARITSDR. LAURENCE F. GRABERMR. A. LAWRENCE GRABHAMDR NELSON H GRABURNMR HAROLD J GRADMANMR. GARY J. GRAFFDR NORMAN I GRAFFMRS. L. ÈLLICT GRAFMANMR. JOHN B. GRAGNOLAMRS. CHARLES A. GRAHAMMI SS EVELYN E GRAHAMMR FRANK J GRAHAMDR. HUGH C. GRAHAMMRS JORY GRAHAMMR MYRON GRAHAMMR PERCY W GRAHAMMR. ROBERT C. GRAHAMDR ROGER K GRAHAMMR BRIAN C GRAINGERMRS. MORRIS A. GRANOFFDR MORRIS A GRANOFFMR JERRCLO GRÀNOKMR' JASON C GRANT JRMR DEAN E GRANTMR EDMUND H GRANTMRS FAYE WOODARD GRANTMRS. SHERMAN M. GRANTMR. LAD F. GRAPSKIDR GERALD GRATCHDR ROBERT P GRATHWOLMISS LOIS E GRATZMRS EDWARC C GRAUELMR JEFFREY L GRAUSAMMR ALAN P GRAVESMR MELVIN M GRAVES JRMR ARTHUR D GRAYMR. DONALC GRAYDR FRANK S GRAYDR JUDSON C GRAYDR PAUL GRAYMRS. RENDER GRAYDR ROBERT F GRAYMR ROBERT W GRAYMR WILLIAM H GRAYMR WILLIAM R GRAYDR JOHN T GRAYHACKMR. PAUL E. GRAYSONMR RICHARC M GRAYSONDR J THCMAS GRAYSTONMR ROBERT G GREAVESMR WALTER S GREAVESMI SS ALICE C GREENMR ALVIN E GREEN• MR. DAVID H. GREENMR DWIGHT P GREEN SRMR. EVEREST A. GREENMISS GOLOIE E GREENdr. l. j. greenMrs lorraine richardson greenmi ss loui se a greendr. mary elizabeth greenmr melvyn greenmr. sanford j. greenmrs. sonia greenmrs. charlotte s. greenbergmr. david j. greenbergMRS EUGENE GREENBERGMR GARY J GREENBERGMR. JAY R. GREENBERGMISS JUDITH LYNN GREENBERGMISS JUDITH H GREENBERGLT COL LAWRENCE J GREENBERGMR PHILIP J GREENBERGMRS SAM GREENBERGDR SAMUEL I GREENBERGMR. STANLEY F. GREENBERGMRS. HOWARD GREENBLATTMRS TED T GREENBLATTMR. SAMUEL GREENBURGMI SS ANNE GREENEMRS. EDWARD P. GREENEMR. BENJAMIN I. GREENEBAUMMRS CHARLES J GREENEBAUMMR JACK R GREENFIELDMRS. LCIS B. GREENFIELDDR. SAMUEL GREENGUSMISS IDA K GREENHILLMRS. JEROME H. GREENHILLMRS. MAURICE H. GREENHILLMR. CHARLES W. GREENLEAFDR HERBERT B GREENLEEDR MARTIN A GREENMANDR. NORMAN N. GREENMANDR ROBERT B GREENMANMR. EDWARD B. GREENSFELDER JRMISS OLIVE GREENSFELDERDR RUSH V GREENSLADEMRS ELAINE G GREENSPANDR SEYMOUR GREENWALDMISS MABEL L GREENWALTMRS. FREDA M. GREENWAYMR ERNEST GREENWOODMR HARRY M GREENWOODMR JOSEPH P GREERMRS. MAC BARTON GREERMR W ILLIAM L GREFRMISS MARGARET GREGGREV. PHILIP E. GREGORYMR HENRY L GREILSHEIMDR ALAN LEWIS GREYTHE REV. EDWARD E. GRICEMR DONALD F GR I ER MR. GECRGE F. GRIEWANKDR MAURICE GRIFFELMR ARTHUR G GRIFFINMR. JAMES P. GRIFFINMI SS JUDITH A GRIFFINMISS PHILA M GRIFFINMRS C L GRIFFITHMR DAVID M GRIFFI THMISS JANICE C GRIFFITHMR JOHN R GRIFFITHMR. LLOYD DALE GRIFFITHMRS. VIRGIL L. GRIFFITHOR WILLIAM S GRIFFITHMR JOHN M GRILLOSMR. JCE GRILLSMI SS MARY M GRILLSMISS EMMA L. GRIMMMISS GRACE R. GRIMMITTTHE REV ERIC W GRIMSHAWMRS H MAXWELL GRIMWOODMR FRED A GRISSOMMISS EMADA A GRISWOLDMRS GECRGE D GRISWOLDMI SS MARY C GRISWOLDMR RAYMOND S GROBANMR. JOSEPH H. GROBERGMR WALTER R GRCDYMR LEWIS G GROEBEMR. WILBUR R. GROEBEMISS MINERVA C. GROEFFOR. WILLIS L. GROENIERMR JOHN E GRCHMRS. LOTHAR GROHSMRS GABRIEL F GRONERDR FRANCES GROSSMISS HENRIETTA GROSSMR. HERBERT GROSSMR LOUI S GROSSDR NICHOLAS J GROSSMR NAT J GRCSSBLATMRS. STANLEY GROSSHANDLERDR. BURTON J. GROSSMANMISS GERALDINE GROSSMANMR PAUL GROSSMANMR STEVEN ANDREW GROSSMANMR. ROBERT M. GROSSMANNMRS MARTIN 0 GROSZDR ANDREAS P GROTEWOLDMRS ANDREAS P GROTEWOLDMRS JAMES C GROUTDR ALVIN R GROVE JRMRS ARLEEN D GROVESMISS MARJORIE J GROVESMI SS RUTH B. GROVESMR. ALFRED GRUBERMRS WALTER GRUENMRS. THELMA Y. GRUENB'AUMDR CHARLES F GRUENERTMRS. LOUISE B. GRULEEMRS. BLAIR P. GRUMMANMRS DONALC L GRUMMONDR. WERNER F. GRUNBAUMDR SALVI S GRUPPOSOMR EDWARD GUDEMAN JRMRS EOWARD GUDEMAN JRREV. V. EMIL GUDMUNDSONDR LEE GUEMPLEDR B ROSS GUESTMISS ESTHER C GUGGENHEIMDR. GEORGE P. GUIBORMR RALEIGH TERRY GUICEMR ALDEN GUILDMR TIMOTHY-CARL GUILEMR EDGAR W GUILFORDMISS ELEANOR M. GUILFORDDR R ICHARD G GUILFORDMRS RICHARD G GUILFORDDR HARCLD 0 GULLIKSENDR JOSEPH GULSOYMISS ELSIE GULYASDR. MOY F. GUMMR E THOMAS GUMBERTMR. WILLIAM E. GUMMERMANMR. DAVID EDWARD GUMPERTMRS. RICHARD I. GUMPORT\DR RICHARD I GUMPORTMRS. SIGMUND GUNDLEMRS MEYER S GUNTHERMR SIDNEY M GUNTHERDR WALDEMAR C GUNTHERMISS JOAN M GURIANDR B F GURNEYMRS B F GURNEYMR. ZAVE H. GUSSINMRS ARTHUR P GUSTAFSONMR CHARLES H GUSTAFSONDR CLOYD V GUSTAFSONREV JAMES M. GUSTAFSONMISS LUCILE GUSTAFSONMRS. EDWIN B. GUTEMR HANS GUTEKUNSTMRS. SIDNEY S- GUTHMANDR WALTER S GUTHMANNMISS MINNA L. GUTSCHMRS ELAINE K GUTSTADTMR MILTON M GUTTERMANMR WALTFR A GUYERMRS DOROTHY HESS GUYOTMR HENRY J GWIAZDA IIMRS HENRY J GWIAZDA I IMISS EDITH D GWINNHMISS LIESE LEE HAAGMR VERNER G HAAGMR S IGURD R HAALANDDR CHARLES G HAAS JRDR. ERWIN HAAS16sDR. FRANCIS HAASMRS. JACQUELINE H. HAASSHIRLEY LOWRY HAASMR FREDERICK M HAASE JRMR HOWARD M HABERMANMR. PHILIP N. HABLUTZELMR SAMUEL J HACHTMANMRS SAMUEL J HACHTMANMISS KATHRYN A HAEBICHMRS JOHN A HAEFNERDR RUDOLF K HAERLE JRMR. RICHARD 8. HAERRMR THOMAS CRAIG HAEUSLERLT COL FREDERICK L HAFERMISS MONI CA T HAFFLERTHE REV. GORDON W. HAGBERGMISS KATHERINE L. HAGBERGDR. DALE C. HAGERMRS LEILA V HAGERMR LEWIS W HAGUEMI SS DOROTHY A. HAHNMR. JAMES M. HAINESDR. MICHAEL F. HALASZMR ROBERT J HALASZMR DOUGLAS H HALCROWDR HAROLD G HALCROWMI SS DESDEMONA P HALEMR FLOYD C HALEMRS. EDWARD N. HALEYMRS MARJORIE L HALEYOR. IRMA T. HALETERMRS. A. J. HALGRENMR J PARKER HALL IIIMRS. CARRCL C. HALLMR CARROL C HALLMR. DONALC R. HALLMRS. FRANK H. HALLMR HUGH F HALLMRS JOSEPH HALLMI SS MARGARET A HALLMR NORMAN HALLJ/iR RALPH L HALLMR RCBERT A HALL JRMR ROBERT L HALLMRS WILLIS HALLMISS ROSALIE C HALLBAUERMRS. DOROTHY T. HALLEYMISS SWEA M HALLGRENDR. WILLIAM W. HALLOMRS ERNA S HALLOCKOR. RICHARD T. HALLOCKMR. KENNETH C. HALLUMMR. WILBUR C. HALLWACHSDR S WILLIAM HALPERINMRS. ALLEN HALPERNMISS CECILE HALPERNDR KENNETH M HALPRINMR RONALD P HALTONMR RCMAINE M HALVERSTADTMR JAMES G HALVCRSENMRS JOHN C HALYMISS ANNE TERESA HAM8LINMR ROGER P HAM8URGMRS. SUSANNE HAMBURGERMR. DONALD W. HAMERDR ENOLA B HAMILTONMR LOUIS J HAMILTONMRS. T. M. HAMILTCNMRS VIVIAN B HAMILTONMR. LEWIS B. HAMITYMISS CHARLOTTE L. HAMMELLMR RONALD L HAMMERLEDR EDWARC HAMMINGMRS. JOHNSCN F. HAMMONDMRS. ERIC HAMPMR. VIRGIL A. HAMPTONMR. JAMES S. HAMREDR WALTER S HANCHETT JRMR. WILLIAM J. HANCOCKMR FRANK 0 HANDDR WAYLAND D HANDDR WILLIAM J HANDMR . DAVID J. HANDELDR. GERALD HANDELMR JOËL L HANDELMANMR HERBERT E HANDLERMRS HERBERT E HANCLERDR PAUL HANDLERMRS. PAUL HANOLERMISS LOIS M HANCSAKERDR MORRISON HANDSAKERMRS HUGH W HANDSFIELDDR. GEORGE H. HANDYMRS. JAMES B. HANDYDR. RCBERT T. HANCYMRS WALTER E HANESMRS. AUGUSTA M. HANKEMR WILLIAM 8 HANKLA JRDR. ROBFRT W. HANKSMR WILL IAM S HANLEYMR. LEONARD J. HANLOCKDR. JACQUE E. HANLONMR JOSEPH CLINTON HANLONMRS LORAI NE A HANLCNMR. HERBERT L. HANNAMISS MARY L. HANNAMRS. WILLIS D. HANNAWALTMR WILLIS D HANNAWALTMR JAMES A HANSMR. E: EDWIN HANS8R0UGHMRS DANIEL HANSBURGMRS. BENJAMIN HANSENMISS BERTHA C. HANSENMR CHARLES C HANSEN II IMRS. HERBERT HANSENMR HERBERT W HANSENMR. JULIAN R. HANSENMISS MABEL A. HANSENMRS* 0. HENRY HANSENMR. THOMAS E. HANSEN MR. THOMAS W. HANSENMRS ARCHEL M HANSONMR BERTRAM G HANSONMR CARL M HANSONMRS. ERIC HANSONMRS HANS A HANSONMR RALPH A HANSONMR VERNON R HANSONMR ALAN EDWARD HANZLIKDR M ANWARUL HAQMR. RCY H. HARADAMRS GLADYS K HARBI SONMISS ELIZABETH W. HARDAWAYMI SS ETHEL L. HARDAWAYMR JAMES EDWARD HARDEE JRDR MELVENE D HARDEEMR JAMES W HARDINGMRS. SARAH H. .HARDINGMR. ROBERT J. HARDTMR ROBERT C HARDYDR ROBERT S HARDYDR. SOPHY H. HARDYDR W ILLIAM B HARDYDR, WILLIAM A. HARGREAVESDR. ILIYA F. HARIKMISS L KATHLEEN HARKERMR. OPVILLE J. HARKEYMR. THOMAS B. HARKI NSMR. HOMER C. HARLANDR. WI LLI AM H. HARLANMR. THEODORE H. HARLEYMR. HARRY H. HARMANMI SS ANNA HARMENSMR ALEXANDER HARMON .THE REV ABRAHAM J HARMSMR. JOHN W. HARMSMR JAMES SIDLER HARNISHMRS W E HARPER JRDR ERNEST B HARPERMR JOHN H HARPERDR MARVIN H HARPERMRS. PLES HARPERDR. ROBERT D. HARPERDR ROBERT A HARPERCOL JOSEPH F HARPSMRS. BEATY R. HARRISMRS BENJAMIN HARRI SMRS. CATHERINE C. HARRISMI SS FRANCES W HARRI SMR FRANCIS L HARRI SMR. GEORGE A. HARRISMR HAROLD HARRISMRS HAROLD HARRISMRS. HELEN L. HARRISMRS. HUBERT HARRI S-MRS JCAN Y HARRISMI SS LENA L. HARRISMRS MEREDITH E HARRISMISS MILDRED E. HARRISMI SS SOPHIE HARRI SMR STANLEY G HARRISMR THCMAS D HARRISDR CARTER M HARRI SONMR FRANK J HARR ISONMR. G. ROBERT HARRISONMISS MARY ELLA HARRISONDR MICHAEL J HARRISONMI SS STELLA M. HARRI SSMRS. HELEN S. HARSH8ARGERMR JOHN N HARSMAMI SS ELIZABETH J. HARTMRS. I. W. HARTMR JOSEPH A HARTMR NORMAN G HARTMRS. ROBERT S. HARTMRS. RCY E. HARTMR WILLIAM J HARTDEGEN JRMR ROBERT B HARTFIELDMRS ROBERT B HARTFIELDMISS CATHERINE M. HARTIGANMRS. LEONARD J. HARTIGANMR. ARNOLD B. HARTLEYMR. DAVID N. HARTMANDR GERHARD G F HARTMANMR MARSHALL J HARTMANMR WALTER HARTMANNDR PAUL J HARTSUCHDR CONSTANCE, E HARTTMRS BETTY H HARTWELLMI SS JULIA M. HARTWELLDR HARRIS D HARTZLERMR CECIL C HARVEY. MI SS JULIA P HARVEYMISS MARY E HARVEYDR WALTER R HARVEYMR. WILLIAM P. HARVEYMRS ALBERT HARWARDMR JOHN C HARWOODMR STEPHEN R HARWOODMI SS ALICE J HARZDR SULTAN S HASHMIMR ALAN NELSCN HASKELLMR CHARLES L HASKELL ,MRS DIANA B HASKELLDR. ELLERY B. HASKELLMR. WILBUR A. HASSMR W ILLIAM JAMES HASSDR SAMUEL R HASSENMP S. EDWIN 8. HASSLERMRS JERCME HASTERLIKMISS LUCILE A. HASTINGSMRS. ROBERT F. HATCHMR STEPHEN W HATCHMR DAVID M HATFIELDMR W WILBUR HATFIELDMRS TADAAKI HATTADR. ROB"ERT W. HATTERYMR RCNALD P HATT ISMRS. C. E. HAUERMRS FREDERICK J HAUG MR PAUL H HAUGEDR ARNOLD R HAUGENMISS HELEN K. HAUGHTONMRS J P HAUSERDR ROBERT M HAUSERMRS WALTER HAUSWALDMRS. J. A. HAVELMR WILLIAM JOHN HAVERLANDMR. ALFRED F. HAVIGHURSTMR.. ROBERT J. HAVIGHURSTMISS ABBIE HAWKMR. DAVID B. HAWKMRS ARTHUR H. HAWKINSMR CHARLES E HAWKINSMI SS HAZEL HAWKINSCP GEWALD FOSTER HAWTHORNEDR. JCHN G. HAWTHORNEMRS E L HAYMRS. H. P. HAYDENMRS TREMAYNE H HAYDENMISS MAY F. HAYOERMR HARCLD E HAYDONMR GEORGE HAYDUKEMR BENJAMIN C HAYENGAMR. EARL H. HAYESMI SS ELFANOR F HAYESDR KENNETH HAYESMRS KENNETH HAYESMRS RICHARD E HAYESMRS THOMAS H HAYESMRS. WILLIAM F. HAYESMISS CATHERINE L. HAYMAKERMR. JAMES H. HAYNERDR. NORMAN S.. HAYNERDR. EDWIN E. HAYSMR MARION C HAYSMRS JAMES E HAYTERMRS. HERMAN E. HAYWARDMR. DONALD HAYWORTHPROF. JOHN N. HAZARDDR KATHARINE E HAZARDREV ROGER HAZELTONMISS LCLA HAZELWOODDR HUGH N HAZENFIELDMR EDWARD W HAZLETONDR. JAMFS S. HAZLETTMR LUCIAN M HEACOXMRS. PHILIP HEADINGSMRS. PAUL 8. HEADLANDMR THEODORE C HEAGSTEDTMR. ALLEN HEALDMR PHILIP E HEALDMI SS ELIZABETH A. HEATHDR. MARTHA H. HEATONMR ADOLPH HECHTMI SS CAROLINE HECKMR DANIEL C HECKMR PHILIP E HECKMANMRS PHILI P E HECKMANMR JAMES H HEDDENMISS BLANCHE V <* HEDEENMRS. R. T. HEDFIELDMRS EDNA L HEDGESMR JOHN K HEFFERANMISS PEARL M. HEFFRONMRS. WILLIAM G. HEFFRONMRS ARNOLD P HEFLINOR LAWRENCE G HEFTERMR STANLEY M HEGGENMR. W. GREGCR HEGGENMISS MARY A HEGHINMR. LAWR'ENCE W. HEIDEMR. THOMAS S. HEIDEMANNMR ROBERT L HFIDRICKMR. WALDEMAR M. HEIDTKEDR JOSEPH M HEIKOFFMR CHARLES D HEILE JRMR IRVIN C HEILMANNMISS JACQUELINE HEILPERNDR. JARVIN R. HEIMANMRS PAUL G HEINEMANMR. LAWRENCE F. HEINEMANNMISS BERTHA M HEINEMEYERMRS MARY HEINLEINMRS JEROME F HEINRICHMRS. JUNE S. HEINRICHDR HERMAN A HEISEMISS MERCIE E. HEISEMR RICHARD A HEISEMR ALBERT L HEISER JRMR. GEORGE L. HEISERMR ROBERT H HEITSCHMR. LAMBERTUS HEKHUI SMRS TESS HELBURNMRS A L HELDMRS WALTER D HELFERMRS WILLIS HELFRICHMR. ERNEST M. HELIDES JRMR. CLARENCE W. HELLERDR DAVID H HELLERMI SS LAURA 3. HELLERMRS. M. M. HELLERMR NEIL HELLERMRS. PETER HELLERDR RICHARC E HELLERMRS RICHARD E HELLERMR TERRY L HELLERDR. LESL IE HELLERMANMR. WALTER HELLERSTEINDR R ICHARD HELLIEMISS MIRIAM HELLMANMI SS MARGIE M. HELMMISS_ AGNES J. HELMREICHMR DAVIC A HELMSDR ROSE HELPERMR RALPH J HELPFR INDR. HERMAN G. HELPERNMR JAMES MICHAEL HEMPHILLMR DAVID A HEMSTREETMR ORRIN J HEMBFST - MRS GERTRUDE H HENDERSONMISS HOPE HENDERSONMR PHILIP G HENDERSONDR RICHARD L HENDERSONMR WILLIAM T HENDERSONDR. ARCHIE E. HENDRICKSMR KENNETH W HENDRICKSMISS AGNES H HENDRICKSENMRS CLARENCE I HENDRICKSONMR JOHN C HENDRICKSONMRS JUNE RCSE HENDRI EMR. HERMAN 0. HENDRIKSONCAPT RAYMOND J HENGELMR GARY WAYNE HENGERMR STEVEN HENIKOFFMR WILLIAM F HENNESSEYMR GEORGE G HENNI NGMRS. CHARLES H. HENRYMR CHARLES H HENRYMR EDWARD L HENRYMISS NELL C HENRYMRS. PATRICK HENRYMRS RICHARD V HENRY JRMR ROBERT M HENRYMR ROBERT R HENTZMR THOMAS DAVID HENWOODDR HENRIETTA M HERBOL SHE IMERDR MARGARET. M HERDMANDR GRACE. R HEREDDR W ILLIAM HEREDMR GERARD FRANCIS HERKESMR FRANK W HERLIHYMRS FRANK W HERLIHYDR H MURRAY HERLIHYMRS. ROBERT D. HERLOCKERMISS DCROTHEA E. HERMANMRS JAMES HERMANDP LAWRENCE HERMANMISS LILLIAN HERMANMR MICHAEL E HERMANMRS. SIGMUND B. HERMANMR. WI LLIAM C. HERNMRS JOHN W HERNDONDR ROPERT M HERNDONMR VERNON F.HERNLUNDMISS JANE HERONMR OLIVER R HERRMR. ROSS HERRMISS MAPY J. HERRICKMR STEPHEN E HERRINGMRS SUSAN W HERRINGMR ANDREW J HERSCHELDR KENNETH L HERTELMR. HARRY W. HERXMR ROeERT T HERZREV. FRANK B. HERZELDR CAROLINE L HERZENBERGMR HOWARD Z HERZIGMRS MILTON H HERZGGMR. ROBERT E. HERZOGMR. STEPHEN E. HERZOG.OR DAVID C HESSMRS LAWRENCE J HESSMR PAUL E HESSDR FRANK E HESSEMR HEREERT R HESSE JRMRS. LECN HESTERMRS FRANK E HEURICHMR. RCNALC J. HEVRCEJSMRS. FRANK N. HEWETSONMRS JAMES F HEW ITTMR DIETER HE.YCKEMR ERIC JOHN HEYERMRS. STANLEY J. HEYWOODDR. DOROTHY HEYWORTHMR JAMES 0 HEYWORTH JRDR. VERGIL E. HIATTMRS. E. W. HIBBARDMISS FLORENCE J HICKMANMR GARY H HICKOKMR JAMES R HICKSMRS. ELIOT W. HIGGINSDR JAMES C HIGGINSMRS JOHN S HIGGINSMRS JOSEPH F HIGGINSDR RALPH L HIGHMR RICHARD 3 HIGHBAUGHMR RICHARC L HIGHSMITHMRS K E HIGLEYDR GEORGE B HILDEBRANDMR. ROGER T. HILDENBRANDDR AARON A HILKEVITCHDR ALEXANDER HILKEVITCHMRS RHEA HILKEVITCHMR FREDERICK S HILL JRMR HANS-JOACHIM R HILL-IRMERMR. CHARLES F. HILLDR GERALD HILLMISS GISELLA M. HILLDR HARRY HILLMRS HELEN DEUSS HILLMR JAMES HILL JRMR JOSEPH L HILLMRS JOYCE B HILLDR. LYLE C. HILLMAJ. MICHAEL V. HILLMR OLE A HILL JRMR. RICHA6D E. HILLMR RUSSELL E HILLMRS UNO T HILLMRS. C. W. HILLMANMI SS JEANNETTE M HILLSMR JOHN M HILLSMISS ALBERTA M. HILTONDR GEORGE W HILTONMRS. HENRY M. HILTONMR HAROLD S HI MMELFAR8DR ALBERT HIMOEMR. HARCLD H. HINESDR HERBERT W HINESMRS WALTER HINES16tMISS HELEN HINMANMRS. WALKER M. HINMANMR WALKER M HINMANDR. DAVID G. HINNERSMR CHARLES H HIPPCHENMRS GEORGE HIPSKINDMR RCBERT Y HIRANOMR. KAZUYUKI HIROSHIGEMR BRUCE E HIRSCHMRS CERNA S HIRSCHMRS CHARLES S HIRSCHDR DAVID M HIRSCH JRDR EDWIN F HIRSCHMRS EDWIN F HIRSCHDR. HELMUT HIRSCHMRS HENRY D HIRSCHMR. RUDOLF HIRSCHMR ERIC L HIRSCHHCRNMR. JOHN F. HIRSCHMANNMR WILLIAM HIRSHMS LINDA R HIRSHMANMR FREDERICK JOHN HIRTMRS GEORGE A HISERT JRMR. KENNETH E. HI SERTMISS JENNETTE E. HITCHCOCKDR. VERNON J. HITTNERMRS. ROBERT J. HLAVACEKMR ROY GECRGE HLAVACEKMRS EVELYN L HOMISS LOUISE HOAGLANDMRS. FRANCIS HOAGUESISTER MARGARET C. HOBANMRS EDMOND H HOBENMR GARY R HCBINMRS. BURTON H. HOBSONMR BURTON H HOBSONMRS. LILLIAN M. HOBSCNDR IRVING J HOCHDR FRANCIS A HOCHSTEINDR. ISIDORE HODESMR. PAUL C. HODGEMR JAMES A HCDGES JRMRS GERTRUDE S HODGSONMR JOHN F HODGSON IIMRS NORMAN A HOEFELDMRS. LAVON T. HOEFLEMR ARTHUR W HOEGEMR THOMAS P HOEKELMANMR GERALD B HOEKSTRAMR. JAMES HOEKSTRAMI SS LILLY HOEKSTRAMRS. LOIS S. HOERGERMR ALBERT F HOFELD JRDR EMIL A HOFERMR J VAUGHAN HOFFACKERMRS C B HOFFMANMISS C MARJORIE HOFFMANMR EUGENE J HOFFMANMR GEORGE J HOFFMANMR GLENN H HOFFMANMISS MARGARET E HOFFMANMR RICHARD L HOFFMANMR . WILLIAM HOFFMANTHE REV JOHN M HOFFMANNMR WALTER F HOFFMANNMR JOËL N HOFSLUND JRMRS JCEL N HOFSLUND JRMR PAUL A HOFSTADMR WILLIAM F HOGAN JRMR KENNETH « HOGANSON JRTHE REV WILBUR S HOGEVCLLDR PEARL HOGREFEMR KENNETH HORN HOHHOFMR ANTON HOHLER JRMR JOËL F HOKEDR. PAUL S. HOLBODR DAVID J HOLDENDR FRED T HOLDENMRS K H HOLDENMR WILLIS C HOLDERMISS WILLIE HOLDSWORTHDR FRANK HCLECEKMISS MARIAN J HOLLMRS R CALVIN HOLLANDMRS STEPHEN HOLLANDMR. BERNARD M. HOLLANDERMRS. KATHARINE R. HOLLANDERMISS ELIZABETH HOLLAWAYMRS CELESTE K HOLLENDERMR JOSEPH H HOLLICAY IIIMRS. DELCOME K. HCLLINSMRS. FRANK L. HOLLOWAYDR FRANK L HCLLCWAYMR DEAN MILTON HOLMMRS GEORGE W HOLMESMR HENRY R HOLMESMRS IRENE T W HOLMESMISS MAY HOLMESMI SS SIDNEY HOLMESMAJ. JEROME H. HOLMLUNDDR CHARLES C HOLTMR. GLEN E. HOLTMRS ISABELLE W HOLTMRS J T HCLTCOM L PHILLIP HOLTMS MARY GAIL HOLTDR DON W HOLTERDR. CARL HOLTOMMRS. MAUDE L. HCLTONMR ARTHUR F HOLTORFFMISS OPAL LOLA HOLTZMR RICHARD D HCLTZDR. RICHARD B. HOLTZMANMR. DGNAL K. HOLWAYMRS W R HOLWAYJUDGE REGINALD J HOLZERMRS BRUCE R HOLZMANMR. MYRON I. HCMAMR J MICHAEL HOMANMR. MARVIN D. HCMERMR. RICHARD S. HOMER DR RICHARD D HON EYMRS JAMES HCCDMR. RODNEY T. HOODMRS. WALTER HOODMR. WI LLIAM R. HCCDMISS JEAN 8. HOODWINMR CASE HCOGENCCORNMRS. WILLIAM L. HOPKINSMR. WILLIAM T. HOPKINSMISS MARICN HOPPERDR WILLIAM C HCPPESMRS. JAMES A. HOPSONMRS ROBERT R HORANDR WILLIAM HORBALYMRS WILL IAM HORBALYMISS NELLIE M. HORDDR FRANCES L HORLERMRS BERNHARD L HORMANNMR. ROBERT F. HORNBECKMR. SAMUEL H. HORNEOR ALTHEA J HORNEROR. HOWARD C. HORNIGMR GILBERT C HORNUNGMR IRA HOROWITZMRS LAURA G HOROWITZMRS. ANGUS P. HORTONMR REXFORD A HORTCNMR RUDOLPH H HORVATHDR. ABRAHAM W. HORVITZMRS. MORTIMER HORVITZMR. PAUL M. HORVITZDR GEORGE HORWICHMRS. DANIEL S. HORWI TZMR IRV ING HORWITZMRS IRVING HORWITZMR WILL IAM HORWITZMR. BERT F. HOSELITZMISS NEVA ADELE HOSKI NMRS GLENN G HOSKINSDR. WALTER H. HOSKINSMRS JEANETTE K HOTCHKI SSMR. FERDINAND L. HOT ZMR. PAUL K. HOUDEKMRS HARRY C HOUGHAMDR CYRIL C HOULEMRS CYRIL 0 HOULEMRS S JOHN HOUSEMR. CLARENCE C. HOUSEHCLDERMR JAN KENNETH HOUSINGERMR. JACK H. HOUTZMR E DEAN HCWARD I IIMISS BERTHA H. HOWARDMR BION B HOWARCMR CONRAD B HOWARDMRS CONSTANCE BENNETT HOWARDMRS. ILIA G. HCWARDMR. NORMAN J. HOWARDMR. ROBERT H. HOWARDMR ROBERT L HOWARDMR. SHERMAN J. HOWARDDR. WILLIAM A. HOWARDMISS MARGARET B HOWATTMISS AMY L HOWEMS ELIZABETH HOWEMR G EDWIN HOWEMR LAURENCE L HOWEMR. WILFRED C. HOWEMR LLOYD T HOWELLS JRMISS ESTHER C HOWESMR CARL N HOWIGMRS. DEAN W. HOWLANDMR. H. J. HCYINGMR. NORMAN E. HOYLEDR ZDENEK S HRUBANDR JEROME F HRUSKA JRDR SU-SHU HUANGMISS E. VICKERY HUBBARDMISS HELEN B HUBBARDMR P DAVID HUBBARDMRS. WILLIAN W. HUBBARDMRS SARAH K HUBERMR STEPHEN K HUBERDR MARSHALL N HUBERMANMR. JOHN W. HUCKMRS. F. M. HUDSONMRS LOIS HUEBENTHALMR HUBERT C HUEBLMR JAMES N HUFFAKERMR. RALPH C. HUFFERMR ALVIN HUFFMAN IIIDR GAYLE N HUFFORDTHE HON JOHN N HUGHES JRMRS ARTHUR G HUGHESMRS CHRISTENA M HUGHESMRS. HELEN H. HUGHESMR JAMES A HUGHES JRMR. ROBERT M. HUGHESMR. WILLIAM H. HUGHESMR WI LLIAM M HUGHESMISS MACHTELD HUISMANMRS KENNETH A HUTZENGAMI SS MARY A HULBERTMISS NELL IE HULLMRS ANNA E HULTQUISTESTATE OF MRS JAMES P HUMEDR. WILLIAM E. HUMMELOR IRVIN F HUMMCNMISS INEZ F. HUMPHREYMISS PHILA A HUMPHREYSLT COL A A HUMULOCK JRMRS JCHN HUNER JRMRS. GLEN M. HUNTMR. HARRY J . HUNTMR JAMES V HUNT JRDR JOHN P HUNTMR LAWRENCE HALLEY HUNT JRMISS MARGARET K. HUNTMRS MURIEL W HUNT •MRS. PAUL T. HUNTMRS RIDGËLY HUNT MR. .GILBERT T. HUNTERMP JCHN C HUNTERJUDGE ROBERT L HUNTERMISS RUTH V HUNTERMRS JOHN J HURDMR. HERBERT D. HURNREV ALFRED W HURSTMRS. B. L. HURWITZMRS. MELVIN D. HURWITZMR MELVIN D HURWITZDR LEROY J HUSHAKMRS CHARLES J HUSTONMRS RALPH E HUSTONMRS ELENIE K HUSZAGHMR RUDCLPH L HUSZAGHMR. JOHN H. HUTCHINSCNMR PETER S HUTCHINSONMR HARVEY R HUTTASMR. SIDNEY F. HUTTNERMRS. MARIAN E. HYDEMR PITT WILLIAM HYDEMR ETHON HYMANDR MAYER HYMANMR NELSON A HYMANMR. PAUL M. HYMANMRS SANDRA FIGLER HYSM ITHIREV FRANK Y ICHISHI TAMR GEORGE C ICKES IIIMRS THOMAS IDINCPULOSMR WILSON E IDZALMR MASAO IGASAK I JRMRS JOHN IGLAUEROR CHIMERE IKOKUMR KENNETH W ILLIGMRS. ELI W. IMBERMANMR EL I W IMBERMANREV RALPH B IMESMR JOHN C IMHOFFMR THOMAS P INABINETTREV. STEPHEN S. INFANTINOMR. MONROE J. INGBERMANMR CHARLES B INGELSMR JAMES H INGERSOLL JRMR GERALD A INGLEHARTMISS DOROTHY M IN GL I SDR. JOSEPH S. INGRAHAMMRS GORDON C INSKEEPMRS,. GISELA P. IOANNOUDR L VIVIAN IOBMR. COSIMO L. IODICEDR. VERNON R. IREDELLMISS MARJCRIE B IRELANDMR W ILLIAM E IRELANDMR WILLIAM R P IRELANDMR JOHN ASTELL IRICKMRS BEVERLY W IRISHMRS FERGUS A IRVINEMI SS MERLE E IRWINMISS HATTIE "G. ISAYMRS. EARL W. ISBELLREV DR EARL W ISBELLMRS MARY CARTER ISBELLMR HARRY ISENBERGDR. ROBERT M. ISHERWOODMISS DERORAH ISHLONMRS. RICHARD J. ISRAËLRABBI RICHARD J ISRAËLMR HOWARD J ISRAELSTAMMR LAWRENCE A I STELDR. JOHN H. IVYMR RANDOLPH W IVYJMI SS MABEL E. JACKMANMRS. ALLENE E. JACKSONMI SS AMY C JACKSONMR. BRADY W. JACKSONMRS. DOROTHY R. JACKSONTHE REV FRED J JACKSONDR GORDON E JACKSONDR HARRY F JACKSONDR. JOHN H. JACKSONCR KENNETH T JACKSONMI SS MARIE S JACKSONDR VICTOR A JACKSONMR ALBERT C JACCBMRS BENJAMIN S JACOBSMR. CHRISTOPHER JACOBSMR. FRANKLIN J. JACOBSMR HARRY D JACOBS JRDR ISRAËL S JACOBSMR JEROME W JACOBSDR. MORTON JACOBSDR. NATHAN JACOBSMISS NETTIE JACOBSMR. PAUL W. JACOBSMISS SIMONE E. JACOBSDR. THEODORE J. JACOBSMR. WILLIAM D. JACOBSMRS. WILLIAM H. JACOBSMR. THOMAS H. JACOBSENMRS. ERIC CHRISTIAN JACOBSONMR. HAROLD I. JACOBSONMR. JOSEPH JACOBSONMISS LILLIAN JACOBSONMR. MARTIN JACOBSONMRS PEARL H JACCRSCNMR ROBERT J JACOBSONMRS ROBERTA B JACOBSONMRS ROY C JACOBSONMR. FRANK R . JACOBYDR. JAY JACCRYMRS. SIDNEY B. JACOBYMISS FRANCIS J JAEGER COL VERNON P JAEGERMRS. LEONARD JAFFEMRS. MANNY JAFFEMRS NICK JAFFEEMR WOÛOROW W A JAFFEEDR ARTHUR H JAFFEYMRS ARTHUR H JAFFEYMRS LOREN A JAHNMRS ANDREW JAICKSDR HAROLD A JAMBORMR DAVID L JAMESMR LESTER H JAMESONM ISS MAR IE E. JAMESONMRS. MICHAEL H. JAMESONDR MICHAEL H JAMESONMR WALLACE NESS JAMIEMR ROBERT STANLEY JAMINREV DALE E JAMTGAARDMR THOMAS J JANCZYDR RUDOLPH W JANDA JRDR WAYNE E JANDAMR ANTHONY R JANIAK JRDR MARY K JANKEMR JOSEPH E JANNOTTAMR JOSEPH E JANNOTTA JRMR ROBERT M JANCWIAKDR EDWARD R JANOWITZDP MORRIS JANOWITZMRS MORRIS JANOWITZMRS LENNART JANSONMR EUGENE F JANSSENMR BRUCE S JANSSONMRS BRUCE S JANSSONMR. MILTON H. JANUSDR JACK W JAPENGAMR PAUL DAVID JAQUITHMRS. BARBARA R. JARROWMRS. HARRY W. JARROWMR DENNIS L JARVELAMRS BRUCE W JARVI SMISS ISABEL F JARVISMR. PAUL CARROLL JARVISMRS. RENE JASINSKIDR ERNEST B JASKIMR JOHN C JASPERMR. ZBIGNIEW T . J ASTRZEBSK IMR ALLAN V JAY JRMR RICHARD HENRY JAYMRS. RALPH T. JAYNEMI SS FLORENCE L JEFFERSMRS. HELEN C. JEFFERSON>vRS. IRMA A. JEFFERSONMR. RICHARD C. JEFFREYMRS PEARL P JEHNMISS CHARLOTTE JELKSDR. HOWARD M. JENKINDR C DAVID JENKINSMR DONALD J JENKINSMR EDWARD J JENKINSMR. JCHN W. JENKINSMR MERWYN E JENKINSMR. ROBERT JENKINSMR WILLIAM F JENKINSMR. WARD B. JENKSMISS. JANE IRENE JENNERMRS. C. EUGENE JENNINGSMR CHARLES M JENSENMISS CHARLOTTE JENSENMRS JOHN P JENSENMR. ROBERT S. JENSENMRS ROGER N JENSENDR. THERALD N. JENSENMR. THEODORE J. JENSONMRS. JANET E. JERNBERGMISS RI TA JERUCHIMOWICZDR ALLEN J JERVEYDR CHANNING R JESCHKEMR CHARLES F JESPERSENMR. WILLIAM P. JESSEDR ROBERT L JEWETTMISS SUSAN HILLS JEWETTDR. EDWARC L. JIMDR VERNON K S JIMMR. LEWIS G. JOACHIMREV EUGENE W JOBSTMI SS LENORE S. JOHNMISS DOROTHY M. JOHNSESTATE OF MISS ELSIE B JOHNSMR LEE P JOHNSMRS. MABEL S. JOHNSENMI SS RUTH E. JOHNSENMR. ARBER JOHNSONDR ARVID T JOHNSONMISS AUDREYE E. JOHNSONMRS CAROL EL IZABETH JOHNSONMR CH€STER 0 JCHNSONMRS. CLIFFORD S. JOHNSONMR. CRAIG R. JOHNSONDR. DAVID A. JCHNSONMR. DAVID A. JOHNSONDR DOUGLAS A JCHNSONMR. DOUGLAS L. JOHNSONDR. EARL S. JOHNSONMR. EVERETT A. JOHNSONMISS FAITH M. JOHNSONMRS. FRANK W. JOHNSONMJ.SS GLADYS M. JOHNSONMR. GUY B. JOHNSONMRS. HAL JCHNSONMRS. HAROLD G. JOHNSONOR HUGH M- JOHNSONMR HUGH N JCHNSCNMISS INGRID MARCELLA JOHNSONLT COL JAMES JOHNSONDR. JEROME L. JCHNSONMR. JOHN ARTHUR JOHNSONMRS JOHN B JCHNSON JRDR JOSEPH L JOHNSONMRS. JULIUS J. JOHNSONMI SS MADELINE JCHNSON16uMISS MARTHA C JOHNSONMR MART IN E JOHNSCNMR. MILTON G. JCHNSONDR NEWELL A JOHNSONMR PAUL M JCHNSONMR PHLLLIP JOHNSONMR. RICHARD L. JOHNSONMRS. ROBERT B. JOHNSCNMR ROBERT M JOHNSONMR. RCDGER C. JCHNSONMI SS RUTH L JOHNSCNMRS RUTH L JOHNSONMR THOMAS H JGHNSONMR WALTER JOHNSONDR. WILLIS H. JOHNSONMRS. YOLANDA S. JOHNSCNMRS. ZENOBIA M. JOHNSONMISS EDITH M. JOHNSTONMR. RUFFIN JOHNSTONDR THEODORE L JOHNSTONMRS WILLIAM JOHNSTONMISS' ALICE H. JOHNSTONEMR ROBERT D JOLLAY JRMR RANDOLPH N JCNAKAITMRS WALTER JONASMR JOHN A JONES JRMR. ANDREW H. JONESMR. CHESTER A. AoNESMRS DCNALC R JONESMISS DOROTHY L. JONESMR EDWARD D JONES IIIMR EDWARD G JONESDR. ELMER E. JONESMR FRANCIS P JONESMR GLEONARD H JONESMISS H. GWEN JONESMR HARRIS E JONESMRS HARVEY P JONESMRS. HOMER JONESTHE REV. JACK E. JCNESMRS JACK E JONESMRS. KATHLEEN B. JONESMR KIP E JONESMISS MARGARET E JONESMR. MARTIN V. JONESMRS MILDRED A JGNESMISS MILDRED E JONESDR NOBLE W JONESMRS PHYLLIS B JONESMR REGNAL J JONESDR RICHARD N JONESMR RICHARD S JONES JRMRS. RUSSELL S. JONESMISS SALLIE I. JONESMR. WILLIAM E. JONESMRS EUGENE A JONGSMAMR. PETER JONIKASDR ROBERT E JORANSONCOL CLARENCE L JORDANMR GREGORY W JORDANDR PAUL H JORDAN JRMR. THOMAS J. JORDANMISS MARY BETH JORGENSENMISS LOUISE M. JORGENSCNMRS. CAROL A. JORYMR FARNHAM S JORYMR JACK JOSEPHMR JESS ABRAHAM JOSEPHMISS PHYLLIS E. JOSEPHMRS. SAMUEL I. JOSEPHMR CHARLES P JOSLYNMRS CHARLES P JOSLYNMI SS ELLA G. JOSSELYNMRS VERA 0 JOVENDR VEI CHOW JUANMR. RICHARD H. JAJNGDR 8UFORD H JUNKERDR JOHN T JURICEKMR. HERVEY A. JURISMR. LECN M. KAATZMR CHARLES F KABERNAMRS BRUCE RICHARD KADENMR EUGENE M KADISHMRS. FRANK KADLECMR A 0 KADOCHMISS DOROTHY KAEMLEINDR RICHARD K KAE SKEMISS MARY KATHLEEN KAESSMISS JENNIE M KAHLMR RICHARD I KAHLMR BERNARD I KAHNDR. DONALD J. KAHNMR EARL L KAHNDR. J. STEVEN KAHNMRS J KESNER KAHNMRS JOURNET KAHNMR MITCHELL KAHNMR. NAT M. KAHNMR. STEVEN A. KAILESMISS JOAN E KAINDR RICHARC M KAINMRS ALDON KAISERMR GEORGE M KAISERDR. HARCLD M. KAISERMRS. WILLIAM KAKARISMR. CARLOS S. KAKOURISOR. EDWIN B. KALANMR LOUIS KALAVITYDR ARTHUR N KALESDR. ROBERT KALINMR. LESTER W. KAL INOWSKIMRS JOSFPH KALISHMR HEMCHANDRA P KALLEMR ARTHUR D KALLENMRS THOMAS KALLENDR HENRY A KALLET MRS PERRY KALLISONMI SS JEAN L. KALMBACHMRS SADIE K KALMONMR GRANT C KALSONMI SS JANET R KALVENMR MALCOLM S KAMINDR ROBERT M KAMINSDR HOWARD M KAMINSKYMRS OTTO F KAMPMEIERMISS CARMEN G. KANAPIDR. WI JO KANGMISS AIME KANGROMR. LOUIS E. KANNEMR EDWARD R KANTOWICZMRS. CHARLES M. KANUTEDR LEONARD H KAPELOVITZMISS RUTH KAPELSKYMR ALAN NEIL KAPLANMRS. ELMER KAPLANMR. ETHAN Z. KAPLANMR. EUGENE J. KAPLANMRS GEORGE KAPLANDR. HENRY L,. KAPLANMR JAY J KAPLANMRS JAY J KAPLANDR KAREN L KAPLANDR LEWIS C KAPLANDR LOUIS G KAPLANDR LOUIS H KAPLANMR MORRIS S KAPLANMR NORMAN M KAPLANMRS NORMAN M KAPLANMR SAMUEL KAPLANMR WILLIAM M KAPLANMRS WILLIAM M KAPLANDR HARVEY A KARAMMRS. ALEXANDER KARANIKASDR JEFFREY L KARASICKMRS MILTON M KARGERDR. RICHARD R. KARLENDR DAVID A KARL INMRS DAVID A KARLINMR GIDEON 0 KARLSONMRS. SURI S. KARLSSONDR JOHN W KARNDR ROBERT L KARPDR FAY B KARPFMRS KAZIMIR KARPUSZKODR THOMAS W KARRASMRS THOMAS W KARRASMRS OSKAR KARTMANMR JOHN 0 KASARDAMR. GEORGE KASHCANMR. LAURENCE KASHDANMRS MARGARET KASHDANMR. RICHARD V. KASIUSDR SAUL KASMANMR. OANIEL M. KASPERDR. SIDNEY KASPERMRS. BEN L. KASPINMR GUS S KASSDR LEON R KASSMRS. ARTHUR KASSOFFMR. LOUIS P. KASSOUFMR. RICHARD M. KA TE SMR. ZOLTAN KATOMR THOMAS G KATSAHNIASMISS BARBARA J KATZMISS ESTHER KATZMR JACK P KATZDR JOSEPH L KATZDR JULIAN KATZMRS PAULETTE L KATZMR PERETZ A KATZMR. WILLIAM M. KATZMRS FAYE P KATZENMRS HENRY S KATZENSTEINMR DAVID L KATZERMR. DAVID B. KATZ INMR ROBERT KATZMANMRS ROBERT KATZMANMISS MARION G. KATZMANNMI SS DEBORAH TET EN KAUDR. ROBERT KAUFMS ANDRENE KAUFFMANDR J HOWARD KAUFFMANDR. MERLE M. KAUFFMANDR. ALLAN N. KAUFMANDR DAVID M KAUFMANMR. EDMUND G. KAUFMANMRS IRVING KAUFMANMISS JUDITH D KAUFMANMISS LULA L. KAUFMANMR WILLIAM S KAUFMANMRS WILLIAM S KAUFMANMISS ALICE L. KAUFMANNMR PAUL R KAUPMR. VINCENT ROBERT KAVALDR. J. KEITH KAVANAUGHMR HENRY 0 KAVINAMISS ALICE M KAYMR ALVIN R KAYMISS BONNIE J. KAYMRS. GENEVIEVE N. KAYMR H RUSSELL KAYMRS H RUSSELL KAYMR MARVIN E KAYDR. WEBSTER B. KAYMRS. KENNETH H. KAYEMR. SAUL KAYEMR DENNIS S KAYESMAJOR HARVEY KAYMANMRS GWENDOLYN E KEANMISS NELL IE C KEARINSDR ANNA L KEATONMR. KENNETH R. KECKMISS CCRDELIA KEELERMR JOHN L KEELEY JRMR. CHARLES R. KEENMISS FRANCES A. KE'EN MRS ROY KEGERREISMAJ FRANCIS J KEHOEMR. FRED L. KEILMR. RICHARD JOSEPH KEIMMR ALeERT D KEISKERDR. MARY E. KEISTERMRS CARL KEITH JRDR JOHN J KEITHMISS CONSTANCE E KELLAMMR JOHN F KELLERMR P HASTINGS KELLERDR. SEYMOUR P. KELLERDR. BROOKS M. KELLEYMR. JERRY L. KELLEYMRS MARJORIE G KELLEYMR THOMAS E KELLEYDR. AARON KELLNERDR. ALLEN B. KELLOGGMISS LULU 0 KELLOGGDR R BRUCE KELLOGGDR FRANK B KELLY JRMRS GEORGE V KELLYMR. JAMES R. KELLYMISS MARGARET E KELLYDR MICHAEL G KELLYMI SS RUTH C. KELLYMR THOMAS M KELLYMRS HERBERT C KELMANDR PAUL KELPEMR. GEORGE H. KELSOMRS. J. H. KELSOMR. ROBERT 8. KEMBLEMRS VERNON L KEMMERMR L HUGH KEMPMRS LEONARD D KEMPMR ROeERT J KEMPMRS JOHN J KEMPFERMR. VYTAS S. KEMPKAMR FREDERIC L KEMPSTERMR JOHN H KEMPSTERMR. JOHN W. KENDRICKMR WILL KENIGSBERGMRS. HAYWARD KENISTONMRS ALICE L KENNEDYMR ELMER KENNEDYMRS LOGAN KENNEDYMR M HAYES KENNEDYMRS. MINNIE W. KENNEOYMR. PETER M. KENNELMR J FRANK KENNYMRS ANNABELLE H KENTMR. JOHN A. KENTMRS. MARGUERITE KENTMR DEAN H KENYONMISS FLORENCE M KERBYMRS ROLAND KERBYSONMRS. ERNEST L. KERLEYOR. G. RICHARD KERNMISS STELLA B. KERNMR SHERRICK KERNOLLMR. EVERETT F. KERRMR. JOHN C. KERRDR. JAMES V. KERRIGANMR LAWRENCE C KERSLAKE'MR. JAY M. KERSTEINESTATE OF MISS MAUOE KERSTENMISS MAUDE M E KERSTENDR DANIEL KESDENMR. KENNETH KESLERDR ROLAND L KESLERMISS MAE G. KESSINGMR JERALD ALLAN KESSLERMR LAWRENCE D KESSLERMR. ROBERT C. KÈTTERERDR JOHN B KETTERSONMR JOHN A KEYESMRS. DIXON -8. KEYSERMR. GEORGE N. KEYSERDR. NELSON Y. KIANGOR GECRGE V KIDDERMR WALLACE T KIDOMRS. ERNA R. KIEFFERDR. EDWARC J. KIELARMRS JANE A KIELSMEIERMRS I B KIGHDR. LEWIS M. KILLIANMISS LOUSIE E. KILLIEMRS. LORRAINE W. KILLOUGHMR DONALD M KILOURIEDR HAN K Kl MMR. SEUNG B. KIMMRS TEH B KIMMR. RICHARD T. KIMBALLMRS CONSTANCE B KIMMERLINGDR YUKIKO Kl MURAMR ROBERT S KINCHELOEDR SAMUEL C KINCHELOEMR WI LLIAM M KINCHELOEMRS. DAVID H. KINDMR JAMES K KINCAHLDR DAVID A KINDIGMRS DAVID A KINDIGMR. LAWRENCE H. N. KINETMRS. ALFRED T. KINGMRS. ARTHUR G. KINGMR CHARLES E KING IIIMISS ELEANOR E KINGLT. COL. HORACE M. K INGMRS I VAN W KINGMISS JANET E. KINGMRS JCYCE S KINGMR NICHOLAS F KINGMR ROLAND I KINGMR THEODORE T KING JRMRS THOMAS R KINGMR. W ILLIAM R. KINGTHE REV RCBERT W KINGCCNMR JEFFREY CARROLL KINKLEYMRS RICHARD F KINNAIRDMRS LUTHER J KINNARD MRS. GEORGE L. KINNEYDR. RAPHAËL K. KINNEYMR RICHARD G KINNEYMR. CLARENCE R. KINNICKMR MASUO KINODR DONALD B Kl NSLERMR PHILIP J KINSLERMR DAVID R KINSLEYMR. BLAIR KINSMANDR. IRA A. KIPNISDR'. WILLIAM KIR-S TIMONMRS. RICHARD P. KIRBYMR. WILLIAM J. KIRBYMISS LOUISE KIRCHHEIMERDR. VIRGINIA KIRKMISS JCANN L. KIRKPATRICKMRS TRUMAN KIRKPATRICKMRS. EMMET R. K IRNMR DAVID A KIRSCHOR. FRED L. KIRSCHENMANNMRS. JOHN P. KIRSCHTMI SS MARY E KIRTLEYMR KENT A KIRWANDR THCMAS C KISHLERMR M LESLIE Kl TEDR C FREDERICK KITTLEMRS C FREDERICK KITTLEMR JOHN KIWIETMR BJARNE 0 KJELSHUSMR A JOHN KLAASEN JRMR JOSEPH C KLACZYNSKIMR CARY IRA KLAFTERMI SS HERTA E. KLANK ,MRS. PETER P. KLASSENDR PETER P KLASSENMRS FREDERICK J KLAUER IIIMISS PHIL IPINE A. KLAUSMISS HENRIETTE L. KLAWANSMR ROBERT H KLAWANSMRS ROBERT H KLAWANSDR. MELVIN KLAYMANMR EDWARD N KLEEMR. AXEL-FELIX H. KLEIBOEMERDR MORTON KLEI MANMISS ANNETTE KLEINMRS. CHARLES KLEINMR. DAVID C. KLEINMR. FRED KLEIN JRMR GEORGE S KLEINMR. GERALD S. KLEINMRS. IRWIN H. KLEIN JRMR JERCME S KLEINDR JOHN J KLEINMRS. LEONARD L. KLEINMISS MARY L KLEINMR RICHARD G KLEINMR. STEVEN W. KLEINDR. WILLIAM S. KLEINMR CHARLES KLEINBAUMDR SCOTT A KLEINERMISS BERNICE E KLEINFALLMRS ROBERT G KLEINHANSMRS. DOROTHY KLEINSASSERDR NATHANIEL KLEI TMANMRS. NATHANIEL KLEITMAN -MR. EDWARD G. KLEMMMRS PAUL 0 KLEMMMR DAN KLETNICKMISS CORA MARIA KLICKKARL S KLICKA MDDR CHARLES KL IGERMANMR ERNEST J KLIMCZAKMRS G L KLINEFELTERMR CHARLES F KL ING JRMR. PAUL H. ' KLINGBIELDR ERIC KL INGERMRS. ERIC KL INGERDR ERICH KLINGHAMMERMRS ERICH KLINGHAMMERMISS M. DOROTHY KLÏNGLERDR. CARL P. KLITZKEMR. LYLE K. KLITZKEMR HERMAN L KLCPPMANNMI SS AMY E. KLOSEMRS ELEANORE M KLOSTERMANDR THOMAS J KLCSTERMANOR ARTHUR P KLOTZDR. RCBERT C. KLOVEMR MICHAEL L KLOWDENMRS. ROSE L. KLOWDENMR DAVID KLUGTHE REV EUGENE F KLUGMRS. JOHN KLUZMR JOHN W £METMRS. HENRYVJ. KNELLMRS J BOYC KNEPPERDR. DALE A. KNIGHTMR JONATHAN KNIGHTMRS. JONATHAN KNIGHTMI SS MARY E KNIGHTDR W ILLIAM H KNISELYMR. JAMES L. KNCLLDR. MALCOLM S. KNOWLESMISS GERTRUDE E KNOXMR. JACK H. KNCXMRS. SAMUEL S. KNOXDR. VERN C. KNUDSENMR R ICHARD E KNUDSONMRS RICHARD E KNUDSONMRS. RUSSELL H. KNUDSONMRS KAREN E KNUTSONDR MATHEW W KOBAKMR SOLOMON K08RINMRS. SOLOMON KOBRINREV. ARTHUR R. KOCHDR JAMES J KCCSISMISS IRIS KODISHMR JACK A KCEFOOTDR. WALTER R. KOEHLERDR WILLIAM A KOELSCH16vREV HERMANN E KCENIGDR. L. RANDALL KCENIGMR. WILLIAM KOENIGDR ROBERT H KOFFMR GLADSTONE KCFFMANMRS. ALBERT M. KOGADR NORMAN KOGANMR DAVID C KCGENMISS DOLORES A. KOHLMRS. ARTHUR F. KOHN JRMR STANLEY B KOHNMISS GERTRUDE KOMNHORSTMR GEORGE G KOLARMRS. LOUI S W. KOLBEMR. RONALD K. KOL INSDR JERRY J KCLLROSMRS JERRY J KOLLROSDR. EDWARC A. KOLODZ IEFMR. LAWRENCE A. KOLZEMR. CHARLES J. KOMAI KOMR C WILL IAM KONTOSMR HUGH A KOOPSDR LEONARD V KOOSDR DAVID KOPELMR DAVID KOPFMR. CHARLES E. KOPMANMR JCHN E KORETZMR JOHN KORFMRS JOHN KORFMR CLYDE L KORMANMR WALTER C KORNMR SEYMOUR KORNBLAUDR LOTTIE KCRNFELDMR. WILLIAM L. KORSTMRS. ETHEL S. KORTAGEMRS RALPH G KORTELINGMISS ALETHEA S KO SEMR DONALD G KOSINDR IGOR L KCSINMR PAUL R KOSINSKIDR DANIEL J KOSMANMR BERNARD MARVIN KOSOWSK IMR. PHILIP KCSSOFFMR SINCLAIR KOSSOFFMISS CLARA A. KOSTLEVYMR. JOSEPH K. KOSTOLEFSKYMR SHIRAZALI U KOTADIAMRS JOAN KOTHMR. WILLIAM C KO THEMR MALCCLM JAY KOTTLERMR JOSEPH G KOTZINMRS. ROSANNE R. KOVNATMR OANJEL S KOWALCZYKMR RICHARD F KOWALSKIMR GERALD MICHAEL KOWARSKYMISS ALETHA A KOWITZMR MARTIN J KOZAKDR FRANKL IN KOZINMRS. ALAN KRAFTDR. CHARLES F. KRAFTDR SUMNER C KRAFTMRS RUTH J KRAINESMISS MINNIE KRAMERMISS MOLLY M. KRAMERMRS. RICHARD A. KRAMERMR. RICHARD B. KRAMERDR OSCAR J KRASNERDR SOL H KRASNERMR. MARTIN KRASNITZMR. RONALD H. KRASNITZMR AIVARS KRASTSMRS. PAUL KRATZMR. HARRY KRAUSMR. STEPHEN F. KRAUSDR. ANNEMARIE E. KRAUSEMR ARTHUR H KRAUSEMR. DAVID KRAUSHAARMR HERBERT M KRAUSSMRS MARJORIE R KRAVI TZMR. JCHN KRCMRS I SABEL J KREBSMR EDWARD J KREGGCDR STANLEY J KREIDERMR. JERRY KREIMANMR LEROY KREINMR B ROBERT KREISERMR. MIROSLAV KREKMR BENJAMIN A KRELLMISS FANNIE KREVI TSKYDR GEORGE W KRIEBEL JRMR HYMEN B KRIEBERGMRS WILLIAM F KRIESMR. PAUL F. KRIETMR. GEORGE KRIKORIANMRS ALEX E KRILLMISS JANE K KPINERMR MAURICE KRINSKYMR JOËL E KRISSOFFDR. AVIS L. KRISTENSONMR DAVID KRITCHEVSKYMISS ANNA A KRIVITSKYMRS HELEN M V KROEPELMR. HARRY F. KROESENMRS. HARRY F. KROESENMR. LOREN H. KRCHMR DUANE W KROHNKEMRS. LEONARD J. KROKOMRS. NORMAN H. KROLLMR. FRANKLIN P. KROMERMISS JUDITH LEE KRONEDR RONALD J KRONEMR ROBERT E KRONEMYERMRS FRANK P KRCNENBERGMR ROBERT MICHAEL KROVITZMISS DCRIS E. KRUDENERMR ARTHUR F KRUEGERMRS MAYNARD C KRUEGERMRS ELSIE C KRUGMRS JUDITH F KRUGDR. MARK M. KRUG MRS. EVELYN L. KRUGERMRS. SAMUEL KRUGERMRS SYLVIA STEINBERG KRUGERMR HAROLD KRULEYMR (THOMAS KENNEDY KRULLMR FRANKLIN C KRUMM JRMRS HEEREN S E KRUSEMISS LORANE C. KRUSEMR. JOSEPH .8. KRUSKAL JRDR MARTIN D KRUSKALDP. STEPHEN J. KRUZICHDR HERBERT E KUBITSCHEKMRS HERBERT E KUBITSCHEKMR RAYMONC J KU BYPROF CLARK A KUCHEMANMISS MARTHA M KUECHENME ISTERMR ALLEN B KUHLMANDR. AUGLST F. KUHLMANMR. ELMER W. KUHLMANN JRDR MADISON A KUHNDR MURRAY D KUHRDR KLAIRE V KUIPERMR BARRY r* KUMINSMR. JOSEPH H. KUNEYMR SERGIUS KUNITZKYMR JEROME G KUNNATHMR STEVEN J KUNREUTHERDR. JOHN G. KUNSTMANNDR ALAN B KUPERMR RUSSELL FRANCIS KURDYSMR. DANIEL LAWRENCE KURTZDR NICHCLAS P KUSHTAMR JEFFREY THEODORE KUTAMRS JEFFREY THEODORE KUTADR JOHN F KUTOLOWSKIDR SUNG-TAO KWANREV CHARLES M KWOCKDR JACQUES J L* HEUREUXMR LEON M L* HUILLIERMISS EMMA M LA PORTEMRS ELEONCRA P LA RUEMISS ALICE LACHMUNDMR BERNARD J LACHNERMRS CHARLOTTE M LACYMR WALTER M LACYKDR. ROBERT A. LADMR ROBERT J LACECKYDR^ALEX LADENSCNMRS ALEX LADENSONMR STUART NEAL LADINDR. H. KARL LADWIGMISS EVELYN LAFLERMRS KRISHNA LAHIRIMR ALAN MARK LAHNMR HERBERT G LAHRMR JCHN P LAHRMR WILLIAM W LAI8LINMR F EDWARD LAKEMR ANTONIO M LALI8ERTEMR. ANTHONY J. LALLIMISS MARY E LALLYMRS JOHN J LAMBTHE REV ROLLINS LAMBERTMISS RUTH I. LAMBIEMR NOLAN A LAMEKAMRS. WILL IAM B. LAMERMR. WILLIAM P. LAMERE JRMRS. DON LAMKAMRS JOHN LAMPMR JCHN E LAMPEMI SS JOYCE LANAHANMR. STEPHEN A. LANDMR. A8RAM, N. LANDAMR JAMES B LANDAKERMR GARY R LANOAUMISS KARLA LANDAUMISS SARA LANDAUDR. JOSEPH K. LANDAUERDR ELLIOT MICHAEL LANDAWMR SHERWIN LANDFIELDMR OAVIC C LANDGRAFMR LOUIS HAROLD LANDMANDR ROBERT E LANDON JRMRS ELEANCR V LANDORDR R ICHARD S LANDRYHON. ROBERT W. LANDRYMR DAVID L LANDSITTELMISS VIVIAN F LANDSTROMMR DAN B LANDTMRS DAN B LANDTMR. LEONARD LANDWIRTHMISS DORTHEA M. LANEMR JOHN R LANEMISS JOSEPHINE MILLIE LANEMR. KENNETH E. LANEMRS ROBERT CRAIG LANEMR GEORGE W LANGDR. RICHARD 0. LANGMR STANLEY W LANGDR. PAUL W. LANGEMRS. WILLIAM W. LANGEMRS WILLIAM J LANGEN8ACHMR. EDWARC E. LANGERMRS FAYE M LANGERMANMISS IRMA LANGFORDMRS CHARLOTTE S LANGLEYMISS SUSAN G. LANGRETHMR IRA LANGSAMMS CECILIA DIANE BLACK LANNONMR CHARLES P LANSKIDR. I. RICHARD LAPIDUSMR RICHARD B LAPINMRS SARAH JANE LAPINMRS BERNICE LAPPMR. SEYMOUR J. LAPPORTEMR BRUCE C LARKIN MR FRANCIS J LARKINMR JOHN DAY LARKINMR. WILLIAM C. LARKINMR STEVEN B LARRICKMR EDGAR M LARSEN JRMRS EDGAR M LARSEN JRMI SS GRACE M LARSENDR. LOREN J. LARSENMISS MARTHA M LARSENMISS MYR TLE L. LARSENMISS ALPHILD R LARSONMI SS ASTRID I LARSONMR CARL E LARSONMR DAVID N LARSCNMRS LAURA CLEVE LARSONMR LOWELL D LARSONMR WILLIAM D LARSONMISS DOROTHY A. LASELLEMISS ROSE L ASHERDR SIM LASHERMR ARTHUR J LASKYDR JULES H LASTMR WALTER R LASTERMISS MARY LATHAMMRS JHARCLC F LATHROPMR. JOHN F. LATIMERMRS RICHARD L LAUMISS SYLVIA V. LAUDSTROMMR PETER H LAUERMR GEORGE H LAUERMANMRS EDWARC J LAUESENMR PETER LAUFERMR CHARLES V LAUGHLINMR. CHARLES W. LAUGHTGN JRMISS FRANCES L LAURENMR JAMES C LAVELLEDR ALLAN LAVETTERDR LORRAINE M LAVIGNEMR. A. ROY LAVIKMR NORMAN M LA VINMRS RALEIGH H LAWMR. DONALD LAWITTSDR. ARTHUR G. LAWRENCEMR. EDWARC LAWRENCEDR HANS W LAWRENCEMRS JOHN J R LAWRENCEMR PHILIP R LAWRENCEDR WALTER LAWRENCE JRMRS SHIRLEY V LAWRISUKMRS. GLADYS S. LAWSONMR JOHN L LAWSONDR STANLEY E LAWTONMR JOHN D LAWYERMR RONALD E LAYMONMISS EVELYN H LAZAREDR ARNOLD LAZAROWMR NORMAN LAZARUSMR. JOHN C. LAZENBYMRS OSCAR T LE BEAUDR NORMAN LEAFMRS. NORMAN LEAFDR BERTHA R LEAMANREV. MARJORIE N. LEAMINC-MRS EDWARD W LEANDR. BERNICE E. LEARYMR CALVIN H LEAVITTDR JONATHAN D LEAVITTMRS JACK LE8EDMR. RICHARD C. LEBLMR. SHELDON L. LEBOLDMRS M I LEBOWMRS. VICTOR LEBOWMRS BETTY LECHTERMRS ROBERT E LEDBETTER JRMR CYRIL M LEDERMR EDWIN A LEDERERDR HENRY D LEDERERMRS HENRY D LEDERERMRS HARVEY S LEDERMANMR. BYRON 0. LEE JRMR CARL BENNETT LEEMR. CHARLES W. LEEMP. FOSTER L. LEEMR FREDERICK R LEEMISS HARRIET M. LEEMP. HOWARD D. LEEMR. J. T. LEEMRS. JOSHUA A. LEEMR MARTIN ALAN LEEMISS MARYESTHER LEEMR OLIN PIERCE LEEMR REX E LEEMRS WILLA W LEEMRS PAUL N LEECHMR ROGER R LEECHDR JACOB R LEEDDR WILLIAM M LEESMISS LILLIAN A LEFFERTMR. RONALC A. LEFKONMR NORMAN B LEFTONMRS. RICHARC H. LEFTWICHMR JOHN C LEGGITTMR BRUCE LEGRANDEMR. THOMAS S. LEHMANMRS LYMAN E LEHRBURGERMR FREDERICK A LEHRERMR THOMAS C LEIBIGMRS JORDAN H LEIBMANDR. IRVING LEIDENMRS. S. W. LEIFSONDR ARTHUR H LEIGHMISS MILDRED J. LEIGHMR HEREERT M LEIMANDR MARIE E LETNMR STEVEN GEORGE LEINERMISS GRACE C LEININGERMR LELAND F LEINWEBERMR. DEAN E. LEISERMR. MANNING K. LEITERMRS. WILLIAM M. LEITER MR. W ILLIAM LEITERMR. ANTHONY U. LEITNERDR PETER P LEJINSMRS CLAIR LEMMCNDR. HENRY M. LEMONMRS. MILDRED W. LEMONMR VICTOR A LENNONMR HAROLD C LENTMISS EUNICE A LENZMRS ARTHUR G LEONARD JRMR ARTHUR H LEONARDMR CHARLES G LEONARDMRS. JOSEPH W. LECNAROMR. GERALD F. LERMANMR. MICHAEL A. LERNEROR. SAMUEL LERNERMRS VIRGINIA M LERNERMR PAUL WILLIAM LERROMR. THOMAS E. LESHERMR. MARVIN N. LESHTDR WILLIAM A LESSAMR. JAMES A. LESSLY ,THE REV STILES LESSLYDR WILLIAM A LESTER JRMISS LETITIA LESTINAMISS ANNALEE LETCHINGERMRS. GENE A. LETENDREMR HARRISON D LETTERMONMISS PHYLLIS LEVENSMRS J C LEVENSONMRS MARC LEVENSTEINMRS. GRIFFITH G- LEVERINGMR. REX S. LEVERINGDR RUTH M LEVERTONMR ROBERT F* LEVEYMS ESTELLE ROGERS LEVIMRS. DAVIC LEVINMRS. HERBERT S. LEVINMS JOAN D LEVINMR MORRIS A LEVINMR NA*THAN R LEVINMRS. NOAH B. LEVINDR NOAH B LEVINDR RICHARC L LEVINMR. ROBERT M. LEVINMR SAMUEL N LEVINDR. 8ARRY S. LEVINEDR DANIEL U LEVINEDR DONALD N LEVINEMR ERNEST S LEV INEMRS. HARRY E. LEVINEMR IRVING LEVINEMR JAY A LEVINEMR. ROBERT A. LEVINEMR STANLEY J LEVINEMRS SUSAN W LEVINEMRS. VICTOR LEVINEMRS BENJAMIN A LEVINSONMS ELIZABETH J LEVINSONDR RONALD B LEVINSONDR. DONALD J. LEVITMR SAUL D LEVI TMRS. THEODORE LEVITANDR. EVELYN S. LEVITINMR CHARLES R LEVUNMRS JOSEPH H LEVYDR MQRENO Y LEVYMR NEIL M LEVYMR. NESSIM LEVYMR. NORTON A. LEVYMRS. RICHARC A. LEVYMR RICHARD-A LEVYMRS. WALTER J. LEVYMR. DONALC S. LEWMR. ROBERT M. LEWEN8ERGMRS JOSEPH LEWINMR THOMAS M LEWINSONMR. ARTHUR D. LEWISMR. DAVID B. LEWISMR EARL LEWISMR. EUGENE W. LEWISMRS EVELYN HODGES LEWISMRS. FAYE B. LEWISMRS HARRY C LEWISMR. J. KENYON LEWISMRS. JOHN F. LEWISMR JOSEPH F LEWISMR LEON H LEWISMISS LOUISE E LEWISMRS MARGARET H LEWISMISS MARY LEWISDR MARY DEARING LEWISMRS. V. FCLKES LEWISDR. VERL S. LEWISMR. WALTER K. LEWIS IIIMRS WI LLIAM E LEWISDR EDWARD F LEWISONMR LAWRENCE E LEWNARDMR LAWRENCE E LEWYMISS MARTHA M LEYPOLDTDR. FANG-KUEI LIMR EDWIN B LIBBEYDR PAUL R L IB8YMRS PAUL R LIBBYDR BENJAMIN LIBETMRS. MICHAEL A. LIBIENMRS. SIDNEY M. LIBITMISS MARY F L ICHL ITERDR MANUEL E LICHTENSTEINDR. ROBERT S. LICHTENSTEINMR IRA J LICHTONMRS. H. M. LICHTYMRS. VICTOR LIDZMR WILLIAM M' LIEBERMRS FLORENCE M LIEBERMANMR MARCUS LIEBERMANMR MORTON A LIEBERMANMRS MORTON A LIEBERMANMR . PAUL LIEBERMANMR 'WILLIAM L L IEBERMANOR. LEONARO N. LIE8ERMANNMRS JONATHAN LIEBOWI TZDR. CHAN LIENMRS. ROBERT B. LIFTONMRS. FRANK L IGERMRS CHRISTINE L LIGHTMR DONALD W LIGHT JRMRS MONNA T LIGHTEMR. JOHN LIGTENBERGMR ELLIOT S LILIENMRS K K LILIENMI SS RUTH V LILLEYDR ROBERT M L IMPUSMRS CHARLES E L INCKMR LESTER WALTER LINCKEMRS ANDREW W L INDMISS GEORGIA JC LINDMISS ALMA I LINDAHLMISS GRACE A. LINDAHLMRS PHILIP LINDAHLMR. EDMUND J. LINDRLOMMR WARPEN R LINDGRENMR SIGMUND H LINDNERMR CHARLES M LINDROOTHMRS. VENICE M. LINDSAYDR. FREDERICK B. LINDSTROMMRS. ROBERT H. LINDSTROMMISS JAN LINFIELDMR SAMUEL E LINGLEMRS ROBERT P L INKMRS. LYNNE F. LINNMR RICHARD L LINTINGDR L OVEL IA L INTONMRS RICHARD D LINVILLEDR STANLEY LIPKINMRS NATHAN LIPSCFULTZMR. SIDNEY S. LIPSHIRESDR NELSON R LIPSHUTZMR SEYMCUR LIPTONMR RAYMOND L LISS JRMR. ROBERT J. LISTMR LOUIS LISWCCDMR SIDNEY LISWOODMR IRVING L ITTMANMR HENRY LI TVAKMR JAMES K LIVELYMRS OGCEN LIVERMOREMRS HERBERT LIVINGSTCNMISS RUTH H. L IVINGSTONMR SAMUEL A L.IVINGSTONMRS KENNETH LLEWELLYNMRS BERNARD LLOYDMR BOARDMAN LLCYDMRS BOARDMAN LLOYDMISS GECRGIA LLOYDMRS. GERTRUDE H. LLOYDMR. H. ORDWAY LLOYDMR JOHN E LLCYDDR RICHMOND M LLCYDMR. STUART P. LLOYD6r WESLEY P LLCYDMI SS LILLIAS W. LOBERMR. MARSHALL E. LOBINMR JOHN L LC8INGIERMR SALVATORE A LOCASCIOMR TERRY R LOCKDR. EARL N. LCCKARDMISS HELEN R LOCKHARTDR. LEONARD B. LOEBMR PETER F LCEWENMRS. MIRIAM P. LOEWENBERGMR SHELDON B LOEWYMI SS ELLEN L LCFBERGMRS DAVID E LOFGREN JRMR. RICHARD CURTISS LOFTMISS ELEANOR M. CCFTHOUSEMR. FRANK A. LOFTUSMISS LCIS LCGANMRS. FLORENCE M. LOHMANNMISS MARGUERITE LOHRERDR. JOHN P. LCMBARDIMRS LILLIAN M LOMBARDIMR BASIL M LCNGMRS DONALD W LCNGMR FRANK A LONGMR JERCME H LONGMR JOHN P LONGMISS JUNE H. LONGMRS LUCY W LCNGMRS GERALD LONGSTRETHMR. ROBERT 0. LONGSTRETHMISS ALBERTINE G LOOMISMR. DAVID E. LOPEZLT COL RAMON R LOPEZMR. CHARLES H. LORDMRS. JERE J. LORDDR JERE J LCRDMR WI LLIAM L LCRDMRS IDAH N LORENTZENMISS JULIA H LCRENZMRS JULIUS M LCRENZDR WALTER M LORENZMR BERNARC E LCRIMERMRS RHONDA G LCRINCZIMRS CAROL LOSSMR RICHARC J LCSSMR. ROGER W. LCTCHINMISS HELEN E. LOTHMR SEYMOUR N LCTSOFFMISS EDITH L. LOTTMANNMRS. GILBERT G. LOUDONMRS. CHARLES W. LOUFEKMR MAYNARD K LOUISMR JOSEPH G LOUNDYMR JOHN D LCUTHMRS . LEON LOVEMRS PAUL H LCVEMRS WILLIAM H LOVEMR W ILLIAM J LOVEDAYMRS WILLIAM J LCVEDAY DR ALBERT A LOVERDEMR ERIC V LOVGRENMR WILLIAM L LOVI NGMR. GERALC G. LOVÏNGERMRS PAMELA S LCVINGERMR GERALD H LOVINSMRS GERALC H LOVINSMR WINFIELD LCWEMR RODNEY C LOWELLDR WAYNE R LCW ELLDR. HEINZ A. LCWENSTAMMISS EDITH H LOWENSTEINMRS HERMAN H LOWENSTEINMR. MARSHALL L. LOWENSTEINMR. EDWARD S. LOWENSTERNMISS ESTHER LCWENTHALMR. EUGENE I. LOWENTHALMRS FREDERICK C LOWETHMR. BARNERO M. LUBENDR ARDIE LUBINMRS JOSEPH G LUCANICMR. HAROLD V. LUCASDR THOMAS E LUCASMISS FLORENCE J LUCASSEMR HENRY C LUCCOCKMISS LENA L. LUCIETTODR LEO A LUCKHARDTDR EMIL LUCKIMR.' WILLIAM H. LUDLOWMR WILLIAM G LUDLOWMR LOUIS E LUDWIGMR DONALD C LUECKMR DEAN 0 LUGINBILLMISS ELSIE LUHANMRS JOAN M LUKACHMR ROBERT W LUKENMR. ARTHUR W. LUKENSDR FRANCIS J LUMIAMISS ETHEL A LUNDDR MARY LUNDMR ROGER K LUNDMR ARTHUR C LUNDAHLMRS ARTHUR C LUNDAHLMRS. KARL A. LUNDBERGMRS DOLORES JANE HUNKEL LUNDEMR. GEORGE S. LUNDINMR DANA R LUNDQUI STMISS MYRTLE V LUNDQUISTDR RICHARD A LUNDYDR. IRVIN £. LUNGERMR EDGAR E' LUNGRENMRS HENRY H LUNINGDR. MELVIN LURIEMRS PAUL MICHAEL LURIEDR. WALTER A. LURIEMR EDWIN H LUSSKYMR ADAM MARK LUTYNSKlMRS ADAM MARK LUTYNSKlMR LERCY RICHARC LUTZMR CHESTER H LYDAMISS CLARE C LYDENMR MARSHALL H LYKINSMI SS ELIZABETH L. LYMANMP. GEORGE S. LYMANDR. THOMAS W. LYMANMISS CATHERINE LYNCHMISS ECYTHE M LYNCHMR JOHN M LYNCHMR THOMAS G LYNCHMISS VIOLA M. LYNCHMR WILLIAM B LYNCH JRMR PAUL- I LYNESSMR. ROBERT E. LYNOTTMISS WINIFRED C LYNSKEYMR JCHN D LYCNMR ROBFRT E LYCN,MISS SHIRLEY A. LYONMR WILLIAM L LYCNMRS JOHN W LYONSMISS NEVA L. LYONSMR PHILIP B LYCNSMR W JAMES LYONSMRS. MILDRED HCERR LYSLEMI SS RE8ECCA S LYTTLFMRS. LAWRENCE W. LYTTONMRS. TSU SHENG MAMR TSU SHENG MADR. HENRY S. MAASMR JAMES M MAC CALLUMMR CHARLES C MAC DONALDMR SAMUEL C MAC GREGORMRS DONALD B MAC GUINEASMR TRYON R MAC IVORMRS TRYON R MAC IVORDR A DOUGLAS MAC NAUGHTONOR ARTHUR E MACE JRDR GECRGE MACESICHMI SS ELSIE A MACHEKMRS RUTH G MACKMRS. W. H. MACKMR WARREN E MACKMR. WILLIAM M. MACKEMSENDR. DCNALC M. MACKENZIEDR SAUNDERS MACLANEMRS. SAUNDERS MACLANEDR. JAMES F. MACLEARMR EDWARD MACNEALMRS. EUGENE W. MACOYMR -EUGENE W MACOYMR MELVIN D MADDOXMR PRICE R MACCOXMR JAMES THCMAS MADEJMR MORRIS B MADIANMISS MARIAN E MACIGANDR. BERNICE G. MADISONMISS MARGUERITE MAGEE MRS. CHARLES F. MAGERDR NORMAN L MAGESMR ALLEN P MAGRUDERMR DAVID E MAGUIREMR WILLIAM E MAGUIREMRS ANGELA B MAHERDR. JEWEL G. MAHERMR. JOSEPH C. MAHERASMRS CAVID J MAHCNEYMI SS MILDRED M MAHCNEYMR W ILLARD S MAHOODMR. JCHN C. MAIDENMS EUGENE MAIERMR. FRANK H. MAIERDR SIDNEY M'AILICKMRS SIDNEY MAILICKMRS. CHARLES 0. MAINMR EDWIN B MAINDR. STAR F. MAINEMISS FRANCES H. MAINSDR LEWIS C MAINZERMR C ROY MAISCHMR JOHN HOLMES MAKINDR. ROBERT E. MALECMR ALFONSE T MALINOSKYMISS FLORENCE A. MALISZEWSKIMRS NAN R MALKINMR JOHN J MALKINDMR. SAMUEL N. MALKINDMS MARGARET H MALLETTMR THOMAS L MALLMANMI SS ALBERTA MALONEMR RICHARD H MALONEMISS COROTHY G. MALONEYMRS." JAMES J. MALONEYMR . EDWARD F. MALOVERMISS CATHERINE M. MALOYMR CLAUS G MANASSEMR CHARLES MANASTER IIMRS WILLIAM J MANBYMISS NANCY J. MANCHEEMR LEWIS M MANCHESTERMRS MAURICE S M.ANDELMR R ICHARD L MANDELMISS A DOROTHY MANDEVILLEMRS VUKOSAVA MANDICMRS. WALTER MANEIKISMR JAMES C MANGANDR. FRANKLIN M. MANGRUMMRS MARGARET W MANIKASMR DANIEL MANNMRS FREDERICK Z MANNMR JAMES E MANNMR. JOHN S. 'MANNDR SEYMOUR Z MANNMISS LCIS E. MANSFIELDMR HERSCHEL T MANUELMR. JAMES MANUELMRS. HAZEL K. MANVILLEDR JEFFREY Y MAOMR EUGENE T MAPPMS BONNIE W MARANTZMRS SIDNEY J MARBLEMR CARRCLL MARCHANDMRS. CARROLL MARCHANDDR REO J MARCOTTEDR. SIMON MARCSONMRS OOUGLAS ALAN MARCUSMRS. MORTON J. MARCUSi^R PHILIP S MARCUSMR. FRED R. MARDELLMR ALAN S MAREMONTMRS. MARY P. MARENECKMR. HERMAN R. MARGOLI SMR. OLIVER W. MARGRAVEDR PAUL L MARGULIESMR HARVEY A MARGUL ISMRS. LYNN MARGULISMR PAUL A MARIERMR DONALD JAMES MARIONMRS DONALD JAMES MARICNMRS EUGENE H MARIONDR JOHN H MARIONMR JAMES M MARKHAMDR LUCY W MARKLEYDR. MARTIN MARKOWITZRA8BI SAMUEL H. MARKCWITZMR C LARRY MARKSMR FREDERICK S MARKS JRMR. GERALD M. MARKSMR HOWARD S MARKSMRS MARY H MARKSMR MICHAEL J MARKSMRS RAYMOND T MARKSDR MARY L MARKSBERRYMR. LOUIS T. MARLASMR. ELRFRT W. MARLOWEDR LOUISE MARONMRS. ROSE S. MARONEYMRS. EDWARD W. MARQUARDTDR PAUL MARQUISMR. DONALC R. MARSMR ROBERT K "MARSHMRS BEVERLY D MARSHALLDR,. CHARLES W. MARSHALLMR IRL H MARSHALL JRMR. JACK A. MARSHALLMISS MARTHA J MARSHALLMI SS OLI VE MARSHALLMR RUSSELL L MARSHALLDR WADE H MARSHALLMRS. CONSTANCE H. MARTEENAOR. EDWARC A. MARTELLMISS WILMA M. MARTENSDR A STANLEY MARTIN JRMRS. BERNARD MART INDR. FRANK L. MARTINMR GEORGE G MARTINDR. JCHN B. MARTINMRS. LECNE B. MARTIN MISS MARGARET D C MARTINMISS MARGARET E MARTINDR ROBERT E MARTINMRS. SAMUEL W. MARTINMR WELLS MARTINMR . WILLIAM R. MARTINMRS EMIL L MARTINECOR. HUGO M. MARTI NEZMR LE ROY 0 A MARTINSONDR. SEBASTIAN V. MARTORANAMR. OLAVI MARUMRS HARVEY S MARVERDR ANGEL MARZALDR THOMAS A MASCICCCHIMRS. WILLIAM C. MASLOWMR. DAVID E. MASONDR GLENN M MASONMR JAMES MASONMR. JOHN L. MASONMR THOMAS ROBERT MASONDR. ULYSSES G. MASON JRMRS WILLIAM S MASONMR RICHARO C MASSELLMRS RICHARC C MASSELLMI SS FRANCES MASSEYMR WILLIAM S MASSEYMR CLIFFCRD G MASSOTHMRS. EDGAR L. MASTERSMR. LEONARD W. MASTERSDR THOMAS D MASTERSMR LOUIS T MASTERSONDR THCMAS R MASTERSONMR DAVID F MATCHETT JRMRS DAVID F MATCHETT JRMR ANDREW J MATCHETTMR ORD MA TEKMISS EDITH B. MATHERMR KENNETH A MATHERMR KIRTLEY F MATHERMRS. ROBERT L. MATHERMR T MICHAEL MATHERMRS T MICHAEL MATHERMR THCMAS R MATFERLEEMR JOHN P MATHIEUDR JANE E MATSONMRS HARRYETTA B MATTHEWSMR JOSEPH MATTHEWSMISS MIRIAM MATTHEWSDR. NORMAN L. MATTHEWSMR RICHARO P MATTHEWS IIMR. EDWIN C. MATTICKMRS. JOHN W. MATTINGLYDR RICHARD W MATTÔONMRS RICHARD W MATTOONMR. DONALD S. MATTSONMR. KURT R. MATTSONDR MILTON MATZMRS MILTON MATZDR OAVID C MAUZERALLMR. HERBERT J. MAXMISS RACHEL B. MAXMRS BUELL J MAXWELLDR CHARLES T MAXWELLMR. JAMES A. MAXWELLDR. MARY L. MAXWELLOR. STEVEN W. MAYMR. ARTHUR C. MAYERMI SS LEONA A. MAYERDR BENEDICT MAYERSMR ELSDON L MAYNARD JRMRS ELSDON L MAYNARDMISS ANNA MAYOMR. BRUCE RCBERT MAYOMISS ELIZABETH C MAYOMRS RICHARD C MAYOMR . STANLEY L. MAYOMR HENRY C MC BAYMR D ELDRIDGE MC BRIDEMR LAWRENCE J MC BRIDEMIS"S MARION AGNES MC CABEDR RUTH H MC CAMMONMR ALFRED L MC CARTNEYMR JACK L MC CASKEYPROF JOHN E MC CAWMR KERRY MC CLANAHANMR RICHARD S MC CLAUGHRY JRMISS SARABELLE MC CLEERYMR LARRY ALLEN MC CLELLANMR WALTER A MC CLENEGHANMR ALAN S MC CLIMONMR WILLIAM T MC CLINTOCKDR FRANC L MC CLUERMRS LORELEI E MC CLUREMR THORNTON N MC CLUREMRS CHESTER B MC CCIDMR RICHARD R MC COLLOUGHMR RALPH C MC COLLUMMR RALPH W MC C0M8MR DAVID B MC CONNELLMISS GERTRUDE M MC CORDMR ROBERT A MC CORDDR DAVID W MC CORMICKMRS THEODORE D MC COWNMR PATRIC G MC COYMRS P C MC CRACKENDR JOHN M MC CREAMR WI LLIAM C MC CREADYMRS LAURA MC CRORYREV GERALC W MC CULLOHMR DOUGLAS L MC CULLCUGHMR FRANK C MC CURDYMRS REX A MC CURDYDR LEIGHTON M MC CUTCHENMR FRANCIS M MC DERMOTTMRS DOROTHY R MC DONALDDR FRANK C MC DONALDMR GEORGE H MC DONALDDR JANET MC DONALDMR GERALD M MC DONNE LLMR EDWARD F MC DONOUGH16xMRS JOHN J MC DCNCUGHMISS JESSIE F MC DOUGALLMISS ELLA MC ELLIGOTTMR EDWARO J MC ELLIN JRMISS DOROTHY D MC ELVAINMR MARTIN C MC ENTIREDR RAYMOND H MC EVOYMR JOHN W MC FADDEN JRMISS CLIVE MC FADDENMR DONALD P MC FADYENMR JOHN P MC GALLOWAYMRS GEORGE E MC GECCHMR JOHN D MC GILL JRMR J MILTCN MC GINNISMR PARK MC GINTYMRS NEIL MC GOLDRICKMR WILLIAM- J MC GCNAGILDR EARL J MC GRATHMR EDWARD T MC GRATHMISS VIRGINIA M MC GREGORMR JAMES M MC GREWMI SS MARY E MC GREWMISS RI TA M MC GUANEMISS CATHERINE M MC GUIREMR CHESTER C MC GUIRE JRMISS FLORENCE B MC GUIREMISS KATHRYN A MC HENRYMI SS GLADYS D MC ILVEENMRS JAMES MC INERNEYMRS WILLARD L MC INTIREMISS GERTRUDE H MC INTOSHMRS JAMES G MC INTYRE JRMR JOHN M MC INTYREMR GEORGE LESLIE MC KAYMR JOHN 0 MC KEEDR C L MC KEENMR ROBERT E MC KEMIEMRS WAYNE A MC KENNEY JRMISS B ELIZABETH MC KENZIEMRS RICHARO P MC KIBBENOR FRED MC KINNEYMISS ELIZABETH MC KÛRKLEMISS JEAN M MC LAINDR WILLIAM 0 MC LANEMRS HAROLD H MC LEANDR STUART D MC LEANMISS DOROTHY S MC LEODMRS GEORGE F MC MAHONMRS THOMAS J MC MAHONMISS HELEN W MC MANUSMISS HELENE J MC MURTRYMRS FRANCIS MC NA8NEYMR J. STUART MC NAIRMR DAVID R MC NALLYMR JAMES J MC NAMARAMISS RUTH K MC NEILMISS GLENDA E MC NEILLMRS. FRANK C MC NU-RLENMR CHARLES P MC PHERSONMRS NORMAN A MC QUARRYMR ROBERT MICHAEL MC REYNOLDSMR THOMAS J MC SHANEDR CHARLES P MC-CARTNEYMR RICHARD C MC-CLEARYDR F DEAN MC-CLUSKYMR. STEPHEN J. MCADAMMR LUCIUS 0 MCAFEEMR. J. GILBERT MCALLISTERMISS BLANCHE MCAVOYMRS ERIC MCCANNMR. RAYMOND L. MCCANTSMRS. S. V. MCCASLANDMRS. CASSIE Y. MCCAULEYMR EVAN W MCCHESNEYMRS F DEAN MCCLUSKYAL VA GWÎN MCCORD M DMR. CHARLES W. MCINERNEYMI SS CORELLA MCKENNAMRS. HELEN P. MCKENNADR. FCRREST L. MCKENNONMISS RUTH B. MCKINNIEMRS. VIVIAN L. MCLAUGHLINMR PHILIP ROBERT MCLOUGHLINMRS WILLIAM D MCMASTERMR. WILLIAM J. MCMILLANMR. HENRY L. MCMURRYMR. CHARLES A. MCNABBDR RICHARC M MCNEERMRS. MARICN C. MCPHERSONMRS. EUGENE MCPIKEMR ROEERT A MCROBERTSMR F DAVID MEACHAM JRMRS F CAV 10 MEACHAM JRDR. DEWITT C. MEADMRS FRANK E MEADDR. IRENE T. MEADDR JAMES C MEADMISS MARY E. MEADOR SHARON C H MEACMR JOHN J MEADEDR ROBERT D MEADEDR LLCYD MEADCWMR. STANLEY H. MEADOWSMR JACK MEANSMISS THELMA F. MEAUXMR. CHESTER MECHMISS SUE MECHTERSHEIMERMR GARY A MECKLENBURGMRS SHIRLEY MECKLINMR GRANT £ MEDINMR MORTON L MEDNICKMRS RUTH W MEDNICKMISS MARY B. MEEHANMI SS MARTHA C MEHNERTMRS CHARLOTTE F MEISENBACHDR. RALPH K. MEISTERMR HARRY MELAMEDMR NICHCLAS J MELASMI SS RUTH B. MELBERMR ULRICH K MELCHER MRS EDYTHE MELHUSMR. HENRY E. MELIN JRMRS. HENRY E. MEL INDR CURTIS C MELNICKMRS CURTIS C MELNICKMR STEPHEN M MELTZDR BERNARD N MELTZERMISS ANN M MELZERMR ARTHUR H MELZERMRS. KURT MELZERMRS. DAVID F. MENARDMRS MILDRED M MENCHMR ELLICT J MENCHELMRS. JACK W. MENDELSOHNMR JACK W MENDELSOHNDR ROBERT S MENDELSOHNMR BURTON M MENDELSONMRS BURTON M MENDELSONMR. HARRY E. MENDENHALL JRDR FRANK L MENEHANMR DON H MERGLERMR JEROME G MERKELDR. LESTER MERMELLMRS. NED A. MERRIAMMR RICHARD H MERRIFIELDMRS GUDRUN W MERRILLDR ROBERT S MERRILLDR. JOHN R. MERRIMANDR JAMES MERRINDR. RONALD VALERE MERSHARTDR. DAVID 8. MER TZMISS RUTH M. MERWINMRS CHARLES M MESSERMISS JACQUELINE K METCALFMISS DOROTHY 'S. METZDR. MARIAN W. METZMRS. MAURICE METZGERMR ROLLAND METZGERMR. NORMAN P. METZLMISS A M MEULENDYKEDR. E. HAROLD MEYER-SMITHMISS ALICE I. MEYERMISS ALICE J. MEYERREV CARL S MEYERMR. CHARLES H. MEYERMR EARL F A MEYERMRS. ELEANOR B. MEYERMR FRANK C MEYERMRS. FRED MEYERDR GEORGE G MEYERMR GERALD HENRY MEYER'MRS. GERDA MEYERMISS GERTRUDE C MEYERMRS' JACOB MEYERMR. JOHN C. MEYER JRMRS. JOSEPH C. MEYERMISS R. KATHARINE MEYERMR. RICHARD K. MEYERMRS. ROBERT L. MEYERMR ROBERT L MEYERMISS SUSAN MEYERMR. HELMUT MEYERBACHMRS H MEYER SMRS. RUTH G. MEYERSMRS SIDNEY MEYERSMRS. WILLIAM J. MEYERSMR SEYMCUR MEYERSONDR ETHEL A MICHAELMR EDWARD J MICHAELSMR ROBERT C MICHAELSONMRS MYRON MICHELSMRS. LORNA A. MIDDENDORFMRS. EDWARD N. MIDDLETONMR DAVID B MIDGLEYMISS CONSTANCE J. MIDKIFFMR JOSEPH L MIDLERMRS JOSEPH L MIDLERDR. CHARLES J. MIGHTONMR. EDWARD H. MIKESMR. WILLIS H. MILARMR. JCHN C. MILEYMR ERLING L MILKWICKMR EDWIN B M ILLARDMR. GUY E. MILLARDMR. MORTON B. MILLENSONMISS AGNESS T MILLERMR. ALBERT H. MILLER JRMISS AMEY S MILLERDR B LYNN MILLERMR. BRUCE G. MILLERMRS. CHARLES MILLERDR OALE MILLER JRMR. DAVID A. MILLERMRS. DOROTHEA S. MILLERMR EARL A MILLERMR. EDWARD J. MILLERMISS ETHEL MILLERMR. EUGENE B. MILLERMRS. FRANK M. MILLERMRS FRANK MILLERDR FRANKLIN MILLER JRMRS FRANKLIN MILLER JRDR. FRED N. MILLERDR FRECERICK M MILLERDR. HARRY B. MILLERMR HARRY S MILLERMISS HELEN MILLERDR. HENRY P. MILLERMRS JUDITH L MILLERMISS KATHRYN N MILLERMRS. KENNETH MILLERMR. LEO MfLLERDR. LECN F. MILLERMR LOUIS L MILLERMISS MAURINE MILLERDR. MINNIE M. MILLERDR. MORTON W. MILLEROR. RICHARD C. MILLERLT COL RICHARD C MILLERMR. ROBERT H. MILLER MR ROBERT S MILLERMR. RONALD M. MILLERMRS SAMUEL J MILLERMR. SEYMOUR H. MILLERDR SHERWOOD P MILLERMR. THCMAS A. MILLERMRS VALLIE S MILLERMISS VIRGINIA J. MILLERDR WARC L MILLERMISS WILDA A. MILLERDR. WILFRED S. MILLERMR. WILLARD MILLER JROR FRED B MILLETTMRS VICTOR C MILLIKENMR ANDREW MILLSMR COLEY C MILLS JRMR. FCRREST L. MILLSMR GEORGE MILLSDR JOHN MILLSMR RAY V MILLSMR. KELSEY C. MI LNERMR. ROBERT S. MILNIKELMR ROBERT W MILCWMRS EUGENE R MINDELLMR MARVIN W MINDESMRS. ALBERT MINDLINDR . ROBERT G. MINDRUPMISS DOROTHY H MINERMI SS GENEVIEVE F. MINERMRS JULIUS H MINERMR LCUIS R MINERMISS MARY-JOAN MI NERVAMR RONALD W MINGMR DAVID R MINGFREV. LESTER R. MINIONMRS. BERTRAM G. MINISMANMISS ANGELA MINIUTTIMRS. LOUIS 0. MINK JRMR -FRED MINKUSMRS. PING KYAU Z. MINNMR. JOSEPH MINSKYMR RICHARC W MINTELMRS HERMAN MINTZMRS. ROSAMOND L. MIRABELLAMP BERNARD B MIRANMR. MARVIN MIRSKYMR. PETER J. MISCINSKIDR WILSON L MISERMR HENRY PAUL MI SI SCOMR ROEERT LAWRENCE MISNERMRS ESTHER D MISSNERMRS BLYTHE C MITCHELLDR CLAUDE W MITCHELLMR DIMITRI P MITCHELLMR. GARETH H. MITCHELLMRS GLORES H MITCHELLMR J BRUCE MITCHELLMR JCHN H MITCHELLMRS JOHN H MITCHELLMR MARION 0 MITCHELLMISS NORA MITCHELLMRS. WILLIAM H. MITCHELLMRS IRIS F MITGANGDR BERNARD J MIZOCKMRS. STEPHEN E. MOCHARYMR STEPHEN E MCCHARYMR JOHN C E MODSCHIEDLERDR CHRISTOPHER C MODUMR CARL H MOECKMR ALBERT L MOENG JRMISS GEORGINE A MOERKEMRS D DWIGHT MOFFITTMRS DAVID L MOHRDR DOROTHY R MOHRMR "JOSEPH S MOHR JROR. WILLIAM MOHRMR ROBERT D MO J ICAMI SS ANNA C MOJCNNIERMR. GARY MOKOTOFFMR OENNIS J MOLAMPHYMR NORMAN T MOLINEMR JOSEPH J MOLKUPMRS JOSEPH J M.CLKUPMRS DOROTHY 8 MOLLMR. GERALC F. MOLLOYMR THOMAS P MOLNARMISS MARJORIE B MOLYNEAUXMRS NANCY V MONACOMR PATRICK H MCNAHANMR THOMAS F MONAHAN JRMR. CHARLES A. MONASEEMR. FRANK M. MONCRIEFMISS DAY MONROEDR FRANCIS 8 MONRCÈMR FRANK D MONTAGUE JRDR. GEORGE L. MONTETMISS AGNES M. MONTGOMERIEMISS MARGARET R. MONTGOMERYDR. JOHN R. MOOKMRS. FRANK J. MCONEYMRS. WILDA G. MOONE YMR WILSCN F MOORMI SS ALICE MOORADIANMR SHELDON H MOORE JRMRS. AILEEN P. MOOREDR. ALEXANDER M. MOOREREV ARTHUR N MOOREMISS BETTY I MCOREMRS. BURTON M. MOOREMR BURTCN M MOCPEMRS. CHRISTOPHER MOOREMISS ELEANOR M MOOREMISS ELISE H MCOREMRS. HAROLO T. MOOREMISS HAZELL C. MOOREDR. JANE MOCREMR JOSEPH 8RUBAKER MOOREMR JOSEPH E MOCREMISS MYRTLE MOCREMISS MYRTLE H MOORE MRS ROBERT Y MOCREMR.. STEPHEN H. MOOREDR THOMAS G MOOREDR. WILLIAM J. MOCREMISS DRUCELIA MOORHOUSEMR GEORGE E MOCRMANMR B LEE MOOTZMRS J MORTON MORAMISS IRENE C MOREDAMR. OAKLEY D. MGREENDR. BARBARA L. MOREHEADMISS ADELE M. MCRELMISS GWENDOLYN MORELANDMRS.. H. S . FISHER MORENDR KENT MCRESTMR. AARON G. MORETZSKYMPS. ADA K. MORGANMRS. DOROTHY M. MORGANMR EDWARD A MORGANMR FREEMAN E MORGAN JRMR. JOHN E. MORGANMR. JOSEPH C. MORGANMR. RUSSELL R. MORGAN JRMR. MINORU MORIOKAMR BERNARD MORITZMRS A G MORLEY JRCOL. JOHN K. MORLEYMR FRANCIS JOHN MORONEYMRS MARJORIE K MORRAYMRS B KATHERINE E MORRELLMR BERT W MORRIS JRDR CHARLES W MORRI SMR ERNEST J MORRISMISS GERTRUDE H MORRISMR. HAROLD W. MORRISDR JAMES R MCRRISMR. JOHN W. MORRI S JRMR JOHN G MORRISMISS MARILYN ANN MORRISMRS. MARK MORRISMRS RALPH B MORRISMRS. SIDNEY H. MORRISMR. STANLEY J. MORRISMR FRED L MQRRISONMRS IAN W MORRISONMRS W HAVILAND MORRISSMRS. BLAIR D. MORRISSEYMAJOR DENNIS J MORRISSEY JRMR GECRGE L MORROWMR JOHN ELLSWORTH MORROWMRS MARY B MORROWMRS ARTHUR I MORSEMRS ROBERT W MORSEMR. ROGER R. MORSEMRS. WILLIAM MCRSEMR. REX J. MORTHLANDDR HAROLD H MOSAKMR J EDWARD MOSELEYMRS LUDWIG MOSHEIMMRS LUELLA R MCSHERMISS MARGARET MAY MOSHERMRS NANCY M MOSHERDR. RCBERT A. MCSHERDR ANDREW P MOSIERMR BERTRAM B MOSSMR FRANK H MCSSDR. GENE R. MOSSMRS. MILDRED E. MOSSDR ROBERT A MOSSMR. RONALD J. MOSSMR RONALD A MOSSMR HARVE H MOSSAWIR JRMRS. STEVEN A. MOSZKOWSKIDR STEVFN A .MOSZKOWSKIDR. HENRY MOULDSMRS ELTON J MOULTONDR JAMES E MOULTONMR. M. SCOTT MOULTONMISS MARY E. MOULTONDR JOHN A MOURANTOR. JOSEPH B. MOWMR HERBERT Y MOYDR DONALD C MOYERMRS. BARRY MOYERMANMR FRANCIS M MOYNIHANMR EDWIN E J MRAZMR MARK ANTHONY MROZIAKMR. DONALD J. MUCH AMISS ELIZABETH A MUCHOWDR BENJAMIN MUCKENHOUPTMR FREDERICK S MUDGEMRS. JAMES MUDRAMRS MARY L MUEHLEISMR KARLIS MUEHLENBACHSMISS ELISABETH MUELLERMISS ELIZABETH A MUELLERMRS. FLORIAN MUELLERREV ROY E MUELLERMR THEODORE MUELLERMRS THEODORE A MUELLERMR HERMAN J MUENCHENMR. RICHARD A. MUGALIANMRS PAUL MUIRMRS. JAY F. MULBERRYMISS LORETTA I. MULCAHYMR FLOYD I MULKEYOR B P MULLENMRS FRANCES A MULLENMR. JCHN E. MULLENMRS F H MULLERMR. JAMES K. MULL IGANMISS JEAN M. MULLIGANMR ROBERT S MULLIKENMISS M KATE MULLINSDR WENDELL R MULLISONMRS WENDELL R MULLISONMISS MARY D MULROYDR FREDERICK W MULSOWMRS. DONALD F. MULVIHILLMR GERALD W MUNGERSONMR ALVIN A MUNNMISS VIOLET B MUNNSMR. DAVID 0. MUNROEMR ERIC B MUNSONMR. JAMES L. MUNSGNMRS. LESTER E. MUNSON JRMR LESTER E MUNSON JRMRS MARY ELLEN J MUNSONMR GODFREY L MUNTERMR. JCHN T. MUNYANMI SS LINDA L. MURBACHMR ALLISON D MURDACHMRS BARBARA MURDOCKMR JOHN T MURIMRS. CHARLES A. MURPHYMR CHARLES A MURPHYMR DAVID H MURPHYMR. JOHN C. MURPHYMR. JCHN J. MURPHY JRMISS LORETTA M. MURPHYMRS MARGARETTEE MURPHYMI SS MARY E MURPHYDR. WILLIAM R. MURPHYMR. DENNIS D. MURRAYMI SS ETHEL M MURRAYTHE REV HERBERT J MURRAY JRMR. JAMES A. MURRAYMR ROBERT H MURRAYMRS ROBERT H MURRAYMR. THOMAS J. MURRAYMRS WILLETTE B MURRAYMISS ARRIA MURTCMRS JCHN L MUSICKMRS BERNARD J MUSL INMR CHARLES GREGG MUSSELMANMI SS GRACE A MUSSELMANDR AMMU K MUZUMDARDR. CHARLES A. MYERSMISS DOROTHY A MYERSMRS HENRY MYERSMISS IRENE P MYERSMRS LORING M MYERSMR MYRCN I MYERSMRS. RICHARD E. MYERSDR ROBERT G MYERSDR ROBERT H MYERSDR THOMAS T MYERSMR HARLAN L NAASDR JOHN R NABHCLTZDR FRANK NACCARATOMRS. SANDRA E. NACHAMIEMR RAYMCNO W NÀCKCNEYMRS. LORRAINE B. NADISMRS JACK NADLERMRS ALBERT M NADOLNAMISS HENRIETTE C. K. NAESETHMR. DANIEL P. NAGLEMR ROBERT E NAGLE JRMR KENNETH M NAGLERDR FAUZI' M NAJJARMRS. CECIL A. NANNEYDR CECIL A NANNEYMRS. RODNEY W. NAPIEROR JAMES T NARDINMR NEIL P NARTERDR. MARIS F. NASATIRMRS. ALVIN NASONMR JAMES NASTIOR. PAUL NATHANMRS CLYDE NATTKEMPERMR WILLIAM G NAVIDMRS WILLIAM G NAVIDMR ROBERT JAMES NAVRAT ILDR ALFRED F NAYLORDR. KENNETH E. NAYLOR JRMRS FRANK T NEALMR JAMES P NEALMISS EDITH L NEALEMRS RICHARD NEEDLEMR WALTER G NEEVELMISS MIROZA NEICERSMR L B NEIGHBOURMR LAMBERT 8 NEIGHBOURMISS ALICE V. NEILMR JOHN MALVIN NEILMISS LUCY L NEILLDR. HUMBERT S. NFLLIMR ARMOUR H NELSONMRS ARMCUR H NELSONMRS. BERTRAM G. NELSCNDR BERTRAM G NELSONDR. 3ILL M. NELSONMR. CECIL M. NELSONMR CHARLES L NELSONMRS DAVID T NELSONMISS FRANCES K." A. NELSONMRS HAROLC A NELSCNMI SS HAZEL B NELSCNMRS. HERMAN NELSONREV JAMES D NELSONMR. JOHN CHARLES NELSONMR. JOHN E. NELSONMR. JOSEPH NELSCNMR JOSEPH L NELSONMISS JULIA C NELSONDR KARL M NELSCNDR. KENNETH R. NELSONDR LEONA B NELSCNMI SS LOI S V NE-LSONMISS M KATHLEEN NELSONDR. MERRILL F. NELSCNMR MILTON E NELSONMISS MURIEL E. NELSONMI SS MYRTLE E NELSONMISS PAULINE D NELSONMR RAYMCNC E NELSON MR STEPHAN P NELSONMR. THOMAS E. NELSONMR THOMAS A NELSONMR. WILBUR T. NELSONMR WILLIAM C NELSONMR WILLIAM T NELSCNMRS WILLIAM W NELSONMRS EDWIN V NEMECMR EDWARD C NEMERGUTMR MICHAEL ALAN NEMEROFFDR UMBERTC NERIMRS. UMBERTO NERIMR MARC L NERLOVEMR GUY G NERY JRMRS GUY G NERY JRDR. PAUL H. NESBITTMR. ROBERT A. NESBITTMISS ALMA C. NESPITALMRS. PAUL E. NESSMANMR PAUL E NESSMANDR. ARTHUR H. NETHERCOTDR GLENWAY W NETHERCUTMRS. ROSS D. NETHERTON JRMRS. PERCY'M. NETZORGMISS RUTH NEUFNDORFFERMR HERBERT H NEUERMR. RICHARD NEUGEBAUERMRS FREDERICK NEUMANNMR HERBERT J NEUMAYERDR JOHN F NEUMERMRS. ANNE L. NEUSTAETTERMISS FRIOELLE NFWBERGERMR JOSEPH M NFWBERGERMR SHEL NEW3ERGERMRS SHEL NEW8ERGERMR CLARENCE T NEWBERRY JRDR JOHN NEWDORPMISS MADLYN H. NEWELLMR JOSEPH M NEWGARDMR MARK G NEWGARDMR. AUGUST NEWLANDER JRCOL. JULIAN A. NEWLANDERMISS MARY NEWL INMR CLARENCE W NEWMANDR. EDGAR LEON NEWMANMISS KATHERINE KINCAID NEWMANDR. LOUIS B. NEWMANMISS MARGARET NEWMANMISS MARIAN H. NEWMAN 'MISS NANCY J. NEWMANDR. PAUL B. NEWMANMR SCL K NEWMANMR. STUART A. NEWMANMRS WILLIAM K NEWMANMR MORRIS NEWMARKDR CHESTER Vi NEWTONMR D PAUL NieARGERMR W ROBERT M BLOCKMR CHARLES A NICHOLSMRS CHARLES A NICHOLSMI SS GRACE E NICHCLSMRS PAULINE H NICHOLSMR. PCBERT H. NICHOLS IIMRS ROBERT A NICHOLSMR CRAIG RAYMOND NICHOLSONMR EDWARD W NICHOLSONMR JOHN W NICHOLSONDR. RCBERT L. NICHOLSONMR ROBERT W NICHOLSONMRS. SETH C. NICKERSONMISS ELIZABETH H. NICOLDR GEORGE A NICCLLMRS WILLIAM N ICOLLMRS SAMUEL NIEDERMISS SARA C NIEDERMANMR. KENNETH P. NIEHAUSMR HARRY P NIELSENMR . OSWALD NIELSENMR PAUL E NIELSENMR. JOHN R. NIEMANMR. GEORGE H. NIEMIECMRS. LECNARC G. NIERMANDR LORENZ 0 NIETINGMRS ALICE A NIGHTINGALEMR VITO S NIGRELLIMR PAUL K NIKITOVICHMR IGOR NIKOL ICMR RICHARC H NILSONMRS MARGARET J NILSSONMRS. MARGUERITE M. NIMTZMISS MARJCRIE NINDMR . CALVIN NINOMI YADR. WALLACE E. NISSENMRS. DANUTE E. NITECKIMRS. F. L. NITTERHOUSEMP F R CARVER MXCNMR JAMES D NOBELMISS ELIZABETH H NOBLEMISS HARRIETT J NOBLEDR HARDING C NOBLITTMRS MINNIE H NOËLMR JOSEPH L NOGEEMRS. GEORGE J. NOHAVAMR GEORGE J NOHAVAMR JOHN J NCLANMRS WILLIAM A NOLANMISS IDA J. NOLTEMR HENRY H NCNAKAMR. CHARLES C. NORCROSS JRMRS. DEL NORDMR ROBERT EAMOR NORDMR. WILLIAM 0. NORDMR EINAR M NCRCAHLMP FRNEST J NORDGAARDMR. EDWARC A. NORDHAUSMR. ROBERT W. NORDINMISS IRMA H. NORDSIEKMR DONALD E NORCSTROMMR RICHARD L NCRDSTROMMR. ROY E. NORDSTROM DR JAMES H NOREMMR PHILIP NOREMMR TERRENCE A NOREUSMRS LEWIS G NORGRENMR JEFFREY A NCRKINDR REGINALD M NORRISMRS MARGARET R NORTHCOTTMISS SANDRA ANN NORTHRUPMR GEORGE H NORTON JRMISS GLADYS C. NORTONMR RAYMOND M NORTONDR. THEODORE M. NORTONMRS. KATHERINE A. NORWCODMR. SAMUEL W. NORWOOD IIIDR. THEODORE K. NOSSMISS MARGARET A. NOTHEISENDR ROBERT A NOTTENBURGOR BOGDAN C NOVAKMR FRANCIS J NOVAKMR. WILLIAM C. NOVAKMRS DAVID NOVICKMR. BRUCE C. NCVOGRADMRS ROBERT NOVOTNEMR BARRY N NOVYMRS HENRY N NOVYMR WALTER L NOWACKIREV IVAN S NOWLANMR. HAROLD NUDELMANMR. MARK NUGENTMRS. RONALD J. NUNKEDR RONALD J NUNKEMR QUINTON V NUNNMRS ELIZABETH NUNNALLYMjISS BARBARA JUDITH NUSSBAUMMISJt R'ÙBY D NUTTINGMR DAVID C NYBERGMRS LOUIS NYEMR WARREN E NYERMISS FRANCES C 0 HAREMRS JOHN D 0 HEARNMR ARTHUR C 0 MEARA IIIMR EUGENE J 0 MEARAMR DONALD R 0 NEILMR TERENCE M 0 NEILMR EDWARD P 0 NEILL JRMR JOHN F 0 NEILLMISS MARY F Û NEILLMRS WALTER O-BANNCN JRMR FRANCIS J O-BRIENMR WILLIAM JAMES O-BRIENMR WILLIAM P O-BRIENMR STEPHEN F O-BYRNEMR WILLIAM 0-CCNNORMI SS HELEN G O-KEEFEMRS GENE L O-NEALMISS VERONICA G O-NEILMRS ROBERT E G-NEILLMRS ROBERT O'HARAMRS VICTOR O/NEALMRS. LCUI SE M. OAKMR FLOYD W OATMANMR. FRANK F. OBERMR MARTIN KARL OBERDECKDR HARRY A OBERHELMAN SRMRS. JESSIE C. CBERTDR. FELIX H. OCKODR FIRMILIAN OCOKOLJ ICHMR CARL J ODENKIRCHENMR ROBERT S ODESSMRS RCBERT S ODESSMRS ALEC CDINAKMR GEORGE P OESSMR RUDOLPH H OEST JRMISS LORETTA OETJENMR CHARLES EDWARD OFENLOCHMRS. WILLIAM C. OFFENKRANTZMRS. LAWRENCE G. OFFILLMR LAWRENCE G OFFILLMISS LAURA OFTECALMR FîELDING OGBURNDR HENRY V S OGDENDR. WALLACE E. OGGDR WILLIAM B 0GLES8Y JRMR. QUENTIN 0. OGRENMISS JOAN SARAH OGUSSDR. VIRGINIA M. OHLSONDR RALPH H OJEMANNMRS ERNESTINE V OLDHAMMR CHARLES B OLDS JRMRS CHARLES B OLDS JRDR ELLIS G OLIMMR. BURTON H OL INMISS MARGARET ROSE OLINMRS. LEO OLINERMRS. JOHN W. OLIPHANTDR H WILLIAM OLIVERMRS HOLLIS OLIVERMS JULIE CLIVERMR LEONARD P OLIVERDR EDWARD J OLSENMISS ELIZABETH C OLSENMI SS MARGARET A OLSENMISS MERTYS K. OLSENMISS ELIZABETH A OLSONDR ELMER J OLSONMISS EMMA M. OLSONMI SS HAZEL E. OLSCNMISS HELEN C. OLSONDR JERRY S OLSCNMRS JERJ5Y S OLSONMR. JON D. OLSONMR. LOWELL E. OLSONMRS 0 D OLSONMR. ROBERT W. CLSONMR. WILLIAM G. GLSCNMR ARTHUR G OLSSON DR. KARL A. CLSSONMR KARL FREDRICK OLSSONDR KURT 0 OLSSONMRS KURT C OLSSCNDR RONALD C OLSSONDR. JCHN H. OLW INMRS. 0. T. QMLIDMR ARTHUR T OMOHUNDROMRS ARTHUR T OMCHUNDROMRS. CONRAD H. OPPENMR ARTHUR M OPPENHEIMERMR EDWARD H OPPENHEIMER JRMR. JAMES K. OPPENHEIMERMR MICHAEL OPPENHEIMERMRS. ROBERT OPPENHEIMERDR STEVEN OPPENHEIMERMRS R C ORANGEMISS ELLEN L CRANSDR MARTIN ORANSMR MALVERN L OREMRS JOHN B ORE M JRMRS DONALD S ORENMR JOSEPH OPLICKYMR. RALPH R. ORLIKMR HAROLD ORLINSKY" MR JOHN H ORMONDMISS ANNETTE ORNSTEINMR. STANLEY E. ORNSTEINMISS MARIAN J. ORRTHE REV RUSSELL S ORRMISS KAREN J ORRENMISS HELEN L CRVISMR. ALFRED E. OSBORNEDR. CLIFFORD P. OSBORNEMR DANIEL N OSHERSONMR ORVIL S OSTBERGMR. SOREN K. CSTERGAARDMISS ROLLYN G. OSTERWEISDR. JEREMIAH P. OSTRIKERMR MARTIN OSTWALDMRS MARTIN OSTWALDMR THEO N OTISMR CHARLES M CTSTOTMRS CHARLES M OTSTOTMISS ANNA M OTTODR. GEORGE H. OTTODR LOUISE OVERACKERMR. WILLIS ASH OVERHOLSEROR OLIVE> E OVER SETH JRMR. R€BFRT H. OVERSTREETDR JANE H OVERTONDR. PAUL J. OVREBOMRS J P CWENMR JACK W OWENMR. NATHAN P. OWENMISS AMY F OWENSMRS FREDERICK M OWENS JRMR PAUL THOMAS OWENSMR. WILLIAM A. OWENS SRMR MAURICE FRANK CXENREITERMRS. STANLEY OZAROWSKIDR ROBERT S OZERANMRS ROBERT F PAASHAUSMRS. JOSEPHINE F. PACHECODR DEAN A PACKMISS MARY E PADAVICMISS MARY L PADOVANDR. PASQUALE J. PAGANCMISS NADINE PAGEMRS ROSCOE A PAGEMRS THCRNTON L PAGEMISS ALICE E. PAINEMISS FLORENCE E. PAINEMAJOR FRANK G PAINEMISS MYRA A. PAINEMISS OLIVE PAINEMR. WI LLIAM R. PAINTERMR HAROLD I PALASHMR ROGER M PALAYMR ALFRED M PALFIMR. MAURICE S. PALLESMR. RUSSELL L. PALMMISS GEORGIANA P PALMERMRS. R. GRAHAM PALMERDR REX B PALMERDR. CAROL YN C. PALMGRENMR DARWIN PALMIEREDR. PAUL H. PALMQUISTMR JOSEPH PALOMBODR DANIELyPALOYANDR. EDWARIHPALOYANMISS BARBARA F. PALSERDR ELINOR E PANCOASTMR ROBERT 'V PANFILDR DAVID S PANKRATZMR CLIFTON WYNOHAM PANNELLMR IRWIN PANTERMRS. IRWIN PANTERDR ATHAN A PANTSIOSMR NORMAN JOSEPH PANZEGRAUMRS BETTY A PAPANGELISDP GEORGE PAPATHEODOROUMRS JOHN PAPP JRMRS. GEORGE R. PAPPASMRS NICHOLAS J PAPPASMRS HOWARD W PAPPERTMI SS SANDRA J PAPRCCKIMRS. ROSE K. PARAZAIDERMR J PAREZMR. CHARLES F. PARHAMMISS HELEN PARISHMISS JEANNE M PARISHDR ROGER C PARISHMR HERBERT W PARKMISS BERTHA M PARKERMRS. CLEVELAND PARKER16zMRS DELOS H PARKEROR EVANGELINE V PARKERMR JOHN R PARKERDR KENNETH L PARKERMRS KENT H PARKERMR RALPH H PARKERDR THOMAS W PARKERMR. TRCY L. PARKERMR WATSON PARKERMR EDWIN W PARKHURST JRMR MARSHALL M PARKHURSTMRS MARGERY ROHAN PARKSMR. WILLIAM W. PARKSMI SS PATRICIA PARMELEEDR CLARENCE E PARMENTERMI SS HATTIE M. PARNKOPFOR. LOUIS W. PARRATTMISS ESTELLA C PARROTTDR ALBERT PARRYMISS GAIL ELLEN PARRYMRS MARGARET L PARRYMRS. WILLIAM G. PARSCHMR DAVID PARSONMRS. HOWARD L. PARSONSDR JACK R PARSONSMISS MARIAN D. PARSONSMISS PATRICIA A. PARSCNSMR ROBERT KEITH PARSONS"1MRS. THCMAS W. PARSONSMRS JULIAN G PARTMANNMR CHARLES 0 PARTRIDGEMR DAVID F PASKAUSKYDR. G. NICHOLAS PASTERMR WILLIAM JOSEPH PASTOREMR. WILLIAM G. PATEMR ANTONE P PATHEDR. HENRY A. PATINMR NORMAN J PATINKINMR BRUCE 0 PATNERDR. MICHAEL H. PATRICKTHE REV THEODORE H PATRICKMRS. MAXWELL PATTMRS CARTTER PATTENMRS SHELDON PATTENMR CECIL H PATTERSONMR. DALE R. PATTERSONMISS SARA A PATTERSONMISS HARRIET PATTISONDR. DOROTHY E. PATTONMISS HELEN F. PATTONDR. JOHN H. PATTONMR BRACE PATTOUMR EDWARD L PATTULLOMRS HELEN H PAULMR FREDERICK 0 PAULSELL JRMRS FREDERICK C PAULSELL JRMR. HARVEY L. PAUL SONMR VIRGIL F PAYNEOR CAMEN R PAYNTERMR DAVID B PAYNTERMRS CELIA M PAYTONMR. ROBERT W. PEACHMISS NELLIE L PEAKEDR JOHN TIMOTHY PEARCEMR THOMAS M PEARCEDR. DAVID PEARLMRS. RUTH F. PEARLEMR. LOU PEARLMANDR S J PEARLMANMRS SOL PEARLMANMISS DOROTHY T PEARSEDR. SAMUEtL C. PEARSON JRMISS SIGNE PEARSONMR THOMAS M PEARSONMR WENDELL H PEARYMISS HANNAH E PEASEMRS. LEAVITTE H. PEASEMISS BETTY M PEAVYHOUSEDR. LOUIS A. PECHSTEINOR PHILIP PECHUKASDR GEORGE T P ECKMR. HERBERT I. PECKMR. LYMAN C. PECKMRS RUSSEL A PECK JRMR WILBUR J PECKAMISS FREDDA E PEDENMRS. JAMES PEDENMI SS LAURA M PEDERSENDR. HAROLD T. PEDERSONMRS. GREGORY L. PEDERZANIMR GREGORY L PEDERZANIMR CARL N PEHLKEMRS RCY L PEIRCEMR ROBERT J PELOQUINMISS LURA A PELTONMRS MIR'IAM PELTCNMRS. RICHARD W. PELTZDR RICHARC W PELTZMR SAM PELTZMANMRS. WILFRED A. PEMBERTONDR WILFRED A PEMBERTONMR. MARTIN PEMPEITMRS FERN M PENCEMRS. ROBERT PENCE ^MRS R PENNEKAMPMR EUGENE B PENNELLMR GERALD M PENNERMR. HANS H. PENNERMISS EMILY C. PENNOCKDR F JAY PEPPERMRS. JAMES PEREGOYMR. CHARLES J. PERESMRS. J. J. PEREZMISS DOROTHY E PERHAMMR. CHARLES ALAN PERK INSMR JAMES W PERKINSMRS EUGENE D PERLEMR JOSEPH WILLIAM PERLÉYDR IRWIN E PERLINDR HENRY B PERLMAN MRS. MAX S. PERLMANMRS. FREDA S. PERLMUTTERDR GILBERT J PERLOWMRS GILBERT J PERLOWMRS. STEPHEN R. PERLSMR SIDNEY M PFRLSTADTMI SS RUTH PERRINEMRS. FANNIE N. PERRONMR CHARLES M PERROTTETDR. BENTON B. PERRYREV EVERETT L PERRYMR. HAROLD J. PERRYMR JOHN S PERRY IIIMRS PAUL F PERRYMI SS AL'GUSTA PERSKYMRS EDWARD L PESANTIMR. ALLAN J\ PESK INMR. IRA J. PESKINDMR MAX W PETACQUEDR ELEANPP W PETERMR. EDWIN D. PETERMANMR WILLIAM A PETERMANMRS WILLIAM A PETERMANMRS SAMUEL E PETERSMR WILLIAM A PETERSMRS KEITH S PETERSENDR KEITH STUART PETERSENMISS MYRTLE A PETERSENMR. ARIS J. PETERSONMR ARTHUR H PETERSONMRS. C. K. PETERSONMR. COURTLAND H. PETERSONMR. DANIEL W. PETERSONDR. DONALD W. PETERSONDR DUREY H PETERSONMISS HELEN A. PETERSONDR HENRY A PETERSONMR. JOHN E. PETERSONEST OF MISS MARNA PETERSONMISS MIRIAM E. PETERSONMR. RICHARD A. PETERSONMR THOMAS S PETERSONMRS JOHN H PETHERBRIDGEMR WAYNE M PETHICKMR Z JONAS PETKUSMISS MARY D. P ETRMRS LEONARD J PETRAITISMRS. FLETA CHILDS PETRIEMR MARSHALL C J?ETRINGMR. JACK t. PErTEEMR RICHARD W PETTICREWMR MARK R T PETTIT JRDR DAVID T PETTYMR VIRGIL 0 PETTYDR. FLORENCE E. PETZELMISS EMMA L. PFAFFMANMR CODY PFANSTIEHLMRS ELEANOR B PFAUDR JOHN M PFAUMR. RAYMOND V. PFAUTSCHMR. PAUL J. PFEILSTICKERMISS EVELYN M. PFEUFFERDR ALLAN C PFNISTERMRS. G. S. PHALARESMR JAMES W PHELPSMRS JOHN CARNE PHELPSMR 0 W PHELPSMISS ROSE B. PHELPSMISS AMELIA C PHETZINGMISS RUTH M. PHIL8ROOKMR. WILLIAM 0. PHILBROOKMRS". MORTON B. PHILIPMR MORTCN B PHILIPMRS MILTON B PHILIPSMRS. WILLIAM C. PHILIPSMRS MARTIN PHILIPSBORN JRALICE CHUNG PHILLIPSMRS. JEANNETTE T. PHILLIPSMISS ORA E PHILLIPSMR. OLIVER M. PHILONMR. HORACE P. P IATTMISS NATALIE A PICCHIOTTIMRS DORA PICHENYMISS HARRIETT J PICKETTMISS JESSICA R. PICKETTMR RALPH R PICKETTMRS RALPH R PICKETTDR. GERALD S. PICUSDR. RONALD L. PIDDINGTONMISS VIRGINIA A PIDGECNMISS LEONE G PIEKARSKIMRS. GARY L. PIELEMEIERDR FRANCI S D PIENMISS HILDEGARD C. PIEPERDR 8ESSIE L PIERCEMRS. CARL W. PIERCEMR. JIMMY V. PIERCEMISS MARY J. PIERCEMRS MARY K PIERCEMRS MAURICE R PIERCEDR. W. CONWAY PIERCEMISS MARY F PIERCEYMR. PAUL J . PIERONIMR. CHARLES W. PIERSOLMISS LORRAINE PIERSONDR WILLIAM H PIERSONMRS MARION H PIETSCHDR. IRVIN S. PILGERMR RICHARC B PILGRIMMR S R PINCUSDR HERMAN PINESMRS. HERMAN PINESMRS. MARVIN H. PINKMRS DALE PINKERTDR JACOB L PINNASMR. DEANE E. PINNEYMR PALMER W PINNEYMRS. LUCILLE B. PINTOREV CANON ERNEST E PIPERMISS HELENE B. PIRRITTE Ml SS RUTH L. PITMANDR. PHILIP PITRUZZELLOMR THEODORE A PITTIGLIOMRS ELIZABETH N PITTMANMISS LOUISE PITTMANDR MARGARET PITTMANMISS MARTHA S. PITTMANDR JAMES C PLAGGEMRS JOSEPH PLANERDR RICHARC J PLANOMRS. GILBERT PLASSDR E RAYMOND PLATIGDR. HAROLD H. PLATZDR GEORGE W PLATZMANDR. ROBERT L. PLATZMANMR. ROBERT J. PLAUTMRS. EUSTACE T. PLIAKASMR CONRAD A PLIMPTONDR GEORGE KIMBALL PLOCHMANNMRS. FRANK J. PLOSHAYMR LESTER PLOTK INMR MANUEL D PLOTKINDR HAROLD PLOTSKYMR. JOHN C. PLOTZMISS RUTH I PLUMBMISS ALICE V PLUNGESMISS MARY E. PLUNKETTMRS. LOUIS F. PLZAK SRDR LOUIS F PLZAK JRDR LOUIS F PLZAK SRMR. CARL W. POCHMR GEORGE 0 PODEMSKIDR EDWIN C PODEWELLMR. RAPHAËL LEWIS PODOLSKYDR. RICHARD J. PODOLSKYMR SIDNEY D PODOLSKYDR. ALEXANDER POGOMRS. ROYAL POHNDORFFMR. G. PHILIP POINTSMR. FRANK NORMAN POKINMR. JOSEPH POKORNY JRMISS EMILIA F. POLERECKYRABBI MILTON H. POLINMRS. CLYDE E. PCLINGMR. JOHN R. POLKDR JCHN C POLK INGMR. ALFRED POLLACKDR. EUGENE L. POLLACKMR. ROBERT E. POLLACKMR SHELDON POLLACKDR SIMON POLLACKMR CHARLES A POLLAK"MRS MAURICE A POLLAKMR. ALEXANDER J. POLLOCKMR. LANSING R. POLLOCKMR MARVIN E POLLOCKMR HERBERT S POMERANCEDR PHILIP PCMPERMRS. PHILIP POMPERMR KENNETH FRANCIS POMPICOL. SEYMOUR J. POMRENZEMRS HAROLD S POND JRMISS JEANNETTE PONDMR RAYMOND F PONTIOUSDR ITHIEL DESOLA POOLDR JEAN DESCLA PCCLDR MARION L POOLMISS IRENE G. PCOLEMR RICHARD E PCOLEMR. WILLIAM POOLEMRS. FRED A. PCORDR. RICHARD M. POPEDR MICHAEL KENNETH POPKINMR DANIEL M POPPDR FRANCIS W PORRODR JULES D PORSCHEMRS JULES D PORSCHEMR DAVID L PORTERMISS KATHERINE H PORTERMISS MONICA E PORTERMR. W. LEE PORTERFIELDDR CAESER PORTESMRS ISADORE M PORTI SMRS MAURICE M PORTNOYMRS. MYRA G. POSÈRTDR. MARGARET POSEYMR. WALTER B. POSEYDR. EDWARD C. POSNERCOL. GERALD J. POSTDR SHOLEM POSTELMISS FEROL E POTTERDR. FRANKLIN C. POTTERMR THOMAS C POTTERMRS THOMAS C POTTERMRS ARTHUR W POTTSMRS. DAVID POTTSMISS MARGUERITE L POTTSDR. WILLIAM M. POTTSMR JAMES J POTUZNIKMISS EMILY E. POWELLMRS. ERNELLE B. PCWELLDR JAMES E POWELLMRS JCHN G PCWELLMRS P L POWELLMRS VERA F POWELLMR. LEC C. PCWELSONMI SS GRACE POWERSMR HOMER W POWERSDR. THOMAS E. POWERSMR RICHARD GENE POZENMRS ALAN E PRADTMRS. HERTA PRAGEROR R ICHARD L PRAIRIEMRS LOUISE 8 PRAKASHMR ROBERT JOSEPH PRANTISDR JUR OTTO GRAF PRASCHMAMR JOSEPH E PRASERMRS NORMAN W PRASSMISS ONA A PRATHERMR DAVID B PRATT. MR JACOB C PRATT JRDR R ICHARC H PRATTDR. WALTHER PRAUSNITZMRS H E PREHNMR THEODORE 0 PRENTINGDR STANTON H PRENTISSMR. RICHARD PRESCOTTMRS ROLAND PRESKILLMR LEWIS F PRESNALLOR IRWIN PRESSMR ROY F PRESTONDR JOHN C PREVOSTMR ALLEN T PRICEMRS ALPHANETTE WHITE PRICEMRS ARVIDA E PRICEMISS CARMEN A PRICEMR OELBERT L PRICE'PROF DOROTHY PRICEMR GALEN POYER PRICEMRS LUCILE PRICEMR^LEE PRIDGEN JRDR ROBERT F PRIEST IIIMRS ROBERT F PRIEST IIIDR HILL M PRIESTLEYMR NATHAN PRIMACKMISS L MARGUERIETE PRIMEMR PETER G PRINAMRS WARREN F PRINCEMRS DON G PRINDLEMR RICHARD PRINSMRS AARON PRITIKINMR BENJAMIN L PRI TZMRS. HELEN H. PROCHAZKADR. VALENCIA N. PROCKDR JOHN J PROCKNOWMR RICHARD W PRCCTORMRS RICHARD W PROCTORMR ELMER C PROEHLE .MR PHILIP C PROROKDR HARRY PROSCH JRDR THEODORE S PROUDMR ANDREW PRUSAKMISS EUNICE M PRUTSMANMR JERRY PRUZANMISS MARJORIE L. PRYORPROF WILLIAM A PRYORMR. THADDEUS A. PRZYBOROWSKIDR RONALD J PRZYBYLSKIMR CHARLES B PUESTOW JRMISS JANE PUGHMR DAVID C PUGLIESEMRS ARTHUR L PUKL INDR CYRIAC K PULLAPILLYDR EARL V PULLIASMISS HAZEL A PULL INGMRS THEODORE N PULLMANMR RALPH PULVERDR JCHN 0 PUNDERSONMRS MARION PUNKEMRS ALICE PURMANMRS MEYER PUSSTELNIKMISS PAULINE E. PUTNAMDR DANTE A PUZZOMR ERNST J PYLERDR EUGENE S PYSHQDR STANLEY D QUANBECKMR WILLIAM E QUARTERMANMRS MERCEDES H QUEVEDOMR CLARENCE F QUINLAN J R~MR WILLIAM F- QUINLANMR RICHARD K QU INNMRS RICHARD K QUINNDR. ROBERT B. QUINNMRS ANN C QUISENBERRYDR SVERRE QUISLINGRMRS JAMES MARK RABBDR RICHARC B RABENSMR MAURY T RABINOWITZDR JAMES Z RABUNMR GEORGE JCHN RADICHDR 'ROY RADNERLT BURNETT H RADOSHMRS JUOITH R W RAFALOWICZMISS ELEANORE J RAFFMRS EDITH L RAFTERMR JOHN W RAGLEMRS ROLLAND A RAHEMRS GERALC D RAHILLDR DAVID C RAHMDR WALTER J RAINEMRS AVA LCU RALLDR ROBERT H RALSTONMISS MARILYN R. RAMIREZDR J MERCFR RAMPCNAMR RONALD L RAMSEYERMRS RCNALC L RAMSEYERMR ROBERT G RANDALLMR JOHN L RANDOLPHMS DONNA CARPENTER RANKINMRS HARVFY W RANKINDR JAMES R RANKINDR ROBERT C RANQU ISTDR JOHN C RANSMEIERMR G UDIAVAR RAOMR JACK RAPAPORTMRS JOHN R RAPERMISS JACQUELINE L RAPIERMR OSWALD G RAPINMISS ANN C. RAPOPORTMR DONALD E RAPPEMISS MIRIAM G. RAPPEMR WI LLIAM E RASH16aMRS MILDRED RASKYMISS ETHEL E RASMUSSONMRS HELEN CHELSEA RATAJAKDR SAMUEL C RAT CL IFFEMRS DOROTHY B RATHMANMR HYMAN RATNERDR RICHARC A RATNERMRS MARIAN F RATNOFFMRS THELMA K RATTLEYMR. JCHN J. RATTOMR DONALD D RAUMMR EDMUNO 0 RAUSCHMRS EDMUND C RAUSCHMISS LUCIA R RAUSCHMISS MARGARET E RAUSCHMR MICHAEL J RAUWORTHMR GLENN B RAVENSCROFTMR HOYT RAWLINGSERROLL W RAhSON MDMR DELMAS D RAYTHE REV HARTLEY C RAYMRS. THOMAS L. RAYMISS ADRIENNE S. RAYLMRS MERRICK SCCTT RAYLEMISS HOPE RAYMONDDR MAHLCN RAYMUNDDR JOHN A RAYNEMRS RUTH T REDR JAMES M READDR WALDEMER P READDR W ILLIAM F READMISS MARGUERITE READYDR MILTON P REAMDR GERALD M REAVENMR DOUGLAS V REBAKMR WILLIAM REBELSKYDR JAMES G REBERMR CALVIN G RECKLEYMRS FREDERICK L REDEFERREV HARVEY M REDFORDMR DELMAR REID REDIGERMRS CHARLES L REDMANMR DAVID F REDMANDR. MORGAN W. REDUSMR KEITH A REECEDR WILBUR T REECEMRS EULAH BELLE REEDMRS HELEN B REEDMR. JOSEPH A. REEDMR ROBERT B REEDMR RUFUS M REED JRMR WARREN A REEDER JRDR CARL J REESMR PHILIP H REESMISS E MAE REESEMR WALTER H REESEDR JOSEPH E REEVEMR COLIN J REEVESDR FLOYD W REEVESDR PHILIP N REEVESMR OWEN M REGANDR KENNETH J REHAGEMR W KARL REHFELDMR RONALD ALLAN REHLINGMISS IONIA J REHMMRS JUDITH E REHNQUISTMR JOHN S REHRMRS HUGO M REICHARDMISS HEDWIG W. REICHHOLDLT COL CHARLES F REICHMUTHMR JCHN A REIDMRS LOUISE LEE REIDMRS ROBERT C REIDMR RCBERT 0 REICDR CLIFFORD B REIFLERDR. JOHN L. REIGERMISS ELIZABETH A REILLYMR FRANK K REILLYMR PHIL IP K REIMANMISS ALICE M REIMSCHISSELMR CHARLES DAVID REINAUERMR ROBERT E REININGADR EDGAR C REINKEMR ARTHUR L REINSTEINMRS ARTHUR L REINSTEINDR HOWARD E REIQUAMMR ROBERT B REISELMR ARTHUR J REISSNERMRS ROBERT REISTERCAPT. JOHN A. REITANMI SS EDNA M REITZMISS MIRIAM F REITZMR ROeERT W REITZMRS ALVIN D REIWITCHMR. KENNETH E. REKOWMRS BETTY P RELLAHANDR HENRY H H REMAKMRS ABIGAIL R REMALEYMR ARTHUR E REMICKMR WAYNE G REMPERTMR PATRICK LYNN REMYMR SZ-DAH RENDR. JOHN J. RENAL DODR OWEN M RENNERTMI SS GLADYS A RENSHAWMR CARL A RENSTROMDR HENRY A RESINGMISS LEAH RESNICKMR. RICHARC W. RESSEGUIEMR GLENN J RESSLERMR CARY B RETLINMRS WALTER REUMMR ROBERT P REUSSMRS CARL H REUTERMR RUSSELL R REUTTERMRS VIRGINIA L REVEREMR CECIL L REWMRS CECIL L REWMRS. REBECCA H. REYHERMR JACK E REYNOLDS MR JOHN J REYNOLDSMR REED REYNOLDS JRMR ROBERT R REYNOLDSMR STANLEY G REYNOLDSDR W ILLIAM 8 REYNOLDSDR HARRIET L RHEINGOLDMRS ALFRED RHEINSTEINMISS CHARL E RHCDEDR. ARNOLD B. RHODESMR WILLIAM WELLS RHODESOR BERNARD B RHCMBERGMR JAMES HUGH RIAL I IIDR GUNTHER RICEMR HAYNES RICEMR HUGH A RICEMR ROSCOE L RICEDR ROSS R RICEDR CHARLES M RICHDR IRWIN RICHMRS IRWIN RICHDR J GORDON RICHMRS JOHN L RICHDR RONALD L RICHMISS ROSEMARY RICHMR HENRY T RICHARDMRS MARJORIE RICHARDDR ARNOLD D RICHARDSMR FRANK E RICHARDSMR. FREDERICK W. RICHARDSMR MORRIS D RICHARDSDR PHYLLIS L RICHARDSMRS ROBERT B RICHARDSMISS CAROLYN RUTH RICHARDSONMR DUEL A RICHARDSONMR GEORGE P RICHARDSONMRS IRVING RICHAROSONMR JAMES ROBERT RICHAROSONMR WILLIAM C RICHARDSONLT COL WILLIAM J RICHARDSONREV FORREST L RICHESONMR HERMAN G RICHEY JRMR OTTO J RICHIARDIDR ISADORE R ICHL INMRS ISADORE RICHLINMR FRED RICHMANMRS LEON H RICHMANMR MICHAEL J RICHMONDMR ROBERT D RICHTERDR WILLIAM E RICKETTSMRS KATHERINE M RICKEYMR PETER E RIDDLEMR ELTCN T RIOLEYMR FREDERICK CHARLES RIEBEDR MARCUS E RIÉDELDR MABEL M RIEDINGERMR ROBERT R RIEDLEMR JAY H RIEMERMR WERNER B RIESENFELDMRS CHARLES H RIESZMR DAVID MYERS RIETHDR. EDWARD G. RIETZDR J MERLE RIFEMR GECRGE A RIGBYMRS CARL RIGGINSMISS MARGARET G. R IGGSREV DR HAROLD W RIGNEY SVDMR THOMAS E RIHAMR CHARLES W RILEDR N ALLEN RILEYMRS N ALLEN RILEYDR THOMAS L RILEYMR EMIL H RINTELMANNDR W ILLIAM J RIORDANMRS L A RISHELMRS CHARLES J RITCHEYMR. J. T. RITCHIEMR DANIEL B RITTERDR FREDERICK RITTERMR PETER B RITZMAMR ELMER R RITZMANDR CARLOS RIVASMR RAMON J RIVERAMR DAVID P RIVOIRAMRS FRANCES K ROACHMRS WI LLIAM R RCACHDR. ALDON N. ROATMISS DOROTHY M ROBATHANMR SEYMOUR ROBBINMRS FRANCES G ROBBINSMRS GECRGE K ROBBINSMRS GLADYS H ROBBINSMRS THEODORE ROBBINSMISS LILLIAN M ROBERSONMRS. BARRY ROBERTSMISS CCRNELIA M ROBERTSDR DOROTHY F ROBERTSMISS DOROTHY F ROBERTSDR EDWARD N ROBERTSMR GORDON 0 ROBERTSMISS NANCY LOU ROBERTSMRS WILLIAM E ROBERTSMRS ANNE G ROBERTSONMR CLARENCE E RCBERTSONMR JACK C ROBI NETTEMR WALTER J ROBINSON IIIMRS ANITA ROBINSONMR CHARLES L ROBINSONMRS FRIEDA 0 ROBINSONMRS. HARRY F. ROBINSONMRS JAMES B ROBINSON JRMRS JCHN W ROBINSONMR. LOUIS J. RCBINSONMISS GILDA D ROBLEYMRS ELSIE L ROBLINMR THOMAS W R08Y IVDR JOSEPH ROCKMR DAVIC A RCCKNEMRS DAVID E RCCKOWITZDR. CATHERINE A. ROCKWOODDR. SIMCN RCCBARD MR. HERBERT L. RODELLDR WOLF RODERDR WILLIAM R ROCERICKMISS VIRGINIA I RODESDR DAV ID A RODGERSDR ROBERT R RCDGERSMR THOMAS I ROOHOUSEMR. CARL C. RODINMR MATTHEW E RODINA JRMR MICHAEL RODZENKOMR. JCSEPH H. RCEDR CHARLOTTE ROEHLMRS B E ROESELERMR. CHARLES W. ROGERSMRS CHARLES B ROGERSMISS ESTELLE L. ROGERSMR THOMAS W ROGERSDR W ILLIAM C ROGERSMR WARREN J ROHNMR WILLIAM J ROHNMR PAUL P ROHN SMR HENRY L RCHSMR STEPHEN H ROITERDR ALBERT U ROMASCODR HILDEGARDE M RCMBERGMR MANFRED C ROMBERGMRS JAY ROMEMR WALTER W RCMIGMISS FLORENCE ROMIROWSKYMISS 'ORPHA L. ROMPFMRS C T RONANMRS EARL F RONNEBERG JRMR EARL F RONNEBERG JRMISS VERA RONYDR PAUL G ROOFEMISS CLARA A ROOKUSDR SIGNE A RCOTHMR KURT J RORIGMRS KURT J RORIGDR DAVID C RCSBASHMRS RUTH K ROSBOROUGHPROF MARION H ROSEMISS NINA F. ROSEOR TENA M ROSE MANMR IRWIN ROSENMRS IRWIN ROSENMR. LOUIS E. ROSENDR PETER ROSENMR RICHARO G ROSENDR STANLEY H ROSENMRS STANLEY H ROSENMR. STUART G. ROSENMRS S EUGENE ROSENBACHERMRS FRANCIS F ROSENBAUMMRS IDA A ROSENBAUMMRS JOSEPH RCSENBAUMMRS BENJAMIN ROSENBERGMR DOUGLAS 0 ROSENBERGMR HARCLD ROSENBERGMRS HAROLD ROSENBERGMR. LOUIS F. R0SEN8ERGMRS PHILIP ROSENBERGMR ROBERT S ROSENBERGMRS. PAUL C. ROSENBLATTMR PAUL C ROSENBLATTDR ARTHUR H ROSENBLUMDR DANIEL ROSENBLUMDR JAMES P ROSENBLUMMR. SIDNEY ROSENBLUMMRS CAROL ROSENBUSHMRS MARSCIA W ROSENFELSMR. RONALD ROSENGARDENMRS. ROBERT RCSENMANMISS DOROTHY ROSENSTEINMRS FRED ROSENSTEINMR. ALVAN J. ROSENTHALMR. DAVID M. ROSENTHALMRS DOROTHY B ROSENTHALDR ERICH ROSENTHALMISS ETHEL ROSENTHALMRS JERRY ROSENTHALDR . JOËL T. ROSENTHALMRS HARCLC RGSENWALDMISS BEATRICE D RCSHOLTMISS LILLIAN ROSINGERMR MICHAEL ROSKINDR BURTON S ROSNERMRS ANNE N ROSSOR BERNARD D ROSSTHE REV CLARK N ROSSMRS DAVID C ROSSMR DAVID I ROSSMRS. GEORGE J. ROSSDR GECRGE J ROSSMRS HERBERT ROSSMR HERBERT V ROSSMISS JANET B. ROSSMRS JOAN F ROSSDR LAWRENCE S ROSSMR LAWRENCE W ROSS JRMRS MARION ROSSMR RCDNEY A ROSSMR. THOMAS A. ROSSMRS HENRY R ROSS ENMR RICHARD D ROSS IMR S SIDNEY ROSTONMR. PETER B. ROTCHMRS WILLIAM B ROTCHMRS ALAN ROTHMRS ERNFST C ROTHMRS HENRY ROTHDR JACK J ROTHMRS LESTER ROTHMR ALAN E ROTHENBERGDR HERBERT J ROTHENBERGMR DAVID M ROTHMANDR DONALD ROTHMANMR BILL F ROTHSCHILDDR HENRY ROTHSCHILDMRS D A ROTHSTEIN MRS L R ROTHSTEINMRS THEESSA T ROUNDTREEMR CHARLES A ROVETTADR CHANDLER W ROWEDR. JAMES L. ROWEDR WILLIAM J RCWEMR WALTER S ROWLANDMISS JENNIE ROWNTREEMRS MICHAEL ROWTONMRS MAYO RAE ROYMR. GECRGE L. RCYCEMI SS HELEN M ROYCEMR. PAUL N. ROZINMR WILLIAM C RUBACHMR STANLEY M RUBELMRS DIANE D RUBENMRS ROBERT RUBENSTEINLT COL ARTHUR J RUBERGMRS DAVID S RUBINDR LOUI S RUBINDR. MEYER RUBINMR PHILLIP H RUBINMRS RAYMOND RUBINOR SAMUEL H RUBINMR MICHAEL RUBINSONMISS MARY R RUBLEMISS CLARA RUBOVITSMR DONALD F RUBOVITSMRS AARON RUBR IGHTMR FRANK J RUCK JRLT COL DONALD B RUDEMR. MICHAEL A. RUDICKMR MCRRISON A RUDNERMRS JACK W RUDOLPHMRS MARY RUDOLPHMR ROBERT M RUDOLPHMRS ROBERT M RUDOLPHMRS EDGAR H RUEMRS STANLEY V RUESCHMR JOHN D RUFFMR R08ERT D RUGGMR MARIO ALFREDO RUGGEROMR. HARRY RUJADR JAMES T RULEMRS JAMES T RULEMRS EUGENE W RULFFOR BARRY H RUMACKMR WILLIAM R RUMINERMISS ETHEL RUMNEYMR ROBERT M RUNDEMRS EDWARD WILLIAM RUNDENMR JOHN L RUNFTMR WILLIAM A RUNYANDR ERNEST H RUNYONMR. JAMES R. RUNYCNMRS CARL RUPERTMR DENNIS P RUSCHEMRS DENNIS P RUSCHEMRS RAYMOND L RUSNAKMR KENNETH RUSSDR WILLIAM A RUSS JRDR JOHN H RUSSELDR ELIZABETH S RUSSELLMISS GERALDINE A. RUSSELLMRS GRACE H RUSSELLMRS HANFORD L RUSSELLMRS JACK RUSSELLDR. JAMES RUSSELLMR JOSEPH DENNIS RUSSELLMRS KATHARINE P RUSSELLDR MAIJA A RUSSELLMISS SALLIE S RUSTMR GEORGE P ^USTEIKAMR. BERND P. RUSTERMR. DANIEL RUTENBERGMRS. HERMAN D. RUTHMR HERMAN .D RUTHMR. GECRGE W. A. RUTTERMRS DIANE BAER RYANMRS PAUL E RYANMRS. ROGER W. RYANDR ROGER W RYANMR. WILLIAM A. RYAN JRDR. RAYMOND R. RYDERMRS RUSSELL RYDINMRS. ALICE J. RYERSONDR EDGAR A RYGHMISS ANNA SABARADR DONALD J SABATHMR ROBERT E SABATHMRS SARAHyC SABELMR. FRANCISCO D. SABICHIDR EDITH G SABSHÏNMR STEVEN J SACHERMR. GEORGE A. SACHER, JR.DR ALLAN E SACHSMR. BERNARD J. SACHSMR EDWARD M SACHS JRMRS LAURENCE A SACHSMR JACOB SACKSDR . JAMES M. SACKSRABBI LCUIS L. SACKSDR. WILLIAM SACKSTEOERMR. JOHN SAOAUSKISMRS. BERNARD SACK INDR NORMA L SADWICKDR DAVID *S SAFIANOFFMR PHILIP A SAIGHMRS MARY M SAINSBURYMRS SAMUEL M SAKAMOTOMR MICHAEL R SAKSADR RONALD M SALDINOMISS ETTA SALITAMI SS ETHEL S SALKMR EDWIN J SALTERDR WILLIAM M SALTMANMRS WILl IAM M SALTMANMRS..YETTA SALTZBERGMR S M SA L VI NOMISS ESTHER I SALZMANDR BOHUMIL A SAMALMRS CECELIA HUSEN SAMANSMR. PETER H. SAMMONDMRS HELEN J SAMMONSMR WILLIAM SAMOREMR CHARLES W SAMPLE ¦MR. RAYMOND J. SAMPSONDR FREDERICK E SAMSON JRDR. GORDON E. SAMSONMR JAY D SAMSTAGMR. MARSHALL W. SAMUELSMRS- RICHARD L. SAMUELSHON RICHARO L SAMUELSMR. SHELDON W. SAMUELSMR STEVEN J SAMUELSMR WILLIAM H SAMUELSMR. CARL A. SAMUELSONMR QUENTIN E SAMUEL-SONMRS MARGARET S SANBORNMRS B W SANDERSMR DONALD R SANDERSMR EVERET H SANDERSDR. JENNINGS 8. SANDERSMI SS MARTHA P. SANDERSDR R THOMAS SANDERSONMR. ROBERT C. SANDERSONMRS NICHOLAS G SANDIFERMRS. S. P. SANCLERMRS. LOUIS F. SANDCCKMR JEROME W SANDWEISSMR JCHN A SANTINIMRS WILLIAM SAPHIRMISS MAR IA T SARANDREAMRS RALPH M SARGENTMRS. WILLIAM B. SARGENTMR JAMES H SARTAINMR OAVID A SATTERDR LOUIS SATTLERMISS EDITH S SAUERMR CHARLES G SAUERSMR. DAVID A. SAUNDERSMI SS HELEN C. SAUNDERSMISS SUZANNE J. SAVAGEHCN EMANUEL S SAVASDR THOMAS R SAVINGMR JOSEPH SAVITMR ROBERT S SAVITMRS ROBERT S SAVITMR MICHAEL G SAVOYMRS. CLIFFORD G. SAWYERDR JOHN A SAWYERMRS JCHN A SAWYERDR RAYMOND B SAWYERMR. RICHARD E. SAWYERMR MICHAEL TCD SAWYIERMRS ADELE SAXEMR DAVID SAXEDR. RICHARD W. SAXEMRS MORRIS SAXNERMR PAUL M SAXTONMI SS VIVIAN E. SAYLORDR ELIZABETH FORD SAYMANDR WYNN A SAYMANMI SS RUTH A. SAYREMR WILL IAM J SCALET JRDR. JAMES P. SCANLANMR ROBERT H SCANLANMRS ELIZABETH M SCATTERGOÛDMISS HEDWIGE M SCELONGEMR OSCAR F SCHAAFMRS. EDWARD H. SCHAARMR EDWARD H SCHAARMR CHRICHTON SCHACHTMR. JOHN H. SCHACHTMS MARIE SCHACHTERMR. ROBERT P. SCHAEFERDR ROBERT ROGERS SCHAEFERMR CHARLES E SCHAEFFERMRS DAVID SCHAEFFERMRS MACHENRY G SCHAFERMR. ROBERT W. SCHAFERMRS. ROBERT SCHAFFERMISS RORERTA S SCHAFFERCR FEAITON .SCHAFFNERMR LAWRENCE D SCHALLDR. CLARENCE H. SCHALLERMR. MICHAEL SCHAPIROMI SS WILLIEDELL SCHAWEMRS DALE R' SCHECHTERMR MICHAEL DAVID SCHECHTMAftMR JEAN W SCHEELMRS LAWRENCE J SCHEFFMR. JCHN R. SCHEFFERMAJOR THEODORE R SCHEIHINGDR EDGAR H SCHEINMRS ETHEL C SCHELLHAASMRS MARCIA MERRIFIELD SCHENCKMRS. RALPH E. SCHENCKMR RALPH E SCHENCKMR GEORGE J SCHENKDR STEPHEN M SCHERMRS STEPHEN M SCHERMRS JANET L SCHERERDR. ROSS P. SCHERERMR DANIEL W SCHERMERMRS PEARL B SCHERRDR. JACK M. SCHICKMR ARTHUR P SCHIERDR E FREDERICK SCHIETINGERMRS. EDITH H. SCHIFFDR LESTER SCHIFFMRS STEVEN H SCHIFFMISS ROSEMARY M. SCHIFFERLIDR. HAROLD F. SCHIFFMANMRS. GENEVIEVF N. SCHIFFMANNMR HARRY SCHILCCROUT MR STEVEN M SCHILOCRCUTMR. HILLEL A. SCHILLERMR ALLAN E SCHILLINGDR. ROSALIND SCHIMPFFMR. DONALD M. SCHINDELDR. MILTCN SCHINDLERMR CARL A SCHIPFERMR DALE L SCHLAFERMRS DALE L SCHLAFERDR. CHARLES W. SCHLAGETERMR. HOMER J. SCHLAMERMR JOHN H SCHLEGELMR RICHARC SCHLEGELMR ROWELL A SCHLEICHERMR. JAN M. SCHLESINGERMR. BERNARD A. SCHLIFKEMR. ROBERT G. SCHLOERBMR. GEORGE C. SCHLOSSDR ROZELLA M SCFLOTFELDTMR WILLIAM A SCHLUETERMISS C MYRTLE SCHLUNZMR. JAMES J. SCHMALTZMR. DONALD G. SCHMIDTMRS ELMER A SCHMIDTDR JAY H SCHMIDTMR. JOSEPH K. SCHMIDTMRS. ORVIS A. SCHMIDTDR ROLAND E SCHMIDTMRS W A SCHMIDTDR FLOY A S SCHMINKMR FRED C SCHMITTMISS MARGUERITE M SCHMITTDR RICHARD K SCHMITTMR SAMUEL A SCHMITTMRS HARRY H SCHMUCKALMR ERNST E SCHNABLMR JOSEPH J SCHNADIGDR ADR IAN M SCHNALLMRS JEROME B SCHNEEWINDMRS. ALICE K. SCHNEIDERMR EDWARD A SCHNEIDERMR MARK A SCHNEIDERMRS MARK A SCHNEIDERDR. MAURICE SCHNEIDERMR. WILLIAM A. SCHNEIDERMRS. CLAUDIA M. SCHNITKERMRS CATHARINE J L SCHNI TZERMISS CHRISTINE C SCHNUSENBERGMR. HAROLD C. SCHNYDERSMRS. HOWARD SCHOCHMR CHRISTIAN A SCHOCKMR SAM SCHOENFELDMR ARTHUR H SCHOENSTADT JRMR PAUL CHARLES SCHOLLMEIERMR SIDNEY SCHONBERGERMR JOHN A SCHONEMANMR RICHARD E SCHONEMANMRS. JOSEPH SCHONTHALMISS LOUISE A. SCHOOMRS JOSEPH G SCHOOLMANDR CARRIE K SCHOPFMRS HYMAN J SCHORRMISS MURIEL S SCHOSTAKMISS IDA C. SCHRADERMRS. MILTCN SCHREIBERMRS PATRICIA G SCHREIBERDR SANFORD J SCHREIBERMR ARNOLD C SCHREIERJR EUGENE I SCHREINER1R. WALTER L. SCHREINER)R. ELL IOT M. SCHRERO1RS. ALBERT N. SCHRIEBER1R. HOWARD V. SCHRCCKMISS MARY M. SCHRODERMR CHESTER C SCHRCEDERMISS EL SA M SCHROEDERMISS HELEN D. SCHROEDERMR MI LTCN R SCHRCEDERMR . FRANK SCHUBELMR. BLAKE H. SCHUBERTDR DANIEL S P SCHUBERTMISS LUELLA V SCHUCKERDR. HAROLD F. SCHUKNECHTDR BEN H SCHULAKMRS. IRVING I. SCHULDBERGMR GARY R SCHULDTMR SAMUEL SCHULMANDR S IDNEY SCHULMANMR. ARTHUR Y. SCHULSCNMR CURTIS J SCHULTZMRS GERALC L SCHULTZMISS KATHRYN M SCHULTZMRS LEON R SCHULTZDR MELVIN L SCHULTZMR OSCAR T SCHULTZMRS ARTHUR SCHULZMR. FRANZ SCHULZEMR DONALD F SCHUMACHERDR. PETER M. SCHUNKMR WILLIAM SCHUPPMISS JUDITH EVE SCHUPPIENDR. F. A. SCHURMEIERMR LEROY H SCHURMEIERMR KENNETH L SCHURTERDR ERNEST L SCHUSKYMRS. MARJORIE L. SCHUSTERDR MARVIN M SCHUSTERDR WI1LIAM M SCHUYLERMRS HEROLD J SCHWABMR. JCHN J. SCHWABMR. INGRAM B. SCHWAHNMR CLIFFORD SCHWARRERG JRMRS HARRI ET J SCHWARCZMR ALFRED I SCHWARTZMRS ALFREC I SCHWARTZMRS ALLEN I SCHWARTZMR ARNOLD M SCHWARTZMR. CHARLES P. SCHWARTZ JRMI SS EDNA J. SCHWARTZMR EDWARD J SCHWARTZ MISS FLORENCE D SCHWARTZMRS FREDERICK C SCHWARTZMRS LUCY G SCHWARTZMI SS LYDIA SCHWARTZMR MICHAEL A SCHWARTZMRS. MCRRIS L. SCHWARTZMR RALPH E SCHWARTZMR R ICHARD E SCHWARTZMRS STEVEN 0 SCHWARTZMRS. DIANE P. SCHWARZMR LE RCY E SCHWARZMI SS MABEL A SCHWARZMRS. J. HENRY SCHWEICHMR PHILIP A SCHWEICKHARDDR RAYMOND L SCHWINNMR JOSEPH M SCOBLICDR. ROBERT W. SCOFIELDMR ALVIN J SCOLNIKMISS CLAIRE SCONEMR. FRANK SCORDATCMR AUSTIN H SCOTTMRS AUSTIN H SCOTTMR BRUCE C SCOTTMISS CAROLINE E SCOTTDR CHARLES C SCOTTMR DAVID W SCOTTMISS EDITH SCOTTLT ELBERT J SCOTTMISS FLORENCE R SCOTTMR HAL STEWART SCOTTMR MALCOLM S SCOTT JRMR. RICHARD F. SCOTTMR RICHARD D SCOTTMR STEPHEN T SCOTTDR V EROWN SCCTTDR WILLIAM W SCCTTMISS GRETCHEN SCOTTENMISS JANE SCOULLERDR ROBERT L SCRANTONDR SAMUEL A SCUDER IMR WILKIN H SEACORDMR LOUIS M- SEAGULLMR GECFFREY N SEAMANMRS. PETER 8. SEAMANSMRS H F SEARSMRS ELAINE SEATONMR. HUGH C. SEBASTIANMR JOHN VICTOR SEBASTIANDR RUTH 0 SECORDDR PAUL J SEDGWICKMRS PAUL J SEDGWICKMR RICHARD W SEEBODEMISS GERTRUDE M. SEEFELDTMR. WILLIAM J. SEEFELDT JRMRS. HELEN T. SEEFURTHMR ANTHONY SEEGERMRS IRVIN P SEFGMANMRS. SARA L. SEEKFORDDR. CLARK W. SEELYMR. CLINTCN B. SEELYMR. ALAN F. SEGALDR DAVID R SEGALMR DONALD SEGALMR PAUL HAROLD SEGALMR LEO SEGALLMR RALPH M SEGALLMRS RALPH M SEGALLMISS FANNY L SEGALLAMRS MELVIN N SEGLINMRS. FRED H. SEGNERDR. HENRY R. SEHMANNMRS FRED C SEIBGLDMR. SELVYN SEIDELMR. PHILIP E. SEIDENMRS. LEWIS SEIDENBERGMR AARON S SEIDMANMRS AARCN S SEIDMANDR LEON H SEIDMANMR EMMANUEL J SEIDNERMISS E. MARJORIE SEIFRIEDMR JOHN SEIFRIEDMR GLENN D SEILERMR. LEON H. SEITELMANMR WALTER H SEITZERMR. LAWRENCE M. SEIVERMR CLARFNCE F SEKERAMR. SAMUEL SELBYDR. RICHARC T. SELDENMRS. JOHN H. SELDONMR. ROBERT T . S EL FMR FRANK F SELFRIDGEMRS FRANK F SELFRIDGEMRS ELEANCR SELLEDR ALBERT R SELLENDR ROBERT W SELLENMR OVID SELLERSMR ALLAN LUDGIN SELTZERDR PETER H SELZMRS LESTER J SENECHALLEDR. RAMON H. SENERIZMR IRVING R SENN 'MR PETER R SENN'MRS PETER R SENNMR. WILLIAM C. SERBYNDR LEO SERENMRS PENZO SERENOMRS. ADOLPH E. SERINGDR ZAVEN M SERONDR MYRCN F SES ITMRS NORAL W SEVERSONMR. LOUIS SEVINMRS. K. SEYFRIECMR FREDERICK P SEYMOUR JRMR. MCNEIL V. SEYMOUR JRMRS. GECRGE K. SHAFFERMR GEORGE K SHAFFERMISS SYRIL S SHAFFERMR. DAVID H. SHAFTMANMRS FRANCINE A SHAFTONMR SOL SHAL IT MISS RI TA ANN SHAMBACHMRS JEANNETTE W SHAMWELLMR EDMOND M SHANAHANMR EDWIN H SHANBERGMR ALEX M SHANE JRMR. DAVID W. SHANEMRS ROBERT S SHANEMR SAMUEL I SHANESMRS EARL SHANNCNMR LOUIS M SHAPERAMRS. ALFREDA SHAPEREMR ARTHUR M SHAPIROMR BERNARD R SHAPIRODR BERTRAND J SHAPIROMR . DAVID B. SHAPIROMR. JOËL N. SHAPIROMR JOSEPH L SHAPIROMR LOREN A SHAPIRODR MAURICE M SHAPIRODR. ROGER L. SHAPIROMP ALLAN NATHAN SHARLINMISS DOROTHY L. SHARMANMRS WALTER D SHARPMR. WILLIAM L. SHARPMRS EILEEN SHARPEMRS L IB8Y A SHARPEMRS. M. E. SHATTUCKMRS CLARENCE SHAWMR. CLAUD L. SHAWMRS. EDGAR J. SHAWMISS MARY GWEN SHAWDR NOËL G SHAWMR LEONARD P SHAYKINMRS LEONARD P SHAYKINMRS DORIS S SHAYNEMI SS WILLA L SHEAMRS JOSEPH V SHEEHANMISS ROSEMARY SHEEHANMR. EDWIN D. SHEENMISS MARGARET SHEETSMR. LLOYD E. SHEFSKYMR IRVING SHEFTMRS. IRVING SHEFTMRS J B SHEKELLEOR MICHAEL L SHELANSKIDR JAMES C SHELBURNEMRS. RICHARD SHELDONMRS RAYMOND K SHELINEMR. FRANK SHELLMR HARRY R SHEPHERDDR. MASSEY H. SHEPHERD JROR MARY S SHEPPARDMRS. STANLEY SHERMRS WILLIAM SHERIDANMR. DEMING ELIOT SHERMANMISS DOROTHY SHERMANMRS. FREDERICK S. SHERMANMRS. ISADORA R. SHERMANMR JOHN H SHERMANDR LEO P SHERMANMR MALCOLM J SHERMANMRS MALCOLM J SHERMANMR MARTIN P SHERMANMR MEYER SHERMANMRS MEYER SHERMANMRS MORRIS J SHERMANMISS ROSE SHERMANMR RUSSELL M SHERMANMRS THEODORE R SHERRODMR RALPH L SHERWINMR. JOHN H. SHERWOODMR SHIMON SHETREETMR WALTER J SHEWSKIMR. WILLIAM W. SHIDELERMRS GEORGIA V SHIELDSMR RICHARD L SHIELDSMR. JOHN M. SHINEMRS DAVID C SHIPLEYMI SS M EDNA SHIPLEYMR. DONALC S. SHIREMR SYDNEY SHIREMR. HAROLD H. SHIVELYDR LEVI S SHIVELYMRS. HARRY SHLENSKYDR JOHN M SHLIENMR. JERCME SHNEIDERMR NATHAN W SHOCKMISS PAULINE M. SHOCKEYMRS. GENE SHOEMAKERMR. CHARLFS D. SHOOKMR ROBERT C SHOOKMRS. CHARLES A. SHOOPDR. MILES F. SHOREMR WILSCN H SHOREYDR JAMES F SHORT JRMRS MAC V SHORTMISS MARICN R. SHORT INOMR. CHARLES V. SHOSTROMMISS MARY JANE C. SHOWERSMR DONALD G SHROPSHIREDR JOHN H SHROYERMRS OLIVE M SHUARTDR SIMON M SHU8ITZMR MILTON SHUFROMRS. MILTCN SHUFRODR. ALEX SHUKINMR ABRAM N SHULSKYMR DONALD LSHUMANDR. CHARLES M. SHUMWAYMR. JCSEPH P. SHUREDR FRED SHUSTERMISS CHARLOTTE E SIBLEYMRS AOA H SICKELSMISS M. ELLA SIDDALLM ISS GERTRUDE SIDEMANMRS. BERNARD H. SIEGANMR BERNARD H SIEGANDR BENJAMIN S S IEGELMR. MARVIN L. SIEGELDR SEYMOUR SIEGEL MRS 3 B SIEPKERMR. JACOB W. SIETSEMA JRMRS A H S IEVERMI SS ELLEN C SIEVERMRS. JANET L. SIEVERSMRS EARL H S IEWEKEMR. LOUIS A. SIGALOSDR NORMAN B SIGBANDDR JAMES E SIGGINSDR IRVIN S SIGLINMR. SAM S ILBERGELOMR >1ARK LOUIS SIL3ERSACKMR. FRED SILBERSCHEINDR ROBERT J SIL8EYMRS JOSEPH J SILECKMRS. CHARLES A. SILERDR LEONARC R SILLMANMS CAROL RUTH SILVERMR HOWARD J SILVERMR LARRY ARNCLD SILVERMR SAMUEL H SILVERMISS PITA M. SILVERIMR JAY SILVERMAMDR W ILLYS K SILVERSMR ELLIOT M SILVERSTEINMRS ELLIOT M SILVERSTEINMRS. FELIX M. SILVERSTEINMR MICHAEL E SILVERTMR ARNOLD A SILVESTRIMR. JOSEPH R. SIMMLERMR JAMES R SIMMONSMISS RUTH W SIMMONSMRS WALTER G SIMMONSDR. CHARLES SIMONMR. DANIEL SIMONMRS HAROLD. SIMONMR JAMES F SIMONDR JERALD I SI MONMRS JFRALD I SIMONRABBI MATTHEW H S IMONMR MAYO W SIMONRABBI RALPH SIMONMR. LCUIS J. SIMONSMRS DELLA H SIMPSONMR G NORTHRUP SIMPSONMRS GORDON H SIMPSONDR. JEAN I. SIMPSONMR LARRY G SIMPSONMR LESTER L SIMPSONMRS. PARMETA L. SIMPSONDR WILLIAM B SIMPSONMRS ERICA D SIMSMR THEODORE S SIMSDR. JOHN G. SINCLAIROR JOHN H SINCLAIRMR OTTO B SINDELAR JRDR. LEONARD S. SINGERDR. SHCLOM A. SINGERDR NERISSA P SINGHDR CURTIS R SINGLETERRYMISS ANNELIESE SINNMR HERBERT E SINN-MR ALLEN SINSHEIMER JRMISS SUSI M. SINTONMR LARRY ROBERT SIPEMISS MARICN S S IREFMANDR PHILLI P L SIROTKINMISS DOROTHY SISSONMRS HENRY L SISTRUNKMR. JOHN T. SITESMR. SYLVESTER SITESMR JOSEPH A SITTLERDR PAUL C P SIUMR JOHN A.SIVRIGHTMR HERBERT V SJOQUISTDR TRYGVE R SKARSTENMRS ARLENE Y SKEELESMRS. JOSEPH SKERPANMRS. LIONEL G. SKILLMANMI SS GERALDINE SKINNERMR. JAMES L. SKINNERMR. REX. B. SKINNERMR. DAVID SKLARMR. MARSHALL SKLAREDR JOHN SKOKMISS PATRICIA DIANE SKORADR JOHN LYLE SKOSEYMR PAUL MICHAEL SKRETDR KAZIMER B SKUBIMR WILLIAM SLABCDNICKDR RONALD J SLADEKMRS RONALD J SLADEKMRS. LECNARD SLAFFMR ALBERT G SLAKISMRS. HYMAN SLATEMRS B G SLATERMRS. MICHAEL SLATERMR MICHAEL 8 SLATERDR HERMAN M SLATISOR RONALD J SLAUGHTERMISS FRIEDA SLAVETSKYMR STEPHEN M SLAVINMRS EDWARC J SLAWSKI JRMR GREGGAR P SLETTELANDDR RIMVYDAS SLIAZAS .MR SEYMOUR SL IVEMRS SEYMOUR SLIVEMR RICHARD EUGENE SLIWINSKIDR ROYAL C SLOAN JRMI SS ELIZA M SLCANMISS GERTRUDE E SLOCUMMRS W F SLOCUMMR. JAMES SLOSSDR LAURENCE L SLOSSMI SS GRACE I. SLOSSONMRS. JAMES S. SLOTKINMR.' HAL T. SLOVERMR RALPH SLUTKINMRS. IRVING B. SLUTSKYMR IRVING B SLUTSKYMR WALTER J SMALAKISMRS AUCREY C SMALLMI SS LOUI SE SMALLDR. ROBERT G. SMALLEYDR. RUTH SMALLEYMR RALPH H SMALLMANMRS. RUDY M. SMEJAMISS LILLIAN ESMIESMISS MARTHA L SMILEYMR C THOMAS SMITH JRMR A V SMITHMISS ALICE L SMITHMRS ALICE R SMITHMR ARTHUR H SMITHMR ARTHUR LEE SMITHMRS. BERNICE H. SMITHMRS BETTY J SMITHMR BURKE SMITH JRMRS CECILE B SMITHMR. CHESTER L. SMITHMR. CHRISTOPHER C. SMITHDR CLAYTON A SMITH JRDR CLYDE C SMITHMR. DAVID M. SMITHMR DENNIS W SMITHMR. DONALD E. SMITHMRS DOROTHY CARR SMITHMISS EMILY A SMITHMISS GERALDINE SMITHMR GORDON E SMITHMR. HAL H. SMITHDR HARLAN MILLARD SMITHDR HARVEY L SMITHMRS HARVEY L SMITHMISS HELEN M. SMITHDR HUSTON C SMITHDR J DUNGAN SMITHMRS. JAMES A. SMITHMR. JAMES V. SMITHMR JAY L SMITHMRS JOE PATTERSON SMITHMR JOHN A SMITHMR JOSEPH V SMITH IIDR JULIAN F SMITHMR. LARUE F. SMITHDR LEO F SMITHDR LOUIS D SMITHMRS. LOUISE T. SMITHMR. MALCOLM L. SMITHMRS MARGARET W SMITHDR MARTIN B SMITHMS MAUDE M SMITHMISS MILDRED B. SMITHDR R A SMITHMR R BURTON SMITHMISS RACHEL L SMITHDR. RALPH G. SMITHMR. RICHARD W. SMITHMRS. RICHARD W. SMITHMR RICHARD DANIEL SMITHMR ROeERT A SMITHDR. RONALD G. SMITHMR RONAL'D H SM ITHDR RUTH A SMITHDR S WAYNE SMITHDR. SAMUEL S. SMITHMISS SARAH LUDLOW OGDEN SMITHMRS. SQL SMITHMR. TERRY J. SMITHDR THEODORE J SMITHLT COL THOMAS W SMITH JRMR THOMAS W SMITHMI SS VER A L SMITHMRS WILLIAM A SMITHDR WILLIAM G SMITHMR. WILLIAM J. SMOLEDR LEWIS S C SMYTHEMI SS GLENNA E SNAPPDR HEEER C SNELLDR. JCHN M. SNIDERMR. RÀNDOLPH T. SNIVELYMRS LOUISE S SNODGRASSDR RICHARD M SNODGRASSEMRS RICHARD M SNODGRASSEMISS ROSAEELLE R. SNOHRMR. JOHN T. SNOW JRMISS JUNE I. SNOWMR. RCBERT' W. SNOWMRS. THOMAS E. SNOWMISS CAROL H SNYDERMRS. ELIZABETH M. SNYDERDR. HOWARD A. SNYDERMR. LEE L . SNYDERMR ROBERT J SNYDERMR. CHARLES SOBELMRS HCWARC A SCBELMRS WALTER H SOBELMISS JUNE SOCHENMR WALLACE R SCDERQUISTDR. JOSEPH SOFFENDR. RCBERT R. SOKALDR. ALEXANDER SOKOLOFFMRS REUBEN M SOKOLOFFMISS MELANIA K SOKOLOWSKIMR CHARLES H SOLBERGMR. THOMAS D. SOLDANCOL. WALDEMAR A. SCLFMR BENJAMIN SOLOMONMRS. BENJAMIN SOLOMONMRS ESTHER R SCLOMONDR FREORIC SOLOMONMRS. FREDRIC SCLOMONMR JERRY I SOLOMONMR. KENNETH I. SOLOMONMI SS RUTH H. SOLOMONDR JOSEPH S SOLOVYMRS JANE SOLTESZMR JOHN E SCMERSMR KENNETH DON ALD . SOMER SMR. ARWED K. SOMMER MR DONALD E SOMMERMR.- FERDINAND J. SONGAYLLOMR CURT L SCNNEBCRNDR PRAMOTE SOPHARKMP 0 J SOPRANOSMRS JOAN SUD SOREFFMR. MARSHALL SORENMR HILMCN S SOREY JRMI SS PAULA L. SGRGMRS. SIDNEY SOROKAMR FRANK F SOULEMR. CLAIR J. SOUTHGATEMR RONALO G SPAETHMRS. FRANCES L. SPAINMR HANS G R SPALTEHOLZMR. R. DOUGLAS SPANGLERMR JOHN A SPANOGLE JRMISS MATILDA V. SPARENBLEKMR DENTCN H SPARKSDR FRED W SPARKSMISS MADELEINE SPARKSMI SS HELEN F. SPAULDINGMR LESLIE E SPAULDINGMRS RITA G SPAULDINGMR MONCRIEFF SPEARMRS. EDWARD P. SPEAREMR WILLIAM H SPECKMRS WILLIAM H SPECKMR GERALD S SPECTÊRMR MELVIN H SPECTERMRS MELVIN H SPECTERDR. HAROLD N. SPECTORMR. DONALD A. SPEERDR. JOHN F. SPEERMRS. MITCHELL A. SPELLBERGMR JOHN F SPENCEMISS GLADYS SPENCERDR TERREL SPENCERMRS WILLIAM H SPENCERMRS BERNADINE SPERLINGDR FREDERICK SPERLINGDR ROGER W SPERRYDR EDWARD H SPICERMRS GRACE N SPIEGELMRS MANUEL SPIEGELMRS PETER J SPIEGELMRS SIDNEY SPIEGELDR. HERBERT SPIELMANLT. COL. ROBERT C. SPIKERDR MATTHEW SP INKAMR SAMUEL SPIRADR LEWI S W SPITZDR. JOSEPH SPIVAKMRS OTI S L SPLINTERMR WILLIAM J SPLITTSTOESSERMRS RICHARDSON L SPOFFORDDR JAMES L SPRATTDR. THOMAS B. SPRECHERMR. DALE V. SPRINGERMR DENI S E SPRINGERMISS HELEN L SPRINGERDR LECNARC SPRINGERMISS ELIZABETH SPRINGSTUNMISS REBECCA M SPRINGSTUNDR WILLARD R SPROWLSMRS WILLARD R SPROWLSMR HENRY C SPRUTHMR VERNON T SPRYMR WILLIAM H SPURGINMRS MARGARET SPYERS-DURANMR GEORGE F SQUILLACOTEMRS JAMES G SQUYRESDR. LEC SRCLEMR FRANK G ST ANGELMR CHARLES C STAEHLINGDR RICHARD E STAFFORDMRS AMOS A STAGG JRMRS ARCHIE E STAHLMR ROBERT L STAHLMR. HERBERT L. STAHNKEMR PAUL K STAHNKEMRS MARGARET L STALFORDMRS HERMAN STALLMI SS ETHEL STALTERMRS. OLIVE M. STANBURYMISS EOITH STANCERMR WENDELL EVERT STANDLEYMR. JOHN R. STANEKDR PETER F STANEKMRS PETER F STANEKMR EDWARD STANKIEWICZMRS MARIE S STANLEYDR. SAMUEL L. STANLEYMRS. ELY M. STANNARDMR ELY M STANNARDMISS ELIZABETH STANTON .MRS. HERBERT A. STANTCNMR CHARLES G STAPLESMR ANTHONY F STARACEDR. JAMES C. STARBUCKMR ARTHUR STARKMISS MILDRED E STARKMRS ORTON K STARKMRS. SIDNEY STARK JRLT COL LESLIE E STARKSMR BYRON E STARNS JRMR JOHN THORNTON STARR JRMRS. STANLEY W. STARRDR MICHAEL E STARRELSMR OLIVER H STATLERDR. YOUNGER A. STATONMR RONALD J STAU8DR LESLIE A STAURERMI SS EDNA A STAUDINGERMISS MABEL K STAUDINGERMISS SARAH S STAVESMR. EDWARD R. STEADMANMR. FRED C. STEADRYMISS SIGRID PHYLLIS STEARNERMISS EMELINE L STEARNS MR ROeERT E STEARNSDR. RAYMOND W. STEBLAYMR GERALD STECHLERMR HENRY C STECKELBERGMISS CHLOE M STEELMRS L H STEELECOL HUBERT S STEES JRMR. GEORGE W. STEFFANMR. BRUCE ALAN STEGMANMRS LUCIA R STEIDELMR ZEy STEIGERMR WILLIAM F STEIGMANMRS A R STEINMRS. ESTHER N. STEINMRS. GILBERT B. STEINfcR HERBERT STEINMRS. JEROME L. STEINMR JEROME H STEINMR. NORMAN P. STEINMRS PHILIP J STEINMR RICHARD S STEINMR. STEFAN M. STEINDR. ELLIS P. STEINBERGMR LAWRENCE B STEINBERGDR MARTIN STEINBERGDR. MILTON STEINBERGMRS. ROSE M. STEINBERGMR STEPHEN A STEINBERGJOHN E STEINBRINKMR. RICHARO H. STEINERMR. FRED H. STEININGERDR IRVIN D STEINMANMR SAMUEL C STEINMANMRS. JAMES A. STEINTRAGERDR JAMES A STEINTRAGERMISS HILDA E. STEINWEGMR JAMES R STELMACHMR. SAMUEL B. STELZERDR SIDNEY C STENERODDENMISS BESSIE C STENHOUSEDR EVANGELINE E STENHOUSEMRS HOPE HOOE STEPANMR FRANK E STEPHANMR.. BRICE B. STEPHENSMR. JOHN A. STEPHENSMRS JOSEPH 3 STEPHENSDR. KENTON E. STEPHENSMRS MARIE STEPHENSMR NORVAL B STEPHENS JRMRS. ROBERT STEPHENSMRS. LEIGH J. STEPHENSONMRS MARY B STEPHENSONMI SS MARY E STEPHENSONDR R JOSEPH STEPHENSONMRS. ROGER W. STEPHENSONMR. CHARLES ANTON STERBADR. ELIZABETH I. STERENBERGMR CARLETCN W STERLINGMRS JUDITH K STERLINGMR GEORGE F STERMANMRS. E. C. STERNMRS HARRY STERNMRS. LEOPOLD STERNDR LORAINE M STERNMR MILTCN M STERNMR RICHARD L STERNMRS PHILIP STERNBERGMR ROGER L STERNBERGDR RUDOLPH M STERNHEIMERMR. MORGAN L. STERRETT JRMR. PHILIP W. STETSON. MR. ROLF H. STETTERMR JOHN W STETTNERMR. DCNALC F. STETZERMI SS GLADYS L STEVENMISS EDITH A. STEVENSMR ERNEST S STEVENSMR JOHN P STEVENSMR. LAWRENCE N. STEVENSMR WILLIAM K STEVENSMR WILLIAM L STEVENSMR. JOHN M. V. STEVENSONMR JOHN GRAHAM STEVENSONMRS LILLIAN P STEVENSONDR. PHILIP E. STEVENSONMR ROBERT A STEVENSONMR. D. ELAKE STEWARTMR DONALD E STEWARTMR HUGH S STEWARTMR IRELAND J STEWARTMRS IRELAND J- STEWARTMR. KENNETH L. STEWARTMISS MARY M STEWARTMRS. PAUL B. STEWARTMR STANLEY K STEWARTMI SS EUNICE STICEMR RALPH J STICHTMISS NORA B STICKLINGMRS JACK STIEBERMR CHARLES W STIEFEL JRMR ALAN I STIEFELMR PAUL STIEFELOR LEWIS F STIEGMR. DAVID MACK STIGLERDR AILEEN G STILLERDR ERNEST W STILLER JRMR THOMAS PAUL STILLMANMR. PAUL G. STIMSONMR JAMES A STINCHCOMBMR LARRY L STITESMRS. WILL STITZIELMISS HARRIET C STCDDARDMR JOHN M STOGINDR. ELLEN C. STCKESREV. KENNETH I. STCKESMR PAUL MASON STOKESMR HANS R STCLLMRS. WILLI AM F. STOLTEOR GORDON H STOLTZNERMR. ALEX R. STCNE MR. BERNARD 8. STONEMRS. CYNTHIA H. STONEDR DOUGLAS E STONEMR ED LEE STONEMRS ERRCL STCNEMI SS EVELYN H' STONEMISS FRANCES E. STONEMR GECRGE N STONETHE REV. GLENN C. STONEMR. LEROY C. STONEMISS OLIVE M. STONEMR RICHARD J STONEMRS RICHARD J STONEMRS JAMES K STONERDR ROBERT E STONGMISS DOROTHY A. STOOKEYMR DAVID R STOREYMR MICHAEL G STOREYMRS ROBERT A STOREZDR. HERBERT J. STORI NGDR. WILLIAM B. STORMMR HAROLD STOTLANDMRS HAROLC STOTLANDMR. J. J. STOTLANDDR. JAMES F. STOTTLARMR. CHARLES F. STOUGHTONMR JCHN B STOUTMRS JOHN E STOUTMRS EDITH K STOVERMI SS MILDRED J. STOVESDR JOHANN M STOYVAMR EDWARD G STRABLEMISS JILL PENELOPE STRACHANMRS WILLARD W STRAHLMR MILTCN W STRAHLERMISS DORI S M. STRAILDR. WILLIAM G. STRAITIFFMRS K A STRANDMISS ADAH L STRASZERMISS DOROTHY C STRATTONMRS. GERHARD D. STRAUSMISS REGINA J STRAUSDR ALAN J STRAUSSMI SS EDNA V STRAUSSMR HAROLD E STRAUSSMRS HARCLD E STRAUSSMISS HELEN G. STRAUSSMR. KURT G. STRAUSSDR RICHARD H STRAUSS-MR CHARLES ROBERT STREICHMR. FRANK D. STPEIGHTOFFMRS. LOUISE W. STREITMATTERMR PAUL FRANCIS STREITZMR ADOLPH C STRENG JRMR LAWRENCE N STRENGERMR JAMES R STRICKERMRS. R. JAMES STRICKLANDMRS. ROSS R. STRICKLANDDR. HENRY F. STROHECKERMISS KRISTINE JANE STROMMR RICHARD B STROMBERGMRS NORMAN L STROMINGERDR. DONALD S. STRONGMR HERSEY H STRONGDR JAMES B STRCNKSMR J S STROUDDR THEODORE A STROUDMR CLARENCE R STROUPEMRS. CARL W. STROWMR ROBERT M STROZIER JRMR. WILLIAM A. STROZIERMR ARM IN A STRUBDR. PAUL Ë. STRUEHMR EDWARD S STRUGALADR ERLING B STRUXNESSDR LU8ERT STRYERMRS. LUBERT STRYERMR ARCHIBALD STUARTMRS ELEANOR C STUARTMRS. G. R. C. STUARTMR HENRY STUBBINSMRS HAZEL B STUDDARDDR MARTIN H STUCIERMR. WILBUR M. STUENKELMR ROBERT A STUMPDR SAMUEL E STUMPFMR. DONALD C. STUPEGIAMRS RICHARD A STURLEYMR WARREN S STUTTS JRMRS. A. L. SUDRANMR A L SU CRANDR. OSCAR SUGARMR H ARTHUR SUGARMANMISS MARA SUGARMANMI SS TANYA SUGARMANMR. HENRY H. SUGENOCOL LEONARD R SUGERMANMR WILLIAM SUITERMR. MIODRAG N. SUKIJASOVICMISS ELEANOR J. SULCERMR DANIEL F SULLIVAN JRMR. DANIEL J. SULLIVANMR GEORGE W SULLIVANMR. JOHN J . SULLIVANMISS MARY M SULLIVANMR. MICHAEL F. SULLIVANMRS RICHARD W SULLIVANMRS C S SUMMERSMR. CLAUDE J. SUMMERSMR. JAMFS W. SUMMERSMR JAMES STEPHEN SUMMERSTHE REV LEMUEL C SUMMERSMI SS JESSIE SUMNERMRS RICHARD L SUMNERMR GLEN H SUNAHARAMR JOHN E SUNDEENMR. RILEY SUNDERLANDMR ZACHARIAS G C SUNDSTROMMRS RAY R SUPUTMR HAV ID J SURD MR MILTCN J SURKINMR. MARSHALL A. SUSLERDR. BENJAMIN SUSSHOLZMRS. ALAN N. SUSSMANMR ALAN N SUSSMANMRS MARION SUSSMANMRS ALEC SUTHERLANDDR ROBERT LEE SUTHERLANDDR ARLE H SUTTONMI SS DOROTHY E SUTTONMR JAMES K SUTTONMISS ELEANOR D SVATIKMISS ANNE SVRCHEKMRS. VERNE F. SWAIMMR. CHARLES H. SWANMR PATRICK W SWANEY JRDR. A. ,MART IN SWANSONMR. DAVID HEATH SWANSCNMRS DWIGHT J SWANSONMISS ELOISE E. SWANSONMR EUGENE RAYMOND SWANSONMR. FRANK H. SWANSONMR FREDERICK L SWANSONMR. KENDALL E. SWANSONMR. ROBERT J SWANSONMRS ROSEMARIE SWANSONMR. WARREN L. SWANSONMR RONALD T SWANSTROMMR. H. EUGENE SWANTZ JRMRS HENRY E SWANTZMR MICHAEL ELLIOT SWARTZMR SIDNEY T SWARTZMISS MARJORIE L. SWARTZELlMR LEONARD F SWECDR EUGENE T SWEENEYMRS. FREDERIC E. SWEETMRS. HENRY SWEETDR MYRTLE F SWEIMLERMISS DOROTHY SWENSONMR R A SWENSONMISS BETTY L SWENTZELMR DONALD M SWETTMRS JOAN W SWIFTMR RICHARD G SWIFTDR FRANCES SWINEFORDDR FORREST M SWISHERMRS FORREST M SWISHERMR. EARL G. SYFERTMR. BEN A. SYLLAMISS MARGURITE K SYLLAMR MARSHALL SYLVANMRS SUSAN SYLVANMR JAMES W SYMINGTONMR ROGER BRIAN SZUCHTMR. JURI E. TAALMANMRS EVELYN W TABACHNICKMRS. ISRAËL TABACKMISS ELSIE TABERMR MINORU TABUCHIMR BERTRAM C TACKEFFDR GEORGE E TAGATZMISS AIMEE E. TAGGARTMR WILLIAM M TAGGART JRMRS MITZI H TAKEHARAMR WILLIAM L TALBERTDR ROSS B TALBOTMR GREGORY G TALLASMRS. W. ALLEN TALLEYMRS. HARRY TALMAGEMS SUE. TALMYMRS EMIL TAMMMRS LEONG T TANMS HISAKO TANAKAMISSGOLDIf E. TANENBAUNMISS JOYCE S TANIMR. TAFFEE T. TANIMOTOMRS. JEROME TANNENBAUMDR ROBERT TANNENBAUMDR. LUDWIG M. TANNENWALDMR EARL F TANNERMISS EDITH TANTONDR MARK W TAPLEYMRS MARK W TAPLEYMR. A. OVRUM TAPPERMRS FORREST R TAPPERDR. ROBERT G. TARDIFFDR ABRAM M TARGOWMR JEFFREY TARNOFFMR PETER TARRELL, DR. LUCY LUCILE TASHER.MRS ARNOLO M TATARMRS HERMAN T AT EMRS. MARIAN K. TATEMR WILL IAM TATEMR DAVID S TATELMR. RICHARD W. TAUBERMR CARL M TAUSIG JRMR HAROLD S TAXEL -MR. FRED TAXMANMRS C FAYETTE TAYLORMRS DON L TAYLORMRS. GEORGE E. TAYLORMR GECRGE E TAYLORMR JAMES M TAYLORDR MARVIN J TAYLORMRS MARY C TAYLCRDR. MODDI-E D. TAYLORMR. NEMCN J. TAYLORMR. ROBERT G. TAYLORMR. SHELDON A. TAYLORMR WILLIAM P TAYLORMR. JAMES S. TEBOREKMISS HELEN J. TEDRICKMR. DONN M. TEEDR JOSEPH A TEEGARDEN JRMR THCMAS S TEËTORMR RICHARC A TEFOMRS. ELIZABETH TEICHMANNMRS. S. LLOYD TEITELMANMI SS VIRGINIA C. TEI TGEMRS. JAMES H. D. TELLERMR SIDNEY SA TELLERDR ALVIN G TELSERMR DAVID E TEMPLE JRREV ELMER J TEMPLETONMR. ALBERT A. TEN EYCKMISS JENNIE C TENCATEMI SS ELIZABETH TENDICKMR HESSEL W TENHAVEMR RICHARD C TENNEYMR MELVIN H TENNIS JRDR. GERRIT J. TENZYTHOFFOR. ZELDA TEPLITZMR GEORGE W TERBORGHMR. FRED TERENDR DAVID M TERMANMRS DAVID M TERMANMR THEODORE B TERPSTRAMR WILBERT L TERREMISS MARGARET £. TERRELLMRS JOSEPH G TERRYMRS KARL TERZAGHIMRS. CHARLES TESARMR DOMINIC A TESAUROMRS KATE S TESKEYDR HOWARD H TESSLERMRS JOSEPH B TETONMISS RUTH H TEUSCHERMR. BRUCE D. THATCHERMISS HAZEL H. THATCHERMRS RAE H THEIMERMR WAYNE 0 THE INMRS DIONYSIA THEODOREDR. WILLIAM N.. THETFOROMR DON F THOMANNMISS ADDIE-G THOMASMR. DAVID EDWARD THOMASDR ELAINE THOMASMR GEORGE R THCMASMISS KATHARINE M THOMASFATHER RICHARD L THOMASCAPT HAROLD E THOMPSCN JRMR ALLAN E THOMPSONMR FRANK J THCMPSONMR GEORGE E THCMPSONMR GRANVILLE THOMPSONMRS GRANVILLE THOMPSONMISS HELEN J THOMPSONMRS HERBERT W THOMPSONMR J LUCAS THOMPSONDR. KENNETH W. THOMPSONMR. L. MITCHELL THOMPSONMRS. ORRIN G. THOMPSONMR-. RICHARD W. THOMPSONMR ROBERT C THCMPSONMR WARREN E THOMPSONMRS CHARLES A THOMSONMR ROBB M THCMSONDR ROBERT THOMSONMRS J GEORGE THONMR CARL G THORMRS HERBERT W THORNBURGMRS WARREN E THORNBURGHMISS RUTH J. THORNINGMRS FRANK THORPDR FRANK K THORPMRS. GILMAN THRANEMR' EDWARD J THULLENMR JACQUES H THUNNISSENMR. LENNART N. THUNSTROMMRS MILTON THURNMR HUBERT THURSCHWELLMRS HUBERT THURSCHWELLMISS MARJORIE H THURSTCNMRS BETTY J TICHOMRS ANEITA L TICBALLMR THEODORE D TIEKENMR ROBERT J TIGELMANMISS DCRÏS K TILLERYDR. W. H. TILLE Y 'MR. RAY R. TILLMANMS MARCIA TILLOTSCNMRS MARSHA D TILLSONMRS. NANCY M. TILLYMISS DOROTHY TILTDR RICHARD H TIMBERLAKE JRMR MARK L TINDALLMR LEE-HSIA HSU TINGMR C MCHCLAS TINGLEYDR RALPH R TINGLEYMRS WARREN P TINGLEYMR JOHN M TINKERMR JOSEPH E TINKHAMMR VINCENT T INTOMR. LAWRENCE 0. TINTORMR. CHARLES I. TIPLITZMR GECRGE M T08EYMISS ELIZABETH TODDMISS ETHEL A TODDMRS VIVIAN E TCDDMI SS NANCY S TOOÉRMRS 8LANCHE E TOLLEMR. THOMAS A* TCLLMANMRS RUTH 0 TOLMANMRS. E. ANTHONY TOMARASMISS CAROLYN L TOMECEKMR. FRANK J. TOMEKDR CHARLES R TOMPKINSDR. WILLIAM W. TONGUEMRS JAMES C TOOTHAKERMR BERNARD H TOPK ISMRS. ALEX M. TOPPMRS ALBERT R TOPPSMRS. JCHN P. TORDELLAMR. FRANK TORELLMR. CHESTER J. TOREN MRS EDWARD F TORGERSONMR MICHAEL T TORGERSONMR. JOSEPH C. TCRNEODR. LEONARD TORNHEIMMISS ROSALIA A. TORRENCEDR NELLC P TORRIMR BUDIMIR D TOSICDR DAVID NEIL TOTHMR. OON E. TOTTENDR ALLEN M TOUGHMRS ELBERT A TOURANGEAUMRS ROBERTA T TOVARMR. DAVID H. TOWERDR. ANDREW J. TOWNSENDMRS HARRY F TOWNSENDMR RICHARD GORDON TOWNSENDMR T PETER TOWNSENDMR. ST. JOSEPH TOYMR CHARLES R TRACYDR RICHARD E TRACYMR CARL TRAEGERMR ROBERT A TRAERMR ROBERT E TRAGNITZMRS MIRIAM S TRANKDR. CHARLES A. TRAPPMRS. WALTER S. TRASINMR. STANLEY A. TRAUBMR GEORGE W TRAVERMRS INGEBORG N TRAVISMRS RCBERT TRAVISMR THOMAS MARTIN TRECKERMR. MERLE J. TREESMRS CLIFFORD TREESEMR. HARVEY TREGERMR H/SRCLC C TREICHELDR DONALD J TREIMANMR JAAK TREIMANMRS. NCRMAN WALTER TREISTMANMR NORMAN W TREISTMANMR JOHN THOMAS TRENTMRS. JACK TRESLEYMR. GEORGE W. TRESSELMISS MARY TREUDLEYMR. WALTER TREUMANNMRS. C. JACK TRICKLERMRS. ALEXANDER C- TRIFUNACMR ALEXANDER D TRIFUNACDR FRANCIS E TRIGGSMR LAWRENCE JOSEPH TRILLIMISS JANICE TRIMBLEDR PHIL IP A TRIPPMRS. OTTO H. TRIPPELMISS BLANCHE C TROEGERMISS ELSIE M TRCEGERMI SS FRIEDA TRCEGERMR JOHN E TROPMANMRS JOHN E TROPMANMISS MARY E. TROYMR PETER J TROYDR SIDNEY TRUBOWITZMR WALTER S TRUDE JRMRS J MALCOLM TRUDEAUMR RAYMOND S TRUEDR T LAURENCE TRUE MANMR ALFRED G TRUMP JRDR. J. LLOYD TRUMPDR TUNG TSANGOR SHIN-SHYONG TSENGMR WILLIAM TUACHMR. DENIS J. TUCHLERDR. JEROME H. TUCKERMISS RUTH E. TUCKERMRS. RUTH M. TUCKERMR. MARK DAVID TULCHINSKYMR. DONALC S. TULLMR. GILBERT P. TUNSTELLMR ROBERT J TUREKMR. MILTON TURENMISS EVE E. TURNBULLMR JAMES H TURNER JRMR. ALLEN M. TURNER cMR. CURTI S L. TURNERDR DAVID ARTHUR TURNERMRS DAVID AVERY TURNERMRS EDWARD L TURNERMRS. JESSE H. TURNERMRS. JOYCE B. TURNERMRS. M. JONATHAN TURNERMR M JONATHAN TURNERMR ROBERT T TURNERMRS. THOMAS P. TURNERMRS. THOMAS TURNERDR VIOLET H TURNERMRS. VIVIAN B. TURNERMR WILLIAM STEPHEN TURNERMR EDWARD H TUTTLEMR. RCBERT D. TUTTLEMRS. RUTH L. TUZSONDR. ANTHONY J. TUZZOLINOMR CHARLES R TWISTMR. JOHN G. TWI STMR JOSEPH T TWOMEYDR ROBERT W TWYMANMR. JAMES E. TYDEMANMR CHARLES TYLMI SS GEM S TYLERMISS INEZ M. TYLERMRS EDWARC M TYNEMI SS HARRIET L. TYNE SMR DONALD M TYPERMR. JAMES E. TYSONMRS THOMASINE M TYSONUDR. STANLEY H. U DYREV CELIAN UFFORDMRS J UHRMRS. STUART ULLMANN MRS URSULA W ULRICHDR WESLFY D ULRICHMR. RAYMOND E. ULVELINGMR. HENRY E. UNDERBRINKMR HENRY J UNDERWOOD JRMR RALPH LEE UNDERWOODDR RALPH S UNDERWOODDR. RCBERT L. UNGERMISS ANNA L UNZICKERMR ROBERT UP6INMR MARK A UPCHURCH JRMR PAUL H UPCHURCHMRS JANE S UPINMISS CHARLOTTE UPPMR H TUCKER UPSHAW JRMR. MICHAEL S. URAMMRS. EUGENE A. URBAINMR JOHN G URBINDR LLOYD B URDAHLDR ROBERT B URETZMRS ROBERT B URETZOR MARSHALL MC LEAN URISTMR. NCRMAN BINGHAM URMYDR. JOHN B. URNERMISS BETTY A URQUHARTMR. ERVIN E. UTTERMANNMISS MARIE E. UTZIGMRS ALBERT V UTZINGERMRS EDWIN M UYEKIDR EUGENE S UYEKIMRS. SUSAN L. UZANMR ALFRED E VAHLKAMP JRMR DONALD W VAHLSINGMR EDWARD E VAILLDR EMIL H VAJDAMR NADER G VAK IL IMR JOHN R K VALAAS JRMISS GLORIA A VALENTINEMRS KIMBALL VALENTINEMR HARRY N VALENTINOSISTER MARIE ANN VALERIEMRS BARBARA H VALERIOUSMISS KATHERINE G VALONEMRS FRANCIS J VAN BORTELDR JOHN A VAN BRUGGENMRS CARMER VAN BURENMR EUGENE VAN CLEEFDR CHARLES F VAN CLEVEMRS CHARLES F VAN CLEVEMRS JOSEPH F VAN CURAMRS ARCHIBALD B VAN DEUSENMR ELKO H VAN DYKEMR E J VAN GCUDOEVERMR ADRIAN H VAN KAMPENMRS J L VAN LANCKERDR EDWARD J VAN LIEREMRS GEORGE L VAN MAANENMR ERRETT I VAN NICEMRS J VAN PAASSCHENDR J R VAN PELTMRS J R VAN PELTDR PAUL P VAN RIPEROR EUGENE J VAN SCOTTDR COURTLANC C VAN VECHTENMISS DCROTHEA VAN WESTRIENENMR ERIC J VAN YOUNGMRS ERIC J VAN YOUNGMR HERBERT A VANC6 JRMR ROBERT JAMES VANCRUMDR AMRY VANDENBCSCHMRS AMRY VANDENBOSCHOR RICHARC C VANDERHOOFMRS DAVID VANDERPOOLMR HERBERT W VANDERSALLREV HARRIE A V ANDERST APPENMRS DIRK J VANDERWALMR STEPHEN P VANGOMRS GEGRGIA T VANKAMPENMR EDWIN J VANKLEYMR ROBERT E VANMETREMRS C D VANORSDELMR JACOB VANSTAAVERENMRS J MARIE VANZANDT-MCCLEARYDR PAUL A VARGDR MANUEL J VARGASMRS ICNF C VARGUSMRS MICHAEL S VARTANOFFMR WILLIAM 8 VASELSMR D THROCP VAUGHANMRS ANDREW S VAVASISMRS GOVINC N VAZIRANIMR NED P VEATCHMR WILLIAM H VEATCHMR JOSEPH A VECHEY JRMRS B B VEDDER JRMRS DOUGLAS W VE I TDR FRITZ VEITMR GRANT D VENERABLE IIMRS BURTON E VERGOWEMISS LUCILLE H VERHULSTMR BRUCE J VERMAZENDR DAVID T VERNONMR PHILIP L VERVEERMI SS RUTH M VESTLINGMISS AGNES R VETTERMR CARL H VETTER JRMR DONALD L VETTERMRS FERN VIALLMR ROY ALLEN VICIANMISS LUCILE F VICKERSMRS F A VICKLANCMR LEE J VICKMANDR JOHN F VICKREYMRS ALFRED VICTORMRS JOSEP VIDALMR ARTHUR P VIEWEG MR THEODORE C VIEWEGMR RADE V IGNOVICMISS JO ANNE M VILLANIMR THEODORE VIMMERSTEDTDR MELVIN VINIKMRS JCHN E VISHERDR ARLEN E VISTEMISS ILGA VITOLINSMR DONALD E VOELKERMR HERMAN C VOELTZMR MILTCN VCGELMRS MORRIS JCSEPH VOGELMISS OLGA H VOGELMRS RAYMOND A VOGELMRS S C VOGELDR VIRGIL J VOGELMRS OELL C VOGENITZMRS TERRY R VOGTMRS EDMUND E VOIROLMR CHARLES J VOJTA JRMR CLIFFORD D VOJTAMISS ELEANOR M VOLBERDINGMR FRANK C VCNRICHTERMR FREDERICK L VOOKMR GECRGE F VORIS IIIDR DAVID 0 VOSSDR PAUL D VOTHMR CHARLES L VRBANACMR . EUGENE H. WACHTELMRS HANS WACHTELMRS WI LLIAM H WADDYMR. EDWIN L. WADEMR JAMES B WADEMR ROBERT E WADEMR JOHN S WADSWORTH JRMR. EDGAR J. WAEHRERMR CHARLES J WAGENBERGMRS DAVID H WAGNERMR KENNETH CLARENCE WAGNERREV 0 WALTER WAGNERDR. RICHARO C. WAGNERMR ROBERT L WAGNERMRS WINIFRED M WAGNERMR ROBERT A WAGCNERMR. PHILIP H. WAINDR WILLIAM H WAINWRIGHTMR. ARNOLD S. WAJENBERGMRS. PERCY J. WALBURNMR. VICTOR L. WALCHIRKMRS. RICHARD J. WALDDR ARTHUR L W AL DM ANMARIAN WALDMANMR . WILLIAM WALDMANMR GORCON G WALDRONDR. RUDOLPH C. WALDSCHMIDTDR ISIDOR WALERSTEINREV FRANKLIN E WALESMR HEATHCOTE W WALESDR ROY L WALFORO JRMRS A C WALKERDR ALFRED 0 WALKERMRS. CLARA H. WALKERMRS. FRANK D. WALKERMR HENRY H WALKERMISS IVAE WALKERMRS. JAMES WALKERMR JAMES H WALKERMR JIMMY N WALKERDR. KIRBY P. WALKERMISS PHOEBE H WALKERMR. ROBERT A. WALKERDR. SUE S. WALKERMRS VAUGHN WALKERMI SS ELVA E. WALLMRS. JAMES F. WALLMR SINCLAIR S WALLMISS ANNE E. WALLACEMRS. CHARLES H. WALLACEMISS ELIZABETH A WALLACEMR LIONEL H WALLACEMRS. WILLIAM H. WALLACEMRS MAURICE WALLBRUNNMR BERTRAM WALLERMR EDWARD M WALLER JRMR W ALLEN WALLISMR BRENDAN J WALSHMRS EDWARC C WALSHMRS. JOHN M. WALSHMRS MARY F J WALSHDR PEGGY M WALSHMR STEPHEN WALSHDR WINIFRED A WALSHMRS. RUTH G. WALSHLAGERMR FRANK S WALTERMRS CARL J WALTHERMR LARRY F WALTMANMRS. JOHN 0. WALTNERMRS GUY E WALTCNOR. HENRY M. WALTONMR OTTO WANDERMISS CHI CHE WANGDR W INFRED C WANGMR E DAVID WANGERMRS PHOEBE S WANGERMR. STANLEY M. WANGERMR JOHN E WANNERMR RAYMOND C WÀNTAMR HARRY M WARD IIIMRS AZUBA R WARDMISS DORI S E WARDREV FERDINAND J WARD CMMRS RUTH S WARDMI SS WI NI FRED L WARDMR. JOHN C. WARDENMR. JAMES R. WAREMI SS WI LLA C. WARE MR JAMES JAY WARFIELDMR WELTON WARKENTINMISS BERNICE WARNERMR GILMORE WARNERMR HAYWARC C WARNERMRS MILDRED H WARNERDR SAMUEL J WARNERMR CARLYLE F WARRENMR HERBERT A WARREN JRMR. ROGER K. WARRENMRS SHERWYN WARRENDR. WILLIAM'D. WARRICKMR STANLEY M WARSAWMISS MARY E WARSTLERMR ALBERT R WARTCHOWMR. A. RICHARD WASEMMRS DOROTHY H WASHINGTONMR LOUIS C WASHINGTONMRS. EMMA J. WASICLEKMRS. RUTH G. WASKEYDR. EDWARC M. WASSERMANDR SAUL WASSERMAN JDR WARREN H WATANABEMISS LILLIAN R WATKINSDR. MARK H. WATKINSMR MITCHELL S WATKINSMRS MI TCHELL S WATKINSMR GERALD F WATSONMRS HARRY P WATSONMRS. JAMES B. WATSONDR JAMES B WATSONMRS JAMES L WATSONMR. JERRY M. WATSONMISS JESSIE R WATSONDR. WALTER W. WATSONDR WILLIAM W WATSONMRS. RICHARD F. WATTMRS ESTHER K WATTENBERGMR. FRANK T. WATTERSMISS E VIRGINIA WATTSMRS. RAYMOND WATTSMR HOWARD B WAXWOOD JRMR RICHARD E WAYMANMRS. T. J. WAYNEMRS. EDWARD W. WAYTULADR. A. B. WEAVERMR CLIFFORD L WEAVERDR HOWARD B WEAVERMR LEO G WEAVERMISS VALENDON RUTH WEAVERDR CLARENCE H WE8BMRS E ISABEL WF/BBMR. J. LLCYD WEBBMR NORMAN F WEBB IIMR WARREN F WEBBMRS WARREN F WEBBMR. DICKINSON WEBERMR PAUL A WEBERMR RICHARC L WEBERMRS. ROBERT WEBERMR THOMAS GLENN WEBERMRS. WILLIAM A. WEBERMRS. WILLIAM R. WEBERMR WILLIAM A WEBERMR DAVIO A WEBSTERMISS ELIZABETH H. WEBSTERDR. FREDERICK S. WEBSTERMRS KENNETH E WEBSTERMRS L MILTON WEBSTERMRS SANFORD L WECHSLERMRS ROY WEDELESMRS. MARY C. WEDGEMR WILLIAM A WEDGWORTHMRS. GAIL H. WEEDMANMR FREDERICK R WEEDON JRMRS. LAWRENCE D. WEEKSDR. WILFORD F. WEEKSMISS ZORAICA WEEKSDR WILLIAM C WEESEMR ROBERT F WEGENERMRS. DOROTHY F. WEGNERMRS. ERNEST A. WEGNERMR JACK W WEIBLEN JRMR THOMAS W WEIDENMR JOHN C WEIDMAN IIMR. JOHN C. WEIGELMR. WILBERT C. WEIGELMR HENRY P WEIHOFENMRS HENRY P WEIHOFENMR FRED B WEILMRS FREO B WEILMR. JAMES L. WEILMR. JOHN WEILMR RICHARC A WEILDR. ROLF A. WEILMRS JACK N WEILANDMRS LAWRENCE D WEILERMISS FLORENCE E WEIMANNMR EDWARO W WEIMERMRS. RUTH T. WEINARDMRS. EUGENE D. WEINBERGDR EUGENE D WEINBERGDR GERHARD L WEINBERGDR HERMAN C WEINBERGDR. HORST C. WEINBERGMR JOHN L WEINBERGMISS LENA D. WEINBERGMR MARK B WEINBERGMR MEYER WEINBERGDR MICHAEL C WEINBERGMR MORTON WEINBERGMRS. STANLEY WEINBERGERDR DANIEL WEINERMR. JOHN WEINERDR. LOUIS M. WEINERMISS MARLENE WEINERDR PAUL S WEINERDR. WILL IAM M. WEINERDR. SIDNEY WEINHOUSEMR HARRY D WFININGERMRS. CHARLES H. WEINMANOR ROY S WEÏNRACHMRS LEO R WEINSHELMR ALVIN I WEINSTEINMISS ANITA ILFNE WEINSTEINDR S IMON H WEINSTEINDR. BERNARD WEINSTOCKMRS. DAVID WEINSTOCKMR. BENJAMIN WEINTRAUBMR JACOB M WEINTRAUBDR. JOHN B. WEIRMR OSBY L WEIRDR DONALD WEISBAKERMRS MICHAEL F WEIS3ARDMRS. CHESNA C. WEISBERGMR WALLACE G WÉISENBORNDR ISRAËL H WEISFELDMR CALVIN E WEISKOPFMRS. HENRY S. WEISKOPFDR STEPHEN L WEISMANDR. ANDOR A. WEISSDR. DONALD R. WFISSDR. EMILIC WEISSMISS FRANCES G. WEISSMRS. IDA Y. WEISSMRS. IGNACE E. WEISSMR. LEONARD WEISSMR. SEYMOUR WEISSMRS. CHARLES WEISSMANMRS. SIDNEY H. WEISSMANMRS. HAROLD K. WEITZMRS MARIA Q WELCHMRS MARTHA MARGARET WELCHMR WILLIAM E WELCHDR J EUGENE WELDÉNMR JOHN C WELLEMEYERMR ROBERT H WELLINGTONDR. BERTRAM W. WELLSREV CLARKE D WELLSMR JOE R WELLSMISS LUCY B WELLSMRS WILLIAM S WELLSMRS FRANCIS H WELSHMR WILLIAM J WELSHMR. CARL WELTYDR. PAUL E. WENAASMRS. KATHERINE A. WENBANOR ARTHUR F WENDELMRS ELSIE E WENDTMRS RICHARD E WENDT JRMR JOHN C WENGERMR. GORDON S. WENIGERMR. ROBERT A. WENINGERMRS ROBERT G WENKAMMISS HELEN D. WENNINGDR WALTER H WENTEMRS. ZOFIA J. WERCHUNMISS ADELAÏDE M WERNERDR HARVEY 0 WERNERMISS IRENE M. WERNERMI SS LAUREL L WERNERMR 0 JAMES WERNERMR RICHARC W WERNERMR JCHN A WERTYMERMR FLOYD W WESLEYMR DAVID 0 WESNERMR JOSEPH > WESOLOWSHIMRS HAROLD E WESSMÀNMRS. CHÀUNCEY WESTMR JOSEPH E WESTMRS M G WESTMR. RICHARD C. WESTMR THOMAS G WESTMR WILLIAM M WESTDR. H. ROBERT fcESTERMANMR. LESTER WESTERMANMISS HELEN K. WESTERNMR. HAROLD WESTLEYMR J FRED WESTONDR GEORGE W WETHERILLMR. NOROEN WETSTONEMISS CARLOTTA C WETTACHMRS. BETTY M. WETTSTYNEMR WILLIAM E WETZEL JRMR JEROME J WEXLERMR LEONARD WEXLERDR. MANUEL R. WEXLERMRS NAT N WEXLERDR. SOL WEXLERDR. GECRGE B. WHATMOREDR WILLIAM L WHEATONMR EARL WHEELER JRMRS. HUGH E. WHEELERDR JESSE H WHEELER JRMR. JCHN R. WHEELERMRS JOSEPH E WHEELERMR LEROY C WHEELERMISS ALICE WHIPPLEMRS F HAMILTON WHIPPLEMISS VELMA D. WHIPPLEMR MIRL W WHITAKERMISS ULRICA WHITAKERMR THCMAS J WHITBYMI SS ALICE E WHITCCMBMRS. HIRAM C. WHITCOMBMRS ALPHA M WHITEMISS BLANCHE B WHITEMR. CHARLES W. WHITEOR CHARLES S J WHITEMRS DAVID C WHITEMR FREDERICK G WHITEMRS GEORGE H WHITEMISS GRACE E WHITEMRS JOSEPH H WHITEMISS JULIA G WHITEMRS. MARGARET T. WHITEMI SS MARI AN JANET WHITEDR MART IN M WHITEDR. RCBERT' E. WHITEMR ROBERT ALLEN WHITE MRS ROBERT ALLEN WHITEMR ROBERT J WHITEMISS RUTH M WHITEDR. PAUL L. WHITELYMRS FRED W WHITESIDE JRMISS ADELE M. WHITFIELDMRS. ALBERT E. WHITFORDDR A GERALDINE WHITINGMRS GEORGE W WHITINGMR. JAMES 8. WHITLOWMRS FREDERIC B WHITMANMRS. RCSWELL H. WHITMANMI SS AGNES WHITMARSHMISS BARBARA J. WHITMOREMISS ADELE WHITNEYMR ALAN D WHITNEYMRS. CAROLINE L. WHITNEYMR MYRON E WHITNEYDR WALTER T WHITNEYMRS WALTER T WHITNEYMR WILLIAM A WHITNEYDR C TAYLOR WHITTIERMRS C TAYLOR. W HIT T TERMRS. J. COBURN WHtTTIERDR J COBURN WHITTIERMRS HENRY WHITTTNGTQNMISS MARIE I WIBORGDR WALTER N WIBCRGMRS WALTER N WIBORGMRS GEORGE £ WICKFNSMR WARD A WICKWIRE IIIMR ROBERT K WIDDICOMBE JRMR. HEINZ R. WIDDITSCHDR. ALEXANDER H. WIDIGERMR DAVID WIEDEMANN JRDR VERKCN R WIEHEMR. FRANK L. WIELANDYMISS JANET WIENDR ROeERT M WIENERMRS ROBERT M WIENERMR WILLIAM D WIENERMR WILLIAM J WIENKEMR. ROBERT H. WIERMR ROBERT L WIESENECK•ïRS ARTHUR E WIGELSWORTHMRS. VELMA S. WIGGINSMR HOWARD MARTIN WILCHINSMR DAVID E WILCOXMR FRANCIS E WILCOXMRS JOHN G WILCCXDR MASSIMILA INES WILCZYNSKIMRS HAROLD D W IL EMRS MARK H WlLEYMR. MYRON H. WILK• DR EUGENE A WILKENINGMR. WILLIAM M. WILKERSONMR WILLIAM W WILKESDR. ARTHUR N. WILKINSMR JOHN PARKER WILKINSMR STEVEN V WILKINSONMISS G ELSIE WILLMR HERMAN WILL JRMISS ARLINE WILLARMISS MAURITA F WILLETTDR. RICHARD R. WILLEYMR GEORGE P WILLIAMS JRDR. CHARLES E. WILLIAMSDR. CHARLES F. WILLIAMSMRS CLAIRE 8 WILLIAMSMR. DANIEL D. WILLIAMSMR DAVID B WILLIAMSMRS DAVID G WILLIAMSMR DENNIS R WILLIAMSMR. E. VICTOR WILLIAMSMRS EDGAR H WILLIAMSMRS ELIZABETH K WILLIAMSMR FRANKLIN S WILLIAMSMRS. FREDRIC P. WILLIAMSMR GORDON C WILL IAMSMISS GWENDOLYN WILLIAMSMRS. HOWARD F. WILLIAMSMR JACK F WILLIAMS JRMR. JULES H. WILLIAMSMISS KATHERINE J. WILLIAMSMR. LLCYD B. WILLIAMSMISS MARGARET F WILLIAMSMISS MARY E WILLIAMSMRS. MIRIAM L. WILLIAMSREV. MORGAN WILLIAMSMR RALPH R WILLIAMSMR. RICHARD J. WILLIAMSMRS RUNETTE L H WILLIAMSMR. SAM B. WILLIAMSDR STERLING P WILLIAMSMRS THEOOCRE WILL IAMS'MRS W GLORIA WILLIAMSDR WYMAN L WILLIAMSMRS DONALD G WILLIAMSONMRS. E. BERNARD WILLIAMSONMR MERRITT A WILL IAMSONDRi WILLIAM L. WILLIAMSONMRS BEN S WILLISMR PAUL H WILLISMR. SIDNEY L. WILLTSMRS. VASHTI F. B. T. WI LLI SMRS W T WILLIS JRMR HORACE WILLISTCN MR WALTER A WILLMANNMISS CAROLYN E WlLLSMR. IRVIN G. WILMOTDR. ORTHA L. WILNERMR ADDISON W WILSCNMR ALLAN WILSON JRMR. ARNCLC J. WILSONOR DAVID L WILSONMR. DENNIS C. WILSONMRS EVA DCNELSON WILSONMR GEORGE I WILSON JR.MISS GRACE M WILSONDR H VAN RÉNSSELAER WILSON^RS. HARRY D. WILSONMRS. IRA T. WILSONMI SS JEANETTE P WILSCNMISS M JOSEPHINE WILSONMS MARGARET G WILSONMRS. MARIE S. WILSONDR. MARJORIE MONTAGUE WILSONDR PAUL D WILSCNMRS PAUL D WILSONDR ROEERT H WILSONMRS. ROY R. WILSONDR. THOMAS L . WILSONMR WESUEY M Wll SON,MR. WILLIAM L. WILSONMRS WILL IAM H WILSONMR HERBERT L WILTSEEDR. GLENN G. WILTSEYMRS CLARA W WIMBLEYMRS ELMER P WI MMER JRMRS. ROBERT F. WINCHDR ROBERT F WINCHMR JOHN W WINCHESTERMR. ERMIN J . WINDSCHILLDR CELESTA WINEMR L MARK WINEMRS. HOWARD WINETMR SAMUEL JCSEPH WINETTMR. JAMES D. WINGMRS. W. STEPHEN WINGMR. RICHARD J. WINGARDMRS HAYDEN B WINGATEMR. RCGER D. W INGERDR. JOHN A. WINGETMR HAROLD 0 WINGFIELDMR JAMES A WINGODR JAMES W WINKPLMANDR. CAROL K. WINKLEYMRS. IRENE R. WINNMRS CHARLES H WINNERMISS MARILYN A WINOGRADDR. FRED WINSBERGMRS. N. M. WINSLOWDR N M WINSLOWDR OLA E WINSLOWMRS. ANNE H. WINSTONDR ARNOLD WINSTONMR JERRY V WINTERMR ROBERT J WINTER JRMRS. WESLEY H. WINTERSMRS. YVOR WINTERSMRS. MARGARITA L. WINTHROPDR ELLIOTT F WINTONMR JAMES £ WINTONMRS GEORGE WIRPELMR SANDER W WIRPELMRS SANDER W WIRPELMR RAYMOND W WIRSINGMRS LOUIS WIRTHDR. OTTO WIRTHMI SS LENOR A. WISEDR. ALLEN N. WISELEY IIIMISS KAREN FRANCES WISHNERMRS ROBERT W WISSLERMR. WILLIAM W. WISSMANMR JOSFPH P WITHERSPOCN JRMRS JOSEPH P WITHERSPOON JRMISS MARGARET WITHERSPOONMISS MIRIAM F. WI THROWMRS GILBERT WITSCHAROMRS JOSHUA C WITTMR DAVID M WITTENBERGDR EUGENE C WITTENSTROMMR MILTON WITTMANMRS. ROBERT A. WITTMANNMR RICHARC C WITTRUPMR. HAROLD WITZMRS FREDERICK D WITZELMR ARTHUR WITZLEBENMISS HELEN A. WOELFELDR RICHARC C WOELLNERCOL LEO G WOERNERMR STEVEN C WOFSYMR. FRANK H. WOHLMRS. MILTON WOHLMR PHILIP G WOJTALEWICZMISS SARA M. WCLOMRS. MELVIN B. WOLENSOR ALEXANCER WOLFMR. ALLAN M. WOLFMRS MARY HUNTER WOLFMRS. MILLER N. WOLFDR VIVIAN C WOLFDR. HERBERT S. WOLFEDR SHELDON WCLFE1973 gifts may be mailed to:The University of Chicago5801 S.Ellis Ave., Rm. 7Chicago, 111. 60637 DR GEORGE L WOLFFMISS OLINCA WOLFFMR ROBERT J WOLFFMR. WALTER E. WOLFFDR. SCL M. WCLFFSONMI SS ALICE WOLFSONDR. HERMAN WOLFSONMR. MICHAEL G. WOLFSONMISS JILL WOLHANDLERDR MEYER J WCLINMR CYRIL D WOLKENMR GEORGE F WOLL JRMR GARY L WCLLERMR. DAVID H. WOLLINSMRS.' ALLEN J . WOLMANMR ALLEN J WOLMANMR. ROBERT J. WOLOSINMR DAVID WCLPINMR KENNETH E WOMACK JRMRS. JOHN G. WOMACKMR JCHN G WOMACKOR SHIU-LOONG R WONGDR SHUE TUCK WONGMR. WILLIAM JAKE-SEN WONGMR RALPH J WOOD JRMR FREDERICK W WOODMISS GRFTCHEN A WOODMRS IRVEN B WOODMRS JCHN T WOODMRS. RODERICK A. WOODMR. STEPHEN B. WOODMR W H WOODOR L INDA P WOODBURYMR JOHN C WOODDYMRS DOUGLAS P WOODLOCKDR HAROLD D WOODMANMRS ARNCLC C WOODR ICHDR WARNER F WOODRINGMRS JOSEPH WOODRUFFMR. JAMES B. WCODRUMMR CARROLL WOODSLT CCL THCMAS G WOODSOR IRA G WOOLMR HARRY WOOLFMR MARVIN WOOLFMISS MARGUERITE T WOOLLEYDR. ORAM C. WOOLPERTMRS LEWIS WOOLSEYMRS. WILLIAM W. WOOTTENMR W ILLIAM W WOOTTENMISS MATILOA WORDELMANMR. CHARLES R. WORKMR. PETER B. WORKMS DOROTHY M WORKSMR F KENNETH WORLANDDR EUGENE L WORCCHDR JACK A WORTHINGTONDR MARIAN WOZENCRAFTMRS. LENA V. WRAYMR. DAMIEN T. WRENDR AUSTIN M WRIGHTMR. DAVID CHANDLER WRIGHTMRS HENRY A WRIGHTMISS LULU E. WRIGHTMRS N WALKER WRIGHTMISS NANNIE B. WRIGHTMR ROBERT 0 WRIGHTMR RUSSELL R WRIGHTMR WILLIAM FRANK WRIGHTMRS ROBERT L WRIGLEY JRMRS. FRANK J. WROBELMR FRANK J WROBELMR. RALPH G. WRCBLEYDR DINAH LAI-YING WUDR GEORGE WUMRS ROY G WUCHITECHMR ARTHUR A WUERFFELMRS EUGENE F WUEST JRMISS SOPHIE B WULFMISS FLORENCE WUNDERLICHMRS MELVIN H WUNSCHMISS MARIE A. WURSTERMR. SIDNEY E. WURZBURGMR. MICHAEL A. WYATTMISS ETHYL E. WYCKMANMRS JAMES WYLYDR JUDY A WYNNEMFRXMR JAMES XANTHOSMK JULIUS Y YACKERDR. J. LEWIS YAGERMRS. MAY M. YAKERDR. RALPH YALKOVSKYMP WARREN M YALOW ITZMR. ÎKUG YAMAGUCHIMISS FUMI YAMAMOTODR KENNETH M YAMASHIROOR. SAM S YANARIMISS SUE A. YARBROUGHMR G TCM YARGERMR JOHN E YARNELLEMRS. RICHARD L. YATZECKDR I VER F YEAGERMR. LAWRENCE S. YELLINDR CONSTANT INE A YERACARISDR. LOUI S YESNICKMISS GLADYS G. YEZEKDR. VICTOR H. YNGVEMISS CLARE YODERMR LEE 0 YODERMISS SARAH E YODERMRS. G. B. YODHDR G B YOCH MRS RICHARD L YCKENMISS BAR8ARA ANNE YONDORFMRS ERIC G YCNDORFMRS. WALTER F. YONDORFDR WALTER F YONDORFDR. SAMUEL J. YCSIMMRS. JOHN YOSTDR. FREDERICK S. YOUKSTETTERMI SS ALTA M. YOUNGMR ARTHUR L YOUNGMR. BRUCE A. YOUNGMRS. ELIZABETH D. YOUNGDR. GEORGE F. W. YOUNGOR LAURENS D YCUNGMISS MADELINE A YOUNGMR. MARTIN F. YOUNGMR. RICHARD C. YOUNGMR. CARL K. YOUNGDAHLMR. C. HARRY YCUNGQUISTMR. C. ROBERT YOUNGQUI STDR DAVID C YUMR MARC YUDKOFFMR DONALD J YUKNI SMISS ELINCR YUNGMEYERMR GEORGE B YURCHYSHYNMRS GEORGE 3 YURCHYSHVN;MR. CARL J. ZAANDERDR JAMES A ZABELMISS HELEN ZABOROWSKIMRS. C. THOMAS ZACHARIAMRS. THEODORE E. ZAHLERMR ROY C ZAHN JRDR. LEO ZAKUTAMRS. EDNA M. W. ZALDIVARMR MORTCN H ZALUTSKYMR. RAY H. ZARMERMR. PAUL G. ZATKOMR. FRED J. ZATORSKIDR DAVID J ZAUGGMRS. ANTHONY ZBOYANMRS. HELEN A. ZEARINGDR VERN L ZECHREV EARL F ZEIGLER D.D.MRS. MARY D. ZEISLERDR MAURICE I ZEITLINMRS HELEN L ZELDENRUSTMRS. RAYMOND E. ZELDERDR RAYMOND E ZELDERDR ROBERT F ZELISMR IRVIN ZELITZKYMRS. J. S. ZELLATMR JOSEPH E ZELLNERTHE REV. JOHN G. ZELTINMRS. JOSEPHINE K. ZEMANMR JON R ZEMANSMR KARL P ZERPOSS JRMRS KARL P ZERFOSS JRMR. HORACE R. ZIBASMRS MARA ZI8RINMR MICHAEL ZI8RIN JRMR CHARLES E ZIEGENHAGENMR ROBERT M ZIEGLEMR JERCME A ZIEGLERMRS. JCHN J. ZIEGLERMR JOHN J ZIEGLERDR WILLIAM A ZIELONKAMR RANOOLPH W ZIESKEDR. JAMES J. ZIGERELLMR MILTCN C ZILISMR. SIDNEY E. ZIMBALISTMR M J ZIMETMR KARL R ZIMMERDR. ROBERT S. ZIMMERMRS CARLTCN ZIMMERMANMRS DAVID ZIMMERMANMRS H B ZIMMERMANMR. HERBERT C. ZIMMERMANMR HERBERT M ZIMMERMANDR. IRENE ZIMMERMANMRS. LEO M. ZIMMERMANDR LEO M ZIMMERMANMRS LOUIS ZIMMERMANMR PAUL D ZIMMERMANMR. VERNON L. ZIMMERMANMR DAVID L ZIMMERMANNMRS. SOPHIE V. ZIMMERMANNDR WERNER S ZIMMTMRS. HARRIS H. ZINNMRS. JOAN M. ZINNMR ALVIN J ZIONTZMR. ROBERT ZIPFMR HAROLO ZISKINMRS HAROLD ZISKINMR. DAVID ZISKINDMRS. HAROLD ZISOOKMR MICHAEL HARVEY ZISSERDR. ROBERT N. ZITTERMR. SEYMOUR R. ZIVMR. WALTER J. ZLOTOWMR. JAROSLAV D. ZMRHALMRS. FLORIAN ZNANIECKIMR LEC J ZOELLERDR.. ARISTIDE R. ZCLBERGDR. KARL B. ZUCKEROR PAUL A ZUCKERPROF. A. ZUCKERMANMR LEON ZUCKERMANDR. PAUL E. ZUELKEMR. RICHARD S. ZUGDR. GERALC H. ZUKMRS. VICTOR ZURCHERMR MICHAFL PAUL ZURICKMR WILLIAM T ZUSAGMR FREDERICK ZVERINMR GEORGE J ZVIRBL ISMR W JOHN ZYGMUNT'We're hère to stay!Though still distinguishablefrom the ûelds of Elysium,the University's neighborhoodhas corne a long wayin two décades,as this retrospect bya vétéran Hyde Parkerindicates.Ursula Batchelder StoneTwenty-one years ago, Lawrence Kimpton, chancellor ofthe University of Chicago, assured an overflow crowd ofscared and indignant Hyde Parkers at a mass meeting inMandel Hall: "We're hère to stay and we are going tomaintain an intégrated, middle class community of highstandards."At the time, Hyde Park had one of the highest crimerates in the city and older résidents were following thefamiliar pattern of running away. Parts of the communitywere rapidly becoming slums as landlords convertedwhat had been commodious one-family apartments intoMrs. Stone (PhD'29) taught for many years at GeorgeWilliams Collège (she retired in 1965); served as présidentof the Hyde Park League of Women Voters and of theCook County League; she received an alumni citation ini960. She was one of the key participants in the establishment of the South East Chicago Commission. She is thewidow of Raleigh W. Stone, a longtime member of theSchool of Business faculty. smaller units, each housing a family. Hyde Park wassubject to the population pressure of the expandingover-crowded segregated housing areas to its north andwest.Luckily for the University and for those who wantedto stay in Hyde Park because of the proximity of theUniversity, the convenience of the location, the présenceof interesting neighbors and the small-tôwn atmosphèreof Hyde Park, something constructive was done to correct the situation. I was privileged to be a part of the"something."Several community organizations had been wrestlingwith community problems over the years but so far hadnot been successful in stemming the détérioration. Butone of thèse, the Hyde Park Community Council, whosemembership was made up of représentatives from thevarious institutions and churches in the community aswell as businessmen's associations, the PTAs, the IVI,etc., took the initiative in deciding that the time had cornefor décisive action and called a mass meeting in MandelHall.The Council had been formed in 1945 and its purpose,17as stated at its organizational meeting, was "to seek andsecure an adéquate picture of the needs of the community, to hâve them met by the various institutions, or-ganizations and associations now existing, and to encourage new work that shall meet thèse needs."By 1952 most of the neighborhood organizations andinstitutions, such as the University of Chicago, GeorgeWilliams Collège, the Chicago Ostéopathie Hospital, thePTAs, churches, synagogues, and local chapters ofKiwanis, the League of Women Voters, the Red Cross,the YMCA, the Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conférence and the Independent Voters of Illinois, weremembers of the Council.The continuing effortBy 1952 the Council had striven for and won its battlesfor a number of things which are now taken forgranted — tot-lots; movies appropriate for children atlocal theaters; mobile x-ray units; a year 'round cleanupcampaign carried out with the help of school children; theinstitution of women traffic guards at school crossings.But crucial problems still confronted Hyde Park. One,which increasingly demanded the attention of the community, was crime and law enforcement.In February, 1952, the Council adopted Alderman Robert Merriam's suggestion that a community mass meetingbe held to "arouse the community." It was to be ameeting concentrating on crime at which ward and policeofficiais could be questioned and those attending could betold just what action the community could take to im-prove conditions. The response of the community wasvery évident at the meeting, held at Mandel Hall March27, 1952, when the hall was filled to capacity.At this mass meeting various officiais, including thecurrent police captain, were asked to account and actionwas demanded. The meeting ended with the unanimousélection of Ave citizens to serve as an advisory committee to make recommendations for action. The membersof the committee were: Chancellor Lawrence Kimptonof the University of Chicago; Rabbi Louis Mann fromSinai Temple; Fred Sprowles, executive director of theHyde Park YMCA; Hubert Will, a local attorney and anactive member of the Independent Voters of Illinois , and I .This Committee of Five, as it was later called, metalmost daily for the next two months, interviewing experts in fields of concern and working to identify themost important areas where action was needed.From the really furious — and frightened — indignation expressed at the first mass meeting, the committee con-cluded that it had been given a mandate to improve thesafety of the neighborhood in any way possible. Notingthe unsatisfactory performance of Hyde Park's policecaptain, especially as it was exposed during the question-ing at the Mandel Hall meeting, the committee proceededto seek his replacement. With the prestige that Chancellor Kimpton's chairmanship gave the committee, it suc-ceeded in persuading the city police department to sendone of its trouble shooters, Captain Albert Anderson, tohead up the Hyde Park district. To Captain Andersongoes a great deal of the crédit for the results achieved inreducing crime in the area through better law enforcement.Other unsatisfactory conditions included inadéquatestreet lighting (a condition closely related to police protection, as shown by data on crime réduction in othercities); inadéquate municipal services; inadéquate en-forcement of health and safety ordinances; and corruptas well as inadéquate enforcement of the building code.To correct thèse conditions as soon as possible and toassure the community that it really meant business, thecommittee decided to propose a new organization. In itsdélibérations the committee gave a great deal of thoughtto the question of whether any of the many existingorganizations in Hyde Park were in a position to carryout the program needed. Nothing would be gained, theyfelt, if a new organization should merely duplicate theactivities of established organizations.A new approachThe conclusion reached was that none of Hyde Park'sorganizations at that time represented a broad enoughcross section of the community to draw wholeheartedsupport from ail the interests involved. The South EastChicago Commission (the name being proposed) shouldrepresent ail community interests— business and re-ligious; libéral, conservative, and ail shades between andbeyond; civic and social; black, white, and oriental. Itsboard should be composed of individuals, not as représentatives of organizations (as the Hyde Park Community Council was), but as individuals — people whoseconnections were well known in the community and whocould speak as Hyde Park résidents.The committee proposed to sélect a board of sixtypersons, to be elected at a second mass meeting, plusfif teen additional members to be proposed and elected bythe board itself at its first meeting. Selecting the first sixty18was no easy task. They should be leaders of recognizedability and should represent a real cross section of theHyde Park community.The second mass meeting, which even more peopleattended, was held at Mandel Hall on May 19. At thistime Chancellor Kimpton outlined the program which thecommittee recommended. Reporting as chairman of theCommittee of Five, he noted considérable improvementin police protection and tougher prosecution of criminals."In gangland terminology," he said, "the heat is on.This much has definitely been accomplished by our lastmass meeting and subséquent activities." He followedwith an observation as relevant today as it was twentyyears ago: "Now let's not be fooled by this. There isnothing so illusory and ephemeral as a reform move-ment — unless the reformers go right on reforming. Theonly way to keep the heat on is to keep the furnacestoked. And this is a job to which every man and womanin our community must be dedicated."The agenda ofieredChancellor Kimpton's report was greeted with ap-proval and enthusiasm. Establishment of the South EastChicago Commission was wholeheartedly endorsed, andthe slate of sixty names for its first board was elected.Chancellor Kimpton, declaring that the committee didnot wish to restrict the board of directors of the neworganization, asked the approval of those at the massmeeting for only the two most urgent items: (1) crime andpolice protection, and (2) action on illégal conversions ofold houses and apartments. Yet in its report, the committee did list eleven possible projects related to thèse andother Hyde Park problems.Thèse included improvement of street lighting; organization of a corps of volunteers to observe opérationsat the Hyde Park and Woodlawn police stations; a surveyof taverns to cheek compliance with the law; a physicalsurvey of the area followed by maintenance of an inven-tory on a block-by-block, building-by-building basis; aprogram of conservation and rehabilitation of existingbuildings; a "lock your car" campaign; volunteer cros-sing guards; organization of block groups; volunteerobservers to monitor court hearings on illégal conversions; a program for the control and supervision ofneighborhood youth gangs; and coopération and coordination with other groups.So, on May 20, 1952, the day after the second massmeeting, the office of the South East Chicago Commis sion opened in the Hyde Park YMCA, as a listening postfor community résidents. Setting up of this office im-mediately provided a place where people could phone inor bring in reports of disturbing incidents and be sure thatsomeone would both listen to their complaints and takethem up with the appropriate authorities. I was asked todirect the office for the summer, or until a permanentexecutive secretary was named.Gradually, a temporary staff was recruited and giventhe responsibility of receiving complaints; watchingcrime statistics; keeping in touch with the police captain;watching the number of squad cars operating in the area,the number of police on duty (both of which had beenincreased for Hyde Park's protection); and receivingcomplaints about illégal housing conversions. As Chancellor Kimpton had said, it was the Commission's intention "to keep watch on what occurs when a propertychanges hands, and, if any move is made toward illégalconversion, [to] raise hell!"The summer at the SECC office was very tense. Captain Anderson, new chief of the Hyde Park police, hadwarned that "every criminal in Chicago" would corne to"look us over," and it often seemed as if this were true. Itwas most reassuring, however, to hâve the constantcoopération of Captain Anderson. He was in contact withthe office several times every day, sometimes even askingthe staff to assist him in a little détective work. Theadditional assistance of Tony Eidson, the Universitysecurity officer, was also most important.The office was a beehive. Every day many people cameor phoned to register complaints, report a spécifie crime,or submit information about illégal housing conversions.The Commission office confined its own activity to deal-19ing with crime and the police. When reports of suspectedillégal housing conversions were received, they wereturned over to the Hyde Park-Kenwood CommunityConférence, which had had more expérience and betterfacilities for handling them.Mrs. Julia Abrahamson, executive director of the Conférence, provided close coopération, which proved valu-able to both groups.Growing painsThe Commission office stayed open until 10 o'clock atnight, and practically every evening SECC committeesmet to discuss problems and to draw up "position pa-pers" suggesting policies to the SECC board.The Commission, as a new organization working at achallenging job, was most threatened by newspaper reporters out looking for a "good story." The Commissionhad become a top news item but it was important to keepdown "taies" which might be misinterpreted. Now andthen, some Hyde Parkers, overcome with the désire toplay "cops and robbers," reached the newspapers beforethe office could stop them, or over-eager reformer s on theCommission board itself got out of hand and "leaked"stories. Fortunately, it remained possible to function asan alert listening post, handling Hyde Parkers' complaints without undue or misdirected publicity.Looking back, it is clear that several factors émerge asdéfinitive in permitting this unusual experiment to suc-ceed.The first and most important undoubtedly was theactive participation of the University of Chicago. Wherepreviously ail coopération by the University had beenrefused, in 1952 Chancellor Kimpton took a leading rôlein helping to establish the South East Chicago Commission and okaying an initial grant by the University($15,000) to finance the setting up of the organization. Heassumed the chairmanship of the Commission and per-sonally attended ail meetings of the Committee of Five.Perhaps the only hope for success in this kind of community venture lies in the existence of a strong institutionwilling to commit itself and its resources, both humanand financial.Secondly, the serious incidence of crime in the areahad created a crisis situation. People realized that "some-thing had to be done." Hère, the nature of the communitywas a basic factor. Hyde Parkers possessed a sensé ofpride in their community and did not want to see itdeteriorate into a segregated ghetto. Many of them hadprofessed a belief in intégration over the years and were committed to uphold the principle if possible.Third, Hyde Park also had a great many communityorganizations which were concerned with the welfare ofthe community and had done much work which was veryuseful to the Commission in setting up and carrying outits program.Fourth was the skill with which the first board wasselected.Most important of ail, in September, Julian Levi, athird génération Hyde Parker, a graduate of the University of Chicago Law School, and a practicing lawyer,became the executive director of the Commission. In theyears since, his expertise and vision hâve been responsable for maintaining, improving upon, and planning newapproaches to community problems, including a large-scale urban renewal program — the first in the U.S. —which made the Hyde Park project the success that it hasbeen.With his astute mind and good judgment and his dévotion to the neighborhood, Mr. Levi realized that a "stay-ing action" was not enough. One of his first acts was toarrange for the appointment of a qualified criminologist,Don Blackiston, to work with the police on crime, a mostfortunate appointment. Not content with this, Mr. Levisecured a grant from the Wieboldt Foundation to surveythe area and see what should be done to restore it. Tocarry out this planning he secured Jack Meltzer, a compétent city planner, who has been responsible for theover-all rebuilding that has taken place. Mr. Levi, him-self , worked at ail levels, with local and fédéral officiais,with University personnel, with community leaders — infact, anywhere he felt it necessary.Gains, but 'unending vigilance9Former résidents or former students, returning toHyde Park after twenty years, are amazed. Hyde Parkhas not become a ghetto as predicted. Instead, newresidential construction, two new shopping centers, anew mail at the end of 55th Street and many new buildings give the area a whole new look.And Hyde Park has, in fact, fulfilled its promise tomaintain an "integrated middle class community of highstandards." In addition, its crime rate, from being one ofthe highest in Chicago, is now one of the lowest. But onlycomplète coopération at ail levels has made this imagina-tive program possible, and although Hyde Park hasdemonstrated that such a program is workable, it stilldemands unending coopération and vigilance on the partof the entire community.20Quadrangle V^(ewsOptic nerve cells enumeratedThe human optic nerve, which transmitsvisual signais from receptor cells in theeye to the brain, contains 1,200,000 in-dividual nerve fibers, a team of Universityand Argonne National Laboratory scien-tists hâve discovered. The fibers werecounted with a computerized image proc-essor that scanned about 500 microphoto-graphs of a cross section of the nerve.The new information is expected to facili-tate the study of blindness and eye dis-ease. The scientists are Dr. Albert M.Potts, prof essor and director of researchin the Department of Ophthalmology;Donald Hodges and C.B. Shelman, as-sociate computer engineers at Argonne;Dr. Cari J. Fritz, résident and trainee inophthalmology at the University; Dr. Norman S. Levy, former résident, now at theUniversity of Florida; and Yvonne Mang-nall, former laboratory technician, now atCambridge University.Kimball joins Navajo healthunitChase Patterson Kimball, associate pro-fessor in the Department of Psychiatryand Medicine and director of programs inintercultural medicine at Chicago and atYale, has been appointed to the board ofcommissioners of the Navajo HealthAuthority, established to plan, develop,and implement a school of medicine forIndians which will seek to integrate tradi-tional native practices with those of western medicine.Tuition to rise 2.7%The University will increase tuition $75 aquarter (2.7%), beginning in autumn, 1973.The increase applies to undergraduate andgraduate levels, as well as to ail profes-sional schools.The new annual tuition rates for a normal three-quarter académie year will be: Collège, $2,850; graduate divisions andprofessional schools, $3,000; GraduateSchool of Business, $3,150.Said Jean Allard, vice-président for business and finance: "Costs of éducationcontinue to rise and the University, likeother educational institutions, must look toail sources of income, including tuition, tosustain the financial demands made uponit."The University hopes to be able to continue to offset growing student coststhrough growing resources for student aid.Breast cancer study winsbackingA contract for $117,000 from the NationalCancer Institute for a study on the bio-Blackfriars time againWhat is in the box? Luke Larkin makes asurprising discovery in Blackfriars' 1973original musical comedy, "Struggling Up-ward," based on the Horatio Alger novel,Luke Larkin 's Luck. Directed by EnidRieser, the show will open in Mandel HallApril 27. chemical nature of hormone dependencyin breast cancer has been received by theUniversity. Principal investigator underthe grant is Eugène De Sombre, assistantprofessor in the Ben May Laboratory forCancer Research in the University 's Division of the Biological Sciences and Pritz-ker School of Medicine.De Sombre, a specialist in estrogen research, will study how the female sex hormone and other hormones interact withmammary cancer cells and affect the cells'activities. Normal tissue and cancers thatneed estrogen for growth and others thatcan grow without it will be contrasted.The research will seek différences thatcould explain why the hormone loses itsability to regulate growth as cancerprogresses.KudosPrésident Edward H. Levi has been nomi-nated as an ofïïcer in the Order of the Légion of Honor . . . One distinguishedalumnus, Dr. Walter L. Palmer (sb'18,sm'19, md'21 [Rush], phD'26), and one fac-ulty member, Dr. Daniel X. Freedman,Louis Block professor and chairman ofthe Department of Psychiatry, wereamong ten American médical educatorsand researchers given 1973 distinguishedachievement awards by Modem Medicine. . . Soia Mentschikoff, professor in theLaw School, is the new président of theAssociation of American Law Schools, thefirst woman to hold that title ... A newstudy discloses the University's MidwestAdministration Center ranking No. 1among eighty American institutions in theteaching of educational administration. . . The University's "A" chess team wontop honors in the Pan American Intercol-legiate tournament in Columbus inDecember . . . Théodore W. Schultz, theCharles L. Hutchinson distinguished service professor emeritus in the Departmentof Economies, Chicago, has been awardedthe Francis A. Walker Medal by theAmerican Economie Association.21JÇetters' War crimes' article excites controversyto the editor: I hâve been poring againand again over the article by Marcus G.Raskin, page 17, in the November/December issue. This made an unusualimpression on me. Why hasn't the thèmeof this article appeared more frequently?May I suggest that there be more articleslike this in future issues. And I would likefurther discussion on the Kellogg-BriandPact (the Pact of Paris) and explanation ofto what extent it played an important partin leading to the war trials at Nurembergand later to the war trials in Tokyo.Are there reprints available of theRaskin article?CONRAD E. RONNEBERG, PhD'35Granville, O.Reprints are available from the Magazine.For information write the the editor: This is one of what Ihope and expect will be hundreds ofletters protesting your unbalancedpublishing of the Raskin article in theNovember/December issue of theMagazine. It présents without an opposingor balancing statement a position which isultra New Left from beginning to end.Mr. Raskin's stance is that it is right tooppose the aggression by fascists, as wedid in 1941-1945 in that bloodiest of ailwars in modem times, but that résistanceto communist aggression is criminal. Hedestroys a part of his case with his ownwords:'The Allied and especially the American[italics mine] position at Nuremberg wasthat any resort to war — to any kind ofwar — is a resort to means that areinherently criminal."If the Raskin article represents theposition of the University of Chicago, itportrays a position completely separatedfrom the dedication to scholarship which Ihâve always associated with thatinstitution.RAYMOND E. HAYES, PhB'28Des Moines, the editor: Léo Rosten had no needto explain the meaning of chutzpa in hisarticle in your November/December issue.The insane diatribe on "war crimes" is abetter illustration than any he could pick. North Vietnam, supported by Russiaand Red China, has violated the Genevaagreement and is waging a war ofaggression against South Vietnam. TheReds are committing atrocities worse thanthose of the Nazis. Communists and theirallies evérywhere hâve for half a centurycarried on a criminal conspiracy toenslave the entire human race and tomurder ail who resist. They hâveconquered many nations and slaughteredtens of millions of people. They hâverarely met with more than tokenopposition.The United States, which could easilyhâve destroyed them, has not onlyrefrained from doing so, but is helping theNorth Vietnamese aggressors through giftsto Red China and Russia; and we areabout to sell out our South Vietnameseally, asking only a face-saving charadefrom the enemy. Ail thèse facts are toowell known to be questioned by any saneperson. Yet Marcus Raskin accuses theUnited States of guilt for war crimes. It'shard to believe he is serious.LAURENCE LEE HOWE, AM'38, PnD'41Louis ville, the editor: This is to express myappréciation for the splendid pièce byMarcus Raskin in the last issue of yourfine magazine. It may arouse somedisagreement of course, but Raskin's pointof view needs to be heard, and answeredif that is possible.BERNARD C. KIRBY, x'33California State UniversitySan Diego, Calif .to the editor: In Marcus G. Raskin'sarticle on war crimes we are told withOlympian finality on whose side the Godsare. A légal brief précèdes an assumedand unproved categorical assertion thatthe opponents to America's intervention inSouth Vietnam "hâve been correct in theirinstincts and views on the war" and thosewho generated and prosecuted it weremorally wrong.This arrogant statement by exploiters ofwar weariness is a fine example of theMachiavellian assumption of a séparationbetween statecraft and morality. A warwas lost; and those who played so great a rôle in its defaults now turn to flagellationand scapegoating.When did the war become allegedlyimmoral? There was no question of itsmorality when Camelot intervened inSouth Vietnam. The then acceptednational commitments and nationalself-interest were its basic pillars. It wasstill moral in the days of Tonkin Gulf .That subsequently a change of heart didtake place, that moral issues began tocover a loss of nerve, are self-evident.Why thèse happened must be left tofuture historians. However, for many, intrue katharsis, a newly found immoralitywas related back and became animmorality ab initio.Perhaps it was an old guilt — a refusai toface the inévitable conséquences of a sickand deceived leadership that, with a waveof a hand, gave the heart of Europe toStalin at Yalta. Perhaps it was part of apolitical movement to restore a Camelotdynasty to the control of the government,which failed when the fates intervenedand a Président and party were destroyed.Perhaps it was the changes in the socialvalues and commitments of thisgénération, and the panic flight of itsyouth to the monasteries. Perhaps it wasan adolescent nation still tied to frontierand immigrant isolationism fearing toaccept the obligations and responsibilitiesof a great world power in a complex worldsubjected to the pressures of a newimperialism aggressively moving to imposea Pax Sovietica on the world.Whatever there be to the claim ofwar-immorality in the South Vietnamcontext, this fiction now runs deep inAmerican life. It has made us a housedivided, without a will to support anational conscience. For ail this talk ofmorality, we too are now following thefrightened peoples of the world and hâveclosed our doors to man's hope forfreedom.REUBEN S. FLACKS, PhB'23, JD'24Chicago, the editor: It's sort of silly of me tochallenge Raskin's article on war crimes,with protests rising over current bombingof North Vietnam. Any audience is goingto be very unsympathetic.But I hâve a cross-grained streak thatdrives me into lost causes, especially ifthey are unpopular.I wrote previously on the tendency ofthe média to elaborate idéologies suited to22pleasing some audience [see Letters,September/October]. With this in mind,let's examine Raskin's argument:1. Is it true that the people of Vietnamcould not possibly injure the U.S.?During World War II the people ofCzechoslovakia did a great deal of harmto Britain, simply because they and theirworks became the property of Hitler.Such arguments are capable of perversion,as Mr. Raskin points out — but it isdubious reasoning to reject everyargument for which this can be said.2. If we take Mr. Raskin at face value,the "Nuremberg principles" outlaw war,not to say organizing for war on any scale,as a crime for which no "rationalizations"can excuse us. Since the author concèdesthat the U. S. criminals may hâve believedtheir "rationalizations," "reasons" cannotexcuse us either.To be sure, he dismisses the"rationalizations" as unworthy of mention,and advances "reasons" that are poorexcuses for any thing — Le., black strutting,middle-class wealth, American dominanceand "impérial responsibility." But surelysuch spécifies are not enough for thatgenerality.Is it a crime to organize for war on anygrounds? For défense against aggressiveattack, or to help a neighbor under suchattack? What if the neighbor is fighting a"civil war," organized and massivelysupported by a nation as strong as NaziGermany against one as weak as 1939Poland? Are we obligated to let suchproxy aggressions run their course untilwe become the object of aggression? Or isit honest to say that such dangers can beresolved by referral to the UnitedNations? (Perhaps the war managers ofIsraël could contribute something to thisquestion.)To such challenges many intellectualsreply, "Two wrongs don't make a right,"or even "War is so terrible, better Redthan dead." I am more or less sympathetictoward the second of thèse views,although I reject the first flatly and will bedelighted to debate it with anyone sominded. But my point is that the authorhas implied a massive generalization withlittle support except ancient quotations,and proposed drastic légal changes in theU. S. for its sake. Surely the subjectdeserves more serious considération first!3. The author has a tendency to setforth debatable propositions as if theywere revealed facts.He does not define "American impérial responsibility," but most readers willtranslate this as "American imperialism"and understand thereby some kind ofnational aggrandizement primarily for thesake of capitalist profits, or for the sheerlove of power. Surely such verbiageshould be explained and documented, withsomething better than selected quotations.Who, among U. S. officiais whosupported Vietnam, sees violence as ourprimary means of policy making? To mostof us "primary" means something that isfirst choice and the major mechanismbehind any other choice. Mr. Raskin, withhis extensive knowledge of World War II,should hâve a clear idea of how nationsact when violence is their primary meansof policy making.Violence, of course, is the ultimatemeans of policy making for anygovernment, from hospitals to empires.But unless Mr. Raskin considers"ultimate" and "primary" équivalentterms, his assertion about "primarymeans" remains to be proved.The author claims that our warmanagers practiced violence, domestictyranny and aggression against their ownpeople; such powers seem for him thesource of aggressive war against othernations, and their élimination is the objectof his reforms. In support of this view hecompares the U. S. during the Vietnamépisode with the Axis powers in a waythat suggests thèse societies were largelyéquivalent.There are few periods in any nation'shistory, to be sure, in which its"Establishment" did not employ violence,etc., against some of its people, despitemore or less controversy over the justiceof the action— /.£., nobody's perfect. Butto imply that the U. S. conducted a terrorcampaign remotely équivalent to thoseconducted by totalitarian Systems againsttheir own peoples, in peace and in war— isboth mendacious and ridiculous.He even suggests that our evil managersdid their worst, yet failed to cow ourliberty-loving citizens: "As the warcontinued, the government escalated itsrepression of critics, including those in themilitary who rebelled against insane ordersand requests — until it became impossibleto order them about" (p. 29). Buttotalitarian managers do notfml, despitetyrannical provocations far worse thanany he can cite for the U.S.I resent [Raskin's] misuse of words andconcepts. It amounts to a castration ofthought. . . the réduction of useful ideas to impotence. "Democracy" and "people"and "court" used to stand for good things,just as "Fascist" and "tyranny" stood forbad things. But now we hâve "People'scourts" and "People's democracies," andanyone can see what is happening towords like "Fascist" and "tyranny," notto mention "militarism."4. I am not sure that increased popularcontrol over leaders, as an anti-warmeasure, does not reach a point of"diminishing returns."Rather than debate this massive subjectat length, I shall refer anyone who isinterested to the first and last volumes ofWinston Churchill 's History of the SecondWorld War. Fifty million voters can bewrong, and in certain fields they are morelikely to be wrong than the men whosemain object of concern is foreign affairs.I happen to believe, for instance, that inthe U. S. before Pearl Harbor the popularwill was wrong and Franklin Rooseveltwas right. Nobody makes a scapegoat outof the public, of course, while everybodymakes a scapegoat out of a Chamberlain;therefore the imperfections of publicopinion are seldom properly aired.But before we go overboard withfurther restrictions on the Président of theUnited States, perhaps they should be.ALFRED B. MASON (M.D.), SB'38Bellport, N.Y.Raskin's rejoinderThe passions which hâve been unleashedby the Indo-China War suggest the needfor a plan of American reconciliation.Thus amnesty should be given to draft résister s and deserters, as well as to government officiais who breached internationallaw, the UN charter, and the judgments atNuremberg and in the Asian war crimestrials.But there still remains the question ofwhat we do in the future and how we areto hold government officiais to personalaccount for their actions. It would seem tome that it is not too much to ask thatdomestic légal sanctions for the violationof international laws and customs of warbecome applicable to individual government officiais if they violate such laws.Thus I would hope that it shall be a violation of American domestic law if American government officiais:• Plan, prépare for, order, approve of orassist in the waging of a war of aggression23or a war in violation of international trea-ties, agreements or assurances; or• Plan, prépare for, order, approve of orengage in violations of the laws and cus-toms of war, including but not limited to,(1) murder, torture, ill-treatment, or déportation to slave labor or for any otherpurpose, confinement in concentrationcamps, or any other conscious policy ofneglect and abuse of civilian populationsof another land; (2) plunder of public orprivate property, wanton destruction ofcities, towns or villages, or dévastation notjustified by military necessity, or otheracts of brutality against civilians, insurgentgroups and résistance movements; (3)murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of waror persons on the seas or killing of hos-tages; or• Plan, prépare for, order, approve of orengage in the following specifically pro-scribed violations of the laws and customsof war: (1) assassination, (2) mass bomb-ing of civilian populations, or the use ofweapons of mass destruction such as nuclear or thermonuclear weapons, (3) thedestruction of crops, livestock, or the nat-ural habitat of another state, people orland, (4) the overthrow of the leadershipof another nation by force, violence orbribe, (5) the use of biological weapons inwhatever form, (6) the use of weaponsand projectiles proscribed by the HagueConventions of 1899 and 1907, (7) enteringinto agreement with corporate or civicleadership for the purpose of perpetratingthe acts proscribed above;• Conceal, or neglect to reveal, the existence of violations of the above.I would hope that the U. S. would takethe leadership in getting other nations todevelop like proscriptions as part of theirown laws and behavior.Mr. Flacks is wrong when he say s that"there was no question of its [the VietnamWar] morality when Camelot intervenedin South Vietnam" or Tonkin, or thatthere was a loss of nerve which causedpeople to become critics of the Indo-ChinaWar. The fact is that from the very begin-nings of the escalated American commit-ment (1961— '62) by government officiaisthere was fervent, active dissent fromknowledgeable international lawyers andpolitical philosophers who judged the intervention by a légal and moral standard.For example, from our own University,Professor Quincy Wright (who was the American adviser on international law atNuremberg) and Benjamin V. Cohen(former counselor of the State Department) registered strong disagreement withthe intervention on the grounds of state-craft, law and morality. (So did I.)I want to assure Mr. Hayes that I amserious. However, pinning sanctions onthose responsible for planning and carry-ing out the Indo-China war is not now thecrucial issue. Rather citizens must concernthemselves with the development of acode of personal responsibility for government officiais which will nip in the budsuch actions of individual or governmentalrecklessness (Opération Phoenix, the génération of refugees, carpet bombing) aswere manifested over this past décade.Dr. Mason will be interested to knowthat there is a law case — Fleming vs. Page67US635 (1863)— which states that theU. S. as a nation cannot fight an aggressivewar, although it should be able to défenditself. I agrée with this position. The U. S.should use every avenue of the UN — itsSecurity Council and General Assembly— and means rather clearly defined by theUN Charter for dealing with "threats tothe peace." Dr. Mason would benefitgreatly from reading the speeches of Mac-Namara, Rostow, Acheson, and Rusk onwhat I mean by the American impérial responsibility. As the issue relates to Indo-China he will find the statement of thèsegentlemen in The Vietnam Reader, byBernard Fall and myself. If he would beinterested in a more contextual analysis ofwhat that responsibility was and how itworked, I would refer him and other s toRoutes of War, by Richard J. Barnet.There are always great abstract reasonsfor undertaking wars. It was fashionableto say that we must fight a "small" war toavoid a large war. With whom? The inévitable reply in the 1965- '66 period of theIndo-China War was that we were fightingin Vietnam to "stop China." Even JosephAlsop would smile at that view today. Dr.Mason may resent the use of particularwords or concepts but it does not changethe fact that over this last décade therewere conscious government attempts torepress critics of the war, from draft resis-ters to demonstrators to young militarymen, by government officiais, a few ofwhom (such as another University graduate, former Attorney-General RamseyClark) later came to see the moral andlégal travesty of the Indo-China War.Dr. Mason may believe that popular control over a nation's leader has dimin-ishing returns. However, it seems to methat the current debate in Congress to reassert a Congressional balance with theother branches of government is aimed atsuch a purpose — one I think of as laud-able. It is the beginning of a move to restore a deliberative power to the peopleand their représentatives.Students cite overzealous editingto the editor: We of the literati in thePritzker School of Medicine know that thegreatest opus of the 20th century, JamesJoyce's Finnegans Wake, is spelledwithout an apostrophe, not as on page 14of the November/December issue.david o. staats, on behalf of theFreshman Médical Classbababadalgharaghtakamminar-ronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonn-thunntrovarrhounawnskawntoo-hoohoordenenthurnuk!'Conscience9 explicatedto the editor; I enjoyed reading LéoRosten's excellent article, "Irony andInsuit," in the November/December issue,but would recommend that he beencouraged to make one slight correction.On Page 9, he writes: "The Frenchconscience bears no relationship to theEnglish 'conscience' (the French wordmeans 'consciousness'), . . ." He is wrong,as I imagine many readers realize.The French word means"consciousness" but it also means"conscience," as every good Frenchdictionary will show. The Petit LarousseIllustré spécifies: "Sentiment du devoir,moralité. . . conscience morale,sentiment intérieur par lequel l 'homme serend témoignage à lui-même du bien et dumal qu'il fait.9'' 'This is only one of severalmeanings, but demonstrates well enough, Ibelieve, that the French conscience doesindeed hâve a relationship to the English"conscience."DAVID G. SPEER, AB'37, AM'39Professor of FrenchUniversity of South CarolinaColumbia, S. C.Conscience-shmonscience, as long as onefeels guilty.24alumni V\(ewsClub events Class notesInstead of reporting on meetings already held, the magazine, hoping tobe of greater service to alumni groups,will, beginning in this issue, announcethem briefly in advance.Chicago, April 3. Bernice L. Neugarten,professor and chairman, Commissionon Human Development, and JérômeHammerman, assistant professor,School of Social Service Administration, will take part in a colloquium onaging.Los Angeles, May 10. Philip M. Hauser,professor of sociology and director,Population Research Center and Chicago Community Inventory,, March 22. Dr. Allan Rechtschaf-fen, professor of psychiatry and psy-chology and director of the SleepLaboratory, will discuss his researchon sleep and york, March 22. Speaker: Dr. DanielX. Freedman, chairman and LouisBlock professor, Department of Psychiatry.phoenix, April 19. Philip M. Hauser, professor of sociology and director, Population Research Center and ChicagoCommunity Inventory, will speak.san Francisco, May 9. Philip M. Hauser,professor of sociology and director,Population Research Center and Chicago Community Inventory, willspeak.Washington, d. c, April 28. Annual dinner, with David Broder as speaker.Présentation of the Washington club 'sdistinguished alumnus award. f\/i T. TORRANCE PHELPS, AB'06, DB'13,vJ vl retired Congregational minister andchaplain of the California state senate andassembly from 1945 to 1955, informs usthat he is "still active, at ninety years ofâge." Since last March he has addressedsome forty civic, service and senior citizen organizations and has many speakingengagements scheduled for 1973. Dr.Phelps lives in Claremont.1 2 The will of marna e. peterson,-LJ phB'13, who died November 24,provided for the bulk of her estate to beheld in trust with income to be paid to afamily member. Upon the income bene-ficiary's death, 3% of the trust assets willbe distributed to the University as an un-restricted memoriam: Théodore W. Anderson,ab'13, am'14.1 C GEORGE CALDWELL, PhB'15, plans tO-*¦ J bring his new bride as of October7 — Edna B. McDougle — to Emeritus Clubfestivities at this year's reunion. "We shallfly up from Florida," he writes. "I wanther to see my University."17 in memoriam: Clarence Ayres,-L / PhD'17; Arthur L. Bakke, p1id'17;Eugène F. Traut, sb'17, md'19; Col. William J. Mather, pIib'17, former assistantsecretary of UC's board of trustées,known to thousands of students in hisdays as bursar (1931-'41), died on Febru-ary 3.10 e. r. huckleberry, sb'18, md'21,-L O whose many years of médical service in isolated and primitive communitiesnear the logging camps and sawmills ofwestern Oregon are chronicled in hisbook, The Adventures of Dr. Huckleberry(Oregon Historical Society), now in itssecond printing, was the subject of a bio-graphical article in the October issue ofthe American Baptist. Now retired andliving in Sait Lake City, he puts in manyhours working for the church. The manualdexterity which served Dr. Huckleberry inthe healing arts, is now helping him in hiswood working shop. An accomplished wood carver, he makes everything fromcostume jewelry and wall carvings to playequipment and toys which he has donatedto churches and homes for handicappedchildren.MARY LENORE KNAPP, AB'18, AM'19,who died November 13, provided for a bequest of $24,013 in her will to be added tothe endowment of the Pritzker School ofMedicine.fred l. soper, md'18, who was instrumental in successful eradication programsof the aedes aegypti mosquito in Centraland South America in the '20s, '30s and'40s, said recently that this transmitter ofyellow fever is alive and well in the U.S.,triumphant over a now abandoned$56,000,000 governmental effort to eradi-cate it. While emphasizing that this country faces no immédiate danger of an urbanyellow fever résurgence, Dr. Soper, retirednow and living in Chevy Chase, told theBaltimore News American that our aegyptipopulation has consistently reinfestedareas south of the border, where the virusis endémie, by crossing from our southernstates into Mexico and now poses a seri-ous threat to South and Central Americannations which hâve spent billions to eradi-cate — for the most part successfully — theirown pests. It was only after years of constant pressure and even outright threatsfrom fellow members of the Pan AmericanHealth Organization (PAHO), that theU. S. relented and instituted the eradication program, which died with a whimperin 1969. Neither the eradication programnor its failure received much publicity, butpressure has increased from PAHO and agovernment-financed study by Arthur D.Little, released last April, urgently recom-mends renewal of the anti- aegypti memoriam: Sallie Sterling Rust,phB'18, am'19, registrar of the Ethical Culture Schools of New York City from1940- '64, granddaughter of Maj. HenryAppleton Rust, one of the first trustéesand first controller of the University ofChicago, died January 16 in Brandon, Vt.1A in memoriam: Henry H. Dennison,^¦" am'20; Amos E. Taylor, am'20;Benjamin H. Willier, p!id'20.25niN memoriam: Ray A. Cripe,phB'21; Carolyn Hargan Leland,am'21; Mary Walborn Marx, x'21.Il ARTHUR H. NETHERCOT, PhD'22,^^ Franklyn Bliss Snyder professor ofEnglish, emeritus, Northwestern University, has published a complète two-volumerevision of the long-established Eliza-bethan and Stuart Play s (Holt, Rinehartand Winston). His collaborators in theoriginal (1934) édition of this anthologywere virgil b. heltzel, phD'25, and theirEnglish professor at the University ofChicago, the late Charles read bask-ervill, phD'll. Dr. Nethercot now résidesin Colorado Springs.12 J ROBERT doty, sb'23, md'26, phy-** «^ sician and former Rockledge (Fia.)councilman, was commended for community service by county officiais at theBrevard County (Fia.) Fair last fall. November 4 was officially designated Dr. J.Robert Doty Day.^ A SARA KING HARVEY, AM'24, PhD'34,** * professor emeritus of English at In-diana State University (Terre Haute), returned to that campus for homecoming activités and to receive one of four 1972distinguished alumni awards. Since retir-ing, Dr. Harvey has taught in West Berlinand Indianapolis, her current résidence,and has done extensive memoriam: Catherina Clarke Berge-on, pub '24.1 C Brother Charles severin, sb'25,** s sm'27, PhD '30, chairman of the bi-ology department of St. Mary 's Collège(Winona, Minn.), has been named to ap-pear in the f orthcoming édition of Who 'sWho in Ecology. A Christian Brother forfifty-seven years, he was one of the firstto recognize the importance of ecology byinitiating courses on the subject in the St.Mary 's curriculum in 1935. During the pastten years, he has traveled extensively,helping to organize and implement biologyteacher programs in India and the Philippines, where translations of his highschool biology textbooks are widely memoriam: Robert Cornélius Wing-field, phB'25.O/T M. KING HUBBERT, SB'26, SM'28,^¦U phD'37, research geophysicist withthe U. S. Geological Survey, had an hon-orary doctor of science degree conferredon him recently by Syracuse (N.Y.)University.Francis w. porro, sb '26, md'29, has retired as chief pathologist at St. Mary'sHospital, Evansville, Ind., a position hehas held for twenty-three years. In tribute, the hospital is naming its new pathologylaboratory, soon to be constructed, in hishonor. In addition to his hospital duties,Dr. Porro serves as a fréquent consultantto state health laboratories and maintainsa private pathology practice. "I plan to remain active," he told the Evansville Press,"but I think it is the proper time in my lifeto slow down."addison w. willson, pIib'26, has wonthe Omaha Association of Life Under-writers Hall of Famé Award. Mr. Wilsonis insurance planning consultant in Omahafor the Bankers Life Company of memoriam: Charles C. Adams,md'26; Horace Mann Bond, am'26,phD '36; Simeon E. Leland, PhD '26; LienChao Tzu, am'26, phD'29.1"7 CORNELIUS osgood, pub'27, p1id'30,** • professor of anthropology and as-sociate director of the Peabody Muséumat Yale, is a collector of waterfall proper-ties in Vermont, where he vacations. Theinformation cornes from Professor Os-good's close friend of fifty years, johnkettlewell, x'25, Saratoga Springs,N.Y.10 hsioh-ren wei, pho'28, has retired^O as distinguished professor of physics and public affairs at Bethany Collègeand has moved with his wife to memoriam: Anita Gelber (Freder-ich), md'28; Arvid T. Johnson, sb'28,md'32; Joseph D. Teitelbaum, phB'28,jd'30; Samuel Weingarten, am'28.OQ MELANIE LOEWENTHAL PFLAUM,£*S phB'29, and irving pflaum, phB'28,returned to New Zealand in October aftera half -year overseas visit to their family.The Pflaums, who own a home near Va-lencia, in Spain, hâve made New Zealandtheir home away from home. There Mrs.Pflaum has found the peace and quiet sheneeds to continue her prolific writing ca-reer. Her ninth novel, The Maine Remem-&era/ (Pega-sus. Press, Christchurch, NewZealand), set in Castro's Cuba, has justbeen published and four of her bookshâve been translated into French and Ger-man.delmar olson, p1ib'29, jd'31, has retired as chairman of Mutual Trust Life,Chicago, but will continue as a director of ,the firm.2A GILBERT BRIGHOUSE, PUB '30, SM'34,~HJ retired psychology professor at Occidental Collège (Los Angeles) since July,1971, is currently serving as industrial psy-chologist for Pasadena's Xet PropulsionLaboratory. He is also involved in a project funded by the National Science Foun dation which attempts to transfer aero-space technology to city problems.ALICE de MAURIAC HAMMOND, PhB'30,sm'32, has been hired as a clinical psy-chologist on the staff of Mesa County(Colo.) Mental Health Center.2 1 CAROLINE HUBERT ELLEDGE,J -¦- phB'31, am'49, has been namedchairman of the social work departmentand director of social services in the médical clinics of the Northwestern Universitymédical school. She will hold the académie rank of associate professor.j. allen hynek, sb '31, pIîd'35, chairman of the astronomy department atNorthwestern University and exponent ofthe UFO cause, has published his viewson the subject in his new book, The UFOExpérience. In the book Hynek severelycritieizes the report called "The ScientificStudy of Unidentified Flying Objects,"produced by a committee chaired by Dr.Edward U. Condon, which studied materi-al from U.S. Air Force Project Blue Bookfiles. A consultant on UFOs for the AirForce for twenty years, Hynek establishedthe U. S. program for optical tracking ofsatellites under which twelve tracking stations were set up around the world as wellas a volunteer "Moon Watch" system. AtNorthwestern he supervised participationin the Apollo and Skylab space projects.21 ALICE STINNETT SCHRYVER, PhB '32,0^ and elliott w. schryver, PhB '34,tell us that they were "married again (nev-er divorced)" last November in the LittleChurch around the Corner, New YorkCity, on the occasion of their twenty-sixthanniversary. The only attendants werethose who hâve known the Schryvers atleast twenty-six years, including noelgerson, ab'34, who was best man.JOSEPHINE MIRABELLA ELLIOTT, PllB'32,am'35, New Harmony, Ind., has beennamed university archivist, under a LillyEndowment grant, for a project to set upan archivai library at Indiana State University, Evansville, for the préservation ofmaterials pertinent to the history of south-western Indiana.paul g. modie, md'32, Barnesville, O.,has retired after nearly forty years ofpracticing gênerai medicine.CHARLES woodruff, p1ib'32, jd'34, em-barked on a new venture recently when heand a partner opened a California men'sapparel store, Charles of the Désert, inPalm Désert. In the venture Woodruff iscombining his légal savvy — he is presentlyassistant chief counsel for thé corporatelégal department of Lockheed Aircraft andfor many years has been the firm's seniorgovernment contracting attorney — with hispartner's expérience in many phases ofmen's store opération.262 2 arthur heim, phB'33, and son•)•) James are enjoying a successfulbusiness alliance as heads of a Chicagoequipment leasing firm. Leasing Consultants, founded in 1962 by the seniorHeim, who brought in his son three yearsago, rents heavy and light equipment, be ita printing press, an ocean-going barge oran électron microscope.HERMAN S. BLOCH, SB '33, PhD'36, aSSO-ciate director of research at Universal OilProducts, Des Plaines, 111., holder of some150 patents in the fields of petroleum re-fining and petrochemicals, has been elected chairman of the board of the American Chemical Society.HERMAN H. GOLDSTINE, SB'33, SM'34,phD '36, IBM mathematician currentlyworking at the Institute for AdvancedStudy, Princeton, N. J., has been reelectedto a four-year term on the board of trustées of Hampshire Collège, Amherst,Mass.RUTH KRUMREIG HILL, pho'33, is a clini-cal psychologist in Chippewa Falls, Wisc.She is also an ordained Baptist minister.osby l. weir, pub '33, manager of Sears,Roebuck & Company 's metropolitan Baltimore/Washington area, has been electedto a three-year term as a director of theFédéral Reserve Bank of Richmond.2 / DON w- holter, phD'34, began a~J * four-year term of service in July asUnited Methodist bishop of the Nebraskaarea. During his past fourteen years asprésident of the fledgling St. Paul Schoolof Theology Methodist in Kansas City, theschool increased its capital assets from$105,000 to $5,750,000. But he is almost asproud of another figure — the estimated$1,500,000 in donations that he lost by re-fusing to accept strings-attached contributions. This loss, he told the OmahaWorld-Herald, was his personal contribution to the school's académie freedom.david c. cook m, ab'34, and Betty M.McDowell were married in Lake Arrow-head, Calif ., in December. The couple willréside in Elgin, 111.lester lee hasenbush, sb'34, has beennamed to the médical faculty of Harvardas assistant clinical professor of psychiatry. The appointment was announced bydean of the school robert h. ebert,sb'36, md'42.eva donelson wilson, p1id'34, retiredhome économies professor at Ohio StateUniversity, has been granted emeritusstatus by the school's board of trustées.2 C IRMA WAGNER DUCAN, SM'35,D J phD'50, is a research chemist withHEW's Arctic Research Center in Fair-banks, Alaska.WILLIAM RAY FORRESTER, JD'35, dean of the Cornell University law school since1963, has announced his intention to re-sign from the post at the end of this académie year or as soon as a successor ischosen. "The right time for a dean to re-sign is before people think he should,"said Forrester. A specialist in constitu-tional law, the fédéral judicial System andarbitration and conciliation, he plans todévote full time to teaching, research andwriting.alice c. shaffer, am'35, has won the1972 alumni medal of UC's School of Social Service Administration for "distinguished service to human welfare." Duringher twenty years with UNICEF, MissShaffer was a pioneer in helping variouscountries develop long-term child healthnutrition and welfare memoriam: Norman R. Sackheim,ab'35; Cari L. Lee, àm'35, phD'51.2^ RACHEL EGBERT ROBBINS, AM'36, isDU currently program assistant to thecommissioner of social and rehabilitationservices in the Department of Health,Education and Welfare, Chicago régionaloffice.ELAINE OGDEN MCNEIL, AB'36, AM'38,associate professor of sociology at theUniversity of Arkansas main campus(Fayette ville), has been named to a two-year term on the Southwest régional council of the American Association for HigherEducation.MARY MCCALL STUBBINS, AB'36, Washonored this fall by the First UnitedMethodist Church, Ann Arbor, Mich., forher thirty years of service to the church asorganist.27 judson c. gray, ab'37, am'37, is•) I spending two years at the University of South Pacific, Suva, Fiji.rome turner dabbs, md'37, physicianin Aberdeen, Miss., who boasts of deliver-ing more twins than any other doctor, is aseasoned practitioner of hypnotism asagainst anesthesia to alleviate physical ormental suffering. Hypnotism has beenused increasingly by Dr. Dabbs in child-birth, psychotherapy, and to help personsto stop smoking or lose weight. Recently,inspired by an expérience in Japan inwhich he was successfully treated by acupuncture for a bad limp which had devel-oped during his travels, Dr. Dabbs has become increasingly fascinated with thatancient Oriental skill and has alreadygained a certificate from the Hong KongCollège of Chinese Acupuncture. He returned to this country with eight fine spiralstainless steel acupuncture needles, butplans to engage in further study before ac-tually using the technique in his practice.BLOSSOM TOVROV porte, ab'37, hasbeen hired as public relations director of Eye and Ear Hospital, Pittsburgh. Formerpublic relations director at the Universityof Chicago Hospitals and Clinics, she is acontributor to the travel pages of the Chicago Tribune and other memoriam: Jean Garrigue, ab'37.2Q paul p. pickering, sb'38, sm'39,~JO md'41, San Diego, past président ofthe American Society of Plastic and Re-constructive Surgeons, has been reelectedto a three-year term as plastic surgery représentative to the interspecialty council ofthe American Médical Association.ELEANOR WRIGHT MACY, AB'38, AM'58,former médical social worker at the University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics,has joined the professional staff of theFox Valley Mental Health Center, Elgin,111., as a psychiatrie social worker.2Q JERROLD orne, phD'39, has steppedDS down after fifteen years as university librarian at the University of NorthCarolina in order to return to full-timeteaching as a professor in the library science memoriam: Rita M. McGuane,ab'39, am'39; Bernard Smaller, sb'39,sm'40, phD '51.A fi ROBERT S. MINER, JR., SB'40, assis-*^ tant to the chairman of the physicsdepartment at Princeton University, hasbeen elected treasurer of the 8,000-member Institute of Chemists. He willserve until memoriam: James J. Paterson, x'40;Howard Bourne, am'40, phD '49.A 1 SELMA JEANNE COHEN , AB '4 1 ,* -^ am'42, pud'46, is editor of DancePerspective, the quarterly journal shefounded in 1959 after abandoning her initial ambition to become a dance critic because of the limited demand for that critical specialty. The publication, whichcarries no news, no reviews and no adver-tising, concentrâtes in-depth on one dancesubject per issue.A^J chester leo smith, ab'42, attorney*^ in Los Angeles who was unsuccess-ful in his récent bid for the judiciary, ishelping to organize the World PeaceThrough Law conférence, to be held inthe Ivory Coast in August.MELVIN gerstein, sb '42, pho'45, me-chanical engineering professor and department head at USC, has been awarded a$10,000 grant from the American Gas Association toward basic research into thefundamental combustion properties of nat-ural gas, particularly as related to pollution and safety.miriam pape, sb'42, associate professorof health éducation at the University of27Wisconsin, Whitewater, has been electedprésident of the Wisconsin Collège HealthAssociation.RAYMOND H. WITTCOFF, AB'42, St.Louis, has been elected a trustée of theEquitable Life Mortgage and Realty In-vestors, based in Boston./2 edwin s. munger, sb'43, sm'48,**) phD '51, président of the Louis S. B.Leakey Foundation for the Study ofMan's Origins, recently led, with twoblack colleagues, a mission from the StateDepartment to South Africa. It was Professor Munger's twenty-ninth visit to Africa. (In 1951, he contributed twice to themagazine on the subject of Africa.)ALBERT v. boetticher, ab'43, ab'48,mba '49, corporate tax attorney for I-T-EImpérial Corporation, chaired a session oncurrent foreign tax developments at theTwelfth Annual Tax Conférence, held inPhiladelphia in October. Mr. Boetticherlives in Wynnewood, Pa./ / ROBERT c. sorensen, ab'44, am'48,a a phD'54, has been elected vice-président for marketing and research ofWarner Communications, New York.james g. halvorsen, ab'44, has beennamed district sales manager in the PalosHeights (111.) office of McKey & Poague,real estate firm.JOHN P. WRIGHT, SB'44, président ofthe American National Bank and TrustCompany, Chattanooga, Tenn., has beenelected chairman of the executive councilof the Tennessee Bankers Association.A/i E. R. du FRESNE, PUB '46, SM'57,*vJ phD'62, has been chosen présidentof Pomeroy, Johnston and Bailey, special-ists in water, waste disposai and corrosionproblems, headquartered in Pasadena.MALKAH TOLPIN NOTMAN, PnB'46, SB'47,has been named assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard médicalschool. Dr. Notman earned her médicaldegree from Boston University.wallace d. riley, phB'46, Détroit attorney, is serving a term as président ofthe state bar of Michigan.wade thompson, p1ib'46, am'49, hasbeen made a full professor of English andworld literature at State University Collège, New Paltz, N. Y.GERALDINE HELLMAN ROSENTHAL,AM'46, became associate supervisor for social studies of the Tulsa public schools onAugust 23.CLIFFORD L. WINTERS, JR., AM'46,PhD' 49, has been appointed vice-chancellorfor administrative opérations at Syracuse(N.Y.) University. Dr. Winters has theacadémie rank of associate professor of adult éducation and has held several majoradministrative posts at Syracuse./"7 DONALD boyes, ab'47, mba'47, has* / been advanced to director of trans-portation for Reynolds Metals Company,Richmond, Va.russell r. jalbert, am'47, assistantcommissioner for public affairs at the Social Security Administration, has beenelected to the board of governors of DagHammarskjold Collège, which opened itsdoors last fall to fifty students, half ofthem from abroad, in the new city of Columbia, Md.alvin w. rose, pIid'47, former UN senior adviser to the Congo in social affairs,is now professor of sociology at the University of Miami, Coral Gables.margaret Stevenson, jd'47, partner ina Davenport (la.) law firm, was one of thekeynote session panelists at a symposiumon women in law held recently at the University of Iowa./ O ANE LONGSTREET HANLEY, AB'48,*^ has received her diploma from St.Luke 's Hospital School of Nursing (Racine, Wis.) and will become a registerednurse upon gaining state certification. Mrs.Hanley and her husband are the parents offive children, ranging in âge from nine memoriam: Harry L. McCloskey,mba'48.A(\ george morrison, pIib'49, has been*-S appointed professor of theater artsat Purchase, the newest branch of theState University of New York. He continues to teach acting in his own studios inNew York City, and in November directed"Let's Celebrate," two télévision specialsfor ABC.PIERRE R. graham, am'49, was an al-ternate représentative of the U. S. délégation to the seventeenth session of UNESCO, held in Paris last fall. Mr. Graham isthe permanent U. S. représentative toUNESCO in Paris.VIVIAN MAX weil, ab'49, am'53', hasjoined the faculty of Illinois Institute ofTechnology as assistant professor of phi-losophy in the libéral arts collè memoriam: George Fouts, pIid'49.CA KENNETH rivkin, ab'50, am'53, has•* " assumed the position of director ofthe department for English speaking coun-tries of the Keren Hayesod-Ûnited IsraëlAppeal (P. O. B. 583, Jérusalem, Israël).Rabbi Rivkin would welcome inquiries re-garding Israël by anyone contemplating ashort or long (sabbatical) visit. "If I canoffer assistance to our alumni," he writes,"I would be more than happy to do so." PATRICIA EDGEWORTH CUNNEA, AB'50,am'55, phD '63, political science facultymember at Washington State Universityfor the past thirteen years, has acceptedan appointment at Hood Collège (Frederick, Md.) as dean of académie affairs.ROBERT JUDD SICKELS, AB'50, AM'54, isthe author of Race, Marriage, and theLaw, published in November by the University of New Mexico Press. À history ofthe légal status of interracial marriage inthe U. S., the book is built around thecase of Loving v. Virginia, in which theSuprême Court ruled in 1967 — when six-teen states still had anti-misceginationlaws — that laws against interracial marriage violate the Fourteenth Amendment.In the book, Mr. Sickles, who teachespolitical science at the University of NewMexico, brings to light a bizarre array oflégal curiosities, such as an Arizona sta-tute so involved it made marriage of a mu-latto to anyone, even another mulatto, illégal. In a chapter on the légal implicationsof the Loving case, he points out thatforms of marriage even less widely ap-proved than miscegenation — homosexualmarriage and polygamy — may, in the distant future, become légal as a resuit of theLoving décision.D. D. WALKER, MBA' 50, président ofFunk Seeds International, has been namedto the board of directors of the Foundationfor American Agriculture, a non-profit educational institution made up of farm organizations and business leaders.CI EMANUEL S. SAVAS, AB'51, SB'53,¦s -¦- has accepted an appointment at Columbia University as professor of publicSystems management.GEORGE LAWNER, AM'51, PllD'59, who ison a sabbatical leave from the musicfaculty of Kansas University, is conduct-ing the orchestra for this season's KansasCity Lyric Theater performances of TheAbduction from the memoriam: Arthur M. McAnally,PhD '51.r J R. v. lechowich, ab'52, sm'55, pro-J ^ f essor and head of the departmentof food science and teçhnology, VirginiaPolytechnic Institute and State University,Blacksburg, Va., has been named to theeditorial advisory board of the trademonthly, Canner Packer.C / GEORGE k. romoser, am'54, pIîd'58,J* professor of political science atthe University of New Hampshire andchairman of the conférence group onGerman politics, an organization ofscholars, received the West GermanBundesverdienstkreuz, a civilian medal ofmerit, in October for his contributions in28promoting the study of German affairs andcontacts between Americans and Ger-mans. On leave during 1973, Professor Ro-moser will be at the Institute of PoliticalScience, Munich University, following aperiod of residency at the Villa Serbelloni,the study center of the Rockefeller Foundation in Bellagio, Italy.MARY popkin bass, ab'54, jd'57, hasbeen named to head the new Family CourtDivision, set up recently by the city ofNew York to handle légal représentationof petitioners in proceedings related tojuvénile delinquency, neglect, child abuse,persons in need of supervision, and in pa-ternity and support proceedings involvingpersons who are likely to become elmo nauman, jr., ab'54, associateprofessor and chairman of the philosophydepartment at Christopher Newport Collège of the Collège of William and Mary(Newport News, Va.), has authored a newréférence work — Dictionary of AmericanPhilosophy (Philosophical Library Pub-lishers, New York) — in which 174 minoras well as major American philosophersare catalogued, along with philosophicalterms and gênerai références to Americanphilosophy.steven polgar, am'54, p1id'56, is oneof three translators involved in the récentpublication by Harper & Row of CloudedSky, a new volume of the poetry of Mik-los Radnoti, the Hungarian poet who wasexecuted by the fascists during World WarII. Polgar, whose native tongue is Hungarian and who did the major job ofrendering the poetry into English, began tolearn about the process of literary translation at the tender âge of eleven, when heand several classmates at a Hungarian-runboarding school in Derby, N. Y., were as-signed the task of translating into Englishand then performing one of the traditionalHungarian Nativity plays. In the trickybusiness of perfecting the English ofClouded Sky, from a poetic point of view,Polgar was assisted by sherwin j. marks,ab'57, and Stephen Berg.WILLIAM L. STEVENS, AM'54, PllD'71,has been appointed associate vice-chancellor for administrative services forthe City Collèges of Chicago.C C leroy a. bevan, mba'55, Valpa-J J raiso, Ind., has retired after a twen-ty-four year association with Inland SteelCompany.benjamin c. boylston, am'55, hasbeen promoted by Bethlehem Steel to theposition of assistant to the vice-présidentof industrial relations.marvin e. kay, mba'55, has moved upto associate department head of the ad-vanced design and development divisionof the Mitre Corp., McLean, Va. Mr. Kay joined the firm in 1971 after a twenty-yearcareer in the military.C^ JANICE HUBKA ALBERT, AB'56,J*J ab'60, am'60, and her husband wereamong those honored in October by theboard of trustées of Chabot Collège, Hay-ward, Calif ., for ten years of service tothe school. Both Mr. and Mrs. Albert hâvetaught English there since 1962. WritesMrs. Albert, "We hâve seen the schoolgrow from a few prefabs on half an acrein industrial San Leandro to a full campuswith an enrolment of 13,000."in memoriam: Benjamin S. Gantz,am'56.C"7 BARRY F. SULLIVAN, MBA'57, hasJ ' been named an executive vice-président of the Chase Manhattan Bank,New York.William henzlik, db'57, has beennamed editor of the Christian Advocate, amagazine for Methodist pastors andchurch leaders.GEORGE E. WELLWARTH, PllD'57, profes-sor of theater and comparative literatureat the State University of New York atBinghamton, published three books duringthe fall: Spanish Underground Dr ama(Pennsylvania State University Press);Thèmes of Dr ama (Thomas Y. CrowellCo.), and German Dr ama between theWars (E. P. Dutton & Co.). Also founderand editor of Modem International DramaMagazine, Mr. Wellwarth lectured in thepast year at various U. S. and foreignuniversities, including the Catalan SummerUniversity in Prades, France, and theSorbonne. "A scheduled lecture in Madridlast summer," he writes, "was stopped bythe police." In 1974 he will be visiting professor at the University of Vienna.CO rudy w. bernath, sm'58, has beenJ O named midwestern régional managerfor the Barnstead Company, Boston,Mass.RICHARD HELLIE, AB'58, AM'60, PhD'65,associate professor of Russian history atthe University of Chicago, has beennamed to receive the American HistoricalAssociation's Herbert Baxter Adams prizefor a work in European history for hisbook Enserfment and Military Change inMuscovy (University of Chicago Press,1971). In November, Hellie organized atercentenary conférence, Peter the Greatand His Legacy, at the University andpresented a paper entitled "The PetrineArmy."CQ floyd w. kniss, mba'59, colonel ins S the Air Force, has retired aftermore than twenty-nine years of serviceand is now with Martin Marietta Aero- space, Denver division, as chief, programproduction control of manufacturing andtest opérations./TA hosea martin, ab'60, has beenUU promoted by Coca-Cola U.S. A. tothe post of bottier sales manager for theOklahoma City district. He had been co-ordinator of sports activities for the firm.BARRY D. KAHAN, SB'60, PflD'64, MD'65,has returned to Chicago following comple-tion of his surgical residency in Bostonand a NIH staff associateship. Now assistant professor of surgery at NorthwesternUniversity Médical Center, he is continu-ing the research, begun as a graduate student at UC, on the substances responsiblefor transplant rejection. (The progress oftransplant rejection research is reviewedin his récent book, Transplantation Antigens, published by Académie Press.) Dr.Kahan, who with a colleague performs therénal transplants at the médical center, hasreceived a three-year Schweppe Foundation fellowship.CAROL RUTH SILVER, AB'60, JD'64, lawprofessor at Golden Gâte University inSan Francisco and a consultant on povertylaw for the Office of Economie Opportuni-ty, has been named to the part-time postof attorney for the San Francisco sheriff'sdepartment. In announcing the appointment, San Francisco Sheriff Hongistomentioned some spécial qualifications thatMs. Silver has for the job: "She holds abrown belt in karaté," he deadpanned,"and has actually done time behind bars."(In 1961 she served forty days in a Mississippi prison for civil rights activities before her conviction was overturned.)in memoriam: Lloyd Allen Ferguson^md'60, associate professor in the department of medicine and assistant dean ofstudents in the Division of Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of Medicineat the University of Chicago.^1 JAMES R. FAULSTICH, JD'61, vice-V -*- président of the National Association of Independent Insurers, delivered theluncheon address at the annual InsuranceAll-Industry Day, sponsored by the centralIllinois chapter of the Society of Char-tered Property and Casualty Underwriterslast November at Illinois WesleyanUniversity. His subject was insuranceecology.marjorie quimby, am'61, former teach-er at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, has joined the faculty at BailState University (Muncie, Ind.) as assistant professor of elementary éducation.james m. wall, am'61, has been chosenas editor of the Christian Century, weeklyjournal of religious news and opinion, andprésident of the Christian Century Foun-29dation. A United Methodist minister, Mr.Wall was chairman of the Illinois caucusfor George McGovern at the DémocratieNational Convention last year and ran un-successfully for Congress in Illinois' four-teenth memoriam: Jack A. Worthington,phD '61./yy On November 7 harry d. leinen-M** weber, jd'62, was elected to the Illinois house of représentatives on the Re-publican ticket from the forty-second district.laval s. wilson, am'62, assistant su-perintendent for curriculum and instruction in the Hempstead (N.Y.) school district since 1971, has been named actingsuperintendent of Hempstead schools andis the first black administtator to holdsuch a position in that district. Mr. Wilson, a former Chicago public schoolteacher and teacher-counselor for the Chicago board of éducation, was principal ofCentral School in Evanston before movingto New York.^2 DAVID S. COLEMAN, AM'63, is nOW" *J associate professor of éducationand associate director of the school ofcontinuing éducation at Rollins Collège,Winter Park, Fia.richard w. thurn, ab'63, is teachingphilosophy at the University of California,Berkeley, and at the Collège of HolyNames in Oakland. He is scheduled to re-ceive his doctorate in rhetoric at Berkeleythis spring./l A DEBORAH dashow RUTH, am'64,*J* has been named chairman of theéducation extension at the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley. Mrs. Ruth, whojoined the extension staff in 1966, was co-instructor during the summer of a médiainstitute for teachers presented by the extension in coopération with the NationalCouncil of Teachers of English./lC HELEN CHENEY GILDE, PhD'65, pro-^*J f essor of English literature, hasbeen elected chairman of the académiesenate at Cal-State Long Beach. Firstwoman ever to hold the post, Dr. Gildethinks the status of académie women hasimproved tremendously in the last décade,thanks to Women's Lib./l/l kathy wexler, ab'66, Chicagoy)\J public school teacher, won a TVjackpot totaling $15,000 in cash and prizeslast fall on "The Joker's Wild," CBSmorning game show. Ms. Wexler was thefirst contestant to win the cash jackpot inaddition to merchandise prizes.terry R. lock, mba'66, has been ap pointed director of containerboard marketing for Boise Cascade Paper Group, Port-land, Ore./T"7 ROBERT S. ANDERSON, AM'67,^ / PhD '71, having spent a year lectur-ing in anthropology at McGill Universityin Montréal, is now field director of Quaker Service Bangladesh, a rehabilitationproject supported by Friends Servicegroups in London, Toronto and Philadel-phia. He also works closely with UNICEF, trying to utilize effectively some ofthe large quantities of material aid cominginto Bangladesh. In Rajoir Thana (89square miles, population 144,000), wherehe has been working since the création ofBangladesh, he has organized a team offifty Bengalis (mostly volunteers) in thefields of mass-feeding against malnutrition,mass medicine, housing reconstruction,tube-well repair, crafts and village industries. While Quaker Service works at/therequest of the government's Ministry ofHealth, Mr. Anderson feels "the présenceof outside agencies should be terminatedthis year so as to encourage fuller expression of the country 's autonomy."DALE E. JOHNSON, SM'67, PllD'71, isphysicist-in-charge of the University ofWisconsin's high voltage électron microscope laboratory. The facility, whichhouses the first million volt électron microscope for primary use by biomédicalresearchers, is supervised by an advisorycommittee including hewson h. swift,chairman of the biology department anddistinguished service professor of biologyand pathology at the University of Chicago.JOSEPH W. NOVAK, MBA'67, has beenappointed sales manager for the foam pro-ducts division of Owens-Corning FiberglasCorporation, Toledo, O.THOMAS W. PULLUM, AM'67, SM'68,PhD' 71, visiting research associate at thePopulation Institute, the University of thePhilippines, during the past year and aformer staff member of UC's PopulationResearch Center, has been named assistantprofessor of demography in the populationdepartment, Harvard University./TQ MARY EASTMAN SEXTON, AB'68, and^^ porter sexton, ab'69, are in Ice-land completing a four-year tour of dutywith the Navy. From there they will pro-ceed to Portland, Ore., to Lewis and ClarkUniversity where Mr. Sexton will beginwork on his MAT degree in physics.CARL HENRY LAWYER, AB'68, has received his médical degree from the University of Colorado and is now interning ininternai medicine at the University of Con-necticut Amliated Hospitals, Hartford. HEDRIC RHODES, MBA'68, has been promoted by Quaker Oats (Chicago) to pro-duct group manager — dog food, with complète marketing responsibility for theKen-L Ration dog food line. Last year Mr.Rhodes won the firm' s annual marketingman of the year award./j(\ alan m. lahn, ab'69, has been"y named director in résidence halls,Bail State University, Muncie, Ind.robert l. powers, am'69, has beencertified as a registered psychologist bythe Illinois Department of Registration andEducation and has been elected présidentof the American Society of Adlerian Psy-chology.7A allan b. fox, phD 70, assistant/ " professor of English at the University of Cincinnati, gave a paper at a De-cember meeting of the American Lan-guage Association in New York, entitled"Chaucer's Prosody and the Non-Pentameter Line in John Heywood'sComic Debates."fran jaeger, am'70, is a mental healthplanner with the Northwest Indiana Com-prehensive Health Planning Council.JOHN TILELLI, SM'70, and SHARONkeigher tilelli, am'71, moved recentlyto Sait Lake City, where John is a médicalstudent at the University of Utah. Sharonis a social worker with the Sait LakeCommunity Mental Health Center and afield instructor for the University of UtahSchool of Social Work.n Samuel d. clapper, jd'71, formerlya law clerk for a justice of the U. S.Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, in Chicago, is now practicing law in Somerset,Pa.judith a. griffin, mba'71, has beenpromoted by the First National Bank ofChicago to assistant manager of the international section.KAREN E. WILLIAMSON, MBA'71, hasbeen named assistant brand manager forBenson & Hedges cigarets by Philip Morris, New York.70 JANE MARIE BROWNE, AM'72, hasi ** been named assistant director of theadult éducation resource center, Montclair(N. J.) State Collège.JOHN S. CANTIERI and DANIEL I. GOLDMAN, both ab'72, are first-year médicalstudents at Washington University, St.Louis.howard g. ervin, jd'72, is working asa law clerk to a justice of the Californiasuprême court.JAMIE JOHNSON KELMAN, JD'72, is withthe Chicago law firm of Gardner, Carton,Douglas, Chilgren and Waud.30w- • •*;~£ •-. /*Prodig&l son"Prodigal Son" is one of the works by LyndaCaspe (AB '61) which will be on display at theBowery Gallery, 135 Greene St., New York, untilMarch 28. In addition to the bronze shownabove, the show also includes paintings andsculpture in other média. Miss Caspe minored in art while working for her degree in English at theUniversity; she later earned an M. F. A. at theUniversity of Iowa. After further préparationabroad she studied sculpture with George Spav-enta. She has taught at the University, and atthe University of Alberta and Newark State.31t ï Z£909 II 0GV3IH3i33aiS H165 '3 9TTTidSG OdC33tf 1VI1B3S *AUVllflI109VDIH3 30 AlISy3AINn••¦ f1 nfefe/'xm the MidmiG® Gflo® s*§QQ0û8©nûSo 2'9Friday: Class reunions— 1918, 1923Campus toursSaturday: Class reunions— 1933, 1943, 1948Campus toursAlumni awards lunchPrésident 's réceptionEmeritus Club dinner Interfraternity Sing — in a new formatOrder of the 'C dinner (May 24)Médical alumni dinner (June 7)Hospitality lounge: Alumni HouseFor information on réservations for the tours,awards lunch, réception or class events, send fora reunion announcement or contact Eisa Wally,Program Director, Alumni Association, 5733University Ave., Chicago, 111. 60637.M