The University of Chicagomagazm e .. April 1967�!2/Z�r ..-. -The Henry Hinds Laboratory for the Geophysical SciencesThe University of ChicagomagazineVolume LlX Number 7April 1967Published since 1907 byTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPhilip C. White, '35, PhD'38PresidentC. Ranlet LincolnDirector of Alumni AffairsConrad KulawasEditorTHE ALUMNI FUNDJohn R. Womer, '35ChairmanHarry ShollDirectorREGIONAL REPRESENTATIVESEastern Office39 West 55 StreetNew York, New York 10019(212) 757-1473Marie Stephens3600 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1510Los Angeles, California 90005(213) 387-2321(Mrs.) Marianne Nelson485 Pacific AvenueSan Francisco, California 94133(415) 433-4050The University of ChicagoAlumni Association5733 University AvenueChicago, Illinois 60637(312) 643-0800 ext. 4291.Annual subscriptions, $5.00.Second-class postage paid atChicago, Illinois.All rights reserved. Copyright 1967 byThe University of Chicago Magazine. ARTICLES2 The Roots of Religious RevolutionMartin E. Marty6 Students in SWAPVolunteer tutors in a growing program9 Helping Hands (excerpt)Gayle JanowitzDEPARTMENTS14 Quadrangle News17 Faculty & Staff18 Sportshorts19 Profiles24 Club News26 Alumni News31 Memorials32 University CalendarThe University of Chicago Magazine is published monthly, October through June, by the Alum­ni Association for alumni and the University faculty. Editorial contributions are welcomed.Front Cover: An artist's rendering of the new Henry Hinds Laboratory for the GeophysicalSciences, now under construction on Ellis Avenue just north of the Press (see page 14).Inside Cover: The bronze shield, presented by the Class of '11, set in the floor of the foyerbeneath Mitchell Tower.Photography Credits: Inside cover and pages 7, 8, 14, and the top and right of 25 by StanKarter; page 10 by Nancy Campbell Hays, pages 3, 17, 19, 21, and 24 by the University.The Roots of Religious RevolutionMartin E. MartyNot for years had American theology been front-pagenews. But the "death-of-God" controversy of last year, andits aftermath, have made the public aware of radical theolog­ical change in the setting of what many regard to be a revo­lution in American religious life. Both the celebrants andantagonists of the death-of -God viewpoint tended to regardthe controversy as an independent and isolated culturalevent. The defenders of God acted as if traitorous theologi­ans could pull down the whole edifice of religion if they sue­ceeded in gaining acceptance for the point in question. Thefew theologians, in turn, tended to act as if they were en­gaging in something wholly novel and that the future of theculture depended upon acceptance of their prophesying. Thevillains, in their reading of history, were not only the evan­gelists ("God is alive. I know. I talked to him this morning.")but also the members of a tired theological establishmentwhich remained resistant to death-of-God proclamations.How seriously the public ought to take that controversydepends on how seriously we should take the whole questionof radical religious change and. even of revolution. Whetheror not such a revolution has been occurring in the 1960'sdepends in part on where one stands, what he reads, andwhat his definitions of religion are.A reader of serious newspapers certainly is aware of a kindof revolution in religion. During the revival of the 1950's,when religion was a popular product, he had to consult aspecial section in the Saturday metropolitan papers to findannouncements of sermons, . crusades, cornerstone layings,covered-dish suppers. Today he need turn no further thanthe front page, where religion appears almost always in aproblematic, disturbing, and revolutionary setting.Take any day's paper. There may be international storieswhich demand religious understanding: Arab-Israeli ten­sions; troubles between populations in India and Pakistan;Buddhist monks immolating themselves. These activities arepart of another revolution in developing nations, where re­ligion as a once-stable element is now threatened by socialchange and where religiously-identified population groupshave come into new clashes with each other.More often, however, the public is confronted with West­ern and specifically American drama. Why does a Quakerburn his draft card in front of the United Nations building?Can a Catholic be a pacifist? Why, after centuries of badrecord, have clergymen become civil rights leaders and2 agitators against administration policies in Vietnam? Theelection of a Roman Catholic President; Supreme Court de­cisions over school prayer; the public debate over papal birthcontrol attitudes; argument over 'the new morality'; theVatican Council and the ecumenical movement-all thesehave helped make up the changes and troubles which finallycame to a focus when theological dispute itself erupted.Although public media present evidence of revolutionarychange, private experience and polls based on interviews ofprivate persons often suggest the opposite. Almost as largea percentage of the population affiliates with, 'attends, andsupports religious institutions as it did at the height of theboom in the 1950's. Both the social activist incidents andthe new theological accents seem to be the property ofclerical and lay elites. No widespread lay appeal for changeis apparent and much of the call for stability and the anti­revolutionary sentiment comes from what the clerics oftenspeak of as the grass roots.An extensive poll in November of 1965, following thetracks of interviewers in a similar poll in 1952, turned upevidence that in many respects American religious attitudeshave changed very little. In the earlier survey, one per centof the people "do not believe in God or do not know,"whereas in the later canvass the figure had risen to three percent-hardly a surge toward overt atheism. Among collegegraduates, those who expressed themselves negatively on"belief in God" rose from five per cent to seven per cent.The radicalism of some clerical social action and the revolu­tionary nature of some theological talking or shouting canbest be understood in the light of tension between those whowish to see religion as a prophetic and disruptive force in­side a complacent cultural context on one hand, and thosewho wish to see religion as the constant and stable featureof personal and social life on the other. The death-of-Godmovement, or moment, serves best to dramatize this, andwe do well to look at it before considering what else wasgoing on.The year 1966 was a very good year for death-of-God talk.Its spokesmen-men like Rabbi Richard Rubenstein andProtestant professors William Hamilton and Thomas J. J.Altizer-profited from a cultural mood that produced heroesand made shamans of people like Marshall McLuhan, Nor­man O. Brown, Buckminster Fuller, Tom Wolfe, TimothyLeary, and Herbert Marcuse. Those names represent amixed batch, indeed, but they have some things in common.They have all lost patience with "linear" thinking, with thelore of Western purposive history and civilization and withthe past itself. They are critical of the main line of rationaldiscourse in the Western tradition and are trying to be re­sponsive to the mentality produced by television and thekinetic imagery of the popular arts.Martin E. Marty, PhD'56, is Associate Professor of Mod­ern Church History in the Divinity School, an associatemember of the History Department faculty, a member ofthe Committee on the History of Culture, and chairman ofthe historical field in the Divinity School. He is author of anumber of books on religious history and contemporarycultural analysis. For this reason, it always has seemed that secular academ­icians never took death-of-God talk very seriously. Thosewho knew Eastern religion were puzzled over the provincial­ism of these thinkers who extrapolated from recent WesternJudaeo-Christian experience in order to generalize about thehuman condition and the situation of the gods. Those whoknew Jewish history were bewildered by the sense of noveltythe newer theologians conjured when they spoke in mes­sianic terms of being prophetic now while waiting for a Godwho is to come. And people familiar with the nineteenthcentury in Europe-where giant god-killers like Feuerbach,Marx, Darwin, and Nietzsche had made their prophecies­often yawned as they were being told by the Altizers that thedeath of God "is an historical event, that God has died inour cosmos, in our history, in our Existenz:"The serious reviewing organs often spoke of "the death ofGod gimmick." One receives the impression that, to manypeople who had never thought of religion as a feature of theirown lives or who had learned to ignore it serenely, thesetheologians were kept at arm's length because they seemed tobe covert apologists for a kind of faith. They appeared assurreptitious evangelists for a revised Christianity. After all,they made much of the figure of Jesus and of selected Chris­tian promises ("authentic personhood," freedom, openness)and wanted not to be mere secularists or atheists but secular­izers or atheists with a Christian difference. Why bother?Few did.The death-of -God thinkers drew most attention from andhad most rapport with undergraduates, who sometimeslacked historical perspective on past death-of-God occasionsbut who more often cheered novelty and who were moreresponsive to "pop" thinking. While a language analystphilosopher or a positivist historian or social scientist foundnothing more empirical in death-of -God language than hehad found in God language, collegians filled auditoriums inthe hope that these new prophets might succeed in probingor in uttering provocations which might move the culturefrom what seem to them to be its stifling and lethal bind.Protestant theological seminaries and graduate divinityschools paid more attention, but most of them were con­cerned to move beyond the device which called attention tochange. They wanted to move beyond death-of -God talkto new constructive statements. Seminarians today try to bestudiedly secular: they are in the business of exorcism and3iconoclasm. They are supposed to desacralize nature, sec­ularize politics, topple images. But. few of them saw in thedeath-of-God movement anything which would help themmake new sense of their universe. There were, in short, fewconverts, though there was much attention.Those who took pains to analyze the death-of -God languagecame to learn that metaphysics and revelation-historicmodes of talking about living and dead gods-were not atissue. Human experience was. "We are not talking aboutthe absence of the experience of God, but about the experi­ence of the absence of God," said Hamilton. Correct. Ineither case, they were talking about man, his experientialworld, his hopes, his tendency, his future.Seen in that context, it is possible to see some parallelsbetween the ferment of the 1960's and the nineteenth centuryprophecy about the death of God. For Marx, the corpse ofthe dead god kept history from realizing itself in human pur­pose on the social level; for Nietzsche the same was true onthe personal and individual level. The proclamation of thedeath of God, then, was to be a liberation, a celebration ofthe human potential, a mark of man's freedom. In the earlierindustrial age and in a time of dramatic political change, peo­ple felt themselves to be out of continuity with the past in away that they had not anticipated during the Enlightenment-another period filled with problems for conventionally re­ligious people. In the mid-nineteenth century there was anexperience of disruption from the past and from tradition,of schism between the religious fonts of culture and the newforces which were shaping cities and nations.Today, when once again there is a sense of schism and dis­ruption, when technological gains are commonplace andpolitical revolution occurs in most of the world, it is difficultfor theologians to find easy communion with the religiouspast. They analyze the recent past, the present, the futuretendency. Then they engage in prophecy concerning thefuture-seen to be an age to be dominated by the blithelyagnostic, problem solving, political-technological man whohas no need of the gods. And they work to bring in thatfuture.No such striving makes sense except against the back­ground of a past in which religion has formed many kinds ofbonds with the culture. For this reason, the death-of-Godtheologians, and their milder counterparts who style them­selves "secular theologians," spend more time fighting their4 co-religionists than they do opposing the "secular man" oftheir imagery. They find more ready community with human­ists, agnostics, and those who are studiously godless thanthey do with most religious people-who strike them ascrabby, defensive, self-protective; who use religion as anideology for a way of life that has little to do with Christianfreedom; who use religion as a trigger to set in motion cer­tain cultural forces associated with religion in the past, forceslike modern nationalism or the rationale for productive com­petitive life.The theologians, then, are in the forefront of those whowould style our age as being secular in rather simplisticforms. Historians, sociologists, and practical leaders of menassess their world in vastly different ways. All around themthey encounter old religions and new, vestiges and experi­ments, magic and superstition, spirituality and religiosity.They find people falling back on the religion or spiritualtradition with which people in our culture found their new=and, to most of them, still true-social contract. TheJudaeo-Christian tradition helped us "over the hump of tran­sition" during our revolution (to borrow Ernest Gellner'sinsight). Ever since, it has remained as a kind of moraine onour landscape. There is little possibility of its being totallyremoved from the scene in the near future, but there is everypossibility that it will undergo radical change.From the lay side, as theologians see it, this radical changeis subliminal and subversive. Religion is so adapted to TheAmerican Way of Life that it has lost its power to judgepeople or to rescue them. The majority of the people live byhistoric symbols (God, Trinity, Jesus Christ, an authorita­tive Bible). But these symbols have been robbed of theiroriginal meaning, and new meanings have taken the placeof the earlier interpretation. This change has been subtleand uncontrolled.The new theologians, whether they call themselves "sec­ular" or "death-of-God" theologians, are obviously not in­terested in unchanging religion or unchanged meanings. Theywould rather see change in a controlled process. Selectedsymbols remain; others are resurrected; still others are givennew meanings. Many of the religious symbols are being re­appraised in the light of today's social activity and style oflife in the churches. The civil rights demonstrations haveoften been invested with such meaning (a "monstration" inthe Christian past meant a "showing forth" of the divine).The quest for peace evokes primal Biblical symbols of peaceand is motivated by prophetic words of Old Testament fig­ures and of Jesus.The death-of -God theologians were most selective whenthey dealt with historic Christian symbols. Professor Altizerdrew on Blake, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche, and Eastern reli­gion. From Christianity he borrowed vague terms dealingwith the meaning of incarnation. William Hamilton "re­paired to Jesus and waited for God." Paul van Buren, tooagnostic to be a death-of -God spokesman, but one who, inthe style of language analysts, found God-talk to be a prob­lem, spoke of freedom in Jesus and the contagion of theliberating faith of the Easter community.The secular-oriented but somewhat less radical thinkersresponded to more Biblical symbols. Harvey Cox's wellknown The Secular City-the book which would give readersbroadest familiarity with the themes of the theological revo­lution-is crowded with references to the Exodus, theprophetic, the Church as God's avant-garde, and is appre­ciative of many moments from the Christian past. The sameis true of the work of Bishops Robinson and Pike.The theological revolution is closely related, then, to thesocial revolution which is affecting all religious people. Theforms they have inherited are being called into question: thedenomination, the parish, the modes of carrying on missionand education-all of these survive but are being trans­formed or are in quest of new rationales. People who joinedthe churches on one set of terms, to get peace of mind or tothink positive thoughts or to have anxieties dispelled or tospeak vaguely of God, are now being challenged on anotherset. A new kind of anticlericalism seems to be developing,particularly in reaction to the involvement by leadership incontroversial social issues. There is some creative foot­dragging and some restless counteraction against the leader­ship. At the same time, a new lay elite is growing-its mem­bers often ahead of the revolutionary theologians.Changes in institutions like the parish are notoriously slow.Theological change is sudden and dizzying. No one knowsnow what the theologians will bring off. So far, they havechosen the easier part of the revolution. To the non-com­mitted in the culture they must look something like Houdinis, working free of chains in a locked trunk under water. Theyhave been working themselves out of confining religion andthey are now on stage. They want to be radical, secular-andChristian. Do they have anything to say?Few of them make simple appeals to the supernatural orthe transcendent: metaphysics is in, almost as much troublein seminaries as it is in most philosophy departments. Dis­cussion centers around the meaning of revelation, its sourcesand resources, and around the question of hermeneutics orinterpretation. Many ways of "doing" philosophy are beingexplored. Certain kinds of language analysis have proved tobe congenial; many persons have moved from existentialismto phenomenology; some are having another go at processthought, drawing on the initiative of Whitehead. At themoment it is hard to find an outline or an emerging pattern.Meanwhile, the historical disciplines preoccupy many intheological circles. At Chicago, where Paul Tillich had beenwell-received (even though few were at home with his ontol­ogy), Mircea Eliade and his "History of Religion" emphasisis now strong. Langdon Gilkey, who first identified and gaveplot to the death-of -God movement, draws on resourcesfrom several of the philosophical approaches just mentionedbut is also more historically formed and informed than arethe radicals. No single school prevails at Chicago's DivinitySchool.Since religion remains such an evident feature in culture, auniversity (and this includes the undergraduates, where anew curricular emphasis on religion is apparent) can hardlydo justice to the humanist dimensions or the political situa­tion of culture without . reckoning with religion. AnthonyQuinton, commenting on an accent in the work of philoso­pher W. V. Quine, coined the formula: "All thought aspiresto the condition of science." University-based theologianstend to share the ethos of a time which finds such a formulacongenial. Their thought tends to be analytic, empirical, andpragmatic. Since they are to deal with efforts to relate towhat Carl Becker called "the everlasting riddle of humanexistence" they shall not exhaust subject-matter and theyshall need imagination. Between the expectations of a con­servative religious community and the environment of auniversity, they will ordinarily be found in the company ofthe radicals, seeking to discern the roots of religious revolu­tion and to understand or to help control the symbols ofreligion in a time of change. D5Students in SWAPEeddie liked to read, but his vocabulary limited him tocomic books. Ann could answer questions aloud in historyclass, but she couldn't write the same answers on a test.Richard graduated from high school but was unable to finda job-he couldn't read or write well enough to fill out anapplication form.Freddie now reads a book per week and likes poetry. Annis preparing to take college entrance examinations. Richardis finding out that an interested teacher really can help himlearn to read and write. All three are being helped by theStudent Woodlawn Area Project, or SWAP, a high schooltutoring program staffed mainly by volunteer students fromthe College.SWAP was founded in March, 1963, by Ann Cook, a UCstudent, and Herbert Mack, '50, MAT'66, who was thenstudying for his Master's degree and had just completed hisfirst year of teaching in Hyde Park High School-where re­medial reading and writing were among the most urgentteaching problems.The project was originally funded by a $2,000 grant fromthe Stern Family Fund and has received support from theOffice of Economic Opportunity. In its first year, SWAPorganized ninety volunteer tutors. Operating out of a tinyoffice and a storeroom library in Ida Noyes Hall, it is nowone of the largest and most active tutorial projects in thecountry, with approximately 400 students-SWAP calls them"tutees" -being helped by 400 tutors.StUdents are referred to SWAP by their high school teach­ers or by friends already receiving tutoring. Sometimes theyjust show up at the SWAP office on a Saturday afternoon,saying that they "heard somewhere" that they could gethelp "with their homework. " SWAP maintains a file of tutorapplications indicating teaching preferences, so that studentsand tutors can be matched appropriately. The tutor andstudent work out their own schedule, usually meeting two ormore times a week at Ida Noyes Hall, at home, a church, oroutdoors in good weather.High school students come to SWAP for tutoring in avariety. of subjects, but the inability to read heads the list.Most students have reasonably good verbal ability but neverhave been taught to recognize words by sight. A small read-6 ing vocabulary limits their performance to a level five orsix years below their school grade. Unable to keep up withthe rest of the class, they lose confidence in their ability-andfall farther behind.The first lesson learned by tutors is that their students aresurprisingly bright. They read slowly but think quickly. Theirintelligence measures low on tests geared to students whoread well and who have accumulated social and culturalknowledge from their home environments. But, althoughmost SWAP students have never seen an airport or a mu­seum, they are adept in the ways of ghetto survival. Thetutor's job is to mobilize the student's intelligence, to con­vince the student that he can learn, and then get him to doit-a challenging, time-consuming task, often complicated byemotional or family problems.SWAP has an active athletic program and a drama groupthat produces student-written plays. Students also supplysome of the project's reading materials. If he has difficultywriting, a student may narrate into a tape-recorder for sub­sequent transcription. The transcriptions, generally unedited,are distributed to any student interested in reading them­and many are interested. Unlike the traditional "Dick andJane" readers, these stories and other SWAP reading mate­rials include a girl's experience in a juvenile detention home,an eyewitness account of a lynching, and "Little Red RidingHood" in jive talk. One group of students became so enthu­siastic about producing their own reading materials that theywrote and edited their own slang dictionary, which they planto publish and sell to earn money for the progtam.SWAP's training program for tutors includes lectures andworkshops by teachers, professional educators, and readingspecialists. New tutors receive a bulky package containing ateaching manual, articles by educators and sociologists, read­ing material, bibliographies, and student progress reports.New tutors also meet regularly in informal groups to discussthe inevitable problems or let off steam.Although the program is dedicated to the students, mosttutors also feel they benefit, chiefly in gaining communicationskills. Some students are given the opportunity to tutorelementary school children, which helps build confidence.Whenever possible, the program also involves parents, teach­ers, and community residents. SWAP also has an active col­lege preparation counseling group which works hard to getits students placed.SW AP "tutees" and tutors meet at Ida Noyes.Held two or more times a week, the tutoringsessions may take place at a student's home,at schools, neighborhood churches, or outdoors.7The founders are no longer with the program. One of thefathers now in the Parents' Committee will head the programnext year. Three high school students and one parent arenow full-time staff members, and a tutee advisory boardsits in on the program's policy decisions.Since its founding SWAP has helped over 1,000 students.It retains a high percentage of its students, and it has morethan quadrupled in size. Students, parents, and teachers allreport better schoolwork and a distinct improvement in atti­tudes toward learning. There is a chronic shortage of tutors,with more than sixty students on a waiting list.SWAP's statement of philosophy says: "The emphasis ofthe program is not limited to academic subjects. Strong stressis placed on the child's understanding of himself and of the8 Above: Students with remedial reading problems may be more in­telligent than their high school I.Q. tests show. Chess playing atIda Noyes Hall is a frequent activity for SWAP tutors and students.forces which help to shape his surroundings."Too often the students coming to SWAP have seen andexperienced little but failure. Unless they can broaden theirviewpoint and see these 'failures' in a broader social fabric,they may very well become apathetic adults, withdrawingfrom their problems. SWAP attempts to help students builda healthier self-image and to become critically aware adults,able to raise children free from the oppressive sense of in­feriority which too often pervades the atmosphere in whichthe students exist today." 0Excerpt:Helping HandsGayle JanowitzGayle Janowitz, AM'51, is a member of the Political andSocial Science faculty of Illinois Institute of Technology anda former administrative assistant to Bruno Bettelheim in theSonia Shankman Orthogenic School. (Her husband, MorrisJanowitz, PhD'48, is Professor of Sociology and Director ofthe Center for Social Organization Studies at UC.) Help­ing Hands-Volunteer Work in Education (The Univer­sity oj Chicago Press) is Mrs. Janowitz's report on herthree-year demonstration and evaluation program, support­ed by the U.S. Office of Education and still in progress, toimprove understanding of the problems of academic achieve­ment and the role of the volunteer in education.With the enormous recent growth of volunteer study andtutoring centers=over 150 in the city of Chicago alone by1965-increasing attention is being paid to the effect of theseorganizations on the problems of urban education. HelpingHands is an introductory handbook on such organizations,furnishing detailed information on study center organization,recruitment and referral of students, tutoring, group activi­ties, atmosphere and discipline, resources, and the recruit­ment and organization oj volunteers. There is also a bibliog­raphy and a selection of case histories, from which thefollowing two were excerpted.SteveA public school referred Steve to the study center in Sep­tember as a beginning sixth-grader who read at middlethird-grade level. He is a middle child in a Mexican familyof fifteen children. A handsome boy who was very shy, hewas eleven years old but very small for his age. During hisfirst appointment he said nothing more than "yes, ma'am"and "no, ma'am," except in answer to direct questions.Steve was assigned to an experienced teacher for two les­sons weekly. Because of his discomfort, it was suggested thathe read from a book which would be easy for him so thatthe tutor could help him with reading. He said, "I read veryslowly." The tutor told him that it did not matter. In givinghim upper second-grade material, the tutor found that heread very well at that level. From his statement she had ex­pected slow, hesitant reading; actually, he read well, althoughfar below his ability. He was told that his reading was notslow when it was material like this, but that he would needhelp to bring his reading up so that his school work in sixth grade would not be so hard for him. In referring to the easybook that he read with the tutor, he said, "I never saw a booklike that." The tutor mentioned that there were quite a fewothers and she would try to find some that he wouldn't mindreading.Steve was asked what kind of stories he liked, and he an­swered, "Dog stories." Asked if he had read one he liked,he said, "No, Dr. Doolittle is the only library book I haveread." The tutor suggested that this must have been hard forhim, and he agreed that it took him a long, long time to readit, but that the other kids in his room helped him with hiswords. He was given two simple books to read at home, andit was suggested that he tell the tutor about one of them. Hesaid, "There is not much time for reading. I like pictures."When asked if this meant TV, he said yes.At first, Steve brought back the library books withoutreading them; he had "not had time." He seemed to haveabsolutely no interest in reading, although he liked the storiesthat he read during the lessons. The tutor decided that itwould take some real incentive to get this boy to begin, andshe made a folder called "Books I Have Read." She ex­plained to him that he should list the books he read in thisfolder and that every time he finished ten books he wouldget a small prize. There was no visible response to this plan.He finished a book with the tutor that he had begun in theprevious lesson and wrote it down as the first book. For thefirst time he smiled at the end of the lesson. The tutor tookturns reading with Steve at first, but decided to stop becausehe seemed so uncomfortable.Soon he began to ask for more books than the two he couldcheck out on his card. By the fifth lesson he had receivedhis first prize, which was a flashlight, but there was no re­action except suppressed pleasure. He seemed afraid to showany other emotion and sat there very controlled; he took theprize home unwrapped.At the end of three weeks, the tutor inadvertently gave himsomething slightly more difficult. It was a third grade book,which was the level at which he tested, but he stumbledthrough it. The tutor was moved by the frustration and angerthat she could feel in this boy. It was impressive to realizethat Steve lived with this emotion in school every day andhad done so for several years. Obviously, he could not mas­ter the work at his own grade level because of his inability toread. (It was also clear that because of his intelligence, he9scored higher on a reading test than the level at which heactually performed.)When Christmas vacation came, it was assumed that hislessons would be discontinued; but he wanted to know whyhe couldn't come, and so he continued. His lessons wereplanned so that he started reading comfortably on a secondgrade level and reviewed third grade phonics work complete­ly before he went on to the third grade level. He mentionedthat he had had a lot of phonics in school, but the reviewseemed helpful.After seven weeks of two lessons a week, all reading belowsecond grade level was cut out, and he was able then to readbeginning third grade material comfortably. In addition togeneral reading he began to work on exercises to improvespecific abilities of comprehension. It was interesting a littlelater on when he was given a comprehension test. He flunkedit. Two weeks later the same test was repeated in a differentform, and he was allowed to read it out loud to the tutor. Bydoing this he scored 100.By the end of ten weeks it was possible for the tutor to beginagain taking turns in reading with Steve, since he now readwell enough. They were reading books that not only were ona higher level, somewhere between third and fourth grade,but also interested him. He began to make a conscious effortto make his reading sound like the tutor's and he looked ather and watched her very closely when she read. Steveseemed unaware of what reading is supposed to sound likeor that it was supposed to make sense. When he found a wordhe didn't know, he tended to just pronounce anything thatcame to mind. When it was suggested that he think aboutwhat made sense, he immediately knew the word. Therewere many examples of this, and by the combination of read­ing exercises and free reading, he seemed more aware ofwhat reading was all about.Steve began to show embarrassment about the spelling inhis reports. The tutor had always gone over these with himand had helped him, but now he became very self-consciousabout his lack of ability. At one point, he wanted to use theword "animals" and was afraid to ask how it was spelled.Finally, after hiding his paper from the tutor for a while, hesmiled broadly and announced that he had thought of an­other word that would do instead. He solved the problem bysubstituting the word "pets."During the holidays Steve took more books to read, and10 he discovered a number of common folktales and fairy talesthat most other children had read years ago. They were allnew to him, and he enjoyed them. He read and reread onethird grade book and memorized one of the stories in it be­cause he especially liked fairy tales.Although the school had referred Steve and given a readingscore, the center had no other information on him. Nineweeks after he began his lessons the tutor visited his school.There she found that this shy boy had been a behavior prob­lem for the last two years. He was continually banned fromreading class because of his incessant talking. The tutor feltthat it would be very hard for her to get him to say anythingspontaneous.After about three months of lessons, Steve's work hadcome up to beginning fourth grade level, and he began toread informational books instead of just nonsense books.Now there were simple history and other subject matterbooks from which he could benefit.The tutor had become aware through her conferences withthe school of Steve's difficult home situation. The motherhad abandoned the family two years before, and this factwas kept a secret from the community. The father wasafraid that if the authorities found out, the children wouldbe taken away from him. An older sister managed the familyand attended high school. As long as the mother stayed awaythe family managed, but after about three months of thisboy's lessons, the mother suddenly began to visit. When shevisited, she took some of the children out for treats and pres­ents but. completely ignored two boys, one of whom wasSteve. Both boys reacted by beginning to fall apart in school,and the school became deeply concerned. At one point, Stevestopped coming to his lessons, and the tutor found out fromGayle Janowitzthe school that his sister had had a birthday and had beenloaded down with presents by the mother. On the hunch thatSteve was having a birthday, they checked the folder andfound that he was. As nearly as the adjustment teacher andtutor could figure it out, he had waited thinking that his turnwould come, but when his birthday came, it was ignored bythe family.After a month's absence Steve one day came walking intothe center when the tutor happened to be there. (It was laterlearned that he had spent a week with a married sister wholives out of town. She had talked to him about school, andhe had returned to school in a much happier mood.) Thetutor told him she was glad to see him and then opened uphis folder to begin working. He said that he hadn't done anyreading lately, and she said, "That's all right, we'll just goon where we left off." The tutor told him that she was sorryshe did not have his present there, because she had not ex­pected him to come, and that she would bring it the nexttime. Steve's eyes filled with tears, and he tried very hard tokeep from crying. He put his head down and said, "I didn'tknow that you knew about my birthday." He was told thatit was in the school records that were given to the center. Hepulled himself together with a great deal of control and beganto talk about his troubles in school. The tutor was aware ofthese from the teacher, who had said that Steve was going toflunk unless he did some specific assignments that he hadneglected all year. The main thing he had to do was a socialscience workbook which he had hardly begun.The tutor told Steve about her conversation with the teach­er and said that she would be willing to help him finish upthis work if he wanted to do it. They began to work on hissocial science workbook.Steve continued to come and worked very hard. He of­fered to come on holidays and weekends. After a couple 'Ofweeks it became obvious that he would need more than twolessons a week, so he began to come to the tutor's house onSaturday mornings. He spent the entire time on his socialstudies work. He did all of it himself but would never havedone it without a great deal of help, as the material was dif­ficult for him. The teacher was reading it to the students,knowing that many of them were poor readers, and it wasamazing how much this boy got out of listening to the ma­terial read aloud. When he had to go back and fill out a work­book, however, he had no idea where to look in the book for answers. The tutor helped him find the material and readmuch of it to him again, since he was months behind. Theysometimes took turns reading paragraphs. By working in­tensively for several weeks, Steve was able to finish theassigned work and was promoted to the seventh grade.During the academic year that Steve was tutored he readand reported on eighty books of gradually increasing diffi­culty. But his family assumed no responsibility for his home­work, and his school achievement was low.Steve was out of town a great deal the following summerand so had no lessons. When he came back in the fall, he wasassigned to a man teacher in school, and the principal feltthat he was doing quite well. He did not want to come backto the center, although his tutor offered to continue to helphim or to ask for a man tutor for him if he preferred.During the year that Steve did come to the center his schoolbegan after-school reading classes and he was referred tothem. He refused to go. The next fall the school again beganafter-school reading classes and he was again assigned. Henever went. Neither did he return to the study center, andthe home situation apparently deteriorated. The girl whotook care of the family got married and moved out, and anolder brother took over. After the tutor went to the hometwice, and the family pretended that they were not at home,she decided not to pursue it.This case' is presented as one of our failures, despite theacademic gain made by Steve. The age of the boy and thedeteriorating home situation made it impossible to reallysucceed. We did help Steve more than we helped any of theother referrals who were as old and as academically retarded.Greater success, however, has come with those children whoare younger and less retarded in school achievement.JimJim is a twelve-year-old Negro boy who bears a scar acrosshis cheek and a broken tooth as evidence of his toughness.He wears a dead-end kid type of hat turned backwards andwalks with his hands poked firmly in his coat pockets. He isa very agile boy, interested in boxing, judo, and karate.Jim is in fifth. grade. A reading test given at school sixmonths before he began coming to the study center showeda 3.9 [slightly less than fourth grade] reading level. A testgiven at the center two months after Jim began coming, dur-11ing which time he was obviously not performing at his topcapacity (he was extremely withdrawn and preoccupied),resulted in a score of 2.5. The school report said, "Jimachieves well in arithmetic. His achievement is otherwisepoor. He needs help in listening. He seldom does homeworkand participates little in class."Jim came to the center originally only to "case it out" andshowed no interest in reading or in any academic activities.During the first week of the center's operation, when rou­tines had not been established, Jim made an attempt to stealfrom the center. He knew that he was seen by a staff memberand returned the money. A few weeks later, a tutor's ciga­rette lighter disappeared. A staff member, remembering theearlier incident involving Jim, asked his help in finding thelighter. Before the evening was over, Jim had found thelighter hidden in the sock of another child. Six months later,at the time of this report, there had been no further incidents.The study center chairman recognized Jim's leadershipposition with the other children as well as the potential trou­ble that could result if he chose to make the center his enemy.She appointed him and two of his friends as assistants, givingthem tasks one evening a week to aid in the operation of thecenter. She hoped in this way to win their support and co­operation. From Jim's aloof attitude toward everything aca­demic in the center, it was obviously going to take time toreach him.He liked to show off in arithmetic, in which he performedadequately. He avoided all reading activities, as though theywere beneath his interest. At the same time, he came eagerlyto work and wanted to help in the housekeeping duties ofthe center. He was unpopular because of his loud, aggressivemanner.In addition to his volunteer duties as a helper one night aweek, Jim began to work with an adult one evening a week,at first as a member of his gang of four boys and later indi­vidually. (The group could not be separated at first for fearof losing them. Later they developed special interests, andthey all needed so much remedial help that the staff waspleased when they were able to accept individual help. )Jim expressed interest in working in the building tradesafter he finishes school. His father, who does not live withthe family but who apparently sees Jim fairly frequently,works in construction. Two of Jim's older brothers also doconstruction work. Jim's tutor helped him build several12 models, emphasizing the need to follow instructions. Jimtook pride in showing his finished efforts.After two months of weekly meetings, Jim for the firsttime read aloud from the building instructions. The tutorbegan to present books for Jim to look over. One eveninghe read through a short, easy book and seemed pleased withhis efforts.Jim told about his report card, saying that it was mostly"fair" except for arithmetic, which was "excellent." Hesaid, "With numbers, nothing stands between me andthere," pointing to his forehead. He spent an extra eveningat the center looking for information on the flags of othernations because his class was studying them in school. Hewas disappointed to find the only good illustrations in en­cyclopedias which could not be taken out of the center. Astaff member suggested he take a chart from the wall, andhe was very pleased. It was the first time the staff had knownhim to express interest in taking any materials to school..After about twelve weekly appointments at the center,Jim reported, "My teacher says I'm doin' better and if Ikeep it up, I'll be almost intelligent." He told the story withgreat pleasure.Jim developed a friendly relationship with both the chair­man and his tutor. When the center closed for Christmasvacation, Jim and two of his friends who were buildingmodels needed one more working session to complete theirprojects. So that they might have them for Christmas, aspecial meeting at the center was arranged for Jim and oneof the other boys (the third was confined at home as punish­ment for being suspended from school). Jim also was sus­pended at this time but was never kept in by his parents. Intime, Jim began to take an interest in safeguarding the cen­ter. Once when he discovered it had been left unlocked, hestayed on guard and sent a friend chasing after the chairmanto tell her to return and lock the door.Jim's attitude and manner have changed. Formerly a veryloud and boisterous child who dominated any group situa­tion, Jim's presence in the center became less and lessapparent ever since he and his tutor started reading andbuilding models in a small back room. He is defensive abouthaving other children see his work. His tutor reports thathe is more relaxed, more tolerant, and helpful to otherchildren. He frequently sings under his breath as he works.After he got in trouble at home for using bad languagewhen his little sisters broke one of his models, the chairmansuggested that he substitute the word "fudge" for the badword. The following afternoon he came running into thecenter to ask the chairman, "What was that word?" She toldhim "fudge," and he turned to a boy who was with him andsaid, "You fudge-head." It continues to be his favoriteepithet.Jim is very interested in dogs, especially in the chairman'sGerman shepherd. He recently built and painted a plasticmodel of a German shepherd, . which he named after thechairman's dog. (He says that he owns a dog that is halfAlaskan husky and half German shepherd - and has recentlyacquired a new German shepherd pup but that someoneelse keeps them for him.) After he had been coming to thecenter for three months, he took an encyclopedia and strug­gled through the section describing various breeds of dogs.He did this reading silently between his tasks in assisting thechairman. He asked for help on some words and did notgive up until he had satisfied himself that he had read theentire section.Jim is a child without much parental supervision. He isapparently allowed to come and go with only the restrictionthat he be in by 10:00 P.M. He knows how to get aroundthe city and travels distances by foot and by the elevatedtrain. Twice when he and a friend were suspended fromschool for misbehavior, the friend was kept home for pun­ishment, but Jim continued a very free-wheeling life. Helives farther from the center than most of the other children,but is among the most faithful in attendance.When his mother visited the center several months afterit opened to register two of Jim's younger sisters, she wastold that Jim was one of the center's most frequent visitors."Does Jim come here? Oh, that's wonderful!" He has sixolder brothers and several younger brothers and sisters whohave a different father from Jim's. Jim's stepfather liveswith the family in a small apartment in a very run-downbuilding two doors from the elevated train. Jim's motherworks, and a cousin cares for the younger children. She doesnot get off work until 6:30 P.M., and so Jim has a dinnerof a coke and potato chips on the nights he comes to thestudy center.Jim now wants to please those who have helped him. Oneevening after the center closed, the chairman suggested thatsince neither she nor Jim had eaten dinner, he join her for a hamburger. Jim removed his cap immediately upon enter­ing the restaurant. He spoke in a low tone of voice through­out the meal. When he was taken on a tour of the restaurantby the manager, he was obviously dazzled and appreciative.The manager gave him a set of balloons that could be shapedinto animals and showed him how to make a dog out of aballoon. To give something in return, Jim showed him paperand pencil tricks he had learned at the center. Jim also hasbeen taken on field trips-a visit to the auto show and a visitto the dog show.A change in attitude toward adults and other children, aswell as toward himself, preceded any significant academicchange. His experiences in the study center made it possiblefor him to give up some of his troublemaking. In six monthsof attending the center twice a week, Jim has had some workexperience and has developed a stable relationship with twoadults. He knows many of the staff members and now workswell with a number of adults and children. Jim is differentfrom most of the children who come to the study center,since he at first denied his need for help. For this reason themodel-building and other activities were important in lead­ing him to academic work. No one has pushed him except theother members of his gang, who also started doing academicwork and now taunt him that they are doing more reading.Instead of blowing up at them as he might have a few monthsago, he has begun to be a bit embarrassed and says, "I'mgonna git to readin' soon."The two adults who are responsible for Jim's acceptanceand progress at the center are a young man and a youngwoman. One is a social worker; the other works for an in­surance company. The woman who had no background inwork with children did a good job in helping Jim becauseshe genuinely liked him when most people found him un­likeable.At the end of the academic year, Jim brought in his reportcard-which he says is the best he ever got. There were sev­eral "excellents" instead of the one he formerly got in arith­metic, and most grades were "good." The lowest mark wasin reading, which was "fair�" There were no unsatisfactoryratings, and Jim said this was the first report card he everreceived that had none. Since he has begun to read more, itis possible to see that he has special difficulty with smallconnecting words. He is responding to specific help withthese. D13QuadraDule NelsHenry Hinds Building-The Board ofTrustees has approved naming the Geo­physical Sciences building, now underconstruction, after the late Henry Hinds,an alumnus, who bequeathed $1,274,-933.58 to the University. The Henry HindsLaboratory for the Geophysical Sciencesis expected to be completed by Spring of1968 and will be a major component of thenew Science Center.Hinds died August 5, 1964, and left one­fourth of his estate to The University ofChicago. He held a graduate fellowship atthe University from 1907 to 1909. Hindsreceived his AB from North Dakota in1906 and was a member of the first classof Rhodes Scholars, also in 1906. He wasa geologist with the U.S. Geological Sur­vey from 1909 to 1918 and with SinclairOil Corporation from 1918 to 1920. Hethen joined Pantepec Oil Companies andserved as a geologist, vice president, anddirector of the firm until his retirement in1945.The new building will consist of fivestories above ground and two basementsand will contain 130,000 gross squarefeet. It will include provisions for a wavetank, high-pressure laboratories, and alarge variety of research areas rangingfrom hydrodynamics laboratories to anequipment pad on the roof for meterologi­cal apparatus. Studies and classrooms forteachers, researchers, and students will belocated on the building's perimeter.Julian R. Goldsmith, Chairman of theDepartment of Geophysical Sciences, said:"The new Hinds Laboratory will give theDepartment vitally-needed space andgreatly improved facilities. It will makepossible the unification of the various sub­units in Geophysical Sciences, now split inseven different campus locations. We arelooking forward eagerly to the teachingand research opportunities which this ex­cellent building will offer."The ingenious design of the building, byarchitect 1. W. Colburn.: has drawn wide­spread attention, and its plans have beenfeatured- in architectural publications. Thedesign grew from the realization by scien-14 tists and the architect that the researchcarried on today may change tomorrow,making present laboratories and theirequipment obsolete. The architecture per­mits maximum flexibility in the use ofspace. In the future, it will be possible toconvert laboratories to new uses, and toenlarge or decrease the size of any labora­tory or group of laboratories without ex­pensive remodeling or basic structuralalterations in the building itself.With the foundation and sub-basement com­pleted, workmen prepare to pour the concretebasement floor of the Henry Hinds Labora­tory for the Geophysical Sciences. The build­ing faces Ellis A venue, just north of the Press. Kahn on Nuclear Proliferation-HermanKahn, author, physicist, and military stra­tegist, spoke on "Nuclear Proliferation,"February 19, at Breasted Hall. An author­ity on methods of deterring nuclear war,Kahn believes that the United States shouldfurther emphasize flexible "controlled re­sponse" military policies and defensivesystems. He suggested that some type oflex talionis (law of retaliation) enforcedby an international organization should beput into effect so that complete nuclearholocaust would be prevented. Under therule of lex talionis, Kahn said, there wouldbe a clear distinction between tit for tatand escalation. Under this rule, nuclearweapons could not be used for intimida­tion purposes. Kahn criticized encourage­ment of the peaceful use of nuclear power,noting that any country working on anuclear reactor program can have nuclearweapons. At the present time several coun­tries can have nuclear weapons immedi­ately, and in the near future there will bean increasing number of nations whichseriously will consider acquiring them.Under a new policy, the only reason forhaving nuclear weapons would be to ne­gate other nuclear weapons.Male Ranking Abolished-The Council ofthe Faculty Senate voted February 21 ina closed meeting to abolish the male classranking but to continue an all-studentsranking.The decision is the most recent develop­ment in the controversy which began lastspring when the University agreed to pro­vide male ranking in compliance with Se­lective Service guidelines and an opposingstudent group responded by sitting-in theAdministrative Building.President Beadle's official announcement,February 22, of the change in policy said:"I have requested implementation of thefollowing recommendations made to meyesterday by the Council of the FacultySenate: (1) that the University continueto rank all students and make these ranksand/ or transcripts available to the stu­dents; (2) that the ranking of male stu-dents be terminated; (3) that this decisionbecome effective with the first date atwhich students who have not yet registeredfor the national Selective Service exam­ination will be able to use this procedureto apply for military deferment."Students Against the Rank (SAR)claimed a "victory," while most facultymembers saw the decision as a justifiableaction to establish the University's neu­trality toward the Selective Service System.Blackfriars Show-The Blackfriars pro­duction for 1967 will be a revival of theRogers and Hart musical, "The Boys fromSyracuse." Michael Merritt, Abbot ofBlackfriars said that the show was chosenbecause "the group wanted to do a good,older musical, a special production inhonor of the University's 75th Anniver­sary celebration." Blackfriars will resumeproducing original musical comedies inthe future.The Boys from Syracuse, based onShakespeare's Comedy of Errors, waswritten by George Abbott and first pro­duced in 1938. The show includes suchsongs as "Falling in Love," "Shortest Dayof the Year," "This Can't Be Love," and"Cast Your Shadow on the Sea." TheBlackfriars production will have a cast offorty and will be directed by KennethNorthcott, Professor of Germanic Lan­guages and Literature.Production dates are April 28 and 29,and May 5 and 6. Curtain time is 8: 30PM at Mandel Hall. Tickets are $2.50,with discounts to students, faculty, andalumni.Book Award-The Language of Life: AnIntroduction to the Science of Genetics(Doubleday) by George and MurielBeadle won the Thomas Alva Edisonaward for "best science book for youth"for 1967. President and Mrs. Beadle werepresented with a scroll and a $250 prize ata reception at the Metropolitan Club inNew York, March 21.The book also has been selected by theAmerican Library Association as one of60 outstanding books published in 1966. Campaign Tops Midpoint-The Universi­ty has passed the half-way mark in its ef­fort to raise $160,000,000 in three years.The University reported that the Cam­paign for Chicago as of Feb. 28, has re­ceived $82,232,933 in gifts and pledgesfor the further development of programsand physical facilities on campus.The announcement was made by Presi­dent George W. Beadle, who said: "TheCampaign's encouraging progress has en­abled the University to support an increas­ing academic budget, to initiate severalnew programs, and to begin constructio?of complementary facilities. Yet the Uni­versity still faces budget problems andmany unanswered needs which havegrown logically out of changing conditionsand the advance of knowledge."The three-year Campaign goal of $160,-000,000 was announced on October 20,1965. The Campaign is the first phase ofa ten-year program to obtain a total of$360,000,000 in gift support to enablethe University to maintain and strengthenits position as a leader in American edu­cation.The Campaign funds will finance newendowed professorships, increased facultysalaries, increased student aid, improvedundergraduate facilities, the new JosephRegenstein Library, a Science Center, andother needs."The gratifying response to the drivesignifies wide recognition of Chicago'svalue to the city and to our country," saidEdward Levi, Provost of the University."Private education is going through amost difficult period because of risingcosts and increasing demands made uponit. The present situation is particularlydifficult for Chicago because we have al­ways put faculty salaries and scholarshipsand fellowships at the top of our require­ments. Great scholars and teachers, how­ever, require adequate physical facilities.In order to find capital funds to completenew buildings for the most essential aca­demic purposes, and to carry our heavyburden of neighborhood redevelopment,we have had to use unrestricted funds which are also essential for on-going oper­ations. Successful completion of the Cam­paign would ease this situation greatly."The $82,232,933 total announced todayincludes gifts to the University from pri­vate foundations, individuals and corpo­rations as well as from governmentalsources."These gifts to the Campaign are but onemeasure of the confidence expressed bymany persons in the University," saidFairfax M. Cone, Chairman of the Uni­versity's Board of Trustees. "But this isnot surprising. The University of Chicagois vigorously alive: its strong academicprograms have relevance to students,teachers, and society; its research pro­grams provide solutions which contributeto man's betterment. Naturally it is grati­fying to all working for the University'sprogress to move past the half-way mark.This initial success should challenge all ofus to work even harder to draw interestedpeople and groups across the countrycloser to the University."The day the Campaign was announced,the Ford Foundation awarded the Univer­sity its maximum educational grant-$25,-000,000. This challenge grant to the Uni­versity must be earned by raising threedollars in private funds for everyonedollar made available by the Ford Founda­'tion. To date, the University has earned,in gifts and pledges, 65.9 per cent of thisgrant. Among the other major gifts re­ceived in the Campaign to date are:Joseph and Helen Reg-enstein Foundation .. $10,000,000Dr. Clarence C. Reed.. 2,000,000Edward Hillman, Sr.,(bequest) 1,401,649Henry Hinds (bequest) 1,274,933Standard Oil (Indiana)Foundation ... , . . .. 1,000,000Woods Charitable Fund,Inc. 1,000,000Alumni have played a significant role inthe success of the Campaign to date, hav­ing. contributed about 13 per cent of thetotal gifts received."The personal and financial support ofhundreds of loyal friends of the University15is in large measure responsible for themilestone we are making today," saidRichard F. O'Brien, the University's Vice­President for Planning and Development.Great credit also should go to' David Ken­nedy and the members of the Chicago re­gional campaign organization which heheads. They are helping the Campaign to'succeed in our home area, the Midwest."In December, 1966, the University an­nounced that its capital fund drive was to'be intensified in 1967 by regional organi­zations of volunteers, The Campaign solic­itation will extend throughout the countrywith these organizations operating in 36metropolitan areas.Gaylord Donnelley, National Chairmanof the Campaign for Chicago, said: "Whilewe seek continued support from the Mid­west, we also must IDDk beyond to' indi­dividuals, corporations, and foundationsthroughout the United States. A success­ful conclusion to' our Campaign willenable the University to' fulfill its respon­sibilities to' its students, its city, and thenation."Polk Heads Stevenson Institute-WilliamR. Polk, professor of History and directorof the Center for Middle Eastern Studies,has been named director of the Adlai E.Stevenson Institute of International Af­fairs. The Institute will have its head­quarters in Robie House.Polk, whose appointment was announcedFebruary 5, said the Institute will not bea "think tank." He said: "Our criterion ofsuccess will not be the production of booksand articles that usually don't get read. Wehope to' attract people who are active insolving problems."One of the first projects will be the micro­filming of 1,000,000 books, selected to'CDver research needs, to' be given to' 350institutions in the world which otherwisewould nDt have them. Plans for the Insti­tute also include the appointments Dffifteen fellows per year from various coun­tries who will study "multinational" issues.The Institute will assemble four discussionand four 'study groups which will hold sixone-day meetings a year to talk about a16 problem which the fellows have analyzed.Each group is to be composed of twentypersons from government, business, jour­nalism, and the academic and diplomaticcommunities,The Institute, which will be autonomousin organization, plans to work in clDse CD­operation with the University, as well asother centers of learning in the Chicagoarea and throughout the world, A $10,-000,000 fund-raising effort is under wayto' provide initial finances.Social Services Center-Plans have beenstarted for the development of a WDDd­lawn community Social Services Centeroperated by the University's School ofSocial Service Administration. It will belocated at East 61st Street and South Ingle­side Avenue. The U.S. Department ofHousing and Urban Development has ap­proved a grant reservation of $1,291,393for the project.The new three-story building will have aflo Dr area of about 60,000 square feet andwill provide a wide range of social servicesfor the residents of the community: ma­ternal and child health programs, to bedirected by the Chicago Board of Health;a special service unit for persons on Aidto' Dependent Children rolls, to' be directedby the CODk County Department of PublicAid; and a day care program, to' be direct­ed by the State of Illinois Department ofChildren and Family Services. Other serv­ices will be announced later.Eleanor Club To Be Women's Dorm-TheUniversity is purchasing the Eleanor Club,at 59th Street and Blackstone Avenue, to'provide dormitory space for undergradu­ate women. The three-story building hasapproximately thirty-five single rooms andthirty-five doubles, with a kitchen, recre­ational facilities, and a roof deck. TheClub presently has eighty-five residents,of whom twenty-five are students. TheUniversity will take possession early thissummer, when club residents will be of­fered space in other Eleanor Club build­ings in the Chicago area. $1,000,000 Woods Gift-A grant of $1,-000,000 has been given to' the Universityby the WDDds Charitable Fund, Inc. Thisgift to' the Campaign for Chicago was an­nounced March 9 by President George W.Beadle. Although there has been no formaldecision on hDW the gift will be used, theWDDds Fund has expressed an interest insupporting the development of the pro­posed Center for the Arts on campus.The Center for the Arts will consist of anArt Building, a Music Building and aTheatre in a block-long setting at the en­trance to' the new N orth Quadrangle,Greenwood Ave. at 56th Street.The University was notified of the WDDdsFund gift by Frank H. WDDds, a Trusteeof the University since 1962 and a well­known Chicago civic and cultural leader.WODds, who is Secretary-Treasurer anda Trustee of the Fund, said: "Increasinglygreater cultural, social, and scientific de­mands have been placed on universities inthe 1960's. With these demands have comenew needs which must be met by commit­ments from the public. The University ofChicago has been a center of first-rankteaching and research for 75 years. We areglad to' play a part in insuring its CDn­tinued excellence."The Woods Charitable Fund, Inc. is anon-profit philanthropic foundation in­corporated in Nebraska in 1941. The Fundwas endowed by the late Frank HenryWDDds and his wife, Nelle CochraneWoods, of Lincoln, Nebraska. Its grantshave been made in support of charitable,educational and social welfare purposes,and to' encourage the fine arts.In support of the University, the WDDdsfamily and the WODds Fund have CDn­tributed to' the University's Oriental In­stitute, the Midway Studies, the Cobb Hallrenovation, and several student fellowshipand loan programs. They have shown CDn­tinuing interest in the fellowship programin the University's SChDDI of Social ServiceAdministration. In 1962, the Woods Fundmade a $500,000 gift toward the construe­tion of SSA's new building, which was de­signed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.Snowstorm Volunteers: Randall Evans, Jr. (left) and Porter Dawson, graduate students in theDivinity School, help out in the UC Clinics laundry when its washing load quadrupled afterheavy snow collapsed the roof of the commercial laundry servicing the hospital. The recordtwo-foot snowfall at the end of January paralyzed the city for days, curtailing many vitalhospital services and preventing many staff members from coming to work. Dozens of students,faculty wives, patients, former patients, and neighbors answered a call for volunteer help.Mohr Scholarship Fund-A scholarshipfund has been established at the Univer­sity in memory of Mrs. Esther Jaff Mohr,PhB'18, PhD'20, an attorney who cham­pioned the legal rights of women. The fundwas created by her family to assist womenstudents in the University's Law School.To be eligible, students must demonstrate"a particular interest in the advance of human rights."Mrs. Mohr helped in the development ofwomen's courts in Illinois and Pennsyl­vania in the 1930's. She practiced law inSan Francisco following her graduationfrom law school, later served with the Of­fice of Price Administration in Washing­ton, D.C., and Chicago, then returned toprivate law practice in Chicago. Mrs. Mohr was active in many local organiza­tions in Hyde Park, the community thatsurrounds The University of Chicago. Shewas an officer of the League of Women'sVoters and a member of the IndependentVoters of Illinois. .Both Mrs. Mohr and her husband, Dr.George J. Mohr, who was Dean of Stu­dents at the Chicago Institute of Psycho­analysis, died last year. The couple hadlived for the previous eight years in LosAngeles, where Dr. Mohr headed a re­search center for preschool children atMt. Sinai Hospital and taught at the Uni­versity of Southern California. Dr. Mohrreceived his SB degree in 1916 and hisMD in 1918 from The University of Chi­cago.The fund was established by Mr. andMrs. David L. Mohr, son and daughter-in­law of Mrs. Mohr, and Mrs. Judith MohrJoyce, daughter of Mrs. Mohr. DavidMohr received his PhB in 1953, his MBAin 1955, and his JD in 1959, all from TheUniversity of Chicago. His wife is theformer Elaine Goldman, AB'50, JD'54.Faculty and StaffPresident George W. Beadle, Nobellaureate in Physiology and Medicine, hasreceived the Priestley Memorial Awardof Dickinson College. The award-$1000and a portrait medallion of Joseph Priest­ley, discoverer of oxygen-was presentedduring the college's annual Priestley Daycelebration on March 16.President Beadle is the second winnerfrom The University of Chicago. In 1955,the award went to Harold C. Urey, phys­ical chemist and the discoverer of deute­rium.Fairfax M. Cone, Chairman of the Boardof Trustees, has received the Silver Plaque,the highest award of the National Confer­ence of Christians and Jews, presentedFebruary 16 in the Pick-Congress Hotel.Mr. Cone was honored in recognition of17the contributions he has made in humanrelations and business.Dave Fultz, Professor of Meteorology inthe Department of the GeophysicalSciences, has been awarded the AmericanMeteorological Society's Carl-GustafRossby Research Medal, the highest honorthe Society can bestow upon an atmos­pheric scientist. The Medal is presented"on the basis of outstanding contributionsto man's understanding of the structureor behavior of the atmosphere." Fultzreceived the Medal for his work over thepast twenty years in creating and studyinglaboratory models of the large-scale cir­culations of the atmosphere. The Medalis named for the late Mr. Rossby, whowas the Andrew MacLeish DistinguishedService Professor of Meteorology at theUniversity from 1943 to 1951.Dr. Charles B. Huggins, the William B.Ogden Distinguished Service Professorand Director of the Ben May Laboratory'{or Cancer Research at the University,delivered the first lecture in the Univer­sity's Cancer Coordinator Lecture Serieson January 6. Dr. Huggins, who shared the1966 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Med­icine, spoke on "Endocrine-Restraint ofCancers." The weekly lecture series is de­signed to inform medical practitioners,students, and teachers in the Chicago areaabout the most recent developments incancer research and is part of the U niver­sity's Cancer Training Program.Gilbert L. Lee, Jr. has been appointedVice- President for Business and Finance.Lee's appointment was effective April 1,1967. He comes to Chicago from AnnArbor, Michigan, where he was Vice­President for Business Affairs at the Uni­versity of Michigan. In his new position,Lee will be concerned with the adminis­tration of the University's financial opera­tions and business affairs.Albert M. Ostoya, MBA'53, has beenappointed Manager of AdministrativeServices for the Office of Planning andDevelopment, as of January 1, 1967. Hewas formerly with the National Society forCrippled Children and Adults ("EasterSeal Society"), in Chicago.18 S,artshartsFencing-Maroon fencers were defeatedby the University of Illinois 21-6 on Jan­uary 28. Chicago's epee team won 5-4.Stephen Knodle won three bouts, andBernard Myers and Saranus Valiukenaseach won one. Michael McLean won onebout in foil.In a four way meet on February 11, Chi­cago beat Case Tech 17-10 but lost to theUniversity of Detroit 17-10, Notre Dame20-7, and Michigan State 16-11. Compet­ing in this meet were Michael McLean,Seth Masia, and Phil Russ in foil; TerryBarton, James Buckheit, and Bruce Pat­terson in sabre; and Stephen Knodle,Bernard Myers, and Saranus Valiukenasin epee.Basketball-The Maroons beat DetroitTech, 71-39, at the Field House, Jan. 31.All members of the squad saw some gameaction, and Bill Pearson was high scorerwith 17 points.Chicago beat Grinnell College 70-50, onFebruary 4. Martin Campbell and DennisWaldon tied for scoring honors with 18points each.The Maroons closed their season with a9-8 won-and-lost record, narrowly losingto Tulane University, 68-64, in the finalgame before a capacity crowd in the FieldHouse, March 4. Dennis Waldon was lead­ing scorer for the season, with 210 points.Martin Campbell had 179, Frederick Dietzhad 143, and Bill Pearson had 139. TheMaroons held opponents to an average ofless than 57 points per game during theseason. SPORTS CALENDARTennisApr. 21: Wabash College, VarsityCourts, 1 :30 PM.Apr. 25: University of Illinois/Chi­cago Circle, Varsity Courts, 1 :30 PM.Apr, 28: George Williams Collegeand Wisconsin State University (White­water), Varsity Courts, 1 :30 PM.May 6, 7: Midwest Tourney at Wis­consin State University, Oshkosh, 9:00AM.May 12, 13: Chicago IntercollegiateTennis Tournament, Varsity Courts,9:00 AM.GolfApr. 20: Roosevelt University, Whea­ton College. White Pines G.C., 1 :00PM.Apr. 22: University of Illinois/Chi­cago Circle, Wayne State University.Longwood G.C., 11:00 AM.Apr. 25: University of Illinois/Chi­cago Circle, Loyola University. WhitePines G.C., 1 :00 PM.Apr. 27: Illinois Institute of Tech­nology, St. Procopius College. Tuck­A-Way G.c., 1:00·PM.May 2: DePaul University, IllinoisState Teachers North. Woodridge G.C.,1:30.PM.BaseballApr. 15: Illinois State Teachers Col­lege North, (2), there, 12:30 PM.Apr. 20: Illinois Institute of Tech­nology, there, 3:15 PM.Apr. 22: Knox College at Galesburg,Ill., (2), 12:30 PM.May 4: University of Illinois/ChicagoCircle, home game, 3: 30 PM.May 6: Illinois State Teachers Col­lege South, (2), home game, 12:30 PM.May 9: University of Illinois/ChicagoCircle, home game, 3: 30 PM.May 13: Wabash College at Craw­fordsville, Indiana (2), 12:30 PM.ProfilesHarold HaydonHarold Emerson Haydon, the eldest ofthe three sons of A. Eustace Haydon, ex­celled in English and athletics when heattended the College. However, it was hisbrother, Brownlee, who became a writerand editor, and his brother, Ted, who be­came a coach, while Harold became Asso­ciate Professor of Art and Director of theUniversity's Midway Studios.Harold was born April 22, 1909, in FortWilliam Ontario, Canada, and came tothe University community with his familyin 1917. He attended University High andthen the College, where he was an honorsEnglish student. He received his PhB in1930 and his AM in philosophy the fol­lowing year. In his junior year he waselected to Phi Beta Kappa and the Order of the "C". It was a combination he liked,putting athletics and scholarship together,as his father had done. In 1930 he wasawarded the Big Ten Conference Medalfor Excellence in Athletics and Scholar­ship. "I had some records in track, butTed was more versatile, competing inmany more events. My father was prob­ably the best athlete in the family, becauseof the range of things he did."Harold's memories of his student dayscenter on great men. "Hutchins came in'29," he recalled, "and as Head Marshall,I introduced him to the whole worldthe first year." He remembers ThorntonWilder lecturing on Greek plays, pacingthe Mandel Hall stage. One of his class­mates was "Jimmie" Farrell, and they both studied English under "Teddy" Linn.While spending 1932 reading in esthetics,Harold decided to move seriously into art,previously only a rewarding hobby. Hestudied at The Art Institute in 1932-33.The following year he was artist-in-resi­dence at Pickering College in Canada,where he had his first exhibit. A largemural of his still hangs in the school gym­nasium. "It's reputed to confuse the oppo­sition teams," Harold says.In 1934 Harold joined the George Wil­liams College faculty as an instructor inarts and crafts. There he instituted somegraduate courses' in art education. "Atfirst it was all arts and crafts until I de­cided that the students needed more artand less craft. We buckled down and gave·19them an open studio of a relaxed sort,where they could do a variety of thingsrather than Qne course at a time. Mean­while we tried to' get them indoctrinatedwith the art spirit. We needed artists, nQtcraftsmen, to' make something important."Harold was promoted to' assistant pro­fessor of art in 1940. In 1944, while stillat George Wi11iams, he ·began teachinghumanities at the University, and he laterhelped found the nresent basic humanitiesprogram, In 1945 he joined the Chicagofaculty full-time as Assistant Professor ofArt. He also lectured at Chicazo theologi­cal Seminary from 1937 to' 1942, to' pre­pare students to' handle creative arts work­shops for children and adults.A standard University biozraphical formasks for "Recreational or Diversional In­terests." Harold's entry here is a dead-pan"building stone walls in Vermont." Thestorv behind his brief answer began withhis 1945 Quantrell Award for Excellencein Undergraduate Teaching. The $1,000prize money came at an opportune time.when an old brick house on a 115-acrefarm in Vermont was available. It is nQWthe summer home for Harold and his wife,Virginia. Harold rebuilt the chimney forhis studio there, hauling the bricks andmortar himself. He also is repairing thestone wall all around the property. "Irecommend it as the verv best exercise."In his philosophv of art. Harold believes,"a painter ought to' be flexible enough to'design anything. The artist traditionallyhas had a great deal of flexibility and,given the opportunity, has been willing to'do almost anything." When the QPPQr­tunity came along for him to' work withTemples Beth Am and Beth El and withthe St. Cletus Church in LaGrange, Ill.,he seized it quite naturally. This meantmastering two art forms in which he hadnever worked before=tapestry and mosaic.FQr a parochet.-an ornamented curtain-fQr Temple Beth Am, Harold organizeda grQUp prQject. The CQver was hQoked byWQmen of the cQngregation at a largetable, where they CQuld talk as theywQrked. They saw the whQle piece takingfQrm in frQnt Qf them, giving them the20 feeling of doing something for their tem­ple. "The only dispute which developed,"Haydon recalled, "was over who shouldput in the last stitch." At Temple Beth El,he did two Byzantine glass mosaics.Out of the success at Beth Am grew acongregation-done mural at St. CletusChurch in LaGrange. The mural is amosaic of St. Francis. "It has a wonder­ful primitive quality," Harold says. Healso has several works at the Sonia Shank­man Orthogenic SchQQI. One, a paintedceramic tile mural, is based on Americanfolk heroes. In the new Pekow wing, hedid a brick mosaic mural of large animalsand a brick and stained-glass hallway to'the playground.Harold believes that the role of the artistin universities is an important one, butthat there are not enough regular fine artsprograms. "The scientist who makes a dis­covery is automatically expected to' teachwhat he has discovered, while the innova­tions of a painter or sculptor remain ob­scure. It's a struggle persuading someonethat an exhibition is equivalent to' a pub li­cation, An artistic commission that's beenworked on for over a year is equivalent to'writing a book, requiring a great deal ofresearch and labor."Haro'd would like to' see the artist-in­residence program adopted at more CQI­leges and universities. The widely-heldbelief that starving artists produce greatart he calls a romantic notion. "Like any­Qne else," he says, "the artist needs to' bewell enough provided with food and lodg­ing and sympathetic attention to' develophim rather than discourage him from pur­suing a career."As Director of the Midway Studios,Harold currently is in the process of re­vamping its total program. A renovationproject is underway, sponsored by theWomen's Board. The last half-dozen yearshave seen an increase in enrollment.Harold would like to' see it a small, yetexcellent-actually a leading-fine arts es­tablishment fQr the natiQn. "ChicagO' hasan art department that is famQus fQr itsart histQry. It's time it gQt famQus fQr itsfine arts." . Edward HaydonTed Haydon had been running SO' fast asa social worker among city gangs that hisdoctor ordered him to' slow down. Heturned to' track for exercise-and ended upas head track coach at the University.Edward Morgan "Ted" Haydon was bornMarch 29, 1912, in Saskatoon, Saskatch­ewan, Canada, the second of three boys inhis family. In 1914, his father, EustaceHaydon, a Baptist minister, came to' TheUniversity of Chicago to' study religion.In 1917, the rest of the family moved to'Chicago. Since that time Ted has neverlived more than a few blocks from theUniversity.Ted attended University High where heran the hurdles and relay. When he en­tered the University, he again went out fortrack. But he did not make his letter untilhe put aside all other sports to' concen­trate on track in his junior year. Recog­nized as a leader, he captained the Maroonsquad the following year, participating inthe hurdles, hammer, discus, shot-put, andrelays.Ted graduated from the University witha PhB in 1933 and WQn a scholarship forgraduate work in SQciQIDgy. But the mas­ter's degree proved elusive for twenty mQreyears. One of his graduate. school pro­Iessors asked if he wanted to' work part­time. This mushroomed into a full-timejob as Vocational Director of the CommonGround Social Agency in Chicago, In 1935he took a full-time position as Director ina public welfare pro gram for preventionof juvenile delinquency in Chicago, In1945 he accepted the job of head of theMidwest Regional Office of the Commis­sion on Community Inter-Relations, spon­sored by the American Jewish Congress.Earlier in 1945 Ted went to' New YorkCity to' help lQcal Dfficials irQn Qut a CQm­munity problem stemming from clashesbetween Jews and Italians in CQney Is­land. "We spent six weeks amQng theItalians and fQund nO' special prnblems­the kids were just being pushed arQund.We helped the kids set up their own cluband got the situation pretty well ironedout."Long interested in community and racerelations, he wrote two papers-"GarySchool Strike" published in 1947 and"Housing and Race Relations in Chicago,"published in 1948-both of which are stillrelevant. He also has published numerousarticles and reports on community organi­zations, intergroup relations, and the na­ture of and methods of treating juveniledelinquency.In 1947, the Community Relations Serv­ice was taken over by the Chicago EthicalSociety. Ted remained with it until 1950.For fourteen years he drove himself hardin his chosen work, giving fifty to sixtytalks a year to PTA. groups, Fraternalclubs, and other organizations. "I'd comehome late for supper with my family andthen go back out again at night to see con­tacts in neighborhoods," he said. Then, in1947, Ted found he had a blood pressureproblem. The doctor ordered him to re­duce his hectic schedule and get someexercise."I remembered myoid track experiencesand decided to come out to Stagg Field.That began my transformation from run­ning around in" circles to running aroundin circles for points. I was out of shapebut remembered how to throw the ham­mer, and I soon found myself competingin AAU meets. Myoid coach, Ned Mer­riam," was still at Chicago, and I began tohelp him out a little with his meets."In 1948, Merriam was ill, and I handledthe Chicago team in the spring on a volun­tary basis. My job was flexible enough sothat I could travel with the team and visitpeople I had to see in the various cities atthe same time."When Merriam came to retirement agein 1950, he recommended Ted Haydon toChicago Athletic Director T. Nelson Met­calf as his replacement. Ted, still thinkingabout getting his master's degree, took acut in pay and accepted the new job, atage 38, on October 1, 1950. He finally gotthe AM in 1954. He was then 42 yearsold and the father of two. With the help of the University, Ted im­mediately put his organizational abilityand energy to work on expanding the track program. "In 1950, I competed for theGreen and Gold Track Club here in Chi­cago, and we won the central AAU meet.Metcalf asked me to start our own clubhere, and I was a charter member."Thus began the informal organizationknown as The University of Chicago TrackClub, a year-round opportunity for post­graduate athletes to continue to competeon the amateur level. Soon the Field Houseand Stagg Field were the scene of trackmeets during almost the entire year. Tedhas kept the group going by obtainingprivate contributions and the University'sassistance on facilities. It is today a highlyregarded and beneficial program, knownthroughout the country.Because of background training in so­ciology, the Track Club is an especiallyinteresting experience for him. The Clubis inter-racial, interfaith, and inter-eco­nomic, including people from all walks oflife who come out to run because they likeit. Ted's basic philosophy is, "if you area track coach you encourage track people.You don't kick people out when they wantto run, and you don't close up the sta­dium." He will coach any boy who wantsto run, whether the boy can do the milein four minutes or ten.After the Pan-American games in 1959,the first outdoor track success in Chicagosince the 1930's, the City donated thespecial en-tout-cas track surface to theUniversity. Members of the Track Clubfurnished the labor .for moving it to StaggField. Summer programs, holiday meets,Sunday development meets came intoexistence. At all of them Ted can be seenquietly helping set up hurdles, timingsprints, or generally extending a welcomehand. Some 1,800 track contestants fromthe Midwest area accepted that welcomeduring the 1961-62 indoor season alone.Displaying diplomatic as well as coach­ing gifts, Ted has extended his influenceoverseas. In 1958, he managed the UnitedStates track team tour of Russia, Poland,Hungary and Greece. He headed the trackand field committee for the third Pan­American games in Chicago in 1959. Hewas head coach of the United States track21team for the fourth Maccabiah Games inIsrael in 1961. In 1963 he was assistantcoach of the United States track and fieldteam for the fourth Pan-American gamesin Brazil. That year he also was the assist­ant coach of the United States AAU teamtraveling to Russia, Poland, Germany, andEngland."I think that there are really only twothings that people can do together. Oneis to work together and the other is to playtogether-this is life. Whether that playtakes the form of organized athletics orrecreational or cultural activities, it's aleisure-time pursuit which people canenjoy together."Ted believes the primary role of athleticsin a University should be communicationbetween people. "Whether you win or lose,I don't think athletics should be used forpromotional value, but, in a university,athletes should come out of the studentbody rather than be recruited. Most of theboys who compete in our program keep onrunning. Many times the recruited athletequits, stops running once the rewards aregone and the pressure is off. Our boys, run,and run, and run, and as long as they keeprunning, they keep getting better."Ruddy-faced, white-haired, standing sixfeet tall, Ted Haydon is completing his17th year as the Maroon head track coach.He is married to the former Golde Bres­lich, whom he met at University High.They have one married daughter, living inMadison, Wisconsin, and a son, now afreshman at the University and member ofthe swimming and track teams. Ted andhis wife both enjoy fishing and camping attheir summer cabin in Michigan's upperpeninsula. For his own diversion, Tedpaints, plays the piano, golfs, and reads.His health remains good. "I run so manymeets, if I got nervous, I'd have been flat­tened long ago. I manage to maintain afair perspective about my work, and I findit is actually healthier for me to share inthe whole job-setting hurdles as well asdoing administration-than to worry aboutit. Busy as I might seem here, I still thinkit is child's play compared to the scheduleI followed when I was a social worker."22 Brownlee HaydonLike his two older brothers, BrownleeWalker Haydon's earliest memories areof the University. "We lived near campus.I can recall walking' over to the ClassicsBuilding, when I was no more than six, tomeet my father after his class and walkhome with him." By the time he was inUniversity High School, the Harper stackswas familiar territory. "If the Universityexudes an intellectual atmosphere, Ibreathed it daily."At University High School Brownlee par­ticipated in track and soccer, wrote for theliterary magazine (the Phoenix), madeposters, and founded a not quite legalmimeographed weekly, "The Sphynx,"which sold for a nickel at Monday morn­ing assembly in Mandel Hall. In his senioryear, he edited the High School Annual,The Correlator.Since University High permitted studentsto move somewhat at their own pace,Brownlee was taking extra credit coursesat junior college level while in his senioryear. By the time he was ready to enterthe College at sixteen, he discovered thatby remaining on the elective system hewould be rated a sophomore, with only afew courses needed to complete that year.However, that was 1931, and he aban­doned his advance credits in order to enterunder the Hutchins Plan. This brought himinto the Survey Courses, where he encoun­tered such greats as Carlson, Coulter, andCompton. "I felt, as the students at theUniversity of Paris a millennium ago musthave felt, that I was sitting at the feet ofthe great scholars of the time. CertainlyCarlson ("Vat iss de effidence?") made aprofound impression on me. My biologysurvey seminar was with Merle Coulter,and I found him extraordinarily exciting.He must have been responsible for myspending hundreds of hours in the BiologyLibrary, poring over obscure treatises.Compton I had known as my SundaySchool teacher. I wasn't very much im­pressed with his theology, but at the age of twelve I could get him to explain theFitzgerald Contraction to me, which madeit all worthwhile."Later, Brownlee came under the influ­ence of "Teddy" Linn. "He had the com­mon sense to teach a composition courseby asking students to write what theywanted to learn how to write. The sportswriter wrote on sports; the pundit wrotecolumns; the advertising writer (me) wroteads. Linn made the mistake of praising mywriting, and for a couple of years aftergraduation I thought the Madison A venuefraternity owed me a $25,000-a-year in­come. I found you could start at $15 aweek."Brownlee's father, A. Eustace Haydon,PhD'19, now Professor Emeritus of Com­parative Religion, taught him "to be skep­tical of received doctrine, to look behindthe obvious for the evidence that supportsor refutes it. He taught me this in manysubtle ways. I remember remarking thatone could 'find anything' in the Univer­sity Library. He thought about that for amoment and said: 'Next time you're in thestacks, see if you can find the birth dateof Buddha.' I returned a week or so laterwith a half-dozen dates, saying: 'That wasa dirty trick-you knew all the time thatthere is no certain date for Buddha'sbirth.'" Brownlee also sees his father'seloquence and graceful prose as the in­fluential source of his own concern forlanguage as a communication medium.By the time Brownlee got into the Uni­versity, his brothers Hal and Ted had be­come well known as track men, and hesaw little purpose in trying to compete withthem. "I ran track, but in a non-competi­tive way. I think I broke 50 seconds in the440-yard run, and I got my quota of scarson my right anklebone clearing-or rather,not clearing-the high hurdles."Brownlee was fascinated by brother Hal'sability to create works of art-from thelinoleum block that became a Christmascard, to etchings, oil paintings, carvings,ceramics, mosaics, and hooked rugs ortapestries. "It was human, I suppose, toassume that one might do likewise. So Imade linoleum block Christmas cards,carved some small figurines, painted a fewhundred paintings, and so on. My onlyinnovation in this familial cycle was a ven­ture into metal craftsmanship. At a sum­mer camp in Ontario, Canada, I watchedthe great Danish pewtersmith Renzius atwork. I began to experiment on my own,finally producing a few hundred items inpewter, silver, copper, brass, and evengold. The Hyde Park Baptist Church maystill have two etched brass vases by Hay­don." For many years The QuadrangleClub served hot rolls from two copper andbrass charcoal-fired boxes that Brownleemade.This career was ended in 1938 when BillMorgenstern asked Brownlee to edit theRound Table transcripts and put out itsadvance notices from the University'sPress Relations Office. "I think I may haverealized, somewhere along the way, that acareer in art was not likely to make merich, or even self-sufficient. But I havenever abandoned my interest. Some of mybest paintings, some of my most ambitioussculptures, and some ceramic pieces, havebeen completed in later years while at Busi­ness Week and The RAND Corporation."Brownlee's older brother, Ted, has beendeeply involved in Chicago's human rela­tions problems for decades, and perhapsthis inspired him to become involved, too.The opportunity came when, at the heightof the civil rights disturbances some years ago, the community in which he lives­Pacific Palisades, Calif. - became con­cerned about the possible difficulties thatmight arise if minority persons came intoan area that is middle class, conservative,and white. When a Human RelationsCouncil was formed, Brownlee was askedto be a board member, and he accepted.He is now president of the Council. Thisactivity led to community work in Venice,Calif., an area near his home that includesa Negro-Mexican-American ghetto. Be­cause of his work there he was appointed_ to the Advisory Committee to the newlyformed Human Relations Commission ofthe City of Los Angeles. He served on theHousing, Education and Police-Commu­nity Relations Sub-Committees of theCommission. This led to his membershipon the Housing Committee of the CountyHuman Relations Commission. He is alsoEducation Chairman of the local (SantaMonica Bay Area) National Conferenceof Christians and Jews.Brownlee and his second wife, Ethel,have a home in the Palisades on a littlemore than an acre, bounded on one side byan all-year stream. The eldest daughter,Julie, is married and has two children. An­other daughter, Claudia, attends the Uni­versity of California at Santa Barbara.Their two youngest children, Laura andStephen, attend the University ElementarySchool (UCLA), similar to the Univer­sity's Laboratory School. Brownlee fur­nished their home-and his office-with hisown tables, bookcases, chairs. He also builtan orchid house of his own design, com­plete with electricity and water and ahumidity-control system.Brownlee has a fondness for classic cars.He owned-and sold "in a moment ofweakness"-a 1928 Rolls-Royce. He nowhas a 1950 MG-TD; two classic Mercedes­Benz models, a 1952 convertible and a1953 "300" sedan; a pair of 1950 Chev­rolets; and an old Chase tractor. In addi­tion to boarding a friend's horse, the familyhas two dogs (a great pyrenees and acocker-poodle), two cats (a Siamese anda Persian), a white rat, two Rhode Islandreds, a Polish Rooster, a tame grey squir- rel (caged), and numerous finch and fan­tail pigeons.Another of Brownlee's diverse interestshas to do with the much-disputed OldTestament book, "The Song of Songs,"whose origin and meaning are still unclearto biblical scholars. Brownlee has a volu­minous reference file on "every word andphrase, verse and chapter," the result ofyears of reading hundreds of commentar­ies in Latin, Greek, French, and English.He hopes one day to write two books, "onea fairly comprehensive restatement of mostof what is known and conjectured, andthe other an entertaining brief descriptionof some of the more interesting facts aboutthe Songs. All I need is a few hundredhours of leisure time to write them."Brownlee left the University to becomeassistant foreign editor of Business Week,where for five years he covered the world'seconomic and business news. After servingas assistant to William Benton, publisherof Encyclopaedia Britannica, Brownleejoined the RAND Corporation in SantaMonica, Calif. His title of Assistant to' thePresident, Communications, must be in­terpreted broadly: Brownlee edits andwrites technical papers, edits the houseorgan, handles what little. press relationsRAND tolerates, writes an occasionalspeech, badgers the RAND staff to writemore succinctly, and, assisted by a con­sultant, is responsible for oral briefings,"an art form of the military and govern­mental agencies."In translating the scientific output of TheRAND Corporation for the governmentagencies for which it works, Brownlee'sresponsibility is to understand the implica­tions for policy of technological advancesand put them in terms that decisionmakerscan appreciate and act upon. "I have oftenfelt that the University'S survey coursesforced me to become a generalist, and onlythis enabled me to do the things I havedone since. The University provided mewith the breadth of understanding and in­stilled a persistent curiosity that makesevery day an opportunity to learn some­thing new, in some field, about some de­velopment that may be of real value."23San FranciscoMilton Friedman, The Paul SnowdenRussell Distinguished Service Professor ofEconomics and a columnist for Newsweekmagazine, gave a talk on "Taxes-Positiveand Negative" on February 9.DetroitPhilip M. Hauser, Professor of Sociologyand Director of the Population Researchand Training Center, spoke on "Metro­politan Area Explosion: Consequencesand Implications" on February 14.TulsaGeorge R. Hughes, Professor of Egyp­tology and Associate Director of the Ori­ental Institute, introduced and commentedon the award-winning film, "The Egyptol­ogists," on March 2. The film, which isnarrated by Charlton Heston, was made atthe sites of The University of Chicago ex­cavations in Egypt. The program was fol­lowed by a reception for Mr. Hughes andalumni given by Mr. and Mrs. RaymondG. Feldman at their home.Los AngelesRalph Shapey, Associate Professor ofMusic and Director of the ContemporaryChamber Players, conducted the MondayEvening Concert, sponsored by the FrommFoundation, March 6. The program in­cluded "Inflexions for 14 Players" byMario Davidovsky; "Un Voyage a Cyth­ere" by Easley Blackwood; and "Incanta­tions for Soprano and Ten Instruments"qy Ralph Shapey.A dinner honoring Dr. Charles B. Hug­gins, 1966 Nobel laureate, was attendedby more than 200 alumni and their guestson February 23. Dr. Huggins, PresidentGeorge W. Beadle, and Dr. Leon Jacob­son, the Joseph Regenstein Professor ofBiological and Medical Sciences and Deanof the Division of Biological Sciences,spoke briefly after being introduced by Dr.Clayton Loosli of Los Angeles.ClevelandMartin E. Marty, Professor in the Di­vinity School, spoke to Cleveland Alumni,March 9, on "The Roots of ReligiousRevolution. "24 COMING EVENTSSeattle: April 13George R. Hughes, Professor of Egyp­tology and Associate Director of the Ori­ental Institute, will introduce and commenton the film, "The Egyptologists."Portland: April 14George R. Hughes, Professor of Egyp­tology and Associate Director of the Ori­ental Institute, will introduce and commenton the film, "The Egyptologists."San Francisco: April 17George R. Hughes, Professor of Egyp­tology and Associate Director of the Ori­ental Institute, will introduce and commenton the film, "The Egyptologists."Los Angeles: April 18George R. Hughes, Professor of Egyp­tology and Associate Director of the Ori­ental Institute, will introduce and commenton the film, "The E&yptologists."Philadelphia: April 20Philip M. Hauser, Professor of Sociologyand Director of the Population Researchand Training Center, will be guest speakerat a dinner meeting.Cincinnati: April 28Philip M. Hauser, Professor of Sociologyand Director of the Population Researchand Training Center, will be guest speaker.Boston: May 4Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr., Professor in theLaw School, will be guest speaker.Pittsburgh: May 4Philip W. Jackson, Professor of Educa­tion, will be guest speaker.Chicago: May 5-7"Perspectives on Living and Learning," athree-day weekend program for the Emer­itus Club, presented by a committee ofemeriti headed by Nena W. Badenoch, '11,Charles P. Schwartz, '08, and Renslow P. Sherer, '09. The event will take place atthe Center for Continuing Education, theUniversity'S new conference center, andwill include a bus tour of the campus,panel discussions, a tea at the President'shouse with President and Mrs. Beadle,and several guest speakers: Charles D.O'Connell, Director of Admissions; TheHon. William D. Bechill; Louis "Studs"Terkel; and Professor Philip M. Hauser.Kansas City, Mo.: May 5Stuart A. Rice, Professor of Chemistryand Director of the Institute for the Studyof Metals, will be guest speaker at a lunch­eon meeting.Minneapolis/St. Paul: May 8Dave Fultz, Professor of GeophysicalSciences and Director of the Hydrodynam­ics Laboratory, will be guest speaker.Washington: May 19Philip M. Hauser, Professor of Sociologyand Director of the Population Researchand Training Center, will be guest speaker.For information on coming events, or forassistance in planning an event in yourcommunity with a guest speaker from theUniversity, contact (Mrs.) Jane Steele,Program Director, The University of Chi­cago Alumni Association, 5733 UniversityAve., Chicago, Ill. 60637, MI 3-0800.Martin E. Marty (second from left), AssociateProfessor of Modern Church History, withCleveland alumni following his talk, Mar. 9.Dr. Clayton Loosli chats with Dr. Charles B. Huggins (r.), Director of the Ben MayLaboratory for Cancer Research and 1966 Nobel laureate, at a banquet in honor ofDr. Huggins in Los Angeles, February 23. Over 200 alumni and guests attended. Above: Over 1,100 alumni, their families, and guests at­tended the showing of the film, "The Egyptologists," atthe Howard School Auditorium in Wilmette, Ill., on March5. 'Prof. George R. Hughes, Associate Director of theOriental Institute, introduced and commented on the film.Below: Prof. Hughes discusses the Oriental Institute's workin Egypt with future UC alumni.25Alumni New8.19Arthur A. Wald, PhD'19, will have oneof three new men's residence halls atAugustana College, Rock Island, Ill.,named for him. Mr. Wald was graduatedfrom Augustana in 1905. From 1931 to1958 he served as dean of the college andhead of the Swedish Department, dean ofmen, registrar, recruitment officer, place­ment officer, and director of the AugustanaSummer School. He currently is serving onthe Augustana Alumni Association boardof directors.23Frederick H. Frost, '23, vice president ofresearch for S.D. Warren Company, Port­land, Maine, recently received the TAPPIMedal, highest honor of the Technical As­sociation of the Pulp and Paper Industry.Homer P. Rainey, AM'23, PhD'24, pro­fessor emeritus of higher education at theUniversity of Colorado, recently was in­ducted into the Austin College AthleticHall of Honor. Mr. Rainey who was grad­uated from Austin College, Sherman,Texas, in 1919, participated in baseball,football, track and tennis while there. Helater pitched for professional baseballteams in Sherman and Houston, Texas. Inthe academic world, Mr. Rainey has servedas president of Franklin College in Indi­ana, Bucknell University in Pennsylvania,the University of Texas, and of StephensCollege in Missouri. In 1964 he receivedthe Austin College Founders Medal.25Benjamin E. Mays, AM'25, PhD'35,president of Morehouse College, Atlanta,Ga., recently spoke at the annual awardsdinner of the Boston branch of theNAACP.26Charles E. Shulman, '26, Rabbi of River­dale (N.Y.) Temple, recently spoke on"Contemporary Anti-Semitism" at a meet­ing of the Riverdale Temple Men's Club.Rabbi Shulman is author of several books,including Problems of the Jews in the Con­temporary World, Europe's Conscience inDecline, and What It Means to Be a Jew.26 27Kurt F. Leidecker, PhD'27, professor ofphilosophy at Mary Washington College,recently spoke on "Viet Nam-Will DawnBreak and the Shadows Flee?" as part ofan evening lecture series at LongwoodCollege, Farmville, Virginia. The authorof many articles and reviews on Orientalphilosophies, Mr. Leidecker is currentlyat work on an encyclopedic dictionary ofBuddhism and an anthology of Chinesephilosophy.28Helen Fisher Hohman, PhD'28, has beenelected to the Board of Governors of theInternational Platform Association, an or­ganization concerned with bettering thequality of American political platforms.29Luis Kutner, X'29, president of the Com­mission for International Due Process ofLaw and chairman of the World HabeasCorpus Committee of the World PeaceThrough Law Center, recently was guestspeaker for the Great Issues course forseniors at Purdue University.30Franklin E. Roach, SM'30, PhD'34, act­ing director of the aeronomy laboratoriesof the National Bureau of Standards' En­vironmental Science Services Administra­tion, has been named one of the heads ofthe Defense Department's project to inves­tigate and evaluate reports of unidentifiedflying objects. The study will be conductedin connection with the University of Colo­rado, where Mr. Roach has been a profes­sor adjoint in the physics and astro-physicsdepartment.33Vernon P. Jaeger, X'33, retired Colonelin the U.S. Army, has been working asState Missionary for the Oregon BaptistConvention since 1963. In this position,Mr. Jaeger, is responsible for the Depart­ment of Evangelism and the Departmentof Church Development. He also is FieldRepresentative of the Oregon Baptist Foundation, a position which involvestraveling throughout the state of Oregonand representing the state at national andregional conferences. Mr. Jaeger writesthat his activities "certainly keep retire­ment from being boresome."Irving C. Lambert, '33, MBA'45, re­cently completed forty-five years of servicewith Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc. Asmanager of sales training and education,he is a member of the national marketingstaff at the Chicago general offices of thefirm. Mr. Lambert also is a trustee ofNorth Park College and the AssociatedColleges of Illinois, vice president of theGreater Lawndale Conservation Commis­sion and a member of the Board of Gov­ern�rs, Church Federation of GreaterChicago.Erik Wahlgren, '33, PhD'38, recentlypresented a paper on the Vinland Map be­fore an international conference held atthe Smithsonian Institution. In his talk,Mr. Wahlgren outlined his reasons for con­sidering the map, with its earliest knownrepresentation of North America, to havebeen drawn and lettered by an Italian some50 years before Columbus. Mr. Wahlgren.has been a member of the UCLA facultysince 1938, is managing editor of Scan­dinavian Studies, and is chairman of theScandinavian Group, Modern LanguageAssociation of America.36Nicholas Tiedeman, '36, has been namedvice-president and assistant secretary forLucian Q. Moffitt, Inc., Akron, Ohio, na­tional and international distributors ofB. F. Goodrich Cutless Rubber Bearingsfor marine and industrial use. Mr. Tiede­man has been with the firm for eighteenyears, serving until 1965 as the company'sWashington representative.38Donald E. Ralston, '38, MD'39, consult­ant in medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,Minn., has been promoted to assistantprofessor in the Mayo Graduate Schoolof Medicine of the University of Minne­sota.39Jerome H. Simons, '39, JD'41, an author­ity on merging and selling businesses, re­cently joined Exchange National Bank ofChicago as Manager of the Mergers andAcquisitions Division.40Hart Perry, AM'40, executive vice-presi­dent/finance, International Telephone andTelegraph Corporation, has been electedto the Board of Directors of the ForeignPolicy Association, a nonprofit education­al organization.41Albert Somit, '41, PhD'47, was namedprofessor and chairman of the Depart­ment of Political Science, State Univer­sity of New York at Buffalo, in September,1966.Frederick J. Stare, MD'41, chairman ofthe department of nutrition at the Schoolof Public Health, Harvard University, re­cently spoke on "Diet and Nutrition:Fact-Fad-Fallacy" at a meeting of theBerks County (Pa.) County Medical So­ciety. A consultant at Peter Bent BrighamHospital in Boston, Dr. Stare also servesas editor of Nutrition Reviews, a monthlymagazine. He writes "Food and YourHealth," a syndicated newspaper column,and is author of the book, Eating for GoodHealth.42William D. Grampp, AM'42, PhD'44,professor of economics at the Chicago Cir­cle Campus of the University of Illinois, isvisiting professor of economics at LakeForest (Ill.) College for the winter term.Mr. Grampp has taught in colleges anduniversities throughout the country.Gertrude Retzer, '42, inservice educationdirector at Union Memorial Hospital, Bal­timore, Maryland, has been named co­ordinator of a refresher program forinactive registered nurses in Maryland.Erving E. Beauregard, '42, was promotedto professor of history at the University ofDayton in September 1966. Evelyn Steinberg Smith, '42, president ofthe Upper Midwest Region of Hadassah,recently spoke at a Hadassah MembershipTea in Fargo, N.D. Mrs. Smith has servedas co-chairman of the Speakers Bureau forthe Women's Division of the United JewishFund and Council, and has been active inBonds for Israel, League of Women Vot­ers, Jewish Family Service, and the St.Paul Community Center.William Phelps Thompson, JD'42, anattorney from 'Wichita, Kan., has becomethe first layman to hold the post of StatedClerk of the United Presbyterian Churchof the United States.43William E. Reynolds, MD'43, nationalmedical director of the Arthritis Founda­tion, New York City, recently spoke on"Arthritis Treatment Centers" at the an­nual meeting of the Foundation's CentralPennsylvania Chapter. Prior to his ap­pointment with the Foundation, Dr. Rey­nolds was clinical professor of epidemiol­ogy at the University of California Schoolof Public Health.44June Helm, PhB'44, AM'49, PhD'58,has edited "Pioneers of American Anthro­pology: The Uses of Biography" (the Uni­versity of Washington Press), published inFebruary, 1967. The book is a collectionof essays which recount some of the waysin which dedicated men and women helpedestablish anthropology as a recognizeddiscipline. Miss Helm currently is profes­sor of anthropology at the University ofIowa and editor of the American Ethno­logical Society Monograph Series.45James F. Light, '45, AM'47, chairman ofthe English Department and Bernard Pro­fessor of English at the University ofBridgeport ( Conn.), taught a course in"Studies in Modern American Literature"as part of the fall Masters of Arts and Sci­ences program sponsored by the Green­wich (Conn.) Association for ChildhoodEducation. 46Evelyn M. Duvall, PhD' 46, noted authorof books for youngsters about the facts oflife, recently spoke on teenagers and thechanging needs of the family at the annualconference of the North Carolina FamilyLife Council.Lawrence Fisher, '46, JD'49, a partner inthe Chicago law firm of Fisher, Hassen andFisher, and counsel for the personnel se­curity board, Chicago operations office ofthe Atomic Energy Commission, has beenelected national vice president of the Fed­eral Bar Association for the 7th JudicialCircuit, an area which includes Illinois,Indiana, and Wisconsin.47Howard N. Gilbert, '47, a Chicago law­yer, recently spoke on the role of religionin education at an interfaith meeting heldin Wilmette, Ill. Mr. Gilbert is on thechurch-state committee of the AmericanCivil Liberties Union and is a board mem­ber of Mt. Sinai Hospital, Chicago, andof the Conference on Religion and Race.He also is chairman of the social actioncommittee of the Union of American He­brew Congregation.Peter Krehel, '47, JD'51, recently wasguest speaker at a joint meeting of theKiwanis and Rotary Clubs of Berwick, Pa.Mr. Krehel has visited Communist coun­tries several times on behalf of Americanswho have been detained by Communistgovernments.Bernard Steinzor, PhD'47, has joined thenewly-established program for Research inPsychiatric Sociology at Columbia Uni­versity's College of Physicians and Sur­geons. His book, The Healing Partnership:The Patient as Colleague in Psychother­apy, recently was published by Harper &Row.48Irving S. Bengelsdorf, SM'48, PhD'51,Los Angeles Times science editor, hasbeen selected by the American ChemicalSociety to receive its 1967 James T. Gradyaward in science writing. The award con­sists of a gold medal and a $1,000 prize.2749Robert H. Anderson, PhD'49, professorof education at Harvard University, re­cently served as a consultant for the ThirdAnnual Conference on Education, held inHoward County, Md. Mr. Anderson wasco-author of the report, "Toward 1975."Leroy G. Augenstein, '49, professor andchairman, Department of Biophysics,Michigan State University, recently servedas a key speaker for the Fall Term FacultyWeek held at Lansing (Mich.) CommunityCollege.John W. Buck, AM'49, superintendent ofthe Indiana Reformatory at Pendleton, re­cently served as a panelist for a discussionon "Problems in Character Education," apart of the convention of the Northeast Di­vision, Indiana State Teachers Association.50David K. Hardin, MBA' SO, president ofMarket Facts, Inc., an international mar­keting research organization, is author ofthe article, "A New Approach to TestMarketing," which appeared in the Octo­ber, 1966, issue of the Journal of Mar­keting.Robert Lindblom, 'SO, recently was ap­pointed Producting Geologist in the Ingle­wood district of the Southern Division ofStandard Oil of California. His headquar­ters are in LaHabra and Inglewood, Calif.Steven E. Mayer, SB'SO, has been pro­moted to professor of pharmacology atEmory University School of Medicine.George F. McFarland, AM'SO, has beenpromoted to professor of English at St.Lawrence University, effective for the1967-68 academic year. He joined the St.Lawrence faculty in 19S2.51Martin Gonterman, 'Sl, SM'SS, PhD'S8,associate professor of chemistry at theUniversity of Washington, and DeLyleEastwood, SM'S6, PhD'64, were marriedNovember 10, 1966, in Seattle. The cou­ple met at Harvard University where Mr.Gouterman was an assistant professor ofchemistry and Mrs. Gouterman was a post­doctoral fellow.28 Alice Wickens, AM'Sl, PhD'63, asso­ciate professor of education and directorof the reading clinic at Northwestern StateCollege, Alva, Okla., recently spoke at aconference on language arts sponsored bythe Oklahoma Education Association andthe Oklahoma Council of Teachers ofEnglish.53Thomas Wood, PhD'S3, a biophysiciston the faculty of the University of Pennsyl­vania, recently spoke at a Science Seminarheld at Cheltenham High School, Wyn­cote, Pa.J. Ward Wright, 'S3, JD'S6, of PortWashington, N.Y., is the new deputy di­rector of research for the Temporary StateCommission on the Constitutional Conven­tion. In his new position he is responsiblefor preparing research material and re­ports for delegates to the constitutionalconvention, which will convene in April inAlbany. Mr. Wright was deputy NassauCounty executive for administration.54John P. Buck, MBA'S4, has been namedPresident of Maremont Corporation's In­ternational Division. He formerly wasPresident of the firm's Automotive Group.In his new position Mr. Buck will be re­sponsible for domestic sales of originalequipment automotive products.Robert B. Fox, PhD'S4, chief anthro­pologist of the Philippine National Mu­seum, has been working with a PhilippineNational Museum expedition which hasuncovered material dating back SO,OOOyears. The discoveries have given clues tothe way of life of people who were movingbetween Borneo and the Philippines dur­ing the geological periods when the Philip­pines were linked by land bridges withBorneo and Asia.J. Morgan Kavanaugh, AM'S4, of Glen­coe, Ill., has been named Product Man­ager of UARCO, Inc., manufacturer ofbusiness forms. Mr. Kavanaugh, whopreviously was Communications Man­ager, will be responsible for developingthe Company's marketing program for aspecialized line of its products. Donald Bowry Douglas Fox55Yonah Alexander, AM'SS, associate pro­fessor of political science at the State Uni­versity of Oneonta, N.Y., is author of thebook, International Technical AssistanceExperts: A Case Study of the U.N. Experi­ence (Praeger). He also is head of the1967 summer session course to be held atHebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel,sponsored by the State University of NewYork, in cooperation with the Departmentof Education and Culture of the JewishAgency. Mr. Alexander has two forth­coming books: The International Problemof the Jordan River and Moshe Sharett:Israel's First Foreign Minister.57Donald W. Bowry, MBA'S7, colonel inthe u.S. Air Force, was decorated withthe U.S. Air Force Commendation Medalat Fuchu Air Station, Japan. He wasawarded the medal for meritorious servicewhile assigned as deputy system programdirector in the Strategic Air CommandControl System Program and as systemprogram director for the U.S. Strike Com­mand.Douglas A. Fox, AM' S7, assistant pro­fessor of religion at Colorado College, hasbeen appointed a Fellow of the Society forReligion in Higher Education. The fellow­ship will enable him to spend the forth­coming academic year in Japan, where heplans to do research on Mahayana Bud­dhist concepts of time and history.David Freifelder, 'S7, PhD'S9, and hiswife, Dorothy, recently celebrated thebirth of their first child, Rachel. Mr.Freifelder is a faculty member of theGraduate Department of Biochemistry atBrandeis University.57Lachlan P. MacDonald, AM'57, hasbeen named Director of Information Serv­ices for California State Polytechnic Col­lege, Pomona. He had been director of thecollege's news bureau, which is now in­corporated into the Office of InformationServices. Mr. MacDonald has been award­ed the Olga and Paul Menn CreativeWriting Prize of $1000, grants from theUniversity of New Hampshire, The Mac­Dowell Colony, and the University of Utahfor his articles, short stories, and poetry.He is currently contributing editor to TheHumanist, and was editor of the ChicagoReview while at U'C, Mr. MacDonaldlives in Claremont, Calif., with his wifeand their seven children.George E. Wellwarth, PhD'57, associateprofessor in the Department of Englishand the Program in Comparative Litera­ture at Pennsylvania State University, isco-founder and co-editor of Modern Inter­national Drama, a new journal devoted tothe publication of previously untranslateddrama.58Robert W. Gerwig, MBA'58, PhD'63, isthe new manager of petrochemical opera­tions for Continental Oil Company. Mr.Gerwig joined the firm in 1961, most re­cently serving as manager of new projectsand planning in the petrochemical depart­ment.59Donald L. Barnett, SM'59, has enteredthe Air University's Squadron OfficerSchool at Maxwell AFB, Ala. Barnett, aU.S. Air Force first lieutenant, will receive14 weeks of instruction at the senior USAFprofessional school in military leadership,management, and use of aerospace forces.Previously, he served as a computer math­ematician at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.Fritz W. Wanzenberg, MBA'58, has beenelected Vice-President of U.S. EconomicsCorporation. Mr. Wanzenberg will assistclients in long-range planning of manage­ment systems in production, maintenance,transportation, communications, market­ing, and finance. John G. Stewart, AM'59, Vice PresidentHubert Humphrey's domestic policy ad­visor, is one of ten fellows at Harvard'sInstitute of Politics. Mr. Stewart also is aPhD candidate at U'C.Duane M. Weise, MBA'59, is the newdirector of engineering for the GeneralElectric Broadcasting Company, Inc.,Schenectady, N.Y. Formerly he was di­rector of engineering and operations forthe Chicago Educational Television Asso­ciation.60Stanley Brois, PhD'60, has been nameda research associate in Esso Research andEngineering Company's Government Re­search Laboratory. He currently headsthe antiradiation drug synthesis programthere, which is sponsored by the WalterReed Army Institute of Research.Howard D. Clarke, MBS'60, has beenpromoted to lieutenant colonel in the U.S.Air Force. Clarke is chief of developmentengineering at the Air Force Plant Repre­sentative Office, Northrop Corp., Haw­thorne, Calif. He is also a member of theAir Force Systems Command, which man­ages all phases of acquisition of new aero­space systems.Richard W. DeKorte, JD'60, was select­ed as the Outstanding Citizen of 1966 bythe Franklin Lakes (N.J.) Jaycees. Mr.DeKorte serves as counsel to the FranklinLakes Board of Education and the Ra­mapo Regional District.William J. Fowler, MBA'60, is the newadministrator of Nan Travis MemorialHospital, Jacksonville, Texas. He previ­ously has served as assistant administratorof Parkland Hospital in Dallas, and ofIngalls Memorial Hospital in Harvey, Illi­nois.Katherine Gervais, AM'60, was marriedto Robert W. Trezevant in August, 1966.The couple is living in Philadelphia, whereMr. Trezevant is on the staff of the Ameri­can Friends Service Committee.Monroe G. McKay, JD'60, a Phoenixattorney formerly with the law firm ofLewis, Roca, Scoville, Beauchamp & Lin­ton, is now in Malawi, as associate Peace Corps director. Mr. McKay's wife andfour children are with him.Orville Nyblade, AM' 60, a missionaryfrom Tanzania, East Africa, recently wasguest speaker at a world mission festivalheld at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Tem­perance, Mich.Richard S. Wortman, AM'60, PhD'64, isin Moscow doing research on a phase ofeighteenth century legal problems in Czar­ist Russia. His first book, Crises in theRussian Populist Movement, is scheduledfor publication this spring by CambridgePress. With Mr. Wortman in Moscow ishis wife, the former Marlene Stein, AM'60, PhD'66.61Myron L. Ebersole, AM'61, DB'63, isthe new chaplain at Lancaster (Pa.) Gen­eral Hospital. A Mennonite minister, Rev­erend Ebersole formerly was associatechaplain at the Indiana University Medi­cal Center at Indianapolis.Dennis D. Mendel, '61, has been ap­pointed attorney in the Law Division ofBeneficial Standard Life Insurance Com­pany, Los Angeles. He formerly was withthe L.A. law firm of Coskey and Coskey.Stephen A. Schiller, JD'61, a Chicagolawyer, is now assistant professor of crimi­nal justice in the College of Liberal Artsand Sciences, University of Illinois/ Chi­cago Circle.62Sally Frisbie Hacker, '62, AM'65, hasbeen appointed a research associate atBaylor University College of Medicine,Houston, to study an interdisciplinary re­search team which is investigating mentalhealth problems of the aged. She also is anInstructor in Sociology in the Departmentof Psychiatry at Baylor.John L. Parker, MBA'62, a patent lawyerwith the firm of Wolfe, Hubbard, Voit andOsann in Chicago, has been appointed tothe diocesan board of education. The nine­member board will be responsible for thedirection of the educational program spon­sored by the diocese in seven Illinoiscounties.29Arthur J. Ruberg, MBA'62, a Captain inthe U.S. Air Force, has received the AirForce Commendation Medal for outstand­ing professional skill and initiative.George E. Swick, MBA'62, a Major inthe U.S. Air Force, has received the AirForce Commendation Medal for meritori­ous service as a management engineeringofficer at Tenth Air Force, Richards­Gebaur AFB, Mo.63Patrick E. Palmer, '63, an astronomerassociated with Harvard University, is oneof four scientists credited with detectingradio emissions from cosmic helium. Arecent issue of an astronomy magazine,Sky and Telescope, said the discovery"establishes the first detection of helium atradio astronomical wavelengths, permit­ting a new approach to the problem of therelative abundance of helium to hydrogenin the galaxy."Edna E. Raphael, PhD'63, a former sen­ior research associate at the Institute forJuvenile Research, Chicago, is now associ­ate professor of labor studies and soci­ology at The Pennsylvania State Univer­sity.J. Timothy Ritchie, JD'63, has beenelected Assistant Attorney of The North­ern Trust Company, Chicago. Mr. Ritchiejoined the bank's Legal Department in1963.Douglas O. Rosenberg, '63, a Lieutenantin the U.S. Army and a Vietnam veteran,recently was guest speaker at a luncheonmeeting of the Indianapolis Junior Cham­ber of Commerce. Lt. Rosenberg is ad­ministrative assistant to the ExecutiveOfficer at the U.S. Army Hospital, FortHarrison, Ind.Robert S. Rosenberg, '63, MBA'64, ofRiverdale, N.Y., has been appointed anassistant product manager in the householdproducts division of Lever Brothers Co.James C. Steger, MBA'63, a Major in theU.S. Air Force, has received the Air ForceCommendation Medal for outstandingachievement as a physicist with theenvironmental sciences division, Office ofAerospace Research, Arlington, Va.30 Michael Berkes Terry HuffArthur H. Winer, MFA'63, has joinedthe faculty of Marietta College (Ohio) asinstructor in art. He formerly taught atRock Valley College.64William J. Adelman, AM'64, is cur­rently a visiting instructor, University ofIllinois Division of University Extensionand Institute of Labor and Industrial Re­lations. Mr. Adelman has been a socialscience instructor at Morton High Schooland Junior College, Cicero, Ill. He isPresident of Local 571, West SuburbanTeachers Union.Michael Berkes, MBA'64, has beennamed director of market developmentfor Baxter International, a division ofBaxter Laboratories, Inc. Berkes formerlywas associated with Fry Consultants, Inc.John H. Betjemann, MBA'64, has beenappointed an Assistant Superintendent atThe University of Chicago Hospitals andClinics. Betjemann is responsible for theadministration of the new Silvain andArma Wyler Children's Hospital. He hasbeen on the Hospitals and Clinics staffsince 1964.Glen G. Cain, PhD'64, is the author ofMarried Women in the Labor Force (UCPress), an economic study which is alsoa step toward an explanation of the socialbehavior of an important segment of thenation's labor force.Jerome Eisenfeld, SM'64, PhD'66, is anassistant professor in the School of Scienceat Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.Gary F. Hoffman, MD'65, a Captain inthe U.S. Air Force, is a member of the firsttactical fighter unit to operate from the AirForce's newest base in Vietnam, Tuy Hoa,located 230 miles northeast of Saigon. Terry Huff, SM'64, joined Baytown Re­search and Development Division, Bay­town, Texas, on January 1, 1967, and hasbeen assigned to the Plastic ProductsSection.Richard G. Kinney, JD,64, is now prac­ticing patent, trademark, and unfair com­petition law with the Chicago firm ofGradolph, Love, Rogers & Van Scriever.Bernard Jerome Ransil, MD'64, is nowa research associate in medicine for theHarvard Medical School. He is associatedwith the Boston City Hospital.James S. Rudnick, JD'64, an attorneyformerly with the firm of Rusnak, Deutsch& Gilbert, is now assistant to the vice presi­dent of Arthur Rubloff & Co.65Roger H. Bowen, MBA'65, has been ap­pointed to the newly created position ofFinancial Planning & Project Manager ofSfatistical Tabulating Corporation in Chi­cago.Thomas Mulvihill, MBA'65, has beennamed supervisor of budget control andprofit analysis for the Morton; Ill., office ofTuloma Gas Products Company, a sub­sidiary of Standard Oil Company. Mr.Mulvihill formerly was a senior analyst inthe firm's Tulsa office.Joseph L. Nelson, MBA'65, is the newdirector of design and development forNewell Manufacturing Company, Free­port, III.66Sol H. Pelavin, '66, is teaching math­ematics at New Trier High School East,Winnetka, Ill.Howard W. Smith, MBA'66, is the newcomptroller for Kendall College, Win­netka, Ill. Mr. Smith had been businessmanager of Illinois Teachers CollegeSouth since 1964.Bernard J. Witczak, MBA'66, managerof engineering and production services forthe International Division of Imperial­Eastman Corporation, Chicago, spent thelatter half of July, 1966, in Tokyo, Japan,setting up international arrangements withImperial-Eastman's Japanese affiliate,Bridgestone Imperial Eastman.tnrntorialsHarold C. Clifford, , 11, of HighlandPark, Ill., died Oct. 13, 1966.Merrill Wells, '12, MD'14 (Rush) ofGrand Rapids, Mich., died Dec. 23, 1966.Ross Waldo Bates, JD'13, of San Fran­cisco, died Feb. 7, 1967.Grace Gunderson Schmidt, '13, ofMiami, Fla., has died.A. C. Macdonald, MD'14 (Rush), ofValley City, N.D., died in November,1966.Lillian A. Wells, '14, of New York City,died Apr. 23, 1966.John Wesley Elliott, AM' 17, died on Jan.23, 1967, in Utica, N.Y.John L. Foust, '17, of Owensboro, Ky.,died Jan. 10, 1965.Wilson P. Watkins, AM'17, of Orlando,Fla., died Dec. 10, 1966.Paul E. Whitmer, AM'17, died Aug. 12,1966.Mrs. John D. Lyding (Mercedes Jones,'19) died Oct. 7, 1965.Otto W. Snarr, AM'19, PhD'41, formerpresident of Moorhead (Minn.) State Col­lege, died Nov. 21, 1966, in Romney,W. Va.Archie I. Bernstein, '20, JD'22, a federalattorney in the legal division of the Hous­ing and Urban Development Departmentin Chicago, died Nov. 15, 1966.DeWitt S. Crow, JD'20, died Sept. 19,1966.Kristbjorn S. Eymundson, MD'20(Rush), of San Francisco, Calif., died in1966.H. Warren F. Helmershausen, PhB'20,died Dec. 28, 1966.Einar Joranson, PhD'20, a former UCprofessor, died Dec. 29, 1966, in Omaha,Neb.John F. Lyons, AM'20, of Evanston, III.,died Nov. 5, 1966.Hope Sherman, PhB'20, died Jan. 22,1967.Floyd G. Dana, '21, chairman of theChicago Regional Port District Authority,died in February, 1967. His wife is theformer Mabel Kiser, X'22.Robert P. Gordon, '21, of Oak Brook,Ill., died Nov. 24, 1966. Rosa Lea Jackson, AM'22, PhD'28, diedin' January, 1967, in Selma, Ala.E. R. Jennings, Jr., X'22, died Feb. 14,1967.Ernest W. Lampe MD'22 (Rush), sur­geon and clinical professor emeritus ofanatomy at Cornell University MedicalCollege, died Oct. 19, 1966.William A. Nudelman, '29, executive di­rector of the Anshe Emet Synagogue, PineGrove, Ill., died, Nov. 26, 1966.W. Whitfield Wilcox, '24, of West DesMoines, Iowa, died Dec. 11, 1966, inHardy, Ark. His wife is the former EmmaBollongiuo, '23.William E. Britt, AM'26, died Dec. 15,1966.Henry D. Hinton, SM'26, died Nov. 30,1966.Fred Tuerk, PhB'26, former Chicago in­vestment banker and governor of the oldChicago Stock exchange has died.Corona R. Cook, AM'27, died Jan. 1,1967.Faith Gamble, SM'27, retired highschool biology teacher, died Feb. 3, 1967.Eric O. May, AM'27, died in May, 1965.Allan C. Williams, '27, SM'29, of Chi­cago, has died.William C. Young, PhD'27, died Aug.30, 1965.Margaret Pitkin Bainbridge, PhD'28,died Jan. 7, 1967, in Watertown, Mass.Laurence F. Arnold, X'29, a former U.S.Congressman, died Dec. 6, 1966, in N ew­ton, Ill.Cecil A. Caplow, JD'29, a Chicago at­torney, died Feb. 4, 1965, in Los Angeles.Charles F. Cutter, '29, resident vicepresident in charge of the Chicago officeof Clark, Dodge & Co., died Jan. 18, 1967.Mr. Cutter headed the Chicago area drivefor the UC Alumni Fund last year. He isa former member of the Chicago CrimeCommission, and former chairman of theCook County March of Dimes.Fred J. Ericson, AM'29, PhD'40, pro­fessor of history and social sciences atEastern Michigan University, died Dec.21, 1966. Herbert F. Zorn ow, PhB'29, JD'31, hasdied.Melvin A. Clevett, '30, AM'33, died Oct.15, 1966.Dorothy Tyler Reed, '31, died Dec. 9,1966.Hayden B. Wingate, '31, western adver­tising manager for Outdoor Life magazine,died Feb. 1, 1967.Osborne Booth, X'32, died July 12, 1966.Chester W. Laing, PhB'32, chairman ofthe board of John Nuveen & Co., Inc.,died Feb. 13, 1967. Mr. Laing was a 1955citee and an active Alumni Fund leader.Robert C. Lee, '34, MBA'51, vice presi­dent of the Chicago Title and Trust Co.,died Jan. 30, 1967.Emanuel Marcus, '34, PhD'37, MD'42,of Hammond, Ind., died Dec. 28,1966.Olga Beeks, '36, of Chicago, died inJanuary, 1967.Eva M. Newman, PhD'36, professoremeritus and chairman of the Departmentof Greek at The College of Wooster(Ohio), has died.Guy J. Wright, PhD'36, of Eugene, Ore.,died Nov. 15, 1965.Glenn H. Johnson, AM'37, a San Fran­cisco social worker, died Dec. 25, 1966.Morris C. Ellman, AM'38, of Chicago,died Jan. 9, 1967.Mrs. Jim J. Chiles, AM'39, of San An­tonio, Texas, has died.Myrtle E. Creaser, SM'39, of Alma,Mich., died Nov. 12, 1966.Mrs. Jasper H. Searce (Ruth Tupes, '39)died in December, 1965.Robert W. Kasling, SM' 40, professor ofgeography at Fredonia State College, diedDec. 27, 1966.Boris A. Jacobson, PhD'47, professor atthe University of Washington and inter­nationally known authority on theoreticalphysics, died Dec. 27,1966.Janet Gail Wolfson, AM'58, died Sept.24, 1966.Kingsley B. Brennan, '61, SM'65, anIndiana air national guard officer diedFeb. 7, 1967.John R. Snowday, '62, died June 24,1963, at Fort Knox, Ky.31UNIVERSITYCALENDARApril 14-16Theatre: "Minna von Barnhelm" by Les­sing. A new translation by Kenneth North­cott, directed by Andrew Harris. Presentedby University Theatre, 8: 30 PM.April 16Recital: Easley Blackwood will performworks by Perkins, Wuorinen, Boulez, andhis own Three Short Fantasies. MandelHall, 8: 30 PM.April 16-19Debate Tournament: Teams from 38 col-32 leges and universities will participate. TheCenter for Continuing Education and IdaNoyes Hall.April 17"An Evening with Second City." Spon­sored by Student Government. Admission$2.25 reg., $1.25 student. Mandel Hall,8:00 PM.April 18Lecture: "The Post-Industrial Society:Will the Technocrats Form the New Rul­ing Class?" by Daniel Bell, visiting pro­fessor of Sociology. Sponsored by StudentGovernment. Mandel Hall, 8: 00 PM.April 20Films: "Daybreak Express," "Magic ofMelies," "I Am a Litter Basket," and "Be­tween Two Worlds." Presented by B-JCinema. Judson Dining Room, 9:00 PM.April 21Chamber Music Series: New York StringSextet. Mandel Hall, 8: 30 PM.April 23Lecture: Hannah Arendt, sponsored byStudent Government. Mandel Hall, 8: 00PM.Concert: Handel's "Solomon," by theRockefeller Chapel Choir and members ofthe Chicago Symphony Orchestra underthe direction of Richard Vikstrom. Tick­ets: $4.50, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50. Rocke­feller Memorial Chapel, 3: 30 PM.April 27Lecture: Stan Lee, editor of MarvelComics. Sponsored by Student Govern­ment. Admission: $0.50, Ida Noyes Hall,4:00 PM.Films: "The Bespoke Overcoat," anadaptation of a Yiddish folktale, plus twoshorts: "Playstreet" and "Paris Flash."Presented by B-J Cinema. Judson DiningRoom, 9:00 PM.April2SLecture: "American Artists and TheirAudiences" by Norman Miller. Tickets:$1.00; free to students in the Fine ArtsProgram. Downtown Center, 8: 00 PM. May 2Concert: Contemporary Chamber Play­ers. Mandel Hall, 8: 30 PM.May 3-5Business Economists' Conference at theCenter for Continuing Education. Spon­sored by Graduate School of Business.May 4Lecture: Aaron Copland, composer.Sponsored by Student Government. Ad­mission $2.00 reg., $0.75 student. Breast­ed Hall, 8:00 PM.Films: "San Pietro" plus two shorts:"Orange and Blue" and "The Emperor'sNew Clothes." Presented by B-J Cinema.Judson Dining Room, 9: 00 PM.May 7Concert: Haydn's "Harmoniemesse,""N ativity" by Virgil Tomson (premiereperformance), and Poulenc's "Organ Con­certo." Rockefeller Chapel Choir, EdwardMondello, University Organist, and mem­bers of the Chicago Symphony Orchestraunder the direction of Richard Vikstrom.Tickets: $4.50, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50.Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, 3: 30 PM.MaySLecture: Tom Clark, Justice of the Unit­ed States Supreme Court. Sponsored byStudent Government. Law School Audi­torium, 2: 30 PM.May 11Films: HUAC's "Operation Abolition"and its opponent, "Operation Correction."Presented by B-J Cinema. Judson DiningRoom, 9:00 PM.May 12Lecture: "Primary Forms and UltimateArt" by Joshua C. Taylor. Tickets: $1.00;free to students in the Fine Arts Program.Downtown Center, 8: 00 PM.May 12-14Shakespeare's "Richard III," directed byJames O'Reilly. Presented by UniversityTheatre. Mandel Hall, 8:30 PM.A unique water-color engravingof The University of Chicago campusSometime around 1919, artist Richard Rummell did anengraving of the University campus, made from a perspec­tive 300 feet above the western end of the Midway.The original copper plate, in perfect condition, was re­cently found by an art dealer in an eastern warehouse, andrestrikes have been made available to the Alumni Associa­tion, to be offered to Chicago alumni.The Chicago engraving, measuring 15 by 22 inches, isbeautifully hand-colored in soft hues with fine importedwater colors. It is available either unframed or handsomelymatted with ivory vellum in an antique gold and blackframe, 26 x 37 inches overall. A folder describing thebuildings represented, prepared by the University Archi­vist, accompanies each engraving.The Chicago engraving makes a distinctive gift, a taste­ful, authentic work whose historical interest will be furtherenhanced as the University grows. 1-----------------------1I The University of Chicago Alumni Association II 5733 University Avenue II Chicago, Illinois 6U637 II II Please send me _ framed engravings at $55.00 each II II Please send me - unframed engravings at $25.00 ea.III Name ___: Address _IIIIIIIL _Please make your check payable to The University ofChicago Alumni Association. Engravings will beshipped directly from the dealer, express collect.IID�$u (��®�� Wthe notebooks !oriZn.� �OO� �llB��lUtlg Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskygave the SovietState Archivesa white tin case ...... containing 15 notebooksfor Dostoevsky's novels.In 1921 the case wasopened ... now the first three havebeen translated into EnglishThe Notebooks forCRIMEondPUNISHMENTFyodor Dostoeushyedited and translatedby Edward Wasioleh Written during the lonely and exultant moments of the creativeprocess, these working notebooks record the unfolding of Crimeand Punishment. Here is the embryo of the novel: Dostoevsky'sintentions, trials, mistakes, and uncertainties. Characters evolveand change. Plans, actions, and scenes are written and thendiscarded as the novel develops. Characterizations and points leftobscure in this novel are clarified once and for all by this intensedialogue between the author and his work. The Notebooks presenta fascinating glimpse of Dostoevsky's imagination and thecreative process. $6.95UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESSChicago and London In Canada: University of Toronto Press