The University of-Chicago•magazme '.. I.' March 1967.".....Saturday Seminars for High School StudentsThe University of ChicagomagazineVolume LlX Number 6March 1967Published since 1907 byTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPhilip C. White, '35, PhD'38PresidentC. Ranlet LincolnDirector of Alumni AffairsConrad KulawasEditorTHE ALUMNI FUNDJohn R. Womer, '35ChairmanHarry ShollDirectorREGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES.Eastern Office39 West 55 StreetNew York, New York 10019(212) 757-1473Marie Stephens3600 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1510Los Angeles, California 90005(213) 387-2321(Mrs.) Marianne Nelson485 Pacific AvenueSan Francisco, California 94133(415) 433-4050The University of ChicagoAlumni Association5733 University AvenueChicago, Illinois 60637(312) 643-0800 ext. 4291.Annual subscriptions, $5.00.Second-class postage paid atChicago, Illinois.All rights reserved. Copyright t 967 byThe University of Chicago Magazine. ARTICLES2 A Psychiatrist Comments on LSDDaniel X. Freedman8 The Saturday SeminarsUnique humanities program for high school students12 Negro Freedom, Equality, and ResponsibilityHenry W. McGeeDEPARTMENTS17 Profiles18 Quadrangle News21 Faculty and Staff22 Sportshorts24 Club News25 Alumni News31 Memorials32 University CalendarThe University of Chicago Magazine is published monthly, October through June, by the Alumni Association for alumni and the University faculty. Editorial contributions are welcomed.Front Cover: A high school student visiting the Oriental Institute, November 12, for theSaturday Seminar program on Galileo (see story on pages 8-11).Inside Cover: A winter view of Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, after the January snowstorm.Photography Credits: Front cover, inside cover, and pages 5, 8-11, and 20 by Stan Karter;page 17 by Ron Chamberlain; page 24 by Cody Pfanstiehl; page 19 by UC.Dr. Daniel X. Freedman is Professor and Chairman oj theUniversity's Department of Psychiatry and an authority onpsychopharmacology. This article is the text of Dr. Freedman's statement to Sen. Robert F. Kennedy at a hearing ofthe Senate Sub-Committee on Government Operations inMay, 1966. References to students in the statement pertain to Yale University, where Dr. Freedman was Professorof Psychiatry before joining The University of Chicagofaculty on July 1, 1966.A Psychiatrist Comments on LSDDaniel X. FreedmanDr. Freedman: Senator Kennedy, the current atmosphere,both of sensationalism and of warranted concern, aboutthe abuse of LSD masks the importance of the use of thedrug as a basic and applied research tool. In order tochange this atmosphere and advance new knowledge, thoseinvolved-in government, the universities, hospitals, thepharmaceutical industry, and the press-will now have toexamine these questions dispassionately and in an atmosphere of trust.Our present need is to convert alarm about the use andabuse of LSD into the intention to support informed andeffective study. There is every reason to believe that byasking the right questions in the right places and in theright way we can understand more about how the drug isabused, who is abusing it, and the scope of this problem.We can thereby arrive at a balanced view with selectiveand specific recommendations for an appropriate response.There are good reasons to recommend that the legal andbureaucratic reaction to the abuse of the drug be selective rather than rash. When legal restrictions are inapplicable and over-encumbered, true control is ineffectiveand we risk the loss of new knowledge and new thera-2peutic applications. Excessive punitive and legal measuresimpair the willingness of scientists to engage at the frontiers of knowledge.Can public health be advanced when frightened ignorancesubstitutes for an understanding support of scientific investigation? Such support also is required by scientistsemployed by government. Those charged with both fostering and safeguarding research cannot function wisely oreffectively if they face misunderstanding and hysteria atevery turn.In today's complex society the medical profession, thebehavioral sciences, and pharmaceutical concerns shouldbe more-not less-involved with establishing the appropriate safeguards for clinical investigation and withstudying the problems of drug abuse. We have, for example, gained little in the control of narcotics and marijuana simply by a policing approach. A collaborationamong experts is likely to be more effective, and this wouldapply not only to narcotics control, but to a wide range ofthe activities of the Food and Drug Administration andother agencies related to science and health.LSD is an important research tool in psychiatry andwould be so even if it had no potential therapeutic effects.The evaluation of the therapeutic effects of psychoactivedrugs takes time. It requires an appropriate setting andsomething more than a medical degree. It takes the skillwhich we have developed in this country in the last thirtyyears in the general area of clinical investigations, coupledwith skill in the analysis of behavior. This is an area weknow as clinical pharmacology.We also need to know what the drug reveals basicallyabout behavior-about how the mind is built, so to speak,and how it functions. For this, LSD is one of a range oftools that the behavioral scientist can use.What is often overlooked and what is very important isWhat the drug reveals about how the chemistry of brainis-and is not-related to behavior. LSD-25 is closely related to substances normally found in micro-quantities inthe brain-and micro-quantities of LSD produce highlypotent effects. Most of the potent drugs used in psychiatry-including LSD-have recently been found to affect thesesubstances in the brain in different ways.Over the past ten years in work at the National Instituteof Mental Health and the National Heart Institute, as well as from various university laboratories, we have learned agreat deal about these chemicals in the brain. Within thenext ten years it seems safe to predict that we will learnmuch more about how various kinds of chemical and psychological stresses affect quite different biochemical systems in the brain .. We know of drugs which produce anodd mental state quite different from that produced byLSD; these drugs in turn affect quite different chemicalsystems. Accordingly a drug such as LSD offers a rarechance to gain a uniquely tangible grip upon the problemof how the biochemistry of the brain is related to a specifickind of altered mental state.This is one of several ways by which scientists canachieve a quite precise and basic understanding of howthe control of body chemistry and brain function is relatedto behavior, to the formation or intensity of mental symptoms, to phenomena such as hallucinations, and to statesof normal and illusory well being. While we have knownfor a long time that behavior cannot be explained solelyby an understanding of chemistry, we are far readier toknow what part chemistry does play in disordered behaviorand when in a given disorder changes in brain chemistryare important. Our precision in treatment will gain by thiskind of basic knowledge.The reaction produced by the drug is marked by aheightened and vivid awareness, but a diminished controlover what is seen and thought and felt. The drug producesan intensely vivid experience in which the normal constraints of logic are often surrendered. It clearly does notenhance one's ability to judge and weigh what is experienced. Further, the same person can react .quite differentlyto the drug .experience depending on dosage and circumstances. It is precisely because judgment is impaired andnot enhanced and because control can__ .be unpredictable,diminished, or lost that some kind of reliable support andcontrol should be provided during the course of the drugexperience and following it.Weare normally quite unaware of what keeps us feelinglike ourselves and in touch with our familiar world. Witha drug such as this, familiar stimuli and thoughts suddenlyappear quite novel-s-at the best, unique and exalting, andat the worst, confusing and terrifying.Now in psychiatry we can recognize this basic fluid stateof dyscontrol and altered awareness as a condition out of3which a number of secondary reactions will follow. Thesemay be exalted and mystical states, mentally disorderedstates, or states in which new views of old and habitualexperience can be arrived at.Of course it is one thing to see the past and future clearlyas in a dream. I think the current song is that one clearday you will see forever. But it is quite another to put suchinsights into effect. The self knowledge which some peopleappear to arrive at under the drug can be quite illusory,giving them the delusion that they have solved problems.Such people can replace good judgment with wishfulthinking even long after the drug has worn off.For others, the drug experience may be a beginning, andthis, of course, is why the drug is being carefully tested incertain difficult therapeutic problems. Most persons canuse help in order to weave together the disparate and novelthreads of experience exposed during the drug state. Forall of these reasons it is not surprising that in skilled handsthe drug can' and has been employed for over fifteen yearswith relative safety as an investigational tool in enhancingnew learning. Continuing studies will reveal the limits,dangers, and the appropriate cases-if any-in which itmight be generally used.Five or ten years ago, a few over-enthusiastic physicianspromised that this wo�ld be a shortcut involving little workor effort on the part of the patient or doctor. This has notbeen borne out. In general we have enough knowledge inpsychiatry to know that many faddish shortcuts to solidand good learning can be quite deceptive. It is one thingto find efficient ways to overcome difficult obstacles intherapy, and quite another to promise shortcuts which, infact, shortchange the patient.The first abuses encountered with this drug were the unrestrained enthusiasm of a few misguided physicians. Thiswas corrected by constraints imposed by the medical community, such as editorials and articles by the grant reviewmechanisms of the National Institutes of Health and thecollaboration of the Sandoz Company with these procedures. Most of the abuses which receive current publicity were predictable and quite apparent three or fouryears ago. We knew that the drug was used by certainnative cults to bind individuals to the group. We knew bothfrom the drug abusers and from various non-drug psychosesthat this kind of experience was apt to be more vivid than4 useful. And we knew that when unselected or unstablepersons-and even certain stable persons-took the drug,adverse reactions of varying degree could occur. AnyAmerican professor could have known this. The data wereavailable.Those who play the role of the pied piper of LSD, whopeddle a pill as a philosophical panacea to young peoplewho are looking for guides to their future, those salesmendid not have to take any responsible concern for the persons who have had unfortunate reactions: this is a matterfor their judgment and conscience. They should not mislead us as to the values and scientific questions raised bythe drug, the experience it induces, and the chemistry andphysiology by which it acts. It is interesting that Europeanshave not in the past reported much abuse of LSD, nor arethey subject to sensationalism in the press about it. Clearlyour problem does not lie in the dangers of addiction, butrather in gullibility, over-enthusiasm, and irresponsiblesalesmanship.We have tried to assess the scope of abuse of this drugamong students, and here we need more research. We haveseen two or three very serious adverse reactions a year,generally in students who were already emotionally disturbed. But there' were a few-ten to twelve--more youngpeople who became quite upset by their unsupervised drugexperiences and needed treatment or guidance. 'Some, however, have not been upset. The problem in general appearsto be spotty-practically non-existent' in many schoolsand there is a certain quality of a fad. In past years wehave been aware of a number of fads involving differenteasily available substances used to produce new experiences.LSD is not a drug which people commit crimes to possess; it is simply a dangerous, unreliable drug for nonprofessionals to experiment with-like driving a car athigh speed without seat belts and brakes. In fact, experienced drug abusers-narcotics addicts-report its unreliable effects and usually tend to avoid the drug after anexperience. Some of the users-and these appear to beless than one per cent of most student populations, far lessthan those who abuse alcohol-seem to be rebelling orshowing off.The majority I have seen are not repeaters. Others seemto us to be quite capable young persons but dissatisfiedand unsure of themselves: they attempt to use the drug as_____________________________________D_a_nl_·e_IX__._F_re�e_dm an a kind of "emotional fitness" test, analogous to physicalfitness. They do not know that psychiatrists have not beenable to employ the drug successfully in order to predictthe emotional strength or fitness of their patients. By andlarge, then, we have not found a vicious nor depravedgroup, but rather an unwise group, a curious group, andan unstable, potentially sick group of student abusers.If I were to advise means of control at the present time,I believe we should pursue further research into the scenesand motives for drug-taking in college youth; we also mayhave to examine our lack of appropriate response to theirneeds. I believe that the drug should be handled--as aremany drugs of different but greater danger--under theDrug Abuse Control Act of 1965. There are other moresalient measures that can be taken. The real sources ofsupply should be tracked. I do not think it is impossible tonegotiate directly with foreign countries to see what meansof control they would exert over the distribution of thebasic compound.Finally, I want to point out that, in the proper hands,research with this drug has been quite safe. It has beencarried on from time to time at the National Institutes ofHealth since the early 1950's and in Europe in variousclinics and hospitals. Until the recent batch of sensationalarticles, the Sandoz Company--which had done muchgood and original basic research and scholarly work-supplied LSD only to grantees after state or federal review.It seems understandable that when a drug offers no commercial advantage and many irritating and legal risks, andthat when it can be feared that uninformed governmentagents or unhappy investigators will harass rather thansupport the company, that the burden for supply of scientific materials will not be handled solely by the privatesector.All. the old supplies are now lodged in the National Institute of Mental Health, but we are still faced with theresponsibility of appropriate manufactured supply and distribution. We don't know who is to handle the drug, howthe legal problem will be handled. Sensationalism hasprobably helped postpone the settling of the issue, and Idon't think the agencies have gotten together. Investigatorsare confused as to where the source of supply will becoming from.The reason that there has been general confidence by the5scientific community in the actrvrties of governmentagencies such as NIH lies in part in the fact that in the pastgrant-givers and the grant-getters were continuously educating each other. Accordingly, policies tended to be intune with needs and research has been fostered. It hasbeen fostered in the biological sciences in this countryperhaps as nowhere else in history. This is a regulation bymutual consent and information. Within medicine itselfthe growing expertise in clinical pharmacology and clinicalinvestigation where drug trials are conducted in supervised settings, subject to internal as well as external review, also poses genuine constraints upon the abuse ofdrugs.Speaking generally now, I think we have to be sure thatour policing and regulatory agencies are obliged to receiveand respond to information from those who do researchand those who have ultimate responsibility for the patient.Such agencies must be so set up as to be able to involve the very best of continuing review and advice. Theyshould be charged if not with the job of fostering newknowledge, as is the NIH, then certainly with the obligation not to retard it. It seems to me that the flexibilitywhich the appropriate practice of medicine requires canbe impaired. by rigidly legislated regulations. Many newand useful drugs can and will be lost by scientifically useless regulations.Absolutely no drug-new or old-is without risk forcertain patients, and no good doctor prescribes withoutweighing the matter. Given these intense hopes and fears,sensationalism and rashness can from time to time be expected around the issue of drugs-both in and out ofgovernment.Accordingly, I would hope this committee would encourage continuous review and information from allresponsible parties in order to arrive at recommendationsfor the larger problems of drug research and safety.Sen. Kennedy: Thank you very much, Dr. Freedman.That is a very helpful statement. As we consider this problem, it will be most useful.May I go back over some of these matters in a little moredetail? There is the problem of young people or studentsafter the campaign that was conducted regarding the useof LSD . . . As you point out, some students did turn toLSD. What would you suggest as an appropriate program6 to try to deal with this problem in the future-not only inconnection with LSD but in connection with some of theother drugs you touched upon that would have an effecton the mind?Dr. Freedman: In part I would like to see what kind ofprogram does work. That means some research. Whatseems to be most effective is to get into conversationswith these people so that they will ask us experts, listen tous, and not simply be told.If you say that this is a bad drug, that this is dangerous,some people want to find out what is behind that. Accordingly, what we have done quite informally is to let thestudents who are interested come to see us. We have talkedto a few of the house masters, people who are in touchwith the students, helped them to be more firm and clearabout the danger in the use of the drug. In this sense Ithink that even some of the repeated users have begun tohave some faith that the adults are not just out to deprivethem of a good deal.Sen. Kennedy: You feel that effort has been effective?Dr. Freedman: I think it may be effective.Sen. Kennedy: I gather, therefore, that you would beopposed to applying criminal sanctions to those who use it?Dr. Freedman: Senator Kennedy, some of the people whotake the drug are going to be excellent citizens. It reallywould be a pity for this kind of folly-that these peopleshould be labeled criminal for the rest of their lives. Ithink we should avoid that if we can.Sen. Kennedy: Do you think that there is a problem aboutthe legitimate sources for LSD, in view of the articles anddiscussions that have taken place recently?Dr. Freedman: Yes. I would say practically every investigator working with the drug has been worried. It may bethat there need be no worry, but there is no agency thatyou can call, such as the FDA, and find out what shouldI, an investigator with LSD in animals, do. The problemis in limbo at the moment.Sen. Kennedy: We received a notification this morningfrom Sandoz Company that said, in view of these hearings. . . that there is a legitimate use for LSD . . . They arewilling now to resume the production of the drug. Theywill supply the LSD, however, only to government agencieshere in the United States. The production will take placein Switzerland. If they are requested to do so by U.S.agencies, they are willing to supply LSD to legitimate researchers and to the government agencies.Dr. Freedman: If I may say so, that is good news, andit shows what can happen when government and the publicsupport scientists. I am glad to hear the supply will beproperly available.Sen. Kennedy: ... Again I think we must emphasize thefact that we are not in favor of the irresponsible produc-tion of LSD . . . -In your judgment has enough investigation been done inconnection with LSD?Dr. Freedman: No, not enough investigation has beendone. The problem has been not to find people who arewilling to use the drug, but to find enough trained peopleWho will give us scientific information when they use thedrug.I think there are a number of projects at the momentgoing on that are quite interesting and will be quite important. I think as long as scientists feel this is a good thingto do, as long as they are not harassed as being passers ofLSD to students, as was hinted at one time, I think we canpromote more research. Certainly at the basic science level,this is going to· be very important.Sen. Kennedy: Why, when there were warnings aboutLSD five or eight years ago, was more not done in orderto protect the general public?Dr. Freedman: A lot was done in fact. Part of what somepeople are angry about is that the grant review mechanismand the Sandoz Company worked together in a very constructive way to be sure that the drug was investigated byonly those who were responsible investigators. It seems tome that the National Institutes of Health have fosteredresearch, but it does not look as if it is so much since thereare very few investigators willing and able at the momentto do it.I think we knew that there were troubles and the firststep that was taken was to be careful about whom thedrug was given to. This was an appropriate response atthat time. This is when brakes got put on as to who wouldbe receiving the drug.Sen. Kennedy: We really don't have any good information, do we, about why people turn to LSD and what kindof people they are?Dr. Freedman: Exactly. This is part of the problem on which research is needed.Sen. Kennedy: Why was more not done?Dr. Freedman: At that time? I don't think that the problem was that apparent in a broad sense.Sen. Kennedy: Do you feel it will be a bigger and biggerproblem as some of the other drugs come to the fore?Dr. Freedman: This will be a bigger problem for a whilebecause of the fad quality of it. I think that may taperdown. There has been research on drug abusers. Thereneeds to be a good deal more. What I welcome is the factthat in the last two or three years researchers have beenencouraged to work in the area of drug abuse.Sen. Kennedy: Have you read the statement that Dr.Leary was going to present to the committee?Dr. Freedman: Yes, sir.Sen. Kennedy: Do you have any comments on it? ...Dr. Freedman: Dr. Leary seems-I don't know whetherI am going, to have to take LSD to quote him or not-Ithink what he means is that we should stop using LSD.He is calling for a. moratorium. I am glad. I think he hassaid . irr the statement that it is not a good thing for the laityto be experimenting with, and I am glad to hear him saythat. .Whether he really is convinced he knows the answersin advance of research, I don't know. What I would liketo see him do is be a little more skeptical and less enthusiastic. He still is enthusiastic in that statement he leftwith you.Sen. Kennedy: I am going to have the statement placedin the record. . . .Sen. Simpson: Doctor, tell me this. Is the addiction tothis drug similar to the addiction of a person who takesmarijuana or some other type of drug?Dr. Freedman: There is no addiction to this drug. Somepeople repeatedly use it. It is not the same, certainly, asthe morphine drugs.Sen. Simpson: They don't have a craving for it?Dr. Freedman: There is not a craving for the drug, no.This does not occur. In that sense people will not go outand commit crimes in order to get it.Sen. Simpson: There is no assurance that they won't.Dr. Freedman: There is never assurance that people won'tcommit crimes.Sen. Kennedy: Thank you very much. I appreciate yourcoming. D7The Saturday SeminarsA unique series of humanities programs for high schoolstudents was inaugurated on campus in spring, 1965: theSaturday Seminars.Over 250 junior-year students gathered at Breasted Hallearly Saturday morning, March 20. They shared a continental breakfast, toured the Oriental Institute Museum,were welcomed by Robert E. Streeter, Dean of the Divisionof the Humanities, then heard a lecture by Wayne C. Booth,Dean of the College, on "Deceptive Narrators in ModernFiction: Good Guys vs. Bad Guys."Lunch at Woodward Commons followed the lecture, afterwhich the visiting students had their choice of a dozencampus tours, including the language laboratory, HarperLibrary, the University Press, Robie House, RockefellerChapel, Midway Studios, and the editorial offices of theAssyrian Dictionary. Many new tours have been addedsince the first Seminar, taking advantage of special eventssuch as an art exhibit at the Renaissance Society galleriesor a rehearsal of the Contemporary Chamber Players. Andthere are several tours to the Fermi Institute and otherUniversity scientific laboratories.President George W. Beadle said: "Students entering college often have only vague notions about the humanisticdisciplines. But these disciplines, which include the studyof literature; music, art, philosophy, and history, are at thevery heart of man's unending effort to understand his world.It is my hope that the Saturday Seminars will help studentswho are beginning to plan their college educations gain atruer appreciation of the nature of these disciplines whichhelp to make us human."Invitations to the Seminars begin with letters to the junioryear counselors of selected Chicago-area high schools, whoare asked to nominate ten outstanding students in Englishand the humanities. Each student then receives a personalinvitation, including a list of suggested preparatory studies.The University assists the high school's library in gatheringthe materials.Each year since 1965 the University has presented a seriesof six seminars. The speakers and dates scheduled for 1967are: James O'Reilly, Director of University Theatre, andVirgil Burnett, Instructor in Art and Humanities, on8The photographs on this and the facingpage are of the SaturdaySeminar tour of the Oriental InstituteMuseum on the morning ofNovember 12, 1966, precedingEric Cochrane's lecture on Galileo.9"Othello, the Moor of Venice: The Story, the Scene, theSoldier" (March 25) ; Ray Koppelman, Associate Professorof Biochemistry and Master of the Collegiate Division ofBiology, on "Biology in a Historical Context" (April 22);John Hope Franklin, Professor of American History, on"History as Literature" (May 20); Gilbert F. White, Professor of Geography, on "When Man Transforms the Earth"(October 21); Fruma Gottschalk, Associate Professor ofRussian, on "Students in Soviet Russia Today: PersonalObservations" (November 11); and James E. Miller, Jr.,Professor of English, an "Absurdity in American Fiction"(December 9).Letters of praise and thanks from high school teachersand counselors have confirmed hopes that the impact ofthe Seminars would be felt back in the classrooms. But thereactions of the students themselves are perhaps the mostrevealing measure of what the Seminars accomplish.At the close of their day on campus, the students aregiven an opportunity to critique the Seminar on evaluationforms. The November 12, 1966, lecture on Galileo (pictured here) by Eric Cochrane, Professor of History, winnerof a Quantrell Teaching Award, and an informal and exuberant speaker, elicited a fairly typical array of responses."Fascinating, witty, enjoyable, understandable, scholarly,"rhapsodized a student from Fenton High School. "His humorbroke up the strain of sitting so long," a Senn High Schoolstudent candidly remarked. "Interesting but boring," was thecryptic response of a student from Harlan High School.Syntactical entanglements added unintended meaning tosome comments. "Informative but still not dull. The lecturekeeps right on moving and still held the interest of the oneslistening," said a student from Morgan Park Academy."Very good. It was very hard to not pay attention or sleep,"said a Schurz High School student.The overwhelming majority of remarks indicated that theSeminar had done its job: enthusiasm was sparked and theawareness of new areas and new levels of knowledge wasborn. "Fascinating speaker. Not enough time for the question and answer period!," said a student from EvanstonTownship High School. A Mather High School student said:"What could have been dull came alive as Galileo the man."10 Above: Eric W. Cochrane, Professor of History, speaking to Saturday Seminar students (facing page) on Galileo.11Negro Freedom, Equality, andResponsibilityHenry W. McGeeBut God has so adjusted the body, giving greater honorto the inferior part, that there may be no discord in thebody, but that the members may have the same care forone another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; ifone member is honored, all rejoice together.- I Corinthians, XII, 24-26.Wt Paul said to the Corinthians nearly 2,000 yearsago is just as appropriate today. The Civil Rights Revolutionhas clearly demonstrated that freedom and equality are notdivisible, and cannot be extended to some and withheld fromothers. Either we are all free or none of us are free.The failure of the U. S. Congress to pass the Civil Rightsbill of 1966, coupled with the recent decision by the U. S.Supreme Court which upheld the arrest and conviction ofcivil rights demonstrators on state property, sounds analarm which needs close attention.Whether we belong to the powerful majority or thestruggling minority makes little difference. The alarmsounds a challenge for all of us, even if the majority ofboth groups fail to even hear the alarm.The turbulent sixties bear a striking resemblance toanother period in the history of our country. In order tounderstand and correctly evaluate our present situation,we must examine the past. Most of the failures experiencedby people or nations result from an inability to correctlyread and interpret history. We cannot avoid future mistakes unless we recognize the errors of the past.Most people agree that we are at the crossroads in thestruggle for full and complete freedom for the Negro. Butfreedom for the Negro is inextricably entwined with freedom for all people, both at home and abroad. As long aswe have poverty and ignorance rampant in America andthe World, we cannot enjoy the full fruits of freedom.Since poverty and ignorance are at the root of our problem, and since there are more poor and ignorant whitepeople than there are Negroes, the problem cannot belabeled a Negro problem. It is a national problem and itmust be tackled by all people with all resources. In order to more clearly understand the similarities between the present and the past, I would like to look for amoment at the period immediately after the emancipationand the Civil War. However, in order to put the reconstruction period in proper perspective, we should brieflylook at the period prior to the war and the situation whichled to the War of Rebellion.First, because of the great dichotomy between violentand non-violent wings of the Civil Rights struggle, I wouldlike to deal quite briefly with the myth of the servile Negro.This reminds me of the story of the colored man whoboarded a bus somewhere in the South shortly after theMontgomery bus boycott. He had taken a seat near thefront of the bus and when the driver noticed, he said,"Boy, move to the back of the bus." When the Negrofailed to respond, the driver in a louder and more caustictone said, "Boy, I said move to the back of the bus." Atthis point, the Negro drew himself up out of the seat toa towering height of six and a half feet, looked down atthe white bus driver and said, "Mister, you done madethree mistakes: first, I am not a boy; second, I ain't aboutto move to the back of the bus; and furthermore, I amnot one of those non-violent Negroes."The impression given by white historians that the slavewas a docile, scarey, happy-go-lucky singing and dancingNegro is one of the greatest myths of all time. The factthat many slaves committed suicide by jumping overboardthe slave ships, and the fact that history records over 300slave rebellions, denies this image.One only needs to read about such Negro heroes as NatTurner and Denmark Vesey to understand the true feelingof the Negro toward chattel slavery. One should also beaware of many attempts to escape to freedom and remember the heroic efforts of Harriett Tubman-known as theNegro Moses of that era-and many others who conducted the underground railroad, which was neither arailroad nor underground in. the literal sense but a dan-Henry W. McGee, AM'61, is Postmaster of Chicago andan active civic and community leader. This article is the textof his address at the Pilgrim Baptist Church, Chicago, inNovember, 1966.The illustration on the facing page is an engraving by CarlH. Johnson, a Hinsdale, Ill., artist and designer.13gerous and frightening endeavor, participated in by bothNegroes and whites, to help thousands of slaves to escapeto freedom in the northern United States and Canada.If one has any doubts about the bravery of the Negro,he needs only to examine the record of the Negro soldierin the Civil War, where nearly 200,000 Negroes, freemen and ex-slaves, fought in the Union Army to put downthe rebellion by the South. There is nothing more important to the young Negro of today than to be aware ofthe fact that he has a great heritage of which he can bejustly proud.In the period after the Civil War we can begin to recognize some significant parallels between what happened tothe Negro's quest for freedom of that period and whatmight possibly happen to the present day thrust for complete integration.As a result of the influence of the liberal wing of the Republican Party led by Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts and Congressman Thaddeous Stephens of Pennsylvania, the Congress passed the 13th, 14th, and 15thAmendments to the Constitution shortly after the Civil War.The 13th Amendment abolished involuntary servitudeand gave the Negro slave physical freedom. The 14thAmendment defined citizenship and extended it to theformer slaves, set up certain guarantees against abridgement of their rights by the several states, and enacted theso-called equal protection of the laws clause and the dueprocess clause on which so much legislation, beneficial toboth Negroes and underprivileged whites, has been based.The 15th Amendment was intended to give the Negro theright to vote, but after nearly a hundred years this amendment has been only partially implemented in the South. Evenbefore the ink was dry, steps were being taken to nullifythe effects of these amendments.Even before the withdrawal of federal troops from theSouth, the return of the state legislatures to the formerslave owners resulted in the passage of the infamous blackcodes which were designed to strip the former slaves ofall dignity and self-respect. Jim Crow laws were passedwhich were designed to perpetuate the complete separation of the races. Poll tax laws and the so-called Grandfather Clause (which stated that if your grandfather wasa slave, you could not vote) were passed by these southern legislatures. It is significant to note that the struggling14 freedman had lost the support and help of the ExecutiveBranch of the government. Hayes had agreed to let theSouth handle its own problems in return for the presidency.The Congress had become weary and Southern whitecongressmen had regained their former power and influence over legislation, and with Plessy vs. Ferguson, theSupreme Court abdicated to the southern racists.The Northern white liberals who had done so much tohelp the Negro before and after the Civil War, began toget weary and their numbers dwindled to the point oflittle or no influence on the conscience of the nation.With the loss of all these forces, the hapless Negro wasat the mercy of the nightriders and the Ku Klux Klan. Wehad here another manifestation of the white backlash.The famous Plessy vs. Ferguson decision of 1896 wasreally the coup de grace to the Negro's hope for freedomand equality. This decision made segregation legal andestablished the evil philosophy of "separate but equal."For more than half a century, the Negro was doomed toinferior schools, barred from public places, and forced toride in segregated railroad cars and buses because of thisdecision by the Supreme Court.Le period of reconstruction was not without its heroes,however. And as the Negro never reconciled himself toslavery, the post Civil War Negro was not going to settlefor second-class citizenship.With only a few white allies, the Negro was forced tohelp himself. The greatest heroes of this period wereFrederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington, both ofwhom were great advocates of self help. The work of theseleaders is well known to all enlightened Negroes. Theyboth made great contributions to the Negroes' struggle foreconomic independence. Washington, against great odds,added dignity to labor for a people who had looked uponmanual labor as a badge of inferiority.The struggle between 1900 and 1954 could best be described as a holding action and a constant fight to stayeven with the game. This period saw the emergence of thefirst Civil Rights organizations: the N.A.A.C.P. and UrbanLeague. Both were made possible because of support fromwhite liberals who, though limited in numbers, had unlimited zeal and enthusiasm for the cause of freedom.This period saw futile efforts to pass anti-lynch legislation, but did see a decline in the number of lynchings untilthey became practically non-existent-thanks to the untiring efforts of Walter White and J ames Weldon Johnson.Even though there was no Civil Rights legislation passedafter the Civil Rights Act of 1875-which later was declared unconstitutional by the same court that gave usPlessy vs. Ferguson-the Supreme Court did outlaw theGrandfather Clause and abolished the white primary. Successive Courts whittled away at the separate-but-equalphilosophy in education and interstate travel until, finallyin 1954, the Court in a unanimous decision reversed thePlessy vs. Ferguson decision and decreed, in Brown vs.Topeka, that separate but equal is a fiction, that separatefacilities are inherently unequal.This was the beginning of a new era for the Negro butthe injunction of the Court to "proceed with all deliberatespeed" has resulted in very little integration of school children in the South. It should, also, be noted that althoughthe Court was not dealing with de facto segregation asexists in the North, more Negroes go to segregated schoolsnow than before the 1954 decision.The Negroes' struggle for equality was waged on manyfronts': education, jobs, housing, and public accommodations, to name some of the more important ones. It shouldbe noted, therefore, that in 1948 the Supreme Court outlawed the enforcement of restrictive covenants as a device to perpetuate residential segregation. Like other suchdecisions and enactments by Congress, the end soughtwas not achieved because more devious and subtle methodswere found to thwart the efforts of the Negro for equalityin housing.It was not until Negroes themselves became fired withthe desire for freedom and equality that the struggle wasresumed with full force. Negroes like Rosa Parks of Montgomery bus boycott fame simply became tired of movingto the back of the bus and decided literally to sit it out.The greatest credit for the revival of the Civil Rightsstruggle must go to the young Negro college students whostarted the sit-ins in the late 1950's. But we must not forget the courage of Daisy Bates and the gallant young Negrostudents of Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957. Youth was the order of the day. For the most part, theleadership of the Civil Rights Movement were young Negroes. Dr. Martin Luther King and others of the SouthernChristian Leadership Conference were projected into thelimelight as a result of the Montgomery bus boycott, whichmore than any single effort, gave real impetus to the struggleand was the first real Civil Rights victory planned and executed solely by Negroes.The election of the young and dynamic John FitzgeraldKennedy as President in 1960 gave even greater vigor tothe Civil Rights Revolution. New hope sprang from thehearts of all Negroes and the watchword became "We ShallOvercome. "The March on Washington in 1963, which saw close to200,000 people, a third of whom were white, was to climax smaller but highly significant marches and demonstrations throughout the nation. Unless one was part ofthis moving mass of humanity-which gathered at the·base of Washington Monument and proceeded, with quietdignity, up Constitution Avenue to the Lincoln Memorialit is not possible to understand and appreciate the impactof one of the greatest of all marches.DesPite the impetus given to the Civil Rights Movement by. the March on Washington, it remained for thebigots of Birmingham-who bombed children in church andturned fire hoses and dogs loose on women-and the sadists of Selma to arouse the conscience of America andmake possible the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. As significant as theselaws are, all the tools necessary to win the battle of full integration had not yet been forged.Negroes were still being forced to go to inferior segregated schools. They were still being denied the right toregister and vote. They were still not being given jobscommensurate with their skills and ability, and not justin the South.Here again is a similarity between this period in historyand the post Civil War period. Just as changes resultingfrom the enactment of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendmentswere more symbolic than real, so has the passage of Civil15Rights legislation in 1964 and 1965 been more symbolicthan actual. This is not to imply that there is anythingwrong with symbols, especially good symbols like CivilRights legislation. After all, we are a Nation of symbols.But despite the passage of these important acts, the impact on the great mass of slum dwelling Negroes in northern cities has been relatively small. These people paymore for inferior housing, buy low quality foods at higherprices, and pay more than twice the regular price forhousehold furnishings to unscrupulous merchants andfinance companies.Until steps are taken to correct these inequities, frustrations will continue to build up and the slightest provocative incident can lead to the kind of destructive violencewe have witnessed in many cities all across the country.SUCh wanton and senseless rioting serves no useful purpose, and cannot be condoned for any reason. Undoubtedly, such irresponsible acts have contributed to the white"backlash" which we have experienced. And if anybodydoubts that there was a backlash, he has but to examinethe November 8 election returns. He will find that candidates who had successfully sponsored legislation whichimproved the lot of all citizens, went down to defeat.But to deplore the riots and do nothing about the conditions which lead to frustration and end in violence is useless. While responsible citizens of all races decry violence,we must look deeper under the surface to find the contributing causes of the riots. When we do this, we will findthat there has been a lack of effective communication between the economic classes of Negroes. The alienationbetween the upper and middle class Negro and his lowersocio-economic brethren has its roots deep in slavery andis too involved to discuss here. Nevertheless, failure of themiddle class Negro to identify with his less fortunatebrother has created a schism which will be difficult to heal.While touring the Watts area of Los Angeles immediatelyfollowing the riots during the summer of 1965, I wasstruck by the bitterness expressed by some of the peoplein that area toward their colored brothers who lived inmiddle and upper class neighborhoods. Some of the antag-16 onism in that riot was directed toward those people. Itis also very important to understand that this riot wasmore a revolt against economic exploitation than againstwhite 'people per se.It is incumbent upon the middle class Negro to recognizeall these factors and to work to keep the lines of communication open. Only in this way can we find solutions toour problems. Only in this way can we prevent the irresponsible demonstrations and riots which retard us in ourmarch toward freedom.While the Negro is not responsible for creating these conditions, he does have a stake in seeing that they are corrected.The social diseases of our slums spill over into other neighborhoods just as epidemics of physical diseases spreadinto other areas. Witness the havoc being created in allneighborhoods by teenage gangs. Few neighborhoods aresafe. Grade school children are being forced to pay tributeto these gangs in order to go to and from school.Responsible Negro citizens must become involved inconstructive programs to correct these inequities. We mustprove to our less fortunate brothers that we are concernedabout their plight. We must not assume that he is totallyresponsible for what is happening to him, and expect himto pull himself up by his bootstraps. We must help providethe straps. We must identify more closely with him in ourday-to-day association and help promote programs enablinghim to move into the mainstream of American life.All our people, regardless of economic class, must worktogether to keep this fight on such a lofty plane that thejustice of our struggle is not clouded by irresponsible actswhich lead to nothing but tragedy and alienate those people of good will with whom . Negroes must work. Everystep that we take must be calculated to advance our marchto freedom.In this hour of America's great crisis, we must becomefaithful stewards of God. We must be leaders in this struggle. The finger of destiny points to us. Our actions andprotest movements over the years have awakened the conscience of our nation. We must keep the flame alive. Andas President Johnson said in his 1965 speech at HowardUniversity, "The real hero of this struggle is the AmericanNegro." Continuing, he said, "We intend to fight this battlewhere it should be fought-in the courts, in the Congress,and the hearts of men. And We Shall Overcome." 0Profiles"Good art is a painting or sculpture, pastor present, that adds to artistic creation;that is, it has something new and importantto say; it makes a new visual statement. Ireally don't think that enlarging a comicstrip or painting a soup can accomplishesthis."Peter Selz is Director of the UniversityArt Museum and Professor of Art at theBerkeley campus of the University of Cali- fornia. "It is absurd to teach art and arthistory without great works of art at handto observe," he says. "We teach about artof all periods; we want examples from allperiods, too." This eclectic approach hasbrought over forty fine pieces from variousperiods to the Berkeley Museum in theyear that Selz has been Curator, from asixteenth century Italian Pieta by thepainter Savoldo, to important recent abstract works of such painters as Rothko,Still, and Reinhardt, or a large contemporary red plastic representation of modernman by William King, entitled Red Anxious. The university's art collection willeventually be housed in a new, $4.2 millionmuseum on the Berkeley campus.Selz was born in Munich on March 27,1919. His father was a physician, but it washis grandfather, an art dealer, who hadthe decisive influence on his career. Bytaking young Selz on tours of the Munichmuseums he instilled in him a solid appreciation of classical art. Selz came to theUnited States in 1936, attended ColumbiaUniversity, and spent a good deal of timediscovering modern art at Alfred Stieglitz'New York gallery, "An American Place."He served with the Office of Strategic Services during the war, and became a naturalized citizen in 1942. After the war hecame to The University of Chicago, wherehe received his AM in 1949 and his PhDin 1954. The subject of his doctoral thesiswas German expressionist painting, a subject given only slight attention by scholarsup to that time. He stayed at Chicago asan Instructor in Art for two more years,also teaching at the Institute of Design,then went to Pomona College, where hewas chairman of the Art Department, director of the Art Gallery, and eventuallychairman of the Humanities Division.In 1958 he became Curator of the Department of Painting and Sculpture Exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art inN ew York. While there he organized major retrospective exhibitions of the worksof Mark Rothko, Emil Nolde, Jean Dubuffet, Max Beckmann, Auguste Rodin, andAlberto Giacometti. He also devised a series of "trend" shows that had implications for the course of modern art throughoutthe world. The first of these was dedicatedto modern figurative painting ("New Images of Man," 1959), and the second wasdevoted to assemblage in 1961. His 1964show, "The Responsive Eye," virtuallycertified op art as a movement. He hadplanned a fourth show on kinetics, but hismove to Berkeley in 1965 transferred itto the West Coast. Entitled "Directions inKinetic Sculpture," the show at Berkeleywas the first comprehensive Americanexhibit of art-in-motion, and, with 80,000viewers in five weeks, it broke all previousattendance records. This was followed byother major exhibits, all of which testifiedto Selz' wide-ranging interests. Amongthese were a major show of the surrealisticpaintings of the noted Belgian painter,Rene Magritte, and the first major museumexhibition of the paintings and drawingsof Jules Pascin. Other shows are in theworks-a collection of medieval illuminatedmanuscripts and an exhibition of "funkart," defined by Selz as "mostly sculpturethat combines the abstract tradition of thelast decades with a new and often whimsicalor satirical exploration of organicforms."Selz' own interests are broad, and this inpart accounted for his decision to go toBerkeley. At the Museum of Modern Art,unlike Berkeley, he was obliged to concentrate on popular and novel trends in theart world. "A university's art museum canbe less susceptible to the pressures of whatthe public wants than other museums,which depend more directly on public support and attendance for their subsistence,"Selz says. "On the New York art sceneand this goes for Los Angeles, too-thereis a recent, and, I believe, unhealthy phenomenon of dealing only with what is infashion 'this year,' as distinguished from'last year' and 'the next year.' Here at theuniversity the situation is completely different, since there isn't any pressure offashion at all. We are trying to form abalanced collection that spans the entirehistory of art. And we are free to havesome quite experimental and obscureshows if they seem academically valid."17Quadrangle NelsAncient Glass "Gems" - A. Leo Oppenheim, Professor in the Oriental Instituteat the University and editor in charge ofthe Institute's Assyrian Dictionary, hasuncovered formulas used by Assyrianglassmakers as early as the 14th centuryBC to simulate the ancient gemstone, lapislazuli. "Their chemistry was good; theyunderstood oxidation and the use of cobaltin making blue glass," Oppenheim said.Most of the glass texts studied came fromthe library of Ashurbanipal, the last greatAssyrian king and a great patron of thearts, under whom Assyria became a leading power in the 7th century BC. Oppenheim said that while most of the clay tablets written in cuneiform came fromAshurbanipal's library, they actually represent much older texts. "It was customaryfor a young scholar to copy the texts ofolder scholars, which in turn had beencopied from even older texts," Oppenheim said. "Much older texts show almostthe exact wording of later tablets."The cuneiform tablets give precise directions for making "z.agi nduru-colored"glass-the lapis lazuli blue. One text states:"If you want to produce zaginduru-coloredglass, you finely grind, separately, 10minas (one min a is about a pound) ofimmanakku-stone (sand) , 15 minas ofnaga-plant ashed (soda) and one thirdminas of 'white plant'." The mixture wasthen heated, reground, and reheated untilit achieved a golden-yellow color. At thispoint 1 0 minas of copper compound wereheated and, when it glowed red, an equalamount of the earlier compound wasadded to it and stirred until the massreached the color of ripe red grapes. Finally this was added to a mixture of othertypes of glass, melted in the kiln, cooled,crushed, and returned to the kiln andheated until yellow. When allowed to coolthe result was zagindurfi-colored glass,which, like precious stones, was used bythe Assyrians for decorative purposes.Oppenheim also noted that the Assyriansdeveloped a technique in which glass isformed in a sand mold, and the originalmethod of making millejiori (manyflower) glass, often used for Victorian18 paperweights and certain types of modernItalian glasswork.Page on Heart Disease-"Your heart doesenough work in one day to lift ten goodsized Indian elephants one foot off theground." Dr. Robert G. Page, AssociateProfessor of Medicine and Associate Deanof the Division of the Biological Sciences,used this illustration to emphasize theburden that excess weight puts on theheart. Dr. Page made his remarks in anaddress on "Work, Weight, and YourHeart," delivered to Chicago area businessmen at a luncheon sponsored by theExecutive Program Club and the University's Graduate School of Business. Heoutlined the medical relationship betweencardiovascular problems and other conditions, including high cholesterol values,cigarette smoking, psychic stress, andlevels of exercise. Dr. Page cited a studyof one group of intensely driven, competitive, ambitious, harried, hurrying,acutely alert men and of another groupwhich exhibited the opposite characteristics. The study showed a rate of clinicalcoronary disease seven times as great in thefirst group as in the second. However, headded, these results may have been affected more by the affinity for alcohol,tobacco, and cholesterol of men in the firstgroup than by their life-style.Musical Events-The ContemporaryChamber Players presented a recital byCharles Van Tassel, a baritone, on J anuary 6. John Ferritto's work, Quatro Maddrigali, which was written for Van Tassel,received its first performance at this concert.Janos Starker, former first cellist withthe Chicago Symphony Orchestra, presented an unaccompanied recital in Mandel Hall on January 13.Esther Glazer, violinist, and EasleyBlackwood, composer-pianist, presented arecital of all the sonatas for violin andpiano by Charles Ives, American composer, in Mandel Hall on January 17.A concert honoring the 75th Anniver- sary Year of the University was presentedon campus by the Contemporary Chamber Players on January 24. Four worldpremieres, all commissioned in connection with the 75th Anniversary observance, were presented at the concert: MarioDavidovsky's Inflexions for 14 Players,George Rochberg's Music for the MagicTheatre, Ralph Shapey's Partita for Violin and 13 Players, and Un Voyage itCythere by Easley Blackwood.I Gifts & GrantsThe University of Chicago Hospitals andClinics received a diagnostic audiometer,a precision hearing testing instrument,from the Beltone Electronics Corporationof Chicago at a tea on December 6, inhonor of Dr. John R. Lindsay, the ThomasD. Jones Professor of Surgery (Otolaryngology) and Director of the MidwesternTemporal Bone Banks Center. Prior to hisretirement last June 30, Dr. Lindsay hadbeen Head of the Section of Otolaryngology in the Department of Surgery since1940. He is internationally known for hisresearch on disorders of hearing and equilibrium, and has played an important rolein the development of the national Temporal Bone Banks program. The temporalbones, located in the middle and inner ear,are involved in hearing and the maintenance of equilibrium. The Temporal BoneBanks program is devoted to securing thetemporal bones, after death, from personswho have suffered ear problems duringlife. In this way more can be learned aboutthe causes and treatments of deafness. Dr.Lindsay has received numerous honors forhis work, and since 1958 has been a Trustee of the Beltone Institute for HearingResearch, a non-profit research organization supported by the Beltone ElectronicsCorporation. The Beltone Corporation,which manufactures hearing aids andhearing test equipment, also presented theSection of Otolaryngology with funds tohelp support a library established in Dr.Lindsay's honor by his past and presentcolleagues.Negotiating with China-Kenneth T.Young, former u.s. Ambassador to Thailand and now President of the Asia Society in New York City, discussed Americannegotiations with Communist China atthe Law School on January 6, as guest ofthe University's Center of Policy Study.Young, who was Deputy U.S. Representative at the Panmunjom talks of 1953-54which resulted in the cease-fire agreementin Korea, discussed the history of SinoAmerican talks and offered some projections for the future. He pointed out thateven though the two countries have noformal diplomatic relations they have sattogether at the conference table morethan 200 times since 1953, especially atthe ambassadorial talks held first in Geneva and presently in Warsaw. He notedthat little concrete agreement has resultedfrom these talks, but urged that they becontinued and expanded. He said theyshould, if possible, be protected from interference by the present Sino-Soviet rivalry. "We should prevent the Sino-Sovietrupture from embroiling Americans."Alumni Fund Chairman-John R. Womer,'35, Vice-President and Director of theGreat Lakes Mortgage Corporation, hasbeen appointed Chairman of the 1967University of Chicago Alumni Fund. Hesucceeds Errett Van Nice, '31, Chairmanfor the past year.In announcing the appointment, FairfaxM. Cone, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University, said: "Through theFund, University alumni provide supportfor day-to-day operations of the University. John Womer can provide the type ofimaginative leadership necessary to makethis drive a continued success."Womer, AB'35, was active in severalcampus societies and lettered in footballfor three years. He is the past president ofthe Chicago Mortgage Bankers Association and a former secretary-treasurer ofthe Illinois Mortgage Bankers Association.He currently is vice-president of the Metropolitan Housing and Planning Councilof Chicago. The Abraham Lincoln Centre, a settlement house on Chicago's south side, presented its 1967Humanitarian Service Award to Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Heineman, Feb. 12. In the photo aboveare, from left, Harry Sholl, '41, Alumni Fund Director and a Trustee of the Centre; RandallHilton, AM'32, Dean of the Centre; Mrs. Heineman, '33; Mr. Heineman, President and Chairman of the Board of the Chicago and North Western Railway and a Trustee of the University;and Chica[?o Postmaster Henry W. McGee, AM'61, chairman of the Centre's award banquet.Foulche-Delbosc Papers-An extensivecollection of Spanish manuscripts whichonce formed part of the library of theFrench Hispanic scholar RaymondFoulche-Delbosc (1864-1929) has beenacquired by The University of ChicagoLibrary from an English bookseller. Thecollection comprises over 17,000 pages ofmanuscripts ranging in date from 1300 to1900 and includes literary material; historical, political and military papers; private and governmental correspondence;ecclesiastical and Inquisitional papers; devotional works; and legal papers.T. Bentley Duncan, Instructor in LatinAmerican and Spanish History and amember of the Library staff, said: "Thiscollection contains a range of materialscovering many topics and epochs, yet withconcentrations of numerous and significant papers in certain key topics, such asthe Sicilian Inquisition, the NapoleonicWars, and 19th century Spanish men ofletters. One of the brightest gems in thecollection is a portfolio containing dozensof documents concerning the Inquisitionof Sicily during the years from 1571 to1652." Other items in the collection include an anonymous Castillian dictionary,three issues of a newspaper which wasmeant to circulate in manuscript form among the patrons of a Madrid cafe, royalinstructions in the King of Spain's ownhand, and a number of obscene verses onscatological subjects written in an effusive18th century style.Redmond on Chicago Schools-James F.Redmond, General Superintendent ofSchools for the City of Chicago, spoke on"Chicago Schools: Problems and Perspectives" in Judd Hall on December 6. Thelecture was sponsored by the GraduateSchool of Education and two honoraryeducation fraternities on campus, PhiDelta Kappa and Phi Lambda Theta. Redmond said that he had seen instanceswhere individual school principals andteachers have been quietly developing theirown means of communicating with elementary school students, rejecting standardized materials and methods in order tofind adequate answers to meet the needsof the children and the teachers. "I am toldsome of these efforts are surreptitious,"Redmond said. "They must not be. Wemust find and encourage these experimental projects and involve institutions ofhigher learning in determining with uswhether or not we have found new andcreative ways of organizing schools andteaching in solving urban area problems."1920First Crusade Reexamined-The work ofNorman Golb, Associate Professor ofMedieval Jewish Studies in the Department of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, has shed new light on the history ofthe First Crusade. Golb's research, published recently in the Proceedings of theAmerican Academy for Jewish Research,indicates that the armies of the ProvencalCrusaders massacred Jews in the south ofFrance, not far from the Italian border,while enroute to the Holy Land. Previously it had been believed that pogromstook place only in Germany and at Rouen,in the north of France.Golb's research included reading adamaged 11 th-century parchment writtenin Hebrew, a letter of introduction for anunknown French J ewess to the Jewishcommunity of Cairo. According to Golb,the letter appears to be "the only documentary source in any language pertainingto the activities of the Provencal Crusaders before their arrival in Dalmatia." Thehigh point of the study was the determination of the name of a medievalFrench town. This task was complicatedby a large hole in the parchment whichobliterated the lower part of the townname. A partial decipherment 35 yearsago rendered the place-name as Anjou,but this is the name of a province and nota town. By careful study of the letter andold maps of the Narbonne area of France,Golb determined that the town in question was Monieux. Monieux today is atiny village of under 300 inhabitants, butin the Middle Ages it was a much largerwalled town with a tower.Facing Page: Senator Robert F. Kennedyspeaking at the China Conference of theUniversity's Center for Policy Study. Addressing an overflow audience in the LawSchool Auditorium, Feb. 8, Senator Kennedy outlined the need for a comprehensive policy in United States relations withCommunist China. Following his speech,Senator Kennedy met informally with alarge group of students in the Law Schoollounge. The woman described in the letter fledfrom her wealthy and prominent Christianfamily after converting to Judaism. Herfirst place of refuge was Narbonne, a citywhich at the time was one-third Jewish.The Jewish community had its own ruler,the "Rex Judaeorum," or King of theJews, who had vast hereditary powersprobably dating back to the time of Charlemagne. While in Narbonne the womanmarried a man named David. After aboutsix months of marriage, however, David1earned that the woman's Christian familywas seeking her, and the couple fled toMonieux. They lived there for six years,until, as Golb's translation of the letterstates: "The husband was killed in thesynagogue and the two children were taken captive-a boy named Jacob and a girlnamed Justa, she being three years old,and aU they owned was plundered." Theseevents indicate an attack against the Jewsof Monieux. The next problem was todetermine when and under what circumstances it happened.The letter mentions that the husband,David, was a relative of Rabbi Todros, theleader of the Narbonne Jews, who diedin the last quarter of the 11 th century. Theletter indicates Todros' death with thephrase, "his memory be for a blessing."Upon Todros' death his son became leaderof the Narbonne community until his owndeath about 1130. According to Golb, ifthe letter had been written after 1130, itwould have called for a blessing on thememory of Todros' son. Thus the letterwas written at some time during a fiftyyear period, after Todros' death but beforethat of his son in 1130.Golb recalled some Latin chronicleswhich noted a pogrom of the Jews atRouen in 1096,. the first year of the FirstCrusade. The facts of the Rouen pogromclosely correspond with those of theMonieux. In Rouen the adults were herded into a place of worship and given thechoice of baptism or death. If the parentschose death the children were taken tobe raised ;s Christians. The Provencalarmy was the largest of the Crusade forces,and did not travel to Italy as a single unit,since this would have created animmense supply problem. Instead it traveled overland toward the Mount Genevre pass inloosely organized sections, each paying itsown way enroute. Some miles to the eastof Monieux lies Sisteron, in those days animportant station on the way to the MountGenevre pass. On the basis of Golb's translation of the letter, it appeared thatsome of the Provencal Crusaders travelledthrough Carpentras and Monieux to Sisteron, there linking up with other Crusaders and continuing on through theMount Genevre pass and on into Italy.Faculty and StaffDaniel J. Boorstin, the Preston andSterling Morton Professor of History, hasbeen appointed by President Lyndon B.Johnson as a public member of the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. The commission will develop plansfor the observance of the 200th anniversary of the American Revolution.Wayne C. Booth, the George M. Pullman Professor of English and Dean ofthe College, has received the David H.Russell A ward for Distinguished Researchin English, given by the National Councilof Teachers of English.Sir John Eccles, Nobel Prize-winningneurophysiologist from Australia, has beennamed Professorial Lecturer in the Department of Physiology. Sir John's principal position is membership in theInstitute for Biomedical Research of theAmerican Medical Association, Chicago,where his laboratories are currently beingset up. He also is an Honorary Professorat Large at Northwestern University. Hetook his MB and SB degrees at the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 1925,and received his AM and PhD degreesfrom Oxford University in 1929. From1927 to 1937 he held various posts atExeter and Magdalen College, Oxford.In 1937 he was named Director of theKanematsu Memorial Institute of Pathol-21ogy at Sydney Hospital, Sydney, Australia. From 1944 to 1951 he was Professorof Physiology at the University of OtagoMedical School, Dunedin, New Zealand.Prior to coming to Chicago he had spentfifteen years in the Foundation Chair ofPhysiology in the John Curtain School ofMedical Research of the Australian National University at Canberra. Sir John isthe holder of several honorary degrees,and has been awarded the Royal Medal ofthe Royal Society, the Baly Medal of theRoyal College of Physicians, and theCothenius Medal of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforsher Leopoldina. He wasmade a Knight Bachelor in 1958. He received the Nobel Prize in Physiology andMedicine in 1963, with Alan Lloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Fielding Huxley, forstudies of the methods by which nerveimpulses are transmitted in the body.Lloyd A. Fallers, '46, AM'49, PhD'53,Professor of Anthropology, has been appointed the first Henry Schultz RotatingResearch Professor in the Social Sciences.He will hold the professorship for the1967 -68 academic year. Fallers has specialized in comparative studies of theprocess of modernization, comparative religion, and East African and Turkishaffairs. Henry Schultz was a member ofthe faculty from 1926 until his death inan automobile accident in 1938. His lastbook, The Theory and Measurement ofDemand (1938), is considered one of theclassic works in economics. The professorship will allow the recipient to devotehis time for a full academic year to research of his own choice. The professorship has been financed for a limited periodof time and additional funds are beingsought to make it permanent.Stanley L. Fischer, AM'58, Instructor inthe Humanities in the College, has received one of 38 Danforth TeachingGrants awarded nationally by the Danforth Foundation, St. Louis. The awardswere established in 1954 and provide fora year of study at the university of thewinner's choice. The amount of the stipend is determined by the candidate's salary and number of dependents. Fischerjoined the University faculty in 1962.22 SpartshartsFencing-The Maroons opened their varsity competition with 20-7 loss at the Chicago Circle campus of the University ofIllinois on January 14. Michael McLeanwon two bouts in the 'foil, and Jim Buckheit and Seth Masia each won one boutwith the sabre. Stephen Knodle took twobouts in epee, and Bern Myers won one.Chicago was scheduled to meet teams fromboth Northwestern and Purdue at theGeorge Williams Gym on January 21, butneither of the other schools had completeteams and combined forces to fence theMaroons. Chicago won both sections of themeet by identical scores of 17-10. In foilMcLean and Phil Russ each won two bouts,and Masia won one, Buckheit and BrucePatterson each swept three sabre boutsand Terry Barton won two. Knodle wontwo. epee bouts, and Myers and SaranusValiukenas each won one.Wrestling-The varsity wrestling team gotoff to an early start on November 29 witha scrimmage against Moody Bible Institute. The Maroons led in the unofficialteam score, 28-10. Most of the team members in this meet wrestled in classes abovetheir normal competitive weights. Guy Twyman (137), Nicholas Palevsky (145),Ronald Grenda (160), and Jim Capser(Heavyweight) all pinned their opponents.Another unofficial scrimmage was held onDecember 6 with North Central College.No team score was kept and weight classeswere ignored, Capser, Theodore Peterson(177), Mike Silvert (130), and Gene McGrady (123) pinned their opponents, giving the Maroons an unofficial four out ofnine matches.A four-team tourney was held at Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin, onJanuary 7. Carthage won the meet witha total of 96 points, and the Maroons tooksecond with 60 points. Timothy Ennis( 145) , a sophomore, won his weight championship for the second straight year. TheMaroons wrestled at Carthage withouttwo of their best men: Casper had reinjured an elbow in practice and Petersonwas injured in his first match in the tournament. Lake Forest College beat theMaroons 19-14 in Bartlett Gym on J anuary 14. Chicago built up a 14-8 lead in thelower weights, but failed to win in theheavier weights due to injuries. Steve Goldberg (160) led the team with a pin in 1 : 07.McGrady, Twyman, and David Kamsler( 145) also defeated their opponents. Chicago lost to University of Illinois/ChicagoCircle 29-8 on January 17. The only winners for Chicago were Ennis and Grenda.Indoor Track-A varsity, UCTC, andOpen Meet was held in the Fieldhouse onJanuary 7. John Beal, twice winner of theBond Medal, won the triple jump with adistance of 43'8", then took third placein the low hurdles. Ken Thomas, a freshman, won the high hurdles. Other varsitymen who competed in the meet wereTheodore Terpstra, Peter Hildebrand,Charles Stanberry, Steve Riess, BryanGrummon, John Lehnhardt, Robert LaRoque, and Steven Kojola. In the Invitation Relays on January 14, 31 membersof the varsity track team saw action and anew varsity distance medley relay recordwas set by Terpstra, LaRoque, Stanberry,and Hildebrand. The team placed thirdin the event, but set a varsity record witha 10:16.6 clocking. The old record of10:27.2 was set in 1957.On January 20 the Maroons posted winsover DePaul University and McMasterUniversity of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.Chicago scored well in the field events,offsetting DePaul's and McMaster'sstrength in the middle distance and distance runs. John Beal took four firstsagainst DePaul: long jump, triple jump,pole vault and high jump. Against MeMaster, Beal won the long jump, highjump and pole vault. Martin CorneliusWon the high and low hurdle events inboth meets, and Lehnhardt won the shotput in both meets. Hildebrand won twothird places and set a new varsity twomile record of 9:26.8. In the 13th Annual Chicago land Open Meet at the Fieldhouse on January 21, the team of Hildebrand, LaRoque, Stanberry, and JoeFrank placed fourth in the two-mile relaywith a clocking of 8:10.5.Gymnastics-Chicago's four-man varsityteam opened its season with a four-waymeet in Bartlett Gym on January 7. Chicago lost to a strong University of Illinois/Chicago Circle. team 129.30-73.35, andalso to George Williams College, 102.8-73.35. The Maroons did better againstWheaton College, but were nosed out77 . 7 0- 7 3.35. In the free exercise eventagainst Wheaton, Craig Mickelson andDonald Mars placed first and second.Mickelson was high point man on the sidehorse, and won the rings as well. AlanMangurten, a freshman from Chicago, andMickelson placed first and second on theparallel bars.Chicago turned in its first win of theseason at a dual meet with State Collegeof Iowa and Illinois State University atNormal, Illinois, on January 14. MickelsonWas the Maroons' top performer, winningfiVe firsts and compiling an individual totalof 33.95 points, and Mangurten, PaulSeguin, and Mars all accounted for pointsWhich led the Maroons to a 96.50-67.45victory over State College of Iowa. Intheir meet with Illinois State University,the Maroons lost 128.20-96.50. The Ma- roons came in last in a five-way meet atBartlett Gym on January 21. West Virginia University was the team championwith 133.95 points. University of Illinois/Chicago Circle placed a close second with133.35. Eastern Illinois University placedthird with 130.75 points, Wheaton Collegehad 90.00, and Chicago had 83.85.Swimming - The Lawrence UniversityVikings came to Bartlett Gym on January-7 and tied the Maroons 52-52. David Gagnon broke his own record in the 200 yardfreestyle, covering the distance in 1 :58.4.Charles Calef, a junior from Chicago,won the 200 yard breast stroke in 2:35.2.The Maroons met Elgin College on J anuary 11 and won eight of twelve events,taking the meet by a score of 71-33. Gagnon set a pool record in this meet, winning the 500 yard freestyle with a time of5:49.3. Gagnon also won the individualmedley and the 100 yard freestyle events.Michael Koch-Weser took the 200 yardfreestyle event, Bob Evanders the divingcompetition, and Calef the 200 yardbreast stroke. The Maroons won the relays.At Bloomington, Illinois, on January 13Chicago added two more victories to itsseason total, beating Illinois WesleyanUniversity 81-21 and Rockford College67-37. Against Illinois Wesleyan Gagnonwas a triple winner, taking firsts in the500, 200 and 100 yard freestyle events.Mark DeBoer and Koch- Weser finished1-2 in the one thousand yard freestyle, andKarl Johnson won the 60 yard freestyle,Calef and Evanders were 1-2 in the individual medley event, Evanders and KochWeser finished 1-2 in the 200 yard butterfly, and Calef and Brent Carlson were 1-2in the 200 yard breast stroke. Chicago alsowon both relays. Against Rockford Chicago took seven out of 12 events with winsby Gagnon, DeBoer, David Rider and therelay teams.The Maroons were beaten by WisconsinState Teachers College, Platteville, Wisconsin, on January 20. Chicago took firstsin the 100 and 200 yard freestyle events,and in the final relay. Basketball-The Maroons began the NewYear with a 46-37 win over Illinois Institute of Technology on January 7. Bothteams are noted for their defensive work,and Chicago won the game at the freethrow line. Bill Pearson was top scorerwith 14 points. The Maroons lost 74-54 toIllinois College at Jacksonville, Illinois,on January 13, and the following day lostto MacMurray College, 74-70. DennisWaldon and Fred Dietz scored 16 pointseach in the MacMurray game.Chicago lost to Kalamazoo College, 70-40, on January 21. The January 28 gamewith Tulane was cancelled due to a snowstorm. Chicago ended its losing streakwith a 71-39 win over Detroit Tech onJanuary 31. Pearson was high scorer inthe game with 17 points, and KennethHoganson scored 13 points.SPORTS CALENDARSwimmingMar. 23-25: National IntercollegiateChampionships at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.Indoor TrackMar. 8: UC vs Valparaiso Universityand University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee, Fieldhouse, 6: 00 PM.Mar. 10-11: NCAA Indoor Championships, Detroit, Michigan.Mar. 11: North Central College Invitational Meet, Naperville, Illinois.Mar. 18: UCTC Relays, Fieldhouse,12:00 noon and 7:00 P.M.Mar. 25: Central AAU Indoor Championships, Fieldhouse, 2: 00 and 7: 00PM.FencingMar. 11: Great Lakes Championships,at University of Illinois/Chicago Circle.Mar. 18: UC Frosh-Varsity Match.George Williams Gym, 10: 00 AM.Mar. 25: UC Invitational Match.George Williams Gym, 10: 00 AM.Mar. 30-31: NCAA Match, at SanFernando, California.23Club NewsChicagoAlumni attended a concert honoring the75th Anniversary Year of The Universityof Chicago, given on January 24 by theUniversity's Contemporary Chamber Players. The program consisted of the worldpremieres of four works commissionedespecially for the University's 75th Anniversary observance.BostonAlumni and guests attended a dinnermeeting at the Red Coach Grill on January20. Benjamin F. King, Jr., Assistant Professor of Stastistics in the Graduate Schoolof Business, spoke on "Recent Research inStock Market Behavior." Los AngelesMilton Friedman, the Paul Snowden Russell Distinguished Service Professor ofEconomics and regular columnist forNewsweek magazine, spoke on "TaxesPositive and Negative" on January 20.MiamiNorval Morris, the Julius Kreeger Professor of Law and Criminology and Director of the Center for Studies in CriminalJustice, spoke on "Research in Crime andPunishment" on February 3. Mr. Morris;a noted authority on criminal law, alsoserves as a member of the United NationsAdvisory Committee of Experts on thePrevention of Crime.Washington: Mrs. Kaj Strand, President of the Washington ctu», introducing John Nej, Professor on the Committee on Social Thought, at a meeting at the Cosmos Club, January 27.24 COMING EVENTSSan Diego: March 13Bruno Bettelheim, the Stella M. RowleyProfessor of Education, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, and Principal ofthe Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School,will be guest speaker.Omaha: March 17George R. Hughes, Professor of Egyptology and Associate Director of the OrientalInstitute, will introduce and comment onthe film, "The Egyptologists."San Francisco: March 18Hans J. Morgenthau, the Albert A. Michelson Distinguished Service Professor,Departments of Political Science and History, and Director of the Center for theStudy of American Foreign and MilitaryPolicy, will participate in a panel discussion, "Conference on China."Milwaukee: March 22Benson E. Ginsburg, Professor of Biology, will be guest speaker.Phoenix: March 20Robert G. Page, Associate Professor ofMedicine and Associate Dean of the Division of Biological Sciences, will be guestspeaker.Tucson: March 21Robert G. Page, Associate Professor ofMedicine and Associate Dean of the Division of Biological Sciences, will be guestspeaker.St. Louis: April 2George R. Hughes, Professor of Egyptology and Associate Director of the OrientalInstitute, will introduce and comment onthe film, "The Egyptologists.Alumni News07Edward W. Allen, X'07, of Seattle,Wash., is author of the article, "Freedomof the Sea," appearing in a recent issue ofThe American Journal of InternationalLaw. He also wrote "Who Owns the DeepBlue Sea?", which appeared in the SeattlePost-Intelligencer, and which was readinto the Congressional Record by the Hon.Thomas M. Pelly of Washington.14Edwin F. Hirsch, PhD'14, MD'15, director of laboratories at Columbus, Cuneo,and St. Francis Cabrini Hospitals, Chicago, is author of the book, Frank Billings:A Leader in Chicago Medicine. Dr. Hirschinterned under Dr. Billings at the Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago.Charles K. Stulik, '14, MD'16, recentlyWas honored by the Michigan State Medical Society for his fifty years of practiceas a specialist in pediatrics and internalmedicine. Dr. Stulik is a professor emeritus of Rush and the University of IllinoisSchool of Medicine.Mrs. Charlotte Wiser, '14, recently washonored at an Open House in Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, India, for her fifty yearsof service in India,15John W. Davis, X'15, special director ofthe teacher information and security program of the NAACP Legal Defense andEducation Fund, recently spoke at thestate convention of the Prince Hall GrandLodge Masons in Martinsville, Va. Mr.Davis served as president of West VirginiaState College from 1919 until his retirement in 1953, when he was named president emeritus of the college. He also hasdirected the United States technical assistance program in Liberia.18Judson Tyley, '18, research coordinatorat the Chicago-based advertising agency,Leo Burnett Co., is not likely to becomelonely for the companionship of UCalumni. A recent nose-count revealedtwenty-four other alums in the office:William Bager, '26, Vice President; F. Strother Cary, Jr., '34, Vice Chairman,Executive Committee & Treasurer; JohnCoulson, '36, Vice President; E. G. Eisenmenger, '36, Program Manager; JamesHill, '41, Vice President; Ralph Raddatz,'41, Art Director; Carl Anderson, '48,Staff Services Manager; Bob Boyer, '48,Business Affairs Section Manager; Seymour Banks, '49, Vice President; ThomasPetrakis, '49, Art Director; Fred Schlinger,'50, Manager & Director of Research;Kenneth Lane, '50, Media Director; Jerry.Ziegler, '51, Expense Controller; HalKome, '51, Copy Supervisor; HaroldWeinstein, '52, Vice President; DavidBeauford, '57, Experimental Producer;Richard Weisenseel, '57, Copywriter; RayInman, '58, Outdoor Buyer; Donald Richards, '62, Research Analyst; David Tabor,'62, Research Analyst; Bruce Mason, '63,Media Assistant; Leonard Gelstein, '64,Copywriter; Hugh Murphy, '66, Marketing Assistant; Lloyd Grissom, '67, SalesPromotion Executive.19Pauline V. Young, 19, currently invitedagain to teach in Hong Kong, has published the 4th edition of Scientific Surveysand Research, and is at work on a newvolume, Interviewing and Life Histories.Dr. Young has served as a visiting professor at universities in Israel and Hawaii andat the Juvenile Court of Honolulu. Hercurrent position was incorrectly reportedin the November, 1966, issue of theMagazine.20Marian Castle, '20, author-novelist, recently discussed "A Novel is Born" at ameeting of the Alhambra-San Gabriel(Calif.) branch of the American Association of University Women.21Joseph C. Dunas, X'21, a building contractor in Hollywood, Calif., is author ofthe book, Joy For Daily Living (Frederick Fell, Inc.). According to the jacket,the book contains "an abundance of anecdotes, poetry, and aphorisms drawn fromwits, philosophers and religious writings." 22Lawrence M. Lew, AM'22, professor ofpolitical science at Bradley University,Peoria, Ill., recently spoke on "Revolutionin China" at a Lincoln (Ill.) branch meeting of the American Association of University Women. Mr. Lew, a native ofChina, is also Counselor to InternationalStudents, Fulbright Program Advisor, andProfessor of East Asian Studies at Bradley.23J. Russell Ward, '23, former presidentof First National Bank, Neenah, Wis., hasbeen named board chairman and chiefexecutive officer of the bank. He also isvice president and treasurer of the NeenahMunicipal Museum and past president ofthe N eenah- Menasha Chamber of Commerce.24Zelma George, '24, sociologist, actresssinger, and a recognized authority onNegro music, recently spoke on "TheNegro: Goals, Problems, Context" at AnneArundel Community College, Annapolis,Md. For the past two years Mrs. Georgehas been a Danforth visiting lecturer oncollege campuses. She previously was amember of the U.S. delegation to the XVGeneral Assembly of the United Nations,where she represented the U.S. on theEconomic and Finance Committee. In1961 she received the Dag HammarskjoldAward for her contribution to international understanding.25Abba Abrams, '25, JD'25, a Rabbi livingin Morristown, N.J., recently received aDoctor of Divinity degree, HonorisCausa, from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York City.Raymond E. Morgan, '25, DB'32, PhD'35, professor of philosophy at Lynchburg(Va.) College, is the new chairman of theHumanities Division there.26Helen F. Isbitz, '26, AB'50, assistantprincipal for improvement at Stephen A.Douglas School, Chicago, is co-author25of an article, "Reading Activities UsingNewspapers," which appeared in the January issue of The Instructor magazine.27Ernest L. Mackie, PhD'27, recently retired after 45 years as a mathematics professor at the University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill. Now professor emeritus, Mr.Mackie has been dean of men, dean ofstudents, dean of student awards and distinctions, and faculty adviser to Phi EtaSigma, a freshman scholarship fraternityhe started at Chapel Hill in 1947. In 1963he received a Tanner Award for excellencein teaching.29Hayden Bryant, AM'29, former directorof the division of teacher education andcertification at the Georgia State Department of Education, is now a professor inthe Education Department of WesleyanCollege, Macon, Ga.Clement D. Rockey, PhD'29, a missionary to India for more than fifty years, recently spoke at a meeting of the Methodistministers of the Huntington, W. Va. district. Elected to the episcopacy at NewDelhi in 1941, Bishop Rockey is an authorand translator of Christian literature inUrdu for India. The membership of theMethodist Church in Pakistan doubled inhis last 11 years of service.30William Calohan, '30, a consulting geologist in Laredo, Tex., has been named tothe board of directors of the Bank ofCommerce in Laredo.Jerome L. Metz, '30, former president ofthe J. L. 'Metz Furniture Co., Hammond,Ind., has been elected chairman of theboard of the Metz division of the company.He has been with the firm, which wasfounded by his father in 1898, since hisgraduation from UC in 1930.31Ernest O. Thedinga, AM'31, vice president of student affairs and professor ofhistory at Wisconsin State University /26 Oshkosh, recently spoke on "Educationfor What, Whom, and How Much?" at aseminar sponsored by the Fox Cities Chapter of the National Secretaries Association,Appleton, Wis.Hertha D. Wahlgren, '31, of Carson City,Nev., is the new managing editor of theNevada Appeal. She formerly served ascity editor.33Joseph K. Blackman, Jr., JD'33, president of the Hinsdale, Ill., Federal Savings& Loan Assn., has been appointed villagetrustee for Hinsdale. He also was namedchairman of the finance committee and amember of the public works and publicrelations committees. Mr. Blackman ispresently serving as vice president anddirector of the Chicago chapter of theArthritis Foundation.Herman S. Bloch, '33, PhD'36, associatedirector of research for Universal OilProducts, recently was appointed to theHousing Authority of Cook County. Mr.Bloch lives in Skokie, Ill., with his wifeand three children.Dorothy Kurgans Goldberg, '33, wife ofUnited Nations Ambassador Arthur J.Goldberg, recently spoke on "The UnitedStates' Mission to the United N ationsThis First Year" at a dinner sponsoredby the Richmond (Va.) Chapter, UnitedNations Association of the USA, and theRichmond International Council.John A. Nietz, PhD'33, is author of TheEvolution of American Secondary SchoolTextbooks (Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc.).The book is described as "a comprehensive survey and analysis of the textbooksused in, early American schools . . .[emphasizing] the Horace Mann periodof development."Robert H. O'Brien, LLB'33, Presidentand Chief Executive Officer of MetroGoldwyn-Mayer, Inc., recently receivedthe National Conference of Christiansand Jews' Brotherhood Award for distinguished service in the field of humanrelations.Harold Rigney, '33, SM'33, PhD'37, a Divine Word missionary who spent fouryears as a prisoner of the Chinese Communists in Peking, recently spoke on "RedChina-What Next?" at Saint Vincent dePaul Church, Houston. Rev. Rigney'sbook, Four Years in a Red Hell, is an account of his prison experiences from 1951to 1955.Arnold Schultz, '33, AM'35, professorof Old Testament history and archaeologyat Northern Baptist College, Oak Brook,Ill., recently spoke on his trip to Siberiaand eastern Asia at a meeting of the HighTwelve Club in Oak Park, Ill.35Deton J. Brooks, Jr., '35, director of theChicago Committee on Urban Opportunity, recently spoke on the committee'swork at a meeting of the Glenview-Northbrook (Ill.) Kiwanis Club.36Owen C. Berg, '36, AB'37, MD'41, aurologist living in Wichita Falls, Tex., recently completed his term of office as president of the County Medical society. Dr.Berg also served as general chairman of theFirst Wichita Falls International Exhibition' of Photography and in October wasmade an Associate of the PhotographicSociety of America (APSA).Sterling W. Brown, PhD'36, president ofthe National Conference of Christians andJews, recently spoke at the annual meetingof the Kansas City, Mo., region of NCCI.37Walter Crewson, SM'37, Associate Commissioner of Education for the State ofNew York, recently was principal speakerfor the annual conference of the SuffolkZone of the New York State Associationfor Health, Physical Education, and Recreation.38Donald W. Benson, '38, MD'50, PhD'57,a recognized authority on cardiac arrestand chest injuries, and professor of anesthesiology at Johns Hopkins University,recently spoke at a meeting of SouthernCook County branch of the ChicagoMedical society.Richard Leonard, PhD'38, professor ofhistory at Illinois Wesleyan University, recently spoke on "Early Religion in Bloomington" at a seminar sponsored by theWithers Public Library and the Bloomington-Normal (Ill.) Adult Education Program.Richard Lippold, X'38, internationallyknown sculptor, has created a two-partSCUlpture entitled "Gemini-II" for thelobby of the Jesse H. Jones Hall for thePerforming Arts in Houston. Mr.· Lippoldhas said of the sculpture, "It represents anattempt to continue and to complete, in asense, the gesture begun by a beautifullyconceived architectural space. I suppose italso catches the feeling of the space program-certainly a valid symbol for Houston." The work is composed of thousandsof polished aluminum rods suspended fromstrands of gold-plated wire.Sharvy G. Umbeck, AM'38, PhD'40,president of Knox College, has beennamed a trustee of Teachers Insuranceand Annuity Association, New York, N.Y.Mr. Umbeck is on the board of directorsof the American Council on Education,is chairman of the Commission on College Finance of the Association of American Colleges, and is a member of theexecutive committee of the Commissionon Colleges and Universities of the NorthCentral Association.39Emmett Dedmon, '39, Editor of the Chicago Sun-Times, and a UC Trustee, recently was featured on a thirty-minuteprofile program broadcast over WMAQTV, Chicago.40Herbert R. Domke, '40, MD'42, formerdirector of the Allegheny County HealthDepartment in Pittsburgh, is now actingdirector of health and hospitals, and hospital commissioner of St. Louis. In his newposition, Dr. Domke is in charge of St.Louis' two general hospitals, as well asbeing responsible for the operation of thecity health division. 41W. H. Roger Smith, '41, MBA'50, recently was named statistician on the professional staff of the South Cook CountyEducational Development cooperative.The purpose of the co-op is to provide coordinated information and services to theindividual, autonomous districts.42John G. Morrison, MD' 42, presidentelect of the California Medical Association, recently was guest speaker at a meeting of the San Bernardino County MedicalSociety. Dr. Morrison is a general practitioner in San Leandro.James R. Scales, X'42, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences of OklahomaState University in Stillwater, recently wasguest speaker at the Jane Phillips SchoolPTA meeting. The subject of his talk was"Education in Upheaval."43Joseph Caldwell, AM'43, PhD'57, is headof a team of archaeologists who recentlydiscovered an 8000-year old building believed to have been the home of ancientIranians. The project was financed by aNational Science Foundation grant.Ralph D. Silver, '43, of Glencoe, Ill., hasbeen elected a director of the Barton Distilling Co. in Chicago.Judah Stampfer, '43, AM'54, author, lecturer, rabbi, assistant professor of Englishliterature at New York State University,and translator of the works of SchmuelY osef Agnon, recently spoke on the Nobelprize winner's works at the Jewish Community Center in Bridgeport, Conn.45Robert L. Bohman, '45, a consultant forC. Rigdon Robb & Associates, Chicago, recently was named a member of the District228 (Ill.) Board of Education. Mr. Bohman lives in Hazel Crest with his wife andtheir seven children.Winifred Hager Hostetter, '45, a memberof the Board of World Missions of the Reformed Church, is currently visiting professor. of Latin at Hope College, Holland,Mich. She and her family recently returned from five years service in West Pakistan.Huston Smith, PhD'45; Professor ofPhilosophy, M.I.T., was one of six participants in the third Nobel Conferenceheld in January at Gustavus AdolphusCollege, St. Peter, Minn. This year's topicwas "The Human Mind." Edward L.Tatum, X'31, a Nobel Laureate, was onthe Advisory Committee planning theconference, under official sanction fromthe Nobel Foundation in Stockholm.46William Korey, '46, director of the NewYork Bureau of the B'nai B'rith International Council, recently was guest speakerat a meeting of the Troy (N.Y.) JewishWelfare Fund. As the B'nai B'rith representative at the United Nations, Mr. Koreyhas been on special survey missions abroad,including visits to Turkey, Europe andIsrael. Prior to his present position, he wasthe director of the Illinois-Missouri officeof the B'nai B'rith Antidefamation League.47James Goldman, '47, AM'50, is co-composer, with Stephen Sondheim, of a TVmusical recently premiered on ABC's"Stage 67." Mr. Goldman is author of theplay, Lion in Winter, now available inbook form, as well as a first novel, Waldorf.Peter J. Tiemstra, '47, SM'48, formerlyhead of the gelatin and stabilizers researchdivision of Swift & Company in Chicago, isnow Director of Research for DerbyFoods, Inc., Chicago.H. Robert Gemmer, DB'47, of Whitesboro, N.Y., is Chairman of the PublicHealth Council of Utica and a memberof the Advisory Committee setting up anInter-Faith Human Rights Conferencefor the State of New York. He also is amember of the Utica Community ActionCommission, the local anti-poverty program, the Social Welfare Commission ofthe National Council of Churches, andthe Board of Directors of the New YorkState Council of Churches.Elaine Seaton, '47, recently received amaster's degree in library science fromLong Island University. She is ReferenceLibrarian and head of Adult Services in27the Shelter Rock Public Library. She andher husband, Robert Seaton, '47, live inRoslyn Heights, N.Y., where he thelaundry and dry cleaning business. Theirtwo children, Jim and Andrea, are in highschool.48Leo Bogart, AM'48, PhD'50, executivevice president and general manager of thebureau of advertising of the AmericanNewspaper Publishers Association, NewYork, recently spoke on "How WomenPlan, Shop, and Spend from Week toWeek" at a meeting of the Akron (Ohio)Advertising Club.Gabriel Fackre, DB'48, PhD'62, professor of theology and culture at Lancaster(Pa.) Theological Seminary, recently discussed the relation between religion andmedical morality at a Rally Day for theMemorial United Church of Christ, York,Pa.Robert E. McCabe, AM'48, AM'52, isthe new General Deputy of the RenewalProjects Administration, U.S. Departmentof Housing and Urban Development. In1962, Mr. McCabe was awarded theHousing and Home Finance Agency Distinguished Service Award for his contributions to the success of the urban renewalprogram in the Western United States.Kenneth W. Thompson, AM'48, PhD'51,vice president of the Rockefeller Foundation, is author of a new book, The MoralIssue in Statecraft: Twentieth Century Approaches and Problems (Louisiana StateUniversity Press). Reinhold Neibuhr callsMr. Thompson's book "a significant studyof the relation of moral norms to the endless contingent historical factors whichmust be observed in applying norms.Thompson makes a telling refutation ofboth pure perfectionism and moral rigidityposing as moral idealism."49Ernest C. Anderson, PhD'49, of the biophysics staff of Los Alamos (N.M.) Scientific Laboratories, recently was guestspeaker at the sixth annual high school science seminar held at Augustana College,Rock Island, Ill. He spoke on "The Com-28 position of the Lunar Surface," and on"The Life Cycle of Mammalian Cells inSuspension Culture." Mr. Anderson received the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Memorial Award for 1966.Joseph M. Gabriel, '49, is 'the new President of SMECO Industries, Inc., theChicago-based food processing equipmentmanufacturer and metal fabricator. Heformerly was Executive Vice President.Mr. Gabriel, his wife, Joyce, and theirthree children live in Burr Ridge, Ill.Harry Groves, JD' 49, President of Central State University, Wilberforce, 0.,recently was guest speaker at the AnnualMen's Day observation of the First A.M.E.Church, Xenia, o. Mr. Groves has taughtat North Carolina, Texas, Singapore, andWashington State universities.Ross B. Talbot, AM'49, PhD'53, professor of government at Iowa State University, is the new chairman of the department of history, government, andphilosophy at that institution. Much ofMr. Talbot's research and publicationsdeal with the politics and administrationof agricultural and natural resource policy. A new book of his, tentatively entitled The Policy Process in AmericanAgriculture, is scheduled for publicationthis year.50Joseph B. Jerome, PhD'50, assistant director of AMA's department of drugs, isco-author of an article, "NonproprietaryNomenclature Practices," appearing in theNov., 1966, issue of the Journal of theAmerican Pharmaceutical Association.Haig P. Papazian, PhD'50, is the authorof Modern Genetics (W. W. Norton &Co.), "a lively, informed, authentic guidefor the intelligent layman. . . . [explaining] the meaning of modern genetics interms that require no prior knowledge ofbiology, chemistry, or mathematics." Mr.Papazian is on the faculty at ColumbiaUniversity.Rodney E. Ring, AM'50, PhD'54, associate professor of religion at MuhlenbergCollege, Allentown, Pa., recently spoke on"For All God's Children: Christian Education in the World, For the World," at the Joseph Gabriel Ross Talbotannual congregational education dinner ofGrace Lutheran Church, Pottstown, Pa.Paul H. Todd, X'50, a graduate student ineconomics at UC and founder and chairman of the board of a spice extraction company in Kalamazoo, Mich., recently spokeat the fifth annual convention of the Independent Bankers of Minnesota. Mr. Toddis a freshman member of the MichiganHouse of Representatives, serving on theBanking and Currency committee.51Richard J. Bernstein, '51, is the newchairman of the philosophy department atHaverford (Pa.) College. Mr. Bernsteinformerly was associate professor of philosophy at Yale University, where theschool's refusal to grant him tenure in 1965set off student demonstrations on thecampus and resulted in a series of changesin the tenure system there.Jerome Carlin, AM'51, PhD'59, formerlya legal research associate at the Universityof California, is the new head of the Federally sponsored legal aid program for SanFrancisco's poor. Mr. Carlin is the authorof the recently published book, LegalEthics, a survey of the New York Bar.Michael Rodzenko, AM' 51, former associate director of Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston, is the new administrator ofRoswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo,N.Y. The Institute is concerned with research on the causes and cure of cancer.Emanuel Savas, '51, SB'53, of NewYork City, has had his first book published: Computer Control of IndustrialProcesses (McGraw-Hill). Mr. Savaswrites that "it is the first book publishedabout this new field, and still the onlyone."53Benjamin S. Mackoff, '53, administrative director of Cook County CircuitCourt, recently spoke on judicial reformat a meeting of the Winnetka (Ill.) Leagueof Women Voters.June Bousley Nash, AM'53, PhD'60,former assistant professor of anthropologyat Yale, is now instructor in anthropologyat Bennington (Vt.) College. Mrs. Nashhas done field work in Guatemala, Mexico,and Burma, and has been a research fellowunder the National Science Foundation.She is a fellow of the American Anthropology Association.Miller B. Spangler, AM'53, PhD'56, isthe new project director for a Governmentsubsidized study of the economic effects ofoceanographic research, part of the N ational Planning Association in Washington. Mr. Spangler formerly was directorof economic research for the St. LouisRegional Industrial Development Corp.54Helen M. Danley, AM'54, is the newchief nurse consultant, Health FacilitiesServices Branch, U.S. Public Health Service Division of Hospital and MedicalFacilities. Miss Danley has been a USPHShospital nurse consultant for the past threeyears, serving most recently as director ofnursing at the Public Health Service Hospital in San Francisco.Carol K. Kasper, '54, is an assistant professor of medicine at the University ofSouthern California and is in charge ofthe new Coagulation Research Laboratory at Orthopedic Hospital in Los Angeles. She writes that "the Magazine is always interesting but I do wish morealumni would let you know of their current activities, even if they haven't become as stupendously famous as U. ofC. alumni are expected to become!"Helena Lopata, PhD'54, associate professor of sociology at Roosevelt University, Chicago, recently spoke on "TheLife Cycle of the Social Role of theHousewife" on a Chicago radio station.The talk was based on a survey conductedwith 1,000 Chicago housewives. 55Richard H. Luecke, PhD'55, director ofstudies of the research department, theUrban Training Center for Christian Mission, recently spoke on "Learning to Lovethe Bloody City" at a University Chapelservice, State College, Pa, Mr. Luecke isauthor of New Meanings [or New Beings,and is staff editor of "Dialog."C. Virgil Martin, MBA'55, president ofCarson Pirie Scott and Co., Chicago, reeently spoke on free enterprise to the Chicago Heights Kiwanis Club as part of theKiwanis International Freedom of Enterprise week.56Donald D. Brown, SM'56, MD'56, associate professor of biology at Johns HopkinsUniversity, was named the 1966 "Outstanding Young Scientist of the Year" bythe Maryland Academy of Sciences. Dr.Brown was cited for his research in thestudy of chemical changes during the development of the embryo.James K. Hotchkiss, MBA'56, of Hinsdale, Ill., a partner and vice president ofStein Roe & Farnham the Chicago-basedinvestment counseling firm, has beennamed a member of the board of trusteesof Alice Lloyd College, Pippa Passes, Ky.Harvey Treger, AM' 56, has been a member of the faculty of the Jane AddamsGraduate School of Social Work of theUniversity of Illinois since 1965. He hasresponsibility for a field work unit at theProbation and Parole Service of theUnited States District Court, Chicago.57Mary Kelly Mullane, PhD'57, Dean ofthe College of Nursing at the Universityof Illinois, recently delivered the commencement address at Sinai Hospital'sShapiro School of Nursing, Detroit.58Kenneth Calkins, AM'58, assistant professor of history at Lake Forest (Ill.) College, recently gave the sixth lecture in theseries, "Marxism: Between Past and Future." The topic of Mr. Calkins' talk was"Kautsky and Orthodox Marxism." William Jellema, AM'58, recently servedas resource person for a six-week courseat the Joliet (Ill.) YMCA, on "Understanding Your Child." Mr. Jellema isexecutive director of the Family ServiceAgency of Joliet.Katherine Petterson Shaw (Mrs. StewartA.), AM'58, announced the birth ofStephen Andrew on January 28, 1966.59John C. Cotton, '59, a graduate studentat UC, has been elected Assistant Cashierof The Northern Trust Company, Chicago.Mr. Cotton joined the Bank in 1964, serving in the Personal Loan and PersonalChecking Accounts departments. His newposition entails responsibility for lawyers'banking services at Northern Trust.60David R. Doten, AM' 60, formerly anadministrative assistant at the EvanstonHome of the Illinois Children's Home andAid Society, is the new director of the Children's Receiving Home, Maywood, Ill.Roger H. Klich, MBA' 60, vice presidentof research and development for the Teletype Corporation, Skokie, Ill., has beennamed to the chairmanship of the committee on finance of Northwest SuburbanBoy Scout Council.Ross M. Peterson, AM' 60, has been appointed to a five-year term on the Washington State Board of Prison Terms andParoles. He has been serving as a consultant on juvenile delinquency for theWashington State Department of Institutions.61Neil F. Bracht, AM'61, is Assistant tothe Dean for Extramural Affairs at theRecently established Michigan State University Medical School. He also is Assistant Professor in the School of SocialWork, College of Social Sciences. Mr.Bracht lives in Okemus, Mich., with hiswife and two children.Robert F. Titus, MBA'61, formerly aU.S. Air Force experimental test pilot,commanded the F-5 Freedom Fighter unit29which made headlines last fall during itscombat debut at Bien Hoa Air Base, Vietnam. During his six years as a test pilotat the Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB, Calif., Col. Titus was awardeda Distinguished Flying Cross for hisachievements in the F-lOO Super Sabre.62Donald L. Flood, MBA'62, a lieutenantcolonel in the U.S. Air Force, recentlycompleted the Weapons EmploymentPlanning Course at the Air University'sWarfare Systems School, Maxwell AFB,Ala. Col. Flood is research and deve'opment director for the Air Force SystemsCommand at Andrews AFB, Md.Thomas F. Lewin, PhD'62, is associatedean of the University of WashingtonSchool of Social Work. Previously Mr.Lewin was assistant dean of the ColumbiaSchool.S. L. Ross, Jr., MBA'62, a staff development engineer with the U.S. Air Force,has been promoted to colonel. He is assigned to the Pentagon.Peter H. Sammond, MBA'62, is the newassociate director of the University ofMinnesota Hospitals. He will be responsible for outpatient care, admissions, andrecords. Mr. Sammond has been administrative officer with an Overseas AdvisoryProject in Chiengmai, Thailand, for thepast two years. The project, sponsored bythe University of Illinois College of Medicine and the Agency for InternationalDevelopment, was designed to establisha third medical school in that country.63Robert S. Applebaum, '63, MAT'66, isteaching chemistry at New Trier HighSchool East, Winnetka, Ill.Weston D. Bergman, Jr., MBA'63, former administrator of the Eastern StateHospital, Lexington, Ky., is now an assistant superintendent of Grady MemorialHospital, Atlanta.Marilyn Hammersley, BFA'63, an internteacher in the MAT program at UC, isteaching art at New Trier High SchoolEast, Winnetka, Ill.30 Joseph R. Henry, MBA'63, a LieutenantColonel in the U.S. Air Force, is chief offlight test operations for the Geminilaunch vehicle division of the Air ForceSystems Command's 6555th AerospaceTest Wing, Patrick AFB, Fla. Recently hewas responsible for the test and launch ofthe Titan booster used to lift the Geminispacecraft into orbit.Wayne L. Joslin, MBA'63, recentlyjoined Varian Aerograph, Walnut Creek,Calif., as the firm's production manager.Fred Martinson, AM'63, his wife, andyoung son, will remain in Tokyo untilMay, while Mr. Martinson completes research in Japanese art history. He is ona National Defense Education fellowship,working toward his PhD from the University.George T. Matthes, MBA'63, was promoted to department chief in the Merchandise and Service department of WesternElectric's Hawthorne Works in Cicero, Ill.Jerome G. Merkel, MBA'63, is the newdirector of purchases at Abbott Laboratories, Chicago.Peter E. Norton, MBA'63, project control supervisor in Automatic Electric Co.'sgovernment division, Northlake, Ill., recently served as chairman of the NorthlakeCommunity Chest Fund campaign.64Peter M. Ascoli, '64, included the following note with his contribution to the 1967Alumni Fund: "I am a 1964 graduate ofThe University of Chicago. For the pasttwo years I have been at Oxford, and amnow working toward a PhD in History atthe University of California, Berkeley.Ever since I left Chicago I have retaineda deep affection for the University. Notonly did I receive a first-rate educationthere, but I also made a group of friendsthere, from different backgrounds and withvarying interests, who have remained close-to me for many years. Many of the thingswhich I learned in my undergraduatecourses at Chicago have proved most valuable at the' other schools I have attended."This fall, I visited Chicago for the firsttime since I left it in June, 1964. I was William Metscher Judith Footmanamazed at how much the campus and theUniversity area had changed, and yet howmuch it remained the same, in certainrespects. For two days I wandered aboutin a nostalgic daze, reliving the events offour happy years spent in Hyde Park, whileat the same time admiring such noveltiesas Harper Court, and the plans for the newLibrary and the new chemistry building.I felt that I wanted to contribute somethingto the new Chicago, as I had been a partof the old (even though it was then theNew, New College)."Melanie Lewis, '64, was married inSeptember, 1966, to Frank D. Anger. Thecouple is living in Ithaca, N.Y., where Mrs.Anger is doing graduate work in art historyat Cornell University.William Metscher, MBA'64, a Major inthe U.S. Air Force, has received the AirForce Commendation Medal for meritorious service as a physicist, physical sciencesdivision at the Office of Aerospace Research, Arlington, Va.65Kenneth Cohen, '65, was married toDiane Eldred on June 30 in Washington,D.C. The couple is living in Buffalo, N.Y.,where Mr. Cohen is a law student at theUniversity of Buffalo.Kenneth A. Fenner, '65, has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S.Air Force. He was graduated from OfficerTraining School at Lackland AFB, Tex.,and has 'been assigned to Lowry AFB,Colo., for - training as an air intelligenceofficer.Judith Ann Footman, '65, who trainedthis summer in Arizona for the Peace-Corps, has begun work with Venezuelancommunity development and cooperativesprogram.66Carolyn Bonheim, MST'66, is teachingthe first grade at Roosevelt School, RiverForest, Ill.Thomas J. Casey, S.J., MBA'66, hasbeen appointed assistant to the ExecutiveDirector of The Catholic Hospital Association, St. Louis. Rev. Casey is responsible for coordinating the hospital's educational activities.John L. Crum, Jr., MBA'66, has beentransferred from the Pueblo office to theCleveland office of Luria Bros. & Co. Hewill be on the staff of the administrativevice president.Suzanne Alberta Iliff, AM'66, was married to Lt. Julius L. Witzler, U.S. AirForce, Oct. 29, 1966, in Arlington, Va.The couple is living at Castle AFB, Calif.Susan Kurth, '66, is studying at theChinese Language Training Center, TaiWan Normal University in Taipei. MissKurth plans to teach Far Eastern historyWhen she completes her studies.Mary Cullen Leahy, JD'66, instructor ofspeech at Loyola University, and a practicing attorney, recently was guest speakerat a Conference sponsored by the Councilof Catholic Women. Mrs. Leahy has beena Fulbright Scholar in Political Science,and she is the winner of the University ofManchester, England, Debating Championship.Donald Lloyd Lee, MA T'66, is teachingEnglish at Thornridge High School inDolton, Ill.Phyllis Ann Pease, AM'66, was marriedto Pweh Boon Chock in October. Both Mr.and Mrs. Chock are PhD candidates at UC.Val Price, Jr., MBA'66, recently headedthe Western Springs (Ill.) United FundDrive.Rosalind Stefanik, '66, and WilliamKnitter, '65, were married June 10, 1966,at the Calvert House Chapel on the UCcampus.Robert J. Swanson, MBA'66, recentlyserved as chairman of the fabricating andwarehouse division for the 1966 UnitedSettlement Appeal, an annual fund-raisingdrive in Chicago. fllonorialsErnst R. Breslich, AM'OO, PhD'26, diedMarch 12, 1966.Mrs. Minnie Barnard Lewy, '01, diedDec. 14, 1966, in Chicago.James R. Talcott, X'05, died Feb. 16,1966, in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.C. Arthur Bruce, '06, JD'08, retiredChairman of the Board of E. L. BruceCo., Inc., Memphis, Tenn., died Dec. 22,1966.Mrs. Courtney G. Talcott, '07, of DesMoines, Iowa, died Nov. 26, 1966.Lillian A. Warner, X'07, of Oak Park,Ill., died in November, 1966.Florence E. Allen, X'09, a Judge of the6th U.S. Circuit Court in Cincinnati, diedin September, 1966.Harold E. Eggers, MD'09 (Rush), former Chairman of the University of Nebraska Pathology and Bacteriology Dept.,died in Omaha, Nov. 17, 1966.Jessie I. Fell, X'09, of Oak Park, Ill., diedDec. 14, 1966.Florence B. Robinson, '09, died Dec. 13,1965.William A. Thomas, ' 12, MD'16, a Chicago physician and medical professor for50 years, died Dec. 17, 1966, in Chicago.Ernest W. Burgess, PhD'13, formerChairman and Professor Emeritus in theSociology Department at UC, died Dec.27, 1966, in Chicago.Paul G. Blazer, X'14, founder of theAshland (Ky.) Oil & Refining Co., diedDec. 9, 1966, in Phoenix, Ariz.Mrs. Della Patterson Menaul, '14, ofMenlo Park, Calif., died Aug. 28, 1966.Wilkie Ham, '15, of Lamar, Colo., diedJuly 24, 1965.Loyd Neff, '15, owner and publisher ofthe Johnson County (Mo.) Herald, diedNov. 16, 1966. Arthur Hanisch, ' 1 7, a vice president anddirector of Atlas Chemical Industries, diedDec. 29, 1966, in Pasadena, Calif.Robert S. Landauer, '18, PhD'21, diedJuly 9, 1966. The Northwestern UniversitySchool of Medicine has established theRobert S. Landauer Memorial Lectureshipin Physics in his honor.Charles A. Logan, JD'18, of Tucson,Ariz., died Sept. 11, 1966.Judge Boggs, '19, AM'20, of Brownsburg, Ind., died Sept. 4, 1966.Howard M. Sheaff, PhD'19, MD'22, whopracticed medicine in Oak. Park, Ill., andin Chicago from 1923 to 1960, died Nov.13, 1966.Margaret L. Durkin, '20, of Scranton,Pa., died Oct. 6, 1966.Marguerite N. Mayer, '20, of Washington, D.C., died Sept. 18, 1966.McGruder E. Sadler, X'21, of FortWorth, Tex., died Sept. 11, 1966.Caroline V. Crouch, '23, AM'24, of Indianapolis, Ind., died in June, 1966.Everette L. Campbell, MD'24, of Orange,N.J., died Sept. 28, 1966.Harold C. Smith, '24, president of theFrank C. Teal Electric Co., Detroit, Mich.,died Dec. 13, 1966.James J. Ryan, '26, of Chicago, died Feb.11, 1964.Vera Lighthall, AM'27, died Dec. 15,1966.Carlyle F. Stewart, AM'28, of Detroit,Mich., died Nov. 2, 1966.Joseph I. Klitzmer, '30, JD'32, has died.Carolyn Klutey Powell, '31, of New YorkCity and Princeton, N.J., died Aug. 14,1966.Peter G. Berkhout, MD'32, of ProspectPark, N.J., died July 19, 1966.E. Emory Ferebee, PhD'32, of VirginiaBeach, Va., died July 22, 1966.Mamie G. Hoffman, '32, AM'33, diedAug. 22, 1966.Herman G. Korey, '32, MD'37, chief ofmedicine at Providence Hospital, Seattle,Wash., died Oct. 6, 1966.Charles J. Hlad, Jr., '43, chief of themedical research laboratory at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Denver,Colo., died Aug. 27, 1966.31UNIVERSITYCALENDARMarch 9Fifteenth Annual Management Conference, sponsored by the Graduate Schoolof Business, from 11: 00 AM at the Sherman House.March 10,11Annual Faculty Revels: Dinner at 6: 30PM, followed by the Revels. QuadrangleClub.March 10Lecture Series: The Works of the Mind(Basic Program of Liberal Education forAdults), "History and Epic in War andPeace," Herman Sinaiko, Associate Professor, College Humanities. DowntownCenter, 8: 00 PM.March 12Lecture: Paul Krassner, editor, The Real-32 ist, Sponsored by Student Government.Mandel Hall, 8: 00 PM.March 14Folk and Square Dancing. InternationalHouse Assembly Hall, 8: 00 PM.March 19Oratorio Festival: Bach's B Minor Mass.Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, 3: 30 PM.March 20,21Annual Meeting for Industrial and Governmental Sponsors of Basic Research inthe Physical Sciences. Monday, 1: 30-4: 00PM; Tuesday, 9:00 AM-3:45 PM. Kent107. Robert Haselkorn, Chairman.March 21Folk and Square Dancing. InternationalHouse Assembly Hall, 8: 00 PM.March 27Lecture: "Education of Teachers, 1991"by Kevin Ryan, Assistant Professor ofEducation. Sponsored by the GraduateSchool of Education. Law School auditorium, 8: 00 PM.March 28Folk and Square Dancing. InternationalHouse Assembly Hall, 8: 00 PM.March 30Concert: Phil Ochs, sponsored by Student Government. 8: 00 PM, Mandel Hall.March 31Chamber Music Series: Milton and PeggySalkind will play selections for one pianowith four hands by Mozart, Chopin, Ravel,Handemith, Shapey, and others. MandelHall, ,8: 30 PM.April 3Middle East Center Lecture Series. "Ottoman Mosque Architecture" by ProfessorAptullah Kuran of Middle East TechnicalUniversity, Ankara, Turkey. BreastedHall, 8: 00 PM.Lecture: Jules Feiffer, Satirist, "Life,Time and, the Funny Pages." Sponsoredby Student Government. Mandel Hall,8:00 PM. April 3Lecture: "Administration and Teaching,1991" by Luvern L. Cunningham, Professor of Education. Sponsored by theGraduate School of Education. Law Schoolauditorium, 8: 00 PM.April 4Lecture: "Recent Developments of Music in Soviet Union" by Josel Spiegelman,New York University. Sponsored by Music Department and Slavic Languages.Breasted Hall, 8: 30 PM.April 4Folk and Square Dancing. InternationalHouse Assembly Hall, 8: 00 PM.April 6Ralph Bunche of the United Nationsspeaks in Breasted Hall, 8: 00 PM.April 7Contemporary Chamber Players: PianistEasley Blackwood. Mandel Hall, 8: 30 PM.April 7Lecture Series: The Arts in the Twentieth Century, sponsored by the Fine ArtsProgram. "The Metaphysical Quest inModern Fiction" by Wayne C. Booth.Downtown Center, 8:00 PM.April 10Lecture: "Alternatives for the Schools,1991" by Francis S. Chase, Professor ofEducation. Law School auditorium, 8: 00PM.April 11Contemporary Chamber Players:"L'Histoire du Soldat," with the Don Redlich Dance Company. Mandel Hall, 8:30PM.April 11Folk and Square Dancing. InternationalHouse Assembly Hall, 8: 00 PM.April 16Recital: Pianist Easley Blackwood willperform works by Perkins, Wuorinen,Boulez, and his own Three Short Fantasies.Mandel Hall, 8: 30 PM.9 "tul fJmee � Ut ntg kwe:lUte blVt 6�, � bOlt b'tieIWkip, fJmee bOJt 3otiety.-Henry David Thoreau, Walden1----------------------1I The University of Chicago Alumni Association I5733 University Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637 IChicago chairs are sturdily built of northern yellowbirch in traditional designs. They are finished in blacklacquer with antique gold trim, and with the Universityseal on the backrest. The armchair is available eitherwith black or natural cherry arms.All orders are shipped express collect from the factoryin Gardner, Massachusetts. Delivery may be expected intwo to four weeks. Please make your check payable toThe University of Chicago Alumni Association. Please send__ armchairs at $40 each (black arms)Please send __ armchairs at $42 each (cherry arms)Please send__ Boston rockers at $35 eachPlease send __ side chairs at $25 eachName �----------------------------(PLEASE PRINT)Address_NATIONS-emerging andeclipsingITALIAN COLONIALISM IN SOMALIAby Robert L. HessThis colorful history describes the complexities surrounding Italian acquisition of Somalia and colonial rule up to World War II.Hess tens of Italy's dependence on GreatBritain in East Africa, and recounts her twoexperiments in governing through privatecompanies. .$7.95 THE ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE EAST1800-1914Edited by Charles IssawiThese sixty-two selections systematicallytrace the economic transformation of theOttoman Empire, Iraq, Syria, Arabia, Egypt,and the Sudan from "medieval" to "modern."Half the readings are newly translated fromFrench, Arabic, German, Russian, Turkish,Hebrew, and Italian - many are publishedhere for the first time. This excellent reviewcovers: integration into international comme-rce, investment of foreign capital, development of transportation, transition fromsubsistence to market-oriented agriculture,population growth, and the establishment ofmodern industries. $12.50EDUCATION AND THE QUEST FORMODERNITY IN TURKEYby Andreas M. KazamiasThis case study of the role of education inmodernization and development of Turkeycovers two phases. First, it explores thechange from an essentially private systemof education to a state, secular one; second,it gives a sensitive and revealing descriptionof education as a means of filling new socialroles and as a route upward in society. Particular attention is placed in the impact ofthe West on a modernizing Ottoman-Turkishsociety. $6.00DREAMS AND DEEDSAchievelment Motivation in Nig:eriaby R.obert A. Lie Vin:e, with the assistance ofEugene Strangman and Leonard UnterbergerThis unusually timely study-a psychologicaldelving into the major ethnic groups ofNigeria-is particularly interesting duringa time of Nigerian upheaval, with so muchresentment and persecution of the Ibo tribesmen. The Ibo, the Yoruba, and the Rausa,traditionally have widely contrasting systems of social mobility. Using schoolboys assubjects, the author analyzes their dream reports and achievement and obedience values.$3.95WAX ANU GOLDTradition and Innovation in Ethiopian Cultureby Donald N. Levine"... heartily recommend it as one of the bestbooks on Ethiopia to come out in years .. "=Ajrica Report"The book is rich in information, in analytical insights and quite often in emotionalundertones; it is a book not to be missed."-Library Journal $10.00UNlVE'RSITY OF C'HICAGO PRESSChicago and LondonIn Canada: University of Toronto Press