THEUNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOLIBRARYThe Untverstty of Chicagomagazines" "'1 l October 1966-! . '" "'J .... :.I. .. t.u..lI, ,;;. ,J -. - <;t '!'i> L " t U i, • I\.�( " II'I , ...�.................. �··I�... ..� ... _:.::.;../� �The University of ChicagomagazineVolume LIX Number 1October 1966Published since 1907 byTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPhilip C. White, '35, PhD'38PresidentC. Ranlet LincolnDirector of Alumni AffairsConrad KulawasEditorTHE ALUMNI FUNDErrett Van Nice, '31ChairmanHarry ShollDirectorREGIONAL REPRESENTATIVESEastern Office39 West 55 StreetNew York, New York 10019(212) 757-1473Mrs. Edwin E. Vallon3600 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1510Los Angeles, California 90005(213) 387-2321(Mrs.) Marianne Nelson485 Pacific AvenueSan Francisco, California 94133(415) 433-4050Published monthly, Oct.-June, byThe University of ChicagoAlumni Association5733 University AvenueChicago, Illinois 60637(312) 643 -0800 ext. 4291.Annual subscriptions, $5.00.Second-class postage paid atChicago, Illinois.All rights reserved. Copyright 1966 byThe University of Chicago Magazine. ALL-ALUMNI ISSUEThis special issue is being sent to all alumni-in addition to regular subscribers-to acquaintthem with the Magazine and the work of the Alumni Association. The monthly Magazineis an excellent means of keeping regularly informed about the University. For those whodo not now receive it, information on membership and subscriptions is included on page 31.2 The 1966 ReunionPictures and comments6 Can Technology Replace Social Revolution?Alvin M. Weinberg11 The Faculty RoundtableHighlights from the Reunion event14 Robie House: Home of the Stevenson InstituteNew purpose for the historic building16 Harper's University (excerpt)Richard J. Storr20 QUADRANGLE NEWS23 SPORTSHORTS24 PROFILES Albert Dorfman, William H. Hale26 CLUB NEWS28 ALUMNI NEWS35 MEMORIALS36 UNIVERSITY CALENDARFront Cover: Emmett Dedmon, '39, Editor of the Chicago Sun-Times and newly-elected trusteeof the University (see Quadrangle News), at the 75th Anniversary Alumni Conference on theResponsibilities of Communication, part of the 1966 Reunion. Mr. Dedmon served as Chair­man of the Conference. The all-day event was held at the Law School Auditorium, June 10.Inside Front Cover: Ryerson Physical LaboratoryPhotography Credits: front cover, inside cover, and pages 2, 3, 12, 14-18, 26, and 27 by TheUniversity of Chicago; pages 4, 5, 9, 20, 23, and 30 by Stan Karter; page 24 by ArchieLieberman; and page 25 courtesy of the Tulsa Tribune. \. '\2 RThe.1966eumonTop: at the Owl and Serpent dinner at the Quadrangle Club.Bottom: at the June Graduates' Breakfast. Dean Wayne C. Booth(foreground) leads the graduating seniors, who becamealumni at the Convocation at Rockefeller Chapel a few hours later.Left: at the Order of the ((C" dinner.Right: at the 50th Reunion Dinner of the Class of' 16. An alumnalooks at a blow-up of the class picture, taken from Cap & Gown.Above: Walter I. Pozen, GeorgeE. Reedy,!r., and RayScherer, members of the Government and NationalAffairs panel of the alumni conference onResponsibilities of Communication, sponsored by the75th Anniversary and the Communications Committees. RayScherer, the NBC White House Correspondent, receivedthe 1966 Communicator of the Year award at theluncheon session. Emmett Dedmon, Editor of the ChicagoSun- Times and newly-elected Trustee of the University,served as Conference Chairman. The all-dayConference was held at the Law School Auditoriumand included panels on International Affairs, UrbanLife, and Science and Research, with distinguished alumniin the communication field serving on each panel. Above: President George W. Beadle and Philip C. White,President of the Alumni Association, applaud theaddress of the Hon. Hubert L. Will, who accepted theAlumni Citations at the Awards Assembly.Alvin M. Weinberg, Director of the Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory, received the 1966 Alumni Medal, awardedfor "high. distinction in one's field of specializationor for exceptional service to society, or both."Mr. Weinberg's acceptance speech (see p. 6) compares thetechnological and the social approaches to importantcontemporary problems.In addition to Judge Will, the 1966 citees are: AdamD. Beittel, DB'25, PhD'29; Leonidas H. Berry, SB'25,MD'30; Martin H. Bickham, AM' 19, PhD'22; JeannetteShames Fields, AB'42; Michael Harrington, AM'49;William F. McColl, Jr., MD' 55; Alice Mooradian, '33;Thomas L. Nicholson, JD'54, MCL'59; Louis T. Olom, '37;Calvin P. Sawyier, AB'42, AM'42; Leonard P. Spacek;Albert C. Stewart, SB'42, SM'48; and Mary B. Wirth, '20.The A lumni Citations are awarded for creativecitizenship and exemplary civic and social leadership.Above: President George W. Beadle (left) greets alumniat the President's Reception, following the AwardsAssembly. Provost and Mrs. Edward H. Levi and theaward winners joined in the receiving line.Below: at the outdoor luncheon in Hutchinson Court.Philip C. White, President of the Alumni Association,(background, left) presents the Student AchievementMedals for 1966. C. Ranlet Lincoln (background,right), Director of Alumni Affairs, introducesthe award winners, who had become alumni an hourearlier: Judy Cohen, Sally Cook, Bernard Grofman,Dennis Larson, Robert Levey, Roberta Reb, Joel Shapiro,Donald Swanton, Anne Thal, and Richard Thompson.Errett Van Nice, Chairman oj the Alumni Fund,presented the annual Fund Report after the luncheon.Contributions from 15,700 alumni totalled$2,791,600. A subsequent survey by the AmericanAlumni Council showed that, of the nation'sprivate universities, only eight eastern institutionsexceeded that total in alumni giving. Above: at the Interfraternity Sing in HutchinsonCourt, attended by over 1,500 alumni and guests. Afterthe Sing, the 1966 Reunion closed with a galaparty at the Quadrangle Club, where there were two dancebands, and a special Blackjriars show.Can Technology ReplaceSocial Engineering?Alvin M. WeinbergDUring the war, and immediately afterward, our Fed­eral Government mobilized its scientific and technical re­sources, such as the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, aroundgreat technological problems. Nuclear reactors, nuclearweapons, radar, and space are some of the miraculous newtechnologies that have been created by this mobilization ofFederal effort.In the past few years there has been a major change infocus of much of our Federal research. Instead of beingpreoccupied with technology, our government is now mo­bilizing around problems that are largely social. We arebeginning to ask what can we do about world population,about the deterioration of our environment, about our edu­cational system, our decaying cities, race relations, poverty.President Johnson has dedicated the power of a scientifi­cally oriented Federal apparatus to finding solutions forthese complex social problems.Social problems are much more complex than are techno­logical problems. It is much harder to identify a social prob­lem than a technological problem: how do we know whenour cities need renewing, or when our population is toobig, or when our modes of transportation have broken down?The problems are, in away, harder to identify just becausetheir solutions are never clear-cut: how do we know whenour cities are renewed, or our air clean enough, or our trans­portation convenient enough? By contrast the availabilityof a crisp and beautiful technological solution often helpsfocus orr the problem to which the new technology is thesolution. I doubt that we would have been nearly as con­cerned with an eventual shortage of �nergy as we now areif we had not had a neat solution-nuclear energy-availableto eliminate the shortage.There is more a basic sense in which social problems aremuch more difficult than are technological problems. AAlvin M. Weinberg, AB'35, SM'36, PhD'39, is Director ofthe Oak Ridge National Laboratory and a distinguishedleader in the field of nuclear reactor technology. He haswritten widely on the complex relationships between science,government, and education, and on the problems of scien­tific manpower, civil defense, desalination, information dis­semination, and scientific interdisciplinary exchange. Thisarticle is the text of his acceptance speech for the AlumniMedal on June 11,1966.6 social problem exists because many people behave, individu­ally, in a socially unacceptable way. To solve a social prob­lem one must induce social change-one must persuade manypeople to behave differently than they have behaved in thepast. One must persuade many people to have fewer babies,or to drive more carefully, or to refrain from disliking N e­groes. By contrast, resolution of a technological probleminvolves many fewer individual decisions. Once PresidentRoosevelt decided to go after atomic energy, it was by com­parison a relatively simple task to mobilize the ManhattanProject.The resolution of social problems by the traditional meth­ods-by motivating or forcing people to behave more ration­ally-is a frustrating business. People don't behave rationally;it is a long, hard business to persuade individuals to foregoimmediate personal' gain or pleasure (as seen by the indi­vidual) in favor of longer-term social gain. And indeed,the aim of social engineering is to invent the social devices-usually legal, but also moral and educational and organiza­tional-that will change each person's motivation and redi­rect his activities along ways that are more acceptable tothe society.The technologist is appalled by the difficulties faced bythe social engineer; to engineer even a small social changeby inducing individuals to behave differently is always hardeven when the change is rather neutral or even beneficial.For example, some rice eaters in India are reported to preferstarvation to eating wheat which we send to them. How muchharder it is to change motivations where the individual isinsecure and feels threatened if he acts differently, as illus­trated by the poor white's reluctance to accept the Negroas an equal. By contrast, technological engineering is simple:the rocket, the reactor, and the desalination plants are de­vices that are expensive to develop, to be sure, but theirfeasibility is relatively easy to assess; and their success rela­tively easy to achieve once one understands the scientificprinciples that underlie them.It is therefore tempting to raise the following question: Inview of the simplicity of technological engineering, and thecomplexity of social engineering, to what extent can socialproblems be circumvented by reducing them to technologi,cal problems? Can we identify Quick Technological Fixesfor profound and almost infinitely complicated social prob­lems, "fixes" that are within the grasp of modern technology,and which would either eliminate the original social prob­lem without requiring a change in the individual's socialattitudes, or would so alter the problem as to make its reso­lution more feasible? To paraphrase Ralph Nader, to whatextent can technological remedies be found for social prob­lems without first having to remove the causes of the prob­lem? It is in this sense that I ask, "Can technology replacesocial engineering?"The Major Technological Fixes of the PastTo better explain what I have in mind, I shall describe howtwo of our profoundest social problems-poverty and war­have in some limited degree been solved by the Techno­logical Fix, rather than by the methods of social engineering.Let me begin with poverty.The traditional Marxian view of poverty regarded oureconomic ills as being primarily a question of maldistributionof goods. The Marxist recipe for elimination of povertytherefore was to eliminate profit, in the erroneous beliefthat it was the loss of this relatively small increment from theworker's paycheck that kept him poverty-stricken. TheMarxist dogma is typical of the approach of the social engi­neer: one tries to convince or coerce many people to foregotheir short-term profits in what is presumed to be the long­term interest of the society as a whole.The Marxian view seems archaic in this age of mass pro­duction and automation, not only to us but apparently tomany Eastern Bloc economists. For the brilliant advancesin the technology of energy, of mass production, and of auto­mation have created the affluent society. Technology hasexpanded our productive capacity so greatly that eventhough our distribution is still inefficient, and unfair byMarxian precepts, there is more than enough to go around.Technology has provided a "fix" -greatly expanded produc­tion of goods-which enables our capitalist society to achievemany of the aims of the Marxist social engineer withoutgoing through the social revolution Marx viewed as inevi­table. Technology has converted the seemingly intractablesocial problem of widespread poverty into a relatively trac­table one.My second example is war. The traditional Christian posi­tion views war as primarily a moral issue: if men becomegood, and model themselves after the Prince of Peace, theywill live in peace. This doctrine is so deeply ingrained in the spirit of all civilized men that I suppose it is blasphemyto point out that it has never worked very well-that menhave not been good, and that they are not paragons of virtueor even of reasonableness.Though I realize it is a terribly presumptuous claim, I be­lieve that Edward Teller may have supplied the nearestthing to a Quick Technological Fix to the problem of war.The hydrogen bomb greatly increases the provocation neces­sary to lead to large-scale war-and not because men's moti­vations have been changed, not because men have becomemore tolerant and understanding, but rather because theappeal to the primitive instinct of self-preservation has beenintensified far beyond anything we could have imaginedbefore the H-bomb was invented. To point out these thingstoday, with the United States involved in a shooting war,must sound hollow and unconvincing; yet the desperate andpartial peace we have now is much better than a full-fledgedexchange of thermonuclear weapons. One' can't deny thatthe Soviet leaders now recognize the force of H-bombs, andthat this has surely contributed to the less militant attitudeof the - USSR. And one can only hope that the Chineseleadership, as it acquires familiarity with H-bombs, will alsobecome less militant. If I were to be asked who has giventhe world a more effective means of achieving peace-ourgreat religious leaders who urge men to love their neighborsand thus avoid fights, or our weapons technologists whosimply present men with no rational alternative to peace­I would vote for the weapons technologist. That the peacewe get is at best terribly fragile I cannot deny; yet, as I shallexplain, I think technology can help stabilize our imperfectand precarious peace.The Technological Fixes of the FutureAre there other Technological Fixes on the horizon, othertechnologies that can reduce immensely complicated socialquestions to a matter of "engineering"? Are there newtechnologies that offer society ways of circumventing socialproblems and at the same time do not require individuals torenounce short-term advantage for long-term gain?Probably the most important new Technological Fix is theIntra-Uterine Device for birth control. Before the IUD wasinvented, birth control demanded very strong motivation ofcountless individuals. Even with the pill, the individual'smotivation had to be sustained day in and day out; should7it flag even temporarily, the strong motivation of the previousmonth might go for naught. But the IUD, being a one-shotmethod, greatly reduces the individual motivation requiredto induce a social change. To be sure, the mother must besufficiently motivated to accept the IUD in the first place,but, as experience in India already seems to show, it is mucheasier to persuade the Indian mother to accept the IUDonce than it is to persuade her to take a pill every day. TheIUD does not completely replace social engineering by tech­nology; and indeed, in some Spanish American cultureswhere the husbands' manliness is measured by the numberof children he has, the IUD attacks only part of the problem.Yet in many other situations, as in India, the IUD so reducesthe social component of the problem as to make an impos­sibly difficult social problem much less hopeless.Let me turn now to problems which have from the begin­ning had both technical and social components-broadlythose concerned with conservation of our resources: ourenvironment, our water, and our raw materials for produc­tion of the means of subsistence. The social issue here arisesbecause many people by their individual acts cause shortagesand thus create economic, and ultimately social, imbalance.For example, people use water wastefully, or they insist onmoving to California because of its climate, and so we havewater shortages; or too many people drive cars in Los An­geles with its curious meteorology, and so Los Angelessuffocates from smog.The water resources issue is a particularly good exampleof a complicated problem with strong social and techno­logical connotations. Our management of water resourcesin the past has been based largely on the ancient Romandevice, the aqueduct: every water shortage was to be relievedby stealing water from someone else who at the momentdidn't need the water or was too poor or too weak to preventthe theft. Southern California would steal from NorthernCalifornia, New York City from upstate New York, thefarmer who could afford a cloud-seeder from the farmerwho could not afford a cloud-seeder. The social engineerinsists that such short-sighted expedients have got us intoserious trouble; we have no water resources policy, we wastewater disgracefully, and, perhaps, in denying the ethic ofthriftiness in using water, we have generally underminedour moral fiber. The social engineer, therefore, views suchtechnological shenanigans as being short-sighted, if not8 downright immoral. Instead, he says, we should persuade orforce people to use less water, or to stay in the cold middle­west where water is plentiful instead of migrating to Cali­fornia where water is scarce.The water technologist, on the other hand, views the socialengineer's approach as rather impractical. To persuadepeople to use less water, to get along with expensive water,is difficult, time-consuming, and uncertain in the extreme.Moreover, say the technologists, what right does the waterresources expert have to insist that people use water lesswastefully? Green lawns and clean cars and swimming poolsare part of the good life, American style, 1966, and whatright do we have to deny this luxury if there is some alterna­tive to cutting down the water we use?Here we have a sharp confrontation of the two ways ofdealing with a complex social issue: the social engineeringway, which asks people to behave more "reasonably," andthe technologists' way, which tries to avoid changing people'shabits or motivations. Even though I am a technologist, Ihave sympathy for the social engineer. I think we must useour water as efficiently as possible, that we ought to improvepeople's attitudes toward the use of water, and that every­thing that can be done to rationalize our water policy shouldbe welcome. Yet, as a technologist, I believe I see ways ofproviding more water more cheaply than the social engi­neers may concede is possible.I refer to the possibility of nuclear desalination. The socialengineer dismisses the technologist's simple-minded idea ofsolving a water shortage by transporting more water primar­ily because in so doing the water user steals water from some­one else-possibly foreclosing the possibility of ultimatelyutilizing land now only sparsely settled. But surely waterdrawn from the sea deprives no one of his share of water.The whole issue is then a technological one: can fresh waterbe drawn from the sea cheaply enough to have a majorimpact on our chronically water-short areas like SouthernCalifornia, Arizona, and the Eastern Seaboard?I believe the answer is yes, though much hard technicalwork remains to be done. A large program to develop cheapmethods of nuclear desalting has been undertaken by theUnited States, and I have little doubt that within the nextten to twenty years we shall see huge dual-purpose desaltingplants springing up on many parched sea coasts of the World.At first these plants will produce water at municipal prices.But I believe, on the basis of research now in progress atOak Ridge National Laboratory and elsewhere, that waterfrom the sea at a cost acceptable for agriculture-less thanten cents per thousand gallons-is eventually in the cards.In short, that for areas close to the sea coasts, technologyAlvin M. Weinberg can provide water without requiring a great and difficult-to­accomplish change in attitudes toward the ultilization ofwater.The Technological Fix for water is based on the availabilityof extremely cheap energy from very large nuclear reactors.What other social consequences can one foresee flowingfrom really cheap energy eventually available to every coun­try regardless of its endowment of conventional resources?Though we now see only vaguely the outlines of the possi­bilities, it does seem likely that from very cheap nuclearenergy we shall get hydrogen by electrolysis of water, andthence the all-important ammonia fertilizer necessary tohelp feed the hungry of the world; we shall reduce metalswithout requiring coking coal; we shall even power auto­mobiles with electricity, via fuel cells or storage batteries,thus reducing our world's dependence on crude oil, as wellas eliminating our air pollution insofar as it is caused byautomobile exhaust or by the burning of fossil fuels. In short,the widespread availability of very cheap energy everywherein the world ought to lead to an energy autarky in everycountry of the world; and eventually to an autarky in themany staples of life that should flow from really cheapenergy.Will Technology Replace Social Engineering?I hope these examples suggest how social problems can becircumvented or at least reduced to less formidable propor­tions by the application of the Technological Fix. Theexamples I have given do not strike me as being fanciful,nor are they at all exhaustive. I have not touched, for ex­ample, upon the extent to which really cheap computersand improved technology of communication can help im­prove elementary teaching without having first to improveour elementary teachers. Nor have I mentioned RalphNader's brilliant observation that a safer car, and even itsdevelopment and adoption by the auto company, is a quickerand probably surer way to reduce traffic deaths than is acampaign to teach people to drive more carefully. Nor haveI invoked some really fanciful Technological Fixes: likeproviding air conditioners and free electricity to operatethem for every Negro family in Watts on the assumption(suggested by Huntington) that race rioting is correlatedwith hot, humid weather; or the ultimate Technological Fix,Aldous Huxley's Soma Pills that eliminate human unhappi-9ness without improving human relations in the usual sense.My examples illustrate both the strength and the weaknessof the Technological Fix for social problems. The Techno­logical Fix accepts man's intrinsic shortcomings and circum­vents them or capitalizes on them for socially useful ends.The Fix is therefore eminently practical and in the shortterm relatively effective. One doesn't wait around trying tochange people's minds: if people want more water, one getsthem more water rather than requiring them to reduce theiruse of water; if people insist on driving autos while they aredrunk, one provides safer autos that prevent injuries even ina severe accident.But the technological solutions to social problems tendto be incomplete and metastable, to replace one social prob­lem with another. Perhaps the best example of this instabil­ity is the peace imposed upon us by the H-bomb. Evidentlythe pax hydrogenium is metastable in two senses: in theshort term, because the aggressor still enjoys such an advan­tage; in the long term, because the discrepancy between haveand have-not nations must eventually be resolved if we areto have permanent peace. Yet, for these particular short­comings, technology has something to offer. To the imbal­ance between offense and defense, technology says let usdevise passive defense which redresses the balance. A worldwith H-bombs and adequate civil defense is less likely tolapse into thermonuclear war than a world with H-bombsalone, at least if one concedes that the danger of thermo­nuclear war mainly lies in the acts of irresponsible leaders.Anything that deters the irresponsible leader is a force forpeace: a technologically sound civil defense would thereforehelp stabilize the balance of terror.To the discrepancy between haves and have-nots, technol­ogy offers the nuclear energy revolution, with its possibilityof autarky for haves and have-nots alike. How this mightwork to stabilize our metastable thermonuclear peace issuggested by the possible political effect of the recently pro­posed Israeli desalting plant: the Arab states, I should think,would be much less concerned with destroying the JordanRiver Project if the Israelis had a desalination plant in re­serve that would nullify the effect of such action. In thisconnection, I think countries like ours can contribute verymuch. Our country will soon have to decide whether tocontinue to spend 5.5 billion dollars per year for spaceexploration after our lunar landing. Is it too outrageous to10 suggest that some of this money be devoted to building hugenuclear desalting complexes in the arid ocean rims of thetroubled world? If the plants are powered with breeder reac­tors, the out-of-pocket costs, once the plants are built, shouldbe low enough to make large-scale agriculture feasible inthese areas. I estimate that for 4 billion dollars per year wecould build enough desalting capacity to feed more than tenmillion new mouths per year (provided we use agriculturalmethods that husband water), and we would thereby helpstabilize the metastable, bomb-imposed balance of terror.Yet I am afraid we technologists shall not satisfy our socialengineers, who tell us that our Technological Fixes do notget to the heart of the problem; they are at best temporaryexpedients; they create new problems as they solve old ones;to put a technological fix into effect requires a positive socialaction. Eventually, social engineering, like the SupremeCourt decision on desegregation, must be invoked to solvesocial problems. And of course our social engineers are right.Technology will never replace social engineering. But tech­nology has provided and will continue to provide to thesocial engineer broader options, to make intractable socialproblems less intractable; perhaps most of all, technologywill buy time, that precious commodity that converts violentsocial revolution into acceptable social evolution.Our country now recognizes and is mobilizing around thegreat social problems that corrupt and disfigure our humanexistence. It is natural that in this mobilization we shouldlook first to the social engineer. But unfortunately theapparatus most readily available to the government, likethe great Federal Laboratories, is technologically oriented,not socially oriented. I believe we have a great opportunityhere: for many of our seemingly social problems do admitof partial technological solutions. Our already deployedtechnological apparatus can contribute to the resolution ofsocial questions. I plead therefore first for our governmentto deploy its laboratories, its hardware contractors, and itsengineering universities around social problems. And I pleadsecondly for understanding and cooperation between tech­nologist and social engineer. Even with all the help he canget from the technologist, the social engineer's problems arenever really solved. It is only by cooperation between tech­nologist and social engineer that we can hope to achievewhat is the aim of all technologists and social engineers-abetter society, and thereby a better life, for all of us. [JThe Faculty RoundtableHighlights from the Reunion eventso ne characteristic of The University of Chicago oftenremembered by alumni is that the faculty talked-with theconviction of wide experience and knowledge, with enthu­siasm and wit, with deep concern for vital issues, and withdelight in exploring the edges of understanding. That thischaracteristic still prevails was amply demonstrated at theFaculty Roundtable at the June reunion.This year's Roundtable brought together John Hope Frank­lin, Professor in the Department of History; Philip M. Hau­ser, Professor in the Department of Sociology and Directorof the Population Research and Training Center; and HansJ. Morgenthau, the Albert A. Michelson DistinguishedService Professor in the Departments of Political Scienceand History and Director of the Center for the Study ofAmerican Foreign and Military Policy.The issues which emerged in their discussion would befound in the conversations of concerned, intelligent citizensanywhere: racial inequality; urban education; juvenile de­linquency; poverty; war; the population explosion; and soon. Some of the points made proved to be prophetic. Mr.Morgenthau, for example, noted that the social pressureswhich produced the violent racial unrest in the Watts districtin Los Angeles were by no means peculiar to that area, andthat "what happened in Watts last year is a mere indicationof what is likely to happen elsewhere in the United States."Following are excerpts from the two-hour discussion:Morgenthau: I think there exists a great discrepancy, anda menacing discrepancy, between our official rhetoric aboutour social and political life at home and abroad on the onehand and the actual situation which we face at home andabroad on the other. The president talks a great deal aboutconsensus, the spontaneous support of the great majorityof the people for the policies of the government. As suchit is a kind of conformity and uniformity allegedly very goodin itself. It is certainly convenient for the government. ButI think if it were to become a reality it would stifle the dy­namics of American democracy. For a democratic orderdraws its life blood not from consensus but from creativedissent. It is on the basis of the controversies which are aresult of different conditions of life, and the different inter­ests flowing therefrom, that democracy exists. It is exactlythe mark of a non-democratic, totalitarian order that dissen- sion is suppressed, either spontaneously or by force, so thatinstead of dissent you get consensus.If you look at the actual situation which we are facingtoday in this country you realize to what extent beneath thatsurface of material satisfaction and legislative accomplish­ment there exists a host of explosive unsolved problems.Let me turn for a moment to the issue of race. It ought tobe obvious that the enactment of civil rights legislation isnot the culmination of integration of the Negro race intoAmerican life, but merely the beginning. Once those legisla­tive enactments are translated into social, political, andeconomic actualities, they are bound to give rise to violentconflict and to new political configurations which will bequite different from those to which we are accustomed. Ithink it is an illusion to believe that we have almost arrivedat the best of all possible worlds domestically. Quite thecontrary. The very attempt to transform American societyin the image of the basic moral principles upon which thisnation has been founded is bound to give rise to very seriousif not violent social and political dislocations.Franklin: I want to comment about the historical back­ground of the crisis which Hans Morgenthau has described,it seems to me, in moral dimensions. I think he is quite cor­rect in suggesting that most of the crises of this country werefaced in earlier periods. I suspect that even where the criseshave been obvious and even where we have faced themsomewhat concretely, there has been some inclination togloss over them or not to deal with them in the kind of thor­oughness that would be worthy of a great nation and a greatpeople. I know that this is true in many areas of domesticaffairs, and I think it may be true also in some areas of for­eign affairs. I wonder if we are suggesting here-perhaps onlyI am suggesting-a weakness in the national character thatgoes back fairly far and that explains or informs to someextent some of our present difficulties.Morgenthau: Let me answer your comment. You are cer­tainly right that no society ever faces a problem completelysquarely: it always tries to gloss it over with some kind ofideology. But if you compare, for instance, the issue ofslavery a hundred years ago with the issue of integrationtoday, I think you recognize the differences both in the na­ture of the problem and in the way it was faced. The problemof the abolition of slavery was a relatively simple one; it wasa legal problem. You made a proclamation freeing the slaves,11At the Faculty Roundtable: C. Ranlet Lincoln, moderator; JohnHope Franklin; Philip M. Hauser; and Hans J. Morgenthau.and legally they were free. Today we face an entirely differ­ent problem, infinitely more complex and infinitely less sus­ceptible of a simple, clear-cut solution. That's why Americansociety 100 years ago was more capable of facing the prob­lem of slavery than we are capable of facing the problemof integration.Franklin: However, 100 years ago I don't think they didface the problem squarely or even honestly. I think that'strue in the nature of the Emancipation Proclamation-whichby the way did not legally set anyone free-and I think it isalso true in the attitude that we had toward even the 13th12 Amendment, which did set the slaves free. A lack of realconviction, a lack of commitment in those days has, I think,led directly to our present attitudes toward the problems ofrace and integration. Because we didn't really look at theproblems squarely, and because we developed no habit andindeed no facilities for looking at it squarely, we have a kindof moral bankruptcy with regard to this question today.Hauser: Let me add some thoughts here, John. I am theonly one here without any root in the department of history,so perhaps I can ignore the historical facts and look at the'contemporary situation. Without necessarily disagreeing withwhat's been said, I think we have reached a very significantturning point in the field of inter-group relations, particu,larly with respect to the Negro. We have never had anofficial document on the subject that comes to grips withthe problems in as realistic a way as President Johnson'saddress at the Commencement at Howard University a yearago. What is lacking now is a follow-up on the state and locallevels of the kinds of thoughts and kinds of propositions andkinds of action proposed in the President's statement. Upuntil now we didn't even have the right rhetoric. I thinkthe right rhetoric may at least be a point from which we candepart into the right actions ....The rate of world population growth is accelerating, andhas been since at least the neolithic period 10,000 yearsago. In the history of man there has been a continuousacceleration in the rate of world population growth. Fromthe paleolithic to the present time the rate of populationgrowth has increased a thousandfold from perhaps 2 percent per millenium to, at present, 2 per cent per annum.The present world population of 3.3 billion people is increas­ing by 66 millions per year. Such an increase produces anew United States of America on this planet every threeyears. The developing regions of the world, some increasingat rates well over 3 per cent per annum, are finding burgeon­ing population growth a basic obstacle to efforts to achievehigher living standards. To the extent that they fail in theirefforts to achieve higher levels of living, we can be assuredthat overpopulation will be one of the factors generatingsocial unrest, political instabilities, and threats to world peacefor at least the remainder of this century.Another aspect of the problem which has definitely wors­ened is that related to the world's food supply. In LatinAmerica, a continent which is now increasing at the rate of3 per cent per annum-a rate at which population doublesevery 23 years-food production per capita has actuallydeclined by 6 per cent from 1961 to 1964. On the continentof Asia food production per capita has declined by 3 percent. Thus for well over half the world's population, forseveral years now, food production has not been able tokeep up with the rate of population growth.Let me turn next to the national situation. In the UnitedStates the decline in our birth rate has continued. We arenow down to a growth rate of about 1.2 per cent per year,which is small compared with the rates to which I have justreferred for the world and particularly for the developingregions, but which is still a very large rate of growth. Thepopulation of this nation is officially estimated now in excess of 196 million. With allowances for under-enumeration inour censuses, our nation now probably has 200 millionpeople. But even if we usethe official figure of 196 million,and even with the decreasing birth rate, we will have anestimated population of 263 million by 1985. This meansthat within the next 20 years we shall increase our popula­tion by a number almost as great as the population of theUnited Kingdom and Canada combined. Now some aspectsof the increase give gratification to those with immediateinterests-in marketing, let us say, where more babies meansmore diapers to sell, and so on. But it also means moreharassment for the commuter trying to get to work in themorning. It means more water pollution. It means more airpollution. It means a good many things from the standpointof increased intervention of government into our social andeconomic affairs; and so on.Politicians and police agencies, who know little of elemen­tary statistics, are making a fuss over increasing crime anddelinquency in the streets. I want to call your attention tothe post-war baby boom, which has produced 80 millionbabies since the mobilization in 1946-1 suppose proving,among other things, that the American people have not beenasleep. Because of this tremendous baby boom, the propor­tion of youngsters 15 to 19 years of age is increasing bysomething like 45 per cent between 1960 and 1970. Theproportion of young people 20-24 is increasing by 56 percent. Now most of our juvenile delinquency comes fromthe younger, 15-19 year-old group. Even if the delinquencyrates remained the same there would be an increase withinthis decade of 45 per cent in the volume of juvenile delin­quency, due to the post-war baby boom. Now there is nocorresponding 45 per cent increase in police or in variousagencies to deal with juvenile delinquency.Consider the 20-25 age group, where the more seriouscrimes are committed. The increase of the size of this agegroup, even if the crime rate stays the same, produces a 56per cent increase in crime. Of course the same increase willbe seen in automobile accidents with drivers under 25. Theautomobile, incidentally, is the most lethal weapon that oursociety has yet contrived. What I'm saying is that some ofthe fuss about this generation "going to hell"-as everygeneration has in the past-is simply attributable to thefact that public officials and the public at large never hadStatistics 101. 013Robie House:Home of the Stevenson Institute14 RObie House, Frank Lloyd Wright's internationallyknown masterpiece on the University campus, has been inrecent years little more than a visitors' stopping-place anda model for students of architecture. Once threatened withrazing, Robie House was saved by a sympathetic publicand the University's assumption of responsibility for itspreservation. But that was only a partial solution, for RobieHouse, designed to function but long unoccupied, sufferedfor lack of purpose. Now it has one. It will be the home ofthe Adlai E. Stevenson Institute of International Affairs,the newly-founded memorial to the late Ambassador to theUnited Nations and former Governor of Illinois.Announcement of the memorial came on July 14, 1966,the first anniversary of the distinguished statesman's death,and was made by Hermon D. Smith, newly-elected Presidentof the Stevenson.Memorial Fund; Mrs. Edison Dick, a UCalumna and Vice-President of the Fund; and Adlai E.Stevenson, III, eldest son of the late Ambassador.Mr. Smith said that the Institute "will provide a center inwhich the world's most distinguished statesmen, scholars,government officials, and practical men of affairs will meetto study problems affecting international peace."Provost Edward H. Levi said: "We at The University ofChicago are extremely pleased by the decision to make OUrcampus the home of the Stevenson Institute. The programof the Institute will be important to statesmen and scholarsfrom all over the world."The University is making available Robie House, the firstof Frank Lloyd Wright's 'prairie houses,' to serve as thehome for the Institute. It seems especially fitting that thisworld-significant new venture, honoring a statesman ofbroad vision and legendary grace of speech, who was of theMiddle West and loved his prairie home, and who spoke forand to the academic community, should now be housed inthis architectural landmark on a university campus."According' to a statement from the Stevenson MemorialFund, it was decided to establish the permanent headquartersof the Institute on the UC campus "because of the manyadvantages this provides, including proximity to libraries andother specialized academic resources. The Institute, whichwill be autonomous in organization, plans to work in clOsecooperation with The University of Chicago, as well as othercenters of learning in the Chicago area and throughout thenation and the world." An initial goal of $10,000,000 hasbeen set to provide funds for establishing the Institute, and anationwide public solicitation is being prepared.RObie House was designed in 1906 by Frank LloydWright for Frederick C. Robie, a Chicago manufacturer.Its scrupulously supervised construction, completed in 1909,has been attributed to Harrison Barnard, who later becamea trustee of the University. The house is located at 5757Woodlawn Avenue, at the corner of 58th Street. Its esti­mated cost was $35,000. In keeping with his principle ofdesigning a structure as an organic whole, the architect alsodesigned the furnishings, including much of the furniture anda hand-woven rug said to have cost $10,000.The Chicago Theological Seminary, located across Wood­lawn A venue from Robie House, purchased the building in1926, primarily as a site for possible future expansion. CTSused Robie House variously as a classroom building, a din­ing hall, a temporary dormitory, and a conference center.In 1957 CTS announced that, in view of necessary struc­tural and building code repairs estimated to cost from $75,000 to $100,000, the house could not be preserved andwould be razed to provide part of a site for a married stu­dents' residence. The announcement brought a flurry ofprotests and an unsuccessful movement to raise funds tosave the structure. Meanwhile, CTS succeeded in acquiringother property large enough to accommodate the new hous­ing. Robie House was purchased for $102,000 by Webb &Knapp National Corp., which used the building briefly asa temporary construction headquarters, then offered it toany agency that would undertake its preservation. In 1963the University agreed to assume responsibility for RobieHouse with the expectation that sufficient funds for itsrestoration would eventually be raised.In 1957 a panel of leading architects and art historiansselected Robie House and "Falling Water," another Wrightbuilding, as the two outstanding houses built in the UnitedStates in the recent century. In a 1958 survey of the entirearchitectural profession, Robie House was voted the mostdistinguished American residence in the same period. In1960 it was designated an Architectural Landmark by theCity of Chicago; and in 1964 it was named a National His­toric Landmark by Secretary of the Interior Udall. 015Excerpt:Harper's UniversityRichard J. StorrA s a source of tradition, an intangible endowment,Harper's death supplemented his life. Dying, he provided aclimax to his hitherto unceasing pursuit of unity. His defectswere not immediately forgotten and indeed were spoken ofwith remarkable frequency; but even before his death, theimpression that he created as a fallible man began to dimas a heroic Harper emerged. More closely perhaps than thatof any other university president, the stark outline of hishistory did resemble the myth of the hero-of the championstruck down in battle, before his time but to the salvationof his cause. Ten years earlier, before coming to the Univer­sity, William Vaughn Moody had said of Harper: "... he isas yet a strangely mythical figure in my mind." In October,1905, Robert Herrick, once the sharp-tongued detractor ofan academic boss, wrote from Florence: "Harper's end ispathetic and tragic, and also ennobling. He seems larger,the further you get away, and his educational rawness andfatuities less important. ... It may be cowardly, but I can'thelp being glad to be away from the end-the grip of diseaseon the courageous man."Nothing about Harper is more impressive than the inabilityof his friends and colleagues to remain indifferent to hispersonality. It resembled a natural phenomenon with whichbeholders must somehow come to terms. The judgmentsRichard 1. Storr, Associate Professor in the Department ofHistory, worked for over ten years on Harper's University(The University of Chicago Press), a history of the foundingand early years of the University. passed upon Harper fell with striking frequency into bal­anced phrases, as if he were the embodiment of dialectic:"He had the mind and manners of a captain of industry, buthe had the heart and soul of a scholar and a sage." "Scholars,high-minded and serious of purpose, are many. Doers, ac­tive, confident, and successful, are more numerous still.Men are harder to come upon, and our friend was a man.""President Harper, like every great man, derived his strengthfrom the union of opposite qualities. . . . Among theseblendings in President Harper's nature none seems ... morenoteworthy or more mysterious-for without mystery thereis no deepness of soul-than his warm personal loyalty tofriends, while in the conduct of any enterprise his attitudetoward individuals :was as impersonal as the force of gravita­tion." "A strong man is apt to be ruthless, and PresidentHarper had tremendous strength of will. But he never meantto be unkind. . . . Sometimes he acted to all appearancesautocratically, but at heart he was a democrat of democrats.""Dr. Harper had respect for the past that often seemed toverge upon ritualism. At the same time his insight into theprovisional character of men's achievements prompted anindependence of the past frequently branded as iconoclasm.""He united in a singular degree conservatism and progres­siveness, idealism and practicality, the intellectual and theemotional, the material and the spiritual."A stranger who had seen Harper order a dinner, saidAlbion Small, might forever cherish the illusion that the keyto his whole character was to be found in the tastes of anepicure; another stranger who had seen Harper leave the16table for a night or day or several days of forced work withscarcely a thought for food or sleep might say that the manwas at heart an ascetic and the pleasures of the table weremerely items in a program of winning his way by a show ofgood fellowship. Judging solely by the amount of thoughtand labor Harper would expend upon the forms and cere­monies of an academic or social function, one might easilyclassify him as a martinet with a vision only for trifles. Orknowing Harper solely while he was studying large questionsof general policy, one might gain the idea that he carednothing whatever for details but was interested only in prob­ing essential principles. Some men might imagine that Har­per was at bottom a hard-headed man of affairs, cynicallyindulgent of the superstitions of others, prudently silentabout his contempt for their opinions, but really a paganand a materialist. Others would discover in him a simpleand sturdy Christian faith daily overcoming the world. Fewpersonalities, Small continued, were less the consequenceof a predominating trait. Harper's personality was a per­petual transformation of energy, the principle of coherencebeing an inclusive moral conception.I t was the paradox of 'Harper's life that his activity wasextraordinarily varied-as he struggled with finances on thehard terms set in 1903, he completed a work of fundamentalscholarship, his Commentary on Amos and Hosea-and yetthat he retained a moral simplicity that is only inadequately described as a conception. The word smacks too much offormal thought. As Harper lay dying, he had called for afew friends, notably, Ernest D. Burton and Albion W. Small:Harper to Burton: There are only a few people that I cantalk to now, or that I think can help me .... What is therebeyond this life?Burton: Tome it all goes back to my conviction that thisis a good world. That at the heart and center of thingsthere is a mind, and that mind benevolent. But not only doI believe that it is a good world in the sense that it is underthe government of a good God, but I believe also that theprogress of things is toward what is better. You know alreadythat I feel that the poets and prophets have more to teachus than the scholars and investigators, that the man of in­sight is wiser than the man of learning, and what the poetsand prophets dream of and hope for at length comes trueif only they dream and hope for good things. Progress isslow, and there are many back-steps, but things are movingon toward the better. And this being the case I must believethat there is something beyond this world better than this.Fundamental to my thought of what that is is the thoughtof Jesus as I understand it, the thought, namely, that he whohas come into fellowship with that spirit of goodness that isat the heart of things, can never lose that fellowship, andso can never cease to be, and because that spirit of goodnessis good, and because things are moving on toward the better,the fellowship beyond this life must be better even than thatof this life. And furthermore, because I cannot think of im-17personal existence as better than personal life, I am almostcompelled to think of the life to come as personal.Harper (after Burton had explained his belief): This isgood; this is helpful. But what do you mean by fellowshipwith God? What about the man who has not lived in fellow­ship with God? I cannot say anything about the rest of you,but I have had a bad past. My record is not good ....Burton (in response to Harper's question about the mean­ing of fellowship with God): ... We cart put it in the termsin which Jesus generally put it. He thought of God as Father,and lived in the consciousness of intimate fellowship withthat Father .... I count myself happiest when the sense ofGod's fatherhood and my relation to him as son is deep andvivid .... But there are times when I cannot thus think ofGod, when I am compelled rather to think of the universeand of the spirit of goodness and of wisdom which is at theheart of that universe ....Harper: You cannot always think of God as Father?Burton: No, I wish I could; that is the best; but I do notalways find it possible ....Harper (after Burton had said more about the nature offellowship) : That helps me.Later, Harper asked Burton about the significance of thesuffering of Jesus; and as Harper talked, Burton could easilysee that Harper's mind was dwelling upon the moral short­comings and failures of his life. It occurred to Burton tospeak as he supposed most Christian .ministers would havedone, telling Harper that Christ had suffered the penalty ofhis sins upon the cross and that the debt was paid there.But Burton had felt from the beginning that Harper hadasked him to answer his questions because he thought thatBurton would speak from his heart and without any conven­tional phraseology or theological formulas. He spoke ofGod's forgiveness for the man who turns his back upon hissins and who seeks fellowship with God. This idea was theheart of a climactic conversation.Small: Dr. Harper, there is one thing we want to say toyou, and that is that we do not at all agree with the harshverdict which you are evidently passing upon your past life.We are not here to say that there have been no mistakes andno faults, but that as we know you, and we believe that we18 do know you thoroughly, your life has been controlled cen­trally by the purpose to do the work that God gave you todo. We know, of course, that you have been occupied withaffairs and have been soiled with the dust of the everydaywork and conflict, but these things were necessary, and weare perfectly confident that the main purpose of your lifehas been right, and that its result has been vastly helpful.Harper: I cannot say these things. You say them becauseyou do not know me. Your characterization of my life isnot mine. Some of the things you say are true, but personalambition will account for a large part of what I have done.. . . I have not followed Jesus Christ as closely as I oughtto have done. I have come down from the plane on whichI ought to have lived. I have justified it to myself at timesas necessary because I was carrying so heavy loads. But Isee now that it was all wrong.Burton: Well, suppose we take your view of it, supposewe grant what all you say.Harper (interrupting): I -think we will have to take it onthat basis.Burton: Now the question is after all the experiences oflife, after all its successes and failures, is it your deepestwish that your will and purpose be in harmony with or con­trary to that of the heavenly Father? Whether you have an­other year to live or a million years to live in this world oranother, do you want your life in its purpose and effect torun parallel with and to be in harmony with the purpose andwill of the infinite Spirit of goodness?The answer in Harper's mind was evident to Burton. Yet,since it was also clear that Harper was not wholly satisfied,Burton tried again:Burton: Dr. Harper, suppose your boy Paul had been outof harmony with you, disobedient to your wishes, rebelliousand ugly, and after no matter how long a time, he shouldcome back to you and say, "Father, I have done wrong, Iknew your way was right, but I have preferred to do myown way, but now I want to do your way, I know it is agood way, and I am through with rebellion and seliwill, andI want to live in harmony in your home." Would you sayto him, "But you or somebody else will have to be punishedfor that sin before you can come back," or would you sayto him, "I] that is the way you feel, Paul, come back toyour father's house and to your father's love"? What youwould do for Paul is what God is ready to do for everyoneof us.Small (interrupting, in a choked voice): That is what Jesustaught us in the parable of the prodigalson.Harper (after some minutes of conversation): I can trustHim. I believe God will be as good to me as I would be tomy boy.Wn Burton next saw Harper, he was at peace abouthimself. To the world, who knew Harper by his accomplish­ments, it might have seemed that the parable of the talentswould be a source of comfort. It was in faith, however, andnot in works that Harper found his peace. Even so at theend Harper prayed: May it be that for me there shall belife beyond this life, and may there be in that life work stillto do, tasks still to accomplish. That was Harper the human being, acutely sensitive inconscience, besieged by the abiding questions of life and itssuffering, impatient with easy answers, hungry for friend­ship, comforted by an awareness of grace, and restless to theend in the thought of work to be done. The man, that para­dox of simplicity and complexity, truly lived-more fullythan do most men. The contradictions of his life are the mostpoignant evidence of his vitality. He lived enough andwrought enough, his colleagues on the Board declared, tostart a new epoch and to endow it with lasting consciousness.But to what had Harper, the academic official as well asthe man, awakened the people about him? The institutionover which he presided became possessed by a sense of itsown uniqueness. The University has never been long con­tent to be but a member of a class: awareness of an obliga­tion to be great has been a part of its history. But greatnessin what? The University has been rich in money, buildings,and the talents of its individual professors, but other univer­sities have been as rich. Upon the older of them Chicagodrew for inspiration and for its Faculty members. Theoriginal plan of the University was spectacular, but it fellfar short of fulfilment. Harper did not succeed in awakeningsuch admiration for his ideal university-for Harper's Uni­versity per se-that his colleagues would follow all the wayalong the course he charted. Had they tried to do so, theUniversity might well have consumed its material wealth­and the last of their energies-only to face retrenchment.In any case, the plans Harper made could hardly have beenmore significant than the way in which he worked. Men makeuniversities, Robert Herrick observed, as once they madegreat temples, blindly, not conceiving the ultimate ends towhich they will be devoted, out of some inner necessity oftheir spirits. There is that quality in the history of the Harperadministration in spite of Harper's vision and his near obses­sion with the elaboration of plans. The events which madethe administration what it was were not wholly subject tohuman domination, and much of its history is the recordof a struggle to harness the forces at work in the University.What might have been a disastrous explosion failed to occur,possibly because of Harper's fatal illness. And yet evenafter he was stricken, Harper was driven by an inner neces­sity of the spirit; he created an atmosphere charged withenergy, excitement, tension, and a sense of mission. He lefta legacy and a legend of dynamism. D19Quadrangle NewsFaculty-Student Housing - For the firsttime in the University's seventy-five-yearhistory, faculty members, administrators,and in some cases their families, will livefor short periods in Shorey House, amen's dormitory at 5514 South UniversityAvenue.Jack Kolb, a fourth year student in theCollege and president of Shorey House,said the plan is designed to "increase theopportunities for students and faculty tomeet informally outside the classroom."Similar plans at other universities haveoften failed, said Kolb, because "thegroundwork of informal contacts had notbeen well laid. But the students at ShoreyHouse, building upon several years of ex­perience with faculty lectures in the house,informal get-togethers, dinners, and theFaculty Fellows Program (under whichfaculty members eat one meal per weekwith the students), think they have goodreason for success." So far faculty responsehas been enthusiastic, and thirty-five fac­ulty members have agreed to participatein the program.Honorary Degrees-Honorary Doctor ofScience degrees were awarded to threedistinguished scholars at the University's314th Convocation on June 10. The threerecipients were Maurice Stevenson Bart­lett, Professor and Head of the Depart­ment of Statistics at University College,London, England; Dr. Irving M. London,Professor and Chairman of the Depart­rnent of Medicine at Albert Einstein Col­Iege of Medicine, Bronx, New York; andiJ ohn C. Slater, Professor of Physics atIthe University of Florida, Gainesville, andat the Massachusetts Institute of Tech­inology.ilAlumnus Gives $2,OOO,OOO-Dr. Clarence,e. Reed, MD'25, a physician living injCompton, Calif., has pledged $2,000,000toward the construction of a Surgery'Building in the University's developingScience Center. Dr. Reed's gift is the larg­est made thus far by an individual duringthe University's three-year campaign for$160,000,000.20 The Surgery Building will contain surgi­cal facilities, post-operative wards, andclinical laboratories. It will be located onthe west side of Ellis Avenue near 58thStreet, adjacent to The University of Chi­cago Hospitals and Clinics.President George W. Beadle said: "Thismagnificent gift, which is such an extra­ordinary expression of confidence in theaspirations of the University, will enablethis institution to build one of the world'sfinest surgery facilities."Dr. Reed was an undergraduate at MountUnion College, Alliance, Ohio. He attend­ed Rush Medical School and received hisMD degree from The University of Chi­cago in 1925. He has been a consistentdonor to The University of Chicago Med­ical Alumni Association and in 1959 heestablished the Clarence e. Reed MemorialTrust Fund to distribute income to MountUnion College and the University.The Wyler Children's Hospital was formallydedicated on August 28. Associated with theHospital is the new Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr.,Mental Retardation Research Center, dedi­cated on August 31. Dr. Albert Dorfman,SB'36, PhD'39, MD'44, (see Profiles) is Chiefof Staff of the Hospital and Director of theKennedy Center. New Journal-ZYGON: Journal of Reli­gion and Science has been added to thelist of over thirty scholarly journals pub­lished by The University of Chicago Press.Edited by Ralph Wendell Burhoe andRobert B. Tapp, the quarterly is "an at­tempt to bridge the ideological gap be­tween religion and science and to providea medium of communication for human­ists and scientists concerned with contem­porary values and knowledge."Egyptian Writer at UC- Yusif Idris, anoted Egyptian author, playwright, jour­nalist and screen writer whose works havebeen translated into many languages, willspend six months studying American cul­ture as a guest of the University's Centerfor Middle Eastern Studies. In the autumnhe will conduct seminars in contemporaryArabic literature. William R. Polk, Pro­fessor of History and Director of the Cen­ter for Middle Eastern Studies, said, "YusifIdris is considered the most promisingwriter of fiction in the Arabic world today.His visit is in line with the policy of theCenter to stimulate the exchange of ideasbetween the Middle East and the West."Campaign Director- W. James Atkins, '40,has been appointed Director of the Cam­paign for Chicago, the University's driveto raise $160,000,000 in a three-yearperiod.Richard F. O'Brien, University Vice­President for Planning and Development,said: "Jim Atkins is widely known in theUniversity community and especiallyamong our alumni. He has more than 20years experience in significant efforts tofind financial support for higher educationin the United States. I am confident thathe will provide our staff with the adviceand leadership so necessary to help theUniversity achieve its record-breakinggoal."Classmates will remember Jim Atkins asan economics major and a member ofAlpha Delta Phi, the Dramatics Associa­tion, the football team, and the "A" and"B" tennis teams when they were the hot-test in the Big Ten. During World War IIhe served as a Marine Corps officer in thePacific. From 1946 to 1954 he was direc­tor of the Annual Alumni Fund.Mr. Atkins has been closely associatedwith the Campaign for Chicago since itwas launched last year. He is a Vice­President of Charles R. Feldstein and Co.of Chicago, consultants to the Universityon development matters. In this capacityhe has served as an adviser to the Gradu­ate School of Business, the Law School,and the University's corporate support andgeneral development programs. As Cam­paignDirector, he will be responsible forcarrying out policy set by the campaignsteering committee, which is headed byGaylord Donnelley, Trustee of the Uni­versity and Chairman of the Board ofR. R. Donnelley and Sons Co., the Chicagoprinting firm.New Trustees-The election of three mem­bers to the University's Board of Trusteeswas announced recently. They are EdwardH. Levi, Provost of the University andProfessor of Law; Christopher W. Wilson,Executive Vice-President of the First Na­tional Bank of Chicago; and Emmett Ded­mon, editor of the Chicago Sun-Times.Provost Levi received his PhB degree in1932 and his JD degree in 1935, both fromThe University of Chicago. He joined thefaculty of the Law School in 1936, wasappointed Dean of the Law School in1950, and became the University's firstProvost in 1962. His election to the Boardmarked one of the few times in the Uni­versity's 75-year history that a facultymember has been elected a Trustee.Fairfax M. Cone, Chairman of the Board,said: "The Board of Trustees has beenimpressed by the intellectual leadershipwhich Mr. Levi has provided the Univer­sity through the years. We believe that hisappointment to the Board will help tostrengthen the interaction between theBoard and the University's officers at asignificant period in the University's his­tory."Mr. Wilson received his AB degree fromCornell University in 1931, and his LLB degree from Harvard University LawSchool in 1934. He joined the staff of theFirst National Bank of Chicago as an at­torney in 1951 and has been executivevice-president since August 1963. He isalso a trustee of Blackburn College, Car­linville, Illinois, and a director of ScottForesman and Company, the Ceco Cor­poration, and Children's Memorial Hos­pital of Chicago. He is chairman of theWinnetka, Illinois, Zoning Board.Mr. Dedmon received his AB from TheUniversity of Chicago in 1939. Hemajored in economics, was editor of theMaroon, and served as a University Mar­shal. With the exception of five years'service in the Air Force during World WarII, he has been with the Sun-Times since1940. Currently he is a member of theUniversity's Citizens Board, its VisitingCommittee on the Divinity School, and itsAlumni Senate. Mr. Dedmon is the cur­rent president of the Young Men's Chris­tian Association of Metropolitan Chicago,and serves on the board of trustees of theChicago Historical Society. He is a mem­ber of the Northwestern University Asso­ciates, the National Academic Council ofValparaiso University, the board of direc­tors of the Chicago Chapter of the Amer­ican Red Cross, and is a trustee of theGeorge M. Pullman Educational Founda­tion. He is also the author of four books.Banners for Rockefeller Cbapel-Forty­four brilliantly colored religious bannersdesigned by Norman Laliberte of Brew­ster, New York, will be placed in Rocke­feller Memorial Chapel. The banners werecreated for the Vatican Pavillion at the1965 New York World's Fair and mostrecently hung in the nave of the NationalShrine of the Immaculate Conception in. Washington.The banners depict the life of Christ, thesaints, and milestones in Christian history.They were donated to the UniversityChapel by Earle Ludgin, a trustee of theUniversity, and chairman of the board ofEarle Ludgin and Company, Chicago, asa memorial to his late wife, Mary Me­Donald Ludgin. Faculty and StaffDavid Atlas, an expert in the field ofradar meteorology, has been appointedProfessor of Meteorology. Since 1948 hehas been chief of the Weather RadarBranch, Geophysics Research Directorate,Air Force Cambridge (Mass.) ResearchLaboratories.Francisco Ayala, internationally knownSpanish author, literary critic and scholar,has been appointed a University Professorin the Department of Romance Languagesand Literature. Bernard Weinberg, Chair­man of that department, said: "It is noexaggeration to say that Ayala is at thepresent time one of the most distinguishedSpanish novelists and one of Spain's lead­ing intellectuals. In his writing, he haspursued three separate lines-novels andshort stories of primary importance in con­temporary Spanish literature; essays andbooks on sociological matters; and literarycriticism in the form of essays and majorworks." Mr. Ayala has been on the facultyof New York University since 1962.Mrs. George W. Beadle delivered thecommencement address and received anhonorary Doctor of Humane Letters de­gree at the 35th annual commencementceremonies of Mundelein College, Chi­cago, on June 11.Daniel Bell, a specialist in urban soci­ology, has been appointed a Visiting Pro­fessor for 1966-67. Author of The End ofIdeology and The Reforming of GeneralEducation, Mr. Bell teaches at Columbia.Karl J. Bemesderfer, '62, has been ap­pointed Assistant Dean of the College. Hewas an honor student as an undergraduateand holds an LLB from Harvard LawSchool.Donald F. Bond, Professor Emeritus ofEnglish; Felix E. Browder, Professor ofMathematics; Norman Golb, AssistantProfessor of Oriental Languages andLiterature; Eugene Goldwasser, Professorof Biochemistry; Robert A. Goldwin, Di-21rector of the Public Affairs ConferenceCenter of the Center for Continuing Edu­cation; Charles M. Gray, Associate Pro­fessor of History; Dr. Attallah Kappas,Associate Professor of Medicine; andDavid M. Schneider, Professor and Chair­man of the Department of Anthropology,were among 22 Illinois winners of Gug­genheim Fellowships.Philip W. Jackson, Professor of Educa­tion, has been appointed Principal of theNursery School of the University's Labora­tory Schools. He succeeds William Fowler,Assistant Professor of Education and inthe Committee on Human Development,who resigned to devote full time to re­search. Mr. Jackson is a psychologist withsociological and educational interests. Hisprincipal research in recent years has beenon classroom behavior and children's atti­tudes toward school.Dr. Leon Jacobson, the Joseph Regen­stein Professor of Biological and MedicalSciences, and Dean of the Division ofBiological Sciences, received an honorarydegreefrom North ·I)akota State Univer­sity in Fargo on May 28, 1966.Harry G. Johnson, Professor of Eco­nomics, has been elected an honorarymember of the Japan Economic ResearchCenter, Tokyo.J. Richard Johnson, Jr., Grants and Con­tracts Administrator in the Office of theVice- President for Special Projects since1962, has been appointed Assistant Deanfor Non-Academic Affairs in the Gradu­ate School of Education.Irving Kaplansky, Professor and Chair­man of the Department of Mathematics,has been elected to membership in theNational Academy of Sciences.Dr. John E. Kasik, MD'54, AssistantProfessor of Medicine and Pharmacology,has been awarded a Fulbright-Hays inter­national exchange fellowship for study atOxford University, England.Robert Langridge, an authority on bio­logical uses of X-ray diffraction, has beenappointed Professor of Biophysics. He hadbeen a member of the Harvard Universityfaculty since 1963.James H. Lorie, Professor of Business22 From the Midway-October programsfor the University's radio series "Fromthe Midway": Donald Zoll, AssociateProfessor of Political Science, KansasState College, on "Conscience, Law,and Civil Disobedience"; HonorableCarl McGowan, U.S. Circuit CourtJudge, Washington, D.C., on "TheProblems of a Developing Constitu­tion"; James J. Reynolds, U.S. AssistantSecretary of Labor, on "Federal Execu­tive Order Number 10988 in Practice";Jerry Wurf, President, American Feder­ation of State, County, and MunicipalEmployees, on "Organizing and Collec­tive Bargaining by Public Employees";a series of programs entitled "Key Fig­ures Discuss Urban Affairs," featuring:August Hecksher, Director, TheTwentieth Century Fund, on "The City:Art and Technology"; Nathan Glazer,Professor of Sociology, The Universityof California at Berkeley, on "Race inthe City"; Daniel P. Moynihan, Pro­fessor, Wesleyan University, on "TheNegro Family"; and Whitney M.Young, Jr., Executive Director, Na­tional Urban League, on "Desegrega­tion: What Impact on the UrbanScene?" The programs can be heard onthe following radio stations. Broadcasttimes indicated where available.Albuquerque, N. M., KNMDAnn Arbor, Mich., WUOM, Fridays Baltimore, Md., WBAL-FMBaltimore, Md., WFMM-FMBerkeley, Calif., KPF ABinghampton, N. Y., WNBF, SundaysBoston, Mass., WBURChicago, Ill., WAITChicago, Ill., WFMFCleveland, 0., WCL V, 1: 00 p.m.SaturdaysCorvallis, Ore., KOACDetroit, Mich., WDTM, SundaysEast Lansing, Mich., WKAR, 4: 00 p.m.SundaysHonolulu, Hawaii, KNDI, 1: 00 p.m.SaturdaysHouston, Tex., KILT, SundaysIndianapolis, Ind., WICR-FM, SundaysInterlochen, Mich., WIAAKnoxville, Tenn., WUOT-FMMilwaukee, Wis., WFMRMinneapolis, Minn., KWFMNew York, N. Y., WBAINew York, N. Y., WRVRNorth Hollywood, Calif., KPFKPhiladelphia, Pa., WUHY-FMPhiladelphia, Pa., WXPNPortland, Ore., KOPA-FMRichmond, Va., WRFK-FMSt. Louis, Mo., KSTL-FM, SaturdaysSeattle, Wash., KING-FM, 8 :00 p.m.TuesdaysTerre Haute, Ind., WTHI, SundaysWashington, D. C., WAMUWashington, D. C., The Voice ofAmericaAdministration; Hirofumi Uzawa, Profes­sor of Economics; and Yair Mundlak,Visiting Associate Professor of Economics,have been awarded fellowships from theFord Foundation. The purpose of the fel­lowships is "to strengthen college anduniversity teaching in economics and busi­ness administration and to support researchon significant problems in these areas."George P. Shultz, Professor of IndustrialRelations and Dean of the GraduateSchool of Business, has been appointed tothe Board of Visitors of the United StatesNaval Academy. He is the author, with Arnold R. Weber, Professor of IndustrialRelations, of the recent Strategies for theDisplaced Worker (Harper & Row).Stuart M. Tave, Professor of English,has been named Master of the CollegiateDivision of the Humanities and AssociateDean of the College. He will replaceArthur R. Heiserman, Associate Professorof English and College Humanities, whohas resigned to devote full time to teach_ing. Mr. Tave joined the University facultyin 1951. He is an authority on 18th and19th century English literature and theauthor of two recent books.SpartshartsStagg Scholars-William S. Ferry of St.Louis, Missouri, and John P. Ryan ofLima, New York, have received StaggScholarships to The University of Chicago.They are entering the College as freshmenin October and will join four other StaggScholars now on the Midway campus.Ferry is a 6'8Yz" basketball center andhigh jumper who recently placed secondin the high jump at the Missouri state highschool track meet. He was the editor ofhis high school newspaper and rankedthird in a graduating class of 456. Ryan isa soccer, baseball, and basketball lettermanfrom Lima High School who received hon­orable mention on the Finger Lakes areaall-star soccer team in the fall of 1965.He was president of his high school classand treasurer of the student council.The Stagg Scholarships were establishedin 1963 in honor of the late Amos AlonzoStagg. They are awarded annually to twooutstanding scholar-athletes who plan toenter the University of Chicago. Recipientsmust be in the top ten per cent of theirhigh school classes and must have partici­pated in at least one varsity sport.Track Roundup- Twenty-five members ofThe University of Chicago varsity tracksquad participated in the Open Meet heldon Stagg Field on April 16. Athletes fromChicago, DePaul, Loyola, and North Cen­tral also competed in the 15-event pro­gram. No team scores were kept, but UCtrackmen made a good showing. Carl A.Dixon, a freshman, placed fourth in the100-yard dash. In the 120-yard high hur­dles Theodore Terpstra finished third,John Beal was fourth, and Edward Hoor­naert was fifth. Sophomore Jan Nilssonran a fine 1: 56.6 half mile to finish third.Robert LaRoque took fifth place in the.440-yard intermediate hurdles; and JohnFekety, Tom James, Alan Ferber, andArthur Green all placed in the shot put.Fekety and Ferber both placed in the dis­cus throw as well. Peter Hildebrand, ajunior from Chicago, set a varsity teamrecord of 14:37.6 in the three-mile runfor a third place. John Beal took second Seventy colleges and universities sent athletes to the fourth annual NCAA Track and FieldChampionships, held on Stagg Field, June 10-11. UC trackmen placed 42nd in total team in the high jump and won the longjump, his specialty. Fekety, Charles Stan­berry, William Kennick, and James Coatestook second, third, fourth, and fifth placesin the javelin. The UC team of Jan Nilsson,John Sarracino, Steven Kojola, and JamesCottingham took second place in the milerelay with a time of 3: 27.8, their best ofthe year.The 42nd Annual Ohio Relays were heldat Columbus, Ohio, on April 23. Eightvarsity track men competed. John Bealjumped 22'7" for fifth place in the longjump against tough competition which in­cluded athletes from seven Big Tenschools. The mile relay team of Terpstra,Nilsson, Sarracino, and Cottingham cut2.4 seconds from their best time so far,set a week earlier, and finished third with3:25.4. Theodore Terpstra posted a "per­sonal best" in the 440-yard intermediatehurdles with a time of 0:56.7. The 2-milerelay team of LaRoque, Kojola, Peppard,and Cottingham finished with a time of8 :09.4, but failed to place.Season Summary-More than half of thevarsity athletic teams at The University ofChicago posted winning records during1965-66, in what was probably the lastfull season of play on historic Stagg Field.Six of the University's eleven intercollegi- ate teams had better than .500 recordsduring the year, compared with only threeof eleven in the 1964-65 season. In all sportsthe Maroon athletes won 65 contests andlost 69. The golf team, with nine wins andtwo losses, had the best winning percent­age of the current season and broughthome the Chicago Collegiate Golf Confer­ence season championship. Robert D.Kreidler, Golf Coach and Assistant Pro­fessor of Physical Education, said: "Wehad a virtually new team, with only threereturning players. Luckily our freshmencame through very nicely. We lost only oneman through graduation in June and arelooking forward to another good seasonthis year." The Maroon cross-countrysquad and the basketball team were alsohighly successful during the past season.The cross-country runners won eight often meets, and the basketball team won 12of 16 games. Both teams are expected tobe strong during the 1966-67 season. Win­ning season records were also posted bythe swimming, tennis and track teams.The intercollegiate teams at the Uni­versity and their 1965-66 season recordsare: Baseball, won 4, lost 11; basketball,12-4; cross-country, 8-2; fencing, 5-10;golf, 9-2; gymnastics, 1-10; soccer, 2-8;swimming, 6-4; tennis, 5-3; indoor track,7-4; outdoor track, 5-4; wrestling, 1-7.23ProfilesAlbert Dorfman"It is no longer possible to distinguishmedicine from basic biology. The two areso closely interrelated that for a depart­ment of pediatrics to function in any kindof modern fashion today, it must constant­ly be in the forefront of investigation inthe field of biology on the one hand, andmust be giving to biology the advantagesof the knowledge of human beings-theirbehavior and their diseases-that accruefrom clinical work." To Albert Dorfmanthe above is more than a personal view­point on the relation of medicine to sci­ence. It is the operating principle of theSilva in and Arma Wyler Children's Hos­pital at The University of Chicago, dedi­cated August 28. Dorfman is Chief ofStaff of the new hospital.He was born in Chicago on July 6, 1916,received his SB degree from the Univer­sity in 1936, his PhD in 1939, and his MDin 1944. Dorfman served his internshipat Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, thenreturned to the University in 1945 as resi­dent in pediatrics at the Clinics. Exceptfor the years 1946-48 when he was at theUnited States Army Medical School aschief of biochemistry, Dorfman has beenwith the University ever since. In 1953 hewas appointed Associate Professor of Pe­diatrics and in 1957 he became Professorand Chairman of the Department of Pedia­trics. In 1965 he was named Richard T.Crane Professor of Pediatrics.Dorfman's special field of interest is thechemistry of connective tissue, the tissuewhich is affected by rheumatic fever andrelated rheumatic and arthritic diseases. In1957 he received the E. Mead JohnsonAward for Research in Pediatrics for hiswork on the causes of Hurler's syndrome.This rare metabolic disease, Dorfman dis­covered, is caused by an abnormality oftwo complex sugars-acid mucopolysac­charides-which are crucial to the synthesisof connective tissue. "One of the greatest24 breakthroughs in the history of man'sknowledge has occurred in the last four orfive years as a result of the modern workin biochemical genetics," Dorfman says."This has opened up a vast field, not onlyfor the basic understanding of the mech­anisms of genetics and inheritance, butalso directly applicable to human disease."Speaking of his own work on Hurler's syn­drome, a hereditary disease which not onlyhas mental retardation effects but whichalso produces profound abnormalities ofbone, heart, and other body tissues, hesays that the results of the studies have"given us for the first time an insight of thepossible relationship between a specificbiochemical defect and certain structuraldefects of the body."Since he is a doctor as well as a researchscientist, Dorfman is quick to point outthat the new children's hospital will notbe only a set of laboratories. In the past30 years "pediatrics, and indeed all ofmedicine, have undergone a profoundchange; one might call it a revolution."Thus the treatment part of the new facilitywill incorporate many features which rep­resent changes in attitude in regard to thecare of children in hospitals. Years agoparents' visiting hours with their childrenwere severely restricted, "based on theconcept that a child had to be separatedfrom the family" if he were to be treated properly. However, Dorfman says that"we know now this is fallacious." Thechildren's hospital of even the recent pastwas an institution offering little more than"pity, sympathy, and charity." Dorfmanfeels that it is important to retain thesehumanitarian impulses, but that to' themshould be added the full power of modernscience. In this spirit the new hospital willhave not only complete research facilities,but accommodations in aU of the children'srooms to enable the mother to stay over­night if the doctor deems it desirable. AsDorfman puts it, "we know now that thecare of a sick child involves the parentsvery intimately."The keynote of Dorfman's philosophy isa skillful interplay of the doctor's humani­tarianism with the scientist's quest forknowledge. The result is better care forthe patient and more technical progress inboth medicine and science. Much progresshas already been made in the fields of pub­lic health, nutrition, immunization, controlof infection, and the use of antibiotics.But much still remains to be done. InDorfman's words, there is still "a widerange of equally significant problems ofchildhood which have not yet come undercontrol." It is his fervent hope that,through close cooperation, medicine andscience will, in the years to come, be ableto understand and control many of them.Dr. Dorfman (third from left) with student doctors at the University Clinics.William H. HaleWilliam H. Hale is a man who wants tobuild a greenhouse in an isolated, wind­swept area of northern Oklahoma. Theson of a struggling dirt farmer, he is todaythe President of Langston (Oklahoma)University. The greenhouse he is buildingis Langston itself, a "greenhouse for theintellectually undernourished."Hale was born on August 8, 1914, inKrebs, Oklahoma, and attended Langstonas an undergraduate. He received his BSin sociology and education there in 1940.He then attended the University of Wis­consin, where he received a Master's de­gree in Sociology in 1941. There followeda variety of administrative and teachingjobs at Fisk University, Bethune-CookmanCollege, Langston, Atlanta University, andHampton Institute. In 1946 he came toThe University of Chicago for more workin sociology, and received his PhD in1949. He then went to Clark College,where he later became Chairman of theDepartment of Sociology.Hale returned to Langston as Presidentin September 1960 and at once inheriteda mass of problems, most of them stem­ming, ironically enough, from the fact thatsegregation had been legally outlawed forseveral years. Langston had been foundedas a Colored Agricultural and NormalUniversity in 1897. It was placed by theOklahoma Legislature in an isolated area,well removed from urban areas and whitesettlements. Its role was to prepare N e­groes for "fit" occupations (a buildingerected in 1926 had "Tailoring" inscribedabove its door). Since the end of officialsegregation in 1954, however, many feltthat there was no further need for an all­Negro school like Langston, and pressuremounted to close it. Many of Langston'sstudents transferred to better schools. In1960 Langston graduated only sixty-sevenstudents.However, Hale did not accept the presi- dency of Langston in order to see theschool relegated to extinction. He felt thatit was Langston's destiny "to develop peo­ple to the extent that they can move onsomewhere else." In this spirit he hasbecome dedicated to the propagation of anew image of Langston. Six years agothe Oklahoma State Legislature passeda resolution which noted the importanteducational service which Langston hadperformed and "which will increasingly berequired ... in the years which lie. ahead."The "Tailoring" building now houses. anelectronics laboratory. While much stillremains to be done, Hale feels that todayLangston's future is brighter.Since that legislative vote· of confidencea $2,000,000 building program has beenstarted. Last year, enrollment had in­creased to almost 1200, including fifteenwhite students. Langston has $418,816 infederal funds approved for the 1966-1967fiscal year, and has applications totalingan additional $4.3 million on file. Hale hasreceived a great deal of help in this regardfrom his wife, Larzette, who studiedbriefly at The University of Chicago. Sheis an expert on the federal laws pertainingto schools in Langston's circumstances andis now called upon periodically to helpgovernment officials examine applicationsfrom other schools for accuracy . andvalidity.Hale feels that "youngsters must be en­couraged and guided to go to college fromthe time they are old enough to' begintheir first formal education." He has ini­tiated a kindergarten-to-college programat Langston which is designed to serve notonly Langston's future, but that of Negrohigher education in America. Langstonunder President Hale has participatedactively in the Head Start program to pre­pare five-year olds for school. Langstonalso has a Sixth Grade Day each year,when primary students come to the uni­versity to be encouraged to stay in schooland go on to college. This is followed byan Upward Bound program in which about100 high school sophomores and juniorsspend two months of the summer at Langs­ton in order to improve their chances for a post-high school education. Finally, Halehas been rapidly improving Langston'sown campus facilities. He has installed amodern reading clinic, new equipment,and better student facilities; instituted asuccessful career guidance and placementprogram; and began a system of honorsclasses to aid gifted students. Where sixyears ago Langston was losing students inlarge numbers to other institutions, todayit has the lowest dropout rate of any Okla­homa state school. Hale says, "I've alwaysbelieved that God didn't necessarily pickout well-to-do children to endow withintelligence. "25During the academic year 1965-66,the Alumni Association sponsoredor contributed to alumni events in29 cities in the United States andabroad:Albany, N.Y.Baltimore, Md.Boston, Mass.Buffalo, N.Y.Chicago, Ill.Cincinnati, O.Cleveland, O.Dallas, Tex.Denver, Col.Des Moines, Ia.Detroit, Mich.Indianapolis, Ind.Kansas City, Mo.Los Angeles, Calif.Manila, P.I.Miami, Fla.Milwaukee, Wis.Minneapolis, Minn.New Orleans, La.New York, N.Y.Omaha, Neb.Philadelphia, Pa.Pittsburgh, Pa.Providence, R.I.St. Louis, Mo.San Francisco, Calif.Tokyo, JapanTulsa, Okla.Washington, D.C.In this academic year, alumni eventsare being planned for several othercities, including Phoenix, Tucson,San Diego, Atlanta, Houston, SaltLake City, and Seattle.26 COMING EVENTSAlbany: October 17Edward W. Rosenheim, Jr., Professor inthe Departments of English and Humani­ties, will speak on "Chicago 1966: TheMeaning of a Modern University" at ameeting for Albany area alumni.Boston: October 19Peter Meyer, Professor in the Departmentof Physics and the Enrico Fermi Institutefor Nuclear Studies, will speak on "SpaceResearch and the University" at a dinnermeeting for Boston area alumni.Dallas: October 25Norval Morris, the Julius Kreeger Pro­fessor of Law and Criminology, and Direc­tor of the Center for Studies in CriminalJustice, will be guest speaker at a dinnermeeting for Dallas area alumni.Houston: October 26Norval Morris, the Julius Kreeger Pro­fessor of Law and Criminology, and Direc­tor of the Center for Studies in CriminalJustice, will be guest speaker at a dinnermeeting for Houston area alumni.Baltimore: November 6Joshua Taylor, the William Rainey Har­per Professor of Humanities in the College,and Professor in the Department of Art,will be guest speaker at the BaltimoreMuseum of Art. The event will include acocktail party and a private showing forBaltimore area alumni.For information on coming events, or forassistance in planning an event in yourcommunity with a guest speaker from theUniversity, contact (Mrs.) Jane Steele,Program Director, The University of Chi­cago Alumni Association, 5733 UniversityAve., Chicago, Ill. 60637, MI 3-0800.Chicago area alumni were treated to a unique musical programshortly before reunion time. A symposium at Mandel Hall (left) oncontemporary music included composers Kenneth Gaburo, NormanLloyd, Eric Saltzman, and Seymour Shifrin, and was moderated by Leonard B. Meyer, Chairman of the Music Department. Dinner atHutchinson Commons (above) was followed by a concert of con­temporary music at Mandel Hall (below), featuring Jean Martinonand the Chicago Symphony, with violin soloist Esther Glazer.27Alumni News07Margaret E. Burton, '07, is the compilerand editor of Assurances of Life Eternal,originally published in hard cover byThomas Y. Crowell Co., 1959, recentlyrepublished in paperback by The JudsonPress of Valley Forge, Pa. Miss Burtonis the daughter of Ernest DeWitt Burton,third president of UC.19Kemp Malone, PhD' 19, was made aDoctor of Laws by Kenyon College, Gam­bier, 0., at its annual commencementexercises.22Frederika Blankner, '22, AM'23, recent­ly was honored by special readings of herpoems at two meetings of the UnitedDaughters of the Confederacy, New YorkCity. Dr. Blankner, poet-in-residence andProfessor of Classics at Adelphi Univer­sity, and Club Poet of the Women's PressClub of New York, received five topawards during 1965 in the biennial anony­mous poetry contest sponsored by theComposers, Authors, and Artists of Amer­ica, Inc.Ferris F. Laune, X'22, has retired inHonolulu, where he has done social worksince 1940. He founded the School ofSocial Work at the University of Hawaii,Honolulu, and was instrumental in ob­taining full accreditation for the school.23Frederick P. Purdum, SM'23, MD'26,recently was honored at a special dinnerby more than 400 residents and guests ofEast Brady, Pa., on his retirement from39 years of practicing medicine in thecommunity. His wife, Carmel Hayes Pur­dum, '24, also was honored at the affair.As a permanent tribute, the street wherethe Purdums live was renamed from HighStreet to Purdum Street.25Carter V. Good, PhD'25, has publishedEssentials of Educational Research (Ap­pleton-Century-Crofts), a paperbackadaptation and updating of his Introduc­tion to Educational Research (1959). He28 Burton Duffieformerly was dean of the University ofCincinnati's College of Education andHome Economics and is currently deanof its programs in institutional research.28Louis B. Howard, SM'28, PhD'31, for­mer dean of the College of Agriculture atthe University of Illinois and director ofits Agricultural Experiment Station, hasbeen appointed director of the Interna­tional Rural Development Office of theNational Association of State Universitiesand Land-Grant Colleges. Mr. Howard,a well-known agricultural administratorand food technologist, is currently on sab­batical leave from the University ofIllinois and has recently returned fromAustralia, where he spent several monthsstudying universities.29Clarence H. Faust, AM'29, PhD'35, re­tired in April as vice president of the FordFoundation's domestic programs and aspresident of the foundation-supportedFund for the Advancement of Education.30Saul Padover, AM' 30, PhD'32, professorat the New School for Social Research inNew York, gave a talk on "The WorldToday" at the spring lecture series of thePaterson, N. J., section of the NationalCouncil of Jewish Women. He is wellknown for works about such noted Amer­icans as Jefferson, Washington, Hamilton,and Madison.Tracy E. Strevey, PhD'30, Vice Presi­dent for Academic Affairs, University ofSouthern California, is on leave as a proj­ect specialist in the Ford Foundation'sinternational division. The assignment hastaken him for two years to Addis Ababa,Ethiopia, as Vice President in charge ofacademic and educational programs ofHaile Selassie I University. Mr. Strevey'sretirement from the University of South­ern California will become effective June30, 1967.31Burton Duffie, '31, AM'34, director ofeducation extension for the Chicago D. E. MackelmannBoard of Education, recently received acitizenship award from the American Le­gion Bell Post 242. The award cited hisefforts in teaching new citizens the dutiesand responsibilities of citizenship. Mr.Duffie has long been an active leader inthe University's Alumni Fund.Robert R. Palmer, '31, is Princeton Uni­versity'S new Dean of the Faculty. Forthe past three years Dr. Palmer servedas the first Dean of the Faculty of Artsand Sciences at Washington University,St. Louis, Mo. From 1936 until 1963 hewas a member of the Department of His­tory at Princeton. An eminent historian,he has received honorary degrees fromthe University of Toulouse, France; TheUniversity of Chicago; Washington Uni­versity in S1. Louis; and Kenyon College.32Susan Grey Akers, PhD'32, recently waspresented the Chi Omega "DistinguishedNorth Carolina Woman" award for 1966.In 1954 Miss Akers was retired as Deanof the School of Library Science at theUniversity of North Carolina, which an­nually awards a S. G. Akers Scholarship.G. W. Bannerman, AM'32, retired inAugust from two decades of service asWausau (Wis.) District superintendent ofschools. He has been with the Wausauschools in various capacities for the past43 years.33Detley E. Mackelmann, '33, AM'36,deputy commissioner of urban renewal inChicago, has received the Officer's Crossof the Order of Merit from West Germanyfor "outstanding contributions to the ex­change of experiences between the, Cityof Chicago and the Federal Republic ofGermany in the fields of city planning,housing and urban renewal, transporta­tion and other community programs, andfor his remarkable activities in sponsoringGerman official and private visitors toChicago."Samuel I. Weissman, '33, PhD'38, pro­fessor of chemistry at Washington Univer­sity in St. Louis, has been elected tomembership in the National Academy ofPerry GreshamSciences for his "distinguished and con­tinuing research achievements." A Wash­ington University faculty member since1946, he was a pioneer in the applicationof a special type of spectroscopy in phys­ical chemistry, which has yielded moreprecise understandings of the structure ofmolecules and very rapid chemical reac­tions. In 1961, he received the MidwestA ward of the American Chemical So­ciety. This year he was named to theeditorial advisory board of the Society'SJournal of Physical Chemistry. Beforejoining the WU faculty, he served forfour years as a research chemist with theManhattan Project at LlC,34Perry E. Gresham, '34, president ofBethany (W. Va.) College, received anhonorary Doctor of Laws degree from theUniversity of Cincinnati at its annualHonors Day convocation last spring. Herecently completed a decade of service tothe North Central Association of Collegesand Secondary Schools.35B. Franklin Gurney, '35, SM'38, Direc­tor of Endodontic Research at LoyolaUniversity, and Consultant to the Amer­ican Dental Association, recently con­tributed an article, "Anticoagulants: PartII" to the journal, Oral Hygiene.36James S. Martin, '36, JD'38, has beennamed president of Walter C. McCroneAssociates, Inc., Chicago, a research anddevelopment organization specializing inmicroscopy, crystallography, and particu­late technology.37Ruth M. Leverton, PhD'37, assistantdeputy administrator of the AgriculturalResearch Service, U. S. Department ofAgriculture, has been awarded a citationby the District of Columbia Home Eco­nomics Association.38Leila W. Anderson, AM'38, DB' 40,working with the United Church of Christin Manila, Philippines, writes, "My work Landrum Bolling N. Hollingshead, Jr.of training Christian Education leaders isdivided between local churches and areameetings. I am giving increased time todeveloping skill in planning for Sundayclass sessions through making actual ses­sion plans and observing or using these onSunday." Reverend Miss Anderson is alsoworking with the Mindanao Conferenceson the island.Landrum R. Bolling, AM'38, presidentof Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., wasawarded an honorary degree by OberlinCollege at its annual commencement cere­mony. Mr. Bolling was the founding chair­man of the board of the Great LakesColleges Association and is treasurer ofthe Associated Colleges of Indiana. Hehas served as president of the Indiana Con­ference of Higher Education, chairman ofthe National Council of Protestant Col­leges and Universities, and a member ofthe board of the Association of AmericanColleges. He is the author of City ManagerGovernment in Dayton and co-author ofThis Is Germany.Graham S. Newell, '38, AM'49, wasnamed editor of the 1966 Vermont Al­manac and Government Guide. Presentlya Professor at Lyndon State College,Newell served in the Vermont House ofRepresentatives during 1966.39Charles C. Derrick, MD'39, representedThe University of Chicago at the springinauguration of Wilbert E. Locklin asninth president of Springfield College,Springfield, Mass.Norman Hollingshead, Jr., '39, has beenappointed midwest regional sales managerfor Libbey Products, with headquarters inChicago.Myron R. Kirsch, '39, MS'41, Adminis­trator for Secondary Education; GardenGrove (Calif.) Unified School District,.recently was granted the PhD in Educa­tion from the Claremont Graduate Schooland University Center. He has been withthe Garden Grove system since 1948.Hart Perry, '39, AM' 40, has been pro­moted to executive vice president incharge of corporate finance for the Inter­national Telephone and Telegraph Corp. John Bernhardt Chalmers SherwinHe has been a director, senior vice presi­dent, and treasurer since 1964.Edwin A. Salk, '39, AM'41, a Chicagomortgage banker, has published A Lay­man's Guide to Negro History (Quad­rangle Books), the first comprehensiveguidebook to Negro history materials,ranging from reference books to films andphonograph records. The book was hailedin advance of publication by Dr. MartinLuther King, Jr., as "an outstanding com­pilation of the volumes which documentour history."40John W. Bernhardt, '40, has been ap­pointed a vice president of Chilton Co., aPhiladelphia publisher. In his new positionhe will represent Chilton managementwith advertisers, advertising agencies, andmarketing service clients in the ChicagoOffice territory. Since 1962 Mr. Bern­hardt has been regional manager of theChilton magazine, Electronic Industries,in Chicago.Wilbur C. Bohnhoff, '40, has been pro­moted to lieutenant colonel in the U. S.Air Force. He is an operations staff officerat Maxwell AFB, Ala., and a member ofthe Air University staff.Chalmers W. Sherwin, PhD'40, has beenappointed deputy assistant secretary ofcommerce for science and technology. Hewas formerly deputy director of defenseresearch and engineering for research andtechnology, Department of Defense.42Jack Axelrood, '42, SM'47, has beennamed manager of the newly created cor­porate patent department of Morton In­ternational, Inc.Bertram M. Beck, AM'42, director ofMobilization for Youth, Inc., in NewYork City, was the main speaker at theNinth Annual Social Work Day, held inthe spring at the State University at Buf­falo. Mr. Beck heads a multi-facetedexperimental program to combat delin­quency on New York's lower East Side.Using an "opportunity theory approach,"the unique program operates on the basisthat no effort to prevent juvenile delin-29How to read an alumni magazine ...First the "cracker barrel" news. Assoon as your copy of The Universityof Chicago Magazine arrives, turn tothe Alumni pages and catch up on thelatest news of your friends and class­mates. (Or the latest news of yourself.)Stop. You're now armed withenough small talk for a dozen lunch­eons. Of course if you can't resist, youmight want to scan the Sportshorts orClub News pages. But, like mostChicago alumni, you probably have toschedule your reading time. So put yourMagazine aside until you're really readyfor it.But put it in a safe place. If yourspouse gets hold of it, you may havetrouble getting it back. Especially ifyou're married to a Chicago graduate(about 12 percent of our alumni are).Then -when you have thirty min­utes for stimulating, informative read­ing -relax and enjoy it.30 The Magazine brings you reports indepth on the full range of activitieson the Quadrangles, from student af­fairs and faculty appointments to themost recent events on the frontiers ofscience and scholarship. Last year'scontributors included Paul Tillich, Hans.J. 'Morgenthau, Bruno Bettelheim,Philip M. Hauser, john Hope Franklin,and many other distinguished membersof the University community.We don't mind bragging a little aboutthe Magazine. We think it's pretty good.After all, our. readers -alumni and theUniversity faculty -are our contribu­tors. The American Alumni Council gaveus five awards this year, including onein cooperation with Newsweek maga­zine. And Saturday 'Review said re­cently: "College publications as awhole, including alumni magazines ...leave much to be desired. But wherepublications are good, they can be superb. johns Hopkins, Carnegie Tech,and The University of Chicago are threeexamples of excellence ... " ("TheIvory Tower Crumbles," by George W.Bonham, May 21, 1966).--If you're not already a member of theAlumni Association, why not join now?Of course it's not essential. When analumnus asks us for information or as­sistance, we don't ask if he's a member.But you do get pride and satisfaction inyour membership, knowing that it helpssupport the work of the Association.And you do get a subscription to theMagazine.Send the coupon now. Then youwon't get all those letters from us.But in any case, write to us aboutyourself, for our records and for YOUrclassmates.quency can succeed which does not pro­vide young people with genuine workprograms.Leon Golub, '42, is currently visitingprofessor of painting at the Tyler Schoolof Fine Arts, Temple University, Phila­delphia. While on a recent TamarindFellowship, he created a suite of eightlithographs titled "Agon" and sixteensingle lithographs that deal with themesof contemporary violence and conflict.43R. C. Wanta, '43, consulting meteorolo­gist in the air pollution field, is currentlyassociated with Singco Inc., Burlington,Mass. Singco is engaged in environmentalmeasurement and analysis.Marshall W. Wiley, '43, JD'48, MBA, 49, has been promoted to Class 4 in theForeign Service of the United States. Since1958 he has served in Amman, Jordan,and Taiz, Yemen. He is presently assignedto the State Department as desk officerfor Iraqi and Jordanian Affairs.44Lt. Col. Jack R. Farber, MD'44, hasbeen graduated from the U. S. Air ForceSchool of Aerospace Medicine's eight­week course of specialized study atBrooks Air Force Base, Tex.Sandy Klingman, '44, has been awardedthe Navy's Superior Civilian Service Owen JenkinsAward for a series of studies on the vul­nerability of ships to exterior explosions,and the development of new proceduresfor evaluating the effectiveness of weaponsystems and tactics.45Owen Jenkins, '45, AM'50, is professorof English at Carleton College, N orth­field, Minn. A member of the Departmentof English faculty since 1954, Jenkinsserved one year as director of Carleton'sSummer Program of Special Studies, andhas been associated with the program forseveral years. He formerly taught at Cor­nell University and at Georgia Instituteof Technology.46Karl M. Bierman, AM'46, has been ap­pointed a vice president of Armour In­dustrial Chemical Co. and Armour andCo. He will continue his present duties asdirector of marketing.Helen R. LeBaron, PhD'46, dean of theCollege of Home Economics at Iowa StateUniversity, has been named director ofthe school's new Home Economics Re­search Institute, which will provide anadministrative agency for research giftsand grants in the area of home economics.She will serve also as assistant director ofthe Agriculture and Home EconomicsExperiment Station. G. W. Morgenthaler47Robert W. L. Smith, '47, has been re­appointed to a Danforth Teacher Grantfor doctoral studies in linguistics at theUniversity of Michigan for 1966-67. Histwo educational television series on Eng­lish etymology, "What's in a Word?", foradults; and "The WordSmith", for 5thand 6th grade classes, are scheduled fornational distribution this fall. Mr. Smithis the author of Dictionary of EnglishWord-Roots, published in the spring byLittlefield, Adams.48George W. Morgenthaler, SM'48, PhD'53, an executive with the Martin. Com­pany in Denver, has won high honors intechnical publications competition amongthe firm's scientists and engineers. Mr.Morgenthaler, manager of the systemsanalysis and mathematical sciences depart­ment, won awards as the co-author ofUnmanned Exploration of the Solar Sys­tem, and author of three technical papers.Martin Company is the developer andbuilder of the Tital family of ICBM's andstandard space launch vehicles. Mr. Mor­genthaler is a former member of theUniversity's Mathematics Department.L. S. Prater, MBA'48, has been appoint­ed assistant treasurer-controller for theOhio Plate Glass Co.r------------------------------------------�---Tr 1r ·1 The University of Chicago Alumni Association MEMBERSHIP PLANS (check one) 1I 5733 University Avenue Chicago, Ill. 60637 1I Enclosed .is my check for Alumni Association Single Joint (husband & wife, both alumni) 'Ir membership and a subscription to the Magazine.I D $5 D $6 one year If Name D $12 D $15 three years If Address D $20 D $25 five years Ir 0 $100 D $125 life membership II City & State ID $20 D $25 first payment on life mem- ,f Zip Code bership; balance in four similar annual payments. 1r 1----------------------------------------------�31Wilfred Barnes Sidney Levin49Wilfred E. Barnes, '49, SM'50, has beennamed head of the department of mathe­matics at Iowa State University. He hasbeen a member of the faculty of Wash­ington State University since 1954.Sidney Levin, MBA'49, has been ap­pointed to a new position as manager ofthe monofilament division of the VectraCompany, a division of National PlasticProducts Company, Inc., in New York.Mr. Levin previously was sales manager.50Allen Choka, '50, JD'53, has been elect­ed vice president of Helene Curtis Indus­tries, Inc., a cosmetics firm. He willcontinue to. serve as the company's gen­eral counsel, an office he has held since1963. He lives with his wife and threechildren in Wilmette, Ill.Erle E. Conn, PhD' 50, with his wifeLouise Kachel Conn, AB'44, and theirtwo boys, has resumed teaching and re­search duties in the Department of Bio­chemistry and Biophysics, University ofCalifornia at Davis, after a sabbaticalleave spent in New Zealand as a FulbrightResearch Scholar.Michael P. Hoyt, PhB'50, AB'55, hasbeen promoted by President Johnson toClass 4 in the Foreign Service of theUnited States. Since 1956 he has beenstationed in Pakistan, Morocco, and theCongo. Mr. Hoyt is presently assigned tothe State Department as desk officer forSouthern Rhodesian Affairs.51William Bryan, AM'51, is the new Proj­ect Analyst for the Ohio Office of Appa'­lachia. In this position, he is responsiblefor the complete analysis of all local andState projects under the Appalachian Re­gional Development Act of 1965.Yung-Teh Chow, AM'51, PhD'58, isauthor of a new book, Social Mobility inChina (New York: Atherton Press). Inhis introduction, W. Lloyd Warner de­scribes it as a "splendid contribution tothe scientific literature on social stratifica­tion and mobility"; and the first large-32 Robert Lowry James Churchscale empirical work in its field sinceSorokin's Social Mobility (1927). Mr.Chow is professor of sociology at Moor­head State College.Robert E. Lowry, AM'51, has beennamed a vice president of Lennen &Newell, Inc., an advertising and publicrelations firm based in San Francisco.During 15 years in public relations priorto joining L & N in 1965, he held posi­tions with L. C. Cole Co., San Francisco;Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp., Oak­land; and Kraft Foods, Division of Na­tional Dairy, Chicago.52Zohra Lampert, '52, played the leadingrole in the play "Nathan Weinstein, Mys­tic, Conn.," which opened in New Yorklast winter. She formerly was a memberof the repertory company at the LincolnCenter theatre.53Richard DeHaan, '53, managing editorof Basic Books since 1963, has been ap­pointed director of the Teachers CollegePress in New York. Mr. DeHaan, whowas editorial director of Atherton Pressand associate editor of Collier's Encyclo­pedia before joining Basic Books, hastaught philosophy and social science atFairleigh Dickinson University. He is cur­rently a doctoral candidate in philosophyat the New School for Social Research inNew·York.Ernest J. Dunston, '53, has been ap­pointed brand manager-canned meats,Grocery Products Division, Armour andCompany, Chicago. He was previouslyproduct manager-sliced luncheon meats.54James F. Church, SM'54, has been pro­moted to lieutenant colonel in the U. S.Air Force. He is a project specialist atL. G. Hanscom Field, Mass. Col. Churchserved in the China-Burma-India Theaterduring World War II, and is a veteran ofthe Korean War. He was commissioned in1944 through the aviation cadet program.Bruce B. MacLachlan, '54, AM'55, PhD'62, assistant dean of the Southern Illinois C. R. Wharton, Jr.University College of Liberal Arts andSciences, has been chosen as an academicadministrative intern by the AmericanCouncil on Education, Supported by theFord Foundation, the program of 41 in­terns is designed to strengthen adminis­trative leadership in American highereducation. MacLachlan will work underDean David B. Truman at ColumbiaUniversity for the current academic year.56Clifton R. Wharton, Jr., AM'56, PhD'58, of the Agricultural DevelopmentCouncil, has recently returned from Viet­nam where he served as a member' of 'Secretary of Agriculture Orville Free­man's' Presidential Task Force. He andnine other leading U. S. agricultural ex­perts traveled from Washington to theHonolulu meetings; then left for a rapidsurvey of the problems besetting Vietna­mese agriculture. The Task Force was thefirst in a series which grew out of theHonolulu conference decision to empha­size the "second front" in Vietnam.57Walter F. Murphy, PhD'57, has beenappointed chairman of the Department ofPolitics at Princeton University. A spe­cialist in American law, he has served asThe Ford Foundation Research Professorin government affairs. He is the author orco-author of five books, including therecent Wiretapping on Trial: A CaseStudy in the Judicial Process. Last yearhe held one of the six McCosh FacultyFellowships, one of Princeton's highestfaculty awards.58Robert L. Reigle, AM'58, instructor inhistory at the University of Oklahoma,recently received the first annual DOScholars' Award for Excellence in Under­graduate Teaching. He joined the 00faculty in 1962 and previously taught atthe University of Michigan. He is a mem­ber of the American Historical Associx,tion and the Southern Historical Associn,tion.Marvin Robbins, MBA'58, was grantedthe degree Doctor of Medicine from theWhat can you use a chair for?To stand on while hanging a Picasso print?To prop against a door that won't stay closed?To train lions?You can do all these things with a Universityof Chicago chair. And they're fine for sitting, too.(Experienced chairmen find them very comfort­able.)Don't use the Chicago chair in making Westernmovies though. They won't shatter over thevillian's head. Chicago chairs are too sturdy.They're made of Northern yellow birch, finishedin black lacquer with gold trim and with theUniversity seal on the backrest.You can have one within a month. But ordermore than one. Then you can play musicalChicago chairs. r-------------------�I The University of Chicago Alumni Association II 5733 University Avenue II Chicago, Illinois 60637 II Please send me University of Chicago II chairs at 0 $40 each (black arms) II chairs at D $42 each (cherry arms) II Name II II II Address II II Ir Ir Make checks payable to The University of Chi- II cago Alumni Association. Chairs will be shipped II directly from the factory, express collect. I� J33T. O. Prenting Desmond SealyUniversity of Colorado at its June com­mencement exercises. He will intern atthe General Rose Memorial Hospital,Denver.59Hubert G. Locke, DB'59, recently wasappointed to the newly created positionof administrative assistant to DetroitPolice Commissioner Ray Girardin. Aminister of the Church of Christ of ConantGardens, he formerly served as executivedirector of Bishop Emrich's Citizens Com­mittee for Equal Opportunity, director ofthe Office of Religious Affairs at WayneState and as an instructor in the universityCenter for Adult Education.60Theodore O. Prenting, MBA'60, hasbeen promoted to manager of operationsresearch and statistics with the computersciences division of Illinois Institute ofTechnology's Research Institute. Sincejoining IITRI in 1963 as research man­ager, Mr. Prenting has headed the Insti­tute's Advanced Assembly Methods Pro­gram, a multiple-client study aimed at costreduction in assembly. In his new positionhe will be responsible for administrationand development of programs in opera­tions research, statistics, and business andindustrial analysis conducted at IITRI forboth industrial and government clients.Desmond Sealy, AM'60, has been ap­pointed assistant to the administrator ofthe Labor Department's NeighborhoodYouth Corps. A former National UrbanLeague official, Mr. Sealy will be respon­sible for seeing that all NeighborhoodYouth Corps projects across the countrymeet the requirements of Title VI, theequal opportunity clause, of the 1964Civil Rights Act and the Secretary of La­bor's regulations enforcing Title VI.61W. Hamilton Weigelt, MBA'61, has beenassigned to the U. S. Air Force delegationfor Standardization to NATO, based inLondon. His assignment involves U. S.participation in the standardization ofequipment and operations among NATO34 w. H. Weigeit George Hartmanarmed forces. Col. Weigelt recently re­ceived the Air Force's commendationmedal for his work in weapons systemmanagement at Wright-Patterson AFB.62Brian M. Hoffman, '62, of Palo Alto,Calif., is one of fifteen young scientistswho have been selected to participate dur­ing this academic year in the PostdoctoralResearch Program of the Air Force Officeof Scientific Research. He recently com­pleted work toward a PhD degree inchemistry from the California Institute ofTechnology as a National Science Foun­dation Fellow in the Graduate FellowshipProgram. His studies were carried out atStanford University. Mr. Hoffman plansto pursue his postdoctoral research atMIT, working in the field of physicalchemistry.63Rev. Robert S. Fitzgerald, S. J., PhD'63,was ordained recently. Since 1963 he hasbeen engaged in theological studies atWoodstock {Md.) College and in part­time research in the department of en­vironmental medicine of Johns HopkinsUniversity. Last summer he did researchin the department of anesthesiology at theUniversity of Washington.Capt. Daniel B. Geran, MBA'63, a C-123 pilot with the U. S. Air Force, hasbeen awarded the Air Medal with five oakleaf clusters for service in Vietnam.64George H. Hartman, MBA'64, vicepresident of the Chicago advertising firmof MacManus, John & Adams, Inc., hasestablished an annual $300 college scho­larship, to be awarded to a graduatingmember of the Whitehall (Mich.) HighSchool golf team. A scholarship commit­tee, composed of the high school officials,will select a winner each year on the basisof: "scholastic achievement; personality;interest and participation in the game ofgolf; and good citizenship and loyalty tobasic American institutions." "Both thegame _ of golf and the White Lake area areimportant parts of my life," said Mr. Hart- James Salvatoreman. "I want to help boys from that areato have the opportunity of going to collegeand to further the interest in golf." Mr.Hartman received an Alumni Citation atthe 1965 reunion.D. Brian Heller, AM'64, formerly Re­search Associate, Department of Preven­tive Medicine, State University of NewYork at Buffalo, has been appointed Pro­gram Director for Special Studies, Divi­sion of Research and Planning, Blue CrossAssociation, Chicago.Major Richard C. Lawrence, MBA'64,has been awarded the U. S. Air ForceCommendation Medal for meritoriousservice as a fighter operations officer inVietnam.Herbert Walberg, PhD'64, has beennamed assistant professor and researchassociate at the Graduate School of Edu­cation, Harvard University. He was previ­ously a lecturer at Rutgers University andassociate research psychologist at the Edu­cational Testing Service, Princeton, N. J.Jon R. Zemans, MBA'64, has been ap­pointed administrative assistant of theState University Hospital, Syracuse, N. Y.He was formerly assistant to the directorat University of Maryland Hospital, Balti­more.65Capt. Dale A. DeFrank, MBA'65, hasentered the U. S. Air Force Air Univer-,sity's Squadron Officer School at MaxwellAFB, Ala., for a 14-week course in com­municative skills, leadership, internationalrelations, duties of the command-staffteam, and aerospace doctrine and em­ployment.Robert Hassenger, PhD'65, assistantprofessor of sociology at Notre Dametelevised a lecture on "Studies of the Atti�tudes of Catholic College Students" forBriar Cliff College students last spring. Atthat time he also was working on a bookThe Shape of Catholic Higher Education:James J. Salvatore, MBA'65, has left fortwo years of service with the Peace Corpsin Peru. He and other volunteers will Workwith co-operatives in urban and rural areasthroughout the country.ftlmofialsWilliam L. Archibald, AM'94, of Byram,Conn., died April 15, 1966.Mrs. Jerome McNeill, '98, PhD'12, ofThonotosassa, Fla., died May 1, 1966.M. Anne Moore, '02, AM'23, died March22, 1966, in Dallas, Tex.Ethel Lillian Dewey, '03, of La Canada,Calif., died May 16, 1966.John J. Vollertsen, '03, of Deerfield, Ill.,died January 28, 1966.Mrs. Howard N. Calderwood (Ana J.Enke, '05), of Madison, Wis., died April5, 1965.Mrs. Frank B. Hutchinson (LorettaToner, '05), died in November 1964.E. Harrison Powell, '05, former presi­dent of Encyclopaedia Britannica, diedMay 8,) 966, in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.Mrs. Frances A. Young (Frances Ash­ley, '05) died May 25, 1966, in Douglas,Mich.Hugo M. Friend, '06, JD'08, the oldestactive judge on the Circuit Court of CookCounty, a former track star at the U of C,vice president and trustee of Rush MedicalCollege, and a director of the Jewishcharities of Chicago, died recently inChicago.Edward A. Henry, DB'07, the formerdirector of the University of CincinnatiLibraries, died February 5, 1966.Mrs. Gudrun S. Rom, '08, a pioneersocial worker and employee of UnitedCharities of Chicago, died on May 6, 1966.Mrs. John M. Bridgham (Rella M. Low,AM'09), died October 15, 1965, in Grin­nell, la.Rabbi Lee J. Levinger, '09, former na­tional chaplain of the American Legionand most recently chaplain of the Vete­rans' Hospital in Los Altos, California,died in Rensselaer, New York, July 1,1966.William C. Giese, , 1 0, retired superin­tendent of schools in Racine, Wis., diedApril 15, 1966.Sister Mary Clara Graham, '10, diedApril 5, 1964, in St. Paul, Minn.Mary E. Grimmett, '10, of Nashville,Tenn., died recently.Donald T. Grey, '11, AM'13, DB'14, ofEast Lansing, Mich., died April 27, 1966. Maurice G. Mehl, '11, PhD'14, professoremeritus of geology at the University ofMissouri, died in Columbia, Mo., March30, 1966.Helen Parker, '11, a retired educator,died in Lake Bluff, Ill., January 25, 19.66.William J. Saunders, SM' 11, of Kingston,Ontario, Canada, died October 8, 1965.Hanor A. Webb, SM'l1 , of Nashville,Tenn., died in July, 1965.Frank A. Bernstorff, PhD'12, retired pro­fessor of German at Northwestern Uni­versity, died in Evanston, April 7, 1966.Thurfer Cushing, '12, of Washington,D. C., died on May 14, 1966.Willis T. Howard, '12, of Albertville,Ala., died March 14, 1965.Elizabeth S. B. Jones, '12, died April 21,1966, in Fort Myers, Fla.Mary Martin, '12, of Wilmette, Ill., diedin July, 1965.Earl E. Scherff, SM'12, PhD'16, formerhead of the science department at ChicagoTeachers College and a nationally knownbotanist, died in Hastings, Mich., May 16,1966.Margaret Greene, '13, of Cleveland, 0.,died in March 1966.Howard M. Keefe, '13, of Glencoe, Ill.,died March 16, 1966.Harry A. Finney, '14, author of the well­known textbook series, Principles of Ac­counting, died May 10, 1966, in Orlando,Fla.Dr. Jacob R. Rupp, '14, SM'16, MD'16,of Pontiac, Mich., died on May 24, 1966.Lee M. Miles, MD'15 (Rush), chief ofobstetrics and gynecology at the Love­less Clinic and Foundation, Albuquerque,N. M., died on January 10, 1966.John S. Noffsinger, AM'15, senior coun­selor in the office of public affairs of thePeace Corps since 1961, died May 4, 1966,in Washington.. Mrs. E. L. Partridge (Helen A. Knight,'15), of Kinsman, 0., died April 7, 1966.Francilia Stuenkel, ' 15, died in Chicago,November 25, 1965.B. A. Bose, '16, died August 1, 1965, inFreeman, S. D.William R. Jordan, JD'16, of Hinsdale,Ill., died November 30, 1965. Mrs. William T. Weld (Mary R. Booth,'16), of New Orleans, La., died April 15,1966.Joseph V. Hanna, '19, AM'20, of Minne­apolis, Minn., died August 13, 1965.Harold R. Clark, '20, former VenangoCounty (Pa.) commissioner, died April10, 1966, in Oil City, Pa.Alfred H. Clarke, SM'20, died February22, 1966, in Park Forest, Ill.Robert Gasch, '21, of Chicago, died April28, 1966.Elizabeth D. Zachari, '21, SM'29, foun­der of the Louisville Council for SocialStudies, died in Louisville, Ky., on Janu­ary 8, 1966.George Edward Rankin, '22, a retiredinvestment banker in San Diego, Calif.,died on March 21, 1966.Ruth M. Bartlett, '24, an employee of theChildren's Bureau since 1918, died recent­ly in Clearmont, Calif.James L. Lewis, Sr., AM'24, of FortWayne, Ind., died December 12, 1963.Edwin V. Proudfoot, '24, JD'25, of DesMoines, la., died January 26, 1966.Diane R. Felsher, '25, a painter and artteacher in Chicago, died December 12,1965. A memorial exhibition of her workwas held in April, 1966, at NorthwesternUniversity.Virginia Cavoit, '27, of Chicago, diedJanuary 30, 1966.Charles E. Hayes, '27, died in Chicago,May 24, 1966.Mayme N. Modglin, '27, of Crete, Ill.,died May 22, 1966.Marvin E. Hintz, '28, died March 24,1966, in Tullahoma, Tenn.James V. Ford, JD'30, a municipal courtjudge in Fostoria, 0., died April 8, 1966.Mary Wysor Keefer, AM'33, died onDecember 1, 1965.William Garrison Whitford, ProfessorEmeritus of Art Education and an author­ity on ancient Chinese high fire glazes, diedJuly 11, 1966, in Buffalo, N. Y. During his39 years at the University he was directorof the arts and crafts workshop of theMidway Studios, and wrote more than 40magazine and journal articles.35UNIVERSITYCALENDAROctober 1-31Library Exhibit: "Science in 19th Cen­tury Children's Books," based on Ency­clopaedia Britannica Historical Collectionof Books for Children. Harper MemorialLibrary, Department of Special Collec­tions, and Main Floor. 9: 00 to 5: 00 Mon­day through Friday; Saturday 9: 00 to 1: 00.October 2Ceremony: Formal presentation by Trus­tee Earle Ludgin of 44 banners from NewYork World's Fair Vatican Pavilion toRockefeller Chapel. Pro Musica Antiquabrass section and reception following.October 3-6Conference: "The Beginnings of Mod­ernization in the Middle East in the 19thCentury," sponsored by the Center forMiddle Eastern Studies. Center for Con­tinuing Education.October 432nd Annual Midwest Conference onIndustrial Relations, sponsored by theGraduate School of Business with TheIndustrial Relations Ass'n of Chicago.Center for Continuing Education.Law School Annual Entering StudentsDinner. Lecture by Dean Phil C. Neal.Folk and Square Dancing: InternationalHouse, 8: 00 PM.October 5-7Conference: "Toward World Commu­nity," sponsored by the Center for HumanUnderstanding in cooperation with Com­mittee on Social Thought. Center forContinuing Education.October 6-8Conference: "Church History," DivinitySchool.October 9Concert: 57th Street Chorale Open Sing,Margaret Hillis, guest conductor. FirstUnitarian Church, 8: 30 PM.Reception for incoming undergraduates.Ida Noyes Hall.October 9-November 9Art Exhibit: "The German Expression­ists," ten to five, Monday through Friday,36 one to five, Saturday. Renaissance Societygallery, Goodspeed Hall.October 10Seminar: Center for Policy Study pre­sents Lucian Pye, Department of PoliticalScience, M.I.T., speaking on China. LawSchool Auditorium, 4: 30 PM.October 10-11Conference: "International Symposiumon Endogenous Factors Influencing Host­Tumor Balance," sponsored by the Ar­gonne Cancer Research Hospital and UCDepartment of Pathology. Center for Con­tinuing Education.October 11Lecture: Charles Lucet, French Ambas­sador will speak. Co-sponsored by theCenter for Policy Study and the StudentGovernment Speakers Program.Folk and Square Dancing: InternationalHouse, 8: 00 PM.October 12Dedication of the Laird Bell Law Quad­rangle, Law School. Robert M. Hutchins,guest speaker, afternoon.Soccer: UC vs Rockford College atChicago."Chicago Reaches Out" Lecture Series:"Toward the New Sound," by Leonard B.Meyer, Chairman, Department of Music.Fullerton Hall, The Art Institute of Chi­cago, 11 :00 AM. Admission $2.00.October 13Soccer: UC vs Kendall College, Evans­ton, Ill.October 14Chamber Music Series: Arthur Balsam,William Kroll, Benar Heifetz trio. MandelHall, 8: 30 PM.October 15Cross Country: UC vs North CentralCollege, Washington Park.Soccer: UC vs Aurora College, atAurora, Ill.October 16-21Symposium: "The Arts and Their Pub­lic," sponsored by the Department ofEnglish. Center for Continuing Education.October 18Cross Country: UC vs Valparaiso Univ.,at Valparaiso, Ind.Folk and Square Dancing: InternationalHouse, 8:00 PM.October 19Soccer: UC vs Roosevelt University atChicago.October 20Lecture: Alan Watts, Zen Buddhismauthority, in Breasted Hall. Sponsored byStudent Government Speakers Program. Ceremony: Dedication of Philip PekowHall, new wing of Sonia Shankman Ortho­genic School. Dr. Ralph Tyler, Directorof Ford Foundation's Behavioral ScienceCenter, and Bruno Bettelheim, Principalof the Orthogenic School, speakers.October 21-23Conference: "The Use of Computers inRadiology," sponsored by the Committeeon Computer Applications in Radiology.Center for Continuing Education.October 22Cross Country: UC vs Wabash Collegeat Crawfordsville, Ind.Soccer: UC vs Notre Dame, at SouthBend, Ind.October 24Lecture: "Teaching and Learning 1991:Society and the School." First in a seriesof eleven lectures sponsored by the Grad­uate School of Education. Law SchoolAuditorium.October 24-26Conference: "Policy Making for UrbanEducation," sponsored by the GraduateSchool of Education. Center for Continu­ing Education.October 25Folk and Square Dancing: InternationalHouse, 8:00 PM.Cross Country: UC Frosh-Sophs vsWright Jr. College, Riis Park.October 26"Chicago Reaches Out" Lecture Series:"Toward the Past," by John A. Wilson,Andrew MacLeish Distinguished ServiceProfessor at the Oriental Institute. Fuller­ton Hall, The Art Institute of Chicago,11 : 00 AM. Admission $2.00.Soccer: UC vs Wheaton College atChicago.October 26-2819th Annual Federal Tax Conference,sponsored by the Law School. PrudentialBuilding Auditorium, Chicago.October 27-29Conference: "Biblical Fields." DivinitySchool.October 29Cross Country: UC, University of Wis­consin / Milwaukee, Bradley Univ., andMarquette Univ., at Washington Park.Soccer: UC vs Principia College atChicago.October 31Seminar: A. Doak Barnett, ColumbiaUniversity, will speak on "The UnitedStates and China." Sponsored by Centerfor Policy Study. Law School Auditorium,4:30 PM.A unique water-color engravingof The University of Chicago campusSometime around 1909, artist Richard Rummell did anengraving of the University campus, made from a perspec­tive 300 feet above the western end of the Midway. How heaccomplished the feat in those pre-aviation days remainsa mystery (a captive balloon has been suggested).The original copper plate, in perfect condition, was re­cently found by an art dealer in an eastern warehouse, andrestrikes have been made available to the Alumni Associa­tion, to be offered to Chicago alumni.The Chicago engraving, measuring 15 by 22 inches, isbeautifully hand-colored in soft hues with fine importedwater colors. It is available either unframed or handsomelymatted with ivory vellum in an antique gold and blackframe, 26 by 37 inches overall. A folder describing thebuildings represented, prepared by the University Archi­vist, accompanies each engraving.The Chicago engraving makes a distinctive gift, a taste­ful, authentic work whose historical interest will be furtherenhanced as the University grows. The University of Chicago Alumni Association5733 University AvenueChicago, lllinois 60637Please send me _ framed engravings at $55.00 eachPlease send me _ unframed engravings at $25.00 ea.Name __Address_Please make your check payable to The University ofChicago Alumni Association. Engravings will beshipped directly from the dealer, express collect.I,----------------------------------------------------------,I WANT YOTO READ YOUAMERICAPRIMER*Name._Address. _Cily _ucThis moving, rousing, cantankerous, scholarly,witty, amusing, nostaglic, blood-stirring book be­longs in every home in which America, as a country,has importance. For Fourth of July orators and re­form politicians, for civil rights workers and CivilWar buffs, for aggressive patriots and militant peacelovers, for cowboys and Indians, for everyone whohas ever marched, voted, sat in or stood up for aprinciple-this is a vital, living collection. It is acitizen's history that introduces us to ourselves.From the Pilgrim Fathers to the Civil RightsMovement; from John Marshall to the MarshallPlan; from the Petition of an Accused Witch to an1894 Sears, Roebuck catalogue; from Edison on In­dustrial Research to the famous Einstein letter to DANIEL J. BOORSTItFDR-eighty-three famed historians present irformative forewords and postscripts which discov€for you the attitudes of the times, the politics, themotions and the people that brought these doerments to life.Here are the words and ideas that have shapeour nation=-basic beliefs that make this truly aAmerican primer.A gift book for all seasons. Two volumes in a p11sentation slipcase-more than 1,000 pages.THE UNIVER,SITY Of CHICAGO PRESS5750 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637