^ctober 1964The niversityhicagoMAGAZINE]orûJfnfl £m npjJ lil MSS^tTix 1vÊmUfflh^5BLITZTRIPby Muriel BeadleTHEUNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOLIBUARYtz^àThe domino-shaped box in thedrawing above represents a communications satellite orbiting theearth.The various angles and positionsof the box show the relative positions of the satellite during one orbit.The drawing was made, not by aman, but by a computer at Bell Téléphone Laboratories to help scientistsvisualize how the satellite wouldbehave.What the computer did is calledsimulation. Working from data givenit, the computer calculated, orsimulated, the satellite's position atvarious instants and produced the picture on microfilm. The picturetold us what we needed to know.We use such simulation a greatdeal to save time and hold downcosts in developing and testing newproducts and services.Computers help us plan coast-to-coast transmission Systems, newswitching logic, and data Systems.They also help us study problemsrelating to téléphone usage at giventimes of the day or year.Not ail of our simulation is doneon computers. Often we can simu-late by other means.We test new kinds of underseatéléphone cables in buried, brine- filled steel pipes that duplicate thepressures and températures of theocean's bottom at various depths.Ingenious equipment in one ofour laboratories sends test téléphonepuises racing around an electronicring that simulâtes a 6000-mile circuit containing 5300 repeaters toboost voice volume.Many additional examples of simulation could be cited. Often they helpus spend our time and money moreefficiently in developing new servicesand improving présent ones in mak-ing sure that America continues toenjoy the world's finest téléphoneservice at the fairest possible priées.2) Bell SystemAmerican Téléphone & Telegraph Co. and Associated CompaniesPublished for alumni and friends of The University of Chicago,and ail others interested in the pursuit of knowledge. £STPt>-?(?VOL. LVII NO. 1OCTOBER 1964Annual subscription $5.00Single copy 50 centsPublished monthly, October through June.Nine issues per year.W. V. MORGENSTERN, Acting Editor(Mrs.) SARAH MERTZ, Editorial AssistantTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE5733 University Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637Téléphone: Mldway 3-0800, Extension 3241Area Code: 312Published monthly, October through June, by the University°f Chicago Alumni Association, 5733 University Avenue,Chicago, Illinois 60637. Annual subscription price, $5.00.Single copies, 50 cents. Second class postage poid atChicago, Illinois. Advertising agent: American AlumniMagazines, 22 Washington Square, New York, New York.©Copyright 1964 The University of Chicago Magazine.AU rights reserved. Published since 1907niversityhicagoMAGAZINEContents For OctoberFEATURESBlitz TripGermany in Ten Daysby Muriel BeadleReunionThe Solitary ArtReading is Anti-Socialby Philip W. JacksonThe Campaign of '64Bitter Issues and Dissensionwith Frank G. BurkeSupper and Shakespeare at RaviniaDEPARTMENTSThis IssueNews of the QuadranglesNews of the AlumniMemorials 101216182202330This issue . . .Appréciative acknowledgment toMuriel Beadle, for permission topublish her "family letter," Blitz-Trip; to Président Beadle, who tookthe photographs illustrating the article (and so appears nowhere); toPhilip W. Jackson, professor of éducation, for The Solitary Art, and toBlossom Porte, of Public Relations,who condensed the paper, whichwas presented at the University's27th annual Reading Conférence;to Frank G. Burke, of the University Libraries, from whose exhibitThe Presidential Campaign of '64,was selected; to Harry Dreiser, ofthe Graduate School of Business,for layout design.The Cover Kaiser WilhelmChurch, Berlin (see p. 7).Photo by Président George W.Beadle.Other Illustrations (10-11) HenryH. Hartmann; (12-15) Drawings byGeorge McVicker; (16-17) WilliamÀ. Barton, Jr., Collection of Lin-colniana, University Libraries; (18)James Marchai.Association Changes PrésidentPhilip C. White announced withregret the résignation of ExecutiveDirector Harold R. Harding, '50,effective September 1. Harry Sholl,'41, Director of the Alumni Fund,is serving as Acting Executive Director. Henry H. Hartmann, whoedited the Magazine last year, alsohas resigned.Leurrent ^ckeduteOctober 14th: The University of ChicagoClub, New York City Fall cocktail party.October 30, 31; November 1: The EmerïtusClub, Center for Continuing Education,1307 East 60th Street, Chicago. Panel offaculty and alumni on "Culture in a MassSociety." Participants include: Nina Bade-noch, '11, past président, American Womenin Radio and Télévision; Saul Bellow, professor, Committee on Social Thought; Harold Haydon, associate professor, Department of Art and the Collège; LéonardMeyer, professor and chairman, Department of Music; Gary Steiner, associateprofessor, Graduate School of Business;Renslow Sherer, '09, past président, TheEmeritus Club; Robert Streeter, professor,Department of English, and dean, Humani-ties Division.November 5: The University of ChicagoClub, New York City, théâtre benefit, ASevered Head. OUR SAXONY WORSTED SUITSa handsome collection, mode by us ofexclusively woven Scottish twist yarnsThis is an interesting concept in men's clothing...rich, ruggedly good-looking materials with a softhand and lighter, subtle colorings for Fall. You willfind them equally at home in the city or for casualcountry wear, and they tailor superbly. Médiumgrey, brown or a soft blue-grey...in an unusual,subdued herringbone design. Coat, vest and trou-sers? in a full range of srzes. $150Exclusively made . . . exclusively sold . . .to keef them exclusive.Price slightly higher west of the RockiesESTABUSHED 1818$fen'£$- Boys' furnisliings, ffats erifhoes74 E. MADISON, NR. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. 60602NEW YORK BOSTON PITTSBURGH LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCOYou get'Blue Chip' servicewith 'Blue Chip' insurance...and it's low in net cost,tooMaybe you've noticed him a man in your community sporting a bluechip. That blue chip in his Iapel is more than mère décoration. Itdistinguishes the agent of Connecticut Mutual ... a life insurance careerman, trained to give you wise guidance and the most for your moneyin family protection, personal retirement programs, business insurance,pension and profit-sharing plans.Another Blue Chip plus: he represents a 118-year-old company whoserecord of higher dividends has meant lower net cost for its policyholders.Discuss your life insurance with the man with the CML Blue Chip.He'll give you nothing less than Blue Chip service!"Connecticut Mutual LifeINSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD AND 300 CITIES FROM COAST TO COAST Your fellow alumn i now with CMLJoseph H. Aaron '27 ChicagoEdward B. Bâtes, CLU '40 Home OfficeHarvey J. Butsch '38 ChicagoGeorge P. Doherty IndianapolisPaul O. Lewis, CLU '28 ChicagoFred G. Reed '33 ChicagoRichard C. Shaw, M.D. Grad. School Home OfficeRussell C. Whitney, CLU 29 ChicagoHow We Did Germany intional she be kissed by successfid Ph.D. candidates Ten DaysBLITZ-TRIPBy Muriel BeadleChicago was unusually hot this surhmer. But everjtime I dropped some transparent hints about thedesirability of a little trip to the cool North woods,George said, "Why, honey, we've had our vacation.Remember?"Well, yes and no; but it was an interesting journeyiRight af ter Alumni Day, we went on a 10-day blitz-tripof Visitation to West German universities as part of anofficiai Association of American Universities délégationsent there by the Ford Foundation.There were 24 in the party : the présidents ( and theirwives) of Caltech, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Illinois, Michigan, Nebraska, Penn State, Stanford, Virginia and Washington. I thought it a well-balanced sampling of public and private institutions,well-distributed geographically.We first became a délégation on Monday, June 22,in Bad Godesberg, a suburb of the West Germancapital of Bonn. It made us ail feel like members ofthe café society jet-set to hâve timed our arrivai inBad Godesberg for the purpose of attending a cocktailparty hosted by the Harlan Hatchers of Michigan ( habeing the président of the Association of AmericanUniversities and theref ore Our Leader ) .The next day the Meetings began. This meant thatthe men went off to read papers, listen to papers,and to discuss mutual problems of university administration with their opposite numbers, the Rektors ofWest German Universities. The main subjects wereproblems involving relations with governmental agen-cies, including financial support by government, andproblems of staffing.We are lucky in this country to hâve made ouruniversities the récipients of financial support byindividuals, business firms, and private foundations,as well as by state and fédéral agencies; European4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1964universities hâve few sources of funds other than thoseprovided by their country's Ministry of Education.We are lucky, too, in having established the patternof appointing a permanent administrative officer; incontrast, the European universities choose their Rek-tors (or whatever the title may be) from among theirfaculties for one- or two-year terms. The job is there-fore to a large extent cérémonial, and shortness oftenure makes long-range planning or sustained effortin any direction a difBcult task.That Europeans recognize this problem is apparentin the décision to give the Rektor of the proposeduniversity at Lake Constance a seven-year term. There,if he really functions as an American university président does advancing the interests of the whole university, which means that the requests of spécialdepartments will often be denied 111 bet that hislovely German title won't endure. Rektors are nowaddressed as "Magnificenz," a title that our men rolledlongingly on their tongues. But Cliff Hardin spokefor ail when he said, regretfully, that he didn't thinkhe could make the title stick in Nebraska.While the men were in their meetings, the ladieshad a chance to sightsee. The scheduling was suchthat Cologne had to be crammed into less than twohours, but four of us "did" it with such dispatch thatwe ended up with fîfteen whole minutes to spend atthe Wallraf-Richartz Muséum. (Well, that was betterthan no minutes, wasn't it?)i like churches. We visited three:Cologne cathedral has the narrowest nave in relation to roof height of any cathedral IVe seen, thusremains in memory as the one that best exemplifiesthe central idea of the Gothic style: the gaze issucked upward, and you know that, if only the soûlcould follow, there would be cherubs sitting on thepinnacles to take it farther.St. Kolumba's is a most successful example of thepost-war fashion for combining the ruins of a bomb-blasted médiéval church with a thoroughly modemaddition. Its new apse, of blue, gold and white stainedglass, curves over the altar and floods it with light.In contrast, an adjacent chapel is dark as a cave, itsaltar having been constructed in one with a cluster ofwhite marble columns which taper toward the apogéeof the domed ceiling. Spiraling around thèse columnsare a séries of giant candle-holders, also of marble.The upward swirl of flickering light is a stunning bitof ecclesiastical stagecraft.In Antoniter Church, there is another handsomemodem addition: a bronze angel, strong and stern,suspended on chains so that it floats about six feetabove a slab into which are incised the dates of thetwo World Wars (nothing more). On the second day of the meetings, we ladies spenthalf a day on the Rhine, an excursion complète withLorelei music as our boat rounded the rocks where thesirens used to hold forth. We also visited a 12th cen-tury church and Bénédictine monastery on a volcaniclake called Maria Laach. The monk who showed usaround had a remarkable quality of joyousness in hisdemeanor not jollity, but, rather an émanation ofinner radiance. He told us that he had joined theOrder in 1946. We heard later that great numbers ofyoung Germans fled from the world into the cloisterupon the conclusion of the war.after the formai meetings at Bad Godesberg, ourdélégation took to the road. We visited, for no morethan two nights each, the universities in Karlsruhe,Heidelberg, Munich, and West Berlin, after which wewere dispatched singly or in small groups to otherGerman universities.We arrived in each new town in the late afternoon;usually discovered that our hôtel rooms were not yetvacant; left our luggage; went to the officiai wel-coming luncheon; toured the university (receivingmémorial books of great beauty and great weight);had tea; returned to the hôtel at six; took whateverwas least wrinkled and hung it over a steaming tubuntil seven; let it cool and dry until seven-thirty; putit on and sallied forth to the banquet at eight.This routine did not allow much time for writingletters, buying présents for the grandchildren, or evenfor washing out the drip-dries. By the end of the trip,we women agreed with Anne Sterling of Stanfordthat it was only our hair spray that was holding ustogether.We ate sumptuously. I cannot recall a bad meal.What's more, the German language makes everythingsound like a masterpiece. For example, doesn t Frische-hausgemachte Salm-Pastete sound more deluxe thanFresh Salmon Pie, Specialty of the House? On theoccasions when Frische Erdbeeren turned up for dessert fresh strawberries, which were then gloriouslyin season I decided that calories don't count andheaped my plate with berries, sugar, liquid andwhipped cream.Nor was it only the Germans in Germany who enter-tained us. In Bad Godesberg, American AmbassadorGeorge McGhee, and, in Munich, Consul-General PaulTaylor gave buffet dinners in our honor, and in Berlinwe were similarly saluted. (Because no one wants toadmit that Berlin is not the effective capital of WestGermany, the U.S. Ambassador lives in the "tem-porary" capital at Bonn and commutes regularly toWest Berlin, where his second-in-command, MinisterJohn Calhoun, is permanently based.)A bachelor, Mr. Calhoun entertained the AmericanOCTOBER, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 5NACH EAST BERLIN (I. to r.) : Président Lee Du-Bridge, California Institute of Technology; Président Nathan Pusey, Harvard University; Mrs. DuBridge;Mrs. Beadle; the Egyplian student driver; Mrs. Puseyprésidents at luncheon, while the wife of his second-in-command entertained the American wives. Also inBerlin, the James Bryant Conants he's back in Germany, this time as the government's top advisor onéducation had a cocktail party for us. We who alsoentertain a good bit were in a unique position to appre-ciate the graciousness and warmth which our com-patriots brought to thèse parties which, to be blunt,could hâve been nothing but Pure Duty.so much for food. Now let me get back to chronology.Our first stop while on the road was Karlsruhe.Next was Heidelberg, where there were precious fewovertones of the Student Prince. It was the new Heidelberg the scientific facilities being built a mile or twofrom the old university that we were shown withspécial pride.Students were indistinguishable in appearance fromthose at the University of Chicago, as was true atother German universities. We were told that it isalumni enthusiasm that keeps the dueling societiesactive, and the American university présidents (men-tally substituting "football" for "dueling societies")nodded with understanding. Munich was, as I guess it always is, a charmer. Alovely city, very Parisian. Our hosts made littlepretense of planning formai university Visitation, sincewe arrived on a week-end, and substituted informa]discussions during our sightseeing rounds. Thèse in-cluded a quick visit to the Alte Pinakothek, a muséumin which you enter a room, look to the right andthere's a Titian you've seen in ail the art history books,look to the left and there's an equally famous Raphaël,stick your head around the corner and there's a roomfull of notable Dùrers, and so on, room after room.Exciting, but a glut of richness.The Nymphenburg Palace was my first glimpse ofrococo: nice stuff to look at, although I'd hâte to hâveto dust it. We also stood in the town square at noonand gawked at the Glockenspiel as ceramic knightsjousted, bell dancers twirled, and the golden roostercrowed. It is a charming conceit.But the cultural highlight of the week-end was tohear "Lucia di Lammermoor" in the just-opened OpéraHouse one of those rare feasts for the ears and theeyes that live in memory as a perfect evening. The oldOpéra House, of which this is a faithful copy, was soimportant a symbol to Bavarians that for its rebuildinga sum équivalent to $2 per capita was subscribed.Think how much money an American city or stateTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1964could raise for, say, the Community Chest, if thetotal added up to $2 per capital Anyway, the OpéraHouse is ail white and gold against red damask walls,with Wedgwood blue and beige in the ceiling as abackdrop for a crystal chandelier of enormous spanand sparkle: ail in ail, such an exquisite confectionthat the heart skips a beat on seeing it.Up to this point, I hâve said little except implicitly about war damage in Germany. In the cities alongthe Western border there is not much rubble left,but block after block of new buildings make it abund-antly clear as to how and why urban renewal came toGermany. This is especially true of Berlin. Althoughsome of its neo-classic buildings hâve now been re-stored and rebuilt, the city nevertheless gives theoverwhelming impression of being a place without anarchitectural past.the mood is set as soon as you leave the airport,where three ribbons of granité arch skyward in agiant mémorial to the Airlift. Although the majorityof new buildings are uninspired concrète boxes onstilts, some with patchwork ornament in plastic ortile in the Hilton Hôtel style, there are enough "spec-taculars" to keep a visitor exclaiming with pleasure.Notable among thèse is the Hansa Quarter, a showcasefor modem architecture, which was built for the pur-pose of giving the city a psychological lift. Hère,each of perhaps a dozen buildings is the work of adifférent and world-famed architect.The Olympic Stadium is impressive. So is the ruinedtower of the Kaiser Wilhelm Church to which hâveloosely been tied a tall thin box and a flat horizontalbox whose walls are nothing but glass in a checker-board of panes. Because thèse are predominantly blue,the exterior has a dull gunmetal cast. But inside, andalthough there are flecks of many colors in the tapestryHEIDELBERG STUDENTS like their American coun-terparts, they relax in the warmth of a summer day of the glass as a whole, you almost drown in blue light,and your gaze not only fastens on but clings to agolden Christ over the altar.An even better example of an exterior that gives nopromise of what it encloses is the new PhilharmonieHall. The building seems to lack shape and color eventhough it is a busy agglomération of cubes, curves,and assorted textures. Inside, however, everythingcornes into focus. Seats are positioned in groupingsof 100 or so, each grouping at a slightly différent angleand élévation (in conscious imitation of the Rhine-land's vineyard terracing, and to give members of theaudience a feeling of listening to music in small groupsas well as within the larger whole of a f ull audience ) .The place is vast, with an ingeniously layered roofwhich is studded with pinpoint lights that glow likedistant stars. Over the podium, hanging from a greatheight on almost invisible cords, is a galaxy of lightsin tubular shades, and above and among them floatstrips of canvas suspended like a covey of magiecarpets en route to some musical Mecca. It was funto see a concert hall where the architecture so stronglyreinforces the effect of the music.Another place I wouldn't hâve missed is MariaRegina Martyrum Church gray concrète, austère,even harsh, but with such strength, consistency, andpurity of line that one doesn't dare judge it on thebasis of personal taste. Modem? The Stations of theCross are a séries of black métal sculptures of suchnon-representational nature that it's impossible to tellwhich is which, and the massive golden sculpture overthe portai is so abstract that to say it represents therisen Christ is pure guesswork.Inside is one of the brightest ideas of ail. You knowhow concrète looks after the wood forms are removed?Architects say that this concrète copy of wood addspleasing texture, but I've never been convinced it justlooks raw. What this architect did, on the end wall ofa chapel, was simply to apply a coat of gold leafover the imprint of the wood forms; and ail of asudden, it became a rich and beautiful surface.we were grateful that our hosts left the secondmorning free so that those who wished to do so couldvisit East Berlin. Most of us jumped at the chance. Itsurprised us to learn that we would be allowed totake caméras, but we were told not to carry muchmoney and no papers except our passports. In literalcompliance, I left behind everything in my wallet frommy Illinois drivers license to my Kennedy half-dollar.In view of what has been written in America aboutpolice states, such excessive caution seemed reason-able; and yet, as our car approached CheckpointCharlie at the Brandenburg Gâte, the only remaininghole in the Wall, another part of my mind warnedOCTOBER, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 7RUSSIAN WAR MEMORIAL dipped flags sculptured in red marble honor the 6,000 soldiers who died taking Berlinme not to see in East Berlin any spooks that weren'tthere.At the checkpoint, the Wall itself doesn't look veryforbidding. American factories or schools sometimeshâve walls just like it in construction. But it is frighten-ing because the two openings in it one for entry, onefor exit are barely wide enough to admit a bus, andare barred, in addition; and because, as you approachthèse narrow slots, you can see yourself being watchedby a soldier with binoculars.After we had shown our passports to a soldier at theentry point, he raised a steel barricade like a railroadcrossing gâte and we drove into a courtyard wherearmed soldiers were much in évidence. One motionedus into a wooden hut. There, we found ourselvesjammed with other people into a narrow corridorwith a couple of bank-teller-type Windows ahead onthe right. Some twenty minutes later we saw ourfirst border officiai. He took our passports, gave eachof us a numbered receipt, and slid our passports intoa slot behind him.After another ten or fifteen minutes, our numbersbegan to be called, and in turn we squeezed past atable that served as a barrier at the end of the corridor.Now we found ourselves in a room facing one of twoexaminers, a man and a woman in uniform, who askedus to show our caméras and to déclare how muchmoney we had with us.Everything about our wait in fine was disorderly.Soldiers kept bringing favored newcomers in aheadof us. Our numbers were not called in the séquencethat we had received them; in fact, one of our partywas detained so long behind the barrier that we began to wonder, uneasily, if the Démocratie People'sRepublic had him on a little list. Ail told, it took fortyminutes to get through the checkpoint.By the time we had driven a few blocks into EastBerlin, two characteristics of the city were obvious:1. It has a quietness that a city with a populationin excess of a million shouldn't hâve. There werealmost no cars on the streets, and even at noon ona weekday the sidewalks were curiously empty ofpedestrians.2. It is appallingly drab. Block after block of dullbrown structures line the streets. We saw hardly anyfresh paint, bright color, or décorative ornament.Bomb-damaged buildings and outright ruins are muchin évidence.One conspicuous exception is a "show" street, theKarl Marx Allée. It is lined with a splendid row ofcream-colored, high-rise apartment buildings in thearchitectural style of the 1930's that the Russians favor.Adjacent to thèse are modem steel and concrète apart-ments whose balconies were laden with window boxesfull of flowers. We were told that thèse luxury apart-ments are reserved for Communist party officiais.Our only stop was at a war mémorial erected intribute to the 6,000 Russian soldiers who were killedin fierce fighting for the park in which the mémorialstands. And an impressive mémorial it is. The granitéfigure of a grieving Mother Russia marks one endof a colossal mail along which stretch five mass graves,each holding a thousand bodies. At the other end thereis a mound within which the remaining thousand areinterred erect, thus symbolically supporting on their8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1964shoulders the Unknown Soldier whose tomb crownsthe mound.The mail is bordered by weeping willows and hugeplaques representing each of the states of the SovietUnion. The vista down to the tomb is framed by twomassive red marble sculptures representing Russianflags dipped to honor their dead. On this site wesaw more people congregated in one spot than any-where else in East Berlin. There were columns ofschool children being escorted by their teachers,groups of shabbily-dressed old ladies on pilgrimage,and dozens of tourists like ourselves.We drove back toward West Berlin on a roadparalleling a river. Along a nearby footbridge over anoffshoot of that same river, a high board fence hadbeen erected, apparently for no other purpose thanto block East Berliners' view of West Berlin. It, morethan the Wall, gave the term "spite fence" a newdepth of meaning to members of our group.We got out of East Berlin somewhat faster than wegot in. It was the same routine in reverse. Officiaiswere ail perfectly polite; at no time were any of ourdéclarations disputed; and nowhere except at thecheckpoint did we hâve any sensé of surveillance yetwe ail felt a great release of tension upon being againon the West Berlin side. I think it was the présenceof armed men, the unsmiling coldness of most officiais,the poverty and spiritlessness of East Berlin that gaveus the shivers.Speaking for myself, another émotion was présenttoo. It was sad to see or learn of actions in bothBerlins which were calculated, at least in part, toarouse envy or anxiety or animosity on the other side,radier than to solve the basic problem. The "show"street of East Berlin, for example, has its counterpartin the spectacular new buildings of West Berlin. Theplatform that West Berlin has erected to enable itscitizens to see across the Wall must surely be more ofan irritant to Communist officiais than a boon to West"SHOW STREET" Karl Marx Allée, lined with high-ris<J apartments, is a conspicuous area of East Berlin Berliners. That boarded-up bridge in East Berlin isthe height of pettiness. The mutual exclusion fromeach other's sectors of the American and the Russiancommanding officers (but not their subordinates ) ischildish. And the Wall itself is a monument to vindic-tiveness.On the previous day, members of our Associationof American Universities délégation had met WillyBrandt. He is a ruddy, handsome man whose faultlessEnglish is inflected in a way that reminded me of BillyGraham. He had spoken of the population growth,progress, and high morale in West Berlin, but hadwarned against a complacent acceptance of the statusquo. Now we knew why. To split the living organismof a city and keep the wound open, as is being donenow in Berlin, is to create a situation that can'tstabilize.Our visit there marked the end of the délégationas a délégation. Four couples the Hatchers, theWalkers of Penn State, the DuBridges of Caltechand the Beadles headed for Gôttingen, which is justsouth of Hannover. (Others in the group went off toFrankfurt, Munster, Stuttgart and Tubingen. )Gôttingen had no war damage at ail, and remainsa charming, quiet, medium-sized university town fullof half - timbered buildings, bicycles, and smilingpeople. The hospitality extended to us everywherein Germany had been exceptional, but hère it had evengreater warmth and personalization. The wife of theRektor invited us to her home for tea, and two custom-tailored excursions were mounted for (a) the twoladies who wished to see an exhibition of modem artin the city of Kassel and (b) the two ladies whowished to visit a famous nearby church.Jo Walker and I were in the (a) group. What wesaw, at the Kassel Muséum, was DOCUMENTA, amonstrous show of modem art in the fashion ofthe Venice Biennale. It included a thousand er objects, ranging from huge gleaming sculptures madeof twisted chrome automobile bumpers to RubeGoldberg-type sphères of chicken wire, alive withparts that twirled and ticked. Seeing them and ailthe other fantasies in steel, stone, paint and paperwas great sport.The Walkers and the Beadles were due back inthe United States on July 3, so, on the second, thefour of us retumed to Hannover as the first leg ofour homeward journey. After dinner that night, witha strange sensé of freedom, we simply strolled thestreets and looked in store Windows. For George andme, it was abundantly clear that fate was preparingus for a return to Chicago and a resumption of activités hère: the cinéma across the street from ourhôtel was playing a movie entitled "Mein Onkel derGangster," and we didn't hâve to see it to know whereit was set. ?OCTOBER, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 9AlumniReunionVariety was the characteristic ofReunion Week, as always: anniver-sary class parties, including '14, '24,'39 (a rouser); "C" men, tours,emeriti; citées; a panel and a récital;the Communicators, breakfast forCollège graduâtes; the President'sRéception, and the traditional nostalgie Sing in Hutchinson Court.STAGG FIELD reunion of Nelson Norgren, '14, twelve-letter winner and longtime coach, with friends H. O. Page, '09, and Dr. A. H. Rudolph, '18, M.D. '2THE EMERITUS CLUB, meeting in THE TWENTY-FIFTH anniversary of '39, beginning with cocktails and conReynolds Club Lounge, inducted '14 tinuing with dinner in the Quadrangle Club, ran far into a reminiscent nighDEAN OF STUDENTS Warner A. Wick speaks at the farewell breakfast for the graduating Collège class and parent.THE PANEL on "Stale New Deal and Warm Cold War" (1. to r) : Harvey Kal-ven, Herman Finer, Moderator Robert E. Merriam, Albert Rees, Richard C. WadeMEDALIST AND CITEES (l. to r.) Front Row Gertrude B. Whitman, '23;Albert J. Meserow, '28, J.D.'30; Shirley W. Weiss, '34; Béryl W. Sprinkel,M.B.A.'48. Second row Léo /. Carlin, '17, J.D.'19; Jeanette S. Cahill, '32;Babette S. Brody, '28; Irma B. Fricke, '47. Third row Muriel Beadle; Betty M.Barnett, '31; Helen K. Bieker, '26, A. M. '39. Back row Francis J. Mullin, S. M.'32, Ph.D.'36, medalist; Président George W. Beadle; Lawrence Howe, ].D.'48UNFAILING '18, kept its record of meetings unbroken with its annual dinner LITERARY CRITIC Fanny Butcher,'10 (Mrs. Richard D. Bokum), re-sponds as Communicator-of-the-YearHAROLD HAYDON conducting atour of the renovated Midway StudiosTheSolitaryArtPhilip W. Jackson. . Reading Is Anti- SocialIt is curious, but true, that Man, a social créature,performs many of his most important activities insolitude. Reading, of course, is one of thèse. A manwith an open book, like a man with an unsheathed pen,is not a very sociable person at least not at thatmoment. In fact, reading might almost be calledanti-social, for when people engage in it they are notmerely indiffèrent to the behavior of others, they alsoactively resent anything that interfères with theirprogress down the printed page.The world of the reader, like that of the dreamerand the thinker, is fragile and can easily be shatteredby "real" events. Although the written word is knownto be compelling, it rarely can withstand the onslaughtsof ail compétitive stimuli. A book, even with our nosein it, is ineffective as a shield to ward off social reality.But disturbances are, by définition, disturbing. Whyshould they be more so for the reader than for thegardener, or the carpenter, or the painter? One reasonis that in the case of reading, which the philosopherSartre describes as "a hybrid consciousness, half mean-ingful and half imaginative," a disturbance means notjust a delay in an activity, but the destruction of avery délicate psychological state, which must be re-paired before the process can be resumed.The damage done by the disruption of reading issimilar to that which occurs when adults break in onthe fantasy play of children. Reading activities, likegames of make-believe, can be irreparably spoiled ifthe outside world becomes too insistent in its demands.Reading is not only a solitary process, best per- formed when others are not around; it is also anindividual process, resulting in the création of uniquemeaning. The things that happen to me when Iconfront a page of print are certainly not the sameas those that happen when you confront it, eventhough we may earn identical scores on a paper-and-pencil test of compréhension. Nor can the différencesin our two confrontations be reduced to the différencein reading speed, or eye movement, or pupillarydilations.Some parts of the passage may be more difficult forone of us than for the other; certain words or phrasesmay hâve différent meanings for each of us. Perhapsone of us starts with the belief that everything writtenby the author in question is a pack of lies, and theother believes that the author is generally truthfuland accurate. The reading may give one of us manynew ideas and leave the other "cold." Six monthsfrom now one of us may be unable to recall a word,and the other may look back on that few minutes ofreading as a turning point in his life.In addition to being solitary and individual, readingis a private affair. When he is totally immersed in abook, the reader often drops his guard and adoptspostures, facial expressions and mannerisms of thesort that he ordinarily would not perform in public,The engrossed reader slouches, scratches, grimaces,yawns and behaves in other ways that are usuallyinhibited in social situations. If he happens to be inpublic view at the time and "catches himself ' behav-ing improperly, he is apt to be mildly embarrassée!12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1964and to stop what he is doing. He may also hâvedifficulty returning to his place in the book.The act of reading for enjoyment is often describedin ways that emphasize the élément of privacy. Onthat rainy evening at home we do not just sit andread. We curl up with a book; we stretch out witha book; we nod over a book. We are not very self-conscious while engaged in this behavior and if thedoorbell should ring we might hâve to pull ourselftogether a bit before we answered it. We are remindedat such times that the totally engrossed reader is oftenunprepared for a public appearance.Each of thèse three adjectives, then-solitary, individual and private calls attention to a spécial andrelatively neglected characteristic of the reading process. And yet it seems that each should receive muchattention from educators and reading specialists. Forwhen the fragile, anti-social and intensely personalcharacter of reading is contrasted with the reality ofour noisy, group-oriented and highly organized schoolenvironments, some conflicts and compromises areinévitable.The first thing we do to reading in the school is tosocialize it. Early in his career the student is intro-duced to reading as a group activity, and it remainsthat way for quite some time. In this group the readerlearns to share his reading expérience with others, helearns to listen while a classmate is reading, he learnsto scan the printed page for answers to questions posedby the teacher, he learns how to contribute to a discussion, he learns how to follow while the teacher orsomeone else is reading aloud. The process of solitaryreading is sandwiched in this highly complex groupexpérience as but one of many activities that go onduring a period of reading instruction.A second way in which reading is accommodated tothe competing demands of the classroom setting is byusing reading material that is easy, "action-packed"and copiously illustrated. Only material that is high in "human interest" can hope to compete with thereal humans who jostle the reader.Of course social stimuli are not the only enemiesof concentration. The attractiveness of reading material is intended to combat internai distractions aswell as outside annoyances. Also, reading material inthis abundant society must compete with other readingmaterial a fact that has given rise to the art of thedust jacket and the newspaper headline. There are,then, many reasons for the modem trend towardshorter words and brighter packaging of reading material. It is certainly true, however, that the présenceof others makes a différence, and the drawing powerof material that is to be read in a public place suchas a classroom must usually be greater than thatwhich is to be read in solitude.Something else happens to reading in the purpose-ful, organized and compétitive environment of theschool. It becomes speeded up. The child who is firstto find the answer is the first to raise his hand andoften is the first to be called on by the teacher. It pays,therefore, to be able to zip through reading material inorder to locate the bits of information that can beused as educational currency. And because everyoneelse is digging in the same pile, it is best to go aboutthe work speedily. Meanwhile, the "real" world ofclass discussions, and activities, and "meaningfullearning expériences," waits with foot-tapping impatience for the reader to finish.Educators would probably not agrée, however, thatthe chief reason for attempting to increase readingspeed is so the student can win out, as it were, in thestruggle for the teacher's attention and admiration.Rather, they might argue that the chief reason forincreasing speed is to save the reader time, which canbe used for other activities or for more reading (theargument that compréhension also increases withspeed has little if any empirical évidence to support it ) .But if we are really interested in efficiency and wantto eliminate waste in human action, reading is surelynot the only activity that could be speeded up. WhyOCTOBER, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13not speed up talking and walking as well? We couldcertainly speak much more rapidly than we now dowithout much loss in the listener s compréhension.Also, if we examine the pace at which people nor-mally move about, it is clear that they could reachtheir destinations a lot more quickly if they steppedalong briskly and did not dawdle so much. The prospect of this kind of efficiency engineering is, of course,ludicrous.If we cannot seriously suggest that human activity,in gênerai, be speeded up, how can we suggest it forcertain activities, like reading? Presumably it is ailright to increase the speed of activities like reading,and typing and shorthand because no harm is done.That is, the quality of the activity-the product, as itwere is supposedly not diminished (and may evenbe enhanced) by speed. And it may indeed be truethat speed is harmless in this respect.But typically the things we want to do in a hurry areunpleasant or unimportant, and it is through this sortof unspoken association that the emphasis upon reading speed in our schools may hâve a hidden detri-mental effect. Ultimately, of course, we want children( and adults ) to place reading on a scale of importancealongside activities that replenish the flesh and thespirit, rather than alongside mechanical chores suchas typing, shorthand and dishwashing things to bedone and done with!In the higher grades, reading is usually taken outof the classroom and limited to study halls or weeklylibrary periods. By this time the student is expectedto spend many hours reading outside the school. Formany, however, life at home is hardly more conduciveto solitary reading than is life in the classroom. Ofcourse the group for whom home conditions are par-ticularly detrimental to solitary reading are those whoare currently in the center of the educational spotlight:children from poor families ( euphemistically referredto as the culturally disadvantaged ) .One of Robert Bly's poems contains the line:"Wealth is only the absence of people." The word"only" may be excused on the grounds of poetic license,but there can be no doubt that solitude and privacyare two of the luxuries that money can buy. Thecrowded conditions of lower class life at least itsurban forms are well documented. Even in those rareinstances where there are but a f ew people in a dwell-ing, the customary allocation of space does not providethe privacy conducive to deep involvement in readingor any other solitary pursuit.The situation as it confronts the serious student inthe working class homes of England is thoroughly dis-cussed by Richard Hoggart in his book, The Uses ofLiteracy. Hoggart describes the home life of thèsestudents, whom he dubs "scholarship boys," in thefollowing way. "Since everything centers upon the living room,there is unlikely to be a room of his own; the bed-rooms are cold and inhospitable, and to warm themor the front room, if there is one, would not only beexpensive, but require an imaginative leap out of thetradition which most families are not able to make."There is a corner of the living room table. On theother side, Mother is ironing, the wireless is on, some-one is singing a snatch of song or Father says inter-mittently whatever cornes into his head. The boy hasto eut himself off mentally, so as to do his homework,as well as he can."In the American version of the same scène the flick-ering gray light of the télévision might be substitutedfor the British wireless, but basically the descriptionwould not hâve to be changed too much to fit theconditions of lower class life in this country.The présence of other people and the blaring oftélévision sets are not the only things that make lifedifficult for the reader in many lower class homes.There is also the gênerai spirit of gregariousness, inthe context of which reading is sometimes perceivedas a social affront.To read in the présence of non-reading friends orrelatives is to say, in effect, that the printed page ismore interesting than they are. This may well be true,but it is an évaluation that hardly makes for the read-er's popularity. Accordingly, reading tends to be putaside when others are présent, unless it is of the sortthat has to be done, and even then some kind of anapology, or at least an explanation, is required.To the physical discomfort and social pressures oflower class life must be added the intellectual stum-bling blocks, the widely held misconceptions that areused to discourage the avid reader even further. Heis warned that too much reading will s train his eyes.He is advised against reading books that are too "deep"that such reading will just mix him ail up. He must14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1964often listen to expressions ot concern about his psy-chological well-being because his activity is interprétée as a sign of withdrawal. His gênerai state ofhealth is inquired into and he is encouraged to gooutside and get some fresh air. It is no wonder thatthe bathroom often turns out to be the most popularreading place in the house.Like ail generalizations this rather discouragingpicture of the plight of the reader in the lower classhome must be viewed with caution. Surely there arethousands of such homes in which solitary readingis provided for and strongly encouraged. Even moreimportant, the drawbacks that plague the reader inthèse poorer surroundings should not be taken toimply that middle class homes provide idéal settings.Though bedrooms and studies are more abundantin suburbia than in the city slum, and privacy, there-fore, is somewhat easier to corne by, transistor radiosand télévision screens abound and other attractivealternatives to reading are readily available. Also,although many middle class parents, in the présenceof their children, may extol the virtue of reading,their actions often contradict their words. The ubiqui-tous magazines on the coffee table probably hâve notyet been read, and most of them will be rememberedmore for their cover than their content. Those thatare finally examined are more likely to be "looked at"than read. Pictorial weeklies, such as Life, Look, orSports Illustrated, are the average fare.The bookshelf if there is one in the middle classliving room typically holds a modest row of booksthat were not selected by their owner but, rather,were chosen for him by a panel of alleged "experts"representing some monthly book club. Thèse regu-îarly purchased but frequently unread volumes tellmore about the owner's intentions than they do abouthis habits. In many middle class homes reading, likereligion, is admired more than it is practiced.The aspects of reading that hâve been consideredhère lead us to think not of spécifie teaching stratégiesbut of gênerai changes that might be made to improvethe school as a setting for reading. The most obvious implications would be to provide more time and spacefor reading in school.One of the most important things we can do forthe individual reader is to give him time to browse.As it opérâtes in many schools, particularly at theelementary level, the sélection of a book occurs tooquickly and demands too much commitment. Thestudent is given very little time to make his choiceand once made, he is stuck with it. The teacher'sinsistence that students finish books they hâve begunis still another way of emphasizing the chore-like ( andhence disagreeable ) aspects of reading.Even more important than the freedom to browse,however, is the provision of large blocks of time forreading during the regular school day. Reading shouldnot be confined to the empty spaces between otheractivities but should be recognized as importantenough to deserve its own place in the daily schedule.We must provide each student with greater privacythan is typical in the crowded and often chaotic schoolenvironment. The growing popularity of individualstudy stalls is a step in this direction.The final and most important provision the schoolmust offer is teachers who are themselves deeply con-vinced of the important contribution that reading canmake to a person s development and who reflect thatconviction in everything they say and do. Readingspecialists sometimes act as if the ultimate goal ofreading is compréhension by which they mean under-standing the sensé of what is written but they arewrong. The ultimate goal of reading, or at least itsmost important function, is to create people to leavea residue of thinking, and feeling, and knowing, thatis no longer dissociable from the thing I call "me."When placed beside the possibility of bringing aboutenduring changes in attitudes and the growth of Personal knowledge, the conventional goals of increasedspeed and higher scores on tests of compréhensionappear to be relatively trivial. And they are. Fortu-nately, many teachers know this, and behave as ifthey do. Many more should corne to know it, as theytend the reader, who sits alone. ?H+*The Presidential Campaign of '64Bitter Issues and DissensionWartime ResentmentAgainst the RepublicansWas So High ThatLincoln and JohnsonRan Under the "NationalUnion" Party LabelLincoln's historié stature dims the fact that he wasunpopular with many in 1864; the conflict betweenNorth and South was "Mr. Lincoln's war". An exhibitin Harper Library this summer, selected from theUniversity 's William E. Barton Collection of Lincolni-ana, gave a comprehensive rétrospective view of thecampaign between Lincoln and his former gênerai, George B. McClellan. Lincoln's own Postmaster General, Montgomery Blair, comments in a letter that thedelegates who nominated Lincoln did not prefer him;Horace Greeley kept quiet only in hope of a politicalappointment. Lincoln's gênerais, Sherman and Sheri-dan, and Admirai Farragut, won victories that swungthe élection to Lincoln by a majority of 500,000 votes.16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1964^ AND WThe CONSTITUTIONFor Président,GEO, B. MCGLELLAN lincdH jobcr PcCWIan?ttufruf an btt Ttutfdten in Sfmrrita,«n 9mm j tftfer.Xit $rljittittfrtMiM b« Trirlniglm Stoateit nabft mit rol*fitS*ii«m, un» t* ifl M* 8H1, ba& r<« t<»« «Orfl" *nffé<iM, fût iwit <t ftirn.titfti will, nn» (fie ij((ii bo|l ùb(r[(fl(, ffli irtn « ftimmnt Wltt. Hé ifl MMUkfsimb ftigt, jmûdjuMntni, unb te i <in« le nié'ig» 3BaM, in twr aift,. ouf btmÊriflr Hfbi, toi 3((*1 ju ilimmcll ictgjulrtrfdi ; t* ifl nntatTierUii, brn »fli-lif*cn Cnfitalcn j« Ipirlm. Tic nnnir viliiii** Crifltnj birf»* £anbrJ. btfitnSilr,i« wir bm* toi Slln uiilrrf* Mmmrfalhrl un» niftl but* in 3ufal!»(r «*bmt nfluprbtn fin*, bttuhl uni bit |nicn SJabl, un» "« baJ S(4t (mlju fiimmtn, bai aurl Die }ifli*r jii firmntn. S?rnn btr t*fcnn<nr un* IflAltgcîlilran r-rm S!ablrU|!t ntjbldbt. (r tann « fitbtt Nnaul itffcntit, ba^ b« ftilf9&Wr tint twi, «cIAn aar IVtii ëiimmrtrM bo!, nnf fpmf.rbjn nlrtrinrn iriiernTi» orr-fit iDlchijiiM Mi T<ur)*(«, bil na* ïlmtrilj bmmtit, fin» Ximolia.Itn in nubien Êinnt »ti EreiM, un» »a fi* tint 8«*< *"«<i Wtfrt &»*»(*g&GREATYOU TMEÙ TO RIDE THEM TWO HOSSESON THE PENINSULA FOR TWO YEARS MACOUT IT <AVULDNT .WORK f j LITTLI KiC (<fabt«iii]|.)-fl i* knUiLITTLE MAC, IN HI8 OREAT TWO HOR8E AOT, IN THE PRE8IDENTIAL CANVASS OF 1864. UNION TICKET."Rally Around the Flag, Boys!"FOR PRESIDENT,Abraham Lincoln.FOR VICRPRESIDENT,Andrew Johnson.FOR ElECTORS AT LAUOfc,DAVID 8 G00DING.RICHARD W. THOMPSON.FOR STATE ELECTORS,lat Di.tricl JAMES C. DENNY.1.1 Di.lrict OÏRUST. NIXON.M Diatrict HENRY R. PR1TCHARD.4ih Di.tricl LEONIDA8 8EXTON.5lh Diatrict BENJAMIN F. CLAYPOOL.nth Diatrict JONATHAN J. WRIGHT.7th Diltrict JOHN OSBORN.Slh Dialriot ROBERT P. DAVIDSON.»th Diatriet JAMES B. BELKOKD.luth Di.lrict ÏIMOÏIIÏ K. DICKINSOM.llth Di.triot JOHN M. WALL.o.K."TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN."THE CONSPIRAOYOK LEADING MEN OF THE REPUBLICAN l'AKTYTHE AMERICAN UNIONBY THEIR WOKDS AND ACTTSTHOMAS JEFFERSOH MILES,CAMPAIGN THEMES (1) Democrats stressed as astrong issue the widespread resentment against Lincoln'sunconstitutional" actions in forwarding the war; (2)Appeals to ethnie groups were made by both sides; hèrea pamphlet addressed to the Germans, a large northernbloc; (3) Campaign songs, arrangea for piano, were another approach to the voters; (4) a small handbill,about actual size; (5) This cartoon jibes at the anomalyof McClellan, personally in favor of prosecuting the warto victory, running on the peace platform of the Democrats; (6) That handy word, "conspiracy," was a favoriteof both sides; hère the cover of a Démocratie leafletOCTOBER, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17Alumni Association Président Philip C. White, '35, Ph.D., '38, and Mrs. WhiteIn a departure from pattern, the AlumniAssociation offered Chicago area alumnia summer event, "Supper and Shakespeare at Ravinia," with Henry V theplay, on August 20. The response wasenthusiastic; despite a lowering sky,612 alumni attended, 540 enjoyed thecatered lobster box supper, 106 fromthe south side filled two charteredbuses. The University and the RaviniaFestival Association, headed by EarleLudgin, '20, co-sponsored the Shakes-pearian séries.Shakespeareand Supperat RaviniaOaaaaaaaflaaaaTBertha Heimerdinger Greenebaum, '30; U. S. Circuit Court Judge Hubert L.Will, '35, J.D. '37; Michael Greenebaum, '24kl IIHHHKtwCalvin Sawyier, '42, M.A., '42 and Stalwarts of '18, Arthur A. Baer andFay Horton Sawyier, '44, Ph.D., '64 Alice Hogge Baer18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1964Business, shake hands with your future!Business is facing real compétition today-tomor-row it will be no easier.You will hâve to develop advantages-in product,in service, in operating costs.You'll need leaders. They'll provide ideas and initiative in research and development, distributionand sales, financial management and every otherdepartment of your business.Where will thèse leaders come from?From higher éducation, mostly. Business is thebiggest user of the collège product. A récent ex ecutive survey made of 100 manufacturing busi-nesses revealed that of the 200 top executives, 86%were college-educated.But our collèges are facing problems. They needfacilities, yes. But even more urgent is the demandfor compétent teachers. This is the human équationthat will help America develop and maintain ahigher margin of excellence.It's everybody's job, but the business communityhas the largest stake. Collège is business' bestfriend. Give to the collège of your choice keep ourleaders coming.Published as a public service in coopération withThe Advertising Council and the Council for Financial Aid to Education COUNCIL FORA FINANCIAL(\ AID TOEDUCATIONNews of the QuadranglesRECORD ALUMNI FUND Thelargest number of contributors and thegreatest total of money in the 23 yearsof the Alumni Fund were achieved inthe annual giving for 1963-64, FerdKramer, '22, chairman, announced atthe conclusion of the fund period. Thenumber of contributors was 15,355,exceeding the 1962 high of 14,840,and the $1,292,916 given also exceededthe previous top total of $1,222,735,also in 1962.Of even greater significance than therise in contributions was the fact thatunrestricted gifts from the alumni in-creased by 30 percent. This undesig-nated money, Mr. Kramer pointed outin announcing the Fund results, "en-ables the University to ask, 'Whatshould we be doing?' rather than 'Whatis it that we hâve the money to do?' "The annual Honor Roll, with a list ofail donors, and tabulation of gifts, willbe published later this year and distrib-uted to ail alumni.CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL Start ofconstruction of a 100-bed hospital forchildren was made possible this sum-mer by a gift in excess of $2,000,000.This newest of the University's médicalfacilities, to be named the Silvain andArma Wyler Children's Hospital, inhonor of the donors, is being built tothe north of Chicago Lying-in Hospital. With 195,275 square feet, it willbe largest of the University buildings.Swiss born, Mr. Wyler and his wife,a Chicagoan, pioneered in developmentof dehydrated foods in a Chicago business that was acquired by the BordenCompany. In his will, Mr. Wyler di-rected that the foundation which heand his wife created should establisha children's hospital in Chicago, andthis sum, with a personal gift fromMrs. Wyler, comprised the gift.Planning for the hospital was beguna décade ago by Dr. Loweli T. Cogge-shall, then dean of the Division of theBiological Sciences and now vice président for spécial assignments and atrustée of the University. Despite theWyler gift and participation by organisations and agencies, financing of theconstruction cost is still not complète.The board of the Home for Destitute Crippled Children, an affiliate of theUniversity, which initiated the planning, has assumed responsibility foropération of the 100-bed hospital andis conducting a drive for a $750,000capital fund. The Country Home forConvalescent Children, a part of theUniversity médical research center, willprovide $1,000,000 from endowmentincome and permit temporary use of$1,500,000 from endowment to facili-tate construction. The Chicago Com-munity Trust has granted $300,000 to-ward the construction cost; $300,000more came through the Hill-BurtonAct, and $900,000 from the NationalInstitutes of Health.Financing of an important new élément in research and research trainingin the médical center already is avail-able from the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr.Foundation, which has given $ 1,5 00,-000 for construction of the Joseph P.Kennedy, Jr. Mental Research Center,and $700,000 exigible for $2,000,000in fédéral matching funds to establish the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. MentalRetardation Clinical Services andTraining Facility.VATICAN OBSERVERS Jerald C.Brauer, Ph.D. '48, dean of the DivinitySchool, and W. B. Blakemore, A. M.'37, D.B.'38, Ph.D.'4l, associate deanof the University Chapel and dean ofDisciples Divinity House, will be dele-gate-observers to the third session ofthe Second Vatican Council this au-tumn. Dean Brauer is one of four ob-servers appointed by the World Council of Churches the only American torepresent the Council at any of the sessions and Dean Blakemore is one ofthe représentatives of the World Convention of Churches of Christ.FACULTY HONORS Dr. WilliamBloom, Charles H. Swift DistinguishedService Professor of Anatomy and Bio-physics, was awarded an honorary de-gree at the 60th anniversary célébrationof the Jagellonian University of Cra-cow, Poland, May 9. Dr. Bloom wasone of three Americans and 28 otherscientists and scholars who receiveddegrees.Julian R. Goldsmith, '40, Ph.D. '47, chairman and professor of geophysicalsciences and associate dean of the Division of Physical Sciences, has been appointed to the National Science Board,governing body of the National ScienceFoundation, by Président Lyndon B.Johnson.Sol Tax, Ph.D. '35, professor of an-thropology and dean of University Extension, has been elected an honoraryfellow of the Royal AnthropologicalInstitute of Great Britain and Ireland.Chauncy D. Harris, Ph.D. '40, andGilbert F. White, '32, S.M/34, Ph.D.'42, prof essors of geography, hâve beenappointed to the steering committee ofa program of the Association of American Geographers directed toward theimprovement of the content of geography courses taught in the first twoyears of high school.NEW FACULTY MEMBERS Dr.Hans H. Hecht became professor in theDepartments of Medicine and Physiol-ogy, effective last July. Dr. Hecht hasbeen a member of the University ofUtah Collège of Medicine since 1944.A cardiologist, his spécial interest is theelectro-physiological study of heart action. Dr. Hecht was one of the firstinvestigators to put micro-electrodesinto a beating heart.Dr. Myer Lubran, former director ofclinical pathology at the 1,000-bedWest Middlesex Hospital in Isleworth,a suburb of London, assumed the postsof professor of clinical pathology anddirector of the Clinical Chemistry La-boratory in August. One of the earlyusers of radioactive isotopes in diagnostic procédures, Dr. Lubran is botha chemist and a médical doctor.Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr., presentlya professor at the University of Cali-fornia, Berkeley, joined The Universityof Chicago Law School as a professoron July 1. His spécial fields are civilprocédure and judicial administration.Norman Perrin has been namedassociate professor in New TestamentStudies in the Divinity School. Aftertaking degrees from Manchester andLondon and Gôttingen universities, theRev. Mr. Perrin served pastorates in20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1964Election of Ben W. Heineman, chairman and chief executive ofthe Chicago and North Western Railway Company, and James L.Palmer, AM'23, former président of Marshall Field & Company, asmembers of the Board of Trustées was announced in July byChairman Fairfax M. Cône.London and South Wales before join-ing the faculty of the Candler School0f Theology, Emory University, Atlanta.Dr. Alexander Gottschalk has beenappointed assistant professor and director of the section of nudear medicinein the Department of Radiology. Hisfather, Louis Gottschalk, is GustavusF. and Ann M. Swift DistinguishedService Professor of History.Ralph Shapey, one of the country'syounger composers, became assistantprofessor on July 1 and was greetedwith the first performance of hisSortance for Carillon, played on the72-bell carillon of Rockefeller Mémorial Chapel by Daniel Robins, University carillonneur. Mr. Shapey, whohas won numerous prizes for his compositions, will be musical director ofthe Contemporary Chamber Playersof the University, a group to be organized this autumn for the performanceof new music. Two other composersof recognized stature, Easley Black-wood, Jr., and John Maclvor Perkins,also are faculty members of the Department of Music.NEW TELESCOPE Yerkes Obser-vatory at Williams Bay, Wisconsin, hasinstalled a 24-inch reflecting télescopewith spécial features to map the giantmagnetic field of the Milky Way, theearth's galaxy. W. Albert Hiltner, director of Yerkes, who discovered four-teen years ago the physical principlethat permits the mapping by indirectmeans, designed the new instrumentand with the aid of $80,000 from theNational Science Foundation will un-dertake the arduous exploration.Mr. Hiltner's discovery was thatlight reaching the earth from somestars was polarized by cosmic dust par-ticles trapped in the galaxy's magneticfield. The particles tend to focus, orpolarize, the random light waves fromstars so that they vibrate in a singledirection. He deduced that by measur-ing the polarization of light from nearby stars of the order of 300 light yearsfrom earth, he could détermine theorientation of the particles and so chartthe magnetic field.He has found that in gênerai theUnes of force in the magnetic fieldseem to follow the spiral structure ofthe galaxy. There are, however, localirregularities and thèse will be analyzedin détail. James L. PalmerMr. Palmer, who was a member ofthe School of Business faculty for 14years, joined Marshall Field and Company in 1936 and was elected présidentin 1949. He reached the retirement âgelast May, and was immediately electedprésident of the Chicago Natural History Muséum, of which he had been atrustée and first vice président. A Navyvétéran of World War I, he served asspécial advisor to the Bureau of theBudget in the second war. From 1946to 1949, Mr. Palmer was président ofthe Community Fund of Chicago, andamong his civic activities, he is a director of the Chicago Lighthouse for theBlind, the Fédéral Prison Industry, anda trustée of the Chicago Sunday Eve-ning Club. He took his A.B. fromBrown University in 1919 and theA. M. from the School of Business.The télescope, which has a tubeseven feet long, has a diaphragm whichnarrows its area of vision, eliminatinglight that does not corne from the starunder observation. The light collectedby the télescope is passed through aprism which splits the beam into itshorizontal and vertical components,much as a télévision beam is split before broadcast to give vertical and horizontal éléments.The divided light is focused onseparate photoelectric cells, releasingstreams of électrons that vary according Ben W. HeinemanMr. Heineman is on the CitizensBoard of the University and its VisitingCommittees of the Law School and theDivision of the Social Sciences. A cor-porate lawyer in Chicago, who alsoserved in fédéral agencies and the CivilAffairs staff of General Eisenhower'scommand, he became head of the rail-road in 1956. In 1963 he was chosen"Chicagoan of the Year" in the field ofcommerce and industry and in 1962 hewas the first récipient of the DanielBurnham Award for his contributionsas a railroad executive to the develop-ment of metropolitan Chicago. Amonghis many civic posts, he is chairmanof the Illinois State Board of HigherEducation. He is a graduate of theUniversity of Michigan, '33, andthe Law School of Northwestern University, '36.to the strength of the light beam. Acount of the électrons permits assign-ment of mathematical values to each ofthe component beams of starlight.Because significant errors can be in-troduced in such délicate measurementby the small imperfections of télescopesand photocells, and by the earth's ownmagnetic field, the new instrument canbe rotated around the axis of sight topermit observations from several positions and so provide a means of correction of the measurements.OCTOBER, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21Is it possible that a leading makerofjet engine turbine bladesnad a hand ingiving Pat Deegan a fresh sandwichtoday that was made last night?It's perfectly logical to assume that the nation's leadingproducer of alloying metals like chromium, manganèse,tungsten, and vanadium could become an expert ontheir use in new forms of steel. One resuit is the devel-opment of a new kind of stronger stainless steel.Nor would it be surprising that the nation's pioneerand leading producer of plastic raw materials wouldbe selling plastic food bags with a new kind of fold-lock top that locks in freshness. They're called "Glad"Bags, and they keep Pat Deegan's lunch fresh eventhough it was packed the night before.But you'd hâve every reason to doubt that two suchunlike activities could corne from the samecompany. Provided you didn't know aboutUnion Carbide.In fact, you'll corne across lots of diversifi- UNIONCARBIDEcations at Union Carbide. It's one of the world's largestproducers of chemicals, and it makes ingrédients fortextiles, paint, and urethane foam for cushioning. It isone of the most diversified private enterprises in thefield of atomic energy. As a world authority in super-cold fluids, it produces tons of liquefied hydrogen,oxygen, and nitrogen for fueling space vehicles. It's aleader in carbon products and makes exhaust nozzleliners for rockets, brushes for electric motors, and électrodes for electric arc furnaces. And its consumer products include world-leading "Prestone" anti-freeze.In fact, few other corporations are so deeply in-volved in so many différent skills and activitiesthat will affect the technical and productioncapabilities of our next century.The next century starts with Pat Deegan's lunch.UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION, 270 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10017. IN CANADA: UNION CARBIDE CANADA LIMITED, TORONTODivisions: Carbon Products, Chemicals, Consumer Products, FoodTroducts, International, Linde, Metals, Nuclear, Olefins, Ore, Plastics, Silicones and StelliteNEWSto 37KUHNS, RALPH, '11, MD'13, was electeda director of the Alumni Advisory Councilof the Phi Beta Pi médical fraternity ofNew York City.WELLS, MERRIL, '12, MD'14, of GrandRapids, Mich., retired in 1962 after morethan 45 years of practicing internai medicine in Grand Rapids. Dr. and Mrs. Wellsenjoy gardening and travel to Floridaevery year in February and March, andto the Petoskey area of northern Michigan in July and August.IRWIN, MISS MERLE E., '20, AM'29, hasretired as a social worker in the Bureauof Child Study, Chicago, and now livesin Santa Barbara, Calif. She finds retire-ment "stimulating and rewarding" asvolunteer at St. Vincent's School for Spécial Education, and as a student of musicand Spanish. She is also part-time secre-tary for St. Michael's Episcopal Church,located on the campus of the Universityof California.PRICE, MRS. MATTHEW J. (ZOE C.SEATOR, '20), of Phoenix, Ariz., writesthat she is happily housed at Orange-wood Estâtes, a retirement project ownedand built by the American Baptist Estâtes,Inc. Each dwelling unit includes a patio,food and maintenance services and housesone résident.ELLIS, MISS MARGERY, '21, AM'27, isassistant professor of French and actinghead of the department of foreign lan-guages at the Illinois State University inNormal.AUBREY, MRS. EDWIN E. (GLADYSM. TOPPING, AM'22), of Ardmore,Okla., received the highest volunteerhonor of the Y.W.C.A., the Blue BowlAward, last May.DOCK, WILLIAM, MD'22, of Brooklyn,N.Y., professor emeritus since 1963 atKings County Hospital, continues asmember of the faculty at State University of New York, and also as chief ofmédical service at the Veteran's Administration Hospital, Brooklyn.MASTERS, MRS. EDGAR L. (ELLEN F.COYNE, '22), retired last July from thefaculty at Pennsylvania State University,University Park, where she taught Eng-lish. Now in Europe, she will spend theyear traveling and teaching in countriesalong the Mediterranean, and upon herreturn plans to study sculpture, oil paint-ing and philosophy. Mrs. Masters received her AM degree from ColumbiaUniversity, New York City, at which time ° f the alumnishe was active in the théâtre and man-aged several bookstores. Her husbandwas the poet, the late Edgar Lee Masters.TOPPING, GLADYS M., AM'22 see Aub-reyHENDERSON, MISS HELEN, '25 seejoint news item, p. 30ROSBOROUGH, MISS JEAN A., '25, ofNew York City, was commended by theCommissioner of Health and the Mayor ofNew York for her work in the anti-polioprogram in that city, where she is executive director of the March of DimesFoundation. The occasion marked thelOth anniversary of the field trials ofthe Salk Vaccine.McCORD, A. KING, '28, is président ofthe Westinghouse Air Brake Co., in Pitts-burgh. Last June 7 he received an honorary Doctor of Law degree from TheilCollège of Greenville, Pa. Mr. McCordbegan his career as an attorney in 1930with the Oliver Corp., Chicago, later tobecome its président. During World WarII he served on the Industry AdvisoryCommittee of the WUPB and OPA, andheld the directorship of the agriculturaldivision of the National Production Au-thority.TOOLAN, MRS. JAMES M., (HELENEMYNCHENBERG, '29), took up hernew position as director of Putnam Mémorial Hospital Institute for Médical Research in Bennington, Vt., in July. Sheis also associate professor of expérimentalpathology at the University of VermontCollège of Medicine, Burlington. For thepast 14 years, Mrs. Toolan, who receivedher PhD in pathology from Cornell University Médical Collège in 1946, has beenassociated with the SIoan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research where she willremain as associate scientist. Her firsthusband was the late EDWARD W.WALLACE, '30, PhD'32, MD'35. JamesM. Toolan, whom she married in 1945,is a psychiatrist.MONROE, MISS DAY, PhD'30, of Topeka,Kan., was awarded an honorary Doctorof Science degree by the Washburn Collège, Topeka. Miss Monroe is a homeeconomist, and taught at the U of C inthe late 20's, and also at Columbia,Cornell, and Syracuse University, and atthe University of Washington, Seattle.At one time a chairman of the food andnutrition research advisory committee ofthe U. S. Department of Agriculture, sheis the author of a booklet: "ChicagoFamilies."BRADY, MRS. LEOPOLD (MINA S.REES, PhD'31), of New York, is knownprofessionally as Mrs. Mina S. Rees. Shereceived an honorary Doctor of Sciencedegree at Oberlin Collège, Ohio, June 8.Mrs. Rees is dean of graduate studies atthe City University of New York. HUMPHREY, G. D., AM'31, retired inJune as président of the University ofWyoming. Prior to that office, which heassumed in 1945, he was président, since1934, of what was then Mississippi StateCollège, now Mississippi State University.His record number of years as a présidentmakes him senior among présidents ofland-grant collèges and state universities.Among other posts he was a member ofthe National Science Foundation boardfrom 1950-62, a consultant for theUSDA's bureau of entomology and plantquarantine, chairman of the AmericanAssociation of Land-Grant Collèges andState Universities, and currently memberof the National Commission on Accredit-ing.REES, MINA S., PhD'31 see Brady-WHIPPLE, MISS VELMA D., '33, ofAlbuquerque, N. M., is currently teachingin the Jemez Valley Elementary Schoolwhich is at the mouth of the San DiegoCanyon.HESTON, MISS LAURA, SM'35 see jointnews item, p. 30REYNOLDS, WILLIAM B., PhD'36, isvice président of research and engineering for General Mills, Inc., of Minne-apolis, Minn. Mr. Reynolds was in theU of C department of chemistry as in-structor in the early 40's. Last May hewas presented with an alumni achieve-ment award, by Cornell Collège, Mt.Vernon, Iowa.JOHN, DeWITT, AM'37, of Boston, Mass.,is the new editor of The Christian Science Monitor, in charge of daily opérations. In 1962 he became manager forthe committee on publication of the FirstChurch of Christ, Scientist, in Boston,after having served as writer, radio andtélévision producer for them. DuringWorld War II he was public relationsstaff member for Admirai Chester W.Nimitz, and on his return to The Monitor,he edited foreign news.OCTOBER, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 2325thReunion Class39ANDERSON, ROBERT O, '39, of Ros-well, N. M., a trustée of the U of C, ownsthe Lincoln County Livestock Co. in Ros-well, directs the Atlantic Refining Co.,Philadelphia, and the Aspen Co. ofAspen, Colo., and is chairman of theboard of the Cotter Corp., Canon City,Colo. He is active as a member of theboard of régents at New Mexico StateUniversity, Las Cruces, chairman of theboard of the Fédéral Reserve Bank ofDallas and chairman of the board of theAspen Institute for Humanistic Studies inAspen, Colo. Mr. Anderson is an amateurartist and also breeds Arabian horses.Mrs. Anderson is the former BARBARAPHELPS, '40.BANEN, IDA, '39 see Strick-BANFE, CHARLES F., JR., '39, andJAMES A. LYTLE, JR., are jet pilots forPan American World Airways. Mr. LytleEARLY READERSstart ahead stay aheadUniversity research studies hâve provedthat children who corne to school asreaders start and stay ahead of thosewho wait until âge 6J^ to learn thisvital educational skill. The newDOMAN-DELACATO Early ReadingProgram is teaching two to four year oldsto read and love it. The program is ajoyful learning process a parent-and-child play approach published a year agoin the Ladies Home Journal and success-fully proved in over 50,000 homes. Writetoday for complète détails on research andpre-publication savings.Systems for Education, Inc. Dept. EW 1612 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 60611Name_Address_City and State_ has been in every large country in theworld except China. Mr. Banfe set around-the-world speed record for lightplanes in 1961. The trip took 8% days ina twin Bonanza, flying 21 hours each day.Mr. Banfe was the first to fly a singleengine plane around the world, in 1959,with 14 forced landings. He is featuredin the May 12, 1964 édition of the WallStreet Journal.BERGQUIST, MISS LAURA C, '39, otNew York City, senior editor of LookMagazine, has recently been to theU.S.S.R., Cuba, Paris, Québec and London. She was jailed for 18 hours inHavana, Cuba, 1960 and also in theDominican Republic, 1961. Miss Berg-quist edited the U of C Magazine, 1950-51.BERSON, LILLIAN, '39 see Frankel-BEYER, ERWIN F., '39, of Plattsburgh,N. Y., moved last July to this addressfrom Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he wasdirector of promotion and advertising forNissin Corporation. He is now associateprofessor of physical éducation at theState University of New York. Mr. Beyerwas a faculty member at the U of C,1941-1955 and was the creator of Acro-theatre. For the past three years he hastraveled 200,000 air miles instructing20,000 teachers of physical éducation.BORG, ROBERT M., '39, SM'40, of WestSuffield, Conn., is président of BorgPesticides, Inc., which he founded in1946. Chairman of the Town Forest Commission, he is a member of the EcologicalSociety of America and the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science. Mrs. Borg is the former LILLIANPILLING, '30.BURR, LOUISE R., '39, AM'40, see Ger-rardBUTTON, JAMES W., '39, of Willowdale,Ontario, is président of Simpson-Sears,Ltd., and trustée of the Art Gallery ofToronto.CLARK, MRS. JOHN M. (MARGARETMERRIFIELD, '39), of Downers Grove,111., has been preparing to teach highschool English since her now 8 year olddaughter went to first grade. She is tak-ing a graduate level éducation course,and recently finished a course in coun-seling. She finds going back to school"exhilarating" and wishes that she couldtake the U of C survey courses now in-stead of at 17 and 18. She is the wife ofJOHN M. CLARK, '37, JD'39.CLYDE, MISS FRANCES K '39, AM'51,of Newtonville, Mass., is professor emeri-tus at Boston University School of Nurs-ing, where she taught nursing serviceadministration and was chairman of thatdepartment. Prior to this position, MissClyde was for 12 years an administratorof nursing service at Children's Hospitalin Philadelphia.COOPER, JOHN A., '39, of BalboaHeights, Canal Zone, Panama, is assistant gênerai counsel for the Panama CanalCo. He sails a 12 foot catamaran foipleasure. His wife is the former NANCYC. ORR, '4LDE COSTA, RAYNA L., '39, SM'40 seeLoewyDEDMON, EMMETT R., '39, of Chicago,has been since 1962 the executive editorof the Chicago Sun-Times. A book criticfor the Chicago Sun, 1946-47, Mr. Ded-mon was subsequently the literary editor,drama critic, assistant Sunday editor andin 1958, managing editor of the ChicagoSun Times. He is author of Duty to Live,Fabulous Chicago, and Great Enterprisesa history of the Y.M.C.A. of Chicago.DOLNICK, BERNARD, '39, MBA'49, ofFort Wayne, Ind., is superintendent ofthe Fort Wayne State School for thementally retarded, and adjunct professorat Purdue University. Mr. Dolnick is acertified member of the American Collègeof Hospital Administrators and chairmanand fellow of the American Associationon Mental Deficiency, chairman of thePhysical Plants Standards Committee. Hereceived a citation from the Alumni Assn.in 1959.DONOVAN, THOMAS A., '39, has beenU. S. consul in Khurramshahr, Iran,since 1962. Prior to this position he servedas first secretary, the American Embassyin Poland, in 1955-58 as internationalrelations officer in the Department ofState. Consul at Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany, 1953-55, he had been second secretary at The Hague, 1949-53 and thirdsecretary at the American Embassy inPrague, Czechoslovakia, 1946-49.DUNLAP, BETTY J., '39 see Skoning-DYER, HUBERT J., '39, SM'40, PhD'46,of West Barrington, R. L, is associateprofessor of botany at Brown University.EITINGTON, JULIUS E., '39, AM'40, ofBethesda, Md., is chief training officerfor the National Park Service. Mr. Eiting-ton is editor of the Personnel Administration Magazine a journal for the Societyfor Personnel Administration, of Washington, D. C.GERRARD, MRS. NATHAN L. (LOUISER. BURR, '39, AM'40), of Charleston,West Va., is director of research at theWest Virginia Department of MentalHealth. She is the wife of NATHAN L.GERRARD, '37, AM'40, who teachessociology at Morris Harvey Collège inCharleston.GREENEBAUM, ROBERT J., '39, AM'41,PhD '50, résident of Milwaukee, Wisc,for eight months, he has become a member of the Greater Milwaukee Committeeand the Young President's Organization.Mr. Greenebaum is a member of theboard of the U of C Alumni Foundation,the Visiting Committee of the Collège,and the Citizens Board. In 1963 he wasnamed winner of the Silver AnniversaryAll-America Award, by Sports Illustrat-ed magazine. Récipients of the award24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1964continuedwere senior varsity collegiate footballplayers for the 1938 season who hâvebeen generally outstanding in the inter-vening 25 years.GREENLEE, HOWARD S, '39, AM'41,PhD'50, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, presentlydean of the collège and professor of his-tory at Coe Collège, Cedar Rapids, wasassistant professor of history at the U ofC in 1950. Mrs. Greenlee is the formerHELEN SCHWARZ, '44.KAPLAN, NORMAN M., '39, AM'48, ofRochester, N. Y., is Xerox Professor ofinternational économies, University ofRochester, N. Y. Mrs. Kaplan is the former ROSLYN CHICOVSKY, '43.«KARLEN, HARVEY M, '39, PhD'50, ofChicago, is an associate professor ofpolitical science at Chicago City JuniorCollège, and is author of The Govern-ments of Chicago, and American Government Essentiels. He teaches politicalscience courses on the educational télévision station WTTW, Chicago. Mr. Kar-len's son David is récipient of a U of CPresidential Scholarship for this fall.KLASS, LAURENCE, '39, of Chicago, isproprietor of the Klass Auto ConstructionCo.KRAMER, RORERT B., '39, of Elgin, 111,is a partner with his brother in the lawfîrm of Kramer and Kramer. He is viceprésident of the Elgin Bar Assn, a member of the board of governors for theAssociation of Plaintiffs Lawyers of Illinois, and member of the board of direc-tors, Fox Valley Mental Health Clinic.KRONEMYER, ROBERT E, '39, AM'47,of Lajolla, Calif., has a law fîrm in SanDiego which engages in gênerai practicewith specialization in tax, probate andcorporate law. For the past eight years hehas taught a tax seminar at San DiegoState Collège Evening Division. On theirranch in Descano, Calif, the family raisesblack angus cattle.LAD, ROBERT A, '39, SM'41, PhD'46, ofCleveland, Ohio, is chief of the chemicalphysics branch of the NASA Lewis Research Center. Mr. Lad is first cellist inthe community symphony orchestra, anda church organist.LEWIS, WILLIAM C, '39, MD'41, ofMadison, Wisc, is professor of psychia-try at the University of Wisconsin Médical School. Mrs. Lewis is the formerKATHERINE SIMONDS, '39.LOEB, JAMES, '39, of West Long Braneh,N. J., owns the Red Bank, N. J, airport,and is président of the Air Taxi Co, which provides 12 aircraft as shuttles forNew York City airports and as charterplanes.LOEWY, MRS. ARTHUR (RAYNA DECOSTA, '39, SM'40), of Chicago, sincegraduation, has learned Spanish, Italian,Japanese, and French, and traveled toEurope five times. Professionally she is anutritionist, but is also interested in, andvice président of, the International HouseAssn. He rhusband is ARTHUR LOEWY,'40, SM'42, MD'43.LUNDAHL, ARTHUR C, '39, SM'42, ofBethesda, Md, is the photogrammetristwho received a John F. Kennedy SilverCrisis Calendar for his discovery of theCuban missile sites in aerial photographsof Cuba, October, 1962. He is captain inthe U. S. Naval Reserves, winner of the1963 Naval Reserve Intelligence Awardand the National Civil Service LeagueAward. Mr. Lundahl was président of theAmerican Society of photogrammetry in1954 and is active in the Civil DéfenseCorps. Mrs. Lundahl is the former MARYE. HVID, 41.LYTLE, JAMES A. JR, '39 see mentionunder Charles F. Banfe, '39MACKEY, WALTER I, '39, of WhitefishBay, Wisc, is vice président of theCramer-Krasselt Co, an advertising agen-cy in Milwaukee.MERRIFIELD, MARGARET, '39 seeClark-MILLER, MARTIN D, '39, MBA'48, ofHinsdale, 111, is partner in the J. L.Jacobs and Co, public administrationconsultants.MURPHY, CHESTER W. (CHET), '39,and his twin WILLIAM MURPHY, '39co-authored two books, Tennis for Begin-ners and Tennis Handbook. William Mur-phy is tennis coach at the University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, and Chet Murphyteaches tennis at the University of Cali-fornia, Berkeley, specializing in largegroup instruction methods.NETHERTON, ROSS D. JR, AM'40, JD'43, of Vienna, Va, is counsel for légalresearch, the highway research board,the national research council of the National Academy of Science. He has written articles for légal journals, and published the book, Control of HighwayAccess. Mr. and Mrs. Netherton (ANNL. ROHRKE, '47), are part owners of amountain in Pennsylvania which servesas a refuge from city life.NICHOLS, CHARLES H, '39, of Chicago, is the educational director of theNational Foundation of Funeral Servicein Evanston. He travels each year toCanada, Bermuda, Mexico and in theU. S. in connection with his work, andspends his vacations camping.OGREN, QUENTIN (BUD), '39, of Lyn-wood, Calif, is professor of torts andlabor law at Loyola University in LosAngeles.OWINGS, MARGUERITE, '40 seePolifroni PAUL, MISS ELEANOR V, '39, SM'40,of Washington, D. C, is histologist in theophthalmic pathology branch of theArmed Forces Institute of Pathology,Washington, D. C.PERRY, HART F, '39, AM'40, of NewYork City, président of the I.T.&T.Crédit Corp, recently was elected treas-urer of the I.T.&T. Co. He is also actingdirector of a subsidiary, Financial Services, Inc., which guides the company'sfinances. Mr. Perry received an Excep-tional Service Award from the U. S.government in 1961. He is member of theNew York Council on Foreign Relations.Mrs. Perry is the former BEATRICE R.GAIDZIK, '40.PETERSMEYER, H. QUAYLE, '39, isprésident of the Hall-Roepke-PetersmeyerCo, a food brokerage fîrm, and was président of the Berkeley, Calif, school board,1962-63.POLIFRONI, MRS. VINCENT J. (MARGUERITE OWINGS, '40), of Altadena,Calif, is director of Pacific Oaks Children's School, but is also studying forher Master's degree in éducation underthe co-operative program of Pacific OaksCollège and the Claremont GraduateSchool.POOL, ITHIEL DE SOLA, '38, AM'39,PhD'52, professor of political science atMassachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, Mass., has written fourRail Safarimeans Land Cruise escortedby Bob Stevens. You're oneof just 30 guests aboard 2superbly appointed privatePullmans. Next sailing:NOVEMBER 14 FROM CHICAGO 20 Days $855 Ail-Inclusive VISITING THESOUTHWEST DALLAS BIG BEND PARK TUCSONMEXICOGUADALAJARA MEXICOCITY TAXCO CUER-NAVACA SAN MIGUELDE ALLENDE MAZATLANMEXICO'S GRAND CANYONfor particulars contactRAIL SAFARISLEESBURG, VA.Box 786AREA CODE 703 SP 7-1248OCTOBER, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1354 East 55th StreetMemberFédéral Deposit Insurance CorporationMUseum 4-1200 39 continuéeT. A. REHNQUPT COvoy SidewalksFactory FloorsMachineFoundationsConcrète BreakingNOrmal 7-0433MODEL CAMERA SHOPLeica - Bolex - Rolleiflex - Polaroid1342 L 55th St. HYde Parle 3-9259NSA Discounts24-hour Kodachrome DevelopingHO Trains and Mode! SuppliesWe operate our own dry cleaning plant1309 East 57îh St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.Ml dway 3-0602 NOrmal 7-98581553 E. Hyde Park Blvd. FAirfax 4-57591442 E. 57th Mldway 3-0607yersatilityFrom a small one-color sheet to awork of thousands of pages, from afulî color catalog to a giant display,hère one can see the gamut ofprinting jobs. Diversity of productclearly indicates our versatility.Fine skills and varied talents of ourpeople are supported by a widerange of caméra and plate equipment,offset presses of several typesfrom the smallest to the largestand a complète pamphlet binderyPhoto pressEisenhower Expressway at Gardner RoadBROADVIEW, ILL. COÏumbus 1-1420 books, American Business and PublicPolicy, The People Look at EducationalTélévision, and Candidates, Issues, andStratégies; A Computer Simulation of the1960 Presidential Campaign. Mrs. Poolis the former JEAN MacKENZIE, PhD'53.ROTARIU, GEORGE J., '39, SM'40, ofBethesda, Md., is analysis and applications chief in the department of divisionof isotopes, Atomic Energy Commission.At the U of C Toxicity Laboratory hemade the first évaluation of the toxicity ofGerman nerve gas in May 1945. In 1956while employed at the Cook Electric Co.,in Chicago, he built the first industrialcobalt-60 gamma source, of 60,000 curies.Mrs. Rotariu is the former JANET Mc-AULEY, '48.SALK, ERWIN A., '39, AM'41, of Evans-ton, 111., is président of Salk, Ward andSalk, mortgage bankers of Chicago. Mr.Salk was former staff member and a chiefof section of UNESCO, in Paris; a graduate of the School of Military Governorsfor the Far East at the University ofVirginia, Charlottesville, and chief ofwages, hours and working conditionspolicy for the Japanese. Among othercivic activities, he is member of theboard of managers for the Robert R.McCormick Chicago Boys' Club, andcommitteeman for the 25 th reunion of theclass of '39.SAXTON, MRS. ALEXANDER P. (GER-TRUDE WRIGHT, '39, AM'41), ofSaLisalito, Calif., has a private practice infamily counseling and is a consultant to aprogram for neurologically handicappedchildren. During the past 18 years shehas been a volunteer in community andcultural programs for children, also member of public housing, mental health andanti-discrimination organizations. Herhusband, ALEXANDER P. SAXTON, '40has published three novels. Mrs. Saxtonlikes to read, which she says is "an oldfashioned pleasure and art, and an inter-est she gives the U of C crédit for havingaroused.SCHALLIOL, ELDEN R., '39, AM'47, ofMishawaka, Ind., is principal of theSoLith Side Elementary School of Mishawaka.SÇHNERING, PHILIP B., '39, of Stevenson, Md., has been since 1958 assistant tothe président of the McCormick andCompany, Inc., spice and extract manu-facturers. Mr. Schnering is chairman ofthe board of directors of Camp Fire Girls,Inc., is member of the U of C CitizensBoard and received an alumni citation in1957.SEIDLER, MITCHELL S., '39, of Cincinnati, Ohio, is minister of the Gospel ofJésus Christ Church, a trustée on the board of the Association of America,* theCentral C.B. Seminary and the AllsburyC.B. Bible Collège. He is a bible conférence teacher and principal of theNorwood Christian Day School, holdingclasses for kindergarten through gradeSKONING, MRS. WARREN (BETTY J.DUNLAP, '39), of St. Charles, 111., is amilieu therapist at the Illinois StateMental Hospital. She toured Italy in1963 and expects to go to Spain withher husband, WARREN SKONING, '38,this year.STARK, ARTHUR, '39, AM'41, of NewYork City, is a member of the NationalAcademy of Arbitrators and has been anad hoc arbitrator since 1947 for suchgroups as the Sperry Gyroscope Co., theNational Railroad Adjustment Board andthe HUE. Mr. Stark was ad hoc umpirefor the Bethlehem Steel Co., and theUnited Steelworkers from 1957-59. Hewas member of the Presidential Board ofInquiry in the Longshore Industry dispute, 1956-57 and executive director ofthe New York State Board of Médiation,1951 - 57. Mrs. Stark is the formerDOROTHY COPELAND, '34.STRICK, MRS. MARVIN B. (IDABANEN, '39) of Encino, Calif., is aviolinist in the Los Angeles Doctors'Symphony Orchestra.URETZ, MRS. ROBERT B. (VIOLETFOGLE, '39), of Chicago, is an artist andworks part-time as a graphie designer andillustrator. Mrs. Uretz was the art director for WFMT, a local radio station, from1951-60. Her husband, ROBERT B.URETZ, '47, PhD'54, is an associate professor of biophysics at the U of C.VAN de WATER, JOHN R, '39, JD'41, ofLos Angeles, Calif., is associate professorof industrial relations and business law atthe University of California at LosAngeles, attorney and management consultant to fédéral, state and local govern-ment on management development problems. Mrs. Van de Water is the formerHARRIET DOLL, '37.WEISS, LEONARD, '39, is counselor foréconomie affairs at the American Embassyin New Delhi, India. Mr. Weiss was counselor for économie affairs, Belgrade, Yugo-slavia, 1957-60, as well as deputy directorand acting director of the U.S. Aid Mission to Yugoslavia; he then was a deputydirector and director in the office of international trade and finance, Department ofState, 1960-63. He received a SuperiorService Award from the Department ofState in 1963.WHEELER, ROBERT S., '39, PhD'42, ofAthens, Ga., is chairman of the poultry-husbandry department at the Universityof Georgia, Athens.WRIGHT, GERTRUDE, '39, AM'41 seeSaxton26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1964U-48HILBERRY, NORMAN, PhD'41, retireddirector of Argonne National Laboratory,became professor of nuclear engineeringat the University of Arizona in April.Mrs. Hilberry is the former ANN BRAID1 HEPBURN '19, SM'21, PhD'26.LEISER, ERNEST S., '41, of Nyack, N.Y.,has become director of télévision news,supervising ail CBS news bureaus, includ-ing the coverage of the political eventsthis year.LORENZ, PAUL F., MBA'41, of Birmingham, Mich., was named vice présidentand gênerai manager of the Ford MotorCompany 's Lincoln-Mercury division lastlune 24. Mr. Lorenz will direct styling,over-all content, pricing and sales of Lincoln-Continental, Cornet and Mercurycars, and their parts. His career with FordMotors began in 1949. The supervisor ofthe coordination of vehicle scheduling,compétitive market analysis and designcost studies in 1951, he became controllerof the Lincoln-Mercury division in 1953,and in 1957, executive assistant to Robert S. McNamara, then vice président ofthe car and truck group. From 1962-1963he was executive director of the marketingstaff. Mrs. Lorenz is the former HAR-RIET M. FAWCETT, '42.MOORE, CRAIG, '41 is vice président forrésident opérations for Dixie-MarathonVerpackungen GmgH, the first Europeansubsidiary of American Can Co.BERNSTEIN, JOËL, '42, AM'48, PhD'55,of Chicago, was reassigned from directorof the U.S. aid mission in Nigeria to thatof director of the U.S. économie aid pro--gnun in South Korea. Mrs. Bernstein isthe former MERLE A. SLOAN, '45.OCTOBER, 1964 THE JOANNE GERROULD STARR MALKUS, '43,SM'45, PhD'49, is a professor of meteorologyat the University of California, Los Angeles,who received in 1962 the Meisinger Award ofthe American' Meteorological Society for "out-standing expérimental investigation of cumulus clouds by means of aircraft measurements."The Los Angeles Times named her Woman ofthe Year in 1963. Daug'hter of an editor of theBoston Herald, Miss Gerrould learned to fly alight plane while in preparatory school. Des-tined for a women's collège in the east, shehappened to read in a dentist's office a magazine article about the "Hutchins Collège" andrhereupon decided to corne to Chicago.At the U of C she was influenced to studymeteorology by the Swedish pioneer of long-range weather forecasting techniques, Carl-Gustav Rossby. Later, she was also a studentof the tropical weather expert, Herbert Riehl.She married a student of the physicist EdwardTeller, WILLEM V. R. MALKUS, SM'48, PhD'50.Mr. Riehl was making extensive studies ofcloud formations in the Caribbean, and hisstudent became interested in the same study,which is carried on with planes packed withinstruments, including iradar. Mrs. Malkusadded tier own technique of using the freemovement of the plane to study such features as updrafts. And since the nursery of theclouds in the Caribbean also is the birthplaceof hurricanes, she soon was involved in studyof thèse tropical storms. Mrs. Malkus was oneof the five professorial advisers to ProjectStormfury, a Navy and Weather Bureau spon-sored study to find means of moderating oraverting hurricanes. When Hurricane Beulahtook form in 1962, she was requested toconduct studies of its structure. For two days,she flew a radar-equipped plane through Beu-lah's 120 mph winds to collect data. Latest ofMrs. Malkus' extensive séries of publicationsis a paper "Modification Experiments onTropical Cumulus Clouds," in Science, August7, 1964.The picture shows the Malkuses at home inthe Pacific Palisades with two year old KarenElizabeth and MacDuff. Their sons, David, 19,and Steven, 13, are away at schools in theEast. Mrs. Malkus is an avid skier, but hasrecently replaced flying with ballet dancing,because of the difficulties and expense: main-raining a plane. She enjoys cooking and sew-ing, and has a reading rate of several booksa week. Mr. Malkus is professor of geo-physics at the University of California, LosAngeles, and was an assistant professor atthe U of C in natural science in 1950-51.Photo and Material from the Los Angeles TimesUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27THE NEW CHICAGO CHAIRAn attractive, sturdy, comfortablechair finished in jet black withgold trim and gold silk-screenedUniversity shield.$34.00Order from and make checks payable toTHE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION5733 University Ave., Chicago 37Chairs will be shipped express col-lect from Gardner, Mass. withinone month.RlNÎi XI gOffset Printing tmprinting Addr«s«ogr*phingMultilithing Copy Préparation Automatic InurtlngTypewritirtg Addresaing Folding MailingCHICAGO ADDRESSING * PRINTING COMPANY720 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET WAlXISll 2-4561RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TéléphoneMOnroe 6-3192BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24 HOVR SERVICELicensed Bonded InsuredQucdified WeldersSubmerged Water HeatersHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave.. Chicago U-A9CORLISS, JOHN O., '44, of Urbana, 111.,became professor and chairman of thedepartment of biological sciences at theUniversity of Illinois' Chicago Under-graduate Division, September 1. Formerlyhe was professor of zoology at the university downstate.KELSO, CHARLES D., '46, JD'50, of In-dianapolis, Ind., was promoted last springto professor of law at the Indiana University School of Law. During the next twoyears he will serve as director of a studyof part-time légal éducation in the U.S.on behalf of the Association of AmericanLaw Schools.PARSONS, JAMES B., AM'46, JD'49,Judge of the U.S. District Court forNorthern Illinois, addressed The ChicagoTheological Seminary at its 109th commencement on "Race and Religiosity: AChallenge to Leadership." Judge Parsonshas served as chairman of the MidwestCommittee of the President's Commissionon Equal Employment Opportunity, andas chairman of the Chicago committeefor the National Conférence on Religionand Race in 1963. The commencement'sclass speaker was PHILLIP A. SMITH,'37, who worked with teenagers in theWoodlawn area during the years of hisgraduate study.STRICKER, GEORGE, '46, of Great Neck,N. Y., is assistant professor of psychologyat Adelphi Collège, Garden City, N. Y.He is joint editor, with Melvin Zax, ofThe Study of Abnormal Behavior, a volume of selected readings which was published by the Macmillan Co. in June.CANNON, WILLIAM B., '47, AM'49, ofAlexandria, Va., last February joinedthe team planning the War on PovertyProgram headed by Sargent Shriver. Mr.Cannon was previously with the BudgetBureau. CHAVE, KEITH E., '48, SM'51, PhD'52,of Bethlehem, Pa., has been promoted tofull professor of geology at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, where he is also di-recting the Marine Science Center.KRINSLEY, DAVID H., '48, '50, SM'50,PhD'56, with his wife (ANN L. CORRI-GAN, '49), returned to Great Neck, N. Y.,in Septemher after Mr. Krinsley finishedhis sabbatical year studying geology atCambridge University, Erigland. He hasresumed his post as chairman, departmentof geology and geography, at QueensCollège in New York City.ASHER, AARON, '49, AM'52, has beennamed an editor at Viking Press.JOHNSON, NEWELL A., MD'49, of LosAngeles, left in May, 1964, to join thefourth rotation team of the teaching-training hospital ship S. S. Hope, at thattime anchored at Guayaquil, Ecuador.He gave his services as pediatrician with-out pay for two months.STOFFELS, CARL H., AM'49, of Chicago,has recently joined the staff of the Mar-koa Corp., Chicago, a management consultant organization, as assistant to theprésident.The University of Chicago Alumni AssociationPHI1IP C. WHITE, '35, Ph.D.'38 PrésidentFERD KRAMER, '22 Chairman, The Alumni FundHARRY SHOLL, Acting Executive Director RUTH 6. HALLORAN, Administrative AssistantHARRY SHOU, Director, The Alumni Fund e FLORENCE MEDOW, Asst. Director, The Alumni FundJEAN HASKIN, Program DirectorEastern régional office: DAVID R. LEONETTI, Director,20 West 43rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 Téléphone: PEnnsylvania 6-0747Los Angeles représentative: (MRS.) MARIE STEPHENS,1195 Charles Street, Pasadena, Calif. 91103 Téléphone: SYcamore 3-4545 (after 3 P.M.)San Francisco représentative: MARY LEEMAN, Room 146, 420 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94111 Téléphone: YUkon 1-1180Membership: Open to graduâtes and former students of The University of Chicago.One year, $5 single, $6 joint; three years, $12 single, $15 joint; Life, $100 single, $125joint (payable in five annual installments ) . Includes Magazine subscription.28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 196451-58CROSS, MRS. S. Y. (NORMA B. SIGLER,'51), and her husband are currently living in London. He is financial attaché atthe U. S. Embassy in London.TAXMAN, FRED, '51, MBA'53, and IrwinS. Friedman are forming the partnershipof Taxman and Friedman, certified publicaccountants, Chicago.BRAGG, MRS. JUBIE B. (EMMA W.BRAGG, PhD'52), of Montgomery, Ala.,was recently elected a diplomate of theAmerican Board of Examiners in Profes-sional Psychology. Mrs. Bragg writes thatthis group is an intra-professional boardfor recognizing superior, advanced compétence of practitioners in counseling,clinical and industrial psychology. Mrs.Bragg is a counselor, a professor of psychology, and head of that department atAlabama State Collège, Montgomery.SCHWARTZ, MRS. FREDERICK (RO-BERTA HANFLING, '53), of Pittsburgh,is mother of two sons, Ethan, five, andJeremy, three. Her husband is associaterabbi at the Rodef Shalom Temple inPittsburgh.ZISOOK, JERROLD R., '53, '57, AM'56,MBA'58, was married to Miss NancyBehrstock on April 4. They are living inthe South Shore area of Chicago.BERNSTEIN, SIDNEY R., MBA'56, ofChicago, became président this summerof Advertising Publications, Inc., whichis responsible for the three magazines:Industrial Marketing, Advertising ù- SalesPromotion, and Advertising Age. Involvedas editorial director of ail three, Mr. Bern-stein has helped publish Advertising Agesince its inception in 1930. In 1961 he"was named "Advertising Man of theYear," by the Chicago Federated Adver tising Club, and at the same time electedto the "Hall of Famé" of the Boston Conférence on Distribution.FISHER, DONALD A., '56, is nearing theend of two years' service in the PeaceCorps at the University of Zulia, Mara-caibo, Venezuela, where he was an Eng-lish instructor. He was married in Venezuela to Mar Lynn Fisher, also avolunteer. They plan to travel in SouthAmerica before returning to the U. S.for Christmas.HAVENS, MISS ISABELLE, SM'56, Chicago, was cited as outstanding médicaltechnologist of the year. She received the$500 Corning Award and a Steubenglass bowl at the 32nd annual awardsbanquet of the 10,000-member AmericanSociety of Médical Technologists at theirconvention in Kansas City, Mo., last June.A research associate in the U of C department of medicine, Miss Havens wasnamed employée of the year at BillingsClinics in 1961, and was the 1963 président of the Illinois Society of MédicalTechnicians. She is the author of a number of scientifîc papers.KARRAS, THOMAS W., '57, and his wife(DEMETRA BARTZIS, '60), movedfrom West Los Angeles after Mr. Karrascompleted his PhD in plasma physics atthe University of California. Now set-tled in Devon, Pa., Mr. Karras is workingin the space sciences laboratory of General Electric's missile and space division,and she is a graduate student in Slaviclanguages and literature at the Universityof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.SHUMWAY, MISS MARY L., '57, of SanAnselmo, Calif., had her first collectionof poems published by Henry Regnery.Some of the poems in her book, Song ofthe Archer and Other Poems, hâve al-ready appeared in the Beloit Poetry Journal, the Christian Scholar, Modem Age,Motivé, and Prairie Schooner.SULLIVAN, BARRY F., MBA'57, becamethe youngest vice président of ChaseManhattan Bank on May 11. He is incharge of the crédit department, will trainfuture loan officers, and will work on as-signments from senior officers in évaluation and analysis of spécial situations. Hejoined the bank in 1957, became assistanttreasurer and then assistant vice président.He was elected a vice président of theU of C New York Alumni Club lastspring.CALDER, WILLIAM M., PhD'58, of NewYork, is the récipient of a GuggenheimFoundation fellowship for study of thedramatic technique of Sophocles. Mr.Calder is assistant professor of Greek andLatin at Columbia University.NEWMAN, ALVIN, '58, of Columbus,Ohio, began his internship at Ohio StateUniversity Hospitals this summer. Hestudied medicine in Europe, at the Faculté de Médecine of the Université deLyon, France, and the Ecole de Médé- GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186Since 7878HANNIBAL, INC.Furnifure RepairingUphoisfering ReAnishingAntiques Resfored1919 N. Sheffield Ave. U 9-7180B0YD & G0ULDSINCE 1888HYDE PARK AWNING C0. INC.SINCE 1896NOW UNDER ONE MANAGEMENTAwnïngs and Canopies for AU Purposes9305 South Western Phone: 239-1 SUPOND LETTER SERVICE, Inc.Everything in leftersHooven Typewritirtg MimeographingMultigraphing AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAH Phones: 2 19 W. Chicago Ave.Ml 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisYOUR FAVORITEFOUNTAIN TREATTASTES BETTERf Swift & Company7409 So. State StreetPhone RAdcliffe 3-7400OCTOBER, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEry rj continuée K% Jtcine in Geneva, Switzerland, for threeyears. Mr. Newman was a médical student at the University of Pittsburgh.WATSON, HAROLD W., MBA'60, ofReeds Ferry, N. H., is retiring from theUSAF in November, as a lieutenant colonel. His wife (GERALDINE GREGORY,MBA'60), teaches history at a local highschool. They are directors of CampWampanoag, a boys' camp on Cape Cod,Mass. Mrs. Watson is treasurer and ac-countant for the camp.HADDIX, KENNETH L., '61, of GrossePointe, Mich., was one of four graduâtesfrom Michigan law schools to begin in-ternship in the Michigan Senate, July 1,after receiving his LL.B. from WayneState University. Supported by a grantfrom the Ford Foundation, Mr. Haddix isworking with intérim and standing com-mittees, collecting research materials, forsénatorial speeches and replying to re-quests from constituents. This year ofexpérience will be credited as graduatelevel work. Mrs. Haddix is ALICE ANNSCHAEFER, '61.JACKES, MRS. BETSY P. (BETSY R.PATERSON, PhD'61), of Toronsville,Northern Queensland, Australia, wasmarried in 1962. Her husband recentlytransferred from the University of Queensland to the University Collège of Torons-ville and Mrs. Jackes, who worked atthe University of New England, Armi-dale, Australia, the year prior to hermarriage, is part-time lecturer in thebotany department.LIENHARD, ROBERT E., MBA'61, ofCoral Gables, Fia., and Mrs. Lienhardannounced the birth of their new son,Thomas Carter, May 7.MILLS, JOHN V, '61, married Elinor J.Spring on June 27, in Norwood, Mass.Mrs. Mills is working on her PhD incytology at Harvard Médical Schoolwhere Mr. Mills is a médical student. Hewill spend a year in research on bacterialphysiology.PATERSON, BETSY R., PhD'61 seeJackesBAYER, BARRY D., '64, and SUSAN I.PLATT, '63, were married June 21. Mrs.Bayer is returning to the U of C libraryschool this fall as a student.Joint News Item 1-MISS HELEN HEN-DERSON, '25, and MISS LAURA HES-TON, SM'35, were among six retiringfaculty members of Bowling Green StateUniversity, Ohio, to be honored at afaculty club spring banquet. The MissesHeston and Henderson were both members of the home économies department. memorialsSTELLA ROBERTSON STAGG, '96, wifeof Amos Alonzo Stagg, the famous ath-letics director and coach of the University, died July 22, in Stockton, Calif.,sixteen days before her 89th birthday.Mrs. Stagg was about to begin her thirdyear as a student and Mr. Stagg his thirdyear at the University when they weremarried on September 10, 1894.Mr. Stagg, whose 102nd birthday anni-versary was August 16, has been in aStockton nursing home for two years anduntil shortly before her death, followingcomplications from surgery, Mrs. Staggspent every day with him. Throughouttheir marriage she was his close assistant;her knowledge of football was profes-sional.In the early years, and after Mr. Staggleft Chicago, she was his secretary; from1904 on she charted in détail ail the football games his teams played, and afterthe Chicago era, she scouted opponentsand made appraisals of players' abilities.As to football, she had a photographiememory, and served as Mr. Stagg's readyréférence.Ail this, however, was really incidentalin a most remarkable companionshipwhich Mr. Stagg always credited withsustaining him in a strenuous career andafter his retirement at 96. In a messageof condolence, Président Beadle said,"Mrs. Stagg was loved and respected bythousands of our students and was anintégral part of the great Stagg traditionthat brought so much honor and dignityto the University." Two sons, Alonzo, ofChicago, and Paul, of Stockton, Calif.,and a daughter, Mrs. J. Alton Lauren,Chicago, also survive. MALLORY, LEILA F. (formerly Leila G.Fish, '97), wife of the late H. F. MALLORY, '97, of Clearwater, Fia., died May23. Mrs. Mallory graduated with the firstclass to complète four years at the U of Cand she was also a member of the firstwomen's basketball team with the lateStella Stagg. In Chicago, while Mr. Mallory was dean in the Collèges and secretary of the home study department, hiswife wrote a column for children in theChicago Daily Record on astronomy andGreek mythology. The Mallories retired toClearwater in 1933, where Mrs. Mallorywas to become the oldest member of theClearwater Lawn Bowling Club, and for20 years the writer of a column on lawnbowling titled "On the Jack," for theClearwater Sun.FISHER, FANNIE G., '00 please see SmithOGGEL, HERMAN D., MD'00, of Waterloo, Iowa, died April 13.SMITH, FANNIE F. (formerly Fannie G.Fisher, '00), wife of Francis M. Smith,of San Diego, Calif., died last year.KERR, WILLIAM R. JR., '03, of NewYork City, died May 18. He is survivedby his daughter, LAURA KERR, '25.BERENS, HELMUT A., '06, of Elmhurst,111., died June 19. He retired from histeaching career at Austin High School,Chicago, in 1950. Mr. Berens' interest wasteaching journalism, he was nationalprésident of Quill and Scroll, journalistichonor society for high school students.For his activities in the Elmhurst Histori-cal Commission he was given an awardof merit by the Illinois State HistoricalSociety. He also received a distinguishedservice award from the Illinois Congressof Parents and Teachers. In 1959 he andMrs. Berens (ALICE S. THOMPSON,'05), received citations from the U of CAlumni Assn.DOWRIE, GEORGE W., AM'07, of PaloAlto, Calif., died in June. Mr. Dowriewas the first professor to retire from thefaculty of the Stanford University Graduate School of Business. In 1913 he beganto teach banking and finance at the University of Illinois upon taking his PhDthere, subsequently, he taught at theUniversity of Michigan and the University of Minnesota. Mr. Dowrie was aStanford faculty member for 20 yearsand was active in local city groups, in-cluding the planning commission, as anadvisor to the board of éducation, andas a member of the Board of Trustées atMenlo School and Junior Collège.HENDRICKS, HELEN E., '07, of NewYork City, died May 7. Miss Hendrickswas président of the Young Women'sChristian League, later the Y.W.C.A.,while a U of C student. After graduationshe became a gênerai secretary of the30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1964Y.W.C.A., and head of the first coopérative women's hall on campus, DrexelHouse. In China for two years, she taughtmusic at St. Hilda's School in Wuchangunder the auspices of the EpiscopalChurch in New York City.During World War I the Y.W.C.A. sentMiss Hendricks overseas to recruit womenas factory workers in munitions plants atBourges, France, work for which theY.W.C.A. gave her a citation. In NewYork, she received a fellowship to get aMaster's degree in music from ColumbiaUniversity; became proficient at the or-gan, and studied hymnology and liturgyat Union Theological Seminary. After ayear in Rome as an editor, she returnedto New York to be editor of "XF," theY.W.C.A. foreign secretary's bulletin. Hersister is MRS. THURLOW G. ESSING-TON (DAVIE HENDRICKS, '08).BENNETT, JUDSON G., '08, of GrandRapids, Mich., died March 2.ESSINGTON, DAVIE H., '08 please seeHendricks, '07-HEWITT, WINIFRED K. (formerly Wini-fred M. Kelso, '08), wife of the late JohnH. Hewitt, of Washington, D.C., diedJuly 4.BAUGHER, ALBERT H., MD'09, of GlenEllyn, 111., died November 13, 1963.HARRIS, ROBERT S., '09, of Chicago,died July 10. Mr. Harris was a certifiedlife underwriter for Northwestern MutualLife Insurance Co. who played on theU of C champion football team of 1907under coach Alonzo Stagg. During WorldWar II he was commander of militarytraining schools at Princeton and WesternReserve universities, at the U of C andthe University of Virginia. He retiredfrom the army reserve as colonel.JACOBY, HELEN E., '09 please see MackMACK, RUTH K. (formerly Ruth Kellogg,'09), wife of the late Edward R. Mack, ofWilmington, Del., died June 12. While astudent at the U of C, Mrs. Mack be-longed to Esoteric. Mrs. Mack and herlifelong friend, HELEN J. EVARD(HELEN E. JACOBY, '09), came to theUniversity together on freshman scholar-ships from Indianapolis.SHUTAN, MARY, MD'09, of Chicago, diedJune 22. Dr. Shutan was a gênerai prac-titioner and a staff member of MichaelReese and Weiss Mémorial hospitals.SHULL, DELOSS P., '10, JD'12, of SiouxCity, Iowa, died February 1. Mr. Shullwas senior member in the partnership ofShull and Marshall, and since 1938 asecretary director of Concrète Pipe Ma- chinery Co. He held executive positions in Knapp & Spencer Wholesale Hardware Co., and Western MortgageCo. He was a member of the Sioux CityBoard of Education from 1939-41.BECKER, HELEN, '11 please see Sulz-bergerHELLER, NELSON L., MD'll, of Dun-kirk, Ind., died July 10.STERENBERG, DELTA P., 11, wife ofthe late James Sterenberg, of Chicago,died April 3. She attended the 50-yearreunion of her class of 1911 and had beenliving with her daughter, ELIZABETHI. STERENBERG, PhD'63, of Youngs-town, Ohio.SULZBERGER, HELEN (formerly HelenBecker, '11), wife of FRANK L. SULZBERGER, '05, of Highland Park, 111.,died July 14. Mrs. Sulzberger was activein the Cook County Board of Nursing,the Women's Board of the Jewish Fédération, the League of Women Voters,the Volunteer Bureau of Chicago, theWomen's Board of Michael Reese Hospital, the Scholarship and GuidanceCouncil and the Women's Board of theUniversity.HUGHES, HERBERT H., MD'12, ofGresham, Ore., died April 19.MOORE, JOSIAH J., MD'12, SM'16, ofChicago, died May 5.TROXELL, EMMETT C, '12, MD'14, ofLongboat Key, Fia., died July 8, 1963.JOHNSON, EARLE G., MD'13, of GrandIsland, Neb., died March 12.MOON, VIRGIL H., MD'13, of CoralGables, Fia., died April 16.COOLIDGE, WALTER F., AM'14, ofGranité City, 111., died in December, 1963.He was principal of Community HighSchool in Granité City, until retirementin 1945.McCORD, CORA H. (formerly Cora I.Hough, '14), wife of the late Robert D.McCord, of Paoli, Ind., died March 31.RYAN, LONNIE W., SM'14, of Westfield,N.J., died October 27, 1963.KELTY, MARY G., '15, AM'24, of Washington, D.C., died April 13.MURRAY, ALICE M., '15, of Détroit,Mich., died in April, 1963.VESTAL, ARTHUR G, PhD'15, of Ur-bana, 111., died June 5. Mr. Vestal wasprofessor emeritus of botany at the University of Illinois at Urbana.HOWLETT, BERTON A., SM'17, of TerreHaute, Ind., died November 24, 1963.KUH, RICHARD M., '17, of Northbrook,^ 111., died January 26. Mr. Kuh was aregistered représentative for Bear, Stearnand Co., stockbrokers. In Glencoe, 111., where he and Mrs. Kuh (RUTH V.STEIN, '18), lived for 30 years, Mr. Kuhwas member of the zoning board andwas active in other civic groups.EBERHART, BERTHA, '18, of Sacra-mento, Calif., died June 13.SCHWARTZ, EDWARD H., '18, of Chicago, died May 25.KETCHAM, EARLE H., '19, of Tully,N.Y., died February 11, while in Florida.BALLARD, BROOK B., '20, of Winnetka,111., died July 23. Mr. Ballard was a graincommissioner for the Chicago Board ofTrade in 1935. In 1955 he was partner inthe grain trading company of Ballard andLatimer. His son, BROOK B. BALLARD,JR., AM'55, is associate professor in thehistory department at Principia Collège,Elsah, 111.DUNGAN, BERT F., '20, of La Canada,Calif., died April 23.O'NEIL, LUELLA N. (formerly Luella E.Nadelhoffer, '21, MD'23), wife of OwenR. O'Neil, of Kenilworth, 111., died June 6.Dr. Nadelhoffer, as she was known pro-fessionally, was an obstetrician and gyne-cologist at Evanston Hospital and St.Francis Hospital. She taught at Northwestern University Médical School.SCHOUR, ISAAC, '21, PhD'31, of Chicago,died June 5. Dr. Schour had been afaculty member at the University of Illinois since 1924, serving as head of thedepartment of histology since 1937, anddean of the Collège of Dentistry since1955. His research concerned the growthrings in teeth as biological indicators ofgênerai health and nutrition. Amongother posts he was a diplomat for theAmerican Board of Oral Medicine andspécial consultant to the Hebrew University in Jérusalem. The Jesuit CentennialCommittee named him one of Chicago'sdistinguished citizens in 1956.HANIGAN, BESS, '23, AM'35, of St.Petersburg, Fia., died February 23.McGUIRE, HONORA E., '23, of Chicago,died April 7. She was a retired schoolprincipal.DAVIS, HAZEL H, '25, of Oklahoma City,Okla., died June 17. Miss Davis was aretired teacher.HUDSON, VIRGINIA O., PhD'26, of Rad-ford, Va., died June 4, 1963. She was aformer professor of English literature andeditor of the Radford Review.WERLIN, JOSEPH S., AM'26, PhD'31, ofHouston, Texas, died May 30. Mr. Werlinhad been on the University of Houston'sfaculty as a sociologist since 1934. He wasdirector of the International Studies Center and for the last 19 summers he andhis wife had conducted foreign tours forstudents. His efforts established a coopérative program with the University ofOCTOBER, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31San Carlos in Guatemala and the University of Havana. One of his sons, HERBERT H. WERLIN, '53, is studying fora PhD in Nairobi, Kenya.WILLIAMS, OSBORNE, PhD'26, ofGainesville, Fia., died in August, 1963.He was professor emeritus in psychology,University of Florida, Gainesville.LIPTON, MAURICE F, '27, of GreatNeck, N.Y., died July 24. Mr. Lipton waspartner and consulting actuary of theKwasha Lipton Co., in Englewood Cliffs,N.J. He began his career with the Equitable Life Insurance Society, becomingdirector of group annuities in 1945. In1947 Mr. Lipton and Charles Kwasha setup their company.BREWER, RAYMOND R, AM'28, PhD'29,of Decatur, 111., died November 29, 1963.He was professor of philosophy at JamesMilliken University, Decatur.RAY, HESTER R. (formerly Hester I.Rogers, AM'28), died February 6, inJackson, Tenn.WILSON, ALICE E., PhD'29, died in Ottawa, Ontario, April 15. Miss Wilsonjoined the staff of the Geological Surveyof Canada in 1909 and her affiliation withit extended beyond her retirement, in1946, until last year. She became the firstwoman Fellow of the Royal Society ofCanada in 1938, and was also memberof the Order of the British Empire. Herfirst degree in 1911 was from the University of Toronto in modem languages,but in pursuit of her other interests, geology and paleontology, she mapped onfoot hundreds of miles of the Ottawa-St.Lawrence River area. She published anumber of papers in her field and alsoa children's book, The Earth BeneathOur Feet. Miss Wilson lectured in geologyat Carleton University, Ottawa, until1958, she received an honorary degreefrom them in 1960.JOHNSON, CYRIL C, '30, of Chicago,died July 17.SEIVER, GEORGE O., '30, AM'31, ofPhiladelphia, Pa., died April 13. He wasprofessor and chairman of the departmentof Romance languages at the Universityof Philadelphia.DAWSON, GEORGE W. JR., MD'32, ofChicago, died February 24.CROOKHAM, GRACIA (formerly GraciaM. Williams, '33), wife of Lake M. Crook-ham, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, died February14. Mr. Crookham was Mayor of Oskaloosa.GRONEMAN, RUTH B., '33, wife ofE. C. Groneman, of Chicago, died Sep-tember 5, 1963.MEEBOLD, SOPHIE M., AM'33, AM'41,of Gilman, 111., died July 1. Miss Meeboldwas a social worker. WILLIAMS, GRACIA M., '33 please seeCrookhamSTAUFFER, JAMES C, '34, of Fallbrook,Calif., died June 23. Mr. Stauffer gradu-ated from Hyde Park High School in1928. Upon his graduation from the U ofC he worked for Armour & Co., Swift &Co., and Wilson & Co., Inc. in Chicago.WAITE, RICHARD A., '35, of Altamont,N.Y., died June 17. Mr. Waite was director of facilities and research at New YorkState University. He took AM and PhDdegrees in history at Harvard Universitywhile on a teaching fellowship. Mr. Waitebecame professor of history and later deanof students at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and in 1957 he became executiveassistant for higher éducation in the NewYork State department of éducation; laterhe served as personnel director of theNew York State police.SCHIFF, CHARLES A., '36, PhD'38,MD'39, of Chicago, died May 27. Dr.Schiff was attending physician in thesurgery department of Michael ReeseHospital. He was a member of the Chicago Surgical Society, the American Collège of Surgeons and the Society forExpérimental Biology and Medicine.STELLE, CHARLES C, '36, PhD'38, ofWashington, D.C., died June 11. Since1960 he had been acting chief delegate atmost of the disarmament conférences inGeneva and a major negotiator in theatomic test ban and the "hot line" agree-ments of last summer. Secretary of StateDean Rusk was quoted by the New YorkTimes as saying that Mr. Stelle had ". . .performed outstanding service for hiscountry in varied and difficult assign-ments." During World War II he firstworked as a civilian with the office ofstratégie services in the Far East, andlater was commissioned in the Army. Sincethe Geneva conférence adjournment lastDecember, he had been on a spécial as-signment with the space sciences labora-tory at the University of California.JOSEPH, JESS A., '37, of El Paso, Texas,died June 19. Mr. Joseph was managerof the appliance division of Albert Ma-thias & Company, Inc.SCHNEIDER, WILLIAM B., PhD'38, ofCarbondale, 111., died July 18. Mr. Schneider was chairman of the English department at Southern Illinois University untilhis résignation in August, 1963. Sevenyears ago he helped organize summerworkshops in English for high schoolteachers, and chaired the state-wide cam-paign to pass the 1943 législation whichestabïished Southern Illinois University,previously a state teachers collège.SMELTER, MARY A, '38, of West PalmBeach, Fia., died June 12. Miss Smelterretired 10 years ago from her 30-yearteaching career in Chicago schools.RAINBOW, CLARISE M. (Clarise M.Mahaffay, '39), wife of John Rainbow, of Tucson, Ariz., died April 8, 1962. Shewas formerly a teacher at Hyde Park's RaySchool. ;SNAVELY, J. ROBERT, MD'39, of Jackson, Miss., died in June. He was chairmanof the University of Mississippi médicalcenter.COLE, STELLA M., SM'40, of KansasCity, Kan., died February 19.MANN, LOUIS K., PhD'40, of Davis,Calif., died May 21. He is survived byhis wife, the former MARGERY J. PAT-TERSON, '40.SPRIETSMA, LEWIS R., '40, AM'52, ofModesto, Calif., died April 24. He hadbeen chairman of the literature and lan-guage arts department at Modesto JuniorCollège since 1957. Prior to his Californiaappointment he taught in Chicago publicschools, and at the Illinois Institute ofTechnology.SHERMAN, MARY S., MD'41, wife of thelate THOMAS W. SHERMAN, MD'39,of New Orléans, La., died July 22. Mrs.Sherman interned in pediatrics at BillingsHospital, and became first an instructor,then assistant professor of orthopedics.In 1952 she went to New Orléans to be-come partner in the Ochsner Clinic, anddirector of the bone pathology laboratoryof the Ochsner Médical Foundation atTulane University.GOODMAN, THOMAS P., '43, of Wil-mette, 111., died May 13. Mr. Goodmanwas professor of mechanical engineeringat Northwestern University for the pastyear, after earning an advanced degreeat the University of Pittsburgh, a BA andMA in pure and applied mathematics atOxford University, as a Rhodes Scholar;a doctorate at Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, and further study as a Gug-genheim Fellow and on a Fulbright seniorresearch grant in Munich, Germany. Hesttended U of C Laboratory Schools asa child, and among other honors, he wasthe Melville Prize Medalist of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in1958 and 1962.PINE, JOHN C, AM'47, of Fayetteville,Ark., died May 2, in Cleveland, Ohio,while attending the Mississippi ValleyHistorical Assn. convention. He was associate professor of history at the University of Arkansas, in the fîelds of Northand South American history, since 1956,after receiving his doctorate at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He was amember of the American, MississippiValley and Arkansas Historical associations, and of the Hispanic-American Assn.A John Pine Mémorial Fund has beenestabïished for him in Fayetteville.JEFFRESS, CLARENCE E., MBA'48, ofTulsa, Okla., died January 26. He was alieutenant colonel in the United StatesArmy.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1964New England Life agent Norm Masters (Michigan State. '56) discusses a KeyMan insurance proposai with Nelson Mulligan (center) and son Patrick. Thesenior Mr. Mulligan is owner of the world's largest Mercury dealership.Norm Masters took six months off for football,yet sold $1,000,000 of life insurance last year.Professional football's long season means ashort selling season for Norm Masters. Sixmonths of the year, he plays tackle for theGreen Bay Packers. But how Norm sellsduring the other six months! BetweenJanuary and July of 1963, for example, hesold $1,000,000 of New England Life insurance morethan the average agent sells in a year.How does he do it? Norm can tell you it's not easy,even with an athletic réputation to help open doors.This is a career that demands a high order of compétence. You are, after ail, dealing with the financialsecurity of families and businesses. The training andsupport of a good company is absolutely essential.Norm can testify to the unusual advantages ofworking with New England Life. He lives and works^where he wants to; he knows his company will neverask him to move. He is his own boss, setting his own hours, fixing his own goals. His current sales keep pay-ing off, year after year. As the insurance he writes isrenewed, his commissions are renewed, too. After sevenyears with New England Life, Norm's annual commissions on old sales amount to almost as much as hiscommissions on new business.Perhaps you would like to investigate a career withNew England Life. There's an easy first step to take.Send for our free Personality-Aptitude Analyzer. It'sa simple exercise you can take on your own in about tenminutes. Then return it to us and we'll mail you theresults. (This is a bona fide analysis and many menfind they cannot qualify.) It could be well worth tenminutes of your time.Write to New England Life, Dept. AL, 501 BoylstonStreet, Boston, Massachusetts 02117.NEW ENGLAND LIFENEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY: ALL FORMS OF INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITIES AND PENSIONS, GROUP HEALTH COVERAGES.AMONG MID-WEST COLLEGE ALUMNI ARE THESE NEW ENGLAND LIFE REPRESENTATIVES: CHICAGO: George Marselos, '34, Chicago A. Raymond Anderson, '46, Wichita John R. Downs, CLU, '46, Chicago MICHIGAN: Myron D. Noble, '16, Lincoln, Neb. John B.Parker, CLU, '17, Chicago Howard B. Knaggs, '21, Détroit William W. Clore, CLU, General Agent, '24, Phoenix James H. Prentiss, Jr.,CLU, '25, Chicago E. Clare Weber, CLU, General Agent, '30, Cleveland Don B. Conley, '32, Seattle Paul G. Furer, '37, New York Henry F. Silver, CLU, '37, New York Keith A. Yoder, '40, Indianapolis Robert N. Samuels, CLU, General Agent, '42, Denver WilliamD. Samuels, CLU, '46, Denver Joseph H. Lackey, CLU, '50, Détroit Robert A. Grierson, '51, Détroit Richard G. Martin, CLU, '52, LosAngeles David T. White, '52, Détroit David L. Larson, '58, Toledo PURDUE: Wendell Barrett, CLU, '19, Indianapolis W. Donald Johnson, '22, Phoenix Hugh W. Rankin, Jr., '39, "Dayton Thomas J. Magee, CLU, '47, Portland, Ore. Robert K. Garrett, '49, Lafayette James A. Lynn, '55, Chicago WISCONSIN: Godfrey L. Morton, '29, Milwaukee Joseph E. Cassidy, '34, Madison Martin B. Lehman, CLU,35, Kansas City Edward F. Westphal, '38, Milwaukee John C. Zimdars, CLU, Agency Manager, '39, Madison Kenneth V. Anderson!'40, Savannah Burt A. Smith, '40, Madison Edward M. LeVine, '46, Milwaukee Robert L. Jones, '47, Racine Milton H. LeBlang, '48^New York Grover G. Boutin, Jr., '50, Minot, N.D. David Radbil, '50, Milwaukee Richard J. Reilly, CLU, '51, Cleveland Walla'ce JHilliard, '59, Oshkosh Donald C. Hagen, '63, New York.APPRE1XThèse young men are preparing for important careers with General Motors.Under the GM apprentice plan, they are learning the diemaker's skills. Oncethey hâve mastered this craft and it will take them four years (8,000 hours)of on-the-job training and classroom study each will be a skilled journeyman,qualified to make the complex dies, jigs and fixtures so vital to modem industry.This year, 2,753 General Motors apprentices are being trained for this andother trades more than 30 in ail. They are learning to be pattern makers,pipefitters, bricklayers, toolmakers, diesinkers, electricians and millwrights,to name a few. From the time they start training they are paid good wages ona regular rising scale.At the conclusion of their four-year courses, apprentices will hâve gained skillsthat will serve them well throughout their working careers. They are free, ofcourse, to work anywhere they wish but most stay with GM. We're glad ofthat. We need them. Talented people are indispensable to General Motors.GENERAL MOTORS IS PEOPLE...Making Better Things For Youm*-m ,j31