june 1964niversityhicagoIAGAZINEllllRSHlIP^fmmmNew Eraii>CUMENICALDIALOGUEs it a fact that a leader innuclear research has a handin bringing music to theWilkies'family picnic?Few people would be surprised to learn that a Company company happened to be Union Carbide.which started mining and milling uranium ore more than 20 With Union Carbide, surprising diversification is almostyears ago would émerge as one of the world's most diversi- commonplace. It makes half a dozen major plastics, as well asfied private enterprises in the field of atomic energy. Today, plastic bottles and packaging films; and it is one of the world'sit manages the atomic energy facilities at Oak Ridge, Tennes- largest producers of petrochemicals. It makes the largestsee, and Paducah, Kentucky, for the U.S. Atomic Energy graphite cylinders ever produced, for use in rocket exhaustCommission,- ships radioisotopes ail over the world; and nozzles, and the arc carbons for motion picture projectors.opérâtes its own nuclear research center. It liquéfies gases, including those that will power men to theAnd you'd certainly expect that the manufacturer of more moon. And among Union Carbide's other consumer productsthan 400 différent types of "Eveready" batteries would make are such world-leaders as "Prestone" brand anti-freeze andthe batteries preferred most for portable radios. The Wilkie "6-12" insect repellent.family can take Bach, Basie or the baseball game anywhere In fact, few other corporations are so deeply involved inthey go. ^^^^^^^^^. so many différent skills and activities that will affectBut would the awesome tasks of nuclear research H^^^P^jB the technical and production capabilities of ourand the mass production of tiny batteries ever be K'fi^^^^J next century.performed within the saine company? Not unlcss the ^^^^B^^^^ It sounds good to tho Wilkies.UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION, 270 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017. IN CANADA: UNION CARBIDE CANADA LIMITED, TORONTODivisions: Carbon Products, Chemicals, Consumer Products, International, Linde, Metals, Nuclear, Olefins, Ore, Plastics, Silicones, Stellite and ViskingPublished for aiumni and friends of The University of Chicago.and ail others interested in the pursuit of knowledge.VOL. LVIJUNE 1964 NO. 9Annual subscription $5.00Single copy 50 centsPublished monthly, October through June.Nine issues per year.HENRY H. HARTMANN, Editer(Mrs.) RONAMEARS, Editorial Assistant(Mrs.) SARAH MERTZ, Editorial AssistantWILLIAM V. MORGENSTERNTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE5733 University Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637Téléphone: Mldway 3-0800, Extension 3241Area Code: 312Published monthly, October through June, by the Universityof Chicago Aiumni Association, 5733 University Avenue,Chicago, Illinois 60637. Annual subscription price, $5.00.Single copies, 50 cents. Second class postage paid atChicago, Illinois. Advertising agent: American AiumniMagazines, 22 Washington Square, New York, New York.©Copyright 1964 The University of Chicago Magazine.Ail rights reserved Published since 1907IJniversityhicagoMAGAZINEFEATURESEcumenical Dialogue 8Leon-Josef Cardinal Suenens delivers1964 Hiram W. Thomas Lectureswith Kathryn WestWhite House Press Secretary 14George E. Reedy, Jr., '38Annual Aiumni Awards Winners 1 6Tlie Aiumni Medal and CitationsBack from the Peace Corps 20Comments by a Volunteerby David L. SzantonBooks by Aiumni 21A report of some recently published booksAnnual Index to Articles 32The editors invite manuscripts and suggestions for feature storiesfrom aiumni, faculty, staff and students. Topics should be relevantto the pursuit of knowledge and the exchange of ideas. Détailsupon request.DEPARTMENTSThis IssueLettersJust Off The QuctdranglesDivinity SchoolNew BooksThe University of Chicago PressAround the MidwayNews of AiumniMemorials 223623291This Issue . . .Our thanks to Kathryn West forher report on Ecumenical Dialogue(8); to White House Press Secre-tary Georges E. Reedy, Jr., MissConnie Gerrard of the White Housestaff, and to Mrs. Shirley Mecklin,for their assistance with WhiteHouse Press Secretary ( 14 ) ; also toDavid L. Szanton for the PeaceGorps commentary (20). A spécialthanks to Fîarry Dreiser, editor ofBusiness School publications, forfréquent consultation on past issues,and to ail aiumni, faculty, staff,stu dents and friends who hâve con-tributed to the Magazine in sornany ways. This issue is our lastfor the durent publishing year;the Magazine résumes publicationwith the October issue. A cumulative index for the past year will befoiind on page 32. Ed.The Gover Leon-Josef CardinalSuenens and Theologian PaulTiilich. (See stories on pages3 and 8). Photo by ArchieLieberman.Other Illustrations: (5) Drawingby Virgil Burnett; (8-12) ArchieLieberman; (14) Cecil W. Stough-ton; (15) Abbie Rowe; (6, 16) by Ed. LettersMORE ON COBBTo the Editor:... I entered the University in 1904and took a B.D. degree in 1907. Istayed on as a member of the librarystaff serving as Acting Director ofLibraries in 1928, when I left to serveas Director of Libraries of the University of Cincinnati until my 70thbirthday overtook me. . . .So I knew Cobb Hall in the earlydays. One item so far overlooked isthat in 1904 there was also a telegraphoffice at the information desk andtelegrams were sent and received there.I do not know whether the operatorwas a student or not.Hugo Friend (later a prominentChicago judge) was one of the studentassistants there and an outstandingrunner who went to Athens for the firstrevival of the Olympics. . . .I am still serving as a librarian atalmost 83 years of âge but shall retirefor the 4th time on May 31.Edward H. HenryCoral Gables, FloridaLETTER FROM HONG KONGTo the Editor:... I am now lecturer (équivalentto professor at an American collège) inthe Department of Philosophy andReligious Knowledge at Chung ChiCollège. Our Collège has just becomeone of the three foundation collègesThe University of Chicago Aiumni AssociationPHILIP C. WHITE, '35, Ph.D/38 PrésidentFERD KRAMER, '22 Chairman, The Aiumni FundHAROLD R. HARDING, Executive Director RUTH G. HALLORAN, Administrative AssistantHARRY SHOLL, Director, The Aiumni Fund FLORENCE MEDOW, Asst. Director, The Aiumni FundJEAN HASKIN, Program DirectorEastern régional office: DAVID R. LEONETTI, Director,20 West 43rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 Téléphone: PEnnsylvania 6-0747Los Angeles représentative: (MRS.) MARIE STEPHENS,1 195 Charles Street, Pasadena, Calif. 91103 Téléphone: SYcamore 3-4545 (after 3 P.M.)San Francisco représentative: MARY LEEMAN,Room 146, 420 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94111 Téléphone: YUkon 1-1180Washington, D.C. représentative: (MRS.) SHIRLEY MECKLIN6216 Western Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland Téléphone: 656-0068 of the Chinese University of HongKong. This is a "fédéral" type of university, the three collèges retainingtheir independence and identity. Thecolonial government gives it financialsupport.... Dr. Chi-tung Yung [Ph.D.' 37]is our Collège Président. . . . He wasone of the main architects of ourCollège and an outstanding leader inthe formation of the University. Thereare two other Chicago Ph.D.'s in ourCollège, Dr. Bertha Hensman [A.M.'42, Ph.D. '47], chairman of theEnglish Department, and Dr. NoahFehl [Ph.D.' 50}, chairman of ourPhilosophy and Religious KnowledgeDepartment. Dr. David Maynard{Ph.D/ 30], was visiting professorlast year. Dr. Richard Bush [Ph.D.'60], is the head of the Tao-fung ShanChristian Study Centre on Chinese Religion, which is a few miles from us.He is a member of our Board ofGovernors.We hâve three M. A. 's from Chicago: Harold Ho [A.M. '60], in socialwork; Olive Yuen [A.M.'60], also insocial work; and Joan [Mrs. Harold]Ho ['61, A.M/62}.In the teaching faculty of our Collège (about 70 people, counting tutors)Chicago contributed 3 Ph.D.'s (ex-cluding Président Yung who is countedas administrative, though he sometimesteaches) and three M. A. 's. Columbiacontributed the next highest. . . . Oneof them (in administration) is mywife, who is our Acting Librarian.. . . Recently two Chicago aiumnivisited us: Dr. Chester Wang [Ph.D.'62], and Dr. Sanford Tom [S.M/56,M.D/57]. . . .We shall be glad to meet any Chicago aiumni who are coming to HongKong for visit or business. If they aresingle and do not mind sleeping on thecouch we are happy to put them up forthe night. Consider, first, that hôtelexpense is rather high and, second, wehâve one of the most beautiful cam-puses in the Far East. But do let usknow ahead of time.Philip Shen, '58, Ph.D/63.Chung Chi CollègeHong KongMembership: Open to graduâtes and former students of The University of Chicago.One year, $5 single, $6 joint; three years, $12 single, $15 joint; Life, $100 single, $125joint (payable in five annual installments ) . Includes Magazine subscription. S.'nce 7878HANNIBAL, INC.Furniture RepairingUpholstering RefinishingAntiques Restored1919 N. Sheffield Ave. Ll 9-71802 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964I.etters, continuedCRITICAL OF STAGGSCHOLARSHIP CRITICTo the Editor:Mr. Chew's Ietter to the editor in theJanuary issue of the University of Chicago Magazine appears to me to beirrationally apropos.Alonzo Stagg is a great personalityand one of our greatest characterhuilders. It would seem to be singu-larly appropriate to establish a scholar-ship in his honor.F. A. KrusemarkDes Plaines, IllinoisTHIS pylon on our new plant marksa milestone in our thirty yearsof service to organizationsrequiring fine sk i Ils. latesttechniques and large capacity.Our work is as diversified as theneeds and products of our customersPhoto près s¦.IJJimHII.I,IIIJ-UEisenhower Expressway at Gardner RoadBROADVIEW, ILt. COlumbus 1-1420GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Décora tinq Wood Finishing3123Laite Street PhoneKEdzie 3-3186BOYD & GOULDSINCE 1SMHYDE PARK AWNING C0SINCE 1896 INC.NOW UNDER ONE MANAGEMENTA wn/ng> and Canopiai for AH Purpotat9305 South Wostorn Phono: 239-1511 Just Off the QuadranglesIn Search of Man and his MakerAlthough the gênerai public stub-bomly persists in thinking of theUniversity as the site of world-famous atom-splitters and someother assorted people, lier greatestcontribution in this génération maybe not to man's command of thephysical universe, but to his spirit.A likely source of such a contribution is the Divinity School, whichis peculiarly well fitted to advancea great happening of our time.It is conceivable that the Christian Church could heal its ancientschisms within the lifetimes of ourchildren. Such an event lookedhopelessly improbable until thepapacy of the saintly John XXIII.But the changes he set in motionbave suddenly made it reasonableto envision Protestant, Catholic, andOrthodox Christians worshippingtogether.If this seems grandiose, well it is.The Church is, of course, very farfrom organizational union. It is noteven ready to start talking aboutthat. The wings of Christendombave long pursued separate courses,insulated from one another inthought, as well as form.Merely to create circumstances inwhich différent breeds of Christiantheologians can discuss Christianitytogether is no mean task. Beforesuch dialogue can be fruitful theremust be participants well versedin alternate modes of Christianthought, able to explore historicallythorny issues both capably and dis-passionately. Such men are, to saythe least, rare. There is probably no greater collection of them anywhere in theworld than on the faculty of theDivinity School of The Universityof Chicago. Hère the tradition isecumenical. The School is part of auniversity long known for its hos-pitality to scholarly dialogue. Itspeople are already deeply involvedin the religious movements of ourtime and its leadership is alive tothe rôle the School can play inopening long-closed avenues ofcommunication among Christians.This spring's visit of Leon-JosefCardinal Suenens, Archbishop ofMalines-Brussells, described in thisissue, is the most récent évidence ofthe School's ability to foster inter-faith dialogue. The first of severalrécent ecumenical meetings on theQuadrangles occurred in the springof 1962, when Karl Barth was hère."I do not think that in Switzer-land I could bave had an oppor-tunity to engage in a discussionwith libérais, Jews, and even RomanCatholic theologians together,"Barth said on that occasion. "Thiswas something very new for me."For the Barth visit, the Schoolarranged informai evening discussions among participants represent-ing a half-dozen persuasions in theJudéo-Christian tradition, drawnfrom institutions across the country.For most, it was the first opportuni-ty to discuss the major theologicalcréation of this century with itsauthor.The following January, the SchoolJUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 3helped open the new Center forContinuing Education at the University by co-sponsoring a conférence on "Radiation and SocialEthics." Hère, too, the participantsrepresented a variety of ethical andtheological positions.A Jewish - Protestant colloquium,"Perspectives on the Good Society/'was jointly sponsored by the Schooland the Anti-Def amation League ofB nai B'rith in the spring of 1963.Among the speakers were PaulRicoeur, professor of metaphysicsat the Sorbonne, and Dore Schary,the motion picture executive.The School shortly thereafter an-nounced its intention to establish achair of Jewish Life and Thought,an undertaking for which the neces-sary funds are now being raised.This will apparently be the firstsuch professorship in any Protestanttheological institution in America.As reported in greater détail inthe succeeding article, création of asimilar chair in Catholic studies wasinvited by the School during Cardinal Suenens' récent visit.Already on the schedule is afurther Protestant - Catholic colloquium, which Dean Jerald C.Brauer is chairing, to be held inDecember under joint sponsorshipof thirty theological institutions.This surge of ecumenical activitytestifies to the energetic leadershipof Dean Brauer. A youthful-appear-ing 42, he has just started his tenthyear as Divinity dean. This makeshim next-to-youngest of the currentdivisional and professional-schooldeans at the University, but thesenior man among them in lengthof service.But the Divinity School is thefarthest thing from a one-manshow. Its contribution to ecumen-icity is made possible by its faculty,which is of such distinction that aninvitation to lecture at Chicago isvirtually a command performancefor a theologian. It is clearly thepre-eminent theological faculty inAmerica today. Naming s orne ofthe faculty members now heavilvengaged in interfaith activities willdemonstrate why.Heading any such list is, ofcourse, Paul Tillich, whose place onthis side of the Atlantic is like Barth's on the Continent. Mr. Tillich came to Chicago in 1962 onthe John Nuveen Chair in theology.The third volume of his SystematicTheology, one of the landmark theological works of this génération,has just been issued by the University of Chicago Press.Scarcely less renowned is MirceaEliade, now Sewell L. Avery Distin-guished Service Professor. Mr.Eliade, a native Rumanian, is him-self a communicant in the Easternrites of the Orthodox Church. Hisprésence on the faculty means continuing contact not only with bothCatholic and Orthodox theologians,but with the leaders of the world'sother great religions as well. Bycompétent opinion, Mr. Eliade isthe ranking historian of religionsanywhere in the world.Robert M. Grant, the School'sranking scholar in patristics andGnosticism, is another with manycontacts with Catholic seminarians.This is natural in light of his fields,which involve the early history ofthe Church, but especially usefulas the School moves to expandinterfaith colloquy.Joseph Sittler is chairman both ofthe Committee on Worship of theNational Council of Churches andthe North American Commission onWorship of the World Council ofChurches.J. Coert Rylaarsdam, Professor ofOld Testament Theology, is bestknown of the Chicago men toJewish scholars. He is constantly indemand as a speaker and participant in Jewish - Christian conférences.Martin E. Marty was among the100 outstanding young men inAmerica chosen in 1962 by Lifemagazine. Only 36, he has gained acommanding réputation as associateeditor of the respected non-denomi-national Protestant journal, TheChristian Century.In that quickening aspect of ecumenical Christianity concernedwith civil rights and social justice,Gibson Winter is deeply involved.Well known as the author ofThe Suburban Captivity of theChurches, he is active in manyinner-city organizations in Chicago.Finally, Dean Brauer is himself achurch historian of no small note and is currently président of theBoard of Theological Education ofthe Lutheran Church in America.He will be an officiai observer forthe World Council of Churches atthe next session of the EcumenicalCouncil, Vatican II.This is but a sampling of a faculty which comprises about a dozenvarieties of Christian persuasion(in thèse days of merger, countingdénominations is not so simple),the broadest such représentationon any American theological faculty.Their students, who now number270 plus another 60 who take somework in the Divinity School whileprimarily enrolled at one of theother seminaries ringing the University, are a mix of some thirtyaffiliations. Seven dénominations(Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist,United Church of Christ, Disciples,Unitarian, and Presbyterian) arerepresented by at least 25 students.Ecumenicity in the DivinitySchool today is, moreover, but thelatest flower of a long tradition.Those who react with surprise assome do in the présence of a flour-ishing theological center in the hu-manistically inclined University ofChicago hâve got their historybackwards. The Divinity Schoolwas the taproot of the University.Originally the Baptist UnionTheological Seminary, the Schoolfurnished the first impetus for cre-ating the U. of C. and then joinedits création. The meteoric careerof William Rainey Harper beganon the faculty of the Seminary,where he taught in 1879-86; andofficers of the Seminary were thefirst to propose their former col-league for the presidency of a newU. of C. and then worked assidu-ously to make the proposai a reality.Having once spawned a university, the Divinity School is nowbent toward a vastly more complextask: fostering the dialogue out ofwhich the fragments of organizedChristianity may find the groundsfor eventual reunion. The goal maybe générations away, but the cleav-ages of centuries will not be knitin any surer way.-H.R.H.4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964wsà) t/eu> fôoohô f-romThe University of Chicago PressThe Chicago School of Architecture by Cari W. Condit. This survey ofChicago architecture is in many ways a history of Chicago itself, being a warmdéfense of the city's ability to turn its notorious acquisitiveness to good andlasting purpose. Mr. Condit is professor of gênerai studies at NorthwesternUniversity. $8.50.Theory and Practice in American Politics edited by William H. Nelson.A collection of illuminating essays prepared by political scientists and his-torians who explore past and présent relationships between constitutionaltheory and political practice in America. A volume in the Rice UniversitySemicentennial Séries. Mr. Nelson is professor of history at the University ofToronto. $5.50.The Works of Sir Thomas Browne (in four volumes) edited by SirGeoffrey Keynes. This new édition of the great édition almost unobtainablet'or twenty years is thoroughly revised and enlarged with a considérable amountof new material. Sir Geoffrey is a doctor as well as a literary scholar. $37.50.Mental Retardation edited by Harvey A. Stevens and Rick Heber. Thiscomprehensive review of current research should serve for many years as aréférence work for teachers, physicians, sociologists, and psychologists. Mr.Stevens is superintendent of the Central Wisconsin Colony and TrainingSchool, Madison, Wisconsin. Mr. Heber is professor in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin. $1 2.50.The Fossil Evidence for Human Evolution by W. E. Le Gros Clark. In hisrevision of this classic work, Mr. Le Gros Clark examines materials discoveredsince his first édition, for example, Leakey's discoveries in Tanganyika andiccent researches resulting in the reappraisal of fossil évidence. $6.00.Folktales of Norway edited by Reidar Thorwald Christiansen and trans-iated by Pat Shaw Iversen. A présentation of the absorbing taies of King Olav,the Black Death, household spirits, trolls, and huldrefolk, and ghostly legendsof the human soûl and shapeshifting. $5.50.The Natural Radiation Environment edited by John A. S. Adams, '46, '48,S. M. '49, Ph.D. '51, and Wayne M. Lowder. In this collection of papers con-cerning the nature of natural radiation, over one hundred scientists from différent countries and various disciplines contribute the results of their research onmethods of détection, "natural fallout," radioactivity of rocks, soils, and waters,tosmic ray neutron flux, and many other topics. A volume in the Rice University Semicentennial Séries. $15.00.Eléments of General Linguistics by André Martinet. In a lively and informai style, Mr. Martinet of the Sorbonne defines the meaning of language,initiâtes the reader into the concepts of descriptive and structural linguistics,and deals with its main branches: phonetics, phonemics and morphemics. $6.50.Books can be ordered through your local bookstore or from :The University of Chicago Bookstores, Dept. 41 -M,5802 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637For postage (anywhere in U.S. A.) and handling add35^ for the first book, 10^( for each additional book. Reserve the date :Thursday, August 20th, 8 p. m.Shakespeare sHENRY Vjierformed bya refrertory comf>any ofdistinguished Bntish actorsdirected by Mr. Peter Dews,atRAVINIA PAVILION,Highland Park, IlhnoisInvitationswill be mailed in Julyto Chicago area aiumni.Others who are interestedplease write to :The University of ChicagoAiumni Association5733 S. University AvenueChicago, Illinois 60637JUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 5Around the MidwayFOOD AND LODGING Unhappi-ness about institutional food is univer-sal and perpétuai; it just isn't whatmother and the refrigerator suppliedat home. The difficulties of providingfood are compounded at the University,where there are many levels and âgesof students variously living in résidencehalls, apartments and lodging rooms,plus a relatively small proportion ofcommuters. Ail of them, including themarried ones, want to be fed at someunpredictable time or another.Whenever the University makes achange there is a reaction, and so thisspring, when a contract plan was an-nounced for the résidents of Wood-ward Court, the new hall at 58th andWoodlawn, some 500 students picketedthe dining room in orderly but firmfashion for four days, producing, ac-cording to their daims, a 91 percentloss in patronage.In 1962, a poil was conducted todétermine the desires of the résidents.The results were far from unanimous,but the majority in Pierce and Wood-ward wanted a cash basis and Burton-Judson voted to stay on contract. Thechange produced messy conséquences;the halls took on a tenement qualitywhen some students undertook to produce their own meals, with neither theproper nor even légal facilities forcooking or for food storage and disposai. The cohésion of the halls suf-fered because there was a shiftinggroup at irregular times instead of thegroup meals. The practice of invitingfaculty guests to meals also had to beabandoned.For 1963, Pierce went back on alunch and dinner contract and therehas been an apparent improvement inspirit and identity among the résidents.Woodward stayed on a cash plan. Assuch, it also was one of the public eat-ing places, not only for members ofthe University staff and faculty, butfor outsiders. Partly to limit the diningroom to résidents and partly to eut thedéficit that uncertain patronage created,the University this spring announcedthat Woodward in the autumn would go on a contract for lunch and dinnerat $187 for the eleven week quarter.Some of the students countered witha proposai that lunch be on a cash basisand that the contract apply only for sixdinners a week. Contending that theyhadn't been consulted and that theiroffer of compromise had in effect beenrejected, they organized the picketing.After this fling, the discussions con- tinued. The latest stage is a tentativeoffer from the University for a contractproviding breakfast and dinner for$155 a quarter. Lunch would continueon a cash basis and for that meal thedining room would continue open tothe gênerai University public.There is a plan to remodel the oldkitchen area of Ida Noyés Hall into anew "Cloister Club'' with a charcoalSpécial Picture of the Month: Final emplacement and dedication ofPevsner sculpture at the Law School (see this Magazine, October 1963).From left to right: Phil C. Neal, Dean of the Law School; Mrs. EeroSaarinen, widow of the architect of the Law School; Alex L. Hillman,'24, donor of the sculpture; Président George W. Beadle; and ProvostEdward H. Levi. There was one bubbling surprise: As the waterswere turned on for the fountain, it was discovered that pranksters hadadded détergent to the pool.6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964grill and human attendants to replacethe vending machines of the "C" Shopwhich now dispense instant coffee andclammy sandwiches. Such a service as aCloister Club is imperative; the students presently hâve no satisfactoryplace in which they can meet at offhours over light food or a cup of coffee.Hutchinson Commons appears tohâve no future as a place to eat, and asurvey is being made to détermine if itcan be converted to an auditorium forthe Department of Music and if theadjacent "C" Shop can be used forthe music library.Since i960 the University has re-quired undergraduate men in their firsttwo years and undergraduate women ofail four years to live in résidence hallsuntil they became 21. There were exceptions; men who joined fraternitieswere allowed to live in houses in theirsecond year; anyone who lived at homewas exempt and a * petitioning" Systemexcused many others. Now the résidence requirement has been suspendedcompletely for second-year men andthird- and fourth-year women, largelybecause it was unrealistic with a grow-ing shortage in résidence hall rooms.A $5 a quarter increase in résidencehall rentals will be effective in theautumn. The Chicago Maroon re-sponded with an editorial that chargeda plot to take the University away fromthe students. It cited as évidence a longand disparate list of moves, includingthe declining number of comprehensiveexaminations, increases in tuition overthe years and an alleged f ailure of theadministration to make a ringing déclaration that big time football was not inthe offing. The editorial and the mis-statéments in the reporting of the contract for food drew a tart correctiveletter from Dean of Students WarnerA. Wick.Like hospital bills, higher éducationcosts are steadily rising. Some measureof this increase, which may corne as ashock to those aiumni who rememberthe days when tuition was $40 a quarter and a large single room was $32, isindicated by the budget estimâtes theUniversity uses as a guide to prospective students. Those in résidence hallswill need $3250 for ail expenses in thenext académie year; apartment résidents, $2750, and commuters, $2450.Students on scholarships will get a$250 increase in the budget on whichJUNE, 1964 THE need is fîgured, that figure being theamount by which costs hâve risen overlast year. This increase is not uniqueto the University; it prevails generally.So may ail the sons and daughters ofaiumni be as smart as their parents andwin scholarships!QUANTRELL AWARDS Thisyear's four winners of the annual Llew-ellyn John and Harriet ManchesterQuantrell Awards for excellence in undergraduate teaching were: SylvainBromberger, assistant professor in theDepartment of Philosophy and ofPhysical Sciences in the Collège; JohnG. Cawelti, assistant professor of Eng-lish and of the humanities in the Collège; Frank M. Child, assistant professor in the Department of Zoology, andRalph M. Lerner, assistant professor ofthe social sciences in the Collège. Thèseprizes, which had their origin in 1931,and are the oldest of their kind in thecountry, were established by the lateErnest E. Quantrell, '05, a trustée ofthe University who took a spécial in-terest in undergraduate éducation.FACULTY HONORS The NationalAcademy of Sciences named Robert J.Braidwood, professor in the OrientalInstitute and the Department of An-thropology, to membership in its annual élections in late April. Election isregarded in the scientific community asone of the highest académie honors.Sélection of Mr. Braidwood, who ispresently in southeastern Turkey withan expédition seeking further évidenceof man's transition from a hunting toan agricultural stage of existence, bringsthe total number of University of Chicago members of the National Academy to 30.Five members of the faculty wereelected Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences : Dr. AlbertDorfman, professor and chairman ofthe Department of Pediatrics, and professor of biochemistry, and also director of LaRabida-University of ChicagoInstitute, a center for treatment andconvalescence of children's heart conditions and diseases; Dr. HumbertoFernandez-Moran, professor in theCommittee on Biophysics; John HopeFranklin, professor of American history; Harry G. Johnson, professor oféconomies, and William H. McNeill,professor and chairman of the Department of History. W. Allen Wallis, for mer dean of the Graduate School ofBusiness and now président of the University of Rochester, was one of theothers elected to the Academy, foundedin 1780.Peter M. Blau, professor of sociol-ogy, will be Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions, Cambridge University, England, in 1966-67.He will be the fourth member of theChicago faculty to hold the chair sinceit was established in 1944.Charles S. Barrett, professor ofmetallurgy in the Institute for the Studyof Metals, has been appointed GeorgeEastman Visiting Professor, OxfordUniversity, England, for 1965-66.A Lederele Médical Faculty Awardhas been made to Dr. Zdenek Hruban,assistant professor of pathology. Theaward, for three years, includes salaryand $500 a year for travel to scientificmeetings or other professional expenses. Dr. Hruban also has held since1961 an Advanced Clinical Fellowshipfrom the American Cancer Society.Dr. Sanford Burton Krantz, instruc-tor and United States Public HealthService Fellow in the Department ofMedicine, won the $750 Joseph A.Capps Prize for médical research,awarded by The Institute of Medicineof Chicago. The prize to Dr. Krantzwas in récognition of a study of bonemarrow.KENNEDY FOUNDATIONGRANT A commitment of $2,200,-000 for construction of research andresearch training facilities in mentalretardation has been made by theJoseph P. Kennedy, Jr., Foundation.Of the total, $1,500,000 is for theestablishment of the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Mental Research Center, including a mental retardation center,which will be located in the new Children's Hospital of the UniversityClinics. The remaining $700,000 willassist in establishing the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. mental retardation clinicalservices and training facility.The $700,000 Kennedy Foundationpledge will be available to meet thethree-to-one matching provision in thefédéral mental retardation program. Ifthe pending application for the fédéralfunds is approved, this will bring $2,-100,000 in additional funds to the construction of the clinical services andtraining facility.W. V. M.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEcumenical DialogueLeon-Josef Cardinal Suenens (left) andDivinity School Dean Jerald C. BrauerTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964A leadingRoman CatholicPrelate delivers1964 Hiram W. ThomasLecturesHistory in the area of religious dialogue and éducation may well hâve been made when Roman Catholic Leon-Josef Cardinal Suenens, Archbishop ofMalines-Brussels, delivered the 1964 Hiram W. Thomas Lectures at the Divinity School. A number offamous theologians and churchmen had previouslyheld this lectureship, but the Cardinal was the firstRoman Catholic to do so."It was our intention to get the ecumenical dialoguedown to the men who would be our future priestsand ministers. It was imperative that the man we in-vited be one who would reflect the présent level ofdialogue but also point beyond to new levels of discussion and mutual exploration. . . ." said DivinitySchool Dean Jerald C. Brauer.The Cardinal"The Church in the world" is a phrase and a concept very dear to 20th century Christendom. Its expression is attempted through an infinité variety ofwords, actions, and institutions but its essence iselusive.Leon-Josef Cardinal Suenens is one who seems tobave effectively translatée! this concept into realityfor his own participation as a "churchman in theworld." It would be difficult, if not presumptuous, todefine the ternis of Cardinal Suenens' success, but itis obvious that he sees his rôle as bishop, and the rôleKathryn West is Assistant to theDean of the Divinity School with Kathryn West"... first we mustlearn to speakeach others language .... 'JUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 9of the Church generally, as that of service, the qualityof service found in the simplicity of early Christianity.He would expand the opportunities for service to ailthe faithful as is évident from thèse words to his people in Belgium: "I am bishop for you but Christianwith you."Walter Abbott, S.J., in a book about the leadershipof the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council, said ofthe Belgian prelate: "He has been an archbishop onlysince 1961, and a cardinal only since 1962, but this59-year-old Churchman has achieved things that few,if any, of his predecessors could match."The Cardinal's rôle in the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council has been especially prominent, both priorto and during the convening of this body.The late Pope John, particularly impressed by apastoral letter of the Cardinal's on the Council, askedfor a document from the Belgian spelling out his viewson the assembly.In response, Cardinal Suenens developed a planwhich was later adopted to guide Vatican II, a planwhich early won the support of Cardinal Montini,soon to become Pope Paul VI. The plan has seen theCouncil gravitating around the thème of the Churchas viewed under a double perspective. First, theChurch from within, that is the dialogue in the Church10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964among its members individually and collectively, andthe Church viewed exteriorly, that is the dialogue be-tween the Church and ail Christians in the world.At the second session of Vatican II last fall, Cardinal Suenens became one of the four cardinal moderat-ors upon appointment by Pope Paul. It is in this rôlethat he has achieved récognition as a leader of Ca-tholicism, particularly within the so-called "libéral"movement (although he disapproves of "labels"), andin the ecumenical dialogue.Chicago DialogueIn an impact-laden two days, May 4 and 5, CardinalSuenens delivered two major lectures, met with theDivinity School faculty and students, and participatedin panel discussions to which Catholic and Protestantclergy, faculty and students from the Chicago areawere invited.The two days of discussion, dialogue, and formailectures made up the first meeting of its kind in thecountry. For each discussion group, Cardinal Suenenswas a member of a panel including six others, equallydivided between Protestants and Roman Catholics.Issues submitted by the panelists ranged over the en-tire spectrum of the ecumenical movement as well asVatican II.From the infallibility of the Pope and the positionof Mary to methods of birth control, questions of majorconcern were frankly voiced and discussed. Askedabout intolérance of other religions in some numeri-cally dominant Catholic countries, Cardinal Suenensrevealed that a forthcoming pronouncement from theCouncil will clearly assert the right for ail to libertyof conscience and religion. Anyone who might hâveexpected ready-made answers and solutions to ailproblems, however, would hâve been sorely disap-pointed. But the dialogue is there, and it is clear thatthis can be a start for men who are united in theirdésire to serve God and mankind.Said Cardinal Suenens in the first of his two lectures:"The Church is divine and human at the same time.Since it is made up of men who bear the treasures ofGod in fragile vessels, it is constantly faced with theneed of purification, of a perpétuai return to itssources."JUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE. . . there are fewready-made answers,but the dialogueis a beginning In examining doctrinal différences, he urged thatsuch différences cannot be approached in the abstract,without an examination of the historical situationwhich caused such différences: "It was not Mary thatLuther was combatting; it was certain abuses inMariology. It was not the idea of the episcopacy orthe idea of the papacy which were first attacked; itwas their historical realization in men of flesh andblood, men of a spécifie time and a spécifie environ-ment who were inevitably influenced by that time andenvironment. We must hâve the ability to recognizethe object of protest if we are ever going to appre-ciate the character of the reaction which it evokedand the germ of truth which animated it. Once wehâve recovered our historical perspective, a greatmany thèses which hâve been petrified by the processof abstraction will profit from a suppleness and feelingfor nuance which can reconcile in synthesis factorswhich are not contradictory but complementary."Pointing out that common cause now exists in manyvital areas he went on: "We must also make more ofcertain forms of practical collaboration, notably inthe social and humanitarian field: the problem ofhunger in the world, sickness and disasters, birth andhousing, illiteracy, redistribution of wealth, etc. In anera in which ail men are conscious of the existence ofextremely critical problems, it is essential that thedisciples of Christ be able, as Christians, and withoutpassing over or minimizing their différences, to gettogether and make common cause in every kind ofmutual coopération and assistance. We must increaseour prayer, too, with a view to hastening the day ofvisible unity." But he also cautioned that unity mustnot be confused with uniformity. "The Church ofChrist is one. But its unity dwells in the depths ofmystery. It does not dispense with the diversity ofgifts and charisms any more than it dispenses with thediversity of languages and cultures."It is of crucial importance for us to appreciate thefact that the Church, which is independent of ail cultures, is nonetheless open to every culture. In theirregard, the Church is transcendent since she is not ofthis world; and yet, she is incarnate in each like theleaven in the dough which can never be separatedfrom it." Cardinal Suenens called for "Respect for thisunity in diversity."CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964Toward Study and DialogueCardinal Suenens' appearance as the 1964 HiramW. Thomas Lecturer may well prove to be the openingof a new epoch in Roman Catholic-Protestant relationsin the United States. His visit is being widely discussednationally. At the University it has given additionalimpetus to a plan, already approved by the DivinitySchool's faculty and trustées, to endow a permanent,year-round Chair of Roman Catholic Life and Thoughtas part of the School's lOOth anniversary during the1964-65 académie year. Such a Chair would bring tothe University each year a différent, leading RomanCatholic scholar.In reflecting on the CardinaFs visit, Dean Brauercommented: "The Divinity School and the Universityhâve just experienced a unique and exhilarating twodays. Hopefully, it marks a new epoch for us and ourRoman Catholic brethren."For the more than 700 faculty, clergy and studentsthe CardinaFs receptiveness, frankness and abundantgood humor clearly demonstrated the conditions nec-essary for dialogue. As Cardinal Suenens repeatedlystated: "We must first sit down together and learn toknow each other. We must learn to speak each other'slanguage; then we can corne to love one another. . . ."Commenting on the future possibility of Churchunity, he closed the first of his lectures with thèsewords: "Yes, we are face to face with the impossible.Yes, the doctrinal barriers appear and indeed are, forthe moment, insurmountable from the human pointof view; but Christ himself has told us that Vhatis impossible with man is possible with God' (Luke18:27). It is possible with God when his children givethemselves over completely to the action of grâce andthus become the artisans of that possibility."After leaving Chicago, the Cardinal lunched inNew York with Time-Life publisher Henry Luce. Itwas reported in Time that "the primate of Belgiumhad his hardest ( and finest ) moment at The Universityof Chicago Divinity School where he spent two daysfielding questions from his Protestant hosts, includingprestigious theologian Paul Tillich. 'The most difficultexamination I've ever faced,' he said."And seemingly everyone agreed: It could not hâvebeen even possible, just a few years ago. D . . . opening a new erain U.S. Roman Catholic-Protestant relations A detailed report of ail sessions and the fulltext of Cardinal Suenens two lectures "Counciland Unity of the Church" and "Church andCivilizations" are being published in the Springissue of Criterion, publication of the DivinitySchool. Price $1.00.Copies can be ordered by writing to: TheUniversity of Chicago Divinity School, 1025East 58th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637.JUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13George E. Reedy, Jr., '38WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARYWhen Pierre Salinger last March 19 made his notunexpected but suddenly timed announcement of hisrésignation as White House Press Secretary to seek theDémocratie nomination for U. S. Senator from Cali-fornia, there was nothing unexpected in the concurrentannouncement of his successor, George E. Reedy, Jr.,'38. The change of the guard was so precipitate, how-ever, that Mr. Reedy was summoned from a hospitalbed where he had been undergoing treatment thatincluded heroic measures to trim a reputed 265 poundson his 6' 2" frame to somewhat more svelte proportions.Spéculation about Président Lyndon B. Johnson'srealignment of the intimate group of advisers andassistants in the White House had included Mr.Reedy 's assumption of the press job because he hadbeen one of Mr. Johnson's staff for 13 years, and second longest of the group in point of service. Therelationship had begun in 1951 when the then SenatorJohnson, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Pre-paredness subcommittee, after observing the Chicagoalumnus reporting the committee's activities, offeredhim the post of committee consultant.As consultant to the Senate committee, Mr. Reedyselected subjects for its hearings and wrote its reports,described as "hard-hitting and critical of défensepolicy." As the then Senator advanced, Mr. Reedymoved with him. He became staff director of the Senate Démocratie Policy Committee in 1953, whenMr. Johnson was minority and then majority leader.He was press représentative for Mr. Johnson, a writerof some of his speeches, and accompanied him onforeign and domestic trips, including the 1960 convention bid for the Démocratie presidential nomination.When Mr. Johnson became Vice Président, Mr.Reedy held the title of spécial assistant, so continuingwhen Mr. Johnson assumed the presidency last No-vember. The long service with Mr. Johnson had dem-onstrated both Mr. Reedy 's loyalty to his chief and hisprofessional competency. The Washington press corpsreported his appointaient as press secretary withfriendliness and note of his qualifications for theposition.William S. White, one of the nationally syndicatedcolumnists wrote in part:"Responsibility sits with a heavy solidity on Reedy'smassive, round shoulders, and it peers soberly throughhis heavy-rimmed glasses. But he is ail business, ailthe time, ail 250 pounds of him. He is also, and quiteunwittingly, a killer of clichés and a destroyer ofstéréotypes."(He) is most clearly and almost painfully not athome on the range. Moreover, he was baked in anincubator for eggheads hardly excelled in cérébralheat by Harvard Collège The University of Chicago.Président Johnson addresses reporters as Mr. Reedy (foreground right, with glasses), andAssistant Press Secretary Malcolm KUduff, look on.14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964"Reedy is at heart a back-room boy, an idea man,a writer of philosophically studied mémos, an almostdetached clinical worker in politics. . . . With him,the trees can never become so important as the forest.He never will be caught unaware of the large subjectsof presidential policies and presidential attitudes."In a mid-April luncheon talk to the American Association of Newspaper Editors, Mr. Reedy voiced someof his views as to the requirements and purposes ofhis new post."My concept of the White House Press Secretary'soffice is not of a news bureau to grind out handoutsfor the newspapermen and to spoon feed the news orto act as one of the few sources from which the factscan corne. As a second-generation newspaperman, Ihâve a deep belief that news is something to be gath-ered by newspapermen who hâve upon themselvesthe responsibility of gathering facts, of drawing conclusions from those facts, and of attempting to give themsome cohérence and perspective. . . ."I think of the office as one which is responsible foraccountable information. . . . The office of the presi-dency, and the government itself, has grown andreached a point where the full and thorough coverageof the Président and what he does, that full and thorough coverage which is so essential to the workingsof our System of government, becomes almost an im-possibility without some form of coopération. By coopération I do not mean determining what is news.. . . (This détermination) belongs to the reporters whogather the facts, to the rewrite men who rewrite thefacts, to the copy desk men who write the heads, to theeditors . . . and to the publishers."The new White House Press Secretary was bornAugust 5, 1917, in East Chicago, Indiana. His familymoved briefly to Duluth, but Mr. Reedy attended aChicago elementary school and was graduated fromSenn High School. His father, who died in 1953, awidely known police reporter on the Chicago Tribuneduring the Capone era, later went to Washington,where he was a radio commentator, correspondent forthe Philadelphia Inquirer and writer on the Washington Times-Herald.The son continued in his footsteps, with a summerstint on the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1938, before join-ing the Washington Bureau of the United Press in theautumn. From 1942 to 1946, Mr. Reedy served as anintelligence officer with the USAF on Guam, Saipanand Iwo Jima, having the rank of captain when hewas demobilized. After this service he returned to theUP as a House and Senate correspondent until SenatorJohnson drafted him. His wife, the former LillianGreenwald of New York City, holds a law degree fromFordham University and was on the InternationalNews Service staff until her marriage. The Reedyshâve two sons, Michael, 15, and William, 13. D Mr. Reedy (pipe in hand) at oneof two daily press conférencesJUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 15ALUMNI AWARDSTwenty-two aiumni were honored by The University of Chicago Aiumni Association at aspécial ceremony during June Reunion; one Aiumni Medal and twenty-one Citations werepresented. The following is a review of those honored. A complète Reunion report willappear in the next issue of the Magazine.FRANCIS JOSEPH MULLIN, S.M.'32, Ph.D. '36, became président ofShimer Collège in Mount Carroll, Illinois, when the collège was at the pointof closing its doors. In the ten yearssince assuming this apparently hopelessposition, he has refashioned Shimerinto an expérimental collège of uniquecharacter, nationally recognized for itsteaching excellence, its intellectualatmosphère, and its démonstration thatcurricular transfer between dissimilarinstitutions is feasible.Shimer Collège had suffered declin-ing enrollments and grave financial dif-ficulties over a number of years preced-ing Mr. Mullin's administration. In hissecond year there, the collège came soclose to insolvency that students were The Aiumni MedalPro Singulari Eius Merito. Awarded for distinction inone' s field of specialization or for service to society, orboth. The Medal being conferred is the forty-eighth.warned that Shimer would probably notreopen for the next term; but the crisiswas met.From thèse troubled beginnings, Mr.Mullin has led Shimer to the peaks ofscholarly accomplishment among libéralarts collèges. The médian scores madeby Shimer senior classes of the past sixyears hâve been the highest of ail 297collèges and universities which admin-istered the Graduate Record Examina-tion to their entire graduating classes in1958 or 1961. Shimer classes hâve,moreover, ranked first on ail threetested areas of the GRE (humanities,natural sciences, and social sciences).The collège was described by George C.Stern, writing in the Harvard Educa-tional Review last year, as one of elevenin the United States with an idéal intellectual climate.Of still greater ihterest to educatorsis the démonstration that a curriculumdesigned for one institution can betransferred to another with comparablemeasurable effects on student achieve-ment. The Shimer curriculum is a linealdescendent of the University of ChicagoCollegeplanof 1931-54. In both locales, testing data were accumulated from thestart. This unusual chance to comparetwo instances of the same curricularexperiment has occasioned continuingstudies through which Shimer may u'ti-mately hâve educational import far outof proportion to its size.There seems little doubt that Shimer'sexcellence today is the deed of its président, whose leadership of mind andspirit hâve been as ample as his practi-cal abilities. The esprit de corps in theShimer faculty is so great that teachershâve often refused salary raises to helpthe collège maintain fiscal stability. In1963, Mr. Mullin's faculty voluntarilyincreased its teaching load so that classsize might be kept low, in a time of ex-panding enrollment, without adding ad-ditional teachers to the collège budget.Mr. Mullin, a physiologist, was Deanof the Chicago Médical Collège in1951-54. Previously he had been amember of the University of Chicagofaculty, last as dean of students in theDivision of Biological Sciences. He hasrecently been honored by élection tothe presidency of the Fédération of Illinois Collèges.16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964JUDGE AUSTIN MRS. BARNETT MRS. BERG MRS. BIEKER MRS. BRODY MR. CADITZ MRS. CAHILLCitations forPublic Service. . . for créative citizenship and exem-plary leadership in voluntary activitieswhich hâve richly benefited society andhâve reflected crédit on the Universityand its aiumni.RICHARD B. AUSTIN, J.D/26, is aJudge of the United States DistrictCourt for the Northern District of Illinois, since 1961. The revised IllinoisCriminal Code and Code of CriminalProcédure adopted last year by the statelégislature are, in great part, his handi-work. Over a period of eight years hechaired the joint committee of the Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associationsresponsible for studying and draftingthe new code, an undertaking involvinghundreds of meetings on top of hisregular judicial duties. Despite thisdemanding responsibility, Judge Austinremained active in other civic activities,and is an active layman in his church.nBETTY MESSINGER BARNETT,'31, has given long service to Chicagoarea youth and their parents, notablyin parent éducation and the control ofjuvénile delinquency. She was one ofthe first laymen participating in the"Education for Living in a Democracy"parent-discussion course, developed atthe University under the sponsorship ofthe Illinois Congress of Parents andTeachers. She has worked untiringly toadvance this project, which has becomenational in scope, and she has servedin an advisory capacity to law enforce-ment agencies. EVELYN VAN EMDEN BERG, '37,is among the organizers and a pastprésident of the Wichita Falls, Texas,Citizens Safety Council; she is nowserving as volunteer safety coordinatorfor non-public schools there. Mrs. Bergserved nearly ten years on the City-County Welfare Board of WichitaFalls and was its président in 1961.Active in politics starting at the pre-cinct level, she was alternate delegateto the 1956 Démocratie National Convention. Currently she is working on anon-partisan project to improve votingprocédures. Her husband, Dr. Owen C.Berg, '36, M.D.'4l, won an AiumniCitation in 1963.HELEN KASKE BIEKER, 26, A.M.'39, is président of the League ofWomen Voters chapter in Hammond,Indiana, and has been active in theLeague on a state-wide and nationallevel. She sponsored numerous pro-grams for the American Association forthe United Nations and performs asimilar service as an area représentativein world problems for the AmericanAssociation of University Women. Mrs.Bieker is a long-time member of theSave the Dunes Council. Trained pro-fessionally in child development, shedeveloped in-service training projectsfor teachers on collège campusesthroughout the country.BABETTE SCHOENBERG BRODY,'28, a professional turned volunteer,works with the Chicago Hearing Society as an editor and health éducationconsultant. A booklet which she firstmimeographed some fifteen years ago,"Hearing ABC's for Boys and Girls,"has since been reprinted by scores of agencies, translated and distributedabroad. Total circulation is estimated toexceed a million copies. A Hyde Parker,Mrs. Brody was a member of the HydePark-Kenwood Commun ity Conférenceboard in the early years of neighbor-hood development.CLEMENT C. CADITZ, '38, has beenprésident of the Mount Sinai MédicalResearch Foundation and vice présidentof the Jewish Community Centers ofChicago. He chaired the organizingcommittee and was first président ofthe Bernard Horwich Community Center, and is otherwise active in religiousand service organizations. In servinghis industry, he is currently président ofthe American Métal Stamping Association and chairman of the législativecommittee of the Tool and Die Institute. He was scheduled to receive hismedal in absentia because of the coin-ciding dates of an international industry conférence, of which he is a primemover.JEANNETTE SMITH CAHILL, '32,serves in a variety of civic organizationsin the Oak Park-River Forest community of suburban Chicago. In the Community Chest of Oak Park and RiverForest, she is a member of the Board ofGovernors, its secretary, and a budgetcommittee member; she has previouslybeen Women's Division chairman andRiver Forest residential chairman. Mrs.Cahill is active in the Infant WelfareSociety of Oak Park and River Forest,has been a board member of the Hephzi-bah Home for Children and currentlysits on the board of Chicago Lying-InHospital. Her husband, Arthur R. Cahill, '31, was an Aiumni Citée in 1956.continuedJUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17'àMR. CARLIN MR. EVANS MISS FRICKE MR. HARRIS MR. HILLMAN MR. MAHOODMR. HOWE and MRS. MacALVAY no photographs available at press time.Citations, continuedLEO J. CARLIN, '17, J.D/19, is pastprésident and honorary director of theMount Sinai Hospital of Chicago. Heis currently chairman of the Chicagoappeal for the Anti-Defamation Leagueof B'nai B'rith, and has long beenactive in the Combined Jewish Appealand the Jewish Fédération of Metropolitan Chicago. Mr. Carlin is a trustéeof the Chicago Médical School, theFrancis W. Parker School, the AnsheEmet Synagogue and the Retina Foundation of Boston. In the past he hasserved on the boards of the Citizens ofGreater Chicago and the University ofChicago Law School Aiumni Association.JAMES H. EVANS, J.D.'48, is chairman of the Board of Trustées of theNational Récréation Association, whichserves both public and private affiliatedagencies in nearly fifteen hundred com-munities throughout the United Stateswith publications, field services, conférences, and expérimental récréationprograms. Since moving to New Yorkin 1957, Mr. Evans has been a trustéeof the Midtown Hospital, member ofthe Boy Scout Metropolitan Council,chairman of the major gifts division ofthe city Red Cross appeal, treasurer ofthe Bronxville Community Fund, anelder and executive committee memberof the Dutch Reformed Church inBronxville.IRMA BRUNHILDA FRICKE, '47,S.M.'50, formerly a rural school teacherin Iowa, embarked on a second careerafter World War II, in nursing. She is director of school nursing, District65 of Cook County, and has served inarea, state and national public healthorganizations. In 1962-63 she was national président of the American SchoolHealth Association. Currently sheholdsoffices in the American Nurses Association, Illinois Nurses Association, andIllinois Education Association. Lastyear she was a U.S. delegate to theFourth International Congress onSchool and University Hygiène andMedicine in Rome. cated Pevsner sculpture at the Univer-sity's Law School. He has been spécialconsultant to Senate committees and theState Department and has also served anumber of universities and hospitals inspécial advisory capacities.JOHN P. HARRIS, '23. Heading achain of newspapers and radio stationsin Kansas and Iowa, his dévotion to thefield of communications reaches farbeyond a purely professional interest.In récent years he has spent some sixmonths advising dozens of small newspapers in the Orient and the Philippines, traveling at his own expense. InHutchinson, Kansas, he was chairmanof the Eisenhower Presidential LibraryCommission, and he established theKansas Philanthropies, Inc., supportingscholarships, library acquisitions, andother educational projects. He is a pastprésident of the Inland Daily PressAssociation.ALEX L. HILLMAN, '22. Modem art,law, économies and médical researchrank prominently in Mr. Hillman'scivic and philanthropie activities. Amember of the International Council ofMuséum of Modem Art in New Yorkand of the Art Advisory Group of theDartmouth Council on Creative Arts,he has made distinctive gifts to severalinstitutions, including the recently dedi- LAWRENCE HOWE, J.D.'48, was recently elected président of the Villageof Winnetka. He had previously beenPark District Attorney, Caucus Committee chairman, and councilman there.He has been a member of the Board ofDirectors of the North Shore CountryDay School since 1956, and boardprésident in 1961-63. Mr. Howe is amember of the Open Lands Committeeof the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago and has been a director ofthe Chicago Chapter of the AmericanRed Cross. He is a past vice présidentand board member of the ChicagoCouncil on Foreign Relations.NORA TULLY MacALVAY, '38, hasmade a major contribution to the cul-tural life of the Indiana-MichiganDunes area through création and direction of a summer théâtre, a children'sthéâtre, book fairs, and other activitiesfor both adults and children. Most ofthis program is formally operated bythe Dunes Art Foundation, which Mrs.MacAlvay and her husband helped or-ganize in 1951. Since 1948, she hasdirected the Children's Théâtre, andnow also directs the Dunes SummerThéâtre. A prize-winning author andillustrator of children's plays and books;her Cathie and the Paddy Boy receivedan award from the Friends of American Writers in 1963.18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964MR. MESEROW MR. M1LLIS MR. SPRINKEL MR. STRULL MRS. WEISS MRS. WHITMANLELAND H. MAHOOD, '49, of SanMateo, California, has given leadershipto many social, religious and educa-tional agencies in the San Francisco Bayarea. He is a board member of theLesley Foundation, which is developinghousing projects for retired people, andis past chairman and currently treasurerof the Youth Conservation Program,Inc., which is dealing w:th the schooldropout problem in San Mateo County.He is chairman of the Business Men 'sAdvisory Committee and executivecommittee member of the PeninsulaCouncil of Churches, and serves onthe Constitutional Rights Committee ofthe Attorney General of California.ALBERT J. MESEROW, '28, J.D.'30,is chairman of the Great Lakes Commission, whose members are appointedby the governors of the eight States in-volved. The safe water supply andwaste disposai Systems of the Chicagometropolitan area dépend on the diversion of some Lake Michigan water intothe Mississippi River drainage System.This diversion is viewed as a problemby some of the other users of the GreatLakes waters. The intricate geopoliticalissues are tackled by the Commission,chaired by Mr. Meserow for his secondterm. He also served as first chairmanof the Joint Civic Commission and isactive on numerous committees of theIllinois and Chicago bars.JOHN SCHOFF MILLIS, '24, S.M.'27, Ph.D. '37, has been président ofthe Association of Urban Universities,président of the National Commissionon Accrediting, and chairman of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advance-ment of Teaching just some of hisservices to éducation. In 1961 he re-ceived both the Cleveland Medal forPublic Service from the Chamber ofCommerce, and the National HumanRelations Award from the NationalConférence of Christians and Jews. Hehas been président of Western ReserveUniversity in Cleveland since 1949,prior to which he was président of theUniversity of Vermont.BERYL W. SPRINKEL, M.B.A.'48,Ph.D. '52. Reared on a farm near Rich-mond, Missouri, and first educated in aone-room rural school, Mr. Sprinkel istoday an economist of national reputeand a widely published author on économie matters. He has been consultedby committees of the U.S. Congressand has served on research committeesof the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, theAmerican Bankers Association, theChicago Association of Commerce andIndustry and the Office of the Mayorof Chicago. A résident of Flossmoor,Illinois, he is a member and formerprésident of the Homewood-FlossmoorBoard of Education.CHARLES STRULL, '09, J.D.'IO. Bornin Latvia eighty years ago, Mr. Strullcontributed much to the civic structureof Louisville, Kentucky. He wasfounder and later served as présidentof the Légal Aid Society of Louisville.He was a charter member of the Conférence of Jewish Organizations. In1934 he founded the Kentucky Committee for Service to New Americansand he is a founder and past présidentof the Louisville Committee for the Council on Foreign Relations. Mr.Strull has tackled his hobbies, whichrange from astronomy to wildlife, withequal enthusiasm and skill; he wasfounder and président of the LouisvilleAstronomical Society, a founder of theBeckham Bird Club, and he is an hon-orary Life Member of the KentuckySociety of Natural History.SHIRLEY WARSAW WEISS, '34,during her work as a volunteer musicaltherapist, gained the coopération ofboth professionals and Iaymen in theorganization of a "half-way house" toaid in the adjustment of newly dis-charged mental patients. Called PortaisHouse, there are now two units of thisexpérimental facility, one for men andone for women. Mrs. Weiss has re-ceived awards from the American RedCross, the Los Angeles County Boardof Supervisors, the Los Angeles CityCouncil, the Brentwood Neuropsychiatrie Hospital, and the Los AngelesCounty Association for Mental Health,for her contribution to the field ofmental rehabilitation.GERTRUDE BISSELL WHITMAN,'23, has an unbroken record of RedCross work as worker, nurse's aid,leader and Gray Lady, stretching overa span of thirty-two years. Since mov-ing to Oakland, California, she hasserved continuously on the Board ofDirectors and the Executive Committeeof the Oakland Red Cross chapter since1953 and has devoted her energy andskill to numerous Red Cross projects.Mrs. Whitman has also been a leaderof the United Crusade fund appeal anda board member of the InternationalHospitality Center of San Francisco.JUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 19Back from the Peace Corpsby David L. Szanton. . . we must learn before we can teachUpon return to the United Statesafter nineteen months in the Philippines, I discovered that the popularconception of the Peace Corps wasquite similar to what mine had been,and that of my fellow volunteers,prior to our departure overseas. Itwas seen as a means of sendingyoung Americans abroad to help inthe "modernization" of the ' under-developed" countries. The Volunteers were to teach, build roads,work in hospitals, do agriculturalextension and community development work, ail to raise the standardof living of the host countries. Formost of us at that time and for mostAmericans today, such are the func-tions of the Peace Corps. And tosome slight extent they are.The problem with this image isthat most Americans tend to thinkof an "underdeveloped" country asa tabula rasa, a nearly blank slate,in which modem (American) institutions need only be introduced,and that good-will, hard work andtechnical know-how will fast see itthrough to prosperity. What wetend to forget is that thèse countriesare "underdeveloped" only in économie terms or better yet, in termsof our own peculiar form of économie organization. In fact, ail thecountries in which Volunteers areworking hâve highly complex économie Systems they obviouslycould not hâve survived withoutthem as well as political, social, artistic and religious traditions oftenconsiderably older and more firmlyentrenched than our own. The community in which I worked similarto those of innumerable other volunteers was an extremely complexaggregate of individuals, familiesand larger groupings, each withtheir own interests to protect andadvance, highly sophisticated inmotivation and behavior, togethercreating a culture unlike anythingwe had known in America.Such a community is no tabularasa. In fact, the only way in whicha volunteer can begin to functioneffectively in a community wherevalues, attitudes and behavior oftenbear little relation to his "normal"American expectations, is to standstill, look and listen. If the volunteer is to be successful at ail, hemust begin as the tabula rasa, hemust be willing to say, "I knownothing, tell me, teach me aboutyour community." The project towhich he is assigned is likely to beworthless if it does not correspondto a real problem felt by the community and his co-workers. To dis-cover what is really of concern tothem takes time and in most cases,considérable facility with the locallanguage which, of course, takesstill more time to develop.But it is not only the Volunteerwho needs time to corne to knowhis community, his hosts need timeto corne to know him, to trust him with their deep-felt concerns. He isa foreigner, at best an honoredguest, and often seems an emissaryof a central government perhapsotherwise known for its tax collections, unkept promises and toooften, corrupt politicians. Certainlythe volunteer is to be treated withrespect he is obviously powerfulbut in fact that means being keptat arm's distance until he has some-how proven himself to be genu-inely, personally concerned aboutthe welfare of his hosts. Then perhaps free conversation, a real dialogue will begin, perhaps then thevolunteer can start to contributesomething to his community.How much time do thèse preli-minaries take? It varies of course,but generally it can take eightmonths to a year. Since volunteersare usually overseas for only twentymonths, not much time is left forthe great accomplishments whichmany had originally set out toachieve. Much can be done, but notas much as the enthusiastic volunteer had probably hoped for. Ofequally great importance, if noteven greater, is the intellectual, social and human development of thevolunteers themselves. It is an éducation in our own "underdevelop-ment," in the variety and complex-ity of the world's problems and inthe personal responsibilities ofevery individual. More than anything else it is a training ground forthose who wish to spend their livesin service to their fellow-men. DDavid Szanton is a student in theDivisional Masters Degree Prograrnof the Division of Social Sciences,under a Ford Study Fellowship forInternational Development. Mr.Szanton majored in anthropology atHarvard (1960), after which hespent one year in Rome, Italy,study ing sculpture. He served as aPeace Corps Volunteer in the Philippines from lanuary 1962 to luly1963, and hopes to return there, towork for one of the service organizations, after completing his Ph.D.20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964BOOKS BY ALUMNIA report of some recently published booksASSURING FREEDOM TO THE FREE: A CENTURYOF EMANCIPATION IN THE USA edited by ArnoldM. Rose, '38, AM'40, PhD'46. Wayne State UniversityPress, Détroit, Michigan, 1964, 314 pp., indexed, $6.95.Mr. Rose has selected and edited twelve lectures on thegênerai thème, "The Development of the American Negroand of a Free Society," from a year long séries given atWayne State University, Détroit, in honor of the one hun-dredth anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.Historians and social scientists survey the history of theAmerican Negro from 1863 to 1963, describe and analyzerécent social changes in the position of the Negro in American life, and consider some of the organized movementscreating thèse changes. The following aiumni are contribu-tors to the volume: G. Franklin Edwards, PhD' 5 2, JamesQ. Wilson, AM'57, PhD'59, C. Eric Lincoln, '56, andCarleton L, Lee, AM'35, PhD'51. Another contributor isJohn Hope Franklin who will become professor of Americanhistory at the U. of C. in the f ail, 1964.Mr. Rose is professor of sociology at the University ofMinnesota and has written or collaborated on the publication of eight books. He is past président of the MidwestSociological Society and the Society for the Study of SocialProblems.BOOK SELECTION AND COLLECTIONS: A COM-PARISON OF GERMAN AND AMERICAN UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES by J. Periam Danton, PhD'35.Columbia University Press, New York, 1963, $6.00.Mr. Danton surveys and compares the policies of booksélection in German and American university libraries. Hedescribes how American universities adopted the Germanconcepts of universality and comprehensiveness in their booksélection programs and traces other parallels between thetwo countries' methods. He also points out différences in thetypes of materials collected by German and American university libraries. In conclusion, Mr. Danton présents a chapteron the idéal book sélection policy.Mr. Danton is professor of librarianship at the Universityof California, Berkeley, and was for 15 years dean of itsSchool of Librarianship. Much of his research for this bookwas done in Germany during 1960-61 when he held aFulbright Research Scholarship.CONCEPTS OF PERSONALITY edited by Joseph M.Wepman, PhD'48, and Ralph W. Heine, PhD'50. AldinePublishing Company, Chicago, 1963, 514 pp., indexed,$8.95.This book ofïers a comprehensive survey of classical andcontemporary personality theory, including a wide array ofexamples of thèse two trends. There are chapters on basicprocesses learning, perception, genetics and drive theory;on the major analytical approaches of psychology and psy-chiatry; on anthropological and sociological contributions; and on the problems of measurement and assessment. Eachchapter is written by a différent contributor to the book.Joseph M. Wepman, PhD'48, is professor of psychologyand surgery and chairman of the Interdepartmental Clinicaland Counseling Psychology Training Progràm of The University of Chicago. Ralph W. Heine, PhD'50, is associateprofessor of psychiatry and psychology and chief clinicalpsychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at The University of Chicago.In addition to Mr. Wepman and Mr. Heine, other aiumnicontributors to the book are: Norman M. Bradburn, '52,assistant professor in the Graduate School of Business andsenior study director, National Opinion Research Center;Benson E. Ginsburg, PhD'43, professor of biology andpsychology, and head of the Collège biology section; RobertA. LeVine, '51, AM'53, associate professor, Committee onHuman Development; Laura N. Rice, PhD'55, assistant professor of psychology and counselor, Counseling Center;John M. Shlien, PhD' 57, associate professor of psychologyand Committee on Human Development and counselor,Counseling Center.THE ECOLOGY OF NORTH AMERICA by Victor E.Shelford, '03, PhD'07. The University of Illinois Press,Urbana, 1963, 610 pp., indexed, $10.00.Mr. Shelford has compiled an ecological view of NorthAmerica as it appeared in the period 1500-1600; a description of its plant and animal life and the geographical en-vironment in which thèse living communities existed. Forthe ecologist, the volume establishes a means of evaluatingthe changes in our animal and plant resources brought aboutby civilization. But the book will also be of interest to theagriculturist, forester, wildlife manager and sportsman aswell as the gênerai reader seeking a better appréciation of thenatural history and resources of the entire continent.In addition to summarizing widely scattered publishedworks on the primeval communities, the work also includesdata collected from a lifetime of field observations andresearch.Mr. Shelford is professor emeritus of zoology at theUniversity of Illinois. He was a founder and first présidentof the Ecological Society of America, and has publishedseveral other books.EMPIRE BY TREATY by M. A. Fitzsimons, PhD'47.The University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, Indiana,1964, 225 pp., indexed, $6.00.Mr. Fitzsimons présents an account of the era of "empireby treaty" when a Great Britain declining in military, économie, and diplomatie power sought to protect its interestsand maintain order in its extensive Middle Eastern holdings. It is the story of a British dilemma: impérial powerdeclining at the very moment Middle Eastern bases and resources were attaining their highest value. continu edJUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21Books by Aiumni? continuedThe treaty empire was mainly a product of the yearsbetween the two world wars, and it is during this periodthat the author traces in détail British policies in the MiddleEast. He concludes with an analysis of "The Aftermath ofSuez and the Iraqi Révolution," and "Britain and the Con-temporary Middle East."Mr. Fitzsimons is professor of history at the University ofNotre Dame and editor of the quarterly Review of Politks.THE ENCAPSULATED MAN by Joseph R. Royce,PhD'51. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, New Jersey,1964, 201 pp., indexed, paperback, $1.95.Mr. Royce explores modem man's search for meaningfrom a multi-disciplinary point of view. He discusses whyspecialization is a serious problem in today's world, and whywe must entertain the idea of developing "generalists" aswell as specialists. Spécial considération is given to existen-tialism, the 20th-century malady of meaninglessness, logicalpositivism, perception, meaning, value, personality, and thereality significance of the symbol and the myth. The authordescribes encapsulation "to offer one approach to reality asif it were the approach," explains why most people areencapsulated, and concludes with a chapter on "The Unen-capsulated Man."Mr. Royce is professor and head of the Department ofPsychology at the University of Alberta, Canada. He hasbeen active in multi-disciplinary graduate programs andseminars and is co-editor of a forthcoming volume, Multi-disciplinary Analysis of the Symbol: Implications for Psychology.HENRY CEARD: IDEALISTE DETROMPE byRonald Frazee, AM'50. The University of Toronto Press,1963, 186 pp., $4.50. (Written in French.)This is an account of the life and literary activity of along-neglected writer of the French naturalist school. Ceard'swritten works were virtually neglected by his contemporariesas well as by most historians of the naturalist movement. Buthis novels, short stories and plays had good critical réceptions and in providing this study of the author, as well as acomprehensive bibliography of ail his works, Mr. Frazee isperforming a service for students of literature.The biography sheds light on the last thirty years of thenineteenth century and provides a guide to an important areaof French literature.Mr. Frazee is director of the Fondation des Etats-Unisat the Université de Paris, in France.PRIDE AND POWER THE RATIONALE OF THESPACE PROGRAM by Vernon Van Dyke, AM'34,PhD'37. The University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1964,276 pp., indexed, $6.50.The primary focus of Mr. Van Dyke's volume is on therationale reasons, motives, goals behind the United Statesspace program, and especially the rôles of national prestigeand pride. He considers the reasons commonly cited for thespace effort, the history of the program, and how the fédéralgovernment has organized itself for its implementation.Mr. Van Dyke discusses the différences between nationalprestige and national pride, and the relative emphasis onprestige as a motive under Présidents Eisenhower and Kennedy. Mr. Van Dyke gives spécial significance to American national pride and its rôles in the space effort as well asother aspects of political behavior.Mr. Van Dyke is professor of political science at theState University of Iowa. He is also the author of International Politks and Political Science: A Philo sophical Analysis.TEMPLES, TOMBS AND HIEROGLYPHS by BarbaraMertz (Mrs. Richard R. Mertz, formerly Barbara Gross, '47,AM'50, PhD'52). Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago,1964, 344 pp., indexed, $6.95.Barbara Mertz summarizes some of the 5000 years ofEgyptian history as archeology reveals it. In a readily under-standable and readable style, she discusses the phases ofEgypt which hâve interested her, ranging from tomb robbingto hieroglyphs. The resuit is a lively introduction toEgyptology.A large concluding section of the book is concerned withthe décline of the Egyptian empire as well as a discussion ofhistorical théories and the lessons that can be learned fromthe history of Egypt.Mrs. Mertz earned her Ph.D. at the Oriental Institute ofThe University of Chicago. Temples, Tombs and Hieroglyphswas many years in préparation, during which time shetraveled extensively through Egypt, Greece and the Medi-terranean world.WHAT CAN A MAN DO? by Milton Mayer, '32. TheUniversity of Chicago Press, 1964, $5.00. A reprint ofarticles by Mr. Mayer from various publications.The following review was written by Herman Kogan, '36.It first appeared in Panorama, Saturday supplément of theChicago Daily News, and is reprinted by permission:About Milton Mayer few people feel neutral and WhatCan A Man Do?, a gathering of writings from the last threedécades, is not likely to alter the views of either his detrac-tors or his admirers.Some there are who hâve called him "wrong-headed" andworse, and many (count me in) respect him immensely forhis awesome skills as a writer and for his courage as a rarehuman being. "I am not an early Christian," he writes. "I amthe type that, if Nero threw me naked into the amphitheater,would work out a way to harass the lions."The lions he has harassed in thèse many years hâve beennumerous, and he has left their bleeding carcasses strewnail over the pages of this wonderful book. Sample: "Theslogan at the recruiting stations is The Army Builds Men'. . . What the Army builds is one-legged men, armless men,paralyzed men, psychotic men, and dead men."But if there is anger and strong irony in this volume, thereis also Mayer' s parti cular kind of wild fun, best put to useagainst the lions in ail ranks of omcialdom and government.And when Milton Mayer makes a hero of a man, that figurebecomes warmly, unforgettably alive, as in the section wrylytitled "Dangerous Men," a glowing gallery comprised ofRobert Morss Lovett, one of the University of Chicago' svaliants, Red Schaal of the Peace Section of the AmericanFriends Service Committee and A. J. Muste, "truest of paci-fists" as executive secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation.Mayer agrée or disagree with him in whole or in part is vital to us ail, and it is a dutiful pleasure to be a shill forhis book.22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964news of theHood on New ShouldersAt a brief ceremony followingconvocation on June 12, the doctoral hood of the late GeorgeH. Daugherty, Jr., 21, PhD'25,was presented to new English doctoral graduate P. Donald Herring,AM'61, PhD'64, at Aiumni House.The hood was donated by NonaWalker Daugherty, '20, widow ofthe late Mr. Daugherty. Gwin J.Kolb, chairman of the English Department, made the présentation asMr. Herring's parents, hère for theconvocation, looked on.This was the second such présentation within a few months,made possible by the generosity ofthe families of former aiumni.up toSNELL, ARTHUR V., '00, has retired inYork, S. C. He would like very muchto visit the U of C again someday. Mr.Snell is a vétéran of the Spanish American War, and in 1910 he was director ofthe Layman's Missionary Movement forOklahoma, Northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. He originated theCity Manager Plan of government atSumter, S. C. in 1911. He was manager there and for Charleston, Jackson-ville, Pittsburgh, and Chattanooga be-fore retiring in 1942. His efforts duringthe First World War included being onthe Council of S. C. Défense, and inCharleston lie directed campaigns forLiberty Loans, the Red Cross, and theFour Minutemen. He has been présidentand is now life member of the FloridaChamber of Commerce Executives, theSouthern Chamber of Commerce Executives, to mention a few. Mr. Snell iswritten up in the 1930 "Who's Who." aiumniKERR, W. RALPH, JR., '03 has beenspending the cold months in Arizonaat the home of his son Donald R. Kerr,'34, JD'36. Mr. Kerr still plays duplicatebridge with GENE FRANCIS, '27,though lie gave up tennis only two yearsago.ALLEN, EDWARD W., '07, of Seattle,Wash., was elected to the Fellows of theAmerican Bar Foundation in Mardi.This national research organization totalsonly 800 members selected because oftheir contributions to the law, the administration of justice, and to the communities in which they live. The Foundation is affiliated with the AmericanBar Ass'n.HENRY, EDWARD A., '07, has retiredas librarian at the University of MiamiLibrary of Medicine at Coral Gables,Fia. He is a 'faculty member retired'now. His latest project in the MédicalLibrary was to bind journals, when nothelping some 80 freshmen, 75 sopho-mores, 50 graduate students and 30faculty members who use his 'basicscience division' branch library.MARTIN, GEORGE R., '07, of Los Angeles, is retired as vice président andmanager of the investment departmentof Security First National Bank of LosAngeles. In 1949 lie received the Citation for Public Service by the U of CAiumni Ass'n. Mr. Martin is at présentan honorary member of the board oftrustées of Pomona Collège at Clare-mont, Calif. and also on the board ofdirectors of the Hollywood Bowl Ass'n.In 1960 he received an honorary Doctorof Laws degree from Claremont Graduate School and University Center, wherehe is also a member of the board oftrustées. In honor of his 80th birthday,his wife gave a theater concert party atthe Wilshire Ebell Theater, April 5th.About 900 friends were présent to hearthe New York pianist, Dorothy Eustis.The Martins hâve followed her eareerfor twenty years.PARKER, FRANCIS W., JR., '07, of Chicago and his wife, Berthamay, spentApril 10-12 in Los Angeles at the annual meeting of the National RifleAssociation. HALSEY, MISS ELIZABETH, '11, ofCarmel Valley, Calif., has completed abook titled: Inquiry and Invention inPhysical Education. The book was published in February by Lea & Febigerpublishers of Philadelphia, Pa. MissHalsey is professor emeritus of StateUniversity of Iowa. She is now living inthe Retirement Community in CarmelValley, which she finds very satisfactory.SCHWARTZ, S. D., '12, AMT3, executive director of Chicago Sinai Congrégation, was honored by Sinai for his fiftyyears of dedicated service to the Congrégation and to Chicago at a dinnerheld Wednesday evening, May 20 atthe Sheraton-Chicago Hôtel. For a halfcentury Mr. Schwartz has been a leaderin programs fostering the intellectualand cultural growth of Chicago. Shortlyafter graduating from the U of C lieorganized the Sinai Temple Forum in1914. He has been its executive directorever since. Jane Addams, Eduard Benes,Eve Curie, Justice William O. Douglasare just the start of the internationalalphabet of scholars, statesmen, members of the performing arts and otherswho were brought to Sinai Forumaudiences.Mr. Schwartz held many offices incultural, civic, and religious organizations locally and nationally. He is afounder and dean of the National Association of Temple Administrators; aformer président of the National ForumAssn.; chairman of the CommunityCouncil of Chicago; treasurer of theAdult Education Council; vice président of the Hyde Park-Kenwood Council of Churches and Synagogues. Mr.Schwartz's pioneering rôle in Forumadult éducation has been widely ac-claimed. He was awarded a citation bythe University of Chicago Aiumni Assn.in 1960.JUNE, 1964 TTIE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23/ m~j continued /&CjDRYER, MISS HELEN I., '13, of LosAngeles, has had several poems printedin the Los Angeles American Association of University Women Bulletin. Shehas taught in Hilo and Honolulu,Hawaii; the University of Soochow,China (before World War II); and inManila. She retired from her position asteacher in Fullerton, Calif., several yearsago.TATGE, PAUL W., '13, retired in Fcbru-ary as gênerai counsel of the CentralNational Bank in Chicago, after fifteenyears in that capacity. He continues asone of the Bank's directors. Mr. Tatgealso continues to dévote full time to thegênerai practice of law with his partners, GERHARDT S. JERSILD, JD'31,and son P. HAYWARD TATGE, '40.DRAGSTEDT, LESTER R., '15, SMT6,PhD'20, MD'21, Thomas D. Jones Professor emeritus at the U of C, is livingin Gainesville, Fia. He is teaching anddoing research at the university there.He was honored by the American Médical Ass'n. last June with their Distin-guished Service Award, and Medal ofthe Association. The awards were for"distinction in éducation, research, andsurgery." DR. WALTER L. PALMER,'18, SMT9, MD'21, PhD'26, a RichardT. Crâne Professor emeritus at U of C,presented Dr. Dragstedt with the 1964Julius Friedenwald Medal given by theAmerican Gastroenterological Ass'n. for"outstanding achievement in gastroen-terology." Dr. Palmer is a life-longfriend of Dr. Dragstedt, and he received the same award from Dr.Dragstedt last year.GROSS, MISS IRMA H., '15, AM'24,PhD'31, formerly a dean in home économies, has completed her revision of abook on family and home management.She spent three months in Israël lastspring and attended an InternationalConférence of Women in Home Economies. This news is from MISS. S.ZANIE EDWARDS, '17, of Vermillion,Ohio.r. A. RflffllQUBT C0 SidewalksFactory FloorsMachineFoundationsConcrète BreakingNOrmul 7-0433 BRUMBAUGH, A. J., AMT8, PhD'29,and his wife, RUTH SHERRICK, AM'43, are living in Clearwater, Fia. Mr.Brumbaugh does much traveling in thesouthern states as consultant to theSouthern Régional Education Board inAtlanta. They are going to Europe thisfall where Mr. Brumbaugh will give aséries of lectures at the Salzburg Seminar.BURGESS, MISS ELEANOR M., '20,retires in June from Austin High Schoolin Chicago. This summer Miss Burgesswill spend on a Seminar and Field Studyin the Capitals of Eastern Europe, spon-sored by the Society for ComparativeEducation and Delta Kappa Gamma.During the autumn she plans to travelin Europe.FLEXNER, L. B., '22, see news item 3-SCHILLER, ANITA, '22 see Shane-SHANE, MRS. SEYMOUR A. (ANITASCHILLER, '22), and her husband, ofUighland Park, 111., traveled throughItaly this spring. They visited cathedralsin Florence, Rome, Venice and the hilltowns, the Italian and French Riviera.CHURCH, PHIL EDWARD, '23, is thevice président of the American Meteor-ological Society. Mr. Church, a memberof the faculty at the University of Washington, is chairman of the department ofatmospheric sciences.MULLEN, FRANCES A., '23, AM'27,PhD'39, lectured this February on spécial éducation at the University of SanMarcos in Lima, Peru. Mrs. Mullcn, whois assistant superintendent of ChicagoSchools, spent most of her trip in theAndes Mountains of Peru and Chile. Sheserved as consultant to several spécialéducation projects in Santiago and Lima.On April 29 she received the annualWestchester Association of School Psy-chologists award in New York. It is for"distinguished contribution in child development, school psychology, or research on brain damage."NELL, MRS. EDWARD J. ( MARCELLAE. ROACH, AM'24) of Riverside, 111.,has retired from the Chicago PublicSchool System. During her 39 years ofservice she was counselor at AustinHigh, psychologist in the Bureau ofChild Study, and supervisor of guidaneeand social work in the Bureau of PupilPersonnel Services. She is now teachingguidanee classes at Roosevelt Universityand leadership training classes in theParenthood in a Free Nation program.The latter course is sponsored by theAmerican Foundation for ContinuingEducation. Mrs. Nell does volunteerwork with the American Association forthe United Nations.ROACH, MARCELLA E., AM'24, seeNell- YNTEMA, THEODORE O., AM'25,PhD'29, was recently elected to theboard of directors at Bell and Howell,Chicago. Mr. Yntema is a trustée of theU of C, former faculty member, and aFord Motor Co. executive.CHRISTIANSON, J. RUSSELL, '26,JD'29, received a Brotherhood AwardFebruary 19. The award and luncheonwas sponsored by 12 service clubs ofOak Park and River Forest and the localchapter of the National Conférence ofChristians and Jews. This news was sentby FRANCIS HIGGINS, '20.KALISH, JOSEPH, '26, and his wife,Marie (MARIE GALFERN, '29), ofJamaica, N.Y., write that their daughter,Carol Anne, was married last Septemberto D. Biard MacGuineas, son of the lateDONALD B. MacGUINEAS, '29, JD'31,and Mrs. DONALD B. MacGUINEAS(FRANCES HALINAU, '31) of ChevyChase Lake, Md.LUNDQUIST, GRACE ANN, '27, seeRagleRAGLE, MRS. GRACE L. (GRACEANN LUNDQUIST, '27) of Hunting-ton, N.Y., was re-elected for the thirdtime in 1963 as "receiver of taxes" forthe Town of Huntington.MUELLER, KATE IL, PhD'28, is professor of éducation at Indiana University. lier book: Educating Women for aChanging World won the 1956 DeltaKappa Gamma award of $1,000 for outstanding writing in the field of éducation by a woman. Mrs. Mueller is co-author, with her husband, of An Outlineof Psychology, and authored also: Student Personnel Work in Higher Education. Her professional affiliations include:the American Psychological Assn., SigmaXi, and National Association of Deansof Women.24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964^O continued Jt^MacGUINEAS, MRS. DONALD B.(FRANCES HALINAU, '31 ), see mention under Joseph Kalish, '26PALM, RUSSELL L., '31, AM'38, principal of Park elementary school in LaPorte, Ind., will begin his retirementthis summer. Mr. Palm has been an edu-cator in LaPorte for 46 years. He firsttaught ail eight grades in a one roomschool in New Durham township. Hisadministrative career began when a prin-cipal's dutics were above and beyondhis full time teaching job. He hasalways been interested in children'ssports and remembers particularly onesuccessful softball season at Park school.Mr. Palm belongs to the Indiana StateTeachers Assn., the National EducationAssn., and is a past président of PhiDelta Kappa.BISHOP, MAX W., '32, of Fayettevillc,Ark., was named executive director ofthe Pittsburgh World Affairs Councilthis Mardi. Mr. Bishop retired in 196 1after a long career in the State Department. Among other positions, he wassecretary of the American Mission toNew Delhi and political advisor to thecommanding gênerai of American forcesin the India-Burma théâtre of opérations in 1945. At the saine time, he wasdeputy chief of the diplomatie sectionat General Headquarters of the SuprêmeCommander for the Allied Powers, lo-cated in Japan. From 1951-53 he wasConsul General in Dhahran, SaudiArabia and spécial assistant to HerbertHoover, Jr., Undersecretary of State in1954. Between the years 1955-58, hewas Ambassador to Thailand and woundup his career as Department of Stateadvisor to the Naval War Collège inNewport, R.I. through 1961.GREENE, BEATRICE E., '35 seeMarkeyHILL, HARRY, PhD'35, was given a retirement luncheon April 11 at Washington and Jefferson Collège, Pa. where lielias been professor of physics for 22years. The luncheon was a reunion forhim and 22 of lus former students, whocame from six states for the occasion. Hewas presented with a gift from the un-dergraduates of Washington and Jefferson Collège belonging to the studentsection of the American Institute ofPhysics.MARKEY, MRS. JOHN L. (BEATRICEE. GREENE, '35) is assistant professorof political science and académie chairman at the University of Hawaii, in Hilo, HERBOLSHEIMER, DR. HENRIETTA,'36, MD'38, see joint news item 2LOWRY, O. H., MD'37, PhD'37, seejoint news item 3REEDY, GEORGE E., '38, of Washington, D.C., lias been appointed presssecretary to Président Johnson.BLANDING, RICHARD H., '39, of Providence, R.I., is président of the local U ofC Aiumni Assn. Mr. Blanding is alsoprésident of the Alliance Française.DANIELS, CAROLINE A., '39, secCantrell under joint news item 1ELLMAN, VERA JUNE, '39, SM'5() seeBuschPATT, HARVEY M., '39, PhD'42, seniorphysiologist at Argonne National Labo-ratory, Argonne, 111., received one of theErnest Orlando Lawrence MémorialAwards for 1964 from the Atomic Energy Commission. He was one of fivescientists named to receive the $5000awards for récent meritorious contributions in the field of atomic energy.(Another was Marshall N. Rosenblutii,SM'49, PhD'49-soo May Magazine.)Mr. Patt was honored for "exceptionallyhigh quality research in radiobiology,cspecially in the field of radiation protection and for his important contributions to the présent understanding ofthe dynamies of white blood eell formation." Mr. Patt joined the Argonne Labo-ratory, which is nui for the AtomicEnergy Commission by the U of C, in1946 as associate physiologist, and since1952 lias been the senior physiologistin charge, physiology section.BUSCH, ALBERT E., '40, MBA'58, andlus wife (VERA JUNE ELLMAN, '39,SM'50), of Palo Alto, Calif., write thatther son David will enter the U of CMédical School in the fall of '64.ROCKEFELLER, DAVID, PhD'40, gavea séries of three lectures at ColumbiaGraduate School of Business this spring.Thèse lectures were sponsored by theMeKinsey Foundation, a project of theMcKinsey & Co. management consultants, and is an annual event at ColumbiaUniversity. Mr. Rockefeller spoke,among other things, of "créative management" as a continuai search for newerand better ways of "putting money towork." He is président of the ChaseManhattan Bank.BEAUREGARD, ERVING E., '42, rc-cently gave a spécial course on Africacalled "Emerging from the Dark" at theUniversity of Dayton, Ohio, where he isa member of the history dept.BETHKE, ARTHUR R., '42, was recentlyelected président of Consolidated Ren-dering Co., Boston, Massachusetts. Ileand his wife, VIRGINIA ALLING Bi'nTWOffset Printinq ImpnntmçjMultilithing Copy PréparationTypewriting Addrassing Addre»«ographlne Automatic lna*>rtlngFolding MailingCHICAGO ADDRESSIN& & PRINTINS COMPANY720 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET WAluisIl 2*4561POND LETTER SERVICE, Inc.Everything in LettersHooven TypewritingMultigraphingAddressograph ServiceHighest Quality Service MimeographingAddressingMailingMinimum PricesAil Phones:Ml 2-8883 219 W. Chicago Ave.Chicago 10. IllinoisM0DEL CAMERA SHOPLeica ¦ Bolex - Roi I eiflex - Polaroid1342 E. 55th St. H Yde Park 3-9259NSA Diicounti24-hour Kodachrome DevelopingHO Trains and Mode! SuppliesRICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPA1NTING and DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TéléphoneM Onroe 6-3192BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24 HOUR SERVICELicensed Bonded InsuredQualified WeldersSubmerged Water HeatersHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave., Chicago"- m^m^LOWER YÔUR COSTSIMPROVED METHODSEMPLOYEE TRAININGWA&E INCENTIVESJOB EVALUATIONPERSONNEL PROCEDURESJUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 2553BETHKE, '44, are now living at MusterField Road, Concord, Mass.HELLER, DAVID H., SM'42, PhD'52,and his wife, Dvora, of Highland Park,111., announced the birth of their thirddaughter, Lisa on January 1. Mr. Hellerand William Resnick recently publisheda book called On Your Own in Collège.ROSENTHAL, ERICH, AM'42, PhD'48,of Great Neck, N.Y., recently completed"Studies of Jewish Intermarriage in theUnited States/' His findings werebrought to national attention by Newsweek, Time and Look magazines.THOMPSON, PHILIP D., '43, waselected président of the American Me-teorological Society last January 30. Heis also associate director at the NationalCenter for Atmospheric Research inBoulder, Colo.WILEY, MARSHALL W., '43, JD'48,MBA'49, is living in Jordan as secondsecretary and économie officer at theAmerican Embassy in Amman. His con-cern is the économie development ofJordan and foreign aid relating to thedistribution of the waters of the JordanRiver basin between the Arab states andIsraël.HESS, SEYMOUR L., SM'45, PhD'49, isa professor of meteorology at FloridaState University at Tallahassee. He wasrecently elected councilor of the American Meteorological Society.SCHRAG, F. JAMES, PhD'45, of Spring-field, Ohio was appointed chairman of a"long-range study committee" at Wit-tenberg University. He is vice chairmanof the Human Relations Commission forthe City of Springfield.UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1354 East 55th Street" j4 àt*a*tp fauté"'MemberFédéral Deposit Insurance CorporationMUseum 4-1200We operate our own dry cleaning plant1309 East 57th St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.Ml dway 3-0602 NO rmal 7-98581553 E. Hyde Parle Blvd. FAirfax 4-57591442 E. 57th Mldway 3-060726 THE BECHTOLT, RICHARD L., '46, AM'50,was recently appointed manager of in-vestment and plans fînancing, in thetreasurer's department of Standard OilCo. Mr. Bechtolt's home is in ScotchPlains, New Jersey.ELMES, CATHERINE J., '46, seeKalbacher under joint news item 1KEAN, MRS. GWENDOLYN, AM'47,has been director of secondary and adultéducation for the government of theVirgin Islands since 1963. She is part ofa program to improve éducation in theVirgin Islands accomplished through acontract with New York University.Next summer she will begin work on anadvanced degree at N.Y.U.SCHRODT, ARIEL G., '47, SM'49,PhD'54, has formed his own company,Ariel G. Schrodt and Associates. Mr.Schrodt and associâtes will provide assistance in areas such as contract research and development, custom madeapparatus components and Systems. Hemade many of the early Strontium-90measurements on Project Sunshine. InWashington, D.C. he became a radio-logical officer at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and in 1957 he or-ganized a new detector developmentdepartment for the Nuclear-ChicagoCorp. He has been director of the detector development and chemistry division,and the radiochemical and detector department there. Mr. Schrodt is a member of the Board of Directors of KendallCollège, a member of the AmericanChemical Society, the American NuclearSociety, the American Association forthe Advancement of Science and theAmerican Physical Society.WALKER, RUTH B., '47, see Smith-DEMMLER, ALBERT W., JR., '48, andhis wife of New Kensington, Pa., an-nounce the birth of their third child,Diane. They hâve two sons aged 6 and4. Mr. Demmler is research engineer inthe physical metallurgy division of theAlcoa Research Laboratories.FLAKE, JOE, '48, of Harbord Barracks,France, was promoted to colonel inMarch. He is chief of movements branch,transportation division at Harbord Barracks.PRYOR, WILLIAM A., '48, '51, was mar-ried in 1963, while at Purdue University. He is now associate professor ofchemistry at Louisianna State Universityand his wife is assistant professor inpsychology there. He has already published a book: Mechanisms of SulfurReactions, and has two more in theoffing. The Pryors live in Bâton Rouge,where they hâve met many U of Caiumni connected with the universityand the local industry. SANTINI, JOHN A., '48, of Cambridge,Mass., has been appointed superintend-ent of schools for the Hartford, Conn.suburb of Farmington, effective in July.He and his family will temporarily réside in Harwinton, Conn.WOFFORD, HARRIS L., JR., '48, whois Peace Corps' représentative in Ethi-opia has been assigned associate director for planning and évaluation. Thisrôle concerns long range planning anda spécial Peace Corps self criticism procédure. Mr. Wofford is a member of theDistrict of Columbia Bar. In 1958 and1959 he was on the staff of the CivilRights Commission. As a member ofJ. F. Kennedy's 1960 campaign staff hespecialized in civil rights matters andin 1961 he became a spécial assistant tothe late Près. Kennedy for civil rightsand Peace Corps affairs.COWAN, JAYNE, AM'49 see Pheiffer-PHEIFFER, MRS. EUGENE (JAYNECOWAN, AM'49), of Rockford, 111.,was a teacher for 10 years and until1960 she served on the Saginaw Boa-dof Education. Her husband was electedprésident and appointed gênerai manager of the Rock River Savings andLoan this spring.SMITH, JAMES M., MD'49, and his wifeBetsy (RUTH B. WALKER, '47) bothserved with the U of C CARE-Medicoteam at the Beni-Messous Hospital inAlgeria in January of 1963. They hopeto give another month's service in 1964.LEE, T. D., PhD'50, see joint news item3-WAGENSCHEIN, MISS MIRIAM, AM'50, is serving as chairman of the Officeof Student Affairs, director of studentaffairs for women, and associate professor of sociology at Whitman Collège,Walla Walla, Wash. She received herEdD degree in guidanee from StanfordUniversity in 1963.BACHMURA, FRANK T., AM'51, PhD'53, is now associate professor of économies at Indiana University.KANTER, BURTON W., '51, JD'52, announced in Chicago April 6 the formation of a new law fîrm in partnershipwith Milton A. Levenfeld. They wereformerly of Altman, Levenfeld & Kanter.MARGARIS, VIVIAN F., AM'51, seeKallen under joint news item 1ELLIS, RAY C, JR., MBA'53, has joinedthe staff of the Association of Casualtyand Surety Companies in New York Cityas director of fleet safety services.MILLER, SANFORD, '53, of New York,has a private médical practice and isteaching anesthesiology at the Flower-Fifth Avenue and Metropolitan Hospi-UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964p~J m~J continued ""¦/) (Jtais. He is a clinical instructor at NewYork Médical Collège.MOY, DR. RICHARD C, '53, '54, MD'57,see joint news item 2JOHNSON, JUSTIN M., '54, JD'62, liasbeen appointed assistant solicitor forthe Pittsburgh publie school System. Heis partner in the law firm, Johnson, Johnson and Johnson, with his father andbrother. As a distinguished graduate ofbasic pilot training school, he was commander of C-97 aircraft in the Pacificfrom 1958-59.STRABLE, EDWARD C., AM'54, secmention under Stanlev D. Christianson,MBA'60-DEMENT, WILLIAM C, MD'55, PhD'58, was awarded the $1500 HofheimerPrize this spring by the American Psychiatrie Assn., in récognition of his research on the nature of sleep anddreams. During eleven years of investigations Mr. Dément found, for one, thatthere are two kinds of sleep: the rapideye movement period accompanyingdreams and a physically quiet periodwhen dreams do not take place.FRIEDMAN, STANTON T., '55, SM'56,his wife, Sue, and their adopted sonwho suffers from hemophilia receivedcoverage in a récent issue of the Ladic.sHome Journal. Beginning on page 32 itrelates how they came to adopt theirnew son and some of the problemsinvolved.GIRTON, MARGARET E., MBA'55, seeGraves SINCLAIR, MRS. JOHN (SABINA M.WAGNER, '55, AM'59) was married toMr. Sinclair in September of 1962. Heis a PhD candidate in zoology at theU of C.WAGNER, SABINA M., '55, AM'59, seeSinclairBERGER, PAUL H., AM'56, has earnedlife membership in the Million DollarRound Table. The Round Table is thelife insurance industry's internationalorganization of sales producers who sellat least one million dollars of new lifeinsurance. To attain life membership,Mr. Berger sold this amount for sixconsécutive years. Though the membership is 3,500 strong, it is only 1 % ofthe world's life underwriters. Mr. Bergeris one of the organizers of the HydePark Fédéral Savings and Loan Assn.,and chairman of the board of directors.He is also on the boards of: the HydePark Kenwood Community Conférence,the South East Chicago Commission andthe Mary McDowell Settlement.DORIN, LEONARD, '56, MBA'57, hasbeen transferred by the Alberto-CulverCo., Melrose Park, 111., to Frankfurt,Germany, to supervise the company'sopération in that country.GRAVES, JOHN L., PhD'56, and Mrs.Graves (MARGARET E. GIRTON,MBA'55) are in Uppsala, Sweden thisyear. Mr. Graves, assistant professer ofbioehemistry at the University of Flor-ida has a National Institute of HealthFellowship. They announced the birthon February 25 of their son, RichardGirton Graves.WALDMAN, ARTHUR L., '56, and hiswife, of Alexandria, Va., announce thebirth of their son, Brian Pcarce, onFebruary 14.DOLMETSCH, CARL R., JR., PhD'57,will spend a year's résidence at theJohn F. Kennedy Institute of AmericanStudies at the Free University of Berlin,under a Fulbright Lectureship. The Institute of American Studies is the largestEuropean center for studies on continental America. He has been associate professor of English at William and MaryCollège since 1959. In 1961 he co-authored an édition of poetry, and hastwo fortheoming books.SCHON, GERALD L., '57, AM'6(), iscurrently an instructor in the Neuropsychiatrie Institute at the Universityof Illinois.CALDER, WILLIAM M. III, PhD'58,was named professor of Greck and Latinat Columbia University, New York City,effective July 1. Mr. Caldcr will spendthe 1964-65 académie year in WestGermany as a Guggenheim fellow andFulbright research scholar in classicalphilology. YOUR FAVORITEFOUNTAIN TREATFASTES BETTERWHEN IT'S . . .MADE WITHSwiffeJceCreamf Swift & Company7409 So. State Str«Phone RAdcliffe 3-Street7400THE NEW CHICAGO CHAlKAn attractive, sturdy, comfortablechair finished in jet black withgold trim and gold silk-screenedUniversity shield.$34.00Order from and make checks payable toTHE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION5733 University Ave., Chicago 37Chairs will be shipped express col-lect from Gardner, Mass. withinone month.JUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27continued EKLUND, EMMETT E., AM'58, will be-come associate professor and actingchairman of the department of religionat Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma,Washington. At présent he is pastor ofSt. Paul Lutheran Church in Arlington,Mass.KING, FRANK K., MD'58, became senior résident in surgcry at the MémorialHospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases,New York, July 1. Dr. King has fmisheda four year fellowship in gênerai surgeryat the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.MIRSKY, DIANNE J., '58, see Salam-PHILLEO, ROBERT S., '58, is on thechief employée development staff atNational Institutes of Health, Bethesda,Maryland. His home is Greenbelt, Md.Photo by Fort Worth Star TelegramSALAM, MRS. WILLIAM T. (DIANNEMIRSKY, '58), and her husband, WILLIAM SALAM, '56, '57, MBA'58, areliving in Fort Worth, Texas. Recentlyshe was featured in the Fort WorthStar-Telcgram as a housewife-student.She holds a teaching fellowship at TexasChristian University, is working on herdoctorate degree there and is mother oftwo sons, Lyle, 3, and Kevin, 1.WOLFSON, SIDNEY K., JR., MD'58, ofPhiladelphia, Pa., has been awarded aU.S. Public Health Service Career Development Investigatorship for researchon "Profound Hypothermia and Ex-tended Circulatory Arrest." Dr. Wolfson is an associate in surgical research in theUniversity of Pennsylvania MédicalSchool.COUPER, MRS. ALISTAIR (MARIAREDOSA, SM'59), has been living inChicago since her marriage, and theyboth are very active members of theChicago chapter of the InternationalHouse Assn. In 1961 they took their twoyoungsters to visit relatives in the Philippines and the United Kingdom. Theytoured Europe, the Middle East and theFar East visiting international houses inLondon, Paris, and Tokyo.DEZAUCHE, JOHN F., III, '59, is conférence coordinator at the U of C'sCenter for Continuing Education.GREENWALD, ALAN F., PhD'59, waselected to the board of directors of theMaryland Association for Mental Health.Mr. Greenwald is senior staff psycholo-gist at the Seton Psychiatrie Institute,Baltimore, Md.REDORA, MARIA, SM'59, see Couper-ZWICKEL, ALLAN M., PhD'59, waspromoted to associate professor at ClarkUniversity, Worcester, Mass. Mr.Zwickel joined the Clark faculty in 1961as an assistant professor of chemistry.He had formerly taught at Florida StateUniversity.BICKELL, PAUL W., MBA'60, wasnamed a project engineer with the central engineering staff of Amoco Chemicals Corp., Chicago. Mr. Bickell went toAmoco from the engineering department of American Oil Co., Whiting,Ind. He and his family live in Ham-mond, Ind.CHRISTIANSON, STANLEY D., MBA'60, is assistant to the controller atMiehle-Goss-Dexter, Inc., in Chicago.Mrs. Christianson (ELIN BALLAN-TYNE, '58, AM'61 ) has just co-authoreda book with EDWARD G. STRABLE,AM'54, titled Suhject Headings in Ad-vertising, Marketing, and Communications Media. Mrs. Christianson is librarian, and Mr. Strable is library director,at J. Walter Thompson Agency, Chicago.FISCHER, DEAN E., AM'60, was nameda correspondent in the Washington,D.C., bureau of Time magazine. Mr.Fischer was formerly city and countygovernment reporter for the Des MoinesRegister. In 1963 he won an award fromthe American Political Science Assn., for"excellent coverage of public affairs."Following his graduation from Mon-mouth Collège in 1958, Mr. Fischerstudied and traveled in India for a yearon an International Rotary Club schol-arship. GLESER, LEON J '60, of New YorkCity, is assistant professor of mathemati-cal statistics at Columbia University,New York City. Mr. Gleser obtained hisPhD degree in statistics from StanfordUniversity in 1963.HAUSER, WILLIAM B., '60, spent fivemonths in Europe after leaving the U ofC. In 1962 he took his master's inJapanese Area Studies at Yale University. He has been studying there aidedby a National Défense Foreign Lan-guage Fellowship. After taking his com-prehensives in history he will spenda year in Japan doing advanced lan-guage study and dissertation researchsupported by a Fulbright-Hays Grant.DAVOUST, MERRITT J., MBA'61, ofHinsdale, 111., has been named viceprésident-administration of Orenda, Inc.,Chicago manufacturer of gas turbines.DEAVER, JOHN V., PhD'61, was promoted to vice président and associatedirector of the économie research division of the Chase Manhattan Bank. Hebecame the bank's senior économies spe-cialist in 1957; the following year hewas responsible for their three international publications.SHELTON, RONALD L., '61, and hiswife traveled 15,000 miles last summertaking teenagers on camping trips in theWest and Canada under the sponsorshipof a ranch in Colorado. Mr. Shelton isworking on a PhD in Natural ResourcesConservation at Cornell University'sSchool of Agriculture.STOCKDALE, WENDELL B., MBA'61,of Wrightsville, Pa., recently rcsignedfrom the U.S. Air Force, and is nowworking as staff engineer for ColumbiaTéléphone Co., Columbia, Pa.VVARREN, CHARLES P., AM'61, of Chicago, has been awarded a National Science Foundation Science Faculty Fellowship for research and continuedgraduate studies at the U of C during1963-64. Mr. Warren's topic of study is"Deliberatc Instruction in Non-LiterateSocieties," and is being conducted inthe department of anthropology. Currently, Mr. Warren is on leave from thedepartment of sociology and anthropology at the University of Illinois Chicago undergraduate division.LIND, ALAN R., '62, of Chicago, hasbeen appointed editorial assistant forthe Illinois Central Magazine, publishedby the Illinois Central Railroad. He isalso a member of the army reserve,transportation section, 322nd LogisticalCommand, Chicago.¦2H THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964Q/V continued ~0 11LUDLOW, JOHN D., MBA'62, is lieutenant colonel in the USAF at PattersonAir Force Base. He is program managerof post attack command and control inthe Aeronautical Systems Division.SULLIVAN, ROBERT F., PhD'62, startshis new job as vice président of académieaffairs in July at Butler University inIndianapolis.GUSTAFSON, ROBERT S., JD'63, as aPeace Corps volunteer lias been sent toThailand where he will spend 21 monthsaiding community development pro-jected for Tepa Settlement in Yala. Thisseulement is located on the Gulf ofSiam, 1,448 miles south of Bangkok.STEVENS, ROBERT E., JD'63, ofBloomington, 111. is now working halldays with State's Attorney William B.Lawrence. He also has a law office inBloomington.y1WALBERG, HERBERT J. PhD'64, ofChicago, was promoted to assistant professor in psychology at Chicago TeachersCollège South. He is also director of ex-aininations at the collège. Mr. Walbergleft on May 1 to begin a four-monthworld tour. After travel in Asia, Africaand Europe, he will spend considérabletime visiting relatives in the Scandina-vian countries. In addition to his workat Chicago Teachers Collège, Mr. Walberg is assistant project evaluator with the Ford Foundation Great Cities Project, and a supervisor of national teachersexaminations for Educational TestingService.Joint News Item 1-MRS. WILLIAMF. CANTRELL ( CAROLINE A. DANIELS, '39), MRS. JOSEPH F. KAL-BACHER (CATHERINE J. ELMES,'46), and MRS. ARTHUR D. KALLEN(VIVIAN F. MARGARIS, AM'51),were awarded scholarships by the American Association of University Womenunder their Educational Foundation Collège Faculty Program. The CollègeFaculty Program is a three-year démonstration program designed to train mature women interested in collège teaching, administration, or research. Thèsewomen will go back to classes next fall,to work on master's or doctoral degrees.The fund is supported by a grant fromthe Rockefeller Bros. Fund, and islimited to women living in the area ofthe Southern Association of Collègesand Secondary Schools. The husband ofMrs. Cantrell is WILLIAM F. CANTRELL, PhD'49, and Mrs. Kallen's husband is ARTHUR D. KALLEN, AM'51.Joint News Item 2-DR. HENRIETTAHERBOLSHEIMER, '36, MD'38, re-signed her post as director of the Student Health Service (U of C) and DR.RICHARD H. MOY, '53, '54, MD'57,is replacing her. Dr. Herbolsheimer,who is noted for her work in préventive medicine and public health, is re-turning to full time teaching, research,and patient care as associate professorin the Department of Medicine. DeanWarner A. Wick said that "her conception of the scope of the director's respon-sibilities, from epidemiology to regularsocial visits with students in their résidence halls, has set a new standard forthis University." Dr. Moy's spécial fieldis allergy and immunology and he isauthor of a number of published studieson the drug treatment of cancer thathâve a bearing on immunological problems. In 1960 he became a résident ininternai medicine, in 1962 he was instructor and chief résident in medicine,and in 1963 he won a spécial fellowshipfrom the United States Public HealthService.Joint News Item 3-L. B. FLEXNER,'22, now on the faculty of the Universityof Pennsylvania, T. D. LEE, PhD'50,professor of physics at Columbia, andO. H. LOWRY, MD'37, PhD'37, atWashington University were elected tothe National Academy of Science, alongwith U of C faculty member Robert J.Braidwood (see Around the Midway). memorialsWYANT, ANDREW R. E., '97, of Chicago, died June 17, at the âge of 97. Dr.Wyant was, according to available records,the oldest aluninus of the U. of C. aswell as the oldest physician in Illinois.Next to Amos Alonzo Stagg, his one-timecoach, he also was the oldest member ofthe Football Hall of Faîne, to which hehad been elected last year. Dr. Wyantgraduated in 1892 from Bucknell University where he had played four years onthe football team and had been a roommate of Christy Mathewson, later thefanions pitcher of the New York Giants.When he entered the Divinity School ofthe U. of C. in 1892 there was then nobarrier to his playing on the Chicagoteam, along with Mr. Stagg, the coach.He succeeded Mr. Stagg as the first Chicago student football captain and playedthree years of football, at center. Dr.Wyant became the first permanent pastorof Morgan Park Baptist Church until hetook his M.D. degree in 1908 from theChicago Collège of Medicine, when hebecame a practicing physician. He hadoffices at 69th street and Normal avenueuntil his retirement in 1937, and was astafl member of the Englewood Hospital.Among his most active interests was theYMCA, and a pledge he made was instrumental in starting its Washington Parkbrandi.POST, WILBUR E., '01, MD'03, diedDecember 22, 1963. Dr. Post practicedinternai medicine in Chicago and was aretired U of C trustée. He was a memberof the first class to take the full two yearsof preclinical work from Rush MédicalSchool, and following his internship wasassistant to Dr. Frank Billings for 10 years.In 1919 he became a member of theU of C Board of Trustées, and helpedfound the présent full-time Universitymédical school. He was instrumental inobtaining several funds for the schoolincluding the Louis B. KuppenheimerFund for the eye department and the 3million dollar fund for the Zollar DentalClinic. Dr. Post retired from the Boardof Trustées in 1939 but retained an activeinterest in the médical school and theUniversity in gênerai up to his death. Heserved as président of the médical staffof Presbyterian Hospital, the ChicagoSociety of Internai Medicine, and theInstitute of Medicine of Chicago.JUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29PATTENGILL, ROBERT WAYLAND,'02, of San Diego, Calif., died on May 17.OFFUTT, SAMUEL J., '03, of Greenfield,Ind. died March 3. Mr. OfEutt was ajudge.OLSEN, MARTIN I, MD'04, of DesMoines, la., died April 3.JONES, RUTH S. (formerly Ruth S. Saun-ders, '05), wife of Edward L. Jones, ofEvanston, 111. , died in November, 1963.SAUNDERS, RUTH S., '05, please seeJonesDYE, MAIZIE SLOCUM (formerly MaizieM. Slocum, '06), of Flushing, Mich., diedFebruary 28. A teacher of Latin andEnglish before she turned to raising afamily, she was the widow of the lateClark J. Dye, '06. Mrs. Dye's father,Arthur Gaylord Slocum, was président ofKalamazoo Collège in 1892-1911 and aclose personal friend of William RaineyHarper. Her class was the last to begraduated in Président Harper's administration.NORTHUP, GEORGE T., PhD '06, ofLa Jolla, Calif., died March 29. He issurvived by his wife, EMILY COXNORTHUP, '06, and his son Richard.Mr. Northup came to the U of C as aspecialist in médiéval Spanish in 1917.For 22 years he was professor and headof the Spanish section of the University'sRomance languages department. He retired as professor emeritus in 1939. Amember of the Modem Language Assn.,he was on its executive council from1924-27. Mr. Northup was a correspond-ing member of the Hispanic Society, amember of Phi Delta Thêta, and PhiBeta Kappa. The late King Alfonso XIIIof Spain decorated him, and he wasnamed Caballero de la Real Orden deIsabel la Catôlica. He wrote El libro delos gatos, and An Introduction to SpanishLiterature, now in its 3rd édition. Materials for this book were from a Vaticanmanuscript version of popular prose in13th-16th centuries. It is now availableas a paperback. Mr. Northup translatedthe Amerigo Vespucci Letter to PieroSoderini, discovered and published twoplays by Calderôn de la Barca.SLOCUM, MAIZIE M., '06 please seeDye-BERNARD, Rev. FLOYD E., '08, 17,AM'10, of Park Ridge, 111., died on March26, 1961.OLSON, ALMA L., PhM'10, died at Linds-borg, Kansas, April 25. Miss Oison wasa former spécial correspondent for theNew York Times. For twelve years shetraveled in Scandinavia, contributing toforeign and domestic newspapers andmagazines. She published Scandinavia,Background for Neutrality in 1940. Inthat same year she was the first Americanwoman to be presented with Sweden'shighest award for women: the Vasa Me-dallion.30 THE ROTHERMEL, WILLIAM H. JR., '11,of Winnetka, 111., died in May.McDONALD, LEWIS, '12, JD'13, ofCherokee, la., died March 22, 1963.KINGSTON, HAROLD R., PhD'14, ofSeattle, Wash., died February 10, 1963.MILLS, NANCY (formerly Nancy Miller,'14), wife of PETER J. MILLS, SM'31,died June 2 in Chicago. Before her mar-riage she did research at J. WalterThompson Co., and was a counselor atthe Zinser Personnel Service. Mrs. Millsand her family lived in Tremont, Ind. Shewas a member of the National AudubonSociety and a life member of the ArtInstitute of Chicago. She is survived byher husband, her sister, Mrs. George N.Simpson (BARBARA MILLER, '18), adaughter and three grandchildren.MILLER, NANCY, '14, please see Mills-SVENSON, ERNEST G., '14, of Détroit,Mich., died in April, 1963. Pastor Sven-son was ordained in 1915 and establisheda congrégation in South Dakota, wherehe traversed the rural area on horseback.During his 42 years of active ministry,he served congrégations in Minnesota,Washington, and Michigan. He and hiscongrégations hâve erected two sanctu-aries. In East Détroit during his pastor-ate at Ail Saints Lutheran Church, asmission developer, a chapel and parson-age were built; a congrégation of 250confîrmed members gathered.RABOLD, MOLLIE H., '15, of Peoria,111., died March 31.O'DONNELL, HELEN F., 16, please seePaulsenPAULSEN, HELEN O. (formerly HelenF. O'Donnell, 16), wife of Raymond J.Paulsen, of Chicago, died May 30.WADDEN, SYLVESTER F., JD16, ofSioux City, la., died January 14.BOSTETTER, RUTH AMELIA, 17 pleasesee MacArthurMacARTHUR, RUTH B., (formerly RuthAmelia Bostetter, 17), wife of W. J.MacArthur of Lansing, Mich., died April26.HATFIELD, WILLIAM C, AM19, ofLouisville, Ky., died March 12.CLARK, SYBIL, '21, of Burbank, Calif.,died April 9.SUGAR, SOL A., '21, died December 24,1963. Dr. Sugar had a médical practicein Chicago.WINKLER, HARRY, '21, MD'29, of Charlotte, N. C, died December 13, 1963.He is survived by his wife, AZILE BAR-ROW WINKLER, 17. Dr. Winkleropened the Charlotte Orthopaedic Clinicand was on the active staff of Charlotte'sfour hospitals. His contributions to médical journals were numerous and he was amember of the American Collège of Sur geons, the International Collège of Surgeons, the American Academy of Ortho-paedics and the American OrthopaedicAssn. La Sociedad Latino-Americana deOrtopedia y Traumatalogia made him anhonorary member. Recently he gave amonth's professional service to Jordan,and had been traveling extensively withhis wife. Dr. Winkler served as a chairman for the Aiumni Fund for many years.De FLON, ALBERTA S., (formerly Al-berta Shepard, '22), wife of Eric G.De Flon, died February 25.GUSSIN, HARRY A., '22, MD'26, of Chicago, died on October 30, 1963.SHEPARD, ALBERTA, '22, please seeDe Flon-SMITH, THOMAS V., PhD'22, a formerprofessor of philosophy at the U of C,of Hyattsville, Md., died May 24. Mr.Smith joined the U of C faculty in 1922,retiring in 1948. Later he served as aprofessor at Syracuse University in NewYork. Mr. Smith was elected an Illinoisstate senator in 1934 and subsequentlyestablished the législative council of Illinois, an idea adopted later by other states.In spite of his criticism of the Nash-Kelly régime he was elected congressman-at-large in 1938. He gained national attention at this time when he and SenatorRobert Taft conducted radio debates onpublic issues which were published asFoundations of Democracy. Mr. Smith'sbooks on political philosophy number 20,and his articles number into the hundreds.In 1931 he was instrumental in the begin-nings of the U of C Round Table, a firstin informai radio discussion shows.BURKE, LEOLA S. (formerly Leola PennShelton, '23), of Camp Hill, Pa., died onMarch 20.SHELTON, LEOLA P., '23 please seeBurkeSHEUMATE, BENJAMIN F., '23, ofJérôme, Ida., died January 29.GIBLIN, WALTER M., '24, died May 2.Mr. Giblin was gênerai partner in theinvestment banking firm of Glore, Forgan& Co. of New York. Prior to the aboveposition, he was vice président of Blyth& Co., and a gênerai partner in Horn-blower & Weeks. In the 20's he was withPaul H. Davis & Co., and he representedDavis on the floor of the New York StockExchange beginning in 1930. A vétéranof both wars, he emerged from the second with the rank of colonel and theLégion of Merit, Légion of Honor andCroix de Guerre with palm.BAKER, THADDEUS, SM'25, of Mission,Texas, died February 4.ABRAMS, MARY ANN, '26, of Chicago,died April 8, 1961. She was a retiredschool principal.JUNE, 1964UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBERKENBILT, EVA H. (formerly EvaHachtman, '27), wife of Joseph Berken-bilt, of Washington, D.C., died July 20,1963.HACHTMAN, EVA, '27, please see Ber-kenbiltFLORA, INA (formerly Ina May Moss,'28), wife of Leslie J. Flora, of Oakville,Ontario, died September 4, 1963.LANDERS, HELEN G., '28, of Chicago,died October 27, 1963. Miss Landers wasa teacher.MOSS, INA MAY, '28 please see Flora-WAINWRIGHT, EDITH, '28, of Bakers-field, Calif., died July 18, 1963.LONGMAN, JAMES A., SM'29, of Chicago, died May 1. Mr. Longman was aretired high school physics teacher. Hetaught at Lane Technical High Schoolfrom 1931 to 1947, Taft High Schoolfrom 1947 to 1959, and Steinmetz HighSchool from 1959 to 1962.BEAHM, WILLIAM M., AM'32, PhD'41,of Aurora, 111., died April 13. Mr. Beahmwas retired from his position of dean ofBethany Theological Seminary.HOLZHAUER, GENEVIEVE L. (formerly Geneviève Lawson, '32, AM'36), diedin Nash ville, Tenn., April 9.LAWSON, GENEVIEVE, '32, AM'36,please see HolzhauerWADELL, HAKON, PhD'32, died at NewHaven, Conn., in February, 1962.MATTHEWS, LOUIS B., PhD'33, diedApril 14. He was professor of religion atFranklin Collège, Franklin, Ind.ZABEL, MORTON D., PhD'33, died April28. Mr. Zabel, known to students for hiscourse on the modem novel, was a U ofC professor of English since 1947. Priorto his appointment hère, he was professorand chairman of the English departmentat Loyola University, Chicago. His morerécent published works included: Craftand Character in Modem Fiction, TheArt of Ruth Draper, and The Make ofMan: Craft and Character in ModemPoetry. Mr. Zabel had been editor ofPoetry: A Magazine of Verse.THIEL, ORIN S, '35, JD'37, of ChevyChase, Md., died March 23.BATTIN, CHARLES T., PhD'37, of Ta-coma, Wash., died in February.McKEON, MURIEL T., '37, wife ofRichard P. McKeon, Charles F. GreyDistinguished Service Professor at theU of C, died May 24. Mrs. McKeon wasa reporter on The New York Times andlater turned her interest to magazines. From 1956 to 1960 she was managingeditor of the English language éditionof Diogenes^ an international journalsponsored by UNESCO» She also servedas an editorial assistant of the lournalof Modem History.GUTTING, ETHEL, '38, please seeWard-WARD, ETHEL G. (formerly Ethel Gut-ting, '38), of Chicago, died February 12.JOST, E. HUDSON, PhD'40, of Tempe,Ariz., died in the summer of 1963. Mr.Jost was in the department of psychologyat Arizona State University.HEALY, IRENE R SM'43, of William-son, W. Va., died January 19. She was aformer professor of éducation.RYDER, WINIFRED J., AM'44, of LosAngeles, Calif., died on May 7. MissRyder was a social worker.KING, JOSEPH E.s PhD'46, of St. Thomas,Virgin Islands died May 1. Mr. King wasprésident of Industrial Psychology, Inc.of New York City, publisher of psycho-logical tests for use by business andindustrial organizations. A research associate at the U of C from 1940-41, he wasmanagement consultant for Wolfe & Co.in Chicago from 1946-1950.BEAN, KATHERINE A. '49, please seeNasemannNASEMANN, KATHERINE B. (formerlyKatherine Ann Bean, '49), wife of Raymond Nasemann, died in 1956.MISRAHY, GEORGE, PhD'53, of LosAngeles, died March 7.ANTHONY, H. HOWARD, MBA'63, ofChicago, died May 14. Mr. Anthony wassupervisor of vocational counselors for theDepartment of Welfare Rehabilitation,Chicago. At the U of C he majored inPersonal management.CARTLAND, DONALD J., comptroller ofthe U of C since 1957, died June 9. Mr.Cartland became a certified public ac-countant in 1940 after gradua ting fromNorthwestern University. He was asso-ciated with Martin, Johnson and Bolton,and the S. D. Leidesdorf & Co., account-ing organizations of Chicago before join-ing the A. B. Dick Co. as a Systems andprocédures analyst in 1944. He becamebudget manager of the fîrm in 1947, add-ing the duties of internai auditor in 1950,and was promoted to assistant controllerin 1952. His civic activities included thepresidency of a PTA, in Oak Park, andmembership on the committee for func-tional budgeting of the Community Fundof Chicago.FRANCK, JAMES, professor emeritus ofchemistry at the U of C, died May 21 inGottingen, Germany. Mr. Franck was on the U of C faculty from 1938 until hisretirement in 1954. A native of Germany,Mr. Franck and Gustav Hertz shared the1925 Nobel Prize in Physics "for theirdiscovery of the laws governing the impact between an électron and an atom."They also provided some of the earliestvérifications of the quantum theory. Inthe field of molecular physics Mr. Franckis known for the Franck-Condon princi-ple. As professor of physics and directorof the Physical Institute at the Universityof Gottingen, he turned from the studiesof sub-atomic energy exchange to thefield of sensitized photochemical processes. This led to his work on photosyn-thesis.In 1933 Mr. Franck resigned fromGottingen in protest to Hitler's assumingof power. The Hitler edict prohibitingthe export of gold from Germany poseda problem; six months later found himin Copenhagen, with family, carrying aninnocuous solution his gold Nobel medaldissolved. The Nobel Foundation inStockholm held the gold powder pre-cipitated out of solution until 1951 whenChancellor Kimpton was informed thatthe Foundation had struck a new medalfrom this ore and desired to présent itagain to Mr. Franck. In January, 1952,in considération for his réticence aboutpublicity, a quiet formai dinner was givenat the Chancellor's house and Mr. Franckreceived his medal. This story was firsttold by Président Beadle upon Mr.Franck's death.During World War II Mr. Franckshared in the work of studying plutoniumas director of the chemistry division ofthe Metallurgical Project at the U of C.He was récipient of the Max PlanckMedal (1951), the highest award of theGerman Physical Society.SZILARD, LEO, professor emeritus, at theU of C, died at La Jolla, Calif., on May30. He had just begun work for theSalk Institute for Biological Studies. Be-coming interested in processes of nuclearfission of uranium in London, of 1934,his work culminated in collaboration withEnrico Fermi and others, on December2, 1942 in the chain reaction under StaggField. Even before that date he had be-come greatly concerned about the poten-tial uses of nuclear energy, and he de-voted the latter years of his life to thecause of peace through understanding.Mr. Szilard was born in Hungary, taughtat the University of Berlin, and becamean American citizen in 1943. In 1950 heand AARON NOVICK, '40, PhD'43, an-nounced their invention of the chemostatthat could prolong indefinitely the lifeprocesses of bacteria at a reduced rate.His later experiments concerned the agingprocess in humans, and the molecularbasis for man's memory. In 1960 he received the Albert Einstein gold medalaward and $5,000 for work that "contributed so effectively to the défense ofthe free world," and was also one of thewinners of the 1959 Atoms for Peaceaward.JUNE, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31Month Year PageA M M I I A I IMn C" V Beadle, George W., Radiation Testimony October '63 11#\IN IN UML lINLyQA Booth, Wayne C, The Art of the Freshman Essay:Boring From Within March '64 7TOli r-N -T- 1 (*\ i ["O Jaffe, Dorothea Kahn, The Cultural Mile March '64 12AfT I 11,1 h O Kendrick, John, Press Impressions, 1892-1964 May '64 16Kennedy, Robert F., The Lawyers Responsibility Redefined May '64 12Lowrey, Perrin H., Cobb, The Old: The New November '63 10OrtnhPr 1Qfi3 lll nP 1QfiA McNeill, William H., The Rise of the West ..March '64 16UULUUCI X ^UO J U I IC J. :7U*+ Morgenstern, William V, R. Wendell Harrison February '64 33Porte, Blossom, A Poem to Cobb:Prayer to a Loved One Undergoing Surgery December '63 8Simpson, Alan, Rare Comment on a Favorite Topic February '64 12Small, William, Groundwork for Outer Space ...December '63 11Snider, Arthur J., Blow Top and Boot Ulcer February '64 7Szanton, David L., Back from the Peace Corps June '64 20Taylor, Jérôme, Médiéval Drama: Modem Revival and Impact... .December '63 16Vanecko, James J., A Searching Look at Parochial Schools December '63 20I Ê Wallis, W. Allen, A Look at Higher Education Novernber '63 18OU CLUlhoi* West, Kathryn, Ecumenical Dialogue June '64 8i%LQ Aiumni Association Self Study, The February '64 8titte Aiumni Emeriti Return to Class - May '64 24Aiumni Fund Leaders to Spearhead Record Campaign... February '64 22Aiumni Offspring: Collège Freshmen December '63 22Alumnus Retums, An October '63 15Annual Aiumni Awards Winners June '64 16Arrivai of an Unusual Gift October '63 5Art Cart, The January '64 20Blow Top and Boot Ulcer, Arthur J. Snider February '64 7Books by Aiumni June '64 21Charter Flights to Europe January '64 10Cobb, A Poem to: Prayer to a Loved One Undergoing Surgery,Blossom Porte December '63 8Cobb, The Old: The New, Perrin H. Lowrey November '63 10Committee on Institutional Coopération ..October '63 20Cultural Mile, The, Dorothea Kahn Jaffe March '64 12Dialect and Discrimination* February '64 4Ecumenical Dialogue, with Kathryn West ......: June '64 8Faculty for the Future* January '64 10Football, a Commentary* : ...December '63 4FOTA: Festival of the Arts . April '64 26Freshman Essay, The Art of the: Boring From Within,Wayne C. Booth March '64 7Groundwork for Outer Space, William Small ...... December '63 11Harrison, R. Wendell, William V. Morgenstern ..February '64 33Hood Worn Anew, A January '64 30Humanities FellowshipsFilling a Void* February '64 2Intelligence, Environment and Education May '64 6Law Has Its Day November '63 20Lawyers Responsibility Redefined, The, Robert F. Kennedy ..May '64 12Leaders in Education November '63 5Leaders in Education (additions and changes) May '64 5Look at Higher Education, A, W. Allen Wallis November '63 18Mammoth Stock Study ~ January '64 13Médiéval Drama: Modem Revival and Impact, Jérôme Taylor ... .December '63 16Mitochondrion, The February '64 20Money Behind Our Collèges, The - April '64 9Money Behind The University of Chicago, The April '64 7Night of Médiéval Festivity January '64 1Peace Corps, Back from the, David L. Szanton... June '64 20P. O. Substation Closes* October '63 8Press Conférence featured at Chicago Fund Kick-Off May '64 22Press Impressions, 1892-1964, John Kendrick May '64 16Radiation Testimony, George W. Beadle October '63 11Rare Comment on a Favorite Topic, Alan Simpson February '64 12Record of a Moment January '64 81964 Reunion Highlights t April '64 4Rise of the West, The, William H. McNeill March '64 16Searching Look at Parochial Schools, A, with James J. Vanecko.. ..December '63 20Small School Talent Search* May '64 2Summer lobs in Government* March '64 2White House Press Secretary June '64 14*Subtitles appearing within Departments32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE JUNE, 1964You get'Blue Chip' servicewith 'Blue Chip' insurance. . . and it's low in net cost, tooMaybe you've noticed him a man in your community sporting a bluechip. That blue chip in his lapel is more than mère décoration. Itdistinguishes the agent of Connecticut Mutual ... a life insurance careerman, trained to give you wise guidanee and the most for your moneyin family protection, personal retirement programs, business insurance,pension and profit-sharing plans.Another Blue Chip plus: he represents a 118-year-old company whoserecord of higher dividends has meant lower net cost for its policyholders.Discuss your life insurance with the man with the CML Blue Chip.He'll give you nothing less than Blue Chip service!"Connecticut Mutual LifeINSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD AND 300 CITIES FROM COAST TO COAST Your fellow aiumni now with CMLJoseph H. Aaron '27 ChicagoEdward B. Bâtes, CLU '40 Home OfficeHarvey J. Butsch '38 ChicagoGeorge P. Doherty IndianapolisPaul O. Lewis, CLU '28 ChicagoFred G. Reed '33 ChicagoRichard C. Shaw, M.D. Grad. Schoo! Home OfficeRussell C Whitney, CLU '29 ChicagoHillr rAj 1 lUiN lo 1Assignment: Quality Control. He's a very spécial engineer at General Motors a key manin a corporation which regards product dependability as a prime responsibility to its cus-tomers. He and a GM inspector are shown giving this transmission a final check. In additionto keeping an eagle eye on every phase of manufacturing, the quality control engineer isclosely concerned with preliminary design and engineering. More than 13,000 individualparts go into a GM car, and every one must be as reliable as men and machines can make it.Raw materials, components, subassemblies ail get meticulous scrutiny. Tolérances towithin fifty mïllionths of an inch are commonplace.Among GM production employés, about one of every twelve dévotes full time to quality controlor inspection. Approximately 50,000 inspections are involved in the building of a single car.In addition, every machine operator has the responsibility for the quality of his work andperformance of his machine. He can accept or reject any part he makes. His work is checkedby the quality control engineer and the inspector, who'analyze machine capabilities andpredict machine inaccuracy before it occurs not after.They're mighty important people, thèse GM quality control engineers. They hâve an exactingjob, and they take pride in doing it well. GM products bear witness to their effectiveness.GENERAL MOTORS IS PEOPLE...Making Better Things For You