niversityhicago October 1963MAGAZINEPRIME MINISTERH. K. BANDA '31An Alumnus ReturnsRADIATION TESTIMONY President George W. BeadleFloating on air...cushioned in foamSleeping is like floating on air, when the mattress is made of urethane foam ... a mattress that "breathes"air through every celi, and weighs so little that a housewife can lift it over her head! ? By combiningexact proportions of five chemicals from Union Carbide, this versatile foam can be made soft, firm, or rigid.Mattresses, upholstery, and pillows can be given their own degrees of resilience. Other formulations produce superior insulation in the form of prefabricated rigid panels or foamed in place. In a refrigerator trailerbody, this insulation can be used in much thinner sections than conventional materials, so cargo space is in-creased substantially. ? Recently, Union Carbide introduced "climate-controlled" polyether, which resultsin uniform foam properties despite such curing variables as summer heat and humidity. Another UnionCarhide development is production of the first polyether for flame-lamination of thin foam sheets to cloth,adding warmth without noticeable bulk. ? In their work with chemicals, the people of Union Carbide havepioneered in developing polyethers and silicones for urethane foam, found new uses for the foam, ___and shown customers how to produce it.A HAND IN THINGS TO COME]WRITE for booklet D-50, "The excìting Universe of Union Carbide," which tells how research inthe fields of chemicals, carbons, gases, metals, plastics, and nuclear energy keeps bringing new wonders into your life. ~~"Union Carbide Corporation, 270 Park Avenue, New York 17, N.Y. In Canada: Union Carbide Canada Limited, Toronto.UNIONCARBIDEPublished for alumni and friends of The University of Chicago,and ali others interested in the pursuit of knowledge.Published since 1907niversityhicagoMAGAZINEFEATURESArrivai of an Unusual Gift 5Pevsner Sculptuie for the Law SchoolFallout Testimony before Congress 1 1President George W. BeadleAn Alumnus Returns 15Visi* by Prime Ministei H. K. Banda '31of NyasalandCommittee on Institutional Cooperation 20Joint University Ettorts give rise tosome interesting possibilitiesVOL. LVI NO. 1OCTOBER 1963Annual subscription $5.00Single copy 50 centsPublished October through June.Nine issues per year.HENRY H. HARTMANN, EditorWILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, Editoria] Associate(MRS.) RONA MEARS, Editorial Assistant5733 University Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637Telephone: Mldway 3-0800, Extension 3241CREDITS: The editor acknowledges the welcome sug-gestions, research and other help by alumni, faculty,staff, students and friends. Particular thanks go toEric L. Simmons, Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Medicine andJanice B. Spofford, Assoc. Prof, of Biology for as-sistance in obtaining proper illustrations of animalsused in radiation research (12); Professor Robert C.King, author of GENETICS, artist E. John Pfiffner andOxford University Press for use of illustration offruitfìy {Drosophiìa melanogaster) (12); inter-universityeditorial committee chaired by Ohio State's Frank Tatefor background materia] on CIC (20); Jacques de Caso,Asst. Prof. Dept. of Art, for background on AntoinePevsner (5).Other Pictures: Cover— Lewellyn Studios; 5 (uncrating)-UPI; 7,8-Ed.; 15-UPI; 16-Ed.; 17-UPI; 18,19-Ed.Published monthly, October through June, by the University of Chicago Alumni Association, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price, $5.00.Single copies, 50 cents. Entered as second class matterDecember 1, 1934, at the Post Office of Chicago, Illinois,under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising agent: American Alumni Magazines, 22 Washington Square, New York,New York.Copyright 1963 The University of Chicago Magazine The editors invite manuscripts and suggestions for feature stories from alumni,faculty, staff and students. Topics should be relevant to the pursuit of knowledgeand the exchange of ideas. Details upon request.DEPARTMENTSJust Off the QuadranglesAround the Midwayformerly News of the QuadranglesNews of the AlumniMemorials 282230The University of Chicago Alumni AssociationPHILIP C. WHITE, '35, Ph.D.'38 PresidentFERD KRAMER, '22 Chairman, The Alumni FundHAROLD R. HARDING, Executive Director • RUTH G. HALLORAN, AdministrativeAssistantJEAN PHILLIPS, Program Director • FLORENCE MEDOW, Chicago-Midwest Director,The Alumni FundEastern regional office: DAVID R. LEONETTI, Director,20 West 43rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 Telephone: PEnnsylvania 6-0747Los Angeles representative: (MRS.) MARIE STEPHENS,1 195 Charles Street, Pasadena, Calif. 91 103 Telephone: SYcamore 3-4545 (after 3 P.M.)San Francisco representative: MARY LEEMAN,Room 146, 420 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94111 Telephone: YUkon 1-2955Membership: Open to graduates and former students of The University of Chicago. One year, $5 single, $6 joint; three years, $12 single, $15 joint; Life, $100single, $125 joint (payable in Ave annual installments ) . Includes Magazinesubscription.OCTOBER, 1963 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 1Just Off theThe coverIn our off-again, on-again expe-rience with the graphic arts, wehave discovered that the matter ofcover design furnishes either thegreatest joy or the worst disaster.Having achieved both ourselves, wecommend Editor Hartmann's firstplunge to your kind scrutiny.Among editors, there is a certainmystique about the cover. It is sup-posed to be a breath-taking invita-tion to scurry inside the magazine,yet connote serene dignity. It is ex-pected to convey the air of nobletradition while suggesting the questof the future. It is supposed to bebeautiful, but have a clear meaningwithin the grasp of whatever numb-skull may happen to see it. Pre-sumably it also bears some relationto the actual contents.A tali order, this.Mr. Hartmann awaits your ver-dict. The new cover has our favorite symbol of the University, theCoat of Arms. (No, you're wrong—it's not the Seal, although everyonecalls it that. There is a Seal, butyou've probably never seen it.)Complementing that traditionalnote is a simple, modem type face.A colloquiai touch is furnished bythe way "U. of C." has been workedinto the design. Back to tradition:the word "The," always part of ourformai title but missing from thecover since 1955, has reclaimed itsposition. QuadranglesCorrectionSome years ago, when we had asimilar job at another place, wef ound ourselves in the embarrassingsituation of having killed two goodalumni, both living, in the samenumber of the alumni publication.We thought this a wry featherin our cap until we got to the nextmeeting of the American AlumniCouncil, which annually collectsthe likes of us from collegés anduniversities across the continent insolemn assembly. There we foundthat our accomplishment was mun-dane. Erroneous notices of demisehave been run in scores of alumnimagazines, almost always for thesame reason: mistaken informationfrom a person one presumes relia-ble. (In our doublé coup, both re-ports had come from blood relativesof the not-so-departed. )Oddly enough, it's not really sur-prising that this should happenfrom time to time. For obviousreasons, it is often not a member ofthe immediate family who advisesus of a death— instead, it is likelyto be a friend among the alumni,a distant relative, or some impersonal agency like the Post Office.Such sources are subject to occasionai error in a matter on whichan immediate relative would noterr.At any rate, we have done itagain— or, to be more precise, justlearned that a report given us in1961 was, as Mr. Twain put it, ex-aggerated.The non-ghost is Wayland WellsMagee, S.B/05, who lives in Ben-nington, Neb. We are pleased toreport, with pardonable bemuse-ment, that Mr. Magee has beenrestored to good standing as a LifeMember of the Alumni Association. Alumni awardsThe number of odd jobs whichalumni undertake for alma mater isremarkable, especially since theonly pay consists of our thanks anda modest bit of publicity. One dili-gent Alumni Association committee,however, lacks even the publicity,since its membership is anonymous.These are the people who selectthe winners of Alumni Medals andCitations. It has long seemed pref-erable that the undersigned, notthe committeemen, be the object ofwhatever brickbats or bribes theawards may evoke.Nine alumni serve on this committee, on rotating three-year terms.AH are former Citees themselves, toremove the possibility of self -interest. They will meet at least six timesbefore settling the 1964 awards,and will have spent much addition-al time sleuthing between meetings.To judge by past experience, theywill consider about 80 nominationsbefore settling on 12-20 winners.Their job is not eased by the factthat the criteria for the awards arewidely misunderstood. There aretwo categories, Medals and Citations. The Medals recognize singu-lar achievement in one's chosenfield; only 42 have been awardedin 24 years.The Citations, however, do notrecognize fame in the usuai sense.They are meant to single out thosewhose voluntary pursuits have con-stituted unusually constructive serv-ice to their communities, on thetheory that good citizenship in-volves something more than collect-ing coins.It happens rather often that thecommittee rejects a well knownperson whose reputation derivesfrom his professional success. Thisdoesn't mean that the committeethought the man a scoundrel— onlythat his record of voluntary servicewas not exceptional when viewedapart from his business-related ac-tivities.This is not easily explained tothe person who asks why an out-standing man like so-and-so hasnever received an Alumni Citation.2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1963Now that you understand it, wewill come to the point. The awardsare made largely on nominationsfrom other alumni— i. e., you. Theyare, in fact, peculiarly dependenton your nominations, since thequalities sought are not necessarilythose which get wide publicity.Similarly, the facts needed arenot only the obvious ones. Thecommittee wants the fullest pie-ture it can get of constructive ac-tivity, well heralded or not, whichbenefits the community or societygenerally.If these comments suggest analumnus whom you admire for hisuseful citizenship, put his name innomination by a letter to theAlumni Association, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 60637. De-tailed information will be especiallyappreciated.About The UniversityA new publication venture ofThe University will shortly reachyour mailbox. Called Chicago, it isbeing issued semi-annually to awide audience: alumni, founda-tions, corporations, families of students and others.Our Magazine welcomes theneweomer. We live in something ofa fret, never satisfied that we des-cribe enough well enough, and canonly be pleased that further wordabout this remarkable University ofours will be put in your hands.Expansion of servicesThis is kick-off month for a sharpexpansion in the Alumni Associa-tion's program of regional, locai andsuburban meetings. If we half meetour goals, you'll have six times yourusuai chance of hearing a man fromthe faculty or seeing a film aboutThe University this year.To enable this, Association staffis being increased by a transfer andthe addition of part-time representati ves in two further areas of greatniumni concentration. To New York, to head The University office there which (amongother things) services the 2700members of the New York AlumniClub, goes David R. Leonetti, program director in the Alumni Association since last February.f~^iS£Succeeding David in Chicago isJean Phillips, who has a leg on herU. of C. master's and comes to usfrom a public relations assignmentin The University \s medicai com-plex.Back for a second round as SanFrancisco Bay area representativeis Mary Leeman, who headed ouroffice there in 1957-60. Hers will bea part-time assignment, assistingthe 1700-strong alumni group there.Marie Stephens continues as LosAngeles representative, a post shehas filled to the joy of the 2600Chicago people there since 1955.Stili to be filled is a newly creat-ed spot in Washington, D. C,where 1950 alumni reside. Applications and suggestions for this part-time position will be warmly re-ceived; address to the undersigned.-H.R.H. THIS pylon on our new plant marksa milestone in our thirty yearsof service to organizationsrequiring fine skills, latesttechniques and large capacity.Our work is as diversified as theneeds and produets of our customersPhoto pressI.IJJHHIÌII.MIUIICongress Expressway at Gardner RoadBROADVIEW. ILL. Columbus 1-1420POND LETTER SERVICE, Inc.Everything in LettersHooven TypewritingMultigraphingAddressograph Service MimeographingAddressingMailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAli Phones: 2 1 9 W. Chicago Ave.MI 2-8883 Chicago IO, IllinoisYOUR FAVORITEFO UNTA IN TREATTASTES SETTERWHEN IT'S . . .y MADE WITHSw'rffeJceCream,A produci -c Swift & Company7409 So. State StreetPhone RAdcliffe 3-7400OCTOBER, 1963 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 3COLLEGIANHe's a student at General Motors Institute. Today, he's absorbed in higher mathematics.Tomorrow, perhaps Plato and Aristotle . . . politicai theory and psychology . . . humanitiesand economics — in short, whatever makes for a well-rounded education. Next week, hemay be on the job in an automobile plant. Twenty-four hundred other students like himare studying to be electrical, mechanical or industriai engineers, in one of the world'smost unusual institutions of higher learning.During their first four college years at GMI, students alternate between six weeks of intensive study at GMI and six weeks of paid work at one of 133 General Motors operationsacross the nation and in Canada. Their fifth year is entirely in the field . . . preparingbachelor theses based on actual engineering projects of their sponsoring GM divisions.The University of Chicago Law SchoolEero Saarinen and Associates, ArchitectsCompleted 1959ARRIVALOF ANUNUSUAL GIFTSecured after her arrivai from Le Havre on Mon-day, July 27, the S.S. Neptune had delivered its pre-eious cargo. Workmen grunted and groaned as theyeased the mammoth orate into place at its destinationwithin the Law School complex. Scratching theirheads over the foreign words stamped across the slats,the men began their task of uncrating. The story ofa rare gift to The University was beginning to unfold.Chicago born, art collecting Alex L. Hillman, '24,had moved to New York in 1926 to start what wouldbecome a publishing empire. His publications wouldinclude exquisitely produced limited editions of theHeron Press, some of which are now collectors' itemsand, for the broader market, popular magazines suchas Pageant. With the same enthusiasm with which he tackledhis publications, Hillman began to devote himselfto a growing art collection, in the process assemblingsuch masters as Cezanne, Courbet, Manet, Pevsner,Picasso, Renoir and others. Part of the Hillman collection has been on loan to galleries and museums inParis, London, Chicago, New York and elsewhere,including, among others, the Louvre, Tate Galleriesand the Museum of Modem Art.Learning of the projected new Law School, Hillmanjoined with others in its financial support. Already anadmirer of architect Saarinen's work, Hillman becameeven more enthusiastic as work progressed. Finallyhe decided that he would offer a very special, addi-tional contribution. His opportunity arrived when itOCTOBER, 1963 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 5Alex L. Hillman '24became apparent that an appropriate sculpture wouldserve to set off the new architectural landmark. CouldRussian-born, French sculptor Antoine Pevsner, found-er of the Constructivist school of sculpture, be inducedto submit plans?Saarinen gave his prompt and enthusiastic endorse-ment of Hillman's choice. A Pevsner had been previ-ously chosen for the Saarinen-designed General MotorsResearch Center in Detroit.Visiting Pevsner's studio in France, Hillman fellin love with the sculptor's recently completed, threefoot high CONSTRUCTION SPATIALE A LA TROI-SIEME ET A LA QUATRIEME DIMENSION (Spadai Construction in the Third and Fourth Dimension ) .Mme. Pevsner Would a version, enlarged four or five times, be appropriate for the new Law School? After detailed studiesand discussions the artist agreed. At the same time itwas determined that the initial, smaller version wouldbe cast in an edition of three pieces, one of which isnow in the Hillman collection, another in the ModemMuseum of Stockholm, the third also in a privatecollection.A ntoine Pevsner, born in Orel, Russia in 1886 had_[\_ already established an international reputationwhen he settled in Paris in 1923. While teaching atthe Moscow Art Academy he had formulated, togetherwith his brother and fellow sculptor Naum Gabo, hisManifeste Realiste published in 1920, founding theConstructivist school of sculpture. "Geometry is to theplastic arts what grammar is to the writer" is one ofPevsner's axioms.Believing that art should be an autonomous searchfor higher truths Pevsner found himself in direct con-flict with prevalent Communist theory that art cannotseparate itself from politicai ideology. Unable to continue his pursuit of art as he saw it, he left Russia tocontinue his work in Paris.In the vanguard of sculptural developments, Pevsnerstrove to eliminate the traditional restrictions imposedby realistic representation. His genius in the use ofmaterials, textures and shapes in the creation of spadai concepts reaches a climax in the piece for TheUniversity.Pevsner did not live to see the final process of thecasting in bronze, commissioned at the Paris firm ofSusse-Fondeurs. With work on the plaster originaivirtually complete, Pevsner died on Aprii 12, 1962,only months after architect Eero Saarinen.Present at the uncrating was gracious Mme. Pevsner,the sculptor's widow who, with her niece, was guestof honor at a special luncheon.Stili to come:EMPLACEMENT AND DEDICATIONS training to be unfettered from the skid which boreit across the ocean, the bronze sculpture awaits itsfinal emplacement on black granite within the LawSchool's fountain pool.The dedication, scheduled for the spring of 1964 isexpected to draw leading international figures in thefield of art.Architecture and sculpture will join as a last monu-ment and memorial to the soaring minds and skills ofarchitect Saarinen and sculptor Pevsner, symbols ofman's quest for learning and beauty.6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1963OCTOBER, 1963 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAround the Midway(formerly NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES)We are loathe to change the time-honored heading of this column. Butwith the advent of the executive direc-tor's new column heading Just off theQuadrangles in Aprii, there have beentwo "Quadrangle" series in The Magazine. This could cause some confusion.Since the Midway has been linkedwith The University as long as anyonecan remember, and with the progressof the magnificent new "south campus"below the Midway, we thought the newheading appropriate.If now and then we also includenews about The University's LuxorHouse in Egypt, or the University-runobservatories in Wisconsin and Texas,as well as such special efforts as ourmedicai team crash program in Algeria,consider the word "Around" in AroundThe Midway as a somewhat extendedcircle. Perhaps on the day this columnalso covers our advance observatory onMars or Venus, we may renarne it"Around the Midway and Beyond." Inthe meantime we hope you approve ofour new choice. — Ed.P.O. SUBSTATION CLOSESWill Harper go next?Thirty-five years of service to thou-sands of students, faculty and staffcarne abruptly to an end at noon onAugust 31, when window number 2was lowered for the last time in theBook Store's postai sub-station. Theprime link of students to their familiesand loved ones for nearly two genera-tions was relegated to history.By tradition, here had been one ofthe first stops for every new student,as he mailed home his first (of many) rush requests for that "emergency ten."Here tongues licked thousands of post-age stamps, sometimes anxiously, othertimes with casual abandon, usually im-properly. Undaunted, the little substation faithfully processed shipmentsof hundreds of tons of dirty laundryhomeward bound in the urgent questfor maternal attention. With the arrivai of synthetic and "drip-dry" fab-rics (actually most fabrics will dripdry, if left alone) and the rise of self-service laundries there carne a sharpdrop-off in parcel post shipments. Oneof several U. S. Post Office deficits hasbeen attributed to this deplorable situa-tion. However, mothers in general arereported to have thrived.The transparent excuse for closingthe sub-station, loyally manned by theBook Store staff for thirty-five years,is the opening one block away of afederally staffed, full-fledged post officestation with greatly extended services,another flagrant example of daily en-croachments by the centrai government.A last minute attempt to assemblethousands of signatures for a directappeal to the President failed when thelack of thousands of signators becameapparent. A marked similarity in hand-writing among signatures collectedmade further attempts inadvisable.As the minute hand of the clockapproached vertical position for a lasttime newsmen from such leading media as INS, UP, CBS, NBC, the NewYork Times, Washington Post, St.Louis Post Dispatch and such foreignstalwarts as the Guardian, Das BerlinerTageblatt and Pravda had either for-, gotten or ignored the event. One lonelyreporter-cameraman (this writer) wasthere to record for posterity the fleetingmoments which ended an era.Unaware of his role in history, Mr.Philip Hyde, a graduate of the Collegefor less than twenty-four hours and amember of the student-family since hisdays in fourth grade in the University'sLab School, stepped up to the counter. "A fifteen-cent air mail stamp,please." No trumpets blared. No vol-leys fired forth a final salute. Just thesliding of some U. S. currency across anhonestly worn but clean counter. Theflutter of a solitary stamp. A quiet"thank you" and "You're welcome."One final licking of a stamp as windownumber 2 slid downward in its trackfor the last time. — Ed.8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1963PLAQUES ON THE WALL—Names of seven faculty members whocontributed to the luster of the University of two and more decades ago nowdesignate seven units of the quadrangles.In honor of Frederic (Fritz) Wood-ward, law professor and administrator,the dining hall of the Women's Dor-mitory at 5825 Woodlawn Avenue hasbeen named "Woodward Commons."Mr. Woodward was professor of lawfrom 1916 to 1926, vice-president ofThe University, 1926-36, and actingpresident in the interregnum betweenPresidents Mason and Hutchins. Uponhis retirement he became director ofthe Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of1941.The three units of the residence hallat 5825 Woodlawn Avenue — east,west and north, respectively — arenamed for Edith Foster Flint and Elizabeth Wallace, affectionately remem-bered by many alumni because of theirspecial relationship to undergraduates,and for Edith Martha Rickert, themedieval scholar who collaborated withJohn Matthews Manly in the compilation and editing of the texts of Chau-cer's Canterbury Tales.Mrs. Flint taught English from 1897until 1938, and also served as a deanin the College of Arts, Literature andScience for nine years. Miss Wallace,who was a teaching fellow on the firstfaculty of The University, was a deanof students in the College, 1915-23,and long the gracious head of FosterHall.The Interns and Residents Apart-ments at 5715 Drexel Avenue, de-signed by Sarrinen and completed in1958, carry the name of a great surgeonand teacher, Dr. Dallas B. Phemister.The succession of residents he trainedwho went on to prominence in medicaieducation and the very existence of theUniversity Clinics, which might havefailed without him, are other testi-monials to his stature."Ajax" Carlson, the wide rangingphysiologist and unique personalitywho was at the University from 1904until his death in 1956, needs no re-minder for most students of his time,whether they knew him as a teacher inhis 6 a.m. physiology class, a lecturerin the College Bi-Sci series, or a Davidusing a bludgeon against the rapier ofMortimer Adler in metaphysical debate.OCTOBER, 1963 THE The "effidence" for newer generationsof Dr. Anton J. Carlson' s place in TheUniversity is his name on the Internsand Residents Apartments at 1401 E.Hyde Park Boulevard.The new animai behavior laboratoryat 5712 Ingleside Avenue recognizesDr. Warder Clyde Allee, who contributed importantly to the develop-ment of ecology.DEDICATIONS— The six-story, $3,-000,000 Philip D. Armour ClinicalResearch Building, which connects thenorth end of Albert Merritt Billingsand the Argonne Cancer Research Hospital, was dedicated August 2. Thestructure was financed by a bequestfrom the estate of Mr. Armour, of thepioneering Chicago family, matchingfunds from The University and a grantfrom the U. S. Public Health Serviceof approximately $1,300,000.It increases clinical research facilitiesby about 20 per cent, providing 51laboratories, related offices, a sub-base-ment for radiation therapy and research, three floors for surgery, a topfloor for intern quarters and otherfloors for dentai, ophthalmological andear, nose and throat investigations. -Stanley R. Pierce Hall, the men'sresidence at University Avenue and55th Street, which houses 342 men inits ten stories, was formally named inceremonies on September 6. StanleyPierce, '14, a star Maroon fullback,who died December 25, 1959, left anestate of $800,000 — including 5,000twenty-dollar gold pieces worth $200,-000 as collectors' items — to The University with the request the money beused to construct a building hearinghis name. The bequest, amounting toone-third of the cost of the residence,completed the financing of the hall.NEW FACULTY— The May-June is-sue of the Magazine noted briefly themagnitude of the faculty recruitingprogram, which dwarfs the proselytingeffort of football coaches looking tothe national championship. The semi-official count of appointments fromJanuary through August is 84, not onlyfor replacements and expansion, butfor the continuing effort to maintainthe quality of the faculty. Six moreappointments, five at the full profes-sorial level, are added herewith to thosepreviously reported.Felix E. Browder, professor of Yale University, will come to the Midwaynext July 1, spending this academicyear on leave at the University of California, Berkeley, and at the Institutefor Advanced Study, at Princeton, NJ.He has published more than 40 theo-retical studies of partial differentialequations, his special area of interest.Two br others also are mathematicians,one at Princeton and one at Brown.Richard Charles Lewontin, professor of biology at the University ofRochester, also joins the faculty nextyear, September 1, as professor of zo-ology. A man of 34, he is both amathematician skilled in the use ofcomputers, and a biologist, a combina-tion of skills he has used in the mathe-matical analysis of populations, genet-ics and evolution.William H. Reid will hold a jointappointment as associate professor inthe Departments of Geophysical Sciences and Mathematics. He comes fromBrown University, to engagé in research and teaching in the mathematicsof hydrodynamics. A graduate of California Institute of Technology, withhis Ph.D. from Cambridge University,he was a post-doctoral research fellowat the Yerkes Observatory of The University of Chicago in 1957.John Rewald, student of French Artof the 19th Century, author of thewidely known History of Impression-ism, and the first volume of Post-Im-pressionism: from Van Gogh to Gau-gin becomes professor of art thebeginning of the Winter Quarter. Mr.Rewald, who has been associated withthe Museum of Modem Art, NewYork City, since 1943, has organizedmany important exhibits for majormuseums and is the author of morethan twenty books on the impression-ists and post-impressionists.Hirofumi Uzawa, mathematicaleconomist, has been appointed professor in the Department of Economics,effective July 1, 1964. Mr. Uzawa, 35years old, one of the prominent youngermathematical economista of the world,has published statistical studies of international trade, capital accumulationand economie growth and competition.He is presently at Stanford University.Four of the five visiting professorsin the Graduate School of Business thisyear come from abroad. Four will holdFord Foundation Visiting Professor-ships: E. Carey Brown, Massachusetts9UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEInstitute of Technology, business eco-nomics and finance; Jacques Dreze,Catholic University of Louvain, ap-plied mathematics; Basii E. Yamer,London School of Economics, businesseconomics and accounting, and HenriTheil, director of the Econometrie Institute and of the faculty of the Neth-erlands School of Economics, Rotterdam. Dennis S. Lees, University ofKeele, England, will be visiting associate professor of business economics.COLVIN PROFESSORSHIPS — JohnCorominas, professor of Romance Lan-guages and Literature, and George J.Metcalf , chairman and professor of theDepartment of Germanie Languages,are the holders of this year's WilliamH. Colvin Research Professorships inthe Humanities. The Colvin professorships, providing a year for research,were established in I960 by MissCatherine and Miss Jessie Colvin,daughters of an early Chicagoan.Mr. Corominas will use the year tocontinue a life-long work, of 6,000pages, the Onomasticon Cataloniae, arepertory and linguistic study of theproper names of eastern Spain and asmall contiguous area of France, be-ginning with the pre-Roman epoch.The purpose is to provide materials forthe study of the locai languages; thenames are the only or the main sourcesfor determining the forms of the locaidialects of the Vulgar Arabie, Frankishand Gothic and the Vulgar Latin.Mr. Metcalf will work abroad on astudy of the attitude of scholars of thel6th and 17th centuries toward thehistorical aspeets of language. One ofhis interests is in concepts of linguisticchange, the extent to which grammar-ians assume that ali languages change,and what principles are assumed to beeffective in the change. His other ap-proach is linguistic interrelationships,the languages grammarians assume tobe related, their grouping into "fami-lies" and the principles used in estab-lishing relationships.DEANS AND CHAIRMEN — William Rainey Harper's Chatauqua ex-perience and his phenomenal successteaching Hebrew by mail convincedhim that the university he was organ-izing should reach the widest possiblerange of students. An extension division was as much a part of his pian forThe University of Chicago as was graduate education. It included notonly downtown classes but Home Studyand a web of afiiliations with colleges,the latter as much a "feeder" as anextension device. He also establishedthe University of Chicago Press.Afiiliations have long since disap-peared, and forty courses in HomeStudy were turned over this summerto the University of Wisconsin, whichoperates one of the main centers ofsuch instruction. The Press flourishes,and adult education has always beenreasonably successful, despite waxingand waning of University College.Adult education is a growing field ofeducation; the National Opinion Research Center recently completed asurvey that indicates a national totalof 25,000,000 students.Sol Tax, professor of anthropology,took over direction of University Extension on October 1. To underscorethe relevance of faculty relationship inadult education and the general community, the title of the office waschanged from director to dean. University Extension, which conduets a widevariety of programs, credit and noncredit, was reorganized more than ayear ago, with most of its credit coursescentered on the quadrangles. Some10,000 individuate were in the programs last year, plus approximately5,000 registered in the Summer Quart-er, which University Extension alsoadministers.Edward McClellan, associate professor of Japanese Language and Literature, has been appointed chairman ofthe Committee on Far Eastern Civiliza-tions. Sol Henry Krasner, Ph.D.' 55, ofthe Nuclear Physics Branch of the Office of Naval Research, is the newdean of students of the Division ofthe Physical Sciences, and professoriallecturer in physics. He succeeds HaroldR. Vorhees, associate professor of physics, who became emeritus September30, but continues as coordinator oftHb Government Fellowship Programsof The University and as consultant tothe dean of the division.& NOTES — The only surviving member of the originai faculty of The University, and Yale's oldest alumnus aswell, Amos Alonzo Stagg had his lOlstbirthday anniversary on August 16.The University Libraries recently re-ceived a selection of valuable historicaldocuments from Mr. Stagg s files, se- lected by his older son, Alonzo Stagg.Included is ali the correspondence be-tween President Harper and the "OldMan."The first A. A. Stagg Scholar, Stephen Schempf, 18, of Elk River, Minnesota, is a freshman in the College. Thescholarship fund, established in honorof Mr. Stagg' s hundredth anniversary,is stili growing and two awards areplanned for next year.International House at Chicago,founded by John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,and opened in 1932, is undergoing athorough modernization program, in-cluding everything from new elevatorsand plumbing to furnishing and dec-orating.Trustee David M. Kennedy, chiefexecutive officer of the ContinentalIllinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, has become chairmanof the Council on the Graduate Schoolof Business.The A. Montgomery Ward Foundation has made a grant of $150,000 toward the cost of the new building forthe School of Social Service Adminis-tration, designed by Ludwig Mies vander Rohe, to be constructed at EllisAvenue and 60th Street for occupancylate next year. This latest gift hasbrought the fund for the building towithin $250,000 of its $1,500,000 cost.Trustee Philip D. Block, Jr. is headingthe fund raising effort.C. Herman Pritchett, chairman ofthe Department of Politicai Science,last month assumed the presidency ofthe 11,000-member American PoliticaiScience Association. President-elect, for1964-65, is David Truman, dean ofthe College of Columbia University,Ph.D. '39.A. Adrian Albert, Eliakim HastingsMoore Distinguished Service Professorof Mathematics and dean of the Division of the Physical Sciences, has beenelected a corresponding member of theNational Academy of Sciences ofBuenos Aires.Clifford R. Schumacher, who holdsa physics Ph.D. from Cornell University, and last year was a National Science Foundation post-doctoral fellowat Princeton, is the first recipient ofthe Enrico Fermi Postdoctoral Fellowship, which carries a minimum stipendof $8,500 a year and staff privilegesin the Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies. W.V.M.10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1963Testimony of George Wells Beadle, President of The University ofChicago and holder of the Nobel Prize (genetics, 1958), beforethe subccmmittee on Research, Deveiopment and Radiation of theCongressional Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (su beo m mirteechairman Representative Melvin Price of Illinois) in Washington,D.C., Tuesday, August 20, 1963.(Illustrations added by The MAGAZINE,~Ed.)"During the decade 1953-1963 there have been remarkable advancesin our knowledge of the hereditary or genetic specifications by whichliving beings— viruses, bacteria, higher plants and animals— developand function, together with a corresponding increase in knowledge ofthe molecular basis of gene mutation."Primary genetic information is carried in the forni of long chain-like molecules of nucleic acid built up of four kinds of subunits. Theseconstitute units of inheritance called genes. Nucleic acids can be syn-thesized in a suitable test-tube system. The manner in which theyreproduce is known and this process too can be carried out experi-mentally in the laboratory. Even more remarkable, they can be madeto carry out their primary function of directing the synthesis of pro-teins in test-tube systems."Individuate of our species begin deveiopment as tiny sphericalegg cells about l/300th of an inch in diameter. In the centrai partof such cells, imbedded in jelly-like cytoplasm, are celi nuclei whichin turn contain nucleic acid molecules. The total nucleic acid in ahuman egg celi consists of molecules made up of some 5 billion subunits, which constitute a kind of molecular code. This can be likenedto a kind of "language" written in four letters. These make up "words"composed of three letters each. There are only 64 words possible. Thusthe directions for building a human being from a single egg celi, givena proper environment and a supply of the proper kind of food material, are made up of 1,700,000,000 three letter words of 64 kinds. Thisis the equivalent of 1000 printed volumes of information written inEnglish, each composed of 600 pages, 500 words per page."This amount of nucleic acid could be placed on lessthan one per cent of the head of a pin in a layer onlyone molecule thick!"With every celi division during deveiopment this 1000 volumeequivalent of nucleic acid information is copied with a remarkablyhigh degree of precision. Occasionai changes in the message occur bya process called mutation. These changes may involve addition, omis-sion, substitution or rearrangement of subunits of nucleic acid— liketypographical errors in a message printed in a conventional man-made alphabet."Once a mutation occurs, the altered message is thereafter copied,apparently as faithfully as was the originai. Nucleic acid reproductiondoes not depend on whether its message makes good sense or not."Such mutational changes alter the directions and often lead toerrors in deveiopment. Genetic diseases, of which several hundredare known in man, are the result of such mutations. Some mutations—a small fraction— are favorable. These are the basis of organic evo-lution.CONTINUED NEXT PAGEOCTOBER, 1963 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 11RADIATIONTESTIMONY"Mutations occur with a low frequency "spontaneously," that is,with no obvious external cause. Their frequency is increased byextraneous chemical agents such as mustard gas, certain dyes, nitrites,etc. High energy radiation— X-rays, gamma rays, alpha rays, beta rays,neutrons and ultraviolet, for example."Until fairly recently ali radiation-induced mutations were believedto be the result of direct hits of nucleic acid molecules by photons orelementary physical particles and that there was therefore a direct lineor relations between the number of mutations produced and theamount of high energy radiation to which they were exposed."On this basis estimates of the number of mutations eould be madeby any given amount of radiation, however small— fallout, for example."Let me give an example: On the basis of experimental measure-ments of radiation-induced mutations in mice and other organisms, itwas estimated that the amount of radiation required to doublé thenormal mutation rate ( spontaneous plus that induced by normal background radiation) might be about 30 roentgen units absorbed by thegerm cells. (This is subject to a large error. It might be 10 or 100,for example). If we assume man to be as mutable as mouse, then wecan say:30 roentgen units = 100% increase0.3 roentgen units = 1% increase"The fallout rate at the highest rate of nuclear weapons testing wasat one time estimated to be about 0.3 roentgen units to the germ cellsof man per reproductive lifetime."Such an increase would mean something in the range of 50,000to 500,000 mutations per generation in the world population of man,over and above those expected without fallout. Most of these wouldbe unfavorable and would sooner or later be eliminateci by naturaiselection-or as H. J. Muller says, by genetic death."Today, largely because of the large scale studies on mutation inmice carried on by William L. Russell and co-workers at the OakRidge National Laboratory, we know a good deal more. Originallyset up with the idea in the minds of many advisors that they woulddo little more than give us mutation measurements in an animai moreclosely related to man than a fruit fly, this massive long term project(incidentally most appropriately carried out in a National Laboratory)has been much more significant than that."First of ali, the mouse has proved to be some 15 times as mutableper unit radiation as is the fruit fly when comparable cells in the germline are exposed."Thus the estimates of genetic fallout damage to man had to beincreased 15 fold. This is taken info account in the above estimates."Then Russell et al found that in the male mouse cells destinedto become sperm cells after severa] divisions were only about one-third as mutable per unit when exposed at low intensities of X- orgamma rays for a long time as compared with a similar exposure givenover a short time. Thus the hazard from fallout might be less by afactor of three. This, incidentally, indicates an indirect cellular mecha-nism of mutation production. But in both cases mutations appearedto be linear with dosage.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1963^"In the germ line of young females, however, mutations per unitradiation at very low intensities may not even be increased at ali.But this happy situation appears not to hold for second litters of olderfemales irradiated in a similar way."The net result of the Russell experiments has been to add verysignifìcantly to our understanding of the process by which ionizingradiation produces mutations and to suggest that fallout radiation,which is delivered at very low intensities over a long period of time,may not be as hazardous as at first believed by geneticists on thebasis of the early mouse studies."But I emphasize that the reduction calculated on the basis of thesenew data may not be more than a factor of two or three."I have so far considered only genetic effects to germ cells. In addi-tion, radiation damage to body cells is known to occur with exposuresmuch higher than those of fallout levels so far experienced. Leukemiaand other malignant diseases are known to be induced by high levelsof ionizing radiation, but we do not know the relation between radiation dosage and the incidence of induction of malignant disease. Someworkers believe there is a threshold below which no damage is done,but there is no conclusive evidence that this is so. We do know fromrecent studies that one form of leukemia in man is associated witha minute deficiency in a particular one of the 45 chromosomes wenormally have in each of our cells. This could conceivably be the resultof a single "hit" and therefore show no threshold effect."From a geneticist's point of view, one conclusionis clear— added high energy radiation of any kind canbe harmful to germ cells and can lead to addedgenetic damage to future generations if it reaches thegerm line prior to reproduction."I shall not speak of the inorai and ethical difference between fallout hazards, which are global, and other hazards that are locai andover which we may exercise personal or group option, for you arealready fully aware of that aspect, I know."OCTOBER, 1963 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13Telephone men and womenfuìfill a long tradition The first telephone cali ever made was a cali for help asAlexander Graham Bell spilled acid on his clothes: "Comehere, Mr. Watson, I want you!"Ever since that fateful evening in 1876, telephone peoplehave been responding to calls for help — and training tosupply it.A tradition of service — a knowledge of first aid — aninstinct to help — these keep operators at their posts in fire orflood — send linemen out to battle blizzards or hurricanes —and save lives many times in many ways.Over the years, the Bell System has awarded 1,896medals to employees for courage, initiative and accomplish-ment — for being good neighbors both on the job and off it.Here are some recent winners:Kenneth E. Ferguson, Tnstaller-Repairman,Newport News, Virginia. En route to a repairjob, he carne upon a burning house where ablind, bedridden woman lay helpless. Rippingout a window, he and a policeman entered theflaming room. They were forced out by intenseheat and smoke. Mr. Ferguson ran to a nearbyhouse for blankets. Wrapped in wet blankets,the two men re-entered and rescued the woman.Mrs. Dorothy Crozier, Operator, San Rafael,California. She took a cali from a franticmother whose small son had stopped breath-ing. After notifying both ambulance and firedepartment, Mrs. Crozier realized that trafficwas heavy and time short. Over the telephone,she taught the mother mouth-to-mouth resus-citation. The boy was breathing when firemenarrived. Doctors credit his life to heralertness.Charles J. Gilman, Communications Service-man, Bellwood, Illinois. Driving to an assignment, he saw an overturned car and found aman under it bleeding profusely. Cautioningbystanders not to smoke, he helped removethe victim. The man's arm was almost sev-ered below the shoulder and he seemed inshock. Mr. Gilman applied a tourniquet andkept pressure on it until an ambulance arrived. '-J» •£. *,JM1 Léonard C. Jones, Supplies Serviceman, Mor-gantown, West Virginia. He noticed a neighbor-ing house on fire. Rushing to it, he helped afather rescue three young children. Then heplunged back into the burning building and,guided only by cries through the choking smoke,found and saved another child who was hidingunder a couch in the blazing Itving room. Min-utes after he left, the wooden house collapsed.Franklin Daniel Gurtner, Station Installer, Au-burn, Washington. He heard a request for emer-gency breathing equipment on his radio monitorand hurried to the address, where a baby wasstrangling. He found the child's air passagewas blocked, cleared it, and successfully ad-ministered mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Thenthe fire department arrived and applied oxygento help overcome shock.Al BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEMOwned by more than two million AmericansWrote Dr. H. Kamuzu Banda to this Magazine fromHer Majesty's Prison Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, onOctober 14, 1959, somewhat wistfully: "One day, whenthings are difjerent, I shall visit the States and my University, to see some of my fellow alumni, some of myformer teachers and a host of friends . ¦ ."On Friday, October 11, 1963, The Honorable Hast-ings Kamuzu Banda, Prime Minister of Nyasaland, arrived at The University of Chicago at 11:50 a.m., in awhirlwind trip, having concluded final plans for complete independence of his nation in London a few daysearlier. His thirty-six hour visit to Chicago had alreadycovered an airport reception which included a welcome by James M. Sheldon, Jr., representing thePresident of The University of Chicago, Adlai Stevenson III, representing Governor Otto Kerner of theState of Illinois, Harold R. Harding, executive directorof the Alumni Association, as well as members of theBritish Consolate and a host of friends, including Mrs.Corine Sanders, in whose home the Prime Minister hadlived when a student at The University. Behind himalso lay a welcome by Chicago Mayor Richard J.Daley and a special press conference. Stili to come wasa luncheon at The University Hospitals, a quick tourof the campus, a formai reception and dinner given byPresident and Mrs. Beadle, a major address in the LawSchool auditorium after presentation to Dr. Bandaof the prized Alumni Medal and finally, a late eveningprivate reception with friends. As the day progressed,the Prime Minister seemed to thrive on a schedulewhich left his hosts and entourage somewhat breath-less.IT IS NOT every thirteen-year-old boy who will setout on a thousand mile hike, in search of an education. When this hike becomes a trek through Africanjungle lands, braving searing heat, chilling, lonelynights, privation and the dangers of unfriendly tribesand even less friendly wild animals, one must lookwith awe upon the youth. "But I was an ambitiousboy," he would recount years later, as prime ministerof the land from which he had set out.The different languages spoken by tribes along theroute from his native Nyasaland would make commu-m'cation difficult. This, in turn, would invite hostili-ties. Young Banda thus decided always to stop longenough to become familiar with language and customsof each new tribe ahead, gaining the confidence andhelp of villagers along the way.Two years later, arriving near Johannesburg, hisskills were quickly discovered by his employers in themining fields. He was used as an interpreter with thelonely, frustrated, often despairing villagers who hadleft their homes to work in the mines, laboring undertotally strange, often poor conditions, frequently un-able to communicate with superiors and even theirOCTOBER, 1963 AN ALUMNUS RETURNSfellow workers. Their shocking plight made a lastingimpression.Reading and studying whenever he could, he wasbefriended by an American bishop and in 1925 theyoung man was able to travel to the United States, firstgaining a high school education at Wilberforce Aca-demy in Xenia, Ohio, followed by undergraduate workat Indiana University and The University of Chicago,where he received his Ph.B. in 1931. He received hisM.D. at Meharry Medicai College in Nashville, Tennessee in 1937, followed by special studies at theuniversities of Glasgow and Edinburgh. He qualifiedas a licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons inEdinburgh and was also appointed an elder of theChurch of Scotland.Unable to return to his own country because of thewar, Dr. Banda began practice of medicine in Eng-land. Most of his patients were white. Living at thecenter of empire politics and intrigue in London, itwas not long before he was thoroughly involved in thestruggles concerning Africa and his homeland. In protest to the new federation of Rhodesia and Nyasalandin 1953 he left Great Britain for the Gold Coast ( Ghanaas of 1957), maintaining Constant politicai attackagainst British mie. Called to Nyasaland in 1958 tohead the Nyasaland African Congress he was arrestedon March 3rd, 1959, and placed in Gwelo Prison inSouthern Rhodesia. The Nyasaland African Congresswas forced underground, only to emerge, stronger, asthe new Malawi Congress Party. Dr. Banda's release ayear later heralded final steps toward free elections,dissolution of the federation and self-rule for Nyasaland. Dr. Banda has expressed his intention to keepMalawi (new name for Nyasaland upon independenceon July 6, 1964) within the British Commonwealth.SEE NEXT PAGEAt hospital luncheon, Dr. Banda (seated) introduces former Meharryfellow student Dr. Arthur C. Albright to unidentified neighbor. Lookingon are Walter F. Gray, member of the Governor's hospitality committee(left) and Alumni Association director Harold R. Harding.AN ALUMNUS RETURNS Continued16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1963Introduced by President Beadle to an overflow audience in the Law School auditorium, Dr. Banda received a standing ovation as Alumni vice presidentsMrs. Calvin P. (Fay Horton) Sawyier and Richard J.Smith presented him with the distinguished AlumniMedal. Said Mrs. Sawyier: ". . . May it be a symbol ofthe heritage of freedom which we at this Universityshare . . ."...THEALUMNIMEDALprò singularieius meritoDr. Banda:"Mr. President, distinguished guests, fellow alumni:At dinner the President said that the University hashad many men of distinction in different fields. Aboutone-hundred presidents of universities in this countryat least have either been students of The Universityof Chicago or faculty. But as far as he knew, I was thefirst Prime Minister. It is my turn to say that so far asI know, I have never heard of any president of a university being a Nobel Prize winner, except my ownPresident."Beviewing his quest for learning from the days whenhe left his own village, he stressed his interests andstudies beyond the field of medicine. "I did not wantto be one of those doctors who knows everything aboutmedicine, but the minute they are taken out of thatthey are absolutely helpless. I wanted to be an educa ted doctor and not a trained artisan."Dr. Banda then traced the history of Nyasaland backto 1891, when locai chiefs, persuaded by missionaries,placed themselves under the protection of the Britishcrown as a protectorate, to counter-act thrusts towardNyasaland by German and Portuguese colonizers.Describing the federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland,imposed by Britain in 1953, he went on: ". . . Instead ofbeing governed by Britain direct from London throughthe colonial office we were being governed by thefederalists of Southern Bhodesia from Salisbury, whoseideas about the Africans were in no way different fromthose of the white settlers of the Union of South Africa."He termed this a reversai of ali previous understand-ing which had always stressed eventual self govern-ment for Nyasaland. "I left London bitter, angry."Detailing his continued struggle from the GoldCoast (Ghana as of 1957) and his return to Nyasaland in 1957: "Within four months I had the whole countryon fire, politically."Arrested by British authorities, upheavals in Nyasaland intensified. Becoming convinced that he was thekey to peaceful negotiation, the British governmentfinally decided on his release. "And here is where Iadmire the British. Many people think the British haveno logie, but, believe me, they know how to muddlethrough! And so I carne home. That was on ApriiFool's Day, yes, Aprii the first (I960)."". . . What is the future of the white man in Nyasaland? I am here to teli you that my quarrel was notwith the white man or the British people but with asystem of government which to me was unjust. Thereis a future for the white man in my country, but on theunderstanding that they accept the fact that the Africans are in the majority, and that being the case, wemust rule. Any white man who abides by it is welcomein Nyasaland whether he is a businessman, a mission-ary, a trader or any other occupation. But the otherkind of white man, the South African kind of whiteman, apartheid white supremacy, that kind of whiteman, I say to them: Pack up and go home now! Wemean to be our own lords and our own masters in ourown home, in our own country, in our own continentof Africa."Now that we have won our politicai battle, the realbattle, even harder, begins. The battle against poverty,ignorance, and disease. And to fight that battle, Mr.President, I need your help. Nyasaland is essentially anagricultural country. No mines, no industry. But it isnot poor. It is only neglected. We have excellent soilthere. We can grow tabacco, corn, peanuts, sugar cane,coffee, tea, cotton. We need deveiopment loans. Weneed technical know-how. To me a nation without aUniversity is a body without a soul. We can't afford notto afford a University. Mr. President, I depend on you,I depend on fellow alumni, to help me to find teachersfor my University, the University of Malawi. Secondly,my country is essentially agricultural, but our farmersuse primitive methods. I want to teach them modemmethods. To do that, I have organized them into cooperative societies. But I need loans for my cooperativesocieties so that they can buy tractors and other imple-ments of agriculture. I want you to invest in Nyasalandprocessing industries. We grow cotton, and yet wedon't produce a single shirt. Comflakes we buy fromhere. Not that I have any objection to buying comflakes from Mr. Kellogg (but) why can't Mr. Kelloggproduce comflakes in Nyasaland? I want him to dothat. And so ali along the line."Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, fellowalumni, this is my story. I feel greatly honored that I,a boy from nowhere in Central Africa, no rich parents,no rich friends, to be honored by being given thismedal given to only few. You do not know how I feel.Thank you very much."OCTOBER, 1963 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 1.7AN ALUMNUS RETURNS (Continued)^r**"»•mt-triHm Press conference a.m. Friday, October 11, 1963Tape and photo record, this MAGAZINE,— Ed.Q. Dr. Banda, is this the first time that you have been backto The United States since your student days?Dr. Banda: No, I was here three years ago after I carneout of jail. You know that I was in prison for thirteen months.After I carne out it was the American committee on Africawho invited me here.Q. Were you happy when you were here as a student?Dr. Banda: I was very happy. I was very fortunate when Iwas here as a student in that I had friends both among coloredand white here in this city and elsewhere where I lived. Therewas a family which claimed me as their adopted son, as longas I lived here.Q. What was your favorite place when you were here as astudent?Dr. Banda: Well, Washington Park. You see, I lived at5925 Indiana Avenue and as a poor boy I couldn't afford to ridethe Street car. So I would walk through the park to The University of Chicago and that was quite a distance. And when youreach The University, there was a big stone carving. (Dr.Banda here refers to the Lorado Taft sculpture and fountain,at the end of Washington Park where the Midway begins — Ed.)Q. Dr. Banda, what steps could we take to have better relation s as regards racial questìons in this country?Dr. Banda: I don't think you should drag me into that. AliI can say is that I am greatly encouraged to see that the President, his brother, and many other people in this country aredoing what they are doing. Remember that during the timeI was here as a student things were not as they are now. I amstaying at the Palmer House now. I was in the Winter ParkHotel in Washington, I was in the Hilton-Statler in Boston.I couldn't have been in those hotels when I was here as astudent. Today what do I read — white boys, white girls, whitemen, white women march side by side, shoulder to shoulder,with Negroes fighting for the rights not of the white man, notof the white woman, not of the white boys and girls, but ofNegroes. The government is taking a hand to the point ofusing federai troops to enable a Negro to go to a university.That didn't happen when I was here before. I believe thatthings will continue to improve. But of course I stress that I amexpressing a personal opinion. I have no intention of interfer-ing in your internai politics.Q. Dr. Banda, is there a unìque role that you feel Nyasalandcan play in Africa 's evolution?Dr. Banda: I think so. I believe in a policy of negotiationwhen negotiation can work, but of course when negotiationdoes not work you have no choice. Therefore my role in Nyasaland and my role in Africa is to try to be a mediator where thereis conflict. I believe in negotiation. I don't believe in bittemessand that is why I like the British. Now, some people say theBritish commonwealth is being dissolved. I say people like that(the British) will maintain their commonwealth in one form oranother for a thousand years to come because they know whento retreat, when retreat is the best policy. Q. Dr. Banda, do you think that turbulence among theemerging nlltions of Africa would have occurred in any case,or could it have been avoided by the colonial powers . . .?Dr. Banda: (emphatically) It could have been avoided. Itcould most certainly have been avoided by the colonial powers.Any colonial power which refuses to recognize the right anddemands of Africans for self-government and independence isthe one that is selling the white man down the river. Commu-nism would have come to Africa if Britain and France hadrefused to yield to nationalism. The only place I know nowwhere communism is organized as a party at ali among Africansis in South Africa. That's because of the policy of apartheid.That is why I would like to see the United States and Britainexercise any kind of pressure on South Africa to change herpolicy. Because there is where you have danger in Africa.Explosive situation.Q. Do you mean that South Africa is in danger of goingcommunist?Dr. Banda: I say that the apartheid policy is the breedingground for communism or any kind of upheaval. Allowing theAfricans to organize their own governments is a sure guaranteethat there will be no communism. Not only that, but white menwill not be driven out of Africa.Q. Do you regard Nkrumah of Ghana a communist?Dr. Banda: Definitely not. Kwame Nkrumah is not a communist. He has been accused of that and of being a dictator.He is not. I have known Kwame Nkrumah since 1945, and Idon't mind telling you that he is my personal friend, but I amnot saying nice things about him because he is my personalfriend. I am just speaking the truth. He is not a communist. Heis not a dictator. Remember there was another candidate forthe presidency. He lost. When it comes to that, I have beenaccused of being a dictator, of Nyasaland of being a one-partystate. Well, Nyasaland is not a one-party state; I am not adictator. At the election in 1961, there were three parties: TheMalawi Congress Party, which is my own party, the UnitedFederai Party which is Wellensky's party, the Christian Liberation Party T.D.T., the party of another Banda who was op-posing me. But the people chose me. . . . If Nkrumah is a dictator, he is a dictator of, by and for the people. It is the peoplewho are keeping him there.Q. How about Kenyatta, Dr. Banda?Dr. Banda: I know him, too. I have known Kenyatta since1945. Both he and Kwame carne to my house in London whenI was practicing medicine in London. They have accused Kenyatta of ali sorts of things.Q. Well, he's a murder er, isn't he?Dr. Banda: That's what you say.Q. I don't say so, that's what 1 read.Dr. Banda: In my view, if Kenyatta had not been sent toprison there would have been no so-called Mau Mau. There wasso-called Mau Maus simply because Kenyatta was imprisoned.When Kenyatta was out of the way, no one could control thepeople so that in my view it was wrong to jail him.18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1963Q. What is the population of Nyasaland?Dr. Banda: If you would look up the (British) census,they will teli you 2,800,000 but we are many more than that;dose to 4,000,000.Q. Why the discrepane}', sir?Dr. Banda: Many, many reasons. The people who take thecensus don't count everybody and secondly, my people arepolygamists. This will amuse you: If a man has three or fourwives and he knows that if the government knows he has alithese wives he has to pay taxes for every one of them, hewouldn't want to give the number of ali these wives. It's aform of tax evasion.Q. What is the white population of Nyasaland?Dr. Banda: About 8,000.Q. What is the prosperi of an African alliance?Dr. Banda: I have just broken one. I can't talk aboutanother alliance while I'm stili disentangling myself from thefirst one.Q. Dr. Banda, what will the economie future of your countrybe?"Dr. Banda: Briefly, agricultural deveiopment. Also manu-facture, of course. For example, we grow a large amount ofcotton, yet there is no textile industry. We have plenty of sugarcane, and yet we buy sugar from Southern Rhodesia and Por-tuguese East Africa. There are many oranges rotting about, andyet we buy orange juice from other countries. Ali along theline, we want to improve our facilities for processing. In otherwords, secondary industries.Q. You are not opposed, sir, to foreign investments?Dr. Banda: Oh, no. I welcome that. If you know any mil-lionaires, teli them I would like to have them in Nyasalandtomorrow. We want foreign investments. We want someone tocome and dig up our bauxite, for example.Q. Sir, ìt'hat are you doing about a highway along the lakeshore?Dr. Banda: Yes, yes. We have a beautiful 360-mile-longlake shore. The lake is 68 miles wide at some points. I want topian a highway from the southern end of the lake right up tothe northern end. I want you to drive along that road; I wantyou to admire the beauty of that lake. At the same time, tourismcould be important. I would like to build hotels. Teli Mr.Hilton.Q. Dr. Banda, many people are concerned with this nation'simage in Africa. Just what do Africans think of us?Dr. Banda: Well, I am speaking for myself. I can't claimto speak for ali Africans. Up to I960, I think it is correct tosay that the feeling in Africa was that the United States wassiding too much with the colonial powers. Since I960, there hasbeen a graduai change; the United States has not always sup-ported colonial powers. And in the case of the Congo, we, asAfrican nationalists, admired the stand which the United Statestook. The United States sided with us. We did not wantTschombe. We were, therefore, very heartened to see that theUnited States was siding with us.Q. Doctor, do you think there is danger of too many smallnatìons in Africa?Dr. Banda: No. After ali, you've heard my friend, KwameNkrumah, speak of the United States of Africa, and at AddisAbaba, they agreed on that. One day, of course, it will be alione nation, but at this stage things will go as they are. After ali,Switzerland is a small nation. Look at Luxembourg. They'redoing very well.Q. What would you say is the major problem facìng Africatoday?Dr. Banda: Economie deveiopment. The difficulty to avoidany new form of entanglement. I don't care where it comesfrom.OCTOBER, 1963 Q. Dr. Banda, would you like to invite some of the youngpeople in this country?Dr. Banda: Very much so. Take the Peace Corps, forexample. I would like to see many, many more. We have aboutforty now, young men and young women, and they are doingexcellent work as teachers. If you have any influence with someof the young people, teli them.Q. What can the Western Powers do to help the deveiopment?Dr. Banda: They must help us with deveiopment loans.They must send us men who have the technical know-how and,at the same time, train our own men. They must allow us tosend our boys and girls to their country, to their universities,and help us organize our own universities and technicalinstitutes.Questioner: Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister.C I G Committee OnInstitutional CooperationUNIVERSITY OFMINNESOTAUNIVERSITY OFWISCONSINNORTHWESTERNUNIVERSITYTHE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOSTATE UNIVERSITYOF IOWAUNIVERSITY OFILLINOIS MICHIGAN STATEUNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY OFMICHIGANPURDUEUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY OHIO STATEUNIVERSITYThe initials CIC are in the process of joining theroster of important alphabetical "jargoneese" in thefield of higher education. Spelled out, they stand forCommittee on Institutional Cooperation. They alsostand for a new project in higher education involvingThe University of Chicago, the "Big Ten" mid-westernuniversities and the Carnegie Corporation.Says Dr. Frederic W. Heimberger, current chairmanof CIC member-representatives and vice president ofOhio State University: ". . . people (from the elevenuniversities) were brought together to talk, and per-haps to dream a bit, about what might be accom-plished through a sharing of efforts in a common task— deans, chairmen, professors of geography, geology. . . medicine, commerce, education, physics, biology,forensics, foreign languages, sociology and many otherareas . . . (We) wanted these discussions . . . tocome from the actual scholars and teachers in thevarious fields and thus, while ready to encourage andfacilitate, kept the emphasis heavily upon faculty ini-tiative and decision . . . Participants have gained anew understanding of resources and power (withinthese) universities. C.I.C. is making it known thatsomething of importance to higher education is happening throughout the Midwest."From the outset, the CIC has been charged withthe responsibility of operating within the frameworkof institutional individuality. There is no intent, inf act, a strong prohibition exists against it, of subjugat-ing one university, or ali for that matter, under asuper-authority. Cooperation is the key word.Now, five years since its inception, CIC has encour- aged the formation of nearly forty joint programs.Probably the most dramatic of these, the CIC Travel-ing Scholar Program, is starting during the currentquarter.Under this new pian a graduate student from anyone of the eleven CIC universities will be able to studyfor two quarters at another member university, without payment of special fees or without meeting resi-dent requirements. The student will have full accessto a particular strength of another university in theform of specially equipped laboratory, a rare library,or a faculty member highly qualified in a particulararea. Even though he is temporarily located at anotherCIC institution, the traveling scholar will be registeredat his home university, pay his fees there, and havehis final grades recorded there.Says Robert E. Streeter, dean, Division of the Hu-manities, The University of Chicago, "I see severalareas of usefulness in participating in the C.I.C. program. For example at the present time there are someforeign languages which are not taught at The University. Through the C.I.C. program a University ofChicago student will simply take this at a cooperatinguniversity. While we have an excellent English department, an authority on a particular facet, a certainauthor let's say, may teach at another C.I.C. university.Here again the student will now have easy access tosuch a specialty. There are other areas where, becauseof cost, none of the universities can individually affordto expend money and effort, or there may simply betoo few students in a single university to make certainprojeets feasible. By joining hands with other universities, special programs can be afforded which20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1963would otherwise be prohibitive for any single institu-tion. Also, by drawing from ali universities there is asufficiently large student body to make certain programs worth the investment. Thus we may engagé innew programs otherwise not possible. Finally, I fore-see useful developments from inter-faculty meetings.Mutual exchange of ideas, discussion of problem-solv-ing etc. can certainly be beneficiai."Carnegie GrantsA $294,000 grant from the Carnegie Corporation, tofinance a five year CIC deveiopment period was sup-plemented by another $100,000 Carnegie grant forspecial projects. Support for the basic operation of theCIC's two-man professional staff is provided throughinstitutional membership fees. Warren C. Johnson,vice president for special scientific programs at TheUniversity of Chicago is The University's member ofCIC's governing committee.Since its inception, the CIC has been described asa means of cultivating an educational "common market" for the Midwest. A more accurate term would beeducational "uncommon market." Actually, the CICis primarily concerned with developing the uncommonstrengths of its institutions.To encourage faculty leadership in the planningprocess, the CIC utilizes a device which the Committee members cali the "seed grant fund." This is a fund(made available through the Carnegie awards) fromwhich the CIC appropriates small grants— usually$500~$2,000— to inter-institutional faculty groups whowish to pursue an academic problem jointly. Theusuai pattern is for a professor at one university tocatch a vision of a cooperative program and then sharethe idea with his counterparts on the other CIC cam-puses before bringing the proposai to the Committeefor "seed" money. Most of the current CIC programsare fruits of seed planted in precisely this fashion.Far Eastern Language InstituteAn example is a cooperative Far Eastern languageprogram implemented this past summer. It beganwhen a small group of professors of Chinese andJapanese felt the need for discussions on possible cooperation. The CIC financed such discussions throughsmall seed grants. In turn, the intensive planning bythe faculty members resulted in a $256,000 grant fromthe Ford Foundation to support a series of four FarEastern Language Institutes in consecutive summers.The initial Institute, which ended at the University ofMichigan a few weeks ago, had an expert Chinese andJapanese language teaching staff drawn from the f acul-ties of CIC universities. There were 125 students in theintensive first, second, and third year courses in Chinese and Japanese. About fìfty per cent of the enrollees carne from the CIC member institutions, while otherscarne from Cambridge University, University of Toronto, Harvard University, Bryn Mawr College, University of California at Los Angeles, University ofHawaii, and elsewhere. Other CIC universities willhost the continuing program in future years.The 1963 Institute was open to ali qualified personsboth at the graduate and undergraduate level, withemphasis placed upon the enrollment of students fromother CIC universities.Obviously, foreign language study is vital to thefuture of the United States. Of the scores of foreignlanguages and dialects in which the nation needs specialista, CIC liberal arts deans and their faculties haveidentified twenty-six as the "most criticai." There isa growing need for individuals skilled in these critica]languages. Yet, because many of them are esoteric, andbecause student enrollment in any one of these languages at any one of the member institutions wouldprobably be so small, it would be difficult to justifythe faculty, the library materials, and the corollaryteaching aids needed for instruction.So the liberal arts deans have begun the process ofdeveloping an orderly pian of expansion within theCIC framework on a voluntary basis. Each university,it is hoped, will offer certain of the criticai courses,avoiding duplication unless enrollment possibilitieswarrant the additional emphasis. Such an orderly of-fering will ihsure that the nation will obtain theneeded instruction while keeping the cost factor toa minimum.Strengthening the Midwest EconomyA scientific "uncommon market" will also strengthenthe Midwest economy generally. The Midwest's f allure to maintain an economie growth rate equal to thatin certain other regions is a concern of the CIC. Deansof CIC schools of business and others are meetingregularly to consider economie deveiopment withinthe Midwest. Also, representatives of several otheracademic disciplines, such as economists, agricultural-ists, and other scientists have demonstrated a desireto become involved in this regional examination ofeconomie growth. As a result the CIC has establisheda special committee to aid in coordinating a systematicand continuing study of the universities' role in ex-panding the region's economy.The spirit of cooperation is continuing to go for-ward in many areas. While quantity does not auto-matically assure quality, the fact that the cooperatingresources add up to a faculty of twenty-five thousand,a library of twenty million volumes and a physicalplant of 1.6 billion dollars opens up previouslyuntapped possibilities through mutuai access andexchange.OCTOBER, 1963 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21NEWS OF the alumni96-09PIKE, CHARLES S., AB'96, of Washington, D.C., visited Europe this summerfor the third time in three years, andmissed June reunion because he was inRome, Italy. Since graduation from theU of C, Mr. Pike has been associateciwith newspapers and magazines, and heldexecutive positions in the manufacturing,automobile and fìnancial fìelds. For fiveyears he was the Detroit representativeof Harris Trust & Savings Bank (Chicago). During his years in business, Mr.Pike wrote fiction, non-fiction and poetryfor magazines. Now he has collected thesepieces in book form and hopes to have itpublished in the near future. A residentof Washington for 15 years, Mr. Pike isa member of the National Press Club,the Army and Navy Club, the Touch-down, the Football Hall of Fame, andthe U of C Alumni Club. Mr. Pike's remi-niscences about his student activities atthe U of C include: president of the firstfour-year class of under graduates; seniormanaging editor of the Gap ò- Govon,Volume I, No. I; president of the U of CDramatic Club for two years; and a member of the editorial board of the "U ofC Weekly" for four years. In athletics hewas catcher and fìelder of the "WesternChampions" baseball team in 1893-96,and battery-mate of Coach A.A. Stagg onthe U of C summer baseball teams in1894 and 1895. Mr. Pike played rightend (with A. A. Stagg as half-back) onthe U of C football team which defeatedNotre Dame on New Year's Day, 1894,by a score of 8-0. In 1900 he was president of the "Men's U of C Alumni Clubof Chicago."LOEB, MRS. HEDWIG L., PhB'02, ofChicago, is active in several national andinternational politicai organizations. Mrs.Loeb is a board member of the ChicagoCommittee for a Sane Nuclear Policy;vice president and member of the Executive Council of United World Federalists,Chicago area; and a member of Foundersand Friends of Roosevelt University. Mrs.Loeb's son, JACK W. LOEB, AB'35, JD'37, is legai advisor and deputy staff director of the National Labor RelationsBoard, Washington, D.C. Her daughter is married to LAURENCE L. SLOSS,PhD'37, professor of geology and paleon-tology at Northwestern University, Evans-ton, 111.NORMAN, OSCAR E., AB'03, of Chicago,was librarian and later superintendent oftraining and education at the People'sGas Light & Coke Co., Chicago, for 28years before his retirement. While withthe company, he initiated a Club forBoys which later became a Club for Em-ployees, and replaced his mimeographedLibrary Bulletins with a monthly magazine for employees, now called the GasNews. One of Mr. Norman's major objec-tives was to encourage employees to complete high school and college courses.Under his leadership a series of eveningclasses were instituted at the company,in which hundreds of alien employees andcustomers prepared for their citizenshipexaminations. He counts among his mostsatisfying rewards, the establishment ofa home service department at the company, and the election of a former member of his class in Department Procedure,as president and later chairman of thecompany' s board of directors.ALLEN, RILEY H., PhB'04, of Honolulu,Hawaii, retired as editor of the HonoluluStar-Bulletin in 1960 to become a trusteeof Wallace R. Farrington Trust Estate.Mr. Alien had been editor of the Star-Bulletin since 1912, and previously heldseveral writing and editing positions withthe Honolulu Evening Bulletin and theSeattle Post-Intelligencer. In 1956, Mr.Alien received an award for distinguishedservice in journalism from the Universityof Missouri School of Journalism. Heholds the honorary degrees of Doctor ofLetters from the University of Hawaii,and Doctor of Humane Letters fromChaminade College, Honolulu.WILLIAMS, S. V., PhB'04, of Mt. Vernon,la., was a pastor in Iowa churches for55 years before his retirement some timeago. He is acting chaplain at the CountyJail, and is the author of a recently published book, Creation AND Evolution.Last winter Mr. Williams made a 9000-mile bus tour around the U. S.DOWLING, MISS EVALINE, PhB'05, ofLos Angeles, is retired after serving for36 years in various administrative posts at 10 Los Angeles high schools. Her lastposition was as principal of Foshay JuniorHigh School for 11 years. For 12 years,Miss Dowling also was chairman of theWorld Friendship Committee for the LosAngeles schools. During that time WorldFriendship clubs were organized in 35high schools, an annual oratorical conteston World Friendship was instituted, andthree editions of the World Friendshipbook were published.WICKES, DEAN R., PhB'05, PhD'12, isretired and lives with his daughter inSilver Spring, Md. He spends much ofhis time working with the Society ofFriends. Mr. Wickes went to China in1912 and did educational work there fortwenty years with the American BoardMission and North China CongregationalChurches. In 1934 he joined the staff ofthe Library of Congress where for oneyear he wrote biographies for EminentChinese of the Chang Period (two vol-umes, edited by ARTHUR W. HUM-MEL, AB'09, AMT1, DBT4, of Washington, D.C.) During the next 10 years,Mr. Wickes did research and writing onChinese land use and conservation for theU. S. Soil Conservation Service, and forthe following three years he worked onChinese maps and geographical names,identifying Chinese characters not in dic-tionaries. He retired to a farm in Virginiain 1948, and moved back to the Washington area in 1960.BUNZELL, HERBERT H., SB'06, PhD'09, is director of Bunzell Laboratories inNew York City.HOFFMANN, ANNA see Miller-MEIGS, MERRILL C, '06, at the age of79, is one of the oldest licensed transportpilots in the nation, and has been flyinghis own aircraft for 35 years. Last winterwas no exception when he flew solo toPalm Beach, Fla., for a two-month vaca-tion. Mr. Meigs, former publisher of theChicago Herald and Examìner, and theChicago American, retired last year asvice president of the Hearst Corp. Hecurrently has offices in the Tribune Tower,Chicago, as a newspaper business consultane Mr. Meigs has been one of theleading boosters of aviation in Chicagofor many years, and Meigs Field on Chi-cago's lakefront is named for him. Since22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 19631928 he has logged 4000 hours or morethan half a million miles flying his ownpiane. In addition he has flown almost4000 hours more on commercial planes,many times on pioneering flights such asthe first passenger runs to Alaska andacross the north Atlantic on the Clipperplanes. Mr. Meigs holds the Congressionalmedal of merit for his work during WorldWar II as chief of the aviation division ofthe War Production Board. He was one offive men who toured the nation with topcommanders of the Air Force to pick thesite of the Air Force Academy, eventuallylocated in Colorado Springs, Colo.MILLER, MRS. EARL E. (ANNA HOFF-MANN, PhB'06) of Michigan City, Ind.,is vice president of the Family WelfareBoard and a member of the MichiganCity Public Library Board. Last spring,Mrs. Miller attended a coffee party at thehome of MRS. CHARLES HIGGINS(FRANCES HENDERSON, PhB'20)also of Michigan City, at which severalU of C alumnae exchanged reminiscencesand news of The University.PHELPS, T. TORRANCE, AB'06, DB'13,is an interim minister in Las Vegas, Nev.Since 1956 he has had interim ministeriesat Bakersfìeld and Redlands, Calif., andPhoenix, Ariz. In the 1940's and until1956 Mr. Phelps was minister of a Con-gregational church in Sacramento, Calif.,and chaplain of the State Senate and As-sembly. Previously he had a ministry inPasadena, Calif., and in the 1920's builtthe half-million-dollar CongregationalChurch in Kalamazoo, Mich.KUIPER, R. B., PhB'07, of Grand Rapids,Mich., has written several books on the-ology since his retirement in 1956, in-cluding The Glorious Body of Christ, ForWhom Did Christ Die and God-CenteredEvangelism. Mr. Kuiper was president ofCalvin Theological Seminary from 1952until his retirement, and previously hadbeen professor of practical theology atWestminster Theological Seminary, Phila-delphia, Pa., president of Calvin College,Grand Rapids, and pastor of severalchurches. Two of his brothers, now de-ceased, also attended the U of C: BERNARD, AB'03, and HERMAN, ABT0.NEWMAN, MISS EVELYN, PhB'07,PhM'08, professor emefitus of English at Colorado State College, Greeley, returnedto Colorado last spring on a lecture tour.She spoke to groups in Greeley, Sterlingand Colorado Springs, and was honoredby friends at many social affairs. MissNewman, who lectures extensively andnow lives in New York City, is planninga book— Autobiographical Vignettes. Lastsummer she traveled to England whereshe visited places related to Americanhistory, to prepare material for anotherseries of lectures.TROWBRIDGE, ARTHUR C, SB'07,PhDTl, received an honorary doctor ofhumane letters degree from AugustanaCollege, Rock Island, 111., on June 3. Mr.Trowbridge is professor emeritus of geol-ogy at the State University of Iowa, IowaCity, where he headed the department òfgeology for more than 15 years. Since hisretirement, Mr. Trowbridge has continuedresearch on sedimentation in the Gulf ofMexico. He has received awards fromthe American Association of PetroleumGeologists and the National Associationof Geology Teachers, and is a fellow ofthe Geological Society of America. In1943, he received an Alumni Citationfrom the U of C.WALKER, IRWIN N., '08, of Palm Beach,Fla., was made a Knight of St. Gregorythe Great by the late Pope John XXIII.HUMMEL, ARTHUR W. see mention under Wickes, PhB'05-10-1 USHEEHAN, THOMAS W., PhBTO, of Pea-body, Mass., is active in the work of thelyceum committee of the George PeabodyInstitute and Public Library, and Ebendale Sutton Library. Mr. Sheehan, a retired university professor, also contributesto magazines, and recently was qualifìedas a real estate broker by the State ofMassachusetts.SOBEL, BERNARD, PhB'10, of New YorkCity, is a veteran theatrical publicist andhistorian, and the author of the only one-volume American encyclopedia of the stage ever written, The Theatre Hand-book and Digest of Plays. Mr. Sobel waspublicist for Florenz Ziegfeld from theheight to the end of Mr. Ziegfeld's career,publicizing such productions as the Ziegfeld Follies, "Rio Rita," and "Show Boat."He also did publicity for Earl Carroll,Charles Dillingham, the Shubert Theatre,Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Warner Brothers,United Artists, and Paramount Pictures.As a writer-historian of the Americanstage, Mr. Sobel also has written the firstand only complete history of Americanburlesque, Burleycue, the first PictorialHistory of Burlesque and the first PictorialHistory of Vaudeville (with an introduc-tion by George Jessel). In addition, hewas drama critic for the New York DailyMirror, has written plays, a novel, a bookof memoirs (Broadway Heartbeat), andcontributed to periodicals and encyclo-pedias the world over on the subject ofthe theatre. Besides frequent radio andtelevision appearances, Mr. Sobel doesuniversity lecturing, most recently atFairleigh-Dickinson University in Ruther-ford and Teaneck, N.J. He is active inseveral theatrical and writing organiza-tions, and organized the Ziegfeld Club,a charity now in its 26th year of opera-tion. The University of Wisconsin hasestablished a theatre collection in Mr.Sobel's name.HENZEL, MISS ELSA, PhBll, is retiredand living in Lajolla, Calif. After gradua-tion from the U of C, Miss Henzel taughtin high schools at Birmingham, Ala., forten years; then in Rockford, 111., for twoyears. From 1923 to 1955 she taughtEnglish in the John Marshall High School,Chicago.KUHNS, RALPH H., SBTl, MDT3, ofChicago, has been appointed to the Men-tal Health Commission of Cook County( 111. ) . He was f ormerly with the VeteransAdministration.SINCLAIR, JOHN G., SB'll, of Galveston,Texas, is professor emeritus of anatomy atthe University of Texas. He continues research in the medicai branch of the University, and recently completed a Navyproject in Japan on dolphin embryos.ANDERSON, THEODORE W., ABT3,AM'14, is president emeritus of the Evangelica! Covenant Church of America. HeOCTOBER, 1963 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23was president of the church for 26 yearsuntil his retirement in 1959. During thepast fìfty years, Mr. Anderson has traveledmore than one and a half million milesin the service of the church, including alifìfty states and every continent. Mr. Anderson also was the first president ofMinnehaha Academy in Minneapolis,Mimi., serving in that capacity from 1913until 1933.CONGDON, MRS. L1SLE (DAISY STE-VER, PhB'13) of Sedgwick, Kan., leadsa busy civic life as deaconess of the Plymouth Congregational Church of Sedgwick, member of the state board forselecting the Kansas Mother of the Year,and participant in the General Federationof Women's Clubs in which she has heldoffices on the state board, and at the dis-trict and locai levels. Her other activitiesinclude Girl Scouting, Eastern Star,P.E.O., and a sustaining membership inthe locai YWCA. In addition to civicactivities, Mrs. Congdon has a collectionof over 110 shawls which has been pre-sented in "A Pageant of Shawls" programmore than fìfty times. Mr. and Mrs. Congdon recently completed their fourth tripto Mexico. Their attendance at June reunion was Mrs. Congdon's first visit to theU of C since graduation.MULDER, J. D., SB'13, MDT6, is a con-sulting physician at Pine Rest Sanitariumin Grand Rapids, Mich. From 1922 to1956 he was superintendent and medicaidirector of the sanitarium, which is a private psychiatric hospital. Dr. Mulder is alife fellow of the American PsychiatricAssn.xNORTON, MISS MARGARET C, PhBT3,AM'14, of Springfield, III, retired in 1957as state archivist of Illinois, a positionwhich she held for 35 years. Since thenMiss Norton has traveled extensively; thissummer she was on a seminar tour of theDanube Valley. She also is writing a history of the Episcopal Cathedral of theSpringfield Diocese of Illinois. Miss Norton is past president of the Society ofAmerican Archivists and in 1957 receivedthe first award for "Distinguished Servicein Public Administration in Illinois" givenby the Illinois chapter of the AmericanSociety for Public Administration.PUTNAM, MISS KATHARINE, PhBT3,retired in 1960 and is living at LeamyHome in Philadelphia, Pa. Miss Putnamwas a missionary in Shanghai, China from1917 to 1950. Since then she has taught,and done parish and mission work inChicago, Hinsdale and Elmhurst, 111.SNORF, LOWELL D., SB'13, MDT5, ofWinnetka, 111., is confìning his professional activities to about one-third timeconsultation and office practice of medicine. Dr. Snorf is professor emeritus atNorthwestern University, Evanston, 111.,and has given up his responsibilities atEvanston Hospital where he was chairman of the department of medicine for19 years. He adds, "I have a very strongfeeling that men or women who pass 70should not be too conscious of their chronologic age, but try to continue towork and enjoy the work in some fashion,hobby or profession as long as they can.Actually, at 72, I have continued withmany of my interests and previous activities. I have considerable farming interests, too."STEVER, DAISY see Congdon-UNGER, LEON, SBT3, MDT5, prac.icesmedicine in Chicago, specializing in al-lergy and internai medicine. He is associate professor emeritus of NorthwesternUniversity Medicai School, and attendingphysician at Chicago Wesley MemorialHospital. Besides membership in severallocai and national medicai groups, Dr.Unger is honorary fellow of Allergy Societies in France, Spain, Argentina, Chile,Mexico and Cuba, and the Jerusalem Academy of Medicine.WALKER, JACOB A., JDT3, practices lawin the fìrm of Walker & Hill, in Opelika,Ala. Mr. Walker is a former member ofthe Alabama State House of Representa-tives and Senate. In 1955-57 he was amember of the Alabama Commission forJudicial Administration, and is currentlya member of the Institute of JudicialReform.LEISURE, GEORGE S, PhBT4, of NewYork City, is chairman of the 1963 cam-paign to raise funds for the operation andexpansion of U.S.O. facilities. Mr. Leisureis senior partner in the law fìrm of Dono-van Leisure Newton & Irvine.PIERCE, PAUL R., PhB'14, AM'27PhD'34, of West Lafayette, Ind., was director of a survey of the educational program of the Chicago Jewish Academy andbranch units of the Associated TalmudTorahs, Chicago. The study was con-ducted in May.22-30BURTON, MISS HELEN B., SB'22, PhD'29, of Norman, Okla., was honored bythe University of Oklahoma in Apriiwhen the Home Economics Buildingthere was named Burton Hall. Miss Bur-ton was director of the School of HomeEconomics from 1927 to 1948. She retiredin 1958 as professor of home economicsafter being in the department for 31years. Follo wing her retirement Miss Burton continued to direct home economicsresearch until 1960, and she is now teaching a correspondence course in elemen-tary nutrition.HALL, LIVINGSTON, PhB'23, becameRoscoe Pound Professor of Law at Harvard University Law School on September 1. Mr. Hall, vice dean of HarvardLaw School from 1938 to 1959, hastaught criminal law and agency at Harvard since 1932. In the spring of 1959,he served as acting dean of the LawSchool. In May Mr. Hall was electedpresident of the Massachusetts Bar Assn., of which he had been vice president from1955-58. He is co-author of Cases onCriminal Law (1940), Cases on Agency(1956), and Cases on Criminal Law andEnforcement (1958). Since 1957 Mr.Hall has been town moderator of Concord, Mass., where he resides. Mr. Hall'sbrother, J. PARKER HALL, PhB'27, istreasurer of the U of C. and his father,J. Parker Hall, was dean of the U of CLaw School.HARTMAN, GEORGE H., PhB'23, ofWinnetka, 111., has been elected vicepresident and manager of the Chicagooffice of MacManus, John & Adams, Inc.The George H. Hartman Co., Chicago-based advertising agency headed formany years by Mr. Hartman, mergedwith the MacManus fìrm. Mr. Hartmanis a governor of the Chicago Council ofthe centrai region of the American Association of Advertising Agencies. He is apast president of the Off-the-Street Club,a former director of the Chicago AthieticAssn., and a member of the board of theChicago Heart Council. Mr. Hartman hasmaintained an active interest in golfsince his days as captain of the U of CGolf Team which was twice "Big-Ten"champion. He won the Chicago AmateurChampionship twice and was a semi-fìnalist in the Western Amateur Championship.McCUNE, LAURA P., PhB'23, of Kanka-kee, 111., retired as chief social worker atthe Anna State Hospital, Anna, 111., in1955. Since then she has taken correspondence study in psychology and graphoanalysis, a projection testing method.WHITELY, PAUL L., AM'23, PhD'27,was visiting professor of psychology atGettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa., during the 1962-63 academic year. Afterretiring from Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa., Mr. Whitely waschairman of the department of psychology at Earlham College, Richmond, Ind.,for three years.WILD, JOHN D., PhB'23, PhD'26, chairman of the philosophy department atNorthwestern University, Evanston, 111.,has been named professor of philosophyat Yale University. Mr. Wild formerlywas on the faculty of Harvard Universitywhere part of his 34-year career wasspent as chairman of the philosophydepartment.WOOD, LELAND FOSTER, PhD'23, washonored in May when the office and library of the department of family life atthe Interchurch Center in New York City,were named in his honor. A dedicationservice which brought together manymembers of the National Council ofChurches and other friends, was held onMay 9, Mr. Wood's seventy-eighth birth-day. Mr. Wood is retired and lives inRochester, N.Y., where he is engaged inwriting, marriage counseling and variousforms of church work.GERWIN, MRS. MILTON (DOROTHYGROSBY, PhB'26) of Chicago, is president of the Chicago Business Teachers24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1963Assn. Mr. Gerwin (PhB'26, ID'28) prac-tices law in Chicago. Mrs. Gerwin writesabout her sons: ROBERT, SB'60, attendsthe U of C School of Medicine; RICHARD, AB'54, SB'56, SM'57, is a researchphysicist for Boeing Scientific ResearchLaboratory in Seattle, Wash.; and Jamesattends the U of C Laboratory HighSchool.GROSBY, DOROTHY see Gerwin-ROGGMAN, MISS LUCIA, '26, of Garna-villo, la., was honored at a special serviceand reception at St. Paul's Evangelica!Lutheran Church in Garnavillo, last September. The service recognized MissRoggman's 60th year as organist at thechurch. A similar recognition was madein 1952 to celebrate her 50th year in thatposition.MOORADIAN, MISS ALICE, '27, of Ni-agara Falls, N. Y., was elected chairmanof the Agency Executives Assn. The Association is composed of executive directorsof 39 United Community Chest Agenciesin the Niagara Falls area. Miss Mooradianis executive director of the Golden AgeClubs.HUGHES, EVERETT C, PhD'28, professor of sociology at Rrandeis University,Waltham, Mass., spoke on May 6 at thefirst in a series of colloquia being pre-sented by the Center for Research inCareers at the Harvard Graduate Schoolof Education. His topic was "Careers— aSociological View." Mr. Hughes, whojoined the Brandeis faculty in 1961, isthe author of Men and Their Work, andseveral other books and articles on thesociology of occupations. He was on theU of C faculty from 1938 to 1961, and ispast associate editor and editor of theAmerican Journal of Sociology. He ispresident of the American SociologicalAssn.WIKGREN, ALLEN, AB'28, AM'29, PhD'32, is chairman of the department ofNew Testament and early Christian lit-erature, and associate professor of NewTestament language and literature at theU of C. He also is a member of theSenior Advisory Committee of Encyclo-paedia Britannica, the Standard BibleCommittee of the National Council ofChurches, and two international commit-tees preparing editions of the Greek NewTestament. Mr. Wikgren's recent publications include: Early Christian Origins(1961), for which he was editor andcontributor; Josephus' Antiquities, Volume Vili in the Loeb Classical Library(1962), co-editor; 17 articles in The Interprete/.? Bible Dictionary; and the arti-eie on "English Bible" in Peake's Com-mentary on the Bible.COX, GARFIELD, PhD'29, is a lecturerin the Claremont Graduate School, andthe Southern California School of The-ology, both in Claremont, Calif. Mr. Coxis Robert Law Professor Emeritus of theU of C Graduate School of Business.FOSTER, HAZEL E. see joint news item 1. smost interesting news in Fall sportwearOUR BROOKSTWEED SPORT JACKETSBrookstweed is an important new deveiopment thatrepresents many months of research and trial weav-ings. Specifically it is a blend of Shetland wool—noted for its soft hand— and the strong, durablewool of Scotland's famous Black-Faced Sheep. Thishandsome tweed has been woven for us in classicdesigns . . . and the jackets themselves are made onour distinctive models in our own workrooms.In grey or blue-grey heather herrìngbones . . .brown her-rìngbone and barleycorn fancy /patterns...grey-olive diagonali ... and blue-grey crowsjoot design. $90ESTABLISHED 1818Inetta fumishings, ff ats ^Ihoea74 E. MADISON ST., NEAR MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO 2, ILL.NEW YORK • BOSTON * PITTSBURGH • SAN FRANCISCO • LOS ANGELESOCTOBER, 1963 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25WINTERS, MRS. WESLEY H. (MARJO-RIE TOLMAN, PhB'30, AM'31) of Sum-ner, Wash., has been active during thepast five years in the Puyallup ValleyMigrant Ministries Assn. The Associationis a volunteer organization o£ farmers,city and connty police, the state farailabor office, public health groups andchurches. Its primary purpose is improve-ment of working and living conditions ofthe migrant Indians from British Columbia who come to the Valley annually topick berries. This year a Center is beingbuilt as a headquarters for the association. Mrs. Winters writes that she hasenjoyed her work with the program andshe urges residents of communities withmigrant populations to consider startingsuch a group. Mrs. Winters is also churchschool superintendent in the SumnerMethodist Church and works on variouscommunity projects.TOLMAN, MARJORIE see Winters-QqroySALA, JOHN R., PhD'34, is a lieutenantcolonel in the U. S. Air Force, and as-signed as chief o£ the selection proceduresdivision at Air Force ROTC headquarters, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. He isslated to become chief of the educationdivision of Air Force ROTC in the nearfuture. Col. Sala is former head and pro-fesssor of the department of history atthe U. S. Air Force Academy, ColoradoSprings. Colo. He has written an articìe,"Why Textbooks," published in thespring issue of a quarterly educationjournal, Improving College and University Teaching.BURR, IRVING W.s SM'35, was re-ap-pointed chairman of the editorial board,American Society for Quality Control, atthe Society's convention held in Chicagoduring May. Mr. Rurr, a member of thestatistics department at Purdue University, Lafayette, IndL, has served as chairman of the board since 1961. He is alsoa Fellow of the Society, and received theBrumbaugh Award in 1951, and Shew-hart Medal in 1958. A pioneer in qualitycontrol, Mr. Burr developed and taughtthe first undergraduate credit course inapplied statistics for engineers at Purdue.HEYDA, JAMES F., SB'35, of Wayne, Pa.,is a consulting mathematician at GeneralElectric's Space Sciences Laboratory inKing of Prussia, Pa.LOEB, JACK W. see mention under Mrs.Hedwig Loeb, PhB*02-ROPER, M. WESLEY, PhD535, retiredfrom. teaching sociology at MuskingumCollege, New Concord, Ohio, on June 11,1962. On that date he completed 38years of college teaching.BAKER, CHARLES B., AB'36, JD'38, isadministrative vice president-interriational of U. S. Steel Corp., and is located inNew York City.REPLOGLE, FRED A., PhD'36, of Floss-moor, 111., was honored in Aprii as achurch layman of the year, by the Great-er Chicago Churchmen. The churchmenssgroup is the lay affiliate of the ChurchFederation of Greater Chicago. Mr. Re-plogle was one of the three laymen o£ theyear named at the group's annual dinnerin Chicago. He is a partner in Rohrer,Hibler & Replogle, a fìrm of consulting;psychologists to business management.He is board chairman of Chicago Theological Seminary, is president o£ the Metropolitan Chicago YMCA, and has beenSunday school superintendent at theFlossmoor Community Church.WATKINS, GEORGE H., '36, has beenelected senior vice president and directorof Marsh & McLennan, Inc., international insurance brokers in Chicago. Previously Mr. Watkins* position with thefìrm was vice president with supervisionover the Chicago office activities in theemployee benefìts fìeld. He joined Marsh& McLennan in 1960, coming from theContainer Corporation of America wherehe served as vice president. Prior to 1957he was vice president in charge of deveiopment at the U of C. Last year Mr.Watkins was counsel to the ÀdvisoryCommittee on Non-Military Instruction,appointed by the Secretary of Defense.He is active in many civic groups, servesas chairman of the U of C College Visiting Committee, and was recently electeda vice president of the U of C AlumniAssociation Cabinet. Mrs. Watkins isCATHERINE PITTMAN, AB'37.HUFFORD, G. N.8 PhD'37, of Joliet, HI.,is teaching education courses at LewisCollege, Lockport, 111., and serving aschairman of the department of education.Mr. Hufford retired in 1958 as superintendent of the Joliet Public Schools, after20 years in that position.PLOWMAN, E. GROSVENOR, PhD'37,was sworn in on March. 1 in Washington,D.C., as Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Transportation (Policy). Heheads the department's program of trans -port research and long-range planning,and directs the program of the Office ofEmergency Planning. Mr. Plowman re-signed as vice president— traffic of theU. S. Steel Corp., a position which hehad held for 19 years, to take the commerce department post. He had been aconsultant to the Commerce Departmentfor several months, and during 1959-60he was vice chairman of the department" stransportation council. From 1953 to1957 Mr. Plowman was president andthen chairman of the National DefenseTransportation Assn., and during theKorean War he worked with the DefenseDepartment to organize the military trafile service.RHODES, HAROLD H., SM'37, has beenappointed executive vice president ofMatrix Electronics Corp., San Diego, Calif. Prior to joining Matrix, Mr. Rhodeswas with the Department of State and theDepartment of Commerce in Washington,D.C., for five years. Previously he heldforeign service assignments in Vietnam,The Netherlands, and Italy.SLOSS, LAURENCE L. see mention underLoeb, PhB'02-BUTLER, ELIZABETH see Green-CHURCH, C. HOWARD, AB'38, professor óf art at Michigan State University,East Lansing, received the 1962 GoldMedal Award from the Fine Arts Sectionof the Michigan Academy of Science,Arts & Letters. Mr. Church was cited as"one who has contributed talent, effortand vision as an artist, been responsiblefor the outstanding success of the finearts department at Michigan State University during his period as head ( 1945-60), and given meritorious service as amember and offìcer o£ the fine arts section of the Academy for many years."Mr. Church's most recent one-man showwas "Retrospective Exhibition, 1940-62"at the Kresge Art Center, Michigan StateUniversity in November, 1960. He is amember of the Michigan Cultural Com-mission, past-president of the MidwestCollege Art Assn., and during 1956-59was a member o£ the architectural committee for the Kresge Art Center at Michigan State.GREEN, MRS. JOSEPH C. (ELIZABETHBUTLER, AB'38) is a research associateat the University of Denver's College ofBusiness Administration. She is supervis-ing the new English profìciency programthere in which students submit writtenwork throughout their professional courses, and must receive a satisfactory ratingfor graduation. Mrs. Green reports thatthe program, instituted last fall, is working well.MacKENZIE, JAMES H., '38, of Honolulu,Hawaii, was elected honorary "Mayor ofWaikiki" in a locai newspaper poli lastspring. Mr. MacKenzie heads the Mae-Kenzie Tours corporations (tours in theHawaiian Islands, and to the Islands fromthe Mainland), and recently opened aPolynesian restaurant, The Mac Snack,in the Waikiki area. After working hisway through college in Hawaii and atthe U of C, Mr. MacKenzie stayed onthe Mainland, giving lectures on Hawaiiand later forming a four-piece Hawaiianband. In 1947 he returned to Hawaii andfounded the tour service with one cai;he now operates a fleet of 84 limousinesand four busses, with 127 employees.WEBBER, HAROLD H., AB'38, consumerrelations vice president of Lever BrothersCo., New York City, has been elected adirector of the company. Mr. Webberjoined Lever Brothers in his present position in 1961, and supervises the company' s advertising, promotion, marketingresearch and public relations activities.Previously he was a vice president anddirector of Cowles Magazines and Broad-26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1968casting, Inc., and executive vice president and a director of Foote, Cone &Belding, advertising agency.BLANDINO, RICHARD H., '39, of Provi-dence, R. I., is chairman of the UnitedNegro College Fund in Rhode Island.GIFFIN, MARY E. see joint news item 1-HARDING, THOMAS S., AM'39, PhD'57,has been named director of the libraryat Iowa Wesleyan College, Mount Pleas-ant, la. Formerly head librarian at Evans-ville College, Evansville, Ind., Mr. Harding began his duties at Iowa Wesleyanin August. He will pian new facilities,expansion and deveiopment for theP.E.O. Memorial Library there. Beforebecoming librarian at Evansville College,Mr. Harding was librarian at MissouriValley College, Marshall, Mo., for twoyears.U1-U7NEU, FRANK R., AB'41, is public relations director of the American DairyAssn. (ADA) in Chicago. He has heldthe post for eight years, before which hewas public relations director for the Wisconsin division of ADA. His office pro-vides source materials for ADA fieldpersonnel, including publications on dairynews and promotion tips, and he also haswritten a scries of magazine advertise-inents. According to an article in theMilwaukee Journal, Mr. Neu estimatesthat about half of his time is spent onmedicai matters, referring to the recentcrop of unfavorable medicai publicity ondairy products, ranging from radioactivefallout to cholesterol. Mr. Neu defineshis job as "keeping the record straight,"and to do so he interviews health authori-ties, pores over statistics, and reads about25 scientific and medicai journals. Hisconclusion is that there is need for "cairnappraisal," and "we may be letting ourproblems blind us to opportunities forbuilding dairy food salcs."SCHAUFFLER, MARY C. scc joint newsitem 1—GUSTAFSON, JOHN F., AB'43, of Palatine, 111., founded a management consulting fìrm, Gustafson, Richard & Co., inOctober, 1960. It has grown to the extcntthat the finn now has representation inthe East, and an office in the Inland SteelBuilding in Chicago.SCHRERO, ELLIOT M., AB'44, AM'45,PhD'54, is a sales promotion writer withKetchum, MacLcod & Grove, Inc., NewYork City. He was formerly with Interpublic.HACKETT, MISS ELAINE R., AB'47,recently arrived in Europe where she isserving as recreation director at a U. S.Army service club.JONES, JACK E., AM'47, assumed the pastorate of the First Baptist Church inShelbyville, Ind., on June 15. He is formerly of Berwyn, 111., where he wasminister of the First Baptist Church.LANDRUM, ROBERT K., SB'47, becamepresident and chief executive officer ofWood County Bank, Parkersburg, W.Va.,on July 1. For the past three years, Mr.Landrum has been executive vice president of the Business Deveiopment Corporation of Kentucky in Louisville. TheCorporation is owned by Kentucky banksand businesses, and makes loans to industriai firms for expansion which will createmore employment for Kentuckians. Mr.Landrum started his banking career in1949 when he joined the trust department of Security Trust Co., Lexington,Ky. He became vice president and director in 1956. During his 11 years at theLexington bank, Mr. Landrum served inali offices of the Lexington ClearingHouse Assn., and ali offices of the CentralKentucky Conferencc of the NationalAssociation of Bank Auditors and Comp-trollers. For two years he was Kentuckystate vice president of the latter Association.LEIMAN, HERBERT M., AB'47, of Lawrence, N.Y., became a partner in the lawfinn of Preuss, Niehoff & Leiman inHempstead, N.Y., on Aprii 1. In August,1962, he was released from active dutywith the U. S. Army, having been rccalledduring the Berlin crisis in the fall of 1961.MAYER, STEVEN E., AB'47, SB'50, received the 1963 John J. Abel award ofthe American Society for Pharmacologyand Experimcntal Therapeutics. Mr.Mayer is associate professor at EmoryUniversity, Atlanta, Ga. The award rec-ognizes the contributions of Mr. Mayer'sresearch to knowledge of how substancespass from the blood into the brain and thecerebrospinal fluid. His studies are ofimportance in the design of drugs fortreatment of brain diseases. Recently Mr.Mayer has been studying the relationbetween the effeets of drugs on contraction of the heart, and biochemicalchanges in the heart cells which thesedrugs cause. Mr. Mayer is assistant editorof the Journal of Pharmacology andTherapeutics.MUNGER, EDWIN S., SB'47, SM'48, PhD'51, received a $10,000 grant from theRockefeller Foundation to continue hiswork as co-director of the Southern African research project at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. Mr. Munger, who is also professor of geography atCaltech, left in June for Bechuanaland toinvestigate the role of geographic boun-daries in the area's economie deveiopment. He is on the board of directors ofthe Los Angeles U of C Alumni Club.ROSEGRANT, WILLIAM R. see jointnews item 2—SALMON, WESLEY C, AM'47, has beenappointed professor of history and logieof science at Indiana University, Bloom-ington. Mr. Salmon, formerly associate professor at Brown University, Provi-dence, R.I., is a specialist in the field ofprobability and induction. He is a member of the U. S. National Commission tothe International Union of History andPhilosophy of Science, and a member ofthe editorial board of the journal Philosophy of Science.BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO24 HOUR SERVICELicensed • Bonded • InsuredQucdified WeldersSubmerged Water HeatersHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoUNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1 354 East 55th Street" ' rf afooMp 6a*t6"MemberFederai Deposit Insurance CorporationMUseum 4-1200THE NEW CHICAGO CHAIRAn attractive, sturdy, comfortablechair finished in jet black withgold trim and gold silk-screenedUniversity shield.$30.00For Christmas deliverymail order by November 20 !Order from and make checks pay-able toTHE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION5733 University Ave., Chicago 37Chair s will be shipped express col-lect from Gardner, Mass. withinone month.OCTOBER, 1963 TUE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27SMITH, ELBERT B., AM'47, PhD'49, ofAmes, la., was a Democratic candidatefor U. S. Senator in 1962. In what washis first politicai venture, Mr. Smith lostto Senator Hickenlooper by 54,000 out of815,000 votes cast.48-56BUNTING, ROBERT L., AM'48, PhD'58,chairman of the economics and businessadministration department at CornellCollege, Mt. Vernon, la., has been pro-moted to the rank of full professor. Hejoined the Cornell faculty in 1961 afterteaching at the University of North Carolina and North Carolina State College.Mr. Bunting is the author of EmployerConcentration in Locai Labor Markets,published last December, and of a chap-ter for Urban Growth Dynamics, alsopublished in 1962.CARROLL, MRS. DANIEL (NANCYKERR, AB'48) of Hinsdale, 111., hasturned her hobby of painting into a pro-fession as a commercial artist. Mrs. Carroll takes commissions to do wall muralsin homes throughout the Hinsdale area,doing originai designs to harmonize incolor and motif with the decor of thehouse. She has also done murals for shopdisplay Windows, and does some advertising and printing art work. Mrs. Carroll studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, and is continuing her studies withan artist in Hinsdale. The Carrolls havefour children.KERR, NANCY see Carroll-LINGO, T. D., PhB'48, AM'51, is directorof the Adventure Trails Mountain Sur-vival School at Black Hawk, Colo. Theschool provides summer camping experi-ence for boys and girls, ages nine throughfìfteen. Mr. Lingo also serves as boys'camp leader.PEEL, JERALD, PhB'48, of Dolton, 111.,recently was appointed actuary for Secur-ity Mutual Casualty Co., Chicago.WOOD, RALPH J. JR. see joint news item3-HODGE, EDWARD A., AB'49, was appointed to the labor relations staff ofGeneral Motors, Detroit, Mich., in May.Mr. Hodge was formerly general super-visor of labor relations at Packard Electric, Warren, Ohio, a division of GeneralMotors. He joined Packard as labor relations representative in 1954, becameplant supervisor of labor relations in 1959,and earlier this year he was named general supervisor.JOHNSON, GLENN L., PhD'49, professorof agricultural economics at MichiganState University, East Lansing, is headof the newly-formed Economie Deveiopment Institute at the University of Nigeria. He is one of a team of educators from Michigan State who are serving onthe staff of the Nigerian university undera contract with the Agency for International Deveiopment (AID). The Institute will concentrate on discovering howto raise Nigerian living standards andhow the university may assist in the process. Seminars will be conducted for Nigerian politicai leaders, businessmen andcivil servants, and training in deveiopment research and planning will be of-fered. While in Nigeria, Mr. Johnson willwork with JOEL BERNSTEIN, AB'42,AM'48, PhD'56, director of the U. S.AID Mission to Nigeria. Mr. Johnsonjoined the Michigan State staff 10 yearsago, and is author or co-author of fivebooks on agricultural economics.EVANS, ROBERT W., PhB'50, AM'55, isassociate librarian at Oberlin College,Oberlin, Ohio. He recently was promotedfrom his former position of head acquisi-tions librarian. Before going to Oberlin,Mr. Evans was head librarian of Mus-kingum College, New Concord, Ohio,from 1955 to 1961.HILTON, GEORGE W., AM'50, PhD'56,has been appointed associate professor ofeconomics at the University of California,Los Angeles.JANOUS, JOHN A., AB'5(), has been appointed industriai hygiene engineer forJones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Pittsburgh,Pa. In 1961, Mr. Janous received a Mas-ter's degree in industriai hygiene fromthe University of Pittsburgh. Prior to en-tering the University of Pittsburgh hewas safety supervisor at the Ravenswood,W.Va., plant of Kaiser Aluminum andChemical Corp.LOVE, WALTER D., AM'50, has beenpromoted to associate professor of historyat Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.VOTAW, GREGORY B., AM'50, of Beth-esda, Md., is an economist at the International Bank for Reconstruction andDeveiopment in Washington, D.C. TheBank is concerned mainly with SouthAsia and the Middle East, especiallyIndia and the United Arab Republic.WAX, BERNARD, AB'50, AM'55, ofSpringfield, 111., attended the fìfth annualSeminar for Historical Administratorsheld in Williamsburg, Va., for six weeksduring June and July. The seminar givestraining in American history interpreta-tion for students interested in careers asadministrators of historic museums, societies, parks or sites. Mr. Wax is fieldservices supervisor at the Illinois StateHistorical Library, where he is responsive for a restored mansion and a travelingmobile display unit. During 1956-58, hewas Lyman C. Draper Research Fellowfor the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, and the following year was ateaching assistant at the University ofWisconsin. He has written articles forThe Constant Factor, Illinois History,and the Journal of the Illinois State History Society. WEIL, JAMES L., AB'50, of New Ro-chelle, N.Y., is the author of a book ofpoetry, Sorrow's Spy, recently publishedby the American Weave Press, Cleveland,Ohio. He is editor-publisher of Elizabethpoetry magazine and a poetry chapbookseries.LANSING, MISS AUGUSTA E., PhD'51,of Brookline, Mass., became assistant professor of history and politicai science atBethany College, Bethany, W.Va., inSeptember. In 1960-61, Miss Lansingwas a researcher and feature writer forRadio Liberty in Munich, Germany. Formerly she had been a research analystfor the U. S. Department of State andthe U. S. Army during 1946-47 and1952-55.ALLEN, JESSE B., PhD'52, professor ofmarketing and coordinator of researchprograms at Los Angeles State College,has been elected by the College facultyto the state wide Academic S enate of theCalifornia State Colleges. The AcademicS enate, which held its first meeting inMay, is composed of representatives fromeach of the 17 California state colleges.It acts as an advisory body to the StateCollege Board of Trustees and the Chan-cellor in such areas as curriculum, promotion, tenure of faculty and academicstandards. Mr. Alien has been a membe-of the Los Angeles State faculty since1958. He lives in South Pasadena, Calif.BATSON, ROBERT J. see joint news item2-DOBBINS, ROBERT M., AB'53, AB'55,JD'57, is an associate in the law fìrm ofDe Forest Elder & Mulreany in New YorkCity. His wife, SUZANNE DOUGHER-TY, AB'54, SB'57, SM'57, is chief statis-tician at Computer Applications, Inc.,also in New York. They have two children.BARLOW, HARLEY T., SM'54, a majorin the U. S. Air Force, has been selectedfor promotion to lieutenant colonel. MajorBarlow is commander of the 12th Weath-er Squadron at Thule, Greenland.GERWIN, RICHARD see mention underMrs. Milton Gerwin, PhB'26-GOSS, CHESTER F. see joint news item3-BUTLER, WARREN L., PhD'55, receivedone of the first ten awards given by theCharles F. Kettering Foundation for basicand pioneering research in biophysics.Mr. Butler is head of biophysical researchfor the Agricultural Marketing Service,U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. The award provides up to$5,000 annually for an indefinite period,to aid his basic studies of photosynthesisand measurement of quality factors infoods. He is developing new methodsand instruments for measuring the qualityof fruits, vegetables and other foodswhich are now subject to human judg-ment and error in the inspection andgrading processes. Mr. Butler has already28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1963made significant contributions to his field,one being the deveiopment of a techniquefor measuring phytochrome, an enzymethat governs the time of flowering, rateof growth, and other factors in plant life.During 1943-46 Mr. Butler was in theU. S. Army and received numerousawards including the Purple Heart. Hewas wounded in service in Germany, andas a result his left hand and left legwere amputated. Mr. Butler lives withhis wife and three children in SilverSpring, Md.CASTEL, ALBEBT E. see joint news item2—COX, RICHABD H., PhD'55, was namedassociate professor of politicai science atthe newly-created State University ofNew York, Buffalo, on September 1. Mr.and Mrs. Cox (she is MARGARETDEEMS, AB'49) have a baby son Jona-than Deems, who was adopted in October, 1962.FRIEDMAN, STANTON (TERRY), SB'55, SM'56, joined the Allison Divisionof General Motors Corp., Indianapolis,Ind., in January. His work involves thedesign of nuclear shielding for the Mili-tary Compact Reactor being developedfor the Atomic Energy Commission andthe U. S. Army. Mr. Friedman announcesa new addition to his family: lames Leowas born on December 27, 1962.DURBIN, RICHARD L., MBA'56, is theauthor of a four-part series of articlespublished recently in Hospital Management on new concepts in the organizationand management of outpatient clinics.Mr. Durbin is administrator of the Tuc-son, Arizona Medicai Center, and wasformerly associate director of the graduate program of hospital administration atthe U of C. Mr. Durbin States that whenoutpatient units are used to the maximumas he suggests, "the reduction in cost oftotal health care can be phenomenal."UTTERMANN, ERVIN E., AB'56, is abudget analyst with the Social SecurityAdministration in Baltimore, Md. TheUttermanns moved to Baltimore last yearfrom Lombard, 111., and enjoyed themilder Baltimore winter.57-62BOUSEMAN, IOHN, AM'57, of Hazel-crest, IH., has been appointed dean ofCentral YMCA Junior College in Chicago.Mr. Bouseman was formerly assistantdean of the junior college, and has beenwith the Central YMCA education department since 1955.HONEYWELL, MRS. J. ARTHUR(MARIE-ANNE YANUL, AM'57) is aresearch assistant at the Corning Museumof Glass. Formerly Mrs. Honeywell wasassistant to the editor of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, at the U of C Orientai Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Honeywell(he is AM'58) live in Elmira, N.Y.SIEGEL, SEYMOUR, AB'57, was appointed associate dean of graduate studies atthe Jewish Theological Seminary in NewYork City.WATSON, DAVID S., PhD'57, has beenappointed chairman of the general education course, History of Western Civiliza-tion, at Denison University, Granville,Ohio. Mr. Watson joined the faculty atDenison in 1954, and has held the rank ofassociate professor of history since 1960.WILSON, JAMES Q., AM'57, PhD'59, ofBelmont, Mass., was appointed associateprofessor of government at Harvard University in July. Formerly he was a lec-turer on government at Harvard. Mr.Wilson is co-author of a recently published book, Interpretation of AmericanCity Politics, and is currently doing research on municipal police departments.Results of his previous research on Negropolitics and city politicai clubs appearedin two books, Negro Politics: The Searchfor Leadership, and The Amateur Demo-crat: Club Politics in Three Cities.YANUL, MARIE-ANNE see Honeywell-COVEN, MRS. HARRY M. (LUDMILLAROSS, AB'58) of Lincolnwood, 111., hasbeen teaching for the Niles TownshipDepartment of Special Education. Mr.and Mrs. Coven announce the birth oftheir fourth child, Daniel Raphael, onJanuary 22, 1963.LAWSON, E. THOMAS see joint newsitem 2—LEED, JACOB R., PhD'58, began dutiesin September as assistant professor ofEnglish at Kent State University, Kent,Ohio. Mr. Leed was formerly a memberof the English faculty at NorthwesternUniversity, Evanston, 111., and prior tothat taught at Pennsylvania State University.ROSS, LUDMILLA see Coven-GREENWALD, ALAN F., PhD'59, ofPikesville, Md., is director of psychologic-al services at the Seton Psychiatric Institute, Baltimore, Md. He is investigatingthe problem of psychiatric dischargesagainst medicai advice, and contributingto the literature in this area.HIRSCH, DAVID M. JR., MD'59, and hiswife, of Bronx, N.Y., announce the birthof a son, Louis Michael, on Aprii 17.RAEBURN, MARVIN, AB'59, is a copywriter with Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove,Inc., in New York City.ALLYN, KARYL ANN see Condit-CONDIT, MRS. ROGER E. (KARYLANN ALLYN, AB'60) formerly of Boston, Mass., was married this summer.The Condits are living in Portland, Me.,where Dr. Condit is serving his medicaiinternship at Maine Medicai Center. BOYD & GOULDSINCE 1888HYDE PARK AWNING CO.SINCE 1896 INC.NOW UNDER ONE MANAGEMENTAwnings and Canopies for AH Purposes9305 South Western Phone: 239-1511Since 7878HANNIBAL, INC.Furniture RepairingUpholstering • RefìnishingAntique; Restored1919 N. Sheffield Ave. • LI 9-7180RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. MOnroe 6-3192KEEP BOOKS STRAIGHT WITHSPRING-TENSIONBOOK POSTSInexpensive, easy-to-use • . •. . . they tidy up your bookshelves, keepbooks, albums, magazines straight andeasy to fmd; make room for art pieces andother accessories. Insert them in seconds!SPRING-TENSION BOOK POSTSadjust automatically to fìt open end orclosed-end bookshelves 9W x 13W.Brass anodized aluminum with rubber tips.6 for $3.50 ppd. 12 for $6.50 ppd.BY MAIL ONLY— SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDAddress Dept. C10AUGUSTE MERNICKBox 6005 TurnkeyProvidence 4, R. I.OCTOBER, 1963 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29GERWIN, ROBERT see mention underMrs. Milton Gerwin, PhB'26-THOMSON, DAVID L., MBA'60, a majorin the U. S. Air Force, recently completedan overseas assignment in Turkey. Nowhe is assistant professor of air science atMiami University, Oxford, Ohio.ENGELKE, HANS see joint news item 2-GIURA, JOHN, AM'61, of Chicago, waselected assistant treasurer of the SteinRoe and Farnham balanced fund andstock fund. Mr. Giura has been with SteinRoe and Farnham, investment counsellors,since June, 1961.HOWARD, MRS. ROBERT W. (ELIZABETH ZIMMERMAN, PhD'61) was appointed associate professor of educationat the University of Rochester in September. She had been assistant professorof education at the U of C since 1961.For four years prior to 1961, Mrs. Howard was an instructor in elementary education at the U of C, and from 1935-55,she was a teacher, counselor, psycholo-gist and director of guidance and specialeducation in La Grange, 111.LYNCH, WILLIAM B. JR., MBA'61, wasappointed field sales manager of themotor division, Westinghouse ElectricCorp., Buffalo, N.Y. He and his familylive in Eden, N.Y.NASH, HOWARD A., MD'61, is the firstrecipient of the E. Gellhorn Prize inNeurophysiology at the U of C. Dr. Nashis a PhD candidate in the U of C'sdepartment of physiology. The new Gellhorn Prize is awarded for achievementand promise in neurophysiology to a candidate for an SM, MD or PhD degree inany department of the U of C. The prizeis $200 and copies of three books by Dr.Gellhorn. Dr. Nash's home is in Jamaica,N.Y.VARGA, BENDEGUZ G., SB'61, has beenawarded a renewal of a Leeds & North-rup Foundation Predoctoral Fellowshipfor 1963-64. He will continue his graduate work at Princeton University in physics. While attending the U of C, Mr.Varga was elected to Phi Beta Kappa,and in September, 1961, he received aWoodrow Wilson Fellowship for his firstyear of graduate study at Princeton.ZIMMERMAN, ELIZABETH see HowardSIME, DONALD R., PhD'62, of Memphis,Tenn., is associate professor of religionat Harding College Graduate School ofReligion, and educational director for theJackson Avenue Church of Christ inMemphis. He is co-author of the VacationBible School Manual published in 1962by Gospel Teachers Publication, Dallas,'Texas.THEIN, MYINT, SM'62, is working for aPhD degree in geology at the U of C,on a scholarship grant from the government of Burma. Mr. Thein, a graduateof the University of Rangoon, is special- izing in the study of Mississippian gas-tropods, tiny marine animals which livedin the Mississippi Valley in the paleozoicage (200 million years ago). Mr. Theinwill go into university teaching when hereturns to Burma.Joint News Item I-MISS HAZEL E.FOSTER, AM'29, DB'32, PhD'33, MISSMARY E. GIFFIN, PhD'39, and MISSMARY C. SCHAUFFLER, PhD'41, received alumnae citations at the 75thanniversary celebration of Flora StoneMather College in Cleveland, Ohio, inMarch. They are among the first groupof alumnae so recognized by the College for their contributions to professionor community. Miss Foster, who lives inCleveland, was head of the Bible department and administrative dean of Presby-terian College, Clinton, S.C., from 1927to 1939. An ordained Congregationalminister, Miss Foster has also taught incolleges in India and the Philippine Islands and is the author of two books onreligion. Miss GifEn retired last yearafter teaching English at Vassar Collegefor 17 years. During the 1962-63 schoolyear she was a Fulbright lecturer at theUniversity of Tehran in Iran. A specialistin the field of medieval English literature,Miss GifBn is the author of Studies onChaucer and His Audience. Miss Schauf-fler retired in 1953 as professor of sociology at Flora Stone Mather College.During World War II she served as chairman of the Womanpower Committee forthe War Manpower Commission. Cur-rently she is active on several committeesin the fields of vocational guidance, nursing, and social work. Both Miss GifEnand Miss Schauffler live in ClevelandHeights, Ohio.Joint News Item 2- WILLIAM R. ROSE-GRANT, AM'47, and four other U of Calumni who are faculty members atWestern Michigan University, Kalamazoo,have received promotions in academicrank which will be effective in the 1963-64 academic year. Mr. Rosegrant has beenpromoted to associate professor of English. Other alumni promoted at WesternMichigan and their new ranks, are: ROBERT J. BATSON, AM'53, associate professor of politicai science; ALBERT E.CASTEL, PhD'55, associate professor ofhistory; E. THOMAS LAWSON, DB'58,AM'61, assistant professor of religion;and HANS ENGELKE, AM'61, assistantprofessor, library.Joint News Item 3-CHESTER F. GOSS,MBA'54, and RALPH J. WOOD, JR.,AB'48, are members of the 1963 MillionDollar Round Table of the National Association of Life Underwriters. Membersof the Round Table must have sold atleast a million dollars of life insurancein 1962, or have met special requirementsfor life membership. Fewer than one per-cent of the world's life insurance agentsare Round Table members. Mr. Goss is arepresentative of Bankers Life of Nebraska in Miami, Fla., and Mr. Woodrepresents Sun Life of Canada in Chicago. memorialsMANDEL, EDWIN F., '97, of HighlandPark, 111., died on July 16. He was formerpresident and board chairman of theMandel Brothers Department Store inChicago, and remained as honorary chairman until the fìrm was purchased in I960by Wieboldt Stores, Inc. Mr. Mandel do-nated funds to establish the Edwin F.Mandel Legai Clinic at the U of C LawSchool. The Clinic provides legai advicefor needy persons on a wide variety oflegai problems. Law students participateunder the direction of an attorney fromthe Chicago Legai Aid Bureau, givingthem an opportunity to acquire practicalknowledge of the law while being ofservice to the community.FERGUSON, LUCIA (formerly Lucia Ray,PhM'99), wife of George A. Ferguson, ofHyattsville, Md., died in May.RAY, LUCIA please see Ferguson—BOWLES, GILBERT, '00, of Honolulu,Hawaii died on September 10, 1960. Heserved for more than forty years as chairman of the Board of Trustees of theFriends School in Tokyo, Japan.HARMAN, WILLIAM S., PhB'00, of Columbus, Ohio, died on Aprii 15. He wasthe owner of Harman Wholesale Coal Co.HEALY, WILLIAM, MD'00, of Clear-water Fla., died on March 15.DeWATERS, ENOS A., SB'01, of Flint,Mich. died in October, 1962.FREEMAN, MARY please see Strong-STRONG, MARY (formerly Mary Free-man, PhB'01), wife of Reuben M. Strong,of Chicago died on December 6, 1962.McELROY, CHARLES F., AM'06, JD'15,of Springfield, 111., died on May 14. Hewas a lawyer in Springfield, and morerecently an assistant supervisor at theIllinois Department of Revenue. Mr. Mc-Elroy is author of Ministers of FirstChristian Church, Springfield, Illinois,1833-1962 (he held the longest membership in that church— since 1890). AmongMr. McElroy's extensive travels, he attended the 1960 world convention ofChristian ( Disciples of Christ ) Churces inEdinburgh, and in 1962 he went toAsuncion, Paraguay to present an organto the new Disciples of Christ Church.In 1961 Mr. McElroy was publicized inthe nation's newspapers for establishinga record of having seen 30 differentShakespearean plays during his lifetime.McCOY, ETHEL (formerly Ethel Terry,AB'07, PhD'13), wife of the late HerbertN. McCoy of Los Angeles, died on May23.TERRY, ETHEL please see McCoy-FOX, URL M., AB'08, of Highland Park,Calif., died on January 1.BASSFORD, EFFIE (formerly Effie Har-30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1963ley, PhB'09), wife of George A. Bassford,died on August 4, 1962.HARLEY, EFFIE please see Bassford-JANSON, MARCIA, PhB'09, wife of JohnH. Janson, of Oslo, Norway, died in 1954.SAUNDERS, ALBERT J., DB'09, AM'13,PhD'25, formerly of Melbourne, Australia, died on July 27, 1958.WETZEL, FRANK S., SB'09, of Jacksonville, Fla., died on Aprii 18. Mr. Wetzelretired in 1944 after 45 years of teaching.He was former principal of Andrew Jackson High School in Jacksonville. Mr.Wetzel had been visiting lecturer at Florida State University's summer school, andwas one of the first instructors at Jacksonville Junior College, which he wasinstrumentai in founding.ALEXANDER, MARKS P., PhB'll, ofSpringfield, 111., died on May 5. Mr. Alexander was a U. S. district attorney.COLEMAN, GEORGE H., SB'll, MD'13,of Chicago, died on June 8.FUDGE, HARRIETT please see Wright-HOLTZ, A. A., PhM'll, DB'12, PhD'14, ofManhattan, Kan., has died. Mr. Holtzretired in 1955 after 35 years on the staffof Kansas State University. He was professor of sociology and economics andformerly men's adviser and secretary ofthe college YMCA. Active in communityaffairs, Mr. Holtz was also minister of theFirst Baptist Church of Manhattan andthe Zeandale Church. He was a recipientof the U of C Alumni Citation.HULLIHEN, ELIZABETH, AM'll, ofRichmond, Va., died on May 25.WORK, JAMES R., AB'll, of Kenmore,N.Y., died on Aprii 12.WRIGHT, HARRIETT (formerly HarriettFudge, AB'll), of Greenville, Ohio, diedon Aprii 17. She taught at Dennis JuniorHigh School and Richmond High Schoolin Richmond, Ind., from 1923 until herretirement. She moved to Greenville in1961. While living in Richmond, Mrs.Wright was chairman of the U of Calumni group there.PRITCHETT, IDA please see Richard-son—RICH, JESSE P., LLB12, of Logan, Utah,died on Aprii 21.RICHARDSON, IDA (formerly Ida Pritch-ett, AB'12), wife of Dio Richardson, ofSeattle, Wash., died in Aprii.SULLIVAN, MARGARET, PhB'12, of LosAngeles, died on May 3. She lived in arest home where she was under the careof Dr. ETHEL R. HARRINGTON, '12,for multiple sclerosis.CLARKE, MARY please see Seaton-MARTIN, JOHN N., PhD'13, of Ames, la.died on Aprii 29. He was professor ofbotany at Iowa State University, and aspecialist in plant morphology and cytolo-gy. Mr. Martin established the Iowa Stateherbaceous garden, and was the authorof two textbooks and numerous articles on botany. In association with Mr. L. H.Pammel, he helped establish a wildlifeschool at McGregor, la., and many of thestate parks in Iowa. He is survived byhis wife, EDITH WALWORTH, '09.McCLELLAN, MYRTA L., SB'13, of LosAngeles, died on Aprii 7.SEATON, MARY (formerly Mary Clarke,AB'13), wife of William M. Seaton, ofWhite Plains, N. Y., died on May 10.ALLING, GRACIA please see Tuttle-BUSLER, SAMUEL E., '14, of KansasCity, Mo., died on Aprii 26, 1960.DINGLE, FRANK E., PhB'14, JD'16, ofChicago, died on November 11, 1962.GREENBERG, PHILIP B., SB'14, MD'16,of Beaumont, Texas, died on February 23.MacDONALD, EDWARD K., 14, of Winnetka, 111., died on March 20.TUTTLE, GRACIA (formerly Gracia Ali-ing, '14), wife of the late Robert E.Tuttle, died on March 20 in La Jolla,Calif.HYATT, JOSEPH C, '15, of Glencoe, 111.,died last year.KING, ESTHER (formerly Esther Livings-ton, PhB'15), wife of Victor M. King, ofDowners Grove, 111., died in the spring,1962.LIVINGSTON, ESTHER please seeKing-REES, GEORGE L., MD'15, of Logan,Utah, died on Aprii 15, 1962.THOMSON, JAMES E. M., MD'lS, ofRancho Santa Fé, Calif., died on May 24,1962.GRIFFIN, LEE H, PhB'16, died onMarch 29 in Chicago. Mr. Griffin waschairman of the Board of Directors ofGinn and Company (textbook publishers)at the time of his retirement in 1961. Hefirst became associated with Ginn andCompany in 1915, and in 1933 he wasadmitted as a partner of the company.He was elected chairman of the boardin 1958. After his retirement, Mr. Griffin continued as president of the Ginnand Company Educational Foundation,Inc. In 1961, the Lee H. Griffin StudentsLoan Fund was established in his honorat Lawrence College, Appleton, Wisc.KILNER, FREDERIC R., PhB'16, of Ken-ilworth, 111., died on Aprii 12. Mr. Kilnerwas publisher of the Florists' Review andAmerican Nurseryman magazines. He began his career on the editorial staff ofthe Florists' Review in 1913 and becamepresident of the Florists* Review Pub-lishing Co. in 1929. During the depres-sion he bought the American Nurserymanwhich later merged with National Nurseryman. In 1957 he was cited by theSociety of American Florists for his 40years of service to the industry. Alsointerested in history, Mr. Kilner compiledand edited a book on the history ofKenilworth. He is survived by his wife,COLLEEN BROWNE, '15.MORITZ, RUDOLPH A., '16, of SouthBend, Ind., died on November 18, 1962. SMITH, DAVID M., PhD'16, of Atlanta,Ga., has died. Mr. Smith was on thestaff at Georgia School of Technology.SOUTTER, CHARLES H., PhB'16, ofPanama City, Fla., died on May 15. Mr.Soutter was retired from Sears-Roebuckand Co.ALLEN, CHARLES F., PhB'17, of LittleRock, Ark., died on June 1, 1962.FUQUA, SAMUEL A. SR., MD'17, ofAlhambra, Calif., died on about June 2.Dr. Fuqua was a former captain in theU. S. Naval Medicai Corps, from whichhe retired in 1953. He had also prac-ticed medicine in Chicago prior to 1939.GABEL, OTTO J., PhB'17, AM'19, ofDeKalb, III, died on December 3, 1962.HEWITT, MARGUERITE please see Mc-Daniel—McDANIEL, MARGUERITE (formerlyMarguerite Hewitt, PhB'17), wife ofHubert S. McDaniel, of Evanston, 111.,died on February 10.UTTER, CAROLINE J., PhB'17, of GrandHaven, Mich., died on May 15. She wasa teacher and principal for 40 years inthe Chicago schools, and a life memberof the Chicago Teachers' Assn.GARLOCK, DeWITT H., SB'18, MD'18,of Redlands, Calif., died on March 9.KIMBALL, WILLIAM S, AM'18, PhD'22,of Burlington, Vt, died on March 7.MELHINCH, DELIA (formerly DeliaParker, PhB'18), wife of Lyman C. Mel-hinch, of Huntington, W. Va., died in1959.PARKER, DELIA please see Melhinch-RUSH, F. H., SB'18, MD'20, of Pittsburgh,Kan., died on May 4.BRADISH, FORD, '19, of Fort Worth,Texas, died on September 13, 1962. Hewas a consulting geologist and petroleumengineer.CLINTON, CATHERINE M., SB'19, ofChicago, died on May 21.HAMMES, LÉONARD A., PhB'19, JD'21,of Omaha, Neb., died on October 18,1962.JOHNSON, FRANCIS K, '19, of FortWorth, Texas, died on June 12 in BeverlyHills, Calif.MINOR, LOYAL L., AM'20, of MasonCity, la., has died.COSTA, FRANK J., SB'21, MD'24, of SanPedro, Calif., died on March 29.JOHNSON, DONALD W., SB'21, MD'22,of Torrance, Calif., died on July 22, 1962.KAMM, LEONIE, PhB'21, of NiagaraFalls, N. Y., has died.KRAEGER, BERTHA E., PhB'21, of St.Louis, Mo., died on July 19, 1962.MILLER, PAYSON, AM'21, of Hartford,Conn., died in October, 1962.BLEMNSTOCK, JULIUS, SB'22, SM'23,MD'29, of Danville, III, died on May 23.OCTOBER, 1963 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31HELMHOLZ, FREDERICK A., PhB'22,of Chicago, died on Aprii 18.SONNENDAY, DORA F., PhB'22, MD'22,of Cincinnati, Ohio, died on Aprii 1.WOODMAN, THOMAS W., SB'22, MD'24, of Phoenix, Ariz., died February 10.CALKIN, DOROTHY (formerly DorothyLeggett, PhB'23), wife of LeRoy P.Calkin, of Bartles ville, Okla., died onMay 7.DOTY, HIRAM S., '23, of Indianola, la.,died on February 15. He was a memberof the geology department faculty atSimpson College.DOUGLAS LOCKE, H., '23, of Moline,111., died on March 20, 1962.HARDER, WILLIAM C. Ili, SB'23, ofChicago, died last year. He was achemist.LEGGETT, DOROTHY please see Calkin-MATTHEWS, CHARLES W., AM'23, ofManhattan, Kan., died on March 15.McCLURE, EDITH please see Patterson-MEYER, HOWARD M., SB'23, MD'27, ofKitchener, Ontario, died on May 10.PATTERSON, EDITH (formerly EdithMcClure, '23), wife of John J. Patterson,of Dayton, Ohio, died on November 1,1962.SCHUTTER, CLAUDE W., JD'23, of Ver-million, S. D., died on Aprii 13.SPANNON, A. GEORGE N., PhB'23, JD'24, of Lincolnwood, 111., died on Aprii25, 1962.BRADFORD, HELEN, PhB'24, of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, died on May 13.She taught second grade at Oxford Ele-mentary School in Cleveland Heightsfor 37 years.BRAY, ETHEL, PhB'24, died in January,1962. She was formerly director of artwith the Washington, D.C., publicschools.BRINDLEY, GRACE (formerly Grace Lou-don, '24, wife of Ben R. Brindley, ofSan Francisco, Calif., died recently.LAUDER, ARCHIBALD C, PhB'24, ofChicago, died on February 19. He was aretired mathematics teacher.LOUDON, GRACE please see Brindley-PALMER, RAYMOND H., PhB'24, of Chicago, died on February 15 in Cazanovia,N. Y. He was a minister.DAUM, KATE, PhD'25, who died on December 31, 1955, will be honored in thenaming of a dormitory addition at theState University of Iowa, Iowa City. Aneight-story addition to Burge Hall wom-en's dormitory will be named Kate DaumHouse. Construction on the addition willprobably be completed by the fall of1964. Miss Daum was nutritionist at theState University of Iowa Hospitals from1926 to 1955, and was a professor in theCollege of Medicine. Much of her research dealt with the role of breakfast inphysiologic performance. DEAN, HUGH E., PhB'25, of Farmington,Mich., died in 1962.GRINSTEAD, LAWRENCE H., AM'25,of Columbus, Ohio, died on Aprii 20.LAMBERG, DAVID, SB'25, of TempieCity, Calif., died last year.MARTIN, WILLIAM J., AM'25, of Pittsburgh, Pa., died in July, 1962. He was afaculty member in the history departmentat the University of Pittsburgh.McCARTHY, MARIE, PhB'25, of Chicago,died on August 24, 1961.PERUSSE, GEORGE L., JR., SB'25, SM'27, MD'30, of Chicago, died on Aprii 10,1962.RYAN, CLARA M., AM'25, of Indianapol-lis, Ind., died on May 7 at Hamilton,Ohio. She was retired teacher of dra-matics and speech at Arsenal TechnicalHigh School, Indianapolis, where shehad taught for 27 years. At the time ofher retirement, the school's alumni established a Clara Ryan Awards Fund toprovide scholarships for pupils outstand-ing in dramatics.BASSUENER, REYNOLD O., MD'26, ofMilwaukee, Wisc, died on May 18, 1962.CARMAN, FLORENCE E., AM'26, ofRochester, N. Y., died on November 29,1961.MALLON, MARY J., PhB'26, of Los Angeles, died on January 1.BIRMINGHAM, KATHERINE E., PhB'27, of Chicago, died on August 5, 1962.CONSTABLE, KATE C, MD'27, of NewYork City, died on February 17.MARTIN, EDWARD K., MD'27, of Frank-fort, Ky., died on December 1, 1962.GEISEMAN, OTTO ALBERT F., AM'28,of River Forest, 111., died in November,1962.HOGLAND, PAUL V., PhB'28, of Rock-ford, III, died on Aprii 16. Mr. Hoglandwas a partner in Rockford IndustriaiSteel Service and president of RockfordHardware Manufacturing Co. He was adirector of City National Bank, a member of the church council of St. MarkLutheran Church, and past president ofthe Rockford Boys' Club board of di-rectors.SCHUMANN, BERTHA, PhB'28, of Milwaukee, Wisc, died on February 13. Shewas a former high school teacher.WERNER, CHARLES A., AM'28, died onAprii 30 on his farm, Memory Lane, inGraytown, Ohio. He was superintendentof the Glenview, 111., schools for twoyears. Then he joined the Chicago PublicSchool system where he was adminis-trator and teacher for many years untilhis retirement last June.HOYLE, VIOLA M., PhB'29, of Chicago,died in December, 1962.MARTIN, GERTRUDE please see Roberts.McKINLEY, HUGH A., MD'29, of Jacksonville, 111., died on May 14. Dr. Mc- Kinley was head pathologist at Our Sav-iour's and Passavant Hospitals in Jacksonville.ROBERTS, GERTRUDE (formerly Gertrude Martin, PhB'29), wife of EdgarRoberts, of Grand Rapids, Mich., diedrecently.THORUP, DONALD W., MD'29, of Ben-ton Harbor, Mich., died on Aprii 25.CONNER, LYCURGUS J., PhB'30, JD'32,of Chicago, died May 28. Mr. Connerwas in his second term as Democraticrepresentative from the 22nd district tothe Illinois State House of Representati ves. He maintained law offices in Chicago, and was first assistant to JudgeRobert J. Dunne of the Probate Court.SCHMIEDING, ALFRED E., PhB'30,AM'33, of Chicago, died on May 4.BURKHART, ROY A., AM'31, PhD'36, ofColumbus, Ohio, died on December 9,1962. He was minister of the First Community Church, Columbus.McKINNEY, MARY E., PhD'31, died onAprii 17 in loia, Kan. She taught Latinand Greek at State Teachers College,Conway, Ark., and Albion College, Al-bion, Mich. After her retirement, MissMcKinney held a John Hay WhitneyGrant and taught for three years at Austin College in Sherman, Texas.BRANDES, EULA (formerly Eula Brown,PhB'33), wife of H. D. Brandes, of Rockford, III, died on December 20, 1962.BROWN, EULA please see Brandes-MULLIGAN, WILLIAM C, PhB'33, JD'34, of Chicago, died in February.PETERS, HENRY N., PhD'33, of Glen-dale, Mo., died on February 22.WHITMAN, ROSWELL H., PhD'33, diedon November 27, 1962, following a year-long illness. He was minister for economie affairs at the U. S. Embassy inTokyo, Japan until November, 1961.Since 1946, he had served in numerousforeign service capacities with the Department of State. Mr. Whitman is survived by his wife, MARY McKEON, '31,and two children.COLLINS, GEORGE W., AB'34, of Evanston, III, died in March, 1962.BURGE, EDWARD S., MD'35, of Evanston, 111., died on June 11. Dr. Burge wasan obstetrician and gynecologist withoffices in Evanston, and Winnetka, 111.He had been a member of the staff ofEvanston Hospital since 1940, and servedas staff president in 1957-58. He was onthe Northwestern University MedicaiSchool faculty for many years. Dr. Burge,who wrote and collaborated on numerousscientific papers in his field of practice,had recently completed a four-year re-"J search project on obstetric anesthesia incollaboration with two other doctor s.SMITH, FRANCIS H., AM'35, of Swan-nanoa, N. C, died in December, 1962.COHN, ESSIE, (formerly Essie White,PhD'36), wife of Byron E. Cohn, of Den-32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE OCTOBER, 1963ver, Colo., died in the spring, 1963.WERNER, SAMUEL, MD'36, of Bìllings,Mont, died on December 29, 1962.WHITE, ESSIE please see Cohn-O'RILEY, MARCARET, PhB'37, wife ofJames E. O'Riley, of River Forest, III,died on February 20.SMITH, ETHEL C, PhB'37, of Clinton,111., died on Aprii 29. She was a highschool teacher.ALLEN, LLOYD C, AB'38, MBA'47, ofChicago, died on Aprii 19. He is survived by his father, T. GEORCE ALLEN, PhDT5, of Bradenton, Fla.NORRIS, JOE L., PhD'38, died on December 4, 1962. He was associate professor of history at Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich., where he had taughtfor the past 25 years.KIRBY, MAURICE E., '40, of Omaha,Neh., died on June 13. He and his wifewere killed in an airplane accident.STRUGO, VIDA please see Swartz-SWARTZ, VIDA (formerly Vida Stingo,AM'40), wife of Herbert Swartz, of LosAngeles, died in July, 1960.BARRIS, RALPH W., MD'41, of Om ha,Neh. died on Aprii 13. Dr. Barris spe-cialized in clinical neurology.MUNGER, HENRY W., PhB'41, died onOctober 19, 1962, in Bowling Green, Mo.He was a retired American Baptist mis-sionary who had served in the PhilippineIslands from 1904 until his retirement in1945. Mr. Munger completed his U of Cstudies during a furlongh in 1939-40.RINDER, WILLIAM G, AB'41, of Colorado Springs, Colo., died on March 15.Mr. Rinder was owner of Western StateInvestigation Assn., and a resident ofColorado Springs for 11 years.MEIER, DOROTHY please see Thompson.THOMPSON, DOROTHY (formerly Doro-thy Meier, '42 ) , wife of James Thompson,died on January 31, 1962, in Cleveland,Ohio.WARSHAW, SYDNEY D., SB'43, PhD'49, of Chicago, died on May 19. He hadbeen associate physicist at Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, 111., since1958.HUTCHINS, MERRILL L„ DB'46, PhD'49, of Guatemala City, died three or fouryears ago.KANE, THELMA (formerly Thelma Blum,SB'46), wife of STEPHEN S. KANE,SB'37, PhD'41, of Burbank, Calif., diedon June 1.BLUM, THELMA please see Kane-GEHLMANN, FREDERICK, AM'47, PhD'51, died on February 3, 1962, in Chicago.KAHEY, MARY F., LSB'48, of Chicago,died on February 8, 1962.WILLIAMS, GEORGE R., SB'49, of Milwaukee, Wisc, died in January, 1961. CHILDERS, GERALDINE please seeWerner—COX, DONALD G, DB'54, of Galesburg,III., died on November 9, 1962.WERNER, GERALDINE (formerly Geraldino Childers, AB'54), wife of OLIVERJ. J. WERNER, JR., PhB'48, JD'56, ofSeattle, Wash., died in October, 1959.DEIKE, WALTER E., MD'56, of LosAngeles, died on Aprii 18.STAMM, JOHN P., AM'58, of Clarksburg,W.Va., died on January 6, in a hospitalin Chillicothe, Ohio.GRAHAM, PHILIP L., publisher of theWashington Post, and Newsweek magazine, and member of The University olChicago Board of Trustees, died August3 at the age of 48. At the time of hisdeath, Mr. Graham was president of theWashington Post Co., which he had ex-panded to include several publicationsand two radio-television stations. In 1940,he married KATHARINE MEYER, AB'38, daughter of the Post publisher, Eu-gene Meyer. After serving in the U. S. AirForce during World War II, Mr. Grahamwas named associate publisher of thePost and shortly thereafter, he becamepublisher. In 1954 he bought the Washington Times-Herald, giving the Post amorning news monopoly in Washington,and later he established a radio-TV station in Washington and purchased another in Jacksonville, Fla. In 1961 Mr.Graham bought Newsweek magazine andsince then he had spent two days everyweek at the Newsweek Building in NewYork City. The most recent addition tothe Post Co., purchased in 1962, wasthe Art Foundation Press, Inc., publishcrsof Art News magazine, and Portfolio, aquarterly review of the arts in bookforni. Mr. Graham is survived by his wifeand four children.ROTHMAN, STEPHEN, dermatologist andprofessor emeritus of medicine at TheUniversity of Chicago, died August 31at the age of 68. Dr. Rothman headedThe University's section of dermatologyfor more than two decades, and was in-ternationally known for his research onthe skin and its diseases. He is authorof Physiology and Biochemistuj of theSkin, published in 1954 and considereda classic in its field. In 1962, Dr. Rothman was awarded the Gold Medal forAchievement of the American Academyof Dermatology, one of the highest medicai honors in its field. That same year,he was one of ten U. S. medicai scien-tists to receive the Distinguished Achievement Award from Modem Medicine, aninternational medicai journal. He servedas president of the Chicago Dermato-logical Society and the Society of Investigative Dermatology, and had been chairman of the Committee on Cosmetics ofthe American Medicai Association. Afterhis retirement in 1960, Dr. Rothmanconducted research as a staff member ofthe Argonne Cancer Research Hospital,which The University operates for theU. S. Atomic Energy Commission. LOWER YOUR' COSTSIMPROVED METHODSEMPLOYEE TRAININGWAGE INCENTIVESJOB EVALUATIONPERSONNEL PROCEDURESROBERT B. SHAP1RO, '33, FOUNDEROffset Printing • Imprinting • AddressographingMultilithing • Copy Preparation • Automatic InsartingTypowriting • Addressing • Folding • MailingCHICAGO ADDRESSING J PRINTING COMPANY720 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET WAlMSll 2*4561T. *. REHNQUIST CO SidewalksFactory FloorsMachineFoundationsConcrete BreakingNOrmal 7-043HWe operate our own dry cleaning plant1309 East 57th St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.Midway 3-0602 NOrmal 7-98581553 E. Hyde Park Blvd. FAirlax 4-57591442 E. 57th Midway 3-0607GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishlng3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186MODEL CAMERA SHOPLeica - Bolex - Rol leiflex - Polaroid1342 E. 55th St. HYde Park 3-9259NSA Ditcountt24-hour Kodachrome DavelopingHO Traini and Model Supplì»New England Life agent Dave Bell, University of Vermont '59, discusses a "Savìngs for Success" insurance program with clients David and Aline Shader.WHO EVER SOLD A MILLION DOLLARS OF LIFEINSURANCE -IN ONE YEAR -IN BURLINGTON. VERMONT?Dave Bell dia. And a handful of others, over the years.Selling a million is excellent production in New York orChicago. In Burlington it's exceptional, particularlywhen accomplished by a man in his first year in thebusiness.Extraordinary salesman? Yes and no. Dave's a like-able, unassuming kind of guy whose greatest assets areenthusiasm and a willingness to learn. He's a collegegraduate, to be sure, and was an offìcer in the ArmyRangers before joining New England Life's Burlingtonagency. Such bright young men starting bright newcareers have been known to respond to supervision as Mickey Mantle might respond to batting tips.But Dave Bell listened and learned, tried techniqueshe doubted could work, found they did, and carne backfor more. He sold no big pension or business cases thatfirst year. He did bring a measure of -financial security to132 families, of which the Shaders, above, are typical.Could you be another Dave Bell? The importantingredients, as you've seen, are intelligence, warmth,ambition and the training and support of a good company. If you have the first three, you're eligible for thefourth. Look into it. Write Vice President John Barker,Jr., 501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02117.NEW ENGLAND LIFENEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY: INOIVIDUAL ANO GROUPLIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITIES AND PENSIONS. GROUP HEALTH COVERAGES.GEORGE MARSELOS, '34, ChicagoROBERT P. SAALBACH, '39, Omaha These University of Chicago men are New England Life representatives:JOHN R. DOWNS, C.L.U., '46, ChicagoHERBERT W. SIEGAL, '46, San Antonio