Holding the line ... for a richer harvestBoll weevil, codling moth, leaf rollers, thrips and beetles ... these are only a few of the thousandsof insects that chew up millions of dollars worth of farm crops each year. Fortunately, however,they are no match for a new Union Carbide product called SEVIN insecticide. In the United Statesand many other countries, the use of SEVIN has already saved such staple crops as cotton, corn,fruits and vegetables from destruction by ravaging insects. .... You can now get SEVIN insecticide foryour own garden as part of the complete line of handy EVEREADY garden products that help you growhealthy vegetables and flowers. SEVIN comes from years of research in Union Carbide laboratoriesand at an experimental farm in North Carolina where scientists prove out their latest agriculturalchemicals ..... This is only one area in which chemicals from Union Carbide help improve everydayliving. The people of Union Carbide are constantly at work searching for better productsthat will meet the needs of the future.A HAND IN THINGS TO COMELOOK for these famous Union Carbide products -SEVIN Insecticide, EVEREADY GardenChemicals, "6-12" Insect Repellent, LINDE Synthetic Emeralds and Stars, PRESTONE Car Care Products.Union Carbide Corporation, 270 Park Avenue, New York 17. N. Y. In Canada, Union Carbide Canada Limited, Toronto.Just off the Quadr a'ng lesWe plan to keep the front page ofa recent Chicago Daily News tuckedIn an available cubbyhole for use thellext time someone asks, "What sort ofalumni does Chicago have, anyway?"This particular issue has a top banllet headline, with two stories runningoff it, about the nation's air defense.Specifically, it reports the views of thecOmmander-in-chief of the NorthA.merican Air Defense Command, thebi'national (U.S. and Canada) militaryOrganization which is responsible fordetecting and countering any air attackOt) this continent.The gentleman in question is a fourstar general, John K. Gerhart, '28,from whom we got a pleasant letter thefOllowing Monday advising that he'Would indeed be back for June Rellt)ion as the luncheon speaker and arecipient of the Alumni Medal.THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCEOur apologies for the extremetardiness of this issue. A suddenresignation threw us far off schedUle. The May {1nd June numberswill follow close on the heels ofthis one, and we'll be on time againcome fall.-H.R.H.,\PRIL, 1963 The second lead in that Daily Newswas a chapter in the current fracasover Illinois public aid policies. Onlylast year the then-chairman of the Illinois Public Aid Commission, C. VirgilMartin, M.B.A. '55, resigned becauseof a difference over relief policy. Mr.Martin, who is president of CarsonPirie Scott & Co., was succeeded byArnold H. Maremont, '24, J.D. '26.Mr. Maremont has now become thelatest casualty in this prolonged struggle. On the day after his formal confirmation by the Illinois Senate as IP ACchairman, he spoke some heated wordsabout the politics of public aid and itsrelation to the racial distribution of aidrecipients. The Senate promptlychanged its rules and de-confirmed Mr.Maremont.Both Mr. Maremont and Mr. Martinhave previously been honored by theAlumni Association with Alumni Citations for community service, in 1952and 1960, respectively. Maybe weshould start awarding chevrons to theCitations, if not wound stripes.TWO "NEW" FACES-Bill Morgenstern, '20, J.D. '22, one of thehardiest and best liked perennialsaround the Quadrangles over most ofthe past half century, retired at the endof March-and was promptly snappedup by the Association as part of astop-gap replacement for Magazine Editor Marjorie Burkhardt, '56, who resigned March 29.We need hardly recite Bill's career(publicity jpublic relations director ofthe University, 1927-58, Secretary ofthe University since) nor introducehim. Long-time readers will rememberConcluded on Page 25 UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO•maaazuie5733 University AvenueChicago 37, IllinoisMidway 3·0800; Extension 3241EDITOR Herold R. Harding. EDITORIAL ASSOCIATE.................................... William V. MorgensternEDITORIAL ASSiSTANT.. Rona MearsFEATURES2 Back Yard "Peace Corps"Harold R. Harding6 .Julius 'RosenwaldDaniel J. Boorstin10 The Defense of FreedomMatthew E. Welsh16 Sports Report18 The University DialogueDEPARTMENTS1 Just Off the' Quadrangles11 News of the Quadrangles21.. News of the Alumni31. .. MemorialsCOVERFor story see page 2.CREDITSCover, 2·5: George Gardner; 12, 17: DanielLyon.THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPRESIDENL John F. Dille, Jr.EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Harold R. HardingADMINISTRATIVE ASST.. Ruth G. HalloranPROGRAMMING David R. LeonettiALUMNI FOUNDATIONNational chairman c. E. McKittrickChicago-Midwest Area Florence Medow,REGIONAL OFFICESEastern Region 20 West 43rd StreetNew York 36, N. Y.PEnnsylvania 6-0747Los Angeles ,.Mrs. Marie Stephens1195 Charles s-, Pasadena 3After 3 P.M.-SYcamore 3·4545MEMBERSHIP RATES (Including Magazine)1 year, $5.00; 3 years, $12.00Published monthly, October through June, by theUniversity of Chicago Alumni· Association, 5733University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annualsubscription price, $5.00. Single copies, 25 cents.Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934,at the Post Office of Chicago, Illinois, under theact of March 3, 1879. Advertising agent: AmericanAlumni Magazines, 22 Washington Square, NewYork, New York.1volunteering time and talent to help lift one cornerof the cloak of disadvantage from a seventh-grader.Across the table from him is a boy who lives in a slum.The two of them are part of an ambitious effort inpractical idealism, a home-grown "Peace Corps" whichhas caught the imagination of University undergraduates during the past year.A professor's letter started it. "It is impossible,"David Bakan wrote to the Maroon in January, 1962,"really to create an island community in the middle ofChicago . . . It would be extremely fitting if a kindof local "Peace Corps" could be developed in whichsome of the energies and talents of our highly selectedstudent body could be brought to enhance the condition of the people living in this area."Mr. Bakan, who is a professor of psychology, didnot have to wait long for a response. At first a groupof about ten students began a series of weekly meetings with him. From these discussions grew the StudentCommittee for Community Cooperation, chaired byPamela Procuniar, then a junior in the College.Having decided on tutoring as the most likely wayfor putting student abilities to practical use in thennderprivileged areas south of the Midway, the SCCCnext sought the counsel of public school officials. Wadsworth Elementary School at 6420 S. University wassuggested. There Helen Schaffer, adjustment teacher inthe crowded school, selected an initial group ofseventh- and eighth-graders with whom Universitystudents began to meet three hours a week. The tutoring sessions, which started in April 1962 and havecontinued since, are voluntary for both tutors andtutees.From this beginning, the student-staffed volunteerprojects developed or assisted by the SCCC have;�rown to these:'" Ten "enrichment groups" involving about 50 uppergrade Wadsworth pupils who meet weekly with University students for discussions or field trips.• Help for another twenty Wadsworth pupils in starting a school newspaper. Maroon staffers are the volunteer coaches.• A weekly film program provided by Gordon Quinnof the Documentary Film Group, a cooperating studentorganization.• A drive to provide books for the Wadsworth Schoollibrary.• Continuation of tutoring for about 50 pupils needingremedial help in reading and mathematics.• Just now starting, meetings with Hyde Park HighSchool students to introduce them to college life and,hopefully, help make college attendance a possibilityfor young people who might otherwise never considercollege. BACKYARD��PEACECORPS"Although the original aim of the Woodlawn tutoringproject was to help underprivileged youngsters withtheir lessons, the students working in it have probablylearned as many lessons as their pupils.It came as a surprise to find, for instance, that the DAVID BAKANAPRIL, 1963 3"city kids" in Woodlawn knew almost nothing of thecity. Such a simple thing as being invited to walkacross the Midway introduced many of them to anunknown world. Few had ever been in the Museum ofScience and Industry, less than a mile from some oftheir homes. Few had even been in the Loop.By experiencing in human encounters the frightening complexity of social forces which trap slum children, these Chicago undergraduates have gained asober understanding of the acute difficulties theircharges face. A new dimension is put on the poorscholastic attainment of children in run-down areaswhen one realizes that a child may have high abilityand high motivation, yet fail because no one at homecan help him with simple lessons-and his homeworkmust be done in a room where six other people live."Learning problems" become a reality when onesits down to help a 13-year-old girl who chattersbrightly, using a good vocabulary, but cannot read aword.One cannot be glib about the advantages of education when it sinks in that the ability to read and writewill not guarantee jobs for these boys and girls whenthey are grown.Who are the University students and what is motivating them? The first question is the easier. Few of4 them expect to teach. The greatest number are undergraduates who will take their degrees in politicalscience or the social sciences. Only a half-dozen or soare divisional students.Their motivations are multiple. One element is surelythe fact that the population of the Woodlawn neighborhood to the south of the Midway has become preponderantly Negro lower-class in recent years. Chicagostudents today, like those of earlier generations, areconcerned about racial problems.A second factor is awareness of the traditional islandlike situation of the University, a condition encouragedby location. Jackson Park and the lake to the east,Washington Park to the west, and the Midway lyinglike a moat at the University's southern approachthese buttress the inherent tendency of a university toform a community unto itself.Some students are inclined to be impatient withwhat seems to them to be lack of aggressiveness of theUniversity in problems of race relations. It is notenough that the University is free of discriminatorypractices in admissions and the housing of students,and in employment and appointments, nor enoughthat the University took the lead in working towarda stably integrated surrounding residential neighborhood in Hyde Park-Kenwood. There is always someTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdegree of pressure being exerted on the Universityfrom students and others to do more and do it faster.Most recently, for instance, the University has beenurged to endorse pending open-occupancy legislationin the Illinois Assembly. The University has, however,chosen not to amend its long-standing policy of takingno official corporate position on legislative or socialissues.The issue of housing integration also lay behind Mr.Bakan's challenging letter of January 1962, which waswritten during the sit-ins organized at the Universityby the Committee on Racial Equality (CORE).It is recognized that these are arguments aboutmeans, not ends, but because of such issues there isprobably some feeling of tweaking the lion's nosemixed with nobler motives among the Woodlawntutors. The University administration, already quiteaccustomed to having its nose tweaked, is inclinedto think that this is one of the most worthy possibleways of having it done.A third element in the students' motivations involvesthat elusive quality, the mood of a student generation.Students of the Fifties were thought "cool" and noncommittal, those of the Forties a sober, industrious lot,etc. There does seem to be, in those of the comingCONCLUDED ON PAGE 28APRIL,1963 5Julius RosenwaldExponent of the Community Spirit in PhilanthropyDANIEL J. BOORSTIN, Professor of AmericanHistory Analyzes the Rofe of Mr. Rosenwald,University Trustee and Philanthropist, WhoseConstructive Philosophy of Giving Encouragedthe Principie of Self-HelpThere are few better illustrations of the central placeof the community in American life than the history ofAmerican philanthropy. And there has been no moreeffective exponent of the community-spirit in philanthropy than Julius Rosenwald, the centennial of whosebirth we celebrate. I will not try to tell the story ofRosenwald's philanthropies. I will, rather, describesome of the distinctiveness of certain American developments, and show how Julius Rosenwald participatedin them.Philanthropy or charity throughout much of European history has been a predominantly private virtue.In most of 'Western Europe, the national states andtheir organs were elaborated before the needs of modern industrial society came into being. The state andits organs had therefore pre-empted most of the areasof public benevolence, improvement, education, andprogress, even before the appearance of the greatfortunes which modern industry made possible. Thecreators of the modern state-for example QueenElizabeth I in England, Napoleon in France, andBismarck in Germany-developed arms of the stateto do more and more jobs of public service, publicenrichment, public enlightenment, and cultural andscientific progress.6 The charitable spirit was a kind of residuum; itinevitably tended to become the spirit of alms-giving,Of course everybody was required to contribute bytaxes or gifts to state or church institutions. But because the state, and its ancient partner the church,had taken over the business of wholesale philanthropy,the independent charities of wealthy men were generally left to alleviating the distress of the particularindividuals whom they noticed.The first characteristic of the traditional charitablespirit, then, was that it was private and personal. Thisfact has made difficulties for scholars trying to chronicle philanthropy, especially outside the United States.Donors have often been reluctant to make known thesize (whether because of the smallness or the largeness) of their donations. They have sometimes fearedthat signs of their wealth might bring down on thema host of the poor, confiscatory demands from the taxfarmer, or jealousy from the sovereign.For more reasons than one, therefore, charity, whichwas a salve for the conscience, became an innermostcorner of consciousness, a sanctum of privacy. A man'scharities were a matter between him and his God.Church and conscience might be intermediaries, butthe community did not belong in the picture.Second, the traditional charitable spirit was perpetual, unchanging and even in a certain sense,· rigid.'The poor," said Jesus, "ye always have with you." Thealms-giver was less likely to be trying to solve a problem of this world than to be earning his right of entryinto the next. These hardly seemed to be any problemof means or of purpose. Since it was always a greatervirtue to give than to receive, the goodness of charitycame more from the motive of the giver than from theeffect of the gift.The philanthropic spirit, as it has developed;changed, flourished and become peculiarly institutionalized in America, has been very different. In somerespects it has even been opposed to these twoTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJULIUS ROSENWALDcharacteristics of the time-honored virtue. Here thedominant note, the pervading spirit, the peculiarcharacteristic, has been a preoccupation with community. This transformation of the charitable spirit hasbeen expressed in peculiarly American emphases.The focus of American philanthropy has shifted fromthe giver to the receiver, from the salving of souls tothe solving of problems. From conscience to community. No one better expressed this spirit than JuliusRosenwald, when he said:"In the first place philanthropy is a sickeningword. It is generally looked upon as helping a manwho hasn't a cent in the world. That sort of thinghardly interests me. I do not like the 'sob stuffphilanthropy. What I want to do is to try and curethe things that seem to be wrong. I do not underestimate the value of helping the underdog. That,however, is not my chief concern, but rather theoperation of cause and effect. I try to do thething that will aid groups and masses rather thanindividuals."This view, which we should probably call (in William James' phrase) "tough-minded" rather than hardhearted, has long dominated what has been thepeculiarly American charitable spirit.APRIL,1963 The patron saint of American philanthropy is notDorothea Dix or any other saintly person, but ratherBenjamin Franklin, the man with a business sense andan eye on his community. For Franklin, doing goodwas not a private act, not an act between bountifulgiver and grateful receiver; it was a prudent socialact. A wise act of philanthropy would sooner or laterbenefit the giver along with all other members of thecommunity ...Like Julius Rosenwald, Franklin did not go in for"sob stuff' philanthropy. Few, if any, of his enterpriseswere primarily for the immediate relief of distress ormisfortune ... In Franklin's mind and in his activitiesthe line between public and private hardly existed. Ifan activity was required and was not yet performed bya government, he thought it perfectly reasonable thatindividuals club together to do the job, not only to fillthe gap, but also to prod or shame governments intodoing the job. A large number, but by no means all,of his activities were taken over by the municipalityof Philadelphia, the State of Pennsylvania, or thefederal government. From his point of view the important thing was not whether the job was done bygovernment or individuals: both governments and individuals were agencies of community. The communitywas the thing . . .Julius Rosenwald was sometimes unable to resist hisimpulse to help the individual, and he occasionallygave way to the almsgiving impulse-most notably atthe time of the stock market crash of October, 1929.He was himself no speculator, yet at the time of thecrash he promptly and unhesitatingly supported theinitiative of his son, Lessing Rosenwald, and guaranteed the personal stock market accounts of about 300of his employees, thus saving many of these familiesfrom financial collapse.His greatest contributions, as we all know, were tothe Negro. Not so much to the direct relief of destitution among Negroes, as to the cause 'Of Negro education. Julius Rosenwald probably contributed as muchas any other single man to the preparation of ourNegro citizens for that manly defense of their ownrights which has taken place in our own day. He didthis in part by the wise expenditure of over twenty-twomillion dollars through the Rosenwald Fund alone.He was not the largest philanthropist of this century,but there was no one who gave more thought to thepurposes and community effect of his gifts. "Viewingthe matter in retrospect," Rosenwald observed in 1929,"I can testify that it is nearly always easier to make onemillion dollars honestly than to dispose of it wisely ... "While, as we have just observed, the focus of American philanthropy has shifted from giver to receiver,there has occurred another equally important shift inpoint of view. The clear lines between the roles of thegiver and the receiver, which in the traditional European situation were so distinct, in America becameblurred.In an American equalitarian, enterprising, fluid society the ancient contrasts between the bountiful richand the grateful poor, the benefactor and the beneficiary, on which the almsgiving situation had depended,became obsolete. In America a community-the ultimate beneficiary-was increasingly expected to be itsown benefactor ...It is not surprising, then, that the time-honorednotion that it is more blessed to give than to receive,like some other ancient fixed axioms of charity, beganto be dissolved. When you no longer believe theancient axiom that "the poor are always with you,"a recipient is no longer a member of a permanentsocial class.So far did we move from the old notions that nowthe ideal recipient of philanthropy was himself viewedas a potential donor ... By a twist of New Worldcircumstances, by the transformation of the charitablespirit, in the United States it often happened that thosewho received most from an act of philanthropy werealso those who gave most. Julius Rosenwald, and someother characteristically American philanthropists, haveviewed this as the ideal philanthropic situation ...By the time of his death, Rosenwald had contributedto the construction of 5,357 public schools, shops, andteachers' homes in 883 counties of fifteen southernstates, at a total cost of $28,408,520. Julius Rosenwald'spersonal contribution was monumental: $4,366,519.But a fact of which he would have been still prouderwas that his contributions had induced others to contribute still more. While his contribution amounted to15 per cent of the whole, the Negroes, themselves, hadcontributed $4,725,871 or 17 per cent. Local whitefriends had contributed $1,211,975 or 4 per cent.And tax funds in these communities had contributed$18,104,115 or 64 per cent.In his attitude Rosenwald was not alone. LeadingAmerican philanthropists of his day shared his view.An obvious, but most important common characteristicof the greatest American philanthropic enterprises ofthe 19th and early 20th century in this country-ofCarnegie's libraries, museums, and music halls; of theuniversities endowed by Vanderbilt, Cornell, Stanford,and Rockefeller; of the art galleries and institutesaided by Cooper, Peabody, and Mellon-was that theywere voluntary organizations. No one would be helpedby them unless the person himself was willing to makean effort to help himself. The passive beneficiary hadno place in this scheme . . .'When philanthropy ceases to be a matter only between a man and his God, when the community enters,then anonymity loses much of its blessedness. For thecommunity has a right to know, and can profit fromknowing. Although Julius Rosenwald again and againrefused his permission to have institutions named afterhim and repeatedly refused incidental honors like honorary degrees, he was opposed to anonymous giving.Simply because he believed that one of the purposesof giving was to stimulate others to give, Rosenwaldbelieved that secrecy and inactivity were apt to gotogether and to explain each other.Faith, hope and charity were changeless as God orhuman nature, but philanthropy must change with itscommunity. American philanthropists were citizens offast-growing cities with shifting populations, novelenterprises and a speedy obsolescence of social prob-8 lems as of everything else . . .Julius Rosenwald, who had grown up with the Westand with Chicago, was well aware of all this. Hewarned vain men against seeking immortality by attaching their names to institutions, he reminded themof Nesselrode "who lived a diplomat, but is immortalas a pudding."Rosenwald never tired of pointing to the dangers ofrigid philanthropy, of gifts in perpetuity for unchanging purposes, which might become a burden ratherthan a blessing. He recalled the case of the BryanMullanphy fund, established in 1851 for "worthy anddistressed travelers and emigrants passing through St.Louis to settle for a home in the West"-a fund which,for lack of beneficiaries even before Rosenwald's timetotaled a million dollars . . .His favorite example, one still very relevant, wasthe orphan asylum. "Orphan asylums," Rosenwald remarked in 1929, "began to disappear about the timethe old-fashioned wall telephone went out." Yet millions had been accumulating for orphan asylums; atthat date the Hershey endowment for these purposesalone totaled over $40,00.0,000.. But ideas had changed.Already in 1929, it was generally believed that otherways of helping orphans, for example placing them infoster homes, were far preferable ...Perhaps Julius Rosenwald's leading contribution toour thinking about philanthropy was his insistence onthe need for flexibility in American philanthropicinstitutions. In his widely-read article, "Principles ofPublic Giving" (Atlantic Monthly, May 1929), and itssequel, "The Trend Away from Perpetuities" (AtlanticMonthly, Dec., 1930), he championed lifetime, ratherthan testamentary, giving, and urged other ways ofallowing each generation to face its own problems.He believed in applying to charity the Jeffersonianaxiom that the earth belongs to the living. The Rosenwald Fund, which was probably one of the most successful philanthropic enterprises of this or any othercentury, was set up with the express provision, whichRosenwald wrote into the gift, that both income andall the principal be spent within 25 years of Rosenwald's death. Rosenwald died in 1932 and the Fund,under able direction, lived up to this requirement,terminating its work in 1948.Since Julius Rosenwald's day, two new kinds ofproblems in the application of the American community idea to philanthropic institutions have becomeacute. The first has arisen from the vast foundationswhich appeared in the first decades of our century.They are something new under the sun.With the expansion of the American economy, olderforms of philanthropy proved inadequate to distributethe enormous sums accumulated by men of wealth. Aseries of foundations was then established; some of themore important were The Rockefeller Institute forMedical Research (1901), The General EducationBoard (1902), The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (1905), The Milbank Memorial Fund (1905). The Russell Sage Foundation (190.7),The Carnegie Corporation of New York (1911), andThe Rockefeller Foundation (1913) ...THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe most spectacular, and in many respects themost characteristic, of the foundations was the FordFoundation . . . The market value of its assets noware somewhere around two and one half billion dollars,amounting to about one third of the combined assetsof all foundations. Even as early as 1954 its annualappropriations represented between a fourth and afifth of total foundation spending.While in many respects these foundations weresquarely in the American tradition which I have described, they faced new problems and themselvescreated some. Many of these are not unrelated tothe dangers against which Julius Rosenwald warned,although they arise from some opposite causes.The perpetuities, the rigidities, and the bureaucracies, against which Rosenwald inveighed were incharities whose purposes were too specific, and hencelikely to become obsolete. But the foundations whichdominate the scene nowadays are extremely generalin their purpose. The public dangers which arise fromthem come precisely from the fact that there is noprospect that they will ever become obsolete. The FordFoundation's purpose is to serve the public welfare.Spontaneity, drift, fluidity, and competition amongAmerican institutions have given our culture much ofits vitality. Some of the dangers which come from thenew large foundations spring from the very vaguenessand generality of their purposes, as well as from theirsheer size. They have already become powerful, independent self-perpetuating institutions. They are in thewholesale-some might say the "mail-order"-philanthropy business.Instead of encouraging latent energies in the community, they are naturally tempted to initiate projects;and the more spectacular and more novel are oftenmost attractive from a public-relations point of view.They show few signs of that self-liquidating tendencythat Rosenwald rightly insisted to be a feature of ahealthy foundation.The entry into our language of certain phrases isa clue to the' changing spirit of our large-scale philanthropy and to the new dangers. We all have heard ofthe "foundation executive"-a person who makes hisliving from administering philanthropy, from inventing, developing, and publicizing worthy projects. Heis often a refugee from academic life; he is seldomunderpaid (at least by academic standards); ideally,he is a person of driving energy, of aggressive organizing power, and of all the affable virtues. He is anew breed of the American college president, anotherexpert on things in general, who has the new advantage of being able to exert his affability on the disbursement rather than on the collection of funds.But some might ask whether one such breed is notenough and perhaps all that our culture can stand.Amusement is sometimes expressed by professors whenthey find themselves solemnly presenting their appealsfor support of their research to foundation officials wholeft university life precisely because they were unableto produce research which satisfied these very sameprofessors.Another telltale phrase which has entered our vo-APRIL, 1963 cabulary is the so-called "foundation project." We allknow what it is. Generally speaking, a foundationproject must be collaborative; it must have definedand predictable results; it must be noncontroversial;and yet it must have some popular interest. The factthat we in academic life know what kind of projectwill appeal or will not appeal to the foundations isone of the worst things that can be said about them.Generally speaking, instead of being an incentiveto the initiative of individuals or communities, ourlargest foundations have tended to foster (as, indeed,they created) a vogue for concocted projects cast inthe foundation mold. Thus foundations become freezing agents in the world of scholarship and of community projects. Their proper role is as catalyst.A second and even larger new problem has arisenin the mid-twentieth century from our efforts to applyour philanthropic spirit abroad. Since the MarshallPlan (or European Recovery Plan) . . . the role ofphilanthropist-to-the-world, or at least to the free, orpotentially free, world, has been irrevocably assumedby the United States.Two dangers lie in our new role, seen in the perspective of our peculiar national history. The first is thatin our enthusiasm to do good, in our optimism, ourdesire to encompass the world in our community, andto put the best light on everything we do-we mayconfuse ourselves into assuming that charity and selfinterest are necessarily consistent.The second danger here arises from the peculiarcharacter of American life, in which, as I have said,the idea of community has been central ... If philanthropy has arisen in America out of our poignant andpressing sense of community, does it follow that elsewhere in the world the sense of community itself canarise merely or even mainly from outside acts ofphilanthropy?If Julius Rosenwald could succeed in helping NegroAmericans help themselves into the American community by helping them build schools for themselves inAlabama, does it follow that the United States Government can create a sense of community with the peopleof far-off Nepal by building schools for them? ...Not merely the prosperity, but the very "survival ofthe United States may now depend on our ability tosee where' charity ends and where national self-interestbegins-on our ability, in Julius Rosenwald's words, notto be overwhelmed by "the 'sob stuff' philanthropy,"but to look hard at "the operation of cause and effect"and to "try and cure the things that seem to be wrong."This will depend, not only. on whether we can traina few thousand Peace Corpsmen or a few tens of thousands of administrators of Foreign Aid, but on whetherwe can look unashamedly (as Rosenwald did) on thelimits of our capacity to help others, on whether wecan (even at some risk to ourselves) share Rosenwald's faith in the ability of other peoples and futuregenerations to solve their own problems.Mr. Boorsfirr's article is condensed from a speech, "Tronsforminq the CharitableSpirit-From Conscience to Community/Ion the occasion of the CentennialObservance of the birth of Julius Rosenwald, held at the University onOctober 15, 1962.9The Defense of FreedomThe Governor of Indiana Speaks at the AnnualMeeting of the State's Civil Liberties UnionYou are engaged in a difficult, often thankless, andsometimes socially and economically dangerous activity. You defend not the unpopular, but the libertiesof the unpopular; not the minority, but the freedoms ofthe minority, and not the traitor, but the rights of thoseaccused of treason.In this you incur the frenzied wrath of those whofear freedom. And in the minds of many you becomeidentified with the beliefs of those whose opinionsyou may well find repugnant, but whose rights youmust defend if you would maintain your own, and,ironically, the rights of those who slander you, as well.Freedom is both a dangerous and precarious way oflife and few nations have had the internal strength,the' traditions, and the determination to follow thenarrow path of human dignity and the inviolablerights of all men.In every society there are those who would restrictthe rights of those with whom they disagree in the fervent and fearful hope that in doing so they would protect their own rights, only to find that they, too, losethem in the process. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italyare among history's outstanding examples that freedom in a nation is indivisible and is lost to all whendenied to some. It has been said accurately by anIndianapolis rabbi that freedom is the only thing wemust give away in order to keep it for ourselves.There are well-meaning men who would extend onlyto those with whom they agree the rights guaranteedus all under the Indiana and Federal constitutions.They wander through these constitutions picking andchoosing provisions to meet their immediate desiresand ignore others equally binding.10 MATTHEW E� WELSH, J.O/37Those who hold highest the banner of state's rightscontained in the Tenth Amendment to the UnitedStates Constitution are the quickest to reject the votingrights of all citizens, regardless of race, contained in theFifteenth Amendment. And a citizen availing himselfof the protection against self-accusation embodied inthe Fifth Amendment is currently considered by manyto be confessing his guilt.There were those who were willing to abandon thecenturies-old tradition, a tradition bought dearly withblood, that guarantees the separation of grand-juryindictment, prosecution and judgment in order toremedy in a single county what they considered thebreakdown of law and order.Whatever good may be said of the ends sought bythe men and women in the General Assembly whogave their votes to this action, the price they were willing to pay in weakening the delicate and vital safeguards of justice was exorbitant, as well as unconstitutional.Remedies do exist within our structure of liberty andprotection of the rights of all citizens, if the evil is asmonstrous as portrayed. While these remedies areslower, they are no less sure, and they leave the basicrights of us all secure, and in fact stronger.The gnawing fear of Communism and the understandable frustrations of a seemingly endless Cold Warhave driven a vocal minority of Americans to a desireto exchange the basic rights of some citizens, but nottheir own rights, for what they hope will be relieffrom the severe tensions of national maturity andresponsibility.In this darkest of. all black markets, they see theirneighbors as the real enemies, their elected or appointed officials as traitors, and their government as aconspiracy. They become more frenzied as the needfor cool, deliberate, unprovocative action becomesmore essential. As they learn what makes Communismevil, they overlook studying what makes America freeand great, and in that order.Concluded on Page 26THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEW 5 0 F the quadranglesIt would be a reckless commentatorwho undertook to say what Chicagostudents in general think of the manycauses which various student groupsand individuals vigorously and vociferously espouse. The range and tempo ofthe University being what it is, thereis practically no problem which someof the faculty are not investigating anddiscussing, in learned j ournals, leetures; conferences and classes.Exposed to such an environment, theUniversity students, probably more thanmost of their fellows, are alertly awareof the issues of the world. They have,through their study and the exposureto the unceasing flow of discussion onthe quadrangles of University and outside authorities, a base for judgmentsand convictions.But most of them have no time toparticipate in the organized movementsfor which a minority find the energyand opportunity. They are occupiedwith their study, which is demanding,and many must also earn some of thecost of their education. They mayormay not agree with the programs theiractivist contemporaries advocate, butthey seldom express themselves in anyformal way. . As spring came to the quadranglesthis year, there were a few apparentreactions. Student Government held itsannual election, and a sparse 25 percent of the student body, about theusual ratio of participation, troubled tovote. Those who did exercise the franchise overwhelmed POLIT, the par,tythat has dominated the organization, infavor of the candidates of GNOSIS, anew party representing dissatisfactionwith the actions of S. G. under the oldgroup.In repudiating POLIT, the studentsdisregarded most of the recommendations of the Chicago Maroon. Afterthe returns were in, that publicationsourly described the results as unfortunate. Of GNOSIS, the Maroon said:��A new majority party" which consistsprimarily of inexperienced, relativelyuninformed members . . . we furthersuggest that in order to enable S. G. tofunction with any degree of successin the coming year, GNOSIS will haveto look beyond its membership forhelp . . " The active members of thesuccessful party did not take that lyingdown, and the rebuttals are still appearing in the "Letters" section of theMaroon.POUT's downfall stemmed in largepart from the action of the executivecommittee of S.G., all members ofwhich were POLIT, in firing off duringthe Cuban crisis a resolution to Washington' purporting to represent 'studentopinion, criticizing President Kennedy'sAPRIL, 1963 demand for the removal of the Russianmissiles.There was a strong and immediateprotest. All but one of the POLITmembers of S. G. were removed byrecall, and a concurrent referendumemphatically disavowed the resolution.One matter of more general concernis the University's regulations as tohours for undergraduate women students, which are progressively lightenedwith age and maturity. The argument,which is being heard on most of thecampuses of the country, is that thereis, in this. day of sophistication, nojustification for the' 'University actingin loco parentis to undergraduates.The principle of control is attackedmore than the regulations themselves,which are not too harsh. There is todayno Marion Talbot standing watch, oreven an Elizabeth Wallace alert thatdating Fosterites wear their whitegloves, and the old skill in climbingthrough windows is not as extensivelyor agilely practiced as it once was. Butthe University, with an eye on parentswho expect some reasonable supervision, can not give those with parentalconsent unregulated hours and concurrently check up on those who do not.Minor controversies, engaged in byonly a few, come and go in the pagesof the Maroon. Some students thoughtthat the position of the American Can-. cer Society should lead the Maroon torefuse cigarette advertising; the paper,through its advertising manager, saidit would continue such advertising.1112 Perhaps as a prelude to the approaching Festival of the Arts, the competency of the Maroon's music critic waschallenged because of his review of astring quartet performance. A handfulof supporters rallied to his defense, ashe did himself, and an equally smallnumber of letter writers agreed withthe critic of the critic. This select argument arises periodically; last time it wasthe drama critic who was attacked anddefended.The University which many of thealumni knew, particularly those of thegenerations before 1945, is changingat an accelerating rate. There are newdemands and new activities, and asreaders of the Magazine know, theboundaries of the quadrangles arebeing pushed out as a succession ofnew buildings is erected or planned.To coordinate the inevitable growth,the University about a decade ago began working out its newest in a seriesof master plans that began with HenryIves Cobb. The assistance of the lateEero Saarinen, among others, was enlisted. There is now a coherent schemefor the development of the physicalUniversity.One of the decisions that was madethree years ago was to use the "CGroup" of women's residence halls,Foster, Green, Kelly and Beecher forother than residential purposes. Fosterlast year was turned over to SocialSciences, chiefly for the South AsianStudies group, to relieve the pressureon the Social Sciences Building.Conversion of the other halls wasdelayed, largely because of the representations of the Dean of Students, until reasonably satisfactory substitutescould be provided.Now it has been decided that Kelly,Green and Beecher will be remodelledfor the use of Psychology, the worsthoused department in the University.The decision was accelerated by theprodding of agencies of the city, particularly the Fire Department, whichdemanded such extensive alterations ifthe old halls were to be continued inresidence use as to require almost totalrebuilding. Psychology's decrepit headquarters, the ancient six-flat at 5728Ellis, has been condemned, an unlamented decision, but one that forcedaction.For the immediate future, it wasdecided that second, third and fou'rthyear women in the three "C" buildings would be assigned this autumn to anapartment hotel, the Harper-Surf, at5426 Harper Avenue, which the University owns and is modernizing.The hotel is satisfactory enoughphysically, especially in comparisonwith the Foster complex, most of itsrooms being for single occupancy, and.the renovation is providing new bathsand community kitchens, the latter afeature much in demand by studentstoday. But it is about a mile from CobbHall, and the prospective occupants,almost unanimously, have said they donot want to live in it, largely becauseof its inconvenience.If the second section of Pierce Towerat 55th and Greenwood could be built,the difficulty would be resolved. Thedisplaced undergraduate women couldbe assigned to a part of that hall, asmen are now living in a unit of theso-called "women's halls." Coeducational residence halls represents anotherchange, and a widespread one in thecountry's colleges from the old days.The housing of students has presented a rapidly changing aspect. Inthe last five years, the percentage ofundergraduates living in residence hallshas increased from 32 to 71 percent.Fewer students than in the earlydays are roomers in the neighborhood,On the other hand, partly for reasons of cost and partly because of independence, and the desire to havespace, there is a steady demand forapartments, which usually are shared,by two to five students.The demand for University residencehalls for undergraduates may havereached its peak, but on the other hand,entering unmarried graduate students,men and women alike, are asking in increasing numbers for dormitory rooms.Projection of the trend is difficult, butthe University intends to provide allthe residence halls required.The changing desires and attitudesof students have brought large changesin the operations of dining facilities.Hutchinson Commons is now closed,Ida Noyes Cloister Club long agostopped serving, and the "C" Shop hasbecome an automatic dispenser of sandwiches, drinks and other vending machine-age edibles - or inedibles - according to your standards.Patronage at the Commons droppedoff, and deficits increased, in part because of the declining number of commuters and students living in rentedTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINErooms. The cafeterias of the UniversityClinics, and of the new residence formarried students of Chicago Theological Seminary, have attracted much ofthe patronage of this group.More of today's students prefer tocook their own meals; this tendencyhas grown even with men. HitchcockHall, for instance, has a common kitchen for residents.Pierce Hall, the new halls for womenand Burton-Judson have their own foodservice, but some of the residents living in the residence halls want onlyone or two meals a day as part of theircontract.In an effort to determine what wasmost satisfactory, the University conducted a referendum in the halls andaltered the contract accordingly. Butthat didn't satisfy everyone; the residents of Pierce, for example, had towalk at least three blocks to the Clinics,or four to the women's hall, for breakfast this winter.The one clearly lamentable outcomeis that with the change in the "C"Shop, there is no really pleasant andattractive place for students to spend arelaxed half hour in casual discussionand coffee drinking. Even the one outside hangout, jimmy's at 55th andWoodlawn, where there is a specialroom rigidly restricted to student beerdrinkers who have I. D. cards certifying they are over 21, soon will be razedin the process of redeveloping HydePark. -W.v.M.DEAN OF HUMANITIES-RobertEugene Streeter, professor of Englishand former dean of the College, hasbeen appointed dean of the Divisionof the Humanities, succeeding NapierWilt, who retired last June. Mr.Streeter had served as acting-dean ofthe Division since Mr. Wilt's retirement. His appointment by PresidentGeorge Wells Beadle was made onthe recommendation of Provost Edward H. Levi, who acted in consultation with a faculty committee of whichEdward A. Kracke, Jr., professor inthe Department of Oriental Languagesand Literature, was chairman.In discussing the role of the humanities, following his appointment, DeanStreeter said in part: "Those of us whoare professional humanists are reallyengaged in an effort to develop a kindof knowledge and insight that will helppeople to understand, to admire and toAPRIL,1963 enjoy the most distinguished works ofman's humanistic achievement."This knowledge and insight haveseveral manifestations. For one thing,the humanists provide people with thetools of communication to make ourfeelings and insights known to oneanother in a literate manner. Thisliteracy is essential in a democracywhere the people must communicatetheir hopes, fears and desires.DEAN STREETER"The framers of the Declaration ofIndependence were very wise men. TheDeclaration states that every Americanis entitled to 'Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.' There are importantpresent-day implications from thesethree goals. The scientist is responsiblefor enriching the material possibilitiesof life. The social scientist is concernedwith maintaining liberty within theframework of our society. The 'pursuitof happiness' is the responsible goal ofthe humanist."The humanist in our society hasother functions. In a special sense, thehumanities more than any other field,are the custodians of the tribal memory. A responsible memory of whatman has achieved is, of course, essential for civilized life. By this preservation of the tribal memory-the preservation of what has been good and notso good in our society-the humanistalso has provided us with a standard ofexcellence, of the kind of intellectualand artistic achievement which mankind has been capable of throughoutits history." As Dean, Mr. Streeter will administer one of the four main divisions ofthe general University, which has afaculty of 125, a student enrolment of500, eleven departments and is a participant in eight interdepartmental andinterdivisional committees. The Division is one of the major language centers of the world, teaching 45 languages, ancient and modern.Previous deans have been GordonJennings Laing, 1930-45; Richard P.McKeon, 1935-37; Thorkild Jacobsen,1947-51; and Mr. Wilt, 1951-62.A member of the facuty since 1947,and a professor since 1958, Mr.Streeter's scholarly field is that ofAmerican Literature. Born in 1916, hetook a summa cum laude A.B. fromBucknell University in 1938, his M.A.,1940, and Ph. D., 1943, from Northwestern University. Bucknell conferredthe honorary degree of Humane Letterson him in 1960. He taught at Bucknellfrom 1942 to 1947, being on leave hislast year as Professor of English andAmerican advisor to the chairman ofthe department of English at the Seoul,Korea, National University.Married to the former Ruth Parker,he is the father of a daughter, JanetteFrear, 16, a senior in the UniversityHigh School, and a son, Robert Allyn,13, a freshman in the school. Briefly asports writer, he is a baseball fan, andactor in and author of amateur theatrical productions, known best for contributions to many of the Faculty Revelsshows.RECENT APPOINTMENTS - Julian H. Levi, Ph. B., '29, J. D., 1931,will assume the professorship of UrbanStudies, in the Division of the SocialSciences, July 1. Executive Director thelast ten years of the South East Chicago Commission, the agency that hasplayed the central role in the redevelopment of Hyde Park-Kenwood andhas remade the face of the community,Mr. Levi has achieved national statureas a pioneer and expert in urban redevelopment.His achievements have led to hisparticipation in programs in other cities.Last year, as consultant to the BostonRedevelopment Authority he originateda plan for redevelopment of the area inBoston comprising the Harvard Medical School, a number of hospitals, Boston University and other institutions,and provided a new formula fortaxation.13JULIAN H. lEVIOriginator of much of the legaltheory and author of key sections oflegislation on urban redevelopment, hehas taught courses in the Law Schoolof the University, John Marshall LawSchool, lectured at many institutions,and written numerous articles for lawand other specialized journals and forgeneral publications.In recent months Mr. Levi has beena consultant to the American Councilon Education, Washington, D.C., directing a study of the impact of theInternal Revenue Code upon supportof higher education. He also was largelyresponsible for the compromise whicheliminated from the National DefenseStudent Loan program the requirementof a special disclaimer affidavit, thuspermitting many colleges and universities, including Chicago, to participatein the program.Mr. Levi, in addition to his academicposition, will serve as consultant to theUniversity on community and urbanrenewal affairs.Nathan Keyfitz, sociologist anddemographer, has been appointed pro·fessor in the Department of Sociologyand co- director of the Population Research and Training Center of the University, effective in the autumn quarter.Mr. Keyfitz will share the directorshipof the Center with Philip M. Hauser,professor and chairman of the Depart.ment of Sociology.Presently a professor of sociology atthe University of Toronto, Mr. Keyfitzwas for many years responsible for thehighly reliable monthly population and labor force survey in Canada. He alsohas made important contributions tostatistical theory, especially in samp·ling. His distinction as a demographerand sociologist has been recognized bynumerous appointments as advisor toand as a member of commissions inCanada, the United Nations and foreign countries.The Department of Slavic Languagesand Literature has a new professor ofRussian Literature, Ralph E. Matlaw,an appointment that brings the facultyworking in the various Slavic languagefields to twelve. Mr. Matlaw has beenhead of the Department of Russian atthe University of Illinois. His majorinterest has been in Dostoevsky, buthe also has written extensively aboutother literary figures of the nineteenthcentury in Russia and has collected andtranslated a large body of materials onRussian culture. Mr. Matlaw taught atHarvard and Princeton prior to goingto the University of Illinois.Dr. James E. Bowman, Jr., a special.ist in the study of blood disorders andhereditary blood factors in population groups, has been named an assistant professor in the Department ofMedicine and director of the BloodBank of the University Hospitals andClinics. In England last year on are·search fellowship, he spent the six pre·vious years in Iran, investigating a disease known as "Favism," a form ofanemia caused by eating fava beans, astaple item of the Iranian diet. Drs.Paul E. Carson and Alf S. Alving ofthe University first reported, whileworking with primaquine, a malariadrug, that certain individuals adrninistered various drugs were susceptible todestruction of the red blood cells because of a genetically transmittedenzyme deficiency of the cells. Italianinvestigators later reported the favainduced anemia resulted from the deficiency.H. Edward Wrapp will be prof'essor of Business Policy and director ofthe Executive Program, two· year coursefor business executives, of the GraduateSchool of Business. Mr. Wrapp was amember of the School's faculty, 1951·55, and then became professor of Business Administration, Harvard BusinessSchool.Robert D. Hess, chairman of theCommittee on Human Development, isassistant dean of the Graduate School of Education, in charge of planningand development of the Nursery Schooland the Urban Child Center of theGraduate School.Dr. Paul V. Harper, Professor ofSurgery (and grandson of PresidentWilliam Rainey Harper) was namedassociate director of Argonne CancerResearch Hospital at the University,succeeding Dr. Robert J. Hasterlik,who relinquished the post to devotehis full time to teaching, research andclinical duties.FACULTY HONORS-Bruno Bettel.heim, principal of the Sonia ShankmanOrthogenic School for emotionally disturbed children, and professor of Education, Psychology and Psychiatry, hasreceived the first Stella M. RowleyProfessorship of Education. Thisnamed professorship was establishedin January by gift of Mrs. Rowley,ex'98, who also recently made a giftof $200,000 for the William A. Rowley Library of the University Laboratory Schools in memory of her husband.The Peter Debye Award in physicalchemistry, sponsored by the HumbleOil and Refining Company, with theAmerican Chemical Society choosingthe recipient, was conferred on RobertS. Mulliken, Ph.D., '21, who is ErnestDeWitt Burton Distinguished ServiceProfessor Emeritus of Physics andChemistry and director of the University's Laboratory of Molecular Structure and Spectra.Stuart A. Rice, professor of chernistry and of the University'S Institute forthe Study of Metals, of which he isdirector, received at the same meetingthe American Chemical Society's A wardin Pure Chemistry, sponsored by AlphaChi Sigma fraternity.Also honored at the meeting wasMartin D. Kamen, S.B, '33, Ph.D., '36,of the University of California, SanDiego, who was the recipient of theSociety's award for nuclear applications in chemistry.GRANTS - $200,000 for equipmentand $224,800 for basic research in theUniversity's Meteorological Experimental Hydrodynamics Laboratory overthe next three years, to be administeredby Dave Fultz, professor in the Department of Geophysical Sciences in continuation of experiments with modelsof the air masses that began with rotating "dishpan" studies of liquids.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE$500,000 to the new ComputationCenter of the University, to providewhat A. Adrian Albert, Dean of theDivision of the Physical Sciences andadministrator of the grant, describesas "adventure capital for basic researchprojects in a wide variety of disciplines," for which the Center's computers, including a new IBM 7090model, can be used as a research tool.$180,000 to the National OpinionResearch Center for a study of the waysoccupation affects an individual's socialposition.These three allocations were madeby the National Science Foundation,which also provided $50,600 for abiochemical study of genetic recombination by associate professor of Microbiology Bernard S. Straus, and alsomade two other grants totalling approximately $65,000 to purchase research instruments for undergraduatechemistry students and to support nuclear studies by faculty and graduatestudents.The United States Public HealthService has provided $600,828 for aspecial training program in virus research to be administered by James W.Moulder, professor, and chairman ofthe Department of 'Microbiology.SERGEL DRAMA-Described as "abitterly violent play," Matty and theMoron and Madonna, by HerbertLieberman, of Forest Hills, N.Y., wasawarded the 1963 first prize in theCharles E. Sergel drama contest for afull-length, unproduced play. Mr.Lieberman received $2,000. Final judgein the contest was Kenneth Tyman,drama critic for the London Observer.Second prize of $700 was awarded toWilliam Linahan, New York City, forBianca, characterized by Mr. Tyman as"... a first-rate joke and the cleverestpastiche of Elizabethan comedy I'veever read." Third prize, $300, went toDonald C Spencer, chairman of theDepartment of Speech and Drama,Gorham State Teachers College, Gorham, Maine. The Sergel Prize was established at the University in 1936 bythe late Mrs. Anna Meyers SergeI inmemory of her husband, Charles H.Sergel, founder of the Dramatic Publishing Company, as a biennial award.The University of Chicago Theatregroup usually produces the play whichwins first prize and plans to performMr. Lieberman's play.APRIL, 1963 ,$60outstanding for warm weather wearOUR EXCLUSIVE WASHABLE SUITOF BLENDED DACRON® AND WORSTEDLast Spring we introduced this remarkable suit,and its acceptance by our customers was enthusiastic. For here is a cool, lightweight suit that combines the soft hand and smartly tailored appearanceof worsted with the wrinkle-resistance and wearof Dacron" polyester ... and, most surprising, it'swashable. In navy, medium grey, blue-olive (or,putty-with patch pockets); brown or oxford greyhairlines; and tan, blue or grey Glenurquhartplaids. Coat and trousers.Prices s/igtMy higher west of the Rockies.74 E. MADISON ST., NEAR MICHIGAN AVE" CHICAGO 2, ILL.NEW YORK· BQSTOS • PITTSBURGH· SAN rRA�CISCO • LOS ANGELESAnother successful and able basketball team, withfour seniors as starters, led the Maroon winter sportscompetition in interest and performance. Coach JoeStampf's team won 14 and lost 5 games in a schedulethat included college opposition, a couple of majorteams and an intersectional opponent, Brandeis, in aChicago Stadium game which, it must be admitted,was very much a preliminary to the big timers pairedoff in two following games. The Maroon team laterrecouped two of the defeats, with two victories overKnox and one over Illinois Tech, the only two collegeteams that beat them.Because the team has been a good one, the scheduleover the last several years has included at least onegame in which Chicago meets opposition clearly outof its class. In 1962, it was Bradley, and the Maroonshooters had the Peoria big-leaguers troubled at thehalf with a four-point lead, but Bradley's superiordepth won out. This year, Chicago tackled Drake ofthe Missouri Valley, and lost, 60 to 43. The other toughone was Detroit and in this game, Chicago held thelead up to the last six minutes, when high-scoringZemans fouled out, and Detroit pulled ahead to win58-50, scoring two foul points after the final buzzer.The Maroon team was in the running for an invitation to the National Collegiate College Championship,but Athletic Director Walter Hass and Coach Stampf16 REPwithdrew from consideration because the regional tournament came too close to the University's quarterlyexamination period. Chicago scored a total of 1066points to the 950 of its rivals. Its highest score was 78points over Lake Forest College and the largest totalagainst it was Illinois Tech's 66 when the Techhawkswon in the first of the two games. In the last four seasons, Chicago has won 64 games and lost 20.This consistent record may be considerably impairednext year because of the loss of the four seniors, Captain Lawrence Liss, and Joel Zemans, guards; EugeneEricksen, center, and Michael Winter, forward. Thesefour were the top scorers, Ericksen with 275, Zemanswith 2lO, Liss, 190, and Winter, 126.Gene Ericksen (whose father, Stanford Clark Ericksen, Ph.D.'47, mother, Jane Purnell Ericksen, '37,grandfather, Ephraim P., Ph.D.'lS, and two uncles,Ephraim Gordon, Ph.D.'47, and Sheldon DanielsonEricksen, Ph.D.'53, are Chicago alumni) was a tremendous asset to the team with his 6-8 height, strongrebounding, and good defensive play. He was an outstanding athlete at Pembroke High School before hechose Chicago over Oberlin and Princeton. Ericksenlikewise is a first rate student; he scored 800 in theCollege Board math test and plans to do graduate workin mathematics, probably at Michigan, where hisfather now is.Zemans had four seasons behind him, starting as aregular as a freshman. He not only could hit the basket, but his clever ball handling set up plays in Chicago's controlled offense, and he was almost as goodas Ericksen off the backboard. He was the team's highscorer in the two previous seasons, but Ericksen, whoTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdid not get his real coordination until this year, ledhim all this season. Zemans, a Chicagoan, is anotherscholar-athlete; he has won an honor scholarship tothe Graduate School of Business.Another who was skillful in ball handling, Liss,from Crown Point, was the best dribbler on the team,and a consistent spot shooter who also could drivethrough a defense for a shot. He plans to be a teacherof high school physics and a coach after graduation.Winter, another from Chicago, contributed reboundingand defensive play, and was high scorer in some games.The four high scorers made the team generally effective on offense, for when one was having an off nightanother would come through. Bruce Lubitz, a 5-7guard, and John North, a forward, who both playedregularly, the only two letter winners to return; StephenSchuchter, guard who was used frequently and Edward Custer, a 6-6 center, provide the nucleus of ateam that will be helped by a couple of freshmen.The track team won 4 and lost 3 dual meets, thevictories being over McMaster College of Toronto,DePaul, Valparaiso and Beloit, and the losses to Northwestern, Wheaton and Wayne. In none of the meetslost was the margin more than six points. The teamfinished second to Grinnell in the ten-team MidwestConference.APRIL,1963 The mile relay team of Richards, Swan, Williams andMcKenzie, which ran 3:25 in the University of Illinoisopen meet for a fourth place, was �undefeated in thedual meet season, finished second to Loyola in theDaily News Relays and won the Milwaukee Journal'sU. S. Track and Field Federation 8-lap relay. Betweenthe outdoor and indoor seasons, Coach Ted Haydontook time out to be assistant coach of the U: S. teamin the Pan-American games.The swimming team had a season record of 10-3,two of its losses being to Big Ten squads, Northwesternand Wisconsin. The gymnastics squad had a 5-8 season, but finished in triumph by defeating the University of Illinois for the first time in 15 years. L. L. Rockwood, a sophomore, was outstanding in the side-horseevent, and placed eighth in a field of 55 in the National Collegiate championship meet.Beset by injuries to their good men in the lighterclasses, and with no experienced entries in the heavierweights, the wrestlers fared poorly, but Co-captainC. E. Cox, a junior, won the 130-pound National Collegiate Regional medal. The fencers won 3 and lost6 dual meets. Then Capt. M. I. Wais, foil, M. R. Gazda,epee, and R. A. Kaye, sabre, scored 24 points in theNational Collegiate championships, placing fourteenthin team total17The University DialogueA Sampling of the Views in the Continuing DiscussionConducted in and by the University on Many SubjectsWarner A. Wick, Dean of Students Walter D. Fackler, Associate Dean of theGraduate School of Business, at the EleventhAnnual Management ConferenceThe University of Chicago's Student Codeprovides that recognized student organizations "may invite and hear speakers of theirchoice on su bj ects of their choice,"I expect no truth or wisdom from GeorgeLincoln Rockwell. It seems to me that hehas .nothing to offer us but hate and violence; and I believe that the students whoinvited him here after learning he had beenbarred elsewhere are of the same opinion.In these circumstances, the significanceof Mr. Rockwell's visit will be chiefly symbolic, reminding us that private citizenshave a right to hear, in peace, any opinionsthat they may wish for reasons that seemsufficient to them, so long as they observethe laws governing private gatherings.What began as an impulsive suggestionhas been elevated to a matter of principle;for as opposition has spread both within andoutside the university, the more importantit has become to these students to demonstrate that the freedom we take pride inexists in fact as well as in name.Although we should have preferred tocelebrate our principles on an occasion" thatpromised to be more wholesome, the University will keep its faith with the StudentCode and with the tradition of free interchange that the Code embodies.The relationship between basic researchand technology is rather like that betweena small fish and a large lamprey-the lamprey becomes very annoyed when the fishdies. During the past five years, the growthrate of the American economy has generated much partisan and bipartisan debate... Reviewing this debate, one would thinkthat economic growth has been suddenlyelevated to the status of a new and mostpressing goal of national policy.In the interest of maintaining perspective,I remind the audience of two facts: one,economic growth has been an importantgoal, of economic policy since the foundingof the Republic; and, two, growth is onlyone of several policy goals and not necessarily the most important.Historically, we have been a growthoriented nation, and our government hasalways undertaken, sometimes by foolishdevices, to promote growth and developour national resources.Alexander Hamilton's plans to protectand foster manufacturing, his oft-repeatedplea for fiscal responsibility in order toattract capital investment from abroad,Henry Clay's vision of an "American System," public investment in canals and inland waterways, vast subsidies to railroadbuilding, the Homestead Acts with freeland to settlers, the interstate highway system - these are but a few examples ofgrowth-oriented policies and they suffice toillustrate the point that "growth" is not a"johnny-come-lately" on the political scene.This is not to say that we owe the fabulous economic growth of this nation to successful pursuit of governmental growthmeasures ... I simply call your attention tothe fact that in pursuing growth in thedecade of the 1960's we are chasing an oldbut sprightly rabbit.Albert V. Crewe, Director, Argonne National Laboratory18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELawrence A. Kimpton, former chancellor ofthe University of Chicago; General Manager of Planning, Standard Oil Company(Ind.), to the Graduate School of Business Kayle Haselden, Managing Editor, "TheChristian Century," Visiting Preacher,Rockefeller Memorial ChapelI am often asked these days by my friendsin both the universities and industry, "Aren'trunning a university and being in the oilbusiness completely different?" The answerbriefly, if you also are interested, is, "No, Idon't find them very different."Both are highly technical enterprises; inboth all long-term answers lie in the competence and good sense of people; and boththe universities traditionally and the oilbusiness more recently-price their productsbelow an adequate return on their investment ...I have said that both are highly technicalorganizations, and indeed they are. Thefundamental role of a great university is research, however much we may get football,beauty queens, confusing the Kennedy administration, and other undergraduate nonsense tangled up in it.And the .oil business, while its fundamental goal is to make an honest dollar,rests upon a highly technical base . . . Research is absolutely necessary to the oilbusiness if it is to remain competitive withinthe industry and competitive within theenergy-producing and -consuming industryas a whole.It is my contention that the research ofthe universities and industry should be different in orientation and result. The universities should be engaged in pure research,and the purer the better; it should have noobjective beyond satisfying the curiosity ofthe scientist about the nature and operatinglaws of the universe.I should like to add that this apparentlyaimless puttering about in a laboratory orwriting apparently meaningless figures on apiece of paper should be supported by industry for at least two reasons.Out of the fundamental and impracticalstuff of a Newton, an Einstein, a Fermi,comes knowledge that has revolutionizedAmerican industry; and, second, Americanindustry has money-up to this point andWashington, of course, willing-and the universities have not.Industry, on the other hand, ought to doapplied resea;rch and have as its single objective the immediate 'competitive advantage and ultimate survival of its sponsoringcompany ... The brilliant Hindu intellectual and vicepresident of India, Radharkrishnan has said,"Christians are ordinary people who makeextraordinary claims." Exactly! He meant itpartly in derision but it describes perfectlywhat we are.We are ordinary people. To approach thenon-Christian world believing anything else,posing as anything else, is to validate theircharge that we are bigots. Our faith makesus superior to no people and our failure tokeep the terms of that faith makes us inferior to no people.Moreover, it is not our religion which weoffer to the world; it is the religion of JesusChrist. It is not a Western religion whichwe profess. When that religion, born inAsia, first went east to India, our ancestors-the ancestors of most of us here-werestill druids and cannibals.Nor should the proclamation of the Christian faith in any way imply that our culture,our government, our social philosophy, arethe only way of life and must be adoptedby tho�e who adopt the Christian faith.Philip M. Hauser, Chairman, Departmentof Sociology at the National Association ofBroadcasters ConventionIn twentieth century, mass, metropolitanized society it may be possible to achievemaximum freedom by focusing on the problem of control . . . In broadcasting, as inother realms of life today, freedom may beachieved only in control-in the same manner as we achieve the freedom to livethrough the controls of the traffic signals.To ignore the problem of control, whileusing the slogans of freedom is to ask to beclobbered; and it is safe to predict that ifyou continue to shout for freedom whileignoring the problem of control, both se1£control and government control, you will beclobbered. Your problem is not to rail againstcontrol. Your problem is to understand theneed for it and to help control it, so as tomaximize the area of freedom.APRIL, 1963 19James L. Cate, Professor of History, Symposium on Plutonium Chemistry Chauncy D. Harris, professor of geography,the 295th ConvocationIt is an honor to lunch with so distinguished a company of plutonium chemistsin so lavish a motel designed by so famousan architect, but I confess I feel as out ofplace here as Fidel Castro at a barbers' convention. It does no good to tell myself thatyou are not very different from my medievalalchemists who spent their time transmutingone metal into another; I could never evenget the hang of how they did it.Many a history major these days starts hisfreshman year as a dedicated scientist, onlyto change professions after the first midterm in Chern 1, but I never had the advantage even of the half-term. My ignorance ofyour craft is second only to that of the freshman who wrote on an exam that "Plutoniumis a new element made up of equal parts ofheavy water and Pluto Water."At Hanford lance held a slug of uraniumin my hand for a few moments, but I was soscared I forgot the abracadabra I was supposed to say and so nothing happened; Istill had about $70,0.00 worth of slightlywarm Dr 235 on hand for which I had nouse. In short, I might as well admit that asfar as chemistry is concerned, I don't knowmy acids from my bases.On the other hand, it is clear that youplutonium chemists are not too hot as historians. You are supposed to be celebratingtoday a 20th anniversary, either of the firstsmell or first sight or sound or feel orweighing of plutonium, but there is noagreement on which it is and the only datesanyone remembers are 18 August and lOSeptember 1942.Add twenty years to either date and youfind the Chicago Cubs at the bottom of theNational League, but that's nothing to celebrate and it doesn't come in February. Ihope sincerely that you are better at recalling the correct date of your weddinganniversary. A further revolution in the study of foreign languages is just dawning in the realization that five-sixths of the people of theworld do not understand or speak any ofthe traditional Western languages of international scholarship: English, French orGerman.It is true, of course, that these tongues,along with Latin, Italian and some otherlanguages of 'Western Europe, have beenthe media through which most of modernscience, technology, government and commerce has seen both birth and flowering.Yet other great languages merit study.For example, in Brazil alone more peoplespeak Portuguese than speak French inFrance. In certain fields, Russian has become a key international language.But even more neglected in the past havebeen the great languages of Asia. MandarinChinese, Japanese, Hindu and Urdu, Bengali, or Arabic each has more speakers thanFrench . . . At the time Columbus discovered America, China is said to have produced more books than all other countriescombined ...Sanskrit has had a longer record of literature continuously studied and cultivatedthan any Western language ... Today,modern languages descended from Sanskritare spoken by about 400 million people.Bruno Bettelheim, at a luncheon in honor ofhis appointment as the first Stella M. RowleyProfessor of EducationI have a very strong bias against beingpushed around, and I think I have successfully extended it' into a bias against othersbeing pushed around. Now, I feel that muchof what is passed on presently as educationor even therapy is really pushing peoplearound through superior knowledge, or anassumption of knowledge, about what isright or wrong. I learned from John Deweythat the only way people will learn to dothe right thing is if they are given a chanceto find out by themselves what is right andwrong for them.20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE09-20HARRY HANSEN, '09, of Mount Vernon, N. Y., serves as editor of the WarldAlmanac, and is also . president of theMount Vernon Public Library. The Chicago Tribune's Magazine of Books carriesa column by Mr. Hansen every Sunday.HURNARD J. KENNER, '11, was honored last year at the annual conferenceof the Association of Better Business Bureaus. Mr. Kenner, of Champaign, Ill.,was presented a special recognition awardfor his "pioneering leadership in founding of the bureau movement." He retiredin 1947 after heading the New York Better Business Bureau for a quarter century, and was the first secretary of thefor��unner "National Vigilance Committee.HAYS MacFARLAND, '15, HARRYHAGEY, '29, and F. STROTHER CARY,JR., '34, all of Chicago, have been electedmembers of the Board of Trustees of theU of C Cancer Research Foundation.Mr. MacFarland is chairman of Mac-APRIL, 1963 NEWS OF the alumniFarland, Aveyard and Co.; Mr. Hagey is .a partner in the firm of Stein, Roe andFarnham; and Mr. Cary is vice-chairmanof the executive committee of Leo Burnett Co., Inc.J. ARNOLD BARGEN, '18, MD'21, hasbeen elected chairman of the Council onScientific Assembly of the AmericanMedical Assn. The Council, which is oneof the oldest units of the AMA, has 21sections and is charged with arrangingthe scientific programs at both annualand clinical meetings of the Association.Dr. Bargen is currently head of the section of gastroenterology of the Scott andWhite Clinic, Temple, Texas. He retiredin 1960 from the Mayo Clinic, Rochester,Minn., after 33 years of service on thestaff there. At the time of his retirementhe was chairman of four sections ofmedicine at the Clinic. Dr. Bargen is apast president of the Mayo Clinic staffand of the Minnesota State Medical Association. In October he will take office aspresident of the Interstate Post-graduateMedical Association of North America.THEODORE A. LINK, '18, PhD'27, andALFRED H. BELL, PhD'26, receivedhonorary memberships in the AmericanAssociation of Petroleum Geologists atthe annual meeting of the group duringMarch in Houston, Texas. Mr. Link is aconsulting geologist in Victoria, BritishColumbia, Canada. He also serves aspresident of Cree Oil of Canada, Ltd.,and director of North Star Oil, Ltd. Hiswork is credited with the discovery at Norman Wells, Canada which led to thefirst commercial oil production from theDevonian reef reservoirs in Western Canada. Mr. Bell recently retired as geologist and head of the oil and gas sectionof the Illinois State Geological Survey,Urbana, Ill., which he joined in 1926.Mr. Bell's work led to the second bonanzadiscovery of oilIn .Illinois in 1937.MIRIAM E. LOWENBERG, '18, headof the department of foods and nutritionat Pennsylvania State University, StateCollege, Pa., will conduct a special graduate seminar in home economics at WestVirginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.,in July. The seminar is entitled "Foodand People," and will emphasize the psychological, social, economic, biologicaland aesthetic value of food for individualfamilies and large groups of families.Miss Lowenberg conducted a six-monthtour of Africa, Asia and Europe to gathermaterial for her "Food and People"course. She is co-author of a book bythe same name.HENRY W. KENNEDY, '20, vice president of McKey and Poague, Chicago realestate firm, was honored recently for 40years of service with the company. Hereceived a diamond pin, cuff links and asuitcase from the firm, at a luncheonheld in his honor at the South ShoreCountry Club, Chicago. Mr. Kennedyjoined McKey and Poague in 1923 as asalesman, and from 1926 to 1929, hemanaged the firm's south shore office.In 1929 he became assistant sales man-21ager of the firm. Mr. Kennedy is a member of the Ridge Civic Council, theBeverly Homeowners Assn., and Flossmoor Country Club, and is chairman ofadmissions for the Chicago Real EstateBoard. While attending the U of C, Mr.Kennedy participated in track events andwas a letterman in track and a Big Tenindoor champion in the 440-yard run.INA WALTON THOMAS, '20, AM'22,is living in Desert Crest, a retirementhome in Phoenix, Ariz.21-26JOSEPH B. HALL, '21, is chairman ofthe board of The Kroger Co., in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is also chairman of theboard of trustees of Ohio University, atrustee for the Christ Hospital and theCincinnati Institute of Fine Arts, on theboard of directors of the CommunityChest and the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, and on the executive board forthe Area Council Boy Scouts.GEORGE C. BROOK, '22, AM'25, PhD, 48, retired from the Chicago Board ofEducation in June, 1962. He is now anassociate professor of accounting at DePaul University, Chicago.JOHN WILD, '23, PhD'26, chairman ofthe department of philosophy at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., wasthe speaker at the fourth annual Faithand Freedom Lectures sponsored by theAmerican University, Washington, D.C.The lectures, held in Washington onMarch 26 and 27, followed the theme of"Philosophy in Freedom." His lectureswere titled, "The Life- World and ItsExploration," "Philosophy and Freedom,"and "The Human Individual and theGroup." Mr. Wild taught at HarvardUniversity from 1927 to 1961. His latestbook is Human Freedom and Social Order, published in 1961 by Duke University Press.MORGAN WILLIAMS, AM'23, formerly of Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii, is nowliving in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Afterfifty years in the Christian ministry, Mr.Williams spent his first year of retirementas a missionary to Hawaii in the Methodist Church.W. BOYCE DOMINICK, AM'25, is amanagement analyst with the U. S.Atomic Energy Commission in Washington, D. C. He and his wife live inArlington, Va.22 IRWIN H. GOLDMAN, '25, JD'27, is apartner in Weavers Co., Chicago salesrepresentatives for furniture and textiles.He is also a director of the Century Textiles Co., and a director of the Board ofJewish Education. He and his wife livein Glencoe, Ill.ROY JOHNSON, AM'25, PhD'29, professor of history at Thiel College, Greenville, Pa., is co-author of the secondvolume of a two-volume history of thePittsburgh Synod, United LutheranChurch in America, 1844-1962. Thebook deals with the history of the Synodand its institutions from the beginning ofthe organization until last summer whenit re-organized to become the WesternPennsylvania-West Virginia Synod, Lutheran Church in America. Both volumesof the work were published under thesponsorship of the Pittsburgh Synod.VICTOR JOHNSON, '26, PhD'SO, MD'39, CHARLES F. STROEBEL, MD 'S7,and EDWARD S. JUDD, MD 'S7, areassisting in the planning for the MayoCentennial to be observed at the MayoClinic in Rochester, Minn., during theyear 1964. The centennial celebrates thebeginning of the fiftieth year of theestablishment of the Mayo Foundationfor Medical Research as a part of theGraduate School of the University ofMinnesota, and also the centennial of thebirths of Dr. William J. and Dr. CharlesH. Mayo; and the coming to Rochesterof their father, Dr. William W. Mayo in1863. Dr. Johnson, director of the MayoFoundation and professor of physiologyin the Mayo Foundation of the GraduateSchool, University of Minnesota, is amember of the Mayo Centennial Committee, chairman of the public relationscommittee, chairman of the committeeon participation of the University ofMinnesota, and a member of the committee on the celebration's official seal, andthe committee on awards. Dr. Stroebel,consultant in medicine in the MayoClinic, and assistant professor of medicine in the Mayo Foundation, is chairmanof the historical committee. Dr. Judd,head of a section of surgery in the MayoClinic and professor of surgery in theMayo Foundation, is vice chairman ofthe Mayo Centennial Committee, chairman of the committee 'on participation ofRochester hospitals, and a member ofthe committee on participation of theUniversity of Minnesota.RICHARD L. KOZELKA, AM'26, ofMinneapolis, Minn., is professor of business administration at the University ofMinnesota. He was formerly dean of theSchool of Business Administration there.While dean, Mr. Kozelka participatedactively in the work of the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business. 27-31VIVIAN RATCLIFFE McPHERSON,AM'27, joined the staff of the IllinoisChildren's Home and Aid Society inChampaign, Ill., in September. She issupervisor of the local office, replacingWAYNONA NEWCOM BROWN, AM'53, who resigned last May after nineyears with the Society. Principal services provided by the Champaign officeare adoption placement and help forunmarried mothers. Mrs. McPherson wasa member of the staff of the ChampaignCounty Mental Health Clinic from 1956to 1960.ALBERT MEYER, '27, PhD'30, hasbeen elected chairman of the North J ersey Section of the American ChemicalSociety. Mr. Meyer is head of technicalpersonnel and university relations withthe U.S. Rubber Co., Wayne, N. J.Formerly he was director of exploratoryresearch for Diamond Alkali Co., Painesville, Ohio, from 1954-57, and beforethat had been with U.S. Rubber as research group leader and head of the newmaterials department. Mr. Meyer hasserved in numerous capacities in theNorth Jersey Section of the Society since1934, most recently as treasurer andnational councilor in 1960-6l.ALEXANDER J. NAPOLI, '27, JD'29,is a judge of the Superior Court of CookCounty, Ill., and a director of the HarborFederal Savings & Loan Assn., Chicago.CLINTON M. FILE, AM'28, is actinghead of the department of accounting atNorthern Illinois University in DeKalb,Ill. He is active in the YMCA, theAmerican Legion; the CongregationalChurch and the Kiwanis Club in DeKalb. He is also a member of the N ational Council for Small Business Management Development.CARL H. HENRIKSON, '28, has beenelected president of Crossley, S-D Surveys, Inc., New York market researchfirm. Mr. Henrikson is also a life memberof the National Rifle Assn., and a member of the Bergen County Artists Guild(qualified by jury).EDMUND B. O'LEARY, AM'28, hasbeen named a graduate professor in thenew master of business administrationprogram at the University of Dayton,Dayton, Ohio. Mr. O'Leary has been amember of the Dayton faculty since1924, most recently as head of the undergraduate department of economics. Inhis new position Mr. O'Leary will develop graduate courses in the areas offinance and economics for the MBA pro-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgram which begins this summer at Dayton. He has served for many years asadvisor to and director of various businesses, industries and financial institutions.EDGAR DALE, PhD'29, recently received one of the annual Alumni Awardsfor Distinguished Teaching at Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus. Mr. Dale, whohas been at Ohio State for 34 years, is aprofessor in the Bureau of EducationalResearch and Service, and is known asan authority on audio-visual materials ineducation. The awards of $1,000 eachare provided through the Alumni Association and the Ohio State UniversityDevelopment Fund. Mr. Dale's citationread in part: "A leading internationalfigure in the art and science of educationcommunication, he has distinguished himself as a master teacher who continuesto teach those who have achieved prominence in their :fields." He went to OhioState as a research associate in 1929- andbecame a full professor in 1939. In 1961Mr. Dale became the first recipient of theEducational Film Library Association'sannual award, which was presented tohim for distinguished service in theaudio-visual field.AUGUST H. FELLHEIMER, '29, JD'31,is a partner in the law firm of Fellheimer& Vicars in Pontiac, Ill. He is also adirector of the Bank of Pontiac and ofPontiac Industries, and second vice president of the Livingston County Bar Assn.FRANK R. MAYO, '29, PhD'31, senior research chemist at Stanford Research In- .stitute, has been honored by appointmentas a scientific fellow in physical sciencesat the Institute. As a fellow, Mr. Mayowill be free to do research on problemsof his choosing, and will advise the Institute on scientific matters and on thedevelopment of new research programs.The newly established program of scientific fellows has been instituted to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions over the years to theirprofessions and the Institute. Mr. Mayodid research for the DuPont Co., theU.S. Rubber Co., and the General Electric Co., prior to joining the Institute. staff in 1956. His special fields of research interest are reactions of free radicals, mechanisms of organic reactionsand polymerization. The Stanford Research Institute is located in Menlo Park,Calif. Mr. Mayo resides with his familyin Atherton, Calif.CHARLES GOOD, '30, AM'37, is nowback in Chicago, teaching English atCalumet High School after spending lastyear in Scotland as a Fulbright ExchangeTeacher. His son, Charles, Jr., wentalong and attended Kilwinning HighSchool where Mr. Good taught. It is in"the Robert Burns country" just southof Glasgow. They took several tripsthrough Britain, with stops 'at Stratfordand London, and also spent time inParis. Mrs. Good is ELIZABETH SIMPSON, '30.APRIL, 1963 EDGAR A. GRUNWALD, '31, of Northport, N. Y., has been appointed publisherof Purchasing Week, with McGraw-HillPublishing Co., New York. Since 1959,Mr. Grunwald has been editor of themagazine. Mr. Grunwald rejoined MeGraw-Hill in 1959 after being in theconsulting business for four years. Previously he was with McGraw-Hill as marketing editor. and managing editor ofBusiness Week magazine and a memberof the publications division editorial staffworking on special projects.GERHARDT S. JERSILD, JD'31, ofChicago, became president of UnitedCharities of Chicago in January. He is alaw partner in Tatge & J ersild, Chicago.Mr. J ersild received a U of C AlumniCitation in 1962.32-34HAROLD LAUFMAN, '32, MD'37, professor of surgery at Northwestern Medical School, and attending surgeon atPassavant Memorial Hospital, Chicago,has recently returned from a trip to theNear East and Europe. He was awardedthe James IV Traveling Professorship toIsrael to study surgical education in thatcountry. Dr. Laufman lectured at theHadassah-Hebrew University MedicalCenter in Jerusalem, and at teachinghospitals in Tel Aviv and Haifa. He alsowas a guest at medical institutions inAthens, Vienna, Moscow and London.The professorship, awarded by the JamesIV Association of Surgeons, was the second given to a surgeon from the U. S.Each year the Association honors a surgeon with a trip to study and report onsurgical education in a country other thanhis own.FRED W. LOUIS, '32, now living inSan Luis Obispo, Calif., retired from theU. S. Army as a colonel in March, 1962 .Most recently he had been chief of thefactory branch of the production advisory team in the Military AssistanceAdvisory Group in the Republic of China.Colonel Louis remains a member of theUSAR Retired Reserve.DAVID M. LEVY, '33, is vice presidentof the I. S. Berlin Press, a lithographingcompany in Chicago. Mr. Levy also hastwo trout farms: the Rushing WatersTrout Farm in Palmyra, Wise., and theEagle Springs Trout Farm in Eagle,Wise.HERMAN E. RIES, JR., '33, PhD'36,spoke before the Milwaukee section ofthe American Chemical Society in February. Mr. Ries is a senior research associate at the Whiting, Ind., laboratoriesof the American Oil Co. POND LETTER SERVICE. Inc.Everything in LettersHooven Typewriting MimeographingMultigraphing AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones: 219 W. Chicago Ave.MI 2-8883 Chicago 10. IllinoisOffset Printing • Imprinting • AddressographingMultilithing • Copy Preparation • Automatic InsertingTypewriting • Addressing • Folding • MailingCHICAGO ADDRESSING & PRINTING COMPANY720 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET WAbash 2·4561BOYD & GOULDSINCE 188&HYDE PARK AWNING CO. INC.SINCE 1896NOW UN'DER ONE MANAGEMENTAwnings and Canopies for All Purposes9305 South Western Phone: 239-1511Since J878H,ANNIBAL, INC.furniture RepairingUpholstering • RefinishingAntiques Restored·1919' N. Sheffield Ave. • LI 9-7180RICHARD H .. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMOnroe 6-3192BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELD ING CO24 HOUR SERVICELicensed • Bonded • InsuredQualified WeldersSubmerged Water HeatersHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoUNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1354 East 55th StreetMemberFederal Deposit Insurance Cornora.ttonMUseum 4-120023OSBY L. WEIR, '33, is now area manager of merchandising for Sears, Roebuckand Co., in Washington, D.C. In July hemoved from Chicago to Kensington, Md.HERMAN WOLF, '33, of Hartford andLakeville, Conn., has been appointedassistant to the chairman of the board ofthe American Shakespeare Festival Theatre and Academy in Stratford, Conn. Hisduties of promotion for the Festival willtake him to New York and Stratfordregularly. During the last 12 years bothMr. Wolf and his wife have participatedactively in work for the ShakespeareTheatre. Mr. Wolf will also continue tooperate a business development and public relations firm in Hartford. In the pasthe has served as chief campaign aideand executive aide to Abraham Ribicoff,former Governor and now U. S. Senatorof Connecticut.WILFRED BACH, '34, formerly of theDavidson Meat Co., Chicago, is now anaccountant for Wilson & Co., Inc., inChicago.SOL D. GERSHON, '34, SM'35, PhD'38, has been appointed to the newlycreated position of associate research director for Lever Brothers Co. The company's Research and Development Centeris located in Edgewater, N.J. Mr. Gershon was previously development manager for household products. A formerassistant professor of chemistry at theUniversity of Illinois, he joined the Pepsodent Co. as a research chemist in 1943,a year before it was acquired by LeverBrothers. He subsequently became director of new product development andthen research manager of the company'sPepsodent division. He was appointedassistant research director for product improvement and development when theLever Brothers Research Center wasopened in 1952. He and his wife,ESTHER GOODMAN, '34, live in Englewood, N.J.PERRY E. GRESHAM, '34, president ofBethany College, Bethany, W. Va., hasbeen awarded a special Freedom Leadership Plaque by Freedoms Foundation ofValley Forge, Pa. Dr. Gresham, one offive leaders to receive the award, wascited for "his vigorous advocacy of human freedom and for acting as the voiceof conscience, reminding us of the spiritual and educational responsibilities thatwe must assume if we are to remain free."CLARA M. LLOYD, '34, has been selected as director of a pilot project demonstrating services to Aid to DependentChildren families in Dallas County, Alabama. The project is operating underthe auspices of the State Department ofPensions and Security with support fromthe Field Foundation.PHILIP MULLENBACH, '34, is theauthor of a five-year study recently published by the Twentieth Century Fund,New York City. The study, titled "Civilian Nuclear Power: Economic Issuesand Policy Formation," asserts that the24 U. S. should press forward with a broadpublic and private program in developingpeace-time uses of atomic energy whichwill cost the government $200 million ayear for the next decade. Mr. Mullenbach, formerly an economist for theAtomic Energy Commission, is now president of Growth Industry Shares, Inc., andvice president of Growth Research, Inc., aninvestment management firm in Chicago.35-39DENNIS GORDON, '35, MBA'38, wasa visiting professor of accounting at theUniversity of Southern California lastyear. He returned to the University ofAkron, Ohio, this fall, where he is professor and head of the department ofaccounting.ROLLAND F. HATFIELD, '35, AM'35,is serving as Commissioner of Taxationwith offices in the State CentennialBuilding in St. Paul, Minn. He is onleave of absence from Northwestern National Life Insurance Co., where he ismanager of the pension trust department.Mrs. Hatfield (MYRTLE LOHNER, '35,AM'36 ) was elected president of theMinnesota Planning Assn., in April, 1962.She has been a member of the TwinCities Metropolitan Planning Commissionsince its inception in 1957 and was secretary-treasurer in 1961. She has recentlycompleted a two-year term as presidentof the St. Paul branch of the AmericanAssociation of University Women.RALPH E. SIEGEL, '35, MD'37, ofPerth Amboy, N.J., is president of theMiddlesex County Medical Society, oldestorganized medical association in the U. S.Dr. Siegel, an ophthalmologist, is also amember of the Committee on the Conservation of Vision of the Medical Societyof New Jersey.LYNN A. STILES, '35, has been electedsenior economist with the Federal ReserveBank of Chicago. Mr. Stiles has beenwith the bank since 1953 as financialeconomist. Previously he was an economist with the Illinois State Departmentof Finance. Mr. Stiles is a regular contributor to the bank's monthly. review,Business Conditions.SIMON BOURGIN, '36, has joined theU. S. Information Agency and has beenassigned as science adviser in the Agency's headquarters in Washington, D.C.W. EDGAR GREGORY, '36, has beennamed chairman of the department ofpsychology at the University of the Pa- cific, Stockton, Calif. He had served asacting chairman since September, 1961.Mr. Gregory has been at the Universityof the Pacific since 1948 and was nameda full professor in 1958.WILLIAM B. REYNOLDS, PhD'36, hasbeen named vice president for researchand engineering at General Mills, Minneapolis, Minn. He had been vice presidentfor research. since 1959. His change intitle is the result of new managementorganization concerning General Mills'Central Research Laboratories. Beforejoining General Mills, Mr. Reynolds waswith E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co.,the Interchemical Corp., and the U of C(as an instructor). More recently he wasassociate professor at the University ofCincinnati, and director of research forthe Phillips Petroleum Co.BERNECE K. SIMON, '36, AM'42, wasappointed director of field instruction atthe U of C School of Social Service Administration in September. In this position she is responsible for the administrative and educational aspects of fieldwork. Formerly she taught caseworkcourses and did field instruction.MARJORIE BARTHOLF, SM'37, professor and dean of the School of Nursingat the University of Texas, Galveston,for 21 years, has announced her retirement effective on August 31. Prior toher appointment as dean in 1942, shewas a head nurse at Evanston Hospital,Evanston, Ill., a staff nurse in the Evanston Health Department, supervisor at'St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City, Mo.,assistant professor in Yale School ofNursing, and assistant director of CookCounty (Ill.) School of Nursing. Shehas served on many national committeesfor nursing education, and is listed inWho" s Who in America and Who" s Whoof American Women.ORME W. PHELPS, '37, MBA'39, PhD, 45, is senior professor of economics atClaremont Men's College in Claremont,Calif. During 1962-63 he is on leavefrom Claremont and is at the BrookingsInstitution in Washington, D.C., as aBrookings research professor.D. THROOP VAUGHAN, '37, is now asecond vice-president in the bond department of the Continental Illinois NationalBank & Trust Co., Chicago. FormerlyMr. Vaughan was assistant manager ofthe investment department of City N ational Bank & Trust Co., Chicago. InSeptember, the two banks merged underthe Continental name, resulting in thischange of position for Mr. Vaughan. Heand his family live in Homewood, IlL,where Mr. Vaughan is a director of theHazel Crest Area Chamber of Commerce.GEORGE M. HENDERSON, MBA'38,is general secretary for Imperial Oil Limited of Toronto, Ontario. He and hisfamily live in Port Credit, OntoTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJust offThe QuadranglesConcluded from page Ithe Magazine column he wrote formany years. He's working with us on apart-time basis as a "consultant on special projects," which means he will domore work than will ever show on boththe Magazine and Tower Topics.David Leonetti, '58, became programdirector of the Association on March1, succeeding Mary Jeanne Carlson,'59. David doffed a Navy officer's uniform late last year. He was on the University admissions staff between graduation and entering service. We quail atreciting David's student activities record, but we gather that Phi GammaDelta would not have existed but forhis energies.There are days when you can't buya nickel for 6¢. The morning after theMarch mailing for the Alumni Foundation appeal was put in the mails, wehad a call from the AdministrationBuilding. It seemed there was an errorin the folder about xenon fluorides.No one has ever explained to oursatisfaction why it works this way, butwe've learned from experience that theerrors in publications one doesn't catchare the huge ones. You're not likely tofind misspelled words deep in the textof the Magazine, for instance-thosewill have been caught in proofreading-but if we should come out some dayas the UNIVERSITY OF CHIACGOMAGAZINE on the cover, we willmerely be running true to form.The error in the March Foundationmailing was of this sort. It was in thefirst line on the first page. "Norman"Sugarman's name is Nathan.He was really quite nice about it.We're not excited about the titlewhich has been hung on this column,but so be it. Being tired of the variantshaving to do with one's desk (over it,across it, around it, from off it) andhaving attempted without success tofind some obscure Greek word which,freely translated, means "comments onvarious subjects, none of which will fitwell in another part of the Magazine,"we have settled for whatever symbolism can be squeezed out of "Just Offthe Quadrangles."Suggestions, erudite or otherwise,will be welcomed. H.R.H.APRIL,1963 GUY R. CODDING, '39, executive director of the Community Chest of Y oungstown, Ohio, is the president of FACTS-Fund and Council Training Scholarships. FACTS is an organization devotedto raising scholarship funds to promotethe study of community organization,and encourage students to become community organization personnel. FACTScooperates closely with the United Fundsand Councils of America.FRANCES M. HANSON, '39, SM'41, ofWashington, D.C., became a supervisorin the Montgomery County Schools inJuly, 1962. She is currently working onthe scope and sequence of geography forgrades kindergarten through 14. She'adds, "My gratitude to Parker, Colby, Barrows, Platt, Leppard and the distinguished geography faculty of the late 30's!"LEON O. JACOBSON, MD'39, professorand chairman of the department of medicine at the U of C, was one of 11 scientists who received Borden Awards foroutstanding research achievements during1962. The award, granted by the Borden Company Foundation, consists of agold medal and $1,000. Dr. Jacobsonwas cited for the award by the Association of American Medical Colleges, forhis research in the problems of diseaseand health in man. He was termed "anoutstanding example of the 'new breed' ofclinical investigator," with unusual abilityfor translating results of basic researchinto a form pertinent to practical prob-lems of disease and health." . 1" "ARTHUR C. LUNDAHL, '39, SM'42,recently received one of the ten CareerService Awards given by the NationalCivil Service League. The awards aregiven each year to ten career civil servants who have made outstanding contributions to the Federal Government intheir fields of endeavor. Mr. Lundahl isassistant director for photographic intelligence with the Central IntelligenceAgency in Washington, D.C. He is considered the top photographic intelligenceofficer in the U. S., and as such, has beeninvolved in the most important photographic problems affecting national security, including the Cuban crisis. DuringWorld War II Mr. Lundahl served in theNavy's Photographic Intelligence Center,and is given great credit for the new andunique types of photography upon whichcurrent intelligence efforts are so dependent. In nominating him for the CareerService Award, Mr. John A. McCone,director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said, "Mr. Lundahl has made majorcontributions to the science of photographic intelligence and has had a leading role in the development of aninteragency photographic intelligence organization which is credited with accomplishments of great national significance."ROBERT E. (REM) MEYER, '39, ofHinsdale, Ill., has been promoted togeneral marketing manager at IllinoisBell Telephone Co" Chicago, FormerlyMr. Meyer was general sales manager in YOUR FAVORITEFOUN1'AIN 'fREATTASTES BE'I'TER[Swift & CompanyA product of 7409 So. Stat" StreetPhone RAdcliffe 3-7400THE NEW CHICAGO CHAIRAn attractive, sturdy, comfortablechair finished in jet black withgold trim and gold silk-screenedUniversity shield.$30.00Order from and make checks payable toTHE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION5733 University Ave., Chicago 37Chairs will be shipped express collect from Gardner, Mass. withinone month.25Chicago marketing. He is a member ofthe U of C Citizens Board and presidentof the Order of the "C," director of theLawndale Boys Club, and active in theCrusade of Mercy. Mr. Meyer starred infootball, basketball, baseball and trackwhile a student at the U of C. He laterplayed professional baseball and wasbasketball and track coach at the IllinoisInstitute of Technology in 1940-41. Heis widely known as a Big Ten footballand basketball official, and has officiatedin the annual Rose Bowl game.HAROLD W. MILES, '39, was recentlyelected president of the Smith-AlsopPaint and Varnish Co., Terre Haute, Ind.In 1959 Mr. Miles joined Smith-Alsop asdirector of sales. Later he was electedto the board of directors and to the position of vice president of sales. He andhis family live in Woodridge, Ind.MARGARET BURNETT STROZIER,AM'39, has been appointed dean of students at the U of C School of SocialService Administration. She joined thefaculty in 1960 as director of admissionsand assistant dean of students. Her husband, the late ROBERT M. STROZIER,PhD' 45, was dean of students of theUniversity.LEONARD WEISS, '39, and ROBERTA. HURWITCH, ' 49, received awardsin March from the U. S. State Department for their work there. Mr. Weissreceived a Superior Service Award for"superior service in carrying out his responsibilities as director of the Office ofInternational Trade and Finance." Mr.Hurwich, a specialist in Cuban affairs, wasgiven the Distinguished Service Awardfor his efforts on behalf of the Cuban warprisoners who returned to the U. S. lastDecember. His citation said in part: "He exhibited maturity, tenacity, initiative andgreat tactical skill and judgment in assisting the development of a program for therelief and re�abilitation of Cuban prisoners of war.40-43WILFRID R. FOSTER, PhD' 40, is coauthor of a paper which appeared in theJanuary issue of The Journal of theAmerican Ceramic Society. The paperconcerns calcium hexaluminate. Mr. Foster is professor and chairman of thedepartment of mineralogy at Ohio StateUniversity.HENRY H. GRAF, MBA'40, formerly atHarlan High School, is now a teachercoordinator in the distributive educationprogram at Bogan High School in Chicago. He reports that NETTIE CHAITKIN WALL, MBA' 40, is also teaching. inthe program.AMELIA BAER BARNARD, AM'41, aformer faculty member of the IndianaUniversity Division of Social Service, hasbeen appointed associate professor inthe University of Denver School of Social Work. Before going to Indiana in1953 she had been on the staff of agencies in San Francisco and New York City.RICHARD FRENCH, MBA'41, is vicepresident of Best Maintenance SupplyCo., of Los Angeles, which manufacturesand sells cleaning supplies and equip-'ment. He is also chairman of the boardThe Defense of FreedomDespite their willingness to holdthe basic rights of some Americansin suspended animation until alldanger is past, regardless of theirlack of courage demanded by alife of freedom., they are nonetheless entitled to all the rights theyare so anxious to deny others. Forit is no more valid to deny freedomto those who would refuse it toothers, than to those who understand its requirements.Unfortunately, the fragile natureof freedom in a divided world is notunderstood by many of the beneficiaries of these liberties. Impatienceand fear lead them to words andaction that are as much a denial oftheir heritage as the evil they presume to oppose.26 Concluded from page 10As you long ago discovered, nurturing and protecting basic rightsis a never-ending responsibility. Itis regrettable that so few see thistask as a personal obligation ofthose who would live in freedomand would hand it untarnished totheir children.This is the nature of the challenge. For apathy is in the majorityand the attackers and defenders ofliberty are both in the minority.But that apathy is decreasing andmore and more Americans are becoming aware of their stake infreedom.It remains only to be seen whether they will choose to protectfreedom by restricting it or by extending it. You have made yourchoice and you have chosen well. of the California Baptist TheologicalSeminary. The Frenches have four children, one of whom is a Chinese orphanadopted from Hong Kong.J. GORDON HENRY, JD'41, a memberof the legal staff of the Northern TrustCo., Chicago, has done a great deal oflecturing recently. Over the past severalyears he has given the American Instituteof Bankers course in commercial law forbank employees in the Midwest. He hasalso lectured on the Federal tax systemto the Illinois Bar Assn., and to groupsin Iowa.JAMES W. MOULDER, '41, PhD'44,professor and chairman of the department of microbiology at the U of C, willdirect a new U. S. Public Health Service training program in virus research atthe U of C during the next five years.The program, established with the Public Health Service grant of $600,828, willhelp meet a critical shortage of trainedspecialists in the new and rapidly expanding field of investigation in virology. Itwill provide advanced training for graduate science students and post-doctoralresearch scientists and medical men whoare interested in virus problems. Provision has been made for at least 42 individual predoctoral and postdoctoral grantsduring the five year period. The staff ofthe new virology program will also include: DR. ROBERT W. WISSLER,SM' 43, PhD' 46, MD' 48, professor andSPECIAL OFFERTO ALUMNI OFCHICAGOGOING TO EUROPE ANDPLANNING' TO LEASE OR BUYA CARIN EUROPE• Peugeot • Mercedes• Renault • VWAND ALL OTHER MAKES•Special Savings to the alumni groupin addition to substantial savings onimport duty and excise taxes.•Write Ed Sloane for details and Brochure eMThis offer is madeon the exclusive responsibility ofCAR-TOURS in Europe2 EAST 46th STREET, N.Y. 17, N.Y.Plaza 1-3550 (212 PL 1-3550)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEchairman of the department of pathology,who has made extensive studies of thebody's defense mechanisms against cancer and other diseases; DR. MARC 0>BEEM, MD' 48, associate professor in thedepartment of pediatrics, a specialist inacute respiratory diseases in children;EUGENE GOLDWASSER, '43, PhD'50,associate professor in the department ofbiochemistry and a staff member in theArgonne Cancer Research Hospital, whohas been investigating the viruses thatcause leukemia in mice; LLOYD M.KOZLOFF, '43, PhD'48, professor in thedepartment of biochemistry, whose special field is the study of bacterial virusesand the mechanisms by which viruses invade bacteria; RAY P. MACKAL, '49,PhD'53, assistant professor in the department of biochemistry, also a specialistin the study of bacterial viruses. Otherstaff members in the program are: EarlA. Evans, Jr., professor and chairman ofthe department of biochemistry; IrvingH. Goldberg, assistant professor in thedepartments of medicine and biochemistry; Dorothy M. Hamre, research associate in the departments of medicine andmicrobiology; Robert Haselkorn, assistantprofessor in the Committee on Biophysics; Werner H. Kirsten, assistant professorin the department of pathology; IrvingRappaport, assistant professor in the department of microbiology and the LaRabida-U of C Institute.CHARLES H. PERCY, '41, has beennamed general chairman of the Instrument Society of .America's 18th AnnualInstrument-Automation Conference andExhibit. The event, to be held duringSeptember in Chicago, will be attendedby over 25,000 engineers, scientists, educators, and management personnel fromindustry, research organizations, militaryservices and educational institutions. Mr.Percy is chairman of the board and chiefexecutive officer of Bell & Howell Co.,Chicago. The recipient of many honorsand awards, he was given the AbrahamLincoln Centre Award for HumanitarianService last year.HARRY SHOLL, '41, marketing andpublic relations executive, has joined. Charles R. Feldstein Co., Inc., fund raising . and public relations consultants inChicago. Mr. Sholl was formerly vicepresident of marketing and member ofthe. Chicago Printed String Co. He willassist the Feldstein organization in itscounseling and development activities onbehalf of educational, philanthropic, welfare and service agencies. Mr. Sholl,who lives in Deerfield, Ill., is a memberof the board of the Abraham LincolnCentre, (south side Chicago settlementhouse) and is chairman of the NorthShore Unitarian Church in Deerfield.EARL H. DEARBORN, PhD'42, ofRidgewood, N.J., has been appointed director of experimental therapeutics research at Lederle Laboratories, PearlRiver, N.Y., a division of American Cyanamid Co. In his new position Mr.APRIL, 1963 Dearborn assumes the responsibilities forthe research and evaluation of therapeutic compounds. He has been associated with Lederle since 1956, and formerly held the post of assistant directorof the experimental therapeutics researchsection .. Before joining Lederle Mr. Dearborn was assistant professor of pharmacology at Johns Hopkins University'sSchool of Medicine and was professorand chairman of the department of pharmacology at Boston University School ofMedicine.BENNETT T. SANDEFUR, PhD'43,faculty member at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich., was recentlynamed president-elect of the MichiganAcademy of Science, Arts and Letters.Mr. Sandefur took office at the 67th annual meeting of the. Academy at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, inMarch.45-47EUGENE P. BERG, MBA'45, waselected president of Bucyrus-Erie .Co.,Milwaukee, Wisc. Mr. Berg joined Bucyrus- Erie in 1960 as executive vice presi--- dent, was elected to the board of directorsthe same year, and to the executive committee in 1961. He came to Bucyrus-Erieafter 23 years with Link-Belt Co., wherehe was general manager of their Chicagooperations.LEONARD H. DAVIDSON, MBA'45, ofEvanston, Ill., is executive director of theZionist Organization of Chicago. He isserving as labor arbitrator on the American Arbitration Assn. panel and is listedwith the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service labor arbitration panel.W. ROBERT SINCLAIR, '45, SM'50,PhD'52, is co-author of a paper which appeared in the January issue of The J ournal of the American Ceramic Society. Itis entitled "Preparation of Oxide GlassFilms by Reactive Sputtering." Mr. Sinclair is a member of the technical staff ofBell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Murray Hill, N.J.LOUIS B. THOMAS, MD'45, of Kensington, Md.,' has been at the NationalInstitutes of Health, Bethesda, Md., fornearly 10 years. Head of surgical pathology and post-mortem service of the department of pathologic anatomy, his work is acombination of service, diagnostic pathology for patients in the clinical center;and research, principally in the pathologyof human and experimental leukemia. Recently, one of Dr. Thomas' associates,JOHN EDGCOMB, '44, MD'46, also a Undivided Responsi bi lityHere the conception of an ideacarried to its final printed formis made possible by each stepbeing performed under our own roof.Departments encompass art anddesign, photography, process color,plate making, single and multicolorpresswork, binding and shipping.Thus, the integrated operation ofthis organization backed with arecord of 30 years' reliability onmajor projects makes possible ourservice of undivided responsibilityOFFSET LITHOGRAPHYCongress Expressway at Gardner RoadBROADVIEW, ILL. COlumbus 1·1420pathologist, went to Accra, Ghana, asdirector of a medical mission supportedby the National Cancer Institute.S. V. MARTORANA, AM'46, PhD'48,is director of planning for higher education in the Office of Regents of the University of the State of N ew York. Heformerly was chief of the state and regional organization of higher educationwith the U.S. Office of Education. Mr.Martorana is the author of a monographon College Boards of Trustees for the Library of Education series, a project of theCenter for Applied' Research. in Educa-tion, Inc., Syracuse, N.Y. .NICHOLAS J. MELAS, '46, '48, MBA'50,was elected a trustee of the MetropolitanSanitary District of Greater Chicago inNovember. On December 30 Mr. and Mrs.Melas' second daughter, Beth, was born.JAMES B. PARSONS, AM'46, JD'49,U.S. District Court Judge in Chicago, wasnamed chairman of a new Chicago Conference on Religion and Race in February. The Conference was organized byChicagoans who were members of thehost committee for a National Conferenceon Religion and Race held in Chicagoduring January. Judge Parsons, who wasworking chairman of the host committeefor the national meeting, agreed to serveas chairman of the new Chicago organization during its first year. The new groupwill sponsor local conferences on raceand religion to be held in Chicago neighborhoods and suburbs, and will set upinterdenominational committees at thecommunity level to follow up recommendations from the national meeting.Judge Parsons was the first Negro appointed to a federal judiciary post withinthe United States.27WAYNE C. BOOTH, AM'47, PhD'50,was awarded the twelfth annual ChristianGauss Award for literary criticism by PhiBeta Kappa. The $1000' prize was forhis book, The Rhetoric of Fiction, published by the U of C Press. Mr. Boothis Visiting George M. Pullman Professorof English at the U of C this year. Heis on leave from Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., where he was chairman ofthe English department.FRED FIEDLER, AM'47, PhD'49, wasnamed head of the social differentialdivision in the psychology department atthe University of Illinois, Urbana, lastsummer. He is responsible for coordinating the advising of graduate students inhis area and is an ex-officio member ofthe department's advisory committee.H. ROBERT GEMMER, '47, has beennamed executive director of the UticaArea Council of Churches, Utica, N.Y.Formerly Mr. Gemmer was director ofthe social welfare department of theCleveland Area Church Federation,Cleveland, Ohio, where he served for sixyears. In 1951 Mr. Gemmer was calledto the pastorate of the First Church ofthe Brethren in Cleveland.PETER KREHEL, '47, JD'51, now alawyer in Kulpmont, Pa., helped to obtain the freedom of J aromir Zastera, whowas imprisoned in Czechoslovakia for 13years. Mr. Zastera was freed in May,1962. Mr. Krehel holds a PhD degreefrom Charles University in Prague,Czechoslovakia.WILLIAM W. MULLINS, '47, SM'51,PhD'55, associate professor of metallurgyat Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa., received the Mathewson GoldMedal in February. The medal, which isgiven for notable contributions to metallurgical science, was awarded by theMetallurgical Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers at its annual meeting inDallas, Texas. At the same meeting, oneof Mr . Mullins' former U of C teachers,Cyril S. Smith who is now professor ofmetal1urgy at Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, was also honored. Mr. Smith,former director of the U of C Institutefor the Study of Metals, received theJ ames Douglas Gold Medal, and wasnamed a Fellow of the SOciety.ROBERT S. ROSENZWEIG, '47, '48,SM'49, and his wife, of Chicago, announce the birth of a son, David Abraham, on November 29.ROYAL J. SCHMIDT, AM'47, PhD'57,of Maywood, Ill., has recently publisheda monograph, "Bugles in a Dream-DuPage County in the Civil War." He hasalso contributed 15 articles to a newDictionary of Political Science to be published by the Philosophical Library inAugust, 1963.PHILIP A. TRIPP, AM' 47, PhD'55, hasresigned as dean of students at WashburnUniversity, Topeka, Kan., to accept an28 appointment as specialist in student services for the college and university administrative branch of the U.S. Office ofEducation, Washington, D.C. Mr. Tripphad been at Washburn since 1956. Hisnew position involves conducting researchin student personnel work, consultationwith colleges and universities, representing the national office in professionalorganizations, and working with publicand private agencies in the developmentof new programs and materials.-48JOHN BUETTNER-JANUSCH, '48, '49,AM'53, and his wife, VINA MALLOWITZ, ' 48, ' 49, are spending a year inKenya and Madagascar while Mr. Buettner- J anusch is on leave of absence fromYale University. During the first fourmonths, in Nairobi, Kenya, they workedin the Medical Research Laboratory ofthe King George VI Hospital. Theystudied several genetic traits of East African Primates (human and non-human).In Madagascar Mr. and Mrs. BuettnerJ anusch are devoting their time to thelemurs of that island. The financial support of these activities comes from YaleUniversity, a Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship of the National Science Foundation,and a research grant from the NationalInstitutes of Health, U.S. Public HealthService.GEOFFREY F. CHEW, PhD'48, professor of physics of the University of California Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley,was awarded the 1962 American PhysicalSociety Prize sponsored by the HughesAircraft Co. - Mr. Chew received the$250'0 prize at the "Winter Meeting inthe West" of the American Physical Society held at Stanford University inDecember. He was honored for his "continued efforts to understand meson-nucleon interaction.'> While at the U of C,Mr. Chew was a National Research Council Fellow.JOHN R. COX, MBA'48, recently tookhis PhD degree in economics from theUniversity of Southern California. Mr.Cox's thesis was a study of the roleof Eastern mutual savings banks in LosAngeles Metropolitan Area mortgage lending during the fifties. He is an associateprofessor of finance at Los Angeles StateCollege, and during non-teaching monthspractices as a certified public accountantin Los Angeles. Concluded from page 5classes of '64, '65, and '66, an activesocial consciousness greater in degree than any since the pacifism ofthe Thirties or the social religionof the early teens. While it may bea little early to be thus characterizing the current generation, it isworthy of note that about one undergraduate in 25 is giving considerable time to the SCCCprojects.What about the youngster on theother side of the table? Is he merely getting a taste of forbidden fruits,or can a few score University students do something lasting for him?This is the most serious questionthe Woodlawn tutoring projectraises. No one pretends that miracles will pass over Woodlawn andsolve its intertwined woes, but thereis room for concern that the projectmight peter out or, worse, that thechildren participating will behelped past one wall, only to findthat a" greater one lies beyond.There does .not seem to be muchdanger of the SCCC going stalequickly. The project has had unusually steady volunteer workersduring a full year of existence andis now being expanded, not reduced.On the second fear, too, there isrealism among the students. At thevery least, a societal wall has beenbridged and human beings foundto live on both sides. Certainly thechildren's worlds have been expanded. That their expanded worldsmay ultimately prove a frustrationis surely possible. They are, however, not the only ones whose experience has been deepened. TheirUniversity friends have added adimension to their knowledge whichwill stick. Here, if nowhere else, isa solid lasting gain. H.R.H.JESSIE CAMPBELL CUNNINGHAM,, 48, AM'52, assistant professor of Englishat Clark University, Worcester, Mass.,has been acting dean of women at theUniversity since October. She and herhusband James, a professor at BrandeisUniversity, live in Sudbury, Mass.ROBERT H. DELGADO, '48, of Pittsburgh, Pa., has taught on an industryscience teacher exchange program thisyear and for the past four years in localhigh schools. He is an engineer in re-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsearch and development with Gulf Research Laboratories at HarmervilIe, Pa.Mr. Delgado also conducts amen's studygroup, "Pittsburgh Experiment," and isactive in the lay ministry of the Episcopal Church. Mrs. Delgado (JEANNEDOYLE, '47) is the Episcopal representative to the Council of Churches in thePittsburgh area.ELIZABETH JANE FISHER, '48, ofRiverside, Ill., took a trip to England,Scotland and Ireland last summer withPATRICIA WANDELL BALLARD, '48,AM'50, of Greenwich, Conn. Mrs. Fisher'shusband recently became director ofLincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. The Fishershave lived in Riverside for 10 years andalso hope someday to build a vacationhouse on land they bought last year onSt. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands.LENARD E. GROTE, '48, AM'51, waselected the first mayor of Pleasant Hill,Calif., in November, 1961. Mr. Grote is apolitical science instructor at Diablo Valley College in Concord,· Calif.LUTHER H. GULICK, JR., AM'48,PhD'52 and his wife (MELBA CHRISTENSEN, '46, AM'48) and their threechildren are now living in "The GreatSeaway Valley." Mr. Gulick becamechairman of the department of geographyat the New York State University Collegeat Potsdam, N.Y. in September, 1962. Anarticle based on Mr . Gulick's Fulbrightresearch in Pakistan in 1959-60 appearedin the Geographical Review of January.The article is entitled "Irrigation Systemsof the.Former Sind Province, West Pakistan."H. WILLIAM HEY, '48, AM'56, wasone of 33 participants in a two-day "Assembly on the Office of Governor" heldin Monticello, Ill., in December. Theassembly was sponsored by the Instituteof Government and Public Affairs of theUniversity of Illinois and was attendedby public officials, newspapermen, collegeprofessors and civic organization leaders.Mr. Hey attended in his capacity as assistant director of research, Illinois Legislative Council.KENNETH F. HOFFMASTER, '48, isa vice president in the trust departmentof the Northern Trust Co., Chicago.HARRISON P. HOOD III, '48, is a research physicist with Eastman Kodak ce.in Rochester, N.Y.DAVID JICKLING, '48, AM'51, PhD'53,is working on governmental reform inGuatemala under the Alliance for Progress program of the Agency for International Development.DAVID KRINSLEY, '48, '50, SM'50,PhD'56, is chairman of the departmentof geology and geography at QueensCollege of the City University of NewYork, Flushing, N.Y. He also is researchassociate in the department of geologyat Columbia University (Lamont Geo-APRIL, 1963 logical Observatory). Mr. Krinsley andhis wife, ANN CARRIGAN, '49, live inGreat Neck, N.Y.ANDREW J. LASKA, AM'48, and hiswife, VERA LASKA, PhD'59, are livingin Sao Paulo, Brazil, where Mr. Laskahas been managing partner in Kendall doBrasil since 1959. Mrs. Laska is a memberof the Fulbright Commission in Sao Paulo.MORRIS J. LEVINE, '48, MD'52, ispracticing general surgery in St. Petersburg, Fla.ROBERT E. McCABE, AM'48, AM'52,has received a Distinguished ServiceAward from the Housing and Home Finance Agency (HHF A) in Washington,D.C. Mr. McCabe is regional director ofurban renewal for the HHF A Region VI.He lives in Sausalito, Calif., across theBay from San Francisco.ROBERT E. McCOY, '48, is now head ofthe Department of Physical Sciences atFrancis T. Nicholls State College in Thibodaux, La.HANS W. MATTICK, '48, AM'56, sinceleaving the U of C, has spent "three yearsin prison, four in jail, and the last twoyears among delinquents (as a prisonsociolo gist, as assistant warden of CookCounty Jail, and as director of a juveniledelinquency prevention project)." For thepast two years, Mr. Mattick has beenworking for the Institute for Social Research of the University of Michigan "tind'the Chicago Boys Clubs, co-sponsors ofthe Chicago Youth Development Project.The project is a six-year action-researchproject financed by a Ford Foundationgrant, involving street work with gangsand community organization work withlocal adults.WATSON PARKER, '48, originally ofHill City, S.D., is a student and graduate assistant at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., working toward aPhD with a specialty in the AmericanWest. He recently received his AM degree in American history.JAMES R. RENFROE, '48, AM'57, iscorporate attorney handling labor relations matters with Aerojet-General Corp.,of Sacramento, Calif. Previously he waswith the Southern Pacific Co. in SanFrancisco for three years. Mr. Renfroe,who lives in Orangevale, Calif., is married and has two sons.DAVID N. ROBB, '48, currently a physician with the U.S. Air Force at AndrewsAir Force Base, Camp Springs, Md., willestablish private practice in June. Dr.Robb, who lives in Port Republic, Md., ismarried and has three children.JAMES P. SCANLAN, '48, AM'50,PhD'56, assistant professor of philosophyat Goucher College, Baltimore, Md., isdoing work connected with his growinginterest in Russian philosophy. During1960-61, Mr. Scanlan did research inthat field under a Ford Foundation fel- lowship at the University of California,Berkeley. He is now preparing an Englishtranslation of P. L. Lavrov's HistoricalLetters, editing an anthology of Russianphilosophy, and doing articles on Russianphilosophy for the new 10-volume Encyclopedia of Philosophy to be publishedby Macmillan Co.LESTER W. SPERBERG, '48, is seniorpastor of the Warren Methodist Churchin Denver, Colo. Formerly he was vicepresident in charge of public relationsand financial development of The IliffSchool of Theology in Denver, a positionhe had held for seven years. Beforejoining the Iliff staff Mr. Sperberg wasthe managing editor of The Rocky M ountain Churchman, and pastor of the Kirkof the Bonnie Brae church in Denver.JOHN R. STAIR, '48, JD'51, practiceslaw in Seattle, Wash., and is president ofthe Wendell Huston Co., law book publishers. He is also president of the U ofC Alumni Club of Seattle, and a memberof the Stair Society, Edinburgh, Scotland.WILLIAM N. STOKES, SM'48, wastransferred last fall from the AmericanConsulate in Tokyo where he was viceconsul, to Washington, D.C. where he istemporarily assigned to the Bureau ofAfrican Affairs.SidewalksFactory FloorsMachineFoundationsConcrete BreakingNOrmal 7-0433--7�e E�deuWe @ea1ee't6We operate our own dry cleaning plant1309 East 57th St.MI dway 3-0602 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.NO rmal 7-98581553 E. Hyde Park Blvd. "FAirfax 4-57591442 E. 57th Midway 3-0607GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS. Inc.Painting-Decorating-Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186MODEL CAMERA SHOPLeica - Bolex - Rolleiflex - Polaroid1342 E. 55th St. HYde Park 3-9259NSA Discounts24-hour Kodachrome DevelopingHO Trains and M.odel Supplies2949-54ROGER W. AXFORD, AM'49, PhD'61, isdirector of the new Latin-American project at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The program brought 13 teachers from Latin-American countries to thecampus to study the' American comprehensive high school. The project is financed by the U.S. Agency for Internanational Development; and is trainingthe teachers to assist In further development of secondary education in theircountries. Mr. Axford is associate director of informal instructional servicesat the University.JOHN E. BISHOP, SM'49, PhD'59', hasbeen appointed professor of business administration at Harvard University. Hehas been lecturer in the Harvard Business School since 1956. Formerly hetaught at the University of Manitoba andTufts University. Mr. Bishop is a specialist in decision theory and operationsanalysis, and has been involved in theHarvard Business School's program forapplying advanced forms of mathematicsto the solution of business decisions.CHARLES CURTIS, '49, MBA'52, waselected vice president-investments of theBankers National Life Insurance Co.,Montclair, N.J.RICHARD A. DIMPFL, MBA' 49, hasbeen named manager of personnel research and statistics for United Air Lines.Mr. Dimpfl began with the airline in1947 as a job analyst in Chicago. During1951-53 he was recalled to active dutyin the Air Force, and on his return toUnited, became administrative assistantat Hight operations headquarters in Denver, Colo. He returned to Chicago in1962 when that administration was transferred to the company's executive offices.Mr. Dimpfl is a colonel in the Air ForceReserve.NORMAN A. GRAEBNER, PhD'49, headof the department of history, was named1962 Outstanding Teacher at the University of Illinois. He was selected for theaward by the Men's Independent Assn.,on campus. Mr. Graebner, a member ofthe faculty since 1956, and departmenthead since 1961, is a specialist in foreignpolicy.PAUL KHAN, SM'49, was named manager of research administration for theContinental Baking Co. in New York City.30 Formerly he was manager of researchservices for DCA Food Industries. Hewas also formerly assistant microbiologistfor the Squibb Institute of Medical Research, New Brunswick, N.J., and chiefmicrobiologist for the Food and DrugResearch Laboratories in Long IslandCity, N.Y.DALE E. OWENS, MBA' 49, has beenappointed assistant comptroller of Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey). Since July,1961 he had been assistant comptrollerof Esso International, Inc., Standard Oilof New Jersey's world-wide marketingaffiliate. He joined the comptroller's department at Standard Oil in 1958.LOLA G. SELBY, AM'49, has returnedto her post as associate professor in theUniversity of Southern California Schoolof Social Work after spending 1961-62 inEngland. She was senior Fulbright lecturer in social work at the University ofLeicester in England, and also served asa consultant to the faculty at the newInstitute for the Training of Social Workers in London.HOWARD A. SHAPIRO, '49, '54, MD'55,has been in the private practice of internal medicine in San Francisco, Calif.,since July, 1961.WINSON COLEMAN, PhD'50, has beenappointed dean of the College of LiberalArts at Johnson C. Smith University,Charlotte, N.C.PATRICIA EDGEWORTH CUNNEA,'50, AM'55, and her husband, WILLIAM,'46, SM'55, of Pullman, Wash., write:"After having lived and taught in the' Bayarea of California for five years, we areboth enjoying our second year of teaching at Washington State University."KEITH GILCHRIST, '50, is a marketingassociate with Case and Co., Inc., amanagement consulting firm in New YorkCity. Mr. Gilchrist was director of marketing research for Bruce Payne & Associates. Mr. Gilchrist lives in Westport,Conn.CORINEE KATZ, AM'50, (Mrs. RolfHoexter) of Fort Lee, N.J., announcesthe birth of a son, Michael Frederic onSeptember 27.IRVING HORWITZ, '51, AM'54, hasresigned as executive director of theHyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference, Chicago. He has been named acommunity organization specialist withthe Chicago regional office of the FederalUrban Renewal Administration. Mr. Horwitz had served in the Hyde Park postsince 1961. From 1954 to 1957 he wasactive in the Conference's block program.He then left to become director of relocation for the Purdue-Calumet development foundation in East Chicago. Duringthis time he also remained active inConference activities by serving as vicechairman of the planning committee. MELVIN LURIE, AM'51, PhD'58, isvisiting associate professor of economicsat Wesleyan University, Middletown,Conn. He is on leave from the Universityof Rhode Island where he is associateprofessor of economics. Mr. Lurie's wifeis LOIS CONE, who attended the U ofC during 1945-48. They have three SOns.STEPHEN T. McDERMOTT, '51, returned to the .faculty of Stephens College,Columbia, Mo., last fall. He is musicaldirector for the dance department and instructor in music for dance students.Formerly Mr. McDermott was pianistcomposer, and instructor in music at thePerry-Mansfield School of Theatre andDance in Steamboat Springs, Colo.A. GENE FERRARI, '52, has been promoted to research leader at WesternElectric Company's Engineering ResearchCenter, Princeton, N.J. Mr. Ferrari beganhis employment as assistant engineer atWestern Electric's Hawthorne Plant inChicago in 1956. He served later in the"engineer of manufacture organization"at Hawthorne plant, and was transferredto the Engineering Research Center in1959. There he has been a senior researchengineer at the Center's process researchand development branch. He and his wifelive in Trenton, N.J.AKHTARALI HASANALI, MBA'52, haschanged his last name from Hasanali toTobaccowala. He is deputy agent forTata Engineering & Locomotive Co.,Ltd., in Bombay, India. The companyis the sixth largest in India and employs14,000 people. Mr. Tobaccowala returned to the U. S. last year to visitplants and companies here.JOSEPH P. JO.SEPHSON, '53, was elected to the State House of Representativesin Alaska in 1962. He began serving asrepresentative on January 28 in a legislative body composed of 20 Republicansand 20 Democrats. Mr. Josephson haspracticed law in Anchorage since 1961,and his candidacy last year was his firstbid for public office. In 1962 he alsoserved as campaign manager for Representative Ralph Rivers, who won a thirdterm in the U. S. Congress. Mr. Josephson previously was legislative assistantto Alaska's U. S. Senator, E. L. Bartlett,from 1957 to 1960. He, his wife, Karla, (aformer legislative aide to Senator WilliamProxmire of Wisconsin) and their sonPeter, live near Anchorage. Mr. Josephsonadds, "We are enjoying ourselves and wewelcome visits from Chicago alumni."JAMES M. LANE, MBA'53, was appointed assistant vice president in theinvestment advisory department of theChase Manhattan Bank, New York, inMarch, 1962. He joined the bank following his graduation in 1953. He and hisfamily live in Chatham, N.J.JAMES W. CRAWFORD, MD'54, PhD'61, of Evanston, Ill., is clinical instructorof psychiatry at the Chicago MedicalSchool. Dr. Crawford is also co-principalTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEinvestigator on a grant from the U. S.Public Health Service Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness. Thegrant of $49,403 for three years is for astudy titled "Dendritic Field and EEGof the Cretinous Rat."ROBERT G. JACOBS, '54, member ofthe English faculty at Iowa WesleyanCollege, Mount Pleasant, la., has beengranted permanent tenure there. Mr.Jacobs joined the faculty at Iowa Wesleyan in 1958 and is director of freshmanEnglish. He has also won numeroushonors in writing, including first prizefor his poetry in the 1961 "Lyrical Iowa"contest. Recently an essay by him onJ. D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye, waspublished in A Catcher Casebook, byMalcom M. Marsden.56-62LOUISE RHOADS HOLLIS, AM'56,was married on March 2 to HAL M.SMITH, '48, JD'54. The Smiths are living in Washington, D. C.ROBERT E. PERRY, MBA'56, has beenpromoted to supervisor of production control for the Midland Division of the DowChemical Co., Midland, Mich. He joinedDow in 1956 and- became a senior production control engineer in the MidlandDivision in 19'60.ILDEFONSO SANTIAGO, MBA'57, ischief of the management and supervisorytraining section with the Economic Development Administration of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Mr. Santiagolives in San Juan, Puerto Rico.SIDNEY H. LAWRENCE, MBA'58, ismanager of market research with N orman, Craig & Kummel, Inc., in New York.ANDREW L. THOMAS, '57, and hiswife, of Chicago, announce the birth ofa daughter Dareine Adelia, on February19.GERALD J. M. LEHIDEUX, MBA'58,is secretary general for the Societe deMecanique et de Chaudronnerie de Ponsin Paris, France. He is in charge of accounting, personnel, purchasing, administrative and IBM service. He also worksas assistant to the president of S. A.LACQ-Service which is a maintenancecontractor firm for chemical and oil industries manufacturers.JAMES W� ANDERSON, MBA'59, ofRoselle, Ill., is manager of publicity andpublications for Joseph T. Ryerson & Son,Inc., ali Inland Steel Co. subsidiary. AsAPRIL, 1963 part of his responsimlities Mr. Andersonedits the employee magazine, RyersonNews, and the external house organ,Ryerson Pictorial. Mr. Anderson is alsoactive in the Crusade of Mercy and theCub Scouts and is a Little League - coach.WILBERT G. BENTZ, AM'59, has accepted a position in the Mental HealthDivision of the University of IllinoisHealth Service, Urbana. Formerly hehad been with the Veterans Administration Hygiene Clinic in Seattle, Wash.JOAN FOSTER, AM'59, has been appointed research associate to assist withprojects in the Research Center of theU of C School of Social Service Administration. Miss Foster was employed bythe New Hampshire Children's Aid Society following her graduation from theU of C. For the past year she has beena caseworker in the day care programof the Chicago Child Care Society anda part-time advanced student at the Uof C.DANIEL O'CONNELL, MBA'60, a recent graduate of the American Instituteof Foreign Trade in Phoenix, Ariz., hasbeen assigned as a field representativein the CARE mission for India. He willassist India's CARE mission chief in administration of a country-wide schoollunch program.STEVEN B. ZELIKOFF, MBA'60, isworking for his PhD degree in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at theUniversity of Pennsylvania this year. Hereceived a U. S. Steel Foundation Fellowship for 1962-63. Mr. Zelikoff wasformerly a senior quality assurance engineer for Philco Corp., Philadelphia, Penn.F. R. CARVER NIXON, MBA'61, waselected assistant vice president of theAmerican National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago in September. At 27,Mr. Nixon is the youngest officer to beelected in that bank. He was formerlyassistant cashier in the loan division.FRED C. AKERS, MBA'62, assisted inU. S. Navy efforts to help Moroccan Hoodvictims during that country's recent Hooddisaster. Mr. Akers, a Naval reserveofficer from Chicago, Ill., was servingtwo-weeks active duty with Fleet Tactical Support Squadron 725 in Port Lyautey, Morocco. He served several times ashelicopter crewman in rescue missionsthere and "demonstrated outstandingservice" during the Hood disaster reliefwork. Mr. Akers, a captain in the Navy,is currently a graduate student in economics at the U of C. He was formerlymanager of advertising with the CraneCo., Chicago.NANCY COHEN, AM'62, of Huntington Woods, Mich., was married to HaroldD. Hahn in December. Mr. Hahn is assistant rabbi of Temple Beth EI in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Hahn has recently beena graduate associate in English at WayneState University, Detroit. memorialsWILLIAM H. ALLEN, '97, of New YorkCity, died on February 23. Mr. Allen,89, was director of the Institute forPublic Service in New York.LYDIA BRAUNS, '00, of Los Angeles,Calif., died on November 29, 1962. Shewas a retired teacher.OSCAR CLEFF, MD'Ol, died on November 15, 1962.DONALD S. McWILLIAMS, '01, a former Chicago resident, died on February8 in Madrid, Spain where he had beenliving since 1959. Mr. McWilliams wasa retired lawyer and partner in the former real estate firm of Lafayette MeWilliams & Sons.ARCHIBALD L. HOYNE, '02, MD'04,of Chicago, died on March 3. Dr. Hoyne,a noted pediatrician and epidemiologist,was medical superintendent of MunicipalContagious Disease Hospital from 1911to 1950. He was also head of the department of contagious diseases at CookCounty Hospital for many years, andwas a staff member there more than 50years. Dr. Hoyne was professor of pediatrics at Chicago Medical College andclinical professor emeritus of pediatricsat the U of C and the University of Illinois. He was head of pediatrics at St.Joseph's Hospital and a member of thestaff of Children's Memorial Hospital. Inprofessional organizations, Dr. Hoynewas past president of the Chicago Pediatric Society and past vice president ofthe Institute of Medicine.CHARLES C. ARBUTHNOT, PhD'03,of Cleveland, Ohio, died on March 11.He was professor emeritus at WesternReserve University in Cleveland, wherehe had served for over forty years ashead of the department of economics andbusiness administration He retired in1949. Mr. Arbuthnot was also active inCleveland civic affairs. He was chairmanof several committees of the ClevelandChamber of Commerce, secretary of theBoard of Trustees of Goodrich Settlement,31chairman of the Cleveland EmploymentCommission, director of the City Club,and a member of the Tax Committee. Heis survived by his wife, MAY HILL ARBUTHNOT, '22, and a sister, ANNA C.ARBUTHNOT, '99.RICHARD R. PERKINS, PhD'05, of SanFrancisco, Calif., died on March 29. Hewas former secretary of the San Francisco YMCA, and principal founder ofthe Mission, San. Mateo County, Parksideand Chinatown YMCA's. Before going toSan Francisco, Mr. Perkins had servedYMCA's in Ohio and Oregon.J. ANDERSON FITZGERALD, AM'07,PhD'25, died on January 11.CLARK C. STEINBECK, '07, of Claremont, Calif., died on February 14. Mr.Steinbeck was a retired Presbyterianmissionary. He had been living at MeCabe Rest Home, Pilgrim Place.IRENE O'BRIEN WEHRLE, '07, ofChicago, died on February 23. She wasa Chicago schoolteacher for 25 yearsbefore her retirement in 1947. Her lastassignment was at the Wadsworth School.HARRIET MURPHY, '12, of NorthTarrytown, N.Y., died on March 5.TANETTA VANDERPOEL, '12, of DesPlaines, Ill., died on May 20, 1962.RAY R. RANDALL, MD'13, of MilesCity, Mont., died on January 13.ARTHUR G. RUBOVITS, '14, of Chicago, died on March 24.BESSIE LANE ROELKE, '16, died onMarch 15.JOHN C. MOYNIHAN, '18, of Chicago,died on February 11.SARA A. POLLOCK, AM'19, of Madison, W. Va., died on March 6.EDGAR C. TURNER, SM'20, MD'24,of Evanston, Ill., died on April 14. Hewas a former staff member of Presbyterian and Cook County Hospitals, amember of the surgical staff of EvanstonHospital, and a clinical assistant in surgery at the Northwestern UniversityMedical School.DANIEL W. WHEELER, MD'21, ofDuluth, Minn., died on April 8.OTTO STRUVE, PhD'23, of Berkeley,Calif., died on April 6. Mr. Struve waschairman of the U of C's department ofastronomy and director of Yerkes Observatory at Lake Geneva, Wise., from1932 until 1950. He left Chicago to become chairman of the department ofastronomy at the University of California, and in 1959 became first director ofthe National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, W. Va. Among themany scientific honors which Mr. Struvereceived was the gold medal of the RoyalAstronomical Society of London - thehighest award in astronomy.CHARLOTTE B. WIEDEMER, MD'23,of Cincinnati, Ohio, died on February 14.32 LYLE W. COOPER, PhD'25, of Lombard, IlL, died in 1962.GUY R. VOWLES, PhD'26, of Davidson,N.C., died on January 8. He was 79.HARRIET CADE BLAIR, AM'27, ofVeedersburg, Ind., died on November28, 1962.OLIVER N. CORD, '27, died on March12 in St. Petersburg, Fla., where he wasspending the winter.MARY E. ESPENSHADE, '27, AM'40,of Wilmette, Ill., died on February 14.ALFRED C. HAUSS MANN, PhD'27,died on March 30. He was professor ofphysics at Hobart College in Geneva,N.Y.WILLIAM A. ROWLEY, '29, of Indianapolis, Ind., died on January 29.MILTON M. McGORRILL, '30, died onApril 7 in Concord, N.H. Known throughout his career for liberal religious views,Rev. McGorrill was minister of the Fountain Street Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, Mich., from 1933 to 1943. Subsequently he served the First UniversalistChurch of Providence, R.I., Church ofUniversal Fellowship, Orono, Me., andFirst Universalist Church in Bangor, Me.Rev. McGorrill also taught at severalcolleges and universities, and in 1949,was winner of a $2000 Freedom Foundation, Inc., award.NELLIE M. DAY, '36, of Chicago, diedon March 17. She was a teacher in Chicago public schools for many years. Herlast assignment was at the Ebinger Schoolwhere she served from 1928 until herretirement in 1959. For 25 years duringthat time she was assistant principal, andwas acting principal for four years.THEODORE P. STEPHENS, AM'37,PhD' 41, of Aurora, Ill., died on March 15.FRANCIS J. SEITER, '38, JD'40, ofWilmette, Ill., died on March 26. He wasa professor of law at De Paul University,Chicago. During the early 1950's, Mr.Seiter was a member of the legal staffof the City Council's Emergency ( BigNine) Crime Committee.MARCELLA TEPE, AM'41, of Quincy,Ill., died on March 16. Miss Tepe taughtfirst and second grade for more than 38years at Franklin School in Quincy. Shewas also public relations representativeat Franklin School for the past two yearsand was active on curriculum committeesdealing with problems of first grade instruction. She took an active part in professional activities as well, serving onthe education committee of the WomenTeachers' Club and as a board memberof the Quincy Teachers' Credit Union.She was a member of several professionaleducation organizations, including KappaDelta Pi, honorary educational society.MARGARET HUNTOON WILLIAMSON, AM'41, died on January 14 atMountain View General Hospital, Tacoma, Wash. WARREN BROWNE, '44, MBA' 44, ofJ acksonviile, Fla., died on March 24 ina boating accident near Key Largo, Fla.He was professor emeritus at Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., where hehad taught business, finance and investment courses for lO years. After leavingEvanston, he taught briefly at the University of Texas and Sacramento Universityin California.HARRIET HARVEY, PhD'51, who diedon September 18, 1962, is being honoredby the establishment of a Harriet Harvey Memorial Fund at the University ofOklahoma in Norman. She was chairman of the zoology department there atthe time of her death, and was the firstwoman in the history of the Universityto become chairman of a science department. According to ARTHUR W.GHENT, PhD'60, assistant professor ofzoology at the University of Oklahoma,it is hoped that $20,000 will be raisedfor the fund to provide an annual scholarship for a deserving student. Friendsand former associates of Miss Harveywho wish to contribute to the fund,should make their checks payable to theUniversity of Oklahoma Foundation andmark it for the Harriet Harvey MemorialFund. Checks may be mailed to Mr.Boyd Gunning, University of Oklahoma,Norman, Okla.ALFRED P. TISCHENDORF, AM'52,PhD'57, died on November 26, 1962, inBuenos Aires, Argentina. Mr. Tischendorfwas engaged in post-doctoral research .onLatin America while on sabbatical leavefrom Duke University, Durham, N.C. Hewas assistant professor of history at Duke.FOWLER L. OSBORNE, SM'53, ofMuskegon, Mich., died on March 9.THOMAS R. THOMAS, MD'59, of Hammond, Ind., died in December, 1962.RICHARD MALCOLM WEAVER, professor of English in the College, a member of the faculty since 1944, died April3. He was the author of Ideas Have Consequences, The Ethics of Rhetoric, atextbook, General Composition, and wasa contributor to the Swanee Review,Poetry and College English. He hadplanned to spend the next academic yearas a visiting professor at Vanderbilt University, where he had been a teachingfellow early in his career. Active in theconservative movement, Mr. Weaver hadbeen an associate editor of Modem Age,a member of the contributing staff of theNational Review and a contributor to theHuman Events Washington Newsletter.The Young Americans for Freedom gavehim an award in March, 1962, at a rallyin Madison Square Garden, for "serviceto education and the philosophy of a freesociety." Funeral services were in Weaversville, N.C., the community of approximately 1,100 named for his family inwhich he had spent his childhood, anda University memorial service was heldin Bond Chapel, April 10.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEStrangeArithmeticYour Next Assotiation Dues If your Alumni Association membership has come up for renewalthis spring, you have already encountered the following.If you are a Life Member in the Association, this does notconcern you.If your membership now expires in some future September,October, or November, you may disregard this, since the changeit describes will have no practical effect for you.Now, for those who still remain:Whenever your membership next expires, you will be askedto shift chronological gears. Instead of paying the usual $5, $6,or whatever you customarily choose, you will be asked to remitan odd sum which represents an apportionment of the usual dues.The goal is simple enough: to have all Association memberships(except Life) expire in the autumn and run by the academic year.The dues rate is not being changed. The odd-sum payment willbe requested only once. In succeeding years you will get the usualnotices in the usual way each autumn.For example:If your membership is due for renewal in March 1964, yourrenewal notice (assuming one person; the rates are different forhusband-wife j oint memberships) will give these options:Renew to Autumn 1964 $' 2.22Autumn 1965........ 7.22Autumn 1967 13.78Autumn 1969 21.78( For those who like to double-check official arithmetic, the apportionments are based on the nine months of the academic year.)There are four, reasons for the change, which was voted by theExecutive Committee of the Alumni Association in February .. First, we hope to end the confusion which always arises forsome good friends whose Alumni Association memberships expireduring the period of the Alumni Foundation appeal for gifts. TheFoundation appeal occurs each spring; after this changeover,Association memberships will come due only in the autumn. Noone will have to wonder if he used the right envelope.Second, we've discovered that you tend to renew faster inautumn than in winter or spring. Apparently we will not needto send as many notices to achieve the same result once all expirein autumn. This in turn means we can use more of the fundsyour dues provide for services and less for mechanical functions.Third, we can trim internal records to the same effect: lessexpense for internal functions, more for services.Finally, nearly half the members are already on autumn expirations, so the theoretical advantages of monthly renewal cyclesdon't really apply as things stand.In sum, if you will bear with us through a period of peculiararithmetic, we can gain convenience and added benefits for youwithout added cost. The Executive Committee thought these endsworthy enough to warrant the temporary fuss of converting Association memberships to run by the academic year. We hope youwill agree.Executive Director, The Alumni AssociationIdea man. A man who knows it pays to think. He's aGeneral Motors employe who works at his job,thinks at his job. He never stops looking for ways tohelp make it safer and for ways to improve productsand processes.Last year General Motors awarded over $6,750,000under the GM Employe Suggestion Plan to peoplelike him for more than 188,000 on-the-job suggestions. Since 1942 G M has adopted more than amillion employe suggestions and has happily paidout more than $48,000,000 in suggestion awards.At G M, you'll find the idea man in office and plant.Alert, interested, aggressive ... he doesn't wait for"George" to suggest it, he suggests it himself. He isconstantly seeking "ways to make it better ...better ways to make it." GM moves ahead becauseof people like the idea man, the innovator.GENERAL MOTORSIS PEOPLE ...Making Better Things ForYou