Happy Valentine's DayTHE MAGAZINE FORGETS ITS STERN POLICY AGAINST PUBLISHINGPOETRY TO INDULGE IN THESE VALENTINE SENTIMENTS CULLEDFROM THE CHAP BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY'S RARE BOOK ROOM.The appropriately sentimental pictures are by Daniel Lyon.OLD MAID OF 95.Jacqnei, Printer, Oldhamrd. Library, lfaatlierterI >M ninety five, I'm ninety Ave,And to keep ring le 141 contrive :The men oft strove to win my heartVan blunt to Cupid's pWrcing dart ;Men are so sly, and wink their eye,But through tbem I can plainly *ee ;Pity my box *ho wrong hare done,To be led by the twirl of a husband's thumb,A* for me, 1'il be free,Love shall never conquer me.Do you think 1M marry ? no, not I,To hate *ix brats to squall ami cry Six bruis I'm fure to have I know*Tb<» fortune teller told me so,Ami more than that, the told me rial.My husband then would from am fly ;Mikity, pickity, needles tod pirn,Matrimony, and ?orrow brginsA nmid 1 nm, aod a maid Til die,Man's love to me is all my eye.When I wa* young, 5ft hen I wa* young,T ion ad out roan** deceitful tongue :They oft would flatter, hoax, and coax,My love to gain with funny jokes,But 1 know, still, they'd have their will ,Then shake me off like easy gloves ;Hity, lily , fie for shame,'I is tb* female sex I blame,Who ongbt to know, with all their lores,That men nre bawks, and wa are doves.Beware ye theo, beware ye then,Of vile, deceitful, artful snea,For when they whisper in your ear,My duck, my darling, dearest dear,Doatt beleive, for they 11 deceive,Pray have a doubt on all they say.Think how you'll have to wash and bkae.And mend the holes in their stockings, too,While they with others stmt about,Ah! Heaven be prate »d, iVe found 'as* ont.Once more, before I say good bye,Avoid the mtan who winks his eye9He'll after ahat your fingers press,Yoor form rod beauty praise and bless You feel fb lorn, your heart is gone.And youhemsna his his lackey, C:There's nought but strive in in a wedding HagSo merry and single 111 dance and sing,And drink to all asnsis old and young,In a humping glass of ¦berry, O. HE WAS SUCR ANice Young ManJohn Harkness, Printer, 121, Church Street, Preston.If pity dwells within your breast, some sympathy pray spare,Of love, that-breaks young ladies' rest, indeed I've had my share,His form is ever in my sight, forget I never can,I'm haunted by him day and night, he was such a nice young man.Twas at a ball held in the west on me he first did glance,So gently he 'my ringers prrss'd and asked me to dance;I blush'd and whisper'd no, no, no, then smiling dropt my fan,For how could I refuse to dance, he was such a nice young man,The dance now o'er my hand he took, and led me to a seat,And sighing gave me such a look, I'd ne'er seen one so sweet;Refreshments begged of me to take, I did the dainties scan,Alas ! I'd lost my appetite, he was such a nice young man.When growing late, about to leave, it rain'd in toneiits fast,Said he, dear Miss, I really giieve, I fear that it will last ;Then quick he hurried from the room, and for a coach he ran,His kindness quite o'erpower'd me, he was such a nice young man.As thro' the hall we went along he begged for my address,1 gave it him, not thinking wrong, lie was in such distress ;His card embossed he handed me, with captain, Miss, I am,My stars, thought I, O here's a chance, he \vas such a nice young man.Next morning drest and breakfast done, heart beating with desire,The hall door bell was loudly rung, enough to break the wire,I thought I should have died with fright, up came our servant Ann,A gentleman, Mins, waits btlow, he is such a nice young man.Almost I sunk 'twixt hope and fear, I wish'd I was afar,Guess my surprise, hjm now to hear, conversing with Mamma,Snch language elegant he used, he did her heart trepan,She said she no objections had, he was such a nice young man.Now stop to dine with us you must, I will not take denial,Kxcuse me, ma'am, this visit first is far too great a trial ;Well call again whene'er you please, for visit here you can,I'll call again to-morrow, ma'am, said my very nice young man.From house he scarce was out of sight, when from the lower rooms,A servant maid came in a fright, and cried he's stole the spoons .»Ohl fetch him back, mamma she cries, off went our footman Dan,Who brought him back, we found the spoons upon this nice young nan.A caution, ladies, give I must, the moral I well know,Tis never the appearance trust of any dashing beau,For this is what I should have done, when to notice he began,But who'd have thought he was a thief, he was such a nice young man.fit ^wkfeS^^r st iwFEBRUARY, 1963 1UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOmagazine5733 University AvenueChicago 37, IllinoisMidway 3-0800; Extension 3241EDITOR Marjorie BurkhardtEDITORIAL ASSISTANT Rona MearsFEATURES1 Happy Valentine's Day4 Beetles, Competition and PopulationsThomas Park7 Hail and Farewell to an Alumni Charioteer16 Concert for the Community Children18 Johnny Againan interview with Helen M. Robinson20 Selecting Children's BooksZena BaileyDEPARTMENTS13 News of the Quadrangles23 News of the Alumni31 MemorialsCOVERThe main quadrangle in front of Swift HallCREDITSCover, Inside cover, 1-3: Daniel Lyon; 7: CissiePeltz; 8 top: Albert C. Flores; 8 bottom: DavidEisendrath; 9: Lee Balterman; 14: Chicago Sun-Times; 16-17: Al Henderson.THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPRESIDENT John F. Dille, Jr.EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Harold R. HardingADMINISTRATIVE ASST Ruth G. HalloranALUMNI FOUNDATIONNational chairman C. E. McKittrickChicago-Midwest Area Florence MedowREGIONAL OFFICESEastern Region 20 West 43rd StreetNew York 36, N. Y.PEnnsylvania 6-0747Los Angeles Mrs. Marie Stephens1 195 Charles St., Pasadena 3After 3 P.M. SYcamore 3-4545MEMBERSHIP RATES (Including Magazine)1 year, $5.00; 3 years, $12.00Published monthly, October through June, by theUniversity of Chicago Alumni Association, 5733University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annualsubscription price, $5.00. Single copies, 25 cents.Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934,at the Post Office of Chicago, Illinois, under thecct of March 3, 1879. Advertising agent: TheAmerican Alumni Council, 22 Washington Square,New York, New York. JUDYMAGRATH.O Judy Magrath, I'm dying for you,You're rich to the tast as a fine Irish stew ;Your locks are as bright as a priest's Sundaywig,You are slender and fair as a young suckingBy Cupad s big dart(to complain is no use,)Pm struck through the heart like a peg thro*a goose.O Judy, sweet Judy Magrath !0 Judy Magrath, won't you pity my grief,Vm roasted in love like a surloin of beef,"When hasting your mutton, or making a pie,Your graoesmake me like a bellows to sigh,But vinegar looks to my sighs you opposo,Your words are like mustard they bite off thenose. O Judy, &c.O Judy Magrath, yon aro cruel in troth.'Of love shall I never be tasting the broth.My courage when up, ocb, you soon can putdown,The coaUscuttle isn't more black than yourfrown,In vain at your feet I am dying all day,Yon are deaf as a saucepan to all that I say.O Judy, &oTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWill youLOVE METHEN AS NOW. 00 You have told me that you love me,And your heart's thought* seem to speakAs you look on me so fondly,And the life-blood tints \our cheek ;May I trust that these warm feelingsNever will grow cold and strange,And that vou'll remain unalter'dIn this weary world of change !When the shinies of care and sorrowDim my eyes, and cloud my brow,And nn spirits sink within me,Will you love me then as now ?Though our youth may pass unclouded,In a peaceful happy home,Yet as year on year advances.Changes nius-t upon us cnmejFor the step will lose its lightness.And the hair be changed to gray,Eyes once bright will lose their brightness,And the hopes of youth decay ;W hen all these have passed upon ine,And stern age has touched my brow,W ill the change find you unchanging,Will you love me then aa now ?FEBRUARY, 1963Beetles, Competition,And PopulationsAN INTRICATE ECOLOGICAL PHENOMENON IS BROUGHT INTOTHE LABORATORY AND STUDIED AS AN EXPERIMENTAL MODELLet us begin with two seemingly unrelated words: beetlesand competition. We identify competition as a widespreadbiological phenomenon and assume (for present purposes atleast) that it interests us. We view the beetles as an instrument: an organic machine which, at our bidding, can be setin motion and instructed to yield relevant information. Ifthe machine can be properly managed, and if it is one appropriate to the problem, we are able to increase our knowledgeof the phenomenon. Unfortunately, however, this does notnecessarily mean that the concept is thereby clarified. Thiscould happen of course. But, alternatively, the problem asnow enlarged could emerge as being more complicated that is to say, broader and deeper than first imagined. Andthe machine itself could prove to be more intricate, evenrecalcitrant. Obviously there exists an intimate marriagebetween the machine, its operator, and the phenomenon.Ideally, this marriage is practical, intellectual, and esthetic:practical in that it often, though not immediately, contributesto human welfare; intellectual in that it involves abstractreasoning and empirical observation; esthetic in that it has,of itself, an intrinsic beauty. Perhaps these rather pretentious reflections seem far removed from the original words beetles and competition. But I do not think this is thecase.We develop the story further. First, I offer some generalremarks about competition the phenomenon. Then, I saysomething about the beetles the organic machine. Finally,I attempt to put the two together in a certain way to pry,discreetly I trust, into the intimacy of their marriage (1).COMPETITION IN THE ABSTRACT Biologicalcompetition has been the subject of controversy and debateamong those who have given it serious study (2). Considerable disagreement exists about its essential characterand its significance. Such difficult questions as these inevitably arise: How can competition be formally defined? Whatare its component elements? How can its presence in aBy Thomas ParkMR. PARK IS PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY.HE GAVE THIS ADDRESS AS RETIRING PRESIDENT OF THEAMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE,THIS DECEMBER. IT APPEARED IN THE DECEMBER 28 SCIENCE. natural ecological situation be detected that is, what constitutes adequate proof? When it does operate, what is theconsequence of this for the competitors themselves? Is it apervasive process, one always effectively in command, orrather, is it a safety valve, something called into accountonly after a certain threshold is reached? This is not theplace to deal systematically with these matters, important asthey are. That would be inappropriate and, I fear, tiresome.It is necessary, however, to establish a point which bears onlater discussion.It is often held that competition is mediated by two component, but different, processes. The first is called "exploitation;" the second, "interference." Exploitation operateswhen the organisms draw upon a particular resource (food,say) which is present in limited supply. The more limitedthis resource, and the larger the population draining it, thegreater is the intensity of competition. Interference operateswhen interactions between organisms affect their reproduction or survival. For example, imagine two populations oneof which is small and the other crowded. Assume furtherthat more food is available for both populations that can beused (exploited). The small group readily obtains adequatenourishment but the crowded group does not, for the reasonthat its members so disturb each other that the opportunityto feed is restricted. If this causes a decrease in birth rate,or an increase in death rate, interference can be said to befunctioning.These points are shown schematically in Fig. 1. We seethere four squares, each representing a physical habitat. Thehabitat is occupied by the populations of two species. Wedenote these as X (the closed circle) and Y (the brokencircle). R-l and R-2 refer to two different resources. Theinterference of X on Y, and of Y on X is indicated beloweach square as being absent (0) or present (+). We cannow examine in the light of the preceding comments whatshould hold true when competition between X and Y isindeed a reality.In situation I we note that although species X and Y areliving together in space and in time they are actually exploiting quite different resources and are not interfering witheach other's reproduction and survival. We therefore conclude, a priori, that the biological stage is arranged in sucha way as to make it impossible for interspecies competitionto exist. This is the null case. Situation II depicts the twospecies as drawing upon different sources of capital butinterfering with each other. Situation III is the opposite ofsituation II; here, X and Y are withdrawing their capitalfrom a joint account but interference is zero. We concludethat competition is operating in both situations II and III,but for diverse reasons. In situation IV, X and Y are utilizing the same resource, but, since they are also engaged ininterference, we deduce that competition, thus doubly assured, is intense. These arguments seem logical. Later weshall ask whether indeed they are biological.COMPETITION EXPERIMENTALLY VIEWED Letme be less formal, less academic. It is not difficult to imagine local populations of two species which share a commongeography; which exploit, at least in part, certain of thesame resources; and which interfere with each other's reproduction and survival in a manner that is neither haphazard4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEnor frankly predatory. Under such conditions we infer thatcompetition should be operating. But how can the inference be proved ? Suppose we find it feasible to count bothgroups and thereby record the changes in their numbersgeneration after generation. Suppose, further, that there isno appreciable immigration and emigration. We graph theaccumulated data (species X and species Y against time)and search for pattern.To illustrate the difficulty of the problem, I have generated two artificial patterns, making use of a table of randomnumbers. These appear in Fig. 2 and are there referred toas case 1 and case 2, respectively. Despite the fact that,biologically speaking, the curves are quite fraudulent, theydo bear a seductive resemblance to the behavior of realpopulations ! In case 1 the only relation between the two"species" is purely coincidental, by definition. In case 2,on the other hand, matters have been so contrived that Xis more abundant than Y for most of its recorded history,but there is an intermediate interval during which Y exceedsX.Let us pursue the point. We now pretend that the graphsbefore us are actual rather than synthetic, and also that noinformation is available other than the census data themselves. Our question remains the same: Is competition operating in either instance? Regretably, the question cannotbe answered on the basis of the knowledge available. Allwe can do is to draw the following two, rather barren,conclusions :1 ) Case 1 does not support an inference of competition.There is no consistent relation between the curves. However,the inference is not disproved because competition couldbe operating but its effect obscured by such extrinsic factorsas, say, those variations of climate which characterize eachyear and which affect the reproduction and survival of bothspecies.2) Case 2 does support an inference of competition. X,characteristically the abundant species, declines significantly(though transiently) when Y increases markedly. However,the inference is not proved because the visual suggestion ofcompetition could be illusory and the cause, again, could beextrinsic, such as, for example, a particular sequence ofseasons more favorable for the increase of Y than of X.But there is another point, essential for the argument,that emerges from our brief consideration of Fig. 2. It isthis: the information contained therein is retrospective anddescriptive rather than prospective and based on experimentation. The curves illustrate the abundance of X and Ythrough time. But conditions extraneous to the presumedcompetition were not controlled, and, as I have tried toshow, these could have played a causative role. In addition,we have been able to record the history of only one population of each species; our experience is limited. Traditionally, ecological findings are based on the chronicle of eventswhich have taken place in an environment unmolested bythe observer and varying according to its own natural right.Such retrospective studies attempt to explain what has happened on the basis of a single case history, and the deriveddata are candidates for some form of correlation analysis.Although I am in no sense contemptuous of this method, Iam persuaded that progress in an area so complex as population ecology will be greatly facilitated by increased experimentation in the field. There is nothing original in this view. Certain workers consistently find it rewarding tomanipulate the natural conditions. But I urge that this approach should accelerate, gain wider adoption, and perfectits techniques. In principle, if not always in practice, themethod is limited by neither the taxonomy nor the habitatof the organisms being studied. Parenthetically, I believe itcan even contribute to the solution of such pressing problemsas conservation and the social biology of man. When a prospective plan is used, the dividends are agreeable. Time issaved; more questions are asked; appropriate treatments arereplicated by design; and the data lend themselves to powerful methods of analysis.There is, however, a different way to study populationsand to do so prospectively and experimentally. That is tomove a field problem into the laboratory. To do this onemust find an organism which is conceptually and technically adapted to investigation of the phenomenon underconsideration. In other words, we strive to erect an indoormodel of an outdoor experience. Such models, though notsimple, are simplified; they enjoy a regimen of plannedcontrol; their intrinsic interactions are likely to be intensified. To this extent they are unrealistic. But they remain,nonetheless, quantitative biological systems, and their un-I H nr mR-l R-2 R-l R-2 R-l R-2 R-l R-2XI^Y'O X^Y'+ X ^_> Y « 0 A :_> T - fFIG. 1. ABSTRACT REPRESENTATION OF INTERACTIONS THAT PRODUCECOMPETITION. R-l AND R-2, TWO DIFFERENT RESOURCES; X AND Y, THEINTERFERENCE OF ONE SPECIES POPULATION WITH THE OTHER (SEE TEXT).IN CASE I, COMPETITION IS ABSENT; IN CASE II, COMPETITION EXISTS,OWING TO THE PRESENCE OF INTERFERENCE (+); IN CASE III, COMPETITION EXISTS, OWING TO EXPLOITATION BY BOTH SPECIES (X AND Y) OFA SHARED RESOURCE; IN CASE IV, COMPETITION IS INTENSE, OWING TOTHE FACT THAT THERE IS BOTH EXPLOITATION AND INTERFERENCE.CASE 2J I I I I I I l I l l_ llllUNITS OF TIMEFIG. 2. FABRICATION OF TWO POPULATION CASE HISTORIES BY MEANSOF A TABLE OF RANDOM NUMBERS. THERE ARE TWO SPECIES, X AND Y.IN CASE 1 ALL ASSOCIATION BETWEEN THE SPECIES IS COINCIDENTAL. INCASE 2, SPECIES X IS PERMITTED TO EXCEED SPECIES Y EXCEPT DURINGTHE INTERMEDIATE TIME INTERVALS DURING WHICH Y EXCEEDS X (SEETEXT).FEBRUARY, 1963FIG. 3. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM SHOWING THE TECHNIQUE OF CENSUSINGA TRIBOLIUM POPULATION (CENSUS PROCEDURES AT 30 DAYS).realistic aspects often prove to be a virtue rather than avice. Let us explore this matter.BEETLES: THE EXPERIMENTAL MATERIALAbout 2500 B.C., a Pharaoh died and was entombed. Whenthe site was studied various curios were found, includingan urn which contained milled grain. Within the grainwere the corpses of small insects known commonly as "flourbeetles" and technically as Tribolium (3). Thus this genus,at least so far as one of its 26 known species is concerned,was apparently pre-adapted to living in flour in early historical times. As everyone knows, such beetles are importantpests of cereals; in fact, large bureaus exist which arezealously engaged in searching for effective ways to destroythem and limit their dispersal. As everyone does not know,however, the same creatures are elegantly suited for certaintypes of ecological and genetic research ; in fact, a few small"bureaus" exist which, with equal zeal, are dedicated to thebeetles' welfare and conservation. Why should this be so?I shall attempt a brief answer to the question by introducingyou to the organism; to the "organic machine," as I referredto it earlier.A note of history: To the best of my knowledge, the flourbeetles were first used experimentally by W. P. Davey, who,in 1917, reported on the relation between x-irradiation andthe life duration of the adult stage (4). It was R. N. Chapman, however, who studied Tribolium as populations; whorecognized its potential for this sort of research. That wasin 1928 (5). Since that time a handful of ecologists havecontinued, and expanded, this tradition. And only recently,I am happy to report, the geneticists have discovered thatthe beetles have advantages for their own work (6) .In order to perform efficiently, a laboratory populationmodel must satisfy certain requirements. The major, technical ones are these. First, it must be possible to enumeratethe population by accurate census. Second, it must be possible to reconstitute the population after each census withoutappreciable trauma to its membership. And third, it mustbe possible to control the environment in various ways andto manipulate it in various ways. The precise meaning of"environment" poses a problem of heroic magnitude, andI have no desire to involve you, or myself, in this polemic.But I do think that a certain clarification can be achievedby means of the following assertions. The environment canbe viewed as being spatial; it has a geometric configuration.It can be viewed as being climatic; it has a definition, say, in terms of temperature, moisture, and light. It can beviewed as being nutritive; it is a reservoir of food, both inquality and quantity. It can be viewed as being biotic ; it hasa component evoked by interaction among living things.Finally, it must be viewed as being temporal; its other attributes are relentlessly influenced by the passage of time.The technical utility of Tribolium stems from the simplenatural-history fact that the beetles (and their immaturestages) spend their life, and multiply, in finely milled flour.In other words, flour is the spatial, climatic, and nutritiveenvironment neatly bundled into one convenient package.Space can be controlled merely by choosing a container ofdesired shape into which a known weight of flour is introduced. Climate can be controlled by maintaining unlightedcabinets at prescribed values of temperature and humidityand allowing the flour to come to equilibrium at thesevalues. Food can be partially controlled by using flour whichis always prepared in a certain way (quality) and apportioned in a certain amount (quantity). The biological andtemporal aspects of the Tribolium environment are moreeffectively introduced somewhat later in this article.For every population study there is one type of basicdatum. This is a record of the number (or weight) oforganisms inhabiting a defined space at a particular time.But frequently such records are amazingly difficult to comeby; in fact, it is sometimes possible to achieve nothing morethan a shrewd guess. With the flour beetles, as I have suggested, we do not encounter this difficulty. A census canbe readily taken, and though this is laborious and in itselfunexciting, we can take pride in the accuracy of the results.Also, the beetles have given us no compelling reason tothink that they are harmed by the procedure. I illustrateby describing a typical sort of census; one where a population is counted each 30 days (30 days is the approximatelength of a generation at a temperature of 29°C). Themethod is diagrammed in Fig. 3. Populated flour is gentlypoured from its glass container through a series of silk sieveswith meshes of different dimensions. This segregates thestages by size and accumulates for disposal the old, butnow uninhabited, flour. After counting, and recording ofthe numbers, the total population is placed in another vialcontaining fresh flour and returned to the incubator, where,for an additional 30 days, the processes of death, survival,and reproduction go on.A further point needs making. For studying interspeciescompetition in the laboratory, at least two distinct speciesare obviously required. And each of these must satisfy therequirements outlined earlier. The genus Tribolium providessuch material; there are two satisfactory species. One goesby the quaint name of Tribolium confusum, while the otherhas been christened Tribolium castaneum. For convenience,I retain the notations used earlier and refer henceforth tothe former as X and to the latter as Y. Both X and Y arehusbanded in exactly the same way and censused in exactlythe same way, and both dwell in flour. Thus, for anypredetermined (prospective) set of climatic, spatial, andnutritive conditions, X can be studied as a single-speciespopulation; the same holds true for Y; and X plus Y canbe combined as a competition model. The significance ofthis statement should be fully appreciated because, in manyways, it lies at the heart of our story. Its meaning is this.CONTINUED ON PAGE 106 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHAIL AND FAREWELL TO AN ALUMNI CHARIOTEEROn January 29th alumni gathered in the new Centerfor Continuing Education on the University's SouthCampus to honor Howard W. Mort, retiring after 35years of service to Chicago students and alumni. Asexecutive director of the Alumni Association, Howardwas perhaps better known to alumni around the worldthan any University official, for, in three administrations he was their representative on the Midway. However, the dinner program featured relatively unknownfacets of Howard's personality. Speakers includedProfessor George V. Bobrinskoy on "Howard, the CardShark (Canasta)," former clown drum major DavidB. Eisendrath, Jr. '36, on "Howard, the Musician," andSecretary of the University William V. Morgenstern,'20, J.D. '22, on "Howard, the Drummer Boy of theMidway."Mr. Mort, who attended Reed College in Portland,Oregon, before completing his undergraduate work atWillamette University, Salem, Oregon, came to Chicago in 1927 as a graduate student. He remained atthe University to become director of the then men'sstudent clubhouse, the Reynolds Club. In 1933, heintroduced, for the University, a weekly news-featurepublication called TOWER TOPICS, "Unique Anglesof the Quadrangles." He was first manager and laterdirector of the University Band. In 1937, he became contributing editor to the University of Chicago Magazine. In 1941, when the Association established a fund-raising branch called theAlumni Foundation to raise annual gifts for the University, he became the first executive director of thisFoundation and associate editor of the Magazine.In 1947, he became executive secretary of the Alumni Association and editor of the Magazine. A fewyears later the Magazine staff was enlarged with afull-time editor and a part-time assistant. Since thenHoward has become executive director of the vastlyexpanded alumni program.During his administration, he saw the Alumni Giftgrow from $51,000 to over a million dollars annually.The Magazine was twice judged the nation's alumnimagazine of the year and won numerous other citations. The annual June Reunion outgrew HutchinsonCommons and Mandel Hall to a huge tent in the mainquadrangle. The quality and effectiveness of alumniprogramming improved on campus, in the Loop andsuburbs, and in alumni clubs across the nation. Astudent relations program grew, including StudentAchievement medals and the popular senior breakfaston the day of June Convocation. The Association expanded from a one-floor operation to three-floors withan attractive alumni loungeat 5733 University.FEBRUARY, 1963 7The dinner program was warm with recollections ofthe Band days . . . the uniforms of maroon sweatersand white pants that were laundered at Billings, thestretching of 64 bandsmen into a formation spellingout Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and BigBertha two of the biggest hides ever, stretched acrossan eight-and-a-half-foot frame to make the biggestdrum ever, and probably the one with the most disappointing sound.And recollections of those early Tower Topics, theforerunners of the quarterly publication that alumnireceive today. Mimeographed on colored paper, theyfeatured campus news and gossip, rather sneaky publicity for campus eateries and Reynolds Club-organized tours, and endless unclassifiables.Volume I, Number 1 on December 12, 1939 was notthe first issue at all; it's just the issue when Howardstarted numbering them. It featured the news that"just a decade ago President Hutchins was famous forbeing the youngest university president (30) in theUnited States. Today among the presidents in theAssociation of American Universities, he ranks sixthin years of unbroken service at the same institution . . ."In the following issue, December 26, the news wasthat "University of Chicago gives up Football." And,"Dr. Anton J. Carlson was arrested for speeding at thecorner of Woodlawn and the Midway in the summerof 1897! He was riding a bicycle 12 miles an hour inan 8-mile zone!" This newsflash was published by wayof introduction of the fact that Mr. Carlson was tospeak before the alumni of Duluth, Minnesota onJanuary 6.Here's an example of a game they played calledtypotopics :Woo°°ooooo0oO °ooooorauBack in March, 1936, a Tower Topics' Leap YearFashion Parade featured as Number 20: "ChartreuseSpectators Sport Ensemble with Lastex Coat" modeledby Helen Schneller.Some menu suggestions from 1936:SOMETIME BETWEEN TWO AND FIVE INTHE AFTERNOON WHEN "Coca Cola and a grilledSchnecken with jelly" sounds refreshing or "Iced teapunch" will freshen the late afternoon without affecting the dinner appetite . . .or IT SOUNDS CRAZY BUT they are making Her-shey sandwiches at the COFFEE SHOP now! It'svery simple (and delicious) they tell us: a Hersheybar is inserted between two slices of fresh white breadand toasted. It's called a grilled chocolate sandwichTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand costs only a dime. Wonder why we hadn't thoughtof it before!and TOWER TOPICS TEE TIPS-a suggested tripthrough an interesting manufacturing district to threegolf courses. (1) Leave Mitchell Tower after breakfastor lunch at HUTCHINSON COMMONS. Turn rightat Jackson Park . . . The whole tour (complete withmap ) featured 13 points of interest including the golfcourses such as steel companies, gas works, a grainelevator, and picnic grounds. Mileage between thepoints of interest was given, as well as golf course fees.Services to students of the University became services to alumni in the years that followed. At the dinner, Roger Shugg, director of the University Presstalked about "Howard, My Neighbor," and ProfessorNorman Maclean, Ph.D. '40, "Howard, My Colleague."Toward the end of the evening, Master of Ceremonies,Julian J. Jackson, '31, introduced Association PresidentJohn F. Dille, Jr. Mr. Dille had a presentation tomake: a morocco-bound volume embossed with thefamiliar Garg Griffin, containing hundreds of lettersfrom colleagues, alumni and friends.There were letters from three presidents/chancellorsof the University, from chairmen of the Board, fromtrustees, faculty members, professional alumni workerson other campuses, and alumni. They must have saidthe kinds of things we have been hearing again andagain in these last months:"I know the work and devotion you have put intobuilding the Association and Foundation." "Suchcharm and persuasion in twisting my arm for his various alumni purposes." "You seem to have relished theturmoil of administrative, policy and curriculumchanges that have been so frequent at the University.""I shall miss your warmth and sharp irony.""You have provided me with a link between the pastand the present." "How come every reunion, you lookjust the same, and we . . .?" "A friend with whom youcan pick up after a period of separation, just where youleft off." "A co-worker I've honored."To these "Notes for Howard," Arthur A. Baer, '18,then added another presentation: more notes for themusician and drummer boy of the Midway, an electronic organ.Members of the committee for the dinner were co-chairmen Vallee O. Appel, 11, J.D. 14 and Harold J.Gordon, 16; Arthur A. Baer; Michael Greenebaum, '24;Charles G. Higgins, '20; Mrs. Higgins, '20; Julian J.Jackson; Milton H. Kreines, '27; Keith I. Parsons, '33;J.D. '37; and Mrs. Richard W. Peltz, '46. ¦FEBRUARY, 1963 AT MANDEL HALL, HOWARD MORT KEEPS A PROFESSIONAL EYE ONREUNION PROCEEDINGS BELOW (1961). OPPOSITE: UNDER THE TENTAT 1962 REUNION. AND, IN THE THIRTIES, DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY BAND, THE REYNOLDS CLUB, AND EDITOR OF TOWER TOPICS.9PARK CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6If we measure what X does and what Y does when bothare alone, we thereby are able to detect and evaluate whatis new, or competitive, when both are together. Extrinsicfactors, being controlled, no longer mask the data. Theintrinsic factors remain, but now they are under surveillance.They constitute the biological and temporal aspects of theenvironment. This is the intellectual advantage of the model an advantage very difficult to achieve outside the laboratory. It is, in part, what was meant earlier by the commentthat such models, though not simple, are simplified. Gratifying as all this is, however, it does entail an element ofrisk: the risk that the investigator may be hypnotized by thedata as such, concern himself only with the model, andforget the general phenomenon. Since there is a reasonablechance of answering the questions asked, why not shed theburden of theory? That is to say, instead of speculatingabout such matters as exploitation and interference, whynot claim (quite cogently) that competition has been invoked if the behavior of X and Y together differs demonstrably from the behavior of X and Y alone ? This is indeeda comforting position when one is immersed in analysis ofa particular investigation. But, even though I take it, I donot applaud it. It is purely an operational convenience which,in the long run, may restrict one's contemplation of thephenomenon as a whole. The model should be more than anedifice in its own right.We return to Fig. 1, there to refresh our memory aboutsituation IV. This is the case for which the deck is stackedin such a way as to maximize the intensity of competition.Both species are exploiting a common resource, and bothare engaging interference. We now transfer this situationto Tribolium. The abstraction can be put to empirical test.X and Y are obviously competing for food, and for spacein which to live. They are also interfering with each other.Some types of interference have been experimentally studied. Among these may be mentioned the relation of crowding to egg production, to rate of development, and to adultlongevity, and a special sort of behavior [which overlapspredation (1)'} involving the cannibalism of eggs andpupae by larvae and adults. It is probable that still otherpatterns of interference are as yet undetected (7).To recapitulate briefly, I have suggested that there existsin organic nature a phenomenon known as "competition."I have presented, in terse form, something about the difficulties that arise in its serious study. Finally, this led mefrom outdoors to indoors, to the introduction of a laboratory organism which has certain properties, both conceptualand technical, that can be adapted to investigation of theproblem at hand. I now wish to summarize some results inorder to illustrate what happens when the "machine" isput to work.AN EMPIRICAL ILLUSTRATION A number of reports dealing with Tribolium competition have been published, and others are being written (8). I select one whichillustrates some of the matters discussed earlier specifically,a study concerned with the relation of six different climates to the population performance of X alone, Y alone, and Xinteracting with Y (9)- Climate, now under supervision,remains an extrinsic factor but one no longer capricious.The response of each of the two species to climate is aquantitative measure of intraspecies competition. The response of the two species in association measures whateveradditional impact arises from interspecies competition.Owing to the fact that the research is prospective, thetreatments can be chosen in such a way as to favor thechance that the phenomenon will be illuminated. It isalso mandatory to initiate, not one population per treatment,but just as many as manpower, stamina, and patience permit,in the context, of course, of the demands made by theexperimental design. Let me comment on the last point.Somewhere there may lurk a person who holds the viewthat laboratory population studies (unlike their field counterparts) are easy and quickly consummated. The facts are justthe opposite. Maintaining the laboratory and collecting thedata is drudgery. I cite some statistics. During the next fewparagraphs I summarize a certain investigation in an abbreviated way. In point of fact it required over 4 years to donothing more than obtain the observations necessary forthe analysis: 400 individual populations were sifted andexamined every 30 days, and some 3 million beetles werecounted. Basically, however, this is irrelevant and immaterial though, I hope, not incompetent. The real point is thatthe opportunity to work prospectively with such a machineas the Tribolium model creates, in itself, an obligation tooperate that machine at high capacity. But I digress. Let usreturn to the issue at hand.We establish six constant climates defined in terms oftemperature and moisture and, for convenience, name themas follows: hot-moist, hot-arid, temperate-moist, temperate-arid, cool-moist, and cool-arid (10). Into each of theclimates we introduce a set of control cultures (X or Y )and a set of experimental cultures (X and Y) (11). Theprocedures involving husbandry and census have alreadybeen described (Fig. 3).In reporting the findings it is essential to gain someknowledge about the single-species populations before examining the mixed-species groups. A simplified summaryappears in Table 1 in which the averaged total densitiesfor both species are ranked within each column in relationto the climate the species inhabit. I draw three conclusionsfrom Table 1: (i) both species persist successfully underthe various climatic conditions (12); (ii) the levels ofnumerical abundance are affected by temperature and moisture; and (iii) X and Y do not respond in the same wayto the environments in which they live. Thus, X is mostproductive in the hot-moist climate, while the density rankfor Y in that climate is 3; X is least productive in the hot-arid climate, while the rank for Y is 5; and so on. In different words, the interaction between climate and intraspeciescompetition is reflected in the numbers observed.When we examine what occurs when the two species arerequired to live together we are immediately confrontedwith a new, and qualitatively different, fact. It is this. Onespecies is always eliminated and the other survives! Sinceit has been demonstrated that X and Y persist successfullywhen they are alone, it now follows that elimination ofone species in the presence of the other is the result of10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETable 1. Average numerical abun-nked jn relation to six differentJlimates (rank 1, densest population).Climate Rank of X Rank of YHot-moistHot-aridTemperate-moistTemperate-aridCool-moistCool-arid Table 2. The outcomes of competition between species X and Y contrasted with theindividual performances of the two speciesin each of the six different climates.Climate Mixed-speciesSingle species outcomes(numbers) (% ofcontests won)Hot-moist X=Y Y (100), X(0)Hot-arid X>Y X (90), Y(10)Temperate-moist Y>X Y (86), X(14)Temperate-arid X>Y X (87), Y(13)Cool-moist Y>X X(71), Y(29)Cool-arid X>Y X (100), Y(0)-sustained competition. But the matter is more complicated,more interesting. It can be pursued with the aid of Table 2 .There, the six climates are listed in column 1 ; the single-species events are reviewed in column 2, but this timearrayed in a different way; and the competitive outcomes,in terms of percentage of contests won, are summarized incolumn 3.Let us first consider column 3 of Table 2. We see thereare two different patterns. One is unidirectional; the other,alternative. Let me explain. In the hot-moist climate Yalways wins and X always loses. In the cool-arid cliniateX always wins and Y always loses. These end results areunidirectional. In the four other climates one species isalways the usual winner ("usual" being defined as significantly greater than 50 per cent), but for each case theother species wins occasionally. These results are alternativeand can be thought of theoretically as being "stochastic."Thus, the consequences of competition are multifarious multifarious in respect of climate, of species, and of frequency of success and failure.Now let us approach Table 2 in a different way. A glancedown column 2 reveals that in one climate X is equal to Y,in three climates X exceeds Y , and in two climates Y exceedsX. If no other facts but these were available it might beamusing to attempt an extrapolation to predict which species, in which climate, would survive in competition. Acommon-sense hypothesis immediately comes to mind: Thespecies superior by itself should retain that superiority whenwith its rival. But, paradoxically, this prediction is rarelyentirely fulfilled, as column 3 of Table 2 clearly shows.It is completely (see 12) realized only in the cool-aridclimate. It is usually, though not totally, fulfilled in hot-arid,temperate-moist, and temperate-arid climates. No rationalguess can be made for the hot-moist climate, since thereX is equal to Y. In the cool-moist climate it is actually theless successful single species, X, which usually wins thecontest. I advance these points not to be mystical but ratherto stress the fact that competition, even under supervision,is an extremely complex phenomenon. It is clear from whathas just been said that intraspecies processes can be deeplymodified by those new types of interference and exploitationwhich emerge as a consequence of togetherness. And it isbecoming increasingly evident that such issues can be studiedthrough a combined empirical and statistical approach, asP. H. Leslie has made abundantly clear (13). I think, also,that two points suggested at the beginning of this articlehere find illustration; the problem as now extended proves to be broader in scope than was at first imagined, .and, ina sense, the machine has behavedima more intricate fashion.It is appropriate to illustrate one of the six competitivesituations in a bit more detail. For this I choose the eventsseen in the cool-moist climate. This is a complicated casebut an interesting one. The outcomes are alternative, butin large measure they fail to conform to an expectationbased (a priori) on the performances of single-speciespopulations. Let us examine Fig. 4. There, as smoothedcurves, the numbers of adult beetles of species X (solidline) and species Y (broken line) are plotted against censustime. The upper graph depicts the frequent outcome, orelimination of Y; the lower graph, the infrequent outcome,or elimination of X. In both instances there is an initialcompetitive period during which the two species are increasing. This is followed, again in both instances, by a periodduring which one species is progressively declining whilethe other is increasing. The increase eventually leads thesuccessful species to a level of abundance which is statistically similar to that displayed by single-species populationsof the same age, suggesting that the travail of competitionhas not (in this case at least) left a permanent scar onthe victor.A new perspective is now possible. With the researchfinished, the curves of Fig. 4 obviously become restrospec-tive, historical documents. But at this stage, I think, weenjoy an added confidence and an added understanding. Weknow that while climate has played an extrinsic role indetermining the abundances of X and Y it has not causedpopulation extinction. The latter results from interactionbetween the species "the biotic and temporal aspects ofthe environment." We know, further, that the data havea certain generality. Instead of reporting an isolated circumstance they are based on the performance of 70 separatepopulations (20 of X; 20 of Y; 30 of X + Y). In short,we have advanced to a new status: a tentative inference ofcompetition has become a fact, and the outcomes of theprocess have been established. There are of course manythings we do not know. For example, why does Y some-X AND Y TOGEtHER IN A COOL-MOIST CLIMATE! alternative eliminationsTHE USUAL OUTCOME (ELIMINATION OF Y ) :X ^ X, alone -V-hioz< """- Y3<ait. JOS2z3 The unusual outcome (elimination of x > :- y^ - ¦ . ~__x Y, ALONEi i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1UNITS OF TIMEFIG. 4. SMOOTHED CURVES SHOWING ALTERNATIVE OUTCOMES FORSPECIES X AND Y WHEN IN COMPETITION IN THE COOL-MOIST CLIMATE.FEBRUARY, 1963 11times eliminate X? Is the stringent competition here described a reality of outdoor nature or is it purely a consequence of keeping the species in confinement? There areother such questions, and all are difficult. But the mere phrasing of a proper question is a signpost toward its answer.At this juncture the investigator plays a more active part.It becomes his responsibility to pose the next question, torun the machine differently. As has just been suggested,numerous opportunities confront him. He could proclaiman analytical interest in the competitive events that characterize, say, the cool-moist climate. Investigation in thisdirection leads to a study of mechanism; to an explorationof ecological and genetic causation. By increasing the understanding of how parts of the machine work together, thephenomenon is enlarged in depth. Alternatively, the investigator might proclaim a greater interest in breadth. Hecomplicates the model in such a way as to make it biologically more realistic and by this means searches for furtherramifications of the phenomenon. He might assert, forexample, that climates do not really exist in six tidy packetsof temperature and moisture but, rather, are characterizedby their variability. Therefore, the promising thing to dois to program the research in such a way that climatebecomes cyclic and what is measured is the added impactof this on X alone, Y alone, and X with Y. Or again, theinvestigator might proclaim that his work had yielded additional insight insight about the phenomenon itself, aboutmethods, about new items to observe and record. Therefore(he might argue) the time has come to forsake the model,move outdoors, and there start afresh. The course finallychosen is to a considerable extent subjective. Although thechoice must be mediated by practical and intellectual values,nevertheless it does involve an element of taste. And it ishere that an esthetic, an intuitive, quality insinuates itselfinto the domain which I have called "beetles, competition,and populations."CONCLUSION I have essentially finished my story. Itsmessage has been a simple one. The population is difficultto study with rigor and even more difficult to understand.Populations can be investigated in a number of ways,several of which I have tried to suggest. Each way has itsstrengths and its limitations. I have concerned myself primarily with one method, the use of laboratory models.Because of conviction I have been careful neither to saynor to imply that this is the most rewarding approach. Butit is the approach I know best, and one I find agreeable.There is, however, a new and exciting prospect that isemerging from the experimental study of populations theprospect that mathematical theory may be able to attack evensuch intricate problems as competition.. I have earlier pointedout how a certain generality is derived from a series ofreplicated experiments. But if mathematics can grasp datasuch as these, a greater abstract generality may ultimatelyresult. There is a passage from A. N. Whitehead whichprecisely summarizes what I mean. In tracing the historical development of the science of electromagnetismWhitehead says (14): "This rapid sketch ... illustrateshow, by the gradual introduction of the relevant theoreticideas, suggested by experiment and themselves suggestingfresh experiments, a whole mass of isolated and even trivial phenomena are welded together into one coherent science,in which the results of abstract mathematical deductions,starting from a few simple assumed laws, supply the explanation to the complex tangle of the course of events."I am expected to close, I presume, with a remark aboutthe "population explosion." I oblige. I am against it! I donot wish, however, to draw direct parallels between insectsand men. But despite this reluctance, several facts haveemerged from the study of beetles in their flour whichseem to have general currency. One of these is that over-exploitation and intense "interference" are perilous andthat the peril increases as the population increases.And there is another fact, one illustrated earlier: Thelargest population, if exposed to stress, does not necessarilyenjoy the best prospect of survival. Man, as we all knowand pontificate, has the intellectual talent and the technicalskill to avoid such coleopterous hazards. In short, he hasthe capacity to manage his own population and (of equalimportance) to conserve those myriad other populationson which he depends. But one thing is certain. If man doesnot manage his biology // will manage him (15, 16). |1. There are other common ecological relations between speciesin addition to competition. Theseare the interaction between plantand herbivore, between predatorand prey, and between parasiteand host. The three differ fromcompetition, however, in that theyall share a built-in behavior suchthat one population is the attackedand the other is the attacker, withobvious consequences for both.Thus, horses "attack" grass; lynxesattack rabbits; tapeworms attackswine. Still other ecological relations are mutually beneficial, whileat the pinnacle of specializationare those end products of convergent evolutions, populations whichare socially structured.2. Many of the points that Ihave raised here, and elsewhere,are of course not original withme. Several general referenceswhich pertain to various aspectsof the problem of competition areas follows: G. F. Gause, The Struggle for Existence (Williams andWilkins, Baltimore, 1934); A. C.Crombie, J. Animal Eeol. 16, 44(1947); E. Mayr, Proc. Am. Phil.So. 93, 514 (1949); A. J. Nicholson, Australian J. Zool. 2, 9 (1954);L C. Birch, Am. Naturalist 91, 5(1957); C. Elton, The Ecology ofInvasions by Animals and Plants(Methuen, London, 1958); M. S.Bartlett, Stochastic PopulationModels (Methuen, London, 1960);L. B. Slobodkin, Growth and Regulation of Animal Populations (Holt,Rinehart and Winston, New York,1961).3. A. Andres, Bull. Roy. Soc.Entomol. Egypt 24, 74 (1931).4. W. P. Davey, J. Exptl. Zool.22, 573 (1917).5. R. N. Chapman, Ecology 9,111 (1928).6. I. M. Lerner and F. K. Ho,Am. Naturalist 95, 329 (1962).7. Cannibalism, a special caseof interference, has been recentlystudied by E. R. Rich [Ecology 37, 1 09 (1 956)], F. J. SonleitnerfPhysiol.Zool. 34, 233 (1961)], and J. L.Brereton [Ecology 43, 63 (1962)].8. T. Park, Ecol. Monographs 18,265 (1948); , D. B. Mertz, K.Petrusewicz, Physiol. Zool. 34, 62(1961).9. T. Park, Physiol. Zool. 27, 177(1954); J. Neyman, T. Park, E. LScott, Third Berkeley Symposiumon Mathematical Statistics andProbability (Univ. of CaliforniaPress, Berkeley, 1956), vol.4, p. 41.10. The actual temperature andhumidity values in degrees centigrade and percentage of relativehumidity, are as follows: 34°, 70percent; 34°, 30 percent; 29°, 70percent; 29°, 30 percent; 24°, 70percent; and 24°, 30 percent.11. All cultures were startedwith eight young adult beetlesper vial; sex ratio, unity. Controlcultures received four males andfour females of species X or fourmales and four females of speciesY. Experimental cultures receivedtwo males and two females eachof species X and Y.12. There is one exception tothis statement. Single-species populations of Y eventually becameextinct in the cool-arid climate(temperature, 24°C; humidity, 30percent). However, they persistedfor a longer time than they didwhen in competition with X inthe same climate.13. P. H. Leslie, Biometrika 49,1 (1962).14. A. N. Whitehead, An Introduction to Mathematics (Holt, NewYork, 1911).15. H. F. Dorn, Science 135, 283(1962).16. I am deeply grateful to thefollowing friends who read themanuscript and gave me the benefit of their advice: P. P. H. De-Bruyn, P. H. Leslie, D. B. Mertz,and Philip Wylie. I am also greatlyindebted to the late Sydney Had-field for a color slide used inconnection with the lecture.12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEn e w s o f the quadranglesRADIATION & SOCIAL ETHICS Scientists, theologians and philosophers from Asia, Europe and the U.S.met for four days this January at theUniversity to discuss social and ethicalproblems arising from man-made radiation.The conference titled "Radiation andSocial Ethics" was sponsored by theDivinity School and the Section on Nuclear Medicine of the Department ofPharmacology. It was the first conference held at the new Center for Continuing Education. Countries represented included England, France, Italy,Japan, India, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, and the U.S. Theologians represented the Protestant, Catholic and Jewish faiths. The scientific disciplines included the biological and physicalsciences.Here are some of the observationsfrom papers prepared by some of theparticipants:¦ Dr. Robert Cecil Mortimer, Bishopof Exeter, Devon, England:"The nuclear scientist must submit tocertain limitations on his freedom toexperiment. . . . Just as it is not permissible to a medical doctor to use a pa tient as a guinea-pig, so the nuclearscientist may not experiment on thehuman race to find out the effects ofnuclear fall-out."... the nuclear scientist has a moralresponsibility so to conduct his experiments, and so to devise, construct andrun his machines as not to endangereither the whole human race, or the individuals working in or living close byhis laboratories or stations." Chauncey D. Leake, School ofMedicine, University of California, SanFrancisco, California:"... It can be expected that mutations will increase, with disturbance ofthe genetic pool of all living species,and with evolutionary trends which areunpredictable. . . . there is no way ofpredicting in which direction . . r. mutations may tend to develop. The individual dangers of increasing dangersfrom radiation are equally unpredictable, but usually involve some form ofsurface malignancy." The Reverend William A. Wallace, O.P., staff editor (Philosophy),New Catholic Encyclopedia, CatholicUniversity, Washington, D.C:"... how are we to evaluate the goodthat will result from the use of nuclearenergy in terms of the evil accruing tohumanity ?"If the good benefits only a few,while the evil adversely affects all ofmankindj can there be a proper proportion between them? Or, if the good beitself questionable, is there any moraljustification for undergoing grave dangers in order to attain it?"Or are there inestimable benefits instore for all of mankind through theuse of nuclear energy, compared towhich the expected evil is insignificantor hardly overwhelming?" Dr. George Leroy, professor ofmedicine, the University of Chicago:The "vast apprehension" of the community in relation to radiation "puzzlesme." "It seems to me that we have totry and keep straight the difference be tween the measurable hazards for whichwe have fairly good evidence from thesmall number of people who have beeninjured, and the potential hazard whichwe can certainly predict on the basis ofsuch knowledge as we have, and theapprehensions about hazard whichseem to me to be entirely another or eft rof magnitude away from the reality ofthe situation." The Reverend Father Dominic Du-barle, editor, CERF, Paris, France:"The new phenomenon of contemporary humanity is that the actions decided upon and carried out by smallnumbers of individuals apparently without immediate ill effects can henceforthhave global consequences which aredurable and irreversible for the wholeearthly milieu."Accidents such as the use of thalidomide "ought to warn our society of thevery great prudence which has becomenecessary for man now that he hasgiven himself a certain power to act,directly or indirectly, on the most fundamental domain of his biologicalbeing."We are together to study, I believe,how this prudence may be guided." Dr. Bo Lindell, Radiofysiska In-stitutionen, Stockholm, Sweden:"... the only way of dealing intelligently with existing environmental contamination, including radioactivity infood stuffs, is to assess the possible riskfrom the expected radiation dose aswell as the risk and cost of possiblecounter measures. ..."Another problem raised by the environmental contamination is theweight that should be given to harmfuleffects manifested first in future generations."One can calculate the total futuredose to the human gene pool from thecarbon- 14 created by the nuclear testexplosions, but the major fraction ofthis dose will be delivered first to future generations."Which is preferable: an injury to-FEBRUARY, 1963 13PREMIER FANFANI, PRESIDENT BEADLE AND MRS. FERMIday or after 100 years? Is any injury200 years from now less important thanone that is manifested today? If so, howmany injuries in the future equal onetoday?"THE PREMIER & THE MEMORIAL The following statement is issued jointly by the Italian Embassy,Washington, D.C, and the Universityof Chicago:Prime Minister Amintore Fanfani,of Italy, and George Wells Beadle,president of the University, have discussed plans for development of anappropriate memorial on the site wherethe late Enrico Fermi and his colleaguesachieved mankind's first self-sustainingnuclear chain reaction on the Universityof Chicago campus December 2, 1942.Mr. Beadle advised Premier Fanfanithat it was the hope of the Universitythat an appropriate functional and symbolic memorial to Fermi would beerected by the 25th anniversary of thebirth of the atomic age, in 1967.Premier Fanfani responded by advising Mr. Beadle that the government ofItaly was prepared to commission amajor work of sculpture honoring En rico Fermi by a leading Italian artistfor the site at Stagg Field where theatomic age was born. It is the hopethat this sculpture will be available fordedication on the University of Chicago campus on the 22nd anniversaryof the experiment, in 1964.In addition, Premier Fanfani advisedPresident Beadle that he would seekapproval of the Parliament of Italy toparticipate in the financing and erection of two senior scientific researchcenters to memorialize. Fermi and hisworks one at the University of Chicago and the other at a major universityin Italy. It is the hope that both willbe dedicated in 1967, the 25th anniversary of the Fermi experiment, inconnection with international scientificsymposia in the physical sciences to beheld in Italy and in Chicago.The twin centers would be dedicatedto research in advanced areas of thephysical sciences in a tradition of freedom, international exchange and sophisticated exploration. It is hopedthat scholars from all over the freeworld will be'able to use the facilitiesof both centers, to be- made availablethrough the generosity tpf the people ofItaly and their friends in the UnitedStates in memorializing Fermi, theChristopher Columbus of the 20th century. Final plans for the sculpture to honor Mr. Fermi at the Stagg Field site inChicago will be discussed between representatives of the University of Chicago and the Italian government. Plansfor development of the advanced research centers, in both Italy and Chicago, will be drawn by speciallyselected committees of the senior scientific faculties of the University of Chicago and the leading universities inItaly. It is expected that agencies ofboth the governments of Italy and ofthe United States also will take part.The discussions between Mr. Beadleand Mr. Fanfani were held in Chicagothis January after the Prime Ministerhad visited, with other members of hisofficial party, the historic site at StaggField on the University campus whereFermi and his colleagues had achievedsuccess in their nuclear experiment.Later, Mr. Beadle entertained PremierFanfani in his home and there dis-i_U;>;>ed the University's desire to honor,in some appropriate manner, the workof the Italian scientist. Mrs. Fermi, thescientist's widow, also was present atthe meeting.The discussions with Premier Fanfani had been preceded by exploratorytalks between members of the University staff and Sergio Fenoaltea, the Italian ambassador to the United States,and Francesco Guariglia, acting consulgeneral of Italy in Chicago. Ambassador Fenoaltea had been among the invited speakers who took part in theUniversity of Chicago's observance oncampus of the 20th anniversary of thebirth of the atomic age last December 1, 1962.STUDENT GOVERNMENT RECALL In an unprecedented action,students in the College this January recalled 12 of their elected representatives in Student Government.On October 23, the day followingPresident Kennedy's announcement ofa naval "quarantine" of Cuba, the executive committee of the Assembly ofthe Student Government sent a telegram of protest to the President. Thisaction was the result of an executivecommittee vote of seven in favor, twoopposed, and one abstention. Two daysW THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElater, the Assembly of S.G. voted 16to 9: "We deplore the actions of theLInited States in establishing a navalblockade on military weapons shippedto Cuba ..." A full S.G. Assemblyis composed of fifty representatives.On the demand of 1,100 petitioningstudents, S.G. conducted a student referendum on November 8, whichshowed that student opinion supportedthe President and opposed the S.G.stand three to one.Later in the month a petition torecall 13 representatives of the Collegein the Assembly was presented, requiring a recall election. The other threerepresentatives voting for the resolution were graduate students whose constituents did not bring recall actionagainst them.The recall election was completed onJanuary 25; the vote on each representative was close, with one of the 13not being recalled. In rounded figureshere are some statistics:Undergraduate enrollment: 2,175Graduate enrollment: 4,000Votes cast on recall ballot: 1,100.In the last S.G. election, 60 percentof the College students voted; 35 percent of the total student body voted.The resulting majority party, POLIT,received one-third of the vote. It wasone of five parties running (and noparty has ever received less than 10percent of the vote this is the roommate and personal friend vote). Twelveof the 13 up for recall were POLITmembers, they had run on a platformwhich said they would take stands onissues of a controversial, politicalnature.As a result of the recall, POLIT hasadopted a resolution that it will nolonger take such stands unless it ispossible beforehand to ascertain whatstudent opinion on the issue is. It willcontinue its commitment to action onproblems of segregation, of violationsof academic freedom and of oppression of the rights of students abroad.Said Dean of Students Warner Wickin the election issue of the Maroon:"I don't think that the recall can betaken as showing any kind of a generalsentiment about a shift in campus opinion to either the left or right or anyother direction. But if you look at itfrom the point of view of responsiblegovernment there are clearly two thingsthat are very important. On one hand, you can slap people who you don'tthink have been responsible. But tenthe problem is to get some people toreplace them who you think will beresponsible."SCHOLAR-ATHLETES On another ballot at the campus polls, about a thousand students answered a complexset of questions regarding the Staggscholarships (see the Magazine, January, 1963).For many students these questionswere their first encounter with that annual problem faced by Chicago's moregenerous alumni: "Should I make mygift to the University restricted or unrestricted?" Here are the questions inthe Stagg scholarship referendum andthe vote results as reported in theMaroon.1.2.3. The University has received many of its scholarship funds from donors withspecial interests. In order to be eligible for them, students must meet variousconditions that are not obviously or directly related to academic objects, aswell as meeting the usual scholarship standards. Should the University inyour opinion continue to accept scholarship funds restricted to such groups as:A. graduates of a particular school?B. members of a particular racial or religious minority ?C. descendents of war veterans ?D. students participating in certain extracurricular activities ?The University has a number of endowed scholarships which carry a fixedstipend without regard to need. As a matter of general policy, do you thinkthe University should attempt to avoid gifts with such conditions?The Stagg Scholarship Fund has been established for men of high academic-promise who are outstanding athletes. A minimum of full tuition is to begiven regardless of need; the award will be greater if need exceeds tuition.Participation in a sport will normally be expected of Stagg Scholars; and thiswill be an important consideration, but not a necessary condition, for renewal.Do you think the UniversityA. should have accepted this fund?B. should continue to administer it in its present form?C. should alter its provisions in some way?Regardless of your answers to the above, please answer the following:A. Do you think it would be better to make need a condition for being awarded a Stagg Scholarship?B. The fund is now about sufficient to support three Stagg Scholars in theCollege at one time, and a total of eight has been discussed as a goal. Doyou think it would be better to drop efforts to increase the number of StaggScholars to eight?C. Do you think it would be better to award Stagg Scholarships only tostudents who have been in the College for at least a year so as to reducetheir influence over prospective students ?UND ERGRAI )UATES GRADUATES1. Yes No No Opinion 1. Yes No No OpinionA. 796 272 76 A. 147 34 14B. 756 329 57 B. 132 58 14C. 759 303 95 C. 137 52 16D. 694 395 71 D. 135 49 122. Yes No No Opinion 2. Yes No No Opinion649 467 53 77 104 133. Yes No No Opinion 3. Yes No No OpinionA. 728 409 33 A. 130 53 6B. 389 692 69 B. 107 74 11C. 714 319 100 C. 75 94 274. Yes No No Opinion 4. Yes No No OpinionA. 799 263 62 A. 103 76 114B. 467 559 139 B. 55 124 17C 445 586 143 C. 57 123 15FEBRUARY, 1963 15The University Symphony Orchestra is composed of 84 students, graduate and undergraduate, specializing in a wide range of studies, includingsometimes, music. Orchestra members, all of whom have auditioned formembership, meet six times a month for rehearsal, and at the end of eachquarter give a concert in Mandel Hall.Orchestra repertoire ranges, as Conductor H. Colin Slim says, "from thevery well-known to the totally unknown." Choices are made by a committeefrom the orchestra. The winter quarter concert featured Schubert's Symphony No. 6 in C major, Stravinsky's arrangement of the "Star Spangled Banner,"Stravinsky's "Circus Polka (composed for a young elephant)," and Tschai-kowski's Suite from the Ballet "The Nutcracker."The Orchestra, though considered a student activity, is sponsored by theMusic Department, and Mr. Slim is an assistant professor in the Department.Since he joined the Department in 1961, he has been teaching courses inhistory and theory, and spending much of his time strengthening the University Chorus and Orchestra. He has had considerable experience as aconductor-with the University of British Columbia Symphony, the ConcordSymphony Orchestra, and as assistant conductor of the Harvard Glee Club.How does he account for the new enthusiasm and extremely high attendancehe has achieved in the Orchestra? "Well, the large orchestra party after eachconcert might have something to do with it."A ConcerPhotos: Al HendersonTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfor the Community ChildrenIN IDA NOYES GYMNASIUM, ONA SATURDAY MORNING THIS JANUARY CHILDREN FROM THENEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOLS WEREINVITED TO ATTEND A SPECIALCHILDREN'S CONCERT OF THEUNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. THEY SAT AMONG THEPLAYERS, SHOWING A SPECIALPREFERENCE FOR THE HARP, ANDTHE TUBA, AND THE DOUBLEBASSES AND THE DRUMS.THE LEADERS OF EACH SECTIONWERE INTRODUCED AND THEYEXPLAINED THEIR INSTRUMENTS.THEN A PIECE JUST FOR STRINGSWAS PERFORMED ("EINE KLEINENACHT MUSIK") AND MOVEMENTS FROM "THE NUTCRACKER."FEBRUARY, 1963 17NOTES FROM AN INTERVIEW WITH HELEN M.ROBINSON, WILLIAM S. GRAY RESEARCH PROFESSOR IN THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION,ON TOPICS FROM PRIMERS TO SPEED READING . . .JohnnyAgainTHE TEACHING OF READING-There are todaydozens of methods of teaching reading and perhapshundreds of thousands of parents bewildered and concerned about the problem of which is the best. Reflected in that concern is the fact that for the first time,reading is widely recognized by both parents andteachers alike as our most important educational skill.But, there is widespread public confusion over whatshould be included in a good program of readinginstruction.Last year, in an attempt to obtain a clear statementabout what should be taught, the Carnegie Corporation brought together a group of authorities representing a wide variety of viewpoints so far as methods ofteaching go. The 28 reading experts at the conferenceincluded people engaged in study and research inreading instruction, and in teaching students who willbecome teachers of reading; they included superintendents of schools, supervisors of reading instruction,authors of widely used specialized phonics materials,a professor specializing in psychology and linguistics,a curriculum specialist. One of the authorities wasMrs. Helen M. Robinson, Ph.D/44, William S. GrayResearch Professor in Reading of the Departmentof Education at the University of Chicago. (Anotherparticipant was Nila B. Smith, '26, professor of Education at New York University.)The conference resulted in a booklet, Learning toRead ( distributed by the Educational Testing Service,Princeton, N.J. single copy, 25 cents; 10 or morecopies, 10 cents per copy). In the booklet, 27 of the28 conference members join in a statement in which they list the essential components of a good readingprogram, particularly in the first three grades of school.They consider phonics "one of the essential skillsthat help children identify printed words that theyhave not seen before and then understand the meaning that those words represent. Without phonics mostchildren cannot become self-reliant, discriminating,efficient readers." The 27 members denied the constantly repeated charge that American schools employmainly a "sight-word" ( or "look-say" ) method of reading instruction. They point out that the act of readingis extremely complex, and that the teaching of reading is correspondingly complex. "No single device, suchas phonics or sight-words, can reach across the rangeof skills that an efficient reader uses. We are agreedthat there is no single best way of learning to read,and therefore no single best way of teaching childrento read."The report states in boldface type: "The masteryof the skills that lead to recognition and meaning ofwords may not be left to chance or haphazard practice. If this seems obvious, then it should be equallyobvious that learning the word recognition skillsshould be carefully planned and expertly guided ifit is to be effective. This means that the heart ofthe reading instruction program really is a competent,dedicated teacher who knows both the theory ofreading instruction and the ways different childrenlearn ..."If a program of reading instruction is to be effective, it is essential for it to provide a carefully plannedword recognition program, based in the beginningstages upon words common in children's speakingvocabularies. This program should be taught regularlyand systematically; and its sequence and terminologyshould be consistent within a school system fromyear to year."Regarding the use of basal readers, Mrs. Robinsonsays, "Children have to have some kind of simplification, and this is what the basals accomplish. Over90 per cent of the schools use basal readers of onekind or another. They are simply for teaching childrenhow to read. The students are started on children'sbooks as soon as possible, and read a wide variety ofbooks in addition to the basal readers."Parents can be of great help," she says. "The mostimportant thing they can do is to read to their children." By reading to them, taking them to libraries, andbuying them books, parents are not only helping themdevelop good habits, but adding variety to the children's reading fare and appealing to the children'sspecial interests. "You can't buy the same size shoesfor all children."OUR CHILDREN AND OTHERS-Many critics havestated that children in the United States lag behindthose of other countries where perhaps the language ismore logically constructed, or its alphabet simpler, orits writing more phonemic. (See Professor Ignace18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGelb in the December, 1962 issue of the Magazine.)Others claim that childen do better under systemswith harsher discipline or different techniques ofteaching.Mr. Gelb pointed out that all continental Europeancountries have undertaken spelling reform, a simplification that he believes would greatly help ourchildren. Moreover, he advocates the phonetic processof teaching reading, which is used all over Europe.He blames the whole-word configuration technique ofteaching, which he believes is generally used in thiscountry, for the statistics given in the Council forBasic Education's "Tomorrow's Illiterates," and theunfavorable comparisons of Russian school childrenand ours in Trace's What Ivan Knows That JohnnyDoesn't.Mrs. Robinson points out that the "Swedes haveabout as many retarded readers as we do, and thesituation is much the same in Denmark." Comparisonsof Russian children and ours suffer from the fact thatthe Russian system of school promotions results in agradual lopping off of the lower achievers. "We havemaintained at least the standards of twenty and thirtyyears ago. But, today we no longer have childrenrepeating grades as we did. As a result of 'social promotion,' we have more students in the upper gradeswho are behind."She calls attention to a study by Ralph C. Prestonat the University of Pennsylvania, comparing Germanand American students at fourth- and sixth-gradelevels. At the fourth grade, American children werefound to read significantly better than German pupils,but by sixth grade both groups scored similarly inreading comprehension and speed. Mr. Preston concluded that "Critics of American reading instructiontoo frequently indulge in hyperbole." However, hedid find a better atmosphere for intellectual work inhigh schools in Germany. There, high school teachers,for example, frequently "are heavily involved in research and publish papers, but this is rare in thiscountry."IMPROVEMENTS IN ORDER-"!. am not, however,arguing that we are doing the best job possible," shesays. "The key to good reading instruction is energyand time. We don't even have to change methods. Theonly final answer there will be on teaching readingwill be an effort to up-grade our performance all alongthe way."Mrs. Robinson asserts that there is no shortage ofresearch into reading problems, or of attempts to carrythe insights of research into the classrooms. Under amaster's degree program, the University is trainingreading consultants who actually go into schools. Annually, the School of Education sponsors a ReadingConference which brings hundreds of educators tocampus to catch up on the latest research. The 25thConference was held last June.At the Conference Mrs. Robinson presented an ex ample of research, a classification of five different typesof underachievers in reading, their respective characteristics, problems in identifying them, and methods ofhelping them.The five categories are : Slow learners with an intelligence quotient of 70 to 90; Retarded readers with anIQ of 90 to 110, but with reading achievement wellbelow the normal range; Bright underachievers with anIQ ranging from 110 to 180; Reluctant readers whochoose not to read because they receive neither pleasure nor satisfaction from reading; and Culturally different retarded readers who come from homes wherethere is cultural or language deprivation.". . . Many retarded readers," she said, "avoid delinquency but . . . continuous frustration surely createsinferiority feelings and interferes with normal personality development. Some retarded readers are personally maladjusted, either before reading failure or asa result of it."The bright underachiever may be unaware of hisproblems particularly in the elementary school, Mrs.Robinson said. "Teachers who are concerned only withaverage performance in the classroom likewise may beunaware of such a student's potential for reading. Thebright underachiever, therefore, may not be recognizeduntil junior or senior high school when the demands forsuperior reading begin to pay off in the curriculum ofthe content areas."Although the culturally deprived reader may use agreat many words with fair precision, the difficulty isthat the words are not the middle class vocabularycommonly used in school. These children need moretime to learn. As a rule they understand more languagethan they use but measurements of differences aredifficult to obtain."Obviously children with any of the five characteristics are often misunderstood in school," she concluded,"and because their formal language abilities are impaired, they can easily be classified as intellectuallydull. Yet that they are not hopeless educationally hasbeen demonstrated numerous times."THE CLINIC AND SPEED READING-ProfessorWilliam S. Gray and Bernice Rogers, A.M/51, Ph.D.'60,in their book Maturity in Reading (U. of C. Press,1956) said that "not more than 10 percent of adultsvoluntarily seek serious, challenging reading material;that half or more of the adult population read littlemore than the daily newspaper, a few periodicals ofmediocre value, and an occasional mystery book; thatanother 30-40 percent limit their reading largely toimmediate-reward reading, including low-grade fiction/in preference to serious reading that promises onlydelayed rewards."In their research, they found that education is notthe determinant of which category of reader a personfallsinto. "Social role or class appears to be a basicdeterminer of the reading pattern of an individual,with social participation as a correlate of more andFEBRUARY, 1963 19better reading and non-participation as a correlate ofless and poorer reading . . ."The crucial point," they found, "along the route tomaturity in reading is the time at which reading beginsto inspire the reader, to give him a feeling of pleasureand satisfaction in the activity, and to exert a consciousintegrative effect upon him. This is the point at whichreading ceases to be a mere intellectual exercise ofgrasping and remembering meanings."At the Reading Clinic at the University it has beenestablished that retarded readers can become avidreaders if their problems are corrected, especially ifthe problems are corrected before the handicap hasbecome too great or too persistent. Research here,spearheaded by Guy T. Buswell, A.M.16, Ph.D.'20, inthe Thirties, has also shown that considerable increasesin rate of reading are often possible of all levelsof skill.There are many factors involved in speed of reading, Mrs. Robinson points out. More than half of thosewho wish to increase their rate read slowly becausethey have inadequate word recognition, understandingof word meanings, and comprehension skills. Othersread slowly because they have learned at a slow paceand do so habitually. Some of these students tend tosay the words to themselves or to hear each word asthey read it. A careful diagnosis of the reader's weakness is necessary for true reading improvement.Mrs. Robinson is firm in stating, "We are not interested in phenomenal rates of speed at the Clinic.We want our readers to become competent in readingrapidly or slowly as the material or purpose demands.Just as in driving a car, we want them to be able toshift gears properly as the road demands."THE HIGHER ILLITERACY- Underlining the immediate concern of the Reading Clinic and the speedreaders, is much of the problem termed the "higherilliteracy" by Dean of the Graduate School of Education, Francis S. Chase, who has expressed it as one ofhis major concerns. Mr. Chase, who is keenly interested in programs of educational reforms and development in the new nations, says that the advance ofcivilization is being threatened by this higher illiteracy,which is a problem to all nations."The higher illiteracy is a characteristic of those whosee, hear, and even read, but will not understand," hesays. "They cannot, in fact understand because theyhave not developed the ability to carry on a transactionbetween the world of ideas imbedded in language symbols and the world of real persons, objects, and events.They cannot entertain ideas which seem to threatentheir own narrowly preconceived view of the worldand they cannot enter sympathetically into the aspirations of peoples of other classes, races and cultures."The higher illiterates, therefore, maintain the barriers (or at best do nothing to lower them) whichstand between disadvantaged populations and the attainment of their aspirations." | THE CENTER FOR CHILDREN'S BOOKS, LOCATEDIN JUDD HALL, CONTAINS A CAREFULLY ANALYZED COLLECTION OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS OFTHE LAST FIVE YEARS. BOOKS ARE CATALOGEDBY AUTHOR, TITLE, SUBJECT, TYPE OF LITERATURE, READING LEVEL, ILLUSTRATORS, DEVELOPMENTAL VALUE, EMOTIONAL APPEALS, CURRICU-LAR USE. ZENA BAILEY IS LIBRARIAN OF THECENTER AND EDITOR OF ITS BULLETIN.SelectingChildren'sBooksBy Zena BaileyParents must be fed up with being told that theirchildren will enjoy reading if they see that Mommyand Daddy love to read. It's true, but those of youwho enjoy reading are reading anyway, and those whodon't love books won't do more than go through themotions. This may not fool the child, but it will dohim no harm and you may like the book. But choosinggood books is not easy; consider these questions forexample: Is the book appropriate physically a fifthgrader will scorn the book that, because of its size,looks like second grade fare. On the other hand,sophisticated visual appeal that adults appreciate maybe to a preschool child only a design of varied typefaces. Is the type size right for the reader's age? Arethe illustrations appropriate for the text? A controlledvocabulary is useful for the beginning reader, but willthe child have the challenge of a few unfamiliar words20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto enjoy? Is the book interesting, even exciting, to thechild? Does it have literary quality?There are a number of aids to book selection: bibliographies to help build a basic home library for children, reviewing media to help evaluate the currentcrop, and books about children and books to give yousome background in the literature itself and some suggestions for ways to encourage reading.You can pick up reviews in newspapers and magazines; some of them are good, but they are variableand they cover little of the spate of publication. Inthe children's room of public libraries you'll findseveral reviewing media; of those that review onlychildren's books, two of the most useful to which youmight subscribe are the Bulletin of the Center forChildren's Books and the Horn Book Magazine. TheBulletin is issued eleven times a year ($4.50 a year,from the University of Chicago Press, 5750 Ellis Avenue, Chicago 37) and contains only reviews; the booksare evaluated by a panel of parents, teachers, andlibrarians, with each book being assigned a readinglevel. Horn Book is issued six times a year ( $5 a year,from 585 Boylston Street, Boston 16) and has articlesand editorials as well as reviews. Horn Book reviewsfewer books at greater length; both publications covereverything from picture books to books for youngadults.There are four good sources for starting a basic collection, all of them available in paperback. May HillArbuthnot's Children's Books Too Good to Miss ( $1.25,Western Reserve University) is annotated and dividedby age range. Mary K. Eakin has compiled Bulletinreviews, 1948-1961, having selected 1300 titles to beincluded in Good Books for Children ( $1.95, U. of C.Press). Nancy Larrick is the author of a thirty-fivecent pocket book that gives information about bookclubs, reading aloud, dictionaries, etcetera as well asrecommended titles; the American Library Associationhas compiled a good list in cooperation with theNational Congress of Parents and Teachers, Let's ReadTogether ($1.50, from American Library Association,50 E. Huron Street, Chicago 11).For background, eight books, all useful, all writtencompetently by people of experience and commonsense.Arbuthnot, May Hill. Children and Books. Scott,Foresman, 1957. 684 pp. illus. A one-volume coursein children's literature.Duff, Annis. Bequest of Wings. Viking, 1944. 204 pp.Now editor at Viking, Mrs. Duff describes her ownfamily's pleasant experiences with books.Duff, Annis. Longer Flight; A Family Grows Up WithBooks. Viking, 1955. 269 pp. The Duff books are,of this list, perhaps the most interesting to read-certainly the best writing.Fenner, Phyllis. Something Shared: Children andBooks. Day, 1959. 234 pp. A selection of writingschildren have enjoyed, with shrewd editorial comments.Hanna, Geneva R. and McAllister, Mariana. Books,Young People, and Reading Guidance. Harper, 1960. 219 pp. A thoughtful text and a good source ofsuggestions for additional reading.Hollowell, Lillian. A Book of Children's Literature.Rinehart, 1950. 697 pp. Chiefly an anthology, butcomprising valuable essays on selection, criteria,illustration, and a historical summary of children'sliterature.Smith, Lillian. The Unreluctant Years; A Critical Approach to Children's Literature. American LibraryAssociation, 1953. 193 pp. Critical and judicious.White, Dorothy Neal. Books Before Five. New Zealand Council for Educational Research, 1954. 196pp. (Educational Research Series, #35). Not a drypamphlet, despite the fact that it is in an educational series; like the Duff books, this describes theauthor's experiences with her own small child. ManyBritish books, but some American ones are cited.For parents of very small children, a fine book.Because there is wide disparity in reading patternsin the adolescent years, parents of teen-age youngstersoften feel that they cannot give the guidance they didwhen the child was small. There are many lists to fillthis special need; one of these is geared to specialreading interests, with titles arranged in interestgroups, and in order of difficulty. This is Patterns inReading, by Jean Roos (ALA, 1961. $2.25) in whichapproximately eighty percent of the titles are adult.An excellent list of tested favorites is the ALA's BookBait (ALA, 1957. $1.25), which has long annotationsand suggestions for other titles if the reader has enjoyed the book.Three useful lists, published annually, are Booksfor the Teen Age, Senior Booklist, and Junior Booklist.Books for the Teen Age is published by the New YorkPublic Library, Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street andcosts $.50. It has been tested with readers betweenthirteen and eighteen years of age; most of the titlesare adult books. The other two lists are also fifty centseach; they are published by the Independent SchoolsEducation Board, Milton 86, Massachusetts. JuniorBooklist is divided by grade groups and goes to ninthgrade; Senior Booklist is arranged by subjects, withreviews meant for the student rather than for the adultadviser.Don't buy of the books and lists cited above yet.They should all be in your public library, and whenyou look them over you may find some more suitedthan others to your particular needs. If you are closeenough to the University of Chicago campus, you maysee all of these books at the Center for Children'sBooks (Judd Hall) as well as the collection of children's books. The books don't circulate, but they andall of the dozens of bibliographies and reviews may beseen. A similar collection is housed in New York at theoffices of the Children's Book Council, 175 Fifth Avenue. The Council is a good source of informationabout every aspect of the children's book field: selecting book, submitting manuscripts, running book fairs,etc. Good hunting you'll find (or you'll have foundalready) that the best books for children are ratherpalatable reading for you. ¦FEBRUARY, 1963 21What kind of manhandles a businesschallenge best?A board chairman talks about tomorrow's executives...The Bell System has always sought men who could keeptelephone service constantly improving. Men with exceptional engineering talent, men with equally outstanding managerial potential. Such men are widely soughton college campuses across the United States. And withthe future of communications unfolding so rapidly, thesearch has intensified.But still there is the old question to be answered,"What kind of man handles a business challenge best?" Amidwestern college audience recently heard these commentsin a talk by A.T.&T. Board Chairman, Frederick R. Kappel:"...We took the records of 17,000 college men in the business who could fairly be compared with each other, and,examining their records, sought the answer to the question:'To what extent does success in college predict success inthe Bell System?'..."...The results...". . . The single most reliable predictive indicator ofa college graduate's success in the Bell System is hisrank in his graduating class."A far greater proportion of high-ranking than low-ranking students have qualified for the large responsibil ities While a relationship does exist between collegequality and salary, rank in class is more significant . . ."...What about extracurricular achievement?... Men whowere campus leaders reached our top salary third in slightlygreater proportion than those who were not. But it is onlyreal campus achievement that seems to have any significance. Mere participation in extracurricular goings-ondoes not..."...What we have here, as I said before, are some hintsrather strong hints about where to spend the most timelooking for the men we do want, the men with intelligenceplus those other attributes that give you the feel, the sense,the reasonable confidence that they will make things moveand move well.... They want to excel and they are determined to work at it..."...Business should aspire to greatness, and search diligently for men who will make and keep it great..."Frederick R. Kappel, Chairman of the BoardAmerican Telephone and Telegraph CompanyBELL TELEPHONE SYSTEMOwned by more than two million AmericansNEWS OF the alumni13-28HARRY L. HUBER, '13, SMT6, PhD'17,MDT8, was featured in a column in theNovember 1962 issue of the South ShoreCountry Club (Chicago) magazine. Thecolumn, titled "In the Gutter" was aboutDr. Huber's bowling activities: "A SouthShore Country Club member since 1934,he formerly bowled with the now dissolved Jitterbugs when they were leaguechampions, and is presently in his secondyear with the Middies. As proof of thefact that Dr. Huber never quits, his finalgame on the night before this article wentto press was an easy 193 net! This durable fellow will be eighty years old hisnext birthday if any of you youngbowlers about sixty are considering retirement, banish the thought!" Dr. Huber,who practices medicine in Chicago, is aspecialist in allergies, and is a member ofthe International Allergy Society. He ownsand operates a 175 acre stock farm ( BlackAngus cattle) in Du Page County nearNaperville, 111. A special area there is setaside for the cultivation of ragweed fromwhich pollen extracts are taken for use inthe treatment of hay fever. Dr. Huber'smost recent labors are directed to research in the comparatively untouchedarea of air conditioning as related to allergies. He presented an exhibit on thistopic at the June, 1962, meeting of theAmerican Medical Assn. in Chicago.WILLIAM H. HUGHES, '13, AM15,retired educator of Berkeley, Calif., hasspent ten years since retirement in research, teaching and writing in the fieldof "Deep South" sociology.ANNA MOFFET JARVIS, '13, and herhusband are retired following a missionarycareer spent largely in China and Indiaand lasting from 1920 through 1958. Theyare living in St. Paul, Minn., where they'still find plenty of 'missionary work* todo." MORRIS S. KAPLAN, 13, of Los Angeles, Calif., is now retired. He waschief chemist in the laboratories of ApexSmelting Co., Chicago, from 1924 to1950.MYRA REYNOLDS LINN, 13, of LaSierra, Calif., is retired but very busydoing many things she could not do whileadministering schools League of WomenVoters, president of Retired Teachers, andhaving fun with her eight grandchildren.Mrs. Linn was a district superintendentin California public elementary schools.RUTH HERRICK, 18, MD'28, practicing dermatologist in Lowell, Mich., is acollector and student of mid western pattern glass. She is the author of a book,Greentown Glass.HELEN L. KOCH, 18, PhD'21, professor emeritus of psychology at the U of C,taught last summer at the University ofSouthern California, Los Angeles. She iscurrently involved in finishing a piece ofresearch on twins which she has beenworking on for five years. During 1961-62 Miss Koch was president of the Division of Developmental Psychology of theAmerican Psychological Assn. She livesin Chicago.JOHN D. KOUCKY, 18, of River Forest,111., is retired because of physical disability. He is a former surgeon and clinical associate professor emeritus of surgeryat the University of Illinois.KURT A. SCHARBAU, 18, of Rockford,111., is secretary-treasurer and controller ofEclipse Fuel Engineering Co. He is alsoofficer and director of seven other corporations, and is trustee and past president and chairman of the board of theRockford Country Club.FRED TELFORD, 18, director of theBureau of Public Personnel Administration in Washington, D.C, is currentlyhelping the National Aeronautics andSpace Agency develop a performance rating system for its 20,000 officers andemployees. Between time he is writing a book on personnel management and aseries of personnel management handbooks.LESTER R. GRAY, '23, of Walnut Creek,Calif., recently completed a tour of theBible lands and Europe. He retired inAugust, 1961, from his position as chieftechnologist of the Martinez ( California )Refinery of Shell Oil Co.JOHN P. HARRIS, '23, is chairman ofthe board at Publishing Enterprises, Inc.,Hutchinson, Kan.HENRY G. HULBERT, '23, Chicago realestate lawyer, is semi-retired and hopesto visit all 50 states "before the wheelchair gets him." He has recently visitedSeattle and Hawaii.JAMES R. JACKSON, '23, AM'24,PhD'27, is director and owner of Investment Analysis Bureau, investment counsel firm of St. Louis, Mo. He also servesas a consultant to Associated Fund in St.Louis. Mr. Jackson retired in 1958 as deanemeritus of the school of business, U.S.Air Force Institute of Technology atWright-Patterson Air Base, Ohio.HILGER P. JENKINS, '23, MD'26, professor of surgery at the U of C, was working last year on two medical motionpictures. One was for the American College of Surgeons meeting in October,and the other was for the World MedicalAssn., which met in New Dehli, India inNovember.DONALD A. BOYER, '28, SM'39, hasbeen appointed director of the new Science Center at the National College ofEducation, Evanston, 111. For the pasteight years he had been science coordinator of the Winnetka (111.) Public Schools.Mr. Boyer is also associate editor of thenew 20-volume Young Peoples ScienceEncyclopedia sponsored by the NationalCollege of Education and published inMay by the Children's Press, Chicago.BABETTE SCHOENBERG BRODY, '28,of Chicago, has served as a professionalvolunteer for more than 18 years. She isa health education consultant and newsFEBRUARY, 1963 23editor at the Chicago Hearing Society.One year she was runner-up for volunteerof the year. She also serves on the boardof KAM Temple.FRANCES SADAUSKAS BUCZEK, '28,partner in J. P. Varkala & Co., certifiedpublic accountants, is president of theQuota Club of Chicago for 1962-63, andchairman of the Savings and Loan Committee of the Illinois Society of CertifiedPublic Accountants, also for 1962-63.30-38MARGUERITE M. DUCKER, '30, administrator of the Sewickley Valley Hospital, Sewickley, Pa., became a fellowin the American College of Hospital Administrators in September. She joined thestaff at Sewickley hospital in 1952 as assistant administrator and became administrator in 1955. Prior to that she wasassistant director of the program in hospital administration at Northwestern University.CHRISTIAN T. ELVEY, PhD'30, vicepresident for research and advanced studyat the University of Alaska, in College,Alas., was chairman of two sessions at thenational meeting of the American Meteorological Society held in Alaska thissummer. Mr. Elvey led sessions on "HighLatitude Meteorology" and "Geophysicsof the Upper Atmosphere." University ofAlaska scientists and officials were hostsfor the meeting.ARTHUR A. ENGEL, '31, of Los Angeles, Calif., began a weekly news radioprogram on station KHJ in Los Angelesin May. He is editor-commentator on"Ducommun Business Journal," a dailydigest of important news of business andindustry sponsored by Ducommun Metals& Supply Co. For many years Mr. Engelhas conducted his own Arthur A. Engel &Co. management consultant firm in Beverly Hills. He has written by-line featuresfor national magazines and Southern California newspapers, and was a narrator-commentator on "The Community Hour"on a Los Angeles radio station. At onetime he had a nightly news commentaryon a Washington, D.C. radio station, andin 1941 produced what was believed tobe the first regular weekly series everbeamed by a commercial television station (WBKB) in Chicago.FRED H. MOWREY, MD'32, of SanGabriel, Calif., has retired from the U.S.Army after 25 years of service. He is nowassistant medical director and chief ofmedical services at Los Angeles CountyHospital.STUDS TERKEL, '32, JD'34, Chicagoradio broadcaster, won the East-Westprize in the 14th Prix Italia radio and television competition for his radio documentary "Born to Live." The $1,000 award, endowed by UNESCO, is given tothe dramatic or documentary program"which best illustrates the fundamentalvalues of the East and the West withinthe frame of world civilization." "Born toLive" is a compilation of Mr. Terkel'sinterviews over the last eight years, andwas originally broadcast in July on Chicago FM station WFMT.GERTRUDE ROLSTON BALDWIN,'33, of Kankakee, 111., has been presidentof United Cerebral Palsy of Kankakee forseven years, and is past president of theAmerican Association of UniversityWomen, Kankakee branch.BEULAH WRIGHT BERGHULT, '33,of Chicago, is teaching as a substitute atTilden Technical High School in Chicago.She and her husband have two children.RAPHAEL H. BLOCK, '33, received amaster of arts degree from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, in August.CARL BODE, '33, professor of Englishat the University of Maryland, CollegePark, Md., is starting work on a biographyof H. L. Mencken.GEORGE O. BOLLMAN, '33, of Evanston, 111., is part owner and salesman withGeorge J. Cyrus & Co., real estate, inEvanston.WILLIAM I. BOUDRO, '33, a teacher atNathan Hale Elementary School in Chicago, is also attending the U of C Graduate School of Business evenings for hisMBA degree.VIOLETTE L. BURSTATTE, '33, ofBelvidere, 111., is a teacher and librarianin District 89 Maywood. This summershe took a four-week trip to the westernMediterranean Italy, France, Monaco,Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, Morocco. During the summer of 1961 she visited Hawaii and the Orient. Miss Burstatte "keepsbusy" with the Geographical Society ofChicago, Photographers' Assembly, Proviso Township Teachers' Credit Union(director), A.A.U.W., Community Concerts (worker), P.T.A., Wesleyan ServiceGuild, and First Methodist BowlingLeague.MICHAEL FERENCE, JR., '33, SM'34,PhD'37, has been named vice president-research of Ford Motor Co., Dearborn,Mich. In his new post he will have responsibility for the company's basic, applied and product research activities. Mr.Ference was formerly vice president-scientific research, and previously executive director, director and associate director of Ford's Scientific Laboratory. Following his graduation from the U of Che taught at the University for 10 yearsand organized the laboratories for hydrodynamics and upper atmosphere research.JANIS VAN CLEEF GREENBERG, '33,has lived in Los Angeles, Calif, for 24years and has been active in cultural andcommunity affairs, holding office in many.Her husband is a practicing attorney. DAVID B. ESKIND, '34, has been promoted to chief of the radio section, TroopInformation Support Unit, Departmentof the Army in Washington, D.C. He isalso producer-writer of the Army Hourradio program heard on some 1100 stationsin the states, and 125 Armed Forces radiostations overseas. The program has wonnine consecutive Freedoms FoundationAwards.CHARLES B. BAKER, '36, JD'38, president of Universal Atlas Cement Division,U.S. Steel Corp., New York, has beenelected chairman of the board of directors of the Portland Cement Assn. Hehas been a member of the Association'sboard of directors since 1954. The Portland Cement Assn. is a national organization to improve and extend the uses ofPortland cement and concrete, and issupported by more than 75 companies inthe U.S. and Canada. Mr. Baker joinedUniversal Atlas in 1942 and after servingin a number of executive capacities, wasappointed executive vice president in1953 and president in 1954.RUTH M. ALLISON, '37, of Chicago, isemployed with Marshall Field and Co.department store and does all the foreignbuying of intimate apparel such as lingerie and lounging wear. This work takesher to Europe twice a year. In OctoberMiss Allison went to the island of Madeira off the coast of Africa, and thenon to Europe.NEWMAN M. BILLER, '37, of NewYork, N.Y., has been appointed executivedirector of the Hebrew Home for theAged, Boston, Mass. For almost 20years he was executive director of theHome for Aged and Infirm Hebrews ofNew York, regarded as one of the outstanding institutions of its type in thecountry. Mr. Biller was most recentlyexecutive director of the Jewish ChronicDisease Hospital in Brooklyn. He studiedhospital administration on a Julius Rosen-wald Fellowship at the U of C.SHIRLEY W. BRYAN, '37, is a teacherat Lew Wallace High School, Gary, Ind.,and a lieutenant in the U.S. Naval Reserve.OLIVER H. LOWRY, PhD'37, MD'37,head of the department of pharmacologyat Washington University School ofMedicine, (St. Louis, Mo.) has won theMidwest Award of the American Chemical Society's St. Louis section. Theaward, an inscribed gold medallion, isconferred annually upon a Midwest scientist "for meritorious contributions tothe advancement of pure or appliedchemistry or chemical research." Dr.Lowry was honored for his studies ofnerve cell chemistry, for his excellenceas a teacher, and for his ability to inspireyounger faculty members. The awardwas made on November 3.C. HERMAN PRITCHETT, PhD'37,chairman of the U of C political sciencedepartment, has been named president-24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDUCKER '30elect of the American Political ScienceAssn.WALDEMAR A. SOLF, JD'37, staffjudge advocate with the U.N. Command,U.S. Forces Korea, says, "The exigenciesof the service provide the opportunity toestablish a small but temporary chapterof the Alumni Association in Seoul, Korea, consisting of the three regular armyjudge advocates who are graduates ofthe U of C Law School." Also in Seoulare ROBERT E. MILLER, JD'52, deputy staff judge advocate with the U.N.Command, U.S. Forces Korea, and ROBERT M. MUMMEY, JD'51, staff judgeadvocate, 7th logistical command. Mr.Solf requested names and addresses ofU of C alumni in Korea, and he is goingto attempt to generate some activity,"perhaps enough to rival that of thevery active Harvard Club [in Seoul] ." Mr.Miller completed the Army Commandand General Staff College course thisspring before going to Korea. Previouslyhe had been staff judge advocate of the1st Infantry Division and chief of themilitary justice division opinions branchin the Office of the Judge AdvocateGeneral. In 1957-58 he attended theCareer Officers Course at the Judge Advocate General's School at the Universityof Virginia where he graduated at thehead of his class, "upholding the honorof the U of C." At that time, Mr. Solfwas director of the academic departmentof the school. Mr. Mummey arrived inKorea in June after five years in theJudge Advocate General's School atCharlottesville, Va. Currently he is command exercises general courts-martialjurisdiction over nearly all of South Korea, so he is often out of town visitingPusan, Taegu or Inchon.BEATRICE MILLER ALPERT, '38, andher family are back living in Chicagonow after being in California and NewJersey for a total of 17 years. She andher husband have three children.WILLIAM KARUSH, '38, SM'39, PhD KARUSH '38'42, has been named "principal scientist"at System Development Corp., SantaMonica, Calif., under a new professionalclassification program. Mr. Karush is oneof three scientists in the corporation selected for the principal scientist post inrecognition of "distinguished contributions to science and technology." In thiscapacity he will serve as senior consultantin studies involving advanced scientificconcepts and principles.ELEANOR WRIGHT KEMPF, '38, AM'58, of Chicago, is a caseworker at theVirginia Frank Child Development Center of the Jewish Family and CommunityService.JERRY J. KOLLROS, '38, PhD'42, isserving on the Cell Biology Study Section of the National Institutes of Health(1960-64). Mr. Kollros, professor andchairman of zoology at the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, is former treasurer of the American Society of Zoologists(1959-62). Mrs. Kollros (CATHARINELUTHERMAN, '38, PhD'44) is localpresident of the American Association ofUniversity Women and active on theSchool Study Council in Iowa City.BEN MOSS, '38, a free-lance court reporter in Las Vegas, Nev., is one of avery few court reporters in the West whostill use pen and ink to take down courtproceedings, according to an article inthe Nevada State Journal. Mr. Moss,speeding along at rates sometimes inexcess of 200 words a minute with hisshort dip pen, is in sharp contrast tomost area reporters who use machineshorthand. He uses the Munson-Pitmanmethod of shorthand which he says isthe fastest and oldest method. Mr. Mosswas once a practicing attorney in Chicago, but to avoid the high pressures ofthe law field, he turned to court reporting and the "slower pace" of life inNevada.JOHN P. NETHERTON, '38, AM'39,PhD'52, associate professor of Spanish FERENCE '33and former dean of students at the U ofC, is currently on leave to serve with theDepartment of State in Washington, D.C.He is director of the U.S. Office, Bureauof Educational and Cultural Affairs, andcalls the work "demanding and fascinating."GRAHAM S. NEWELL, '38, AM'49,Republican state senator, of St. Johns-bury, Vt., was named to the AdvisoryCommission on Intergovernmental Relations by President Kennedy in August.The Commission, established in 1959 togive continuing study to relationshipsamong local, state and national levels ofgovernment, has 26 members. Mr. Newell is also associate professor of historyat Lyndon State College, and chairmanof the Commission on Interstate Cooperation. He is chairman of the VermontSenate's Committee on Education, andclerk of the Senate Judiciary Committee.U0-U3JACK J. CARLSON, '40, vice presidentof Kaiser Steel Corp., has been given anew management assignment with theCorporation. Mr. Carlson, who has beenin charge of the company's fabricatingdivision plant at Montebello, Calif., forthe past seven years, has assumed thenewly created office of vice president,executive division at the Kaiser headquarters in Oakland, Calif. He will havemanagement responsibilities in connection with development of the company'sproducts and manufacturing facilities.NATHAN COOPER, AM'40, has beenpromoted to associate professor at LosAngeles State College where he teachessocial work in the department of anthropology and sociology. He also hasa full-time practice in Beverly Hills. InJanuary he is scheduled to present aFEBRUARY, 1963 25paper at the International AmericanGroup Psychotherapy Assn., in Washington, D.C. It is on "Structure and Processof the Treatment of Two Male Homosexuals in Group Psychotherapy."THOMAS H. HAMILTON, AM'40, PhD'47, formerly president of the State University of New York, Albany, becamepresident of the University of Hawaiion January 1. Mr. Hamilton's wife isVIRGINIA PRINDIVILLE, '38.FRANCES ENGELMANN KNOCK, '40,PhD'43, described the development of atechnique for "fingerprinting" cancers-offering promise of improved drug treatmentat the National Meeting of theAmerican Chemical Society held this fall.Dr. Knock, who is assistant attendingsurgeon at Presbyterian-St. Luke's Hospital in Chicago, reported that cancers,even of the same type, often differ fromperson to person because of individualvariations among cancer patients in thechemical makeup of their tumor cells-somewhat like fingerprints differ fromperson to person. These differences arediscernible by chemical tests on bits oftissue taken from the tumor, and thetreatment of cancer should be guided bysuch tests, she contends. Dr. Knock andher husband, THEODORE E. KNOCK,AM'41, live in Glenview, 111.r A. REHNQUIST CO SidewalksFactory FloorsMachine\^w Foundationsv Concrete Breakingat up NOrmal 7-0433We operate our own dry cleaning plant1309 East 57th St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.Midway 3 0602 NOrmal 7-98581553 E. Hyde Park Blvd. FAirfax 4-57591442 E. 57th Midway 3-0607GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186MODEL CAMERA SHOPLeica - Bolex - Rolleiflex - Polaroid1342 E. 55th St. HYde Park 3-9259NSA Discounts24-hour Kodachrome DevelopingHO Trains and Model Supplies ROBERT E. FITZGERALD, '41, MD'43,of Vancouver, Wash., was among the 25winners of the 1962 Sports IllustratedSilver Anniversary All-America Award.Fifty-nine colleges and universities nominated candidates from their senior varsity football squads of the 1937 seasonfor the award. Winners were chosen onthe basis of their success in the intervening 25 years. Dr. Fitzgerald wasnominated by the U of C where he wonthree letters in football and captainedthe 1937 team. He is a physician andsurgeon in Vancouver specializing inurology and genito-urinary surgery. Dr.Fitzgerald was particularly commendedin the University's recommendation for a"creative response to misfortune" in hisfamily. When his youngest daughter,now 13, became blind from cancer asan infant, Dr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald decided that this disability would notshadow her life or that of the family.The citation adds, "The daughter [Catherine] has been reared with such encouragement and skill that she skis withthe family and swims competitively inthe breaststroke and free-style with theHudson Bay Swim Club, an A.A.U. sanctioned team. She also is an accomplishedmusician." Dr. Fitzgerald is on the boardof directors of the Blind Youth TrustFund, Inc., and was named volunteer ofthe year in 1956 for the WashingtonState School for the Blind. He has heldthe presidencies of the Oregon UrologicalSociety, the Clark County Medical Society, and the Clark County PhysiciansService. He assisted in planning two newlocal hospitals as a member of the JointAdvisory Committee of the Clark CountyMedical Society, and served for threeyears as visiting lecturer in urology atthe University of Oregon Medical School.JOSHUA Z. HOLLAND, '41, is a lieutenant colonel with the U.S. Air ForceAir Weather Service.HERBERT K. LIVINGSTON, PhD'41,of Wilmington, Del., has been nameddirector of pioneering research in theelectrochemicals department of Du Pont& Company. He was formerly assistantresearch director there. Mr. Livingstonhas held a variety of research positionsin his 21 years with Du Pont, includingthe directorship of the Organic ChemicalsResearch Laboratory near Wilmington.ROBERT D. ELLIOTT, '42, of Alexandria, Va., has assumed duties as a supervisory business analyst of the fiscal review division for the U.S. Agency forInternational Development in Washington, D.C. For the past four years, andfrom 1952-56, Mr. Elliott was a businesseconomist with the antitrust division ofthe U.S. Department of Justice. Duringthe two year interval, he served as senioranalyst of the special projects office forthe U.S. Department of Navy.DOROTHY GREENE JOHNSON, '42,PhD'56, is a lecturer in the U of C College teaching History 131. Her husbandis PAUL JOHNSON, PhD'54. GEORGIA DISCH BARNETT, '43, ofBerea, Ohio, teaches high school mathematics and general science.WERNER A. BAUM, '43, SM'44, PhD'48, recently received the Special Awardof the American Meteorological Societyfor outstanding service as editor of theJournal of Meteorology from 1949 to1957 and subsequently as editor-in-chiefof periodicals of the Society until 1961.Mr. Baum is professor of meteorologyand dean of faculties at Florida StateUniversity, Tallahassee, Fla.IRVING T. DIAMOND, '43, PhD'53,professor of psychology at Duke University, Durham, N.C, announces the birthof a son, Mathew, on October 17.MARGARET ZIMMER FISER, '43, andher husband have moved to the Albanyarea where Mr. Fiser is a professor atAlbany State University of New York.They had formerly been at SyracuseUniversity since 1951. Mrs. Fiser is continuing work toward her Master's degreein elementary education at Syracuse.CHARLES FOLLO, AM'43, of Esca-naba, Mich., served as one of 144 delegates to the Michigan ConstitutionalConvention in Lansing for seven and ahalf months, from October 1961 to May,1962.KINERETH DUSHKIN GENSLER, '43,of Belmont, Mass., and her husband areco-authors of a book, Writing Guide forChemists, which was published in 1961by McGraw-Hill. Mr. Gensler is a professor of organic chemistry at BostonUniversity.JEAN ROSENBAUM GOLDSMITH, '43,of Highland Park, 111., is currently backin school at the National College of Education, Evanston, 111., fulfilling requirements for an elementary teaching certificate. She expects to teach in the nearfuture.LOIS COME GRAFF, '43, returned toschool at the U of C last year and is nowa substitute teacher in science in ChicagoPublic high schools. Pier husband,HIRSCH, '39, is part-owner of S and RMetal Co., broker for non-ferrous metals.ROBERT R. HENTZ, '43, is a seniorresearch chemist with Socony Mobil OilCo. in Pennington, N.J.EDWARD N. HORNER, '43, MD'45, apracticing physician in Pasadena, Calif.,is also assistant professor of obstetricsand gynecology at Loma Linda University, and clinical director of PasadenaPlanned Parenthood Clinic. His wife,ALTHEA GREENWALD, '52, is a PhDcandidate in clinical psychology at theUniversity of Southern California. TheHomers have four children and live inSan Marino, Calif.SALLY ADAMS HUFFAKER, '43, ofLake Forest, 111., has a part time job asdirector of public relations for the Ferry26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHall School in Lake Forest. She hasthree children.CHARLES D. STEIN, '43, JD'48, is apartner in Gottlieb and Schwartz lawfirm in Chicago.J>6-51JACK D. MCCARTHY, '46, MD'51, isnow associated with the department ofsurgery at Lovelace Clinic, Albuquerque,N.M. He is also director of clinical research with the Lovelace Foundation,and a recipient of a National Institute ofHealth grant to study mammary cancer.ORVIN T. RICHARDSON, PhD'46, isprofessor of education and associate director of the Graduate Institute of Education at Washington University, St.Louis, Mo.RAYMOND C. SANGSTER, '46, '47, ofTexas Instruments Inc., Dallas, Texas,was general chairman of the AmericanChemical Society's three-day southwestern regional meeting held in Dallas inDecember. Mr. Sangster is director ofthe semiconductor exploration laboratorywith Texas Instruments. He joined thecompany in 1954.JOSEPH S. WALL, '46, SM'49, a chemistat the U.S. Department of Agriculture'sNorthern Utilization Laboratory, Peoria,111., presented a paper at the NationalMeeting of the American Chemical Society in September. His subject was thefundamental aspects of proteins in cerealgrains.RUTH THOMAS WEINARD, AM'46,of Urbana, 111., is a member of the University YMCA Corporation Board, andon the membership committee of thenewly-organized Champaign-Urbanachapter of the American Association forUnited Nations.ARTHUR B. COLEY, '47, has beennamed manager of B. F. Goodrich Company's Columbus, Ohio, sales servicewarehouse. He was formerly sales service manager of the company's St. Louiswarehouse. Mr. Coley joined B. F. Goodrich in 1948.JAMES H. EVANS, JD'48, formerly withthe Reuben H. Donnelley Corp., is now avice president with Dun & Bradstreet,Inc., New York.WILLIAM S. GRAY, '48, MBA'50, ofElmhurst, 111., is currently president ofthe Citizens of Greater Chicago, Chicago'scivic education coordination organization.Mr. Gray is assistant vice president ofHarris Trust and Savings Bank in Chicago.PAUL M. GRISSOM, '48, MD'52, a major in the U.S. Air Force, is psychiatrist atthe Air Force Hospital, Sheppard AFB,Texas. Mr. Grissom has remarried sincethe death of ELIZABETH JULSTROMFEBRUARY, 1963 GRISSOM, '47, '49 (in October, 1957),and has two additional children, nowmaking a total of five.JOE S. HAM, '48, SM'51, PhD'54, hasreturned to A and M College of Texas asassociate professor of physics. Last yearhe worked in the Scientific Laboratory ofFord Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.KATHRYN STOVER HATCH, '48, livesin Pasadena, Calif., where her husbandClifford is an architect. They have threechildren.STANTON HERZOG, '48, MBA'51, is apartner in M. H. Daskal & Co., CertifiedPublic Accountants in Chicago. He is amember of the board of directors and alsofinancial secretary of the Deerfield (111.)B'nai B'rith Lodge, and a member of theAmerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants.GRETA GOLDBERG HIRSCH, '48, ofChicago, is very active as a book dramatist, appearing under the name GretaWiley before clubs all over the Midwest.Mrs. Hirsch has had her own daily television show and is on the speaker's bureauof the Adult Education Council.JOHN A. HOLSEN, '48, AM'52, and hiswife MIRIAM, '48, with their five children are now living in Madrid, Spain. Mr.Holsen is a program officer with theAgency for International Development ofthe U.S. Department of State. He is alsocontinuing work on his PhD thesis. Mrs.Holsen is teaching English at a Spanishschool in Madrid. Urban renewal tooktheir old house in Hyde Park during 1961,so they are now "homeless foreign servicepersonnel."JOEL D. HONIGBERG, '48, of Highland Park, 111., is president of J. D. Marshall International, Inc., Chicago, an exporting company. In July, U. S. Secretaryof Commerce Luther Hodges presentedto the company, President Kennedy's "E-for-Export" award for achievement andleadership in the U.S. export sales effort.JOHN C. HUFFER, '48, MD'52, is practicing medicine, specializing in urology, atCastro Valley, Calif.SAMUEL P. HUNTINGTON, AM'48,has rejoined the faculty of Harvard University as professor of government. Forthe past three years he has been associate professor and associate director of theInstitute of War and Peace Studies atColumbia University. Mr. Huntington isdevoting the current academic year to research and will resume his teaching atHarvard in 1963. His books include:Changing Patterns of Military Politics(1962), The Common Defense: StrategicPrograms in National Politics ( 1961 ) .ROBERT KILPATRICK, JD'48, an attorney in Long Beach, Calif., is currentlyworking on the claims of the SouthernCalifornia Mission Indians against theU.S. government. The Indians still hope VAGABOND RANCHGranby, Colorado. 17th season. Constructive, adventuresome summer program forboys 12-17 combines ranch life with western travel. Riding, pack trips, geology,climbing school, skiing, fishing, riflery,work program. Trips Southwest, Sierras,Can. Rockies. 65 boys. Station wagons fromConn, to Ranch in June. Veteran staff, R.N.Separate western travel program for girls14-18, 5th season. For folder and '63 programs, write: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pavek,Rumsey Hall School, Washington, Conn.UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1354 East 55th StreetMemberFederal Deposit Insurance CorporationMUseura 4-1200POND LETTER SERVICE, Inc.Everything in LettersHooven Typewriting MimeographingMultigraphing< AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones: 219 W. Chicago Ave.Ml 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisBOYD & GOULDSINCE 1888HYDE PARK AWNING CO . INC.SINCE 1896NOW UNDER ONE MANAGEMENTAwnings and Canopies for All Purposes9305 South Western Phone: 239-1511Since 7878HANNIBAL, INC.Furniture RepairingUpholstering RefinishingAntiques Restored1919 N. Sheffield Ave. LI 9-7180RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. MOnroe 6-3192BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24 HOUR SERVICELicensed Bonded InsuredQualified WeldersSubmerged Water HeatersHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave., Chicago27CARLSON '40to be reimbursed for their lands takenaway many years ago. Mrs. Kilpatrick(PATRICIA MURPHY, '48), is involvedin the "activities of a suburban frau."The Kilpatricks, who have five children,live at this picturesque address: 3360Empty Saddle Lane, Palos Verdes Peninsula, Calif.EDWIN A. KITCH, MBA'48, has beenappointed manager of catalog market research and circulation by General Merchandise Co., Milwaukee catalog subsidiary of the J. C. Penney Co. Before joining General Merchandise, Mr. Kitch hadserved since 1958 as director of marketing research at Lamarge Mailing ServiceCo., Chicago. The major portion of hisprofessional career has been spent withAldens, Inc., Chicago, from 1939 to 1958.Mr. Kitch and his family reside in RiverForest, 111.ALEXANDER FARKAS, '49, is presidentand general manager of Alexander's Department Stores, Inc., a chain of fivestores in the New York City metropolitanarea. Alexander's specializes in low-margin, high-turnover promotional selling. In1959 when Mr. Farkas assumed his present position, he originated a trend towardfashion and high-priced merchandisingand expanded the stores' advertising. Thecompany (a family business) plans tohave five or six more stores in operationor development by the end of 1963. Mr.Farkas started at Alexander's as head ofstock in the women's coat department 11years ago and subsequently worked inevery area of the store. According to anarticle in the New York Times giving thisinformation about Mr. Farkas, he creditsthe U of C with teaching him "how tothink independently."TYLER HAYNES, '49, '53, AM'61, ofSilver Spring, Md., recently accepted aposition with the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University. He isassociate mathematician working in thefield of operational analysis in naval tactics and weaponry. WALL '46DAN KLETNICK, AM'49, of Park Forest, 111., is sponsor of the Drama Clubat Fenger High School in Chicago. Hehas appeared in productions of ThornCreek Theatre and Park Forest Playhouse.LINDELL SAWYERS, '49, '54, AM'58,of Ardmore, Pa., is secretary in the adultprogram of the Board of Christian Education, United Presbyterian Church in theU.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Sawyers recently announced the arrival of their adopteddaughter, Rebecca Shea, born on March18, 1962.HENRY SELIG, '49, SM'50, an associatechemist at Argonne National Laboratory,Argonne, 111., has been awarded a fellowship by the Israel Atomic Energy Commission. He will undertake research influorine chemistry at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and assist in setting upa new laboratory there. Mr. Selig livesin Chicago.ROBERT KAUF, AM'50, PhD'55, is associate professor of foreign languages atthe University of Illinois, Chicago.RONALD L. MARTIN, SM'50, PhD'52,has been appointed associate director ofthe particle accelerator division at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, 111.Previously he was associated with theTechnical Research Group, Inc., Syosset,Long Island, where he served as assistanthead of the Laser Department.HILLEL A. SCHILLER, AM'50, has become merchandising coordinator for Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., publishers, in NewYork. He is in charge of publicity, advertising and trade sales promotion. Praegerhas the largest list of titles in internationalaffairs of any publishing house.PAUL K. STAHNKE, AM'50, secondsecretary of the American Embassy inTokyo, Japan, served as the U of C delegate to the 80th anniversary celebrationof Waseda University in Japan duringOctober. NAWOJ '56CHARLES GILVARG, PhD'51, will behonored for his work on the chemistry ofliving cells when he receives the 1963Paul-Lewis Laboratories Award in Enzyme Chemistry at the National Meetingof the American Chemical Society thisyear. Mr. Gilvarg is associate professor ofbiochemistry at New York University anda consultant to the U.S. Public HealthService.DONALD JENKINS, '51, curatorial assistant at the Portland Art Museum, isteaching an evening class at the MuseumArt School this fall on "UnderstandingArt." The course was originally preparedby the museum staff for the PortlandPublic Schools and is based on 18 slide-tape programs. Mr. Jenkins, who will alsoteach a course on introduction to art history in the museum's day school, has beenon the museum staff in Portland, Ore., forfive years. He previously taught at theUniversity of Puerto Rico and traveledextensively in Europe.NORMAN B. JOHNSTON, AM'51, hasbeen appointed associate professor ofsociology and head of the sociology department at Beaver College, Glenside,Pa. Mr. Johnston is an authority on prisonarchitecture and serves as consultant tothe Department of Institutions and Agencies, State of New Jersey. He is a member of the American Correctional Assn.,the American Sociological Assn., theCouncil on Crime and Delinquency, andthe International Society of Criminology(Paris).WILLIAM SMALL, AM'51, formerlynews director of WHAS radio and television station in Louisville, Ky., has become administrative executive with theColumbia Broadcasting System's news department. He has been stationed in theCBS news bureau in Washington sinceSeptember. During Mr. Small's tenure atWHAS the station received numerouscitations for radio and television newscoverage: the distinguished achievementaward from the Radio-TV News Direc-28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtors Assn.* in 1956; that organizationsaward for outstanding news operation in1957; the TV-Radio Mirror award forbest news program of 1959-60; and everymajor first-place category award in bothradio and television from the AssociatedPress-University of Kentucky awards program.52-56HAROLD E. BOYSAW, AM'52, is director of the Rockwell Gardens Demonstration Project, Cook County Welfare Department, in Chicago.THOMAS P. BRADY, MBA'52, agencymanager of the Equitable Life AssuranceSociety, New York, received a diploma inagency management from the AmericanCollege of Life Underwriters in September. The College awards the diploma tocandidates in life and health insurancewho pass a series of professional examinations and meet its experience and ethicalrequirements.JUNE ROEDIGER CHAPIN, '52, AM'54,and her husband, NED, MBA'49, ofMenlo Park, Calif., announce the birth ofa daughter, Suzanne, on July 18. Mrs.Chapin, working toward her EdD degreefrom Stanford University, is currentlywriting a thesis on "Repetition and Differentiation of Content in U.S. HistoryTextbooks/'JAMES R. FLYNN, '52, AM'55, PhD'58,has been appointed an assistant professorin the new department of government atLake Forest College, Lake Forest, 111. Hewas formerly a member of the politicalscience faculty at Wisconsin State College in Whitewater, Wise. During 1960-61, Mr. Flynn served as a member of thestate executive committee of the Wisconsin Socialist Party and earlier he servedas chairman of the Congress of RacialEquality at Richmond, Ky. He is alsocorresponding editor of New UniversityThought, which recently published his"Case of County Seat," an account ofthe struggle for integration in a ruralSouthern town.GOLDIE LIPSHUTZ FRIDUSS, '52,AM'54, and her husband live in Dolton,111., where Mr. Friduss is a dentist. Theyhave two sons. Mrs. Friduss enjoyed theclass of 1952 reunion and is looking forward to the 1954 reunion also.STEPHEN C. HELIS, MBA'52, has beenelected an assistant comptroller of Standard Oil Company (Indiana). Mr. Helisjoined the company at Chicago in 1947and has been chief accountant in the consolidating accounting division of thecomptroller's department since 1961.PAUL KRUGER, SM'52, PhD'54, hasjoined the faculty of Stanford Universityin California. Mr. Kruger, who is a radio- chemist, will introduce radioactivity testing techniques into the civil engineeringcurriculum and carry on nuclear researchinvolving fallout, water quality, disposalof radioactive wastes, and other aspects ofradiation safety. Recently he has beenmanager of the Nuclear Products Divisionof the Hazleton-Nuclear Science Corp.,in Palo Alto, Calif.ROSS F. FIRESTONE, '53, '56, is associate scientist with Armour ResearchFoundation in Chicago. His second child,John Francis, was born February 15.LEWIS R. GINSBERG, '53, JD'56, ofPark Forest, 111., has been in the practiceof law with Kahn, Adsit & Arnstein inChicago for three years. He and his wifehave two children.JOSEPH HEIKOFF, AM'53, PhD'59, ofthe University of Illinois department ofcity planning and landscape architecturehas been named director of the U. of I.Bureau of Community Planning. TheBureau has recently been made a separate unit of the College of Fine and Applied Arts. Mr. Heikoff has been at theUniversity since 1959 and has served asassociate director of the Bureau since1960. From 1956-59, prior to joining theUniversity, he was executive director ofthe City Planning Commission of Syracuse, N.Y. From 1949 through 1956 heserved in various capacities in PuertoRico, both with the University of PuertoRico and with the federal government.MARTIN W. JOSEPH, MBA'53, hasbeen named reliability manager for theindustrial group at Elgin National WatchCo., Elgin, 111. Mr. Joseph was formerlyreliability manager of International Telephone and Telegraph and previously, senior reliability engineer for Hughes Aircraft.DAVID L. MOHR, '53, MBA'55, JD'60,is estate tax examiner with the InternalRevenue Service in Chicago. His wife isELAINE GOLDMAN, '50, JD'54, andthey have two children.JAMES O'BRYANT, JR., '53, '54, JD'56,who has a law practice in Chicago (166W. Washington) says he's a "strugglingattorney, still waiting for that one bigcase; greatest lawyer in the Loop, but stillundiscovered by the public." Mr. O'Bryantis married and has two daughters.BURNETT H. RADOSH, '53, and hiswife KATHERINE KOENIG, '58, havebeen living in France for a year whereMr. Radosh is stationed with the U.S.Army. He was recently promoted to captain and transferred from Bordeaux toPoitiers. Their second child, Jeremy Lee,was born on July 18.JOHN T. RALPH, MBA'53, has been appointed executive assistant to the president of United-Carr Fastener Corp. Hewas previously product planning managerwith the company's Clinch Manufacturing Co. division in Chicago. Prior to thathe was director of product design ancl development for Warwick Manufacturing Corp., Niles, 111. Mr. Ralph will be livingin Needham, Mass.ALEX SHANE, '53, AM'55, is writing aPhD dissertation on Russian literature atthe University of California, Berkeley.During the past two summers he has beenan instructor of Russian at the NDEALanguage Institute at Dartmouth College.In September he drove from Montreal toVancouver, via the Trans-Canada Highway and spent a week at the SeattleWorld's Fair. Mr. Shane is married andhas one daughter.LESLIE P. SORENSEN, MBA'53, is nowemployed with the inspection and quality control division of Defense SubsistenceSupply Agency in Chicago. He is a statistician (engineering), project officer formechanization, and chief of the operations analysis section.ANNA L. TREUDE, AM'53, is assistantprofessor of medical-surgical nursing atHumboldt State College, Areata, Calif.,for the current academic year. She livesin Eureka, Calif.JOSEPH A. VAN CAMPEN, '53, AM'55,was promoted in July to assistant professor at Harvard University. Mr. VanCampen, who has studied at the University of Munich and the University ofLeiden in Holland, is a specialist in thelinguistics and literatures of Russia andBulgaria.SPECIAL OFFERTO ALUMNI OFCHICAGOGOING TO EUROPE ANDPLANNING TO LEASE OR BUYA CARIN EUROPE Peugeot Mercedes Renault VWAND ALL OTHER MAKESSpecial Savings to the alumni groupin addition to substantial savings onimport duty and excise taxes.Write Ed Sloane for details and Brochure CMThis offer is madeon the exclusive responsibility ofCAR-TOURS in Europe2 EAST 46th STREET, N.Y. 17, N.Y.PLaza 1-3550 (212 PL 1-3550)FEBRUARY, 1963 29DONALD C. MOYER, PhD'54, is president of Eastern New Mexico Universityin Portales, N.M. During 1954-57 he wasdirector of student recruitment at the U ofC, and following that was assistant tothe executive secretary and then executive secretary of the New Mexico Boardof Educational Finance. He assumed hisresponsibilities at Eastern New Mexicoin July, 1960.MARK NUGENT, '54, '56, of St. Louis,Mo., has joined the analytical laboratoryat the Carondolet, Mo., plant of MonsantoChemical Company's inorganic chemicalsdivision. He was formerly employed withthe University of Colorado MedicalSchool, Denver, Col.CLYDE KENNARD, '55, of Hattiesburg,Miss., is currently serving his second yearof a seven-year term at Parchman Penitentiary in Mississippi. He was convictedin 1960 of being an accessory to a $25theft of five sacks of chicken feed. Mr.Kennard had been trying to enroll at theUniversity of Southern Mississippi. TheReporter of November 8, 1962, featuredMr. Kennard's story as follows in an article "One Mississippi Negro Who Didn'tGo To College," by Ronald A. Hollander.Mr. Kennard spent three years attendingthe U of C after serving in the paratroopsin Germany and Korea. In 1955 with oneyear of college remaining, he was forcedto return home to Hattiesburg to supporthis mother and disabled father on theirsmall farm, a 15-minute drive away fromthe University of Southern Mississippi.For a period of three years, Mr. Kennardapplied several times to Mississippi Southern for admission, but each time was refused or put off. According to The Reporter, "After the 1959 application wasrejected Governor Coleman is reported tohave said that Tf Clyde did reapply,there'd be no way of holding him outbecause his record was sufficient. There'dbe no alternative but to close the college.' "But in the state of Mississippi no one convicted of a felony may enroll in any stateinstitution. On January 23, Irv Kupcinetreported in his column in the ChicagoSun-Times that Mrs. Sarah Tarpley ofChicago, Mr. Kennard's sister, was visiting him in prison because he was seriouslyill.C. VIRGIL MARTIN, MBA'55, and JANEWARNER DICK, '58, received civicawards in October from Loyola University (Chicago) at the school's Founders'Day program. Mr. Martin is presidentof Carson Pirie Scott & Co. in Chicago,and Mrs. Dick of Lake Forest, 111., isU.S. representative to the Social Commission of the Economics and SocialCouncil of the United Nations.ROBERT L. PHILIPSON, '55, MBA'57,opened Technical Personnel Consultants,Inc., a specialized employment servicefor the electronics industry, in August.Mr. Philipson lives in West Hyattsville,Md. GARY D. FRIEDMAN, '56, MD'59, ofCleveland, Ohio, has been appointedresearch fellow in preventive medicineat the Harvard University MedicalSchool.ERIK A.R. HALDANE, '56, AM'60, hasjoined the Research Analysis Corp., ofBethesda, Md., as an operations analyst. He was previously a staff memberat the U of C's Laboratories for AppliedSciences, where he was concerned withprojections of the economic potential ofmajor industrial nations. He has heldthree major fellowships: Fulbright, 1953-54; Committee on Social Thought, 1957-59; Ford Foundation, 1959-60.MAURICE S. MANDEL, '56, '57, andhis wife, CAROLYN KIBLINGER, '59,of Port Washington, N.Y., announce thebirth of a son, David Benjamin, born onNovember 20.EDWARD J. NAWOJ, MBA'56, vicepresident of Baxter Laboratories, Inc.,Morton Grove, 111., is celebrating his 25thanniversary with the firm. In his 25years with Baxter, Mr. Nawoj has servedas control chemist, chief chemist, plantsuperintendent, general superintendentand director of manufacturing. He alsocurrently serves as president and generalmanager of Baxter Laboratories of Canada, Ltd.57-60ROBERT A. COLE, MD'57, of ShermanOaks, Calif., is engaged in private practice in Pasadena and during his 'sparetime,' continuing research in cellularbiology.E.U. ESSIEN-UDOM, AM'57, PhD'61,has been named an assistant professor atBrown University, Providence, R.I. Astudent of African politics and government, Mr. Essien-Udom will teach a newcourse at Brown entitled, "ContemporaryAfrica and Its Background." He is theauthor of Black Nationalism: A Searchfor Identity in America.PHILIP FIREMAN, MD'57, and OTTOTHILENIUS, PhD'62, have been namedresearch fellows in pediatrics at the Harvard University Medical School. They willbe associated with Children's HospitalMedical Center. Dr. Fireman is of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Dr. Thilenius is fromthe Chicago area.INA GABLER, AM'57, of Ventura,Calif., joined the faculty of Ventura College as instructor in political science andsociology in September.HOWARD GOLDFINE, PhD'57, hasbeen appointed instructor in bacteriology in the Harvard University MedicalSchool.GLEN R. HILST, PhD'57, is now vice-president and director of the environmental science department of the Travelers Research Center in Hartford, Conn.MARTIN B. LOEB, PhD'57, headed aSummer Experimental Elementary Schoolat the University of Wisconsin last summer. Mr. Loeb, who is on the educationstaff at the University, tried a variety ofeducational experiments in the school;boys and girls were taught separately;children of various ages were taught inone room; and both pupils and teacherswere observed for their reactions to newtechniques employed.ALISTER MacDONALD, MBA/57, hasjoined the Walker Manufacturing Co.,Racine, Wise, as industrial engineer.Before going to Walker, Mr. MacDonaldwas associated in an industrial engineering capacity with Hubbard & Kearneyand Sunbeam Corp., both of Chicago.COLETTE KOLETO MARGOLIN, '57,received her MA degree in August fromthe department of curriculum and teaching at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N.Y. She is nowteaching fourth grade at Public School87 in New York City.JAMES A. GOLDMAN, '58, receivedhis PhD in analytical chemistry fromNorthwestern University in August, andhas been appointed assistant professorin the department of chemistry of thePolytechnic Institute of Brooklyn in NewYork.RICHARD HELLIE, '58, AM'60, ofCambridge, Mass., was married in December, 1961, to JEAN LAVES, '58.Mr. Hellie, a PhD candidate in the U ofC history department, is currently a student at the Harvard Russian ResearchCenter in Cambridge.JOHN W. KALAS, '58, has joined thefaculty of Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, 111., as an instructor in the philosophyand religion departments. He was aninstructor in Queens College from 1960to 1962 and also served as an instructorat Columbia University during the pastyear.ROBERT J. LADECKY, '58, MBA'59,of Chicago, and his wife, announce thebirth of a daughter, Deborah Patricia, inJuly. Mr. Ladecky completed a tour ofduty with the U.S. Army in July aslieutenant in the finance corps. He isnow an accountant with Touche, Ross,Bailey & Smart, Certified Public Accountants.PETER F. LANGROCK, '58, JD'60,lawyer in Salisbury, Vt., has receivedboth the Republican and Democraticnominations in his bid for a second termas state's attorney of Addison County inVermont. Mr. Langrock recently bought30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEa home in Salisbury an old farm houseon 112 acres of land, with a trout stream.RICHARD E. MacCORMACK, MBA'58,captain in the U.S. Air Force, is beingreassigned to Vandenberg Air Force Base,Calif. He was recently named an honorgraduate of the U.S. Air Force missilelaunch officer course at Sheppard AirForce Base.ARMAND M. MATUSEN, '58, of Chicago, is a partner in Mason's Liquors,and is also attending DePaul Universitylaw program.HEZEKIAH M. OPENDA, SM'58, formerly a teacher, has taken a new post inAfrica as assistant secretary for the Ministry of Tourism, Forests and Wildlife inNairobi, Kenya. He and his wife announce the birth of a daughter, theirfourth child, recently. This news comesfrom WILLIAM C. ASHBY, '47, PhD'50,faculty member in the botany departmentat Southern Illinois University, Carbon-dale.ROBERT F. WATSON, MBA'58, a majorin the U.S. Air Force, has been appointedassistant professor and director of education for air science at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.SIDNEY K. WOLFSON, JR., MD'58, ofPhiladelphia, Pa., is currently a residentin surgery at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. This year he has a National Science Foundation Post DoctoralFellowship for research in hypothermia.Dr. Wolfson and his wife also announcethe birth of a son, Gregg Steven, on August 20.CARLOS DE FRANCISCO, '59, AM'61,has been named an instructor of Germanin the department of modern languagesat Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.MARY F. O'NEILL, AM'59, has beennamed assistant professor at the University of Kentucky College of Nursing,Lexington. She was formerly an instructor at the School of Nursing, LoyolaUniversity, Chicago.JACK R. HEGRENES, JR., AM'60, hasbeen appointed instructor of psychiatricsocial work in the department of psychiatry (child service) at the Universityof Oregon Medical School, Portland. Previously he was a casework supervisorwith the Clackamas County Public Welfare Commission, Oregon City.ROBERT L. UNDERBRINK, AM'60,has been named to the staff of PfeifferLibrary at MacMurray College, Jacksonville, 111., as circulation librarian, a position which holds the rank of instructor.Previously he has been order and reference librarian at the University of SouthFlorida, Tampa; assistant head of theacquisitions department and referencelibrarian at the State University of IowaLibraries in Iowa City; head of adultservices at the Cedar Rapids ( Iowa ) Public Library; and with the Bellwood (Illinois) Public Library. memorialsSAMUEL MacCLINTOCK, '96, PhD'08,died in Washington, D.C, on January 20at the age of 90. He was a member of thefirst full-fledged U of C College class to begraduated. Until recent years he lived atthe Quadrangle Club where the diningroom was always filled with old friends.He loved to "table hop" in the eveningsuntil the loss of hearing spoiled that pleasure. It was then that he moved to Washington to be near his daughter.HARRIET STONE, '96, SM'97, died inMarch, 1960.GEORGE AINSLIE, MD'97, of Portland,Ore., died on May 28.ELBERT A. HARVEN, '01, of Duxbury,Mass., died on August 10.GEORGE C. SELLERY, PhD'01, ofMadison, Wise, died on January 21, 1962.ANDREW GULLIXSON, MD'02, diedon July 1 at the Veterans Hospital inMinneapolis, Minn. He was 88.FRANCIS D. CAMPAU, '03, of GrandRapids, Mich., died on July 3, 1958.GEORGE B. MANGOLD, AM'03, ofNorthridge, Calif., has died.IRVING E. MILLER, AM'03, PhD'04,of Bellingham, Wash., died on October10 at the age of 93.MAURICE WALLBRUNN, JD'05, ofChicago, died on November 19. He waspresident and founder of the WallbrunnPaint Co. Mr. Wallbrunn, who was amember of the first graduating class ofthe U of C Law School, practiced law before entering the paint business.JAMES L. WEBSTER, '05, of Seattle,Wash., died on April 9, 1962. Mr. Webster was retired. He had been a Baptistminister in Wisconsin and later an applerancher in Washington. R i NTpgOffset Printing Imprinting AddressographingMultilithing Copy Preparation Automatic InsertingTypewriting Addressing Folding MailingCHICAGO ADDRESSING & PRINTING COMPANY720 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET WAbdSlI 2-4561yers utilityFrom a small one-color sheet to awork of thousands of pages, from afull color catalog to a giant display,here one can see the gamut ofprinting jobs. Diversity of productclearly indicates our versatility.Fine skills and varied talents of ourpeople are supported by a widerange of camera and plate equipment,offset presses of several typesfrom the smallest to the largestand a complete pamphlet binderyPhoto press¦¦i j j i^ «i jii.hu J!UCongress Expressway at Gardner RoadBROADVIEW, ILL. COIumbus 1-1420FEBRUARY, 1963 31CHARLES E. HORNE, PhD'07, died inSan Juan, Puerto Rico, on November 22.LYDIA M. OLSON, '07, of Marquette,Mich., died on November 13. She wasretired librarian of Northern MichiganCollege, a position she held from 1908until her retirement in 1941. The LydiaM. Olson Library on the Northern Michigan College campus was named for herand dedicated in 1951.WILLIS A. CHAMBERLIN, PhD'10, ofGranville, Ohio, died on November 13.HERMAN KUIPER, '10, of GrandRapids, Mich., died on January 13. Hewas professor emeritus at Calvin Seminary where he had taught dogmatics from1953 to 1958. He also held pastorates inRock Valley, la.; Chicago; Redlands,Calif.; and at the Oakdale Park ChristianReformed Church in Grand Rapids.FRANK WENDT, '10, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., died in August.JOHN R. PELSMA, PhM'll, of Pittsburg,Kan., died on October 7.HENRY I. WILSON, MD'll, SM'50, ofChicago, died at the age of 80 on January14. He was a physician on the South Sideof Chicago for more than 50 years; hehad practiced from offices in his home forthe last 35 years. He was a member ofthe Cook County Physicians Assn.A. H. HEIDNER, MD'13, of West Bend,Wise, died on September 17.HIRAM L. KENNICOTT, '13, of Glen-view, 111., died on December 6. Mr. Ken-nicott had been secretary of the principalcompanies in the Kemper InsuranceGroup in Chicago for many years. Healso served as president of the NationalAssociation of Mutual Insurance Companies. After his retirement in 1954 Mr.Kennicott continued as public relationsconsultant for the Kemper Companiesand as executive director of the James S.Kemper Foundation. While a student atthe U of C he was editor of the Maroon.Mr. Kennicott is survived by his wife,MARY ANN WHITELEY, '13.ELIZABETH SHERER MURRAY, '14,AM'15, of Highland Park, 111., died onJanuary 22. She was the wife of the lateHOWELL W. MURRAY, '14, a trustee ofthe U of C. He died in November, 1958.GRACE WARREN, '14, of Boulder,Colo., died on August 4. She lived at Fra-sier Meadows Manor there.RALPH D. KELLOGG, '15, of New York,died on November 29.JESSE F. STEINER, PhD'15, of Arlington, Wash., died on December 5. Mr.Steiner was former head of the sociologydepartment at the University of Washington. In 1948 following his retirement hewent to Tokyo, Japan, to organize a sociology department at the InternationalChristian University. He had also formerly taught at the U of C.GROVER C. WHIMSETT, '15, of SantaCruz, Calif., died on September 8. LILLIE H. SIEBENALER, '16, of May-wood, 111., died on December 11.MAURICE J. SILVER, MD'16, of Brook-line, Mass., died on March 26, 1962.VINCENT J. O'CONOR, MD'18, of Chicago, died on January 26. He was chairman of the department of urology at Wesley Memorial Hospital and professoremeritus of the department of urology atNorthwestern University. Dr. O'Conor,who had practiced in Chicago since 1918,was a former chief of staff at Wesley andwas head of Northwestern's urology department from 1947 to 1961.MILFORD DESENBERG, '19, of NewYork City has died.ALBERT H. KASCHMANN, '19, of Denver, Colo., died in August.ERNEST B. ZEISLER, '19, PhD'22,MD'27, of Chicago, died on December27. Dr. Zeisler practiced internal medicinein Chicago until retiring three years ago.He was on the Weiss Memorial Hospitalstaff and was associate professor of medicine at the University of Illinois Collegeof Medicine.ARVIL S. BARR, '20, died on May 12.HUGO SCHUESSLER, '20, of Evansville,Ind., died on October 1.CLIFFORD H. BRUSH, MD'21, ofShenandoah, la., died on August 24. Dr.Brush had practiced medicine there since1938.RUTH M. ELVIN, '21 , of Alexandria,Ind., died in 1961.ABRAHAM I. LOVE, '22, MD'24, physician and surgeon in Chicago for 37 years,died on January 16. Dr. Love was on thestaff of Lutheran Deaconess Hospital.JOHN J. MILFORD, AM'22, of Hunts-ville, Ala., died on July 11.TRUMAN S. POTTER, '22, MD'27, ofBranford, Conn., died on November 21.JOHN A. BIGLER, MD'23, former chiefof staff at Children's Memorial Hospital,Chicago, died on January 12. Dr. Biglerhas been given much of the credit for thedevelopment of Children's Memorial froma small clinical hospital to a widely-knownclinical, research and teaching center forpediatrics. He resigned from the staffwhen he retired in 1961 after servingthere 34 years, the last 13 as chief ofstaff. In 1961 he also resigned as professor and chairman of the pediatrics department at Northwestern UniversitySchool of Medicine. Dr. Bigler was a staffmember at Highland Park Hospital, LakeForest Hospital and a member of theexecutive committee at LaRabida Sanitarium. He was a member of the AmericanBoard of Pediatrics for six years and itspresident in 1961.MABEL E. PINGRY, '23, of Chicago,died on December 28. She had taught atCrane Technical High School for 25 yearsand was chairman of the English department there when she retired in 1950. MARY R. SCOTT, '24, of San Francisco,Calif., died on March 4.IDA M. TREGELLAS, '24, died on January 18. She was a retired elementaryschool principal.VIVIAN CLARK CARNEY, '26, of Wil-mette, 111., died on August 6.HERBERT G. GEBERT, SR., AM'26,professor of education at Thiel College,Greenville, Pa., died on December 11. Hewas in his forty-first year of service to theCollege and had served as registrar anddean as well as on the teaching staff.RALPH GOODALE, PhD'26, of Hiram,Ohio, died on June 25.GERTRUDE RAINS GARDINER, '27,of Anderson, Ind., died on November 16.She was a teacher and lecturer.HARRIETT KEENEY OSGOOD, '27, ofNew Haven, Conn., died on November30. Her husband is CORNELIUS OSGOOD, '27, PhD'30, professor of anthropology at Yale University.KURT E. HOHMAN, '29, MD'34, of FortLyon, Colo., died on November 16.EDNA A. THOREEN, '29, of McAllen,Texas, died on July 20.STANLEY H. WEAVER, '29, of Pittsburgh, Pa., died on October 14.ALBERT L. DRAKE, '30, died in August,1957, at Waterloo, la.CHAMBERS L. CRUTCHFIELD, '31, ofHonolulu, Hawaii, died on November 17.JOHN M. WAUGH, MD'32, of Rochester,Minn., died on August 12.ANDREW WELLEMEYER, '32, of Kansas City, Mo., died on November 19.JOHN J. MILROY, MD'35, of Lake Forest, 111., died January 28. Dr. Milroy, anorthopedic surgeon, was a member of thestaff of Lake Forest Hospital; CondellMemorial Hospital in Liberty ville, 111.;and Victory Memorial and St. ThereseHospitals in Waukegan, 111.MYOMA RUPP MEYERS, '38, of St.Louis, Mo., died on November 28.EDWARD F. ROBBINS, AM'39, whowas killed in 1951 while serving in theArmy, was honored in December atRoosevelt University. A memorial plaquewas placed in the room where Mr. Rob-bins had taught as assistant professor ofSpanish before being called into the Army.Marking the 11th anniversary of his death,Mr. Robbins' mother contributed to thescholarship fund of the University and tothe refurbishing of the classroom.MILANCIE HILL SIRICH, '39, ofChampaign, 111., died on August 3. In1942-44 she was editorial assistant on theJournal of Modern History. While at theU of C Mrs. Sirich was elected to PhiBeta Kappa.EDWARD J. VOLTAGGIO, '50, SM'52,of Chicago, died on October 19. He wasa mathematician with Continental CanCo.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEYesterday this school teacher bought several shares of GM stock, joining a family ofmore than a million shareholders. Like most GM shareholders she is not a large investor.More than seventy-five percent hold 100 shares or less and over eighty-five percent own200 or less. More than half of all individual owners of GM stock are women.General Motors shareholders have more than an investment in manufacturing plants,technical facilities and research centers. In a larger sense, they have made an investmentin people more than six hundred thousand of them their training and talent, theireffort and imagination. For people are the vital ingredient of General Motors peoplewho build and sell GM products of today; people who are planning GM products oftomorrow.GENERAL MOTORS IS PEOPLE .MAKING BETTERTHINGS FOR YOUTo catch an atom . . .Did you know that only one in every 140 uranium atoms found in nature can be split to produce usablenuclear energy? It takes fantastically intricate equipment to capture these elusive atoms. The people ofUnion Carbide are doing it in a plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, large enough to hold 35 football fields.? Many people thought the uranium separation process too complex to work. For example, pumps hadto be developed, that run faster than the speed of sound . . . filters made with holes only two-millionths ofan inch across. Union Carbide scientists and engineers not only helped design such a plant and made itwork, 20 years ago, but they have been operating it ever since. Union Carbide also operates other vitalnuclear energy installations for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. One is Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the largest nuclear research center in the country, ? To handle such big research and production jobsrequires big, experienced industrial companies. It is only because of their extensive resources and skillsthat it is possible to take the giant steps needed to bring laboratory developments to full-scaleproduction quickly and successfully.A HAND IN THINGS TO COMEWRITE for the booklet, "Union Carbide's Twenty Years in Nuclear Energy."January 18, 1963, marked the 20th anniversary of the Corporation's work at Oak Ridge.Union Carbide Corporation, 270 Park Avenue, New York 1 7, N. Y. In Canada, Union Carbide Canada Limited, Toronto.UNIONCARBIDE