t*IUNIVERSITY OFICHICAGOI magazine .Bennett Cerl. President of Random House, Inc., wortd-temous publishers of fine books including The Modern Ubrary andThe American College Dictionary: Henry Moyer, Jr .• of New England life.Bennett Cerf and Henry Moyer, Jr. collaborateon a Profit Sharing Plan for Random Houseactivity is just a part of the outstanding job he's been do.ing for New England Life, ever since he joined us in 1952.If a career of this sort appeals to you, investigate theopportunities with New England Life. You get a regularincome from the start. You can work anywhere in theU. S. A. Your future is full of substantial rewards.for more information, write to Vice President L. M.Huppeler, 501 Boylston Street, Boston 17, Massachuseus.Meeting and working with interesting men like BennettCerf is one of the most satisfying things about his careerwith New England Life, according to Henry Moyer, Jr.(Dartmouth '51).Recently, he presented to Mr. Cerf his proposal for arevised Profit Sharing Plan for the staff of Random House.They went over the details together and developed aprogram which will benefit employees in every salarybracket - providing more life insurance protection forless money than was previously possible.Henry will, of course, work closely with companyofficials in servicing this plan through the years. And he'llcontinue the personal programming for a number of theexecutives at Random House. This one report of Henry's NEW ENGLANDdlti!ii/JI L 1 F E 1,,��::f:t:::t.These ads, and others like them, appear in collegealumni magazines across. the nation. They demonstrate the success achieved by the New England Lifeagent through service to the important people in hiscommunity.Perhaps this kind of career appeals to you. If youmeet our qualifications you'll receive a generous income while you're learning. We'll be glad to send,without obligation, a booklet explaining the responsibilities and rewards of representing New England Bill McDonald delivers a policy for $250,000after only 8 months of selling life insuranceBill McDonald had a fine record as an enlisted man andcommissioned officer in flight engineering. After his discharge, Bill wanted a career where his initiative wouldenable him to get ahead fast. A job where his earningswould be directly related to his efforts and ability.A leading Sacramento employment agency told Bill thatlife insurance selling - and specifically. life insuranceselling with New England Life - would give him the bestopportunity to realize his ambitions. He went to ourCeneral Agent ill Sacramento and was impressed by whatthis company could do for him. He was especially inter.ested in the training und supervisory support which wouldquickly prepare him to cuter the more challongzng areas ofestate anrl business security planning.Bill has done an outstanding job. This quarter-milliondollar policy is representative or the kind of performance that brought him our Rookie of the Year Award for 1959.If a career like Bill Mclfonald's appeals to you, theremay be a place for you with New England Life. Men whomeet and maintain our requirements get a regular incomeright from the start and can work practically anywhere inthe United States,For more information, write Vice President JohnBarker, 501 Boylston Street, Boston 17, Massachusetts.NEW ENGLANDdlti!ii/JI LI F E ��THE COli PAl(" THAT FOU I( 0[0 111.1 TUALLifE INSURAI(CE ,I( A .. ERICA - ":!I'125'" Anniversary oj Our CharterLife. Write to us at Dept. A, Boston 17, Massachusetts.Or, if you have specific questions please writedirectly to Vice President John Barker, Jr., 501Boylston Street, Boston 17, Massachusetts.NEW ENGLANDC#ttMtI L I F E c!s�s�TH E COM PANY THAT FOU N 0 ED MUTUAL LI FE I NSU RANCE IN AM ERICA - 1835125th Anniversary of Our CharterGEORGE MARSELOS, '34, ChicagoROBERT P. SAALBACH, '39, Omaha These Chicago University men are New England Life representatives:JOHN R. DOWNS, C.L.U., '46, ChicagoHERBERT W. SIEGAL, '46, San AntonioAsk one of these competent men to tell you about the advantages of insuring in the New England Life.OCTOBER 8-I'm just back from aperfect autumn day at Yerkes Observatory; bright sunshine; Haming lands:ap�s; seventy-five degree weather; aPIClllC with over 250 Chicago alumniand families; a tour through the observatory; and a discussion of astronomy and outer space by the directorand associate director..It was mid-summer when Program�ll'ector MaryJeanne Carlson droppedmto an easy chair in my office andsaid, "How about a Saturday picnicto outer space when the leaves areturning at Williams Bay?"I leaned back and stared out thewindow. I've been in this alumni gamefor some twenty years and I still can'tfi�ure out what programs you folkswill attend and in what numbers. SoI .start with the negative: what if itrams; or turns cold· football and theworld series in and on the air' familieswith final fall week-end pl�ns; theOctober pre-election Loop luncheonsalre�dy in the works and needing promohon.But why not! It could be fun withas few as one hundred alumni. Sowe hopped in the car and drove toYerkes. Director William W. Morganand Associate Director Joseph W.Chamberlain, agreed to be the hostsand discuss astronomy and outer space.Associate Director Clyde Seeley ofGeorge Williams College Camp at thefoot of the hill on Lake Geneva agreedto serve a picnic lunch and 'providean assembly hall that would seat upto 150 for the program.The invitation list was built aroundOur ASSOciation members in Metrofolitan Chicago plus alumni from citiesrom Milwaukee to Rockford. Five days�fter the invitations were mailed weI ad nearly 200 requests for tickets!d was no longer looking out the win-ow; I was pacing the floor.By the time I could get our keymen at Williams Bay we were on ourway to 300. The problem was feedingand housing more than 150 if theweather drove us indoors.�hey could be fed in shifts at themain di .b 'ld' mmg room but there was noUl lmg which could be heated thatwoud df h accommo ate more than 150or t e program. How about the big�slsembly hall? Below 65 degrees anIgoo d . ,,an no method of heating.So I stuck my neck out-a normal�Ccupational hazard for alumni direcors'th I guaranteed seventy-degreewea er and sunshine for the picnic.NOVEMBER, 1960 A week before the picnic we passed600 requests for tickets. As far aspracticable we screened by membership and built a waiting list that lookedlike the rush hour at the exit fromCongress Expressway. I began tuningin every weather prophesy.Well, as I said, everything was perfect. The program was at a lay-levelof understanding. The only questionsthat left me bewildered were fromhigh school sons and daughters-whogathered around the directors after theprogram to discuss technical spaceproblems while we adults figured outthe best land orbits back to Chicago,Rockford, and Milwaukee.POLITICS IN OCTOBER-As we goto press our first pre-election Loopluncheon has been held. Over 300crowded the Crystal Ballroom of theSheraton-Blackstone to hear WalterJohnson, (chairman, history) analyzethe two presidential candidates. (Ageis irrelevent; Teddy Roosevelt was 42;U.S. Grant 46. One was good, theother bad.) Democrats and Republicans alike seemed to agree that theprogram and question period wereexceptional.Before you read this we will haveflown Hans J. Morgenthau in fromHarvard-where he is fulfilling a commitment until the first of the yearto discuss our foreign policy. Professorof political science and director of theCenter for the Study of AmericanForeign and Military policy, Mr. Morgenthau is concerned about our foreignpolicy and will say so with chapterand verse.On November 1, W. Allen Wallis,dean of the Graduate School of Business, will discuss Economics and theElection. Dean Wallis is professor ofeconomics and statistics and was recently on leave as a special assistantto the President as a member andexecutive vice chairman of the CabinetCommittee on Price Stability for Economic Growth.Nearly 300 season tickets for thisLoop series were sold in advance.MEANWHILE, on October 14th theLos Angeles Club scheduled a reception and "poolside" dinner at theStuart Company to hear a report byWayne McMillen, PhD'31, on themental health survey in Los Angeles.Mr. McMillen is director of the BayArea Welfare Planning Federation. memo padOctober 25th our Lake County Club,Illinois, is entertaining Professor Herman Finer (political science) on "WhoWALTER JOHNSONIs Fit For The Whitehouse." I prophesya lively question period!The same evening our N ew YorkClub has a cocktail party, lecture,and tour of the Museum of ModernArt, followed a month later (November 29th) with a party at the St.James Theatre to see "Becket".THE DOLLAR DIPLOMA - GeorgMann, '35, former member of ourpress relations staff and currently public relations director at Case Instituteof Technology, has just published hisfirst "novel": The Dollar Diploma(Macmillan, 204 pages; $3.95).Georg calls it a "comic novel" aboutuniversity life in a great Midwest university that undergoes 1) a new administration, 2) an intellectual fightabout the curriculum, 3) a major fundraising campaign, and 4) a Senatorialinvestigation.Georg has always been clever withwords (many of them large) and adjectives that modify them (almost toomany) and comparisons that sometimes slow down the action.In Diploma George has trouble satirizing to his satisfaction the four areaslisted above while trying to keep thethin thread of the novel intact.H.W.M.1UNIVERSITY OFC H ICAG'O•macazrne5733 University AvenueChicago 37, IllinoisMidway 3-0800; Extension 3244EDITOR Marjorie BurkhardtFEATURES3 U N ESCO Conference Comes to ChicagoBert F. Hoselitz5 Some Highlights of the Conference12 The Men's New Residence Hall17 . The Play of DanielDEPARTMENTS1 . ._. . . Memo Pad9 News of th e Qu a d ra n g les19 N ews of the AI u mn i32 ------ MemorialsCOVERRegistration lines as seen from the mezzanineat BartlettCREDITSCover, 10 (top and center), 12-15 interiorphotos only: Albert C. Flores. I, 12-15 exterior photos only: Charles Decker. 3-7, 10bottom, 16: AI Henderson.THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPRESIDENT - John F. Dille, Jr.EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR_- Howard W. MortADMINISTRATIVE ASST._-----Ruth G. HalloranPROGRAMMING MaryJeanne CarlsonALUMNI FOUNDATIOND I RECTO R Ch et La cyChicago-Midwest Area Florence MedowREGIONAL OFFICESEastern Region W. Ronald Sims26 E. 38th StreetNew York 16, N. Y.MUrray Hill 3-1518Western Region Ellen BoroughfRoom 318, 717 Market St.Sari Francisco 3, Calif.EXbrook 2-0925Los Angeles Mrs. Marie Stephens1195 Charles St., Pasadena 3After 3 P.M.-SYcamore 3-4545MEMBERSHIP RATES (Including Magazine 11 year, $5.00; 3 years, $12.00Published monthly, October through June, by theUniversity of Chicaqo Alumni Association, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, III. Annual subscriptionprice, $5.00. Single copies, 25 cents. Entered assecond class matter December I, 1934, at the PostOffice of Chicago, III., under the act of March 3,1879. Advertising agent: The American AlumniCouncil, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y.2 THE BROOKS-CLARNEY SHIRTan interesting and unusual"ascot attached" sport shirtHere is a unique, unusually good-looking sportshirt ... born of the tremendous revival in the usageof ascots. Designed by Robert Clark, of famousTurnbull & Asser of London, and Richard Neyof Beverly Hills, it offers a sport shirt with matching, permanently attached ascot ... one that alwaysties neatly, cannot slip or fold unevenly. TheBrooks-Clarney is made on our models, to our exacting specifications ... of exclusive, washable materials selected with a man's sport jacket in mind.In a blend oj 8070 cotton, 20% wool, in brick red,olive, white, old gold or navy, $1 7.50In perjectly matched red-black or blue-blackcotton Tattersall checks on white grounds, $14.50In sizes small, medium, large or extra large. Mail orders filled.ESTABLISHED 181874 E. MADISON ST., NEAR MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO 2, ILL.NEW YORK • BOSTON • PITTSBURGH • SAN FRANCISCO • LOS ANGELESTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOUNESCO CONFERENCE: What happens to social structures inthe newly-developing countries as they undergo industrialization? Whatsocial changes in those countries would facilitate industrialization?These are some of the questions raised by the UNESCO Conference heldhere on campus last September. The results of the Conference were inboth practical and theoretical form, and of interest and importance togovernment officials, researchers and laymen, alike.A brief account of how the "North American Conf�rence on the Social Implications of Tndustrialisatzon and Technological Change" came to Chicago:by Bert F. Hoselits; professor of social sciences andorganizer of the Conference:Some time in the' early spring of 1959, I happenedt�) be in New York City where I attended a professIOnal meeting. At breakfast in the Biltmore CoffeeShop I met, by chance, Guy Lee, a representativeof the U.S. Commission for UNESCO, who was inN�w York on the same day to. discuss the socialSClence program of UNESCO. Over coffee, Mr. Leetold me about the forthcoming North AmericanUNESCO conference. He explained that some 10 to12 scholars from the U.S. and Canada would meet withperhaps two or three officials of UNESCO, and heasked me for suggestions of who might be invited.If UNESCO held such a small conference attendedonly by North Americans, it would be carrying coalsto Newcastle, for in doing so it would merely duplic.ate the similar meetings which take place at professIonal conferences or at get-togethers arranged regularlyby the Social Science Research CounciL I urged thatthe North American meeting be cancelled and theInoney spent some other way. But Mr. Lee explainedthat the North American conference was intended tobe the last of five regional conferences, and that theot�ers had already been' scheduled as follows: anASIan conference for Calcutta; a Middle Eastern conference for Cairo; a Latin American conference forSa?tiago, and an African conference for Paris. Nowthls, should be supplemented by a North Americanconference to meet somewhere in the U.S. or Canada.If a N orth American conference was inevitable, Isnggested that it be enlarged, and instead of regional,the conference should have world-wide representation.Moreover, it could also sum up the findings and proposals of the previous four regional conferences and,In this way, serve UNESCO better.In the discussions which followed, these proposalsIllet with general approval and the only question thatarose was that of cost, since UNESCO had allocatedto the North American conference a sum sufficient for�nly a few participants, all coming from close range.ut UNESCO enthusiastically supported the idea ofNOVEMBER 1960, an enlarged international conference and it was agreedthat the attempt would be made by the Universityof Chicago to raise enough money to hold an international conference with some 35 participants. TheCanadian National Commission for UNESCO undertook to finance the participation of five Canadians,and the U.S. Commission that of several personsfrom this country, but it was up to the Universityand UNESCO to find enough funds to make possible not only a larger representation from the U.S.,but also to insure the participation of some 12 ormore persons from abroad. The University was fortunate in being granted foundation support for theconference from the Carnegie Corporation of NewYork, and from the joint ACLS-SSRC (AmericanCouncil of Learned Societies-Social Science ResearchCouncil) Committee on Foreign Scholars. Moreover,funds were also received for the conference throughthe cooperation of Alec Sutherland, director of theCenter for Continuing Education here on campus,from the Ford Foundation Public Policy ConferenceFund.Altogether, 24 papers were prepared in advance ofthe conference, which was attended by 35 participantsand some 20 observers. The participants represented15 nationalities and 10 different mother tongues.Papers by non-North Americans were read by VladimirAboltin, Institute of World Economics and InternationalRelations, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR; byHassan el-Saaty, Department of Psychological and Sociological Studies, Ain Shans University, Cairo, Egypt;by S. N. Eisenstadt, Eliezer Kaplan School in SocialSciences, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem; by GinoGermani, Department of Sociology, University ofBuenos Aires, Argentina; by C. N. Vakil, director ofUNESCO Research Center, Calcutta, India; by L. A.Costa Pinto, Latin-American Center for Research inthe Social Sciences, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; by JohnH. Provinse, Council on Economic and Cultural Affairs,University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines; and by Andre Bertrand, Department of SocialSciences, UNESCO, Paris, France. The deliberationsof the conference, which lasted seven days, were allin English, and though some of the European, LatinAmerican and Asian guests had some difficulty with3The Conference met at theMott Industrial RelationsCenter on campus. A.bove:Easterbrook (Toronto),Mandelbaum (Berkeley),Apter (Chicago), Hoselitz(Chicago) and Medina(Chile). Right: Raynault(Montreal) and Bertrand(Acting Director UNESCOSocial Science De partment ); Below: 1(. A. Busia(The Hague) and DeVinney (Rockefeller Foundation) Groenman (Utrecht),Aboltisi (Russia), Lambert(University of Pennsylvania).4 the language, they overcame this difficulty successfully.Foreign delegates were selected on the basis ofbeing respected for their academic achievements intheir own countries, and being in a position to affectthe curricula and research in their countries. Thegroup was largely made up of younger scholars whoseinfluence will continue over a number of years. Amongthe delegates were a specialist on the history of J apanese labor, Mikio Sumiya of Tokyo, Japan; K. A.Busia, a Ghanaian sociologist at The Hague, Netherlands; Michael Banton, a specialist on Africa at theUniversity of Edinburgh, Scotland; Sjoerd Groenman,University of Utrecht, Netherlands, whose particularinterest is Asia; and Isaac Chiva, of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France, a specialiston Mediterranean cultures.The discussions were lively, and some even exciting.The general opinion was that this was an unusual conference, in that it disproved what some participants andobservers had suspected: that conferences of suchsize were inevitably dull, useless, and sleep inducing.What will be the result of the conference? On theone hand, since representatives from UNESCO andthe National Commissions were present, they derivedmanifold suggestIons for their work. Among the suggestions were:1. that American journals should reserve a certainminimum of their space for articles on the underdeveloped countries written by scholars from thosecountries so that their viewpoint can be brought beforethe American scholarly public;2. that a list of 50 basic books on the problems ofunderdeveloped countries be compiled, and a foundation or charitable organization distribute them in countries without proper facilities or reference libraries;3. that arrangements for sharing research betweenpublic agencies and private groups be investigated;4. that study be made of the possibilities for easingthe appointment of experts and academics to workdirectly with the underdeveloped countries-particularly regarding the releasing of faculty members of American universities for temporary service in these countries.There were representatives from the UNESCO Institutes in Calcutta, Rio de Janeiro, and Cairo, whichare charged with the administration of research projects in the field of the conference, and there wererepresentatives of such action agencies as InternationalCooperation Administration, Organization of AmericanStates, International Labor Office, World Health Organization, and others. All these people were confronted not only with the ideas expressed in the paperssubmitted to the conference, but also by the discussions at the formal sessions, at the informal meetings atmeals, in the evenings, and at various social occasions.The group worked hard, but each participant hadmany fruitful contacts which provided him with various forms of stimulation and which brought him newideas and viewpoints. •THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOUNESCO CONFERENCE: Why has economic growth in the lasthundreds oj years been a characteristic oj the West? There has been agreat deal o] talk recently about equal right to schooling, but did thisnation grow strong on that principle? Should we recommend it jorothers? What good can modern communication actually accomplishin underdeveloped countries? What' are the personal characteristics ojthe men who make a country economically strong? H ere are somehighlights jrom the answers Conjerence experts gave to these questions.To What extent do the attitudes and values found inthe cultures of the countries of southern Asia determine the potential for economic growth of thisarea? This is the problem raised by a paper pre�ented by Richard D. Lambert of the University ofennsylvania:It can be argued that certain broad changes were crucialto the growth process in the West:In the first place, economic considerations began to takePlhcedence over familial and religious values. Secondly,w atever course brought the greatest monetary gains waspursued, and science and technology were used to the utmosr �n the reckoning and pursuit of this end. Thirdly, thePU[SUlt of maximum profits was accepted as a right, not off�y a few, but of all segments of society. And finally,a or became a commodity, subject to the same marketmechanism as goods.. Let us compare these characteristics with the situationIn Southern Asia.. The �ost common assumption in regard to economicfl�wth IS that priority given to spiritual rather than maeria] ends presents a major handicap. This thesis, like thestory of Mark Twain's death, is highly exaggerated.l!o take the two most extreme cases of "other-worldly"re 19ions, Hinduism and Buddhism; while they do viewberso�al. salvation as the highest goal, it is attainable onlytY a lrmlted few. The doctrines of self-denial or the cessa-IOn of desire were applicable only to religious professionalsNOVEMBER, 1960 or for the ordinary man, confined to a stage in life in whichworldly obligations had already been met. Among the Hindus, while most of the sacred literature concerns the souland is a glorification of the practice of religion, some of itis highly secular. For instance, Kautalya's Arthashastra isexplicitly a primer on means of maximizing wealth andpower. Thus, while the search after wealth was not thehighest of purposes, it was a perfectly respectable one.The same is true of Buddhism, in which the denial ofworldly pleasures is even more marked. Salvation and release from the pain of worldly. existences and cycle of rebirths is a possibility only for bhikkus or monks. For therest of the populace, the emphasis rests upon the accumulation of merit through good deeds, and for many of thesedeeds it was useful, even imperative to be wealthy: forinstance, supporting monks, constructing monasteries, wellsand ponds. The rewards for good deeds were secularriches, a good caste in the next life, good name, goodfriends.If the major religions of Asia do not denigrate wealth,they do tend to place the responsibility for the acquisitionor lack of wealth on forces other than the individual's ownefforts. In the Philippines, success is attributed to "swerte"or. luck. In Islam each man is apportioned at birth a certain "rizk" or share in life. True, he must work for it, butthe amount is not set by his own efforts. In Viet Nam, theastrological rules of Tu Vi and the astral cycle determineone's destiny. In all the Asian societies where one's lifechances depend upon ascriptive characteristics, the cultures bear a heavy burden of fatalism. Fatalism providesan explanation for success and a consolation for the lackof it. It removes the necessity of seeking rational meansfor manipulating' one's fate.In fact in the behavior of villagers throughout SouthernAsia, it is clear that to them the only form of investmentlikely to produce the spectacular change in their fortuneswhich is necessary to bring them to a surplus standard ofliving is the investment of money, time and food in theservice of some supernatural power. Assuming that this investment is unproductive, the drain upon any small increment in income, particularly monetized income, may besubstantial.Even in a Christian country such as the Philippines, increments in family wealth call for increased expenditureson religious rituals. Wedding ceremonies, burial ceremonies and feasts for the dead are sharply graduated by cost.In a wedding, the proximity of the bride and groom to thealtar, the use of an embroidered pillow, the celebration ofhigh mass, the prolonged ringing of the bells are all a func-5tion of expenditure. In death ceremonies the priest goingto the house where the body lies instead of waiting at thechurch, an elaborate ceremony at the church, completewith choir, and church bells, the priest going to the cemetery to make offerings for the dead, a choir singing and aband playing at the grave-all of these can increase thecost of a funeral 10 to 15 times. Such graduated ceremonials are common in all countries.While religions provide the broad unifying cultural tradition in each of the countries of Southern Asia, there aremore secular ideological forces at work. In each of thenewly-independent countries, the period since the end ofthe Second World War has seen the ascendancy of caretaker elites, remarkably similar in their motivations, ideologies and relationships with the rest of the people of theircountries. Their general attitudes toward wealth and savings include the notion that wealth is best when it is mostevenly distributed; and that both wealth and savings in theeconomy as a whole will be most effectively increased andbest utilized for national growth to the extent that they arecontrolled by government. They deny membership in theirgroup to such segments of the population as businessleaders and the landed aristocracy which presumablyoperate in their own interests.Just as the care-taker elites in the various countries seemto share a remarkably similar ideology, so too the agrariansocieties are remarkably similar in the broad outlines oftheir economically relevant attitudes and values. In all thecountries of the area, land heads the list of approved possessions. In part, the overwhelming emphasis on acquiringland is understandable since it is the primary agriculturalproducers' good, but often it is pursued even when thereturn from it is marginal and when alternative investmentsare demonstrably more rewarding. In the Philippines, theJapanese occupation and the guerrilla opposition duringWorld War II took away most forms of portable wealth,land values spiralled, and today even uncultivated landsare held as investments by speculators. In 1960 the priceof land is 8 to 10 times that of 1939 and it costs more thancan normally be earned on it in 15 to 20 years.The demand for other forms of goods in agriculture isessentially inelastic in that the relatively crude implements,the smallness of the size of holdings, and the commitmentof agriculturists to traditional methods of cultivation Ieavelittle scope for expansion. Aside from increasing the number of buffaloes or oxen or of implements when the amountof land increases, there is little status-giving wealth in agricultural producers' goods.The same inelasticity occurs in most rural consumptionitems, particularly the necessities such as housing andclothing, where, except for the very wealthy who tend tobe absentee owners, the range of expenditures for housingand clothing is relatively narrow. The peasant is preparedto consume luxury items such as bicycles, flashlights,radios, clocks, but these are not considered normal wantsand come far down the list in wealth.As in all cultures, the nouveaux riches are on trial. Theexample of a newly rich man in Viet Nam who is trying to"wash his face" is instructive. He begins by giving help,chiefly financial to his relatives and friends. He must ownricefields and a comfortable home in his native village, hemust 'purchase' a place of honor in the community hierarchy, he must organize a major banquet to which all villagers must be invited, and his sons must be trained for ajob higher in the social hierarchy, that of a scholar or agovernment official. By this time any surplus is dissipatedand the children are in no position to renew it.Money-lenders, storekeepers, and traders who mediate6 between the village and the outside world are consideredto be parasitical since, in the eyes of the peasants, their workdoes not contribute to the agricultural process. Moreover,they represent the point at which assets are monetized, andthe peasant's general expectation in monetary transactionsis that he will be swindled. The consequent hostility towardthe presumed exploiter in most societies results. in the insulation of the non-agriculturist profit maximizers and thetendency for this function when it is a full-time occupation,to be taken on by groups outside of or immune to the normal system of sanctions and status gradations of the society.With few exceptions, the modern sectors of the economywere built by foreigners or "new men" not drawn from thetraditional merchantile houses. Currently, as the new generation is increasingly educated in a westernized fashion,some of them are passing over into the western-orientedbusiness and industrial elites, but with consequent loss inthe solidarity of the traditional communities. Their entirestatus and role in the rural areas make it unlikely that theywill exercise much influence on the techniques or production, even if they care to.Leverage, if it is to come, must come from the caretaker elites. It would seem that in the rural areas at least,and it is here that the basic changes in the society must bemade, the task of creating the characteristics of MaxWeber's "unique historical emergent," which spurred economic development in the West is a gigantic one.'"",,The images people have of the world around them arethe realities in terms of which they act. The processof modernization is very largely the process of acquiring new images according to Ithiel deSola Poolof the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Hereare some highlights from his paper on the massmedia and their contribution to developing countries:Among the Western liberal and socialist ideas that havediffused to and been widely accepted in developing countries is a somewhat snobbish contempt for commercialmedia. The transmittors of Western ideas to other areashave been intellectuals who tend to transmit the Westernintellectuals' criticism of those aspects of their own societywhich do not express their own values. These views areadopted by intellectuals in developing countries.For instance, at the recent UNESCO-sponsored meetingon Development of Information Media in South East Asiain Bangkok, January 1960, there was a bitter attack (lednot by left-wingers but by a Pakistani delegate, supportedby Thais and others) on commercial radio and televisionas degrading. A resolution was proposed against the intrusion of commercial broadcasting into the South Asianmea.Actually, there is hardly any measure as likely to accelerate the modernization of a country as the introduction oflarge scale commercial advertising via press, radio, and TV.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOThe demand for soap, toothpaste, aspirin, or bicycles generated by advertising probably will not conform to any��cially ordained schedule of priorities. But desire forhvmg new ways of life is generated rapidly indeed whereprofit-seeking enterprise does what it can to stimulate suchdesires. One of the cheapest ways to start a country on theroad to modernization would be to blanket it with subsidized cheap TV sets and then to permit commercial telecasting.The mass media have been said to contribute to the impurting of skills, dissemination of facts, directing of action,and creation of images and establishing of identifications.Ordinarily the personal guidance of a teacher seems to benecessary for the difficult process of learning a new art.Studies of television courses or agricultural extension do notsuggest that much is learned from the media without theaid of discussion groups, teachers, etc. Child training manuals and cook books may seem to have greater success, butthey too usually work only with the reinforcement of personal advice and confirmation from friends and relatives.. But in imparting of facts and creation of images, thesItuation is different. For example, Hilda Himmelweitfound in England that TV (especially when there wasmore than one station to choose among), had little effectUP?n the values, attitudes and cultural accomplishments ofchIldren, but it had a profound impact in imparting images.W �stern movies, fOL example, did not ordinarily demoralizec�Ildren or change their attitudes toward violence. TheydId, however, provide the children with an image of whata cowboy was like or how a town of the American Westlooked and felt.The process of modernization is very largely the processof acquiring new images. There is an image of what it isto be cultured and educated. This is an image which hasreached millions of young men and women the world overand has filled them with the aspiration to be literate, toknow the names of the great writers and artists, to practicetlhe marvels of science, to work as professionals and intel-ectuals.. For the villager in a backward nation, the little world of�nends and relatives who are the subjects of village gossipIS replaced by the world of movie stars and party leadersmet through the mass media. The media audience memberputs himself in their shoes and begins to answer what hewould do in the same circumstances. He is for some of thenew n:embers of his circle of experience and against others.�sychlCally, he becomes part of the great society before heis asked to participate in it in action.. The experience must be psychically rehearsed manybmes before the acts can be done. Personal leadership isoften required as the final trigger to such actions, but it�an operate only when the media have first made themamiliar and understandable.That is why development of a modern communicationsystem is an important part of a well-conceived development plan. Many things are needed. Among them are expan�ing the manufacture of newsprint, the building ofmohon picture theatres, the promotion of literacy. Radioand t�levision are particularly important because they byp�ss lIteracy. One might wish to see the manufacture and\VI�e diffusion of a four-or-five-dollar long-lived batteryrTadIO or a comparable though somewhat more expensiveV set..� But preaching alone cannot do the job. What is neededI� � mass media system linked with the face to face organizatIOn of the populace. Listening groups, clubs, villagewor�ers, cooperatives, etc. are not replaceable by the massmed�a nor replacements for them. The two kinds of commUilIcation need to parallel and reinforce each other.NOVEMBER 1960, In their desire for rapid and widespread education,health and prosperity, the officials of many newernations have been made more sensitive to evil thanto novelty, according to C. Arnold Anderson of theUniversity of Chicago Comparative Education Center. Mr. Anderson advocates encouragement of localventures in education:It seems so obviously fair to establish uniform socialservices and to assist backward areas to live like otherareas. Yet such equalization may be a luxury to beindulged only in prosperous countries and not to be insistedupon if rapid development has priority. Even today, nonation has attained uniformly accessible high-quality primary schooling for all its regions or communities, not t�mention social strata .Indeed, educational policy will contribute most to general development of a country if the financing of schoolscan remain the burden of local residents and be manipulated so as to spur on localities demonstrating high asperations while giving foundation aid to lagging areas. Hinterland schools will remain inferior in the underdevelopedcountries for some decades yet, while rapid development ofsuperior training is the characteristic of the economic centers.Citizens of the United States doubtless are biased onmany of these questions. It is more than a figure of speechto say that this nation was built on the one-room ruralschool taught by the barely-literate farmer's daughter. Highstandards had taken root in a few localities early in ourhistory, but such localities were few until recently. Eventoday there is a merry race by laggard schools to matchthe standards reached by other schools two decades ormore ago. Wehave paid littleattention to certificates, regarding them more astrophies than asentrance tickets.Meanwhile wehave had a steadyand adequate supply of better andbetter trained individuals flowing out of the most variedsorts of schools. The American economy would come to astandstill if we excluded from the labor force and evenfrom key positions all men who did not receive their education in schools of Ivy League quality. These assortedschools, when classified by quality or by the backgroundsof their pupils have been distributed "inequitably" acrossthe face of our country. But the diffusion of higher aspirations and the attainment of higher standards has progressedinexorably, yet without at any time letting fanciful or arbitrary standards choke off the supply.As in older nations, in the backward nations a goodschooling facilitates upward mobility, but in both newand old nations, formal schooling seems not to be decisive;luck, drive and talent are also important .Many qualities contribute to vocational success or productivity. School certificates or job titles tell us little aboutthe economic contribution of the holder. Some skilled artisans are worth more to a society than inferior physiciansor briefless lawyers, and a few gifted enterprisers areliterally worth their weight in gold annually. Yet one seesMr. Anderson7signs in some countries that a premature development ofrespect for formal schooling may be introducing unfortunate rigidities into their occupational structures. There isdoubtful wisdom in encouraging the mystique of titles andcertificates and neat job classifications in developing societies.Knowledge is what the schools can most readily convey,but it forms only a small part of education for productivity; "know-how" requires direct practical experience,whether it be the skill of a cobbler or that of a productionengineer in a modern steel plant. As special skills becomemore complex, part of job experience can be transferred toa formal school setting; engineering has been undergoingthis transformation under our eyes in the West. But the"know-how" that gets the new plant running and that"irons out the bugs" is an expensive one that can onlypartially be provided in the educational system.This argues strongly for importation of experiencedworking teams, as nuclei from which this "know-how" canspread to those of the native population who have receivedsufficient formal training to assimilate it. Thus, farming"know-how" cannot be taught in scattered general elementary schools. A cadre of competent agricultural extensionworkers who bridge the gaps between the economic centersand the hinterland while remaining in touch with thefarmers is required.At this point, nevertheless, a major dilemma of somenewly developing countries must be faced. Where roleshave hitherto been allocated on a familistic basis, wherenepotism flourishes and jobs are assigned by personal connection, there is undeniably a need to inject into the newbureaucracies some clearcut impersonal rating system. It isdifficult to find such suitable criteria without turning tocertificates or otherwise narrow sets of norms.In many developing countries today, certified officialshold the power of life or death over economic endeavorsthrough labor laws, licensing laws, etc. The conditionswithin which business must function are often laid downby men with literary training or by half-educated men, alarge portion of whom are antagonistic to economic behavior on principle. The concentration of trained man-powerand the right of decision making within the civil servicessuggests a malallocation of decision-making in reation to theresources of men to decide. .To take the example of schools, if their cost is loaded onto the central budget they must then contend with othercentral services for funds and the outcome may not favoreducation. This is another argument for decentralizingschool costs, for relaxing ministerial policing through factitious standards, and for setting up incentives for localitiesto improve their schools.The directorates in newer nations have absorbed thehumanitarian values embodied in the ideology of the welfare state. They have been more sensitive to evil than tonovelty. Neatly planned developments enable the civilservice to keep matters firmly in hand and to eliminate thecrasser barbarities of popular control. But their plans arenot necessarily those best suited to encouraging development. Funds are frittered away when schools are set up inlocalities where parents are not willing for children to remain in school long enough to become literate. Officialssometimes discourage local zeal for secondary schools incommunities ripe for them, because these schools will notturn out "well trained" pupils.One can hardly avoid the impression that civil servicecontrol over educational policy exacts a high price for itsmany undeniable services. Central services tend to bemanned by cooptation; like selects like. Civil servants tendto fear the disorderliness of growth.8 From the beginning of recorded history, men havebeen fascinated by the fact that civilizations riseand fall. Cultural growth is episodic, and sometimes occurs in quite different fields: the peopleliving in the Italian peninsula at the time of ancientRome produced a great civilization of law, politics,and military conquest; at another time, during theRenaissance, a great civilization of art, music andscience. What can account for such cultural flowerings? David C. McClelland of Harvard UniverSityseeks an answer within the values and motives in theminds of men:Usually rapid economic growth has been explained interms of "external" factors-favorable opportunities for trade,unusual natural resources, or conquests that have openedup new markets or produced internal political stability, Itis possible to study economic growth from the opposite pOintof view: to study internal factors, the values and motives inthe minds of men that lead them to exploit opportunities, totake advantage of favorable trade conditions; in short, toshape their own destiny.About ten or twelve years ago, the research group Withwhich Mr. McClelland is connected decided to see whatcould be learned about human motivation by coding objectively what people spontaneously thought about in theirwaking fantasies. Eventually they were able to isolateseveral inner concerns, or motives as they came to callthem, which, if present in great frequency in the fantaSiesof a particular person, would reveal something about howhe would behave in many other areas of life.Chief among these was what is called the need for achievement (n Achievement), a desire to do well, not so muchfor the sake of social recognition or prestige, but for thesake of an inner feeling of personal accomplishment. Acareful study by M. R. Winterbottom has shown that boyswith high n Achievement tended to come from families inwhich the mothers stressed early self-reliance and mastery.The boys whose mothers, on the other hand, did not encourage them to set off on their own so early or who didnot set up such high standards of excellence, tended todevelop lower need for achievement.About five years ago the group became interested in thesocial-psychological question: what effect would a concentration of people with high n Achievement have on a society?First the group did historical studies. To get a measureof n Achievement level at other time periods than our OWnwhen individuals can no longer be tested, they codedimaginative literary documents - poetry, drama, funeralorations, letters written by sea captains, epics, etc. Studiesof Athenian Greece, of Spain and of England showed consistent parallels between growth and decline in n Achievement and economic growth and decline. The significantpoint the group found about n Achievement level in Englishhistory (based on dramas, sea captains' letters and streetballads) is that between 1400-1800 it rose twice a generation or two before waves of accelerated economic growth(incidentally at times of Protestant revival), showing thatthere is no "necessary" steady decline in civilization's entrepreneurial energy from its earlier to later periods. In all ofthese cases, as in the case of Greece, high levels of nAchievement preceded economic decline.The hypothesis was also tested with preliterate culturesof the sort that anthropologists study, using folk tales.But what about modern nations? Can we estimate theirlevel of n Achievement and relate it to their economic development? The question is obviously one of the greatestConcluded On Page 16THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES DEANDr. H. Stanley Bennett, immediate pastpresident of the American Associationof Anatomists, has been appointed deanof the Division of the Biological Sciences. Dr. Bennett is professor andchairman of the department of anatomyat the University of Washington atSeattle. His appointment is effectiveJanuary 1.The Division of the Biological Sciences is one of the world's major centers for medical and biological researchand training and medical treatment.It is the largest of the four academicdivisions directing graduate educationand scientific research at the University of Chicago.Dr. Bennett, an internationally recognized biologist, is widely known as aspecialist in cellular anatomy and cytochemistry. His work with the electronmicroscope has yielded fundamentalnew knowledge of how human muscleswork. He will succeed Dr. Lowell T.Coggeshall, who held the deanship for13 years. Dr. Coggeshall was appointedvice president for medical affairs ofthe University in March, 1960. Dr.Coggeshall said that Dr. Bennett,through his research activities andleadership in professional and scientific groups, has established himself asa research scientist and administratorof international stature. Dr. Bennett'sresearch has made basic scientific contributions in such major areas as:1. The structure and function of theadrenal glands.2. The recognition of an internalmembrane system in the striated muscle, with Dr. Keith R. Porter, of theRockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York.3. The classification of blood capillaries.4. Recognition of the importance ofmembrane movements in the activetransport system of cells.Dr. Bennett was born in Tottori,Japan, in 1910. His parents were missionaries for the CongregationalistChurch. His early schooling took placein Japan and at the GermantownFriends School, Germantown, Penn-NOVEMBER, 1960 NEWS 0 F the quadranglessylvania. He received his bachelor ofarts degree (1932) from Oberlin; hisdegree as a medical doctor from Harvard University in 1936" cum laude inanatomy.Dr. Bennett served as a" resident ininternal medicine at Johns Hopkins,Baltimore, Maryland, in 1936 and 1937.He returned then to Harvard U niversity to teach, attaining the rank associate professor of anatomy and instructor in pharmacology by, 1942.During World War II, Dr. Bennettserved in the U.S. Navy and rose tothe rank of commander. He saw combat service with the U.S.: Marine Corpsin the central and western Pacifictheater. In 1956, he was promoted tothe rank of Captain in the U.S. NavalReserve. For combat service on Guamand Okinawa, Dr. Bennett holds theLegion of Merit.After service as a naval officer, Dr.Bennett carried on his research at theMassachusetts Institute of Technologyfrom 1945 to 1948 as an associate professor of cytology. In 1948, he wasappointed professor and chairman ofthe Department of Anatomy at theUniversity of Washington in Seattle.Commenting upon his appointment,Dr. Bennett said:"The University of Chicago hasearned an enviable reputation forscholarly excellence. In the biologicalsciences, this reputation is combinedwith administrative arrangementsunique in the world, with special advantages for fostering speedy develop-,ment and integration of medicine andbasic scientific disciplines."This powerful combination nowfaces a time when the world need fornew knowledge and trained manpowerin the biological and medical sciences,is expanding at an unprecedented rate,and when biology itself is changingrapidly in the face of many excitingdiscoveries of far reaching importance.Many of these discoveries involve explanations of biological phenomena interms of fundamental physics andchemistry. The University of Chicagohas distinguished activities in the physical sciences and is favorably oriented for coupling these with biology andmedicine."We are now experiencing great daysfor biology and medicine. I am looking forward to great days at the University of Chicago."Currently, more than one-third ofthe biological sciences division's annual budget of $16,000,000 is devotedto research support. The division alsohas a separate endowment of morethan $48,000,000, a figure that hasdoubled in the last decade. The en-DR. BENNETTdowment for biological sciences at theUniversity of Chicago alone exceedsthe entire endowment for all but 20colleges and university endowments inthe nation.THE NEW STUDENTS-Accordingto the Maroon, the average enteringstudent has two arms, two legs anda score of 635 on the verbal half ofthe Scholastic Aptitude Tests ( SAT) .This same mythical student also scored637 on the mathematical half of SAT,had an A average in the public schoolhe attended and was a member of theNational honor society while in highschool.910 The old students return, the new ones dig in. Theyface the problems of the outside world at ActivitiesNight <left-that's one picture that will remain timelyno matter which candidate wins). And, mid-waythrough orientation the entering students spend aweek end at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, at a campnear the University's Yerkes Observatory. Although 142 of the 613 enteringstudents have not yet determined whatfield they wish to specialize in, physicshas the most adherents at this time,with 79 students registering. Medicineis in second place with 70, followedby mathematics with 67. Thirty members of the entering class have a primeinterest in chemistry and 27 are inEnglish.Mr. O'Connell cautions however that"Statistical surveys with their summarycharacter and use of averages must beemployed with great caution. Most ofthe candidates admitted to the University of Chicago present attractivestatistical profiles. This is fine."We continue, however, to be nIbstinterested in learning more about motivation, attitudes, self-discipline, andeven physical stamina. This last is amore important quality, I should guess,than is generally recognized."Actually, this year's entering classdiffers from the previous class in butfew substantive points. The numberof total applications was up this year,1,615 as opposed to 1,444 in 1959. Ofthe applicants 63 per cent were admitted, and of these 1,022 would bestudents, 613, or 60 per cent are actually on campus now. The previous year996 were admitted and 55 per centaccepted the invitation. The 544 whoarrived in 1959 were an advance overmatriculation in '58.Graduates of public high schoolspresented a better average score on theSAT tests than did students from private independent schools. Women didsomewhat better than men on theverbal test, but were considerably outranked on the math portion of theexamination.Forty-three students have SAT scoresbelow 500; this is seven per cent ofthe class. Only two students, however,have both scores below this figure.Some 371 students enter Chicago withan A average (more A's than B's);this is 60 per cent of the class; 36 percent had a B average, and 23 studentsmaintained a C average."There are several reasons why wemight admit a C student," Mr. O'Connell explained. "There are great variations in the grading systems used inmany schools and a C average at atop rate secondary institution mightwell be equated with a solid B averageelsewhere. There are also some students who showed us tremendousboard scores and a great potential butwho, for psychological reasons or whathave you, did not realize that potentialin high school.""I don't know exactly what thistrend of ever higher SAT scores andgrade averages means. I wouldn't wantTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOto assert that it proves that the qualityof our classes is improving, but it doesseem to me to indicate that the qualityis not degenerating, as some wouldhave it."Twenty-three of the 613 studentsare early entrants. The same numberof early entrants arrived last year, butthey constituted a greater proportionof the class.The vast majority of the class (94per cent) is between the ages ofseventeen and nineteen. Seventy-six ofthe entering students are children ofalumni.The class shows a wider geographicdistribution than in the past. Thirtyeight states, the District of Columbia,and five foreign countries are represented.Chicago is still the best representedarea with 126 students, the Chicagosuburbs contributed 91 students (areal advance over last year) and 21came from the rest of Illinois. NewYork was in second place with 83,followed by California and Ohio with22. Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota, Montana, Louisiana, Kentucky,Hawaii, and Colorado each sent onestudent.Scholarships ranging from half tuitionto a $2,000 grant were awarded to295 entering students; the averageaward was $900. Twenty per cent ofthe class accepted loans as a part ofthe financial aid package, and about15 per cent accepted part-time work.Of the entering students, 266 werein high school student government, 198worked on their newspapers, 117 werein varsity athletics, 156 in debate, and257 in musical groups. The class includes 34 valedictorians."The most heartening trend I canpoint to," Mr. O'Connell asserted, "isthe increasing percentage of acceptance. Ten years ago only one studentmatriculated out of every four whowere accepted. Chicago now expects a60 per cent acceptance. This showswe have become a 'first-choice' collegein addition to being a first-rate college."SOME CHANGES MADE-Returningstudents have found that things arenot exactly as they left them. Perhapsthe largest-or at least the most feltchanges occurred in the College, andthese centered around the residences.A four-year residence requirementfor undergraduate women and a twoyear requirement for men, with theexception of men who wish to moveinto fraternities, was announced thissummer. In the past, any student 18NOVEMBER, 1960 OI over who had spent one year inthe dorms could move out. The newrule will apply only to students entering this fall and thereafter. The reason men were not held to the fouryear requirement is that there is notenough room at present in the residence halls. With the construction ofthe second tower of the new men'sresidence hall, the requirement willprobably be extended for men.Due to the new residence requirement, the larger number of enteringstudents and an increase in the totalcampus enrollment (approximatelythree percent) , the dormitories arecompletely filled and a long waitinglist for rooms exists. The waiting listis longest for graduate students. However, off-campus housing is available,and the University is now looking forapartment buildings which could beused as dormitories.The College staff also experiencedsome housing changes over the summer. The old Gates-Blake dormitorieswere remodeled and converted intooffices for the staffs and administration of the College. They were completed repainted and new furniture wasinstalled. The buildings are now connected internally with Cobb Hall.The glories of modern self-servicecame to the book store over the summer months. Books are now neatlyarranged on open shelves by courses.The gift section and office supply center now have open counters for browsing, and the enlarged snack shop hasa stand-up eating counter.TRIBUTE TO WM. S. GRAY-A professorship for basic research in thefield of reading was established thisMay by the University.The new chair will insure continuing leadership for the study of readingin all its social, cultural, psychologicaland educational aspects.In announcing the professorship,Lawrence A. Kimpton, then chancellor of the University, said, "TheUniversity of Chicago has a long tradition of productive research in readingand in the translation of findings intoimproved practices in all its personal,educational and social applications. Foralmost a half century, much of theUniversity's national and internationalreputation in this field has centeredlargely around the work of William S.Gray, who as a member of the Department of Education since 1914, hascontinuously done pioneering researchin this field and has exerted nationwide leadership for the improvementof instruction in reading. "As a fitting tribute to this scholar,the new professorship will be knownas the William S. Cray, Research Professorship in Reading. We hope thatproductive research in reading will begreatly furthered through its establishment."Professor Gray died this Septemberin a vacation accident (see Memorials,page 32).Funds for the endowment of theprofessorship for a special researchfund in reading have been contributedby persons and agencies who desireto have the University continue withincreased vigor its productive researchprogram in reading.Upon learning of the decision toestablish a professorship in his name,Professor Gray made this statement:"1 am deeply appreciative of thehonor conferred on me through theestablishment of a Research Professorship in Reading. Its significance doesnot lie in personalities, but rather inthe recognition thus given by a greatuniversity to the importance of research in a basic school subject anda significant medium of mass communication; also, in the expandedopportunities which it will provide forcontinued intensive research in reading at the University of Chicago."Since the advent of other massmedia, reading has assumed new relationships as a means of personal development and social progress. It hasalso acquired certain distinctive functions which merit intensive study.Furthermore, as the demand has increased during recent years for higher�uality in educational output the needfor greater self-reliance, penetration,discrimination and capacity of criticalevaluation in reading has become moreand more insistent. As a result, newand challenging problems in readingand study activities have developedat all levels from kindergarten to andthrough the university."The University has begun a nationwide search for an outstanding scholarwho will hold the William S. GrayProfessorship.During the past 50 years more than4,000 reports of research in readinghave been published in English in theUnited States and abroad. ThroughProfessor Gray's efforts since 1915,copies of most' of these studies, manyof which are now out of print, arenow on file at the University of Chicago. They constitute the only extended collection of this type in theworld.One of the immediate tasks facedin planning a sound program of research in reading for the future is to11UNIVERSITY CONCERTS-A performance by the New York String Sextet opened the 1960-61 ChamberMusic Series of the University of Chi- THE MEN'S N EWcago on the campus, October 14th.The group, composed of Renato Bonacini and Kees Kooper, violins; PaulDoktor and Clifford Riceter, violas;and Benar Heifetz and Janos Scholz, RESIDENCE HALLcellos, performed Boccherini's Sextet,No. 5 in F major, Opus 24; Mozart'sQuintet in G minor, K. 516 ( twoviolas); and Brahms' Sextet No. 1 inB flat major, Opus 18.During the year the series will include:Nov. 4-New York Pro MusicaDec. 2-Fernando Valenti, harpsi-chordJan. 20-Juilliard QuartetFeb. lO-Vienna Octet'March 3-Bethany Beardslee, sopranoAll concerts are on Friday eveningsand begin at 8: 30 in Leon MandelHall, 57th and University Avenue.General Admission tickets are $2.00and may be purchased at the door.summarize critically and evaluate theresults of this large body of material,to identify the progress achieved thusfar, to define the areas needing furtherintensive study, and to esta blish abroad conceptual framework for futureresearch of superior quality.The proposed summaries and evaluations will relate to the Physiologyand Psychology of Read:ng and theTeaching of Reading, by Mr. Gray. Inaddition, he was working on theSociology of Reading.APPOINTMENTS-Dr. Allen L. Lorincz, associate professor of dermatology at the University since 1957, hasbeen appointed section head of dermatology in the Department of Medicine. He succeeds Dr. Stephen Rothman, who recently retired. Dr. Lorinczreceived his M.D. in 1947; completedhis residency in dermatology in 1950;was appointed an instructor in 1951and promoted to assistant professor in1952-all at the University of Chicago.Daniel Robins, has been appointedcarillonneur of Rockefeller MemorialChapel and Master of the MitchellTower Chimes. Mr. Robins who holdsa diploma from the Carillon Foundation of the Netherlands ( StichtingNederlandse Beiaardschool) has justcompleted a 17-city carillon-playingtour in Europe.His compositions for carillon havebeen published by Carillon F oundalion of the Netherlands, The U niversity of Chicago Societas Campanorium,and the Guild of Carillonneurs inNorth America. ('-12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOThis fall many of the men students settled down tocomfortable living in clean, new quarters. Located onthe southeast corner of 55th and University, the site ofthat beloved old watering place, the original UniversityTavern, the present structure is only the first tower oftwo which will eventually rise along 55th street.While debating the architectural merits of this brickglass-and-cement, modern-gothic wonder, the residentsseem to be unanimous in admiration of its practicality:a convenient mail and reception area, pleasant publiclounge and porch areas, good meals served efficiently, the eight stories of residence area divided into twostory "houses" each built around a two-story high loungecomplete with kitchenette and TV, a music room whichwill eventually hold high-fi equipment. The only thingthey find missing is bicycle racks.Most of the residents of the tower are new students.However, they find themselves well-surrounded withthe traditions of the University, for each of the twostory "houses" is named in honor of one of the menwho first shaped the pattern of undergraduate life at theUniversity: Tufts, Henderson, Thompson and Shorey.NOVEMBER, 1960 13PHOTOS:Exteriors: Charles DeckerInteriors: Albert C. FloresISave for the brief periods alounJmeal times, it is at night that tile dormitories really come alive. From chessin the house lounge to guitar plaYingfor someone at the other end of thetelephone line, there is plenty of activity. And there is studying, too.14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICACOrNOVEMBER, 1960 15Continued From Page 8importance, but the technical problems of getting measurescould prove formidable. What type. of literary documentwould be equally representative of the motivational levels ofpeople in India, Japan, Portugal, Germany, the U.S., andItaly? The group had discovered that certain types ofliterature tended to contain much more achievement imagerythan others. This was not so serious so long as they weredealing with time changes within a given culture, but itwas very serious if they wanted to compare two cultures.They finally decided to use children's stories. For �ne th.ing,they exist in standard form in every modern nation, smceall such nations are involved in teaching their children toread and use brief stories for the purpose. Furthermore,the stories are imaginative, and if chosen for the earliestgrades, are not often influenced by temporary politicalevents, e.g., the stores that every Russian school child readscannot be distinguished as to style and content in generalfrom the stories read in all the countries of the West.There were many interesting results of the study ofchildren's stories. The researchers were convinced that theyare the right material to analyze: apparently adults unconsciously flavor their stories for young children with theattitudes, the aspirations, the values and motives whichthey hold to be most important. Mr. McClelland listed twoparticular findings, one dealing with economic development,and the other with totalitarianism:Those countries which had developed more rapidly tendedto emphasize in their stories what David Riesman hascalled "other-directedness"-namely, a reliance on the opinion of particular others, rather than on tradition, for guidance for the individual. To put it bluntly, those countrieswhich had developed the mass media further and fasterthe press, the radio, the public-address system-were theones which also were developing more rapidly economically.Mr. McClelland's explanation of why "other-directedness"helped these countries to develop more rapidly is that publicopinion is basically more flexible than institutionalized moralor social traditions.Quite unexpectedly, they also found that every majordictatorial regime which came to power between the 1920'sand the 1950's, save possibly one (Portugal), was foreshadowed by a particular motive pattern in its stories forchildren: namely, a low need for affiliation (little interestin friendly relationships with people) and high need forpower (a great concern over controlling and influencingother people). The German readers showed this patternbefore Hitler, the Japanese readers before Tojo, the Argentine readers before Peron, the Spanish readers before Franco,the South African readers before the present authoritariangovernment in South Africa, etc. On the other hand, veryfew countries which did not have dictatorships showed thisparticular motive combination. Apparently the group hadstumbled on a psychological index of ruthlessness-i.e., theneed to influence other people unchecked by sufficientconcern for their welfare. It is interesting, and a littledisturbing, to discover that the German readers of todaystill show this particular combination of motives, just asthey did in 1925.But to return to our main concern, it is necessary to consider precisely how higher n Achievement leads to morerapid economic development ... and why it should lead ,toeconomic development rather than, for example, military;' orartistic development. It is time to consider in more detailthe mechanism by which the concentration of a particulartype of human motive in a population leads to a complexsocial phenomenon like economic growth. The link betweentwo such phenomena is obviously the business entrepreneur;the one who exercises control over production that is not16 just for personal consumption. IN early all economists, including not only Marx but alsoWestern classical economists, have assumed until recently Ithat these men were actuated primarily by the "profit jmotive." Actually, these men were not interested primarily �in money, because if they had been, many more of themwould have quit working as soon as they had made all themoney that they could possibly use and st?pped risking itin further entrepreneurial ventures. These men were reallymotivated by a desire for achievement rather than for amoney as such.One of the defining characteristics of an entrepreneur istaking risks and/or innovating; his is not a gambling nature.Knowledge, judgment, and skill come into making decisions,and if they turn out correct, he gets a sense of personalachievement. An entrepreneur, thus is not like many peoplein underdeveloped countries who, on the one hand, behavevery traditionally economically, and on the other, lore toindulge in lotteries-risking a little to make a lot on a verylong shot.How does the business community recruit people withthe "entrepreneurial spirit" -with high n Achievement?Those with high n Achievement tend to aspire to the occupation of highest prestige that they have a reasonable chanceto enter and succeed at. If business leadership is largelyrecruited from the elite, as in many countries, it will nottend to draw into its ranks those with high n Achievement.What happened in the formation of many of the Westerndemocracies was quite different. Business leadership wasdrawn largely from the middle classes where a businesscareer was the highest prestige occupation that a boy withhigh n Achievement could aspire to, particularly if he camefrom a disadvantaged group like the Protestants in Franceor the Jews in many countries. Another successful methodof recruiting appears in countries like the USSR where thecentral government takes a severe, achievement-oriented,pass-or-fail attitude toward its workers, so that only thefittest-or those with the highest n Achievement-survive.What produces high n Achievement? It could not be theresult of heredity .. ,. Popular psychology has long ma�ntained that someraces are more energetic than others.The data now clearly contradict sucha hypothesis so far as n Achievementis concerned. Rather, it is a motivewhich can be, acquired quite earlyin life," say by the age of eight orten, as a result of the way parentsbring up their children. The mothersof the "highs" have been found tobe more domineering than themothers of the "lows," but thefathers of the ''highs'' are significantly, less domineering than thefathersof the "lows." In other words,the: f�tpers set high standards, arewarwJy, interested in their son's performance, but they do not directlyinterfere, thus giving the boy achance to develop initiative and selfreliance.Do these research ,findings suggest Mr. McClelland-ways of speediri'g'" up economic development? Briefly, ifn Achievement is 'determined by family influence, the familyis hard to 19ha,n.�ct on a really large scale. Governmentalagencies qfl,n,. attack extreme authorianism in fathers.. theycan promote "'the rights of women. Foreigners with provenentrepreneurial, drive can be hired; rigid achievementoriented stanqards of performance can be adopted. •..... ",' �"'" ; '*""'�'�)I'''}'THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOThis is he whose help will solve that vision,Which by the writing hand deeply moved the King.NOVEMBER, 1960 A right hand appears before the King, writing on the wall the following: Mane, Thechel,Phares. The King, upon seeing it, is fright-I ened and exclaims: Call forth the Chaldeanastrologers and the diviners; Search out thesoothsayers, and bring forth the wise men.�be �la!, of maniel comes thiswinter to Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, when theChapel joins the list of famous cathedrals and churchesin which this New York Pro Musica production hasa ppeared. For the past three Christmas seasons NewYork audiences have thrilled to this unique production which had its 20th Century premier in 1958 inthe Romanesque Hall at the Metropolitan Museumof Art's Cloisters. In response to its enthusiastic reception, this medieval Christmas play was again performed at the Riverside Church, and at the Chapelof the Intercession in New York.The summer of 1960 saw the Pro Musica, a companyof 35, under the direction of Noah Greenberg, andwith the sponsorship of the State Dept., on a Europeantour of "The Play of Daniel" which opened in Westminster Abbey. Productions of the play in the Cathedral of Wells, aspart of the Bath Festival in Englandwon rave notices. The English tour brought commentslike:All in all, "The Play of Daniel" is a rare experience not to be missed; its revival is nomere act of historical piety but a vivid recrea-tion of a bygone faith. L d T·on on unesAnd:The effect of the work is tremendous . . . theaudience is swept through a whole range ofemotions, horror, pathos, terror and religiousjoy ... musically this performance is excellent. . . with every detail thought out and everyeffect exactly achieved, and Oxford is veryprivileged in having the opportunity of see-ing it. Oxford TimesAnd:They leap the centuries and excite us purelyas entertainment, as art ... simply as a sound,"The Play of Daniel" is incredibly exhilirating17So firm let the judgement be that he be thrown in the lion's den.The authentic .medlevol musical instruments used in the "Play ofDaniel:" recorder, viele, portative organ, bell carillon, minstrel'sharp and rebec.18 ... a noise as fresh, unexpected and inevitableas a work by Britten or Stravinsky.The SpectatorThe 1960 European tour continued with performancesin Paris at the Church of St. Germaine de Pres, at theSpoleto Festival in Italy, and concluded at the Abbeyof' Royaumont near Beauvais, France, where the workhad its origin in the 12th Century.Called "the first opera," this revival of "The Playof Daniel" is a historically accurate version of the 12thCentury work found in a manuscript owned by theBritish Museum. The edition for modern performancewas made by Noah Greenberg, based on the transcription by the Reverend Rembert Weakland, O.S.B. Thenave of Rockefeller Chapel will resound with thetriumphal processionr of Belshazzer and his Queen, withmusicians playing medievalinstruments such as the rebecrecorders, vielle, bell carillon'hand bells, psaltery, portativ�organ and minstrel's harp.The costuming has been compared by the viewers to greatFrench tapestries, and alumni,faculty and students of theUniversity are promised «aBelshazzer feast" for the eyesand ears on the evenings ofDecember 12 through December 17 at RockefellerChapel.<The Play of Daniel" recounts the Biblical narrativeof Daniel in the Court of Belshazzar. The action follows Daniel to the lion's den (and there are lions),and portrays the arrival of the prophet Habakkuk andthe army of King Darius."The Play of Daniel" comes to the Chapel under thesponsorship of The University of Chicago VisitingCommittee to the Division of the Humanities. EarleLudgin ('20) University Trustee and Chairman of theHumanities Visiting Committee, is responsible forhringing this production to the University. Membersof the Visiting Committee have provided a GuaranteeFund, assuring that substantial proceeds from the performances will be available to support the FellowshipFund of the Humanities Division. Mrs. J. Harris Ward,wife of the University Trustee, is serving as chairmanof the benefit committee, and Mrs. Paul S. Russell'19 is chairman of the gala opening night activities.The production at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel willbe the first American presentation of the work outsideof New York. Tickets for "The Play of Daniel" havebeen priced at $10 for the opening night, December12, a Fellowship Benefit for the University, and atpopular prices of $4.40, $3.30 and $2.20 for the succeeding evenings' performances, December 13 through17. Tickets may be obtained from "The Play of Daniel"Committee, 121 West Wacker Drive. Alumni of theUniversity are asked to send their checks payable tothe University of Chicago, together with stampedaddressed envelopes and indication of alternate eVenings desired.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO97-19A. R. E. WYANT, '97, is being honoredby the Morgan Park Baptist Church withthe installation of a $33,000 pipe organin tribute to him, their first pastor (from1895 to 1906). The alumni association ofhis undergraduate college, Bucknell hasalso recently honored him with the awardof a medallion in recognition of hisachievements as a physician. Dr. Wyant'sname has been proposed for the NationalFootball Hall of Fame for playing a recordnumber of intercollegiate games-98 without substitution - while at Bucknell andChicago.BEULAH SHOESMITH, '03, former headof the mathematics department of HydePark High School, has been honored bythe board of education here. A new school,to be built at 49th St. and Kenwood Ave.,will be named Shoesmith School after the1958 U of C Alumni Citation winner whodied last year.HALLE D. WOODS, '04, of Anna Maria,Fla., writes: "Still enjoying life on thislovely island in the Gulf of Mexico."RAY A. PALMER, '05, senior member ofthe Birmingham, Mich., Exchange Club,was guest of honor at its February 23rdmeeting, when members helped him celebrate his eightieth birthday. In an articlein the Michigan Exchangite, the club newsletter, a member wrote of Mr. Palmer: "Amost unusual record of civic and community accomplishment. No wonder the Exchange Club of Birmingham takes suchpride in his membership and took thisopportunity to pay homage to their longtime friend and fellow member."ERWIN PAUL ZEISLER, '07, MD'12,was recently elected a member of theSociety of Nuclear Medicine and is working on a new type of colloidal radioisotopefor medical use. Under the pseudonymWalter Erwin, Dr. Zeisler has written abook of poems entitled Poems on PertinentTopics, published by Pageant Press thisyear.WILLIAM D. REEVE, '10, and ISABELLE JAENSCH REEVE, '12, write:"Both of us are working on a committeefor a thrilling new project for people overSixty. It is sponsored by the RiversideChurch in New York City, of which wehave been members for many years." Theprogram is intended to utilize the interests, skills and achievements of the matureand experienced men and women over sixtyyears of age, who constitute one quarterof the Church's membership.NOVEMBER, 1960 NEWS OF the alumniKARL K. DARROW, '11, PhD'17, of NewYork, has received the Karl Taylor Compton Gold Medal; the highest honor of theAmerican Institute of Physics. The Compton Medal, which has been awarded onlyonce previously, is granted for "highstatesmanship in physics." Mr. Darrowwas cited for his devotion to physics "inways without precedent or parallel." Themedal was presented by RALPH A. SA WYER, PhD'29, dean of the Rackham Schoolof Graduate Studies at the University ofMichigan and chairman of the governingboard of the American Institute of Physics.Mr. Darrow achieved international prominence for his role in interpreting scientificadvances to physical scientists. He is theauthor of several books on physicsphenomena including such volumes as Introduction to Contemporary Physics; TheRenaissance of Physics; ElectricalPhenomena in Gases; and Atomic Energy.He is also editor of the Bulletin of theAmerican PhYSical Society. Mr. Darrow hasbeen a visiting professor here, and at Columbia, Smith and Stanford Universities.A member of the Physical Society of London and the French Physical Society, hereceived an honorary doctor of sciencedegree from the University of Lyons,France, in 1949, and was decorated bythe French Legion of Honor in 1951. Hejoined the Western Electric Co. in 1917,and became a member of Bell Laboratoriesin 1925 where he remained until his retirement in 1956.ANNA M. MELKA, '12, of Chicago, Ill.,retired from teaching in June, 1956. Sincethat time she has devoted a year to workwith the Ford 'Foundation and anotheryear to the Great Books discussions. Shewrites that she is "as busy as ever" attending U of C lectures, A.C.S. meetings,library forums, and gardening.MUSSEY HOLLAND FOGEL, '15, retiredas social worker from the Municipal Courtin Chicago in 1954. She traveled throughEurope and Israel in 1955, and spent several weeks in Mexico in 1959. Mrs. Fogelis now making her home in Los Angeles,Calif., where she is active in several civicorganizations, among which is the Leagueof Women Voters.HELEN TREDWAY GRAHAM, PhD'15,has received the Citation for DistinguishedService awarded by Bryn Mawr College,Bryn Mawr, Pa. The citation reads:"European Fellow of her class, now professor emeritus of pharmacology at Washington University School of Medicine-amember of the staff there since 1926- Helen Tredway Graham has done valuableresearch in the field of physiology andpharmacology of the nervous system, research which she is continuing at thepresent time. The wife of one of America'smost distinguished surgeons, the late Dr.Evarts Graham, Mrs. Graham has been afighter for good government in St. Louisand has repeatedly engaged herself inactivities for the betterment of humanwelfare. In 1958, she was sworn in as theonly woman in a group of nine Freeholdersof St. Louis County to study city-countyproblems and draft a governmental reorganization proposal for the relationship between the City of St. Louis and theCounty. She has served as president ofthe League of Women Voters in St. Louisand she has also found time to be activein the American Assn. of UniversityWomen. A scientist interested in publicDARROW '11affairs, Mrs. Graham has combined workfor her family, her profession and her citywith notable success."GEORGE LYMAN, '15, had a water colortitled "Summit Meeting," shown at thesecond annual water color show of theArtists Guild of Chicago in June.CHARLES 1. MADISON, '15, of Alexandria, Va., recently retired after managingCommunity Chest drives for twenty-fiveyears. He is now managing an apartmentbuilding in Alexandria.GEORGE S. MONK, '15, PhD'23, writesthat he has been in Boulder, Colo., for19over a year, and finds it a delightful town.He and his family are living very comfortably near the University of Coloradoand are "enjoying extremely pleasant andinteresting contacts there. Weather issuperb both winter and summer."D. JEROME FISHER, 17, SM'20, PhD'22,professor in the department of geologyhere, has been elected president of the7,000..:member International MineralogicalAssn. Mr. Fisher, who has been on theU of C faculty for 20 years, will serve aBEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO24 HOUR SERVICELicensed • Bonded • InsuredQualified WeldersSubmerged Water HeatersHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave.. ChicagoRICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMOnroe 6-3192UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK,1354 East 55th Street" rI 4WJ'tfl dad"MemberFederal Deposit Insurance CorporationMUseum 4-1200YOUR FAVORITEFOUNTAIN TREATTASTES BETTER['Swift & CompanyA product of 7409 So. State StreetPhone RAdcliffe 3-740020 four-year term as president of the organization. He was previously treasurer of theassociation, and in 1957 headed theMineralogical Society of America, one ofthe groups belonging to the world-wideorganization. Mr. Fisher is the author ofmore than 70 books, monographs, and articles in his field. Future meetings of theassociation are scheduled for Washington,D.C., in 1962, Rome in 1963 and Indiain 1964.BERNARD E. NEWMAN, '17, has retiredafter thirty-five years in advertising saleswith the Curtis Publishing Co. of Chicago.Mr. Newman, and his wife THEO GRIFFITH, '17, live in Highland Park, Ill.KATHERINE BURR BLODGETT, SM'18,has been awarded a Citation for Distinguished Service by Bryn Mawr College,Bryn Mawr, Pa. The citation reads: "Aresearch physicist for the General ElectricCo. for her entire professional career,Katherine Burr Blodgett, now a worldauthority on the optical properties of extremely thin films, was the first woman toreceive a PhD in physics from CambridgeUniversity. For her pioneering work in thedevelopment of "invisible" or non-reflecting glass, for which every user of highgrade camera lenses can be grateful, sheholds the Achievement Award of the American Assn. of University Women for 1945.In 1951, she was awarded the GarvanMedal of the American Chemical Societyfor her work in surface chemistry and waschosen one of the twenty-five top-rankingwomen in different fields to be honoredat Boston's first Assembly of AmericanWomen of Achievement. She is a Fellow'of the American Physical Society and amember of the Optical Society of America. Active in her community in welfarework, the Civic Players and conservation,she received the extraordinary honor ofhaving Sunday, June 13, 1951, set asidein Schenectady, N.Y., by proclamation ofthe mayor as "Katherine Blodgett Day."At a testimonial dinner on that day, shewas hailed as !l tireless and disciplinedworker, as a cheerful and witty colleague,, as a leading citizen with a social conscienceand a deep sense of civic responsibility."A. J. BRUMBAUGH, AM'18, PhD'29,president of Shimer College from 1950-1954, has been named special consultantfor a self-study of Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Brumbaugh held numerouspositions at the U of C from 1927-1944,including that of dean of students. Hewas a member of the first UNESCO conference which met in Paris 'in 1946, andwas chairman of the mission that studiededucational conditions in Korea in 1947.Before becoming a consultant for researchwith the Southern Regional EducationBoard in 1955, he directed a study ofhigher education in Florida, and coordinated the Louisiana Commission onHigher Education.FRANK R. GAY, AM'18, PhD�26, writesthat he retired five years ago from Chapman College in Orange, Calif., where hehad served as head of. the area of communications, and of the English andclassics departments since 1945. Mr. Gay and his wife recently celebrated theirfiftieth wedding anniversary.MERVIN J. KELLY, PhD'19, retiredchairman of the board of Bell TelephoneLaboratories, has received the first MervinJ. Kelly award. The award, named in hishonor, was established by the Bell Telephone Laboratories to be presented annually in the field of telecommunications,and is administered by the recognitionawards committee of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. The awardwas made to Mr. Kelly "for outstandingcontributions to the technology of telecommunications; as a distinguished organizer and an eminent leader." Mr. Kellybegan his professional career in the engineering department of Western ElectricCo. which was incorporated into the BellTelephone 'Laboratories in 1925. lDuringhis first ten years he was a researchphysicist in thermionic emission, gaseousdischarge phenomena and electron dynamics. When World War II broke out,he was placed in charge of the overallwar research and development efforts ofthe Laboratories, including radar, Sonar,gunfire control and bombsight projects. In1944 Mr. Kelly was named executive vicepresident of the Laboratories, president in1951, and chairman of the board fromJanuary, 1959, until the time of his retirement last year. In June, 1959, the University of Chicago Alumni Assn. awardedMr. Kelly the Alumni Medal for outstand_ing service to the nation and to mankind.20-27ALICE HOFFMAN BELL, '20, of DesMoines, Ia., has traveled through Canada, Mexico, Europe and around the World.Mrs. Bell, who is a widow, is raising afamily and teaching piano in Des Moines.GALE BLOCKI, JR., '20, of ArlingtonHeights, Ill., writes that he is in advertising, "that great production and consump_tion booster."GRACE WASSON BONELL, '20, ofBrookings, S.D., retired in 1955 from herwork in institutional nutrition research.WALTER ABRAHAM BOWERS, '20, isregional manager of the Kansas branch ofBurns and Roe, Inc., engineers and Constructors, dealing with electronics andthermal nuclear power.JACOB M. BRAUDE, JD'20, judge in theCircuit Court of Cook County, Ill., hadhis fourth book, New Treasury of Storiesfor Every Speaking and Writing OccaSion,published by Prentice Hall, Inc., last year.MARIAN JOHNSON CASTLE, '20, hasrecently published another novel, SilverAnswer, which takes place in Colorado inthe nineties. Mrs. Castle has an honorarydoctor of literature degree, is listed inWho' 8 Who ( and has been for twentyyears), and was the Ida Noyes breakfastspeaker here in 1950. She reports thatshe and her husband spend their wintersTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOin the California desert, and their summersin the high rockies of Colorado.ARTHUR B. CUMMINS, '20, manager ofthe chemical and physical research department at the Johns-Manville Research Center in Manville, N. l, has announced hisretirement after 36 years of service. Mr.Cummins is an internationally recognizedauthority on asbestos mining, mineralogy,and filtration technology of silica and diatomaceous earth, and is a widely publishedauthor in these fields.E. C. TED CURTISS, '20, retired as salesmanager of the automotive division of theDole Valve Co., Morton Grove, Ill., inJune of 1959. Mr. Curtiss, who was a bigten football official for 17 years, movedwith his wife to Largo, Fla.NONA WALKER DAUGHERTY, '20,wife of the late GEORGE H. DAUGHERTY, JR., '21, PhD'25, retired in Juneas a high school math teacher. Mrs. Daugherty has motored all over the U.S. andCanada, and spent a year in Europe andone in South America.CHARLES G. HIGGINS, '20, and his wife,the former FRANCES HENDERSON, '20,write from Michigan City, Ind.: "We areenjoying our retirement and doing manyof the things we never had time for beforewe moved to the country (from Oak Park,Ill. ), but we actually find that there arenot enough hours in each day for all wehope to accomplish."HAMER H. JAMIESON, '20, '23, patentlawyer and owner of Jamieson & Co.,So. Pasadena, Calif., manufacturers, writesthat he has two married daughters andseven grandchildren.SCOTT S. JONES, '20, MD'22, of Tacoma,Wash., has been practicing medicine inthe U.S. since his return from the China,Burma, India theater after the war. Mr.J ones is married and has no children.EARL C. KELLEY, '20, Wayne StateUniversity professor, taught in the summersession last year at the University ofHawaii.GENIEVE A. W. LAMSON, '20, SM'22,of Randolph, Vt., retired in 1952 as chairman of the geography department at Vassar College after 30 years. Since her retirement Miss Lamson helped to write aHistory of Randolph and organized aRandolph Historical Society. She is director of the Vermont Historical SOciety.RAYMOND de ROOVER, '20, MA'23,PhD'SO, is a professor of economics atBoston College, Boston, Mass., teaching history of economic thought, and economichistory in the Boston College graduateschool. His wife, FLORENCE EDLER,'20, is a librarian at Boston University. TheRoovers have traveled extensively in Europe, chiefly in connection with researchand study. They spent 1949-53 in Florence,Italy, where Mr. Roover was doing research on economic history on a Fulbrightand two Guggenheim Fellowships.�U:SANNE DAVIS SHULER, '20, is nowhvmg in Davenport, Iowa. She has twoNOVEMBER 1960, CUMMINS '20married sons, one grandchild, and a daughter working for United Air Lines in Denver, Colo.LEONIE KROCKER THORNBURG, '20,of South Milwaukee, Wisc., has two sons;Dennis is with the American Embassy inParis and Carl Herbert graduated from theVirginia Military Institute last June.EMELINE S. WHITCOMB, '20, of Chicago, retired from the field of education in1933. She had devoted twelve years topublic schools and state universities andspent 10 years with the United States Office of Education.CLAUDIUS O. JOHNSON, AM'21, PhD'27, retired in September as professor ofpolitical science at Washington State University. Mr. Johnson will be a John HayWhitney Foundation Visiting Professor atChatham College in Pittsburgh, Pa., thisyear. He was chairman of the WashingtonState University department of history andpolitical science from 1928 to 1951 and isthe author of numerous biographical studiesand three textbooks on American government. Specifically concerned with civil liberties, his article, "Strain and Restraint:The Impact of Subversive Control on Personal Freedom," appeared in the Summer1960 issue of the Washington State Review.NORMAN C. MEIER, '21, AM,22, lives inIowa City, Iowa.RUBY K. WORNER, '21, SM'22, PhD'25,textile technologist and head of productevaluation investigations of the U.S. Dept.of Agriculture's Southern Utilization Research and Development Division, hasbeen awarded a Fulbright grant. She willbe a lecturer and consultant in textile technology and research at the University ofAlexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.ELIZABETH L. MANN, '21, PhD'36,has been a professor of English at AdelphiCollege in Garden City, Long Island, N.Y.,since 1940. She writes that administrativecommittees as well as teaching fill hertime during the school year and that her MISS WORNER '21summers are given to travel and study.Miss Mann just returned from a trip toItaly, France and England, but, she writes,"my chief summer base for the last eightyears is a cottage on Gull Lake in Ontario, Canada." Miss Mann is living inHempstead, N.Y., on Long Island.KATHERINE McFARLAND ALDERMAN, AM'22, of St. Paul, Minn., was oneof four women honored by distinguishedservice awards in home economics by Kansas State University. Mrs. Alderman is apast president of the American Home Economics Assn., and has worked in institutional management at Oregon State College, Purdue University, the University ofMinnesota and the University of Illinois.M. EDWARD DAVIS, '22, obstetriciangynecologist, recently celebrated his thirtyfifth anniversary with the Chicago LyingIn Hospital.JOHN GUNTHER, '22, has recently published the story of Albert D. Lasker,founder of modern advertising, entitled:Taken at the Flood.EDGAR M. ROSS, '22, of Evanston, Ill.,received a DD degree in 1959 from BurtonSeminary. Mr. Ross has spent thirty-fiveyears as a congregationalminister, servingfor the past eleven in pastorless churchesin the Chicago area.FORREST G. TUCKER, PhD'22, retiredin June after thirty-four years as physicsprofessor at Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio.A specialist in the field of photo electricity,Mr. Tucker was chairman of the Oberlinphysics department for ten years. He isa member of the Ame-rican Physical Society, the American Association of PhysicsTeachers, Phi Beta Kappa, and Sigma Xi.For several years Mr. Tucker was authorof the section "Advances in Physics" inThe American Yearbook.LARS CARLSON, '23, Seattle chairmanfor the U of C Alumni Foundation, hasbeen appointed by the Cleveland TramrailDivision of the Cleveland Crane and Engineering Co., as sales representative for all21MILLER '28overhead materials handling equipment inMontana.HOMER RAINEY, AM'23, PhD'24, professor of education at the University ofColorado, discussed the state of educationin America at a Phi Beta Kappa initiationthere. Educated people in America todayare "sloughing off their social and moralresponsibilities," he said. "Liberal education has not fulfilled its real purpose-thatof producing a civilization which fulfillsthe highest aims in the purposes of mankind. . . . Despite all our fine talk abouttraining for leadership, we do not train forleadership," Mr. Rainey stated.FOSTER K. BALLARD, '24, is assistantchief chemist at the U.S. Customs Laboratory in Chicago. His wife, RUTH MASON,SM'28, PhD'32, is an assistant professorof education in the Navy Pier undergraduate division of the University of Illinois.CATHERINE GAULT HARRISON, '24,has resigned her teaching position at Calumet High School in Chicago, and movedwith her husband to Los Angeles, Calif.She writes: "At present we are huntinga home in California to live more leisurelylives away from ice and snow. When weare settled, we shall be glad to welcomefriends and, of course, U of C '24 willalways be welcome."ROSE SMITH KELLY, '24, moved to LaJ olIa, Calif., after retiring from collegeteaching. At present she is a reading andtesting consultant in the California elementary schools. Mrs. Kelly has a highschool-age daughter.DORIS DEWEY TENNENT, '24, of Sturgis, Mich., writes that her three boys arenow lawyers. She is a member of thefield-staff of the University of MichiganSurvey Research Center-School of HumanBehavior and Social Studies, which is nowstudying higher education in Michigan.This is a pilot study for one to be doneon the national level. Last summer Mrs.Tennent and her husband, a securitiesbroker, enjoyed a visit to the U of Ccampus.22 DAVIS 128HOWARD C. AMICK, '25, now lives withhis wife and three children on his ISO-acrefarm just outside of Des Moines, Iowa.HERBERT A. BALL, '25, and his wife,the former GLENNA MODE, '24, movedto Cheshire, Conn., in 1957 where Mr. Ballis employed by Olin-Mathieson in theNuclear Fuel Dept. Since their family ispractically grown, Mrs. Ball is consideringgoing back into school teaching. The lastfew years she has been doing volunteerwork at the state mental hospitals and atpresent is visiting at "Undercliff" in Meriden, Conn.ERLING DORF, '25, PhD'SO, is a professor of geology at Princeton University,Princeton, N.J.-and has been since 1926.Mr. Dorf went to Europe this summer "onboth business and pleasure," and wasscheduled to give a talk at the InternationalGeological Congress in Copenhagen inAugust.HENRY D. EPHRON, '25, in a letter tohis alumni reunion chairman, HarrisonBarnes, writes: ''I'm sorry I cannot bewith you all at the reunion and dinnerand I doubt very much whether I will bemissed. I cannot compete with those ofyou who have made practical successesand whose names have become widelyknown-I remember you, for instance, notas a basketball player, but as the basketball player-and there is never anythingto write about myself which could be ofgeneral interest. The only thing which Ihave done of interest recently, and thatof interest to only a handful of people,is the decipherment of an unknown systemof writing (pre-alphabetic) on a clay tablet found in Cyprus in a ISth century B.C.milieu-a piece of literature at least 500years older than Homer and the earliestknown literature in any European language. The results of my work will appearin the issue of Harvard Studies in ClassicalPhilology now in press. [This letter wasreceived on June 1.] The 'passionate pursuit of passionless intelligence' may bethe road to anonymity, yet, as you see, it may be a fruitful anonymity which maycontinue to blaze brightly long after I amdead and forgotten-if a person neverknown can be forgotten."MARJORIE CARROLL JOHNSON, '25,JD'27, is a partner in her husband's gen·eral law practice, Owen M. Johnson, At'1torney at Law, in Belvidere, Ill. Shereports: "We have been practicing lawhere for more than twenty years, and Ihave been a member of my church board,the public library and the hospital boardfor about the same length of time. These,with my office and home, keep me Occu.pied. I have three children-the youngestboy is a junior at Yale, the oldest son isa graduate at Dartmouth and is studYing.law at Oxford on a Marshall scholarship,:and our daughter is married to a Dart.·mouth faculty member, and they have adaughter, our only grandchild."FREDA DOUTHIT STONE, '25, teacher'of English at the Poughkeepsie Jr. H.S.:in N.Y., was one of 19 school newspaper�faculty advisers to be awarded a gold key:for work in the Columbia Scholastic Press 1Association at Columbia University. Mrs,'Stone reports that her first granddaughter,attended Bryn' Mawr College Nursery'School last year. ,;HORACE S. STRONG, '25, has bee01manager of the Veterans Memorial AUdi.ltorium in Des Moines, Iowa, since the�building opened on Feb. 1, 1955. In July,1959, at the International Association ofAuditorium Managers, Mr. Strong wasselected and named "Mr. Auditorium Man.ager of the year."DOUGALD C. WHITE, '25 JD'27, ofScarsdale, N.Y., is an attorney specializing'in the investment field. Mr. White writes:"The years do pass! I must be about the:age of the professor whose part I played'in the Blackfriar's production of 'Katie.from Haiti,' thirty-five years ago. ( The;years have wrought a change in name from ID. Cameron White to Dougald C. White. )",'Mr. White was a candidate for Senator in.1956. He is the author of Winim, a "game.:type presentation of the investment prin-eciple of dollar cost averaging." �MORTON J. BARNARD, '26, JD'27, islpresently practicing law in Chicago with]his brother, GEORGE H. BARNARD, 'SO,lJD'Sl, under the firm name of Barnard�and Barnard. During the past year Morton'Barnard served as chairman of the pro-lbate practice committee of the ChicagolBar Association and is an instructor in'wills, trusts and estate planning at J ohnMarshall Law School. He and his wifethe former ELEANOR B. SPIVAK, >S3,"live in Winnetka. -;")RICHARD A. HAREWOOD, JD'26, iSjnow one of the trustees of the University 1of Illinois. His wife, P A TRI CIA, '3S, is,a referee in the Cook County FamilfCourt. They live in Chicago.DUNCAN C. HARKIN, PhD'27, is now�chairman of the department of mathe- �matics and statistics at the American Uni}. versity, Washington, D.C. He was a math·'ematician for Analytic Services, Inc., served,as consultant to the U.S. government fromTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1951-58, and was a professor in the U.S.Naval Academy in 1958-59.WILLIAM F. RASCHE, AM'27, PhD'S6,of Milwaukee, Wise., retired June 30, 1958,as director of Milwaukee Vocational andAdult Schools. He was a member of theplanning committee appointed by Governor Nelson for the Governor's Conferenceon Aging which was held in Madison,June 1-3 this year. Since 1948 Mr. Raschehas been chairman of the MetropolitanYouth Commission whieh serves MilwaukeeCounty. As a member of the War Memorial Center Development Committee ofMilwaukee County he has developed aveterans center and art. building and isplanning to develop a music hall to complete a cultural center. He is also a member of the Metropolitan Study Commission(created by the Wisconsin State Legislature) and chairman of its committee studying police protection in Milwaukee County.l\ALPH WINFRED TYLER, PhD'27, executive director of the Center for AdvancedStudy in the Behavioral Sciences, recentlyreceived an honorary doctor of humaneletters degree from the University of Cinoinnati in Ohio. A native of Chicago, Mr."Tyler served on the faculty of the U of C,and became dean of the division of socialsciences here. In 1953 he left Chicago .tobecome the first head of the BehavioralSciences Center at Stanford, Calif.28-33WILLIAM G. DAVIS, JD'28, has beenDamed general counsel and head of thelegal division of Eli Lilly and Co., phar:thaceutical firm. Mr. Davis worked for aNew York City law firm for two years,and was then named special assistant to!the attorney general of the U.S. He served,.n that post from 1930-33, when he joined�he Indianapolis law firm of Baker andbaniels, in which he has been a partnerSince 1939. Mr. Davis will be responsiblefor the patent division and legal departtuent at Lilly.l<ATHARINE WOOLF KUH, '28, forany years director of the Katharine KuhI allery in Chicago, has been appointed�o the faculty of Mills College of Educa�ion in New York City. Mrs. Kuh, cur:tently art editor of the Saturday Review,was formerly associated with the ChicagoA.rt Institute as curator of several galleries.A.n extensive lecturer, and author of Art!las Many Faces, and Leger, she developed� series of adult discussion groups on�odern art in 1955, on a special grant�:rom the Fund for Adult Education of6he Ford Foundation, and in 1956 sherganized the American exhibition for the\r eniee Bienniale. Mrs. Kuh will teach a�enior level art appreciation course at Mills�aned More Than Meets the Eye. Mills�onege is a women's school, specializing,in preparing teachers for the nursery, kin-II�ergarten and primary grades.�LAUDE N. LAMBERT, MD'28, of Chi�ago, is an orthopaedic surgeon at Pres-NOVEMBER, 1960 byterian and St. Luke's Hospitals, and isa clinical professor of orthopaedic surgeryat the University of Illinois College ofMedicine.JOHN A. LARSON, MD'28, inventor ofthe lie-detector and the single fingerprintsystem, has been made a life fellow ofthe American Psychiatric Assn. Dr. Larsonis presently chief psychiatrist at the IowaState Penitentiary, Fort Madison, Iowa.With a colleague, Dr. Larson providesprivate counseling for prisoners, as well asgroup psychotherapy in which about 350prisoners, divided into 30 groups, takepart each week in discussions of the problems of personal stability and adjustment tosociety. Before joining the Penitentiarystaff, Dr. Larson was a policeman, professor, criminologist, and director of severalmental hospitals.PERRY MILLER, '28, PhD'31, an historian of the intellectual life of New England, will be the first Powell M. CabotProfessor of American Literature at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. Inhis two volumes on The New EnglandMind, Mr. Miller traced the developmentof ideas in early America. He has writtenthe biographies of two major religiousleaders, Jonathan Edwards and Roger Williams, and is currently engaged on an intellectual history of America, to be publishedin several volumes. Mr. Miller has beena member of the Harvard faculty since1931. During World War II, he servedin the psychological warfare branch ofthe U. S. Army.HELEN HILL MILLER, PhD'28, ofWashington, D.C., was awarded a Citationfor Distinguished Service at Bryn MawrCollege, Bryn Mawr, Pa. The citation reads:"A student in the field of economics andpolitical affairs since her undergraduatedays at Bryn Mawr, Helen Hill Miller canbe noted equally well as author, journalist,public speaker and, with. her husband,Francis P. Miller, active political campaigner .... Mrs. Miller has been writerand economist On the staff of the U.S.Department of Agriculture; administrativesecretary and executive director of theNational Policy Committee; Washingtoncorrespondent for the Economist of London-its American editorial representativefrom 1934-1950; for two years Washingtoncorrespondent for Newsweek; since 1953,free-lance journalist and commentator forweekly radio news broadcasts; since 1958contributing editor of the New Republic.Long a member of the Women's NationalPress Club, she was its president in 1955-56. Mrs. Miller is the author or co-authorof six books dealing with American andEuropean political problems. Through theseand many articles, through her work aseditor and commentator, she has again andagain thrown light on some inadequatelyrecognized problem in the complex ofeconomic affairs and particularly international affairs, and so opened the wayto wider understanding."MIL TON K. JOSEPH, '29, JD'30, a Chicago attorney, is one of the sponsors ofthe world's largest motel constructed at Since 1878HANNIBAL, INC.furniture RepairingUpholstering • RefinishingAntiques Restored1919 N. Sheffield Ave. • LI 9-7180LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERPOND LETTER SERVICE, Inc.Everything in LettersHooven Typewriting MimeographingMultigraphing AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones: 219 W. Chicago AvenueMI 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisTHE NEW CHICAGO CHAIRAn attractive, sturdy, comfortablechair finished in jet black withgold trim and gold silk-screenedUniversity shield.$30.00Order from and make checks payable toTHE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION5733 University Ave., Chicago 37Chairs will be shipped express collect from Gardner, Mass. withinone month.23the edge of O'Hare International Airport,Chicago.MARION ROBB ROBERTS, '29, and herhusband have recently returned to thestates after living for two years in Paris.They have sold their home in Flossmoorand are now residing in New York City.LEONA M. W ACKROW, '29, of Oak Park,Ill., writes that she has joined the World,American, and Russian Policy groups, andis enjoying them very much.ROBERT ARDREY, '30, novelist and playwright, has married South African actressBerdine Grunewald in Johannesburg. Mr.and Mrs. Ardrey will live permanently inRome, Italy. Mr. Ardrey met Miss Grunewald while he was in Africa to studygorillas for a book entitled African Genesis,to be published soon in London and NewYork. The book tells the story of manand traces the basic sources of humanbehavior to animal conduct. An establishedplaywright, Mr. Ardrey's best-known workin Africa is Thunder Rock, which touredthe Union and was adapted for both English and Afrikaans transmissions of theSABC. Mr. Ardrey lived in Vienna duringthe Hungarian Revolution, and has writtena play, Shadow of Heroes, concerning it.MGM is also shooting his screenplay, FourHorsemen of the Apocalypse, set duringWorld War II. His son, Ross, is attendingthe U of C this fall. For the past fouryears he has been at the Ecole. Internationale in Geneva, Switzerland. Ross isthe son of Mr. Ardrey and HELEN JOHNSON ARDREY, '35, now divorced. Sheis living in Geneva.VIOLA SOMERVILLE BOND, '30, ofDes Plaines, Ill., is secretary to the president of Garrett Biblical Institute on theEvanston campus of Northwestern University.ELSIE DEANE CANAN, '30, of Johnstown, Pa., has retired from teaching highschool. Miss Canan has also taught classesin nature study at Woods Hole and haspublished a book, A Key to the Ferns ofPennsylvania, which is a non-technical keyfor recognition of the 59 species of fernsfound in Pennsylvania, with drawings ofeach species.HANNAH WERTH CHOLDIN, '30, ischairman of the language department ofSenn High School in Chicago. Her son,HARVEY, received his AB degree fromthe U of C in June of this year.BRANDON H. GROVE, '30, PhD'34, andhis wife, the former HELEN GASP ARSKA,'27, have been residents of London for thepast four years. Mr. Grove represents theSocony Mobil Oil Company there as chairman of their Sterling Area companies andas a director of the Iraq Petroleum Co. andthe Iranian Oil Consortum.GEORGE F. JAMES, '30, JD'32, a director and senior vice president in financefor the Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., hasassumed responsibility for corporate planning activities. He has been named seniorvice president in planning and finance.Mr. James joined the company in 1958as a special assistant in the financial24 department; in February, 1959, he was. elected a director, and in May of the sameyear, a senior vice president. Before goingto Socony Mobil, Mr. James worked forfourteen years as tax counsel, treasurer anddirector of Standard-Vacuum Oil Co., anaffiliate of Socony Mobil. He relinquishedthe directorship in 1957 to serve as generalrepresentative in Melbourne for StandardVacuum interests in Australia. Mr. Jameslives with his wife and three children inScarsdale, N.Y.HELEN VON THADEN KROEPEL, '30,of Manhasset, N.Y., reports that she hastwo children; a son in dental school at theUniversity of Pennsylvania and a teen-agedaughter. Mrs. Kroepel is active in school,hospital and community affairs.CAROLYN ABRAHAM PERLMUTTER,'30, now of Long Beach, Calif., retired after34 years in the Chicago public schoolsystem, the last 19 of which were at Marshall High School as a teacher of English.Mrs. Perlmutter writes: "I now enjoygardening, club work, and other activitiesfor which I formerly had no time. Lovethis California climate."RUTH STEININGER STARRETT, '30,treasurer of the Northern Illinois Gas Co.,writes that she has twin sons who arein general medical practice in Aurora, Ill.RICHARD O. LANG, '31, AM'32, PhD'36,has become an international administratorfor Johnson's Wax International. He hasworked for S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc., since1946.ELIZABETH F. HILL, '32, is a schoolpsychologist for the Chicago Board ofEducation.JAMES R. SHARP, '32, JD'34, formerpresident of the Washington U of C AlumniAssn., accepted for the University Library,a set of the Rumanian Technical Lexicon,presented by the Rumanian Charge d' -Affaires in Washington, D.C., this August.MARGARET B. FERKINHOFF, '33, AM'58, writes: "Since receiving my MA inSocial Service Administration, I have acquired two sons-in-law and one granddaughter. I'm now a supervisor in specialservices with the Lake County Departmentof Public Welfare in Gary, Ind. My special responsibilities are three workers, onewho works with retarded children, onewith blind children and one whose responsibilities are in the area of marital andfamily counseling and protective services.We think it is a tremendous and excitingprogram .... My newest son-in-law, JamesParry, enters t.he U of C this fall with theaid of a $lOOO scholarship."STANLEY MOSK, '33, Attorney Generalof California, was elected a national committeeman of the Democratic party inCalifornia. Mr. Mosk, an elected delegateto the Democratic national convention inCalifornia, has been active in politics since1937, working with groups which broughtabout a reform in Los Angeles city government. He served as executive secretary tothe governor of California from 1939-42,and was appointed to the Superior courtbench in Los Angeles in 1942 when he was thirty years of age, the youngest man tohold that judicial post. He was re-electedto the judgeship three times, and wasnominated for attorney general in the primary election in 1958, and was electedto the post by the highest margin achievedfor any office in the nation in 1958.REGINALD J. STEPHENSON, PhD'33,professor of physics at Wooster College,Ohio, has been on sabbatical leave inEngland for a year. His wife is the formerHELEN F. ALDRICH, PhD'33.MARY C. TAYLOR, '33, of New Lenox,Ill., is now a teacher of developmentalreading at Joliet Township High School,Joliet, Ill.DAVID B. ESKIND, '34, is still at the'Pentagon working for the army. Untilrecently he was the writer for "The ArmyHour" radio program, for which he isnow producer-writer.NOEL B. GERSON, '34, of Waterford,Conn., has been elected a life fellow ofthe International Institute of Arts and:Letters.EMANUEL E. MARCUS, '34, PhD'37,MD' 42, of Hammond, Ind., has been promoted to clinical professor of surgery forIthe Chicago Medical School on WolcottAvenue in Chicago. Dr. Marcus, who haslbeen clinical associate professor of surgery there, is on the staff of Michael ReeseHospital in Chicago and St. Margaret'sHospital in Hammond. He is the authorof a recently-published textbook on principles of surgical procedures.MARGARET C. MAYER-OAKES, '34,writes that her two sons, WILLIAMJAMES, AM'45, PhD'54, and THOMAS'FRANCIS, '33, PhD'55, are doing well illtheir own fields. Thomas, who lives With'his parents in Detroit, Mich., is assOciatelprofessor of Oriental History at WavneState University, He has been on sev�rallTV programs on the series "Great Decisions," William is now director of :Imuseum at the University of Oklahoma.Mrs. Mayer-Oakes is active in church and,community work, and is especially inter.ested in an organization called the Womenin League for Peace and Freedom.DONALD FIELDS, PhD'35, has been promoted to Josephine Bittinger Eberly pro.fessor of Latin Language and Literature'at Lebanon Valley College in Annville,Pa. From 1928-30, Mr. Fields was a Latin>instructor in the College; from 1947-56he acted as assistant librarian. Since 195�he has served as librarian, a post he wicontinue to occupy along with his newappointment. ,SOPHIA HEEND, '35, has received a M�degree in public health and nutrition fronsWestern Reserve University, Cleveland,Ohio. .ROBERT I. LIVINGSTON, '35, JD'31.THE UNIVERSITY. OF CHICAGOhas moved up from vice president topresident of Walter E. Heller & Co., aChicago corporate financing firm. Clientsof the firm range from TV and movieproduction companies to large manufacturing firms.ALVIN J. ROSEMAN, AM'35, has beenappointed assistant director-general ofUNESCO. Mr. Roseman, who has assumed his position at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, was previously directorof the International Cooperation Administration for the Far East. He has alsobeen director of the U.S. Operations Mission to Cambodia, and a Department ofState representative for U.N. SpecializedAgency Affairs in Geneva.WILLARD G. De YOUNG, MD'36, aninternist at the Blue Island Medical Centernear Chicago, has joined a ten-man specialty group in Blue Island as head ofinternal medicine. The group plans eventually to include fifteen to twenty doctors,and Dr. De Young writes that U of Cmedical graduates are welcome.WILLARD W. FOREMAN, SM'36, ofRoswell, N.M., has been re-hired by theUniversity of California's Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory as a chemist in thehealth division.W. EDGAR GREGORY, '36, has beennamed chairman of the newly establishedHonors Program at the College of thePacific in Stockton, California. At thetime this appointment was made, it wasalso announced that he has been granted asabbatical for the YICar 1961-62 to spendin research and study with Jean Pia getof the University of Geneva.LILLIAN L. MALPE, '36, of Chicago, Ill. ,writes: "Along with my regular duties asteacher at Eberhart School I have beengiven the added pleasure of teachingFrench to a group of 'accelerated' nineand ten-year-olds."ULYSSES G. MASON, MD'36, has beenappointed president of the medical staffat Metropolitan General Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. A specialist in internal medicine, Dr. Mason is the first Negro physician to b president of any medical staffin Cleveland, with the exception of ForestCity Hospital, of which he is a trusteeand staff member. He is also on the staffof Mt. Sinai Hospital, and is assistant clinical profe sor of medicine at Western Reserve University. Dr. Mason says of hisappointm nt: "It is an opportunity and achalle,nge. } want to do a good job andwork nard.EWALD B. NYQUIST, '36, '49, of Ravenna,N.Y., received three honorary degrees thisyear from three different institutions. Heacquired an honorary doctor of humaneletters degree from Yeshiva University inNew York City, and two honorary doctorof law degrees, one from Alfred University, Alfred, N.Y., and another from theManhattanville College of the Sacred Heartin Purchas , N.Y. Mr. Nyquist, New YorkState Deputy Commissioner for HigherEducation, was clinical psychologist in theBehavior Clinic of the Cook County Crim-NOVEMBER, 1960 inal Court and in the Chicago PresbyterianHospital during his graduate years at theU of C. After serving in the U.S. NavalReserve, Mr. Nyquist became assistantdirector and later director of admissionsat Columbia University. Since 1951, whenhe joined the State Education Departmentin Albany, he has been assistant Commissioner for Higher Education, then associateCommissioner for Higher Education, a postwhich involved matters relating to colleges, universities and professional schoolsin New York State, admission to professional study and regulation of professionalpractice. Mr. Nyquist went to his presentposition in 1957. He has been both secretary and chairman of the Commission onInstitutions of Higher Education of theMiddle States Assn. of Colleges and Secondary Schools.HERBERT A. SIMON, '36, PhD'43, associate dean of the graduate school of industrial administration at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa., will,with three other men, head a new researchprogram at the Institute sponsored by theCarnegie Corp. of N.Y. On a $175,000grant, the industrial administration graduate school and the psychology departmentat Carnegie will study human thoughtprocesses. Research will be focused onthe use of large electronic computers astools for the study of human thinking. Inthis research, computers are programmedto "think out" problems in the same wayas the human mind works, working withletters and words as well as with figureswhich have traditionally been the languageof computers. Mr. Simon, who pioneeredthis approach to the analysis of humanthought processes through the use of computers, served at the University of California and the Illinois Institute of Technology before joining the Carnegie Techstaff in 1949.JOHN B. TIPTON, '36, of Chicago, hasretired as a colonel in the U.S. ArmyReserve.WELLS D. BURNETTE, '37, former vicepresident of Roosevelt University in Chicago, is now executive vice president inthe public relations firm of Charles R.Feldstein and Co., Inc. Mr. Burnette, forten years in charge of Roosevelt's community development and fund raising program, was formerly assistant sales promotion and advertising director for Scott,Foresman & Co., educational publishers.In his student days at the U of C, he wasan associate editor of this magazine. Mr.Burnette lives with his wife and two children in the North Shore community ofDeerfield.CARL C. PFEIFFER, MD'37, has beenappointed head of the section of pharmacology in the New Jersey Bureau of Research in Neurology and Psychiatry atPrinceton, N.J. He is also president-electof the American Society for Pharmacologyand Experimental Therapeutics. His termof office begins July 1, 1961. Mr. Pfeifferwas chairman of the pharmacology department at the University of Illinois until1954, when he joined the staff of EmoryUniversity, Atlanta, Ga., where he has been director of the division of basichealth sciences since 1956.D. THROOP VAUGHAN, '37, of Homewood, Ill., has been made an assistantvice president at City National Bank andTrust Co. Mr. Vaughan deals in government bond portfolio management, andsupervises bond trading.PFEIFFER '37C. EVEHETT ASKEW, '38, MBA '53,has been appointed to the newly-createdposition of manager of administration forthe Callery Chemical Co., Pittsburgh,. Pa.Mr. Askew will supervise the legal, safety,and industrial sales divisions of the company, and the central services of theCallery, Pa., location. He will also coordinate activities of other divisions with thepresident's office.JESSICA H. CHAMBERLIN, '38, of VillaPark, Ill., has retired from teaching. Mrs.Chamberlin writes: "Have an all-seasongarden, from the first snowdrop to thelast chrysanthemum. Do club work, someoil painting, much creative writing."MORRIS M. ROSSIN, '38, of Chicago, Ill.,and his wife made a six week motor tripthrough Western Europe accompanied byJOSEPH D. KRUEGER, '38, and his wife,the former SHIRLEY ANN SONDEL, '39,of Highland Park, Ill. They drove throughEngland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland,Italy, and France. Writes Mr. Rossin:"Can't wait for an encore."WILLIAM P. RYAN, '38, has been appointed comptroller of the recently-createdDefense Systems Division of the GeneralMotors Corp. Technical Center near Detroit, Mich. Mr. Ryan has had variousassignments with General Motors since1941.MARY NEVILLE WOODRICH, '38, hasreceived her MA degree in education fromWestern Reserve University, Cleveland,Ohio.ROBERT S. FOUCH, '39, SM' 40, has beenappointed mathematics editor in the Science Research Associates' materials of in-25ASKEW '38 LEWIS '39 ERICKSON '43in social work, recommend faculty ft'appointment, develop an internship witthe established social agencies in Marylancand initiate library holdings essential tthe school. It is planned to have thfirst class enter in the fall of 1961. MILewis, a member of the mental heal�subcommittee of the 1960 White Hous,Conference, has been associate professoland professor of social work at the University of Connecticut since 1954.Council of Teachers of Mathematics.ANDREW "BOB" HERSCHEL, '39, writesthat he still misses Chicago after five yearsin Ridgewood, N.J., "but Curtiss-Wrightand t�nnis keep me busy. Visitors welcome!struction department. A former assistantprofessor of mathematics here, Mr. Fouchwas awarded his professional certificate inmeteorology by the U of C in 1943. ThePark Ridge, Ill., resident will be in chargeof developing and editing a wide varietyof learning materials in the field of mathematics. Among his immediate projects willbe the development of multilevel materials for use in junior high schools. Mr.Fouch is co-author of the book,' Fundamental Mathematics, and is a former chairman of publications for the National VERL S. LEWIS, AM'39, will head theUniversity of Maryland's new school ofsocial work in Baltimore, which will bethe only school of social work in the State.During the year, Mr. Lewis will developa curriculum leading to a master's degree DAYTON F. CAPLE, '40, is a Lt. ColoneFrom New York Life's yearbook of successful insurance career men!oooooooooooooooooooooNORMAN CAMPBELLfound success in hisown "back yard"! NORMAN W.CAMPBEllNew York LiferepreSentativeat theBay Colony, Mass.General Office"I believe the biggest attraction of a career as a NewYork Life Agent," says Norman Campbell, "is havingindependence to run your own business, backed by alarge, well-known company."N orman also feels that the opportunity for earning anunrestricted income as early as age 30 is a big advantage. He set an income goal which he hoped to reachafter five years as a life underwriter. "I was fortunateenough to attain that in my second calendar year withNew York Life," he says.N orman has opened his own office in the business district of the town where he grew up. He is firmly established in a career in which his own talents and ambitions are the only limitations on his future income, andon his opportunit�es to serve others.If you or someone you know would like to know moreabout a career with one of the world's leading insurance companies, write: Education· Un ]N . verSity few Hampsh' 0Ire, B. A . ' 53Employment ReNew York Life C,O;d: JoinedStar Club or �. Member,lead' (ganl2ation ofC Ing agents of theompany)New York LifeInsurance � CompanyCollege Relations, Dept. B 751 Madison Avenue, New York 10, N. Y.26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.n the U.S. Army, now stationed in Iran.He writes that "My family and I arrivedIn Teheran, Iran, in April, 1958, for a:wo-year tour with the U.S. Military Mis;ion to Iran. My position is Executive to.he Chief of Mission. The work has beennteresting and, with the continual imorovement of the Armed Forces of Iran,orofitahle. Our life here as a family is-:'_l.teresting-inconveniences, but few actual1.ardships-relatively good schools for my.wo daughters, Charlee and Stephanie."LOIS SPOONER HOFFMAN, '40, ofNewburgh, N.Y., is editor of the RISS(Resident-Interne-Senior Student) Magasine, published by Medical EconomicsI:1agazine. The Hoffmans have one daugh.er, Deborah, aged 1l.MARY ALLEN HOUSE, '40, of Daly City,:::::alif., writes that she has four children,:tIl of whom are active in the Boy and::;irl Scouts. "So . . . our spare (?) timeis directed to Scout activity and trying to:eeep up with groups of very lively young,ters."CHARLES A. JOHNSON, '40, and hiswife, MARIAN RENTSCH, '40, are livingIn the American Consulate in Dusseldorf,::;ermany, with their three children. Mr.r ohnson is the Director of the AmerikaHaus, Cologne.ROBERT CUBA JONES, '40, has established a project in Mexico City, Mexico,�f which the "prime function is to promoteunderstanding and friendship between Mexicans and intellectuals from other countries." Mr. Jones and his wife maintain alarge house at Chilpancingo 23, which has'ccommodations for tourists with profesronal interests. The Jones' consider theirreject a "good-will creation of our ownndertaking in a pioneering attempt toromote cultural, social and economic ex-hange between Mexico and the U.S."ectures are given at the Villa Jones almostvery week, and the "open-house gather-ngs, or Tertulias, constitute, we feel, aaluable contribution to the intellectualHe of the city." The attendance at these':Cleetings in the past year totaled morehan four thousand persons, and the rosterf speakers has been an impressive one.en is not so much the number in attendnee as the quality of experience, however,ri which we are interested. From thisoint of view the room which we have�vailable (our own living room) is almost[ways filled to more than its effectiveapacity."ARRIET KEMP KAYE, '40, writes: "We"Qoved to Fort Lauderdale, Fla., six yearsgo and have been enjoying this casual,appy life ever since. If any of our Chi:ago friends get down here, we'd love toave them stop in and see us."LSIE TEUFEL LANE, '40, has beeniving in the Pittsburgh, Pa., area forver a year now. She is active in women'sIubs, the PTA, T work, and neighborhoodiscussion groups. She writes: "This is aery active and progressive community withxcellent schools, and accelerated coursesor exceptional children including Spanishnd advanced literature."OVEMBER, 1960 NORMAN B. SIGBAND, '40, MA'41,PhD' 54, of Chicago, is the author of Effective Report Writing for Business, Industry,and Government, recently published byHarpers. Mr. Sigband, chairman of thedepartment of English, College of Commerce, DePaul University, has also servedas a consultant to industry and has directedcourses in communication at the executiveand secretarial levels for Illinois CentralRailroad, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.,Western Electric Corp., and many others.FRANCES LANDER SPAIN, AM'40,PhD'44, of New York City, has beenelected first vice-president and presidentelect (for next year) of the AmericanLibrary Association.41-47HOGELAND B. BARCALOW, MBA' 41,and his wife, the former ELSIE V. McCRACKEN, '40, MBA '41, moved fromEuclid, Ohio, to Milwaukee, Wise., inSeptember of 1959. Last March theyvisited the University and saw James R.Lawson, then carilloneur at the Chapel.CARL Q. CHRISTOL, PhD' 41, professorof international law and political scienceat the University of Southern California,has returned to the Los Angeles campusafter serving as a guest instructor on international law at the Army Judge AdvocateGeneral's School in Charlottesville, Virginia. Mr. Christol, who is a colonel inthe Judge Advocate General's Corps ofthe U.S. Army Reserve, dealt with therole and expanding functions of international law, and with the interpretation oftreaties.ISABELLE DABRIN, '41, AM' 48, is nowMrs. Walter Polner. She and her husbandreside in Madison, Wise.BINA DENEEN HOUSE, AM' 41, of Chicago, tells us of the birth of her fourthgrandchild, Jason Deneen Beghe. Mrs.House's daughter, BINA, '54, and son-inlaw, RENATO BEGH�, '51, JD'54, residein New York City.JAMES LAWSON, '41, has resigned ascarillonneur of the Rockefeller MemorialChapel and Mitchell Tower Chimemasterhere, and become carillonneur of the Riverside Church in New York City. The carillons of the Rockefeller Chapel and theRiverside Church are "sister" instruments,both given by the late John D. Rockefeller,Jr., in memory of his mother. The Riverside Church carillon is the largest andheaviest in the world.JANE ARMSTRONG OHLE, '41, had ason, John Herbert, on December 4, 1958.JEAN CHARTERS GRAHAM, PhD' 42,was elected Democratic National Committeewoman from Colorado at the State convention this June.JOSEPH J. KATZ, PhD'42, Argonne seniorscientist since 1946, has been given theAmerican Chemical Society's award for nuclear applications in chemistry. Theaward, sponsored by the Nuclear-ChicagoCorp., Des Plaines, Ill., was given to Mr.Katz for his research aimed at discoveringthe biological and chemical consequencesof replacing hydrogen in living systemswith heavy water. He developed methodsof growing algae in deuterium as a meansof furthering his research.EVA U. CURLESS, AM'43, writes thatshe has been supervisory social worker atthe Des Moines, Iowa, VA Hospital forthe past eleven years.ERIC C. ERICKSON, JR., '43, MBA' 52,has been named vice president and directorof manufacturing of the Molded-PackagingDivision of the Diamond National Corp.in N.Y.RICHARD S. STEARNS, '43, PhD'46,former research associate at the U of C,has been appointed chief of the polymers,. lubes and wax section of the research anddevelopment division of the Sun Oil Co.,Marcus Hook, Pa. Mr -. Stearns joined SunOil as a research associate in August of1959.MARILYN ROBB TRIER, '43, is marriedto PHILLIP TRIER, music director atLake Forest College, Lake Forest, Ill., whoreceived his teacher training at the U of Cin 1953-54. They now have two children,and live in an English cottage on thecampus of the College.LOUISE HARVEY CLARK, '45, now ofLafayette, Calif., writes that she has "6children, ages 3 through 11 (4 boys and2 girls), who manage to fill up a gooddeal of my time. However, I do drawhouse plans for my husband, John, whohas three of my designs under construction now. Mr. Clark is vice-presidentof Johnson Clark, Inc., home builders. Weall like sports: hiking, swimming, tennis,skiing (snow and water variety). Haveacquired a great interest in guitar and folkmusic over the years, and spend muchtime playing with a group of fellow housewives."ROSE MARY CURTIN, AM' 45, has become director of admissions at DePaulUniversity in Chicago. Miss Curtin joinedthe DePaul staff in 1953 as associate deanin counseling for the college of liberal artsand sciences, and has been assistant director of admissions there since 1955. Shetook part in organizing the Catholic CollegeBureau, and continues to serve as directorof the Bureau, and co-editor of its annualpublication, A Directory of Catholic Colleges and Universities.HADASSAH SAMUELS DANIELS, '45,received her MD from Indiana UniversitySchool of Medicine in 1950, and has sincecompleted a rotating internship at ChicagoWesley Memorial Hospital, psychiatric residency at Massachusetts Memorial Hospitaland two years as Research Fellow in Psychiatry at the Beth Israel Hospital inBoston where she is now on the staff. Inaddition to private practice and hospitalwork, Dr. Daniels is a consultant in Psychiatry to Wheelock College, teaches onTufts Medical School staff and supervisespsychiatric residents. She was married to27Edward M. Daniels in 1954. He is a pra<:ticing psychoanalyst, heads the grouppsychology division at the Beth Israel, andis doing interesting work with pre-delinquents. They live in Chestnut Hill, Mass.Dr. Daniels writes: "It's a busy, interesting life."WINSLOW G .. FOX, '45, MD' 48, of AnnArbor, Mich., writes: "Concerned that ourwell-fed, complacent society ignores toomuch the needs of our fellow-men beyondour tiny circle."JEROME JACOBS, '45, of West Orange,N.J., is now working in the sales divisionof the Ideal Printing and Engraving Co.in New York City. He is married andhas three children.BETTY FOYER JOHNSON, '45, has livedin Honolulu for the past six years, teachingin intermediate and high schools. Shealso taught a business English course.Mrs. Johnson was married to the late HalJohnson, retired editor and columnist ofthe Berkeley, Calif., Gazette.SHANDES PINCOFFS KNELL, '45,writes that she now has a boy and twogirls, and is teaching millinery to adults atnight school, lecturing to women's clubsand school groups, head of the Browniedivision of the Girl Scouts, and active inthe PTA in Woodstock, Ill., where sheresides with her family.MARTIN KRUSKAL, '45, a professor atPrinceton University, Princeton, N.J., iscurrently in Munich, Germany, for a yearof study and research on a National Science Foundation Fellowship.MARGHERITA A. MacDONALD, '45,SM' 49, is an educational advisor to theU.S. Air Force, planning and organizingan educational program for our military, personnel. She has been in Europe forthe past seven years, and finds it a mostenjoyable and worthwhile experience.JOHN PHILLIP REILLY, '45, formerassistant pastor of St. Patrick's Catholicchurch in Rockford, Ill., and St. Mary'schurch, Woodstock, has been appointedsuperintendent of Aquin Central Catholichigh school, Freeport. The former Rockford curate is a native of Dixon. He wasordained in 1951 and served the Rockfordand Woodstock parishers until he wasassigned to take graduate studies at DePaulUniversity, Chicago.LYMAN B. BURBANK, MA'46, has beenappointed director of teacher educationand lecturer in history at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Vanderbilt hasalso named MILLARD F. LONG, MA'57,assistant professor of economics, and JUMC. NUNNALLY, PhD'52, professor ofpsychology.JOHN A. COOK, '46, JD' 48, has formedthe law partnership of Cook & Lavery inChicago with Harry D. Lavery, a graduateof Columbia University law school.ROBERT GAUSS, '46, is now a student atthe Chicago Teachers College.FREDERICK H. MARTENS, '46, has been28 appointed assistant technical services manager at the Argonne National Laboratory,Argonne, Ill. Mr. Martens will have special responsibilities in the area of reactoroperations, where two new research reactors are under construction. He joined theArgonne staff in 1950 as an associatephysicist in the reactor engineering division, and has since participated in numerous nuclear reactor research projects, including critical experiments for the prototype of the atomic engine of the submarine'Nautilus'; design and construction of ZeroPower Reactor II, an experimental facilitywhich furnished essential information leading to the construction of the AEC's Savannah River Reactor; and design, construction, and experimental program of ZeroPower Reactor, IV, a fast exponential experiment.THOMAS R. MASTERSON, '46, MBA'48,PhD'56, has been named associate professor of business administration at EmoryUniversity, Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Masterson was previously an associate professorof business administration at De Paul University in Chicago, and a member of theboard of directors of Mandabach andSimms, Inc.JOHN E. TWOMEY, '46, MBA'50, hasbeen appointed superintendent of collegerelations for the Western Electric program.He is responsible for the firm's nation-widecollege recruiting activities, and supervises their aid-to-education program, onewell known to many U of C students. Mr.Twomey, who has his bachelor's degreein physics and his master's in industrialand labor relations, joined Western Electric in 1946 as an interviewer at the company's Hawthorne Works in Chicago.JOHN M. BECK, AM'47, PhD'53, hasbeen assistant dean at Chicago TeachersCollege since February of this year. Hehas been elected president of the Chicagodivision of the' Illinois Educational Assn.for a two-year term, 1960-62. Mr. Beckis married to the former FRANCIS J.MOTTEY, AM' 55.BABETTE CASPER BLOCH, '47, '49, ofSan Francisco, Calif., writes: "Until November 19, 1958 (the day before ourdaughter, Elisabeth Renee was born), Iedited a quarterly publication, Plan forHealth, sent to 300,000 members of theKaiser Health Plan. Am now tending to'Lisa, our cat, my unanswered mail; andoccasional free lance writing and consumerresearch consultation jobs."DAVE BRODER, '47, and his wife, ANNCOLLAR BRODER, '48, are the parentsof three boys. Mr. Broder is now coveringpolitics for the Washington Evening Star.RUTH M. CASEY, AM'47, accepted theposition of chief social worker in the KansasTreatment Center for Children, Topeka,Kansas, in December, 1959.ROBERT L. FLEMING, PhD'47, notedornithologist and missionary, is a memberof an expedition in search of Yeti, thefabled "abominable snowman" of theHimalayas. In the past, Mr. Fleming has made several trips from the lowlands ofNepal to far above the timberline in theHimalayas in search of specimens for theChicago Natural History Museum collec:..tion. Now it is expected that the Museum'sstudy collection and exhibits of Asian birdsand other animals will be greatly eI).richedby the addition of specimens from even'higher reaches of the Himalayas. It was abird-study and bird-collecting expeditionby Mr. Fleming for the Chicago Museumin 1954 that led to what is now an extensive Protestant mission in Nepal. Mr.Fleming has been associated with theUnited Christian Mission there ever since.RICHARD S. HOMER, '47, '49, MD'53,and his wife, the former DIANA CHAP-lLIN, MA'54, were married in July, 1952and are now living in Beverly Hills, CaliThey have two children; Jack, bornJanuary 10, 1956, and Loren, born August- 10, 1958. Dr. Homer is a U.S. PublicHealth Service doctoral research trainee inthe division of dermatology at the Uni-versity of California, Los Angeles. IEARL W. ISBELL, '47, and his wife, theformer JUDITH M. HELD, '46, of Compton, Calif., announced the birth of LeighDiane last December, 28, "evening up thescore with three boys and three girls." Mr.Isbell was re-appointed in June to serve his]ninth year at Alondra Park Methodist!Church in Gardena. During his nine yearslwith the church it has grown from 200.members to well over 800.JULIUS B. KAHN, JR., '47, SM'47,:PhD'49, and his wife CAROLYN, '48,�write: "Back in suburbia after a year Iabroad. Julius was associated for a yearwith the Pharmacological Institute at the.University of Berne, Switzerland; I learned'about housekeeping European style, and'the kids made friends with Indian, Thaiand Egyptian children in the very international school they attended. Most fun ofall was the four months we spent touringthirteen countries in our Volkswagen bus.Already we're dreaming of when we canall go back again."LELAND F. LEINWEBER, '47, '49, ofSyracuse, N.Y., made a business trip toJapan in 1959.SHERWOOD P. MILLER, SM'47, MD'49,of Brooklyn, N.Y., is chief of neoplasticdisease service at Maimonides Hospital inBrooklyn. His third son, David, was born'last April.JOHN C. NEFF, '47, MBA'48, formerstaff member of the University's HomeStudy department, has been named vicepresident of investments for the StateFarm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. ofBloomington, Ill. Mr. Neff, who had served.as assistant treasurer for State Farm since1955, joined the organization in 1954. Hewas previously associated with Merrill,Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith as anaccount executive.TAVIA MORGAN ROTTENGER, '41,with her husband and six children, hasmoved to Elmhurst, Ill. 'ROBERT P. ROTH, PhD'47, professor ofNew Testament and dean of the LutheranTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOTheological Southern Seminary graduateschool in Columbia, S.C., received anhonorary doctor of divinity degree in Mayfrom Roanoke College, Salem, Va.ROZELLA SCHLOTFELDT, SM'47,PhD'56, has been appointed dean of Western Reserve University's Francis PayneBolton School of Nursing in Cleveland,.9hio. Miss Schlotfeldt was formerly asso-ciate dean in the college of nursing, WayneState University, Detroit. During WorldWar II, she served as first lieutenant inthe Army Nurse Corps overseas.DONNA E. VERSTRATE, '47, is currently"a center director for the YWCA in Wilmington, Del. She received an MS inLocial group work from the N. Y. StateSchool of Social Work at Columbia Uni'versity in 1958, and had her Master'sthesis published by the American Foundalion for the Blind as the first monographin their Social Welfare Series.48-49LATHROP V. BEALE, AM' 48, a PhDbandidate in SOciology here, has been ap�ointed assistant professor of sociology andttnthropology at Grinnell College, Grintl.ell, Iowa. Since 1958 Miss Beale has been� research assistant for the National Opinlon Research Center, located on campus.�he taught at Mt. Holyoke College from�948 to 1950, and then became an Ameri-".n Friends Service Committee staff repesentative for three years. Miss Beale ismember of Phi Beta Kappa, and of pro-essional organizations.lOHN BUETTNER-JANUSCH, '48, '49,-<,\M'53, and his wife, the former VINA E.MALLOWITZ, '48, '49, of New Haven,�onn., write: "We have just returned from� two months' stay in Kenya where we.ollected blood samples and pituitariesrom baboons and other monkeys in thelleart of safari-land. When we weren'tbusy in the laboratory, we spent our timetaking photographic safaris to Kenya'sltoyal National Parks, where we saw mostQf the varieties of wild game" that Kenyahas to offer. We plan to spend most ofhe winter looking at slides and movies ofthe African bush."BENRY A. De WIND, AM' 48, PhD'51,was promoted to professor of history atWisconsin State College, Whitewater,Wise. This summer, he helped conduct atound-the-world trip, while his wife,rVIOLET KRAL De WIND, '46, AM'49,�tayed with relatives in Czechoslovakia.H. WILLIAM HEY, '48, AM'56, joinedthe staff of the Illinois Legislative Councilas of October, 1959. A research coordinator, he was formerly with the Illinois StateChamber of Commerce.WILLEM MALKUS, SM' 48, PhD'50, hasaccepted the post of professor of geophysics, and his wife, JOANNE, '43, MSNOVEMBER, 1960 '45, PhD' 49, that of professor of meteorology at the University of California, LosAngeles.WATSON PARKER, '48, and his wife, theformer OLGA M. GLASSMAN, '49, areliving in Hill City, S.D., where Mr. Parkeris manager of the Palmer Gulch Lodge, afamily-type vacation spot. They havethree children, Jamie, nine, David, seven,Becky Ellen, four, and two dogs.HOWARD POWELL JR., '48, has joinedMonsanto Chemical Co. as plant trafficmanager at the company's Everett, Mass.plant, after serving with the Illinois Central Railroad at St. Louis.GUY E. SWANSON, PhD'48, associateprofessor of sociology at the University ofMichigan, is co-author of Inner Conflictand Defense, recently published by Holt,Rinehart and Winston, Inc. The book" isthe story of a study of social factors andchild-rearing practices that predispose children to favor particular methods of resolving conflict. Mr. Swanson is also the coauthor of The Changing American Parent,published in 1958, which received theBurgess award for the best monograph devoted to the family and related topicspublished in the previous two years. Holthas also published recently Plans and theStructure of Behavior, co-authored byKARL H. PRIBRAM, MD' 41, associateprofessor of neuropsychology in the departments of psychology and psychiatry atStanford University, whose work on brainfunctions in emotional and intellectualprocesses is well known. JOHN J. DeBOER, AM'27, PhD'38, professor of education at the University of Illinois, is coauthor of The Teaching of Reading, arecent Holt publication. LEON T. DICKINSON, AM'34, PhD'45, is the authorof 'a pamphlet, A Guide to LiteraryStudy, which brings together in one booklet the essentials of the major literarytypes-fiction, drama and poetry. Mr. Dickinson, a former U of C teacher, is now aprofessor in the English department atthe University of Missouri. Two of theauthors of the fifth edition of The Technique of Composition, are U of C graduates: KENDALL B. TAFT, PhD'36, is aprofessor of American Literature and chairman of the English department at Roosevelt University, Chicago, and CHARLESKAPLAN, '40, is professor of English atSan Fernando Valley State College. HARRIS WILSON, AM'47, associate professorof English and chairman of freshmanrhetoric at the University of Illinois, isco-author of The University Handbook.Still another author at Holt is LA WRENCE A. HOFFMAN, AM'43, associateprofessor of geography at Ohio State University, who is one of the editors of Readings in Economic Geography from Fortune.This paperback collection of twenty-fivearticles from F ortune, covers such topicsas "Weather Control," "Future Energy,"and "Population Versus Food."CHARLES BOXENBA UM, '49, of LosAngeles, Calif., is now regional director ofsales in the Western states, for the WhiteShield Corp., pharmaceutical distributors. BOYDSTON AMBULANCE SERVICEAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of Chicagophone NOrmal 7-2468NEW ADDRESS-1708 E. 71ST ST •PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sump-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUEFAirfax 4-0550PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICEReal Estate and I n8urance14&1 East 57th Street Hyde Park 3-2525Phone: REgent 1-3311The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes1 142 E. 82nd StreetCHICAGO ADDRESSING & PRINTING CO.Complete Service for Mail AdvertisersPRINTING-LETTERPRESS & OFFSETLetters • Copy Preparation • ImprintingTypewriting Addressing MailingQUALITY - ACCURACY - SPEED722 So. Dearborn • Chicago 5 • WA 2-456129DOROTHY C. COOPER, '49, of New YorkCity, reports that she has given up YWCAwork and is now working in the field of theaging. At present she is assistant administrator. in a home for retired professional women.R. KENT COX, '49, has been appointedcredit manager at the New York plant ofJoseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc.ROBERT W. FROST, '49, MD'59, and hiswife, Lenny, announce their adoption ofLorrie Ray, a daughter, born February 19,1959. Dr. Frost received his PhD fromUCLA in physiology in 1957. He internedat Los Angeles General County Hospitaland is now practicing medicine in southernCalifornia. He expects to go into the AirForce in June of '61. Mrs. Frost wasvice president of the U of C Chapter ofWoman's Auxiliary to Student AmericanMedical Association.CHARLES F. JOHNSON, '49, '54, MD'54,of La Grange Park, Ill., was appointedassistant professor of medicine at the Uof C on July 1, 1959.WILLIAM JORDAN, '49, has been teaching sixth grade in the Elgin, Ill. publicschools for the past nine years.WILLIAM W. KEEFER, '49, has beennamed vice president and comptroller ofthe Warner Electric Brake and ClutchCo., Beloit, Wisc. Before· joining theWarner firm, Mr. Keefer was employed bythe U.S. Steel Co. as a financial executive.He also served with the A. T. KearneyCo., national management consulting firm.Mr. Keefer lives with his wife and twochildren in Beloit.WALTER M. LORENZ, '49, '50, is apracticing dentist in Selma, Calif. Hewrites that he was married last year.EDWIN QUINN, AM' 49, deputy specialassistant to the chief of Naval research inWashington, D.C., has received a SuperiorAccomplishment Award. Mr. Quinn waspreviously an assistant professor at LeMoyne College in Memphis, Tenn.NORMA LEVENFELD SAD WICK, '49,PhD'57, moved. to St. Paul, Minn., in 1959.She majored in philosophy at the U of C.Her husband works as ceramic engineerfor R.C.A. Whirlpool and they have athree-year-old son.ARNOLD A. SILVESTRI, JD'49, waspresented with a plaque at an AmericanBar Assn. dinner in recognition of theoutstanding and valuable service renderedby him as last year's president of theJustinian Society of Lawyers. The OakPark, Ill., resident. is a member of theChicago Bar Assn. committee on Unauthorized Practice and the Committee on Fees.His law practice consists mainly of corporate and tax work, but he has concernedhimself with the problems of the aged,and is legal director of the Oak ParkNursing Home. Mr. Silvestri has also ledgreat book discussions about the city.HERBERT SPIELMAN, PhD'49, with hiswife and two daughters, is settling into his30 second two-year tour of duty in Paris,where he is a political officer in the U.S.delegation to NATO.MARVIN J. TAYLOR, AM'49, has beenpromoted to associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh. His recent book,Religious Education, was published by theAbingdon Press in February.DONALD WINKS, '49, is the author of AQuestion of Innocence, a novel recentlypublished by Macmillan Co. He has alsohad stories published in Esquire and theParis Review. A native of Chicago, Mr.Winks worked in this city as a newspaper ..man for the International News Servicesyndicate. He now lives in New York withhis wife' and two children, and works inthe international division of AmericanCyanamid Corp.BLEMA COHEN WOLIN, '49, is nowliving in White Plains, N.Y" after travelingwith her husband to various army assignments. She spent two years teaching eighthgrade grammar in El Paso, Texas, and hashad various office jobs.ANNE CURRY WYANT, '49, has moved,with her husband, to Soquel, Calif., whereshe is substitute teaching. She writes thatshe enjoys having an overall view of theschool system. Mrs. Wyant and her husband now have a house and two acres ofland, and are fruit farming in their sparetime.STANLEY A. ZAHLER, SM'49, PhD'52,and his wife, JAN HAUGNESS, '52, arenow living in Ithaca, N.Y., where Mr.Zahler is now in the bacteriology divisionat Cornell University.50LEO G. ABOOD, PhD' 50, and his wife,LOIS, AM' 48, are now living in Oak Park,Ill. Mr. Abood is an associate professorof biochemistry at the University of Illinois Medical School; Mrs. Abood is a substitute high school teacher in the Chicagopublic schools. Mrs. Abood writes: "Newdaughter, Mary Ellen, born April 14, 1958.Son, George, in third grade. New avocation for mother-member of the AustinArt League (I paint pictures like crazyone night a week)."KENNETH CHIMENE, '50, MBA'52, ofLafayette, N.Y., has recently purchased aninsurance agency in Tully, N.Y., just outside of Syracuse, called the Estey Insurance Agency. Mr. Chimene is married tothe former DA WICE G. GREENBLADT,'52, and has two sons.PATRICIA EDGEWORTH CUNNEA, '50,AM'55, has joined the faculty of MillsCollege, Berkeley, Calif., as an instructor.NATHAN M. DAVIS, '50, MD'57, andhis wife, ANNEKE SAUNDERS DAVIS,'53, have a son, Benjamin Nathan, bornin March, 1959.JAMES DOl, AM'50, PhD'52, of the Uni- versity of Colorado, addressed a luncheonof the Boulder Newcomers Club on thechanges in status of the Japanese woman.Mr. Doi, who served with the occupationforces at General Macarthur's headquarters in Tokyo, worked with educators ininstituting reforms in Japan. The changein the status of Japanese women, he says;was one of the most successful reformsthere. He spoke of the woman's role in'Japan, and compared it with that of anAmerican woman, and also mentionedsome of the tragedies which occurred during the reforms. He called the efforts ofthe occupation forces in Japan one of themost generous attempts ever made to carefor a vanquished country.IBORIS FRANZUS, SM'50, has joined thestaff of the Central Basic Research Laboratory of Esso Research and EngineeringCo., a major scientific and engineering. affiliate of Standard Oil, N.J. Before joining Esso Research, Mr. Franzus was withthe Phillips Petroleum Co., Okla. He nowlives in Linden, N.J. �PETER G. GAAL, '50, '54, MD'54, is asurgical resident at the UCLA MedicalCenter. Mr. Gaal is married to AILEENG. GLASSOFF, '50, AM'54, and theyhave three children.RICHARD GERLACH, '50, '54, MD'55,has completed his psychiatric residency atlYale University, and is now in the servicefor two years. Dr. Gerlach is married andhas two boys.ROY F. GREENAWAY, '50, is now stateinheritance tax appraiser for Fresno COunty,Calif.•HAROLD R. HARDING, '50, assistantdirector of the American Alumni Councilin Washington, D.C., is continuing hisgraduate studies in philosophy at theAmerican University there. Mr. Hardinglives with his wife and daughter in Arlington, Va.ROBERT W. MORELL, MBA'50, chairman of the department of business administration at St. Joseph's College, Rens-'selaer, Ind., has been appointed consultingeditor of a new textbook series in businessand economics. The first book in the series,entitled Managerial Decision-Making, waswritten by Mr. Morell and published thissummer by the Bruce Publishing Co. of'Milwaukee, which will publish the entire'series. The textbooks will cover management, marketing, finance, economics, accounting, and statistics. Mr. Morell's booksums up the chief principles executiveSshould use in solving the problems of modern commerce, and presents case historieS'in decision making.fMAIMON NASATIR, '50, and his wife.PHILIPPA, '53, are now in Brussels withtheir 2 children, Aaron and Judith. Mr ..Nasatir is on a research grant, sponsoredby the U.S. Public Health Service, at theUniversitie Libre de Bruxelles.MARK ROSER, AM'50, supervisor of the,pupil personnel department in the Gary,Ind., public schools, will be a part-timeinstructor in sociology and social workTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOthis year at Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind. The University has also selected MICHAEL J. HANSEN, '58,AM' 60, as an instructor in English, andNORMAND J. WIDIGER, '60, as anassociate professor of law.JAMES L. WElL, '50, of New Rochelle,N.Y., is the author of three volumes ofpoetry. Mr. Weil is the books editor of aliterary magazine called Sparrow, and isthe aide to the president of Dialight Corp.,an electronics manufacturing firm.51-60WILFRED A. PEMBERTON, PhD'51,directed the counseling and guidance training institute at the University of Delawareduring the summer of 1959. Last summerhe and his wife came to the midwest andvisited GEORGE BAEHR, PhD'51, andhis wife, Melany, in Chicago and JOHNC. WITHALL, PhD' 48, and his familyin Madison, Wise.ARIS J. PETERSON, AM'51, writes: "Iam enjoying living in Arlington and working in Washington, D.C. (as an international economist with the Export-ImportBank). I also often see CHARLES M.OTSTOT, '48, '50, SM'50, his wife, theformer FLORENCE V. BAUMRUK, '48,> 49, and his frisky boy and beautiful blonddaughter who also live in Arlington."RUTH M. ROBERTS, MS'51, has beenpromoted to associate professor of mathematics at Moravian College, Bethlehem,iJa.IRWIN J. SCHULMAN, '51, AM'54, hasbeen appointed instructor of politicalscience in the University of Pittsburghdivision of social sciences. Mr. Schulman'swork has been mainly in international lawarid far eastern politics.FREDRIC R. STEINHAUSER, MA'51,assistant professor at the University ofMinnesota, received his PhD there thisyear.PETER R. TOSCANO, AM'51, PhD' 56,member of the faculty of Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute since 1957, has been appointed assistant dean of economics atLake Forest College, Lake Forest, Ill.EDWIN M. UYEKI, SM'51, PhD'53, hasmarried AIKO HARADA, '50, and hasthree children. He is an associate in pharmacological research at the WesternReserve University School of Medicine,Cleveland, Ohio.ROY R. CLAYTOR, MBA'52, has beenselected business manager of Dillard Univarsity, New Orleans, La. He was previously purchasing agent for Jackson College, Jackson, Miss., and also served asaccountant at Tuskegee Institute and Virginia State College.-ARTHUR ROBERT EVANS, JR., AM'52,has acquired his PhD degree from theUniversity of Minnesota.NOVEMBER, 1960 PAUL G. HERSHALL, '52, SM'56, hasreceived his MS degree from Ohio StateUniversity.MADRIGALE MACONAGHIE McKEEVER, PhD'52, of Bloomington, Ill., isin private practice and is acting as consultant to Illinois Wesleyan UniversityLincoln College and the Illinois State Reformitory for Women. In addition to thisshe is serving as President of the IllinoisCouncil on Family Relations and on theLegislative Committee of Illinois Psychological Ass'n, Last spring Mrs. MeKeever taped fifteen minutes for "Mosaic,"WILL-TV of Urbana. After having a tripto Alaska and the Bahamas, she was hoping to see Spain and Portugal last summer.ALAN PAUL MINTZ, '59, and GLORIAPORA TH MINTZ, '60, have announcedthe birth of their son, Ari David, born onJuly 26. Mr. Mintz is currently a .studentat the University of Illinois Medical School,and Mrs. Mintz is the principal of TempleB'N ai Yehudah Hebrew and SundaySchool.LAWRENCE C. MOHR, MBA'59, has anew position as research engineer in thetechnical economics group of the Sun OilCo., Philadelphia, Pa.WILLIAM H. NIGHTINGALE, JD'59,and his wife, PAULINE, JD'59, are closeto attaining their dream of a joint lawpractice. In 1954 Mr. Nightingale wasblinded in a farm accident, and his hopesfor a law degree diminished. But when hemarried in 1956, he and his wife decidedto get their law degrees together. Theydid so, on National Honor Scholarships, andat graduation, returned to Mrs. Nightingale's home town of Seattle, Wash., whereshe passed the bar exam and became adeputy attorney in domestic relations fora county prosecutor. This July, Mr. Nightingale passed the Washington State barexam, and the two now plan to open theirown general law practice.RAYMOND L. SCHWEINEFUS, MD'59,a U.S. Navy Medical Corps Lieutenant,has completed his internship at U.S. NavalHospital, Oakland, Calif., and reported forduty to the Military Sea TransportationService, Pacific.SHARON FINKEL SHANOFF, '59, ofSeattle, Wash., reports that her husband,Dr. Leslie Shanoff, is now taking a surgical residency at the University of Washington.FRANK LONDON BROWN, AM'60, hasbeen appointed assistant director of theUnion Leadership Program of the U of C.Mr. Brown, who was the recipient of aJohn Hay Whitney Opportunity Fellowship in 1959, has left a post as organizerfor the Textile Workers Union of America,AFL-CIO, to join the University staff. Heis also the author of the best-selling novel,Trumbull Park.CARL E. HORN, AM'60, of Chicago, hascompleted the food service course at FortLeonard Wood, Mo. Mr. Horn receivedtraining in cooking, baking, meat cutting,and preparing a field kitchen. SidewalksFactory FloorsMachineFoundationsConcrete BreakingNOrmal 7-0433We operate our own dry cleaning plantTHREE HOUR SERVICE1331 East 57th St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.MI dway 3-0602 NO rmal 7-98581553 E. Hyde Park Blvd. FAirfax 4-5759GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS. Inc.Painting-Decorating-Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186MODEL CAMERA SHOPLeica -Bolex - Rolleiflex - Polaroid1342 E. 55th St. HYde Park 3-9259NSA Discounts24-hour Kodachrome DevelopingHO Trains and Model SuppliesVersatilityFrom a small one-color sheet to awork of thousands of pages, from afull color catalog to a giant display,here one can see the gamut ofprinting jobs. Diversity of productclearly indicates our versatility.Fine skills and varied talents of ourpeople are supported by a widerange of camera and plate equipment,offset presses of several typesfrom the smallest to the largestand a complete pamphlet binderyOFFSET LITHOGRAPHYCongress Expressway at Gardner RoadBROADVIEW, ILL. COlumbus 1·142031memorialsFRANKLIN "NED" VAUGHAN, '98, diedin his home in Tuscan, Ariz., on June24. He was -a member of Beta Theta Pi,and Owl and Serpent.STEPHEN E. GAVIN, MD'99, immediatepast president of the Wisconsin StateBoard of_ Health and a physician and surgeon for 57 years, died on August 31, inFond Du Lac, Wise.MALCOLM W. WALLACE, PhD'99, professor at the University of Toronto, Canada, died in April of this year.GEORGE W. HOKE, '01, PhM'02, of EastOrleans, Mass., died on August 5. Mr.Hoke was a high school teacher; a professor of economic geography at MiamiUniversity in Ohio; a member of the U.S.Army Education Board; editor-in-chief ofEastman Teaching Films, and a pioneer inthe development of educational films. Mr.Hoke is survived by a wife, Georgie, adaughter, MARY HOKE LeJEUNE, '22,a son, THAD, '27, and three grandchildren.JEROME PRATT MAGEE, '02, died athis home in Bennington, Nebr., on May 22.He was a member of Alpha Delta Phi,and captain of the track team on whichhe was a pole vaulter.CHARLES HUGH NEILSON, PhD'03,MD'05, retired professor of internal medicine and associate dean at St. Louis University in Mo., died on August 13, 1958.In June of 1958 he received a PhD inscience from Ohio Wesleyan University.HERMANN 1. SCHLESINGER, '03,PhD'05, professor emeritus of chemistryat the U of C, died on October 3 inBillings Hospital. The 78-year-old internationally-known educator achieved famefor his basic research on boron. The resultsof his scientific inquiries led to such farranging applications as rocket fuels andvitamin manufacture. Working with theAtomic Energy Commission, the office ofnaval research and other government agencies, he pioneered in more efficient methods of producing boron hydrides, highenergy compounds used in missile propellants. After two years of study abroad,Mr. Schlesinger returned to the U.S. in1907 as assistant. physiological chemist atJohns Hopkins University. Within the year,he returned to the U of C as associatechemist, and had remained ever since. Hejoined the faculty as an instructor in 1910;in 1922 he was appointed full professorof chemistry; and from 1933-45 he was32 executive secretary of the department ofchemistry. In 1948 Mr. Schlesinger retiredfrom the faculty, but remained active inresearch. He is the author of the widelyused text, General Chemistry, and coauthor, with A.D.S. Link, of a LaboratoryManual of General Chemistry. In 1959,the American Chemical society awardedMr. Schlesinger the Priestly Medal, highesthonor in American chemistry, and he wasgiven the Willard Gibbs Medal by theSociety's Chicago chapter, a medal confe�Ted. a�nually upon an outstandingscientist who, because of his eminentwork in, and original contributions to,pure and applied chemistry, is deemedworthy of special recognition." In thesame year, the Navy presented him withits top civilian honor, the distinguishedpublic service award. S eve r a latherawards, including the Alfred Stock Memorial Prize given by the German ChemicalSociety, and the Honor Scroll of the Chicago section of the American Institute ofChemists, had been conferred upon him.He. hel� honorary degrees from BradleyUniversity and the University of Chicago,and was an honorary member of the National Academy of Sciences, the BavarianAcademy of Science and Phi LambdaUpsilon.OSWALD VEBLEN, PhD'03, internationally known mathematician, died recently in Brooklin, Me., at the age of 80.Mr. Veblen, nephew of Thorstein Veblen,was an associate in mathematics at the U ofC from 1903 to 1905, and received anhonorary SD here in 1941. In 1910 he became Fine Professor of Mathematics atPrinceton University, which post he helduntil his retirement in 1932. He then became the first professor of mathematics atthe Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, and in 1950, a professor emeritus. Heis c�edited with several noteworthy contributions to geometry, including studies inwhat is known as analysis situs. Mr. Veblenwas president of the American Mathematical Society in 1923-24.FRED C. RATHJE, MD'05, died onJune 21.STUART M. CHAMBERS, '10, retiredtreasurer and director of the Pulitzer Publishing Co., died On August 25 on his return from a European trip. After hisretirement in 1955 from the St. Louis PostDispatch, Mr. Chambers and his wifetraveled extensively and he followed hishobby of photography. He was an honorary member of the Photographic Society ofAmerica. He was also president of theSt. Louis Civic Music League, and he andhis wife established the Stuart and IreneChambers Scholarship Award of $2,000,given annually to the winner of the national finals of the Metropolitan Operaauditions.KATHERINE MERRILL MORGAN, '10,of Kansas City, Mo., died on July 24.CLAUDE A. PHILLIPS, AM'10, of Columbia, Mo., died on September 2.ROBERT W. FLACK, '11, JD'13, died onApril 30. Mr. Flack lived in Durham, N.C. JOHN D. SCOTT, '11, of Spencer-cjl]Md., died on October 1, 1959.LAURA SOLOMON COHEN, '12, diein Chicago on March 28.GEORGE B. McKIBBIN, JD'13, chairm:tof the Illinois Public Aid Commissioldied in September. He was a state directflof finance from 1941-45, director of thIllinois Postwar Planning Commission �1945, and chairman of the State Publi�Welfare Commission from 1945-49. MMcKibbin, a resident of Hyde Park, WIalso active in the Illinois Civic FederatiOlthe Chicago YMCA, and the NationlCouncil of Christians and Jews. He wsRepublican candidate for Mayor in 194�ALBERT GORDON BOWER, SM'!.MD'16, a nationally-known expert on polkdied recently at his Flintridge, Califhome. Dr. Bower retired last Decernbe_ but served as consultant to several Calfornia hospitals. For thirty-five years )was chief physician at Los Angeles CountGeneral Hospital's communicable diseassection. In Dr. Bower's memory, a librar�and research fund is being established Ithat hospital.RUSSELL D. HERROLD, MD'IS, dieon September 29 in his Chicago homDr. Herrold was professor emeritus (urology at the University of Illinois Collegof Medicine with which he has been asseciated for thirty-five years. He became weknown for his urological research anpublished a book and numerous articles 0the subject. He was a member of tilresearch staff at John McCormick Institutfor Infectious Diseases, and on the staat St. Joseph, St. Vincent Infant and Matenity and the University of Illinois Hc�pitals. Dr. Herrold was a past presidelof the Chicago Urological Society and tlNorth Central Section of the AmericaUrological Assn.ALFRED L. NELSON, PhD'15, profess!of mathematics at Wayne State Universit'died in Detroit, Mich., on April 5. 'ADDA ELDREDGE, JD'16, died on Jur14. �WALTER L. FOSTER, '16, founder (the University of Tulsa geology depatment, Tulsa, Okla., died there in AugusMr. Foster founded the department j1920, and taught there for eight years. Ilwas also active in real estate, oil, and iJvestments, and was head of the FostcConstruction Co., and Foster Investme:Co. He had been a director in the A(miral State bank from its founding in 195LAURA HIBBARD LOOMIS, PhD'16 INew York City, died on August 25. 'MAMIE R. MUTZ, '16, of Lincoln, Netdied on March 25, 1959.HERBERT DEAN RUGG, AM'17, foundof several religious magazines, diedOberlin, Ohio, on August 23. Mr. RUfwas director of religious education of tlCleveland Church Federation, and foryear, editor of Sermons in Brief magazifin N.Y. He was founder and first preside'of the National Religious Publicity Colcil, and since 1941, had been editor aJowner of the magazine Current Religi()lTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAOThought which he had founded in Oberlinin that year.OSCAR L. VEACH, '17, of Sheridan,Wyo., died November 10, 1957.JAMES WEBB, '18, president and treasurer of William Krueger Company ofNeenah, Wise., died of a heart attack atthe age of 65 on September 17. On campushe was a member of Delta Upsilonfraternity.W. LEWIS ROBERTS, JD'20, a memberof the law faculty at the University ofKentucky, Lexington, Ky., has died.CYRUS M. ADLER, '21, died in BeverlyHills, Calif., on June 22, 1959.HOWARD KENNEDY BEALE, '21, diedon December 27, 1959. Mr. Beale was aprofessor of American history at the University of Wisconsin. He is survived byhis wife, GEORGIA, '26.LEE ROSS CHRISTENSEN, '21, died onJuly 13. Mr. Christensen resided in SilverSprings, Md.ADELE STORCK, '21, a woman attorneycredited with establishing the first woman's law firm in the U.S., died on August27 in her Indiana home. In 1921 MissStorck became the first woman admitted tothe Indianapolis Bar Assn. With a closefriend, Miss Elizabeth Mason, she established the law firm of Storck and Mason.She also served in various legal and community organizations in Indiana.MARY ELIZABETH THOMPSON, '21,died on April 29. Miss Thompson taughtmathematics and modern history at Morgan Park High School in Illinois for 25years until her retirement in 1945.THOMAS ADDISON BAIRD, '22, MD'24,house physician for the Sherman and Ambassador hotels, died here recently. Dr.Baird practiced in Chicago for 30 years,and maintained an office in the ShermanHotel.WILLIAM E. BERRY, PhD'22, died recently. CLARE BERRY NEWMAN, '37,informs us that her father taught at PennCollege in Iowa until 1936 when he wentto Earlham College in Richmond, Ind.Mr. Berry was head of the department ofreligion at Earlham, and taught Greekthere until his retirement in 1948. He hadserved the last four years on the U of Calumni committee in Richmond.JOHN LEWIS BRACKEN, AM'22, ofClayton, Mo., died on February 27.MABEL L. CUMMINGS, '22, of Wellesley, Mass., died on August 27. She hadbeen in good health until the day of herdeath, and would have been ninety yearsof age in January.EARL LITTLE, '22, JD'26, rllUsician andlawyer, died recently. As a youth, Mr.Little worked as a musician, and helpedpay his way through school by playingtrombone with various well-known bandsincluding those of Ted Lewis and JohnPhilip Sousa. Mr. Little was a Chicagoattorney for 32 years.NOVEMBER, 1960 LELAND T. HADLEY, '23, of Chicago,died in August.AMY MASON BUCKLES, '24, died onAugust 15.EDWARD F. POTTHOFF, AM'24,PhD'28, director of the Bureau of Institutional Research at the University of Illinois, Urbana, died on August 14.CATHERINE M. BOND, '25, died inChicago this summer. Miss Bond taughtFrench and English in the South ShoreHigh School.JAMES A. HARRINGTON, '28, a partnerin the Chicago law firm of Arvey, Hodes,and Mantynband, died on September 18.Mr. Harrington, an authority on zoningand condemnation law, was a practicingattorney for 27 years.ELLERIDGE KENNEDY HEALY, '30, ofFranklin Farm, Ill., died on September 13in Billings Hospital.VIRGINIA MERRITT HELFFERICH,'30, died on September 7.SAMUEL A. STOUFFER, PhD'30, whoconducted major studies in public opinionanalysis and motivation research, died onAugust 24 in New York City. Mr. Stouffer,who was a professor of sociology at theU of C from 1935-46, left the Universityto become the first director of the laboratory of social relations at Harvard University. During World War II, Mr. Stouffer took a leave-of-absence from the U ofC to direct research in the Information andEducation Division of the War Department. Earlier he was a staff member ofthe General Statistics Board in Washington, D.C., and in 1938 he was a delegateto the International Conference on Population in Paris. He is a former presidentof the American Assn. for Public OpinionResearch, and of the American SOciologicalSOciety. During 1955-56, Mr. Stouffer helda Distinguished Research Professorship inthe Harvard Business School. He was coauthor of "The American Soldier," a report on his research for the War Dept.,and in 1955 he published "Communism,Conformity, and Civil Liberties." In July,1960, he began a one-year leave of absenceto do research for the Population Councilof New York. At the time of his death,he was studying motivation and communication as it concerned family planning.BERNARD YEDOR, '30, JD'31, of Clencoe, Ill., died on August 1. Mr. Yedorwas a member of the law firm of Spatuzza,Yedor and Buckley.SOPHIA GOROR, '31, died on September 13.MARY ELIZABETH HYDE, '31, ofPeoria, Ill., died on December 29, 1959.RAYMOND J. KRIZ, '31, JD'33, died inOak Forest Hospital, Oak Forest, Ill., onMay 18.EDWARD H. STEVENS, '31, PhD'38,died on July 26 in his home in Rapid City,S.D. Mr. Stevens was a professor ofgeology and geological engineering at theSchool of Mines and Technology in RapidCity. A member of many technical societies, he was active in community artsand government. VICTORIA CLAY BROWN, '34, died onDecember 31, 1959.ROBERT S. GRUNBINE, '36, died recently of a heart attack.LOUIS TAYLOR MERRILL, PhD'36, ofBeloit, Wise., died on September 3. Mr.Merrill was chairman of the department ofhistory at Beloit College, and had beeneditorial paragrapher for the ChicagoTribune since 1952. Mr. Merrill was alsoan ordained Congregrational minister.MYRON TAGGART HOPPER, PhD'38,dean of the College of the Bible in Lexington, Ky., died on August 7. He joined thefaculty of the school as a professor ofreligious education in 1939, and was appointed dean in 1953.ROBERT B. WITHROW, PhD'43, ofBethesda, Md., died two years ago.THOMAS E. KENNELLY, '47, AM'49,of Chicago, died in June.BRUCE WEYLER KELLEY, SM'48, diedthis May in Waterloo, Ontario. Mr. Kelleywas a professor of chemistry at the University of Waterloo.DONALD F. VESELY, '49, died in 1957.NATALIE WEINE BLUM, '50, died onApril 19, 1959. Mrs. Blum was marriedto JACOB JOSEPH BLUM, '50, PhD'52.ALICE BLAKE LEIDER, '51, MA'55,died at the age of 26 in St. Louis, Mo., onSeptember 22, 1959.WILLIAM S. GRAY, '13, PhD '16-Whena man becomes 75 years of age you don'texpect him to fall off a horse on a wild'Wyoming trail and die from head injuries.But !hat's what vVilliam S. Gray, '13,PhD 16, did on September 8, 1960 whileon vacation with his wife Beatrice.Of course you would have to know thatDr. Gray never got around to retiring,what with some 100 books, articles, reports, and active summer vacations in hisfavorite Rockies since he became Professor Emeritus of Education ten years ago.Then, too, there were his famous annualsummer reading clinics on the campus thathe had to direct and the world-wide reading and writing research and report he hadto do for UNESCO.In 1957 he was cited as "Mr. Reading."And there is a research professorship inreading which bears his name at his Midway Alma Mater. He had been on thefaculty since 1914; had served as deanfrom 1917 to 1931 and as executive secretary of the University's Committee on thePreparation of Teachers for 12 years.He was co-author of the Dick and Janeseries of primary readers and was threetimes chairman of national committeeswhich prepared yearbooks recommendingchanges in the organization of readingprograms from kindergarten to college.Because he was too busy to grow oldhe was as young as you or I when heleft for Eaton's Ranch in Wolf, Wyomingfor a few weeks of relaxation.It will be hard to realize that he willno longer step through the QuadrangleClub dining room doors to sit with us atthe round table in the bay and join in ageneral discussion on anything. H.W.M.33The Periodic Table lists all the known elements of the world we live in ••• more than half of them used by Union CarbideThis is the vvor-l d of Union Carbide. . . bringing you a steady stream of better products from the basic elements of natureYou're probably one of the millions who have used such UnionCarbide products as PRESTONE anti-freeze, EVEREADY flashlights and batteries, or PYROFAX bottled gas. But the major part of Union Carbide's outputis in basic materials, employed by more than 50,000 industrial customers tofill your life with useful things.The 70,000 people' of Union Carbide operate more than 400plants, mines, mills, laboratories, warehouses, and offices in the United States,Canada, and Puerto Rico. With these vast resources and skills, and the helpof 35,000 suppliers, they create a variety of products in the fields of metals,carbons, gases, plastics, and chemicals.I t is men and women working together to provide new andbetter materials that gives full meaning to Union Carbide. And the peopleof Union Carbide, backed by 128,000 stockholders, will go on bringing youthe necessities and conveniences that will help keep our standard of livingthe highest in the world. Periodic Chart ©Welch-ChicagoThe terms "Eveready," "Prestone," "Pyrofax," and "Union Carbide" are trade marks of Union Carbide' Corporation. Learn more about the products ofUnion Carbide and its work inatomic energy. Visit the scienceexhibit at 270 Park Avenue, NewYork, or write for booklet "The Exciting Universe of Union Carbide."Union Carbide Corporation, 270Park Avenue, New York 17, N. Y.In Canada, Union Carbide CanadaLimited, Toronto.... a handin things to come