APRIL 1958¦ AmericanHigher Education-z*>T5C!¦ *JV .'A Special ReportPage 9THE PRODUCTSOF THE MINDThe world wo live in ìs in large pari, the produci: of (heseìentifie thou^ht and aecomplishment of the past, trans-lated into engineering aehievements, Whether we continueio irò i'orward depends on whether the seieniifie euriosity.the imagination, the (rarefili ihougiit, and the logicaianalysis of the past, upon which today\s teehnical achieve-nients vvere huilt, can exisf and flourish in the1 environnientof the new world.At Avco Research and Advanced Development Division,and at other places in the free world, un atmos|)here existsin whieh the inquiring mind may live and create» We bavethe teehnical assìstanee and the facilities by whieh ideasare converted into concrete aecomplishnients. Many thingsbave been (ione, and intìnitely more remain t.o be done —the world of seientifie thought is unlimited and promising.Frolli the produets of the mind will come the teehnicalworld of tomorrow.Pìetured above ìs our new Research and Devdopment Centernow under construction in Wilmington, Massachusetts. Selieduledfor completimi this year, the ultramodorn lahoratory will housethe scicntific and teehnical staff of the Avco Research andAdvanced Development Division.Dr, Sidney L. SimonAssistali! to the PresidimtAvco Research and Advanced Developinent Division nowolì'ers unusual and excitmg career opportunities for uxce-ption-ally qualìtìed and fonvard-looking scientista and engineers.Wrtte to Dr. R, W. Joìnistou, Scienfijìc and Tcchnìcuì Rvìalùnifi,Arco Ilest'ftrefi ami Àdmììeal Dario pine ni Dirhìonì20 Sottili Viiìon Slm-f, LaìVì't'ttee, Muantiehim'tfa.lìesearohiiàaneedBm^MemopySee Page 9l'm curious about your reactions to thespecial 32-page section starting 011 Page9: "American Higher Education, 1958."Fourteen of us contributed editors tothis project (see last page of insert), andmoney: two thirds of the cost of oneissue — in our case, $1,500.One hundred fìfty-three institutionsvvho publish alumni magazines are car-rying this insert to a total of over amillion and a quarter copies.Do you think it's worth it? Should wedo another in the future? On what sub-ject? Your opinion on a postai card willhe appreciated.Commons Nostalgìa from the '30sAlice Ferguson Teasdale (69) of theSchool of Business and the CommonsDepartment, died in Bloomington, Illinois February 2, 1958.For me, Mrs. Teasdale's passing under-scores the passing of an era, — the eraof the weekly mimeographed campusTower Topics of the thirties. Many of youwill remember the Monday noon newssheet, distributed to ali tables in theUniversity's dining halls.I edited this sheet from my office inthe Reynolds Club — where I was alsoClub director. To get my food storiesfor Tower Topics I frequently steppedacross Mandel corridor for a cup of coffeewith the various Commons supervisors.As generations of working studentsknew, these professionally trained wom-en could figure food costs to a frac-tion — student help to a fare-you-well.The over-all boss of the Commons de-partment was Nellie Pope who, in 20years, never got a day older. Then, one day she tore June, 1952, off the calendarand there wa,s retirement. She has sincelived in Oberlin, Ohio.Red hair and Hutchinson Commonswere partners in the thirties. There wa,spetite Miss Farquar, who is now director of an old people's home on the NorthShore. Eleanor Tregoning, who ran theCoffee Shop, left to join the WAC andfinally retired to her home town, Remsen,lowa.Ruth White was the third supervisorwith red hair. When she left HutchinsonCommons it was to open her own swankdining room on the main highway be-tween her home town, Toledo, and Cleveland. She called it the White House andhad established a reputation for "de-lectable" food. When the war, gas ra-tioning and scarce supplies made herdecide to sell out, she joined the ad-ministrative staff of the fa.mous Staufferrestaurant chain with headquarters inCleveland. She lives with her husband,Hugh Engler, in an attractive home ina Cleveland suburb.Meanwhile, over at Ida Noyes' CloisterClub, Lillian Marshall Bailey was es-tablishing a reputation for good food.When Ruth White left Hutchinson Commons, Lillian Bailey was moved to thisflagship of the Commons dining halls.Finally, bored with the whole opera-tion, Lillian agreed with her husband,Howard Bailey, that they should retireto Florida. La.ter, bored with Florida,they bought a home, sloping down to thePotomac near Washington, where Lilliancould have her oft-longed-for rockgarden. Tiring of rock gardens, they re-turned to Chicago where Lillian foundpeace only when she returned to workwhere she could dream of retiring! Today, she is in charge of food service atthe Hinsdale Township High School.Virginia New, who followed Mrs. Bailey ZJkeLxcluèive CleanetàWe operate our own drycleanìng plantTHREE HOUR SERVICE133 1 East 57th St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.Mldway 3-0602 NOrma! 7-9858Office & Plant1442 East 57th Street Mldway 3-0608POND LETTER SERVICE, Inc.Everything in LettersHooven TypewritingMultigraphingAddressograph Service MimeographingAddressingMailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAH Phones: 219 W. Chicago AvenueMI 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decoratmg — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186at the Cloister Club, is married to RobertFalsing and lives in Chicago's northwestsuburb, Golf.And if you've stayed with me this far,you would probably know jovial EthyleCurtis. She bounced from dining room toresidence hall — where ver she was needed.A Christmas card from her carne fromher home country, Durant, Okla.. H.W.M.O/VE T//OUSAMD ^LIMRS A M/NUTEEvery working day the Sun Life of Canadapays out an average of one thousand dollars aminute to its policyholders and their heirs.Sinee organization $3 billion in policy benefitshas been paid by the company. Established for more than 60 years in theUnited States, the Sun Life today is one of thelargest life insurance companies in this country — active in 41 states and the Districi ofColumbia, and in Hawaii.SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADAAPRIL, 1958 1^^m^^asr^^^^m^ ^g&r^^&9^^^r^)^^^)^outstanding for town wear or travelOUR LIGHTWEIGHT SUITS OFDACRON, RAYON AND MOHAIRI le re is the remarkuhle material that is consideredby Brooks Brothers to be the fìnest of its kìnd everdeveloped. It is bghtweight and most conilortable...has ali the ercase-resistant and weariiìg quali tiesinherent in Dacron.''1'. . .and in addition is washable,and re(]uires Jittle or no pressing afterwards. Madeon our own models in medium or dark grey, navy,tan o]*bro\vn?aswellasfaneies.Coatandtrousers5$60Saniplc swntclics and CàLìloi^uc upon request.M)ul\.:it\< f:!x-rESTABLISHED 1818346 MADISON AVl-M'K» COR. 44TH ST., XKW YORK 17, X. Y.Ili JìROADWAY, M-:\V YORK 6, \. Y.BOSTON • CHICAGO * LOS ANGK1.KS * SAX FRANCISCO<^0&r7zjmr^jmnt*m>^^^ f. A. REHNQUIST COvoy SidewalksFactory FloorsMachineFoundationsConcrete BreakingNOrmal 7-0433SARGENTS DRUG STOREestablished 1352Chicago's most complefeprescrlption and chemical stockpitone RAndolph 6-477023 N. Wabash AvenueChicagoSHERRY HOTEL53rd Street At The Lake . . .Complete Facìlitles ForConference Groups — ConventionsBanquets — DancesCali Catering FAirfax 4-1000Free Parking for Our GuestslSinee 1865ALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best in placement servìce for University,College, Secondary and Eiementary. Nationwide patronage. Cai! or write us af37 South Wabash Ave.Chicago 3, IH,MODEL CAMERA SHOPLeica - Exacta - Rolleif lex - Polaroid1342 E. 55th St. HYde Park 3-9259NSA Discount*24-hour Kodachrome DeveloplngHO Traìrts and Model SuppiiesProducersof PrintcdAdvertisingin ColorAround the ClockMilton H. Kreines '27101 East Ontario, Chicago 11WHitehall 4-5922-3-4CHICAGO ADDRESSING & PRINTIN6 CO.Complete Servìce for Mail AdvertssersPRINTING—LETTERPRESS & OFFSETLetters * Copy Preparatlon • ImprintingTypewriting * Addressing • MailingQUAUTY — ACCURACY—SPEED722 So. Dearborn • Chicago § • WA 2-4561[ti TJits (sssueJ_his month alumni of 153 universitiesand colleges in this country and abroadwill receive the special 32-page supple-ment on "American Higher Education,1958," bound into this issue (Pages 9-40).The report is the result of hundredsof hours of work in whieh an originaigroup of 14 editors of American alumnimagazines, last summer, took on thechallenge of bringing to alumni thestory of American higher education inali its national diversity, strength, ur-gency and opportunity. Its purpose: toprovide perspective whereby alumni cansee their Alma Mater in its world orien-tation.The task was not simple or easy. Inaddition to the originai 14, dozens ofother editors helped scout out what wassignifìcant in every region. Material wascollected, collated, written and rewritten.As the outline took shape, Erich Hartmann of Magnum Photos was commis-sioned, given a shooting schedule, andsent off on weeks of travel around thecountry. He took 5,000 pictures, ofwhieh the best were selected for useas illustrations — sometimes because theywere unusual; more often because theywere typical. The student was the uni-versal student, the professor, the univer-sal professor.NeI ot ali 153 participating institutionsare directly mentioned in the supple-ment, and not ali are represented byspecific illustration, but alongside manya paragraph and many a photo, thereis an implicit checkmark of relevancefor ali.The University of Chicago has par-ticipated in the project from its incep-tion.The full list of participating institutionsf olio ws :University of Alabama * Albright College* Alfred University * American AlumniCouncil * American University at Cairo *Amherst College & Antioch College * Arizona State College * University of Arizona* Arkansas College * University of Arkansas* Assumption College * Augustana College *Barnard College * Baylor University * Belo.itCollege * Bowdoin College * Brandeis University * Brown University * Bucknell University * Buena Vista College * Universityof California * University of California atLos Angeles * Cedar Crest College.Chatham College * University of Chatta-nooga * Chestnut Hill College * Universityof Chicago * University of Cincinnati * ColbyCollege * University of Colorado * ColumbiaUniversity * Cooper Union * Dartmouth College * University of Dayton * Denison University * DePauw University * Douglass College * Drake University * Emory University* Findlay College * Florida State University * Franklin College * Georgia Instituteof Technology * Gettysburg College * GoshenCollege.Harvard University Graduate School of /^^^^f ~~ UNIVERSITYLfórqoM AGAZINE LÌ APRIL, 1958Volume 50, Number 7FEATURES9 American Higher Education-DEPARTMENTS1 Memo Pad3 In This Issue4 News of the Quadrangles42 Alumni Club News42 Books43 Class News48 Memorial 1958THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, IllinoisEditor Editorial AssistantMELANIA SOKOL M. ROSS QUILLIANTHE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONExecutive Secretary-EditorHOWARD W. MORTAdministrative AssistantRUTH S. HALLORANRegional DirectorsCLARENCE A. PETERS (Eastern)WILLIAM H. SWANBERG (Western)Published monthly, October through June, by The University of Chicago Alumni; Association,5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price, $4.00: Single copies,25 cents. Entered as second class matter December I, 1934, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois,under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising agen+: The American Alumni Council, B. A. Ross,director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y. The Alumni FundORLANDO R. DAVIDSONFLORENCE I. MEDOWStudent RecruitmentMARJORIE BURKHARDTProgrammingELIZABETH SHAW BOBRINSKOYBusiness Administration * Hillyer College *Hobart and William Smith Colleges * HoodCollege * Hope College * Illinois WesleyanUniversity * Immaculata College * Iowa StateCollege * State University of Iowa * IowaWesleyan College * Johns Hopkins University * Juniata College * Kansas State Teach-ers College * University of Kansas * University of Kentucky * King College * King'sCollege * Lafayette College * Lawrence College * Léhigh University * Lemoyne College* Loyola University— Los Angeles * Lycom-ing College * Macalester College * University of Maine * McMaster University.College of Medicai Evangelists * MexicoCity College * Miami University -Ohio *University of Michigan * Middlebury College * Mills College * Millsaps College *Milwaukee-Downer College * University ofMissouri * Monmouth College * MontanaState College * Montana State University *Moravian College * Muskingum College *University of Nebraska * University of NewHampshire * University of New Mexico *University of North Carolina * North Central College * University of North Dakota.Northern Illinois State College * Northwest Christian College * Northwood School *Ohio State University * Ohio University* University of Oklahoma * Pembroke Col lege * University of Pennsylvania * PhillipsAcademy — Andover * Phillips Exeter Acad-emy * Portland State College * Pratt Institute * The Principia College * Randolph-Macon Woman's College * Regis College *Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute * RhodeIsland School of Design * Roanoke College* St. Joseph's College * St. Lawrence University.St. Mary's University * St. Mary-of-the-Woods College * St. Michael' s College * SalemCollege * University of Saskatchewan * SetonHill College * Simmons College * Smith College * University of the South * SpringfieldCollege * Sweet Briar College * Universityof Tennessee * University of Texas * ThielCollege * Trinity College * Tufts University* Tulane University * U. S. Naval Academy *Ursinus College * Ursuline College for Women.Vanderbilt University * Vassar College *Villanova University * Washington and LeeUniversity * Washington College * State College of Washington * Wayne State University* Wentworth Institute * Wesleyan University * Western Maryland College * Westmin-ster College * West Virginia Wesleyan College * Wheaton College * Wilkes College *College of William and Mary * WillametteUniversity * Wilmington College * WilsonCollege * University of Wisconsin * Collegeof Wooster * University of Wyoming.APRIL, 1958 3'¦•^ !"f : *..' *" "t^'T^; "'¦* 'p'vti' = n iviit p:A! >M Vv,• vi : ^h Q(" Hi"*--1 ; f ?t*4 *: ? ;ft'f """B r Vt f - ì C ' t "*f rr '' '"}*-<#¦''-^*fi^- *#£ „ '.,<k ^ i&-<rHg -f^-j *r^,Architect's drawing ol two-unit men's residence hall to be erecfed on the south side of 55th street between University and Greenwood avenuesNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESNew Men's Dorm For 1959Construction o£ a new residence hall for men, designedto house 664 students, will begin shortly. The first unìtof the hall, housing half of the students, will be completedby 1959. The pian provides for two nine-story pent-house and service towrer units, to be connected by a centersectìon with dining, kitchen, and service facilities. Noconstruction date has been determined for the secondtower. Estimated cost of the first unit, including furnish-ings and equipment, is $2,4 million,The residence halls will be located on the south side of55th Street between University and Greenwood avenues,and will face south onto an already existing playing fìeld.Built around a centrai core for elevators and other service elements. ali residence rooms will have outside ex-posure. Each doublé room will have two 4 x 4-foot closetswith built-in equipment, beds convertible into daven-ports, study desks, chairs, and 20 lineai feet of book-shelves, Except for the first residence floor, there will be20 doublé and four single rooms on each floor of thetowers.Designed by Harry Weese and Associates, each of thetwo tower residence buildings will have four two-story"college houses," to group the students into units of 83each. Each house will have its own two-story loungeroom, four study alcoves, and two music and practicerooms. Adjoining the lounge will be a kitehenette, andautomatic washers and driers for the studente use.Each resident unit will have its own dining rooms inthe adjacent part of the center seetion, seating 295 ofthe total hall capacity of 332 at one sitting. One kitchen,to serve both dining rooms, will be behind the diningrooms. Also on the ground floor of this middle sectionwill be a general guest lounge.Complete Hyde Park Pian SubmittedA $39,000,000 Urban Renewal Pian for Hyde Park-Kenwood, designed by the Community ConservationBoard, has been approved by an 11-member board ofcitizens appointed by Mayor Daley, and is being sub mitted to the City Council, whieh must approve it also.Provided it proceeds on through the appropriate locaiand federai legai channels, the pian reveals what HydePark-Kenwood will look like in fìve years.Under the pian 106 of the community 's 900 acres willbe acquired for renewal, and slightly over 4,000 familieswill be relocated. Approximately 2,000 of 6,000 demolishedresidential units will be replaced. These fìgures do notinclude areas whieh have already been cleared underHyde Park plans "A" and "B." As in the A and B plans,every relocated family will be oflered a choice of oneor two housing units, as good or better than its presentdwellings, and costing no more.Julian Levi, director of the Southeast Chicago Com-mission, lauded the pian as the only undertaking of itskind in the United States. University officials have voicedsupport for the project on the grounds that it will "makethe neighborhood a better place to live, from manyviewpoints."The project will be eligible for three-to-one financingby the federai government This means the municipalgovernment will have to contribute about $9.75 million.About $1 million of this will be derived by the city fromsale of city bonds for community conservation. The restwill be contributed in the form of services to be renderedby locai city departments and agencies.It is hoped that rehabiiitation under the pian willstimulate another $30 million worth of investment in rehabiiitation by private interests.Manuscript Collection GrowsTwo thousand volumes representing three generationsof book collecting by the distinguished Leslie family ofCounty Monaghan, Ireland, and a group of Leslie familyletters have been presented to the University library byLouis H. Silver of Chicago.Acquired by Silver from Sii* Shane Leslie, the presentBaronet of Glaslough and well-known author and critic,the collection includes principally belles-lettres and Irishhistory. Works by Fielding, Smollett, Scott, and Dickens4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEare present as well as a select group of 18th and early19th century illustrated landscape, art and architecturebooks on or by Palladio, the Italian architect; Winkel-mann, the German historian of art; Caracci, the Italianpainter of the 17th century; and Humphrey Repton, theinfluential English landscape artist.Other important works include the three-volume firstedition of Historia Animalium (1551-86) of ConradGesner, the Swiss naturalist and scholar, in whieh hedescribes ali forms of animals known in the 16th century;and the Summa Praedicticantium (1485) of Johannes deBromyard, English defender of the Church during the14th century.The 94 family letters in the collection provide an intimate view of court life during the Edwardian periodand the first world war.Modera Education LaboratoryA new laboratory for studying the influence of variousconditions and methods on classroom learning is in useby the Department of Education. Its facilities includeclosed eireuit television, tape recorders, and an inter-comsystem whieh lets small groups of students, meeting ascommittees, converse among themselves without disrupt-ing the whole classroom.Each student has a drop leaf table with a large worksurface, a Storage cabinet, a three-sided screen forprivacy, and a private telephone to converse with otherstudents. Conversations can be monitored, a fact whiehthe students know, but whieh does not inhibit theirnormal conversations too greatly.Fifty high school sophomores from the LaboratorySchool are participating in the first project, spending halfof each school day in the new laboratory. Identificationand description of teacher behavior during differentphases of classroom inquiry, and new procedures fordeveloping and maintaining student self-direeted studyare among the questions currently being investigated.Social MobilityThe social and economie status of the working class hasshown greater gains in the United States and Brazil thanin Great Britain and Australia. In fact, said Robert J.Havighurst, Professor of Education and of Human De-velopment, social mobility in Great Britain and Australiaseems to be downward.Havighurst, speaking at the ninth annual symposiumof the University of Chicago's Committee on Human De-velopment, defined social mobility as the movements upor down the scale of social and economie status as meas-ured by occupational prestige. This scale of measurementìs justified, he said, because occupation is closely reflectedby social status in industriai societies. While the com-parisons of mobility in the four countries are crude, heconceded, they "almost certainly show the relative dif-ferences between the four countries."The working class in cities has moved up the scale inali four countries, with Australia showing possibly thegreatest working-class gain relative to the lower-middleclass. Havighurst attributed this improvement in groupstatus to such means as a government wage control board,a liberal system of family allowances and old-age benefits.The improved status of the British worker in relationto the middle class likewise has been achieved with government policies such as health service, unempioy-ment, retirement and disability insurance, and an exten-sive program of free public secondary education.If economie gains only are considered without com-parisons relative to the middle classes, the Americanworker has been more upwardly mobile than that of theother three countries. This improvement is reflected notonly in increasing real income, but in his possession ofsuch symbols of middle-class status as labor-saving de-vices in the home, vacation with pay, and secondary andhigher education for his children.Havighurst stated one reason for the failure of theEnglish and Australians to have net upward mobility isthat increasing productivity has not brought about adecline since 1900 in the proportion of manual workersin the labor force. In the United States increased productivity has been accompanied by a substantial decreasein the proportion of manual workers.A factor favorable to upward mobility in the UnitedStates and England has been the failure of upper-middleand upper-class families to reproduce their numhers, socreating gaps in the social structure to be filled by working-class families. The absence of net upward mobilityin England despite this difierential birthrate, Havighurstsuggested, must be due to an actual decrease of middleand higher status positions in the past 50 years.Secondary education whieh is functional, that is, useddirectly to accomplish a purpose, as an engineering coursetaken by a man who becomes an engineer, can be animportant factor in mobility. Until recently, Great BritainThe fourth annual Festival of Arts will be held on the quadranglesAprì! 22 through 27. Co-sponsored by University of Chicago studentsand faculty, the festival will be climaxed by the traditìonal BeauxArts Ball, Aprii 26. Shown above are Admissions Director CharlesO'Connell (co-chairman with Mike Kindred of this year's ball) andwinners of the most humorous costume prize at last year's bali.APRIL, 1958 5and Australia have relied more on the importance ofeducation as a status symbol than a functional purpose.Brazil is just beginning consciously to use functionaleducation for economie and industriai development.Less Coeducation AdvocatedDavid Riesman, Professor of Sociology, believes lesscoeducation in American high schools is desirable. Ad-dressing the ninth annual symposium of the University'sCommi ttee on Human Development, he said separateeducation for boys and girls would allow them to cul-tivate, free from the pressures of coeducation, intereststhat under coeducation may be considered unmasculineor unf eminine."What we need," he declared, "is some form of adultprotection for our young people who at the moment donot want to pursue each other, or to feel if they are notso doing they are missing what would define them in theultimate way as men or women."Pointing out the influence of early dating — a con-comitant of coeducation — on the career choice of boys, hecited studies showing that girls influence their boy friendstoward careers compatible with domesticity, rather thantoward careers such as science or medicine, whieh in-volve long years of preparation and long hours of workin professional careers.American college women themselves also are not enter-ing professional fields in numbers comparable to Russianwomen because they think the long preparation anddemands of such careers might deprive them of marriage,he said.Huge Grant for Adult EducationThe W. K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek,Michigan, has awarded the University grants totalling$2,856,000 toward establishment of a center for continuingeducation — adult education beyond that obtained informai education.The grant is contingent upon the University's abilityto provide within one year approximately $1,200,000 toward construction of the center. Total cost of the building,including equipment, will be about $3.5 million.Of the total grant, $2,333,000 has been earmarked toward construction of the center; $134,000 for supportof the program during its first three years, and $388,750to finance a special training and research project. Businessmen, educators, scientists and other professional men willmeet in the center to bring themselves up to date onlatest advances in their respective fields, a procedurewhieh is becoming increasingly necessary with the rapidchanges in American culture and economy.Arno Poebel DiesArno Poebel, Emeritus Professor of Orientai Languagesand Literature at the University, died March 8, at theage of 77, in Chicago.Poebel was the foremost living authority on the ancientSumerian language and a member of the staff of theOrientai Institute from 1928 until he retired in 1946. Hisgrammar of Sumerian, published in 1923, unlocked theunderstanding of a whole ancient culture and literature.From 1933 until 1946, he was editor of the Assyriandictionary, a project started at the University of Chicagoin 1921. When completed, the dictionary will incorporatefor the first time ali Semitic cuneiform documents avail- able and will fili six volumes. Poebel additionally con-tributed to the basic knowledge of the grammar of theAkkadian language, a Semitic language spoken bythe ancient Babylonians and Assyrians. His research in thechronology of Assyrian kings led to the publication of alist of ancient kings whieh was important in the understanding of ancient Assyrian chronology.A native of Eisenach, Germany, Poebel was educatedat the universities of Heidelberg, Marburg, Jena, andZurich, and received his PhD from the University ofPennsylvania. Before coming to the University of Chicago, he served on the faculties of the universities ofBreslau and Rostock in Germany, and of Johns Hopkinsin the United States. He became a U. S. citizen in 1940.Léonard White DiesLéonard D. White, PhD '21, a member of the facultyfrom 1920 to 1956, died February 23. A pioneer in the fìeldof public administration, White was author of the firsttext on that subject. At various times he served onChicago and U. S. Civil Service Commissions, on Pres-ident Roosevelt's Committee on Civil Service Improvement, and on the Loyalty Review Board. He was a pastpresident of the American Politicai Science Association,of the American Society for Public Administration, andfrom 1940 to 1948, was chairman of the University'sPoliticai Science Department.White was the author of The Federalists (1948), TheJeffersonians (1951), The Jacksonians (1954), and TheRepublican Era, whieh has just been published. He received the Woodrow Wilson Award for the first volume,and the Bancroft American History Prize for The Jacksonians. Among other recognition, he was given theWarner Stockberger Award of the Society for PersonnelAdministration and the Rockefeller Public Service Awardof Princeton University in 1952.On his retirement from the University in 1956, Whiteassumed with William T. Hutchinson, Chairman of theDepartment of History, the co-editorship of the JamesMadison Papers, a 12-year project for editing and pub-lishing, in 22 volumes, ali the important papers of JamesMadison. White was largely responsible for initiating thisproject.Introduction to MeteorologyThirty qualified science students will participate thissummer in a four-week University of Chicago workshopdesigned to introduce them to the science and professionof meteorology.The workshop is being financed by $14,390 from theNational Science Foundation, the first NSF funds everprovided for an undergraduate program.Participation in the workshop, whieh will be conductedby the University's Department of Meterology, June 23through July 18, is limited to third and fourth yearcollege students working for their degrees in physics,chemistry, mathematics, engineering, or other physicalsciences. University of Chicago students are not eligible.Major expenses of accepted applicants attending thecourse will be covered by NSF grants.Aim of the workshop is to interest science students,who may never have considered it, in entering meteorology, now faced with a severe shortage of competentscientists.6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPhotographs by Robert Marion©John U. Neff, Professor of Economlcs and History, chatswith Marc Chagall at one ©f the many reception* arrangedfor the distinguished artist durìng his visit on campus. Students surround Chagall for autograph after lecfure, Chagall, whospeaks no English» conducfed three semsnars in French on "Art and Life"during his three-week stay on campus iast month as Visiting Professor to theUniversity's Committee on Social Thought, of whieh Professor Neff ischairman. Seen to the left, directly behind Chagall, Ìs Mrs. Chagall, who,with Professor Neff, acted as translator dyring the semlnars for those un-familiar with the French language.Argonne Building $39 MilMon FacilitiesArgonne National Laboratory has been authorized$29,100,000 to design and build a second large exper-imental breeder reactor near Idaho Falls, Idaho, and$10,000,000 to construct a Fuels Technology Center atLemont, 111. Both authorizations are from the AtomicEnergy Commìssion.The primary objective of the breeder project is to ob-tain engineering and operational information applicableto full-size centrai power plants of this type. Power en-gineers regard this type of reactor as economically prom-ising because it produces more fìssionable material thanìs burned in the reactor.The Fuels Technology Center will enable Argonne scientists to speed up and expand their efforts to developtechnology permitting the use of plutonium as a fuel innuclear power reactors.Law FeMowshipsThe Law School has announced the names of eightBigelow Teaching Fellows, four British CommonwealthFello ws, and four American participants in the School'sInternational Law Program.The Bigelow fellows, who hold appointments as instruc-tors, assist first and second year law students in legaiwriting, legai research, and the School's moot court program. The only woman named this year ìs Miss NadyaBenziger, an Oxford University graduate from London,England. Also selected were Frances M, B. Reynolds, andlan R. Wightwick, both also Oxford graduates; CandlerS. Rogers, Emory (Georgia) University graduate; FrankA. Engfelt, University of California and University ofUtah Law School graduate; Ronald L. Orloff and BernardS. Robbins, Yale graduates, and Wallace M. Rudolph,graduate of the College and Law School of the U of C.The British Commonwealth Fellows are graduates ofBritish law schools who are brought to the U. S. for ayear's study through a Ford Foundation Grant. The fournamed are: Robert D. Carswell, Oxford University graduate; David B. Casson, London School of Economicsgraduate; James K. Walsh, University of Western Australia graduate; and William L. Twining.Participants in the International Law Program spendone year at the University's Law School studying thelegai system of a continental European nation, and theirsecond year of study in a foreign country. Named were:Gordon E. Insley, a U of C Law School graduate;Gerald E. Kandler, University of Pennsylvania LawSchool graduate; Thomas L. Nicholson, U of C LawSchool graduate who is associated with the Chicago lawfimi, Isham, Lincoln, and Beale; and Courtland H.Peterson, University of Colorado Law School graduate,Best Season YetFor Coach Joe Stampf and his University of Chicagobasketball team, the 1957-58 basketball season was themost successful season since 1924,"Upgraded" in competition that included the strongersmall college competition, such as Knox, Beloit, andWabash, the Maroon team won eleven and lost sevengames. The last time Chicago won more than ten gameswas in 1923-24, when it was stili in the Big Ten, and itsperformance was 11-6 in the sum of its conference andoutside schedule.Scoring 944 points against its opponente 892, theMaroon team may end up the best defensive team amongthe small college competition for whieh the NationalCollegiate Athletic Assocìatìon's statistics report.Black Friars PresentAprii 18 and 19, the Black Friars will gìve their versionof the hazards of space travel when they present "AlphaCentauri," a two-act musical comedy dealing with a tripto one of the star's planets by a group of American space-men. Written by John Mueller and Doug Maurer, "AlphaCentauri" is paced by escapades of the "earthlings" andthe strange creatures of the new planet, complicated byinterplanetary love problems.APRIL, 1958 7PHOTOORAPH BY ROBERT MALGHE LOIS ADELMAN— UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOY.oul h increasinglyìs staking its futurein higher education.A SPECIAL REPORTAMERICANHIGHER EDUCATION1958ITS PRESSING PROBLEMS AND NEEDS AREEXCEEDED ONLY BY ITS OPPORTUNITIESTHIS is a special report. It is published because thetime has come for colleges and universities — andtheir alumni — to recognize and act upon some ex-traordinary challenges and opportunities.Item: Three million, sixty-eight thousand young men andwomen are enrolled in America's colleges and universitiesthis year — 45 per cent more than were enrolled six yearsago, although the number of young people in the eighteen-to-twenty-one age bracket has increased only 2 per cent inthe same period. A decade hence, when colleges will feelthe effects of the unprecedented birth rates of the mid-1940's, today's already-enormous enrollments will doublé.Item: In the midst of planning to serve more students,higher education is faced with the problem of not losingsight of its extraordìnary students. "What is going to happento the genius or two in this crowd?" asked a professor atone big university this term, waving his hand at a seeminglyendless line of students waiting to fili out forms at registra-¦•¦<r-.V,-- . ¦-. . • ¦ '¦*,:>-!!^.5v",£*3->'mi ¦-..:j«^%^,lt. ^^.•¦^¦^-^^^^^^ -fe^fe"W^,. *&-^"^,11'^%€j?.*)"-I Iighkr education in Americahad its beginnings when the PuritansIbunded a college to train their ministers.Here, reflected in a modem librarywindow, is the chapel spire at Harvard.tion desks. "Heaven knows, if the free world ever neededto discover its geniuses, it needs to do so now/' PresidentRobert Gordon Sproul of the University of Californiaputs it this way: "If we fai! in our hold upon quality, thecherished American dream of universal education willdegenerate into a nìghtì-nare."Item: A college diploma is the sine qua non for aimostany white-collar job nowadays, and nearly everybodywants one. In the scramble, a lot of students are goingto college who canno! succeed there. At the Ohio StateUniversity, for instance, whieh is required by law toadmit every Ohioan who owns a high-school diplomaand is able to complete the entrance blanks, two thousandstudents fìunked out last year. Nor is Ohio State'sproblem unique. The resultant waste of teaching talents,physical facilities, and money is shocking — to saynothing of the damage to young people's self-respect.Item: The cost of educating a student is soaring. Likemany others, Brown University is boosting its fees thisspring: Brown students henceforth will pay an annualtuition bill of $1,250. But it costs Brown $2,300 toprovide a year's instruction in return. The differencebetween charges and actual cost, says Brown's PresidentBarnaby C. Keeney, "represents a kirid of scholarshipfrom the faculty. They pay for it out of their hides."Item: The Educational Testing Service reports thatlack of money keeps many of America's ablest high-school students from attending college — 150,000 lastyear. The U. S. Office of Education found not long agothat even at public colleges and universities, wheretuition rates are stili nominai, a student needs around$1,500 a year to get by.Item: Non-monetary reasons are keeping many promis-ing young people from college, also. The Social ScienceResearch Council offers evidence that fewer than half ofthe students in the upper tenth of their high-schoolclasses go on to college. In addition to lack of money,a major reason for this detection is "lack of motivation."Item: At present rates, only one in eight collegeteachers can ever expect to earn more than $7,500 ayear. If colleges are to attract and hold competentteachers, says Devereux C. Josephs, chairman of thePresidente Committee on Education Beyond the HighSchool, faculty salaries must be increased by at least1 rom its si m pie beginnings,American higher education has grown into1,800 institutions of incrediblediversity. At the righi is bui a samplingo( their \ast interests and activities.50 per cent during the next fi ve years. Such an increasewould cost the colleges and universities around half abillion dollars a year.Item: Some critics say that too many colleges anduniversities have been willing to accepl — or, perhapsmore accurately, have failed firmly to reject — certaintasks whieh have been ofìered to or thrust upon them,but whieh may not prò peri y be the business of highereducation at ali. "The professor," said one collegeadministrator recently, "should not be a carhop whoanswers every demanding horn. Educational institutionsmust not be hot-dog stands."Item: The colleges and universities, some say, are notteaching what they ought to be teaching or are notteaching it efiectively. "Where are the creative thinkers?"they ask. Have we, without quite realizing it, grown intoa nation of gadgeteers, of tailfìn technieians, and lostthe art of basic thought? (And from ali sides comes theworried reminder that the other side launched theirearth satellites first.)THESE are some of the problems — only some ofthem — whieh confront American higher educationin 1958. Some of the problems are higher edu-catiorfs own otTspring; some are produets of the times.But some are born of a fact that is the identifyingstrength of higher education in America: its adaptabilityto the free vvorld's needs, and hence its diversity.Indeed, so diverse is it — in organization, sponsorship,purpose, and philosophy — that perhaps it is fallaciousto use the generalization, "American higher education,"at ali. It includes 320-year-oid Harvard and the Universityof Southern Elorida, whieh now is only on the drawingboards and will not open until 1960. The humanitiesresearch center at the University of Texas and thecourse in gunsmithing at Lassen Junior College inSusanville, California, Vassar and the U. S. NavalAcademy. The University of California, with its forty-two thousand students, and Deep Springs Junior College,on the eastern side of the sa me state, with only nineteen.Altogether there are more than 1,800 American institutions whieh offer "higher education, " and no two ofthem are alike. Some are liberal-arts colleges, some areC; W1AI ISS U I: . 3SUCGEét'lONDAHTMOtTH COLLEGEAMHERST COLLEGE1JM\ KKfir\ ol- ( V f . 1 1- nKNIA OLE!' SJ-KIN»:- .H N'oli :¦.<!. ì.iEMOKY UNIVERSITY.\ :..>*y%f!&$$&immUNIVERSITY OF KANSAS-- £ .-'fi.*; a; k-z.11\\ c^ «-'ÌJ'.'.'%,x;:- ^Vi?* :¦«**¦M&w,'uri growth ha\e come problemst'or the colleges and universities. One o(the most pressing, today, is swellingenrollments. Already they are straininghigher edueatiorfs campuses andteaching resources. But the present largestudent population is only a fractionof the total expected in the next decade.^èSMITH COLLEGEvast universities, some specialize in such fields as law,agriculture, medicine, and engineering. Some are sup-ported by taxation, some are affiliateci with churches,some are independent in both organization and fìnance.Thus any generalization about American higher education will have its exceptions — including the one thatali colleges and universities desperately need more money.(Among the 1,800, there may be one or two whiehdorft.) In higher education's diversity— the result of itsrestlessness, its freedom, its geography, its competitive-ness— -lies a good deal of its strength.^^MERICAN higher education in 1958 is hardlywhatLJL the Puritans envisioned when they founded theJf \ country's first college to train their ministers in1636. Eor nearly two and a half centuries after that, theatm of America's colleges, most of them founded bychurches, was limited: to teach young people the rudi-ments of philosophy, theology, the classical languages,and mathematics. Anyone who wanted a more extensiveeducation had to go to Europe for it.One break from tradition carne in 1876, with thefounding of the Johns Hopkins University. Here, for thefirst time, was an American institution- with Europeanstandards of advanced study in the arts and sciences.Other schools soon followed the Hopkins example.And with the advanced standards carne an emphasis onresearch. No longer did American university scholarssimply pass along knowledge gained in Europe; theybegan to make signifìcant contributions themselves.Another spectacular change began at about the sametime. With the growth of science, agriculture — untilthen a relatively simple art — became increasingly com-plex. In the 1850's a number of institutions were foundedto train people for it, but most of them failed to survive.In 1862, however, in the darkest hours of the CivilWar, Abraham Lincoln signed the Morrill Land-GrantAct, offering each state public lands and support forat least one college to teach agriculture and the mechanicarts. Thus was the foundation laid for the U. S. state-university system. "In ali the annals of republics," saidAndrew D. White, the first president of one institutionfounded under the act, Cornell University, "there is nomore signifìcant utterance of confìdence in nationaldestiny, out from the midst of national calamity."OW there was no stopping American higher edu-cation's growth, or the growth of its diversity.Optimistically America moved into the 1900's,and higher education moved with it. More and moreAmericans wanted to go to college and were able to doso. Public and private institutions were established andexpanded. Tax dollars by the millions were appropriated,and philanthropists like Rockefeller and Carnegie andStanford vied to support education on a large scale.Able teachers, now being graduated in numbers byAmerica's own universities, joined their staffe.In the universities' graduate and professional schools,research flourished. It reached outward to explore theuniverse, the world, and the creatures that inhabit it.Scholars examined the past, enlarged and tended man'scultural heritage, and pressed their great twentieth-century search for the secrets of life and matter.Participating in the exploration were thousands ofyoung Americans, poor and rich. As students they wereacquiring skills and sometimes even wisdom. And, with @n the flood of vast numbers of students,the colleges and universities are concerned thatthey not lose sight of the individuatein the crowd. They are also worried about costs:every extra student adds to their fìnancial deficits.HARVARD UNIVERSITYtheir professors, they were building a uniquely Americantradition of higher education whieh has continued tothis day.UR aspirations, as a nation, have never beenhigher. Our need for educational excellence hasnever been greater. But never have the challengesbeen as sharp as they are in 1958.Look at California, for one view of American edu-cation's problems and opportunities — and for a view ofimaginative and daring action, as well.Nowhere is the public appetite for higher educationmore avid, the need for highly trained men and womenmore clear, the pressure of population more acute. In arecent four-year period during whieh the country'spopulation rose 7.5 per cent, California's rose some17.6 per cent. Californians — with a resoluteness whiehis, unfortunately, not typical of the nation as a whole —have shown a remarkable determination to face and evento anticipate these faets.They have decided that the state should build fìfteennew junior colleges, thirteen new state colleges, and fìvenew campuses for their university. (Already the statehas 135 institutions of higher learning: sixty-three privateestablishments, sixty-one public junior colleges, ten statecolleges, and the University of California with eightcampuses. Nearly 40 cents of every tax dollar goes tosupport education on the state level.)But California has recognized that providing newfacilities is only part of the solution. New philosophiesare needed, as well.The students looking for classrooms, for example, varytremendously, one from the other, in aptitudes, aims,and abilities. "If higher education is to meet the variedneeds of students and also the diverse requirements ofan increasingly complex society, " a California reportsays, "there will have to be corresponding diversityamong and within educational institutions. . . . It willir¦ ...»''¦¦ilm¦":?&£ !.>$^>-£$& ¦£•"¦'^ .*!'.- '.-- &"¦.'':•'>.••-?^V'Vigila .- v;0§^K;':"''*#:¦*lo accommodate more studentsand to keep pace with increasing demandsfor complex research work,higher education must spend more on constructionthis year than in any other year in history.not be sufficient for California — or any other state, forthat matter — simply to provide enough pìaces for thestudents who will seek college admission in future years.Il will also have to supply, with reasonable economyand efficiency, a wide range of educational programs"Like ali of the country, California and Californianshave some big decisions to make.DR. LEWIS H. CHRISMAN is a professor ofEnglish at West Virginia Wesleyan, a Methodìstcollege near the town of Buckhannon. He ac-cepted an appointment there in 1919, when it consistedof just fìve major buildings and a coeducational studentbody of 150. One of the main reasons he took the appoint»ment, Dr. Chrisman said later, was that a new librarywas to be buiit "right away."Thirty years later the student body had jumped to720. Nearly a hundred other students were taking ex-tension and evening courses. The zooming postwar birthrate was already in the census statistics, in West Virginiaas elsewhere.But Dr. Chrisman was stili waiting for that library.W;est Virginia Wesleyan had been plagued with problems,Not a single major building had gone up in thirty-fìveyears. To catch up with its needs, the college would haveto spend $500,000.Eor a small college to raise a half million dollars isoften as tough as for a state university to obtain perhapsten times as much, if not tougher. But Wesleyan'spresident, trustees, faculty, and alumni decided that ifindependent colleges, including church-related ones, wereto be as signifìcant a force in the times ahead as they hadbeen in the past, they must try.Now West Virginia Wesleyan has an eighty-thousand-volume library, three other buildings completed, a fìfthto be ready this spring, and nine more on the agenda.A group of people reached a hard decision, and thenniade it work. Dr. Ch risma n's hopes have been morethan fulfìlled.So it goes, ali over America. The U. S. Office of Education recently asked the colleges and universities howmuch they are spending on new construction this year.<. mv> u-r n i'iT„ini most serious shortage that higher education lacesis in its teaching stali s. Many are underpaid,and not cnough young people are cntering the fìeld.Mere, left to righi, are a Nobel Pri/ewinning chemist,a Bihle historian, a hearl surgeon. a physieist. and a poet. WEST VIKCINIA WESLEYAN <Ninety per cent of them replied. In calendar I95S, theyare spending SI. 078 billion.Purdue alone has $37 million worth of constructionin process. Penn has embarked on twenty-two project scostina o\er $31 million. Wake foresi and (ìoucher andColby Colleges, among others, have left their old campusesand moved to brand- new ones. Stanford is undergoingthe greatest building boom since its founding. Every-where in higher education, the bulldozer, advance agentof growth, is working to keep up with America's insati-able, ir resisti ble demands.BUILDINCÌ PROJECTS. however, are only theoutward and \isible signs of higher education\elìbrt to stay geared lo the times. And in manyvvays they are the easiest pari of the solution to itsproblems. Others go dee per. Noi long ago the vice president of a large universitywas wondering aloud. "Perhaps." he said, "we havebeen thinking that by adding more schools and institutesas more knowledge seemed n ecessa ry to the world, wewere serving the cause of learning. Many are now callingfor a reconsideration of what the vvhole of the universityis trying to do."The probiem is a very real one. In the course of her200-year-plus history, the university had pick ed up somany schools, institutes, colleges, projeets, and "centers"that almost no one man could nume them ali, much lessgive an accurate description of their funclions. Otherinstitutions are in the sanie quandary.Why? One reason is suggested by the vice presidentecomment. Another is the number of demands whieh weas a nation have placed upon our institutions of higherlearning.We cali upon them lo give us space-age weapons andRAYLOR UNIVERSITY UENSSEL \Ei< PnLYTEcHNIC INSTITUTEDAKTMOl/TH «'OJ.I.ECEpolio vaccine. We ask them to prò vide us with lum bermeli and liberally educated PTA presidents, doctors andstatesmen, business executives and poets, teachers andhousevvives. We expeet the colleges to give us religioustraining, better fertilizers, exlension courses in musicappreciation, fresh ideas on city planning, classes insquare dancing, an understanding of medieval literature,and basic research.The nation does need many services, and higher education has never been shy about o fieri ng to provi de agreat portion of them. Now however, in the face of amulti tude of press lì res ranging from the populationsurge to the doubts many people have about the qualityof American thought, there are ihose who are wonderingif .America is not in danger of over-extending its edu-. ational resources: if we haven't demanded, and if under'he banner of higher education our colleges and universities haverft taken on, too much. AM ERICA has never been as ready to pay for itsJLa educational services as it has been to request# \ them. A single stalistic underlines the point. Wespend about seven tenths of 1 per cent of our grossnational produci on higher education. (Not that weshould look to the Russia ns to set our standards for us— but it is worth noting that they spend on highereducation more than 2 per cent of the ir gross.)As a result, this spring, many colleges and universitieslind themselves in a tightening vise. It is noi only thalprices have skyrocketed; the rad cost of providingeducation has risen, too. As knowledge has broadenedand deepened, for example, more complicaied andcostly equipment has beco me esse miai.feeling the linancial squee/e most painfully are thefaculty members. The average salary of a college oruniversity teacher in America today is just over $5,000.The average salary of a full professor is just over S7,()00.it is a frequent occurrence on college campuses for agraduati ng senior, novvadays, to be ofTered a startingsalary in industry that is higher than that paid to mostof the faculty men who trai ned him.On humane grounds alone, the problem is shocking.But it is not limited to a question of humaneness: thereis a serious question of national welfare, also."Any instilution that fails through inability or de-linquency to attract and hold its share of the bestacademic minds of the nation is accepting one of twoconsequenees," says President Cornelis W;. de Kiewiet ofthe University of Rochester. "The first is a sentence ofinferiority and decline, indeed an inferiority so muchgreater and a decline so much more intractable thattrustees, alumni, and friends can only react in distresswhen they finally see the truth. . . ."The second . . . is the heavy cost of rehabilitationonce the damage has been done. In education as in business there is no economy more foolish than poor mainte-nanceand upkeep. StafTsthat have been poorly maintainedcan be rebuìlt only at far greater cost. Si noe even less-qualified and inferior people are going to be in shortsupply, institutions content lo jog along will be deniedeven the solace of doing a moderate job at a moderatecost. It is going to be disturbingly expensive to do evena bad job."The effeets of mediocrity in college and universityteaching, if the country should permit it to come about,could only amount to a national disaster.ITH the endless squeezes, economies, andcrises it is experiencing, it would not beparticularly remar kable if American highereducation, this spring, were alternately reproaching itsneglecters and struggling feebly against a desperate fate.By and large, it is doing nothing of the sort.ìnstead, higher education is moving out to meet itsproblems and, even more significantly, looking beyondthem. Its plans take into account that it may have twiceas many students by 1970. It recognizes that it must not,in this struggle to accommodate quantity, lose sight ofquality or turn into a molder of "mass minds." It is con-tinuing to search for ways lo improve its present teaching.It is charting new services to locai eommunities, thenation, and vasi constituencies overseas. It is enteringnew areas of research, so revoiutionary that it mustin veni new names for them.CONSIDER the question of maintaining qualityamidst quantity. "How," educators ask themselves, "can you educate every one who is ambi ta XCKFM'IONAL Students Illusinot be overlooked,especial ly in a lime whenAmerica needs to educateevery outstanding man and vvomanto fuìlest capacity. Thestudents at the righi are in a ìSÉllI^philosophy of science class. 'tSlBBKHtious and has the basic qualifications, and stili have ti me,teachers, and money to spend on the un usuai boy orgirl? Are we being true to our belief in the individuai ifwe put everyone into the sanie mold, ignori ng humandifierences? Besides, lefs be practieal about it: doesnìthis country need to develop every genius it has?"There is one approaeh to the problem at an institutionin eastern California, Deep Springs. The best way to gelthere is lo go to Reno, Ne vada, and then drive about fi vehours through the Sierras to a place calìed Big Pine.Deep Springs has four faculty members, is well endowed,selects its students carefully, and charges no tuition orfees. Il cannot lose sight of its good students: its totalenroliment is nineteen.At another extreme, some institutions have had toSTANFORD UNIVERSITYdevote their time and e fiori to training as many peopleas possible. The student with unusual talent has had toiind it and develop it without help.Other institutions are looking for the solution some-vvhere in between.The University of Kansas, for example, like manyother state universities, is legali y bound to accept everygraduate of an accredited state high school who applies,without examinations or other entrance requirements."Until recently,*, says Dean George Waggoner of Kan-sas's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, "many of usspent a great deal of our time trying to solve the problemx^f marginai students."In the fall of 1955, the university a n no u need a program designed especiaìly for the "gifted student. , * Its objectìve: to make sure that exceptional young men andwomen would not be overlooked or under-exposed in atime of great student population and limited faculty.Now Kansas uses state-wìde examinations to spotthese exceptional high-school boys and girls early. Itinvites high-school principals to nominate candidates forscholarships from the upper 5 per cent of their seniorclasses. it brings the promising high-school students toits Lawrence campus for further testing, screening, andselection.When they arrive at the university as freshmen, thestudents fìnd themselves in touch with a special facultycommittee. It has the power to waive many academicrules for them. They are allovved to take as large a biteof education as they can swallow, and the usuai courseL—ven in institutions with thousandsof students, young people withextraordinary talents can be spottedand developed. This teacher is leadingan honors section at a big university.prerequisites do not apply; they may enter junior andsenior-level courses if they can handle the work. Theyuse the library with the sanie status as faculty membersand graduate students, and some serve as short-terniresearch associates for professors.The force of the program has been felt beyond thestudents and the faculty members who are immediatelyinvolved. Il has sent a current throughout the College ofLiberal Arts and Sciences. Ali students on the dean'shonor roll, for example, no longer face a strici limit inthe number of courses they may take. Departments havestrengthened their honor sections or, in some cases,established them for the first time. The vai uè of theprogram reaches down into the high schools, too, stimu-lating teachers and attracting to the university strongstudents who might otherwise be lost to Kansas.Across the country, there has been an attack on theproblem of the brighi studenfs boredom during his earlymonths in college. (Too often he can do nothing butfidget restlessly as teachers gear their courses to studentsless talented than he.) Now, signifìcantly large numbersare being admitted to college before they have fìnishedhigh school; experiments with new curricula and oppor-tunities for small discussion groups, fresh focus, andindependent study are found in many schools. Eounda-tions, so influential in many areas of higher educationtoday, are giving their support.The "quality vs. quantity" issue has other ramifica-tions. "Educai ion's problem of the future," says PresidentEldon L. Johnson of the University of New Hampshire,"is the relation of mind and mass. . . . The challenge isto reach numbers without mass treatment and thecreai ioti of mass men. . . . It is in this sctting and thisphilosophy that the state university tìnds its place."And, one might add, the independent institution aswell. L'or the old idea that the public school isconcernedwith quantity and the private school with quality is afalse one. Ali of American higher education, in its diversity, must meet the twin needs of extraordinary personsand a better educated, more thoughtful citizenry.HAT is a better educated, more thoughtfulcitizenry? And how do we gel one? If A meri -ca\ colleges and universities thought theyhad the perfect answers, a pleasant complacency mightspread across the land.In the ofiìces of those who are responsive for layingout programs of education, however, there is anythingbut complacency. Ever since they stopped being contentwith a simple curriculum of theology, philosophy, Latin,Greek, and malli, the colleges and universities have beensearching for better ways of educaling their students inhreadth as well as depili. And they are stili hunting. Take the elTorts at Amherst, as an example of whatmany are doing. Since its founding Amherst has devel-oped and refi ned its curriculum constantly. Once itoffered a free declive system: students chose the coursesthey wanted. Next it tried specialization: students selecteda major field of study in their last two years. Next, tomake sure that they gol at least a taste of many differentfields, Amherst worked out a system for balancing thedeclive courses that its students were permitted to select.But by World War II, even this last refìnement seemedinadequate. Amherst began — again — a re-evaluation.When the self-testing was over, Ambersfs studentsbegan taking three sets of required courses in their fresh-man and sophomore years: one each in science, history,and the humanities. The courses were designed to buildthe ground work for responsible lives: Ihey soughtto help students forni an integrated picture of civiliza-tion\s issues and processes. (But they were not "surveys"— or what Philosophy Professor Gai! Kennedy, chairmanof the faculty committee that developed the program,calis "those superficial omnibus affairs.")How did the student body react? Angrily. When Professor Arnold B. Arons first gave his course in physicalscience and mathematics, a wave of resentment arose. Ilculminated at a mid-year dance. The music stopped, conversations ceased, and the students observed a solemn,two-minute silence.They called it a "Hate Arons Silence."But at the end of the year they gave the professor astanding ovation. He had been rough. He had not pro-vided his students with pat answers. He had forced themto think, and it had been a shock at first. But as they golused to it, the students found that thinking, among ali oflife's experiences, can sometimes be the most exhilarating.TO TEACH them to think: that is the problem.Il is impossible, today, for any school, under-graduate or professional, to equip its studentswith ali the knowledge they will need to become compe-tent engineers, doctors, farmers, or business men. On theother hand, it can provide its students with a chance todiscover something with whieh, on their own, they canlive an extraordinary iife: their ability to think.THUS, in the midst of its planning for swollenenrollments, enlarged campuses, balanced bud-gets, and faculty-procurement crises, higher education gives deep thought to the effectiveness of itsprograms. When the swollen enrollments do come andthe shortage of teachers does become acute, highereducation hopes it can maintain its vitality.HAYLOU ÌNIVERSÌTYIo im prove the effectiveness of theirteaching, colleges and universitiesare experimenting with new techniques likerecordings of plays {a ho ve) and te le vision,whieh (left) can bring medicai studentsa closeup view of delicate experiments.'¦ =:;^f .?'$;' ^f^^l^f ?^W% Pi? ^—" '."- ^ ^\"vW*i*J*V-;s'AvV--^ .f 'v "!V:->; -^ ¦ ' C& '. '¦' ?''?' ''' -"""'ì&0^ '.,:-- ¦•¦:•'.'."' '^iif%?^w&i #^^^^^a^^^; , ^-^j :-, ; .s ..MS&iiiiHARVARD UNIVERSITYTo stretch teaching resources without sacrifìcing (and,perhaps, even improving) their effectiveness, it is expior-ing such new techniques as microfìlms, movies, andtelevision. At Rensselaer Poìytechnic Institute, in Troy,New York, the exploration is unusually intense.RPI calls its eoneerted study "Project Reward." Howgood, Project Reward asks, are movies, audio-visual aids,closed-circuit television? How can we set up really cf-fective demonstrations in our science courses? How muchmore efTective, if at ali, is a small class than a big one1?Whieh is better: lecture or discussion groups?Says RolandH. Trathen, associate head of Renssdaer's departmentof mechanics and a leader in the Project Reward enter-prise, when he is asked about the future, "If creativecontributions to teaching are reeognized and rewardedin the sanie manner as creative contributions to research,we have nothing to fear."The showman in a good professor comes to the forewhen he is ofiered that new but dangerous tool of com-munication, television. Like many gadgets, television canbe used merely to grind out more degree-holders, or — inthe hands of imaginative, dedicated teachers — it can bea powerful instrument for improvement.Experiments with television are going on ali over theplace. A man at the University of Oregon, this spring,can teach a course simultaneously on his own campusand three others in the state, thanks to an electronic link.Pennsylvania State experimented with the medium forthree years and discovered that in some cases the TVstudents did better than their counterparts who savv theirinstructors in the flesh.The dangers in assembly-line education are real. Butwith new knowledge about how people actually learn —and new devices to help them learn — interesting pos-sibilities appear.Even so, some institutions may cling to lime-wornnotions about teaching until they are toni loose bythe current of the age. Others may adulterate the qualityof their produci by rushing into short-cut scliemes. Thereader can hope that his college, at least, will use thenew tools wiseìy: with courage yet with caution. Mostof ali, he can hope that it will not be forced into adoptingthem in desperation, because of poverty or its inabilityto hold good teachers, but from a position of confidenceand stremith.^MERICAN higher education does not limit itselfLJL to college campuses or the basic function of edu-# % cating the young. It has assumed responsibilityfor direct, active, speeific community service, also."Democracy's Growing Edgc," the Tcacher's College of the University of Nebraska calls one such serviceproject. Its sponsors are convinced that one of the basicfunctions of locai schools is lo improve their communi-ties, and they are working through the locai boards ofeducation in Nebraska towns to demonstrate it.Consider Mullen (pop. 750), in northwest Nebraska'ssandhillsarea, the only town in itscattle-ranchingcounty.The nearest hospital is ninety mi Ics away. Mullen needsits own clinic; one was started six years ago, only to bogdown. Under the university's auspices, with Mullen'sschool board coordinating the project and the Teacher'sCollege furnishing a full-time associate coordinator, thecitizens went to work. Mullen now has its clinical facilities.Or consider Syracuse, in the southeast corner of thestate, a trading center for some three thousand persons.Il is concerned about its future because its young peopleare migrating to neighboring Lincoln and Omaha; tohold them, Syracuse needs new industry and recreationalfacilities. Again, through the university's program, towns-people have taken action, voting for a power con-traci that will assure sufficient electricity to attractindustry and prò vide opportunities for youth.Many other institutions currently are otTering a varietyof community projects — as many as seventy-eight at onestate university this spring. Some samples:The University of Dayton has taiiored its researchprogram to the needs of locai industry and offers trainingprogranis for management. Ohio State has planted thenation's first poison plant garden to fìnd out why someplants are poisonous to livestock when grown in somesoils yet harmless in others. Northwestern's study oftrafile problems has grown into a new transportationcenter. The University of Southern California encouragesable high-school students to work in its scientifìc labora-tories in the summer. Regis College runs a series ofeconomics seminars for Boston professional women.Community service takes the forni of late-afternoonand evening colleges, also, whieh offer courses to schoolteachers and business men. Television is in the picture,too. Thousands of New Yorkers, for example, rise beforedawn to catch New York University's "Sunrise Semester,"a stili and stimuìating series of courses on WCBS-TV.In California, San Bernardino Valley College has goneon radio. One night a vveek, members of more than seventy-fìve discussion groups gather in private homes and turnon their sets. For a half hour, they listen to a programUNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA sudi as "Great Men and Great Issues" or "The Ways ofMankind," a study of anthropology.When the program is over (it is then 8:30), the living-room discussions start. People talk, argue, raise ques-lions — and learn. One thousand of them are hard at it,ali over the San Bernardino Valley area.Then, at ten o'clock, they turn on the radio again. Apanel of experts is on. Members of the discussion groupspick up their phones and ask questions about the night'stopic. The panel gives its answers over the air.Says one pariicipant, "1 learned that people who onceseemed dull, uninteresting, and pedestrian had excilingthings to say if 1 would keep my mouth shut and leithem say it." *When il thtnks of community services, American highereducation does not limit itself to its own back yard.Behind the new agricultural chemislry building at theUniversity of the Philippines stand bare concrete columnswhieh support notili ng. The jungle has grown up aroundtheir bases. But you can stili see the remains of buildingswhieh once housed one of the most disti nguished agricultural schools in the far East, the university's Collegeof Agriculture. When Eilipinos returned lo the campusafter World War lì, they found virtuali y nothing.The needs of the Philippines' devastated iands fortrained men were clear and immediate. The faculty beganto put the broken pieces back together again, but it wasplain that the rebuilding would take decades.In 1952, Cornell University's New York State Collegeof Agriculture fonned a partnership with them. The ob-jective: to help the Eilipinos rebuild, not in a couple ofgenerations, but in a few years. Twelve top faculty members from Cornell have spent a year or more as regularmembers of the staff. Eilipinos have gone to New Yorkto take pari in progranis there.Now, Phiìippine agriculture has a new lease on fife —and Eilipinos say that the Cornell partnership shouldreceive mudi of the credit. Earms are at last big enoughto support their tenants. Weeds and inseets are beingbrought under control. Grassland yieids are up. And thecollege enrollment has leaped from little more than ahundred in 1945 to more than four thousand today.In Perù, the North Carolina College of Agricultureand Engineering is helping to strengthen the country'sagricultural research; North Carolina State College isn ADDinoN to teaching and conduetingresearch, America's colleges and universitiesoiìcr a wide rangc of community services.At the left are hundreds of curriculummaterials available at one state university.¦;lllì§^1 None of its services can functionefieclively un less higher educationremai ns free. Ereedom to pur sueknowledge is the strongest attractionof college and university teaching.helping to develop Peruvian research in textiles; and theUniversity of North Carolina eo-operates in a programof teehnical assistance in sanitary engineering. In Liberia,Prairie View A. and M. College of Texas (the Negrocollege of the Texas A. and M. system) is working withthe Booker Washington Agricultural and Industriai institute to expand vocational education. Syracuse Universityis producing audio-visual aids for the Middle East, par-ticularly Iran. The University of Tennessee is provìdinghome-economics specialists to assist in training similarspecialists in India. The University of Oregon is workingwith Nepal in establishing an educational system wherenone existed before (only eleven persons in the enti recountry of $.5 million had had any professional trainingin education). Harvard is providing teehnical advice andassistance to Latin American countries in devdopingand maintaining nutrition progranis.THUS emerges a picture of American higher education, 1958. Its diversity, its hope that it canhandle largc numbers of students without losingsight of quality in the process. iis willingness to extendits services far beyond its classrooms and even ils hometowns: ali these things are ir uè of America's colleges anduniversities today. They can be seen.But not as visible, like a subsurface flaw in the carili" sapparently solid crust, lie some faets that may alter thelandscape considerably. Not enough young people, forinstance, are currently working their vvay through thelong process of preparation to become college and university teachers. Others, who had already embarked onfaculty careers, are leaving the profession. Scholars andteachers are becoming one of the American economy'sscarcest coni modi ties.Salary scales, as described earlier in this article, arelargely responsible for the scarcity, but not entirely.Three faculty members at the University of Oklahomasai a round a tabi e noi long ago and tried lo ex pia in whythey are slaying where they are. Ali are young. Ali arebrilliant men who have turned down lucrative jobs inbusiness or industry. Ali have been offered higher-payingposts at other universities.•&^ ' WkL-vhRYWHERi: — in business, government,the professions, the arts— collegegraduates are in demand. Thus society paystribute to the college teacher.Il relies upon him today as never belo re. "lt's the atmosphere, cali it the teaching climate, thatkeeps me here," said one."Teachers want to know they are appreciated, thattheir ideas have a chance," said another. "I suppose youmight say we like being a pari of our institution, notmembers of a manpower pool.""Oklahoma has made a real efibrt to provide an op-portunity for our opinions lo count," said the third. "Ouradvice may be asked on anything from hiring a new professor to suggesting salary increases."The University of Oklahoma, like many other institutions but ////like many more, has a self-governing faculty."The by-products of the university government," saysOklahoma^ Professor Cortez A. M. Ewing, "may proveto be its most important feature. In spile of untowardcondii ions — heavy teaching loads, low salaries, and marginai physical and laboratory resources, to mention afew — the spi ri t of co-operation is exceeded only by thededicai io n of the faculty."The professor worlh his lille must be free. He must befree to explore and probe and investigate. He must befree io pursuc the trulli, where ver the eh a se may takehim. This, if the bread-and-buttcr necessities of salaryscales can be mei, is and will always be the great attrac-lion of college and university teaching. We must takecare that nothing be al low ed to diminish it.GONE is the old caricature of the absent-minded,impractical academician. The image of the college professor has changed, just as the image ofthe college boy and the college alumnus has changed. Iflìfty years ago a college graduate had to apologize for hiseducation and even conceal it as he entered the businessworld, he does so no longer. Today society demands theeducated man. Thus society gives its indirect respect tothe man who la tight him, and links a new rei lance withthat respect.It is more than need whieh warrants this esteem andreliance. The professor is avvare of his world andtrave! s to its coldest, remotest corners to learn moreabout it. Nor does he overlook the pressing matters atthe very edge of his campus. He takes part in the International Geophysieal Year's study of the universe; heattacks the cancer in the human body and the humanspirit; he nourishes the art of living more readily thanthe art of killing; he is the frontiersman everywhere. Hebuilds and masters the most modem of tools from thecyclotron to the mechanical brain. He remembers theartist and the philosopher above the clamor of themachine.The professor stili has the color that his students recali,Jk**'¦^0^1:"fi^'V•?m*>w$^.? ***'^mm ?i^ì:^:*&and he stili gets his applause in the spring at the end ofan inspiring semester or at the end of a dedicated career.But today there is a difìerence. Il is on him that the nationdepends more than ever. On him the free world reiies —just as the enslaved world does, too.DR. SELMAN A. WAKSMAN of Rutgers wasnot interested in a specifìc, useful topic. Rather,he was fascinai ed by the organisms that live ina spadeful of dirt.A Russian emigrant, born in a thatehed house inPriluka, ninety miles from the civilization of Kiev, hecarne to the United States at the age of seventeen andenrolled in Rutgers. Early in his undergraduate career hebecame interested in the fundamental aspects of livingsystems. And, as a student of the College of Agriculture,he looked to the soil. Eor his senior project he dug an uni ber of trenches on the college fami and took soilsamples in order tocount thedifferent colonies of bacteria.But when he examined the samples under his microscope, Waksman saw some stran gè colonies, difìerentfrom either bacteria or fungi. One of his professors saidthey were only "higher bacteria." Another, however,identified them as little-known organisms usually calledactinomyces.Waksman was graduai ed in 1915. As a research as-sistant in soil bacteriology, he began working toward amaster's degree. But he soon began to devote more andmore lime to soil fungi and the strange actinomyces. Hewas forever testing soils, isoiating cultures, transferringcultures, examining cultures, vveighing, anaiyzing.Studying for his Ph.D. at the University of California,he made one fìnding that interested him particularly.Several groups of microbes appeared to live in harmony,while others fed on their fellows or otherwise inhibitedtheir growth. In 1918 Waksman returned to Rutgers asa microbiologist, to continue his research and teaching.RUTGERS UNIVERSITYV^ome research by facultymembers strikes people as "point-less." It was one suchpointless project that ledDr. Selinan A. Waksman {left) tofind streptomycin. Good basicresearch is a continuing need.M-•^-':;~'i^';-, '£¦.'¦ i*%In 1923 one of his pupils, Rene Dubos, isolated tyro-thricin and demonstrated that chemical substances frommicrobes found in the soil can kill disease-producinggerms. In 1932 Waksman studied the fate of tuberculosisbacteria in the soil. In 1937 he published three papers onantagonistic relations among soil micro-organisms. Heneeded only a nudge to make him turn ali his attentionto what he was later to cali "antibiotics."The war provided that nudge. Waksman organized hislaboratory staff for the campaign. He soon decided tofocus on the organisms he had first met as an undergradu-ate almost thirty years before, the actinomyces. The firstantibiotic substance to be isolated was called actinomy-cin, but it was so toxic that it could have no clinicalapplication; other antibiotics turned out to be the same.It was not until the summer of 1943 that the breakthroughcarne.One day a soil sample from a heavily manured fìeldwas brought into the laboratory. The workers processedit as they had processed thousands of others before. Butthis culture showed remarkable antagonism to disease-producing bacteria. It was a strain — streptomyces grìseus— that Waksman had puzzled over as a student. Clinicaltests proved its effectiveness against some forms of pneu-monia, gonorrhea, dysentery, whooping cough, syphilis,and, most spectacularly, TB.Streptomycin went into production quickly. Alongwith the many other antibiotics that carne from the soil,it was labeled a "miracle drug." Waksman received theNobel Prize and the heartfelt praise of millions through-out the world.In a sense, discoveries like Dr. Waksman's are acci-dents; they are unplanned and unprogrammed. Theyemerge from scholarly activity whieh, judged by appear-ances or practical yardsticks, is aimless. But mankindhas had enough experience with such accidents to havelearned, by now, that "pure research" — the pursuit ofknowledge for the sake of knowledge alone — is its bestassurance that accidents will continue to happen. WhenChicago's still-active Emeritus Professor Herman Schles-inger got curious about the chemical linkage in a rareand explosive gas called diobrane, he took the first stepstoward tne development of a new kind of jet and rocketfuel — accidentally. When scientists at Harvard workedon the fractionization of blood, they were accidentallymaking possible the development of a substitute for wholeblood whieh was so desperately needed in World War li.But what about the University of Texas's HumanitiesResearch Center, set up to integrate experiments in lin-guistics, criticism, and other fields? Or the Missouriexpedition to Cyprus whieh excavated an Early-Bronze- lo fino the most promising youngpeople of America and then provide themwith exceptional educational opportunities:that is the challenge. Above, medicaischool professors vote on a candidate.BAYLOR UNIVERSITYAge site at Episkopi three years ago and is planning togo back again this year? Or the research on folk balladsat the University of Arkansas? In an age of ICBM's, whatis the va lue of this work?If there is more to human destiny than easing our toilsor enriching our pocketbooks, then such work is important. Whatever adds to man's knowledge will inevi-tably add to his stature, as well. To make sure that highereducation can keep providing the opportunities for suchresearch is one of 1958 maifs best guarantees that humanlite will not sink to meanìnglessness.ALERED NORTH WHITEHEAD once said, "injLJk tne conditions of modem lite, the rule is abso-# » Iute: the race whieh does not vaine trainedintelligence is doomed."In recent monlhs, the American people have begun tore-learn the trulli of Whitehead\s statement. Eor yearsthe nation has taken trained intelligence for granted — or,worse, sometimes shown contempi for it, or denied theconditions under whieh trained intelligence might flour-ish. That millions are now recognizing the mistake — andrecognizing it before it is too late — is fortunate.Knowing how to solve the problem, however, andknowing how to provide the means for solution, is morediffidili.But again America is fortunate. There is, among us, agroup who not only have been a head of the generalpublic in recognizing the problem but who also have theunderstanding and the power, no\\\ to solve it. That groupis the college alumni and alumnae.Years ago Dr. Hu Shih, the scholar who was thenChinese ambassador to the United States, said America'sgreatest contribution to education was its revolutionaryconcepì of the alumnus: its concepì of the former studentas an understanding, responsible partner and champion.Today, this partner and champion of American highereducation has an opportunity for service unparalleled inour history. He recognizes, better than anyone, the es-sential trulli in the statement to whieh millions, finally,now subscribe: that upon higher education depends, inlarge pari, our society's physical and intellectual sur-vival. He recognizes, better than anyone else, the truthin the statement that the race can attain even loftier goalsahead, by strengthening our system of higher educationin ali its parts. As an alumnus — first by understanding,and then by exercising his leadership — he holds withinhis own grasp the means of doing so.Rarely has one group in our society — indeed, everymember of the group — had the opportunity and theability for such high service. L-.oucvvnoN of high quality for asmany as are qualitied for it has been acherished American dream. Todaywe are too dose to realizing that dreamnot to intensify our striving for it.^^®^^^Ì^^^II^^^PS^^^^M . ri'I.WK UNIVERSITYEDITORIAL STAFFFELICI A ANTHENELLIThe University of Chicago WILLIAM SCHRAMMThe L 7ni versiti • of Pennsy 'I vantaDAVID A. BURRThe Un i vers it) ¦ of Oh /ah orna VERNE A. STADTMANThe L 'ni versi tv of CaliforniaJEAN DINWOODEYThe American A/umni Council EREDERIC A. STOTTPh i//ips A ( 'a dem\ \ An do verDAN H. FENN, JR.Harvard Uni versi tv ERANK J. TATEThe Ohio State UniversityRANDOLPH L. EORTEmorv University ERIK WENSBERG( \) fumh ia Uni versi t \ 'CORB1N GWALTNEYThe Johns Hopkins University CHARLES E. WI DM AVERDartmout/ì C \)//egeL. FRANKLIN HEALDThe University of Xew Hampshire CHESLEY WORTHINGTONBrown UniversityACKNOWLEDGMENTSPhotographs; iric h Hartmann, magnumTypesetting: amlrican typlsethng corporation,CHICAGO, ILLINOISPrinting: cuneo press, kokomo, indianaPaper; ck/o-ihjoset by champion-internationalCOMPANY OF LAWRENCI;, MASSACHUSETTSPRINTED IN U.S.A.Roster of FundChairmen GrowsBudd Gore, f36, retail advertisingmanager of the Chicago Daily Newsshas accepted the Chicago city chair-manship for the 1958 Alumni Fund.He was one of more than 200 alumniwho had signed up to direct community committees as the Aprii Mag-azine went to press. Recent additìonsalso included George S. Leisure, 14,who again is heading the big NewYork City committee, and Gordon G.Brittan, '26, and Alan D. Whìtney, 13,who are serving as co -chairmen ofthe Winnetka committee, usuai pace-setter among Chicago suburbs.John A. Greene, 14, is Clevelandchairman, and Mrs, Robert G. Wen-kam, '48, Honolulu, is directìng theAlumni Foundation's only off-conti-nent committee, Other new appoint-ments announced by National Chairman Howard L. Willett, Jr., are:SOUTH AND WEST— George Hay-duke, Phoenix, Ariz.; George A. Gray,San Jose, Calif.; Miss Emada A. Gris-wold, Boulder, Colo.; O. Donald Ol-son, Colorado Springs; Dr. HenryFolmer, Denver; Mrs, Marion H. Wolf,Lafayette, La.; Frank J. Buescher,New Orleans; Grò ver C. Koffman,Shreveport; Mrs. Helena M. Rose,Great Falls, Mont.Dr. James H. Coon, Los Alamos.N.M.; Dr. Milbourne O. Wilson, Norman, Okla.; Donai K. Holway, Tuisa;Miss Helen G. Charley, Corvallis,Ore.; Dr, Delbert A. Greenwood, Lo-gan, Utah; Walker Kennedy, SaliLake City; Mrs. Marshall Forrest,Bellingham, Wash.; Lars Carlson,Seattle; Robert T. Garen, Tacoma;Dr. Charles C. Laing, Laramie, Wyo.ATLANTIC COAST— Dr. Horace D.Taft, New Haven, Conn.; Dr. EleanorR. Bartholomew, Wilmington, Del.;Newell A. Clapp, Washington, D.C.;Prof. Zens L. Smith, Orlando, Fla.;Joseph L. Fearing, III, Tampa, Fla,;Dr. Jonathan J. Westfall, Athens,Ga.; Thomas L. Karsten, Baltimore,Md.; Harold P. Green, Bethesda, Md.;Frederick Saas, Jr., Chevy Chase,Md.; Mrs. G. Taylor Whittier, SilverSpring, Md.; Pearce Shepherd, New-ark, New Jersey; Lawrence J. Mac-Gregor, Northern New Jersey; Richard P. Matthews, Princeton, NewJersey. Fhotoqraph by Robert MerlanoThe Midwesi Regional Alumni Fund Conferenee ori campus March 7 brought together forlunch (left to tight) Alumni Director Howard Mort, Dr. Vernon E. Olson, St. ^Paul;Dr. Alexander Lich+or, Kansas City, and George Hoftman, Springfield, III. Similarconlerences were held at Los Angeles and San Francisco, March 14-15, with a finalmeeting slated for New York, Aprii IO.Matthew Margolis, Albany, N. Y.;Dr. Lyndon M. Hill, Long I si and,N.Y.; Kenneth D. MacKenzie, Brook-lyn; Dr. Sidney N. Miller, Pough-keepsie, N.Y.; John Mills, Jr.,Rochester, N.Y.; Dr. and Mrs. JacquesC, Poirier, Durham, N.C.; Mrs. Con-stance H. Marteena, Greensboro,N. C; Harold S. Laden, Philadelphia,Pa.; William R. Niblock, Pittsburgh,Pa.; Mrs. Beverly G. Long, Provi-dence, R. L; Dr. George Dykhuizen,Burlington, Vt; Alfred H. Norling,Alexandria, Va.CENTRAL STATES— Dr. Eleanor M.Volberding, DeKalb, III; Mrs. ClaudeM. Granger, Kankakee, 111.; Mrs.Charles A. Whitmore, Ottawa, 111.;Mrs. Lawrence J. Schmid t and Stan-ton E. Hyer, Rockford, 111.; Mrs. Harold F. Lathrop, Rock Island, IH.;George C. Hoffmann, Springfield, 111.John F. Dille, Jr., Elkhart, Ind.;Mrs. Frederic R. Shaffer, MichiganCity, Ind.; Mrs. John F. Wixted,Mishawaka, Ind.; Loren C. Marsh,Muncie, Ind.; Miss Florence M.Krantz, Dubuque, la.; Dr. Walter D.Fisher, Manhattan, Kans.; Dr. andMrs. Michael E. Blaw, Ann Arbor,Mich.; Dr, J. Keith Kavanaugh, Battio Creek, Mich.; Dr. Norman Bilow,Midland, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. RobertA. Stierer, Pontiac, Mich.; William C. Larkin, St. Joseph, Mich.; Dr. FredJ. Ericson, Ypsilanti, Mich.Dr. Daniel F. Burton, Mankato,Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mess-ner, Jr., Northfield, Minn.; WarrenC. Cavins, St. Joseph, lo.; John C.Angle, Lincoln, Nebr.; Dr. Harry R.Stevens, Athens, Ohio; Dr. JacobCohen, Bowling Green, Ohio; GeorgeR. Wren, Canton, Ohio; Willis L.Zorn, Eau Claire, Wisc; Robert G.Harrop, Jr., Milwaukee, Wisc; Mrs.Earl C. Brien, Neenah, Wisc; John S.Drayna, Oshkosh, Wisc.CHICAGO SUBURBS— Mrs. Roy L.Peirce, Barrington; Mrs, Karl W.Goetter, Blue Island; Grace M. Boyd,Cicero; Richard K. Seyfarth, Deer-fìeld; Mrs. Cyrìl B.Bond, DesPlaines;Mrs. Albert J. Simon, Elgin; A. J.Jablonsky, Evergreen Park; John E.Thompson, Flossmoor; Mrs. RobertClarke Hetherìngton, Geneva.Robert C, Dille, Glenview; Mrs.Robert Novotne, Harvey; Robert F.Baldaste, Homewood; Cari S. Stanley,Kenilworth; John J. Meade, LakeBluff; Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Huf-faker, Lake Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Cy-ril Garland; Lincoln wood; Helen C.Kavanagh, Lombard; James A. Boula,May wood; Keith R. Jewell, MountProspect.Continued on Page 42APRIL, 1958 41Fund Chairmen continued from Page 41Mrs. L. D. Collins, Naperville;Ernest J. Fey, Northbrook; Mrs. Stephen I. Finney, Northfìeld; Mr. andMrs. Kenneth Jensen, Palos Park;Dan Kletnick, Park For est; SamuelFox, Park Ridge; Mrs. Helen S.Harshbarger, Plàinfield; Paul H.Davis, Jr., St. Charles; Howard F.Husum and Mrs. Ned Harris, Wil-mette; Mrs. William Hered, Whiting,Ind.ALUMNI CLUBACTIVITYSAN FRANCISCO: Bay Area alumni were invited to a reception forAndrew W. Cordier, AM '23, PhD '26,Executive Assistant to the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations, Feb-ruary 23. Alumni of the Departmentof Education were invited to meetDepartment Chairman Francis Chase,Professors William Gray, NelsonHenry and Robert Phelps on Sunday,March 9.The annual alumni convention,held March 15, offered the followingimpressi ve program:"Does Civilization Have a Future?"— Benson Ginsburg, Louis Gott-schalk, Robert Redfield, and MiltonSinger."The Goals of Economie Policy andthe Market Outlook"-— George Stig-ler, and W. Alien Wallis."What is Mental Health?" — JohnClausen, Dr. Norman Grafi, andPhilip Riefr."The Role of Government in Higher Education — Issues of Freedomand Responsibility" — Brainerd Cur-rie, and Milton Friedman."Recent Research in the Biology ofBehavior" — Frank Beach, BensonGinsburg, and Dr. Charles Savage."Mark Twain and Huckleberry and AL_LJ!\/1r^JSThe Responsible Christian. By VictorObenhaus, Associate Professor, Federated Theological Faculty, Universityof Chicago and Chicago TheologicalSeminary. The University of ChicagoPress, 1957. xi, 218 pp. $4.00.If one is to be informed regardingthe relationships of religion andchurch groups to the issues and problems of our times, he must knowsomething of the theological trends inAmerica during the recent decades aswell as the major social, politicai andeconomie changes. The liberalismmovement whieh carne with the em-phasis on social reform in Americahas been severely criticized by severalrecent movements of thought. Thesecriticisms themselves are related towar, depression, the complexity ofurban life, the mechanization of manufacturing and of agriculture. Freudianpsychology and the recent emphasison depth psychology have shown usthe difficulties we face when we thinkof making men perfect. Recent theological thought has emphasized theneed of the grace of God for man'ssalvation either here or in the greathereafter. During recent years, theexistentialist movement has emphasized the necessity for man to assumeresponsibility for his own life. Theseexistentialists do not think that lifeFinn" — Walter Blair, and LarzerZiff.After dinner Vice Chancellor JohnKirkpatrick and Dean (Business) Alien Wallis reported on the state of theUniversity and Professor John Wilsondiscussed "Personalities in the Mud-dled Middle East."COMING ALUMNI CLUB EVENTSDate Place SpeakerAprii 9 Philadelphia Julian LeviAprii 10 New York Annual convention: Julian Levi,Robert Hutchins, Bruno BettelheimAprii 13 Aurora Edward Rosenheim, James SheldonAprii 24 Minneapolis W. Lloyd WarnerMay 7 Detroit Theodore Schultz is simpie but that it is very complex.The volume by Victor Obenhaus,The Responsible Christian, is relatedto these recent movements of thought.He takes the basic position that mancan do something about the problemswhieh he faces. He doesn't talk aboutperfectability, however, but rather theimprovability of human life and conditions. The subject matter of thisvolume embraces the problems whiehare cruciai and current in our day.They have to do with economie life,labor and industriai relations, agricultural policy, race, communism, publicand private welfare, health, churchand state and civil rights. The volume is theological in the sense thatits basic assumption is that of the"Fatherhood of God and the brother-hood of man." Dr. Obenhaus is slowto be dogmatic on just what God'swill is regarding each of the issues.His treatment invites the seeking ofanswers. In many instances, an ab-solute answer is not given, even onthe basis of biblical interpretation;only a relative position is taken. Veryoften a paragraph is ended with aquestion mark rather than a dogmaticstatement.This volume is addressed to laymenin part because Dr. Obenhaus assumesthat if there are solutions to the problems presented, they will need to beworked out in fruitful communicationby people in the actual contaets of lifeitself. Fortunately, Dr. Obenhaus, overthe last several years has been closelyassociated with various conferenceson the church and economie life,labor, industriai problems and agriculture. Thus, he is acquainted withvarious positions whieh lay peoplehave been taking and since he is aprofessor in a theological faculty andhas indulged in many committeemeetings, he is, therefore, conversantwith the academic and the churchpositions as well.One important thing is clear fromthis small volume; namely, that everyone of us can be a more adequatepersonality if he is willing to think ofhis work in life as a vocation, a call-ing, in whieh he makes his contribu-tion to the family of man.Samuel C. Kincheloe, AM '19, PhD'29, Professor Emeritus,University of Chicago FederatedTheological Faculty;President, Tougaloo SouthernChristian College, Tougaloo, Miss.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEQass NewsAlong with the nation's baby crop,the roster of Junior "C" men is grow-ing. A recent recruit is "Teddy"Corlett, two-and-a-half-year-old sonof Edwin Hart and Mary Lewis Corlett of Oak Park, who was snared byHai (Harold W.) Lewis, PhB '23.Said Hai: "Inasmuch as his fatheris a graduate of the school of engineering at the University of Michigan,I had some diffìculty in securing per-mission for my grandson to wear ajunior 'C' sweater." As evidence ofhis success, Hai sent the pictureabove, whieh, he said, is "as good aswTe could do, seeing as how a moviecamera would have been much moreappropriate for the young buck inthe picture than a stili camera."The junior "C" T-shirt modeled byyoung Teddy is available at no costto members of the Order of the Cwrho have like-sized potential Junior"C" recruits. Hai offered one sug-gestion and that is "that these littlefellows grow so fast, it might be agood idea to make the T-shirt out ofrubber or some other stretchable material, because already my grandsonis flnding it a bit too small."Hai was captain of the Maroon football team in 1922. He also was amember of the Seuil and Crescent,Iron Mask, and Owl & Serpent, andpresident of the Honor Commission,"but I don't suppose one stili exists,"he said.IT'S BLACKFRIARS TIME AGAIN ! !(PAGE XX) ytentateli AC^C Ruth WiUiston, SB '05, SMVJmJ.J »13j of Rockfan, Corni., spentlast year vacationing in Hawaii.Edna M. Feltges, PhB 10, of Orlando,Fla., is teaching full time as head of theDepartment of Mathematics at OrlandoJunior College.Wesley M. Gewehr, PhB '11, AM 12,PhD '22, and David S. Sparks, AM '45,PhD '51, are the authors, with DonaldGordon and Roland Stromberg, ofAmerican Civilizations: A History of theUnited States. Published by McGraw-Hill Co., the book is a college text with amature approa.ch and much more inter-pretation than in the conventional text.Gewehr now lives in Washington, D. C.Will F. Lyon, MD '17, of Chicago, writesthat he is enjoying his retirement playingin a string quartet and other ensembles.It seems his group has great need of acellist, "who is willing and has trans-portation and time, even if he isn't toogood."Della H. Simpson, PhB 18, AM '27, ofRochester, N. Y., writes us that LeilaVenable Hager, PhB 18, AM '26, recentlytoured the Mediterranean area, spendingsome time "digging" in Greece.A. J. Brumbaugh, AM 18, PhD '29,former member of the University faculty,later president of Shimer College, andmore recently full-time consultant to theSouthern Regional Education Board inAtlanta, has moved to Washington, D. C,where he is Coordinator of Special Proj-ects Division of Higher Education, inthe U. S. Office of Education. He alsowill continue as a part-time consultantfor the southern board.Theresa K. Kirby, PhB '22, AM '30, ofCincinnati, holds a PhD in psychologyfrom the University of Cincinnati.Hayes Kennedy, PhB '22, JD '24, ofJoliet, 111., is now general claims at-torney and assistant general counsel forthe Greyhound Corp. For news of hisson see '56.Butler Laughlin, '22, of Chicago, is nowin his seventh year as first assistant tothe Superintendent of Schools of CookCounty.Hester Weber Isermann, PhB '23, ofCincinnati, is active in women's clubwork and Republican organizations. Herhusband is district manager for GeneralElectric Appliances. Judith Strohm Bond, PhB '23, whosehusband is Donald F. Bond, Professor inthe English Department, is curator of theHarriet Monroe Modem Poetry Collectionin the west tower of Harper. The Bondshave a married son, a granddaughter 15months old, and a daughter studyingpainting in Germany.Lucile Goldstine Rosenheim, PhB'23, writes that since she has left the University she has published three teen-agenovels and acquired fìve grandehildren.Mabel I. Miller, SB '23, AM '36, ofBristol, 111., retired in 1956, but has con-tinued to do some part-time teaching andsome traveling. Mabel visited the GaspePeninsula and Nova Scotia last year.Walker Kennedy, PhB '23, is presidentof the Liberty Fuel Goal Mining Co. inSalt Lake City, He has "one daughter,married in Los Angeles; one son, ajunior at Stanford; and one wife, who isa pretty good golfer."Frances A. Mullen, PhB '23, AM '27,PhD '39, who is Chicago's AssistantSuperintendent of Schools in charge ofSpecial Education, writes: "High pointsin my off duty hours are stili an occa-tional mountain peak: Aiguille de Tsalast summer with a group of the SwissAlpine Club, the Devil's Doorway atBaraboo with the Chicago Mountaineer-ing Club, etc. On my job there is equalexcitement in improvements in Chicago'sservices to exceptional, mentally handi-capped or maladjusted ehildren,"Howard E. Green, '25, president of theGreat Lakes Mortgage Corp. and formerChairman of the Alumni Foundation, hasbeen elected president of the ChicagoMetropolitan Housing and PlanningCouncil. The Council advises govern-mental bodies in regard to large scaleplanning and development of the city.Green is a member of the Citizen's Boardand Alumni Cabinet of the University,and active in many ci vie groups in Chicago and Winnetka.Joseph S. Hicks, SM '25, PhD '27, isnow Director of the Chemistry Department of Sam Houston State TeachersCollege. He retired from the armychemical corps after 29 years of service.Carter V. Good, PhD '25, Dean of theUniversity of Cincinnati's Teachers College, is the author of two chapters forthe research section of a book, The GoodEducation of Yonth, being published byAPRIL, 1958 43the University of Pennsylvania Press.The chapters are based on addresses hedelivered at the Schoolmen's Week at theUniversity of Pennsylvania.")fi-30 R* L Doai1' phD '26? is now-£V «JV' jn j-^g seventh year as manager of Phillips Petroleum Company'satomic energy division in Idaho Falls,Idaho. He was formerly director of research for the company.Dr. Victor Johnson, PhB '26, Ph '30,MD '39, director of the Mayo Foundation at Rochester, Minn., and Professorat the University of Minnesota, has beenelected to represent the foundation onthe senato of that university.Alice M. Baìdwin, PhD '26, of Dur-ham, N. C, is now wforking part timein the manuscript di vision of Duke University, She is also writing articles ofher own, including a history of the NorthCarolina division of the American As-sociation of University Women.Goodrich C. White, PhD '27, Chancellorand past President of Emory University,Ga., has been named a college consultantunder a program to be administered bythe Association of American Colleges.Set up with the aid of a grant from LillyEndowment, Ine, the program providesthe services of White and another formercollege president as advisors to collegesand universities.Dr. Allan Filek, SB '28, MD '33, ispresident of the Madison (Wis.), LionsClub this year, and chairman of theMayor's Commission on Human Rights.He has a daughter, Suzanne, and a son,Richard Allan, both at the University ofWisconsin.Jerome F. Kulak, LLB '28, of Ham-mond, Ind., has recently been electedpresident of Guarantee Reserve Life Insurance Co. He and his wife have oneson who is a graduate of the University'sLaw School, and three daughters, one atColumbia, one at Northwestern, and oneat Michigan State.Virginia Exley McAììister, PhB '28, ofMobile, Ala., writes that she is doingwhat she can to help alleviate the problem caused by non-accredited teachersmannìng the high schools in Alabama.She describes the conditions of teachersthere as "difficult," and their salary as a"pittance." Her daughter Marianna gotan MD degree from the University ofTennessee in October.Dr. Leo Ralph Brown, SB '28, is in thegeneral practice of medicine in Gary,Ind. He has a daughter, Molile Ann, whoplans to enter Purdue next fall to studyengineering, and a son, Michael, whoplans to enter Chicago in 1961 to studymedicine. Frances Brooks Keeler, PhB '28, writesthat for a long time she was the onlyChicago alum active in her locai (Schen-ectady) branch of the American Associa -IOWER YOUR COSTS-n\ ì3!."..,-.¦¦¦ •'¦;:_-- - asci:: - " 'fi SROBERT B. 5HAHKO '33. rOUNOSR IUNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1354 East 55th StreetMemberFederai Deposit Insurance CorporationMUseum 4-1200Phones OAkland 4-0690— 4-0691— 4-0692The Old ReliabieHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnìngs and Canopìes for Ali Purpo$es4508 Cottage Grove AvenueLEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERSince 1878HANNIBAL, INC.Fwrnifure RepaìrìngUpholstering • RetinìshinqAntique* Rostored1919 N. Sheffield Ave. • LI 9-7180BOYDSTON AMBULANCE SERVICEAuthorixed Ambulance ServiceFor Bìllings HospitalOfficiai Ambulance Service forThe University of Chicagophone NOrmal 7-2468NEW ADDRESS-1708 E. 71ST ST. tion of University Women, but now thereare a "goodly number." Her husband isCommunity Chest and Welfare Councildirector in Schenectady. Her daughter isnow married and living in Albany.Albert J. Steadman, PhB '28, is assistant divisionai manager of retail advertising for the Chicago Tribune. His twinsons, 16, have earned their letters in trackat Senn High School. His wife is theformer Rose L. Berger.Fred G. Jones, PhB ?28, is advertisingmanager for the Creamery PackageManufacturing Co., and public relationsdirector for the Sarah Hackett Stevenson Memorial. He has a daughter,Valerie, at Cornell, and a son, Gregory,in high school.William Tuach, SB '28, SM '29, is vice-president and eastern manager of A. J.Mystrom and Co., educational map publisher. He has a daughter, Lynn, inhigh school in Natick, Mass., and a son.Bill, a junior and member of the golfteam at Williams College.Elmer Gertz, '28, was one of those mostactive in connection with the ClarenceDarrow Centenary. Then he inheritedone of Darrowr's most famous clients,Nathan Leopold, for whom he becameattorney in Leopold's efforts to be re-leased after 33 years imprisonment. Gertzis president of the Shaw Society ofChicago, and vice -president of the AdultEducation Council,Clarence Faust, AM '29, PhD '35, pre-sided at the symposium folìowing theinaugura tion of former Dean of StudentsRobert M. Strozier as President of Florida State University, February 21.Winirred D. Broderick, SB 29, is ateacher of social studies at Ahrens TradeHigh School in Louisville. She also worksin adult education, and with Louisvillepublic schools.Howard L. Willett, Jr., '30, presidentof the Willett Company trucking flrmand Chairman of the Alumni Foundation,has been reelected president of the Chicago Easter Seal Society (Association forthe Crippled) for the second year.May Burunjik Wright, PhD '30, hasbeen statistician for the Agronomy andPlant Genetics Department of the University of Minnesota for the past fewyears. She and her husband have adaughter, Elizabeth, at Macalester College; another daughter, Margaret, atHamline University, and a son, Richard,in junior high school.Mrs. Alee E. Kollenberg has beenelected an honorary member of MortarBoard on campus. The third person everto receive this honor, she and Mr. Koi-lenberg, LLB '30, live in Hyde Park.44 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE31-36 Willett N. Gorham, PhB '31,*JV/ j£j '33 \ìas been promoted tosecond vice-president of the NorthernTrust Company, Chicago. He is marriedand the father of two children.Richard M. Kain, AB '31, PhD '34, ofLouisville, Ky., is the co-author withMarvin Mejalauer of Joyce, The Man,The Work, The Reputation. Publishedby New York University Press, it isKain's second book on James Joyce. Thefirst, Fabulous Voyager; James Joyce's"Ulysses" was published by Universityof Chicago Press in 1947, and is recog-nized as one of the basic guides in thefield.Hayden B. Wingate, SB '31, is nowin the advertising department of Lookmagazine in Chicago.Dr. David Bodian, SB '31, PhD '34,MD '37, probably the world's leading export in determining whether centrainerve system damage is due to polio ornot, has been elected to the newly createdPolio Hall of Fame. He is Professorat Johns Hopkins, and managing editorof the American Journal of Hygiene.He has been an investigator in the poliofield for over 20 years. His early workemphasized the eventual feasibility ofvaccina,tion against paralytic polio.George L. Hecker, PhB '31, JD '33, isa partner in a law fìrm in Beverly Hills,Calif., that specializes in the insurancefield.Benjamin Weintroub, '31, has been theeditor and publisher of Chicago JewishForum, a national Jewish English quar-terly, since its foundation 15 years ago.The publication recently received a cita-tion of "distinction and merit" from theCollege of Jewish Studies.Herman E. Ries, Jr, SB ?33, PhD '36,presented papers at the second WorldCongress on Surface Activity, London,and the French Institute of Petroleum,Paris, last summer, as part of a tour hemade of university and industriailaboratories in Europe.Jane McCulloch, AM '33, head of theSpanish Department of the Wichita Falls(Tex.) Senior High School, is workingwith the Good Neighbor Commission ofTexas to obtain scholarships for foreignstudents.George F. Dale, SB '33, of Radford, Va.,writes that he is looking forward toshowing his family his old haunts, andto meeting old friends at the reunion.His son Richard, 14, went to a Boy Scoutcamp this summer in New Mexico, a5,000-mile round trip.Charlotte Ayres Steere, '33, writesthat she probably soon will be in Labrador with her husband. He is an AirForce officer, recently stationed in Japan. Charles Tinsley Thrift, Jr., PhD'36, has been appointed Presidentof Florida Southern College, Lake-land, Fla. He had been Vice-President since 1946, and beforethat was Professor of Religion.Author of several books and manyarticles, Thrift is considered aleading historian of Florida.John D. Davenport, PhB '33, treasurerand controller of Ceco Steel ProductsCorp., Cicero, HI., recently was honoredon the occasion of his twentieth yearwith the company. He and his familylive in Elmhurst, 111.Geraldine Mauaster, '33, is the wife ofJerome L. Wenk, '30. He now is districtmanager of the Chicago office of Brownand Bigelow. The Wenks have threechildren, Leslea Carol, Rodane Fay, andBrian Jerrauld.Leo E. Gatzek, '33, chief metallurgistand superintendent at Bendix AviationCorp., Pacific Division, is also teachingcourses in engineering materials at LosAngeles City College, and at L.A. ValleyJr. College.Jane M. Allism, '33, became Mrs. A.Kielsmeier in 1955. She was in the University Examiners Office from 1933 until1953, when she went to California tobecome assistant to the director of theCenter for Advanced Study in the Be-havioral Sciences.Morris Newmark, '33, sends a poeticmessage to our mailing department:From the Windy City toThe land of sunshine,With six children on a goat farm; Rt.1, Miami, Fla.Mrs. Morris J. Sherman, (FlorenceKahen), '33, of Chicago, and her husbandhave one son, Malcolm, who is now atthe University. Charles W. Boand, LLB '33, MBA '57,was recently initiated into Beta GammaSigma, honorary scholastic business fra-ternity, on the basis of the work he didfor his MBA degree.Jessìe Weed Rudnick, SB '35, SM'36, has been employed by the University of California Los Alamos Scienti tic Laboratory as a mathematician inthe theoretical division. She was formerlyan instructor at Indiana Teehnical College, Ft. Wayne, and is a member ofSigma Xi and Phi Beta Kappa. Thetheoretical division is concerned withcalculations of neutron behavior andother matters of interest in nuclearphysics, as well as the theoretical designof nuclear weapons.Theodore Kahan, SB '35, has been appointed teehnical director of AldanPlastics Co., in addition to his duties aschief chemist for Aldan Rubber Co. Hehas a son, 17, and a daughter, 13.William H. Bergman, AB '35, vice-president of S. A. Bergman, Inc., Chicago, has been elected president of theRetail Paint and Wallpaper Distributorsof America. He has worked actively inthe association since its founding.Ethel Ann Gordon Shields, '36, havingreceived a PhD last year from Northwestern, is employed as assistant chiefpsychologist at the Milwaukee CountyHospital for Mental Diseases, in Milwaukee. She has one son, MichaelShields, 13.27.41 Norman G. Lipsky, AB '37,%j il nas Deen elected to theboard of directors of the Cedar RapidsChamber of Commerce. Also active inUnited Fund work, Lipsky is chairmanof the board of directors of Linn CountyMental Health Center.Rolla M. Tryon, SB '37, is now a research associate with the Department ofBotany of the University of California atBerkeley.Joseph D. Krueger, AB '38, and hiswife Shirley Ann Sonde! Krueger, SB'39, have three girls, 11, 13, and 15. Heis a partner in the Fleetwood Paper Co,in Chicago.Betty Booth Rosenwald, '38, of NewtonCentre, Mass., and her husband havethree children, Martha, 7; Malcolm, 4,and Stuart, one.Alice Hamilton Jones, AB '38, writesthat her husband, Daniel J. Jones, PhD'38, is Associate Professor of Geology atthe University of Utah. They have twoboys in high school in Salt Lake City.Alice expeets to take her AM in psychology and speech pathology at Utah inJune.APRIL, 1958 45ENGINEERS$7,000 to $20,000BEGINNERS AND EXPERIENCEDM.E.ChemistIndustriaiChemicalForecasters E.E.MissilesAeuronauticsNuclearSalesPhone Mr. Parks Godfrey116 S. Michigan, STate 2-0880, 5th floorMATHEMATICIANS— $ 1 2,000Free. GodfreyMaster's DegreeI 16 South Michigan STate 2-0880Beth Silver Sheffel, AB '38, AM '45,writes that her husband, Irving E. Sheffel, AB '39, is continuing his dual job ascontroller of the Menninger Foundationand administrative assistant to Dr. KarlMenninger. Beth her self is having a busyyear, being president of a cooperativenursery school and organizer of discussion groups for the League of WomenVoters on the subject: American Di-plomacy and Foreign Policy.Phyllis Greene Mattingly, '38, writesthat her three sons, aged 9, 6, and oneand a half, are looking forward to thetrip to Chicago for the reunion. Thefamily lives in Fort Collins, Colo., whereMr. Mattingly is an instructor at Colorado State University. "Having been inprivate industry for years he findsteaching a real change — and loves it!"she says.Bertram G. Warshaw, JD '40, has become quite active in civic affairs inSkokie, 111. He is president of CollegeHill Community Association, and secre-tary of Niles Township Safety Council.Elizabeth Ann Kessler, AB '40, AM '42,is director of social service at the ElMonte (Calif.) County Health Center.Josephine K. Alien, '40, writes thatConnecticut winters became too muchfor her and her husband, so they'vemoved to Sarasota, Fla., where they nowoperate the Palm Tree Court, a motel.Robert S. Miner, '40, writes from Summit, N. J.: ". . . The Miners are ali offfor Europe for six months on a businesstrip for Ciba Pharmaceutical Products,Inc." Bob has moved up in his companywith encouraging strides. Meanwhile heworked overtime to get his MS degreein 1953 from Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute; was granted a leave from thecompany to get his PhD from Princeton in 1956. Now, with the company send-ing him to Europe for six months wesuspect they may have diffìculty in thefuture keeping the Miners in New Jersey!Ralph G. Wilburn, AM '42, PhD '45,recently stressed that increasing world- wide relationships will be the next stepin religious development. In his in-stallation address as Professor of His-torical Theology at The College of theBible, Wilburn said, "Perhaps no factoris of greater significance as we look tothe future training of ministers, than theecumenical factor. In view of the pheno-menal growth in ecumenical relations,one can become quite jubilant imaginingthe church's possible growth in unityin the decades whieh immediately confront us."A member of the Disciples of ChristPanel of Scholars, Wilburn is author ofThe Prophetic Voice in Protestant Chris-tianity.Af)_A Ci Arthur A. Goes, Jr., and his*^ ¦ v* wife? Clarabel GrossmannGoes, '42, have three children: Arthur,11; John 7, and Janine, l1/^. They Uve inPalos Heights, 111., where Goes is an executive with Goes Lithographing Co.Jacqueline Cross, '42, has opened herown employment agency, the SheridanPersonnel Services Corp., in Chicago.She writes: "Hope the University will bemy best customer."Maurice Olen, AB '43, who helped payhis way through the University by actingas a buyer for his father's two smallstores in Mobile, Ala., has done prettywell since graduating. He went back tothe stores, now has a chain of 107 department stores in seven southern states.Raymond Siever, '43, writes that bothof his two boys are now in school. "I'min school now too — but on the other sideof the lecture desk." He is a member ofthe Department of Geology at HarvardUniversity.Martha Siefkin Gordon, AB '43, andher husband are farming avocados andlemons in San Diego County, Calif. Theynow have five boys to help. Gordon isa school trustee and agricultural consultant, and she is active in communityaffairs.Specializing in theproduction ofSCIENTIFICMEDICALTECHNICALBOOKSMOnroe 6-2900 Grace Moore Dean, SB '43, of Atlanta,Ga., writes that she and her husbandGeorge now have two boys, aged 5 and2 years.Manual John Vargas, AB '43, AM '44,PhD '52, is in charge of the psychodramaprogram at St. Louis State Hospital, andof the psychology program in rural community clinics about St. Louis. He spendssummers teaching in New Mexico, en-joying the Rockies.Robert Summers, SB '43, and his wife,Anita Arrow Summers, AM '47, are bothat Yale University, where he is AssistantProfessor of Economics, and she a part-time research assistant. He is also onthe staff of the Cowles Foundation, whiehwas formerly the Cowles Commission ofChicago. They have two children,Lawrence, 3, and Richard, U/2.Mrs. Betty Marie Carlsten Pex, PhB'43, AM '46, of Belmont, Calif., writesthat she and her husband enjoyed theU of C films shown at the reception atthe Ford Foundation last Fall, and hopesto show her children the campus whenthey are in Chicago. Barbara, 7, Carolyn,5, and David, 3, keep her busy, but shestili manages to be a Brownie leader andan active PTA member.Jane Colley Stackhouse, AB'45, AM'48,and H. H. Stackhouse, PhB'47, AM'49,MBA'49, are in Benghazi, Libya, wherehe is Vice Consul.Paul L. Frank, AM '46, PhD '50, ofWesterville, Ohio, has had a composition,"Offertory," published in American OrganMusic, Voi. 1, whieh is published bySummy-Birchard Company, Evanston.AlQf) Robert F. Williams, SB '47,~' ~^J is now a captain in the JAG(legai) division of the Air Force. Heand his wife Florence have two children.They live in Novato, Calif.Ray Freeark, AB '47, AM '53, has become a member of the law firm ofBaker, Kagy and Wagner in Belleville,111. He will continue to serve as basket-ball coach at the Belleville TownshipHigh School and teacher of businesslaw at Belleville Junior College.Howard N. Gilbert, PhB '47, has formeda partnership with J. P. Chapman andC. R. Markels for the general practiceof law. Chapman, Gilbert, and Markelswill have its offices in Chicago.Charles S. Woodrich, AB '48, '49, isa circuit judge in the State of Oregon.He was appointed to the post by theGovernor in 1955, and elected for a sixyear term in 1956. He writes that theexperience has been extremely pleasant,and that he hopes to continue in thiscareer.46 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHerndon Wagers, AM '41, Professor of Philosophy at SouthernMethodist University, has beennamed academic Dean of Transyl-vania College. Married and thefather of two children, Ann, 15,and Margaret 5, Wagers formerlytaught at Connecticut WesleyanUniversity. In his new post, Wagers succeeds Irwin Lunger, AM'35, DB '36, PhD '38, who has beenmade President of Transylvania.Donald Weinstein, AB '48, AM '50, received his PhD last June from IowaState University, where he is now teaching.Mrs. J. B. Robinson, AB '48, AM '51,of Whitehall, Mich,, writes that she isbusy rearing Brad, 3, and Leslye, IVz-She is also active in American Association of University Women and UnitarianFellowship in Whitehall.James L. Blain, '48, has recently be-gun the practice of medicine in Aurora,Colo.Alien H. Dropkin, '48, of Chicago,writes: "On May 23, 1957, David Irajonied the family to keep sister Ruthcompany."Julia Boyd Nadelhoffer, '48, and herhusband are expecting their first childin Aprii. She's a county nurse and hea dairy farmer and high school teacher.They live in Downers Grove, 111.R. J. Blossom, '48, MBA '50, a methodsengineer at Lederle Laboratories, writesthat he has moved to a new house, ina co-op community. He and his wifenow have fìve children: Merkle, Eric,Christopher, Evan, and their latest, agirl, born last Aprii 30, Kim Allison.Charles W. Ferris, '48, is now in his fifth year as a Christian Science practi-tioner in Minneapolis.George Anastapio, AB '48, is a Lee-turer in the liberai arts at the BasicProgram of University College, in downtown Chicago.Larisa Bogach, AB '50, is now a su-pervisor as well as an employment coun-selor at Star Employment Service inChicago.Lewis P. Lipsitt, AB '50, has joinedthe faculty of Brown University, Prov-idence, R. L, as an instructor in psychology. A native of Massachusetts, heholds a PhD from Iowa State, and wasfor two years a clinical psychologistwith the Air Force.Leo G. Abood, PhD '50, is now Associate Professor of Neurophysiology andBiological Chemistry, and Director ofResearch of the Laboratories of the Neu-ropsychiatric Institute at the Universityof Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago.He has been at Illinois since 1952.Donna Swain, AB '50, AM '54, an English language instructor at New YorkUniversity, is now married to MiroslavDaskalovic,Felicia Anthenelli, '50, former editorof the Magazine, is writing for thewoman's page of the San Francisco News.Shirley A. Breslow, AB '50, is a psychologist at New Castle State Hospital,New Castle, Ind.CI fi A Marie Kuhns Hardy, MBA'51, of Chicago, has been ap-pointed to the Executive Committee ofthe Board of Curators, Stephens College, Columbia, Mo. She is also on theboards of the Association for FamilyLiving, Benton House Settlement, andCamp Fire Girls, Chicago.Abner J. Mikva, JD '51, state representati ve from the Hyde Park area, hashad his name added to those of ArthurJ. Goldberg, PhB '23, Milton I. Shadur,SB '43, JD '29, and Cari Devoe, to theflrm they form. Goldberg, Devoe, Shadurand Mikva maintain ofìices in the loop. Richard Woellner, '51, MD '55, is sta-tioned on the staff of the Naval Schoolof Aviation Medicine in Pensacela, Fla.,doing "a little teaching and a little research, and a lot of sailing and swim-ming." He also says he saw his class-mate Dale Grimcs and his wife whenhe was in flight surgeon's training there.The Grimes are now in Bermuda.Albert C. Droste, *53, writes: "It mightbe a sign of our times that I am coni-muting from Aspen, Colo., (to Chicago)so that my family and I can enjoy morefully the great pleasures of that mountain community. I do it in three-weekstints; working in Chicago three weeksand then playing with my family inAspen for three weeks. The diffieuìtyis that my boys, ages 7 and 9, never wantto leave Aspen."Albert M. Ostoya, MBA '53, of Evans-ton, III., w^rites, "October 1, last year,was a great day for me and my wifeMarie: on that day we became U. S,citizens."Currently a manager at ContinentalAssurance Company, Ostoya is thinkingof getting into the marine Insurancefield. He says that though there is littleinterest here in that field at present,when the St. Lawrence Seaway opensin 1959, Chicago will become the great-est inland seaport this earth has everknown. Before coming to Chicago hestudied marine insurance at the LondonSchool of Foreign Trade and Port Administration.Ernest K. Koehler, AB '53, JD '57, is,as his wife puts it, "playing soldier boywith the Military Police Corps" at FortGordon, Ga.Stanley Starkman, AM '53, is currently in Nashville, Tenn., where he isworking on his PhD in psychology atPeabody College and Vanderbilt University. He has a wife and two children.Ernest N. Poli, SB '53, is on the staffof the University Laboratory School. Heand his wife, Murial Pless Poli, havefìve children: Hap, 10; David, 7; Judy,4: Sharon, 2; and Linda, 2 months.IT'S BLACKFRIARS TIME AGAIN ! ! ! !PRESENTING THEIR 1958 SHOWalfe/ia cen/fauni"a space opera"8:30 P. M.t APRIL 18 & 19, MANDEL HALL . . . TICKETS: PATRONS $10 A PAIR . . .LIST PRICE 2.40, 1.90, 1.40 . . . MAIL CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO . . . . .BLACKFRIARS c/o 1212 EAST 59TH, CHICAGO, ILL, BEFORE APRIL 5TH ..... .ALL SEATS RESERVED . . . TICKETS ALSO AVA1LABLE AT THE DOOR APRIL, 1958 47CC C7 Robert M. Herndon, AB '55,<J *J~ *J i writes to fili us in on severalalumni members of his family. He andhis wife, Kathryn Stearns Herndon, AB'55, are living in Memphis, where heexpects to graduate from the Universityof Tennessee Medicai School in Decem-ber. His brother John A. Herndon, AB'52, took a PhD in physics at Tennesseelast December, and is now working forBell Telephone Laboratories in MurrayHill, N. J. Another brother, Lee RoyHerndon, PhB '47, SB '49, is with Pegasus Laboratories, near Detroit, Mich.William Fawcett Hill, PhD '55, is chiefpsychologist at Utah State Hospital,Provo, Utah, and principal investigatorfor a group therapy research projectthere whieh is supported by the National Institutes for Mental Health.Troy Knowles, MBA '55, has been ap-pointed manager of the business division of Gonser and Gerber, Chicagopublic relations consultants. He wasformerly chairman of the board ofHelene Curtis Industries, Inc.Ellis H. Pickett, SB '55, entered theArmy in August, and by the followingmonth was a major, assigned as opera -tions officer in the Meteorology Department at Fort Huachuca, Ariz.Michael Rogers, AB '56, is a systemsanalyst for IBM in Albany, N. Y.PHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET-LITHOGRAPHYFine Color Work a SpecialtyQuality Book ReproductionCongress St. Expressway andGardner RoadColumbus 1-1420RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. MOnroe 6-3192PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sump-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUEFAirfax 4-0550PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICEROCKEFELLERcould affoid to pay $6, $7, $8, $9 and morefor vitamins. Can you? Save up to 60%.We buy direct from 1 00-y ear-old manufac-turer. 20 element formula. 100 capsules— $3.15.Special introductory ofFer with this ad, $2.00cash or check.MacNEAL & DASHNAUP.O. Box 3651 Dept. C, Phila. 25, Pa.48 Memoria^Colonel Harry D. Abells, '97, retiredsuperintendent of Morgan Park MilitaryAcademy, died at the age of 86 at hishome in North Bennington, Vt., onMarch 2, 1958. Harry had been captainof the basketball team and was a member of the varsity baseball team. Heretired in 1947.In reporting the death of Milton H.Pettit, PhB '02, we erroneously statedthat he had a wife, Zertholf Pettit, PhB'06. We should have said he is survivedby a brother, Bertholf W. Pettit, PhB '06.Dr. Wilson G. Bear, MD '03, died Sep-tember 18. He had lived in Monroe, Wis.Willard C. Howe, '05, of Forest Hills,N. Y., died December 17.Ella Metzger Milligan, '06, died at theage of 93 in Denver, Colo., on January 1,1958. Mrs. Milligan was a widely knowneducator and former dean of women atDenver University. For years she andher husband Edward lived in a comfort-able home near the Denver Universitycampus. Active in many community andUniversity of Chicago affairs through theyears, Mrs. Milligan was cited for goodcitizenship by the Alumni Association in1943.Arthur S. Granger, MD '10, of LosAngeles, Calif., died August 14.Oliver O. Nelson, MD '13, of Madison,Wis., died on September 28.Frederick Holmes, '13, chairman of theboard of Duncan Electric ManufacturingCo., Lafayette, Ind., died January 16,1958. Mr. Holmes was a leading citizenof Lafayette and loyal to his Alma Mater.He was cited for good citizenship by theAlumni Association in 1946.John C. Werner, AM '13, died December 31. He had been retired as Director of Teacher Training at SouthernIdaho College of Education since 1947,after serving there from 1915.Mary M. Devine, PhB '14, of Los Altos,Calif., died November 24.Cari R. Mitchell, MD '15, of PacificPalisades, Calif., died on August 9.William F. Pape, '17, of Chicago, diedNovember 29.Helen A. Choate, PhD '20, of North-ampton, Mass., died in December.Dr. Jacob M. Essenberg, PhD '22, diedDecember 7. He had retired as Professorof Anatomy at Chicago Medicai School in 1955 and was residing on a farm nearChesterton, Ind., at the time of his death.Dr. Kinsey O. English, MD '30, died inAugust. He had a general practice inChicago.Rhys M. Jones, AM '40, of Libertyville,111., died January 11 after an extendedillness. He had been a newspapermanfor the United Press and the DetroitTimes, and was public relations repre-sentative for Abbott Laboratories at thetime of his death.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE•° What do you meart,^ "experirnent"? He caughtmy brother last week.HINOE&DAUCHOiViSiof of /le". V(.'Bii>;i P^|- arai P,tp»r Co>npasr,One of America's largest box prac/ucers ' Sondusfty, Ohio• c\ 'a '. "O'- ,j©©©©©©©©©©©©© SPECIAL REPORTMr.„ DANTE S. CAPUTO, CLU NEW YORK UFE AGENTaL STUYVESANT GENERAL OFFICE (NEW YORK, NEW YORK)BORN: February 10, 1920.EDUCATION: Williams College, B.A., 1942.MILITARY: U.S. Army Signal Corps — Captain,May 1942— May 1946.PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT: March 47— Aprii 49,Salesman for national meat packer.REMARKS: Progress is the order of every day forformer Army Captain Dante "Bick" Caputo. Entering theArmy as a Private, he earned his Captain ?s bars. Andonly one year after joining New York Life on August 1, 1949, he qualified forthe Company' s Top Club — an organization composed of sales leaders throughoutthe United States and Canada. He has qualified for either the Top Club orPresident 's Council each succeeding year. His outstanding record made himeligible for the industry-wide Million Dollar Round Table in 1955, 1957 and1958. Always deeply interested in his chosen field of life insurance, "Bick"Caputo studied for and earned the cherished Chartered Life Underwriter designa-tion. A sales leader at New York Life, as well as a civic leader in hiscommunity — "Bick" Caputo seems destined for even greater accomplishments in hiscareer as a New York Life representative."Bick" Caputo, after nine years as a New YorkLife representative, is well established in a careerthat can ofìfer security, substantial income, andthe deep satisfaction of helping others. If you'dlike to know more about such a career foryour- self with one of the world's leading life insurancecompanies, write:NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO.College Relations Dept. H-7SI Madison Avenue, New York IO, N.Y.JPJ ìl J*Mà^M¦S%S THE MASTERY OF INNER SPACEOn December 2, 1942, at The University of Chicago, man entered theAtomic Age.On October 5, 1957, somewhere in Russia, he entered the Age of Space.These events have brought man to one of the great bench marks of hishistory. What, now, should be the role of the university where theatom was first harnessed?The answer is not spectacular. In the era of outerspace, Chicago will continue to nurture the innerspace — the minds of men — wherein lie the keys toour future. It will continue to seek out and to sustainthe uncommon man who may help solve the dilemmasof an uncommon age. It will continue, whatever therisks, to drive beyond today's outposts of knowledge.It was uncommon men, willing to gamble, who tri-umphed in 1942 under the stands of Stagg Field. Menlike them are working now at Yerkes Observatory,at the Fermi Institute, in the University Clinics. Youngscientists who will take the great gambles of tomor-row are on the Midway today.Q^ounsel is heard — and it will increase — that our_universities must now intensify sdentine trainingat the expense of other branches of learning. ThisChicago will not do. Your university would be proudto produce a man or a concept instrumentai in givingthe Western world superiority in space research.(Hermann I. Schlesinger of the Department of Chem-istry developed the boron hydrides, the new missilefuel. ) But the University would win the blessings of alithe world were it to ftnd a man or a means that could channel the great dìscoveries of our age away from therealm of terror into the service of mankind.Ohicago's responsibility for shaping the minds ofmen extends far beyond its own classrooms and lab-oratories. This school is a leader among universities;what it does or does not do is reflected on myriadother campuses. Its actions are felt, too, in the vastarea of secondary education, where the current drum-beat of criticism echoes an urgent need for Chicagoand comparable universities to reassume their historicresponsibility for the training of the high-schoolteacher. Chicago proposes to act on this need and,by example, to encourage its sister institutions to dolikewise.Otanding at the crossroads of American life andthought, Chicago has an unparalleled opportunity togive guidance and direction to the future. How wellit does so will depend greatly on whether you whoknow Chicago best will allow it to draw fully onyour collective strength and understanding. Armedwith your allegiance — moral, intellectual, and mon-etary — your university will meet the obligationswhieh a new age is thrusting upon it.The University of Chicago invites the finan-cial support of alumni through the AlumniFoundation, whieh is now conducting itsannual drive. Make checks payable to TheUniversity of Chicago and mail to THE ALUMNI FOUNDATION5733 University AvenueChicago 37, Illinois