r mv n¦_,//. ¦¦...¦-,>¦¦¦¦>¦¦'n>_ & "¦. \,>-¦-fc_*1_¦_Sf"AUGIE'S"AUTHORRETURNSWhere DoGreat Ideas Come From?From its beginnings this nation has beenguided by great ideas.The men who hammered out the Constitutionand the Bill of Rights were thinkers-men ofvision -the best educated men of their day.And every major advance in our civilizationsince that time has come from minds equippedby education to create great ideas and putthem into action.So, at the very core of our progress is thecollege classroom. It is there that the imagination of young men and women gains the intellectual discipline that turns it to usefulthinking. It is there that the great ideas ofthe future will be born.That is why the present tasks of our collegesand universities are of vital concern to everySponsored as a public service, in cooperation with the Council for Financial Aid to Education, byTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAmerican. These institutions are doing theirutmost to raise their teaching standards, tomeet the steadily rising pressure for enrollment, and provide the healthy educationalclimate in which great ideas may flourish.They need the help of all who love freedom, allwho hope for continued progress in science,in statesmanship, in the better things of life.And they need it now!If you want to know what the college crisismeans to you, write for a freebooklet to: HIGHER EDUCA- i, \': HIGHER EDUCATIONTION, Box 36, Times Square __¦____*.Station, New York 36, N.Y.KI1P IT BRIGHTMEMO PADThe immortality of leadDear Howard:. . . one of those really weird things that can happen in thepublishing business.Take a look at the spot illustration on page 29 of the Mayissue of the magazine [see above, right]. Can you tell mewhere that drawing came from and who did it? I drew thispictograph depicting I think the religious participation ofUniversity students for a little yellow folder called "TheUndergraduate at the University of Chicago."If I recall correctly, the bars represent the religiously inclined; in the center the "ho-hum" group; and at the right,the agnostics.Who'd have thought that a pictograph drawn in, say, 1940,would turn up as a spot filler in your magazine in 1957! Suchis the immortality of art, or the indestructibility of lead.Best regards,Brownlee [Haydon, '35] AAADear Brownlee:From the morgue drawer marked "Line Drawings" EditorAnthenelli dropped that cut into the page make-up while thepresses waited. When I saw the issue I wondered if youwould discover it and remember the yellow booklet with the8 pages of "Pictographs by B. Haydon, '35."In the booklet this cut was captioned: "Do They [students]Think Religious Instruction is Adequate?" But your "ho-hum"identification shook my Methodist background. That groupof relaxed students thought campus religion was adequate;the minister- and- a-half section thought there was somethinglacking; the vacant arch-plus didn't know.And do you remember, you had barely completed the yellowpamphlet when the Big Ten football blackout hit and yourushed more India ink figures for the January, 1940, magazinein an article to prove we still had intercollegiate athletics[see strip below]?Jerry Jontry, '33, editor of a Wabash, Indiana, newspaper,renewed his membership because he "got a big kick out ofBrownlee Haydon's drawings."Cordially,Howard*2P.S. Brownlee Haydon (above) is oneof three talented sons of alumnus A.Eustace Haydon, PhD '18, ProfessorEmeritus of Comparative Religions. Harold, '30, AM '31, is a member of the artfaculty in the Humanities. Edward,(Ted), '33, AM '54, is a popular memberof Chicago's coaching staff.After graduation, Brownlee joined ourpublic relations staff through the University's Fiftieth Anniversary. He isnow chief technical editor of The RandCorporation (research) in Santa Monica,California, and a very active officer inour live-wire, effective Los AngelesAlumni Club.Jerry Jontry, mentioned above, is advertising manager for Esquire MagazineNOTICE TO OUR READERSThis Is The LastIssue Until October and president of our live -wire effectiveNew York Club.The New (can't) LookThe world has over-run third baseand is trapped with its I.B.M. showing.I have a credit card with an oil company. Last month my check stub showedthe previous month's bill had been paidfive days before my account numberrolled through their I.B.M. complex. Butthe amount had accumulated on my current perforated statement.To verify the assumption that thecheck had been received, I telephonedthe central credit card office."I'm sorry, sir," said a courteous voice,"I can't look this up for you." Involuntarily I glanced at the threatening statement on my desk. It was spotted withlittle oblong holes. The dawn came: "Oh,you have I.B.M!"The voice lost its frustration andlaughed heartily. At last an understand ing customer. It merited a constructivesuggestion:"Why don't you call your bank to seeif the check has cleared?" "I fear," Ireplied, "the bank has I.B.M."The University is more anticipatory.From the payroll department comes awhite slip: "The Comptroller's Office isinstalling the latest type of punch card. . . the new system may turn up someerrors . . . please ..."The Curtis Publishing Company hasa special department which hits defeathead-on: "Your subscription is paid upthrough December, 1957 . . . You shouldignore our reminder."While the world gets efficiently punch-card drunk a one-man grocer I knowbroods behind his counter (as the chainstore IBMizes everything from carrotsto customers) and writes notes to hispatrons: "Unless your account averages$25 or more per month, I can't affordthe bookkeeping."H.W.M.JUNE, 1957-now serving15 major citiesExceptionally comfortable reservedaccommodations-America'sfastest airliner-a congenial lounge-superbcuisine-thoughtful personal service-you fly deluxe aboard the DO 7Mercury, all at no extra fare!For reservations, see your travelagent or call American direct!NEW YORK BOSTON PHOENIXWASHINGTON CHICAGODETROIT DALLAS FORT WORTHLOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCOTUCSON SAN DIEGO ST. LOUISCINCINNATI CLEVELANDLUXURY LEADER IH THE WDRLD OF FLIGHTAMERICANAIRLINES(^/imerka's c^jQ^mg (^rfkime2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfnjfiis jsssue^¦jthen we sent photographer Morton** Shapiro to cover the televising ofEaster Services in Rockefeller Chapel,we assigned him to take just one or twophotos. Once there, however, he wascarried away with the beautiful photopossibilities the chapel offered. A fewdays later, with mixed feelings of prideand apology, he showed us the results.We, too, were carried away, and proudlypresent them, beginning on Page 4.Dean strozier did get to Paris afterall. Things went fine, as they shouldin Paris in the Spring, and he tells aboutit in "April in Paris," Page 10. But theStroziers seem to be jinxed as far asMidway Airport goes, as he reveals atthe very end.4uthor of the article on ProfessorWesterfield, "In Giants' Steps," (Page12), is Paul A. Hoffman, a political science student who received the CharlesE. Merriam award last year. Editor-in-Chief of Cap and Gown and a memberof Owl and Serpent, Hoffman was awarded a Student Achievement medal fromthe Alumni Association in 1955. He isthe son of William S. Hoffman, M.D. '30.rriHERE are so many things of interest¦*¦ going on in the University's laboratories that the editors at times find it afrustration just trying to keep up. Forthe science-minded among our readers,we've put together a "Science Digest,"(Page 13), in an attempt to cover manyareas at once. For much of the footwork involved, the editors are indebtedto Ted Berland of Press Relations.The illustrations for our digest weredone by a student artist-sculptor, DavidAbelson. A freshman medical student,he graduated from The College last year.He is son of Dr. S. M. Abelson, who didhis residency in pediatrics some yearsago at Bobs Roberts Hospital.The magazine celebrates its fiftiethbirthday this year, and Alumni Secretary Howard W. Mort has put togethera few notes on the first issue, (Page 25) .a n item of interest about one of last-^*- month's authors appeared recently inThe New York Times. Archibald Henderson, PhD '15, biographer of GeorgeBernard Shaw and a retired mathematicsprofessor, will marry Miss Lucille Kel^ling, Dean of the School of Library Science at the University of North Carolina.The wedding will take place June 15,two days before Dr. Henderson's eightieth birthday. The bride, who is 63, iscurator of the Shaw collection at theUniversity of North Carolina. /^^^/" '"^ UNIVERSITY\J\\caaoMAGAZINE ^Jf JUNE, 1957Volume 49, Number 9FEATURES4 As TV Cameras Saw Easter in Rockefeller A Picture Story10 April in Paris Robert M. Strozier12 In Giants' Steps Paul A. Hoffman13 Science Digest18 "Augie's" Author Returns A Picture Story25 The Magazine Celebrates Its Fiftieth BirthdayDEPARTMENTSI Memo Pad3 In This Issue20 News of the Quadrangles27 Books32 Class News38 MemorialCOVERSaul Bellow, '36, author of "The Adventures of Augie March," (anovel in which the hero attends the University and lives in variousHyde Park rooming houses), re-visits one of the rooming houses heoccupied while a student, Goff House. He returned to campusrecently to teach a writing course, details of which are on Pages18-19. (Photo by Morton Shapiro.)THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, IllinoisEditorFELICIA ANTHENELLITHE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONExecutive Secretary-EditorHOWARD W. MORTAdministrative AssistantRUTH G. HALLORANRegional DirectorsROBERT L BOTHWELLCLARENCE A. PETERS (Midwestern)(Eastern)WILLIAM H. SWANBERG (Wester The Alumni FundORLANDO R. DAVIDSONFLORENCE I. MEDOWStudent RecruitmentDONALD C. MOYERProgrammingELIZABETH A. SHAWPublished monthly, October through June, by The University of Chicago Alumni Association,5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price, . $4.00. Single copies,25 cents. Entered as second class matter December I, 1934, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois,under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising agent: The American Alumni Council, B. A. Ross,director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y.JUNE, 1957 3As TV Cameras SawEaster In RockefellerFOR the first time, television cameras visited a religious ceremony at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel,to bring to home viewers the Easter Sunday morningservices. With the exception of several small boys, fewmembers of the congregation seemed to be distractedby the bright lights and quietly efficient techniciansbehind the roving camera eyes. Using a still camera,photographer Morton Shapiro caught some of the sceneswhich television viewers saw on their screens. His pictures, we feel, need no further explanation._*M-________»__M*-. VirL._V^AS TV CAMERAS SAWEASTER IN ROCKEFELLERContinuedAS TV CAMERAS SAWEASTER IN ROCKEFELLERContinuedReflections After FiveApril in ParisBy Robert M. StrozierDean of StudentsAn expired passport, white lilacs,-£*- Queen Elizabeth, the austerityand dignity of the Sorbonne, grits andblack-eyed peas, canard a l'orangeand coq en pate all are indeliblylinked with my memories of April,1957 in Paris.The first suggestion that I wouldbe invited to lecture at the Sorbonnecame in an informal letter from JohnNef, Chairman of the Committee onSocial Thought, last summer. He hadjust talked with Jean Sarrailh, Rectorof the University of Paris, and GastonBerger, Director of Higher Educationfor France, both of whom we knowwell. They had suggested that I beinvited to participate in the exchangeswhich have been going on betweenthe Universities of Paris and Chicago.John Nef, Robert Redfield, Professorof Anthropology, and Cyril StanleySmith, Director of the Institute ofMetals, have all lectured in the University of Paris in recent years. Several French professors and writershave been here; Berger, a well-knownphilosopher, received an honorary degree from the University in the Fallof 1955.As I had once briefly been a studentat the Sorbonne, the prospect seemedexciting. In fact it was, in prospectand in reality. Only that period, whenthe stark reality descended upon methat I must prepare lectures if I wereto give them, was not exciting.I was scheduled to leave on themorning of March 29 from Midwayairport at eleven, fly to New York'sIdlewild and depart at four for theweekend in London, before proceeding to Paris for a fortnight. NapierWilt, Dean of the Humanities Division,asked a special favor of me. GwinKolb, one of the most promising youngmembers of the English Department, is spending this year in London on aFulbright grant. As he and his wifeare both from Mississippi and havebeen a bit homesick, Napier askedthat I take them some wild rice, grits,and black-eyed peas. I agreed.My duties as chairman of the committee on fellowships is all-consumingduring March, so my wife agreed toarrange many of the details of my departure. A conference of four daysat Lakeside combining the administrative officers and ten Universitytrustees the week before my departure added to an already full schedule.At last, Friday morning arrived,and all seemed to be in order. I hadfinally cleared my desk late Thursdayby the expert administrative procedure of marking this, "You handle,please, Bob" (Woellner); this, "Let'sdiscuss in late April, please, Ruth"(McCarn) ; this, "I'll agree with yourdecision, Bill (Scott), ask Pat (Harrison) for the money; when he refuses, do the best you can"; "Obviously you'll have to make the speech,John (Netherton)" and so on.My wife agreed to drive me to theairport, and wait until I weighed in,as I might have left the grits and peasat home. She was going on to a luncheon and the symphony. I checked inat ten- thirty, four pounds to spare; mybaggage was marked and expedited.As I stood at the counter and theagent clipped on my baggage checks,I took my passport from my pocketidly and thumbed through it. The date1949 jumped like a bolt of lightningfrom its pages. With a cold horror, Irealized that my ever-helpful wifehad inadvertently picked up an expired passport. I rushed out to the carand gave her the news. She said shewould drive back for the live passport as fast as possible. I was to see if anything could be done. We hadtwenty -five minutes.In that mad fifty minutes before herreturn I rushed from airline to airline trying to find another planewhich would reach Idlewild in timefor the four o'clock departure. Unitedhad one to LaGuardia with fifteenminutes leeway. Northwest departedten minutes after American on whichI was scheduled. American shiftedme; the plane waited five minutesand departed. No Margaret. She arrived ten minutes later, white and exhausted, having spent the ten preciousmoments waiting at two crossings forfreight trains.We called and canceled her luncheon, called Mr. Brooks in the TravelService to cancel my flight from NewYork. Then we sat in the car andlooked blank and frustrated. My wifefelt like the perpetrator of a greatcrime.We drove slowly back to our apartment. What should I do? Go backto the office for the afternoon? Obviously no. Margaret then insistedthat I go to the symphony to hearSerkin while she stayed at home toawait news of a possible flight for me.I agreed reluctantly, took her ticketand went to Orchestra Hall. I presented my ticket to the man at thedoor who looked at me blandly andsaid, "I'm sorry, this is next week'sticket." My reply was simple anddirect, "I can't stand it." Sensing thatI was distraught, he told me to goon to the concert.When I returned home, arrangements had been made for me to flyto New York that evening, spend thenight, take a plane at noon the nextday and miss only one day and night.From that point on the trip wasperfect.10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELondon was in bloom the fruittrees, the daffodils, the iris, all theearly flowers of Spring. My packageswere delivered to the Kolbs, and Iwas off to Paris.I have known Paris for many years,but I was hardly prepared for thisvisit. A mild winter and early springhad combined to give it a beauty unexcelled. The horse chestnut treeswere in bloom as were lilacs of allshades, tulips in the beautifully ordered beds with the courtyard of theLouvre. The flower markets lookedlike mid June instead of early April.Before the first week passed an airof gaiety pervaded the city as QueenElizabeth and Prince Philip were toarrive the following Monday for athree-day visit. The flags of the twonations appeared everywhere. Thepublic buildings were all illuminatedat night. Even the lamp posts weregarlanded with flowers. The officialvisit presented quite a spectacle. Theirreception by the French people wasmore than cordial and friendly.The highlight of the public demon strations occurred on Tuesday evening when the Queen and her partyembarked, as for Cytherea, from theHe St. Louis from a flower-bankedquay, on a bateau mouche for a rideon the Seine through the city to theEiffel tower and back. For the occasion the Seine itself was illuminatedfor the first time in history. Balletdancers appeared at various intervalsand public, friendly demonstrationsoccurred everywhere. One could onlythink of the famous scene of Cleopatra on the Nile, yet the comparisonbetween Elizabeth and Cleopatra endsabruptly at that point.My real reasons for being in Pariswere two-fold. The first was to givethree lectures, in French, at the Sorbonne, faculte des lettres, and thesecond to organize a screening committee for the Lafayette Fellowshipswhich the Lafayette Fellowship Association is establishing to bring youngFrench students to this country forperiods of two years. The fellowshipsare modeled along the lines of theRhodes scholarships. The first fel lows will arrive this autumn and ournational committee, in this country,will make the final selections andassign the fellows to various universities in the United States.I must admit to some nervousnessbefore each of my three lectures,which were given in amphitheatresat the Sorbonne and were open tothe public as well as to students. I wasmore than pleased to have friendlyaudiences although my second lecture,which was not always flattering toBalzac, provided the occasion for several people to speak to me later insome disagreement with my point ofview.In my first lecture I had attemptedto compare the higher educationalsystems of the United States andFrance. For them, the difference between a private and a state universityis difficult to assess since there areonly state universities in France. Asin England, there is federal controlwithout control. The independenceand freedom of their universities from(Continued on Page 26)French poster announcing that Doyen Strozier was to speak at the SorbonneUN'IVERSITE DE PARIS FACULTE DES LETTRESANNI3E SCOLAIRE 1956-1957 Robert N. STROZIERDoyen a l'Universite* de Chicagofera a la Sorbonne les Conferences suivantes :.'ORGANISATION DES UNIVERSITES : ENSEIGNEMENT ET RECHERCHEle Vendredi 5 Avril 1957, a 18 heures, Institut de LinguistiqueHISTOIRE DUNE THESE DE DOCTORAT :GENESE ET STRUCTURE DES " SPLENDEURS ET MISERES DES COURTISANES "le Jeudi 11 Avril 1957, a 18 heures, Amphitheatre DescartesSCENES DE LA VIE UNIYERSITAIREle Vendredi 1"2 Avril 1957, a 17 heures, Amphitheatre de TAnnexe- ENTREE LIBRE -Le Recteur de l'Universite de Paris,Jean SARRAILH. Le Doyen de la Faculte des Lellres,Pierre RENOUVIN.Paris, Imp. administrative Central*, 8, roe de Furstenberg (6')JUNE, 1957 11Morton Shapiro In Giants' StepsHouse head and teacher, a new professor fromthe Ivy League carries on a great traditionBy Paul HoffmanStepping into the shoes of a giantis not an easy task. Into thoseof two giants is even harder.The giants in this case are LeonardWhite and Quincy Wright, both ofwhom retired last June after sixty-sixyears combined teaching in University's Political Science Department.The man who follows in their footsteps is H. Bradford Westerfield. Heis one of a half-dozen bright youngmen Chairman Morton Grodzins hasgarnered for the Department.Holt Bradford Westerfield carrieswith him the traditions of New England and the aura of the Ivy League.His family has roots in Americastretching over three centuries andhe can trace his heritage directly toWilliam Bradford, first Governor ofPlymouth Colony. He cares little forgenealogy, however. "My grandmother used to be interested in thatsort of thing," he explains.New Haven born and bred, "Brad"Westerfield attended The Choate School and Yale College where heseemed to major in student leading.He was editor-in-chief of the yearbook, captain of the debate team andpresident of the political union. "Allthat is ancient history," he says."Nothing seemed more importantthen, and no doubt it was then!"He adds a word of advice: "I thinkit's a good thing for students to getinto extra-curricular activities."After receiving his A.B. from Yalein 1947, he moved on to Harvard. Hisgraduate study there included a traveling fellowship to Europe and aCongressional Fellowship from theAmerican Political Science Association. This grant took him to Washington where he spent four monthson the staff of the Senate ForeignRelations Committee and an equaltime as legislative assistant to Arkansas Congressman Brooks Hays.He received his Ph.D. in 1952. Histhesis was a product of his Washington work. An expanded version has been published Foreign Policy andParty Politics (Yale, 1956). Even before he graduated Harvard he was amember of the faculty.Now he is at Chicago, a transplanted Ivy Leaguer. However, hedenies that he is of the type; he evendenies that there is a type. Chicago,he thinks, differs little from the Eastern schools, at least outwardly. Hesays: "I'm much more struck by thesimilarities than by the differences.Except for the coat-and-tie rule,which is very rigidly enforced atHarvard, there's very little difference."On the academic side, though, thereis great divergence. "At Chicagothere's a greater diversity of approachto the subject of political science thanat either Harvard or Yale. Here morepeople are excited about sociologicaland psychological approaches to thestudy of politics. There's only oneman doing this kind of work at Harvard.(Continued on Page 26)12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEScience DigestA roundup of items of scientific interest fromcampus laboratories during the past yearIllustrated by David Abelson, AB '56The suggestion that long-rangerockets with atomic warheadsshould be used to chip pieces off themoon has been made by Harold C.Urey, Martin A. Ryerson Distinguished Service Professor of Chemistry.If the rockets were fired at themoon, he says, the resultant explosion would tear pieces off, and thesewould arrive later at the earth's surface "intact and unheated," therebyenabling geophysicists to say what themoon is made of and why its visiblesurface has such a pock-marked appearance.Urey is at present working at theClarendon Laboratories, University ofOxford, (while on leave of absence),on the composition of meteorites.His suggestion has been publishedrecently in the British astronomicaljournal, The Observatory, as "onepeaceful use of the military employment of atomic energy and intercontinental ballistics."The idea of bombarding the moonhas arisen as a result of argumentsat recent meetings of the British RoyalAstronomical Society about the origin of the features of the lunar surface.One school of thought has arguedthat the smooth appearance of themoon's craters has been caused byan outflow of lava from the moon'sinterior. The rival school says thatthe crater holes were caused originally by the impact of a mighty flockof meteorites, now covered over bythick beds of lunar dust.Urey is an impact-theorist. He alsoconsiders that the moon's surface wassculptured when the satellite was ata low temperature, arguing that theenormous mountains on the moonwould sink into the interior if thesurface was, or ever had been asplastic as the earth. In this view, he is supported byThomas Gold, former chief assistantto the British Astronomer Royal.Gold considers that the original landscapes of the moon have been erodedor cracked and worn down by intense solar energy. The resultantdust, he says, has slowly crept downthe side of the moon mountains, filling craters, fissures, and the so-called seas or maria.Urey approves of the dust idea, butdisagrees with Gold's theory that thesun "created" the dust. It was caused,he believes, billions of years ago in arelatively brief period when the moonwas bombarded by enormous meteorites or planetesimals.The still-visible remains of one ofthem (Imbrium) would make a layerabout 1,000 meters deep if spread uniformly over the moon's surface. Hisidea is that after each large plane -tesimal collision a great cloud of dustand water vapor rose above the moon.The dust settled out and the waterfell as rain.The rain washed the dust off themountain peaks into the lower levelsand sank into the dust and crevices,turning the lunar silicates into hydrates and eventually disappearing,leaving the dead, cold, motionlessmoonscapes known to present astronomers. The bombardment, Urey says, wasdue either to the moon running intoa flock of objects passing through thesolar system, or else he considers itwas "part of the terminal stage ofthe formation of the earth and themoon." He favors the latter theory.And because the "flock of objects"(the pre-planetary basis of the solarsystem) was traveling in the same orbit as the slowly-building-up fragments of the moon, Urey considersthat the impact velocity that left craters on the moon would not havebeen excessively high.Talk About the WeatherUniversity meteorologists had several interesting items to report whenthe American Meteorological Societyheld its 151st national meeting onthe Quadrangles in March.To Easterners who have been cussing out the local weatherman for inaccuracies this may come as a surprise, but Sverre Petterssen, Professorof Meteorology, reported that weatherforecasts for the Eastern UnitedStates, based on mathematical theoriesdeveloped during the past ten years,are up to 90 per cent accurate.On the other hand, says Petterssen,Director of the University's WeatherForecasting Research Center, "Mathematical forecasts for the area between the Continental Divide and theMississippi Valley are worse than noforecasts at all."In a paper presented to the meeting, Petterssen analyzed results of twoapproaches to numerical weather predictions.Both methods forecast weather bymeans of complicated mathematicalformulas. The slide rule-producedforecasts for upper levels of the atmosphere and therefore for aviationpurposes proved quite accurate. But,Petterssen said, an experienced fore-JUNE, 1957 13caster is still more reliable for accurate surface weather forecasts.The two mathematical techniquesare the physical model, in which thelaws of physics are applied to thethermodynamics of the atmosphere;and the statistical model, in whichdata of the past and the present areapplied to the future.The simple physical model, whichuses data from only one level, atpresent is best for forecasting windsystems in the middle part of the atmosphere, or about 18-20,000 feet.Its accuracy, Petterssen said, depends on the area. Over the Easternpart of the United States where theland is generally level, the predictions are "very good." Physical model forecasts for the Great Plains,however, are unreliable. tool for forecasting thunderstormsand tornadoes, according to two University meteorologists.Tetsuya Fujita, Research Associate, and H. Albert Brown, Instructorin Meteorology, told the meeting thatradar shows clearly how tiny one-mile wide clouds expand into largerweather groupings that usually spawnsevere storms.Radar photos taken every minute,they explained, form a biography offour mesosy stems studied. A meso-syst'em is a weather pattern thatstretches from 10 to 200 miles inradius.The beginning of a mesosystem,they reported, « is a one-mile wide,two -mile high column of water condensation in the atmosphere. Thesetiny water droplets of condensation, later sinks to the ground under itsown weight and causes surface temperatures to drop as much as 30 degrees (F).On the radar screen, the dissipatingcloud can be seen to diminish andthen vanish. But at the same timeseveral new ones are born in its path.These dissipate, and are each replaced by newer and bigger ones until at last a squall line, or echelon ofthunderstorms, is formed whichsweeps across the land at a 50-knot(nautical miles per hour) clip.Fujita and Brown believe small,15 -mile wide cyclones, often associated with tornadoes, are probably theresult of swirling eddies of air andmoisture formed by the high windsin the squall line.The radar observation of the Fu-Petterssen explained the poor forecasts as resulting from the lack ofknowledge of the effects of the RockyMountains on weather. The simplephysical model, because it reduces alldata to sea level, does not take intoaccount vertical air currents causedby cross-path mountain ranges.In fact, said Petterssen, "the mostpressing problem in forecasting research is to incorporate the mountain effects into the predictionmodels."The statistical model, based onweather at a locale for a number ofyears past, he said, appears able toproduce forecasts that are almost asgood as those provided by experienced weather men. Its value in theupper atmosphere has not as yet beentested.Radar WeathermenRadar pictures of state-wide weather systems are being developed as a growing in size and number, forma dense barrier that reflects the radarwaves back to the station and causean echo or 'blip' on the radar screen.Radar photos show that the condensation grows into a small cloudwhich disappears in about 20 minutes. Then several new ones form,and they, in turn, grow still larger,only to disappear again. This entiresequence is often repeated for as longas 12 hours.Comparison by Fujita and Brownof the radar pictures with weathermaps showed that the echoes occurin areas of high winds, pressurechanges and precipitation.The two meteorologists explainedhow the initial column of condensation grows, fed b^ water vapor ridingon rising currents of warm air, untilthe condensation droplets reach acritical size and then fall as rain.The falling rain, evaporating as itplummets to earth, leaves behind alarge mass of cold air, which minutes jita-Brown study were made in June,1953, at the Illinois State Water Survey Division station at the University of Illinois airport near Savoy, 111.Pint-sized HurricanesMiniature hurricanes, one ten-millionth the size of the real thing, arehelping laboratory weathermen studythe nature of these large storms, reported Dave Fultz, Associate Professor of Meteorology and Director ofthe Hydrodynamics Laboratory, andRobert Kaylor, Research Assistant.The models are actually smallwhirlpools of water produced by hurricane conditions warming at thecenter, cooling on the outside, slowrotation.The two meteorologists reportedthese similarities between laboratoryand real hurricanes: the vortex, orcenter, of the whirlpool becomesslightly funnel - shaped, surroundedby a fast swirl of water that corre-14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsponds to high winds; water, like airin a hurricane, rises through the funnel, spreads at the top to become aclockwise flow, then sinks to the bottom and returns as a counter clockwise or cyclonic flow.In their first scientific report ontheir search for a model that exhibitsthe gross features of a hurricane,Fultz and Kaylor said preliminaryresults show the need for small technical improvements.Their method features a 16 -inch"dishpan" with 2% -inches of waterthat is rotated at one -half revolutionper minute. A small electric heaterin the center and a jacket of circulating cold water on the outside rimsimulate the temperature conditionsof hurricanes.The motion represents the earth'srotation; the width of the pan simulates 500 miles; the water's thickness,in scale, duplicates an atmosphere of60,000 feet. An unavoidably unnatural feature, they said, is that theentire model hurricane is surroundedby the walls of the pan, which produces a closed circulation system, nottrue of actual storms.A camera that rotates at the samespeed as the pan photographs the relative motions of the water model; reddye and aluminum powder trace thewater currents; and a delicate heat-measuring device called a thermocouple measures the temperature ofthe water at various points.The laboratory findings are expanded in scale and applied to airmasses through mathematical equations.A major shortcoming of the dish-pan hurricane so far, report Fultzand Kaylor, is that the funnel is onlyas thick as a pencil and therefore hasto be widened to allow a more detailed picture of the vortex.Less Hurricane HazardA new method to reduce the errorof mathematical forecasts of hurricane paths has been advanced byAkira Kasahara, Research Associatein Meteorology.Kasahara, in his report to the meeting, said that closer predictions wouldresult if weather data from two,rather than one, levels of the atmosphere were used. He suggested the500 and 700 milibar pressure levels,or 20,000 and 10,000 feet.Twelve test cases of an equation he developed recently averaged errors of only 96 miles for 24-hour forecasts, 216 miles for 48-hour predictions.Kasahara's double equation, basedon a Japanese-proposed concept, wasrun through high-speed governmentcomputers on hurricanes "Connie" ofAugust 11-13, 1955, and "Diane" ofAugust 13-17, 1955.The equation treats the hurricanecenter as a vortex in a river stream,part of a larger steering air massrather than as a solid swirling cylinder that travels of its own accord.The equations use data at the 20,000foot level from 550 points of a gridweather map. Since the equation isfor one-hour increments, it must berepeated 24 times for each 24-hourprediction. Matched against observedpositions of the hurricane, his predictions for the centers of the stormscame as close as 23 miles and as faraway as 183 miles.Averaging the results from the10,000 and 20,000 feet levels, he said,could produce more reliable 48 -hourforecasts. Sample tests reduced hisaverage error to 196 miles.Another approach to predictinghurricane paths was presented byGene E. Birchfield, Research Assistant in Meteorology.Birchfield's method, which in sixtests on "Connie" and "Diane" yieldeda 100 -mile mean error, includes boththe motions of the gyrating stormcenter and the steering influence ofthe larger air mass. A computer wasfed data from two grids, one a regularweather map grid whose points are160 miles apart, the other a special225-point fine grid whose points, 80miles apart, concentrate on the conditions immediately around the vortex.While data from the large gridmust be computed for each hour, theinformation from the finer grid hasto be repeated for each 15 -minute interval. How "Wonder Drugs"Cause IllnessA clue as to how "wonder drugs"bring about secondary illnesses hasbeen offered by a University medicalteam, which reports that streptomycin treatment caused a condition inlaboratory mice favorable to intestinal infection.The team, consisting of Dr. C. Phillip Miller, Professor of Medicine,Marjorie Bohnhoff, Research Associate, and David Rifkind, Research Assistant, said their experiments indicate that bacteria which normallylive ; in the intestine somehow keepa close check on each other's growth.The tests showed that streptomycintreatment disrupted this balance,leaving an environment favorable forinvaders such as Salmonella, a bacteria which causes typhoid-likesymptoms in mice. Salmonella infection in man brings about intestinalillnesses similar to those which sometimes occur as a complication following antibiotic treatment.The experiments showed that micegiven a single large dose of streptomycin (50 mgm) could be infectedthe next day by only l-100,000th thenumber of bacteria needed to infectmice not treated with streptomycin.Half of the treated mice developedthe illness from less than ten of thetest bacteria, as compared with 10,000to 100,000 bacteria required for infection of normal mice. Both the antibiotic and the germs were placeddirectly into the stomach by a tube.The team reports that the Salmonella population increased in thetreated mouse gut to about 100-million after 24 hours as quickly asthey would in a broth culture. Resistance of the mouse to Salmonellainfection began to return the secondday after treatment, and by theeighth day was normal again.The group has not yet isolated theinhibitory microbes involved. However, they did increase the resistanceof some antibiotic-treated mice toSalmonella infection by giving thema heavy suspension of feces from normal mice. In each case, the resistancewas renewed after 16 hours, indicating the time necessary for the newresident bacteria to establish themselves.Suspensions of feces from normalmice also inhibited Salmonella growthJUNE, 1957 15in the test tube, provided they weretested in the absence of air. Similarsuspensions from streptomycin-treated mice did not inhibit Salmonellagrowth.Tritium Isotopes To StudyWorld's Water CirculationAt the Meteorological Society meeting, a University nuclear physicist,Friedrich Begemann, Research Associate in the Enrico Fermi Institute forNuclear Studies, told how a rare radioactive isotope produced in thermonuclear explosions can be used tostudy the patterns of the world'swater circulation.The isotope is tritium, the heaviestbrother of hydrogen. It makes an excellent atmospheric tracer, said Begemann, because it acts with oxygento form water, with easily detectedradioactivity which lasts some twelveyears.Tritium, whose atomic nucleus isthree times as heavy as hydrogen,was discovered in nature in 1951 simultaneously by Willard Libby, Professor of Chemistry now on leave asa member of the Atomic EnergyCommission, and Professors Faltingsand Hartech in Germany.In nature, tritium is believed to beproduced by cosmic ray bombardment of the air and by direct emission from the sun. After the firstCastle Operation H-bombs were exploded in Spring, 1954, the world'stritium content doubled. Today thereis an average 1 million of these atomsamong the trillion trillion atoms ineach cubic centimeter of water. Because the radiation power of tritiumis very low, it poses no health hazard.Unfortunately, said Begemann, science missed a great water study opportunity because of the operation'ssecrecy. The tritium now used todetect H-bomb explosion traveledin the earth's atmosphere for 40 daysbefore dissipating to ground andocean waters.Because of the vastness of the seas,Begemann explained, ocean tritiumis diluted so greatly that its presenceis barely measurable. So clouds evaporated from the ocean, and their resulting rainfall, contain virtually notritium.But ground water has relativelylarge amounts of tritium that are easily measured. This means that theamount of tritium radioactivity in rainfall tells how much of it is theresult of evaporated ground water;dilution of ground water by oceanrain can be measured the same way.In sample tritium studies done in1955 and 1956, Begemann found that:Fifty-two per cent of ocean watervapor rains out by the time it reachesChicago. Average rain over Chicagois composed of two-thirds ocean watervapor and one-third reevaporatedground water. In 15 years the tritiumcontent of ground water will be diluted to pre -Castle concentrations.Secretin Helps DigestionSecretin, the hormone produced bythe intestine in the presence of digested food, acts to reduce the production of gastric juice in the stomach, Dr. Lester R. Dragstedt, ThomasD. Jones Professor and Chairman ofthe Department of Surgery, reports.Previously the only known role ofsecretin was that of stimulating thesecretion of pancreatic juices and anunknown inhibitor was thought tocontrol gastric juices.The function of secretin as a chemical "valve" was found by Dr. Dragstedt. An authority on gastric andduodenal ulcers, he developed the operation in which the vagus nerve issevered to reduce the flow of gastricjuices which, in overabundance, area cause of ulcers.With two surgical residents, Drs.Herbert Greenlee and Erique Longhi,Dr. Dragstedt discovered the controlof secretin over gastric flow in a series of animal experiments. Secretin was injected into animals in whichstomach pouches had been surgicallycreated, to permit control of the digestive processes.Dr. Dragstedt earlier had demonstrated that the flow of gastric juicesstopped when the contents of thestomach reached a certain level ofacidity. This level was accompaniedby a reduction in the production ofgastrin, a hormone which controls thesecretion of gastric juices. The newest experiments show that a highacid level promotes secretin output,which in turn inhibits gastrin, andhence the gastric juices.The experiments also showed thatthe acid and secretin controls bothcan be overpowered by stimulationfrom the vagus nerve, which runsfrom the brain to the stomach. In the"ulcer type," individuals who areanxiety driven, the vagus nerve stimulates an overproduction of gastricjuices that eat gastric ulcers in thestomach lining, or, spilling into thefirst loop of the intestine, cause duodenal ulcers.Hormone Control ofRed Blood Cell FormationTwo University medical scientistsreport that they have established themechanism and site of production ofa new hormone which controls redblood cell formation.The hormone is produced in response to the changing balance between the oxygen demand and supplyof the body. The process is analogous to the mechanism by which thelevel of blood sugar regulates theproduction of insulin.The hormone, erythropoeitin, isproduced by the kidneys and is foundin normal blood of humans and animals. It stimulates the bone marrowto make the red cells. Though it hasnot yet been chemically isolated, ithas been concentrated in blood serumby 100 to 1,000 times its normalamount.Dr. Leon O. Jacobson, Professor ofMedicine, and three members of hisresearch group, Eugene Goldwasser,Assistant Professor of Biochemistry,Walter Fried, and Louis F. Plzak,Jr., medical students, reported theinvestigation results in the March issue of Nature, English scientific publication.Dr. Jacobson is Director of the Ar-16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgonne Cancer Research Hospital ofthe University Clinics, which theUniversity operates for the AtomicEnergy Commission.The red blood cells carry oxygento the tissues of the body, which continuously require oxygen for themaintenance of life. Dr. Jacobson'sgroup found that if the body's demand for oxygen exceeds the supply,the kidney is triggered to producemore of the hormone and thus morered cells to carry the additional oxygen.Glands such as the hypophysis, orpituitary; the adrenals, thyroid, andgonads, serve as the basic regulatorsof the level of metabolism or burningof oxygen by the body.Various experiments with ratsshowed that if the metabolic rate islowered, as by removal of the pituitary, or by starvation, the hormonecontent of the blood and consequentlythe red cell count decreased in adjustment of the lower oxygen requirements.Animals in an atmosphere withhigh oxygen content, or those transfused with red cells, likewise adjustedby decreasing the hormone production. Feeding of a chemical whichincreased the metabolic rate increased the rate of hormone secretionand therefore the red cell count.The effect of the hormone on ananimal was measured in two ways.Iron is used by the body principallyin the production of red cells, therefore the intensity of radiation in theblood after the animals received radioactive iron- 59 was a measure ofthe red cell count. A visual countalso was made to check the changesin red cells.With the knowledge that the hormone is produced by the kidneys,and the demonstration as to how itworks, the remaining laboratory stepbefore any clinical appraisal of thehormone is undertaken is its chemicalpurification.Sound Waves to Fight BacteriaTearing bacteria apart by meansof high frequency sound waves is thelatest tool for producing vaccinesagainst still-unconquered infectiousdiseases.Currently being experimented withby the Microbiology Department oncampus, these ultrasonic vibrationsshatter the thin, tough wall encasingeach of the microbes and rip the cell wall from the thick liquid cytoplasminside. Chemically unchanged, thefreed but dead cytoplasm can beused in the manufacture of vaccines.Bacteria in test tubes are actuallyexploded by the waves produced bythe two - thousand - volt, 800 - wattquartz crystal generator. The effectis similar to the breaking of a crystalglass by a very high human voice.The highest human notes, however,are under the 15 thousand cycle-per-second upper limit of human hearing.Microbes, on the other hand, are subjected to sound waves vibrating ata frequency of 400 thousand-cycles.An article in a recent issue of theJournal of Infectious Diseases, by Dr.Guilio Bosco, of the Microbiology Department, describes the lethal effectsproduced on bacteria by the highpower ultrasonic waves. (Dr. Bosco,an M.D. and a Ph.D., has since returned to the University of Rome.He studied here as an American College of Surgeons Post-Doctoral Fellow.)Experimenting with two types ofmicrobes, Bacillus mycoides and Bacillus magatherium, Dr. Bosco foundthat one minute's difference in ultrasonic treatment produced a markedchange in the bacteria's disintegration.Photographs through an electronmicroscope reveal that thick layersof cytoplasm stick to cell walls brokenaway from the main cell bodies afterfour minutes. But after five minutes'treatment, the layers appear muchthinner."This shows," said Dr. Bosco, "thatcontinued treatment seems to washaway adhering" layers of cytoplasmfrom the cell walls."Breaking up bacterial cells by ultrasonics seems to offer two distinctadvantages. First, it is a simple,quick, and convenient way to isolatethe cell walls from the main cellbody. Second, unlike older methodsof cell dissection which involvedmulti-stage processes with reagentssuch as alcohols and acids, the ultrasonic method does not alter the chem ical composition of the cell structure.Now being tested on many moreforms of microbes at different frequencies, Dr. Bosco's technique, ifsuccessful, could provide a universalmeans of separating the firm cell wallfor study of its complex structure.Released cytoplasm contains toxins,antigens, and enzymes for use in developing vaccines and antitoxins.Dr. Bosco said that in Italy he hadused this technique to produce experimental cholera and typhoid vaccines. Bacterial cell fragments thatremain after ultrasonic treatment-safe because they are lead, yet chemically identical with living microbes are used as antigens. Injected intoanimals, they stimulate the production of antibodies. Blood serum containing the antibodies can then bedrawn from the animals and refinedinto vaccines.Not Enough KnownAbout How Radiation KillsMedicine is as helpless as it everwas in preventing death from excessive radiation, Dr. J. Garrott Allen,Professor of Surgery, reported recently at a meeting of the AmericanSurgical Association.A person who receives a lethal doseof atomic radiation "will die withintwo to four weeks despite all formsof present therapy," he said. (Alethal dose, he explained, consists ofgamma rays in excess of 400 roentgens.)"We are back to where we startedin treating the effects of total bodyirradiation," he said. Effective treatment is lacking, he said, because inspite of years of research not enoughis known about how radiation kills."No important progress toward increasing the survival rate among theseriously exposed has been achievedin the past 15 years, except for theprotection afforded by the partialshielding of red (bone) marrow," hesaid.Metal shielding, which keeps thered-cell producing marrow frombeing destroyed by radiation, is apreventive, not a therapeutic, measure. Dr. Allen said that it seems to bean effective means for improving thesurvival rate among those receivingotherwise fatal radiation.Radiation death, he said, comesfrom a complex of ills which mainlyresult in anemia, excessive loss ofblood, infection, and malnutrition.JUNE, 1957 17Augie sAuthorReturns_jaul Bellow, '36, revisits Goff House, 1326 E.57th Street, one of several rooming houses he livedin as a student. He was one of four novelists andpoets who met recently with aspiring writers on theMidway in a unique course set up by the EnglishDepartment to give students a somewhat differentapproach than the usual academic one. Bellow isthe author of three novels, "The Adventures ofAugie March," "Dangling Man" "The Victim," anda recently-published book of shorter fiction, "Seizethe Day." He lives in Tivoli, N.Y., with his wifeand infant son, Adam. Another son, Greg, is 13.E ACH visiting author was given an opportunity toread students' works, then met with individuals andgave his appraisal of their writings. Bellow, (above,right) , meets with nineteen-year-old David Ish.Photographs by Morton Shapiro18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEVisiting authors met with the class and discussed techniques in writing prose and poetry. Bellow, above, met twicewith the group, spent second session analyzing a story written by a student. In the first session, he led the class in adiscussion of what experience means to a writer. Loosely assembled, some of his remarks follow:"I'd like to get a discussion going on what being a writer entails. What happens? What does it require from you?What attitude does it take from you? Perhaps the happiest attitude is not an attitude at all . . . Writing is a passionateand unthinking activity. It has nothing to do with cognizant, rational activities . . . In the eyes of your fellow-man, thisis a high-handed, unwarranted act, when you sit down to write. Who do you think you are? Obviously, a king of life!. . . Three quarters of writing is passion . . . Everybody else seems to pass through a ritual of qualification, the doctor,dentist, musician. With the writer, how does this come about? Unless you believe you hold a certain dramatic power,I don't see how you can write anything of considerable proportion. It may be nice, elegant, or clever, but to writesomething smashing, you have to have this attitude . . . So what do you do? Some say, inhabit the gutter. Others,wear a grey flannel suit. Still others, be a champion of experience, a representative man. If you take the right posture,perhaps the muses will kiss you. But you can stand puckered up for a long time and nothing will happen . . . TheAmerican novelist is supposed to know at first hand what he represents. How? You've all seen the blurbs on the bookjackets: 'The author was a dishwasher, worked on the assembly line, was a test pilot . . .' The reader doesn't want abum steer. Well, there's a certain glamour to specification, but when experience is offered by itself as a value, whatabout it? . . . Knowing it is real is a really important thing to many readers, but it is cognative, not aesthetic . . . Knowto what end? lt is experience as though for the first time. This has great charm, the charm of childhood. We go on tohave joyous experiences contaminated by habit. What is at the root of the technique of modern fiction is a deep desireto find refreshment in new experience. But experience to whom? To what? Received by what impulse? . . . This hasbeen the key to fiction for a long time. Everything once more as for the first time . . . Who does these new things? Anoriginal personality, man or woman, who considers himself a writer . . . What has experience to do with this actually.Does it matter that Stephen Crane didn't go to war? Why stick at doing the whole thing? Turn your mind loose onexperience . . . This voluntary restriction of imagination with only experienced experience is a limit to the power peoplefeel . . . Don't let realistic details become the whole thing."JUNE, 1957 19Attempts are still being made to save the Robie House,. although no solution has as yet been found.Chicago Theological Seminary, owner of the historicFrank Lloyd Wright- designed house at Woodlawn Avenue and 58th Street, still plans to demolish the structureto make way for a married students' dormitory.A Committee to Save the Robie House has requestedthe federal government to take it over as a national monument. William MacDonald, chairman of the committee,said the request was made in a letter to Secretary ofthe Interior Seaton and Walter L. Huber, chairman ofthe federal advisory board on national parks, historicsites, buildings and monuments.MacDonald said that the government can buy andoperate a building like Robie House if the structureappears doomed. However, he said, C.T.S. cannot beforced to sell either the house or the lot even to thefederal government.The same committee has also asked the City of Chicagoto change current zoning laws to legally prevent C.T.S.from building a dormitory on the site. This followedaction of the Commission on Chicago Architectural Landmarks, which had named the Robie House a "Chicagolandmark."At the University, a Students' Committee to SaveRobie House has been formed, and members have askedresidents of the area involved to petition that the entireblock on Woodlawn Avenue between 57th and 58thStreets be rezoned in a residential category.Students of the School of Architecture and Design atYale University have also launched a campaign to raisefunds for the protection of Robie House. In a letter toThe Maroon, the Yale Committee said that it had "invited45 universities in the east to join in the undertaking byorganizing fund raising activities."In correspondence with Daniel Catton Rich, chairmanof the Commission on Chicago Architectural Landmarks,Arthur C. McGiffert, president of C.T.S. said, "We willgive the resolution [of the Commission] important consideration ..." He added that he hoped the Commissionwould take "constructive action" to "find a suitable location such as the Midway Plaisance of Jackson Park to which the Robie House can be moved, and where itcan be preserved for its admirers." NEWS OF THEQUADRANGLESAN INFORMAL REPORTThe Tribune Finds Us "Exciting"The University has been rated fourth in a list of the"top ten" universities in the nation, in a Chicago Tribunesurvey on higher education.Chesly Manly, Tribune reporter, lists these universities as "top ten" (in this order): Harvard, Yale, California (Berkeley), Chicago, Columbia, Princeton, Michigan, Cornell, Wisconsin, and Stanford.Manly bases his findings on a survey he conductedpersonally. He reports that he visited all ten of the"leading" universities, and talked to more than fifty university and college presidents, faculty deans, scholars,scientists and administrative officers.Morton Shapiro PhotoNeville Black, folk- singer, and Moe Hirsch, studentguitarist, perform at the Hootenanny, one of severalevents which were part of third annual arts festival.JUNE, 1957 21Manly also shows, in an accompanying table, the number of departments, out of a selected list of28 branches of the humanities, biological, social and physical sciences,that are considered "distinguished"in each of the 10 "leading" universities."These ratings represent a consensus of outstanding scholars andscientists in each subject," writesManly.He rates California (Berkeley) firstwith 24 distinguished departments outof 28. Chicago is second with 22,Harvard and Yale are tied with 21each, and the others in order are Columbia, 16, Princeton, 13, Michigan,12, Wisconsin, 11, Cornell, 10, andStanford, nine.Chicago, according to Manly'ssurvey, has "distinguished" facultiesin the following fields: Anthropology,astronomy, bacteriology, biochemistry, botany, chemistry, economics,English, geography, geology, Greekand Latin, history, linguistics, mathematics, near and middle eastern languages, philosophy, physics, physiology, political science, psychology,sociology and zoology.Chicago's Law School is rated second among the "top ten," after Harvard. Others are ranked thus: Yale,Columbia, Michigan, California, Wisconsin, New York University, Illinoisand Northwestern.Concerning medical schools, Manlywrites:"It is extremely difficult to ascertain a clearly defined consensus ofexpert opinion about the 10 leadingmedical schools. There is fairly general agreement that Harvard, Chicago,Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Yale,Pennsylvania, Cornell, WashingtonUniversity (St. Louis), and the University of Rochester would have tobe included on any list of the best10, but those who know most aboutmedical education refuse to chooseamong eight other possibilities for10th place."A separate story on each of theten "best" universities is runningweekly in the Sunday Tribune. OnApril 28, Manly wrote about the University:"The University of Chicago hassurvived a period of crisis and decline and is rising in the esteem ofscholars and scientists thruout [sic]the country. "It is the consensus of competentand representative authorities consulted by The Tribune that Chicagonow ranks fourth among the universities of the nation and is excelledonly by Harvard, Yale, and California in all-over excellence."In research Chicago is rated theequal of Yale and Columbia and second only to Harvard and California.The quality of its graduate instruction is considered equal to that of anyuniversity, but Harvard and Yalehave greater libraries. A Ph.D. degree from Chicago is a hallmark ofdistinction. A Harvard Ph.D. mayhave more prestige but that is dueto imponderable if not illusory factors."In the eminence of its facultyChicago is excelled only by California . . ."Chicago is respected more for itsresearch and graduate work than forits undergraduate program . . ."Chicago's law and medical schoolsare considered superior to any in thecountry except Harvard's ..."After talking of some of the problems the University has faced in recent years, Manly wrote:"Kimpton's confident view of thefuture seems justified by the university's prestige among officials andscholars of other institutions. Thefaculty dean of one of the world'sgreatest universities said to this reporter: 'Chicago is the only place thatgives us trouble. It is always tryingto raid our faculty and sometimes itis successful. There is somethingabout it, something exciting, that appeals to teachers'.""Several others used the word 'exciting' in speaking of Chicago."Among other comments Manly hadto make were these:"Chicago's mathematics departmentis equalled only by Princeton's. Thegeography department, headed by Dr.Gilbert F. White, former president ofHaverford College, probably is thecountry's best . . ."Chicago is rated first in the country in near and middle eastern languages and literature. Dr. Carl H.Kraeling, Professor of HellenisticArcheology and Director of the Oriental Institute, is a more distinguishedscholar than his famed predecessor,the late Dr. James H. Breasted, whofounded the institute. Dr. John A.Wilson is the country's foremostEgyptologist . . . "Chicago is not as strong in thehumanities as in the natural sciences.In talking to this reporter, a worldrenowned scholar at the universitysaid it was ironical that the humanities division, in which former Chancellor Robert M. Hutchins was mostinterested, had declined, while thenatural science departments had madeprogress largely because he let themalone."Rare Book PresentedRare examples of Japanese handmade paper were acquired by HarperMemorial Library when Thomas K.Tindale, '51, presented a copy of hiswork on this unique art form to theUniversity at a ceremony held in theRare Books Room, March 25.The book, limited to 250 volumes,was published in Japan on paper specially prepared for the edition. Typography and binding are done inclassic Japanese style.Written in English, the book givesthe history and techniques of thishandicraft and includes numerousexamples of handmade paper andwatermarks in its three volumes.A special watermark portrait ofthe author donated by Japanesecraftsmen as a special gift has beenincluded in the collection.Tindale became interested in thisgraphic art form as a civilian employee on General MacArthur's staffin Japan. Assigned to inspect papermills during the occupation, he discovered that western technology hadnot completely displaced customarymethods. Skilled craftsmen continuedto manufacture paper by traditionalmeans.Tindale became so interested in theskill of these artisans and the beautyof their products that he spent hisleisure time writing about them.Elected to National Academyof SciencesTwo University scientists hayerbeenelected to the National Academy of^ Sciences, the highest ranking scientific body in the United States. Thisbrings the University faculty totalin the organization to 32.Newly elected members are Heinrich Kliiver, Professor of Experimental Psychology in the Division ofthe Biological Sciences, and Cyril S.22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESun-Times PhotoCommemorating Jewish freedom from slavery in Egypt, members and students of the Federated Theological Faculties participated in a traditional Jewish Passover seder at Congregation Rodfei Zedek, Chicago, April 8. Led byRabbi Ralph Simon (left) the ceremony was co-sponsored by the University and B'nai B'rith's Anti-Defamation League.Smith, Professor of Metallurgy andDirector of the Institute of Metals.Members of the National Academyare elected on the basis of their outstanding scientific research and scholarship. The body limits its membership to 600.Dr. Kliiver is known for his workin the study of brain function. He hasalso done extensive work in the studyof behavior after removal of or injuryto part of the brain, and in the studyof hallucination-producing drugs. Hehas developed neurologic stains andpsychological measuring techniques.He was first appointed to the facultyin 1936.Smith is noted for his work inphysical metallurgy. As leader incharge of metallurgy of the Manhattan Project during World War II, hecontributed to knowledge of the basicfactors of metallurgical behavior essential to the development of nuclearenergy.Of the University's 32 NationalAcademy members, 26 are active onthe faculty, while 6 Professors are now emeritus. Also a member is oneof the trustees, Robert E. Wilson,chairman of the board of StandardOil Company (Ind.).Radio Program Awards"The Sacred Note," a radio program of religious choral music featuring the University of ChicagoChoir directed by Richard Vikstrom,received for the second successiveyear the First Award for religiousprogramming from the Institute forEducation by Radio and Televisionof the Ohio State University. A second University program, "The Voicesof Christmas," also featuring the University Choir, received an honorablemention in the category of one-timebroadcasts. These two programs werethe only two radio shows originatingin Chicago to receive Ohio StateAwards this year.Both "The Sacred Note" and "TheVoices of Christmas" were producedby Norbert Hruby of the University'spublic relations department. DeanJohn B. Thompson of Rockefeller Memorial Chapel was the theologicalconsultant. Burton Moore and Hrubywere the writers. The narrators wereEdward W. Rosenheim, AssociateProfessor of the Humanities in theCollege, and Marvin Phillips, Director of the University Theatre. Dr.Heinrich Fleischer was the organist.New Assistant ComptrollerStanley B. Langrand has been appointed an Assistant Comptroller ofthe University by the board of trustees, John I. Kirkpatrick, Comptroller, announced. Langrand, a CPA,has had seven years of experience inbusiness and industrial accounting,and two years in public accounting.He served with the Comptroller's Office of the University from 1947 to1952, and rejoined the office in March,1954, his primary responsibility beingthe Government Accounts Section. Hehad three years of active service inthe Air Force during World War II.Arthur Lincicome also holds the titleof Assistant Comptroller at the University.JUNE, 1957 23French Official LecturesA French novelist and governmental official, M. Jacques de Bour-bon-Busset, gave three lectures atthe University during April.Sponsored by the University'sCommittee on Social Thought, headedby John U. Nef, '17, Professor ofEconomics and History, the lectureswere on the subject of "How Decisions Are Made in Foreign Policy:Psychology in International Relations."Teacher Education ProgramA new program of research andexperimentation in the Department ofEducation, financed by a $300,000grant from the Fund for the Advancement of Education, was announcedrecently by Francis S. Chase, Professor and Chairman of the Department.The funds will be used for initiationof pilot programs in teacher education .and administration with a number ofpublic school systems.Promising ideas for increasing theeffectiveness of teaching will be triedout in the University's LaboratorySchools and cooperating school systems. Work of the program willinclude basic research, teacher training, and administrative reorganization."Planning, staff development, exploratory visits to schools, initiation ofpilot programs in the LaboratorySchools, and training school personnelthrough conferences and workshopswill occupy the project for the nextfew months," said Chase.H. Thomas James, Assistant Professor of Education, has been appointed director of field services forthe project. He will coordinate theconsultative services available to thecooperating school systems.Staff associates of the Departmentof Education who have been appointedto the project are Edward H. Gilbert,Assistant Professor of Education andRoy A. Larmee, Instructor in Education. They will be the University'srepresentatives to the cooperatingschool systems and will serve as aliaison between University and publicschool personnel.Central planning committee for thenew project, also announced byChase, includes these Department ofEducation faculty members: Chairman John I. Goodlad, Professor; H. Thomas James; Herman G. Richey,Professor; Herbert W. Schooling, Director of Pre-Collegiate Education,and Herman Thelen, Professor.Woman Professor NamedTo Defense DepartmentFern W. Gleiser, the first womanof full professorial rank in the Schoolof Business, has been appointed byCharles E. Wilson, secretary of defense, to the United States DefenseAdvisory Committee on Women inthe Services.A Professor of Institution Economics and Management, Miss Gleiser isa recognized authority in the field offood management. As a member ofthe committee she will be one of agroup of leading American womenwho advise the Department of Defense in matters pertaining to serv-icewomen.Miss Gleiser has been a Professorin the School of Business since 1944.Before her appointment to the University she was_head of the Institution Management Department atIowa State College. She is a pastpresident of the American DieteticAssociation."Big Bertha" Returns;"Pro" and "No" Football Rally"Comp" fever, the University's variety of spring fever, broke out in theform of a "football" rally, highlightedby the return of "Big Bertha," formerFern W. Gleiser University drum, and as many anti-football rooters as pro.The Maroon, which claims it isneither for nor against football, justafter "scoops," sponsored a trip byseveral students to the University ofTexas, to retrieve "Big Bertha."The huge drum, which measuresmore than eight feet in diameter, wasspecially built in 1922 as part of agift from Carl D. Greenleaf, '19, whoheads Conn Instrument Co., Elkhart,Ind. It was used during Chicago gamesuntil football was abandoned in 1939,then stored under the stands in StaggField until around 1950, when it wasreturned to the Conn Co. It is nowthe property of the University ofTexas, which loaned it for the rally.On the night of May 7 a couple ofhundred students held a rally at StaggField to drum up enthusiasm for thereturn of football. The bonfire-lit rallygot off to a false start on Tuesdayafternoon when some students prematurely lit the wood which had beencollected. Another hitch occurredwhen parading students, (dragging"Big Bertha" in a trailer attached toa convertible loaned by a local autoagency), found it dangerous to approach Burton-Judson. Swarms ofstudents from B-J tossed water"bombs" and fireworks from theirdormitory windows in a protestagainst the rally. Campus police managed to keep peace, however. Theanti-football rooters then joined theparade.In front of the Chancellor's house,where the paraders were greeted byMrs. Kimpton and Dean of StudentsRobert M. Strozier, (the Chancellorwas out of town), shouts of "We wantfootball" were alternated with "Downwith football."At Stagg Field, Walter Haas, Director of Athletics, and Don McClintock,student director of Student Forumand a former Kansas State footballplayer, spoke briefly. Haas indicatedthat the athletic staff would not disfavor the return of football if theproper authorities approved its return.McClintock expressed the hope that iffootball returns, it will be as a sportinstead of "big business."Enthusiasts pro and con seemed tobe about equally divided in the crowd.The Maroon commented, ". . . thereprevailed at the rally an uneasy tension between the evenly dividedforces. We are thankful that this didnot erupt into violence."24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Magazine CelebratesIts Fiftieth BirthdayThis is the fiftieth anniversary ofChicago's alumni magazine.While editor George O. Fair-weather, '07, (now retired and livingin Barrington) and his staff were preparing copy for Vol. 1, No. 1, March,1907, the first anniversary of the latePresident William Rainey Harper'sdeath, January 10, had been observedin Mandel Hall, and Harry Pratt Judson had been appointed the secondpresident of the University: March19, 1907.Although the Alumni Associationcarried back thirty years into theearly days of the first University, thiswas the first time the Associationpublished a magazine.At first it was called The ChicagoAlumni Magazine. But in October,1908, they started over again withVol. 1, No. 1, of the University ofChicago Magazine. In the interim theUniversity had discontinued its quarterly University Record in favor ofincluding this information in theissues of the alumni magazine.University not bankruptIn the very first issue in 1907 wasa report on the University by DavidA. Robertson, '02, secretary to President Judson. Although Harper hadconsistently run the University at anannual deficit, and John D. Rockefeller had consistently bailed it out,($245,000 in 1906), the big news inthe first magazine was that the budgethad been balanced and the deficithad been wiped out with a remainderof $289.59 in the treasury! Whichlead Robertson to wag his finger:"There is no occasion to believe,as some newspapers would have us,that the University of Chicago, inspite of its millions [in endowment],is about to become bankrupt."Alma Mater no Stein SongAssociate Editor Harry Hansen,'09, [now editor of The World Almanac'] prophesied that "the old college song is going out without beingreplaced by a newer and greatercollege song."Occasionally, admitted Harry, aStein Song creeps in and becomes aclassic. But he saw no nationalrecognition for our Alma Mater,which he felt would never mean anything to other college men but whichwe would "love to sing in days tocome."JUNE, 1957 His reasoning: "The college songhas no opportunity for growth inAmerica. The American student haslittle time for stag socials, where thereal college song flourishes. He studiestoo long to have many social engagements and the few he attends invariably include women. He goesafter education as he goes after thedollar with a club."German students, on the otherhand, have been accustomed to gatherat the tavern table for generations.Here, with the stein before them, theysing . . ."Percy B. Eckhart, '99, president ofthe Alumni Association (now livingat 179 E. Lake Shore Drive) prophesied a great future for the new publication. And the late Joseph E.Raycroft, '96, outlined Universityrecommendations for reducing commercialism and increasing sportsmanship in athletics.A special meeting was called ofWestern Conference representatives.This conference recommended thatfreshmen be barred from intercollegiate competition; limiting footballgames to five per season; the prohibition of football practice before thebeginning of instruction; the abolition of the training table, etc.Before the May issue of the newmagazine had gone to press, Michigan,unhappy with the regulations aboutfreshmen and a five-game schedule,refused to accept them and wasdropped from the Conference.And Mrs. Ingham was forced toclose down her Shanty [a favoritecampus snack shop] because of a"severe attack of rheumatism."Cigars for Divinity studentThe first issue reported:Chicago beat Purdue in basketball,26 to 16.The late Samuel N. Harper lecturedon, "Political Significance of the Russian Peasants."Washington Prom was held inBartlett, with supper at HutchinsonCommons. At a "hard times" party in the Reynolds Club, first prize for the bestman's costume went to divinity student Merrill. The prize: a box ofcigars.Blackfriars began rehearsals ontheir 1907 production "Sure EnoughSegregation," co-authored by HarryKlein, '09 and Harry Hansen, '09.[Segregation referred to separateclasses for men and women, tried andlater dropped by the College of theUniversity.] Among those assignedparts: Bernard I. Bell, '07, HaroldSwift, '07, Adolph Pierrot, '07, (allcurrently living in Chicago).Alumni in Class NewsClass news in the first issue bore astriking resemblance to current items,viz:Agnes Cook Gale, '96, has, since hergraduation, engaged in considerableliterary work. She published severaltext books devoted to classic literature in a form suitable for use ofchildren. (Agnes has since made areputation in oils and water colorsas well. She lives at Vista Homes onStony Island Avenue.)Harry D. Abells, '97, is teachingchemistry and physics at MorganPark Academy. (Harry later headedthe Academy until his retirement; isnow living in North Bennington, Vt.)Samuel S. MacClintock, '96, has returned from the Philippines, wherehe was for several years principal ofthe division Normal School at Cebu.(Sam has lived in the QuadrangleClub before and since his retirementfrom the investment business.)Charles Sumner Pike, '96, who wasat one time employed by The Outlookin Chicago, has now a position withthe Burroughs Adding Machine Co.(Charles is retired in Washington,D. C. at 3133 Connecticut Ave., NW.)John P. Mentzer, '98, is a memberof the firm of Atkins, Mentzer &Grover, publishers and school furnishers. (John is now president ofMentzer, Bush & Co., educationalpublishers; lives at the South ShoreCountry Club.)25Charles Eaton, '00, is practicing lawin Chicago and is a member of thefirm of Dent & Eaton. (Retired fromactive practice, he is now technicaladvisor to the Illinois State HousingBoard.)Donald R. Richberg, '01, resides at5344 Jefferson Avenue. (Following abrilliant legal, writing, and government career, Don lives on his farmin Charlottesville, Virginia.)Lillian Hazel Buck, '02, has movedto Lake Bluff, III. (It is now Dr. Buck,with a recent honorary degree fromPrincipia College. Her home is on ahill overlooking Bloomington, Illinois.)Jerome Magee, '03, is roughing iton a ranch near Omaha. (Still on hisranch, rough or not, in Bennington,Nebraska.)I. D. Hook, '06, is assistant city attorney at Kansas City. (Today, stillactive in the law in K. C; still activefor Alma Mater.)H.W.M.APRIL IN PARIS(Continued from Page 11)political interference are firmly rootedin the very fabric of the life of thecountry.The Balzac discussion, in my secondtalk, showed how the great Balzaccollection of the University of Chicago, the greatest outside France andthe third greatest in the world, wasassembled first by the late ProfessorDargan and continued by ProfessorVigneron after Dargan's death. Asthe research for my own dissertationhad been directed toward the ratherracy title of Splendeurs et Miseresdes Courtisanes, I did not neglect discussing my own conclusions of theauthor. It was my privilege to haveworked under both Professor Darganand Professor Vigneron, and I couldhence discuss the different approachof two great scholars to a significantcollection.In the third lecture, I spoke as aDean of Students of the life on campus in the American college or university, not just the University ofChicago. Since there is no campus atthe University of Paris, no Dean ofStudents, no fraternities and sororities, in fact no student life as we knowit, my task was somewhat more difficult. I am not sure that they wereconvinced of the necessity of a Dean of Students when I finished my discussion.The champagne and caviar reception, given by the dean of the facultedes lettres after my last lecture, fora visiting professor from Cal Tech andfor me, seemed a delightful way toend what had been for me a stimulating and exciting experience.The most pleasant news whichgreeted my return was the success ofthe first production of Blackfriars after many years absence from thecampus. The fact that the cast includedboth men and women had not pleasedall the former abbots and members,but the /production had set a highstandard for future shows. The Kimp-tons had entertained many formerabbots for the opening and had invited the entire cast with the formermembers to their home after thepremiere.The least pleasant aspect of myreturn was the pile of accumulatedwork, and the necessity of facing thedecisions which were so lightly postponed in the rush of departure. Butit had been worth it.One final note. My wife drove tothe airport to meet me and missedme! I returned home by taxi, withher in our car a few minutes behind.IN GIANTS' STEPS(Continued from Page 12)"Also, here there are almost diametrically opposed perspectives,strongly presented. And that is verystimulating."Assistant Professor Westerfield livesin Burton-Judson Courts, the men'sundergraduate dormitory. Althoughhis official duty is that of ResidentHead of Chamberlin House, he doesnot consider himself a house mother."There's no mother business. Theseguys can take care of themselves."His duties are not as rigorous asthose of other house heads in B-J.Chamberlin House is not plagued bythe water -fights of freshmen nor theirmidnight bull -sessions. Equally divided between graduates and undergraduates, the house members maintain their own discipline. But if oneresident steps out of line a casualtalking-to from Westerfield will setthings straight again.The resident head is not someonewho stands apart from the men he supervises. Westerfield eats threemeals a day with the residents, attendstheir house meetings (as a spectator)and joins in the gaiety at their partiesand dances. The latest social venture:an exchange dinner at which the menof Chamberlin will receive "T.L.C."(tender loving care) from BillingsHospital nurses.Dormitory residents have taken toWesterfield. To them he is not anoverseer, but "one of us," someonewith whom they can joke and jibe ona first name basis. To his studentsthis camaraderie presents problems:in class do they call him "Brad" or"Mr. Westerfield"?Westerfield's classes are conductedon the same easy informal give-and-take basis as a lunchtime conversation in the dormitories. This yearWesterfield alternates seminars andlectures his lectures cover interestgroups, political parties and the legislative process; his seminars discussthe politics of national security andethnic and religious factors in politics.His attitude is not a dominatingone. He does not regard himself asone whose job it is to pound knowledge into the students' heads. Askedto speak at Hillel House on the "political behavior of American Jews,"Westerfield told the audience thatthey knew more about the subjectthan he did.Between being a house -head, aninstructor, a thesis supervisor and aguest lecturer about campus, Bradford Westerfield must find time stillto do the research the University requires of its faculty. At present, heis writing a second book on foreignpolicy and anticipates doing a comprehensive study of the political behavior of ethnic groups. This projectrequires keeping close tabs on thelocal political scene. "I've got to getto know the names and numbers ofall the players."But Brad Westerfield is not allwork and no play. His hours arework-filled, yet he still squeezes intime to play tennis on campus or goto the Loop on a weekend date.Handsome, six foot-two-and-one-half inches tall, a twenty-nine-year-old bachelor, he proclaims: "I stillhaven't given up eligibility." Thenhe added, with neither pride nor sorrow: "I've met a few very attractivegirls on the Chicago campus."His only complaint: "Free time there's damned little of it!"26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpoofcs^and AL-LJN/irvilMr. Justice. Edited by Allison Dunham, Professor of Law, and Philip B.Kurland, Professor of Law. Chicago:University of Chicago Press. 1956.Pp. xi, 241. $3.75.A court is more than a collection oflawyers who, favored by the dispensers of judicial appointments, havebeen given robes and told to passjudgment on the frailties and greedsof other men. Of individuals, ofcourse, a court must be composed.But, merging themselves into a particular kind of group, they speak aswith one voice. Nourished by thelabors of their predecessors, respectful of tradition, they assume an institutional guise. Most of all is this trueof the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates a court having the awesometasks of arbitrating disputes withinthe federal government, allocatingpowers between the federal and stategovernments, guarding the fundamental liberties of all against government encroachment, and, withal, determining and protecting its ownpowers.What type of men are fitted forsuch responsibilities? What shouldbe their guiding star? How shouldthey exercise their considerable powers? The nine vignettes of SupremeCourt Justices gathered by ProfessorsDunham and Kurland address themselves, on the whole, to such questions. The theme of the detached andreflective judge is emphasized by Professor Dunham, dealing with ChiefJustice Stone, and Professor Freund,dealing with Justice Brandeis. Bothof these Justices were men with coherent, well-developed moral and political philosophies. They broughtthese value structures to bear on thefactual realities of concrete cases, butthey did so with a realization of theirown limitations and those of the judiciary. They realized that the Courtwas not the third house of a tricam-eral legislature. Francis Biddle's sensitive portrait of Justice Holmesemphasizes many of the same characteristics but adds another Holmes'willingness to subject his own presuppositions to skeptical scrutiny. Disinterestedness and detachment aselements of judicial temperament arealso illustrated in Professor Fair-man's lively sketch of Justice Bradley, a railroad lawyer before he wenton the Court, by Bradley's role inestablishing state regulatory powerover railroads and other businessactivities having a public character.Chief Justice Taney and JusticeSutherland (dealt with by ProfessorsSwisher and Paschal, respectively),although having little else in common, were alike in that both usedtheir positions to fix their own political-economic views on posterity. Bothwere successful to a degree and theconsequence, in each case, was a period of prolonged and bitter attackon the Court.The remaining selections cover different facets of the work of the Courtand venture into different periods.Professor Crosskey's plausible summation of Chief Justice Marshall'slife work must stand as the mostnovel of the many memorials honoring the two -hundredth anniversaryof Marshall's birth. According toCrosskey, Marshall did not dominatea Federalist Court, but, outnumberedby Jeffersonian brethren, fought along and tragic rear-guard retreat topreserve the strong national government intended by the Founding Fathers. The inner functioning of theCourt oral argument, conferences,assigning of opinions is presented inMerlo Pusey's discussion of the efficiency, courtesy, and intellectualpower of Chief Justice Hughes. Finally, we are brought nearly to thepresent day by John Stevens' appreciative treatment of Justice Rut-ledge a man of slowly -matured butcourageous convictions.Professors Dunham and Kurlandhave done us a considerable servicein gathering these vignettes of someof the great and near-great SupremeCourt Justices. Although, as the editors point out, these selections are nosubstitute for full-length works, lawyers and laymen alike will be enlightened by the many-sided insightsinto the judicial process to be foundin MR. JUSTICE.Roger C. Cramton, JD '55.(A graduate of Harvard College andthe U. of C. Law School, Cramton ispresently law clerk to Mr. JusticeHarold H. Burton. He was recentlyappointed to the faculty of the LawSchool.) Paths of Life, by Charles Morris,George Braziller, Inc., New York,1956. 257 pp. $4.50.Charles morris has been a memberof the Department of Philosophy atthe University for many years, thoughof late his interests and abilities havecarried him so far afield in the world-and have been so much in demandelsewhere that the University has,regrettably, seen less of him thancould properly be wished. Amongprofessional philosophers and otherscholarly groups he is widely knownand greatly respected for his work ina field which can be roughly described as the general theory of signs a field which has great interest andimportance for logicians, linguists,psychologists, and aestheticians, toname only a few. In this field he haswritten two of the basic treatises,Foundations of the Theory of Signs,and Signs, Language and Behavior.But those who know his work in thisarea are sometimes surprised to discover that he is also deeply concernedwith problems falling within the region roughly describable as that ofethics, social philosophy, and religion.To those who know him better andare aware of his deep interest in thephilosophic tradition represented byanother member of the Department ofPhilosophy at the University, the lateGeorge H. Mead, these two interestsare neither surprising nor accidentally related.Paths of Life, which is subtitled"Preface to a World Religion," wasoriginally published in 1942 and wasthe first elaborate statement of aproblem and a position which havecontinued to occupy Morris's attentionsince that time. In The Open Self(1948) and Varieties of Human Value(1956) Morris has continued his investigation of the problems first setforth in Paths of Life. Yet Paths ofLife is probably still the book withwhich the general reader can bestbegin if he wishes to understand thegeneral direction of Morris's thought.The basic scheme of Paths of Lifecan be quite easily stated. In theauthor's words in his new preface tothe present reprint it offers an analysis of six "modes of orientation bywhich men and women have given,and still give, meaning and directionto their lives," and proceeds fromthese six to add a seventh which is"the image of a dynamic integrationJUNE, 1957 27of diversity the ideal of personsable to encompass jointly the multiform facets of human nature whichthe historic, religious and ethicaltraditions have cultivated separately."While the six "ways" are given historical names Buddhist, Dionysian,.Promethean, Apollonian, Christianand Mohammedan and these namesare not intended to be merely arbitrary, yet the ground of this organization is not fundamentally historical.Morris starts, rather, with the notionof three "components of human personality," called, somewhat confusingly, the dionysian, the promethean,and the buddhistic. These are roughlydifferentiable as "tendencies to release and indulge existing desires inthe presence of objects appropriateto the satisfaction of desires" (dionysian), "tendencies to manipulate andremake the world in the service of thesatisfaction of existing desires" (promethean), and "tendencies to self-control, to solitude, to meditation,self-containment" (buddhistic). WhileMorris very cautiously suggests thatthere may be a physiological andtherefore presumably genetic basisfor the existence and relative strengthof these tendencies in any individualor a group, fundamentally they are tobe regarded as given elements ofpersonality present, in some degree,in all personalities. Out of their relative strengths and interaction therespring basic attitudes or orientationswhich constitute the six ways enumerated above, and the possibility ofthe existence of a type of human being in which they are roughly balanced in strength generates theseventh "way" the Maitreyan, asMorris chooses to designate it whichin a sense encompasses the othersand which, he suggests, might formthe basis of a new world religion.Even a rough sketch of this schemesuggests many questions, but it alsogives a false impression of the book,making it seem far more "scientific"or "analytical" than it in fact is orwas intended to be. In the new preface to the book Morris makes thereasons for this clear. "Paths of Lifeis humanistic in tone, direction andpurpose. It is not a scientific book,and does not pretend to be. It is written from the focus of man as urgentactor, and is therefore correctly described as 'existentialist.' Its aim isto further the orientation of modern man." In his later books, and particularly in the recently published Varieties of Human Value, Morris hasattempted to deal, as he puts it, "withthe scientific aspects of this problem."Paths of Life has been described as abook to be read as "imaginative experimentation" with possible humanattitudes, and the fact that it concludes with a final section consistingof thirty -five pages of poems perhapssuggests more of its character thandoes the schematic analysis offeredabove.While such a book may seem therefore to disarm criticism of a certainkind by its very nature, it is perhapsbetter to be grateful that an authorhas so clearly indicated why and howhis book should be read. Anyone interested in the relevance of theoryto practice or in the kind of "imaginative experimentation" with possiblehuman orientations which Morris attempts may well find that Paths ofLife might serve him as an introduction to a nest of serious theoreticaland practical problems more effectively than*, books more "scientific" incharacter, if only because it mightlead him to perceive that these booksare also not without relevance toproblems which concern him deeply.Thus Paths of Life might conceivablylead not only to Varieties of HumanValue but also to The Republic orHuman Nature and Conduct, ineventuation which its author wouldcertainly not deplore.Charles Wegener,Assistant Professor,HumanitiesBraude's Second Encyclopedia ofStories and Quotations and Anecdotes. Edited by Judge Jacob M.Braude, JD '20. Prentice-Hall, Inc.,Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1957. Pp. 468.$7.00.[Editor's note: The reviewer has usedquotation marks to set off itemsquoted from Judge Braude's book.]This second volume ("God deliverme from a man of one book!")contains 2,842 items described on thejacket (Never judge a book by' itscover) as informative, interesting andamusing items in ready-to-use form,triple indexed by topic, author andsource, and by names and personalities. Municipal Court Judge Braude("Laws die. Books never.") has had 40 years of platform experience fromwhich he draws material for use byprofessional or occasional speakers,businessmen, community leaders,writers and others.The volume is called "a chest ofcollected wisdom" and as such invitesimmediate comparison with Bartlett'sQuotations and other compilations("Nothing can be made of nothing;he who has laid up no material canproduce no combinations."). This reviewer (The Man Who Reads Encyclopedias) did not find Braude's asabsorbing as Bartlett's, perhaps because the topical organization wasless effective ("What we see dependsmainly on what we look for.").Braude's volume is much more of ajoke book interwoven with maxims("A maxim consists of a minimumof sound and a maximum of sense.")and preceded by an introduction describing how the book may be usedin building a speech. Three detailedindices help the reader to discoverspecific anecdotal material, thoughreferences are occasionally to termsthat are only incidental to the itemin which they appear.Many of the single-line entries areculled from famous writers of thepast and so identified ("Nothing givesan author so much pleasure as to findhis works respectfully quoted byother learned authors . Ben j aminFranklin.") and a few from lesser-known contemporaries ("A collegeeducation is one of the few things aperson is willing to pay for and notget. William Lowe Bryan.")I had intended (The road to hellis paved . . . ) to review the bookafter having used it to prepare aspeech I was called upon to give toa writers' conference recently, anddrew on it for some of the material.But I had to compromise ("A deal inwhich two people get what neitherof them wanted.") and so cannot report on the practical value of thebook. If the book is filled with anumber of familiar saws and tales("The good die young was never saidof a joke.") we must remember that"Art is the demonstration that theordinary is extraordinary" and beprepared to use this common andhandily-compiled material for ourown purposes ("It is not sufficient toknow what one ought to say, but onemust also know how to say it.").I have tried here to give the flavor28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof the shorter offerings in this book("If I've said anything for which I'msorry, I'm glad of it.") without beingoverwhelmed by the applicability ofthe items to the function of the reviewer ("I know of no manner ofspeaking so offensive as that of givingpraise, and closing with an exception.")Certainly the book will have appealand usefulness to any who appreciateLincoln's story-telling ability: "Theysay I tell a great many stories; Ireckon I do, but I have found in thecourse of a long experience that common people, take them as they run,are more easily informed through themedium of a broad illustration thanin any other way, and as to what thehypercritical few may think, I don'tcare."Thus the book should be recommended as an addition to the basicreference collections of those whoagree that: "What this country needsis more free speech worth listeningto."Lachlan MacDonaldLecturer, University CollegefettersHappy Surpriseto the editor:When you telephoned me March21st and said that you were puttinga report of the Ray School P.T.A. inyour magazine, I thought it would bewith the alumni notes. So todaywhen the copies arrived here in Kankakee, where I am almost continuallywith my invalid sister, I searchedthose columns. When I found laterthe two pages of pictures I was quiteoverwhelmed!! I shall, of course,treasure these numbers, and I appreciate so very much your interest.I think that Mr. Vories Fisher andProfessor Hildebrand did a very wonderful thing in planning to honor theteaching profession and I considermyself very fortunate in being representative of that profession. Otherscould well have been superior in ability and accomplishment, but no onecould have surpassed me in enthusiastic enjoyment of teaching . . .It has given me a great lift to seeand hear from so many former students who have meant so much toJUNE, 1957 me. I am very grateful to you foradding to my pleasure as you havedone. Many, many thanks.Most sincerely,Beulah I. Shoesmith, SB '03Kankakee, 111.No More MediocrityTO THE EDITOR:... That's a great article on theteacher situation if anything he istoo kind!Marge GrevattSand Lake, N. Y.TO THE EDITOR:As a University of Illinois- alumnus,I wish to congratulate you on yourfine magazine. The article by EdgarZ. Friedenberg in your April, 1957edition is an excellent one. I am surethat you will receive many favorablecomments about it.Is there any chance that I may geta reprint of this fine article? I thinkthat it should be distributed widely.Very Sincerely yours,Earl E. Balthazar, PhDFlint Junior CollegeFlint, Mich.TO THE EDITOR:I was much pleased to read Mr.Friedenberg's article "MediocrityWith Tenure" in your April issue.It was a splendidly done, witty, biting article, and it said what has toolong been shrouded in a kind of vapidrespect for that which ought to berevered but can't be namely that theteacher^ on the average, is not theman we would pick to do our teachingif we had any choice in the matter.We have been so eager to get people,bodies, to "teach" that we have hesitated to throw stones at the inade-quates in the field, with the resultthat they now outnumber the rest.I wonder, however, if the mostbiting of his remarks could not havebeen more exclusively directed at theteachers in grammar, high school, andcollege, in more or less that order,for it seems to me that the worst arefound teaching the youngest, themediocre teaching high school, andthe best (of an admittedly poor lot)teaching in college. It seems to methat there are a good many collegeprofessors (among them several acquaintances AND Mr. Friedenberg)who are certainly worthy of admiration.Perhaps a facet which Mr. F. missedin his article is the moral deterioration which the poorer teachers under go as a result of teaching. It is hardto stand in front of thirty personalities, even young ones, with considerably more power, at least here andnow, than God, and not come to feelafter a while that you ARE God.Many teachers enjoy this feeling;others have it without realization ofthe attitude; it is hard to say whichare worse; personally I prefer thosewho honestly enjoy their power,rather than those who accept it assomething naturally their due.Again, many compliments on thearticle it was a honey and deservesto be widely reprinted.Sincerely,Watson Parker, AB '48Palmer Gulch LodgeHill City, S. D.TO THE EDITOR*.When I sent some questions yesterday [to the alumni secretary]about money -raising from Chairman[Howard] Green, the last of whichI hope he will show you, though ithas failed to register several times, Ihad not seen the new u. of c. magazine's article on "Mediocrity withTenure." Tho I have read severalpapers and much of the professionalliterature re education and teachershortages, I found something new inthe assistant professor of educationat Brooklyn College, to whom yougave a big opportunity.For your information, assistantprofessors here [New York City] arepaid from $6,374 to $9,100. I'm notchecking to see what his rate is.Our public school teachers, nothand-picked as are the college faculties, but selected via very exactingexaminations, now stop at $8,000,along with elementary teachers. Ifthe new budget rates are voted, thatmaximum for part of the staff will be$8,400.As one U.C. alumnus who foryears has tried hard to study whatwent on, I beg to confess to you thatif I had been on the point of makingby cash or bequest a gift of four orseven digits to U.C, that articlewould make me hesitate and look foralternatives.At a very critical time, after de-recruiting of superior abilities hasbeen the fashion among education"leaders" and lobbyists, u. of c. magazine runs a de-recruiting article thatexhibits among other exhibitionismsboth lack of information and a will-29ingness to distort what he knows.The possibility of such an articlefrom [someone in] New York Cityhigher education in 1957 and in theu. of c. magazine is most discouraging.Please get some informed judgmentand consider following that article byanother as a demurrer with reasons.Sincerely,William H. Allen, AB '97Director,Institute for Public Service5 Beekman StreetNew York 38, N. Y.TO THE EDITOR*.For some time I have been responsible for a column in our Nebraska Education News with the title,"As Others See It" ... I have hadpermission from a number of publishers to quote them for the column.I should like very much to use [a]quotation from Edgar Z. Friedenberg'sarticle, "Mediocrity With Tenure."May I have permission? If it makesany difference, I receive no monetarycompensation for the column . . .Sincerely yours,O. E. TurpinOmaha, Neb.A CorrectionTO THE EDITOR*.I noticed an error on my part inthe statement I wrote which was published on the back page of the university of CHICAGO magazine forApril, 1957.I spoke of Dr. Harper's revolutionary ideas, mentioned several itemswhich were originated by him including in the items a Universitypress with a possible inference thatwe were the first to have one, whichis probably incorrect. Therefore, Iquote the following from "Daniel CoitGilman, Creator of the AmericanType of University," by AbrahamFlexner:"But research required publication. John Murphy, who conducteda bookstore and operated a printing press, was the first printer tothe University [John Hopkins].The regular publication by universities of the results of their research began in 1878 with theestablishment of the AmericanJournal of Mathematics, issued bythe 'Publication Agency' of theUniversity, later known as theJohn Hopkins Press the first in this country. Chicago started apress in 1892."Therefore, I wish to withdraw anyinference that Dr. Harper originatedthe idea. Of course, he did see thegreat need of a University press andestablished a very effective one.Yours sincerely,Harold H. Swift, PhB '07, LLD '49Union Stock YardsChicago, 111.The Robie HouseTO THE EDITOR:In regard to the Robie House, Iwas going to write and suggest thatyou find a little space in the u. of c.magazine for a plea to save the house.Well, you and your staff were wayahead of me for in the May issueyou devoted almost three pages tothe subject, with two excellent photographs.To our inexperienced undergraduate (1917) eyes the house seemed fascinatingly mysterious and withdrawn.We longed to explore its interior. Wewondered who lived there. Nobodyever seemed to go either in or out ofthe place.It should be preserved not onlyfor old times' sake but because it wasdesigned by the world-famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright, and it isstill in good conditon. It was ultramodern at the time it was built and represented the beginning of themodern trend. The majority of buildings at that time reached skyward.Even small, cottages had their peakedroofs. Today, everything, from residences, schools, churches, stores, toautomobiles, is low-slung in style.It must be the prairie influence, allright! Some of the more recent architectural "gems" are interesting, whileothers are just a little crazy -looking.Here's hoping that Phi Delta The-ta's plan will go through.Sincerely yours,R.F.Chicago, 111.TO THE EDITOR:So the University, via the ChicagoTheological Seminary, is going to bea party to the demolition of the RobieHouse, built by Frank Lloyd Wrightabout 1907. Why can't they use someof the other real estate they own instead? As an alumna I wish to express my opinion as strongly as possible that this is heresy to the worldof art. It only points up the fact thatChancellor Kimpton has allowed theHumanities to slump almost intooblivion. It is very sad. Too bad. Let'sdo something saving that house.Please.Sincerely yours,Cora Jane Lawrence, SB '472012 Race StreetPhiladelphia 3, Pa.Help us find this alumnus (a)Ira M. Anonymous, '40,* Springfield, Ohio, is one of Springfield'smost civic-minded citizens. Shortly after arriving in Springfieldhe became active in the Community Chest: as drive chairman, vicechairman, head of the policy committee and finally president ofthe Chest in 1953. He now serves on the board of directors. He isa member of the legislative committee of the Chamber of Commerce and vice president. He is county commissioner of the BoyScouts and active in the Red Cross. In 1953 he was voted theMan of the Year by the Junior Chamber of Commerce.*an actual record with names changed.If you know an alumnus who is providing effective civic leader-ship in his or your community and whom you think shouldreceive ourCitation for Good Citizenshipreasons for tell us about him or her with yourmaking the recommendation. Mail toSecretary, Citation CommitteeThe Alumni Association5733 University AvenueChicago 37, Illinois30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPresentAndIn The USS Nautilus prototype was the first successful applicationof nuclear power. In 1957 the nation's firstfull-scale commercial generating plant at Shippingport willhave its turbines powered by a Westinghouse reactor.The success of the nuclear power reactor is now an historicalmilestone ... but the application of nuclear power isstill in the pioneering stages. Much applied research remainsto be done before the vast potentialities of nuclearenergy can be utilized to the fullest extent.At Bettis Plant, operated by Westinghouse for the United StatesAtomic Energy Commission, nuclear power reactors arebeing designed and developed. Here scientists and engineersare continuing to investigate new areas for progressin all phases of reactor theory, design, and application. Hereopportunities for original work in a variety of fieldspresent a creative environment for your professional growth.Bettis Plant offers a challenge to physicists, mathematicians,metallurgists, and mechanical, chemical, or electricalengineers interested in a career with the leader in the nuclearpower industry. If you are an outstanding scientist orengineer interested in advanced degree study, send immediatelyfor a descriptive brochure which outlines the detailsof our unique doctoral fellowship program.Be sure to specify your specific field.Please address resumes to: Mr. M. J. Downey,WestinghouseDept. AM-8, P.O. Box 1468, Pittsburgh 30, Pa.GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123Lake Street PhoneKEdzie 3-3186Webb-Linn Printing Co,Specializing in theproduction ofSCIENTIFICMEDICALTECHNICALBOOKSMOnroe 6-2900YOUR FAVORITEFOUNTAIN TREATTASTES BETTERWHEN IT'SCSwif7409PhonSwift & CompanyA product of <|| 7409 So. State StreetPhone RAdcliffe 3-7400r. a. mhnouist co Sidewalksu il Factory Floors\\ II MachineFoundationsConcrete BreakingNOrmal 7-0*33GIVE TOTHE ALUMNI FOUNDATION a Nass \ienrsAlumni committees planning reunions for the classes of sevens andtwos next spring are at work thesemonths and would welcome helpfrom classmates.1902 will celebrate its 55th reunion; 1907, its 50th; 1932 will bethe 25th year class. If you are ina reunion class '02, '07, '12, '17,'22, '27, '32, '37, '42, '47 and '52plan to be on the quadrangles theweekend of June 8.*Indicates person will attend JuneReunion.10-16Dr. Morris Fishbein, SB '10, MD '12,was presented with a doctor of lawsdegree during convocation exercises atFlorida Southern College, Lakeland, Fla.Dr. Fishbein was former editor of theJournal oj the American Medical Society.Lois Diehl, PhB '16, AM '34, is stillassociated with the YWCA, although shehas formally retired. Among the specialprojects she has been called upon to perform was a recent exhaustive study forthe Houston, Tex., YWCA of their entireprogram. The study took three monthsand, upon its completion, Miss Diehljoined her brother for a Mexican vacation. Miss Diehl is currently living inNew York City.23-32Marjorie Howard Morgan, (Mrs. W.R.), PhB '23, is the star of "Rediscovering Poetry" on WTTW, Chicago's educational television station. She has resigned as head of the English Departmentat the Faulkner School and is currentlyon the Speech Faculties of De Paul University and Mundelein College, inChicago.Viljo Nikander, AM '29, Chairman ofthe Wagner College (New York City)Department of Religion and Philosophy,is co-author of Religion in Modern Life,published by Macmillan. Nikanderworked with George Hackman andCharles Kegley on the religion textbookwhich has been used in mimeographedform as reading material for WagnerCollege's basic religion courses.Bert C. Goss, AM '29, president ofHill and Knowlton, Inc., New York, hasbeen named to membership on the Na- New Vice-PresidentRay W. Macdonald, '35, who joined theBurroughs Corp. as soon as he was graduated from the School of Business, hasclimbed their international ladder to atop position of responsibility. He hasjust been appointed vice president incharge of their new international division heading an extensive staff. Ray iswell qualified for this new position. Formore than a decade he has been in management positions dealing with all phasesof international operations. World-traveler Macdonald has always foundtime to serve Alma Mater in the areasof the Alumni Fund and currently aspresident of our Detroit Club and member of the Detroit student enrollmentcommittee. He lives in Lathrup Village,Mich, with his wife and three sons.tional Council of the National PlanningAssociation. The council is a group ofleaders in agriculture, business, labor,and the professions who encourage cooperation by the major private groups,and to promote wider public consideration of the long-term planning studiesundertaken by the National Planning Association and other organizations.Paul H. Willis, Jr., '32, is vice chairman of the Los Angeles area CitizensCommittee of Financial Aid to Education.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAnother Chicago Man on the wayRemember when it was you standing there? Howyou squirmed when your father saw that one badreport card. You're glad now that he made youbuckle down grateful that you were able to goon to one of the country's finest universities.Naturally, you want to be just as farsighted aboutyour own son's future. So now that he's one yearcloser to college wouldn't it be wise to call yourMassachusetts Mutual man and discuss the bestinsurance plan for his education?And since this is the time for report cards and review,perhaps you should re-evaluate your own career. Are youas far along as a man of your ability should be? For example, are you earning as much as $12,490a year? That was the 1956 average income of 562representatives who have been with the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company five yearsor longer.They are men like you men chosen for theirfine education and background. All receivedthorough training and earned while they learned.Now they are established in a career that uniquelycombines independence with stable income plus thesecurity of group insurance and retirement benefits.¦ If you would like to know more about this opportunity, write for a free copy of "A Selling Career".%yfla6ducfvu&e4id *S/uiiua£-IFE INSURANCE COMPANYSPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTSThe Policyholders' CompanyRobert B. Dienst, PhD '33, Professorand Chairman of the Department ofMedical Biology at the Medical Collegeof Georgia, Augusta, was awarded agrant by the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases of theNational Institutes of Health, Bethesda,Md. Dienst and his associates will investigate the nature, significance, andfunction of an unidentified growth factor which is found in egg yolk.Albert W. Levi, AM '34, PhD '38, hasbeen promoted to the rank of Professorof Philosophy at Washington University.Graydon Megan, JD '34, secretary ofthe Inland Steel Co., has been namedvice-chairman of the 1957 campaign ofthe Community Fund of Chicago.Dr. Lawrence E. Skinner, MD '35, ofTacoma, Wash., reports that his father,Dr. James E. Skinner, MD '96, is ill inDoctor's Hospital in Tacoma.Ada V. Espenshade, SB '36, SM '38,an economist and chief of the Indonesian Section of the Bureau of ForeignCommerce, Washington, D. C, is married to Robert L. Wrigley, Jr., PhD '42.The couple will reside in Alexandria,Va.Dr. Albert Dorfman, '36, PhD 39, MD'44, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University, left for London on April21 to take part in a symposium sponsored by the Ciba Foundation. While inEngland he also lectured at Oxford University.Edward S. Stern, AB '37, JD '40, waselected councilman in Highland Park,111.Capt. Felix H. Ocko, MD '37, is chiefof the psychiatric service at the U. S.Naval Hospital, St. Albans, N. Y. He isalso associated with the State Universityof New York Medical Center at NewYork as Assistant Clinical Professor ofPsychiatry.38-43Harold G. Irwin, '38, lives in Davenport, Iowa. He is a representative forStevenson Sales (industrial chemicalsand oils). The Irwins have three children: Thomas, 13; Sara Sue, 12; andKaren Ann, 5.Henry M. Walton, PhD '38, has beenappointed senior research chemist at A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co. He willbe associated with the company's cornand soybean processing research divisionin Decatur, 111. Walton was in chargeof the organic chemistry section of theNational Dairy Research Laboratories, Oakdale, N. Y., before joining theStaley Co.Dr. Edward W. Schlies, SB '39, MD'42, of Hillsborough, Calif., practicespediatrics in South San Francisco. Married to the former Eleanora Kupki andfather of Tanya, Allen, and Christopher,Schlies has just purchased a summerhome on Clear Lake, Calif.Dorothy L. Dallman, AB '39, is employed in the personnel department ofStivers Office Service, Chicago.George E. Hale, JD '40, has beennamed a vice chairman of the HarvardLaw School Fund. He will be responsible for the annual gifts from membersof classes since 1926. Hale is a memberof the law firm of Wilson and Mcllvaine,Chicago, is a director of the HarvardLaw School Association of Illinois, andwas president of the Harvard Law Society of Illinois. He is an authority onanti-trust laws and has written extensively on the subject in legal journals.He was a member of the Attorney General's National Committee to StudyAnti-Trust Laws from 1953 to 1955.Robert R. Sehnert, SB '41, has beenappointed eastern representative forAtomics International, a division ofNorth American Aviation, Inc. Sehnertwill be located at the company's Wash-H & D corrugated packaging experts go toremarkable lengths to make sure your productstays absolutely fresh in shipment.34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPublic Information ExecutiveCarl W. Larsen, '47, has been namedexecutive assistant for public information at Argonne National Laboratory,Lemont, 111.Formerly Chicago area representativefor the U. S. Information Agency, hehas written extensively on atomic energy for various publications and hasheld editorial positions with U.P., Time,Sports Illustrated, and The Sun-Times.As a soldier in World War II, Larsenwas managing editor of the London,Belfast, and Liege editions of the armynewspaper Stars and Stripes. He alsoserved as a Counter-intelligence Corpsspecial agent in Iceland.ington, D. C. office. One of the pioneersin atomic energy as a member of theChicago team which split the atom inthe West Stands in 1942, Sehnert joinedAtomics International in 1949, later becoming applications engineer.The first son (third child) to join theCourtney D. Shanken, '42, family, arrived April 4. We plan no wise remarksabout Shanken's job as a director of theDiaper Service Institute of Chicago andpartner in the Germ Proof Diaper Service. He also heads his class committeefor their fifteenth anniversary.Walter M. Booker, PhD, '42, Professorof Pharmacology in the Howard University College of Medicine, was awardeda Fulbright grant to do research in pharmacology at the University of Ghent(Belgium). Booker, who heads the Department of Pharmacology at Howard,has been a member of the Medical Schoolfaculty since 1943. Prior to joining theHoward staff he taught at Prairie ViewA&M College in Texas.Samuel I. Clark, AB '43, PhD '49, Associate Professor of Political Science at L/Iwashable . . . crease-resistant . . . attractiveOUR REMARKABLE, EXCLUSIVEBROOKSWEAVE SUITS AND SPORTW EARBrooksweave® is our outstanding blend of Dacron*and long staple cotton that has proved so practicalin suits and sportwear. Lightweight, comfortableand good-looking, its Dacron content keeps it neatand fresh looking... makes it easy to launder, withlittle or no pressing required. And of course all theclothing is made on our own distinctive models.Suits, coat and, trousers, in dark grey, brown, navy, $49.50Light blue, navy, tan, maize, charcoal or bambooOdd Jackets, $37; Odd Trousers, $16;Bermuda length shorts, $ 1 3*Du Pom's fiberESTABLISHED 1818^cz_-__^J_F^H|cn» furnishings, if ate ^fhoea346 MADISON AVENUE, COR. 44TH ST., NEW YORK 17, N. Y.1 1 1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 6, N. Y.BOSTON CHICAGO LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCOWestern Michigan University, Kalamazoo, has received a $6000 grant from theFord Foundation which will enable himto study Indian political and social philosophy in India. Last fall Clark unsuccessfully opposed Representative ClareHoffman for his Congressional seat.44-57Glenn G. Wiltsey, PhD '44, Professorof Government and Chairman of theDepartment at the University of Rochester, will conduct a group of coursesfor English students on American political institutions and constitutional developments as Visiting Professor at theUniversity of Hull, England, during the1957-58 academic year. During his absence, William E. Diez, PhB '36, PhD '45,Professor of Government, will be ActingChairman of the Department. The Wilt-seys plan to visit their son, Lt. RobertWiltsey, who is stationed with the AirForce as photo intelligence officer inWiesbaden, Germany.J. Coert Rylaarsdam, PhD '44, Professor of Old Testament Theology at theUniversity, headed a panel discussionon "Israel and the Middle East" at the19th Annual Convention of the American Jewish Congress, held in Chicago. Dr. Julian Tobias, PhD '46, Professorof Physiology at the University, has received a grant of $13,500 per year forthree years from the U. S. Public HealthService to support work on biochemistryand biophysics of the nerve.Dr. William Ashby, '47, PhD '50, Assistant Professor of Botany at the University, has received a National ScienceFoundations grant of $12,400 for twoyears for the study of basswood underforest conditions and in the Botanygreenhouses.John C. Murphy, AM '49, PhD '55, ofWashington University, has been namedAssociate Professor of Economics.Elizabeth M. Gruse, AB '50, sailed recently aboard The Tarheel Mariner fromSan Francisco for a year's travel in theFar East. Liz has been in New York forthe past three years, doing free-lancegraphic design. She recently completedthe design, for the third year in a row,of the Ford Foundation Annual Report.George W. Hilton, AM '50, PhD '56,has been promoted to Assistant Professor of Economics at Stanford University.Robert K. Gholson, AB '50, who is currently attending the University of Illi nois, was awarded a National ScienceFoundation Scholarship of $3,400.John F. Stedje, MBA '52, has beennamed director of systems and procedures for Automatic Transportation Co.,Chicago, manufacturers of lift trucks.Gayle F. Hufford, AB '52, a teacher atPark Ridge Military Academy in Chicago, married the former Anita Tardyin September.Burnett Radosh, '53, is a partner ina new law firm, Green and Radosh, withoffices in Mineola, N. Y.John J. McKibben, SM '53, has beenappointed Instructor in Mathematics atWeslayan University, Middletown, Conn.Perlita C. Knight Cauther, (Mrs. Robert), AM '53, will be teaching a summersession at Western State College, Gunnison, Colo., in the English Department.Chairman of the Department is Houghton W. Taylor, PhD '34.A daughter, Elizabeth Ann, was bornto the Rev. James W. Ewing, DB '55, andhis wife, Ruth Smith Ewing, AM '55.Ewing is associate minister at the Plymouth Congregational Church, Lawrence, Kans.David I. Chale, AB '57, was elected tomembership in Phi Beta Kappa, nationalhonorary fraternity.©©®©©©©©©©©©© SPECIAL REPORTMr.at_ CHARLES E. SEIM NEW YORK LIFE AGENTSPOKANE, WASHINGTONBORN: Oct. 13, 1928.EDUCATION: Washington State College, A.B., June, 1952MILITARY: U. S. Army Engineers Sgt. , Sept. '46March '48PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT: August '42 to June '44Clothing Salesman. Summers of '48, '49, '50. '51 Part-time building construction work.REMARKS: Each year since June, 1952, when he first joined New York Life'sSpokane office, immediately following his graduation from college, CharlesSeim has achieved membership in either the Company's Star Club or its TopClub recognition of his outstanding sales performance. Last year he soldmore than $1,000,000 of life insurance protection. Important factors incompiling this remarkable record are Mr. Seim's personality, his industry andhis intense interest in his clients' insurance problems. Only 29 years oldnow and consistently a sales leader, Charles Seim seems certain to go on toeven greater success with New York Life in the years to come.Charles E. Seim, after five years as a New YorkLife representative, is already well established ina career that can offer security, substantial income, and the deep satisfaction of helping others.If you'd like to know more about such a career for yourself with one of the world's leading lifeinsurance companies, write:NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO.College Relations Dept. B-751 Madison Avenue, New York 10, N.Y.36 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFILLING A NEED . . .During the nineteenth century, the mechanics of fluids branchedoff the main stem of physical science. Physics concentrated on theelaboration of the structure of molecules and their components;the development of fluid mechanics was guided by the need forunderstanding the macroscopic phenomena associated with ships,turbines, airplanes, etc. The separation between these disciplineshas been reflected in the organization of university departmentsfor several generations, so that there is little contact betweenphysics and fluid mechanics departments. This lack of contacthas been reflected in our scientific graduates who typically havebeen trained in one or the other of these disciplines, but almostnever in both.Very suddenly, however, the country faced an important problemwhen we had to meet the challenge of rapidly creating an operableintercontinental ballistic missile. The re-entry of this missile intothe earth's atmosphere was regarded as a very difficult problem;largely because here, for the first time, we faced a scientific problem involving the mechanics of a fluid closely coupled with important aspects of molecular physics. The Avco Research Laboratory was created to fill this need. Its senior scientific personnelwere trained in classical aerodynamics, atomic physics, andphysical chemistry, and saw in this interdisciplinary area a uniqueopportunity to broaden their background and to make creativecontributions in a field in which the great advances are still tobe made.The laboratory has been successful in supplying vital informationwhich only a year ago was generally held to be obtainable onlyin costly and time-consuming flight experiments. Our researchsuccess has resulted in a large development responsibility beingentrusted to this company.The interdisciplinary strength we have acquired will enable us toplay a major role in such problems as the re-entry of mannedvehicles into the atmosphere from satellite orbits, in the creationof a thermonuclear reactor, and in other fields involving thedynamics of high temperature gases.Dr. Arthur Kantrowitz, DirectoiAVCO RESEARCH LABORATORYa unit of theresearch andclVCO advanced developmentdivision Pictured above is our new Research Center now under construction in Wilmington, Massachusetts. Scheduled for completionin early 1958, this ultra-modern laboratory will house the scientific and technical staff of the Avco Research and AdvancedDevelopment Division.The Avco Research Laboratory at Everett, a unit of A.R.A.D., hasa few openings for leading scientists who can help us expand ourcapabilities in:Theoretical, Experimental and Solid State PhysicsPhysical Chemistry Aerodynamics Physical ElectronicsThere are other career opportunities for exceptionally qualifiedscientists and engineers in the Development Laboratory at Lawrenceand the Electronics Laboratory at Boston, in such fields as:Science:Physics Mathematics Metallurgy Thermodynamics AerodynamicsEngineering:Aeronautical Chemical Electrical MechanicalWrite to Dr. R. W. Johnston, Scientific and Technical Relations,Avco Research and Advanced Development Division,20 South Union Street, Lawrence, Massachusetts.POND LETTER SERVICE, Inc.Everything in LettersHooven Typewriting MimeographingMultigraphing AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones: 219 W. Chicago AvenueMl 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisSince 7885ALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best in placement service for UCollege, Secondary and Elementary.wide patronage. Call or write us at niversity,Nation-25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, III.ZJkeLxcluAlve CleanedWe operate our own drycleaning plantTHREE HOUR SERVICE1331 Easf 57th St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.Midway 3-0602 NOrmal 7-9858Office & Plant1442 East 57th Street Midway 3-0608UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1354 East 55th StreetMemberFederal Deposit Insurance CorporationMUseum 4-1200Phones OAlcland 4-06904-06914-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueProducersof PrintedAdvertisingin ColorAround the ClockMilton H. Kreines '27101 East Ontario, Chicago 11WHitehall 4-5922-3-4 Memorta/Arthur B. Hancock, Sr., AB '95, diedApril 1.Mary H. Humphrey, PhB '98, a retiredteacher, died March 12 at Holy Hill Convalescent Hospital, Simsbury, Conn. Shetaught in Simsbury High School from1903 to 1939 and was made honorary history teacher by the school board uponher retirement. Miss Humphrey was one ~_of the authors of the history of Sims-oury, Conn., in The History of HartfordCounty.Dr. Michael F. Dorsey, MD '00, ofChicago, died last November 29.Mary Belle Harris, PhD '00, died February 22 at Community Hospital, Lewis-burg, Pa.Frederick Leigh, AM '00, died April10, in Princeton, N. J.Dr. Simon E. Lincoln, MD '02, of DesMoines, la., died last December 29, of asecond coronary thrombosis. He hadbeen ill for three months.Dr. Alexander T. Nadeau, MD '02, ofMarinette, Wis., died March 3.Francis J. Neef, PhB '05, of Hanover,N. H., Sdied last November 20.Dr. Itobert Menzies, MD '05, died lastSeptember 23, in Chicago.Nancie Mac Arthur, '07, of SolanaBeach, Calif., died January 22.The Rev. William H. Hannum, AM '08,of Clearwater, Fla., died October 29.Bernice R. Whipple, '09, died of coronary occlusion in Ocean Grove, N. J.,last December 27.Freeman E. Morgan, '10, of Washington, D. C, died last December 16.Oscar W. Johnson, '11, of West PalmBeach, Fla., died March 6. He was formerly president of the Security Life Insurance Co.Dr. Fred J. Wampler, MD '13, diedApril 6, in Bridgewater, Va.Clinton Orr Dicken, AB '13, executivevice president of E. J. Brach and Sons,died April 7. A native of Hinsdale, 111.,Dicken started with the Brach candymaking firm in 1913 as a chemist. Hebecame purchasing agent in 1916, general factory manager in 1926, and executive vice president in 1951.Henry J. Peterson, '13, retired headof the Department of Political Sciencesat the University of Wyoming , diedMarch 30.PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sump-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUEFAirfax 4-0550PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICE PHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET-LITHOGRAPHYFine Color Work a SpecialtyQuality Book ReproductionCongress St. Expressway andGardner RoadCOIumbus 1-1420CHICAGO ADDRESSING .PRINTING CO.Complete Service for Mail AdvertisersPRINTING LETTERPRESS & OFFSETLetters Copy Preparation ImprintingTypewiiting o Addressing MailingQUALITY ACCURACY SPEED722 So. Dearborn Chicago 5 W A 2-4561MODEL CAMERA SHOPLeica - Exacta - Rolleiflex - Polaroid1342 E. 55th St. HYde Park 3-9259NSA Discounts2 Day Color DevelopingHO Trains and Model SuppliesSARGENT'S DRUG STOREestablished 1852Chicago's most completeprescription and chemical stockphone RAndolph 6-477023 N. Wabash AvenueChicagoSHERRY HOTEL53rd Street At The LakeComplete Facilities ForTraining Groups Sales MeetingsBANQUETS DancesCall Catering. . . .FAirfax 4-1000\oW«R YOUR COSTSIMPROVED MITHODSEMPLOYSE TRAININGWAGE INCENTIVES ,JOB EVALUATION *PIRSONHEL PROCEDURESmkm^i^wM><*> fom»**38 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPARKER-HOLSMAN...viiHiHuiimmiiiiiiiiimmninn:Real Estate and Insurance1461 East 57th Street Hyde Park 3-2525BEST BOILER REP AIIU WELDING CO.24 HOUR SERVICELicensed Bonded InsuredQualified WeldersSubmerged Water HeatersHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoRICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMOnroe 6-3192LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERSince 7878HANNIBAL, INC.Furniture RepairingUpholstering RefinishingAntiques Restored1919 N. Sheffield Ave. LI 9-7180Wasson - PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phone: Butterfield 8-2116-7-8-9Wasson's Coal Makes Good or Wasson DoesBOYDSTON AMBULANCE SERVICEAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of Chicagophone NOrmal 7-2468NEW ADDRESS-1708 E. 71 ST ST. Ruby Holmstrom, AM '15, of SierraMadre, Calif., died in Los Angeles February 19.Carl D. Ottosen, PhB '17, an attorneyin Wood, Wise, died February 13.Dr. Samuel R. Barker, SB '18, MD '20,of Chicago, died March 30, in his home.He was co-founder and chairman of theboard of the Roosevelt Memorial Hospital in Chicago. From 1932 to 1945 heserved as Associate Professor of Surgery at Chicago Medical School.Donald K. Anderson, '19, of Evanston,HI., died July 11.Frances Suggs Stringer, (Mrs. ArthurC), PhB '19, of Washington, D. C, diedMarch 6, after an illness of severalmonths. She was the widow of an executive of the National Association ofRadio and Television Broadcasters. Until her illness she had been a registrarfor the John Robert Powers CharmSchool.Mary A. Stewart, '21, of San Francisco,Calif., died February 23.Gabriella C. Brendemuhl, AM '21, ofClermont, Fla., died May 16.James Vaughn, AM '22, PhD '27, Professor of Psychology at the Universityof Cincinnati, died March 12, at Cincinnati General Hospital, victim of smokefumes from a fire in his apartment. Amember of the Cincinnati faculty since1927, Vaughn taught at the University'sMcMicken College of Arts and Sciences.He had taught at Michigan State Collegeand Chicago.Edward Lockwood, AM '23, a retiredofficial of the Y.M.C.A., died in La Jolla,Calif. He was associated with the "Y"in China for many years. As advisorygeneral secretary for the Canton Y.M.C.A.,he was involved in many of the explosive Far East political situations beforeand during World War II.Dr. Ralph C. Goode, MD '25, died inMarch. He was Medical Director ofChicago Teachers College and on thestaff of Jackson Park Hospital in Chicago.Harrison U. Wood, PhB '25, of Racine,Wis., died January 17.William A. Richards, AM '28, of Riverside, 111., died of a coronary thrombosis,March 2.Dr. Ernest L. Sabine, PhD '27, of Vine-land, Ont, died February 23, of a coronary thrombosis.Dr. Livingston E. Josselyn, SB T27, MD'32, PhD '33, of Highland Park, 111., diedApril 1.Howard B. Myers, PhD '29, died March9, 1956.Robert M. Zingg, MD '30, PhD '33, ofEl Paso, Tex., died January 3, of coronary thrombosis.Dr. Raymond Merchant, MW '32, ofLake Village, Ind., died February 9.Sallie Heberling, AM '33, of KansasCity, Mo., died last September 3. loudspeaker logicfor the newcomerto high fidelityPART IIthe extended range loudspeakerThe loudspeaker inyour true high fidelity system is thecomponent whichgenerates sound. Analternating electricalsignal from the power amplifier causesthe loudspeaker coneto vibrate. The quality of your loudspeaker will largely determine the quality ofthe sound you hear. Independent authoritiesrecommend that from V3 to V2 of your totalinvestment should be budgeted to your loudspeaker system. Almost without exceptionthey agree that you should begin with topquality loudspeaker components.All dynamic loudspeakers have many partsin common. They are all made with a frame,a permanent magnet, a cone, and a voicecoil. Yet the difference between the loudspeaker in your table model radio and a truehigh fidelity precision transducer is as greatas the difference between a bargain counteralarm clock and a navigational chronometer.The difference is in design, in materials, andin precision craftsmanship.It is possible with a single speaker, properly enclosed, to reproduce every note transcribed on today's excellent recordings. Sucha speaker is called an "extended range" unit.James B. Lansing Sound, Inc., manufacturersof JBL Signature loudspeakers, produce several such models each the very best in itsclass. Through advanced engineering designand precision craftsmanship they do make of. . ."every note a perfect quote."JBL Signature speakers are made withlarge voice coils coils with two to four timesthe diameter found elsewhere. In the 15"Model D130 Extended Range Loudspeaker,for example, the voice coil is 4" in diameter.It is made of hair-fine aluminum ribbonwhich is actually wound on its narrower edge.Magnetic circuitry is exceptionally refined.Frames are rigid castings. They are the mostefficient speakers made anywhere. All ofthese features lead to the most lifelike reproduction of sound available. They are available from dealers who specialize in audiocomponents. For the name of the audio specialist in your community, and your free copyof the JBL Signature catalog, send us yourname and address on a card or in a letter.^^M every note a perfect quotefiBJ} "JBL" meansJAMES B. LANSING SOUND, INC.2439 FLETCHER DRIVE, LOS ANGELES 39, CALIF.Engineer your future at RCA . . .IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE ENGINEERING IN MISSILE TEST ENGINEERING. . . Nationwide or WorldwideWhatever the job . . . wherever the location . . .the engineers of RCA's Government ServiceDepartment face the constant challenge of theelectronic frontier. Your future may lie in design,development, fabrication, prototype field test,modification or liaison ... in select locationsthroughout the United States or overseas. Attractive starting salaries . . . full benefit program.Working with the most advanced facilities atRCA installations, you're associated with interesting engineers and scientists in small groups.Today, engineers experienced in military electronics are finding increasing opportunity toapply their skills in implementing industry'stechnical assistance programs to the militaryservices. Your alumni are currently engaged inRCA Service Company engineering projects.For expense-paid interview appointment, sendeducation and experience details to :Mr. Robert MahonEmployment Manager, Dept. Y-263BRCA Service Company, Inc.Cherry Hill, Delaware TownshipCamden 8, New JerseyTmkt.® f . . . Cocoa Beach, FloridaRCA engineers and scientists take part in testingof many missiles now under development, solvingproblems never posed before. They are planningand operating test instrumentation for the missiletest program at Patrick Air Force Base onFlorida's beautiful central east coast. Today'sopenings are permanent engineering positionswith RCA in radar, communications, telemetry,timing, computer systems, data processing, andplanning.With complex electronic and optical equipment,RCA personnel track the "big birds" across theMissile Test Project's 5000-mile test range. Hereis your opportunity to "live outdoors," enjoyingthe delightful Florida climate throughout theyear. Progressive, pleasant communities nearby.At RCA-MTP, your alumni are building theirfutures on a sound foundation of scientific missile development.Interviews in Florida at your convenience, ourexpense. For information and booklet "Youand MTP," write:Mr. H. M. Cridland, Jr.Employment Manager, Dept. N-431BRCA Service Company, Inc.P.O. Box 1226, Melbourne, Fla.RCA SERVICE COMPANY, IMC.GOVERNMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENTTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEINDEX TO 1956-57 ARTICLESMonth Year PageAlumni Association, College Division January 57 25America's Student Leaders, (N.S.A.) November 58 4Appel, Stephen B., They Wrote on Clay April 57 12April in Paris, Robert M. Strozier June 57 10Are Chicago Girls Pretty? February 57 16ei Augie' s" Author Returns A Picture Story June 57 18Bay Psalm Book, The, Sheldon Samuels February 57 14Bells Ring for Foundation Drive May 57 26Big Surprise, The A Picture Story April 57 18Broneer, Oscar T., Gods and Games January 57 10Carlson, A. J., A Memorial, Kimpton & Dragstedt January 57 20Close Look at Mars, A February 57 9Dragstedt and Kimpton, Carlson, A. J., A Memorial January 57 20Easter in Rockefeller A Picture Story June 57 4Electricity from Nuclear Power March 57 12Emotion and Meaning in Music, Leonard B. Meyer May 57 4Faust, Clarence, Why the New Concern for Educating the Gifted? May 57 8Fox, Robert, They Spy on Cancer January 57 4Friedenberg, Edgar Z., Mediocrity with Tenure April 57 4Gods and Games, Oscar T. Broneer January 57 10Guileless Willie and the $80 Million Smile Story of W. R. Harper,Part III, Milton Mayer December 56 12Harper, W. R., Story of Part I, Milton Mayer October 58 4Harper, W. R., Story of Part II, Milton Mayer November 56 18Harper, W. R., Story of Part III, Milton Mayer December 58 12Henderson, Archibald, Math Student and Bernard Shaw, The May 57 18Hoffman, Paul A., In Giants' Steps June 57 12How Many Miles for a Master's?, (John Dille) November 56 25How Not to be A Sentimentalist, (R. M. Hutchins) October 58 14Hungarian Refugee Student A Picture Story February 57 4Industry's Aid to Education March 57 16In Giants' Steps, (Brad Westerfield) , Paul A. Hoffman June 57 12Introducing the Cabinet I November 56 22Introducing the Cabinet II December 56 28Introducing the Cabinet III January 57 23Introducing the Cabinet IV February 57 24Kimpton & Dragstedt, Carlson, A. J., A Memorial January 57 20Kimpton Invades the North (Club News) May 57 24Life on Other Planets?, Carl Sagan April 57 18Ludgin, Earle, Money-Bearing Animals April 57 14Mayer, Milton, Story of W. R. Harper, Part I October 58 4Mayer, Milton, Story of W. R. Harper, Part II November 56 16Mayer, Milton, Story of W. R. Harper, Part III December 56 12MacDonald, Lachlan, Midway to Broadway January 57 9Magazine's Fiftieth Birthday, The June 57 25Many Thanks, Miss Shoesmith A Picture Story April 57 10Math Student and Bernard Shaw, The, Archibald Henderson May 57 18Mediocrity with Tenure, Edgar Z. Friedenberg April 57 4Meyer, Leonard B., Emotion and Meaning in Music May 57 4Midway to Broadway, (Panama & Frank), Lachlan MacDonald January 57 9Money -Bearing Animals, Earle Ludgin April 57 14Nasser Wins By Defeat, John A. Wilson February 57 10Not an Ordinary Multi-Millionaire, Story of W. R. Harper, Part II,Milton Mayer November 56 16One Step Closer Hyde Park's Redevelopment March 57 4Plan Publication of Madison Papers January 57 30Raze Robie House? May 57 16Report From Austria February 57 8Sagan, Carl, Life on Other Planets? April 57 18Samuels, Sheldon, The Bay Psalm Book February 57 14Science Digest June 57 13Send-Off Parties for New Students November 56 24Six Rings and A Main Tent, (Club News) December 56 23Strozier, Robert M., April in Paris June 57 10Strozier, Robert M., Why Psychiatry in Student Health? December 56 10Surgeon Turned Sculptor, (Emil Seletz) March 57 14Time for Re -Assessment, A, (Glen Lloyd) October 56 12They Retire to Work October 56 18They Spy on Cancer, Robert Fox January 57 4They Wrote on Clay, Stephen B. Appel April 57 12Tribute to a 12-Letter Man, (Nelson Norgren) March 57 8Why the New Concern for Educating the Gifted?, Clarence Faust May 57 8Why Psychiatry in Student Health?, Robert M. Strozier December 58 10Willie Graduated Story of W. R. Harper, Part I, Milton Mayer October 56 4Wilson, John A., Nasser Wins By Defeat February 57 10Wood Carvings in Rockefeller A Picture Story December 56 4have you chosen over theyears to give so generously of your time, effortand money to The University of Chicago? Weasked that question ofEdward L. Ryerson, whoserved the University asChairman of the Board ofTrustees from 1953 to1956. Here is his reply:Edward L. Ryerson, agraduate of SheffieldScientific School of YaleUniversity, became aChicago Trustee in 1922.He is now an HonoraryTrustee and Chairmanof the continuing University of Chicago Campaign. He is a formerChairman of the Boardof Inland Steel Company. Anyone who has spent his entire life in the greatmetropolitan area of Chicago is bound to recognizethe fact that our educational and religious institutionsrepresent the most important influence in the life ofthe community. It might be hard to define whichphase of education is of the greatest importance tothe development of a modern metropolitan area, but,certainly, the work being done in the schools ofhigher education, both in the realm of intellectualstudies and in the fields of research, offers an extraordinary opportunity for the development of new andexciting ideas in every activity with which any memberof a community may be concerned. With thisfact in mind, it would be natural for anyone who hasthe opportunity of being actively associated with thework of the University of Chicago to accept such anassignment with the greatest amount of satisfaction.To me, the experience of having served as a trusteeof the University of Chicago for more than thirtyyears has proved, more conclusively than could possibly have been anticipated, the fact that an association of this kind can be a rewarding and thrillingexperience.THE 1957 DRIVE OF THE ALUMNI FOUNDATION WILl END JSEND YOUR CHECK TODTHE ALUMNI FUND5733 UNIVERSITY AVENUECHICAGO 37, ILLINOIS