JANUARY 1955 UNIVERSITYMAGAZINEWHY LABORATORY SCHOOLS?PAGE 13Why YOU are differentPAGE 5OUR NEW COVERSTARTING THE NEW YEAR witha new cover took us back into thefiles to see what we looked likethrough the years. Herewith a fewsamples.The first issue of the Magazine wasdated March, 1907. It carried greetings from President Judson; an account of a memorial service for President Harper on the first anniversaryof his death (he died January 10,1906); and included a total of 46pages of news. (Sample: Mrs. Inghamclosed The Shanty because of herrheumatism.) George Fairweatherwas editor-in-chief and Harry Hansen, now editor of the World Almanac,was an associate editor. Percy B.Eckhart was president. The coverlooked pretty much like the 1912 issueon the right.By the early twenties the Magazinehad grown half an inch in length andhad a new cover, which had everything but sweetpeas entwining themasthead. The June, 1925, sample tothe right is a fair example.Four years later, the cover took ona brand-new, streamlined look, andthe sweetpeas were out forever. Thefirst bleed pictures (the picture extends to the edge of the page) ofcampus scenes appeared in the fallof 1929, as the middle right illustration shows.The first fall issue of 1933 startledthe members with a much larger size,having gone from 6Y2 x 10 to 8V2 x 11.Furthermore, it had a "touch of color"(see left, below) in the bands surrounding the picture. The cover design was credited to staff members ^(ifHnfeerjiifij ofClurap gapinpVOU IV, NO. 5 APRIL, 1912 ^2^a^#-22^(®!Kv^f^ri«^ rn ... y;w £Ss~~7"S1536 mn< Bf»>ll( Wnrlon 1025of R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., andthe University of Chicago Press. Editor Charlton Beck indicated that thechange celebrated the quarter centennial of the Magazine. America'syoungest university president, RobertM. Hutchins, graced the new cover.By the end of the forties, bleedpictures again took over, with a modified script replacing the austereGothic condensed type.Our first fall Magazine in 1950moved the masthead to the top of thepage with a graceful hand-letteredscript and color bands, top and bottom. The Magazine wore this coverwhen it won the Sibley Award as thetop alumni magazine of 1952.Now, after five years, we wish youa Happy New Year in our new anddistinctive top coat, designed by thenationally famous Butler Typo-DesignResearch Center, Mendota, 111. Wm fr *n^. vfiiv ^-il-? ^^1S.I St [ Jp = ¦ Eft ">^STHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEXOt 1. IIISI-M. : 2HE-IICAGOUNIVERSITY OMAGAZINN O V E M I E 7Jte~74uiver/)Mif ()f)vr.\ i hi<Sr '.«¦ I JtJmtrmVVlento J-^ad1 WENTY-SEVEN summers ago Adeline and George Link dropped offthe train at Hector, in the CanadianRockies, and packed over the mountainsto a little Canadian Pacific chalet onLake O'Hara, away from and over amile above the world (9 miles southwest of Lake Louise).Here they found the beautiful scenerythey had been led to expect from hobby-hikers Robert Woellner (VocationalGuidance) and Charles Colby (Emeritus,Geography) .George, Professor of Botany, and hiswife, who was in the Chemistry Department, spent the next sixteen summers atLake O'Hara, forging out trails aroundthe lake. Here, away from telephonesand campus complications, they rejoicedin living and pledged eventually to die.They circled the lake together for thefirst and last time in the fall of 1943, thetrail completed. Adeline died that year,and George kept his promise to returnthe next summer and scatter her asheson Odaray Plateau overlooking O'Hara.The Lake trail was officially designatedAdeline De Sale Link Memorial Trail bypark officials.George retired in 1953 and later married Margaret Erwin Schevill (sister-in-law of Ferdinand Schevill, Emeritus,History). He returned to campus thissummer to work on a translation of theancient Greek horticulture text, TheCauses of Plants (Theoprastus) withBenedict Einarsen of the Classics Department. He hopes to realize one more Above and behind his geologist brother, Walter, and son Andy, George pointedhis camera toward Lake O'Hara; later sketched in the trails in view, includingAdeline DeSale Link Memorial Trail around the Lake. Her ashes are belowthe ledge; Lake Louise is 9 miles over upper right.ambition: a trip down the Amazon andaround Tierra del Fuego. Finally, hewill return to O'Hara after all mortalexperiences are ended.lHE QUADRANGLE CLUB was thescene of a recent exhibit of watercolor paintings by Chicago artist BabetteKornblith. On view were sketches madewhile on a trip of Greece and Crete lastspring, and paintings of scenes closer tohome, including such landmarks as Farmer's Field and -other south sidescenes. Mrs. Kornblith is shown belowwith (1. to r.) Mrs. Ludwig Bachhofer,whose husband is Acting Chairman ofthe Art Department; Gertrude Smith,Chairman of the Department of Classical Languages and Literature; and Robert Mulliken, Professor in the Department of Physics. The Kornbliths aremembers of the Quadrangle Club andhave a son, John, MBA, '48.OtBabette Kornblith (left) and friends at Quadrangle Club art exhibit.Lewellyn FUR ANNUAL Open House midwinter campus program has been set forSaturday, February 26th. The completeprogram will appear in the January issue of Tower Topics.It will begin in the afternoon with 22back stage tours from which to choose.The students already are at work lining up activities exhibits which will fillthe Reynolds Club from the lounges tothe little theatre.After dinner at the Quadrangle Club,we will adjourn to Mandel Hall for anall-student show.Mark your calendar for February 26thand watch for the January issue ofTower Topics and the coupon which youwill need to return promptly for tour,dinner, and program reservations.JL HAVE JUST come from an Association Cabinet meeting where the dates forthe June Reunion were set for June 1through 4.We'll fill you in on details as theprogram develops. Meanwhile, it's acase of your thumbing your desk padto June marking the first four days forChicago.H.W.M.JANUARY, 1955 1/ You canADD TO YOUR INCOME. . . and to your prestige this coming yearORN, £td.,offers people with discriminating taste aselection of exclusive Christmas Greetings beautifully executed designs in both themodern and traditional manner. "Van Dorn salesrepresentatives find it both pleasant andrewarding to make worthwhile use of theiravailable time in a season when an additionalsource of income is particularly welcome.FOR THE IS55 SELLING SEASON A LIMITED NUMBER OF OPENINGS ARE STILL AVAILABLE TOWOMEN WHO CAN QUALIFY AS VAN DORN REPRESENTATIVES. IMMEDIATE INQUIRY IS DESIRABLE.For further details,in complete confidencewrite:"Remembering is theBest of ChristmasA Van Dorn card is theBest of Remembrance" \AN J JoRN,£ta.,3931 W. DICKENS STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOISTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWcORLD-FAMED as a geneticist,Sewall Wright (see page 5) has earnednotoriety on campus for another reason his absent-mindedness.Students like to recall the time hewas lecturing and tucked one of theever-present guinea pigs under an arm,to have both hands free. A few minuteslater, working at the blackboard, heabsently took the startled animal fromunder his arm and began wiping theboard with it!1 HE ROLE of the University's famouslaboratory schools as research and training centers is described on Page 13 byHarold B. Dunkel, Director of Precol-legiate Education. For those of you whocannot join the more than 1,000 personswho annually visit the Lab School, wesent our photographer on a tour. For alook at some of the things going on atthe school, see Pages 17-22.MoST OF YOU will recall the ancientstore fronts along 57th Street and StonyIsland, which since the turn of the century have been primarily occupied byartists. (They still are, but occasionallysome other type of enterprise creeps in.Among the more recent inhabitants havebeen a tropical fish shop and a band ofgypsies.) It was in these studios thatwriter Sherwood Anderson first met theChicago literati. On Page 9, William L.Phillips, AM '47, PhD '49, relates someinteresting^ facts about one of the friendships which Anderson started during hisChicago days with a former Oak Parker,Ernest Hemingway.Bill Phillips became an expert onSherwood Anderson while a graduatestudent at the University. Following hisgraduation, he went to Seattle, Washington, where he is now an Assistant Professor of English at the University ofWashington.E ARLE LUDGIN's days as AlumniFoundation Chairman are ended, buthis duties as a recently appointed member of the University's Board of Trusteesare just beginning. The days he spendsin devotion to art, artists, and his owncollection are unnumbered. For moreabout Mr. Ludgin's interest in art, seePage 24.D*JEAN OF STUDENTS Robert M. Strozier's quarterly report bursts with optimism as he highlights recent campusand student activities. A pretty queenand unwashed windows are among thesubjects he covers, starting on Page 27. JANUARY, 1955 MAGAZINEVolume 47, Number 4FEATURES5 Why YOU are different9 Sherwood Anderson's Two Prize Pupils13 Why Laboratory Schools?17 Lab School Visit23 Atomic Power Plant24 A Voice for The Door27 Tomorrow is Here! Ruth MooreWilliam L PhillipsHarold B. DunkelRobert M. StrozierDEPARTMENTS1 Memo Pad3 In This Issue29 Books Readers Guide30 Class News40 MemorialsCOVERAt the Laboratory School fourth graders probe the mysteries ofthe electro-magnet in Miss Bertha Parker's science class.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, IllinoisExecutive EditorEditorManaging EditorAdvertising ManagerStaff PhotographerFoundation SecretaryField Secretary HOWARD W. MORTFELICIA ANTHENELLIAUDREY NEFF PROBSTSHELDON W. SAMUELSSTEPHEN LEWELLYNWILLIAM H. SWANBERGDEAN TYLER JENKSPublished monthly, October through June, by The University of Chicago Alumni Association,5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price, $4.00. Single copies,25 cents. Entered as second class matter December I, 1934, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois,under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising agent: The American Alumni Council, B. A. Ross,director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y.JANUARY, 1955 aForty generations of guinea pigs bredby a mathematical genius help explainwhyyouby Ruth Moore are differentA.LL ABOUT US, wherever welook or turn, is limitless diversity.No two human beings, except identical twins, are the same. Each of themore than two billion people on thisglobe is different different from hisparents, from his brothers and sisters,from his relatives, from his countrymen, from others of the same race;in short, from every other individualwho lives or ever lived.On the other hand, the living worldis not a mass of random individuals.All of the almost limitless number ofindividuals are gathered together inan array of families, races, species,and other groups.How can such diversity be? Andhow do these sharply different individuals happen to be clustered together in groups of various sizes andkinds?Scholars long have puzzled overthese basic problems, but not untilrecently did a scientific answer become possible. Only as genetics began to learn about the nature ofdifference and as mathematics wasapplied to the matter of populationswas the way opened for a clearer understanding of why we are both different and alike.Professor Sewall Wright An erudite professor at the University has given one of the mostenlightening explanations of whyeach individual is unique and yet amember of a group. His name isSewall Wright. His investigationsbrought him close to the starting-point of the modern theory of evolution, which he, along with J. B. S.Haldane and Ronald Aylmer Fisherin England, has had an importanthand in shaping.That Wright should deal in thehigher realms of difference, similarity, possibility, probability, order,change, and chance is not surprising.He probably was born to such concerns. The Chicago professor's greatgrandfather, Elizur Wright, wasknown not only as a leader in theanti-slavery movement, but as the"father of insurance." He took whatwas essentially a gamble and, bymathematically working out its probabilities and possibilties, turned itinto an exact and certain business.Dr. Wright came to the Universityin 1926, bringing with him some ofthe guinea pigs he had experimentedwith during his ten years with theDepartment of Agriculture as "senioranimal husbandman." His decadewith the department was prefaced byresearch in heredity and genetics atHarvard University, where he studied At the end of the Fall Quarter,1954, Professor Sewall Wrightbrought to a close twenty-six distinguished years with the Department of Zoology.Dr. Wright, the Ernest D. BurtonDistinguished Service Professor ofZoology, reached emeritus statusin December. But far from becoming inactive, he will continuehis research at the University ofWisconsin, where he has accepteda five-year appointment as theLeon J. Cole Professor of Genetics.As a tribute to Dr. Wright, theMagazine brings you a condensation of Chapter XII, "Diversityand Drift" from Ruth Moore's recent best-seller: Man, Time andFossils.Miss Moore is a reporter for theChicago Sun-Times, and has written many science feature stories,which have brought her in closeand frequent touch with scientists.Her interest in scientists and theirwork lies behind the competencewith which she has rendered acomplicated subject with completereadability. Copyright, 1953, byRuth Moore. Reprinted by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.Illustrated by Sue Richert.JANUARY, 1955as a research assistant under W. E.Castle. Castle put his young researchassistant to work on a genetics problem that involved the inbreeding andcrossbreeding of guinea pigs. Wrightwas watching for among otherthings any non- selective differencesthat might develop in the animals.This interest led him to clues aboutdrift and diversity which were tooccupy him from then on. mates, there are at least 1,500,000clusters or species of animals andplants. Each of them, like the lion,*for example, has a distinctive structure, organs, and behavior and withthis equipment is able to find foodfor itself and its young and generallyto get along in its habitat.Wright hit upon a brilliant way ofvisualizing and studying this complexgrouping of all living things. He im- mate it might be a gene combinationthat produces a skin capable of resisting the burning rays of the sun.If this is true, Wright demonstratedmathematically, the selective valueof the other gene combinations affecting the same characteristics willfall off more or less regularly according to the degree by which theyare removed from the best gene combination. In non-mathematical termsand using the same example, individuals born with a skin not so welladapted to withstanding the sun willbe less likely to survive and leavedescendants.And so each of the species lions,larks, and man have moved up tothe adaptive peaks they occupy.Those which did not, failed to survive and the valleys became empty.Each species in its climb also movedfarther away from its relatives onnear-by peaks. And thus the groupsbecame sharply separated.If it is not a question of a singlecharacteristic, such as the pigmentation of the skin, or a blood group, butof the fitness of the organism as awhole, the whole problem becomesmuch more complicated. As heworked in his laboratory and with hismathematics, Wright saw more andmore clearly that there might be anumber of different combinations ofcharacteristics that could be harmonious and adapted to externalconditions. Hence there might be anumber of satisfactory solutions tothe problem of getting along well innature.But how could a species ever findits way from a point where it wasdoing well to the best adaptation?How would it get off of a high butsuitable peak and make its way to ahigher pinnacle? The question is, ineffect, under what conditions willthere be evolutionary progress?No SupermenWright pondered this difficult problem and again undertook a mathematical examination. If the speciesis large and interbreeds freely, andif there is no decided change in theconditions under which it lives, hisfigures indicated that it would notevolve much farther. It would remainon the peak it occupies.And this checked with the evidence of the eyes. Men, who are justsuch a species, are showing no tendency to evolve into supermen. Individuals, of course, will vary. ButWright's calculations indicated thata large, freely interbreeding groupwould as a whole reach an equilibri-2*Some of the long inbred lines of guinea pigs were swaybacked.Some were heavier than others. One strain had a roman nose.There have been few days sincewhen Wright has not been in hislaboratory in "guinea-pig house" atthe University, working with thedescendants of the original guineapigs, and sometimes fretting "becausethey're so slow." There were guineapigs and guinea pigs and guinea pigs.With that incredible patience of scientists, Wright kept his lines going.Some of them were inbred for morethan forty generations, the equivalentof ten human centuries.All the while the differences between the lines became more marked.Wright had no difficulty distinguishing them as he watched the guineapigs on the laboratory floor. Strain13 had a somewhat Roman nose, incontrast with the pointed nose ofstrain 2. The eyes of strain 35 buggedout; those of 13 were sunken. Strain39 was sway-backed. Some strainswere a third heavier than others;some were longer, some shorter. Someeven redeveloped the extra toe thatthe species as a whole had long sincelost.According to some of the best esti- agined a vast mountainous countrywhose inhabitants live only on theinnumerable peaks that stud theranges and mountain systems. Eachspecies is clustered on its own peak.A shallow though, unoccupied valleyseparates it from near-by peaks onwhich other species live.On the more adjacent peaks thespecies are related. Near the peakthat the lion occupies are other peaksinhabited by the tiger, the puma, theleopard. A little farther away arethose held by the wolf, the coyote,and the jackel. The feline adaptivepeaks, however, form a group quitedifferent from the group of caninepeaks.Wright began to explore the extremely interesting question of whythe inhabitants of this world dwellonly on the peaks. And how does agroup make its way to a new andhigher peak? How did man reach hisheights?Wright assumed first that one particular group of genes affecting oneparticular characteristic provides themaximum adaptation. In a hot cli-6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEum, unless and there generally mustbe an unless conditions shouldchange or a new and distinctly favorable mutation should occur.Fortunately for progress, environmental conditions seldom remain thesame. As all the evolutionists haveemphasized, the environment, livingand non-living, is in continuouschange. An ice age comes and theglaciers pushing down from the northturn a once tropical land into a frozentundra. Or the seas rise and inundatea great inland valley.Mathematical prediction of whatwill happen in the face of an extreme^change is not difficult. Darwin haslong since pointed out what occursin nature. If a species that has beenwell adapted to a lush, warm climateis not able to adapt to a new coldclimate, it becomes extinct. Its peakstands empty. The species becomesthe victim, as many have, of havingfitted too well into conditions that nolonger exist.But if the cold is more moderateand if selection is not so severe, perhaps some slightly different individuals or groups within the specieswill do quite well. Perhaps somemutant variation that was of littleimportance in the old environmentwill be exactly what is needed for thenew. They also differed in disposition.Strain 35 was nervous and squirmedwhen handled. The animals of 13were phlegmatic and could be pickedup like so many sacks of meal.Wright suspected that the chancedifferences the lines had developedmight well supply rich material forlater evolution. He reasoned that ifan occasional local strain should provesuccessful, so successful that it wouldhave an edge in the struggle for life,it would increase and spread beyondthe narrow limits of its point oforigin. If it then mingled with otherdifferent groups, still further newcombinations might result.This was a theory that could bestudied and tested mathematically. Ifone thing happened, the probabilitiesof another following could be calculated. Mathematics and guinea pigsled Wright to the evolutionary conclusions that were to win him nationaland international honors.In the same month in 1947 theAcademy of Sciences awarded Wrightits Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal forhis contribution to the theory of evolution, and Oxford University gavehim its Weldon Memorial Prize forthe outstanding contribution to bi-ometric science in the preceding sixyears.This, however, is running ahead of the story. Years of work went intothe development of his theories before these honors came to Wright.In his austere office in the zoologybuilding, with no rugs, no curtains,he marshaled the most formidablemathematics to his points.Even his colleagues on the facultystood in awe of the difficulty of thework he was doing. One fellow professor is reputed to have said afterlistening to a Wright paper: "I didn'tunderstand twenty per cent of it, butI know it is one of the most importantpapers in the field I've ever heard."A Kindly ManStudents also find Wright theoriesfar from easy. They sometimes audita course for a semester before officially enrolling, for they feel the needof a preliminary once-over in orderto grasp the profundities and to pass.To explain one equation, Wright islikely to scribble out another.The fact is that the professor's mindworks in a mathematical upper stratosphere. If communications are notgood between him and the non-mathematical majority, it is becausethere is something of a gap betweenthe two types of mind.Wright certainly is not intentionallyhighbrow or obscure. He is a kindly,extremely quiet man who looks thecollege professor he is. His hair is athick gray lightly mixed with brown;his blue eyes behind rimless glassesare shy. His manner seems a littleold-fashioned, a little formal, a littlestiff, not because he tries or wantsan effect, but because he is preoccupied with other matters.Each Is DifferentEach of us must always have beenaware from a very early age that heis different, and when Wright beganhis work it was agreed that thesedifferences of all living things havetheir origin in the gene, that submi-croscopic carrier of heredity.In a few cases a single gene produces a single characteristic; for example, the blood group A, B, or O.More frequently a number of genesact together to determine such characteristics as the height, the color ofthe hair, or the shape of the mouth.Despite the fact that many geneshave been identified by their action,no one knows how many there are inthe human cells, or in the cells ofmany other species. But certainly thenumber runs into the thousands.Wright calculated that if there wereonly one hundred sets of humangenes, instead of the thousands thereare, and if each set had only fourLarks, lions and man. Each occupies a peak sharply separatedfrom the peaks held by all the other species.JANUARY, 1955 7alternative forms, the number ofcombinations that could be formedfrom them would be staggering. Thenumber has no name; it can be written only as 10 to the 100th power,or as 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.The number of possible gene combinations is almost beyond comprehension. And yet, only a part of thevast potential number of gene combinations is easily available in an ordinary interbreeding population. Notevery individual is a potential matefor a given individual. So the numberof individuals among whom any particular individual is likely to find amate is probably somewhat limited.This is true even with such mobilecreatures as birds. They show anextraordinary tendency always to return to the same locality for breeding.There is another reason why thenumber of possible gene combinationsis not unlimited. As eons have succeeded eons, certain groups of geneshave come to be prevalent in largegroups of people; that is why thereare race, national, and family similarities.By general agreement, this is theprocess primarily responsible for carrying life from the water to the land,from the reptiles to the mammals,and from the mammals to man. Byadapting themselves to new conditions and new opportunities, variablegroups rose higher in the evolutionary line, or, in Wright's analogy, tohigh peaks in the mountain rangesof adaptation. But Wright became convinced,largely by the changes he saw in hisguinea pigs, that this was not thewhole story of life's great climb. Eventhough there were no changes in theenvironment or no favorable mutations, he saw another way in which aspecies might make its way to a newand higher peak.Man himself had used this route,Wright believed. Back in his earlierdays, man was much more sharplydivided into local groups than he isin this era of roads, trains and planes.Each little community was more orless independent, and there was notmuch mixing. For generations thepeople of one section married othersfrom the same vicinity. As a resultthere was a considerable degree ofinbreeding.By the random, chance shufflingand reshuffling of the limited numberof genes represented in the group,Wright maintained, each community,like the guinea pigs, tended to becomea little different. There was a "drifting apart" that was not due purely toselection and to the survival of thefittest, but to the interaction ofchance and selection.The differentness that developed bychance may become highly importantthereafter in evolution. "Such a race,"according to Wright, "will expand innumbers and by cross breeding withother races, as well as by actualdisplacement of others, will pull thespecies as a whole toward a newposition. Fine sub-division into partially isolated populations provides amost effective mechanism for trialand error in the field of gene combi nations and thus for evolutionaryadvance by inter-group selection."The idea that chance, or a randomdrift of gene frequencies, could haveevolutionary significance becameknown as the "Sewall Wright effect."Wright, modesty aside, is not particularly fond of the designation. Toooften, he fears, people think it appliesonly to the phenomenon of drift anddo not realize that the intergroupselection, which grows out of favorable chance combinations, is the pointhe considers critical to evolution.Natural SelectionWright's contributions helped settlethe long and perplexing controversybetween the Lamarkians who hadruled out all chance and the followers of De Vries, who traced all evolutionary progress to change throughmutation, and thus, basically, throughchance.The work of Sewall Wright, andthe English authorities, Fisher andHaldane, convinced science that mutation is not the force that controlsand guides evolution. Mutation, theydemonstrated, has the job of keepinglife out of a rut by furnishing it witha stock of variability. They also convinced the scientific world that natural selection is the great shapingforce; that it is natural selection thatadjusts and leads life onward.Wright, however, gave chance asignificant part at two levels in themajestic process in the mutation ofthe gene and in the small interbreeding population. Fisher conceded itonly at the first level. Only time,and perhaps chance, will settle theissue.Aside from this dispute, the threehave made the following points basicin the modern theory of evolution.As Wright states them:1. Evolutionary transformation consists almost wholly in changes in thefrequencies of the genes.2. The course of such transformation is largely controlled by selection.3. Mutations merely furnish random raw material for evolution, andrarely if ever determine the courseof the process.Thus the old quarrel of mutationversus natural selection was settled.And men could see more clearly thanever before why they are differentand why at the same time they aremembers of various groups essentialto their lives. Or rather, men couldsee, provided that the story told bythese erudite men reached them.,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,ooo,o0000#000,000.000,000,000,OOOfOOO'0'°oo,ooqooo,ooqooo,ooo,ooo,ooo.o0000,000,000,000,000,000.000,0No two human beings except identical twins are ever likelyto be the same. An infinite number of gene combinations,and hence of different individuals, is possible.8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAcme Sue de LorenziHemingway in 1937; Anderson just before he met the others, in 1917; Faulkner in 1927. AcmeSherwood Anderson'sTWO PRIZE PUPILSby William L. PhillipsAM '47, PhD '4913 INCE SHERWOOD ANDERSON'Sdeath in 1941 his literary reputationhas continued to describe the slowdecline which it had taken almostsince his early success with Wines-burg, Ohio and The Triumph of theEgg. Academic critics have dismissedhim as "the poor man's Gide," andmost of the reviews of the excellentcollection of Anderson's letters published a year ago were content toconsign him to a minor, though permanent, place in the history of American fiction.Indeed, Anderson is out of fashion.But, ironically, Anderson's place ashero has been taken by two writerswho owe him a great debt: ErnestHemingway, the recipient of thisyear's Nobel Prize for literature "andthe 1953 Pulitzer Prize, and WilliamFaulkner, by general agreement ourmost distinguished writer of fiction, awarded the Nobel Prize in 1950. Thedevelopment of these two prize pupilsforms a curious pattern; in each caseAnderson helped the younger manbreak out of anonymity and intoprint, lent him important parts of hisart, watched the novice refine hiscraft and exceed Anderson's ownwork in quantity and quality, andfinally found himself rejected as mentor and friend.Hemingway was the first to meetAnderson, in Chicago in the early fallof 1920. Returning from his serviceon the Italian front, limping on ashrapnel scarred leg and nursing apsychic wound which was reopenedwith every experience of the middle-class complacency of his native OakPark, Hemingway had been searchingfor a way to make his living whilehe practiced the craft of writing.After six months of newspaper work in Toronto, he had taken a position asassociate editor of Co-operative Commonwealth, the monthly house organof the notorious Co-operative Societyof America, and had settled amongthe Bohemians of Chicago's nearNorth Side. The "Chicago Renaissance," that short-lived but vigorousflowering of letters in the Midwest,was already showing signs of dissolution, although several of the productsof the movement were still in Chicago, some of them supplementingthe returns from their books by writing for the Daily News or by turningout advertising copy.Anderson was the leader of a groupof writers loosely associated with theCritchfield Company, an advertisingagency, and since Hemingway sharedan apartment with two Critchfieldwriters, the two soon became friends.JANUARY, 1955 9Anderson had already published twonovels, a book of free verse, and hisWinesburg stories, a body of workwhich seemed like an immenseachievement to a young writer whosesketches had as yet appeared only innewspaper Sunday supplements.As person, Anderson with his devotion to the craft of fiction and hisrejection of the conventional life of abusinessman (his Chicago associatesstill talked with awe of his leavinghis Elyria, Ohio paint factory) seemedlike a literary hero to the young apprentice who had already learned inItaly to distrust heroics. As artist,the older man was almost as appealing; he had shown that it was possibleto write as one really felt and stillfind a substantial following, that itwas possible to take for material thelives of race-track swipes, adolescentboys, or degenerate old men, andwrite about them with lyric intensity,and that it was possible to create astyle, stripped clean of "literary"mannerisms, capable of evoking intense emotion from simple incidents.Anderson's only short- coming, asHemingway saw it, was the theory ofunconscious, instinctive creation under which, unknown to many of hisfriends, Anderson hid his laboriousrewriting and revising. Hemingwaywas finding that "the greatest difficulty, aside from knowing truly whatyou felt, rather than what you weresupposed to feel, and had been taughtto feel, was to put down what reallyhappened in action," and later he wasto build his whole moral frameworkfrom a self-imposed aesthetic discipline; Anderson's profession of automatic writing must have seemed tobe a mark of shallowness or dishonesty in his literary method.During the year that Hemingwaystayed in Chicago, however, Anderson's reputation continued to grow.He published another book of shortstories, The Triumph of the Egg, andhis best novel, Poor White; he spentthe summer of 1921 in Europe, wherehe met James Joyce, Ezra Pound,Ford Madox Ford, and Gertrude Steinand arranged for the translation ofhis books into French; and, a monthbefore Hemingway left Chicago, Anderson received the Dial prize of twothousand dollars for "service to letters." Nevertheless, when Andersondiscovered that Hemingway was leaving Chicago in December, 1921, tobecome a European correspondent forthe Toronto Star, he offered him letters of introduction to Gertrude Steinand others of the Paris literati, agenerous gesture toward a young writer made by one who had "arrived."By the next March Hemingway waswriting enthusiastic letters back toAnderson from Paris letters full ofgossip about his fellow expatriatesbut also full of admiration for thework of Gertrude Stein. GertrudeStein, herself a great admirer of Anderson's work, had taken Hemingwayas pupil and with Ezra Pound wassubjecting him to an artistic disciplinewhich Anderson had been unable orunwilling to undertake. Despite theattractiveness of his new mentorsHemingway still showed a strong attraction toward Anderson's style andmaterial; wherever he went during1922 he talked of Anderson.Thus it should have surprised noone who knew the relationship of thetwo men to find that of the threestories in Hemingway's first book,Three Stories and Ten Poems, printedin Dijon in the summer of 1923, twoshould have been Andersonian in material and style. One of them, MyOld Man, told by a boy who is forcedto redefine his simple moral codewhen he discovers that his jockeyfather is crooked, was so similar toAnderson's I Want to Know Why thatit appeared to be a conscious imitation. The second, Up In Michigan,concerned the adolescent discovery ofsex, a situation which formed thebasis for dozens of Anderson stories,and was written in a clipped, brittleprose which suggested a ruthlesslyblue-pencilled Winesburg, Ohio. Thethird, Out of Season, bore only theslightest resemblance to Anderson;indeed the "Hemingway style," itselfto be imitated shamelessly during thenext thirty years, may be said to havefirst appeared in Out of Season.These three stories, marked by aprogression away from the plainlyimitative My Old Man toward thecontrolled, self-sufficient prose of Outof Season, date the end of Anderson'sdirect influence on Hemingway'swork, except for Hemingway's use ofthe growth of young Nick Adams asthe organizing principle of his secondbook, In Our Time, possibly a vestigeof a similar use of the boy GeorgeWillard in Anderson's Winesburgstories. (There may, of course, havebeen other fiction in the vein of MyOld Man among the eighteen storiesand the novel in the briefcase full ofHemingway's manuscripts stolen froma train in the Gare du Lyons inDecember, 1922, and never recovered.)Unfortunately, just when Hemingway had developed his own idiom,the critics began to remark the An dersonian influence in his work, andhe was stung into contradictory denials. Although he told F. Scott Fitzgerald that Winesburg, Ohio was hisfirst model, he wrote Edmund Wilsonthat My Old Man wasn't "anythinglike" Anderson's stories, and he eventold his friend Louis Cohn that thestory was written before he had read"anything by Anderson." Since thestory shows an intimate knowledge ofParis and the French racetrackswhich Hemingway could not have haduntil the summer of 1922, this lastremark seems absurd. Yet it indicatesthe compulsion which Hemingwaywas beginning to feel to cut the tieswhich held him to his literary adolescence; Anderson was of anothergeneration and place. Hemingway'sfavorite lines from the dramatistWebster, "but that was in anothercountry, and besides the wench isdead," seemed applicable to Anderson; for Anderson's abilities did seemto be dying, as his experiments withstream of consciousness writing (hewas trying to imitate Ulysses in DarkLaughter) led him into the excessesof sentimentality and subjectivity instatic, pseudo-psychological studieslike Many Marriages and DarkLaughter.Despite the fact that his own grop-ings toward a new manner (he calledDark Laughter a "fantasy" ratherthan a novel) were taking his writingin exactly the opposite direction fromHemingway's continuing emphasisupon a translucent style describing"what really happened in action,"Anderson continued to praise thework of his young friend. Primarilyas a result of Anderson's intervention,in early 1925 Horace Liveright offeredHemingway a contract for publicationof In Our Time, a collection of shortstories and his first book to be published in the United States. Althoughanother publisher, at the urging ofF. Scott Fitzgerald, was beginning tomake inquiries about taking Hemingway's book and although it is probable that a writer of Hemingway'sability would not have had to waitmuch longer for public recognition inany case, Hemingway was properlygrateful for Anderson's help, and hewrote to Anderson in May, 1925, giving him full credit for "having putmy book over with Liveright." Yetin that same letter Hemingway indicated that his opinions of Andersonas friend and as artist were distinctlyseparated; he told Anderson of hisdislike for Many Marriages, althoughhe insisted that no one really knewanything about a writer's work except the writer himself.10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAnderson may have recalled thislast remark, expressing an attitudetoward literary criticism which Hemingway was to hold for many years,when almost exactly a year later heread Hemingway's critical attackupon his work. The dust jacket ofThe Torrents of Spring announcedthat "Ernest Hemingway . . . heredeparts for a time from his own characteristic style, joins the so-called'Chicago School of Literature,' allowshimself to fall under the influence ofSherwood Anderson, et al., and showsthat he can do it too." This novellength parody, dashed off in a week,was Hemingway's declaration of literary independence from Anderson, andto a lesser extent Gertrude Stein;only moderately witty, it probablywould have remained in manuscriptas something to be read to friends inthe Cafe du Dome had it not becomea part of a battle between two publishers for Hemingway's contract.Indeed it was not reprinted fortwenty-five years, most of the writerson Hemingway's work ignored it, anda generation of Hemingway admirersgrew up hardly having heard of it.Some criticisms of Anderson's workimplied in the book were justifiable;the parodies of the crude symbolismin Dark Laughter and Many Marriages, of the sentimentality intowhich Anderson's earnest attempts tocapture human moods often led him,of his willingness to allow his insightsinto his characters to remain unstated or unclearly suggested, andof his preoccupations with vague sex longings poked fun at elements ofAnderson's fiction which embarrassedhis most ardent admirers. The scenein which Scripps O'Neill, Hemingway's mock-hero, has his Harvard-trained sensibilities shaken by thesight of an Indian squaw walking intoBrowns Beanery in Petoskey, Michigan, dressed only in a pair of moccasins, is a hilarious condensation ofmany Anderson mannerisms ("ScrippsO'Neill was feeling faint and shaken.Something had stirred inside him,some vague primordial feeling, as thesquaw had come into the room.")Much less justifiable were Hemingway's frontal assaults upon Anderson's daring in Dark Laughter to writeabout a returned war veteran without having himself served in the infantry at the front and his somewhatinconsistent scorn for the Midwesternsubjects (not their literary treatment) of Anderson's fiction. Thesecriticisms seemed to be directed toward Anderson personally, and thetwo conciliatory letters which Hemingway wrote Anderson soon afterhis parody was published did littleto raise the attack to the level ofimpersonality. The letters seemed"patronizing" to Anderson, probablybecause Hemingway continually slipped into the analogy, which he hasoften indulged since, between theliterary scene and the world of professional sports. Anderson was, itseemed, an aging middle-weightchampion who was slipping and whoneeded a talented young challengerfor a sparring partner; if writers could not honestly exchange punchesat each other's weaknesses, the United States would produce nothing(and here the analogy shifted to theracetrack) but "Great AmericanWriters, i.e. apprentice allowanceclaimed."Despite the fact that its writingtook valuable time away from thecompletion of The Sun Also Rises,The Torrents of Spring seemed to bea necessary public act of renunciationfor Hemingway, who had chosen forhimself the long road of privatestruggle which was to lead from MyOld Man to The Old Man and the Sea.If we see Hemingway's parody as aninflated My Old Man in which theyoung man retraces his disillusionment with the integrity of his literary father, Anderson's last functionfor Hemingway becomes clear; Anderson was erected as a symbol offailure, failure to accept the obligations of his chosen craft and toundergo the aesthetic discipline whichalone brings order into the world.Two years before The Torrents ofSpring marked the end of the Anderson-Hemingway relationship, Anderson had formed an attachment withanother young war veteran whowanted to be a writer, this time notin the bustling Bohemia of Chicago'sad-writers but in the leisurely Bohemia of the Vieux Carre in NewOrleans. It was William Faulkner,who had come down from his nativeOxford, Mississippi, to associate himself with the writers who had gathered around the Times-Picayune andFaulkner in 1950; Hemingway in Africa, 1954; Anderson shortly before his death in 1940.Wide World Look-U.P. Van MeierThe Double Dealer, a little magazinewhich had published several of hispoems (and, incidentally, Hemingway's first magazine story). The twohad met through Anderson's wife,Elizabeth Prall Anderson, who hadbeen Faulkner's employer in the NewYork book shop where Faulkner hadworked for a short time two yearsbefore. Through the winter and springof 1925 Anderson and Faulknerwalked almost daily through theFrench Quarter talking about thetask of the writer.Anderson's sketch A Meeting South,which concerned a young returnedaviator, limping, living in "the blackhouse of pain," and eager to "writelike Shelley" shows the strength ofthe impression which the youngFaulkner made on Anderson at thattime. Anderson's impression uponFaulkner was equally intense; he sawhim as a writer dedicated to purityand "exactitude" in his art but stillcapable of commanding a large popular audience (the romantic fantasy ofMany Marriages seemed not to alienate the young poet who imitatedShelley and Swinburne.) Anderson'ssecluded mornings of writing and hisafternoons and evenings of walkingand talking with friends seemed toFaulkner to approach the ideal lifefor a writer, although Faulkner couldhardly have known that Anderson'stwo years in New Orleans, so unlikethe harried year in Chicago thatHemingway had seen, were the onlyones in his life in which he was ableto achieve the leisurely existencewhich the younger man so envied.Encouraged by Anderson, Faulknerturned to the writing of novels. Intwo months he had written Soldier'sPay, a "lost generation" novel filledwith bitterness at the black houseof physical and psychic pain intowhich the war had thrust him. Whenhe took his manuscript to Anderson,Anderson is supposed to have saidthat he would recommend it to hisnew publisher, Horace Liveright, ifhe "didn't have to read it." Althoughit is not impossible that Andersonshould have neglected to read Soldiers Pay before he recommended it(Liveright's immediate acceptance ofHemingway's first book only twomonths before would have given himconfidence in the power of his recommendation), the story has, as severalcritics have pointed out, all the marksof the literary tall tale in which bothAnderson and Faulkner delighted.Certainly there is objective evidencethat Anderson read parts of Faulkner's next novel, Mosquitoes; duringone afternoon in Jackson Square the two men began a joint elaboration ofa yarn about the descendants of Andrew Jackson who herded half-sheep-half-alligators in the Tchu-functa river swamp, the yarn beingcontinued in letters that they wroteto each other as they "discovered"the Jacksons. Two of Faulkner's letters survive as parts of Mosquitoes,told in the novel as impromptu talesspun by Dawson Fairchild, the Midwestern Mark Rampion of this minorNew Orleans Point Counter Point.Dawson Fairchild is a thinly disguised Sherwood Anderson, whoemerges from the book comparativelyunscathed by the satirical barbswhich Faulkner throws at the NewOrleans literati. More important,Dawson Fairchild's stories mark thefirst signs of Faulkner's interest inthe folk materials of his native Mississippi and the exaggerated humor ofphysical discomfort developed seventy-five years before by Crockett,Harris, and Thorpe of the old Southwest. It is only a short step fromAnderson's Flu Balsam, one of AlJackson's "fishherders" who lost hishorse by trading it to "an easy-goingrestful Texan" for a night's sleep, toFaulkner's Flem Snopes in The Hamlet who sells his spotted Texas horsesto his cousins who spend the nightchasing them without success.But Mosquitoes is more importantas an end than as a beginning; for inthat novel and the one preceding itFaulkner had written away the immediate, personal irritants of hispost-war return and his life in theNew Orleans Bohemia. His next fivenovels, coming in a burst of geniusnot to be matched anywhere in thehistory of the novel Sartoris andThe Sound and the Fury in 1929, AsI Lay Dying in 1930, Sanctuary in1931, and Light in August in 1932 brought into being, almost fullyelaborated, the mythical frameworkwithin which Faulkner worked outhis tragic vision of the world. Balzac's Comedie Humaine has been suggested as the model from whichFaulkner took the Yoknapatawphaframework which encompasses all ofhis major novels (except the recentFable); since he admired Balzac'sconcentration on the local, which became "eternal and timeless despitehim." But a more immediate modelwas Winesburg, Ohio.In Winesburg, Ohio Anderson hadconstructed an Ohio community,complete down to the last livery barnand peopled by characters whosetwisted lives interlock to form atangled myth of the grotesque. Anderson's characters acquire their spe cial poignance from being cut off fromthe love and peaceful order whichthey associate, rightly or not, withthe pastoral world of Winesburg;each is driven back into the recessesof himself where his efforts at individual realization most often lead himto distorted and largely ineffectualgestures. The abnormalities resultingfrom this isolation function in twoways; occasionally they point back toa desirable norm of values fromwhich the grotesque is cut off; religious awe, for example, of whichJesse Bentley's sacrifice of his grandson is a horrible perversion. Often,however, they suggest qualities whichthe community itself seems incapableof achieving: Wing Biddlebaum, thefrightened little man in "Hands," becomes a visionary unable to expressadequately the overpowering senseof love toward which his persecutionby the community has led him.The method of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha novels is an elaboration ofthe Winesburg method. Extend thetown of Winesburg in space and timeand one has Yoknapatawpha County;develop Jesse Bentley and Wing Biddlebaum of Winesburg throughout along novel and one has Doc Hinesand Gail Hightower of Light in August; probe further into Belle Carpenter's vanished soul and one hasTemple Drake of Sanctuary or Caddie Compson of The Sound and theFury; extend Anderson's Winesburgalmost infinitely in time, space, anddepth and one has the massive bodyof Faulkner's novels. Faulkner's recognition of Anderson's role in directing him toward his new method maybe seen in his dedication of the firstof the Yoknapatawpha novels to"Sherwood Anderson through whosekindness I was first published, withthe belief that this book will give himno reason to regret that fact" (italicsmine); and he continued to admireAnderson and Winesburg, in spite ofa series of petty quarrels whichmarred the friendship of the two men.Faulkner and Hemingway have become two of the world's leadingnovelists, no longer requiring apprentice allowances for novels like TheFable and The Old Man and the Sea.Nor can any discovery of indebtedness to another writer detract fromthe honor due the two most recentAmericans to earn the Nobel Prizefor literature. Yet the success whichthey have achieved is a tribute tothe man under whom each worked asan apprentice, and an indication ofthe lasting debt which we all owe,beyond proper recognition for hisown books, to Sherwood Anderson.12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEVMN MLewellyn%^ ^a&onatonty ScfawU )?by Harold B. DunkelProfessor, EducationlNA UNIVERSITY famous as a research and training institution, onepart of it, which carries on these sameactivities, is often overlooked. Thisunit at the University of Chicago isPrecollegiate Education, which comprises the University Schools belowthe collegiate level: the LaboratorySchools, the Nursery School, and theOrthogenic School. To say that theSchools are often overlooked mayseem strange in view of their international reputation. But they areforgotten only as research and training centers. Many people familiarwith them think of them only as performing a service function, that ofthe children and young people whoattend them. The Schools do performthis function with distinction and"hence provide the children of theUniversity community with unusuallygood educational opportunities. Butthe University is not in the private - school business, nor is it so paternalistic as to undertake an operation ofthis magnitude simply for the convenience of its staff and its neighbors.The University maintains its Schoolsfor the same reasons it maintains itslaboratories, libraries, clinics, pro-Harold B. Dunkel, AB '32, PhD'37, has been Director of Precollegiate Education since 1953.Mr. Dunkel has spent the pastseventeen years in the field ofeducation, during which time hehas held a number of posts at theUniversity.He is the author of severalbooks, including General Education in the Humanities; Second-Language Learning; and An Investigation of Second-LanguageTeaching (with F. B. Agard). fessional schools and other units. TheSchools too are the sites of researchand training programs. The researchis usually neither so recondite nor sodramatic as that often reported onthese pages from elsewhere on theQuadrangles, and the training may beless abstruse and prolonged. But theactivities of the Schools do have profound effects on the rearing and education of children, even children whohave never been within thousands ofmiles of the Midway. If their teachershave read research reports emanatingfrom the Schools or if their teachersare among the long line trained there,their education has been only littleless influenced than that of childrenliving in Hyde Park. Thus thoughthe Schools do perform a specialservice for those who attend them,their main functions are research andtraining in their respective areas.The effort to facilitate these func-JANUARY, 1955 13SnyderTeacher-trainees in special program test Steve, a third grader.tions was the primary cause for recent merging of the Schools into asingle administrative unit. Precolle-giate Education is the youngest suchunit on campus, having come intobeing only little more than a yearago; but its components, the variousschools, are all much older, most ofthem dating back to the early daysof the University. By bringing theschools into a single unit, the neworganization is intended to improvecommunication and cooperation bothaniong the schools and between themand the other parts of the University.Each of the schools is administeredby its own principal under the general supervision of the Director andthe Board of Precollegiate Education.This Board is a regular Universityruling body and defines the generalpolicies of the unit.Though the schools comprise aunit, they serve rather different clienteles and perform somewhat differentfunctions. Consequently, we can understand their activities better if welook at them individually.The Laboratory Schools are thelargest unit, with a staff of aboutseventy-five and a student body ofOver eight hundred. Though the official title is in the plural becausethere are two schools UniversityElementary and U High they forma single administrative and educational unit under the principalship ofLloyd Urdal. The Schools have hada variety of titles and organizationalstructures since President Harperoriginally organized them in 1903 byamalgamating four existing schools.The old joke that the University of Chicago is always reorganizing something is more true in regard to theLaboratory Schools than of mostother parts of the University. Theyhave always been so closely relatedto other University units that changeselsewhere have inevitably producedchanges in the structure of the Laboratory Schools.The latest such change took placelast year and was a consequence ofthe reorganization of the College program. Still earlier, in 1937, the College, through the Four- Year College,began its program of early admission,accepting high-school students at theend of their sophomore year. To fitin with this plan, the junior andsenior years of U High were placedin the Four-Year College, and theLaboratory Schools became a singleschool, which ended at the tenthgrade. Students completing theirsophomore year either transferred tosome other high school or else theyentered the College, where theycould secure the high-school certificate after passing five comprehensiveexaminations.With the new program of the College intended primarily for high-school graduates rather than thosecompleting the tenth grade, it seemeddesirable for the Laboratory Schoolto return to the pattern it had followed previous to 1937. The Schoolsnow consist, therefore, of the University Elementary School, whichruns from the kindergarten throughthe sixth grade, and U High, whichbegins with a prefreshman year followed by the usual four high-schoolyears. Though U High now awards the high-school certificate, studentsaccepted by the College can still follow the plan of early admission to itif they wish.The Schools have served as a Laboratory for the University in many different ways. For the first twenty-fiveyears of their history they constituteda testing ground for the advancededucational ideas of various menconnected with the University. Thusat the start, the program incorporatedthe theories of Francis Parker, withtheir emphasis on the student's self-expression and its role in the development of the only valid form ofdiscipline, self-discipline. At aboutthe same time, John Dewey wasworking out in the Schools those concepts of the relation of the individualto society, of the school to the world,and of theory to practice which hedeveloped into, not merely an educational philosophy, but eventually intoa general philosophic position. Later,Charles Judd as an educational psychologist used the Schools to studythe application of theories of learningto the actual learning processes ofeducation. Henry C. Morrison notonly expanded and popularized theconcept of the unit-method of teaching through work carried on in theSchools, but he also developed therehis own theory of instruction thevaried special techniques required forthe teaching of science, appreciations,and skills. The names of others likePresident Judson could well be addedto this list; but these few exampleswill suffice to recall the profound influence which theories and practicesworked out in the Laboratory Schoolshave had upon American education.In more recent years research inthe Laboratory Schools has been lessof a one-man venture and more of acooperative enterprise on the part ofvarious groups. A number of reasonscan be suggested to account for thischange. For example, the shift maybe due to certain changes in the organization of the University whichleft the Schools in a somewhat isolated position and made it less easyfor individuals with ideas to secureaccess to them. Insofar as this causeis involved, the new organizationalstructure of Precollegiate Educationwill again make possible the formerkind of undertaking. Or possibly thepattern of educational research, likethat of research in many other fields,has shifted. The rise and development of many specialties within whatwere formerly fairly unified fields hastended to make further research inthose fields a collaborative enterpriseamong specialists.14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIn any event, current undertakingsin the Laboratory Schools can be illustrated by an enterprise of thistype though a number of others arenow going on. This project concernsthe teaching of modern foreign languages in the early elementary grades.The Elementary School had a longtradition of teaching foreign languages at these educational levels,but, for a variety of reasons, this program died out in recent years. InWorld War II, however, great generalinterest has developed throughout thecountry in early language instruction,and many public and private institutions have developed programs.If other schools are working onsuch programs, it may seem a fairquestion to ask why the LaboratorySchools are entering a field of investigation which appears adequately cultivated already. The answer involvesthe superior facilities for research andexperimentation which the Schoolspossess concerning the many vexingproblems which beset these undertakings. To name but a few of them:suitable material for study, adequately trained teachers, and coherent curricula all tend to be sadlylacking. The older solutions for theseproblems, whether developed in this country or abroad, are somewhat obsolete both because of changes withinour general educational structure andbecause of increased knowledge invarious special areas. Hence groupsundertaking these elementary language courses find themselves facedwith a long series of major problems,and many of the experiments seemdoomed to failure because the groupsconducting them do not possess facilities adequate to the magnitude ofthe problems involved.The Laboratory Schools are unusually fortunate in the wealth ofresources which they can bring tobear on these difficulties. Specialistsin general linguistics, in the specificlanguages, and in the teaching offoreign languages can be drawn fromthe University faculty to make theirrespective contributions. Masterteachers of languages and of the lowergrades in the Schools can then adaptthese suggestions in such a way as tomake them fit the needs of the students involved and the total programof the Elementary School. Our interested and cooperative parents' groupis also involved in the planning andwill assist in the execution. The facilities of the Schools' Records Officeand the University Examiner's Office can be utilized in evaluating the program. In short, this project exemplifies pretty well one major way inwhich the Schools work. The resultwill be not merely that students attending the Elementary School willget a good language program; otherinstitutions will be able to use ourmaterials and profit from our findings. Ultimately we shall doubtlesslybegin to train teachers who can carryon with similar work in other localities.This mention of teacher-trainingleads to the second important role ofthe Laboratory Schools. Much of itsinfluence stems from the work ofteachers who have been trained inthem. This training is certainly notlimited merely to those apprenticeswho do their practice teaching in theSchools, though this part of the program is very important in the University's work in the preparation ofteachers. Experience on the regularstaff of the Schools is a very richprofessional experience, and other institutions are continually raiding usfor the kind of experienced teacherswe have on our faculty who havebenefited from this background.There is considerable truth in thestatement of a former principal whoTeachers observe Lab School class. They are among more than 1,000 observers who visit the school each year. LewellynJANUARY, 1955 15said that the work of those no longerin the Schools affects education asmuch as the current work of thosewho are now on the staff.The second member of the unit,Precollegiate Education, is the Nursery School for children from two-and-a-half to five, of which Mrs.Frances Prindle is the principal. Itbegan in 1916 as a rather informal,cooperative enterprise when a groupof mothers in the University community worked out arrangements forsupervising the play of their childrenin Scammon Gardens. But from theearliest days, the University alwaysaided the school, and by variousstages the school has continually become more closely associated withthe University. Since 1938 the Nursery School has been completelystaffed by professional personnel, andits general administrative relations tothe University have been about asat present.The Nursery SchoolThe importance of these early yearsof the child's life for the formationof many physical, social, and emotional characteristics of later yearshas received increasingly greateremphasis during the period the Schoolhas existed. As a result the Schoolhas continually been the scene ofresearch by members of the Departments of Home Economics, Psychology, Pediatrics, and the Committee onHuman Development, and its facilitieshave also been used by scholars fromneighboring institutions.The Nursery School has also beenactive in training workers at this educational level. Assistantships in theSchool, which give valuable opportunity for first-hand work with thisage-group, also involve appropriatecourses of study, and this combination of theory and practice is admirable training. Teachers at otherlevels and workers in other fieldsalso benefit from this opportunity toobserve and associate with childrenof this age group.Needless to say, the Nursery Schoolis a fine place for the approximatelyone hundred twenty children whoattend it. Since each group of twentychildren is under the supervision ofa head teacher and two assistantteachers (and possibly also one ormore practice teachers in addition),each child can receive that measureof individual attention so necessaryfor development at this age.The Sonia Shankman OrthogenicSchool is the third member of the unit. It is a residential school forabout forty psychotic or prepsychoticchildren, situated on the south sideof the Midway. Those who have readtwo recent and widely-read books bythe School's principal, Bruno Bettelheim, are already partially familiarwith the work of the School, for bothLove Is Not Enough and SymbolicWounds grew out of his work there.Always New FrontiersThe whole history of the Orthogenic School is an apt illustration ofthe way in which the function of university schools changes frequentlybecause of the fact that they arelaboratory schools. The School wasoriginally organized under anothername during the previous century.At that time institutional facilities forthe care of the feeble-minded childwere almost non-existent; and theproper institutionalization and treatment of such cases were problemsstill little studied or understood. Infounding the School, the group ofparents and pediatricians who did sowere probably motivated primarilyby the desire to provide adequatecare for the children for whom theywere responsible. But the very existence of such an institution affordedthe opportunity to study the care andtreatment of feeble-minded children,and hence the School was soon attached to Rush Medical School. WhenRush became affiliated with the University of Chicago, the School alsobecame part of the University.But soon other facilities for thecare and treatment of the feebleminded came into being, profiting byand further developing the work ofthe School and other pioneering institutions in that field. The Schoolconsequently turned to a new territory and carried on similar work inregard to the brain-damaged andepileptic child. And once more asimilar pattern appeared. As otherinstitutions began to take over workin this field, the School moved to anew frontier, the area in which itnow operates, functional mental disorders of children. If one were toextrapolate from the School's historical course, one could expect that theSchool will sooner or later move tosome new area. But the amount ofwork to be done in the present fieldis so great and the number of institutions working on it so few that anychange seems unlikely in the nearfuture. Typical of the kind of research theSchool does is the study of the causation and treatment of childhoodschizophrenia, one of the projects onwhich the staff is now engaged. Onlya school which works intensivelywith severely disturbed children canundertake work of this sort. Since amere handful of such institutionsexists and since even some of themdo not possess the resources for thiskind of work, the value of theSchool's contribution is evident. Research of a different order but of noless importance is that carried on bythe School into the various problemsof an institution of its kind. Theneed for such institutions is great, butthe operation of them involves a greatvariety and complexity of problemspeculiar to this sort of school. Asvarious public and private groupsattempt to conduct such institutions,they benefit markedly from the findings of the Orthogenic School in thisarea.As we have already seen in thecase of the other University schools,research, though the primary function of the School, is not its sole contribution. Work in various capacitiesin the School is a highly-prized apprenticeship for those training themselves to help emotionally disturbedchildren. And certainly the forty children who can live at the School areunusually fortunate. With so fewinstitutions available which giveproper care, they are lucky to havefound a place in one of the mostdistinguished ones.A Threefold PatternFor all the University's Schools,then, the same threefold patternemerges. They do provide excellentcare, training, or education for theparticular groups of children theyserve, the best kind of attentionknown at any given time. It is notsurprising, therefore, that the alumniand staff of the University tend tofall into the error of regarding thisactivity as their chief function. Suchis not the case. Only the researchand training functions justify theSchools as university schools. If theSchools were to fail in these majoractivities, they would fail as university schools, even if they were thebest private schools of their sort inthe world as they strive to be.16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELewellynSnow Time, by Kathie Sams, 6th grade.Francis W. Parker"True education frees the human spiritJANUARY, 1955 17Allied arts program offers choiceof several activities. Here, upper school girls make jewelry.As upper school class looks onscience teacher Bryan Swan triesout an experiment in chemistry.18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETo broaden understanding of eachother's roles, girls take shop,and boys join in cooking classes.Use of libraries as educational toolsis taught from primary grades on. Below, a view of upper school library. In swimming class,high school freshmantries a high one.JANUARY, 1955 19Miss Ada Polkinghorne's primary gradelearns how to make sugar cookies, afterusing recipe for a reading lesson.Dr. Helen Newman, school physician, checks Julie's weight.Doctor is one of several special services school maintains.(Photos by Lewellyn)20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFirst graders undertake a thrillingnew experience learning how to read,with an assist from Miss Nina Jacobs.At "Show and Tell" time in Miss FloraThurston's kindergarten class, Sheilaexhibits table she made at home, getshelpful hints on how to fix wobbly legs. Two future bopsters take a chorus of "Go Tell Aunt Rhodie."Third grade listens attentively at concertgiven in their honor by fifth grade orchestra, led by music teacher Robert A. Mason.JANUARY, 1955 21Learning how to be poisedand having fun are combinedas freshmen give playParents' groups play an importantrole in the school. Above, thirdgrade mothers make plans over tea.Mme. Martin's French class finds singingfamiliar songs in a strange tongue helpsovercome difficulties in pronunciation.iJ^ SMALL SCALE pilot plant toproduce electricity from nuclearpower will be built by Argonne National Laboratory in DuPage County,111. Argonne is operated by the University for the Atomic Energy Commission.The plant will be built as part of theA.E.C. 's five-year program for development of competitive electricalpower from nuclear fuel. The pilotplant will not be competitive withplants using conventional fuels, butwill provide technicians with researchdata needed to formulate plans forbringing atomic energy into the average home.The process to be built at Argonneis known as the boiling water reactorsystem. The reactor at Argonne willproduce 20,000 kilowatts of heat and5,000 kilowatts of electricity. The reactor will use slightly enriched uranium fuel and will be moderated andcooled by ordinary water. Construction will start early next year andcompletion is scheduled for 1956.Development and construction ofthe reactor follows promising investigations conducted by the Argonneresearch staff in the past two yearsduring which a small temporary reactor converted water into steam directly without the use of an intermediate heat exchanger. Thesestudies, as well as many other investigations conducted by Argonne,are aimed at producing electricalpower from nuclear fuel so that thisnew fuel can be used economicallyto supplement conventional fuels inmeeting the nation's demand forenergy.Private industrial firms are watching the Argonne development closelysince many feel it may be simplerand cheaper than the commercialatomic power plant being erected atShippingport, Pa. The latter is themore conventional circulating-waterreactor.According to Argonne scientists, aboiling-water reactor has the following advantages over the circulating-water reactor: the steam generatornormally required for pressurizedwater reactors is eliminated; pumpscan be much smaller and less expensive because the only pump requirement in the primary circuit is thatof returning water from the condenser to the reactor vessel; the reactor will be operated at a lowerpressure and lower maximum tern-.-perature than pressurized waterreactor systems, thereby simplifyingfuel and structural materials problems. Allis- Chalmers Manufacturing Co.,Milwaukee, Wis., has been chosen todesign, develop, construct, and installthe power generation, heat transfer,and special equipment for the powercycle.TV Credit CourseChicago residents will soon be ableto take their first educational television credit course through an arrangement of the University andstation WNBQ, Chicago TV outlet ofthe National Broadcasting Co.Professor Herman Finer of PoliticalScience will initiate a twelve programseries of weekly telecasts on the Liveand Learn program, beginning Sunday, January 2, from 10-10:30 a.m.,CST."Governments and Human Nature"will be the title of the course, andit will be similar to one Dr. Finerteaches on the Midway. It is devotedto understanding the essentials ofgovernments of great modern nationsand how they make policies that mayaffect the way of life of the U.S.Viewers who wish to use the telecasts to obtain credit may registerin the Home Study Department of theUniversity. A fee of $22.50 coversthe cost of the syllabus that providesa study guide and reading lists, andthe grading and return of twelve lessons. Satisfactory completion of thecourse will provide one-half unit ofregular University credit.The syllabus also is offered toviewers who do not wish credit, buthave an interest in independentstudy, at a cost of $2, also throughthe Home Study Department.Dr. Finer was formerly a memberof the faculty of the University ofLondon. After two years as a visitingprofessor at Harvard, he became amember of the Political Science Department of the University of Chicago in 1946. He is the author ofnumerous important books in thefield of political science.Noted Scientist DiesEnrico Fermi, Nobel Prize winningphysicist and Charles H. Swift Distinguished Service Professor in theInstitute for Nuclear Studies, diedNovember 28 in his home at 5327University Avenue. He was 53.A few weeks before he died Dr.Fermi was awarded a $25,000 prizefrom the Atomic Energy Commissionfor his work on the atomic bomb thefirst such award authorized by theatomic energy law passed this year.He told friends he was happier University NewsAtomicPowerPlantTwo Faculty Deathsabout the success of his wife's newbook, Atoms in the Family, on thebest seller list, than about the A.E.C.prize.A few hours before he entered thehospital on October 9, Dr. Fermicalled the only press conference heever held on nontechnical matters.He had strong words against a newbook, The Hydrogen Bomb, by JamesShepley and Clay Blair Jr.The book had implied that the government and its atomic weaponslaboratory at Los Alamos, N. M., haddragged their feet on development ofthe hydrogen bomb, which Dr. Fermivigorously denied.Although known at his death asthe leading nuclear physicist, Dr.Fermi had also made major contributions to the statistics of electron gas,the statistical model of the atom itself, and fundamental contributionsto an understanding of radio-activity.Surviving are his wife, Laura, adaughter, Nella, and a son, Giulio.Binyon deathMillard P. Binyon, AM '35, PhD '47,Associate Professor of Humanities inthe College, died November 23, aftera month's illness following a coronarythrombosis.Mr. Binyon, who was 50, had beenon the faculty since 1943. Survivingare his wife, Anne; two daughters,Mrs. Judith Farnell of England, andMrs. Paula Upshaw of Tuscaloosa,Ala.; and a son, Michael, a studentat Colorado A&M College, Fort Collins, Colo.JANUARY, 1955 23A VOICEFORTHE DOOR| HREE GOOD FRIENDS gathered recently at theArt Institute in Chicago in front of the second-floorexhibit known as the Masterpiece of the Month. Eachman had good reason to be there: Ivan LeLorraine Albright, because his picture, The Door, was the masterpiece on exhibit; Daniel Catton Rich, because he isdirector of the Art Institute which proudly exhibits thepicture; and Earle Ludgin, because, thanks to his idea,there is now a voice behind Mr. Albright's Door.Mr. Ludgin believes in approaching art with botheyes wide open. So why not both ears too, he reasons.As a member of the Art Institute's board of trustees, hesuggested some months back to Mr. Rich, an old friendand fellow U. of C. classmate, that some of the Art Institute's masterpieces be wired for sound. All the betterto hear them with, he explained.The board voted to give his idea a trial run. Earlylast summer, Rembrandt's beauty, Girl at the Open Half-Door, was selected as the Art Institute's first talkingpicture. Mr. Rich wrote a short script, giving pertinentfacts about the artist and his work. His words wererecorded on a tape which was then installed behind thewalls adjacent to the picture. Visitors to the gallerycould push a button and within a six-foot radius of thespot could hear Mr. Rich's words of explanation. InIvan Albright and The Door.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthis way, it was hoped, a viewer could enter into anappreciation of the canvas with his ears as well as hiseyes.The picture, with sound effects, was on exhibit forone month and the enthusiasm with which the idea wasgreeted paved the way for a second talking picture,installed in November at the Masterpiece of the Monthlocation. Ivan Albright's contemporary masterpiece waschosen as the second picture which a gallery goer couldapproach with both ears and eyes wide open.When Messrs. Ludgin, Albright and Rich met at theexhibit for a pre-Thanksgiving reunion, Ludgin and Richliked what they saw and heard. Mr. Albright, however,seemed flustered by the voice, and whenever Mr. Richpushed the evocative button, Mr. Albright would disappear into the next gallery, staying out of ear-shotuntil the tape had played itself out. Mr. Ludgin wasamused and explained his friend's retreat: "It's not modesty. He's part leprechaun, you know."There's an elfin quality about Mr. Ludgin, too. LikeMr. Rich, he, also, is director of an art institute. It's onWacker Drive. Only he gives his a funny twist. Hecalls it an advertising agency. But since he's the president, that's his privilege. Clients who wander in thinkingit really is an advertising agency are sometimes startledby the profusion of vivid contemporary paintings (over200 of them) that vibrate from every wall in Mr. Ludgin'svast labyrinth of office-galleries.Some clients are blunt about their bewilderment. Oneman paused before a picture and huffed, "Do you pay a girl more to work under a picture like that?" Mr. Ludgin's staff, however, appears to share, to considerabledegree, their director's wild enthusiasm for his collection.A young staff member was recently moved from oneoffice in the firm to another, but not until he had madesure that the picture in his old office would be movedwith him. According to house rules, it's okay to shufflethe employees around, but not the paintings.A new employee was somewhat shaken by the starkpainting she met in her assigned cubicle. She inquiredif, perhaps, a picture with a gentler mood could be installed. Mr. Ludgin's position was sympathetic, but firm."You will learn to love it," he said with conviction. Theyoung lady stuck it out. She and the painting are nowthe best of friends.Messrs. Ludgin and Rich are in love with Albright'smasterpiece. They'd both love to own it. But neithercan afford to. It was once priced at $100,000. What withinflation and all, the price has been upped. This seemsonly business-like to Mr. Albright, who isn't at all thestarving artist-prototype, despite his astronomical prices.He has reasoned that if he were a businessman, whichpresumably he could have been, he'd figure on a conservative $10,000 a year income. So, if he spends a yearon a picture, he charges $10,000. He spent ten years onThe Door. Simple arithmetic dictates the price of $100,000.Mr. Ludgin owns two of Ivan Albright's pictures. Hepaid for them on a $25-per-month installment plan, andreflects sadly that he'd have to be Methuselah to usethat approach on The Door. But Messrs. Ludgin andRich cherish fantasies that they will, by some miracle,At Masterpiece of Month exhibit, Albright eyes button for the voice, hoping friends Ludgin and Rich won't push it. Lewellyn-tJANUARY, 1955 25fall heir to it. Mr. Ludgin teases Albright about it."Ivan, the paint's peeling off that old thing. Don't youthink it's about time you passed it over to me?" Mr.Rich, who manages to have the painting on display at theArt Institute much of the time, says nothing, but looksmuch like the cat who will some day swallow the canary.He wouldn't mind annexing Mr. Ludgin's collection,either. Just three good friends with artistic designs oneach other.Mr. Ludgin cherishes not only Mr. Albright's paintings,but also his friendship: Of him as an artist he says,"Essentially Ivan is profoundly serious about his work,but he makes every effort to conceal the fact. For manyyears he went doggedly on with his painting, receivinglittle recognition and a considerable amount of ridicule.He was unmoved, and continued to paint in his meticulous, laborious way. He has since won most of the majorawards available to American artists, and he continuesto treat both the awards and the paintings that receivedthem with an indulgent humor."With an indulgent good humor, that borders on embarrassment, Mr. Albright accepts his friend's idea of atalking picture, even when it's his own creation withwhich the idea becomes associated. By pushing a button,a visitor to the Art Institute, in recent weeks, couldhear the voice of radio-TV artist, Ken Nordine, intonethis script, written by Maude Riley, of the Art Institute'sstaff:"This is a painting by an American artist, a Chicagoanwho was thirty-three years old when he started the longtoil of painting a wreath on a door . . . more than lifesize . . . and forty-three years old when he finished it,in 1941. Why did Ivan Albright take such extraordinarypains? Why did he think it was worth ten years' labor?Well, it was not just because he wanted to paint a door.Ludgin pleads for The Door. Rich is quiet, but hopeful.Lewellyn As you see, he was painting death. And he thoughtabout it a long time, as philosophers usually do."He showed the door as rotted and decayed, as thoughit were flesh . . . wrinkled, and carrying the myriad scarsof a long, long existence. But the wreath he showed asfresh as the day it was hung. The funeral wreath represents memory, which is a living thing . . . the part thatlives on, in the minds of the bereaved. The closed doorrepresents the departed; and is as closed, and silent asthe grave. Notice that the door frame has assumed theshape of a coffin, and is richly carved, like the sarcophagus of a king. (Every man is a king, at last!). Only thewoman's hand, moving toward the door, seems to belongto the living. But it is an old hand, and you can drawany conclusion from it that you may wish. From beginning to end, the painting says, 'FINISHED.' This themeis expressed in more ways than one: Not another brushstroke is needed to 'finish' the painting. It's probably themost finished painting you've ever seen. The color lookssmoked on, as though painted with dying candles; thewhites are like cobwebs, or sifted dust; the light over allis cold."And yet, the artist-philosopher, Ivan Albright ofIllinois, has painted not only the finality of death, hehas painted sadness and regret, too. He calls this masterpiece, done at the height of his career: 'That WhichI Should Have Done 1 Did Not Do'."A.N.P.Rules for Would-Be Art CollectorsEarle and Mary MacDonald ('15) Ludgin havefound art collecting an exciting and rewarding adventure. Mr. Ludgin offers these suggestions towould-be collectors, based on their twenty-twoyears of experience in art collecting:1. "Only buy a picture if you can't resist it. If Ican resist it and Mary can't, we don't buy it,because we can't support two collections.2. "To buy the works of unknown artists is muchmore exciting than playing the races. A littleslower, perhaps, but it has the further advantage that you get to keep the horses youbet on.3. "Don't buy just for the sake of your collection. We are not building a collection that isa cross section of anything except our taste,and the accidental condition of our checkingaccount at a given time.4. "The paintings that are rough-hewn, the onesthat were painted because the man had to saythat particular thing, stand up better. We arenow wary of the ones that are too easilysolved, too readily penetrated.5. "If money is a problem for you, as it has beenfor us, we've taken care of that for you. Justtell the dealer or the artist that you'd like tobuy the picture on the installment plan, likea refrigerator. Listen closely and you'll hearhim murmur, 'Mrs. Ludgin always does.' Wewill have been there before you, makingstraight the way of the Lord."Nothing that we pay for a picture is a realisticappraisal of the devotion with which it was paintedor the intensity of the artist's feeling. I thankheaven that there are such brave, such sensitive,such selfless men as painters."26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEReflections After FiveTOMORROWIS HERE!For the queen, a kiss. Peeblesby Robert M. StrozierDean of StudentsOptimism is the word. TheChancellor openly admits he has it;the faculty are talking about it; thestaff and administration are full ofit. It is, in fact, a bright, new day.Three years of austerity budgets,declining enrolments, the sharp, longdebate about the relocation of thedegree all kept us in low spirits,convinced that a new day woulddawn, but wondering when.The first ray of light came whenthe Chancellor announced that thebudget was in balance as of July 1,1954, for the first time in many years.The second, still brighter ray shoneforth when the new students arrived:There were forty per cent more entering undergraduate students than ayear ago, and there was a generalincrease in the total enrolment of the University. The full light dawnedwhen we saw the students themselves, and when we came to realizefully that the new programs areunderway with a minimum of confusion.Old and friendly academic jargonagain has currency. There are undergraduates, and even freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. Strangeterms, these, during the past tenyears.Activities night filled Ida NoyesHall to overflowing. Seventy studentssigned up to work on the Maroon,and there was a commensurate interest shown in other groups from Acrotheatre to the Science Fiction Groupand the Rocket Society.Lest the impression be created thatthere are no problems remaining at the University, I must hasten tomention some.One which is perplexing and disturbing many students comes fromthe rumor about campus that Buildings and Grounds is considering having the windows washed and thepaneling cleaned in the Commons.Al Fortier, new President of StudentGovernment, is serving as chairmanof a committee with Janice Porter,last year's Wash Prom queen, andHoward Turner, to discuss this matterwith the administration. One meetinghas been held between the studentcommittee and Bill Harrell, WesKrogman and me. Other discussionsare scheduled.Diane Sills, a freshman from Decatur, Illinois, was named queen of theInterfraternity Ball at the annualJANUARY, 1955 27pre -Thanksgiving party at the Shore-land Hotel. She was crowned with ahalo of red roses by the Chancellorwho also claimed her first dance afterher moment of triumph. MarciaKimpton, Mrs. Bets Lorisch and Ihad the difficult task of selecting thequeen from an extraordinarily beautiful group of candidates. GeorgeStone, son of Raleigh Stone of theSchool of Business is president of theIF. Council, and he presided at theball. The Woellners and Bill Scottswere also chaperones.Bill Scott has filled many jobs forthe University and has always doneso with his customary urbanity anddignity. During the fall he was askedto serve as Acting Director of Student Activities in addition to beingRegistrar, while Bill Birenbaum wason leave-of-absence. Many years agoBill Scott held this position, and heresumed his duties as though he hadnever left the office.New Residence HeadArthur Kiendl is a new and interesting addition to our staff. He hasbeen serving as assistant dean of thecollege at Dartmouth for severalyears. We were able to attract him tohis present position as Director ofthe Residence Halls and the HousingBureau because he was interested inthe University where he hopes tofinish a PhD while working. He andhis wife, Jean, occupy an apartmentin Burton-Judson with their twochildren. Art is rapidly making aplace for himself in student and university life.Larry Kimpton and I hit the roadagain in late November to tell ourstory to new school groups and tovisit alumni. Luncheons for schoolofficials were held in Boston, Providence and Philadelphia with alumnimeetings in the latter two cities.Matthew Gaffney, formerly superintendent of New Trier, and now theUniversity's representative in theEast, joined us for the meetings.Matt, one of the most distinguishedleaders in secondary education in thiscountry, decided to retire early fromNew Trier, and it was our good fortune to persuade him to join ourstaff. We have never had many students from New England, which Mattis giving his full attention this fall.Many of the better eastern schoolshave for some time made consciousefforts to broaden their studentbodies by regional scholarship plans,thus avoiding the kind of provincialism which results from inbreeding. The University has long attractedstudents from the entire country toits undergraduate program, so thatonly about one-third of them comefrom metropolitan Chicago. We aremaking concerted efforts to push thisprogram further, and the alumni arebeing called on more and more tospread the good word about theirAlma Mater.Forbidden TopicOur new debate and drama director, Marvin Phillips, is chucklingabout the uproar in the press concerning a subject for debate. Whena national topic was chosen for thefall on the question of the recognitionof China, he accepted it without hesitation and trained his group to debate either side of the question. Ittook the intervention of PresidentEisenhower to make the militaryacademies reconsider their veto of thesubject, and one school in Chicagohad not allowed its students to participate. It is quite frightening whenminds of the young are consideredtoo tender to discuss matters of greatimportance to all of us. I am thankfulthat the University has not followedmany schools in their surrender tothe forces of anti-intellectualism. Thespirit of free inquiry still dominatesand always will dominate at the University of Chicago.It is true that the passing of theolder, veteran population has madecertain, subtle changes in the general tone of the student body. Theolder group had spent long years inservice and were, perhaps, maturer intheir approach to matters of nationaland international importance. Somehad embraced false ideologies fromembitterment or from idealism. TheMaroon reflected this concern byoften devoting most of its space toaffairs unrelated to the campus proper. At present, more than at anytime since the war, the Maroon isprimarily concerned with matters ofcampus interest. There is the samelively interest in national and international, affairs but there is betterperspective on the handling of news.I feel encouraged.The number of cultural events oncampus is almost overpowering,sometimes even frustrating whenthere are more than one can attend.Late in November, Toynbee spentthe weekend with Louise and QuincyWright, and John Nef presented himin Mandel Hall at a meeting at 2:00o'clock on the day before Thanksgiving. The hall was jammed, and three hundred people stood for theentire lecture and question period.Julian Huxley spoke before a crowdedhouse recently at International House.Jean Sarrailh, rector of the University of Paris, drew a crowdedBreasted Hall, and his speech was inFrench! John Nef brings more distinguished persons to the campuson the behalf of the Committee onSocial Thought than any other person, and he always entertains themin his home. He brought Toynbeetwo years ago and has had T. S. Elliot, Andre Siegfried, Sarrailh andmany others.The little theatre on the third floorof Reynolds Club is now used forpresenting plays in the round. Thetheatre group's first this fall was agay translation of Giraudoux's play,The Enchanted. Even though phantasy is difficult for amateurs, this wasperformed with great skill. Formermembers of the University's theatregroup now have in the city of Chicagoa repertory company called the Playwright's Theatre. It has had a struggle, but it has received good criticalnotices from the local drama critics.Like the University group, it has notpresented the run-of-the-mill Broadway-type play. Zora Alton, whosehusband, Bill, directed the Revelslast year, is one of the stars of thegroup.Brains Plus BeautyOur staff was upset when welearned we would lose Alma Mullin,when Joe was named President ofShimer in August. The whole neighborhood misses the Mullin family,but we have visited them in theirnew home and are proud of the pacethey have already set for themselvesthere. Fortunately, we found thatMary Alice Ross, who has been headof Foster, was not leaving on finishing her PhD this summer in history.Instead she was married to Jim Newman, head of Salisbury House, andMary Alice took charge of our socialprogram. She looks much too youngand pretty to have the brains, talentand charm she has, but we are thelucky ones.We keep hearing people say positively that Chicago is going backinto big time football, almost at once.It seems to be the logical assumptionon the part of many people, once theyhave heard of the changes in theacademic. So far as I know, we haveno plans for the resumption of football at Chicago, but, of course, nobody ever tells me anything.28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINES\eader£ GuideBIOLOGICAL SCIENCESIlza Veith, Assistant Professor inthe Departments of Medicine andHistory, is in a good spot to keepabreast of new books in the field ofthe biological sciences. We haveasked her again, after a two-yearinterval, to suggest some recent booksin her field more or less whichwould be of interest to the layman.Atoms in the Family: My life withEnrico Fermi. By Laura Fermi. TheUniversity of Chicago Press, 1954. $4.This intimate biography of the mangenerally described as "most responsible for the coming of the AtomicAge," is perhaps the most rewardingbook in recent publishing history.The author describes the formativeyears of the great physicist, his riseand achievements, with the affection,admiration and un-awed humor of aloving wife, and she lets the readerparticipate in her own understandingof atomic science and her husband'spart in its development. Einstein,Bohr, Oppenheimer, Urey, Teller andFuchs and many others of Fermi'sfriends and colleagues appear in thesepages, not in their aloof roles asatomic scientists, but as friends andneighbors with the strength andweaknesses of human beings. Themany illustrations of Fermi and theircharming captions serve as a happyantidote to the author's preoccupationwith the gravity of Fermi's achievement.Rudolph Virchow: Doctor, Statesman, Anthropologist. By ErwinAckerknecht. University of Wisconsin Press, 1953. $5.This first major biography of oneof the most important 19th centurypersonalities describes with equalemphasis and skill the differentphases of Rudolph Virchow's impressive career. Perhaps best known asthe founder of cellular pathology,Virchow was equally effective as astatesman and militant opponent ofBismarck. His archeological interestsled him to participate in Schliemann'sexcavations at Troy and in the studyof Egyptian and Etruscan cultures;and his anthropological studies, devoted to the culture and physicalcharacteristics of the German people,produced concrete evidence to shatterthe myth of Teutonic superiority. TheJANUARY, 1955 author, who shares much of Virchow's background and interest, haspresented a loving, though not entirely uncritical, picture of his subject.Bela Schick and the World of Children. By Antoni Gronowicz. Abelard-Schuman, 1954. $3.75.This charming biography of theinventor of the Schick test for diphtheria is written for doctors and laymen alike. The story of Dr. Schick'slife, and his many different scientificpursuits, is set against a backgroundof European and American medicine,and it conveys to the reader the kindness, the charm and brilliance of thegreat pediatrician. The book is richlyillustrated with informal photographsand portraits of Dr. Schick and thoseclose to him in the various stages ofhis fruitful career. Dr. Schick who isnow in his seventies and still activein pediatrics, authorized this biography.Science and Civilization in China.By Joseph Needham. Cambridge University Press, 1954. $10.This volume, subtitled, "Introductory Orientations," is the first of anextraordinarily ambitious series ofseven projected volumes on the history of Chinese science which are tobe published in rapid succession. Dr.Needham, a distinguished British biochemist, author of a book on the history of embryology, and student ofthe history and language of Chinacombines these unique attributes witha mastery of style that makes hisbook as readable as it is informative.By prefacing his work with an excellent "Note on the Chinese Language"and by giving a geographical as wellas historical introduction of greatclarity, the author makes it possibleto address himself not only to specialists but to "all educated peopleinterested in the history of scienceand the comparative development ofAsia and Europe." The beautifulbinding and the magnificent illustrations deserve special mention.The Human Animal. By Weston LaBarre. University of Chicago Press,1954. $6.This intensely interesting study ofman's human nature takes the readerfrom man's animal past through thevarious phases of human evolution,through sickness and health to mankind's present bafflement at the newpower and knowledge over the atom.In addition to his own discipline, anthropology, the author draws on amultitude of others among them so ciology, human biology, linguisticsand psychiatry to achieve his unclouded picture of human nature. The"intelligent reader," to whom thebook is directed, may at times besurprised and perhaps dismayed atthe new insight he gains into "thisstrange and wonderful animal," himself; but Weston La Barre provesthat there is "hardly any subject matter that is more rewarding to understand than man ..."Cotton Mather: First SignificantFigure in American Medicine. ByOtho Beall, Jr., and Richard Shryock.The Johns Hopkins Press, 1954.This book serves the two-foldfunction of re-evaluating the personality and work of The Reverend Cotton Mather in the light of his contributions to the medical thought ofhis day, and of presenting a pictureof pre -Enlightenment medicine as itwas practiced in colonial America inthe early 18th century. In addition,the book contains a large portion ofthe Angel of Bethesda, Mather's significant "Essay Upon the CommonMaladies of Mankind" which hasnever before appeared in print. Inpresenting the hitherto neglected aspects of Mather's work and in emphasizing his many positive contributions, Messrs. Beall and Shryockhave succeeded in an historical re-interpretation that is as equally interesting as it is convincing.Ancient Science and Modern Civilization. By George Sarton. University of Nebraska Press, 1954. $2.50.In this book the leading historianof science presents three essays dealing with Euclid and Ptolemy in theirhistorical setting and with the declineof Greek science and culture. In developing his material Dr. Sartonshows the direct influence exerted by9 FLOORS FILLED WITH BOOKS!Chicago's LargestANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORE(In the heart of the Loop)Everything from 10c books to raritiesBooks from the I5th CenturyModern, first and limited editions18th & 19th Century English LiteratureLarge stock of pamphlet materialWe buy small and large collections ofgood booksCome in or write usCENTRAL BOOK STORE36 SOUTH CLARK STREETDEARBORN 2-0470Also open evenings and Sundays29ancient science upon the developmentof our present-day preoccupationwith science and technology, and hearrives at the conclusion that "modern science is the continuation andfructification of Greek science andwould not exist without it." Theessays, originally presented as Montgomery Lectures at the University ofNebraska, make fascinating readingfor those interested in antiquity andfor many who are bewildered at thepreeminence of science in our modern civilization.Galen of Pergamon. By George Sarton. (Logan Clendenning Lectures onthe History and Philosophy of Medicine, Third Series). University ofKansas Press, 1954. $2.50.This second book by Professor Sarton, also dealing with Greek science,is devoted to the life and work of oneof the greatest physicians of antiquity.Although Galen's influence was protracted over many centuries and boreheavily on the development of medicine, only a few of his numerouswritings are available in moderntranslations. Because of this dearthof material, this excellent sketch ofGalen's brilliant career and strongpersonality, his relations to his timesand the long-lasting impact is especially valuable.|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui!^| A Major Publishing Event |PSYCHOTHERAPYI AND PERSONALITY CHANGE (| By the Staff of the Counseling || Center, University of Chicago || Carl R. Rogers and Rosalind || Dymond, Editors |1 This is the first study to provide sci- || entific evidence, based upon adequate || methods and controls, that people do || change as a result of non-directive psy- |1 chotheraphy. Thirteen studies are re- 1| ported, each investigating a different || hypothesis as to change, and each com- |1 plete with objective evidence, in ad- || dition, there are case studies containing || extensive excerpts from recorded inter- || views, and two case studies are reported 1| in full. Psychotherapy and Personality || Change is an important and highly || significant contribution to the whole || field of personality theory as well as || to psychotherapy and counselling. || 496 pages $6.00 |1 from your bookseller or from |[ THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS )1 5750 Ellis Avenue Chicago 37, Illinois |niiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiir REUNION PLANS,1955 STYLEPlans are well underway forthe biggest and most festive reunion of classes in many a year.June Week (the first through thefourth of June) will see nineclasses reunited on campus.Ninety- six alumni from 20 states from New York to California,and from Wisconsin to Florida have already indicated they planto return.Classes meeting this year are:'05, 10, '15, '20, '25, '30, '35, '40,and '45 so, be sure and plan tocome.* Indicates those who plan toattend.90-03Andros Carson, '90, Rush MD, is stillpracticing medicine in Des Moines, Iowa.Pearl Hunter Weber, '99, AM '20, is aresident of Arcadia, Calif., and keepsbusy handling magazine subscriptions.Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Blackwelder, '01,PhD '14, celebrated their 50th weddinganniversary on September 26 at theirhome in Stanford, Calif. Mrs. Black-welder was Jean Bowersock of Lawrence,Kansas. Mr. Blackwelder was professorof geology at Stanford University from1922 until his retirement in 1945.Elsie Horn Tyndale, '01, of New YorkCity, was a mid- September visitor toAlumni House during a vacation spentin Chicago. Eighty-one years old onOctober 1, she is in excellent health andenjoying everything about life.Douglas Sutherland has been reappointed for a six-year term as a memberand vice-chairman of the Civil ServiceBoard of the Sanitary District of Chicago.Irving E. Miller, '03, AM, PhD '04, recently celebrated his 85th birthday. Heand his wife own their own home inBellingham, Wash., overlooking PugetSound and the San Juan Islands. Beforeretiring in 1942, Mr. Miller was chairmanof the curriculum committee and chairman of the Department of Psychologyand education at the University of Washington College of Education in Bellingham.05-07Theodora Richards Ellsworth is stateauditor and board member of the 64year-old Colonial Dames of America'sIowa Society. Evaline Dowling, '05, has been verybusy serving as secretary of the LosAngeles chapter of the American Association for the United Nations; as chairman of the international relations section of the Women's University Club;and as president of the L.A. alumnaechapter of Pi Lamda Theta.James S. Riley, '05, of Arcadia, Calif.,concentrates his major activities in theLos Angeles Orthopedic Foundation andOrthopedic Hospital, and he is vice-president and director of both institutions. In the summer of '53, he and Mrs.Riley had a three-month's trip abroad,spending most of the time in Spain withprior visits to the Scandinavian countriesand London.Dean Wicks, '05, PhD '12, writes fromBluemont, Va., "I retired from government service in 1948, and am enjoyingcountry life, with garden and goats. Mywife drives a bookmobile, and I do considerable reading on religious and lightersubjects. I find the Society of Friendsvery much to my liking."Adeline Meyer Cook of Jacksonville,Fla., has recently returned from a grandtour of the Hawaiian Islands.Lydia Lee Pearce sends alumni greetings from Agana, the capital of theisland of Guam.Irving Young retired in 1951 as seniorinspector, Underwriter's Laboratories. Heis now living in Marshfield, Mo. His sonis serving as an Army officer in Korea.10Ellen M. Clark, AM '31, retired inJune after 41 years of teaching historyat Wisconsin State College, Superior,Wis. From 1921-47 she also served asdean of women, but since 1947 had devoted her time exclusively to teaching.This fall, Miss Clark began teaching in aprivate school.Eleanor Whipple Peter, MD Rush '11,and her husband, William W. Peter, MDRush '10, are living in a log cabin onChesapeake Bay upon his retirement lastyear from the Institute of Inter American Affairs in Washington, D.C. Theyhave three children, all married, andnine grandchildren.R. Ruggles Gates, PhD, was invitedlast Spring to Japan, by a group ofJapanese geneticists, to lecture and tomake special anthropological studies inseveral parts of Japan. His tour includeda special lecture before the Emperor anda public lecture in Tokyo to an audienceof 1200. He also spent a week in Hiroshima as guest of the American BombCasualty Commission.Dr. and Mrs. Louis D. Smith, MD '11,recently returned from an extensivebusiness -vacation trip through Europe.30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDr. Smith, a prominent Chicago surgeon,spent considerable time attending medical clinics. He reports that his son Paul,'34, president of Strolee of CaliforniaInc., has two daughters and is living inLos Angeles. Their daughter, Mrs.Naomi Smith Devoe, resides in Chicagowith her attorney husband and threesons two of them are attending ChicagoLatin School and are future Chicagocandidates.12-13Isabel F. Jarvis has given up herChicago apartment and is now living atthe Evanshire Hotel, in Evanston.Edith Bradley Wells, AM '33, writesthat the business her late husband, Morris Wells, '12, founded and carried onuntil his death, is still flourishing andexpanding under the presidency ofC. Blair Coursen, '22.A brochure from Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, Ky., tells of the faithfuland efficient service Elva Goodhue hasgiven over the past twenty-five years.Now head of the science department, sheis respected by students and facultymembers for her energy and devotion inbuilding up the department.J. O. Hassler, PhD '15, has retired asProfessor Emeritus of Mathematics andAstronomy, University of Oklahoma,after 34 years. His total number of yearsas a teacher comes to an even fifty.Gerald Lawrence, MD, is still workingfor the VA as senior staff physician. Hewas transferred in November, 1953, fromWood, Wis., to Clinton, Iowa.Let-son Cook Meador has retired aslibrarian at Senior High School inSpringfield, Mo., after thirty years ofservice. Her husband, Lewis Meador, '11,is also retired, and the couple now hastime for the travel, reading, and leisure-time activities they've been putting offduring their busy careers.Dr. William A. Swim, MD '15, sentin an impressive brochure about TheUniversity of Unified Knowledge whichhe is instrumental in helping to organizein Los Angeles. It will be a "free university in a democratic society dedicatedto the preservation and advancement ofthe great values of civilization." It isestimated that an initial fund of threemillion dollars will be necessary tolaunch this new venture into education.14-19Howell W. Murray, '14, has been electeda member of the board of Gisholt Machine Co., Madison, Wis.Thomas Goodwin, '16, AM '22, is therecipient of two honorary doctor of divinity degrees conferred upon him lastJune; one by Yankton College in SouthDakota, and the other by the ChicagoTheological Seminary.Roy Miller, '17, is president of MillerProducts Co., in Portland, Oregon. Hehas one son, one daughter, and fourgrandchildren.JANUARY, 1955 15 MRS. MARY KOLL HEINER,Associate Professor of Economicsof the Household and HouseholdManagement and a noted pioneeron work simplification in the home,retired July 1 after 11 years at theNew York State College of HomeEconomics, Cornell University,Ithaca, N. Y.Believing that women are toooften slaves to "the way motherdid things" and "what the neighbors will think" Mrs. Heiner hascrusaded over the years to breakdown outmoded attitudes of home-makers and has urged them to viewtheir tasks objectively. Her philosophy that "relaxed family living may be more important thanmeticulous housekeeping to thewell-being and happiness of afamily" has led her to point outeasy ways to do house work.Her recent interest has beencentered on storage, and her principles of storage in household workat place of first use, clear visibilityand easy accessibility have beenaccepted widely in design ofkitchen equipment, as has heremphasis on designing for heightand reach of women.Bernard E. Newman, '17, has beenpromoted to regional sales manager forLadies Home Journal. The post is newlycreated by Curtis Publishing Co., as partof a new program. He has been a salesrepresentative for Curtis since 1925.Stewart G. Cole, '19, AM, D.B. '20,and Mildred Janofsky Cole, PhB '20, AM'¦22, have just published a documentarystudy of intercultural relations in thiscountry titled Minorities and the American Promise: A Conflict of Principle andPractice. Harper & Bros, is the publisher. Don A. Piatt, '19, PhD '25, has been onsabbatical leave from U.C.LA.'s Department of Philosophy this year to travel inEurope.20* Pauline Boisot of LaGrange, 111., andher adopted 3V2 -year-old son are having"wonderful times together."* Walter A. Bowers, business department assistant manager for Burns &Roe, internationally known engineeringfirm with headquarters in New York,is now living in the blue grass countryof Kansas. Of four daughters and twosons, all but two are out of college. Theeldest, a daughter, is married and hasthree children; the second daughter is aUnited Air Lines stewardess; the thirdchild, also a daughter, is with the StateDepartment in the Near East; the fourth,a son, is a pilot, and the fifth and sixth,a son and daughter, are still in school.Ray T. Caldwell, AM '22, Congregational minister in Batavia, 111., writesthat his son, Douglas, entered the College as a freshman this fall.* Nona Walker Daugherty, veteran Chicago high school math teacher, spent theyear 1953-54 traveling the length andbreadth of South America. "Thanks tomy training in Spanish at the University,I was able to talk with people, andeverywhere found them friendly andkindly and interested in North America."POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven Typewriting MimeographingMultigraphing AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones: 219 W. Chicago AvenueMl 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisWHITELY ESTATESCORPORATIONWE PURCHASEHEIRSHIPS ORPARTIAL INTERESTSIN REAL ESTATE134 N. LA SALLE STREETCHICAGO, ILLINOISDEarborn 2-442031* Elizabeth Walker, veteran ChicagoSun-Times columnist, spent part of thispast year visiting Alaska and Hawaii.A newspaper-woman for 35 years, shehas worked for the Sun-Times for over12 years.* Joseph R. Rose, JD '23, Professor ofTransportation and Public Utilities atWharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania, ismaking plans to attend the 35th Reunionof his class in June.Henry L. Pringle of Leesburg, Fla., notonly has a very satisfactory law practiceestablished with his son and son-in-law,but many time-consuming outside interests too. He manages a 200-acreorange grove, raises 500 head of cattle,develops real estate, and is active inchurch, Masonic, and Kiwanis work.* Richard A. Rubovits, vice-president ofToby Rubovits, Inc., Chicago printingfirm, is hoping to attend both his classreunion and the popular Alumni School21The Rev. Raymond H. Ewing, DB, AM'29, has accepted a call to build a newchurch for the McCone county parish atCircle, Mont. He and his wife, Ruth AdaGrimes Ewing, AB '15, AM '21, also aminister, had been preaching five timeseach Sunday in different towns surrounding Staples, Minn. From 1946-49Mr. Ewing was field superintendent ofCongregational churches in Minnesota.He and Mrs. Ewing were missionaries toIndia in the 1920's.Bryan E. Gossett has been on theboard of directors of Westmont College,Santa Barbara, Calif., since 1942.Dr. James L. McCartney, MD '24(Rush Medical College), has been invited to speak under the auspices of theWorld Medical Association to the medical societies at Havana, Cuba; Yokohamaand Kobe, Japan; Manilla, P.I; Colombo,Ceylon; Cohin and Bombay, India; Karachi, Pakistan; Naples and Genoa, Italy.His subject will be The Treatment ofInvolutional and Senile Psychoses. Dr.McCartney sailed on November 20 for around-the-world cruise, visting 24 ports,and will survey the psychiatric facilitiesin each of the 14 countries he will visit.He expects to return to New York onMarch 6.tXCtlltNCl IN tltCTKtCAl flODUCTAlea/oeeiELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.Distrlbitirs, Manifactarirs and Jibbirs a)ELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St. - ENglewood 4-7500 Artistic replyWhen a form letter asked Helen Ullman Bibas, '25, for news, she sent an artisticreply, herewith reproduced. She lists her business as "NO business, like showbusiness or any other business," while husband Edgar Bibas, '24, works at Draper& Kramer, Chicago realty firm.lbeVe*We beet-\ S&mz change* ma.ckeHz522Frederika Blankner, who is chairmanof the Classical Civilization, Languagesand Literature Department of AdelphiCollege in New York, has received the1954 tenth annual prize of New YorkCity's Composers' Press. Her book, FiveSongs From All My Youth, has been setto music by Arthur Connolly and wasperformed publicly for the first time before the National Association of American Composers and Conductors in November.Edward Frankel is vice-president andtreasurer of Roger Johnson Advertising,Inc., in Des Moines, Iowa.23-24Abraham Brauer, Rush MD '26, is ingeneral practice in East Chicago, Ind.* Roy E. Brackin, MD '29, a surgeon andresident of Winnetka, 111., has Junemarked on his calendar too.* Evangeline Nine Jensen of LaSalle,111., reports that her son, Robert, is nowin his third year of service with theArmy. She has two other children,Karen and Astried, both students atMount Holyoke College.Marjorie Carroll Johnson, JD '27, andher husband, Owen M., JD '28, celebratedtheir 25th wedding anniversary last December and their 20th year of practicinglaw in Belvidere, 111. They have threechildren: Phyllis Carroll, who is in herthird year as a graduate drama studentat Yale; Owen Jr., a freshman at Dartmouth; and^ David Gregory, a freshmanat Belvidere High School. 1455Roy M. Langdon, MD '29, a memberof the senior staff of Obstetrics andGynecology at Little Company of MaryHospital (Evergreen Park, 111.), has renewed his ties with Chicago. His son,Jon Milton, has entered the fall freshmanclass.Cecelia Gaul, AM '30, was in Europefor three months last Spring.Dorothy Judd (Mrs. Robert Sickels),is still enjoying her job as universityeditor at Syracuse, and writes, "I findthe place full of Chicago people, whichmakes it even more fun.Dr. Maurice O. Ross, AM, PhD '36,president of Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind., was awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree by Indiana CentralCollege, Indianapolis, at the June convocation.25Anna Jones has spent the past yearon sabbatical leave to investigate variousphases of educational and vocationalguidance trends and practices in collegesand universities throughout the country.Eugene K. Lydon has been namedpresident of Great Lakes Dredge andDock Co. He had been executive vicepresident.John Morley has been a war correspondent in Korea and Indo- China forthe past four years. He also gets toAfrica and the Near East, with specialcoverage of European events as theyoccur. He is off again for Indo -Chinaand Africa.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE* Dr. Robert Watson Lennon, Joliet, 111.,eye specialist, has high hopes that hisson, Robert, 13V2, will follow in his footsteps upon completion of his preparatoryschooling at Phillips Exeter Academy.Mrs. Helen Clevidence Marquis' eldestson, Lyle, is a second lieutenant in theAir Force, and her youngest child, John,is a sophomore at Bradley University.She also has a married daughter, Mrs.E. F. Lawrence III, and three grandsons.Mrs. Sylvia McGovern Moyano, Professor of Biology at Good Counsel College, as a side line writes Spanish fictionstories. She has one son, Vincent, whois now 13 years old.* Claude O. Pauley, assistant professorof Mathematics at Valparaiso University,recently celebrated his 45th wedding anniversary. A teacher in Indiana publichigh schools for 39 years, he has oneson, R. Eugene Pauley, who is airformdivision manager for Goodyear Tire andRubber Co.* Wilson H. Shorey is an avid amateurphotographer and a member of the Ft.Dearborn-Chicago Camera Club and anassociate of the Photographic Society ofAmerica. He is an attorney by vocation.26Rachel Beiser is teaching arts andcrafts at the Smouse Opportunity Schoolfor physically handicapped children inDes Moines.Richard L. Doan, PhD, is manager ofthe Phillips Petroleum Co. atomic energydivision in Idaho Falls, Idaho. He headsan organization of 900 persons, whichhas responsibility under contract withthe Atomic Energy Commission for several major activities at the NationalReactor Testing Station.Stiles Lessly, AM, DB '29, has beenpastor of the First CongregationalChurch of DeKalb, 111., since 1945, andwill soon see the completion of a quarter-million dollar church building on anew location.Felicia Metcalf e is teaching at the Kentucky Home School for Girls, in Louisville. She spent last summer in Canada.28Arvid Johnson, MD '32, is still doinginternal medicine in Rockford, 111. Hisoldest son, David, is a sophomore atNorthwestern's medical school; son Donald is enrolled at Purdue.Kenneth Alva Norton, Chief, RadioPropagation Engineering Division, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder,Colo., was recently presented with theStuart Ballantine Medal, awarded bythe Franklin Institute of the State ofPennsylvania for outstanding achievement in the field of communication. Thecitation read, in part: "In considerationof his contributions over a period of 25years in the field of radio propagationCarol Hess Saphir (Mrs. William) SM'31, is chairman of the South Sectionof the Women's Division of the 1955 Heart Fund Drive of the Chicago HeartAssociation. Mrs. Saphir is recordingsecretary of the Chicago region of Parents and Teachers, chairman of thejoint committee on health services forthe school child, and is active in theLeague of Women Voters. She is amember of the Senate of the University of Chicago Alumni Association.29Alfred Noyes is assistant manager ofthe Greater Los Angeles Chapter of theNational Safety Council.Marie Johnson Paxson (Mrs. AldenSwift), missed her 25th anniversary reunion here in June to attend the graduation of her daughter, Shirley, at BeloitCollege, Beloit, Wis. Shirley majoredin anthropology and is planning to workon an MA in that field. A son, Jerry,is a junior at the Colorado School ofMines, where he won a scholarship andis majoring in geological engineering.Sophie V. Cheskie, MBA '46, directorof adult education for Highland Parkschools (Michigan) since 1948, has an unusual, but most interesting, avocation."My hobby," she writes, "is going toEurope every summer as a member ofthe staff for the Wayne University (Detroit) study tour in comparative education." 30Edward B. Espenshade, SM '32, PhD'43, has been appointed a full professorship in geography at Northwestern University.Jerome and Geraldine Manaster Wenk'soldest daughter was graduated lastSpring from South Shore High Schooland is now a freshman at the University of Missouri.Dr. William Hoffman, MD, had a bookpublished in April by Year Book Publishing Co., Chicago, The Biochemistry ofClassical Medicine. He is professoriallecturer in medicine at the Universityof Illinois College of Medicine and recently became medical director of TheSidney Hillman Health Center, Chicago.Mrs. Hilda Diamond Armin and herartist husband, Emil, are both out-doorenthusiasts. "We spend much of whatlittle spare time we have at Wilson, atthe Dunes in Indiana."* George Hugh Barnard, JD '31, Chicagoattorney, was promoted this year to therank of full commander in the NavalReserve. His wife Mary Hartline oftelevision fame is the idol of thousandsof children who know her as the starof Super Circus show.* William R. Benner, president ofStreator Canning Foods Co., and wife,Helen, have two teen-age daughters:Kay, 16, and Linda, 13 years old.! life insurance protection ioryour family during vital years . . .*7<£&£ all premiumsreturned fitut dividends*f,C4> * 0 this is now possible through modern life insuranceplanning with the SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA, one ofNorth America's leading life companies. The new Sun Life Security Fund"insurance or money-back" plan enables you to provide life insurance protectionfor your family until you are 65 with a guarantee that, if you live to 65, all themoney you paid will be refunded to you in full . . . plus accumulated dividends.C/%* 0 0 the proceeds at age 65 can be c) used to purchase a paid-up policy fora) used to provide an annuity; the original sum assured, with ab) left on deposit with a guaranteed balance which can be taken in cashrate of interest; or as a guaranteed income.caii*.s»uf.rroffc.SUN LIFE OF CANADArepresentative in your | 607 Shelby St., Detroit 26, Mich.district for more I Without obligation, I would like more details of the newinformation about the J Sun Life Security Fund plan.Sun Life "money-back" I N/MEplan, or mai/ this |coupon today, l ADDRESS ..AGEJANUARY, 1955 33* Max E. Sonderby, Chicago Sun-Timesreporter, was re-appointed for the 8thyear as chairman for the 3rd Congressional District, Independent Voters ofIllinois. He is also a 3rd year member ofthe organization's board, and organizerand chairman of the Beverly Town Meeting. His wife, Mary Sjostrom, '29 isactive in the League of Women Voters,and is band mother at Barnard P.T.A.They have three sons, 13, 11, and 9.* Bernard Weinberg, PhD '36, Professorof Romance Languages at NorthwesternUniversity and a member of its facultysince 1949, has written numerous articlesand reviews for scholarly journals inthis country and abroad (Italy, France,and Switzerland). Last summer papersprepared by him were read at international conferences held in Paris and Oxford. He has been awarded an AmericanField Service Fellowship for France,Guggenheim Fellow, and Fulbright Senior Research Award for Italy.Mrs. Helen Feinstein Zimnavoda is onthe teacher training program staff ofthe Los Angeles City Schools. She received her master of science degree fromthe University of Southern Californiaand has taken graduate work at twoother universities but still thinks "TheUniversity of Chicago is the university."31Last year Ruth Blankmeyer resignedfrom her position as art consultant inthe Oak Park Elementary Schools toset up her own gift shop in Oak Park.Madrigale McKeever, PhD, of Bloomington, 111., is examining psychologist atthe State Prison for Women and an instructor and consultant at Lincoln College. She has added a consulting job atIllinois Wesleyan University, and stillfinds three days weekly to practice clinical psychology in her new offices.PHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET-LITHOGRAPHYFine Color Work a SpecialtyQuality Book Reproduction731 Plymouth CourtWAbash 2-8182AJAX WASTE PAPER CO.1001 W. North Ave.Buyers of Waste Paper500 pounds or moreScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, LA 2-8354 32Robert Klove, SM '37, PhD '42, reportsthe arrival of his second child, MarthaMary, on November 26, 1953.Donald C. Lowrie, PhD '42, returnedto service in the Naval Reserve as alieutenant commander in July. He is incharge of the preventive medicine unitat Camp Pendleton, Calif., and he andhis wife are residing in Oceanside, Calif.He is on a two-year leave of absencefrom the University of Idaho, where hehas been an Associate Professor of Biology for the past five years.Mary Waller has a year's leave ofabsence from the romance language department at MacMurray College andis studying and teaching part time atthe University of Illinois.33Daniel Dribin, SM '34, PhD '36, hasbeen with the National Security Agency,Department of Defense, since 1942. Heis living in Arlington, Va., in a newhouse, with his wife, Tillie, and theirson, Leland, 9.Robert T. Garen has moved fromWashington, D. C, to Tacoma, Wash., tobecome property management supervisorin the Department of Utilities of theCity of Tacoma. Bob was an officer inthe New York Alumni Club in the latethirties, but he and his family are allout for the great Pacific Northwest. Thefamily includes Jane, 9, and Thomas, 5.Col. Vernon T. Jaeger was transferredin June to duty at Camp Gordon,Georgia as senior Post Chaplain.Terrance Kleckner, AM, has beenexecutive director of the Indiana HeartFoundation, with offices in Indianapolis.Walter Maneilis, AM '36, writes fromWest Lafayette, Ind., to say he is Visiting Professor of English at Purdue University and "I find it interesting to teachat an institution against which I usedto play football 'way back in the daysof Stagg and Shaughennsey."Jane McCullock, AM, of Wichita Falls,Texas, is one of the state sponsors ofthe Pan-American Student Forum ofTexas, an organization that is supportedby the Good Neighbor Commission.34An article in the American LibraryAssociation Bulletin for September, 1954,pays tribute to the outstanding work ofCarleton Joeckel, PhD, distinguished librarian. The article reads, in part, "Formore than forty years he has pursued hischosen profession as a doer and as ateacher; his contributions to the progressof librarianship have been valuable,unique and personal he has workedtoward better library standards, towardsclearer definition of the library in society, towards federal aid for libraries,and towards the consolidation of smaller library units into larger and better ones.These are goals with which his namehas become particularly associated andwhich are recognized and well knownthrough his books and articles. . . . Theselection of Carleton B. Joeckel as thefirst recipient of the Herbert PutnamHonor Award in 1949 was a fitting tribute to the fact that he of all librarianshas done more than anyone else in thisgeneration to chart the path for thepublic libraries of America."Dr. William B. Tucker, MD, returnedto Chicago in July after seven and ahalf years in Minneapolis. He is nowchief, pulmonary disease service, at theVeterans Administration Research Hospital, and Professor of Medicine atNorthwestern University Medical School.Robert Walker, PhD '40, was promoted to a full professorship in the Department of Political Science at Stanford University last Spring.Yvonne M. Kimball Cusack receivedher MA at Northwestern University inJune. She teaches english and is librarian at McClure Junior High School,Western Springs, 111.Harold V. Miller writes from Nashville, Tenn., that the oldest child inthe Miller family, Donald Harlan Miller,entered the University this Fall. Hisparticular interest is nuclear physics.35Charles Asher is analytical laboratorysupervisor, Pabst Brewing Co., in Peoria.The Ashers have three children: Linda,12; Charles, 8; and John, 3.Franklin Carr began his duties lastMarch as administrator of Detroit Memorial Hospital after resigning from asimilar position at Waukesha (Wis.)Memorial Hospital.Holger B. Bentsen reports that theY.M.C.A. of Cleveland, of which he isassistant general secretary, has just completed a $5,000,000 capital funds campaign and is now moving forward withan extensive building program. Mrs.Bentsen is working full time too, in theoffice of the Republican finance committee of northern Ohio. Their daughter, Beverly, is doing secretarial workat the general offices of the U.S. SteelCorp.* Donald E. Bellstrom and wife, RuthStrine, '31, AM '33, have two boys,Stephen, 16, and Jon, 8. Mr. Bellstromis southern region manager of the BulkShortening Department, Procter andGamble Co.* George D. Livingstone, Chicago attorney and president of Bentley & Livingstone, Inc., public relations counsellors,has just completed building a home inLake Forest, 111. Next month will markthe firm's 17th year of service.* Ewing L. Lusk, Jr. is vice-presidentof The Quality Roofing Co., which iskeeping pace with fast growing KansasCity. During the last war he served asTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEchief of staff of the 9th Armored Division. He has three children: 11 year-oldRusty (a red-head like his attractivemother), Diane, 6, and Mollie, 3. 37 3936John Ballenger, of Wilmette, 111., collaborated with his father to completethe fourth edition of a manual on diseases of the ear, nose, and throat.Sharley DeMotte retired from BallState Teachers College, Muncie, Ind., inJune, after 39 years of teaching, the last29 of which she spent at Ball State. Shewas Associate Professor of English andDirector of Publicity at the time of herretirement and has been given emeritusstatus.Lt. Col. L. Boland Kuhn, PhD, isserving in Germany with the 4th Medical Field Laboratory.Morris Neiburger, PhD '45, meteorologist, is a member of the scientific teamof the Southern California Air Pollution Foundation, which was founded,through private endowment, to studycauses of, and recommend ways to combat, smog.Robert and Jeanne Kenning Webberlive in Syracuse, N. Y., where Bob istreasurer and controller of the R. E.Dietz Co. Jeanne keeps busy with theirthree daughters, ages 12, 8, and 6, andwith school and community activities. Aaron Bell is teaching at the NewSchool for Social Research in New YorkCity. His course is entitled, "Contemporary Political Rhetoric," and he writes,"Incidentally, the fund-raising letters ofEarle Ludgin will be used to illustratethe rhetoric of ways and means."Dr. Norman B. Davidson, PhD '41,Associate Professor of Chemistry at theCalifornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., has been chosen 1954 recipient of the California section award ofthe American Chemical Society.Arthur Fung, AM, PhD '40, wasawarded a Guggenheim Fellowship thisyear to carry out research on Franco-American relations during World War II.Laurence L. Sloss, PhD, has been appointed a full professor at NorthwesternUniversity. He is a specialist in petroleum geology.38Gordon Freese is comptroller and secretary-treasurer of Stephens College.Blair Kinsman is an instructor atJohns Hopkins University in the Department of Oceanography.Stanton Harris writes from Glencoe,111. that they have four children andthat a fifth was expected this Fall. Arthur and Mary Hvid Lundahl areresidents of Bethesda, Md. Arthur ispresident of the American Society ofPhotogrammetry this year. He writes,"I find photography in many forms ismaking a greater contribution to science than science has made to it."Robert Beynolds last summer conducted an exploration program for uranium in the Colorado plateau area. Heexpected to move on from there toAlbuquerque, N. M.Ruth Tupes (Mrs. J. H. Searce, Jr.),is the wife a cattle farmer in Hemple,Mo., (plus about 600 acres of "general"farming, she adds), and the mother ofthree Jimmy, 5; Michael, 3; and Judith,16 months.40* Eugene A. Luening, Unitarian minister and father of three children, hasbeen serving since 1951 in the FirstParish Unitarian Church the old NewEngland meeting-house founded inKingston, Mass., in 1717. Hot summermonths are spent at his home on Martha's Vineyard Island. He has threechildren, a girl (born at Chicago Lying-in Hospital), now 12, another daughter,8, and a son, 2%.Don't worry, Melvin! Those H&Dcorrugated boxes are indestructible!HINDI & DAUCHMANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY CORRUGATED BOXES FOR MORE THAN 50 YEARSSANDUSKY, OHIOJANUARY, 1955 35Paul W. Siever, MD '43, and wife,Barbara Lewis, are thoroughly enjoyingtheir stay in the nation's capital. Dr.Siever, a pediatrician, was recently recalled into service. He is now stationedat the U.S. Naval Dispensary in Washington, D. C, and holds the rank of Lt.Cmdr. They have three children: Ellen,10, Leslie, 8, and John, 3.Mrs. Helen Shrack Segrave is a resident of Batavia, 111. Her husband, John,is a steel salesman.Merle M. Kauffman, AM, is directorof curriculum for the Peoria, 111., publicschools.Webb-Linn Printing Co*Catalogs, PublicationsAdvertising Literature?Printers of the Universityof Chicago Magazine?A. L. Weber, J.D. '09 L. S. Berlin, B.A. '09A. J. Falick, M.B.A. '51MOnroe 6-2900Sun LifeAssuranceCompanyof Canada1 North La Salle St.Chicago 2, IllinoisRALPH J. WOOD, Jr., '48FR 2-2390 GA 2-5273For DependableInsurance CounselingBusiness InsuranceEstate PlanningLife InsuranceAnnuities Christine Josephine Allen is the newmember, born last March 6, of the J. R.Allen family. Mrs. Allen is the formerJosephine Kelly.James G. Bell is president of theLachmiller Engineering Co., Glendale,Calif. His card reads: Guns, Accessories,Loading Tools, Components. His wife,Joan Lyding Bell, '41 writes that thefirm is in its fourth year and goinggreat guns (the pun is ours) and theyare very happy in their own home.Danny, 6, is in first grade, and Jeff, 3,in nursery school.N. Harry Camp, Jr., AM '41, is director of clinical services of BaltimoreCounty, Maryland, public schools.Jacqueline Cross is in the advertisingdepartment of R. H. Donnelley Co., inChicago.William H. McCulIough, AM, has beennamed associate professor of public welfare at the University of PittsburghSchool of Social Work. He was previously at the University of Washington,St. Louis, Mo., from 1943-52, and servedas acting director in his last five years.Last year he was a student and parttime instructor at the School of ServiceAdministration here.* Seymour K. Coburn is a chemical engineer for the Association of AmericanRailroads. He has three children.* Bertha E. Klauser of Chicago is assistant director of Nursing Education forthe Augustana Hospital School of Nursing.Norman Kogan, PhD '49, like mostparents, finds that his two sons, Richard and Frank, are keeping the Kogan's"going full time." He is an AssistantProfessor of Government and International Relations at the University ofConnecticut.* Milton A. Lubin, a certified publicaccountant, is associated with the insurance firm of Lubin and Lubin, Chicago.41Bina Deneen House, AM, continues inher position as a teacher of Spanish inthe Proviso Township High School inMaywood. She is also faculty sponsorof the school's Co-op study hall system.Her daughter, Bina, who was graduatedfrom the College last June was marriedthe same month to Renato Beghe, whowas graduated from the Law School lastJune. Daughter Bess and her husband,Albert Hopkins, Jr., are at Harvard University where he is working on hisdoctorate.Mary Gertrude O'Flynn, AM, (Mrs.Francis E. Paulus), has been presidentof the St. Louis, Mo., alumnae chapterof Pi Lambda Theta for the past year.Major Bernard J. Ploshay was recently awarded the Most Exalted Orderof the White Elephant, fourth class, bythe King of Thailand, for "the wholehearted and untiring manner" with whichhe performed his duties as 9th infantryregiment liaison officer with the Thaibattalion in Korea. Leica-Exacta-Bolex-Rollei-Stereo1329 E. 55th St. HYde Park 3-9259"Neighborhood Servicewith Downtown Selection"furniturelamps fibre rugswrought iron accessoriestelevision radiosphonos appliancessporting goodsGuaranteed Repair* ofTV-Radio Record Changersand electrical appliance*WE RENT TELEVISION SETS935 E. 55th St. Ml 3-6700Julian A. Tishler '33LOWER YOUR COSTSIMPROVED METHODSEMPLOYEE TRAININGWAGE INCENTIVESJOB EVALUATIONPERSONNEL PROCEDURESROBERT B. SHAPIRO, 33, FOUNDERRAND McNALLY & COMPANYConkey DivisionBook and CatalogPrinters and BindersCHICAGO HAMMOND NEW YORKRESULTS . . .depend on getting the detail* RIGHTPRINTINGImprinting -Processed Letters -TypewritingAddressing - Adressographing -FoldingMailing - Copy Preparation - MultillthA Complete Service for Direct AdvertisersChicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn Chicago 5 - WA 2-456136 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDr. Charles Herndon Wagers, AM, hasbeen appointed professor of philosophyand religion at the Perkins School ofTheology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. He was previouslydean of freshman and professor of religion at Wesleyan University, Middle -town, Conn.Margaret Waterman Powell (Mrs.Larry) is teaching art in Junior andSenior High School near Cincinnati.During the past two years she has exhibited at John Herron Institute, in Indianapolis, and at the Cincinnati ArtMuseum.42H. C. Darlington, PhD, Professor ofScience at Marshall College, Huntington, W. Va., reports that he and hiswife, Ruth Helen, and children, JohnClayton, Linda Lee and James Steven,have moved into a new home at FiveNorth Virginia Court, Huntington.Sara Larson, SM, is completing requirements for a doctorate in geographyat the University of Nebraska.Arthur Bransky has become seniorpatent attorney for Standard Oil Co.(Ind.) in the general office in Chicago.Alice Doner, AM '25, retired last Mayafter teaching for 28 years at ManchesterCollege, North Manchester, Ind. SheAshjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1*21Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone REgent 4-6000I Swift & Company7409 So. State StreetPhone RAdcliffe 3-7400 served as Dean of Women there for 26years. She resides now in Decatur, 111.,and is teaching handicapped children. InFebruary she became superintendent ofthe Anna B. Millikin Home for OlderPeople in Decatur.43Carl F. Christ, PhD '50, and PhyllisTatsch Christ, BA '45, have a daughter,Alice Trego, born December 31, 1953, inBaltimore, Md.From Richard Custer, AM, comes thenews: "I am currently serving as citymanager of Kenosha, Wis., putting ideasin the heads of local politicos and foodin the mouths of a wife and threeaddenda."Charles F. Harding, III, JD, has joinedthe firm of Charles R. Feldstein & Co.,public relations and fund raising consultants in Chicago. He was formerlydirector of the Clearinghouse for Research in Human Organizations.Walter Hepner, MD '44, is on the faculty of the University of Missouri, Schoolof Medicine, as Associate Professor inthe Department of Pediatrics.John Kent, PhD, was appointed Deanof the Graduate College, University ofVermont, in July, 1953. Last June hewas elected an honorary member of PhiBeta Kappa.David T. Petty, MD '47, is an associate in surgery at Chicago MedicalSchool. Mary Toft Petty, BS '42, MS '44,in addition to her duties as housewifeand mother of their two children, is aneconomist in the research departmentof the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.George Wilkerson is employed in theHughes Aircraft Co., Culver City, Calif.,as chief of the financial budgets andanalysis section, controller's office. Married in 1946, he and his wife have threechildren.44Dr. Arthur W. Adamson, Professor ofChemistry at the University of Southern California, is spending a year at theUniversity of Copenhagen, Denmark, ona fellowship from the National ScienceFoundation. He will study the chemistry of coordination compounds, and isworking with one of Scandinavia's leading scientists, Professor J. Bjerrum.Robert Crauder writes from Beirut,Lebanon, that he and his wife, Renee,are the parents of Bruce Charles, bornJuly 20. Robert is finance officer withthe United Nations Relief and WorksAgency for Palestine Refugees.Dr. Paul S. Russell, SB '45, MD '47,and his family are in London, wherehe is doing research with Dr. PeterMedawar in the College of the University of London. After leaving the University, Dr. Russell interned at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,(affiliated with Harvard). The Russellswill return to Boston after a year in London, where Dr. Russell will complete hislast year of training as a surgeon. A daughter, Katherine S., was born onSeptember 15. Dr. Russell is the son ofthe late Paul S. Russell, '16, and CarrollMason Russell, '19., ilmnrnniilllmnnmliinPARKER -HOLS MANReal Estate and Insurance1500 East 57th Street Hyde Park 3-2525UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1354 East 55th StreetMemberFederal Deposit InsuranceCorporationBIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: WEntworth 6*5380BOYDSTON AMBULANCE SERVICEAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of Chicagophone NOrmal 7-2468NEW ADDRESS-1708 E. 71ST ST.RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. MOnroe 6-3192GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186JANUARY, 1955Golden Dirilyte(formerly Dirigold)FLATWARE & HOLLOW WAREComplete sets and open stockFINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Royal Crown Derby, Spode andOther Famous Mates of Fine China. AlsoCrystal, Table Linen and Gifts.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDingo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4, III.CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency70th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis Kansas City, Mo.Spokane New YorkSince 1885ALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best In placement service for University,Collage, Secondary end Elementary. Nationwide patronage. Call or write us at25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, III.TJkeLxcluHve Cleaner*We operate our own drycleaning plantTHREE HOUR SERV ICEPark Blvd.1331 East 57th St. 5319 HydeMidway 3-0602 NOrmal 7-9858Office & Plant1442 East 57th Street Midway 3-0608 45M. H. Daskal, MBA '47, and BonnaSoble Daskal, AB '45, are the parentsof three children, two girls and a boy.M. H. opened his own accounting firmin 1952 at 39 S. La Salle Street, Chicago.Cathryn Emmertsen writes from Racine, Wis. that she has completed fouryears of the Great Books course, andthat a fifth year was in prospect.Dr. Winslow G. Fox, MD, has beennamed director of health service and college physician at Eastern Illinois StateCollege, Charleston, 111. Dr. Fox interned at Butterworth Hospital, GrandRapids, Mich., and spent three years asa medical missionary in Puerto Rico.Richard B. Holtzman, SB '46, SM '50,PhD '53, is a chemist at the ArmourResearch Foundation, Chicago. He wasmarried on September 20 to MarilynWasserman.Owen Jenkins, AM '50, has been appointed to the faculty of Carleton College, Northfield, Minn, as an instructorin English.Genevra Lorish Sloan and her husband had their second daughter lastMarch. Their home is in Park Forest, next door to Bud, JD '48, and Rosemary Peacock, '44, Tozer. Genevra isdoing work as a free-lance packagingdesigner.Dr. William L. Reese, Jr., BD, PhD '47,Associate Professor of Philosophy in theCollege of Liberal Arts at Drake University, Des Moines, la., has been namedhead of the department.Kathleen Taylor is secretary to fourdeans at Scarsdale (N.Y.) High School.46Ruth Browning is now Mrs. JohnNoyce and living in Salina, Kansas.Steven, PhD '52, and Lena IggersMoszkowski, are both at UCLA, whereSteven is an assistant professor of physics, and Lena is working for a doctor'sdegree in zoology.Phillip Nexon, AM '48, is in privatepractice in the Boston law firm of Gouls-ton & Storrs. A daughter, Jill, wasborn November 6, 1953.Mary Strauff Conner, of St. Louis, Mo.,has two children: Stephen, 1, and Regina, almost 2. Her husband is districtsales manager for Business Week. Mrs.Conner is active in the A.A.U.W.Ruth Ann Stumpe, AM, is teachingschool in Stuttgart, Germany, to children of American military personnel.47Helen Harkonen, who received hermaster of fine arts degree in 1952 fromthe Art Institute of Chicago, has beenin Minneapolis since 1953 where she isassistant in education at the Instituteof Art and is also director of the museum's children's art classes. 36HELEN BUSCH CHAPMAN,(Mrs. Theodore Chapman) president of the General Federation ofWomen's Clubs, was one of 72 national leaders who inspected Radio Free Europe's extensive overseas facilities during October.Mrs. Chapman is shown heresending a balloon aloft for theCrusade for Freedom at the edgeof the Iron Curtain near Munich.The balloon, carrying anti-communist leaflets for people in Eastern Europe, is one of the thousands that, with Radio FreeEurope, helps bring news of theoutside world behind the Iron Curtain.Mrs. Chapman has taught history, economics and English atChicago high schools and CraneJunior College, and at MonticelloCollege, Godfrey, 111. She lives inJerseyville, 111.Russell Johnson, Assistant Professor ofChemistry at Florida State University,was on leave during the summer at OakRidge National Laboratory.Clyde, MD '51, and Miriam TrossmanMiller live in Arcadia, Calif., whereClyde is in the private practice of psychiatry with a medical group. Theyhave two children: Jessica, 2, and Zach-ary, who celebrates his first birthday onJanuary 9.William Novack, SM, is hospital representative for McKesson & Robbins,Inc., Brooklyn division.Ole Sand, AM, PhD '48, is on leavefrom Wayne University to direct a curriculum research project at the University of Washington's School of Nursing.38 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINErehnquist co Sidewalksa I Factory FloorsK J Machine\\y FoundationsVV Concrete BreakingEsr7i» NOrmal 7-0433TheHOTEL SHERRY53rd and the Lake FAirfax 4-1000BANQUETS DANCESOur Specialtyalumni are alwayswelcome at theHotel Del PradoFifty-Third Street andHyde Park BoulevardHYde Park 3-9600MIRA-MAR HOTEL350 Rooms BathCoffee Shop, Valet, etc.Lovely Accommodationsfrom $4 to $66220 Woodlawn Avenue"Just three blocks from campus"PLaza 2-1100HAROLD BISHOP, Manager5487 LAKE PARK AVE.CHICAGO, ILLINOISifor -R.eservalLom Gall:BUtterfUld 8-4960 49Murray Gerstenhaber, SM, PhD '51,has completed one year as an AssistantProfessor of Mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania.Estelle Hoffman is tutoring emotionallydisturbed children in New York, andtaking courses in psychology at NewYork University.Maryrose Margaretten is studying atthe Institute for Child Psychology underDr. Margaret Lowenfeld in London,England.Vivian Max Weil, AM '53, and IrwinWeil, '48, AM '51, and their son Martin,1, are in Cambridge, Mass., where Irwinis working on a PhD in slavic linguistics.50Wallace Henry Adams, SM, and AliceE. Chandler of Athens, Ga., were married July 2 in Washington, D. C.John Glenn is in the actuarial department of the Union Central Life Insurance Co., in Cincinnati. He and his wife,the former Bea Montgomery, have twochildren: Mike and Amy.Elizabeth M. Gruse is working as anartist in the free lance studio of LeoLionni, art director of Fortune in NewYork. She has an apartment in Greenwich Village.Rita Harmos Nessman has returnedto the University to work on a master's degree in French. Her husband,Paul Nessman, is working for his master's degree in the education department.Lois Levy and Dr. Howard Greenbergwere married November 7 at her parents' home in Cleveland, O. They willlive in, Chicago. Lois is Play Therapistat St. Luke's Hospital.Lorraine B. Wallach is educational director of the University of ChicagoNursery School, and is completing thethree-year Child Care Course at theInstitute for Psychoanalysis.Constance Perin is a member of theCreative Plans Group of the sales promotion and training division of KlingStudios, Inc. in Chicago.George Kimball Plochmann, PhD, hasbeen promoted to Associate Professor ofPhilosophy at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 111. His wife, CarolynGassan Plochmann, has been awardedthe Tupperware Art Fund Fellowshipfor the Midwest for the 1954-5 year. Sheheld her second one-man showing ofpaintings and drawings in St. Louis, Mo.,recently.Kenneth Rivkin, AM '53, a theologystudent at the Hebrew Union College,Jewish Institute of Religion in NewYork, has been appointed student rabbiof Temple Menorah, Little Neck, N. Y.Robert Runde, AM, is continuing thisyear as admissions counselor for RiponCollege in Wisconsin.Pvt. Victor I. Smedstad, JD '53, recentlyjoined the 7th Infantry Division inKorea. 5\Hugh Brodkey, JD '54, and his wife,Naomi, report the arrival of Jennifer onAugust 20.Charles D. Garvin, AM, former editor-in-chief of the Maroon, was recentlyreleased from the Army, where heserved as a psychiatric social workerand is now Director of Social Servicesat Henry Booth Settlement House, Chicago.Jane Glucksman is teaching thirdgrade at Barber's Point, Oahu, Hawaii.For a year Kurt Konietzko has beenworking as a psychologist at EasternState Penitentiary. He is also workingon his doctorate in psychology at TempleUniversity.HYLAN A. NOLANCONTRACTORPLASTERINGREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. LAKE PARK AVE.Telephone DOrchester 3-1579PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sumps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUEFAirfax 4-0550PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICEBESTBOILERREPAIR&WELDINGCO.24 HOUR SERVICELicensed Bonded InsuredQualified WeldersSubmerged Water HeatersHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoSince 1878HANNIBAL, INC.Furniture RepairingUpholstering RefinishingAntiques Restored1919 N. Sheffield Ave. LI 9-7180Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phone: Butterfield 8-2116-7-8-9Wasson's Coal Makes Good or Wasson DoesJANUARY, 1955 39LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKETS327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAj FRUITS AND VEGETABLES| WE DELIVER1Any Insurance Problems ?Pfieuie or WriteJoseph H. Aaron, '27135 S. LaSalle Street ' RA 6-1060Chicago 3, IllinoisPhones OAkland 4-06904-06914-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueHyde Park Chevrolet5506 Lake Park AvenueComplete FacilitiesNew & Used Cars and TrucksCall DO 3-8600Satisfaction GuaranteedB-Z AUTOMOTIVECOMPLETE FRONT SYSTEM CHECK ANDESTIMATE: $1.50 (APPLIED TO REPAIRBILL). QUALITY BODY AND FENDERWORK AT REASONABLE RATES: FREEESTIMATE. LUBRICATION AND ROADSERVICE. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONSADJUSTED-REPAIRED.MOTOR TUNE-UP SPECIALAIR FILTER AND PLUGS CLEANED TESTVOLUME AND PRESSURE IN FUEL PUMP TEST COIL SET TIMING AND CARBURETOR COMPRESSION CHECK POINTSAND CONDENSER INSTALLED 6 CYLINDERS $5.50. MOST 8'S $6.50 PLUS PARTS.MOTOR AND CLUTCH OVERHAULINGBRAKES ADJUSTED AND RELINEDSARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 100 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stock23 He Wabash Avenue670 N. Michigan AvenueChicagoDO 3-0100 5547 HARPER AVE. M emoria iM. Haddon MacLean, '98, died September 25 in St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago.Mr. MacLean was a retired vice president and director of the Harris Trust &Savings Bank.William F. Eldridge, Sr., '01, long-timeCorona, Calif., rancher and former president of the Riverside (Calif.) CountyFarm Bureau, died June 26 in Redlands,Calif.Thomas C. Clark, '02, died December7, 1953, in Bellwood, 111.Vernon T. Ferris, '02, died November12 in Evanston Hospital.Alphonzo Augustus Hobson, PhD '03,died June 19 in Brooklyn, N. Y. He wasa retired Baptist clergyman, author andlecturer.Ralph C. Putnam Sr., LLB '04, diedOctober 2 in Copley Memorial Hospital,Aurora, 111.John M. Stout, PhB '04, died August15 in Kokomo, Ind.Edith Lawton Speik, '06, died September 27, 1953, in San Marino, Calif., following a major operation.George F. Tanner, '10, died in March,1953, in Detroit, Mich. He had been inthe laundry business until his retirementin 1946.Arnold R. Baar, '12, JD '14, Judge ofthe Tax Court of the U. S., died October14 in Evanston Hospital. For many yearshe had been a member of the tax lawfirm of Kixmiller, Baar, & Morris inChicago. Last January he was appointedto the U. S. Court by President Eisenhower and assumed his duties in Washington in April. He had been prominentin alumni activities, serving on manyimportant boards and committees andcited by the Alumni Association in 1944for his many services to his communityand nation. He is survived by his widow,May, and a daughter, Mrs. Doris Pooleof Long Meadow, Mass.ROCKEFELLERcould afford to pay $6, $7, $8, $9, andmore for vitamins. Can you? We havedeveloped a system of distributing vitamins by mail order only which will saveyou up to 50%. Eliminate the commission of 4 or 5 middlemen. 20 elementformula with ALL vitamins and mineralsfor which need has been established, plus6 others. 100 capsules $3.15. We payall postage in continental United States.Write today for free literature:SPRINGER & DASHNAU(U. of Chicago, AB '51, AM '52)3125 Miller St., Dept. A, Phila. 34, Pa. Marion E. Crosby, '12, died during thepast summer in Minneapolis, Minnesota.Dr. Looe Baker, MD '09, died thissummer at Laguna Beach, Calif.Jesse Drake Coon, JD '15, died September 29 at his home in Sioux Falls, S. D.He had been counsel for the SenateDistrict Committee, Washington, D. C,since January, 1953.Franklin B. Evans, '15, prominent Chicago businessman, explorer, and pioneeraviation enthusiast, died September 4 atManitowoc, Wis. He was a partner inthe investment firm of Hornblower &Weeks, and had previously been a partner in Paul H. Davis & Co.Edith Hoppe (Mrs. Francis Philbrick),'15, died January 21, in Philadelphia, Pa,Berney Gillen, '20, died October 11 ather home in Jacksonville, Fla.Clarence B. Wicker, '25, died June 22in Chicago.Florence Burris, '25, died May 17, 1952,Dr. Gordon W. Harrison, '25, PhD '40,died February 28 in St. Paul, Minn. Hehad been a professor of Spanish atMacalester College, St. Paul.Frances Watson Stickler, '28, died July23 in Franklin Park, 111.Ralph H. McCormack, '29, died October2 in Detroit, Mich. He had been professor of chemical engineering at the University of Detroit.Dr. Floyd L. Nutting, PhD '29, diedAugust 7 at Jefferson Hospital, Phila-delphia. He had been professor of physics at Drexel Institute of Technology.Saul G. Roman, '30, died March 20,1953.Jean G. MacCarty, AM '32, died inJuly in Mamaroneck, N. Y.Millet Henshaw, PhD '33, died July 1in Seattle, Wash. He had been associateprofessor of english at the Universityof Miami.Dr. William J. Noonan, MD '35, diedthis past summer in Minneapolis, wherehe was a practicing physician.Ralph A. Beals, '40, director of the NewYork Public Library, died October 14 inthe New England Medical Center, Boston.William C. Deer, '15, AM '22, DB '22,former pastor of the CongregationalChurch, Spearfish, S. D., died early thisyear.40 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA New England Mutual agent ANSWERS SOME QUESTIONS aboutwhy I left a good jobto sell life insuranceWHEN A MAN MAJORS in chemistry in college, how willhe get along in life insurance? Let's look at Horace"Tink" Olmsted, Lafayette '39. After using hits chemical training as a technical salesman in industry, hejoined New England Mutual in Pittsburgh only twoyears ago. Today he's a member of our Leaders' Association and is knocking at the door of the Million DollarRound Table. Any college course can be a good foundation for life insurance. The success of over 900 college-trained New England Mutual agents proves this to bea fact.The NEW ENGLANDMUTUAL Life InsuranceCompany of Boston What did you do before you got into life insurance?"For six years I was a technical salesman for a big chemicalcompany. They sent me to Pittsburgh as district representative. Then in 1952 I joined New England Mutual."Being a district representative sounds pretty good.Why did you leave?"Well, it was a good job, but I was tired of taking ordersfrom a distance. I had too much responsibility with toolittle authority. And, of course, my family and I had tolive where the company wanted us. All in all, I wasn'ttoo happy about my job."Does life insurance give you what you want?"I'll say it does. I'm my own boss. I can live where I want,choose my clients, and earn as much as my ability willlet me. The training courses at New England Mutualhave given me a professional education. And, on top ofall this, life insurance gives me the chance to do some realgood in the world."How can I tell if life insurance is for me?"The Company has a proved selection process for determining your aptitude and will tell you frankly whatyour chances are for success. Write Vice PresidentL. M. Huppeler, 501 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass., ifyou are interested. No obligation will be implied, eitherway. Or, if you prefer, send first for the booklet below.THE COMPANY THAT FOV\DED MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE IN AMERICA - 183S This booklet tells why 17 menchose a business career in life insuranceselling. Simply mail coupon toNew England Mutual Life,Box 333-1A, Boston 17, Mass.Name ....Address..City .Zone StateSearch is exciting!!Scientists are constantly probing deeper into the secrets of nature bringing new and better things to youAS THE PROSPECTOR thrills to the search for treasure,so does the scientist as he searches out the secrets ofthe earth, air, and water.THE TREASURE that the scientist seeks is better understanding of nature, and ways to bring better livingfor all of us. To find them, he is constantly probing,taking the elements apart, putting them back togetherin different ways always looking for something newand promising.How important is such research ? Today, more thanone- third of the work of the people of Union Carbide isin providing products and processes that did not existin commercial quantities 15 years ago. Each new product, each new process, was born of intensive search.FROM CHEMICALS TO METALS The results of theseachievements are serving all of us today chemicals for life-saving medicines and many other uses ... a widerange of carbon and graphite products . . . oxygen forthe sickroom and industry ... a variety of wonderfulnew plastics . . . alloying metals for stainless and otherfine steels.SEARCH . . . RESEARCH? To the scientists of UnionCarbide, search and research are the same an exciting key to a brighter future for all.STUDENTS AND STUDENT ADVISERS: Learn more about careeropportunities with Union Carbide in Alloys, Carbons, Chemicals,Gases and Plastics. Write for booklet M-2.Union CarbideAND CARBON CORPORATION30 EAST 42ND STREET HIM NEW YORK 17, N. Y.In Canada: Union Carbide Canada LimitedUCCs Trade-marked Products include ¦Synthetic Organic Chemicals Electromet Alloys and Metals Haynes Stellite Alloys Union Carbide Linde OxygenEveready Flashlights and Batteries Linde Silicones Dynel Textile Fibers Prestone Anti-Freeze National CarbonsBakelite, Vinylite, and Krene Plastics Prest-O-Lite Acetylene Pyrofax Gas ACHESON Electrodes