N0V MBER, 1954 MAGAZINE"7ifc§@K?HTHE FIRST WEEKPage 17,sHtJ:**»* |\\m»- 1[I1 1 *>,t 1fcfi ii Thomas: A Modern Hamlet. . . Page 5 ericamzationAtom-Splitter PageThe hotter... the betterCarbon has a peculiar quality it's at its best when "the heat is on"In the roaring heat of steelmakers' furnaces, moltenmetals boil and bubble like water in a teakettle.STANDING FIRM in the intense heat of many of thesefurnaces are inner walls made of blocks of carbon.Because pure carbon laughs at heat actually growsstronger as it gets hotter it has become vitally important in making iron, steel, and many of the otherthings all of us use every day.IN CHEMISTRY, carbon and its refined cousin, graphite,handle hot and violent chemicals that would quicklydestroy metal or other materials. Today there arepumps, pipes, tank linings, even entire chemical-processing structures all made of carbon or graphite. UCC's Trade-marked Products include National Carbons Electromet Alloys and Metals Haynes STELLITE Alloys Prestone Anti-Freeze Linde OxygenAcheson Electrodes PREST-O-LlTE Acetylene Pyrofax Gas Eveready Flashlights and Batteries Dynel Textile FibersKarbate Corrosion-Resistant Equipment Bakelite, Vinylite, and Krene Plastics Synthetic Organic ChemicalsUCC . . . AND CARBON For over 60 years the peopleof Union Carbide have pioneered in the discovery, development, and production of many carbon and graphite products for both industry and the home. This isone more way in which UCC transforms the elementsof nature for the benefit of all.STUDENTS AND STUDENT ADVISERS: Learn more about careeropportunities with Union Carbide in ALLOYS, CARBONS, CHEMICALS,Gases, and Plastics. Write for booklet H-2.Union CarbideAND CARBON CORPORATION30 EAST 42ND STREET \\\*\\\ NEW YORK 17, N.Y.In Canada: UNION CARBIDE CANADA LIMITEDThe October issuej\iemo PadV» HO WILL FOLLOW Earle Ludgin in the all-important chairmanship of the Alumni Foundation Board?"was the question everyone was askingas the Foundation closed its most successful year in history. The answer wasall important."Five-letter-man" Ludgin, who wroteand signed the famous five letters ("Ifyou met your wife at Chicago, add100%.") was retiring from the chairafter distinguished service years. Butin these short three years more alumninow remember his name than that ofthe Alumni Secretary, if not the Chancellor.Actually, the answer to "Who willfollow Earle?" was on the Board all thetime. Who but John Justin McDonough,'28?A manometer on John's upper armwould register as high blood pressurefor Chicago today as 25 years ago whenJohn gave his all as football quarterback, baseball outfielder, and basketballguard, while earning Phi Beta Kappa,Head Marshal, a Rhodes Scholarship,and leading the Left (pardon the expression) Wing of the Washington Prom withEleanor Wilkins, (now Mrs. Glen Turnerof Greeley, Colorado).John carried his enthusiasm into theHarris Trust and Savings Bank and upto the vice presidency; into the City ofChicago's top Executives' Club, wherehe was president last year; and intoscores of other civic activities, includingUniversity and alumni boards and committees. He is married to a U. of C.graduate, Anne Elizabeth O'Brien. Theyhave two children, Nancy and JohnMichael.Among Chicago scholars, athletes andbusiness men, John McDonough has awide circle of friends and a reputationfor carrying the ball and scoring pointson anything with which he is associated.Bill Swanberg, our new FoundationSecretary, and I have just returned fromour first official luncheon with John,following his acceptance of the Foundation chairmanship. John fed us well atthe University Club (from oysters tohoney-dew) but worked us like thevarsity squad the night before the Michigan game.If you know John and nearly everyone does it's going to be another rough,busy, but satisfyingly successful year forall associated with the 1955 Alumni Gift.Don't say we haven't given you advance warning.Old Model T educationJ.HE REAL TRAGEDY in American education today is that, by andlarge, provisions for education are much Jean RaeburnFOUNDATION CHAIRMAN McDONOUGHthe same as fifty years ago ... In schoolafter school I find the same textbookteaching, the same rote-memory teaching that teachers were condemned for agood many years ago . . ."Thus spoke Francis S. Chase, chairmanof our Department of Education in aLadies Home Journal round table forumpublished in the October issue of thatmagazine.President Griswold, of Yale, continued,"I think, too, the American home is remiss. Some parents dump their childrenon the schools and then criticize theschools for not doing what they themselves are unwilling to do . . ."The panel makes some blunt and head-on comments to make the article worthyof your reading.Dr. Chase's department is undergoing some practical changes which willput Chicago in a position to do something about these problems. We will betelling you more as the year progresses.A Smart SwitchIjEORGE SORTER, accountant forthe Alumni office, doesn't have to do anyaccounting for the $3,000 Carson PirieScott & Co. scholarship which is seeinghim through his PhD studies in theSchool of Business. On the basis of hisoutstanding scholastic record, Georgewas one of two University of Chicagostudents who received the award thissummer as part of Carson's CentennialCelebration.George completed the College requirements before entering the medical school.After one year, however, George decidedhe was in the wrong department, andswitched to the School of Business wherehe is specializing in accounting. I OUR ARTICLES on neighborhooddevelopments were the cause of my subscription. The efforts of the constructiveforces need extensive publicity ... asmany are unaware of their merit. I hopeyour pages will keep up with reportingthe progress being made . . .T.D.C., FloridaThey will Editor.I especially like the idea of havingseveral articles on one subject in thesame issue . . .S.G., Jr., New YorkCorrection: The 1905 Tribune in theStagg reunion picture on Page 15, wasbrought to the Biltmore lunch by JohnF. Moulds. John based his talk at thelunch on the four-page account of thegame.Incidentally, John wrote about theOctober issue: "The Magazine's accountof the prospective re-building of thedeteriorated areas in the University community is extremely interesting and mostheartening. Those of us who knew thatneighborhood in the early days . . . arethrilled to know about the possibilitiesof its restoration. In fact I believe thatthis is the most fascinating number ofthe Magazine that has ever been produced . . ."John F. Moulds,Claremont, Cal.Incidental informationr OR NO PARTICULAR reason exceptthat I just had occasion to look it uprecently, I'm passing on this interestingdata:Through June, 1954, the University hasgranted 72,014 degrees to 60,354 students.Of this number, 27,747 degrees weregranted to 24,625 women.For your calendarV EBRUARY 26, 1955: Mid- Year OpenHouse with 22 afternoon tours, studentexhibits, dinner at the Quadrangle Cluband an all-student show in Mandel inthe evening.June 6-June 12, 1955: Biggest Reunionin more than a decade. A week of lectures, panels, dinners and entertainment(we are bringing back the week-longAlumni School). Eat and sleep on campus.Tours may include a bus trip to thenationally famous Argonne Laboratoriesin Palos Park and Yerkes Observatoryat Williams Bay.Hold the dates and wait for particulars.Safe at Home?AS WE went to press, Arnold Johnson,PhB '28, was leading in the battle towin the franchise of the PhiladelphiaAthletics, for removal to Blues Stadium,Kansas City.We'll tell you more about this enterprising alumnus in a future issue.H. W. M.NOVEMBER, 1954 1HERE IS BROOKSCLOTH *an entirely different kind of shirtthat may completely changea man's thinking aboutwhat to expect from a fine shirtWe sincerely believe this remarkable Brookscloth a new conception of broadcloth developed by Burlington Mills for Brooks Brothers is going to changethe thinking of thousands of men about shirts. For it is substantially differentfrom any shirt they have ever worn.The secret lies in the perfected new blend of Dacront and Egyptian cotton.It looks neater longer. In fact at the end of a long day it's practically as freshas it was in the morning! Added to this are the undeniable virtues that it canbe put right into a washing machine, needs no pressing and dries in just aboutno time at all. The fact that it will take long hard wear will make no enemies.These unusually attractive shirts are made, by our own skilled shirtmakers...in our distinctive button-down and plain collar styles.And, of course, they are sold exclusively by Brooks Brothers.In Our Button-Down Collar Style. White or Blue, $10.50In Our Plain Collar Style, with Collar Stays. White, $ 1 0.50Sizes 14-32 to 17V2-36. Mail orders carefully filled.ESTABLISHED 1818jCtOTHINO^lens FumishUujJ |f ate ^$hoe*NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCOAddress Mail Orders to Deft. G, 346_Madison Avenue, New York 17, N. Y.* Trade-mark tDu P°nt's &etTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE3n uhh 3&&ueWiHEN CYRIL SMITH, Director of theInstitute for Metals, suggested to LauraFermi that she write a biography of herhusband, Nobel Prize winner EnricoFermi, she laughed and said:"My husband is the man I cook andiron shirts for. How can I take himthat seriously?"But the idea took, and this week theUniversity of Chicago Press publishedthe result a 265-page book called"Atoms In The Family."After you read Mrs. Fermi's chapteron "The Americanization of an Atom-Splitter" on Page 8, we think you'llagree that she is as accomplished awriter as her husband is a scientist.TF YOU'RE LIKE most of us, you find-* reading modern poetry at times somewhat frustrating. The poet sometimesleaves you with the impression that theaudience he's writing for does not happento include yourself.Those who do not share this frustration insist that with a little work on thereader's part, any modern poet can bebetter understood.To help you better appreciate at leastone poet and by this example, perhaps,many more we bring you Elder Olson'sanalysis of Dylan Thomas' poetry. Tryreading the full poem on Page 4, afteryou've read the article on Page 5.¥)ICK WORTHINGTON is among the*-* many alumni who have taken theknowledge and techniques learned onthe Midway and successfully appliedthem in the business world. On Page 12,Audrey Probst brings you the story ofhow he did it.WITH WINTER COMING on, we findourselves looking forward to longevenings with a good book. To help youfind your way through recent offeringsin fiction, we asked James Finn to prepare this month's Readers Guide. You'llfind his suggestions on current novels onPage 24.T> EMEMBER YOUR first week in col-¦**- lege? For a look at how the latestcrop of entering students made out during their first week on the Midway, turnto the picture story beginning on Page17.TF YOU WERE a student at the Uni-* versity around 1937, you may find someof the faces on Page 16 slightly familiar.We lined up the entering sons anddaughters of alumni and took their picture, thinking you might find it interesting to see what your former classmates'offspring look like. NOVEMBER, 1954 MAGAZINEVolume 47, Number 2FEATURES4 If I Were Tickled by the Rub of Love5 Dylan Thomas: A Modern Hamlet8 Americanization of an Atom-Splitter12 A New Tool for the Businessman16 In Their Parents' Footsteps17 First Week on the Midway A Picture Story22 Atomic Energy Commission Taps LibbyDEPARTMENTSI Memo Pad3 In This Issue24 Books Readers Guide26 Class News40 Memorials Dylan ThomasElder OlsonLaura FermiCOVERThree new College students, Marina Wirszup, 16, Chicago (left),Carroll Bordelon, 16, Chicago, and Margot Turkel, 15, Detroit, getacquainted with an old landmark the Cobb Hall Bulletin Board.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, IllinoisExecutive EditorEditorManaging EditorAdvertising ManagerStaff PhotographerFoundation SecretaryField Secretary HOWARD W. MORTFELICIA ANTHENELLIAUDREY NEFF PROBSTSHELDON W. SAMUELSSTEPHEN LEWELLYNWILLIAM H. SWANBERGDEAN TYLER JENKSPublished monthly, October through June, by The University of Chicago Alumni Association,5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price, $4.00. Single copies,25 cents. Entered as second class matter December I, 1934, at the Post Offrce at Chicago, Illinois,under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising agent: The American Alumni Council, B. A. Ross,director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y.NOVEMBER, 1954 3If I Were Tickled By The Rub of Love*If I were tickled by the rub of love,A rooking girl who stole me for her side,Broke through her straws, breaking my bandaged string,If the red tickle as the cattle calveStill set to scratch a laughter from my lung,I would not fear the apple nor the floodNor the bad blood of spring.Shall it be male or female? say the cells,And drop the plum like fire from the flesh.If I were tickled by the hatching hair,The winging bone that sprouted in the heels,The itch of man upon the baby's thigh,I would not fear the gallows nor the axeNor the crossed sticks of war.Shall it be male or female? say the fingersThat chalk the walls with green girls and their men.I would not fear the muscling-in of loveIf I were tickled by the urchin hungersRehearsing heat upon a raw-edged nerve.I would not fear the devil in the loinNor the outspoken grave.If I were tickled by the lovers' rubThat wipes away not crow's-foot nor the lockOf sick old manhood on the fallen jaws,Time and the crabs and the sweethearting cribWould leave me cold as butter for the flies,The sea of scums could drown me as it brokeDead on the sweethearts' toes.This world is half the devil's and my own,Daft with the drug that's smoking in a girlAnd curling round the bud that forks her eye.An old man's shank one-marrowed with my bone,And all the herrings smelling in the sea,I sit and watch the worm beneath my nailWearing the quick away.And that's the rub, the only rub that tickles.The knobbly ape that swings along his sexFrom damp love-darkness and the nurses's twistCan never raise the midnight of a chuckle,Nor when he finds a beauty in the breastOf lover, mother, lovers, or his sixFeet in the rubbing dust.And what's the rub? Death's feather on the nerve?Your mouth, my love, the thistle in the kiss?My Jack of Christ born thorny on the tree?The words of death are dryer than his stiff,My wordy wounds are printed with your hair.I would be tickled by the rub that is:Man be my methaphor.* Copyright by Dylan Thomas. The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas,New Directions, 1952, 1953.4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBeauty or Bedlam ?Dylan Thomas:A Modern Hamlet ¥*tBy Elder OlsonAssociate Professor, EnglishDYLAN THOMAS United PressDylan Thomas' first book, EighteenPoems, appeared in 1934 and was followed two years later by Twenty-fivePoems. The contents and the techniques of the two volumes were similar in many respects; the criticalreactions to these volumes, with a fewexceptions, were similar also. Critics,favorable or unfavorable, found thepoetry difficult, irrational, and undisciplined, but also thought it sufficiently important to demand emphaticcomment.Wild but rhythmicalH. G. Porteus called the poetry "anunconducted tour of bedlam." LouisMacNeice decided that it was wildbut rhythmical drunken speech.Stephen Spender made the categoricalpronouncement that it was "justpoetic stuff with no beginning or end,or intelligent and intelligible control."Yet, had the poetry of Thomas beensuch, indeed had it been such findnothing more, one may doubt whetherit would have been singled out forspecial notice. By 1934 there couldscarcely have been anything remark- Elder Olson is himself a well-known poet as well as a distinguished critic of the ChicagoSchool. His books of poetry include Thing of Sorrow, The Cockof Heaven, and a forthcoming volume entitled The Scarecrow Christ.The accompanying article is anadaptation of excerpts from hisbook, The Poetry of Dylan Thomas,published recently by the University of Chicago Press.He holds the Eunice TietjensMemorial Award for a group of hispoems which appeared in Poetry,and he is a co-author of the much-discussed Critics and Criticism.able about a writer whose works wereirrational and undisciplined. Movements such as dadaism and surrealismhad notoriously forsworn reason anddiscipline as vices, and the spate ofworks produced by dadaists and surrealists was quite sufficient to drowneighteen poems by a relatively unknown artist.What was remarkable about thepoetry of Thomas was that it had itseffect even before it was understood, and sometimes even when it was misunderstood. The very minimum of theeffect, moreover, left the reader withthe impression that a poet with a remarkable sense of language andrhythm was saying something important about subjects of importance; atthe very worst, he had somehowbotched his statement by his violenceand obscurity.Thomas', or any poet's, use of symbols must be judged in terms of itseffectiveness in the individual poem;but his general tendency to use themis accounted for, in part at least,by the quality of his imagination.Thomas has been praised as a poetwho dealt with the "major themes"of birth, life, love, and death; butsome of the worst poetry in existencehas been written on these themes, andthere is nothing inherent in them, asthemes, which demands any particularpoetic treatment, symbolic or otherwise. What is much more to thepoint, and what is likely to strike hisreader first of all, is Thomas' extraordinary imaginative conception ofthese themes.NOVEMBER, 1954 5His imagination permits him to enter into areas of experience previouslyunexplored or to unveil new aspectsof perfectly common experiences.Part, indeed, of his obscurity resultsfrom the sheer unfamiliarity of theworld which he presents to us; likecertain mystics, he is often forcedinto symbol and metaphor simply because there is no familiar way of expressing something in itself so familiar. /Death Is No TerminusHis imagination is first of all astrange one, an odd one; he seesthings quite differently from the wayin which we should. We should seeflowers on a grave; he sees the "deadwho periscope through flowers to thesky." We should see the toweringflames after a fire raid; he sees "thefire-dwarfed street." We should seegeese high in the air; he sees "geesenearly in heaven." He looks into whatwe should find opaque, looks down atsomething we are wont to look up at,looks up where we should look down,peers in where we should peer out,and out where we should look in.His poetic imagination has its limits,but within those it has enormousrange and power so enormous thatwe are apt to think of it as unlimited.It transports him instantly into themysteries of the womb; it informs him how the child feels at the momentof birth, how the fetus feels duringits process of development, how theseed feels at the moment of conception, how all would feel and think ifthey were prescient of the whole oflife. Death is no terminus for him;he descends into the grave and suffersthe resolution of the body into itselements and the transmutation ofthose elements into other forms oflife. He can look back on life as onlya dead man could, and can rise fromthe grave in the Resurrection. TheCreation and the ultimate Catastropheare no limits to him; he penetratesinto the mind of God before the Creation, and can feel what would be feltby the scattered particles of a universe utterly dissolved.Creation, resurrectionHe can be mineral, vegetable, orbeast as easily as he can be man;he can penetrate the depths of theearth and the abysses of the sea, andmove about in the depths of the unconscious mind as a diver might walkthe ocean bottom.Here, for example, is the Creation:In the beginning was the mounting fireThat set alight the weathers from a spark.A three-eyed, red-eyed spark, blunt asa flower;Life rose and spouted from the rollingseas, Burst in the roots, pumped from theearth and rockThe secret oils that drive the grass.Here is the fetus in the womb:In the groin of the natural doorway Icrouched like a tailorSewing a shroud for a journey . . .Here the Resurrection:... I shall wakenTo the judge blown bedlamOf the uncaged sea bottomThe cloud climb of the exhaling tombAnd the bidden dust upsailingWith his flame in every grain.Here we are in the world of theother-than-man:My images stalk the trees and the slantsap's tunnel,No tread more perilous, the green stepsand spireMount on man's footfall,I with the wooden insect in the treeof nettles,In the glass bed of grapes with snailand flower,Hearing the weather fall.These are tokens of a mighty, anappalling imagination that sweeps usup with it, like an angel, and forcesus to endure the visions of anotherworld, thronged with enchantmentand horrors. This is a great naturalforce, we cannot be unmoved by it;but there is more than natural genius,there is art; we should not stand soin the immediate presence of strangethings, did not Thomas exert everypower of image, symbol and metaphorto transport us there.Thomas' characteristic poems aredialectically complex, in the sense thatthey balance idea against idea, argument against argument; indeed, hisimages, symbols, and metaphors areoften succinct statements of argumentComplexity of ConflictYet the complexity of Thomas'poems goes far beyond the matter ofcomplex argument and statement.Their complexity is really due totheir presenting three lines, so tospeak, at once: the process of unconscious thought, the process of theemotions, and the process of the subconscious. Imagine three files of people passing through a narrow corridorand pushing against one another inall directions; you will then have asimplified parallel to a Dylan Thomaspoem. I say "simplified" because theconflicts are not as simple as that;there is quite possibly a conflict within the dialectical line, as opinionIN WEIBOLDT HALL OFFICE, ELDER OLSON WORKS ON FORTHCOMING BOOKLewellyn6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEclashes with opinion, argument withargument; and there can be emotionalconflict and subconscious conflict aswell.We may miss this complexity ofconflict unless we examine Thomas'words with some closeness. Look atthe following remarkable passage:This world is half the devil's and myown,Daft with the drug that's smoking in agirlAnd curling round the bud that forksher eye.An old man's shank one-marrowed withmy bone,And all the herrings smelling in the sea,I sit and watch the worm beneath mynailWearing the quick away.This occurs in a poem in which heis asking himself whether there isanything worth celebrating.In Act III, Scene 2, in the mostfamous of soliloquies, Hamlet decidesthat, discontented as he is with life,he could be content with death, wereit not for one thing; that, if death issleep, one might have bad dreams indeath; "Ay, there's the rub," the obstacle.No one rubFor the character speaking inThomas' poem, there is no one rub;he holds, like the Queen in RichardII, that "the world is full of rubs.."The real question thus, says he, punning on the world "rub," is whetherany of these rubs can tickle one tolaughter, even "scratch a laughterfrom the lung," so that one may momentarily forget his fears. Whatevercan tickle one so is worth celebrating,and that alone.These views are implicit in thepoem, arid are gloomy enough. Whatis explicit is gloomier still: if I couldbe again an unborn child and betickled by the friction of birth, Ishould not fear the apple of sin northe flood of punishment nor the misery of adolescence. If I were a childand tickled by the process of growth,I should not fear even violent deathon the scaffold or in war. If I weretickled by the desires of adolescence,I should not fear the "devil in theloin" of sex, I should not fear themiseries of old age, nor the filth anddangers of debauchery, the "sea ofscums." And here we have the stanzajust quoted.^The point thus far, we may observe,is that the character does fear allthese things (a really detailed studyof the imagery would show how verybitterly he fears them.) Now we learnthat he is prey to all of them already.He is madly in love; the very bone of his shank unites him to the old manhe must be; the stench of the sea ofdebauchery is already in his nostrils;death is already gnawing at him inthe very pulse of his veins. Noticethat whatever he fears, he also desiresas much as he fears. What attracts orcompels him is also what repels him;he shares his world with the deviL/There is subconscious conflict here,since all the processes of life are associated with sex; sex is desirable,indeed compelling, but it does notsufficiently gratify to shut out fear,and, moreover, it is associated withsin, senile impotency, pain, and death,and so undesirable. Yet, since association is reciprocal, these in turn aredesirable, indeed compulsive, sincethey are linked to sex. Again, thereis rational conflict, because he isaware that what attracts him also repels him, and cannot come to termswith himself as to whether what hedesires is really desirable or not./He knows, too, that his rational decision will not matter in the end, forhe is compelled; at the same time hewould like his rational decision totriumph. And there is emotional conflict stemming both from his reasonand from his subconscious. The former with its ought and ought-not, canand cannot, balances each of thesewith its contradictory, and generatesemotions based on conflicting moraldictates and conflicting ideas of thepossible and impossible.The latter generates emotions ofsimultaneous hope and fear based onsimultaneous desire and aversion; andthe emotions generated by the conscious mind also conflict with thosegenerated by the subconscious."Daft" with loveThe language of the passage isdreadfully revelatory of all this. Heis in love; but see how he puts it. Heis "daft," but this is no pretty convention of "love -madness"; he is suffering hallucinations as if he hadtaken a drug the "drug that's smoking in a girl." Notice "a girl" ahighly impersonal, possibly even contemptuous, designation of the beloved. He does not see her as beautiful; he sees her anatomically, interms of "the bud that forks her eye" the branching veins of her eyeball."Forks her eye" is a painful image;we are bound to call to mind a sharpprong in connection with the sensitive organ of the eye, and the effectis unpleasant in itself. But there ismore than that; in a poet as addictedto puns as the early Thomas, we maylook for puns; and there is a suggestion of the fork of the girl's loin, as visible in her eye, and of the pitchfork of the devil with whom thecharacter shares his world furtherattraction and repulsion.The girl herself is not responsiblefor the attraction; it is "the drug."This curls smoking up through herbody, but it is not part of her; itcomes from the devil; we have thedevil's fork and the smoke of hell-firevisible in the eye of the beloved. Heis repelled; but in the moment of repulsion at sex, he also dreads the impotency of age, "the old man's shank"already preparing in his groin; at themoment of repulsion at the thought ofimpotency, he dreads the "sea ofscums" and can already smell itsstench.What does he do? He sits andwatches the vein pulsing below hisfingernail; and he sees it as a worm"wearing the quick away," robbinghim of life even as the pulse giveshim life. And that pulsation is "theonly rub that tickles."A modern HamletThe character in this poem oneassumed again and again and constantthroughout changing moods and situations is a modern Hamlet; but, inthe old phrase, he out -Hamlets Hamlet. Hamlet's problems stem from aparticular situation; Thomas' character has as his problem life itself . . .Hamlet can at least act on impulse;this character has contradictory impulses.It is not that he does not make decisions; he makes them repeatedly inthe early poems, but we remain unconvinced of their durability, or ofthe possibility of their realization. Inhis conviction of their soundness, heproclaims, he exhorts, he even boasts;but there is almost always a subjunctive of wish underlying his indicative of fact.Of Tragic StatureI have suggested before that he isa tragic figure; I do not mean thatwe see him always at moments ofsuffering but that he has tragic stature.What gives him that? His moralhorrors and aspirations; his hideous,all-penetrating doubts; his painful joyin his transitory convictions; his loveof truth and hatred of falsehood andhypocrisy; his willingness to stand bythe consequences of any solution hefinds for his problems; his terriblesensitivity; and his evident genius, forlike Hamlet he shows genius, and thatin conflict with itself on the basic issues of life.NOVEMBER, 1954 7New world vs. the old: The maid had dancedwith a man in a tuxedo so how could shepossibly return to her fiance in Italy?The AmericanizationOf An Atom-SplitterBy Laura Fermitt AKE UP AND DRESS. Wehave almost arrived. The children arealready on deck."In reluctant obedience to Enrico'speremptory voice, I emerged out ofsleep and the warm comfort of myberth. It was the morning of January 2, 1939, and the "Franconia" wasrolling placidly, with no hurry oremotion, bringing to its end a calmvoyage.On deck Nella and Giulio rushed tome, away from the watchful presenceof their nurse.Soon the New York skyline appeared in the gray sky, dim at first,then sharply jagged, and the Statueof Liberty moved toward us, a cold,huge woman of marble, who had nomessage yet to give me.The American branchBut Enrico said, as a smile lit hisface tanned by the sea:"We have founded the Americanbranch of the Fermi family."I turned my eyes down to examinemy children. They seemed morethoroughly scrubbed and polishedthan children I had seen in America.Their tailor-made coats and light-gray leggings were different fromthose of other children on the boat.On their curly heads the leather helmets we had bought in Denmarkagainst the first northern rigors appeared alien. Laura Fermi is the wife of NobelPrize winner Enrico Fermi, CharlesH. Swift Distinguished ServiceProfessor in the Department ofPhysics and Institute of NuclearStudies.Mr. Fermi was leader of the research team that brought about thefirst self-sustaining chain reaction,man-made, the great experimentalstep that lead to the atom bomb.The accompanying piece is achapter from Mrs. Fermi's book,"Atoms In The Family," publishedthis week by the University ofChicago Press.I looked at Enrico and at his markedly Mediterranean features, in whichI could read the pride and the reliefof one who has satisfactorily guidedhis expedition across land and sea,bearing all the responsibilities on hisbroad shoulders with an imperturbability that would have long beenthrown off had it not been so deeplyrooted in him.And I looked at the maid who hadcome along with us, now bravelywinking against the wind and rubbingher hands together to make up forthe slight warmth of the coat she waswearing that had been mine, whocould talk to none but us because sheknew no English at all."This is no" American family," Ithought to myself. "Not yet." But we were already undergoingthe process of Americanization. Ithad started ten days before, shortlyafter we had boarded the "Franconia" in Southampton, on December 24.The children and I were exploringthe boat. We found ourselves in thegymnasium, on the lowest deck, and,having decided to take a walk on theupper promenade, we called the elevator. As its doors swung open, wewere face to face with a short old manin a baggy red suit and furry whitetrimmings, with a long white beardand twinkling blue eyes. The threeof us stood still, fascinated, open-mouthed. The queer old man motioned us inside the elevator and then,with a benevolent smile, said to us:Santa vs. the Epiphany"Don't you know me? I'm SantaClaus." Of course, I should haveknown him from my English teacher'stales of many years ago and fromillustrations in English books forchildren."I hope you'll be coming to myparty this evening. I'll have presentsfor you!" Santa Claus said, bendinghis white beard toward my children.Later I tried to explain Santa Clausto the children."In each country of the world," Itold them, "once a year children receive presents from a person who isnot one of their parents, who comes8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfor the sole purpose of bringing toysand candies.""The Epiphany!" Nella interrupted."Yes, in Italy it is the Epiphanywho comes on the sixth of January,the day the three kings brought theirpresents to the Child Jesus. She rideson a broom in the sky. But in America there is Santa Claus. He does notride a broomstick but a sleigh pulledby reindeer, which are animals withbig antlers. So he travels more comfortably and can carry a larger bagof toys. He comes once a year, theday before Christmas."No Visa for Epiphany"Will the Epiphany come to us allthe same?" asked Nella. "She knowswe are Italian children ...""No, she will not. She could notget a visa and must remain in Italy,"I answered on the inspiration of themoment."Poor Epiphany," Nella said wistfully, "I don't think she likes Mussolini too well." Thus, of our own will, we had already accepted the first switch of traditions when the "Franconia" passedthe mute Statue of Liberty and entered the harbor of New York.For six months we lived in NewYork, near Columbia University. Thenursemaid, now general houseworker,and I had joined forces by tacit agreement to confront and overcome thedifficulties of an American menage. Wecooked together. I had never cookedbefore, but I could hold the Americancookbook, translate quantities intosensible metric measures and interpret directions on cans, while sheworked deftly with the mixing spoonand salt shaker. Together we madefun of American recipes, in which themain concern is wholesomeness andavoidance of anything rich, ratherthan taste and giving pleasure to thepalate.For most of the gadgets in theapartment I found an explanation, butthe refrigerator puzzled me a longAT HOME, MRS. FERMI USES ITALIAN AND AMERICAN COOKING UTENSILSU.C. Press Relations time. It was evident that it stayedcold by itself with no need to turna switch or press a button. Butneither the maid nor I could everforesee the moment when out of deepsilence it would suddenly come to lifeand startle us with its loud buzzing.We stood in questioning watch of thecold, white bulk, which was no morewilling to yield its secret than theSphinx of Egypt.Those Mysterious A&P's!Shopping was a co-operative enterprise shared by the maid and me.She could judge the quality of fruitand vegetables, recognize the cuts ofmeat. I could better translate dollarsinto lire to decide whether priceswere reasonable; I could explorepackages and cans, of which I boughtlarge quantities, for, like any newlyarrived European, we went on acanned-food spree which was to lastonly as long as there were new cansto try. I patronized the small shopswhere the clerks could take time toinstruct ignorant foreigners in themarvels of pudding powders and ofthe frozen foods which had just appeared on the market.The maid and I used to slow downour pace while walking by the largemarket on Broadway, near 115thStreet. We peeked in with curiositybut dared not enter; how could wehave found our way in the midst ofthat steady agitation of women andshopping bags, of clerks and weighingscales, which filled the little space leftin the mysterious pattern of displayedfood?Butter or bird-seed?Self-service markets were still rare,and there were none in our neighborhood, or I would have become an addict, as I soon became addicted todime-stores and mail-order houses.There I could obtain what I wantedwithout talking, even buttons anddress patterns and all the other objects with the unpronounceable double t in them. My incapacity forproperly pronouncing double t's outlived all other language difficulties.Months later, at a time when Icould usually make myself understood and had mustered enough courage to do an occasional bit of shopping over the telephone, I onceordered butter and received bird seed.After six months in America ourmaid was due to return to Italy, butshe had meanwhile danced with agentleman in a tuxedo. This dancewas a symbol of fallen barriers between the classes, and after it shecould no longer accept her lot and goNOVEMBER, 1954back to a fiance who would never giveher such a social thrill. So she stayed. ? Among the several traits that makea strong individualist of Enrico, oneis most pronounced: the intoleranceof living in a home that he does notown. Accordingly, as soon as we hadsettled in the furnished apartment, wetackled the problem of buying a placein which to live.A call on the Ureys"Several of my colleagues live in atown called Leonia. It is in NewJersey, just across the George Washington Bridge, on the other side ofthe Palisades," Enrico said one Sunday. "Let's go see what it looks like."It was February, and an icy-cold afternoon. As we got off the bus at thestoplight in Leonia, a gust of windblew in our faces and blinded us. Wedid not know where to go."Harold Urey, the chemist andNobel Prize winner for 1934, liveshere. We may go visit him and hiswife. I know him well enough." Thislast sentence of Enrico's was an answer to my doubtful expression.The Ureys were in their large living room and had a fire going. Ourvisit was a success. Frieda and HaroldUrey were friendly. Bashful, from adistance, their three little girls staredat us with open mouths and roundedeyes.Dr. Urey talked at length to us,in his serious, slightly professorialtone, about Leonia and its excellentpublic schools, about the advantagesof living in a middle -class town whereone's children may have all that otherchildren have. He smiled often, buthis smile stayed on the surface, asif superimposed over a serious nature.On his round face, which had justbegun to become lined, there was purpose and deep concentration, almostconstant concern.Harold Urey was a good orator andsold Leonia to us. By the followingsummer we were the happy ownersof a house on the Palisades.No peasants, heNeither Enrico nor I was qualifiedto take care of the lawn and flowerbeds and rock garden around the tinypond. But we wanted to become genuine Americans and were going todo all that others did."On Sunday," Harold Urey had toldus, "You put on your worst clothesand garden."I was not concerned about the workin the yard and trusted that Enricowould do it. When we had married,he had told me his plans for the future. He was going to retire atforty. No physicist ever accomplishesanything after forty anyhow. He wasof peasant stock and would go backto the soil. The farmer's lot appealedto the individualist in him: a farmeris his own boss and self-sufficient, forhe can produce almost all he needs.When in Enrico's thirty-eighth yearof age we settled in Leonia, hispeasant blood was not aroused. Whenever the lawn needed mowing Enricohad urgent work to do at the laboratory, even though it was Sunday. Bythe time he could be persuaded to dothe job, the lawn had grown so wildit was impossible to mow it. Whenit was time to water the grass andflowers, Enrico preferred to go for awalk, or to play a game of tennis,claiming that the sprinkling couldwait.So I did my best, gathered allpossible advice, filled our flower bedsat random as our friends thinnedtheirs. The lawn did not thrive.Fermis vs. crab grass"The trouble with lawns aroundhere," Harold Urey said, with seriousconcern, "is crab grass. You mustfight crab grass. Always. Never relent. Walk on your lawn with youreyes on the grass, and when you seeone single strand of crab grass pullit out. Don't give up." He spoke withauthority, and each sentence cut theair with the impetus of an ax againsta tree.By the next spring our family wasall set to undertake crab- grass extermination. But which was crabgrass? We pulled out the most likelyplant and dispatched Nella to theUreys' with it."It's not crab grass. Mr. Urey saysit can't be. It's too early in the season," Nella reported.Summer came, and still we did notknow which was the crab grass. Harold Urey came by one day. He lookedat our lawn, and I saw an intensification of his steady concern in hiskindly eyes. He turned to me, and ina soft voice meant to lessen the impactof the news, he said:"D'you know what's wrong withyour lawn, Laura? It's all crab grass."It was the summer of 1940. Thephony war had long ended, andFrance had fallen. With an intensification of concern even stronger thanthat with which he had viewed ourlawn, Harold Urey used to talk ofthe dangers of war for the UnitedStates."Would you be surprised," he askedhis friends, "if the Germans shouldland at Nantucket Island by Christmas?" During the war questions of thiskind were asked everywhere and atall times. ,Enrico the prophetIn the spring of 1941 Enrico anda few other professors at ColumbiaUniversity organized a "Society ofProphets." On the first day of eachmonth, during the lunch hour at theMen's Faculty Club, society memberswrote down ten "Yes or No" questions about events likely to occurduring that month.Would Hitler attempt to land inEngland? Would an American convoybe attacked by German ships in violation of United States neutrality?Would the British be able to holdTobruk? The "Prophets" wrote downtheir answers. These were checkedon the last day of the month. Records were kept of each Prophet'sscore.By the time the society dissolved,Enrico had the highest score, and wasthe Prophet. Ninety- seven per centof his predictions had come true. Inforeseeing events Enrico was helpedby his conservatism: he maintainsthat situations do not change as fastas people expect. Accordingly, Enrico had predicted no changes: Hitlerwould not attempt a landing in England during the month considered;the British would hold Tobruk; noAmerican convoy would be attacked.His conservatism made him foreseeno German attack on Russia duringthe month of June. Thus he misseda perfect prophet's score.Enrico the gardenerMeanwhile Harold Urey gardened,and Enrico tried to gain theoreticalknowledge about gardening."Why are you so concerned aboutcrab grass? It's green, and it coversthe lawn. You people are alwaysfighting weeds. What distinguishesweeds from other plants?""Weeds grow spontaneously, without being planted," Dr. Urey answered. "They take up space, air,and food from good plants and killthem. At the end of the season theydie and nothing is left.""Therefore, a weed is an unlicensedannual," Enrico concluded, followinghis need of defining a concept beforeaccepting it.If Enrico was not helpful in thegarden, he was, or at least tried to be,helpful in the house. To help, he tookup polishing his own shoes. The maidlooked at him with disdain, and afterseveral days she reported to me:"The professore polishes only the10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfront of his shoes, not the part overthe heels."Confronted with this accusation,Enrico pleaded guilty. He could notbe bothered with the half of his shoesthat he could not see.Enrico had manual skill and learnedto do the repairs around the house,like a true American husband. Whenusing his hands, Enrico enjoys thenovelty of what he is doing but stopsa long way this side of refinement,as soon as the functional scope isachieved.A rocker is Anglo-SaxonNow in a country where the priceof labor advised him to exploit hismanual dexterity, Enrico set to workwith his usual disregard for refinement. Did our dining-room table needextension leaves? Very good, Enricowould make them. But they wouldbe rough and unpainted, they wouldalways have to be hidden under atablecloth.Were friends gathering pieces offurniture for their homes? All right!Enrico would build a rocker for them.A rocker is an Anglo-Saxon piece offurniture, not Italian; a new problem.Enrico built it, but never took thetime to correct the seat inclination,which kept -the sitter at an acuteangle, as if bent in pain. The rockerrocked, Enrico contended, and whatmore can be asked of a rocker?.As soon as the challenge of a newproblem was met, Enrico gave up.After all, he is a theoretical physicistand not interested in his projects,once they outlive their theoretical appeal.One set of objects never lost itsappeal for Enrico: the gadgets. Tohim they represent the never endingquest for saving labor, the materialproof of human progress, the productof a technology which he considersthe symbol, the salvation, and thepromise of America.He has never lost interest ingadgets, and, although parsimoniousby nature and education, he is alwaysready to buy one more: from thestep-on garbage can, his never-forgiven present of my first Christmasin the United States, through electricrazor and electric saw, to the latelyacquired television set, we have gonethrough purchase and use of all available and most automatic householdequipment.In learning the American languageand habits, Enrico had a considerableadvantage over me: he spent his daysat Columbia University among Americans, and inside the very physics building he found an obliging mentorin Herbert Anderson, a graduatestudent who planned to work for hisPh.D. under Enrico's guidance.Anderson says . . .No day went by without Enrico'stelling me something that HerbertAnderson had taught him."Anderson says we should hire ourneighbor's children and pay them apenny for each of our English mistakes they correct. He says it is theonly way of learning the languageefficiently.""Anderson says that students worktheir way through college by waitingon tables and selling newspapers. Iam afraid they have little time leftfor study.""Anderson says that there are nooral examinations in American universities. The multiple-choice tests,Anderson says ..."Altogether, Anderson appeared tobe a bottomless well of information,and, duly impressed, I pictured himin my mind as a ponderous person,more mature and professional thanhis years. But when I met him I wasforced to change my ideas. He wasof medium height, as slender as a boyon the threshold of manhood, dressedwith the elegance of the young bachelor fond of clothes.I stayed home most of the time, gotAnderson's teachings only at secondhand, and learning English was avery slow process.One day Nella came to me and saidin a stern voice:MRS. FERMI VISITS HER HUSBAND, "Mother, Giulio uses bad language.I heard him call his friend stinky."I could not reply to her, not knowing the meaning of the word. I askedEnrico when he came home."As far as I know, it means 'havinga bad odor,'" Enrico said. "But I'llask Anderson in the morning."From Herbert we had our firstauthoritative lesson in bad language:Lousy is not so bad as stinky.Nella and Giulio made me pondernot only on language but also onsocial philosophy. I started to understand the meaning of democracy andits institutions when nine-year-oldNella asked for "more freedom" andimplied I was infringing upon herrights because I requested that shecome home after school before goingto play and that she let me know atall times where I could find her."It's a free country''When four -year-old Giulio, whomI had asked to go wash his hands,answered, "You can't make me, thisis a free country," then we learnedsome more. To these days Enrico hasretained the childish expression "thisis a free country" that he acquiredfrom Giulio, who in turn has entirelyoutgrown it.Long would be the list of what welearned from our children, besidesbad and good language, the spirit ofindependence, and the firm belief inhuman rights. Looking through theiryoung eyes, not dimmed by visionsof Old World traditions, we acquireda fresh, if vicarious, perspective ofAmerican habits and viewpoints.ENRICO FERMI, IN HIS LABORATORYU. C. Press RelationsNOVEMBER, 1954 11A.Ne^Th,RICHARD WORTHINGTONX SYCHOLOGISTS WELL knowthat persons who are unsure of themselves or are fearful of a real or imaginary danger often seek to escape byfinding easy refuge like the fabledostrich. The situations from whichmost of us are tempted to seek refugedo. not normally involve a physicalopponent from whom we wish to hide.They are apt to be more subtle enemies, such as our own shortcomings,the existence of which we dislike torecognize. Yet a failure to recognizethem is likely to result in our ownunhappiness and our failure as a contributing member of society."These words were not spoken by apsychologist, but a businessman:trustee-banker David Rockefeller, inhis convocation address at the University last spring. He went on to say,"Escapists are found in all fields ofactivity. They are recognized by anattitude of mind, not by an occupation, and business can be used to provide as much of a refuge for theescapist as the classroom or thelaboratory."Escapists in businessThe fact that so many of Mr. Rockefeller's colleagues in top business andindustrial posts share the above viewsexplains in part why this past decadehas seen such a spurt of cooperationbetween business management andacademicians trained in the understanding of human behavior. Executives are recognizing that their hard est, toughest problems may not beones of raw materials, a productionschedule, or the proper chemicals fora new synthetic product, but the age-old question: What makes people tick?The problems of human management are the ones which bring executives to ask trained clinicians:How can we help our employees behappier, more productive individuals?How can we set up effective executive training programs? How can weimprove morale on the productionline? How do we know which manwill make the best sales manager?Study Stress SituationsExperiences during World War IIgave impetus to the willingness ofbusinessmen to explore new techniques in the study of personality.Valuable information about personality functioning in stress situationswas obtained by the Office of StrategicServices as that agency sought techniques of selecting men for specialassignment. With O.S.S. and withNavy and Air Force aviation cadetselection programs, various projectivetesting techniques were helpful inshowing that successful performanceseemed much more the results of aperson's total personality make-upthan of just specific aspects of problem solving ability.After the war, some business companies adopted these newer approaches and techniques and with thehelp of university-trained men ex- Lewellynpanded their investigations of projective personality tests as devices forevaluating personnel selection. Amongthe pioneers in this field were Burleigh Gardner, and William Henry(who is Associate Professor with theCommittee on Human Development).Their cooperation with Sears, Roebuck and Co., to study the dynamicsof executive performance, saw thefirst example of the use of a projective technique the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) in an industrialsetting.Since such testing devices allow aperson to project his inner thoughtsand feelings, they are used to understand the drives and motivations ofwhich a person may be unaware, andwhich give clues to a person's possible success, or failure, in a job orany other situation.Set up shopMore recently another coterie ofPhD's from the University, known asthe firm of Worthington Associates,Inc., has set up shop as consultantsto management in the field of psychology. Named for its founder, Dr.Richard Worthington, the group hasachieved in five years considerablerecognition and success for their ownspecialized techniques of investigatingthe relationships between personalitycharacteristics and occupationalachievement.The firm is concerned with manyfacets of the psychological consultant12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFrom the Psychology Lab Comes :Tool for the Businessman:Worthington Personal History Formservices. Their scope includes personnel assessment, counseling, moralesurveys, management practice research, and executive training programs. A novel feature of thecompany is its clinic for wives ofsalesmen, which helps wives becomemore aware of the particular psychological and emotional needs of menengaged in salesmanship. Also, thecompany assists in problems of theolder worker, is developing rapidlyinto the field of motivational research,and is equipped to handle problemsin the area of human engineering andoperations research.Hitting the markWith 150 firms on their list ofclients, Worthington Associates' services must be hitting their mark, forthe list includes such companies asR. R. Donnelley, The Northern Trust,John Nuveen & Co., Oscar Mayer &Co., Deltox Rug Co., Johnson andJohnson; Foote, Cone & Belding;Harris Trust and Savings Bank, andVictor Adding Machine Company.At the nub of the firm's operation,however, is a unique feature. For Dr.Worthington has injected a new element into the picture: a projectivetechnique of his own devising forevaluating the potential capacities, themotivations, and needs of an individual in the industrial and business setting. The technique is known as theWorthington Personal History Form(W.P.H.). The technique was born out ofWorthington's two years' experienceas personnel director at the Menninger Foundation, from 1945-47. Hediscovered that on the basis of the information given by employees on jobapplication blanks he could make remarkably accurate predictions as tothe ultimate success or effectivenessof a given employee in a given job.His own predictions, using only theordinary application blank, correlatedhighly with subsequent psychologicaltests administered to job applicants.Intrigued by the possibilities ofusing a job application form as a projective technique, Worthington returned to the University for PhDstudy with the Committee on HumanDevelopment and to serve as a departmental counselor. He refined hisconcepts, worked out his own application blank, and sought validation ofthe personal history form in clinicaland industrial situations. By 1950 hewas confident he had a useful technique, provided it was used for properpurposes, and administered and interpreted by skilled social scientists.No trick questionsArmed with this confidence, hisPhD, and his wife Toni's help, Dr.Worthington set out in earnest in1950 to utilize the Personal HistoryForm. His first office was in theirtiny, South Side apartment, but itwasn't long before both their apartment and the business expanded as businessmen came to share Dick'sconfidence that he had indeed a useful tool.When answering the question, Whatis the Personal History Form? Worthington explains, "Actually, it lookslike most job application forms. Thereare no trick questions, no right orwrong answers. It's entirely up tothe applicant to fill out each item ashe sees fit. The form does cover whatwe consider to be all the significantlife areas of a person. We need toknow the person's name, age, date ofbirth and birthplace. We ask something about his marital status, hisfamily, what his father's occupationwas or is, and the ages and occupations of his siblings. We request information about his health, education,favorite school subjects, and abouthis interests, hobbies, and futureplans. We go into his job history.Revealing form"Each item on the personal historyis scored by us in terms of what itreveals about the individual's wayof relating himself to other peopleand to job situations. We also scorethe kinds of ideas he appears to haveabout himself. The scores are thentotaled and put in a profile. The profile is our base instrument from whichwe do most of our interpretation. Theitems on the profile are averaged according to straight clinical categories;but from this profile we write an interpretive, non-clinical report."One big advantage of the W.P.H. isNOVEMBER, 1954 13that it doesn't look like a test, andtherefore people aren't defensiveabout it. Obviously it's not the formthat's unusual, but the way it's usedand interpreted by competent peoplethat makes the difference.To give one, small example of the"minimal clues" which the W.P.H.turns up, Dick cites the case of a manwho may fill out the form by veryheavily crossing out "Mrs." and"Miss," using heavy black lines. Thiswould be a first "clue." It could meanthat here is a male who is aggressivetoward women. Or a man might drawtwo very neat lines through "Miss,"and two very neat lines through"Mrs." As Dick explains, "That's thesort of behavior a great many officemanagers exhibit. Practically everyone in the field of finance will do this,because they are individuals whosimply must pay precise attention toa detailed job requiring concentration.Or suppose a man just draws a singledash through 'Miss' and 'Mrs.' Wescore this as being an indicator anindicator only of aggressiveness anddrive, of a person who handles tasksreadily and right now."Every item is scored on the basis of how and what a person responded.We know that everything a persondoes or says means something overand beyond the obvious meaning.Everything that we do or say is akind of projection of everything wehave been, and all of our behaviorhas behind it the totality of us. Weeach have a personal idiom that isthe result of our social class background and of our life experiences,and we express this in every situationin which we find ourselves. When aperson fills out our W.P.H. he is revealing much of himself."Techniques like the Personal History Form are always viewed withsuspicion, especially by the academicians themselves. No one has beenmore suspicious of the technique'seffectiveness and validity than Richard Worthington himself. But duringthe past several years, he feels theform has been validated both clinically and industrially on thousands ofcases. It has thus far survived thispractical proving ground, and in thehands of Worthington Associates who are trained to use it properly,for legitimate purposes it is provingitself to practical businessmen. The personnel manager of a largeaircraft manufacturing company tellsof being introduced in 1948 to theW.P.H., a technique "which revolutionized our thinking regarding themeasurement of the most complex ofall human intangibles the personality structure of an individual."We were interested at that time inselecting top-flight personnel to belocated in geographical areas throughout our plant. We had twelve applicants fill out the Personal HistoryForms, which we then sent to Dr.Worthington. The analyses were returned to us in the next several days,and, to us, they were amazing. Areasof strength or weaknesses, intelligence and personality, were broughtout in the analyses which subsequently proved to be extremely accurate."The personnel manager went on toexplain, "I have thrown Dr. Worthington many curves during theseyears, and many times he has turnedup some very interesting facts aboutindividuals. Accident proneness issometimes indicated. Borderline ordeveloping psychosis has been revealed in some cases. Careful coun-MEMBERS OF WORTHINGTON ASSOCIATES IN FIRM'S OFFICES AT 1 NORTH LA SALLE STREET. MANY ARE U.C. ALUMNILewellyn14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEselling has saved these individuals,and they are still doing useful workalthough not all in management positions."One humorous example of what Imean by curves occurred soon afterwe began using the W.P.H. One ofour supervisors was given a PersonalHistory Form to take home and fillout during the evening; when he returned the form to me the followingday it was neat and complete in everydetail.Cherchez la femme"I forwarded it to Dr. Worthington,and a few days later received a letterinforming me that the supervisor didnot fill out the form personally, andthat he was confident it had beenfilled out by some woman, as his firstimpression upon reviewing the Personal History was, 'this man is amost interesting woman!' Sureenough, the busy supervisor's veryhelpful wife had thoughtfully filled itout for him."For the most part, Dr. Worthing-ton's staff includes people trained inthe University's Committee on HumanDevelopment, and they are findingthe broad, interdepartmental disciplines of the Committee a solid foundation for their business, whichemanates from a lofty suite of officeson the 47th floor of the One NorthLaSalle Street building.The firm is a team of well-trainedpeople. They have found that a "freewheeling" of ideas and an eclecticapproach to the behavioral sciencesare just as effective in solving business problems on LaSalle St., as theyare in stimulating students to developtheir own research problems andanswers in Judd Hall.Alumni associated with the firm, inaddition to the director, Mr. Worthington, are: Robert Pearse, executivevice-president; Theodore Hurst; JohnFlaherty; Edith Lind; LawrenceLeShan, who completes his doctoratethis quarter; and Emily Williams,secretary for the firm. Robert Peck,formerly on the staff, left recently toaccept an academic appointment atthe University of Texas.Other University people who areassociated on a part-time and consultant basis include William Stephenson of the Department of Psychology, Ralph Heine, Joan Powers,and Douglas More.All of these people bring their ownskills and experience in such fields asdepth interviewing, projective analyses, attitude and opinion surveys, research design, and methodologicalresearch to the effective functioningof the firm's operations. A. N. P. Freedom Medal to LohmanU.S. ArmyBRIG. GEN. OLIVER W. HUGHES PRESENTS MEDAL TO JOSEPH LOHMANJ OSEPH D. LOHMAN, lecturerin sociology, was awarded theMedal of Freedom recently byorder of President Eisenhower, forhis work in the repatriation ofAmerican prisoners of war inKorea.The accompanying citation reads:"Dr. Joseph D. Lohman, Department of the Army Civilian, distinguished himself by meritoriousservice as a civilian professionaladvisor on sociological and psychological matters to the ExplainerSection, United Nations CommandRepatriation Group, in Korea. . . ."Studying the background andpersonal characteristics of eachAmerican non-repatriate prisonerof war, he reduced his findings tosuch a sound, workable and comprehensive analysis of these menthat the explaining officers wereadequately equipped with effective explanatory methods for eachindividual prisoner of war."He further prepared a documententitled 'Freedom of Choice', whichcontained the guiding principles ofthe entire exolanation effort and was widely quoted in the worldpress. Its concise and factual presentation of the United Nations'stand contributed immeasurably tothe complete propaganda defeat ofthe Communists on this issue."Dr. Lohman's exemplaryachievements and loyal devotion toduty were significant factors to thesuccessful mission of the UnitedNations Command RepatriationGroup and reflect credit upon himself and the Department of theArmy."Dr. Lohman, who has had an extensive career as advisor, consultant and lecturer in the fields oflaw enforcement, human relations,correctional administration andcrime prevention, is currently acandidate for the office of sheriffof Cook County, Illinois, on theDemocratic ticket.He has held such positions aschairman of the Illinois ParoleBoard, consultant to the AtomicEnergy Commission, and directorof the Southern Police Institute,Illinois Academy of Criminologyand American Prison Association.NOVEMBER, 1954In Their Parents9 Footsteps . . .FRONT ROW (FROM LEFT), MARGARET NASH, EDWARD ADEL- WEISS, SALLY KOLLENBERG, AMY LORETTA TATE; THIRD ROW,MAN, JON LANGDON, GLENN GILBERT, KEITH JOHNSON, TERRY ALAN CHARLENS, WILFRED NELSON, DONALD MILLER, ROBERTSATINOVER, SUE TAX, MARION ANDERSON, GILLIAN BENDER; BERGMAN, PAUL D. GILBERT, GEORGE C. BAUMRUCKER, KEN-SECOND ROW, KAREN ELSON, EMMY MEYER, HARRY F. CHAVER- NETH DITKOWSKY, WILLIAM WHITNEY, STEPHEN MICHEL,IAT, JR., VICTOR I. CARLSON, DAVID ISRAELSTAM, RICHARD FRANK I. FLYNN III, AND PAUL MACOPIA.Following in their parents' footsteps, these twenty-eight sons and daughters of alumni entered the Collegelast month:Edward Adelman, son of Mrs. Irving (Helen Sigal)Adelman, PhB '33, ChicagoMarion Anderson, daughter of Harold A. Anderson,PhB '24, AM '26, ChicagoGeorge C. Baumrucker, son of Dr. George Baumrucker,BS '27, Hinsdale, III.Gillian Bender, daughter of Robert J. Bender, ChicagoRobert Bergman, son of Mrs. Lewis (Ruth Genzberger)Bergman, PhB '19, ChicagoVictor I. Carlson, son of Victor D. Carlson, AM '40,Golden, Colo.Alan Charlens, son of Mrs. Maurice (Yetta Yoffe) Char-lens, PhB '31, ChicagoHarry F. Chaveriat Jr., son of Harry F. Chav'eriat, LLB'19, ChicagoKenneth Ditkowsky, son of Mrs. Samuel (Lillian Plav-nik) Ditkovisky, PhB '31, ChicagoKaren Elson, daughter of Alex Elson, PhB '26, JD '28,ChicagoFrank I. Flynn, III, son of Frank T. Flynn, Jr., PhD '49and Else Rose Gobel Flynn, PhB '26, ChicagoGlenn Gilbert, son of William H. Gilbert, AM '30, PhD'34 and Margaret Christensen Gilbert, BA '34, SilverSpring, Md. .Paul D. Gilbert, son of Maurice J. Gilbert, PhB '23, JD'24, Dayton, O. David Israelstam, son of Alfred W. Israelstam, PhB '31,JD '33, ChicagoKeith Johnson, son of Leslie E. Johnson, 'Ex '34, andNatalie Merriam Johnson, PhB '33, Tinley Park, III.Sally Kollenberg, daughter of Alec E. Kollenberg, LLB'30, ChicagoJon Langdon, son of Dr. Roy M. Langdon, BS '25, MD'29, ChicagoPaul Macopia, son of Jose Macopia, BA '27, ChicagoEmmy Meyer, daughter of Dr. Jacob Meyer, BS '14,MS '16, MD '16, ChicagoStephen Michel, son of Dr. Herbert Michel, BS '28, MD'32 and Helen Leventhal Michel, BS '37, ChicagoDonald Miller, son of Harold V. Miller, SM '34, Nashville, Tenn.Margaret Nash, daughter of Philleo Nash, PhD '37 andEdith Rosenfels Nash, AB '34, Rapids, Wis.Wilfred Nelson, son of Ethel Nelson, BS '35, Chicago, III.Terry Satinover, daughter of Charles Satinover, PhB'28, JD '30 and Mary Klieman Satinover, PhB '30,AM '42, Glencoe, III.Amy Loretta Tate, daughter of Herman Tate (deceased), BS '35, and Inez Duke Tate, PhB '31, ChicagoSue Tax, daughter of Sol Tax, PhD '35, ChicagoRichard Weiss, son of Sidney Weiss, AB '35, ChicagoWilliam Whitney, son of Dr. H. H. Whitney, SB '21MD '23, Tampa, Fla.16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFIRST WEEK ON THE MIDWAYCover Picture: Neil Weiner,Kansas City, Mo., arrives atBurton-Judson Court. Student Orientation Board members played host to new classmates during their first week on the Midway. On tour of campus (left, above) guide describes traditions of C-bench. AlumniSecretary Howard Mort (above) points out Gothic features ofRockefeller Chapel. Men students (below, right) watch CoachAlvar Hermanson conduct a practice soccer game. After tours(below, left) a typical lunch hour scene in men's dining hallat Burton-Judson.(All Photos by Lewellyn)Placement tests (bottom, left) areeasier to take when interspersed withsome fun. A mixer at Burton-Judson(right and below) provides some relaxation. Gina Molinet, N. Y., andIvan Carlson, Golden, Colo, drop inat snack bar between dances, (center,left) . Ina Grene, Chicago, wields afast ping pong paddle (center, right) .At bull session in dorm, (above, 1. to r.) Diane Sills, Decatur, 111.;Eliza Houston, Tulsa, Okla.; Rosemary Galli, St. Louis, Mo.; andLynn Lewis, Ottumwa, la., compare notes. Maroon editor AllenJ anger (below) interviews prospective reporters Bob Connelly,San Francisco; Lynn Chadwell, Cincinnati; Marea Paneres, Hammond, Ind.; and Leonard Lyon, Forest Hills, N. Y.20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAt picnic (above) in Hutchinson Court, upper classmen cookedhotdogs, served potato salad. Le Gare Briggs, Greenwood, S. C,shows how it's done, (center, left) as Pat Cagney, Chicago, (1. to r.)Pat Northup, Morgantown, W. Va.; Bea Suskind, Chicago; SylviaHedley, Gary, Ind.; and Ronald Ilvedson, Minot, S. D., watch. Hot-dogs aside, (below) Glenn Gilbert, Washington, D. C, and KeithJohnson, Tinley Park, 0., resume their chess game.NOVEMBER, 1954 21University NewsLibby Gets Top Post withAtomic Energy CommissionNew Programs to Aid TeachersDr. Willard Libby, Professor ofChemistry, has been granted a leaveof absence from the University to accept President Eisenhower's appointment to the Atomic Energy Commission.He assumes the vacancy created bythe resignation of Dr. Henry D.Smyth, and will be in office untilJune 30, 1956.Dr. Libby came to Chicago and theInstitute of Nuclear Studies in 1945.During the war he was a member ofthe Manhattan District project, andin 1950 was named to the AEC general advisory committee.His most recent recognition is forhis discovery of the Carbon 14 methodfor dating organic matter.Harper Chair to WardF. Champion Ward, formerly deanof the College, has been appointedto a William Rainey Harper professorship in the College.Mr. Ward is currently in Pakistanserving as an educational representative of the overseas division activityof the Ford Foundation. He will return to the College as professor ofphilosophy in the autumn, 1955.Mr. Ward came to the Universityfrom Dennison University in 1945.He was dean of the College from1947 until January, 1954. He receivedhis B.A. and M.A. at Oberlin, andhis Ph.D. from Yale in 1937.The William Rainey Harper professorships were set up to honor thememory of the first president of theUniversity, who was vitally interestedin improvement of undergraduateteaching methods. Honor scroll for UreyHarold C. Urey, the Martin A.Ryerson Distinguished Service Professor of Chemistry, was awarded thehonor scroll of the Chicago chapterof the American Institute of Chemists.The scroll, presented October 8, wasgiven in recognition of Mr. Urey'sprofessional and civic achievements.Urey received the honor for "hiseffective work and active devotion tothe thesis that scientists have obligations to society as citizens."Aid for teachersThe University has announced twoprograms this fall for teachers, designed to offset the teacher -shortageproblem.One tactic is to give half tuitionA.E.C. COMMISSIONER LIBBYTown & Country remission to elementary and highschool teachers working toward theirmaster's degree in the Department ofEducation.The other move is an intensiveone-year course which reflects notonly the urgent need to train moreteachers quickly, but also a change inattitude about what constitutes effective teacher training.The program is planned as an integrated seminar-type unit, relatingcourses in child development, psychology, sociology and education.Class observation and demonstrationswill be provided early in the course,and formal practice teaching will bethe major activity in the last threemonths. Participants will have an opportunity to develop much of theirown curriculum under a faculty groupdirected by Kenneth Rehage, J. W.Getzels, and Herbert Thelen.The program is open to studentswho have taken their bachelor's degree within the past fifteen years,but who have had no previous professional training. Graduates of thisone-year course will be eligible forcertification as teachers in manystates, including Illinois.Three Grants for GottschalkLouis Gottschalk, professor in thedepartment of history, found himselfshowered with fellowships this summer, all of which were announced inthe same week. He received a continuation of a Rockefeller Grant tocomplete the second and third volumes of his history of Lafayette andthe French Revolution, plus Guggenheim and Fulbright fellowships, all22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfor study in France, where he is nowhard at work.Promotion at seaRobert J. Braidwood was probablyon the high seas when his promotionto the rank of professor in the Oriental Institute and Department ofAnthropology was announced.Dr. Braidwood is head of a uniqueexpedition which will spend thewinter in the Middle East exploringman's first agricultural center. Specialists in the natural sciences, including a geologist and a zoologist,and an expert on archeological andindustrial ceramics, accompanied himon the trip. It is hoped that expertsin plant lore, as well as other specialists, will join the expedition nextspring.This is an unusual departure. Usually archeologists make their ownreconstructions of the history of climate and the physical and naturalsurroundings of the sites they haveexcavated. This gives the expeditionan opportunity for a well-roundedapproach to one of the most criticalperiods in human history.Object of the study is to discoverthe environment of life in the areasome 7,000 years ago, when the firstgreat revolution in human historytook place. This is when man turnedfrom food-gathering, cave dwellingsavagery to agriculture, and settleddown in the first village farmingcommunity.The party will visit Jarmo, Iraq,the world's oldest village, discoveredby Dr. Braidwood.New look for CommonsHutchinson Commons cafeteria wasopened this fall with a shiny, newlook. All stainless steel equipmenthas replaced the wooden servingtables which dated back to 1916. Thewalls have been redone in tan-coloredtile and an acoustic ceiling cuts theclatter. The Coffee Shop, too, wasrefurbished with an acoustic ceiling.Miss Lylas Kay, Director of theResidence Halls and the Commons,explains that some of the features ofthe new look include an electric food-warming system to replace the oldsteam tables, a salad and dessertsection with "sneeze protection,""lowerators" for stacks of breadslices, and an arrangement of foodalong the serving counter which allows people who do not want a-bigorder to go through the line quickly.Attractive wallpaper picturingscenes from early Chicago complements the new equipment. Special Projects AdvisorMorton Grodzins, Dean of the Division of Social Sciences, will relinquish that position to becomeadvisor to the chancellor on specialprojects. Chauncey D. Harris, Professor of Geography, will serve asacting Dean of Social Sciences.Noted pathologist diesDr. Maud Slye, 75, Professor Emeritus (Pathology), died September 17.She was noted for her extensive cancer research, and was honored repeatedly by various organizations forher work. Dr. Slye had devoted her life sincethe start of her scientific career, whenshe was 29, to the study of cancer inmice with the hope of finding a wayto end the dread disease in the humanrace.Her long years of research, in whichhundreds of thousands of mice wereused, produced her well-knowntheory that cancer can be eliminatedin humans only by breeding it out ofthe race. She said that her workshowed that two facts were necessary to produce cancer: inherited susceptibility to the disease, and prolonged irritation of cancer susceptibletissues in the body.The New Look . . .Lewellyn. . . For the OldNOVEMBER, 1954 23by Faculty und AlumniCIVIL LIBERTIES AND THEVINSON COURT By C. HermanPritchett Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1954. Pp. xi, 297. $5.00.In Civil Liberties and the VinsonCourt, Professor Pritchett has addeda second major volume to his studiesof the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates. Like its predecessors, TheRoosevelt Court: A Study in JudicialPolitics and Values, published in 1948,the current volume selects a limitedperiod of the Courtis history to examine in detail. The new book coversthe seven years of the Chief Justiceship of Fred M. Vinson, 1946-53; andconcentrates on a single field of theCourt's work the area of civil liberties. Once again the author has givenus a highly literate essay which makesan important contribution to thewider public understanding of thebusiness, achievement, glamour, andperplexities of the top court in ourdemocracy. Mr. Pritchett's professional interestas a political scientist has been, as heputs it, in "trying to probe the influence of judicial personality on judicial decision." If the lawyer ischiefly interested in what Mr. Pritchett calls the "institutional product/5he is concerned primarily with "thefascinating problem of personal equations on the Supreme Court." Andthe civil liberties field is preeminently suited to such a study sinceit is here in recent years that theCourt's most difficult problems havearisen and here that the disagreements among the individual justiceshave been made most explicitIt would miss the special flavor ofthe book to regard it primarily asa study in psychology or as an effortto apply the statistical method to judicial behavior. Mr. Pritchett doesnot seek to psychoanalyze the judgesnor does he attempt to correlate theirpersonal biographies with their patterns of decision. The use of statistics in measuring judicial behaviorhas become something of a fightingissue among lawyers, but there is nooccasion to debate that issue here,although the use of judicial statisticshas become a trademark of Mr.Pritchett's work. Mr. Pritehett'stables are modest, interesting anduseful, and in compiling them he hasmerely done with precision what thelawyer tends to do more loosely.The book is excellently planned.The first seven chapters, occupyinga little more than half of the book,are devoted to a case-by-case discussion of the principal civil libertiesissues the Court has faced in theseven-year interval. The civil liberties field can today conveniently bedivided into three major areas: freedom of speech and political action,racial discrimination, and proceduraldue process. There is a solid chapteron each of the last two topics andfive chapters on the first, an emphasiswhich points up to the disturbing factthat our current preoccupations withdomestic subversion have made theassessing of the constitutionality ofanti-communist measures the chiefbusiness in recent years of the Supreme Court of the United States.This part of the book is somethingof a tour de force in the brevity andliteracy with which it covers a seriesof complicated matters. If it does notat all points bite as deeply as thespecialist might desire, it does lend avaluable perspective to the problemas a whole.But this discussion is simply background for Mr. Pritchett's principalbusiness in the book: locating andexplaining the differences in the in dividual judges patterns of decision.His statistics and his reading of thecases tell him there are wide differences in the frequency with which thejudges have voted for the individualin these controversies between the individual and government. Mr. Pritchett is fully aware that judges are notcompletely free men, and that all of themembers of the Court are decent meneducated in Anglo-American traditions of liberty. He therefore putsforward at page 191 a hypothesis thatsuggests a two dimensional picture ofjudicial motivation:"Obviously, it is impossible toidentify all the values which eachjustice may have related to thedecision of a case. But the working hypothesis suggested by thematerial of the preceeding chapters is that a decision involvingcivil liberties questions will beprimarily influenced by the interaction of two factors. One is thedirection and intensity of a justice's libertarian sympathies,which will vary according to hisweighting of the relative claims ofliberty and order in our society.. . . The second factor is the conception which the justice holds ofhis judicial role and the obligations imposed on him by his judicial function. Every justice indeciding a case must give somethought to what it is appropriatefor him as a judge to do. . . ,Any attempt to rank justices onthese two scales in an absolutefashion would be hopeless, but itshould not be so difficult to locatethem relatively to each other. . . . ?!The balance of the book is made upof a series of suggestive chapterswhich explore the three main patterns into which the current Courthas resolved these competing forces.First there is what he aptly calls theposition of "libertarian activism." Thisis the position exemplified today byJustices Black and Douglas and it isdissected with sympathy ? admirationand a substantial note of criticism.The sympathy and admiration are forthe courage and eloquence with whichthey speak out for the unpopularcause; the criticism is for their tendency to oversimplify the competingconsiderations, to indulge in labelthinking. If the stolid center blocdoes not sweat enough over civilliberties issues, neither, so the criticism runs, do the "activists." Mr.Pritchett has here tackled a paramount issue of the day which involves not only the judge but thecitizen himself as he seeks to meas-A Handbook of ***Wisdom and Experiencedynamics if imps ii mmBy Herbert A. ThelenHere are Mr, Thelen's years of experience with working and learninggroups presented in lively and readable fashion. This volume is a uniquecompendium of sophisticated theory,practical insight, and concrete example. From his work with groups suchas the Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference and the well-knownsummer workshops at Bethel, Maine,as described in the first section of hisbook, Mr. Thelen develops some original and compelling theories ofgroup dynamics, which he presents inpart two. "Holds a wealth of valuefor everyone who works in any kindof leadership capacity." David H.Jenkins, Adult Leadership,400 pages $6.00from your bookseller or fromle Qihmreity of Chicago Press5750 Ellis Avenue Chicago 37, 111.24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEure our current anti- communist ordinances against our basic traditions.There is unfortunately for none of usa ready middle road between doctrinaire liberalism and indifference to thetraditions of liberty.A second chapter examines what hecalls with equal aptness "libertarianrestraint." Here he finds in Mr. Justice Frankfurter the exemplar of theposition and again there is a sensitivediscussion. He recognizes the sophistication and courage of Frankfurter'smind, his stubborn insistence on procedural regularity, and his anxietylest judges usurp functions not entrusted to them in a democracy. Andagain there is a firm note of criticism,for Frankfurter has tried too hardand too self-consciously to operate"under antiseptic conditions ... untouched by personal preference."A third chapter takes up themiddle group, headed by Chief Justice Vinson. In a most interesting anddaring venture he seeks to measuretheir failure as moderators by thefrequency with which they drove thetwo libertarian extremes together intodissent.A final chapter looks directly at therole the Court ought to play in civilliberties cases. It evaluates thedemocratic limitations on and thedemocratic demands for judicial review of the legislature and executive;and it seeks, with less than completesuccess, a new formula for resolvingthe tension between libertarian biasand judicial self-restraint.It is of course not possible to treatadequately the content and quality ofthe book in so short a survey. I foundit highly provocative of reflection.There are many points which I wouldlike Mr. Pritchett to have exploredmore fully, and I think in particularthat he slighted the most interestingand difficult to classify of the currentjustices, Mr. Justice Jackson. But thisis only to say that Mr. Pritchett'schief vice has been modesty, and toask that we may have the furtherbenefit of his scholarship and counselon these profoundly important issues.Harry Kalven, Jr.Professor, Law School^^^^^korcf new:! m tiECTKtcAi Hoovers^mgieweed^Jelectrical SUPPLY CO.Distributes, Minilictonrs and Jibbirt otELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St. - ENglewood 4-7500NOVEMBER, 1954 J\eader£ GuideFICTIONMr. James Finn is a faculty memberof the Downtown College's popular"Introduction to the Arts" programfor adults. His special niche in themaze of course offerings is fiction,with particular emphasis on recentoutputs. In accepting our invitationto guide our readers to some good,recent fiction, he writes, "Althoughfew readers may like all of thesebooks, every reader should find several which he will regard as particularly rewarding."THE MAN ON A DONKEY. ByH. F. M. Prescott. Macmillan, 1953.$5.Miss Prescott has received deservedly high praise for her long historicalnovel. The amount of scholarship upon which the author draws is prodigious, but it is always controlled andsubdued to the intentions of the novel.In this chronicle of stormy TudorEngland between 1509 and 1537, weare presented with vivid, convincingscenes of the life of all classes. Thereis a rich mingling of the comic andthe tragic, of the pathetic, the ridiculous, and the joyful.THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA.By Ernest Hemingway. Scribner, 1953.$3.This book has been highly praisedand lightly dismissed. I believe thatit far surpasses his most recent work,but that it falls short of the heightsattained by The Sun Also Rises. Thelanguage is lean and tense, the narrative simply told. To enjoy this novelas an exciting and meaningful storyit is quite unnecessary to read it as many critics have, each to his ownpurpose as parable or allegory. Itworks its effect on its own terms.9 FLOORS FILLED WITH BOOKS!Chicago's LargestANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORE(In the heart of the Loop)Everything from 70c books fo raritiesBooks from the 15th CenturyModern, first and limited editions18th & 19th Century English LiteratureLarge stock of pamphlet materialWe buy smalt and large collections ofgood booksCome in or write usCENTRAL BOOK STORE36 SOUTH CLARK STREETDEARBORN 2-0470Also open evenings and Sundays LOOK DOWN IN MERCY. ByWalter Baxter. Putnam, 1952. $3.50.This is Mr. Baxter's first novel, butfew would guess this from the evidence of the book. The story principally concerns a young officer andcompany commander, Tony Kent, whois engaged in warfare in Burma,Malaya, and India. The horrible,scarifying effects of the war are presented with unrelenting detail, andthe unbearable burdens the war experience places upon young Kent aretold with compassionate understanding. The subject matter may discourage some readers even though it isnever exploited for its own sake. Itis a moving book, uneven in spots,sometimes disturbing, but alwayshonest and sincere.THE PRESENT AND THE PAST.By Ivy Compton-Burnett. Messner,1953. $3.50.For those who are unfamiliar withthe work of Ivy Compton-Burnett,her latest novel will provide astartling and stimulating introduction.For her admirers, this book will bringthe pleasure of anticipations that arefully satisfied. We again enter aworld in which characters, onlyslightly individualized, coin epigramsas readily as most people mouthcliches; where everyone, children in-| forthcoming! || for the literary [gourmet ... [| Sherwood Anderson |and his two Iprize pupils. || Herman Melville, || his significance |I in American letters. || Folk Lore and Music |I in American culture. || and many other j| original articles II written by alumni 1| especially for jI The University of Chicago Ij Magazine j25eluded, is highly articulate about suchthings as virtue, death, life, and boredom; where a concern for the truth isthe real or apparent motivation foreach action and remark; and where,finally, the thin layers of personalityare stripped back to reveal, with anastringent objectivity, the inner being of each character.EXCEPT THE LORD. By JoyceCary. Harpers, 1953. $3.50.Within the last few years JoyceCary has gained in this country abody of devoted and vocal admirers.He has done this principally on thestrength of a trilogy noted for itsfertile, exuberant, comic invention.But Cary is protean in his addressto the novel, and in this latest novelhas produced a work which is serious,joyful, and religious. The story isnarrated by Chester Nimmo at theend of a long life during which hehas been union organizer, preacher,and statesman. There is dignity andsimplicity in the writing which is admirably suited to an aged nineteenth-century statesman whose interest inrhetoric has been life long and whoseknowledge of the Bible is intimate.THE ADVENTURES OF AUGIEMARCH. By Saul Bellow. Viking,1953. $4.50.This book is also in the first personnarrative, but Augie's idiom is strictlycontemporary. It has been formed byan individual sensibility that has beenexposed to modern Chicago slums, adisrupted home life, extensive un-channeled reading, and an acquaintance with those who spend their livesacquiring wealth and worldly sophistication. Augie himself is a charmingperson whom almost everyone desiresto help. This book is capacious, largeenough to touch many areas of existence, to evoke many varied emotions.Saul Bellow's talent is fresh and original, and this novel is worthy of thehonors it has received.THE TREASURES OF DARKNESS. By Cornelia Jessey. NoondayPress, 1953. $3.50.Miss Jessey is not a well-knownauthor, and this, her third novel,received favorable but limited attention. The work as a whole is thoughtful and provocative, and the construction is intricate and assured. Itis a story of a woman whose realjourney has been inward and of howshe reached her goal. The heroine returns to her hometown where herfather is being held for the murderof her mother, an arrogant, schemingwoman whom Helena hated. Thebook is concerned with the final acceptance of her moral responsibilityfor her own actions. 00Ernest E. Irons, MD '03, PhD '12, Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Deanof Students and Faculty of Rush MedicalCollege from 1923 to 1936, has written afascinating story of the early days ofmedicine in America, how Rush MedicalSchool was founded, and eventuallyFresbyterian Hospital. The book, entitledThe Story of Rush Medical College, hasbeen published by the College's Board ofTrustees. He was re-appointed by MayorMartin Kennelly to the board of theChicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium.Edwin Solenberger has been made aLife Member of the National Conferenceof Social Work with which he has beenassociated for over fifty years. He ison the advisory committee of the Philadelphia Housing Authority and is retired as secretary emeritus of the Children's Aid Society of Pennsylvania. Helives in Upper Darby, a suburb of Philadelphia.Edward L. McBride has been residingin or about Louisville, Ky., since 1938.His present address is 2105 CherokeeParkway. He has four children and tengrandchildren, but none nearby.Minnie Frost (Mrs. Robert D. Rands)writes that they have named their newhome near Lake Wales, Fla., "KampongTaseh," which is Malay for "dwellingplace by the lake." They are now readyto entertain their sixteen children andgrandchildren.Henry A. Dixon, AM, is president ofthe Utah State Agricultural College inLogan. He resigned his post as president of Weber College last Fall to accepthis new position.Harry Bingham is now vice-presidentand member of the board of directorsof Richard D. Irwin, Inc., publishers ofbusiness books.Allen Miller, who helped found andestablish our radio department and theUniversity Round Table, is in Pullman,Wash., on the faculty of WashingtonState College. In addition to teachingprofessional courses in radio and TV,Allen is in charge of public relations, thecollege radio station and a closed circuittelevision program.Lawrence Tenhopen is minister of theFirst Congregational Church in SouthHaven, Michigan.Allen S. Weller, PhD '42, Head of theDepartment of Art at the University ofIllinois, will become Dean of the Collegeof Fine and Applied Arts at that institution on September 1. The College includes the Departments of Architecture,Art, City Planning and Landscape Archi tecture, the School of Music, the Bureauof Community Planning, and the University Bands. His wife is the formerRachel Fort, '27, AM '28.Martha Leutskor Levering is spendingfour months in Europe, chiefly in Holland, in order to make a study of thecountry, from which her father emigrated to Wisconsin in 1868.01Dr. Gilman W. Petit, MD, a residentphysician at the Hotels Windemere inChicago for over thirty years, and wife,celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary by vacationing in Southern California.03Carl S. Miner was presented a fifty-year award from the American ChemicalSociety at a meeting held last March inKansas City.04We were very sorry to learn that illhealth prevented Shirley Farr from attending the reunion last June. Her manyfriends will be interested in this newsfrom her: "I have been quite ill, althoughthe doctors say I am making a satisfactory recovery. I might add that inNation's ChoiceEthel Percy Andrus, '03, veteranof 40 years of teaching and current president of the National Retired Teacher's Association, wasrecently named "National Teacherof the Year" at the age of 71.The coveted award was madeon the unanimous recommendation of not only the NRTA, butalso the National Congress ofParents and Teachers and theNational Education Association forher work in directing fund-raisingdrives for the establishment ofhomes for retired teachers throughout the nation.Since her retirement as a teacher in 1944, she has been directorof welfare for the California Retired Teacher's Association. Inthis capacity she raised $250,000for expansion of a teachers' homein Pasadena, and is now campaigning to raise an additional$150,000 for the construction of aNational Retired Teacher's Homein Ojai, Calif.26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe twelve years since I have lived inVermont entirely, I have managed tokeep quite busy, not only through thewar and activities connected with it, including the airplane observation, butsince then in various matters whichseem to the advantage of the village ofBrandon and also in state politics to acertain extent. I was a member of theVermont House of Representatives during two sessions, am still on the TownRepublican Committee, for what thatamounts to, and have worked at variouspolitical levels at various times, includingquite energetic work for the Eisenhowercampaign. I was named as one of theelectors of the State of Vermont. Yes, Iknow just how empty an honor that is,but it at least showed that the StateCommittee recognized that I had donesome work. I might add that Vermont isa good state to live in, particularly afteryou are sixty, as you are not pushedout on account of chronological age.Anybody who is willing to work atalmost anything is cordially welcomed,and no questions asked."Benjamin Freud, PhD '27, received a50 year award from the American Chemical Society.A. T. Stewart is sorry he couldn't makeit to the reunion in June, but he hassome impressive reasons for his absence.For one thing, he and his wife returnedlast spring after a trip to twenty differentcountries and forty-six states. Partlybusiness, partly pleasure. Back home inPhoenix, Arizona, the Stewarts celebratedtheir forty-fourth wedding anniversary."We occasionally see the WaylandWagles, the Jimmy Hills, the Sam Lyonsand the Don Kerrs, but not sufficientlyfrequently."Coulter Craig has been elected a trusteeof Rollins College in Winter Park, IJla.,where he is a resident. Mr. Craig, a civilengineer, retired in 1947 as district manager for the DuPont Co.Eva R. Price, a teacher for more than30 years, has retired and is now livingat Laguna Beach, Calif. She was bornin Burma and taught school there from1910 to 1914. In 1919 she moved toNorthern China where she taught fortwo years before returning to the UnitedStates. Miss Price has taught Spanishin California schools for 25 years.Ovid R. Sellers, who has been Professor of Old Testament at McCormickTheological Seminary since 1922 andDean since 1940, retired in June.07From Margaret Mosher comes this note:"I have retired from teaching in ChicagoPublic Schools. I probably have the distinction of being the only teacher toretire with both parents living, so Ihave spent my years of leisure' keepinghouse and watching over them." ^Arnold Wilson is a member of theboard of directors of Sargent & Co., inConnecticut. He was for ten years president of General Time, Inc. For fishes, a friendEdward W. Allen, '07 chairmanof the International Pacific HalibutCommission and a prominentSeattle attorney, played a leadingrole last Spring in a fight to savethe Alaskan salmon industry whichis witnessing in some areas ofNorthern Pacific waters the "almost complete disappearance" ofpink salmon. He appeared beforea sub-committee of the U.S. Interstate and Foreign CommerceCommittee to urge quick passageof Senate Bill 2802 which wouldprovide money for a "thoroughfishery research program" andstudy of the migratory habits ofsalmon. Mr. Allen is one of America's foremost collectors of booksdealing with the Pacific andAlaskan areas. He is an author,too, having written several books,including "North Pacific" and"Dancing Tails." He is presidentof the Pacific Northwest TradeAssociation and a member of theInternational North Pacific Fisheries Commission.OSHarry H. Harper, head of the Chicagoreal estate firm of H. Harper and Co.,has been elected president of the ChicagoReal Estate Board.09Arthur H. Hummel, AM '11, DB '14,chief of the Division of Orientalia of theLibrary of Congress since 1928, retiredthe end of March. He joined the staffin 1927 after having taught in Japaneseand Chinese universities for 15 years.Archie S. Loomer, a resident of Sacramento, Calif., and a member of theNorthern California Teacher's Retirement Home Committee, spent severalmonths last summer touring the southern part of California and the westernstates, inspecting retirement homes nowin operation.Walter F. Sanders, AM '17, DeanEmeritus of Park College in Missouri,is presently serving that institution ashistorian and part-time instructor inGreek.10Dr. E. R. Bowie, professor and headof the Department of Radiology at Louisiana State School of Medicine, is nowsemi-retired. He is doing X-ray workfor the government.Herman B. Deutsch, AM '11, PhD '15,is a member of the editorial staff of theNew Orleans Item.Freeman E. Morgan, Sr., who for thepast 10 years has served in the Chicagoand Washington, D. C, offices of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, retiredfrom federal service March 31.Nina Yeoman Holton is now able todevote more time to civic activities withher children grown "and scattered." Sheis an active member of the AmericanCancer Society, Camp Fire Girls, Women's Auxiliary to the Goodwill Industries, and of her church.IIMoses Levitan, JD '13, and TheodoreJ. Levitan have formed a partnershipfor the general practice of law in Chicagounder the firm name of Moses andTheodore J. Levitan.12William Bachrach is now divisionalmanager for Waddell & Reed, Inc., Chicago investment firm. Mr. Bachrach wasdirector of the Chicago Technical College.Mabel West Barstow hoped to see heryoungest son, Donald, for the first timein four years this fall. He has been onactive duty with the U.S. Air Force.Mrs. Barstow writes that Universityfriends and classmates Ellen McNeishDymond, '11, Virginia Hinkins Buzzell,'13, and her husband, Edgar, were springhouse guests. She is secretary for theSouth Bay Sod Co., and a resident ofSouth Bay, Fla.Nena Wilson Badenoch, director of radio and TV for the National Society forCrippled Children and Adults, NewYork, has returned from a two -months',eight nation tour of Europe. "Ever sinceI graduated from the University I havewanted to visit Europe," she said.13Ralph Kuhns, MD '13, a member ofthe staff of the Veterans Administration,has been appointed to the Civil DefenseCommittee for the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul.Arthur M. Gee, JD '15, general counseland director of the Ohio Oil Co., hasretired after 34 years of continuous service to that organization. Mr. Gee hasopened his own law office in Findlay,Ohio. Prior to joining the staff of theOhio Oil Co., he had practiced law withhis father for five years at Lawrence-ville, 111.14Percival Bailey, PhD '18, Professor ofSurgery at the University of Illinois, hasbeen elected president of the AmericanNeurological Association.Rachel Mulliner Foote, AM '31, retired from deanships in Dallas schoolssince June of '53, writes that she is nowbusily at work fixing up her new homeat 3532 Dartmouth Ave., Dallas, andrepresenting two prominent travel agencies: the Brownnell Travel Bureau ofBirmingham, Ala., and the "Ask Mr.Foster Travel Service." She directed aNOVEMBER, 1954 27tour to Hawaii for the latter organizationin June and expects to go to Alaska onanother tour sometime later in the year.John A. Greene, president of the OhioBell Telephone Co., last April was electedchairman of the board of directors ofthe Cleveland Chamber of Commerce,and two weeks later was named Man ofthe Year for Cleveland. Mr. Greene wascited specifically for his "great humanitarian interest in services to Clevelandwelfare enterprises without bias towardrace, creed, or color." itus of Geology. Mr. Mather spent sixweeks this summer touring Switzerland,Germany, France and England. Whilein Europe he attended a meeting of theexecutive committee of the World's Alliance of Y.M.CA.'s in Mainau, Germany, and the general assembly of WorldUniversity Service at Oxford University.1615Mussey Holland Fogel, social workerin the Municipal Court of Chicago forover 23 years wrote that she expectedto retire last June. She has a daughter,Evelyn, also a social worker, who isworking in the Jewish Children's Bureau of Chicago, and a son, Daniel, whois married, has two children, and is nowpracticing law in Los Angeles, Calif.Kirtley F. Mather, PhD, retired fromactive teaching at Harvard Universityafter 30 years to become Professor Emer- Lawrence MacGregor is in his ninthyear as president of the Summit TrustCo., of New Jersey. He informs us thathe is very actively interested in theaffairs of the Atlanta University Centerand the International Missionary Council.17Florence O. Austin, MD '18, has hadan exciting and very busy life the pastfew months. She accepted a position asphysician at the Mendocino State Hospital at Talmage, Calif., then took timeoff to attend the American PsychiatricConvention in St. Louis, and a triparound-the-world by air.aom»n°Husqvarna ^^ 5530 harperGifts Gourmet's Corner StationeryA wide selection of amusing and delightfully styled greetingcards including our own CATO Cards.World-FamousENAMELED CAST IRON WAREFor Fine Cooking and Smart Serving A Treasured Giff Choice of2 Beautiful Color Combinations: Copen Blue on Off-White Background Cinnamon Brown on Cream-Yellow BackgroundMany othei pieces available, including Fry Pans, $5.80-$7.80 Shirring Pans, $2.90-$5.00 Oval Roaster $9.30© Covered Saucepan and Trivet, $7.00MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTEDMUSEUM 4-1380Wy JOHANN K. GARDNERButter Pan $3.50 CESAR J. ROTONDICovered Casserole$6.80Oval Omelet Dishes$3.50-$5.50 Colena Michael Anderson, AM, received her doctor of philosophy degreelast June from Claremont GraduateSchool.Norman W. Harris, a director of theHarris Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago, was recently elected president ofGoodwill Industries a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting handicapped persons through training, rehabilitation, and job opportunities.Joseph J. Levin, vice-president anddirector of A. G. Becker & Co., wasrecently elected chairman of the ChicagoChapter of the American Jewish Committee.Albert Pick Jr., president of the American Hotel Association and of the PickHotels Corp., was honored recently ata banquet given by the Greater ChicagoHotel Association in the Sherman Hotel.A plaque in recognition of Pick's contribution and service to the hotel industry was presented to him. He was alsorecognized for his leadership in civicaffairs.Mr. Pick received the Alumni CitationAward in 1952, and is a member of theAlumni Foundation Board.ISJ. Burton Confrey, AM '20, a memberof St. John's faculty in Brooklyn, N.Y.,since 1941, was one of four prominenteducators invited last summer by theNew York World -Telegram & Sun toact as judges for the newspaper's annualcity-wide spelling contest. Dr. Confrey,a noted author of educational treatises,has been a judge for the spelling beesince 1951.Ruth Herriek, MD '28, writes: "Business as usual, but the great avocationis studying archeology. How I wish Ihad strayed over to geology and geography departments as an under-grad-uate!"Olive Turner MacArthur, whose husband, John W., PhD '21, died in 1950,has taken over his post as instructor inbiology at Marlboro College in Vermont,and is also Dean of Women.A. J. Brumbaugh, AM, PhD '29, formerdean of students at Chicago, and mostrecently President of Shimer College,has moved to Tallahassee, Fla., to become director of the Council for theStudy of Higher Education in Florida.Bessie Louise Pierce, AM, ProfessorEmeritus of History at Chicago, wasawarded an honorary degree of doctorof letters by Northwestern Universitylast June.Alice Rothschild Bohem was awardedher master's of arts degree June 5 fromClaremont Graduate School in California.Elizabeth Williford Nelson is teachingin a girls' school in Memphis, Tenn. Sheand her daughter Betty, Vassar '52, andhusband spent three months last summer touring Europe. Their youngestdaughter, Jane, is a student in hersophomore year at Sophie Newcomb inNew Orleans.28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE20 25John Joseph has been appointed director of public relations for Hilton HotelsCorporation and Hilton Hotels International, Inc. He resigned his post asadvertising-publicity director of Cinerama to assume his new duties on March1. His office is in New York.Leslie Quant, AM, PhD '44, is directorof education at the Rosewood StateTraining School in Owings Mills, Md.Robert Alexander has been electedpresident of American Automobile Insurance Co., headquarters in St. Louis.He joined American Auto in 1925 asassistant manager at Detroit and waspromoted to manager in 1931. He wentto the head office as vice-president in1939.22Sidney J. French, Dean of the Facultyat Colgate University since 1945, is nowDean of Rollins College at Winter Park,Fla.Earl K. Hillbrand is now head of theDepartment of Education at ChapmanCollege, Orange, Calif. He also is on thestaff of University College of the University of Southern California.Allen D. Holloway has been electedpresident of the board of trustees cf theJohn Marshall Law School, Chicago.24Harold C. Smith is now vice-presidentand treasurer of the Frank C. Teal Electric Co., prominent Detroit electricalwholesale firm.Lillian R. Watkins celebrates her 7thanniversary as a math teacher at St.Joseph Junior College in Missouri.Watchful EyeAmerican women have a champion in alumna Aryness Joy Wick-ens, AM, '24, for she not only hasa keen interest in the government's cost of living index buta commanding responsibility for it.She is Deputy Commissioner cfthe Bureau of Labor Statistics andone of the nation's top statisticians.Mrs. Wickens has worked forthe government for more than 26years. Two years ago she waselected president of the AmericanStatistical Association.Although she thinks statisticsare "fun" she plans to resignshould her husband, South DakotaState Senator David L. Wickens,AM '25, win his campaign for aseat in the U. S. Senate.The Wickens have two teen-agesons, a home in Vienna, Va., anda ranch in Avon, S. D. Hal Baird, AM '28, and his paperproducts company Best & Baird inNew Orleans, are making wonderfulprogress with business "nourishing." Haltaught school for 16 years then thoughthe might prosper more in another field.Herbert C. DeYoung, JD '28, was reelected president of the Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook County.May Fulton Jones has a very busyschedule outlined for this coming year:she is president of the Faculty WivesClub at Bakersfield College; a memberat large of the Board, AAUW; andchairman of AAUW's scholarship committee.Josephine Pearson Strawn writes usthat her son, a graduate of M.I.T. and aveteran of Korea, has received a fellowship for this year from the University towork on his master's in geology. who earned his doctorate in letters atthe University of Paris, was also namedVisiting Professor of Linguistics, andtaught methods for foreign languagestudy.John R. Howell, manager of the Cleveland advertising sales office of Fortunesince 1938, was recently appointed themagazine's advertising manager. He willmake his home in New York.Marion A. Johnson, SM, PhD '28, Associate Professor of Botany at RutgersUniversity, was appointed Dean of theGraduate School effective July 1.Thomas R. Mulroy, JD '28, has beenmade a partner in the Chicago Law firmof Hopkins, Sutter, Halls & Owen.2726Edward T. Browne, PhD, this fallmarks his 32nd year as a member of thefaculty at the University of North Carolina. Dr. Browne is Professor of Mathematics.Berthold C. Freidl, AM, Professor ofRomance Languages at the Universityof Miami, was appointed director ofsummer sessions at the University of theAndes at Bogota, Colombia. Dr. Friedl, Dr. Melvin Brodshaug, AM, has beenappointed dean of the School of PublicRelations and Communications at Boston University. Until recently he wasa vice-president of Encyclopedia Britannica Films, Inc., in Wilmette.Gladys Byram Shepperd of Baltimore,Md., announces the marriage of herdaughter, Sandra, to Joseph AndrewRhinehart, last Easter.Alice Carter Querfeld's family aretrying their hand at silver-smithing during spare moments. Mr. Querfeld is anengineer estimator for a Detroit construction firm, and their son, Charles, isa student at Harvard University.! life insurance protection foryour family during vital years . . .^m all premiumsreturned frtut dividends*f,C4>*0* this is now possible through modern life insuranceplanning with the SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA, one ofNorth America's leading life companies. The new Sun Life Security Fund"insurance or money-back" plan enables you to provide life insurance protectionfor your family until you are 65 with a guarantee that, if you live to 65, all themoney you paid will be refunded to you in full . . . plus accumulated dividends.\J*t » , * the proceeds at age 65 can be c) used to purchase a paid-up policy fora) used to provide an annuity; the original sum assured, with ab) left on deposit with a guaranteed balance which can be taken in cashor as a guaranteed income.rate of interest;cai/rt.suniif. I rcheSUN LIFE OF CANADArepresentative in your | 607 Shelby St., Detroit 26, Mich.district for more i Without obligation, I would like more details of the newinformation about the J Sun Life Security Fund plan.Sun Life "money-back" 1 majucplan, or mail this 1coupon today, i ADDRESS 1 AGE NOVEMBER, 1954 29Ilda Meyer Carter, AM '32, a publicschool teacher in St. Louis for manyyears, has retired. She and her husband,Thomas, recently returned from vacationing in Florida.Mary Wright Wilson and her husband,Roy, are co- advisers to the Hill BillyHoppers Junior Achievement Co., ofChicago. The 18 members, who comefrom six South Side high schools, specialize in square and folk dancing. -24 All but the fishWillis Lawrence Zorn, '24, one ofthe Maroon football team's mostoutstanding figures during thecolorful seasons of 1921-22-23,was feted at a banquet held atEau Claire, Wis., in honor of histwenty -five years as coach at EauClaire State College. More than300 persons, including formerplayers from almost every teamhe had coached, attended the dinner.Coach Zorn was presented, byhis first football captain, with acomplete fishing outfit, includingan aluminum boat and trailer, rodand reel, tackle box, line and bait everything but a prize fish.Among the messages sent by thehundreds of well wishers, was anote of congratulations fromAlonzo A. Stagg.MODEL CAMERA SHOPLeica-Exacta-Bolex-Rollei-Stereo1329 E. 55th St. HYde Park 3-9259"Neighborhood Servicewith Downtown Selection"furniturelamps fibre rugswrought iron accessoriestelevision radiosphonos appliancessporting goodsGuaranteed Repairs ofTV-Radio Record Changersand electrical appliancesWE RENT TELEVISION SETSHERMANS935 E. 55th St. MI 3-6700Julian A. Tishler '33 The pipe and philosophyWhile Berthold Friedl, AM '26,is a specialist in languages, he alsospecializes in collecting pipes.He is Professor of RomanceLanguages and Russian at the University of Miami, and heads theInter-American Bureau for Educational Research. During the warhe served as a language specialiston General Eisenhower's staff.According to a feature story inFlorida Living Magazine, however,Dr. Friedl is perhaps better knownto more people as a pipe collectorthan as a specialist in languages.His collection includes manymeerschaum pipes with longwooden stems and big curvedbowls with silver covers. Dr. Friedlis well versed in the history of thepipe. He knows and tells aboutthe pipe's primitive origins in theY-shaped tube of the West Indies,the straight tube of the Mayas, andthe early curved pipe of the American Indians."Dr. Friedl," the story relates,"is full of talk about the greatcollectors of the past: Kauffmann,Watteville, Dunhill, and Tavernier.But mostly his pipe brings memories of his student days at the University of Chicago, his early travelsin Europe, and his work at theUniversity of Paris, where he received his doctorate in 1931.""The pipe," Dr. Friedl says, "isalways the choice of the philosopher. The cigarette is a nervoussmoke. The cigar smoker thinksabout money and the power thatmoney brings. But the man withthe pipe reflects on simple things,the real values of life. What islife forty income tax declarations?My pipe and I think not."28Raymond Hayes writes that he and hiswife recently celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary. "Daughter, Jane (Mrs.John Koopman) is now teaching at Bon-durant, la., and son, William, a seniorat Drake, is preparing to teach."Helen King Rouse has been electedpresident of the Chicago Y.W.C.A., andher husband, Kenneth, a three-yearmember on the Association's board oftrustees. Both of the Rouses were citedin June by the University for theirpublic spirited service.Laura B. Moore, SM, a high schoolteacher in Virginia for many years, informs us that she is retired but stillactive.29Samuel Braden* is still enjoying hisretirement status. He occasionally serves as an "ad interim" pastor with theChristian Church at Galva, Kan. He isplanning a trip abroad this year.James J. Cusack, Jr., recently won aseat on the board of managers of theChicago Bar Association in its first contested election in 10 years.Millard S. Everett, PhD, of Stillwater,Okla., reports that John Wiley and Sonshave published his textbook entitledIdeals of Life, an introduction to ethicsand the humanities, with readings.James Longman, SM, has been teaching physics at Taft High School in Chicago since 1947. He previously taughtat Lane Tech High School for 16 years.His son, Victor, is attending Knox College, and another boy, Bruce, Taft HighSchool.Carl A. Nissen, AM, is carrying on atwo-fold job: in addition to teaching atOhio State University where he received his doctorate in 1947, he is directing a marriage and family counselingservice at the Broad Street MethodistChurch.Nat Charles Weinfeld, celebrates his23rd year as an insurance broker inChicago. He has two daughters, onewho is married and teaches speech correction, and another who is a sophomoreat the University of Colorado.30Irwin N. Cohen, LLB, first assistantU.S. District Attorney, was recently appointed by the Chicago City Councilchief counsel of its crime committee.Carter Davidson, PhD, of Schenectady,was conferred an honorary degree lastJune from New York University.Marion Eckhart Stevenson and Dr.Eugene Bailey of Glencoe, 111., weremarried recently and are now living inKenilworth.Franklin D. Elmer, Jr., last June wasconferred a doctor of divinity degreefrom Kalamazoo College.Esther Fisher Buchanan writes thather husband, John, is now on the staffof UCLA's medical school and the U.S.Veteran's Administration Center. Their18-year-old son, John, graduated lastJune from high school, while their otherboy, Dennis, 9, scored as a memberof the Packard Bell Indians, a littleleague baseball team.Harry P. Gordon, Los Angeles realestate operator, contemplates constructing several new sub -divisions in LosAngeles and Orange Counties.Thomas Park, PhD '32, is a contributorto the new book Statistics and Mathematics in Biology recently publishedby Iowa State College Press.31Abraham S. Hyman, JD, former general counsel to the United States WarClaims Commission, has been appointedadministrative director of the World30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJewish Congress. Mr. Hyman served inthe Army with the rank of major duringWorld War II, and in 1949 and 1950 wasadviser on Jewish Affairs to the U.S.High Commissioner in Germany. He alsoassisted in the drafting of German andAustrian restitution laws. In April, 1952,he married Reva Friedman.Arthur Cahill is vice-president andtreasurer of International Minerals andChemical Corp. He became associatedwith the company in 1953 as assistanttreasurer, and had previously been vice-president and treasurer of MontgomeryWard & Co.Richard Fletcher, Jr., assistant chiefof the United States Employment Service, Department of Labor, has beenhaving a lot of fun "avocationally" thepast few years bringing up to date abook he is writing on Mary Garden."I spent seven hours with Mary Gardenin New York the day before she flewto Scotland. Many items will be usefulin the book." Mr. Fletcher has writtenan article of Miss Garden for the Saturday Review of Literature (issue of Feb.27, 1954) which received widespread andvery favorable comment. 32Louise Killie, AM '44, returned to herteaching at Downers Grove (111.) HighSchool after a summer vacation inEurope.Donald C. Lowrie, PhD '42, U.S. NavyMedical Corps reservist, has been recalled to active service for two yearsand assigned to overseas duty. His specialty is entomology. He will hold therank of Lieutenant Commander.Louis C. Sass, geologist, is on theforeign production staff of the Gulf OilCorp. with headquarters at the company's home office in Pittsburgh. Hereports that his three sons are now allin grade school.MacHenry G. Shafer, AM '34, was recently named personnel director for theU.S. Agriculture Department. For thepast 19 years he was with the NorthernTrust Co. where he served as secondvice-president since 1947. He has threechildren. staffs of Michael Reese, Baltimore CityHospitals and the Univeristy of ChicagoClinics.33Dr. Ruth Barnard, PhD '37, is now living in Los Angeles. For the past nineyears she was on the staff of the famedMenninger Clinic at Topeka, Kansas.Since graduation she has served on the 34Kay Ratto, long one of Chicago's foremost fashion merchandisers, has rented ahouse for a year on the "Rail X Ranch"near Patagonia, Ariz. She was a formerregional director of the Fashion Groupof Chicago.Marguerite Chumley Murdock hasmuch to report since last hearing fromher. Says she: "We moved to Los Angeles directly after World War II andhave been very busy . . . we adopted atbirth two children, Dexter, now 7, andHarry, 6; and built a house." In addition to these duties she is serving onmany civic committees.Col. Goodlett Glaser of Falls Church,Va., has completed a 4-year tour of dutywith the Air Force in Washington, D.C,and has been re-assigned to duty overseas with the Office of the Air Attache.Frances Jelinek, veteran Milwaukeeteacher and educational leader, retiredlast June after having taught at oneschool for 52 years. Miss Jelinek iscredited with being one of the outstanding spokesmen for the welfare of teach-Lloyd Nolan as Capt. Queeg in a scenefrom the Broadway stage hit, "The Caine Mutiny CourtMartial," at the Plymouth Theatre, New York. fHINDE & DAUCHSANDUSKY, OHIONOVEMBER, 1954 31ers. She served as president of theMilwaukee Teachers Association from1932 to 1946, and of the Wisconsin Educational Association for two years. Shewas chairman in the early 1940's of thepowerful tenure committee of the National Education Association which investigated teacher dismissals all over thenation.Jane Weinreb Stock and husband Genecelebrated their 20th wedding anniversary June 21st. They have two boys,ages 4 and 7.James A. Grider, Jr., MD, has movedfrom Kentucky to Seattle, Wash., wherehe will serve on the staff of the PublicHealth Service Hospital in that city.35Glen B. Gross of Manhasset, N. Y., isnow administrative assistant to the vice-president in charge of personnel for theNew York Life Insurance Co. "Am responsible," he says, "for the administration of the company's management development program in which about 400members of the home office management are participating."Merrill B. Johns, Jr., vice-president ofthe United States Uranium Corp. ofSanta Fe, N. M., was elected chairmanof the state's Republican State CentralCommittee. He is a member of NewMexico's legislature.John C. Pelzel and Evon Z. Vogt, ABSun LifeAssuranceof Canada1 North La Salle St.Chicago 2, IllinoisRALPH J. WOOD, Jr., '48FR 2-2390 GA 2-5273For DependableInsurance CounselingBusiness InsuranceEstate PlanningLife InsuranceAnnuities '41, AM '46, PhD '48, have been appointed permanent members of thefaculty at Harvard University. Pelzel,an authority on the peoples of Japan,China, and other Asian lands, will beAssociate Professor of Anthropology. Dr.Vogt will be Associate Professor ofSocial Anthropology.Eleanor J. Sulcer, a resident of Highland, Ind., is teaching kindergarten inthe Hammond public schools. She hasbought a home in Highland, a smalltown just south cf Hammond.36Helen Biisch Chapman, AM, was swornin June 4 as president of the GeneralFederation of Women's Clubs an administrative post effecting some elevenmillion women in this and thirty -fiveother countries.Emily Eckhouse Waldman manages todevote time to important civic affairs aswell as to round-the-clock duties athome. She has three lively youngsters:Bill, 10, Bobby, 7, and Babs, 2y2. Inaddition to caring for them she is holding down two key civic positions. She ischairman of the Public School Committee of the Hyde-Park-Kenwood Community Conference and vice-presidentof the South East Council, P.T.A.Myrtle Levinson Nieder, mother offour youngsters, two girls and two boys,plans to return to teaching kindergartenand primary classes in the Chicagoschools. Her children range in age from2 to 13 years.Olive Payne Beemare is teaching atthe State Teachers College in Blooms-burg, Pa.37Chester Eugene Gilpin, AM, was conferred the degree of Doctor of Educationat the University of Southern California's 71st annual commencement. OtherChicago alumni awarded degrees were:Robert Charles Gerletti, AM '48, Doctorof Education; Audrey Seiitzky Rawit-scher, '51, Master of Social Work; EmmaElla Beekmann, AM '30, Doctor of Philosophy; Randall C. Ruechelle, '42, AM'44, Doctor of Philosophy.Robert L. Kyhl has joined the staff ofthe General Electric Research Laboratory as a research associate in the electron physics department.Dr. Arnold Lazarow, PhD, MD '41, hasbeen appointed chairman of the Anatomy Department at the University ofMinnesota. His wife is the former JaneKlein, '39.S. David Malaiperuman, PhD., generalsecretary- elect of the national council ofYMCA's of India and Ceylon, spent several months inspecting YMCA centers inAmerica before returning in Septemberto Calcutta to assume his new job. Hehas three children: David, 9, John, 8, andKatherine, 6.Wendell P. Metzner, PhD, has beentransferred to St. Louis, Mo., as associate director of research for the organic chemical division of the Monsanto Chemical Co. He has been associated withthe company for the past seventeenyears. He has two daughters, Barbaraand Susan.38Anthon S. Cannon, PhD, is now Professor of Sociology at the University ofUtah.William L. Gunn, AM, was namedexecutive director of the Dallas BigBrothers, a Community Chest agency.E. Houston Harsha, JD '40, formerassistant chief of the mid-west office ofthe antitrust division, U.S. Departmentof Justice, has joined the staff of Kirkland, Fleming, Green, Martin & Ellis,prominent Chicago law firm.39Pauline Roberts, went to Los Angelesin 1943 to interne in the L. A. GeneralHospital and has been there ever since,"captured" by Southern California'scharms. Last year she passed the American Board of preventive medicine, andnow she is busy as a district health officerof the L. A. City Health Department.A quarter-centurymilestoneNarcissa Cox Vanderlip, '03, whohas championed the cause ofwomen's rights both here andabroad for many years, was publicly honored by fellow workersat a dinner held at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York inrecognition of her twenty-five3^ears of leadership as presidentof the board of trustees of the NewYork Infirmary.In 1928, while vacationing inParis, Mrs. Vanderlip received acable from New York. Would shebe a candidate for president ofthe board of trustees of the NewYork Infirmary? The alternative:the Infirmary, founded seventy -four years earlier, would be absorbed, its assets handed over toanother institution and its purposes, as a hospital entirely staffedby women doctors irrevocablydestroyed.Mrs. Vanderlip promptly accepted what was to become aherculean task, and with characteristic skill and unlimited energyshe worked to have the hospitalwhich was later to become underher management a million dollara year enterprise.In honoring Mrs. Vanderlip,members of the Infirmary staffalso celebrated the opening of theinstitution's new $5,000,000 hospital.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGuide to better eatingBill (W. J.) Custer, '32, hadn't beenout of school a year before he published a guide book to the Chicago1933 Century of Progress.Then, for three years, beginning in1945, he edited a rule. book for laymenwhich covered 22 American sports.Meanwhile, he discovered that theBritish had patented a fold for mapsthe size of table cloths which enabledthe tourist to find Essex withoutspreading the map under a tree, asfor a picnic.Bill secured the American rights butno map publisher cared to reset hisfolder and change routine. Oil companies were hard to sell.So Bill moved the family to Califor nia, where the pioneer spirit has outlived the Gold Rush. The GeneralPetroleum Company decided to givethe idea a try on the West Coast. Today the Rand McNally Company runsoff millions for Socony Oil and Billcalls his company, Folding Maps, Inc.,"Foldex Patented Maps."Mission accomplished and businessestablished, Bill returned to Chicago.His wife and four youngsters followedin the car. But the family had sadreports on eating and lodging alongthe highways. One trouble was thatnational endorsement signs still hungover doors which had long sincechanged numerous hands for theworse.So Bill went back to action. Contacting prominent citizens fifty milesin every direction from most anyhighway point, he began building hisown guide to better food and lodging.He came up with the hometowners'choices and over 7,000 listings, in aconvenient volume of 316 pages. Thisis called U.S. Travel Guide, The Keyto Better Food and Lodging. The Better Places are the Home Town's Favorites.They are selling like the hotcakesin the lunch rooms Bill recommendsfor snacks. We thought you mightwant to know about this as you planyour summer vacation.Wesley Childers, PhD, a member ofthe faculty at New York State Collegefor Teachers, spends his summers escorting students throughout Western Europe.Robert C. Comstock, JD '41, hasopened a law office in Los Angeles,Calif., and is specializing in patent, trademark, copyright and unfair competitionmatters.Alvin E. Johnson, Jr., received his doctorate of medicine degree from LouisianaState University and is now in generalpractice in New Orleans.Edward T. Putt, AM, is sales managerof Sherman Nursery at Charles City, la.40Wesley C. Ballaine, PhD, Professor ofBusiness Administration and Director ofthe University of Oregon Bureau ofBusiness Research, directed a workshopon economic education at the Portland,Ore., summer sessions of the OregonState System of Higher Education.Erminnie H. Bartelmez, AM has beenappointed Dean of Flora Stone MatherCollege, Western Reserve University.Miss Bartelmez had been Asisstant Professor of German.Beatrice Frear Hunt of Altadena, Calif.,reports that her premature four lb.- incubator baby, Paul Thomas Hunt, Jr.,born July 16, 1953, is now a hefty,healthy 20 lb. hild. His sister Margaretis now four yi irs old.Jack Indritz, SM, has been appointed Assistant Professor in Mathematics atthe College of Liberal Arts, WashingtonUniversity. Mr. Indritz joined the faculty in 1947 as an instructor. He received his doctorate from the Universityof Minnesota in 1953. He is marriedand has two children.Lulu O. Kellogg, AM, is now teachingat Wisconsin State College.Thaddeus J. Kukula, San Franciscoattorney writes: "Just slaving away hereon the West Coast in one of the toughestprofessions law."Carleton Paul Menge, AM, PhD '46, isan Associate Professor of Education atthe University of New Hampshire.Sarah G. Nichols, AM, is a psychiatricsocial worker at the Veterans Hospitalin Northport, L. I., N. Y.Millard Buxton Rogers, AM, is assistant director of the Seattle (Washington)Art Museum.June Neova Sark, AM '41, Oak Park,111., is managing editor of EducationalScreen Magazine.William Enoch Snyder, SM, PhD, isan Associate Professor of OrnamentalHorticulture at Cornell University inIthaca, New York.Maxwell P. Miller, Jr., and the formerJoan Van Buren were married on December 25 in Chicago. The couple livesin LaSalle, 111., where Mr. Miller ispublisher of the Daily News Tribune.He is also president of the Illinois Epilepsy League. LOWER YOUR COSTSIMPROVED METHODSEMPLOYEE TRAININGWAGE INCENTIVESJOB EVALUATIONPERSONNEL PROCEDURESROBERT B. SHAPIRO, '33, FOUNDERRAND McNALLY & COMPANYConkey DivisionBook and CatalogPrinters and BindersCHICAGO HAMMOND NEW YORKRESULTS . . .depend on getting the details RIGHTPRINTINGImprinting-Processed Letters - TypewritingAddressing - Adressographing - FoldingMailing - Copy Preparation - MultilithA Complete Service for Direct AdvertisersChicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn - Chicago 5 - WA 2-4561PHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET-LITHOGRAPHYFine Color Work a SpecialtyQuality Book Reproduction731 Plymouth CourtWAbash 2-8182Webb-Linn Printing Co.Catalogs, PublicationsAdvertising Literature?Printers of the Universityof Chicago Magazine?A. L. Weber, J.D. '09 L. S. Berlin, B.A. '09A. J. Falick, M.B.A. '51MOnroe 6-2900NOVEMBER, 1954 3341 42Harriet Gertrude Dexheimer, SM '49,is in Indonesia serving as nursing consultant to the U.S. Operations Missionof the State Dept.Dr. Karl S. Klicka, MBA is now director of The Presbyterian Hospital inChicago.Don R. Leveridge is an Assistant Professor at Fels Group Dynamics Center,Temple University, in Philadelphia.Charles H. Percy, president of Bell &Howell Co., and a Chicago Trustee,was elected to a three-year term as amember of the board of the AmericanManagement Association.Dr. Ralph E. Teitgen and Katherine A.Mensing of Milwaukee were married onMarch 27.Harold W. Tucker, AM, former librarian of the Gary Indiana PublicLibrary, has been appointed chief librarian for the Queens Borough (N. Y.)Public Library.Alfred G. Wardley, AM, campaign director for the East Bay United Crusadein Oakland, Calif., has been appointedexecutive director of the United Fundin Oakland.Georgia Disch Barnett and her husband, Dallas Barnett, ex '44, are residents of Columbia, Tenn. Dallas is anengineer with the National Carbon Co.The couple has a four-year old son,Gary. Donald G. Howell is radio programmanager for station WDSV-TV in NewOrleans.Kenneth Lee, attached to the budgetstaff of the U.S. Defense Dept. in Washington, expects to be transferred to Parisfor a two-year assignment. His brother,Leonard, '45, MD '47, who has been practicing medicine in Bethany, Mo., forseveral years, is now in England on atwo-year asisgment with the U.S. AirForce.Herbert K. Livingston, PhD, was recently appointed an assistant directorcf the Jackson Laboratory, E. I. DuPontde Nemours & Co., in Wilmington, Del.Nannette W. Lowenstern is now Mrs.Dudley D. Doernberg, Jr., and has madeher home at 29 Innes Road, Scarsdale,New York.Francis E. Mclntyre, PhD, noted economist, has been elected to a three-yearterm as a member of the Mamaroneck(New York) School Board. He is director of economic research for the California Texas Oil Co.John E. Newland, Santa Ana, Calif.,physician, and wife, Amet El-Aziz Za-hawi, announce the birth of a son,Jeffrey, on May 29.Randall Ruechelle, AM '44, is an assistant professor of speech at ColoradoA&M College.Available for the first time toCHICAGO MENand their familiesWhen the lid is raised the genuine imported Swiss movement plays:WAVE THE FLAG, CHICAGO.Similar musical boxes available for the following colleges:ALABAMABOSTON COLLEGEBOSTON UNIV.BROWNCOLUMBIACORNELL DARTMOUTHHARVARDHOLY CROSSILLINOISINDIANA MAINEMARYLANDMICHIGANMINNESOTANAVY NORTHWESTERNNOTRE DAMEOHIO STATEPENNSYLVANIAPRINCETON PURDUETUFTSUNIV. OF R. I.WISCONSINYALEORDER BLANKPlease send me Chicago Musical Cigarette Boxes at $9.95 each(That is all you pay - - - We will pay all shipping charges).Please V color: Light Mahogany D Dark Mahogany ? Amer. Walnut ?Enclosed find Check or Money Order in amount of $ NAME ADDRESS CITY & ZONE .* STATE Exclusive MUSICAL CREATIONS, Inc., 18 Exchange St., Pawtucket, R. I. Joseph Savit of Maywood, 111., is aresearch chemist for A. B. Dick & Co.,Chicago.Robert Henry Strotz, PhD '51, is anassociate professor of economics atNorthwestern University.R. L. Wrigley, Jr., PhD, has been appointed chief, project planning section,of the Maryland National Capital Park& Planning Commission. He formerlywas employed by the Office of Industryand Commerce, Dept. of Commerce.43John A. Crosby, who moved West in1947 to Los Angeles and then workedhis way North to Seattle (where hemarried a native, Betty Manring), hasnow crossed the Northern border tobecome a lecturer in the Department ofGeography at the University of Toronto,Canada. On Jan. 31, 1954, the Crosby'sfirst son, Kenneth, was born.Deane and Angela Peyraud Hintonsent us a lovely card in French announcing the birth of their second child,Christopher Roesch, on March 26. Petitfrere Roesch has a sister, Deborah Ann.K. Dexter Nelson, MD '45, now hasthree children Sarah, 3, Anders, 2, andKenneth, 1 and is a busy physician.He has his office in Princeton, Illinois,where he has been specializing in internal medicine since 1952. He took hispostgraduate training at the Peter BentBrigham Hospital in Boston, havingcompleted his residencies in July of1952. Four years after receiving his MDdegree, he married Mary Lu Shaffer ofPrinceton.Leonard A. Walker is now director ofresearch at the Menorah Medical Centerin Kansas City, Mo. He joined the staffin 1951. He has three children: Martha,1, David, 3V2, and Arthur, 6y2.44Robert T. Crauder, finance officer forthe United Nations Relief and WorksAgency for Palestine Refugees, will bein Lebanon until at least February 1.Violet Escarraz Becker, MBA '44, hasthis good news to report: "Well, I madeit! Tenth Class reunion on June 5th . . .Return trip to campus on June 6th toLying-in . . . Glen was born Monday,June 7th. What's more, Glen and I returned from Lying-in on June 16th theactual anniversary of the convocation."Susan Hubbell Dawson, Jr., AM, hasjoined the staff of St. Tammany Department of Public Welfare as a case workerwith offices in Covington. She has servedas a social worker in New York, Cleveland, Chicago, and Charleston. Mrs.Dawson, and her husband, Joseph, havetwo children, Joseph Dawson HI, andStephanie.Louise C. Kachel sailed for Europe inJune on a two-year assignment as European Director for the American FriendsService Committee. She will be incharge of the Committee's overseas workcamp program. Since September of 195334 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThere's a farm in ElmerMost notices of change of address are cryptic post-card messages with the essential and baredetails of transcience.But there's nothing perfunctoryabout the move Elmer Pendell,AM '23, made from 210 E. Center St. in Berea, Ohio, to CreekRoad, R. D. 2 in Jefferson, Ohio.A lyrical letter from Elmer describes how much this change ofaddress means to him:"I have been at Baldwin-WallaceCollege for over seven years, butnow comes my commencement. Ihave bought a farm."The reorganization of ideasaround the new core of prospectsgenerates amperes of anticipation.There are plans to be made, andgoals to be reached. A thousandlittle objectives are packaged inthe sturdy old house alone: pumplocation, water lines, bathrooms,treatment of floors and walls, typeof heating units, lighting fixtures.These illustrate little areas for decision making and achieving, anddecision making and achieving arethe essence of living. There willbe living, in ample measure, here."A few ducks will waddle inthe barnyard, and glide on thecreek. Ducks are the best philosophers among farm animals. They s futuredon't get too emotional about inevitable things; rather they aredroll and cheery and comfortable;good medicine for a sometimes impatient human being."A bridge across the creek willmake accessible a hundred acresof hinterland, where the old orchard is to become the first pasture, and where a 50-acre meadowwill come to life with grains andleguminous grasses. Unlike mostof Ohio, and America, and theworld, the old Webb farm hasnever been abused, so its soil isrich, and after a little clearingand fencing, that vast potentialgarden will yield abundance for ahundred beef animals but thatcan't be tomorrow."It will take time to bring the170 acres back to their earlierfruitfulness. I am planning on 20years for it; and though there maybe frustrations there will be compensations too, all the way. Everyspring there will be the pink softness of apple blossoms, and thenthe tender green of the forestleaves.". . . but whatever may be thelittle adventures of the day oryear there is satisfaction in thefact that I have found a place towhich I can belong; I have ahome." Insurance Problems?ConsultJOSEPH AARON, '27135 S. La Salle S. RA 6-1060Chicago 3, IllinoisPARKER-HOLSMAN1 c oReal Estate and Insurance1500 East 57th Street Hyde Park 3-2525Phones OAkland 4-06904-06914-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueSARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 1 00 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stock23 N. Wabash Avenue670 N. Michigan AvenueChicagoWHOLESALE RETAILshe has been working on the teachingstaff of the Lincoln School in Providence, R. I., a Friends school for girls.Beatrice Oestreicher and Alan Y.Naftalin were married on June 7, 1953,are now living in Chevy Chase, Md.William J. Pierson, Jr., Assistant Professor of Meteorology at New York University, and Joy Kell of Elmont, N. Y.,have announced their betrothal.Jesse H. Shera, PhD, Dean of theSchool of Library Science, Western Reserve University, has been nominatedas a candidate for a member of the Executive Board of the American LibraryAssociation. Her term would run from1954 to 1958.45Susanne Artingstall Schick, AM, hasresigned her teaching position at theUniversity's Laboratory School and isnow working on her doctorate in Human Development. She was married lastDecember to Dr. Armin F. Schick, '28,MD '32, at the Episcopal Church of TheMediator in Morgan Park. Dr. Schick, aspecialist in internal medicine, is on thestaffs of Evangelical and PresbyterianHospitals, and is teaching at the tJni-versity of Illinois.Alice Brooks McGuire has also beennominated by the members of the American Library Association to serve on its Council for the next four years. She islibrarian at Casis Elementary School atAustin, Texas.Samuel David Golden, JD '49, an attorney for the Argonne National Laboratory, and his wife Paula Adler, havetwo boys: David, 3, and Jonathan, 9months old.Owen Jenkins, AM '50, and BarbaraJones of Alameda, Calif., were marriedJune 15, 1954, in Ithaca, N. Y. He andhis bride will live in Northfield, Minn.,where he has accepted a position in theEnglish Department at Carleton College.Mary Eileen Murray, PhD, is an assistant professor of botany at De PaulUniversity.Eileen Thornton, AM, librarian atVassar College for the past nine years,has been nominated by the members ofthe American Library Association toserve on its Council from 1954 to 1958.Lois Wells Reed, SM '51, and CharlesReed, announce the birth of their firstchild, Charles Allen, on April 19.Evelyn Apperson Groves is an instructor in the English Department at Fay-etteville State Teachers College.46Esther W. Currie, AM, is now chairman of the English Department at Waukegan Township High School. Hyde Park Chevrolet5506 Lake Park AvenueComplete FacilitiesNew & Used Cars and TrucksCall DO 3-8600Satisfaction GuaranteedB-Z AUTOMOTIVECOMPLETE FRONT SYSTEM CHECK ANDESTIMATE: $1.50 (APPLIED TO REPAIRBILL). QUALITY BODY AND FENDERWORK AT REASONABLE RATES: FREEESTIMATE. LUBRICATION AND ROADSERVICE. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONSADJUSTED-REPAIRED.MOTOR TUNE-UP SPECIALAIR FILTER AND PLUGS CLEANED TESTVOLUME AND PRESSURE IN FUEL PUMP TEST COIL SET TIMING AND CARBURETOR COMPRESSION CHECK POINTSAND CONDENSER INSTALLED 6 CYLINDERS $5.50, MOST 8'S $6.50 PLUS PARTS.MOTOR AND CLUTCH OVERHAULINGBRAKES ADJUSTED AND RELINEDDO 3-0100 5547 HARPER AVE.NOVEMBER, 1954 35Golden Dirilyte(formerly Dirigold)FLATWARE & HOLLOW WAREComplete sets and open stockFINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Royal Crown Derby, Spode andOther Famous Makes of Fine China. AlsoCrystal, Table Linen and Gifts.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSlliritjo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4, IIICLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency70th YearNationivide ServiceFive Offices One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis Kansas City, Mo.Spokane New YorkSince 1885ALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best In placement service for University,College, Secondary and Elementary. Nation.wide patronage. Call or write us at25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, III.LA TOURAINE(^s^ee attct *?ecx209 MILWAUKEE AVE.La Touraine Coffee Co.CHICAGOOther PlantsBOSTON - NEW YORKPHILADELPHIA - SYRACUSECLEVELAND - DETROIT"Vou Might As Well Have The Best"36 I. Leon Maizlish of Flint, Mich., ischief clinical psychologist of the FlintChild Guidance Clinic.Daniel Joseph Monaco, AM, of SanMateo, Calif., is assistant city attorneyfor the city of San Carlos.David Silverman, AM '48, who recently returned from service as an Armychaplain, is now serving as Rabbi ofY.M.H.A. Temple in Aurora, 111. Hereceived a master's degree from the Jewish Theological Seminary and is nowworking on his doctorate.47William C. Ashby, PhD '50, researchfellow in biology at California Instituteof Technology, flew with his family toAustralia last June under a Fulbrighteducational exchange grant to do research work in plant physiology at theUniversity of Sydney. He will return tothe United States early next year viaIndia and Europe. Dr. Ashby will thenreport to the University of Chicagowhere he has accepted appointment asassistant professor of botany.Robert W. Bachmeyer, MBA, administrator of the Aultman Hospital inCanton, O., since 1947, has been appointed administrator of St. BarnabasHospital in Minneapolis. He has threechildren: Susan, 10, Janet, 6, and Peggy,4.48James H. Dornburg, MBA, who is currently working on his doctorate inphilosophy at the University, has beenappointed to the staff of the militaryoperations research division of the Lockheed Aircraft Corp., at Marietta, Ga.Mr. Dornburg lives with his wife Ruth,and son Garry, 8, at Decatur, Ga.Ermon Jones, an escrow clerk withthe Chicago Title & Trust Co., and IsaacN. Lowry, were married Oct. 31, 1953.49Robert H. Anderson, PhD, superintendent of elementary schools in ParkForest, 111., since 1947, has joined theFaculty of Education at Harvard University as a staff lecturer on educationand director of elementary school apprentice teaching.Alfred K. Eckersberg, AM, writes thatsince October of 1953 he has been employed by the Chicago Plan Commissionas senior planner in charge of community facilities. In addition to preparing both short and long-rangecomprehensive plans for Chicago's development, he has also worked on special projects like the civic center,auditorium and cultural center, medicalcenter, and the Hyde Park-Woodlawnconservation project. 'Naomi Gottlober, AM, and LawrenceBerson were married March 25. Mrs.Berson is a psychiatric social worker onthe staff of the Family Service Bureau,Chicago.THE UNIVE] POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven Typewriting MimeographingMultigraphing AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones: 219 W. Chicago AvenueMl 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisTheHOTEL SHERRY53rd and the Lake FAirfax 4-1000BANQUETS DANCESOur Specialtyalumni are alwayswelcome at theHotel Del PradoFifty-Third Street andHyde Park BoulevardHYde Park 3-9600MIRA-MAR HOTEL350 Rooms BathCoffee Shop, Valet, etc.Lovely Accommodationsfrom $4 to $66220 Woodlawn Avenue"Just three blocks from campus"PLaza 2-1100HAROLD BISHOP, Manager5487 LAKE PARK AVE.CHICAGO, ILLINOISZJor J\.eiervaUom Cjatl:BUtterfield 8-4960OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA New England Mutual agent ANSWERS SOME QUESTIONS aboutwhy I chose thelife insurance businessCLASS OF '46 at the University of North Carolina, ReidS. Towler, of Raleigh, got his A.B. in Economics. Reidis only 29 years old, hut he's won memhership in theNew England Mutual Leader's Association and is nowour district agent in Raleigh, North Carolina. His enthusiasm in recommending a career with New EnglandMutual for college men stems from his own success andbright outlook for the future.The NEW ENGLANDMUTUAL Li/e InsuranceCompany of Boston When you graduated from college was it hard for youto decide what to do?"When I was discharged from the Navy I wanted to be myown boss. I didn't have to lay out any capital to go intolife insurance, and I knew my earnings would be in directproportion to my efforts. Also, I'd just gotten married,and I wanted to work in my own home town. Life insurance seemed like a "natural" to me."What 's it like to be in business for yourself?"It has lots of advantages. Most important you canclimb the income ladder as fast as your ability and ambition will take you. Also, there's personal freedom, yourtime is your own. And here's another that appeals to me.Although I'm independent, my association with NewEngland Mutual offers a good living today, and financialsecurity in the future."Are you getting ahead as fast as you'd planned?"Yes, but like any new business, it took a little time to getstarted. However, I was able to learn while I earned. NewEngland Mutual training courses are practical and comprehensive. You get skillful field supervision as well ascourses at the home office. The training is continuous keeps you abreast of the times. It has equipped me tobuild life insurance programs which meet the wide varietyof business and personal needs."How can I tell if I can make a success in the life insurance business?"The qualifications for success have been well establishedby studying the careers of hundreds of agents. NewEngland Mutual has developed a selection process basedon these studies which will help both you and the company to determine whether you can meet our standardsfor success. You'll find it interesting and informative toinvestigate the opportunity, and if your prospects lookgood, the company will guarantee you an income whileyou learn."THE COMPANY THAT FOUKDED MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE IN AMERICA - 1835 Mail this coupon and without obligationyou'll get a FREE booklet in which 18 ofour agents tell in their own words why theychose a life insurance career withNew England Mutual.Box 333-A1, Boston 17, Mass.Name. .Address .City . Zone .... State .NOVEMBER, 1954 37OneLxclu£ive ClemnetAWe operate our own drycleaning plantTHREE HOUR SERVICE 50 531331 East 57th St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.Midway 3-0602 NOrmal 7-9858Office & Plant1442 East 57th Street Midway 3-0608hylan a. nolanCONTRACTORPLASTERINGREP4IRIMG A SPECIALTY5341 S. LAKE PARK AVE.Telephone DOrchester 3-1579FEMDEECatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valvess Sumps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUEFAirfax 4-0550PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICEBEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoSince 1878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholsterersFurniture Repairing1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 9-7180Wasson-PocahonfasCoal Co.6876 Soyfh Chicago Ave,Phone: BUtterfield 8-2 it 6-7-8-9WasscVs Coal Makes Good orWasson Does Wendell B. AUexander, Jr., MBA '53, istechnical representative for the Aluminum Company of America, with officesat Atlanta, Ga.Joan Apgar has been in San Diego,Calif., working as a lab technician for aprivate physician, but planned to returnto Kansas City, Mo.51Robert W. Bergstrand, AM, a caseworker for the Children's Service Societyof Wisconsin, has been named directorof extension services for the FamilyService of Milwaukee. He is marriedand the father of two daughters, S1/^ and1%.Erik Kauffmann. Bonde, PhD, a nativeof Denmark, has been appointed anAssistant Professor of Botany at theUniversity of Missouri.Charles A. Bouc, who was inductedinto the Army in November '53, is nowstudying shorthand at Ft. Benjamin,Harrison, Ind. He plans to resume hiscareer as a piano instructor upon discharge.Faye Buchhalter Lewis, AM, is nowliving in Brookline, Mass. Her husband,Herbert, has formed his own chemicalmanufacturer's representative agency.She has a three-year-old daughter,Leslie, and in addition to the demanding duties of home life finds time to serveas an active member of the BrooklineChapter of the League of Women Voters.Michael B. Casey, AM, is now districtsupervisor for the Division of PublicAssistance, State Department of Welfare, with offices in LaCrosse, Wis.Barbara Horvitz Feinberg and herhusband, Ronald, report the birth ofa son, Jordan Howard on April 7. Mrs.Feinberg is now working for her master'sdegree in mathematics at Boston University.William J. Kirwin, Jr., AM, is nowliving in Middletown, R. I.Safara A. Witmer, PhD, president ofof the Fort Wayne Bible College, isbusy helping to plan an extensivebuilding program to be promoted during the College's 50th anniversary.Plans call for a new library and anadministration- education building.52Roger Carroll Baker, PhD, cf Lees-burg, Va., reports that he and his wife,Genevieve Eremich, recently celebratedtheir eighth wedding anniversary.Leon J. Br liner has joined the staff ofthe Los Alamos, N. M., Scientific Laboratory of the University of California.He has been assigned to the Laboratory'sGMX Division.Rudolph H. Brookfield, MBA, statistician, married Betty Will of Saskatoon,Saskatchewan. Canada, June 5.Dorothea Elmer Brown has a secondchild, Franklin Elmer, born last April 8. Walter S. Augustine, Jr., is completing his final year at Tulane University sNew Orleans, in the department of industrial relations.David Gold, PhD, a member of theDepartment of Sociology at the StateUniversity of Iowa, has been invited tobe a Fellow at the Center for AdvancedStudy in the Behavioral Sciences forthe academic year 1954-55.Herbert Samuel Heavenrich, Jr., MBA,and Jill Sherry were married April 3in Milwaukee, Wis. They are living inNew York City.Lt. Tony Kasanofis is on active dutywith the U.S. Marine Corps at Edenton,N. C.Dr. Jack Allen Marshall, MD, who recently finished his internship at theUniversity of Kansas Medical Center,has joined the staff of the StudentHealth Service at the University ofKansas in Lawrence.54Dr. Donald J. Faulkner, MD, a staffmember of University Hospital at IowaCity, la., reports that he and Janet RaeSmith were married on Dec. 20s 1953.Bina Loulie House and Renato W.Beghe, '51, JD '54, were married July 10.Stanley Taylor, PhD, has accepted anappointment as Head of the Departmentof Sociology at the University of Dubuque.Wesley M. Wilson, MBA, has movedfrom Chicago to Everett, Wash., wherehe is now personnel assistant for theWest Coast Telephone Co.t. a. rehnquist co Sidewalks1 1 1 1 Factory Floors\\_J/ MachineFoundationsConcrete BreakingNOrmal 7-0433AJAX WASTE PAPER CO1001 W* North Ave.Buyers of Waste Paper500 pounds or moreScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, LA 2-8354L E I G H B SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9IO0-S-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVER38 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"The daymy son's futurebegan""Ken knocked around quite a bit after college. Tried several jobs and did well. But hewas never really satisfied. He'd either getbored with the work or frustrated with routine advancement. I didn't worry though.He's bright, sensible, and I knew he'd establish himself soon enough."Then, about a month ago Ken breezedinto my study and somewhat breathlesslyannounced that he'd decided to go into thelife insurance business. Before I could evenlook surprised, he explained that he had always been interested in people and that thiswould give him an opportunity to work moreclosely with them. And his eyes brightened when he pointed out how, as an agent, he'd behis own boss running a business all his own."He went on at a mile-a-minute explaininghow he'd be thoroughly trained by New YorkLife experts with a good salary while learning. How he figured that once he was on hisown he'd be able to give his future family thesame kind of comfort and security he hadalways known at home. And he wound uptelling me how, someday, he hoped to retirewith a good income just as I will soon myself."Then, quick as he came, Ken up and leftwithout even asking what I thought. But ofcourse he already knew. How could anotherNew York Life agent possibly disagree?"EW YORK LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY,.,OAl- CO,,,The New York Life Agent in Your Communityis a Good Man to Be! MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY!New York Life Insurance Company, Dept. A-251 Madison Avenue, New York 10, N. Y.Please send your new booklet, "A Good Man To Be," with fullinformation about career opportunities with New York Life.Name-Address -City Present Occupation- -Age-State-NOVEMBER, 1954 39UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1354 East 55th StreetMemberFederal Deposit InsuranceCorporationBIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: WEntworth 6-5380BOYDSTON AMBULANCE SERVICEAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of Chicagophone NOrmal 7-2468NEW ADDRESS-1708 E. 71ST ST.Telephone HAymarket 1-3120E. A. AARON & BROS., Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributors ofCEDERGREEN FROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water MarketRICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. MOnroe 6-3192GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186A. T. STEWART LUMBER CO.Quality and ServiceSince 188879th Street at Greenwood Ave.All Phones Vincennes 6-9000 MemorialAlice Keep Clark, '97, of Evanston,111., died July 8.Michael B. Wells, '99, of Milwaukee,Wis., died June 14.Greta Blanchard Millikan, '00, diedOctober 10, 1953, and her husband, Robert Andrews, '94, Professor Emeritus ofPhysics at California Institute of Technology, died shortly thereafter, on Dec.19, 1953. Their home was in San Marino.Dr. Frank L. Hubbard, MD, '01, Lt.Cmdr. U. S. Navy Medical Corps (retired), died May 25. He practiced inSpokane, Wash., until entering theNavy.William A. Goodman, '03, died Feb. 8.William H. Hatfield, '04, former deputyNew York State Attorney General andassistant District Attorney in New YorkCounty, died May 25.Egon W. Fischmann, MD '06, formerchairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the ChicagoMedical School, died June 13 in Chicago.Kelley Rees, PhD '06, director of theElk Cotton Mills and former AssistantProfessor of Greek at Yale University,died July 14, at his home in Merion, Pa.He was an authority on the AncientGreek theatre and had been head of theclassics department at Reed College,Portland, Ore.Herman Spoehr, '06, PhD '09, died June21 at his Palo Alto, Calif., home. Chairman of the plant biology department atthe Carnegie Institute from 1932 untilhis retirement in 1947, Dr. Spoehr hadbeen engaged in atomic energy researchuntil his death.Louise Stanley, '06, first head of theU. S. Department of Agriculture's Bureau of Home Economics, died July 16.She served as chief of the departmentfor 20 years. After having served forseven years as a special assistant to theadministrator of agricultural researchshe retired in 1950 but was recalled toserve for two years as a consultant tothe office of foreign agricultural relations.Katharine Blunt, PhD '07, PresidentEmeritus of Connecticut College andformer Head of the University of Chicago's Home Economics Department,died on June 29 in New London, Conn.Dr. Blunt was the first woman presidentof Connecticut College. She taught atChicago for 16 years, rising to the rankof full professor.Dr. H. C. Groman, '07, MD '07, prominent Hammond, Mich., physician, Olympic star, and world traveler, died July22 at his summer home in Whitehall.Dr. Groman practiced medicine for 31years. After his retirement from activepractice in 1939, he became a worldtraveler, circling the earth three times.He had a colorful athletic career, participating twice in Olympic games. Elliodor M. Libonati, '14, died June 20in Chicago. He had been Americanismchairman of the Illinois department ofthe American Legion. From 1910 to 1914he was a pitcher on the University'schampionship baseball team.Clare C. Todd, PhD '14, Professor andChairman of the Department of Chemistry and Dean Emeritus of State Collegeof Washington, died June 6, in Los Angeles. Dean Todd was a member of thefaculty for 41 years, serving in manyimportant posts. He was Chairman ofthe Chemistry Department for 31 years;Dean of the College of Sciences and Artsfor 24 years, and head of the graduateschool for eight years. An alumnus of theCollege, he served as editor-in-chiefof the student newspaper "Evergreen"in 1905.Rufus Knox Pitts, '15, educator andowner-publisher of the ShelbyvilleGazette, died in Nashville, Tenn., onNov. 25, 1953. He had served as president of Dixie College, predecessor ofTennessee Polytechnic Institute, andDean of English at Bowdon College inGeorgia for 15 years.James G. Brown, '16, SM 18, PhD '25,plant pathologist at Tucson, Ariz., diedApril 1.Sophia Hennion Eckerson, PhD '11,died July 19.Joseph E. Evans, LLB '13, Ogden, Utah,attorney, died June 15. He had beencounty and district attorney.L'ARGENTdas Geld, spondulics, no matter what youcall it, it's still money and you make it goas far as possible when you buy Springer& Dashnau vitamins. Our excellent quality20 element formula contains ALL vitaminsand minerals known to be needed plus sixothers, yet costs only $3.15 a hundred.Unbelievable? 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Borders arefrom Gothic design on Ryerson.Delivered to your door$1 2 per set