TlfEOCTOBER, 1954'nwwkUtye/^ MAGAZINEWhen the Walls comeTUMBLING DOWN NEIGHBORHOOD STORYStarts on . . Page 4THEUNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOLIBRARYThe metal that makes time stand stillThanks to chromium, steel now serves you with strength and beauty that lasts a lifetimeIn time, one of man's most useful materials steel is often the victim of such destructive forces as rust,corrosion, heat, or wear.THESE NATURAL ENEMIES of steel now are masteredby the metal called chromium. When the right amount ofchromium is added to molten steel, the result is strong,lustrous stainless steel that defies the ravages of time.IN HOMES, TODAY, stainless steel is a shining symbol of modern living. It brings us care-free sinks, gleaming tableware and kitchen utensils all with beauty thatlasts a lifetime.IN INDUSTRY Food is prepared in super- sanitarystainless steel equipment. Streamlined trains and busesare made of this wonder metal. Vital parts of jet planes that must withstand both blazing heat and sub-zero coldare made of tough, enduring stainless steel.SERVING STEEL... AND YOU The people of UnionCarbide produce alloys of chromium for America's steelmakers. This is another of the many ways in whichUCC transforms the elements of nature for the benefitof everyone.STUDENTS AND STUDENT ADVISERS: Learn more about careeropportunities with Union Carbide in Alloys, Carbons, Chemicals,Gases, and Plastics. Write for booklet G-2.Union CarbideAND CARBON CORPORATION30 EAST 42ND STREET |I|M NEW YORK 17, N.Y.In Canada: Union Carbide Canada LimitedUCCs Trade-marked Products includeELECTROMET Alloys and Metals National Carbons PYROFAX Gas ACHESON Electrodes SYNTHETIC Orcanic CHEMICALSHaynes Stellite Alloys Prest-O-Lite Acetylene Dynel Textile Fibers UNION Carbide PRESTONE Anti-FreezeLinde Silicones Eveready Flashlights and Batteries Bakelite, VlNYLlTE, and Krene Plastics LiNDE OxygenM,emo PadLouise BarkerFOUNDATION SECRETARY SWANBERGCUMMER BROUGHT two casualties^ at Alumni House. Harold Donohue,editor, and Jim Atkins, secretary of theAlumni F6undation Board, resigned.Neither has announced future plans.Our new editor, Felicia Anthenelli,'50, joins our staff from the Midwestedition of the Wall Street Journal. Forover three years she was a national byline writer.Felicia is a native of New Jersey. She began her writing career by being everything on the Raritan Valley Newsweekly; moved on as news and featurewriter for the New Brunswick DailyHome News.After two years in the W.A.C. as apublic relations writer she entered theNew Jersey College for Women. Adescription of the Chicago plan movedher to the Midway for her final threeyears.Felicia's running mate on the editorial staff is Audrey Probst. She has beenon the staff for a number of years butdivides part time with her two youngsters. You can expect some good issuesfrom this talented team.f")UR NEW secretary to the Founda-^-' tion Board is William H. Swanberg,'43. Bill's dad, a Quincy, Illinois physician, had medical plans and office spacefor his son. That was why Bill tooktwo pre-medical years at Dartmouth andhis B.S. in medicine at the Universityof Illinois School of Medicine.But Bill decided the medical professionwas not for him and compromised bybecoming managing editor of the Journalof Medical Education.He likes people and problems. With somany of both he went into business forhimself as a management consultant:"Problem Research Associates." Wewere able to convince Bill that at Chicago we also have people and problems.On investigation, he agreed and decidedit would be fun working with both. where there's aWILLthere's aWAYto make agenerous giftto Alma Mater1EDITOR ANTHENELLI ^m^v9 *» i it* \,i n,±^i,xx*,xxc;Howard H. MooreUniversity of Chicago5801 Ellis AvenueChicago 37, IllinoisMidway 3-0800Extension 3027OCTOBER, 1954 MVbOO- If YOU want additional information or helpin preparing your bequestto the University of Chicago, write or telephoneU9yt1J937JU939JU948^U949^U950JJJ93T Why waste your time and cashbuying money orders?At Hyde Park Bank you have your choice of three typesof bank checking accounts designed to fit your individual needsand to provide you the convenience, safety and desirability ofpayments by check at the lowest possible cost.Visit the bank, select the account most suitable for yourneeds and make use of our postage paid bank-by-mail envelopes to deposit money in your account.Free parking while bankingat 5225 Lake Park AvenueHyde ParkIN CHICAGO53rd and LAKE PARKPLaza 2-4600THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE3n Z)kU Steuew*E'VE BEEN watching the Hyde ParkStory develop for over a year. Everyonehad been concerned about deteriorationin the University community.The University had improved its ownrental property; built a faculty apartment house on the Midway; and evenpurchased The Cloisters Building onDorchester and 58th for faculty housing and to forestall rumored conversioninto smaller units.Then came the Mandel Hall massmeeting; organization of the ChicagoSouth East Commission; election ofofficers; appointment of a director and ofcommittees.It was a commendable beginning withnews and radio headlines; but we suspect that most of the mass-meetingattendants left Mandel Hall saying, withus: "Now, I hope they will do somethingabout it."We were ready to tell you about itif the move proved to be more thana cluttered stack of surveys; petitionsto the mayor and governor; and demands of the police department.While we were changing our typewriter ribbon, everything suddenly began to happen. Bulldozers by springmay be optimistic. But after you haveread the story you'll probably agree thatit could be.WHEN THE WALLS start tumbling down, we'll keep you posted withpicture stories in subsequent issues.These stories will include the University's campus plans for keeping pacewith community improvements.TJEADERS GUIDE, on Page 24, pro--" vides selected readings on community redevelopment, if you are interested in pursuing the subject. Thisfield of literature is so voluminous thatit was difficult to select the few volumesfor our limited space.r\UR ADVERTISERS, this month, in-^^ elude the firms of many civic-minded community businessmen. A partof the answer of the swiftly movingS.E.C.C, has been the support of thesemen and their colleagues on the streets.rpHE CLASS NEWS section is this¦*- month's frustration. In spite of ourincreased size from 32 to 40 pages we have a news backlog dating beyondJune. (Our June issue goes to presson May 5th.)This is our first issue since June.We will continue to run 40 pages andexpect to overtake this news jam byDecember. By that time we should berunning special news sections for theclasses scheduled for reunions nextJune: all classes divisible by five. OCTOBER, 1954 MAGAZINEVolume 47, Number IFEATURES4 The University Neighborhood6 Walls Come Tumbling Down10 A Mind to Build14 Salute to Alumni18 Plato at Sunrise20 Hyde Park's New FaceDEPARTMENTS1 Memo Pad3 In This Issue15 Alumni Activities24 Books Readers Guide26 Class News38 MemorialsCOVERJulian Levi (right), executive director of the South East ChicagoCommission, and Jack Meltzer, planning unit director, inspecta run-down building in Project No. ITHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, IllinoisExecutive EditorEditorManaging EditorAdvertising ManagerStaff Photographer HOWARD W. MORTFELICIA ANTHENELLIAUDREY NEFF PROBSTSHELDON W. SAMUELSSTEPHEN LEWELLYNPictures not otherwise credited are LewellynFoundation Secretary WILLIAM H. SWANBERGField Secretary DEAN TYLER JENKSPublished monthly, October through June, by The University of Chicago Alumni Association,5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price, $4.00. Single copies,25 cents. Entered as second class matter December I, 1934. at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinoisunder the act of Mrach 3, 1879. Advertising agent: The American Alumni Council, B. A. Ross.director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y.OCTOBER, 1954 3>'-y » ^»^t; «-» *»' I"W w **-4C'.jr'-iJP''¦***&¦ 32*&*.^Mr ^ **.£ ^ftsftfr,VS*G^w» . ¦ *v.Vi^si r >^W'I flo/'T^^"VAerial view of Hyde Park, with the University in the foreground, shows architect'smodels (upper center) of proposed new housing and shopping facilities. They willreplace dilapidated structures now standing, when Urban Renewal Project No. 1goes into effect. A shopping center is planned for the north side of 55th Streetwith a covered concourse and huge parking area north of modern shops. Housingunits will line the south side of 55th Street. Tall white buildings near the I.C. trackswill be elevator apartments, and smaller ones along Harper, from 55th to 57th Streets,will be town houses. White blocks north of 55th Street also represent new housing.4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe UniversityNeighborhoodA Statement by Chancellor KimptonJ.T IS HARD to believe that in 1892when the doors of Cobb first openedour area was one of the finest residential parts of the city of Chicago.As the University has grown theneighborhood has sagged and in partsof it, at least, real pockets of deterioration and blight have developed.One of our most real and immediate problems is our community, andto conserve and rebuild it offers theUniversity of Chicago a great opportunity to do something not only forour city but for all of urban America. After all, it is a community muchblessed by God and only spoiled byman.If we can rid the area of deteriorated buildings, if we can rebuild thecommunity both commercially andresidentially, and above all else, if wecan stabilize the community so thatcitizens of all races, colors and religions can live happily together, we will have accomplished something thathas never been done in any Americancity. This is a problem worthy of agreat university and it is a problemto which we have addressed ourselveswith enthusiasm and courage.It is not too early perhaps to saythat we are beginning to win thisbattle, and when we do we will haveestablished a community which willserve as a model for every Americancity. And it is a battle that we cannot lose, both for the sake of theUniversity and for the sake of anabstract principle that a dedicatedand enlightened community can saveitself without sacrificing either dignity or principle.I am happy that the Magazine nowbrings you the story of the fight tosave our neighborhood.Lawrence A. KimptonChancellor5The walls may soon comeT U M B L I N G D 0 W NTHE FABULOUS STORY OF THE SOUTH EAST CHICAGO COMMISSIONCABLE COURT, NORTH OF 57th STREET BETWEEN LAKE PARK AND HARPER. ASFAR BACK AS 1926, A U.C. SOCIOLOGIST DESIGNATED IT A SLUM BUILDING ^TROLLING DOWN Hyde Park'squiet, shaded streets, past the busy57th Street Co-op and Woodworth'stree, thumbtacked with notices andannouncements, nobody could takevery seriously the report that crimewas increasing in Hyde Park. Passingthe stately, well kept homes on Woodlawn Avenue, who could believe thatslum pockets were festering aroundthe corner?For a long time Hyde Park hadwatched itself grow down-at-the-heels and uneasily looked the otherway. Blight, which creeps out fromthe center of an expanding city, wasovertaking the one-time village ofcomfortable homes and carefree students.Kimpton discovers blightBy the time Lawrence A. Kimptonwas elected Chancellor of the University in 1951 the blight pockets werespreading. A few neighborhood groupshad organized to fight the advance butat best theirs was a delaying action.It took more energy to fight indifference than blight.Leaving the ivory tower to tour theneighborhood, the Chancellor announced that this problem had toppriority on his brand new calendar.Much of the credit for what has sincehappened goes to Chancellor Kimptonand his positive leadership.The problem is not uncommon inthe life span of an urban university.Established on the early outskirts ofa city, it encourages a community offine homes watches them change torooming houses as the city expandsand the owners move on to the farsuburbs. President Eisenhower recently expressed interest in the HydePark project because "Columbia washaving the same difficulties when Iwas there."Rolls up sleevesAt a mass meeting in Mandel Hallin May, 1952, with Chancellor Kimpton presiding, the South East ChicagoCommission was born. Backed bythe University and the citizens of thecommunity, S.E.C.C. set out as asleeves-rolled-up organization withno starry-eyed illusions as to its gigantic task.Under the leadership of ChancellorKimpton, as president, and tough-fisted Julian Levi, as executive director, the S.E.C.C. has met its problemshead on. In two years it has piled up an impressive number of accomplishments. Early next year there is goodreason to believe that the huge irondemolishing ball will start swingingagainst the dilapidated walls around55th and Lake Park Avenue.S.E.C.C. had the confidence andsupport of the community from thestart. The Hyde Park Y.M.C.A.offered office space, the University putup $15,000 and the community quicklyraised $20,000. Today the budget is$45,000 with the University contributing $10,000; 1400 community citizensand institutions the remainder. Meanwhile, the Field Foundation provideda grant of $100,000 to make the necessary studies for a community planningproject.Ninety citizens serve on the S.E.C.C.board. Several hundred work on operating committees. Headquarters hasa five-man professional staff.Enough of wrist slappingUnder the driving leadership ofdirector Levi, S.E.C.C. has taughtresidents of South East Chicago howto use existing laws to help themselves and, when these laws are ineffective, how to fight for amendmentsto make them work. One of the toughest battles wasagainst violators of zoning, building,and sanitation codes. Population pressures provided a bonanza for unscrupulous speculators, who bought upfine old homes to convert into overcrowded rooming houses without regard for safety and sanitation laws.Landlords, bitter over rent controls,joined the trend.Like citizen groups before them,S.E.C.C. found the legal machinery forfighting these characters inadequate.A group would file suit against sucha landlord; $2,000 worth of attorneyfees and 2 years later the propertyowner would be fined a wrist-slapping$75.S.E.C.C. moved in on the statelegislature and secured the passage ofLawyer's Bill 609. Under this law, ifa person sues against a zoning violation and wins, the lawyer's fees areslapped on the violator.Three $25 finesAs building inspector, S.E.C.C. hiredan ex-fire marshal, Anthony G. Seaman. "He's seen so many people needlessly hurt he can't stand the sight ofa stack of papers in the hall," saida board member.JERRY GEYER (LEFT TO RIGHT) AL OGLOBLIN, JACK MELTZER, AND STEWART MARQUIS WORK ON RENEWAL PLAN7Seaman visits a building where violations are suspected and documentsthe case. He photographs violationsand rent receipts, builds his ironcladcase and calls on the building commissioner. S.E.C.C. insists on workingwith the proper agencies.But don't think Seaman stops here.He follows the case into court to seestiff justice done.One building, for example, had beenreported by the city building inspectors in 1951, 1952, and 1953. The landlord had paid three $25 fines. Eachof his 23 illegally operated apartmentsbrought in from $10 to $25 per week.S.E.C.C. moved in; brought the casebefore the court repeatedly to a totalof $2,000 in fines within the year arecord in Chicago.Real estate dealers in the area nowgive prospective purchasers of property a brochure. It firmly calls theirattention to the fact that zoning andbuilding ordinances are strictly enforced. And if these people have tolearn the hard way, there is alwaysfire marshal emeritus Seaman.Don talks like a cop . . .Then there is the matter of law enforcement. This is Don Blakiston'sdepartment. Don is a trained criminologist with experience working withcriminals and police at penal institutions. He has a unique approach tothe crime problem."We had an alarmed community onour hands," explained Kimpton aboutthis appointment, "and we had to restore confidence.""Don's been around cops so muchhe often talks like one," said a friend.Blakiston not only knows cops butlikes them. "They are just people trying to do a job," he explains. "Lettersto the editor lambasting them don'thelp. Working with them does."One of the first things S.E.C.C. didwas to raise donations to provide morethan one typewriter and to add morelockers at neighborhood police stations. Blakiston saw to it that policejobs well done appeared in the localpress.. . . and scans his spot mapTo criminologists the spot mapmethod of checking crimes and overtaking the criminal is not new. Ascrimes occur in a territory a coloredpin goes into an area map. When aconcentration appears, special detailsbegin covering the spot. Blakiston introduced it into his program and nowthe police are using it with encouraging results and a sharply decreasing crime rate in the Hyde Park district.Blakiston reads the daily police reports and follows up those cases thatneed his attention. He also keeps adaily statistical table showing howmany police are on the job and whatthey are doing. He devotes severalnights a week to checking cruisingsquad cars.Hotel with police recordFor variety, there was the case ofthe old hotel on the northern fringeof the area, feeding narcotics into thesouth side. Police records showed 119arrests at this hotel in one year. Actually, the owners had the temerity tofile an injunction against the policedepartment to stop these annoyingraids.S.E.C.C. wrote the owners askingthem to clean up this condition. Theletter was ignored.Don Blakiston went to work. Hechecked the narcotics bureau of thepolice department and painstakinglycopied the police records of the hotelresidents. Sixty-three had recordswith a total of 596 arrests. Armed with this information,S.E.C.C. asked the company who insured the building if this was the sortof property it considered a good risk.The insurance was promptly cancelled.This caused the bank to call its$75,000 mortgage. The hotel is nowunder new ownership and is operatingrespectably.The city cooperatesS.E.C.C. will soon take the wrapsoff one of the most ambitious juveniledelinquency projects ever attempted.Sarah Wexler, community organization representative, has been workingquietly on this, enlisting the cooperation of a variety of agencies.The eyes of urban communitiesacross the nation will be watchingS.E.C.C.'s long-range plan for redevelopment of the area.The practice of removing the decayed part of a still-good neighborhood to stem the tide of blight is asyet fairly untried.Chicago has decided to attempt this,and Mayor Martin H. Kennelly recently designated the South East Chicago area as a pilot project in a city-DON BLAKISTON (RIGHT) AND SGT. EDWARD EGAN PIN-POINT AUTO THEFTS8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMildred MeadIF S.E.C.C. HAS ITS WAY, EYE-SORES LIKE THIS AGING APARTMENT HOUSE SOON WILL COME TUMBLING DOWNwide redevelopment program. Hischoice of the area was highly influenced by the demonstrated willingnessof the residents to fight to save theirown communities.Forty-acre face liftingIt is hoped that S.E.C.C.'s UrbanRenewal Project No. 1, now underconsideration by city, state and federalofficials, will go into effect early nextyear.The plan, drawn up in a record 60days under planning unit directorJack Meltzer, calls for removal of 47.3acres of blight from the rotted coreof Hyde Park. Boundaries for ProjectNo. 1 are from 52nd to 57th Streets,Kimbark Avenue to the Illinois Central Railroad. (For picture story onthe project, see p. 20)The Chicago Land Clearance Commission, a city agency, will raze thebuildings and clear the land, leavingsound structures standing. Thecleared site will then be sold toprivate purchasers for redevelopment. Purchase and clearance of thesite is estimated at $6 million; another$20 million will be spent by privateredevelopers to erect 700 new housingunits and a shopping center. Commercial garages in the area will be converted into off-street parking units.The highly integrated plan calls for other city agencies to streamline trafficchannels, provide a new park andplayground. All of these improvements will greatly enhance the existing adjacent area.Federal government will helpIf federal approval is given, theproject may well become the first ofits type under the Eisenhower administration's new housing act. The newlaw permits use of federal funds forurban renewal; previous bills allowedfunds for slum removal only.The proposed Land Clearance Commission project is only a first step.S.E.C.C. is helping residents work onseveral other plans, to be evolvedsimultaneously with Project No. 1.Under the direction of Mr. Levi, alawyer, South East Chicagoans havebecome the first citizens in the historyof the city to use the NeighborhoodRedevelopment Corporation law in aneffort to save their communities.In his usual direct fashion, whenMr. Levi found the law inadequate,he led S.E.C.C. in a move to have itchanged.Under the law as amended any 3citizens may form a corporation toapply for permission to engage in redevelopment work within an area assmall as 2 square blocks or as greatas 10 acres. Consent of 60% of theproperty owners will automatically establish the right of eminent domain,permitting condemnation of undesirable properties. The corporations arealso empowered to sell stock and toobtain public or private financing forredevelopment projects. A court testof the constitutionality of theseamendments is now before the IllinoisSupreme Court.Gathering momentumThree local redevelopment corporations have been formed to date. Onealready has requested permission todemolish five "rotten apple" tenementproperties and to replace these with46 modern, privately-financed rowhouses.A greatly reduced crime rate;higher police morale; a revised cityzoning code; a new school; betterstreet lighting; cleaner, healthier, lesscrowded homes; voluntary compliancepacts among taverns and hotels tokeep unwanted characters out of theneighborhood S.E.C.C.'s list of accomplishments is a long one.All of the problems have not yetbeen solved, but South East Chicagoans feel they have made a start.With continued vigilance and hardwork, they hope to turn the communities of Hyde Park, Kenwood, Oaklandand Woodlawn into safer, more attractive, and more desirable places inwhich to live and work.OCTOBER, 1954 9We, the people, haveA MIND TO BUILDMildred MeadON THE PROGRAM TOT LOTS AND GERANIUMSo.'N THE UNSEASONABLY hotnight of November 8, 1949, a groupof forty concerned citizens of theHyde Park-Kenwood neighborhoodsmet in the sedate parlors of the FirstUnitarian Church to walk the tightrope between hope and despair. Theywere facing the problems of a middle-aged community.While the weather man was recording the hottest November 8 in Chicago's history, another kind of recordwas being hammered out by the convictions of this group of forty. Theyrefused to accept the inevitability ofurban decay and deterioration in acommunity that was still basically agood place to live in.It's never been doneThe group was meeting primarily atthe instigation of the social actioncommittee of the 57th Street Societyof Friends and the K.A.M. Sisterhood,who in previous weeks had gone independently to the Mayor's Commission on Human Relations to ask, "How When S.E.C.C. was formed, itjoined forces with the Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference,which already had been hard atwork in the area. Together theymake an effective team.can we keep our community fromturning into a slum? What have othercommunities done?" The answer thatthe late Tom Wright, director of theCommission, gave was, "No one knowswhat to do. It's never been done."Tom Wright opened that Novembermeeting with a quick but penetratingsurvey of the neighborhood and predicted flatly, "This community will bea slum within ten years unless something is done to stop it."The group included religious leaders, business and professional men andwomen, both white and Negro, inshort neighbors. They piled into afrank and full discussion of the problems of overcrowding, reconversions,interracial living, panic flight to suburbs, poor schools, and the high in cidence of crime in the area. Theyconceived a bold and wise approachwhich took into account immediateproblems and also the long-rangeplans needed to maintain a stable, integrated community.It was agreed that the first problem was to strike at the despair andapathy of the citizens. It was furtheragreed that no existing organizationcould do the job. The group felt thatan organization of citizens willing totackle the job in their own hearts,their own back yards, and their ownblocks was the starting point. Totalinvolvement was the goal. The organization born that night was calledthe Hyde Park-Kenwood CommunityConference.Peoria Street incidentThe group broke up about eleveno'clock and walked out into the sultrynight not knowing that scarcely amile away in another community adifferent kind of heat had been turnedon. It was the searing rage of a mob10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof some 100 men, women, and children, who had gathered in angry knotsto protest the right of a white homeowner to invite Negroes into hishome. It was a protest of violencethat was to rock the Englewood community for four nights until finallyconcerted police action brought to aclose what has become known in theannals of Chicago's race relations asthe Peoria Street incident.For the next several weeks thededicated members of the newly -formed Conference scurried aroundthe neighborhood, enlisting the enthusiasm of fellow citizens, wooing thesupport of community organizationsand formulating a statement of purpose. On December 12, the group which now numbered over 150 insteadof the original forty met and adopteda lengthy statement of purpose, ofwhich this is the first paragraph:"We stand for basic human rights,taught by our religious faiths, byethics and by the Constitution ofthe United States, among themthe rights of all persons, irrespective of race, creed, color ornational origin, peacefully andlawfully to bargain for, rent, buyJULIA ABRAHAMSON (RIGHT) DICTATES and occupy living space, to entertain guests in their homes,and to travel in our community,unmolested."They reaffirmed their convictionthat "overcrowding, not Negro occupancy, is responsible for urban decay."They agreed to a program of maintaining community standards, of building a constructive recreational program for the neighborhood's youth,to work for community integration,and to cooperate with city -wide agencies on what were obviously city -wideproblems.Office files in their headsThe first year of the Conference'sexistence saw heroic efforts by volunteer workers to man the fort. Individuals in many parts of the community organized block groups aroundimmediate problems, while the Conference corralled Herbert Thelen, ofthe University's Human DynamicsLaboratory, to train block leaders.Officers of the Conference bustledfrom meeting to meeting, carrying theoffice files in their heads and gatheringincreasing community support.AS VOLUNTEER'S BABY PLAYS NEARBY By the end of the first year theConference could boast of a smalloffice on Harper Avenue and the dedicated, but underpaid, services of anexecutive director, Mrs. Julia Abra-hamson. Mrs. Abrahamson was co-director of the Friends' social actiongroup which had initially started theball rolling. She was attracted to hernew job because of her life-long concern for human rights and her desireto see the Conference become a pattern for community action which othercommunities could try on for size.As the conference approaches itsfifth birthday it has found that thepattern does fit not only Hyde Parkand Kenwood, but other neighborhoods in Chicago and other cities.In five years the conference hasquadrupled its office space, partly under the pressure of countless volunteers who bulged into the tiny firstquarters, often with toddlers instrollers. They came to type, paint theceilings, and conduct community surveys. The conference office now workswith 2,000 members, some forty-sevenblock groups, and a budget which waszero in 1950, and $30,000 by 1954. Itsboard of thirty-six directors coordinates the activities of such workingcommittees as block steering, planning, law enforcement, and communityservices. The organization has won anaward from the Commission on HumanRelations and the reputation of beingthe Hyde Park-Kenwood CommunityConfidence.If some of the pieces of the patternwhich the Conference uses are examined, reasons for this confidenceemerge.The block organizationAt the very heart of the Conference's being is its block organization an approach which distinguishes itfrom other groups working in thecommunity. The initial steps of one ofthe Conference leaders went intoproving what could be done whenneighbors were willing to meet faceto face and air their hopes and fears.They discovered that they had withinthemselves individually and collectively the resources to handle manyof their block problems.The Conference does not go out andorganize blocks. The initiative mustcome from the blocks themselveswhere people recognize a problem.The block can then come to the Conference office for help and liason between the proper municipal authorities and local block groups.OCTOBER, 1954 Mildred Mead11Alumnus DonahueTake the case of Elmer Donahue asan example of an enthusiastic supporter of the block organization wayof working.Elmer is a lean, sandy-haired manwho was born and raised in the University community. He took his PhBin the Law School at Chicago, went onto become a successful business manand a respected and active member ofthe community. He moved into hispresent home on the 5400 block ofGreenwood some twenty-seven yearsago. He has reared his family of fourchildren all of whom attended eitherthe University High School or theCollege right on that block. Duringthese twenty-seven years his blockhas remained remarkably stable anda desirable place to live.Rooming house trappingsAbout a year ago, however, a duplex home across the street from himbegan to take on all the trappings of a rooming house. When the buildingchanged hands, the tendency becameeven more apparent and what was intended for a two-family residence washousing forty-one people. The blockwent into action. With the help ofthe Conference staff, the neighborhoodgroup used all the persuasive andlegal techniques at their command torestore the building to its original use.They succeeded. Elmer was so impressed with the help the Conference had given the block that he wandered over to the Harper office oneday to volunteer a few hours ofservice.He found Julia Abrahamson's enthusiasm and faith in the communitymore contagious than the measles andhis "few hours of service" quicklyturned into a spot on the board ofdirectors. Before long he was Chairman of the Conference, filling the bigshoes first worn by the Rev. LesliePennington and then Sydney Stein, Jr.Mr. Donahue is also vice-president of the South East Chicago Commissionand an example of the overlappingleadership of the two groups whichmakes for easy cooperation.Geraniums and garden toolsMr. Donahue, like hundreds of otherHyde Park residents, has discoveredthat when neighbors work togetherthey can stop panic flight, maintainlighting, develop tot-lots, report andhalt illegal conversions, plant geraniums, and share garden tools.The block groups have been theeagle eyes of the Conference. It issaid that no lumber moves into anydwelling without arousing the noticeand suspicion of block members.One harried man called Julia Abra-hamson to say, "Please, m'am, thislumber being delivered to my homeis not for illegal conversions. I justwant to make some book cases. "The deeper meaning of block organization is expressed by Mr. Thelen,"It is only through working togetherKITCHEN CHORES AND CANASTA CLUBS ARE FORSAKEN, AS VOLUNTEERS TAKE ON CONFERENCE'S MANY TASKS12 Mildred MeadTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMildred MeadIN THE STREETS (LEFT) AND PARKS, NEIGHBORS JOIN FORCES TO CLEANUP NEIGHBORHOOD. THIS IS ONE OF MANY FUNCTIONS OF BLOCK GROUPSMildred Meadthat people acquire meaning for eachother, and the meaning people havefor one another makes the neighborhood one's home."While the block organization is thebackbone of the Conference, the grouphas achieved notable success in otherareas as well. This is done largelythrough the Conference's genius forenlisting in a grass roots, democraticorganization, a bunch of very brainypeople with considerable know-how.Professional city planners like HaroldMayer, of the University faculty, havedevoted countless hours of professional service on a volunteer basis.Such experts help make possible surveys of the entire area and long-rangeplanning for the needs of the community.When the School Committee of theConference tackles the tremendousproblems of over-crowding, double-shift, and teacher shortage, they cancount on ex-Census boss PhilipHauser to confront the school boardwith sturdy statistics, backed up bythe Committee's program of action. The Conference has an enforcementcommittee, headed by Calvin Sawyier,which boasts a panel of lawyers andcourt observers who know whatthey're about. This group follows upon suspected violations, seeing thatinspections are made, cases pressedand court action instituted whennecessary. It also studies presentlaws and considers new legislationfor promoting conservation.Cooperation and confidenceThe Conference has joined forceswith the South East Chicago Commission. The special talents of each organization is perhaps best characterized by the personalities of the tworespective groups: in the Conference,Julia a dynamic and dedicated person completely devoted to the slow,orderly, democratic process; in theCommission, Julian also dynamic anddedicated, and completely devoted tofast and effective action. In any community's language, they are an unbeatable combination. Together the two organizations invited the Chicago Land ClearanceCommission into the area to begin theplans that have led to the Urban Renewal Project No. 1. With the University, the two organizations serve on aCommittee of Six which supervisesthe planning unit. With the S.E.C.C.the conference will, this coming year,give special attention to the humanproblems involved in the Land Clearance Commission's relocation plans.The Conference has invested fiveyears of hope and confidence in thisneighborhood. It has encouraged people to have faith in themselves andin their neighbors. No one, least of allJulia Abrahamson, pretends that thejob is done or that the future issmooth sledding. But the community,thus far, has avoided the Peoria Streetanswer of violence. And most important of all, the Conference has deposited a bank account of good will a vast sum which the entire community can draw upon in the criticalyears ahead. A.N.P.OCTOBER, 1954 13ALUMNISalute toJ.T TAKES MANY people workingtogether to rescue a community fromthe forces of deterioration. Amongthe hundreds of South East Chi-cagoans fighting to save their neighborhoods are many University alumni.Some are paid workers, some arevolunteers, but each is making a contribution.The MAGAZINE pays tribute tothese conscientious citizens, and bringsyou brief sketches of some who areplaying major roles. The editors regretthat space limitations permit mentionof only a few. The revitalized community itself will stand as a tributeto the selfless many.JULIA ABRAHAMSON, who tookwork at Chicago, is executive directorof the Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference.Mrs. Abrahamson is a Quaker, andlives by her beliefs. The way you dothings is as important as what you do,in her book. Her extreme patience inthe face of obstacles has been invaluable to the very existence of the conference. "Many times it might havefallen apart without her steadyinginfluence," comments a co-worker.She gained know-how as a writer-administrator for the Rosenwald Fund,a philanthropic foundation. Togetherwith her husband, Harry, she spent2% years directing Quaker relief andrehabilitation work in India, followingthe Bengal famine in 1945.DON T. BLAKISTON, AM '48, PhD'52, is Law Enforcement Representative, S.E.C.C.His previous experience includessupervising industrial training forconvicts at Illinois Penitentiary atPontiac, conducting a training courseon penal methods at Federal Prison,Terre Haute, Ind., and working inthe Corrective Services Division, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Portsmouth(N. H.) Naval Prison. DeutehALDERMAN MERRIAMELMER W. DONAHUE, '21, is chairman of the Hyde Park-KenwoodCommunity Conference.He is president of Wabash ScreenDoor Co. and a director of UniversityNational Bank.JULIAN LEVI, '29, JD '31 is a successful lawyer and businessman. Hewas about to retire when he wastapped for the job of executive director of S;E.C.C.He's a grandson of Rabbi Emil G.Hirsch, who helped found the University. His brother, Edward, is deanof the Law School.Mr. Levi is so enthused about hisjob, he bought a home in Hyde Park.When taking city officials on a tourof the project site, he usually detoursdown a certain back alley. The greenwire fence, hell tell you proudly, waspainted by himself. Says Mr. Kimpton: "I've admiredhim since the day he was asked by anuplift, strength-through-love groupwhat they could do to help the neighborhood. He suggested they paint theHyde Park police station and offeredtc pay for the paint." It still needsthe first coat.HAROLD MAYER, PhD '43, is chairman of the Planning Committee forthe Conference. He represents thegroup on the Committee of Six.Mr. Mayer is assistant professor inthe Geography Department.JACK MELTZER, AM '47 is directorof the Planning Unit, S.E.C.C.In 60 record days he put togetherS.E.C.C.'s Project No. 1, doing anamazingly comprehensive job.At 32, he's been planning directorfor Michael Reese Hospital, hasworked for the Chicago Medical Center Commission, Chicago Plan Commission and Public Housing Administration.ROBERT E. MERRIAM, AM '40, isChicago's fifth ward alderman."Fighting Bob" has won his nickname by plugging ceaselessly in thecity council for better housing, strictercrime-fighting methods, and a host ofcivic improvements. As co-chairmanof the council's committee on housingand planning, he introduced the urbanrenewal plan in ordinance form, ishelping steer it through proper channels for final approval.He has helped win new lights, re-paving jobs on neighborhood streets,and is currently fighting for betterbeach facilities at Jackson Park anda "switch-parking" ordinance forcleaner streets.CALVIN P. SAWYIER, '42, AM '42, ischairman of S.E.C.C.'s Housing andConversion Committee and also headof the Conference's legal panel.He has put in many hours of hisown time working with city officialson a revision of the municipal building code.He is a member of the law firm ofWinston, Strawn, Black & Towner.SIDNEY STEIN, JR., '23, served aschairman of the Hyde Park-KenwoodCommunity Conference for two years.He is senior partner in the investment firm of Stein, Roe & Farnham.HERBERT THELEN, PhD '44, is the"architect" of the Conference's veryeffective block organization. He is anassociate professor in the Departmentof Education, and director of the Human Dynamics Laboratory.14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE GRAND OLD MAN strodeinto the Los Angeles Biltmoredining room on May 14th. Twohundred Big Ten diners sprang totheir feet and mingled long applausewith Wave the Flag as Stagg tookhis place at the speakers' table.Dr. Norman (Red) Paine, '13 MD'18, prominent Glendale physician andcurrent president of Southern California's Big Ten Club, planned andexecuted the event as the high lightof his administration. Stella, not upto the emotional celebration, listenedover a private wire to her Stocktonliving room.Speakers included Edgar J. Good-speed, John F. Moulds, Dr. T. B.Smith, Steadman Smith (Big Tenpast president), William Campbell,president of our Los Angeles ChicagoClub and Norman Barker, Dr. JohnVruwink, and Saul Weislow.Nearly 30 Chicago C Men crowdedaround the Old Man after lunch. Theycounted noses on the members of thefamed Jackass Club. According toStagg, this term was a compromisewith President Harper, who had wondered to Stagg if the coaches whoincluded a few well chosen profane Alumni Activitiesphrases in their pep vocabulariesdidn't have a slight edge.O'Hara moves southFRANK H. O'HARA (Emeritus,English) spent August on theMidway changing trains from Caldwell, Idaho to Nashville, Tennessee.Last year he was The College ofIdaho's distinguished visiting professor of English. In September he joinedthe Fisk University faculty as distinguished creative writing professorfor the year.Frank was a Chicago pioneer inIdaho but not so at Fisk. Official research and teaching Chicago visitorsto Fisk have been such notables as Stagg at Los AngelesMulroy, new presidentTea at the KimptonsRobert M. Lovett and the late RobertE. Park. President of Fisk is one ofour own alumni, Charles S. Johnson,PhD '17.Association's new presidentTHOMAS R. MULROY, '26, JD'27, is the new president of theAlumni Association. In his spare timehe will continue civil trial and corporate practice with his Chicago lawfirm of Hopkins, Sutter, Halls, Owen& Mulroy.Tom moves back on the Midwayscene where he was an active undergraduate.As a freshman Tom first attractedattention from a supine position in"CHICAGO IS VICTOR: LEADS THE WEST," READS THETRIBUNE HEADLINE FOR DECEMBER 1, 1905 REFERRING TOTHE FAMOUS CHICAGO 2, MICHIGAN 0 GAME. THE YELLOWAGED PAPER WAS BROUGHT TO THE LOS ANGELES LUNCHEON BY DR. T. B. SMITH OF WILMINGTON, CALIFORNIA. CIRCLINGTHE OLD MAN AND JOHN MOULDS (HOLDING PAPER): DR.JOHN VRUWINK, NORM BARKER, SPEED RAYSSON, ED PARRY,SHORTY DES JARDIEN, SAUL WEISLOW, AND NORMAN PAINEOCTOBER, 1954 Blyth15an Egyptian coffin. He was themummy in the 1923 Blackfriar production, "Filming of Friars." Thisbook, incidentally, was written by ourfamous Foundation letter writer, EarleLudgin.Body-bound, from a six-sidedcasket, Tom leaped to the stage anddid the Ptolemy Ptoodle nigh untoperspiring exhaustion.Unwound from his mummy constrictions, he sought out easier activityroles: business manager of the DailyMaroon, president of Alpha Delta Phiand of Owl & Serpent, member of theUndergraduate Council, and finally aUniversity Marshal.He was the first non-athletic headof the Interscholastic Track Meet (hewon his sweater in weight lifting),was instrumental in re-writing theO & S bylaws, and inaugurated theAlpha Delt plays.He earned expenses by coachingtwo groups of elementary school football teams: the Mulroy Midgets. They were the intermission attraction atthe Chicago-Wisconsin games in 1924and in 1925, and at Soldier Field atthe Notre Dame-Southern Californiagame.With his J.D. in his brief case andglowing letters of introduction fromsuch men as Bigelow, Bogert, Stagg,and Teddy Linn, Tom went to Washington and became an assistant legislative counsel to the Senate.In summers he saw the world as a"Super cargo" on freighters, throughthe courtesy of the U.S. ShippingBoard chairman.Back in Chicago, he attended anEdgewater Beach Hotel dance andmet Dorothy Reiner a Quadranglerfrom her Midway days. They weremarried in 1933. The family now in-DIVISION PRESIDENT HORWITZ MoffettALUMNI PRESIDENT MULROYBunny graph eludes two daughters, Dee and Joan,and Thomas, Jr. They live inWinnetka.Tom had trouble getting the strainsof Blackfriar days out of his system.Before this was accomplished he hadwritten, produced and directed fourChicago Bar Association shows, tapering off with skits in 1943 and 1944.Tom was also president of the famedExecutives' Club of Chicago in 1943-44.Today he is prepared to settle downto being a dignified and effectivepresident of The University of Chicago Alumni Association.Horwitz top man againIN 1930 Samuel Horwitz was electedcaptain of the 1931 varsity footballsquad. Nearly 25 years later he againrises to the top this time as presidentof the College Division of the AlumniAssociation.This division sponsors the popularMid-year Open House, the Student-Alumni Committee with its studentawards and annual dinner, and otherinteresting alumni programs and activities.Through the years Sam has headedor served on most every committeeexcept the all-women AlumnaeBreakfast. Now he becomes presidentof the entire operation.Not a cause or effect but a coincidence, two weeks after his election,Sam an attorney specializing in realestate turned his biggest deal. He represented the seller in the four-million- dollar transfer of the Shore-land Hotel, near campus.Included in his student-days activities were Interfraternity Council,Iron Mask, Owl & Serpent, Washington Prom leader, president of PhiSigma Delta, and vice president ofthe Senior Council.AT THE SAME College Divisionelection Helen Wells, '24, became avice president. As a student Helenwas everything from chairman of theFederated Council to a College Aide.Today she is Women's Editor of theChicago Sun Times. In this officialcapacity she was one of 45 selectedMidwest guests of the British Overseas Airways on the inaugural Chicago to England stratoliner flight inMay. Helen explains that she ate herway across the Atlantic and enjoyedEngland as the guest of B.O.A. afterwhich she spent a week in France andParis on her own.O & S in plastic bindingTHE SENIOR HONOR Society ofOwl & Serpent is back in business with a bang. Actually, O & Shas never been out of business. Butthe wars and other distractions hadslowed down the Society for a decadeor so.Recently the University gave themthe Mitchell Tower Room for headquarters. And now, after 15 years,16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcomes another volume of letters from 222 members around the globe.The editing and swank 140 -pageplastic bound volume shows the talentand devotion of lithographer MiltonH. Kreines, '27. The book is dedicatedto Arthur A. Baer, '18, whose protestswere ignored. Every brother knowsthat Art was a strong anchor in therecent storm-tossed years of theSociety.Tea at the KimptonsTUESDAY, JULY 27th the daybefore they left for two monthsin Europe the Kimptons held a reception for Mrs. Mohammed F. Jamali(Sarah Powell, AM '29), wife of theMinister from Iraq.Mrs. Jamali, who did her Master'sin the Department of English, was inChicago for a speaking engagement.The Kimptons spent August andSeptember abroad. It was supposedto be two months of relaxation butmany European universities were onthe itinerary.Spontaneous loan fundsREMEMBER the days when thegraduating seniors gave Cbenches (Class of '03) and BotanyPond bridges ('22)? Later, thesesenior class gifts became scholarshipor loan funds.Last spring, in a revival of thisgiving spirit, two classes, returningfor anniversary celebrations, spontaneously and independently decided toinaugurate student loan funds to helpmark these anniversaries.So the invitations said: Add alittle extra for a class loan fund. TheClass of '34 added $128; '39 contributed $263. Other members can addto this by sending contributions to theAlumni Office and so indicating.These funds are welcome additionsto the money Bursar Albert Cottonkeeps available for temporarilystrapped students. Recently he's beenscraping every barrel bottom.Cleveland Club calendarIF YOU LIVE in Greater Cleveland,you can have December off forshopping and the holidays. Otherwise,here is the program:September: Smorgasbord picnicOctober: Luncheon at the Nissley'sNovember: Dinner at the HigbeeCo.January: Luncheon at Women'sClubFebruary: Evening at Play HouseMarch: Dinner at the Higbee Co.April: Evening at Case ObservatoryMay: Boat ride on the Cuyahoga In May, this year, the Club met atthe J. D. Nobel farm for a picnic andoutdoor movie.Any Club that has a Nell Henry, '12,SM '15, as secretary can expect to beseeing and doing everything aroundthe calendar. Nell has been re-electedfor another year, of course.Other officers: president, The Rev.H. Robert Gemmer, DB '47, FirstChurch of the Brethren, ClevelandHeights; vice president, Villa B. Smith,'09, SM '33; treasurer, Mrs. Clay borneGeorge (Zelma Watson, '24).New Washington, D.C. officersTHE NEW PRESIDENT of theWashington Club is Hart Perry,AM '40. Hart moved to Washingtona few years ago after having beenactive in helping to develop the fabulous Park Forest community south ofChicago. Park Forest now has 23,000of which 150 are alumni. Hart is withthe Bureau of the Budget.Other officers of the WashingtonClub: 1st VP, Paul Smith, '41; 2ndVP, Mrs. C. W. Kunkel (CarolynHewitt, '39); 3rd VP, Mrs. LeilaEasson, SM '43; Sec, Alfred Norling,'42; Asst. George Selzer, '40; Treas.,Wm. B. Sowash, '39, AM '41; Asst.,Kathryn Knowlton, SM '23, PhD '39.U.C. Conclave at New SalemON SATURDAY, October 16th, theSpringfield Chicago Club will behosts to the alumni of central Illinoisat New Salem State Park.The conclave starts at 2 P.M. witha tour of New Salem and a nationalLincoln authority as a guide.At 3:30 P.M. alumni will have theirchoice of 3 Chicago programs:1. Plans and progress for our revitalized Law School with DeanEdward Levi speaking and answeringquestions.2. Chicago's new program forteachers in the reorganized Schoolof Education with Harold Dunkel,Director of Pre-College Educationspeaking.3. Advances in research at theSchool of Medicine, new buildings,new equipment, and new hopes, bythe Dean of Biological Sciences.From five to six, an intermissionand reception to meet the guests fromChicago, including those on the dinner program.Dinner at Owen's New SalemLodge. Chancellor Kimpton will bethe speaker, introduced by LieutenantGovernor John W. Chapman, '15,JD '17. There will also be a shortprogram by students from the Chicagocampus. The meeting will adjourn at 9:00 P.M. to permit alumni comingfrom distant points like Peoria,Bloomington, and Decatur to gethome at a reasonable time.Officers of the Springfield Club areCarroll C. Hall, AM '37, president;and Lucy C. Williams, '17, secretary -treasurer. They urge you to markyour calendar for October 16th if youlive in driving distance. Reservationsshould go to Miss Lucy Williams, 714First National Bank Building, Springfield, Illinois. Dinner is only $3.00.Ashjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1921Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone REgent 4-6000YOUR FAVORITEFOUNTAIN TREATTASTESBETTERWHEN IT'S A product C Swift &7409 SoPhone R Company. State StreetRAdcliffe 3-7400HIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATESENGRAVERS>_ SINCE I 9 O 6 WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSESESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHEDANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCEIRAYNERiDALHEIM &CO.2801 W. 47TH ST. CHICAGO.OCTOBER, 1954 17University NewsPlato at SunriseWith the hemlock, a cup of coffee?University College plans to see ifbusinessmen and women want toread Plato and Aristotle at 7 a.m. inthe Loop. A class in the basic program of liberal education for adultsis being offered this quarter at thedowntown center, 19 S. LaSalle Street.Galway Kinnell, director of LiberalArts Programs at University College,is optimistic about the project."After the class was announced,three instructors clandestinely calledme and asked if they could teach it,"he explained. "If an instructor iswilling to get up that early, theremust be students who are, too. Maybe we'll serve coffee."Decision to offer the sunrise session was made after a lunch-hourversion proved highly successful fortwo years.Enrollment for the entire programjumped 60% last year.Bar Association DedicationThe green lawn between BeecherHall and the Law School was a gayscene on August 19, as 541 alumniof the Law School and guests consumed a buffet luncheon.Later they attended dedicationceremonies for the American Bar Association's new, two-million dollarcenter.Chief Justice Earl R. Warren gavethe dedication address at RockefellerChapel. Loudspeakers were set upso that an overflow crowd could listenfrom camp chairs set up on theChapel lawn.The Chief Justice then led an academic procession across the Midwayfor brief closing ceremonies at thenew headquarters building, 60thStreet and Woodlawn Avenue.The entire week of August 14-19was a busy one for the Law Schoolstaff. On August 14 they held aluncheon at the Quadrangle Clubfor those attending the Conference of Chief Justices of the states, and theConference of Commissioners onUniform State Laws.Following the luncheon, guests andtheir wives visited a unique exhibitof legal relics at the Law School, andthe cyclotron building.On Sunday, August 15, a dinnerwas held on the Law School lawnfor visiting faculties from other lawschools.From Lab School to TrusteeGeorge A. Poole, Jr., a formerLaboratory School student, has beenelected to the board of trustees. Heis the fourteenth former student tobecome a member of the presentboard.Mr. Poole took his BA. at Yalein 1930, after attending elementaryand secondary school here.He is president of Poole Bros., Inc.,Chicago printing company, and a director of United Charities, a directorof the American Red Cross, and amember of the Citizens Board of theUniversity.NEW TRUSTEE POOLEPress Relations Ain't shocked, are you?"Ain't" ain't bad grammar anymore.This was the consensus of dictionary makers who met here for sixweeks this summer to hold the firstseminar ever devoted to technicalproblems of dictionary making.Ignace J. Gelb, Oriental InstituteProfessor of Assyriology, summed upthe word-makers' conclusions. Dictionary makers are no longer shockedby such words as "ain't" he said,because they now believe it is nottheir job to set up standards for alanguage. Instead, they describe alanguage that people use, and attempt to define words instead ofcriticizing usage.The seminar was part of the University's Linguistic Institute, and tenof the 22 scholars participating in thefirst full-dress discussion of dictionary making are on the faculty. TheUniversity is one of the main worldcenters of dictionary preparation.Schein's New ParticleThe discovery of the highest energynuclear collision yet known, andevidence of a possible anti-proton, anentirely new fundamental particle,was announced recently by Dr. Marcel Schein, professor of physics at theInstitute for Nuclear Studies.Dr. Schein reports he detected onphotographic emulsions what he con-' sidered evidence of a nuclear explosion of the order of 10 million billionvolts.When a neutron splits an atom ofuranium 235, energy of the order of200 million electron volts is released.Compared to Dr. Schein's newly discovered mysterious particle, the mostpowerful atom smasher so far builtis a puny instrument.Last winter Dr. Schein sent a skyhook balloon up from Texas to a18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEheight of over 20 miles. After sixhours the balloon burst, and an aluminum case containing 18 photographic films came tumbling to earth.The films contained meteorliketracks, as usual. These tracks areleft by atoms which have been exploded by cosmic rays. This time,however, Dr. Schein saw on theemulsion, tracks different from anyobserved before. Usually the tracksdiverge from a common point at fairlywide angles. But the new tracks werealmost parallel. It appeared thatsomething other than cosmic rays orsome familiar particle was causing it.Dr. Schein and his assistants, DavidHaskin, technician, and Robert G.Glasser, research associate, thoughtmaybe an anti-proton had smashedits way through the aluminum casethat contained photographic film andannihilated a proton.They reasoned that the mass of theproton and the anti-proton had beenturned into the energy of photonsPHYSICIST SCHEIN(light particles) in accord with Einstein's theory of relativity. Thisenergy was reconverted into matter paired electrons. that left tracks. Thepairs of electrons consisted of anegative electron and positron.It looks to Dr. Schein as if theparticle which caused this enteredthe earth's atmosphere from outerspace where cosmic rays originate.If he is right, he has discovered theanti-proton which has long been regarded by physicists as a logical possibility.Boston TV Claims ProbstGeorge E. Probst, director of theUniversity Radio Office and RoundTable for the past 9 years, left August 1 to become program director andassistant manager of Boston's educational TV station WGBH-TV andeducational radio station WGBH-FM.Both are operated by the LowellCooperative Broadcasting Council,which includes Harvard, M.I.T.,Boston College, Boston University,Boston Symphony Orchestra, TuftsCollege, Boston Museum of Fine Artsand several other institutions.Mr. Probst, A.B. '39, has also taughtsocial sciences in the College since1944.College DiplomatThe College has a new super-salesman. Matthew P. Gaffney,former superintendent of New TrierTownship High School, Winnetka,111., has joined the staff as an admissions counselor.Mr. Gaffney resigned from NewTrier last spring after 23 years ofdistinguished leadership in highschool education.He will spend his time as a "travelling diplomat," talking to high schoolteachers and prospective studentsabout the College.He is currently visiting privateschools throughout the northeast, andwill swing down through the southeast during the winter.Mothers' first millionMothers' Aid of the University'sLying-in hospital is 50 years old thisfall.A completely voluntary auxiliary,Mothers' Aid has contributed almosta million dollars to safeguard mothersand infants at the famed obstetriccenter. It is the largest hospital auxiliary in Chicago and the largestwomen's organization connected witha maternity hospital. Its fund-raisingprogram is centered entirely in itsgrowing business enterprises, whichare managed by members in hundredsof volunteer hours, taken from busyhousehold schedules.Oldest of Mothers' Aid's enterprisesis. its best-selling baby book, OurBaby's First Seven Years. The babybook, celebrating its silver anniversary, has sold more than a millioncopies in the United States andabroad.Through sales of the baby book andits nine-year-old companion book,The Scrapbook, the auxiliary has contributed $216,000 to advance obstetricresearch at Lying-in.Mothers' Aid gift shop oldest hospital gift shop in the nation is 19years old and has contributed $73,800.Most monumental of Mothers' Aidgifts to Lying-in is the Mothers' Aid Hollister PressCOLLEGE COUNSELOR GAFFNEYPavilion, a separate wing to theGothic hospital at 59th Street andMaryland avenue. Built in 1931, itwas a $385,000 gift.It is the second such hospital unitbuilt by the auxiliary in the fiftyyears since it was organized as theRuth Club of nine members by Mrs.Ida DeLee Neuman, sister of the lateDr. Joseph B. DeLee, founder ofLying-in. The first pavilion was builtin 1913 on 51st Street and VincennesAvenue at a cost of $85,000.Latest of the Mothers' Aid projectshas been its founding of the JosephB. DeLee chair in obstetrics and gynecology. A 20-year-pledge of $250,000was made in 1947, and already Mothers' Aid has paid $240,000 of its gift.The chair is now held by chief-of-staff at Lying-in, Dr. M. EdwardDavis.Max Epstein DiesMax Epstein, 79, Honorary Trusteeof the University, died August 22.Although he was not a collegegraduate, Mr. Epstein contributedgenerously to higher education.During the years 1917-54, he gaveover $1 million in gifts to the University. The Max Epstein Clinic forout-patients at Billings Hospital, andthe Max and Leola Epstein Art Reference Library, are among his gifts.He also gave many fine art works tothe University, and financed the remodelling of Goodspeed Hall from adormitory to an office-art gallerybuilding.Mr. Epstein came to Chicago in1891, at the age of 16, from hisnative Germany. He was founder andhead of General American Transportation Co., famous for its fleet offreight cars, which it leases to otherfirms.OCTOBER, 1954 19rtS**W**fTWO VIEWS OF 55th STREET, LOOKING EAST. ARTIST'S SKETCH (ABOVE) SHOWSPROPOSED CHANGES. SHOPPING CENTER WILL OCCUPY NORTH SIDE OF STREET,(LEFT) NEW HOUSING UNITS, SOUTH SIDE. THIS VIEW SHOWS A PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS AT BLACKSTONE AVENUE. BELOW: 55th STREET AS IT APPEARS TODAY, FROM KIMBARK AVENUE. OLDER BUILDINGS DATE FROM 1893 FAIR.20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFOR HYDE PARK:A NEW FACEURBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. 1Weese ARTIST'S SKETCH (BELOW) OFTHREE TYPES OF NEW HOUSINGPROPOSED FOR HARPER AVENUE{Vm it'4 - , '¦ m .'?WeeseOLD, DILAPIDATED APARTMENTS ON HARPER (BELOW) WILL BE TORN DOWN TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW HOMES (ABOVE)CHILDREN PLAY IN FILTH AND RUBBLE (LEFT) IN REAR OF "MISERY MANSIONS," AN OVERCROWDED SLUM. HYDE PARKERSHOPE TO SEE MORE FAMILIES PROVIDED WITH HOMES, LAWNS, LIKE CO-OP'S NEW UNITS (RIGHT)OLDER UNITS (LEFT) WILL COME DOWN, WHILE BUILDINGS IN GOOD CONDITION LIKE ONE ON RIGHT WILL REMAINMildred Meadin m miMildred MeadAN EXAMPLE (ABOVE) OF ONE OF MANY FINE HOMESSTILL STANDING IN NEIGHBORHOOD. RELICS LIKE ONEON RIGHT, A FEW BLOCKS AWAY, WILL BE TORN DOWNARTIST SHOWS PROPOSED TOWN HOUSES (BELOW). ALTHOUGH WALLS ARE SHARED, THEY OFFER PRIVACY, GARDENS(Book*by Faculty and AlumniDYNAMICS OF GROUPS ATWORK. By Herbert A. Thelen. University of Chicago Press.The most important thing any humanbeing has to learn is human relations how to get along with his kind. Upto pretty recently say A.D. 1900 helearned it from the patterns imposed byhis culture, and by trial and error. Thiswas adequate to prevent homo sapiensfrom becoming extinct, but the sorrystate of human relations today, with thecold war abroad, and McCarthyism athome not to mention juvenile delinquency, the divorce rate, and the laborproblem indicate that it is not goodenough. With the atomic age loomingahead, it is not nearly good enough.William James, Freud, John Dewey,began to introduce the scientific methodinto their observations of human relations, but the pioneer who founded thestudy of what he called "group dynamics," the late Kurt Lewin, came closeto inaugurating a full-fledged science.Group dynamics can be denned asenergies locked up in the individualwhich can only be released throughappropriate group action.We live by groups the family, theclass room, the club, the gang, the Armysquad, the shop, the office, the congregation, the neighborhood but the laws ofthat living have been a mystery. NowThe wife of Enrico Fermitells what it's likebeing married to theworld's foremost atomicscientist - and revealsthe personal, humanside of the birth ofthe atomic age.ATOMSIN THE FAMILYBy LAURA FERMI$4.00 at all bookstores.^elk UNIVERSITY OF\m) CHICAGO<*a.«^ PRESS.>»' li- li'l ms*mmmsmiM,i*s0»mtml , mww^ the followers of Lewin in clinics, observation posts, work shops and laboratories,are developing and testing the principleshe formulated. Someday perhaps beforea low cost atomic power plant is inoperation the world is going to have,for the first time in history, a series ofdependable principles governing certainaspects of human relations. (I expectall aspects to be worked out about 2500A.D., if then.)The most comprehensive account Ihave yet seen describing the theoriesand principles so far developed, is inHerbert Thelen's Dynamics of GroupsAt Work. It is not precisely what thereviewers call "hammock reading," butit has got the stuff. (A pretty exampleof cultural lag, by the way. I haven'tseen a hammock since 1938.) Not onlyare the principles of this importantbranch of human relations laid on theline, but they are supported and lightened by abundant cases. The fieldscovered include the neighborhood, theschool room, faculty problems, topdrawer management, the laboratory atBethel Maine, how to conduct effectivemeetings, the role of the group leader,the role of the group member, how agroup culture develops, and finally, thecommunity, which comprehends all face-to-face groups."The principles of human interaction.. . . These are principles we live by, andeach of us must formulate them forhimself in response to his own needsand in terms of his own experience.And we shall communicate them to eachother through our actions, as we try,through understanding, to build ourbetter worlds."Best of all, Professor Thelen showshow theories can be put to work inareas where human relations havebroken down, with trouble and tragedyahead.The most dramatic of his cases inapplied group dynamics is describedearly in the book. It concerns a seriousproblem in the growth of nearly everyAmerican city blighted areas, the formation of slums, the clash of races.Moreover, it should be of particularinterest to everyone connected with the9 FLOORS FILLED WITH BOOKS!Chicago's LargestANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORE(In the heart of the Loop)Everything from 10c books to raritiesBooks from the 15th CenturyModern, first and limited editions18th & !9th Century English LiteratureLarge stock of pamphlet materialWe buy small and large collections ofgood booksCome in or write usCENTRAL BOOK STORE36 SOUTH CLARK STREETDEARBORN 2-0470Also open evenings and Sundays University of Chicago. It is the story ofhow Hyde Park was almost overrun byravening blight, and how the citizensof Hyde Park, with Thelen's help,organized themselves into militantgroups, block by block, Whites andNegroes together, and turned back theInvader. It may be too early to tellwhether the victory is permanent, forforces in Chicago as a whole, in Illinois,in the nation, beyond Hyde Park's control may over-ride what has been done,however fair the present outlook.It is not too early to state catagoricallyhowever, that this case is of historicalimportance in the development of humanrelations. It shows what can be donewhen the principles are put to work.It provides a series of techniques whichcommunities everywhere can apply. Isthe section of the city where you livemenaced by falling property values,racial conflict, creeping slums? Is itceasing to be a place where you wantto bring up your children? Do youreally want to do something, about it?Here is the way to do it. Here arethe principles which promise you thehighest probability of success.Spectacular results such as HydePark don't "just happen" even withall the good will and hard work in theworld. They have to be thought out;the good will must be engineered. Wecan't build a highway bridge with goodwill and muscle alone; we must havescience. Hyde Park illustrates the youngscience of human relations applied toa problem tougher than any highwaybridge.Stuart ChaseJ\eader£ (juidePLANNING AND HOUSINGThe following titles are a suggestiverather than an exhaustive list of current books in the planning, housing,and redevelopment field. Instead, emphasis has been placed on the timeliness of subject matter, and the significance of content with respect tomodern practices.LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AND ENFORCEMENT OF HOUSINGCODES. By Gilbert R. Barnhart,Division of Housing Research, Housing and Home Finance Agency, incollaboration with The AmericanSociety of Building Officials. Government Printing Office, 1953. 40 cents.THE ROAD BACK. A reprint of aseries of articles from The Chicago. Daily News exposing slum conditionsin Chicago. Metropolitan Housingand Planning Council, 69 W. Washington, Chicago. 50c, 3 for $1.00.24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERENEWING OUR CITIES. By MilesL. Colean. The Twentieth CenturyFund, 300 W. 42nd Street, N. Y. 1953.$2.50.A plea for a positive and over-allprogram for the renewal of cities.HOUSING DESIGN. Central Mortgage and Housing Corp., Ottawa,Canada. 1952-53.Concerned with housing design asa problem of the many facets of community organization. Well illustrated.CONSERVATION. MetropolitanHousing and Planning Council, 1953.$15.00.Staff report of a special study sponsored by M.H.P.C. The most comprehensive yet prepared dealing with thissubject, the report embodies an analysis of the blighting factors contributing to community disintegration,with possible solutions and proposalsfor a forceful conservation program.Survey includes an analysis of themain legal, social and economic problem areas affecting conservation, aswell as an examination and evalua tion of the official and non- officialagencies concerned with conservation,and field surveys of major conservation activities in other cities. Solutions are presented in two conservation test projects, one in a pilot areawithin Chicago, and one in a medium-sized city. Various financial techniques, governmental powers andcommunity participation for a conservation program are suggested.URBAN TRAFFIC. A FUNCTIONOF LAND USE. By Robert B. Mitchell and Chester Rapkin. ColumbiaUniversity Press, 1954. $5.00.One of a series of research monographs of the Institute for Urban LandUse and Housing Studies. This studyasks many more questions than itanswers, but they are questions thatshould have been asked long ago.Explores, advances hypotheses, andsuggests further research in suchmatters as site -efficiency, linkage factors, assembly areas, traffic generation, etc. Points out inadequacy ofcurrent survey methods and suggestsfurther study in the manner of "oper ations research." Required reading foranyone interested in having more thana superficial understanding of urbancirculation.THE PRESIDENT'S ADVISORYCOMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTHOUSING POLICIES AND PROGRAMS. A report to the President ofthe United States. Government Printing Office, 1953. $1.00.The President's Committee has submitted a forward looking programbased on five points a vigorous attack on slums and a broad effort toprevent the spread of slums; theeffective maintenance and utilizationof existing houses; a steady increasein the volume of building of newhouses; special assistance for low-income families; reorganization of thehousing agency for greater efficiency.The committee recommends creation of an Urban Renewal Administration to provide technical and professional assistance to communities.It also urges that federal funds beOCTOBER, 1954 25made available to help small communities and to stimulate planning andaction on a metropolitan area basis,the grants to be on a matching basisto state or metropolitan area government planning agencies.AMERICAN URBAN COMMUNITIES. Wilbur C. Hallenbeck, professor of education, Teachers College,Columbia University . Harper &Brothers, 1951. $6.00.Deals with the physical form ofcities, social structure of cities, suburbanization and decentralization,metropolitan communities, problemsof housing and city planning.A PROSPECT OF CITIES. BeingStudies Toward A History of TownPlanning. Cecil Steward. Longmans,Green & Co., Inc., N. Y. $4.50.A fascinating history of plannedcities in Europe. Scholarly, but written for the layman. 02Archibald Hoyne, MD '04, this summerread a paper he had prepared for members attending a symposium on acuteand infectious diseases conducted by TheRegina and District Medical Societyat Regina, Saskatchewan. The title ofDr. Hoyne's address was "Diagnosis andTreatment of Meningitis in Children."Mabel Whiteside, AM '15, PhD '32,Professor of Greek at Randolph -MaconWoman's College, Ashland, Va., was featured in the May 17th issue of Newsweek.Under her direction Randolph-Macongirls, 98 of them, presented the College's41st Greek play the rare production foran American College of the three dramas"Alcestis." Miss Whiteside took her doctorate under the late Professor Shorey. 09 For those who were not luckyenough to attend our now famousforty-fifth reunion, the picture inTower Topics is full proof of itssuccess, due in part to the surprise visit of Chancellor Kimpton.It gave us renewed enthusiasm forour great University.News came to us at that timethat Eleanor Hall Wilson of EauClaire, Wisconsin, received a special tribute at the closing sessionof the Wisconsin Federation ofWomen's Clubs for her work ashead of the department of Gerontology which she started threeyears ago. Illness prevented herfrom coming.The class voted to send a 1909citation to our beloved ValentinaDenton Bachrach, in appreciationof her noble example of patientand uncomplaining suffering thelast ten years. She is still bedridden with arthritis, but alwayswrites a letter on the eve of reunion.Willowdean Chatterson Handyin Honolulu wrote: "I am bothlibrarian of the Hawaiian Historical Society and the internationalprogram chairman of the Pan-Pacific Women's Association."Renslow Sherer is vice chairman(volunteer) of the Chicago educational television campaign committee, (Channel 11), of whichEdward L. Ryerson is chairman.They expect to be on the air in1955 with headquarters of the station in the east wing of theMusuem of Science and Industry.He is still chairman of his owncompany, Sherer- Gillett of Marshall, Michigan, commercial refrigerator manufacturers.Our good friends, the Spencers,(Rosemary Quinn and Charles) arein Europe touring France, Switzerland, and Italy. They will returnOctober 22. Charles has been appointed class treasurer for hisservices at the reunion.Helen Jacoby Evard writes fromIndianapolis that she has justabout recovered from the concussion which kept her from attending the reunion. Her children areall happily married, and all threefamilies live in Indianapolis. Helenis busy rounding up for publication "The Descendants of Bartholomew Jacoby."Katherine SlaughtOF CHICAGO MAGAZINEaoit*»n°Husqvarna ^^ 5530 harperGifts Gourmet's Corner StationeryA wide selection of amusing and delightfully styled greeting cardsincluding our own CATO Cards. Discounts on all personalized Xmascard orders.World-FamousENAMELED CAST IRON WARIFor Fine Cooking and Smart Serving A Treasured Gift Choice of2 Beautiful Color Combinations*® Copen Blue on Off-White Background© Cinnamon Brown on Cream-Tellow BackgroundMany othei pieces available, including Fry Pans, $5.80-$7.80 Shirring Pans, $2.90-$5.00® Oval Roaster $9.30@ Covered Saucepan and Trivet $7.00PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTEDMUSEUM 4-1380JOHANN K. GARDNERCESAR J. ROTONDICovered Casserole$6.80Oval Omelet Dishes$3.50-$5.50Butter Pars $3.5026 THE UNIVERSEflO8^ *>****** * k1 'ft* .-' . «i -if*.ftiY^m^L.^ i ^^^feaiaE ^i-^Lr-' Jul I w <.'<VE*3H' JPT^jia-r lift 1 ***»^^**JSCitfjP^^^V SlWP3^**:^'^mB^Bg^OMC^^iM^^ 1*WssW%^^ yd2^«, assess ' $& . '^t^s' jg^R < JT * .^p* 8 *r«r-»..^,^ "^J^ f t^H ^" +Jjfr*^sT^"Jjk ' **i^ssssmi 1*uVChicago's Newest FrontierPictured here is the area of the new Hyde ParkRedevelopment Project with models of the proposedconstruction shown in white.As a city grows and ages, certain areas becomeafflicted. This enormous new project will make agreat contribution toward cutting away the blight ofa teeming, shifting city. This is neighborhood rehabilitation, a remarkable program and a matter of greatimportance to all Chicagoans.When Baird & Warner opened the doors of its real estate firm in 1855, the area shown here was prairie.Chicago was a frontier, with Indians and traders,trappers and surveyors thick along the paths of abustling new community. In its first 100 years, Baird& Warner has seen Chicago grow magnificently. Inturn, Chicago has seen similar growth in Baird &Warner.From its office in the heart of the Hyde Park Project,Baird & Warner will begin its second century pioneering in neighborhood rehabilitation Chicago's newestfrontier.BAIRD & WARNER, INC.215 N. DEARBORN STREETCEntral 6-1855 5500 S. HARPER AVENUEBUtterfield 8-1855OCTOBER, 1954 2718-ARTHUR A. BAER, and his wife,Alice, returned from an extendedtrip through Central Europe lastspring to find himself elected president of the Chicago District ofthe Illinois Bankers Association.JMoffettArthur is president of the BeverlyState Savings Bank, not to mention being owner of Baer's Department Store around the corner fromthe bank.Arthur has headed up many aworthy civic organization in thepast so effectively, in fact, thatthe Association, in 1945, cited himas one of its worthy citizens.The University and Associationhave shared in these services.Arthur Baer has been presidentof the Association, chairman of theAlumni Foundation Board, and hasalways been a key man in theactivities of Owl and Serpent, andthe annual reunions of his Classof 1918.12Arnold R. Baar, JD '14, is a judge inthe Tax Court of the United States,which sits in Washington. A specialistin federal taxation, Baar was appointedlast winter by President Eisenhower tofill the unexpired term of Samuel Hill.A. Boyd Pixley writes from La Jolla,Calif: "Some neighbors of mine told meabout a very nice couple living in Coronado whom they wanted us to meet.When we were finally introduced, imagine my surprise to find that the man wasRobert Baird, of my class at Chicago. Ihad not seen Bob .for many years so youcan be sure that we got in a corner fora good visit."Samuel Schwartz, AM '13, writes thathe is still serving in the "temporary"position he took when he graduated fromthe University. This fall he celebratesforty years of service with Chicago SinaiTemple, as founder and director of theworld renowned Sinai Temple Forum.15This happened in May, after our lastissue had gone to press. But this fishstory is news for years after it happened.Highland Park neighbors, George S.Lyman and Charles F. Grimes, '16,JD '19, while fishing off Fort Lauderdale,landed a five-foot, fifty-pound (official)Sun LifeAssuranceof Canada1 North La Salle St.Chicago 2, IllinoisRALPH J. WOOD, Jr., '48FR 2-2390 GA 2-5273For DependableInsurance CounselingBusiness InsuranceEstate PlanningLife InsuranceAnnuities dolphin which, in turn, had landed afifteen-inch bonito in its stomach. Thisis to warn you to avoid these two gentlemen for a few years until this storywears down to size.Helen Tredway Graham, PhD, has beenappointed Professor of Pharmacology atWashington University in St. Louis.19From Orlin Frank, SM '23, comes thischeery note: "We are well and Californiais treating us swell. Spent the summerin Washington State watching the fruitdevelop and helping to devour same atasty, fruitful experience. Home in October, and then to Florida for the winter.Except for some speaking engagements,I am a 'play-write' we play with Mrs.Charles H. Judd, Dr. Coles and otherfriends, and write letters."Mervin J. Kelly, PhD, president ofBell Telephone Laboratories and one ofthe nation's most distinguished leadersin industrial research, was awarded theIndustrial Research Institute's 1954 Medalfor "distinguished leadership in industrial research. . ."Harriet Robbins Moses, SM, of Salina,Kansas, has been elected State Treasurerof P.E.O. and a member of the KansasTerritorial Centennial Committee.John W. Taylor, PhD, of Bethesda,Maryland, has been re-elected to theboard of directors of The Bureau ofNational Affairs, Inc., with headquartersin Washington. He has been on the boardsince 1947.20Foster Guyer, PhD, Professor of Frenchat Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., haswritten a book entitled CHRETIEN DETROYES.Buel and Katharine Hutchinson areliving in semi-retirement on a_, ranchat Patagonia, Arizona. Buel writes thattheir two daughters are married, withone now living in Beirut, Lebanon. Theirson planned to enter Stanford LawSchool this Fall.Dean Alvin Pack, PhD, of LaGrange,111., retired September 5, after manyyears as chemist for the Meat IndustrySuppliers, Inc., Chicago.John R. Sampey, SM '21, PhD '23,Professor of Chemistry at Furman University in Greenville, S.C., was awardedthe 1954 Herty Medal for his contributions to chemistry in the South. Dr. Sampey was chosen for this honor by theGeorgia Section of the American Chemical Society.21Claude Wilson Sankey, AM, is celebrating his eighteenth year as Superintendent of Schools for Wright County,Clarion, Iowa.Dr. H. Ivan Sippy, MD '30, has beenappointed chief of staff of the WesleyMemorial Hospital, Chicago. Franklin Vestal, SM, of Oxford, haspublished nine bulletins on geology inMississippi. He has been a staff memberof the Mississippi State Geological Survey since 1938.Bessie B. Bell, AM, has returned froman extensive tour of European countries.A resident of Glenville, W. V., Miss Bellspent nearly two months abroad.22Alice Bloedel Simpelaar, Racine, Wis.,housewife and mother of two sets oftwins, reports that her children are now"on their own." One is a nuclear physicist, another a YWCA teen-age director,and the other two daughters, employeesof the Johnson Wax Co.Frank Fenner is photograph editor ofField Enterprises, Inc., Merchandise Mart,Chicago.28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECLEO F. CRAIGPresident of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.Started as an equipment man inSt. Louis in 1913 at 115 a week. ALLERTON F. BROOKSPresident of The Southern NewEngland Telephone Co. Startedas engineer's assistant in NewHaven in 1911 at $12 a week. EDWIN M. CLARKPresident of the SouthwesternBell Telephone Company.Started as an installer in NewYork in 1923 at $30 a week. SANFORD B. COUSINSPresident of the NorthwesternBell Telephone Co. Started asa traffic student in New York in1920 at $30 a week. WILFRED D. GILLENPresident of The Bell TelephoneCo. of Pennsylvania. Started asa clerk in Philadelphia in 1923at $27 a week.JOHN A. GREENEPresident of The Ohio Bell Telephone Company. Started as acontract clerk in Chicago in 1914at $50 a month. HARRY S. HANNAPresident of the Indiana BellTelephone Company. Startedas an engineer in Cleveland in1922 at $57 a week. JOE E. HARRELLPresident of the New EnglandTelephone and Telegraph Co.Started as a clerk in Atlanta in1913 at $14 a week. WILLIAM A. HUGHESPresident of the New JerseyBell Telephone Co. Started asa groundman in Kansas City,Mo., in 1917 at $60 a month. WILLIAM V. KAHLERPresident of the Illinois BellTelephone Co. Started as anengineering assistant in NewYork in 1922 at $25 a week.FREDERICK R. KAPPELPresident of the Western Electric Company. Started as agroundman in Minneapolis in1924 at $25 a week. Up from the RanksThese are the presidents of the companies in the BellSystem. They all started in the ranks.Seventeen years ago the Bell System first publishedan advertisement like this. But there is a big differencetoday. Every one of the faces is new.All of these presidents, like those before them, have hadwide telephone experience an average of 34 years in theBell System and 18 years in upper management positions.The Bell System is an up-f rom-the-ranks business and itaims to keep the opportunity for advancement open to all.This has been true of the telephone business for manyyears and it is nowhere better illustrated than in thecareers of the men who serve as presidents of Bell Systemcompanies. WALTER K. KOCHPresident of Mountain StatesTelephone & Telegraph Co.Started as traffic student in Denver in 1923 at $100 a month.DR. MERVIN J. KELLYPresident of the Bell TelephoneLaboratories. Started as a physicist in New York in 1918 at$40 a week. BELL TELEPHONE KEITH S. McHUGHPresident of the New York Telephone Company. Started as aclerk in New York in 1919 at$35 a week.JAMES B. MORRISONPresident of Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Cos. Startedas engineering assistant in Washington in 1925 at $27 a week. CLIFTON W. PHALENPresident of the Michigan BellTelephone Company. Startedas a lineman in Syracuse in1928 at $30 a week. MARK R. SULLIVANPresident of The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company.Started as a clerk in San Francisco in 1912 at $50 a month. FRED J. TURNERPresident of the Southern BellTelephone and Telegraph Co.Started as a clerk in Atlanta in1907 at $18 a month. CHARLES E. WAMPLERPresident of the Wisconsin Telephone Company. Started as atraffic student in Chicago in 1929at $130 a month.OCTOBER, 1954 29Ruth Witter Riekman, her husband,Herman, and Mr. and Mrs. R.O. Friend(Mata Roman), took an extensive tourof Europe and a cruise around SouthAfrica. "After visiting most of the countries West of the Iron Curtain . . . wereturned to the West Coast via the CanalZone."23Hugh C. Graham, a practicing physician in Tulsa, Okla., since 1926, wasappointed president of the Tulsa City-County Board of Health. He served asthe Board's president from 1944 to 1947.In 1938 he was made president of theTulsa Board of Education, having actively served the organization as a member of the board for five years.Bert I. Hindmarsh, a native Chicagoan,was named president of Westcott, Hind-marsh, Inc., floor coverings distributor.He has been with the firm for ten years.Judge B. Fain Tucker, JD, of the Circuit Court is Chicagoland's 1954 "Womanof Distinction," a title bestowed annuallyby the Women's Advertising Club ofChicago. The award is made to a womanof the Chicago area who has achieved ahigh place in her profession and contrib uted to its improvement. Judge Tuckerwho was elected to the bench last November, is the first Circuit Court womanjudge in more than twenty years.Hester Weber Isermann has been living in Cincinnati since World War II.In addition to being a very busy housewife she is actively working for the localRepublican Party Club.24Alfred E. Nord is executive directorof the Montgomery Neighborhood Centerin Rochester, N.Y., and president of theAmerican Association of Group Workers.William B. Philip, AM '26, PhD '40, isnow Professor Emeritus in History afterteaching twenty-five years at BradleyUniversity. In 1950 he was awarded theOrder of Merit by the Lambda Chi Alphafraternity for his twenty years of serviceas advisor for the Bradley chapter.Although retired from active teaching,Dr. Philip is now serving as vice-president of the Peoria Historical Society.Warren L. Sexton, from Fort Wayne,Indiana, writes that his son, Charles, hasfinished his third year of residence atChicago.Mary Swift Rogers of Lakewood, Ohio,returned from a vacation trip to Floridato find that the house in which she hadlived for twenty-eight years had beensold. She is now happily situated in hernew apartment at 1450 Winton Avenue.Five pieces of her pottery (long one ofher favorite hobbies) were shown in theMay Show at the Cleveland Art Museum.Cynthia J. Townsend, AM, had a "delightful" trip to Europe in the summerof '53, as a gift from the alumni of theGirard High School, in Girard, Kansas.This gift was one way for them to saya huge "thank-you" for the years ofdevoted service Miss Townsend has givenas a teacher and principal of the school.25William S. Donoho, AM, a member ofthe Texas State College for Womenfaculty for thirty-nine years, retiredfrom teaching June 1. Professor Donohois credited with having never missed aclass except for a four week period whenhe underwent an operation. In additionto his faculty duties he also served formore than thirty years as a teacher inthe First Baptist Church of Denton.Elizabeth H. Noble is now teachingLatin at the James Riley High School inSouth Bend, Ind., with a colleague classmate, Helen Steinhauser Brokaw, AM '51,who is teaching German, Spanish andLatin.Walt Stewart, AM, PhD '28, of Albany,New York, is completing work on a biography of Minor C. Keith. During theFall of 1953, assisted by a grant-in-aidfrom the Social Science Research Council, Stewart did on-the-spot researchwork in Guatemala and Costa Rica.Herbert Tonne, Professor of Educationat New York University, was honoredfor his twenty-five years of service at the University during the School ofEducation's spring conference. He received an inscribed plaque commendinghis services to the field of education. Heis a specialist in business education, andthe author of two texts in his field.26John W. Coulter, PhD, Professor ofGeography at the University of Cincinnati, this summer conducted an intensivestudy of population problems on tiny,overpopulated Pinglap in the easternCaroline Islands of the Pacific. The studywill serve as a pilot guide to help solvethe problems of other overpopulatedPacific Islands.Nellie Hart Crandall of Laguna Beach,California, celebrated her eighty-fifthbirthday by flying to Minneapolis, Minn.,for the fiftieth anniversary of the TrinityBaptist Church. Mrs. Crandall's husband,Lathan, served for sixteen years, andwas its first minister. From Minneapolisshe then flew to Elkhart, Ind., to visitthe home of her son, Dr. Lathan A.Crandall, Jr., '25, who is director of themedical research center at Miles Laboratories.Dr. Frank Elwood Newlove, MD '31,reports that he is engaged to Mrs. Dorothea F. Buchholtz of Syracuse, N.Y.Dr. Newlove is on the staff of the MentalHygiene Clinic of the Veterans Administration in Buffalo, N.Y.Chief Justice Walter V. Schaefer, JD'28, of the Illinois Supreme Court, wasconferred an honorary doctor of lettersand laws degree at Lake Forest Collegelast June.Vera Lou Smith, within a week's time,was presented a twenty-five year pin,twenty-five red roses, an orchid corsage,and a lovely watch by officials of FieldEnterprises Inc., Chicago, where she hasserved in their Childcraft and WorldBook Sales Department for a quarterof a century. In addition she was electeda member of the nationally prominentNational Secretaries Association thefirst employee of Field Enterprises to beso honored.Guy Vowles, PhD, retired last year asProfessor of German at Davidson (N.C.)College.27J. M. Findley Brown, AM, is servingthis year as Lieutenant Governor of theSusquehanna Division of the KiwanisInternational, New York district.Oliver W. Cass, SM, assistant laboratory manager of the electronical department of E. I. duPont de Nemours & Niagara Falls, is the 1954 winner ofthe Jacob F. Schoellkopf Medal. Theaward was given in recognition of Dr.Cass' broad contributions to chlorinatedhydrocarbons technology.Mabelle C. Dame, PhD, spent the summer touring Europe. Her home is inNew Hampshire.WHITELY ESTATESCORPORATIONWE PURCHASEHEIRSHIPS ORPARTIAL INTERESTSIN REAL ESTATE134 N. LA SALLE STREETCHICAGO, ILLINOISDEarborn 2-4420UniversityNational Bank1354 East 55th Street" j4 &&to*ty> 6&Pt6"MemberFederal Deposit InsuranceCorporation30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELOOKING AHEAD WITH GENERAL ELECTRICIn the next ten years,there will be more progressin the electrical industrythan in all the 75 yearssince Edison invented his lampTi HREE quarters of a century after thebeginning of the Age of Light, you mightthink that the Age of Opportunity inelectricity had pretty well ended.Exactly the opposite is true.So many promising new ideas are nowbeing developed that at General Electricwe expect to produce more in the next tenyears than in all the previous 75 years ofour existence. Electronics, home appliances, the development of peacetime usesfor atomic energy these are only some ofthe fields where great progress will bemade.Perhaps you will, in some way, contribute to this progress. We know, whatever your profession or your walk of life,that you will share in it.Tfogress k Our Most Important ftocfuctGENERAL® ELECTRICOCTOBER, 1954 317BROOKS BROTHERS' OWN MAKEREADY-MADE CLOTHINGits distinctiveness is apparent at a glanceThis season, as in every one since 1818, thestyling, quality and good taste of Brooks Brothersown make ready-made suits, sport jackets, topcoats and other clothing are recognized at aglance. That is because we carefully control everystep in the making from the choice of fine materials (many exclusive with us) to the finalhand-detailing. We invite you to see our Fallselections, which we consider the most interesting we have ever offered.Our Own Make Ready-Made Suits, jrom $95Sport Jackets, $75 to $85 Topcoats, jrom $105ESTABLISHED 1818lien's furnishings, ffate $r$hoe*346 MADISON AVENUE, COR. 44TH ST., NEW YORK 17, N. Y.BOSTON CHICAGO LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO David K. Davis, PhD, has been appointed chairman of the mathematicsdepartment at Montclair State TeachersCollege (New Jersey) effective this fall.He has been on the faculty since 1931.Immediately following World War II, heserved as Professor of Mathematics atThe Shrivenham American University inEngland.Alice McKim Walker, formerly on thefaculty of Aurora College in Illinois, hasbeen appointed an associate professor ofeconomics at Monmouth College, Illinois.28Helen Cunningham, AM, reports thatshe is still teaching at Waukegan Township High School. In the summer of '53she flew around the world. One monthwas spent in India with a friend who isteaching at Allahabad Agricultural Institute under the Point 4 Program.THE MAGIC FLYING CARPET, achildren's story by Mary HoloubekZimmerman, was published in April bythe Story Creators Press of New York.Roman Hruska, congressman fromNebraska, is finishing his first term inCongress this year. He is a member ofthe appropriations committee.Charles T. Leavitt, AM, PhD '31, is anassociate professor of American Historyat Iowa State Teachers College.Junia Esther McAlister, SM, is anassociate professor of chemistry atArizona State College in Flagstaff.29-Talk can still be heard fourmonths after June Day about thegrand turn out for the Class of'29 dinner held on campus at theQuadrangle Club. General Chairman Stuart Bradley, JD '30, reports that 110 members of the classattended the June 4 cocktail-dinner party. Assisting Mr. Bradleywas an effective committee ofseventeen headed by Mrs. JosephDavis, Mrs. George Fleming, andMrs. S. J. Miller.George J. Buchy was elected first vice-president of the Wittenberg CollegeAlumni Association, Ohio.Rev. Martin L. Dolbeer, AM, has takenup pastoral work in Marion, Ohio, afterhaving served for thirty-two years inthe mission field for the United LutheranChurch in India. During his last termof service, 1946-1953, Dr. Dolbeer wasin charge of religious education for theAndhra Evangelical Lutheran Church.Stanley A. Ferguson, superintendentof University Hospital in Cleveland, reports the birth of a son, Andrew RobertFerguson, on May 12, 1954. The Ferguson's are now living in Shaker Heights.Paul L. Hollister, SM, writes that heand his wife are now grandparents. Hisson, Thomas, a resident of New York,"is the one responsible for this changeof status," he reports.M. Dorrise Howe, PhD, of New Hartford New York, is an associate professorof botany at Syracuse University.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE30Irwin N. Cohen has been on the staffof the United States attorney for theNorthern District of Illinois, serving inthe criminal division. Last January hewas elected to serve as U.S. attorney tofill the vacancy created by the resignation of Otto Kerner, Jr. He served inthat post until March 19 when hissuccessor, Robert Tieken, '32, was inducted. Cohen is presently serving asfirst assistant U.S. attorney, at the request of Mr. Tieken. The Cohens havetwo sons, Michael, 14, and David, 12.Florence Marguerite Meyer, AM, isan associate professor of English atColorado State College of Education.Frank John Morris, AM '33, of ChevyChase, Md., is clinic manager for theGroup Health Association, headquarteredin Washington, D.C.Marjorie Tolman, AM '31, last Mayvisited Nancy Weeks Hosack, AM '31,and her husband, Robert, AM '34, whois head of the department of politicalscience at the University of Idaho. TheHosack's now have three children, twogirls and a boy.31James M. Hutchison of Los Angeles,California, is now teaching English andmathematics at Carver Junior HighSchool.Richard O. Lang, AM '32, PhD '36, isbusiness research manager and aneconomist for S. C. Johnson & Sons,Inc., of Racine, Wis.George Thomas Oborn, PhD, formerAssociate Professor of History and Chairman of the Department of History atIllinois Wesleyan University, is nowvice-president and director of publicrelations.Morgan S. Odell, PhD, is commencinghis thirteenth year as president of Lewis& Clark College in Portland, Ore.John Stevenson writes from Manitowoc, Wis.: "I am now in my twenty-second year as teacher of creative writingand German at Lincoln Senior HighSchool. My tennis team at presentenjoys a seven-year, forty-three-meetwinning record in the Fox River ValleyConference, including six titles and the1951 Wisconsin State Championship."Arthur J. Vorwald, PhD, MD '32, hasbeen appointed to the faculty of theCollege of Medicine at Wayne University,as Professor of Industrial Medicine.32Bernard, PhD '40, and Fawn McKayBrodie, AM '36, now have three children:two sons and a daughter. Dr. Brodie,who was formerly associate professorand director of Graduate Studies inInternational Relations at Yale University, is now a senior staff member ofthe RAND Corp. of Santa Monica, Calif.,a non-profit research organization closelyassociated with the U.S. Air Force. His talented wife has published a biographyof Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet,titled NO MAN KNOWS MY HISTORY,and is now writing a second book onthe life of Thaddeus Stevens.Corinne M. Fitzpatrick, who has beenon the chemistry staff of StanfordUniversity for nearly two years, writesof visits with four other alumni: DonaldBean, '17; Ben Draper, '39; Bill Clark,'46; and Kate Cutter, a former secretaryof International House. Kate is nowmarried to Paul Oppermann, director ofSan Francisco's City Planning Commission.MacHenry G. Schafer, AM '34, wasnamed director of personnel for theU.S. Department of Agriculture effectiveJune 1. Mr. Schafer formerly was associated with the Northern Trust Co.,of Chicago for over twenty years. Hiswife, the former Gertrude Herriek, received her master's degree in socialservice administration from Chicago.They have three children: Carl, 18;Margaret, 16, and Ruth, 13.Charles E. Weir, a member of the staffof the National Bureau of Standards, hasbeen awarded the Department of Commerce Silver Medal for meritoriousservice. The award was made for "veryvaluable contributions to the scienceof polymeric substances when they aresubject to very high pressures."33Jane M. Allison has moved fromChicago to Menlo, Calif.Ernest L. Harrold, AM, DB '34, wasappointed pastor of the Franklin CircleChristian Church in Cleveland last May.Dorothy Kurgans Goldberg met an oldfriend and former teacher, Dr. JohnShapley, while attending the Earle Ludgin Lecture last Spring at the CorcoranGallery of Art in Washington, D.C, andreminiscently writes: "I am now reminded of my indebtedness to others aswell: Dr. Edward Rothschild (Gothicand Modern Art), Dr. Alexander Sushks(Slavic and Prehistoric Art), William G.Whitford, Professor Emeritus Art Education at Chicago, and Miss Laura VanPappelendam, Instructor Emeritus, Department of Art at Chicago, whose inspiring teaching went much beyond thecall of duty . . ."John Dexter Montgomery, DB, is director of Adult Work and ChristianFamily Life of the United ChristianMissionary Society of the Disciples ofChrist.Alice Mooradian is a busy beaver inNiagara Falls. She is very active in theY.W.C.A. there, serving as first vice-president and chairman of public relations. She is on the board of directorsof the League of Women Voters andactive in USO and church work. Shealso finds time to serve as secretary ofthe Association of Professional WomenWriters and of the Niagara InternationalArts Association, and tops it all off asa part-time social worker for theTravelers Aid Society. POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven Typewriting MimeographingMultigraphing AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones: 219 W. Chicago AvenueMl 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisTheHOTEL SHERRY53rd and the Lake FAirfax 4-1000BANQUETS DANCESOur Specialtyalumni are alwayswelcome at theHotel Del PradoFifty-Third Street andHyde Park BoulevardHYde Park 3-9600MIRA-MAR HOTEL350 Rooms BathCoffee Shop, Valet, etc.Lovely Accommodationsfrom $4 to $66220 Woodlawn Avenue"Just three blocks from campus"PLaza 2-1100HAROLD BISHOP, Manager5487 LAKE PARK AVE.CHICAGO, ILLINOIS^Jor -KeservatLons C*all:BUtterfield 8-4960OCTOBER, 1954 33LOWER YOUR COSTSIMPROVED METHODSEMPLOYEE TRAININGWAGE INCENTIVESJOB EVALUATIONPERSONNEL PROCEDURESROBERT B. SHAPIRO, '33, FOUNDERRAND McNALLY & COMPANYConkey DivisionBook and CatalogPrinters and BindersCHICAGO HAMMOND NEW YORKRESULTS . . .depend on getting the details RIGHTPRINTINGImprinting-Processed Letters - TypewritingAddressing - Adressographing -FoldingMailing - Copy Preparation - MultilithA Complete Service for Direct AdvertisersChicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn - Chicago 5 - WA 2-4561PHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET-LITHOGRAPHYFine Color Work a SpecialtyQualify Book Reproduction731 Plymouth CourtW Abash 2-8182Webb-Linn Printing Co*Catalogs, PublicationsAdvertising Literature?Printers of the Universityof Chicago MagazineA. L. Weber, J.D. '09 L. S. Berlin, B.A. '09A. J. Falick, M.B.A. '51MOnroe 6-2900 34-Mrs. Keith Parsons, AM '38, andVincent Newman, co-chairman forthe 20th Reunion of the Class of'34, shared honors with HerbertPortes, JD '36, Allan Marin, and ahard working committee of seventeen, for the marked success ofthe meeting held June 4th at theDel Prado Hotel. Seventy-five attended the cocktail-dinner party.A sum of $128 was raised at thedinner and immediately turnedover to the University as a giftfrom members of the Class of '34for use as a Student Loan Fund. 36Ruth Camp Moore, SM '35, husband,Dudley, and their six-year-old son,Philip, visited Europe last May.Carolyn R. Just had a two-months'trip in South America last spring. Shevisited eight countries and attended theInter-American Bar Association meetingin Sao Paulo. She served as reportergeneral of the conference, and was reelected as a member of its Council. Sheis in the Appellate Section of the TaxDivision of the Department of Justice.Vera Ford Powell, AM, is speechtherapist for the Visiting Nurses Association of Philadelphia.Gilbert Kelly Robinson, PhD, is Professor of Social Sciences at HarrisTeachers College, St. Louis.Jane Weinreb Stock of Tucson, Arizona, writes us news of her doingssince graduation. Says she: "I got married a few days after graduation toanother U. of C. student. We lived inAlaska close to three years, then returned . . . came the war . . . then twochildren (boys), and most recently ayear's trailer trip . . . now settled inTucson."35Sidney Hyman, AM '38, was guest atThe Washington Post Book and Authorluncheon held in the nation's capital.He is the author of THE AMERICANPRESIDENT published in February.Senator Paul Douglas, in reviewing thebook for the New York, said itwas a "thoughtful and brilliantly writtenbook" that is a "notable contributionto American political thought."Katherine Maclntyre is celebrating herfifteenth year as director of Hammond(Indiana) school cafeterias. "Still lovethe work, but should like to ease off abit," she says.William Norby was elected a vice-president of the Harris Trust & SavingsBank last year. He also taught a lectureseries at the Downtown College on personal investment programs.In March Ronald Oakman was appointed executive secretary of the FoxValley Manufacturer's Association. Harold Hastings Shivery, JD, is beginning his seventh year as chairman ofthe School of Business at Hillyer College,West Hartford, Conn.Emily Eckhouse Waldman, Chicagohousewife and mother of three livelyyoungsters: Bill, 10, Bobby, 7 and Babs,2%, still finds time to devote many hoursto extra-curricular work. She is a member of the PTA, both at Kenwood Schooland the Southeast Council, and forHyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference public schools committee.38Betty Booth Rosenwald is a Bostonhomemaker with two children. A son,Malcolm Booth, was a year old lastApril and Martha is now three.Spencer E. Irons of Flossmoor, 111., wasmarried to Betty Chestnut in ThomdikeHilton Chapel last January.39-Sixty members attended the 15thReunion of the Class of '39, heldJune 5 in the Pagoda Room of theSherry Hotel. A committee ofeleven made all the arrangementsfor the cocktail party. Highlightof the Class' reunion efforts wasthe raising of $263 as an initialgift from the '39ers to the ClassStudent Loan Fund.Ruth Baker, AM, is a civics teacher atFenger High School, in Chicago.Frances M. Hanson, SM '41, has beenappointed Assistant Professor of Geography at Wilson Teachers College.Fern Verona Kruse, AM, is supervisorof the Department of Municipal Recreation and Adult Education for the Milwaukee Public Schools.Dr. William Lewis of Madison, Wisconsin, writes that he and his wife,Katherine Simonds Lewis are "runnersup" after Alfred de Grazias, PhD '48,(see April issue, P. 28) in number ofoffspring among Class of 39'ers. "Wehave five sons. I think they'd be amatch in vitality and bumptiousness toany six or seven others."J. Lambert Molyneaux is an associateprofessor of sociology at the Universityof Virginia.Jeanne Tobin Kuch is director ofreligious education at the First UnitarianChurch, Chicago.40John Culp was promoted to the rankof commander in the Navy, but for avariety of reasons decided to resign hiscommission, and as of last June returned from his overseas assignmentand is now Mr. John Culp.34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEsther Howard, AM, celebrated herfirst wedding anniversary in August.Her husband, Romuald Kraus, is thesculptor in residence at the Universityof Louisville and an associate professorin the art department.Robert (MD '40) and Virginia Johnson('39) Joranson are residents of CouncilBluffs, Iowa, where Robert is a specialistin internal medicine and also associatein internal medicine at the University ofNebraska Medical School in Omaha.Their adopted son, Eric, was a year oldlast June 25.-41-DR. LYLE B. BORST, PhD,atomic physicist and designer ofan atomic locomotive, has beenappointed chairman of the department of physics at New YorkUniversity's College of Engineering.N.Y.U.Dr. Borst, who has been on thefaculty of the University of Utahsince 1951, is an authority in thefields of neutron physics, nuclearreactor design and development,infra-red spectroscopy, and general nuclear physics. He was chairman of the department of ReactorScience and Engineering at Brookhaven National Laboratory and amember of the faculty of Massachusetts Institute of Technologyfrom 1946 to 1951.During World War II, Dr. Borstserved as a research associate inthe famous Metallurgic Laboratoryat the University, where early experiments toward development ofthe first atomic bomb were conducted.Arthur C. Connor, MD '43, has enteredprivate practice in Chicago, specializingin orthopedic surgery.Louise Viehoff Molkup of Chicagowrites that her husband, Joseph, '41, isin Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, helping with some studies for the Ministries of Commerce, Labor, and Education. "Joe flewjet BO AC from Rome to Cairo . . . andwas thrilled with the service which hedescribes as a 'masterpiece of Britishengineering.' I pass the time until hisreturn teaching English to the childrenof newly arrived Puerto Ricans and displaced persons."42Theodore Fields is assistant directorand physicist for Radioisotope Laboratory, VA Hospital, Hines, 111. He haswritten one book on radioisotope techniques, and is preparing a second. Heand his wife, the former Audrey Enger-man, '45, have three sons. Ted writes,"I've also managed to obtain an MSin physics between changing diapers onmy three boys: Brad, Scott, and Gary."Seven graduate students of the University's famed Chemistry Departmentare now working for the research department of the Standard Oil Companyof Indiana. They are: Herbert N. Friedlander, SM, PhD '47; Robert A. Mosher,SM '48, PhD '50; Walter W. Butcher, SM'49, PhD '53; Charles R. Greene, SM '50,PhD '52; James R. Eiszner, PhD '52;Omar O. Juneland, SM '51, PhD '53;Frank J. Piehl, PhD '52.Marjorie Jean Waldstein is secretary-treasurer of Sheldon Factors, Inc., inChicago.43Lt. Robert Frazier, MD '47, finished histour of duty in the Army in June. Hismost recent assignment was with theU.S. Army Dispensary in Frankfurt,Germany. He writes that he enjoyedthe work and the chance to spendeighteen months in Europe. He and hiswife, the former Ruthann Johnson, '49,have two sons: Stephen, nearing three,and Thomas, almost one.Allen Kellogg, PhD, Professor ofEnglish at Indiana Central College inIndianapolis, has been granted a leaveof absence to spend this year doingresearch in Elizabethan drama at theHuntington Library in San Marino, Calif.Theodore E. Ridley, MBA '46, is thefirst city manager of Rochelle, 111. Helikes his job and likes the town. Thereare two sons in the Ridley family: Gordon, 3, and Paul, 1.44John P. Madigan, JD '50, servedas general chairman for the 10thReunion of the Class of '44 heldSaturday, June 5, at the SherryHotel. Sixty alumni and guestsattended the group's first reunionand cocktail party. Robert Filler,JD '47, Mrs. Richard Philbrick,Mrs. Frank J. Wrobel, Mrs. J.Frederick Hoffman, Lois Carroll,Stella Wuerffel and Shirley Lowryhelped stage the get-together. Z)keLxcluilve Cleaner*We operate our own drycleaning plantTHREE HOUR SERVICE1331 East 57th St. 5319 Hyde Parle Blvd.Midway 3-0602 NOrmal 7-9858Office & Plant1442 East 57th Street Midway 3-0608BIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: WEntworth 6-5380DUNCAN STATIONERSPrinting and Office SuppliesRemington and Royal PortableTypewriters(We buy, sell, trade and repair)Sheaffer, Parker and Esterbrook PensWedding Invitations Our Specialty1313 E. 55th St. HY. 3-4111{Next door to post office)MODEL CAMERA SHOPLeica- Exacta - Bolex- Rollei -Ste reo1329 E. 55th St. HYde Park 3-9259"Neighborhood Servicewith Downtown Selection"furniturelamps fibre rugswrought iron accessoriestelevision radiosphonos appliancessporting goodsGuaranteed Repairs ofTV-Radio Record Changersand electrical appliancesWE RENT TELEVISION SETS935 E. 55th St. Ml 3-6700Julian A. Tishler '33OCTOBER, 1954Golden Dirilyte(formerly Dirigold)FLATWARE & HOLLOW WAREComplete sets and open stockFINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Royal Crown Derby, Spode andOther Famous Makes of Fine China. AlsoCrystal, Table Linen and Gifts.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDirigo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4, III.CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency70th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis Kansas City, Mo.Spokane New YorkSince 1885ALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best In placement service for University,College, Secondary and Elementary. Nationwide patronage. Call or write us at25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, III.LA TOURAINELa Touraine Coffee Co.209 MILWAUKEE AVE.CHICAGOOther PlantsBOSTON - NEW YORKPHILADELPHIA - SYRACUSECLEVELAND - DETROIT'Toil Might 4s Well Have The Best" 44Jeanne Crage Doyle, AM '52, has ababy son, Gregory, born last December16. Jeanne and her husband, RichardDoyle, JD '53, live in Park Forest.Richard is a bailiff in the court of JudgeRichard Austin.Robert C. Sorenson, AM '48, formerlya research analyst with Johns HopkinsUniversity, has joined the staff of RadioFree Europe. He is stationed in Munich,Germany, where he is conducting a studyof Radio Free Europe's audience. Hiswife and two children, Chris and Katherine, accompanied him to Germany.M. Carl Holman, AM, a St. Louisan,is working at Yale University on hismaster of fine arts degree. He is onthe staff of Clark College, Atlanta, Ga.,in the English department. Last winterhis play "The Fall Guy" was presentedover KSD-TV in St. Louis.Beatrice Oestreicher was married June7, 1953, to Alan Yoffey Naftalin, an attorney with the Federal CommunicationsCommission. Mrs. Naftalin has beendoing graduate work at Yale UniversityLaw School. The couple is making theirhome in Maryland.Carlyn Truax Manning is thoroughlyenjoying her home and social life in thePhilippine Islands. A resident of Manila,Mrs. Manning is president of the Association of American College Women,a member of the women's board at St.Lukes Hospital, the All Nations WomensGroup, the local SPCA, and the American Association of the Philippines. "Allthis combined with raising three weeones makes for a twenty-four hour day."Elinor Winslow Crocker, Jr., writesthat her husband, John, has finished histraining at the Episcopal TheologicalSchool at Cambridge, Mass., and is nowon the staff at Trinity Church in Boston.45June Martin is executive secretary- ofthe Kanawha County W. Va. Societyfor Crippled Children and Adults, Inc.Sholem Postel, MD, who is in theDepartment of Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, reports that heis "alive and happy. Three sons, nomoney."Donald A. Rowley, SM '50, MD '50,and wife Janet, SB '46, MD '48, reportthe birth of a second son, David Ballan-tyne, on March 14. Their eldest son,Donald, Jr., is now two.47Claire Hudesman, AM (Mrs. AlexanderBrody) has a year-old daughter, Jessica.Claire is working on her PhD in clinicalpsychology at New York Universitywhile on leave of absence from her jobas school psychologist with the Bureauof Child Guidance in New York City.Donald Kougtian, AM, is currently em ployed at the U.S. Naval Air Station,Brunswick, Maine, as a communicationspecialist.Gloria Schiller Beatty, '45 and WalcottBeatty, AM, PhD '52, announce the birthof their third daughter, Barbara Jan,now 7 months old.Eldon Wheeler, AM, is a teacher in theLincoln School, Park Ridge, 111.48Rona Green Nordstrom and husband,Richard, report the birth of their firstchild, Susan Linn, on March 20.Aynslee MacEwen Cameron, MBA, isnow living in Columbus, Ohio, at theScioto Country Club where her husbandis general manager. They have a daughter, Elizabeth Jane, who is now almosttwo years old.James F. Miilcahy had three importantevents occur in his life during 1953:1) a son, James F. Ill, was born June 18,2) In July the family moved to Chicagofrom Omaha, and 3) he was named assistant divisional sales manager for theMid- West for the William Carter Co.Patricia Murphy Kilpatrick writes fromSanta Ana, Calif., that her husband,Robert Kilpatrick, JD, is a Marine veteran as of April 1, and has joined thefirm of Roy Simpson and George Wise,both '48, in Long Beach to make itSimpson, Wise, and Kilpatrick.Sophronia Nickolaou has been with theD. C. Heath & Co., in their Chicago salesoffice for the last year and a half. Shehad a leave of absence for several monthswhich included a trip to Europe duringthe summer.Martin Nurmi, AM, reports that he received his PhD in English from theUniversity of Minnesota last March, andthat he has a Ford fellowship this year.Ronald Reifler, MBA, is research manager for Booz, Allen & Hamilton inChicago (management consultants). Hiswife, the former Helen Watson of Laredo,Texas, is an artist. She has her ownpottery studio and has lectured on pottery for the Renaissance Society, as wellas contributing to the Goodspeed Halland Art Institute exhibits.Dr. Martin Sturman is in his secondyear of residency in internal medicineat the VA hospital in Cleveland, Ohio.He adds, "Still single."News comes from Captain AlexanderUlrich, Jr., MBA '49 who is stationed inWiesbaden, Germany, that he was married last April to the former Lois Beck-nell. They honeymooned in Cannes, and"returned to Weisbaden and a brand new,modern apartment.49Capt. Charles Bacon, MD, writes, "Ourlittle family is living in Salzburg, Austria,where I am the surgeon at the 109thField Hospital. In May, my parents, theVinton Bacons, (Rush MD '22) visited us.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERichard Dinning, JD, is now assistantto the president of the Allegheny Airlines, Washington, D.C, National Airport.Jack Joseph, JD '52, is associated withthe Chicago law firm of Brown, Dashow& Ziedman.Donald J. Leiffer, AM, writes that forthe past two years he has been workingwith the education branch of the UnitedStates Indian Service (Navaho Reservation), and that he now plans to enterlaw school, returning to the reservationupon completion of his studies.R. W. Pugh, PhD, will soon completehis fifth year of service as staff clinicalpsychologist for the Veterans Hospitalat Hines, 111. He was married in Augustof 1953 to Harriet Rogers, a graduatestudent in Human Development. He hasresigned his position as lecturer in psychology at Roosevelt College in Chicagowhich he held for three years.R. Ruth Richards, PhD, is a teacher ofbiology in the Shortridge High School inIndianapolis.50Jeanne Bodine Bean is a Navy wifeand is seeing a lot of the U.S.A. thesedays. The Beans are currently in Philadelphia. They have a daughter, MaryFrances, who was two in June, and ason, Christopher Robin, who will be ayear old in November. Jeanne writes,"I'm a plain, ordinary housewife now,but maybe someday I'll write a bookabout 'this here Navy life.'" Until thenshe is spending some leisure time takinglessons in painting.Myrtle Chamberlain, AM '53 is an instructor in family life education at theFamily Health Association in Cleveland,Ohio.Virginia N. Graf is living in San Mateo,Calif., and is employed by McGraw-Hillpublishing company in San Francisco asan editorial assistant. "Love the workand am sold on living in sunny California."Herbert Hibnick is back at the University, working on his PhD in biochemistry.He added an MS degree in biochemistryfrom Purdue in June, 1953 and a wifein August of 1953.Charles Schneider has been assigned bySwift and Co., to the research laboratoryof the company's plant food division inCalumet City, 111. He had been a memberof the control laboratory staff at CalumetCity for three years before the transferto the research laboratory staff.51Professor Siegfried H. Horn, PhD, hasreturned to Washington, D.C, followingan extensive tour of the Near East.After having taught during the summeras guest professor at the Seminaire duSaleve at Collonges, France, Dr. Hornspent three months on a study tour ofEgypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, andCyprus.Ernest Michael, PhD, is an assistantprofessor of mathematics at the University of Washington. Lucille F. Vickers, AM, has been appointed assistant professor of libraryscience at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, S.D.John M. Scandalios, MBA '53 writes:"Am now an Ensign, U.S.N.R., battleshipWisconsin, went to Europe this summerWill be in the Navy until 1958. Stillsingle, but fighting *a losing battle toremain in this status."52James Compton, AM, returned to theUniversity last year to specialize in adulteducation in the Department of Education. He has been teaching part-time atChicago School for Adults.Hilary Fonger won a $2,000 StanfordUniversity fellowship in creative writinglast Spring for four short stories, oneof which, "The Ripeness of the Time,"was Seventeen Magazine's 1951 contestwinner. She is enrolled this year in theUniversity's Creative Writing Center.Guy Franceschini, SM, and WilliamElliott, '52, are teaching and "researching" in the Department of Oceanographyat Texas A&M. They are also pursuingtheir PhD's.53William H. Brokaw, AM, and theformer Ellen McGiffert, were marriedlast May 23 at the First Unitarian Churchof Chicago. The bride's father, ArthurMcGiffert, Jr., who is president of theChicago Theological Seminary, performed the wedding ceremony. One ofthe unique features of the ceremony wasa choral recital of the couple's favoritechoral pieces, sung by the choir of theFirst Unitarian Church. Since Williamwas president of the University GleeClub while a student, and Ellen was oneof the founders, and, in fact, it was atthe Glee Club that they first met, itwas a most appropriate inclusion in theservice. The Brokaws are residing inCalifornia, where William is a teacher.Patrick Daniel, AM, and Jean AnnMilles, '50, AM '54, were married lastMay 29 in the University Church ofDisciples of Christ. The couple is livingin Ottawa, Ont., Can., where Patrickis a teacher in the Fisher Park HighSchool.B-Z AUTOMOTIVECOMPLETE FRONT SYSTEM CHECK ANDESTIMATE: $1.50 (APPLIED TO REPAIRBILL). QUALITY BODY AND FENDERWORK AT REASONABLE RATES: FREEESTIMATE. LUBRICATION AND ROADSERVICE. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONSADJUSTED-REPAIRED.MOTOR TUNE-UP SPECIALAIR FILTER AND PLUGS CLEANED TESTVOLUME AND PRESSURE IN FUEL PUMP TEST COIL SET TIMING AND CARBURETOR COMPRESSION CHECK POINTSAND CONDENSER INSTALLED 6 CYLINDERS $5.50, MOST 8'S $6.50 PLUS PARTS.MOTOR AND CLUTCH OVERHAULINGBRAKES ADJUSTED AND RELINEDDO 3-0100 5547 HARPER AVE. JOSEPH H. AARON, ClassInsurance Broker '27135 South LaRAndolph Salle Street6-1060Chicago, IJIinoisPARKER-HOLSMANReal Estate and Insurance1500 East 57th Street Hyde Park 3-2525Phones OAkland 4-06904-06914-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueSARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 100 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stock23 N. Wabash Avenue670 N. Michigan AvenueChicagoWHOLESALE RETAILHyde Park Chevrolet5506 Lake Park AvenueComplete FacilitiesNew & Used Cars and TrucksCall DO 3-8600Satisfaction GuaranteedTREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Direct Factory DealerforCHRYSLER and PLYMOUTHNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMUseum 4-4500AlsoGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete Automobile Repair,Body, Paint, Simonize, Washand Greasing DepartmentsOCTOBER, 1954@LiXC tlltNCt m IttCTKtCAl HODt/CTIfgteweed,ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.Olstrliatirs, Minilictorars and Jiibars otELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St. - ENglewood 4-7500AJAX WASTE PAPER CO.1001 W. North Ave.Buyers of Waste Paper500 pounds or moreScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, LA 2-8354LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVER ^MemorialWilliam E. McCool, MD '90, died onMarch 29, 1954.Dr. Oliver S. Ormsby, MD '95, retiredChicago skin specialist, died April 9,1954. He was professor emeritus ofdermatology at the University of Illinoissince 1952 when he retired from activeteaching. A graduate of Rush MedicalCollege, he began his Chicago practicein 1901.Dr. Nelson M. Whitehill, MD '97, ofBoone, Iowa, died November 14, 1953.She was a graduate of Rush MedicalCollege.Frederick Ernest Beckmann, '97, PhD'00, died March 4, 1954. A native ofGermany, Dr. Beckman was retired professor of romance languages at UCLA.He was the grandson of the Germanscientific writer, Johann Beckmann.Dr. Jay R. Trotter, MD '99, died atMancos, Colorado, February 27, 1953.Janet Ranstead Lehmann, '99, died May2, 1954, as a result of an auto accident.Walter S. Kennedy, newspaper publisher and star quarterback under coachAmos Alonzo Stagg in 1896-99, died April27, 1954, in Albion, Michigan. Ruth Vail Snow, '01, MD '04, diedon May 15th of this year.Althea Somerville Grossman, '01, diedMay 4, 1954.Dr. Jesse James Dubs, MD '01, diedNovember 17, 1953 at Los Angeles,California.David Thomson '02, died at Seattle,Washington, on October 28, 1953.Dr. Florian E. Schmidt, SB '03, ofChicago, died September 10, 1953. Hewas a physician and druggist.Roy W. Merrifield, '03, DB '06, pastorof the First Congregational Church ofFonda, Iowa, and his wife were killedin a train accident in May, 1954. Hewas the brother of the late Fred Merrifield who was instrumental in introducing baseball to the Japanese throughvisits to their country by crack Maroonteams.Samuel J. S. Stanton, '04, attorney andnewspaperman, died May 23, 1954. Hewas a reporter in Milwaukee followinggraduation and later assistant editor ofthe old Chicago Chronical. He was alsoa feature writer for The Chicago SundayTribune.Rev. John W. Hoag, DB '04, diedMarch 15, 1953 at Daytona Beach, Fla.James G. Lemon, '05, Chicago teacherand attorney, died May 29, 1953.Lucy E. Spicer, '05, died April 15,1954. She was on the faculty of WesternState College of Colorado for 33 yearsbefore retiring in 1944.Arnold Dresden, SM '06, PhD '09, retired professor and chairman of the department of mathematics at SwarthmoreCollege in Pennsylvania, died April 10,1954, at his home on the campus. Shortlyafter receiving his doctorate, he wasappointed to the faculty of the Universityof Wisconsin where he served for 18years before transferring to Swarthmore.He retired in 1952.Wayland D. Wilcox, '06, DB '07, diedMarch 9, 1954.Albert N. Merritt, AM, PhD '06, diedOctober 5, 1953.Kelley Rees, PhD '06, Greek scholarand educator, died June 17, 1954 inPhiladelphia. He was a former assistantprofessor of Greek at Yale University,and later was head of the classics department at Reed College in Portland,Ore.Roy E. Green, '09, died April 9, 1954.Elizabeth Franklin Poole, '10, died May17, 1954.Charles F. Lauer, '10, JD '11, diedFebruary 5, 1954. He had been a patientat the U.S. Veterans Hospital in Cana-daigua, N.Y.Edison E. Oberholtzer, '10, AM '16,president of the University of Houstonsince its founding in 1945 until 1950,died June 18, 1954. He formerly headedschool systems in four Indiana cities Carson, Terre Haute, Evansville, andClinton.Eugene F. Kline, '11, died April 3, 1954.Oscar C. Lloyd, '11, of Montgomery,Ala., died January 26, 1954. He is survived by his wife and three happened hereANOTHER SUCCESS STORYNever before has any single issue ofthe MAGAZINE received such plentifulsupport. This special Urban RenewalIssue has attracted more than enoughadvertisers to increase both our size anddistribution. The advertisers in this issuehave helped the University community in which you have a vital interest tomaintain and better the environmentfrom which it must thrive. Their support is positive evidence that the policies of the University have again inspired the thought and action of thecity, the state, and the nation.These advertisers deserve your support. Patronize them and let them knowthat you saw their advertisement in thismagazine.But purchasing advertising space inThe University of Chicago Magazine isnot a donation. Likewise, the special support the October issue has receivedis more than a gesture of good willtowards a great University that has thecourage to engage in and solve a problem of practical morality.An advertisement in this magazineis good business.American alumni have more and domore than any other group of comparable size. For instance, the millionsof college graduates in America travelmore and buy more insurance. If youhave an idea, product or service to sell,contact us now! Write, wire or telephone for further information aboutadvertising in the University of Chicago Magazine and the 38 associatedAmerican Alumni Magazines. ContactSheldon W. Samuels, The University ofChicago Magazine, Chicago 37, Illinois."IT PAYS TO REACH THE LEADERS"THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFred M. Handy, 11, died April 3, 1954.Elizabeth Reder, '11, died May 2, 1954.Orno B. Roberts, '12, retired salesmanager of the mechanical rubber goodsdivision of the B. F. Goodrich RubberCo., died in May, 1954.Elizabeth Ware Stiver, AM '12, diedOctober 18, 1953, in Richmond, Indiana.She had been Dean of Women andProfessor of English at the NormalSchool of Albion, Idaho, for nearly 20years.Joseph G. Masters, '12, AM '16, principal of Central High School in Omaha,Neb., for 25 years, died May 19, 1954,at his home in Smethport, Pa. He wasthe founder of the National HonorSociety in 1920. For several years hewas president of the Omaha Council ofChurches and director of the OmahaConference of Christians and Jews.Adella Helmershausen, '14, a teacherin the Chicago Public Schools for morethan 25 years, died at her home inFranklin Grove, Illinois, on May 1, 1954.Coverdale S. Rennison, AM '14, DB'15, of St. Joseph, Mo., died November 25,1953.Victor L. Wooten, '14, died in SanDiego, Calif., in May, 1954.Gertrude Stewart (Mrs. William A.Pease), '15, retired veteran school teacherand principal, died March 30, 1954. Shehad retired twelve years ago after having taught for forty-five years.Judson S. Masson, '15, educator forfifty-two years and a noted librarian,died February 20, 1954, at his home inLorain, Ohio. Mr. Masson began histeaching career in 1895 in a one-roomschool house in Jackson County, Ohio,although he was not able to completehis own education until 1915 when hegraduated from the University of Chicago cum laude at the age of 41. TheLorain (Ohio) Journal stated in 1947that "if anyone were to be named asLorain's 'most useful citizen' for year inand year out service to the community,"Mr. Masson would be their choice. Hewas assistant superintendent of schoolsfor thirty-two years and president of theboard of trustees of the Lorain PublicLibrary. He played a leading role inmany community affairs, helping toorganize the Lorain Musical Arts Society,and the old Lorain Philharmonic Orchestra. He also served on the boards ofthe American Red Cross and the Goodwill Industries. Perhaps the most notableachievement, however, was his 'Comingof Age' welcoming ceremony for theyoung men and women of the community who were soon to be twenty-oneand eligible to become American citizens.This practice spread throughout the nation and has now become an annualevent observed as "I Am An AmericanDay."Samuel E. Ragland, '16, of BowlingGreen, Ky., died on April 1, 1954.Ada Whitworth, '16, of Cleveland, Ohio,died in April, 1954. .,,:**:Dr. Irving W. Steiner, MD, '16, a practicing physician and surgeon in Winona,Minn., for over 35 years, died May 3,1954. Dr. Sidney A. Portis, '16, MD '18, diedMay 24, 1954, in Baltimore, Md.Thomas E. Wiggins, AM '17, diedMarch 2, 1954, at Eureka, 111.Louise K. Stone, '18, died in November,1953.Edgar C. Terhune, '19, president ofTerre Paper Box Co., Chicago, died May18, 1954.Dr. Clement J. DeBere, MD '21, diedMarch 11, 1954.Harold E. Nicely, '21, pastor of theBrick Presbyterian Church of Rochester,New York, since 1938, died June 6, 1954,at his home. Born in Beirut, Syria,where his father, the Rev. John Washington Nicely, was an educational missionary at the American University ofBeirut, he was brought to America asa child and reared in Chicago. Dr. Nicelyserved as president of the RochesterFederation of Churches from 1943 to1945, and as moderator of the New YorkSynod from 1949 through 1950. He wasa member of the general board of theNational Council of Churches and wasa delegate from the United States to theConference on Faith and Order of theWorld Council of Churches in Londonin 1952. He was also a trustee ofPrinceton Theological Seminary. He issurvived by his widow, Mrs. DorothyAbbott Nicely, three children, and abrother, James M. Nicely, vice presidentof the First National Bank of New Yorkand a trustee of the University of Chicago. Miss John Petty, '23, of Waco, Texas,died in April, 1954.Olive Normington Stanley, SM '23, diedDecember 19, 1953.Everett Newhall, '23, of Chicago, diedApril 17, 1954.Dr. A. Philip Hess, '24, MD '28, chairman of the department of obstetrics andgynecology at Evangelical Hospital, Chicago, died April 23, 1954. He was afellow of the American Medical Association and a member cf the Illinois StateMedical Society and the Chicago MedicalSociety.Francis Coram Oakes, AM '24, diedMarch 23, 1954, at his home in Edmond,Okla. He had been a member of thefaculty of Central State College at Edmond for 49 years at the time of hisretirement in 1952.Gordon W. Harrison, '25, PhD '40, diedFebruary 27, 1954.Dio L. Holl, PhD '25, chairman of thedepartment of mathematics at Iowa StateCollege, died May 20, 1954.Hugh F. Field, PhD '25, died December17, 1953, in Minneapolis, Minn. He hadretired in June, 1951, as professor ofRomance Languages and French Literature at Marquette University, Milwaukee,Wis.Mae Kilcullen, '26, died February 12,1954.Eda ' A. Telstad, '27, of Kalamazoo,Michigan, died June 8, 1954.NOW! lite insurance protection foryour family during vital years . . .*7&ea all premiumsreturned frCcu dividends*f,C& * * * this is now possible through modern life insuranceplanning with the SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA, one ofNorth America's leading life companies. The new Sun Life Security Fund"insurance or money-back" plan enables you to provide life insurance protectionfor your family until you are 65 with a guarantee that, if you live to 65, all themoney you paid will be refunded to you in full . . . plus accumulated dividends.KSt * * , the proceeds at age 65 can be c) used to purchase a paid-up policy fora) used to provide an annuity; the original sum assured, with ab) left on deposit with a guaranteed balance which can be taken in cashrate of interest; or as a guaranteed income.cai/*.s.,nuJ ro»/,eSUN LIFE OF CANADArepresentative in your | 607 Shelby St., Detroit 26, Mich.district for more i Without obligation, I would like more details of the newinformation about the J Sun Life Security Fund plan.Sun Life "money-back" I NAMEplan, or mail this |coupon today, i ADDRESS I AGE OCTOBER, 1954 39HYLAN il mimCONTRACTORPLASTERINGREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. LAKE PARK AVE.Teiephone DQixhester 3-1579PEMDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Somps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUEFAirfax 4-055©pender catch basin SERVICEBEST BOILER REPAIR &WELDIN6 CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAymarkel 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave. ChicagoSince 1878HANNIBAL, INCUpholsterersFurniture RepairingI9S9 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 9-7 S 80Wasson-PocahontasCoal Coo6876 South Chicago Ave.Phofie: BUWerfield 8-2 1 B 6-7-8-9Wesson's Coal Makes Good or- Wasson DoesT. A. ISEHNQUIST CO.25thEST. 192?CONCRETEFLOORS SIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATIONSINDUSTRIAL FLOORINGEMERGENCY REPAIR WORKCONCRETE BREAKINGWATERPROOFINGINSIDE WALLS6639 S Vernon AwmmeHOrmal 7=0433 Lucy F. Kigheimer, '27, principal ofthe Mayfair School in Chicago forfifteen years, died in March, 1954.Lawrence Hoff, JD '27, of Springfield,111., died March 9, 1954.Preasley J. Rutledge, Sr., DB '27, diedrecently in Austin, Texas. He had beensuperintendent cf schools at Pecos from1915 to 1921; director of religious education at Boston Avenue Methodist Churchin Tulsa, 1921-23; professor of religiouseducation at Birmingham Southern College from 1928 to 1934. Since 1934 hehas been associated with the Great National Life Insurance Co.William H. McCleiian, '28, died March1, 1954, in Chicago.Halley Farr Waggener, AM '28, retiredBaptist minister and college professor,died May 13, 1954. He had held thechair of Bible and Religious Educationat Shurtlerf College, Alton, 111.Marie C. Neuman, '29. died February12, 1954.John J. Ballif, Jr., AM '29, dean ofmen for seventeen years at the University of Utah, died March 15, 1954.In 1951 he was presented by theFrench government with the "Officierd'Academie" award in recognition of his"outstanding service to French cultureand civilization."W. Earl Giffin, '29, of Waukegan, 111.,died May 16, 1954.Clyde E. Kellam, AM '29, a residentcf East Chicago, Ind., died January 14,1954,Grace Kraeger, '30, died January 2.1954.Anna Elizabeth Miller, AM '31, diedDecember 28, 1953.Imogene Foltz Campbell, SM '32, diedApril 21, 1954.Dr. Louis A. Weisfeldt, MD '35, widelyknown Milwaukee surgeon, died April3, 1954 at his home in Shorewood, Wis.Cecil M. Shanks, SM '35, professor ofphysics and geology at Tusculum College,Greenville, Tenn., and its dean of menfrom 1935 to 1940, died December 15,1953.Marian Austin Fisher, '36, died March29, 1954.J. Willis Stovall, PhD '38, director ofthe Museum of the University of Oklahoma, died July 24, 1953.Leo A. Hoefer, AM '38, principal andteacher in Chicago schools for morethan 35 years, died June 27, 1954.Rose Bell Collier, AM '38, died August24, 1954.Ethel L. Allgeier, '39, died October 2,1953.Carroll F. Morrison. Jr., AB '42. diedJune 15, 1954.Loren J. Hess, AM '47, prominent inthe field of social service work in Indianaand a member of the Division of SocialScience at Indiana University since 1948,died April 24, 1954.William A. Knight II, MBA '50, diedNovember 11, 1953 in Peoria, 111.H. Brewster Powers, MBA '51, of LakeBluff, 111., died in May, 1954. BOYDSTON AMBULANCE SERVICEAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of Chicagophone HOtmal 7-2468HEW ADDRESS 1708 E. 71ST ST.Telephone HAymarket 5-312©L A. MM & BROS., Ino.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributors ®#CEDERGREEN raOZEN FRESH FROSTS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water MarketRICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMOnr©® 6=3192GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating- Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3 S 86A. T. STEWART LUMBER CO.Quality and ServiceSince 188879th Street at Greenwood Ave.All Phones Vincennes 6-9000Radio Station W F M' T. . . 18 floors a dayall of it devoted fo . . .serious musicdramapoetryand discussion7 a.m. to I a.m.98o7 on your FM dialTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFor a competent manwho's currently stymied...m<«% fN ¦...¦A CAREER WHERE THE ONLYLIMIT IS YOUR OWN ABILITY!It happens often. A man with plenty ofability gets started in the wrong field ... orthrough no fault of his own winds up in a frustrating, routine job.Some accept it and automatically put a reinon their own careers. But others, men withambition and initiative, do something aboutit. For such men the New York Life InsuranceCompany offers a challenging opportunity business for themselves as career life insurancerepresentatives!If you can qualify, the possibilities are unlimited. No cash investment is required. You build a secure future for yourself by helpingothers plan ahead for theirs. Potential earningshave no ceiling, and the Company has a specialplan whereby you may qualify for a guaranteed life income after only 20 years. You receive thorough training, and at a good salary.And always, you have the continued backingof New York Life one of the world's strongest legal reserve life insurance companies.? ? ?So, if you're able and ambitious, mail the coupon for more information about this unusualopportunity. There's absolutely no obligation.NEW YORK LIFEINSURANCE COMPANYV<OAl- Co%<"V^D lT* *Offices throughout the U. S., Canada, Alaska and Hawaii for:. Life, Group, and Accident & Sickness Insurance MAIL COUPON NOW!New York Life Insurance Company, Dept. A-l51 Madison Avenue, New York 10, N. Y.Please send your new booklet, "A Good Man To Be" with fullinformation about career opportunities with New York Life.Name- -Age_Address-City -Zone- -Sfote-Present Occupation-- Ms/lI1 * ¦Hbk^J ^5Hfe U of Q peoplelike to bank withSouth 5HST National&f%> *:4tesr. -. -, J' University faculty and administrative personnelalways feel at home in this bank that has fromits inception catered so devotedly to their financialneeds. Alumni in business and the professions express warm satisfaction with the calibre andcompleteness of banking service and bankingcooperation afforded them here in their owncommunity without the need to travel downtown. . . and with the exceptional strength andsoundness of their bank as detailed in its periodicstatements of condition.The bank, in turn, has always considered U of Cfolk among its preferred customers and alwayswill, without regard to the size of their balances.GARFIELD V. COX, Chairman of the BoardCLARENCE A. BEUTEL, President63rd AND WOODLAWNMEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION