Democracy in AsiaA Di>iscussion Capitalism: Myth vs. FactF. A. HayekCoruscating! Effulgent! Aurora Borealistic! (See, you haveto have a college education, even to read about it aren'tyou glad you had the finest-of-all-educations?)Wear one of our $1,000 Halos and, if you don't go out atnight, you can stay at home and read by its radiance.$5, $25 and $100 Halos glow, too. In the new triangularshape, they make women beautifuller (add that word to thedictionary, Noah) and ordinary men less repulsive.Send a handful of money to the Alumni Foundation rightaway, before they get too busy to count it. Start wearingyour Halo this side of Heaven!THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOALUMNI FOUNDATION5733 UNIVERSITY AVENUE CHICAGO 37 ILLINOISReunion Day, June 5Let's review the headliners for theweek of June Reunion: 2-5.Tuesday, June 2, Madame Ahmed Hussein, wife of the Ambassador from Egypt,will speak in Mandel Hall.Wednesday, the School of Business andOwl & Serpent have their annual dinnerson the quadrangles.Thursday, a cast of 45 faculty andwives will entertain with their 1954Revels: "Come Back, Little A.B." TheOrder of the C will have the annualbase ball game and dinner.Friday is reserved for class reunions.Ten classes will celebrate this year.Saturday, Fanny Butcher, '10, from theChicago Tribune book department, willbe the Alumnae Breakfast speaker. Dr.James W. J. Carpender of Radiology willtell about our hospital and medical advances at the Citation Luncheon. HerbertZimmermann and Frank McNair will helpre-live the first decade at the EmeritusClub luncheon.Chancellor Kimpton and a panel ofour civic first line of defense will describe the present and prophesy the future of the Hyde Park area and of Chicagoat the annual Alumni Assembly in Man-del Hall.Edward L. Ryerson, Chairman, of theBoard of Trustees will be the speaker atthe Student Awards Dinner. And theweek will close with the forty-fourthannual Interfraternity Sing.Already alumni from 28 states plan tobe on campus. Hope you can make it.Alumnae in printLaura Bergquist, former editor of thisMagazine and now associate editor ofPageant, did a cover story for Life(March 15) on Bobo Rockefeller, a girlhood school mate.Cissie Liebshutz Peltz, '46, who beganher cartooning career in the Maroon andthe Magazine, accepted an assignmentfor the May Pageant: Find humor in thegloomy interior of a hospital. She foundsix pages full.Impressive habitAlumnus -Congressman Barratt O'Haraput us in the Congressional Record again(March 31); with our April lead storyon TVA: "Dams, Deadlines, and People."Our own hustlerA new member has been added to thealumni office staff in recent weeks. Heis Sheldon Samuels, '51, who asked for and got the job of advertising managerfor the Magazine. Sheldon, a master'scandidate in philosophy (then on for a MAGAZINEVolume 46 May, 1954 Number 8IN THIS ISSUEDemocracy in Asia 3"They Are People" 6Capitalism: Myth vs. Fact, F. A. Hayek 8From Opera to Our Maternity Wards 14When Chicago Was a Pup 16DEPARTMENTSMemo Pad 1Books 18Class News 19COVER: The ladies of the chorus line in the Quadrangle ClubRevels, most of them faculty wives, who played to capacity houses.The show will be performed again for returning Alumni. See page 14.Cover and photos on pages 2, 5, 8-9, and 14 by Stephen Leivellyn. Draiving on page 10 courtesyof Harper Reference Library. Cartoon on pages 16-17 courtesy of The New York Times.PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONAssociate EditorAUDREY PROBSTExecutive EditorHOWARD W. MORT EditorHAROLD E. DONOHUEExecutive SecretaryAlumni FoundationJIM ATKINS Staff PhotographerSTEPHEN LEWELLYNAdvertising ManagerSHELDON W. SAMUELS Field RepresentativeDEAN TYLER JENKSPublished monthly, October through June, by The University of Chicago Alumni Association, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price, $4.00.Single copies, 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the PostOffice at Chicago, Illinois under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising agent: TheAmerican Alumni Council, B. A. Ross, director, 22 Washington Square, New York N. Y.PhD) has rustled new advertisers intothe Magazine at a merry clip. A hustlerfrom way back, he's supported his waythrough school with such jobs as editorand promotion manager of the Bridgeport News, and midwest manager for theFederal Procurement Publications.Now he has a wife and new baby sonto support. Charles Alan Samuels wasborn March 25 at Presbyterian Hospital.Sheldon reports that little Charles is already tagged for U. of C. matriculation.Since he was helped into the world byDoctors A. H. Klamans, and Aaron Kan-ter, '15, MD '17, and is a great nephewof the late David Kaplan, '16, MD '18, it looks as though he's already off to a goodU. of C. start.Errare humanum estThe Page 10 picture caption in theApril issue: et aux should have beenet ux, since we were referring to Mr.Dettmar's wife. It wasn't, as one of ourfans asked, an attempt to make the caption come out flush.But when the first note in the News ofthe Classes referred to a book reviewwhich wasn't there (but is this month),we decided that this issue came out onthe right day: April first! H.W.M.MAY, 1954Democracy in Asia\.At we cannot understand these peopleit just means that we are a long distancefrom our own antecedents ???"X HE FOLLOWING is part of a radiodiscussion presented on the University Round Table, the oldest educational program continuously on theair (Sundays, NBC). The participantswere Walter Johnson, Chairman ofthe History Department; TheodoreSchultz, Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and Chairman ofthe Department; and Chester Bowles.Among other things, Mr. Bowles wasAmbassador to India (1951-53); Governor of Connecticut (1949-51); andGeneral Manager of OP A (1943).He is the author of Tomorrow Without Fear (1946) and Ambassador'sReport (1954). His daughter, Cynthia,is in the College.The discussion began with Mr.Johnson's statement of India's strategic position in a changing Asia.He then asked Mr. Bowles: "Howmay we Americans relate ourselvesto this new India in this new Asia?"Mr. Bowles: It seems to me thatthe most important thing which wehave to do is try, as best we can and this is not easy to put ourselvesin the position of Asians and to tryto consider how they look out at theworld.The money which the West tookout of Asia during the period ofcolonialism was important. It ran intobillions and billions of dollars. Ithelped to build up the West and tospeed the Industrial Revolution. Butit seems to me that even more important than the money taken out ofAsia was the humiliation which wasleft behind by colonialism. The peopleof India and the other ex-colonialcountries were treated as second-EX-AMBASSADOR CHESTER BOWLESMAY, 1954 class citizens. Their color was different from that of most Westerners, andthey felt the discrimination whichcame from this situation very deeply.It is something that they are not going to forget for many years to come.It makes them very sensitive terribly sensitive sometimes irritatinglysensitive. It makes them sometimesa little arrogant too as they talkabout the world and its problems;and sometimes, as they moralize andtell us where we were wrong, weforget that this has come out of theirpast and their feeling of sensitivity oftheir old situation.Another factor, of course, is thepoverty of Asia; but, even more important, I think, than the poverty isthe fact that people throughout Indiaand Asia now feel that this poverty isunnecessary. Toynbee, the Britishhistorian, was once asked, "How willthis age be remembered?"And his questioner said, "I supposeyou will say that it is the age of theatomic bomb?"Toynbee said, "No, the histories of ahundred years from today, I believe,will say that this age will be remembered because it was the first periodin history when mankind dared tobelieve that it could bring, throughscience, a better life to people everywhere."In China the new challenge is developing through a dictatorship closelyassociated with that of the SovietUnion. The Communist Chinese aretelling Asia that theirs is the onlyway in which living standards can beraised quickly and an industrial stateput together. This is the challenge ofcommunism in Asia, and it is verygreat. India is trying to meet thatchallenge through democracy . . . Mr. Schultz: Since you have beenin India at considerable length andhave been much closer to the developments in India all along, I am inclined to press on you the generalquestions of the nature of the progress which one can see in India sothat we get a more realistic feel ofwhat is under way. I am very muchimpressed by what I hear about thecommunity development programswhich characterize parts of India nowand the longer-run plan, the five-year plan, is it is often referred to.Mr. Johnson: I might point outthat a visitor to India today, if he is atall sensitive, sees the great excitementin India about the five-year plan incontrast to certain other Asian countries. In India there is a move on tohelp themselves.Mr. Bowles: A tremendous move!The five-year plan is an exciting document to read. Its target date is twoyears from this April 1, in 1956. Inother words, that is when it is supposed to be finished. The next Indianelection will follow just a few monthslater, so you can be sure that thesuccess or failure of the five-yearplan is going to be the principal issuein India's next democratic election in1956. They hope by that time to beself- sufficient in food. That is, theywill not have to buy any more foodabroad. This will be a tremendoushelp to them, because now they arespending three or four hundred million dollars a year in pounds sterlingand dollars buying rice and wheatabroad. Once they are self-sufficientin food, all that money can be put intocapital investment, industrial expansion, and the rest.Their irrigation projects are fantastically big. They have three of themwhich are as big or bigger than anything that we have in the UnitedStates, and these are well on theirway to completion. They are addingirrigated land bigger than all thewhole area of South Carolina in thesenext two or three years.The malaria control program is designed to free India from malaria toall intent and purposes by 1956. Theynow have a hundred million cases ofmalaria a year.Mr. Johnson: That hundred millioncases is out of a population of a littlemore than three hundred million.Mr. Bowles: Three hundred andsixty million. It is one of the biggestadministrative jobs, I guess, evertackled to spray the homes, barnyards, trees, ponds, or near by wherea hundred and ninety million peoplelive with DDT once a year and insome cases twice a year. They willhave eight or ten thousand peopleworking on that program. And, bythe way, we are putting up about halfthe money; they are putting up theother half.Mr. Johnson: An essential point toraise with you, Mr. Bowles, it seemsto me, about India is whether this isall being forced upon the Indianpeople from above, from their government, or whether the Indian peoplereally want this? Are they themselvesthe inner, vital energy which is helping to put the five-year plan across?Great distrustMr. Bowles: They are coming tobe the vital energy. I do not thinkthat Point Four work or developmentwork can possibly succeed any otherway than up out of the people andthrough the villages. That is the waythey are trying to do it. The community project work is really anadaptation of our extension workservices in the United States.One village worker will be trainedto cover three villages that is, a totalof almost two thousand people, for anIndian village is about six hundred.He has three jobs: first, to introducemore modern agricultural methods,better seeds, better use of fertilizer,a steel plow, perhaps, and bettermethods of planting; secondly, to getthe village cleaned up as a publichealth matter and get the antimalariaspraying in; and, thirdly, to get aschool started.When that village worker firstcomes to the village, he is looked onwith great distrust. The theory is thatany outsider must be a tax collector;children run, and everybody runs.But soon they shift entirely around,going to the other extreme, and say, "Well, now, the government reallywants to help us. We will sit back andlet the government do its job. Wewant a school; we want a hospital;we want new roads; we want everything; and we want them quickly."That is the village worker's greatesttest, because he has to explain thathe cannot possibly do this. There isnot enough money in the world tobuild Asia through outside resources.He has to organize them to helpthemselves by building their ownschool, building their own roads, andputting all their free time in buildingup their community.Two storiesMr. Schultz: Let me cite just onepiece of evidence which supports whatMr. Bowles has been saying. Dr. Arthur T. Mosher, who has spent fifteenyears in India and during the latterpart of his career there was head ofthe agricultural institute in Allahabad,has been a colleague of mine in thestudies which I am undertaking.Therefore, we have discussed at somelength developments in India. Hewas bkck recently and went into thefield; and out of this fifteen years ofexperience he said that there is adramatic change which has comeabout in the last two or three yearsand now becomes very evident. Thisis in the self-propelling capacities ofthe community. He cites just one incident after another that is evidenceof this sort.One example is that they recentlywent to dedicate a library in a smallrural village. The fact that a libraryis being set up is in itself a miraclewhen you see these villages and thinkof them. But they have established alibrary with a few books. The dedication ceremony was handled by awoman, a young woman, which iscompletely out of caste if you knowIndia. This again illustrates thebreaking -through from the bottom the rights of women, reaching foreducation, reaching for the library, ismerely illustrated by this.Mr. Mosher 's judgment is that thevillages are now beginning to moveas they never could get them to movebefore independence and even duringthe first two or three years after independence.Mr. Bowles: I know another storywhich illustrates what you say. Downin south India one day I talked to amanufacturer, a very decent fellow,who was trying to do the right things.He had introduced a maternal healthservice and had built a school for hisemployees; and he was completelydisgusted. He said: "It's all to no good; 25 per cent of my workers areCommunists. They all say, If this mancan afford to build a school for usnow, he has been paying us much toosmall wages over too long a period oftime; he must be very, very rich'."That afternoon I went out in somevillages where they had built a school,built a clinic, and built some roadswith their own free labor for theirown value and their own future. Youcould not find a Communist within athousand miles of that place. Theyare proud people, very excited bywhat they had done.I went back to the manufacturerand I said, "Suppose you had broughtthe people in to do this job themselves, and suppose you had workedwith them on Sunday or some day ofthe week; suppose you had got themto contribute their free time, and youhad added some more to it I do notthink that 25 per cent of your peopletoday would be Communists."There is another point. I had somefigures the other day from Indiawhich were very exciting to me, because they showed that the amountof free labor, estimated at a price perday of only twenty cents (that is arupee a day), amounts to more thanall the government's investment invillage work. In other words, thepeople, figuring their time at onlytwenty cents a day, have actuallydone more than all the governmentput together ...Mr. Johnson: You have raised thevarious economic difficulties whichare involved in a democratic countrylifting itself from an undeveloped toa developed status. What about thepolitical developments in India? Arethese exciting? Are these hopeful?How many Communists are there inIndia, for instance?Mr. Bowles: Five per cent of thepeople voted Communist at the lastelection. Of course, that is a questionwhich we all ask: How about communism in India? Nehru gets a littledisturbed at that. He says, "Why doyou Americans not worry more aboutcommunism among your Westernfriends? In Italy, to which you havegiven three and a half billion dollars,35 per cent of the people vote Communist. In France, where you havegiven many hundreds of millions ofdollars, 20 per cent vote Communist.In poor little India, only 5 per centvote Communist."However, I think that he may be alittle too optimistic, because the bigproblem in India is: Can this vastcountry be held together? It is important to remember that no Indianever held India together, and thisgoes for all the great emperors Ak-4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEROBERT REDFIELD AND NEHRU ON 1950 ROUND TABLE "UNDER NEHRU'S GOADING THEY HAD AN ELECTION IN 1952"bar, Asoka, and so on. India was heldtogether as a nation only by the British and only by the present government. There are three hundredand sixty million people; they speaktwelve languages. The forces of disintegration are very great, and theCommunist program is to completethe disintegration if they can bypulling them apart at the seams, capturing a state government here andthere, and pulling down the wholething. Nehru is trying very hard tostop that.Mr. Schultz: But, on the other side,it must be said that the political constitution and the political frameworkwhich have been created since independence is also a very, very integrating force in India.Mr. Bowles: It is magnificent; yes.Mr. Schultz: The princely stateshave gone, and the people do find themselves now drawn into a statepolitical process in which they voted,in which the Congress representsthem in the very vast majority. Iwould call these very strong integrating forces on the other side.Mr. Bowles: That is right. I wouldgo further and say that I do not thinkthat any nation in the course of sixyears as a matter of fact, since thebirth of our own country has accomplished so much politically. There isan interesting point when people ask,"Is Nehru a Communist?" Manypeople, after Independence in 1947,came to Nehru and said: "You have totake over the country and become asort of benevolent Atatiirk, as Ata-tiirk was in Turkey. This is the onlyway that the people will follow you;they will do what you want them todo. Now, we know you do not wantto be a dictator, but just for ten years take the country and run it, and wewill follow."And Nehru said, "No, I want a constitution. I want a model democraticconstitution."So, reluctantly, his associates agreed,and they put this constitution together, and it is a remarkable document.The next point was that they said,"Well, at least you are going to delayelections for a good long time. Wecan operate, postponing from year toyear, until we get the right time tohave elections."Nehru said, "The right time is now."And under Nehru's goading they proceeded to have an election in 1952that most people thought could notpossibly work; but a hundred and sixmillion voted, a higher percentagethan voted in the last presidentialelection here in the United States,MAY, 1954 5and they voted pretty sensibly, too.Mr. Johnson: I certainly agree thatNehru and the Congress party arefirmly dedicated to free institutionsand a free society. In spite of whatyou have been saying, we do hear inthe United States the statement thatwe should not aid India, either in aprivate way or with public money,because India is "neutralist" or because India is not on our side. Sheopposes us in the United Nations.And I must say that in my trip inAsia this past spring one Asian toldme that, whenever an Asian leader says that he loves America, you knowthat he is a liar; he is just trying toget your money when he says such athing. What is this puzzle aboutwhether we should aid India or not orthat the price of that aid should besupport?Mr. Bowles: I think that we aremaking a great mistake basing ourforeign policy, and particularly in regard to Asia, much too much on whatcountries love us and what countriesdo not love us.The thing I look for is the faith, theintegration of the country, its convic tion that its ways are right, and itswillingness to fight for those ways ifnecessary against communism oragainst any intruder. Let us take theexample of Burma, to get away fromNehru and India. Burma was supposed to be, two or three years ago,just a complete failure, a hopelessmess. But a democratic governmenthas managed to knock the Communists completely out.Mr. Johnson: Democratic government with socialists.Mr. Bowles: They were socialists;that is right. But they despise com-L. ALBERT WILSON (STANDING, RIGHT) COUNSELS OFFICIALS OF EAST BENGAL BEFORE THEY LEAVE TRAINING VISIT TO U.S."They Are Peoplewith Whom We Can Work" l\ FORMER UNIVERSITY facultymember, L. Albert Wilson, Ex '45, isan important part of the Point Fourteam in Pakistan, and he and his family are making an important contribution to the community life in Karachi, capital of this new nation.Al and Helen Wilson and their threechildren Alene, 16; Stewart, 13; andJanice, 9 arrived in Karachi in September, 1952, when Al began his6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmunism, and they have gone aheadto beat communism first, by beatingthe Communist revolutionaries and,second, by putting through the reforms which were necessary to winthe support of the villages. As a result, the Communist movement inBurma has practically collapsed.Yet, Burma does not vote with us;as a matter of fact, she usually voteswith Nehru and India. They havethrown out our Point Four. They arevery mad at us on several scores, butevery one I know out there feels that,if the Chinese Communists ever in vaded Burma, they would have theirhands full; they would have a wildcatin their laps.Mr. Schultz: This stresses a veryimportant principle. It seems to methat in countries like Burma or acountry more importantly like Indiaour policy should see to it that internally the Communists cannot takeover and that a country and a government committed to Western valuessurvives even though they disagreestrategically with us in the particularrole they play in the power relationships and in foreign affairs. Let me cite just a little example in the SouthAmerican scene Costa Rica. Here isa country in which the present government has out-maneuvered and outfought the Communists, and it is theone country in the Central Americangroup in which the Communists justsimply are out and have no chance.It represents a liberal group, largelysupported by small farmers; and yetwe are extraordinarily cool to it anddo not give it support in our foreignpolicy. Yet, it is precisely the kindof government which is supportingthe reforms, both in labor and inagriculture, that will live long andcement the country and keep theCommunists out. Surely our policyshould be precisely supporting sucha group.Mr. Bowles: I wholly agree. As amatter of fact, unless we wake up tothat situation, we are going to findourselves so far off tune and so farout of step with the rest of the worldin both South America and Asia andalso, I might add, in Africa, whereanother kind of revolution is stirringand steaming. Nehru once said tome. "There are one hundred andsixty million Africans and four million Europeans in Africa. Before toolong they must come together; theymust work out their problems, or theone hundred and .sixty million Africans will throw the four millionEuropeans out; and they will do itbloodily and with horrible brutality.You cannot tell what will come out.Is there not enough statesmanshipand good sense in the world to bringthese two groups together? The Africans need the Europeans; the Europeans need the Africans."And we simply have to recognizethe principle that people do wantto be free. What they want are thevery things for which we have alwaysfought and struggled for in this country independence, self-respect, abetter opportunity. If those points areun-American, then I just do not knowAmerica.Mr. Johnson: Mr. Bowles, were younot impressed in Indonesia with theknowledge President Sukarno has ofthe American Revolution and thedemocratic dogma of the UnitedStates?Mr. Bowles: You know, Sukarnoand U Nu in Burma, Nehru, and perhaps Naguib in Egypt and Magsaysayin the Philippines could sit around atable with Tom Paine and AndrewJackson and Abraham Lincoln, andthey would all speak the same language. That is the truth of it. Andif we cannot understand these people,it just means that we are a long distance from our own antecedents.duties as training and education officer for the Technical CooperationAdministration (now Foreign Operations Administration).Before coming to Pakistan (1948 to1952) Wilson was director of the University of Chicago's College Enrollment Service and assistant to the vicepresident in charge of development.In his work with Point Four he assiststhe Government of Pakistan in securing practical and technical training for Pakistani technicians for positions in their country's economicdevelopment programs. In this capacity he has worked out the detailsfor sending some 100 Pakistanis toAmerica for training in a wide varietyof fields such as agriculture, publichealth, education, engineering, metallurgy, and fisheries. Many of thesetrainees have already returned andare at work in such programs as village development one of the mostimportant features of the Point FourMission. He is also project advisorfor the Inter-College Exchange Project, which will get underway in thenear future.While her husband was at the University, Mrs. Wilson was chief clinicsecretary of the Out Patients Department, University of Chicago clinics.When Al and Helen Wilson arrivedin Karachi they found that there wereno schools adapted to the needs ofAmerican children, so they joinedother Americans in organizing theKarachi American School. Al becamesuperintendent and Helen, first vicepresident of the school board. Shealso teaches the sixth grade. Theschool uses the Calvert System andthe young Wilsons are among its 50students, most of whom are sons anddaughters of Karachi embassy andcommercial families.Wilson's religious training is invaluable to him in his Point Fourwork. (He was a graduate student and assistant to the Dean of theBaptist Divinity House at Chicago in1943-44, and had previously receiveda BA in philosophy and religion atRedlands University and a Bachelorof Divinity from Berkeley BaptistDivinity School, in California. Alsoprior to joining the Chicago facultyhe was instructor in social sciencesand religion at Wayland Junior College, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, anddean of the faculty at Shimar College,Mount Carroll, Illinois.)The culture of Pakistan, includingit politics, is steeped in the Mohammedan religion. (Pakistan is the mostpopulous of the Muslim countries.)To work with the intellectuals of thecountry in his capacity without understanding their religion and beingable to compare it with Christianity,would be well nigh impossible. Although Wilson was already well-informed on the Muslim faith, he hasspent considerable time during thepast year in studying it at first hand,to the advantage of the cooperativeprogram between the two countries.Wilson says of the educational situation in Pakistan:"Most Government officials realizethat their country needs technicaleducation even more than it needswheat, and that America can supplythat need."At the time of partition, most ofthe Hindus, who had a distinct leadership in technical as well as in administrative know-how, left for India, leaving behind a dearth oftechnically -skilled personnel in bothgovernment and industry."He believes, however, that Pakistanhas the raw material with which tomeet its educational needs."Pakistanis are naturally capablewith their hands, and their hearts areas receptive as any people to newtechniques. In other words, they arepeople with whom we can work."MAY, 1954 7CAPITALISM: Myth vs. Fact" There is one supreme myth which . . . hasserved to discredit the economic system towhich we owe our present-day civilization."by F. A. HayekProfessor of Social and Morql ScienceCommittee on Social ThoughtIVloST PEOPLE, when being toldthat their political convictions havebeen affected by particular views oneconomic history, will answer thatthey never have been interested init and never have read a book on thesubject. This, however, does not meanthat they do not with the rest, regard as established facts many of thelegends which at one time or anotherhave been given currency by writerson economic history. Although in theindirect and circuitous process bywhich new political ideas reach thegeneral public the historian holds akey position, even if he operates chieflythrough many further relays. It isonly at several removes that the picture which he provides becomes general property; it is via the novel andthe newspaper, the cinema and political speeches, and ultimately the schooland common talk that the ordinaryperson acquires his conceptions ofhistory. But in the end even thoseAlready well known for hiscontributions in the field ojeconomics, F. A. Hayek is theauthor of The Pure Theory ofCapital, The Road to Serfdom,John Stuart Mill and HarrietTaylor, and The Sensory Order¦ all published by the University Press. The above article isan abstract of his introductionto Capitalism and the Historians,recently published by the Press,a collection of essays edited byDr. Hayek. Copyright, 1954, bythe University of Chicago Press. who never read a book and probablyhave never heard the names of thehistorians whose views have influenced them come to see the pastthrough their spectacles.Certain beliefs, for instance, aboutthe evolution and effects of trade-unions, the alleged progressive growthof monopoly, the deliberate destruction of commodity stock as the resultof competition (an event, which, infact, whenever it happened, was always the result of monopoly and usually of government-organized monopoly), about the suppression ofbeneficial inventions, the causes andeffects of "imperialism," and the roleof the armament industries of "capitalists" in general in causing war,have become part of the folklore ofour time. Most people would be greatly surprised to learn that most ofwhat they believe about these subjects are not safely established factsbut myths, launched from politicalmotifs and then spread by people ofgood will into whose general beliefsthey fitted.There is one supreme myth whichmore than any other has served todiscredit the economic system to whichwe owe our present-day civilization.It is the legend of the deterioration ofthe position of the working classes inconsequence of the rise of "capitalism"(or of the "manufacturing" or the"industrial system"). Who has notheard of the "horrors of early capitalism" and gained the impression thatthe advent of this system brought untold new suffering to large classes whobefore were tolerably content andcomfortable? We might justly hold indisrepute a system to which the blame attached that even for a time itworsened the position of the poorestand most numerous class of the population. The widespread emotionalaversion to "capitalism" is closelyconnected with this belief that theundeniable growth of wealth whichthe competitive order has producedwas purchased at the price of depressing the standard of life of theweakest elements of society.That this was the case was at onetime indeed widely taught by economic historians. A more careful examination of the facts has, however,led to a thorough refutation of thisbelief. Yet, a generation after thecontroversy has been decided, popular opinion still continues as thoughthe older belief had been true. Howthis belief should ever have arisenand why it should continue to determine the general view long afterit has been disproved are both problems which deserve serious examination.In so far as general public opinionis concerned, the position is scarcely8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESCHOLAR F. A. HAYEK (RIGHT) CHATTING WITH AN OLD ACQUAINTANCE, GERMAN CHANCELLOR ADENAUER, LAST YEARbetter today, although the facts havehad to be conceded even by most ofthose who had been mainly responsible for spreading the contrary opinion.Few authors have done more to createthe belief that the early nineteenthcentury had been a time in which theposition of the working class had become particularly bad than Mr. andMrs. J. L. Hammond; their books arefrequently quoted to illustrate this.But toward the end of their lives theyadmitted candidly:"Statisticians tell us that when theyhave put in order such data as theycan find, they are satisfied that earnings increased and that most men andwomen were less poor when this discontent was loud and active than theywere when the eighteenth centurywas beginning to grow old in a silencelike that of autumn. The evidence,of course, is scanty, and its interpretation not too simple, but this general view is probably more or lesscorrect."This did little to change the generaleffect their writing has had on public opinion. In one of the latest competent studies of the history of theWestern political tradition, FrederickWatkins, The Political Tradition ofthe West, we can still read that, "likeall the great social experiments, however, the invention of the labour market was expensive. It involved, inthe first instance, a swift and drasticdecline in the material standard ofliving of the working classes."Dramatic touchI was going to continue here thatthis is still the view which is almostexclusively represented in the popular literature when the latest bookby Bertrand Russell came to myhands in which, as if to confirm this,he blandly asserts:"The industrial revolution causedunspeakable misery both in Englandand in America. I do not think anystudent of economic history can doubtthat the average happiness in Englandin the early nineteenth century waslower than it had been a hundred. years earlier; and this was due almostentirely to scientific technique."The intelligent layman can hardlybe blamed if he believes that such acategorical statement from a writer ofthis rank must be true. If a BertrandRussell believes this, we must not besurprised that the versions of economic history which today are spreadin hundreds of thousands of volumesof pocket editions are mostly of thekind which spread this old myth. Itis also still a rare exception when wemeet a work of historical fiction whichdispenses with the dramatic touchwhich the story of the sudden worsening of the position of large groupsof workers provides.The true fact of the slow and irregular progress of the working classwhich we now know to have takenplace is of course rather unsensa-tional and uninteresting to the layman. It is no more than he hadlearned to expect as the normal stateof affairs; and it hardly occurs tohim that this is by no means an inevitable progress, that it was precededMAY, 1954 9Su-^1-TYPICAL CRUCIBLE STEEL MELTING SHOP IN ENGLAND ABOUT 1850 (FROM THE ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO SHEFFIELD)by centuries of virtual stagnation ofthe position of the poorest, and thatwe have come to expect continuousimprovement only as a result of theexperience of several generations withthe system which he still thinks tobe the cause of the misery of thepoor.Discussions of the effects of therise of modern industry on the working classes refer almost always to theconditions in England in the first halfof the nineteenth century; yet thegreat change to which they refer hadcommenced much earlier and by thenhad quite a long history and hadspread far beyond England. The freedom of economic activity which inEngland had proved so favorable tothe rapid growth of wealth was probably in the first instance an almostaccidental by-product of the limitations which the revolution of theseventeenth century had placed onthe powers of government; and onlyafter its beneficial effects had cometo be widely noticed did the economists later undertake to explain theconnection and to argue for the removal of the remaining barriers tocommercial freedom. In many waysit is misleading to speak of "capitalism" as though this had been a newand altogether different system whichsuddenly came into being toward theend of the eighteenth century; we usethis term here because it is the mostfamiliar name, but only with great reluctance, since with its modern connotations it is itself largely a creationof that socialist interpretation of eco nomic, history with which we are concerned. The term is especially misleading when, as is often the case, itis connected with the idea of the riseof the propertyless proletariat, whichby some devious process have beendeprived of their rightful ownershipof the tools for their work.The actual history of the connectionbetween capitalism and the rise ofthe proletariat is almost the oppositeof that which these theories of theexpropriation of the masses suggest.The truth is that, for the greater partof history, for most men the possession of the tools for their work wasan essential condition for survival orat least for being able to rear a family. The number of those who couldmaintain themselves by working forothers, although they did not themselves possess the necessary equipment, was limited to a small proportion of the population. The amountof arable land and tools handed downfrom one generation to the next limited the total number who could survive. To be left without them meantin most instances death by starvationor at least the impossibility of procreation. There was little incentiveand little possibility for one generationto accumulate the additional toolswhich would have made possible thesurvival of a larger number of thenext, so long as the advantage of employing additional hands was limitedmainly to the instances where thedivision of the tasks increased theefficiency of the work of the ownerof the tools. It was only when the larger gains from the employment ofmachinery provided both the meansand the opportunity for their investment that what in the past had beena recurring surplus of populationdoomed to early death was in an increasing measure given the possibilityof survival.Necessary toolsNumbers which had been practically stationary for many centuriesbegan to increase rapidly. The proletariat which capitalism can be saidto have "created" was thus not aproportion of the population whichwould have existed without it andwhich it had degraded to a lowerlevel; it was an additional populationwhich was enabled to grow up bythe new opportunities for employment which capitalism provided. Inso far as it is true that the growth ofcapital made the appearance of theproletariat possible, it was in thesense that it raised the productivityof labor so that much larger numbersof those who had not been equippedby their parents with the necessarytools were enabled to maintain themselves by their labor alone; but thecapital had to be supplied first beforethose were enabled to survive whoafterward claimed as a right to sharein its ownership. Although it wascertainly not from charitable motives,it still was the first time in historythat one group of people found it intheir interest to use their earnings ona large scale to provide new instru-10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEments of production to be operatedby those who without them could nothave produced their own sustenance.SufferingOf the effect of the rise of modernindustry on the growth of population,statistics tell a vivid tale. That thisin itself largely contradicts the common belief about the harmful effectof the rise of the factory system onthe large masses is not the point withwhich we are at present concerned.Nor need we more than mention thefact that, so long as this increase ofthe numbers of those whose outputreached a certain level brought forward a fully corresponding increasein population, the level of the poorestfringe could not be substantially improved, however much the averagemight rise. The point of immediaterelevance is that this increase of population and particularly of the manufacturing population had proceededin England at least two or three generations before the period of which itis alleged that the position of theworkers seriously deteriorated.The period to which this refers isalso the period when the problem ofthe position of the working class became for the first time one of generalconcern. And the opinions of someof the contemporaries are indeed themain sources of the present beliefs.Our first question must therefore behow it came about that such an impression contrary to the facts shouldhave become widely held among thepeople then living.One of the chief reasons was evidently an increasing awareness offacts which before had passed unnoticed. The very increase of wealthand well-being which had beenachieved raised standards and aspirations. What for ages had seemed anatural and inevitable situation, oreven as an improvement upon thepast, came to be regarded as incongruous with the opportunities whichthe new age appeared to offer. Economic suffering both became moreconspicuous and seemed less justified, because general wealth was increasing faster than ever before. Butthis, of course, does not prove thatthe people whose fate was beginningto cause indignation and alarm wereworse off than their parents or grandparents had been. While there is everyevidence that great misery existed,there is none that it was greaterthan or even as great as it had beenbefore. The aggregations of largenumbers of cheap houses of industrialworkers were probably more uglythan the picturesque cottages in which some of the agricultural laborers ordomestic workers had lived; and theywere certainly more alarming to thelandowner or to the city patricianthan the poor dispersed over the country had been. But for those who hadmoved from country to town it meantan improvement; and even thoughthe rapid growth of the industrialcenters created sanitary problemswith which people had yet slowlyand painfully to learn to cope, statistics leave little doubt that even general health was on the whole benefited rather than harmed.More important, however, for theexplanation of the change from anoptimistic to a pessimistic view of theeffects of industrialization than thisawakening of social conscience wasprobably the fact that this change ofopinion appears to have commenced, not in the manufacturing districtswhich had firsthand knowledge ofwhat was happening, but in the political discussion of the English metropolis which was somewhat remotefrom, and had little part in, the newdevelopment. It is evident that thebelief about the "horrible" conditionsprevailing among the manufacturingpopulations of the Midlands and thenorth of England was in the 1830'sand 1840's widely held among theupper classes of London and thesouth. It was one of the main arguments with which the landowningclass hit back at the manufacturers tocounter the agitation of the latteragainst the Corn Laws and for freetrade. And it was from these arguments of the conservative press thatthe radical intelligentsia of the time,with little firsthand knowledge of theMODERN OPEN HEARTH MELTING SHOP WITH IRON BEING POURED INTO MIXERSMAY, 1954 11SWEAT SHOP CONDITIONS AROUND 1900 "SUFFERING BOTH BECAME MORE CONSPICUOUS AND SEEMED LESS JUSTIFIEDindustrial districts, derived their viewswhich were to become the standardweapons of political propaganda.But even if at the time itself theopinion which was later taken overby the historians was loudly voicedby one party, it remains to explainwhy the view of one party among thecontemporaries, and that not of theradicals or liberals but of the Tories,should have become the almost uncontradicted view of the economichistorians of the second half of thecentury. The reason for this seemsto have been that the new interest ineconomic history was in itself closelyassociated with the interest in socialism and that at first a large proportion of those who devoted themselvesto the study of economic history wereinclined toward socialism. It was notmerely the great stimulus which KarlMarx's "materialist interpretation ofhistory" undoubtedly gave to thestudy of economic history; practicallyall the socialist schools held a philosophy of history intended to show therelative character of the different economic institutions and the necessityof different economic systems succeeding each other in time. They alltried to prove that the system whichthey attacked, the system of privateproperty in the means of production,was a perversion of an earlier andmore natural system of communalproperty; and, because the theoreticalpreconceptions which guided thempostulated that the rise of capitalismmust have been detrimental to theworking classes, it is not surprisingthat they found what they were looking for.CounterblastBut not only those by whom thestudy of economic history was consciously made a tool of political agitation as is true in many instances from Marx and Engels to WernerSombart and Sidney and BeatriceWebb but also many of the scholarswho sincerely believed that they wereapproaching the facts without prejudice produced results which werescarcely less biased. This was in partdue to the fact that the "historicalapproach" which they adopted haditself been proclaimed as a counterblast to the theoretical analysis ofclassical economics, because the lat-ter's verdict on the popular remediesfor current complaints had so frequently had been unfavorable.Feared "apologist"It is no accident that the largest andmost influential group of students ofeconomic history in the sixty yearspreceding the first World War, theGerman Historical School pridedthemselves also in the name of the"socialist of the chair" (Katheder-sozialisten) ; or that their spiritualsuccessors, the American "institu-tionalists," were mostly socialists intheir inclination. The whole atmosphere of these schools was such thatit would have required an exceptionalindependence of mind for a youngscholar not to succumb to the pressure of academic opinion. No reproachwas more feared or more fatal toacademic prospects than that of beingan "apologist" of the capitalist system; and, even if a scholar dared tocontradict dominant opinion on a particular point, he would be careful tosafeguard himself against such accusation by joining in the general condemnation of the capitalist system,To treat the existing economic orderas merely "a historical phase" and tobe able to predict from the '.'laws ofhistorical development" the emergence of a better future system became the hallmark of what was then regarded as the true scientific expert.Much of the misrepresentation ofthe facts by the earlier economic historians was, in reality, directly traceable to a genuine endeavor to lookat these facts without any theoreticalpreconceptions. The idea that one cantrace the casual connections of anyevents without employing a theory,or that such a theory will emergeautomatically from the accumulationof a sufficient amount of facts, is ofcourse sheer illusion. The complexityof social events in particular is suchthat, without the tools of analysiswhich a systematic theory provides,one is almost bound to misinterpretthem; and those who eschew the conscious use of an explicit and testedlogical argument usually merely become the victims of the popular beliefs of their time. Common sense isa treacherous guide in this field, andwhat seem "obvious" explanationsfrequently are no more than commonly accepted superstitions. It mayseem obvious that the introduction ofmachinery will produce a general reduction of the demand for labor. Butpersistent effort to think the problemthrough shows that this belief is theresult of a logical fallacy, of stressingone effect of the assumed change andleaving out others. Nor do the factsgive any support to the belief. Yetanyone who thinks it to be true isvery likely to find what seems to himconfirming evidence. It is easy enoughto find in the early nineteenth century instances of extreme poverty andto draw the conclusion that this musthave been the effect of the introduction of machinery, without askingwhether conditions had been any better or perhaps even worse before. Orone may believe that an increase ofproduction must lead to the impossibility of selling all the product and,when one then finds a stagnation of12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsales, regard this as a confirmation ofthe expectations, although there areseveral more plausible explanationsthan general "overproduction" or"underconsumption."Upward trendThere can be no doubt that manyof these misrepresentations were putforward in good faith; and there is noreason why we should not respect themotives of some of those who, toarouse public conscience, painted themisery of the poor in the blackestcolors. We owe to agitation of thiskind, which forced unwilling eyesto face the unpleasant facts, some ofthe finest and most generous acts ofpublic policy from the abolition ofslavery to the removal of taxes onimported food and the destruction ofmany intrenched monopolies andabuses. And there is every reason toremember how miserable the majority of the people still were as recently as a hundred or a hundred andfifty years ago. But we must not, longafter the event, allow a distortion ofthe facts, even if committed out ofhumanitarian zeal, to affect our viewof what we owe to a system which forthe first time in history made peoplefeel that this misery might be avoidable. The very claims and ambitionsof the working classes were and arethe result of the enormous improvement of their position which capitalism brought about.There were, no doubt, many peoplewhose privileged position, whose power to secure a comfortable income bypreventing others from doing betterwhat they were being paid for, wasdestroyed by the advance of freedomof enterprise. There may be variousother grounds on which the development of modern industrializationmight be deplored by some; certainaesthetic and moral values to whichthe privileged upper classes attachedgreat importance were no doubt endangered by it. Some people mighteven question whether the rapid increase in population, or, in otherwords, the decrease in infant mortality,was a blessing. But if, and in so far as,one takes as one's test the effect on thestandard of life of the large numberof the toiling classes, there can belittle doubt that this was to produce ageneral upward trend.The recognition that the workingclass as a whole benefited from therise of modern industry is of courseentirely compatible with the fact thatsome individuals or groups in this aswell as other classes may for a timehave suffered from its results. Thenew order meant an increased rapidity of change, and the quick increase ofwealth was largely the result of the increased speed of adaptation to changewhich made it possible. In thosespheres where the mobility of a highlycompetitive market became effective,the increased range of opportunitiesmore than compensated for the greater instability of particular jobs. Butthe spreading of the new order wasgradual and uneven. There remained and there remains to the presentday pockets which, while fully exposed to the vicissitudes of themarkets for their products, are too isolated to benefit much from the opportunities which the market openedelsewhere. The various instances of the decline of old crafts which weredisplaced by a mechanical processhave been widely publicized (the fateof the hand-loom weavers is theclassical example always quoted). Buteven there it is more than doubtfulwhether the amount of sufferingcaused is comparable to that whicha series of bad harvests in any regionwould have caused before capitalismhad greatly increased the mobility ofgoods and of capital. The incidenceon a small group among a prosperingcommunity is probably felt more ofan injustice and a challenge than wasthe general suffering of earlier timeswhich was considered as unalterablefate.AND TODAY "RECOGNITION THAT THE WORKING CLASS AS A WHOLE BENEFITED"MAY, 1954 13FromOpera T<April: High GearThe Settlement benefit on April 29,and the Acrotheatre productions onApril 30, and May 1 and 2, climaxApril's activities one of the busiestmonths of the year's calendar.Brazilian opera star, Bidu Sayao,performs in Orchestra Hall Thursdaynight for the benefit of the Settlement, and the following night Acrotheatre begins a three-night stand ofits show, "Acrodeo," in Mandel Hall.During the month many campusorganizations cooperated in NationalAcademic Freedom Week, April 11-17.A play presented by the cast of theLoop production, "The World of Sho-lom Aleichem," movies and forumswere highlights of the Week's program.George N. Shuster, president ofHunter College, delivered six lecturesin April on "The Cultural RelationsProgram of the United States," underthe sponsorship of the Walgreen foundation.The World University Service FundDrive opened April 5. As the officialagency for international relief on theUniversity level, WUS is the channelthrough which students of the worldunite in a program of mutual assist -NEW LYING-IN HEAD M. EDWARD DAVISUniversity NewsOurMaternityWardance. A tag day, a dance, and a jazzconcert were among the month'smoney raising activities for the drive.As part of the Holy Week celebration, the University Choir and members of the Chicago Symphony orchestra presented Bach's "Passion toOur Lord According to Saint John."It was performed on Palm Sunday inRockefeller Memorial Chapel. Otheractivities of a religious interest included the presentation of Everyman,a medieval morality play of the fifteenth century, given April 12 in thechancel of the Chapel, and a lecture byAnglican minister James W. Parkes,who gave the fourth annual CharlesW. Gilkey lecture of the B'nai B'rithFoundation on April 5.In sports, the baseball team bravedearly spring's wintry blasts to gettheir practice underway for whatlooks to Coach Anderson like a "winning season." On the football front,T. Nelson Metcalf announced that efforts to resurrect the sport on anintra-mural basis have failed. Reason:not enough students are interested.There was good news of the trackteam's top performance in March inthe indoor AAU meet at the field-house. But before the month was up,tragic news had been received of thedeath of George McCormick, anchorman of the mile relay team, killed inMAY, 1954 a plane crash in Monterrey, Mexico.During the spring vacation, he hadjoined his father, brother and cousinfor a fishing trip to Mexico. On thereturn flight they were among eighteen persons killed in the accident.Ziegfeld was hereA packed Mandel Hall audiencehowled and clapped through the twoacts of the faculty revels, "Come BackLittle A.B.," on the nights of March12 and 13. (See cover.)Harry Kalven (Law), John Hutch-ens (Physiology) and V. Howard Tal-ley (Music), who sharpened theirwits on a hit two years ago, had doneit again. They put the Chancellor intooveralls arid gave him a broom. Theyput Comptroller Kirkpatrick andDean Strozier through some of thezaniest public relations routines everdevised to torment harassed administrators. They took the College apart,and put it back together again intheir own fashion. They investigatedthe investigators and topped the wholeshenanigans off with the handsomestchorus line this side of the Ziegfeldfollies.Alumni who want to see Chicago'smost professional show of the seasonwill have their chance on June 3,when the Revels cast will do a repeat of "Come Back Little A.B." justfor them.Distinguished guestsDelmore Schwartz, poet, writer andcritic, is a visiting professor this quarter in the Department of English. Heis teaching two courses, one in advanced creative writing and the otherin modern American poetry.An associate editor of the PartisanReview, he is one of a number of visiting writers who have conductedcourses in creative writing in theEnglish department in recent years.Others have included: Edmund Wilson, Cleanth Brooks, Kenneth Burke,Nelson Algren, Louise Bogan, AllenTate, Peter Taylor, and Frank O'Connor.Dr. Paul Tillich, distinguished theologian and Professor of PhilosophicalTheology at Union Theological Seminary, is scheduled for a month ofteaching and lecturing at the University next January. His stay in Chicago will follow an appointment inScotland where he will deliver theGifford lectures.Teaching internshipsThe University will continue next year its cooperation with Columbia,Harvard, and Yale in a program ofinternships in general education, supported by the Carnegie Corporation.The scheme has proved a valuableone in interpreting the aims and practices of general education of the fourparticipating institutions.Each of the schools accepts threevisiting teachers for a year of residence for intensive investigation ofits program of general education.Each visitor teaches one course aspart of his study of the organization,methods and philosophy of generaleducation developed by the hostinstitution.The interns coming to the University next year are: Frank Erk,Associate Professor of Biology, Washington College; William Spragens, Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Mississippi; and MarvinSussman, Assistant Professor andChairman, Department of Sociology,Union College, Schenectady, NewYork.Lost New YorkersThe University Library is appealingto alumni who may be rummagingthrough their attics this spring forback copies of the New Yorker. TheLibrary is trying to complete the earlyyears of its file of the magazine. Inorder to avoid duplication of issuesthat may be sent in, Mr. HermanFussier, Library Director, requeststhat you let him know by post card(1116 E. 59th St., Chicago, 37) whichcopies of the following issues you maybe willing to part with:1925: February 21, 28; March 6, 13,20, 27; April 4; May 9; June 6,13; July 11.1926: February 13; September 25.1927: Whole year needed.1928: January 1; April 14.1929: February lfr; June 15, 22; July6; August 24; October 12; December 21.1937: February 6, 13, 20; March 13.New Lying'in HeadDr. M. Edward Davis, a memberof the Lying-in Hospital medical stafffor the past 29 years, has been namedhospital chief of staff.He succeeds Dr. William Dieck-mann, Chairman of the Department ofObstetrics and Gynecology, who resigned his post to devote full time toclinical activities and research.Dr. Davis, who was named theJoseph Bolivar DeLee Professor ofObstetrics in 1947, began his obstetrical career under the late Dr. DeLee,who founded Lying-in Hospital. A.P.15The world seemsto care aboutreadingWhenChicagoWasA PupChicago doesn't only exportpigs and steel one of its most important exports is books." This magazine blurb "might also have notedthat in the publishing season justpast Chicago not only exported books,but produced more authors and inspired more books about itself thanin any previous year.Lloyd Wendt and Herman Koganchronicled the life of "Big Bill"Thompson of Chicago, while AlsonSmith was describing the city's LeftBank and preparing another blast, tobe felt this spring, on the syndicatecity. John Hoffman took off on abiography of Hank Sauer, Cubs' outfielder, and Chicago newswoman, RuthMoore, told a fascinating story ofMan, Time and Fossils, in which University of Chicago research plays amajor part.But the piece de resistance of theFall output turned up as a rollicking,handsomely bound volume by ex-Maroon editor, Emmett Dedmon, '39,now assistant news editor of the Sun-Times. His book, Fabulous Chicago,climbed into the best seller list a fewweeks after its October publication,and ran through its first printingwithin three months.Mayor Martin Kennelly filled his offhours with a "pleasurable" reading ofthe book, and in reviewing it for theSun-Times, urged everyone else toread it. It was hailed as the most interesting history of the city ever written, and the best general book aboutChicago since 1929 when Henry J.Smith, '98, and Lloyd Lewis authored a volume on the history of Chicago'sreputation.One magazine found it a "lollopingtome . . . gusty with fabulosities . . ."while a more serious-minded reviewer for The New York HeraldTribune observed that "the thoroughly explored incidents of this recordshow that a civilized writer may beamused by the exuberant pageant ofa city's sinning without allowing hisown point of view to dwindle into coyreproach or to be perverted into monstrous approval. The book sets a newhigh standard for popular social history."The New York Times wrote that"to all the world Chicago is the preeminent symbol of an America ofwaste, achievement, love, arrogance,tumultuous energy and wistfulness.This immensely readable tale confirmsthe city's symbolic role."The idea for the book was born inthe busy mind of Bennett Cerf whohas a knack for picking best sellers as a companion piece to one ofRandom House's previous successes,Incredible New York. Mr. Cerf put ina long-distance call to his friend, Mr.Dedmon, at his Sun-Times' office.After a few bantering remarks and adown-to-business agreement, Emmettwas signed as the author.With an ambition as vast as hissubject, he plugged steadily for twoyears, working on the book everysingle day along with his hefty full-time newspaper job. He gave up vacations, even golf, and the demands ofhis growing two-year-old son, Jona- >k£>*3m'///// -t%^iiiiTT|i"It's about <than, were squeezed around the demands of a growing book.It is reported that many Lake Forestfamilies wondered where Emmettfound the gossipy items about theirancestors. The fact is that most ofthem were found in the scholarlytended files of the Chicago HistoricalSociety or newspapers of 75 or 100years ago.One unexpected source of materialwas a guide to Chicago SportingHouses, published in 1889, which University of Chicago trustee GrahamAldis had found in a secret compartment of an old desk he was preparing to get rid of from his firm's office.This presented a problem to theauthor, who wasn't quite sure whetherMr. Aldis would like to be creditedwith ownership of such historical material. He finally decided the bookwas rare enough that the subject matter was overlooked.16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEil, exotic, far off, fabulous place called Chicago."This led to an amusing conversationbetween Mr. Aldis and Democraticpresidential candidate Adlai Stevenson at a dinner party the week thebook was published. Mr. Aldis remarked during a discussion of thebook, which he had not yet seen, thatperhaps the others didn't know it, buthe had contributed some of the information. To this Mr. Stevenson replied, "Do we know it? We evenknow from the credits exactly whatkind of information it was!"Later, the author asked Mr. Aldiswhether the credit had caused himany embarrassment. "None at all," hesaid. "In fact, it has even improvedmy status with the second generation!"Emmett has been an ambitiouscharacter from way back. Indeed, ashe records in one of the early pagesof his book, "There is no place fordrones or luxurious idlers in Chi cago." He studied and worked hardat the University, and along with twoof his side-kicks, Hart Perry and BobMerriam, garnered a goodly shareof campus extracurricular honors.The three friends consoled themselvesthat their grades weren't quite asillustrious as their activities by forming the "B-Club."When Emmett's finances ran outduring the middle of his senior yearhe passed over the editorship of theDaily Maroon to Laura Bergquist, '39,and took on a full-time job sellingbibles. This temporary salesmanshipnever dimmed his ambition to be awriter, and he dreamed of a VincentSheean career as a foreign correspondent, in far-off, fabulous capitals.He went to work immediately following graduation as an assistant toIrving Pflaum, foreign editor of TheChicago Times. His budding news-PFn°r career was interrupted by three years in the Army. As a navigatorwith a bomber crew in the EighthAir Force, Captain Dedmon bailed outover Germany when his plane wasshot down, and spent from July 1943to May 1945 in a prisoner of war camp.He turned this grim, dreary episodeto advantage, however. Using whatever scraps of paper he could find,he wrote his first book, a novel, Dutyto Live. By the time the book waspublished Emmett was back homeand had changed his name, at hispublisher's suggestion, from Deadmanto Dedmon, since this seemed moreappropriate for an author who choseto affirm life.He returned to the newspaper fieldon the Sun-Times, moving from dramacritic to editor of the book section anda lively and leading role in the Societyof Midland Authors. Two years agohis paper appointed him assistantSunday editor. In the process of moving up he married the editor's secretary who came equipped with brains,beauty and a Phi Beta Kappa Keyfrom Northwestern University, whereshe majored in history. These werehandy assets for a writer's wife, andEmmett found her a helpful researchassistant for a city's biography. Forthese, and other, reasons, he chose todedicate his second book to her.Although some critics have pointedup omissions in the book and a regretthat the events of the past twentyyears are slighted, (Emmett says theyaren't in historical focus yet) mostseem to share the sentiment of PaulAngle, president of the Chicago Historical Society, who said, "To havea Chicago book written with affectionrather than in disdain and ridicule isa pleasure and a welcome change."Emmett is keenly aware that there'smuch in Chicago that isn't so wonderful. His research convinced himthat the strong Puritan streak of thecity's transplanted New Englandfounding fathers was both a strengthand a weakness. It made for strongindividual characters but a weak public morality. He is convinced that reform will come in Chicago as it has(occasionally) in the past only whenit pays. But his book is no polemic forpolitical action. It is, rather, a deftcharacterization of the flavor and personality of the people and eventswhich dominated the city's history.Perhaps his gratitude to all theseeminently writable characters canbest be summarized in the words heused to autograph a copy of his book:"For Mary Garden, without whomChicago would not have been half sofabulous! From an author who isdeeply grateful to her for leading sointeresting a life." A.P.MAY, 1954 17j6oolcAby Faculty and AlumniTHE JEWS, JESUS AND CHRIST,by G. George Fox, Ph.B. '04, A.M. '15.Chicago: Argus Books, The BeiserPress, 1953. 50 pages. $2.00.As the author recognizes, there aretoday a host of fateful misconceptionsabroad with regard to the historicalrelations of Judaism to its daughterreligion, Christianity. In certain waysthe New Testament lends itself tothese confusions. Dr. Fox is notablyqualified to deal with the errors inquestion, as one who has long beendevoted to inter-faith activities andwho has a host of friends amongChristians as well as among Jews, andwho is widely read in the historicalproblems involved.In this volume, which carries anappreciative introduction by the well-known scholar, Donald W. Riddle, Dr.Fox deals with such matters as thefollowing: Why did the Jews ofJesus' day find it difficult to recognizein him the expected Messiah? At whatpoints could they agree with histeaching and at what points not? Howdoes the New Testament do less thanjustice to the original issues? In whatpoints was Paul's formulation of theGospel peculiarly antipathetic to Jewish ideas of monotheism and revelation? Where do the responsibilitiesfor the execution of Jesus lie?On all such points the author helpsthe Christian reader to "hear theother side," and corrects many erroneous views. At some points hisreconstruction is unconvincing to thereviewer. Stubborn differences both9 FLOORS FILLED WITH BOOKS!Chicago's LargestANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORE(In the heart of the Loop)Everything from 10c books to raritiesBooks from the 15th CenturyModern, first and limited editions18th & 19th Century English LiteratureLarge stock of pamphlet materialWe buy small and large collections ofgood booksCome in or write usCENTRAL BOOK STORE36 SOUTH CLARK STREETDEARBORN 2-0470Also open evenings and Sundays of historical findings and over- allinterpretation will no doubt persistin connection with this age-old cleavage. But what is of first importancehere is the irenic and friendly tone ofthe4, discussion. If this dispositioncould be carried into all the envenomed controversies of our day wewould all be well on the way towardsa more humane future.Amos N. WilderNew England Professor ofNew Testament InterpretationFederated Theological FacultyBRIEFLY NOTEDDIGGING BEYOND THE TIGRIS.By Linda Braidwood. AM '46. HenrySchuman, Inc., 1953. $4.50.In the past year or two the Magazine has carried accounts of the expedition in Iraq which Dr. RobertBraidwood of the Oriental Institutehas conducted. The digs in Jarmoprovided significant evidence of thechange from man's cave-dwellingexistence to that of the life of settledcommunities of farmers and herdsmen a change that paved the wayfor civilization.In this volume, Dr. Braidwood'swife, a fellow archeologist, tells ofthe story of the momentous Jarmodig how it came about, the carefulplanning that went into it, the day-by-day problems and pleasures thatarose, and a myriad of facts and details that give the reader a vivid impression of what life was like for thepeople involved in this expedition tothe Kurdish hills.The account is hot a technical summary, but an informal, diary-likerecital of the practical matters thathave to be met to keep the staff members well and happy and to insurethe success of the expedition. Thebook contains many excellent photographs and drawings which add tothe reader's interest.SYMBOLIC WOUNDS: PubertyRites and the Envious Male. By BrunoBettelheim, Professor (Education andPsychology). Free Press, 1954. $4.75.In his observations of children atthe Orthogenic School, Dr. Bettelheim, Principal, was struck with theparallel between the fantasies and rituals they devised to satisfy deepinner needs and the initiation customsamong pre -literate peoples.Contrary to accepted beliefs thatinitiation rites have been imposedprimarily by the elders on the young,Dr. Bettleheim's study leads him tothe conclusion that "through initiationrites, young persons indeed, all thepeople who participate try to masternot a man-made conflict between theyoung and the old but a conflict between man's instinctual desires andthe role he wishes to play in societyor which society expects him to fulfill. Their efforts are self-realization."Dr. Bettelheim believes that someinitiation rites also reveal the profound envy both sexes have for therole and function of the opposite sex.He concludes, "Hardly any rituals inour society permit youngsters todramatize or sublimate, and in thisway to partially satisfy these desiresand thus to gain self-realization. Sincewe do not offer them an acceptablesolution to the problem we should atleast become more understanding ofit and make allowance for it. ...If we could satisfy through ritual, orthrough more civilized, less magic andmore satisfying institutions, the de-This is how the bookbegins__«smaii gods walk upand down the land. To thempeople pray. They pray for relief from disordered passions,but so long as they beseechsmall gods their peace will besmall. They are like childrencrying for parents they do notknow are dead."Writing in THE ANNALS, Dr. J. A.Kindwall, a psychiatrist and Directorof the Milwaukee Sanitarium atWauwatosa, Wisconsin, says "The pathos of that openingparagraph haunts the readerthroughout the book; and especially so if he be a psychiatrist."The author's analysis of the so-called statistics of therapeuticresults is devastating. His description of the non-moral,'non-directive' methods of psychotherapy is chilling, evenfrightening. He explodes the fallacy that psychotherapy, or anyform of human relations, canexist without the bipolar factorof some form and degree ofauthority and acceptance."ERRORS OFPSYCHOTHERAPYby Sebastian de Grazia$3 at all boolcksellers, or direct fromDept. G, DOUBLEDAY & CO.,INC., Garden City, N. Y.18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsires of both men and women toparticipate in the activities and enjoyments normally belonging to theother sex, each sex could gain greaterinner autonomy, could better acceptits own role and that of the other;the two could live with one anothermore satisfactorily ..."YOU AND YOUR HEALTH. ByEdwin P. Jordan, '23, MD '28. G. P.Putnam's Sons, 1954. $3.95.Dr. Jordan himself has describedthe purpose of this book. He writes:"There is a real desire on the part ofthe non-medical public for information concerning their bodies and theailments which may affect them. Thedesire is not for a substitute for professional medical care, but to informthemselves better concerning whatmay happen to them, their relatives,or their friends. Practicing physiciansare frequently so pressed for timethat they are unable to explain manyof these things to the full satisfactionof those who consult them. The aimof this book is to try to fill this gapand to help people understand whatthey need to know about their healthand to aid physicians in giving them,a reliable source to which they canrefer patients for information whichthey themselves lack the time to explain in simple terms."Dr. Jordan is now Lecturer in Social and Environmental Medicine atthe University of Virginia, and ispresently the author of a daily column, "Tlfie Doctor Says," which issyndicated in newspapers across theUnited States.THE; CHANGING HUMANITIES.An Appraisal of Old Values and NewUses. By David H. Stevens, PhD '14.Harper & Bros., 1953.As the title suggests, Mr. Steven'spurpose in this volume is to give thegeneral reader a picture of the changing role and emphases of the humanities in American colleges and universities during the past fifty years.A faculty member at the Universityof Chicago from 1914 to 1930, and aformer director for the humanities ofthe Rockefeller Foundation, Mr.Stevens has made scholarship in thehumanities a life -long career.Just published:THE MIND ALIVE by Harry and Bonaro Over-street is the most important book the Over-streets have written. It is the rightful successorto THE MATURE MIND in its exploration ofhow to achieve emotional maturity. THE MINDALIVE is $3.75 atTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOBOOKSTORE5802 Ellis Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois 1898Richard Vaughan, DB, now lives inretirement at Hotel Dwellere in Orlando,Fla. He was a member of the debatingteam of 1897 which brought to the University its first forensic victory overMichigan. Following his pastorate ofthe First Baptist Church, Berkeley,Calif., he served for 28 years as Professorof Theology at Andover Newton Theological School.1899News comes from Dr. Henry ShouseCelebration by degreesDr. Alfred Lewy, Rush MD '98,and Minnie Barnard Lewy, '01,celebrated their golden weddinganniversary with a big party atthe Shoreland Hotel on April 14.One of their sons, LawrenceLewy, '34, JD '36, informs us thatthe happy occasion included manygraduates of the University andmore degrees than you can shakea sheepskin at. The Lewy's immediate family, in addition toLawrence, .includes Everett, '25,JD '27, and Robert, '30, Rush MD'34. Lawrence adds, "When onecounts Dr. and Mrs. Lewy's niecesand nephews, together with theirdegrees, and their children's degrees, there are eighteen degreesfrom the University of Chicago."Most of these people were atthe celebration. In addition, therewere many old friends and graduates of the University, includingDr. Charles Swift, Professor Emeritus, Anatomy, whose degrees aretoo numerous to mention, Dr. R. M.Strong, Mary Roth, '02, and Dr.George McBean."in San Diego, Calif., that he and his wifecelebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary on January 21. Dr. Shouse, atthe age of 86, teaches in Sunday Schooland supplies the pulpits.1905Sounds as though music is right inthere with chemistry as one of DudleyFrench's main interests. He writes, "Youshould come out to our town (Winnetka)some Monday afternoon to GreeleySchool and see me trying to get starteda love for good music with youngstersin the lower elementary grades. I playto five or six different groups, for thirtyminutes each. Love it!! Nearly everychild in town knows me!"Charles A. Shull, PhD '15, has re sumed writing for the Asheville CitizenTimes, and is on the staff of "The SeedPod," monthly of the Asheville Men'sGarden Club. He also serves as secretaryof the Poetry Council of North Carolina"in its notable efforts to support poetryas a fine art in North Carolina."James H. Taylor, A Rush graduate,rounds out a brief biographical sketchwith recollections of his internship atPresbyterian Hospital and later postgraduate study in Vienna. He also serveda term as alderman in Chicago's CityCouncil. He is still doing some medicalpracticing, by appointment.1907Georgiana Youngs Bonita writes fromRockford, 111., that since retiring fromthe teaching of English several years agoher main interests are painting landscapes and portraits and working forworld peace.1909Nova Beal is living in retirement inSacramento, Calif. Friends report thather long and devoted service on theJ§S|k A UNIVERSITY OFUS) CHICAGO^.s^ PRESS BOOKPast andFutureBy William H. McNeillMr. McNeill, brilliant young historian, presents an unusual interpretation of the past as the basis forevaluating the future possibility ofWorld War III or World Government.$3.75At your bookstore, or fromThe University of Chicago Press5750 Ellis Ave., Chicago 37, IllinoisMAY, 1954 19California personnel board was recognized by the State Personnel Board by apresentation to her of the 25-year stateservice certificate. It was remarked atthe presentation that "Miss Beal steeredthe examining division through a goodmany years of its progress. It was during that time that California's examiningdivision built up a nationwide reputationfor the quality of the examinations givenin this State," At the time of her retirement she was principal personnel ex-1911Alice Lee Loweth writes from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, that she and her husband are busy this year working on their"retirement plans." Mr. Loweth retiredFebruary 8th on his 65th birthday, andMrs. Loweth is retiring from her officeas chairman of the Department of WorldRelations of the Cleveland Council ofChurch Women.Vera L. Moyer is a cataloger in theLibrary of the Pennsylvania State University. "I am still enjoying trying tofind subject headings and classificationsfor the new and interesting discoveriesof scientific research."1912Thecla Doniat continues her interestin work for crippled children, on the local, national and international level.She's just finished up much activityin the Easter Seals campaign. She isalso a member of the Woman's Boardof the National Conference of Christiansand Jews.The Rev. Charles McCurdy representshis home town of Winhall, Vt., in thestate legislature. "I have been approachedto run for another term in the legislature and my fighting strength is stillgood though I am supposed to remainat ease on the shelf of 'retired respectability'."-1914-Plans are well underway for oneof the best reunions the Class of'14 has ever had. Already scheduled are a men's dinner at theUniversity Club on June 4, a reunion luncheon on June 5 at theDel Prado, and a luncheon on June6 at the South Shore Country Club.All the class committee needs tomake the reunion a huge success isa record-breaking turnout. Put anasterisk before your name to indicate you plan to attend!* Jay B. Allen. President of McKinney& Allen, insurance and real estate inSioux Falls, S. D., is very busy in community affairs. He is a thirty-three de gree Mason and Past Potentate of localShrine. He was chairman of the executivecommittee that conducted a campaign toraise money for a new wing to theMcKennan Hospital.Gracia Ailing Tuttle and her husband,now retired, moved out to La Jolla,Calif., from Glencoe, 111., last June andhave built a home there. "We are planning a trip back home in early summer,and if we are there as early as June 4,I shall be at the Class reunion."* Harold Anderson, a retired broker,is living in Chicago.Edna Bell Smith has been a Californiaresident since shortly after graduationin 1914. Her husband, now retired, wasan assistant maintenance engineer withthe California Division of Highways until1953. Their two children are both Stanford graduates. The Smiths have threegranddaughters.* Ralph Carpenter, MD '16, a physicianin Geneva, 111., plans to return for thereunion.Marie Cossum Wildman retired fromteaching in June, and is living in Bloomington, 111. For the last seven years shehas taught the mentally handicapped inthe Bloomington public schools. Heryoungest son, Allan Wildman, will receive his B.D. degree from the University this June.* Virginia Folkes Lewis has realizeda life-time ambition to live in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. She made it"HINDE & DAUCH"STARRINGA continuousperformancestarring themost glamorouspersonality ofthe corrugatedbox industry.Look for Cora Gatedon your corrugated boxesHINDE & DAUCHSANDUSKY, OHIO20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFaculty member, 1892Dr Glenn Hobbs, PhD '05, haswritten in to make a collectionand an addition to the TowerTopics story (March) about thethiee suiviving members of theoriginal Univeisity faculty He reports that it's not a trio, but aquartet, since he was on the faculty in 1892, also, and has someinteresting leminiscences aboutthose early days"The science faculty of the University started its work in a foui-story apartment building at thesouthwest corner of University(then Lexington) Avenue and 55thStreet, and worked theie untilboth the Kent and Ryerson buildings were finished I was indeedon the payroll in the fall of 1892,for S W Stratton and I carriedon the fiist courses in physics inthe two dining rooms and twokitchens on the second floor ofthat building (identified even today with a carved UNIVERSITYover its door) Chamberlin (Geology) had the front rooms and densof the same flooi, Nef and Stieglitz (Chemistry) had the two storeson the ground floor, and Donaldson, Loeb, Angell (to mention afew I can remember of that grandgroup of men repiesenting theother scientists) were distributedon the two floors above AlthoughI was an assistant, and retired in1909 while still an instructor to gowith the Ameiican School, it is tome sufficient honoi to have beenassociated with them to claim tobe among the few living membersof that illustiious group Michelson was hired but was in Parisand did not appeal until Ryeisonwas built in 1894 I saw Ryeisonbuilt Morrison, Milliken and Manncame along during those yearsbefore 1900" in the spring of 1950, and lives in StuaitsDiaft, on a five-acre plot six miles fromthe Blue Ridge Paikway "I am tryingto wiite a novel about a count) y schoolteacher, in between chuich woik, clubwork, raising and freezing vegetables,and entertaining four lively grandchil-dien"Agnes Gaidnei Buttrick (Mrs George)is still a New York resident, where herrenowned husband has been minister ofthe Madison Avenue PresbyterianChuich since 1926Edith Duff Gwinn who is special assistant to the director of division of pupilpersonnel and counseling, School Distiictof Philadelphia, explains her job withthis note: "My particular i esponsibilityis Employment Certificating Service,which in Philadelphia consists of a splendid piofessional staff of 'employment su-pei visors' and doctors who provide forthe health, safety and welfaie of youngwoikers under 18 years of age Sinceover 40,000 of these young people, withtheii varied individual work problemsvisit oui offices each yeai, theie arefew dull moments June is an especiallybusy time, so I can only send best wishesfoi a wonderful June 4th celebration "Haivey Hanis, a rancher in Sterling,Colo , is suie the reunion will be a lip-snortin' affaii, "with Fitzpatrick,Matthews, Leisure, and others to legaleus, I know, with cuidling stories"Mauiice Hellei is vice-president andmanagei of the Pacific Coast Branch ofSwank, Inc He and his wife, the foimerEstelle Zeman, have two daughters andfive grandchildren* Hunfy Lee is a retired bankei andindustrialist in New York CityWilliam Leach wiites from Austin,Texas, that he hopes to make it to thereunion He reports that a fellow classmate, Horace Fitzpatrick, is also aTexan, living in Los Fresnos* Elliodor M Libonati, a Chicago attorney, was rummaging through some ofhis old effects and found a reminder ofthe years 1910 and 1911, when he wasa freshman at the University: namely, ared cap, which the freshmen were le-quiied to wear "I also found the 'C sweater which was awarded in 1914 tothe members of the vaisity baseball teamThese two ai tides aioused pleasantmemoiies of my yeais spent at the Univeisity"* Erling Lunde, a paitner in the Central Tools Co , and secretaiy, Dean Machinery Co , Chicago, writes that he hadanother giandson on Decembei 22 who"quite upset our Chiistmas routine Thatmakes two of each vaiiety Peggy, 7%,is the oldest It's lots of fun and I'm ascrazy as any of the lest of you granddads!"* Rudy Matthews, now letiied and living in Princeton, N J , writes, "Neverhaving missed a class reunion, I amcounting on being present for our 40th!I am suie that Noigy, oui chairman, withthe help of Merle Coulter, Eaile andWilliam Shilton, and of course, that'mainspring' of our class, Howie Murray,will bring the biggest turnout to datenext June "* Chailes Molandei, is a Chicago physician with three married children whohave pioduced five giandchildren "Reunion? A fine idea! Would like to seethat old gang of mine "Patty Newbold Hoefner is doing somesubstitute teaching of biology in theHempstead, N Y , high school She wiitesthat she is enjoying her two small granddaughters Hei oldest daughter is inBombay, India, with her husband whois a chemical engineer* Leslie M Parker is a partner in theChicago law firm of Paiker & Cartel* Ruth Wood Phelps is a River Foresthomemaker Hei husband is an insurance brokerHelene Pollak Gans writes that she isleading a busy life in New Yoik, workingwith several civic organizations, including the Women's City Club and the AdultEducation Council She has had fiequentvacations in the Far West and occasionally EuropeLouise Robeitson is a retired elementary school principal, living in Louisville, KyMaigaiet Rudd Speed (Mrs Kellogg)is a lesident of Laguna Beach, Calif,where hei husband is a suigeon Sum-Playwrights theatre clubRED GLOVESbyJean Paul Sartiefrom May 5ththiough May 30thMembership information on request1560 North WHitehallLaSalle Street 3-2272 Webb-Linn Printing Co.Catalogs, PublicationsAdvertising Literature?Printers of the Universityof Chicago Magazine?A L Weber, J D '09 L S Berlin, B A, '09A J Falick, MBA '51MOnroe 6-2900 Radio Station W F M T... 78 hours a dayall of it devoted to . . .serious musicdramapoetryand discussion7 a.m. to 1 a.m.98.7 on your FM dialMAY, 1954 21Tax Court JudgeArnold R Baar, '12, JD '14, hasaccepted appointment of Judge ofthe Tax Court of the United StatesHe was appointed because of histechnical qualifications in the fieldof Federal tax law His law firm,Kixmiller, Baar & Morris, has builta reputation in the field of Federaltax lawHaving lived in Chicago practically all his life (actually hisresidence is Winnetka), Baar'smove to Washington will come asa surprise to his many friendsActually it was an appointmentArnold really wanted, somethingfor which he felt and is highlyqualifiedIn addition to his numerousimportant civic accomplishments for which he was awaided anAlumni Citation in 1944 he hashad his share of honors in theintellectual field: Phi Beta Kappa;J D cum laude; Order of Coif;Delta Sigma Rho (debating)He was admitted to the bar ofthe Suprenie Court in 1921, hasbeen chairman of the Federal taxation committees of the Chicago BarAssociation and the Illinois StateChamber: of Commerce Federaltaxation is his specialty which hewill now use at the top nationallevelmers are usually spent in Highland Park,111Laura Moore Smith retired from activepersonnel work in 1944 and went toFlorida to live, In 1948 she marriedRobert' Howard of Orlando, Fla Sinceher husband's death she has been givingmost of her time to amateur farmingactivitiesHazel Allison Stevenson is Professorof English at Florida State Universityin Tallahassee, Fla She reports that thepast forty years for her have seen plentyof study, leading to additional degrees,some travel in Europe and our Northwest, and the building of two homes,the second of which she continues tooccupy happilyFrom Alex Squair in York, Pa , comesthis nice note: "In early 1953 the SearsRoebuck retirement age limit caught upwith me and a new manager took overthe Sears store in York, leaving me withan unaccustomed but delightful sense ofirresponsibility Shuttling back and forthto Florida where there are family ties,and having two alert children, a son anddaughter in high school; has meant nevera dull moment and still there is time topick up some postponed reading such asChurchill's recent six volumes Tennishas passed for me except for an occasional set of doubles with my son whois the school champion, but I still playvolleyball regularly at the YMCALeisurely travel looms as a major for me and my wife in the coming yearsand I am learning how to make a colorcamera add permanent interest to ourtrips "William A Swim, MD '15, is practicingmedicine in Los Angeles, CalifRobert Tindall sailed for Europe onApril 28 for a six months' tour of Britain,France, Holland, Belgium, Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Spain Thisis his first trip to Europe since 1909Since he shipped his own car over, he'splanned many out-of-the-way places inhis itinerary He is presently director,Navy Family Chapel, in Long Beach,Calif He retired from the YMCA in1948 after thirty years with the organization 'W Wallace Visscher is loan guarantyattorney for Michigan of the U; S. Veterans Administration.* Frank Weakly is chairman of theBoard of Directors of the Washington(D C ) Sheraton Corp He is also adirector of the Capital Transit Co , andmember of the advisory board forBranches, American Security Bank &Trust Co He has taken an active rolein many professional and communitygroups* Derwent Whittlesey, AM '16, PhD '20,who is Professor of Geography at Harvard University, received his honoraryD Sc degree from Beloit College lastJune A^J Thanksgiving time he was onthe Chicago campus for the Harris Institute and gave a lecture on Resourcesand Regions of AfricaGerald Wichmann writes that he is enjoying life in the beautiful Rockiesrfoutin Boulder, Colo He says he can't makeit to the fortieth reunion, but will beon hand for the fiftieth for sureJames E Wolfe, rector 'of St Peter'sEpiscopal Church reflects that he is an"heir of the teaching of such memorablemen as Judson, Tufts, Moore, Ames, theSmiths, Jackson, Goodspeed, Burgess,and Foster Hope some of their spirit hasbeen left along the trail from Chicagoto Independence to Des Moines* to Akron,and Newark, and for the past elevenyears here in Bainbridge, N Y SorryI can't attend the anniversary meet, itwould be great fun I will spread ashower of best wishes upon all there "Katharine Wood Hattendorf, a retiredsocial worker, is living in St Paul, MinnAlice D Young is Dean of Girls atBarrett High School in Henderson, Ky1915Brent D Allinson is conducting a tourto Europe this summer The group willbe limited to twelve people, and willMODEL CAMERA SHOPLeica - Exacta - Bolex- Rollei -Stereo1329 E. 55th St. HYde Park 3-9259"Neighborhood ServiceWifh Downtown Selection" feature The United Nations and UNESCOin action, in Paris and Geneva, MrAllinson announces that the tour will beof especial interest to students of themovement for a United States of EuropeThe group sails June 19 and returnsAugust 18, and will include Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Englandin the itinerary.Helen Drew Richardson, AM, is editing for publication her late husband'sHistory of Beloit College. He was RobertKimbail Richardson, Professor of Historyin Beloit College for 46 years before hisdeath in 1952.Joseph B Shine, AM '19, is principalof Parker High School in Chicago1916John H Roser is still practicing lawin Chicago, but finds time to play theviolin and harp and correspond in Frenchwith four French orphans He also servesas trustee of Temple Baptist Church1917Charles P Dake writes: "I was detailedMITZIE'SFLOWER SHOPMidway 3-40201301 E 55th StreetHYde Park 3-53531225 E. 63rd StreetTttUv&t&itty cottwttuttityfat afattet tcventy yeaitROCKEFELLERcould afford to pay $6, $7, $8, $9, andmore for vitamins Can you? We havedeveloped a system of distributing vitamins by mail order only which will saveyou up to 50% Eliminate the commission of 4 or 5 middlemen 20 elementformula with ALL vitamins and mineralsfor which need has been established,plus 6 others. 100 capsules $3 15 We payall postage in continental United StatesWrite today for free literature:SPRINGER & DASHNAU(U. of Chicago, AB '51, AM '52)3125 Miller St., Dept A, Phila 34, PaHyde Park Chevrolet5506 Lake Park AvenueComplete FacilitiesNew & Used Cars and TrucksCall DO 3-8600Satisfaction Guaranteed22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto the White House in August and September to organize the Commission onForeign Economic Policy (known as theRandall Commission) Since its organization meeting last September 22 I havebeen executive director of the Commis-1919Ceci| and Winified Ridgley ('23), Rewreport that their daughter was graduatedfrom the University of Michigan in 1952and is now a stewardess with United Airlines, based in New York City1921Mabel Masten, MD '26, of Madison,Wis , was elected president of CentralNeuropsychiatric Association at the annual meeting held in October in IndianapolisKappa Alpha Psi Fraternity sponsoreda public testimonial dinner on April 15in honor of J Ernest Wilkins, JD, recently appointed assistant secretary oflabor Held in the Conrad Hilton Hotel,the dinner brought together representatives of commerce, industry, labor, thepress, and the public Mr Wilkins is apast grand polemarch of the fraternityand holder of the Laurel Wreath, thegroup's highest award of achievement1922Eula Phares Mohle, AM, edited an anthology of Texas literature, entitled, TheTexas Sampler It was published by theOxford Book Co , this Spring1923Sara Bianham, PhD, MD '34, is president of the District of Columbia AlumniChapter of Sigma XI Last Fall she participated in the International Microbiological meetings in Rome, and then visited eight Mediterranean countriesLouise Fletcher (Mrs W Gordon Dix)writes from Grandville, Mich , that although her children are grown and awayfrom home, she's busier than ever, activein the League of Women Voters andother community organizations Her sonT A REHNQUIST CO.Our25thYear C7>EST 1929CONCRETEFLOORS SIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATIONSINDUSTRIAL FLOORINGEMERGENCY REPAIR WORKCONCRETE BREAKINGWATERPROOFINGINSIDE WALLS6639 S. Vernon AvenueNOrmal 7-0433 \ Hf :FOR LATE SPRING AND SUMMERour attractive, crease-resistant suitsof blended rayon, acetate and Dacron*...made for us on our own patternsHere are the distinctive and practical suits thatwere such a tremendous success last year . againin a choice of shades and patterns for town orcountry wear. Cool and lightweight, they haveunusual resistance to wrinkling, stretching orabrasion. They are made on our exclusive patterns in dark blue, medium brown or grey, greyor brown with hairline stripe, and grey or brownGlenurquhart plaids $52Swatches and mail oidet joint ufon requestESTABLISHED 1818 _Jjg©llens fumtehiwjiJIat* %% hoe*346 MADISON AVENUE, COR 44TH ST, NEW YORK 17, N Y1 1 1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 6, N YBOSTON CHICAGO LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO*Du Pont's fibejMAY, 1954 23JOSEPH H. AARON, Class '27Insurance Broker135 South La Salle StreetChicago, IllinoisRAndolph 6-1060GLEN EYRIE FARM forCHILDRENon Delavan LakeA FARM CAMP, farm family life with gardening, farm animals, orchard, nature hikes,country dancing, games, swimming, boating,and camp life for both boys and girls Ages8 11 yrs 8 and 4 week terms beginning June29thVirginia Hinkins Buzzell '13, DirectorDelavan, WisconsinTHE ELMS HOTEL"Informal and Relaxing"Theatre-LoungeCoffee ShopBETWEEN THE LAKE AND THE I C1643 E 53rd StreetOverlooking the LakeUNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1354 East 55th StreetMemberFederal Deposit InsuranceCorporation5487 LAKE PARK AVECHICAGO, ILLINOIS'or rittervations Call .BUTTERFIELD 8-4960 3-D heart studyDr F Lowell Dunn, '20, is usingthree-dimensional techniques toget a better look at the humanheartAs director of the cardio-vas-cular service at the University ofNebraska College of Medicine, heand his assistant, Dr WilliamAngle, are developing a camera torecord a patient's heart beat on acathode-ray tube in a closed-loop,or circle-like imageThis circle -like image gives thedoctor a more complete idea ofthe heart's condition, according toDr Dunn, and shows the beat asit affects the patient's chest, back,head and lower body The result isa "space pattern" of the heartHe goes on to explain that anew way to record each beat onpaper as it appears on the cathode-ray tube is needed So Dr Dunnis working to perfect a camera,timed by electronics and operatedfrom the patient's pulse, which willtake one picture as each beat appears on the tubeHis project is sponsored by theNebraska Heart Association andthe National Health Instituteis in Korea, and her daughter is marriedand living in Ann Arbor where herhusband is a student at the Universityof Michigan1924Agnes Adams reports that last Juneshe became director of student teachingand placement at National College ofEducation in Evanston She is also foreign student adviserMartha Bennett King, who supplied uswith the interesting Readers Guide inthis issue, manages to keep very busyAs a specialist in children's literature,she has served as children's book editorfor the Chicago Sun-Times, and is nowchildren's book reviewer for the ChicagoTribune Last fall, she was program director of the highly successful Miracle ofBooks, a book fair for children, sponsoredby the Ttibune and the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago She writeschildren's plays and the Goodman Theatre produced her "Peter, Peter, PumpkinEater" this winter She won the SeattleJunior Programs National Playwritingcontest with her "Papa Pompino and thePrizefighter "Mona Fletchei, AM, was a member ofa committee of the American PoliticalScience Association that wrote a report,American State Legislatures, publishedby Crowell in February1927Jeanette Tamon Kann, of Glericoe,111 , is out-going president of the NorthShore Art League, a non-profit organi zation of professional and non-professional artistsEdgar Phillip Kurtzman has recentlybeen installed as president of the Men'sApparel Guild in California, with headquarters in Los Angeles Mr Kurtzmanis co-owner of a L A clothing store,"Sportsclothes Limited "1928Rabbi Oscar Fasman and his wife, theformer Jeannette Rubin, are residents ofChicago, where Rabbi Fasman is president of the Hebrew Theological CollegeAlice Kastle Brown has been a resident of Mt Pleasant, Mich , for 21 yearsShe has a geologist husband and twochildren: Beverly, a freshman at Stanford University;* and William, a highschool freshmanThe honorary degree of doctor of divinity was conferred upon Robert King-don, AM, last June by Huron CollegeThe Rev Kingdoh is minister of theFirst Congregational Church of Wisconsin Rapids, Wis1929Elizabeth Bryan Patten (Mrs Z Car-tter) writes from Ashland Farm, nearChattanooga, Tenn Her two daughtersare both at Vassar College this year:Sarah as a senior who will be graduatedthis spring, and Emma, who is a freshman She has twin sons, Cartter andBryan Following Sarah's graduation,the family is planning to spend the summer abroadElbeit L Little, PhD, a dendrologistwith the U S Forest Service, is on leaveof absence this year in Caracas, Venezuela, where he is a Visiting Professor ofBotany in the Forestry School of theUniversity of the Andes He gives coursesin tropical dendrology, and makes fieldtrips for material for a book on thecommon trees of the country His book,Check-List of the Native and NaturalizedTiees of the United States was publishedin DecemberThe honors keep piling up for FrancesRappapoit Horwich and her Ding DongSchool The Associated Press has namedher 1953's Woman of the Year in education More recently comes the announcement that Columbia University's Teachers College has established an annual$2,000 grant, to be known as the FrancesHorwich Graduate Fellowship in EarlyChildhood Education The fellowshipwas endowed by the American CharacterDoll Company1930Elmer Higdon, of Indianapolis, waselected vice-president in December ofLooks as though the Class of '29will be meeting for cocktails at sixand dinner at seven at the Quadrangle Club on June 4 Will yoube there?24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe Division of Foreign Missions, theNational Council of the Churches ofChrist in the USAHarold L. Millei, MD, is president ofthe Wisconsin Dermatological SocietyE Oriole Wisner, AM, received herdoctor's degree in educational psychologyin 1953 1934 A big shindig is in the planningstage for you members of the Classof '34 Asterisk indicates those whoplan to be back for the cocktailand dinner party at the Del Pradoon June 4* Mary K Ascher, AM '36, keeps morethan busy as a volunteer for the Travellers Aid, helping in whatever way shecan wherever she can* Warren S Askew is head of the plantaccounting department, Swift & Co ,Chicago Warren and his wife, the former Mary Anna Patrick, '38 have ahome in Hinsdale and three children tofill it up Their family includes WarrenJr , 13, John, 9, and Mary Patricia, 8* Eail Avitt writes from San Franciscothat he hopes to attend the reunion* S Orville Bakei, AM '35, is an associate professor at Northern Illinois StateTeachers College in DeKalb He writes,"I have been teaching and farming thesepast four years, planting the seed whereit will do the most good It has provedan ideal combination "* Bruce Benson is living in Dundee, 111 ,where he is "farming, banking, and in thesoftwater service " He has five children,is president of the Village of Middlebury,and a member of the school board forthe past three years He writes thathe re-married a year and a half ago* Martin E Carlson, Captain, USNR,has been released from active duty, having completed nearly 18 years of service,starting as a seaman, second class Heis now with the First National Bank ofChicago His Navy assignments haveconsisted of a variety of posts in allparts of the world, including Chief ofDefense Counsel for all Japanese triedfor war crimes on Guam during a threeyear period For over four years he wasassigned duty in the Bureau of Yardsand Docks, Navy Department, in chargeof all claims arising out of use andoccupancy of real estate* F Sti other Cary Ji , is administrativevice-president, Leo Burnett Co , Inc ,laigest advertising firm in Chicago Hehas been with the firm since it wasorganized in 1935 He has two children,a daughter, 14, and a 12-year old sonEdwin Cieslak, PHD '44, is AssociateProfessor of Biology at the University ofMinnesota He is serving this year aspresident of the Twin Cities chapter ofthe International House AssociationRobert Davis, MD '37, is Chief of Surgical Service, U S Army Hospital in FtJackson, S C* Alice Durkin Stanton is a teacher inLindblom High School in Chicago * Laura Epstein, AM '36, returned herblank with the simple message, "Nobusiness, no title, no husband I work "She is a social worker in ChicagoLeonaid Eslick and his wife, the former Floience Webei, live in St Louis,where Leonard is Associate Professor ofPhilosophy at the University of St LouisEmilie Forbrich resigned this fall ondoctor's orders from the UniversityLaboratory School, after many years ofdevoted service as a teacher in the primary grades She is doing some privatetutoring at home, and we hope the doctor will relent by June so that she canattend the reunion* George Gregory, Jr , JD '36, a disabledwar veteran writes that he will be "surprised and anxious to see school 'buddies' again "* Hobart Gunning, JD '36, is a Chicagoattorney and county judge* From Betty Hansen Wilson comes thisnews: "Since our return from a year'sresidence in Australia in 1948-49, wehave settled down to a congenial suburban existence in Mission, Kansas, justover the state line from Kansas City, MoWith Linda a freshman in high school,and Scott in the 7th grade, much of mylife is spent in hauling them about totheir various activities My husband(Hairy Wilson, MBA '43) is market research manager for Butler Mfg Co , steelfabricators, and very active in BoyScouting I spend much time working foroui country's volunteer library system,the first step in obtaining a tax-sup-poited system I try to keep the libiarymovement in the public eye with numerous news stories in local and suburbanpapers shades of the Daily Maroon!Keep my brain perking, after a fashion,with a second year Great Books discussion group I would love to attendthe reunion, and might make it"Charles C Hauch, AM '36, PhD '42, isin a new post now that of assistantchief, Foreign Affairs Division, Legislative Reference Service, Library ofCongress He previously had served asassistant director, program office, Institute of Inter- Ameiican Affairs (Point 4Program for Latin America) and as international relations officer, Bureau ofInter-American Affairs, Department ofState He and his wife, the former Ruth-adele La Tounette, AM '38, have threedaughters: Priscilla, 12, Charlotte, 9, andValerie, 5Southwestern University conferred adoctorate on Kirby Walker, AM, lastJune In November he completed a termof office as president of the SouthernAssociation of Colleges and SecondarySchoolsHelejft Hiett Waller continues in herpost as Forum Director of the New YorkHerald Tribune Her husband is editorialvice-president, New American Libraryof World Literature Their third child first daughter was born on January8 Helen is currently involved in theeighth annual New York Herald TribuneForum for High Schools, which hasbrought to the United States 32 highschool students from 32 countries, each LA TOURAINECoffee and TeaLa Touralne Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave., ChicagoOther PlantsBoston New York Philadelphia Syracuse Cleveland Detroit"You Might As Well Have The Best"Phones OAkland 4-06904-06914-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueBOYDSTON AMBULANCE SERVICEAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of Chicagophone NOrmal 7-2468NEW ADDRESS-1708 E 71ST STW. B. Conkey Go.Division ofRand M?Nally& CompanyCHICAGO ' HAMMOND NEW YORKSince 1885ALBERTTeachers' AgencyTh.Collwide best In placement service for Uge, Secondary and Elementarypatronage Call or write us at diversity,Nation-' 25 E Jackson BlvdChicago 4, IIITREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Direct Factory DealerforCHRYSLER and PLYMOUTHNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMUseum 4-4500AtsoGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete Automobile Repair,Body, Paint, Simonize, Washand Greasing DepartmentsMAY, 1954 25the winner of nationwide competitionsheld under the auspices of the Ministersof Education of their respective countries* Clifford Hynning, PhD '38, is an attorney with the U S treasury in Washington, D C* Virginia Jeffries Ferguson (Mrs Os-born) is raising two sons, Jeffrey, '13, andChase, 9, out in Deerfield, 111 Her husband is with the Continental CasualtyInsurance Co* Marion Keane, AM '35, sends thisnews from LaGrange Park, 111 : "Afterten years of apartment dwelling in SouthShore, we became suburbanites in '50and enjoy the change tremendously Oursons George, 10, and Bob, 12, find thelife equally interesting We hope to havetwo weeks in Florida this month to putus in shape for the gardening seasonto come A suburban French group helpsto keep my "major" alive and studygroups give a frequent impetus to theaging thought processes!"* Yvonne Kimbell Cusack, a resident ofWestern Springs, 111 , is a teacher of English and also the librarian at McClureJunior High School Her two children areJoyce, 12, and Kim, 15 She hopes toreceive her master's degree in educationfrom Northwestern University this JuneHer husband is vice-president, CentralWaxed Paper CoEdna Krumholz Shaw is a homemakerin Chattanooga, Tenn , where her husband is a physician "She writes, "HowI'd love to be on campus for the reunion, but June 4 is right in the middleof the Washington, D C trip we'd promised our sons, Kenneth, 11, and Bill, 9So perhaps for the 25th I'll lean on themanly shoulders of the above mentionedand join my classmates for the celebration "* Myrtle Larsen is a dietitian in LaCrosse,- Wis* W -Earl Lee is principal of the Washington School in Bloomington, 111* Lila Lindsay Lange reports that she and her husband have just built a newhome in Morton Grove, 111 She is stillteaching first_ grade at the SolomonSchool in Chicago* John R Mauff, AM '50, finds that hisjob as field consultant with the FamilyService Association of America keepshim on the go in Indiana, Michigan andOhio with occasional invasions of NewYork City He adds, "When nostalgiagets too strong, there is always the consolation of a PhD still to be reckonedwith, for the University, like the Universe itself, is with one, ad infinitum "* Nora McLaughlin Wayne (Mrs TedJ ) is living in Chicago Her husband isassistant superintendent of electric furnaces, South Works, U S Steel' CorpJohn Neukom, whose home is in SanMateo, Calif, is a partner in the firmof McKinsey & Co He is serving thisyear as campaign chairman for SanFiancisco's 1954 United Crusade Hiswife is the former Ruth Horlick, '36* Anna Penn, AM '45, is principal ofthe Jane Addams Elementary School inChicago* Sam Perlis, SM '36, PhD '38, is Associate Professor of Mathematics at Purdue* Georgia Pernokis Porikos is a Chicago housewife with two children:Katherine, 7, and Peter, 6 She managesto do some substitute teaching now andthen Hei, husband is a lawyer* Curtis , Plopper is a lawyer in Boon-ville, Ind* Herbert Poites, JD '36, opened newlaw offices in March at 208 S LaSalleSt , Chicago He and his wife, the farmer Abra Jewel Halperin, have a homein Glencoe* Stanley Rubin, a real "estate broker,is president of the Stanley Realty Co ,in Chicago* Susan Scully is principal of the Christopher School for Crippled Children inChicago She is president of ChicagoTeachers' Pension and Retirement Board,a past president of the Illinois^ Educa tion Association, and a past director ofthe NEA for Illinois* Malcolm Smiley, SM '35, PhD '37, hasspent sixteen years of teaching (someof them in uniform) He is Professor ofAlgebra at the State University of IowaCharles \ette, MBA '41, is now livingin Shingleton, Mich* Lorraine Watson Parsons (Mrs Keith)is busy raising her family of three children out in Hinsdale Bobby is 11, Susan,7, and Jimmy, 1 Husband Keith is aChicago attorney and continues as president of the Alumni AssociationFor the past 15 years AlexanderWidiges, SM '36, PhD, '39, has been achemist with the Dow Chemical Co , inMidland, Mich He holds many patentson aniline and phenol compounds He isthe father of three boys and a girl* Irving M Wolfe is owner of the Odor-ite Co , of New Jersey His home is inPomona, New York* Helen Zaborowski is a bacteriologistin ChicagoAlma Ziegenhagel Dawson is a resident of Los Angeles, Calif , who keepson the go following her husband, JudgeLe Roy Dawson of the Los Angeles Municipal Court, around on his many speaking engagements1935From Clifford Massoth comes this"rainy day item": "I have the commoncomplaint of the average, busy middle-age man not enough time for everything I have developed into a maintenance man for the large old FrankLloyd Wright house which we call home,in Harvey, 111 , from which I commutedaily to the Illinois Central office in theLoop Three daughters, Joan, 13, Ellen,10, and Marilyn, 6, and a black setter,'Pudge,' help take up what time is leftfrom my duties as editor of the IllinoisCentral Magazine "Judging from the little happy-facedman James McDevitt sketched on hisSUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANYOF CANADA1 NORTH LASALLE STREET CHICAGO 2, ILLINOISRALPH J. WOOD, JR., '48FR 2-2390 GA 2-5273 RALPH W. WINDER, '50FR 2-2390 BU 8-8740COMPETENT LIFE INSURANCE COUNSELORSESTATE PLANNING ANNUITIES BUSINESS INSURANCE26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEnote to the Alumni office he's glad tobe back in Washington, D C , after serving with the American Embassy in Rome1936Hazel Davis continues in her post asassistant director of research division,National Education Association Sheedited the 1954 Yearbook of the American Association of School Administrators, which was devoted to Educatingfoi American Citizenship1937Elizabeth Puidie Dame writes that herhusband, Dr Louis P Dame, died lastJuly 2 Mrs Dame is continuing to stayin their Rockford home1938Paul Lippold, of Aurora, 111 , has leftthe teaching profession, after 25 yearsof service, and is now with the NewEngland Mutual Life Insurance CoEugene Mapp writes that last fall heand his Mother and Father took a two-months' trip to Europe They took aCook's motor coach tour through France,Italy, Switzerland and Spain Theirhomeward voyage was on the QueenElizabeth-1939-A committee of '39'ers has met tomake plans for theii Class reunionon June 5 They want you thereat the cocktail party at the SherryAsterisk indicates those alieadyplanning to comeIvan Baker is director of Wells organizations in Chicago The Bakers livein Park Forest where Mrs Baker isdiiector of the nursery school Ivan isa grandfather six times over He reports that he has recently completedduty as a Colonel (USAR) and is backat workJane Baumgaidnei Shepard is co-ownerof two stores which retail china, gifts, andglassware One of the shops is in Albuquerque, where Jane makes her home,and the other one, known as "The Glassand China House" is in Kansas City, MoThe stores keep the Shepards busy, butthey manage time for their two children:Maureen, 4, and Becky, 2V2* Beverly Bieslove Martin is an OakPark homemaker with three children:John, 9, and twins Joyce and Richard,who are 2% Her husband is vice-president of the Great Lakes Carbon CorpChailes Brighton, MD '42, is an orthopedic surgeon in Tulsa, Okla He hasthree daughters: Doris, 9; Phyllis, 7,and Cynthia, 5John Gilbeit, Ji , JD '40, is an attorneyin Santa Ana, Calif* James K Goldsmith is a salesmanwith the Cential States Paper & BagCo , in Chicago He writes: "One wife,three children (10, 7 and 2), no trips"* Cynthia A Hawkes, SM '40, is a highschool teacher in Oak Park, 111 * Kenneth E Jochim, PhD '41, is Professor and Chairman, Department ofPhysiology, at the University of KansasHe is also an assistant dean in the Schoolof Medicine He and his wife have twochildren: Keith, 11, and Michael, 8* David Jones is with the Sherwin Williams Co , in Chicago as a group leaderin the technical service department, Hehas four children: two boys and two girlsAccording to the blank returned byMyron Kirsch, SM '41, he's living inSanta Ana, Calif , but no news as tojust what he's up to out thereNorman Lavin is with a Chicago firmwhich refines brass, bionze and aluminum ingot He has two children* Harold Miles is owner of the MilesPaint and Wallpaper Co , in Hammond,Ind He has a home at Dune Acies andthree children: a girl, 11, and two boys,ages 5 and 7Kathleen Millikin is executive secie-tary of the Family Service of Hamilton,Ohio* J Leonard Scheimei, JD '41, is apartner in a St Louis law fiim* Robert Simon, JD '41, is a ChicagolawyerHelen Thompson Zwissler lives in Ontario, Calif Her four children: Douglas,11, Bruce, 8, James, 7, and Carol, 2, keepher busy and close to home She writes,"Every January I look foiward to theannual luncheon of the Chi Rho SigmaAlumnae group in California We meetin Los Angeles or Pasadena and shaxeour news of students and alumni of theUniversity " Helen's husband is divisionsuperintendent of Rolling Mills, KaiserSteel CoLeah Spilberg Joseph, AM '40, reportsthat life as the wife of an Army medicalofficer is a nomadic one After moving toCalif oi ina from New York they weretransferred to Denver, where Sam is ananesthesiologist at Fitzsimons Army Hospital They have two children: Daniel,3, and Susan, 5* William J Tallon is director of Midway Studios, and an instructor in boththe Departments of Art and Education atthe University His wife is Jane Sekema,'42 He reports, "No children, but lots oftrips "Clementine Vander Schaegh Fergusonlives in Evansville, Ind , where her husband, Richard, '38, is a steel buyei fora caster company They have threechildren: Jean, 9, Susan, 6, and Anne, 3Robert and Mary Woolsey, ('44) Lewisare the parents of three boys: Daun, 8,Randon, 3%, and Steven, 8 months Bobis a physicistLt Col Leonard Zedlei writes fromCasablanca that he has a two-year assignment with the Army as an ArmyAudit Area Supervisor in the Mediterranean division1940Cyrus C De Costei, AM, PhD '51, Assistant Professor of Romance Languagesat Carleton College, has been gi anteda leave of absence for 1954-55 He'lltake off for Madrid in July with his wifeand two children, Janice, 3, and David, TheHOTEL SHERRY53rd and the Lake FAirfax 4-1000BANQUETS DANCESOur SpecialtyMIRA-MAR HOTEL350 Rooms BathCoffee Shop, Valet, etcLovely Accommodationsfrom $4 to $66220 Woodlawn Avenue"Just thtee blocks ftom campus"PLaza 2-1100HAROLD BISHOP, ManagerHotelsWindermereImmediate pioximityto The University ofChicagoFINESTACCOMMODATIONSAND DINING ROOMSFRONTING ON JACKSON PARK1642 EAST 56th STREETF Aii fax 4-6000¦. CHICAGO'Sforemost placeTO LIVEchicago;sforemost p£aceTO DINEandENTERTAINSHOttf5454 S. Shore Drive - PLaza 2-1000MAY, 1954 272 He plans to do research on the Spanishnovelist, Juan ValeraFrom Panama City, Fla , comes thismessage from Alfred Pfanstiehl: "Withmy recently acquired Ercoupe plane, I'vebecome a Pflying Pfanstiehl greatsport!"1941Richaid Kadesch, PhD, who is researchdirector of Emery Industries, Inc , inCincinnati, is also working with the Department of Agriculture, Southern Utilization Research Branch With otherscientists, he is conferring with staffmembers on investigations to developnew arid improved products from vegetable oils and pine gumJune R Mclntire, MBA, and Roy Taylor were married on February 20 in StJames Methodist Church, Danville, 111Marian Wozenciaft is Assistant Professor of Elementary Education at FennCollege in Cleveland, Ohio "Fenn is acooperative college," she writes, "and oureducation majors work every otherquarter in the Cleveland public schools "1942Bertha Hensman, AM, PhD '47, hasbeen appointed to the faculty of MadrasWomen's College as Professor of Englishand Head of the English Department "I am extremely happy over the appointment," she writes from London, "andexpect to be on my way there in themiddle of June That will give me timefor a couple of months at the LanguageSchool of Bangalore where I hope toadd Tamil to my collection of languages "1943Edwaid Friend relates that a group ofSan Francisco lawyers from the University meets for lunch every week totalk about the law and the old schooltie Included in the group are: DavidBogeit, '31, JD '33, Jack Fiankel, '47,' JD '50; Jim Frankel, ex '44; Phillip Lawrence, '40, JD '42; Allen Singei, JD '48;Bob Raymer, MBA '43; Marvin Teppei-man, JD '49; Richard Walker, '50; Maxwell Keith, JD '50; Julian Mack, JD '49;and Harry Brauer, ex '50 "We haveadopted Sandy Calhoun of Harvard ex-officio, and occasionally we are honoredby the presence of Judge Waltei Pope,JD '12, of the Ninth Circuit Court ofAppeals "Iiene Healy, SM, is currently enrolledat the University of Chicago with theCommittee on Human DevelopmentJacob Van Staaveren, AM, is in Tokyowhere he is continuing his work as historian with the Military History Section,Office, of the Chief of Staff, Far East andUnited Nations Command He was among the alumni present at the Tokyo alumnireunion held February 19 1944 Chicago success storyYOUR OWN GRASS IS GREENERAftei almost half a century of success in bringing the campus and yourfellow alumni in your home, TheUniversity op Chicago Magazine israpidly being recognized as one ofthe nation's most important public relations media The readers of theMagazine and the 37 other AmericanAlumni Magazines are beginning torealize that each month they hold intheir hands the best means of sellingan idea or a company Hundreds offirms from Hudson Bay to the Gulfof Mexico find these Magazines agood way to sell their product Thousands of alumni are finding that thepublication most important to themis almost as important to their business Seek no further than your ownmagazine for effective advertising! Surveys prove that the readership ofpublications such as The University ofChicago Magazine, perhaps the leadingmember of the American AlumniMagazines, have an astounding list ofsuperlative qualities They are thebest educated, wealthiest and mostinfluential group in our nation todayThey are the leaders, the investors,the most frequent travelers Morethan half a million subscribers to theseMagazines read them more intensivelythan any other publication Why notadvertise in media that will benefityour University as well as your business? Why not make better use ofthe publication that YOU own?For further information, write toAdvertising, The Univeisity of Chicago Magazine, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois"more leaders among cover-to-cover readers!" An asterisk * indicates that thoseso marked will attend the June 5threunion* Lois Can oil is an assistant editor atScott, Foresman & Co , in ChicagoLauiel Childe Kassoff is a chief psychologist at the Fairfax County (Va )Guidance Clinic Her husband, whom shemarried last August 15, is also a chiefpsychologist with the National TrainingSchool for Boys She says, "Two chiefpsychologists in one family isn't as badas the jokes claim And a little Indianis on the way!"* Jean Christie Epstein keeps busy thesedays with her year-old daughter TheEpsteins live in ChicagoEdward A Cooperrider is minister inSt Louis* Nancy Elliott Surkin writes that shehas "two darling girls" one will bethree in July, and the other one is a yearold this month "They and various community activities such as Girl Scouts,Community Chest, Red Cross, JuniorBoard of the Visiting Nurse Ass'n., keepme well occupied Also the third yearof the Great Books course Haven'tlearned to cook yet am saving that fora retirement hobby!" Nancy's husband,Milton Surkin, '39, owns and operatesa store in Dubuque, Iowa* Violet Escarraz (Mrs Paul Becker),MBA, plans to be on campus June 4,but she's not sure whether she'll be atthe reunion or keeping a date at Lying-in She and her husband attended themid-winter reunion and writes, "Pauland I very much enjoyed our visit to theMidwest Inter-Library Center on February 27 "* Robeit Fiffer, JD '47, is a partner inthe Chicago law firm of Cohen, Cohen &Fiffer His second son, James David, wasborn last December 2 His wife is theformer Elaine Rose, who attended theUniversity from 1943 to 1945Beverly Glenn Long is an associatewith Edwards & Angell, in Providence,R I Her husband is vice-president,Industrial National Bank in Providence* Pauline Goldstein Green lives inBethesda, Md , where she is raising threechildren: Nancy, 6, Philip, 4, and Ellen,9 months In her "leisure" time she doesresearch for the Encyclopedia Britannica,for whom she has worked since hergraduation Husband Harold, '42, JD '48,is an attorney with the Atomic EnergyCommissionNancy Goodman Feldman is living inTulsa, Okla , where her husband, Raymond, JD '45, has formed a new lawpartnership, the firm of Green and Feldman She writes: "This is my year forBoards! I'm president of the Council ofJewish Women, Tulsa section; on theboard of Planned Parenthood, the Council of Social Agencies, Family arid Children's Services, NAACP, executive boardof Jewish Community Council, and theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEYWCA. We're hoping to adopt our second child very soon, but are so happynow with our three year old. Oh yes,we're Great Books leaders, too."* Elizabeth Headland Oostenbrug raisesthe familiar lament, "Is everyone as busyas we are in Hinsdale? Paul is almostfour, and Lonie almost three, and getting to the Great Books course everyother week is a struggle. It was a realtreat to hear from Jane Ellsworth Mur-taugh at Christmas. She and her husband are full-fledged farmers in WestSalem, Ohio, with three 'plus' children."Frederick Hilgert, MD '45, recentlyfinished his fifth year of surgical residency at the University of Tennesseeunder Harwell Wilson. He started private practice of general and thoracic surgery . in Los Angeles in March. He reports that Stanley Moulton, '43, MD '45,and Loren DeWind, MD '45 are alsopracticing in the L.A. region. In addition to the De Winds and the MoultonsFred reports a pleasant evening spentrecently with the Ivan Tiholiz', MD '45,and Jim Miles, MD '45, who had come infrom Denver to attend a course in orthopedic protheses at the new UCLA medical school.Louise Kachel, a teacher of socialstudies at the Lincoln School in Providence, R. I. is sailing for Paris in June.She has a two-year appointment withthe American Friends Service Committeeas director of the European Work Camps.* Maryce Klaff Sloan, MBA '47, is aChicago resident. Her husband is withthe Plasti-Seal Co.Max Levitan is an associate professorof biology at Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg, Va. He received hisPhD in population genetics from Columbia University in 1951. He reports thathe has two future Beecherites; Eve, bornin July, 1950, and Sally, born in September, 1953. He adds, "Wish more ofthe old Commons and Coffee Shop gangwould send in news to the Magazine,and better yet, write to me."* Rosemary Peacock Tozer is raisingtwo children in Park Forest, 111. Herhusband, Forrest Tozer, '47, JD '48, is anattorney with Lord, Bissell & Kadyk.Allen and Diana Diamond Postel areliving in New York City. Allen, SB '46,MD '48, is a resident in surgery at Belle-vue Hospital, and Diana, AM '49, isworking in personnel at Doubleday andCo., and also for Marguerite Higgins,New York Herald Tribune correspondent.* Alvin Saper is manager of Saper'sMen's Shop on Chicago's South Side.* Alice Sheehan Cross is a secretary toGovernor Dewey in New York City. Herhusband is account executive with Compton Advertising, Inc.* Rita Solomon Klatch writes that herthird child, Walter David, was bornFebruary 8, joining Carol Ann, 7, andLouis Daniel, 4. The Klatches live inWest Lafayette, Ind., where her husband,Ben, is a physician.* Robert Swords, AM '49, and his wife,the former Barbara Winchester, AM '47,are living in Elmhurst, 111., where Robert is an assistant professor of English atElmhurst College.* Stella A. Wuerffel is a dietitian andan instructor in the School of Nursingat Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago.1945Charles J. Bubrow, MD '48, is beingtransferred in July to the U. S. PublicHealth Service Hospital in Baltimore,to begin residency training in radiology.Walter Ernest Stiefel, PhD, is seeinga dream come true at the University ofTennessee. He is able this year to enlarge his language laboratory, whereseveral departments cooperate in evaluating teaching and testing techniques.The Stiefel's older son is a freshman inthe dental school at the University ofMemphis, and their younger son is ajunior at the University of Tennessee, anarts-medical major.1947Julius B. Kahn, SM, PhD, '49, AssistantProfessor of Pharmacology at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, has been designated a Marklescholar for the next five years. TheMarkle Foundation of New York, willgrant him $30,000 during that periodfor research. Dr. Kahn and his wife, theformer Carolyn Shadley, '48, have threesmall sons.Martin Steindler, SM '49, PhD '52, andhis wife, the former Joan Long, '50, are the parents of a daughter, Mary Helen,born on January 15. Martin is workingat Argonne National Laboratory and reports that they enjoy living in ParkForest.Dr. U. Tomiyaso writes that he is enjoying his residency in pathology at NYC.1948Mason Cox has completed the requirements for his PhD in physics at the University of Wisconsin, and has accepteda position in the research laboratory ofthe National Carbon Co., in Cleveland.The Rev. Cromwell Cleveland wasawarded the George Washington HonorMedal by the Freedoms Foundation atValley Forge, Pa., on February 22. Itwas for his sermon, "The Importance ofFreedom." He is minister of the FirstChristian Church of Newport News, Va.,where he has served for the past fiveyears. He and his wife, the formerGene Rickey, have a son, Cromwell, Jr.Evelyn Millis Duvall, PhD, reports thather high school textbook, Family Living,has been translated into Japanese. During 1954-55, she and her husband, Professor Sylvanus Duvall, will conduct aseries of Family Life Workshops aroundthe world under the auspices of theWorld Council of Churches. The first ofthese programs is to be the East AsiaConference for Christian Family LifeLeaders in Manila in November. Otherswill be held in India, Beirut, Cairo, andMORE THAN$22,000FOR YOU AT AGE 65ONE OF THE MOST FAR-SIGHTED PLANS ever designed for the wise use ofsavings is offered for your earnest consideration by the SUN LIFE ASSURANCECOMPANY OF CANADA, a leading world organization in its field. By means ofthe plan, regular amounts of savings can be applied to provide, at age 65, alump sum of more than $22,000 plus accumulated dividends . . .OR AN INCOME OF$150 MONTHLY FOR LIFEaccording to your choice.IF YOU DO NOT LIVE TO AGE 65, THEN AN AMOUNTOF AT LEAST $22,000 WILL BECOME IMMEDIATELYPAYABLE TO YOUR FAMILY OR YOUR ESTATE.By the way, the plan can be easily tailored to the amount of regular savings you canafford, with corresponding adjustments in the sums payable.Details are yours without obligation by just mailing the coupon below :SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA607 Shelby Street, Detroit 26, MichiganI should like to know more about your Special Income Plan, without incurringany obligation.NAME ADDRESS ...Date of Birth Amounts quoted above are for men. A similar plan is available for women.MAY, 1954AJAX WASTE PAPER CO.1001 W. North Ave.Buyers of Waste Paper500 pounds or moreScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, LA 2-8354BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave.. ChicagoGolden Dirilyte(formerly Dirigold)FLATWARE & HOLLOW WAREComplete sets and open stockFINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Royal Crown Derby, Spode andOther Famous Makes of Fine China. AlsoCrystal, Table Linen and Gifts.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDirigo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4,Telephone HAymarket 1-3120E. A. AARON & BROS., Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributors ofCEDERGREEN FROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water MarketHCdMMcr in f ircriicAi modvctslewwilELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.OlitrlkitHi. MiMtacniws is< iilnri itELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St. - ENglewood 4-7500 on through Europe. Mrs. Duvall adds,"Suggestion from other alumni of placesto see and people to meet will be mostwelcome."Jack Ellis, AM, is employed as research associate by the Film Council ofAmerica, in Evanston. His wife, ShirleyKrumbach Ellis (College, '44-'47) is afilm librarian at the Chicago Public Library. Both will receive degrees fromColumbia University this year: Jack anEdD in communication, and Shirley anSM in library science.Ernest L. Gayden has been workingfor the past three years for the ChicagoHousing Authority in the slum clearance, relocation program.Eva Kligman, AM, is now Mrs. RobertKirschner. The happy event took placelast June 7 in the Bronx. Eva is continuing in her casework position withSheltering Arms Children's Service inNew York for the present.Wilma Lux, AM, is an instructor ofsocial sciences at North Park College, forthe second year, and also teaches in theDepartment of Education at RooseveltCollege. She writes, "In December I received an American Heritage Councilcitation for utilizing the discussion ofbasic documents of American history inmy classes on the current problems ofdemocracy instead of using the traditional textbook and recitation method."WatsoVi and Olga Glassman '49, Parkerare living out in Hill City, South Dakota.Their second son, David Troy, was bornDecember 27. His older brother, James,is now two.Henry Presler, PhD, Dean of the PostGraduate School of Leonard TheologicalCollege in Jabalpur, India, has composedan oratorio, The Missionary Suite, basedon biblical texts and Western and IndianMusical rhythms.1949Theron Alexander, PhD, a member ofthe Department of Psychology at FloridaState College, is teaching and doingclinical work. At present he is secretary-treasurer of the Florida PsychologicalAssociation and is on the Association'sexecutive council.Michael and Helen Peters Blaw havea son, Robert Spenser, born November22, in Lying-in Hospital.Mr. and Mrs. Francis Howard Laneannounce the forthcoming marriage onMay 1 of their daughter, Laura, toLogan Harvey Davis, II, (MBA '53) sonof the late Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Davisof Tulsa, Okla. Miss Lane was graduatedfrom the Girls Latin School of Chicagoand Wellesley College, and is the onlydaughter of Portia Carnes Lane, '08. Thecouple will make their home in SanFrancisco.Edith Sansom McCall, AM, who isreading counselor for District 102 schoolsin La Grange, 111., is putting some of hertheories into practice as the author of aseries of books for the primary grades.The first book of the series is a primer,Bucky Buttons. Published by Beckley-Cardy Co., of Chicago the series of fourbooks will feature the adventures of the Local and Long Distance MovingStorage Facilities for Books,Record Cabinets, Trunks, orCarloads of FurniturePeterson FireproofWarehouse, Inc.1011 EAST 55th STREETBUTTERFIELD 8-6711DAVID I. SUTTON, PresidentWasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phone: BUtterfield 8-2116-7-8-9Wesson's Coal Makes Good or Wasson DoesTelephone KEnwood 6-1352J. E. KIDWELL Fio~r~M826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago 15, IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELLAuto LiveryQuiet, unobtrusive serviceWhen you want it, as you want itCALL AN EMERY FIRSTEmery Drexel Livery, Inc.5516 Harper AvenueFAirfax 4-640030 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERESULTS . . .depend on getting the details RIGHTPRINTINGImprinting-Processed Letters -TypewritingAddressing - Adressographing - FoldingMailing - Copy Preparation - MultilithA Complete Service for Direct AdvertisersChicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn - Chicago 5 - WA 2-4561BIRCKFELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: WEntworth 6-5380Since 7878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholsterersFurniture Repairing1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 9-7180Ashjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1921Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone REgent 4-6000GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186furniturelamps fibre rugswrought iron accessoriestelevision radiosphonos appliancessporting goodsGuaranteed Repairs ofTV-Radio Record Changersand electrical appliancesWE RENT TELEVISION SETS935 E. 55th St. Ml 3-6700Julian A. Tishler '33 Buttons family: The Buttons at the Zoo,and The Buttons and the Pet Parade.Of her fictional characters she says,"They are slightly rolly-polly, friendlytype folks."Mrs. McCall has two daughters: Mary,a high school sophomore; and Connie, afreshman at the University of Missouri.Edward Nelson, MBA, was electeddeputy councilor, Alpha Kappa Psi, (Professional Business Fraternity), UpsilonChapter, University of Missouri.1950Charles Bidwell, AM '53 is workingtoward a PhD in educational administration at the University, and is also a research assistant in the Midwest Administration Center of the Department ofEducation.Evelyn Dezynski was married last September 13 to Edward Paul Boyer, Jr., ofChicago, in Hilton Chapel.Robert Jacobs will be graduated fromthe Harvard Law School this June.Joseph Jerome, PhD, is connected withJohn A. Hinckley & Associates, doingresearch and development work for thegovernment and industry. Some of hisco-workers are J. A. Hinckley, '33; PhD'41, and Morris Daskais, PhD '29.Theodore Johnston, MD, is a residentin ophthalmology at University Hospitals, Iowa City, Iowa. He has a son,Randolph Leigh, born December 2.Lewis Mainzer, AM, is an instructor ingovernment at the University of Massachusetts.1952We inadvertently put Alice Macapiain the wrong class year last issue, sohere's a repeat in the proper place ofthe news that she's doing graduate workin the Department of Romance Languages and Literature, and also workingas registrar at the Downtown College.Snared by his own logic that it was"time for a change," Henry Schwarcztransferred from the University last fallto California Institute of Technology,where he is a geology major. He confesses that he is "homesick for the dearold ivy covered walls and the clangorouspealing of the Mitchell Tower bells."jte^moria iDr. James B. Herrick, Rush MD '88,died on March 7, 1954, in PresbyterianHospital (Chicago) at the age of 92. Dr.Herrick was acknowledged to be thefirst physician to describe the symptomsof coronary thrombosis, and won worldwide recognition for his writings and lectures in this field. He won the distinguished service medal of the AmericanMedical Association, the gold medal of CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency70th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis Kansas City, Mo.Spokane New YorkAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits itework to the university and college field. Itis affiliated with the Fisk Teachers Agencyof Chicago, whose work covers all the educational fields. Both organizations assistin the appointment of administrators aswell a® of teachers.Our service is nation-wide.HYLAND A. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone DOrchester 3-1579RICHARD H. WEST CO,COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMOnroe 6-3192YOUR FAVORITEFOUNTAIN TREATTASTESBETTERWHEN IT'SA product CSwi740PhoSwift & Company7409 So. State StreetPhone RAdcliffe 3-7400MAY, 1954 31SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 100 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stock23 N. Wabash Avenue670 N. Michigan AvenueChicagoWHOLESALE RETAILPARKER-HOLSMANReal Estate and Insurance1500 East 57th Street Hyde Park 3-2525PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sumps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUEFAirfax 4-0550PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICEZ)keexclusive Cleaner*We operate our own drycleaning plantTHREE HOUR SERVICE1331 East 57th St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.Midway 3-0602 NOrmal 7-9858Office & Plant1442 East 57th Street Midway 3-0608LOWER YOUR, COSTSWAGE INCENTIVESEMPLOYEE TRAININGPERSONNEL PROCEDURESIMPROVED METHODSJOB EVALUATIONROBERT L SHAPIRO *33, DmSCTOR the American Heart Association and thetitle of "master" by the American College of Physicians. In addition to hisstudies in coronary heart disease, Dr.Herrick is also noted for his work inepidemic brain inflammation, in anemia,and in arthritis. He was founder andpresident of the Chicago Society of Internal Medicine and has also served aspresident of several national medicalbodies. Herrick House, a camp for rheumatic heart victims in the Fox RiverValley (111.) was named after him. Hewas named to the Presbyterian Hospitalstaff in 1890 and was also a Professor ofMedicine at Rush Medical College.Fred Powers, '00, died on February 27,after a long illness.Pearl Bryning, '02, (Mrs. Emsley Clee-ton) of Chicago, died August 11, 1953.Andrew McLeod, '03, PhD '06, diedSeptember 10, 1953..Charles W. McNear, '03, head of theC. W. McNear Investment Company inChicago, died February 21, 1954.Grace S. T. Barker, '07, retired scienceteacher in private schools died March 7,1954, in Roosevelt Hospital, New YorkCity.Bruce E. Jackson, DB '09, died on February 19, 1954, while on a trip to California.Lee I. Knight, '10, PhD '14, died December 7, 1953.Harriette\F. Ryan, '15 died the earlypart of December 1953 in Mexico City.She had been executive director of theInternational Institute in St. Louis formany years.William A. Smith, PhD '16, died January 11, 1954, in Los Angeles. An authority on senior and junior high schools,he was Professor Emeritus of Educationat the University of California (LosAngeles).Homer James Smith, '24, SM '31, PhD'35, died January 14, 1954, in Bogota,Columbia. He was vice-president andgeneral manager of a Standard Oil Co.,of New York affiliate.Ruth Ziegler (Mrs. Kenneth Hood)died December 7, 1953, at her home inBelvidere, 111. She was formerly ateacher at the University LaboratorySchool.Norma C. Styron, SM '29, died January23, 1954. She was an instructor inmicrobiology at the New York UniversityCollege of Medicine.Edwin Scofield Galusha, '35, MBA '37,died in Chicago on February 10, 1954.Lina A. Brumund, MBA, '41, died November 20, 1953, at Joliet, 111.Nils W. Lund, PhD '41, died January2, 1954. Professor and former Dean atNorth Park Theological Seminary, hewas also a former vice-president of theChicago Society of Biblical Research.Carolyn S. Taylor (Mrs. Alva W.), '42,former social welfare worker, died September 30, 1953, at her home in Nashville, Tenn. She is survived by herhusband, Alva Taylor, PhM '11, a minister of the Disciples of Christ Church.They were both engaged in welfare workin various parts of the country, and sheassisted in the establishment of theYWCA in Mexico City. POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven Typewriting MimeographingMultigraphing * ' 'Addressograph ServiceHighest Quality Service AddressingMailingMinimum PricesAll Phones: 219 W. Chicago AvenueMl 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisPHOTOPRESS, INC.O^FSCT^ITHOGRAPHYFine Color Work a SpecialtyQuality Book Reproduction731 Plymouth CourtWAbash 2-8182Platers - SilversmithsSince 1917GOLD, SILVER, RHODIUMSILVERWARERepaired, Re finished, RelacqueredSWARTZ & COMPANY10 S. Wabash Ave. CEntral 6-6089-90 ChicagoA. T. STEWART LUMBER CO.Quality and ServiceSince 788879th Street at Greenwood Ave.All Phones Vlncennes 6-9000LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERHIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATESENGRAVERS SINCE I 9 O 6 + WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES ++ ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED +? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE +pRAYNER^ DALHEIM &CO. J2801 W. 47TH ST. CHICAGO.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHelping the ** stars" to shineA tiny off-stage ^sun" brings you brighter and better moviesAs you see the Hollywood "stars" on the screen of thedarkened theater perhaps in 3-D you can thank aman-made miracle of light the carbon arc.This brilliant light comes from tiny carbons notmuch larger than pencils. Yet their light is brighterthan the sun itself enlarging the tiny pictures on thefilm as much as 300,000 times!THEY GIVE YOU THE RAINBOW Besides the brilliance that brings you clear, sharp moving pictures,these carbons have a light quality almost exactly likethat of the sun. This makes possible the productionand showing of pictures with all colors of the rainbow.LIGHT YOU DON'T SEE The rays from these carbonsgo beyond the movies into places most of us never see.They reveal quickly how long a new paint will last, and whether colors will fade from new fabrics. They alsotell scientists the exact chemical composition of manymaterials.BETTER AND BETTER Making and constantly improving hundreds of carbon and graphite products forindustry and science is one of the many ways in whichthe people of Union Carbide help serve all of us.STUDENTS AND STUDENT ADVISERS: Learn more about careeropportunities with Union Carbide in ALLOYS, CARBONS, CHEMICALS,Gases and Plastics. Write for booklet B-2.Union CarbideAND CARBON CORPORATION3 0 EAST 42ND STREET \\\AA NEW YORK 17, N.Y.In Canada: UNION CARBIDE CANADA LIMITEDNational CarbonsEVEREADY Flashlights and BatteriesBAKELITE, VlNYLlTE, and KRENE Plastics UCC's Trade-marked Products include ELECTROMET Alloys and Metals HAYNES STELLITE Alloys PRESTONE Anti-FreezePYROFAX Gas DYNEL Textile Fibers UNION CarbidePREST-O-LITE Acetylene LlNDE OxygenACHESON ElectrodesSynthetic Organic ChemicalsWhy the Sword of Hopeis Mightier than Ever . . .In his ageless struggle on a coldand hostile planet, man's most faithfulweapon sometimes his only one hasbeen Hope; and it has never altogetherfailed him.Even today, in the battle against oneof our strongest and crudest enemies cancer there are splendid indicationsthat our hope and faith are not misguided; that the long winter of despairis no longer quite so cold nor quiteso dark.Already, cancer patients are beingcured completely cured who, evenfive years ago, would have been beyondall help.Tens of thousands are living happilythis Springtime and will live throughmany Springtimes yet to come because they were saved last year fromcancer. Other tens of thousands could havebeen saved by today's knowledge, ifonly they had been treated in time.Why weren't they treated in time ?Because of all of us. We haven'tworked hard enough at cancer education and service to patients. And westill haven' t given enough money for trainingphysicians, for clinics, and for research. Yes, The Sword of Hope symbol ofthe American Cancer Society's struggleagainst a mighty implacable enemy isstronger and sharper than ever. If itisn't being wielded as powerfully as itmight be, it's simply because more helpis needed from everyone. Much more!Won't you please give really generously,this year ?American Cancer SocietyCancerMan's crudestenemystrike backG we gentlemen :J Please send me free information on cancer."2 Enclosed is my contribution of $ . . to the cancer crusade.Name Address City State Simply address the envelope:CANCER c/o Postmaster, Name of Your Town