ARCH, 1954 MAGAZINENew College Programs. Page 4 An American Student Abroad. . . Richard E.This Addressograph platehas a sponsorIt could be you if your membership expiresm June (1st tab), 1954 (2nd tab).THIS SPONSORx1. wants to keep informed about the dramatic research and progress of hisAlma Mater and the activities of his alumni friends through this MAGAZINE and TOWER TOPICS.2. considers headquarters an alumni service center for everything from addresses of old friends to a clearing house for all manner of problems hisAlma Mater can help solve.3. knows his interests will be looked after from Chicago programs in hishome town to reunions and open house programs on campus.4. likes to feel that his progress is being noted and recognized by those whocare at Alma Mater.5. realizes that such a service center needs financial support and he is willingto pay his share — $4.00 per year.SO — WHEN THIS PLATE HOPS OUT OF HIS COMFORTABLE FILEto write home for money — and it's your home — send him$4.00. It isn't much but it will give you the satisfaction in doingyour share in supporting your Alumni Headquarters. One ofyour dividends will beTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEKeep it on the reading table or onyour office reception stand. It's a markof distinction. You are a graduate ofa great and famous UniversityDON'T LET YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN YOUR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION EXPIRETHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION • 5733 UNIVERSITY AVE. • CHICAGO 37, ILLWe're being subtleThe picture on the opposite page is anactual photograph (by Steve Lewellyn,our photographer) of an actual plate representing an actual alumnus on TenthStreet in Oakland. His membershipactually expires in June, 1954 and thetabs are in the actual positions that proveit. The plate was selected at random sowe made the name anonymous.About being subtle: this ad is a partof our current program to make youaware of the fact that your $4.00 duesmean more than a subscription to theMagazine.Everytime I get a letter saying, "Ihaven't time to read the Magazine soI'm not renewing," it depresses me. Thead will explain why and save a fewparagraphs here.We have a Committee of 25 on Membership and Promotion and they thinkwe should make this more clear to you.We also have a committee on NewActivities searching for other serviceswhich will make your membership morevaluable to you. Write me if you havesuggestions for this committee.The point is, we have 10,000 dues-paying members. Every year we lose 10%of these members. This is not abnormalfor national magazine subscriptions; butours is a supporting membership, notmerely a subscription. We have to geta thousand new members before we cancontinue from where we were.Frustrating, wouldn't you say?ExposedOn Pages 10-11 of the January TowerTopics we carried a picture spread ofthe Quadrangle Club dining room filledwith alumni at last year's Open House.You may remember the cut-out facein the foreground with an arrow saying:"This place is reserved for you." I recall the editorial conference when wewere making up this spread. Someonesaid, "This is a clever idea, but it's aboy and most of our guests will beadults.""Shucks," I pooh poohed, "No one willnotice it is a youngster."Tower Topics had barely hit the mailswhen this letter arrived:My son is elated about getting hispicture in Tower Topics, especially getting his jace in blank. He would liketo sit in the same seat again . . .Florence B. Caird ['31, AM '38].He won; we lost.Alumni Day: June 5thLet's get Saturday, June 5th, on the record here and now. It's Reunion Dayon the quadrangles.We don't like irate letters from goodfriends any more than you do. But eachyear we get letters exclaiming why inthe world don't we announce ReunionDay far enough in advance so a fellowcan make plans to attend.Which reminds me, the Committee onAlumni Citations is meeting regularly toselect alumni for recognition of theircivic activities. If you know of candidates who should be considered, let meknow. The Committee's favorite candidate is someone not in Who's Who, American Men of Science, or other impressivevolumes, but rather someone off the mainhighway who is doing a bang up job supplying leadership in his town for worthycivic affairs in a sort of indispensableway.History Department newsBeginning on page 18 is a section devoted to the latest news about the History Department and its alumni.In the past this news has been mailedin the form of a News Letter to HistoryDepartment graduates only. But we'vebeen wondering if history graduates havefriends from other departments withwhom this news should be shared.Also, this may be an answer to nu merous suggestions that our memberswould appreciate more news about thedepartments of the University.Complimentary copies of this issue arebeing mailed to those History alumniwho are not members of the Association.Of course if they like the entire Magazine and decide they want to becomemembers and receive it monthly, we'lltry to control our emotions.But, seriously, don't you think it's agood idea to share this news with allmembers?The Cap & Gown surpriseAfter you have seen the Cap & Gownad on page 21 come back and I'll tellyou a story.The Alumni Association has interesteditself in encouraging worthwhile studentactivities with leadership to match. Wehave a Student- Alumni Committee working on this project; and we award some15 Student Achievement Medals annually.Suddenly, the students have becomeconvinced that Chicago alumni are interested in them. No week passes whenstudents don't drop in to explore theinterests of alumni in everything fromthe Washington Prom to Cap & Gown.That's how I got my neck out with EdMaupin.Ed is editor in chief of Cap & Gown.This year's issue will be extensive, attractive, and durably bound. Ed knowsthat many alumni encouraged the students to revive this traditional year book— since 1895. Not to miss a bet, hewanted you to know it would be out inMay and surely you will want a copy.Ed wanted an ad in the Magazine toannounce this. But he didn't have theREVIEW STAFF MEETING: BORKLUND, MARY SHIRAS, HAVEN, AND EDITOR KARMATZMARCH, 1954 1It is difficult to write a definition of the American way.But it is easy to find good examples. Here is one:Giant boyScientists now foresee that the already dramaticelectrical revolution in this country may be only inits infancy.The giant now appears to be a boy, with most ofhis weighty growth still ahead. When such fantasticgains have already been made — in lights, turbines,electronics, TV, radio, electrically powered ships,trains, factories, homes — where can the imaginationpossibly go from here? What are some of the predictions ?Take a personal thing first. Millions of homeswill have heat pumps to heat and cool automatically—using electricity for fuel.You can expect to cook food someday by electronics — in seconds. Electrical incinerators will consume your waste paper and waste food. Dust willbe taken from the air electrically. The day may comewhen TV screens hang like pictures on the wall,with only a tiny wire to the set.Nuclear fuels are on the timetable of the scientists. Energy from the atom will eventually be a majorsource of power, regardless of whether fossil fuelsare seriously depleted. By century's end, most newplants generating electricity will operate with atomic(fission) fuel. Aircraft, battleships, and the like willmeasure fuel consumption in grams.What would converting sea water to fresh, at lowcost, be worth to drought-deviled seaboard cities?This is possible and will be worth billions to thepublic. Storing heat from the sun is another long-range project of scientists.As simply as we can say it, we are beginning, notending, an era of possibilities involving the health,comfort, welfare and defense of the nation.The year 2000 looks big and distant. Actually itis only 46 years away. By then, any puny prognostications made today will have been rewritten manytimes. But larger. Electricity has always been a fieldwhere each new fact generates many more thingsnew. The years should be interesting to watch.t/oa can /n//yot&i co?m^e?tce in, GENERAL ® ELECTRIC2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMAGAZINEVolume 46 March, 1954 Number 6IN THIS ISSUEAn Outline of the New College Program 4Arrival & Departure 7Russia: I — Strength and Weaknessby Chauncy D. Harris 10Russia: II— An American Student Abroadby Richard E. Ward ; 14History Department Newsletter 18DEPARTMENTSMemo Pad 1Books 25Class News 28COVER: Although he has never visited Russia, Chauncy Harris isan expert on that country's resources and production. See page 10.Cover and photos on pages 1, 4 5, 7, 8, 9, and 18 by Stephen Lewellyn. Thepictures on pages 11 through 15 were taken from the June, August, arid Octoberissues of Soviet Union, published by Pravda in six languages. The picture onpages 16-17 was taken by an un-named Russian student and given to Mr. Ward.PUBLISHED BY THEExecutive EditorHOWARD W. MORTExecutive SecretaryAlumni FoundationJIM ATKINS ALUMNIEditorHAROLD E. DONOHUEStaff PhotographerSTEPHEN LEWELLYNAdvertising ManagerSHELDON W. SAMUELS ASSOCIATIONAssociate EditorAUDREY PROBSTField RepresentativeDEAN TYLER JENKSPublished monthly, October through June, by The University of Chicago Alumni Association, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price, $4.00.Single copies, 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the PostOffice at Chicago, Illinois under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising agent: TheAmerican Alumni Council, B. A. Ross, director, 22 Washington Square, New York N. Y.budget to cover it. He wanted the Association to carry an ad in Cap & Gown.But he knew we don't have such money.Our Magazine is crowded with ads butI finally agreed that we might slip ina small corner for Ed on an exchangebasis. Type up some copy, I suggested,and bring it in Monday for us to workover.Monday came — and a poster the sizeof the south wall. Ed was the creatorand artist. Of course he thought I meanta full page!So if the ad has suffered by being reduced fifty or so times — it's my fault.I hadn't made myself clear.And the ReviewThis month seemed to be the one wherewe got hit by student publications. Afterthe visit from Cap and Gown, the editors of The Chicago Review came in.They wanted to know if we would publicize the fact that their spring issue wascoming out. They also wanted to knowif we would point out to our readersthat the issue would contain poems byMarianne Moore, Professor Reuel Den-ney, Associate Editor of Poetry IsabellaGardner, Jane Stedman of CarnegieTech, two students — Blanche Gonglewskiand Peter Hanen, and two alumni — JohnWoods, and Stephen Stepanchev, '37,M.A. '38. They went on to point out that,if we mentioned this, then we might alsomention the articles by W. R. Keast, EliotSchrero, Professor David Riesman, andProfessor Leo Strauss. Editor Karmatzsuggested that we further say the magazine would cost fifty cents.We told them we would think about it.Lady npt amusedThe Maroon announced a Hitchcockparty for all girls who didn't have Washington Prom dates — so the boys could getacquainted and select dates. The GreenHall girls demanded an apology. Reporters visited Green Hall to iron outthe difficulties; got a coffee can of waterover their heads.The nine o'clock mailTulsa: What does your History Department think was the cause of World WarII; and what will cause War III?Answer: Only a one-man departmentcould agree on these answers.Pittsburgh: Am not an alumnus ofChicago but would like to subscribe foryour Magazine; wish news on the football-less center for real academic study.Fort Valley: What forms do you usefor alumni records? (A frequent requestfrom newly organized associations.)Chicago: What are your various alumni news-gathering methods? This took apage which we can't spare here.APO: Your agents in the Army PostalService delivered your latest dues request five minutes after I left the payline! I'm enclosing money order. Best of luck next year. Charles S. Romanelli['52].Newton: The Magazine comes in myname only. My wife is also a graduate.Why has she been dropped?Answer: The $4.00 dues pay for onemembership; a double membership, withone Magazine, is $6.00; with two Magazines, $8.00.None of our businessThe question on a recent NBC teenage panel was from a lad in Detroit whohates high school. He wants to quit andgo to work. His parents don't want himto. Should he? The panel decides he should. In hispresent mood he's cluttering up theworks. But he'll regret it later.Here's the payoff: For sending in thebest question the station said to him "weare mailing you a complete set of theEncyclopedia Americana."Trustee heads C & OChicago Trustee, Cyrus S. Eaton, whohas annually been the picnic host to ourCleveland Club, made the headlines inlate January. By acquiring $9,000,000worth of stock in the Chesapeake & OhioRailway, Mr. Eaton secured working control and became chairman of the board.— H. W. M.MARCH, 1954 3Mt _— - -r.\ w *<XDEAN OF STUDENTS DAVEY GREETS MID -YEAR COLLEGE MATRICULATOAn Outline of the New CollegiJ.HE University of Chicago believesthat a complete undergraduate education should accomplish two ends.It should give all students a common, critical understanding of themajor fields of human knowledge andtheir interrelationships. This is whatthe University means by general education. It should develop the intellectual powers and provide the specialknowledge appropriate to the interests and plans of each student. Thisis what the University means byspecialized education.In securing such a balanced education, the student who comes to thisUniversity enjoys unusual advantages.In developing his individual powers,a student of this University works ina stimulating intellectual atmosphereunder the guidance of distinguishedscholars and scientists. For at theIn order to present our readers with the official statement onthe College programs, the Editors here present the first partof the Announcements, whichgoes to all applicants to theUniversity. University of Chicago, scholars andscientists who belong to the facultiesof its Divisions and Schools are responsible for the students. Therefore,all the programs that lead to theBachelor of Arts and the Bachelorof Science degrees give the studentfull opportunity to acquire specialknowledge and competence in achosen field of study from men whoare contributing actively to knowledge in that field.Universities have been less successful in achieving the other purpose ofan undergraduate education — the giving of a general education to allundergraduates, whatever their individual plans and interests might be.Developing a sound and well integrated curriculum of general studiesrequires unusual concentration byskillful and scholarly teachers uponcourse planning, classroom teaching,counseling, and examining. Becauseof their great emphasis upon researchand their departmental organization,the research faculties of most universities have found it difficult togive adequate professional attentionto these requirements.Fortunately, in addition to the greatdevelopment of research at the Uni versity of Chicago, there has alsobeen an unusual interest and activityin general education. This interesthas been expressed in various waysand degrees throughout the historyof the University, but especially byits first president, William RaineyHarper, and by its most recent heads,Robert M. Hutchins and Lawrence A.Kimpton. During the administrationof Chancellor Hutchins, the problemof developing and teaching a curriculum in general education within auniversity noted for research was assigned to a separate College facultyof teachers, and all specialized educa-cation was assigned to the facultiesof the Divisions and Schools.By this means, the University ofChicago made a unique provision forthe fullest development of both general and specialized education, andthe programs of study which theCollege and the Divisions and Schoolsevolved in isolation from each otherwere unusually substantial and unified. Ten years of separate development of these programs revealed theirpowers and their limitations. In thenew Bachelor's programs which havebeen developed under ChancellorKimpton, the faculties of the Uni-4 THE UNIVERSITY OE CHICAGO MAGAZINEProgramsversity have brought together theprincipal elements of their separatelydeveloped curricula in general andspecialized education.In all the new programs, the facultyhas the task of insuring that all students, whatever their individual plansmay be, acquire a common understanding of the worlds of nature,society, and art; some competence tocommunicate that understanding adequately to others; and a sense of itspossible unity and meaning for theirown lives. Such a general understanding of the world and of man'splace in it cannot readily be obtainedfrom a collection of courses, largelyunrelated, in individual subjects.Therefore, to provide this understanding, there has been developed asystem of general courses which cutacross many special fields and consistof a careful selection of fundamentalmaterials and ideas in the naturalsciences, in the social sciences, and inthe humanities. A program in writing, language, and mathematics parallels these general courses. Finally,there are two courses designed tointegrate the other studies — one inorganizations, methods, and principlesof knowledge, the other in the historyMARCH, 1954 of Western civilization. At least oneof these latter two courses is arequirement.General education is addressed tothe common needs of all students asfree men and women and future citizens. Specialized education reflectsthe differences among students andamong the subjects they may wishto study. Some students enter theUniversity already eager to pursue aspecial interest in language, science,art, history, mathematics, or someother subject which attracted them inhigh school. Some students have already decided to become doctors,lawyers, teachers, businessmen, orministers. Some students changethese interests and plans during theircollege years; some retain them.Other students acquire special interests after beginning their college workor decide that they will devotetheir entire undergraduate course torounding out their general education.Some students wish to explore aspecial subject which should be studied along with their general courses.Others choose special subjects orforms of professional training whichare best pursued after their generaleducation is completed.To take account of these differencesamong students and among coursesof study, the faculties of the Divisionsand Schools and the faculty of theCollege have worked out the threemain approaches to the Bachelor'sdegree which are described below.Each of these approaches gives thestudent an opportunity to take coursesand to receive guidance from biologists, historians, mathematicians, andother specialists in particular fields ofstudy, and to relate the work in hischosen field of study to his generalstudies.The new undergraduate programsof the University of Chicago thus provide a solution of a problem whichhas increasingly vexed Americanhigher education — how to combine acommon liberal training in the majorarts and sciences with the development of individual powers andknowledge in such a way as to makeeach of these elements in a completeeducation reinforce and illuminate theother while retaining its own integrity and importance. The Universitybelieves that it has developed a formof undergraduate education whichwill combine for its students the advantages of a liberal arts college withthe resources of a university longnoted for its achievements in humanistic scholarship and in scientific research.The student entering the University after graduation from high school will normally be able to earn theBachelor's degree in four years ofstudy. Unusually well prepared students may reduce the length of theircourses by passing placement testsafter being admitted to the University. The University offers threemain approaches to the Bachelor'sdegree:Three approachesA.) A program consisting of general studies, including a year of tutorial work, and leading to the degreeof Bachelor of Arts in the College.B.) A program consisting of threeyears of general studies and one yearof study in the Division of the SocialSciences, or in the School of Business,or in the Law School, and leading tothe degree of Bachelor of Arts in theCollege.C.) A program combining generalstudies with specialized work in oneof three fields — Humanities, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences — andleading to the degree of Bachelor ofArts in the case of the Humanities,and to the degree of Bachelor ofScience in the case of the BiologicalSciences or the Physical Sciences.A. THE DEGREE OF BACHELOROF ARTS IN THE COLLEGE, WITHTUTORIAL STUDIESThis program is designed for thestudent who wishes to devote hisundergraduate education to developing skills and acquiring perspectivein the liberal arts and sciences. Itdoes not involve specialization in anyparticular department. However, thestudent will have an opportunity,through participation in a tutorialprogram, to pursue more thoroughlyan individual interest which he hasdiscovered during his first years inthe College. During these first years,the student will become acquaintedwith the major fields of humanthought, will receive training in suchskills as writing, mathematics, andforeign language, and will takecourses which assist him in achievingan integrated view of his educationalexperience. In his individual studies,under the direction of his tutor, thestudent will take a limited numberof courses pertinent to his specialinterest, will write a bachelor's essayon a topic suggested by this interest,and will have an unusual amount offreedom to make use of the resourcesof the University. The tutorial program as the culmination of anintegrated curriculum of general education is an outgrowth of the successful experience of the College with5preceptorial courses and other modesof individual instruction.B. THE DEGREE OF BACHELOROF ARTS IN THE COLLEGE, WITHONE YEAR OF STUDY IN THEDIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES, OR IN THE SCHOOL OFBUSINESS, OR IN THE LAWSCHOOL.This program is designed for thestudent who wishes to undertakespecialized or professional study andwho is admitted to a program leadingto a higher degree in the SocialSciences, Business, or Law. The faculties offering instruction in these fieldsat the University of Chicago havefound that the College program ofgeneral education affords excellentpreparation for specialized work inthese fields. Consequently, in thisprogram, the student will devote approximately three years of study togeneral courses in the College, as in(A) above. But instead of enteringthe program of tutorial studies, thestudent will take specialized coursesin the Division of the Social Sciencesor professional work in the School ofBusiness or in the Law School. Thecourses in Social Sciences may beginbefore the student's general studiesare completed, or they may be concentrated in his last year. Professional courses in the School ofBusiness or in the Law School willnormally be concentrated in the yearfollowing the completion of the student's general studies in the college.Upon successful completion of thisyear of advanced study, the degree ofBachelor of Arts will be conferred bythe College. A year later, or five yearsafter entering the University, the student of Business or Social Sciences,can normally expect to complete hiswork for the Master's degree, and in atotal of six years after entering theUniversity, the student of Law cansecure the J.D. degree.C. THE DEGREE OF BACHELOROF ARTS, WITH CONCENTRATIONIN THE HUMANITIES, OR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, WITH CONCENTRATION INTHE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES ORIN THE PHYSICAL SCIENCESThese programs are designed forstudents who wish to combine a program of general studies with specialized work in the Humanities, the Biological Sciences, or the PhysicalSciences. If the student chooses theCollege -Humanities Division program, he will work toward the Bache-elor of Arts degree. The curriculain Biological Sciences and PhysicalSciences lead to the Bachelor ofScience degree. In most cases, stu dents entering these programs will beable to begin specialized study earlyin their undergraduate careers andto proceed concurrently with therounding-out of general educationand the acquisition of individual skillsand knowledge. All the joint programs are designed to bring the student within one year of the Masterof Arts or the Master of Sciencedegree.1. THE A.B. DEGREE— HUMANITIES. Students desiring to engage inspecialized study in a humanisticfield — language, literature, philosophy, history, music, art — will enrollin a program developed and presentedco-operatively by the College and theDivision of the Humanities. Thisprogram includes three kinds ofcourses: those concerned primarilywith general education, those concerned primarily with specializededucation, and those concerned withthe dual purpose of enriching thestudent's general education and enhancing his special training. The proportions of the student's total timedevoted to each of these three kindsof courses will vary somewhat, depending upon the particular humanistic area in which he chooses tostudy.2. THE S.B. DEGREE— BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Students planningto specialize in the Biological Scienceswill enter a program offered jointlyby the College and the Division of theBiological Sciences. By enabling thestudent to take concurrently coursesin general education and courses ina special field, this curriculum makesavailable superior undergraduate scientific training within a frameworkwhich assists the student in understanding the relevance of his specialized work to his studies in otherfields. Premedical students may enter the School of Medicine after completing (normally in three years anda summer) all except the departmental requirements for the Bachelorof Science degree. Upon satisfactorycompletion of a further year of workprescribed by the School of Medicine,the student will be awarded the Bachelor of Science degree.3. THE S.B. DEGREE— PHYSICALSCIENCES. A student planning tospecialize in the Physical Scienceswill enter one of the programs offeredjointly by the College and the Divisionof the Physical Sciences. Such programs are offered in Chemistry, Geography, Geology, Mathematics,Physics, and Statistics. In their content of specialized work each of theseprograms contains training of highquality fully conforming with na tionally recognized standards. In theircontent of general studies, the programs provide an integrated and coherent pattern within which the various fields of knowledge are exploredand related to each other.If a student has successfully completed satisfactory high school coursesin mathematics, English composition,foreign language, and physics orchemistry, be can normally expect tocomplete the work for the Bachelor ofScience degree within four years. Ifentrance or placement tests disclosethat the student requires additionaltraining in one or more of the fieldsmentioned — i.e., mathemathics, English composition, foreign language,natural science — he may need to dosome work in addition to the normalprogram in order to secure the degreein four years, or it may be necessaryfor him to extend the length of hiscourse beyond four years. An unusually well prepared student will beable to qualify for the degree in lessthan four years.Younger StudentsSince 1937, the University has admitted to its program of general education competent students who havecompleted the sophomore or junioryear of high school. During thisperiod of time, more than two thousand of these students have completedsuccessfully their general studies inthe College. This opportunity for acceleration of their undergraduatework has been especially welcome tostudents who face long courses ofprofessional training after securingthe Bachelor's degree, and to studentswho are mature and competentenough to be able to undertake college work with profit prior to completing their secondary education.With the adoption by the Universityof new programs for high- schoolgraduates which normally requirefour years of work and include individual study, students who have completed the sophomore or junior yearof high school, and who are bothscholastically and socially ready toprofit from membership in a collegecommunity, may enter upon programsleading to the Bachelor of Arts andBachelor of Science degrees.In the case of high-school sophomores, these programs normally willrequire a total of five years of study,part or all of the additional year being devoted to studies from whichqualified high-school graduates areexempted by placement test or because of the nature of their Bachelor's programs. The high-school sophomore thus saves at least a full year.6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUniversity NewsArrival&DepartureDeansDeansDeansNew facesare appearing among the deanshipsin various departments of the University.Robert E. Streeter, Associate Professor, English (College), has acceptedthe appointment as Dean of the College. He succeeds F. Champion Wardwho resigned to become educationalrepresentative of the Division ofOverseas Activities of the Ford Foundation in India. ' Mr. Ward has been granted a leave of absence for histwenty -month assignment abroad. Hewill return to the College as Professor of the Humanities in 1955.Mr. Streeter joined the faculty in1947. He has served as Chairman ofthe English staff of the College, andsince October, 1953 has been AssociateDean of the College.The new Dean of the Social SciencesDivision is Morton Grodzins, Associate Professor of Political Science.He succeeds Ralph Tyler, now on a two-year leave of absence as directorof the Center for Behavioral Sciences,established by the Ford Foundation.Mr. Grodzins, who became editor ofthe University Press in 1951, will continue in that position in addition tohis deanship duties. A member of thepolitical science department since1945, he is author of Americans Betrayed, a study of the removal of theJapanese-Americans from the Pacificcoast after Pearl Harbor.The job of directing the varied ac-SPEAKER'S TABLE OF COLLEGE FACULTY PARTY FOR DEPARTING DEAN WARD (BETWEEN CANDLE-STICKS) AT QUAD CLUB¦¦¦¦¦¦1MARCH, 1954tivities of the University's DowntownCenter goes to Maurice F. X. Dono-hue, who has been named Dean ofUniversity College.Mr. Donohue has been Acting Deanduring this past year, following theresignation of Cyril O. Houle, who isdevoting full time to teaching and research in the Department of Education.A former newspaperman, Mr. Donohue was appointed to the faculty in1952 as Assistant Dean and AssistantProfessor of Social Sciences. Beforecoming to the University, he was onthe editorial staff of the PhiladelphiaInquirer. One of five correspondentsto cover the second siege of Jerusalemin 1948, he was awarded the $500Annenberg prize from the Inquirer forhis coverage.Administrative changes have alsooccurred in the Federated TheologicalFaculty. Bernard Loomer, who hasbeen Acting Dean this past year, hasresigned from this position as well asfrom his post as Dean of the DivinitySchool.Seward Hiltner, Associate Professor, Federated Theological Faculty,has accepted an interim appointmentas Acting Dean of the Faculty. A newDean of the Divinity School has notyet been appointed.Mr. Loomer, who has served as Dean of the Divinity School since1945, will continue on the faculty asAssociate Professor."Come Back Little A.B."will make its dramatic debut oncampus on March 12 when the University Revels celebrates its fiftiethanniversary.The faculty trio which made such ahit with their production of two yearsago, have joined forces again. JohnHutchens, Professor and Chairman(Physiology) and Harry Kalven, Professor of Law, have provided thewords, and Howard Talley, AssistantProfessor (Music), the score.With a cast of forty, the play includes such top administrators asChancellor Kimpton, ComptrollerKirkpatrick and Dean of StudentsStrozier in leading roles. Mr. Kirkpatrick is again cast in the role ofChancellor, as he was in the 1952 opus,"Birth of a Salesman."Going placesis a popular and persistent occupational practice among faculty members.Thos,e "on loan" for various specialassignments include Eugene Northrop,Professor of Mathematics (College),who has resigned his position as As sociate Dean of the College to conducta study for the National ScienceFoundation on the education of scientists in this country. Upon completion of this project he plans to returnto the University and to his post inthe Department of Mathematics in theCollege.The Chairman of the Department ofPhysiology, Professor John Hutchens,leaves the end of March for an eighteen-month assignment in London forthe Office of Naval Research. As ascientific liaison officer, he will visitphysiological laboratories in theBritish Isles and Western Europe.When the 700-year old Universityof Salamanca in Spain celebrated itsanniversary in December, John Netherton, Assistant Professor of Spanish(College), was on hand to representthe University of Chicago. Mr. Netherton is on leave of absence this yearto travel and do research in Spain.Mr. James Gilbert, Associate Professor of Humanities (College), is inresidence this year at the Universityof Puerto Rico where he is in chargeof the English honors course and afaculty seminar in the analysis andcriticism of certain humanistic works.Mr. Gilbert is participating there in acourse set up last year — patternedafter Humanities 2 — which Elder Olson(English) and Donald Fabian (Span-BUSY MAN: NEW DEAN OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DIVISION, MORTON GRODZINS, IS ALSO THE EDITOR OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESSTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUNIVERSITY COLLEGE DEAN M. F. X. DONOHUE QUESTIONS A POINT IN PHILOSOPHY SEMINAR FOR LABOR UNION LEADERSand co-author of twelve books onEgypt, Nelson was responsible for sixvolumes of copyings of the Egyptiantemples.He was presented with a chevalierof the Order of Leopold by the Belgian government, was named a "Notable" of Egypt, and elected a corresponding member of the GermanArcheological Institute.Mr. Holzinger, a Professor Educational Statistics since 1929, died January 15 of a heart attack.He was president of the Psychometric Society in 1941 and vice-president of the American Statistical Association in 1933. Author and co-authorof ten books, he served as joint editorof the Journal of Educational psychology for twelve years.Burton L. Hoffman, '38, MD '41,PhD '51, Assistant Professor (Surgery), died December 2 at the ageof 37.He had served in the Navy for fiveyears, and had also made significantcontributions in research. His formalperiod of training just completed, hewas at the beginning of a promisingcareer in the field of academic neurosurgery.In his memory the Burton LouisHoffman Laboratory of Neurophysiology has been established and a plaquewill soon be placed. — A.P.MARCH, 1954 9ish), both of the University of Chicago, piloted during their stay on theIsland last year.363,350 dimeshave been contributed by the Marchof Dimes to Earl Evans, Jr., Chairmanof the Department of Biochemistry tocontinue the research attack on thepolio virus.A check for the amount was presented by Frazier Wilson, vice-chairman of the Cook County March ofDimes.Evans, with his research team, hasdevised methods of exposing bacterialcells attacked by viruses to ultraviolet light. The knowledge gainedin these fundamental studies can beapplied to the polio virus problem.The virus particles are studied underthe electron microscope where theyare magnified 30,000 to 150,000 times.// memorial columnof recent faculty deaths includes thenames of two distinguished professorsemeriti — Leonard Dickson, famedmathematician; and Harold Nelson,Egyptologist of the Oriental Institute.Death has also claimed in recentmonths two younger members of theUniversity faculty. They are KarlHolzinger, Professor of Education, and Burton Hoffman, Assistant Professor(Surgery).Dickson, the Eliakim H. Moore Distinguished Service Professor Emeritusof Mathematics died in Harlingen,Texas, on January 17, only five daysbefore his eightieth birthday.Known for his algebraic solution of"Waring's Theorem," Mr. Dicksongreatly developed the field of mathematics known as the "theory of numbers." Author of more than 15 bookson mathematics, Dickson received in1923 the first $1,000 prize of the American Association for the Advancementof Science for his work, Algebras andTheir Arithmetic.He was the second person to receive a doctor of Philosophy degreein mathematics from the Universityof Chicago. That was in 1896, fouryears before he joined the faculty. Hewas the only American mathematicianto receive an honorary doctorate atthe Harvard University Tercentenaryin 1936. Dickson retired from the University in 1939.Mr. Nelson, '01, PhD '13, an authority on organization of Egyptiantemples, died January 24 at BillingsHospital of a cerebral hemorrhage.He organized and was field directorof the Oriental Institute epigraphicand architectural survey in Luxor,Egypt for twenty-two years. AuthorRussia: ISTRENGTH AND WEAKNESSby Chauncy D. Harris, Ph.D 940Professor, Department of GeographyIHE KEY PROBLEM in study ofthe Soviet Union is to obtain accuratefacts and balanced appraisals. In theattempt to develop reliable evaluations one must steer clear of twotraps. On one hand the official partyline of extravagant claims is notoriously unreliable. On the other handthe ostrich-type approach of underrating actual Soviet economic achievements is dangerous. If as a countrywe are to act wisely, we urgently needas clear a picture as possible both ofSoviet strengths and of Soviet weaknesses.The greatest strength of the SovietUnion lies in heavy industry, whichhas undergone a revolutionary development in the last twenty -five years.In 1928 Soviet production of coalwas thirty -four million metric tonsannually. That was only a fifteenth ofAmerican production and a tenth theoutput of Western Europe.In a quarter century, however,Soviet coal production multiplied tenProfessor Harris spoke to theCitizen's Board in Chicago lastNovember on the subject of"Soviet Strength and SovietWeakness." He re-wrote hisspeech, bringing data up to datefor the Magazine.Besides being Professor ofGeography at the University,Mr. Harris is Chairman of theChicago Committee on theFrankfurt University Project. USSR North AmericaArea 8.5 8.5 million square milesPopulation 200 185 million peopletimes to reach a reported productionof 320 million metric tons in 1953. Itis now about sixty per cent that ofthe United States and is roughlyequal to the combined coal production of the United Kingdom and Germany — the next two largest producersin the world.In steel, as in coal, production hasexpanded ten times in the last quartercentury. In 1928 it was about fourmillion metric tons, only a fifth thecombined production of Britain andGermany. By 1953 it had reachedthirty- eight million tons. Althoughunder forty per cent of American production, it was still considerably morethan the combined output of theUnited Kingdom and Germany.In coal, steel, and other branchesof heavy industry, the Soviet Unionin a quarter century has risen from aminor producer to a major one, matching the total production of WesternEurope and even approaching American magnitudes.This is a stupendous achievement!How was it accomplished? It is wellto remember that the United Statespassed through a similar period ofrapid expansion, although the samequantitative increase took a somewhat longer period, about the thirty-five years from the end of the Civil War to the beginning of the twentiethcentury. The more rapid growth inthe Soviet Union is an outgrowth ofgovernment policy.In the Soviet Union the investmentof industrial funds is entirely in thehands of the government. An unusually large proportion of the total national income during the past quartercentury has been channeled intocapital investment, mainly in heavyindustry. While it is difficult to determine just how much of the nationalincome has been so invested, estimatesrange from a sixth to a fourth; thishas been siphoned off from consumerexpenditure to government investment in capital expansion. The necessary taxes have been staggering.Nearly two -thirds of all this investment went into heavy industry; onlya third was permitted to flow into allother activities put together. Nowonder heavy industry made suchgiant strides!The second largest segment of investment (twenty per cent) went intotransportation, mostly for new railroad lines related to the developmentof heavy industry. The total mileageincreased about fifty per cent duringthe last quarter century. Soviet railroads run near capacity most of thetime. Since the government has allo-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"AN INTENSE CONCENTRATION OF INVESTMENT ON HEAVY INDUSTRY"cated only as much capital as is absolutely necessary to keep the trainsrunning, the lines are often on theverge of breakdown.Unlike in the United States, highway transport is little used. Most ofthe Soviet automobiles are trucksrather than passenger cars. Total autooutput is only a fifteenth that of theUnited States. There are said to bevery few gas stations in all Moscow, acity the size of Chicago. Going bycar between Soviet cities is an adventure since gas staticns may be a hundred miles apart, and one never knowswhether or not there will be gasolineavailable in the station when one getsthere.Bitter oppositionSoviet leaders were able to imposean intense concentration of investmenton heavy industry and to a lesser extent on related railroad transportationonly by virtue of their absolute control of the country and its economy.The lack of a political opposition,complete dictation of the contents ofthe press and radio, management ofthe taxing powers of the state, and the threat of the secret police allplayed a role. Then, too, the Russianpeople historically have developed asense of isolation from the West, intensified under the present regime toprevent an awareness of the higherconsumer standards in the Westernworld. After the war Soviet troopsin Eastern Germany were shockedto discover the relatively high standard of living among the workers incapitalistic countries. Serious disaffection was threatened.In any event, the nature of the in-balance in the economy can be illustrated by agriculture and consumer'sgoods.To guarantee delivery of adequatesupplies of food to the urban workersin heavy industry, the governmentundertook, against bitter oppositionfrom farmers, the reorganization ofagriculture into collective farms.(There were other factors in the collectivization drive, of course, but inmy opinion this was the key reason.)This program during the first Five-Year Plan (1928-1932) resulted in acatastrophic drop in agricultural production, especially in numbers of livestock. Two-thirds of the sheep and goats and one-third of the hogs andcattle perished.During this program Soviet leadersapparently were more interested inforcing deliveries of grain to the statethan in increasing total agriculturalproduction. By setting up collectivefarms the government hoped to outflank the uncooperative peasants, whohad little stomach for delivering theirThe caption for this pictureas it appeared in August, 1953,issue of Soviet Union, publishedby Pravda, reads: "Machiningthe cone oj the reamer bit oj adrilling plant. The work putsout machines oj several hundredtypes jor different branches ojthe national economy." The textoj the accompanying articlestates that the scene is the UralsHeavy Machinery Works, that"it is called a jactory whichmakes jactories, and rightly so."MARCH, 1954 11produce to the state at the low officialprices. Leadership of the farm unitswas placed under the Party. All machinery necessary for farm operationswas concentrated in government-operated machine tractor stations. Theharvesting machinery, in particular,was in these stations. Use of government machinery in the harvest insured that the government could takeits obligatory deliveries first, leavingthe peasants only what was left. Thisefficient but ruthless control techniqueassured deliveries of food for theurban industrial worker, on whom depended the growth of heavy industry.The sharp decline in food and live stock production, therefore, actuallyhad its sharpest impact on the impoverished rural population, who suffered a famine.Soviet statisticsEven at the present time the SovietUnion has scarcely reached the levelof agricultural output which it hadattained before the time of collectivization some twenty-five years ago.This agricultural stagnation contrastswith the notable increases in farmproduction in the United States during the same period.It is actually a bit difficult to meas- According to the article, inSoviet Union, with which thepicture below appears, the finished tractors are used "not onlyat the collective and state jarms,but in . . . laying roads, diggingreservoirs, draining marshland,building irrigation canals, hauling timber and moving oil derricks."ure Soviet agricultural output accurately, because of the problem ofappraising Soviet statistics.Figures on crops are given in termsof biological yields. This is a fancyway of making official yields ten tothirty per cent above actual harvests.Official figures are based on estimatesof the potential yield made while thecrop is still standing in the field. EvenMr. Malenkov complained recentlyabout the misleading nature of theseso-called biological yields.Another difficulty is that manyfigures are given in percentage terms.These percentages may be based on abad year. If we were to say, forexample, that the production of steelin the United States in 1950 had increased six times in eighteen years,we would reflect that 1932 was anextraordinarily bad year. This trickis used often by Soviet statisticians.Percentage figures may be given interms of fulfillment of a plan, detailsof which are unknown.Another trickAnother trick is a transfer ofownership, as of livestock from individual peasants to collective farms.A great increase in number of livestock is anounced, but closer examination reveals that the figures applyonly to collective farms and the totalnumber of livestock may have declined. In similar vein a large increasein the production of clothing is heralded. State factories may have increased production a hundred timesbut the total clothing available maybe less than in former years, whenmost work was done by individualtailors.The Soviets state that agriculturalproduction is now ten per cent abovethat of pre-war. About that amountis produced in the recently acquiredwestern territories, which have theirown population to feed. Food production per capita may actually havedeclined slightly.The average yield of corn in theSoviet Union is estimated at onlyabout sixteen bushels per acre andthe average yield of wheat at eleven12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEACCORDING TO RUSSIAN PROPAGANDISTS ALL OF THIS FURNITURE IS AVAILABLE TO THE AVERAGE RUSSIAN CITIZENbushels. This compares with averagesof nearly forty bushels of corn peracre and seventeen bushels of wheatin the United States. Low yields in theSoviet Union reflect partly the semi-arid climate of much of the farmland.But yields could be improved by better farming techniques and by investing more capital in agriculture in theform of fertilizers, etc. Agriculturehas been starved to build up heavyindustry.As a result the average Soviet citizen has a poor diet. The total production of butter for 1953 was about fourhundred thousand tons. This is aboutfour pounds per person per year. Consumption of vegetables and fruits isequally low. Meat consumption perperson is only about half that ofBritain under austerity. The Sovietshope to be able to produce one eggper person per week. The Soviet dietis heavily dominated by grains.Consumer's goods, like agriculture,have been neglected. Clothing andhousing are still short. The Sovietsplan to produce one pair of shoes perperson this year. This is about one-third the level of production in Western Europe or in the United States.The situation is worse with regardto housing. In Moscow the averageamount of housing available per person is only thirty-six square feet, aspace six feet by six feet. A personcan lie down either way in his space.A family of five persons in Moscow,the capital, can have a one roomapartment twelve by fifteen feet. Inthe United States such densities areapproached only in our worst slums.There is a recent story in one of the Soviet journals about a young married couple shopping for furniture.They saw lush displays but could findnothing suitable for their room.Finally the writer of the article remarked "Doesn't the furniture industry know that people live in one-room apartments?" The governmenthas allocated barely enough funds forhousing to get workers under roofs;it has been more interested in building great factories than adequatehouses.Western advantageA great fanfare has accompaniedplans for increased production ofvacuum cleaners, refrigerators, andwashing machines. Yet actual American production of these three itemsis respectively forty, a hundred, andtwo hundred times planned Sovietoutputs.These comparisons are a little unfair to the Soviets, since the Russianstandard of living has always beenlow. However, whereas Americanand Western European standards ofThe Russian caption jor thepicture above reads: "A permanent jurniture exhibition hasbeen opened in PeschanayaStreet in Moscow. All articleson show are obtainable from theshops oj the USSR Ministry ojTimber and Paper Industries orstraight jrom the jactory." living have risen rapidly in the lastquarter century, consumer levels inthe Soviet Union have been held downin order to concentrate the nationaleffort on heavy industry.Nevertheless the neglect of agriculture and the consumers has caused acrisis in the Soviet Union that led Mr.Malenkov in 1953 to promise a newdeal to both. But the greatest weakness of the Soviet Union lies not inmaterial shortcomings but rather inthe spiritual and intellectual povertyresulting from the imposition ofdogma on the sciences and the arts.The remarkable productivity of theWestern world is founded on the freedom to think, to experiment, to pioneer in challenging new fields, tryingout a new device, a new idea, a newproduct, or a new medium in the arts.The greatest advantage of the Westernworld lies in the freedom of the market place for new goods and ideas,combined with a priceless concern forthe dignity and independence of theindividual. In the short run the SovietUnion can concentrate its resourcesmore acutely, as in heavy industry,but in the long run the rigidity of theCommunistic dogma will retard creative productivity and flexible readjustment in the economy.That sense of individual worth andresponsible freedom, which is at thesame time the greatest glory of Western culture and its chief hope for thefuture, flourishes in the free privateuniversities, such as the University ofChicago, untrammeled by governmental intellectual dictation whichexhibits such an ugly face in theSoviet Union.MARCH, 1954 13by Richard E. Wat{Managing Editor, the Maroo,R,LETURNING FROM a visit toRussia is not a restful time. The visitor finds himself besieged by a swarmof questions. Six other student editors, and I, spent three weeks in theUSSR, traveling over 4,500 milesthrough Russia. Certainly such littletime — with so much travel — does notgive anyone the opportunity to seeeven the smallest country. (Sometimes our questioners, be they friendsor newspapermen, forget this.) Thetrip however, did give us a chance tosee parts of a country which fewWesterners visit these days. Eventhough the trip was short and the distance covered more than the lengthof America, there are certain factsand feelings reportable here.The trip was planned last September, after an editor from Vassar and Ifound that we could not join the tourof another student group. The Christmas vacation permitted us to scheduleour own trip. By the middle of November, after the unassisted word gotaround, eight other college editorshad asked to be included. Near theend of November we applied for visasfrom the Soviet Embassy in Washington, which were granted three weekslater. Seven of us, by borrowingmoney from our schools, parents andfriends, were able to go. Christmasafternoon we climbed aboard a planefor Moscow via London and Helsinki,and arrived in Moscow December 28th.Two representatives of Intourist,the official Soviet travel agency, werewaiting at the airport to take us toour hotel — the fashionable National,where Intourist has its offices. Thetwo of them, a married woman of 39,and an amiable chap about 25, wereinterpreters for us during the trip.We stayed in Moscow for five days.Two of us, Craig Lovitt, editor of theKnox College Student, and I, went onto Leningrad, Minsk, Kiev, Kharkov,RUSSIAN'S PRIDE: THE MOSCOW METRO14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERussia: IIAN AMERICAN STUDENT ABROADand Tblisi (Tifiis), then back to Moscow. The other group also touredTblisi, Kiev, and Kharkov along withside trips to Baku, and Odessa. Wehad asked for a much larger itinerary,but — for one thing — our time was tooshort. Then, too, we were not permitted to go to Sevastopol because,according to our guides, it is a navalbase. Nor were we permitted to visitVilna, the capital of the LithuanianSoviet Socialist Republic. Our guidescould give no explanation for this.Besides factories and schools, wevisited orphanages, "palaces of culture," universities, collective farms,and a few homes. Between cities wetraveled by train or plane; withinthe cities we usually were driven bylimousines or regular cars. Our interpreters were with us most of thetime, although when we had freetime, usually at night, we wouldwander on our own.Moscow is a fast-paced city of aboutfive million people, who — if the crowdswe saw are any indication — alwaysappear in a hurry. The moving crowdsof people on the streets are very similar to crowds in New York or Chicago. Sharply dressed policemen, inred, white, and blue, uniforms, hurrythe traffic over wide avenues. Trucksfar outnumber the passenger cars, andwe were told that the average worker— the vast majority of the population— cannot afford a car.People seem to make up for thislack of cars by either walking orusing the public transportation system. As a result these systems wereextensive in the cities we visited.Outlying districts or suburbs are notas adequately serviced, thus people inthese parts were isolated from eachother. In Moscow public transportation equipment appeared to be allpost-war. The trolleys, trolley-buses,and diesel buses in use looked almostexactly the same as those used in Chicago. The older rolling stock is relegated apparently, to other cities,where we saw them. But the pride of the Muscovites is their subway.Opened first in 1936, and richly decorated in marble, it handles aboutone and one-half million passengersa day.Despite many impressive buildings,many sections of Moscow are rundown. Living conditions, on the Russians' own admission, are a great problem. According to the Russians, muchof this problem is due to the tremendous population increases of mostSoviet cities over their pre-war populations. In any event, there are manyover-crowded areas in Moscow.The people on the Moscow streetsseemed to dress rather drably, but wesaw no one who did not seem warm.Prices of good clothing, which isavailable now in the form of showpieces, are very high. Thus clothingis an exceedingly large budget item for the Soviet citizen. We were told thatthe colors of clothing brighten upduring the warmer season. While wewere there it snowed continuously,with the temperature always under orabout zero.Moscow's stores were crowded, socrowded that it seemed to us evidenceof the need for more stores. Their"Cheap to run rejrigeratorsjrom the Saratov jactory aremuch sought ajter," says thecaption jor the picture below inSoviet Union. "Here we seethem being inspected in ihewarehouse on their way to theelectrical department oj MoscowCentral Universal stores."REFRIGERATORS BEING INSPECTED BEFORE GOING TO MOSCOW. PRICE: 2000 RUBLESMARCH, 1954 15EDITOR WARD (CENTER, WITH EYES CLOSED) AT CHRISTMAS PARTY IN ST. GEORGE'S HAUnewest department store, which hasa good selection of merchandise, waspacked. Clothing, small householditems, and small gifts were the thingsI saw sold. What to the Russians areluxury items, such as refrigeratorsand television sets, are available buthighly priced. Besides, television isvery new. Steady production begantwo years ago, and if one comparesRussian and American equipment, itis about five years behind that produced here. Only Moscow, Leningrad,and a few other large cities have television stations, even though othercities we visited are building them.While radios are reasonably priced,production is not great enough tomeet demands. A familiar sight is theoutdoor loudspeaker and the commonset servicing many speakers in thesame building. These sets cannot receive the Voice of America, at leastin Moscow, because it is jammedthere. The BBC can be heard, however.In the factories we visited, in Moscow and other cities, we found thatthe workers put in an eight-hour six-day work week, and receive four paidholidays a year along with vacationsranging from two to four weeks depending on the type of job. Wageswere stable so they are not the concern of trade unions, which, we weretold were primarily interested in administering pensions, the educationaland vacation programs, and worker'srecreational activities.The assistant director of the tractorplant in Kharkov told us that thefactory employed about 13,000 people.One-third of them were women, sixtyper cent under twenty-five, with theminimum age set at seventeen.The same assistant director told methat he had been to Chicago aboutfifteen years ago, visiting farm equipment and steel plants. He said thathe admired our production methodsvery much; then he asked me whatI thought of their assembly methods.To me they seemed similar to American factories, except that most oftheir machines are old. He alsopointed out the nurseries and kindergartens for the women workers whohad children. Here, he said, werefacilities better than in the workers'flats, which were part of the inducement to get women to work in heavyindustry during the day.Workers' flats are often an integralpart of a factory unit. They are located within walking distances of theplant and are even built by the factory. Up to half the factory's profitmay be used to improve these facilities, but the profit is never very largesince it is the balance left from the16 cost of running the plant as comparedwith what the government pays forthe product. The two figures don'tusually fall far apart. (The government then sells the product at its ownprices.)We visited four workers' flats nearthe Tblisi wool factory. The distinguishing feature was their smallness;each had a kitchen, bath, and two orthree small rooms (with possibly asun porch) . Invariably someone sleptin the living room. Two of the flatswere comfortably furnished, anotherwas somewhat drab by our standards.I do not recall seeing any radiators,but if they existed, they were off,because it was quite cold.The collective farm we visited wasabout 20 miles outside of Kharkov,with about 4,000 acres which supported 1,200 people. There were about400 families and about the same number of workers, only seventy of whomwere men. The director told us thatthis ratio was a result of the Ukraine'sheavy losses during the war.Four rubles . . .The farm did not appear to be ashow piece. Its facilities were rustic.The common-hall for recreation andmeetings had no heat. Each familyhad its own house. The two we visitedeach had three rooms. At the presenttime, only the director's quarters and a few other buildings have electricity,so we found kerosene used for heatingand light. Each family also has itsown plot of land for individual use.The plots are used for raising thefamily's food, and any extra producedmay be sold by the family itself bytraveling to the special city markets.The Ukrainian farmers we metseemed very proud of their collectivefarm or Kolkhoz, even though theyreadily conceded that life on them wasdifficult. They told us that theyplanned building a greenhouse and acentral heating plant this year.Back in Moscow we inquired aboutthe prices of Russian-made items suchas refrigerators and bicycles. Wewere told that refrigerators sold for2,000 rubles — they held about six andone-half cubic feet — and bicycles cost550 rubles. (We asked about limousines, but we were told that only thegovernment buys them.) We thencompared this (and other prices) withwhat we had been told about a worker's wages. In general a Soviet workercan buy considerably less than theAmerican worker, although a closecomparison is difficult. The beginningworker receives about 700 rubles amonth, and — if he has certain skills —he can earn up to 1,000 rubles aftera few years' experience. While theAmerican dollar will buy four rubles,1,000 rubles is not equivalent to $250in purchasing power on the AmericanTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMLIN, HAD HIS EYES OPEN THE REST OF THE Consider rent and the priceof a reasonable suit: rent is not morethan five per cent of a worker's income, but the suit will cost him sevento eight-hundred rubles, or almost amonth's pay.Even with our interesting visits tofactories, houses, and farms, we weremore interested in the Soviet citizenand what he thought — both abouthimself and us. While we could meetonly a very few, we found all of thesewarm people who greeted us asfriends. The same cannot be saidabout their feelings toward our government.Anti-American propaganda is foundin the press, posters, Soviet literature,drama, and even the ballet. In Kharkov we saw a beautifully executedballet — as are all Russian ballets —called "The Red Poppy." But it wasas skillfully anti-American as it wasbeautiful.Briefly, the story told of the Chineserevolution, the victory of Mao TseTung. Most of the ballet was used toshow the American soldier in China,led by a caricature of General Mac-Arthur, mistreating China, portrayedas a beautiful woman. The Americanstried to get what they wanted byflashing large rolls of money. Theywere presented as rude and generallysloppy men. The woman is, of course,saved by Mao, and the ballet endswith a symbolic joining of the SovietMARCH, 1954 and Chinese people. I rememberedthat during the war the same ballethad been shown in the United States,but then it was the Japanese who wasthe villain, then the Chinese beautywas saved by the Russian and theAmerican sailors.Most of the audience at this balletwere teen-agers. At the end of thesecond act some of them noticed ourwhite shirts and light suits, and wesoon found ourselves surrounded bya large crowd, which was full of questions. They wanted to know aboutAmerican life. None of their questions seemed hostile. One finallyasked if we minded the "criticism"in the ballet. We said we thought itwas rather unfair, that it was full ofnothing but stereotyped caricatures ofboth history and Americans. They didnot agree with us.Anti- American posters will be foundmainly in the factories. There is usually some reference to war in them.The main themes are American soldiers dying in Korea and the symbolic American subjugation of theU.N., France, Britain, and WesternGermany.We found no Soviet students critical of their government. When wequestioned this we were told thatthey felt no need to criticize the government because it represented thewishes of the people. They did notseem to understand the possibility ofthere being dissatisfaction whichcould never be heard. They also jokingly said that our own governmentis so unstable that we must changeit every few years. All of these students relied mainly on Pravda fortheir views on the American scene.Eisenhower?We also asked their opinion ofEisenhower, but they avoided thisquestion by saying that he did notrepresent the government, but ratherwas an administrator. Some of themdid have slight praise for the President's recent suggestions for atomicenergy control, even though they werenot satisfied with it. For Truman theKiev students had nothing but invectives. They said he started the Korean War.Before we left Moscow to returnhome, we met some of the editors ofthe Komsomol (Young CommunistLeague) daily newspaper, which goesto almost two million Russians. Weasked these bright young people whatthey believed the chances were forpeace — in particular, what assurancescould the Soviet Union give to a capitalistic American which was manifestly unsympathetic to communism. On the theoretical level they repliedthat "Revolution is not for export."This we knew to be something Stalinsaid about thirty years ago. We werenot satisfied. We suggested thatMarx's theory of capitalism destroying itself could be discussed here. Didthe Russians believe that this wouldactually happen in America? If itdid, would Russia help push the revolution which theoretically would follow? The answers to these questions,and other like it, were very vagueindeed. One student hinted thatMarx's theory had been modified.That was about all. On the practicallevel they suggested that we wait forthe outcome of the Berlin Conference.Their eagerness to ask questions,questions which actually were alsocriticisms of America, along with theirreticence to answer questions aboutRussia, was of course a kind of contradiction. But, then, this strange co-joining of different forms could befound in other spheres of Russian lifeas well.Sad concernSoviet cultural life, for instance, isa curious blend of the classics — thefamous paintings, literature, and musicof all countries — and modern Sovietart and literature. (The Soviet citizen is offended if the label "Russian"is applied to work produced after therevolution; such work is called"Soviet.")Then, again, religion is widespreadin Russia. It receives no official encouragement; children cannot receivereligious training in schools. But wewere told that most towns havechurches — mainly the Russian Orthodox. We visited one church for theChristmas service, in Kiev. It waspacked. While we could get no figures on church attendance at othertimes, our interpreter told us thatpriests are still trained in Zagorsk, asmall town northeast of Moscow. Ourinterpreter also told us that the warseemed to increase the interest inreligion. But the young people wemet did not seem at all interested inreligion.There were two other reactions onthe part of our hosts. Our interpreters,in replying that Russians still neededpassports to go from one city to another, could hardly believe us whenwe told them that this was not necessary in America. Finally, as part of acheerful send-off after our trip totheir land, a number of the young editors expressed sad concern that wewould not be able to express ourviews about Russia when we got backhome to America.17HISTORYDEPARTMENTNEWSLETTERBeginning with the academicyear of 1954-55 the Department of History will offer a program leading to theB.A., the degree to be awarded conjointlyby the College and the Division of theHumanities. The degree will requirenormally four years of work after graduation from the 12th grade of high school,but current practice will be followed inallowing the gifted student to advancemore rapidly if he passes the necessaryplacement or comprehensive examinations.The student's time will be about equally divided between the College and theDivision with slightly more than oneyear's work in the Department itself.The requirements are as follows:College:1. Nine comprehensives (out of thepresent 14) in the College, to include(unless the student places out of any ofthese) : Social Science 2 and 3, Humanities 2, History, Language.Division:1. In History: Comprehensive (and sequence papers) over three fields of History (200 level) : Humanities 204 (a newcourse in the history of historical writing).2. Language: 3 years in all (Collegeand Division) in one or two languages.3. Electives: Two courses in literature,philosophy, art or other allied subjects.Students desiring a teaching certificatewould take five courses in Education instead of the electives and the third yearof language.Another important development lastyear was the adoption of an extremelyliberal loan policy for students. In addition to the fellowships and scholarshipsavailable, it is now possible to borrowrather large sums to be repaid over longperiods at low rates of interest. In caseany students are interested in this possibility, specific information can be secured from the Office of Fellowships andScholarships.The DepartmentIt is an item of great satisfaction tothe Department that in 1953 the two mostdistinguished chairs in American History in Great Britain were simultaneouslyheld by Doctors of the University ofChicago — the William Pitt Professorshipat Cambridge by Avery Craven ('24); theHarmsworth Professorship at Oxford byHenry S. Commager ('28).With regret the Department faced theretirement in 1953 of two valuable longtime members — Bessie Louise Pierce andJ. A. O. Larsen.The Department also deeply regretsthe news that Howard E. Schuchman, aformer graduate student and Asian representative for Macmillan, was killed onthe British Comet that crashed January10, 1954.The retired members of the Department have had a busy year. ProfessorLarsen taught the Fall term at Northwestern and spent the Winter of 1954on an endowed professorship at the University of California at Berkeley. MissPierce is continuing at the University ona research appointment to pursue herwriting of the history of Chicago. AveryCraven returned from England in August, 1953. He is living at Dune Acres,Indiana. During the Fall, he gave severallectures at Tulane and will teach at theUniversity of Colorado, Summer Session.Ferdinand Schevill spent the winter inFlorida. Arthur ('16) and Mrs. Scottwent to Japan in October, 1953, to visitdaughters and grandsons. Mr. Scotttaught at Lincoln Memorial University inthe Winter, 1953. Bernadotte E. Schmittpublished an article, "Munich," Journaloj Modern History, XXV, 166-180. Heattended the Jubilee Reunion of RhodesScholars in Oxford, June 29-July 2, 1953.A. H. McDonald, Clare College, Cambridge, will be Visiting Professor of Ancient History during the Spring Quarter,1954.The FacultyDaniel J. Boorstin published The Genius of American Politics (University ofChicago Press) and two articles, "Lospirito di compromesso nel pensiero enella vita politica americana," (la parte)Quaderni di Sociologia, No. 7 (Inverno,1953), (2a parte), No. 8 (Primavera,1953), Turin, Italy; and "Our Unspoken HISTORY CHAIRMAN WALTER JOHNSONNational Faith," Commentary, April, 1953.He is editing a series of short books onAmerican history for the University ofChicago Press. Mr. Boorstin was theConvocation speaker for the College ofJewish Studies, September, 1953.George B. Carson, Jr., ('42) chaired thesession on Soviet historiography at theAmerican Historical Association annualmeeting. He lectured at the College ofWooster on Soviet Agrarian policy andpublished "How to Think About American Foreign Policy, or Any Foreign Policy," Arizona Quarterly.James L. Cate ('35) published Vol. 5 —with W. F. Craven — of Army Air ForcesWorld War II; The Pacific: Matterhornto Nagasaki. He was elected to theCouncil of the University Senate and tothe Committee of the Council.Robert I. Crane received both a FordFoundation grant and a RockefellerFoundation grant for study in India. Heread a paper entitled "Nationalist Objectives in Modern India" before a session of the American Historical Association. The Institute of Pacific Relationspublished a monograph by him — with asection by Burton Stein — entitled Aspects oj Economic Development in South18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAsia. The Journal of Negro Education,Spring, 1953, published his article, "Development of Educational Facilities inNon-Self-Governing Territories."Herlee Creel published ChineseThought: From Confucius to Mao Tse-Tung (University of Chicago Press).Louis Gottschalk was President of theAmerican Historical Association this pastyear. In October he was awarded theFrench Legion of Honor at a receptionin the home of Chancellor and Mrs.Kimpton. Mr. Gottschalk was appointeda member of the Board of Editors of theAmerican Historical Review in December, 1953. He gave two lectures at Vanderbilt University in April, 1953, and inJanuary, 1954, he gave an address at theUniversity of Chicago Trustee's dinnerfor the faculty, as representative for thefaculty. He published "Possible Readjustments by the Scholar," in Librarians,Scholars, and Booksellers at Mid-Century" edited by Pierce Butler (University of Chicago Press).S. William Halperin was visiting professor of history at Ohio State Universityin the Summer, 1953. An Italian translation of his book, Italy and the Vaticanat War, will soon be published.William T. Hutchinson ('27) served theDepartment on the Curriculum Committee of the Social Science Division and onthe Committee to select a new dean toreplace Ralph Tyler, who retired October 1, 1953, to head the Ford Foundation'scenter for a study of human behavior.Walter Johnson ('41) accompanied Ad-lai E. Stevenson on his trip around theworld. While he was away, Louis Gottschalk served as Acting Chairman.Donald F. Lach ('41) was promoted toAssociate Professor of Modern History.He published an article on "The Sinophi-lism of Christian Wolff," Journal of theHistory of Ideas, XIV (1953). Volume IIof Europe and the Modern World, incollaboration with Louis Gottschalk, willbe published in March, 1954. Mr. Lachcompleted a revision of Modem Far Eastern International Relations and a monograph entitled Leibniz's Novissima Sinica:Commentary and Translation.W. H. McNeill, who is offering workin the Department as well as in theCollege, published America, Britain andRussia: Their Cooperation and Conflict,1941-1946, a volume of Survey of International Affairs, 1939-1946, published bythe Royal Institute of International Affairs.Sidney E. Mead, who offers work inthe Department as well as in the Federated Theological Faculties, publishedan article entitled "Protestantism Duringthe Revolutionary Epoch," Church History, December, 1953. He lectured atPrinceton and Emory Universities onaspects of American Church ffistory.Charles L. Mowat appeared on theUniversity of Chicago Round Table twiceduring the year. He has completed hisbook on Great Britain Between the Wars,1919-39.John U. Nef was visiting professor atthe College de France, Paris, duringMarch, April and May, 1953. Among hisMARCH, 1954 writings are "Shapers of the ModernOutlook," Canadian Forum, January, 1953;"Communication and Human Welfare,"Journal of Economic History, Winter,1953, and "The Universities and WorldCommunity," Three Aspects of University Development Today, InternationalUniversities Bureau, Paris, 1953. He alsoedited Letters and Notes, Volume I, byElinor Castle Nef, December, 1953.Earl H. Pritchard received a grantfrom the Social Science Research Council for research in England on early contacts between British India and China.The research is in connection with abook he is working on dealing with"British and Anglo-Indian Trade andRelations with China prior to 1842."During the Fall and Winter, 1953-54, Mr.Pritchard has been Acting Director ofStudies of the Committee on International Relations.J. Fred Rippy spent the Spring andSummer Quarters of 1953 lecturing inthe colleges and universities of Texasand California and teaching at StanfordUniversity. He has published within theyear a number of articles in Inter-American Economic Affairs and the Journal ofBusiness. Late in November he read apaper on "Africa and British OverseasInvestment" before the conference of theHarris Institute. His paper, read beforethe American Historical Association inDecember, has been accepted for publication. It dealt with railway finance inBrazil.Hans Rothfels is on a leave of absenceto teach at the University of Tuebingen,Germany.Alan Simpson read a paper to theAmerican Historical Association entitled"English Puritanism as Political Utopi-anism." He has been invited to give aseries of Walgreen Lectures in the coming year on Puritanism in Old and NewEngland. He has contributed to severalprograms on the Round Table and inlocal educational radio. He is also actingas University representative in the administration of the Woodrow WilsonFellowships.Richard J. Storr published Beginningsof Graduate Education in America, (University of Chicago Press). He is writingthe history of the University of Chicagoand would appreciate any historical materials students or faculty might have.Ilza Veith attended the InternationalPhysiological Congress at Montreal andthe Conference on the Place of MedicalHistory in Medical Education sponsoredby the New York Academy of Medicine.She was elected Secretary to the Committee on Trends and Perspectives of theSurvey of Physiological Sciences conducted by the American PhysiologicalSociety. She received a three-year grantfrom the National Science Foundation toundertake a study of endowed grant supported research in the Division of theBiological Sciences of the University. Shepublished a chapter in Training and Research in State Mental Health Programs.Gustave E. Von Grunebaum, who isoffering work for the Department as wellas the Oriental Institute, served as Chair man of the International Conference onIslamic Studies held in Belgium. He waselected to membership in the Academiadel Meditteraneo, Palermo. Among hispublications were "Government in Islam,"in Freedom and Authority in Our Time,and "Three Arabic Poets of the EarlyAbbasid Age," Orientalia, N.S., XXII,262-283.Doctors of Philosophy1897-1930Charles Truman Wyckoff ('97), retiredDean of the College and Professor ofHistory at Bradley University, continuesto enjoy good health at 93 years of ageand is still residing in Los Angeles.Derwent Whittlesey ('20), Professor ofGeography, Harvard University, published two articles in 1953, "Lands Athwartthe Nile" in World Politics V (1953) and"Kenya, the Land and Mau Mau" inForeign Affairs XXXII (1953). His summer last year was spent in Central Europesurveying political geography. BeloitCollege conferred an honorary Sc.D. upon him at its Commencement in June,1953. Last November he delivered aHarris Foundation Lecture at the University of Chicago entitled "Resourcesand Regions of Africa."Julius W. Pratt ('24) retired as Deanof the Graduate School of Arts andSciences, University of Buffalo, in January, 1953. He is now serving as SamuelP. Copen Professor of American Historyat the University of Buffalo. In March,1953, he published "The Mantle of GeorgeWashington" in the University of BuffaloStudies.Loren C. Mackinney ('25), Professor ofMedieval History, University of NorthCarolina, was a member of the EditorialBoard of the American Historical Reviewduring the past year. He presented apaper, "Classicism and Pragmatism inTenth Century Medicine" for the American Historical Association program. Atthe American Historical Association program on Documentary Reproduction, heWorld Travel - Adventure Forum• TRAVELOGUES •SUNDAY MAR. 142:30 and 5:00"CEYLON"by Col. Arnold MaahsSUNDAY MAR. 282:30 and 5:00"HONG KONG"by Phil WalkerADMISSION $1.50All seats reserved(2 shows each date)KIMBALL HALLWabash at Jackson19gave a report on Italian Activities forthe American Historical AssociationCommittee on Documentary Reproduction. He delivered a lecture on MedievalMedicine at the Bowman Grey MedicalSchool.Watt Stewart ('28), Professor of History, New York State College for Teachers, Albany, served as a member of theEditorial Board of the Hispanic AmericaHistorical Review, and also as a memberof the General Committee of Conferenceson Latin American Studies of the American Historical Association. He was alsoan editor of the Handbook of LatinAmerican Studies.Jennings B. Sanders ('28), Specialist inHistory, U. S. Office of Education, washonored with an LL.D. degree fromFranklin College of Indiana in June, 1953.Donnal V. Smith ('29), President, StateUniversity Teachers College, Cortland,New York, has published " 'Pants' Lawrence of the Adirondacks" in New YorkFolklore Quarterly, Summer, 1953, and"Improving Public Relations — a TeacherResponsibility" in New York State Education, May, 1953.Florence Edler de Roover ('30) is notteaching at present, but has spent a largeportion of the last 4 years in Europe withher husband, who is a Professor of Economics at Wells College, Aurora, NewYork, doing research for numerous articles and a work on the medieval silkindustry. She has published an article,"New Facts on the Financing and Marketing of Early Printed Books" in theBulletin of the Business Historical Society for December, 1953.Mary Elizabeth Cochran ('30), Professor of History at Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, is now on theExecutive Board of the Kansas Association of History and Allied Subjects afterhaving served as the Association's president this last year. She published anarticle, "Tension Areas of Europe" inEducational Leader, and, before the Federation of Women's Clubs in Pittsburg,Kansas, she delivered a lecture on thesame subject. For the Geography Workshop of Kansas State Teachers College, she lectured on "American History andRelation to Geography."1931-1940Harris Gary Hudson ('31), PresidentEmeritus of Illinois College upon retirement in September, 1953, is now Professor of History and Political Science atCalifornia Western University, San Diego6, California.E. Wilson Lyon ('32), President ofPomona College, spoke at the College ofWooster, Ohio, in April, 1953. He addressed the Association of American Colleges in January, 1954. He and his family attended the 50th anniversary reunionof Rhodes Scholars at Oxford and spentthe summer traveling in Great Britain,France, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany.John H. Davis ('32), Professor of History, Southwestern College at Memphis,is currently revising a Humanities syllabus, "Man in the Light of History andReligion."William A. Russ, Jr. ('33), Professor ofHistory at Susquehanna University andPresident of the Pennsylvania HistoricalAssociation, traveled through Newfoundland during the summer of 1953.Wood Gray ('33), Professor of American History at George Washington University, is serving on the Fulbright Committee at ^George Washington University.He is chairman of the A. H. A. Committee on the Historian and the FederalGovernment; historical advisor to theDepartment of State overseas motionpicture program; and assistant to theeditor of the American Historical Reviewfor United States history.James Bruce Ross ('34), Professor ofHistory at Vassar College, edited, incollaboration with Mary M. McLaughlin,The Portable Renaissance Reader, published by Viking Press in 1953.Raymond O. Rockwood ('35), Professorof History at Colgate University, is doing research on the Radical Socialistsand the fall of France in 1940. He wasin charge of local arrangements for theThird Annual Conference of the N. Y.State Association of European Historians,held at Colgate University in October, 1953. He was elected vice-president ofthe association for the coming year.Robert D. Meade ('35), Head of theHistory Department of Randolph- MaconWoman's College, Lynchburg, Virginia,delivered an address to the Virginia Social Science Association in May, 1953. Hewas awarded a grant from the Gugen-heim Foundation in May, 1953, to assistin completing his two -volume biographyof Patrick Henry. He will be on leavefrom Randolph-Macon until September,1954.Richard H. Bauer ('35), Associate Professor of History, University of Maryland, was appointed to the National Advisory Council, Phi Beta Theta HonorSociety in History.Philip J. Green ('35), Professor of History, Charlotte, North Carolina, lecturedon the Federalist Papers in February,1953.David Nelson Rowe ('35), Professor ofPolitical Science at Yale University, isnow Chairman of the Editorial Committee for publications on Foreign Areas,Yale University. He is working on astudy of security problems of the UnitedStates in the Pacific and Far East. Inconnection with this project, he willtravel to the Far East in the summer of1954.R. V. Burks ('37), Associate Professorof History, Wayne University, is incharge of a new course entitled "Rootsof Mid-European Unity," sponsored bythe Mid-European Studies Center ofN.Y.C. and broadcast over station WDET.J. Wesley Hoffmann ('37), Head of theDepartment of History of the Universityof Tennessee, has returned to the university after a year's leave, during whichtime he taught for the University ofMaryland in Europe.William H. Gray ('37), Professor ofLatin American History at PennsylvaniaState University, directed the Penn StateSummer Seminar in Europe, consistingof educational travel through six countries of western Europe and two weekswith the University of Vienna SummerSchool at Gmunden, Austria.Joe L. Norris ('38), Associate Professorof History at Wayne University, contrib-Playwrights Theatre ClubMURDER IN THECATHEDRALby T. S. Eliotfrom February 25thto March 21stMembership information on request1560 NorthLaSalle Street WHitehall3-2272 Webb-Linn Printing Co.Catalogs, PublicationsAdvertising Literature?Printers of the Universityof Chicago Magazine?A. L. Weber, J.D. '09 L. S. Berlin, B.A. '09A. J. Falick, M.B.A. 51MOnroe 6-2900 Radio Station W F M T... 78 hours a dayall of it devoted to . . .serious musicdramapoetryand discussion7 a.m. to 7 a.m.98.7 on your FM dial20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEuted "The Port of Detroit," to Think,January, 1953.Albert Parry ('38), Professor of Russian Civilization and Language andChairman of the Department of Russia,Colgate University, regularly contributedarticles on Russia to the New York Herald Tribune, The Christian Science Monitor, various news syndicates, and tradepublications. He reviewed books for TheAmerican Slavic and East European Review and The New Leader. During thepast year he addressed the Third AnnualConference of the N. Y. State Associationof European Historians, the U. S. Military Academy and various Eastern colleges. His essay on D. H. Lawrence andMarxist criticism has been accepted fora forthcoming issue of The Western Review, published at the State Universityof Iowa.Robert Lawrence Nicholson ('38), Assistant Professor, Chicago Undergraduate Division, University of Illinois atNavy Pier, Chicago, will have his book,Joscelyn I, Prince of Edessa, publishedby the University of Illinois Press duringthe 1953-54 school year.Leland H. Carlson ('39), Associate Professor at Northwestern University, wasawarded a six-month fellowship by theFolger Shakespeare Library. Last yearhe published The Writings of RobertHarrison and Robert Browne (London:George Allen & Unwin, Ltd.). Duringthe past year he was elected president of the Northwestern University chapterof Phi Beta Kappa and of the ChicagoAssociation of Phi Beta Kappa.Janet L. MacDonald ('39), Professor ofHistory and Chairman of the Division ofSocial Science, Hollins College, Virginia,is National Chairman, Social StudiesCommittee of the AAUW and a memberof the Executive Committee of theAAUW. She is also a member of theExecutive Committee of the Virginia Association of Social Science. Her article,"The Advantages of Danger," was published in the AAUW Journal, January,1953.Arthur L. Funk, ('40), Associate Professor of History and Humanities, University of Florida, during the past yearcontributed Source Problems in Twentieth Century History, published by theAmerican Book Co. of N. Y., and an article in the Journal of Modern History(March, 1953) entitled "A Document Relating to the Second World War: TheClark-Darlan Agreement." His article,"L'historien et les archives des Etats-Unis," will appear in the January, 1954,issue of the Revue d'histoire de la deux-ieme querre mondiale.F. Roger Dunn ('40), Chairman of theDepartment of Social Studies, State University Teachers College, Potsdam, N. Y.,will publish "Problems in Teaching theSocial Studies" in the New York StateEducation magazine, Spring, 1954. Hehas been lecturing in several northern New York communities on the subjectof "The U. S. and the U. N."1941-1953Gordon H. McNeil ('41), Associate Professor, University of Arkansas, has published an article in The American Historical Review, July, 1953, entitled "TheConservative Rousseau."James Morgan Read ('41), is UnitedNations Deputy High Commissioner forRefugees, Palais des Nations, Geneva.John E. Fagg, ('42), Assistant Professorof History at New York University andAssistant Dean of the Graduate School,spent the summer touring South America.He is chairman of the Editorial Committee of the New York University Press.He lectured before the History Club atRutgers and has written an essay onSpanish literature to be published inHispania (August, 1954).Thomas Randolph Hall ('42), a memberof the Foreign Service Reserve, has beenstationed in Trieste as a Political Officersince May, 1951.Frances D. Acomb ('43), Assistant Professor of History, Duke University, gavea paper before the Southern HistoricalAssociation, November 14, 1953, "MalletDuPan and Political Journalism in theEra of the French Revolution." She spentpart of the year doing research inEurope.Sidney Harcave ('43), Assistant Professor of History, Harpur College of NewYork, prepared under the auspices ofthe Russian Research Center of Harvard,a paper entitled "Structure and Functioning of the Lower Party Organizationsin the Soviet Union." He was alsoelected a member of the Executive Council of the New York State Associationof European Historians for 1953-54.Richard J. Hooker ('43), Professor ofAmerican History, Roosevelt College,Chicago, has published "The AmericanRevolution Seen Through a Wine Glass,"William and Mary Quarterly, January,1954, and has edited, The Carolina Back-country on the Eve of the Revolution:The Journal and Other Writings ofCharles Woodmason Anglican Itinerant,University of North Carolina Press, 1953.He also gave a paper, "The South Carolina Regulator Movement," at the Southern Historical Association, Jacksonville,Florida, November, 1953.Helen lone Greene ('45) was recentlypromoted to a full professorship on thefaculty of Social Science and History, theGeorgia State College for Women. Shespent a pleasant summer in Spain andScandinavia.Helmut Hirsch ('45), Associate Professor of European History, Roosevelt College, has spent a year in Europe lecturingat several universities and doing research. This January he gave a lecture at the University of Wisconsin on"Franco-German Relations and the Saar."George D. Faust ('46), Professor ofHistory and Political Science, is completing an LL.B. degree from, Cleveland-Marshall Law School of Cleveland.Harry R. Stevens ('46), Assistant Pro-TOUR THE CAMPUSwithCap & (j5706 UNIVERSITY AVE.CHICAGO 37 own%.MARCH, 1954 21fessor of History, Duke University, haswritten two articles: "The ReverendWilliam Burke," which appeared in theHistorical and Philosophical Society ofOhio Quarterly Bulletin, and "CrossSection and Frontier" for the South Atlantic Quarterly (July, 1953).Gale W. McGee ('47), Professor of History, University of Wyoming, will publish an articles in the South AtlanticQuarterly, Spring, 1954, entitled "A ChinaPolicy for the United States," and willlead a foreign policy travel seminar toEurope, the theme of which will be"Problems of Allied Unity."Jack B. Pfeiffer ('47) is with Air ForceIntelligence in Washington, D. C.Rhea A. Taylor ('48), Assistant Professor of History, University of Kentucky,expects to publish soon the results of hisresearch on the frontier in the AmericanRevolution.Henry Folmer ('48) recently completedhis book, Franco- Spanish Rivalry inNorth- America, 1524-1763, which hasbeen published by H. Clark & Companyas Vol. VII of Spain in the West.James Rabun ('48), Associate Professorof History, Emory University, Georgia,in collaboration with J. Harvey Young,has an article appearing in the December, 1953, issue of the Georgia HistoricalQuarterly on "William H. Crawford andthe Election of 1828."Robert D. Warth ('49), Instructor inHistory, the Newark Colleges of RutgersUniversity, will have his book, The Alliesand the Russian Revolution, published bythe Duke University Press in February,1954. The University of Chicago Presshas published Jacob Leisler's Rebellionby Jerome R. Reich ('49), Instructor, the Westcott Vocational High School.Elbert B. Smith ('49), Professor of History, Youngstown College, Ohio, duringthe past year has given addresses beforethe Ohio Academy of History and theOhio Council for Social Studies. Hisarticle, "Thomas Hart Benton: SouthernRealist," appeared in the July, 1953, issueof the American Historical Review.Norman A. Graebner ('49), AssociateProfessor of History, Iowa State College,has had published the following articles:"American Interest in California, 1845,"Pacific Historical Review, XXII, February, 1953; "Party Politics and the TristMission," Journal of Southern History,XIX, May, 1953; "The American Presidential Tradition," Current History, September, 1953.Stewart Irvin Oost ('50), AssistantProfessor of History, Southern MethodistUniversity, has written an article, "TheRoman Calendar in the Year of Pydna(168 B.C.)" published in Classical Philology (October, 1953).William Reynolds Braisted ('50), Assistant Professor of History, Universityof Texas, has spent a year at Harvardobserving the methods of the HarvardTeaching Institute and intensively studying Japanese.Harris L. Dante ('50), Associate Professor of History and Education, KentState University, has two articles projected \for publication in the Journal ofthe Illinois State Historical Society andthe journal of Social Education.Bernard A. Weisberger ('50), AssistantProfessor of History, Antioch College,has written an article, "Keeping the FreePress Free," Antioch Review, Fall, 1953.His book, Reporters for the Union, waspublished by Little, Brown (Boston,1953) .Roger H. Van Bolt ('50), engaged inhistorical research for the Henry FordMuseum, has published "Cap' Anson'sFirst Contract," The Annals of Iowa,April, 1953; "Fusion Out of Confusion"and "Indiana in Political Transition, 1851-53," Indiana Magazine of History, December, 1953, and June, 1953, respectively.David Lindsey ('50), Associate Professor of History, Baldwin-Wallace College,Ohio, has written several articles including "George W. Norris as a student atBaldwin University," Nebraska History,June, 1953; "Sunset Cox, Ohio's Champion of Compromise in the SecessionCrisis, 1860-61," Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Quarterly, Oct.,1953. His Place Names in Ohio's WesternReserve will be published by WesternReserve University Press in the Springof 1954.Gerhard L. Weinberg ('51), ResearchAnalyst, Columbia University, War Documentation Project, has been doing research and editing with regard to German policy in the last war; one of hisarticles appeared in a German publication in May, 1953.George Blackwood ('51), Assistant Professor of Political Economy, Boston University College of General Education,wrote an article appearing in the NewLeader (August 10, 1953), "The Battle for Local 600," and has had acceptedanother article by the Mississippi ValleyHistorical Review on John R. Commonsand Frederick Jackson Turner. He is onthe Membership Committee of the Mississippi Valley Historical Review.Don E. Fehrenbacher ('51), Acting Assistant Professor of History, StanfordUniversity, taught at Roosevelt Collegeduring the summer session. He has received a grant from the American History Research Center (Wisconsin StateHistorical Society) for a biography of"Long John" Wentworth, and has published "The Post Office in Illinois Politics," Illinois State Historical SocietyJournal (Spring, 1953).John E. Pixton ('52), Research Associate, Graduate School of Commerce,Northwestern, is at work on a study ofMarietta and Cincinnati Railroad, soonto be published.John C. Rayburn ('52), Assistant Professor of History and Government, TexasCollege of Arts and Industries, Kings-ville, Texas, has had published "UnitedStates Investments in Venezuelan Asphalt," in Inter -American Affairs (Summer, 1953).George Calvin Rogers ('53), is an instructor in history at the University ofPennsylvania.Paul Nathan ('52) is teaching at SouthShore High School, Chicago, and has anarticle appearing in the Current Economic Comment, November 1953, "Resurgent German Exports to Latin America." He reports that his thesis Mexicounder Cardenas has been translated intoSpanish and will be published in MexicoCity this year.Jay Gordon Hall ('53) is on the Business Research Staff, General Motors Corporation, Detroit 2, Michigan.Charlotte Watkins Smith ('53) is nowliving in College Park, Maryland, whereher husband is an instructor in theEnglish Department at the University ofMaryland.Ralph N. Traxler ('53) is on the staffof Kraft Foods Company, Chicago, andis currently preparing two articles onrailroad land grants.Pearl lu-Yong Hsia ('53) is doingeditorial work at the Commerce ClearingHouse, North Michigan Avenue, Chicago.Robert Kreider ('53), Associate Professor of History, Bluffton College, Ohio,delivered an address before the American Society of Church History, Chicago,in December on "The Anabaptists andthe Magistrates of Strasbourg, 1525-1555."David M. Behen, ('53), Instructor inHistory, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois, is a member of the Executive Committee of the Labor Historians.Graduate History ClubDuring the Spring Quarter, 1953, ElmoRoberds, Kenneth Burroughs and EdytheKeshner turned over the leadership ofthe Graduate History Club to a new slateof officers: Arthur F. Smith, president;Henry Cheaney, secretary; and JudithInspiringand absorbingTHE GODIN YOUBy KERMIT EBYWith a Foreword byREINHOLD NIEBUHRThe God in You is a simply writtenreligious statement which sets forth aprogram for living and for social action, based on the belief that God'spresence is real, constant, and inspiring. The book grows directly out ofMr. Eby's remarkable career as ateacher, union organizer, and ordainedminister, and readers will find TheGod in You enriched by a fascinatingstorehouse of anecdotes derived fromthe author's experiences in actingupon his beliefs. February, 170 pages.Cloth, $2.50; paper, $1.75.At your bookstore, or from <£cs*si$>THE UNIVERSITY OF ^lIS'^CHICAGO PRESS %&%$£5750 Ellis Ave. Chicago 37, III. ***.*&22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBinyon, treasurer. At the last meetingof the Winter Quarter, 1953, ProfessorGerhard Ritter, University of Freiburg,spoke on "The Present State of HistoricalStudies in Germany."During the Spring Quarter a studentforum and discussion was led by severalstudents who had recently completedtheir Ph. D. dissertations on "Successfully Writing the Dissertation." At thesecond meeting of the quarter, DeanJohn E. Jeuck of the Business Schoolspoke on "Opportunities for the BusinessHistorian."The one meeting of the Summer Quarter was jointly sponsored by the PoliticalScience Club, the Public AdministrationSociety, and the Graduate History Club.Professor Walter Johnson spoke abouthis world tour with Adlai E. Stevenson.In the first meeting of the AutumnQuarter, Professor Jakob A. O. Larsenspoke on "The Judgment of Antiquityon Democracy." The second meeting ofthe quarter presented Dr. Edward Gar-gan, Professor of European History atLoyola University, who spoke on "ACatholic Historian's Credo." During theChristmas holidays, the Graduate HistoryClub, in cooperation with former students of Louis Gottschalk, held a reception in his honor at the Conrad HiltonHotel in conjunction with the programof the American Historical Associationmeeting in Chicago and over which Professor Gottschalk presided as out- goingpresident.The first meeting of the Winter Quarteroffered a memorial program in honor ofthe late Herbert E. Bolton of the University of California. Professor J. FredRippy of the History department faculty,a former student of Bolton and aclose friend and colleague, presented anaddress together with interesting personal reminiscences of his friendshipwith Professor Bolton.Informal student discussion groups stillcontinue on and about the campus. Thosein American, European and English history remain the most active.DissertationsThe titles and authors of the doctoraldissertations for the past two yearsfollow:1952Belden, Thomas G. The Salmon P.Chase Family in the Civil War andReconstruction: A Study in Ambitionand Corruption.Burks, David D. The Dawn of Manufacturing in Mexico.Fu, Lo-shu. Sino-Western RelationsDuring the K'ang-hsi Period.Fulkerson, Stephen V. The EnglishLanded Gentry from the Restoration to1700.Hewlett, Richard G. Lewis Cass inNational Politics, 1842-1861.Kaminsky, Howard M. The HussiteMovement in Historiography.Khesbak, Jafar H. England and theNational Movement in Egypt between1914 and 1936.Nathan, Paul. Mexico under Cardenas.Panagopoulos, Epaminondas P. Classi cism and the Framers of the Constitution.Pixton, John E., Jr. The Early Careerof Charles G. Dawes.Rayburn, John C. The Impact ofAnglo-Saxon Capital and Technology inVenezuela.Roberts, Robert R. Economic andPolitical Ideas Expressed in the EarlySocial Gospel Movement, 1885-1907.Rossiter, William M. Mexican-American Relations, 1913-1920.Simons, Richard B. The Path toNationalization: The British Coal Industry, 1919-1946.Solberg, Richard W. Joshua Giddings,Politician and Idealist.Webb, Morris K. The NationalisticProtest of the Early Slavophiles againstForeign Influence.1953Barnhart, Donald S. Columbian' Transportation Problems and Policies, 1923-1948.Behen, David M. The Chicago LaborMovement, 1874-1896: Its PhilosophicalBases.Chen, Pearl Hsia. The Social Thoughtof Lusin, 1881-1936.Curry, George. Edward VIII and theBritish Monarchy.Dunlea, Thomas. Agricultural Education in Massachusetts, 1792-1867.Gould, Stanton W. General RafaelMaroto and the First Carlist War (1833-40).Hall, Jay Gordon. Motorization ofCentral America.Kreider, Robert Stanford. The Rela^tion of the Anabaptists to the CivilAuthorities in Switzerland, 1525-1555.Lavengood, Lawrence Gene. The GreatAwakening and New England Society.Roehl, Charlotte. Porfirio Diaz in thePress of the United States.Rogers, George C, Jr. Sir Henry Vane,Jr., Spirit Mystic and Fanatic Democrat.Russell, William, O. Praem. DiplomaticRelations between the United States andNicaragua, 1920-1933.Schmitt, Hans A. Charles Peguy: TheHistory of a Reputation, 1900-1930.Smith, Charlotte Watkins. History andthe Climate of Opinion: An Essay onCarl Becker.Traxler, Ralph Newton, Jr. The LandGrants for the Thirty-Second ParallelRailroad from the Mississippi to thePacific.Fellows1952-53Henry Milton Wolf Fellowship Donald S. BarnhartCatherine Cleveland Fellowship Haskell DeutschCleo Hearon Fellowship Teruko KachiUniversity Fellowship George C. RogersCarnegie Teaching Fellowship Hans A. SchmittUniversity Fellowship Karl J. Weintraub 1953-54Cleo Hearon Fellowship Peter Henry AmannUniversity Fellowship Vern LeRoy BulloughUniversity Fellowship James E. FarnellUniversity Fellowship Kenneth F. LewalskiUniversity Fellowship Johanna Margarete MenzelCarnegie Teaching Fellowship Mary Alice RossUniversity Fellowship Carl Borromeo SchmittWilliam Rainey Harper Fellowship Gerald StourzhHenry Milton Wolf Fellowship David S. WatsonCatherine Cleveland Fellowship Karl Joachim Weintraub(The 1954 Newsletter has been prepared by a committee of the GraduateHistory Club composed of Albert Castel,Henry Cheaney, Edward L. Elsasser,Howard Ryan, and Arthur F. Smith.Mr. Walter Johnson was the facultyconsultant.)JOSEPH H. AARON, Class '27Insurance Broker135 South La Salle StreetChicago, IllinoisRAndolph 6-1060ROCKEFELLERcould afford to pay $6, $7, $8, $9, andmore for vitamins. Can you? We havedeveloped a system of distributing vitamins by mail order only which will saveyou up to 50%. Eliminate the commission of 4 or 5 middlemen. 20 elementformula with ALL vitamins and mineralsfor which need has been established,plus 6 others. 100 capsules — $3.15. We payall postage in continental United States.Write today for free literature:SPRINGER & DASHNAU(U. of Chicago, AB '51, AM '52)3125 Miller St., Dept. A, Phila. 34, Pa.T. A. REHNQUIST CO.Our25thYear vo/EST. 1929CONCRETEFLOORS — SIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATIONSINDUSTRIAL FLOORINGEMERGENCY REPAIR WORKCONCRETE BREAKINGWATERPROOFINGINSIDE WALLS6639 S. Vernon AvenueNOrmal 7-0433MARCH, 1954 23A four-year-old childwas up on a roofA plumber was neededin a hurry ^^^ %J.^ i*'( £^B V;IIISEA dog was caughtin a fenceA baby was aboutto be born A boy was playing withsticks of dynamiteA house wason fireJust a few of the emergency calls handled recently hy one telephone central office.The Spirit of ServiceCalls like these are familiar totelephone people everywhere. Weknow them well.What they say so plainly is thatour work lies at the very heart oflife. We are in the thick of it. Andthe way we act matters.For day in and day out, minuteby minute, we are serving the needsof the people. Our entire business— everything about it — exists in order that we may render service.Out of this experience comes acertain attitude of telephone peoplethat is one of our most preciousassets. It is The Spirit of Service.It begins with a sense of responsibility and shows itself in a sort ofcombination of knowing-how andwanting-to-do.We know that without it therewould still be telephone service of a sort. But it wouldn't be the same.And we wouldn't be the same people either. For the spirit that bringsthe most to the job, likewise returnsthe most to the people who give it.Much has been done. But telephone men and women know thatall that the years have brought isbut the beginning.Our opportunities for Serviceopen wide before us.BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEMLocal to serve the community. Nationwide to serve the nation.24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELA TOURAINECoffee and TeaLa Touraine Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave., ChicagoOther PlantsBoston — New York — Philadelphia —Syracuse — Cleveland — Detroit"You Might As Well Have The Best"Phones OAlcland 4-0690—4-0691—4-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueBOYDSTON AMBULANCE SERVICEAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of Chicagophone NOrmal 7-2468NEW ADDRESS-1708 E. 71ST ST.W. Be Conkey Co-Division ofRand MSNally & CompanyCHICAGO • HAMMOND • NEW YORKSince 7885ALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best in placement service for University,College, Secondary and Elementary. Nationwide patronage. Call or write us at25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, III.TREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Direct Factory DealerforCHRYSLER and PLYMOUTHNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMUseum 4-4500AlsoGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete Automobile Repair,Body, Paint, Simonize, Washand Greasing Departments vSooIcAby Faculty and AlumniBRIEFLY NOTEDFOUNDATIONS OF THE WORLDREPUBLIC. By the late G. A.Borgese. University of Chicago Press,1953.Author, scholar, a former facultymember at the University of Chicago,the late Guiseppe A. Borgese servedfrom 1946 to 1951 as secretary-general of the Committee to Frame aWorld Constitution. This book assertshis conviction that world governmentis inevitable.Professor Robert Redfield, who alsoserved on the Committee, has writtenof this book:"It is about the necessary interdependence of peace, justice, and power.It is an argument for world government. It is a revelation that justice is,in the end, love. It is a demonstrationthat both power and 'idealism' together — not one or the other, as somehave indicated — can safely serve usin our efforts toward peace."This book is to be read not as onereads any one conventional kind ofbook . . . Rather it is a new thing:a harmonic blending of several bookforms. It is argument and prophecy,analysis and poetic symbol -making, atTHE GOD IN YOU. By KermitEby. University of Chicago Press,1954.Kermit Eby, Professor (Social Sciences), has written a personal testament of his faith in God and man,based upon his own experiences as amember and preacher in the BrethrenChurch, as a labor organizer, and asa teacher.He describes this book as "the attempt of a Brethren boy to reconcilehis heritage and the world in whichhe now lives. It is my hope that itwill help others who must make thesame self-reconciliation to do so successfully.""FOR THE BEST IN BOOKS"THE CONFIDENTIAL CLERK by T. S. EliotNow on Broadway $3.00WRITER'S DIARY by Virginia WoolfHer lost papers $5.00CHURCHILL BY HIS CONTEMPORARIESViewed from many angles $6.00THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOBOOKSTORE5802 Ellis Ave., Chicago 37 Avoiding absolutism and dogmatism,Mr. Eby presents with simplicity hisown faith in the power of love, in theneed for sympathy and brotherhood,and in man's capacity to realize theGod within him.Mr. Eby's active and life-long concern for social justice and human welfare attests to his personal convictionthat every person must "take the leadin bringing about a better world, notthrough generalities, but through thedaily acts of our common, everydaylives."FRUSTRATED MARTYR. ByJames Lincoln McCartney. Exposition Press, 1953.This is the story of a medical missionary in China whose indomitablewill sees him through a succession ofchallenging experiences — and oftendisappointing ones — to an ultimatevindication of his own sense of worth.Since Mr. McCartney, '21, MD '23,spent many years himself in Chinapracticing medicine — his father established the first hospital in the far interior of China — the book reflects hisown personal experience and knowledge of conditions which doctors andmissionaries faced. The book is fullof information about conditions inChina around the turn of the centuryas seen through the eyes of the book'shero, Dr. Jim McAlister.The author is a psychiatrist in NewYork City and has written severalhundred articles in the field of medicine and psychiatry. This is his firstnovel.9 FLOORS FILLED WITH BOOKS!Chicago's LargestANTIQUARIAN BOOK STORE(In the heart of the Loop)Everything from 10c books to raritiesBooks from the 15th CenturyModern, first and limited editions18th & 19th Century English LiteratureLarge stock of pamphlet materialWe buy small and large collections ofgood booksCome in or write usCENTRAL BOOK STORE36 SOUTH CLARK STREETDEARBORN 2-0470Also open evenings and SundaysMARCH, 19541907A follow-up of Florence Scott's newsin the last issue reveals that she isenjoying her work at Occidental Collegevery much. "It is a small school, ofcourse — only 1500 — as against the 12,500at the University of Southern California.So it seems strange in many ways, butI have practically a full-time job and thecourses are ones which I like. I haveaccepted an invitation to teach in thesecond summer session at New YorkUniversity. It will be fine if I survivethe heat! But it is most pleasant toknow I don't have to stay 'on the shelfjust because I'm 65."1909Seventy-year-old C. Alford Fjelstad,MD '11, is still busy with his medicalpractice in Minneapolis. He writes, "Inote with pride and pleasure the -greatadvances made by the University ofChicago."1910Leverett S. Lyon, AM '18, PhD '21, hasresigned as the chief executive officer ofthe Chicago Association of Commerce.He has served as the association's chiefexecutive for 14 years. Effective January1, he was appointed to the newly createdoffice of chairman of the executive committee, an advisory post. He is succeededby Thomas Coulter, AM '35.Lyon is now devoting much of his timeto his duties as chairman of the Chicagohome rule and reorganization commission. In tribute to his service on theCAC, Mr. Arthur Leonard, associationpresident, remarked:"Under his able leadership in the last14 years the association's growth in scopeand effectiveness has beneficially reachedinto every facet of the community's life.A skilled organizer and executive, ofhigh standing as an economist, he hasproperly been called one of Chicago'smost useful citizens."Lyon was a member of the faculty ofthe School of Business before leaving tojoin the Brookings Institution, of whichhe was executive vice-president.1913Gerald P. Lawrence, Rush MD, writesfrom his new "home on the Mississippi,"in Clinton, Iowa, where he is with theVeterans Administration.1915Teachers run in the family of Ira O.Jones. Mr. Jones is assistant principal atTech High in Omaha. His wife is a member of the home economics staff atOmaha University. Their daughter Nancyis a seventh grade teacher in Omaha;their son Robert is teaching in the Cairo,Neb., high school; and Nancy's husband,Larry Boersma, is making his teachingdebut at Tech High as a journalism instructor.1917Lyndon Lesch, vice-president of L. J.Sheridan & Co., was elected a directorof the National Bank of Hyde Park.1919Kenneth A. Mather lives in Berkeleywhere he publishes California Resorts,which carries him into California's outdoor scenic spots. His wife, Alice, is aFulbright exchange teacher in England.His son, Winton, is a wing commanderwith the Air Force ROTC. He was graduated from the University of Californiainto the Air Force in February.1920Genieve Lamson, SM '22, writes fromRandolph, Vermont that she is "enjoying active retirement in the home townof six generations of my family. I'm involved in community affairs and doingsome lecturing on geographic subjects.Enjoyed a brief visit to the campus lastspring after attending the Clevelandmeetings of the Association of AmericanGeographers. I found several U. of C.friends at the A.A.A.S. meetings inBoston in December."Ruth Mallory Smith reports that it's a"two -some" again in her household, atLarchmont, N. Y., now that the Smiths'children are grown up. Their daughter,Leila Jane, is living in Boston, and hasa two-year-old girl; their youngest son,Trevor, is a freshman at Amherst; theirson, Mallory, Harvard '53, is an Ensignin the Navy Air Force; and Herbert, theoldest son, is in business in New YorkCity.1921Mortimer Harris has been appointedby the Honorable Judge William Campbell to serve as one of six members ofthe executive committee of the ChicagoCommunity Trust. Edward L. Ryersonis chairman of the committee, and alumnus Henry Tenney, '13, JD '15, is also amember.1922Jean Blach Adams is a Chicagoanworking for the United Cerebral PalsyAssociation. Her daughter, Joan Adams Dee, had her third son last July, andher son, Melvin, is working for the government housing administration, slumclearance and urban redevelopment.1923Nelson P. Anderson, MD '26, waselected president of the American Boardof Dermatology and Syphilology lastOctober.Egil Krogh, MBA '45, has been namedpresident of Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co.,in Rochester, N. Y. He was previouslyvice-president and general manager ofFrederick & Nelson, branch of MarshallField & Co., in Seattle. Before going toSeattle, he had served for 27 years atMarshall Fields in Chicago.Cora P. Sletten, SM, received the Distinguished Service Award to GeographicEducation of the National Council ofGeography Teachers at its annual meeting. She retired last June after manyyears teaching at Mankato, MinnesotaState College. She was assistant editorof the Journal of Geography for 25years. A prize bearing her name isawarded once in four years to the womanwho has contributed most significantlyto the Journal during that period. Thelatest recipient of the prize is the wifeof S. S. Visher, '09.1928Howard R. Anderson, AM, has left hisWorld Day of PrayerMiriam Libby Evans, '17, is director of Christian World Missionsand World Day of Prayer of UnitedChurch Women of the NationalCouncil of Churches of Christ inthe U.S.A.That's a long way around to saythat she's been a very busy personthese past months guiding the 1954annual observance of a World Dayof Prayer, which this year will beon March 5.She writes that the World Dayof Prayer is commemorated annually in over 19,000 communitiesin the United States and in 113countries around the world.This regular annual service beganin 1887. The response was so greatthat a day was set apart annually,and eventually the first Friday inLent was chosen as the World Dayof Prayer. Services begin in NewZealand and the Tonga Islands,west of the date line, and continuethroughout the day, closing withthe observances on St. LawrenceIsland, Alaska.The purpose of the Day is tounite all Christians in a bond ofprayer and to make an offeringfor Christian missions at home andabroad.26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpost with the Department of Health,Education and Welfare in Washington,p. C. to accept the deanship of theSchool of Liberal and Applied Studies,University of Rochester.Paul Holinger was elected in December to the position of chief of staff ofSt. Lukes Hospital in Chicago.Elsie Maxwell, AM, has been appointedOregon State Institutional food consultant with the Board of Control, CapitolBuilding in Salem, Oregon.1930The Wanzer Brunelles, of Allen Park,Michigan, where Wanzer is a Presbyterian minister, are full of news of theirthree children. Gaylord, a high-schoolsenior, is president of the National HonorSociety chapter at his school, active inathletics, and doing a lot of singing. Thismusical interest is shared by his sister,Karen, a high-schooler, who is continuingher study of the piano and organ as wellas singing in the choir. Gerrit, in thethird grade, is "a happy fellow," who hascompletely recovered from the bout withrheumatic fever he had two years ago.Wanzer's congregation is outgrowing thechurch building, so he has inaugurateda late Sunday afternoon church serviceand church school program to accommodate the overflow.1931Lt. Col. Harold Biggs was recentlyawarded the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation as a member ofthe Army's Korean CommunicationsZone headquarters. Biggs, who has beenin Korea since last September, is assigned to the provost marshal sectionat the headquarters.1932William McGinnies, PhD, was transferred on January 1 from Fort Collins,Colo., to Columbus, Ohio, where he isdirector of the Central States ForestExperiment Station.1933Harold Tascher, Professor of SocialWork at Montana State University, haswritten a biography of Maggie SmithHathaway, prominent Montana welfareleader and stateswoman. Entitled, "Maggie and Montana," the book was published in February by Exposition Press.1934Herman Getner, JD '36, is an attorneywith the Veterans Administration in LosAngeles. He and his wife, the formerThelma Danders, celebrated their firstwedding anniversary on January 10.Harry Harman, SM '36, after six yearsas Chief of the Statistical Research andAnalysis Section, AGO, Department ofthe Army, recently resigned to take aposition with the RAND Corporation, inSanta Monica, Calif. He is engaged insystems research. He and his wife have two sons: Lawrence, 13, and Alvin, 11.They are making their home in PacificPalisades.Lawrence D. Haskew, AM, will be oneof the speakers at Western Michigan College's 50th anniversary celebration inApril. Mr. Haskew is Dean of the Schoolof Education, University of Texas.Houghton W. Taylor, PhD, is Head ofthe English Department at Western StateCollege at Gunnison, Col.Thomas H. Coulter, AM, has been appointed chief executive officer of theChicago Association of Commerce. Hesucceeds Leverett Lyon, '10, PhD '21, whoresigned from the post the first of theyear and is now chairman of the executive committee. Coulter, who resignedas president of American Bildrok company to take his new position, is alsopresident of the Sales Executives Clubof Chicago.1936John G. McNab, PhD, is assistant director in the research division of theStandard Oil Development Co., in Linden, N. J. He was co-author of a paper,"The Effects of Lubricant Composition onCombustion Chamber Deposits," whichwas presented at the annual meeting ofthe Society of Automotive Engineers inDetroit.1937It's a full house in the Pacific Palisades(Calif.) home of Irving Axelrod, JD '39.Joel Irving, the Axelrod's fifth child, wasborn December 26.John Darling, MD, is a pathologist atthe Methodist Hospital in Pikeville, Ky.Mathew Kalinowski, a chemist, hasbeen appointed patent advisor at theWhiting Laboratories, Standard Oil Co.Donald W. Peters has been appointedwage and salary administrator of OlinIndustries. He had been wage and salary-supervisor in the industrial relations department of the Ecusta Paper Corp., inPisgah Forest, N. C, a subsidiary of Olin.Donald Stannus, MD, is chief of medicine at St. Francis Hospital in MiamiBeach. He is president of the hospitalstaff for 1954.1938Fred Ash, JD '40, is a partner in thelaw firm of Kirkland, Fleming, Green,Martin & Ellis in the firm's Washingtonoffice. Mr. Ash is a former assistant tothe dean of the Law School.Alfred Court III is teaching socialstudies at Webb School in Bell Buckle,Tenn. "I returned to the States afterspending the last five years in Europe,"he writes. "I was just getting to thepoint where I knew Europe better thanmy homeland — that is the point of return or no return."1939(Asterisk indicates intention to attendfifteenth reunion, Reunion Day, June 5th.)* Maxine Biesenthal Inlander is a Chi- TheHOTEL SHERRY53rd and the Lake — FAirfax 4-1000BANQUETS — DANCESOur SpecialtyMIRA-MAR HOTEL350 Rooms— BathCoffee Shop, Valet, etc.Lovely Accommodationsfrom $4 to $66220 Woodlawn Avenue"Just three blocks from campus"PLaZa 2-1100HAROLD BISHOP, ManagerHotelsWindermereImmediate proximityto The University ofChicagoFINESTACCOMMODATIONSAND DINING ROOMSFRONTING ON JACKSON PARK1642 EAST 56th STREETFAirfax 4-6000CHICAGO'Sforemost p£aceTO LIVEchicago;sforemost (daceTO DINEandENTERTAIN/. >5454 S. Shore Drive - PLaza 2-1000MARCH, 1954 27***»iusMO**M.^ISllI^'individual. . .distinctive. . • correctBROOKS BROTHERS' OWN MAKEREADY-MADE SUITS FOR SPRINGin a wide and interesting selectionWe carefully control every step in the making ofthese renowned suits — from the choice of finematerials (many woven exclusively for us) tothe final hand-detailing. Our own make topcoatsand sport jackets also reflect our styling, qualityand good taste. As a result Brooks Brothers ismore than a name... it has come to represent awhole distinctive manner of dressing.Our Own Make 3 -Piece Ready-Made Suits y jrom $95Sport Jackets > $75 to $85 • Topcoats y jrom $ 1 0 5ESTABLISHED 1818 Jg^H^tm furnishings, ffate ^ jf hoes346 MADISON AVENUE, COR. 44TH ST., NEW YORK 17, N. Y.1 1 1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 6, N. Y.BOSTON • CHICAGO • LOS ANGELES • SAN FRANCISCO cago housewife with two children: Janet,6, and David, 3. Her husband, Norman,JD '36, is practicing law.* Walter J. Blum, JD '41, is a Professorof Law at the University. He has twodaughters: Wendy, 41/fe, and CatherineAnn, 3.* Donald C. Carner, MBA '48, as administrator of the Parkview Memorial Hospital in Fort Wayne, Ind., has recentlycompleted planning, financing, building,equipping, and occupying a $5,000,000modern new hospital and School ofNursing.* Arthur and Hazel Lindquist Clauterare enjoying "country life" in Geneva,Illinois. Art commutes to Chicago wherehe is employed in the sales departmentof Wrigley's. They have two sons, agesthree and five.Frances Clyde, AM '51, joined the faculty of Boston University in Januaryand is an assistant professor of nursingeducation.Albert Desrosiers is chairman of thebusiness education department of theWestchester High School in Los Angeles."Last summer was an interesting introduction to Mexico. After six weeks atthe National University I traveled in theinterior of the country for several weeks.The daring modern architecture and artreflect great creative work in thosefields."Julius E. Eitington, AM '40, is Chief,Classification Division, Federal Civil Defense Administration, in Washington,D. C.* Marion Elisberg Simon is a Winnetka,111., homemaker with two daughters:Kathleen, 10, and Toni, 8. Her husbandis with Powell's Camera Mart in Chicago.Marvin S. Freilich, MD '42, is practicing medicine in Los Angeles.Hirsch and Lois Come ('43) Graff havea baby daughter, Jan Leslie, born November 22 in Lying-in Hospital. Loiswrites, "P.S. Never thought at the timeI was attending classes on campus thatI would someday have my baby at Lying-in Hospital. It certainly is a wonderfulplace!"Judith Graham Pool is a fellow at theGiannini Research Foundation, StanfordMedical School. She has two sons, Jonathan, 11, and Jeremy, Slfe.* Frank Horwich is a manufacturer offloor covering products with the GeneralFelt Products Co., in Chicago. He andhis wife, Frances, have two children:Marjorie Ann, 3, and Carol Joan, 1.* Alvin Johnson, MD, is a physician inNew Orleans.* Helen Kinsman Coltman is a busyEvergreen Park (111.) housewife withthree boys: John, 11, Bob, 8, and Chip, 3.She writes, "I'm active in Cub Scouts,treasurer of the PTA and concerned withschool problems in Evergreen Park. Wehave a wonderful school system here,and needless to say, almost all of theadministrative staff have U. of C. backgrounds."* David Kritchevsky, SM '42, is a chemist with the Virus and Rickettsial Section,Lederle Laboratories, in Pearl River,N. Y. He writes, "Have been here over28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEa year now, coming from Radiation Labin Berkeley. Except for a vacation inCanada and Maine, we have been busyworking on our new home — inside andout. We've been pouring perspirationand cash into it — we have much more ofthe former — and some satisfying resultsare becoming visible."* Dorothy Marquis Works (Mrs. GeorgeA., Jr.) is a homemaker in Houston,Texas, with three children: George, 9,Wendy, 4, and Lawrence, 2. Her husband, George, '40, MBA '42, is chief accountant and secretary of the San JacintoPetroleum Corp. "We have averaged,"Dorothy relates, "almost a move a yearcounting the four war years, but hopeto stay settled awhile now. We hadquite a trip last summer when we tookthe three children to see their Worksgrandparents (Mr. Works is ProfessorEmeritus and former Dean at the University) in New Jersey and then backby way of Chicago to see my parents."* John McWhorter is a certified publicaccountant in Bakersfield, Calif.* David L. Moonie, MBA '39, writesfrom Eureka, Calif., that he is a partnerin the public accountant firm of David L.Moonie & Co. He and his wife havethree children: Carol Anne, 5, Alison,3, and William, 2.* Margaret Penney is a Chicagoan,working for the Newman-Rudolph LithoCo.* Sylvia Richie Devine (Mrs. Harry)of Chicago, is raising three children:Barbara, 7, Deborah, 4, and Vicki, 1.Her husband is in the retail shoe business.* Adele Rose Saxe's questionnaire camein from Downers Grove, 111., where sheand Dave have a home. Adele didn'tinclude any news, but presumably Daveis still working at the Public Administration Clearing House and you can restassured that Adele is busy in community affairs.* Marion Salisbury Williamson (Mrs.Donald) is a busy housewife in Winnetkaraising four children: Barbara, 8, Donald, 6, Richard, 4, and Bruce, 2. Herhusband is president of Williamson'sAdhesives, Inc.* Leo Seren, PhD '42, is a physicistwith the Naval Research Laboratory inWashington, D. C. He is also a farmerand airplane pilot. "I've bought a 93-acre farm in Pennsylvania. The soil isworn and I am trying to restore thefertility of the soil by organic methods.I've been enjoying instrument flying inmy airplane, and have flown to Nassau,Haiti, Jamaica, and Canada."* Milton Surkin is general manager ofa department store in Dubuque, Iowa.He and his wife, Nancy Elliott, '44, havetwo daughters: Janet, 2%, and Debbie,8 months. Milton writes that he is enrolled in a third-year Great Books discussion group.* Georgiana C. Taylor (Mrs. Clarence)of Chicago, a former teacher, is presidentof the Idlewild Lot Owners Association,of Idlewild, Mich., which she describesas "the largest and most progressiveresort of its kind in the country."MARCH, 1954 * Ruth Tupes Scearce lives in Hemple,Mo., where her husband is a generaland livestock farmer. They have threechildren: Jimmy, 5, Michael, 3, andJudith, 5 months. In a quick review ofher activities since leaving the University, Ruth reports that she served foralmost three years in the Women's ArmyCorps., then worked as secretary to thedirector, Menorah Hospital in KansasCity, before her marriage in 1948.James Weishaus is practicing psychiatry in Beverly Hills, Calif., and is onthe staff of the Veterans AdministrationNeuropsychiatric Hospital in Los Angeles. The Weishauses have two sons:Marc, 8 years, and Kent, 5 months.* Rosalie Wolak Otto writes that sheand her husband have built a home inDeep River, Connecticut, where theyhave a "large estate to retire to whenRobert retires from the Navy." Rosalieis teaching in the Deep River HighSchool. They have a son, Donald, who is8V2.1946Theana Brotsos, AM '50, has beenteaching art at Roosevelt High Schoolin Chicago, after being transferred fromWells High School where she was lastyear.Sidney J. Levy, AM '48, and BobetteAdler, '51, were married last August 29.They are living in Chicago where Sidneyis a psychologist and Bobette a psychiatric social worker.Wallace Riley is a lieutenant in theU. S. Army, assigned to the Judge Advocate's Office in the Pentagon.1947Edith Roberts, SM, has been appointeddirector of nursing of the MethodistHospital of Brooklyn. After attendingthe University she returned to New YorkCity to the Department of Nursing Education, Teachers College, where she wasinstructor and assistant to the director, aposition she has held for the last sixyears.Robert Silvers, Pfc 51206074, is at present assigned to SHAPE Headquarters inParis.Lowell Tozer was awarded a doctor ofphilosophy degree from the Universityof Minnesota at the autumn quarter convocation.1948Robert Bidwell, MBA '50, stopped longenough in his travels to post a letter tothe Alumni office and observe that "1953turned out to be quite a profitable yearin meeting many and all types of peopleand in seeing much of these UnitedStates and Canada while traveling as anauditor with Procter and Gamble. 1954looks like more of the same only I hopethe localities will be different."Insurance man George O. Braden ofSan Francisco, has been elected to theboard of directors of that city's JuniorChamber of Commerce.Lt. Col. Jay P. Dawley, SM, was recently awarded the Republic of Korea . . . plus dividends !"Under the new family security"insurance or money-back" planoffered by one of North America'sleading life companies, the SUNLIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OFCANADA, you can buy a policywhich provides life insurance protection for your family until youare 65 and guarantees that, if youlive to 65, all the money you paidwill be returned to you in full . . .plus accumulated dividends.OR . . these proceeds at age 65 can be(a) used to provide an annuity;(b) left on deposit with a guaranteedrate of interest;(c) used to purchase a paid-up policyfor the original sum assured, witha balance which can be taken incash or as a guaranteed income.Call the Sun Life representative in yourdistrict for more information about theSun Life "money-back" plan, or mail thecoupon below.KTiTTTOTTJl Tothe¦AlJuLiyi SUN LIFE OF CANADA29AJAX WASTE PAPER CO.1001 W. North Ave.Buyers of Waste Paper500 pounds or moreScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, LA 2-8354BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave.. ChicagoGolden Dirilyte(formerly Dirigold)Complete sets and open stockFINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Royal Crown Derby, Spode andOther Famous Makes of Fine China. AlsoCrystal, Table Linen and Gifts.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDirigo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4,Telephone HAymarket 1-3120E. A. AARON & BROS., Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributors ofCEDERGREEN FROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water MarketcictutNct m f ircrucAi rioovcrtlewwd,ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.OliHItiMs, Miniliclunri ail Jrtim UELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St. - ENglewood 4-7500 Presidential Unit citation as a memberof the Army's Korean CommunicationZone headquarters. Dawley, who hasbeen in Korea since September, is anexecutive officer in the engineer sectionat the headquarters.Allen H. Dropkin, JD '51, Phi SigmaDelta, and former president of the Interfraternity Council, started the new yearwith two pleasant experiences: 1) hebecame engaged to Corrine Rose and2) was appointed assistant states attorney.H. Charles Ephraim, JD '51, with hispartner, A. Alvis Layne, Jr., has openeda law office in Washington, D. C. underthe firm name of Layne and Ephraim.The Rev. Eugene Jobst, AM, is nowserving as executive secretary of theLutheran Home Finding Society andpastor of the Bethel Lutheran Churchin Fort Dodge, Iowa.Pfc. Alexander Pope, JD '52, is servingin Korea as a public information specialist with the Eighth Army Headquartersin Seoul.Rosalind Rudy has a fellowship atHarvard this year in French. Last yearshe studied at the University of Paris ona Fulbright scholarship.1949Theodore Asner, JD, is a tax accountant w^th Alexander Grant & Co., inChicago. He and his wife live in ParkForest, 111.Joseph P. Brett, of the Chicago officeof the Equitable Life Insurance Co., reports the arrival of Jeffrey Joseph inthe early hours of January 9, 1954. TheBretts live in LaGrange Park.Pfc. Michael P. Daniels, JD '52, wasrecently awarded the Republic of KoreaPresidential Unit Citation as a memberof the Army's Korean CommunicationZone Headquarters. Daniels has beenin Korea since last July. He is a caseanalysis assistant in the war crimesdivision.Paul Moses, JD '52, is now associatedwith the law firm of Evans, Ivory andEvans in Pittsburgh, Pa.Morris Spector, JD, is now employedas a patent attorney with the GeneralElectric Co., in Schenectady, N. Y.1950Thomas P. Rudy, SM, PhD '52, is doingchemical research with Shell Oil Co., inCalifornia. His sister, Margaret, recentlyparticipated in the Roosevelt College(Chicago) Opera Workshop productionof "Cavalleria Rusticana" and also inthe Concert Hour of the Chicago PublicLibrary.1951Fred Davis, AM, resigned last November from the Air Force's Human Resources Research Institute at MaxwellField, Alabama, to take a research position at the Psychiatric Institute, University of Maryland, in Baltimore. He isengaged in an inter-disciplinary researchproject dealing with emotional and social Local and Long Distance MovingStorage Facilities for Books,Record Cabinets, Trunks, orCarloads of FurniturePeterson FireproofWarehouse, Inc.1011 EAST 55th STREETBUTTERFIELD 8-6711DAVID 1. SUTTON, PresidentWasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phone: BUtterfield 8-2116-7-8-9Wasson's Coal Makes Good — or-Wasson DoesTelephone KEnwood 6-1352J. E. KIDWELL Florist826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago 15, IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELLAuto LiveryQuiet, unobtrusive serviceWhen you want it, as you want ilCALL AN EMERY FIRSTEmery Drexel Livery, Inc.5516 Harper AvenueFAirfax 4-640030 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERESULTS . . .depend on getting the details RIGHTPRINTINGImprinting-Processed Letters - TypewritingAddressing - Adressographing - FoldingMailing - Copy Preparation - MultilithA Complete Service for Direct AdvertisersChicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn - Chicago 5 - WA 2-4561BIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: WEntworth 6-5380Since 1878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholsterersFurniture Repairing1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 9-7180ASHJIAN BROS-, Inc.ESTABLISHED 1921Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone REgent 4-6000GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186furniturelamps— fibre rugswrought iron accessoriestelevision— radiosphonos— appliancessporting goodsGuaranteed Repairs ofTV-Radio— Record Changersand electrical appliancesWE RENT TELEVISION SETS935 E. 55th St. Ml 3-6700Julian A. Tishler '33 factors involved in the treatment andrecovery of polio patients.Arnold I. Melnick, LL. M '53, is a firstlieutenant in the Army, assigned to theoffice of the Judge Advocate General,Charlottesville, Va.1953Paul I. Clifford, PhD, has been appointed registrar and director of admissions of Atlanta University, in Georgia.He will continue as an associate Professor of educational psychology in theSchool of Education.Charles Graves, Jr., AM, has beenappointed vocational services secretarywith the Urban League of Gary, Ind.During residence at the University, hewas a research assistant at the IndustrialRelations Center.Perlita C. Knight, AM, is a primarygrades teacher at Gilman, Colorado, thisyear, and is also teaching extensioncourses for Western State College atGunnison on contemporary novels.-Me,tnoria iMary Zimmerman, '02, died December23, 1953, in Michael Reese Hospital. Aretired teacher of Latin, she had been amember of the faculty at Marshall HighSchool in Chicago for forty years. At thetime of her retirement the high schoolalumni body established a Mary Zimmerman college scholarship memorial inrecognition of her inspiring teaching andleadership. In 1945 she was awarded theoutstanding citizenship award of theUniversity Alumni Association.Lillian Noble Keene, '05, died November 21, 1953, as a result of a fall in herhome on Livonia Farm, Libertyville, 111.At the time of her father's death in 1943,Mrs. Keene entered into the active management of the jewelry manufacturingcompany which he had founded 75 yearsago. Mrs. Keene served successively aspresident, treasurer and chairman of theboard. At the time of her death sheheld the offices of treasurer and chairman of the board of directors. Herdaughter, Dorothy Keene Allen has succeeded her mother as chairman of theboard.Huntington Henry, '06, died January25. He was chairman of the board ofAmes Emerich & Co., investment securities firm in Chicago. He had also servedas president of the board of St. Luke'sHospital and a director of the SeeingEye School in Morristown, N. J. Lastyear he was awarded the Universityalumni citation for outstanding citizenship.Clarence Yoran, JD '07, a former attorney and justice of the peace in Manchester, Iowa, died November 29, 1953.Albert Heath, '12, died December 20,1953. He was an ethnological researcherand a collector of American Indian lore.Robert S. Barton, '16, died January 16,1954. In recent years, Mr. Barton had CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency70th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices — One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis — Kansas City, Mo.Spokane — New YorkAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits itawork to the university and college field. Itis affiliated with the Fisk Teachers Agencyof Chicago, whose work covers all the educational fields. Both organizations assistin the appointment of administrators aswell aei of teachers.Our service is nation-wide.HYLAND A. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone DOrchester 3-1579RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMOnroe 6-3192YOUR FAVORITEFOUNTAIN TREATTASTESBETTERWHEN IT'S .A produ «<*{ Swift & Company7409 So. State StreetPhone RAdcliffe 3-7400MARCH, 1954 31SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 100 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stock23 N. Wabash Avenue670 N. Michigan AvenueChicagoWHOLESALE RETAILPARKER-HOLSMANlReal Estate and Insurance1500 East 57th Street Hyde Park 3-2525PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sumps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUEFAirfax 4-0550PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICEZJheCxclu£ive Cleaner*We operate our own drycleaning plantTHREE HOUR SERVICE1331 East 57th St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.Midway 3-0602 NOrmal 7-9858Office & Plant1442 East 57th Street Midway 3-0608:iowi« YOUR COSTSWAGE INCENTIVESEMPLOYEE TRAININGPERSONNEL PROCEDURESIMPROVED METHODSJOB EVALUATION served with the Foxboro (Mass.) Company where he edited the Company'sinternal publication. Son of William E.Barton, noted clergyman and Lincolnbiographer, Robert Barton was himselfthe author of several books in the Lincoln field.Anne Kemp Zink, '20, (Mrs. Harold)died December 25, 1953 in Columbus,Ohio. For many years she was activein the public welfare field. During WorldWar II she drafted plans for the employment of civilian personnel in the Officeof the Secretary of the Navy and forsuch service was given a distinguishedservice award. She was prominent inmany community activities.Orin Crandall Rogers, '20, of Cleveland, succumbed to a heart attack October 20, 1953. As a student he had beenactive in many campus organizations, including his fraternity, Phi Gamma Delta,Owl & Serpent, the president of his class,and a University Marshal. These extracurricular interests carried over into hiscivic life where he assumed leadershipin many worthy causes in Cleveland. Heserved two effective years as presidentof our Greater Cleveland Chicago Club.At the time of his death he was regionaldirector of the U. S. Department of Commerce. He is survived by his wife, MaryLyell Swett (who took work at Chicago)and a son, Orin Crandall III.George\Kabrine, '21, JD '23, an attorney in Dowagiac, Michigan, died November 21, 1953.Ernest G. Hoff, AM '21, PhD '28, diedSeptember 21, 1953, in Pasadena, Calif.A Bible scholar, he had served for anumber of years as editor of the Sunday-school publications for the Church of theBrethren. He had served for ten yearsas chairman of the board of directorsof Bethany Biblical Seminary.Willard C. Smith, '24, JD '25, died November 27 at Doctors Hospital in Washington, D. C. Mr. Smith had been associated with the Hospital Service Agencyof the District of Columbia since 1935,and since 1940 had served as administrator. Long prominent in social, welfare and health activities in the area,Mr. Smith was a member of the citizens'committee which organized the firstCommunity Chest more than 20 yearsago.Orville D. Buckles, JD '25, a formerChicago attorney, died December 21.John A. Ferry, '25, died on November24, 1953.George H. Artes, MD '26, a retireddoctor, died December 12, 1953, in LosAngeles, California.Everett Lowry, '26, died December 30,1953. He was Head of the Art EducationDepartment at Tusculum College.Sarah Chakho, AM '37, a president ofthe World Council of Churches, died onJanuary 26, in Lucknow, India. She wasprincipal of Isabella Thoburn College,an interdenominational Christian Collegefor women at Lucknow.Howard E. Schuchmann, '49, was killedon January 10 when a British jet airlinercrashed off the island of Elba. He wasa former member of the staff of the; Daily Pantagraph (Bloomington, 111.). POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven TypewritingMultigraphingAddressograph ServiceHighest Quality Service MimeographingAddressingMailingMinimum PricesAll Phones: 219 W. Chicago AvenueMl 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisPHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET-LITHOGRAPHYFine Color Work a SpecialtyQuality Book Reproduction731 Plymouth CourtWAbash 2-8182Platers - SilversmithsSince 1917GOLD, SILVER, RHODIUMSILVERWARERepaired, Re finished, RelacqueredSWARTZ & COMPANY10 S. Wabash Ave. CEntral 6-6089-90 ChicagoA. T.STEWART LUMBER CO.Quality and ServiceSince 188879th Street at Greenwood Ave.All Phones Vlncennes 6-9000LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERHIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATES^ ENGRAVERS ^SINCE 190 6 + WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES ?4 ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED ?? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE ?• DALHEIM &CO.2801 W. 47TH ST. CHICAGO.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESpark of genius?The great objective « . .is to open the avenue of scientific knowledge to youth 99 *Franklin . . . Fulton . . . Lincoln . . . Bell . . .Willard— geniuses ?Yes, in the sense that they had the creative spark andthe ability, courage, and leadership to see and speed tous inventions and ideas beyond the horizon of their day.FUTURE IN TODAY'S YOUTH -The scientists, statesmen, inventors, and humanitarians of tomorrow areamong our youth of today. The future depends upon ourdiscovering, fostering and using their creative genius.OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND for all of us "to direct thegenius and resources of our country to useful improvements, to the sciences, the arts, education . . ."*SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS -To help meetthis need, Union Carbide has established undergraduatescholarship and fellowship programs in a number of liberal arts colleges and technical institutions to assistdeserving students who are interested in business andscientific careers.THE PEOPLE OF UCC hope you, too, will do everythingin your power to discover and encourage the creativetalent of our American youth. In them is our greatestassurance of an ever better tomorrow.TO LEARN MORE about the Union Carbide scholarships andfellowships, their purposes, and the colleges and universities in whichthey have been established, write for booklet A.*from Tablets in the Hall of Fame, New York University.Union CarbideAND CARBON CORPORATION30 EAST 42ND STREET |HQ NEW YORK 17, N. Y.LlNDE OxygenPREST-O-LlTE AcetyleneSynthetic Organic Chemicals UCC's Trade-marked Products include ELECTROMET Alloys and Metals HAYNES STELLITE Alloys PRESTONE Anti-FreezePYROFAX Gas DYNEL Textile Fibers UNION CarbideEVEREADY Flashlights and Batteries National CarbonsLlNDE SiliconesBakelite, Vinylite, and Krene PlasticsWhatyou seehereIS ci$1,000Halo! No wonder she looks beatified! So will you when your1954 Halo arrives. It's the most flattering ornament you've ever possessed.The $1,000 Halo is of course something to turn anyone'shead. Almost blinding to mortals, it lights up like celestial neon(A.C. or D.C. current) whenever another Alumnus, or even a manfrom Princeton, appears.All other 1954 models are the same exciting triangulardesign — such a relief from the Botticelli-Fra Angelico influence.$5, $10, $25 and $50 models are in stock for prompt shipment. Specially featured is the Century Club Halo at $100, which includesall the privileges of the University's most devoted club.If you didn't contribute last year (were you away?) youcan have a double-tiered Halo by sending a handsome check now.Nothing, nothing, nothing that you buy this year willgive you more gratification than your new Halo. This is the timeto be extravagant!THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOALUMNI FOUNDATION5733 UNIVERSITY AVENUE CHICAGO 37 • ILLINOIS