OCTOBER, 1953 MACAZINERice unti RespectAn Inter view An Adventure in Friendship. . . Clara Alien Rahill, '12Lines to a LinemanILLUSTRATED BY NORMAN ROCKWELLN„lo word of pen or stroke of artist's handNo flowered phrase or oratory's boastNeed teli the story of the world you've made'Tis writ upon the pages of the landFrom north to south — from coast to coast.Those poles you mount— those lengthened strands you stringAre not jti^t sturdy uprights in the sky jkjp .That march across the miles in proud parade.You've made them into words that help and singA doctor's cali, good news, a lover's sigh.Deep etched in time the record of your skillThe work you've done — your willingness to doThe fires and storms you've tackled unafraid.Your signature is carved on every hillYours, too, the creed — "The message must go through."BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEMstento PadMr. Jenks joins the familyBetty selected our new Field Repre-sentative for us.Ruth Elizabeth (Betty) Miller, '43, wasan alert and popular part-time recordsclerk at Alumni House during her College days. She left us — and work on herMaster's — to join a Red Cross mobileunit with the European invasion troops.In post-war America she finallylighted in a Los Angeles prep schoolwhere she taught French and, at an offhour, met Dean Tyler Jenks. They weremarried.Dean was a newspaper reporter, firston the Detroit News; moving on toUnited Press; to the Overseas Di visionof the Office of War Information; on tothe Los Angeles Times; and finally theLos Angeles bureau of the ChristianScience Monitor.On August lst, Dean joined our Alumni House staff. But the point is, wenever would have met Dean if it hadn'tbeen for Betty.In the fall of 1950, I received a letterfrom Betty. She, Dean, and companywere producing a weekly news tabloidin Bloomington, Illinois. Dean was theeditor. As though a newspaper, twoyoungsters, and a third in prospect werenot enough, Betty wanted to organize alocai alumni club.Sensing a story (December, 1950.Magazine) as well as renewed alumniactivity, I struck out for Bloomington.I got to know Dean over the dinnertable and better the night of the meeting.In June, 1951, the tabloid publisherdiscontinued publication. Dean took in-ventory: three children, a new home,NEW FIELD MAN: DEAN TYLER JENKS and the whole world before them. Howwould he do at straight selling?To answer this, he joined the Bloomington staff of the Chicago Motor Club.In six months he was a top salesman inthe entire Downstate area; a year later,head of the Bloomington division.But Dean had caught Betty's conta- gious enthusiasm for the University. TheMidway grew to be Dean's ultimategoal. He dropped in at Alumni Houseas the first logicai step.August lst the family moved into anapartment overlooking the Midway. AndDean is busy, as our field representative,setting up a fall series of alumni meet-LETS GET OUT OF SECOND DIVISIONA.LUMNI PROGRAMS and publications in the Big Ten rank ashigh, nationally, as Big Ten football. The executives are welltrained, well paid, and they operate from a rich background ofexperience — some with over 25 years.Budgets are generous enough (from $65,000 to over $100,000)to guarantee adequate staffs and effective programs. Magazinesand other mailings are top flight.Ali but one (Michigan State) are supported by membershipdues. No association, however, is completely self supporting. Ex-cepting one association, which receives only 8% of its budget fromthe school, university support ranges from 30% to 78 % — withMichigan State paying 100%.Although the ideal of complete self support and independencemay never be reached by most associations, improved alumniprograms and services can be realized only by increased alumnisupport via membership dues. Most universities have more immediate and criticai budget problems which take priority overalumni budgets.With membership income so important, let's look at the record:Chicago is Sixth in Percentage of MembersNumberofAlumni NumberofMembers % ofAlumni AnnualDuesOhio State 80,000 24,000 30% $ 5.00Purdue 45,500 11,000 24% 5.00Wisconsin 80,000 19,000 24% 5.00Minnesota 63,000 14,000 22% 4.00Illinois 90,000 18,400 20% 4.00CHICAGO 52,000 10,000 19% 4.00Northwestern 70,000 12,100 17% 5.00Michigan 82,000 13,500* 16% 4.00Indiana 80,000 12,000 15% 3.00Iowa 50,000 3,800** 7% 5.00* Michigan has no national dues as such. (Her locai clubs have dues.)The $4.00 is a subscription to her magazine, published 21 times per year(weekly during football season). She has the most effective locai clubprogram in the Big Ten.** Iowa has had her membership-magazine program in effective operationonly a few years.Michigan State is not listed because she has no membership dues. TheUniversity underwrites the complete alumni program including seven 16-page magazines per year sent to the entire alumni body: 44,500.But Chicago is in second division in the above box score. With2500 additional members we could be in second place instead ofsixth. We're going to work hard on this with our fall promotion.If you want to help you can (1) be sure to renew your own membership when due, and (2) secure one new member for us. Andwe'll make your Magazine of the Year the Magazine of 1954.OCTOBER, 1953 1"When OurShip Comes In "The little girl rested her elbows onthe table, cupped her chin in her handsand said, "Mommy, do we have a ship?"Peg Grayson looked up from the hemshe was stitching and said, "Why, Gloria!What ah odd questioni Why do you askthat?""Well, yesterday when you and Daddywere talking about why we couldn't go tothe lake this summer, Daddy said thatmaybe we'd ali go on a long trip when ourship comes in, and . . ."Peg Grayson laughed. "Oh, that! It'sjust something people say, Gloria. Itmeans — well, that they hope good fortunewill come to them some day. Not a real,actual ship, but . . ." She went on to ex-plain as well as she could.No, it was not a real, actual ship, Pegthought after Gloria had left her to hersewing. But wouldn't it be nice if. . . .She frowned at the hem she was turning.With the cost of living what it was, sheand Ben would be lucky if they ever man-aged to do anything extravagant. Andthen, on top of it ali, Jack Wilson hadbeen trying to get Ben to take out somemore lire insurance, of ali things. That, she decided, was not the way fora husband to spend his money. After ali,if worse did come to worst, she couldalways get a job doing something. House-cleaning, even. To Peg, death and insurance went hand in hand — and she pre-ferred not to think of either.That evening Jack Wilson stopped in totalk with Ben and Peg Grayson about thelife insurance again, and during the dis-cussion Peg mentioned their daughter'squestion about their "ship." Botn menlaughed. "It wou/dbe wonderful, though,"Peg said, "to discover some day that sud-denly we were able to go on a nice longcruise or something like that. . . ."Jack Wilson smiled. "Look, folks—that's exactly the point I've been tryingto make! Because even though the pri-mary purpose of this insurance is to pro-tect Peg and Gloria, it can also build upinfo a nice-sized cash fund for your lateryears."Peg suddenly found herself listeningwith greater interest.It's almost thirty years since that dis- cussion took place, and a great manythings have happened since. Gloria, the"little girl," is married now and has twochildren of her own— a boy, six, and agirl, three. Her parents, Peg and BenGrayson, have moved to a cottage in alittle seaside town, where they are livingquietly and peacefully on income fromBen's New York Life insurance policies.They have a small boat which they keepanchored in a nearby cove, and they gofishing quite a lot.You wouldn't cali the boat a ship,exactly. But it di d come in!few occupations offer a man so much inthe way of personal reward as life under-writing. Many New York Life agents arebuilding verysubstantial futures for them-selves by helping others pian ahead fortheirs. If you would like to know moreabout a life insurance career, talk it overwith the New York Life manager in yourcommunity— or write to the Home Officeat the address below.NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY51 Madison Avenue, New York 10, N. Y.Naturali?, namts used in this story are fictitious.2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE*^^^MAGAZINEVolume 46 October, 1953 Number IIN THIS ISSUERice and Respect: An Interview 4Handled with Care 8How to Get a Federal Subpoena, Kermit Eby 10An Adventure in Friendship, Clara Alien Rahill, '12 14Citations 16Twelfth Annual Alumni Gift 18DEPARTMENTSMemo Pad 1 Reader's GuideBooks 19 Class News . . . 2022COVER: Kathryn Ellen Aller, applicarli. See page 8.Cover and pictures on pages 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 16, 22, 23, 24 by Stephen Lewel-lyn. Photo on page 7 U. S. Army, on page 15 by Koehter, on page 25 byMax Kolin, and on page 29 by Wesley Bowman. The drawing on page 12is used with the permission of Herb Block, The Washington Post, and theBeacon Press.PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONExecutive EditorHOWARD W. MORTExecutive SecretaryAlumni FoundationJIM ATKINS EditorHAROLD E. DONOHUEStaff PhotographerSTEPHEN LEWELLYNField RepresentativeDEAN TYLER JENKS Associate EditorAUDREY PROBSTDirectorAlumni EducationDONALD S. BARNHARTPublished monthly, October through June, by The University of Chicago Alumni Association, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price, $3.00.Single copies, 35 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the PostOffice at Chicago, Illinois under the act of March 3, 1879. Advertising agent: TheAmerican Alumni Council, B. A. Ross, director, 22 Washington Square, New York N. Y.ings with Chancellor Kimpton and othertop officiate.New AssociationVice PresidentAt the May meeting of the Cabinet ofthe Alumni Association Catherine G.Rawson, '25, was elected vice presidentfor the two-year term.Catherine, who is a prominent Chicagointerior decorator (she did the AlumniLounge), has served on almost everyimportant alumni committee from thedays of the Chicago Alumnae Club.Those Wedgwood ashtraysThis report of progress to those whohave tentatively ordered Garg Griffinash trays: They have been delayed inproduction and may not arrive in America before early November.As soon as we have delivery dateswe'll notify you so that your orders canbe confirmed well ahead of Christmas.The Wedgwood scenic plates will alsobe ready in November.Frank O'Hara to IdahoFrank Hurburt O'Hara, '15, Professorof English and for many years directorof the Dramatic Association, reachedretirement this year. But Frank won'thave time for one of his tramp steamertours around the world.He becomes a distinguished visitingprofessor of English at the College ofIdaho at Caldwell. O'Hara's salary andtravel expenses will be paid by the NewYork Foundation and the John HayWhitney Foundation, jointly.The visiting professor program bythese foundations is to make possiblethe full utilization of distinguished re-tired professors at small, independentliberal colleges.Neff into bigtimeJudson Neff (School of Business)whose field is production, has joined thePittsburgh manufacturing firm of Mack-intosh-Hemphill Company. They makesteel rolls up to 40 tons and are tool-smiths for the mills that roll out metal.Professor Neff is the top officer incharge of manufacturing.Intake rampantThe Journal of the American MedicaiAssociation gives the opinion that theonly logicai method of reducing weightis to reduce properly the intake of food.That puts reducing out of reach for mostof us who need it. Gifford M. Mast, '35,Davenport, Iowa.The giants of yesteryearA recent letter from Adele Storck ofIndianapolis has a happy combination ofnostalgia and inspiration:. . . Nobody has ever attended theUniversity who got more out of it thanI did. I entered at the suggestion of Dr. Harper, after a conference at hishome. He told me at that time of hisplans for the University and its future.A picture of Dr. Harper has hung inmy study for many years. He has al-ways been an inspiration, because of hisfriendship and interest in my affairs.I recali, with appreciation, the inspiration and development I got from thefaculty.Dr. J. W. Thompson (History) certain-ly opened many doors to the past and brought the present and future intofocus.Dr. Chamberlin (Geology) made mesee the universe as a living, vibrant,changing thing. I ceased to believe inthe "everlasting hills."Dr. Evelyn Albright (English) madethe English language an instrument fortruth and beauty. These are but a few ofthe teachers who widened the horizon forme. . . .—H.W.M.OCTOBER, 1953 3Rice and RespectAn interview with Walter Johnson,who went along on Stevenson' s tripQUESTION: Why were you askedto go on this trip, Mr. Johnson?ANSWER: Because I'd been aroundthat way before, two years ago, aschairman of the Fulbright Scholar-ship Board.Q: But why you, a professor?A: Possibly since Mr. Stevensonwas to meet the leaders of the differ-ent countries, and — in that part ofthe world, where illiteracy is high —the intellectuals run the societies.Q: What was your job — besidesintroducing Mr. Stevenson to the intellectuals?A: Well, along with the others onWalter Johnson, A. M., '38, PhD,'41, Professor and Chairman of theHistory Department, chairman ofthe Fulbright Scholarship Board,was also chairman of the Stevenson draft last summer and fall.When the former Governor wenton his world trip this spring, heasked Professor Johnson to goalong. On his return the Professoragreed to an interview. The fol-lowing is a condensation of a two-hour conversation. the trip, I helped gather researchmaterial for the Governor on eachcountry. Then, after we left, I helpedorganize the notes and recordings wemade.Q: Where did you go?A: Japa'n, Korea, Formosa, HongKong, the Philippines, Indonesia,Indo-China, Singapore, Malaya, Thai-land, Burma, India, Pakistan, SaudiArabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, and Yugoslavia.From there the Governor went on toWestern Europe and I carne home.Q: How long were you gone? Anddid anything exceptional happen?A: Four months, and to me thewhole trip was exceptional. But wewere shot at in Korea, and our heli-copter fell down in the Malayanjungle.Q: Generally, how is that part ofthe world?A: Troubled. You might say thatthey are suffering birthpains. Theyare trying to reorganize themselves.Q: After what? The World War?A: The war and a century of im-perialism. That imperialism is nowold hat, and everybody — includjng theWesterners there — knows it. Nowthese former colonial people are try ing to decide what set-up will helpthem better themselves: democracyor else. . .Q: How do they feel about America?A: That's another very generalquestion.Q: Well . . .A: I'd say that they liked Americavery much but that they are con-fused by us. The women of Japanfor example don't like this talk aboutre-arming, because they lost so muchin men and homes the last time theyheard that kind of talk. The intellectuals don't like it either. And theyfeel that we always support the wrongside in Asian struggles.Q: Except for Korea?A: Except for Korea and otherplaces. But they fear that we don't^ „. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPROFESSOR JOHNSON AND THE WORLDknow how things have changed overthere, that we support militarism, andthe wrong kind of materialism. Be-sides they are not so sure that weeven have our own freedoms overhere.Q: Isn't that the commie line?A: Sure it is. But these peoplearen't communists. They are peopletrying to pulì themselves out of theMiddle Ages. Besides they do notreally know much about America.A: Why not?Q: Do we help them to? They werevery upset by the "Voice of America" investigations. They were shockedby the talk of "book burning." Theyask each other if Hitler did not dothings like that. America is watchedvery closely over there. And theyare very quick to notice any contra- dictions between our stated principlesand actual practices. On the otherhand they don't listen to ali of Rus-sia's propaganda. I never heard, forinstance, anyone say they believed wehad used germ warfare or startedthe aggression in Korea.Q: Was this true in other countries?A: I think it was true in ali ofthem. Apparently ali of the Indo-nesians, for example, are experts inearly American history. They keepharping back to the 13 colonies andthe things that happened then. "Yourevolted against a foreign power,"they say. "So did we. You madeyourself a great country in aboutone-hundred years. Ali right. Giveus one-hundred years."Q: What will they do if they get it?A: What anybody would do — "im prove themselves," if you like thatterm. Look, these people saw bull-dozers move forests that they hadbeen afraid to go into. During theWorld War that whole section wastaken over by the biggest team ofmechanics the world has ever seen.Perhaps the "Seabees" did more toimprove civilization than we knowabout. Anyway, they saw what mech-anization could do — in war, now theywant to do something for themselvesin peace. And they know they are inthe great uncommitted area betweenthe Soviet Union and us. This meansthat they don't want to become in-volved in any world power struggleuntil each country in its own wayhas solved its own internai problems.Q: Which are?A: The usuai ones: poverty, igno-OCTOBER, 1953 5rance, disease, and national dignity.Q: Éven in the "inscrutable East"?A: Inscrutable, hell! Besides beingas articulate as we are — when talkingto someone who respects them — theyali have stomachs behind their navels.Along with the end of the "Pukka-Sahib" tradition Westerners shouldget over the notion that these peopledo nothing but sit in rice paddiesmeditating. If nothing else, the com-mies — particularly the Huks in thePhilippines — indicated that.Q: Did what's-his-name ... ?A: . . . Magsaysay?Q: How do you pronounce it?A: Mag-sigh-sigh.Q Did he really clean them up?A: Yes, he did. But he knows they 11come back again unless the cause forthem is removed. That's why he isrunning for president and promising— among other things — land reform.Q: Beating up the commies is notenough?A: Of course not. According to SirGerald Templer, High Commissionerof Malaya, putting down the cornimi-nists is only 25% of his problem. Therest is economics and education. Andhe — an amazing fellow, by the way,one who has the respect of thosepeople because he respects them —he has the additional headache ofhaving three different societies in thesame country: the Chinese, about47%; the Malayans, 46%; and thebalance Indians. They ali have theirown schools. They work apart andlive apart, speaking their own lan-guage only to each other. So Templer is trying to get one nationalschool system set up whereby alichildren will study the same languageand take the same curriculum. Thesame concerns for economie improve-ment and education you fìnd incountries nearby. Burma has sur-vived fìve civil wars since 1948. Thatcountry is even more healthy nowthan Thailand where the militarycoup-d'etat seems to be a nationalpastime. In Burma for instance, theSocialists recently pulled 70,000workers away from the communists.That's pretty good.Q: And India?A: India has 360 million problems.But there, I would say, to get aca-demic for the moment, there is a"revolution of rising expectations."Like ali other Asians, they wantsomething better in life. Again, thequestion for them is which form ofgovernment will produce the goods.Our Point-Four specialists are doingexcellent work. The Indians themselves are working very hard. Forinstance, they are building up a verylarge area in the Damodar valley on the order of our TVA. To do ali ofthis, from scratch, even with ourhelp, means that they cannot diverttheir energies to take part in an in-ternational power struggle, now.Q: Even when that power strugglemay decide whether or not they getmore aid?A: Look, they know how doseChina is. They know what ChinaTHE ITINERARYJapanKoreaFormosaHong KongThe PhilippinesIndonesiaIndo-ChinaSingaporeMalaya\ ThailandBurmaIndiaPakistanSaudi ArabiaEgyptLebanonSyriaJordanIsraelTurkeyYugoslaviamight do if China carne down onthem. But before they can do any-thing they must have food. Theymust also have the respect of othernations in their attempt to pulì themselves by their own bootstraps. Theywant to help themselves. They wanta sense of participation in this peace-ful revolution that is sweeping Asia —and this is not unlike the revolutionsthat swept the United States andEurope a hundred and fifty years ago.Q: What about the reports thatthey are not grateful for our aid?Our wheat, for instance?A: That's preposterous. Of coursethey appreciate it. Preposterous.Q: Well, then, what about Nehru?Is that why he is always sitting onthe fence?A: Nehru does not even have the time to climb a fence. Consider this:he is head of the Congress party, acrazy coalition of factions which heand he alone keeps together and con-structive. He's what you might calian "ali-India figure" — the only "ali-India figure" known through a country so big that it could hold ali ofWestern Europe. He's head of thegovernment — a government which iscomposed of civil servants trained bythe British to work for the British.He has to retrain those civil servantsto work for their own people withtheir own people as equals. Again,and again you come back to it — respect. When we saw Nehru he hadjust finished a six-day tour in a car,going 200 miles a day ali over thatrugged, dusty, terribly hot country,making twenty speeches every day.And when he made his eveningspeech there were 50 to 100 thousandpeople to listen to him. He is whatyou might cali a hard-working man.Q: What about Pakistan?A: Pakistan now has a moderategovernment. With food and luck itwill survive. But there again youhave the same problems: money,food, respect, and as elsewhere theCommunists hovering around, wait-ing.Q: Were there any countries thatseemed to be on top of their problems?A: Yes. Turkey. Turkey is fascinatine A wonderful place. Thirtyyears ago it carne out of the MiddleAges and now it is one of the health-iest countries in the Middle East. Lastyear for the first time "they beganexporting wheat. They have an excellent army that will fight back atRussia if Russia starts anything. AndRussia knows it.Q: How did this ali happen? Thatone man ... ?A: Ataturk. Yes, he was largelyresponsible. He brought in education,freed the women, modified the powerof Islam, brought in some industry.Wonderful place.Q: And the unhappy spot?A: Around Israel. Every body 'safraid of everybody else. The Arabsare afraid that Israel will expand,and the Israelis are afraid that theArabs will try to drive them into thesea.Q: Will there be more trouble?A: I don't know. But I do knowthat there again, throughout the Arabworld, the United States and its his-tory is well known. Those people knowAmerican history. They quote it toyou, particularly Wilson's "self-determination of peoples." They question you about it. They criticize our6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEevery step in support of the colonialsystem.Q: Is Israel as active and vital aplace as the press agents say it is?A: Yes, it is. That country is working very hard. The "gardens out ofthe desert" is no myth. Right nowIsrael has an acute financial prob-lem. But from the people I talked tothey think that they can get out of itin ten years, with continued aid andtrade, if there is no more trouble.Q: What's the story on your beingshot at in Korea?A: Well, we ali went up to a for-ward command post and it lookedas if everybody wanted to get in theact. There was quite a bit of brassaround — at least ten generals, and youcan't move that much brass aroundwithout somebody noticing it.Q: What happened?A: The commies noticed it. A mor-tar landed fairly dose.Q: And?A: General Taylor suggested thatwe ali go back down to Pusan.Q: What about the helicopter? Wereyou in it?A: I certainly was. We were in theMalayan jungle being shown whatkind of jungle the British had to fìghtthrough. No sunlight comes throughdown there. The trees are 200 feethigh. Well, we took off from one30 square foot clearing and were upabout 500 feet when smoke beganpouring out of the big motor. Mr.Stevenson was in the front with thepilot and could see that the pilot hadspotted another clearing not far away.But I couldn't see that in the back.Ali that I could see was that thosegiant trees were coming up at me. Iknew that paratroopers usually weregiven up if they landed in trees likethat. So I hung on for the crash aswe bumped the top of a couple oftrees then landed very gently in a ricepaddy. We had been spotted goingdown so another helicopter was therealmost immediateely — which was finebecause we only had one pistol amongus, in guerilla territory.Q: You were really frightened?A: I'il say I was! I was in no hurryto climb aboard the rescue piane.Q: What did you think about as youwere going down?A: I was too worried to think. Butwhen we landed I remembered thatmy insurance did not cover fiights inany military aircraft.Q: Thank you, Mr. Johnson.A: Not at ali. >JOHNSON AND GENERAL JAMES C. FRY ATPORWARD POSITION ON KOREAN FRONTOCTOBER, 1953HANDLEDWITHCAREShe wanted to come toCollege. Should she?DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS— V ALERTE C. WICKHEME;iARLY THIS YEAR, KathrynEllen Aller (see cover) wrote theOffice of Admissions asking for acatalogue about the College. The material, including an application form,was duly sent out and a file begunin her name. This was her introduc-tion to the Office of Admissions — andto the whole University. But, for Admissions, her request for informationwas only part of a relationship whichhad begun before Miss Aller had con-sidered going to the College, andwhich would continue as long as shestudied on the Midway — if she wereadmitted.The Admissions Office heard aboutKathryn Aller last Fall. A staff ofAdmission Counselors, under the direction of Assistant Dean of StudentsRuth McCarn, travels through themajor parts of the country each au-tumn and early winter. The Counselors, and certain faculty members,visit high schools and junior colleges,talking to principals and advisers.What students want to go to college?Which are the good students? (Notthe most brilliant, nor the biggest drudges, but the grood students). Oneof the Counselors visited KathrynAller's high school (Portage TownshipHigh) in north-west Indiana. Kathryn Aller was mentioned. The Coun-selor found out something about herat once: she preferred the name"Bunny." Without meeting "Bunny,"the Counselor completed her tour ofschools, returned to campus, andcompared notes with her colleagues.A list of "prospects" including thegirl from Portage High was compiled.At the same time that the trips weregoing on, Mrs. McCarn's staff hadbeen mailing brochures, pamphlets,and Announcements to about 9,000high schools and most of the country'sjunior colleges. Mrs. McCarn's officealso was in Constant touch with the175 alumni in 27 cities who act asvolunteer recruiters.Like most of Miss Aller's contempo-raries, who have college in mind, shehad begun to think about which schoolshe would choose. Then she wrotefor our catalogue. She wrote to otheruniversities, too. When she had fin-ished the eight pages of questions on Chicago's form her application hadonly begun. Her high school recordwould be included, along with a rec-ommendation from her principal, anestimate of expenses while in college,financial "resources," and a statementof purpose — why do you want to goto college?The same Counselor who had visitedher school went back for a personalinterview with "Bunny" and, in thiscase, with her mother. The writtenreport joined the application and theresults of Chicago's entrance exam-inations. The completed applicationended up — as they ali do — on thedesk of one person: Director of Admissions, Valerie C. Wickhem.In the eighteen years she has beenon the job, about 150,000 applicationshave crossed Valerie Wickhem's desk.Her concern is not only with the College — which she considers the baseof the University — but the entire in-stitution, its divisions, departments,and professional schools. Each division and school has its entrancecommittee. Miss Wickhem partici-pates on each. As with the College,8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEevery application gets the same care.It pains Miss Wickhem to hear thiscare called "red tape." "Mention that,"says she, her alert, white-haired headturned slightly, attentively, towardher listener, "and I see a red cape."It also pains her to hear clichés aboutthe College and the rest of the University. ("Only geniuses wanted.""No one has any fun." "A hot houseof wild radicals." Etc.)Then, too, there are the amateurpress agents who see quite a storyin the Eskimo, say, who has been thebest seal-hunter north of Nome andnow is going to atténd the Universityto study international relations. Whensuch news stories break, Miss Wickhem does not get too excited. Eventhough she has never heard of theman before, even though said "appli-cant" may suddenly appear in heroffice with the clippings to prove hisworth, she can only give him theattention anyone else would get. Usu-ally the entrance exam quiets thingsdown.As a history high school teacher inMilwaukee — after she had graduatedfrom Beloit in 1911 — Valerie Wickhembegan her relations with young students. As secretary to the Presidentand Secretary of the Faculties ofBeloit until 1925, she learned the im-portance to a school of a sound stu-dent body. As Director of Admissionshere since then, she has been devoted to the job of deciding what makes a"good" student produce.She shows that devotion in herwhole life. The alumni of Beloitelected her the Alumni Trustee ofthat college; and, among other things,she has been Vice-President of theChicago Renaissance Society since1950. Behind it ali, perhaps, is heractive religious life.In any event, her judgments continue to pay off. The report on TheCollegiate Sources of Younger Schol-ars in America, where Chicago placedthird for ali colleges, first for uni-versities, would seem to prove thatshe has presented the College facultywith "good" students who produce.The results of the Graduate Educationtests last year, where our Collegestudents did better than graduatesfrom other schools, might tend toshow that she has been using duecare. Better criteria, perhaps, are thepersonal evaluations of those whohave been admitted to the Universityby her during the last eighteen years.Well, what about the present case?Kathryn EUen Aller wants to cometo the University. Should she?Her high- school record is verygood. Her principal has confidencein her. She has done well on the entrance examinations, seems healthy,bright, hardworking, reasonablyhappy. The personal interviewer wasimpressed. The company where her father works as a research engineer— the General American Transportation Corporation — will give her ahandsome scholarship if she is admitted. She is interested in music.Seventeen. Pretty.Even with such an impressive record and recommendations, more datawere evaluated, conferences held, adecision made. Yes, "Bunny" Allermight do very well.Thus, one result of the year's work,the trips, publicity, brochures, inter-views, the precise filing system, thecorrespondence, the "case" file whichwould now follow Miss Aller throughher University career, being added toby her instructors, advisers, the registrar. Each of the students who entered with her received the same attention, as did those who did not.This week, as Kathryn EUen Aller,alias "Bunny," got to know the campus, her classes, dormitory, profes-sors, and new friends — ali part of aslightly strange world — Dean Mc-Carn, the Counselors, faculty members, alumni, and older students werealready planning the fall campaigntrips, interviews, and publications.For Valerie Wickhem work on nextyear's classes throughout the University already had begun. For her,too, work on applicants who want toenter for the winter and spring termswas under way. Then, the cycle complete, work would start for 1955.KEEPING IN TOUCH: THE DEANS' ROOM IS USED FOR A REGULAR STAFF MEETING OF ADMISSION COUNSELORS, MRS. MoCARN,AND MISS WICKHEM. (FROM LEFT TO RIGHT) CHARLES O'CONNELL, MISS WICKHEM, GLORIA BARBRE, MRS. RUTH BONNER,McCREA HAZLETT (ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS), MISS DOROTHY M. N. SHERRICK AND ASS'T DEAN RUTH McCARN.'OCTOBER, 1953 9How to Get a Fedeby Kermit Eby, Professor, Division of Social SciencesOn A HUMID Wednesday after-noon a few months ago, a man ap-peared in my office and, doffing hishat, which was that of a deputy mar-shall's, he lay before me a long pieceof paper. It was a subpoena to appearbefore the Jenner sub-committee ofthe Internai Commission of the Ju-diciary of the Senate of the UnitedStates.Since it was the first subpoena thatI had ever in my life received, Iwondered for a terrible moment whatcrime had I committed. Had I be-come a thief, a murderer, an arsonist?And if not these things, what had Idone that the state should cali mebefore its august tribunals?And then started coming in mycolleagues and students, friends andwell-wishers, a long thin line ofpeople, ali of them bent on congratu-lating me. "But we are so glad it isyou," they said. "You will speak forus. You will take up our cause." I wondered, as they talked to me,if they knew the fear I felt. I wondered, if they had known that I wasafraid, if they would have talked tome like that.I thanked them ali, and then Iclosed my office door, and sat facingthe wall. I learned again about fear.How terribly debasing a thing fear is,and how fear of the unknown isdoubly debasing.Not to know, that is the most terrible thing of ali. I knew, when Ithought about it, of the possibilities ofthe smear. I knew that it was fan-tastic to\argue, as Jenner did, thatthe hearings were made secret in or-der to protect those on trial. Anyonewho knows the nature of life and thecuriosity of people knows better thanthat. The minute the investigatiònswere announced, speculation ran rife.One newspaper reporter called meand said, "I assume that you got asubpoena. I checked the papers tofìnd out who from the University wasinclined to speak out on controversialissues, and you were one of the firstin the ranks of the outspoken." TheSjin-Times was right when it statedthat "An invitation to appear beforethe Committee casts doubt on a man'sreputation."But as subtly corroding as is thesmear, it is not the most devastatingàspect of being dragged upon a plat-form and forced to swear to thingswhich are perfectly obyious to you,and to everyone who knows you. Noone should have to defend his lifeunder such circumstances. If the living of the life is not defense enough,then no defense should be renderedat ali. Such a situation reversed thewhole stated policy of Anglo-Saxoncommon law. In other words, to defend myself upon such terms meàntthat I was guilty until I proved myself innocent.But how, I asked myself, could Iprove my innocence? Frankly, I didnot even know the charge. And whatcould be done if, pn Jenner's terms,I proved myself unworthy? This proved a very interesting question.One of my subpoenaed colleagues,a law student, spent much time trying tò fìnd out the exact powers andprerogatives of the committee. Hediscovered that no one knew muchabout it. In actual practice, my col-league finally stated, the Committeeworks as did the Inquisition in Spain:the clerical arm (the committee)hands over the victim, following in-terrogation, to the secular arm (inthis case, the University). The seculararm is responsible for chopping offthe victim's head (i.e., fìring him).Of course, if the secular arm re-fuses to function for this purpose, thewhole system collapses.But what the secular arm might ormight not do was not the mainquestion which I wanted answered.Instead, a complex of small questionstortured me. How do you explainyour own quotes, pulled out of con-text? To whom did you give the fivedollars? And deeper stili: what arethe values upon which you stand,what are the traditions which youwould uphold against the inquisitors?I suppose that my first answer tothe last question which I put to myself was a simple, primitive response.For if you live by the code of a manat ali, if you dare cali yourself a man,you say, "I shall answer for my life,but not for another's." I rememberedE. M. Forster's mildly seditious wordson the subject:"I hate the idea of causes, and if I hadto choose between betraying my countryand betraying my friend, I hope I shouldhave the guts to betray my country. Sucha choice may scandalize the modemreader, and he may stretch out hispatriotic hand to the telephone at onceand ring up the police. It would nothave shocked Dante, though. Danteplaced Brutus and Cassius in the lowestcircle of Hell because they had chosento betray their friend Julius Caesarrather than their country, Rome."While it cannot be said that I shareE. M. Forster's lukewarm feeling forcauses, it is interesting to recali thatI lost one union position because ofthe votes of the Left in support of theRight, and was severely pressuredKermit Eby began his teachingcareer in 1921, at the age ofeighteen, when he taught ali eightgrades of the Olive Center School,St. Joseph County, Indiana. Afterreceiving his Bachelor's from Manchester College, he taught in Indiana and Michigan High Schools,organizing the first teacher's union,in Ann Arbor, in 1934. In 1935 hewas an organizer for the AutoWorkers of the then unborn C.I.O.Ten years later he became Directorof Education and Research for theentire C.I.O. He joined the Division of Social Science in 1948. Oftenworld delegate for the Church ofthe Brethren, and Friends, he alsohas served on federai committees,one being in 1945 when he was amember of the U. S. Commissionand the National UNESCO Commission for the Reorganization ofEducation in Japan. Author ofmany articles, his book, "The Godin You," will be published by thePress this winter.io THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESubpoenawhile in the CIO by the extreme Leftin the days of the "People's waragainst Fascism" because I spoke forpeace on a Quaker platform. Further-more, the provocation for the firstincident grew out of my refusai tostand aside while a labor union ofteachers violated its own principlesin attempting to fire a member of itsstaff. Likewise, my decision to leaveCIO was chiefly provoked by one ofthe most arbitrary firings I everexperienced.Then I remembered that refusai toanswer questions once the processhas started may mean contempt ofcourt; it is not possible to answerquestions about yourself and notabout your associates. It was onlythat I was fortunate. I did not haveto meet this contingency. For mycontacts with people who might bedefined as subversive were always insocial or professional capacities. Theydid not teli me, and I did not ask.I never knew a single person as aCommunist per se.It was under these pressures thatI prepared my statement before thecommittee. The statement read inpart:"I became a member of the Breth-ren church at the age of 13. I havebeen a minister since 1927. Out ofmy heritage, and because of my con-cern, I have been continuously inter-ested in the peace program of thechurch, of which, Mr. Chairman, youare well aware . . . this concerà, asthe Quakers say, moved me fromNorthern Indiana into the world. Ittook me to the Orient with the Quakers in 1933; it involved me in thestruggle for unions and representa-tion among workers; it brought meinto continuous support of suppressedindividuals and minorities."Stating it as simply as I know how,I am now, as I always have been, a >KERMIT EBY, PROFESSOR AND WITNESSOCTOBER, 1953Brethren pietist, who believes thatwe ali are sons of God, and that thereis some dignity in that. I have noapology for this belief ... I am not,nor have I ever been, a member ofthe Communist Party. I have nevereven been solicited for membershipin the Communists, either individu-ally or collectively."It is perfectly apparent why thisis so. It is because I grew up in arural, Brethren, Indiana community.My values were so clearly formèd bythe time I met people outside of myBrethren world, that it was obviousto anyone that my mind was my own."It seems to me that my life is anopen one. My students and those whowork with me understand that I havebeen consistently anti-totalitarian —anti-totalitarian since I knew what itmeant to be so. In the course of thedefense of this position, I have de-fended many with whom I have beenin disagreement, because I believethat our society can only survive ifwe affimi our individuai freedoms.To me, it has never been enough justto be anti- Communist. It is necessaryfor us to translate our democraticideas into action."Since it is the stated purpose ofthis committee to expose Communistsubversion, it is inconsistent underthe circumstances for me to appearbefore the Committee in closed ses-sions. My record is open; my writ-ings are available to anyone whowishes to examine them."In conclusion, I have never beenafraid to face the world. I am notnow. I insist upon a public hearing."Following the deliverance of thesestatements, the committeemen seemedupset. They were not aware of thesethings, they told me, and because theywere now aware, they would askme no more questions. Before theinvestigation, it seemed to me, theyhad seemed uncertain of who I ac-tually was. Now they were reassured,evidently.I askéd them politely whether theyhad sufficient reason to cali me uponthe platform in the first place. Tothis they gave no answer, and I re-turned to my home.I, and several of my colleagues whohad together demanded a public hearing, were denied it. I learned laterfrom the newspapers that the reasonthese colleagues and myself had beenforced to give testimony was becausethe committee thought we had beenkeeping bad company.Now it had been my contention alialong (and thanks to the committee,it will continue tò be even morefirmly my contention) that the company I keep is my own business: not Jenner's, Velde's, nor yet Joseph Mc-Carthy's. I have friends in theN.A.M. and in the unions expelledfrom C.I.O. Noel Sargent of theN.A.M., and Harry Bridges of theLongshoremen are both welcome inmy home, and both for the same rea-sons: they are interesting, and theyteach me a great deal.Which does not mean that I intendto join either Longshoremen nor theNational Association of Manufac-turers. Odd, isn't it, that FosterDulles could associate with AlgerHiss, and not be subverted, but thatothers cannot? Odd, too, that wethink we can attempt to negotiatepeace with Communists? Or is it thatwe sincerely expect to negotiate withVishinsky, only when he stops beinga Communist?It is certainly true that I have goneto meetings where Communists werepresent. My name has probably ap-peared on a few letterheads with those of Communists. I do not knowof any better way of getting ac-quainted with, nor arguing with,Communists. In a sense, I do notknow of any better way to attemptto save their souls. I wonder why itis that the Communists are alwaysexpected to convert me and peoplelike me rather than vice -versa?Now as I begin to think it over Ibegin to have the feeling that the soulof Senator Jenner was in as muchjeopardy as that of any die -hard Communist. If I were to apply the Christian ethic to Communists, I wouldalso have to apply it to Senator Jenner. There was something very muchalike in the politicai thinking and thepsychological orientation of both theinvestigators and those few actualCommunists caught in the investigation.Thinking this through, my mindwent back to the years between warswhich Koestler once described, when"We Now Have New And Important Evidence"—From THE HERBL0CK B00K (Beacon Press)12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"the pauperized bourgeois becamerebels of the Right or Left . . . many. . lived on pointlessly, like a greatswarm of tired winterflies crawlingover the dim Windows of Europe.""The God That Failed"Writing of those men who becameCommunists in an era when potatoeswere burned before a world of starv-ing men in order to keep prices high,Richard Crossman in "The God ThatFailed" states: "Their conversion, infact, was rooted in despair — a despairof Western values. It is easy enoughin retrospect to see that this despairwas hysterical. Fascism, after ali, wasovercome, without the surrender ofcivil liberties which Communism in-volves. But were Gide and Koestlerso obviously wrong, at the time whenthey became Communists, in feelingthat French and German democracywere corrupt and would surrender toFascism? . . . it jogs our memories souncomfortably; and reminds us of theterrible loneliness experienced by thepremature anti-Faseist, the men andwomen who understood Fascism andtried to fight before it was respectableto do so. It was that loneliness whichopened their minds to the appeal ofCommunism."It is another kind of lonelinesswhich, evidently, opens our 1953minds to the appeal of professional,fanatic anti- Communism. In tryingto under stand the Iure which Mc-Carthy casts over the minds of apublic which, like any public, is basi-cally non-inquisitorial and committedto minding its own business, you mustunderstand that fear. (Because you,as well as I, are threatened by it.) Itis not the fear of hunger, but rather,in America of 1953, the fear of thehungry.Our executives are the busiest, ourproductive plant is the biggest, ourfarmers are the most secure, andour people the best-dressed in theworld. And yet I would wager thatwith ali our riches, we are today themost fearful people in the world, andthe loneliest. We are afraid as Romewas afraid, or Nineveh, or Babylon.And because we are as afraid as thosetired winter-flies who crawled acrossthe dim Windows of Europe, it iseasier for us to blame some anony-mous force (The Bad Men, the Communist conspiracy) for our insecurity.For the rest of the world keepsreminding us that we are rich andthey are not. America, the Cinderella-dream of a continent, awaits lethargi-cally the midnight whistle when thecoach will turn back into a pumpkin.Since the coach, after ali, is built on nothing more solid than preparationfor war and fear of war. Meanwhile,if we can only hunt down enough ofthe Bad Men, the wicked step-sisters,under the leadership of McCarthy,perhaps the coach will remain a coachafter ali.The old faith, born out of hungerand despair, doles and war, brokenvalues and desecrated idols, was Communism — a hard, cruel, narro w, andyet strangely visionary religion. Thenew faith, of which Senators Jennerand McCarthy are the prophets, isborn out of full bellies and the fearof insolvency, and it is called, inter-estingly enough, Anti -Communism.And it is even a harder, crueler, nar-rower, but not at ali visionary religion."Conspirators"It is the kind of investigation goingon here which concerns me; thepsychological processes which makesthe investigatorial process the sort itis. Many of us remember those yearswhen the government, under theauspices of the LaFollette Committee,was investigating not labor, but in-dustry. The LaFollette Committeewas questioning the right of one sec-tion of the body politic to hurt othersections economically. But the LaFollette Committee never at any timeduring its existence, questioned thefree flow of ideas, politically or other-wise.In the present investigations, it isplain that we are dealing with ide-ological warfare, i.e., the free flow ofideas.The Jenner-Velde-McCarthy pha-lanx consistently uses the vocabularyof the melodrama, and a bad cloak-and-sword melodrama at that: "con-spirators," "spies," "traitors," "sabo-teurs." Westbrook Pegler uses termseven more salty, and to a large extentunprintable. While demanding openfisticuffs with "those blankety-blankreds" in one paragraph, he demandsan investigation of Eleanor Roosevelt,Justice Frankfurter, Henry Wallace,and Dean Acheson in another.Joseph McCarthy, as a writer inThe Nation reports, believes that "theliberal Democrats in and out of theSenate have always been 'followers ofthe Communist party line'; tomorrowthey will be 'card-carrying Communists.' A recent cartoon in one of thelaboring papers showing a witnessassuring a Congressional committeethat he is not and never has been 'amember of the Democratic Party'clearly foreshadows the McCarthyline in the 1954 election."Just as in Germany, given theproper conditions, something deep in the human grain responded to Hitler,so here, given the conditions, something deep in men responds to McCarthy. Given the situation, a manwho knows how to - twist the latentfear in people can make a successfuldrive for power.Against this latent fear, I could onlyfall back upon my basic sense of community, my sense of roots transcend-ing either the state or the self-appointed officials of the state. Mr.Jenner's insight about me was mis-placed; he was ostensibly looking forCommunists, and I could not oblige.I had been guilty, ali my life, of beinga sectarian. I was guilty, too, of notholding Jenner's faith, Anti-Commu-nism, anymore than I had held theCommunist faith preceding it. Forbeyond the Brethren community fromwhich I carne, there is a long heritage,and beyond the Judeao- Christianheritage itself, a Greek one. Did notSocrates have to make the choice?"Fascism, after ali, was overcomewithout the surrender of civil libertieswhich Communism involves." AndCommunism will certainly never beovercome by surrendering civil liberties on the idolatrous altars of Anti-Communism. "For it is easier," saysCrossman, commenting again on TheGod That Failed, "to lay the oblationof spiritual pride on the aitar of worldrevolution than to snatch it backagain. This may be one reason whyCommunism has had much more success in Catholic than in Protestantcountries. The Protestant is at leastin origin, a conscientious objectoragainst spiritual subjection to anyhierarchy."Anti-Communist faithPerhaps, if we Protestants remember our origin, the Anti- Communistfaith in this country will not reachthe German boiling point. Perhaps ifwe learn how to fight it, we maytake this new heathen religion instride, too.Which is why the churches arenext on the list of Mr. Jenner's ap-pointments. The intellectuals first, because they are easy picking since,like Socrates, they tend to take thehemlock as a personal protest, one byone. And after the universities, thechurches, because a free pulpit is aninsult to men who would have everyman believe this bold, backward faithof Anti- Communism.But if the great universities godown, it will be twice as hard for thechurches to stand.The time has come to dose ranks,to roll back and to say with Luther,"Here I stand, by the Grace of GodI can do no other."OCTOBER, 1953 13flit fldventure in friendshipOne and a half million Frenchpeople replied to her letterby Clara Alien Rahill, 'Js2O,'UR 20-YEAR-OLD son, John,was killed in action on December2, 1944, commanding an infantrycompany of the 45th Division. Hewas already a veteran of the Italiancampaign, when he landed on theLT. JOHN G. RAHILL, X '42, DECEASED Riviera, fought on through Franceas far as the ancient Alsatian town ofHochfelden, and fell. He was awardedthe Silver Star for Gallantry by ourgovernment. Nine years later he wasto be honored again, this time by thepeople of the Province of Alsace. Itali began as an adventure in friendship, back in 1945.We knew from the chaplain and hisfriends that John was buried in theAmerican Military Cemetery at Hochfelden. But, as Memorial Day wasapproaching the following year, I feltthat I simply must fìnd out something about that cemetery and whatceremonies, if any, were to be heldthere. So I wrote a letter addressedjust "To the May or, Hochfelden,France." In a short time back carnea gracious letter, with newspaperclippings of the ceremonies and pic-tures of John's grave, from Mme.Frederic Haag, wife of the Mayor.(How glad I was that French hadbeen my major at the University.)Her letter ended, "Your son liesamong his comrades in a land offriends who will always honor hisgrave and his memory."This started a steàdy correspondencebetween Mme Haag and me. When a stranger could thus reach out acrossthe miles and make us feel that ourson would always lies among friends,our faith in human kindness wasrenewed.In the spring of 1947 a letter fromMme. Haag said that a friend of hers,Captain Maurice Force, who hadserved as liaison officer with the 45thDivision, would soon be in New York.She wrote that he would like to calion my husband, who works in thatcity, not far from our home town,Caldwell, New Jersey. We had sever-al delightful luncheon meetings withCaptain Force, now a Paris attorney.He told us, however, that the American Cemetery at Hochfelden was tobe abandoned, that the Americangraves were to be moved, either backto America or to other, larger, ceme-teries in other parts of France. Hesaid that the people of the small town,and the whole province, were verysorry to hear this.My husband and I thought thisover for a while, and discussed itwith each other. Then, in October,1947, I wrote General Eisenhower,asking the Army's permission to leaveJohn in Hochfelden, under the careof the French Authorities. I also14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwrote Mme. Haag and M. Force aboutwhat we had done. Permission wasgranted.In December carne a letter fromM. Force, "I stili believe with youthat John should remain where heis. Personally I would love to see hissacrifice cement the friendship between our two countries." And, inanother letter the following July, hewrote, "Everything will be done bythe people of Alsace. A monumentof Vosges granite will be erected bypublic subscription to perpetuate thesacrifice of the men of the 7th Armyand John will be the symbol. Fromthe Alsatian point of view it is verytouching to see how unanimous andenthusiastic is the response to theidea of keeping at least one American soldier in the soil of their beautiful province."Then, no word from France, untila letter arrived from M. Force on May 18th, this year. It was an invi-tation: "I have the honor to invite youon behalf of the Alsace AssociationGrateful to America to attend theceremony . . . at Hochfelden for theinauguration of the monument erectedby public subscription for your son,John Rahill." He went on to say thatordinary Frenchmen had made individuai contributions of 50 and 100francs for the monument. He saidthat the number of subscribers hadcome to around one and one half mil-lion people. Of course we accepted.Three weeks awayBut the ceremony, on June 7th, wasonly three weeks away, and we knewthat transportation would be next toimpossible to get in Coronation Week.So we called our Navy son, Com-mander Gerald Rahill, Aide to Ad-miral Joy at Annapolis. He took upthe matter with Admiral Duncan,MR. RAHILL, CLARA ALLEN RAHILL, AMBASSADOR DILLON, AND FRENCH FRIEND Vice-Chief of Naval Operations, withthe result that we were down overby the Navy, as unofficial ambassa-dors of good will.I had written to President Eisen-hower, asking if it would not be fit-ting for him to send a message to beread at the ceremony. When westepped from the train at Strasbourg,a cable was handed to us, sayingthat the President was sending a message through Ambassador Dillon,who was to attend. We had expectedto be met at the station by our hosts,our friends the Haags and M. Force,but there was a whole delegation ofthe people of Alsace, including onelittle boy who presented me with abouquet of sweet peas.Sunday noon, June 7th, there wasa big luncheon for ali the Frenchand American officiai guests. We werepleased to meet our Ambassador,Douglas Dillon, and his charmingwife, and to find that they wereneighbors of ours, from Far Hills,New Jersey. As we drove out to thesite of the former cemetery, emptynow except for John's grave, just beyond Hochfelden, gendarmes stood atevery bend of the road, directingtraffic. As we arrived, school childrengathered behind the veiled monument, singing. I am told that tenthousand people were there.The ceremony was very moving.The Mayor and other French officialsmade short speeches. And Ambassador Dillon gave a fine address, inFrench, of course, as was the messagefrom President Eisenhower, whichthe Ambassador read at the dose,and which was greeted by a greatburst of applause. M. Demange, therepresentative of President Auriol,unveiled the monument and the bandplayed our National Anthem and theMarsellaise.When John left the University, inOctober, 1942, to enlist in the Army,little did he even dream his serviceand death, for the ideals he believedin, would receive such recognition.His concern seemed more for theworld to recognize its ideals. In al-most his last letter home he wrote,"AH we mortals can do is to give ourbest. May God give us the wisdomand courage after the war to beChristian in works, as well as in nameonly, and to work for a lasting peace."This one monument to him is, Ifeel, some kind of a beginning to-ward that end. If only we could passon to ali the parents who have losttheir sons in France the warmth offeeling on the part of the Frenchpeople that we experienced first-hand.15Twenty-four Alumni ReceiveCITATIONSfor "public spirited citizenship'(The Ladies)ELIZABETH BREDEN,'13, AM '30, Highland Parkhigh-school teacher, has infhrenced generations ofstudents in practical brotherhood and better racial under-standing. She was recently awarded the James M. YardBrotherhood Award for an above-average job in buildingbrotherhood in her community. She was one of the foundersof the North Shore Citizens Committee and the InterfaithGroup of the Highland Park YWCA. In many areas, from theLeague of Women Voters to Friends of the Highland ParkLibrary, she has provided leadership and carried responsibilityfar beyond the cali of duty.LYDIA QUINLAN DOBBINS,'15, Springfield, Illinoiswas left with an electric business and two sons whenher husband died in 1939. So successfully did she work withher employees that she was voted the outstanding careerwoman in Springfield last year. With it ali she found timeto be president of the AAUW, and later president of theLeague of Women Voters — spearheading a slum survey whichled to better housing codes. As a charter member and morereqently president of the Mental Hygiene Society, she hashad the satisfaction of helping to develop a well-staffed childguidance and mental health clinic. Her church and othercivic groups share the remainder of her time.MRS. ESTHER McLAUGHLIN DONAHUE,'21, Chicagohas been a member of the board of the Hyde ParkNeighborhood Club and the advisory board of the VolunteerBureau of the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago. Butshe is practically indispensable around the University Clinics,where she was chairman of the Auxiliary Committee for fiveyears, chairman of the Volunteeers for five years, and where,as Gift Shop chairman, she has worked practically full time.The Shop's success is testimony to her managing and organiz-ing ability.MARY HARVEY KINDEL, .who did her College work at Chicago in the latetwenties, lives in Grand Rapids, Mich. She has devoted muchof her life to the Blodgett Memorial Hospital, where she is amember of the board of trustees. She has been a member ofthe Nursing School Committee (past chairman), the Women'sExecutive Committee, and president of the women's guild ofthe hospital. Other activities include the board of the Women's Symphony, Red Cross first-aid instructor, and work in theBaptist Church.JESSIE BROWN MARSH,'16, Bozeman, Montanalearned about blindness by personal experience somefifteen years ago. Operations brought partial recovery. She's"Aunt Jessie" to the children of her camps, letters, crafts,and drama groups into which she has thrown her enthusiasm.Her biggest thrill carne from a sight-seèing tour throughYellowstone for blind students. She had battled skeptics formonths; won and succeeded so gloriously that the trip isnow an annual event.HELEN KING ROUSE, '28, Winnetkais the wife of Kenneth Rouse (also being cited).Among her activities have been Girl Scouts; Parent- TeacherAssociation; president, League of Women Voters, in Winnetka; and of Cook County; the YWCA; and the Women'sClub of Winnetka. In their home community of Winnetkathe Rouses carry their share of civic responsibility.(The Gentlemen)HUNTINGTON B. HENRY, '06, Lake Forestis chairman of the board of Ames Emerich & Company, Chicago investment banking. He has had two majorareas of interest and civic service. He is trustee and chairman of the executive committee for the Seeing Eye. Theother area is the hospital. He is president of the board oftrustees of St. Luke's Hospital and president of the ChicagoArea Hospital Fund, Inc.HAROLD SIDNEY LADEN,'27, Philadelphiais a broker and distillers' agent. For years he hasbeen active in the Germantown Jewish Centre, of which he iscurrently president. Some years ago he spearheaded a driveto develop a summer camp for the Negro YMCA. He is amember of the board of directors of the Jewish Employmentand Vocational Service and has been a dependable leaderand key alumnus on our Chicago Club of Philadelphia.BRUCE MacLEISH, '03, Glencoechairman of the board of Carson Pirie Scott & Co.,Chicago, has been in a position to provide leadership for both16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfjp*&.1 ÌLIhis city and village. The Committee of Fifteen; Better Business Bureau; Association of Commerce; National RecoveryAdministration; Village Trustees, Glencoe Pian Commission;and trustee of Rockford College are among his scores of civicinterests and activities.JOHN JUSTIN McDONOUGH,'28, Winnetkais vice-president of the Harris Trust and SavingBank, Chicago. He carries many responsibilities with enthu-siasm and intelligence. These include offices and board mem-berships in Scouting, Catholic charities, Joint Civic Committeeon Elections, Red Cross, Cook County School of Nursing,Chicago Crime Commission, the International House, and theAlumni Association. He is president designate of the Execu-tives Club of Chicago.ROBERT E. MERRIAM, AM '40, Chicagois alderman of the Fifth Ward. Trained for and ex-perienced in personnel management and public administration,he gave up attractive professional opportunities to serve as amember or Chicago's City Council. He has been an aggressiveand effective leader of the small minority fighting for honestand vigorous law enforcement, sound economy in public ex-penditures, wise provision for public and private housing,planned conservation of neighborhoods and prevention ofcommunity blight, and other causes in the public welfare,toward which he has contributed generously of his time andtalents.CHARLES H. PERCY, '41, Kenilworthis president of Bell & Howell Co., Chicago. He wasnamed one of the ten outstanding young men of 1949 by theJunior Chamber of Commerce. He is a member of the boardof trustees of the University, of the Illinois Institute of Technology, and of the Boys' Clubs of Chicago; vice-chairman ofthe Fund for Adult Education of the Ford Foundation; member of the board of directors of the Alumni Foundation; anda member of the National Conference of Christians and Jews.KENNETH A. ROUSE, '28, Winnetkavice-president of A. B. Dick Company, Chicago, wasa scoutmaster in Maryland and a member of the Citizens'Advisory Committee, Juvenile Court, in Washington, D. C,before returning to Chicago. He is a member of the board ofdirectors of the Industriai Relations Association and theIllinois Society for Mental Health; a member of the LaborRelations Committee of the State Chammber of Commerce;and a member of the Industriai Health and Safety Committee of the National Association of Manufacturers. CommunityChest, Red Cross, and his Alma Mater have shared exten-sively in his time.DENTON H. SPARKS, '16, Chicagois president of A. C. McClurg and Company. Hisdevotion to his Alma Mater has been demonstrated on manycommittees and in many practical ways. He has aided American good will through the years by helping persons of foreign .origin, particularly Pan-Americans and Nisei, to adapt totheir new country. He and his company set the example inhiring and caring for the displaced Japanese-Americans dur-in the war. Quietly he has effectively practiced good citizen-ship.LOWELL CURTIS WADMOND,'22, JD '24, New York Citya member of White and Case law firm, has the Orderof the Nord Sterner (North Star) from King Gustav V ofSweden. For nearly twenty years he has been an effectivemember of the Committe on Character and Fitness, AppellateDivision, Supreme Court of New York, first department; he ispresident of the Metropolitan Opera Association, presidingelder of the Brick Presbyterian Church, and has provided hisshare of leadership in professional organizations.FRANK S. WHITING, 16, Winnetkais vice-president of the American Furniture Mart,Chicago. He has been active and held chairmanships in theRed Cross, the Chicago Community Fund, the AmericanCancer Society, the American Polio Society, and Polio Research. In Winnetka he has been active in the Village Caucusfor Better Government and has worked for the developmentof city, school, and church.A Isa honored but unable to attend:EDGAR BERNHARD,'20, JD '21, Glencoeis a partner in the law firm of D'Ancona, Pflaum,Wyatt & Riskind. During the war he worked with the Relocation Authority and displaced Japanese. His civic interestshave included the American Civil Liberties Union, past chairman and now honorary chairman of the Chicago Division;the Independent Voters of Illinois, treasurer, member of theboard; and chairman of the Politicai Action Committee; aOCTOBER, 1953 17member of the national board of Americans for DemocraticAction; and on the advisory board of the North Shore CitizensCommittee.CARL A. BIRDSALL, '17, Chicagois president of the Continental Illinois National Bankand Trust Company. He has balanced civic with businessresponsibility as director of Chicago's Community Fund;member of the sponsor's group of the Chicago Heart Association; a governing member of the Glenwood School for Boys;a member of the Chicago Area Advisory Council of JuniorAchievement; and a trustee of St. Luke's Hospital, ChicagoZoòlogical Society, and the Fourth Presbyterian Church.GEORGE A. GARRETT,'10, Washington, D. C.is a general partner of Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner& Beane. He has been vice-president and director of theNational Symphony Orchestra since 1930 and president of theCentral Dispensary and Emergency Hospital since 1940. In1946 he was appointed by President Truman to the Redevelop-ment Land Agency; he was chairman of the Red Cross 1951-52 campaign and is now special assistant to the presidentof National Red Cross in charge of special events and director of Washington's Community Fund.F. L. GRAYBILL, '15, JD '17, Spokaneis an attorney in the Farm Credit Administration.Among his major interests are the handicapped. He is statepresident of the Washington Society for Crippled Childrenand Adults; chairman of the Crippled Children's Committee;director-elect of Rotary; and vice-president of the InlandEmpire Goodwill Industries, Inc. He is an elder in the Presbyterian Church, active on the Municipal League SchoolCommittee, and a trustee of Whitworth College.WILLIAM P. MacCRACKEN, JR.,'09, JD '11, Washington, D. C.an attorney, began early in life (at Kenwood Church)to teach and superintend Sunday school. In Washington hemoved up through the Sunday school of Ali Souls MemorialChurch to become a member of the vestry, while continuingtoday as superintendent. His interests include George Washington University, the Negro College Fund, the Central UnionMission, and other community activities. He has served hisnation in important capacities and is today one of Washington's leading citizens.JOHN M. MEYER, JR., '27, New York Cityis vice-president of J. P. Morgan and Co., He has beena responsible citizen of his home community of Greenwich,where he has been chairman and on various committees ofthe Community Chest and Council; member of the GreenwichHospital Association and the Henry Street Visiting NurseService campaigns; the Greenwich Health Association, treas-urer and trustee of the Greenwich Country Day School, Inc.In New York City he has been vice- chairman of the BellevueMedicai Center Fund; a member of the special gifts committeeof the New York Public Library and other worthy projects.EARL A. MORGAN, '21, Salina, Kansasis owner of the Salina Steam Laundry and DryCleaners. He has been a member of the Salina Board ofEducation for thirteen years (president two years); memberand president of the Salina Rotary Club; member and president of the board of the Salina YMCA; also of the AsburyHospital; member and chairman of the board of trustees ofthe First Presbyterian Church; and a delegate to the GeneralAssembly of the Presbyterian Church.ELLMORE C. PATTERSON,'35, New York Cityis vice-president of J. P. Morgan and Co. Among hismajor interests are the Memorial Center for Cancer and AlliedDiseases, the Sloan-Kettering Institute, and the New YorkTrade School. He is a trustee and treasurer of these organi-zations. He is also a trustee of Carnegie Endowment forInternational Peace, the Harvey School, and Northern West-chester Hospital.Pro Singulari Eius MeritoThe Alumni Medal is given by the Association "fordistinction in one's field of specialization or for serviceto society, or both." Only 25 have been awarded todate. On Alumni Day last June, the following nationallyknown alumni received the awards:Edgar J. Goodspeed, DB '97; PhD '98; DistinguishedService Professor Emeritus of Biblical and PatristicGreek; author of — among many other titles — The NewTestamenti An American Translation.Paul Gray Hoffman, '12, former Administrator of ECA;former president of the board of the Ford Foundation.John Nuveen, '19, Trustee of the University and the Baptist Theological Union; former chief of ECA for Belgiumand Luxemburg, with the rank of minister.Twelfth Annual Alumni GiftA.NOTHER HIGH POINT of the Alumni DayAssembly was the presentation of the Alumni Gift.Earle Ludgin, '20, chairman of the Alumni Foundation Board, gave the preliminary report at thattime. By mid- August, when the final results werein, it was evident that Mr. Ludgin's optimisticreport of an increase over last year's Gift was anunderstatement. The 1953 Gift not only surpassedlast year's; the increase was larger than that ofany previous year since the annual drive was firstheld in 1942.This year 9,714 alumni contributed $352,913 — anincrease of over 1,700 donors and about $70,000over last year's record of 8,001 donors and $283,-000. Since 1942, when 4,970 gave $51,131, con-tributors have doubled, while the total they gavehas increased seven-fold. The total through annualalumni giving for twelve years is $1,586,000.According to officers of the Foundation, thosemost responsible for the success of the drive werethe 1,388 alumni who canvassed potential donorsby foot, phone, and mail. In 409 cities 1,218 alumniserved as chairmen and committee workers, whilethe balance worked on special drives in New YorkCity, Washington, and Chicago. As a result theUniversity received funds which equal incomefrom a hypothetical endowment of $8,000,000. Thegift continues to be the University 's major sourceof restricted funds. This year alumni, including1,654 first-time donors, contributed 87% of thisvital form of income.In addition to what alumni gave through theAnnual Gift, alumni also presented the Universitywith substantial bequests and capital gifts in theform of endowment. These bequests brought theentire support from alumni — for 1953 — to $933,563.Chairman for next year's Annual Drive willagain be Earle Ludgin, his third year on the job — aprecedent.18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJSookàby Faculty and AlumniCRITICS AND CRITICISM. ANCIENTAND MODERN. By R. S. Crane, W. R.Keast, Richard McKeon, Norman Mac-lean, Elder Olson, and Bernard Weinberg.Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1952.A book like this makes little noise inthe world. The essays were written foran audience of specialists; they are tech-nical studies, most of them previouslypublished in learned journals. But friendsof the University may be glad to knowthat work like this is being done there.In the long run, it may have more togive the life of man than more spec-tacular aspects of Chancellor Hutchins'extraordinary reign.About half the essays, the whole second section of the book, are devoted tostudies in the history of criticism. Fourof these are by McKeon. The earliest,"Literary Criticism and the Concept ofImagination in Antiquity," was first published in 1936, a year after McKeon'sappearance on the Chicago scene. Anepoch-making paper, it not only com-pares and classifìes the leading ancienttheories of literature — in itself a notablecontribution to historical knowledge —but also illustrates a new technique ofcomparative analysis. The approach isradically different from that of A. O.Lovejoy, the model for most recenthistorians of ideas, and in my opinionis much superior to his.In Crane's "English Neo-Classical Criticism," McKeon's tool is turned to aPRE-PUB OFFERCOLUMBIA-VIKING DESKENCYCLOPEDIAOVER 1100 PAGESRegular Edition $7.95; Before Nov. I $6.95Thumb-lndexed $8.95; Before Nov. I $7.95ORDER NOW FROMTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOBOOKSTORE5802 Eìlis Ave., ChicagoWebb-LinnPrinting CompanyCatalogs, PublicationsAdvertising LiteraturePrinters of the Universityof Chicago MagazineA. L. Weber, J.D. #09 L. S. Berlin, B.A. '09A. J. Falick, M.B.A. '51MOnroe 6-2900OCTOBER, 1953 some what different use. Though onlyseventeen pages long, this essay encom-passes ali the phenomena of a most fertile and many-sided criticai period, reducing its bafHing variety to unity andorder and tracing the broad currentsof change within the larger pattern. Itis a marvel of historical synthesis. ElderOlson's paper on Longinus is anotherastonishing performance. The treatiseOn the sublime, a famous but very dif-ficult classic of criticism, is for the firsttime made wholly intelligible by Olson'sanalysis of its argument. Less strikinglyoriginai are the essays in this sectionby Weinberg, Keast, and Maclean, butthese too are solid contributions to thehistory of thought, setting a new standard of interpretive power and precision.A smaller group of essays, five in ali,is concerned with critics of our ownday — I. A. Richards, William Empson,Cleanth Brooks, and others. Their ideasare analyzed, just as in the historicalstudies, in relation to "the methods thatgenerated them and fixed the conditionsof their meaning and validity." But thecontemporary studies are evaluative aswell as interpretive, raising questionsnot only of meaning but of truth andvalue. They are more controversial thanthe purely historical studies, and natu-rally more interesting to the generalreader.In judging ideas, McKeon and his colleagues take a position which they de-scribe as pluralistic. If thought is alwaysconditioned by method, as they contend,the truth or falsity of a thinker's ideascannot be judged apart from the methodby which he reached them. Since different thinkers may employ different methods, their conclusions, though diverse,may be equally valid. Truth is relativeto method, and is not single but plural.At first glance, this methodologicalrelativism may seem to imply thateverybody is right from his own pointof view, that ali ideas are equally true.But pluralism does not leave us withoutgrounds of judgment between true andfalse, between better and worse ideas.In the first place, any method may bewell or poorly used; particular criticsmay therefore be judged by the criteriaappropriate to their own systems.Secondly, methods differ in their scope.Some are comprehensive, permittingtreatment of a given subject in ali itsaspects, while others are one-sided andpartial. An idea may be true in a lim-ited way, yet false if offered as thewhole and only truth. Finally, everymethod has its special powers and limi-tations, its capacities and incapacities;even the broadest are adapted to thesolution of a particular range of problems. A critic's thought can be judged,consequently, by what it is able to do,by its utility for a specifìc purpose: trueideas may be irrelevant, without bearingon the particular questions we wish toresolve. Pluralism is a generous andhospitable philosophy, ready to welcometruth in many guises, but it has its ownexacting standards.Stripped down under this sort ofanalysis, the critics of our day emerge with no great credit. The "new criticism," hailed by many as the finestproduct of a great criticai age, is re-vealed in these reviews as an instrumentof limited scope, incapable of fulfìllingits proud claim to judge poems as worksof art, and often irresponsible even byits own loose standards of validity. Thisverdict, though convincingly demon-strated, is pressed a little too hard.Keast, for example, gives Heilman'sbook on King Lear a really mercilesspounding. His objections are wellfounded, but the guns are too heavy forthe target; after thirty pages of relent-less exposure, one begins to pity thehapless victim. There is something un-pleasant and disturbing, also, in Olson'sessays on Empson and Warren — an arro-gant harshness, a lack of charity, afacility in crying "Fool!" that strikes thereader as too extreme, as unfair andsomehow unseemly. Olson is a hangingjudge. This fault does not alter the jus-tice of his verdict, but it does obscuremost regrettably the true spirit of thepluralistic approach — its generous recep-tivity to a variety of views.The last section of the book includesfour essays of a different sort. Their subject is not criticism but literature; theyare not analyses of other men's thoughtbut originai thinking on literary questions, works of criticism in their ownright. Here the authors abandon thegodlike overview of pluralism, above alimethods, to work within the limitedperspective of a particular criticai mode.The model they choose is Aristotle, buttheir commitment to his method, asCrane says in the introduction, is "strictlypragmatic and nonexclusive." They useit heuristically, as the criticai instrumentbest adapted to resolve a certain rangeof problems.Two of these essays, both by Olson, areconcerned with questions of general literary theory. His "Outline of PoeticTheory," though full of new and provocative ideas, is overcondensed and poorlyproportioned; he tries to say too much,giving but cramped and scanty treatment,in a few pages at the dose, to the mostinteresting part of his subject. He is athis best, however, in the "Dialogue onSymbolism," which floods with new light1$Playwrights Theatre ClubFall, 1953 Sept. 29— Dee. 26Four Plays to Be Chosen Fromthe Following:WlDOWERS HOUSES ShawThe Fields of Malfi. .Shepard*The Dybuk AnskyTwelfth Night ShakespeareThe Doctor in Spiteof Himself MolièreDoctor Knock RomainsPeer Gynt Ibsen?Premiere of a modera adaptation of Web-ster's tragedy.Membership information on request1560 North WHitehallLaSalle Street 3-2272some of the questions most hotly debatedamong twentieth-century critics andtheorists. It is a profound and beautifulessay, with none of the harshness whichspoils his analytical reviews. The essaysby Maclean and Crane, which completethe collection, are criticai studies ofparticular literary works — King Lear andFielding's Tom Jones.Two essays are not enough to proveanything conclusively, but the results arevery promising. Succeeding where the"new critics" fail, Maclean and Olson areable to analyze these masterpieces asaesthetic wholes, revealing the causeswithin each work which determine itsparticular structure and effect, thesources of its beauty and power. If theAristotelian method can do this, it is agreat new thing in twentieth-centurycriticism, which should be welcomed notonly by scholars and critics but byeveryone who cares for literature.Hoyt TrowbridgeUniversity of OregonEugene, OregonJ\eaderà GuideAMERICANFOREIGN POLICYFor those readers who want to bebetter informed about the many andcomplex issues in the conduct ofAmerican foreign policy, Mr. KennethThompson, Assistant Professor (Polit-Caesar, '27, invadesW HEN I TOOK over the cymbolsof the 1927 football band, J. HaroldCaesar was blasting "Wave the Flag"in the front line of this high-steppinggridiron aggregation. For additionaltuition credit, Harold also played theMitchell Tower chimes.After picking up a Master's degreein 1931, musician Caesar disappearedinto the northland.Years later, at an alumni meetingin Muskegon, Michigan, I discoveredhim in that city's school system. Harold had no plans for setting theworld aflame. But he and the familywere helping to bring solid credit tothat Lake city of 125,000.The church, the "Y," CommunityCouncil, and Urban League were someof the media through which Haroldand wife, Goldie, worked for a betterworld, while raising a son and adaughter, Ray and Lois.What American family could betterrepresent America in Oxford, Englandon an exchange of teachers in 1947!Now, to teli this story of under- and ical Science) recommends the fol-lowing recent books:IDEALS AND SELF-INTERESTIN AMERICA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS: The Great Transformation ofthe Twentieth Century. By Robert E.Osgood. University of Chicago Press,1953.This is the first publication of theCenter for the Study of AmericanPolicy under the directorship of HansJ. Morgenthau. As such it is a valu-able and originai contribution tounderstanding our foreign policy ofthe last fifty years. Its historical find-ings are significant in and of themselves but more important are thepenetrating insights on the "great de-bate" respecting ideals and nationalinterest in the conduct of foreignpolicy. Dr.* Osgood concludes thathuman ideals can serve as the gentlecivilizers of foreign policy providedthat policy is securely grounded inthe hard facts of politicai reality.YANKEE DIPLOMACY: U. S. In-tervention in Argentina. By O. Edward Smith Jr. Southern MethodistUniversity Press, 1953.Mr. Smith traces the record ofAmerican foreign policy toward Argentina as revealed in the memoirsof prominent statesman and standarddiplomatic sources. The effect of hisfmdings is to shatter illusions aboutthe positive contribution of an inter-ventionist policy in Latin America.He leaves unanswered certain moregeneral questions regarding success -fui if subtler forms of intervention.However his chief purpose of demon-England, '37misunderstandings, and of the adjust-ments to become good citizens of Oxford, England, Harold has written abook titled: Caesar Invades England(Exposition Press, New York, $3.00).The story is as clever as the title.From the day of departure, when12 jars of Goldie's preserves oozed outof a roped trunk, to the day of return when the British Travel Association lady paid the highest goodwillAmbassador compliment: "But youcannot be from Michigan, you do nottalk like Americans," the 137-pagestory is a lark and a lesson in minoradjustments.At home, Harold is Director ofAdult Education and Assistant Director of the Muskegon CommunityCollege. Last year the Alumni Association brought him back to thequadrangles to be cited as a GoodCitizen. Goldie and family accompa-nied him but she had to share thishonor by reflection — having not beenforesighted enough in her youth toattend Chicago!H.W.M. strating the extreme sensitivity ofLatin nations to intervencionismo isadmìrably fulfìlled.PERON'S ARGENTINA. By GeorgeI. Blanksten. University of ChicagoPress, 1953.Professor Blanksten of Northwestern University deals with the moregeneral problems that Mr. Smith doesnot pretend to consider. He succeedsin explaining the politicai and economie phenomena which as peronismoand justicialismo are indigenous tocontemporary Argentina life. Peron'sattempt to erect a philosophy fallingsomewhere between capitalism andcommunism is described and dis-sected. Blanksten's gift for lucid exposition and politicai perceptionmakes this a most rewarding volume.CONTAINMENT OR LIBERATION? An Inquiry into the Aims ofUnited States Foreign Policy. ByJames Burnham. The John Day Company.A strident attack on the foreignpolicy of containment written by onewho would have us believe the worstabout diplomats and the dilemmas ofthe "cold war." It appears that Mr.Burnham's alternative to containmentis not the alternative of the Eisen-hower administration faced with reality.THE COMMONWEALTH OF MAN:An Inquiry Into Power Politics andWorld Government. By Frederick L.Schuman. Alfred A. Knopf, 1952.In this stimulating and provocativevolume, Professor Schuman concludesthat the historic approaches to inter-national peace and security are in-adequate. Only world governmentwhich he considers in the light ofpower politics ofTers a way out. Thebook is a tour de force in the modemsocial science imposing its methodsand fìndings on the subject matterof international relations. For a criticai review see The University of Chicago Magazine, March (1953), pp. 22-23.BRITAIN AND THE UNITEDSTATES: Problems in Cooperation.A Joint Report Prepared by HenryL. Roberts and Paul A. Wilson.Harper & Brothers, 1953.This is a joint study prepared onboth sides of the Atlantic by scholarsand analysts of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Insti -tute of International Affairs. Fol-lowing discussion and comment onmemoranda and papers sent back andforth, the two groups met for a fiveday conference in the United States.The book is a joint report by Britishand American rapporteurs reflectingthe consensus arrived at through theexchanges and meetings.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE—*** ~ -»*" — =^=-^^Jte****z--£-^sSJb ~,s*rSspzr**'**^?i»»i,'v!M / ~^-^. _. ^^5^,^,What in the world (u are silicones?These astounding chemieals — born of sand and oil— hate water,laugh at heat and cold, and are doing remarkable things for you and industrySilicones are the fabulous offspring of an unusual chem-ical marriage between sand and oil. Sand, the basic materialfor glass, gives silicones some of the best features of glass.Oil, source of many plastics, gives silicones some of the special qualities that have made plastics so useful to ali of us.WIPE ON . . . WIPE OFF — Silicones are the secret of thenew, long-lasting automobile and furniture polishes thatyou simply wipe on and wipe off. Another silicone formsa water-tight bond between tough glass fibers and plasticsthat go into radar domes for airplanes, boat hulls, evenwashing machine parts.WHEN APPLIED TO MASONRY WALLS, silicones are attheir amazing best. A one-way Street for water, they keeprainwater from penetrating, yet let inside moisture out!THEY LAUGH AT HEAT AND COLD- Hcat-resistant silicone insulation protects electric motors at high tempera-tures. Yet silicone insulation on jet piane wiring remainsflexible, even in the brutal cold of the stratosphere. And silicone oils and greases withstand both arctic cold andtropic heat!SILICONES AND THE FUTURE -Even the scientists don'tknow ali the answers about silicones. But they do knowthere is an exciting future ahead for them. The people ofUnion Carbide, who pioneered in many of the special silicones now used by industry, are helping to bring that futurecloser to ali of us.STUDENTS and STUDENT ADVISERS: Learn more about the manyfields in which Union Carbide offers career opportunities. Write forthe free illustrated booklet "Products and Processes" which de-scribes the various activities of UCC in the fields of ALLOYS, Carbons, Chemicals, Gases, and Plastics. Ask for booklet G-2.Union CarbideAND CARBON CORPORATION30 EAST 42ND STREET JHM NEW YORK 17.N.Y.-UCC's Trade-marked Products of Alloys, Carbons, Chemicals, Gases, and Plastics include -LINDE Silicones • DYNEL Textile Fibers • BAKELITE, Krene, and VlNYLITE Plastics • PRESTONE and Trek Anti-FreezesPrest-O-Lite Acetylene • Linde Oxygen • ELECTROMET Alloys and Metals • Haynes Stellite AlloysSynthetic Organic Chemicals • Eveready Flashlights and Batteries • National Carbons • Union Carbide • Pyrofax GasOCTOBER, 1953 211897Andrew B. E. Wyant, DB, accom-panied a check sent in last spring withthis nice note: "I am enclosing a checkfor the Century Club membership fol-lowing the example of Coach AmosAlonzo Stagg as his first football captainin 1893; also in celebration of my 86thbirthday (last May 20)." Mr. Wyantspent last winter in Florida and flew toPalo Alto in the spring with his Chicagodaughter to visit his west coast daughter.1901Henry Bruere, retired New York bank-er and lawyer, was awarded an LL.D.degree from Hobart and William SmithColleges last June. He also delivered thePhi Beta Kappa address at the com-mencement exercises.Bishop Bichard Wright Jr., DB, AM'04, has been appointed presiding bishopof the West Indies and South Americato supervise the A.M.E. churches there. 1902Daniel T. Quigley, MD, is stili in activepractice in Omaha, and was for ten yearspresident of the American College ofSurgeons. He is the author of severalbooks, including The Conquest of Can-cer, Notes on Vitamins and Diets, andThe National Malnutrition. His son isassociate professor of surgery at Harvard Medicai School.1905James Sheldon Biley from Arcadia,Calif ., reports that "although retired fromactive business the past few years, I stilicarry mv share of 'extra-curricular'undertakings, such as directorship onthe Los Angeles Orthopedic Foundationand the Orthopedic Hospital. During thepresent year I also became a director ofthe Arcadia Chapter of the AmericanRed Cross. I do manage to sandwich ina little travel such as a month's sojournin the Hawaiian Island this last spring."1907The Reverend James H. Larson, '07,began his latest job last May of assistingthe churches of New England to financenew edifìces under the direction of theInsti tutional Finance Corporation ofPittsburgh, Pa.In mid-August, when the Paris strikeswere at their worst, we fell to wonder-ing if John and Theo Moulds wereCLASS OF '03 PRESIDENT THOMAS HAIR (CENTERED BACKGROUND) PRESIDESFiftieth AnniversaryThirty-five members of the Class of'03 retumed for the June Reunionand their fiftieth anniversary. Theyreceived fifty-year medallions fromthe Alumni Association at the Emer-itus Luncheon and most of them re-mained for a class reunion in theevening.Thomas Hair, class president, spokeat the luncheon and presided in theevening. Class Secretary Agness Kaufman,who made ali preliminary arrange-ments, published a 19-page ClassNewsletter, and had the program aliset for the day, died suddenly twoweeks before the event.Manv have contributed to the Agness Kaufman memorial librarv bookfund. Send gifts, marked to her mem-ory, to the Alumni Foundation, 5733University Avenue, Chicago 37. Reunion in RetrospectThe Class of 1913 celebrated its40th anniversary last June. OnFriday evening of Reunion Week,16 men had dinner at the University Club.The ali-class Saturdav luncheonwas at the Quadrangle Club underthe direction of Jim Donovan.Over 40 were present. Amongthose coming the longest distance:Helen Magee Marshall, Maryland;Martha Gano Houstoun, Houston;Red Paine, California; and SandySellers from San Antonio.On Sunday, twenty-two acceptedVirginia Hinkins Buzzell's invita -tion to a Paul Bunyan picnic dinner at the Buzzell farm on LakeDelevan, Wisconsin:Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider,Kankakee; Mr. and Mrs. ChesterBell and junior. Neenah, Wisconsin: Dr. Norman Paine. Glendale,California; Olive Paine, LongBeach, California; Ruth Bozell,Indianapolis; Sanford Sellers, SanAntonio; Margaret Greene, Mar-tinsville, Indiana;Mr. and Mrs. Alan Whitney andson, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harris, Winnetka; Mrs. CecileHaydock and sister, Chicago; Mr.and Mrs. Hi Kennicott, Mr. andMrs. Ben Goodman, and Mrs. Hat-tie Parnkopf of Highland Park.They helped gather radishes andonions, fried flap jacks and ham-burgers at the open fireplace andate great quantities of Virfinia'sGlen Eyrie Farm fresh asparagus,rhubarb, frozen strawberries andhome made doughnuts.Assisting the Buzzells were son,Alien, and wife and the threegrandsons.caught in the jam. They had passedthrough Chicago (from their home inClaremont, Calif.) on their happy wayto visit a dozen or so European countries in a two-month's jaunt.In the midst of our concern, whoshould walk into Woodworth's bookstorebut John and Theo, rushing back totheir daughter's wedding in California.Thev were as scintillating as the day oftheir departure; back from a wonderfulsummer and out of Paris just ahead ofstrike-bound France.1909Walter Pietz Morgan has been a loyaland active member of his fraternity sincehis college days when he was the firstpresident of Phi Delta Kappa. He nowbelongs to a field chapter in Macomb,111.1910Daniel Glomset, MD '11, has retiredfrom active medicai practical in DesMoines, Iowa, and he and his wife, AnnaGlerum, have moved to Santa Barbara,Calif.— 2928 Hermosa Road.Irwin Bistine, AM, retired in Decem-ber. 1951, after 33 years in the U. S.Civil Service. He had been with the22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALICE AND ARTHUR BAER (RECEIVING PUNCH) HEADED '18 REUNION PARTYLong week-endThe Class of 1918 meets annually evening at the Quadrangle Club,each June. This year there was a ended Sundav afternoon at the homerecord crowd for the 35th anniver- of Arthur and Alice Baer in Beverlysary. The celebration began Friday Hills.Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Federai Security Agency. He is now a resi-dent of Pasadena, Calif.1911Richard C. Samsel, JD, and his wife,the former Lucy Richmond, '16, havesold their Evanston home, and retiredthis fall to live in their new home inEast Tennessee. Their address is BeanStation, Tenn.Charles V. Stansell, AM, has returnedto his desk at the Kansas City Star aftera three-week visit with his daughter,Betty, and soldier son-in-law Harold L.Baker, who is stationed at Salinas, Calif.Mr. Stansell and his wife also had timeto visit scenic areas in Oregon, Washington, and Vancouver. Mr. Stansell,associate editor of the Kansas City Star,is celebrating his 35th year with thatnewspaper.1912Mabel West Barstow writes that she isserving her fifth year as citv clerk inthe village of South Bay in the heart ofthe winter garden area of the FloridaEverglades. Her husband was killed inthe hurricane of 1948. "This is the 29thyear I have lived at the foot of LakeOkeechobee. In that span I have seenone of the last U. S. frontiers emergefrom very primitive conditions to athriving agricultural, cattle country,sugar bowl of Florida and a businesseconomy with modem homes and transporta tion."Since attending my class reunion(June, '52) I have been fortunate enoughto contact several class-mates with whomI had lost contact. I recently called onMrs. Charles Shulz (Marjorie Preston,'12) at her home in St. Petersburg, whomI had not seen in 40 years."OCTOBER, 1953 1913Anna Moffett Jarvis reports that theJarvises are on the move again aroundthe world, "getting back nearer to theirold haunts in the Far East."1915Emma Clark O'Halloran reports thearrivai of her third grandchild, ThomasClark Durling in the home of Bradley'47 and Patricia O'Halloran, '49, Durling.Bradley is Michigan State Fisheries Su-pervisor, located at L'Anse, Michigan.Arthur Harry Cooke, AM, is ministerof the Pilgrim Memorial CongregationalChurch in Jamestown, N. Y.Edward Z. Eowell, AM '16, PhD '22,retired last June after 32 years in theDerjartment of Speech at the Universityof California, Berkeley.Cari W. Ullman, president and director of the Youngstown, Ohio, Dollar Sav-ings and Trust Co., received an honorarydegree from Youngstown College lastJune. Cari is treasurer and trustee ofthe College. This is only one of hisnumerous civic activities in Youngstown.1916John W. Elliott, AM, pastor of theCentral Baptist Church, Westerly, R. I.,dedicated a $400,000 church building lastspring.1917Leoline Gardner and her husband, Mr.Harry W. Kroll, have piled up 16 yearsas residents of Rockford, DI., where Mr.Kroll is assistant principal at East SeniorHigh School.A lively note from Rosalind KeatingShaffer speaks for itself. "There wasbedlam in the publicity department at Paramount (where Mrs. Shaffer works).One harassed theatre man looked up atme and said, 'How do you keep so coolwhen ali hell's a poppin? 'Age,' I said,touching my white tresses. 'Age, thatbrings the philosophic mind. Life is stilifun'." The Shaffers have a second grand-son. red-headed Arthur De Mille, whois almost two years old.Rose Nath Desser went to Europe withDr. Desser last soring to attend theInternational College of Surgeon's Con-gress in Rome. They traveled extensive-ly in Italy and Soain.Patricia Parmelee admits she has fallenfor the charms of Southern California."Having rounded out a dozen years inBoston the staff of the International In-stitute there, I took a long hop fromcoast to coast and am now on the staffof the Los Angeles Institute. The prox-imity of mountains, sea, desert, andorange groves is beyond a doubt en-chanting."1918Eleanor Booker, SM '30, was marriedon November 7, 1952, to Mr. James Warner, a Professor of English at MiamiUniversity, Coral Gables, Fla. Her firsthusband, James Bowsher, died August12, 1950.1920Frederick A. G. Cowper, PhD, hasspent his first year of retirement onresearch projects. He went to France inthe summer of '52, and has served thispast year as chairman of the Comoara-tive Literature Section of the South Atlantic Modem Laneuage Association.His wife, the former Mary O. Thompson,is stili at her job as director of theDurham (N. C.) nursery school.1921Leverett S. Lyon, PhD. chief executiveofficer of the Chicago Association ofCommerce and Industry. was presentedwith an honorary degree of Doctor ofCHARLES J. MERRIAM, '22, JD '2523LEPT) CHAIRED 25th REUNION OF '28KENNETH ROUSE (HOLDING GLASSES,Jackpot reunionWith a smart committee under thedirection of Kenneth Rouse. Classpresident, 1928 had a bang-up Junereunion with some 130 m-esent.Al Widdifield, Advertising and SalesPromotion Manager of the SunbeamCorporation, arrived lugging *someimpressive packages. They turnedout to bè prizes for:1. The most children: Jack CusackHumane Letters from Beloit College lastJune.Merle P. Lyon, JD, is chief trial attorney for the Veterans Administrationin Washington, D. C.1922Charles J. Merriam, JD '25, since 1937a partner in the law firm of Schroeder,Merriam, Hofgren and Brady, has beenelected a director of Spring PackingCorp., Chicago, nationally known for industriai protective coatings, pressure-sensitive tapes, and many railroadspecialties.1923Frances A. Mullen, AM '27, PhD '39,has been elected assistant superintendent (6), a Shavemaster;2. The most grandchildren, Kenand Helen Rouse (1!), a baby bottlewarmer;3. The least hair. Dr. Prohaska. whobeat out classmate Heitmann for anelectric hedee trimmer;4. The longest distance, Ester A.Anderson from Washington. D. C. fora Mixmaster.of schools in charge of special educationfor the Chicago public schools.1924Looks as though California has scoredanother victory. Claire S. Breretonmoved to Pasadena last March "whichputs me within three miles of my officeand gives me a beautiful close-up viewof the Sierra Madre Mountains. Thelights on top Mt. Wilson twinkle almostdue north of our front porch."1925Martha Gose Wright sends news ofher prize-winning family. At a YouthTalent Show in Lansing, Mich., her14-year old Paul won a first place withhis carved 10-foot totem pole, whileMarjorie, the fourth and youngest member of the family, won a first place withher poetry. In each case that meant ablue ribbon and ten dollars. Mrs. Wrightis doing some tutoring in German inaddition to her family responsibilities.Edith Nelson was married on June 8to Mr. Fred C. Lorrien. Their home isin Arnolds Park, Iowa.1926Vera L. Smith, a resident of Home-wood, IH., writes that her firm, FieldEnterprises, Inc., has moved into newoffices in the Merchandise Mart. "Hiringadditional secretaries for our rapidly ex-panding business has really been a breezewith our glamorous new offices to display. My most recent project has beena group indoctrination program, which isthe nearest I have come to being a teacher since I completed my practiceteaching course at the U. of C."Rollili A. Stearns, AM '36, reports thathis daughter, Kathryn, is a student inthe College of the University of Chicago.1927Paul Leffmann, JD '30, and LawrenceLewy, '34, JD '36, have joined forces toopen a law office at 1 N. La Salle, inChicago.Matthew Lewison, MD '32, is now onthe attending staff of Cook County Hospital and Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago.Arnold Lieberman, MD, PhD '31, isChief of Medicine at the VA Hospital inNorthport, Long Island. He reports thathis daughter, Mary Ellen, was headedfor the University of Chicago as a fresh-man this fall.Alice McKim Walker, AM, is withWolf and Co., certified public account-ants. in Chicago.Edith A. Stevens retired from herposition at Macalester College in St.Paul, Mimi., as Professor of ElementaryEducation and Principal of Miss Wood'sSchool, which was merged with Macalester College four years ago. MissStevens is now a resident of Northfield,Minn. "Am stili hoping to return to areunion sometime."1929EUen Hartman McClellan reports onthe progress of her three children: their16-vear old son, Bob, completed his firstyear of the College last year and "en-joyed it very much." Daughter Linda,13, started high school this fall, andPaul, 7, is tagging along in second grade.Sophia Malenski Hill has threegrowing-up children, ages 12, 10, and 7,in Gary, Ind. She has been cutting downon her civic and volunteer activities thispast year in order to help fili the needfor substitute teachers in Gary.Marvin R. Schafer, PhD, is seniorclinical psychologist with the CaliforniaDepartment of Corrections. "I'm working on a new project looking forward toa more satisfactory procedure in thetreatment of law breakers, especiallysex violatore."1930Harry P. Hartkemeier, PhD, Professorof Statistics and Director of the Statis-tics Laboratory at the University ofMissouri, has been awarded a Fulbrightgrant for a year of travel and lecturingin Europe and the Middle East. He willbe affiliated with the University ofBaghdad in Iraq where a freshmancourse in statistics will be inauguratedwith Dr. Hartkemeier's advice. He taughteconomie statistics at the University ofChicago in 1929 and has been a lecturerin statistics at the School of Business.Lucilie Hoerr Charles has received aresearch grant from Bollingen Foundation of New York City for a year's studyat C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switz-erland. She has a year's leave of absencefrom East Carolina College where sheis Associate Professor of Drama andSpeech.1931C. Clifton Aird, SM, is teaching at theDr. Van Del iliThe Alumni office has receivednews that Dr. Dwierht Van Del, '22,MD '25, a Kansas City, Mo., phy-sician, has been quite ili for sev-eral months. We know it wouldmean a lot to him to receive newsfrom his friends. You can drophim a Une at Menorah Hospital,4949 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City,Mo. A friend, and fellow-alumnus,Dr. Léonard Walker, '43 is on thestaff at Menorah, and has writtenin to say, "Van Del brightens upwhen we talk about our AlmaMater."24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPearson for PresidentThe new president of the University of Miami, Coral Gables,Fla., is Jay F. W. Pearson. PhD '32,who assumed the post last spring.Dr. Pearson was appointed Professor of Zoology at the University of Miami in 1933. He hasserved there in various adminis-trative posts. He took two yearsout for military service from 1942to 1944 and returned to the southern institution as Dean of theFaculty. In 1947 he was madevice-president. He was Presidentof the Florida Association of Colleges and Universities in 1948, andserved as president of the FloridaAcademy of Science for a term in1941-42.State Teachers College in Mankato,Minn. He joined the faculty there thispast summer quarter.Donald Dalton's daughter, SylviaElaine, was married last May 9 to Howard R. Searight, a senior at the University of Illinois Medicai School.1932Robert C. Klove, SM '37, PhD '42,writes that his little girl, Kathryn Patricia, celebrated her first birthday onJulv 15.John Tieman is in the sales depart-ment of the Pacific Cotton Goods Co.,in San Francisco.Fay Weinberg (Mrs. Irving Coleman)is psychiatric case coordinator at theCollege of Pacific Clinics and is alsoserving her second year on the executive committee of the Governor's Commission for Children and Youth.E. Oriole Wisner, AM, received herdoctorate from Harvard University atthe mid-winter convocation. Her dis-sertation was entitled, "An Attempt toIdentify Non-Academic Factors Usefulin Academic Prognosis."1933Ruth, Oliver, AM '46, is teaching psy-chology at Chicago Teachers College.There are three "live wires" in theJames F. Regan household in Glendale,lai. ìibl. «MO » T P.NS5487 LAKE PARK AVE.CHICAGO, ILLINOISZfor r^tìenalions Cali .BUtterpield 8-4960 THOMAS COULTER, AM '35Calif. Billy is 7, Nancy is 5, and Norais 2. They manage to keep their mother,Elva Hcnicksman, '32, busy while Jimis practicing surgery in Los Angeles.1934Herman J. DeKoven, JD '36, has re-signed as general attorney of the Chicago Office of the National Labor Relations Board and is now engaged in thepractice of law in Chicago.William W. Farley, IH, SM, is nowliving in Palo Alto, Calif., and is associateci with the Syl vania Electric Products, Inc., in Mountain View.Mary Ellison Cliver is engaged infree-lance writing and public relationswork in Chicago. She and her husband,Paul, '34, have two daughters, ages 13and 8.1935Thomas Coulter, AM, president of theAmerican Bildrok Co., has been electedto the board of directors of ChicagoChapter of the American Red Cross.Coulter is also vice-president of theSales Executive Club of Chicago and amember of the Chicago Crime Commission. In his new job he will help directaffairs for the largest Red Cross Chapterin the world.It was a small scale Chicago reunionas well as a family affair when DanielGlomset, MD '38, visited his parents, Dr.Daniel J. Glomset, '10, MD '11, and Mrs.Glomset (Anna Glerum, '10), in SantaBarbara, Calif., last August. The youngerdoctor was taking a well-earned month-long rest from his busy medicai practicein Des Moines, Iowa. With him on thetrip were his wife and three children,Arthur, 12, Carol, 11, and Leif, 6.During their trip to California theGlomsets took time to visit Brice andZion Canyons in Utah, the Black Hillsof South Dakota, Yellowstone NationalPark and Lake Tahoe.Lewis F. Stieg, PhD, director of theSchool of Library Science at the University of Southern California, has beenawarded a Fulbright grant for a year'slectureship at the University of thePhilippines in Manila. He will also con duct a survey of library services in theIslands.1936Charles B. Baker, JD, '38, vice-president and general attorney of theUniversal Atlas Cement Co., New York,has been elected executive vice-president.Herbert Brown, PhD, '38, was namedlast spring the recipient of the HarrisonHowe lectureship » by the Rochester,N. Y., section of the American ChemicalSociety.Garrett J. Hardin, Associate Professorof Biology at Santa Barbara College hasserved this past spring as one of fivemembers of a committee apoointed torevise the Graduate Record Examina-tion in biology.Harriet Hudson, AM, PhD '50. hasaccepted a job as academic dean withrank of professor at Randoroh-MaconWoman's College, Lynchburg, Va.( Advertisement)THE GREAT GATSBYcould afford to pay $6, $7, $8, $9, andmore for vitamins. Can you? We havedeveloped a system of distributing vitamins by mail order only which will saveyou up to 50%. Eliminate the commis-sions of 4 or 5 middlemen. 20 elementformula with ALL vitamins and mineralsfor which need has been established.plus 6 others. 100 capsules — $3.15. We payali postage in continental United States.Write today for free literature:SPRINGER & DASHNAU(U. of Chicago, AB '51, AM '52)3125 Miller St., Dept. A, Phila. 34, Pa.Telephone KEnwood 6-1352J. E. KIDWELL fw~826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago 15, IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELLT. A. REHNQUIST CO.vovest. i»2?CONCRETEFLOORS — SIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATIONSINDUSTRIA!. FLOORINGEMERGENCY REPAIR WORKCONCRETE BREAKINGWATERPROOFINGINSIDE WALLS6639 S. Vernon AvenueNOrmal 7-0433OCTOBER, 1953 25John R. Richards, PhD, has acceptedthe position of vice-chancellor of theOregon System of Higher Education.He will also serve as secretary of theboard. His offices will be in Eugene,Ore.Last spring, Morris Wardell, PhD, waspresented the "Distinguished ServiceCitation" by the University of OklahomaAlumni Association for "special contri-butions to the advancement of the stateand society."1937Lt. Col. Robert W. Augustine, MD, isan orthopedic surgeon at the MaxwellAir Force Base Hospital in Montgomery,Ala.Catherine B. Cleary is an assistantU. S. treasurer in Washington. D. C.Allan B. Cole, AM, PhD '40, has beenin Tokyo, Japan, for one year, doingresearch, and plans to remain for onemore year.Joseph Post, MD, is Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at New YorkUniversity, College of Medicine. Hispractice is in internai medicine and gas-troenterology and he is doing researchin diseases of the liver. He has two sons,David, 4. and Thomas, 1.Helen Shiffman Harshbarger of Plain-field, 111., was elected vice-president ofthe Illinois State division of the American Association of University Womenat the Peoria Convention last spring.1938Charlotte Babcock, MD, has moved toPittsburgh, Pa., where she is with theWestern Psychiatric Institute and Clinic.Emma Dum, SM (Mrs. Miles Stanton)reports that she has stopped teachingcollege students to concentrate on themuch harder job of raising four rapidlygrowing youngsters: Tommy, 6; Paul,4%; Charlotte, l1^; and Miles, 3 months.Gordon Freese accepted the positionof comptroller of Stephens College inJury. He had previously directed amanagement and organization survey ofthe school. The Freeses have four children.A note from Phyllis Greene Mattingly attests that her interests and energiesare undiminished: "I've begun a newfeature— I'm 'Colleen of the KCOL (Ft.Collins, Colo.) Coffee Club' on the airthirty minutes daily. It's a woman'sshow with six sponsors and I love doingit. I continue to welcome newcomersfor 25 of our merchants and mother mytwo boys, ages four and one. Husband'Mat' is traveling the U. S. selling hisHeath Engineering products of his owndesign, and is proving that small business in America can be profitable."Vera Miller, AM '40, PhD '47 (Mrs.Nathaniel Shapiro) continues in herwork as research associate for the Amal-gamated Clothing Workers of America.The Shapiro's daughter, Amy Louise,was a year old last May 9.Ithiel Pool, AM '39, PhD '52, is teaching at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology.1939James Glasgow, PhD, served as ActingHead of the Geography Department atthe University of Hawaii last year.Theodore K. Gleichman is busy withthe practice of internai medicine at theUniversity Park Medicai Clinic in Denver. The Gleichman's have three children: Ted, 6; Pete, 4; and Leslie, 3. "Ispend ali my free time in the mountains,-skiing in the winter and fishing in thesummer," Ted writes.Waldo H. Kliever, PhD, has joinedClevite-Brush Development Co., inCleveland às vice-president and directorof instrument development.William B. Neal, MD '41, is now chiefof the Department of Surgery at theVA Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama,and an assistant professor of surgery atthe University of Alabama.1940Edward B. Bates has been appointeda general agent for the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company in the LosAngeles area.Frederic A. dePeyster, MD, is associateattending surgeon at Cook County Hospital in Chicago and assistant attendingsurgeon at Presbyterian Hospital.Betty Lou Lindberg (Mrs. William Hix) writes from Miami, Fla., that she'shad a very happy year taking care ofLinda Lou Hix, a "blond, blue-eyedmischievous darling" who celebrated herfirst birthday on August 25. "I hope shetakes after her Daddy's side of thefamily and grows up a real Southernbelle with a soft Georgia accent."Robert S. Miner received his MS fromPolvtechnic Institute in Brooklyn lastJune and has embarked on a two-yearcourse of study for his PhD in Chem-istry at Princeton.Nancy Jean Baker was born January21, 1953, to Dr. and Mrs. Albert Baker(Miriam Schafmyer) of Mount Morris,111.Emily Scherer Jackson sends a progress report of her two daughters whowere both premature babies. Edith whowas 2 pounds 10 ounces at birth, is nowa healthy husky four-year-old, and herbaby sister, Patricia, who weighed in at4 pounds 4 ounces celebrated her firstbirthday on September 12 with poundsto spare.Frances L. Spain, AM, PhD '44, re-signed in August from her position asassistant director, School of LibraryScience at the University of SouthernCalifornia to become supervisor of workwith children of the New York PublicLibrary.Florence Tabakin Meyers reports thatlast February Donald Carey joined hisbrother, Stanley, in making the Meyersfamily a foursome.1941Susan Jane was born at ChicagoLying-In Hospital last May 17, the secondchild of Dr. and Mrs. William J. Hand,MD, '43.1942Arthur Bloomfìeld, PhD, was in Indo-china for a month last spring as aneconomist with a team sent to evaluateUnited States militarv and economie aidto that area.John Donnelly, MD '46, is a physicianat the Eastern New Mexico MemorialHospital in Melrose, New Mexico.Edwin G. Eby, MD, is a lieutenantj.g.in the Navy medicai corps.Webb, AM, PhD '50, and Peggy (Zim-How Much Do You Want To Earn?Opportunities for an outstanding and successful career as a representative ofthe Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, one of the ten top-ranking lifeinsurance companies in North America, are now open to alert, ambitious menof personality and character, ages 25 to 40. The Sun Life, established in 1865,invites you to give serious consideration to the excellent prospeets offered bythis professional career of public service.• Expert training • Immediate income with commission and bonuses •• Generous hospitalization and retirement plans •The Branch Manager of the Sun Life office serving your territory will giadly discuss with you the advantages of aSun Life sales career. For a complete list of the Company' s 100 branches in the United States and Canada, write theHead Office, 218 Sun Life Building, Montreal.26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmer) '43 Fiser have a baby daughter,Deborah Ann, born June 19, 1953. TheFisers are living in Syracuse, N. Y.,where Webb is on the faculty of theMaxwell School of Citizenship at Syracuse University.A brief note from Sumner Fredd inCambridge, Mass., noted that he completed his military service last spring.David H. Heller, SM, PhD '52, is teaching at Chicago Teachers College.Michael H. Jameson, PhD '49, joinedthe faculty of the University of Penn-svlvania in August as assistant professorof classical studies. He was immediatelygranted a year's leave of absence inorder to go to Oxford University on aFord Faculty scholarship. At Oxford hewill be studying at the Institute ofSocial Anthronology, his interest center-ing on the relationship of anthropologyand the classics.Bernice Levenfeld Yeracaris' daughter was a year old on July 5.Richard Logsdon, PhD, has been nameddirector of the libraries of ColumbiaUniversity. He had served since 1949as associate director.Donald A. Petrie, JD '47, has been ad-mitted to membership in the Chicagolaw firm of D'Ancona, Pflaum. Wyatt &Riskind.Robert Thorburn and his wife, the former Jean Hopkins, are residents of PaloAlto, Calif. Bob is a health phvsicist inSan Francisco.1943Joan Augustus, now Mrs. Porter Dix,celebrated her first wedding anniversaryin September. Her husband is a Purduegraduate, while Joan hails from an aliU. of C. family: father Joseph J. Augustus, JD '17; her mother is the formerLouise Magee and then there is sisterHarriet, '41, (Mrs. Frederick Swanson,Jr.)Ronald E. Cramer is president of Chicago's Junior Association of Commerceand Industry for 1953-54. He is an investment manager for the Allstate Insurance Co., in Chicago. He lives withhis wife and three children in BeverlyHills.It's two boys now in the Murrav Ellishousehold in Dorchester. Mass. RichardSteven was six years old in May, andhis baby brother, Ronald Wayne, wasborn last February 12.Granville Fisher, AM '46, PhD '49 hasbeen Chairman of the Department ofPsvchology since 1948. He reports theaddition of two more U. of C. alums onhis staff: Cari D. Williams, AM '50, PhD'51, and Raymond Hartley, PhD '52.William Lyon is in the field of elec-tronic guidance at the White SandsProving Grounds in Las Cruces, N. M.,and is also serving as a planning special-Were you there?Three families of the Class of1943 got together a few weeksbefore the June Reunion andplanned a blitz campaign for atenth reunion: a cocktail party atthe Del Prado. The families:George and Janet.Drake; Bob andMary Stierer; John and ShirleyAngelo. The reunion: nearly 75and a hilarious time. ¦>$&BROOKS BROTHERS7 OWN MAKEREADY-MADE CLOTHINGits distinctiveness is apparent at a glanceThis season, as in every one since 1818, thestyling, quality and good taste of Brooks Brothersown make ready-made suits, sport jackets, top-coats and other clothing are recognized at aglance. That is because we carefully control everystep in the making-— from the choice of fine ma-terials (many exclusive with us) to the finalhand-detailing. We invite you to see our FallselectionSj which we consider the most interesting we have ever offered.Our Own Make Ready-Made Suits,frotn $95Sport Jacketsy $75 to $85 • Topcoats, jrom $105ESTABLISHED1818|0en* ! ùrnishinga, fjats 3r $hoes346 MADISON AVENUE, COR. 44TH ST., NEW YORK 17, N. Y.BOSTON • CHICAGO • LOS ANGELES • SAN FRANCISCOOCTOBER, 1953 27LA TOURAINECoffee and TeaLa Touraine Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave., ChicagoOther PlantsBoston — New York — Philadelphia —Syracuse — Cleveland — Detroit"You Mighi At Well Have The Beli"Phones OAkland 4-0690—4-0691—4-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park AwningINC. Co.Awningt and Canopies for Ali Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueBOYDSTON BROS., INCoperatingAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficiai Ambulance Service forThe University of ChicagoOAkland 4-0492Trained and licensed attendantsW. B. Conkey Co.Division ofRand M?Nally& CompanyCHICAGO • HAMMOND • NEW YORKSince 1885ALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best in placement service for University,College, Secondary and Elementary. Nationwide patronage. Cali or write us at25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, III.TREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Direct Factory DealerforCHRYSLER and PLYMOUTHNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMUseum 4-4500AlsoGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete Automobile Reperir,Body, Paint, Simonize, Washand Greasing Departments RONALD E. CRAMER, '43ist in guided missiles. He adds, "Thereare some excellent opportunities herefor he's and she's both."1944Arthur ('43) and Marjorie MattmillerBenolken have recently moved to Chicago from Omaha, Neb., although Arthurwill stili commute between the two cities-in a business capacity. He has justjoined the staff of Tempo Inc., advertising firm in Chicago. The Benolkens aremaking their home in St. Charles. 111.WAC Captain Portia Inmon joined thevisitors bureau staff of the U. S. Army,Pacific headquarters, at Fort Shafter,Hawaii, last June. She arrived in Hawaiifrom Fort Lee, Va., where she was as-signed to the 2004th Army Service Unit.Albert, PhD, and Sylvia Cohn Levyhave a third child, their second son —Robert Alan, born May 12. 1953.Phyllis E. Savidge of Omaha, Nebr.,has recently been promoted to businessoffice supervisor and area instructor forthe Northeastern Telephone Co., whereshe has been employed for the pasteight years. Before assuming her newduties, which cali for inspection trips toali major cities in Nebraska and SouthReport on IndiaDonald Ebright, PhD '44, secretary of the Audio-Visual AidsCommittee of the National Christian Council of India, has returnedto his headquarters in Lucknowafter a stateside furlough. Muchof his home stay was spent inwriting a report on India, to bepublished this fall bv Didier under the title, Riots, Refugees, Re-lief and Rehabilitation in FreeIndia.Dr. Ebright has had first-handexperience with these variousproblems in India and uses themto analyze some of the perplexingquestions facing India today. Dakota, she plans to take a three-weeksvacation in the Ozarks.Susannc Saxl, MBA '48, was marriedlast May 17 to Mr. Howard Allan. Thecouple lives in New York City. Sue ismarket research operations superintend-ent at Foote, Cone and Belding.Marianne Yampolsky has been spend-ing much of her time in recent years inMexico where she has been workingclosely with Mexican artists. Her photo-graphs and engravings have appeared ingalleries in Mexico and Europe. Herlinoleum and woodcut engravings havegiven her a name as a top-notch artistof the Mexican school.1945David Carson, a clinical psychologist.is doing vocational rehabilitation workat the Austin (Texas) State Hospitalfor the Texas Education Agency.Burton Gorman has been named headof the education department and professor of education at DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.Paul S. Russell, Jr., MD '47, returnedto the Massachusetts General Hospitalin Boston in July for post-graduate sur-gical training after completing his tourof medicai service with the Army AirForce. He attained the rank of Captain.1946Joseph King, Jr. PhD, has moved toTucson, Ariz., where he is with Industria^ Psychology, Inc., Research Center.Elizabeth Sehmann Pravatiner reportsthat there is a potential alumnus in theirfamily. Son Mitchell Alden was a yearold on July 14.1947Emery Beres, MBA, was married lastJanuary 10 to the former Charlene Wilson. In May he was elected secretary-treasurer of the Northern Indiana Chapter of the Indiana Association ofCertified Public Accountants.Herbert Gans, AM, '50, has been working as a city planner sinoe leaving theUniversity. He is now in Washington,D. C, where he is with the Division ofSlum Clearance and Urban Redevelop-ment of the Housing and Home FinanceAgency. In his spare time he writessociological articles, and has publishedin Commentary, Phylon, the Journal ofthe American Institute of Planners andthe Chicago Jewish Forum.Aron Ganz, PhD '50, has bought ahome in Memphis, Tenn., to make roomfor their baby girl, Sara Lynn, bornMarch 19.Ellis Horvitz was awarded his LL.B.from the Stanford Law School in 1951.Since that time he-has spent 18 monthsas research attorney on the Staff of ChiefJustice Gibson of the California SupremeCourt and is currently employed on thelegai staff of the San Francisco office ofthe Atomic Energy Commission.Joseph Ingraham, SM, PhD '50, of Chicago, has a son, Loring Joseph, born lastFebruary 25 in Lying-In Hospital.Bernard S. Kaplan, JD '50 and MissJean S. Woolpy were married on June28 in Chicago.Harry G. Kroll, MD '50, has comnletedhis second year as a fellow in the orthopedic department at the Mayo Clinic.The Krolls have a daughter, Linda Caro-lyn.Lt. William Leiter is serving as assist-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEARLE L. LUDGIN, '48ant base staff judge advocate at SmokyHill Air Force Base, Salina. Kans. Hewas graduated from Stanford Universityin 1951 with the degree of Bachelor ofLaw and was admitted to law practicein California. He has been performingmilitary legai duties since March, 1952.Sherwood Miller, MD, is a psychiatristwith the 40th Army Division, afterspending two months in Seoul at theEighth Army Neuropsychiatric Treatment Center.Robert J. Minges, AM '49, is workingwith the Point 4 program in Iran, direct-ing a community development project inthe villages. His Iranian counterpart, asociologist, is the former Miss MariamDargahi, who became his wife lastMarch.John C. Pine, AM, is completing workfor his doctorate in history at the University of Colorado.Lewis R. Simmons is teaching at theFroebel School in Gary, Ind.Bernard A. Weisberger, AM, PhD '50,has the happy satisfaction of seeing hisPhD dissertation, in revised form, turninto a book, Reporters for the Union,published by Little, Brown & Co., lastspring.1948Fred and Doris Cooper, '50, Berghoeferhave a baby girl, Diane Eileen, bornMarch 1, 1953. Their home is in Newton,Mass.Richard Boone is a sociologist at theIllinois State Reformatory in Sheridan.News comes from Keith Chave SM '51,PhD '52 in Whittier, Calif., that he andhis wife, Jan, have a new son, AlanDana, born May 12, 1953.Imre Frank, MBA '51, is working atSpiegel, Inc., in Chicago as a marketanalyst in the merchandise budgets department. He analyzes buying expensesand freight expenditures of buyers.Patricia Murphy Kilpatrick writes thather husband, Robert Kilpatrick, JD wasrecalled to active duty in the MarineAir Corps in November, '52, and expeetsto be released in Aprii of '54. A son,Robert, Jr., was born last January tojoin Katie, their three-year old daughterEarle L. Ludgin, a copv writer for theFoote, Cone & Belding Advertisingagency, is a new director of Chicago's Junior Association of Commerce & Industry. Earle is following in the familytradition of civic mindedriess. He was active in the Jaycee's Dollars for Decencyproject which netted $100,000 to beginthe Work of the Citizens of GreaterChicago.Major G. Stanley Parsloe, Jr., is liaison officer for the Northeast Air Com-mand, stationed at Camp Kilmer, N. JPrevious to that he had spent six monthsat frigid Thule Air Base in Greenland,¦after being recalled to active duty in1951.Dorothy A. Petersen, B.L.S., is at theUniversity of Paris this year on a Fulbright award to study Romance bibliog-raphy.John C. Watt writes from Alturas,Calif., that his wife is having to learnto live alone and like it while he spendssix days a week as camp superintendentfor an 80-man camp doing a reforesta-tion job in the wake of severe fires inthe California forests.Mary Zinn Poplett is public informa-tion officer for the Gold Star WivesService Foundation in Chicago, doingpublic relations and fund-raising work.1949Arnold Anderson, MBA '51, is employed as an industriai engineer at theInland Steel Co.Charles R. Bacon, MD, reported toFort Sam Houston in San Antonio inJuly for military service, after completing three years as surgical residentin the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.He and his wife have a daughter, Katherine Anne, born March 1, 1953.William M. Clark, Jr.. MD was dis-charged from the ti. S. Air Force inJune and is now a resident in pediatricsat the University of Oregon.Theodore S. Cline, AM, is a cost esti-mator with the Robert Gair Co., in Elk-hart, Ind.Sheldon Colien, JD, and his partner,Seymour Simon, have a law practice at39 S. La Salle, Chicago.Norman Graebner, PhD, returned toIowa State College in June where heis an associate professor of history afterserving last year as visiting associateprofessor at Stanford.Frederic Grunfeld is continuine withhis music commentary program, "MusicMagazine" nightly on WQXR in NewYork. He and his wife, Dorothy Gregory Grunfeld, '47, and their year-oldson live on Long Island.E. Donald Kaye is assigned in Washington, D. C, after completing SignalCorps O.C.S. He and his wife, the former Janet Benson, '48 are comfortablysettled in Alexandria, Va.Ralph Romberg reports these barefaets about his doings this past year:he has been discharged from the Army,married (Nov., '52) and moved to NewYork.Mary Shuler became Mrs. James B.Le Febre last January 24. She is apublic health nurse in Torrington, Conn.1950Daniel Bergman, AM, is now managerof Territorial Surveys, in Honolulu. Before his present assignment he workedwith the parent organization in Portland, Ore., and in San Francisco. Hewas also associated with Market Facts,Inc., in Chicago.Since graduation, Donald L. Berry, AJAX WASTE PAPER CO.1001 W. North Ave.Buyers of Waste Paper500 pounds or moreScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CaliMr. B. Shedroff, LA 2-8354BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDED1NSUREDQUALfflED WELDERSHAymarkot 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave.. ChicagoGolden Dirilyte(formerly Dirigold)Complete sets and open stockFINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Royal Crown Derby, Spode andOther Famous Malces of Fine China. AlsoCrystal, Table Linen and Gifts.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDirigo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4, III.Telephone HAymarlcet 1-3120E. A. AARON & BROS., Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributori ofCEDERGREEN FROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water Market.ncfiirwcf ih fitcraicm modbcts'lewwd,BLECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.OlttNISWS, Mlmlinunii «|d illuni 01ELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Hslsted St. - ENglewood 4-7500OCTOBER, 1953POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven Typewriting MTmeographingMultigrapning AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighesf Quality Service Minimum PricesAli Phones: 219 W. Chicago AvenueMI 2-8883 Chicago IO, IllinoisPHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET-LITHOGRAPHYFine Color Work a SpecialtyQuality Book Reproduction731 Plymouth CourtWAbash 2-8182Platers - SilversmithsSince 1917GOLD, SILVER, RHODIUMSILVERWARERepaired, Refi ni shed, RelaequeredSWARTZ & COMPANYIO S. Wabash Ava. CEntral 4-40W-90 ChicagoA. T. STEWART LUMBER CO.Quality and ServiceSince 188879th Street at Greenwood Ave.AH Phones Vincenti** 6-°000LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERHI^HEST RATEO IN UNITEP STATESEN^RAVERS MSINCE 1906 I+ WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES 4+ ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED +? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE ? !7RAYNER^' DALHEIM fxCO2801 W. 47TH ST , CHICAGO. DB has been serving as pastor of theTempie Congregational Church in Marion, Ind. For the past year he has alsobeen Moderator of the Northern IndianaAssociation of Congregational Churches.Pvt. Joseph Cowan was graduated withhonors from the U. S. Army's EngineerSchool at Fort Belvoir, Va., last spring,and also received a certificate of achieve-ment from the commandant of the schoolupon his completion of the 12-weekengineer Storage course.Herbert Garfinkel, AM, is now an assistant professor of government at Dart-mouth College.Andrew Kende was awarded a graduate research fellowship in chemistry atHarvard University for the academicyear 1953-54.Robert Runde, AM, started a new joblast Aprii as Chicago Area AdmissionsCounselor for Ripon College in Wisconsin. Previously he was associate director of Howell Nejlghborhood House inChicago.Jane E. Sommer, AM, was married onJuly 5 to Arthur Kent Mason.Joseph U. Streeter, MBA, has movedto Calgary, Canada, where he is generalmanager of Cleary- Streeter Oil Management, Ltd.1951James R. Calvin was admitted to theIndiana University School of Medicinethis fall.Clyde 1^1. Case is now assigned to theU. S. Naval Auxiliary Air Station, Whit-ing Field; Milton, FÌa., where he is engaged in primary flight training.Peter Dukas, MBA, requests that hisclassmates be advised that he may bereached by writing to Mid-City Enterprises, 550 Ninth Ave., N. Y. PortAuthority Bus Terminal, N.Y.C.Jean E. Heller, AM, is now in Stuttgart, Germany, where she is a recrea-tional director with the U. S. Army.David E. Honnold was named winnerof the $1,500 top North Dakota stateaward in the General Motors BetterHighways Awards contest. David is nowenrolled in the University of Oklahomain a petroleum engineering course, "andwill this prize money ever help," heremarks about his windfall.1952Bom Mo Chung, AM, is head of thepsychology department at the Collegeof Education, Seoul National University.He was married last March 27 to MissChun-Gil Choo, who is also teachingat the University.June Drinkwater is at the CaliforniaSchool of Fine Arts in San Franciscowhere she is secretary to the publicrelations and business manager of theschool, and also purchasing agent forthe supply store.Robert T. Mack, Jr., PhD, recentlyjoined the comptroller's staff of ChryslerCorp., in Detroit. He is also the authorof a new book, Raising the World'sStandards of Living, published by Cita-del Press. Research for the book in-cluded a year at United Nations headquarters, and in Washington, D. C.investigating the Point Four program,TCA, and related activities.Catherine A. Rockwood, PhD, is headof the Department of Familv Life inthe College of Arts and Sciences at theUniversity of FloridaPvt. Paul Stropke, MBA, completed Locai and Long Distanco MovingStorage Facilities for Books,Record Cabinets, Trunks, orCarloads of FurnìturePeterson FiréproofWarehouse Inc1011 EAST 55th STREETBUTTERFIELD 8-6711DAVID L SUTTON, PresidentWasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phone: BUtterfìeld 8-2116-7-8-9Wasson's Coal Makes Good — or —Wasson DoesBLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffe ring Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TaritiBLACKSTONE HALL5748Blackstone Ave. TelephonePLaza 2-3313Verna P. Warner, DirectorAuto LiveryQuiet, unobfrusive serviceWhen you want it, as you want itCALL AN EMERY FIRSTEmery Drexel Livery, Inc.551 6 Harper AvenueFAirfax 4-640030 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERESULTS . . .depend on getting the details RIGHTPRINTINGImprinting-Processed Letters - TypewritingAddressing - Adressographing - FoldingMailing - Copy Prepara tion - MultilithA Complete Service for Direct AdvertisersChicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn - Chicago 5 - WA 2-4561BIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: WEntworth 6-5380Since 1878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholsterersFurniture Repairing1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 9-7180Ashjian Bros., ine.ESTABLISHED 1921Orientai and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone REgent 4-6000GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186TELEVISIONRentais — sales New & ReconditionedRADIOSRadio-TV ServiceELECTRICAL APPLIANCESDishwashers DriersAir Conditioners FreezersSPORTING GOODSFor ali seasonsRECORDSLPs & 45sFine collection for childrenRefrigeratorsWashers935 t. 55th StreetAt Inglesìde AvenueTeleohone Mldwav 3-6700Julian A. Tishler, '33 basic infantry training at the SignalCorps Replacement Training Center atCamp Gordon, Ga. He went on fromthere to attend radar school at Ft. Mon-mouth, N. J.1953Charlotte Chernow and Norman Kaplan, MBA '51, were married last March.Thev are living in Chicago..Ale,moria iEdward Sawbridge, Rush MD '83, diedFebruary 1, 1953.Ralph Hanson, Rush MD '90 of Spo-kane, Wash., died Aprii 4, 1953.Clem D. McCoy, Rush MD '90, of Ken-ton. Ohio, died May 19, 1953.Charles A. Finch, '96. died Aprii 12,1953.Joel Franklin Wood, DB, '97, died inhis home at Los Angeles on July 24,1953, at the age of 87.Albert E. Jenks, '97, of Linden Shore,Mound, Minn., died June 6. 1953.Arthur Minnich, '97, of Tampa, Fla.,died January 8, 1953.William Bray, PhD '98, died May 25,1953.Marian Fairman. '01, died on Mav 27,1953, in Tampa, Fla. Miss Fairman hadbeen active in the Alumni Association,and had served as secretarv of the Classof '01. The Class sent a fiorai piece tothe funeral.Lawrence J. Hughes- Rush MD '02,died May 20, 1953, in Elgin, IH.Florence Nightingale Jones, PhD '03,died May 2, 1953, at her home in Orlando, Fla., at the age of 92. She hadbeen a resident of Orlando since 1925,and previous to that time was a teacherof modem languages at the Universityof Illinois and the Lewis Institute inChicago.Joseph W. Priest, '03, died on March 6,1953, at the age of 86.George Pullen Jackson, '04 PhD '11,died on January 19, 1953, at the a*?e of78, at the home of his dauffhter in Nashville. Tenn. He had retired several vearsago after serving many years as head ofthe department of German at Vander-bilt University. He had continued hisactive interest in folk music and a vearago had published his latest collection,Another Sheaf of White Spirituals.Daisy M. Meyer, '05, died Aprii 13,1953.Arthur W. Richter, '06, JD '12, diedDecember 17; 1952, in Milwaukee. Wis.Frances M. Santa, '07. died June 19,1953, in Washington, D. C.William N. Beverly, '09, died March 6,1953.Herman Johnson, '09, died January 31,1953 at Staunton, Va.Frederick E. Roberg, '10, MD '12, diedMarch 8, 1953.Theodore Lindquist, PhD '11. diedMarch 26, 1953 at his home in Ypsilanti,Mich. He was Professor Emeritus ofMathematics, Michigan State Normal. Heis survived by his wife, Pearl HowellLindquist.Barrett Harper Clark, '12, died August CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency70th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices — One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis — Kansas City, Mo.Spokane — New YorkAMERICAN COLLESE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits itawork to the university and college field. Itis affiliated with the Fisk Teachers Agencyof Chicago, whose work covers ali the educational fields. Both organizations assistin the appointment of administrators aswell a» of teachers.Our service is nation-wide.HYLAND A. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING ASPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone DOrchester 3-1579RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMOnroe 6-3192YOUR FAVORITEFOUNTAIN TREATTASTESBETTERwhen irs .fSwift & <7409 So.Phone RJCompanyState StreetRAdcliffe 3-7400OCTOBER, 1953 31SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethìcal Drug Store for 100 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stock23 N. Wabash Avenue670 N. Michigan AvenueChicagoWHOLESALE RETAILPARKER-HO.LSMANReal Estate and Insurance1500 East 57Jh Street Hyde Park 3-2525PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sumps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUEFAirfax 4-0550PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICEZJkeLxcluàive CleaneràWe operate our own drycleaning plantTHREE HOUR SERVICE1331 East 57th St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.Midway 3-0602 NOrmal 7-9858Office & Plant1442 East 57th Street Midway 3-0608LOWER YOU%R COSTSWAGE JNCENTIVESEMPLOYEE TRAININGPE&SONNEL PROCEDURESJMPROVED METHODSJOB EVALUATtONfcOBERT B. 5HÀPIR0 '33, DIRECTOR 6, 1953, at his home in Briarcliff Manor,N. Y. Mr. Clark was executive directorof the Dramatists Play Service of NewYork City. He was an authority on thetheatre and was the author or editor ofa score of books on the subject, including the 24-volume work America's LostPlays.Robert G. Phelps, '12, died Aprii 10,1953.Lewis W. Smith, AM '13, PhD '19, diedDecember 19, 1952, at his home in Berkeley, Calif.John J. Eshleman, JD 15, died Aprii13, 1953.Ralph Newberry Gardner, '15, died ofa heart attack on May 24, 1953. whilevisiting friends in Leesburg, Va. He hadresiàed in Tryon, Va., for eight yearswhere he was head of the Sanral Products Corp. He was formerly in the coalbusiness in Chicago and a member ofthe Chicago Board of Trade.Henry Rew Gross, '16, died on May 10,1953 in his winter home in Miami Beach,Fla. Mr. Gross was board chairman ofthe Unity Manufacturing Co., producersof automobile accessories.Emita M. Jewett, '16, (Mrs. Karl A.Krueger) died March 3, 1953.Anna Pugh, AM '16, died in December,1952, in Fayetteville, Ark.Charles M. Bent, '17, died Aprii 15,1952.Josiah Bridge, SM '17, died Aprii 30,1953, in Washington, D. C.Sallie Dawson, '17, died October 6, 1952,three da^s before her 76th birthday.Before her retirement she had been abiology teacher in Garfield High Schoolin Terre Haute, Ind.Elsa Freeman, '17, (Mrs. John Helfrich)died December 8, 1952 in Geneva, 111.Erle F Young, '17, AM '20, PhD '24,died May 31, 1953. He was to have retired from the facultv of the Universityof Southern California this fall, wherehe had been a professor of sociology "for29 years. He is survived by his wife,Pauline Vislick Young, '19.George E. Miller, PhD '19, Rush MD'28, died on March 2, 1953.L. L. Edmisten, MD '20, died December28, 1952. He was a captain, retired, inthe U. S. Navy medicai corps.Maude L. Volk, '22, died Aprii 15. 1953,at her home in Oneida, 111.John B. Appleton, SM '24, PhD '25, ageographic expert in the U. S. Department of State, died in Washington D. C,June 24, 1953.James Walter Hedley, PhD, died Aprii2 1953.'Clara deMilt, PhD '25, died May 10,1953. She was Professor and Chairmanof the Department of Chemistry at New-comb College.Kate Foos, '28, died October 22. 1952.Oliver M. Keve, '28, died February 15,1953.C. Ross Snapp, AM '30, died on May23, 1953, in East Chicago, Ind. He hadbeen principal of the Primary and Mc-Gregor Elementary Schools in Whiting.Eugene Loeb, '31, died March 7, 1953.Jeanette D. Nielsen, '31, wife of HarryMillman, '31, died Aprii 18, 1953 in Or-inda, Calif. She had been ili for severalmonths following an operation.Edward N. Torbert, SM '27, PhD '31,died in Karachi, Pakistan, on May 1,1953, after a brief attack of bulbar typepolio. He was on an assignment as Chiefof the Helmand Valley Irrigation Projectfor TCA, in Afghanistan. When E. R. (Dutch) McMillan gradu-ated from Duke University, an ableamateur musician, he entered the musical field as a professional. It wasn'tlong before he was doing ali right inradio, television and recording work.One thing bothered him, however. Hewondered about tomorrow. And the dayafter that. And the day after that. Hestarted to look for a career with anassured future. He found it with NewEngland Mutual."At New England Mutual," Dutchsays, "the future is just as big and asbright as you want it to be. To a manwho will put ali he has into it, a careerwith this company offers opportunityunlimited."If you, too, are looking for a careerwith a real future, it may pay you toinvestigate the opportunities offered atNew England Mutual. Mail the couponbelow for a booklet in which 15 men teliwhy they chose a life insurance careerwith New England Mutual.NEW ENGLAND MUTUALBox 333Boston 17, Mass.Please send me, without costor obligation, your booklet,"Why We Chose New England Mutual.'Name^Address-City -Zone- -Sfate-Tte NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL Life Insurance Company of BostonThe Company that founded mutuai life insurance in America -183532 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE^CtÙ^/fro, &*L Ctn^èC/%^nJL'T^to fPrice tags bear larger amounts than theyused to.Practically everything the family needs costsrfiore these days. This means that the man who paysthe bills is worth more, too.Have you increased your life insurance pro-tection accordingly? A good way to be sure is totalk this matter over with a New England Mutualcareer underwriter. He's a specialist in helping youto work out an adequate program for the protectionof your family or business. Unlike the trend in about everything else, therates of most New England Mutual policies have notbeen increased in recent years. In f act, many of therates have been substantially reduced. And liberaldividends further reduce the cost.CHICAGO ALUMNI WHO ARE READY TO SERVE YOUAS OUR AGENTS:HARRY BENNER. '12.ChicagoMORTON P. STEIN. '33.Salt Lake CityGEORGE MARSELOS. '34,Chicago PAUL C. LIPPOLD. '38.ChicagoROBERT P. SAALBACH. '39.Des MoinesJAMES M. BANGHART. 41.Agy. Mgr., St. Paulne NEW ENGLAND « MUTUALJOHN R. DOWN. '46.ChicagoLi/e Insurance Company of HostonTHE COMPANY THAT FOVNDED MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE IN AMERICA -183SIt is difficult to write a definì tion o£ the American way.But it is easy to fìnd good examples. Here is one:Hurrying a young man WjB% m^o successm tòli a young man could only see into the future andread what would happen to him in business, he'dbe mighty enthusiastic about his first job."I want to be where my best talents can be used.1 need to polish those talents — not just by schooling,but by new learning at my work. I don't want to beblocked or 'lost' in the crowd. 1 want to work withpeople who know more than I do and have newresponsibilities waiting for me if I succeed in myfirst work."We'd like to say right here that any companyworth its salt has exactly that job prescnption writtenfor the future of the young men it hires.Some of our knottiest problems have been un-raveled by young men. To be sure, they have hadthe counsel of older experts to hurry their success.But isn't that what a young man wants ?® At General Electric, for example, in the fields ofjet engines and electronics, gray hair is scarce.In one division the average age is 29 among the767 engineers working on such things as gyro-scopic gunsights, autopilots for jet fighters,bomber armament systems', naval gunfire controls,guided missiles.• Working on atomic power for submarines and atomic power for planes is a group of researchassociates, research assistants and engineers, aver-aging less than 34 years of age.• Three young meri in their twenties designed General Electric's first large-scale reactor to producethat new chemical prodigy, silicones. And theyreceived the Company 's top award for outstand-ing achievement.• The armament system for the famous B-29 wasdeveloped by a team of G-E engineers whoseaverage age was 26.One thing we do know — when we take trainedyoung men and supply them with an experiencedorganization and planning, then put at their disposaiour resources and manufacturing know-how, theresults surprise even the young men themselves.The speed with which America's young scientistsand engineers are developed will in large measuredetermine the rate of America's future progress.(A new booklet has just been published: "This is GeneralElectric." In it we clescribe the methods we use for chan-neling talented young men into the new fields that areconstantly being createdby the ever-widening uses for elee-tricity. For a copy, address General Electric^ Room 123-2,Schenectady, N. Y.)foa amGENERAL ELECTRIC