^collections of Harold I. . . Robert Morss LoveTHEUNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOLIBRARYCan I be sure Til beii^i/rtan individual at G.E.?". . . asks John Dillingham, Union College 1952What's it like to work for a large company? In this andsubsequent ads, the questions of college students on thissubject will be answered by G-E men of varying degreesof experience. What's your question? Send it to CollegeEditor, Dept. 221-6, General Electric Co., Schenectady 5, N.Y.JOHN G. HUTTON, General Engineering Laboratory... It is largely the enterprise of the individual whichmakes him outstanding. In his own thinking he becomes a cog in a machine, not realizing that everysuch cog is a chosen piece, performing functions forwhat it is best characterized as a vital member of ateam operation. So it is with the individual in GeneralElectric. Just as in the community an individual isfree to "be himself," but for his own and the community's sake he must be part of that community.General Electric's success lies in its unique abilitv toinstill in its employees great team spirit yet at thesame time to recognize the employee's inalienableright to be himself.H. A. WINNE, vice-president, Engineering Services. . . An important point which many young peopleoverlook is that, by and large, individuals work ingroups of reasonable size in either large or small companies. In the large company these groups may becalled units or sections, and a number of these mayconstitute a department; a number of departmentsmay make up a division; and the company may comprise several divisions. In each component the "manager" has a comparatively small number of peoplereporting to him, and consequently any outstandingperformer quickly comes to his attention.Furthermore, in General Electric we have a numberof courses which train for advancement and we areconstantly combing the organization to recruit peoplefor these courses, so by this separate means management keeps in touch with individuals.On the basis of forty-two years' experience in theCompany I can assure you it is difficult for the college graduate to lose himself in the organization. There aretoo many people watching him, although he may notrealize it for some time after entering the Company.J. L. MICHAELSON, manager, Employee Relations,General Engineering Laboratory... The Company systemfor periodic employee evaluation furnishes a valuableguide to the individual with respect to his progressand ability. It also imposes on supervisory personnelthe requirement that they study carefully the characteristics of all their employees. The system is soarranged that ability and good performance cannotremain unnoticed. Far from remaining obscure, eachindividual's characteristics are evaluated in order toprovide him with the greatest opportunity to makeuse of his talents and abilities.J. A. SPENCER, manager, Employee Relations, Apparatus Sales . . . The day I began work with G.E.twenty-odd years ago, and entered the plant withthousands of other Company employees, I felt smalland insignificant and much inclined to climb on thefirst train returning to Montana. In a short time,however, I realized that I would be considered as anindividual at General Electric.I learned that the Company was operated in unitsof manageable size and that each person receivedindividual consideration. My supervisors discussed mvprogress with me at regular intervals. I also learnedthat every employee's salary is reviewed individuallyat regular intervals.Through this I learned that the individual cannotbecome lost in General Electric neither can he hide!w can /nd 'y&at, coTz/m&nce i?iGENERAL ELECTRICir/emo f-^adNew association headsNew president of the Alumni Association is Keith Parsons, '33, JD '37, Chicagoattorney, who in University days not onlywas one of the leading members of hisclass, but also married Lorraine Watson,'34, AM '38, likewise notable as a studentleader.Keith, a Psi U, was head marshal PhiBeta Kappa, and center on both footballand basketball teams. He was winner ofthe University's conference medal for "superiority in character, scholarship, andathletics." Lorraine, a Quadrangler, wasalso Phi Beta Kappa, an aide, and a member of the senior women's honor society.A member of the Alumni Council forthree years before World War II, Keithsucceeds Harold (Kitty) Gordon as headof the Association.Re-elected to the vice-presidency wasBarbara Miller Simpson, '18. For furtherinformation on Mrs. Simpson, consult page16, for the story of the 1952 AlumniCitation winners appears there, and shewas one of those honored.Your magazine of the yearAt Sun Valley, on July 15th, Editor DonMorris and your Executive Editor stoodbefore the annual gathering of alumniexecutives from Harvard to California toreceive the Sibley Award for the bestalumni magazine in the Nation.Judges included Oliver Allen, assistanteditor of Life; Huntington Cairns, distinguished author and critic; Watson Davis,director of Science Service; Richard S.Dodson, Jr., managing editor of This Week;and Gerard Piel, publisher of ScientificAmerican.The judges were impressed with the extent to which our Magazine furthers theeducational program of the University andrecognizes that its readers are responsiblemembers of society. ASSOCIATION VICE PRESIDENT BARBARA SIMPSON (LEFT), PREXY KEITH PARSONSConsidered for this top award were 118magazines.Until 1950 The University of ChicagoMagazine was edited by the Alumni Secretary and his private secretary. It couldn'tbe the best alumni magazine in Americaif other phases of the alumni programwere not to suffer.For a |3.00 membership (the more effective associations charge $4 and $5) wecould not afford an editor. Then the University stepped in and provided funds forthis editor.Laura Bergquist, '39, who had been anassociate editor of Coronet, was broughtback to the Midway to become editor. Withher talent, imagination and industry, theMagazine began to sparkle with originalarticles and features.ROBERT SIBLEY (RIGHT) PRESENTS PLAQUE TO EDITORS MORT (LEFT), MORRIS For the first time the Magazine seemedworthy to enter in national competition.It placed second only to the Johns HopkinsMagazine. But Laura had not waited forthis feather in her cap. She had moved onto associate editor of the national pocketmagazine, Pageant.Don Morris, '36, formerly of Life, movedin to carry on, while we rashly promisedyou the Sibley Award for 1952 (withtongue in cheek, we now admit) .Now it's history, and too much creditcan't be given Don for his imaginationand writing; Stephen Lewellyn, '48, ourphotographer, who hung from rafters andsquatted on floors to get the pictures whichbrighten the pages, and Audrey Probst, '39,who quietly and effectively edited suchspecial sections as Readers' Guide, ClassNews, and Books, with here and there afeature article.It's a great staff for a national winnerand they are all with us again this year tobring you better and better issues in1952-53.Shirtsleeve circuitIgnoring summer heat, alumni from theRockies to Long Island shed house dressesand swim suits for casual wear and get-togethers for summer Club meetings.Vacationing in Colorado, Mrs. Mort andI dropped over the Wasatch Range intoSalt Lake City for dinner with 35 alumniat the University Club.Calvin S. Smith, PhD'28, president ofour Club, knows everyone in town and howto use the telephone.I was shocked into old age by our reunion with a bunch of the fellows whowere kids around the Reynolds Club inthe thirties.While Ike was away fishing, we used hisheadquarters at the Brown Palace Hotelfor a visit with Denver alumni.We lunched with Club President LeslieA. Gross, '46, JD'49, and his attractivequick-witted wife from Luxemburg. In theevening we dined with 35 alumni and werethe luncheon guests of Hayward D. Warner, '03, the next day. We also droppedin for a visit with Marian Johnson Castle,OCTOBER, 1952323421 i16 gom& up out of6ke Gulf/W !WT TTT T ~WM7MlWTW~\ ^oam&upouto/-tke^u(r_/Mfw J-MJ-Mj wW-Mlw-JmLssW ] and blew /IndylA/orili SomejoodThe day had promised to be fair, butnow the wind was shifting to thenortheast under a darkening sky andwhipping the water into white-cappedwaves that splattered against the Cora'shull as she lay at anchor off the Cape.Bob Martin tossed his line over the sideand said, "How does it look to you,Andy?" He'd come out for a day's fishingon Andrew Worth's old cabin cruiserand was depending on his friend's judgment as to the weather and the seaworthiness of his craft.Andy looked at the sky and shrugged."It may blow over. May even help us geta couple of fish, for a change."Bob pulled in his line and grimaced atthe bare hook. "Ever get caught in a realrough storm?""A couple of times. If this one getsmuch worse we'll go back. Got caught ina mighty bad one out here some five orsix years ago. Engine went dead on theway home, and Cora landed on the reefover there past the tip of the Cape. Hadto hang on all night until a cutter finallycame up and pulled us off next morning."Andy looked at the breakers piling overthe reef off in the distance. "Kind ofscared me, there, for a while. Couldn't see a light anywhere, and the waves keptpounding against old Cora so she was liketo come to pieces. Then around the middleof the night it suddenly occurred to methat dying wasn't what I was afraid of.You figure you've got that coming to yousooner or later anyway. What worried memost of all was what would happen to thefamily in case I did die. I kept thinkingabout all the things I'd planned on doingfor them things I could have done andshould have done that I just hadn'tgotten around to doing. Know what Imean?" \Bob Martin nodded and said, "Yes, Iguess I do." He stared thoughtfully at thewhite-crested waves for a minute and thensaid, "Exactly when did you say thathappened, Andy?""Fall of '46. Maybe you remember thatstorm. It came up out of the Gulf and . . .""Yes, and I seem to remember somethingelse, too. Wasn't it in the fall of '46 thatyou came around to my office one day?And wasn't that the time you said youhad finally decided to complete thatPlanned Security program I'd worked outfor you at least two years before that?And did that night on the boat have anything to do with your taking out that extraNew York Life policy we'd discussed?" Andy Worth grinned a little sheepishlyand said, "To tell the truth, Bob, it hadeverything to do with it. I never said anything to you about it before because,well ..."Bob Martin laughed. "I know. Becauseyou thought that maybe I'd say, 'See?That's just what I've been trying to tellyou right along!' ""Yes, something like that ..."Bob shook his head and said, "No,Andy, but I must admit that I might havebeen sorely tempted to say somethingtrite about an ill wind having blown yousome good!"FEW OCCUPATIONS offer a man so much inthe way of personal reward as life underwriting. Many New York Life agents arebuilding very substantial futures for themselves by helping others plan ahead fortheirs. If you would like to know moreabout a life insurance career, talk it overwith the New York Life manager in yourcommunity or write to the Home Officeat the address below.NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY51 Madison Avenue, New York 10, N.Y.Naturally, names used in this story are fictitious.2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMAGAZINEVolume 45 October, 1952 Number IPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONExecutive EditorHOWARD W. MORTNews EditorJEANNETTE LOWREYExecutive SecretaryAlumni FoundationJIM ATKINS EditorDON MORRISField SecretaryJIM RATCLIFFE Associate EditorAUDREY PROBSTStaff PhotographerSTEPHEN LEWELLYNDirectorAlumni EducationRICHARD CRUMLEYIN THIS ISSUEDivorce Law in Action, Max Rheinstein 7Poetry Is 40 10Poetic Alumna 1 1Professors Re-tool for Television 13Martians . . . 14Citations Honor 33 Alumni 16Recollections of Harold Ickes, Robert Morss Lovett 19Memo PadBooks DEPARTMENTS1 Reader's Guide 4... 4 Class News 21Cover and photographs on pages 1 (top, right) , 6, 10, 12, and17 by Stephen Lewellyn. Drawings on pages 11 and 12 byCissie. Photograph on page 14 by E. E. Bernard from YerkesObservatory.Published monthly, October through June, by The University of Chicago Alumni Association, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price, $3.00. Singlecopies, 35 cents. Student price at University of Chicago Bookstore, 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934. at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois under the act ofMarch 3, 1S79. Advertising agent. The American Alumni Council, B. A. Ross, director, 22Washington Square, New York, N. Y.IN THIS ISSUEDivorce Law in Action, Max Rheinstein 7Poetry Is 40 10Poetic Alumna 1 1Professors Re-tool for Television 13Martians . . . 14Citations Honor 33 Alumni 16Recollections of Harold Ickes, Robert Morss Lovett 19DEPARTMENTSMemo Pad 1 Reader's Guide 4Books 4 Class News 21Cover and photographs on pages 1 (top, right) , 6, 10, 12, and17 by Stephen Lewellyn. Drawings on pages 11 and 12 byCissie. Photograph on page 14 by E. E. Bernard from YerkesObservatory.'20, author of "Deborah" and of "TheGolden Fury". She's , at work on a newnovel.Meanwhile, alumni of Manhattan, Kansas, met to elect officers: C. W. Matthews,AM'23, president; Helen Wroten (graduate work in '43) , secretary. James D. Far-rell, '48, a graduate student, was thespeaker. There were 25 present.We got back to Chicago in time to pickup Mr. and Mrs. Mitford M. Mathews anddrive to Downers Grove for a Sunday afternoon with the alumni of that suburb.Mr. Mathews is the editor of our dictionary department and tells a fascinating,and humorous, story of the making of theDictionary of Americanisms.We were the guests of the Slaytons(Florence Cook, '25) in their new homeon the edge of a miniature forest. Refreshments included wonderful home-madecookies (by the committee) , a pleasantreversion to the days before delicatessenswere the staff of life.The committee: Virginia Allen Stehney,'42; Florence Cook Slayton, '25; NettieReeps Schmuckal, '37; Corinna Fronck, '33,AM'39; Margaret Merrifield Clark, '39.Stagg at 90A note from the Grand Old Man read:"I appreciate your good wishes for myninetieth birthday. An old friend sent acard with the following assurance: 'Veryfew men die after ninety.' "Unhappy clamsA sack of unhappy clams arrived earlyat the Long Island summer home of theFred Williams for a New York Club picnicon Sunday, August 24th. The Williams(Marguerite McNall, '31) had invited theClub and Marguerite had agreed to makea batch of her famous thick chowder.I knew the clams arrived early becauseso did I; I know they were unhappy because I helped Club president Bob Miner,J40, shuck them and we had to use coldchisels!The Minors (Mrs. Minor is the bestscout who was ever graduated from Barnard and little Becky and Scottie are thebusiest helpers you ever saw) picked me upat the Biltmore on Saturday for the 100-mile trip out Long Island. Mary EllaHopkins, '47, who handled all reservations,was held at home with a virus infection.Mrs. Allan Craig (Marie Goodenough,'15) joined us and we all pitched in toprepare for the picnic. After the clamswere "peeled" Fred took the men for apower-boat ride. Later some of us dugclams with our toes in knee-deep waterand chased side-wheeling crabs.Sunday, nearly 75 arrived via car andthe famous Long Island Rail Road. It wasa beautiful day and soon everyone wasstuffed with food from chowder, throughhamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad andgreen corn to cokes and a 3x5 foot cakewith the greetings "Hi, Gang . . ." and theproper U. of C. identification.A real Chicago salute to the Williams'who not only shared their lovely summerhome with the New York alumni butworked their heads off to make the partythe finest in the Club's history.And to show you the kind of unselfishhosts they are, two weeks later they hadthe Northwestern Club out for a similarclay on the beach. Marguerite is also aNorthwestern graduate and husband, Fred,a native Long Islander, greets these breezywestern alumni with all the cordiality ofa perfect host H.W.M. )ulietin&BEGINNING mid-October, any Chicagoweather report will tell of University climatic conditions, not weather at the airport as heretofore. The U. S. WeatherBureau is moving its Chicago station to theold Frederic Woodward house on Woodlawn avenue, where it will be convenientlyclose to the University's Department ofMeteorology (also to Alumni House) .ANNIVERSARIES stud the fall calendarthis year. The Law School is marking its60th anniversary (See note on page 7) , andthe University Clinics its 25th (See November issue) . With the opening of classes,the College begins its eleventh year of operation, and December will, signal the tenth anniversary of atomic energy the first operation of the first "pile", in the WestStand (See December issue) .ELECTION of William Wood Prince, 38,to the University's Board of Trustees wasannounced last month by Chairman LairdBell. Prince is president of the UnionStock Yard and Transit Co., which comprises the Chicago stockyards facilities, andalso president of the Chicago JunctionRailway, a director of Armour and Co., anda trustee of the Central ManufacturingDistrict.A GRANT of $400,000 to the Law Schoolfor study of the behavioral sciences wasannounced last month by Chancellor Kimpton. The grant, from the Ford Foundation,will finance research over a period of twoand one-half years. Initial step in the research program, Dean Edward Levi announced, will be a study of the operationsof the jury system.OCTOBER, 1952 3iKeaderS LjuideCIVIL LIBERTIESDONALD MEIKLEJOHN, Associate Professor of Philosophy (College) recommends the following books on civil liberties, published during the past twoyears, as "informative and stimulatingwdth respect to one of our most important policy problems":THE LOYALTY OF FREE MEN. ByAlan Barth. Viking Press, 1951.THE FEAR OF FREEDOM. By FrancisBiddle. Doubleday & Co., 1952.CIVIL LIBERTIES UNDER ATTACK. ByHenry Steel Commager et al. Universityof Pennsylvania Press, 1951.SECURITY, LOYALTY AND SCIENCE.By Walter Gellhorn. Cornell UniversityPress, 1950.WITCH HUNT. By Carey MacWilliams.Little Brown & Co., 1950.THE YEAR OF THE OATH. By GeorgeStewart. Doubleday if Co., 1950.SECURITY AND FREEDOM. 30th Annual Report, The American Civil Liberties Union, New York, 1951.To the above list, Mr. Meiklejohn appendsthese comments:A number of these books are of especialinterest to readers connected with theUniversity of Chicago, for as they describe the present status of civil liberties in America, they pay tribute to thethoughtful and courageous stand takenby officials of the University in meetingand helping to resist in Illinois the rising tide of "total Americanism."In this crisis when pressures towardconformity are gaining in strength, theUniversity has provided a source of enlightenment and courage which Americans sorely need today. The group ofbooks taken together thus afford a timelyinterpretation of the wider Americanstage on which today the Universityplays its part.The accounts of the wider stage inthese different books are of course inlarge measure overlapping, as the concerns of their authors are identical.Three of them review the national scenein general Barth in terms of the impactof the "cult of loyalty," MacWilliams interms of a rather sweeping analogy tothe periods of heresy-hunting and theInquisition, and Francis Biddle throughan analysis, both historical and psychological, of the trends lying behind American interests in both civil liberty andsecurity.Two of the books focus upon a singletopic Stewart's upon the struggle overthe special loyalty oath for faculty members at the University of California(the account ends before the StateCourt's ruling against the oath) , andGellhorn's upon the results for scientificactivity of the loyalty programs for thetremendous number of scientists now ingovernment service.In CIVIL LIBERTIES UNDER ATTACK, there are presented five shortarticles on the theory of civil liberty(Henry S. Commager) , recent progressin civil rights (Robert K. Carr) , anti-subversive investigation (ZechariahChafee), the arts (Judge Curtis Bok) and academic freedom (James P. Baxter) .Despite their different emphases, theseauthors stand in the main upon commonground. All are deeply concerned overthe present effort, by those whom Barthcalls "Americanists," to achieve a uniform "Americanism" among our teachers, our government workers, our unions,our scientists, our artists, our writers.All reject this concept of a "total Americanism," not in favor of no Americanismat all, but of a differentiated and intellectually refined conception that recognizes the diversities and distinctionswhich American thought traditionallyhas espoused.Thus Gellhorn's careful study distinguishes at length between the securitythat is the proper object of administrative policy and the loyalty that is not.Thus Chafee distinguishes between thevarious types of commitments that Communists may have to the party line.Thus Biddle distinguishes between thetypes of loyalty appropriate to teachersand those appropriate to governmentworkers and to others. And thus theAmerican Civil Liberties Union tries todistinguish the "sensitive" areas of government, for which loyalty investigationsare, it thinks, proper, and the "non-sensitive," for which such investigationsare not.WILLIAM R. MING, JR., Professor ofLaw, is also a contributor to this month'sReader's Guide. For readers who areinterested in some of the best background material in this field, althoughnot the most recent, Mr. Ming pointsto these three works, which, he says,cover in detail the range of civil liberties problems:THE REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT'SCOMMITTEE ON CIVIL RIGHTS.United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1947.This is a general consensus of the statusof civil rights in the United States, prepared by a committee headed by CharlesE. Wilson.,4 AT AMERICAN DILEMMA. By G. Myr-dal. Harper, 1944.This is a detailed study and analysis ofrace relations in the United States bya group of social scientists includingRalph Bunche, and headed by theSwedish sociologist, Gunnar Myrdal.FREE SPEECH IN THE UNITEDSTATES. By Zechariah Chafee. Harvard University Press, 1948.This is an authoritative discussion of thehistory, construction, and application ofthe First Amendment.Concerning books on civil liberties whichhave been published in the last twoyears, Mr. Ming's recommendations include most of those already discussedby Mr. Meiklejohn, but in addition suggest these two:CIVIL RIGHTS IN THE UNITEDSTATES. By Alison Reppy. CentralBook, 1951.A summary of civil rights cases since thereport of the President's Committee bythe dean of the New York Law School,written in a style easily readable bylaymen.THE STATE AND SUBVERSION. ByWalter Gellhorn. Cornell, 1952.This is another of the Cornell studies anddescribes the sometimes vicious, oftenludicrous, rarely effective and usuallyquestionable current activities of stateauthorities to identify and deal withalleged subversion. v^oomby Faculty and AlumniTHE UNENDING JOURNEY. By Elizabeth Wallace. The University of Minneapolis Press, 1952. $3.50."Charming" was always the word forElizabeth Wallace, and the same wordcomes quickly to mind as you read herautobiography, THE UNENDINGJOURNEY-286 pages of charm, in fact,from the buoyant account of her girlhood in Bogata over eighty years ago,to the humorously philosophic pictureshe gives of herself today, at home inMinneapolis (unless she happens to bedashing off on another jaunt to Europe,to Latin America, or to the Orient) .Between these mileposts are spiritedchapters dealing with varied phases ofher long career, chiefly in Paris and atthe University of Chicago, but includingeven such minor matters as a brief detour to Knox College, where for a yearor so she deaned for the celebrated JohnFindley, and in the battle for culturetriumphantly whisked all toothpicksfrom dormitory dining-tables.However, it is the chapters dealingwith her years in Chicago that are nodoubt of most interest to alumni readers, and in these chapters her narrativeskill is often at its best. There aregraphic portraits of President Harperat work and at play, of the youngHarry Pratt Judson, of William Gardner Hale and many more, although welook in vain for certain other figureswho loomed large in the history of theUniversity, such as that trio of greatwomen, Marion Talbot, SophonisbaBreckinridge, and Edith Abbott. Perhaps it is appropriate that Miss Wallaceomits these women, because it was another orbit of the University that heldher interest and in which her own influence was so widely felt; and readerswishing to round out the picture mayeasily refer to Miss Talbot's fine autobiography, MORE THAN LORE.There is no index to THE UNENDING JOURNEY. If there were, itw^ould read like a blue-book listing, forMiss Wallace is one of those whose destiny seems to be to meet "names"wherever she goes. If she has a jollylittle flirtation with an anonymous red-faced Englishman in the back of a boxat a concert, she is sure to find out laterthat he wasn't any average Englishman,but H. G. Wells, no less; if in her presence Mark Twain chooses to be rude atthe expense of one of his dinner guests,the guest turns out to be not just anyprofessor, but Professor Wilson ofPrinceton. Indeed, these vivid pagesare so starred with "names" that, reading them, I find mystelf irresistiblycatching the habit, and so conclude byremarking that on her eightieth birthday Elizabeth Wallace had luncheonwith me. And she was as charming ateighty, and as youthful, as she'd beenwhen I first knew her, which was a longwhile before she retired, ahead of time,at sixty-two.Happily, the same ageless quality isin the book.Frank Hurburt O'HaraAssociate Professor of English4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA list lite thisfill save pu timewhen you call out-of-townLong Distance calls go throughfaster when you Call by NumberWhen you give the Long DistanceOperator the out-of-town number youwant, it saves time. She can then putyour call through without first calling"Information" in the distant city toget the number.So write down the local and out-of-town numbers you already know. Ifthere's a new number you don't have or an old one you've forgotten besure to add it to the list when the operator gives it to you.The Bell Telephone Company inyour community will gladly give youa free Telephone Numbers Booklet.BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEMOCTOBER, 1952IDIVORCE LA Win ActionDoes the conflict between "official" law on divorceand divorce law as it is practiced today constituteblatant hypocrisy or the only way out or neither?D,HVORCE HAS come in Americato present a number of problems, attracting the attention of a variety ofgroups. Yet the problems are of sucha kind that they are not evident assuch to the man on the street.To the man on the street it seemsclear that whenever he wants adivorce, he can have it. He knowsthat he has to go through some legalrigmarole, that he has to go to court,that he has to have a lawyer, and thathe has to pay him a fee which heusually regards as outrageously high.He also knows that, for reasons whichhe neither understands nor bothersmuch about, he may have to go toReno. But he is quite certain thatwhenever he wants to have a divorce^he can get it at any time and for anyreason.It is right here that we have thefirst aspect of the "problem" of divorce. The great ease with whichdivorces can be obtained and theconsequent rise, or at least apparentrise, of the number and rate of divorces is viewed with alarm by manypeople who are concerned about ourmorals, about the sanctity and stability of the home and the family, andabout our future as a nation.However, there is another aspect ofthe problem of divorce which is lessapparent but perhaps no less serious,and that is the discrepancy betweenour divorce law in action and thedivorce law on the books. The divorcelaws of our states show a great variety.However, they all agree in one point,namely that a divorce can be obtainedonly upon a so-called "ground fordivorce."PROFFESSOR RHEINSTEIN IN OFFICE The lists of these grounds varvconsiderably. On one end of the scalewe have New York, where a divorceis to be granted, at least officially, onlyupon the single ground of adultery.On the other end we find states likeCalifornia, where mental cruelty is aground for divorce, and where thatterm has been interpreted with suchgreat latitude that it covers practicallyevery conduct of one spouse whichdispleases the other. Divorces havethus been granted in California because the husband did not like thewife's cooking, or because of flirting,etc. In Nevada a divorce will begranted upon the mere allegation ofcruelty without any need for substantiation.In the majority of states, however,the statutory catalogue contains onlycertain acts of grave marital misconduct. Underlying all these statutorycatalogues is the idea that a divorce isa punishment for a serious offense and,expressed in the so-called doctrine ofrecrimination, the idea that divorce isto be a privilege for faultless conducton the part of the petitioner. Our official law proceeds on the idea thatThis fall the Law School marksthe sixtieth anniversary of its founding. As a contribution to the celebration of this occasion, the Magazine presents this spirited and penetrating discussion of a vital problemby Professor Rheinstein. A fullerpresentation of this material wasgiven at a special conference on divorce last spring. Professor Rheinstein was chairman of this conference, held at the University. Theproceedings have recently heen published by the Law School under thetitle, A Conference on Divorce. By Max RheinsteinMax Pant Professor of Lawunder no circumstances should a divorce be granted unless there has reallyoccurred one of the acts listed in thestatutory catalogue, and the plaintiffhas always conducted himself or herself as a "true and faithful husbandor wife," as the case may be.Divorce procedure is thus organizedon lines different from those of ordinary civil procedure. There can be nojudgment by default in the sense thatthe plaintiff's uncontradicted allegations are taken for true. The plaintiffmust in every case prove his allegations by witnesses, and, in order toprevent collusion, the Court has boththe power and the duty to investigateon its own initiative the true state ofaffairs. If we look at this official law,it seems to be anything but easy toobtain a divorce.We all know that in reality thesituation is different. The great majority of divorces are uncontested. Wehave no means of knowing in howmany cases the testimony correspondsto the truth. We know, however, thatin a vast number of cases the testimony is not true, or, in other words,that the witnesses have committedperjury.Our courts, especially in the metropolitan areas, are over-burdened, andthe judges have little time, and probably also little inclination, to go behind the testimony. Where, as in NewYork, adultery is the only ground fordivorce, hotel evidence has become aneveryday occurrence. The plaintiffbrings witnesses who testify that at acertain time they found the defendantand a person of the opposite sex together in a hotel room, and undersuspicious circumstances.OCTOBER, 1952 7This evidence is usually held to besufficient, although it is commonknowledge that such incidents can bepre-arranged and that either no adultery has been committed, or that ithas been arranged with the consentof the plaintiff, in other words, thatthere has been connivance which, under official law, is supposed to excludethe granting of the divorce. Every nowand then a judge may say that themere fact that a man and a womanhave been found together in a hotelroom does not suffice to prove adultery, and that it might be possible thatthey have been praying together. Butsuch decisions are rare, and the lawyers usually see to it that their divorcecases will go before a different judge.Migratory divorces, such as thosesought in Reno, Florida, or the VirginIslands, also require a little perjury.The plaintiff has to swear that he orshe has become an honest-to-goodnessresident of the foreign state, which, ofcourse means that he has the intentionto stay there for an indefinite period.Such allegations can hardly be truewhere he has the return ticket alreadyin his pocket.The result of all this judicial leniency has been to make divorce as easily obtainable as the man on the streetthinks it is. But the other side of thepicture is a corruption of the administration of justice, and quite particularly of the Bar. A great many lawyerswho are concerned about the ethicsof the profession, about their ownmorals, and about their own professional standing are shying away fromdivorce cases. The prevailing attitudehas been drastically expressed by oneChicago prominent lawyer who recently told me that he would not touch adivorce case with a ten-foot pole.Consciences strainedOf course I do not mean that all thelawyers who handle divorce cases arecorrupt. Quite the contrary. There areamong them lawyers of the higheststanding, who feel it their duty torepresent parties in such vital cases.But every one of them has had to fighta struggle with his own conscience until he finally reached the convictionthat the official law has changed, thatthe practices just described have become a necessary part of the law, andthat there is no longer anything unethical in their use, provided one keepsaway from more flagrant violations ofthe perjury laws. Undeniably, however, that situation contains dangers. It may well result in a further stretching of the lawyer's conceptions of his duty as an officer of the Court. Also, it is hardlylikely to increase the public's respectfor the law and its priests. And, perhaps the most serious consequence ofall, it has resulted in an inequality ofthe law for the wealthy and the poor.He who can afford to go to Reno orto pay for the services of the "divorcespecialist" can have a divorce for theasking. The legal aid client cannothave it. The opportunities are alsobarred to the occasional client whofeels bothered by the perjury to whichhe has to resort.These attitudes of the public arewell illustrated by the experiencewhich has probably been made bymany divorce lawyers, namely that theclient takes it for granted that he, thelawyer, will provide the "witnesses."If the lawyer refuses to accede to suchrequests, many a client will be quiteastonished.World phenomenonEvery year, when I teach the classin family law, I am asked by my students how they should act in divorcecases. These students still look uponour profession with idealism, and it isnot easy for a law teacher to tell themwhat they ought to do. All I can dois describe the situation, and tell themthat every one will have to follow hisown conscience.This situation is serious and shouldnot be taken lightly. How has it comeabout?To me it appears as an instance ofa situation which has occurred repeatedly in this country, but which isalso not entirely unknown abroad. Divorce is still unknown in severalstrongly Roman Catholic countries,for instance Italy. For a time it wasquite frequent that Italians who couldnot obtain a divorce in their owncountry went to the neighboring cityof Fiume, where the divorce laws werevery liberal. Through a quick processand upon payment of an appropriatefee they obtained Hungarian or Fiu-man citizenship, obtained the divorce,and then happily returned to Italy. Orperhaps not always happily, becausethe Italian courts quickly got wise andrefused these Fiume divorces.Similar instances have occurred inother parts of the world: Uruguayan divorces for Argentinians and Brazilians or Latvian divorces for EasternEuropeans. In France, where "graveoffense" constitutes a ground of divorce, it is said not to be uncommonthat the letter containing the offensivewords is amicably composed by thelawyers of both spouses. And in Germany there flourished for a time thespecial science of divorce geography,which would tell the lawyers whichcourts were tough in divorce mattersand which easy, so that they could arrange their clients' "domicile" accordingly.Opposed philosophiesAll these phenomena are the almostinevitable result of the deep clash ofbasic attitudes toward life which findsexpression in attitudes toward divorce.In our country, in particular, we canfind two trends which can be tracedthroughout American history. A partof our early settlers left the Old Worldto come to this country for religiousreasons. Not only the Puritans werepeople of staunch morals. For them aswell as for other deeply religious Protestants, not to speak of the Catholics,marriage is a religious institution, instituted by God as indissoluble and tobe entered "for better or for worse, insickness or health, until death do uspart."But there has been another elementin our population, the adventurer, theman who wanted to free himself fromthe fetters of established society, andwho refused to recognize any earthlyor heavenly power which would bindhim to a relationship which no longersatisfied his personal urges and desires.In addition we have the strong individualist and liberal traditions of thiscountry. We strongly maintain the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness, and what greater unhappinesscan there be than that of an unhappymarriage?Here we have two diametrically opposed basic philosophies. And in addition to the religious argument, a strongcase can be made for strict divorcelaws from a secular point of view. Inthis respect, recent developments inthe Soviet Union are instructive. Asis well known, the first marriage lawenacted by the Soviet regime was ofthe utmost liberality. No decree of anycourt or other state agency was required, and registration only followedthe divorce for mere evidentiary purposes.8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAt present the situation is different.While the recent Soviet law does notcontain a catalogue of grounds fordivorce, a divorce is no longer possiblewithout a decree of court. As a firststep the parties have to appear beforea People's Court which has to engagein a serious effort at reconciliation. Ifthat fails the case is certified to ahigher court, which investigates thesituation, which has broad discretionary powers, and which is not to granta divorce unless it is convinced thatthere is no possibility that the marriagecan be salvaged. As an additionaldeterrent, the court fees are high, andthey increase with every subsequentdivorce.How can we account for this surprising development?We can find the key if we look atsimultaneous efforts of the Soviet government to strengthen civic disciplinein all other walks of life, especiallylabor discipline, patriotic discipline,and military discipline. The Sovietcitizen is supposed to be conscious ofhis responsibilities toward society. Heis not expected to deprive his childrenof a home, and he is supposed to develop those virtues which make for theendurance of hardship, for seeing thefellow citizen's point of view, and forsubjecting his own desire for happiness to the welfare of society at large.A case could be made out for thecultivation of the same virtues in oursociety. There is probably no marriagein which there would not arise at sometime one difficulty or another. Theearly dreams of perfect bliss are dueto fade, and adjustments have to bemade. If society makes it easy to throwoff the burden at some slight provocation, the individual is not likely todevelop the virtues of patience, understanding, and responsibility in otherconnections; and few situations are solikely to promote the growth of thesevirtues as the family.Edged alternativeBut there is the other side. Is societywell served by citizens whose strengthis broken by the unhappiness of anintolerable home life or who are seeking an easy way out by extra-maritaladventures?Furthermore, disappointment mayoccur more easily and cut more deeplytoday than it did in earlier times. We,the citizens of the 20th century, expectmore of marriage than our ancestors did. The frontiersman expected hiswife to be his helper on the farm, inthe business or the household, to satisfyhis physical sexual desires, and to bearhim children. The wife was primarilyconcerned with finding a good provider.Hollywood romanceNow we city dwellers have becomeisolated individuals. Besides, we havebecome educated. We expect marriageto be a fuller comradeship of theminds and souls, and that ideal hasbeen mightily fostered by the ideal ofthe romantic marriage which is constantly held before us by Hollywood.This ideal is more easily disappointedthan the older and simpler expectations.But still the old ideas and idealsof marriage as a sacrament or as anindissoluble community of life havenot disappeared. We thus have withinour people a deep split of opinion,with large groups still holding ontothe old ideals and others advocatingthe principles of liberalism. The majority is probably undecided, believingin the old principles generally andready to discard them in their ownindividual cases.In such a situation, the processes ofparliamentary democracy are unlikelyto function. The core of our democracy is compromise, but where ourdeepest moral convictions are concerned, or even eternal salvation, wecannot compromise.Changes in the divorce law alongthe lines of liberalism cannot easily beobtained also for another reason. Thebelievers in the old ideals are organized, especially in the churches. Theliberals are not. And our democraticprocesses do not work well. unless allinterested groups are organized.An illustration is afforded by ourlaws on illegitimate children. In moststates these laws are 'antediluvian. Yetchanges may not be achieved until wehave a National Association of Bastards, and that is unlikely to be organized.The believers in a liberal divorcelaw are unorganized, partly becauseliberals cannot organize easily anyway,and partly because it would be difficultto form an association of prospectiveunhappy husbands or wives.Lastly, under the pressure of officialmores, many a believer in liberal principles is afraid to profess them openly. Thus we find the same phenomenonwhich has occurred in similar situations. We all know, or should know,that our gambling laws are uninforce-able. People will play the horses, whatever laws we have on our statutebooks, and the only real question iswhether or not we are to continue thenursing of police corruption. Yet wedo not repeal those laws.In Kansas, Prohibition was kept onthe statute books for a long time byan involuntary alliance of the clergyand the bootleggers, until popularpressure at last became irresistible.Thurman Arnold has given a goodname to such phenomena. He speaksof the "sub rosa institution," meaningthe practices which are imperativelydemanded by the people in spite of theofficial morals by which they are condemned.The democratic process functions,as we have stated, through compromise. Ordinarily we achieve compromise openly through the give andtake in the legislature. But where wecannot achieve an open compromise,we have to achieve it by some circuitous way. The result is the sub rosainstitution. We save our convictions byresisting statutory change, and toleratethe flouting of the law.Open compromise has been madedifficult, also, by a misconception ofthe significance of divorce. The opponents of official reform of the divorce law are, for good reasons, concerned about the stability of the homeand the family. A divorce as such,however, does not mean the break-upof a home; regularly it is but thesequel. In the overwhelming majorityof cases, the family is broken up andthe children are deprived of a homebefore a divorce is asked for. Realistically seen, a decree of divorce is nomore than an official permission toremarry.Ignorance and hypocrisyThus the only problem we haveseriously to consider is the influencewhich the state of a community's divorce law may have on the stability ofmarriages. Are parties more inclinedto overcome marital difficulties and toseek adjustment where they know thata divorce is obtainable only under difficulties or perhaps not at all, thanwhen they know that they can beContinued on page 20OCTOBER, 1952 9¦¦¦I¦*1 YHT301 '32513 V 3M!XAi)AM Ai>.\. j^s, ,!¦¦ - M¦ 1 1 1ALUMNUS DONOHUE (LEFT) AND THOUGHTFUL EDITOR SHAPIRO AT WORK IN POETRY MAGAZINE'S FAMOUS OLD OFFICEp o etry is 40Question: What is the role of the contemporary American poet?Answer: I don't know who expects anysort of recognizable behavior from poets.The people who know most about poetsprobably expect anything.A HIS FRAGMENT of a somewhattesty interview of a poet, by a psychologist may help to reassure anypersons who fear that poetry and poetsnowadays have lost some of their old fire. With the psychologist we haveno further concern, but the poet whogave the brash answer knows whereofhe speaks. He is a Baltimore-bornChicagoan, a Pulitzer prize winner, and since 1950. the editor of Poetry.His name is Karl Shapiro, and hisPulitzer award came in 1945, for thevolume V-Letter and Other Poems.Poetry, a magazine which this10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmonth celebrates its fortieth anniversary, is a rare item in the Americanliterary inventory. It is unusual, forone thing, because of its advanced age.Poems have existed since the beginning of language, and almost since theinvention of moveable type 500 yearsago, there have always been littlemagazines of poetry. But, conditionsof publishing and the nature of poetsbeing what they are, most poetrymagazines have lived for only a fewyears, frequently only a few months.Forty years is an almost incrediblespan for such a magazine; yet todaythere is nothing "fortyish" aboutPoetry.Poetry is also unusual in its independence. It has no formal ties withany institution or with, in fact, anything except its field of concern. Furthermore, the magazine has and apparently always will publish anythingits editor thinks is good poetry, andwill thereupon pay for it.Though there are no formal tiesbetween Poetry and the University ofChicago, it was indicative of the relationship between the two that whenHarriet Monroe, the founder of themagazine, died in 1936, she willed tothe University her entire and priceless collection of manuscripts, letters,and other odds and ends, documentsof some of the most exciting timespoetry has ever known. For a dozenyears, the Monroe collection hasformed the nucleus of the University'sModern Poetry Library, which isunder the direction of Judith StrohmBond, '23. The two thousand thinvolumes of poetry with which the library began, have been increased,meanwhile, to more than five thousand.From its well-planned beginning in1912, Poetry was of immense influence in the flowering of poetic composition which took place in the yearsthat followed. Neither its readers norits writers were limited to the UnitedStates (James Joyce's first publishedverse, for example, was printed inPoetry in 1917). The magazine's listof "firsts" includes virtually every important poet writing in its four decadesof existence. Volume I, No. 1, whichsold for a modest fifteen cents in 1912,now is a collector's item valued atfifty dollars.One odd by-product of forty yearsof publishing the best verse it couldlay hands on has been Poetry's gal-Continued on page 12 PoeticAlumnaOf sturdy stuffAre poets made,Or else they'd neverMake the grade0,"NE FAMILIAR characteristic ofpoetry is its phoenix-like refusal todie permanently. Poetry has foughtan uphill struggle through almost theentire lifetime (27 years) of one member of the University's newest batchof alumni, Jane Cadmus Farley, '52(See cover). Despite some noteworthy obstacles, the yen to composeverse has kept on popping up. And inJune, she was awarded the University's John Billings Fiske prize for theyear's best student verse. This was notonly a poetic triumph, but also thehappy solution to a then-pressing needfor about $100, of which the tangiblepart of the award consists.Poet Farley began composing verseat the age of 3; her mother jotted itdown, in sheer maternal astonishment.The printed material she liked bestto have read aloud was, at this time,the works of Spenser.When Jane was in high school, inBattle Creek, Michigan, she workedmealtimes as a waitress and eveningsas a librarian in the noted sanitariumthere. This was in addition to hernormal load of studies. But verse continued to emerge from her pen. At14 she was chosen "junior poet laureate" of the state of Michigan. Thisdistinction brought scant materialbenefits, but it did enable her to learnsomething about poetry, since theperquisite was the right to sit for atime at the feet of W. H. Auden.Upon Jane's graduation from highschool, poetry lost a round to thestage, and she spent the next five yearsin and out of theatrical stock companies. The theater proved to have almost as demanding a muse as poetry,however; between engagements shelearned typing, shorthand, and proofreading in various emergencies. OtherContinued on page 12OCTOBER, 1952 11IN MODERN POETRY LIBRARY, POET HENRY RAGO LISTENS TO POET'S RECORDINGPOETRY, continued from page 11lery of "discoveries" who eventuallyhave won reputations in areas otherthan poetry. These poets include Mortimer J. Adler (1921), Ben Hecht(1917), Ernest Hemingway (1922),Julian Huxley (1931), MargaretMead (1929), Daniel Catton Rich,'26 (1928), and Dexter Masters, '30(1930).ALUMNA POET, continued from page 11theatrical dull periods, she modeled,taught calisthenics, and sang in nightclubs, including Barney's Bowery Barat Coney Island.In 1947, not altogether satisfied withthe twists and turns of theatricalexistence, Miss Farley wrote to theUniversity of Chicago for permissionto take an absentia scholarship examination. The Examiner's findingsindicated that a scholarship was inorder; so, after a final fling at summer stock in Vermont, she entered theCollege in the autumn quarter of thatyear. The theater (and its attendantsub- vocations) gave way to the academic life (and its attendant part-time jobs). But the muse also hadmoved to the Midway, and the lyricscontinued to flow. The muse got aneven better break when a case of exhaustion, plus a broken leg, kept Jane The degree of informal collusionbetween Poetry and the Midway alsowas evident in the existence of a University committee associated with themagazine in the later years of MissMonroe's editorship. The committeeconsisted of three famed members ofthe English faculty: Thornton Wilder,Percy H. Boynton, and Robert MorssLovett.in Billings hospital for several monthsin 1949 and there was, for a while,plenty of time for composition.The next year, after shifting fromdissertation-typing to advertising copy-writing as an avocation, Jane got married, moved to Chapel Hill, and turned to the writing of movie scripts.She also spent six months as publicitydirector for the North Carolina Symphony Society. At the University ofNorth Carolina she was still carryinga full course load, and she had almostdecided to concentrate on becominga psychologist when she was invitedto go to Greece with a State Department motion picture troupe. Hermarriage meanwhile had broken up.The brown hills of Greece, whichhad worked their witchery on manyanother poet, did not fail her, thoughthe muse was now in competitionwith the Truman Doctrine. After the death of Harriet Monroe,the poet-critic who had been her assistant and who is now Professor ofEnglish at the University MortonDauwen Zabel became editor. Inthe years since 1936, Poetry has hadnine editors, singly and in variouscombinations, of which one-third havebeen alumni. Zabel's successor wasGeorge Dillon, '27, the 1932 Pulitzerprize winner. Later, a co-editor withDillon and Marion Strobel was JohnFrederick Nims, PhD '25. And thepredecessor of the present editor, KarlShapiro (a Johns Hopkins man) wasHayden Carruth, '47.Today, relationships between Poetryand the University continue. One contributor to the magazine's sparklingsuper-special anniversary issue isHenry Rago, a poet who also is Assistant Professor of the Humanities inthe College. In preparation for theanniversary, Poetry acquired twoalumni as staff members: HaroldDonohue, '46, as business manager,and Bertha Gaiter, '27.Poetry at forty is not too greatlydifferent from the pre- World War Imagazine, though its cover design hasvaried like a chameleon. The magazine still is sprightly, still always alittle short of funds, still extremelyconscious of high standards, evenwhile being deluged by oceans ofsub-standard verse such oceans thatShapiro, when asked about the declinein poetry in these parlous times, justhas to laugh.Back in the United States, heimovie-making stint done, Jane returned to the Midway last January tofinish her College studies. And to thissummer's good news of her graduation and of the Fiske award was addedthe further word that she had beenaccepted for graduate study in theUniversity's Department of Psychology. Characteristically, she celebrated these events by getting a summer job in a varnish factory.Whatever the muse accomplishesfrom now on, it will have to do incompetition with a crowded scheduleof work in and out of the University.Even Jane is not sure she will havetime for poetry any more. But themuse has been forced to learn persistence in keeping up with her untilnow, and the odds remain good thatpoetry, like murder, will out.12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPOLITICAL SCIENTIST FINER (2nd FROM LEFT) GATHERS PAPERS AFTER TELECAST AS HISTORIAN JOHNSON ADJUSTS TIEProfessors Re-Tool for Televisionl\. TELEVISION program, maturein approach and treatment and devoted to subjects involving some intellectual content, has taken to the airthis year. Of the twenty-four professors who have starred before itscameras, approximately half havebeen from the University.Called "Live and Learn," the showis put on by the Chicago outlet ofthe National Broadcasting Company,WNBQ. In its first seven months, itwas available only to Chicago televiewers, but it may eventually reachnetwork viewers. An unsponsoredpresentation, it is broadcast Sunday mornings at 11:30 Chicago time."Live and Learn" is devoted to aspecific discipline each month. EacbSunday, for the first three Sundays, adifferent scientist or scholar presentsa half-hour lecture on one phase of thesubject. The fourth week, all three arebrought together, as a panel, to answerquestions submitted by the audienceand presented by one of the program'sproducers, Charles Hunter. (His co-producer is George Heinemann, station program director, who has characterized the show as "Chicago'sanswer to the BBC's Third Programme.") Chicago faculty members who haveappeared on the program to date include University College Lecturer S.I. Hayakawa, Carl Rogers, Professorof Psychology, Thomas Gordon, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Professor Nicolas Rashevsky and AssistantProfessor Anatol Rapoport, of theCommittee on Mathematical Biology,Robert Braidwood, Associate Professor in the Oriental Institute, WalterJohnson, Professor of History, HermanFiner, Professor of Political Science,Warner Wick, Assistant Professor ofPhilosophy, Gerard Kuiper, Professorof Astronomy, and Walter Blucher,Lecturer in Political Science.OCTOBER, 1952 13SYRTIS MAJOR REGION OF MARS. THIS PHOTO WAS MADE BY SUPERIMPOSING FIVE NEGATIVES TO IMPROVE TONEMARTIANSIf they exist, they are lowly lichens; yet theevidence that they exist poses exciting questionsA HE REASON the question of theexistence of life on the planet Marsholds such fascination for earth dwellers does not lie in the hypothetical joys of visiting Mars via space ship, nor inthe sorrows of an attack, by flyingsaucer or otherwise, from this nearbyfellow-satellite. The reason the possibility of life onMars is fascinating is this: if life hassprung up spontaneously on two planets, the chances are it has sprung up14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEon other planets in other stellar systems when conditions were right.It is still not possible to be sure thatlife as we know it exists on Mars, butastronomers are continuing to narrowthe gap. That such a phenomenon asMartian life is not only possible butlikely is indicated in a new chapteradded to the revised edition of thebook The Atmospheres of the Earthand the Planets, published recently byThe University of Chicago Press. Thischapter is by the editor of the book,Gerard P. Kuiper, Professor of Astronomy of the University."If life truly exists on the onlytwo planets of the solar system thatare at all suitable to sustain it," Dr.Kuiper writes, "it is tempting to conclude that, after enough time haselapsed, it will develop spontaneouslywherever conditions permit. Sinceplanetary systems are presumed to bevery numerous, life would then be noexception in the universe."What is the evidence for life onMars? Nearly 75 years ago, astronomers were proposing that the greenareas of the red planet might consistof plants instead of oceans. This suggestion rested on the observational evidence flimsy indeed by today's standards that there appeared to be seasonal changes in these green areas.In more recent years, better evidence has been produced, by meansof the spectroscope and the filter,which have made it possible for researchers to assess the qualities ofMars' weather, atmosphere, and surface.Five years ago Dr. Kuiper demonstrated that there is enough carbondioxide in the planet's atmosphereto support some forms of planet life.Other investigations have shown thatwater in small amounts is found onMars, and that the range of temperatures, while rigorous, does not preclude the existence of the toughestforms of plants.These facts, along with other dataon the shielding capacity of the atmosphere, the plant food available, anda planetary history of somewhatwarmer weather, constitute the circumstantial evidence. They indicatethat life might be possible, not that itmust necessarily be.In addition, however, Dr. Kuiperbrings forth some more positive indications that Martian inhabitants mayexist, in the form of plants. The spec trum of the planet's green areas closelycorresponds to the spectrum of the"crustose" lichens, found on earth.This spectrum, at the same time, differs markedly from those of inorganicmaterials found on Mars, under theplanet's temperature and humidityconditions.In addition, the colors of the supposed vegetation vary from time totime, in response to seasonal humiditychanges, and from place to place, inways resembling regional patterns ofvegetation on earth. Finally, Dr.Kuiper points to the suggestion thatthe green areas always reappear, evenafter they have been covered over bythe yellow dust storms characteristicof Martian weather. This re-emergenceappears to indicate the presence ofsome material having powers of regeneration.A visitor to Mars would not find ita particularly pleasant place, in termsof the astronomer's description today.The closest earthly approach to theplanet's living conditions is found ontop of Mt. Everest, where the air isthin, cold, and lacking in oxygen. Buteven Everest's climate is mild compared to Mars'.KUIPER FINDS MARS CHILLY SPOTAt noon, on this chilly planet, thetemperature may rise as high as 50degrees, but at night it drops to 120degrees below zero. White clouds of iceparticles drift across the wintry sky.There are no bodies of water; whatlittle moisture there is exists principallyin the form of ice crystals in the atmosphere. Even the white polar cap consists of a coating so thin as to resemble a heavy frost more than the polarsnows of the earth. (Only one Martian pole is snow-capped at a time;the winter north polar cap evaporatesin summer, reappearing at the southpole.)Large areas of the land of Mars aredeserts, covered with powdery, reddishdust. From these deserts swirl the duststorms which sometimes cover thewhole surface.But besides the deserts, the areas ofvegetation if vegetation it is present an odd aspect, lacking trees, lacking grass, lacking all plants exceptthose which on earth are found as thesole inhabitants of the Sahara, therocky peaks of the highest mountains,and the bleak northern tundras. Theground is covered with a paper-thinlayer of material resembling lichens.Lichens are the only earthly plantswhich could be transplanted to Marsand survive. They are so hardy thatthey can survive immersion in dry ice.The hardihood of the lichen is a product of its structure, for these plantsare actually double, consisting of athreadlike fungus strung about scattered cells of algae. The fungus feedson the algae, while the algae are protected from wind and weather by thefungus. The resulting partnership is sotough that it can live without sunlight,probably without any more oxygenthan that which it, itself, produces.Lichens have been stored for a centurywithout changing in color or appearance. For sheer toughness, they put allother forms of life to shame.How trustworthy is this hypothetical Martian landscape? Dr. Kuiperbelieves that on the basis of the accumulated evidence it might be acceptedas is, without reservation, except forthe meaning implicit in such a picture.Almost certainly, he points out, theMartian lichens are not the lichensof the earth, though one might be substituted for the other.But even assuming merely a lichens-like growth on Mars, the implicationof "two parallel developments, one onMars and one on the earth" developments so complex that they still defydescription and understanding is soimportant, Dr. Kuiper feels, that finaljudgment should probably still bewithheld. The race of saucer-pilotingMartians is fiction, and the famous"canals" have proved illusory, but scientific probing of our planetary neighbor will have to go on.OCTOBER, 1952 15Citations Honor33 AlumniHere are the individual citationsfor "public spirited citizenship"awarded at the Reunion last JuneROBERT S. ADLER, '22, Highland Parkis trustee and manager of a private trust. He is president of North Shore Congregation Israel, a member of theBoard of Governors of the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion, and a member of the Board of the JewishCommunity Centers of Chicago. His many other civic activitieshave included the chairmanship of the National Finance Councilof the National Jewish Welfare Board and extensive work withthe Community Chest, the Community Fund, the Council ofSocial Agencies, and Roosevelt College.LILYAN MacHAAS ALSPAUGH, '27, Cincinnatihas combined the career of homemaker with manyyears of voluntary service to the American Association of University Women. She has been president of the Cincinnati Councilof Club Presidents, president of the Greater Cincinnati RadioCouncil, and a member of the boards of the World Affairs Council of Cincinnati, the League of Women Voters, the YWCA, theCincinnati Community Chest, and the Cincinnati Adult Education Council. Her outstanding service to the American Association of University Women recently culminated in her selectionas vice-president and member of the National Executive Committee.ISABEL MacMURRAY ANDERSON, "16, Medina, Texasis a managing partner in the Circle R Sky Guest Ranch.As a resident of Chicago she was active in the Kenwood SocialService League; in Texas she has become a member of the Community Council of Medina, secretary-treasurer of the MedinaRural Telephone Company, and an officer of the Chamber ofCommerce, and, both in Chicago and in Texas, she has givenliberally of her time to the Parent-Teachers Association and tothe work of her church.PAUL G. ANNES, "21, JD '23, Chicagohas been a practicing attorney for many years. He ispresident and board chairman of the Chicago Council AgainstRacial and Religious Discrimination. His many other community activities have included service as president of the CityClub, vice-president of the Decalogue Society, and extensive workwith the Citizens Committee on the Juvenile Court and theMetropolitan Welfare Council of Chicago. IN FRONT OF ALUMNI HOUSE, CITEESRUSSELL BAKER, '23, Lake Bluffis a partner in the law firm of Baker, McKenzie andHightower. His major interest in the realm of civic affairs hasbeen the Chicago Crime Commission, to which he has devotedfifteen years of distinguished service. He has been vice-presidentand secretary and is currently a member of the Executive Committee. On his own time and without compensation he has donean enormous amount of research for the Commission, several ofhis publications in the field of the Commission's interest havingbecome national standards.HERBERT BEBB, JD '13, Chicagois a partner in the law firm of Harris, Reinhardt &Bebb. A member of the faculty of John Marshall Law School,he was, in 1946, a candidate for the Republican nomination toCongress. Long concerned with the problems of race relations,he has served as president of the City Club of Chicago, is currently chairman of the Race Relations Committee of that organization, and was a recipient, in 1951, of the Award in HumanRelations of the Chicago Commission on Human Relations forhis distinguished service in that field.BENJAMIN F. BILLS, "II, JD '14, Glencoeis head of B. Franklin Bills and Associates, Consultants.Among his many civic activities have been the presidency ofthe John Howard Association (an organization devoted toprisoner rehabilitation) , service as a trustee of the First MethodistChurch of Evanston, director of the Wilmette Sunday , EveningClub, director of the North Shore Sunday Evening Club, servicefor many years in the Boys' Club work of the Union League Club,and the donation of the World Friendship Library of the FirstMethodist Church of Evanston.STELLA McCULLOCH BRANDENBURG, '24, AM '32,Chicagoassociate executive director of the Community Fundof Chicago. One of the most distinguished and public-spiritedworkers in her field, she is a member of the Advisory Committee to the Cook County Bureau of Public Welfare, memberof the Board of the Community Center Foundation and of theNational Social Welfare Assembly, member of the Budget Com-16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELINED UP IN ORDER AS GIVEN BELOW, EXCEPT THAT BENJAMIN BILLS COULDN'T BE PRESENT FOR PHOTO AT REUNIONmittee of the Church Federation of Greater Chicago, and chairman of the Division on Administration and Community Organization of the Illinois Welfare Association.JOHN HAROLD CAESAR, "27, AM "31, Muskegon, Mich.occupies the dual position of director of adult education and assistant director of the community college in thepublic school system of his community. In addition to his educational activities, he has been prominent in church work, havingserved as president of the County Council of Churches. Othercivic service activities have included the YMCA, the CommunityCouncil, and the Urban League.VIRGINIA TITUS DODGE, "16, Chicagowas one of the founders and has served as presidentof the Illinois Epilepsy League, of which she is now a director.She is also a director of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicagoand the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago and is amember of the board of directors of Herriek House and atrustee of Hull House, as well as serving as treasurer of theLake Geneva Fresh Air Association. Her record of public serviceis a memorable one.WALTER C. EARLE, "18, MD '20, Atlantais chief of the Professional Division of the Atlanta AreaMedical Office of the Veterans Administration and has servedoutstandingly in the field of public health. He was for manyyears a member of the staff of the International Health Divisionof the Rockefeller Foundation. As consultant to the Institute ofInter-American Affairs, he was director of health and sanitationfor four South American countries. He has carried ideals ofcitizenship service and good will to our neighboring republics.MARGARET NELSON ELMER, '27, Flint, Michiganhousewife and mother, has lent her abilities to animpressive number of community services. She is president ofher local YWCA, after six years on its board, member of theboards of the Visiting Nurses Association of Flint and of the American Association of University Women, and secretary of thelatter group. She has been prominent for many years in thework of the Council of Church Women and of the PTA in hercommunities and has held high office in both. To her University she has contributed time for the organization of analumni group and has served as a fund worker for the AlumniFoundation.MICHAEL GREENEBAUM, '24, Glencoeis engaged in the mortgage and real estate business withthe Lake Michigan Mortgage Company. His interest in goodgovernment led him to assume the management of Senator PaulDouglas' campaign, which was work undertaken as a publicservice, to the detriment of his personal interests. His otheractivities have included service as a trustee of the Chicago Medical School, board member and treasurer of the Illinois ChildLabor Committee, member of the Illinois Civil Service Commission, and board member of the American Jewish Committee.CHARLES F. GRIMES, '16, JD '19, Highland Parkis general counsel and secretary of the Chicago Title andTrust Company. Mr. Grimes has been secretary of the Board ofTrustees of Highland Park Hospital for a number of years andis also serving on the Library Board of that city. He has rendered outstanding service to his community over a period ofmore than two decades in the fund-raising campaigns of theAmerican Red Cross, the Community Chest, and the Boy Scoutsof America.J. PARKER HALL, '27, Highland Parkis treasurer of the University. His strongest civic interest has been in children, which interest is reflected in hismany years of school board membership and his service astrustee of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society andTrustee of the Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund. He hasalso served his church as vestryman and as trustee of the Episcopal Diocesan Foundation Trust.OCTOBER, 1952 17LIVINGSTON HALL, '23, Concord, Mass.is vice-dean and professor of law at the Harvard LawSchool. His many civic contributions include service as vice-president of the Massachusetts Civic League, president of theWeston Taxpayers Association, vestryman and warden of hischurch, chairman of the Community Fund Unit for HarvardUniversity, work with the Boston Community Fund, and townmoderator of Weston, Massachusetts.DOROTHY HACKETT HOLABIRD, "14, Chicagowas recently made a Citizen Fellow of the Institute ofMedicine of Chicago. She is president of the Board of HerriekHouse, a trustee of Provident Hospital, and chairman of itsSchool of Nursing Committee, a director, and formerly vice-president, of the Visiting Nurse Association, a member of theAuxiliary Board of the Children's Memorial Hospital, and onetime vice-president of that board, member of the EducationalCouncil of Francis W. Parker School, and has been active ina profusion of other health and welfare agencies.IRENE KAWIN, "09, Chicagois deputy chief probation officer of the Family Courtof Cook County. She participated extensively in the MidcenturyWhite House Conference on Children and Youth. She has servedas chairman of the Committee on Probation and Parole of theIllinois Welfare Association, as a member of the Budget Reviewing Committee of the Community Fund, and for two years aspresident of the Probation and Parole Association of Illinois.HARDY LISTON, Sr., SB '25, AM '28, Charlotte, N. C.is president of Johnson C. Smith University. His lifetime of service to education and community affairs includesmembership on three important national committees of thePresbyterian church, service with the YMCA, many years' workwith the Boy Scouts of America, assistance to the hospital of hislocal community, and membership on a large number of welfareand educational organizations.ARNOLD H. MAREMONT, '24, JD '26, Winnetkais vice-president of the Maremont Automotive ProductsCompany. He is state chairman of the Fair Employment Practices Committee, a member of the Executive Committee of theAmerican Civil Liberties Union, a member of the Board ofDirectors of the Jewish Federation of Chicago, a member of theBoard of the Federated Jewish Charities, and a trustee of Roosevelt College.FLORENCE BLOOM MAYER, s23, Chicagohas been particularly distinguished by her devotionto the Volunteer Service of the University of Chicago Clinics, towhich she has given more than four hundred days in the pastfour years. In addition, she has been president of the ChicagoWomen's Aid, a member of the Women's Board of MichaelReese Hospital, and vice-president of the Chicago Sinai TempleSisterhood.ETHEL REMICK McDOWELL, '02, Chicagois chief of staff of the Social Service Department ofthe Municipal Court of Chicago. In addition to work with theUnitarian church, the PTA, and the League of Women Voters,she has served extensively with the Welfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago and has contributed greatly to a variety ofreforms in the field of family law.HAROLD A. MOORE, '15, Chicagois senior vice-president of the Chicago Title and TrustCompany. He has served with distinction as general campaignchairman of the Community Fund of Chicago. In addition, heis vice-chairman and a member of the Board of the ChicagoBetter Business Bureau and -a director of the Salvation Army ofChicago, the USO of Chicago, and the Community Fund. Hehas served the University as a member of the Board of theAlumni Foundation. HAROLD TUTHILL MOORE, '16, Hinsdaleis president of the Tuthill Spring Company. One ofthe leading citizens of his community, he has served Hinsdaleand Chicagoland as a member of the Village Board of Trustees,Civilian Defense Coordinator, member of the Draft Board ofDuPage County, trustee of the Union Church of Hinsdale, chairman of the Utilities Commission, president of the HinsdaleCommunity Chest, trustee of the Chicago Congregational Union,and trustee of the Chicago Boys' Clubs.THEO GRIFFITH NEWMAN, '17, Highland Parkhas given years of devoted service to the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago, for a time as vice-president of theChicago Woman's Board. Her other activities include the GirlScouts, the presidency of the Woman's Association of her church,and the District vice-presidency of the Chicago Presbyterial Society, community general chairman of the Red Cross, and workin the League of Women Voters, the Northwestern UniversitySettlement, and the Woman's Auxiliary of the Highland ParkHospital.HAROLD W. NORMAN, '19, JD '20, Lake Bluffis a partner in the law firm of Zimmerman and Norman. His deep and abiding interest in the problems of publiceducation is evidenced by his service as a member of the SchoolFinance and Tax Commission, vice-chairman of the IllinoisSchool Problems Commission, chairman of the Governor's SpecialAdvisory Commission on Education, president of the school district in his home community, and president of the IllinoisAssociation of School Boards.COLA G. PARKER, 'I I, JD '12, Neenah, Wise.is president of the Kimberly-Clark Corporation. He isvice-chairman of the Board and chairman of the Trustees ofthe National Industrial Conference Board and is a member ofadvisory committees to the War Production Board and theNational Production Authority. He is also president of theBoard of Trustees of the Clark Memorial Hospital in Neenah,president of the Board of Trustees of Lawrence College, anda director of the Wisconsin Taxpayers' Alliance. He has servedindustry for many years as a director of the National Associationof Manufacturers and of its counterparts in Wisconsin andCanada.HELEN PARKER, 'II, Lake Bluffhead of the Department of Education of the ArtInstitute, has devoted her life to the cultural advancement ofthe people of Chicago. Through her exceptional talent andenthusiasm for the interpretation of the arts to laymen, andthrough many original procedures, such as her lectures on arthistory, she has been outstandingly successful in enabling herfellow-citizens to lead richer and more meaningful lives.ESTHER COOK PEASE, '27, Birmingham, Mich.has engaged in a wide variety of civic activities, including the Red Cross general chairmanship for her community,the vice-presidency of the University's Alumni Association, andservice as president of her church guild, secretary of the Southwest Branch of the League of Women Voters, Community FundChairman for the area in which she lives, president of theParent-Teachers Association, and work with the Civic Counciland the Cancer Foundation.ROBERT H. PEASE, '35, MBA '47, Birmingham, Mich.is president of the Detroit Mortgage Company, havintmoved from Chicago this spring to accept the position. He wasfor three years general chairman of the Cancer Drive for theentire city of Chicago. He was chairman of the Real Estate andMortgage Division of the Provident Hospital Drive and headedthe same division of the Community Fund Drive in previousyears. He is a director, and was one of the organizers, of theBeverly Hills Youth Center, has worked with the YMCA, andhas served as secretary of the Citizens Civil Service Association ofIllinois.18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALBERT PICK, Jr., '17, Highland Parkpresident of the Pick Hotels Corporation, has givenliberally of his time to cultural and public health activities inmetropolitan Chicago. Mr. Pick is a trustee of the La RabidaSanitarium and of Highland Park Hospital and is active in theaffairs of the Chicago Opera Association, the Chicago Art Institute, the Chicago Historical Society, and the Ravinia FestivalAssociation. In support of the University, Mr. Pick has servedon the Board of International House and of the Alumni Foundation.CAROL MASON RUSSELL, rl9, Chicagohas, in addition to raising five children, somehow foundtime to be chairman of the Women's Division of the CommunityFund Drive, the Red Cross Fund Drive, the Provident Hospital Fund Drive, the United Negro College Fund Drive, second vice-president of the Lying-in Hospital Board, vice-chairman of theAlumni Foundation Board, and active in the United WorldFederalists, the Contemporary American Art Society, and theRenaissance Society.BARBARA MILLER SIMPSON, '18, Chicagois president of the Board of Managers of the ChicagoChild Care Society. She has been vice-president of the CookCounty League of Women Voters, as well as treasurer of thatbody, and president of the Hyde Park League. She is assistanttreasurer of the Hyde Park Neighborhood Club and has servedher University as president of the Alumnae Club, a member ofthe Board of the Alumni Foundation, vice-president of theAlumni Association, and a member of the Lying-in HospitalBoard.Recollections ofHarold IckesNotes by a venera'ed professor emeritus on famedformer student Ickes, AB97,JD'07, who died February 3By Robert Morss LovettProfessor Emeritus of EnglishHIS STAND ON OFFSHORE OIL IS A CAMPAIGN ISSUE TODAYI FIRST SAW Harold Ickes in theearly 1890's at the University of Chicago. 'I was proctoring an examination for an instructor in history, and,as was the practice in those primitivedays, I was reading the questions forthe students to take down. I hadreached a searching inquiry as to thecauses of the Schmalcaldic War whena voice from the rear row demanded :"Pease write the questions on the blackboard." I demurred. I suggestedthat it would be more convenient forthe students to have each his owncopy. Then arose the protestant andpointed out that misunderstanding ofan unfamiliar voice was to be feared a reflection, I presumed, on myHarvard accent and above all, thataccording to the University regulations each student was entitled to anofficial copy of the questions at an examination. I yielded. In years afterward I never met Harold Ickeswithout listening to his delightedrecollection of the incident.I did not see Harold again in college ¦ he wisely considered that Icould not teach him anything aboutwriting or literature but in his earlyyears of legal practice in Chicago wewere thrown together in connectionwith certain unpopular causes. HeOCTOBER, 1952 19would take cases that other lawyersrefused. I remember the Averbuchcase, in which a young Russian immigrant called at the house of theChief of Police and was shot on sight.The city authorities tried to build upa story of an anarchist plot, and sentLieutenant Marke Mills, the head ofthe Bomb Squad, to Russia to work upa background. Of course there wasno money for legal fees in the case.Averbuch was dead but good citizens, like Miss Addams, thought anincipient anarchist scare, to whichChicago was prone, should be suppressed at the source. It was. TheChief of Police retired.Later Harold Ickes was active incivic, state, and national politics. Ithink he was never happier than whenmanaging an electoral campaign. Hedirected the campaign of Charles E.Merriam for Mayor of Chicago andwas active in the Bull Moose campaignand later in that of LaFollette. Between whiles he and Donald Richberghad established a firm which handledchiefly cases of labor unions, especially of the railroads. They were theinveterate opponents of the SamuelInsull utilities empire, when millionswere available to buy them off.When Harold was working his waythrough college he and his sister werebefriended by Mrs. H. M. Wilmarth,whom Chicagoans remember as aleader in good works, and later married her daughter Ada, whom I wasproud to have as a pupil. She wasa woman of high intelligence and commanding personality, who made hermark as a trustee of the University ofIllinois and as a member of thelegislature. Her campaigns were theonly ones that her managing husbandwon. She was intensely interested inthe American Indians. It was on avisit to the president-elect, whenDIVORCE, continued from page 9restored to their marital freedom forthe asking.A priori we are probably inclinedto answer that question affirmatively.But do we really know ? This seems tome to be the crucial question. The bestway to find out is by experiment,which, in our case, means by studyingfamily stability in countries with easyand difficult divorce laws, such asSweden on one side, and Italy on the Harold sought the Commissionershipof Indian Affairs, that Roosevelt hadthe happy inspiration of appointinghim Secretary of the Interior. The example of Saul, who seeking his father'sasses found a kingdom, comes to mind,but Harold Ickes, unlike Saul, hadbeen fitted by character and experience for the part. He knew poverty,he knew labor, he knew the corporations, and he was an expert in politicswhich he tried hard to exclude fromhis department. "I hate this politicalheat," he once remarked.As Secretary, Ickes regarded theIndians as a sacred charge. He appointed as Commissioner John Collier, the best selection possible. Mrs.Ickes was killed in an automobile accident while visiting Indian reservations. One of the last public servicesher husband rendered, before hisdeath, was to write in The New Republic against the attempt of SenatorMcCarran to deprive the Pyutes ofNevada of their remaining lands, andto oppose the effort of the presentCommissioner to deprive Indians oflegal advisers except those of his ownappointment.Thirty-three jobsI continued to see Ickes from timeto time in Washington, especiallywhen he was considering my colleagueRobert Herriek for Government Secretary of the Virgin Islands. At theUniversity he had hated us both asexamples in speech and manner ofthe effete East. I had become sufficiently Middle Western to get by, butHerriek was still suspected of "nothaving the right social attitude."Nevertheless he appointed Herriek anc?came to admire him. Indeed the twomen were much alike in character uncompromising moralists, with aother. Where do we find more brokenfamilies and why? And, let us remember, a family can be factually brokenwithout, just as well as with, divorce.Not even in Spain or Italy can peoplebe compelled to live together wherethey have separated. Also, as a substitute for divorce, some countries havedeveloped the mistress system as a socially accepted institution.The problem requires study of akind that has hardly been undertaken. p passion for justice. In Ickes' case thisd appeared in his attempted rehabilita-g tion of Ballinger, his unfortunatez- predecessor. The Ballinger episode in's 1910 was meat and drink to theI, Progressives who were attacking Presi-d dent Taft, and all of Ickes' associatesi- in that movement were convinced ofy, the guilt of the Secretary of the In-i- terior by alienating public property:s to private exploitation. Ickes wentn over the whole matter in the depart-il ment files and wrote an article for theSaturday Evening Post exoneratinge Ballinger. I do not think it was suc-)_ cessful. I brought it to George Rub-1_ lee's attention. He said: "Apparent-s. ly Harold had not read my brief." I> am sure that he had.i- The Virgin Islands were then the*s smallest unit within the United States,is about twenty-five thousand people,'- over ninety per cent Negro. The native»r sons sometimes inquired why, as they>f were the most exterior of the pos-d sessions of the country, they shouldit be under the Department of the In-»f terior, but they were fortunate. Theyn were watched over by the Departmentwith anxious care. During WorldWar II, when Secretary Ickes wasloaded with responsibilities it is saidthat he was a pluralist of thirty-threee distinct official appointments he wasY always accessible and interested. Ie succeeded Robert Herriek as Government Secretary. When the Governor- solicited the cooperation of his friendss in Congress to obtain my dismissal,f on the now familiar ground of guilt- by association, the Secretary defendedt me at length before committees of thet House and of the Senate. I was embarrassed at causing him so much1 trouble, but I am glad that I was the> occasion of an example of loyalty ofa chief to a subordinate, which mighti be properly studied today.Perhaps the compromise which wehave now having one law on thebooks and another in action is thebest we can achieve in our heterogeneous country.But we should at least try to finda solution more forthright than thepresent one, which so easily smacks ofthat hypocrisy .which looks so puzzlingto our friends abroad and lends itselfso easily to attacks by our critics andopponents.20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE\ji Jlj A. O O1897William L. Archibald, AM, a retired registrar of Acadia University, recently changedhis residence from Milton, Nova Scotia, toDaytona Beach, Fla.Ernest G. Dodge of Washington, D. C,is treasurer of the National Association ofRetired Civil Employees.Marilla Waite Freeman writes, "Insteadof staying properly retired, as I should,after resigning my iibrarianship of theCleveland Main Library and coming to NewYork, I am now editor of the "New Filmsfrom Books" department of the LIBRARYJOURNAL. I am also librarian, for twodays of each week, of a New York hospitallibrary. My favorite literary affiliation iswith the Poetry Society of America; mytheatric, with the Show-of-the Month, Inc.,which insures opportunity to see the bestplays of the season."1903Wynne N. Garlick writes from 295 Kennebec Ave., Long Beach, Calif., that he wouldlike to correspond with any classmates whoremember him. He's been teaching and living for 50 years on the Pacific Coast, inEverett and Tacoma, Washington; andPhoenix, Arizona, and now in Long Beach."At the age of 75 I expect to attend the'03 reunion next year."Frank L. Griffin, SM '04, PhD '06, professor of mathematics at Reed college for41 years, retired in June, ending a careerthat has been associated with Reed sincethe college opened its doors In 1911. Asa tribute to Dr. Griffin's outstanding teaching career. Reed college alumni have established the F. L. Griffin Fund for theImprovement of Teaching.1904Turner B. Smith, MD, is a physician andsurgeon in Wilmington, Calif.1905James S. Riley and his. wife appear to beusing their home in Arcadia, Calif., mainlyas a point of departure for many travels,the most recent trip being to Honolulu.In recent years they have enjoyed a SouthAmerican cruise and also a motor trip to"'Charles A. Shull, PhD '15, Professor Emeritus of the University of Chicago since1944, is living in Asheville, N. C, where heIs chairman of the committee on planningand development of Asheville-Biltmore Col lege and a member of the executive committee of the College Board.Eugene Neubauer, DB '09, writes that although he is in his seventies, he continuesto give his Jerusalem travel-sermon.100 years less 3Five years before the Old University of Chicago (at 35th and CottageGrove) closed its doors, William M.Ege, '81, received his degree and leftfor Burlington, Iowa to teach in aladies' seminary.He had worked his way throughthe University by delivering papers,lighting and extinguishing the gasstreet lamps, and beating carpets forthe elite on Michigan Avenue.The catalog assured parents that$300 were ample for a year. Boardwas $2.75 per week; a dormitoryroom, $20 a year. This included astraw mattress and bedstead. Students provided other furniture, fueland lights. Botany field trips wereto the virgin swamps of what is nowJackson Park.William Ege's life was devoted toeducation in the Mid-west. His lastfourteen years were spent with adaughter (one of five children) inMuskogee, Oklahoma. He spent histime gardening, studying the Bibleand reading the Encyclopedia. Heloved people and was never too hardup to contribute to anv good cause.On June 17, 1952, William Egedied. Had he spent three more yearsin his garden and with his books hewould have been one hundred vearsold.1907Clarence A. Bales, JD 'II, and Mrs. Balesmoved back to their home in JeffersonCity, Tenn., this fall. Mr. Bales writes, "Iam slowing down some and resuming lawpractice. Missing heirs is a strenuous work,and I shall not do so much of it from nowon. I shall do quite a lot of fishing."Georgiana Youngs Bonita, since her retirement in 1949, has been mainly interested in painting pictures and in working for the peace crusade. She is a residentof Rockford, 111. NEWSGeorge Cadman. says that he never quitefinished his four years at the University,but that now, with retirement within sight,Florida beckons and the University ofMiami might furnish the opportunity toround out unfinished academic business.1908Robert E. Buchanan, PhD, of Ames, Iowa,is chairman of the editorial board of theInternational Bulletin of BacteriologicalNomenclature and Taxonomy, sponsored bythe International Association of Microbiologists and by UNESCO. He is also chairmanof the international judicial commission onbacteriological nomenclature.Julia Gilbert has retired from teachingafter 24 years on the staff of the NorthShore Country Day School, in the field ofEnglish.Joseph Newgard is now a resident ofDixon, Iowa, where he is president of theIowa Synod of the Evangelical and Reformed Church.Ethel Preston, AM '10, PhD '20, spent thesummer in Lakeville, Conn., after a visit inChicago and New York. She is starting thisfall her fifth year as head of the Frenchand Spanish department of Vincennes University.S909Nova J. Beal, who ranked Number 1 inthe first examination given under California civil service, was honored by the StatePersonnel Board last spring by presentationof the 25-year state service certificate. In1926 she was appointed chief examiner,and in 1932 was classified as principal personnel examiner. She retired in 1944.Blanche Morton. Butler sends a newsynote from Los Altos, Calif., reminiscingabout her student days at the Universityjust after the death of President Harper."My cousin married his son so I have always felt a family interest in the Universityaside from the unusual opportunities itoffered me."Charles C. Colby, PhD '17, received thedistinguished service award of the NationalCouncil of Geography Teachers at its recent annual meeting.Arch S. Loomer, of Sacramento, Calif., reports that he is enjoying his retirementyears by keeping in touch with communityand government problems through theY.M.C.A., welfare work, legislative measures,and the American Federation of Teachers."Will be glad to hear from alumni friends,"he adds.OCTOBER, 1952 21Man of good willSidney A. Teller, a man of manyportfolios, will attend the UNESCOconference in Paris in November asa delegate from the Illinois Instituteof Technology, the Boys Clubs ofAmerica, the Youth Leaders Digest,and World Fellowship, Inc. Thiswill be Mr. Teller's third UNESCOconference. He has lectured extensively to promote UNESCO in theUnited States, Mexico, France andItaly.He was honored recently by theMexican department of public education for his promotion of betterunderstanding between the teachersand students on both sides of theborder. His twenty-two years ofminated in the exchange of flagsand friendships of 24 Mexican andUnited States schools. In recognition of his special efforts to promote goodwill, Mr. Teller wasawarded a Diploma of Honor.1910Frank Bartlett, SM '13, MD T3, wasnamed president-elect of the Utah StateMedical association in September.Stuart M. Chambers, treasurer of the St.Louis (Mo.) Post-Dispatch, has been electedchairman of the board of the Bureau ofAdvertising, ANPA. Chambers has been aBureau board member since 1947.Col. Julian H. Gist has been living inTampa, Fla., since his retirement from theArmy. His hobbies are studying Spanishand seeing America by automobile.H. F. Hancox continues to serve as superintendent of the Desert Mission, an agencyof the Presbyterian Church in Phoenix,Ariz. The Mission's services include a hospital and clinic, a nursery, and an activeprogram of recreation for youngsters.Stewart J. Lloyd, PhD, retired as dean ofthe Chemistry School at the University ofAlabama last June. In 1912 he organizedtheir chemical engineering department andin 1929 organized, and became dean of,their school of chemistry, metallurgy andceramics. Former students raised $15,000for a scholarship fund and gave a dinner(400 present) in his honor.Leverett S. Lyon, AM '18, PhD '21, chiefexecutive officer of the Chicago Associationof Commerce, was given an award lastspring in recognition of distinguished public service by the Brookings Institution inWashington, D. C.Ava B. Milam, who is associated withthe United Nations Food and AgricultureOrganization, has recently been engaged insetting up schools of home economics inIraq, at the request of the Iraqi government.1911Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge informs us that"in order to ease the congestion of NewYork City, my wife and I have moved toSanta Fe, N. M., for a year, perhaps permanently."1912Nell C. Henry, SM ?15, is still teachingbiology at Glenville High School in Cleveland.Charlotte L. CKBrien taught this past yearat St. Mary's Academy in Paducah, Ky.22 1913Frank E. Brown, PhD '18, of Ames, Iowa,is president of the Iowa Academy of Science.George Coffman, PhD and his wife,Bertha Reed Coffman, PhD, are residents ofNewton, Mass. Coffman, Professor Emeritus of English at the University of NorthCarolina, retired last June after 15 yearsas head of the English department. Mrs.Coffman is still teaching German part-timefor University Extension.George O. Curme, Jr., PhD, an industrialchemist, was honored for his work by induction into honorary membership of PhiLambda Upsilon, honorary chemical society.Benedict K. Goodman, of Highland Park,was elected to the board of directors of theSt. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co., lastMay.J. Ben Hill, PhD, is serving, for the thirdyear since his retirement from Penn StateCollege, as visiting professor of botany atthe University of Miami.When Howard University observed its85th birthday this spring, tribute was paidto the outstanding leadership given by itspresident, Dr. Mordecai W. Johnson duringthe past 26 years. Johnson is credited withbuilding the University into an educationalcenter for Negroes, now recognized thecountry over as a "sanctuary for scholars."Francis W. Kracher, PhD, retired in Junefrom 27 years of teaching modern languages at the University of Dubuque. Healso served as registrar.Agnes Kraft writes: "After doing mostof my professional work in New York City,I am retiring from constant work to myP.S. to the Overseas issueMethodist HospitalNadiadf Kaira DistrictIndia"The doctor has been very busy rightfrom the start in the hospital, whichis just a few steps down the road fromwhere we live. It would not seem impressive to anyone used to modernAmerican hospitals, and even we, withour China background, drew up ourbreath a bit when we first saw thisone a scattered aggregation of one-story rooms strung out in long lines,in which live the patients and theirfamilies, who accompany them to thehospital and care for them while here,preparing food and doing most of thethings which nurses would do for patients in America."This system relieves the hospital ofthe necessity of feeding patients, andthis is quite a relief in a country wherefood is ceremonially contaminated if itis prepared by anyone not of the propercaste. And in a situation where thereare not nearly enough nurses, if members of the family come along to carefor the patients, that makes it possiblefor us to take in many more than wouldotherwise be the case."We have tried to share our homeand what we have in the way of books,music and things of interest, which webrought from China, with our newfound friends and co-workers."We are finding it a bit harder to dohere than it is in China. Part of theproblem may be lack of language. Butwe feel that there are barriers betweenthe Westerner and the native people, Honors for MurrayAmong the many organizationsto which Howell W. Murray hasgiven years of devoted service,Highland Park Hospital stands asone of the most appreciative.A plaque in the newly equippedphysical therapy department expresses the appreciation of friendsand neighbors for his many effortsto expand and improve facilities atthe hospital:These therapy facilitiesare dedicated toHOWELL WORTH MURRAYby his friends and neighborsas a perpetual reminder of ajob well done and to show theirheartfelt appreciation of hismagnificent contribution of timeand energy toward the expansion ofHighland Park Hospital.home in Quaker Neck, Chestertown, Md.Anyone coming to Washington would be awelcome guest just across the ChesapeakeBay via ferry from Annapolis."1914W. J. Donald, PhD, managing directorof the National Electrical ManufacturersAssoc, has been elected president of theCanadian Club of New York, with headquarters in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.of which we were not so conscious inChina. In part, this probably goes backto the long 'occupation' by the British."Then, too, I think, India's curse ofcaste makes for barriers between people.It not only makes the higher casteslook down on the lower ones, but itmakes the humbler, simpler folk accepttheir despised position, so that theyhardly know how to respond to a bona-fide offer of human friendship. Patronage, condescension and charity they expect, but real self-respect is somethingthey are only beginning to learn."It is true that India's present constitution and laws have outlawed caste,and of course it is utterly inconsistentwith Jesus' teaching as to the value anddignity of human personality; but itpersists even in the Christian community."I try not to be too impatient withpeople, because I know that race prejudice, color prejudice, religious intolerance and economic injustice die hard inany country, even in one which hasknown Christianity for centuries. Noneof us is in the position to cast the firststone."I know that it is much easier forme a Westerner with an assured socialand economic standing to treat in afriendly, human way the street sweepersand scavengers and those who do menialwork, than it is for many of the IndianChristians, who have come only recently from those lower castes, and whocan't take risks with the new dignity solately acquired. It takes a long timeto learn the dignity of labor and the intrinsic worth of people as people."Bruce andAnna Moffet Jarvis, s13.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECarl Gaenssle, PhD, of Milwaukee, Wise,contributed an article to the ConcordiaTheological Monthly, in February, on Veli-kovsky and his use of the Hebrew OldTestament.Lydia Lee Pearce writes from Pasco,Wash.: "Although listed officially as ahousewife, I have very little time for theso-called household arts as I am knee-deepin United World Federalists, Council ofChurches, and several local activities."LeRoy H. Sloan, Rush MD '17, was chosenpresident elect of the American College ofPhysicians last spring, and will take officenext year. He is a diagnostic specialist andclinical professor of medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine.Mildred Peabody Chapman reports avigorous effort to "keep up with the times"by studying art (landscape, commercial andillustration), square dancing, and "studyingvarious projects through reading and discussion with a small group of like-mindedwomen."Edna D. Winch, AM '41 (Mrs. WalterSimmons, Jr.), writes that their son, William, has completed his third year at Carleton College as a Baker Foundation scholar,majoring in physics and mathematics.1915Ruth Allen Dickinson, AM '48, writesthat she is still counselor in the four Western Springs (111.) elementary schools, and"more enthusiastic about my job every dayl"She manages also to register enthusiasm forher five grandchildren.1916Marion Dunshee retired this year after24 years of teaching in the Houston, Tex.,public schools, but plans to be busier thanever with all the activities she has underway.Amelia C. Phetzing, AM '20, is still thedean of girls and librarian at Dalton HighSchool, Dalton, Mass. "Spent a most enjoyable 10 days in Bermuda during our February vacation. We have a week's vacationevery eight weeks. Nice system!"1917Andrew Dallstream, JD, was elected president of the Chicago Bar Association inJune. The new president is a senior partner in the law firm of Dallstream, Schiff,Stern & Hardin.News from Rose Nath Desser tells of afour-month trip through Europe and ofher special enjoyment of the Scandinaviancountries. Her older son is a journalist andher younger one a school teacher. She isactive in the League o£ Women Voters inLos Angeles.Patricia Parmelee writes that in line with*her work at Boston International Instituteshe is now the president of the AmericanAssociation of Group Workers, Boston chapter.1918Dr. Arthur F. Abt has accepted an appointment as professor of pediatrics at theDuke University School of Medicine andthe position of director, radio isotope unit,for the Veterans Administration hospital atDurham, N. C.1919Carl B. Nusbaum, JD '24, is on activemilitary service with the U. S. Air Force atOCTOBER, 1952 23Local and Long Distance MovingStorage Facilities for Books ,Record Cabinets, Trunks, orCarloads of FurniturePeterson FireproofWarehouse Inc.1011 EAST 55th STREETBUTTERFIELD 8-6711DAVID L SUTTON. PresidentWasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phone: BUtterfield 8-2M6-7-8-9Wesson's Coal Makes Good or Wasson DoesBLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women's Hotelu theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Women etModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748Blackstone Ave. TelephonePLaza 2-3313Verne P. Werner, DirectorAuto LiveryQuiet, unobtrusive erv/eeWhen you want it, a» you want itCALL AN EMERY FIRSTEmery Drexel Livery, Inc.5516 Harper AvenueFAirfax 4-6400 Newburgh, N. Y., as chief, security division,Office of the Air Provost Marshal, for anindefinite period.Cecil L. Rew and his wife, Winifred Ridg-ley, '23, are at Bowling Green University,where Rew has been chairman of the department of foreign languages since 1948.1920Madeleine Cohn (Mrs. Ben Silver) ofOmaha, Nebr., reports that they havebought a home in Hollywood, Fla., for winter residence.Charles G. Higgins is chairman of theBoard of Housing Authority of Oak Park,111.1921Henry L. Cox, PhD, is now vice president of the Corn Products Refining Co., incharge of the company's chemical divisionat Argo.Lucile Liebrich, '21, JD '27, is now secretary to the superintendent of Augustanahospital in Chicago.John B. Watkins, AM '24, PhD '29, returned home to Evanston, 111., after twoyears with the Army, having been recalledwith his unit in September, 1950. "Foronce (this is my third stretch with theArmy) I was lucky and stayed in theUnited States during this tour of duty. Icommanded the 451st Strategic Intelligence(research and analysis) Team throughout,and spent most of the time at Fort McPherson, Ga., making strategic intelligencesurveys of that area."1922Louis R. Fletcher, Rush MD, has recentlycompleted a trip around Cape Horn, visiting practically all of the South Americancountries along the way.Edward W. Griffey, MD '25, is professorof clinical ophthalmology at the Universityof Texas.Harry L. Lathrop received posthumouslythe George J. Miller Prize for an article inthe Journal of Geography judged by thecommittee to be the best in its field of thelast five years. Mr. Lathrop died May 12,1951.Paul B. Sears, PhD, professor of botanyand chairman of the conservation programat Yale University, was honored by Marietta College with the LL.D. degree lastJune.Ivae Walker is a librarian at TechnicalHigh School in Omaha, Nebr.1923Lois Bennett, AM '36, retired from teaching at Hirsch High School in Chicago inJune, 1951, but finds that she has plenty todo in Kingsport, Tenn., what with participation in a Great Books course, WorldFederalist group, and the A.A.U.W.Lura M. Dean, who retired in 1931, is aresident of Alhambra, Calif.1924Allen D. Albert, Jr., AM '31, PhD »36, isdirector of public relations for the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation in Marietta, Ga.I. Myron Felsher, MD '28, was marriedlast February 20 to Miss Ezerial Schwartz.Helen Louise Morgan, AM '36, a memberof the faculty of Macalester College, hasbeen appointed for a three-year term as ateacher of English in Turkey by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign In freedom s causeDevotion to the cause of a freeCzechoslovakia has not diminishedfor Stefan Osusky, nor have thehonors in recognition of his outstanding record. Last July, at aNew York meeting of the CentralCommittee of Free Czechoslovakia,Mr. Osusky was unanimously electedpresident.He is also serving as vice-presidentof the Central and Eastern EuropeanCommission of the European Federal Movement. His book, "The Wayof the Free", published in 1951, continues to attract attention and neweditions, including French, Chineseand German translations.Missions, which represents the Congregational Christian Churches in the U.S.A.Dorothy C. Stratum, AM, National Executive Director, Girl Scouts of America,received the honorary degree of Doctor ofLaws from Smith College at the 77th commencement exercises last June.1925Earlier this year the Earle Slaytons(Florence Cook) moved from Beverly Hills,Blind sightseersJessie Brown, 16, (Mrs. HadleighMarsh) carried a full teaching loadat the Montana summer school foradult blind persons. In addition tocraft work, weaving, ceramics, leatherwork and basketry, she taught publicspeaking.Her big thrill, however, was inwatching the success that greeted aproject she thought up a "sightseeing" trip through YellowstoneNational Park for the sightless students of the school.She writes, "I dreamed that oneup three years ago and the Parkofficials think it the most wonderfulconducted tour of each season. Wecharter busses, the Park lends us itschief naturalist, David Condon, to beour 'eyes.' We play hookey, studentsand staff alike, and make the 300mile trip in a day, eating our twomeals picnic style in Park campgrounds."Memory and imagination coupledwith impressions gained from all theother senses give our blind a thrilling experience. Our guide is inspired a wonderful combination of erudition, humor and friendliness."When I first set up this trip Ithought it would serve mainly as amorale builder, never dreaming theblind would perceive as much asthey do. The skeptics whom I battledfor months in working out the ideaare now its most enthusiastic supporters. And I have proved, I believe, my pet theory that the blindshould be included in recreation andtrip planning, not left behind to sitaround."But then, that is just one phaseof our whole school objective toadjust the blind to their handicapand integrate their living to a worldgeared to the sighted."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe New Yorker s GenetFrom Ruth Prosser McLain, '16,AM '18, comes this news of a fellowclass-mate, Janet T. Flanner, well-known for her New Yorker articlesand Letters from Paris, under thepen name of Genet."Janet talked last March 26 to theFriends of Occidental College on'Whither France.' In addressing anaudience she reveals the same penetrating analysis, neat and humorousturn to her sentences, that she employs in her writing. She has thesame quick wit and sparkle thatwent into the Freshman Frolic(which she wrote, coached and actedin, in the fall of 1913) and the sameappreciative response to individualswhich characterized her even then."Chicago, to Downers Grove, Illinois. Nowthey have closed their picturesque home inthe woods for a six-month sojourn in Washington, where Earle has agreed to help thegovernment in its steel allocation program.Edmund C. Peters, AM, sends a brief message from Augusta, Ga., "I am a strugglingcollege president. 'Nuf said."Lisle A. Rose, AM '28, PhD '35, is at theEngineering Experiment Station at the University of Illinois.1926Bernice Hartmann Peeling and her husband are at home at Camp Hill, Pa. Theystarted last spring to plant Christmas treesat Halifax where they have a plantationfor trees.Elinor Nims Brink, PhD, sends news fromJacksonville, Fla., that "though retired, myhusband and I are busy. Active participation in the school clean-up campaign hasgiven us an interesting close-up on localpolitics." A family reunion in Arkansasand a camping trip through the Ozarkswere on the summer agenda.1927Dwight M. Cochran is living in Burling-ame, Calif., where he is vice president anddirector of the Safeway Stores, Inc. TheCochrans have two children, Dwight Jr.,13, and Stella Ann, 6.Louise McGuire has put her SSA trainingto good use in her various responsibilitiesas social worker, teacher, labor economistand welfare specialist. Her present jobwith the wage and hour division of theLabor Department consists of setting upstandards of wages for persons who arehandicapped by age, physical or mental deficiencies.Francisco T. Roque, MD '32, returned tothe campus for a visit in July and stoppedin at Alumni House. He is now servingin the Medical Corps, U, S. Army, at Fitz-simmons Army hospital. His residence isin Aurora, Colo.Gordon B. Strong, AM '30, PhD '32, isserving as an economic counselor with theAmerican embassy in Pusan, Korea.1928Raymond E. Hayes, of Des Moines, Iowa,has completed his sixth year as school department representative of Henry Holt & Co., in several of the states west of theMississippi.Robert W. Kingdon, AM, is serving histwelfth year as minister of the First Congregational Church of Wisconsin Rapids,Wis.Fred H. Mandel, JD '29, special counselfor the attorney general of Ohio, was electedpresident of the Cuyahoga Bar Associationlast May.Reuben Ratner, MD, has bought a homein Westwood Hills, near the UCLA campus,Calif. He reports that "lots of Universityof Chicago and Rush Medical College menare still coming into the Los Angeles area."Bernard N. Schilling, AM, is teaching atthe University of Rochester.1929Paul L. Hollister, SM, sends greetings tohis classmates from his home in Cookeville,Tenn., where he is busy on many projects,including the writing of a laboratory manual for a newly adopted biology course. Hewrites that his two daughters are bothmarried and working and that his son, agraduate cum laude of Vanderbilt University, is continuing with his work in jet research in Cleveland, Ohio.1930Van V. Alderman, PhD '39, has been appointed assistant professor of chemistry andcurator of the physical plant of the chemistry department of Illinois Institute ofTechnology.Esther Fisher Buchanan writes, "We areliving on the hospital grounds here at thelarge V. A. hospital where John, MD '35, ison the full-time staff and also an instructorin medicine at the new UCLA School of CLASSIFIED(SOc per line)RETIRING to sunny Florida? For a home ofdistinction in a beautiful city of lakes nearRollins College, settle in Orlando or WinterPark. See or write a U. of C. alumna. EdnaM. Feltges, with McNutt-Heasley, Realtors, 15W. Washington St., Orlando, Florida.SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 100 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stock23 N. Wabash Avenue670 N. Michigan AvenueChicagoWHOLESALE RETAILLA TOURAINECoffee and TeaLa Touraine Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave., ChicagoOther PlantsBoston New York Philadelphia Syracuse Cleveland Detroit"You Might As Well Have The Best"RESULTS . . .depend on getting the details RIGHTPRINTINGImprinting-Processed Letters - TypewritingAddressing - Adressographing - FoldingMailing - Copy Preparation - MultilithA Complete Service for Direct AdvertisersChicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn - Chicago 5 - WA 2-4561HERE IS OUR PROBLEMWe took a long objective look at our recent ads for qualified professional personnel. We found that our ad looked just like everybody else's. Because we areconvinced that our opportunities are better than most others, we decided to sitdown and write this informal description of our company and the kind of peoplefor whom we are searching."We" means a large, multi-plant operation, engaged in manufacturing, assembly,and sales activities on a nationwide basis. We are a young, aggressive organization with excellent opportunities for the right people.Our staff offices are in a mid-west area, conveniently located near a number ofdesirable residential areas. Out here you can pick your distance and commuteby car through relatively open country.We need a number of hard-hitting young men to assume some responsible jobson our staff. These are jobs which are directly connected with the product development from the drawing board to its emergence as an end-product readyfor the public. These jobs require men with a mature outlook who are bothpractical and imaginative who have an understanding and working knowledgeof business management, economics, and finance. A flair for report writing andgraphic description wouldn't hurt. Some of the jobs require a combination ofbusiness administration and engineering know-how.Our requirements are such that it will be necessary for applicants to have completed undergraduate, and in some cases graduate work in the particular fields.We do realize however, that experience of a certain nature will compensate forthe lack of some of the education requirements listed above. We would prefermen between 3040 years of age and in good physical condition.We must have men who aren't afraid of hard work and who are aggressivewithout being antagonistic people who can carry out their assignments andstill get along with others. We have got a team out here we need some moreteam men.If you are interested in being considered for one of our openings, we wouldappreciate your preparing a detailed resume of your business and educationalbackground. Resumes should be forwarded to H. W. Mort, Box 9E, 5807Dorchester Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois.OCTOBER, 1952Vacations, Inc.Most people have forgotten aboutvacations by the time October rollsaround. But not Muriel Davis Lon-gini, '36, who has made vacations forherself and other working girls abig business.Just how big a business was described by Redbook Magazine lastApril. As a working girl, Murielknows the problem of trying to fit avacation to glamorous, faraway placesinto a white collar girl's income.Determined to solve this dilemma,Muriel began checking around. "Shediscovered that transportation faresare fixed by law, but that hotels,restaurants and night clubs are freeto grant special rates for groups.This was the beginning of many'Glamour Week-ends' at bargainrates. In May 1948, Muriel appliedfor a charter from the State of Illinois and launched Sigma Alpha Sigma as a nonprofit sorority for business girls, with a membership of five.Today there are more than 2,000members, with chapters still spreading fast throughout the Midwest."Muriel still has her regular job,but spends summers now chaperoning some of the groups to such desirable vacation spots as Mexico City,Havana, Colorado dude ranches, andNew England. By going as a group,these club members manage to takein the deluxe hotels and nightclubsat dollar-saving prices."Reservations are open to non-members, if they are working girls.Information about the club and itstrips may be had by writing to Sigma Alpha Sigma, 5 North WabashAve., Chicago, 111."CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency70th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis Kansas City, Mo.Spokane New YorkAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits its workto the university and college field. It isaffiliated with the Fisk Teachers Agency ofChicago, whose work covers all the educational fields. Both organizations assist inthe appointment of administrators as wellas of teachers.Our service is nation-wide.HYLAND A. NOLANPLASTERING. BRICKndCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone DOrchaster 3-1579RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. MOnroe 4-3192[Swift & Company7409 So. State StreetPhone RAdcliff 3-7400 Medicine. Our older son, John, 16, is asophomore at Black-Foxe Military Institute,and our younger son, Dennis, 7, is by wayof fast becoming a cartoonist."Emma C. W. Gray, AM '34, has beendean of women at Paine College since 1937.She has served three terms as chairman forAugusta, Ga., of the University of ChicagoAlumni Foundation.Saul K. Padover, AM, PhD '32, receivedan alumni award for distinguished professional and civic service at the annual alumnireunion of Wayne University last May. Dr,Padover is dean of the School of Politics,New School for Social Research, N. Y.David E. Temple, AM, has been namedprincipal of the Clinton junior high schoolin Tulsa, Okla. Temple was formerly assistant principal and teacher at Centralhigh school.1931Ruth Aranoff is comptroller for theSnader Telescriptions Corp., in BeverlyHills and Hollywood, Calif., producers offilms for television.Fred B. Millett, PhD, was elected lastspring national president of the AmericanAssociation of University Professors.Henry T. Richard, AM, writes with prideof the birth of a baby boy, Henry, Jr.Grace E. White, AM '34, assumed hernew duties as professor of medical socialwork at the State University College ofMedicine at Syracuse, N. Y., on September1. She is responsible for developing a teaching program for medical students to betterunderstand the social and environmentalfactors affecting health and diseases.1932Wilfred G. Davis is a social worker withthe San Diego County welfare department.He and his wife have two children CynthiaAnn, 10, and Brenda, 2.Margaret W. Siemon has moved fromBoston to Des Moines and reports that shewill be doing considerable travelling in thenext few years.Zachary Taylor is in the photographicbusiness in Charlottesville, Va.1933Herman E. Reis, Jr., PhD '36, is researchassociate with the research laboratories ofthe Standard Oil Co. (Ind.), at Whiting,Ind.Henry T. Sulcer, JD '36, has been appointed a vice president of the Graver Tankand Manufacturing Co., of East Chicago.He is general manager of a subsidiary company in New York City.1934Mary K. Ascher, AM '36, has been veryactive in Travelers Aid for the past sixyears, working with DP's, foreign travelers,handicapped children, etc. "All fascinatingwork, and I love it."William O. Philbrook is a co-recipient ofthe R. W. Hunt Award, given annually bythe American Institute of Mining andMetallurgical Engineers, for best originalpaper on iron and steel published duringthe year. He is chairman elect of the general faculty of Carnegie Institute of Technology and on the board of directors of thefaculty club.Helen Zabrowski is doing research in foodbacteriology at the U. S. Army Quartermaster Depot, Food & Container Institute. 1935Albert Epstein, JD, is a partner in thelaw firm of Epstein, Edes 8c Rosen, inChicago.Rhea Rubisoff Hilkevitch, AM '43, PhD'51, is a lecturer in psychology at RooseveltCollege in Chicago.Helen Shelley Winslow is theatre specialist and information specialists at the VAhospital in Downey, 111.1936Randolph Bean has been operating theCharlottesville (Va.) Music Center, Inc., atwo-year old music, radio and TV retailbusiness. He is also chairman of the community chest budget committee, and onthe board of retail merchants association.Juanita Kirkham, AM '41, is a socialworker at the VA Hospital in Long Beach,Calif.Herman Kogan was recently appointedbook and drama critic of the Chicago Sun-Times, after ten years there as reporter,feature writer and editorial writer. Hewrites that his baby son, not yet a year old,is already sporting a U. of C. polo shirt.Curtis C. Melnick, AM '50, is principalof the McCosh Elementary school in Chicago. He and his wife, Jane Stangle, '39,have two children, Samuel, 3, and Laura, 1.Alice Mooradian is now broadcastingdaily except Sunday from station WHLDin Niagara Falls. Her program consists of45-minute talks of advertising and chit-chatTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof interest to women. She is active in community work, being a member of the Boardof Directors of both the Y.W.C.A. and theLeague of Women Voters.Robert L. Oshins is deputy director forthe productivity and technical assistance division of the Mutual Security Agency.1937Harry Adelman is now company counselfor Oscar Mayer Sc Co., in Chicago.John E. Jeuck, MBA '38, PhD '49, received in 1951 the national award of theAmerican Marketing Association for hisbook, "Catalogues and Counters: A Historyof Sears, Roebuck Sc Co." Last spring hewas appointed director of the ExecutiveProgram of the School of Business.Dorothy M. Johnson is teaching secondgrade in Hammond, Ind. She has beenpresident for the past two years of theAssociation for Childhood Education andis active in the Calumet area A.A.U.W.Emanuel C. Liss, MD, a pediatrician inSouth Bend, Ind., became a diplomate ofthe American Board of Pediatrics in December, 1951.Alden R. Loosli writes from Plainfield,N. J., that a son, Ben Hamilton, joined theLoosli family last February 19, givingLouise, 6, and Lisle, 2, a brother.George H. Morrill is enthusiastic aboutthe climate in Phoenix, Arizona*, but notso keen about the local fishing. He is oncall as a substitute teacher in the highschools there.Milton Turen sends a belated announcement of his marriage on October 30, 1951,to Betty J. Baer of Toledo, Ohio.John A. Veig, PhD, chairman of the Pomona College department of government,has been awarded a Fulbright fellowshipfor lecturing and research in Scandinaviancountries for the current academic year.He will present a series of lectures in political science at the University of Oslo,Norway, and will devote part of his timeto a study of social legislation in Denmark,Norway, and Sweden.1938Elizabeth Eckhouse Rosenthal moved toMilwaukee in May, 1951. Her husbandworks on the Milwaukee SENTINEL.They have two children, Nathan, 6, andEllen, 4.Herbert F. Larson is now the advertisingmanager of the W. J. Voit Rubber Corp.Grace Powers will be with the AmericanFriends Service Committee in Germany forthe next two years.Ida C. Wied, AM, has left the NorthShore Country Day School to become assistant headmistress at the Sunset HillSchool in Kansas City.1939Gray Bream, AM, PhD '41, was marriedlast March 8 to Miss Eleanor Harbison ofPittsburgh. The couple resides now inDacca, Pakistan, where Bream has beentransferred as United States consul.Alice W. Brown, secretary to PresidentHenry T. Heald of Illinois Institute ofTechnology, moved to New York and continued as Mr. Heald's secretary when hebecame chancellor of New York University.Morris Cohen, PhD '50, took a year's leaveof absence from Clark University on aFord Foundation grant to study various aspects of the governmental process. He spent most of his time in Washington,D. C.Frances Nelle Howard, AM, a worker inthe child welfare department in Honolulu,was married last December 1 to James A.Castin.Jerrold Orne, PhD, is director of theWashington University Libraries, St. Louis,Mo.1940Erminnie H. Bartelemez, AM, reports thatshe is still enjoying her teaching at Western Reserve University. In April shepresented a paper at the University ofKentucky's fifth annual foreign languageconference.John A. Bauer was married on May 10,1952, to Sauda L. Cross in the GrahamTaylor Chapel on the University campus.Donald A. K. Brown writes from West-port, Conn., that he is general sales manager for the Belknap Manufacturing Co."We miss Chicago, but this is lovely country."Joseph S. Giganti, AM, is teaching economic history in the College of Commerceat DePaul University in Chicago. He spentthe year 1951 in Italy and was awarded hisPhD from the University of Rome. He reports that he is ready to go back to Italyat the first opportunity.C. Ernestine Grafton, AM, is head of theextension division, Virginia State Library,in Richmond, Va.F. Phillip Johnson, MBA, is an auditorfor Capital Airlines at the Washington,D. C, National Airport.John A. Johnson, JD, recently becamegeneral counsel for the Department of theAir Force, in Washington, D. C. His wifeis Harriet Nelson, '39. They live in FallsChurch, Virginia.The Rev. Jack D. Parker has accepted acall to become vicar of St. Gregory's Episcopal Church in Deerfield, 111.Walter Porges, AM '42, has received oneof the national Fulbright grants for studyin Belgium. He will be a student at theRoyal Library of Brussels, where he willstudy medieval history.Carlos Uribe is sales manager for Cartonde Colombia (a subsidiary of ContainerCorp. of America) in Cali, Colombia. Hehas recently been reunited with his wifeand three children who spent the past yearvisiting in Milwaukee, Mrs. Uribe's hometown. This was the first visit to Americafor their three children, Anne, 8, Jaime, 6,and Lucy, 4. Mrs. Uribe, the former Dorothy Georg, interned in dietetics at theUniversity of Chicago clinics before hermarriage.1941Thomas P. George, MBA, is still controller of Balfre Gear Sc Manufacturing Co., inChicago.Thomas A. Hart, PhD, division chief,Near East and Africa development serviceof Point 4, attended a seminar on the NearEast at the American University of Beirutthis summer. He also visited Jordan, Egyptand Saudi Arabia to review existing technical cooperation programs in those countries.Robert L. King, AM '48, is with theAmerican Embassy in New Delhi, India, asan assistant attache, for two years. He leftthe States in July with his wife, JuneClegg, '39, and their four children.William S. Massey, SM '42, has been promoted to the rank of associate professor ofmathematics at Brown University. Phones OAkland 4-0690 4-069! 4-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueT. A. REHNQUIST CO.?EST. 1929CONCRETEFLOORS SIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATIONSINDUSTRIAL FLOORINGEMERGENCY REPAIR WORKCONCRETE BREAKINGWATERPROOFINGINSIDE WALLS6639 S. Vernon AvenueNOrmal 7-0433PRODUCTIONENGINEERSLarge midwestern automotivemanufacturer has outstandingopportunities for individualswith experience in the field ofproduction engineering. Degree in mechanical engineering (automotive) desirablewith extensive experience inthe manufacture of engines,axles and suspensions, sheetmetal, chassis, or paint.Positions will involve analysesof manufacturing and assembly processes. Individualsshould be able to deal effectively with top managementpersonnel in presenting requirements and recommendations.Salary commensurate withbackground and experience;All replies will be held instrict confidence. Submit complete resume, including experience and salary requirements to H. W. Mort, Box 9E,5807 Dorchester Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois.OCTOBER, 1952 27POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersMimeographingMultigraphing " AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHeeves Typewriting>ninHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones; 219 W. Chicago AvenueMI 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisPHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET-LITHOGRAPHYFine Color Work A SpecialtyQuality Book Reproduction731 Plymouth CourtW Abash 2-8182Platers- SilversmithsSince 1917GOLD, SILVER, RHODIUMSILVERWARERepaired, JUialsfod, RelacqweredSWARTZ & COMPANY10 S. Wabash Aw CEntral 4*089-90 ChicagoA. T. STEWART LUMBER CO.Qualify and ServiceSince 188879th Street at Greenwood Ave.All Phones Vincennes 6-9000LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERHIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATES- ENGRAVERS '< ,' SINCE 1906 + WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES ?+ ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED ?? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE + 'pRAYNEim2801 W. 47TH ST., CHICAGO. Alexander J. Morin is at the University,serving one-half time as associate editor (inthe Social Sciences) of the University Press,and part-time as research associate in economics, working mainly with the researchcenter in economic development and cultural change.Lloyd B. Shields is commercial accountant, Chicago plant, of the Campbell SoupCo.1942Stanley and Margery Eckhouse Blumberg,residents of Waukegan, 111., have two children: Louis, born May 13, 1948, and Ann,born March 4, 1951.Lawrence Bogorad, PhD '49, has receiveda renewal of the Merck post-doctoral fellowship in the natural sciences which he wonlast year. He will continue to work at theRockefeller Institute for Medical Research.Paul J. Campisi, AM, PhD '47, associateprofessor of sociology at Washington University, has been awarded a Fulbright seniorresearch fellowship for study in Italy forthe academic year 1952-53.Lillian Cohen, AM, PhD '48, has been appointed to the staff of the Bureau of SocialScience Research of American University.Melvin Gerstein, PhD '45, is an aeronautical research scientist in the Combustion Fundamentals Section at NACA's Lewis Flight Propulsion laboratory, Cleveland,Ohio. He presented a survey paper on"The Structure of Laminar Flames" at theAmerican Chemical Society in September.He also . presented an original researchpaper on "Decomposition Flame Studieswith Ethylene Oxide" which was compiledjointly with Miss Rose Schalla and Mr.Glen McDonald.Paul A. Humphrey is a meteorologist atthe U. S. Weather Bureau Office in IdahoFalls.John H. Martin, JD, has been appointedassistant general counsel for American Community Builders, Inc., developers of thePark Forest community, south of Chicago.Martin leaves a partnership in the lawfirm of Seago, Pippin, Bradley and Vetterto take up his new duties.Robert A. Mosher, SM '48, PhD '50, isnow engaged in petrochemical research forthe Standard Oil Co. (Indiana), at its Whiting research laboratories.Martin Packman, AM, was married lastMarch 28 to Miss Erma Fuchs of Washington, D. C. The couple is now studying atAmerican University.Donald Panarese has opened a law officewith his wife, also an attorney, in Chicago,under the firm name of Panarese andPanarese.David P. Rothrock is a field geologist forthe Carter Oil Co., in Denver. He workssummers in Utah and Nevada.1943Werner Baum, SM >44, PhD '48, and hiswife, Shirley Bowman, '44, AM '47, are living in Tallahassee, Fla., where Werner ishead of the department of meteorology,Florida State University, and editor of theJournal of Meteorology, published by theAmerican Meteorological Society. Theyhave two children: Janice, born October,1949; and Sandra, born July, 1951.Betsy Jane Davison is in Korea as a clubdirector attached to the Air Force.Robert G. Denkewalter, PhD, has been appointed director of process development ofMerck Sc Co. In this post he will be responsible for natural products developmentand for process development at the com pany's Rahway plant; Cherokee plant nearDanville, Pa.; and the Stonewall plant inElkton, Va.Robert G. Frazier, MD '47, and RuthannJohnson Frazier, '49, are the proud parentsof a baby boy, Stephen Austin, born onMarch 2, 1952. Robert was at the University of Colorado School of Medicine as oflast spring, but he expected to be calledto active duty with the army during thesummer.Albert W. Geigel writes from Thule,Greenland, "Not much can be told aboutour operations here, although you may haveread about project 'Blue Jay' in the newspapers. However, I can say that the Arcticclimate even at this 'northernmost postoffice in the world' is not as foreboding asit had previously seemed to me, and thepoler Eskimos are an interesting, almostprimitive peoples."Dorothy M. Inglis, AM, is an assistantprofessor of social case work in the graduate school of social work at the Universityof Washington, and enjoying it, she writes.1944Mark, MD '46, and Harriet (AM '49}Beaubien have recently moved to Detroit,where Mark is a staff member in the department of medicine at Henry Ford Hospital.Cameron and Dorothea FruechtenichtBrown, AM, announce the birth of theirsecond child, first daughter, Deborah Sue,born on April 16, 1952. She has a brother,Reid, who is three.Beverly Glenn (Mrs. J. Emery Long)writes that since September of 1950 shehas been associated with the Providencelaw firm of Edwards Sc Angell, and "I enjoy law practice in New England immeasurably."George N. Hale, Jr., a captain in theUSAF was married last April to Miss AnnAston Thoron of Washington, D. C.Allan H. Postel is a surgeon, serving withthe USAF as a captain in the medical corps,Mitchell Air Force Base, Hempstead, N. Y.Mission abroadElmer W. Henderson, AM '39, executive secretary m of the AmericanCouncil on Human Rights, returnedlast spring from a six- week tour ofessential points in England, France,Germany, Italy and Switzerland.Henderson's mission abroad was toassess the affect our racial and minority practices at home have on ourpopularity abroad. He has added hisvoice of warning to those of others,and in a newspaper interview uponhis return pointed out that, "To amuch greater degree than I had previously realized, the basic sincerity ofour government is being tested bythe treatment and status of racialminorities in our own country."Henderson stressed the need forprompt and adequate action both athome and abroad. One of his recommendations to the State Departmentwas the employment of more Negroes in high level diplomaticpositions."Qualified Negroes could make amarvelous contribution to the furtherance of our foreign policyabroad, but only an infinitesimalnumber are now found in Europe,"he reported.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1945John Bokman, SM '49, PhD '51, is a geologist in Ardmore, Okla., "a fine town of18,000, nice people, play golf almost allyear 'round."David G. Carson reports the birth of ason, Bruce Alan, born December 14, 1951,in Austin, Texas.Ann Steel Anderson (Mrs. Donald A.)writes that the Anderson family moved into their new home in Wilmette last March,but that shortly thereafter she and the twochildren, David, 5, and Carol, 4, took atrip to Baltimore to visit grandparents andescape the usual knee-deep mud that surrounds all new houses.Mrs. Fern McComb Pence, AM, is nowdirector of social services at the ClevelandRehabilitation Center. Mrs. Pence's workis in cooperating with Western ReserveUniversity in setting up a new method oftraining physicians to work with disabledpersons, and she will be doing pioneerwork in training social workers in the fieldof rehabilitation.1946E. Theodore Bachmann, PhD, is Professor of Church History and Missions at thenew Pacific Lutheran Seminary in Berkeley,Calif.Robert C Brooks, MBA '51, was marriedlast April 19 to Miss Alice Lyons of Atlanta,Ga. The couple is living in Louisville, Ky.,where Brooks is a market analyst for theReynolds Metals Co.Archie E. Hendricks, AM, PhD '49, whohas been principal of the Lincoln grammarschool at Springfield, 111., for several years,is now head of the department of elementary education at the University of Vermont in Burlington, Vt.Charles G. Higgins, Jr., SM '47, is assistant professor in the department of geologyat the University of California at Berkeley.Charles C. Parlin is practicing law inNew York City with Messrs. Shearman,Sterling, and Wright. He acquired a secondson and a home in Englewood, N. J., during the past year.Benjamin E. Powell, PhD, is librarian atDuke University, Durham, N. C.Henry H. Reinhardt is still with the PennMutual Life Insurance Co., and recentlybecame a chartered life underwriter. Since TheHazelHoffShopInfants' - Children's WearLingerie - HosieryAshjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1921Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone REgent 4-6000GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186TELEVISIONRentals sales New & ReconditionedRADIOSRadio-TV ServiceELECTRICAL APPLIANCESRefrigerators Dishwashers DriersWashers Air Conditioners FreezersSPORTING GOODSFor all seasonsRECORDSLPs & 45sFine collection tor childrenHBMMNS935 E. 55th StreetAt Ingleside AvenueTeUohone Midway 3-6700Julian A. Tishler, '33Monotonous fracturesMost persons have, or think theyhave, plenty to do, but Royal S.Cutler, '43, is moving this fall fromKetchum to Twin Falls, Idaho, toget a little more variety in his work.Dr. Cutler (his MD is from Rochester) served as chief of staff in thecounty hospital at El Centro, California, after getting out of the army.This was an exciting spot for amedical man, but when he was invited to move to Sun Valley as staffphysician at the famed resort, theoffer was so attractive that he couldn't say no.After a year and a half at Sun Valley, however, Dr. Cutler grew tiredof the unending succession of skiers'broken legs, sunburn, and not muchelse.Now he enters a clinic where he isto concentrate on pediatrics. Thissummer, by the way, he became afather for the third time.Young Dr. Cutler flies his ownplane, and his new location is justas convenient as Sun Valley for occasional camping trips into Idaho'smountain wilderness.IN CHICAGO, ALUMNA MARGARET RUDY PLAYS LEADING ROLE (2 COSTUMESSHOWN HERE) IN UNIQUE MUSICAL PAGEANT CALLED "FROM ADAM TO ATOM,"A SURPRISE HIT GIVEN AT MUSEUM OF SCIENCE & INDUSTRY THIS AUTUMN Nylon Hosiery BerkshireNeumodePerfectly ProportionedShort? Medium? Tall?1377 East 55th Street HYde Park 3-8180BIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: WEntworth 6-5380Sine* 1878HANNIBAL, INC.Upholster tFurniture Repairing1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 9-7180OCTOBER, 1952Ajax Waste Paper Co.1001 W. North Ave.Buyers of Waste Paper500 poundt or moreScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, CR 7-2668BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED ¦ BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoGolden Dirilyte(.formirly Virigold)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID NOT PLATEDComplete sets and open slockFINE BONE CHINAAyntley, Royal Crown Derby, Spode andOther Famous Mates of Fine China. AlioCrystal. Table Linen and Gifts.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSlliriqii. Inc.70 E. Jacbon Blvd. Chicago 4. III.Telephone HAymarket 1-3120E. A. AARON & BROS. Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributor, ofCEDEROREEN FROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water Marketmciiii xcr m fucrsfCAi noovcrs(euw/delectrical supply co.OiiiiIIiiik. Mmilitnr.il »l liltm MELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St. - ENglewood 4-7500 last January he has been an agency supervisor in the Chicago agency.Harvey G. Rose, MBA '48, is: 1. a co-leader of a Great Books discussion group,2. still enjoying bachelorhood, 3. interestedin hearing from other members of the restaurant administration program. For thepast three years he has been an independentmanufacturer's representative for severalNew York ladies' apparel manufacturersselling to the retail stores in the Midwestarea.Alfred Schwartz, AM, PhD '49, is now anassociate professor of secondary educationand school administration in the College ofEducation at Drake University, Des Moines,Iowa.1947Nathan £. Ilallou, Phi), is now head ofthe nuclear and physical chemistry branchof the U. S. Naval radiological defenselaboratory in El Cerrito, Calif.John H. Bauman, MBA, has attained thepost of revenue requirements supervisor ofthe Illinois Bell Telephone Co., in Chicago.Hugh G. Casey, AM '51, was married lastMay 3 to Miss Bettie Ann Richardson inCharlotte, N. C.Curtis Deters received his MD degreefrom Western Reserve University last June.H. Robert Gemmer, DB, and his wife,Myrna, announce the arrival of their second child, Jean Annalee, born August 20.The Gemmers live in Cleveland Heights,Ohio, where Bob is pastor of the FirstChurch of the Brethren.Billie J. Gilliam, was awarded the AMdegree in education from Western ReserveUniversity last June.Roy R. Grinker, Jr., writes that he wasgraduated from Harvard University Medical School in June, and has received aninternship at the Mary Hitchcock MemorialHospital in Hanover, N. H.John M. House, MBA '48, and his wife,Marv H. Allen, '40, are living in Sunnyvale,Calif., where John is special agent with thebureau of internal revenue, working in theSan Francisco office; and Mary is busy keeping track of their offsprings: Jack, 5, Bill,3, and Susy, 1.Joseph A. Kahl, AM '48, was awarded hisPhD in sociology from Harvard Universitylast March, and is now an instructor insociology and general education at Harvard.Helen Louise Nichols, AM, a teacher inEdmonton, Alberta, Canada, was marriedlast December 24 to Harry Ridgeway.Ruthevelyn Pim (Mrs. Frederick Zurick)announces the birth of a daughter, HeidiAnne, born on May 24.Charles Pletcher, AM '49, stopped over fora home visit last spring en route fromFormosa, where he was vice-counsel for twoyears, to Venice, where he will serve inthe same capacity.Richard Prince, AM '48, is principal ofthe Chicago Christian High School and isalso doing graduate work at the Universityof Chicago in educational administration.David Roth, AM, was married to MissPhyllis Markowitz on March 2, 1952, andlives in Brooklyn. He joined the staff ofa special demonstration project of the NewYork City Youth Board as a case- worker andconsultant in child welfare last January.Edith K. Schwimmer, who is living inEngland, was married last February 16 toIvan Leben.Robert F. Shaw received his MD degreefrom the School of Medicine of WesternReserve University last June. -Sidney B. Smith, PhD, is director of theUniversity of Vermont Libraries, Burlington, Vt. Theodore A. Stroud, PhD, has been prompted to the rank of professor of Englishin the college of liberal arts at Drake University. He and his wife have been activein the Great Books movement in DesMoines. They spent the summer in Europe.A dream comes trueChristine Haycock, SB '48, is oneof the first three women ever to beaccepted by the Army Medical Service, for interneship. According to aNew York Journal American story,she did it the hard way, and tojudge from the strenuous scheduleshe maintained at the University,that is no exaggeration.She took pre-med training at theUniversity after receiving her R.N.training from the Presbyterian Hospital in Newark, N. J., when she was21. While at Chicago, she also managed to get in private duty nursinga couple of days a week, plus holidays, and in the summer attendedmorning classes and did eight hoursof nursing daily besides.Now, at the age of 28, she is realizing her ambition to be a doctor, andwith the rank of First Lieutenant inthe Army Medical Corps Reserve,she reported for duty at WalterReed Hospital in June.Randall Travis was awarded his MD degree from the School of Medicine of Western Reserve University last June.1948Alexander Charters, PhD, is dean of theUniversity College of Syracuse University.His wife is Margaret Anne MacNaughton,SM '47.Elisabeth Berlin Vidal, AM, is at presenta medical technologist at Memorial Hospital, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.Charles A. Campbell, AM, was marriedon June 14, 1952, to Miss Janice Tkach.Jean F. Emmons, MBA, announces thebirth of a baby daughter, Meredith Jean,on February 21, 1952.Kirk Fox, AM '51, is a research associateat the department of food technology atthe University of Illinois.Sidney C. Furst is a television writer inNew York City.Roscoe P. Hankin, MBA, is a buyer forthe Oscar Meyer Co., of Chicago. His residence is in Freeport, 111.Eugene R. Kuczynski is engaged in electro-analytical instrument research at Leedsand Northrup Co., in Philadelphia.Clarence H. Kurth, AM, is an assistantprofessor of education in Illinois StateNormal University in Normal, 111.Channing H. Lushbough, AM '52, is working toward his PhD degree in the foodchemistry group of the home economics department. He received his divisional masters in the social sciences division lastMarch. He is an assistant resident headof Snell Hall.Sidney Mailick, AM, went to Israel overa year ago to work on his doctorate, andat the invitation of the Israeli government,has stayed on to help set up the first civilservice tests there. He is also giving hisassistance to the establishment of a publicadministration department at Hebrew University. So enthusiastic is Mailick over theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwork being done in Israel that he is considering settling there permanently. Hiswife, Mildred, AM '48, and their babydaughter have recently been visiting inthe United States.Robert E. McCoy is a research chemistwith Dow Chemical Co. He is busy now furnishing his new home in Sanford, Mich.Nicholas J. Melas, MBA '50, has beenworking for two years as a research associate in the University's Industrial RelationsCenter. He is currently a project director,working cooperatively with the New YorkCentral Railroad in the development of asupervisory program.Monroe L. Mendelsohn, MBA, is now theaccount executive in the Chicago office ofGould, Gleiss & Benn, Inc., marketing consultants.Clair B. Owen, Jr., JD, is now in thelegal department of the Northern TrustCo., in Chicago, following his dischargefrom active duty with the Marine Corpslast February.Rosalind Joan Rudy has received a Fulbright award for a year's study at the University of Paris in French literature.David E. Witheridge, AM, is now theexecutive secretary of the Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches. While he wasattending the University he was the assistant minister of the Hyde Park BaptistChurch. He and his wife have two sons,James, 5, and Thomas, 4.Harry Woolf, AM '49, has received a Fulbright scholarship for a year's study at theUniversity of Paris. He will study thehistory of science.Jerome M. Ziegler, AM, is working forthe American Foundation for Political Education in Chicago. His home is in ParkForest.1949Herbert L. Baird, Jr., AM, teaches atNorthern Illinois State Teachers Collegein DeKalb.Katherine (Willis) and John Ballard, '47,AM '49, have announced the arrival of ason, Mark Willis, born last May 13.Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bloch announcethe birth of a son, Andrew David, born lastApril 19. Dick finished OCS at Ft. Bliss,Texas, last spring.Best Sellers!If you want to write a best seller,pack in plenty of emotion (especially sentimental), lots of wordage,and a liberal use of exclamationpoints.In capsule form, that's a summaryof the influential factors in the success of best-selling novels, accordingto John Harvey's (PhD '49) study,"Content Characteristics of Best-Selling Novels." He now is Professorof Library Science at Parsons College, Fairfield, la.It'j of interest, too, that Harvey'sstudy is being published in capsuleform, since it will be issued in therelatively new microcard processwhich reduces the 190-page book tofive 3 x 5 file cards.Clifford N. Cassidy, AM, is an instructorm psychology at Trinity College, Hartford,Conn. He is working on his doctorate atBoston University. Charles R. Greene, SM '50, is doingpetrochemical research for the StandardOil Co. (Indiana), at its Whiting researchlaboratories.Frederic and Dorothy Miles Grunfeld announce the birth of a son, Foster Vincent,on April 21, 1952.John A. Jones, AM, an employe of theState Department for the past three years,left Washington last spring for the American Consulate General in Lagos, Nigeria,where he is serving as public affairs officerin charge of the United States InformationService in that country.James E. McKeown, PhD, is an assistantprofessor of sociology at DePaul Universityin Chicago.Howard E. Schuchmann, AM, is nowworking for the federal government inWashington.Richard A. Vayhinger, AM, will be inDenmark this year, studying on a Fulbright scholarship.George C. Williston writes from Denverwhere he is attending Denver Universityand working for his M.S.W. degree in family casework. He was awarded his AB in1951 from Ohio State University, and hisAM from Teachers College, Columbia University, in 1952. He was married on January 1, 1952, to Jane Ellen Abies of Anaheim, Calif. They are expecting a baby inJanuary.1950Marshall H. Berkson, MBA, was marriedto Lyla Joy Feldman on August 9, 1952,in Detroit. The couple is residing in MiamiBeach, Florida.Roger Van Bolt, PhD, is historical research specialist at the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village.James E. Barnes and his wife, Jean, '49,are now living in Twin Falls, Idaho, whereJames is an interviewer with the IdahoState Employment Service. They have atwo-year old son.Russell Becker, PhD, has been appointeddean of men and assistant professor in psychology at Kalamazoo College, his almamater.Charles E. Bidwell is still at the University of Chicago, working in the socialsciences division.Evelyn B. Horstman, AM, is a nurse atthe Weld County Hospital in Greeley, Colo.,and a member of the faculty of the University of Colorado School of Nursing.Jack and Shirley Marshall Planalp, whoare both PhD candidates at Cornell University, have received Fulbright awards forstudy in India this year. They will bemembers of a Cornell project to study Indian village life.Jean A. Spencer, MD, is a fellow ininternal medicine at the Mayo Foundationin Rochester.Nancy A. Wahlgren, SM, was married onApril 26 to Chester E. Hansen.William W. Wootten was recalled toactive duty in the Navy last spring andis stationed at Pearl Harbor.1951William J. Aeon, AM, is working forthe Mutual Security Agency in Washington,D. C.Warren. A. Bergbom, MBA, is a financialanalyst with the Ford Motor Co., in Dearborn, Mich.Henry D. Blumberg is studying law andis a member of " the Law Review at theSyracuse University College of Law.The engagement of Miss Janet McGovernto Daniel F. Calhoun, AM, was announced PARKER-HOLSMANReal Estate and Insurance1500 East 57th Stmt Hyde Park 3-25253to Jtlemorp ofMR. BEN SHEDROFFFor 28 years, associated in business withthe University, who passed away onSeptember 1, 1950PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valvei, Sumps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUEFAIrfU 4-0111PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICEOLC^xclu&ive C-tt-eanerAWe operate our own drycleaning plantTHREE HOUR SERVICE1331 East 57th St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.Midway 3-0602 NOrmal 7-9858Office & Plant1442 East 57th Street Midway 3-0608LOWER YOUR COSTSWAGE INCENTIVESEMPLOYEE TRAININGPERSONNEL PROCEDURESIMPROVED METHODSJOB EVALUATIONROBERT B. SHAPIRO '33, DIRECTOROCTOBER, 1952 31BOYDSTON BROS., INC.operatingAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of ChicagoOAkland 4-0492Trained and licensed attendant!W. B. Conlcey Co.Division ofRand M9Nally & CompanyCHICAGO HAMMOND NEW YORKSince 1885ALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best in placement service for University,College, Secondary and Elementary. Nationwide patronage. Call or write us at25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, IllinoisTelephone KEnwood 6-1352J. E. KIDWELL FMsT826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago 15, IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELLTREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Direct Factory DealerforCHRYSLER and PLYMOUTHNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMUseum 4-4500AleeGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete Automobile Repair,Body. Paint, Simonize, Washand Greasing Departments last spring. A summer wedding was planned,probably in Germany, where Calhoun isin government service.William A. Beardslee, PhD, is now anassociate professor of theology at EmoryUniversity.Cpl. Robert H. Davenport is with theU. S. Air Force, stationed at Sioux CityAFB.Wright Jackson, AM, left in July with hiswife and two daughters for a year in Italyas public relations and sales advisor foran association of firms dealing with English-speaking countries. He plans to returnto the University a year hence to seek ahigher degree.Jack Locher, AM, sends news from Kun-san Korea, where he is a navigator on aB-26. By last July he had past the quartermark of his fifty mission tour, and hopedto be passing through Chicago upon hisreturn to the states in October or November.Pvt. Edwin L. Stone, AM, was assignedlast spring to Fort Myer, Va., for duty withthe controller management division of themilitary district of Washington, D. C.1952The National Research Council hasawarded Jacob J. Blum, PhD, a Merck postdoctoral fellowship in the natural sciencesfor 1952-53 at the California Institute ofTechnology.Donald C. Jansen, MBA, is an accountantwith the General Electric Co., Lockland,Ohio./ I tentorialJessie F. Waite, '77, (Mrs. George H.Wright) died on July 24, 1952, at the ageof 96. She left a family of five children,twelve grandchildren, and twelve greatgrandchildren.Harrison B. Barnard, '95, an honorarytrustee of the University, died in Chicagoon August 14, 1952.Joseph F. Merrill, MD, who took workat the University around 1897, died onFebruary 3, 1952, in Salt Lake City at theage of 84.Scott Brown, '97, of Pasadena, Calif., aformer Chicago lawyer and corporation executive, died on June 14, 1952, after aheart attack suffered while he was in Chicago on a visit.Harry N. Swezey, MD '01, died on February 12, 1952, at his home in Lafayette,Ind.Cornelia Beardsley, '02, died on November 2, 1951, at the age of 85.Floyd Irving Beckwith, '05, DB '07, diedon April 26, 1952, in Pomona, Calif. Dr.Beckwith had served as Baptist minister inmany pastorates and took an active partin YMCA work.William A. Murphy, '05, JD '06, died verysuddenly on March 30, 1952, on board theMauretania while on a West Indies cruise.George A. Stephens, AM '06, PhD '09,died at his home in San Francisco, Calif.,on May 16, 1952.Don Clyde Kite, AM '10, died on Sept.24, 1951. He retired in 1944 after 29 yearsas pastor of the Central Baptist Church ofTrenton, N. J.Walter V. Bingham, PhD '08, psychologist, died on July 7, 1952, at the age of72. During World War I, Dr. Bingham was one of the leaders in applying psychological testing to manpower classification problems. He continued this work inWorld War II as chief psychologist of theAdjutant General's Office of the War department and chairman of the Committeeon Classification of Military Personnel.Sydney Gardiner, who took work at theUniversity around 1911, died on May 23,1952, in Santa Monica, Calif., at the ageof 61. A former Chicago stock broker, hemoved to California in 1937 to engage inthe oil business.Alice E. Hart (Mrs. Max Kirchheimer) ,who took work at the University around1912, died on January 13, 1952.Susan J. McDonnell, '12, died on October 25, 1951.Mary Dirickson, '14, died on January 30,1952.Joseph B. Hughes, '14, AM '28, died onMay 19, 1952.Ruth Schloss Wertheimer, who studied atthe University around 1914, died on May14, 1952.James E. McMeel, '15, MD '13, died onMarch 26, 1952, of a heart attack.Mary Talbot Herriek, T5, (Mrs. C. Judson Herriek) died August 23 at the homeof her daughter, in Grand Rapids, Mich.She was 84, and in six days would havecelebrated the 60th anniversary of her marriage to Dr. Herriek, Professor Emeritus ofNeurology. The daughter of Samson Talbot, president of Denison University, she issurvived by a brother and sister, Dr. Herriek, and her daughter Ruth, SB '18, MD'28, now practicing in Grand Rapids.Edmund D. Christopherson, SM '15, diedon August 4, 1952, at the age of 69.Clark C. Piper, MD '15, died on April22, 1952, in Highland Park, Michigan.Milton A. Buchanan, PhD T6, died onMay 7, 1952.J. Ray Cable, AM '17, died on December2, 1951.Marion McSurely Schnoor, T7, died onNovember 28, 1951, in Chicago.William A. Crowley, PhD T7, retiredUniversity of Cincinnati faculty member,died July 3, 1952, at the age of 74.Ray William Ulman, who studied at theUniversity around 1918, died on March 16,1952-Oliver C. Van Camp, AM T9, died inApril, 1952. The Alumni Office was notinformed of the exact date. His home wasin Delbarton, W. Va., where he had servedas assistant prosecuting attorney of MingoCounty.James W. Mulroy, '21, Pulitzer prize-winning newspaperman and former executive assistant to Gov. Adlai Stevenson, diedon April 29, 1952, in Michael Reese hospital after a cerebral hemorrhage.Waldo N. Graves, MD '24, died on Dec.5, 1951.'Frank A. Maas, '25, died on April 27, 1952.John B. Nanninga, '25, MD '28, died onApril 18, 1952, in Newton, Kan.Sidney S. Alexander, '27, JD '29, died onJanuary 7, 1952, in Chicago.Richard H. Chadwell, '27, died on February 24, 1952.He^en Ethel Duff, >27, died on February25, 1952, in Aurora, 111.Morris S. Wadley, who took work at theUniversity around 1927, was killed in anautomobile accident last January 12.Marie Litzinger, PhD '34, died on April 7,1952, at the age of 52. She was chairmanof the mathematics department and professor of mathematics at Mount HolyokeCollege.Lillian Hayman (Mrs. Leon Kanegis), '35,MBA '41, died on May 12, 1952.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEc*cirwutteM /v^Being your own boss has many advantages but to scorea success you'll have to answer "yes" to some challengingquestions : Can you budget your time efficiently?Can you set a goal and pursue it with diligence and persistence?If these questions sound like "you," New England Mutualoffers you a chance to be on your own to moveup the income ladder just as high and as fast as yourambition and abilities can take you.We finance your learning period, and give you theadvantage of a comprehensive training program. You'll beworking with college-trained associates. You'll behelping families and businesses achieve financial security.And you'll be representing the company that foundedmutual life insurance in America today one of the fastestgrowing companies in its field (resources morethan doubled during the past 10 years).This is a real opportunity to form a satisfyingassociation with a company that has attracted men frommost of the important colleges of the country.Mail the coupon for the booklet in which 1 5 such men tellwhy they chose a life insurance career, with . . .Th. NEW ENGLANDMUTUALLi*/e Insurance Company of Rostonr~ 1New England MutualBox 333, Boston 17, Mass.Please send me, without cost or obligation, yourbooklet, "Why We Chose New England Mutual."Name-AddressCity -Zone State UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOHarry Benner, "12, ChicagoGeorge Marselos, '34, ChicagoPaul C Lippold, '38, ChicagoJames M. Banghart, '41, San FranciscoJohn R. Dnwn '4A (^kl^nnJNature was working for you... a billion years agoAge-old natural gas changed beyond recognition by thehand of science is in nearly everything that's new todayGeologists tell us that centuries ago mountains rose andcrumbled . . . oceans formed and disappeared . . . and greatmasses of plant and animal life were buried under layersof earth, rock, and water. Gradually, chemical reactionschanged that buried matter into oil and natural gas.IT IS IMPORTANT TO ALL OF US- Natural gas came intoits own within the lifetime of many of us. Its great importance began when scientists learned to separate and use itsparts. Out of this work in the field of petro-chemistry came"'Prestone" anti-freeze, the all-winter type that took theworry out of cold weather driving. Then there are today'splastics. Some are so soft and pliable that they make beautiful, long-lasting curtains and drapes for your home. Othersare so tough and enduring that they are used to protect thebottoms of ocean liners. Natural gas products are important ingredients in nearly all of them.FROM ANTI-FREEZE TO FUEL Wherever you turn, there'ssomething that's been made better by the magic touch of chemistry. It brings you many of today's life-saving wonderdrugs . . . man-made fibers for exciting new textiles . . . hundreds of useful chemicals . . . and also "Pyrofax" gas, themodern bottled gas for home, farm, and industry.UCC AND CHEMISTRY- The people of Union Carbidepioneered in producing synthetic organic chemicals. Today,their plants turn out more than 350 of these versatile chemicals for industry to use in making the things that serveyou so well.STUDENTS and STUDENT ADVISERS: Learn more about the manyfields in which Union Carbide offers career opportunities. Write forthe free illustrated booklet "Products and Processes" which describes the various activities of UCC in the fields of Alloys, Carbons, Chemicals, Gases, and Plastics. Ask for booklet 1-2.Union CarbideAND CARBON CORPORATIONPSNN N E \V Y 0 R K 17, N.Y.3 0 E A S T 12XD S T R E E TJJCCs Trade-marked Products of Alloys, Carbons, Chemicals, Gases, and Plastics include-Prestone and TREK Anti-Freezes Eveready Flashlights and Batteries NATIONAL Carbons ACHESON Electrodes PYROFAX GasElectromet Alloys and Metals Haynes Stellite Alloys Prest-O-Lite AcetyleneDynel Textile Fibers Bakelite, Krene, and Vinylite Plastics Linde Oxygen Synthetic Organic Chemicals