SORACRAMSomeone was your Silent Partnerwhen you received your educationEducation has always cost more than students paid for it.In your case, as for all of us, the difference between tuition fees and the costof your education was paid for by someone else — your silent partner.Today, your University suggests that you be a silentpartner for others. Education costs even more than it did in your day. Toprovide it now for eager minds is a responsibility which can no longerbe left to the wealthy donor, who indeed is rapidly disappearing.Your contribution to the Alumni Foundation thisyear and each succeeding year helps provide for others the advantages ofa fine education at a great University — advantages which youenjoyed because others were generous and far-seeing in your day.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOALUMNI FOUNDATION5733 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, CHICAGO 37, ILLINOISVlllemo f-^adThe bug-eyed gargoyleSo many members liked freshman Gargon the October cover that we enlargedhim to 8% x 11 inches for framing. He'sprinted on good paper in sepia and he'syours for three 3-cent stamps (50c fornon-members) .Alumni are framing him for the denor the nursery. The children learn to lovehim when you explain he was a classmate of dad's at the University.In the den he becomes— what do theysay— a conversation piece.If you want a copy, drop three three-centstamps into an envelope with a card saying: "Send me Garg" and we'll mail him—with another picture showing Hull Gateand telling the story of the gargoyles.GARGOYLE CREATED MILD SENSATIONThe 8 AM. mailThis is just a note to express my appreciation and that of all SRA [Science Research Associates], to you and Don Morrisfor the fine job on us in the Januaryissue [P. 12]. . .Copy was good— one would imagine thatDon had been an SRA ten-year man.Lyle M. SpencerPresident [SRA]Whistle?The telegram read, simply: HAVEDEFINITE PROOF OF WHISTLE. STOPIN 1941 BUT PHOTOSTAT WILL TAKEWEEK. HOPEFULLY ERNIE STEWART.Ernie, I knew. Former editor of thePrinceton 'Weekly, he is now executivesecretary of the Washington office of theAmerican Alumni Council. But this, whistlestuff . . . Surely Ernie could whistle before 1941. And who cares enough forproof?Then came a photostat of the sportspage of the New York Herald Tribune forJune 9, 1940. In the Jesse Abramson reporton the Princeton Invitation Track Meetheaded "World Low Hurdle Mark Set ByWolcott" were three lines circled in red:"The hurdling of Wolcott, who hails from a whistle-stop called Snyder, Tex.,was a thing of beauty."Oh Whistle Stopl Ernie was playing ourgame of Prove It. We had listed WhistleStop as appearing in print for the firsttime in 1944.The accompanying letter told the story:/ had a very vivid recollection of sittingaround in the Western Union office thatnight after the Princeton InvitationalTrack Meet talking over the details . . .and the various stories which some of thetop sports correspondents had turned out.We were delighted with a new wordthat we had heard for the first time—whistle-stop.Whether Jesse Abramson, who was thenand still is one of the very best in the business, had coined it himself, I don'tknow . . .Your contest idea is terrific . . . an additional reason The University of ChicagoMagazine is one of my favorites. I havealways been hipped on this idea of contests. . . . This is a particularly fine one.Tea in St. LouisIf you like tea, or Chicago fellowship,the Department of Education will bepouring and receiving in the St. LouisRoom of the Statler (St. Louis) February26th. Most of Chicago's education facultywill be present while attending the American Association of School Administrators.Drop in between 4 and 6.—H. W. M.PROVE ITThe following are from the Dictionary of Americanisms (U. of C. Press) .Guess the dates they first appeared inprint. If you have proof of an earlierdate, quote or clip the excerpt showing how it is used. Add title, author,date, page, or source.If you are first to prove an earlierdate, we will send your choice of anybook listed under Awards.Date the AmericanismCheck one of the three dates following each Americanism when you thinkit first appeared in print.1. Phony (noun) 1901-1921-19412. Hillbilly 1900-1910-19303. Stooge 1893-1913-19334. White collar (class) ..1911-1921-19315. Cake eaters 1912-1922-19326. Gold digger (fem.) .. 1915-1925-19357. Yes man 1909-1919-19298. One track mind 1902-1922-19329. Gone Gosling 1904-1924-193410. John Q. Public 1925-1935-194511. Straw vote 1887-1907-191712. Pork barrel (Pol.) ..1893-1903-191313. Community chest ...1911-1921-193114. Bug House Square . . 1903-1913-192315. Party boss 1907-1917-192716. Boondoggle 1925-1935-194517. Precinct captain 1901-1921-194118. Split ballot 1917-1927-194719. News flash 1904-1924-194420. Best seller 1905-1915-192521. Deadline 1900-1920-194022. Print shop 1891-1911-192123. Ghost writer 1921-1931-194124. Cold turkey (talk) ..1906-1916-192625. Tall tale 1907-1917-192726. Bronx cheer 1919-1929-193927. Baloney 1908-1918-192828. Handlebar mustache. .1913-1923-193329. Corny 1927-1937-194730. Doghouse (in the) .. .1924-1934-1944 Answers to AmericanismsNote: If you request it, and yourearlier proven date is the first to bereceived, you will also be given creditfor $3.00 on the purchase of theAwards1. REVEILLE FOR RADICALS by SaulAlinsky.2. LAY MY BURDEN DOWN by BenA. Botkin.3. WOBBLY by Ralph Chaplin. 1941 The adjective was 1900.1900 A Hill-Billie is a free and untrammelled white citizen of Alabama, who lives in the hills, hasno means to speak of, dresses as hehe can, talks as he pleases, drinkswhiskey when he gets it, and firesoff his revolver as the fancy takeshim. N. Y. Journal.1913 Uusually on stage.1921 White-collarism in 1945.1922 A tea hound in 1925.1925 Male was easy mark in 1899.1929 Also glad hander in 1929.1932 ". . . usually have the mostcollisions." From Kansas City Timesof that year.1934 A gone goose in 1830.1945 You should get a book on this.1887 Dark horse was 1865.1913 Logrolling in 1812.1921 The first money drive: 1928.1923 Hobo jungle, 1908.1927 The party machine was 1891.1935 With the flood of governmentalphabets.1941 Must be an earlier date.1947 Ditto.1904 Winchell was only seven.1905 Referred to as best selling bookin 1895.1920 Scoops in 1874.1921 That's what the editor says.1941 There was ghost writing in1928.1916 A cold fact in 1855.1927 Tall stories began in 1846.1929. Earliest date in Colliers.1928 It was bunk in 1900.1933 Sideburns in 1887.1937 Chestnuts in 1883.1944 Surely much earlierlDictionary. Seven three-dollar credits(totaling $21) will be permitted anyone Magazine subscriber. This offerand all credits expire June 30, 1952.4. A HOUSE IN CHICAGO by OliviaH. Dunbar.5. MIDWEST AT NOON by GrahamHutlon.6. AMERICAN DAUGHTER by EvaBell Thompson.FEBRUARY, 1952 1^jreaturina the^jroundatilionConversation PieceMOST OF US have our pet subjectsof conversation, ranging from ourfavorite children, favorite restaurants,favorite ailments to our unfavorite politician. I've isolated my pet-a-tete, whichis the University of Chicago Alumni Foundation and specifically its Alumni Gift. Myfavorite wife warns me that if I don'tstart leaving it at the office, or at least,at home, it will isolate me. On the wayto a party recently, I was being briefedby you know whom, "Try and let theconversation go around the room twice ormaybe three times before you work it in,"she whispered as we left the sidelines.The opening gambit came much before I had a chance to warm my ears and certainly much before the prescribed encirclements. One of the group, an alumnusof about twenty-five years departure, tosseda comment in my direction, as pretty asa lob from Willie Schaeffer's tennis racquet."You're connected with the University,"he tossed, "I see by the papers that thenew chancellor announced that the schoolis in the hole a million dollars this year.That's a lot of dough."I looked at my wife helplessly, almostfrantically, and just caught the slight vertical nod of her head. The coast had beencleared."It sure is a lot of dough to have tomake up," I answered, hoping that theconversation would not go off on a tangentabout the price of meat or deficit spending."I did my bit," he came back. "Whenmy father died ten years ago and left mea little money, I gave $500 to the AlumniFund."That's fine, really fine." I commented."And as you know the University put itto good use then.""Then. What do you mean then?" hequestioned me."I mean that was ten years ago. The Alumni Gift is a yearly need of the University, The annual gift provides a regular means by which alumni like yourselfwho are grateful for their education canexpress gratitude in a tangible way. It'slike wanting to renew an old friendshiponce a year."As I was going full speed ahead, he interrupted, "You know, Jim, I never lookedat it that way before. Come to think ofit the newspaper article did mention thattuition only takes care of one-third of thecost each year. Guess that was true inmy time, too.""Chancellor Kimpton also pointed outin his statement that the average pay ofa teacher at the University is less thanthat earned by the workers at a lot ofindustrial plants," my wife joined in."Well, I'm doing a lot better than that,"he replied. "I'm sure glad to know thesefacts. By the way, I'd like to show youpictures of our kids. I want them to goto the University someday."On our way home I promised my wifethat I would wait until the conversationhad made the rounds twice or maybe threetimes before I talked Alumni Gift— nexttime.—/. A.RELIGIONFour members of the Federated Theological Faculty have submitted the following books of significance and recent publication which they feel might be of interest to our alumni readers.RELIGION AND PSYCHOLOGYSEWARD HILTNER has a special interest in the contribution that both religious and psychological truths make tothe understanding of personality, so histitles deal with the relationships betweenreligion and psychology, a field in whichthere is so much popular interest thesedays:PSYCHOTHERAPY AND A CHRISTIANVIEW OF MAN. By David E. Roberts.Scribner' s, 1950.A readable, penetrating, introductory statement of the way in which recent findings in psychotherapy contribute to adeeper understanding of man's naturefrom the Christian point of view.UNDERSTANDING FEAR IN OURSELVES AND OTHERS. By BonaroOverstreet. Harper's, 1951.An excellent popular psychological treatment of what has been discovered aboutthe nature and meaning of^anxiety andfear in human life as it is^of interestto both psychology and religion.THE INDIVIDUAL AND HIS RELIGION. By Gordon W. Allport. Mac-millan, 1950.An outstanding book on the psychology ofreligion by the noted professor of psychology at Harvard. The author believesthere is an "inherent absurdity" in believing that psychology and religion"must be permanently and hopelessly atodds." THE MEANING OF ANXIETY. By RolloMay. Ronald Press, 1950.An outstanding attempt to integrate whatthe several sciences have discovered aboutanxiety, and to link this with what philosophical and logical thought has produced on the subject.THE STRUGGLE OF THE SOUL. ByLewis Sherrill. Macmillan, 1951.A readable, introductory treatment of thecorrelation between human developmental steps in general and religiousdevelopment.A HISTORY OF THE CURE OF SOULS.By John T. McNeill. Harper, 1951.A monumental study of what has beendone throughout the centuries in theJewish and Christian traditions to aidpeople in their personal problems andperplexities. A scholarly book repletewith notes, but containing material notavailable anywhere else.HISTORY OF RELIGIONSJOACHIM WACH, an authority on thehistory of religions, has recently writtena book in this field entitled:TYPES OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE:CHRISTIAN AND NON-CHRISTIAN.U. of C. Press, and Routledge, London,1951.This volume consists of ten essays discussing important questions in the field,such as: Are there Universals in religion,and deals with significant movementsand personalities, ideas, and institutionsin the non-Christian as well as theChristian world.Other titles recommended by Dr. Wachare:FORGOTTEN RELIGIONS. By VergiliusFerm. New York: Philosophical Library,1950.Essays on less -known ancient and living,primitive and higher religions by 18authors, some of whom are Universityof Chicago faculty members. COMPARATIVE RELIGION. By A. C.Bouquet. Pelican Books, 1950.This is a competent, concise and up-to-date survey useful for any one interestedin non-Christian religions.THE IDEA OF THE HOLY. By RudolfOtto. Oxford University Press, 2nd ed.,1950.One of the most important books of thepast 50 years in this field, a classic studyof the basic aspects of religious experience by a great historian of religions.RELIGIOUS ETHICSJAMES LUTHER ADAMS, Professor ofReligious Ethics, recommends these titlesin the field of ethics.BASIC CHRISTIAN ETHICS. By PaulRamsay. Scribner's, 1950. $3.75.This book discusses a biblically-oriented,neo-orthodox interpretation of Christianethics as a neighbor-centered ethics incontrast to a value-centered ethics andto an ethics of self-realization. Contemporary and historical figures are takeninto account. For the author, the Christian life transcends law and becomes theparticular response of "obedient love."The author is Associate Professor of Religion at Princeton University.CATHOLIC SOCIAL THOUGHT- ITSAPPROACH TO CONTEMPORARYPROBLEMS. By Melvin J. Williams.Ronald Press, 1950. $5.A detailed survey of current Catholic socialthought throughout the world, from thepen of a Methodist professor of sociology.It treats the full range of Catholic socialthought, including sociology, anthropology, economics, penology, and socialwork. Father Furfey of the CatholicUniversity of America, in his Foreword,praises "the extraordinary lack of prejudice ... in every part of the work."JUDIASM AND MODERN MAN. By WillHerberg. Farrar Straus and Young,1951. $4.Herberg, the director of educational andresearch activities for the dressmakers'organization of the International Ladies'2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMAGAZINEVol. 44 February, 1952 Number 5PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONExecutive EditorHOWARD W. MORTNews EditorJEANNETTE LOWREYExecutive SecretaryAlumni FoundationJIM ATKINS EditorDON MORRISField SecretaryJIM RATCLIFFE Associate EditorAUDREY PROBSTStaff PhotographerSTEPHEN LEWELLYNDirectorAlumni EducationRICHARD CRUMLEYIN THIS ISSU EA Place in the Galaxy 7One-Fifth of 1952's "Most Outstanding Young Men". . . 9An Appreciation of Dr. Dallas B. Phemister 10A Fool About Art, James I. Gilbert 11Soracram 16"Oblige Me by Referring to the Files" 19Locating Trouble Spots in Employee Morale 21DEPARTMENTSMemo Pad 1 Featuring The Foundation 2Reader's Guide 2 Books 4Class News . 22COVER: When we asked Yerkes Astronomer W. W.Morgan to send along a picture of himself for possibleuse in connection with the article on his mock-up of partof the Milky Way, he was reluctant to do so, but heyielded to persuasion. When we asked Alumnus Morganwho should get the photo credit for the picture, he admitted that it was a self-portrait. When it arrived, alongwith the others — of the model, the Milky Way, the Andromeda Nebula — it was so good that it was an inevitableCover and photographs on pages 7 (bot.) and 8 by W. W. Morgan. Photographs on pages i, 9 (rt), 16, 17, 18, 20 by StephenLewellyn. Photographs on pages 6 and insert 8, by WalterBaade, Mt. Wilson and Palomar Observatories. Photo on page 7{top) by Stewart Shar pi ess-Donald Osterbrock, Yerkes Observatory. Photo on page 9 (left) by David Jackson, of Ebony.Pictures on pages 11 and 15, courtesy Art Institute of Chicago.Pictures on pages 12 and 14, courtesy Museum of Modern Art.Picture on page 13, courtesy Ronald Penrose Collection, London.Photo on page 22, courtesy Chicago Tribune. Photo on page 25,Mbffett Studios.Published monthly, October through June, by The University of Chicago Alumni Association, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price, $3.00. Singlecopies, 35 cents. Student price at University of Chicago Bookstore, 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934. at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois under the act ofMarch 3, 1879. Advertising agent, The American Alumni Council, B. A. Ross, director, 22Washington Square, New York, X. Y.Garment Workers' Union, is a religioussocialist and a knowledgeable theologian.This book, which views man "at thebrink of the abyss' in the present historical situation, penetrates basic religiousand social issues of our times. The influence of the Protestant theologian Rein-hold Niebuhr and of the Jewish existentialist theologians Martin Bubur andFranz Rosenzweig is evident throughoutthe volume (which also draws heavilyupon rabbinical literature) .THE CHRISTIAN IN POLITICS. By H.J. Voorhis. Association Press, 1951. $1.75.Believing that by and large Christiancitizens have been shirking their political responsibilities, former Congressman Jerry Voorhis urges participation involuntary associations (civic clubs, farm,labor, business, veterans' and women'sorganizations) toward the end of achieving thoroughly informed consensus andof affecting public policy. One of hischaracteristic criteria for public policyis stated in the demand that we "subordinate economic processes to the needsof the community."GENERALDANIEL i>. WILLIAMS sends in thesethree titles) which he feels are of particular interest:CHRISTIANITY AND HISTORY. ByHerbert Butterfield. Scribner's, 1950.A study of good and evil in history byone of the ablest British historians. Withwit, clarity, and penetration, Butterfieldshows how the attempt to understandhistory leads to the ultimate questionsabout the meaning of human life.CHRIST AND CULTURE. By ReinholdNiebuhr. Harper, 1951.One of the world's outstanding theologiansgives a concise statement of five ways inwhich Christians have tried to relatetheir faith to the cultures in whichthey have lived. The author has a profound understanding of the problemsof religious living in this kind of aworld.SELF - UNDERSTANDING. By SewardHiltner. Scribner' s, 1951.A revealing analysis of our emotional problems written by one who combines psychological understanding with a suregrasp of religious issues. Hiltner showsthat man's capacity for freedom andfor faith are at the center of his being,and must be kept in view when weanalyze the sources of psychological maturity.eltev&Berwanger fanI particularly enjoyed the Berwangerstory in the November issue. Current feature stories of fellow classmates known toall of us are always interesting. So, too,are the articles on advances in science . . .we can all afford to be brought up todate.You're doing fine. Keep up the goodwork. The alumni can be proud indeedof the Magazine. It is a great magazinebefitting of a great school.Dorothy Emerick, '38, AM '42Portland, Oregon Turkish readersThanks for the little note in the Octoberissue on my current activities. Am enjoying my work and Turkey immensely. Imiss my friends in Chicago and on thecampus, but the Magazine helps me to keep up on what's going on and I alwaysread it from cover to cover and then present it to the American library where Iam sure many Turkish readers enjoy it asmuch as I do.Marie Eckert, '47, MBA '49Ankara, TurkeyFEBRUARY, 1952 3l/~>OOkAby Faculty and AlumniDEMOCRACY AND THE CHURCHES,by James Hastings Nichols. The Westminster Press, 1951. 298 pp. $4.50.This book is not for the tender-minded.It is not for those who cherish the comforting illusion that all the churches areequally compatible with democracy. Noris it for those who hold that good tasteand democratic tolerance should restrainone from sharp words against any churcheven though it promotes absolutism inpolitics.In face of the increasing appeal ofauthoritarianism in the 20th century,and particularly because of the growingconcern about the current controversiesconnected with Roman Catholicism inAmerica, a group of Protestant leaders,now organized as a commission on Religious Liberty of the National Councilof Churches, assigned to Professor Nicholsof the Federated Theological Faculty ofthe University of Chicago, the task of recording and evaluating the roles thathave been played by the churches in thewhole modern movement of liberaldemocracy and in the countermovementsagainst it.With sharpness of conception, withan impressive marshalling of the relevanthistorical data, and with no mincing ofwords, Professor Nichols, employing asort of double-entry ledger, has givenan account of the debt that liberaldemocracy owes to free religion and thatpolitical absolutism owes to authoritarian religion.In this highly instructive and veryreadable study the author considers onlythe modern sources of democracy (inthe churches) . Moreover, he attributes thesources and supports from the churchesonly to Protestantism, and even thenonly to what he calls "Puritan Protestantism." Under this rubric he includesmainly the "three old denominations" ofEnglish Nonconformity and their American counterparts, the Congregationalistsand Presbyterians (and their offspring, theUnitarians) and the Baptists, though hegives credit also to the Quakers and tothe Anglicans as influenced by the Nonconformists. (Evangelicalism, by contrast,had at first no interest in politics.)Seventy-five years ago the prodemo-cratic role of left-wing Puritanism received classical description from the penof the Roman Catholic historian LordActon (and Professor Nichols might wellhave cited it as a brief characterizationfor this side of the ledger) : "The ideathat religious liberty is the generatingprinciple of civil, and that civil is thenecessary condition of religious, was adiscovery reserved for the seventeenthcentury. . . That great political idea,sanctifying freedom and consecrating itto God, teaching men to treasure theliberties of others as their own, and todefend them for the love of justice andcharity more than as a claim of right,has been the soul of what is great andgood in the progress of the last two- hundred years."From this Puritan Protestantism andits descendants came the principles ofsocial organization characteristic of liberal democracy and also the religioussanctions for these principles: law above the executive, the duty of resistance tothe tyrant, the determination of policyby free discussion, the democratic principle of consent, the principle of "the loyalopposition" and the protection of minority rights, the demand that the statebe ecclesiastically neutralized and thatthe church be free of political interference, and the vocational responsibilities of citizenship in freedom of conscience under God and the moral lawand through individual participation inpolitics and in voluntary associations.In all of these respects the left-wingPuritans "by analogy" carried over intothe common life the insight and experience they had gained from their newreading of the Bible and from free-church organization. Here ProfessorNichols has drawn upon the researchesand the patterns of interpretation whichwe associate with such historians asTroeltsch, Foster, Gooch, Halevy, LordLindsay, and Bainton, though he givesless credit to the British legal traditionand to the Enlightenment than do someof these scholars.His account of right-wing Protestantism, particularly of German (in contrastto Scandinavian) Lutheranism and theocratic Calvinism, presents the contrastscorresponding to the characteristics of theleft wing. Bismarck is a symbol of German Lutheran absolutism, Lincoln thesymbol of Protestant liberal democracy.Professor Nichols' general view ofRoman Catholicism in its relation todemocracy is implied in the statement,"The leaders of political Catholicism inGermany, with the support of the Vatican, deliberately preferred Hitler todemocracy," as they preferred also theatheist dictators Mussolini and Franco.The extensive account of the Vatican'spolicies throughout the modern period,of the antidemocratic encyclicals, and ofthe Vatican's successive, crushing attackson democracy and on Catholic politicalliberalism during the last century anda half, he presents with documentaryevidence and with deserved sharpness ofcriticism.Nichols commends the view of theRoman Catholic historian ChristopherDawson, that "there seems no doubt thatthe Catholic social ideals set forth in theencyclicals of Leo XIII and Pius IX havefar more affinity with those of Fascismthan with those of. either Liberalism orSocialism." The Catholic principles ofpolitics, he says, are now exemplified inSoviet Russia— "authority, censorship, theleadership principle, social status, andhierarchy." The fact that many RomanCatholics in the United States havefavored political liberalism he views asevidence of influences from outside Catholicism and of the Catholic tendency toset "institutional advantage before principle, democratic or otherwise" (a somewhat captious judgment when consideredalongside his claim that "in the Protestant discussion, positions were taken onissues on grounds of principle, of loveand justice") . He recounts, as an illustration of the American Catholic laity'signorance of Roman principles, Al Smith'sfamous comment in response to the question as to whether he would adhere toPius IX's encyclical The Syllabus ofErrors: "What the hell is an "inkiklika?"The two contrary church traditions,the prodemocratic and the antidemocratic, confront each other today in asort of goldfish bowl, particularly in theUnited States which has become the greatCatholic world-power of the twentiethcentury (replacing the role of Austria in the nineteenth) . Professor Nichols appears to hold that Roman Catholicism, inour bureaucratized, industrialized, militarized society, enjoys great advantage inthe power struggle, because of its unityand enforced obedience and because ofits adeptness at diplomatic strategy andat censorship.One must say that this constitutes anincreasing danger for the future ofdemocracy, particularly in view of thefact that prodemocratic Protestantism (asProfessor Nichols points out) with itsemphasis on local autonomy, individualinitiative and responsibility, and themethod of discussion, may not be ableto muster "enough self-discipline, organ-ization, and unity to meet the problems"of a mass society becoming increasinglycollectivized. Perhaps the viability of (thealways precarious) Catholic political liberalism in America will depend partiallyupon the strength and aggressiveness ofother church and nonchurch groups inthe translation of democratic principles inthe new mass society and in the newworld situation. Professor Nichols is impressed, however, by the impotence andirrelevance of Protestant churches today,"in the whole range of their activities."All but a small minority of these churcheswould appear to have lost much of theirearlier dynamic.Professor Nichols' book demonstratesthe truth of the first sentence of thefirst chapter, "Over 15 centuries of Christian history give the lie to those Americanpreachers who are accustomed to identifyChristianity and democracy. . . And evenin the last few generations only a minority of Christians, only one tradition within the Church, has been consistently affiliated with political democracy." One closesthe book wishing that the author hadventured an interpretation of the relation between these facts and the majormotifs of the biblical message.James Luther AdamsProfessor Religious Ethics,The Meadville Theological SchoolFederated Theological Faculty.HUMAN RELATIONS IN ADMINISTRATION. By Robert Dubin. New York:Prentice-Hall, 1951. $5.50.Robert Dubin, '36, AM '40, PhD '47,Associate Professor of Sociology andManagement, the University of Illinois,has approached a difficult and complexsubject— that of understanding humanbehavior in organizations— with the conviction that it is possible, and important, to construct a system of principlesabout such behavior, based upon thesystematic knowledge and insights nowavailable about the sociology of organizations, and that such theoretical conceptsare eminently practical.Professor Herbert Blumer (Sociology)has written an introduction to the bookwhich serves as an able statement ofthe central theme to which Dubin addresses himself, and an evaluation of theexcellent contribution which this bookmakes to an understanding if it. Mr.Blumer points out that this volume dealswith an increasingly crucial problem inthe administration of modern industry-that of understanding the human andsocial elements in the operation of industrial enterprises. He notes that inthe vast complex structure of modernindustry, the present-day industrial executive is required more and more tobe an administrator and "is inclinedto undertake this task in the same spirit4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEin which one constructs a machine outof passive and amenable parts."In viewing industrial organization asa machine-like coordination of separateindustrial tasks there is always a dangerof failing to see clearly or to appreciatefully the social structure in which thiscoordination becomes embedded. Everyindustrial administrator, of course, hassome realization of the human relationsinvolved in the industrial arrangement.He knows that the separate industrialtasks are performed by human beings;he knows that such human beings develop personal relations with each otherwhich are sometimes beneficial and sometimes detrimental to the effective operation of the organization. In one wayor another he has to take into accountthe fact that the separate industrial tasksdo not have the passivity of the partsof a machine. Yet, in general, the industrial administrator has only vague,fragmentary and frequently distortedknowledge of the fabric of social relations that are enmeshed with the industrial organization. . . \"These observations merely call attention to the important need of understanding and appreciating the structureof human and social relations in an industrial enterprise— a need which is constantly growing with the extension anddifferentiation of modern' industrial effort."This book by Professor Dubin provides framework for the. development ofsuch understanding and appreciation.He has performed admirably the task ofassembling the best thought and reasoned judgment now available on thetopic of human organization in industry.More important, he has woven suchseparate treatments into a strikinglyclear and unique structure of theory. Industrial administrators and students willgain from this theory a perspectivewhich is so nicely worked out that itmay be applied readily in innumerableplaces with valuable results. Finally, inthe true spirit of an empirical socialscientist Dubin has supplied a rich volume of actual cases that show concretelythe various ways in which human organization enters into the industrial pursuit. Readers of his discussion will benefit from these three marked contributionsof the author."— A .P.Briefly notedJoseph G. Masters, '12, AM '16, traveledwestern trails and lived and camped withPlains Indians during the 1920's and '30'sin the study of trans-Missouri history. Outof this search has come SHADOWS FALLACROSS THE LITTLE HORN, a slimvolume whose material he gathered fromSioux and Cheyenne warriors who foughtCuster, from other Indians who knew thestory, and from two troopers of the SeventhCavalry who were with Major Benteen.The book is published by the Library ofthe University of Wyoming.Abram J. Jaffee, '35, AM '38, PhD '41, isthe co-author with Charles D. Stewartof a new book, MANPOWER RESOURCES AND UTILIZATION, JohnWiley if Sons, 1951. The book analyzesthe composition, characteristics and activities of the people who produce society'sgoods and services. Dr. Jaffee is now assistant director of the population division, Bureau of Applied Research, Columbia University. ^BUSHED'*18'AS IT IS WITH ALMOST EVERYTHING-THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR THE REAL THING(We Reflect on the So Called "Return"to the "Natural Style" in Men's Clothing)We have oftentimes referred to the fact that BrooksBrothers have established over the past 133 yearsmany of the important trends in men's clothing.We have also stated occasionally that these changescome slowly. Few men, if any, want a New Look.Such trends as the wider shoulder— "built up"suit, enjoy brief periods of popularity, In the longrun, few men like to go around with "shoulders bycourtesy of their tailor!5 The natural shoulder suitof soft construction is by far the most comfortableone to wear. And a man cannot look well in hisclothes unless he is comfortable.This is the reason that Brooks Brothers have noreason to return to the so-called Natural Look inclothing. We've never left it.ESTABLISHED 1818Hens furnishing*, if ate ^ jfhoe*346 MADISON AVENUE, COR. 44TH ST., NEW YORK 17, N. Y.74 E. MADISON ST. NEAR MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO 2, ILL.BOSTON • LOS ANGELES • SAN FRANCISCOFEBRUARY, 1952CIRCLED AREA (TOP RIGHT) AT EDGE OF ANDROMEDA MARKS RELATIVE POSITION OF SUN AND VICINITY IN MILKY WAYFor the Sun :A PLACE IN THE GALAXYA University astronomer verifiesthe structure of the prodigiousMilky Way galaxy we live in andmaps our own starry neighborhoodALTHOUGH THE GALAXY of stars which includes the solar system welive in — and includes it as a rather remote and insignificant part — issimilar to other galaxies such as the famous Andromeda Nebula, it has a muchless pretentious name. We call it the Milky Way.In some ways it has been easier forastronomers to understand othergalaxies than to pin down the characteristics of the Milky Way. The othergalaxies are a long way off, but ourown is too close. Parts of our galaxyblock off other parts from our vision.We can't in short, see the galaxy forthe stars.Astronomical research at the University's Yerkes Observatory now hasclearly indicated, however, that thegalaxy we know as the Milky Way isshaped like a pinwheel. Away out atthe edge of the flat spiral is the sun.The sun's place in the spinninggalaxy is strikingly demonstrated bymeans of a model of the sector of theMilky Way which is in the sun'svicinity. This model is the first of itskind ever made. It is the creation ofProfessor William W. Morgan, '23,(See cover) and two of his Yerkescolleagues, Stewart Sharpless andDonald Osterbrock.To ascertain the sun's location inthe galaxy, the trio searched theskies with a fast 140-degree wide-angle camera developed by a pair offormer Yerkes men, Louis G. Henyey,Ph.D '37, and Jesse L. Greenstein.Professor Morgan and his co-workers located a number of bright clouds,the red emission regions typical ofhydrogen gas when it is excited.These clouds, it had been shown byDrs. EHwin Hubble and WalterBaade, at the Mt. Wilson Observatory, are among the characteristics ofthe spiral arms. The locations of hotblue supergiant stars, which also helpto outline the galactic arms, were ascertained with the aid of spectro-photographs made with the Yerkes40-inch telescope. The computations and plottingwhich followed showed that the solarsystem is located on the inside ofone of the Milky Way's spiral arms,far removed from the center of thegalaxy.The galactic tentacle in which thesun lies stretches out beyond the sunfor another 1,000 light years. Partiallyby analogy with the AndromedaNebula, and comparisons of rotationalspeeds of the Milky Way arms withthose of Andromeda, Professor Mor- MILKY WAY, SHOWING GREAT RIFT :LONG BLAC.K CLOUD IN MODEL ( BELOW )SUN (BULL'S EYE, CENTER) IS PART OF SPIRAL GALACTIC ARM IN MODEL.THE 26 WHITE SPOTS ARE CLOUDS OF GLOWING HYDROGEN; 5 DARK ONES AREDUST CLOUDS. BRIGHT CLOUDS ARE 50 TO 300 LT. YRS. ACROSS. SECONDCLOUD BELT (ABOVE) IS ANOTHER "TENTACLE," CA. 6,000 LT. YRS. DISTANTFEBRUARY, 1952MODEL WITH ANDROMEDA AREA (p. 6) ENLARGED AS INSET TO SHOW SIMILAR SIZE & PATTERN OF BRIGHT CLOUDS (v's)gan found that the sun is probablysome 25,000 light years — 150 quadrillion miles- — from the center of thegalaxy. (Since measurements of Andromeda have not yet been firmlyestablished, some of these calculationsmay be subject to later revision.) At its distance from the galacticcenter, the solar system is believed torequire 200 to 250 million years tocomplete a single circuit around thewhirling galaxy's center. If this is so,the earth has made only a dozen orso galactic revolutions since it wasWORLD'S LARGESTMost well-informed persons, if asked to name the largest telescope inthe world, would name the famous, new 200-inch giant at Mt. Palomar,in California. Yet this is only a part of the story. Palomar is the biggestreflecting telescope. It would be just as true to say that the largest telescope is at rerkes Observatory, for the rerkes instrument is the world'slargest refracting telescope.The reflecting telescope is a big concave mirror; it is this type of instrument which is generally built today, and which has been well publicized. The refracting telescope is a gigantic version of the old-fashionedmariner's spyglass.The 40-inch rerkes lens was cast in 1895, and it has now been in operation for 55 years. It remains not only the largest- of its type, but still,after many a summer, the best for some of astronomy's purposes. Likethe speed record for railroad locomotives — still held by an old-fashionedsteam engine despite all the furor about the streamlined diesels — the use-fullness of a telescope is not necessarily impaired by advancing years ornew developments. formed, in the neighborhood of threebillion years ago.To get a view of the sun's galacticvicinity such as that represented inthe picture on this page, it would benecessary to hover out in space, 50,000light years away, in a direction atright angles to the rotational planeof the galaxy — perhaps on one of theglobular star clusters which inhabitthis region. In other words, if youhold this page at arm's length, thearea represented in the picture wouldcause your arm to grow to a lengthof some 3xl017 miles.Professor Morgan's work was reported -at the most recent meeting ofthe American Astronomical Society,in Cleveland."We can conclude, therefore," hesaid, "that our galaxy has a spiralstructure similar to other, distantgalaxies, like the Andromeda Nebula.This is the first definite evidence ofspiral structure in our galaxy."- — D.M-8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOne-Fifth of1952's "Most Outstanding'Are from the UniversitySINCE ONLY about one young man in a thousand goes to school at the University, there would appear to have been some special force at work, inaddition merely to the law of averages, to account for the University's recordof men chosen to America's Ten Outstanding Young Men.This selection is sponsored annually by the U. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce, the actual choices being madeby a high-caliber panel of judges.According to the laws of chancealone, one Chicago man might benamed to the Outstanding Ten oncein a century.Yet last year Chicago had onegraduate so-honored — 10,000 per centof its annual quota.And this year's group of ten includes two Midway representatives.Brief stories of John H. Johnson andAndrew Lawson appear on this page.The aggregate brings the University's batting average up to 15,000 percent of normal in the years 1951 and1952. Under the circumstances theUniversity is confronted by a strongtemptation to behave immodestly.Last year's judges chose Alvin M.Weinberg, '35, SM '36, PhD '39, aleading nuclear physicist, as one of theunder-35 Ten. Professor and Chairman of the Department of Physics and Professor inthe Institute of Metals; and John H.Johnson, '42, the publisher of Ebony,Negro Digest, Tan Confessions, & ]el.JOHN H. JOHNSON, '42, ispresident of the Johnson Publishing Co., whose magazinesreach an audience of a millionreaders — both Negro and non-Negro. The success of these publications have made him thenation's leading Negro publisher.He is 34.It was nine years ago, aftersix years of taking courses atChicago, while also editing theSupreme Liberty Life InsuranceCompany's house organ, thatJohnson borrowed $500 and setup shop in a back room of theinsurance company. TodayJohnson employs 100 personsand has branch offices in Newrork and Los Angeles.Recently Johnson underwrotea four-year scholarship at theUniversity, to be awarded annually to an outstanding Negrostudent, and he has been active in fund-raising for theUnited College Fund, as well asother civic endeavors.JOHNSON IN TASTEFUL OFFICE A judge, tooThe judges for the 1952 crop were:William Green, of the AF of L, ArmySecretary Frank Pace, the Rev. Preston Bradley, Columnist Drew Pearson,J. Edgar Hoover, Assistant Secretaryof State Dean Rusk, President S. C.Allyn of National Cash Register Co.,Sen. Olin Johnson of South Carolina,Thomas J. Watson, Jr., of IBM, President George L. Cross of the University of Oklahoma, President H. C.Fetterolf of the American VocationalAssociation, and Chancellor FranklinMurphy of the University of Kansas.(Of these judges, only one, GeorgeL. Cross, PhD '29, is an alumnus, andeven in the unlikely event that hecould have been prejudiced, he couldscarcely have outvoted the rest.)The twelve judges this year selectedone Chicago faculty member and onealumnus: Dr. Andrew W. Lawson, ANDREW W. LAWSON,who succeeded in piling up animpressive record of researchachievements in physics, twoyears ago added the multifariousadministrative duties of a departmental chairman to his already-heavy portfolio. He is 34.A native Californian, Dr.Lawson took both his undergraduate work and his PhD atColumbia. He taught at Columbia, Pennsylvania, and M.I.T.before coming to Chicago in1947.In the early phases of hiscareer, Dr. Lawson worked onradar and radio filters, and ona navigational device for submarines. More recently, he hasbeen concerned with the effectsof high pressures on solids. He isthe developer of a "noise thermometer" which indicates hightemperatures by measuring staticcaused by the Brownian movement of molecules.LAWSON HAND-PUMPS PRESSUREFEBRUARY, 1952AN APPRECIATION OFDALLAS B. PHEMISTER Excerpts from Dean Lowell T. Coggeshall's addressat the memorial service honoring Dr. PhemisterWE ARE a privileged group because we consider ourselves tobe friends of Dr. Dallas B. Phemister.If the words great and good can bedescriptive of anyone, he was trulyworthy of them. His contributionsand achievements, the esteem andaffection in which he is held, makedifficult a fitting and worthy tributeto his character, as a physician anda man.The medical center of the University reflects so much of his spirit, attitude, and ideals that his presence willbe felt always in every patient's room,classroom, laboratory, and corridor.Yet in spite of any rationalization wemay make, there is a shock in therealization that from this time forward we must go on without him.Dr. Phemister was one of the outstanding figures of a period whichhas produced revolutionary advancesin medicine. He contributed his fullshare and more to this great development, through teaching, research, anda long and distinguished career as aclinical surgeon.But even more he contributed tothis progress by his progressive andinquiring attitude, his devotion to thescientfic and expermental aspect ofmedicine. By his own example anddedication he exerted an effective andcontinuous force on the direction ofmedical interest and activity.Nearly five years ago, Dr. Phemister reached the University retiring age of 65, his skill and his zest askeen as it had ever been. The University fortunately was able to persuade him to accept, though he wasemeritus, and continue his full-timeappointment. In it he maintained hisregular schedule, with but one ex-DALLAS B. PHEMISTERception. His scrupulous concern forothers led him to make the rulethat he would not attend any administrative conferences, lest hispresence appear to be an interference with the authority of his successor. We are grateful for the in spiration and guidance he providedfrom the start.To those of us who knew andloved him, these platitudes seempathetically inadequate. His truecharacter can best be expressed inhis own words. I have a copy ofprobably his last letter, in which hewrote to a friend who, after beinghospitalized, wrote in complimentary terms about Dr. Phemister, hisstaff, and the school. In the replyhe stated:/ am deeply touched, but in reality what I have done is not nearlyas significant as might appear on thesurface, since the Department hasbeen made by a number of men whohave given their best efforts alon°various lines and over long periodsof time. About all the chairman ofa department does is to do the besthe can as teacher, clinician, and investigator, in the hope that it maybe an example that inspires othersto make an endeavor, and see to itthat the men in the department areprovided with good facilities to workthemselves.That was Dr. Phemister, who wasalways motivated by altruism, self-effacement, and humility. He neverhad to think what was the rightthing to do — he knew it.In the future we cannot do whathe would have done, and we willmiss him sorely. But what we areabout to do will be better because ofhim.Seeing Double?Maybe You're Just TiredJ~\ROWSINESS as well as drink-LS ing can produce douBle vision,according to an article in the Frenchpublication, "L'Annee Psychologique."¦ The eye fatigue that results in seeing double is part of the body's dailycycle of sleep and wakefulness, of highand low temperatures, Dr. NathanielKleitman, Professor of Physiology atthe University, says in the publicationof his latest experiment.Other symptoms of eye fatigue as sociated with drowsiness are blinkingand slowing down of eye movementsin tracking objects in the line ofvision.Dr. Kleitman, known for his workon the connection between body temperature and the human sleep cycletested the vision of 13 men and fivewomen kept awake during a thirty-hour period.Of the subjects tested only thosewho showed symptoms of drowsinesshad difficulty seeing properly. Thedecline in seeing ability began shortlyajter midnight, reached its peak between seven and nine in the morning.Then, it began to recover spontaneously, even though the subjectswere kept wide awake. By two thenext afternoon, vision was almost as efficient as it had been at the startof the experiment.This discovery of the effects ofdrowsiness on vision may ' help account for the relatively high rate ofautomobile accidents during the earlymorning hours. The midnight tofour a. m. period is the third mostdangerous period of the entire twenty-four, in terms of fatal automobile accidents, even though traffic is relatively light during this time.On the basis of these observations,Kleitman advises drivers to pull offthe road in the early morning hours,even though there is no chance to goto bed for a night's sleep. Later inthe morning, when the muscular balance of the eyes returns spontaneously,driving may be safely resumed.10 • THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENOTED STILL LIFE BY GEORGES BRAQUE TAKES TITLE FROM NEWSPAPER WHICH WAS DRAPED IN THE ARRANGEMENTA Fool About PaintingAfter an orgy of formal criticismlet's take a look at the picturesBy James I. GilbertI THINK I should warn you at theoutset that I am what I wouldcall a fool about painting, and, whatis perjiaps worse, I am not ashamedof it.Certainly I suspect that my tasteis more catholic than discriminatingin this field, and that my appetite anddigestion are more remarkable thanmy palate. But it seems to me possiblethat, here and now, there is something to be said for a good appetitein the arts. The metaphor of the artist castinghis pearls before swine does not seemto me to represent the relation between the contemporary artist andThis article is a condensed version of one of a current alumni lecture series at the Univeristy by JamesI. Gilbert, who is Assistant Professorof the Humanities in the College.In an early paragraph, ProfessorGilbert refers to Daniel Catton Rich,'26, director of the Art Institute ofChicago, a previous speaker in theseries. his audience. The swine may miss apearl but never an oyster, and thereare many more oysters than pearls inthis world. I picture the contemporaryartist as running more risk of castinghis oysters before — let us say — ant-eaters.You will not be surprised that, withthis point of view, I cherish the blindconviction that the Elizabethans werecomplete fools about poetry, that thequattrocento Florentine was quite insanely addicted to painting, that theFEBRUARY, 1952 11HENRI MATISSE S BLUE WINDOW DISPLAYS WELL-PLANNED SPONTANEITY19th century German was nuts on thesubject of music, etc.So that when I make a plea that weapproach contemporary painting witha good appetite and with a completeabsence of any fear of being madefools of (for no one can make a foolout of a fool), I think I am asking nomore than that attitude which hasalways been necessary to any art inits period if it was destined toflourish.At any rate with my obsession forpainting, it was naturally very gratifying to me that Mr. Rich (in a preceding paper) placed such great emphasison painting and made such an elo quent appeal that we regard it assomething more than a formal arrangement of shapes and colors.As he said, our period has seensomething of an orgy of formal criticism. This fascinating game can addsomething to our understanding of theart. But the significance of a paintingeludes formal analysis, and I am afraidthat it cannot always be stated inrational terms.I would say that in addition to giving us an increased self-consciousnessand interpreting the needs and aspirations of a period, painting often includes much that I would call pureaffirmation, a kind of celebration of life in art. These different possibilities,to be sure, are not separable but combined, and when I speak of the celebration of life, I do not exclude paintings which deal with its most tragicaspects or its most serious problems.Among the pleasures which art cangive, the pleasure of a sense of increased self-consciousness and thepleasure of catharsis are not the least.But I sometimes think that artistswhom we choose to regard as purelylyrical are often better understoodthan those who provoke a great dealof intellectual curiosity. For example,I often fear that the earnest study ofCezanne's formal innovations hassometimes obscured the appreciationof his immense affirmation of the joyof life, his unfailing ability to enchantthe eye and move the heart; whereasthe purely euphoric aspects of Rr-noir's paintings are always presentto us.Lyrical agePerhaps some of you may be inclined to think that we are not livingin a lyrical age, that the problems,trials, and tribulations of our centuryhave obscured that gift in us. I amhere to maintain the opposite. I thinkthat our century and our country haveseen a great outpouring of lyricism.We should never forget that theinnovations in painting which markedthe first 20 years of the century werenot mere intellectual inventions, buta great instinctive throwing-off ofinhibitions and conventions whichstifled free communication. The assault upon the painting conventionsof the 19th century was really an assault upon the barriers to communication between artist and audience.Much has been said about the logicof cubism, but my favorite statementis that of Braque himself, who said:"For me cubism, that is to say mycubism, is a means which I have created for my own use. The purposeof it was above all to bring paintingwithin the scope of my talents. Asidefrom this reason, cubism hardly interests me ; what I love above all is paint-ing." 'Certainly when we look at theBraque still life, "Le Jour," paintedin 1929, we can observe the devicesof synthetic cubism. We note that thetable is seen from several points ofview simultaneously, the top is seen inreverse perspective, and the wholesubject matter is broken up and12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIN "WOMAN WEEPING," PICASSO ADDED TO IMPACT BY "NEW" TECHNIQUESbroken into by a pattern of flat shapes,one superimposed on another in themanner of a collage. Over and over,these shapes repeat certain motifs : theknife blade, the circle, the right angle.Dark lines on white become white lineson dark as these pattern shapes breakup the wood paneling of the wall. Thesimple visual image is destroyed andreassembled as a visual experience.But when we say these things, thepicture sounds very complex, asthough it had been painted to perplexour understanding and tease our ingenuity. Nothing could be morefalse, I feel. The visual experience iscommunicated with the utmost simplicity, directness and clarity.What I see when I look at my owncluttered table is a chaos of infinitecomplexity. But here the artist hasbrought order, clarity, and the greatcalm of an integrated vision into thewelter of the world. The painting hasthe tension and inner movement oflife, but stabilized, purified, andbrought under the control of measure.One thinks of Braque's other dictum,"I love the law that corrects emotion,"and one believes him.I can no longer see this picture asbeing in any sense experimental. Itsconventions seem as natural and asreasonable as any conventions, andperfectly inevitable. No doubt theyreflect the space-sense of our period,but that observation does not helpexpress what I feel about the picture.I have stressed the words calm,order, measure, and clarity, and indeed for me this is a classical composition, with its symmetry, its cool,clear, light, its inner reserve, its frankness of statement. But all these wordsconvey a certain chill which I am farfrom feeling, and I am reduced toquoting a line from Baudelaire's"LTnvitation Au Voyage"- — "Thereall is order, beauty, luxury, calm, andvoluptuousness" — which expresses forme something of the particular appealof this artist.Bull fight vs. still lifeIf the early cubists with theirrather rigid disciplines neverthelesssaw in their art a liberation of expression, the fauves and expressionists must have felt this even morekeenly.In an early Matisse, called the"Blue Window," we may if we like,find some very interesting spacial dis tortion. Or we may regard it purelyas a harmonious juxtaposition of formsand colors. But I am inclined to seein it a very successful representationof something which the artist experienced and which I, too, have experienced and enjoyed, but could neverexpress in such a satisfactory manner.We have all experienced blue windows. Much of our pleasure in thisparticular expression depends on theeconomy of means employed by thisartist. His early critics accused him ofleaving out everything that was difficult, but I feel nothing missing inthis work. And such elimination ofwhat is not essential to communication seems to me both difficult andinspired.Certainly it is of the essence of hisart that it should seem effortless andspontaneous, but I would maintainthat the same can be said of the artof Velasquez, in which we are never conscious of the work as an act of thewill.Picasso also is a great lyric artist.In his early figure drawings, the felicity and apparent ease of theflowing line is delightful. However,he has certain preoccupations, whichI would call architectonic and dramatic, though I do not like theseterms any better than you do. He isimmensely concerned with the heaviness of the bodies, their relations inspace, and their movement. Picasso'sfavorite subject is always an action.He paints a still life as if it were abull-fight, whereas I think Matissewould paint a bull-fight as if it werea still life.When we look at the Picasso headcalled "Woman Weeping," the curtain goes up on a drama, in this casea drama of human suffering, portrayed with what I would call almostterrifying realism. As in much of hisFEBRUARY, 1952 13later painting, the devices of cubismare still in evidence — simultaneity (wesee more than one view of the faceat once) and the dance of the facets.But here the devices are clearly notends in themselves. They are meansused very brilliantly to express intensehuman emotion.All of this says nothing whateverabout the relative merits of these twoartists. But I would say that thedramatic artist, whether his name bePicasso or Michaelangelo, necessarilybetrays more of his will than what Icall the lyric artist.Sometimes I think that when wesay that an artist mirrors our time, weover-emphasize the dramatic characteristics of our period. We incline tothink of ourselves as living in a periodof tension, speed, and dynamism. This,no doubt, is true. But perhaps we aretoo apt to overlook the fact that weare also living in an age of unprecedented creature comfort, in whichstandards of physical well-being haverisen far beyond those of the past.An artist like Matisse is keenlyaware of these little-mentioned buthighly important aspects of our environment. When he says that hepaints for the tired business man, Ithink we can take it with a grain ofsalt. BuJ, vye^should not forget thatthere is much in our environment thatis, so to speak, immediately delightful.And there are many modern artistswhose work has a very immediate andaccessible appeal — and is not the less significant or contemporary on thataccount.For example, let us consider sucha work as "The Steamer Odin,"painted in 1927 by the American Lyonel Feininger. How amazinglyit embodies the ease and luxury ofmodern transportation. How crudeand inadequate seem our best effortsat the appropriate decor of an airport,beside this pure vision, in whicheverything, including the figures,seems created by the refraction oflight by polished and translucent surfaces. This is no wilderness of mirrors.Despite its austerity and rather grandiose proportions, it throbs for mewith the life of unseen motors. It is asplendid steamer, and it is also anairport from which great silent planestake off hourly for the dream world.But I must call a halt to this shameless rhapsodizing. I could go on forhours drooling over the achievementsof our great modern painters. But Ihave only indulged myself a little inorder to emphasize the fact that ourart today has an immense sensuousand imaginative appeal which I thinkis part and parcel of its significance.Consolidating ismsI have said almost nothing of themultiple schools and isms of our century. We have rejoiced in a vastnumber of these. We have witnessedthe rise and decline of cubism, fauv-ism, futurism, vorticism, dadaism,synchronism, purism, suprematism, ex-WHERE GREAT SILENT PLANES TAKE OFF HOURLY FOR THE DREAM WORLD pressionism, intimism and surrealism.All these terms — and more — arebandied about, and all refer to tendencies which have left more or lessof a mark on contemporary painting.The study of these tendencies isextremely interesting, but unless I ammistaken, they all represent forms ofexperimentation, and the tendencytoday is not so much toward furtherexperimentation as toward the exploitation and consolidation of allthese means of communication. Thisis very obvious in the late work ofPicasso, in which there is a synthesisof many of these currents.In his "Woman Weeping," forexample, I find the simultaneity ofcubism, an expressionist technique,fauve color, and more than a dash ofsurrealism. This is taking great libertywith these terms — and incidentallysays nothing of interest about thepainting itself — but I am convincedthat most artists today draw from alarge store of well-recognized meansof communication which were discovered or re-discovered in the first20 years of the century.This does not mean that paintinghas not changed. It has changed asradically as all the rest of our lives.But the emphasis is probably less ontheory and more on practice; less onschools and more on the individualpractitioner. In the end, the proof ofthe pudding is in the eating, and theproof of theories of expression is incommunication.At any rate, I hope that today weare less interested in the derivationsor rationale of a man's art, and moreinterested in the art itself. I'm surethat it is high time that we take forgranted the respectability of 20thcentury techniques of expression andconcern ourselves with the really interesting subject: the individual artistand the individual work.All good paintings are really unique.And this uniqueness lies not in theinvention of new techniques of expression (it might even be questionedwhether there is such a thing) , but inthe vision and imagination and talentof the artist.So far I have discussed only the oldmasters, so to speak, of the 20th cen-stury. All the men I have mentionedare in their 70's or 80's. Now Iwould. Jil^e to concentrate upon certain contemporary trends in Americanpainting. I cannot pretend to do jus-14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEVERY LINE OF SHAHN's "MINE DISASTER" CONVEYS SENSE OF TRAGEDY¦tice to this subject. One of the outstanding features of our period is thevery large nufrfSer of gifted paintersand the great variety of their talents.And when I get down to talkingabout truly contemporary art, youmay be sure that I shall become mistaken and confused. Almost everyonehas always been mistaken and confused when attempting to discusstruly contemporary art.Three AmericansI hope that many of you have hada chance to see exhibited the works ofJackson Pollock, Willem De Kooningand Ben Shahn. Each of these menseems to me to stand for an interestingand different tendency in our paintingtoday.What I have just said of Picasso issomewhat applicable to De Kooning.He, too, is often much concerned withsubject matter and always uses hisextreme abstraction as a language forexpression. The term "organic abstraction" seems particularly apt in speaking of his work. His composition islargely linear. Instead of silhouettingcontrasting shapes, as does Baziotes,he tends to establish a general colorand value tone, which he animatesthroughout with varied and complexbrush drawing.These paintings are very effectivedecoration — unframed on the whitewall — but each has a very individualand self-contained existence. Each isa little world in itself, filled with anintense and nervous life of its own.There is nothing calm about the formsin themselves, which adjust themselves painfully to each other in acrowded and struggling world. Yetthe totality — the picture — achievesa calm and a unity which is sometimesvery beautiful to me. This quality of apainfully achieved simplicity and calmin a complex and voracious world iscertainly contemporary enough in itsimplications.Pollock represents another tendency,one which interests me enormously.Rightly or wrongly, I see in his workthe* yearning of the contemporaryartist to escape from the picture frameand attack the wall. That is not tosay that his panels are not satisfyingin themselves. Personally, I am freeto say that I find their color, texture,and design very subtle and stimulating. But he does well not to framethem. And I think they constitute essentially something like an attackon the whole conception of the picture as a microcosmos set off from itssurroundings by the symbolic frame.Frankly, I am delighted that Pollock has found an enthusiastic public,and that he is getting commissions todecorate entire rooms. I'm sure ourmodern architecture will not for longconserve its plain blank walls. Verysoon these walls are going to be decorated, and I can only hope that artists who are truly obsessed with thebeauty of line and color can be foundto decorate them.Madness with methodMuch nonsense has been writtenabout the wildness, the madness ofPollock's technique. There is methodin his madness, and I think that ifhe has a fault, it is over-refinementrather than any crudity.In Ben Shahn we have an artist ofa totally different character. Hispaintings constitute an intense commentary on the world about him, aswe see in his painting, "Mine Disaster," in which a news item, so tospeak, is powerfully brought to lifeand acquires a human significance.Shahn's statements have the directness and simplicity of a primitive, butthe scene he conjures up is the worldwe live in. Nothing could be morefamiliar or more touching than this group of people, who are everydayfolks smitten by a great tragedy, andwho seem little and at a loss, as we alldo under such circumstances.Even when his theme is rather fantastic, Shahn makes use of imagestaken from everyday life. Much of hiswork is full of social significance, butit never has a false note. Each painting is a direct personal experiencewhich comes to us through the artistand takes on the color and flavor ofhis personality. He is not addicted to amanner.I don't know enough about contemporary painting to hazard anopinion as to the relative importanceof American work in the world scene.But is seems likely that with the passing of the grand old men of theSchool of Paris, our country will cometo be the center of the most vitaltendencies in painting.Whether or not America producesthe great painters, our old reliance onFrench taste and the British navy isgone with the wind. If France continues to produce great painters, it isto be hoped that they will receiveprompt recognition here. But theirAmerican reputations must be madein New York and Chicago, rather thanin Paris. And let us hope that theywill have to compete with a vigorous,well-loved, and well-supported American art.FEBRUARY, 1952 15SORACRAM USES GEIGER TUBE, SCALER, COMPUTER TO MAINTAIN EVEN ISOTOPE LEVEL IN RABBIT'S BLOODSTREAMSORACRAMOut of a young physiologist's workon the "blood-brain barrier" emergesan astonishing new servo-mechanismSORACRAM is the name of one ofthe most fascinating and complicated pieces of apparatus in the world. It was developed in the Abbott Halllaboratories at the University byRobert D. Tschirgi, '45, AM '45, PhD '49, MD '50, Assistant Professor ofPhysiology. The name of the electronic monster cornes from the initialsof its designation : Servo-OperatedRadioactivity and Anesthesia Controland Recording Activity Monitor.Soracram does all these things.In the making of the instrument,Dr. Tschirgi's collaborators were RoyJohn, '48, and Stanley Molner, whowas largely responsible for the construction.16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEITS "BRAIN" IS UNIT (RIGHT) WHICH "DECIDES" IF INPUT IS ENOUGHBasically, Soracram was designed totake one of the bugs out of radioactivetracer research on the "blood-brainbarrier." Tracer work has becomemore and more important ever sincethe end of World War II made available today's wide range of radioactivematerials — atomic by-products— ^opening new vistas to workers in manyfields. In biological research, however,the use of tracers was hampered bythe fact that the amount of radio active material which could be kept inthe bloodstream fluctuated violently,rising with each injection, then tapering off rapidly as it was excreted.If the amount of tracer material inthe blood could be kept at a relativelyconstant desired level, Dr. Tschirgiknew, it would be possible to eliminateone variable factor from his experiments, and the making of more refined measurements would becomepossible. Hence Soracram. Soracram, which is really a series often instruments, most of them standard devices, maintains levels of isotopeconcentration in the blood constantwithin a range of 5 per cent. Thesequence of its operations is as follows.Through a loop of tubing, blood is ( 1 )drawn out of the carotid artery, (2)passed through a chamber containingan ionization detector, and then returned to the artery again. Theradioactivity pulsations are (3) recorded by a counter and (4) totalizedby a scaler. The scaler (5) transforms the quantity of pulsations intoan electrical voltage of correspondingstrength. This voltage is (6) comparedin an adjacent electronic computerwith a standard voltage which can beset to represent any desired level ofblood radioactivity. If the voltagefalls below the selected level, the decline (7) trips an electrical relay,which (8) rotates a large screw. Thescrew (9) presses against the plungerof a syringe which is connected to theanimal's bloodstream. This action (10)increases the flow of isotopes into thebloodstream, bringing it back up tothe desired level.Soracram also regulates the depthof anesthesia and records the concentration of isotopes in the brain, butthese specific uses are regarded as onlythe beginning. Its potentialities arevery great in other fields of physiological and pharmaceutical research.Quixotic barrierThe problem of the "blood-brainbarrier," which led to the creation ofSoracram is a fascinating one, stilllargely unsolved. Some chemical substances — such as alcohol — pass withgreat ease from the blood into thecentral nervous system, including thebrain. Other — and important — materials, like the antibiotic drugs andseveral carbohydrates, apparently arestopped from entering the brain bysome sort of barrier.The exact nature of the barrier isunknown and puzzling, since it seemsto operate quixotically, admittingsome large molecules — like alcohol —rapidly, but permitting only very slowpassage of, for instance, the muchsmaller sodium ion. Nor can its discrimination be based entirely on theelectrical charge of the materials, oron their degree of fat solubility. Thebarbiturates, for example, enter thebrain easily, though they are notFEBRUARY, 1952 17TSCHIRGI (CENTER), WITH PARTNERS JOHN (HOLDING GEIGER TUBE) & MOLNERsoluble in fats, while other fat-insoluble materials are passed only veryreluctantly. ( Radio - sodium, whichreaches equilibrium in other bodytissues in ten minutes, has been shownto be still short of equilibrium in thebrain after 62 hours.)Improved understanding of thefunctioning of the "barrier" maythrow light on some diseases, such asepilepsy, which some scientists suspectTHE RECENT Defense Department announcement that primaquine will be routinely given allreturning Korean veterans culminatesa long-term co-operative medical research program in which the University played a leading role. Primaquineis a drug which kills the parasiteswhich cause the common relapsingform of malaria. Malaria, aff-ectingsome three hundred million persons,is perhaps the world's most importantdisease.While drugs have been knownwhich served to suppress the symptoms of malaria, up to primaquineno drug had been developed whichcould safely destroy the parasites inthe human body. may involve a breakdown in the barrier's operation, so that substanceswhich normally pass the barrier slowly,actually reach the brain in abnormallyhigh concentrations.University psychologists currentlyare making experiments to determinewhether this phenomenon of variablepenetrability can be used in brainmapping.Primaquine is particularly important during the Korean war, because10 to 30 per cent of returning veterans may be infected with a form ofmalaria capable of spreading in thetemperate zone.The research was spearheaded bythree scientists from three different institutions and supported by the U.S.Army and the U.S. Public HealthService. At Columbia, Robert C.Elderfield, Professor of Chemistry,provided the chemical ingenuity forsynthesizing the drugs. In Cincinnati, L. H. Schmidt, of Christ Hospital, tested the drugs on experimentalanimals before the drugs were usedon human beings.The clinical testing of the drug was One problem of the barrier onwhich Soracram already has been putto work is whether its penetrabilityvaries with brain activity. Results todate indicate that increased neuronalactivity may increase the amount ofphosphorus admitted to the brain.Besides its application in the blood-brain work, Soracram soon will beused to study the effects on the kidneyand other organs of the radioactively"tagged" drugs developed by Dr.E. M. K. Geiling in the University'sDepartment of Pharmacology. These"tagged" drugs include nicotine, digitalis, and morphine.Dr. Tschirgi's Soracram cost only$6,000 to build, and it is expected thatsubsequent models will cost even less.Like any device depending for itsoperation on a series of vacuum tubes(Soracram has a hundred of them)the instrument is subject to occasional' breakdowns. But, though they may beslightly erratic, electronic brains aremaking a lot of additional "thinking"' possible today. And, for the sake of; the contributions to knowledge which; Soracram promises, there are few whoi would begrudge it a little display oftemperament now and then.supervised by Dr. Alf S. Alving, Professor of Medicine in the University ofChicago. Alving supervised the original testing on volunteer convicts fromIllinois' Stateville and flew to Korealast summer to initiate the use ofprimaquine on returning veterans. Asa result of these tests, working withunprecedented speed in a period ofsix months, the Army has embarkedon a medically unique experiment oftreating all veterans for a diseaseaffecting only a minority.In the search for primaquine morethan fifteen hundred drugs weretested, and some one hundred andfifty showed enough promise to beused on man. The search finallynarrowed down to a chemical groupcalled the 8-aminoquinolines.The Stateville testing produced anincidental hint that primaquine or oneof its fellow 8-aminoquinolines may insome degree benefit cases of arthritis,and this possibility currently is beinginvestigated.PRIMAQUINEKorea also is battlegroundin war on malaria parasite18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOblige MeBy Referring toChicago "Press Veterana Daily Maroon founderCHARLES COLLINS, '03, en-'<^ tered the news business approxi-nately 60 years ago, by way of a(¦aper route, which he ran, and alewsstand he operated down wheretie stockyards spur of the Illinoistientral crosses Grand Boulevard.Even then, while still in gradechool, he knew that he was goingo be a newspaperman. But he couldlot have known where he was goingo go to college. The University ofChicago had not yet been founded.When Messrs. Harper and Rocke-cller got around to establishing theUniversity, there was little doubthat Collins should attend this whop-)ing institution which had, so topeak, popped up in his back yard.Sesides, he won a scholarship.Last November, having survivedJnger than the first four newspaperse worked on, Collins was namedfress Veteran of 1951" by the Chi-ago Press Veterans Association. Innewspaper town like Chicago, thiselection as "veteran among veterans"i, as they say, indeed a signal honor.When, in 1899, Collins entered theCven-years^-old University, he imme-liately set to work reporting for thetident paper, which was then, as itow is once again, a weekly. In hisnird year, he served as managingf)itor, and it looked as if there wereo more local worlds to vanquish. Asturned out, however, there were.There had for some time beengitation for the establishment of a the Files"of 1951" wasback in 1902student daily. In fact, there alreadyhad been a couple. The first hadlasted a year, to be succeeded by atri-weekly. The first Daily Maroonpublished two issues in May, 1900,after which it was suspended by theFaculty Board of Student Organizations. When the suspension was ended,the paper published through the remaining month of the academic year,and then died.But there still was a desire fora daily on the Midway, and by thestart of the fall quarter, 1902, theobstacles to its establishment hadbeen overcome.Founding fatherOne of these obstacles was that upuntil this time, the University's seriesof news publications, while vestedwith a public interest, had been individually owned. Byron G. Moon, thepaper's business manager, now president of the New York advertisingfirm bearing his name, was the ownerof the University of Chicago Weekly,and he had a fair amount of capitaltied up in it.To solidify the campus' thus-far-implied interest in the Maroon, whichseemed about to be revived, it wassuggested by Mayo Fesler, the alumnisecretary, that the alumni buy outMoon's interest. The alumni body,however, which at this time was not CAMPUS REPORTER COLLINS IN 1902the sizable group which it constitutestoday, nixed the proposition.Previously the University hadsagely decided that it should notsubsidize the paper, as a matter ofprinciple.Finally Moon fell in with anarrangement putting the proprietorship of the Maroon in the hands ofthe student body, to be held in trustby the editors and the business manager. And Moon was to be awardedas much of his capital as could beextracted from profits in a two-yearperiod.Collins, who had been one of thecommittee of ten which shepherdedthe new publication through all thesepreliminaries, chose to move from theWeekly to the Monthly Maroon,rather than the Daily. Since his fraternity, Chi Psi, already held a rather-weighty share of campus offices, hebecame associate editor of the magazine.The Monthly Maroon was a linealancestor of this Magazine as well asa host of latter-day student literarypublications, since there was at thattime no alumni magazine.The Monthly was a rather high-flown effort, which ran short storiesand sketches in French as well as inthe humdrum language of the natives. Collins was not involved in thisaspect of the publication, au con-traire, he once translated a de Maupassant story for the benefit of themagazine's English-reading audience.EBRUARY, 1952 19One of the reasons Collins wascontent to take a secondary role inthe Monthly's hierarchy was that healready was well-launched in newspaper affairs, chiefly as campus correspondent for the Chicago Record-Herald, an aggressive morning paperwhich, before its demise, presented alot of healthy competition to Collins'present employer, the Tribune.Collins began to make history onthe Record-Herald with a story heextracted from a Christmas-holidaybiology meeting. This was the storyof Jacques Loeb's work on artificialparthenogenesis, involving sea urchins.This "virgin birth" story, as of coursethe headline writers called it, was oneof the top educational stories of alltime.After graduation, young Collinsstarted in as a Record-Herald reporter. One of the first big events inwhose coverage he was involved wasthe famous Iroquois theater fire.Criminal innovatorsAnother was the brief but activecareer of the pioneering "CarbarnBandits," the first to make use ofthe automatic pistol in holdups.(Their designation came from thefact that several of their early raidswere made on street-car "barns.")The Carbarn Bandits made a gruesome adaptation of holdup techniqueto the new technology involved in the use of the automatic: instead ofmerely inviting a victim to stick themup — a method which saved time andammunition for criminals employingthe old - fashioned revolver — theywalked in shooting.Happily, the end of this lethal practice came — for its initiators, at least —when the entire group was apprehended in a hideout near Miller, In-dana, and put to death.Collins' reporting was not limitedto the field of biological research andcrime. He covered a couple of WorldSeries (one was the six-game 1906affair, in which Eddie Walsh wontwo to give the Sox the title overFrankie Chance's Cubs.)In addition to his regular assignments from the city desk, he also became assistant drama critic, underJames O'Donnell Bennett.In 1908 he moved to the ChicagoInter-Ocean as that paper's dramacritic, and in 1914 he took over thesame position on the Chicago EveningPost.Collins stayed with the Post until1925, when he quit to begin five yearsof free lance writing, mainly in thefield of the drama. He already hada book, Great Love Stories of theTheater, and a couple of scripts tohis credit, and he finished up a volumeof short stories, The Sins of St. Anthony: Tales of the Theater. Hecollaborated with Gene Markey onThe Dark Island. And he wrote large numbers of articles for the Chicagoanmagazine.In 1930 Collins began an eightyear stint as drama critic for thathardy perennial, the Tribune, (all hisearlier papers had by this time goneout of business). In 1938 he wasmade a columnist. R. H. Little, theconductor of the "Line-o-Type," haddied in 1936, and the Tribune wasstill groping for a successor. One yearago he withdrew from the "Line"and moved over to the paper's Sunday department, where he now is aspecial writer for what the Tribunerefers to as its Grafic Magazine.Dusty footnoteIn 1942, Collins was awarded aUniversity Alumni Citation, and heis also an honorary member of theUniversity's chapter of Phi BetaKappa.In his speech accepting his nomination as Press Veteran of the Year,Collins said,"If beseeched for the story of mycareer, I would answer with one linefrom a jingle by a good newspaperman named Rudyard Kipling:" 'Oblige me by referring to thefiles.'"For the long run of my stuff, referto the files of the Chicago Tribune,Evening Post, Inter-Ocean, and Record-Herald; the files of the New YorkTimes, New York Telegraph, andBoston Transcript; the files of theGreen Book, a monthly, and The Chicagoan, a weekly,"For occasional pieces, see the filesof slathers of other periodicals, majorand minor, many of which are extinct."When I think of the tonnage ofthose bound volumes, I am ironicallyamused. Any aspirant for a collegedegree in journalism, seeking material for a dissertation on drama criticsand columnists of the first half ofthe 20th century, will have a dustyand dreary time turning me into afootnote."The first half of the century endeda little more than a year ago, butCharlie Collins, his bright eye asalert as ever for the good touch inthe new story, continues to stack upmaterial for that footnote.COLLINS STOPS TO JOSH WITH TRIBUNE SUNDAY DEPARTMENT COLLEAGUES20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENew Test DetectsTrouble Spots in Worker MoraleMethods of opinion polling areblended with testing techniquesto measure morale of employeesTHE FIRST employee morale indicator to be standardized foruse in virtually any kind of businessenterprise was formally introducedlast month at the University's Industrial Relations Center.The Employee Inventory, in preliminary forms/ has been tested onmore than 100,000 workers in department stores, mail order houses, railroads, and firms engaged in light andheavy manufacture, over a period ofyears.It was brought to completion bythe Employee Attitude ResearchGroup headed by Robert K. Burns,Professor and Executive Officer of theCenter. Other members of the groupare Louis L. Thurstone, DistinguishedService Professor of Psychology,David G. Moore, Personnel ResearchSpecialist at Sears, Roebuck andCompany, and Melany E. Baehr, Research Associate at the Center.The Employee Inventory offers industry its first accurate general yardstick for measurement of factorsranging from working conditions andsupervisor-employee relations to suchintangibles as plant and departmental status and recognition, opportunity for the future, and security.Requiring only 30 minutes to administer, the Inventory can be givenat one-quarter the cost of othermeans of finding out what the employees like and dislike about thecompany. Employees are not askedto sign their names and they deposit their answers in ballot-box containers.In addition to its low cost — theInventory can be administered forabout one dollar per employee — thenew "morale meter" has manifolduses for business management.The Inventory is actually not a test. It has no right answers norwrong answers. Employees are askedto indicate in a four-page bookletwhether they agree, disagree, or areundecided about questions such as:My boss is always standing in backof us; he watches us all the time.This company's management doesall it can to give employees a fairbreak on the job.I feel as though Vm a part of thisorganization.My job is a very dull one and Ilack interest in it.The form contains 78 questionsin all, this number weeded out frommore than 450 test questions whichin turn were developed from extensive interviews and tried out in earlier forms of the instrument. Phrasedin simple language the questionscover five main areas in employeerelations: (1.) job and conditions ofwork; (2.) financial rewards; (3.)personal relations; (4.) operating efficiency; and (5.) individual satisfactions.The Inventory also provides forinsertion of ten additional specialized questions a company may wishto include, and space for personalcomments the employees may wish toget off their chests.Dont fence me inThe tabulated results make it possible for companies to ( 1 . ) assessthe general level of morale in theorganization, (2.) locate problem departments, (3.) determine satisfactions and dissatisfactions, (4.) evalu ate supervisory and executive training needs, (5.) provide material forsupervisory training programs, (6.)estimate the adequacy of communication, (7.) stimulate interest in human relations, and (8.) provide opportunity for employees to voice theirviews.The results may also be used by acompany to compare its scores withother concerns in the industry, othercompanies in the region, and between occupations. Both chronic andacute morale problems are differentiated in the Inventory.The reliability of the Inventoryresults was established by test-reteststudies and validated by non-directive interviews among a cross-sectionof the employees and by correlatingmorale findings with records of productivity, performance rating, andabsenteeism.The findings show that the average American worker doesn't likebossiness or arbitrary supervision. Hewants a certain amount of freedomon the job; so that he doesn't feel"fenced in." He wants to feel thathis job security and opportunities foradvancement depend primarily en hisown efforts. And he want some "say-so" in what goes on in his department.If his job, working conditions, pay,supervision, and place in the organization give him that feeling that hisis a fifth wheel on the wagon, hismorale suffers.Employees who feel that they dohave a place in the organization,are respected by others, and in general are treated like adult, responsible human beings in their jobs, willtypically have high morale.The morale indicator combines thetechniques of opinion polling andtest construction. It was tested in itspilot stages by Sears, Roebuck andCompany, Campbell Soup Company,Weyerhaeuser Timber Company,New York Central Railroad, Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Johnson and Johnson, A. B. Dick Company, Spiegel Inc., and Visking corporation. The project was an outgrowth of work done by the IndustrialRelations Center at Western Electricand Sears, Roebuck and Company.Copyrights to the Employee Inventory have been assigned to ScienceResearch Associates, Inc. (see theJanuary Magazine), publisher ofthe Inventory.FEBRUARY, 1952 21CLASS § NEWS^mIt's all in the familyAny schizophrenic tendencies in theBraidwood family of archeologists are entirely justifiable these days as they are bynecessity and choice leading a dual existence.Home after a year of digging up thenow famous Jarmo site in Iraq, where astaff uncovered the world's earliest knownvillage of settled, communal dwellers,Robert Braidwood, PhD '43, the OrientalInstitute's director of the expedition; hiswife, Linda, AM '46, also an archeologist;their ten-year old daughter, Gretel; andseven-year old son, Douglas, who both attend the Lab School when they're not globetrotting, have spent a considerable portion of this year reliving Jarmo, 5,00015. C, in addition to keeping up with Chicago, 1952 A. D.Such a double life results, in part, asa follow-up of the inevitable details of further research, cataloguing, evaluating, etc.,that accompany such an expedition; andin part, as a gracious response on thepart of the Braidwoods to the many demands from reporters, photographers,scholars, prominent Chicago citizens, andjust plain folk who want to share viaseminars, interviews, lectures, dinners, andluncheons in the findings which havemade archeological and front-page newsacross the country. \ XIIt is agreed that all four Braidwoodshad at least one hand in the diggings andexpedition operations, and some featurestories have given the impression, whichLinda hastens to correct, that the expedition was a kind of one-woman show inwhich the director's wife doubled as archeologist, paymaster, photographer, accountant, and classifier of specimens. In fact,Mrs. Braidwood's job of cataloguing morethan 125,000 flints, tools, and articles ofpottery found at Jarmo is a task whichwill keep Jarmo firmly on her mind formany a year to come, by which time shehopes the whole family will be off digging some other old village out of oblivion.Gretel and Douglas, veteran expedition-ers by now, managed to stay happy andremarkably healthy during their latest yearabroad and kept their Mother busy tutoring them, via home-study courses, andgrinding course Arabian sugar on millingstones dug up at Jarmo (and probablynot used since 5,000 B. C.) so that shecould meet their requests for western-style, powdered-sugar coated Christmascookies.Since returning to Chicago and school,the children have delighted their friendsand progressive-school teachers by displaying their Iraqui costumes, worn at Hallowe'en time, and other artifacts and accounts of their stay, including stories ofTHE BRAIDWOODS PORE OVER MAP OF THEIR ERSTWHILE HABITAT IN IRAQ their pet gazelle and tales of a year spentin primitive, north-east Iraq where theKurdish natives of that region live justabout the same as the 5,000 B.C. villagersof Jarmo. So far, the expeditions haven'tconvinced the children that archeologywill be their chosen career, according toMrs. Braidwood. Seems that Douglasthinks traveling is a fine idea, but he'snot so sure he wants to dig for a living.In that smart little head of his he musthave figured out there's an easier way.In a burst of foresight and unfoundedoptimism , Dr. Braidwood made carefulpre-expedition arrangements for his family'scomfort while at Jarmo and sent plansahead to Abdullah, the Egyptian fieldforeman who has worked with other University of Chicago scientists. But when theBraidwood family arrived on the scenethey found a house minus electricity andplumbing, with windows in upside downand doors working backwards.Clothes had to be planned on a striptease basis, Mrs. Braidwood has explained."We'd start off wearing a lot of warmthings in the morning, then shed themone by one as it got warmer. And sometimes it would rain for days, but we hadto work during the rainy season becausesummers are much too hot and dusty."Dr. Braidwood chose archeology as acareer, and since Mrs. Braidwood, a de-parment-store buyer before her marriage,chose Dr. Braidwood, she married intothe profession, so to speak, in 1937, onlyto launch upon a Syrian honeymoon (withstrong archeological undertones) . Lindanot only fell in love with an archeologisthusband, but also with archeology. Dr.Braidwood's candid admission that sincehe hadn't had time to master the specialized fields of stone and flints, she'd have to,may have had something to do with it.Anyway, she set about adding a master'sdegree in archeology to her heretofore un-archeological academic and professionalpast. Braidwood now observes that Linda isthe world authority on flint and stoneliths of that period in Western Asia. Wemight observe, in closing, that it's wonderful what love and native intelligencecan accomplish.— A. P.1902News of the 50th reunion-bound Classof 1902 is piling up, and as more comes in,we'll keep you up to date on the doingsof your classmates, and of reunion plans.(Asterisk indicates the hope or definiteplans of attending the reunion.)Emma F. Adams is a retired settlementhouse director, residing in Portland, Ore.Lees Ballinger, now retired and living inEvanston, 111., regrets that poor health willprevent his attendance at the reunion. Hewrites that "I should like nothing betterthan to be present. I do rfope many peoplecan attend and my best wishes will be withyou all."* Frank P. Barker is living in Maywood,111., and hopes to attend the reunion.* Rebecca Day Metcalf, who lives in Chicago, writes: "I am looking forward to my50th reunion next June. My husband wasa physician but passed away 17 years ago.I keep busy trying to be young with myfive grandchildren."* Peter C. De Young is a clergyman andlawyer in Chicago.John R. Dexter is living in Ardmore,Okla., where he is in the investment business.Vernon T. Ferris is retired and living inWinnetka, ^11.22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECurtis H. Gephart, MD '04, is a retiredphysician in Kenosha, Wis.Robert H. Goheen, MD '05, writes fromj^ew York City that he is a physician, "al-most completely retired after 40 years as amedical missionary in India, followed byconsultative position in the Associated Missions Medical Office until December, 1950.Since then medical consultant for the EastHarlem Protestant Mission in New Yorkcity."Oscar Hamilton has been engaged in thebanking business since 1903. He is president of the Stockwell (Ind.) State Bank.# Archibald L. Hoyne, MD '04, who isclinical professor emeritus, Department ofPediatrics, at both the Universities ofChicago and Illinois, is also professor ofpediatrics at Chicago Medical College andattending physician and chief, Departmentof Contagious Diseases, Cook County Hospital.* Sylvanus G. Lee, a lawyer in Winnetka,111., writes that it's "encouraging to 1. beremembered, 2. be alive." Coming to thereunion? "You bet!"* Harris F. MacNeish, SM '04, PhD '09, isa professor of mathematics at the Universityof Miami in Coral Gables, Fla.* Jerome P. Magee writes from Bennington, Neb., that he is planning to attendthe reunion.* Maurice Mandelville, retired, is living inMountainburg, Ark., and writes that heshall try to attend the reunion.* J. R. McKirahan, MD (Rush) is a retiredphysician and surgeon, living in Des Moines,Iowa.Thaddeus J. Merrill is an attorney inAurora, 111.* Florence Miller Wray (Mrs. John) writesfrom New York City that "membership inthe University Dramatic Club lured me tothe stage, where I met my husband andhad some wonderful years. At present Iam living the unquiet life of 'grandma' toan eight-year-old boy."* M. Anne Moore, AM '23, sends in newsfrom Grand Prairie, Texas, that "afterteaching for some 20 years in the StateTeachers College in Denton, Texas, twoyears in educational work of the MethodistChurch South, and 20 years in the publicschools in California, I am now retired,but still active in club work and churchactivities. It will be a great privilege toreturn once more to our dear old AlmaMater."* Ruth E. Moore writes from Evanston,111., that her business is "odds and ends."She says that "good health and activitythrough 12 years of after-school living maynot be news but I find it pretty exciting."* Florence Morrison, AM '04, retired lastJune from her position as associate professor of Spanish at Butler University, inIndianapolis.Zellmer R. Pettet writes from Phoenix,Ariz., that he's undecided about plans forattending the reunion.Egbert T. Robertson is a lawyer in Chicago.David A. Robertson sends word fromBaltimore, Md., that he cannot attend thereunion because he expects to be abroad atthat time.* Mary Roth, living in Chicago, writes thatshe is working on a research problem.Perhaps she will tell us more about it at[he reunion.t Walter Sackett, PhD '18, has sent in aninteresting round-up of his activities: "I dosome consulting work for the Phelps DodgeCorp., in Douglas, Ariz.; make sanitaryWater examinations for nearby towns; amRuite active as district lecturer in YorkRite Masonry; have a large garden in the summer time; shovel snow and sit by thefire in the winter time and entertain mygrandson, Andy, with tales of Peter andthe Wolf." His home is in Fort Collins,Colo.* Harvey M. Solenberger is a retired general agent for the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., and lives in Springfield, 111.His is a U. of C. family-with an alumnawife, Florence Pearl Hood, '02, and daughter, Mary Solenberger Winslow, '33.Willis C. Stephens is retired and livingin West Lafayette, Ind.* David B. Stern, a Chicagoan, sends inthe good news that he plans to attend thereunion.Bertha Evans Ward taught English inHughes High School in Cincinnati from1909 to 1946. She has also published several textbooks for English courses.Deo Whittlesey (Mother Theodosia) isprofessor of education at Duchesne Collegein Omaha.(To Be Continued)Big-time Small-town doctorJoseph B. Schreiter, Rush MD'96,a small-town doctor who has servedhis community of Savanna, 111., formore than 55 years, was named theoutstanding general practitioner ofIllinois for 1952.The 76 year old physician waselected by a panel of medical leadersrepresenting all sections of the state.The award was in recognition of theaffection in which Savanna long hasheld Dr. Schreiter. His fellow townsmen, joined by hundreds of the 4,000babies he has brought into the world,turned out to celebrate "Doc Schreiter day" in Savanna.Dr. Schreiter began practice inSavanna immediately after his graduation from Rush. He is believedto hold a record in having been reelected 11 times to serve as coronersince his first appointment in 1903.He is chief of staff of the SavannaCity hospital.Dr. Schreiter still handles a considerable medical practice as well asvarious business interests— he is vicepresident of both the Savanna Savings, Building and Loan Association,and the National Bank of Savanna.1912Plans for the 40th reunion of the Classof 1912 are well underway. Charles Rade-macher, class secretary, assures us that "weare definitely planning on a 1952 reunion.Already reserved space for 100— believe itor not!" (Those who hope to attend areindicated by asterisk.)* Paul H. Apel, AM '33, a violinist andlecturer, is living in Los Angeles where heis busy finishing his two books— on musichistory and music understanding.* Arnold R. Baar, JD '14, writes that heis still practicing law in Chicago, specializing in federal taxes. He has one daughterand three grandchildren living in Springfield, Mass. "Still living in same house inWinnetka (since 1922) where Class of 1912once gathered, many years ago."* William Bachrach is educational directorof Chicago Technical College and a member of the Chicago Board of Education.His daughter, Jean, was married last June,and his daughter, Ruth, is a petroleumgeologist for Conoco in Denver. Robert W. Baird is a retired lumbermanliving in Carlsbad, Calif. His wife passedaway last May 3, following a long seriesof illnesses. "I am planning to fly backfor reunion week next June."* Hazel Brodbeck Gay, SM '17, is a teacherof botany and biology at Englewood HighSchool in Chicago. Her husband, A. RoyallGay, AM '18, is a physics instructor andhead of the science department at MorganPark High School.Blanche Hanley Sayer is a teacher andlibrarian in Jackson Heights, Long Island.About her family she writes, "My oldestson, a pilot in the last war, has returnedfrom Korea. My second son has finishedDartmouth and graduates from ColumbiaLaw School this year. My daughter wentto agriculture school for girls. I'd love tocome to the reunion, but it is impossible.Hope you all enjoy yourselves."* Helen Haunan Walker is living in Jackson Heights, Long Island, and is active incommunity and civic groups, including thechairmanship for eight years of the QueensGeneral Municipal Hospital Auxiliary andtwo years as chairman of the New YorkCentral Council of Municipal HospitalAuxiliaries.Richard F. Herndow, MD '14, is a physician in Springfield, 111. His daughter, Henrietta, is a housewife with two children. SonRichard is a physician and on a fellowshipat Mayo Foundation. Charles is in the AirCorps, and the third son, Lewis, is doingpost-graduate study at the University ofIllinois.Edith Higley Ames (Mrs. Hibbard H.)writes from Lake Bluff, 111., where her husband is a factory representative, that theyhave built a new home in the midst oflovely oak woods. "My best regards to allmembers of our class."Freda Isserstedt is living in Plymouth,Wis., where she retired seven years agoafter 41 years of teaching.Isabelle Jaensch Reeve (Mrs. William D.)writes from New York City that her husband, TO, has retired from teaching atColumbia University. They have a married daughter.* Harold Kayton is a retail florist in SanAntonio, Texas, and is completing his thirdyear as a director of the Florists TelegraphDelivery Association. He is also a directorof the Heep Oil Co., along with his brother,Lewis, '22. "If my travels permit, shall certainly attend the 40th reunion."Paul MacClintock, PhD '20, is a professor of geology at Princeton University.He has a married daughter with two children and a son who is a sophomore incollege.* Joseph G. Masters, AM '16, writes fromSmethport, Pa., that the University ofWyoming Library is publishing his 11,000-word account of Custer's Battle of the Little Big Horn."This luxury farm offers grand living.Mrs. M. (Helen G. Smith, '06) and I arenow growing finest fruits and vegetables(for our own delectability) from recent developments in a dozen states. Our fouryoungsters are in the four corners of U.S.A.Hope for a grand reunion in June."Victoria McAlmon, a retired collegeteacher, is living in Los Angeles.* Elizabeth I. Perrin sends a cheery greeting from Grand Rapids, Mich., about beingwell and happy, and wishing the same toher classmates.* Arthur D. O'Neill, a resident of Chicago, sends news of his four daughters andtwo sons who have helped increase theO'Neill clan with five granddaughters andthree grandsons. Mr. O'Neill's business isFEBRUARY, 1952 23CLASSIFIED(30c per line)RETIRING to sunny Florida? For a home ofdistinction in a beautiful city of lakes nearRollins College, settle in Orlando or WinterPark. See or write a. U. of C. alumna, EdnaM. Fel'tges, with McNutt-Heasley, Realtors, 15W. Washington St., Orlando, Florida.SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Siore for 100 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stock23 N. Wabash Avenue670 N. Michigan AvenueChicagoWHOLESALE RETAILLATOURAINECo/Fee and TeaLa Touraine Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave., ChicagoOther Plant*ftoftfon — N.Y. — Phil. — Syracuse — Cleveland— Detroit"You Might As Well Have The Best"RESULTS . . .depend on getting the details RIGHTPRINTINGImprinting-Processed Letters - TypewritingAddressing - Adressographing - FoldingMailing - Copy Preparation - MultilithA Complete Service for Direct AdvertisersChicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn - Chicago 5 - WA 2-4361Phones OAkland 4-0690 — 4-0691—4-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awning* and Canopies for All Purposes4508 CoHage Grove AvenueMID -PESTPhone, Write or Call-but one way or another get theREAL Advertising Story back ofthese seven alumni magazines.Data available from your ownAlumni Magazine office, or American Alumni Magazines at 22Washington Square, N„ NewYork U. GRamercy 5-2039 offset printing — photo engraving — electro-typing.Bess R. Peacock, SM '23, says that shekeeps busy in Los Angeles teaching scienceand participating in science organizationsas well as being active in audio-visual associations, both local and state. She'd likea reunion but fears she could not attend.Marjorie Preston Schulz, who taught atFenger High School before her retirement,wiites from St. Petersburg, Fla., that "afterretirement we came to Florida in .1945.Stayed in Jacksonville until this spring.Dabbled in real estate a little, remodellinghouses for sale, and built a new one. Nowwe are in St. Pete doing a little of thesame sort of thing. A reunion would benice but I couldn't attend."* Ruth Reticker is chief, Division of Legislation and References, Bureau of Employment Security of the U. S. Dept. of Labor.She has been working on the federal-stateprogram for unemployment insurance since1936.* Orno B. Roberts, whose residence is inEvanston, 111., is a retired sales managerof the B. F. Goodrich Co. He has onedaughter and two sons, one of whom servedin World War II with the 10th MountainDivision, and the other one is now at Ft.Leonard Wood, Mo., as instructor in postinformation and education section. Thereare three grandchildren.Josephine Roney (Mrs. John Witte, Jr.)is living in Burlington, Iowa, and has managed many visits to the campus since herundergraduate days.Leo G. Schussmann, a retired college professor living in Blue Lake, Calif., sendsnews of his eight children: "Of eight children, three have followed the teaching profession, one is a trained nurse, one with thegovernment, one in business, one a contractor, and one with the Navy— all on thePacific coast. There are 15 grandchildrenand five greatgrandchildren, so there is nolack of interest— with two acres in MadRiver valley, close to the famed Redwoodhighway."* S. D. Schwartz, AM '13, has been executive director of Chicago Sinai Temple since1914. "This is my history and has beenmy orbit of being."Myrtle Sholty is a retired teacher livingin Kirland, Wash., where she is taking careof herself and a flower garden. "A reunionwould be fine but distance will not makeit possible for me to attend."Katharine L. Powel Schmehl (Mrs. WalterT.) is now living in Bethlehem, Pa.Hertha G. Smith is manager of the creditdepartment of Foell Packing Co., in Chicago. She sends news of a wonderful, all-expenses-paid trip she had last year, as acontest winner, to Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Gulf coast.Ella Spiering Ballard is living in Fillmore, Calif., where her husband is in theretail furniture business. She writes thatboth their son and daughter are marriedand that they have five grandchildren.* Irma L. Stoehr, a Cincinnati housewife,relates that "if I am in this country inJune, I'll gladly attend a reunion as I havenever had the opportunity up to date."Frances L. Swain, SM '14, was director ofhome economics in the Chicago PublicSchools until 1945. "After retirement Imoved to LaCrosse, Wis., where life continues busy with A.A.U.W., League ofWomen Voters, Church, DAR, garden cluband resulting activities. Winters are usuallyspent in Chicago where I am glad to keepin touch with former interests."* Margaret V. Sullivan moved to Los Angeles two years ago and is still enjoying the"wonderful warmth." Marion K. Van Gampen is professor andhead of elementary education at Kent StateUniversity in Ohio. She has also taughtat the Universities of Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and Penn State College.Tanetta E. Vanderpoel is a chemistryteacher, living in Norwood Park, 111.Jacob A. Walker, JD '13, is a lawyer inOpelika, Ala.* S. Merrill Wells, MD '14, sends in anemphatic "yes" in favor of a 40th reunion.He is practicing internal medicine in GrandRapids, Mich., and is a consultant in medicine on the staffs of several hospitals inthat city. He lists hobbies as gardening"under Mrs. Well's direction," and fishingamong Les Cheneaux Islands, east of theStraits of Mackinac and occasional deep seafishing in Florida in March.* Cecelia H. Wertheimer (Mrs. MiltonStern) writes that her business is "house-wifing" in Kalamazoo, Mich., and thatwhat with gardening, knitting, and writing, she's "having a wonderful time."* Mabel West Barslow is city clerk ofSouth Bay, Fla., and local correspondentfor the Miami Herald, Palm Beach PostTimes and Belle Glade Herald. She is living in the heart of the Lake Okeechobeefarming area— the Everglades of Florida.Her son Carl is an air condition engineerin St. Louis. Son Don is in the Army AirForce in Alaska, and her daughter, Ruth,is on the clinical and medical teachingstaff of St. Luke's Hospital in Denver.Horace E. Whiteside is a lawyer andprofessor of law at Cornell University.* Arthur W. Wolfe is co-owner of theSnowbird Mountain Lodge in Robbinsville,N. C. Charles Rademacher has been aguest there a couple of times.* Chester Zechiel, JD '14, is a lawyer inIndianapolis.(To Be Continued)Anti-labelingHerbert Bebb, JD '13, Chairmanof the City Club's Committee onRace Relations, was given an awardby the Human Relations Commission of Chicago at the sixth annualAward luncheon last December.The award was given for exceptional volunteer citizen service onbehalf of better human relations.This well-deserved tribute was, inpart, a recognition of the vigorouscampaign Mr. Bebb has conductedagainst race labeling in the newspapers. The Committee on RaceRelations has prepared two reportson race labeling in the press.1914George Leisure has been elected for asecond term as president of the FathersAssociation of the Choate School in Connecticut, which George's four sons haveattended. Mr. Leisure is a prominent NewYork lawyer. .1916Gustavus W. Blomquist has retired fromteaching in the commercial department oiLindblom High School in Chicago, and isnow living in San Jose, Calif., to be nearhis daughter and two grandsons.1917Zoe A. .Thralls, Professor of Geographyat the University of Pittsburgh, was awarded24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMORTIMER R. HARRISthe Distinguished Service to GeographicEducation Award of the National Councilof Geography Teachers at the annual mee;-ing last November in Pittsburgh.1919Thomas Campbell is a lawyer in Charlottesville, Va., and a member of the NewYork stock exchange.Grover C. Hawk, SM, a retired professor,is living in Hedrick, Iowa, where he is afarm manager.Barbara Fleming Hesly is chief tax auditor for the Iowa State Commerce Commission in Des Moines.Up the AmazonFrom George T. Colnian, PhD '14,American consul in Belem, Para,Brazil, comes this news of his tripto the Rio Jari, which is the borderof the state of Para with the territory of Amapa, in Brazil."It was a 15 day trip from Belemby boat and canoe, with outboardmotor through countless rapids upthe Amazon River. Residents alongthe way stated that our party wasthe first American one to ascend theriver beyond the surpassingly beautiful falls of Santo Antonio daCachoeira.We continued up to the junctionwith the Rio Ipitinga, visiting two'malocas' of the Indians of the Apa-lai-Urucuiana tribes. The only foreigners to have visited these tribeswere in a German expedition in1935, led by Schultz-Kampfhenkel,whose boat turned over in the rapids, and losing all of his supplies,had to spend months on an islandnear these 'malocas'. One of themembers lost his life and is buriedunder a large cross just below theFalls.The Indians wear only tangas andbeads, and live by hunting largelywith bows and arrows, and agriculture; but they are not hostile." 1920May A. Klipple is living in her ownhome in Brookville, Ind., where "home,club, and church duties keep me happy andbusy." She was retired in 1947 from thefaculty of Ball State Teachers College afterteaching there for 26 years.1921Mortimer Harris now deserves to beaddressed as the Honorable Mr. Harris,since his appointment last September byMayor Kennelly to serve as Commissioneron the Chicago Housing Authority. He isone of five commissioners in the organization, of which Wayne McMillen, Professorof Social Service Administration, is chairman.1922News from the reunion classes is rollingin, and the Class of '22 is rolling toward aThirtieth Reunion— June 6, 1952. To date,66 report they are interested in, and/orhope to attend, indicated by asterisk (*).Irma Cooper Perrin is a homemaker anda student at Northwestern University'sSchool of Music. She hopes to receive herMaster's degree in June. She writes thatson Howard is a 1st Lt. in the Air Force,married and has a baby daughter; herdaughter, Elizabeth, is married and has ason; and son William is a freshman inengineering at Iowa State University.Leonard R. Davis, JD '24, is an attorney in Pontiac, Mich. He and his wife,Lola Beele Stiles, '22, have one son, StilesRichard, who is attending the GraduateDental School of the University of Michigan.Catherine Debus (Mrs. Melvin Anderson)is a transcriber at the Napa State Hospital in Imola, Calif. She has two sons:Melvin Jr., now in the Air Corps; andMarvin, studying to be a mechanical engineer at the University of Cincinnati. "Success to the 30th reunion. Hand me mycane."Alice A. Doner, AM '25, is in her 27thyear of teaching in the department ofeducation at Manchester College in Indiana, and her 25th year as dean of women.Ruth Drake Willcox (Mrs. Edward W.)is living in Detroit where her husband,Edward, AM '24, has been serving, sincelast April, as superintendent of the DetroitAssociation of Congregational Churches. Hewas awarded an honorary DD degree byCTS last June. They have two marriedchildren: Alfred, 26; and Barbara, 23; andWilliam, a high school junior.* Leona Fay received her music degreefrom the American Conservatory in 1930.For 19 years she has been a professionalmusician: violinist in symphony orchestras;piano accompanist at the Frances School ofthe Dance in Gary, Indiana. Her husband,Finney Briggs, is a free lance writer. Theirson, Frederick, enlisted in the army, June,1951. The Briggs live in Valparaiso.* Myrtle M. Foster is director of adulteducation in the Flint, Michigan, publicschools. Her husband, E. G. Black, is aPresbyterian minister. They have threechildren: Donald, an ensign in the navy;Ronald, a junior in Alma College; andMarilyn Ruth, a sophomore in high school.* Edward I. Frankel writes from DesMoines, Iowa, that "Mrs. F. and I tookoff for Alaska this summer via Inland Passage. We recommend the trip highly. Surewould like a 1952 reunion for class of '22."Sidney J. French, Dean of the Faculty,and Professor of Chemistry at ColgateUniversity, returned last spring from aneight-month assignment in Japan dealing Local and Long Distance MovingStorage Facilities for Books,Record Cabinets, Trunks, orCarloads of FurniturePeterson FireproofWarehouse Inc.1011 EAST 55th STREETBUTTERFIELD 8-6711DAVID L. SUTTON, PresidentMORE LEADERS AMONGITS READERS!That's what top executives everywhereare discovering about Mid-West AlummMagazines. Chicago is one of the sevenAlumni Magazines that compose theMid-West Group, which has98,000 READERS!A selective audience with BIG Incomes,BIG Influence, BIG Needs-a BIG pn-mary market for advertisers.T. A. REHNQUIST CO.EST. 1929CONCRETEFLOORS — SIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATIONSINDUSTRIAL FLOORINGEMERGENCY REPAIR WORKCONCRETE BREAKINGWATERPROOFINGINSIDE WALLS6639 S. Vernon AvenueNOrmal 7-0433THE HAZEL H0FF SHOPInfants' - Children's WearLingerie - HosieryNew Challenge for Infe/fecfuafs?It's Silly Putty1377 E. 55th StreetFEBRUARY, 1952 25BOYDSTON BROS., INC.operatingAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of ChicagoOAkland 4-0492Trained and licensed attendantsW. B. Conkey Co.Division ofRand M^Nally & Company'Pnutt&iA and ^>i*tctet&CHICAGO • HAMMOND • NEW YORKSince 1885ALBERTTeachers" AgencyThe best In placement service for University.College, Secondary and Elementary. Nationwide patronage. Call or write us at25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, IllinoisTelephone KEnwood 6-1352J. E. KIDWELL Fl^ist826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago 15, IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELLTREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Direct Factory DealerforCHRYSLER and PLYMOUTHNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMUseum 4-4500AiseGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete Automobile Repair,Body, Paint, Simonize, Washand Greasing Departments with the development of general education programs in Japanese universities.* Harry Friedman, MD '24, is a physicianin Chicago.Earle C. Fuller is the western zone traffic agent for the Western Electric Co. Helives in Berkeley, Calif. He has a son, Donald, and a married daughter.* Benjamin B. Garbow is a High Schoolteacher in Chicago. His wife is LibbySchnitzer, '28. They have two sons: theolder boy, 21, is studying for his AM inmathematics at the University of Chicago;and the younger boy, 18, is a pharmacologystudent at Purdue.Irma Kaitschuk Brosche lives in Elm-wood Park, Illinois, where her husbandis a Lutheran pastor.* Ford H. Kaufman is in the investmentbusiness with Blair-Rollins & Co., Indianapolis. He promises to make every effort toattend the 30th reunion.* Lewis Kay ton is building manager andattorney at law in San Antonio, Texas. Hewas back on campus last June and waschairman of the Citee luncheon. He's allfor a thirtieth reunion next spring.Cardinal L. Kelly retired from teaching at the University of Oregon and isnow a partner in Relly, Kohnen & Co., certified public accountants, in that city. Hehas two children: Laura Marguerite andHarold Lyle. "Chicago is a long way fromOregon."Virginia Kendall Upham is a book reviewer in Chicago. Her husband is in thereal estate business. They have two sons:Charles, Jr., who is married; and Robert,a student at Beloit College.* M. Hayes Kennedy, JD '24, lives inJoliet but is a member of the law firm ofRyan, Condon & Livingston in Chicago.Mary Frances is director of the AmericanRed Cross Safety Service; Helen is teaching school; Hayes, Jr. and Daniel areattending Notre Dame; and James is inhigh school. Hayes is attorney for TheGreyhound Corporation.* Clark S. Kessler, AM '37, is a musician with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.He is also associated with the University'smusic department as assistant to SeigmundLevarie, director of the University symphony.Lillis Kimball Lindsay is living in KansasCity, Kans., where her husband, RogerLindsay, '21, is a furniture factory representative. They have one son, Malcolm, ahigh school senior.* Max. B. Kneussl, MD '23, specializes ineye, ear, nose, and throat in Ottawa, Illinois. He has one son, Frank, 12 years ofage.* Ferd Kramer is with the real estatefirm of Draper and Kramer, Inc., in Chicago. He is nationally know for his workin this field. There are three children:Barbara, 17; Douglas, 15; and Anthony, 11.* Anna A. Krivitsky, JD '25, is an attorney at law in St. Petersburg, Florida.* Sabra Jones Kulle, AM '27, writes: "Inthe summer my husband and I run a smallresort, HIBANKS, at Conover, Wisconsin.The rest of the year I teach commercialsubjects at Du Sable High School (Chicago)." They have one son, Franklin,13.Wallace H. Lanigan is general salesmanager for the American Slicing MachineCo. in Chicago. His wife is Helen Whitley, '24. They have one son, John, 25, anda daughter, Barbara Jane, 23.Mildred O. Lapan teaches English, Latin,and speech in Galva, Illinois high school. * Michael L. Leventhal, MD '24, is attending obstetrician and gynecologist at MichaelReese Hospital, Chicago. He is also anassistant professor at Northwestern University Medical School. There are three sons,John, 21; James, 18, and Michael, Jr.'13.Frances A. Lippman, a translator in NewYork City, regrets that she will be unableto attend the 1952 reunion.* Maurice O. Lustig manufactures leatherhand bags and small leather goods inChicago.* David H. Mandelbaum is a millinerymanufacturer in Chicago.Helen Weber Mathews is a teacher atRoselle, Illinois where her husband isgeneral traffic manager for the CulliganZeolite Co. They have one child, John,six.* Robert C. Matlock is owner of theOwensboro Plating Co., Owensburg, Ky.His daughter, Margaret, recently transferee!from Denison to the University of Kentucky. Betsy is in high school and Robert in junior high. "I started the platingbusiness (electro-plating) a few monthsfollowing the 25th reunion. Would enjoya celebration about '52. Have had no timefor vacations since '47."* John M. McGill and wife Gladys Em-mert live in DesMoines where he is superintendent of city loans for the EquitableLife of Iowa. They have three children:15, 20, and 25; one daughter-in-law andtwo grandchildren.* Frederick A. McGinnis is chairman ofthe division of education at WilberforceUniversty, Ohio.* James B. Mclntyre is in the investmentsbusiness in Joliet, Illinois. James, Jr. is atHarvard; Charles was graduated fromNorthwestern and is in service, and Rogeris in military academy.* Ruth B. McKinnie, AM '31, is on thefaculty of Springfield, Illinois high school.* William M. McMillan, MD '25, lives inHighland Park and practices surgery inChicago. He has one son, William, 17; anda daughter, Marcia, 13.* Charles J. Merriam, JD '25, is a patentlawyer in Chicago. The family lives inWinnetka. There are three girls and twoboys in the family. Two of the girls aremarried.Carl J. Meyer, JD '24, lives in LosAngeles where his business is life insurancesales.* Faye Millard lives in Barrington, Illinois. Her husband, Hayes MacFarland, isa member of the advertising firm ofMacFarland, Aveyard k Co., Chicago.Daughter Betty is attending Northwesternafter two years at Smith. Hayes, Jr. is asophomore at Princeton.* Ruth Miller Mead lives in Chicagowhere her husband is a physician and surgeon. There are two sons: William, asophomore in Northwestern UniversityDental School; and Richard, in his sophomore year at Yale Divinity School.* Myrtle Moore writes from Menlo Park,California: "Real estate broker and a realtor; no husband, darn it. Rounding out25th year of residence in Menlo Park, living with Etta Gibson, formerly of Chicago's old Bureau of Wrecks (records)-Etta is far better known to old guardthan I, tho she never took a degree there-but Mr.. Gurney's 'right bower' for manyyears. I expect to be in Oklahoma City inearly July so could probably take in the30th reunion . . . Would like to. 3874Alameda de las Pulgas (Avenue of thefleas)."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE* Grace Morse Thrane is a Chicago HighSchool teacher. Her husband is an electrical engineer.* Lucy L. Neill is a stenographer withSwift and Company, Chicago.* Mary L. Nickell is a librarian with theUniversity of Southern California. She ishoping to attend the 30th reunion nextJune.# Martin E. Noonan is in public relationsin Chicago.Margaret O'Day Kibbee is a member ofthe New York public relations firm ofHartwell, Jacobson and Kibbee. Her husband is a stock broker. She is all for the'52 reunion "but I doubt that I couldattend."* George E. Olmsted is assistant secretary in charge of special assignments withConsumers Power Company, Jackson,Michigan.For men only, etc. . .We are indebted to Ad-Chat, afour-page monthly newsletter of theWomen's Advertising Club of Chicago, for this up-to-date account ofthe many talents and accomplishments of Edith Rambar Grimm, '22,now consultant to management,Carson Pirie Scott Sc Co., in Chicago."A career as teacher of mathematics in the Detroit public schoolsystem was interrupted by her marriage to Dr. Emery Grimm, now awell-known endocrinologist onNorthwestern University's medicalstaff. Later, a small taste of retailing in a large department store began a new chapter in her businesslife. In 1935, she joined Carson PirieScott & Co. as manager of the mailand telephone departments."Here, the story really begins. Asdirector of Specialty shops and Coordinated Services, she created theFor Men Only Shop, Bridal Servicesand still successfully directs themand Carson's outstanding College promotions."Next, as director of the InteriorDecorating department, she createdand directed the delightful EighteenthCentury Village project and acted asco-director of the Antique Gallaries.It is hardly surprising that this listof achievements led her to her present title— consultant to management."* Eleanor Olson Palmer, whose husband,James L. Palmer, AM *23, is president ofMarshall Field & Co., in Chicago, writesfrom their family home in Winnetka thatthey have two married sons: Jim, Jr., whois living in New York; and Don, who isa June graduate of Brown University andnow in the Army at Ft. Dix, N. J.* Ethel Palmer Swantz is an Oak Parkhousewife, where her husband, HenrySwantz, '23, is a physician. Their son,Henry Eugene, is a U. of C. alumnus, class°f '47, MBA '50. Their married daughter,Elizabeth, has a son, born May 21, 1951.* Roscoe F. Pannett is a high schoolteacher of mathematics in East St. Louis,W. He has three children: Robert, 20, whoJs a senior at Cornell University; Ruth-anna, 11; and Charles, 9.* Helen V. Papenbrook is a retired highschool teacher of English, living in Chicago. Kenneth N. Parke, AM '24, is with theNorthwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.,in Wayne, Nebr., having retired from college teaching.Ruth Pearson Kosknik, PhD '31, is director of child care centers in the Bell-flower (Calif.) Public Schools. "I am happyto be working in a pioneer field— demonstrating the values of early childhood education." Her husband is a photographer.They have no children.* Samuel L. Perznik, MD '25, is a physician in Beverly Hills, Calif.Kenneth Phillips, SM '23, MD '25, is aphysician in Miami, Fla.* Emily Powell, AM '28, is a social studiesteacher in Central High School, Tulsa,Okla.Elwood G. Ratcliff is with the investment banking firm of Smith, Barney Sc Co.,in Chicago. He lives in River Forest wherehe is serving as a member of the highschool board of education. He has threechildren: Robert, who is a graduate ofBrown University and now married; Richard, a senior at the University of Michigan; and Sandra, a high school sophomore.* Nell W. Reeser is a retired Chicagohigh school teacher, living in Washington,D.C.Charles Rennick, MD '24, is a pediatrician in El Paso, Texas. He has three sons:Sam, John, and Charles.Louis C. Roberts Jr., is in the petroleumgeology and production business in Dallas,Texas. He admits he hasn't made the millions he expected to before 30, but that"life is good in Texas." He has two children: a girl, 16, and a boy, 12.* Jack Rose is in the motion picturetheatre business in Chicago. His son, Murray, a Northwestern University electricalengineer graduate, is now with the Republic Steel Co. His daughter, Suzanne, is aphysical education teacher at MichiganState Normal.* Fred Rosser, JD '34, is an attorney inTulare, Calif.* William R. Ruminer shifted out of thelife insurance business five years ago andinto a war plant job. He is in the production control department of the Reynolds Metals Co., in McCook, 111. His wifeis Roxane Mather, '21, and they have twodaughters.* George Rutter, AM '26, is an Englishteacher in Evanston High School. He hasa houseful of children: George, 16; MaryAlice, 14; Robert, 10; Thomas, 6; David, 3.Jacob Sacks, SM '24, is a physiologistwith the Brookhaven National Laboratoryin Upton, Long Island. He is the authorof "The Atom at Work," a book for theintelligent layman on all aspects of atomicenergy, published in February, 1951.I. R. Salladay, MD '24, is living in Pierre,S.# D., where his practice is "limited todiagnostic X-ray. He has one son, Tohn.14. J* Helen Sanderson says that she is nowone of the "old-timers" at the J. B. YoungJunior High School in Davenport, Iowa,having been assigned there in 1927.Mary G. Shaw, SM '30, supervises geography and general science in the JuniorHigh School of Mankato State TeachersCollege (Minn.) "Had a grand trip toMexico last summer."* Elga M. Shearer writes from LongBeach, Calif., that she has been kept busysince her retirement from the Long Beachschool system three years ago doing churchand community work.Sydney Shire is senior engineer withThe Peoples Gas, Light, and Coke Co., inChicago. Enjoy this finer Ice Creamof "hand-packed" qualifyA product ofSWIFT & COMPANY7409 So. State StreetPhone RAdcIiff 3-7400LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Parle 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERPhone: SAginaw 1-3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeaku RepairedFree E*timate*FRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.7711 Luella Ave.HIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATES jENGRAVERSSINCE 190 6+ WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES ++ ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED ?? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE ?RAYNER^DALHEIM &CO2801 W. 47TH ST.. CHICAGO.FEBRUARY, 1952 27CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency70th Year/V ationwide ServiceFive Offices — One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd.. ChicagoMinneapolis — Kansas City. Mo.Spokane — Now YorkAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Fisk Teacher?Agency of Chic«go, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administrator*is well as of teachers.Our service fg nationwide.TBLIPHONE T Ay lor 9-5455O'CALLAGHAN BROS.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186HYLAND A. NOLANPLASTERING. BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone DOrchester 3-1579TuckerDecorating Service1360 East 70th StreetPhone Midway 3-5200RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING o\ DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. MOnroe 6-3192 Dura F. Sonnenday, MD, is in generalpractice in Cincinnati, Ohio.* Milton Steinberg, MD '25, is a doctorin Chicago. He has a little girl, 2, and is"looking forward to a new member of thefamily in spring of '52."* Brenton W. Stevenson, AM '25, is director of evening sessions and Universityeditor, University of Toledo.May L. Stewart, who is director of ruraleducation at the State College in Oshkosh,Wis., writes in a poetic vein: "Same oldjob, same old way, no news today, no duesto pay."T. W. Strieter, a clergyman, writes that"while my residence remains here in Chicago I shall do much traveling in LatinAmerica in the interest of our Church'smission."* Dorothy Sugden Ramm, AM '30, livesin Chicago, where her husband is withthe Independent Pneumatic Tool Co. Theyhave one daughter, Dorothy, 15.Laura Theilgard McVey was a biologyteacher until a few years ago. Her husbandis on the Lane High School faculty inChicago. !Anne M. Titterington, AM '27, of Kansas City, Mo., will have completed 49 yearsof teaching when she retires in June.Edward L. Turner, SM '23, Dean andProfessor of Medicine, School of Medicine,University of Washington, writes that heis "in the midst of the adventures of building a new medical school."* Hannah Reid Walker, lives in GlenEllyn, 111., and is a free lance writer. Herhusband passed away last April. She hasfour children: Edward III, 25; Barbara,22; John, 17; Sally, 13; and three grandchildren.Harrison F. Ward, MD '24, is a physicianin Rochester, N. Y.Emily Westberg of Chicago, is a memberof several societies, all affiliated with thechurch. She is active in four of them:president of one, treasurer of another,and secretary of two.Mary B. Williamson is a primary gradessupervisor at State Teachers' College inMoorhead, Minn.* Arthur H. Witzleben Jr., is director ofsales for a greeting card manufacturecompany in Chicago. He has two daughters:Ann, 19; and Helen, 22. Arthur's enthusiasm for the 30th reunion is running high.He writes, "If I can help to make thisthe greatest reunion in our history, pleasefeel free to call on me."(To be continued)1923John P. Barnes, JD 924, is an attorneywith the American T&T Co., in Chicago.He has two sons: Peter, 13; and Michael, 8.J. Hosea George, AM '25, is servinghis 29th year as head of the Departmentof Astronomy and Geology in Bay City(Mich.) Junior College.Marjorie Howard Morgan (Mrs. W.Rufus) joined the staff of the FaulknerSchool for Girls last fall. She also hasher own studio for the teaching of voiceand speech, and is doing graduate workin speech at Northwestern University.1924Mabel E. Noel (Mrs. Sherman Codding-ton) AM '26, is living in Nampa, Idaho.She is a retired teacher.Helen Robbins Bittermann visitedAlumni House in late November to reportthat she and her daughter have returned toChicago to be with her parents. Helen'smother has not been well. Helen has beena radio-television advertising account executive in Columbus. She will continue as a free lance in Chicago, bringing some ofher national accounts with her.1925Anna W. Kenny, AM '29, PhD '45, is anassistant professor in the English department at the University of Illinois, NavyPier.Gladys Anne Renshaw, AM, is an associate professor of French and Spanish atNewcomb College, Tulane University.1926Arthur W. Howard is principal of theYermo (Calif.) elementary school district.Detlef A. Kraft, AM, pastor of St. John'sLutheran Church in Flushing, N. Y., observed his 25th anniversary in the ministrylast fall with a special service. He hasserved in his present post for the past 15years.1927The 25th reunion of the Class of 1927is scheduled for June 6, 1952, and withthis issue we begin a round-up of news fromthat class. (Asterisk indicates those whoplan to attend the reunion.)* Ann Brazzill is a home economics teacherin Calumet City, 111.* Oliver N. Cord, a retired teacher, livesin Connersville, Ind., and winters in Florida.He writes that he "tries to keep up withthe latest in schools and in education."* Jack P. Co wen, MD '32, is an ophthalmologist in Chicago and assistant professorof ophthalmology at the University of Illinois Medical College.James J. Cusack, Jr. is an attorney inChicago, and writes that he is a bachelor,"helping my brother, John, f2S, raise hisfive boys and one girl."* Leon M. Despres, JD '29, is a lawyer inChicago. His wife, Marian Alschuler, '30,PhD '36, is an instructor in psychology atRoosevelt College. They have two children:Linda, 15; and Robert, 11.Isabella Dolton writes that she is enjoying her "later maturity." A retiredassistant superintendent of schools in Chicago, she is living in Dolton, 111.M. Elizabeth Downing, MD '32, is apediatrician in Chicago.Frederick R. Eggan, AM '28, PhD '33,is chairman and professor of anthropologyat the University of Chicago..* Bernard Fischer, AM '29, is a HighSchool teacher in Chicago. His wife isStacia Hoeffelman, '28.Mary R. Fitzgerald is a teacher in PhillipsHigh School, Birmingham, Ala.Gould Fox, JD '28, is a lawyer in Kalamazoo, Mich. He has two daughters:Carolyn, 17, and Elizabeth, 8.* Eugene Francis is an insurance brokerin Chicago. His wife is Martha Atwood,ex '29. Their daughter married the sonof .Samuel E. Hibben, '26, and the couplehas a son, Eugene Francis Hibben.Barbara M. Garcia, AM '28, PhD '49, isan assistant professor of Spanish at MillsCollege, in Oakland, Calif.* El wood E. Gaskill is registrar of theNew England Conservatory of Music inBoston, and also organist and choirmaster,King's Chapel, in Boston. The Gaskillshave two children: Elwood, Jr., 8; andDorothy, 6.* Josephine Harris Curtis is a housewifein South Bend, Inch, where her husbandis a dentist.Alfred W. Hobart is a clergyman inCharleston, S. C.Alva B. Hudson (Mrs. Raleigh Ellis)AM '31, is a demonstration teacher in thelaboratory school of Cheyney (Pa.) StateTeachers College. She has a 13-year-olddaughter.28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE* Katharine Tyler Burchwood, AM '31,writes that her book, Art Then and Now,co-authored with Kathryn Dean Lee, retired from the U. of C. Lab School, is beingWell received as a college text book. Herhusband is a retired official of the FirstNational Bank of Chicago.Elva Westbrook, AM '28 (Mrs. P. A. Edwards) writes that her husband is a structural engineer for Smith, Hinchman &Grylls, in Detroit. They have three children: Kenneth, 17; Ruth, 14; and Ralph, 10.* Marion Woolsey (Mrs. Curran deBruler)lives in Oak Park, 111., and keeps busyraising three children: Eugenia, 11; CurranIII, 9; and Dwight, 7. Her husband is promotion manager of Advertising Age andHospital Management.(To Be Continued)1928Roberta Wilson Brown (Mrs. Andrew)phoned the Alumni office to tell us aboutIhe very enjoyable Christmas-time visit shehad with the John Hersheys (AM '24) intheir lovely Lititz, Pa., home. John is inthe insurance business there. Mrs. Brownrelates that one of the discoveries theymade during the visit was the alumnushipthey have in common from the Universityof Chicago.Sidney Klein is a manufacturer of springunits in Los Angeles, Calif.1929Lucile C. Hartman, AM, is an assistantprofessor in the College of Household Artsand Sciences at Texas State College forWomen.1930Harold A. Haynes, AM, is now servingin Washington, D. C, as assistant superintendent in charge of the city's Negroschools. Haynes is a veteran of 32 yearsin the school system.J. Ward Keener, MBA, vice president ofthe B. F. Goodrich Company, is one ofthe youngest major executives in the .rubber industry. He is now serving as an industry member on the national WageStabilization Board. Mr. and Mrs. Keener,with their three sons, live in Akron.Evelyn F. Smith (Mrs. Raymond Drake),MBA '47, is an associate professor anddirector of the Food Service Kellogg Center,Michigan State College.1931Emily De Sylvester Zscheile, SM '32, isliving in Davis, Calif. Her husband is aprofessor in the College of Agriculture ofthe University of California. They havethree children: F. Paul, 17; Richard, 14;and Betty, 10.1932There has been a nice, steady, very welcome downpour of news in the Alumnioffice about the Class of 1932 and theirreunion plans, so we continue where weleft off last month, indicating with anasterisk, those who hope to attend thereunion.. Jack Abrams, MD '37, is a psychoanalystw Los Angeles, Calif.Paul Ashley, MD '37, is a physician andsurgeon in Chicago Heights, 111. He has*ree children: Janet, 13; Paul, 10; andBetty, 4.* Roxane Breen Hume is living in Evans-'°n, 111., where her husband is editor of'he Northwestern University Traffic Institute.* Joseph A. Chenicek, PhD '35, is a re-search chemist. He lives in Bensenville, 111.Ralph E. Darby is owner of Melcorlngineering and Sales Co., an outlet in Chicago for silver and copper brazingalloys. He has three children: Ralph, Jr.,Delores Anne, and Louis Ellen.* Lillie Belle Dixon Anderson is managerof a housing project in Coloma, Mich.Wallace Fischer is president of the Serv-icised Products Corp., in Chicago.* Elizabeth Fisher Hays is a first-gradeteacher in the Revere Elementary Schoolin Chicago. Her husband, Heber Hays,AM '13, PhD '15, is a retired Chicago highschool teacher.* Mary Katherine Flynn is a teacher inChicago.* Helen Frank Isbitz, AM '50, is a teacherof the mentally handicapped in the Chicago public schools. In Sept., 1951, she hadan article in the Instructor entitled "Teaching Science to Mentally Handicapped."Lloyd W. Germann is in the insurancedepartment of Swift & Co., in Chicago.* Norman N. Gill is director of the Citizen's Governmental Research Bureau ofMilwaukee, Wis. He has three children:Roslyn, 9; Barbara, 7; and Eileen, 5.Robert M. Goodwin is a dermatologist inSpringfield, 111. He has one son, Robbie,age 9.* Robert B. Greenman, MD '37, writesthat he is chief of Dependents Hospitaland chief of obstetrics and gynecology atthe U. S. Navy Hospital in Jacksonville,Fla., where he has been stationed for overtwo years.Helen D. Griffith and her husband,Herbert Breuhaus, SB '29, MD '35, are living in Oak Park, 111. They have four children: Carol Sue, 14; Robert, 11; James, 8;and Elizabeth Ann, 3.Robert S. Hinds is assistant secretary andcontroller of the Athey Products Corp., inChicago.* Thor Holter is assistant agency managerof the U. S. Equitable Life Assurance Society in Chicago. He lives in Elmhurstwith his wife, Helen Shoemaker, '30, andtheir two daughters: Ann, 12; and Mary, 8.Harris Hornstein and his wife, HelenAlcott, '33, are living in Manistee, Mich.,where he owns the credit bureau.* Frank R. Howard is district manager ofInternational Harvester Co., in Milwaukee.He and his wife, Margaret Holahan, '34,have three children.R. Elizabeth Hughes is a retired teacherliving in Crown Point, Ind.John R. Hunter is an attorney with thefirm of Jones, Hunter and Dunn, in Hutchinson, Kansas. He has three children:Cynthia, 14; Constance, 10; and Beatty, 8.Clara E. Hutchison is a retired teacherliving in Chicago.* Blanche M. Hynes is with the St. LouisBank for Cooperatives, which is a government credit agency under the Farm CreditAdministration.Bryan H. Jacques, JD, is with the Federal Trade Commission in Washington,D.C.* Ruth E. Jahnke has been teaching sixthgrade and social studies at the WhittierSchool in Chicago for 12 years. She votes"yes" with an exclamation point for a '52reunion.Helen Klaas Engdall, SM '33, is a homeeconomist and a homemaker with twochildren: Karen, 6; and Eric, 2, in Columbus, Ohio. Her husband is a research engineer at Battelle Memorial Institute.Albert R. Kramer is an accountant withTrans World Air Lines in Kansas City, Mo.Marion Laird Higgins is living in Providence, R. I., where her husband, John, isrector of St. Martin's Episcopal Church.They have two children: John, 15; andAnne, 13. PARKER-HOLSMANReal Estate and Insurance1500 East 57th Street Hyde Park 3-2525ph&jm?COLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone HYde Park 3-6324lunches: 45c up; Dinners: JT.25-$2.25PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBeet Water Valval, Sumps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUEFAIrtu 4-0111PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICESUPERFLUOUS HAIRREMOVED FOREVERMultiple 20 platinum needles can be used.Permanent removal of hair from face, eyebrows, bad of neck, or any part of body;also facial veins, moles, and warts.Men and VYemenLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERT20 years' experienceAlsoGraduate NurseSuite 1705, Stevens Building17 N. State StreetTelephone FRanklin 2-4885FREE CONSULTATIONLOWER YOUR COSTSWAGE INCENTIVESEMPLOYEE TRAININGPERSONNEL PROCEDURESIMPROVED METHODSJOB EVALUATIONROBERT B. SHAPIRO '33, DIRECTORFEBRUARY, 1952If you will hein or near ChicagoFebruary 29you are invited to attend theWASHINGTON PROM9:30 to 1 Palmer House $5-°oGrand BallroomBIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: WEntworth 6-5380BOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.OAlcland 4-0492Telephone HAymarket 1-3 1 20E. A. AARON & BROS. Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributorn ofCEDERGREEN FROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water Market©eXCtUSNCi IH £UCTRtCAl PRODUCTSmgleiimmlELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.Distributors, Manufacturers ind Jibbers itELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St. - ENglewood 4-7500TELEVISIONDrop in and see a programRADIOSFrom consoles to portablesRadio-TV ServiceAt home or shopELECTRICAL APPLIANCESRefrigeratorsWashersSPORTING GOODSFor all seasonsRECORDSPopular- SymphoniesFine collection for children RangesBlankets935 E. 55th StreetAt Ingleside AvenueTelephone Midway 3-6700Robert Gaertner, '34 Julian Tishler. '33 Junior High School deluxeAn attractive brochure, entitled"Symbol of Faith" tells of a decadeof teamwork and planning that wentinto the construction of the modern,deluxe South Junior High schoolbuilding in Kalamazoo, Mich., an accomplishment which must warm theheart of Loy Norrix, AM '34, PhD'42, Superintendent of Schools.The report, in text and pictures,tells of this single-story school building, designed to serve the needs ofyouth and the community, whichcan boast of these (among others)architectural and engineering features: bilateral lighting— an effective,yet economical, method of usingprismatic, directional glass block wallsfor even light distribution throughout the room; acoustical tile ceilingsand cinder block walls throughout,a comparatively new development inschool construction, providing definite sound control and relief fromnoise and fatigue; a ventilation system supplying fresh, filtered andtempered air; concrete ramps, insteadof stairs; a high degree of fire resistance obtained by the use of cinderblock, brick, tile and structural steelframing; and radiant panel heatingby pipes running in the floors.The structure is a tribute to thedetermination of teachers, parents,and administrators in Kalamazoo tomeet the needs of adolescent boys andgirls.* Josephine D. Mirabella, AM '35, is livingin New Harmony, Ind., where her husband,John B. Elliott, '33, is a farmer. "Havebeen hoping there would be a reunion.Some of us had already tentatively plannedto come back to Chicago for the alumnireunion."Warrene Oliver (Mrs. Ross Alvis) writesfrom Houston, Texas, that her husbandis an accountant and partner in a wholesaleproduce company.* Gretchen Rerick Henderson (Mrs. M. V.Jr.) has two children: John, 14; and Margaret, 10. Her husband is an abstracter inWest Union, Iowa.* Lucy Riddell Huntington is living inSpartanburg, S. C, where her husband issales manager for Spartan Grain and MillCo. They have three sons: Donald Jr., whowill enter the University of North Carolinain the fall; Charles, 13; and David, 7. "Weare living in the Deep South, where I hopeto learn something of politics through theLeague of Women Voters and keep up witheducation through the A.A.U.W."* Carl E. Schulz is associate professor ofmanagement and industrial relations atNew "York University School of Business.He has a 13-year old son, Roger. The family spent last summer in Europe, includingattendance at the International Management Congress in Brussels.* Eldor C. Sieving, AM '38, is an assistantprofessor of education and social science atSt. John's College, Winfeld, Kansas. Hisdaughter, Ann, is nine, and son Paul isthree.* Blanche Skebelsky Golden is a Chicagohousewife with two children: Jimmy, 13;and Joanne, 9. Her husband is with theNew York Life Insurance Co.* Benjamin T. Woodruff writes that hewould like a reunion but is doubtful ofattendance. He is assistant division super intendent of DuPont Co., Belle Wrorks, inCharleston, W. V. He has five children;Frederick, 9; Polly, 7; Louisa, 4; Thomas,3; and John, four months.* Charles D. Woodruff, JD '34, is with thelegal department of the Lockheed AircraftCorp., and is living in Los Angeles.* Nahum Zackar is director of teachertraining, and assistant professor of modernJewish history at the College of JewishStudies in Chicago.* Robert Ziegle is field engineer with LyonMetal Products, Inc., in Chicago. He hastwo daughters; Ann, 10; and Laurie, 3.* Maurice Zollar is in the field of investment banking with Kidder Peabody & Co.,in Chicago. He has a four-year old daughter, Carolyn.1935Rachel H. Cummings writes from Rockford, 111., where she has moved into a newfive-room bungalow. She is a part-timekindergarten teacher.1936Henry F. Kelley is an editorial assistanton the Saturday Review of Literature, inNew York City.William Koenig and his wife, Nancy,have a third daughter, Robin, born lastMay 24. William is the assistant story editor of RKO Radio Pictures, Inc., in Hollywood.James E. Olson, who did some quartetsinging back in the '30's and now harmonizes with the Chicago Swedish Glee Club,is president of the South Shore Securitiescompany.1937James F. Foley is an assistant physicistwith the Consolidated Gas and Electric Co.,in Baltimore, Md.William A. Glassford III is living in Denver, Colo., where he is superintendent ofthe United Airlines employees suggestionprogram."Welcome students"When Edwarda Williams White,AM '35, took up her new post inSeptember as counselor of women atthe University of Southern California, she let it be known that "theWhite door is always open to anyonewishing to visit a circus of threesmall children, a dog, a cat, threegoldfish and a hamster."Mrs. White's eight-year-old daughter has her heart set on being ahousewife with 14 children; her ten-year-old boy wants to play footballand be a biochemist; and her 12-year-old son aspires to aeronautical engineering.Mrs. White's advice to students isto "think objectively, be active incampus life, forget boundaries andmingle with many groups." In brief,"no bovine acquiescence."She is the widow of Wilbur W.White, AM '29, PhD '35, who, beforehis death more than a year ago, waspresident of the University of Toledo.Anders M. Myhrman, PhD, Professor °fSociology at Bates College, has been rrradeHead of the Division of the Social SciencesHe is also serving as president of the Con1'munity Council of Lewiston and AuburnMe.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIrene Zimmerman, AM, is a reference librarian at the University of Florida.1938Jack P. Donis, MBA '39, PhD '49, is afinancial analyst with City Stores, in NewYork City.Myron T. Hopper, PhD, has been electedDean of the College of the Bible in Lexington, Ky. He is also, chairman of the professors and research section of the divisionof Christian Education of the NationalCouncil of Churches.William P. Kent, AM '41, PhD '50, andhis wife, Helen Hirsch, 43, are the parentsof a baby daughter, Nancy, born last September 20. Nancy's older brothers are John,5, and Harry, 3.Richard H. Lewis is an economist withthe U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics inWashington, D. C.1939Philip H. Coombs is winding up hispresent job as executive director of thePresident's Materials Policy Commission tobecome director of research of the Fundfor the Advancement of Education of theFord Foundation.Ted Fields, JD '41, whose law office is at1 N. LaSalle in Chicago, and lawyer GeneDavis, '38, revived Blackfriar days by appearing in the Chicago Bar Association'sannual Christmas show, called "SeizinsGreetings." Ted was State's Attorney Boyle.Gene played the female lead. "She" wassuch a shapely siren that there were manywhistles from the audience, in which Chancellor Kimpton sat on the opening night—Wording to Ted.Richard W. Evans is a management constant with the A. T. Kearney & Co. inChicago.Leah Spilberg, AM >40, (Mrs. Samuel Jo-s?ph) is now living in Pasadena, Calif.,smce her husband's appointment as associ ate professor of surgery at the Universityof Southern California School of Medicineand chief anesthetist, Los Angeles CountyHospital. Their daughter, Susan, is three,and son Daniel is one year old.1940Alice Terwilliger (Mrs. Earl Arnett)writes that they have just completed theirfirst major move since leaving school. Earlhas been transferred from General Electric'sPittsfield plant to the one in Coshocton,Ohio. "Moving in cold weather, just beforeChristmas, with three pre-school childrenwas quite an undertaking!"1941Lucille E. Day, AM, is a Girl Scout executive in Los Angeles, Calif.Joseph Hoffman is living in Cleveland,Ohio, where he is jobbing automotivechemicals and specialties. He has two sons:Naphtali, 3; and Joshua, 16 months.Thomas E. Jacobson is minister of theFirst Baptist Church in Ray, Arizona.1942Isadore Eirinberg, MD, is living in SiouxFalls, S. D., where his medical practicespecializes in dermatology and allergy.Mildred Rees (Mrs. John Tordella) announces the birth of a son, Stephen John,last July 19. He joins Jimmy, 7; Kathy, 5;Jean, 4; and Paul, 2. The family lives inWilmington, Del.Molly M. Kramer is a credit analyst withthe Harris Trust & Savings Bank in Chicago.Edith LaPorte writes that she and Seymour Katcoff, '40, PhD '44, were marriedlast May 23, "culminating a romance whichbegan when we met on a plane en route toIsrael during the summer of 1950. Seymouris continuing his work in radiochemistry atBrookhaven National Laboratory."Allan Dougall Reith is an architecturaldesigner, living in Pasadena, Calif.Albert C. Stewart, SM '48, is on leave ofabsence from the St. Louis University department of chemistry to do research ininorganic chemistry at the Oak Ridgeatomic energy plant.Water and oil mixFrom Thomas A. Hart, PhD '41,who is division chief, Near East andAfrica Development Service, Technical Corporation Administration, Department of State, comes news thathe spent October, November and December of 1951 in Egypt, Saudi-Arabia, and Lebanon as chief of afield party sent out from Washingtonto review existing technical assistanceprograms and help to plan and establish new ones in those countries.He writes, "There water is themagic open sesame to agriculturaldevelopment and one answer to increased food production— and oil ismoney. These two may not mixphysically, but in the Near East oiland water do mix politically, economically and socially."Dorothy Teberg (Mrs. John C. Doolittle)sends news of her family. Thomas Coroner,their first boy and second child, was bornon June 18, 1951. She writes that theyare residing temporarily in Springfield,Ohio, and that John is again on active dutywith the Air Force at Wright-PattersonAFB, Dayton, Ohio, as fiscal officer of thephotographic reconnaissance laboratory. POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHiivti TypawrltlaiMultigraphlnaAddrtMoiraph StnrU* Mln«»iraphlB|AddraMlaaMalllnHIahatt Quality 8«rvl«« Mlalaua PrltaaAll Phones: 219 W. Chicago AvenueMl 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisPHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET-LITHOGRAPHYFine Color Work A SpecialtyQuality Book Reproduction731 Plymouth CourtWAbash 2-8182CLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6 1 40 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3-3935"Good Printing of All Descriptiont*Since 1878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholstersFurniture Repairing1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 9-7180Ashjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED I tilOriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIREDS066 Sooth Chicago Phone REgenl 4-6000Platers- SilversmithsSince 1917GOLD. SILVER. RHODIUMSILVERWARERepaired, ketinhhed, Jte/acqvererfSWARTZ & COMPANY10 S. Wabaih Ava. CEntral 6-4089-90 ChicagoA. T. STEWART LUMBER CO.Quality and ServiceSince 188879th Street at Greenwood Ave.All Phones Vincennes 6-9000E.C.A. in reverseTwo months abroad convincedPaul Parker, AM '37, Hamilton College art professor, that an E.C.A. inreverse, with American architects importing a few ideas from Italianarchitects would be all to the good."The Italians have found a wayto erect modern buildings withoutmaking them all look like boxes,"he says. "They use a lot of color,inject more imaginative lines, andadd a few balconies and shutters.The result is more interesting. Theircities become gayer, more livable."And they get results even thoughtheir basic building material is oftennothing but rubble from a previousbuilding. There's none of thatdreary sameness such as makes mostnew apartment houses in this country look alike no matter wherethey're built. Over there, cities suchi as Genoa, Florence, and Rome seemable to put up modern buildingsand yet preserve their individuality."But then," he adds, "the. settingis often better. You either have cityor country. You don't have a mutilated area of hot dog stands andbill boards in between. That helps."Parker brought home with himmore than 60 water colors that hepainted in .France, Italy, and England during a 75-day stay.FEBRUARY, 1952Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phone: BUHerfield 8-21 1 6-7-8-9Wesson's Coal Makes Good — of —Watton Do<mBLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women's HotelIn th.University of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Woman atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALLS748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave PLaza 2-3313V»..» R ><V«r^«r. OiractOfAuto Livery•Quier, unobtrusive MrviceWhen yo.u want il. Of you want IfCALL AN EMERY FIRS)Emery Drexel Livery, Inc.5516 Harper AvenueFAirfax 4-6400 "Colossal rest"An Army release brings news ofthe heavenly 13 days of "colossal restand recreation" spent by 2nd Lt.Frank Mangin, Jr., '46, on a luxury-liner tour of the Orient.Mangin, executive officer in the40th Infantry Division's military government section, returned to his posttanned, presumably rested, and filledwith stories about the trip."The tour on the plush S.S. President Wilson began at Yokohama,moved to Manila for a day, up toHong Kong for a day, to Kobe, Japan,for another day, and then back toYokohama. Included in this soldier'sparadise, was a visit to the Presidential Palace in Manila and the'Tiger Balm' Gardens in Hong Kong,and a scenic trip on the tramwaylift to the top of Victoria Peak overlooking Hong Kong."Prior to induction, Mangin wassales promoter for the Easterling Chicago. His wife, Joanne, andtheir five-month-old daughter, Margaret, reside in Wilmette, 111.1943Walter Adams is an associate professor inthe economics department at MichiganState College. He served last summer aseconomic consultant to the Senate SmallBusiness Committee.Elizabeth C. Carney writes that "after34 months in Japan, I returned to theStates last summer for three months' leave.I am now back in the Orient, this time atCamp Covite, 10 miles from Manila."Grace C. Fearing is a teacher of home-and hospital-bound children in Tampa,Fla.C. Shirley Lenhart is a teacher at MaryWashington College in Frederickburg, Va.1944Mary Lou Mcllhany, AM, is an assistantresident physician at Queens Hospital inHonolulu.1945Ida Bass, AM '49, who is a teacher at theU. of C. Orthogenic school, was married onSeptember 1, 1951 to Bruce Lalor, AM '49.David B. Gordon is an instructor anddoing research in the department of physiology at the University of Southern California.1946Milton T. Edelman is an industrial relations analyst for the Wage StabilizationBoard. He lives in Kansas City, Kans., andgoes to work in Kansas City, Mo.David Gianuzzi, AM, is a teacher in theLyons Township High School in La Grange,111.David O. Long is minister of the Christian Church in Weslaco, Texas.Marjorie Sickels Bloom informs us thathusband John, AM '50, 19-month-old daughter, Marcia, and she have moved to Lans-downe, Pa., where John is doing editorialwork with the Philco Corp., in Philadelphia.1947Joseph G. Dawson, AM, PhD '49, is coordinator of the clinical training programand director of the psychological clinic atthe University of North Carolina. His wifeis Susan Hubbell, AM '44.Edward A. George, MBA, is a Captainin the Air Force, and is stationed at theRobins Air Force base in Georgia. Alexander H. Howard, Jr., PhD '50, j,director of the Office of Visual Education,Central Washington College, in Ellensburg]Robert S. Howard is a student and teaching assistant at Northwestern University.Julius B. Kahn, SM, PhD '49, reports ona new son, Robert Steven, born June, 25,1951; a new position as assistant professorof pharmacology, University of CincinnatiCollege of Medicine; and a new address inCincinnati.Matthew H. Kulaurec is a meteorologistat the U. S. Weather Bureau, Boeing Field,Seattle, Wash.Harold J. Mills, MD, is interning at St.Joseph's Hospital in Phoenix, Ariz.Arthur G. Olson is manufacturing precision optical parts on Long Island, N. Y.Little David missed by four hours arriv-ing at the home of Edmund Piatt, JD, onthe Fourth of July, 1951. He found twobrothers: John, 3, and Philip, 2. Dad isgeneral agent of the Michigan Life homeoffice and vice president of our Detroitclub.Paul Simon resigned last fall from hispost as assistant to the chief, Scrap Ironand Steel Section, OPS, in Washington,D. C, to form his own company in Chicagoin the brokerage of ferrous and non-ferrousscrap. He has this to say about his workin these days of critical shortages: "Theimportance of scrap in the steel makingprocess is little understood by the layman.However, it can be summed up by saying-no scrap, no steel."John B. Wolff, JD '51, was married lastOctober to Muriel E. Furfey of Newton-ville. Mass. The couple is living in Chicago.1948Robert G. Bartle, SM, PhD '51, andDoris Sponenberg, AM '50, were marriedon October 6, 1951, in Johnstown, N. Y.The couple is living in New Haven whereRobert is doing mathematical research asa post-doctoral Fellow of the Atomic Energy Commission in the department ofmathematics at Yale University.James E. Carson, SM, is an assistant professor of meteorology at Rutgers University.Walter H. Ehrmann, MBA '49, is nowassistant cashier in the Pullman Trust &Savings bank in Chicago.Jack L. Ferguson is a field worker for theIllinois" Public Aid Commission. His homeis in Chicago.Gloria L. Goldman, AM, is a social workerwith the Cleveland Rehabilitation CenterPaul C. Hodges Jr., is a medical studentat Johns Hopkins University.Fred C. Ikle, AM, PhD '50, is a researdiassociate in sociology at Columbia University-Karl G. Lark is a graduate student in tMdepartment of microbiology at New YorkUniversity School of Medicine.News from Cherry Lane"The Bakers have moved again,the tenth time in five years. Nowwe are at Michigan State (East Lansing) where I am acting director ofthe Writing Improvement Serviceand where Lois is director of childdevelopment in the Baker household:chief pupil, six-months-old Pamela.We like it here because we have agrand apartment right on campus,and because the football team nowplays in the Big Ten, thanks toChicago's exit several years ago."William D. Baker, Jr., AM '48.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHenry S. Maas, PhD, a captain in theI.'. S. Army, is stationed at the LedermanHospital in San Francisco.Mildred and Sidney Mailich are in Jerusalem where they are teaching and doingresearch.Burlyn E. Michel, PhD '50, is an instructor in tlie botany department at the University of Iowa.Jack C. Moline is a radar engineer attlie Willow Run airport.1949William N. Beam, MBA, is a planningengineer with the Teletype Corp., in Chicago.Kuo ho Chang, JD, and his wife, IreneConley, '45, have been living in Paris,France, where Mr. Chang is a United Nations interpreter. The Changs will be inParis until the close of the General Assembly and then on home leave to China.William F. Conner, AM, is living in St.Louis, Mo., where he is a supervisor forBlue Cross.Robert H. Friedman is a chemist at theAnderson Cancer Foundation in Houston,Texas.E. Thomas Gumbert, MBA, is an assistant grain merchant with Cargill, Inc., inl'eoria, 111.William J. Klapproth, Jr., SM, PhD '49,reports the birth of a daughter, Sarah Ann,last May 24.Harold J. Perry, AM, is a high schoolteacher in Highland Park, 111.1950Felicia Anthenelli is a reporter for theWall St. Journal in Chicago.Colin D. Campbell, PhD, and his wife,Rosemary Garst, AM '47, are living inPueblo, Colo., where Colin is a Captain inthe U. S. Army, stationed at the ArmyOrdinance Depot.Dorothy Ellen Collins, AM, is living inTopeka, Kans., where she is a consultantat the Menninger Clinic.The marriage of Gerald R. Daly, AM,ami Cynthia S. Carey, AM '51, took placelast August 17 in the Beloit College chapel.Gerald is now in government service inWashington.Ann Collins Downey writes that "UncleSam took advantage of my reserve corpsstatus and ordered me to active service ayear ago. On Dec. 29th I reported to FortLawton, Seattle, and from there my ordersread, to fly to Yokohama, where a definiteassignment will be made." Prior to herArmy service, Ann was assistant administrator at Ryburn Hospital in Ottawa, 111.Vivian Hedwig Frauenheim, AM, is a social worker at Los Angeles CountyGeneral Hospital.Herbert Garfinkel, AM, has been associated this year with the Governmental Research Bureau at Michigan State College,and in addition carries a reduced teachingload in the political science department.Andrew S. Kende was granted a graduateassistantship in the chemistry departmentof Florida State University in Tallahassee.Harold J). McDowell, AM, is an instructor in sociology at Vanderbilt University.David B. Miller sends news that he "enlisted in the Army a year ago, and am nowgiving troop information and educationlectures to hospital personnel. Would liketo hear from U. of C. friends, as I'm prettyisolated here." (RA16363799, Enlisted Complement, U. S. Army Hospital, Ft. LeonardWood, Mo.)1951Hedley V. Cooke, PhD, is a consultantwith the ECA in Washington, D. C. Ivan M. Finkelpearl, AM, lias movedfrom Pittsburgh to Baltimore to becomea technical writer with the electronics andx-ray division of the Westinghouse ElectricCorporation.Benjamin Gordon, AM, is on active dutywth the U. S. Army.Helen Hawk, SM, is a research technicianat the Nathan Goldblatt Memorial Hospitalon campus.William J. Jans, AM, is pastor of St.Peter's Catholic Church in Pine Bluff, Ark.Vivian F. Magares, AM, is editor of thehouse organ of the Illinois Tool WorksCompany in Chicago.Abner J. Mikva, JD, and his wife, ZoritaWise, '47, AM '51, are-living in Alexandria,Va., and Abner is commuting to Washington, D. C, where he is law clerk to Mr.Justice Sherman Minton.I V tentorialAlice Judson, '03 (Mrs. Clark S. Reed),daughter of the late President Judson,passed away at the Reed home near theUniversity on October 19, 1951. The Reedswere married August 1, 1951. Clark Reedis a member of the Class of 1900.Mabel Abbott, '01, died on July 28, 1951,in Pasadena, Calif.Josef F. Nelson, AM '01, died on July 24,1951, in St. Petersburg, Fla.Frank Christian Becht, '06, PhD '09,died on August 17, 1950, in Riverside, 111.Auburn R. Nowels, '06, died September8, 1951, after a year's illness from cancer.Frank Dryzer, AM '08, a Patent Officeexaminer for 33 years, died on July 28,1951, at the age of 64. Prior to his government employment, he taught mathematicsin high schools and colleges.William W. Smith, MD '12, died on March4, 1951, in Springfield, Mo.Gladys M. Edwards, '15, died on August31, 1 951 , in Milwaukee, Wis.Donald McFayden, PhD '16, professoremeritus of history and lecturer at Washington University since 1944, died November 15, in St. Louis after a long illness. Hewas 75 years old.Alice E. Treat, '16, died on October 25,1951. in Savanna, 111.Olive Peterson Buchholz (Mrs. John T.),SM '17, was killed in an auto accident inArmington, 111., last April 23.Elbert Russell, PhD '19, dean emeritusof the Duke University School of Religion,died September 22, 1951. A professor atDuke for 19 years, he was dean of the di-•vinity school from 1928 to 1941.Nell Moorman, '20, died on June 19,1951, in Louisville, Ky.Cheng-Yang Hsu, SM '23, who was ateacher of physics, died February 17, 1951.John T. Hefley, AM '25, died on June26. 1950, in Tulsa. Okla.Robert C. Anderson, '26, died on October 6, 1951.Anna Svatik, '27, JD '29, died November28, 1951. Miss Svatik was an attorney inChicago.Edgar S. Mills, Rush MD '28, died onJune 4, 1951.Curry J. Martin, '29, died last February28, 1951, in Chicago.Stanley G. Law, MD '30, died on September 3, 1951, at the age of 49, fromcoronary thrombosis.Minor H. McFerren, '33, died on September 10. 1951. udive CleanersWe operate our own drycleaning plantTHREE HOUR SERVICE1331 East 57lh St. 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.Midway 3-0602 NOrmal 7-9858Office & Plant1442 East 57th Street Midway 3-0608Ajax Waste Paper Co.1001 W. Nortli Ave.Buyers of Waste Paper500 pounds or moreScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, CR 7-2668BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Weatern Ave.. ChicagoGolden Dirilytedarmirly Dirigold)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID — NOT PLATEDComplete sets and open stockFINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Royal Crown Derby, Spode andOther Famous Makes of Fine China. AlsoCrystal. Table Linen and Gifts.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDiriqn, Tin:.70 E. Jackson Blvd Chicago 4. III.On the job!Our volunteer speakers are saving thousands oflives today ... in factories and business offices ... atneighborhood and civic centers ... at social, fraternal and service group meetings all over this land... by showing people what they can do to protectthemselves and their families against death fromcancer.In laboratories and hospitals, from coast to coast,our volunteer dollars are supporting hundreds of research and clinical projects that will save countless more lives tomorrow.To find out what you yourself can do about cancer,or if you want us to arrange a special educationalprogram for your neighbors, fellow-workers orfriends, just telephone the American Cancer Societyoffice nearest you or address your letter to "Cancer"in care of your local Post Office. One of our volunteer or staff workers will be on the job to help you.American Cancer Society *