A ,ia:Fewell Aiddt�.Ss·· ., By Robe,r:tAcross the NileEgyptologist Charles F. Nims, PhD'37,is one of the regular staff members at Chicago House in Luxor, Egypt. Each yearhe and his wife, Myrtle, spend from October through April on the University'sLuxor campus. Among other things,Charlie handles the photography whileMyrtle is working on bookbinding.Their annual. Christmas letter to AlumniHouse has three paragraphs about a dayon the Nile that you should enjoy:"We rise about six in the morning, andare through breakfast soon after seven,ready to start the day's work. \Vhen themen go to the temple of Medinet Habu,where we are copying the inscriptions, thelaunch leaves at 7:30. The temple is onthe other side of the Nile, on the desertedge, about two and three-quarters milesfrom the river bank. One or other of thestaff is going almost every day, and I, taking photos, have the trip as a daily routineat present."The noon meal is at 12:30, tea at 5:00and dinner at 7:00. As mentioned in aprevious letter, we have common diningand living rooms, and each couple a suiteof two rooms and bath. Between tea anddinner is usually clean up time; the menget hot and dirty during the day, so it isarranged to have hot water then."For recreation we listen to the radiosomewhat, read quite a bit, and play gamestogether a little. When there are guests inthe house for a short while, we enjoyspending evenings talking to them. If allthe Egyptologists who have written us thatthey are coming to Luxor this winter werepresent at the same time, we could hold anin terna tional conference."Down the Sao FranciscoMany of you will remember DonaldPierson, AM '33, PhD '39, who was nightdesk man at the Reynolds Club during hisyears on the quadrangles, and his attractive wife, Helen, who cashiered at theCoffee Shop during the same period. They have been in Brazil for years whereDon has numerous important responsibilities including the head of the Escola Livrede Sociologia e Politica of the Universityof Sao Paulo.Helen wrote her annual Christmas letterwhich we will share, in part, with you:"This photograph is one of the manywhich Donald brought back from a tripdown the valley of the Sao Francisco during May and June of this year on a surveyof the region. With him were two youngBrazilian research assistants. They travelledon the river for approximately 1400 miles,by sail boat, canoe, stern-wheeler, and motor launch, besides making several sidetrips by truck, old Ford car, and on horseback."Once, when they. wished to visit a certain town, and there was no other way toget there, they arranged with the ValleyMalarial Service for a special flight in aBeechcraft plane <and landed on a smoothspot in a pasture."The Sao Francisco river passes throughor along the borders of five states. Formore than three centuries it has been animportant means of linking northeasternBrasil with the south."The federal government is now building a hydroelectric plant at the PauloOffonso Falls and also has under way sanitation, health and education projects inthe Valley. Donald and his assistants weregathering information preparatory to selecting one or more communities for detailed study in the future, if time andfunds permit."The glasses pried quartersEach December, Dexter Fairbank, Jr.'35, President of our Portland, Oregon,Club and an officer in the Ralph AngellLumber Company, sends us a copy of hisbreezy, two-page Christmas letter which hesubstitutes for greeting cards among hismany friends.Some of you may remember that oneyear we published the entire letter. Wedare not do this every year for fear Dexwill get the idea he should be paid as aregular columnist so· we'll give you onlythe last paragraph which tells about Dexhimself-for the benefit of his many classmates of '35:"As for me, my biggest change has beenSunset on the Sao Francisco in the style of my glasses. I've sWitcl:edfrom the thinker or accounting type (rOll'less) to a more dashing executive stylewhich lend themselves to constant removaland can also be used to pry up quartersglued to the sidewalk ..."Otherwise I'm staying about the same:my weight stays constant and my hair staysin my comb. I was active in a small ,�'a'yduring the election in support of cn?lRights Ordinance which to my chagr!"was defeated."I had to do with a dinner for the Uni·versity of Chicago Alumni in Portland, andI made a flying trip through the Lak.eStates in an effort to drum up some buSI'ness. During the spring and slimmer Iparticipated in the mad scramble for lu!11-ber, and in the fall I regretted it. I playe�1my annual golf game, watched a tenniSmatch, read a book and chased small boYSout of our fish pond. ... "�1 e leave togetherAt the December Convocation, followingthe announcement of his resignation,Chancellor Hutchins said: "We leave heretoday together. \Ve shall remember in th.edays to come, that whatever good there I,�in us, we owe partly to having been here.Occupational hazardMrs. Martha Singleton, in charge of tbebaby-sitting service in the Personnel Office,has taken a leave of absence. She's expect·ing a baby.Hoosier alumniThe following alumni met for dinner atthe Keenan Hotel in Fort 'Vayne, Indianain mid-December to discuss plans for or'ganizing a Chicago Cl u b to sponsor IImeeting in February: .John E. Bex, 41, purchasing agent fOlCentral Soya Company, and wife JeanneScharbau, '42; 'Catheri,;e j\1. Broderick, '38,director of social studies in the publiCschools; John P. Dinklage, '34, with tbeVeterans Administration; Frank D. Engler,.TD '40, working in an advisory capacitYwith some of the Fort 'Vavne milk c0111-panies (as we understand it);Frank A. Higgins, '45, JD '49, with theO'Rourke" insurance agency, one of th�largest in the country; Mrs. Audre)Saunders Oliphant, '38; Mr. and Mrs .[ames AI. Shellow, '48; xr.. and 1\1rs. RalphD. Spencer, MBA '48, wage and salary administrator, Magnavox Company; al�dLeona Zweig, l\1AB '50, business teacher 111South Side High School.John Bex was elected chairman of thec?l11mittee. A program of student promouon for the College was also discussed atthe meeting.Incidental informationfour of the five members of the Trusteecommittee to select a new Chancellor arealumni: Laird Bell, JD'07; Harold JI.Swift, '07; Henry F. Tenney, '13, JD'15; andHoward Goodman, '21. And two of themem bers of the facul ty commi ttee holdChicago degrees: Napier Wilt, Ai\I'21,PhD'23, and Leonard D. ivnue, PhD'21.Pi Lambda' Phi, after going off camp�ISand liquidating assets, came out $975 111the black. This was turned over to theUniversity to help future students in th�General University Loan Fund. Thus PILambda Phi remains on campus.Chancellor Hutchins gave his farewelladdress to the students at the Chapel allFebruary 2nd. -H. W. M·[ efetteraA third wasted?:VIany of us have the vague feeling�here Was something amiss with the exist�n� I.Q. tests. and now we know. ThisdiSCovery" should knock the complacencyOllt of our middle-class school system. Jsh I enjoy your magazine immensely, ort ould I say "our." It furnishes intelleclIal stimulation which some of the oldand tired grads need. May vou endure andnlllltiply your pages. JSidney J. Rosenberg, '27ChicalZo IllinoisP �,.S. :VI ust you devote a third of your val�able space to the.. goings-on of grads?. {list I callously add, who cares? I don'tI'efer to those of special special interest.A call for helpt �el_p! Help! Can't somebody do somel��ng� I have just read in the Jan. 1,:)1, issue of "Time" Magazine thatfhancellor Hutchins is leaving the U of COr the Ford Foundation.D While it is entirely to be expected thatb 1', Hutchins' counsel and guidan<;:e shouldFe sought for so worthy a project as theh ollndation, it just doesn't seem right thatDe �hou.ld be severing connections :vith the�ll'ersity. They have lend-lease Ideas forbt ier purposes=cculdn't something similare '\-orked out in this case? I wish so!tu _ Rachel E. Anderson, '39.Ii-abeth, X. i.A kind wordn I Want to tell YOU that- the Universityl"agazine is the best thing of its sort thatt know of. It certainly keeps one hustlingo keep up with it.Ch' G. George Fox, '04, Al\'[ '15.lCago, IllinoisAn extra copytl COUld YOll send me an extra copy of\;e December magazine immediately? IdO�ld like to take it with me on my trip,h urll)g the holidays , .. and my own copye as not come as yet. You will be intera�ted t,o know that- Lrook all my last year'sI Ulllni mags to England last summer anda�ft them wi th some of my scholar friendsI), Cambridge. They were very much imlessed�lJ' Sophie V. Cheskie, '30, �1BA '46.19h1and Park, Michigan'the public's tastehe� especially enjoy articles by Dr. Bettelli Inl and all the talks or writings of Dr.tltchins.St Robert A. "-alker '34, PhD '40.Qnford, Cal.�lease be daringtIl I hope that the guiding lights [the £ac-11 tY-trustee committee which will select ai;w Chancellor] will exhibit the same darw g, progressive outlook and good sense asl{� manifest in the group that selected1I, 10 these man" years ago.Robert F. Shaw«; 1e and) Ohio Volume 43 February, 1951 Number 5PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONManaging EditorHOWARD W. MORT Editor-in-chiefLAURA BERGQUIST Associate EditorANN COLLARContributi ng EditorsJeannette Lowrey Robert M. StrozierStaff Photographer-Steve LewellynIN THIS ISSUEMEMO PAD _ ; Inside Front CoverLETTERSFRONTISPIECE, Acrobatic Adagio -. . . . . . . . . .. 2A FAREWELL ADDRESS, Robert Maynard Hutchins. . . . . . . . . .. 3HAZARDS IN WRITING HISTORY, Louis Gottschalk. . . . . . . . . .. 6SNAKECHARMER, David Broder _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12LIFE Is My LABORATORY, Kermit EbyA MYTH RESIGNS, Jeannette Lowrey. ................... 14................... 18CAMPUS CRISES, Robert Strozier _. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20,DES MOINES IN DECEMBER............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22FEBRUARY CALENDAR 25CLASS News 26COVER: The occasion was a momentous one, the lastBoard of Trustees dinner which Mr. Hutchins would attend as Chancellor of the University. Before his movingand eloquent farewell address (see page 3), he chattedinformally with his faculty-here with Dean Edward Leviof the Law School. Some 800 trustees and faculty members attended the dinner, held at the South Shore Country Club on January 10, 1951.(Cover and photographs on page 5, 13 and 14 b y SteveLewellyn. The cartoons on pages 6, 7, 8., 10 and 11 areby Cissie Liebsh.ut z, '46).Published monthly, October through June, by The University of Chicago Alumni Association, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price, $3.00. Singlecopies, 35 oents. Student price at University of Chicago Bookstore, 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois under the act ofMarch 3, 1879. Advertising agent, The American' Alumni Council, B. A. Ross, director, 22Washington Square, New York. N. Y.ACROBATIC ADAGIOIJack Crosby, college student, supports a guest member ofAcrotheater while Allison Cate, daughter of Professor JamesCate, and Leo Lightneer watch. The scene is Bartlett Gymwhere Coach Bud Beyer teaches his group of about fifty enthusiastic students the tricks of tumbling, gymnastics andadagio. Currently Acrotheater is readying its annual show forproduction, and "Midnight Fantasy," will be given on campusearly in April. Acrotheater is one of the few groups in thecountry which combine the various skills into a single theatricalunit; an earlier show attracted national attention in a Lifearticle.A Faretoell AddressBy Robert NI aynard HutchinsI HOPE YOU will forgive me ifon .this occasion I do not attemptthe elegiac strain appropriate to afarewell address. As you have discovered, I am deeply sentimentalabout you and the University. WhenI become emotional, I cannot speak,and custom requires me to make asPeech. Instead of trying to tell youwhat I think about the years we havespent together, I should like to looktoward the future of the University,which I can discuss more impersonally than I can the past.The dedicated community'The question before us is what ithas always been: can the Universitybecome a dedicated community? Thedifficulties are what they have alwaysbeen. For example, it is hard to seehow vocational schools can be included in a dedicated community andhow vocational schools differ fromprofessional schools. It is hard to?gure out how men who are collectIng data or attempting to solve immediate practical problems can bePart of the same. community as menwho are engaged in the formulation01' reinterpretation of basic ideas.'The greatest difficulty of all resultsfrom the extreme specialization ofOUr day. Although we know thatmedicine, theology, and law onceshared the same dedication in the�arne community, we find it almostImpossible to believe that the studentof wild cells can have much in common with the man working "on the�ederal income tax or that either canaVe much to say to one who is reflecting on the difference betweenPredestination and foreordination.FEBRUARY 1951, "It is the glory of the University of Chicago that, SInce its foundation, in war and peace, in good times and bad, while chiefexecutive officers have come and gone, it has had a sense ofmission. It has stood for something.""Knots of specialists"In the absence of a common liberal training, which is supplied onlyby the College of the University ofChicago and one or two very smallcolleges, the members of a universityfaculty must necessarily group themselves into knots of specialists, themembers of which understand oneanother's ideas and techniques butpretend to little comprehension of orinterest in those of anybody else.The present grouping of the faculty of the University of Chicago is ofthis order. The organization of theUniversity into divisions and schoolsis better than the departmental organization that preceded it. But wedo not yet know how to bridge thegaps between divisions and schools.Nor can we say that the formal structure of a division, however effective itmay be for administrative purposes,necessarily reflects any internal unityamong the departments that make upthe division. All we know is that theorganization does not interefere, asthe old departmental organizationdid, with the development of suchunity.As the College goes on from yearto year producing more alumni, andas it is imitated by more and morecolleges, we may expect eventually tohave a faculty that has laid the basisof its community in the common liberal education of its members. Thiswill not solve the problems I have referred to, but it will make . .it easier tosolve them, for the faculty will, atleast be able to understand these problems and will be able, if it wishes, todiscuss them. 111 oral failureMy administration has ended without any notable progress being madetoward the creation of a dedicatedcommunity. My failure has been amoral failure. I have not consistentlyand energetically attacked these problems, and I have not insisted thatothers do so. The minutes of theCouncil of the University Senate suggest that if we are a community atall it is because we live in the sameplace, are employed by the sameboard of trustees, .use the same telephone system, and draw our pay,which is not high enough, from thesame fund.I am not complaining of the Council; I am complaining of myself. Ishould have provided the leadershipthat the Council was entitled to demand of me. I should have said that,though the Council might talk aboutanything, its discussion of financialand managerial matters, which arethe province of the Board and theadministration, could at best be irresponsible and that irresponsible discussion of other people's businessshould not take the place of responsible discussion of the faculty's business, which is the educational andscholarly program of the University.Money and related mattersI have roused myself from mylethargy two or three times a year tosay that these problems ought to beattacked, and then I have gone backto greeting visiting foreigners, raisingmoney, filling social engagements, andattending meetings on matters of noimportance. Having exhausted my-3self doing things that I should nothave done, I have said that I was tooexhausted to do the things. that Iought to have done. And I must confess to myself at the last that thereason why I did what I ought not'to have done was that it was mucheasier than what I ought to havedone.What I should have done was tothink about the purpose of the University and how it could be achieved.I should have refused to entanglemyself in anything that interferedwith this. But thinking is an arduous and painful process, and thinking about education is particularlydisagreeable; for education is a secondary or dependent subject. Youcannot think about education unlessyou are prepared to think about theology, metaphysics, psychology, ethics,and politics. What you think abouteducation depends on your assumptions about the nature of man andof human society. Since people do notlike to examine their unexamined assumptions, educational discussion usually proceeds at cross purposes anddegenerates into arguments abouttrivial details, like the various aspectsof academic housekeeping.World of dreamsYou will say that I am living in aworld of dreams, that everybodyknows that the primary responsibilityof the head of a university is to raisemoney and promote public relations.I say that this is what is wrong withthe higher learning in America andthat it is time somebody did somethingabout it. I say that the primary responsibility of the head of a university is to lead the attack on its intellectual problems. If he does not dothis, it will not be done. And if it isnot done, the University may getmoney, but it will be none the betterfor it. It may have resplendent public relations, but they will be littlebut fakery.The only problems that money cansolve are financial problems, and theseare not the crucial problems of highereducation. Money is no substitute forideas. We see on every hand institutions that demonstrate the fallacy ofeconomic determinism in education.They are very large, very prosperous-and completely meaningless.4 Money vs. programThe University of Chicago can use,and it ought to have, much moremoney than it has today. But it musthave that money for its program, andits program is more important thanthe money; for if the money is to doany good, it must be attracted by theprogram. The development of theprogram is the responsibility of theChancellor; the trustees, together withofficers appointed for the purpose,must assume the responsibility forraising the money. If they say thatbecause the Chancellor wants it hemust raise it, the result will be somevery rich endowments and a verypoor university.It is the program of the University,too, that must determine the' publicrelations activities that in our timeinevitably accompany any effort toraise money. The object of publicrelations is to interpret the Universityas it is and as it wants to be so thatthe public will understand and believe in it. It is not the aim to remold the University so that the public will like it.Hazards of public relationsThe most dangerous aspect of public relations work is its reflex action:we find that the public does not likesomething about the University; ourtemptation is to change this so thatthe public will like us. Our duty isto change public opinion so that thepublic will like what the Universitydoes, and, if this cannot be immediately accomplished, to hold outagainst the public until it can be.Public relations work in a universityis a phase 'Of its efforts in adult education.The preoccupation of the Board ofTrustees with money is natural (andnecessary, for the principal functionof the Board is to preserve and develop the University's funds. But the. faculty is preoccupied with money,too, which suggests that, whether ornot we have a community, we havenot a dedicated one. I do not attribute this to sordid interests on thepart of the faculty. I ascribe it to thefailure of the leadership of the University to direct the attention of thefaculty to objects worthy of it and tothe resulting absence of any othercommon concern when the faculty assembles. I must also allot a large share 01 Ithe blame to my failure to insist uponsacrifice as an element in dedicatioJl.While attacking the materialism of theage, I have succumbed to it and haveled the faculty to suppose that all t?elegitimate ambitions of the UniverSItywould be achieved if the faculty hadhigher salaries and better living co!1'ditions. I do believe that the facultyshould have higher salaries and bet·ter living conditions. But these thingshave little to do with dedication, andundue emphasis upon these thingsmay tend to thwart the creation of adedicated community. I should haveheld before the University the visioJlof a cause. Instead I offered bread,and I promised cake.Fulfilment through participatiOl�What this university could offer,and what it does offer to a greaterextent than any other, is fulfilmentthrough participation. What oth{)�universities offer, even the best athem, is fulfilment through being Ie�talone. This is, in fact, what acadernl�freedom in the conventional view �it seems to mean. But being le talone is a very poor and primitivedefinition of freedom of any kind,and, as applied to academic freedoVJl,will be found quite inadequate ,toprotect the University in the grtJ11struggle to maintain its independenCethat the coming years will bring. Ourproblem is not merely to work out al1adequate definition of academic free'dom, but to induce people to careabout it,This is an undertaking of the firs:magnitude. We do not need to lOafbeyond the regents and trustees 0great universities to see that the ,11'0;tion of academic freedom as a rlghthat ra professor has to be left al.o.�:because he is a professor makes httappeal to the imagination of our pe�'ple, But the conception of a dedI'cated community, which must be freebecause its purpose is independ�n�thought, and the members of whlC·•. a-reach fulfilment through partlC1P. . . hi , benon III rt=-t IS conception canmade intelligible, and because it c2li1:1be made intelligible it can be de'fended. Its value can eventually beconceded even by people who ha��no conscious desire to think indepenently or to reach fulfilment of anYsort.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINe. I asked the mimster of education�n a European country what wouldappen if he exercised his· legalPOWers and appointed a professorwhorn the faculty regarded as incomPetent. He said that his governmentwould fall; the people would nots�and for it. If this is so, the populatIon of that country has attained anunderstanding of the purpose and��lue of universities that is missing in11gh and authoritative academic cirC es- in America."The fault lies "f I believe that the principal reasonOr the difference in popular under��an?ing in that country and in thist�S In the conduct of the universitiesh' ernselves. In the past week theIgher learning has hit the frontPages of the Los Angeles papers ontwo occasions. You will not be surP�ised to learn that both stories werea ,out football and that both dealt�lth the fiscal aspects of that industry.careful scrutiny of the press of thisCOUntry would lead the impartialreader to conclude that the universi- ties of the United States were athletic establishments, social clubs, andvocational schools, with a few geniuses unaccountably splitting atomsand curing cancer on the side. Withdue regard for the peculiarities of theAmerican press and for the difficultiesof interesting such a press in anythingserious or important, the' universitiesmust grant that the reason why thepress presents them in this way is thatthis is the way they are. If this isthe way they are, there is no reasonwhy anybody should be concernedabout supporting them and none whythey should have any special claim tofreedom.Crisis of civilizationAnd yet we have to go back to thefall of the Roman Empire to find acrisis that can be compared to thatthrough which civilization is nowpassing. Our fate depends far moreupon our ability to mobilize theforces of reason, sanity, and justicethan it does upon the military powerthat we can bring to bear. In fact oneof the principal signs of our moral and intellectual incapacity is our belief that we can avert the catastropheby military power alone. Many factors play their part in the moral andintellectual weakness of America, butnot the least among them is that theuniversities have declined the responsibili ty of moral and in tellectualleadership and have not offered ourfellow-countrymen the inspirationthat the example of a dedicated community would supply.I t is the glory of the University ofChicago that, since its foundation, inwar and peace, in good times and bad,while chief executive officers havecome and gone; it has had a sense ofits mission. It has had an idea, a purpose. It has stood for something. Theancient Hebrews sent a goat into thedesert once a year, who carried awaywith him the sins of the people. As Iwander off into the wilderness, I carry with me the accumulated sins oftwenty years, not your sins, but myown. With this burden gone, theUniversity of Chicago will press forward in its historic task of buildinga model for other universities and alighthouse for the world.F acuIty and Trustees give Chancellor Hutchins a rising ovation before he begins his farewell address at the South Shore Country Club.FEBRUARY 1951. , 5A WIsechronicles and witty expertsome of the ...Hazards In Writing HistoryBy Louis Gottschalkii'4;iPAT, 'times of national crisis, suchas ;1Irrhitute, why the Nazis claimed awar or periods of post-war 'f°e::- ,'[,�:piedominant German influence inadjustment, historians are likely to America for the good and a predomifind themselves under pressure to sen- nant Jewish influence in Germany fortimentalize the story of their coun- the bad, and why the Stalinists havetry's development-if necessary, with resurrected some significant Russiansome disregard of the truth. heroes.Theteaching of history can indeed ' .Dictators and the cruder variety ofbe used for the training of loyal citi-zens if the story of one's country is democratic politicians prefer to thinktruly one of which the patriot can be of history not as a branch of knowlproud or if it can be so modified and edge with its own method of attainingmanipulated as to make it seem ele- verisimilitude but as a means towardvating. That, at least in part, explains achieving that brand of patriotismwhy Napoleon Bonaparte preferred to that can be based upon an uncriticalsuppress the "moral sciences" in the examination of their country's history. Heyday of Big BillUpon .the close of the First WorldWar, the ancient controversy sharplydivided American historians from politicians, with a citizen of Chicagoamong the chief antagonists of eachschool. Andrew C. McLaughlin, ofwhom perhaps Mayor William HaleThompson had rarely heard, waSamong those attacked for their interpretation of American history by thevery audible mayor, whom or' ofwhom everybody had heard. The issue was whether our schoolbooks weresufficiently pat rio tic. "Big Bill"Thompson, who apparently had onlyrecently learned of King George IIIof England, wanted to "poke him inthe nose," and complained to all andsundry because the textbooks used inour secondary schools painted his erstwhile majesty as possessed of almosthuman attributes.In those days of Lusk "loyalty"committees, Palmer "Red" raids, anddaily prognostications of Soviet RuSsia's collapse, it was no hard task forThompson to win followers; and historians who wrote telling essays decrying certain types of patriotism as thelast refuge of scoundrels had to becontent with holding each other'Shands. Textbooks written in the nextdecade or so were sometimes revisedat the suggestion of publishers inorder to avoid the displeasure of patrioteers on the school boards of o_urmajor cities.Black and brown '30'sAs war hysteria and the Red scaresubsided; academic detachment waSallowed to creep back into our schoolbooks, All would have gone well, andhistory might have descended to at]all too natural level of gravediggirigfor the idly curious, had it not beenfor the Black and Brown scares thatin the 1930's came to replace thepanic of the twenties. Some very serious and scholarly gentlemen thenbegan to feel that pure historicalscholarship was a danger. It enabledhistorians in a democracy, who werefree, to dig up the dirt around theirgreat national heroes at the very mOment when any unpleasant trut�Sabout the great figures of the totahtarian states were being most carefuIlysuppressed. It made a reverential attitude toward the ideals and the ideal-6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEists of the democratic past seem outmoded at the very time that democracy was most in need of idealism inits struggle against the forces of totalitarianism.Learned articles eloquently urgedthat historians respect the odor ofsanctity that surrounds our great men.They deplored the modern textbook'stendency to be silent regarding thenoble declarations of which our wise�ncestors are said to have calmly dehVered themselves at the most crucialmO!hents of our past. This campaignfor a national mythology was joinedby several competent journalists. Theyrecognized the danger of misrepresentation, but they felt that the riskmUst be run..Tl7hat is patriotic?Nevertheless, patriotism as a norm�or the evaluation of historical writIngs must always be suspect to thec ..ntIcal reader. That is not only be-cause there is small likelihood ofagreement among equally convincedPatriots regarding what is patriotic.Catholic martyrs, for example, aret�ot likely to appear equally holy torotestants; German heroes may ap�ear s�mewhat less than heroic torenchmen; Republican titans appeart? Democrats to be of fairly averagesize; and there is frequently legitimate�round for dispute as to whose nationals first made some important inVention. It is also due to the fact thatof the making of saints there can beno end. 'An example of how ardor may lead�ven an in telligen t and critical writerInhto error appeared in an editorial int e Chicago Daily News in the midstof a recent journalistic campaign for� !hore patriotic American history.he writer, anxious to show that his-�EBRUARY 1951, Some heros were publicity houndstorians have been over-iconoclastic,maintained that it was perfectly possible for Washington,·· while crossingthe ice-filled Delaware in an overcrowded rowboat, to have stood upand grasped the American flag, as the.well - k now n portrait of EmanuelLeutze shows him doing.The argument is an excellent one,but it is beside the point. The reasonfor questioning the historicity ofLeutze's picture is not that Washington is shown standing up. Skepticismarises rather from the fact that theflag he is pictured clutching in hisprotecting hand is the Stars andStripes, which was adopted by Congress as the flag of the United Statesonly on June 4, 1777, and probablywas not in use before that date. Inother words, Maestro Leutze, hadbeen not only patriotic but also anachronistic. To assign patriotism aplace superior to historical truth maybe a becoming gradation of virtuesin a painter and even in a journalist,but not in the historian qua historian.Don't gild clay feetIn all fairness to the patriotic company, it should be pointed out that they were concerned more with theproblem of adolescent education thanwith research. Yet even iri adolescenteducation, when the truth can be determined by historical methods, perhaps it should be presented unvarnished. A patriotism which rests 011historical legends cannot be a lastingpatriotism. No patriot serves his country well who hides the clay feet of hiscountry's idols beneath layers of gilt.I t is far wiser to let children see theclay, the better to appreciate the fewpieces of Parian marble and genuinegold that the idols may contain. Thechildren would be less likely ever tobecome disillusioned, as did the generation of whose indifference to ournational myths these critics complained.A better and more lasting patriotism can be inculcated by a frankand unabashed preaching of democratic ideals as a faith. Few think anythe less of Judaism because Moseskilled a man; or of Catholicism because Augustine was a sinner in hisyounger days; or of Protestantism because Calvin had Servetus burned atthe stake. If we hold with religiousfervor to our democratic ideals of lib-7Not that historians disagree, buterty of expression, equality of opportunity, and tolerance of others' creedsand opinions, what difference will itmake that some of democracy's heroeswere land-grabbers, job-hunters, andpublicity hounds? Our ideals, not aseries of frail mortals, ought to beheld up to our school children as thefoundation of our national creed. Theproblem is a pedagogical, not a research problem.A rt or science?Yet faith is not altogether alien tohistory. In his presidential address tothe American Historical Associationin 1933, which he entitled "WrittenHistory as an Act of Faith," CharlesA. Beard maintained that they complement each other. History is, to besure, scientific in method; millions ofhistorical facts can be established asconvincingly for laymen and expertsalike as that two and two make fouror that hydrogen and oxygen mixed incertain proportions under certain conditions 'make water.There can be no doubt for example,that on a day conveniently labeled"October 12, 1492," a group of sailorscaptained by a man known in Englishas "Christopher Columbus" landedon an island which was apparentlythe one now called "Watling Island."The truth of that event is proved bya series of documents so carefullytested for authenticity and credibilitythat, until more authentic and moremore credible documents are discov-8 ered which would call it in question,the historian considers it a fact, ormore accurately a series of facts, andthe layman doubts it no more than hedoes the multiplication table. Thereare a myriad of similar facts equallyscientifically established for both historians and layman. They are the unfinished materials of history.Making such unfinished materialsinto a book, however, requires thatthey be selected, arranged, and described or narrated. These processeswe have called historiography andhave distinguished from analyticalhistorical method. Historical methodis, within limits, scientific-i.e., its results are subject to verification and tointelligent agreement or disagreementamong the experts. Historiography ismore likely to be art, philosophy, polemic, propaganda, or special pleading. Sometimes the historian is consciouslya pointer of morals; sometimeshe is unconsciously so. It is when heis unaware that he has a philosophy,or more particularly when he thinkshe has a philosophy which in fact hedoes not have, that heis dangerous.No 100% detachmentAn intellectually honest writer whorealizes that he is a liberal or conservative, Protestant or Catholic,American or German, white or black,middle-class or proletarian, either canlean over backward against his predilections in order to achieve a greaterdegree of impartiality or can inform his readers of his predilections so thatthey may be forewarned against thertl-'-{)r, preferably, he can do both. 'fhewriter who thinks he has no philos�'phy of history or who believes he isdetached is self-deceived, unless he ismore than human, and therefo�e.more likely to deceive others than ifhe were deliberately lying.Whenever historians defend the sci,entific objectivity of history, they aremost likely to have in mind the his'torian's ability to prove single factSor sequences of fact. Unless they in'sist that their own interpretations arethe only' possible correct ones, theycannot maintain that there can bemuch more than a sweet reasonable·ness in their evaluation, selection, ern'phasis, and arrangement of those factSor sequences. The amazing thing,since so many variables enter into hi:'torical judgments, is not that histofl'ans disagree but that they agree asoften as they do.A code of ethicsFor the very reason that there areso many variables in the presentatioIlof historical data, truth ceases to bethe only criterion for judgintg thevalue of historical writings. Second oIla list of norms for their evaluationswould come the intelligence of thewriter's philosophical principles. 'fhehistorian cannot avoid, and thereforeit is better that he should be openlycommitted to, some philosophy andsome code of ethics. He should knoWwhether he is a materialist or an ideal·ist, a liberal or a conservative, are'ligious skeptic or a devotee, a believ�rin the progress or in the imperfect1'bility of mankind, in the psychoanil:1ytic or the technological, the geO'graphical or the climatological, t�eepistemological or the providentialtheory of historical interpretation, orin any combination or permutationof these philosophical and ethicalprinciples, and many more like thern·Furthermore, the historian who haSno philosophical or ethical principleshas no criteria for measuring changeor continuity and therefore cannotjudge development, rise, fall, growt?'stagnation, decay, fertility, or stefll·ity.Without such judgments historicalwriting cannot be good narrative ordescription, which are the essence ofhistory. Where there is no sense of de'THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEvelopmen t, there can be a cataloguingof details in chronological order or�nder some logical system of subheadIngs, but there cannot be presenteda running story of genesis, growth,stability, stagnation, or decay. And totell whether things grow or decay, ormerely continue or recur withoutgrowing or decaying, one must haveSome idea of what growth is. Thatmeans a philosophy of ends and astandard of good and bad.Gibbon had standardsThe greatest historians of the pasthad such philosophies and standards.1'hucydides, Tacitus, Voltaire, Gibb�n, Macaulay, wrote for a purposeWIth definite standards of judgment.1'0 evaluate their standards, one musthave standards of one's own. Onecannot say that their standards areobjectively true or false; one can onlySay that they appeal as intelligent or�nintelligent, appear right or wrongIn the light of one's own criteria. Ins�ort, not only to write history thatWIll be more than a mere cataloguingo� facts but also in order to judge thehIstorical writings of others intelligently, the historian needs some philosophical and ethical rules.There will presumably be vast roomfor differences of . opinion regardingthe intelligence of these rules. Moreo�er, that room does not necessarilydIminish with the more extensivereading of historical classics. Justice,truth, beauty, godliness, generosity,tolerance, optimism, progress, philanth:opy, liberty, equality, peace, patrihbsrn, good sportsmanship, efficiency,ealth, law and order-all these maybe intelligent philosophical and ethic�l principles and have been chamPIoned by some historians at somet'llhe in the past. They are not, how-eVer, either exhaustive of all intelligent criteria or necessarily mutuallyconsis ten t.Besides, historians occasionallyhave championed tolerance intoler�?tly, philanthropy with misarithropicltterness, equality with an unconCe.aled sense of superiority, and oftenWIth a monistic emphasis which alone:V0uld lead their readers to skepticism,JUst as philosophers, in the words ofo 'hne of them, occasionally have lovedt e world in order to avoid loving�heir neighbors. Assuredly less like liood exists that historians will agree�egarding their philosophical and ethIcal principles than regarding theFEBRUARY 1951, truth of the materials which they mustinterpret in the light of these principles. Until the far-distant era ofphilosophical harmony, historiansmust be tolerant of one another, asking only that their principles be nottoo conspicuously of transient value,too obviously ad hoc, too patently forulterior motives.Follow any rules?Mutual tolerance. may seem likepassively marking time in the presenceof horrible danger to the historians'social and intellectual values. Butthose who clamor loudly for morevigorous measures and greater unityof purpose among the historians seemABOUT THE AUTHORProfessor Gottschalk came tothe University as an AssociateProfessor of History in 1927, sixyears after he received his Ph.D.from Cornell. In that year healso published "Jean PaulM arat", the first of his manybooks on the history of 18thcentury France. In '29 he published "The Era of the FrenchRevolution," and his later booksinclude three on Lafayette.Gottschalk served as Chairman of the Department of History from '37 to '42, and hascontinued to publish books andarticles. This is a chapter fromhis most recent book, "Understanding History", published byAlfred Knopf. Of it, Dumas Malone, Professor of History at Columbia University,said in a New York Times review: "This wise and wittybook is commended to anybodywho would like to understandhistory better, whether he be amature scholar or a beginner, awriter or a reader ..."Like most of his professionalbrethren, (Gottschalk) declinesto accept oversimplified explanations such as the Marxian.The problem of causation is stillunsolved ..."He sums matters up by saying that historical analogies giveus clues to possible rather thanprobable behavior, and enableus to anticipate rather than predict . to take precaution ratherthan to control. Within theselimits, history can be helpful,and for this reason the study ofit is specially recommended tostatesmen." unlikely to be able to propose a set ofprinciples upon which all can agree.Faith in the ultimate triumphs ofliberty and respect for democracy'smartyrs would seem to be axiomaticfor the historians of the West, but thehistorians of totalitarian states wouldconsider such a faith simple, shallow,and time-serving. They, like the historians of the Middle Ages, have adistinct advantage over the rest of us;their ethical and philosophical principles are dictated for them, and toadmit of any others or to question thevalidity of those dictated is heresy.They have unity of purpose, yet itcannot be said that they have writtenbetter books than the historians of thedemocracies. Perhaps the explanationof that paradox is that philosophicalprinciples ought not to be learned byrote but ought to be derived fromand to coincide with one's experience.If Augustine wrote more influentialbooks than the naive historian AgnelIus, though their underlying philosophies were similar, perhaps it was insome part because Augustine acquiredhis philosophy and Agnellus had histhrust upon him-or at best was born[0 it and accepted it without reflection.Literary styleIt must also be pointed out that Augustine knew how to write better thanAgnellus. And that raises the question of literary merit in historical writing. Well-meaning critics have written some deserved tirades against thepedestrian style of academic historians. The elephantine pace of many ahistorian's prose is often a direct outcome of a straining for accuracy ofdetail and precision of the whole atthe express sacrifice of felicity. Commendable though such a deliberatechoice may sometimes be, it is frequently doubtful whether it is justifiable. For the very dullness of stylemay in itself be a means of creatingmisapprehension. It is not easy to conceive of a historical episode that wasnot intensely interesting to someone,even when-like exile, imprisonment,illness, or monotonous labor-it mighthave had its full quota of boredom,perhaps for the same person. To represent historical episodes with a uniform dullness is thus, at least in part,to misrepresent them.In fact, the historian who writes uninterestingly is to that extent a bad historian. He is professionally under obli-9gation to describe, along with the ordinary, the most . exciting events of thewhole world's past and to re-createtheir atmosphere. If his account of abattle reads like a gunsmith's catalogue, if his tale of a hero's romancesounds. like a license clerk's register, heis failing to reconstruct the proper atmosphere. Too many so-called historybooks succeed in bogging down battles, romances, discoveries, revolutions,frontier struggles, booms and depressions, industrial conflicts, intellectualtriumphs, and national rejoicings inthe same slough of uninspired verbiage. Even monotony and boredomcan be eloquently described, and it isdoubtful that a drab description ofthem-especially when the drabnessis unintentional-would be moretruthful than an eloquent one.I t is probably true that those whoseobservations are memorialized in dictionaries of quotations seldom havehad to work with bibliographies, reference works, archives, collections ofdocuments, stacks of notes, and crossreferences. They have probably seldom had to bear the burden of the injunction to commit themselves definitely to no statement that was notsupported by the independent testimony of two reliable witnesses orotherwise confirmed. Their imagination and their talents for self-expression have probably rarely beencramped by a due regard for footnotesand the canons of historical method.It must be admitted that a properrespect for historical accuracy mayact as a checkrein upon the spiritedpen. But the critics of the academichistorian's style do not expect him towrite like Voltaire, Schiller, Macaulay, or Henry Adams. They want himmerely to write simply, to avoid irrelevancies and pedantries, and toknow enough about style to permithis prose to be a vehicle for, ratherthan an impediment to, the intrinsicinterest of the things he tells.Must know lifeThis kind of style can be learned.It is partly a result of effort-of writing, revising, and rewriting-s-andpartly a result of growing up. A comparison of the early with the laterwritings of many historians now generally conceded to be good stylistswould seem to demonstrate the tellingrole of mere industry and experiencein the improvement of literary quality. Stylistic skill can be learned by10 continued. application, and accumulative experience gives greater understanding of human behavior.History is life; he who has notlived, or has lived only enough towrite a doctoral dissertation, is too inexperienced with life to write goodhistory. He knows too little of the motives and associations of human beings, of love, hate, war, peace, inflation, ambition, sacrifice, suffering,fear, poverty, prosperity, revolution,propaganda, intolerance, boredom,frustration, and struggle to transferhis experience to paper. For the historian is different from the reader ofnovels. Instead of living vicariouslythe lives of his characters, to .a largeextent he makes his characters live hislife, since he can understand themonly by analogy, comparison, or contrast with his own experience.Other things being equal, the historian who has experienced the mostis the best historian. That does notmean the historian who has led themost adventurous life. Some can comecloser to an .understanding of theirfellowmen sitting in an armchair witha book of poems as an only companion than others can in years of frontline soldiering. The imaginative spirithas no need to burn cities or impalenewborn babies in order to understand hate, fear and suffering. Yeteven the artist born understands better as he grows older.Rewrite for good styleThe problem of style can be solved, In part, by cooperative effort. Aftelthe painstaking historian has setdown carefully the story he has ell'tracted from the sources, an edit�ror a collaborator with a literary fial!might "re-write" it. Where the two:authors are well teamed, such ar'rangements may sometimes be desipable.The danger lies in the possibilittthat the "re-write" man may preWpopular writing to good history. �€might be able to give to a serious hiS'torical effort more zest or refinementonly at the risk of accuracy of expres'sion. A re-write man would scarcelylet stand, for example, the sentenCecited above: "On a day convenientlYlabeled 'October 12, 1492,' a groUPof sailors captained by a man knoWI�in English as 'Christopher Columbuslanded on an island which was ap'parently the one now called 'WatlingIsland.'''. He would probably trans'late it into something like: "ColurI1'bus discovered America on October12, 1492."But that is exactly what a historiaJ'lwith an eye for accuracy rather thaDstyle might wish to avoid saying. Themore wordy phrasing of the sar11ethought was deliberate. It was due toawareness of other methods of datingthan the Gregorian calendar; todoubts regarding whether Columbuswas the first of his men to step 00American soil; to contentions thatothers had reached America beforeColumbus' men; to conflicts regardingthe nationality of Columbus; to argu'eThe historian who has experienced the mostTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEl1J.ents that a man who reaches a re�ote island cannot lay claim to thedISCovery of a continent; and to unfertainty regarding the particular isand on which he did land. Are-writel1J.an might encounter too much difficUlty if he tried to get all of thosedOUbts and conflicts into a "zippy"sentence.The serious writer sometimes findshimself faced with the obligation tochoose between accurate history andP?pularity. For the scholar, in such a��lemma, the choice is easy: distortingIstory is a greater offense than torpidwriting. The argument that such ascale of values reduces scholars to:riting for each other may be true�t should not carry too much weightWIth those who have any use for�cholarship at all. If a writer's objectIS to sell books or articles rather thant •o Improve the knowledge and inter-Pretation of history, he should choosea subject so popular to begin with�hat nearly all the necessary researchas already been done by experts andall that remains to be done is to preSent it for popular approval. SuchPOpularization can well be left to com�etent hacks with a literary flair.hat, however, does not excuse thescholarly historian either from culti��:ing a lively style or from responsiIhty for the popularization of hisSubject.Omniscience or argument?. The choice between accuracy andPithy statement is not the only choicethe historian struggling for literary�uality has to make. He must alsocnoose between a pose of omniscience and an argumentative style. ThePose of omniscience will prompt him�o state positively what no one reallynows; it will embolden him to giveas facts what are only surmises. ByIlleans of such omniscience Emil Ludwig informs us what went on in N aPOleon's mind and Lytton Strachey�hat went on in Victoria's heart. IfeIther had stopped to say: "This is�hat I think went on in the mind oreart for such and such reasons," hewould not only have had to argue in-st . rhead of assert but he would also havead to bolster his argument with footnotes; and few things will so' thor�ughly interfere with book sales asOotnotes.History and popular tasteWhat makes a book popular? Is itFEBRUARY 1951, Commendable though such magazines may bebecause it is well written? In part, butthe principal consideration perhapsis not so much "How well written?"as "About what or whom?" A biographical study, for example, thattakes its subject from birth to. deathwill probably have more general appeal than one that deals with only acritical period of his life. In theUnited States, it is probably a safeguess, a life of Washington, Lincoln,or Franklin Roosevelt, no matter howunoriginal, will outstrip in sales almost any life of Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, William the Silent, Napoleon,or Cavour, no matter how reinterpretative; and lives of major figures willhave a better chance to succeed thanbiographies of minor ones, whethernational or foreign.In the same general way, historicalnarratives other than biographies mayalso be measured for probable success.Works of history dealing with theUnited States or with a timely topicwill sell in America, other things being equal, better than works dealingwith a European, a minor country, ora remote topic. A similar preferencefor national heroes and the nationalhistory would be found in other countries as well.This quite natural preference perhaps explains why some. beautifullywritten books, with or without footnotes, when they deal with a foreigncountry in a remote age, have failedto find a market. A book is not necessarily inferior either as history or asliterature merely because all the persons mentioned in it were foreignerswho have lorig been dead. The writing of. history might soon be largely limited to national or to recent events-or, at best, to outstanding namesand episodes-if it dealt only withwhat had popular appeal. As a list ofannual prize awards and best sellerstoo often reveals, to be guided bypopular taste means to run the riskof limiting historical literature notonly to low literary standards butalso to a few highly restricted fields ofattention, such as the recent, thetimely, the sensational, the classic, theexotic, the erotic, and the patriotic.Reviewer can helpThe cure for the low literary quality of historical writing may be popular history magazines, as has sometimes been suggested. Commendablethough such magazines may be, however, they will do little to raise thegeneral literary level of historical output so long as other channels remainopen for shoddy work. Nor does ithelp the flow of a dried-up stream towiden its outlet. The answer liesrather in a reduction of the amountof bad historical writing that getspublished.Perhaps the only way to eliminatethe many dull, pedantic, inaccurate,petty, or useless works of history thatevery year clutter the market wouldbe through higher and franker standards of historical criticism. Book publishers pay competent experts to evaluate manuscripts before acceptingthem for publication. The publishersask such questions as: What does theauthor intend to do (since it is obviously unfair to criticize him for not(Continued on page 24)11A young man asks tolerance for oneof man's most misunderstood friendsThe Snake CharmerDR. DUVAL JAROS is a blond,balding, 26 year-old resident inopthalmolgy at Chicago's WoodlawnHospital, a graduate of Universityhigh school, the College (S.B.'44),and the medical school (M.D.'46). Inhis spare moments, he is a hunter,collector, photographer, interpreterand defender of poisonous snakes.He has succeeded French professorDurbin Rowland as the Universitycommunity's outstanding friend ofthese esoteric fauna. The Professor'svaluable collection of toads, frogs,newts, and snakes was dissolved fiveyears ago, at the request of a ladywho shortly afterwards became hiswife.Well aware of the responsibilitieshis unique hobby entails, Dr. Jarosimpressed on a recent visitor the service snakes render to mankind by eating rodents that would destroy untoldthousands of dollars worth of crops."There are only 150 deaths per yearfrom snakebite in the United States,"he said. Then he added, "Probablynot one of the victims would agreewith me, but I think the sacrifice iscertainly worth it."Snakes have a chance.On another occasion he recommended poison-snake hunting to afriend, as the "closest thing to biggame hunting we have in this country. It's the only kind of huntingwhere the animal has a chance to retaliate," he said.Dr. Jaros himself has never yetbeen a victim of retaliation. "I'vebeen bitten once or twice by 'cured'(or ex-poisonous) snakes, but neverby any 'hot' ones," he reports.The problem of turning "hot ones"into "cured' ones" was what interestedDr. 1 aros in the poisonous membersof group Ophidia, order Squamata, inthe first place.12 The boy Jaros, when still in highschool, had a lively interest in zoology.One day he chanced on an article ina learned journal, describing the surgical removal of the poisonous glandsof snakes. The operation, as Dr. Jarosdescribes it today, was a clumsy affair, difficult to perform, and oftendestroyed the snake's good looks andcheerful disposition, if not its life.The hot dog treatmentNow it so happened that Duval'sfather was a doctor, and that he hadopportunely developed the techniqueof electrocoagulation, just before hisson's attention turned to snakes. Inelectrocoagulation, living tissues getthe same treatment a hot dog gets inan electronic cooker, or that egg whitedoes in an egg being hard-boiled. Theinstrument Dr: Jaros used was a 5000-volt electric current, which, when addressed to tissue, had the happy facility of making flabby proteins rigid.At the time of Duval's burgeoninginterest in snake glands, Dr. Jaros wastreating by electrocoagulation the tonsils of a Mr. Emil Rokovsky, who was,of all things, keeper of reptiles atChicago's Brookfield Zoo.The parlay was inevitable. Rokovsky furnished the poisonous snakesand the know-how in handling them,Jaros senior, the surgical technique,and our Dr. Jaros, the enthusiasm forexploiting this opportunity to improvesnakes. In short order, this teamproved that poisonous snakes could besafely and cosmetically "cured" byelectrocoagulation of the venom duct.There were,' however, two unexpected consequences of the experimentation. Baby moccasins that hadbeen operated on refused to grow up.They retained their infant color, complexion, and size until their dying hour (which, contrary to popular bedief, Dr. Jaros •says, is not necessarilysundown.)The other unforeseen outcome ofthe work was Jaros' new passion fOIsnakes. During the early stages of theinvestigation, snakes w'ere obtainedfrom certified snake dealers, but i1wasn't long before he cut out themiddle-man.Happy hunting groundsRokovsky taught him that the bes1place to hunt for snakes are the rockydens in which they take their wint�lnaps. Poisonous snakes are rare in 1111:nois, and the favorite "denning place"is in the south, near Murphysboro:where the bed of the Big Mudd)river runs through steep limestot"cliffs.There, in the rocky crags and crev'ices, snakes snooze away the cold sea:son, and, with the first spring rhawemerge and stretch their vertebraeNatives �f the area claim that on thEday the poets associate with the reobirth of life, the ground is literal!)carpeted with poisonous snakes. Merhave shot 75 in a few hours. Jaroshimself, moving among them wid:bare hands, forked stick, and gunnysack, has captured 32 alive in antafternoon."It's really a thrill to be dow!there then," he says.Among the chief thrillers and ruos!attractive residents of the Big Mudd)area are the cotton-mouth moccasinthe copperhead, and the cane-brak,(rattlesnake, whose proper name 1�Crotatus horridus atricauatus 'or horrid black-tail rattlesnake.Gravity helpsThe technique of capture, as described by Dr. Jaros, goes like this:THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE"y ou pin the snake behind thehead with the forked stick. Then, withYour right hand you reach down andgrab him by the head and neck so heca ' 'n t turn on you. You support his�?dy .with your left hand, and 'lowerirn mto the gunnysack, tail first.When only his head is sticking outYou drop him quick and let gravit;do the rest."':Vhile this is going on, the snake,whIch may be six feet Ion g andw'heig as much as ten pounds is�hr�s�ing �bou.t with its body, �ndIlllttmg a jet-like spray of fluid witha musky odor that would do honorto any skunk."s. orne people find this displeas-Ing," Dr. Jaros says. "I did at firsttoo, but I've rather gotten to like i�now."One thing the snake hasn't necessarily done, even if it's a "rattler" is�?und a rattle of warning or dista�te.Any snake will shiver when frightened, just like a human being, andthe rattle is just equipped with casta-net " dis, accor mg to Dr. Jaros."But, if you take a rattler reallyunaware, he won't take time toshiver."The myth of the rattler's infallibleWa' .f rilIng IS only one of many snakeabIes Dr. J aros feels obliged to dispute."They do not ... ""s nakes do not swallow theirYoung, nor do they grab their tailsand roll down hills, nor do they milkcows " h . d . h f, e sal WIt ervor. "They donot travel in pairs, they do not haveaffe' fW • ct:�n or each other, they do noth an till sunset to die, they do notear well, in fact, they do not hear�� all, they do not travel fast, and they. not chase human beings" he saidIn one breath. 'b Dr. Jaros is particularly disturbedbY the last two unfounded rumorsecause they contribute heavily to th�Public distrust of the species he sol1luch admires."T he fastest snakes reach a speedof 0 I . '1«s n y SIX rm es per hour," he says.st �akes are not aggressive. They willt fIke only if frightened." A safe dis-ance to stay away from snakes in his,l1lea . '1 surmg system, is "half a snake·�ngth.". Snakes do have an acute sense ofSIght, a good sense of smell and per-Sonality. 'FEBRUARY, 1951 Dr. Jaros and his wife Rose Mary Holmes a senior medical student t tl U' .Th J ' ,,' a re mversity.e aros have been married five months and have not yet gone snake hunting together.Personality quirks"In any group of captured snakes,"Dr. Jaros says, "you'll find that someare high-strung, some blase, andothers take a definite liking to humancompany." He finds evidence of personality traits in the angle at whichthe snake tips its head, and the loudness of its rattle, matters that mightescape any less-seasoned observer.Another excellence that Dr. Jaroslikes to dwell on is the degree ofadaptiveness the species displays. Thevenom of rattlesnakes, which preferwarm-blooded animals, differs fromthe venom of water moccasins whichprefer cold-blooded or even d:ad fishand each poison is guaranteed to do inits particular prey in the most efficientmanner. By comparison, adaptationsmade by the digestive system of thehuman vegetarian, say, are poor indeed.Snakes have displayed an equally"happy facility for getting along witHhuman civilization, the doctor reports, despite the generally uncordialreception they receive."Several rattlers show up in NewYork City every year, and we hear ofa few pygmy rattlers in Chicagoevery now and then, too."Triumph in TrinidadBut the snakes' greatest triumphoccurred on a Carribean island, Dr.Jaros. believes it was Trinidad. The natives wished to rid themselves of anoversupply of a poisonous snakeknown as the fer-de-lance. To thisend, they imported a squadron ofmongooses, that had established areputation in India as efficient snakeexterminators.But the fighting tactics of the Trinidad fer-de-lances proved too muchfor the invading mongooses. After afew unsuccessful sorties, the lattersimply withdrew from the battle."And now," Dr. Jaros says witha broad smile, "Trinidad has flourishing populations of both fer-de-lancesand mongooses."Dr. Jaros' own activities in thesnake world have been reduced in recent years by the increasing demandsof his profession. The snakes he doesbring home from his infrequent hunting expeditions he sends on to Brookfield Zoo.However, a movie about snakesthat he made a few years ago was recently shown in Billings Hospital andwas received with enthusiasm. Ithelped him win the blue ribbon in the"Most Unusual" category of the clin'�ics' Hobby Show.Dr. Jaros took time off for a Florida vacation, last spring."I had a fine time," he reported onhis return, "except for one thing. Iwas too early to catch any of thosewonderful diamond-back rattlersthey've got down there."-David Broder, '4713A Hrethren, labor leader and educatorexamines the prospects for peace itlterms of his wide experienceLIFE IS MY LABORATO,RYBy Kermit EbyMy LABORATORY as a SocialScientist has been largely myown life experience, moving throughreligious, economic, and political institutions.The relations I have discovered between private acts and public history,and the conclusions I have drawn,are a product of that experience. Ithas been an experience which particularly lends itself to an analysis ofpeace, for I am the product of apacifist church and at the same timeof a generation which saw two worldwars. This will not be a discussionwhich emphasizes simply an abstractconception of the social scientist dealing with the problems of peace in avacuum. Rather it will be an attemptto analyze the relations between human institutions and the peace asexperienced by a particular personlabeled a social scientist. I use theword "labeled" advisedly because theobservations I make shall be essentially subjective, while generally thesocial scientist has considered his "objective point of view" his badge ofhonor.The viewpoint of the soc i a Iscientist in analyzing the problemsand possibilities of p ea c e is conditioned by two necessities. As observer of human behavior within thevanous human institutions-social,economic, political, etc.-his . taskmust be the determination of the interrelationships between the manifoldarenas of human action which appearon the surface to be distinctly separated by the false veils of time orgeography. Above all, from his knowledge of these relationships, he mustextract principles adequate for pre-14 dicting the alternatives of the futureand for guiding present action.Birth of the BrethrenIt so happens that I was born intothe Church of the Brethren--a churchthat has been traditionally pacifistsince its beginnings in Germany inthe early part of the eighteenth century. It is a church which had itsroots in German pietism; those earlypietists who influenced my Brethrenancestors were highly conditioned bythe German history of their era; " theThirty Years War, the devastatinginvasions of the French, and the treatyof Westphalia which saw a unity ofthe Catholic, Calvinist, and Lutheranwith continued bitter persecution ofall minority sects.Growing up within this climate myBrethren ancestors experienced at firsthand the absolute contradiction between Christian ethic and compulsionEby (even when practiced in the name ofChrist). Out of this experience theydeveloped a philosophy declaring thatto compel anyone even to join thechurch of Christ or to take an oathis an exercise of force and not onlycontrary to the teachings of Jesus,but a violation of the sacred rightsof a people whose religious tenetsdeny all force. They reasoned thatthe injunction of Christ was onething; the power of the Prince or theEcclesiastic another, and that themight of the state has no right tointerfere with the religious choice ofthe people. .My Brethren ancestors took thlSheritage seriously. Persecuted in Germany �hey came to America becauseit offered a haven for religious liberty·Here they taught their children thatwar was evil and non-violent resistance to force was the ideal waY'"M y earliest memories are of a simplepeople with the simple faith that allmen were brethren and could live atpeace. This, it seems to me, waS avery precious heritage, and one thatI had no reason to question until Ibegan to realize that there also e"isted a world beyond our NorthernIndiana Brethren community.Next the outside worldThe first glimmerings of this outside world came when I was a studentin high school. Here for the firsttime I began to wonder if Brethrenideals could be truly meaningful unless they were applied to the problemSof the entire world. I also began t.oask myself if this were at all poSS1-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEble. I suppose the stimulus for thisquestioning came because of the impact of two events upon my consciousness; the first, World War I,�nd the second, the agitation over theImmigration laws in 1922 and 1923.Let us look at the implications ofthe former recalling that ours wasan almost solidly Brethren and Mennonite community. Young men whowere drafted from our community refused to accept military service. Attempting to live consistently with theteachings of their Church, they became conscientious objectors. Included among these was one of myuncles, a young minister and a personof whom I was very fond. He wasnot only persecuted at home, but wentto jail where he was quite severelyt�eated. Uncle George's experiencedIsturbed me for it brought me faceto face with what happens when mencome into conflict with their government. For the first time I saw thedecisions of other times and placesl11ight form as real a part of the livesof men from Baugo as those theyl11ade themselves.I should have learned from otherexperiences. My great-grandmotherWenger died during the war. SheWas born in Germany and wantedD nele John Martin to preach thefuneral sermon in German. But whenthe time came, her children wereafraid to have him do so, for after allGod could no longer understand Gerl11an, and the sermon was preached inbroken English. Two or three timesOUr little Baugo church was daubedwith yellow paint. We Brethren wereOutside the flow of patriotic currentand hence "unpatriotic." As a boywho went through these experiences IsUppose I was conditioned more thanI knew, for it was probably becauseof them that I developed my firsts�mpathies for minorities, having?lscovered relatively painlessly whatIt means to be a member of one.. With these insights my horizonswere beginning to broaden. I hadlearned that the opportunity for members of my community to carry outth .en- heritage was dependent not onlyuPon their own convictions but uponthe good will of those outside. Butthus far I had seen only half of thetotal picture. I thought of peace andt�e. freedom to pursue one's own definl�lon of the good life as being deterl11lned by a one-way relationship. Ihad yet to learn that the impact ofFEBRUARY 1951, external decisions upon internal peacecould be truthfully described onlywhen connected by a two-headed arrow to the implications of internaldecisions upon external peace.The Oriental "threat"I do not know why the Orientalsin America were a threat to theNorthern Indiana Brethren families,but they must have been because inmy senior year , in high school wespent a great deal of time in our socialstudy classes, discussing the immigration act with particular emphasis onOriental exclusion. Fortunately, I had(3 teacher who was not-swept away bythe possibility of the Japanese takingover Wakarusa, Indiana. One Fridayafternoon, she set up a debate betweenthose who favored Oriental exclusionand those who were opposed to it.Since no one volunteered to take theunpopular position, my teacher askedme to do so. Between us, we did apretty good job of defending the minority and pleading for tolerance. Itwas at least good enough to stimulatea curiosity which twice took me to theOrient and kept .me interested in theFar East from that day to this.Economic facts of lifeOther experiences intervened inthose years which were vivid. As Iindicated, the Brethren were opposedto war and encouraged our youngpeople to take a position of conscientious objection-but, the Brethrenwere also farmers. My father boughthis first farm in 1911 before farmprices were affected by the war. Hewent into debt to buy it and in 1914still had a long way to go until it wasfree and clear, "Then the war came.The price of corn and of hogs wentup; I remember the rejoicing in ourhouse one day in 1917 when Dadcleared the debt. We also built anew house during those years. We,and all the other Brethren familieswho thought that war was wrong,were not beyond accepting its secondary benefits. Here it 'was that I received my first inklings .of a fundamental economic fact-s-the impact ofwar on agricultural prices.I t was not too long after that Ialso learned of the impact of its aftermath on those same .prices. My Dadwas fortunate because-he bought hisfarm before prices went up and paid for it with the high prices of war.Uncle Elmer Bowers . and many ofour other neighbors were not so fortunate. They were about ten yearsolder than Dad and had their firstfarms paid for. With prosperity theybought a second farm and mortgagedthe first at the prevailing land pricesof 1917. But in 1923 corn andhog prices went down, while taxesand the prices of field machinerystarted up. Uncle Elmer Bowers lostthe eighty acres he once had freeand clear along with the new farmhe had bought.With these experiences some profound doubts began to develop in mymind with respect to Brethren goodwill when it was tied into an economic world which was far largerthan the Baugo Church on Sundaymorning. To this day I rejoice atBrethren accounts of charity but always wonder if their gifts are in anywayan equivalent to their increasedearnings which were a by-product ofthe very war which they opposed. Theother side of the coin was beginningto take seed in my consciousness.Man with a missionI graduated from W orId War Iand the Oriental Exclusion acts to alittle Brethren College in Manchester,Indiana, where the emphasis was onthe continuing instillation of Brethrendoctrine that war was the 'transcendent evil and that we Brethrenwere put in the world to overcome it.From 1923 to 1927 I believed. myselfto be in preparation for the achievement of that warless world. Many aSunday I was part of a Brethrendeputation team, visiting BrethrenChurches and reaffirming Brethrendoctrine to Brethren who were alreadyconvinced. All was not peaceful onthese Brethren deputation teams, however, because of the questions whichwere beginning to stir in the background of my mind.The economic and political questions which were inextricably boundwith the extension of Brethren idealsand the achievement of a peacefulworld were beginning to come to thefore. I was terribly concerned because these good Brethren of .1924 to1927 who loved practically everybodyin the world also voted Republicanand were probably the strongest supporters of protective tariff Sf (particularly on agricultural products). I15suggested occasionally that it was notenough to love everybody and wishfor their welfare. Now why the sonof a prosperous Brethren family wasdisturbed by these Brethren inconsistencies I cannot be certain. My relatives always ascribed it to "cussedness", but I prefer to believe that itwas the aftermath of my non-academic education-the impact of warand its aftermath on the peoplearound me.Avidly interestedOf course I also learned from mycourses in history and political scienceat Manchester. I remember listeningwith avid interest to the lectures ofone of my better teachers on thecauses of war and being particularlyimpressed with the interconnections inthe succession of events which ledfrom the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand to the draftingof boys from Baugo. I graduated fromcollege in 1927, determined to knowa little more about the world andwith one priceless heritage-what wasthen an inarticulated philosophy ofeducation-a philosophy of relationships-an awareness that my understanding of the world would increaseonly as I was increasingly able toperceive relationships.Then the U of CThen came the University of Chicago, the exciting years which ledtoward a degree, and the search formen who would give meaning to allthe questions my Brethren past hadstirred. As I recall 1929-31 certainthings standout. In Quincy Wright'sclass I first began to see that wecould not think about peace withoutalso reflecting on law, for an orderlysociety must be a society governed bylaws. From Bernadotte Schmidt I received the revelation of the forceswhich produced the first world warand the tragedy of the men who sawit coming but could not prevent it.Then there was Professor HarleyMcNair's class in the Far East inwhich· I was always writing paperson the opium wars and our immigration policies. I remember the manyhours we spent together which hewould usually conclude by saying thathe could probably make a scholarout of me' if I could get over myinclination to reform the world.16 DepressionI left Chicago in the midst of thedepression to teach school in AnnArbor, Michigan. In my spare timeI joinedcase worker friends and spentmy weekends visiting the unemployedand found that the impact of unemployment and depression reacheddown into the personalities and futures not only of the workers, butof their wives and children. I triedTHE AUTHORMr. Eby left his job as Director of Education and Researchfor the CIO in 1948 to becomean Associate Professor Of theSocial Sciences at .the U niversity because he has what he calls"A mystic's belief in education."He feels freer at the U niversity to practice education basedon "the important relationshipsbetween people: in the labormovement one must followunion policy, but on the University campus I can follow myconscience. "Currently Mr. Eby is teachingtwo seminars, "The Individualin Action Groups" and "TheStructure and Operation of Pressure Groups," and is a memberof the interdepartmental committees on Industrial Relations,Race Relations, and the Divisional Master's Degree.However, he keeps his classroom teaching related to a practical framework by his workwith a long list of "extra curricular activities" ranging fromthe Board of the Chicago PublicHousing Authority, to the Federal Council of Churches ofChrist in America.in every way that I knew to helpthese victims of an interrelated economy; and as I groped for means ofbeing useful, I met others who werelike-minded, the Reuthers, BrendanSexton, Neil Staber, and dozens ofother young men who made history inMichigan.We worked hard in those days, bothday and night. Ours was the causeof the unemployed in Michigan, ourhope a world of plenty and full employment. Then came the New Dealand Roosevelt and 'Frank Murphyand the Great Crusade which led tothe organizing of the CIO and someof the most rapid-learning experiences of my life. I was now twenty-eightand all that was in my past experi'lence . and education began to coIIle:into focus. I remember how elatedI was to discover how the rather iso·lated idealism of the Brethren couldfind expression in organizing the uIl'employed and· actively engaging inpolitics. With that discovery I could:move from minority protest to thedynamic mass movement of the NewDeal. I was beginning to learn thatpeace, the good life, and the orderedsociety still depended upon Brethrenvalues, and that the Brethren imagewas a realistic possibility to the extentthat these values were moved into theworld of economics and politics.The Orient againThis development was interruptedin 1933 by a learning experiencewhich transcended all others. I wassent on a six month trip to the Orientwith a Quaker goodwill mission. HereI met the young Japanese and Chi·nese in their schools and colleges. Theyoung Japanese asked me, "Why doyou send us Christian missionarieSwho proclaim the fatherhood of Godand the brotherhood of man and the!ldeny these teachings by an exclusie''act?" Or, when we talked abouttariffs, "Why did the white man takeeverything worth taking and then eS'tablish the status quo, for if the J apa'nese could make idle lands produceshould not they be given the oppor'tunity to do so?"TII� most profound memory of allwas implanted by a young studentwho came to me after we had dis'cussed the Manchurian incident ands�id: "Either the conscience of theworld is aroused, either something isdone to stop our invasion of Man'churia, or you will be sentenced todeath, and I will be sentenced todeath, and all of our kind of peopleithe w 0 rid around." I wonderedwhether the Japanese might not havemarched on Manchuria had we f�otclosed the channels for the solutio!!of their surplus population problemS,first by excluding them, and then bYdenying them the means to free thosebound to their own soil by our e'"elusion. I wondered, if the warningmy Japanese friend had voiced, wasof a death bell, which we ourselvv'at least in part, had set to knelling.On this trip I counted the gunboat$on the Yangtze, 46 of them froJ!lTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZIl'JP�ankow to Shanghai, and tried toIlhagine how the people felt towardwhom the guns were pointed. Westopped at So cony Hill where theArnericans had hovered in 1927 toescape the Chinese. I rememberedthe gas tanks over which we hadthrown a barrage and the incidentwhich the following day the American papers had headlined "ThreeHundred Americans Saved" and neglected to say "Seven Hundred Chinese Killed." With the memory ofthis my Brethren teaching came back,for I wondered if the 700 Chinesewere not about as important as the300 Americans in the sight of God.I came home on fire. because I couldSee war coming. I was frightened because in my mind's eye I could seelhy American students and my Japanese students at war with each other.I could see the scrap going Eastwardto be made into bullets so I protestedalong with others the shipping ofscrap.The beginnings of an educationI was beginning to become educ.ated. Out of the shocking revelatIon of the network of human eventswhich my trip to the Orient had�ernonstrated, I developed my definihan of the educated man as he who:an see the consequences of his actsIn the sum total of their relationships. This definition as you will un�erstand by what preceded its formaIan was the by-product not merelyof academic deduction, but of emo�onal experience brought into focusY reflection. I t has been the basicj,hilosophy by which i have tried to've for the past 15 or 20 years.I pointed out at the. outset of thisdiscussion that the task of the socialSCientist is the determination of therelations between social events andt�e Use of this understanding for pretlction and control of social .events.have tried to demonstrate some of�hese relations relative to peace whichhave culled from my own life. I�hould now like to draw some of the�tnplications I am forced to perceiveIn these relationships. r-First, I must conclude that one�ever escapes one's heritage. In timesof crisis. in times of loneliness. in times�f doub'L I think I am still a Brethren.am forced to testify to the weighti past history upon present history.he violation of civil rights and re-1'EBRUARY 1951, ligious freedom which my ancestorsexperienced so tragically in Germanygave rise to a philosophy which commands that I must attempt to build aworld where the conscientious objectoris free and the soldier who gives hislife to a dedicated fight for that freedom is also respected. The appreciation of the weight of my heritage in determining my action makesme realize also that this principle canbe employed towards the ends whichpeace-loving peoples desire. It impliesthat by our action we can providethe moral climate out of which goodwill can flourish.Thus I rejoice when my church setsup a relief program, when it feedsthe hungry through tithing its members, when it sends heifers to thechildren who are without milk, without distinction in terms of the flagunder which they are born. Here, Iam convinced, lies the greatest insight; Russian babies are not borncarrying the hammer and sickle, norAmerican babies computing compound interest. Rather, it is the moralclimate we create for the child, theeconomic, political, and social experiences in which he grows up, thatdetermine the interests and actions ofthe adult.There is, however, another order ofgeneralizations I have reached whichforces me to depart from my Brethrenand become critical of them. This isan interrelated world, and, therefore,one in which the peace is dependentnot only upon our own convictions,but upon the decisions of men andthe movement of institutions in everypoint of the globe; and furthermore,that the decisions of other men andother nations are a product of earlierdecisions of our own. In the lastanalysis, the decisions which othernations shall make will be determinedby the degree to which we implementour values within the framework ofthe economic and political. No Brethren efforts, no matter how magnificent, are enough in a world whichneeds Point Four implementation andan America which must spend as muchfor peace as we now spend for war.Idealism and pragmatismA last and most significant generalization occurs from the realizationthat social idealism, even of the mostlofty order,. is meaningless unlesstranslated from day to day into spe- cific and concrete action in the political arenas of the nations of the world.The experience of two world warshas made me diverge in thought frommy pure pacifist friends; I am unwilling to acknowledge the possibility thatan orderly world can be achievedonly at a time when the entire worldis made up of saints like Ghandi andthemselves. (Furthermore, I am quiteconvinced that such a world will neverbe built without their help.)At this point I became the pragmatist with years of. organizing experience. It is important to organizethe good will that exists-through theUnited Nations, through the controlof atomic energy, disarmament, andabove all, by the demonstrationthrough Point Four that we act ingood faith in our promises to theunderprivileged of the world. Yearsof experience in the labor movementand a little in politics have made mea hard-bitten person, not prone tobelieve that peace through world organization will float down like a cloudfrom heaven and gently superimposeitself upon our planet. Rather, Iknow that it will come as a by-productof the day by day political decisionsin ward and precinct as they reachup through Congress and the President.World governmentI have often been annoyed by theworld government devotees amongmy friends. Yes, they were for worldgovernment, perfect world government; in fact, they were going tohave nothing to do with governmentunless it was perfect. I must confessmy impatience with such an attitudebecause in my world men should looktowards the skies, but also be willingto put their feet in the mud. Peace,yes, at a price-the same price atwhich all good things come. As theBrethren teach, if you would saveyour life you must lose it-the harvest cannot be brought without thesowing. All of the relations which Ihave experienced between soc i a Ievents and the preservation of peacepoint in the direction of a sort ofpragmatic idealism which acknowledges the determinism in history, butremembers also that we are the children of God and capable of choice.As a stubborn Dutchman I prefer toface history, not to back into it.17News of the QuadranglesA MYTH RESIGNS:By Jeannette Lowrey((As we leave the University together, let us hope the benediction ofyour Alma Mater will follow us, thather spirit will attend us and her lifeenrich our own. The great light thatis the University of Chicago will neverbe dimmed. We may be thankful andproud that our lives have been illumined by it."THUS CHANCELLOR RobertMaynard Hutchins closed the245th University convocation - thelast graduation ceremony over whichhe would preside in his active administra tion.The pomp that marked his inauguration on November 19, 1929, wasgone in this ceremony. A pall prevailed in Rockefeller Memorial Chapel as Mr. Hutchins told graduates ofhis resignation to become associate director of the Ford Foundation.His leave, beginning January 1 andhis resignation effective June 30, hadstunned the university communityearlier in the week. Trustees, facultyand students wished him success withthe Ford Foundation, but wantedhim to continue as administrator ofthe University he had made great.The Council tabled its Decemberbusiness and unanimously resolved"that no greater trag�dy could happen to the University than for Mr.Hutchins to resign as Chancellor." Itadjourned to draft a persuasive document.But the statement was never written. The Council regretfully recognized that Mr. Hutchins would nothave submitted his resignation if"there were the slightest possibility ofhis reconsidering the decision."I t drafted instead a letter of facultyappreciation-"We are sure youknow, but we wish to tell you again,how greatly we regret your decision toleave' the University. We deeply appreciate your leadership in upholding18 the free pursuit of truth and understanding. We wish to express our sorrow at the prospect of losing thisleadership and to say how happy wewould be if it were possible for: you toalter your decision." :;Laird Bell, Chairman of the Boardof Trustees, said:"The dynamic and imaginativeleadership which Mr. Hutchins hasgiven the University of Chicago -forthe past 21 years has kept it clearlyin the forefront of the i educational -world. He has had an irripact on thethinking of educators and the publicwhch it is hard to dverestimate.Since we cannot stand in the way ofextending the influence even furtherthrough the tremendous i possibilitiesof the Ford Foundation, �he Trusteesof the University accept �r. Hutchins' resignation with reluctance andregret."A university is in essence a faculty and the excellence of that facultyhas been the first concern of Mr.Hutchins. We expect to maintain thisdistinction, and to achieve that aimwill follow our usual practice of asking the faculty to elect a committeeto advise us on the selection of a newChancellor. Meantime, Pre sid en tErnest Cadman Colwell will, as onprevious occasions, exercise the authority and perform the duties of theChancellor. "Mr.> Hutchins' decision had been adifficult one. Despite his quip thatthe University shouldn't be committed to him at 52 because it hadfound him a promising .young man at30, the final "yes" / was given onlyafter six weeks 'of deliberation."The considerations leading me toaccept an associate directorship of theFord Foundation were my longfriendship and deep admiration forPaul Hoffman and my desire to workwith him on the plans that he andhis trustees have in view for the ad- vancement of human welfare. Theprogram of the Foundation embrac=all the objects with which I have beenmost concerned, - peace, educationand communication."The University of Chicago, withits tradition of freedom, indeperidence, and pioneering, makes itschief executives. They do not makethe University. The spirit of the University is so high and so strong, itsfaculty and trustees are so excellent,that the University has become agreat world institution, and it isbound to remain so."The University, founded as a modeluniversity by William Rainey Harper,rose, nevertheless, to its world eminence under the leadership' of Mr.Hutchins. He fulfilled the qualitiesof an administrator, qualities he himself had outlined as the ideal in his1946 speech on "The Administrator."He had "discovered, clarified andheld" before the University of Chicago "the vision of the end."Chief executive of the Universityalmost 22 years, Mr. Hutchins enunciated in his inaugural address aneducational program that he immediately began to implement. He haSbecome a nationally-known figure in.education and in national and international affairs.Some changes madeMr. Hutchins started reorganizingthe College in 1930, and completedits main outlines in 1942, when it began admitting students at the end ofthe sophomore year. of high schoOl.The College which Mr. Hutchinsestablished eliminated all specializeddepartmental courses, and concentrated entirely on general education.For completion of the College, normally requiring four years, the bachelor's degree is awarded at the endof the sophomore year of conventional colleges. The master's degreenow requires three years, instead ofone following the bachelor's degree.The Law School, with his encouragement, drastically changed its curriculum to include study of polities,economics, psychology, and othersubjects related to law.During Mr. Hutchins' administration, the university emphasized theidea of "teams" to bring its expertstogether for cooperative research onproblems ranging from cancer to international relations.The long-established reputation ofTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE.t?e university as a research institutIon has also been enhanced.lIe made the decision whichbrought the then dubiously regardedwork on the atomic bomb to the MidWay, where the first controlled nuclear reaction was achieved December2, 1942. When the war was over hegathered the chief men of this undertaking into three new research insti(utes for peacetime nuclear andIlletal research.lIe has consistently advocated cooperation between universities toaVoid duplication and waste. Chicagoastronomers staff the modern observatory of the University of Texas. Four?enominational schools have organIZed the Federated Theological Faculty. Chicago and the University ofFrankfurt, in Germany, have an exChange arrangement for professors�nd students. A cooperative MidVest Interlibrary Center has beenestablished with 14 other universitiesand insti tu tions.More milestonesf The university adopted in 1944 aull-time contract under which anyearnings from activities of the facultyOutside the university accrue to it,So that the faculty will not be diVerted from its academic work. Patents arising out of U niversi ty researchare in the public domain under anOther Hutchins policy.h bespite the fact that the timesaVe been unsettled during his 22Y.ears, with depression, war, and infla�Ion making financing difficult, Mr.iutchins has raised $92,696,158 oft?e $173,534,909 in gifts, presentedSince 1890.h One of his most reiterated themesas been that of the importance of:estoring moral and spiritual valuesIII present day society. Strong in optOSition to the entry of the Unitedb tates into the war before Pearl Harlor, he became, after Hiroshima, aeading advocate of world govern�ent as the only means of saving civiIZation from destruction.lvr A.nother of the interests for whichr, Hutchins is known is his spons·orship of the "Great r Books" as ai1J.eans of adult education. He is alsoe1itor-in-chief of the "Great Booksa, the Western World," which Ency-'c. Qpaedia Britannica is shortly to pub ..l�h.. One of his strongest and most conSistent fights has been for protectionFEBR.UARY 1951, of academic freedom and the rightof universities to study and teachwithout· political interference.As chancellor of the University ofChicago, he "saw and attempted oneof the most difficult works of themind and one of the most challeng-. ing tasks." preparatory school for a year and ahalf, studying in the Yale Law Schoolsummers.In 1923 he was appointed secretaryof Yale University, continuing his lawstudies through the position was fulltime. In 1923 he was granted thehonorary A.M. degree, and in 1925took the LL.B. degree from the LawSchool, magna cum laude. He thentaught in the school, becoming a fullprofessor in 1927 and also in that yearwas appointed its acting-dean. Thefollowing year he was appointed dean.While dean, he was instrumentalin organizing the Institute of HumanRelations, under which studies wereconducted to focus the social andbiological sciences on problems of human relations. The Institute was theforerunner of the approach which helater favored for important researchproblems at Chicago.Mr. Hutchins was married September 10, 1921, to Maude PhelpsMcVeigh. They have three children,Mary Frances Ratcliffe (now Mrs.George Hood, of DeLand, Florida),Joanna Blessing, and Clarissa. Theywere divorced July 11, ·1948. Mr.Hutchins and Vesta Sutton Orlickwere married May 10, 1949.Personal historyHutchins was born in Brooklyn, NewYork, January 17, 1899. His father isWilliam James Hutchins, a ministerwho became a member of the facultyat Oberlin College, and later president of Berea College, Kentucky. Thefather, retired from this position in1939, now lives in St. Louis. Hismother is Anna Laura Murch HutchIns.After two years as a student atOberlin, Mr. Hutchins entered theambulance service of the UnitedStates, in which he served from 1917to 1919. In 1918-1919 he served withthe Italian army and was decoratedwith the Croce di Guerra. After thewar, Mr. Hutchins entered Yale University, and received his bachelor'sdegree with honors and election toPhi Betta Kappa. He taught at aPresident Hutchins at his inauguration in 1929. Presidents Angell of Yale and Scott ofNorthwestern, and Harold Swift, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, participated in theceremony.19Reflections after five � ..CAMPUS CRISESBy Robert Strozier, Dean of Studentshave mentioned to you before liveS< 'with her husband in an apartment illHitchcock. Her two children werehome for the holidays, and she waSplanning their family dinner. Realizing, however, that there were somestudents who were unable to go howe,she placed a notice on the bulletiJ1board saying that the McCarns wouldbe happy to have any of them to din-December has been a month as hec- nero Twenty-four accepted this kindt�c as its weather. It was a strange invitation. But Ruth McCarn is equalSIght to see the striking maintenance to almost any task, and she assumedworkers picketing the entrances to the �his one cheerily. On tables placedcampus. During the two weeks of III the general lounge of Hitchcock,the walkout the University operated she served 28 wonderful ChristmaSwith difficulties, but the full program dinners.was carried out. The students met the I did not have her permission to tellunusual situations calmly, arid' the this story, and decided not to ask forfaculty and many students found it, since I did ask a faculty wife'sthemselves doing chores which were7? permission last month to tell you arelatively new for most of them .. r' story, and she refused it. This lovelYfound m_yself with a broom sweeping- lady, who insists on anonymity, hadthe corridors of the second floor of called me and offered her services tothe Administration Building when ik' ;read to a blind student. We had onecould stand it no longer. .who needed the help. Since theThe doctors in the hospitals were, woman lives quite near the University,all assigned janitorial duties by Dean'! she has the student come to her threeCoggeshall to maintain the necessary' tiIIles a week for sessions of threecleanliness there. Some students hOhr. r<J�dir;�s. The student has beeDagreed to keep an eye on the waste- greatl;:{'aicieH 'in his work, and thiSbaskets in Cobb, Kent, and other unsel�p woman has enjoyed her ser'"buildings where the hazard of fire was ice, _ori� which she is well equippedgreatest. Once the food gave out in to gIve.the dining halls in the dormitories,and none could be delivered across D�ans discuss draftthe picket lines, so weerefunded moneyto the students who', board so thatthey could fake their meals in theneighborhood. Tlle solution of thestrike on the 21 st carne as happy newsto. us all.with him. For the faculty Messrs.Lowell T. Coggeshall (Dean, Biological Sciences), Warren J o h n so n(Chairman, Chemistry), F.' Champion Ward (Dean, College), NapierWilt (Chairman, English) and Leonard White (Public Administration)are serving.THE RESIGNATION of Chancellor Hutchins has made allother news on campus seem trivial.Vague rumors had been heard oncampus all fall that he was beingtempted by Mr. Hoffman and theFord Foundation, but my incorrigibleoptimism made it difficult for me to.believe that he would soon leave theUniversity. The decision was an- December strikesnounced, however, on Tuesday, December 19. I heard his statementthree times that day, and each timehe made it, he found it difficult tofinish his simple and forthright declaration of his intentions.The first statement was made at thesemi-monthly luncheon of the deansand administrators of the University.Here was a group of about 20 persons,all of wh0I1:l the Chancellor had personally appointed. Here was a grQUpwhose Ioyalty and devotion to himwas unquestioned. The Chancellor'sre�arks were met with a silence whichbespoke the dreadful reality that facesall -of us who. had come to feel thatMr. Hutchins symbolizes the University to. us and to. the general public.The Committee of the Council wasinvited to his office at three o'clockpreceding the regular meeting of theCouncil scheduled for three-thirty. Oneach ,of these occasions the silencewhich immediately followed the statemep,t was the most significant testimohy Q(the feelings of the grQups.But<the campus seems to. have accepted the irrevocability of the Chancellor's decision, and nQW there ismuch speculation about who. will behis successor, A trustee committee hasbeen selected for the purpose of proposing candidates' to. the Board anda committee has been chosen' from Christmas at the McCarn'sthe Council to confer with the Boardcommittee, Mr. Laird Bell chairs thetrustee's committee, and Messrs. Swift,Tenney, Goodman, and Douglas serve20 But along with December's hecticweather and events, there have beenbright SPQts. Mrs. McCarn the newAssistant Dean of Student; whom I Shooting back to. the tQP of the listof problems confronting deans of stUdents, is the effect of remobilizativ''UPQn yQung men in school. Fred Turner, Dean of Students at Illinois andI are. arranging a meeting of Deansof Students in the midwest in midJanuary so that we may discuss andplan for this situation.The postponement of induction un-,til June, places a tremendous pressureUPQn these yQung men, who nOWTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZrN£r:alize that soon their ·whole way-ofhfe is to be changed. Accenting theirnatural uneasiness has been the confusion of information about the government regulations affecting theirstatus. John Davey and I have written letters to these boys and theirparents outlining the present postPonement policies; but youth is easilyunsettled. We are trying very hardto encourage them sympathetically,and to help them to do their bestwork, even under the pressure of current circumstances. and women. Anne Colwell, who isspending the year in Grenoble, France,sent home the good news that shewas able to meet Carter in Paris forthe holiday. Carter is studying IIICambridge.Gift from the Pi Lams .I want to mention a gesture maderecently by the Pi Lams. This fraternity decided to close the house oncampus more than a year ago. Afterall of the affairs of the fraternityhad been closed out, the officers decided to give to the University foruse as a loan fund the money whichremained in the treasury .. This seemsto me a particularly' beau geste sincesome critics have felt that the University has been unfriendly to fraternities. This is not true, and the PiLam gift seems to provide tangibleevidence that it is not.trell about the gift, he said that hehoped .to enlist the interest of othersin extending the renovation to theentire building.Santa from the southOne of the high points of theChristmas season for me is the annual opportunity to play Santa Clausto the children from the back-of-theyards areas who are invited to a partyby the Phi Gams and the membersof the Mortar Board. The party wasa great success, notwithstanding someyoung raised eyebrows about a Santawith a Southern accent. At the sametime the Psi U's were holding theirannual party for a group of orphanchildren.Mr. and Mrs. David Silberman repeated their fabulous, and now traditional, party for the holders of thescholarships they so generously give inhonor of their late son, Sigmund Silberman. This year's was the last tobe held at their handsome home onEllis Avenue, as they have bought ahome in Barry, nearer to their children and grandchildren. But happily,the move to the new home will notmean the discontinuance of the parties, as the Silbermans say that theyenjoy the event as much as the students and the faculty members whoare lucky enough to be invited. President Colwell attended for the firsttime this year, although Mrs. Colwelland Anne were there last year whenthe President was out of the city.Both of, the Colwell children areabroad this year, so I am sure theparents enjoyed this evening of funwith so many attractive young menRenovation for Reynolds ClubErnest Quantrell is one alumnusand trustee who does so much for theDniversity anonymously that I shalltell you something of his most recent�enerosity without asking his permisSIan. lest it not be granted. As amember of the Committee on Student Interests of the Board, he reVisited many parts of the University�uring the last year with a more critICal eye than usual. As a result heand his charming wife, also a graduateof the U ni versi ty , have sent us aVery generous sum of money beforeChristmas to be used to renovate thefirst-floor lounges of the ReynoldsClub. The Club certainly needs some�ttention; the carpets are worn, theh?hting is bad, and some of the furnItUre is in poor condition. SincemOst of the concerts and lectures�ld at the University are in MandelJ.lall, most visitors to the campus seethese lounges. We have often beenashamed of them and are very happythat the Quantrell gift will help somUch. When I talked to Mr. Quan- Greetings from the DeanMy New Year's greetings to any ofthe faithful who read this column aresomewhat late, but nonetheless sincere. To be able to live and work inthe stimulating atmosphere of theUniversity of Chicago is the best newyear's prospect that I could have. Attimes we have been tempted to movewith our three children to a suburbwhere we could have a house, a garden, and dog, but when we contemplate life away from Hyde Park, evenwith all its inconveniences, we areimmediately cold at the thought ofleaving. It is good to love one's work,and I am one person who is fortunateto be doing exactly what he loves todo most.Mark your memo pad for SUNDAY, MARCH 18it will beALUMNI OPEN HOUSE ON THE 9UADRANGLES-�t(;_ "?' - ," :-;.. ; - '",.{:,�NBC Round Table Btdadcast from Mandel Hall(Tune in if you can't come)Dinner in Hutchinson Commons - Afternoon tours and demonstrationsTesting laboratoryMeat Packing InstituteHospitals �Oriental Instif<lte/Mf.And other poiry.� of interest;:f+'_ /You are cordially invited Counseling CenterInternational HouseAdministration Buildinglibrary CenterThe CyclotronBotany DepartmentGeology LaboratoriesMicrofilm LaboratoriesPEBRUARY 1951, 21Your alumni secretary met so many interestingpeople, doing so many interesting things in . . .DesNo mystery storiesBEFORE Julius E. Ratner, 30,AM '32, had time to earn hisChicago degrees he was neck deepin market surveys and business analyses with such stellar School of Business faculty as MacKenzie, Palmer,and Spencer.He walked out of his master'sConvocation to become director ofresearch and assistant to the generalmanager of Deep Rock Oil Corporation in Chicago.Julius, was moving up fast whenthe Navy borrowed three years ofhis life. Pressed with the ramifications of the business at hand, we remembered only that J. E. Ratner'sfile card was marked L t. Commander.In December we had occasion tovisit Des Moines. With us we carried the list of 120 alumni' in thecity. As we flipped through thecards we suddenly discovered ourfriend, Joe Ratner-with the Meredith Publishing company. He wasnow editor in chief of Better Homesand Gardens.Of course we knew of this monthlymagazine. Our wife pays good moneyMoines •In Decemberfor it regularly. Just why, we neverwere quite sure. Our "better home"is a third-floor apartment where thejanitor fixes dripping faucets. Ourgardens are some sort of a livelyplant near the living room windowand a wandering piece of Philodendron on a dining room bracket.There are no mystery stories, novelettes, or Hollywood scandal columns in Better Homes and Gardens.Just things like how to wrap a Christmas package, drive a nail withoutsplitting a board, timely tips on theAfrican-violet, what to do with gardens in winter, creaking floors, dogs,house plans, dream kitchens, powershops, and-by all means-pages ofrecipes.We've given up trying to findeditorial text among the ads in slick,women's magazines. But here is afamily magazine which Joe (at lunchthat day) told us is purchased by3,500,000 people every m 0 nth(seventh largest circulation in theU. S.).Of course the men like to knowhow to drive a nail and install awork shop. But the recipes get the women. Hundreds of them send infavorites every month hoping to winthe recipe-of-the-month award. You'dthink they were competing for acollection of deep freezes or a newFord. They don't even get $64-juStten! And a credit line in one of America's most popular magazines.Out of this grows the loose-leafcook book (400,000 copies annually)a consistent best seller on any booklist. Five highly trained food expertsin crisp white uniforms and shiningkitchens taste-test all recipes whichare scored on taste, appearance, andeconomy.It's a fascinating business overwhich Joe Ratner presides editoriallY,Under one Des Moines roof coveringnine acres of floor space and 1400people, tons of five-color presses roIl'round the clock to the tune of halfa million pages an hour, with gathering, stapling, gluing, trimming andmailing machines playing the counterpoint.Meanwhile, editor Ratner carrieSon extracurricular activities: as president of the Des Moines Adult Education Council (he was the sparkplugfor introducing the Great BookSclasses), trustee of the First U nitariai1Church, and lecturer at Drake andother Iowa schools on business andjournalism.Other Des Moines' alumniIN OUR SPARE time we checkedin and out of elevators to visitwith alumni.On the second floor of the ShopSBuilding is an expanse of rooms line�with shelves of clocks and cases oJrings, necklaces, watches and aJmanner of sparkling merchandise. It,is the home of M. A. Lumbard Co]J1-pany, wholesale jewelers. Marcus �.Lumbard, '06, is president of thISIowa firm founded by his father.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINB22Editor Ratner does some official tasting with Foods Editor JohnsonMarcus keeps in more or less touchWith the Chicago gang of the firstdecade, including Trustee Ernest E.Quantrell, 'OS, of New York.V. W. Cubbage, '31, with his coat�ff, was plowing through legal papersIn his law office. He majors in probate work, "the best type of legalpractice." He is also on a retainerfor Younkers, Des Moines' largestdepartment store. On the wall uarepictures of his wife, an attractivedaughter, Beverly, and an alert-apPearing son Jerome. Beverly recentlyWas graduated in occupational therapy from the University of Kansasand is now on the staff of Children'slIospi tal in Iowa City. Jerry is a lawsenior at Northwestern and willeventually shove dad into anticipatedretirement.Red haired Arthur C. McGill,1D'11, was in his private office ofEquitable Life of Iowa, where hehas been counsel for the company forSo many years that he was iookingforward to retiring January 1, 1951.lie will reverse the California trend� retired Iowans and will remain in. e,s Moines. His brother, John, '22,IS sUperintendent of city loans withthe same company. John's wife isGladys Emmert, '22.B �he ten-story Insurance ExchangeUdding at Fifth and Grand isGeorge A. Peak's, '14. We dropped inat his swanky building office but heWas not due back from California foranother week.On the eighth floor of this building�e were welcomed in to the office ofh dWin Proudfoot, '24, JD'25, whoI andles the legal work for Travelers1ndemnity Company. DaughterC1ary Jane is a junior at Simpsonh?lIege (Ed's first alma mater whereIS wife is now a trustee). Judy is 15�nd. Edwin, Jr., 12. Their home is inndlanola, 17 miles out of Des Moinesad'n the home of Simpson College.Occupying the entire fourth floor�f the Empire Building are the ofB Ces of the larges t law firm in Iowa:1 rody, Charlton, Parker and Roberts.oseph I. Brody, '15, JD'15, had justreturned from a Kansas City businesstrip. His wife is Edna H. Stolz, '14,�nd both are active Chicago alumni�n Des Moines. We left Brody with a. esk of pressing work and steppedEto the next office to visit with John. Sarbaugh, JD' 48. John did his un-};'EBRUARY 1951, dergraduate work at Grinnell and isambitious to make a good record inIowa's- largest city. We came awaywith a brief on Des Moines' FairEmployment Practices ordinance onwhich he has been working and aboutwhich he is enthusiastic. He has donea lot of research on this problem. Athome are Thomas, three and Jim,one.We dropped in at the Glomset offices in the Equitable Building. Daniel J. Glomset, '10, MD'll, and son,Daniel A. Glomset, '35, MD'38, areprominent physicians. Mrs. Glomset,Sr., Anna Glerum, '10, has had apathology laboratory in the samesuite of offices but is now spendingher time at home. The senior Glomsets spent two months last summervisiting relatives in Norway. In Copenhagen, at the international congress of physiologists, the doctormade a report on his heart research.From the Glomset offices weclimbed one floor to visit shortly withattorney John N. Hughes, Jr., '31,JD'33.We had dinner with four alumnito talk about the College program atChicago: Mrs. Ellen Tuttle Blattenburg, '44, Lois E. Ebinger, '41, SM'46, educational director of theSchool of Nursing at Iowa MethodistHospital, Mrs. Frances DuncanPayne, '37, and Dr. Daniel A. Glomset.Across town by phoneIN THE EVENING, with a blizzard sweeping the city, we sat inour comfortable hotel room andvisited with other alumni on thetelephone.We had a fine chat with Anders F.Myhr, MBA'49, whose wife, in theCollege, was Katherine Arnold. Theyha ve their Owl). home in Des Moineswhere Anders is a security analystwith Bankers Life of Iowa. Andy istwo and Kay nearly a year old. Wewere invited out but our shoes wereoff and it was snowing!There are numerous graduatesfrom our School of Business in DesMoines, as you shall see. Mrs. T. J.Moran, MBA'39, is one. She teachestyping and shorthand at RooseveltHigh. Her husband is a city fireman.They have· two youngsters: Ann,nine, and Julie, three. Lillian A. Leffert, LLB '18, is usingher legal training to help with policywriting for National Travelers Insurance Company. She recently builta duplex home.We caught Raymond E. Hayes, '28,in town from one of his many tripsthroughout the west from Denverto St. Louis as a representative forbook publishers, Henry Holt andCompany. Daughter Jane was graduated from Drake University in DesMoines last June-in music education (piano). Son Bill is a freshmanat Ames.Jack P. Doms, '38, MBA '39, PhD'49, is professor of finance at DrakeUniversity. He also teaches in nightschool so we had only a moment tovisit.Mrs. Mary F. Driver, '40, pickedup her Chicago degree a little latebut she is now a child welfare consultant with the State.Cecil E. Drew, '41, and his wife,Claire, '43, are living in Des Moineswhere he uses his chemistry degreein merchandising industrial paint fordu Pont and she, her college education to carryon with Great Books.Philip H. Briggs, MBA '46, 011t ofbusiness school, went in with hisbrother to organize the French WayCleaners and Furriers. His brotherhas since moved to Florida but thereare now a main plant and two storesin the city.Iowa has a Thriftway chain of 27super markets. Public relations manager is I. Roberts Ballin, '38. Bob'sambitions are hard to confine, however, and he now has his own advertising company. To fill in thespare time he has also organizedBusiness Music, Inc., a sort of amid-west Musak which furnishesdinner music to restaurants, etc.Another alumnus who is using hisimagination and going places isRobert F. Von Gille rn , MBA '47.He saved his money out of serviceand purchased a Canadian Dry bottling franchise for Fort Dodge (withhis brother-in-law). More recentlyhe got the Des Moines franchise andis servicing 17 counties out of thecity. With this business he has addedcup vending machines which he installs and services with soft drinks.-H.W.M.23Excellent but neglectedHistoriography has been defined at"taking little bits out of a great maIl�books which no one has ever read allputting them together into one bo.okwhich no one will read." It is not ltliconceivable that in the category �,books "which no one has ever readdare some excellent though neglectedones. Moreover, the historian woulllike to keep some copies of them alfor the sake of record. Perhaps, therefore, nothing should be done to di�inish the number of works already 1�existence which no one does or ShOll�read, but it behooves those who rea iwrite, and especially review histori��work to do what they can to dimif1151tthe rate of increase of new ones- tmay then develop that more taletland money will become available f��works that can meet the higher stallards.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZrNP����!OUR SPECIAL·ORDER DEPARTMENTBrooks Brothers' workmanship and styling••• plus a man's individual variationsOur Special-Order Department offers many advantages. You can choose your own materialsfrom a wide selection of fine woollens ... theclothes are made on Brooks Brothers' own distinctive patterns, incorporating certain individualvariations ... and you can have try-ons of partlyfinished garments.In the end you have a suit, topcoat or sportjacket that reflects Brooks Brothers' unsurpassedtailoring and quality ... and is distinctly your own.Special-Order Suits) $125 to $165Special-Order Odd Jackets) $85 to $105Special-Order Topcoats and Overcoats) $115 to $210ESTABLISHED 1818�cfM_��iIDK�en's furnishingst ate � _hoes346 MADISON AVENUE, COR. 44TH ST., NEW YORK 17, N. Y.MADISON STREET AT MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO 2, ILL.BOSTON' LOS ANGELES· SAN FRANCISCO24 ( Continued from page 11)Historydoing something he did not set olitto do)? How well did he do it? If His well done, who can be expected to.buy it? Will it have to compete with!other books on the subject, and if so,what chance does it have of doing 50successfully? If reviewers of publishedbooks were asked and expected to atlswer equally searching questions bybook review editors, we might havehigher standards of book reviewing.Pertinent queriesFive questions for serious book reviewers (and readers in general) tOIask of a book seem inescapable:1. Does it establish its factual details by a strict application of the his"torical method?2. Does it have a philosophy 01"frame of relerence" that is of morethan transient and local significanCeand 0/ more than private validity?3. Is it written in a style that helpsrathei than impedes the rea Let's uWderstanding?4. Is it merely a piece of hachC)orl�repeating an already known story) 01does it present new data or new inter'pretation of old data?5. No matter how limited its sub'ject may be) does the author seemaware of the questions that men at alltimes in all places persist in asking?FEBRUARY EVENTSThursday, February 1PUBLIC LECTURE-Louis Gottschalk, Professor of ModernlIistory, University �i-t:a-g€l, "=I=h@-Histotian," Alumni series7n Approaches to Peace. Room 126 Judd Hall (5835 Kimbark),:30 p.m. Admission by series ticket only.Saturday, February 3FE�CING-Chicago vs. Wayne, Bartlett Gym (57th and Un iver-1'Slty), 2:00 p.m.R2ACK-Chicago vs. De Paul, Field House (56th and University),:00 p.m.G�vr�ASTICS-Chicago vs. Minnesota, Bartlett Gym (57th andnlversity), 2:00 p.m.R Sunday, February 4EtIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel (59th andWI oodlawn), 'Vallace W. Robbins, Associate Dean of the Chapel.1:00 a.m.Monday, February 5�fOVIE_"Les Parents Terribles" Jean Cocteau's prize winningPlay with Jean Marais, Marcel Andre and Gabrielle Dorzait.English subtitles. International House (1414 E. 59th St.), 8:00P·rn. Admission $0.46.P Tuesday, February 6��L�C LECTURE-Louis L. Thurstone, Professor of Psychology,� �SIC, University of Chicago, "Guiseppe Verdi. I," Alumni7�rles on The Opera. Room 126, Judd Hall (5835 Kimbark),� .30 p.m. Admission by series ticket only.�.vIE-"Pinocchio" and "The Three Little Pigs." Documentary(�lrn Group showings at 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. Social Science 1229th and University). Admission $0.35.lID . Thursday, February 8uB�IC LECTURE-Louis L. Thurston, Professor of Psychology,nlVersity of Chicago, "Objective Measurements of TemperaInent.". Alurnni series on Frontiers in Psychology. Room 126,JUdd Hall (5835 Kimbark), 7:30 p.m. Admission bv series ticketOnly. 'flU ... Friday, February 9'tBLIC LECTURE-'.'H,ierarchy . and C.ontinu.ity in Nature:I the Problem of Species" lecture 111 a series entitled, The Great,,�ea.s; Mortorner Adler, Professor of Philosophy of Law, U niII .rsl.ty of Chicago. 19 S. La Salle St., 7:30 p.m. Single ad-lID 11SS10n, $1.50.z�LI� C�NCER T -Reginald Kell, clarinet; Mieczyslaw, HorsCIW�kl, plano. Brahms, Sonata, F minor, Opus 120, No.1, forE_�rInet a.nd piano. Schumann, Kreisleriana. Brahms, Sonata,�1 at major, Opus 120, N? 2,. for clarinet and piano. Leon$) �nOdel Hall (57th and University), 8:30 p.m. Single admission,.;) .'l'R . Saturday, �ebruary 102:��K-Chlcago vs. Wayne, FIeld House (56th and University),n'�Sk p�m. , .U .E1 BALL-ChIcago vs. St. Joseph's, Field House (56th andI)IVersity), 8:00 p.m. $YOO.REt Sunday, February 11W ICIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel (59th andOOdlawn). John B. Thompson, Dean of the Chapel. 11 :00 a.m.�'lO Monday, February 12ti�IE-"Devil in the Flesh." Fre.nch film with Emdish suble es. A story of adolescent emotional upheavals with Miche-59�f Prelle and Gerard Philippe. International House (1414 E.1 St.), 8:00 p.m. Admission, $0.55.�BBRDARY, 1951 Tuesday, February 13PUBLIC LECTURE-Elder Olson, Associate Professor of English,University of Chicago. "T. S. Eliot," Alumni series on Classicsof Contemporary Literature. Room 126, Judd Hall (5835Kimbark), 7:30 p.m. Admission by series ticket only.MOVIE-"Time in the Sun" and "Song of Ceylon." DocumentaryFilm Group showings at 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. Social Science 122(59th and University). Admission, $0.35.Thursday, February 15PUBLIC LECTURE-William Fielding Ogburn, Professor ofSociology, University of Chicago, "The Sociologist," Alumniseries on Approaches to Peace. Room 126 Judd Hall (5835Kimbark), 7:30 pm. Admission by series ticket only.Saturday, February 17TRACK- Threeway meet with De Paul and Loyola, Field House(56th and University), 2:00 p.m.Sunday, February 18RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel (59th andUniversity) Charles W. Gilkey, Dean Emeritus of the Chapel.11:00 a.m.Monday, February 19lVIOVIE-"Thunder Rock" an English film starring Michael Redgrave. International House (1414 E. 59th St.), 8:00 p.m. Admission $0.55.Tuesday, February 20PUBLIC LECTURE-Leonard B. Meyer, Assistant Professor ofMusic, University of Chicago, "Cuiseppe Verdi. II," Alumniseries on The Opera. Room 126 Judd Hall (5835 Kimbark),7:30 p.m. Admission by series ticket only.Thursday, February 22PUBLIC LECTURE-Herbert Thelen, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Chicago, "Group Dynamics,"Alumni series on Frontiers in Psychology. Room 126 Judd Hall(5835 Kimbark), 7:30 p.m. Admission by series ticket only.BASKETBALL-Chicago vs. Curry, Field House (56th and University), 8:00 p.m., $1.00.Friday, February 23PUBLIC CONCERT-Griller String Quartet, Hayden, Quartet,F major, Opus 3, No.5. Arthur Bliss, Quartet No.2 (1950).Ernest Bloch, Quartet No.2. Leon Mandel Hall (57th andUniversity), 8:30 p.m. Single admission, $1.50.TRACK-Chicago vs. Western Michigan, Field House (56th andUniversity), 3:00 p.m.· .Saturday, February 24BASKETBALL-Chicago vs. Coe, Field House (56th and University), 8:00 p.m., $1.00.Sunday, February 25RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel (59th andUniversity) John B. Thompson, Dean of the Chapel. 11:00 a.m.Monday, February 26l\:10VIE-"Torment" a Swedish film with English subtitles; astory of sadism and adolescen t despair. In ternational House(1414 E. 59th St.), 8:00 p.m. Admission $0.46.Tuesday, February 27PUBLIC LECTURE-James Vincent Cunningham, Assistant Professor of English, University of Chicago, "Some Modern Poets,"Alumni series on Classics of Contemporary Literature. Room1�6 Judd Hall (5835 Kimbark), 7:30 p.m. Admission by seriesticket only.25CLASS1897Owen S. Townsend, MD, has retired andis living in Englewood, Colorado.1899Allan Hopkins has retired from his position as a salesman for the Koppers SeaBoard Co., Kearny, N. ]., and has movedto Lincoln, Nebraska.1900Lura May Love recently returned fromHolland where she lived with her husband,Dr. Hessel Postma, until his death twoyears ago. She will make her home inToledo.Henry W. Stuart, PhD, profe�sor. ofphilosophy emeritus at Stanford University,was presented with a volume of letterswritten by 79 colleagues and form�r students at a dinner on November 30, Ius 80thbirthday.1901Fiftieth Reunion June 8, 1951. To date30 report they plan to return for reunion, indicated by asterisk (*), and theEmeritus Club luncheon, June 9.Anna Cecilia Anderson, AM '02, is livinz in San Diego, California.Josephine M. Burnham has retired fromteaching and lives in Lawrence, Kansas,"engaged in research and writing."':: Ethel Freeman Strong lives on Chicago'SSouth Side. She lists her husband's business as research associate in anatomy atthe Chicago Natural History Museum.,;: May L. Graves writes: "Have been spending every summer for the past few yearson a farm in southern Alberta with afriend. For the past two years have spentthe winter near Miami, Florida. Expectto be in Elgin for the present, however."* After 25 years as secretary of the literature of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, New York City, Coe S. Hayneand wife, Ethel M. Shandrew, '07, retiredto St. Joseph, Michigan. He speaks occasionally in neighboring churches and servesas discussion leader for the Berrien CountyFarm Bureau. "Mrs. H. and I have talkedmuch of the 50th anniversary."Katherine Lee Hart lives in East Orange,New Jersey. Her husband is retired fromnewspaper editing and writing. He didspecial work on the quadrangles at thetime Katherine was a student.:;: Harold H. Nelson, PhD '13, professoremeritus of the Oriental Institute, is notill the habit of spending his winl�ers inChicago. Usually his headquarters havebeen at Luxor House, Egypt. Even afterretirement Harold and Mrs. Nelson continued to live in Egypt where he carriedon his work. They returned last springand will remain in Chicago this winter soHarold will be present for both the reunion and the Emeritus Club luncheon.,;: Jessie Oglevee Tanner lives at the Leamington Hotel in Minneapolis. The 1951reunion? "Possibly."26 NEWSGeorge G. Stroebe has retired from theU. S. army engineers and is living in Playadel Rey, California.From Carlsbad, California, Nina E. Weston (Mrs. A. R. MacBeth) writes she's sorryshe can't return for the reunion. -,1904Harry E. Mock, MD '06, has just published an 800-page book: Skull Fracturesand Brain Injuries, on which he has beenworking for fourteen years. He refers toit as the history and growth of one suraeon's hobby. Dr. Mock is consulting surgeon at St. Luke's Hospital and associateprofessor emeritus of surgery at Northwestern University Medical School. Histhree sons have followed him in medicine.Two are associated with him at St. Luke's.The youngest is a psychiatrist with theVeterans' Hospital in Philadelphia. Dr.Mock's book is dedicated "To My Sons.Whatever specialty they follow may theynever forget to be doctors."1906Robert Routledge, of London, Ontario,who went to Cuba three years after hisgraduation to take charge of NorthernBaptist Educational work, retired in 1940,and in 1949, was summoned to Habana toreceive the Order of Eespedes, Cuba'shighest honor.1907William F. Rothenburger, of Indianapolis, Indiana, writes; "Minister at largeafter holding a regular pastorate for Hyear�; Still preaching almost every Sunday.1908Vernor C. Finch, professor of geographyat the University of Wisconsin, receivedthe Distinguished Service Award of theNational Council of Geography Teachersat its '36th annual meeting November 24,1950.George J. Miller, SM '09, retired professor of geography at Indiana University,was honored at the recent meeting of theNational Council of Geography Teachers.He was given a booklet of highly appreciative statements made by nearly a hundredgeographers concerning his service to geography plus a gift of more than $600, contributed by many who wished to give'evidence of their appreciation.Althea H. Warren, of Los Angeles, is ateacher in the library school of USC.1909Harry L. \Vieman, PhD, has retired fromteaching and is living in Falmouth, Mass. 1910:;: George Braunlich is a cardiologist inDavenport, Iowa. "Shall attend reunio?unless it conflicts with meeting of A.M.A.Edison E. Oberholtzer, AM '16, presidentemeritus of the University of. Houstonihas been named in the 1950 edition 0""Who's Who in the South and Southwest.He has three married children. Kenneth,the eldest of two sons, is superintendent ofschools in Denver, Colorado.1911Fortieth Reunion, June 8, 1951. Todate 36 report they plan to return.indicated by asterisk (*).:;: Robert L. Allison lives in Oswego, Ne'vYork. He sent no news on his card sayou'll have to get it from him at the reunion.Frances M. Berry has retired from teaching. "Enjoy life! Summers in Prescott,Arizona; winters in Baltimore, Maryland,Mode of transportation; an old CheVYwhich gets us there although we, a friendand I, are 75 and it is l5!",;, Mary Sila Colt lives in Glenview, IllinoiS.Her husband, Earnway Edwards, is .a11executive with Montgomery Ward.Leonard G. Donnelly, formerly with thedepartment of public health in Santa f.e,New Mexico, is now retired and living JI1that city.Walter C. Eells, AM, is retiring as ad·viser on Higher Education on the staff ofSCAP in Japan. He plans to spend t�enext few years travelling, Visiting the prJ.l1·cipal universities in East Asia, Australi'"New Zealand, Africa and Europe.:;: Jacob Logan Fox, JD '13, is a lawyer illChicago.From Forest Hills, Long Island, catilethis communication from Margaret JalleFoglesong Ingram, whose husband is :�"retired amateur stock trader, Wall Street."Developing two acres as a 'play farn�'�migrating with the birds to Miami; wriungplays for fun; recapturing my acquaintancewith the culinary department. FreedoJ11!It's wonderful. The farm will be clail11in�us, come June .... Best wishes for a granhomecoming."* Gerard N. Krost, MD' '14, writes £r0111Chicago: "Still working seven days a week;no pay for overtime, taking care of sma)fry as a pediatrician. I hope to continll�as long as I can shuffle and drive around.Nona MacQui1kin is retired from thefaculty of the State Normal School illSuperior, ''''isconsin. She is now on theboard of education of that city.:;: Donna M. Messenger Barningham live�in Rockford, Illinois, where her husbanis- a retired insurance ad] uster.Edith Prindeville (Mrs. Kenneth N. A�k ins), Hanover, N. H., begins her secon.term as a representative from Hanove�to the New Hampshire General Court as 0THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINPthe first of the year. Edith, who was a�niversity Aide and member of Nu PhiSigma, is also a member of the State Council of the League of N _ H. Arts and Crafts;a member of the State Commission onArts and Crafts; and a Director of the NewlIampshire Conference on Social Welfare.1)r. Atkins is professor of Bacteriology atthe Dartmouth Medical School.. John F. Reddick, retired at the age ofSiXty, lives in Los Angeles. He was theS�lbject of a recent article in the HighlandI �rk, Illinois, Press captioned, "FormerlI�ghland Parker Credited with ImportantMiI_itary Suggestion-Goodbye, Mr. Horse,"WhIch told of his work in originating anddeveloping the armored tractor which ledto the use of more than one thousand�anks at St. Mihiel, the turning point inVOrld War 1. The tank battles in Normandy were also decisive.James B. Shouse, AM, retired professor?f education at Marshall College, is livingIn Buntington, West Virginia.llJohn G. Sinclair and wife, Margaret L.allcock '16, live in Galveston, Texas,1vhere he is professor of histology and�In?rYOlogy in the medical branch of thenIversity of Texas. Their son is an�lectronic physicist with Hughes AircraftIn L?s Angeles. The two daughters are�arned. There are three grandsons-twoIdentical twins. His extra-curricular inter�t is the development of the Conservationt10uncil of Texas Academy of Science, andJ1e associate of editorship of the TexasoUrnal of Science.:1,• .Alfred H. Straube lives in Chicago and1VIll be at reunion. No news until then..Ralph E. Vandervort lives in Los Angeles where he has been in real estate.1912t Fannie A. Bivans, LLB, has retired from.he active practice of law and is l ivinzIn Decatur, Illinois. ou �harles B. Gentry retired as dean of thenIversity of Connecticu t in October, 1950.1913M Victor S. Falk, MD, is a physician at1. endota State Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin.1914(I William C. Moise, is chairman of theepartmen t of geology and professor of�Ol?gy at the University of Mississippi,I/.IS Director of the Mississippi State Geo-1 g.Ical Survey and State Geologist and heavrrtes. that, along that line, they purchasedc helIcopter with which they have "discOVered more geologic exposures .than wetOllid have in two weeks or two monthsraveling by jeep on the ground."1915in ll.h?da W. Bacmeister, AM, a consultantin chIld care and child psychology in Washa gton, D. C., is the author of "Your Childnd Other People."1916Of �?berta D. Cornelius, AM, is the author\v The History of Randolph-Macon19�man's College" to be published in May,I) aI, by the University of North Carolinaless.FEBRUARY 1951, 1917Mrs. Marie M. McMahan and her husband; Albert j., are joint proprietors ofThe Towne Hotel in Oconomoc, Wisconsin.1918Nicholas D. Cheronis, PhD '29, chairmanof the division of physical sciences at theWright branch of Chicago City College,has been named chairman of BrooklynCollege's department of chemistry.James B. Ostergren, DB '23, is a mininster in Litchfield Park (Arizona).Roger J. Williams, SM, PhD '19, is professor of chemistry and director of theBiochemical Institute at the University ofTexas. He is the discoverer of pantothenicacid and a pioneer in the use of microorganisms for vitamin study.1919Corinne S. Eddy is resident psychiatristat Rochester State Hospital, Rochester,N. Y.Helen Hillman Fischer is teaching atthe Horace Mann School in Oak Park,Illinois.Bernhard R. Reinertsen, MD, was calledinto active service in July, 1950, and isnow with the First Marine Air Wing inKorea.1920John T. McNeill, PhD, is professor ofchurch history at the Union TheologicalSeminary, New York City.1921Thirtieth Reunion, June 8, 1951. Todate 81 report they plan to returnindicated by asterisk (*).Florence Alcock lives in Raleigh, NorthCarolina, where her husband, Henry H.Moore, is a fire insurance adjuster. Theyhave two married sons, a daughter who isa sophomore at Wake Forest College, NorthCarolina, and a small grandson not yeta year old. Reunion: "?" Florence playedbasketball, tennis, and baseball.�'Mrs. Corrine C. Anderson, AM '27,former high school principal, has retiredwith her husband, a chemist, and movedfrom Hobart, Indiana, to Schiller Park,Illinois.* Phyllis Baker teaches English and spon-.sors the student paper at Lindblom HighSchool, Chicago. Her husband, R. A. Matz,is a salesman and photographer. He exhibits colored slides in the big salons fromSan Francisco and Hawaii to the RoyalPhotographic Society of London. "Wehave show movies and slides; I have writtenand given the lectures, using poetry andmusic. Have photographed wild animalsand created movie scenarios with studen tactors."William T. Beauchamp is professor ofEnglish, acting chairman of the department, and director of writing and communications, at State Teachers College,Genesee, New York.Elizabeth E. Bettcher has retired fromButler University and is doing book reviews. She lives in North Liberty, Indiana, bu t has been ill for several years so it isdoubtful if she can attend the reunion.Maybelle I. Capron is an achievemen tcoordinator and teacher of English at TaftHigh School in Chicago.Vivian Carter, whose husband is in theinsurance business in Norfolk, Virginia,recently started her own business: Mason'sForeign Study and Travel Bureau. Shewill take an interracial group to Europe in1951 to learn first hand about conditions.She is vice president of the National COUIlcil of Negro Women, Inc.; she is on theboard of the Norfolk Child and Fam ilv'Yelfare Service; she founded the vYomen,'sCouncil for Interracial Cooperation in Norfolk. Her son is a graduate of HowardLaw School.::: Arthur L. Demond has completed 25years with Sears, Roebuck and Companyin Chicago as retail operating assistant inservice and supply. He is not married andlives in Beverly Hills, Chicago.::: Frances C. Dorr, wife of Royal Burtis,'22, lives in Elmhurst, Illinois, and hasbeen with the U. S. Treasury Departmentfor the last seven years. Royal is presidentof the Merchant's Credit Guide Co. ofChicago. Their oldest daughter, Cynthia,presented them with their first grandchild.Linda, age 1. Other children are Carol,a graduate of the U. of Iowa, and Edwin,a junior at Depauw (where Cynthia tookher degree), who plans to do graduatework at Chicago.Ruth E. Esch lives in La Crosse, WiSCOI1-son, where her husband, Paul Gatterdam,is a physician. Their oldest daughter,Ruth, is married; Paul is third year at the,University of Wisconsin, and Helen is attending Ripon College. Ruth was on theswimming team and a member of theW.A.A.::: Edna R. Friedlander is senior libraryassistant in the young people's division ofChicago'S Blackstone branch library. Herhusband, Herman H. Lowenstein, 'is asalesman for Diana Manufacturing Co. andan "idea man" for Hallmark GreetingCards. Her daughter, Idell, is in NewYork doing costumes and stage sets for offBroadway theaters. Daughter Janet is alsoin New York with the Metropolitan OperaBallet. On campus Edna was particularlyactive in the Y.W.C.A.Lucile Gillespie is physical science editorfor the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory in Washington, D. C.Arthur H. Hansen, MD '23, is a physicianand surgeon at Hammond, Indiana.::: Ramona M. Hayes, AM '32, and her husband, John F. Healy, are partners inVanderbilt Better Tours of Chicago. Lastsummer they took their largest party toEurope-270 people, and went through thecontinent in 10 busses. Ramona, who wasa member of the W AA and on the Maroonstaff while at the University, has been inthe travel business since her graduation.Austin H. Hobson is in the actuarialdepartment of the National Life InsuranceCompany, Montpelier, Vermont.Anna W. Janzen is director of the commons at the University of Texas in Austin.::: Minnie K. Kline teaches in Crane Technical High School in Chicago. Her husband, Orville Clifford, is an apartmen tbuilding manager and engineer. They havea married daughter and a son, 20.>:: Lena G. Leitzel has been running Streamer's Pharmacy in New Jersey since herhusband, C. H. A. Streamer, died in 1949.She lives in Collingswood, New Jersey. Shewishes now she had a pharmacy degreeinstead of a bachelor of science.27Marjorie S. Logan, director of the artdepartment of Milwaukee-Downer College,writes regrets: ", .. but my duties at theCentennial Commencement will keep mefrom attending in June, 1951.":;: Ida Long Goodman writes: "Presentposition, curriculum coordinator in theelementary department of Kent School forGirls, Denver, Colorado. Elected CountySuperintendent of Public Instruction November 7 for my home county, StaffordCounty, Kansas." Her husband passedaway in May, 1947.::: Mildred Ann McCormick' (Mrs. H. S.Phipps) lives in Gary, Indiana. Business:Phipps Realty Company. Two of her threechildren are married, Mary Jean, in Muskegon, Michigan, and John in California.Sam lives at home.Rheua Hazel Miller teaches social sciencein South Side High School in Fort Wayne,Indiana. "School prevents attendance."::: Margaret C. Moore is public health consultant on nutrition with the LouisianaState Board of Health, New Orleans.=:: Robert M. Moore is in real estate andinvestments at Wichita, Kansas. His son,Bob, Jr., is a lieutenant (j.g.) in the navyair corps. Dad has seen service in bothwars.Ruth C. Moser is editor of Public Aidin Illinois, the monthly publication of theIllinois Public Aid Commission, Chicago.=:: Emma H. Opfer is a member of thefaculty of Iowa State Teachers College inCedar Falls:::: Charles D. Parker, MD '27, is a physicianliving in River Forest, Illinois. Charlesis attending Northwestern, Ruanne andDavid are in Oak Park High School. ':;, Dora Pondel is teaching in Chicago.Theodora G. Pottle, AM '26, is head ofthe art department at Western IllinoisState College, Macomb: "New member onstaff. $4,000 of new equipment withinthe last year. Six exhibits planned for thisseason. Working on visual aids materialfor Illinois Art Education Association.Introducing new course for in-service training."Hazel V. Richards, AM, of Portland,Oregon, has retired from teaching.Towner B. Root, SM '22, teaches geologyat Temple University, Philadelphia.:;, Lionel Ruby, JD '23, PhD '30, is professor of Philosophy at Roosevelt Collegein Chicago. Dr. Ruby's book, "Logic: AnIntroduction," was published this year byJ. B. Lippincott.Robert F. Schoenbeck, MD '23, is aphysician and surgeon in Stoughton, 'Visconsin.Frances J. Schotthoefer lives in Hollywood, California, where she is a highschool teacher and her husband, C. A.Gardner, an agricultural consultant. Sherecently spent a sabbatical in Brazil withher husband who was on a diplomaticassignment. She is a "grandmother threetimes."=:: Ruth Shonle, AM '23, PhD '26, is assistant professor of sociology at Rockford(Illinois) College where her husband,Jordan T. Cavan, PhD '35, is professor ofeducation. Their daughter, Anna-Lee, ismarried and she and her husband arejuniors at Bradley University. Ruth hashad four books published and has been coauthor of three others in the field ofsociology. The last:' Personal Adjustmentin Old Age, was written with U. of C. professors Burgess, Havighurst, and Goldhamer.28 Agner 'V. Simon is the wife of WebsterG. Simon, PhD '18, vice president of Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Theyhave a daughter, fifteen.Vivian E. Simons lists her occupation as"housewife, gardener, general domesticfixer." Her husband, Gerald J. Leuck, istechnical director of Glyco Products Co.,Inc., Natrium, West Virginia.::' Gordon H. Simpson has been managerof Outhwaite Homes, a housing development under the Cleveland MetropolitanHousing Authority, since 1936. He supervises, maintains and operates 1028 units.His wife, Helen McWorter, '18, is a scienceteacher in Cleveland's Longwood JuniorHigh School. Daughter Helen entered Chicago at 15 this fall on a scholarship.Dora B. Smith is teaching in the department 'of education at Northwest MissouriState College, Maryville, Missouri.George R. Taylor, PhD '29, is professorof economics at Amherst (Mass.) College.Reunion: "Doubt if I could attend."Henry. H. Trotter is a clergyman atElkins Park, Pennsylvania.=:: Florence Urjant is the wife of RaymondA. Kinzie, '27, JD '29, a Chicago attorney.Raymond U. is 20, Louise and Bette, 1�.::' David R. Watson, JD '23, is an attorneyfor the Chicago Transit Authority. Helives in Elmhurst. There are three children: Nanabelle, 15; David, Jr., 14; andCharlotte, 11.Paul A. Weber is a partner of LockeAuto Electric Service, Sioux Falls, SouthDakota. He has two. children: Paul, Jr.,12; and Mildred, 15. In his senior year hesang in the Glee Club.::: Thomas E. Williams lives in Portland,Indiana. He is a retired superintendentof schools. He will attend the reunion,health permitting.Harry Winkler, MD '29, of Charlotte,North Carolina, is an orthopoedic surgeon.He lost one son in the last war. "Recentlyreturned from a trip to Europe which included the Continent and a meeting of theBritish Orthopaedic Association in London."=:: Mary A. Woolston is a social scienceteacher in Chicago'S Austin High School.Her husband, Ralph H. Moore, '29, is inthe science department of Lane TechnicalHigh School. They live in Oak Park.Walter E. Landt, of Hartford, Wisconsin,is an investment counselor at the Milwaukee' office .of Paine, Webber, Jackson andCurtis. He is playing around with threedimensional photography.Margaret A. Turner, AM '31, assists herhusband, James O. Grout, in his business,the Hammond Bottling Works, Hammond,Louisiana.Paul E. Johnson, AM, professor of psychology of religion at Boston UniversitySchool of Theology, has written "A Psychological Study of Christian Love" publishedin January by Abingdon-Cokesbury Pressunder the title "Christian Love."1922Bernice Huff is a retired teacher nowliving in Normal, Illinois.Paul C. Hitchcock, of Hibbing, Minnesota, is publisher of the Hibbing newspaper,the "1 ribune."Harry O. Lathrop, SM, professor of geography at Illinois Normal University, waselected president for 1951 of the NationalCouncil of Geography Teachers.Gleyn Law (Mrs. Roy B. Holstein) is ahospital hostess in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Reginald E. Leggette, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, is acoustical engineer alicontractor, R. E. Leggette Co., Detroit..J. Edwin. Pasek, �M, ?f White Pl�J[�::New York, IS executrve director, technIC'vocational books, for Prentice-Hall, InC.,New York City. eJ. Earle Wooding is president of tbtABC Coach Lines operating intrastate Ol�of Fort Wayne, Indiana. E�rle is �en a\sjusted and has succeeded m passing tb,spirit of well being on to the personnel IIIthe business, so he has developed no ulcel�'He has married in recent years and has ,Iyoungster, Tommy, nearly six, "a regtl1altfellow."1923• '0'William A. Brownell, PhD '26, IS pI 1fessor of e?ucation and de�n o� the SchOV'of Education at the University of Ca.. "iornla. 8Henry S. Commager, AI"I '24, PhD. '2/professor of history at Columbia Unl\'\sity, is a book reviewer for the New YOIyHerald-Tribune. He is the author of man,books, of which the latest is "The Amerl'can Mind.".. eLois Fisher is starred every Saturday e� ,:,ning on WENR-TV's "Lois and Laaleshow in Chicago. She en tertains yOLl�g'sters seated around the studio by narratIJl;�and il l u s t r a t i n g well-known childrenstories. .Helen Laurie has retired from teachil�gin Seattle Public Schools and is living IIISt. Petersburg, Florida.Maurice T. Lesemann, of La Crescent.a;California, is in the advertising business IILos Angeles. (ICarl W. Rothert is the executive ?elioof the Fort Wayne office of the ChlcagdMotor Club. This is his home town. an ;,with a corps of salesmen, he is makinfconsistently fine record. sWarren L. Sexton is in charge of sal�tat the Kunkle Valve Company in. f? Jl'Wayne, Indiana. There are four c11l1cl1ein his family.1924Prudence Cutright, assistant sllperinte)1'ent for elementary education in Mi)1J1�;apolis public schools, will retire from t!l�,positi�n ��bruary 1, after 24 years serVI�eShe will Jom the staff of Macalester coIlerin St. Paul as associate professor of e eementary education. She plans to teach Oil,course in elementary education, but, h�big -job will be to help pave the. w.a1'through research, for four years' tra1l111 gfor teachers.1925Varney C. Arnspiger, of Chicago, is e�ecutive vice president of Encydop�ed�;.Britannica Films, Inc., Wilmette, IllJ110ldWilliam D. Kerr, of Bacon, Whipple a�eCompany, Chicago, has been elected to texecutive committee of the central grol�of the Investments Bankers AssociationAmerica. rRobert F. Koerber, Jr., with his father�operates the finest jewelry store in f?orWayne, Indiana. His daughter is a senl is.in education at Northwestern. His sonattending high school. beThomas L. 'McMeekin, PhD, head of t alprotein division of the Eastern RegIOll1�i'Research Laboratory, Department of Mileculture, Philadephia, will receive �tllBorden Award for 1951 for his work wJmilk proteins.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZI�tAlice E. Paine became librarian at theNebraska State Teachers College in Kearney, Nebraska, on September 1, 1950. Shet�s elected vice-president of the Nebraskat.Ibrary Association at its annual conven-]I90n held in Lincoln, Nebraska, in October,50.th Arthur L. Puklin's daughter, Mrs. Doro. y W. Loewenthal, is working for her AMIn the school of social service at the Uni�;rsity and is a resident of International'lOuse.1926'twenty-fifth Reunion, June 8, 1951.'to date, 123 report they plan to return-indicated by asterisk (*).loUise Abernathy of Pulaski, Tenn.,1vrites that she has been an invalid for anu .b Illber of years and therefore will not bea le to come up for reunion.Catherine L. Baum lives in Glencoe, Illin?is. Her husband, Ralph L. Arnheim, is?ce-presiden t and treasurer of Alden's,ne. Barbara is a senior at Pine Manor,VVelIesely, Massachusetts. Ralph, Jr. attends New Trier High School.d.llarbara Biber (Mrs. Oscar Bodansky) is�rector of research and chairman of the�IVision of studies and publications forhe Bank Street School, New York City.I!; Edmund Haug Bremer, AM '35, is�per!ntendent of. schools at We.idman,h lehlgan. Since hIS 1926 graduatIOn he�s moved up from English in Morton�Igh Sc�ool to. t�e superi?tende�ci�s ofS Onstantme, Ill inois; Fennville, MIchIg�n;Wartz Creek, Michigan; and now Weidran. In 1951 he expects to retire to Dou�ahs, Michigan to concentrate on his hobby,� Otography. He has three grown chil'lten.;'. 'thomas P. Butcher, MD '34, has a pracKce limited to general surgery in Emporia,lll. an�as. He is a Lieutenant Colonel in theI edlcal corps of the air force in the last;ar; _was certified American Board of Su�c�ry 10 1947; and is a Fellow of the Amen". n CoJ!ege of Surgeons.." 'Theresa T. Cohen did three years of�I'aduate work at Chicago and receivedshr M.E. from Loyola. During the yearss e has been teaching in the Chicagoe��oOls, she has spent many summers travi Il1g both abroad and in the States. SheSSh principal of a Chicago elementarycOol.l James E. Davis, AM '28, PhD '32 lives inp Os Angeles where he is head of the de��rt�ent of physiology in the College ofCa YSlcians and Surgeons and director offo neer research at the Bernard Foundation,'. r Medical Research.b �orman H. Eggert is in the insurancell\l.sln�ss in Chicago, living in McHenry,te Ill01S with his family including a daugh"r, 12, and a son, 11.live:Q.�sebud Elkan (Mrs. Herbert Wol£�er)fo s III Chicago where her husband IS aod broker.fe llerthold C. Friedl, AM, is Associate ProatSSor of Romance Languages and Russian'it the University of Miami.PaIl\'(innie A. Gibbard is supervising princiIVak of LaSalle Elementary School in Misha-a, Indiana.�e�ernard Ginsberg, PhD '29, is in thehasroleum refining business in Chicago. Heone daughter, Rea Louise, 8.�£BRUARY , 1951 Ingrid Haerem teaches eighth grade inRedwood City, California. Her husband,J ames A .. Mcf'adden, a civil engineer, diedin 1944. He had been a design engineer forT.V.A. at Norris, Tennessee. John, Jr., isat Stanford, Barbara is a junior at U.C.L.A.,and Betty is in high school. "Enjoy GreatBooks discussion group, here."Mildred A. Harms has taught for a quarter of a century, in elementary and juniorhigh schools-at. present, mathematics inKelvyn Park High School, Chicago.':' Myrtle M. Heard (Mrs. K. E. Higley)teaches American history and government,and world history at Liberty High Schoolin Youngstown, Ohio.* Edwin T. Hellebrandt is chairman of thedepartment of economics and managementat Ohio University in Athens. His department is expanding work in management.They have added work in industrial relations and plan additional work in advancedmotion and time study. He attended theEducator's Conference at General MotorsCorporation with Dr. Burns, from our faculty, last summer. His daughter is injunior high school.Fred M. Henderson, JD '29, is deputydistrict attorney of Los Angeles County,California.* Dorothy Jackson .. is a Spanish teacher inthe Chicago high schools where her husband, John M. Newsom, teaches science. Heattended Chicago for a year but was graduated from DePauw. They have a son, 7.and a daughter, 5. Dorothy has apparentlyalways liked Spanish. She was a memberof the Spanish Club on campus as well asthe Inter-Racial Committee, Y.W.C.A. andthe Liberal Club.':' Mary Jones Broussard lives in St. Louiswhere her husband is an instructor andveteran counsellor in the public schools.There are three children: two girls, 19and 12, and a boy, 15..Lt. Col. Charles W. Lawrence, Jr., ofWayzata, Minnesota, has been assigned asthe Command Staff Judge Advocate of theJapan Logistical Command, with headquarters in Yokohama.::: Mary Esther Lee is an artist living inOak Park, Illinois.* Michael Levin, JD '28, practices law inChicago. He worked for the city from 1930to 1940, was in private industry and thearmy until 1944, and is active in the BarAssociation, the Decalogue Society of Lawyers, and the National Lawyers Guild ..Edna M. Lucas (Mrs. Hedges) is a homeeconomics teacher in Oklahoma City.>:< Myrtle Mattick (Mrs. G. W. Jones) is astatistician in Chicago.* Mrs. Velma Maynor teaches English andLatin in the Oneonta, Alabama highschool. After graduation she spent severalyears in Seoul, Korea, as a missionaryteacher in Ewha Womans College. From1941-44 she was executive secretary of theMethodist Board of Missions for Woman'sWork in Japan, Korea, and the Philippines.Her husband was killed in the first WorldWar. Now, in summers, she conducts toursto Europe; "pleasant and profitable vaca!cion employment.">:< Mary B. Meehan teaches history atFarragut High School in Chicago.Louise Millhuff lives in· Chicago. Herh usb and, Kenneth W. Dean, AM '25,is a teacher. They have two children:Nancy, 10; and James, 7.Mabel A. Newitt is on the art faculty ofNortheast High School in Kansas City,Missouri.>:< Ruberta Maria Olds lives with thermother in Washington, D.C. where Ru- berta has been teaching at The AmericanUniversity since 1930. She is now associateprofessor of Spanish and chairman of thedepartment of modern languages.Lee H. Ostrander, of William Blair andCompany, Chicago, has been elected secretary-treasurer of the central group of theInvestment Bankers Association of America .':' Bena Peterson Carlson has retired fromteaching at Northern Illinois State Teachers College where she taught from 1921 to1949. She is living in DeKalb, Illinois.* Ethel Irene Preston, after twenty-fiveyears in the English department of Highland Park (Michigan) Junior High, has retired and is now "enjoying the advantages of Detroit in my leisure." She washead of the English department.>:< Margaret Roberts Moore lives in Chicago where her husband is an industrialengineer with Swift and Company. SaraKatharine is 12.Elizabeth B. Rogge, SM '36, is assistantprofessor of nutrition at the University ofConnecticut in Storrs.Max N. Rose received his J.D. fromLoyola in 1934 and is now a newspaperman. His wife was Frances Bleier, '38.Their home is in Evanston. They havetwo daughters': Jean, a graduate of Northwestern School of Education, and Nancy,a music graduate of the University of Illinois.':' Emily L. Sedlacek writes: "We havehighest praise for the University for itsGreat Books program. We are in one ofthe groups here in Oak Park." We, includes husband George V. Deal, '23, whois with the public safety extension divisionof the Pennsylvania State College, and adaughter who is nearly seven.* Harold E. Thomas, PhD '47, is agroundwater geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey. He lives in Salt Lake Citywith his family of four children: Sharonand Shelia, 12; Jon, 10; and Patricia, 2.Harold spent the last year in New Yorkmaking a survey of the national groundwater situation for the ConservationFoundation. He has now returned to theRockies to do ground-water research in theColorado River basin.Louise Wietzer lives in Grand Island,Nebraska where her husband, Clinton E.John, has a Dodge-Plymouth wholesale andretail sales and service garage. They havea daughter at Duke University and a sonat Nebraska. Louise is a Nu Pi Sigma,was secretary of Mirror, active in Y.\V.C.A.,and was Inter-Club president.1927Virginia Hyde (Mrs. E. Victor Kennan)is a member of the staff of St. Anne'sSchool in Charlottsville, Virginia.James B. Ross, PhD '34, is associate pro·fessor of history at Vassar College.1928Ralph B. Coe, of Hatboro, Pennsylvania,is civil service electronics engineer at theNaval Air Station. .Ben M. Hanna, AM, is with the education department of Baylor University,Waco, Texas.Von E. Livingston, JD, is a member ofthe prominent Fort Wayne, Indiana lawfirm of Campbell, Livingston, Teeple andDildine.Jasper Manton, AM, has been pastor ofthe Trinity Presbyterian Church, Dallas,Texas, for twenty years.Goldie A. Singer is teaching English andjournalism in Tulsa, Oklahoma.29w. B. CONKEY CO.HAMMOND, INDIANA��ad�'P� ad �btde'e4SALES OfFICES: CHICAGO AND NEW YORKADVANCEENGRAVING COMPANYPhoto EngraversArtists - ElectrotypersMakers of printing plates426 S. Clinton HArrison 7·3440POND LETTER SERVICEEverythin« in Letter.HIDve., Type.rltl ••Multlgraphln.Addre"ograph 8,"1"Hlghllt Qualltli 8,"1., M Imeolraphl ••Addressl ••Mallia.Mlal_u. ",1 ...All Phones: 219 W. Chicago AvenueMI 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisR.E S U LT S ...depend on getting the details RIGH7PRINTINGImprinting-Processed Letters - TypewritingAddressing - Folding - MailingA Complete Service (or Direct Adverti.er.Chicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn St., ChicaKo 5, Ill.\V AhllHh 2-·Hi61. E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET-LITH OG RAPHYFine Color Work A Specialty731 Plymouth CourtWAbash 2-8182CLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3-3935"Goofl Printin, 01 A.ll Description."30 1929Edward Larson, PhD, is professor ofphysiology and pharmacology at the University of Miami.Mary R. Pettigren, AM, is a teacher atNatrona County High School in Casper,Wyoming.1930Frank W. Herlihy, of Comstock, Michigan, is working on the construction ofschool houses in Michigan. His wife,Betty A. Blair, '31, is active in the GirlScouts. They have three children: Terence6, Susy II, and Joanna 16. Joanna is thethird generation U of C student. Hergrandparents are Anne Hough, 07, andClyde A. Blair, '05.Florence K. Sprinkle (Mrs. Robert B.Jackson) is an interviewer for the IndianaEmployment Security Division in La Porte,Indiana.1931Twentieth Reunion, June 8, 1951.To date 125 report they plan to return-indicated by asterisk (*).Mrs, Grace Woodyard Aron, AM '33,does part time teaching of Spanish in LosAngeles where her husband is an aeronautical engineer.Gertrude Axelson (Mrs. Robert Clarida)is living in Edgerton, Wisconsin, whereshe is a retoucher in the Edgerton CameraShop.'.' Olive V. Belsly has been teaching mathematics at Hyde Park High School since1934.Ruth M. Blankmeyer is art consultant inthe Oak Park elementary schools. Shespends the summer on her farm in Michigan. Since she did much of her work atDowntown College, she'll have to come outto the reunion and get acquainted withthe gang.'" Elfrieda M. Brede of Collinsvile, Illinois, taught languages in the townshiphigh school for 31 years before retiringbecause of ill health. Previously she hadbeen on the faculty of the McCrey DeweyAcademy for five years.Ruth S. Budd Benin lives in Lewisburg,Penna., where her husband is section manager of AM and FM radio engineering atWestinghouse. Leah is 12, David, 10, andJoshua, 6. They expect to move to Metuchen, New Jersey, next summer whereWestinghouse is building a huge new plant.::: Norman R. Cooperman, SM '32, PhD'36, MH '38, a physician and surgeon inChicago, specializes in obstetrics a n dgynecology. Norman w r i t e s that he hasmissed the University for years, and stilldoes. He is the father of Dan, age 3Y2,and Jane, lY2.Ruth Crothers is a teacher in Ypsilanti,Michigan. ..Donald H. Dalton, Washington, D.C. attorney, has been named associate generalcounsel of the Save the Children Federation, an international organization aidingchildren in Europe, Korea and ruralAmerica. Donald lives in Silver Spring,Maryland with his wife, Irene Martin, '30,and their three children.Belle L. Dickson, AM, has retired asProfessor of Education at Humboldt StateCollege and is living in Seattle. ::: Alice M. Dolan (Mrs. William G. lIeffron) is living in Buffalo, New York, whereher husband is an attorney. The Heffronshave three children: Jean Anne, age 12,.Billy, 8; and Alice Mary, 7.Lee R. Foster of Tinley Park, Ilinois;is superintendent of schools in District :No',142 of Cook County.::: Dorothy E. Fox lives in Lake Bluff, Illi·nois. Her husband, Lt. Col. A. H. Vollert·sen, is with the regular army dental corps.Dorothy was active in athletics, W.A-A.and Y.W.C.A.Carolyn N. French (Mrs. Henry H. Gage)is employed as a secretary in Milwaukee.Rodney C. Gould is pastor of the FirstBaptist Church of Corvallis, Oregon, homeof Oregon State College. He' operates anextensive student program.Katherine Groman is married to WilliafllM. Schuyler, '34, PhD '38, head of theFrench department of the University ofIllinois at Chicago's Navy Pier. She reportSher business as "Keeping up with the fafll'ily:" William, Jr., 13, Sybil, II, Peter, sand Philip, 4.::: Earl W. Harder, AM '32, is with theKimberly-Clark Corp., manufacturers ?fpaper and paper products in Neenah, \'VIS.Walter D. Herrick, Jr., is a lawyer ,�ithoffices on LaSalle Street, Chicago. He hve�in Oak Park where he has two childrv'':Walter, III, 10, and Julia, 7.Naomi Hildebrand teaches home ecO'nomics in junior high school in Davell'port, Iowa.::: Joseph F. Hurt lives in Berwyn, Illi·nois. He does statistical research.. fJerome J. Hurwich, a physician, is cl�le,of surgical service at the Veterans HospItalin Dwight, Illinois. .In Toledo, Ohio, Hamer C. Knepper ISmanager of the Owens-Illinois Glass comdpany. He has two children, eleven annine. Reunion: "?"::: Frances Larkin Bra d y is "supervis!llg,deceased husband's estate" in Granite cIty,Illinois. .::: Mollie C. Mailick teaches English 1t1Hyde Park High School, Chicago. lIelhusband, Harry E. Kamins, is a certifiedpublic accountant. Clive is 14 and Mal"lene, five. .Ralph M. McGratt, SM '36, is an engl'neer with 'Western Electric, Chicago. fieis doing a special investigation on the e�'fects of industrial noise on personnel. filStraining on the Midway was in psychologybefore he became an acoustical engineel'.He was married in June, 1948, and lives inLaGrange .::: Jane R. McLimans lives in Dulut]1,Minnesota where her husband, George �.Gunderson, is a steel worker. Martin ISfu� fFrom Anchorage, Alaska, comes word �Anna E. Mulholland (Mrs. Lowell �.Puckett). Mr. Puckett 'is regional adminls'trator for the Bureau of Land Manag�'ment. They have four children: EdiPMae, age 16; Ada Lee, 13; and twins Doro'thy and Douglas, 6. .fKenneth L. Preston is superintendent?schools for District 100 in Berwyn, IllinOIS.* Rosalind Rosewater is a kindergartel�teacher at the Fairfax School in Clevelan(Heights, Ohio.>:< Gerald F. Ryan is in charge of persOll'nel relations and in-service training at t]1�Veterans Administration .Hospital, K�OJ(.ville, Iowa. During the war he was a 11��tenant commander with the navy WI\three years of sea duty. He has three ch4'dren: Sheila, 15; Cailin, II; and Michael, ;He sent regards to Frank O'Hara, whO aTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE�he time the Class was on campus, "vas",ead of the Dramatic Association.' .. Laura C. Salmann Kniazzeh lives in Chi;,ago. Her husband is retired.; James M. Sheldon is with Charles A.bt�vens & Co. in Chicago. His wife, Isahe le Hill, '33, is a. Quadrangler. TheyI�:e two daughters: Anne, 14; and Sara,, ?nd live in Western Springs.Ii Milton Silberg, JD '32, is an attorney in.,. ayward, California.l Edward K. Stackler is an attorney onII�SaUe Street. He has two sons, 13 and[II�' . The family lives in Highland Park," InOIS. ': Ethel L. Stephens has been working inD�Iunteer organizations in her home town'h Platteville, Wisconsin, and writes that; e, manages to keep quite busy in suchl�o�k. Ethel is looking forward to the re-Pnlon-"Twenty years-so much has hapened in that time!"In£dward H. Stevens, ·PhD '38, is an assist�rt professor at the South Dakota School of'-rnes in Rapid City.' Like a reunion?" heoretically, yes, but probably couldn't"lake it."in Wilson E. Sweeney, SM '33 is U.S. Consul, Calcutta. He left the States for two�ears in Calcutta in January, 1950. He re;�ntly visited Bangkok, Hong Kong andI'��apore. He also visited Sidney, Ausn ha. He spent two years in Australia dur�g the war when he was with Lend Lease.� e has also been with the Department of�ornmerce on loan from the State Depart'lent� a�bert J. Tiple� is a physician at Ilwaco,, ashlUgton.'0 })avid Loy Tressler is associate counsel{the Security Mutual Casualty Co. oflalleago. He has four children: David, ll;a Y'. 8; Barbara, 5; and Dorothy, 3. TheIlllly lives in Western Springs.vr�Orothy Tyler lives in Kansas City,lelSSouri where her husband is an attor-y, They have one son, Robert, 17.�o�hehna White lives in Elmhurst, IlliI �s. Her husband, Paul 'V. Schroeder, is[4, entISt. They have two children, James,, and Sandara, 11.bl' Eleanora Wickstrom, with her oldest�l' o.ther, owns and operates a dairy andis aln farm at Walworth, Wisconsin. Junerel� .busy season and she's not sure abou tnlon but hopes to make it.ba;aYIord Wilkinson, AM, '40, is on a sabCa leal from South Shore High School, Chi':, go and is touring Europe.he ,Cecelia Wolf lives in Chicago wherecial husband, S. J. Benensohn, is a physiRa n and surgeon. Howard is 10 andten, three.N!anet C. Works lives in Highland Park,is 'v Jersey. Her husband, Ralph P. Reece,tJll�rofessor of dairy husbandry at Rutgersis llVersity in New Brunswick. Alan Johnreltte.n. She wishes she could be' at the':, nlon on June 8th.canEdna Young Nelson is with the Amer iCll' Telephone and Telegraph Company,�etleago. Her husband is with the PhillipsS,ly;OI,;um Company, Elgin, Illinois. Ednal\oi I haven't kept up any friendships.Jik )ably wouldn't know anyone but wouldon e to be a bystander at a reunion." ComePen and try by-standing and see what hap-s.�a Wiliam F. Zacharius continued at Chiclh�\ .. �ent College of Law after leavingJ.s wudway, securing an LL.B; LL.M; andOf ib. and staying on to become a professorOf �\v and chairman of the editorial boardis t le Kent Law Review. His daughterlQarried and he now has a grandson.�1:13RUARY, 1951 1932Paul D. Cooper, of Glendale, California,has been - assigned to the Ordnance Sectionof the Japan Logistical Command, withheadquarters in Yokohama. Capt. Cooper'swife and two daughters joined him inYokohama last March.George M. DeYoung, MD, of Dixon,Illinois, is Lee County Health Director.Jess H. Hengst is a geological engineerin Conroe, Texas.Ray H. Turner, AM, PhD '35, is a minister living in Belvidere, Illinois.1933Major Jules B. Comroe, MD '37, of LosAngeles, .is in Okinawa for a tour of overseas duty in the Far East. He is presentlyassigned with the Military Government section, a unit of the Army of Occupation inthe Ryukyus Command.Robert F. Dewey, JD, has been appointedto the trust department of the First National Bank of Arizona (Phoenix).Claude H. Ewing is teaching at theKamehameha Schools in Honolulu.Robert H. O'Brien, LLB, is president ofthe United Paramount Theatres, New York.Bernard G. Sarnat, MD '37, clinical assistant professor of oral surgery at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, hasbeen named the recipien t of the secondprize in the 1950 international essay competition for the Kerbs Award in PlasticSurgery.1934Sherman M. Booth, Jr., JD '37, is Counselfor the Electronic Supply Office (Navy Department), Great Lakes, Illinois.Valdimir O. Key, Jr., PhD, has joined thefaculty of Yale University. In 1949, he received the Woodrow Wilson Award of theAmerican Political Science Association forhis book, "Southern Politics," and he hasserved on the Executive Councils of theAmerican Political Science Association andthe Southern Political Science Association.Bernard B. Miran, AM '39, is a socialworker and rancher in Petaluma, California.Robert A. Walker, PhD '40, is associateprofessor of pol itical science at StanfordUniversity.1935Robert N. Baumgartner, AM '47, is nowliving in Chicago. He will be with theOak Park and River Forest High Schoolfor the current year.Deton J. Brooks, Jr., of New York City,was made administrative assistant in theDepartment of Welfare in August, 1950.Geneva L. Feamon, AM '38, a socialworker for the U. S. Public Health Service in Washington, D. C., was married toKarl A. Lundberg on April 1, 1950.Martha Friedman (Mrs. Shlomo Marenof)has been named religious school directorand educational consultant of TempleShalom of Newton (Massachusetts). .David J. Harris, of Sills, Fairman & Harris, Inc., Chicago, has been elected to theexecutive committee of the central groupof the Investment Bankers Association ofAmerica.William M. Nugill, PhD, was made Director of the Summer School and Professorof Latin and Greek at the University ofManitoba last September. He representedthat University at the Canadian Education RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson .Blvd. TelepheneMOnroe 6-3192TuckerDecorating ServiceJ 360 East 70th StreetPhone Midway 3-4404GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting-Decorating-Wood Finishing3123Lake Street PhoneKEdzie 3-3186HYLAND A. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKendCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone DOrchester 3-1579TELEPHONE TAylor 9-64ZUI0' CALLAGHAN BROS.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.P hone: SAginaw 1-3202FRANK CURRANRoofing Be InsulationLeak. RepairedFree Edimate.FRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.7711 Luella Ave.313 HOUR SERVICEEXCLUSIVE CLEANERSAND DYERSSince I9:l01442 and 1331 E. 57th St.•EVENING GOWNSAND FORMALSA SPECIALTYMidway ������ • w. call/orand d.liv.r3 HOUR SERVICEBIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners (I Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: WEntworth 6-5380SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 99 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stock23 N. Wabash AvenueChicagoWHOLESALEBOYDSTON BROS .• INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.OAklud 4-0492•Auto Livery•Quie', unobtrusive serviceWhen you want it, as you want 'itCALL AN EMERY FIRSlEmery Drexel Livery, Inc.5516 Harper AvenueFAirfax 4-640032 RETAIL Association in Victoria; B.C., in October,1950. He has been elected a member ofthe Council of the Classical Association ofCanada for 1950-51.Milton J. Shapin was the featured speakerat a clinic on consumer standards at theNational Standardization Conference heldat the' Waldorf-Astoria in November. Thesession was sponsored by the AmericanStandards Association. Milton is merchandise administrator of Speigel, Inc., of Chicago.Boyd S. Weaver, SM, is a chemist at OakRidge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,Tennessee.1936Helen L. Busch, AM, (Mrs. Theodore S.Chapman), of Jerseyville, Illinois, is second vice president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. She spent themonth of October speaking at district conferences of women's organizations in NorthDakota, South Dakota and Ohio. She isconsultant to the Midwest State Federations.Elizabeth C. Davis, AM, is an art teacherat the Punahou School in Honolulu, T. H.Martha J. Fields was married to CurtEisenberg on August 2, 1950. They are living temporarily in South Bend, Indiana.Mary E. Hawkes, of Oak Park, Illinois,is doing sales promotion work for the Continental Casualty Company in Chicago.Marian E. Madigan, PhD, of Milwaukee,Wisconsin, is author of "Psychology: Principles and Applications" published in August.Frienda O. Hagstrom, of Chicago, has retired from teaching.Edward G. Kominek, MBA '49, is assistant general sales manager for Infilco, Inc.,Tucson, Arizona.Kathryn L. Langhorne is overseas withthe Red Cross.Philleo Nash, PhD, is administrative assistant to the President of the UnitedStates. His wife is the former Edith RosenfeIs, '34.George H. Watkins has been selectedchairman of a non-partisan. Chicago-CookCounty Committee of the Illinois Citizensfor the Hoover Report. He and his wife,Catherine E. Pittman, '37, live in Flossmoor, Illinois.Donald Von Wilson, AM, and his wife,Marie W. Reese, '34, AM '36, are living inNew York .City, where Donald is directorof the International Society for Cripples.1938Louis S. Baer, MD '38, of Burlingame,California, writes: "All goes well with thefive Baers in this loveliest of all suburbs.There still is lots of room for all you whomay 'long for sunshine and perfect climate."Lester H. Cook, AM, is teaching atWilson Junior College in Chicago.Carl J. Frommherz is a librarian at Wexford County Library in Cadillac, Michigan.Gustav G. 'Kaufmann, of Winchester,Mass., was called to active duty in October.1939Elmer J. Anderson, AM, is doing publichealth service in Buffalo, N. Y.Ruth E. Cooper, AM, is assistant professor in the School of Social Welfare, University of California.Cynthia A. Hawkes, SM '40, is a teacherat J. Sterlirig Morton High School, Cicero,Hlinois. Thomas "V. Sugars, MD, is a physician illSpokane, Washington.Charlotte Towle, professor of social serv'ice administration, is a member of thiboard of the American Association 0Schools .of Social Work.Leonard Weiss is an economist in the'State Department, 'Washington, D. C.1940James B. Charlton is an accountant jorthe Price Waterhouse Company in Los A11'geles. .David B. Clark, PhD, MD '44, and blSwife, Barbara Kinyon, MD. '44; are in LO�:.don, England, where DaVId IS on a �L1.bright Fellowship at the National HospItal,Their daughter, Anne Barrett, is one yearold.Jacqueline M.. Cross (Mrs. John W.Hinkel) is head of the District Red Cross.motor service in Washington, D. C. }Jelhusband is general sales manager for a.local auto company. [Fredrik G. Feltham, AM '40, is assista11professor of language arts at San Franci�cOState College. Mrs. Feltham (Dorothy :E111:becker, '42, AM '43) was assistant directOIof the Veterans Testing Service at Chicag�'America Holbrook, Salem, Virginia, .IS'a social worker at the VA Hospital IIIRoanoke.Robert C. Jones and his wife, Ingeborg,have a daughter, Diana May, born Nove]1l'ber 9, 1950.Roy T. Tanoue, MD, was married toMarjorie Takishita on August 4, 1950. ROYis a surgeon in Honolulu. tWilbert H. Timmons, AM, is assista11professor of history at West Texas Sta,teCollege, El Paso, Texas..Leo Zimmerman, AM, is a social workelin Los Angeles.Frank G. Ziobrowski, MD, is a physiciaJlin Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.1941Tenth Reunion, June 8, 1950. Todate 105 report they plan to return-indicated by asterisk (*)..,. Robert L. Adelman, PhD '45, a resea:c�chemist with the duPont ElectrocheIllIcasdepartment in Niagara Falls, N. Y., reportthe recent arrival of Debra Rose, wbo.weighed in at 7 pounds'. .>:: George L. Altman, SM '48, of Riversld�;Illinois, is a resident physician. He doe?tlsay where. You can ask him at reun10!l'Betty Anthony is the wife of Francis L;Friedman, assistant professor of physio athe Massachusetts Institute of TechnolOg{y'They live in Cambridge. Gweneth is nearfive; Karen past one. .Jane Armstrong is an art teacher 111Glenview, Illinois.':' Marjorie Berg teaches piano, orgaf:music theory and voice in Mt. Morris, IIInois, where her husband, Harold R. Lo�g,is secretary-treasurer of Kable Printl11�Company. Marjorie attended the AIller;:can Conservatory of Music after gradLl'1tion and earned her M.B. and M.M. a11�remained to teach for two years beforemoving to Mt. Morris. The Bergs bavone .boy: Wayne Charles 4. fArthur E. Brake and his wife, the fortI1�iJBetty L. McKim, also '41, are living I.Chicago where Arthur is a research cbe�.ist with Armour & Co. They are the pa5ents of William Arthur, born Marcb Z'1950.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINP':' Jane Bureau lives in Memphis, Tennes�ee, where her husband, John R. Russell,41, SM '42, MD '45, is a resident neuro�urgeon. They have two boys, 5 and 3.h tthel Cohen lives in Gary, Indiana. Herusband, Morey Gross, is with the American Supply Company.i\1Ja?-e A. Dalenberg is secretary, E.C.A.ISSIon to France, Paris.I tdward B. Donnelly has been a petroeurn geologist with the Carter Oil Comfany since January, 1947. He was recently/ansferred from their offices in Shreveport]0 �Vichita, Kansas. Toni Marie is four and.aCle Patricia is two.� Mary E. Eaton lives in Baton Rouge,ouisiana, where her husband, Andrew J.�ato�, PhD '44, is associate director of u. rarles in Louisiana State University. She�s, active in the Baton Rouge League of�O�en Voters. Carolyn Alice is three andIgarJorie Susan was born September 26,50.b Martin M. Fahey, MD is a surgeon ines Plaines, Illinois.;' Allen S. Fox, PhD '48, is assistant prolessor of zoology at Ohio State in Collrnbus. He has two children: Natalie, 3;and David 2.* '� Caroline E. Grabo and her husband,b �bert R. Moyer, '39, are living in Cam-ridge, Ohio, where Bob is production��a.nager of Continental Can's Plastics Dif ISlon. Caroline, who was a Student Aide,ee�s that her last ten years have been�lIlte productive; witness Cynthia Chase,B vrs., Stephen Burges, 4 years; and Nancyarrow, born November II, 1950!I �Uth R. Graham lives in New York City,� er� her husband, Arthur Stark, '39, AMN 1, IS assistant executive secretary of thei ew York State Board of Mediation. Laura,:� nearly nine, Jeffery, 7.t Norman N. Greenman, SM '48, reillrned to the quadrangles after war servhee; got his S.M. in December, 1948; andIV�' remained to finish work on his Ph.D.I Ich he hopes to get early in 1951. Heivas rnarried in February, 1949. His work isn geOlogy.U �lfred Harris, teaching assistant at thei nlversity's department of anthropology ist kenya, East Africa where he will staytor "a full year or two". He writes thatl,hey live in a missionary's house and the-eople "are charming and very patient".ll�argaret E. Hecht is now living in NewVV�v�n, Connecticut, where her husband,V Ilham K. Wimsatt, is on the faculty oflale University. William Alexander is 4;;:,arn.es was born in March, 1950.J Marion L. Holston is married to Alvini; laVine, a chemist at the Mayo Clinicsb' Rochester, Minnesota. He works for1/' E. C. Kendall, recent Nobel Prize,:, Inner.be JOhn �. Howe�stein, of Chisago, hasen en. appomted assistant loss superintendti t In the western department of the Na* onal Hartford Group.in Albert F. jezik is a chemist in the test);'d� department of the Commonwealth. ISon Company, Chicago.EnG�rge W. Johnson, AM, is professor ofGo gl hsh at the Colorado School of Mines,den, Colorado.iSt�axweIl A. Johnson, MD '43, is a specialandln surgery at Tulsa. Cora is 6, Sara, 3,* Bannah arrived September 1, 1950 ..at Jennie M. Kahl is educational directorin t�e Deaconess Hospital School of Nurs* g III Freeport, Illinois.p Catherine A. Leiver lives in Logans]�rt: Indiana, where her husband, R. S.Stice, is an attorney, Robert is 5:l<'EBRUARY 1951, Thomas, 2, and Margaret is less than ayear.Hans .L. Leonhardt, PhD, professor ofpolitical science at Michigan State College,was recently made an honorary member ofthe Ingham County Bar Association inLansing, Michigan.Willis L. Littleford, of Buffalo, N. Y., issales manager for Bell Aircraft, NiagaraFalls, N. Y.* Charles E. Lowe lives in Buffalo wherehe is a research chemist in the film department of E. I. du Pont Company. Hehas his master's degree from the University of Cincinnati and his Ph.D. fromM.LT. He served in the Navy from 1944-46.* Gertrude Senn Lydick, Jr., lives inMundelein, Illinois. Her husband, JamesA. Lydick, Jr., '37, is assistant distric-t manager of Sandvik Steel, Inc. (Swedish steel).They have two boys, John and James III,two and four.William Wray Macy took his M.D. atthe University of Iowa and is now interning at Broadlawn's Hospital in Des Moines.He plans to start his residency in psychiatry at the University of Iowa in July,1951. He is married to Joanne Kircher,'40. They have three children: Skipper,6; Bobby, 4; and Ann, nearly three.0:: Henrietta Jane Mahon Brewer lives inIron River, Michigan, where her husband isa mining engineer. Betsy is 6 and Billy, 3.Timothy is the Irish setter. "Good 'luck onyour reunion plans-it's a- great idea."Paul E. Moeller, JD, of Chicago, is a foreign service staff officer, now stationed inBavaria.John W. Swensson, DM '43, of Evanston,Illinois, is an astronomer, at present at theUniversity of Liege, Belgium.Homer L. Thomas, AM, is a professor atthe University of Missouri. He and hiswife, Winifred I. Smeaton, PhD '40, areliving in Columbia, Missouri.Robert Lee Walker is assistant professorof physics at California Institute of Technology. He was married in March, 1946.There are two children: Robert and JanPrudence.* Stephen Walsh lists as business: "Railroad" period. More at reunion, we hope.* Corabeth Wells' husband, John B.Fuller, is a physician in Chicago. They livein Palos Park with their two children,Lynn Jeanette, nearly 3, and Bruce, bornin Sep tem ber.Rosemary Wilcox (Mrs. D. C. Roberts)is living in Riverside, Illinois, and sendsnews of daughter Susan, just one year old.Rosemary's husband is a certified publicaccountant.::< Patricia Wolfhope was the wife of thelate David Wiedemann II, '41. She livesin Chicago. Her son, Larry, is nearlyseven.Marian Wozencraft is supervisor of elementary instruction at the Paris HighSchool, Paris, illinois.* Hart Wurzburg has a ladies ready towear shop in Winnetka, Illinois. His wifeis Minna Sachs, '43. Michael is 3 and Ann2.E. E. Motta, PhD '48, is a research chemist. "Am temporarily in California working. Otherwise would love to have a reunion."* G. Arthur Mulder, MD '43, finished afour-year surgical residency in ButterworthHospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan, inJuly, 1950. He has gone into private practice in that city. There are two children:James, 5; and Thomas, 2. CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency68th Year�Vatiorn,()Jde �erviceIi'ive 0 ffice�-One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd.. ChicagoMinneapolis-Kansa. City, Mo.Spokan.-N.w YorkAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICASOA Bureau of Placement wbleh limits Itlwork to the university and college Held.It Is affiliated with the Fisk Teachel1lAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational flelds. Both organizationsasstst In the appointment of admlnlatrators111'1 well as of teachers,Our service Is nation-wide.Sinc. J885ALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best in placement service for University.College, Secondary and Elementary. Nationwide patrona�e. Call or write us at25 E. Jacklon Blvd.Chicago 4, lIIinoilSTENOTYPYLearn new, speedy machine shorthand. Lesseffort, no cramped fingers or nervous fatigue.A Iso other courses: Typing, Bookkeeping,Comptometry, etc. Day or evening. Visit,urrite or phone for data.Bryant� Snatton�O�EGE18 S. MICHIGAN AVE. Tel. RAndolph 6-1575LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING•60 YEARS OF DEPENDABLESERVICE TO THE SOUTHSIDE•ASK FOR FREE ESTIMA rE•55th and ELLIS AVENUECHICAGO 15, ILLINOISBUtt.,fteld &-0111DAVID L. SUTTON. Pres.33Telephone KEnwood 6·13521. E. KIDWELL Florist826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago IS, IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELLGolden Dinlyte(for",.", Dirigol.)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID - NOT PLATEDComplete sets and open stockFINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Royal Crown Derby, Spode andOther Famous Makes of Fine China. AlsoCtyshil. Table Linen and Gifts.r.OMPlETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDirigo, Inr,70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4. III.34 Mauria L. Silver, PhD, is a physicianat Johns Hopkins University Hospital, department of neurosurgery.Robert L. Smith, MD '43, is a physicianand surgeon at Preston, Idaho.Albert Somit, PhD '47, is a professor ofpolitical science at New York University.Kenath H. Sponsel, MD '43, is a physicianand surgeon in Minneapolis.* Ruth Steel is married to James S. Wilson,'48, who is a production trainee with theInland Steel Co. at Indiana Harbor plant."Newcomers to Gary. Always looking forU. of C. people here in Gary to get acquainted." Daughter Tracy is nearly 4and James, Jr., nearly 2. Their Gary address: 342 Waite Street.* The Reverend Henry W. Munger is aretired missionary living in BowlingGreen; Missouri. He was interred nearlythree years in, a Japanese concentrationcamp. Now he is active in numerous civicaffairs and doing a great deal of speaking."Last year tried my hand at gardening;succeeded in raising finest crop of weedsin the country."James, H. Murr will soon be leaving hisposition with General Mills, Inc. (Cleveland) to "re-enter" the Navy at UncleSam's request.1942Phillip H. Ball is manager of the UnionGrill, Michigan State College, Lansing,Michigan.> Andrew K. Butler, MD, of Wheeling,West Virginia, is a radiologist at OhioValley Hospital.Edith J. LaPorte is a labor economistfor the Bureau of Employment Security,Department of Labor, Washington, D. C.Major Frank W. Lynn, MD, is a physician at the U. S. Army Hospital, FortRiley, Kansas.Katherine Sehl, SM, is now Iiving inNew York City.John H .. Stewart, AM, is a television narrator in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.William G. Stryker, AM, is assistant professor of English at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth.John H. Ubben, PhD, is a teacher inthe German department of the Universityof Kentucky.1943Charlotte Andress, AM, recently becameexecutive director of the MetropolitanY.W.C.A. in St. Louis, Missouri.Peter Flesch, SM, PhD, '49, is a researchphysician at the University ,of Pennsylvania School' of Medicine, department ofdermatology.Herbert T. Schuelke, AM, is an educatorin Bremen, Germany, for the U. S. A. StateDepartment.1944Robert T. Crauder has just returned tothe States from China where he was anappointee of the American Friends ServiceCommittee from July, 1946, until April,1950. He worked in the expeuiting andaccounting departments of the FriendsService Unit there, and from October,1948, until April, 1950, was finance officerof the unit's Shanghai office.Robert W. Blair, a physician at the VAHospital in Long Beach, California, wasmarried to Dorothy Doneron on March 4,1950. Diana Diamond, AM '49, was married5�'Allen H. Postel, '44, on June 18, 19 ,.Allen is a physician in Chicago.,Robert H. Dickson is a meteorologist f?Ithe U. S. Weather Bureau, St. LotllS,Missouri.Robert S. Filler, JD '47, and his wife,Elaine, announce the birth of a son, Ste'V�UJay, on July 10, 1950. The family lives IUChicago.Richard S. Williams is assistant ministerof the First Presbyterian Church in Lockport, N. Y.1945Jane K. Colley, AM '48 (Mrs. H. fl�Stackhouse), is doing research work aCarnegie Institute, Washington, D. C..George R. Keepin, Jr. is a research SCfentist and teacher at the University 0Minnesota, Minneapolis.Walter J. Levy, AM, and his wife, lIilJllli,B. Cohn, AM '47, announce the birth of adaughter, Deborah Louise, on November 3,1950.Merrill F. Nelson, MD '47, of New BerJ1,North Carolina, is a captain in the V. S.Army, now overseas.1946Wilmer H. Batz recently joined the st��of the public library in Milwaukee, W�s.consin, as chief of processing. He had pIeviously operated a bookmobile and set tlf.libraries in the air force and at the V�erans' Administration Hospital at Tomli 1,"\'" isconsin. sMargaret N. Bay, SM '50, and her btl:band, Richard G. Dinning, JD '49, li�nounce the birth of a son, Michael Georg'born October 16, 1950. aI'B. Everard Blanchard, AM, educatiol1 hadviser, USAF, has completed four res:arcdstudies, three of which will be pubhsbcain the near future. He plans to lead ,'fdiscussion group at the annual meeting �,the American Educational Research A��e.ciation at Atlantic City this February. aBlanchards are busy making plans for'(1new arrival in the family sometime IJanuary. �Milton T. Edelman is teaching at souto'ern Illinois University, Department of ECnomics, Carbondale, Illinois. dEvelyn E. Freeman and her hl�sbaJ1oiGlenn T. Johnson, report the arnval er-their daughter, Evelyn Anita, on Octob1, 1950. They live in Chicago. Vif-Walter R. Goedecke was married to '111ginia Stoddard on September 14, 1950, :11Swampscott, Virginia. They are bO'kstudying at the University. Walter is WOIing for his master's.. toEarl E. Krause, AM, was mal'ned. IeRoxine Doar on July 22, 1950. They II'in Chicago." 'feSidney I. Lezak, JD '49, and his WI.;Muriel E. Deutsch, '47, AM '49, live �rPortland, Oregon, where Sidney is a l�WYet,with the firm of Lonske, Spiegel, Sp1egMartindale and Lezak. toShirley Ann Petersen was marriedg49.O. W. Durrant on November 12, IThey live in East Orange, N. J. "asYvonne D. Reich, SB '48, recently '.�married to James Cooksey in Windsor P�r:Illinois, where they are now living. JisCooksey, a graduate of Northwestern,the son of James Cooksey, '25. bel'Jewel C. Stradford was made a mem r0-of the Chicago Bar Association last OCJVber. Her husband is John W. Rogers,'46.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZrN£ChCharles H. Swift, Jr., DB, is a NavyapIa in at Great Lakes, Illinois.1947Iv})avid V. Blagg, AM, is psychiatric socialis�rk. supervisor at the Veterans' AdminratIon in Cincinnati.P JO�n L. Clayton is interning at MarinetoUbhc Health Hospital, Seattle, Washing-n.t �atricia C. Cowan, after teaching in theyort Wayne schools, is now living in Newator� City where she is majoring in artNew York University.��I�ert W. Demm!er, Jr., of Spring Lake,h'chlgan, is studying at the Horace Rack"all1; school of graduate studies at the Unii�[S.Ity, of Michigan. He was recentlytlated into Tau Beta Pi.t filbert E. Erb, MBA '48, is a lieutenantnO?nel, u. S. Air Force, at the PentagonUllding, Washington, D -. C.n Norman I. Graff, MD '48, writes that thetv addition to the Graff family is Wendyisane, born November 11, 1950. Normanan� resident psychiatrist at the VA Hospitalth' a fellow in Menninger School of Psy-latry, Topeka, Kansas.te��ederic R. Hartstone is manager 'of aall store in Boston, Mass.of�i�ton Henry, AM, is assistant professorCl history at Austin Peay State College,arksville, Tennessee.IV �obert A. Kennedy is secretary for thea green Foundation at the University.te llenjamin C. Korschot, MBA, was rete nuy called to active duty and is a lieu�nant aboard the U.S.S. Harold J. Ellison.� e Was an investment analyst for theorthern Trust Co. in Chicago.of Cora J. Lawrence is assistant instructorPitnUrsing arts at Passavant Memorial Hosat, Chicago.illllernice C. Lebowich is in the advertist business in New York City.a eOtge R. Le Sauvage, Jr., MBA, is man��r of the Richards Treat Cafeteria inInneapolis.\vatvelyn Licht, AM, of Riveredge, N. J.,27 S lllarried to Irving Remler on March, 1950.blOseph J. Marciano, SM '48, of SanJOhgO, California, writes that his son,23 n, arrived Thanksgiving Day, November, 1950. .se;harles A. Murphy, MBA '50, is reoPa reh. director of the Argus Camera Com-�y In Ann Arbor, Michigan.01 e�er J. Paul, PhD, associate professorva �Istory at Villanova College (Pennsylto 1Ia), is giving a course entitled "How�ilItUdy" at Augustinian Academy, Grymesis J�hn C. Pine, AM, of Boulder, Colorado,�:t�dYing for a Ph.D. at Hastings College,':hngs, Michigan.Co obert M. Putt is pastor of the Unionsngregational Church, Somonauk, Illinois.�o ar�h V. Raisbeck (Mrs. Arthur W.for�nlg) is a junior mathematician at Stan� (�alifornia) Research Institute.fOr atllcia S. Reager, AM, is a statistician\va ht?e U. S. Public Health Service inS Ington, D. C.br�rs. Dorothea Sarchet, AM, is assistingdir' �egina Westcott, psychologist, in theilll�ction of Milwaukee's project in family.hUsb community' development. Dorothea'sdoC[ and, Jeremy, is now studying for hist or's degree at the University.the �er L. Shearon is district manager ofsee. tudebaker Corp. in �emphis, Tennes-��BRUARY 1951, Robert B. Silvers, of Long Island, NewYork, is press secretary to Governor ChesterBowles in Hartford, Connecticut.Ruth M. Stenvick, AM, is a caseworksupervisor at the Veterans' AdministrationHospital in Minneapolis.George E. Watson, MBA '49, is an accountant in Dallas, Texas.1948John C. Baird, AM, is a social caseworkerfor Salvation Army, Family Service, in. Chicago.Charles E. Brown, JD, has taken leave ofabsence from the law firm of Mitchell,Conway and Bane (Chicago) and hasmoved to Washington, D. C., to do government work.Helen G. Cameron, of Park Forest, Illinois, is a chemist at the Pepsodent Factory.Edward P. J. Corbett, AM, is an instructor of English and has started workon his PhD. at Loyola University.J. Phelps Dawley is engaged to be married to Natalie O. Hammacher, a graduateof Holton Arms School. Col. Dawley is nowon duty with the Office of the Secretaryof Defense with the Committee on AtomicEnergy of the Research and DevelopmentBoard.Woodson W. Fishback, PhD, associateprofessor of education at Southern IllinoisUniversity, presented a paper on TerminalEducation in American Colleges and Universities at the December meeting of theAmerican Association for the Advancementof Science. He collaborated in the development of the research paper with Douglas E.Lawson, PhD '39, dean of the college ofeducation at Southern Illinois.Nancy Goodman, AM, was married toAlan S. Epstein in October, 1950. Nancywas recently an editor of "Good Housekeeping" magazine. Mr. Epstein was graduatedcum laude from Harvard and is now editorial writer. for "The Watertown (N. Y.)Daily Times."Elizabeth C. Kleinhans, SM, was marriedto Herbert J. Curtis on August 26, 1950.Elizabeth is an instructor of mathematicsat the Illinois Institute of Technology.Marvin Kraft, SB '50, is a lieutenant inthe U. S. Air Force.Ruth M. Rogan, PhD, assistant professorof chemistry at Tulane University, wasmarried to Frank H. Benerito on August22, 1950. They live in New Orleans.Gordon B. Sherman is engaged to bemarried to Corinne Jaffe, who is now studying at the University. No date has beenset for the wedding.Emerson W. Shideler, PhD, is professorof religion and philosophy at Iowa StateCollege.Warren L. .Ziegler was married toJacqueline B. Chalat, '48, on October 17,1950. Warren is completing studies forhis AM at the University.1949Charles Boxenbaun, formerly of BelleHarbor, Long Island, is doing buildingconstruction work in Gesher Haziv, Israel.Clifford N. Cassidy, AM '49, is instructorof psychology and clinical psychologistat the University of Arkansas.George Chari tons, AM, made a tripthrough the south of the U. S. and throughCanada after leaving the University. Hereturned to his home in Paris, thentravelled to Germany, Holland and Great Real Estate and In.surance1500 East 51th Stfeet Hyde Park 3·25254QteM.""·;;)ii�UCI'RICAL SUPPLY CO.OIslrlliutors. Manufacturers and Jollbers .fELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St. - ENglewood 4-7500I Phones OAkianEi 4.0690-4.0691-4.0692r he Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awning. and Canop; •• for All Purpo •••.508 Cottage Grove AvenuePENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBlick Water Valvel, Sumps-Pumps1545 E. 63RD STREEl6620 COnAGE GROV': AVENUEFAirfax 4.0110PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICE, 545 EAST 631D STIEfl�COLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone HYde Park 3-6324Lunches: 45c up; Dinners: $1.25-$2.25Since7895SURGEONS'INSTRUMENTSof ALL TYPESOFFICE and HOSPITALEQUIPMENT and FURNITUREAll Phones: SEeley 3·2180v. MUELLER & CO.-340 S. HONORE STREETCHICAGO 12. ILLINOIS35TELEVISIONDrop in and see a programRADIOSFrom consoles to portablesRadio- TV ServiceAt home or shopELECTRICAL APPLIANCESRefrigerators RangesWashers BlanketsSPORTING GOODSFor all seasonsRECORDSPopular-SymphoniesFine collection for childrenHER!1J1IAII1I1�5935 E. 55th StreetAt Ingleside AvenueTelephone Midway 3-6700Robert Gaertner, '34 Julian Tishler. '33Telephone HAymarket 1-3120E. A. AARON & BROS. Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetabiesDi,'ribu'or. 0'CEDERGREEN fROZEN �RESH flUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water MarketLA TOURAINECoffee and TeaLa Touraine Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave.. ChicagoO,her P'ant.80ston - N.Y. - Phil. - Syracuse - Cleveland"You Might A. W.II Have The 8e.'"Old-fashionedgood.ness ..•New creamysmoothness!Same rich flavor as ice cream made in anold-fashioned freezer, blended to newcreamy smoothness-that's Swift's Ice Cream![Swift & CompanyA product of 7409 So. Slate stree. tPhone RAdcliff 3-740036 Ruth J. Black was married to George J.Fulkerson, '49, on January 29, 1951, inBoston, Mass. They will live in Detroitwhere George will continue his studies atthe University of Detroit Law School.William L. Bowden, AM, of Richmond,Virginia, is coordinator of Adult Education, Richmond Area University Center.Paul R. Robbins, of Silver Spring, Maryland, is attending Columbia Universitygradua te school.Randi Christianson was married toRobert S. Laves, '49, in July, 1950. Thecouple live in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.Sonja L. Goller is engaged to be married to Curtis A. Smith, '45, MD '48, iesident surgeon at Billings Hospital. Thewedding is scheduled for February.Margaret L. Goodwin, of Brooklyn, NewYork, is studying at the University ofCalifornia.Robert M. Rippey, AM, head of thescience department of Howe MilitarySchool, Howe, Indiana, was married toMuriel Isaacson on August 8, 1950.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZl�PBritain. Last July, the French sectionof the European Movement selected Georgeas the one from five other students to studyfor a year in the European College inBruges (Belgium). He was elected president of the student body there.Sue Davidson, AM, recently received the22nd fellowship award by the Eugene F.Saxton Memorial Trust which is providedto assist writers. Sue and her husband,Alex Gottfried, AM '48, live in Seattlewhere Alex is on the faculty of the University of Washington.Roscoe A. Dykman, PhD, is attendingJohns Hopkins University on a researchfellowship.Gordon N. Keller, AM, is an instructorof anthropology at the University ofWichita.Lt. Harry J. La Pine, AM, is testingofficer at Fort Sheridan, Illinois.Peter D. Lederer was among the youthcaravan of thirty students affiliated withthe United World Federalists, Inc. whokept the week-long prayer vigil at theCommunity Church of New York, protesting the making of the hydrogen bomb.Arline R. Levinson, AM, was marriedto Dr. Murray Rosenberg on June 23, 1950.Arline is a social worker for the NewHaven (Connecticut) Hospital.Kaspar T. Locher, PhD, German instructor at Reed College, Portland, Oregon,was married to Jeannette Young-Fogo onSeptember 1, 1950.Charles J. Neumann, SM, is engaged tobe married to Betty M. Brown, of Jamaica,New York. The wedding is planned forJune, 1951. Charles is a meteorologist forthe Air Weather Service at Andrews Field,Washington, D. C.Joseph E. Norris, MD, Lt., j.g., USNR,is a physician on the USS Burton Island.Aldon N. Roat, MD, of Sturgis, Michigan, is a captain in the Army located atthe Evacuation Hospital, Nuremberg, Germany.Daniel J. Schneider, AM, was marr-iedto Jeanne E. Jones on August 12, 1950.They live in Evanston, Illinois, whereDaniel is a student and part time teacherat Northwestern University.Lola G. Selby, AM, is an assistant professor in the school of social work at theState University of Iowa.Harvey D. Tschirgi, MBA, is an industrial relations research assistant at theUniversity of Minnesota.1950• •. ------------------------------�Direct Factory DealerforCH RYSLER and PL YMOUrtiNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMidway 3-4200TREMONTAUTO SALES COR'�A',.Guaranteed Used Cars "lid:Complete Automobile Rep"i�:Body, Paint, Simonize, W"s,and Greasing Department.T. A. REHNQUIST co.·vCON CIR E TEFLOORS - SIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATIONSIN[;)USTRIAL FLOORINGEMERGENCY REPAI R WORKCONCRETE BREAKINGWATERPROOFINGINSIDE WALLS6639 S. Vernon AvenueNOrmal 7-0433BOYDSTON BROS., INC.operatingAuthorized Ambulance Service-. For Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of ChicagoOAkland 4-0492Trained and licensed attendant_/BLACKSTON�HALLAnExclusive Women's HotelIn theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Gracftful living to Uni·versity and Business Women .fModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748Blackstone Av •• Telephon• 3Plaza 2.331Verna P. Werner. Director __../BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICEUCENSED .. BONDEDINSUREDQUAUFIED WELDERSHAymarket 1.7917ItOC·08 S. We.lem AYe •• ChicagoSInce 1878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholstersFurniture lepalrlng1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 9-7180ASHJIAN BROS., Inc... TA.LlIHID InlOrien tal and DomesticRUGSCLEANED aad REPAIRED1066 South Chic... Phone REgent 4-6000A. T. STEWART LUMBER CO.Quality and ServiceSince J88879th Street at Greenwood Ave.All Phones Vincennes 6-9000Platers- SilversmithsSince 1917GOLD. SILVER. RHODIUMSILVERWARE•• pal,.d, •• 'IId .... d, •• 'acqu"etISWARTZ & COMPANY10 S. Wabash Ave. CEntral 6·6089.90 Chlc4Qo.._______-----------------------------Ajax Waste Paper Co.2600·2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Waste Paper500 pounds or moreScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service (.;aLLMr. B. ShedrofT. ROckwell 2·6252 Harry Hapeman, MD '82, died October29, 1950, at Seeley Hospital in Minden,Nebraska. He was a physician in Mindenand was well-known for his work in botany.Homer E. Markham, MD '92, died June19, 1950, at his home in Ottawa, Kansas.James F. Baldwin, PhD '97, died October6, 1950, at Vassar Brothers Hospital aftera long illness. Before his retirement inJuly, 1941, he had been on the Vassarfacul ty for 44 years.John J. Ratcliffe, MD '97, died May 29,1950, in St. Paul, Minnesota.Gideon H. Benson, '02, MD '04, of Richland Center, 'Visconsin, died September26, 1950.Roger T. Vaughan) '99, MD '03, died inNovember, 1950.George L. Brown, PhD '00, presidentemeritus of South Dakota State College,died August 8, 1950, at the age of 81,in Brookings Hospital, Brookings, SouthDakota.Marie B. Nickell, '01, PhM '06, died inSeptember, 1950, in Waukesha, Wisconsin.Louise L. Scrimger, '03 (Mrs. A. J.Weeks), died October 18, 1950, after a longilness .Clara K. Augerson, MD '04, died August7, 1950, in Michigan City, Indiana.Marian C. Lyons, '04, of Dubuque, Iowa,died September 27, 1950.Evans P. Barnes, JD '08, died at hishome in Boise, Idaho, on March 24, 1950.Albert Sabath, '11, died of coronarythrombosis on October 5, 1950, at the ageof 61, in New York City. He was theowner of Alsab Farms Racing Stable andthe race horse "Alsab."Ether M. Vesey, '14, the wife of HoraceE. Whiteside, '12, died May 28, 1950. Shelived in Ithaca, New York.Vestus T. Jackson, SM '16, PhD '21,died November 25, 1950, at his home inGainesville, Florida. Mrs. Jackson is theformer Louise J. Stenhouse, '18.Ralph W. Hoffman, AM '18, DB '20,died December 24, 1949 in Springfield,Missouri.Charles H. McClure, who did work atthe University around 1919, died November II, 1950. His home was in Orange,California.Martha H. Block, '21, d ted November2. 1950, in 1\1 id ison , Wisconsin, after beingconfined to a hospital for fifteenth months.Ivan G. Ellis, MD �24, of Madison, w:«consin, died A ugust I�, 19:;0.Ruby E. Wilkins, '24 (Mrs. WilliamKoestner), died July 25, 1950 .Austin Russell (five-yards) McCarty, '26,famous backfield football star of 1923-25,died of a heart attack at St. Joseph's Hospital, Elgin, Illinois, on Sunday, December17, 1950. He was an insurance adjuster inChicago. His home was in ArlingtonHeights. He leaves a wife and two children.Frank I. Bloom, LLB '28, died April 13,1950, in Washington, D. C.Clarence E. Leavenworth, PhD '29, ofCrawfordsville, Indiana, died September 24,1950.Clarence Sansom, PhD '29, died September 21, 1950 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.Genevieve C. Bigelow, '34, died July 23,1950, in Chicago.Earl W. Foster, '34, of Cleveland, Ohio,died _in November, 19:')0. LEIGH1SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9100·1·2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVEitSUPERFLUOUS HAIRREMOVED FOREVERMultiple 20 platinum needles can be used.Permanent removal of hair from face, eye.brows, bac:k of ned, or any part of body:also facial veins, moles, and warh.Men and V�omenLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERT20 years' experienceAlsoGraduate NurseSuite 1705. Stevens BuildinCJ17 N. State StreetTelephone FRanklin 2-4885FREE CONSULTATIONEASTMAN COAL CO.Esta blished 1902Yards All Over Town9UALITY COALS AND FUEL OILSGenera I Offices342 N. Oakley Blvd.All Phones - SEeley 3·4488Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicogo Ave.Phone: BUtterfield 8·2116·7·8·9Wallon'. Coal Make. Good-orWallon 0081We squeezed first ... andNow IT'S YOUR TURN. Pick up one of those new pliant, unbreakable plastic bottles. Squeeze it. Feel how it gives underyour hand, then see how it comes right back for more.That's polyethylene (just say POLLY-ETHEL-EEN), oneof the exciting new miracle plastics produced by the peopleof Union Carbide.But before you squeezed it, they squeezed ethylene gasunder terrific pressure and carefully controlled conditions.Result: the molecules of gas were permanently rearrangedinto long lines - one of the marvels of modern chemistry.And then out came this tough, flexible plastic utterly unlikeany other material-natural or man-made,Why do you find the people of Union Carbide leading inthe development of polyethylene?Because working with tremendous pressures, higq vacuum and extremes of heat and cold is part of their everyday -.jobs. By the use and control of these forces they supply theworld with a wide variety of plastics and the raw materialsfrom which a multitude of synthetic fibres are made. Theyalso make hundreds of other basic materials essential tomodern science and industry.Perhaps your business could profit by the use of some ofthese materials. Why not ask us about them?F R E E: Learn more about the interesting tliin as youuse every day. Writefor the illustrated booklet "Products and Processes" which tells how science and indu.stry use Union Carbide's Alloys, Chemicals, Carbons,Gases and Plastics in creating things for you. W-ritefor free booklet A.UNION CARBIDEANI) CARBON CORPOBATIOll'30 E A S T 42 N D S T R E E T � NEW YO R K 17, N. y.---------------- Trade-marked Products of Divisions and Units include ---------------SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICALS . LINDE Oxygen • BAKELITE, KRENE, and VINYLITE PlasticsPREST-O-LITE Acetylene • PYROFAX Gas • NATIONAL Carbons • EVEREADY Flashlights and Batteries • ACHESON ElectrodesPRESTONE and TREK Anti-Freezes • ELECTROMET Alloys and Metals • HAYNES STELLITE Alloys