YEARS A l' I I I'.'j, II ""� EzI.,_:f_. � 1\of General Electnc ResearchIndustrial research be­gan in 1900 in G-E lab­oratory set up in barnbehind home of CharlesP. Steinmetz.When the General Electric Research Laboratory wasestablished in 1900, it was the first industrial laboratorydevoted to fundamental research.At that time E. W. Rice, Jr., then vice president of Gen­eral Electric, said:Although our engineers have always been liberally suppliedwith every facility for the development of new and originaldesigns and improvements of existing standards, it has beendeemed wise during the past year to establish a laboratory to bedeoot.ed exclusively to original research. It is hoped by this meansthat many profitable fields may be discovered.Many profitable fields were discovered-profitable not only forGeneral Electric but also for industry, the American public, andthe world.A half century ago the industrial experimental laboratory wasitself an experiment. This month it begins its second half centurywith the dedication of a new building, greatly augmenting thefacilities it offers to the advancement of man's knowledge.CjOtL e:un;»d� emy'� m_GENERALe ELECTRICEDITOR'SMEMO PADTo limber up our typewriter after theSUmmer hiatus we'll tell you about ourvacation in the Rockies.. 'Ve visited the John W. Darsts (MD '35)In their comfortable Big Thompson cabinnear Estes Park. With them we attendedopera at Central City and drove to the topof NIt. Evans.We continued through Leadville to Aspenwh:re members of our faculty were partici­pa�lng in the Aspen Institute for Human­IStIc Studies. We patronized TrusteePaepcke's hotel and ski lift.Then, via Mesa Verde in Southern Colo­rado. We dropped on down to Reserve, NewMexico where Paul S. Martin, '23, PhD '29,�:lief Curator, Chicago Natural History;vH1seum, and John Rinaldo, AM '37, PhD41,. assistant in archaeology, dig into theIndIan past of the Southwest during theSUmmer months.. There were seven persons in the campInclUding the cook but not Foxie and herfour pups. The dishes were washed tosymphony records from Dr. Marrin's col­lectIOn. Evening recreation included pingpong under the stars and jam sessions withsome of the boys, a cornet, uke, clarinet,and broken down accordion. Paul is an,a�COl11plished organist but, lacking thefIpes, he played the accordion, with thelelp of a staff member to squeeze the box.Dr. Mar tin, who lives at the QuadrangleClub and is a member of the Cabinet ofthe Association, will have to tell you aboutthe pit houses and caves they have beenexploring in some other issue.. It was an interesting and restful vaca­tIOn. Hope you had the same.Our other vacation story is about Profes­�or George V. Brobrinskoy (Sanskrit) whoshed and hiked in Montana. After a day­long. tiresome, trek through the desertedmOllntains and drizzling rain he came upona .r�nger's cabin. They gave him a sur­Pnsll1gly warm welcome. He was the answerto their prayers: a fourth for Canasta.Housing shortageJUSt received a wire from a Missouri highSchool teacher: PLEASE FIND OUT FORME THE APPROXIMATE COST OF�O::\STRUCTION OF THE INTERNA­l. IO]\AL HOUSE STOP I NEED THIS�l\'FORMATION VERY QUICKLY STOPdI.-\:'\KS. .Exclusive of land and furnishings:$2,080.413.68.Trustee Howell Murray, '14'Ve were particularly pleased with the�PPOintment of Howell Murray, '14, to the,oard of Trustees (see News of the Quad­tangles). We hope this new dignity doesn'tmean we'll have to stop addressinz himas BO"'ell-because he has been one �f our(and the Association's) good friendsthrOugh the years.I Bowell knows so many alumni that hard­r. a �ortnight passes we don't receive newsc IppIngs about alumni from him. He hasserved on some of our most important :alUmni committees and we have frequentlysought his advice on alumni matters.\ Bo:,'ell Murray, who was cited by thef SSOnation in 1944, takes on extracurricularOCTOBER 1950, responsibility with serious efficiency. It wasfortunate for the Ravinia Festival Associa­tion that he was chairman when firedestroyed the concert pavilion recently. Itmeant raising $350,000, which was accom­plished without public solicitation.On the Midway Howell was Abbott ofBlackfriars, managed "Capturing Calypso"in 1913, was a member of Senior honorsociety, Owl & Serpent, and of Chi Psi.He keeps up his classmate contacts andhas had an abiding interest in his AlmaMater.Ou t of college Howell worked for theToby Furniture Company, Chicago, beforegoing into investments with A. G. Beckerand Company where he is now vicepresident.Trustee from ConnecticutWe've always been impressed with thedevotion William Benton has shown forthe University. Living in Connecticut andbusy with his advertising firm, we sus­pect he knew little about the Chicagoquadrangles until his Yale classmate,Robert Hutchins, became President.Senator BentonBut when Benton retired from advertis­ing and was offered a vice presidency atChicago, he took months to investigate.What he learned convinced him that 1)Chicago is a great university and 2) toofew people realized it.So in 1937 William Benton became vice­president in charge of development withthe understanding he would spend half histime in Chicago and half in Connecticut.For the next eight years, leading up toand following our Fiftieth Anniversarycelebration, Benton worked hard backstage explaining the University to thecountry.During that time the University wasfeatured in many national magazines, theradio Round Table took on new import­ance, the Human Adventure set a newbroadcast pattern for dramatizing educa­tion, and other public services developedaround the University.It was Benton who arranged for the Uni­versity'S interest in the profitable Ency­clopaedia Britannica, of which he is nowhoard chairman and publisher. And alwayshe was dropping in on the faculty, theal umni secretary, and. business men, to dis­cuss the University and how better to ex­plain it to alumni and the public.In 1945 William Benton resigned tobecome Assistant Secretary of State, wherehe developed the international peacetime" �<', 1 '" 95"l_),.__; '.U,. program of information and educationalexchange, the Voice of America. He re­tained active touch with Chicago by ac­cepting appointment to the Board ofTrustees.Last December Benton was appointed toa Senate vacancy from Connecticut. Aftera Freshman period of observing he in­troduced his "Marshall Plan of Ideas" tocounter Communist propaganda andquickly moved into a position of leader­ship on other legislative matters. It is gen­erally agreed that already he has becomeone of the distinguished members of theSenate.And yet-in April, in the midst of allhis legislative responsibilities and his elec­tIion campaign plans, we dropped in athis Senate office to say that PresidentColwell, who was to appear at a ChicagoClub dinner in Washington that week, hadbeen taken suddenly ill. Could he taketime to pinch hit? His answer: "Of course.I am always glad to do anything I can forthe University of Chicago."Then Mac walked inTwo years ago, when Student Union hadthe bright idea of making an album ofChicago songs, most of us oldsters whohave learned to face frustration philosoph­ically, were obvious in our silence.We agreed to carry a note about it inTower Topics but we 'knew we were wastingspace-the impractical enthusiasm of youth,you know. They would need a thousandadvance orders or a thousand dollars tounderwrite the project. See what we mean?But the Tower Topics tongue-in-cheekarticle was read by one Charles K. McNeil,'25. He walked into Student Union officea few days later and said, in effect: Whynot? Let's get going. I'll guarantee initialcosts.The students were bowled over but cameto with a bang. The rest they learned thehard way because they were determinedthat these records should be good.There were union musician problems,professional recording complications, con­flicts in schedules for ensemble rehearsalsand final cuttings, recuttings because ablue note snuck in, etc., and more etcs.But finally last spring the job was doneeven to the recording of the MitchellTower chimes playing 'the Alma Mater atthe Interfraternity Sing.On Page 21 is an ad and coupon. Werecommend that you do what the couponsays and have these Chicago songs in yourrecord collection for days when you wantto revive Midway memories.News note problemOur major problem with the first fallissue is the News of the Classes section.This news has accumulated through thenon-publishing summer months. Manyitems about your former Midway friendshave had to be held for November.Incidentally, if you enjoy reading aboutyour friends, they enjoy reading about you,your youngsters, your job, your travels.Drop us a note about you or an alumnusfriend you have seen recently.Pageant profileA handsome drawing and six pages ofstory, profile Amos Alonzo Stagg, "TheGrand Old Man of the Gridiron," in theOctober issue of Pageant Magazine. Thearticle qualifies him as "the greatest all­time 'male' strategist on football," sincehis wife Stella, '96, an expert on dia­gramming plays, is "obviously the greatestall time 'female' strategist."iLETTERSBloomington midnight oil\Ve left Chicago to come down hereto edit a weekly paper which we're mostenthusiastic about. It's new and quitedifferen t from the usual run of weekliesin that we feature lots and lots of pictures.It entails burning the midnight oilmost of the time but it's wonderful tohave a chance to write off a piece of mymind now and then in an editorial.Hope to get into active alumni wor,inow that we've dropped roots so pleaseadvise the alumni chairman here.(All typographical errors are attributedto Tina, age 2, and Ty, age 1, who areattempting to put in their opinions, too!)Elizabeth Miller, '43(Mrs. Dean Tyler Jenks)Bloomington, IllinoisHolland half centuryToday I received that beautiful medal(Emeritus Club 50-year medallion). I cannot tell you how greatly pleased andtouched I am by the kindness of the Uni­versity and this exquisite exponent of it.Lura May LoveIt is well worth bearing fifty years oftrouble, including two wars, with theiranxieties and privations, to find this won­derful expression of the University's gen­erous remembrance of my student effortsat the end of them ....It will remain a cherished possession.I have resumed the American nationalityand hope, within the near future, to beagain in the United States.Lura May Love Postma, '00Zeist, HollandRecurring shocksThe enclosed yellow slip (renewal reominder) explains the postal note. I de­cided to invest in a five-years' supply ofthe U of C mag not only because I like itand would feel sort of lonely without it,but also becaus� I'm getting too old totake those recurnng shocks. They're severe,even though the wording is so gentle:JUST ONE MORE ISSUE.Every time I get this gentle reminderI say, "Why; they sent me one lastmonth. "Then I start rememberineo2 time, and was on the panel-discussion ofMortimer Adler, Clare Luce et al. It ,,'asone of the best shows I have listenedto ....The whole Institute (Aspen Institute forHumanistic Studies) in that setting isbeyond words to tell. . .. IElla Metsker Milligan, '06... It is always last year! It hurts meto realize time is flying so awfully fast.I'm trying to hide my head in the sandsof time. So I don't want to hear anotherword about this matter for five years ....I've just inherited the editorship ofRanally World (Rand McNally & Co.) , ouremployee publication. . . .Remember the Case of the MissingClarinet when I was in the band outthere? Well, I've been clarineting again,this time with the Medinah ShrineBand .. DenverThe Bettelheim approachYou and your staff are to be compli­mented and congratulated on the Junenumber, full of articles 'of worth and realinterest. Although far from my field, Iam much interested in all Dr. Bettelheiruwrites and in his approach to the problemshe tackles.Juel F. Alstad, '31ChicagoSummer In AspenEdward (husband) and spent August15-20 at Aspen. Mr. Leslie Gross (,46,JD '49, of Denver) was there, too, at the Ruth Balch, '32Washington, D. C.THE GOLDEN FLEECEbrightly shining for more than 132 yearsCOMES TO CH ICAGOSince 1818, The Golden Fleece has been a symbolof all that Brooks Brothers stand for ... the un­compromising startdards of Good Taste, GoodQuality and Good Workmanship which we applyto everything we make and which we demand ineverything we buy. Our celebrated Clothing andFurnishings are made in our own workrooms or toour own specifications. Cut on our own distinctivepatterns ... of fine materials of our own selection... they have an individuality that immediatelyidentifies them as Brooks Brothers.We believe Midwest men will like our jine new shop at74 East Madison Street, Chicago ... and we recommend tothem the convenience oj a Brooks Brothers charge account.ESTABLISHED 181874 EAST MADISON STREET, CHICAGO 2, ILL.NEW yo.RK • BOSTQN • LOS ANGELES • SAN FRANCISCOTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBOOKSON REVIEW- SAVAGE GENTLEMAN by Noel B.Gerson, '34. Doubleday. 306 pp.$3.00. 'How to write an historical novel: Selecta year out of history. Add a spiriteddaughter of a leading citizen. Include twoyoung men with but a single love; onebeautiful Indian maid; a sprinkling ofnoble sacrifices; numerous close calls withdeath; a hero-making battle campaign,and a happy ending.Savage Gentleman is an historical novel.The year is 1707 of the French and Indian':Vars. The spirited girl is Leah Hill. 'Shelives with her father at Hill Farm nearSchenectady. Their indentured servant isJeffrey Wyatt, a sergeant in the localGerson�ilitia. His best friend is Captain Willard.1 hey both love Leah. Guess whom sheoves.The two military officers are sent intothe dangerous Finger Lake country tonegotiate with the Onondaga tribe, Theya�e captured by the hostile Senecas wherethe emotions of an Indian maid modifyt e bloody plans of the braves.There are many melodramatic scenesthroughout and a climax with the EnglishoccUpation of Port Royal (Nova Scotia).. B�story major, Noel B. Gerson, '34, wasInspned to write this novel when he un­f?vered a book on the Indian Wars pub­�shed in 1716 by the son of the famoust olonel Benjamin Church. It recordednhe campaign leading to the fall of Port,,-oyal.Gerson was a newspaper reporter butrn�re recently has been writing radioscnpts. This is his first novel.. NORTH QF THE MOHAWK byHI.lda Doyle Merriam. Composed and�rrnted by The University of Chicagoress. 140 pp.It Would be fun to take this book on anOCTOBER 1950, T���0�MAGAZINEVolume 43 October, 1950 Number IPUB LIS H E D B Y THE A L U M N I ASS 0 C ,I A T IONManaging EditorHOWARD W. MORT EditorLAURA BERGQUISTContributing EditorsJeannette Lowrey Robert M. StrozierIN THIS ISSUEEDITOR'S MEMO PAD COVER 1LETTERS 2BOOKS ON REVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3INDIAN SUMMER ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4THE CASE FOR COMPREHENSIVES, Paul Diederich. . . . . . . . . .. 5IMPRESSIONS OF ISRAEL, Rabbi George Fox.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES, Jeannette Lowrey. . . . . . . . . . .. 13REFLECTIONS FROM LON9 LAKE, Robert Strozier. . . . . . . . . 17OCTOBER CALENDAR 20READING LISTS 22NEWS OF THE CLASSES 23COVER: Like every newcomer to the College, the younglady is taking placement tests, :which absorb about 23hours of Orientation Week, and introduce her to thecomprehensive examination. They measure her academiccompetence to date, and may excuse her from takingcourses in subject matter she has already mastered. Reada personal report by one examiner on page 5.(Photographs on pages 4, 15, and 18, by Steve Lewellyn,'48. Pictures on pages 10 and 12, courtesy of PalestineEconomic Corporation.)Published monthly, October through Tune, by The University of Chicago Alumni Associa­tion, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 3'7, Illinois. Annual subscription price, $3.00. Singlecopies, 35 oents. Student price at University of Chicago Bookstore, 2'5 cents. Entered as sec­ond class matter December 1, 1934, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois under the act ofMarch 3, 1879. Advertising agent, The American' Alumni Council, B. A. Ross, director, 22Washington Square, New York, N. Y.exploring trip north of Utica on and offHighway 12. Mrs. Merriam has given thesevillages personalities and family trees .Her first seventeen years were spentnorth of the Mohawk (Constableville).Now after fifty years she and Charles E.spend their summers back at the old homeplace.The dramatic and impressive early his­tory of this territory mingled with her per­sonal rememberences make delightful andauthentic reading. Mrs. Merriam musthave worked long and hard to bring hercharacters from as far away as France tosettle her home country. Her bibliographyhas well over one hundred titles.And she did it all without the aid ofher famous professor-author husband,Charles E. Merriam. He would never haveseen the manuscript until it was bound if galley proofs had not arrived while shewas out of town.DEEPWOOD by Blanche CheneryPerrin, '16. 222 pp. Macmillan. $2.75.Deepwood is an old Virginia home fall­ing to pieces peacefully when widow JanieOliver returns from a restored Williams­burg inspired to restore Deepwood.The story has a sort of ladies aid warpwith a casual love story woof.Deepwood gets restored and Janie'sdaughter married .Blanche Chenery Perrin, '16, resumed ad­vertising copywriting after the death of herhusband two years ago. She has two grownchildren, lives in .Pelham, New York, andwrites as a hobby. This is her first novel.3INDIAN SUMMERBusiest building on campus, now that Fall Quarter is here,is the. Administration' Building whose facade dominatesthe west end of the quadrangles. A young GI student andson enjoy a bright blue October day as a group of enter­ing" students, on orientation tour, spill out of administra­tion headquarters., I -(The Case for ComprehensivesBy Paul DiederichAmong other points, the teacher can he a friend and guide, not a task­master and judge. An examiner frankly reports the pros and cons ofthe system, still going strong after 15 years of use.Editor's Note - On October 17tht�e University of Chicago Press pub­lzshes a book-length, insider's reporton the College, which for the past 20'years has been a powerful infiuenceon colleges and universities through­Out the United States. Title of theVolume is 'The Idea and Practice ofGeneral Education." Some 17 staffmembers collaborated in writing ch.ap­iers about the theory and historicaldevelopment of the College, themethods by which the social sciences,natural sciences, mathematics, history,etc. are taught. "The Case for Com­prehensives" is based on one sectionby Mr. Paul Diederich, runo of the,Educational Testing Service in Prince­ton, New· Jersey, who until recentlyUJor.ked as one of the 30 fulltime ex­amzners who devise comprehensiveand placement tests for the College.FOR A FULL 15 years now, theCollege of the University of Chi­Cago has been using a system of com­prehensive examinations which arePrepared, administered and markedby an independent Board of Examina­tIons and which are the sole basis forgranting degrees.While a similar system is very com­�on abroad, it is something of a rarityIn the United States, and any Ameri­can institution which has tried it forSo long a period is under obligationt . uhO report how it works. This reportas no official status, but for that veryreason it can more frankly discuss theadvantages and drawbacks one ex­a .mIner sees in th� system.Desperate cramming?hAn early and frequent objection tot .e comprehensive was that studentsWould tend to neglect their workthrough the first two quarters of eachyear and then "cram" desperately inOCTOBER 1950, the third. Critics dourly predictedthat students would devote their wholeattention to the. total recall of facts,wi th no regard to using those factsin their own thinking, or developinginterests, attitudes and appreciationson their own. It was feared the systemwould not only compel all teachers toteach exactly the same things in thesame way, but would reduce instruc­tion to the level found in coachingschools, which try to guess what willappear in examinations coming up insome neighboring university and to"cram" their clientele with the re­quired information in doublequicktime.I t was feared that any instructorwho tried to lead his students in theadventures of the soul among themasterpieces would be met by a coldstare and the question: "Will that bein the examination?"While these dangers must always bekept in mind, they haven't provedserious in practice. The examinations,experience proves, do not place undueemphasis on the recall of facts. Evenin the sciences, the time and weightgiven to the recall of facts are nevermore than 300/0 of the examination.Desperate cramming Rather, the exams emphasize the useof fa�ts in solving problems that havenot been discussed in the course.I� literature, for example, half ormore of the examination is now basedon works studied independently by thestudent, without class discussion, todemonstrate his mastery of the me­thods of analyses taught in the course.He cannot parrot the instructor's in­terpretation; he must work out hisown.' If he focuses real attention onsuch an examination, he will be learn­ing exactly what the instructor wantshim to learn anyway.Don't they forget?These general principles and intel­lectual skills are retained unusuallywell. We have had many opportuni­ties for retesting,' as students comeback for further study, and no seriousloss has been discovered in the kind ofoutcomes which, are given greatestweight in the comprehensives. Whileno college ever knows the extent towhich its students use for their ownpurposes what they have learned,there is at least no evidence that ourstudents forget what they have learnedas rapidly as possible, once the exami­nation is over.Regimented teaching?If indeed there be any such thing as"regimen ta tion of teaching" in theCollege, little can be blamed on theexaminations, and that little can beavoided.The College offers 14 generalcourses, which are required of anystudent unless he is excused by place-. ment tests. Each of the general coursesenrols hundreds of students and istaught by a staff of from 10 to 30teachers- (in small, manageable dis-5They meet once a week to talkcussion groups which average about25 students.) All teachers ofa givencourse use the same syllabus; which isprepared and revised annually by thestaff, and they meet once a week totalk about ways of dealing with thematerials they are about to teach.It becomes apparent to anyone at­tending these meetings that the coursema terials are used in the greatest di­versity of ways. The examiner attendsall these meetings, makes note of thedivergent views expressed, and thusobtains a clearer view of the morebasic matters which are to be tested,and which underlie the diverse pro­cedures used by various staff members.As a result, he evolves questions whichdeal with the general objectives of thecourse, rather than with any particu­lar means of teaching these objectives.Who directs the Examiners?Since the University Examiner isresponsible to the Chancellor of theUniversity, rather than to the Dean ofthe College, and since the examinerin each field is responsible to the Uni­versity Examiner, some critics pre­dicted the examiners might come todictate the curriculum. This dangerhas been avoided, since the examiner6 must secure the agreement of theteaching staff to every objective cov­ered by the examination. He has noauthority to tell the staff what to do.He must find out what they are tryingto do and then prepare questions re­lated to these purposes, and no others.He need not secure 100% agreementon every question, but if a questioncould be shown to bear no relation toany announced purpose of the staff,the examiner would be subject tosevere censure.No polished apples?The teaching staff itself voices onecriticism of the examination system­namely, it gives them no control overstudents. They admit that if theywere perfect teachers, they wouldneed no goad: students would followwillingly wherever they led. But inthis imperfect world, they contend, agoad is sometimes necessary. If theymake an assignment and students dis­regard it, the worst they can say is,"If this neglect continues, you willprobably get an F on the comprehen-. sive." They cannot say, "1 will giveyou an F." They know, and so doesthe student, that instructors have nocontrol over marks. Who reads thermometer?One may still raise the question,however, whether the final judgmentof a student's competence in a givenfield should not be filtered throughthe mind of someone who knows thestudent. Perhaps the examinationshould be used as a doctor uses aclinical thermometer. The doctorwants the thermometer to register thecorrect temperature, uninfluenced byany sentiment toward the patient; buthis final diagnosis of the case is ahuman judgment, taking into accounteverything he knows about the patient.In the same fashion, perhaps, the re­sult of the examination should bereported to the instructor and be usedby him, along with any other evidenceat his disposal, to determine the stu­dent's mark. Isn't it true that somestudents who have worked very hard,and who desperately need encourage­ment, still fail in the examination?And that some shiftless ones who havenever been near the course manageto slip by?It is true that these things happen,but it is still questionable whether theresponsibility for determining marksshould be thrown back on the instruc­tors. Students respect the mark moreand work harder to earn it when theyknow it stands for sheer competence,uninfluenced by docility, regularity ofattendance, completion of a�sign­ments, participation in class discus­sion, promptness, neatness, appear­ance, affability, and other irrelevantmatters.On the other hand, this lack ofcontrol over marks has m�ny compen­sations. It is a blessed relief to mostteachers to be freed from the pressureof the importunate student-some­times that of his parents as well. Inmost colleges, you find some studentswho contest every mark, from the firstpaper in the course to the final ex-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE·Some shiftless ones slip byamination. Some try to influencemarks by "applepolishing," whileothers argue, or break down in tears.Under an independent examinationsystem, it is easy to explain to studentsthat all preliminary marks, such asthose on assigned papers, quizzes andquarterly examinations, represent onlyan estimate of their progress towardpassing the comprehensive. The mark:viII not stand in the record, and thereIS no use arguing about it. If a studentfails the comprehensive examination,the instructor can explain, in all si�­cerity, that he had nothing whateverto do with bestowing the mark andhas no power to alter it. In mostcases he does not even know the markuntil the student tells him. He neverhas to look a well-meaning but incom­petent student in the eye and tell him,"I gave you an F.". The terrible responsibility of judg­Ing people at the end of every courseis taken off his shoulders. Shelvingthis responsibility has a most beneflcialeffect on the relations of student andteacher. They are both on the sameside of the fence. It is up to the stu­dent to pass the examination: theteacher is there to help him as muchas he can. He is not a taskmaster andjudge. He assigns no rewards or penal­ties. He is a friend and guide.There is no evidence of widespreadOr serious neglect of assigned work.On the contrary, our students workuncommonly hard. If an occasionalassignment is disregarded, it may, ormay not be, a real loss. It must befrankly granted that not all assign­ments are so carefully planned andconsidered that students will reallvSuffer if they omit them. A systemWhich offers some latitude in this re­spect is probably healthier than one.Which requires conformity to everywhim of the instructor.1\lso it can be argued that the "doc­:or" in this case is not properly theInstrUctor but the adviser, who is se­lected and trained especially for thisWork, who knows more of the student'sbaCkground and circumstances andwho has more sources of informationabout him than anyone instructor.The adviser should have at his dis­Posal marks which mean exactly whatthey are supposed to mean and thenOCTOBER 1950, No polished appleshave the power to save a deservingstudent from any harsh consequences.The shiftless students can be caught inthe mechanism of reports to the ad­viser, in which the instructor canspeak his mind fully, without restrict­ing himself to five letters of the alpha­bet, and the adviser can take any ac­tion which seems warranted. Whenone further considers the extremevariability of instructors in assigningmarks, the great difficulty of approx­imating a common standard, and thesubstantial benefits which instructorsgain from not having this responsibil­ity, one is glad to leave the determi­nation of marks to an impersonalagency and to allow the advisers totemper the wind to the shorn lamb.Dangers of neuroses?Another curious criticism of com­prehensive examinations has been thatthey are probably conducive to thedevelopment of neuroses. This chargewould be so serious, if true, that itwould outweight all the benefits ofthe system; but thus far there is noevidence, or even any substantial prob­ability, that it is true. The incidencein the College of actual breakdown,for example, is negligible-and is cer­tainly no higher than in other colleges of comparable size. Examiners andinstructors frequently observe studentsduring examinations with a watchfuleye for signs of anxiety or unduestrain, but they rarely find cause foralarm.What takes the curse off the systemis that students need not register foran examination until they feel pre­pared for it and some put off the ex­amination for three months or moreafter completing the course. If theyfail or make a low mark at their firstattempt, they have only to find outwhat they did wrong, remedy theirweaknesses, and try again threemonths later. Some students repeatexaminations when their initial gradewasC or even B because they will besatisfied with nothing less than an A.They run no risk, for whichever markis higher stands in the record. With allthese safeguards, it is hard to imaginewhy comprehensive examinations ofthemselves should induce neuroses. Itis probably true that students who arealready neurotic will manifest anxietytoward examinations, as toward anyother threat to their security, but itseems highly improbable-and I thinka psychiatrist would concur - thatsuch anxiety could cause a neurosis. Ifit combines with the underlying causesto bring out an incipient neurosis, it7The examiners would be subjectto severe censuremay be just as well to bring the con­dition to light while the student isyoung enough to be treated with rela­tive ease.On the positive side, the systemseems to give students a lively sense ofresponsibility for their own education.It has repeatedly been found thatthere is little difference in averagescores between different sections ofthe same course,' presided over byvarious instructors. Students knowwhat they are expected to learn fromthe syllabus, from quarterly examina­tions, and from copies of past exami­nations, and if their instructors do notteach them these things, they manageto learn them by themselves.Debased degrees 7The effect on standards of accom­plishment is salutary. If each teachersets his own examination, he tends' toask only those questions which most" ofhis students will be able to answer.On the other hand, if the examinationis produced by an agency which hasno interest in fortifying the ego of theinstructors, and if it is to be publishedand subjected to every sort of criti­cism, it tends to demand whatever theliberally educated man ought to knowabout the subject. Students know thatthey cannot rely on any favorable im­pression which they have made on theinstructor. Their only safety .lies inknowing how to answer the hun­dreds of merciless questions.When Mr. Hutchins was re­proached with "debasing" the Bache-8 lor's degree by offering it at the endof the usual sophomore year, he re­plied that he would be happy to havethe seniors in any other college takethese sophomore examinations. In onesense his challenge was unfair becausestudents at anyone .college would beat a disadvantage in taking the ex­aminations of another. However, inthe intended sense, the reply wasjustified because these examinationsmake the senior examinations of manyother colleges seem childish.The examinations produced by afull-time professional examining staffin constant association with a teachingstaff are not only more difficult butalso better examinations-more valid,more objective, and more reliable­than the examinations ordinarily pro­duced . by teachers. Many a professorthinks of his examination questionswhile walking to the examination andthen writes them on the blackboard.In some cases, they turn out to bebrilliant questions and are markedwith great insight and fairness, but inmany other cases it is largely a matterof chance whether the student hap­pens to be well prepared on these par- ticular questions. In hardly any casecould they compare with the hundredsof penetrating questions devised by anexperienced examiner after months ofwork which covers every aspect of thecourse and every type of competenceit is expected to produce.The manner in which the examina­tions are prepared tends to make theteaching staff unusually conscious ofthe objectives of the course. A carefulanalysis of the results of the examina­tion can also give them a clear pictureof their successes and failures. It is achastening experience to select typicalquestions representing each objectiveand to count how' many students gotthem right.Finally, the examination serves as afocal point around which to organizethe work of the course. It is a psycho­logical advantage to have a very con­crete goal to aim at, with progresstoward it indicated by marks on as­signments, quizzes and mid-quarterlyexaminations. The final comprehen­sive examination reviews the work ofthe whole course, brings all parts ofit into fruitful interplay with oneanother, and shows clearly what thestudent is now able to do with all thefacts and skills which he has learned.The evidence of actual breakdown is negligibleTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIMPRESSIONS OF ISRAELBy Rabbi George FoxA onetime skeptic returns from Palestine, an enthus­iast. Here is Israel today, the melting pot and hopefor oppressed Jewry everywhereSOME 25 YEARS ago my wife andI visited Palestine to gather mate­rial for a series of articles. The J ew­ish nationalists were working fever­ishly to build up the land, followingthe hopes engendered by the BalfourDeclaration.Many pious Christians were re­marking that the only "good result ofthe war"-i.e. the first World War­"was the emergence of a Jewish home­land in accordance with Biblicalprophecy." I t was not easy then topersuade Jews to migrate to Palestine.There were a good many, of course,who did leave the lands of their birthbecause of an intense national Jewishloyalty. But the progress of JewishPalestine was slow, and certainly didnot satisfy those who supported theZionist movement, and who workedfor the realization of a Jewish na­tional home which would take itsplace as a nation among th� nationsof the world.The Jews who were content asnationals of various lands looked uponthe Palestine Zionists as good men,Who, having had to live through per­secutions and oppressions, yearned forpeace and for a place which theyCould call their own. They had nothought of giving up their homesexcept in some backward countrieswhere they were regarded as strangers�nd second-class citizens. The vast ma­Jority of American, English, French,German and Central European JewsWere willing enough to help their co­religionists who had been forced byone circumstance or another to mi­grate. to Palestine. As for themselves,few had any thought of leaving. ThePalestine settlers accused them of lov­lUg the "fleshpots of Egypt" too much.OCTOBER, 1950 When we first visited the Jewishhomeland, world Jewry was largelysatisfied with its condition.Palestine then ...Consulting our notes about that tripwe find that we hac! been surprisedby the progress which had been madein the few years after the war. Fac­tories had been built, roads laid out,a large number of colonies established,thousands of acres of land cultivatedand many fine homes constructed.Since the main object of the earlynationalists was to make their coun­try a predominantly agricultural one,stronger emphasis was laid. upon thistype of activity than upon the com­mercial and industrial.We recall some very highly devel­oped farm settlements. The youngpeople who went to Palestine as pio­neers gave themselves up with laud­able dedication to the building ofwhat was to be their "home." Grad­uates of technical schools, teachersand members of various professions,weary of the treatment they receivedin their various homelands, came tostart life anew-as one expressed it,to give to the soil of Israel the bestthat he could give, and to get fromthe land the best it had to offer. Pro­gress was slow but steady. Educationalinstitutions such as the Technical In­stitute at Haifa and the Hebrew U ni­versity at Jerusalem sprang up. Laterthe Weizmann-.Seiff Institute at Re­hovoth near Tel Aviv was organized.Arab Palestine did not keep pacewith the progress of Jewish Palestine.One could see American farm machin­ery working the fields of the .Jewishcolonies, while on the adjoining Arab land the Arab plowman was using thesame iron and wooden plow his peoplehad used from time immemorial. Itwas an interesting and instructive con­trast between the Jewish attitude to­wards the developments of modernlife and that of the Arab. Much ofPalestine was then in the hands ofArab families who spent their timeand their income living in luxuryin large European and Near Easterncities.In those days the' tension betweenthe Jews and the Arabs had notreached its present intensity. Therewas a friendliness which some ob­servers thought might be made thebasis for lasting friendship. The cre­ation of Israel and the Arab opposi­tion to it have dissipated to a largeextent the neighborly attitude of for­mer years. There are still, however,some Arab villages which are friendlyto their Jewish neighbors and Arabslive in Israeli cities. As a matter offact some Arabs fought in the armyof Israel, and there are now threeArab members of. the Knesset, theJewish House of Deputies. By andlarge both Jews and Arabs fear thatpeace will not be achieved before an­other war unless the U ni ted Nationsinterfere. That is the real reason whyboth sides clamor for arms.... and nowTwenty-five years have made a rev­olutionary change. A Jewish popula­tion of 250,000 in the homeland then,has grown now to one million. Theformer Arab population of one mil­lion has shrunk to 200,000. Industryand commerce have progressed be­yond the wildest dreams of the earlysettlers. Some cities are no longer vil­lages - they are great metropolitancentres, with at least two, Tel Avivand Haifa, favorably comparable inappearance, culture, industry and ac­tivity with progressive European cities.Tel Aviv to which Jaffa has recentlybeen annexed has a population ofmore than 300,000. It is the largestcity in Israel and has been called the"Paris of the Near East."The melting potPersecution and fear have broughttogether so many different Jewishtypes, it is impossible to determinewhether. there is any longer a so-called"Jewish type." It is often difficult to9distinguish a Jew from an Arab exceptby garb. Bokhara Jews look like Per­sians; East Indian Jews look like theirformer neighbors; Bulgarian Jews looklike Bulgarian non-Jews. There aremore blondes among those who camefrom German-speaking countries thanHitler ever counted among the GentileGermans.In that part of Tel Aviv in which100,000 or more German Jews live,one hears more German than Hebrew.I t has been estimated that more than30 countries are represented in Israel.Whether or not this number is cor­rect, it is evident that these immi­grants are determined to wipe outtheir differences and evolve a land inwhich the best in all cultures will befused and preserved.The "melting pot" era of our coun­try cannot hold a candle to the "melt­ing pot" of Israel. The religious,artistic and ideological differenceswhich before the cruel years of perse­cution dominated the lives of thesepeople, are being gradually trans­muted into an Israeli civilization.Four concerr-mestersA large number of the men andwomen of Israel were outstanding intheir fields of activity in their formerhomes. Particularly is this true ofleaders in the physical sciences, medi­cine and music. Many of the greatestspecialists that our age has producedhave found asylum in the HebrewUniversity, in the Haifa Technion, inthe Weizmann-Seiff Institute and inthe Hadassah and other hospitals.Serge Koussevitsky, the great formerconductor of the Boston SymphonyOrchestra, made this statement uponhis recent return to Paris from Israel,where he served as the guest conduc­tor at sixteen concerts given by theIsrael Philharmonic Orchestra: "InIsrael I spent the six happiest weeksof my life. There you feel that youha ve stepped back two thousand yearsinto the past, and at the same timethat history has moved ahead twothousand years into the present. Iloved the mood of Israel, its enthu­siasm and its love of art and nature.Israel's string orchestra is as good asthe best in the world. Virtually allthe world's great violinists are Jewish.Persecution and war brought to Israelthe pick of talent from Europe's great10 orchestras. There is so much talent inthat string section that the orchestrahas not one concert-master but four.Each one takes his turn.",What Koussevitsky says about theabundance of �talent in music appliesto many other fields. The number oftalented individuals is almost unbe­lievable until one remembers that itwas the small state of Israel whichwelcomed so many of the oppressedand terror-stricken when no one elsewould have them.Housing the homeless.We �aw more activity in buildingconstruction and in the general indus­trial fields than in the half dozen andmore other countries we visited. Thou­sands of little homes are being builtfor the newcom�rs. Seventy-five thou­sand Yemenite Jews are being housedand cared for. The concentrationcamps of Europe are being emptiedinto this land.One hundred thousand Iraq Jews have begun their migration to thehomeland.. A similar number froJIlNorth Africa is being gradually si­phoned into the land. Wherever theJew is oppressed he turns his eyeStowards Israel, and hopes some dayto get there, knowing that Israel willnot refuse to receive him.We saw recently-arrived concentra­tion camp refugees being "processed"for the new life they are to lead. Theywere being prepared to work the landor to take their places in the rapidlygrowing industries and thus be ab­sorbed wherever needed in the Stateeconomy. This placement process doesnot escape criticism from some of thenewcomers, who for years had beenaccustomed to an unhappy but indo­lent life in the concentration camps.If ever there was a laboratory inwhich human beings were transmutedinto necessary instruments for a newand effective life, Israel is that lab­oratory. Starting with the modernmiracle of resurrecting a dead Ian-Israel's acute housing shortage is being met with an ambitious housing program. Thisis a typical new Ill-family apartment building, in best modern style, in Tel Aviv.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEguage and transforming it into arecognized instrument of modern NearEast culture, to the erection of a tech­?ical institute that contains precisiontns�ruments found only in the labora­tones of three or four of the most ad­vanced countries-this has been theachievement of the N'ew Israel whosedreams were once regarded with bene­�cent dubiousness by interested skep­tics (of whom the writer was one) .Educating the newcomersIsrael is taking its place among thernost advanced nations in other ways.The government has passed' a billv:hich provides for the public educa­tIon of everyone from the age of fiveto 13. Newcomers who were elsewheredeprived of an opportunity to procurean education can do so up to the ageDf 18. Kindergartens are still private­ly conducted but it is hoped that inthe not too distant future state reve­nUe will permit them to be geared intothe national public school system. TheE�ucation Department has openedpnmary schools in most of the largerArab villages taken over by the Israeli�rmy. More than 7500 Arab children�re receiving. a primary education, al-hough the Arabs in these villages donot as yet pay taxes.Vocational schools represent themOst popular form of post elementaryedUcation. This is necessitated by the�Conomy of the country. These schools,owever, are not free institutions andthe tuition costs prevent many fromattending. The government has made�oncessions to promising boys and girlstn the form of scholarships and has tosome extent solved the difficulty.Thirty-two percent of the youngpe�ple who seek post elementary edu­cabon attend the agricultural, trade;cOmmercial, nursing and normal��a:her-training schools. With the ad-lbonal large number who are beingPrepared for work on the land and inOth 'N er fields, one sees that the efforts ofhew Israel to become something moret an a nation of traders is bringingresults.iheocracy or democracy?t The political situation is both in­er .estmg and complex. A number ofPa .. rtIes exist. The present government� le.d by Prime Minister David BenTUnon, the head of the Mapai Party.r he cabinet is a co ali tion of two par-Ies, the Mapai and the Religious.OCTOBER 1950, THE AUTHORAs a testimonial to his 27years of service with the SouthShore Temple) which he found­ed) friends gave Rabbi GeorgeFox and his wife a 16-week tripabroad. They saw England)France) Germany) Italy) Swedenand Holland) and spent fiveweeks in Israel. Says Mrs. Fox-:"We went as unbiased observ­ers) and onetime skeptics. Wereturned enthusiasts. In othercountries we admired the scen­ery; in Israel the accom.plish­ments and infectious enthusiasmof the people."The Foxes also were dele­gates to the first InternationalConference of Christians andJews) held in Paris. Since hisretirement) Rabbi Fox has setup offices at 30 N. MichiganAve.) as a family and marriagecounselor. He founded the J ew­ish Student Foundation oncampus) which later becameHillel) and was its adviser forseven years. He is also authorof such books as "The Bible asReligion and Literature)" and((Judaism) Christianity and theModern Social I deals."The Religious party itself became thesecond largest through a temporarycombination of the Orthodox andUltra Orthodox Parties. The thirdlargest party is the Mapam which isto the left of, the Mapai. The Mapaicombined with jhe Religious partyonly because by such a combinationcould the present government havebeen formed. 'There is a great deal of oppositionby the non-religious parties to havingreligious domination in the land. Thestate disclaims being a theocratic one.The religious parties want the stateto be just this. It seemed to us thatmost of the Israeli looked forward toa time when there will be no religiousinterference in political life. Israelwants to be a free democracy and tomaintain separation of church andstate as 'we do in the United States.The fact that there is a Minister ofReligion in the Cabinet is distastefulto other political parties.One must not forget that Israel is asecular, and not a religious state.Everyone is free to believe what hechooses. While the Orthodox religionis the only form of Judaism recognizedby the state, it does not exercise com­pulsion to the extent that all Israeli must be adherents of Orthodox Juda­ism. The Sabbath is rigidly observedby most people though many do notregard it as of divine origin. TheBiblical Festivals are similarly ob­served. An Israeli may call himselfan atheist, but he observes these oc­casions as national customs just as wasdone in Biblical times.Reform or Liberal Judaism hasmade little headway. It is strenuouslyopposed by the Chief Rabbi as well asby the Minister 'of Religion. It is notlegally recognized as is Orthodox Ju­daism but that does not prevent indi­vidual Jews from renouncing Ortho­doxy and establishing Liberal congre­gations. We noted a very definitetrend toward 'liberalism in religiousthinking.The eyes of Israel are turnedtowards the West, not the East, andtowards the United States particular­ly. We only met one communist dur­ing our visit and he was so unhappythat he was making arrangements toreturn to his na ti ve Hungary.Israel has not yet adopted a con­stitution though they have a roughdraft. Ben Gurion told the Knessetthat there was no great hurry aboutadopting one. New developments inworld politics might well influence thecontent of a constitution.Arab-Israeli tensionsThe relationship between Israel andits Arab neighbors is a very importantelement in its political life. There isno denying the fact that Arabs andJews alike are uneasy. There is no ap­parent dislike for each other as racialgroups. No anti-semitism exists amongthe Arabs similar to that in Westernlands. The fact that there is an ethnicrelationship between the two groupsprobably accounts for this. Unfriend­liness stems from the fact that themembers of the Arab League refuse tohave anything to do with the Israelis.The Jews maintain that the Arabswant to destroy them as indeed Arableaders have publicly promised. TheArabs, on the other hand, say thatthey fear Israeli aggression.The reason that the Arab Leaguehas been purchasing arms, say the Is­raeli, is to prevent aggression inciden­tally, but to destroy Israel ultimately.Israel fears the arms of the ArabLeague and maintains that the de­struction of Israel is the goal of theArabs; it wants to beat them to the11Israel has large stretches of parched land. One answer-the Jordan dam, a hydro-electricproject which supplies water for domestic use and irrigation.draw. Therefore it needs arms also.Both sides expect a "second round"unless the United. Nations prevents it.The U ni ted S ta tes, England andFrance have decided to sell arms toboth, provided neither will use themfor purposes of aggression: This oughtto help settle the difficulty if theWestern nations mean what they say.The future peace of the Near Eastlies in the hands of the U ni ted N a­tions. For the present at least thereneed be little fear of encroachmentby the Soviets in that particular partof the world. We heard some threatsfavoring friendship for the Soviets,but these become vocal only wheneither Israel or the Arabs want some­thing from the West which they can­not get.No second-class citizenWe were deeply impressed by thepassionate loyalty of the Israeli for hisland and his effusive pride in the' factthat in it he is not regarded as aninferior being. A Jew is not sensitivethere about being' one. He does not'feel that he is a foreigner, or that he,is good enough only to be a second­class citizen. He is as proud of hisnation as any national anywhere.Again and again we were remindedof the prejudice and restrictions exist­ing against the Jews outside of Israel.We were told there was no guaranteethat a Hitler would not bob up againand our attention was called manytimes to Sinclair Lewis' book, It Can'tHappen Here.We were told time and again thatthe people of Israel were building aland "for the g;randchildren of Ameri-12 can Jews" and that the day will comeeven in America "when the Jew willbe forced to pick up bag and bag­gage and direct his steps toward thehomeland." They said: "Was thereever a nation that profited more fromJ ewish skills and contributions thanGermany? What happened in France?What's happening behind the Iron'Curtain? History will repeat itself inthe United States also. You will thenunderstand why we so deeply love thisland which alone of all lands receivedus not as beggars but as its children."American anti-SemitismOne cannot deny that this talkmakes a deep impression on AmericanJews. We cannot deny that there areprejudices in social life and barriersand restrictions in indus trial life.There is no doubt that the averageAmerican Jew feels the injustice ofanti-semitism; there is no doubt thatmany Jews in our land do not walkwith straight backs and do only whis­per the fact that they are Jews. Theoft-repeated statements "you are awhite Jew" and the apologetic "someof my best friends are Jews" have got­ten under the skin of the Jews ofIsrael who heard them in' their formerhomes and from the mouths of Ameri­can Jews repeating th�ir experiences.One cannot well argue against theirvicious implication.Yet American Jews by and largedo not accept the conclusions of theIsraeli as inevitable, because the con­ditions which brought them to Israelneed not necessarily occur in our land.Anti-semitism is not indigenous to American democracy--it is an im­ported product and is alien to it.Racial discrimination is not inherentin Americanism and where it exists,is eradicable. Prejudice is not allou tgrowth of democracy but is a can­cerous growth upon it.I t is said that anti-semitism is in­creasing in the United States. Wedoubt this very much. It may becomemore vocal in spots, but a constantlyincreasing n um ber of non- JewishAmericans see its viciousness and bat­tle against it.We do not believe that the citizensof Israel are building a haven for thegrandchildren of American Jews. Wecannot predict that there will neverbe a Hitler in the United States, be­cause it is not humanly possible toforesee the future, but we do not be­lieve it. We do feel however thatshould such evil days ;ome, the Ameri­can Jew will have to migrate to Israeland join those whose forbears pre­ceded him.Miracles do happenToday the American Je� has no de­sire to go to Israel. The United Stateris his country and here is the home­land -of his children and g r a n d­children.A former skeptic said to us that henever used to believe in miracles. Burlthe creation of Israel and its un­dreamed-of development have con'vinced him that miracles do happen.There is tremendous activity there,�ut there ar� also tremendous diffiCUI',!ties. The differences between Israeland the Arab states will have to besettled by the United Nations. Whe'ther or not Israel will be able Nweather its present dollar shortage willdepend largely on what the Unite�States will do. IOther nations can help. The un'friendly acts of Great Britain beforand after her withdrawal from Pales;tine will be forgiven but not forgottenFrance has an affectionate place i,Israeli hearts because of all the democracies, it alone acted in a friendlmanner when refugees needed friendsIsrael firmly believes that it wi!solve its problems and that it will havsomething to contribute to the sutotal of human welfare.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINPNews of theQuadranglesBy ]eannetie LowreyFour New BuildingsONE DOWN and 'three to go!At this season of the year, atalmost any school, this would be foot­ball parlance, At Chicago, it meansthe dedication of one great scientificcenter with the dedication of threeothers to come.The city's first cancer center, the$2,225,000 Nathan Goldblatt Me­morial Hospital, was pledged June 15to continue the program of investi­gation which has made the U niver­sity of Chicago a world center forthe study of the disease.The physical features for the cancerresearch center will be completed bythe new $3,500,000 Argonne NationalCancer Hospital, the first in the worlddesigned for using the atom in thestudy of cancer and now under con­struction adjacent to Goldblatt Hos­pital.President Colwell breaks ground for Mid­West Inter-Library Center. Left: PresidentlIeald, Illinois Institute of Technology;right: librarian Nystrom, NorthwesternUniversity.OCTOBER, 1950 Goldblatt Memorial Hospital facing EllisAvenue. Construction of the next cancerunit started on right.Scheduled for dedication in early. 1951 is the nation's largest privatelyoperated center for atomic, metal­lurgical and biological research.Across the street from Stagg field,where Fermi built the first atomic"fire," a $12,500,000 center is nearingcompletion which will house the In­stitute, for Nuclear Studies, the In­stitute for the Study of Metals andthe Institute for Radiobiology andBiophysics.For the fourth dedication, the Uni­versity will join 13 other midwesternuniversities and colleges to mark thebuilding of a million dollar inter­library center. The ground for thislibrary's library is at 5641 CottageGrove Avenue. The new science center across from StaggField on Ellis. Low building at far end(right) houses famous cyclotron.Science Advance •THE WORK OF the scientists-­the University's men in white-­has kept pace with the building pro-- gram on "scientific row."In reported researches, they have,si�ce the last publication of the M ag­azine :1. Demonstrated the ability' of thespleen to take over the blood-formingfunction of bone marrow destroyedby heavy radiation.Dr. Leon 0, Jacobson, MD '39,associate professor of medicine, hasshown the blood-forming ability ofthe spleen in experiments on miceand rabbits exposed to fatal doses ofX rays. When mice had their spleenremoved from their body cavities andshielded by lead, they survived dosesthat killed mice with unprotectedspleens.Similar results were obtained inrabbits when the appendix was re­moved from the body cavity andshielded against radiation.Dr. Jacobson does not believe, how­ever, that the spleen and the appen­dix are the basic agencies of bloodformation. He believes it is possiblethat some other substance which stim­ulates the formation of blood cellsis created within the body's blood­forming tissues. It is also possible thatthe protected lymphatic tissue itself13Dr. Jacobson experiments on micecan send out "colonizing cells" to re­stimulate the bone marrow to bloodformation.This substance, which Dr. Jacob­son i� now attempting to isolate, maybe a hormone with capacities similarto insulin, in terms of potency. Ifisolated, it will have a wide applica­tion in .medicine.Heavier dosages of X rays will bepossible in cases of cancer, and itcould be used in treatment of victimsof radiation, and further, in manag­ing the anemias which occur inde­pendently or in association with can­cer and such diseases as leukemia andHodgkin's disease.2. Discovered a new organ of in­ternal secretion that functions tostimulate the flow of gastric juices.The organ, found in the lining ofthe lower half of the stomach andcalled the antrum, was reported byDr. Lester R. Dragstedt, ' 15, PhD'20, MD '21, chairman of the depart­ment of surgery, and his team of in­vestigators.For the research, Dr. Dragstedt re­ceived the gold medal of the Ameri­can Medical Association, bringing thetotal of top A.M.A. awards grantedUniversity investigators to four since1936. (Dr. Charles B. Huggins, pro­fessor of urology, is a two-time awardwinner and Dr. J. Garrott Allen, as­sociate professor of surgery, receivedthe medal in 1948.)Proof of the antrum was estab­lished by research on dogs. When the14 antrum was completely removed fromthe stomach of dogs, the secretion ofgastric juice in the stomach droppedmarkedly. Transplanting the antrumto either. the large intestine or theduodenum-the 'small intestine lead­ing from the stomach - caused thestomach to secrete abundant amountsof gastric juice.Just how the antrum causes theabundant flow of gastric juice, whichleads to ulcers, is not known. It isknown that the effect does not takeplace through the nervous system,and that food is required to come incontact with the antrum in the in­testine before the flow is stimulated.3. Demonstrated that blood trans­fusions combined with the antibioticdrug aureomycin provide the bestpresently known method of treatingvictims of excess radiation.For the first time, this treatmenthas permitted dogs to survive other­wise deadly doses of radiation in thelaboratory, Dr. J. Garrott Allen, as­sociate professor of surgery, reportedat the annual meeting of the Ameri­can Medical Society at San Francisco.Two out of ten animals survived thecritical six-week period "following ex­posure that ordinarily would result indeath.The transfusions helped replenishthe animal's depleted blood supplyand warded off anemia. The aureo­mycin controlled the infection which. often causes radiation exposure to endfatally.Importance of proper nutritionwas also noted in the research. Ordi­narily, victims of radiation damagemay eat normally for one to twoweeks following exposure. Then, how­ever, their appetite vanishes, and itmay be necessary to resort to feedingthrough the veins.The transfusion of blood and plas­ma also help solve the nutrition prob­lems of irradiation sickness.Dr. Allen also described methodsthat seem to· prevent radiation dam­age before it occurs. Partial shieldingof the body can ward off the worsteffects. Injections before exposure -but not after - of female sex hor­mones or the chemical cysteine alsominimize the damage. The specificantibiotics most effective for humansremain to be investigated.4. Ascertained nine chemicals forma nutritional team that works togetherto keep the bodies of rats [rom toast­zng away.The discovery of the role of theseessential chemicals, technically calledamino acids and found in 'foods suchas meat, eggs, and milk, offers doctorsclues to the better feeding of starva­tion victims and for aiding patientswith disease-wasted bodies.The University pathology researchteam, Dr. Paul R. Cannon, PhD ' 14,MD '25, Dr. Eleanor Humphreys,MD '31, Dr. Robert Wissler, '43,Dr. Allen studies treatment for deadly doses of radiationTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGoiter patient drinks radioactive iodine cocktail; Dr. OUo Tr iplerstands by 'with chaser; Dr. Robert Cofrin holds tongs which are usedin serving radioactive liquid from lead-lined container on stool.MD '48 Dr. Earl Benditt, andLaurence' E. Frazier, '48, obtainedtheir results in a series of controlledfeeding experiments on rats lastingOVer a period of three years.Other investigations have shownthat human beings need eight out ofnine of the amino acids needed byrats, and need them in roughly thesame proportions in the diet. Aminoacids alone, however, are not ade­quate for human health. Other foodsmust be present in the diet beforethe body can make use of these es­sential building blocks.5. Reported radioactive iodine of-Three new leadership centersA MIDWEST CENTER in edu­cational administration, de­signed to mob iii z e cooperatinguniversity and school agencies in a12-state area, has been established atthe University under a W. K. KelloggFoundation five-year grant of $500,-000.Chicago is one of three universi­ties selected by the foundation as anucleus for its three-million dollarnation-wide project to improve edu­Cational leadership. Teachers Collegeof Columbia University and HarvardUniversity were also granted Founda-OCTOBER, 1950 Dr. Dwight Clark stands by Geiger counter, used 24 hourslater in tracing the radio-iodine, drunk by patient. Thethyroid has an avidity for iodine.fers new hope to victims of goiter andcancer of the thyroid as well as pro­viding doctors a valuable diagnostictool. .Dr. Dwight E. Clark, associate pro­fessor of surgery, summarizing resultsin diagnosing and treating diseases ofthe thyroid gland at the medical andbiological research center of the Uni­versity, said that in more than one­fifth of 60 severe cases of cancer ofthe thyroid treated at the University,radio-iodine had shown some useful­ness. In several cases other methodsof treatment had failed, and littletion funds for regional centers, andnegotiations are now under way withthree other universities.The Chicago center, designed touse the full resources of the U niver­sity in education and the related fieldsin the social sciences, will be organ­ized to:1. Develop more effective programsfor the preparation of educationalleaders, not only at the University ofChicago but also at state universities,land grant colleges, and teachers col­leges throughout the Midwest;2. Foster cooperative study and hope had been offered the patients.In these cases, the disease was atleast temporarily arrested.A similar process, with smallerdoses, is used in treating goiter, whichis an overactivity of the thyroid. Dr.Clark reported that some 200 goiterpatients have been treated with radio­iodirie at the University with nearlyall benefiting.The radioiodine treatment has beenused in cases where surgery or drugtreatment of goiter had not been suc­cessful. It has also been used in pa­tients with heart complications wheresurgery- might prove hazardous.research on critical problems relatedto educational administration, and3. Bring within reach of all ad­ministrators in the region a moreeffective-- program of consultativeservices and other means of in-serviceeducation.Francis S. Chase of the U niver­sity's department of education anddirector of the rural editorial service,will serve as director of the center.An executive committee, headed byAlonzo Grace, chairman of the de­partment of education, and six mem­bers of the University's division ofsocial sciences, will establish generalpolicies of the cooperative program.15"The quality of educational lead­ership during the next quarter cen­tury will largely determine our abilityto develop an educational programgood enough to achieve the highgoals to which we as a free peopleare committed," Chase said."It will be the goal for the firstfive years of the program to involvein continuing programs of in-serviceeducation not fewer than 10,000 su­perintendents, principals and otheradministrative officers and thousandsof school board members."Hayek joins facultyFRIEDERICH A. HAYEK, inter­nationally-known economist andsocial philosopher, has been appointeda permanent member of the faculty.Author of the Road to Serfdom, a1945 best-seller which raised thequestion whether the democracieswere traveling the .road to totalitari­anism, Hayek has been a visitingprofessor at Chicago three times since1945.His appointment will be that ofprofessor of social and moral science.Hayek's acceptance of the post willEconomist Hayekend a stay in England which beganin 1931, when he was appointed theTooke Professor of Economic Scienceand Statistics at the University ofLondon. He became dean of thefaculty of economics in 1948.Born in Vienna, he was directorof the Austrian Institute for EconomicResearch at the time he moved toEngland.16 Three new TrusteesTHREE NEW members have beenelected to the Board of Trusteesof the University,They are Howell W. Murray, '14,vice-president of A. G. Becker & CQ.,Chicago investment firm; GardnerStern, vice-president of Hillman's,Iric.; and Fairfax M. Cone, chairmanof the board of Foote, Cone 'andBelding in charge of the agency'sChicago office. commander, was on active duty formore than three years. He is, a di­rector of the Jewish Federation ofChicago, Michael Reese Hospital,and the Chicago Council, Boy Scoutsof America.. Cone, one of 30 prominent Chi­cagoans on the University's Councilon Medical and Biological Research,has been active in providing civicsponsorship and broader understand-Trustees Murray, Cone and SternMurray is the thirteenth alumnimember of the Board. He was award­ed an Alumni Citation in 1944 forhis civic contributions. He is chair­man of the Ravinia Festival Associa­tion, a trustee of Carleton College,and is vice-president of the ChicagoTumor Institute. He has served asdirector of the Community WarFund' and the Greek War Relief As­sociation.Stern, a World War II lieutenant- ing of the medical work of the U ni­versity in these fields.A director of the Chicago LakeFront Fair, the Chicago Associationof Commerce and the Chicago Com­munity Fund, Cone is also chairmanof the board of directors of the Amer­ican Association of Advertising Agen­cies and a member of the boards ofdirectors of the Advertising Counciland the Advertising Federation ofAmerica.IN THE NOVEMBER ISSUE:'*THAT COMMON COLD, by Dr. lowell T. Coggeshall,Dean of the Biological SciencesWHY STUDY THE ANCIENT PAST?, by Dr. Carl Kraeling,Director of Oriental InstituteTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZIN£Long LakeNew Auburn, WisconsinAugust 29, 1950Dear Howard:The transition from fishing-pole tofOuntain pen is an abrupt reminderthat these happy days at Long Lakeare about to end. It is a brisk, butSunny morning; the fish have beenbiting well; and we are with friendly,natural people.Yesterday we visi ted the MikeWeinbergs at their lovely place nearBayward and saw several alumni andstudents, among them Bruce Shem­way, second year Law, who is headcounselor at a nearby camp. TheWeinberg's Saturday afternoon barbe­cues are becoming summer institutionsin upper Wisconsin.But I suppose the success of a vaca- .tion can be measured in terms of one'seagerness to return to the job, and Iam eager to get going again.Introducing a DeenMrs. Ruth McCarn's appointmentas Assistant Dean of Students is themost important news in my office. Hermany years of experience in counsel­ing women, her broad training in thefield of student affairs, and her charm­ing, gracious personality make her oneof the most respected women in thepersonnel field. We are fortunate tohave her as a full-time member of ourstaff. She and her husband, whoseoffice is in the Loop and who is aUniversity of Chicago graduate, willlive in the apartment formerly gracedby such well-known University per-OCTOBER, 1950 Reflections fromLONG LAI(EBy Robert M. StrozierDean of StudentsFrom his vacation hideout, the Dean writes acolumn for the October Magazine, and previewscoming events for the fall quartersonalities as the Bergstressers, FrankO'Hara, the Bill Morgensterns, andDurbin Rowland [in Hitchcock Hall].Mrs. McCarn's chief work willprobably be with women,' but hertalents and training will not be lim­ited. Her administrative duties willgive wide scope to her interests.Another new personality in the of­fice will be Carl Grip, who will headour residence halls. Carl is a graduateof Beloit, attended Chicago and Illi­nois; and has served with the Dean ofStudents at Illinois for several years.He and his family will live in JudsonCourt.The residence halls have been bust­ling with exciting plans during thesummer, and I shall be greatly sur­prised if this is not our best year inall the residence halls. The staff,which is more than 50 large, has beenorganized into planning committees,and has developed very intelligentand interesting programs in the areasof residence halls, student government,counseling, and cultural activities. Wehave gradually moved toward the fullcoordination of the residence hallswith the' academic program.In the draftDuring the past few weeks threemembers of the residence hall staffhave bowed to the call of the Re­serves, and T am. afraid that the re­mobilization of the country is goingto present several problems whichhave been absent since the last war. The students already are feeling theeffects of the draft, Many of the vet­erans are in the reserve programs, andmany others are awaiting the call ofSelective Service. The official state­ment of the Selective Service thatthe academic year will not be violatedis reassuring for those who are' regis­tered, but the summer took its toll,and an increase in the seriousness ofthe situation will immediately be felton the Quadrangles.It is my own opinion that we are tohave large armed forces' for manyyears to come; the Korean crisis seemsto have alerted the public mind forpreparedness in a way that even PearlHarbor did not achieve. I shall notbe surprised to see our country followthe general lines of the establishedFrench custom requiring every able­bodied young man to spend a year inthe armed forces, regardless of thepossibilities of conflict.Orienting as usualBut youth will be spirited regardlessof what its future may be, and thesummer straws portend an AutumnQuarter packed with activities. TheChancellor will charm the new stu­dents, as usual, during OrientationWeek, and everything gets under waywith the charged atmosphere that onlyOctober can bring to the University.The lethargy of the summer passes as17New students pass Wieboldt arch on campus toursuddenly as though an innocent-look­ing cloud had swiftly developed in .oa storm of hurricane proportions.The campus politicians are alreadypointing toward the October StudentAssembly elections. The Studen tUnion has chosen its new president­Burt Wasserman. The debate squadhas been deeply engrossed in pre­season research into the problem ofthe President's Point Four Program.More than fifty student groups haveregistered for display booths duringActivities Night which climaxes Ori­entation Week. And Miss CarolSaunders, the Assistant Director ofStudent Activities, is already applyingher unlimited energies and talents tothe planning of the social activities.1 hope most of you saw Cleary'sletter to Life about our Outing Club,one of the Student Union's most suc­cessful ventures. Long trips for allholidays and shorter ones for week­ends are made regularly by this group.Each trip is expertly planned and ex­ecuted, and the expense is phenome­nally low. Brinton Stone, of our De-18 velopment Office, went on the springtrip and gave me an account whichwould make even the most passionate­ly civilized ready to rough it for a fewdays. Brint was formerly Dean of Menat Alfred University and is quite anou tdoors man himself.My own outdoor activities hit a newlow last week when I took my sons,Bob and Chuck, fishing, and eachcame home with five crappies whilepapa was skunked!The athletic facultyI t is surprising, however, to notehow many of our faculty people pos­sess athletic interests and talents. Ourtwo new handball courts in BartlettGym are at last open, and are beingused full time. There has been agita­tion for three years from students andfaculty for more courts-more de­mand from the faculty than from thestudents.Each late afternoon, groups of fac­ulty members gather at Bartlett forswimming, handball, and generalworkouts. Among the regulars are Howell Wright, Joe Mullin, AltonLinford, W. F. Ogburn, and HerbBlumer. Mr. Ogburn is the most in­defatigable of all. He plays tennisat the Quadrangle Club at noon whenthe temperatures are in the nineties,ruris around the track several timesbefore his swims, and, in generaJ, doesmany things, physical as well as intel­lectual, that make many of ouryounger men envious.Durable deansThere seems to be a quality of dur­ability and loyalty to the Universityin Deans of Students. This summerthe four of us who have held the posi­tion were in and about the QuadClub. The first, Mr. George Works,is temporarily living there while hecompletes a special project in Chica­go; Mr. Aaron Brumbaugh, the sec-·ond, as the n�w president of ShimerCollege, makes frequent visits to thecampus because of our close affiliationwith him and his school; and Mr.Lawrence Kimpton, the third, hasreturned to the University as Vice·President in charge of development.I hope that I shall be able to earn thekind of enthusiastic reception given toeach of -these men as they appearedback on campus. I worked close toLarry Kimpton for two years, and Iknow that his return to the Universityis a happy, wise, and fortunate move.It is 'interesting to note, however,that just as our campus inevitablydraws these talented men back to it,j t also is the starting point of manyimportant and exciting expeditions. Ihave just read the summer issue of theFaculty News Bulletin, and again,I am impressed by the activities ofour faculty. Besides the great workon campus, members of the group arelecturing, doing special research, read­ing papers and writing in every cor­ner of the globe-from Rangoon toIraq.Vacations are fine, but to return tothe University of Chicago is finer. Tobe a part of this faculty, and to workwith our intelligent and alert stu­dents, is both stimulating and inspir­ing-e-and excellent preparation fornext year's vacation!.Sincerely yours,Robert M. Strozier[Dean of Students]THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEI wanted personal freedom, and paymentin direct proportion to my effortsBACK in the days when I was deciding on a career,I Was determined to choose one that would give me�reat personal freedom, plus advancement and payIn direct proportion to my efforts.Of all the possibilities I'studicd, only one career­life insurance - seemed to promise these particularrewards. I next investigated several companies, andselected New England Mutual- for a number ofreasons. I had been impressed with its magazineadvertising*. My college roommate had joined thisCompany earlier and had established a fine record.And I liked the type of men I met in . the NewEngland's offices here in Kansas.I'm glad I made the choice I did. For now, Ihonestly feel that every minute of every day of therest of my business career is mine to do with as Iplease. I am paid in direct proportion to my efforts.There is no waiting for advancement through "chan­nels." But, even more important, life insurance isInore than a mere job. It is a source of ever-increasingsatisfaction for me to provide my clientele with asafe investment which becomes so vitally importantto them in times of distress or tragedy.llecent graduates of our Home Office training course,. although new to the life insurance business, earn averagefirst-year commissions of $4200-which, with renewal com­l11issions added, brings the total yearly income average to$6500. From here, incomes rise in direct proportion to eachindividual's ability and industry.If you'd like information about a career that gives you abusiness of your own, with no slow climb up a seniorityladder and no ceiling on earnings, write Mr. H. C. Chaney,Director of Agencies, 501 Boylston Street, Boston 17, Mass.The New England Mutual, America'sfirst chartered mutual life insurancecompany, backs up its field force withstrikingly effective national advertis­ing. This advertisement, appearingcurrently in The Saturday Evening Postand Fortune (in full color), and inTime, Newsweek and Business Week,tells millions of prospects about theadvantages and flexibility of NewEngland Mutual policies, and urgesthem to consult our field men for ex­pert help on life insurance problems. CHARLES A. COLBY, Wichita, KansasThese University of Chicago men are New England Mutual representatives:Harry Benner, 'II, ChicagoGeorge Marselos, '34, ChicagoJohn R. Downs, '46, ChicagoThey can give you expert counsel on uniquely liberal and flexible NewEngland Mutual life insurance that's tailored to ftt your family'. need ••The NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANYOCTOBER CALENDARSunday. October 1RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel (59th andWoodlawn), 11 am., The Rev. Wallace W. Robbins, AssociateDean of the Chapel.Tuesday, October 3DEDICATION-American Meat Institute Laboratories. ThomasWilson, presiding; Chancellor R. M. Hutchins, speaker. MandelHall (57th & University). 1 p.m. Tours of laboratories later.PUBLIC LECTURE-Arthur .J. O'Hara, vice-president andmanager of Investment Research Department, Northern TrustCompany; "Why Make an Investment," first in "SelectingYour Investments" series, every Tuesday, 6:15 p.m., Room S09,19 S. LaSalle St. Series ticket, $S; no single admissions.COLLEGE SEMINAR-"The World's Great Plays I," conductedby Arvid Shulenberger, lecturer in the Humanities in Univer­sity College. Ten Tuesdays, 7 .p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St., $12.Wednesday, October 4COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Records Management Workshop" con­ducted by Miss Frieda Kraines, Records and Library Super­visor, Chicago Park District, and Miss 'Vera A. Avery, FileConsultant. Twelve Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., 19 S. LaSalleSt. $25.PUBLIC LECTURE-Sunder Joshi, assistant professor in theDivision of Adult Education, Indiana University, "MacArthurand the Converted Mikado," "Men and Politics of EndangeredAsia" ser-ies 6:30 p. m. Room S09, 19 S. LaSalle St. Seriesticket $3; single admissions, $.75.COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Personality and the Effective Executive,"conducted by Burleigh Gardner and Mrs. Harriett B. Moore, ofSocial Research, Inc. Ten Wednesdays, 7 p.m., 19 S. LaSalleSt. $25.COLLEGE SEMINAR - "The Thought and Influence ofFreud," conducted by Murray Wax, lecturer in UniversityCollege. Ten Wednesdays, 7 p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St. $15.COLLEGE SEMINAR - "Short Story Writing," conducted byPerrin Lowrey, lecturer in the Humanities in University Col­lege. Twelve Wednesdays, 7 p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St. $IS.Thursday, October 5COLLEGE SEMINAR-"More Effective Speaking," conducted- byMrs. Bess Son del, instructor in Speech in University College.Twenty sessions on Mondays and Thursdays, 6:15 p.m., 19 S.La�alle St. $25.COL�EGE SEMINAR-"Gre;;tt· Americari Novels," conducted byGeorge Steinbrecher, lecturer in University College. TwelveThursdays, 7 p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St. $IS.COLLEGE §EMINAR-"Living With Your Pre-School Child,"conducted "by La Berta A. Hartwick, Consultant, WinnetkaPublic School. Nursery. Ten Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., 19 S.LaSalle St. $lS.Friday, October 6PUBLIC LECTURE-"Know Your Chicago" series, moderator:Mrs. J. Harris Ward. "The Arts in Chicago," participants:Mary Hastings Bradley, author; Rudolph Ganz, president,Chicago Musical College; Daniel C. Rich, Director, Chicago ArtInst.itute. Moderator: Frederick Babcock, Editor, "Magazine ofBooks," Chicago Tribune. Five Fridays. 11 a.m., Club Room,Art Institute. Series ticket, $3.60; single admissions, $1.20.Sunday, October 8RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel (59th &Woodlawn), 11 a.m., the Rev .. John B. Thompson, Dean ofthe Chapel.Monday, October 9PUBLIC LECTURE-"Interpretation and Criticism," illustratedlecture-conference on art, conducted by Lucy Driscoll, assistantprofessor of art in University College. Section b, Mondays;2 p.m.; Art Institute. Series ticket; $6; no single admissions.COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Leadership in Conference Discussion I,"conducted by Thomas Fansler, lecturer in University College.Ten Mondays, 7 p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St. $25.20 Tuesday, October 10PUBLIC LECTURE-"Interpretation and Criticism," illustratedlecture-conference on art, conducted by Lucy Driscoll, as­sistant professor of Art in University College. Section a,Tuesdays, 11 a.m., Art Institute. Series ticket, $6; no singleadmissions.PUBLIC LECTURE-S. I. Hayakawa, - Lecturer in UniversityCollege; author Language in Thought and Action; "GeneralSemantics: An Introductory Lecture," Semantics and CriticalThinking series, 6:30 p.m., C'ub Room, Art Institute ofChicago. Series ticket, $4; single admissions, $1.COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Reading Improvement," conducted byMrs. Herrnese Roberts, lecturer in University College. TenTuesdays, 6:30 p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St. ·$IS.Wednesday, October'l1PUBLIC LECTURE-"The Chinese Way in Painting," illus­trated lecture-conference on art, conducted by Lucy Driscoll.assistant professor of art in University College. Wednesdays,11 a.m., Art Institute. Series ticket $6; no single admissions.PUBLIC LECTURE-"Seventeenth-Century Prints and Draw­ings," an illustrated lecture-conference on art, conducted byLucy Driscoll, assistant professor of art in University College.Wednesdays, 2 p.m., Art Institute. Series ticket $6; no singleadmissions.UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Demonstration Materialsin Elementary Science Teaching," conducted by AbrahamRaskin, assistant professor of Biological Sciences and examiner(College). Ten Wednesdays, 4:30 p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St. $15.UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Demonstration Materialsin Elementary Science Teaching," conducted by Abraham Ras­kin, assistant professor of Biological Sciences and examiner(College). Ten Wednesdays, 4:30 p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St. $15.PUBLIC LECTURE-Sunder Joshi, assistant professor in theDivision of Adult Education, Indiana University, "Rhee andthe Korean Crisis," Men and Politics of Endangered Asia series,6:30 p.m., Room S09, 19 S. LaSalle St. Single admissions, $.75.UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Language, Meaning, andMaturity," conducted by S. I. Hayakawa, lecturer in UniversityCollege. Ten Wednesdays, 7 p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St. $lS.Thursday, October 12UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"World Politics." TenTuesdays, 7 p:m., 19 S. LaSalle St. $lS.COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Great American Issue I," conducted byEdward Diamond, assistant to the Dean and lecturer in Uni­versity College. Ten Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St. $15.Friday, October 13PUBLIC LECTURE-Mortimer J. Adler, professor of philosophyof law, author of How to Read a Book, lecturing on "TheEnd of Education: The Life of Learning." The Great IdeasSeries, 7:30 p.m., 32 W. Randolph St. $1.50. Series ticket, $9.Saturday, October 14SOCCER-Midwestern Collegiate Soccer Conference. MortonJunior College at Stagg Field (57·th and University Avenue)2 p.m. No admission charge.Sunday, October 15RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel (59th &Woodlawn), 11 a.m., the Reverend John B. Thompson, Deanof the Chapel.Monday, October 16UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Psychology and Religionfor Personal Living," conducted by Russell Becker, Dean ofStudents in University College. Eight Mondays, 6:30 p.m., 19S. LaSalle St. $12.FOREIGN AND DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES.,--InternationalHouse Auditorium, 1414 E. 59th St., S p.m. "Quartet" (British).Admission $.55.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETuesday, October 17PUBLIC LECTURE-S. I. Hayakawa, lecturer in University Col­lege, author: Language in Thought and Action; "What AreYou Talking About?" Semantics and Critical Thinking series,6:30 p.m., Club Room, The Art Institute of Chicago. Singleadmission, $1.Wednesday, October 18PUBLIC LECTURE-Sunder Joshi, assistant professor in theDivision of Adult Education, Indiana University, "The RedLeaders of China," Men and Politics of Endangered Asia series,6:30 p.m., Room 809, 19 S. LaSalle St. Single admissions, $.75 .•UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Human Rights," con­ducted by Leonard Stein, assistant director of the Home-StudyDepartment. Six Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St. $9.UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"How To Read a Book,"six Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St. $9.Friday, October 20PUBLIC LECTURE-"Know Your Chicago" series. "Chicago As aPsychiatric Center," Helen Ross, Administrative Director, TheInstitute for Psychoanalysis. 11 a.m., Club Room, Art Institute.Single admission: $1.20.Saturday, October 21CROSS COUNTRY-Milwaukee Teachers and Chicago at Wash­ington Park, Chicago, 11 a.m. No admission charge.SOCCER-Midwestern Collegiate Soccer Conference. Chicago atWheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. 2 p.m.UNIVERSITY THEATER-"Be Quiet My Love," a comedy byBruce Brighton; 1949 Charles H. SergeI Drama Prize (judgedby Robert Pollak, ·24). 8:30 p.m., at Mandel Hall (5714 llni­versity Ave.), $.70. No reserved seats.Sunday, October 22RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel (59th &Woodlawn), 11 a.m., Canon Charles E. Raven, Regius Professorof Theology, Cambridge University.UNIVERSITY THEATER-"Be Quiet My Love" a comedy byBruce Brighton. 8:30 p.m. at Mandel Hall (5714 UniversityAve.) $0.70. Matinee at 3:30 p.m., $0.35. No reserved seats.Monday, October 23PUBLIC LECTURE-Walgreen Foundation Lecture series. "TheThree Republicans: Albert Gallatin," delivered by LeonardD. White, professor of public administration, University ofChicago. Social Science, 1126 E. 59th, Room 122, 4:30 p.m.No admission charge.Monday, October 23UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Issues in Foreign Policy:1950." Eight Mondays, 7 p.m., 19 S. LaSalle St., $18.FOREIGN AND DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES-InternationalHouse Auditorium, 1414 E. 59th St., 8 p.m.. "Tight LittleIsland" (British). Admission: $.55.Tuesday, October 24PUBLIC LECTURE-S. I. Hayakawa, lecturer in University Col­lege, author Language in Thought and Action; "Patterns ofMisevaluation," Semantics and Critical Thinking series, 6:30p.m., Club Room, The Art Institute of Chicago. Singleadmissions, $1.Wednesday, October 25PUBLIC LECTURE-Walgreen Foundation lecture series. "TheThree Republicans: John Calhoun," delivered by Leonard D.White, professor of public administration, University ofChicago. Social Science, 1126 E. 59th, Room 122, 4:30 p.m. Noadmission charge.Wednesday, October 25PUBLIC LECTURE-Sunder Joshi, assistant professor in theDivision of Adult Education, Indiana University, "Nehru FacesNew Danger in India," Men and Politics of Endangered Asiaseries, 6:30 p.m., Room 809, 19 S. LaSalle St. Single ad­l11issions, $.75.Thursday, October 26PUBLIC LECTURE-Walgreen Foundation lecture series. "TheThree Republicans: John Quincy Adams," delivered by LeonardD. White, professor of public administration, University ofChicago. Social Science, 1126 E. 59th St., Room 122, 4:30 p.m.No admission charge.OCTOBER, 1950 Friday, October 27UNIVERSITY CONCERT - Collegium Musicum di Roma(Rena to Fasano, conductor). Program includes selections fromVivaldi, Bach, and Scarlatti. Mandell Hall (57th and Uni­versity), 8:30 p.m. Season tickets, $12. Single tickets, $1.50.Saturday, October 28CROSS COUNTRY-DePaul and Illinois (Navy Pier) at Chicago;Washington Park, 11 a.m. No admission charge.SOCCER-Midwestern Collegiate Soccer Conference. Chicago atthe University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana. 2 p.m.Sunday, October 29RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefel�er Memorial Chapel (59th &Woodlawn), 11 a.m., the Reverend Pierre van Paassen,Unitarian minister and writer, New York City.Monday, October 30PUBLIC LECTURE-Walgreen Foundation lecture series. "TheThree Republicans: The Republican Era," delivered byLeonard D. White, professor of public administration, Uni­versity of Chicago. Social Science, 1126 E. 59th St., Room 122,4:30 p.m. No admission charge.Monday, October 30FOREIGN AND DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES-lt:ternationalHouse Auditorium, 1414 E. 59th St., 8 p.m. "The Blum Affair"(German). Admission: $046.Tuesday, October 31PUBLIC LECTURE-S. I. Hayakawa, lecturer in UniversityCollege, author, Language in Thought and Action; "Poetryand Advertising," Semantics and Critical Thinking series, 6:30p.m., Club Room, The Art Institute of Chicago. Single ad­missions, $1.YOUR FAVORITE CHICAGO SONGSJust recorded by Interfraternity Singwinners Phi Gamma Delta and KappaAlpha PsiDedicated to Amos Alonzo Stagg$2.85 per album postpaidINCLUDINGWave the FlagMarch of the MaroonsC Stands for CherishedCourageAlma MaterSong of the CFlag of the MaroonsSponsored by Student UnionYOUR ALBUMwill be in the mails as soon aswe receive the coupon.--------------------------Student Union. Ida Noyes Hall1212 E. 59th St .• Chicago 37Enclosed find $ for -- albums (@ $2.85 postpaid)o,f Songs of THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.Name : .Address .21Here is a typicalAlumni �eading List•A MONG THE MANY alumni services. your dues help under-write are the Reading Lists for members of the Alumni Associa­tion. There are over 150 subjects with an average of a dozen recom­mended books for each subject. These lists are prepared by membersof the faculty at the request of your Association .If you are interested, send for the Index. Please don't .send ablanket order for the °entire list. Paper, mimeographing and postageis too great an item. If you order more than six at anyone time wewill have to charge 10c for each additional list.N on-member Chicago alumni are charged l5c for the first list and10c for each additional list in the same order.•THE FAR EAST (1841-1949)By Earl H. Pritchard, Far Eastern History and InstitutionsI. COMPREHENSIVE SURVEYClyde, Paul H. The Far East. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1948. 862,pp.Excellent survey of the Far East since 1500 and especially ofdevelopments in the 20th century.Latourette, K. S. The Chinese-Their History and Culture. 2 vol.New York: Harpers, 1928. 670 pp.Excellent account by an outstanding American authority.MacNair, H. F. and Lach, Donald F. Modern Far Eastern Inter­national Relations. New York: Van Nostrand, 1950.Special attention paid to diplomatic, political, military, andcultural developments in the 20th century.Treat, P. J. The Far East-A Political and Diplomatic History.New York: Harpers, 1935. 563 pp.A handy one-volume compendium. Good for obtaining theJapanese viewpoint.Vinacke, H. M. A History of the Far East in Modern Times. NewYork: Knopf, 1940. Rev. ed. 641 pp.Gives special attention to social and cultural matters.Yanaga, Chitoshi. japan Since Perry. New York: Mcf-raw-Hi'j1949. 723 pp.Excellent, recent, and up-to-date survey of modern Japan.II. SPECIALIZED STUDIESAkagi, R. H.japan's Foreign Relations, 1542-1936: A Short His­tory. Tokyo: Hokuseido, 1936. 560 pp.By an American-educated Japanese. Reasonably "liberal" inviewpoint.22 Dallin, David J. Soviet Russia and the Far East. New Haven: YaleUniversity Press, 1948. 398 PJJ.Survey of Russian expansion and Soviet policy in the FarEast.Dennett, Tyler. Americans in Eastern Asia-A Critical Study (ofgreat value) af the Policy of the United States with Referenceto China, japan and Korea in the 19th Century. New York:Macmillan, 1922. Also: New York: 'Barnes & Noble, 1940.Griswold, A. W.- The Far Eastern Policy of the United States. NewYork: Harcourt, Brace, 1938. 530 pp.A highly critical study of U. S. policy in the Far East since1898 in particular.Hudson, G. F. The Far East in World Politics-A Study in RecentHistory. Oxford:' Clarendon, 1937. 276 pp.A distinguished essay presenting the viewpoint of an Englishscholar-liberal.Lattimore, Owen. The Situation in Asia. Boston: Little, Brown &Co., 1949.Norman, E. H. Japan's Emergence as a Modern State. 129 E. 52ndSt., New York: International Secretariat Institute of Pacific Rela­tions, 1940. 254 pp.Deals competently with the "Political and Economic Prob­lems of the Meiji oPeriod."Rosinger, Lawrence K. China's Crisis. New York: Knopf, 1945. 259pp.Goes far to explain why the Nationalists collapsed in China.Snow, Edgar. Red Star Over China. New York: Random, 1937.474 pp.Takeuchi, Tatsuji. War and Diplomacy in the japanese Empire.New York: Doubleday, 1935.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OF THE CLASSES1898Arthur T. Walker, PhD, who was con­nec.ted with the University for 50 years andarnved here as full Professor in 1898, isnow Professor Emeritus of the Latin the University of Kansas.1899�ercy B. Eckhart, Chicago attorney, re­ceIVed an honorary doctorate at North­Western University this summer.Henry M. Shouse received an honorarydoctor of divinity degree from Linda Vista��Ptist Bible College and Seminary, Sanleg?, .last May.WIlham J. Weber, AM '20, is Superin­tendent of Schools and Pastor of the Meth­odist Church in Beaconsfield, Iowa.1900Ernest E. Irons, PhD '12, MD Rush '03,delivered the commencement address tocandidates for degrees in the health sci­ences from the three professional schoolsof the University of Illinois.The establishment of the George Lin­coln Brown annual award for able and in­Spiring teaching has been announced atSOut.h. Dakota State College. Brown ispresIdent emeritus of the college.J�es W. Kyle, AM, of Cathedral City,CalIf., is Park Committeeman for Cathe­dral City, director in the Chamber of Com­merce, and an active member of the PalmSprings Seminar, studying the Great Books.1901Fred L. Adair, MD (Rush), chairman of��e American Committee on Maternalvvelfare, Inc., was General Chairman ofthe International and Fourth AmericanCO[oIgress on Obstetrics and Gynecology�VhICh was held in New York at the Hotel,tatler last May. '�. Gage Leake, of Chicago, retired as ades!gn engineer for the Illinois CentralRaIlroad after 33 years of service. He willC?ntinue in business as a consulting en­gIlleer.1902. Em�a F. Adams, of Portland, Oregon,IhS retned from her position as settlementOUse director.. Mabel K. Whiteside, AM '15, PhD '32,�Irected the 36th Greek Play given at theL andolph-Macon Woman's College inynchburg, Va.1903. Louise L. Scrimger (Mrs. A. J. Weeks)IS a retired missionary (Burma).Lorena King (Mrs. Arthur B. Fairbank)served as one of the hostesses at the Uni­�ersity dinner at the Statler Hotel inVashmgton, D. C., April 18th.1904t �ugene Neubauer, BD '09, gave the his­Orlcal address at the 125th anniversary�Xercises of the First Church, in Bloom­I�gton, Ind., appearing on television fort e occasion.OCTOBER, 1950 Fifty year Rush ReunionSixteen of the Class of 1900 of theR u s h Medical School gatheredaround the banquet table at theDrake Hotel on June 12, 1950 withDr. H. H. Kleinpell as master ofceremonies. From 6:00 until 12:00were happy hours spent reminiscingLouise Stanley, nutrition and home man- and listening to letters and tele-agement expert, retired last June aft'�e�r��""I=' ���_��u;£r_om members of the classyears with the Agriculture Department. who were unable to be present.Before joining the Agriculture Depart- The following forenoon Dr. R. H.ment, Dr. Stanley taught and conducted Herbst and his associate escorted theresearch at the University of Missouri group through the laboratories atwhere she was chairman of the home eco- Old Rush where every availablenomics department. She was honored in space is used in showing thousands1940 as the first woman to receive an of gross pathological specimens andLL.D degree from that University. In equipment of the most modern kind1941, she was awarded honorary member- for research and daily reports.ship in the Phi Beta Kappa Society and Dr. C. L. Abbott and Dr. Ralphwas presented with a medal by the Uni- T. Smith, 'both from California,versity of Chicago "in recognition of con- came the longest distance. Eighttributions and distinguished service to states were represented.society and the university." Seventy-five of the original classCharles F. McElroy, JD '15, was back on are still on the mailing list.the platform of Springfield High School Mrs. Esther Schultz Wohl, daugh-(Illinois) in June for another commence- ter of the late Dr. Charles E.ment. This time he didn't receive a diplo- Schultz, came from Maryland to getrna but presented the school with the added information about the pe-bound volumes of the student monthly, riod between 1896 and 1900 for aCapitoline, for the years 1899-1900, whioh biography she is writing of herhe had edited. Charlie is now with the father.Rules and Research Division of the State Dr. Foley, who was honored forDepartment of Revenue. He is also ac- his many years of service to histive in the Great Books program in his community when Dorchester, Wis.home town. proclaimed Dr. Foley Day on May27, 1950, was in attendance.Oliver B. Wyman alighted from aUnited plane in Hawaii earlier this sum­mer and got a Hawaiian greeting from hisclassmate, Riley H. Allen, editor of theHonolulu Star-Bulletin. Wyman is aprominent San. Francisco attorney, treas­urer of the San Francisco District Repub­lican Party and active in civic affairs.19061907Frederick W. Owens, PhD, has retired,after 23 years of service, as professor andhead of the department of mathematicsat The Pennsylvania State College.Jessica Foster runs a gift shop in Man­chester, Vt.1908Arthur L. Hooper is an attorney-at-lawin Spokane, Washington.Edgar Godbold is president of LouisianaCollege in Pineville, La.Gudrun Gunderson (Mrs. Palmer W .Rom) retired as a social worker for theUnited Charities on April 1st. She is livingin Chicago .1909Lincoln K. Adkins, SM '11, recently re­tired after 32 years as head of the depart­ment of mathematics at Wisconsin StateTeachers College in LaCrosse, Wisc.1910Louis D. Smith, MD Rush '11, has beenelected president of the medical staff ofSouth Chicago Community hospital.Anna E. Reese is a consultant for anautomotive products firm in New YorkCity.Raymond F. Holden, SM, of Defiance,Mo .. recently retired from teaching.Mary Ella Marks retired in September,1949, as a librarian at the University ofWyoming Library. Ava B. Milam, AM '11, Dean of theSchool of Home Economics of Oregon StateCollege, Corvallis, has just written thestory of the department's impressive "SixtyYears of Growth." Since 1911 Dean Milamhas had a great deal to do with the prog­ress and high reputation of the department.Conrado Benitez was in the States thissummer on his way back to Manila afterattending a labor conference in Geneva.He visited classmates in New York, Wash­ington, and Chicago on his way to thewest coast to fly back to the Philippines.1912Edmund V. Cowdry, PhD, is now devot­ing full time to the directorship of the IdaJorgenson Finkelnburg and Emma Jorgen­son Wernse Cancer Research Laboratoryat Washington University in St. Louis.1913Ina M. Perego, wife of Ely M. Stannard,AM '25, is a teacher in corrective speechfor the cerebral palsied at Tompers Schoolfor Handicapped Children in Chicago.Roger D. Long, is an executive in theadvertising department of McCall Corpo­ration in New York City and resides inScarsdale, N. Y.Glen Mather lives in New York Citywhere he is secretary of the Fibre DrumManufacturers Association and technicaladvisor to the Paper Converting Divisionof Continental Can Company.23Kent Chandler, secretary and vice-chair­man of the board of A. B. Dick Co., wasthe vice-president of the Chicago Fair of1950.1914The Highland Park, Illinois hospital hasbeen given a new physical therapy depart­ment in the name of Howell W. Murray,retiring chairman of the hospital's build­ing fund committee.Mary E. Maver, PhD '26, member of thescientific staff of the National Institutesof Health of the Public Health Service inWashington, D. C., has been selected bythe Soroptimist Club of Washington to bethis year's recipient of its annual SilverMedal Award of Honor.Lydia M. Lee (Mrs. James W. Pearce),of Pasco, Washington, was chairman of thesession on City Government at the Insti­tute of Better Government sponsored bythe University of Washington last July.Rachel M. Foote, AM '31, who has beenorganizing and conducting parties to Alas­ka, Mexico, and Canada, during the sum­mers, has recently taken a group to Europefor three months.Margaret S. Chaney, of New London,Conn., had the fourth edition of her book"Nutrition" published last September. Shetells us the book is much used as a textin college and university classes.1915James H. Smith, AM '16, was the direc­tor of the summer session at State TeachersCollege, Oshkosh, Wis.Hugo ,Swan, JD '17, Dallas, Texas at­torney, attended the International LawConference in London in July. His wifeand eleven year old son accompanied himand they also managed to tour westernEurope.A hall at the University of florida wasdedicated in April to Townes RandolphLeigh, PhD, who, until 1948, was vicepresident at the university.Judson S. Masson, of Lorain, Ohio, re­tired after 52 years of service in the publicschools of Ohio. He writes that he is stillactive, at 76, as president of the publiclibrary and leader of the Men's SundayMorning Forum.Gertrude Behrens, of Oak Park, Ill., hasbeen teaching Latin and English, at Aus­tin High School, Chicago, for the past 15years. She sees Evelyn Graham '15 now andthen at Classical Club meetings.George S. Lyman, alert president of theclass of 1915, was recently elected presi­dent of the Friends of the Highland ParkLibrary.1916Ezra O. Bottenfield, of Champaign, 111.,retired in February from the staff of theChampaign Senior High School.Yorick D. Mathes, LLB, 'has been ap­pointed Associate Solicitor of the VeteransAdministration.Hidejiro Okuda, AM, adviser to theToyota Motor Sales Co. of Tokyo, droppedin at Alumni House in August during abusiness trip to this country. His companymanufactures Japanese trucks and smallpassenger cars. Until Japan lost Korea hewas general manager of the Corn ProductsCompany of Japan in Korea. He is treas­urer of. our alumni club in Japan.Lawrence J. MacGregor has been ap­pointed treasurer of the Overlook Hospitalbuilding fund campaign in Summit, NewJersey.24 David M. Key, PhD, has returned to hishome in Birmingham, Ala., after complet­ing selvice as visiting professor of classicsat Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa.Claude W. Mitchell, MD, and his wifeleft for Europe last April. They will tourHolland, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Nor­way, Northern Germany, Italy, Switzerland,France, England and Scotland. In Berlin,they will visit their son, John S. Mitchell,a surgeon in an Army hospital there.Dr. Mitchell expects to visit many hospitalsand clinics and will do some genealogicalwork in England. •Charles Thomas Holman tells us thecornerstone was laid this past Februaryfor the Union Church of Guatemala, whichhe believes will "be the most beautifulbuilding occupied by an English languageProtestant Church in Latin America."Willard L. King, JD '17, Chicago attor­ney, has published the first biography ofMelville Weston Fuller, Supreme CourtChief Justice from 1888 to 1910.1917Richard H. Jeschke, who was promotedto a Brig. General, U. S. Marine Corps,has retired after 31 years, II months serv­ice, to his 210 acre place in Virginia. Hecompleted restoration of a 14 room house,built in 1790, and moved into it last April.His son has been promoted to Major andhis son-in-law to Colonel, both in the U. S.Marine Corps.William A. Irwin, PhD '25, gave theHaskell Lectures at Oberlin GraduateSchool of Theology in mid-April.Ada Hart Arlitt, PhD, professor of childcare and training and psychology at theUniversity of Cincinnati, was honored bythe alumnae of the college of home eco­nomics in June. She completed her 25thyear as a member of the university, faculty.Paul G. Blazer, chairman of the boardof the Ashland (Kentucky) Oil RefiningCompany, gave the spring commencementaddress at Centre College of Kentuckyand received an honorary LL.D. Mr.Blazer was awarded an Alumni Citation in1949 at Chicago.Charles P. Dake, of Washington, D. C.,who is in the Justice Department, office ofalien property, has been on the CitizensAdvisory Board of the Salvation Army forthe past seven years.1918Arthur A. Baer, president of the AlumniAssociation, and his wife, Alice Hogge,spent the late spring months visitingPortugal, Spain, and Paris. Mr. Baer ispresident of the Beverly State Bank andone of our most active alumni.John Nuveen Jr. was reelected presidentof the Chicago Sunday Evening Club for aone year term.William Hodges was recently appointedvice-president in charge of integrated, serv­ices, (which includes all operating functionscommon to sound radio and television op­erations) with the National BroadcastingSystem.Percival Bailey, PhD, professor of neu­rology and neurological surgery at the Uni­versity of Illinois College of Medicine hasbeen named first recipient of the JacobyAward, presented to him by the AmericanNeurological Association. The -newly in­stituted honor is conferred upon the mem­ber voted to have made the most outstand-- i ng con tribu tion in the field of neurology during the previous three years. Dr. Baileyreceived the award for his studies on thecerebral cortex and nervous pathways with·in the brain.1919Ernest E. Leisy, AM, of Dallas, Texas,professor of American literature at South;ern Methodist University, is the author of"The American Historical Novel," pub'lished recently by the University of Okla­homa Press. The work includes a discus'sion of every significant historical novelabout the United States from its found­ing to 1950.Mary L. Bolton's, AM '25, PhD '26, hus­band, Louis Wirth, is president of theInternational Sociological Association whichmet in Zurich, Switzerland, in September.David C. Graham, PhD '27, who spent37 years as a Baptist missionary in westernChina, is now a permanent resident ofEnglewood, Colorado. He reports that, heis busy lecturing, writing, and preaching.O. E. Lovell, AM, has retired after 27years as a missionary educator. For the last13 years, he has served as head master ofthe Nuttall Training College for NativeTeachers in Natal, South Africa.1920It's time for another sabbatical forEleanor M. Burgess, of the Harrison HighSchool English faculty, Chicago. On pre·vious sabbaticals Miss Burgess has visitedAsia and Europe. This fall, winter, andspring will be spent in South America.There are exactly 80 Chicago alumni inthe southern hemisphere and we have sup'plied Miss Burgess with their names andaddresses. She indicated she would doour South American field work for us andreport back from time to time as she hason her other trips.Madeleine I. Cohn, (Mrs. Ben D. Silver),of Omaha, Nebr., and her husband havemade a trip to Europe and one to SouthAmerica within the last two years.John T. McNeill, PhD, has been ap'pointed to the faculty of Perkins School ofTheology, Southern Methodist Universityin Dallas, Texas.Sara E. Branham, PhD '23, MD '34, (Mrs.Philip S. Matthews) gave the commence­ment address last June at Wesleyan Col­lege in Macon, Georgia.1921Ludd M. Spivey, DB '22, AM '22, reooently completed a quarter-century aspresident of Florida Southern College. Ac­cordingly, the college devoted its Fou nd­er's Week this year to celebrating theSpivey Quarter Centennial.Mortimer B. Harris, of Chicago, is gen­eral chairman of the 1951 fund campaignof the Boy Scouts of Chicago. He is Presi­dent of' Harris Brothers Co. and a memober of the execu tive board of the ChicagoCouncil of Boy Scou ts.Christen Jensen, PhD, was appointedActing President of Brigham Young Uni·versity, Provo, Utah, in October, 1949. Hehad retired as Dean of the GraduateSchool in June, 1949.Dorothy Y. Shaver, chairman of thePresident's Commission on Migratory La­bor, and president of Lord & Taylor, NewYork department store, was made a Chev­alier in the National Order of the LegionTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETELEPHONE LINESARE HUMMING THIS COUNTRY'S telephone service is one of itsgreatest assets in time of emergency. It unitesmillions of people - helps thousands of busi­nesses to get things done quicker - and is avital part of our national defense.Since 1941, the Bell System has increasedthe number of telephones by more than16,000,000. There are nearly twice as manynow as nine years ago. Billions of dollarshave been spent for new telephone equip­ment of every kind. The number of BellTelephone employees has increased to morethan 600,000.All of this growth and the size of the BellSystem are proving of particular value rightnow. One reason this country can outproduceany other is because it has the most and thebest telephone service in the world.BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM SCLASSIFIEDThis is a new department for the benefit ofthose who may Wish to sell, purchase or ex­change such items as lab equipment, memorialplates, academic gowns, etc. Rate: 30c per line.FOR SALE-Microscope-Keiner-Vert. monotube=etripple nose piece-c-obj. tubes lOX, 50X,100X oil in.-e,ye pieces 5X, 8X, 12X-variablefocus substage--iris diaphragm. All in carry­ing case-one-half new price. Call or writeM. J. D ubi sky, 4030 Archer Ave., Chicago 32.of Honor by the French government.French Ambassador H. Henri Bonnet con­ferred the Cross of Chevalier upon MissShaver at ceremonies in the French Em­bassy on May 11 tho Her citation noted thatshe has performed "outstanding services"for the cause of French art and Frenchfashion in the United States.H. Councill Trenholm, AM '25, is cele­brating his 25th year as chief executive ofAlabama State College, Montgomery, Ala.In this year's reorganization, Vattel E.Daniel, PhD '40, is being retained as deanof the graduate division and has relin­quished the deanship of the senior col­lege to William E. Anderson, PhB '29.1922Mollie Bahr (Mrs. N ieland) of Chicagospent the summer in Europe with the In­ternational Friendship Center at Luxem­bourg. Among the places visited were Lis­bon, Cannes, and Naples.Richard N. Owens, PhD '28, has movedfrom George Washington University inWashington, D. C. to the School of Busi­ness Administration, University of Cali­fornia, Berkeley.Myrtle Moore, of Menlo Park, Calif., istreasurer of Menlo Park-Atherton Real Es­tate Board for 1950, and chairman of thehousing committee for Redwood City Coun­cil for Civic Unity for 1950.Herbert Winston Hansen, AM '23, DB'24, dedicated the church school wing ofthe Community Baptist Church, Scarsdale,N. Y., on May 6th.Alger D. Goldfarb, of Highland Park,Ill., married Dorothy Rosenbaum Klemp­erer, a graduate of Northwestern Univer­sity.Richard Flint, PhD '25, professor ofGeology at Yale University, has been elect­ed a foreign member of the GeologicalSociety of London. He will deliver a seriesof lectures at Cambridge in February, 1951,and intends to spend several months of aleave of absence from Yale in glacial geol­ogy research in Great Britain. Flint joinedthe Yale faculty in 1925 and has been afull professor since 1945. He has been asenior geologist with the U. S. GeologicalSurvey since 1946. Mrs. Flint is the formerMargaret C. Haggett, '20.1923John Daniel Wild, PhD '26, is a visitmgprofessor in the department of philosophyat the University of Washington in Seattle.Rita W. Handschy, (Mrs. Ralph B. Mor­ris) is president of the League of WomenVoters in New York City. Her husband,Ralph B. Morris did work at the Univer­sity around 1923.Chester F. Lay, PhD '31, left the presi­dency of Southern Illinois University (Car­bondale) to be chairman of the department26 of management at Southern MethodistUniversity and part-time management con­sultant. Mr. and Mrs. Lay, (Harriet L.Loy, '30), live in Dallas, Texas.Jackson F. Moore has been appointeddirector of retail administration by Gold­blatt Brothers. Mr. Moore formerly wasVice President of Sears, Roebuck & Co.Margaret M. Burner is a legal stenog­rapher for Pope & Ballard in Chicago.1924David McKeith, Jr., of Boston, Mass.,recently returned from a six months' tourof educational institutions, hospitals, so­cial centers and churches of the AmericanBoard of Foreign Missions in Africa andthe Near East.Newlin E. Turney, vice-president andsales manager of the Naylor Pipe Co., re­cently was elected to the presidency ofthe company. He and his wife, Marie L.Taylor, '25, live in Chicago.Charles S. Watt, assistant treasurer ofthe American Telephone & Telegraph Co.,was elected vice president of the New Eng­land Telephone & Telegraph Co. recently.Stewart Van Berschot has . been electedassistant treasurer of the Continental Cas­ualty & Assurance companies in Chicago.Zelma M. E. Watson, (Mrs. ClayborneGeorge), of Cleveland, played the title rolein "The Medium" last July in New York.Michael Greenebaum, real estate dealer,has been elected to the board of trusteesof the Chicago Medical School. He is amember of the Chicago and National RealEstate boards and the Chicago Board ofUnderwriters.Louis J. Stirling last July was proposedfor admission to general partnership in thefirm of Betts, Borland & Co. in Chicago.Arthur E. Traxler, AM, PhD '32, hasbeen elected president of the AmericanEducational Research Association for 1950-51.Carl J. Rees, AM, was the speaker at com­mencement exercises of the Upper Schoolof the Staten Island Day School on June9, 1950. Dr. Rees is dean of the graduateschool of the University of Delaware. Heis also chairman of the department ofmathematics and director of the summersession at that university. Mrs. Rees is theformer Eleanor A. Knight, SM '27.1925Edwin J. Foscue, SM, of Dallas, Texas,is retiring president of the SouthwesternSocial Science Association. Dr. Fescue de­livered the presidential address at the an­nual meeting held in April in Houston.Howard K. Smith was recently appointedmanager of marketing services for GeneralElectric in Syracuse, N. Y.George Wilkins Harvey is sales managerof WGN-TV, Chicago.Charles K. McNeil, recently becamea partner in the St. Clair Specialty Manu­facturing Co., Chicago. They handle cello­phane, foil, and paper.Owen S. J. Albert is living in Albuquer­que, New Mexico but expects to be calledback into the Army soon.Anna May Jones, guidance counselor inthe New York City schools, slipped intosome bad luck on a sabbatical. While vis­iting the Quadrangles she fell on the IdaNoyes Hall stairs and broke her leg. Shewas confined to Billings Hospital but if you know Anna May you know she wascheerful and optimistic throughout. Shehas returned to New York where she hasresumed her fall duties, including herresponsibilities as president of the Schoolof Education alumni association of NewYork University. Miss Jones is also authorof "Leisure Time Education" (Harper}, ahandbook of creative activities for teach;ers and group leaders.John F. Merriam of Omaha has beenelected president of the Northern NaturalGas Company. He has been with the com­pany since 1930. John is also a director ofthe United States National Bank of Omaha,the Bankers Life of Des Moines, the Me­Cord. Corporation of Detroit, and of threeother gas associations. Mrs. Merriam isLucy Lamon, '26.1926Bernice Hartmann, dean of junior girlsat Oak Park-River Forest High School, wasmarried to Charles Uriel Peeling, a pro­fessional engineer in Harrisburg, Pa., onJune 3rd in the bride's home in Elm­hurst, Ill. When Mrs. Peeling has com­pleted her duties at the high school, theywill live at. Camp Hill, Pa.Maude Smith, is head of the Englishdepartment of Meridian Municipal JuniorColl�ge. Governor Fielding L. Wright re­cently appointed Miss Smith a member ofthe Board of Trutstees of The Teachers'Retirement System of Miss. for a nine yearterm.Harry Whang, of Detroit, Michigan, madea tour of the Eastern capitols and hisnative Korea last Mayas attache to Ko­rea's ambassador to America, Dr. JohnM. Chang. While in Manila he was enter­tained by Conrado Benetez, '11, where hereports he "had a grand time talking aboutthe University." The January, 1950, issueof the Magazine carried a full story aboutHarry Whang's Indoor Gardens in Hudson'sDepartment Store.Daniel C. Rich, director of the ChicagoArt Institute, was one of the three judgesfor the 1950 Milwaukee art show, "Wiscon­sin At Work," sponsored by the GimbelBrothers store early in the summer.John W. Coulter, PhD, terminated hisperiod of duty with the Trusteeship Dept.of the United Nations in August, and thefollowing month left with his family forFrance where he will spend a year doingresearch in human geography at the Uni­versity of Grenoble. In September, 1951, hewill return to the University of Cincinnatiwhere he is a professor of geography. .Dorothy A. Lasalle, AM, of Denton,Texas, exhibited 12 paintings and 4 draw­ings at The Pinacotheca (Rose Fried;Gal­lery) in New York last June. "Toni',': amember of the TSCW fas;ulty in Denton, isa graduate of Nebraska Wesleyan Collegeand has studied in France and Italy. Shehas exhibited in Chicago, Omaha, Dallasand San Francisco.1927Margaret D. Nelson, wife of Franklin D.Elmer, '30, is president of the Y. W. C. Flint, Mich.Edward M. Aleshire is engaged to bemarried to Grace Valentine Wiss. Miss Wissgraduated from Baldwin School and at­tended Smith College and the Sorbonne.Edward, a lieutenant, U.S.N.R., is in theadvertising business in New York.Helen S. Greenwood is now living inNew York City.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEVirginia T. Everett, AM, PhD, '40, (Mrs.Virginia Leland), .and her husband reporttheir son, John Lowell, was born lastApril. Mr. and Mrs. Everett live in BowlingGreen, Ohio.John S. McIsaac, AM, of Beaver Falls,Penna., former athletic director at TheGeneva College, is now director of SummerSession and Extension at that college.1928Fred H. Mandel, JD '29, of Cleveland,recently returned from a tour of Mexico.Coyne H. Campbell, MD, donated theSpencer Road Sanitarium, a private psy­chiatric institution, to the Oklahoma Med­ical Research Foundation. Dr. Campbellagreed to the request of the research foun­dation's officials' to remain at the san­itarium as its director. He also willContinue private practice with his ownclinic in Oklahoma City.William H. Bernhardt, PhD, has beenconferred an honorary Doctor of LettersDegree by the Lincoln-Nebraska WesleyanUniversity. Dr. Bernhardt is Professor ofPhilosophy of Religion and Christian The­ology at Iliff School of Theology in Denver.lIe is affiliated with the American Philo­Sophical Association, the National Associa­tion of Biblical Instructors, Pi GammaMu, and Phi Kappa Delta.Eugene Russell Thorrens, JD '30, is anattorney for the National Labor RelationsBoard in Washington.1929Frederick A. Burt, SM, was married toMarie B. Haines on July 1, 1950.Clair M. N. Davis (Mrs. Howard J.�lark), left Des Moines in 1946 to go�nto the Water Softening Service businessIn Corpus Christi, Texas. She has adaughter 8 years old and a son who is atthe University of Texas.Edgar Dale, PhD, recently completed twoterms as a member of the National Commis­sion for UNESCO.Elizabeth L. Wolff, of Asheville, NorthCarolina, was married to F. T. Andrewson April 22nd.Paul L. Hollister, SM, of Cookeville,Tenn., is senior member of the biologydepartment of Tennessee Poly technicalInstitute. His son, a graduate of Vanderbilt�chool of Engineering with a cum laudeIn aeronautical engineering, is with theN.A.C.A. in Cleveland, as research as­sistant in their propulsion' labs.Edgar Dale, PhD, of the Bureau of Edu­Cational Research at Ohio State University,COllaborated with Hilda Hager of the sameBureau in publishing a 34-page bookletOn "Some Suggestions for Writing HealthMaterials," sponsored by the National Tu­betclliosis Association.1930Agnes R. Bruder (Mrs. A. B. Teater),�ain?Jan of an Art Association in Jackson,yoming, exhibited her sculpture this yearat Witte Museum in San Antonio, Texas.She has written a series of articles onceramics for the Idaho Sunday St.atesm aa,Samuel A. Stouffer, PhD, professor ofSOC�ology and director of the laboratory of�OC!al relations at Harvard, was electedP O�orary member of the Harvard chapter,hI Beta Kappa on June 19th.lIarvey J. Locke, PhD, associate profes­sOr of sociology at the University ofSOUthern California at Los Angeles, re-OCTOBER, 1950 ceived an appointment from the State De­partment to be a visiting professor ofsociology at Uppsala University in Swedenfor the academic year starting in Septem­ber. He will lecture both at Uppsala andthe University of Stockholm and will con­duct seminars for graduate students anddirect their research.Daniel C. Troxel, of the College of theBible in Lexington, Kentucky, is scheduledto teach New Testament in Texas ChristianUniversity at Worth, Texas, duringthe academic year 1950-51.Virginia Merritt (Mrs. Reginald H. Helf­ferich), and her four children are living ather parents' summer home in Marlbor­ough, Conn., while her husband is inGermany as assistant director of ChurchWorld Service for the American Zone.Edgar A. Berry, formerly the businesssecretary of the Hartford Y.M.C.A. inConn., is now in St. Louis as Metropolitanbusiness. secretary of the Y.M.C.A. of St.Louis and St. Louis County.John P. Kelly has been appointed ad­vertising representative of The MorningTelegraph, Daily Racing Form and TheCincinnati Record. Mr. Kelly was secre­tary and general manager of the Jockeys'Milk Bowl familyHaving five small children may not onlycreate a new sense of personal responsibility:it should mean a wider appreciation of theneeds of other children in a community!Thus, the Eugene C. Weafers, '31 ofGause, Texas, with their five small young­sters, explain their part in the founding ofthe Milk Bowl, a national classic for smallfry ,elevens played annually at Cameron,Texas. Last fall, Mrs. Weafer made thesuggestion for such a Bowl to a Dallas radiocommentator, then Mr. Weafer, togetherwith citizens of Gause, carried on tofound the game and the Milk Bowl, Inc.Chambers of Commerce in Texas havenow begun nominating peewee teams fromtheir localities for consideration this fallas the opponent of the out of state team,probably the Red Grange-sponsored Chi­cago 'Peewee champions. Play by playradio broadcast, half-time activities, eve­ning festivities, appearance of several West­ern movie stars, and possibly the filmingof a commercial release picture are amongthe plans for the game. Proceeds will goto the establishment of a boys ranch forhomeless and underprivileged lads.The Weafers returned last year from aremote section of the Navajo Reservationin the Monument Valley area. Road mapssay, "Do not enter this region without aguide." They lived among the near­primitive Indians for two years withoutseeing a town, while Mr. Weafer taughtEnglish to adolescent Navajos.Taking civilization to Navajos and pro­moting junior football in Texas are notthe only welfare contributions of theWeafers. .Mr. Weafer, not long ago, or­ganized and founded a college of 500 stu­dents and was given national recognitionfor community service by being listed ina national, civic Who's Who. Until hiswithdrawal, he was considered a majorcandidate for lieutenant governor' ofTexas.The five little Weafers, described byTexas newspapers as "the most widelyknown family of small children in Texas"are: Clyde, 7; Virginia, 6; Sarah, 5; Trudy,4; and Ernest, 1. Telephone KEnwood 6-1352J. E. KIDWELL Florist826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago IS, IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELLGolden Dirtlyte .(form,rly Dirigoltl)Complete sets and open stockFINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Royal Crown Derby, Spode andDther Famous Makes of Fine China. AlsoCtysbL Table linen and Gifts.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDirigo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4, I'll.27TREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Direct Factory DealerforCH RYSLER and PLYMOUTHNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMidway 3-4200AI.oGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete Automobile Repair.Body. Paint. Simonize. Washand Greasing DepartmentsCONCRETETraprock Industri�I FloorsMetallic Trucking FloorsMachine FoundationsSidewalksr·vmar .••NOrmal 7-0433T. A. REHNQUIST CO.6639, So. Vernon Ave.CHICAGO 37BOYDSTON BROS .• INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.OAkland 4-0492BLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women's HotelIn theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering GracAful living to Uni­versity and Businesl Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748Blackstone Ave. TelephonePLaza 2�3313Verna P. Werner, Director28 Guild from June, 1945, to June; 1949, andrecently completed The Jockey Club's train­ing course at Belmont Park.1931William S. Minor, associate professor ofphilosophy at West Virginia University inMorgantown, W. Va., has accepted mem­bership in a national research committeeknown as The Committee on CooperativeResearch in Values.O. Walter Wagner has been named ex­ecutive secretary of the MejropolitanChurch Federation in St. Louis, Mo. Rev.Wagner is minister of the Evangelical andReformed Church. His wife is the formerDorothy A. Hallinger, '28.Anna B. Tull spent the month of Apriltraveling through North Carolina andVirginia, visiting- friends and enjoyingmany places of interest, including DukeUniversity and the University of NorthCarolina.Harry Palmer Gordon is a real estatebroker, handling sales on large subdivi­sions, in Burbank, Calif. He ran intoSaul C. Weislow, JD '31, and reports Saulis in the rug manufacturing business inCalifornia.Allen Ruskin Levin announces the birthof his first child, a daughter, on May 29.Levin is employed as clinical psychologistat the Kennedy VA hospital in Memphis,Tennessee.Arthur L. Smith, SM, of South Bend,Ind., attended an intergroup educationworkshop during the summer of 1949 andworked out a unit in biology on inter­cultural understanding for the group'sbiology classes.Lillian L. Burwell (Mrs. John F. Lewis),SM, PhD, '46, of Winston-Salem, N. C.,writes that she is at long last taking asummer off from teaching or studying andis touring England, Norway, Sweden,Denmark, Germany, Holland, Belgium,Luxembourg, France, Italy, Switzerland,Palestine and Egypt. She hopes to runacross some alumni during her travels.1932David O. Voss, PhD, traveled in theeastern Mediterranean world this summer.He visited Istanbul, Ephesus, Patmos,Rhodes, Crete, Cyprus, A thens, and N a­ples,Arthur C. Piepkorn, PhD, commandan tat the Chaplain School of the Army andthe Air Force, in Pennsylvania, was thespeaker on the Lu theran Hour over theMutual Broadcasting System. during Jan-. uary and February.Rohert B. Greenman, MD, Rush '37,chief of dependents service at the U. S.Naval Hospital in Jacksonville, Fla., isbuilding a fishing boat in his spare time.He writes, "Would like to hear from someof my classmates of the year."A. M. Cherner, MD '37, who finishedhis first year in Hays, Kansas, as a radiol­ogist last April, tells us his new daughterwas born April 19, 1950 ..Harry Shernoff, has acquired control ofthe Rexall Drug Store in Crivitz, Wis.,where he is also practicing law. Mr.Shernoff invites any alumni in the vicin­ity of Crivitz, which is located on Hwy.No. 141 between Green Bay, Wis., andIron Mountain, Mich., to drop in for avisit. The Shernoff summer home will beoperated as a summer camp for boysill ,the summer of 1951. Abraham W. Marcovich, MD, '37, ofDayton, Ohio, reports the birth of a daugh­ter, Gail Ann, on March 11 thoGabriel A. Almond, PhD '38, research as­sociate in Yale's Institute of InternationalRelations, is author of the book, "TheAmerican People and Foreign Policy," pub­lished last March by Harcourt, Brace andCo ..1933Major James Lawrence Goodnow was­an Alumni House visitor in August. Hehas finished his advanced army course atFort Sill and was moving with his . familyto Fort Leavenworth to enter the General IStaff College. fGeorge' F. Dale and his family are nowliving in Vicksburg, Mich. George is withthe Panelyte Division of St. Regis PaperCo., starting a decorative treating sectionat the Kalamazoo plant for the manufac­ture of decorative and laminated plastics.Robert T. Garen tells us a son, Thomas'Carlton, arrived October 21, 1949. TheGarens live at Coulee Dam, Washington.Michael J. Lampos, AM, plans to visitSpain, Italy and Greece during the monthsof September, October and November.Raymond D. Meade, AM, associate pro­fessor of education at Illinois Tech inChicago, has been named director of theKorea Institute, an institution establishedby the Economic Cooperation Admin istra- �lion. Illinois Tech will operate the instj-Itute which will train Korean citizens asteachers, vocational instructors, technicians.plant supervisors, etc.Diana F. Gaines (Mrs. Henry Joffe), isthe author of "Tasker Martin," which waS­published by Random House recently. Thenovel has been sold to RKO and a reprintwill be put out by Bantam Books nextyear.Jessie LuHolm, AM '44 (Mrs. Henry lLuHolm), was made president of the Ernestine White Toastmistress Club for theseason which began with the Septem­ber 14th meeting.William E. Heaton, MBA '45, is merchan­dise manager of Belnap and Thompson,Incorporated, Chicago.1934A daughter, Jill, was born June 24 to thePaul C. Smith family in New York City.Clarence Cade and his wife report theirfourth daughter, Susan Eleanor, was bornJanuary 22nd.Beatrice Achtenberg, AM '36 (Mrs. Sig­mund Cundle), and her husband an­nounce the birth of their third child, Bar­bara Felice, on May 7, 1950. Mrs. Cundle.until recently, was executive secretary ofthe Topeka Provident Assn. Her husbandis associated with the Topeka Institutefor Psychoanalysis and is staff psychiatristat the Kansas University Health Service.Charles C. Hauch, AM '36, PhD, '42,early this year visited Haiti, DominicanRepublic, Cuba, Guatemala, and Mexico,as an adviser to the U. S. representativeon the Investigating Committee of theCouncil of the Organization of AmericanStates.William T. R. Fox, AM, PhD '40, Asscciate Professor of Political Science at YaleUniversity since 1946, has been namedProfessor of International Relations at Co­lumbia. He will teach at the School ofInternational Affairs.R. G. Howe is sales manager for theR. L. Ryerson Company, turf and golfTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAnd a cow bellA refreshing Florida breeze hitAlumni House the morning of Au­gust 2. Mrs. Taylor Whittier (SarahJane Leckrone, '34, AM'46), twoyoungs sons and a cow bell droppedIn. The bell is used to round upthe youngsters at intervals of sus­pirion.The Whittiers live in St. Peters­burg where Taylor, '36, AM'38,PhD '48, is principal of the highSchool. Mrs. Whittier and the boyshad been on a California swing, byair, ,to visit relatives.. And what had she been doingsince the family visited Alumni',�ouse a year ago? The star role inI Remember Mama" with St. Peters­bUrg's Little Theatre. And, ofcourse, fishing. Her best fish story:An 80-pound tarpon (all by herself)and an hour later another-75pounds. The two fish weighed morethan she does.Mrs. Whittier was our Foundationchairman in St. Petersburg this year.COlirse equipment, in Milwaukee.JOhn G. Neukom, and his wife, Ruth L.�orliCk, '36, of San Mateo, Calif., writeat. a .son, Daniel, was born June 2, 1949.VUglllia G. Holton, AM '42 (Mrs. Paul� .. Bolton), and her husband report that25eIr �on, P�ul Geisel, was born on Aprilth 111 Chicago. The Holtons recently�oved to Flint, Mich., where Dr. Holton� .h<:ad of the Flint State Child Gui-dance.hnlc. Previously, Virginia was a psychiat­�IC social worker at Mental Hygiene Clinicat :Vomen at Women's and Children'soSpItal in Chicago.fJames L. Zacharias, JD '35, and his wife,� Chicago, report their son, James Henry,vas born on April 30th.JOhn K. Hel£erty, MD Rush, was awardedJa Master of Science in surgery degree lastline from the University of Minnesota.1935\ lIenry D. Lytton is doing consultants��tk in sales. analysis forecasting andI es programmmg for manufacturers andt�anag��ent engineers, with his office ati e WIlham H. C. Broughton organizationt New York City. He is also qualifying�t an MBA at New York University/aduate School of Business Administra-lOn, in the field of marketing.a Annabel L. Fox (Mrs. Herbert Fields),r nd her husband have opened a summerF�Sort on Boulder Lake in Wisconsin. Mr.tllelds left his job as a floor trader onc ie Chicago Mercantile Exchange to be-onle a resort owner.b Frederic E. Caldwell, PhD, '43, received aR Octor of Medicine degree from Westerneserve Universitv, Cleveland, in June.W George H. Carr'oll, SM '40, a veteran ofc arId War II and a Reserve officer, wasAalled into active duty with the navy oninligUst 15th. George received his MasterI EdUcation from Chicago Teachers' Col­i�ge �nd was recently appointed instructorNr .bIology at Colby College, Waterville,�.aIne. He is editor of "A Dictionary ofo:o�ogy,,, now at the press, the only bookIts type in the field.S nenjamin E. Mays, PhD, the "DivinityhChoOI Alumnus of the Year," received anOnorary L.H.D. at a convocation of BostonOCTOBER 1950, University recently. Mrs. Mays is theformer Sadie M. Gray, '24, AM '31.George Peck, MBA '37, and his wifeV. LaDonna McEllhiney, '37, are livingin Ventnor City, N. J. George is anassistant manager at the Hotel Traymorein Atlantic City.L. E. Skinner, MD, of Tacoma, Wash.,spent some time in the hospital but is nowfully recovered. Last May he finished apostgraduate course on Endocrinology atthe University of Oregon.Benjamin A. Ragir, JD '36, has beenmade president of Ekco Products Com­pany in New York.Jerome W. Kloucek, AM '40, has resignedhis position from Montgomery Junior Col­lege, Bethesda, Maryland, and has enteredNorthern University for graduate studyin English.Thelma E. Porter, PhD, received analumni award for distinguished servicefrom Michigan State in June.1936Everett George, district manager of the IWalker Manufacturing Co. (auto jacks, ac­cessories, etc.) visited Alumni Housefrom Dallas, Texas. On the campusEverett was always busy with numerousprojects, including an organization he setup for fraternity cooperative buying. He'son the loose again! In addition to hispresent duties (and leading the pack) hehas organized and is presiden t of .theWega Corporation-Wega for Waker, Earle,George, and. Allen, members of the cor­poration. They are erecting a new airconditioned building in Dallas which willbe leased for commercial purposes. Everettis active in community affairs and asteward in the Methodist Church. He isalso our Foundation chairman for Dallas-and a good one. His son, Gary, is nowfive.Frank J. Ankner, MD (Rush), '38, re­ceived a doctor of philosophy in surgerydegree last June from the University ofMinnesota.Sherman E. Johnson, PhD, of the Episco­pal Technological School in Cambridge,was visiting professor for· the spring se­mester in the Divinity School of YaleUniversity.Ellen Sue joined the Zalmon S. GoldsmithOD '38) family in Aurora, Illinois, April3, 1950. Mother is Anne Holtzman, '38.Daddy is an attorney. Brother Bruce isthree.Edgar C. Cumings, PhD, has beennamed president of Coe College, CedarRapids, Iowa. Mrs. Cumings is the formerEleanor J. Sharts, '36.Violet Sieder, AM, was the featuredspeaker at the Bronx Welfare Council's21st annual meeting held on May 11,1950, in New York. Her talk was on the"Role of Social Agencies in Neighbor­hood Organization." Formerly an executivesecretary for the Council, she is nowassociate director of health and welfareplanning of Community Chests and Coun­cils of America.Richard D. White and his wife, Sara C.Baumgardner, of Denver, Colorado, tell ustheir daughter, Christine Elizabeth, wasborn October 26, 1949. "The score," theysay, "4 girls and I boy."Benjamin Libet, '36, PhD, '39, becameassistant professor of physiology at theUniversity of California Medical School,San Francisco, in July. Mrs. Libet re­ceived her Bachelor's degree in 1940. Theirthird child, Ralph, was born in Septem­ber, 1949. w. B. CONKEY CO.HAMMOND, INDIANA��ad·�1'� ad �Uu((M4SALES OFFICES: CHICAGO AND NEW YORKHAWTINPHOTOENGRAVERSPholo Engrav.,.Artists - ElectrotypersMaker. of PrlntlnQ Plat.s538 TelephoneSo. Wells St. WAbash 2-6480POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in Leuer«Hooy,. Typ,.,ltl ••Multlaraphln.Addr ... oarapll 8,nl ..Hlallut Quality 8,nl ••All PhonesHArrison 7-8118 M Imeoiraplll ••Add, ... I ••Malll ••MIDlmulI ",1 •••418 So. Market St.ChicagoRESULTS •..depend on getting the details RIGHTPRINTINGImprinting-Processed Letters - TypewritingAddressing - Folding - MailingA Complete Service lor Direct Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn St., Chrcago 5, Ill.WAllIu.h 2-01561E .. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET·LlTHOGRAPHYFine Color Work A Special'y731 Plvmouth CourtWAbash 2-8182CLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3-3935"Goo. Priratin, 01 All De.criptioll."29TELEVISIONDrop in and see a programRADIOSFrom consoles to portablesRadio- TV ServiceAt home or shopELECTRICAL APPLIANCESRefrigerators RangesWashers BlanketsSrORTING GOODSFor all seasonsRECORDSPopular-SymphoniesFine collection for childrenHER �J1IAIIIII��935 E. 55th StreetAt Ingleside AvenueTelephone Midway 3-6700Robert Gaertner, '34 Julian Tishler. '33Telephone HAymarket 1-3120E. A. AARON & BROS. Inc.Fresh Fruits and Vegetab�esDistributors ofCEDERGREEN FROZEN e:RESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water MarketLA TOURAINECoffee and TeaLa Touraine Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave.. ChicagoOther Plant.Soston - N.Y. - Phil. - Syracuse - Cleveland"You Might A. Well Have The Be.t"Old-fashionedgoodness ...New creamysmoothness!Same rich flavor as ice cream made in anold-fashioned freezer, blended to newcreamy smoothness-that's Swift's Ice Cream![Swift & CompanyA product of 7409 So. State StreetPhone RAdcliff 3-740030 Joseph Harney received his PhD in psy­chology from Illinois Institute of Tech­nology in June, 1950. While he was. working on this degree he also taught inthe department of psychology at I.I.T.When Joe was visiting at Alumni Houseduring the summer, he was not sure justwhat his plans would be for the future.He had been doing industrial psychologyprevious to his work at I.I.T.Randolph Bean, who has been in ra­dio administration since leaving the Mid­way, resigned his position as generalmanager of ABC station WCHV in Char­lottesville, Virginia, to open a music storein that city which he is calling The MusicCenter. Randy just couldn't resist that oldU. of C. Band pull. He used to play inthe solo clarinet section and marched toWave the Flag on Stagg Field.Ethel Ann Gordon (Mrs. George H.Shields III) and her family have movedfrom New Orleans to St. Louis, Mo. Shewrites that she has attended NewcombCollege for the past two years and hopesto be graduated from Washington Uni­versity next year.1937Cecilio Putong, PhD, Undersecretary ofEducation, Philippine Islands, was atAlumni House in August on his returnfrom Europe, where he was a delegate toUNESCO. He had been away from homesince April and planned to visit Mexicobefore continuing to San Francisco to flyback to the Islands. Dr. Putong is presi­dent of our club in the Philippines.Ciriaco B. Raval, '23, is secretary.Nettie E. Reeps (Mrs. Harry H.Schmuckal), of Downers Grove, Ill., writesthat a second daughter, Margaret Emma,was born on April 27, 1950.Rose H. Kahn (Mrs. Marx Lorig), ofColorado Springs, Colo., writes that Con­nie Lorig was born on June 3, 1949.Abraham I. Braude, MD '40, received adoctor of philosophy in medicine from theUniversity of Minnesota in June .Massey H. Shephard, Jr., PhD, has had"The Bexley Hall Lectures for 1949" pub­lished in successive numbers of the An­glican Theological Review recently.Helen Susan Meinzer, AM '37 (Mrs. JohnPapp, Jr.), reports the second addition tothe family, Susan Elizabeth, was bornDecember 7, 1949. Their son, Martin, isnow six years old. The Papps live inPerth Amboy, N. J.John E. Jeuck; MBA '38, PhD '49, ofChicago, is co-author of "Catalogues andCounters: History of Sears, Roebuck &Co.," which was published April 21st bythe University of Chicago Press.Elizabeth S. Weston (Mrs. Jefferson Ber­ryman), is feature editor of Glamor Maga­zine in New York.Kenneth F. Gantz, PhD, is editor of theAir University Quarterly Review at Max­well Air Base, Alabama. The first editorof this quarterly was Harry T. Moore, '35.Allan B. Cole, PhD '40,' associate pro­fessor of Oriental affairs at Pomona Colleg-e,Claremont, California, is pursuing studyin a Japanese language and area programat the University of Michigan. He ex­pects to go to Japan when his studies arecompleted.Patricia Helen joined the John M. Clark,JD '39, family in Chicago on July 13, 1950.Mother is Margaret Merriam, '39. Dad is• 1938an attorney. Pat has three sisters: PeggY'7; Marcia, 5; and Alice, 3.Bernard D. Rein is working at the Uni­versity Guidance Center, Cobb Hall. MrS,Rein (Leonora R. Cohn '40), is charterpresident of the Gary Ceramic Guild. Mr­and Mrs. Rein and their 3 children live,in Gary, Ind.John G. Wilcox, MD, Rush '41, recentlrhas established his own office in SantaAna, Calif., where he practices ear, nose"throat and bronchoscopy. His wife, LavernM. Tess, '40, had a wonderful time takingcare of the interior decoration of theoffice.Leslie M. Lipson, PhD, associate profes­sor of political science at the Universityof California, was visiting associate pro­fessor of law and government at Columbia,University in New York during the surn­mer session.Dorothy L. Dewey, AM, was married toEdward D. Weatherhead on May 20, 1950,in New York. During the war, Dorothyserved with the Red Cross on a hospitalship in the Pacific. She is associate directorof the Citizens Participation Departmentof the Community Chests and Councils ofAmerica, Inc., N. Y. Mr. Weatherhead, acaptain in the Army Air Forces duringthe war, graduated from Harvard Col­lege. He is with the Bankers Trust Co'in New York.George C. McElroy, AM '39, was mar­ried to Jane W. Stedman on June 9, 1950,at. Detroit. Both were on the Englishfaculty of Wayne University. After theSummer Quarter at Chicago they will spendthe school year, 1950-51, studying at theUniversity of Edinburgh and next summerat the Sorbonne, Paris. Both plan totake their : PhDs in English at Chicagoafter they have returrted.Cody Pfanstiehl, director of press infor­mation and promotion for WTOP, has beenappointed chairman of the Publicity Com­mittee of the Advertising Club of Wash­ington, D: C. A member of the pressrelations staff at the University beforethe war, he served 4 years in the ArmyAir Forces. For 3 months after his dis­charge, he was announcer and specialevents man for WFBC in Greenville, S. C.He moved to Washington in 1946, first aspromotion man for an international jour­nal devoted to sociology of air trans­portation, then as press agent for theWarner Brothers Theaters. He joinedWTOP on July 21, 1947. Cody now liveSin Falls Church, Virginia, with his wifeand three children.Bernard M. Hollander, MBA, is an attor­ney with the trial section of the Depart­ment of Justice, antitrust division, illWashington, D. C.1939Jerrold Orne, PhD, libraries director atWashington University in St. Louis, had atwo-month leave of absence this summerto aid in the establishment of a libraryschool under the auspices of the SociedadEconomica de Amigos del Pais in Havana,Cuba. .Alfred de Grazia, PhD '48, has beellappointed to the Brown University depart­ment of political science. He will be allassociate professor.Bernard Adinoff, PhD '43, a research anddevelopment chemist for the Dayton Rub-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEher Co., has been transferred from Daytonl? the foam sponge division in Waynes­vIlle, North Carolina.Charles E. Crane, JD '47, of Chicago,completed a training program with Ekco�roducts recently. Previous to this train­Ing, he practiced law with Tenney, Sher­man, Rogers & Guthrie.Sarnuel Z. Cardon, SM '41, received his?egree in Doctor of Philosophy in Chem­Istry last June from Western Reserve Uni­VerSity in Cleveland.�. J.' Orland, SM, PhD '49, has been ap­POInted assistant professor of Dental Sur­gery at the University.Kenneth P. Sanow, AM '46, marriedMuriel Jacobson, of Baltimore, on Feb­ruary 21, 1950. Kenneth is chief of theresearch and programs branch of SCAP'sInternal Revenue Division.lIarry Q. Petersmeyer is District Mer­�handising Manager (No. Calif.) of Western.elt Sugar Producers, Inc., in San Fran­CISco.£�in F. Beyer, assistant professor ofphYSIcal education at the University, hasC?mpleted work on a new instructional mo­tIon picture, "Fun That Builds GoodBealth." It has been released by Coronetfilms. Beyer was educational collaboratoron the film.Orner K. Anderson is a newsspondent for Stars and Stripes. corre-1940Robert B. Davis, AM '47, has just com­pleted 2 years of teaching in the Englishdepartmen t -a t Washington and JeffersonCOllege and will be assistant professorof English at Heidelberg College, Tiffin,OhIO, this fall.Dallas G. Sutton and her husband, of�ashington, D. C., spent three weeks in10 de Janiero, Brazil, last June. Dr.SUtton gave lectures at the Inter-American�nstitute for Hospital Administrators andP e_ and Mrs. Sutton visited San Paulo andetropolis.Carl Stanley, of Chicago, recently waselected assistant cashier of the Harris Trustand Savings Bank.A.lpha Combs was married to MajorPaul Riley last March. Alpha will beginteaching this fall at the May ThompsonElementary School in Bellflouer, Calif.LaVerne Riess was married to RobertFoeller on June 26th in New York City,and went to Nantucket, Mass., on theirWedding trip. LaVerne also attended theChoinard Art School. Mr. Foeller is agraduate of Iowa State College. TheCOuple lives in Detroit, Mich.George R. Barry, MD '42, was recentlyelected to the board of directors of theWisconsin Heart Association. Dr. and Mrs.�arry (Kathryn I. MacLennan, '39) arelIVing in Monroe, Wis.Jack R. Kronemyer, who recently grad­llated from Harvard, was married to KayRyan on July 1, 1950. Mr. and Mrs.l(ronemyer are living in Rockford, Ill.. Miriam A. Bauer (Mrs. Jerome F. Hein­rIch) and Dr. Heinrich have a secondsOn, Garry Louis, born March 29, 1950.John P. Vergoth received his LLB degreefrom St. John'S University at the com­mencement held on June 11, 1950, innrooklyn, N. Y.During the summer, Samuel M. Strong,PhD, of Northfield, Minn., was visiting pro-OCTOBER, 1950 Iessor of sociology at the University ofNevada.Alva V. Alegre, who has his AM fromColumbia, 1947, is a free lance photogra­pher-artist with studios at 253 W. 48thStreet, New York. He specializes in por­traits and has had pictures in many na­tional magazines. He was the New YorkClub's official photographer for the bigdinner held at the Town Hall Club lastApril.Ardella Starkes teaches in the WendellPhillips School in Kansas City, Missouri.She recently gave a book review of "Mary,"by Sholem Asch, at the A.M.E. church inthat city.James B. Engle, of West Burlington,Iowa, was married to Priscilla Wright, fromGreat Britain, on June 10th. Engle isnow studying at Oxford.Anne L. Putnam (Mrs. Peter Seamans),of Marblehead, Mass., writes that herhusband graduated from Boston Universityschool of law last June and expects topractice in or near Boston. Their son,Peter, is 3 years old.1941The engagement of Charles Percy, presi­dent of Bell and Howell, to Loraine Guyerof Altadena, Calif., was announced severalmonths ago.Jack Jefferson, of the news departmentof Columbia Broadcasting Company inNew York City, passed through Chicagoin early August on his way to Tokyoas a CBS war correspondent. He alsohopes to do some free lance writing.Hannah Lindahl and Katherine I. Koch,'37, are co-authors of "English Is OurLanguage," a set of English books for ele­mentary grades. The series went on themarket in January and have been adoptedin Kentucky's multiple choice list.Robert L. James, JD '47, Foreign ServiceOfficer, has been transferred from Stuttgartwhere he was Vice Consul, to Rome asThird Secretary and Vice Consul. Sincehe was commissioned in the Foreign Serv­ice in July, 1947, he has served in Viennaand Stuttgart. He served in the U. S. Navyfrom 1941 to 1946. Robert's home is inValparaiso, Indiana.Helen J. Zeleznik, AM (Mrs. Donald J.Berry), has retired from her position asassistant to a printing executive for thePoole -Bros., Inc., to join her husband inWatkins Glen, N. Y., where he openedhis optometric practice last May. Dr. andMrs. Berry are anticipating the arrivalof their first baby.John E. Wilson left the biochemistrydepartment at Cornell University to jointhe staff of the University of North Caro­lina as an assistant professor in the depart­ment of biological chemistry and nutritionin the school of medicine. He is livingin Chapel Hill, N. C.Zedenka Buben, AM, who was associatedwith the University of Chicago School ofSocial Service Administration, received theAnnual Koshland Award on May 23, 1950,at the State conference of the CaliforniaAssociation for Social Welfare. This isan award for outstanding social work doneby an agency executive. Miss Buben isDirector of the Bureau of Medical SocialService of Los Angeles County HealthDepartment. 3 HOUR SERVICEEXCLUSIVE CLEANERSAND DYERSSince 19201442 and 1331 E. 57th St.•EVENING GOWNSAND FORMALSA SPECIALTYMidway ������ • w. call/orand".r3 HOUR SERVICEBIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners (I Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: WEntworth 6-5380SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 98 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stoclc23 N. Wabash AvenueChicago. IllinoisBOYDSTON BROS •• INC.operatingAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of ChicagoOAkland 4-0492Trained and license·d attendants•Auto Livery•Quie', unobtrusive serviceWhen you want it;' as you want itCALL AN EMERY FIRSTEmery Drexel Livery, Inc.SS16 Harper AvenueFAirfax 4·640031CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency68th YearNationwide ServiceFive OlJice$-One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis-Kansas City. Mo.Spokane-New YorkAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement ",bleh Hmlts Itswork to the university and' college field.It ·Is affiliated with the FIRk TeachersAgency ot Chloogo, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both orga.nlzatlonsassist In the appointment ot administratorsIll' well as ot teachers,Our service Is natlon-wlde,Since J885ALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best In placement service' for University,College, Secondary and Elementary. Nation­wide patronaqe, Call or write us at2S E. �ackson Blvd.Chicago 4, IllinoisSTENOTYPYLearn new, speedy machine shorthand. Lesseff'crt, no cramped fingers 'Or nervous fatigue.Also other courses: Typing, Bookkeeping,Comptometry, etc. Day or evening. Visit,write or phone [or data.Bryant� Strattonco �yEGE18 S. MICHIGAN AVE. Tel. RAndolph 6·1575LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING•60 YEARS OF DEPENDABLESERVICE TO THE SOUTHSIDE•ASK FOR FREE ESTIMATE•55th and ELLIS AVENUECHICAGO 15, ILLINOISSUtt.rfield 8-0111.DAVID L. SUTTON. Pres.32 Robert H. Sehnert, of Los Angeles, isworking in the atomic research depart­ment of North American Aviation. Hewrites us" that he often sees Harold K.Ticho, '42, SM '44, PhD '49, who is teach­ing at UCLA and doing some B-29 cosmicray research. Sehnert says he frequentlygets together with Robert S. Bandurski, '46,SM '47, PhD '49, who is working on a postdoctorate fellowship in plant physiologyresearch at the California Institute ofTechnology, in Pasadena.Morton R. Solomon was married to MissConstance Kaufman on August 20th in NewYork City. Miss Kaufman is an alumnaof the Cherry Lawn School in Darien,Conn., attended the University of Californiaat Los Angeles, and was graduated fromNew York University. Morton received AMdegrees in economics and public adminis­tration from Harvard University where heis studying for a PhD degree. He is amember of Phi Beta Kappa and the Amer­ican Economic Association.1942Donald C. Bergus was married to Eliz­abeth Ravdin in Philadelphia on May 18.Bergus is a foreign service officer of theU. S. Department of State.John Brigham Howard, JD, is an as­sistant to Secretary of State Dean Achesonin Washington.C. A. Vander Laan, MD, U of C '44, hasopened an office for the practice of der­matology in Chicago.Bradley H. Patterson, jr., AM '43, is amember of the staff of the executive secre­tariat in the State Department and ac­companied Sec. Acheson to Paris on the twotrips made in 1949. Mrs. Patterson (ShirleyJane DuBos, '43). has been elected presidentof the University of Maryland NurserySchool Parent-Teachers Association. Mr.and Mrs. Patterson and their two childrenlive in Berwyn, Maryland.K. Jerry Morray, of Euclid, Ohio, is withthe chemical department at General Elec­tric in Cleveland. Mrs. Murray (Betsy Kuh,'43), writes that young Jeffrey Parker Mor­ray is now 14 months old.William A. Kozumplik, PhD, and hiswife, Mary A. M. Kozumplik, '46, reportthat they have another son, Michael An­thony, who joins Peter William 21'2 yearsold.Edwin H. Armstrong recently was ap­pointed associate director of financial de­velopment at Willamette University inSalem, Oregon.Gregory D. Hedden, SM '50, is engagedto be married to Genevieve Grovef ofChicago. Miss Grovef is a graduate ofRipon. College.Charles M. Riley received his PhD lastJune from the University of Minnesota.Charles Francis Williamsb MD, wasawarded a master of science in medicinedegree last June from the University ofMinnesota.John R. Tobin, Jr., MD Rush, receivedhis Master of Science degree in medicinefrom the University of Minnesota in June.Gene Rickey (Mrs. Cromwell C. Cleve­land) and her husband are at the FirstChristian Church of Newport News, Va.Rev. Cleveland was studying for his AMat the University of Chicago when hetook this pastorate. Their son, CromwellC. Cleveland, Jr., is 17 months old.Wayne R. Arnold received his PhD de­gree from the State University of Iowaon february 4, 1950. Charles B. Arnold, Jr., is general man­ager of the Mid-Continent AdvertisingAgency of Dallas.The engagement of James B. Mullen, Jr.,to Miss Constance E. Xerxa was announcedin May. "Jay," a member of the UniversityClub of Chicago, served 30 years in theAir Corps in the African theatre.Gene E. Drubeck, Captain, USAF, isserving as a meteorologist for the AirWeather Service at Andrews Air ForceBase in Washington, D. C.Frank W. Johnson, MD, started practicingophthalmology in Klamath Falls, Oregon,in August, 1949. His wife, Doris. A. John­son, '43, flew to join him with their twosons, both under 2 years old.John L. Scott, AM, is finance directorfor the Village Government of Winnetka,Ill. His wife, Eleanor E. Torell, AM '44,is working toward a PhD in sociology at theUniversity.1943An announcement from Richard L. Wal­lens tells of the arrival of Michael Garyat the Wallens home, 939 E. 80th Street,Chicago, on August 6, 1950.It was stated in the April issue thatHelen K. Haughton was connected withMiami University in Oxford, Ohio-the col­lege should have been Western.Mrs. Elaine O. Goldstein (Elaine H. Osh­erman) is a market research analyst forSpiegel, Incorporated, in New York. Shewas married on Mav 29 to David W.Goldstein. ' .Robert G. Frazier, '45, MD '47, recentlybecame engaged to Ruth Ann Johnson.Robert is working on a fellowship in thepediatric department at the University ofColorado.Florence W. Robinson, SM '48, andFlorence P. Rucker, SM '48, flew back toAlaska last July in their own plane aftera 5 weeks' t-rip in the States. They havebeen part of a group of civilian and navyworkers hunting oil at Fairbanks, Alaska,'in a government financed project.Elaine R,. Siegel (Mrs. William T.Levy), was married to Dr. Samuel A.Berman of Jersey City, N. j., on June 27,1950, in . Chicago. Mrs. Berman is con­tinuing research in biochemistry at the Uni­versity. Her first husband died in 1947in an automobile accident. Dr. Berman israbbi of Temple Isaiah Israel in Chicago.Ruth P. Drexler, AM, was. married toMaurice Lenser on June 17, 1950. Theyhave been spending the summer in LosAngeles.Carl F. Christ has been appointed as­sistant professor of political economy atJohns Hopkins University beginning thisfall.Robert Mettler Becker, MD, and JaneMorris Becker, SB '40, are enjoying theexperience of traveling throughout Okla­homa. Dr. Becker is conducting a post­graduate program in internal medicinethroughout the state for a two year period.In the course of lecturing and traveling,he has seen Wallace Byrd, MD '35, in Ada,Max Johnson, MD '43, and Richard Car­penter, MD '43, in Oklahoma City.Maurice F. Seay, PhD, has resigned asdean of the University of Kentucky andis now professor of educational adminis­tration, department of education, at theUniversity of Chicago.Kenath H. Sponsel, MD, recently an­nounced the opening of his new officeat 7th Street and Marquette Avenue inTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMinneapolis, Minn., where he will practiceOrthopaedic and traumatic surgery.S Charlotte F. Andress, AM, accepted, ineptember, the position of Executive Di­rector of the Y.W.C.A. of St. Louis.Vernon S. Tracht, AM '46, has receivedaf Teaching Fellowship in the Department0. Psychology at Loyola University. He�I�1 retain his position as Chief Psychol­cg�st. of Mercy Hospital's Cerebral PalsyhnIC, which was inaugurated over a year��o to meet the growing need 'for adequate(�agnostic and treatmen t facilities for such���cted children in the Chicago region.t IS past summer Mr. Tracht was guest lee­lifer at New York State College for Teach-ers in Buffalo. He has been appointed a�ember of the professional advisory council.or the Retarded Children's Aid, an organ­IZation which recently started an exper i­�ental play school on Chicago'S southSide.1944R.u'h E. Blakeley received her degree in�aster of Science in Nursing last Junelrom Western Reserve University in Cleve­and.. Charles E. Burbridge, MBA, receivedh:s PhD degree from the State Universityo Iowa on February 4, 1950.B Dorothea F. Brown, AM (Mrs. Camerond rO�n), and her husband were in EuropeLlrmg March, April and part of May.They spent most of their time in London�nd visited Norwich, Colchester, Oxford,ambridge, Surrey and Paris. They are nowestablished in their new home in Wil­mette, Ill.Mark S. Beaubien, MD, U of C '46, has�.ter�d private practice in East Lansing,it Ichlgan. Mrs. Beaubien is the formerartiet Frazier, AM '49.G Jeanne Cleary was married to Francis W.hOessling, of Evanston, Ill., on June 3rd.lVlf.. Goessling is a graduate of Loyolagflversity. The couple live in Wilmette,. Diana R. Diamond, AM '49, of Chicago,�s engaged to be married to Allen H. Postel,"h'" Allen received his medical degree att e University of Illinois.h Van William Hunt, MD, and his wife,"�elen W. Parkes, '30, have a second�dopted son, Alan George, born April 22,949, to join Carl Milton, who was 4h�ars old on April 13th. Dr. Hunt andIS family live in Mason City, Iowa.�arjorie F. Reis, an advertising copy­Writer and account executive in Chicago,]was married to Stephen G. Graham, '48 onlily 2nd.. A pink-ribboned note announced the ar­r 1f)Iva of Constance Vibeke Strand on June�2 at the home of Emitie Rashevsky (Mr.�nd Mrs. Kaj Strand) at Evanston. Mr.l\�rand is on the Northwestern faculty andIVlfS. Strand is a member of our Senate ofkhe . �ollege Division. Many will remember. milie from her Information Desk dayslih1 the Press Building. Her father is ont e faculty of the University.. Margaret P. Reichardt, JD '46, was mar-]rled to William J. Durka, '43, JD '44, lastline in Columbus, Ohio. Margaret is amember of Phi Beta Kappa and has beena research associate in the school of lawat New York University.F Elliott M. Schrero, AM '45, married Ruth'elice Lieberman last June in New York.Mrs. Schrero, an accomplished sculptress,�tt�nded the Tyler School of Fine Arts inhlladelphia and Columbia University.OCTOBER, 1950 Elvira V. H. Vegh, of Washington, D. C.,was married to Mr. J. G. deLamadrid onJanuary 14, 1950.Kenneth R. WiHiams, PhD, has beennamed Dean of Instruction in the AirUniversity of the U. S. Air Force, MaxwellAir Force Base, Alabama.1945Huston C. Smith, associate professor ofphilosophy at Washington University inSt. Louis, was elected to honorary mem­bership of Phi Beta Kappa in June. Hiswife is the former Eleanor B. Wieman, '43.Roland E. Schmidt, MD, was married toEllen Troy Parker, '44, last July in Louis­iana. The couple live in Winnfield, La.,where Dr. Schmidt has a private practicewith the Mosley Clinic.Hisako Tanaka (Mrs. Yashio Sasao) re­ceived her AM degree in Oriental Lan­guages from the University of Californialast June and plans to do further work inthe graduate school. She teaches in theFar-Eastern and Russian Language Schoolat the University of Calif.Frank T. Lossy, SB '45, MD '47, com­pleted his second year on a fellowship ininternal medicine at Tulane University inNew Orleans, La., and started last July ona year's fellowship in psychiatry.Brace Pattou was married to Miss HollisMcLaughlin, of Lake Forest, Ill., in .Tune,1949. Miss Hollis is a graduate of SmithCollege and Brace is now a staff news writ­er for the American Broadcasting Co. inChicago. The couple live in Evanston, Ill.Dania Merrill (Mrs. H. Daniel Brewster)and her husband, a foreign service officer,report their second son, Robert Merrill,was born in Athens, Greece, last March.Robert Merrill, PhD '23, and his wife(Mary L. Fyffe '14), of Los Angeles, flewto Athens to meet the new member of theBrewster family.Ellen M. Mvrberz, SM '48, PhD '50 wasmarried to Robert W. Rashch, '46 on June17, 1950 in Chicago.Joan Marie Hayes, SB '47, of Oak Park,Ill., was married to Mr. John H. Bowmanon May 27th. Joan is a home economist forthe People's Gas Co. in Chicago.Olivia H. Coolidge, of Chicago, was mar­ried to Harry W. Dworkin on June 17th.Verna Y. Barefoot, SM, received a Doctorof Medicine degree from The GeorgeWashington University on May 31st.Alfred W. Painter, PhD, a member ofthe Bates College faculty of Lewiston,Maine, has crossed the continent with hisfamily to become Director of ReligiousPrograms at the College of the Pacific inStockton, California. He drove throughChicago in late August with his family,Joan, 7, and Susan, 9 months. They weredriving via Great Falls, Montana to visithis wife's folks, and Seattle to visit his.During his graduate days on the MidwayAI. was assistant to the Dean of theChapel.Susanne Artingstall, AM, is back at theUniversity working towards a PhD in hu­man development.1946Mary Petro, of Chicago, was married toWilliam S. Brolley '43 on October 15,1949.Andrew MacLeish was married to AnnMary Pullen of Evansville, Wisconsin onJune 17.Delbert A. Greenwood, PhD, of Logan,Utah, in May was elected president of theUtah Academy of Sciences, Arts. and Let­ters. LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 Ead 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERSUPERFLUOUS HAIRREMOVED FOREVERMultiple 20 platinum needles can be used.Permanent removal of from face, eye­brows, bad of neck, or any part of body;also facial veins, motes. and warts.Men and WomenLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERT20 years' experienceAfsoGraduate NurseSuite 1705. Stevens Building17 . N. State StreetTelephone -FRanklin 2-4885FREE CONSULTATIONEASTMAN COAL CO.Eatablished 1902YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd"Telephone SEeley 3-4488. Wasson-PocahontasCoatCo.6876 South Chiceqo Ave.Phone: BUtterfield 8-2116-7-8-9Wonons -Cool Mokel Good-or­Wallon 008133Real Estate and In&urance1500 East 51th Street Hyde Park 3-25254gimitN;d�UCI1IICA1 SU,.,.lY co.Ulstrlbu(ors, Manutacturars and Jabbers IIELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St. � ENglewood 4-7500Phones OAkland 4-0690�-0691-4-0692The Old Reliabl.Hyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awning. and Canopi •• for All Purpo •••4508 Cottage Grove Aven�ePENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sumps-Pumps1545 E. 63RO STREEl6620 COTIAGE GROV� AVENUEFAlrfu 4-0550PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICE1545 EAST 63RO STREETBIENENFELDChicago'. Most Complete Stock ofGLASSGLASS CORP. OF ILLINOIS1525W. 35th St. PhoneLAfayette 3-8400Sinc.1895SURGEONS'INSTRUMENTSof ALL TYPES aEQUIPMENT and FURNITUREfor OFFICE and HPSPIT AtAll Phones: SEeley 3-2180V. MUELLER & CO.320.408 S. HONORE STREETCHICAGO 12� ILLINOIS34 Lucille B. Hawkins, JD '47, and her hus­band, Donald M. Hawkins, announce thearrival of their third child, Richard Henry,born April 25, 1950.Mrs. N orman I. Lipman (Joy VlossomEisenberg) is the mother of a son bornMarch 19.Orrin T. Richardson, PhD, tells us hissecond son, David Neal, was born on Feb­ruary 16, 1950. �Richard R., Mertz, SB '48, and BarbaraL. Gross, '47, was married June 18 in Hil­ton Chapel. The marriage was performedby John Pettit, AM '44.Charles G. Higgins, Jr., SM '47, receivedhis PhD in geology at the University ofCalifornia and has joined the faculty ofthe University of Michigan. Charles hasbeen elected to Sigma Xi.Howard F. Husum, JD '48, and Mrs.Husum are the parents of a son born lastJanuary. The family resides in Des Plaines,Ill.Morton Gordon, of Atlantic City, N. j.,received his PhD in physics from Washing­ton University, St. Louis, Mo., on June 6th.Betty J. Day, AM, was married to GeraldB. McDaniel on December 26, 1949. Thecouple is living in Los Angeles. Mrs. M c­Daniel is a case work consultant for theAll Nations Foundation.Litlian Seidler, AM, of Los Angeles, wasmarried to Mr. Leonard Slaff.Howard W. Rasher received his LLBfrom New York Law School in June, 1950.He did graduate work at Fordham andNew York Universities and was on the his­tory faculty for a year in the Mt. Vernonhigh school. He has been a member of theWriters' War Board under Rex Stout andwrote a series of articles related to veter­ans problems and the interpretation of theG.1. Bill of Rights for the Macy chain news­paper. On June 26, 1949 he married MissHunter College of 1949: Judith Trachten­berg. They live in Mount Vernon whileshe continues studies at Hunter.Robert S. Bandurski, SM '47, PhD '49,will join the staff of the California Insti­tute of Technology as a reasearch fellow,to work in the field of plant auxins. Herecently completed a one year NationalResearch Council fellowship in the biologydivision of the Institute.Paul R. Salerno, PhD '49, started in Juneas an instructor in the department ofpharmacology at Western Reserve Univer­sity, Cleveland.1947Norman Barker is a security analyst atthe Harris Trust and Savings Bank in Chi­cago. His wife is the former Mabel MarieKeefe, '44.Cerald W. Breese, PhD, Assistant Pro­fessor of Sociology at Princeton University,has been appointed Director of the Bureauof Urban Research at Princeton. A sur­vey of the industrial potentialities of thearea south of Trenton along the DelawareRiver undertaken this summer is super­vised by Dr. Breese.Ira G. Com, Jr., MBA '48, assistant pro­fessor of marketing at Southern MethodistUniversity in Dallas, Texas, is also directorof market research and export sales -for theDearborn Store Co.Robert L. Eddy, MBA '49, has left Chi­cago and is now with the Army educationprogram in Heidelberg, Germany._ He isan Education Adviser. Heidelberg is apicturesque city and he extends an invita­tion to any alumni passing that way tolook him up and he'll show them about. George C. Legeras, MBA, assistantager of the Rainbow Cafe in Minneaperecently returned from a 3-month Ellpean visit. He spent time with his gramother in Greece, met Hal Wilmeth, ._'48, in Italy, and "bumped into" ChancellHutchins in a Paris drug store.Ellis E. Meridith received a BachelorArts degree from The George WashingtUniversity last May.Clyde G. Miller, now a student at EMedical School at the University was IIIried to Miriam Trossman on May 7, 1951Little Paul Richard arrived at the hoof Lewis and Carol McDonald (AM '47)St. Louis, Missouri on June 15, 1950.Gordon A. Phillips received a Bache!of Law degree last May from The Geor IWashington University.Robert F. Pearse, AM, PhD '50, is a couselor for the Counseling Center at the uversity.Gladys G. Sack of Baltimore was marrito Nicholas Gordon, '46, on April 10, 195They are living in New York City.Martin J. Steindler, SB '48, SM "49,Chicago, is now working for a PhD doWresearch on the Navy Inorganic Projeunder Professor H. I. Schlesinger. jJames Homer Thompson, MBA '50, "INawarded the "Wall Street Journal" stUldent achievement award last May. N0employed by the Studebaker Corp. in Sou�Bend, Ind., he is on the dean's honor 11and is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma.Frank J. Wrobel, JD '48, and Mrs. wrbel (Virginia J. Plac, '44), are the proLlparents of a son born on March 11 tho T]1Wrobels are living in Chicago.Robert J. Wolfson is Research Associe!in. Agricultural Economics at the Univefsity of Chicago.Thomas J. Whitby, of Washington, D. Cwas married to Mary E. Darrow, '43, o�November 20, 1948. Whitby became a Itbrarian with the Federal Government laSIMarch.1948Charlotte Ann Beer was married to J oh�A. Weber, a graduate of The University ?fTexas, in July, 1949. They are living JDAustin, Texas, where Charlotte is attend'ing The University of Texas, departmefll.!of education.Catharine M. Conradi, AM, will begiDthe school year as chairman of the depart­ment of education at Piedmont College,Gemorest, Georgia.Roger F. Carr of Hardy, Iowa, studyingat the University, was one of the 65 stU­dents attending the Fifth Annual Inter'collegiate Institute on the United NatiOflSrecently held at Finch College in N. Y.Frank J. Corbett, AM, was married o�February 14th to Vera M. Davidson. FranRis a community relation secretary for theUrban League in Flint, Mich.Hope Casselberry, of Dundee, Ill., wasmarried to Thomas A. Potter, of Lake For­est, Ill., on July l st. INancy Goodman, AM, is to be marriedto Mr. Alan S. Epstein, legislative corre­spondent and editorial writer for Th€'Watertown Daily Times (N. Y.). Miss Good-'man, until recently, was an assistant editOrof Good Housekeeping magazine.William Hey has resigned as editor ofthe Hyde Park Herald (published by Mike'Weinberg, Jr., '47, and company) to be�come editor of Hospitality, "The Maga�,zine for and about the men and women ofFred Harvey." The Harvey chain of reS�THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtaurants, hotels, and merchandise unitsrUns from Los Angeles to Cleveland but is�ost famous on the Santa Fe Lines. BillIS e.xtremely happy with this new oppor­tunIty.Earle L. Ludgin of Winnetka, son of�arIe. Ludgin, '20 and Mary K. MacDonald,5, IS engaged to be married to NancyAlden of Barrington, Ill. Miss Alden is ag�aduate of Stanford University, and Earle,a ter 3 years in the army, serving with the?rst occupation forces in Germany, is study­Mg at the University of Chicago. The elder1 r. Ludgin is an art collector betweenConferences in his advertising firm.Pa�la A. Paepcke, of Arlington, Va., wasiarned on October 8, 1949, to Mr. Allenargellis.. JOhn Hamilton Reynolds, SM, was mar­l'hled last March to Helen Genevieve Mar­s aU.C Carolyn R. Swift received her AM at.olumbia University on June 8, 1950. SheCIS now teaching English in Greenwich,onn.S Samuel E. Stumpf, PhD, has a third son,amuel Enoch Stumpf, Jr., who was born�n June 18, 1950. Dad is a member of theb�CUlty at the School of Religion, Vander-ilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.t Alexander Ulreich, MBA '49, who was.he Association'S bookkeeper while work­��g for his master's, is now with the Con­/nent�l Can Co. in Chicago. Al is still inhe au reserves and continues his extra-Curricular flying on week-ends.JOhn G. Withall, PhD, and his wife re­Port that their daughter, Barbara Joan,was born in New York on April 15th.Sadie A. Willoughby, SM '49, of Chicago,was married to Alan Boulton on July 16th.'t. Lowdon Wingo, Jr., AM '50, left Chi­Cago in June after receiving his master's�nd returned with his family to El Paso,S ex�s, where he has the Wingo Insuranceervlce.Chen Ning Yang, PhD, is engaged to be111arried to Miss Chih Li Tu. Dr. Yang is� member of the Institute for AdvancedtUdy, Princeton, N. J.1949e George H. Borts, AM, has been appoint­pd t? the faculty of Brown University,thrOVldence, R. 1., where he will serve in.e economics department.t Charles O. Burgess, Jr., AM, began worklowar.d a PhD in English literature at Co­umbla University in September.N Vernon B. Brooks, SM, married Missi ancy Fraser on June 29, 1950 in her home-a Toronto, Canada. The best man was. E. Ransmeier, SM '49. Miss Fraser is a�.raduate in sociology of Toronto Univer­bty and Columbia University. Vernon hash eel_l a research fellow in the school ofiJglene at the University of Toronto, work­lV'Ylon a PhD in physiology. This fall, heca� �ecture in the physiology department,Ph rY.Ing on further research in neuro­l'eJ�lology, at McGill University in Mont-W narbara L. Brenner, of New York City,A�s married on September 16, 1949, to Ames.II TWins, a boy and girl, were born to theA ar?ld L. Christensen, MBA, family onprll W�n.iam B. Esson, MBA, is an assistan tin mInlstrator at Good Samaritan Hospital.h POrtland, Oregon. In November, 1949,fi� Was elected to Beta Gamma Sigma. HisP st child, James Alexander, was born inOl'tland on N ovem ber 11, 1949.OCTOBER 1950, John C. Fuller, DB, married ElizabethJean Ross last June in Cambridge, England.The couple is returning to this country atthe end of the summer after a weddingtrip on the Continent. Rev. Fuller wasrecently received into the fellowship of theministry of the American Unitarian Asso­ciation. He has preached in England asthe recipient of one of the Craft fellow­ships. He is also a graduate of WilliamsCollege and Meadville Theological School.He has studied in England and Switzer­land during the past year.George M. Haddad, PhD, is sending topress his book entitled "Fifty Years ofModern Syria and Lebanon." He is busypreparing another book for publication.Richard L. Henderson, PhD, formerprincipal of the University LaboratorySchool and more recently of Port Arthur,Texas, is beginning his first year as deanof the department of Education at East­ern Montana College of Education atBillings.Paul Lerman, of Chicago, was married toLaura Rae Atkinson on March 4th. Paul iswith the Carnegie-Illinois Corp. .Francis M. McDermott, MBA, has beenpromoted to Senior Controller of theC.A.A.'s Chicago Air Route Traffic ControlCenter at the Midway Airport.John E. McCaw, DB, has been appointeddean of the College of the Bible at DrakeU niversi ty.Howard E. Schuchmann, AM, spent ayear at Oxford University through a Ro­tary International Fellowship. He will re­turn to Corpus Christi College in Oxford,England to complete his AB degree in phil­osophy, policitcs, economics.George J. Staubus, MBA, and his wifereport the birth of a daughter, Linda, onJanuary 7th. Recently appointed an instruc­tor at the University school of business, hebecame a certified public accountant lastMay.Marjorie Winterbotham, AM, was mar­ried to Dr. Adolph Surtshin on June 17th.Marjorie is a caseworker for the FamilyService Society of St. Louis County, andDr. Surtshin is an instructor at Washing­ton University, School of Medicine, in St.Louis, Mo.Alexander Wilde, of Chicago, was ap­pointed last October by the Secretary ofLabor as price (business) economist for thedepartrnen't Bureau of Labor Statistics inthe revision program of the cost of livingindex.Amos Yoder, Junior, PhD, is a foreignaffairs analyst in Washington, D. C. Hewas married June 15 to Janet Lee Tatman.1950Katherine A. Podolsky, AM '50, wasmarried to Stephen H. Axilrod, AM '50, inJuly of 1950. They live in Santurce, PuertoRico.John H. B!oom, AM, and his wife (Mar­gery L. Sickels, PhB '46) announce the ar­rival of their daughter, Marcia, on April17th.Beverly F. Segal was married to LeonardD. Williams on June 25, 1950. Beverly isa transcriber for the counseling center atthe University.Glen A. Purdom, Jr., AM, started teach­ing in August at the Oregon TrainingSchool for Boys in Woodburn, Oregon.Malcolm K. Andresen, MBA, is a Captainin the U. S. Air Force stationed at Fif.thArmy Headquarters, Procurement Field Of­fice in Chicago.Jane C. Lurie was married to Dr. RobertM. Dowben on June 20, 1950, in Norway. BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED ,. BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoSInce 1878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholstersFurniture RepairIng1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: LIncoln 9-7180ASHJIAN BROS., Inc... TABLIIHID InlQ,.ien tal and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 Seutb ChicI,o Phone REgent 4·6000A. T. STEWART LUMBER CO.Quality and ServiceSince 188879th Street at Greenwood Ave.All Phones Vincennes 6-9000Platers- SilversmithsSince 1917GOLD. SILVER. RHODIUMSILVERWARESWARTZ & COMPANY10 S. Wabash Ave. CEntral 6-6089-90 ChicagoAjax Waste Paper Co.2600·2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Waste Paper500 pounds or moreScrap Me,tal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, �Ockwell 2·625235RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMOnroe 0-3192TuckerDecorating Service1360 East 70th StreetPhone Midway 3-4404GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, lnc.Painting-Decorating-Wood Finishing3123Lake Street PhoneKEdzie 3-3186HYLAND A. NOLANPLASTERING. BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave." Telephone DOrchester 3-1579TELEPHONE TAylor 9-54660' CALLAGHAN BROS.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.P hone: SAginaw 1-3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeak. RepairedFree Edimate.FRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.7711 Luella Ave.36 Robert M. Caddington, MBA, creditanalyst for The Northern Trust Co. inChicago, married Mary Ellen Priest onJune 24th. .Thomas C. W. Roberts was married toSally Christie Rutherfurd, a graduate ofSmith College, on July Ist in Cold SpringHarbor, L. I., N. Y. The couple flew toEurope for their wedding trip.Jervis S. Zimmerman, AM, is a Chap­lain at the Norwich State Hospital, in Nor­wich, Conn. Since his graduation, everymember of the family is an alumnus of theUniversity: Jacob F. Zimmerman, '09 andIndia E. Sharp, '12, AM '13 (Mrs. Zimmer­man), his parents and Fred Zimmerman,AM '41, his brother.Don Edward Totten, AM, of Chicago,was married to Miss Christine Rohr onMay 12th at Fairhope, Ala., Dori's boyhoodhome and the present residence of hismother. Christine Rohr was born in Ger­many and has a PhD degree from Heidel­berg University, where she holds a teach­ing assistantship. During the past year, shehas- been working under guest privileges atthe University of Chicago, doing researchin the field of public opinion. The couplewill spend the academic year 1950-51 atHeidelberg University where Don will en­gage in graduate study.DEATHSEdward H. Jones, MD '83, died March16, 1949, in Weyanwega, Wisconsin.Alfred H. Stephani, MD '86, died- Octo­ber, 1949, in Chicago.Andrew Carr, Sr., MD '88, of Minot,North Dakota, died in January of 1948.John C. Griffith, MD '96, after severalyears' illness,' died of a heart attack onAugust 10, 1949, in Bushnell, Ill.Henry Riggs Wolcott, '99, died severalmonths ago. No date was reported.Sterling P. Hart, MD '00, died in Oc­tober, 1949, in Auburn, Illinois.Mabel Wing Castle, '01, died in Aprilin Chicago. Services were held in BondChapel of the University.Merritt L. Hoblit, '01, AM '21, of LosAngeles, died June 28, 1950. He had beenprofessor of Latin and Romance Lan­guages at Drake University, KalamazooCollege, New Mexico College of Agricultureand Mechanical Arts, and Christian Univer­sity before his retirement from teaching.Francis G. Guittard, '01, AM '02, profes­sor at Baylor University, Waco, Texas, diedof a heart attack recently in Dallas at theage of 83.Edna T. Cook, '04, died July 13, 1950.Warren DuPre Smith, '04, head of theUniversity of Oregon geology department,died in New York City at the age of 70.Eleanor Murphy, '05, of Chicago, diedon July 31st.Edward Krehbiel, PhD '06, died at theage of 71 on June 15th at his home inRidgefield, Conn., after a long illness.Beatrice Bell, PhB '06 (Mrs. Elbert M.Moffatt), died in June, 1950, in BrooklynMethodist Hospital. Mrs. Moffatt and herhusband were active in Methodist work inIndia for a quarter-century. Mrs. Mof­fatt returned to this country in 1945 andher husband the following year. They hadsince been active in the work of the Han­son Place Methodist Church.Katherine Nichols, '07 (Mrs. KatherineVail), died suddenly at the age of 65 onJuly 8th in Pentwater, Mich. Memorialservices were held in Bond Chapel at the University. She was the widow of ArthuHamilton Vail, former Philadelphia roaf!'ager of Halsey Stuart & Co., bond brokenA. Archibald Bullock, SM '09, died Mal17 in Pasadena, California.Ralph S. Bauer, JD '09, died at the a�eof 66 at his home in Oak Park. Until b1s1retirement last year Mr. Bauer had be�Oprofessor of law at DePaul University 101Chicago for 25 years.E. Lansford Moore, SB '10, of ChicagOIdied last July.William N. Hutchins, PhD '13, of Wolf­ville, Nova Scotia, died on June 16, 1950.Samuel W. Reaves, AM '13, PhD '15, ofNorman, Okla., died at the age of 75 00August 2nd.Grace A. Chapman, '14 AM '39, died illMay in Oak Park, Illinois.Eugene T. Leonard, MD '15, died iOMay in Rockford, Illinois.Arthur Clinton Watson, PhD '15, pro'fessor of philosophy emeritus at Mariett3College, died July 20th in Memorial. Bos'pital in Marietta at the age of 72.Ernest G. Walker, AM '16, former de allof the faculty at Bowling Green State Nor'mal College, now known as Bowling GreeOState University, died July 4 at his hottlein Hendersonville, N. C. In 1918, Dr'lWalker became head of the Dept. of Educ"tion at Hiram College where he serveduntil retirement 5 years ago.John Wood MacArthur" PhD '21, deallof Marlboro College in Vermont, died Jul14, 1950, in his home on Newfane Bill,Vermont, at the age of 60.James W. Clarson, Jr., AM '22, PhD '28;died last June in Tucson, Arizona.Maurice W. Grimm, '22, of Shreveport.La., died of a heart attack last July.Thomas McCash Dadson, PhD '26, whOwas a member of the faculty of AcadialUniversity in Wolfville, N. S., Canada, diedon June 4, 1950.Darthea Owen, '29, died at the ag�of 43 .in American Hospital, Chicago, aIrJune 18th. She had been teaching in DesPlaines elementary schools since 1942.Clarence Gordon Braden, '32, died MaJ8, 1950.Livia D. Younquist, '33 (Mrs. Carl F. S,Peterson), died May 11, 1950, in Kenil·worth, Ill.Walter R. Goetsch, AM '34, was killedin an automobile accident in May nearIowa City. He had been dean of sttl'dents at the University of Iowa.George M. Schmeing, PhD '39, chairrna"of the chemistry department at LoyoJ3University, died at the age of 54 'in St.Francis Hospital, Evanston, Illinois. Dl·Schmeing received Bachelor of Arts, Bach­elor of Science and Master of Arts degreeSfrom Quincy College. He had been Ifmember of Loyola faculty since 1920, be'coming a full Professor in 1927.William J. Hamilton AM '39, of oa�Park, Ill., died May 28th at the age of 72,Born in Janesville, Wisc., he graduatedfrom the University of Wisconsin and re:ceived an honorary doctorate from Kno�College. He was superintendent of schoolSin Two Rivers, Wisc., and was Oak Par�superintendent of grade schools for 20years before his retirement in 1937.John A. Low, '41, of Altadena, Calif .•died on August 1, 1950.Albert V. Lockhart, PhD '48, superi'[tendent of Thornton Fractional Bigl1School in Calumet City, Ill., died August9, 1950..John W. Holmes, AM '48, of Palatine.Ill., died in an automobile accident lastspring.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINP,Bright New.. WorldFROM MORNING TILL NIGHT, the colors of the rainbow areall around you-through plastics. A blue plastic clock wakesyou, and you flip on an ivory plastic light switch. You takeYour clothes from a yellow plastic hanger. Plastic tooth­brushes come in colors for every member of the family.Cheerful decorating schemes are enhanced by the beautyof plastic drapes. There's no limit to the colors you can getin these versatile materials!But this is only the start of the plastic story. Plasticshelp make better clothing. Modern furniture and furnish­ings owe much to plastics. Much of your food is packagedin clean, clear plastics. Plastics add safety, durability, andappearance to many of your electrical appliances.These versatile basic materials are man-made. Organic chemicals are the ingredients of the "unfinished" plastics- called resins. From these resins come the many differentforms of plastics we know.The people of Union Carbide are leaders in the produc­tion of plastics; resins, and related chemicals. They alsoprovide hundreds of other materials for the use of scienceand industry.F R E E: If yo; would like to know more about manyof the things you use every day, send for the illustratedbooklet" Products and Processes." It tells how scienceand industry use VCe's Alloys, Chemicals, Carbons,Gases, and Plastics; Write for free booklet C.UNION CARBIDEA.lV.Z) CA.R..ll 0-,17'" C O.R.PO:/? .. ·1.' EAST 42ND STREET � NEW YORK 17, N. Y.�---------------Trade-marked Products of Divisions and Units include------------­BAKELITE, KRENE, and VINYLITE Plastics • LINDE Oxygen • PREST-O-LITE Acetylene •. PYROFAX Ga:�NATIONAL Carbons • EVEREADY Flashlights and Batteries • ACHESON Electrodes • PRESTONE and TREK Anti-FreezesELECTROMET Alloys and Metals • HAYNES STELLITE Alloys • SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICALS• .r.-G'(ovivtg, once agaln, that't/� - . -... .. L· d .. f. .. -.''" s- vte:re are malty. YC-tl( � 0 .... ,GOOn MEDICINE• HARVEY WALTElh settled back in hischair on the she1 tered side of the ter­race, closed his eyes and turned up his faceto enjoy the full warmth of the late after­noon sun. it was good to be home again.Good to be si tting here in his fa-vpri te oldchair. GQ.9d to be alive. .He dozed off, presently, as he had sev­eral times that afternoon. Rest ... theysaid that was the important thing, rrghtnow..... i'WhfP. Harvey opened his �y�s a� half­hour later, Fred Parsons was srtting in thechair next to him, smoking his pipe con­tentedly:and looking across the lawn. dHi,'f1red,::"h�said, "where'd you come from?"Fred t�r�ed 'a:h�. grinned. "Y our goodWife, Cjara, let me in ten minutes ago.She's 'back in the kitchen getting yourafternoon snack together. Said she mighteven make/1nf a cup of tea!" He looked.closely at the other man. "Tell me, Harv';'did you ha�'e a pretty bad time 'of it?"J _, ........"Yes I did;Fred. For a few days, tnerr,; things- didn't look too good.' But I had f ..good doctors and good nurses-s-and Clarawas wonderful through it all." Harveywas silent for a .mornent and then said,;"You know, Fred, another thing thathelped me pull through was tha t goodmedicine you sold me twenty years ago.':Fred rais�� his eyebrows questioninglyanti waited.""I mean it, Fred. They didn'thave to tell me things were tough. I knewit. And believe, me, a million things runthrough your-mind.About yourself. Aboutyour family. One thing I remember, outof all the muddle, WaS how good it was faknow that at least Clara would be ableto get along and ,the kidswouldrr't haveto quit college and come home ... "Hepaused for a moment 'and 'then went on."Yes, I believe that knowing those.NewYork Life,policiei',were around did me> anawful l�t of fioo,' at a time when I sureneeded 1� • • • .�I'. ','; •Clara Walt�rs:' came through the c\oorfrom the living-room with a tray" of>€tea..lhings inher hands and said,"It's a beau-tiful 'day, isn't it?"" �. � Her husband looked at her and smiled."It sure i's!"Fred Parsons said, "Couldn't be bet­ter!" And he decided that this was as nicea¢ afternoon as he had spent in many ayear.NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY51 Madison Avenue, New York 10, N. Y.·FEW OCCUPATIONS offer a man so much inthe way of personal reward as life under­writing. Many New York Life agents arebuilding very substantial futures for them­selves by helping others: plan ahead fortheirs. If you would like to know more jabout a life insurance career, talk It overwith the New York 'Life manager in yourcommunity-or write to the Home Office .1at the address above.":"."