In This ssue: MAYHEM ON 56TH STREETEDITOR'SMEMO PADWe lose by a groomVisitors to Alumni Honse since 1942 willreme�ber the pleasant little lady in thereception room who knew all the answersor where she could get them, and tookreal satisfaction in making visitors comfortable and welcome.Although Ruth Leigh was office manaverand could have had her desk awav fr�mthe interruptions of alumni visitors and thepublic, she much preferred to be whereshe co�ld m.eet the members of our hugealumni family. Serving alumni was herwhol.e life-un.til Bob appeared from Califorma on a visi t.That was many long distance calls, hundreds of letters and a number of Californiavacations ago.La.t� last fall we knew our uneasy premomtions were justified. Our Ruth wasmarried to Robert Bigelow and is now l ivil�g in Burlingame, just out of San FranCISCO.Ruth I Ruth IIBut there is a happy ending, even forus. When Bursar Albert Cotton was busywith budgets (but with his blessing whenwe admitted what we were doing), weslipped Ruth Halloran out the back doorof his office and installed her in RuthLeigh's reception room chair.Questionable distinctionA letter from our good friend Bill Dool evof the Notre Dame Alumni Association hadsome complimentary things to say aboutthe January Magazine (which he receiveson an exchange) . But if you knew Billyou'd know that mild kidding is nostranger to the Notre Dame alumni office.His first paragraph refers to the JanuaryMemo Pad and the picture it carried: "...That picture ... should have run with aCalvert ad. It's without any question, 'aman of distinction' .... "M-m-m-m. It certainly has that lookabout it, doesn't it?We guess it's time to admit something.The day we brought Laura Bergquist andLen Colby in as editors of the Magazineand Tower Topics and took that important, detached title, Managing Editor, wesort of lost control of the Magazine. .In our first editorial conference it wasagreed that the Magazine needed moreand better pictures. It was suggested thatat least once every three months the pictures of all col umnists should accompanytheir col umns.We walked into that trap wide open.Actually we had never thought of theMemo Pad as a column-but a letter home.However, we resisted until another columnist balked unless we went along with theplan.And that, Bill, is how the man of distinction made the inside front cover. Ador'[a, by heck!Arthur Gibbon Bovee, '07, has done itag�in.. He has written a new pep song,th.IS time for Georgia, where Artie movedWIth his family to join the French staffw he? he retired from Chicago.HIS problem was finding a word thatwould rhyme with Georgia. With Webster's lack of imagination, Artie made, hisown-and here's the song:"We're all for Georgia-I'll sayWe call for Georgia-Hooray!We love to hear those Bulldogs roarAs they keep piling up the scoreWe yell for more.We've all ador 'ja, by heck!Our dear old Georgia, not Tech!And when the game is over we shall beCarrying on cheering the victory."And you might know that the manwho led the Alpha Delts at scores of Interfraternity Sings, led the Georgia bleacherites at the game with Tech, by heck.Thot for fiftyOne reason we can't save money is beca�lse our neighbors are always buyingthings we can't afford. The Curtis Curier.U. Hi. Class of 140Jane Christie Epstein, '44, secretary ofUniversity High School Class of 1940, incompany with other members of that class,has located all but five of the 126 members.They plan a tenth reunion in May. Thecommittee also plans to publish a historyof each classmate since he left U. Hi. in '40.Christmas present. The Association had a surprise Christmasgift of a brand new Speed-O-Print. Santaproved to be Joseph L. Samuels, '17, treasurer of the Douglas Lumber Company andsecretary of the Speed-O-Print Corporation,Chicago.Joseph's brother, Albert Samuels, MBA'42, is general manager of the DouglasLumber Co. and another brother, William,finishes at the School of Business in Junewhen he will also join the lumber company.This gift doesn't mean you will getmore mailings fro ... headquarters (whichmay be good or bad-depending on yourviewpoint) but better duplication - wehope.Time coversTwice recently Chicago men have appeared on the cover of Time - ChancellorHutchins, November 21, 1949; Senator PaulDouglas, January 16, 1950.Assuming that those who do not haveaccess to Time would appreciate knowingabout the stories, we agreed to Time's request to send postal card announcementsto alumni in the Chicago area. The cardon Paul Douglas read:"Dear University of Chicagoan: I havejust read the story of our own SenatorPAUL H. DOUGLAS in the current issueof TIME Magazine (available January 12).I am sure you will want to read it. Forfear you might miss it, I am dropping youthis carel. Best wishes for 1950. CordiallyHoward W. Mort, Alumni Secretary. Thenext mail brought this:"... You are going out of your functionregarding political propaganda .... Youshould be completely neutral and stay outof politics." Our reply:"Paul Douglas was professor and friendof generations of students at the Universitvof Chicago. His wife, Emily Taft Douglas, daughter of a former member of thefaculty, is an alumna. Although Time paidthe cost and charged it to promotion, Iwas convinced it was of mutual benefit andwould be appreciated by alumni. I failto see any political implications in the note-which I worded carefully in order tobe free of the charge you make .... "All this to answer similar questions inthe minds of members who did not writein but wondered about political insinuationsor spending their dues for postal cards.1950 Club calendarWASHINGTON, D. C., January 15. Speaker: John A. Morrison, '25, SM'27, PhD38,. He�d of Department of Geography,University of Maryland.DENVER, January 16 (and every thirdMonday of each month) at the Daniel's& Fisher Tea Room.LOS ANGELES, January 30 at the FirstCongregational Church. Honored guests:President and Mrs. E. C. Colwell.SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, February5 Coffee Hour at the Claremont HotelBerkeley. Guests of honor: Presidentand Mrs. Colwell.PORTLAND, Oregon, February 24 at theCosmopolitan Club. Speaker and honoredguest: Laird Bell, Chairman, Board ofTrustees.WASHINGTON, D. C., April 18 at HotelStatler honoring President Colwell.PHILADELPHIA, April 19 at the University Club. Honored guest: PresidentColwell.NEW YORK, April 20 at the Town HallClub. Honoring President Colwell.L4ETTERSJRealismAccording to the latest life table, I havea life expectancy of approximately 35 years.Under the terms of your $10 annual payment on a $60 life membership, if I fulfill my life expectancy, I shall have approximate'y five years free membership ...Hence, enclosed you will find my checkfor $10 as the first payment. ...Marshall Brucer, '40, MD '42Chairman, Medical DivisionOak Ridge Institute ofNuclear StudiesHabitMy son-in-law, Harold Christensen, received his MBA degree at Chicago in theSummer Convocation-wearing the samecap and gOW'n in which I received fourdegrees. Three of my children received onedegree each and the fourth daughter twodegrees. Mr. Christensen's degree made thetenth my family has received in that academic outfit. It cost me eight dollars backin 1911.Mr. Christensen is now teaching in Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio.James M. Lively, AM '14, DB '15Mattoon, Illinois.ProSome of us like what E.M.M. wants (lessculture, more University and class notesJanuary Magazine), but we like what hedoesn't want, too.If the University has fresh ideas that aregood-and we believe she has-we hope youwill tell us about them. She stimulated ourminds while we were there �nd we areleased if, through the Magazine, she can�o so still. I congratulate you on a first-rate job. Arthur W. Hummell, '09Chief, Division of OrientaliaLibrary of CongressI hope you �o n?th_ing about the Magazine except mamtau: Its excelle�� makel!P,- and its world-savmg, alumni-improvingcontent.Clyde G. Miller, '47January issue seemed to be the contentfullest ever; it took me hours to completeit.Jane Christie Epstein, '44ChicagoArticles like those by Dr. Bettelheim and.Professor Sharp are what I like best. Icannot bestow enough praise on such instructive and thought-provoking materials.Let us have more like these.A. Rosas Sarabia, JD '49ChicagoI receive several other alumni magazinesfrom outstanding universities and have always wondered why they do not, too, tryto contribute to the intellectual facultiesof their records. To read an article byChancellor Hutchins, for instance, is alwaysan adventure and an inspiration, and soare many of the other contributions ...R. W. Bergner, MBA '48DetroitEd. Note: Confusing, isn't it-after E.M.M.'sJanuary letter?The January number is admirable! Iespecially like the articles by Bettelheim,Sharp, and the story of the dish gardens.Josephine Burnham, '01Lawrence, KansasI enjoyed the recent story on GreatBooks, as I am one of the leaders here inManitowoc. Particularly fine in this issueis the article by Dr. Bruno Bettelheim. Ishall certainly buy his book when it appears.John M. V. Stevenson, '31Manitowoc, Wisc.I was greatly impressed by Ward's articlein the December issue on "Is it True ... "J. L. Duflot, AM '29West Texas State CollegeCanyon, TexasPlease accept my hearty congratulationson the January issue. In my opinion thisis by far the best issue that has yet beenproduced.In general appearance, make up andmaterial used it surpasses all previous issues. The large type used in headlines, theillustrations and pictures add materially toits attractiveness, I enjoyed it immensely.C. F. Leland, '04Executive Counsel, Inc.ChicagoThe new layout is 1000% better thanbefore. The big pictures, the very wellwritten captions, the bold face subheadsall excellent. Please continue! The wholenew dress smacks of "sell." Even the plugon the cover. Just like a regular magazine.Too long have too many University journals been published with the thought theywill be �ead .sirnplv because they come fromt�e Umv�fSIty. Nowadays with so manyslick publI�atlOns competing for attention,every publIcation must put on a face thatattracts the eye.Washington, D. C. Cody Pfanstiehl Volume 42 February. 1950 Number 5PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONManaging EditorHOWARD W. MORT Contributing EditorsJeannette LowreyWilliam V. MorgensternRobert M. StrozierEditorsLAURA BERGQUISTLEONARD L. COLBYIN THIS ISSUEEDITOR'S MEMO PAD COVERLETTERS ....................•.................... COVER 1LIFE AFTER 60, Robert]. H avighurst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2How TO STUDY, Houle, Nelson, Simpson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7MAYHEM ON 56TH STREET, Ed Diamond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11PAUL SNOWDEN RUSSELL, Robert M. Hutchins. . . . . . . . . . . .. 13AFTER THE HOLIDAYS, COMES THE BUDGET, R. Strozier 14PEACE-Is IT So WONDERFUL? William V. Morgenstern .. : 17SCENES TO REMEMBER .C14 DATES A MUMMY'S CASKET, Jeannette Lowrey . 182023CALENDARNEWS OF THE CLASSES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24COVER: The snow flies and hockey sticks beat out a steadytattOQ on the night ice at Stagg Field as players BobLindblom. left. and Bal Bissell come to a sudden haltin a race for the puck.(C over, hockey, R. H avighurst and How to Studyphotographs by Steve Lewellyn, '48.)Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago monthly, from Octoberthru June. Office of Publication, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price $3.00. Single copies 35 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, atthe Post Office at Chicago, Illinois. under the act of March 3, 1879. The American AlumniCouncil, B. A. Ross, advertising director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y., is theofficial advertising agency of the Magazme.By His FeetHere's a playful extract from a letterpassed on to us by Dr. Kellogg Speed, '02,Rush '04.I saw Ralph Hamill a couple of yearsago when he and Mrs. Hamill visited SanFrancisco. Lonnie and Mrs. Stagg came upfrom Stockton and we all had lunch together . . . Ralph still could kid Lonnie.It reminds me of the time we were allon the Cottage Grove Avenue cable car.Lonnie, through some remark, seeminglyevoked the displeasure of the gang and, atRalph's suggestion; he was hung up bythe feet in the hand straps. He lookedfunny hanging there and laughing while the money was running out of his pocketson the floor. Terrible days!Frank Slaker, '02San FranciscoEd. Note: Now, really, that's a pretty talltale!Editorial shockI believe your present requirement for apaid-up subscription to the Magazine is$60.00. Correct? Many years ago I paid$50. Since I enjoy the Magazine somuch I do not wish to be given a partialfree ride or not pay my full share of thecost in making the Magazine as goodas possible. Best regards and good luck.Chicago Harry Benner, '411A NEW AMERICAN DILEMMA:LIFE AFTER 60For 15 or 20 years thereafter, a man of the 20th centurymay enj oy great energy and vitality. It's timeto think about rewards and roles for our aging populaceWITHIN OUR lifetime, andwithin our American society, athird phase has ibeen added to the human life cycle.This phase, which I call later maturity, is rapidly becoming a majorconcern to us. It poses an economicproblem, in the form of social securityprovisions and pensions. It is a political reality: for by 1980, 27 % ofthe voting public will be 60 or over.Obviously, if this group is ever weldedinto a solid political block, it can secure almost anything wi thin reason,and some things beyond reason, fromthe government. It is a matter of intense personal concern to the millionsof people who have already reachedlater maturity, and to the tens of millions who have aging parents, orwho will themselves shortly enter thisphase of life.The three phases of one's life coin- By Robert J. Havighurstcide roughly with these age ranges:birth to 20, 20 to 60, and 60 to death.For phase one; an apt name isPreparation. The individual movesthrough infancy, childhood and adolescence in a ibroad preparatory moveinent which brings him out into adulthood at about the age of 20. Thesecond phase may be called that ofPerformance. A man moves throughearly adulthood and middle age, engaged in the culminating activities ofmarrying, rearing a family, and producing economic goods and servicesactivities essential to the ongoing ofsociety. Then at about 60, he embarks on a retiring phase, which lasts20 or 30 years and carries him throughthe phase which may be called Relinquishrnent.These categories aren't foolproof byany means, nor do they fully comprehend the three life phases. Others2 have been suggested, like: Annunciation, Realization, Renunciation; orAcceleration, Maintenance, and Deceleration.But no term can really conveythe useful picture of life as an unknown continent over which the traveler first climbs the slopes and foothills, until he reaches the broad central plateau, and finally, toward theclose of the journey, descends againover a long, easy downgrade until hereaches a western sea where the sunsets.Until very recently, few peoplelived long enough to enjoy the thirdphase of life. Most who survived infancy died during the middle periodof Performance. At the beginning ofthe 20th century, only six per cent ofthe American populace was over 60.Three out of four people were cutdown during the periods of Prepara-tion or Performance. Only a hardyfew lived into Relinquishment - agroup without much power and smallenough so that its members fitted intosociety inconspicuously, and withoutovermuch trouble to themselves ortheir neighbors.But today the story is different.Twelve per cent of our populationis over 60, and by 1980" upward of20% will be. At least three out of fourpeople born today can expect to liveinto the period of Relinquishment.Even if they want to, they can nolonger just slip into later maturity andold age unnoticed. There are just toomany of them-too many mouths tofeed, backs to clothe, ibodies to shelter,and votes to count.The Chinese wayEach society evolves its own wayof treating older people. The traditional Chinese society, with its emphasis on stability, continuity and conservation, made old age the most honored period of life. Youth and middle age looked up to old age, andsacrificed for its sake. Old age broughtwith it authority, and the right tospeak freely. A Chinese proverb says:"If you wish to succeed, consult threeold men." Eskimo societies, to thecontrary, facing a bitter struggle tokeep the human metabolism going ina frigid environment, rejected old ageas a drain on their social vitality. Anold person, when he felt he could nolonger care for himself, was expectedto wander off alone in the wildernessand die there. The aged among theLabrador Eskimo were sometimes quietly put to death. In Africa, theBushmen forsook their decrepit oldpeople when they moved camp. Veryold Hottentots were carried to solitaryhuts and left with scanty provisions.When missionaries tried to rescuethem, they refused assistance, saying"My children have left me here todie. I am old, you see, and am nolonger able to serve them-it is ourcustom."What will be our attitude towardold age, now that we must face thefact that most Americans are goingto be long-lived? The answer is slowlybeing framed in the minds of theAmerican people, and cannot yet beread i� full. But what the answershould be is worth talking about. Afrank discussion of the matter mayinfluence the answer in some slightdegree.Cicero makes his principal charac-Robert J. Havighurst3 ter, Cato the' Elder, say: "Life's racecourse is fixed; Nature has only asingle path and that path is run butonce, and to each stage of existencehas .been allotted its own appropriatequality; so that the weakness of childhood, the impetuosity of youth, theseriousness of middle life, the maturity of old age-each bears someof Nature's fruit, which must be garnered in its own season."Life and its functionsEach phase of life has its ownfunctions, Cato tells us, each bearsits own fruits and provides its ownreward. What then are the appropriate functions and proper rewards ofthe period of Relinquishment?To frame a proper answer, somedata aibout older people is needed.One important fact is: for 15 or 20years after the age of 60, most peopleenjoy a great deal of energy and vitality. They are just beginning to fallaway from their peak of vigor andproductivity. This is more true ofbrain workers than of manual workers, but even the latter maintain theirskills quite well, unless handicappedby rheumatism or the like.What's more, the vitality and productivity of people 60 to 80 years willsurely increase, as medical sciencefinds new ways to stave off invalidismand death. So the period of latermaturity isn't the same as that ofold age, with all that the phrase "oldage" connotes in loss of power, dependency, and final senility.It's wise then to divide the Relinquishment phase into two periods:4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthat of later maturity, from 60 to 75,and that of old age, from 75 on.I t is the period of later maturity whichneeds special attention.Today we frankly ignore it. Oneday a man is working full time andefficiently in a responsible position.The next, because it happens to behis 65th birthday, or for some equallyirrelevant reason, he is expected toretire and gracefully become an "oldman" overnight. A woman who is awife and mother faces a transformation not so sharp, but just as difficult.Her change begins in the early fifties,as her children grow up and leavehome. The break between Performance and Relinquishment is not assharp as her husband's, but it is muchmore drawn out.Change in lifeIt is for this period of later maturity that Americans must find appropriate functions and proper rewards.This is when the person's role in. thedrama of life changes sharply. Heceases to play the roles of leader ofmen, teacher of youth, builder, master mechanic, producer of goods,breadwinner, father, mother, sexualpartner; and gradually the rewardswhich came with these roles disappear. What is to take their. place?Must people in later maturity play thebi tter barren roles of outsider-looking-i�, recluse, miser, cranky-oldgrandma, old':" man - hanging - ontopower, friendless-person-living-in-oneroom, human vegetable, believer-innothing?The answer depends both on whatolder people do about themselves,and on what society provides them,by way of comfortable roles. Recently,we made a study of the attitudes of1000 adults, between 20 and 60,toward the possible roles of older people. A list of activities in which olderpeople might take part was submittedand they were asked whether theyapproved or disapproved of olderpeople doing these things: .We found that the general publicgave strongest approval to threekinds of endeavor:1. Continues life as in middle agewith "reasonable" tapering off.For example, "accepts minorcivic responsibility such as membership on committees"; "retires The AuthorUntil recently, says Robert J.Havighurst (Education), Americahasn't thought very seriouslyabout its aging population. England and the Scandinavian countries, developed insurance and social programs for the aged afterthe last war.There is increasingly sharp interest in the field, however, asHavighurst and colleague Ernest Burgess (Chairman, Sociology) have found in their old-agestudies at the University. Nowfour years in progress, they aresponsored by the Committee onHuman Development.A recent University roundtable on IIHow to Live 100Years Happily" with Havighurstas a participant, provoked 14,-000 listeners into writing. Thefirst University Institute on theProblems of Old Age, held lastsummer on campus, with Havighurst as chairman, attracted 100specialists in the fie,ld.Burgess and Havighurst areco-authors of "Personal Adjustments in Old Age" (Science Research Associates, 1949) andwill shortly publish findings onanother study. In a county seattown near Chicago, about 100pers�ns over 65 are being interviewed intensively on the problems, dilemmas and rewards ofold age.Until four years ago, Havighurst was better known as an expert on adolescence, and author of "The. Adolescent Character and Personality" writtenwith Hilda Taba. He has an ABfrom Ohio Wesleyan, a PhD inChemistry from Ohio State,taught chemistry and physicsMiami' University (Ohio) and theUniversity of Wisconsin, befor;embarking on the field of experimental education. By '37, he wasdirector of the General Education Board, a Rockefeller-financed foundation, and in '41joined the University faculty asprofessor of education and secretary of the Committee on Human Development. He spenttime in Germany, in both '47and '48, for the Rockefeller Foundation, studying social and ed�cational problems. One of hisrecommendations helped foundthe University project in Frankfurt. from work between the ages of65 and 70"; "plays games withfriends regularly"; "cuts downon work load, but holds on tocontrol of business, or profession,or land."2. Participates in activitres of"elders." For example, "joinsan organization limited to olderpeople"; "spends several hoursa day at club or lodge roomswith old friends."3. Plays specific "old peoples'roles" which are highly favored.For example, "spends a greatdeal of time playing with grandchildren or great - grandchildren."At the opposite pole, these kind ofactivities were strongly disapproved offor older people:1. Overactive, or prolongs activities of middle age beyond reason. For example, "still drivesa car, although his reaction timehas slowed down"; "runs for ahigh state or national office."2. Acts much younger than his age.For example, "seeks the Company of younger people most ofthe time"; "gets married for thesecond time, and to a person 30years younger."3. Inactivity and social isolation.For example, "bas dropped outof all clubs as he has grownolder"; "does nothing, just sitsaround"; "pays very little attention to grown children andtheir friends."When this study was reported in. the press, one headline writer neatlycaptioned the story: Grow Old Gracefully-Totter a Little. The Americanpublic does expect people to "tottera little" in their later maturity. Itdoesn't fully approve when they tryto hold on to the vigor of their middle years.In summary, these are the conditions we must consider in fashioningan American concept of later maturity:An increasing proportion of peopleto be found in the older age bracket;older people possessing more vigorthan they did previously; a publicset of attitudes which accents youthand vigor and yet doesn't expectolder people to display them; higheconomic productivity for the societyas a whole; a basic belief in the good-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEness of living, and in the possibilityof good living at any age.What are the responsibilities of theperson who is moving into this stageof life, and what are those of hissociety?The beginning of later maturity is astage of crises for most people. Theyare facing more new problems andstrange experiences, believe it or not,than at any time since adolescence!, It is no smooth, easy period of gracefully and gratefully shedding thecares and tasks of a busy life. "Youcan't teach an old dog new tricks,"goes the saying, yet people in theirsixties must learn more new thingsthan the middleaged. Moreover, theyhave to unlearn many old habits andattitudes, which no longer serve themwell. These adjustment problems takethe real measure of a man or woman,and put a whole life to test. Successesand failures in youth and adulthoodare reflected in the successes and failures with which they meet later maturity.Their four major problems areroughly as follows:1. Adjustment to Death of Spouse.In our research work, we often hearremarks like: "I hope when my wife(or husband) dies, I can go too. Lifewon't be worth while after that."After 40 or 50 years of living with amarital partner, it is difficult in theextreme to face life alone. A manand wife become so thoroughly wedded, they work out a single life pattern which cannot go on, without theboth of them.Getting along without one's spouseis usually the woman's task in theUSA. Men die younger than women,and women tend to marry older men.The average woman is a widow, before she is 70. The average man doesnot lose his wife until he is 85.2. Adjustment to Loss of Employment and Reduced Income.In American society, a job is theaxis of life for most men, and a goodmany women. Without work, the individual feels he no longer counts,that he is no longer a worthy memberof society. Yet occupation must beabandoned by the majority of people,professional or manual workers, sometime between the ages of 60 and 70.Half of American men quit work by65.Some people fill the vacuum created by retirement with a useful and interesting leisure-time activity; othersfind a part-time job to keep thembusy and happy; too many fret andmope over forced inactivity.Money problemsIf one's income is seriously cut,along with retirement, another crucialproblem appears, that of reducing expenditures, which usually also meansnarrowing of contacts. An elderlylady will feel she must drop out ofDR. HAVIGHURSTPREDICTS:That some of these solutionsto the problems of old age mayevolve in the future:1. Schools for older people..with classes in investments,hobbies, dramatics, dancing,music and films. A few suchexperimental courses have already met with considerableresponse.2. Single family houses with asmall section on the groundfloor, known as the grandmother apartment.3. An O.M.C.A., or O.W.C.A.,patterned after the Y.M.C.A.and Y.W.C.A.4. Increasing numbers of doctors, who specialize in thediseases of old age.5. Politics catering to olderpeople, who if they vote ina block, will be more numerous than veterans or organized labor.6. Newspapers, r a d i 0 sandmovies keying entertainmentto older people. Newspapersmay have "Old Age Editors,"just as they now have sportsand financial editors.7. Small villages in warm climates, especially planned forolder people, with movies,libraries, res ta uran ts andchurches.her Ladies Circle, because she cannotpay her dues. An older man stops attending lodge, at a time when he hasmore leisure time than ever before.At present, this task is made needlessly difficult for people. In certainprofessions the retirement rules are 5inflexibly rigid. Business and industry are rejecting older people andretiring their employees relativelyyoung. Yet, during the war, manymen in their 60's and 70's proved capable of doing 80ra as much work asin their prime. Our society's abilityto treat its members as human individuals, and not as mere cogs in amachine, is put to the test in this matter of retirement policy.3. Affiliation with the Age-Group ofElders.Try as one can to keep young, andto avoid being classed as "elderly"the day must come when you say toyourself: "I'm not as young as I usedto be-I'd better be my age." Thisframe of mind is hastened by thefact that the cost of participating in amiddle-age group rises more steeplythan the gains. Middle-age life mayprove fatiguing, and the tempo toorapid; the older person becomes embarrassed at being unable to keep up,financially, physically and vocationallywith the younger group. He may feelignored, or pushed aside by younger·people.Then he begins to find more rewardin an older-age group. The tempo oflife is more comfortable, and bettersuited to him; he finds companionship more easily among other peoplewho have leisure time; more positionsof prestige and leadership are opento him. For 30 or 40 years, the agingperson has participated in occupational, social and religious groups, inwhich age-grading was at a minimumand status was achieved on the basisof social position, economic power,talent and other things largely independent of age. Now he must learnto participate once more in an agegraded group.4. Adjustment to Decrease of Physical Vigor.Eventually, no matter how wellcared for, or how much a person hasbeen spared accident and germ diseases the human body ages, in almost everyone of its cells and cellularsystems. Cells gradually lose theirself-repairing properties, and slowdown in their nutritional processes.The senses lose their acuity. Heartdisease comes on slowly for at least50ro of older people, and makes invalids out of many. Fully half thepersons who live to be 70 must adapt6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthemselves to several years of invalidism before they die.5. Finding Satisfactory Living Arrangements.The high incidence of heart disease and rheumatism in older peoplemakes physical exertion difficult ordangerous, and argues against stairclimbing and heavy housework. Foodpreparation and selection must bemore careful. Decreasing metabolicactivity of the body makes it difficultfor an older person to keep warm, andhe requires good heating facilities.The chief things elderly people lookfor in housing, studies show, are:quiet, privacy, independence of action,nearness to relatives and friends, residence among own cultural group,cheapness, closeness to transportationlines and' communal institutions-libraries, shops, movies, churches.Where to live?Seventy-eight per cent of men over60, it was found in 1940, lived inprivate households as heads of families; 38% of the women lived in pri'va te households as wives of the headsof the home, and another 30% in private households as heads of families.Of those who didn't reside in theirown homes, women lived mostly withchildren (180/0), men about equallywith children (8%) and in privatehomes as lodgers (5%). Only 4.5%of men and 3.3% of women over 60lived in old people's homes, hotelsand lodging houses . . . partially 'because of the scarcity of good institutions.The following housing arrangementshave been suggested for older people:Small villages in warm climatesspecifically planned for old people.These villages should have movie, library, restaurant and church facilities.Housing units specially designedfor older people in all parts of thecity, with heating, cooking and laundry facilities planned for their use.Dwelling units (small a partmen ts) ,in single-family residences, designedfor three-generation families. Grandparents would have a small apartment of their own, which would givethem quiet and privacy, and yet theywould be in the same house with therest of the family, and could help andbe helped as need arises.Cooperative housing projects for older people, with communal eating,laundry and other facilities.Old people's homes, best for peoplewith limited ability to care for. themselves physically.The way each man or woman adjusts to later maturity depends, ofcourse, on his native equipment formeeting these and other problems.He must draw on the slow accretion ofhis experience and wisdom in dealingwith life, and in part on the explicitpreparations he has made for old age.These might be as follows: Frequent medical examinations and informed attention paid to diet, in his50's and 60's. By many foresightfulsteps, he can postpone or mitigatemany of the physical ills we mistakenlytake for granted as inevitable in laterlife. Again, he can safeguard his economic future by wise choices in insurance, annuity, home ownership, andso on. Groundwork for retirementmay consist in tapering off slowly,from a professional practice, retailbusiness or farm; or finding a parttime job to last several years after retirement from one's regular job; or developing a hobby, either with orwithout money-making possibilities.Two approaches to old ageGenerally, these two philosophiesexist about later maturity, and muchcan be said for both of them.One has been called the Stay r oung-K eep Active approach. Its creedis: Keep on working. If retired fromone jab, get another. Do something,by all means. Good samples of successful practitioners: Bernard Baruch,Alben Barkley, Arturo Toscanini, William Green, Herbert Hoover.A young woman with an eye forthe practical recently formed the project known as Grandmothers, Inc.The idea was to develop 'branches inmany 'cities for grandmothers whowant to keep active and earn money.An employment office is to be established to seek out jobs that olderwomen can perform well, such asbaby - tending, operating telephoneswitchboards during periods of lightwork, temporary sales jobs, and leading groups of older people for recreation.The Keep Active philosophy is personified especially by retired YMCAsecretaries, perhaps more than any other occupational group. They usually retire from YMCA work in theirearly sixties, and get other employment. Out of 110 retired secretaries,in the midwestern area with an average age of 72, 69 were employed fullor part-time in 1946-47. Fifty-threeper cent of the 69 said they were ashappy or happier in their work thanbefore. Thirty-nine of the 69 had incomes as great or greater than at thetime of retirement.Growing 'old, gracefullyThe alternative is the Grow OldGracefully-Rocking Chair Approach.Social horizons are gradually narrowed, efforts and responsibilities reduced, physical activity slowed down.If the process of slow-tapering-off isextended over 20 or 25 years, thenRelinquishment may be rewardedwith its most appropriate and satisfying fruits. The older person mayturn over his business responsibilitiesto a younger man, or if he has workedat a trade or in a factory, retire andlive on his Social Security benefit,eked out by money from odd jobs.The older woman may drop out ofhen, more strenuous church activitiesand keep house modestly, often moving to a smaller house or apartment.She visits her children occasionallyand plays with the grandchildren butdoesn't attempt to manage any partof their lives. With this slowing downof the life pattern is combined an increased interest in the activities of thepresent and immediate future, as contrasted with the greater emphasis onthe next year or five or ten years,found in the Stay Young Group.The Grow Old clan tends to live agreat deal with memories.There a ppear to be social s ta tusand sex differences in the choices ofthese two ways of life in old age.Generally, people of middle class statusfollow the Stay Young theory, whilethose of lower class status Grow OldGracefully. The upper class is dividedrather evenly between the two. Characteristically, the upper-middle classbusiness or professional person findsit most awkward to grow old. Heinsists on staying young, or denyingthe fact of his age, though it may bepatent to everyone else.Again, men tend to prefer the Stay(Continued on page 22)HOW .TO STUDYWant to learn more, get out of a rut, advance on the job?Adult study can help-,and it isn't so hardEditor's Note-Time andagain, counselors at the U niuersity's Downtown Co l l e g eheard adults say: «I want tostudy, but I'm not sure I cando the work any more." "It'sbeen such a long time since 1was in school, I feel very rusty."ret the desire to learn more,to .advance on, the job, to ge;out of the rut of the middleyears-in short, the motivationsfor study - were far greaterthan among younger people.So a two-session, tuition-freerefresher course was scheduledfor winter quarter, titled "Hoioto Study." Casual mention wasmade that 125 people could beaccommodated. The quota wasfilled on the basis of a singleletter sent to personnel directors in Chicago industry. Whenthe regular announcement appeared, then came the realdeluge.A second section for 125 wasopened, then a third, then afourth. N ow, it appears, thecourse will be repeated at thebeginning of each quarter.Sessions included talks byCyril Houle, Dean of ihe Downtown College, Mrs. ElizabethSimpson, director of the AdultReading Service for the IllinoisI nstitute of Technology, andCharles Nelson, Director of theBasic Program of Liberal Education for Adults, and the GreatBooks program.Reading tests were also given,and unfortunately it is impossible to duplicate the spontaneousdiscussion which took place insmaller groups, after the talks.In essence, however, this was, the nub of the sensationally-successful "Hoto to Study" series. 8.ACK IN the third century B.C.,King Ptolemy J asked Euclidto teach him geometry, by somemethod less arduous than the onewhich was theri-and is _' now-invogue. A little austerely, Euc1�d, replied: "There is no royal road _'togeometry. "There is no royal road to any kindof learning that is worthwhile, Thebest a course in How to Study cando is provide you with flashlight,compass, and certain wise old sayings, as comfort when you feel lost.You ask: Can adults learn? Canthey learn anything really significant?Does what they learn really matter?As encouragement, history showstime and again tha tadults are educatable.Through the centuries,many busy and distinguished men have. foundit profitable, delightfulor necessary to use theirrna ture years in furtherstudy. None of the greatand renowned teachersPlato,' Socrates, Confucius or Buddha - taughtchildren.Modern psychologicalresearch is just beginningto appraise the kind andquality of learning whichis appropriate to eachphase of life. We haveno conclusive answersyet, but existing data, insomewhat wavering' fashion, point to several interesting conclusions.1. Adults can learnbetter than children can.The general ability-to- ,_learn rises throughout Dean Cyril O. Houle gives some encouraging factschildhood, levels. off at and figures about the ability of adults to learn.By Cyril O. Houle7 about 20, and begins declining againonly very gradually after the ageof 30.H we divide the general "abilityto-learn" into its two parts-"capacity to absorb learning" and "speedof learning," we find that only thelatter declines.2. Thus-Older people can stilllearn whatever they want to learn.It just takes them longer.Why? Is it because of any slackening of mental powers, or the gradual slowing down of physical reactions? For certain kinds of learning,involving physical skills, this is partlytrue. However, one pertinent studydivided adults into two groups: inthe first, people who had never embarked on any formal learning in8 'T H E U N I V E R SIT Y 0 F CHI C AGO MAG A Z I N Eadulthood; in the other, those whohad engaged in educational activitiesthroughout their maturity. The speedof learning declined much greater ingroup one, than group two.2. So-Ability to learn is stronglyaffected by practice. One who keepson learning, retains the ability.The American public is studyi'ngToday, and increasingly for thepast 25 years, adults have been learning such a wide array of skills and artsyou are tempted to conclude that anyadult can learn anything. InYMCA's, in public evening schools,correspondence and University extension courses, through directed reading in libraries, they are acquiringnew facts. They are heighteningtheir appreciation and enjoyment ofaesthetic values. They are gainingunderstanding which makes experience meaningful by relating it togeneral concepts. They are even being subject to influences whichchange their life attitudes in fundamental ways.There are, of course, limits to theability to learn. Some people naturally have more innate talent andpotentiality than others.. A greatmany people can learn to play thepiano, or absorb facts about history,or understand metaphysics, or appreciate the fine arts. But some willalways do so with more quality anddepth. That is as true of children,as it is of adults. It is an attributeof humanity, not maturity.Psychiatrists say that certain personality traits are structural, arid cannever be changed in later life. Thenature of these elements isn't quiteclear, and seems to vary from psychiatrist to psychiatrist, but there isno doubt truth to the contention.However, if we were to take literallythe assumption that one's personalityis irrevocably formed by the age ofthree, then even nursery school is toolate to be educated!Despite these general limitations,adult students demonstrate to us constantly, at the downtown college, that!heir learning does make a differ�nce. As they register for their second or fiftieth course, they tell us howstudy has been of value-perhaps they For anyone who doesn't know quite what to study, counseling advice is a goodidea. It's available at the Downtown College, which now offers more than 90courses for credit and 25 lecture and seminar groups. A dean, Russell Becker,is here being helpful.understand the world better, theyappreciate life more, they have acquired new abilities or insights whichmake them more effective individuals. They may even have movedinto better. jobs. .Statistics culled from studies ofother segments of the population,lead to the same conclusion. A survey, held by the Agricultural Extension Service of the U. S. Departmentof Agriculture, shows that the productivity of both rural and urbanworkers rises sharply after trainingprograms are introduced. We candefinitely see that accidents, diseaseand delinquency decrease as theircause and prevention are taught theadult citizenry.These results are parallelled, in lessdramatic .form, in the cultural andsocial realms. The great social advances of the Scandinavian countries, which have enjoyed the mostadvanced and broadly based adultstudy programs for 100 years, is theclearest illustration of the power learning.The conclusion seems inescapable:that adults can learn, they can learnany variety of things, and what theylearn really matters. II. By Charles Arthur NelsonROBERT BENCHLEY, in MyTen rears in a Quandary andHow They Grew writes about a manwho told his parrot to roll over. Theparrot obliged, and this set Benchleyto pondering.He wondered what he would dofirst, to influence a parrot into rollingover ... or just where he would beginin building a bridge, or rearing askyscraper.It's a point well taken-for it'sthat first move, in any creative endeavor, which seems most formidable.Once under way, things aren't sotough.In adult study, the first move isdeciding on a subject to study. Thisisn't always as easy as it sounds. Atthe downtown college, we talk tomany undecided people. They mayhave technical educations, and wantto embark on broader studies-justwhich ones they're not sure. Otherswant mental stimulus, or to furtherpursue college studies, but don'tknow how to go about it. If in doubt,seek counseling advice, available atany good adult education center. Acounselor can help you settle quicklyTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEon a profitable program.Then set up a time schedule, andarrange regular periods of study.This is especially important foradults who usually have many interests competirig for their time. It'snot too difficult, believe it or not, torise an hour earlier in the morning,and then, after breakfast and :abracing cup of coffee, to study foran hour before work begins. . Thisis an excellent study period, for youare most alert, and your mentalequipment is fresh and rested. No onewho puts in a full day in office orshop, and comes home a nerve-rackedcommuter, can expect to apply himself very diligently in the evening toSpanish or the Great Books-especiallywith distractions from family orfriends.Early morning study, for shortperiods, has another advantage. Surveys of learning habits indicate thatcomparatively short periods of learning, regularly spaced, are more effective than long, concentrated ones.Again, this is especially true forworking people, who may find theirstudy habits a bit rusty, and notstrong enough to permit continual,efficient performance over long periods.Next, find the right place to study.I sugges't, as an ideal, a solitary room,well-lit, and temperately heated. Youare not disqualified if you live in anoverheated, dark, two - and - a - halfroom apartment, and have four noisy,growing youngsters and a wife whois enthralled by television. But thesearen't the best conditions underwhich learning takes place.Once these simple first moves aremade, you will find yourself becoming concerned with the problemswhich the subject itself raises, ratherthan the problem of how to study.You are on the road to learning.Author Nelson Algren said recentlythat you learn to write by writing.You also learn to study by studying,but that doesn't mean there aren'tstudy habits which will prove useful.How to readReading habits are important. Youmay have to grapple with many kindsof material, and your reading speed,and trea tmen t, should vary with eachkind. Textbooks are generally straightforward, expository works, but the student may also peruse artistic andhistorical volumes, newspaper andmagazine articles, fiction. An advanced text on International Relations cannot be read at the samespeed as Forever Amber. If youmust read Forever Amber-and Ican't think of any good reason whyyou should-do so at breakneckspeed. No matter how rapid thepace, you are still wasting your time.In general,. .even more reputableworks of fiction can be read fasterthan expository or difficult artisticworks. Reading speed varies thenwith difficulty of comprehension.Treatment should vary as well. Toread a textbook, first examine thetable of contents, and skim the wholevolume rapidly. Then read it a second time, more carefully, chapter bychapter, and at the end of each chapter, perhaps, write a short outline.This should cover the leading ideas,most definitive propositions, andcrucial facts which have been presented. Re-read the book rapidly athird time to see it as a whole, andthe relationship of the parts to thatwhole.Obviously, a novel is not read thisway. Any work of art must be seenin its unbroken entirety, to be understood at all. A poem or play requires successive and careful rereadings of the entire work to yield fullcomprehension.How to listenListening habits make a differencetoo. Unfortunately, a great deal ofeducating is done via lecture. Tobe profitable, the lecture should begood, but the audience must also listen creatively. Whether the taking ofnotes is advisable depends entirely onhow they are taken, and used. Theyshould provide a clear outline of thelectures' essential ideas, and later bereviewed. Notebooks are nearly alwaysthe graveyards of information whichstudents fail to master. Review-orra ther reflection and recollection-s-isessential in listening in order to learn.How to writeWriting, a third step III the studypattern, usually takes the shape ofessays or reports. These are writtenfrom outline, but there is an easy andhard way to begin.Need you have a crystal-clearoutline in mind before you put any- 9thing on paper?Quite the contrary. You, will findthat you rarely get anything written,if you insist on so logical and ambitious a mental ordering. Thesoundest, quickest way is to simplywrite down, as it occurs to you andwithout regard for order, anythingthat comes into your head on thesubject. You may find, in the jumble, that you have interspersed examples and anecdotes with main ideas,chance phrases, and perhaps some totally irrelevant points. Don't worry,this first rough collection will servethe great purpose of getting started.Once you've jotted down everything you can think of, it becomesfairly easy to go back and identifythe main ideas, and secondary points;you may even find that additionalmaterial occurs to you, in the composing of the next draft. Thinkingand reflection on the subject will befacilitated by the written reminders.Your second outline, then, is theone which brings order out of chaos.When it is finished, you can compose the masterpiece itself, in yet athird version. Ideas clearly in mind,you now concentrate on phrasing, sentence structure and grammar. Writeclearly, by all means, for clarity isnearly always the mark of clear thinking. Even the most obscure and complex ideas need not be expressed obscurely and complexly.When to stopWhen should you stop reading orwriting?Logically, I suppose, on finishing acertain portion of work. But if youare a procrastinator, like most of thehuman race, you may find it easier toresume work at some point easilypicked up. So try stopping in themiddle of something you already haveclearly in mind. Go back to work,next time, at a painless starting point;then you can work up some steambefore tackling the next tough problem.Here is one very general observation about the nature of learningwhich may prove useful.In his Aims of Education, AlfredNorth Whitehead describes 'the learning cycle. It consists of three stages-those of romance, precision, andgeneralization. Every learning expe-10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINErience, to be complete, must roundthis, cycle.Three steps in learning, The stage of romance is that firstperiod of excitement and unregulatedexhiliration about the 0 b j e c t ofknowledge. A 13-year old boy's excitement on mixing chemicals andproducing invisible ink, for the firsttime, might be an example. Romanceprovides the incentive for more careful examination.The second stage, precision, requires the orderly mastery of facts,data, information. In the study oflanguage, it would be mastering conjugations and declensions; in mathematic, equations; in chemistry, formulas; in history, dates; in law, precedents and procedures.Generalization is the stage of fruition, when knowledge becomes usefulin discovering general ideas .amongparticular cases. One discovers principles for action, in the fields of ethicsor politics; principles for interpretation, in constitutional law; certainlaws, in physics; tendencies in economics; doctrines in theology; grammatical and rhetorical principles inwritten and spoken languages.Unfortunately, too many of us mistake learning for either the 'romanceor precision stages alone. But I repeat, learning is abortive unless itgoes through all three cycles.Teaching and learning methodsclearly differ in each stage. If youcan roughly gauge where you stand,in any given subject, in relation tothe cycle, you can more successfullyadapt study habits to your presentneeds. In the stage of precision, rotememory is the usual intellectual attitude; but an attitude of carefree, andeven reckless, abandon is more suitable to the" stage of romance. Generalizations are arrived at only afteran uninhibited, and yet disciplined,over-view of the whole field, in itsmost romantic and precise aspects.Getting back to Benchley, there is athird moral to the story. Don't be aparrot. Most students spend most oftheir study time cultivating the artof imitating their teachers. They regard learning as the art, of reproducing on examination papers the opinions of the instructor. They recallhis particular emphases, rememberthe facts he remembers. If he be aThomistic philosopher or Keynsian economist, then they are faithfullyThomists or Keynsians.I repeat don't be a parrot. Learning should be an independent activity of your own mind. You can studybad textbooks, appease bad teachers,and make good scores on bad examinations, without really learning anything. Learning is. the developmentof your critical powers; and you needcourage to be critical.True learning requires moral, aswell as intellectual growth.III. By Mrs. Elizabeth SimpsonPEARL BUCK wrote in a recentarticle, "Most Americans read inhal ting fashion, balking at long words,confused by ideas conveyed throughcombinations of letters."The facts back her up. The averageadult goes through life with a readingability no 'better than he had in sixthor seventh grade. He reads about150 to 250 words a minute, thougha college graduate may average 350,to 450. Even this is under par. For500 to 600 words a minute is the speedadvisable and easily possible for mostpeople. Experts say, as a matter offact, that the great majority of peopleare only 20% as efficient in their reading as they could be.What is really unfortunate is thatpoor reading can have the most unhappy consequences, seldom reckonedon by the poor reader. It appears tobe the most important single causeoperative in scholastic .failures-fromthe grammar school through university level. It can be the root of serious personality problems, and in someinstances, handicap an otherwise diligent person in his job.Reading, as you may begin togather, is, by no means the simplecommunicative skill it seems.I t is important first to understandthe nature of the reading process.Some people mistake slow readingfor thorough reading, and think thatrapid reading must necessarily beca;eless. This isn't true. The slowreader is usually the word reader,who pauses or fixes on each word, oreven parts of words. In this choppedup fashion, he understands very little'of what he reads, and spends far toomuch time in the process. Often hemay be carrying over the oral readingof his childhood into silent reading.This results in some form of vocaliza- tion, or sub-vocalization-in lip orthroat movement, or the hearing andseeing of just one word at a time.The good reader, on the other hand,reads in thought units, and his eyespan embraces more' than one wordeach time he fixates. Consequentlyhis understanding is better. The average adult can read 300 words aioudper minute. He should be able to 1double the rate, reading silently.Four factors play a role in yourreading habits:Mental capacityVisual skillsReading skillsPersonali tyYour mental capacity, as you mightsuppose, sets the limits on how muchyou can improve and achieve. Visualadjustment - including muscle' balance, acuity, depth perception, insum, the 21 skills of vision-helpsbetter reading. Reading skills coverword - recognition, word - meanings,comprehension, and reading rate. Theperson who has a reading problemmay find it rooted in deeper problemsof the whole personality. It may bea neurotic manifestation, so he mustconsider this too, in trying to improvehis skill.No magic solutionI wish I could say that one book,method, or instrument would magically solve all reading problems. Goodtexts on reading problems are still inthe process of preparation and atpresent, some kind of professionalhelp is almost necessary to the improving of skills.But because many people maynever find the time, nor opportunity,to seek professional assistance, a listof some of the ways we work in reading clinics may prove helpful.If your trouble lies in recognizingwords, we advise you to:1. Learn more about the soundsof letters.2. Study .the rules of syllabication.To develop vocabulary:1. Use contextual clues, or thematerial which has gone beforeand after, to enrich one's understanding of, the shades anddegrees of word meanings.2. Learn, and make use of, the30 or 40 most common prefixes,suffixes and roots of words tounlock word meanings.(Continued on page 24)Author Ed Diamond. left. and Leon Gabinet brake- to a snow-flying halt as they fight for the puck near the board.MAYHEM ON 56TH STREETNature and its whims-including a pair offrozen glasses and the birth of a babyalmost "de-iced" a hockey teamEVERY dyed-in-the-wool sportsfan likes a sports quiz! For example, what sport can be in seasonand out of season at the same time?Answer? Outdoor ice hockey! Howcome? Well, if the weatherman predicts freezing weather, you're in season; and if he says warm for tomorrow, you're out of season. Thereinlies the story . of how ice hockey atthe University began.The University hockey team dates By Ed Diamond, 147. AM'49from three years ago. Always readyto send a team to the athletic wars(see January issue-physical education department issues grid equipmentand Plato whips Aristotle, 6-0) thedepartment rounded up the necessary equipment and the boys wereoutfitted. Arrangements were madeto use Stagg field for more thanjust a site for atomic research: theice rink under the north stand wassecured. Ii was a natural site for it's11 usually 20 degrees cooler there thanany other spot in Chicago. Thestands blot out the January sun whilethe north wind funnels straight downthe ice surface. A student veteran ofrink-war cajoled students into tryingout for the team. He promised thestudents bruising warfare. About 20capitulated.The team began strenuous practicesessions. There was no doubt it wasprepared to die for the Old Maroon.Goalie Brockie Dilworth. back to net. is determined to keep the opposition fromscoring as Leon Gabinet. coming up from the rear. BiU Bissell. front center. andBob Lindblom. extreme right. fight for puck.The team soon discovered there isnot always any relation betweenpracticing for games and playingthem-at least, in outdoor hockey.January and February blew hot andcold-with less of the latter-and iceand hockey were strangers. A frozenplaying site never "crystallized." Then,Nature intervened again. The manager-captain-goalie Bill Pfender, '47,became a father and left ice hockeyfor bottle duty at his wife's request.The coming of the Pfender babyand the temperamental weather closeda season which never opened.The next year was more successful.The weather was uniformly cold andthe new squad took upon itself another captain-this one also a goalie.The new captain, Dave Rendleman,'48, was not indiscriminately selected.The squad could not cope withNature and its whims, but it couldbe sure that Rendleman was unmarried! He handled his administrativeduties well. But the squad that season was to learn even more aboutselection of goalies. Rendleman woreglasses and the cold caused them tofrost; opponents scored almost at will.The University hockey team of 1948finished the season ingloriously-novictories and five defeats. The squad,dejected, noted mentally that no future captain-goalie would be marriedor wear glasses - especially if the glasses frosted up when opponentswere in scoring position.The following year, last season, thehockey team came into its own. Playing a full six-game schedule it droppedonly two contests. Several of thescores were respectable-even by professional standards: 4-2, 8-7, 7-2.To show how in this sport it is easyto rise from obscurity-one athletewho had scor-ed only one goal in twoprevious years of regular and practicesessions, netted three goals in theopener against Wheaton College. Hefinished the season with seven more.Then came the announcement ofthe 1949-50 season. As this story iswritten the personnel of the squad isalmost determined. Only the weathercan prevent fulfillment of the schedule.The team's outlook this season issomewhat dimmed; one outstandingveteran has taken leave for Canadaand a government job. Another, ablonde athlete known only as the "Flying Finn," has returned to Finlandon an expired visa. But, on the favorable side, and this is not according toprecedent, last year's captain, unmarried and minus glasses, is ready foraction. And so are many others whocome from such icy sectors as Minnesota and Canada. There are someChicagoans on the squad (and evensome Southerners).The names of this year's opponents12 reads like a sandlot league-South ..west Falcons, 75th Street BuzzardsOak Park Acorns, Dante Lions, Polish�American Flyers, Chi-Guys and Backof the Yards Aces.The �verage fan might assume thathockey .is inherently a "dirty" game.On the contrary, it's a clean, hardgame which produces surprisingly fewinjuries.vThe '(mly ones incurred areminor+ecut lips, bruised ribs, bloodynoses. II?- hockey, these injuries mustbe accepted as minor. Players areinterested in skillful, hustling hOckey.Fighting is the exception ratherthan the rule. All realize that thesetactics have no place in the game.Any. mix-ups which do developare broken up by cooler heads--or bythe half-dozen or so spectators Whowatch the games. On one occasion, ina particularly hard-fought night affairagainst the Polish-American Flyers inStagg Field, fisticuffs broke out in thelast five minutes. Flurries spread evento the bench. The "fun" was quicklydissipated when the rink-attendantturned off the lights. Unable todistinguish between friend or foe ,the rhubarb ended. Several minuteslata, at game's end, players ofboth teams were shaking hands andchatting amiably in the locker room.I t was noted that this technique oflights out served as '3. guarantee toquell disturbances during night con ..tests.Out of the pastTo several members of this year'ssquad certain contests of the past loomas standouts. For example, last Febru ..ary when a match was played inweather ten degrees below zero. Andthe time when the Wheaton Collegeteam arrived short handed and filledin with some "Wheatonites" from thestands. Wheaton won!F or ice hockey here there are nocrowds in the stands, no. letters ornumerals as in organized sports, noprofessional contracts waiting, no recruiting by alumni, no radio hookups,or Bowl bids or marching bands, noteven a Maroon reporter. Yet on Monday and Wednesday nights-and Saturday afternoons-about 25 students,and the author of this piece (University staff) are having one heck ofa time-zero weather permitting.PAUL SNOWDEN RUSSELLBy Robert M. HutchinsMemorial address given by theChancellor at services in RockefellerMemorial Chapel on January 10.I HAVE BEEN asked to say a few. personal words about our friendPaul S. Russell, and I am glad to doit; for I knew him well and admiredhim greatly. I cannot do him justice,hut probably none of us could do that,because he was a versatile, many-sidedman, whose activities were so numerous that none of us could 'be associated with him in all of them. He wasgood citizenship personified. Noworthy cause went without his help.He was a leader in many of them.His three principal interests were hisfamily, the Harris Trust, which henever referred to except as The Bank,and the University of Chicago. I haveto talk about him chiefly as I saw himin connection with the University ofChicago.Of his three principal interests hisfamily of course came first. It wouldhe hard to say which came next, theUniversity or The Bank. I tried tofind out several times by asking himto resign from the Bank and becomean officer of the University. He always put me off by referring to hisobligations and by saying that hecould do more for the University asa trustee than an officer. But I suspect that he was destined to be president of The Bank. We may be grateful that he lived to fulfil his destiny.I first met Pete Russell more thantwenty years ago at Lakeside, when Icame out to be inspected as a possiblepresident for the University. I wastold that he was a University of Chicago football hero and a bond salesman. I was struck, of course, by hiswonderful appearance and physique,for he looked and. moved like a youngIndian chief in one of FenimoreCooper's novels. But I was even morestruck by his conversation. He saton the floor in Harold Swift's livingroom and talked about the Universityin a way in which I had never heardany alumnus, and certainly no football - playing, bond - selling alumnus,talk about his Alma Mater before. He Paul S. Russellwas interested in education and ineducational ideas, and he wanted toknow what the University of Chicagocould do about them.He had a very strong sentimentalattachment to the University. He andhis wife and children had all studiedhere. His best friend was Chairmanof the Board, and he was himself themost popular member of the alumnibody. The unusual thing was thatwith such a deep romantic feelingabout the University he had such aclear view of its aims and what itshould do to achieve them. He wasprepared to favor any change that hethought would make the Universitya better educational institution. Thereason was that he had an originaland independent mind. He was oneof the rare people who can look aproblem in the face and ask what isthe right thing to do about it, without regard to prejudice or interest.You may imagine the gratitude I felton more than one occasion 'when Iwas able to say to the constituency ofthe University that Pete Russell hadapproved a move of which they werecomplaining. The alumni had confidence in Pete; because they had confidence in him they would not opposepolicies that he supported.No one who knew Pete Russellcould suppose that he was misguidedor dragooned. He made up his ownmind. His decision could be wrong;but it was always his. I have hadmany heated arguments with him overthe years, some of which I lost. As atrustee he was as faithful in his at-13 tendance as he was penetrating in hiscriticism. He was a master of theembarrassing question. His favoritetechnique was to make the most outrageous interpretations, accusations,and inquiries with a perfectly straightface. When he had succeeded in provoking a reaction he would go offinto those gales of laughter which areamong my pleasantest recollections ofUniversity meetings.It is hard to imagine the Universitywithout Pete Russell. In an almostliteral sense he" lived and died on thiscampus. He knew all the alumni. Heknew as many professors as the officersof the U niversity, and far more students. He and his wife .and childrenmade their home a center for University people of all ages. He was amember of the Board of InternationalHouse from his foundation and had adefinitive influence on the policy ofthe House in its formative years. Hewas for many years a member of theCommittee on Instruction and Research of the Board of Trustees. Hehad been Chairman of its Committeeon Development. He was a memberof the special committee on the Encyclopaedia Britannica, in the acquisition of which he played a leadingrole. At the time of his death he wasChairman of the Investment Committee arid a member of the Budget Committee and the Medical and BiologicalCouncil.He had the financial interests ofthe University constantly on his mind.He was continually asking people formoney for the University and alwaysprodding the officers to ask for it. Hisviews of university investment policywere not quite conventional; for hewas imaginative and daring in thisrespect as he was in every other. ButI had an opportunity of watching theresults of his advice over a long period of time, and the predictions hemade and the policies he recommended have turned out to he right.Yet he knew that if an insti tu tionhas no ideas, all the money in theworld will not do it any good. Hewas excited about ideas and men whohad ideas. He was a member of theGreat Books group at the University14· THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEClub, where he showed the same directness and independence that characterized him everywhere else. He gotmore and more interested in theMedical School on the Midway because he thought it had a wonderfulidea and was full of active men withlots of ideas. Before his last illnesshe was devoting so much time to theMedical School that he told me heexpected to get fired from the Bankany day.The range of his activities is themore remarkable when we rememberthat he was plagued by many diseasesin the last fifteen years. He may havecomplained about them, but I nevercould get him to do so to me. Icould not make out that he was particularly interested in them. He stuckreligiously to the monotonous dietthat had been imposed' upon him;but I never heard him complainabout that either. For a man whohad been so active and who hadtaken such pleasure and been so successful in all forms of sport to be condemned to physical inactivity musthave been painful in the extreme; butthe cheerfulness with which he borehis afflictions showed once more thepower of his character and his mind.His pride in the attainments of hiswife and children was very great. Theatmosphere in the Russell family" hereand at Lakeside was of the kind thatrestores one's faith in the possibilitiesof the American home. And it is inthis atmosphere that his friends willparticularly like to remember himespecially at Lakeside, where he couldrelax, and where his favorite formof relaxation came to be that kindof adroit, teasing probing, at whichhe was an expert, of every person andevery proposition that came beforehim. Yet he was kind to everybody.If you were vainglorious, he madeyou understand, in the nicest way,that he was aware of it. If you weredepressed, he would tell you all thefine things you were doing and induceyou to believe it. If a good executiveis one who can make his associates better than they would otherwise he"Pete Russell was one of the best e}£�ecutives I have ever seen.He was the kind- of man that allAmerican mothers would like theirsons to be. He was intelligent, genet ...ous and stalwart. He was agreeablebut he was inflexible. He was tough�minded and realistic, not realistic inthe sense in which that word is cur,rently used to mean the considerationonly of your own advantage, but realistic in the sense that he was againstcant and hypocrisy. He called thingsby their right names.Andre Gide remarked in his Jour ..nal: "I believe that what is called'experience' is often but an unavowedfatigue, resignation, blighted hope. __There are few of my contemporarieswho have remained faithful to theiryouth. They have almost all com,promised. That is what they call'learning from life.' They have denied the truth that was in them."I think of Pete Russell as one whowas faithful to his youth.Reflections After' FiveAFTER THE HOLIDAYS�COMES THE BUDGETFunds for scholarships never seem bigenough to meet the needs of deserving studentsH OL1DA Y festivities have left mein great need of some "reflecting after five." U nfortunately,the tempo of the new quarter makesmy after-office hours almost as hecticas those of the day.Most of us in the University circlecelebrate Christmas at least twice,since the students' holiday mood takeshold well in advance of the days By Robert M. StrozierDean of Studentsmarked on the calendar. But oncethey depart for home, we are supposed to enjoy a "vacation," spentwi th families and friends. It' wasanything but a quiet one this year.First came the annual Christmasdance sponsored by the StudentUnion, followed by the Wassail Partygiven by the women employees of theUniversity, and numerous smaller. of- fice parties all about the campus.'One seasonal highlight for severalof us who are close to the Collegescholarship program is the dinnergiven each year by the. David Silberman Srs., at their lovely home onEllis Avenue. Many years ago Mr.Silberman. .generously ,established ascholarship fund for boys in the Chi ..cago area entering the College. TheTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIt's time out for a picture at the Women EmployeesChristmas party in Ida Noyes Hall. Standing left tor·ght are Faye Archibald, Beulah Shadvoldt, EstherDonnelly and Marietta Michelsen. Seated left toright are Marjorie Benedict, Marion Hart McNicholas,chairman of the affair, and Helen was given in honor of his lateson Sigmund Silberman II, who hadbeen a student in the LaboratorySchool. Dozens of students haveprofited by Mr. Silberman's generosity. Mr. Silberman, one of thelargest wholesale fur dealers in thecountry, takes a very personal interest in all students who have receivedthese scholarships, and each year invites them, the President and hiswife Mr. Davey, Mr. Scott, and meand' our wives to share with him themost sumptuous feast of the holidayseason. Mr. Silberman and his wifespare no trouble. or expense to makethis a gala occasion. Mr. Colwell wasout of town this year, but Mrs. Colwell and their daughter,' Betty Ann,attended for the first time, and confirmed all the reports they had heardabout this event.Once again this year I playedSanta Claus at the parties for Settlement children given by the Phi Gamsand Quadrangles. I sense that Iam becoming a more satisfactory SantaClaus as each year passes-at least,I am less conscious of need for pillow-padding.Tlrustees and faculty banquetFew of us really appreciate thegreat expenditures of time and energydemanded of Board of Trustee mem- 15The children of University students and faculty members gather in front of the Christmas tree at the- Dameschildren's party in Ida Noyes Hall. The Dames club,started in 1900 as a facuHy wives organization, is nowalmost completely made up of wives of students. Withthe children is Ida Noyes guard Walter Jeschke.bers. The annual Trustees' dinnerwas held this year at the South ShoreCountry Club. More than 800 U niversity faculty members and administrative officers were dinner guests ofthe Board. The annual meeting ofthe Board takes place on the following afternoon, and in addition, thisyear, many Board committees weremeeting.The Committee on Student Interests met January 12 to hear a reportfrom Bob Woellner dealing with thevocational guidance and placementprograms, and some of the other activities he is directing. The Officeof Veterans Affairs, Veterans Testingand Placement as well as the TestingService of the University fall withinBob's office.Vets no problemIn an earlier column I commendedthe splendid work of' the Veterans'Affairs Office. Ours has been a modeloffice for many other schools. Itsefficiency is something of a specialachievement in view of the mountainsof paper work always required whenan office establishes relations withgovernmental agencies, Joe Borbely,a Lt. Colonel during the war, is theVeterans Adviser and is largely responsible for our smooth-workingset-up. At one time more than 5,000 students were processed by the office,and even now, more than 3,600 veterans are enrolled in the University,and receive special services. Becausethe University attracts so many grad.uate students, veterans are likely toremain here longer than at most otherschools.The veteran certainly has not beenthe problem anticipated by pessimistsbefore demobilization got under way.The nature of our educational planhas been especially attractive to mature ex-servicemen; for our emphasisis not upon the formal training required by academic bookkeeping, butpermits the student who has educated himself to take .the GeneralEducation Examination, and possiblybegin graduate work. This meantthat many a veteran, who firstthought seriously about an educational future during the war, couldhere conveniently realize his planswithout an undue expenditure oftime.But back to Bob Woellner and allof the many things which he has beendoing so extremely well. You maybe interested in the extent of ourtesting service. When the. presen tfour-year College was adopted, it became necessary to give entrance teststo all persons who applied for theCollege, and to administer the Gen-16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEeral Education Examination to manypeople who sought to enter the Divisions and the Professional Schools.The University accordingly established examination centers throughout the country. Sixty-one now operate in the major cities of theUnited States, one in Puerto Rico,and two in Canada. Added to thisresponsibility is the task of givingall the placement tests to Collegestudents at the beginning of the academic year, and the comprehensiveexaminations at the close of eachyear and at the end of Summer Quarter. The magnitude of this testingprogram is fully appreciated whenyou realize that each entering studentin the average College class of aboutone thousand must take a battery oftests which total 22 hours of writing!Bob and his office set up and supervise this program.Students want work, not loansThe University is, of course, sensitive to general economic conditionsin the national and local community,and during the postwar period, vocational guidance and placement problems assumed new forms. The highpercentage of veterans who were students, and the windfall of government benefits to veterans, placedmoney in the hands of many students.This picture has almost completelychanged now for both veteran andnon-veteran student. Bob W oellner'soffice is swamped with requests forpart-time jobs. Many students arechildren of the depression; theirfathers and mothers may have tooeasily taken on debts during thetwenties and found that paying themoff in the thirties was a tremendous,if not impossible, burden. So today'sstudent is reluctant to borrow money.Our student loan funds are used constantly, but they are almost alwaysa last resort. On the other hand, ourstudents are willing to work; theyapply for scholarships and fellowships, and attempt to bring theirgrades to the high level which thecompetition requires. Only as a lastresort do they borrow money, andeven then, only enough to get by.Sometimes we find students who arepinching the pennies too hard, andthen it becomes necessary for someone in the Dean's office to talk with the student, and show him that hishealth is more valuable than a degree. I talked with a young man yesterday who told me he is eating onemeal a day, and storing fruit andmilk in his room for the other two.I am afraid he is going too far inhis saving program. Yet he has triedassiduously to find part-time worksince the beginning of the AutumnQuarter and has .failed. He is ascholarship-holder in the Departmentof Mathematics, and is certainly thekind of student we want to encourage.At this moment our scholarship andfellowship program is uppermost in mymind; we are in the process of buildinga budget for 1950-51. This is alwaysa time of great travail and tensenessin the entire University community.Not unlike any great bureaucraticgovernment, each area and each deanfights to have its own bailiwick properly financed. Fortunately, the Central Administration has lent a sympathetic ear to the need for scholarships and fellowships, and has realizedit is necessary to help many brightstudents, who cannot finance themselves, to remain in school.I gather great pleasure from administering the scholarship programof the University, and it is always arevelation to me to discover how fara· little money can go. On the otherhand, for every student whom wehelp, there are a score rejected-notbecause they are undeserving, but because our funds are simply inadequate. Strange feelings beset the educater, to whom education is high inthe scale of values, when he observesthe superhuman efforts being madeby deserving students to obtain aneducation: It occurs to me that ina democracy, where education is sointimately related to the preservationand extension of political values, education shouldn't have to be boughtat the very dear price many of ouryoung people must pay. Don Brown,dean of students in the Law School,told me yesterday that one law student is working in a steel mill frommidnight until eight a.m. five nights'a week in order to continue his legaleducation. He comes straight to hisuniversity classes from the steel mill,.studies in the library as long as' he can, goes home, eats dinner, andsleeps four or five hours before returning to the steel mill by midnight.Culture on campusThe Winter Quarter 'cultural program is swiftly getting under way.Among the most important musicalevents is the Cosi Fan Tutti operawhich the Renaissance Society, onwhich I am serving at the presenttime, considers the most outstandingproject it has undertaken in a Jongtime. The event promises to be outstanding; and the advance ticket saleshave, as a matter of fact, restoredSf )me of the confidence of the Board,fer it is a mast expensive venture.Students are cooperating with theI T niversity Settlement Board to spon ..sur a series of benefits this spring inMandel Hall which will appeal tothe students, members of the Settlement League and the community. CyHoule, Dean of the University College, is chairman of our SettlementCommittee on the Benefit this year.Jim Kleffen, president of StudentUnion, and Molly Felker, of theCampus Student Chest, are doing"the actual work of handling ticketsales, ushering, and the other essential administrative tasks. The seriesshould sparkle with talent, inclUdingas it does an address by ThorntonWilder, a faculty-student musicalshow, a performance by the Association of Commerce Glee Club, a lecture by . Ogden Nash, and a trio recital featuring Ruth Page, BentleyStone, and Walter Cameron, stars ofthe Chicago Civic Ballet. Both Jimand Molly have been elected members of the Settlement Board thisyear.Our athletic program has been therecipient of generous gifts. Mr. C. K.McNeil has again given us a thousanddollars for the use of the baseballteam so it can plan a somewhatlonger trip than is possible withinthe present budget. Mr. McNeil isvery much interested in the U niversity's athletic program and isanxious to encourage student participation in it. He is an alumnusand has given further tangible proofof his interest in students and theactivities program by adding $4,000 toour scholarship program for the honorentrance awards.i One Man's OpinionPEACE-IS IT SO WONDERFUL?The University has heen the great dissenter, the hull inthe cloister. This five-year calm is nice, but can it last?IN ONE WAY, it has been strangelyquiet around here for some time.There hasn't been a good row forabout five years. Not an educationalassociation has assembled in convention and adopted a resolution deploring or condemning the U niversi ty oreven Mr. Hutchins. All is peace, quiet,and brooding academic sweetness. Thehistory of the University being whatit is, this isn't natural. The University's role is tha t of the grea t dissenter, the hair shirt, the bull in thecloisters.This placidity should not give riseto any misapprehension. The University has not changed its character,it has not become ossified, and it hasnot quit producing. The pla,ce is buzzing with activity; never before hasthere been such a level of solid andcontinuous achievement as the physical and biological scientists have at- .tained since the end of the war. Witha series of new hospitals coming upfor the University's medical and biological center, and the new laboratories for the institutes in nuclearscience and metals soon to be occupied; the work in the natural scienceswill go at an even faster pace. Thisgreat development in science has notdwarfed the social sciences or the humaruties. Mr. Hutchins, who hasseen to it that the natural scienceshave been supported on a generousscale, is, interestingly enough, one ofthe leading spokesmen for the humanities.In any field, but particularly in intellectual activity, any independentkind of effort can cause trouble. Eventhe natural sciences can be explosivetoday, as the misapprehensions ofCongressmen, when a couple of gramsof uranium are lost, will demonstrate. By William V. MorgensternWilliam V. MorgensternSocial scientists and their works canproduce some highly emotional reactions. The humanities likewise canprovoke denunciations; witness theuproar which some of Mr. Hutchins'sphilosophical ideas aroused. The College is a wedge producing a hair-linebut ominous crack in the archaic organization of American education,and so is threatening vested interests.There certainly is plenty of ammunition for a fight in both the University'sactivities and its stubbornly iconoclastic attitude.Yet everything is in. this strangecondition of tranquility. There areseveral reasons for this rare state. Oneis that although the University hastaken bold steps, it has taken themnot because they were novel, but because they had merit. So outsiders,after they have cooled down, havebeen compelled to take a second lookat the experiments. This is certainlytrue of the College; educators are beginning to come around to betterunderstanding of what it is doing.Time has healed some of theoutrage about "debasing the time-, 17 honored Bachelor's degree." Mr.Hutchins has talked so much aboutthe importance of liberal education,and the College so persistently hasbeen providing an example of whatit is, that liberal education is quitestylish now. It is not quite true, asLife asserted r e c e n t I y, that the"Hutchins revolution" is an accomplished fact. Though it is. the correctthing to talk about the need for liberaleducation, the reforms so far have notgone very deep. At any rate, sinceit is impossible to be at the same timefor liberal education, and against theonly forthright example of it, the attacks on the College have been silenced.In other areas where the Universityhas adopted new programs they havebeen accepted, too. The Law Schoolcurriculum did not originally.provokegreat controversy, and a number ofother good law schools have sincegone in the same direction. The fulltime Medical School, which twentyyears ago had medical education onedge, and the profession in a dither,is now regarded as a model. I t iswistfully regarded by others, whowould readily adopt the pattern, except that the costs of launching sucha school would be tremendous today.Internally, too, the University hasbeen very quiet since the famous"memorial" of 1944. This documentwas produced during the discussioninitiated by Mr. Hutchins for purposes of obtaining clarification of theeducational administration. Out ofthis discussion carne, in 1945, a "constitution" which has worked so wellthat the appeal provided to the Boardin cases of disagreement has neverbeen invoked, although a lot of basic'issues have been up for decision.Scenes to Remember(I) Winter in Hutchinson Court(2) Mitchell if ower from Hutchinson Court(3) The C Bench and Swift Hall(4) The Chapel from Dudley Field(5) Hull Court GateThese campus scenes can be yours! Enlargedto 24 x 36 inches, ma.tte finished, mounted onwall beard, don't you think these photographically superior black end whites would set offyour den or, personalize your office?We can deliver these pictures to your door for$12.00 each. Just drop us a card giving thenumber or numbers of your favorites. Don'tsend money �nt" you hear from us.18News of the QuadranglesC'14 DATES A MUMMY'S CASKETAnd the meteorologists find that the stratosphere isfogbound-bad news for pilots, astronomers and generalsASINGLE ounce of wood from anEgyptian mummy's casket nowtells scientists at the Institute for Nuclear Studies just when the long-deadEgyptian lived.This new method of dating archzeological discoveries by an "atomic calendar" through measurements of radioactivity has been devised by Willard F. Libby, professor of chemistry,and J. R. Arnold, research associate.They tested samples of Douglas firfrom Arizona, fragments of thewooden floor of an ancient Syrianpalace, a piece of a giant Californiaredwood felled three-quarters of a century ago, cedar of Lebanon from anEgyptian funeral boat, and woodenrelics from Egyptian tombs. Theychecked their radioactive resul tsagainst methods currently used byarcheologists in dating objects. Theirresults agreed with older methods.In the case of the mummy, a pieceof cypress wood from the casket revealed it to be within a century ortwo of 4,750 years old. In most cases,exact dates to within a year cannotbe obtained with either the new radioactive method of dating or theolder ones.The new dating method hinges onLibby's previous discovery that constant bombardment by cosmic raysturns some carbon atoms in every living thing-even the human bodyinto radioactive Carbon 14. The ageof any substance which once wasali ve is measured by determining theradioactivity of the carbon remainingin it. The less the radioactivity, theolder the substance is.And so far the scientists are convinced they can date, with reasonableaccuracy, any sample of wood up to4,600 years old. They hope to extendthe method within the next year sothat it will accurately measure 20,000-year-old relics. By Jeannette LowreyThe wild blue stratosphere and to the sides almost impossible.The fog belt, however, is assumedto be thin enough so that visibilityup and down will not be greatly reduced.This lateral zero-visibility meansthat pilots approaching other planesor flying in formation will have todepend on radar to prevent collisions.The use of radar complicates highspeed flight because of the relativelylong time required by the pilot toread and react to such signals.At the same time, planes will leaveextremely dense condensation trailsthrough this fog which will betraytheir presence to an enemy.The Chicago findings also end anyhope, of astronomers that an observatory built on a very high mountainmight enable them to rise above themoisture level, and so avoid presentdifficulties in gauging the atmospheremoisture of a planet such as Mars.The discovery poses other newquestions for meteorologists, whowant to know if the moisture foundin the air over Camp Ripley existsequally all over the earth and wherethe moisture in the stratosphere comesfrom.Older theories about the circulation of the atmosphere are also being contradicted by the new findings.Previously it was. held that there isno transfer of water vapor betweenthe stratosphere and the lower levelsof the air. The University resultsshow that the proportion of watervapor by weight in the air tends toincrease with altitude into the stratosphere. The ratio of water vapor toother gases was twice as high at 17miles as it was at eight.Any Buck Rogers of the future, flying planes designed to fly the stratosphere, will encounter a belt of airwith lOO-percent water-vapor saturation, University meteorologists havediscovered.A demonstration that the stratosphere is not completely dry, a' factcontradicting existing beliefs, resulted from the development of anew dew-point hygrometer whichuses electronic principles.Earl W. Barrett, instructor in meteorology, assisted by Lee R. Herndon,Jr., and Howard J. Carter, perfectedthe new device and made reliablemeasurements up to heights of 18 %miles, twice as high as heretoforeachieved.The research, sponsored by U ni tedStates Navy Task Order 1, .began in1943. The hygrometer, and other instruments to measure temperature andpressure of the air, including a miniature radio which transmits the datato earth, were first carried aloft fromthe Navy's testing grounds at CampRipley; Minnesota.' The first flightsoared to 99,000 feet above sea level.Light-weight plastic balloons, called"Sky Hooks," developed by aeronautical engineers of General MillsCorporation, carried the apparatusinto the upper atmosphere.Presence of extreme moisture inpart of the stratosphere means thatengineers must design engines ableto operate under conditions of extreme humidity. Flight in the stratosphere will be subject to many ofthe difficulties -plus others - nowfound in low-level flight .. Lateral visibility in the saturated 'I'n memoriambel t, the depth of which has not yetbeen measured, is expected to be Three University of Chicago proconstantly near zero. The air will be fessors and Trustee Paul S. Russellfogged-making sight ahead, behind, have passed away. Harry A. Bigelow,20THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAG·AZINEdean and law professor emeritus, andMr. Russell died January 8.Professor Bigelow, who taught onthe Midway from his first appointment in 1904 to 1949 although hebecame emeritus in 1935, was anoutstanding authority on the law ofreal property and future interests andon conflicts of laws. His case bookson real property are widely used' inAmerican law schools.He was appointed an assistant profesor in 1904 in the law school thentwo years old, and became a professor in 1909. He became dean in1929 and the John P. Wilson distinguished professor in 1933.In 1933, he was appointed atrustee of the Insull Utility Investments, which administered the bankrupt Insull companies, and in 1947a member of the Federal Loyalty Appeal Board.A big-game hunter, Mr. Bigelowmade several expeditions to Africa,including one in 1924-25 which wasthe first to cross the unexplored areawest of Lake Edward in the BelgianCongo.Mr. Russell, president of the HarrisTrust and Savings Bank and trusteeof the University since 1933, wascaptain of the 1915 University ofChicago football team. Russell, wholettered in football in 1913, '14, and'15, was graduated in 1916.Following graduation, he joined theHarris Trust as a clerk on the mailing desk. He was made a vice-president in 1930 and president in 1946.A. governor and past president ofInternational House, Mr. Russell wasa member of the Chicago loan agencyof the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and of the advisory boardfor the research and developmentbranch of the quartermaster general.Samuel 1. Feigin, assistant professor of Judaic studies in the OrientalInstitute, died January 3, and CharlesH. Beeson, professor emeritus ofLatin, on December 26.Feigin, a member of the University of Chicago staff since 1932, wasan authority in Assyriology. His special interest was the First Babyloniandynasty, and his Old Testament studyrelated text and history to Babylonianculture.His Missitrei Heaver) published in1�43, won the Louis Lamed Fundaward for the year's outstanding bookof Hebrew essays. Professor Beeson, 79, had taughton the University of Chicago campus29 years before his retirement in 1935.A former president of the MedievalAcademy of America, Beeson wasfour times delegate of the AmericanCouncil of Learned Societies to theUnion Academique Internationale atBrussels and the annual professor atthe American Academy in Rome in1930.He was managing editor of Classical Philology: and associate editor ofArchivum Latintatis Medii Aevi.Author of eight books, ProfessorBeeson wrote with F. W. Sanford andH. F. Scott the Third Latin Book)one of the standard texts. He alsoedited the Primer of Medieval Latinand Lupus Ferrieres as Scribe andText Critic.Graduated in no time flatClose correlation between the University of Chicago's course of liberaleducation and that of the Europeaneducational system has been demonstrated by a 17 -year-old studentwho entered the College this autumn.New Yorker J. Edward Nelsonachieved a feat which the Collegeknew was theoretically possible-buthad never seen done before. Heshowed, on the placement tests givenall entering students, that he alreadyhad the equivalent of the College'seducation.Nelson has, as a result, by-passedthe College completely and enteredthe division of the physical sciences,where he will do graduate work inmathematics. Because he does nothave the year of required residence,he will not be receiving the bachelor'sdegree, but will work directly towarda graduate degree.Son of Claud Dalton Nelson, foreign secretary of the InternationalCommittee of the YMCA, who isnow stationed in Rome, young Nelson attended the Bronx high school,New York, for a year and a half ofstudy. When the family moved toRome, he entered the scientific division of the Instituto Giovanni Verga,where he studied another 18 months.His father is a graduate of Hendrix College and Pembroke College,Oxford, and an ex Rhodes scholar.Nelson passed all usual Collegetests with superior performances. Hewas then given four tests coveringadvanced courses, provided for stu- 21dents of unusual achievement. In all,he took nearly 30 hours of placement tests, and: on the basis of hisachievement was excused from the14 comprehensive examinations required for completion of the College.Prizes won. books writtenInternational flights, national honors and awards, and publications justoff the press have kept the names ofUniversity professors in the news.Dr. Lowell T. Coggeshall, dean ofthe division of biological sciences, flewto Cairo for the Office of Defenseto review research activities in Cairoand to help outline policies for futureoperations. . . Roy Blough, professorof economics, made a study of thepossibilities for improving the fiscalsystem of the Turkish Republicwhile in Turkey. . . Thorkild J acobsen, director of the Oriental Institute,has returned from Nippur, Iraq,where he opened the second seasonof the University of Chicago- U niversity of Pennsylvania expedition. . .Bernard Berelson, dean of the Graduate Library School, was a consultanton government research projects inFrance, Italy, Turkey and Greece.Dr. A. C. Bachmeyer, associatedean in the division of biologicalsciences, was elected president-electof the Association of American Medical Colleges and a member of thegovernor's Commission on the Midcentury White House Conference.Others on the faculty elected tooffice were: Dr. William E. Adams,professor of surgery, as vice-presidentof the Chicago Pathological Society;Garfield V. Cox, dean of the schoolof business, to the executive committee of the American Associationof Collegiate Schools of Business; Dr.Lester R. Dragstedt, chairman of thedepartment of surgery, treasurer ofthe International Society of Surgery;Fern M. Gleiser, professor of institution economics, vice-president ofthe American Dietetics Association;Dr. Leon O. Jacobson, associate professor of medicine, special consultantto the U. S. Public Health Serviceas a member of the hematologicalstudy section; Dr. Joseph B. Kirsner,associate professor of medicine, president of the American GastroscopicSociety; Frank H. Knight, MortonD. Hull distinguished professor of thesocial sciences, president of the American Economic Association; Otto22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEStruve, chairman of department ofastronomy, was awarded an honorary'degree from the U niversi ty of Leige;William H. Taliaferro, chairman ofthe department of bacteriology andparasitology, was made an honoraryfellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene of London;and the Mary Kingsley medal by theIncorporated Liverpool School ofTropical Medicine.Theodore W. Schultz, chairman ofthe department of economics, wasawarded an honorary doctorate degree by Grinnell College; Dr. J.Garrott Allen, associate professor ofsurgery, received the medal of theAmerican Roentgen Ray Society; Dr.John R. Lindsay, professor of otolaryngology, has received the goldkey for service from the AmericanAcademy of Ophthalmology andOtolaryngology.Faculty authors who have published recent books are: Warder C.Allee, Alfred E. Emerson, andThomas Park, of the department ofzoology, who collaborated on Principles of Animal Ecology; Chauncey D. Harris, professor of geography,who edited the American edition ofEconomic Geography of the USSR;Dr. James B. Herrick, professoremeritus of medicine, Memories ofEighty 'Years; Edward H. Levi, professor of law, Introduction to LegalReasoning; and Ferdinand Schevill,professor emeritus of history, TheMedici.New council membersSeventeen faculty members, including Ralph W. Tyler, dean of the division of social sciences, were elected tothe council, supreme academic bodyof the university.The Council of the Senate, whichconsists of 51 elected members, serving three-year terms, is chosen by theHare system of proportionate representation.Newly elected members are: Dr.Emmet B. Bay, professor of medicineand secretary of the department ofmedicine; Konrad E. Bloch, associateprofessor of biophysics and member ofthe Institute of Radiobiology and Biophysics; Weldon G. Brown, professor of chemistry; Helen L. Koch, professor of child psychology' and coordinator of the nursery schools; MaynardC. Krueger, associate professor of economics in the College; Edward H.Levi, professor of law; Richard P.McKeon, distinguished service professor of Greek and philosophy.Also Everett C. Olson, associateprofessor of vertebrate paleontology,secretary of the department of geology, and associate dean of the divisionof physical sciences; Robert Redfield,professor of anthropology; Richard B.Richter, professor of neurology; J 0-seph J. Schwab, associate professor ofeducation, associate professor of biological sciences and chairman of thenatural sciences staff in the College;Malcolm P. Sharp, professor of law;Milton B. Singer, associate professorand chairman of the social sciencesstaff in the College; W. Allen Wallis,professor of statistics and business economics; John A. Wilson, professor ofEgyptology and associate director ofthe Oriental Institute; and NapierWilt, chairman of the department ofEnglish.After 60 (Continued from page 6)Young theory, while women glideinto the Rocking Chair role. This difference is heightened by the fact thatwomen, on the average, live to beolder, and the older person is morelikely sooner or later, to enter thatgroup.Now what can society do? Thetraditional Chinese society, as pointedout, made it easy and pleasant fora person in later maturity. Twentiethcentury America so far has made itdifficult. With our accent on youth,growth and speed, we tend neither torevere nor reject but ignore old ageto suppose it is only a state of mindwhich can be banished by keepingbusy.First, obviously, we must make certain social security and health provisions for the lower-income group,which cannot prepare adequately forold age by unaided effort.Second, we can change retirementpolicy, to make retiring less arbitraryand better suited to the actual abilities, health and desires of people. Atpresent, the retirement policies of government agencies, large corporations,school systems and universities are conducted with maximum regard forthe convenience of administrators,slight regard for the efficiency of theinstitution, and little regard, if any,for the happiness and aptitude of theindividual.Certain public attitudes are changing, and must change still further, sothat people of later maturity are accepted with approval in some of thefollowing roles; as community leader,public official, assiduous reader ofbooks and periodicals on national andforeign affairs, local oracle, activerank and, file worker in a politicalparty; business leader, professionalman, retired business man managingseveral properties, retired farmer managing several farms, retired farmerworking as a church janitor, pensioner, odd job man; participant withwife or husband in small congenialcircle of friends,· visitor with oldfriends, member of women's bridgeor sewing group, member of old people's club, officer of old people's club; .church leader, active participant inchurch affairs, regular attendant atchurch services; head of social club,minor officer in social club, lodge meniber, member of business or professional club, member of "poormen's club" in tavern; head of smallclose-knit family, head of extendedfamily or clan, grandparent who rearsgrandchildren, grandparent who playswith grandchildren, letter-writer whokeeps widely scattered family membersin communication with one another,occupant of "grandmother's apartment" in family home; housekeeperfor adult children, resident of OldPeople's Home; fisherman, world traveller, seasonal migrant to South orto Southwest, flower grower, orchard-ist, author, writer of memoirs.The people of the United Statesare hardly likely to turn into reverersand worshippers of old age like theChinese. The American philosophywhich best fits the patterns of American life will be one of generosity,permissivity, and approval of the selfachieved pleasures and tasks of latermaturity. Such a philosophy will havetwo guiding principles: First, peopleare expected to grow old at differentrates, and second, each personality isexpected to find its own pattern ofroles.CALENDARWednesday, February IPU B.LI C. LECTU R.E-Bess Sondel, instructor in speech, University of Chicago,third In a series of lectures, "Are You Telling," 6:30 P.M., room 809, 19South La Salle Street. $0.75.PUBLIC. L�CT.URE-Herrlee G. Creel, professor of early Chinese literatureand institutions, University of Chicago, "Mencius and the Emphasis onHuman Nature," public course, Patterns of Thought in the Chinese World,8 P.M., room 122, Social Science Building (1126 East 59th Street). $0.75.Thursday, February 2PU B�I C �ECTU RE-E. E. Eva ns-Pritcha rd, visiti ng professor of anth ropology,University of Chicago, sixth in a series of lectures on "Political Structure:The Case of the Nilotic Peoples," 4:30 P.M., room 122, Social ScienceBuilding (1126 East 59th Street). Free.. . Friday, February 3MUSIC-University Concert, Ralph Kirkpatrick, harpsichord, music of Bach,8:30 P.M Leon Mandel Hall (5714 University Avenue). $1.50.Saturday, February 4M US I C-Specia I U niversi+y Concert, Ra I ph Ki rkpatrick, clavichord, musk ofBac_:h, 8:30 P.M., Joseph Bond Chapel (Quadrangles, near 59th Street andElliS Avenue). $2.40.BASKETB�LL-Field House, 5550 University, 8:00 P.M., U of C vs Coe.Admission $1.00.FENCING-BartieTt Gym, 5640 University, I :30 P.M., U of C vs. Illinois Tech.Free.GYMNASTICS-Bartlett Gym, 5640 University, 2:00 P.M., U of C vs. Iowa.Free.TRACK-Field House, 5550 University, 2:30 P.M., U of C vs. Western Michigan. Free.WRESTLING-At Wheaton. U of C vs. Wheaton College.Sunday, February 5MUSIC-Special University Concert, Ralph Kirkpatrick, clavichord, music ofBach, 8:30 P.M., Joseph Bond Chapel (Quadrangles, near 59th Street andEllis Avenue). $2.40.Monday, February 6PUBLIC LECTURE-Sunder Joshi, assistant professor of adult education,Indiana University, "Leaders of Britain and Western Europe," UniversityCollege series, "Men Who Shape Our Times," 7:00 P.M., suite 631, CivicOpera Building (20 North Wacker Drive). $0.75.Tuesday, February 7WRESTLING-At Navy Pier. U of C vs. Illinois-Navy Pier.PUBLIC LECTURE-E. E. Evans-Pritchard, visiting professor of anthropology,University of Chicago, seventh in a series of lectures on "Political Structure:The Case of the Nilotic Peoples," 4:30 P.M., room 122, Social ScienceBuilding (1126 East 59th Street). Free.PUBLIC LECTURE-Scott Goldthwaite, assistant professor and acting chairman, department of music, University of Chicago, "The Symphony in theClassical Period," Music for Orchestra series, 7 P.M., room 809, 19 SouthLa Salle Street. $0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-Saul I). Alinsky, author Reveille for Radicals John L.'Lewis, "The Roots of Democracy," University College series. America inMid-Century, 7:30 P.M., Joel Hunter Building (123 West Madison Street).$0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-Dr. Theodore G. Klumpp, president, Winthrop-StearnsChem_ical Company, ':Is Retirement Necessary?," University College series,Planning for Later .Llfe, 7:30 P.M., 32 West Randolph Street. $1.PUBLIC LECTURE-Wdllam S. Gray, professor of education University ofChicago, "Reading" New Directions in Education series, 5 P.M., room 809,19 ·South La Salle Street. $0.75.Wednesday, February 8BASKETBALL-At Galesburg, Illinois. U of C vs. Knox.PUBLIC: L�C�URE��errlee �. Creel, p�ofessor of early Chinese literatureand ins+itufions, Th.e Mystlc�1 Scepticism of the Te ois+s," public course,Patterns of Thought In the Chinese World, 8 P.M., room 122, Social ScienceBudding (1126 East 59th Street). $0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-Bess Sondel, instructor in speech, University of Chicagofourth in a series of lectures, "Are You Telling Them?," 6:30 P.M., roo�809, 19. South La Salle Street. $0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-J. Randall Williams, qenere l manager Macmillan Company, "Marketing the Writing," Universi+v College serie's, Writing and ItsConsequences, 6:30 P.M., Club Room, Chicago Art Institute <Michigan andAdams). $1. .Thursday, February 9PUBLIC LECTURE-E. E. Evans-Pritchard, visiting professor of anthropologyUniversity of Chicago, eighth in a series of lectures on "Political Structure;The Case of the Nilotic Peoples," 4:30 P.M., room 122, Social ScienceBuilding (1126 East 59th Street). Free.Friday, February 10SWIMMING-At Detroit. U of C vs. U of Detroit.PUBLIC LECTURE-Mortimer J. Adler, professor of philosophy of law, University of Chicago, author, How To Read a Book "Pleasure and the Good"The Great Ideas series, 7:30 P.M., 32 West Ra'ndolph Street. $1.50. 'Saturday, February IIGYMN.ASTICS-Bartlett Gym, 5640 University, 2:00 P.M., U of C vs. Wis-consin. Free.FENCING-At Detroit. U of C vs. Wayne.TRACK-Field House, 5550 University, 2:30 P.M., U of C vs. De Kalb. Free.WRESTLING-Bartlett Gym, 5640 University, 7:30 P.M. U of C vs. Wisconsin-Milwaukee Branch. Free. 'Monday, February 13PUBLIC LEC:TUR.E-Sunder Joshi, assistant professor of adult education,Indiana Universi+v, "Great Americans in Politics Abroad," University Collegeseries, Men Who Shap.e Our Times, 7 P.M., suite 631, Civic Opera Building(20 North Wacker Drive). $0.75.Tuesday, F�bruary 14PUB�IC �ECTURE-:-E. E. Evens-Pri+che rd, visiting professor of anthropology,University of Chicago, ninth In a series of lectures on "Political Structure:The. Case of the Nilotic Peoples," 4:30 P.M. room 122 Social ScienceBuilding (1126 East 59th Street). Free. ' ,PUBLI.C �ECTUR.E:-Saul D. Alinskv, author, Reveille for Radicals, John L.LeWIS! C?rga�lZIng the People for Democracy," University College series,America In Mid-Century, 7:30· P.M., Joel Hunter Building (123 West MadisonStreet). $0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-tielen G. Laue, assistant director, Community Project forthe Aqed, "Investing Your Leisure," University College series, Planning forLater Life, 7:30 P.M., 32 West Randolph Street. $1.PUB�IC LEC;TURE-Ernst Levy, professorial lecturer in music, University ofCh�cago, The Romantic and Modern Symphony," Music for Orchestraseries. 7 P.M., room 809, 19 South La Salle Street. $0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-Allison Davis, professor of education, University of Chi- cago, "Social Class and Learning," New Directions in Education series,5 r.M., room 809, 19 South La Salle Street. $0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-Ogden Nash poet and humorist "A Valentine's Eveningwit.h Oqden Na�h," fiht in � series of program; for the benefit of theUniversity of Chicago Settlement, .8:30 P.M., Leon Mandel Hall (5714 University Avenue). $1.20, $1.50.Wednesday, February 15PUBLIC. L�CT.URE-He:r1ee. G. Creel, professor of early Chinese literatureand" institutions, University of Chicago, "The Authoritarianism of HsunTzu, public course, Patterns of Thought in the Chinese World 8 122, Social Science Buildinq (1126 �ast 59th Street). $0.75: 'PUBLIC LECTURE-William Nicoli, book desi qne r, Edwin Snyder, art director,Rend McN.a.lly and Company, "Illustrating the Writing," University Collegeseries, Writing and Its Consequences, 6:30 P.M. Club Room Chicago ArtInstitute (Michigan and Adams). $1. ' ,PUBLIC LECTURE-Bess Sondel, instructor in speech University of Chicagolast in a series of lectures, "Are You Telling Them?," 6:30 P.M., roo�809, 19 South La Salle Street. $0.75.Thursday, February 16PUBL.IC �ECTURE-:-E. E. Everis-Pritcbe rd, visiting professor of anthropology,University of Chicago, tenth In a series of lectures on "Political Structure:The Case of the Nilotic Tribes," 4:30 P.M., room 122, Social ScienceBuilding (1126 East 59th Street). Free.Friday, February 17BASKETBALL-At Illinois Tech. U of C vs. Illinois Tech.S,¥���I��-;:Bartlett Gym, 5640 University, 7:30' P.M., U of C vs: IllinoisFES�$��GFr::.rtlett Gym, 5640 University, -4:00 P.M., U of C vs. MichiganW.feEcSh�LI��;,-Bartlett Gym, 5640 University, 8:00 P.M., U of C vs. IllinoisMUSI�-Mozart's opera "Cosi Fan Tutte," presented by the RenaissanceSoci e+v and the Music Office of the University of Chicago, production andsingers of New Lyric Stage of New York, music by members of ChicagoSymphony Orchestra, conduded by Siegmund Levarie S'30 PM LeonMandel Hall (5714 University Avenue). $1.50, $2.70, $3'.90: ",Saturday, February 18MUSI�-Mozart's opera. "Co�i Fan Tutte,". presented by the RenaissanceSociety and the Music Office of the University of Chicago, productionand singers of New Lyric Stage of New York, music by members of Chicago Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Siegmund Levarie 8'30 PM. Leon Mandel Hall .(5714. Universi+v Avenue). $1.50, $2.70, $3'.90: .. ,SWIMMING-At Beloit, Wisconsin. U of C vs. Beloit.FENCrNG-At Evanston. U of C vs. Northwestern.GYMNASTICS-At Minneapolis. U of C vs. Minnesota.TRACK-Field House, 5550 University, 2:30 P.M., U of C vs. Chicago Quadrangle. Free.Sunday, February 19MUSIC-Mozart's opera "Cosi Fan Tutte," presented by the RenaissanceSociety and the Music Office of the University of Chicago, production andsingers by New LYriC Stage of New York, music by members of ChicagoSymphony Orchestra, conducted by Siegmund Levarie, 8:30 P.M. LeonMandel Hall (5714 University Avenue). $1.50, $2.70, $3.90. 'Monday, February 20PUBLIC LECTURE-Sunder Joshi, assistant professor of adult educationI ndi ana Universitv, "Sta rred Statesmen from Israel to India," UniversityCollege series, Men Who Shape Our Times, 7 P.M., suite 631 Civic OperaBuilding (20 North Wacker Drive). $0.75. 'Tuesday, February 21PUBLIC LECTURE-Panel discussion, "How To Plan for Later Life," UniversityCollege series, Planning for Later Life, 7:30 P.M., 32 West Randolph Street.$1.PUBLIC LECTURE-V. Howard Talley, assistant professor of music, Universityof Chicago, "The Symphonic Poem," Music for Orchestra series, 7 P.M.,room 809, 19 South La Salle Street. $0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-E. E. Evans-Pritchard, visiting professor of anthropology,University of Chicago, eleventh in a series of lectures on "Political Structure: The Case of the Nilotic Peoples," 4:30 P.M., room 122, Social ScienceBuilding (1126 East 59th Street). Free.BASKETBALL-Field House, 5550 University, 8 P.M., U of C vs. North Central.Admission $1.00.Wednesday, February 22PUBLIC LECTURE-Bernard Berelson, dean, graduate library school, University of Chicago, "The Impact of Writing Today," Writing and Its Consequences series, 6:30 P.M., Club Room, Chicago Art Institute <Michiganand Adams). $1.PUBLIC LECTURE-Herrlee G. Creel, professor of early Chinese literatureand institutions, University of Chicago, "The Totalitarianism of the Legalists," public course, Patterns of Thought in the Chinese World, 8 P.M.,room 122, Social Science Building (1126 East 59th Street). $0.75.Thursday, February 23PUBLIC LECTURE-E. E. Evans-Pritchard, visiting professor of anthropologyUniversity of Chicago, last in a series of lectures on "Political Structure�The Case of the Nilotic Peoples," 4:30 p.m., room 122, Social ScienceBuilding (1126 East 59th Street). Free.Friday, February 24MUSIC-University Concert, Alexander Schneider, violin music of Bach, 8:30P.M., Leon Mandel Hall (5714 University Avenue). $1.50.Saturday, February 25MUSIC-University Concert, Alexander Schneider, violin music of Bach, 8:30P.M., Leon Mandel Hall (5714 University Avenue). $1.50.W�r���L1NG-Bartlett Gym, 5640 University, 2:30 P.M., U of C vs. De Kalb.TRACK-Field House, 5550 University, 2:30 P.M., U of C vs. Grinnell. Free.GYMNASTICS-At Bloomington. U of C vs. Illinois and Indiana.'SWIMMING-Bartlett Gym, 5640 University, 3:30 P.M., U of C vs. De Paul.Free.FENCING-Bartlett Gym, 5640 University, 1:30 P.M., U of C vs. Illinois Tech.Free.BASKETBALL-At Cedar Rapids, Iowa. U of C vs. Coe.Monday, February 27PUBLIC LECTURE-Sunder Joshi, assistant professor of adult education Indiana University, "East of the Curtain: Stalin and Others," Univ�rsityCc:"e_ge series, Men Who She pe Our Times, 7 P.M., suite 631, Civic Opera. Building (20 North Wacker Drive}, $0.75._ . Tuesday, Fe'bruary 2BPUBLIC LECTURE-Leonard B. Meyer, instructor in music University of Chicago, "Music for Ballet," Music for Orchestra series,' 7 P.M., room 809,19 South La Salle Street. $0.75.2324 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OF THE CLASSES1898Mary H. Humphrey is a retired highschool teacher in her home town of Simsbury, Connecticut.1901You may recall that Donald R. Richberg,lawyer and author, made the principalargument before the United States SupremeCourt in November, 1948, to sustain- statelaws making the closed shop unlawful. TheCourt's decision on January 3, 1949, followed his view.1905Edward M. Kerwin reports he has fivesons in college-two at Holy Cross and oneeach at the University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Santa Clara.1908Katherine Forester (Mrs. Homer Roberts)AM 'II, retired from the education field,spends her summers at Port Colborne, Ontario, and the remainder of the year inNew York City.1909Stephen S. Visher, SM '10, PhD '14, professor of geography at Indiana Universitywas elected president of the Indiana Academy of Science. His· wife, "helpmate andclose companion. for 35 years," died recently of leukemia.1911Viola C. Lewis (Mrs. J. M. Herndon)lives in Irvington, Kentucky. Her daughter,Ann, is now in the research library of theChicago Federal Reserve Bank.1912Leonard J. Curtis, JD, is a visiting professor of law at Stetson University, DeLand, Florida.1913Anna E. Moffet (Mrs. B. W. Jarvis) ofSt. Paul has been living with her husbandin Foochow for the past three years. Theyreturned to the States on furlough lastMay via Hong Kong, Singapore, Ceylon,France and England-arriving home in August. They expect to return for a finalterm of service under the Methodist Boardof Missions in Foochow. The University of Chicago Breakfast was held during the meetingsof the American Sociological SocietyFriday morning, December 30, at theHotel New Yorker with 75 formerstudents of the Department ofSociology present. They came fromas far north as Quebec, as far southas Louisiana and west as far asCalifornia. The speakers at thebreakfast included Ellsworth Faris,former chairman, Philip M. Hauser,Louis Wirth, Herbert Goldhamer,Ernest W. Burgess, Joseph D. Lohman, Herbert Blumer and FranklinFrazier of Howard University, pastpresident. of the Association. chairman for the American Associa tion ofUniversity Women's biennial convention atAtlantic City in April.1917Lyndon H. Lesch, '17, assistant treasurerand assistant secretary of the Board ofTrustees of the University, has resigned tobecome administrative vice president of L.J. Sheridan & Co., a prominent Chicagoreal estate firm.Since the days when Lyn was a Cubanchorus girl in Blackfriars' "A Night ofKnights," he has been a part of the University. With time out for service inWorld War I and a year as real estatemanager for Armour & Co., he has serVedin the business offices of his Alma Mater.There is no more enthusiastic alumnusready always to shoulder more than h.isshare of responsibilities-and with efficiency.This enthusiasm has carried over into civicaffairs to the point that the Association.cited him with an Alumni Citation in 1945The Chicago Plan Commission, the ParkDistrict, the Citizens' Association, the Wabash Avenue Property Owners, and theBuilding Managers' Association, have Usedhis services to full advantage while his serv,ice to the University in buying, selling, andmanaging real estate even into the NearEast, has been invaluable. He has alsosupervised the University'S insurance portfolio, probably the most comprehensive inthe country.Lyn, with his family, recently built ahome in the Dunes from where it is con.venient to commute to his Loop offices.1918Marguerite B. Johnston was the guestspeaker recently before the Catholic Wom_en's College club in St. Louis, Missouri. Hejsubject was, "What Is the Catholic CollegeWoman in the Changing ,World?"1919 .Erwin Escher, AM, PhD '28, has retiredfrom his teaching duties at the State Teach�ers College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, becauseof illness.Ellen Ann Reynolds, AM' PhD '24, headsthe home economics department at ElonCollege, North Carolina.John Schwarz, AM, returned to BOwling1914Rudy Dole Matthews of Winter Park,Florida, reports a gathering of alumni inWinter Park to meet new Rollins CollegePresident Paul Wagner, '37 and his wife(Paula Shaw, '40). Also introduced at thegathering was William E. Scott, '23, assistant dean of students at the University. Onealumnus present at the gathering wasGeorge Crisler, '24, PhD '28, MD (U. of C.)'31.1915Martin Sprengling, PhD, professor emeritus of semitics at the University, is teaching Moslem history and civilization andelementary Arabic this year at the University of Michigan.1916Helen J. Bonesteele (Mrs. Frank Meyer)lives in Bellingham, Washington.Groves H. Cartledge, PhD, is professor ofchemistry and Dean at King College inBristol, Tennessee.Mrs. Harold G. Ekdahl (Hildur M. Nord·lander) is a psychiatric social worker at theWalter E. Fervald State School, Waverly,Massachusetts.Phoebe Baker (Mrs. B. E. Shackelford)of Orange, N. J., is one of the busiest andmost civic minded women in the state. Shehas recently been appointed conventionHow to Study (Continued from page 10)3. Consult the dictionary.To read and comprehend morethoroughly, try this self-evaluating,"four-way" method of learning:1. Read a comprehensive unit ofmaterial without looking back.2. Self-evaluate or check your ownunderstanding of what you haveread by asking yourself what themain ideas and the supportingdetails are.3. Make summary notes.4. Review the notes.Some very specific techniques canbe used to improve the rate of reading: 1. Read against a watch.2. Consult the rate and comprehension checks, which are published in book or pamphletform: Science Research Associates should shortly issue anexcellent one for this purpose.3. Do not look back, or regress.4. Read narrow columns - newspaper or Reader's Digest width.They have proved best for en-.larging the eye span.5. Set deadlines. Say to yourself,I have just 40 minutes to dothis reading job and no more.6. Adjust your rate of reading to the purpose for which you arereading and the difficulty ofthe material.7. Push yourself to read morerapidly and effectively. ArnoldBennett has said: "It is impossible to read properly with,out using all of one's enginepower."8. Best of all, if one is availablework with a Reading Accelera�tor, an instrument developed byScience Research Associateswhich provides a mechanicalmeans for increasing readingspeed.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOState University, where he taughtG.reen for 25 years, to be the summerhlst_?ry commencement speaker last August.sess�o� Carson, AM '26, taught HousingLUl�se Furnishing at Wheaton College,and 0 Illinois, last summer.Wheaton, 1920Victor E. Cory (Bernice Tucker)�rs. that she enjoys the makeup and laywnt:s the MalTazine. For the past 16 yearsout xnbeen b editor-in-chief of The Alls�e ba;unday School and Daily VacationBIbleI lessons published by Scripture PressSchooin Chicago. 1921. E. Norris of Hillsdale, Michigan,Juba·red from teaching because of illness.has re�ora pottle, AM '26, is head of theT�e artment of Western Illinois Stateart ep Macomb, Ill.College,V price, AM, is social science proGUYat 'Kansas City (Mo.) Junior CollegefessorE tension lecturer at the Central Misand x. State unuel C. Ratcliffe, PhD, is professor ofS.aJIll gy at Illinois Wesleyan University,SOCIO 0 IBI mington, 11 .��ace M. Smith, AM '32, is a private. in Enid, Oklahoma.tutor Ie M. Sullivan (Mrs. Edward J.) isAt?-%ent of the Council of Catholic Wompresl f the Archdiocese of Chicago-someen 0 She writ "M I500000 women.. e, wri es, I y ong .ten-ure'in the PreSIdent � office at the U�Iver-. bas well prepaIed me for the Job-hSIty. g served as secretary under Presidentavm B A· P ·dJudson, President. urton, ctmg resi entW dward PreSIdent Mason and onth�O Alum�i Gift Fund with PresidentHutchins." . AM '29· ..Marion J. Tait,. ' IS a missionaryin Golaghat, Assam, India..CI�rence R. Stone, AM, has Jus.t had. pubI· h d his latest book, Progress m PrimaryRIS ed'n"g He has had published four pro-ea t •di bfessional books, 24 rea. mg tex t ooks, 16workbooks and two readmg texts.1922F derick M. Salter, AM, is associate profess�� of English at the University of Alb ta in Edmonton, Alta., Canada.e�rs Carrie M. Barlow, AM '34, is onbba;ical leave from Calumet High School�a Chicago. One of her more enjoyable::::cupations is reading the Great Books.1923Adelyn D. Street Park teaches a sight saving class at the Nichols School in Evanston,Ill. d JD '25 -Philip N. Lan a, , IS an attorneyin Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is also a memberof ,the faculty of the Sch?ol of Law at theUniversity of Tulsa teachmg Legal Method,Agency and Partnership, and Corporations.Vice President of the Standard Car TruckCo., manufacturers of railroad equipment,is Franklin D. Barber.1924Florence M. Guenther, recently retiredas a teacher at Northwestern high schoolin Detroit, has purchased a home in AnnArbor, Michigan.1925Annie M. Popper, AM, PhD '30, is associate professor of history at Florida StateUniversity.Hugh Field, PhD, is professor of Frenchand Spanish at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis.John F. Putman, AM '25, is in the department of history at Los Angeles CityCollege and lives in Hollywood. Rob�rt Inglis, pas.tor of Plymouth Congre�atlOnal Church In Oakland, CaliforniaresI!?n�d receI_ttly to accept the pastorate atWhIttIer, Cahfornia. He had been in Oakland for ten years.1926Moffatt G. Boyce, SM, PhD '30, is rofess�r of mat�ematics at Vanderbilt bniversity, NashVIlle, Tenn.. Lien-Chao Tzu, AM, PhD '29, left Na�IOnal Teac�ers College at Lanchow, ChinaIl1 A�lgust JUs� ahead of the Communists.He IS n?w Iiving with friends at BirdIsland, MInnesota.William H. Gray, AM PhD '29 is -f f hol ' ,I pIO.essor 0 ps�c o],ogy at Kansas State Teach-ers College III Emporia.Everett �. Lowry, AM '30, is professor ofart education at the University of Tennessee.�li�e A. Donaldson, AM '41, is assistantprll1CIpal �f the Spalding School in Chicago.Sp�ldmg IS a special school for crippledchildren.John C. McMillan, AM, is president ofthe State Normal and Industrial College inEllendale, North Dakota.Ray:t_nond. G. Spencer, SM, PhD '32, isexec.utIve director of the WaShington lIniversity Research Foundation in Clayton,Mo.R�llin A. Steams, AM '36, is an industrialrelations consultant and lives in Glen EllynIll. 'Alice Mary Baldwin, PhD, was recentlyelected an honorary member of the DukeUniversity National Council. The councilAlice Mary BaldWinis a national group of Duke alumni: MissBaldwin was dean of the Duke Women'sCollege from 1930 to 1947.Edna Strauss is a statistician on the Railroad Retirement Board of Chicago.1927Henriette N. Da Costa (Mrs. RaymondLeary), SM '29, PhD '31, formerly a chemist with Standard Chemical & MineralCorp., Chicago, is now a Chicago housewifeand mother.Clara Kostlevy is first grade teacher inHinsdale, Illinois.Felix W. Gingrich, AM, PhD '32, professor of Greek and Bible at Albright College, Reading, Pennsylvania, has beengranted a leave of absence to work ona lexicon of New Testament Greek whichthe University Press will publish. Theproject is being financed by the LutheranMissouri Synod and is a ten-year project. MAGAZINE 25BIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners {# Dyers200 E. M�rquette ReedPhone: WEntworth 6-5380SUPERFLUOUS HAIRREMOVED FOREVERMultiple 20 platinum needles can be used.Permanent removal of hair from face, eyebrows, bac:k of ned, or any part of body;else facial veins, moles, and warts.Men and WomenLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERT20 years' experienceAlsoGraduate NurseSuite 1705. Stevens Building17 N. State StreetTelephone FRanklin 2-4885FREE CONSULTATIONWasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chiceqo Ave.Phone: BUtterfield 8-2116-7-8-9·Wallon'. Coal Makes Good-orWellon DoesEASTMAN COAL CO.Established 1<101YARDS AllOVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES'342 N. O��ley Blvd.Telephone SEeley 3-4488The Best Place to Eat on the South SideI·COLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone HYde Park 3-6324w. B. CONKEY CO:HAMMOND, INDIANASALES OFFICES: CHICAGO AND NEW YORK26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA. 1. STEWART LUMBER CO.Qualify and ServiceSince 188879th Street at Greenwood Ave.All Phones Vincennes 6-9000q;g��UC1'RICAI. SUPPLY CO.Distributors, Manufacturers and Jabbers .,ELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE: SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St •. - ENglewood 4-7500CLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3-3935"Good Primin, 01 All Description,"RESULTS ...depend on getting the details RIGHTPRINTINGImprinting-Processed Letters - TypewritingAddressing - Folding - MailingA Complete Service for Direct AdvertisersChicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn St., Chicago S, Ill.WAba!lh 2-4561E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET -LiTHOG RAPHYFine Color Worle A Specialty731 Plvmouth CourtWAbash 2-8182 Dr. Gingrich will make his base of operations the Chicago quadrangles.Carl M. Marberg, PhD '30, is assistant tothe Vice President in charge of research ofthe Gustin-Bacon Mfg. Co., in Kansas City,Mo.Mildred L. Melville is secretary to thechief probation officer and supervisor of theclerical department of the Harris CountyProbation Department in Houston.Leonard Power, AM, is educational consultant and vice president of the GrolierSociety, Inc., New York City.Ruth .H. De Witt is an attorney for SunOil Company in Dallas, Texas.Donnal V. Smith, AM, PhD '29, is on thefaculty of the State Teachers College inCortland, New York.Phil Kurtzman, clothier, has been electedpresident of <the Guild of California Donsin Los Angeles where he and a brotheroperate Sportsclothes, Ltd.Charles S. Springate, AM '37, is a commercial teacher at East High School inDes Moines, Iowa-"One of the finest highschools in the U. S."1928Emeline L. Stearns, AM, teaches socialstudies at James Monroe high school inFredericksburg, Va.Wilma Anderson, AM, PhD '38 (Mrs.Charles Kerby-Miller), is dean of instruction at Radcliffe College.Mrs. Roberta W. Brown left Chicago forEurope the last of January. She will visitFrance, Switzerland, Italy and England andwill be gone for about three months.Mary L. Mojonnier, PhD, is on the faculty of the chemical home economcs department at Illinois Institute of Technology.Book BossStanley Young, member of the board ofdirectors of Farrar, Straus and Company,New York publishers, assumed the dutiesof managing director this month.After teaching English at Williams College, Young became literary adviser to theMacMillan Company and a regular bookcritic on the New York Times Book Rev:iew and other periodicals. From 1938 u ntil World War II, he was an editor atH,artcourt, Brace & Company. Early in theStanley Youngwar years he resigned to organize and direct the Bollingen Series, the publishingwing of the Old Dominion Foundation.Then he served as a war correspondentwith the Navy and Air Force. His wararticles appeared in The Saturday EuenirurPost and Cosmopolitan. oHe is the author of Sons Without Angerand three plays produced on Broadway.His wife is Nancy Wilson Ross, the novelist. 1929John Welker, AM, PhD '38, is projectengineer for the Soreng ManufacturingCorp., Chicago.Esther E. Espenshade, AM '31, is chief ofstatistics and research for the Illinois Department of Labor in Chicago.Samuel S. Frey, SM '31, has completedfive years of service as a chemist with Oakite Products, Inc., New York.Bernard R. Halpern and Violet M. Were_ley were married November 23, 1949.Hazel E. Foster, BD '32, PhD '33, is professor of religion at Spelman College inAtlanta, Georgia. She is president of theJane Addams Branch of Women's Interna_tional League. for Peace and Freedom anda member of the National Board ofWILPF. During the past summer she occupied Ohio pulpits.Marguerite Ducker is assistant directorand lecturer in the program of hospital administration, Northwestern University. h�r master's degree in hospitaladmmistratlOn from Northwestern in 1948.1930Walter A. Knudson is an English teacherat York Community High School, ElmhurstIll. 'Keith O. Tayl?r, MBA '45, is teaching anew lecture-semmar course for graduatepublic health students at the University ofCalifornia.Martha Sophia Pittman, PhD, formerlywith the Department of Foods and Nutrition, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas, is retired.Mrs. W. P. Anawalt, SM, is head of thenursery school at Ohio Wesleyan UniversityDelaware, Ohio. 'David M. Maynard, PhD, foreign serviceofficer, has been transferred to Athens asCounselor from the State Departmentwhere he has been assigned during recentweeks. Since he joined the Foreign Servicein September, 1941, Maynard has served atLima, Bern and Tokyo.Abraham L. Sudran, AM '31, is executive director of the Jewish Federation andCouncil in Kansas City, Missouri.Hugh A. Shadduck, PhD, is a researchchemist with General Electric Co.Franklin S. Lerch, AM, is mathematicsteacher at Liberty Senior high school inBethlehem, Pa.1931Peter F. Loewen, AM, is on the faCUltyof the School of Speech at Denver University.Horace E. Wheeler teaches at Long Beach(Calif.) City College.John E. Stoner, AM, PhD '37, is associate professor of government at IndianaUniversity.John B. Smith, AM, is dean of educationat the Kansas City (Missouri) Art Institute.Ma?le �all Schamp (Mrs. Irving JaCOby),PhD 36, IS on the staff of the City Collegeof New York.D�rothy. M .. Sc�ullian, PhD, is ArmyMedical Librarian m Cleveland, Ohio.Byrdie C. Reece is supervisor of thecafeteria and instructor in foods at IowaCity High School.Horace H. Roseberry, SM, is professor ofphysics at Ohio University.Robert W. Mollendorf, SM '40, 'leachesmathematics in Chicago high schools.Since obtaining her master's degree Elizabeth C. McClintic, AM '38, has taught atIndiana University and Dakota Wesleyanand published a novel, Viala.Joseph W. Bailey is manager of the radioTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEelevision department of the Grey Ad-and. t. Agency, New York.vertIstngJ{ Barlow is a real estate managerAl�ted' with Parker Holsman Company,assoClaChicag?· W Peterson AM '34 and MaryW'1baW' , ,.1S peterson, report the birth of Rich-ThO��ward in Santa Monica, Calif., onard ial Day. They consider this aMernon '.date for a war-time marnage sou-proper as Lt. Col. Bill and Ensign Maryvenrr arried long before the current offi,,:ere X:abble over unification of the serv�Ial Still now heads the Prudential InsurIces. Company's advertising and promoa.nee I activities in the 11 western states anduona-: He was called to Toronto justH�wal:; the birth of his son to receive thepn� ward of the International Council of194 �rial Editors for a publication thatInddu� sued less than six editions at the timeha ISof J·udging. . .Marguerite McNall (Mrs. F. W. WIlliams)f Valley Stream, Long Island, left with� husband January 6 .for an extendederh American tour until March.SO��one1 R. Martin, AM, is a business education teacher in the South Bend (Ind.)hi h schools. , .�·lton S. Clements, AM 36, IS a teacherd loach at Chicago's Senn High Schooland cpends his summers at the Americanan s 1 W' .B Camp in Co oma, isconsm.°lf xander F. Handel, has been appointedd eof the newly-established Graduates���ol of Social Work at Ade�phi College,Garden City, New Yo:k .. He IS a. memberof the American AssoClat.IOn of SOCIal Wo�k-the American Public 'Welfare Associae-:s, and the National Conference of Social�n'k Handel has worked with UNNRA°dr �as director of the United Service foran .New AmerIcans.1932R ymond V. Cradit, is associate profesaf accounting at Drake University insor 0Des Moines, Iowa.Mrs. Rupert Wandel, AM '3�, writ;,s froJ?S Francisco to say she enjoyed RadioanThe Midway" and "Five Weeks in a��wboat" in the November issue of theMagazine. . ..Helen C. DaVIS, PhD, IS director of ErnestH n Elementary School and professor oflor entary education at Colorado State Col-eem ., G I1 e of EducatIOn m ree ey.e1Ielen E. Streit, SM, is director of theSherman Way Nursery School in Reseda,Montana.Edd B. Wetherow, AM '39, is on the staffof the John Herron Art Museum in In-dianapolis, Ind. ,Jack L. Hough, SM '34, PhD '40, is nowassociate professor. in. the dep_art�ent ofeology at the Umv:rsity Of. IllmOIS.g Gerald W. Crane IS a mamtenance planner with the Kimb�rly Clark Corp. andlives in Menasha, '�ISCOnSIl1. .Galen Hunt, JD, IS an attorney at law 10Seward, Alaska.1933Katheryn A. Rogers (Mrs. Waldo Chamberlin), AM, PhD '37, lists her position as"housewife and mother" in Manhasset,N. Y.Harold J. Plumley, PhD '37, is chief ofthe Guided Missiles Division of the NavalOrdnance Lab., Washington, D. C.Winton V. Hanson is still busy sellingfreight and passenger transportation in theCentral California Coast area. He reportshe's living in an "eagle's nest on the eastbank of the Santa Cruz mountains betweenLos Gatos and Saratoga with the quail, bob-cats, and coyotes plus a very fertilecrop of gophers and moles."Frances H. Mains, AM, is on the nationalstaff. of the YWCA, based in the ChicagoRegional Office.A letter finally sifted through fromCzechoslovakia written by Timothy B.Prochazka thankmg us for issues of TowerTopics and sending a bound copy of "May"by one of the great Czech poets, KarelHynek Macha.Roosevelt A. Baker.. AM '35, is pastorof �he Central Memorial Baptist Church ofChicago.1934Solomon Gershon, "SM '35, PhD '38, is research manager of the Pepsodent Divisionof Lever Brothers Co.Grace Walker (Mrs. Charles Copenhaver)AM, is a .substitute teacher for the Pitts�burgh, Pa., Board of Education.Edward L. Ullman, PhD '42 assistantprofessor in the Harvard Gradu�te Schoolof Design, has been promoted to associateprofessor.Oliver H. Statler is assistant to the Quartermaster at 8th Army headquarters overseas.Cecilia Schuck, PhD, is professor of nutrition at Purdue University.Stephen P. Ryder, PhD, is head administrative officer of the U. S. Civil ServiceCommission in Washington.Harold G. Murphy, MBA '37, is withNeedham, Louis & Brorby, Chicago, engaged in market research. The Murphys(Kathryn L. Hummel, '34) live in GlenEllyn, Ill.Adele M. Morel is a psychologist withBureau of Child Study of the Chicago Public Schools.Madison A. Kuhn, AM, PhD '40, is onth� f�culty of the department of history atMichigan State College, East Lansing.Emma M. La:Porte, AM '36, is an instructor in Spanish at Stephens COllege, Columbia, Missouri.�odney Ward Stewart, AM, recently reoceived a JD degree from George Washington University in Washington, D .. C.Vernon Van Dyke� AM, PhD '37, hasbeen named associate professor of politicalscience at the University of Iowa. For thepas� .three years he had been professor ofpolitical SCIence at Yale University. Hehas also taught at DePauw University andbeen a lecturer in the School for AdvancedInternational Studies in Washington, D. C.Van Dyke was a lieutenant in the navycl uring the war.Elizabeth �cBroom, AM, is assistant professor of SOCIal Work at the University ofSou them California.�ussell A. Beam,. PhD, has been specialassistant to the Director, Education andTraining Service, Veterans Administration,Arlington, Virginia, since March 1, 1948.James L. Zacharias, JD '35, recentlyjoined the Precision Electroplating Company in Chicago. The company specializesin gold and silver plating.1935Frank O. Hand, AM, is an English teacher at Lower Merion High School and alsois on the faculty of the Drexel Institute ofTechnology (Pennsylvania).Lois M. Handsaker, AM, is associate personnel examiner for the California StatePersonnel Board.Helen M. Staunton is managing editor ofthe Post-Hall Syndicate in New York.James Q. Reber, AM, PhD '39, is chiefof the committee secretariat staff of theDepartment of State, in Washington. 27relephone KEnwood 6·1352J. E. KIDWELL Florist826. East Forty-seventh StreetChicago 15. IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELLPhones OAkland 4.0690-:-::4.0691-4.0692The Old Reli�bleHyde Park- -Awning Co.INC.Awning. and Canopies for A�' .Purpo.e.4508 Cottage Grove Avenue•Auto Livery•Quiet, unob'ru.lve .erv'c.When you wan' i" a. you wan' i,CALL AN EMERY FIRSTEmery Drexel Livery, Inc�5516 Harper AvenueFAirfax 4·6400,Since1895SURGEONS'INSTRUMENTSof ALL TYPESEQUIPMENT and FURNITUREfor OFFICE and HOSPITALAll Phones: SEeley 3-2180V. MUELLER & CO.320·408 S. HONORE STREETCHICAGO 12, ILLINOIS28 THE U N I V E R SIT Y 0 F C·R I C AGO MAG A Z I N EGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting-Decorating-Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186Since 1878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholstersFurniture Repairing1919 N. Sheffield, AvenuePhone: lincoln 9-7180HAWTINPHOTOENGRAVERSPho'o Engrave,.Artists -' ElectrotypersMakers of PrlntinQ Plate.538So. Wells St. TelephoneWAbash 2-6480BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICEUCENSED ,. BONDEDINSUREDQUAIJFIED WELDERSHAymarket 1.79171404-08 S. W estern Ave.. ChicagoTuckerDecorating Service1360 East 70th StreetPhone Midway 3-4404 Elton K. Morris is a research chemist forDow Chemical Co. in Midland, Mich.Jacob L. Mosak, PhD '41, is serving as aneconomist for the United Nations Secretariat at Lake Success, New York.H. B. Bentsen, president of the NationalAssociation of Educational Buyers and executive director of George Williams' College (Chicago) camp at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin-informs us his son is now a seniorat Denison University in Ohio. �Gifford M. Mast, president of Mast Development Co. (industrial designing) atDavenport, Iowa, starts building. a newhome in April on an acre of ground. Itwill be a new day for the youngsters: Gifford, 6; Terry, 4, antt-maybe a sister in thespring. Think of an acre of ground anda new house for playing cowboys and IndianslAllen L. Miserez, AM, is assistant professor on the faculty of Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich.Walter A. Lurie, PhD, is program analystfor the National Community Relations Advisory Council in New York.Helen B. Johnson (Mrs. Robert Ardrey),is now living in Los Angeles.For the past two years Franklin D. Carrhas been administrator of the WaukeshaMemorial Hospital, Waukesha, Wisconsin.John E. Devine, AM '35, foreign serviceofficer, has been transferred to the Department of State from Cairo where he wasSecond Secretary and Vice Consul. He wasassigned to Cairo shortly after he joinedthe Foreign Service in November, 1946.Clara G. Brown of Huntington, West Virginia, writes: "The Magazine grows moreinteresting every issue. Am making a collection of the 'beautiful doorways' oncover."George J. Falgier, SM, is a high-schoolteacher in St. Louis, Mo.1936Van Akin Burd is a teaching fellow atthe University of Michigan.Kenneth M. Thompson is now an accountant for the R. C. O'Hair Companyin Chicago.Lloyd Joseph Wiercinski, SM, is an assistant professor in 'physiology at Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia.Helen Huber is a commercial teacher inSt. Croix Falls, Wisconsin.Helen Mizevich (Mrs. Edward B. Beeks),is teaching at the Bateman School in Chicago.Station WMGMJoel S. Herron, who was in everything musical around the Universityand who, with Bob Fitzgerald, wrotemusic for some of the Blackfriarshows, is musical director for stationWMGM in New York.He has recently released an albumof records, "Campus Days" (M. C. M.No. 45), orchestra and chorus conducted by Joel Herron.Joel also writes original music andconducts the orchestra for theWMGM Theatre of the Air (Chicago WGN, 8:30 P. M. Friday nights).William J. Boros is chief of the costmaintenance bureau at the Pittsburghoffices of Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp.Olga H. Bush, AM '37, is dean of girlsat J. Sterling Morton high school in Cicero,Ill.Robert K. Hall, AM, is professor of Edu- cation at Columbia University's TeachersCollege.Wayne W. Marshall is "Group Head, Analytical Research, Metallurgical and Contr()lDivision, Nucleonics Department (HanfordWorks), General Electric Co."Alexander M. Moore is Vice-president anddean of boys at the Crispus Attucks HighSchool in Indianapolis, Ind.Teaching in the Chicago Public Schoolsis Bessie Nicopoulos, wife of Michael Savo-y'37, SM '41. Michael is a research chemis�with the Pure Oil Co.Leone H. Pazourek, SM, is nutrition COnsultant with the Illinois Department ofPublic Health in Springfield.Edna E. Woods, AM, teaches Latin atthe Mount Vernon (Indiana) high school.1937Thomas F. Debnam is. assistant professorat The Citadel, Charleston, S. C.Calder S. Sherwood III, SM, heads thedepartment of chemistry at William andMary-Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Norfolk, Virginia.H. Reginald Greenholt, PhD, is professor of history and government at Lenoir_Rhyne College, Hickory, N. C.N ow in Los Angeles is J. W. W echsel�berger. He and his family moved therearound the first of last year.Mrs. Howard A. Merritt, Jr. (Sophie J.Eisenstein, AM '47), writes that husbandHoward is still teaching at Platteville StateTeachers' College in Platteville, Wisconsin.He's in the history department. She is enrolled at the college to meet Wisconsinteaching requirements.Wells D. Burnette, associate director ofthe National Conference of Christians andJews, has been appointed vice president ofRoosevelt College (Chicago) where he willbe in charge of development and fund raising. "'He resigned his former position totake his new office January 1, 1950.Frank E. Martin, former professor ofphysics at Central Missouri State TeachersCollege, is with the metallurgy division ofthe Naval Research Laboratories in Washington, D. C.Irving Sanders, AM '41, is regional representative of the State of Illinois Department of Public Welfare in Peoria.1938Abram B. Goldstein, AM, is an InternalRevenue Agent with the U. S. TreasuryDept. in Chicago.Byron C. Hayes, AM, is associate directorof admissions at Lehigh University.Ruth Zeigler (Mrs. Paul Kelso), AM, ispart-time instructor in a Tucson, Arizonacommercial college. 'H. F. "Bud" Larson is living with hiswife and son in La Crescenta, California.He is advertising manager of the W. J.Voit Rubber Company.Lola M. Fennig, former supervisor ofBurton-Judson courts and now assistant director of Commons and Resident Halls at-the University, was married to Frank H.Townsend, AM '46, former resident head ofChamberlin House and now a full timegraduate student in the department ofEnglish at the U niversity; on October 7,1949.A June wedding was planned for TeddiFrances Feldman of Matapan to MarvinCalmenson, MD, of Hollywood, California.Walter G. Hjerstedt is director andfounder of the International Drawing Exchange with headquarters in Chicago.Ithiel de Sola Pool, AM '39, chairman ofthe social sciences department at HobartCollege, New York, has joined the researchTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO'CHIPS IS A CHIPMUNKwho writes monthly letters tochi'ldren around the worldLet Chips write a sample letterto your child. If you and your child likeit, send$2.75 for year subscriptionAn extra 2Sc will include all children frolJ14 to 8 at same address.CHIPS INSTILLS SELF CONFIDENCEI NSPI RES SELF EXPRESSIONAND GENEROSITYCHIPS LETTERS913 S. Third StreetBozeman, MontanaChips' Assistant - Jessie Brown Marsh, '16ASHJIAN BROS., Inc..ITABLI.HID InlOrien tal and DomesticRUGSCLEANED anel REPAIRED8066 Soutb Cbicalo Phone REgent 4-6000RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMOnroe 6-3192Swift ts Ice CreamSundaes and sodas are special treatsmade with Swift's Ice Cream. So delicious, so creamy-smooth, so refreshingly ymws ....A product ofSWIFT & COMPANY7409 S. State StreetPhone RAdcliff 3-7400 staff of Stanford UniversI'ty"5 H. oover Li-brary and InstItute as assistant di. nector ofa three-year study mto present d 1. d hei ay revo u-nons an t elf effects on relations amongnations.Hurst H. Shoemaker, PhD, is assistantIPlrl?fe�sor MOf zoology at the University of1110IS. rs. S hoe m a k e r is Marv c.Vaughan, AM '36. .. Simon Rodbard, PhD '41, is assistantdlfe�tor of cardiovascular research at theMedical R�search Institute of MichaelReese Hospital in Chicago. 'Commander Horace D. Warden MDsurprised us with a Christmas card fro�the Presidential yacht Williamsburg. Heis a physician on this yacht. He was onthe recent T�uman Key West vacation, they�cht preceding the President and goingVIa Cuba. The Warden family lives at 4809Middlesex Lane, Bethesda, Maryland. Sixmonths ago little Billy joined the groupwhich includes Jimmy, 10, and Barbara:nearly 3.1939May Eliz�beth Greenwood (Mrs. BruceE. Vardon) IS a free lance writer in Winnipeg, Canada. Mr. Vardon, '41, AM '42, ison the faculty of the University of Manitoba.Alfred E. Moon, AM '41, is a budget analyst with the U. S. Bureau of the Budget.J. Wesley Childers, PhD, is chairman ofthe department of modern foreign languages of the New York State College forTeachers in Albany.David Kritchevsky, SM '42, dropped inat Alumni House before Christmas on hisway from Zurich to Berkeley. After earning his PhD from Northwestern Universitylast year, David accepted a fellowship tothe Federal Institute of Technology inZurich, Switzerland, from the AmericanCancer Society Committee on Growth. Hehas just returned to accept a position onthe staff of the Radiation Laboratory inBerkeley, California.Rose Marie Perez, AM, is junior librarianat San Diego (Calif.) State College.Richard R. Ranney is budget officer inthe financial management of a $33,000,000health and hospital program for CoastGuardsmen and Merchant Seamen at Washington, D. C. The family, including Mike,2, live in .Alexandria, Virginia.A. Q. Sartain, PhD, is chairman of thedepartments of Psychology and PersonnelAdministration at Southern Methodist U.Adrienne S. Rayl, PhD, is associate professor of mathematics at the University ofAlabama.Ingrid M. Wennerberg (Mrs. Robert J.Cooney) is making her home in ThreeOaks, Michigan.Gerhardt E. Steinke is an instructor atSacramento (California) Junior College, .Robert M. Burchett is a representativeof carpet enterprises in New York.Frederick S. Hill, Jr., SM, is a plantengineer for the Treatolite Company inst. Louis, Missouri.A son, Henry Birdsall, was born to theGilbert T. Hunters, AM, July 23, 1949.Louis Rubin, MD (D .. of C.) '43, has leftthe University clinics and opened an officein Rockford, Ill'inois.1940Mason C. Doan, AM, is a market analystwith the Federal Housing Administrationin Washington.Esther Ailsa Howard, AM, is an art instructor at State Teachers' College, Kutztown, Pennsylvania. MAGAZINE 29LEIGH'S'GROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERTELEPHONE TAylor 9-14510' CALLAGHAN BROS.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.P hone: SAginaw 1-3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeak. RepairedFree Edimate.FRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.7711 Luella Ave.SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 95 YearsChicago's most comp.eteprescription stoc"23 N. Wabash AvenueChicago. IllinoisReal Estate and Inlurance1500 East 57th Street Hyde Park 3·2525Ajax Waste Paper Co.2600-2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Waste Paper500 pounds or moreScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, ROckwell 2-6252Telephone HAymarket 1-3120E. A. AARON & BROS. Inc.�resh �ru;fs and Vegeta".esDistributors 0'CEDERGREEN fROZEN �RESH flU ITS AND.VEGETABLES46-48 South Water Market30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE-- Golden Dirilyte(fo"",,,', Di"illo'd)The Lifetime TablewareSOL-�D - N01' PLATEDComplete sets and open stockFINE BONE CHIN AAynsley. Royal Crown Derby, Spode andDther Famous Makes of Fine China. AlsoCrysbJ, Table Linen and Gifts:COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSIllriqu, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4. iii.Platers, SilversmithsSpeciali.,. • • •GOLD, SILVER. RHODANIZESILVERWARERepaired, I.fini .... d, lelacqueredSWARTZ & COMPANY10 S. Wabash Ave. CEntral 6·6089·90 ChicagoLA TOURAINECoffee and TeaLa Touraine Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave.. Chlceqe.Other P'an',Boston - N.Y. - Phil. - Syracuse - Cleveland"You Mig'" A. Well Have The 8el'"CONCRETETraprock Industrial FloorsMetallic Trucking FloorsMachine FoundationsSidewalksT'VroUf.'"NOrmal 7·0433T. A. REHNQUIST CO.6639 So. Vernon Ave.CHICAGO 37 Jack Vertuno reports the addition ofSuzanne Lynn to the family.Graduate DeanG. Leland Bach, PhD, has been namedthe first dean of the nation's first graduateschool of industrial administration at Carnegie Institute of Technology. Dr. Bachhad been acting dean of the school sinceits establishment.A former government economist, theGeorge L. Bachnewly appointed dean has held high positions with the Federal Reserve Board andthe Department of Commerce. He servedduring 1948 on the Hoover Commission.Dr. Bach joined the Carnegie facultythree years ago as head of the Economicsdepartment-a position he will retain alongwith his new office.Ruth E. Kaul, AM '41, writes advertisingcopy in the Chicago area.Elmer B. Potter, AM, is associate professor of history at the U. S. Naval Academy.James R. Browne, PhD, is professor ofmodern languages at Kenyon College inGambier, Ohio.Eileen S. Jackson (Mrs. Joseph E. Southern), AM '41, is director of music at theState College in Orangeburg, S. C. Mr.Southern, MBA '45, is also on the faculty.1941Edward D. Gibbs is associate professorof education at College of Puget Sound.Carl Q. Christol, Jr., PhD, is visiting associate professor of political science at theUniversity of Southern California.Alice M. Carlson is associate editor ofcompany publications of the ContinentalCasualty Co., Chicago.Bernard Chesler of Los Angeles wasmarried recently to Doris Pink. Cheslerserved in the chemical warfare division ofthe Army in World War II.Marion L. Halston (Mrs. Alvin La. Vine)is still living. in Rochester, Minnesota. Herhusband, until recently a chemistry instructor at Austin Junior College in Rochester,is now a chemist for the Maya Foundation. He is working on the productionproblems of Compound E (Cortisone).Frank Costin, AM, PhD '48, is assistantprofessor of Psychology and Clinical Counselor at the University of Illinois.Stewart Irvin Oost, AM '47, teaches hislory at Southern Methodist University inDallas, Texas.Robert J. Zolad, MBA, announces thebirth of a daughter, Laurel Marie, on December 7, 1949.Robert C. Stone, AM, PhD '49, is assistant professor of sociology at Stanford University in Palo AHo, California.Herbert Swartz, AM, is merchandise manager for Mullen & Bluett, a Los Angelesclothing firm. Mrs. Swartz is the formerVida Strugo, AM '40. 1942Joseph H. Hornback is a student at theUniversity of Illinois and teaches one class.David Neal Easton is an actuary in LosAngeles.Frank B. Cliffe, Jr., AM '48, is an instructor at Illinois Institute of Technology inChicago.John B. Riddle, MBA '42, is plant engineer for the Sterling Grinding WheelsCompany in Tiffin, Ohio. He is marriedand has two children.James L. Burtle, AM '48, is an economistin Switzerland.John F. Fralick II, is a security analystfor Blyth & Co., Inc. of Chicago.Richard S. Baer, MBA, a certified public accountant, recently opened a publicaccounting at 134 North La Salle in Chicago.Marshall Bennett formed a partnershipin the industrial real estate business underthe name of Bennett and Kahaweiler inChicago. He recently was elected to theChicago Real Estate Board.1943Andrew H. Whiteford, AM, is a professorof anthropology at Beloit College, BeloitWisconsin. 'De Witt James Lowell is teaching biochemistry in the University of West Virginia medical division at Morgantown, 'VestVirginia.Harry M. Goldsteen is connected with theCohen Furniture Company in Peoria, Illinois.Elected to full membership in SigmaXi, scientific honorary, was Stuart Lloydnow a student in the Physics Departmen:at the University of Illinois.1944The paths of identical twins, Charles andTheodore Monasee, Air Force lieutenants,who hale from Los Angeles, have followedparallel lines even in post-graduate life.Both flew trips to observe atom bombtests at Bikino. Both have made severaltrips across the North Pole while stationedin Alaska as weather observers. Both arenow seeking to win their wings in theclass of 50-D which started flight this last summer at Perrin Field, Denison, Texas.James E. NaIl, MBA, financial analyst�ecently _jOined the. Ford �otor. CompanyIII Detroit. He resigned hIS position withBooz, Allen & Hamilton, Chicago. Severalother alumni at Ford are Paul LorenzMBA '41; Art Goeing, '34, MBA '48; Gran�Chave, AM '48, and Wally Booth, Jr., '48MBA '48. 'Leonora A. Dorsey, SS, is counsellor ofwomen and freshman mathematics instructor at Virginia Intermont College in BristolVirginia. '1945Myron L. Tripp, JD, is a member ofthe House of Representatives of the Stateof Montana.Clinton E. Burris, AM, librarian atMorningside College, Sioux City, Iowa, andMrs. Burris, '29, recently attended the Midwest Regional Conference of the AmericanLibrary Association at Fort Collins, Colorado. They visited libraries in California,Nebraska and Nevada.1946Jane Lohrer Cates; PhD, is assistant professor in the social science department ofBall State Teachers College, Muncie, Ind.Margaret Bay was married to Richard31THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING•60 YEARS Of DEPENDABLESERVICE TO THE SOUTHSIDE•ASK fOR fREE ESTIMATE•55th and ELLIS AVENUECHICAGO 15, ILLINOISBUtterfield 8-0111DAVID L. SUTTON. Pres.CLARK·BREWERTeachers Agency68th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices-One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis-Kansas City. Mo.Spokane-New YorkPENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack W(Jter Valves, Sumps-Pumps1545 E. 63RO STREET6620 corraea GROVE AVENUEFAirfax 4·0550PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICE1545 EAST 63RO STREETBIENENFELDChicago's Most Complete Stock ofGLASSGLASS CORP. OF ILLINOIS1525W. 35th St. PhoneLAfayette 3·84003 HOUR SERVICEEXCLUSIVE CLEANERSAND DYERSSinc« 19201442 and 1331 E. 57th St.•EVENING GOWNSAND FORMALSA SPECIALTYMid way ��g�g� • w. call forand deli1Jflr3 HOUR SERVICE Dinning, JD '49, September 24, 1949. Theceremony was performed in ThorndykeHilton Chapel.Robert W. Hanks, PhD, is assistant professor of Botany at Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida.lloyd L. Hogan is an instructor in Economics at the Norfolk Division of VirginiaState College.Reid Poole, AM '47, is assistant professorin the Division of Music at the Universityof Florida. He is assistant to Colonel Harold Bachman, director of bands at Floridaand former director of the University bandfrom the 1930's to the war.Shirley E. Lebeson recently received anAB degree from George Washington University in Washington, D. c.1947Melvin D. Kennedy, PhD, is professor ofhistory and chairman of the departmen lof history and government at MorehouseCollege in Atlanta.Mildred Wood, SM '48, is director of thenursery at Latter-day Saints Hospital, SaltLake City, Utah.Lois Karraker and Steve Finney, '47,MBA '48, were married November 25, 1949.Albert Inge Austin, SSA, is now connected with the Mental Hygiene Clinic inGary, Indiana.Jesse Davis Dean, AM, foreign serviceofficer, has been transferred from Londonto Haifa in Palestine as vice consul. Hewas commissioned in the foreign servicein July, 1947, and, after assignment tothe State Department for several months,he was assigned to London.Arthur Brody was recently elected copyeditor of the Harvard Law School Record,weekly newspaper of students at the school.William C. Montgomery is with the department of business and administration ofthe Missouri Division of Resources andDevelopment in Jefferson City, Missouri.He is the father of the (quote) most amazing (unquote) six months old boy andvery happy in his work.Lawrence L. De Mott, AM '47, is an instructor in English a:t The State Collegeof Washington, Pullman, Washington.Florence Dorothy Chudik : became thebride of Robert Frank Williams in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on October 29, 1949.Robert E. Martin, PhD, assistant professor of government at Howard University,is ont; of three visiting professors recentlyappointed to study Columbia University'Sgeneral education program during the1949-50 academic year. Selected from nominations submitted by more than sixty colleges throughout the country, the professors will teach and study at Columbiaunder an $18,000 grant from the CarnegieCorporation of New York.During the holidays a greeting card arrived from Edwin (Ned) Munger, SM '·t8,who is in Poste Restante, Kampala, Uganda,East Africa, on a fellowship.Leonard S. Delano, MBA, is the new director of food service at Graceland College,Lamoni, Iowa.Ray H. Freeark, Jr., is teaching socialscience and coaching at Rosiclare, Illinois.194�Beatrice Gloria Davis was married toPeter Small in New York.Mary Constance Foley, AM, is a fieldrepresentative for the American Red Crossin Chicago.Hazelle R. Bergstrom, AM, is associatedwith the Canadian consulate.Don E. Fehrenbacker, AM, teaches at CoeCollege in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. TELEVISIONDrop in and see a prcqrernRADIOSFrom consoles to portablesRadio- TV ServiceAt home' or shop ,ELECTRICAL APPJ.IANCESRefrigerators R(JngesWashers BlanketsSPORTING GOODSFor all seasonsRECORDSFine P�g)I!�ti��mfo�o��ifdrenillER 1IJ1IAI/\l1S935 E. 55th StreetAt Ingleside AvenueTelephone Midway 3-6700Robert Gaertner, '34 Julian Tishler. '33TREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Direct Factory DealerforCH RYSLER and . PLYMOUTHNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMidway 3-4200AlsoGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete Automobile Repair.Body. Paint. Simonize. Wasiland Greasing DepartmentsHYLAND A. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone DOrchester 3-1579BLACKSTONE,HALLAnExclusive Women's HoterIn theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering; Graceful Living to Uni.versity and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748Blackstone Av •• TelephonePLaza 2-3313Verna P. Werner, Director32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBOYDSTON BROS., INC.operatingAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of ChicagoOAkland 4-0492Trained and license·d attendantsPOND LETTER SERVICEEtJerythin� in Letter.Mlmeolraplll.1Addreul ••MalllalMlalmum Prl ...Hotve. Typ •• rltl ••MultllraphlnlAddrlllOlrapll Senl ••Hllllllt Quality Senl ..All PhonesHArrison 7-8118 41 e So. Market St.ChicagoAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement wbleb ltmltll itswork to the university and college leld.It Is amliated with the Flsir Teaehe ...Agency of Chicago, whose work covers anthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist In the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.Our service Is nation-wide.Since JBBSALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best In placement servIce for University,College, Secondary and Elementary. Nationwide patronage. Call or write us at25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, IllinoisSTENOTYPYLearn Dew. Ipeedy maclline 11Iorthand. Le'leWort, no cramped fingen or Derl'OUI fati4'ue.Allo other CO.flU: Typinl. Bookkeeping,Comptometry. etc. »ay or nening. Vj$j,.writ, ()f' �.",., for .alll.Bryant� StrattonCO�EGE18 S. MICHIGA.N AVE. T.I. RAndolph 8-1575BOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.OAkland 4-0492 Ralph Jerome Coppola, MD (U of C),is interning at Queens Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii.Richard L. Garwin, SM, is an instructorin physics at the University.Catherine Cox, AM,· is a medical socialworker at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.Norman Allison Crowder, AM, is a research associate in the department of education at the University.Carl Henry Abraham, MBA, has beennamed assistant general freight agent forTranscon Lines, Los Angeles. He willrepresent the company in New York.Elizabeth L. Lyman, AM, is administrative assistant to the director of the SocialScience division of the Rockefeller Foundation.Mary Bigford Brett (Mrs. John j., Jr.)writes that with the November issue of theMagazine she notices a distinct and pleasing improvement.Robert V. Cole, AM, psychologist andsociologist, is a student and part timeteacher at Wilson Junior College in Chi-cago. .A "Hi Gang" Christmas card from formerassociate editor, Emily Brooke, enclosed aneight-month picture of Clem, Jr. Dad,Clem JuniorClement. E. Brooke, MD, is on the staffof Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester,N. Y.Harry Cohen, AM, has moved fromLouisville, Kentucky, to Alexandria, Louisiana, where he is associated with theVeterans' Administration Hospital in social service work.George O. Braden is with Interdepartment Brokerage of the Fireman's FundGroup at the head office in San Francisco.In the December issue of their house organ (circulation 250,000) he has a twopage article, "You've Caused an Auto Accident," which assumes you are still aliveand tells you what to do, briefly but inone-to-three details. Meanwhile, George isworking with our Bay Area alumni formingone of the most alive clubs in the country.John A. Woodford, received his AB degree from "the University of California(Berkeley) last June.Russell H. Clark, MBA '49, who has beena teaching assistant in business economicsat Chicago, became business manager ofChicago Musical College on January I,1950. The family, including three-year-oldLinnea, lives at 5058 N. Wolcott Avenue,Chicago.1949Arthur S. Lentz, MBA, is associate professor of business' administration at SiouxFalls College, Sioux Falls, Sou th Dakota.Paul D. Tillett, JD, is teaching in theCollege of Law, University of Nebraska,Lincoln, Nebraska. .Verner E. Johanson is connected withthe Chemist Faresac Company in Dolton,Illinois. Maurice Griffel, PhD, is assistant professor of chemistry at Iowa State COllege,Ames, Iowa.Cicely F. Finkelstein, AM, is a psychologist with the Guidance Center in Dayton.Ohio.A. Rosas Sarabia, JD, is now associatedwith the law firm of Baker, McKenzie andHightower on LaSalle Street, Chicago. Thefirm handles general practice in' additionto foreign trade practice.Elba M. Burgos, AM, is a medical socialworker in the Bureau of Medical SocialService, Department of Health, Puerto Rico.Silas D. Smith, MBA, is a buyer traineefor A. C. McClurg Company in Chicago.William R. Caple, MBA, has been appointed coordinator of branch office activities for the magnesium sales departmentof Dow Chemical Company in Midland,Michigan.Kenneth L. Clark operates the BrightonClothes Shop at Archer Avenue and 42ndStreet in Chicago.DEATHSMrs. John H. Lee (Elizabeth Park, '99),died November 20, 1949.Ella M. Bunting, '03, died in. Chicago onDecember 6, 1949.Henry Sims, AM '07, died September 2,1949.Lulu Grace Graves '10, first woman professor of home economics at Cornell University, died July 31, 1949, at Berkeley,California.Reno R. Reeve, '11, JD '16, died August23, 1949, in Cedar Falls, Iowa.J. Elmer Thomas '12, husband of theformer Mary Sturges '15, and father of Mrs.Walter O'Bannon, Jr., '40 and Lee SturgesThomas '37, died of a heart attack August20, 1949, in Fort Worth, Texas. Wellknown as a geologist in the petroleum field,Thomas was the first president of theAmerican Association of.. Petroleum Geologists.Tybee W. Oliver, '15, AM '16, died onAugust 12, 1949..Ralph H. Braden, SM '16, died September 1, 1949, after a two years' illness.Edward J. Marum, '17, died on September 10, 1949, in his home in Chicago.Ada M. Coleman, '19, formerly head ofthe mathematics department at EmmerichManual Training high school in Indianapolis, Indiana, died late in November.Oscar C. J. Erickson, '19, MD (Rush), '21,died July 30, 1949.Sister Anna Margaret Normile, AM '19,PhD '27, died October 8, 1949.Alfred Leslie Craig, '20, MD (Rush) '24,die� September 24, 1949.Harold s. Phillips, MD '20, died July 14,1949.Mrs. Ruth Johnson Clarahan, '22, diedDecember 5, 1949, at her home in JacksonHeights, New York ..Mrs. Morgan O. Bogart, '24, MD (Rush)'28 (Phyllis S. Kerr), died in New YorkCity, April 12, 1949.Ernest R. Stocks, '27, MD '32, was killedin an automobile accident May 19, 1949.Mrs. John P. Allen, '34 (Mrs. Helen Andrews Hazen), died March 13, 1949.Lawrence Brokate, '35, died September 5,1949.:Word was received recently of the deathof Hans Riemer, '35.Cancer is curable if discovered early and treated properly:.\7:;:�; .. , .. ,--,.AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, INC.If any of these symptoms appear, see your doctor at once.Write for the booklet about cancer. Just address your request to "CANCER".Fingers of flame that pierce solid rockYES, through a dramatic new process known as jet-piercing. . . holes can now be burned straight and true throughsolid rock! The harder the rock the more efficient the operation! A special combination of oxygen, fuel, and waterdoes the job ... and in a fraction of the time required bythe old drill attack.This process is of particular significance to the steel industry today. Why? Because government surveys show thatAmerica's reserves of top-grade iron ore-source of steelare fast being reduced. But there remain almost inexhaustible beds of the once scorned low-grade iron ore calledtaconite.The extremely hard and dense nature of taconite makesusual mining methods too costly and impractical. But thejet-piercing process-with 1/10 the equipment and at areasonable cost-will burn holes straight into the solid taconite so that it can he blasted into lumps of usable size.Also, destructive abrasion from the sharp-edged rock onloading and crushing equipment is being better controlled by machine parts made from extra-hard alloy steels. Andto concentrate the iron content of the ore, new chemicalprocesses can flush away much of the "waste" matter-thusleaving an ore 30% richer, for more efficient smelting.The people of Union Carbide created the jet-piercingflame process as well as many of the alloys, chemicals, andother materials essential to today's mining efficiency. AndUCC stands ready to help solve problems in other fields ofAmerican enterprise . . . wherever better basic materialsand better processes are needed.FREE: If you would like to know more aboutmany of the things you use every day, send forthe illustrated booklet "Products and Processes."It tells how science and industry use VCC'sAlloys, Chemicals, Carbons, Gases', and Plastics.Write for free Rooklet J.UNION CARBIDEAND CARBON CORPOR.A.TIO.N30 EAST 42ND STR'EET � NEW YORK 17, N. Y.Trade-marked Products of Divisions and Units include ---------------_LINDE Oxygen • PREST-O-LITE Acetylene • PYROFAX Gas • HAYNES STELLITE AlloysELECTROMET Alloys and Metals • SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICALS • BAKELITE, KRENE, VINYON, and VINYLITE PlasticsNATIONAL Carbons • ACHESON Electrodes • EVEREADY Flashlights and Batteries • PRESTONE and TREK Anti-Freezes