OCTOBER •• • • 1949EDITOR'SMEMO PADThe EditorHere we go againAlumni House has profited by talentedstudents, who pause on the quadrangles f01;;higher degrees and pass on to other worlds.But it commits us to a sort of hail and farewell existence.So we say farewell to our associate editors of last year. Both have received theirMaster's. Arthur joins the State Department and Vivian will join partnership withDonald R. McCoy a young man who iscompleting his M.A. in political science.Class News Editor Valeria Craig, a Chicago M.B.A. in her own right and wifeof a Ph.D. candidate in geology, becomesDirector of Alumni Education, succeedingRobert Nottenburg, who will spend fulltime on his Ph.D.This issue's masthead, therefore, carriesthe names of two other alumni who willdevote full time to editing the MAGAZINEand TOWER TOPICS-the latter now anenlarged bi-monthly instead of a four-pagequarterly.Bergquist ColbyLaura Bergquist, '39, came to the Midway after a scholarship summer at MedillSchool of Journalism (Northwestern). Sheremained four years-on scholarships, became editor of the Maroon, president ofInterclub and Nu Pi Sigma, and a Un i- versity Aid. Her enthusiasm for the University and its studen t activities are stillobvious.Following graduation she joined a colonyof U. of C alumni in New York's "Village."This group was part of the famous Hutch(for Hutchins) Club and their ambitionswent in all directions. Laura's was feature writing and she landed on the ruggednight shift of the Newark ST AR·LEDGER,with side stories to King Features.Her next stop was Chicago and the as�sociate editorship of CORONET; then onto Hollywood to open the California officefor ESQUIRE-CORONET. The LatinAmerican interests of her company hadher buying stories and pictures from Mexico. These contacts landed her on thecampaign train with Miguel Aleman, Mexican presidential candidate and, followinghis election, in a public relations job forthat government.This involved 50,000 miles of travel fromMexican coast to coast, not to mentionnumerous pilgrimages into the U. S. forencouraging better relations.Last summer Laura walked into AlumniHouse, and we slipped an editorial collararound her neck.Leonard L. Colby got his Bacheler's fromNorthern Illinois State Teachers College(DeKalb) and did work on his Master's atChicago.He became editor of the Mont ClareLeyden Herald, a northwest suburbanweekly owned by Oak Leaves of Oak Park.His next move was to Kalamazoo College(Michigan) as director of public relationswhere he started a monthly alumni magazine for the college.The local radio station, \VKZO, persuaded him to join the staff as director ofpromotion. He did sportscasts, includingall the University of Michigan footballgames over a Michigan network. Evennow, on week-ends, he works as' a "spotter" in the Chicago radio booths for theprofessional games.But Leonard enjoyed the public relations work with alumni and was offered aposition on the staff. He has a wife andtwo children: Richard, 7, and Karen, 6.Roomette"But won't the pulpit be too crowdedwith two in it?" Albert Schweitzer wasasked when he insisted that his interpreterstand at his side while Schweitzer spoke inthe Chapel (Se� P. 5)."Too crowded?" smiled Schweitzer, "Icame from Aspen in a roomette."Sunday, before the Monday morning hewas to receive his honorary degree, Dr.Schweitzer was being oriented in theChapel. The world famous organistcouldn't resist slipping onto the organbench and trying out the mighty Skinner.It was such a joy he asked if he mightreturn Monday afternoon-secretly, please;no audience.At the appointed time he was at theChapel office. He was ushered, via theambulatory behind the chancel, to theorgan. At no time was he in view of thenave. This was providential for the Doctor'played to his heart's content, returned tothe office by the same route, and left, neverhaving been aware of the crowd numberingtoward a thousand in the pews. Never oncehad they applauded. Each knew he wasn'tsupposed to be there; each had been asquiet as a chapel mouse.It migh t as well have been a State Department secret with Drew Pearson in thewings. When University hosts arrived aheadof Dr. Schweitzer that Monday afternoon they were appalled to discover the navefilled with people. No one seemed to knowhow all these people had learned ofSchweitzer's rendezvous with the Skinner.The hosts went into a worried huddle.To admit the presence of an audiencewould make it obligatory to disband them;to disband them would cause confusionwhich would frighten away the Doctor. Itwas decided to ignore the crowd and hopefor the best. The hope paid off.The special Convocation at whichSchweitzer was honored was probably thelargest in Chapel history-with 2,000 in theChapel and another thousand on the lawn,which was set with loud speakers. Presentalso were nine Trustees and the largestnumber of faculty in the memory of oldtimers. A.B.C. recorded the program and,later, broadcast it nationally.We Made A SurveyLast June we wereasked by a Universityofficial who had reasons for asking: "Whatis the most popularfeature in the MAGA·ZINE?" Without apause we said: "Newsof the Classes." "Howdo you know?" Come to think of it Wedidn't know. We'd find out.So in July we sent every eighth member(of our 8,000 readers) a questionnaire.We go to press before all the results arein so we'll have to wait until the nextissue to report but we know now it isn'tNews of the Classes.We also know that a certain alumna 12years out, living in Washington, D. C.,shouldn't have gotten a set of the questions. We haven't permission to publishher reply so she will have to remainanonymous:"Have said beforethat I thought it was /'1"' .. "-an excellent magazine-can't see why youhave to wonder aboutit. Some issues I readmore thoroughly thanothers because sometimes I have moretime."This large-scalesoul searching is becoming such a part ofthe pattern of American life that it is irritating to me. A goodeditor doesn't need tobe told by a whole lotof nincompoops (?) [the? is hers] what todo and effective criticism will be his with.out asking."This sort of thing reminds me of certain relatives of mine who ask my opinionabout dress, furnishings, or politics andthen go ahead exercising their own judgments regardless."I can't see how your results would beany more interesting or important than theresults of the Kinsey type of thing-juststatistics which might be conclusive ormight not-who will ever know?"So I conclude what I didn't mean tobe so long-it's a fine magazine. Just goahead and don't ask us what we like. Youshould know."And in the same mail from a super in.tendent of schools in Michigan: "Frankly,the magazine has nothing that interestsme." His membership expires with thisissue. And if surveys mean anything, weknow he won't renew.Lawyers Hold ReunionIn connection with the St. Louis meetingof the American Bar Association, alumni ofthe Law School held a luncheon this fallunder the chairmanship of Ivan Lee Holt,Jr., '35, JD '37. Members, of the Chicagofaculty were guests.At San Francisco, during the meeting ofthe California State Bar Association, a lawalumni luncheon was held at the BellevueHotel with the Honorable 'Walter L. Pope,JD '12, of San Francisco as speaker. Heading up luncheon plans were John W.Broad, '41, and Paul E. Basye, JD '26.LETTERSlnforme]We wrote Frank L. Griffin of Reed College, Portland, Oregon, asking for a picture to run with the announcement of hisAlumni Citation and suggested that' an informal glossy would be okev. He 'wrote:"After some scurrying around, our collegepress bureau has finally rounded up aphotograph of me and is mailing it to you[see P. 16]."If you really want something ultrainformal, just look at the enclosed snap-shotand weep! It was taken at the Reed political dinner just before the 1944 election,while I was loudly shouting, 'We wantDewey,' or words to that effect."Frank L. Griffin, '03, SM'04, PhD'06Portland, OregonLit Up Like Christmas TreeThis is a most belated thank-you note forthe copy of Chancellor Hutchins' remarksto the Illinois legislative committee. . . .As a teacher, I am proud that a member ofmy profession has the courage and the wisdom to defend academic freedom in theface of an unprincipled attack; as analumna . . . I feel a personal pride; as anAmerican I am grateful that at least oneman is keeping his sanity and fighting tomaintain the principles of tolerance. . . .To say that I was most impressed is slight-'the activities of Chancellor Hutchins al·ways leave me in a happy glow-today Ilook like a Christmas tree.Elizabeth Wilson Johnson, '41PhiladelphiaOur Letter to Ned' EarleThe Alumni Association has been wanting to do something that would indicateto ,you and your loyal supporters a smallpart of its deep appreciation for yourwholehearted and un s tin tin g servicethrough the years in 'making the Inter- Volume 42 October I 949 Number 1PUB LIS H _E, D BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONManaging EditorHOWARD W. MORTEditorsLAU RA BERGQU 1STLEONARD L. COLBY Contributing Editors·Jeanette LowreyWilliam Y. MorgensternRobert M. StrozierIN THIS ISSUEEDITOR'S MEMO PAD . ' COYE� 1LETTERS 1FOR OUR AGE: THE STATURE OF GREATNESS. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2THE PROPHETS CONSIDER AMERICA, Emmett Dedmon. . . . . .. 3ANOTHER YOUNGEST '... 5I THANK THE UNIVERSITY, Albert Schweitzer , 5ALUMNI CITATIONS 6ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR , , 8VISIT TO CHINA, Robert Redfield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9THE ATOM AND THE BUSINESSMAN, Robert E. Wilson 10THE INVESTIGATION CONCLUDED, William V. Morgenstern 12REFLECTIONS AFTER FIVE, Robert M. Strozier. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16SUMMER ON THE MIDWAY, ] eanette Lowrey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17FIFTY YEAR LUNCHEON 19CALENDAR .:........................................... 22�EWS OF THE CLASSES , , 23COVER: Chancellor Hutchins presents metal box to EnricoFermi for the cornerstone of the Nuclear Institutes building.Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago monthly, from Octoberthru June. Office of Publication, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price $3.00. Single copies 35 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, atthe Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3 1879. The American AlumniCou!1cil, B. A; .. Ross, advertising director, 22 'Washington Squ�re, New York, N. Y., is theofficial advertising agency of the Magazine,fraternity Sing a traditional institution.This year, therefore, they dedicated thethirty-ninth annual Sing to you. . . .Under separate cover I am mailing you,with the good wishes and deep appreciationof the Alumni Association, a recording ofthose portions of the Sing which we thinkand hope you will enjoy.May these records bring you back tovour Alma Mater and Hutchinson Court inmany pleasant memories, and bring you thehealth that will permit your personal re-1 urn to direct future Sings, as of old. . . .Howard W. Mort, SecretaryChicagoHis ReplyI received your very cordial letter advising me that the Alumni Association appreciated the small part I had played in the cst.abl ishmeut of one of the University'straditions. I looked forward with interestto the arrival of the recordings of the 3'9thannual Interfraternity Sing. They camelast Friday.. . . My memories returned to Hutchinson Court as I listened to the kind remarksof Art Cody, the song sung by my fraternity, the greetings from Mr. Stagg, andtheusual close of the Sing [with the AlmaMater on the Mitchell Tower chimes].Through your good offices, please conveyto the Association my thanks and appreciation in the recording and sending to methis year's event. These records and yourletter I shall enjoy over and over, and holdthem dear, always.May the Association grow and prosper,as it has so ably for so long.S. Edwin (Ned) Earle. "Winston-Salem, N. C.For our ageTHE STATUREOF GREATNESS(Below is the complete text of the 238thconvocation in honor of Dr. Albert Schweitzer on July 11.)BERN ARD MacDougall Loomer,Dean of the Divinity School:Mr. President: I have the honorof presenting as a candidate for anhonorary degree, Albert Schweitzer.A son of Europe, but a citizen ofthe world, who by the full development of his many talents and sensitivities has exemplified for our agethe stature of greatness inherent in aman possessed by a high devotion.A· biblical scholar and historianwhose revolutionary interpretation ofthe figure of Jesus of Nazareth radically altered the course of criticalbiblical scholarship and the structure of modern theology. His perceptionand insistence that the eschatologicalelement in jesus' thought was centraland basic to his teachings constitutesone of the major orientations that twogenerations' of biblical scholars havehad to confront and take into account.Beyond this, his studies of Paul, theforemost Christian missionary, havehelped us to understand the earlyChristian movement and have illumined some of the dark areas ofChristian mysticism.A humanist equally distinguishedin the fields of music and literature.A pre-eminent theoretical and prac-tical interpreter of jhe life and musicof Bach. Editor of standard editions2 Dr. Albert Schweitzer:"You'll have to tell me what to do atthe convocation. Remember, I'm onlya boy from the African Bush." (Seestory on page 17.)of Bach's works and an organist wellknown through concerts and recordings which have resulted in a highand increasing appreciation of thecomposer's genius. An outstandinginterpreter of the literature and philosophy of Goethe whose diverseachievements he has helped our generation to recognize, in ,part throughhis studies of Goethe's writings and inpart through his own exemplificationof Goethe's principles.A student of the history of religionswhose comparisons of Christian faithand non-Christian religions have resulted in greater understanding between eastern and western peoples.A philosopher of the meaning ofcivilization. An early critic of the illsof our culture who saw clearly that itsfatal weakness is a lack of ethicalgrounding, the absence of a moralview of life. In his mind the absolutelove ethic of Jesus took the form ofa reverence for life which was extended to include not only his fellowmen but also his fellow-creatures ofthe natural world.A Christian medical missionary tothe people of Equatorial Africa. Whofound in this form of life-affirmingservice the meaning for himself ofJesus' teachings. Through this workhe has portrayed for us the spirit ofChrist as the eternal contemporary ofman.In recognition of these achievements, on behalf of the faculties ofthe University of Chicago, I presentAlbert Schweitzer for the degree ofDoctor of Laws.Ernest Cadman Colioell, Presidentof the University:By virtue of' the authority vestedin me by theBoard of Trustees, I confer the degree of Doctor of Laws,with all its rights and privileges, uponAlbert (Schweitzer - An interpreterwho has revived for his own generation the vision of greatness; as scholar, interpreting the works of Jesus;as musician, interpreting the compositions of Bach; as humanist, interpreting the writings of Goethe; as historian, presenting in philosophic terms themeaning of history; and as Christianmedical missionary, rendering distinguished service to Equatorial Africa.(Schweitzer's reply page 5)THE PROPHETS CONSIDER AMERICATHERE is one question about the, Goethe Bicentennial Celebrationand Festival at Aspen that comes,sooner or later, to the lips of everyman, woman and child who hears ofit. "Why, Aspen?" they ask.The best answer to this query, asto several of the more serious propositions at Aspen, was given by ThorntonWilder, three-time Pulitzer prize winner and formerly a faculty member atthe University.Cornered by reporters at a pressinterview on the second day of theFestival, Wilder said that he and othermembers of the Goethe Foundationboard felt "the urban tempo of anycity would only dessicate the qualityof the festival. A certain austerity orwithdrawal was necessary in order tohave a concentration of purpose whichwould permit a full enjoyment of theclassical literature and music to beoffered.""Here in Aspen one can walkaround in quiet streets or mountainpaths thinking that in the afternoonhe will hear a concert by DorothyMaynor, or the Eroica Symphonyplayed by a full orchestra, or a lecture by Albert Schweitzer. If the festival were held in Cleveland, Detroit orany city it would have meant hotelliving, and a rapid pace. The climaxof the day would have come after aheavy dinner in the evening, with allof us probably dozing and yearningto get out of formal clothes."Wilder wasn't using a figure ofspeech, when he spoke of walkingalong mountain paths. He was outearly every morning, exploring thetrails among the foot hills of themountains which hedge Aspen inevery direction. The only complaintI heard him make about the wholefestival was the fact that he couldn'tget breakfast until 7: 30.Another reason for the choice ofAspen, Wilder confided, might havesomething to do with us reporters."One must also take into account that "Aspen's acoustics were good"By EMMETT DEDMONfactor of American life representedby some of those around me," he saidwith a sly smile. "The world is hungry for answers and in an effort to'make news' we might have foundourselves pressing and saying thingsthat in this more quiet. atmospherewould remain unsaid. The news ofwhat we do here will eventually findan audience. The acoustics of America are in good repair, and thoughthey are equally as good for publicizing fifth rate ideas as for the firstrate-they are excellent acoustics andword of what we say is bound to r�- .ceive its due notice."Why Goethe? Why Aspen?Wilder also had some enlighteningideas on why America should havea Goethe Festival. "We thought thisfestival should be held in America,"he told reporters, "because America ismost typical of the 20th century andwe are here to investigate the meanings Goethe had for this century.""America is always looking for'prophet voices' and certainly Goetheis a prophet voice for a century of science. Many people misinterpret hisdramatic poem, Faust entirely. They. see in Faust only a knowledge-hungryEmmett Dedmon, '39, who covered theGoethe Festival for the Chicago SUN-TIMES,now writes a lccal color story about it foralumni.Remembered as the able and lively MAROON reporter and editor of the late thirties,evidence that he still flourishes is to be foundin the Sep+ember TOMORROW magazine.The story, "Chicago's Left Bank," says: "Overat the SUN-TIMES book critic Emmett Dedmon carries on in the Burton Rascoe ('15)Harry Hansen ('09) tradition and has turnedout two novels, DUTY TO LIVE and NEVERSAY GOOD'BYE."'Emmett's first hook was written in a German prison camp after he had been shotdown from a flying fortress. The summer thatwar came 'he had planned to visit Switzerlandon a scholarship. Instead he became assistant foreign editor of the TI MES until he entered service.Emmett also has a weekly radio-interviewprogram, "Meet the Author," Sunday mornings over Chicago station WJJD.3 man scrabbling for the last fragmentof truth; in fact, the point of Faustis that we must be selective in ourgoals and aims so we do not destroywhat Goethe called the totality ofnature."Wilder couid have added that theidea for the celebration came fromthe University of Chicago. ArnoldBergstraesser, professor of German culture, had marched into ChancellorHutchins' office, to inform him that1949 was the bicentennial of Goethe'sbirth and that "something ought tobe done about it."Since Professor Bergstraesser, inMr. Hutchins' words, is not an easyman to deflect, the Chancellor soonfound himself Chairman of the GoetheBicentennial Foundation. With himon the program were other facultymembers: Professor Bergstraesser wholectured on "Goethe and Antiquity,"Professor Emeritus G. A. Borgese whoopened the conference with a paperon "The Message of Goethe" whichwas so popular it was repeated at thesecond session and Robert Redfield,4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwho participated in a forum on ethicsand politics. Mr. Hutchins concludedthe discussions with a lecture on"Goethe and the Unity of Mankind."But perhaps the most succinct replyto those who asked "Why Aspen?"was that of Barnet Novar, correspondent for the Denver Pasty who answered"Why not?" As far as I know, hewas never given an answer. Certainlynot by any of us who were there.One of the best memories of Aspenis that of leaving a seat if. Bero Saarinen's tent-covered amphitheater andstarting up the aisle. The exits hadbeen so placed that from every opening one gazed straight up at a snowclad mountain peak. The illusion wasimmediate that the whole Aspen valley was part of one vast auditorium.The festival had been called a"pilgrimage" and the term came instantly to mind as three times dailya long file of visitors, three and fourabreast, could be seen walking the 100'odd yards from the ticket gate to theirplaces in the amphitheater.Scholars Comment on AmericaOne of the most remarkable surprises, for a literary editor at least,was the consistency with which thescholars from abroad spoke of theirimpressions of America's great faith-a theme not particularly dominantin our country's literature.Jose Ortega y Gasset, probablyEurope's greatest philosopher, gavenew meaning to the term adolescence,as it is often applied to America. "Thething I notice immediately about yourcountry," he said, "is its historical age.I t has the power and vigor of adolescence."He went on to explain that he didnot use adolescence in the sense ofimmature or irresponsible. "I meanAmerica has the resiliency of you thof a man about 20-and this is important because you can absorb andsurvive the errors you may make alongthe way. America has faith in life,even without having reasons for thatfaith. America can transmit thatfaith to a Europe which today is inneed of reasons for wanting to existand survive."Stephen Spender, the English poetand translator of Goethe, who hasbeen teaching in this country for thepast two years, put it another way:"America is enormously stimulating to Europeans," he observed. "In general, it is the healthiest, soundestcountry in the world. And yet onemeets more unhappy people herethan anywhere else - people whohave relatives in mental institutions,those who have been divorced, thosewho have extraordinary personal troubles. Still, above this, a visitor noticesthe tremendous social faith of thepeople in their abilities and the greatmultitude of material improvements."Dr. Albert Schweitzer, at his pressinterview, had comments on bothAspen and America's spiritual qualities.What Would Goethe Say?"I have been asked," he reported,"if Goethe would have liked holdingthe festival here. I cannot say, forGoethe was a man of surprises. Wemay be sure that the question hewould ask is: 'Is this the thing weshould do?'"My answer to this question is yes.Aspen is beautifully situated and reminds me of two previous visits I havemade-one to Oberammergau andone to Bayreuth. It is a setting wherewe can seek the larger meanings ofnature and of the greatness of creation."Schweitzer brushed aside the chargethat America. was only a materialistnation. "The spiritual and materialare the same and I do not accept theKantian distinction between the two.Material things are necessary to usand the distinction between the two isat best only superficial. America is agreat spiritual force today. The mostimportant thing," he added, "is to fulfill our duty. That is .Goethe's message for us."The veneration of the crowds atAspen for Dr. Schweitzer was amazing. On his first day there, he cameto the amphitheater to hear ArturRubenstein play, but although he satin the rear of the auditorium, hecould not get away after the concertbecause of the horde of amateur photographers and autograph seekerswhich surrounded him - plus thosewho only stood and stared. Nothingwas happening but until Dr. Schweitzer moved, the crowd refused tomove; when he did get up the crowdmoved with him; it was as though asaint were there and the people content merely to he in his presence. The first day Dr e • Schweitzer triedto eat in the hotel dining room buthis admirers, with the disdain thepublic shows only to the rights ofthose it admires most, refused to leavehim alone. Autographs, pictures-themonotonous parade to his table neverstopped. That evening he began taking his meals in the small cottage nearWalter Paepcke's houe where he wasstaying, forgiving his well-intentionedpersecutors with an explanation thathe "only required a little bread andsoup, anyway."Though we had all been warned byChancellor Robert M. Hutchins thatSenor Ortega y Gassett was "one ofthe two greatest minds in Europe today," none. of us was quite preparedto be so overwhelmed by Senor Ortega's erudition and personality alike.His speech was-with that of Thornton Wilder-one of the two mostoriginal and provocative papers read.It's a cliche' that there are no newideas; but those who heard SenorOrtega will know that there are newideas and that they apply to our timesjust as Einstein's new ideas appliedto and explained further the fundamental principles of physics.Aspen MiscellanyMore than the outstanding impressions of Schweitzer, Ortega andWilder, the memory that will be cherished by most visitors is that of thegrowing sense of participation andcomradeship they experienced duringthe festivaL The "unofficial sessions"-the poetry readings in the hotel lobby, the unscheduled "panel discussions" by Rubenstein, Piatigorsky and. Milstein (in which it was forbiddento mention Goethe), the conferenceswith the visiting scholars and 'writers-all these bring to mind the' ad jective of Professor Ernest Simon, fromthe Hebrew College at Israel.Professor Simon was very consciousof what he felt were deficiencies in hisEnglish pronunciation, though almostnone were obvious to his Americanlisteners."But your pronunciation is excellent," we protested."Excellent?" he replied. "No, I amafraid it is not. Perhaps one shouldjust say-charming."But Simon's English and Aspenalike were more than charming. Theywere excellent.ANOTHER YOUNGESTIF THE 1933 senior class had pickedthe "one most likely to succeed" itcould easily have been Paul A. Wagner. Paul has always been personable,alert, and ambitious, with a generoussupply of initiative.In his junior year Paul conceivedthe idea of a student March of Timewhich he called the Campus NewsReel. Tying these films in with styleshows from the State Street stores andold-time Charlie Chaplins, the Campus News Reel made a modest profitand provided practical experience forthe future success of its founder.Of course, Paul was in other student activities. He wrote a Blackfriarshow, "One Foot in the Aisle," worked in dramatics, on the Cap & Gown,on the Senior Council, and playedice hockey. But his first love andmajor fascination was movie equipment-referred to by the scholarlyelite as visual aids.After graduation Paul joined thefaculty at University High School. Hemoved to Yale on a Carnegie Fellowship, where he received his mas-Schweitzer: ter's degree. The war years foundhim working for Uncle Sam. Heheaded the electrical training schoolat Newport Navy Training Stationand acted as educational adviser tothe Navy War College, where hehelped rewrite the curriculum.Out of service Paul returned to hisfirst love, visual aids, first with aneastern company, and "later with Belland Howell, where he became theright hand man of the president andPaul's schoolmate, Chuck Percy, '41.Back in Chicago Paul settled nearthe University and was soon servingon important alumni boards. He hasa deepseated enthusiasm for his AlmaMater.As June Reunion Week approachedand Association officers and committees were hard at work, Paul wasmissing from his position on the exective committee. This wasn't like Paul,who always carries his share of theload. We checked up. He was outof town; working late at the plant;delayed in an extended conference.Then, early in June, the news Paul A. Wagner '38. broke in everything from Time to theChicago Tribune: "Winter Park, Fla.,June 7 (AP ) -Rollins College todayannounced" the appointment of PaulA. Wagner, 31, Chicago educatorbusinessman as its president. He willbe the youngest president of any accredited liberal arts college in thecountry ...."Wagner will come to Rollins fromBell & Howell . . . where he has beenthe right hand man of Charles Percy,29, one of the youngest industrialpresidents in the United States .... "Paul showed his optimism (for outserving the normal span of collegepresidents) and his practical approachto education by announcing that hewould ask this year's members of thesenior class to write him annually forthe next fifteen years to report on thevalues and weaknesses of a Rollins'degree.I THANK THE UNIVERSITYFROM my heart I thank the University of Chicago and its officersfor the honor which they have bestowed upon me in making me Doctorof Laws honoris causa. This honor hasa very special significance for me.First, because it attacnes me by a newbond to a country to which I am alsobound by a profound gratitude forthat which it has done during the Warfor the doctor who had on his shoulders the hospital at Lambarene.I had already gone through thefirst World War in my hospital atLambarene. So, seeing the secondwar coming, I took precautions tolay in supplies of medicines and dressings and other things required at myhospital, just as far as my funds permitted. These provisions sufficed forabout two years, but then they werealmost exhausted. The shelves in thedrug .room were becoming empty.Then just as I had asked myself howmy hospital could possibly continueto function, aid from America ar- rived-from the only country withwhich Equatorial Africa could havedirect relations, an aid that permittedme to continue my work. And nowto this bond of gratitude for materialaid, the University of Chicago hasjust added a spiritual. bond.It was with great regret that I leftmy teaching activity at the Universi ty of Strasbourg to go and do mywork in Africa. But I have been consoled in a marvelous way by the factthat the Universities, during my staysin Europe, have given me the opportunity to teach in their halls throughlectures which they have asked me togive. They have bound me to themalso by the degrees which they haveconferred on me. And now you, inwhat we in Europe call the NewWorld, have begun to act toward mein the same fashion.You recall to me that you not onlythink of me as a doctor, but also. asone who has worked in the domainsof theology and philosophy, and who5 still works in them. In recalling thisto me, you encourage me, and yourencouragement comes at a momentwhen I need it.For ten years now, .because of thewar and the post-war conditions, Ihave had to lay aside the theologicaland philosophical work which I somuch want to complete. I was completely absorbed by the work to bedone at the hospital and could notreturn to Europe to rest and to givemyself to the work which I wantedto finish. And at this moment whenI have need' of all my courage toundertake again the work in this otherdomain, you give me a degree whichties me to your University. It is as ifyou had realized that I have need ofencouragement to undertake againthis work which must be done alongside my medical tasks.Please accept my assurances thatthis encouragement is precious to me,and that I thank you for it from thebottom of my heart.HancockAdamsDavis Margaret Campbell Hancock, '11, executive secretary of the Chicago CitizensSchools Committee, is a geologist of sufficient reputation to have been the firstwoman member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. In additionto her numerous civic activities through theyears, Mrs. Hancock has earned this citation by the untiring, consistent, and thedetermined leadership she gave to freeingthe Chicago school system from the demoralizing controls of partisan politics. Shehelped carry to a successful conclusion thesignificant improvements which led to anaward of merit. in March, 1949.Olga Adams, '24, Director of the SeniorKindergarten Laboratory School, University of Chicago, has devoted her full lifeto giving youngsters a wholesome and inspiring outlook on a complicated and trying world. To thousands of alumni whohave cherished the ambition to have theirchildren sit at her feet or play in the fas-cinating environment she provides, it is notnecessary to itemize her committee andboard services dealing with children (blind,retarded, problem), which have given hera national reputation. With her influencebeing felt in generations of men and women circling the globe, none is more worthyof this citation for a useful citizen.Ralph W. Davis, ' 16, partner of Paul H.Davis and Company, Chicago, has carriedcivic responsibility on both shoulders, inChicago, center of his business activities,where he accepts hs share of civic duties,and in his home town, Geneva, Illinois,where he accepts his share of civic duties,ship for the Community Chest (as chair-man since 1943), and the Community Hospital of Geneva. He served as alderman inGeneva for eight years, and as chairmanof the Fox River Chapter of the AmericanRed Cross. Nena Wilson Badenoch, '12, Director ofRadio Relations for Crippled Children andAdults, has always assumed civic responsibility in Newton, Massachusetts, her former home, and in Oak Park, her presenthome, and in Chicago, her business headquarters. A mother of three children, shehelped organize the first Girl Scout Troopin River Forest and went on to organizeothers, served on the school board for sixyears, the library board for three, workedwith the Y.W.C.A., the Red Cross, theWomen's Club, helped organize a nurserytraining center, and used her talents forpublicity for numerous worthy projectsboth in Massachusetts and Illinois.James Mount Nicely, '20, Vice President,First National Bank of the City of NewYork, has been civicly generous with histalents which he has 'shared with the UnionSettlement for 20 years; the Y.M.C.A.; thePresbyterian Church, both internationallyand locally; the American Friends ofALUMNIFrance; the Chapin School of New York;and other worthy civic groups. He is atrustee of the American University ofBeirut, the Teachers Insurance and Annuity.Association, the Institute of Interns;tional Education, and the GuggenheimFoundation. .Lloyd P. Johnson, '23, a practicinglawyer in Minneapolis, has numerous civicaccomplishments to his credit. One of hismost important contributions to his citybegan unobtrusively in 1930 when he Organized the Minneapolis Citizens Committee on Public Education. This was a moveto correct devastating political controls ofthe public schools. F or well over a decade,the first four years under his presidency,the Committee carried on to final victory.As treasurer of the Urban League since1933, he has done much to make it anBadenochNicely6 Johnson Smitheffective community organization. He hasalso served on the Mayor's Fair Employment Practice Committee and has carriedresponsibilities in other civic and churchorganiza tions.Joe Patterson Smith, '24, chairman, department of history and political science,Illinois College, Jacksonville, entered theUniversity in 1921, a veteran of World WarI, blinded in the service of his countrywhile on active duty with the U. S. MarineCorps. He received his Ph. D. in 1930, andhas become one of the leading scholars inhis field. Respected by his fellow townsmen and generations of students, ProfessorSmith has contributed his talents to activities apart from his professional interests,including the local library, the state libraryassociation, conferences on CanadianAmerican affairs, and has participated inpolitical activities to improve state andnational government.ITAllONSClara Allen Rahill, '12, Caldwell, NewJersey, with the responsibilities of raisingfive children, went beyond her home togive them and the young people of Caldwell, the best environment possible.Through the' past 25 years she has givenintelligent and inspiring leadership to theParent Teachers Association at all levels,the Women's Club, the League of WomenVoters, and the Board of Education, whileconducting a nursery school part of thetime. The first woman elected to the localschool board, she introduced student counseling, a dental clinic, arid a personnel committee, and was chairman of the Boardfor two terms.Paul G. Blazer, '17, chairman of theboard of the Ashland Oil and RefiningCompany' of Ashland, Kentucky, has beenoutstanding in civic matters in both hisstate and city and in the national organization of the Boy Scouts of America. OneRahill of his most recent outstanding contributionsto a democratic government was a prodigious amount of personal time and effortexpended in a campaign for the revision ofthe Kentucky constitution in the face ofthe most rabid reactionary opposition andunder critical fire and personal abuse.Frank Loxley Griffin, '03, professor ofmathematics at Reed College, Portland,since its founding in 1911, has always beengenerous with his talents, withal preserving a genuine humility. Avoiding prominent offices, he has effectively served withthe Portland City Club (where his influence was felt in establishing the policy ofadmi tting Negroes to membership), thePortland Americanization Council, theMotion Picture Panel of Arbitrator's, theregents of Multnomah College, and withprofessorial boards in America and abroad.His life has been devoted to the encouragement of worthy democratic ideals.George R. Martin, '07, vice president ofthe Security-First National Bank of LosAngeles and member of its executive committee and trust committee, has always devoted a generous share of his time toworthy civic activities. Over the years thelist is long. Currently it includes boardmembership in the Museum of History,Science, and Art; Museum Associates; Hollywood Bowl Association; Pilgrimage PlayFoundation; Symphony Association; andthe Pomona and the Claremont Colleges.George H. Sawyer, '99, outstanding citizen of Osage, Iowa, has made one of themost impressive records in that state's public' school history. Born in Osage, he returned to serve on its school faculty 51years--47 as superintendent. His retirement last year' was the occasion for a celebra tion recognizing this half century ofcommunity service and leadership.(Continued on next page)Blezer7 GriffinMartinSawyerIngallsCITATIONS( Continued)Allin K. Ingalls, '24, President,North Western Refrigerator Company of Chicago, has a particular interest in America's young people andhis influence carries from his home inRiver Forest to Beloit College, Wisconsin, and George Williams College,Chicago, where he is a member of theboards of trustees. Other responsibilities include the Union League Foundation for Boys' Clubs, the South SideBoys' Club, Y.M.C.A., the ErieNeighborhood House, the IllinoisChildren's Home and Aid Society,and religious activities in both RiverForest and Oak Park. He is alsoPresident of the Board of Directorsof the Committee of Fifteen.Olive Greensfelder, '16, guidancecounselor at Horace Mann School,Gary, Indiana, has always been generous with her profession and experience. Al though she has servedwith various civic groups, much ofher most effective work is donequietly, behind the scenes, helpingyoung people make social ad justments, particularly on the vocationaland emotional . levels. She has grownup with industrial Gary, been amother to scores of young peoplewhose families are busy in the millsand has untiringly worked early andla te to help the young people ofGary understand the adults, and theadu1ts the children.Dr. Marie Ortmayer, '06, has had adistinguished career as a physician.She has, through the years, intelligently and generously used her training to benefit mankind far beyond the"call of duty." Her war service, including volunteer responsibilities, andher current trained service with theCancer Research Committee, combined with the numerous other volunteer commitments in ministering tohumanity, make her most worthy ofthis "good citizenship" award.Anne-Marie Durand - Wever, '10,has been a practicing gynecologist. inBerlin for 20 years. She resisted allpressure to become a Nazi, endangering her life, while quietly carrying onher practice. When her building wasbombed, she improvised an emergency hospi tal in a cellar to treatwounded of all nations. She was president of the Women's Party for Peaceand was the only representative fromGermany at the International BirthControl Congress. For the benefit of photographers, Arthur A. Baer, '18, President of the AlumniAssociation, does a "double take" at the Mandel Hall stage entrance, as he presentsHarold H. Swift, '07, Alumnus of the Year, with an illuminated, leather-boundcitation.ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR"Interpreter of alumni ambitions"Last spring when Harold H. Swiftretired as chairman of the Board ofTrustees after 26 effective and devoted years in this office, the AlumniAssociation determined to express itsappreciation of this and many otherservices by presenting alumnus Swiftwith a special citation. The plan waskept confidential and it came as asurprise to Mr. Swift.At the annual Alumni Assembly,President Baer opened the leatherbound citation and read:TOHAROLD HIGGINS SWIFTGreat good wishes.Your conspicuously successful service asa member of the Board of Trustees of theUniversity of Chicago since 1914, and as itschairman for 26 years, is a source of realsatisfaction to your fellow alumni. Duringthis time you have maintained a vigorousand youthful attitude toward Universityproblems and you have effectively interpreted the ambitions of alumni for ourAlma Mater.As an expression of our great affectionfor you, uiho continue to be an exemplaryalumnus, we, your fellow alumni, designateyou First Honorary President O'f the Alumni Association.June, Nineteen hundred and Forty-Nine.Mr. Swift, deeply moved by thewords of the citation and the ovationwhich followed, responded:. 8 Arthur Baer, in his evaluation of me"has been very generous indeed. I am mort"appreciative than I can say. If half of wh.al;he says is true-I might think this Swtltcman is quite a fellow!While I am anxious this shall not ap',pear like an obituary-because. I don't feel'very dead-I must admit that due to cu:cumstances of the last six months I havedone a fair amount of ruminating on thepast. And, in each such instance I concludeby saying to myself that I have had a.singularly fortunate life, in that my per·sonal loyalties were such as to justify spend'ing my life in connection with them.My business career has been in connec:tion with a family business. My father be'gan at the age of 17 as a meat peddler up·and down Cape Cod. The o'pportunitiesof the business brought .him west, and he:and his sons any many other loyal friendsand employees built an important business.My chief social and civic interests havebeen tied in with the University of. Chico:go, which I attended, and which early. 1learned to admire and to love.Friends made here, having the same loy'alty in a very great degree to the U niuer:sity as I, have been my best friends.I don't get over congratulating myselfthat my life has -resoloed about and haSbeen put into toorking for projects to. which I was unqualifiedly loyal, for whichI had affection, and which attracted me be'cause of that fact.I hope we all realize what a great University we have here and how worthy it isof the best effort anyone of us can give it.Thank,You, all of you, more than I cansay ."The old regimeIs morally bankrupt"VISIT TO CHINABy Robert RedfieldWE CAME to Chinain October of 1948when it was apparent thatthe Communist for c e swould soon take control ofPeiping. The visit was onewe had long wished tomake, and 'when the opportunity at last arrived,under a grant from theFUlbright Fund, we knewthat north China mightsoon be closed to foreigners.. I had accepted a visitmg professorship at theNational Tsing Hua University andW�n�ed to at least begin that work atPel�mg. My wife was eager to meetagam with our good friends of thef .acuIty and resume work with Pro-feSsor Fei Hsiao-Tung on his book onthe social revolution of China. AndJames, 13 years old, was quite prepared to travel and see something ofthe Orient.Shanghai is a city that is always uneasy. Its population of five millionexploited and exploiters, its dyingthousands and profiting hundreds, liesexposed to the consequences of everyWar, every economic dislocation. Onthe day we arrived most of the stores�losed, because goods did not arriveIn the city and because merchantsthought the money worth less thantheir goods. Florabelle Jon lunchedwith us at the hotel, a good ideaSInce she had been unable to buy anything for breakfast in Shanghai. Thenext day we were in turn entertainedby the University of Chicago Alumni?lub of Shanghai, Mr. T. L. Wang,19, PhD '22, President. The food wasvery good and I spoke about the leadtaken by our University in studyingproblems of world government andthe freedom of the press.Our American friends in Shanghai were more uneasy about our journeynorth than were our Chinese friends.Peiping might fall to the Communistsat any time, they said, and then wemight not 'be able to get back.We flew to Peiping that Sunday.While I rested from a cold in a hotelbed, my wife and son went out to theuniversity north of the city. ThereProfessor Fei and his family gavethem joyous welcome. They are delightful, generous and natural people.My wife and son found their wayback in the darkness of the city in excellent spirits. They had renewedconnections with Peiping friends andhad felt their goodness once again.During the day, the value of moneywe had brought from Shanghai fellto one-fourth its value. Just one day'in the hotel cost 50 American dollars.On the next, Fei came with Professor Quentin Pan to bring us all toTsing Hua. Professor Pan is a small,round man of wisdom and humor; heis a distinguished Confucian scholar;and he speaks the purest Dartmouth.We five filled the car, but somehowgreat piles of army bedding, borrowedsomewhere for us to use, were stowedin also.The tremendous city of red-tiledroofs, square within square around the inner parks and fortressof the Imperial Palace,seemed untroubled by thewar that lay so close. Wedrove out through the citywall into the country. Communist outposts lay in thehills along our route; oneheard the guns frequently.Noone paid attention. TheChinese have long _ experience in living in the middleof war and revolution.We stayed at the university for six weeks. No,we stayed at two universrties, for after a time we moved toYenching University, which adjoinsTsing Hua. It was very cold in thehouse at Tsing Hua where we weretemporarily lodged; coal cost 60 dollars a ton and so little was availablethat when the one tiny stove in thehouse was well stoked by the excellentManchu woman who helped us, itwas yet so cool that young James usedto embrace the stovepipe without experiencing more than a gentle glow.But the people on campus were allcold. They have learned how to liveso, with frequent cups of tea, paddedgowns to wear, 'and inexhaustiblegood humor and good sense.At one university or the other wewere entertained at those dinners ofabundant and well-cooked food whichare so pleasant a part of Chinese hospitality. Except as prevented by sickness, I continued to lecture at TsingHua, and to meet students, sometimesat Tsing Hua, sometimes at Yenching.A bicycle, or a bicycle rickshaw, makesthe trip in 15 minutes.The students wanted to know whythe United States helped their enemies, the Nationalist government.That it was their enemy was docu-(Continued on page 19)Robert Redfield, author of this article and professor ofAnthropology at the University, pictured with C. K. Yang,left, professor of sociology at Lingnan University, Canton,and Chen Sze-Yu, editor of Da Kwong, Canton newspaper.9THE ATOMAND THE BUSINESSMANBY ROBERT E. WILSONChernlcei engineer Robert E. Wilson is Chairman of the Board of the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) and a Trustee of the University. Therefore, he was uniquely qualified tospeak for sCience, industry and the University at the cornerstone laying of the University'snew Nuclear Institutes Building on June 21, 1949.He. paid high tribute to his boyhood friend, Arthur H. Compton, Distinguished ServiceProfessor and Chairman of the Department of Physics during the war years. Dr. Comptonplayed a vital part, "both in the early development of nuclear science and in the successfulcompletion, on schedule, of the atomic 'bomb ••• one of the two or three really Indlspensable men in "'he whole program." But for 'him Chicago would probably not have becomethe wartime and peacetime center for nuclear research.Mr. Wilson commended Chancellor Hutchins, to whom "these nuclear institutes owe theirexistence," and went on to say:CHANCELLOR Hutchins knewthat the large group of topranking scientists, who had achievedso much by working together at theUniversity of Chicago, would quicklyscatter at the end of the war unlessa really promising program couldbe set up promptly under privateauspices.Such a program would have to include adequate facilities for work ina very expensive field, good salaries,and above all, complete freedom toexplore the many fundamental andnonmilitary frontiers which nuclearresearch had opened up in every direction. He persuaded his Board ofTrustees to take a tremendous gamblein committing the University to hirea large group of these men and tosupply the necessary facilities on hisassurance that he was confident ofbeing able to secure the necessaryfinancial support if the three Institutes were set up. With the help ofDr. Hogness and others he has been,as you know, outstandingly successful in securing support from industryfor fundamental research on a scalebeyond anything which had ever beenseen in this country or elsewhere.Over Three Million DollarsEight industrial companies have already agreed to contribute $50,000per year for five years toward the support of all three Institutes, and twelveother companies have committedthemselves to support one institute ata cost of $20,000 per year. Others are needed; and have been joining almost every month to help support thisoutstanding venture.It must be emphasized that thissupport is on a basis far different fromthe usual industry support of university research. aimed directly at thesolution of problems of importance toa given company or industry.The members of the Institute maketheir contributions without either theright or the desire to have any sayas to the problems to be attacked, except that they are to be for fundamental work in the broad field offundamental nuclear science. The onlyrecompense of the members is in theright to attend quarterly meetings atwhich the progress of various lines ofinvestigation is reviewed, and in therealization that they are doing theirpart to support a well-organized program to add to our store of basicknowledge in a highly important newfield.American' industry has been outstanding in supporting and gettingresults from applied research and development work, but in doing this they have built largely on basic knowl ..edge developed in university labora_tories both at home and abroad. It isnow coming to . realize that, particu,larly with the drying up of research inmost European universities, appliedresearch workers are using up our su p_ply of basic scientific knowledge fasterthan it is being added to. Indust-ryhas real responsibility to aid in rern. ...edying this situation, especially in afield where the costs of equipment areso staggering that industrial supportis essential.Help Without DominationI have emphasized the fact thatthis research is being carried out under private, as distinct from govern,ment, auspices. The Governmentthrough the Atomic Energy Commle,sion is, of course, carrying out a largeamount of fundamental research innuclear science at various laboratoriessuch as the old and new Argonne laboratories, but no thoughtful personwants to see a government monopolyin this field except in so far as it pertains to the production of weaponsand other devices for military use.Many scientists are unwilling towork in government laboratories. withall the red tape, investigations, chargesand countercharges which seem inevitable in a field of this kind. Furthermore, many problems of scientificinterest would not be undertaken insuch government laboratories. Forn.,nately the Atomic Energy Commissionand other branches of our governmentrecognize the need for private researchin this field, and Dr. Hutchins and hisassocia tes have also been successful inobtaining large contributions from Various government agencies for thebuildings, equipment, and support ofsome of these programs-but againwithout government control of thespecific direction which the researchesThe international pool of pureresearch is drying up i Americanindustry must help replenish it10THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 11are to take. Cooperation between theInstitute and the Argonne laboratoriesis helpful and stimulating to both andavoids unnecessary duplication.I wish there were time to mentionsome of the interesting lines of workwhich are already showing results inthe. hands of the 65 eminent scientists, including three Nobel Prize win-.ners, who are actively engaged in various lines of work even before theirlarge-scale equipment is completed.However, to single out a few wouldbe unfair to the others, and in a fewyears it would be evident I had notpicked out the most important ones.On the frontiers of knowledge, inthe realms of the unknown, there areno guideposts or road signs-not evenan admonition from the boss. In fact,it is almost essential that there be noboss in the usual sense. My experienceindicates that the most effective direction of scientific research must comeprimarily from the men who are doing the work themselves. This is onereason why scientific research mustbe unfettered. Both business men andgovernment officials are increasinglyaware that any attempt to dominateor control basic research will merelyquench the spark of originality whichflourishes only in an atmosphere offreedom.Can Business Afford It?Sometimes I hear people say thatuniversity research is impractical, thatit is too theoretical. If it is good, itis theoretical. Applied research, if itis good, is practical.But can business afford to supportwork which is abstract, which doesnot have immediate practical consequences, which does not lead to aproduct which can be put in apackage and sold at a profit?Can business afford it? The realquestion is: can business afford not tosupport such work?Our present danger is not that theachievements of basic science will remain unutilized, but that pure research will not be adequately supported. The great technological andinventive achievements in Americawhich have brought to its people the. h i g h est material standard everachieved may lead us to complacency, hut we must not forget that wehave in the past relied heavily on basic scientific work which was done nothere, but in Europe.When we think of Detroit and ofthe early motor makers who broughtthe automobile from an exciting curiosity to a practical mode of transportation for everyone, we rememberHenry Ford. Weare apt to forgetthat the internal combustion enginewhich made Ford's work possiblerested upon the' fundamental studiesof Otto and others in Germany. Weare inclined to forget that the electricstarter, which marked the beginningof the widespread acceptance of theautomobile as a common conveyance,in turn rested upon basic discoveriesin electricity extending back to Watt,Faraday, and Ampere, none. of whom,as it happened, was an American.Science Turns to AmericaIt is perhaps significant that duringsome fifty years of Nobel Prizes inphysics, chemistry, and medicine; only20 were awarded to the United States;while Europe received 119. Germanyalone was awarded 36. In the pastwe in America have been largely anation of inventors, It is only in recent years that we have started to become a nation of scientists.Robert E. WilsonFar-seeing business men recognizethat progress draws continuingly upona reservoir of basic knowledge andthat this reservoir supplied in the pastfrom' Europe must now be maintainedlargely by what is done here in America. The great research laboratoriesof Europe have been ravaged first bygovernment domination and totalitarian dictatorship and then by war itself. I t is because of the importance ofbasic research that. business is contributing so large a share to the supportof the fundamental research in' theseInstitutes. The Government by support of specific projects also contributes. By this means the scientists arein a position that no single group candominate or influence the course oftheir experiments or studies. Thusfreedom of research is maintained, andthe primary condition for real progress is satisfied.To witness on one day the dedication of three major' laboratories, including large and elaborate acceleratorinstallations, is surely an impressivesight. One might almost think thatsuch trail blazing is unparalleled inuniversity-sponsored research. Perhapsit is, except at the University of Chicago. It is of interest to note thatmore than fifty years ago, on the fifthanniversary of the University, the cornerstones were laid for buildings devoted to anatomy, botany, physiology,and zoology, Even in 1896 this University was on the frontiers of scientific advancement, and its accomplishments in the biological scienceshave been in keeping with the leadership it assumed.In laying those cornerstones fiftyyears ago, Mr. John D. Rockefeller,the founder of the University, spokeof his gifts to it as the best investmenthe had ever made. We stand today atan equally new departure in the physical sciences. By underwriting the costsof these buildings from the generalfunds, the University expresses itsfaith in the ability of its scientists andthe vision of industry. I believe thatthe business firms which are supporting the Institutes will be able to express similar sentiments as through theyears these Institutes contribute tothe advancement of knowledge and tothe betterment of mankind.The arrangement here whereby agreat university is aided by businessand by government but not dominatedby either is one which I hope to seeextended in other institutions. I amcertain that business men are comingto have an increasingly long-rangeview of the importance of basic research and that business will do itspart to see that such research is adequately supported and, above all,kept free.THE INVESTIGATIONCONCLUDEDBy WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN '20, JD '22THE legislative investigation intopossible subversive activities atthe University and at Roosevelt College so long ago fizzled into obscuritythat the only justification for reporting its final-aspects is to make the record complete for the alumni. So inaneand ridiculous did the proceedings become that the members of the legislature wearied of them. When one ofthe die-hards wanted to use the floorof the House for a last bid at the headlines, a fellow member arose to suggest if he wanted to say anything moreon the subject that he hire a hall,where he would be without the protection of legislative privilege.The second public hearing of theCommission was telescoped into thelate afternoon and evening of May19. This hearing obviously was heldto rehabilitate J. B. Matthews, theformer fellow traveler who was hiredto conduct the investigation, and hischief witness, Howard Rushmore,former Communist member who isnow a Hearst reporter.Five members of the faculty, whoseaffidavits answered Rushmore's allegations in the hearing on April 23,appeared for questioning by Matthews. They were Robert J. Havighurst, professor of education;Malcolm Sharp, professor of law;Rexford G. Tugwell, professor ofpolitical science; Harold C. Urey,professor of chemistry, and ErnestW. Burgess, professor of sociology.Mr. Laird Bell, Chairman of theBoard of Trustees, who transmittedthe affidavits, also was invited toappear. Two other faculty membersassailed by Rushmore, James LutherAdams, professor of religious ethics,Meadville Theological Seminary andthe Federated Theological Faculty,and Wayne McMillen, professor of And there thegreat probe endedsocial service administration, did notappear because they were out of residence, and had left before the hearing was scheduled, to work elsewhere.Matthews was much more belligerent and in louder voice than hewas in the first group of hearings,April 21-23; He also was much moreirritable, and when challenged by awitness or a commission member, became angry and confused. What wasplainly bothering Matthews was hisjudgment of the effect of the affidavits· on the credibility of Rushmore's testimony. Since Matthews isa professional red hunter, and Rushmore is his frequent collaborator,prestige is important. Rushmorethe reporter, had an unsigned storyin the New York Journal-Americanof May 20, quoting Matthews in vindication of Rushmore, the witness.Matthews' purpose throughout thequestioning was to demonstrate thatRushmore had evidence for his allegations.Half-truths are misleadinqThe best answers to that effortwere provided by Mr. Sharp andMr. Urey. In response to Matthews'inquiry as to whether - Mr. Sharpquestioned the accuracy of Rushmore's testimony with respect to twoorganizations, Mr. Sharp replied:"I should like to say that in myjudgment, the testimony of the sortgiven by Mr. Rushmore is systematically misleading .... I think ifMr. Rushmore had been a carefulman-I think, indeed, if he had been12 Morgensternan honest man-he would have paidsome attention to these public statements. He might even have readsome of my articles before insinuat.ingly charging, as he has in otherhearings, by innuendo, that I holda position which I don't hold at all.. . . I should like to find strongerwords to express my distaste for Mr.Rushmore's type of testimony. Ifone says a lawyer has gone to prison,but it turns out that he has goneto prison to consult a client, it is avery different story. The half-truthis a very well-known way of rnisleading." Mr. U rey summed up f01Matthews the value of Rushmore'sallegations: "It is partial testimony,and the partiality makes it whollo/false."So frantic was the effort to givethe vestige of respectability to Rushmore's testimony thai Matthews hadhim popping in and out of the wit.ness' chair all through the session.Most of Rushmore's previous testimony corresponded so literally to 3mimeographed compilation of "front"memberships issued by the "NationalCouncil for American Education,"that the source of his alleged fac�is indisputable. The National Coun.cil was founded in 1946 by one AileDAlderson Zollo The publicationFriends of Democracy's Battle, de:scribes 2011 as "an old-time Cough'linite, Jew-baiter, apologist for Fascist causes, and alleged extortionist.tZoll was former head of the novdefunct "American Patriots, Inc.,�which the Attorney General -:- thesource so dear to Matthews as a�authority-listed as fascist. WheZol1's association with the NationCouncil was exposed in the summ�of 1948, most of the prominent people who had been Zo11's "fronts,ranging from Gen. Jonathan ITHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWainwright to Gene Tunney, rushedfor the exits.Matthews revealed his design atthe opening of the session when hebegan his questioning of Mr. Bell.The inquiries, interlarded with bombast and assertions, were directedparticularly to a statement of Mr.Adams. When the affidavits wereprepared Mr. Adams already had left.for Massachusetts, and discussionwith him as to the facts was conductedover the telephone. On the basis ofthese conversations, a statement wasdrafted, and sent to him to executein affidavit form. An unsigned copy,to which was attached a notationpointing out it was not an executedaffidavit, and would be replaced byone as soon as possible, was sent withthe other affidavits to the Commission. This haste was necessary becauseof the deadline which had been setby . the Commission for the U niversity's answer. When his' affidavit wasreceived, Mr. Adams had changedone of his answers, saying that he hadsigned a protest against the motionpicture, T he I ron Curtain, although his unsigned statement saidbe had no recollection of so doing.He explained in a letter that in thelong-distance telephone call he hadnot heard the word "film" used, andso did not recognize what the chargewas. until he saw the word in thedraft.BaHle of the headlines�The change in itself was of nogreat significance, for the Bible ofMr. Matthews - the AttorneyGeneral's list-did not include thisprotest as subversive. Nor was itMatthews' contention that the Comrnission had been misled. He shoutedthat the press of the country hadbeen misled, a matter, which if true,would have been of no consequenceto the Commission unless it was moreinterested in the battle of the headlines than the validity of its case.Matthews also boomed at Mr. Bellabout various other incidental aspectsof the affidavits, such as the useof the word "suspected" as a description of the organizations on theAttorney General's list, and he introduced an optional reading from Robert S. Lynd's Pattern of AmericanCulture, used in the Social SciencesII course, to prove that students werebeing indoctrinated. The substance of this excerpt was that whatever anyone thought of the rightness orwrongness of the Soviet Union, socialscientists could not but approve ofthe fact that Communists made theirci tizens take part in the political activities of the regime, rather thanpermitting an apathetic attitude.With Rushmore being sandwichedin between the interrogation of thefive faculty members, the hearingproceeded until almost midnight.Rushmore in these encores submittedhis "evidence" '--:'photostatic copies ofletterheads, pamphlets, and excerptsfrom The Daily Worker. He also introduced new "evidence" againstindividuals not present in order "tocomplete the record," as Matthewsquaintly put it. The significance ofthis effort can be indicated by thefact that little, if any, of the stuffwhich Rushmore and Matthews offered would be admitted as evidencein any court.The faculty members handledthemselves ably against the kind ofcase which Matthews had, a reviewof their alleged front associations.Mr. Burgess made Matthews so unhappy with his answers that Matthews undertook unsuccessfully tobully him. His answer to Matthews'inquiry as to whether he chargedRushmore with bad faith was thathe charged him with bad judgment.Mr. Havighurst started out by demanding of Chairman Broyles if therewere any suspicion of subversiveteaching on his part. "That questionhas not been raised," Sen. Broyles admitted. In response to a similar question from Mr. Sharp, Sen. Broylessaid he was not being charged withteaching communism. The same answer was given to Mr. Vrey. Theexamination of Mr. Tugwell was conducted warily. Mr. Urey, as handywith a word as with an isotope, tookthe investigation away from Matthews as the final witness.The Nobel Prize scientist concludedhis lecture to Matthews with a statement about the University, "I am anewcomer to the V niversity of Chicago. I came there after the war, in1945. (Mr. Vrey's war-time work onthe Midway was with the ManhattanDistrict, U. S. Army organizationwhich administered the production ofthe bornb). The fame of the institution and what it stands for has beencontributed to only in a very slight 13degree by my efforts. It is one ofthe great universities of the world.I t is so regarded the world over.In my years there I have intimately associated with the membersof the staff of that organizationand it is strictly loyal and American.In my years there I have intibetter from the people of Illinois thanthis investigation."No reflection on any professorMatthews summed up by assertingthat "in no single point did Mr. Rushmore lack the documentation for histestimony. Every statement of affiliation of the professors of the V niversityof Chicago who appeared here hasbeen supported by a document whichMr. Rushmore has brought and inno case has there been a single challenge of Mr. Rushmore's good faithin presenting the testimony of thesefront organizations." This was certainly an ex cathedra vindication ofRushmore, whose good faith had beenchallenged to his face by professorsBurgess, Sharp and U rey.Senator Roland Libonati commented immediately on Matthews'statement. "Mr. Chairman, I wouldra ther that we use the term 'identifiedwith.' Professors here did take thewitness stand and testify that theywere not members of organizationshut participated in some isolatedmeetings and sponsored them. Thereis no reflection on any professor sofar as has been brought out by theexamination, which was thorough relative to participation as active members in the Communist Party. Therehas been some evidence producedhere which indicated that in yearspast some of them were active inmovements that correlated with theirideas concerning certain persons towhom they were antagonistic as dictators."I feel in the honesty of the recordthat the Chair should inform the menwho came here, including Mr. Bell,that we are very well satisfied withtheir testimony and their direct honesty of purpose in facilitating this investigation and hearing and placingbefore us factual data that will bevery valuable to the Commission."The following morning the Commission met and voted unanimouslythat the report to the General Assembly be in the form of the exacttranscript of the testimony, and thae14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEno comment would be neccessary, "inasmuch as the testimony speaks foritself." The procedure, however, wasnot followed. Rep. Charles J. Jenkinsobserved publicly that the action ofthe Commission gave a "clean billof health" to both Chicago and Roosevelt, a judgement that irked ChairmanBroyles. So, June 11, Mr. Broyles andten other members, public and legislative, issued a "statement" to the press.The actual filing of the testimony wasdone on June 16. Senator Broyles explainedvthat "since another memberof the Commission has given out astatement, I feel that possibly, I, asChairman, and joined by other members of the Commission, should issuea brief statement."This was a singular document. Itbegan with a vague recital of "thestorm O'f opposition" which the Commission had encountered-all attributed to subversive forces- and continued to' report "activity that could beclassed as undesirable in an institutionof learning," such as the existence ofa Communist Club, the refusal of thepresident of the club to answerwhether he was a member of theCommunist Party, or to say what hewould do in the event of war withRussia; the membership of facultymembers in "front" organizations;their temeri ty in refusing to agreewith the Attorney General's list.There were a series of recommendations. Any student who refused toanswer whether he is a member ofthe Party, or any student who admitted he was and who said he would refuse to fight against Russia, should beexpelled, "in order to' prevent the contamination of other students in thestudent body." Personal investigationwas recommended to' the trustees andother officials of colleges and universities into the "conditions relative tothe student activities," and the affiliation of their faculty members. So wasthe banning of Communist Clubs;prohibition of the sale of any Communist propaganda, denial of the useof bulletin boards or campus publications to advertise meetings involvingCommunists, denial of facilities' forsuch meetings; a survey of textbooksand required readings to eliminate"material which advocates the theoriesand doctrines of Communism or othersubversive doctrine" ; firing of any!f-culty member who refuses to resignfrom known Communist Qr Com- munist front organizations, "as listedby the Justice Department of theUnited States"; careful investigationof any new organization which hasin its membership persons who havebeen members of "questionable organizations" -presumably to prevent recognition to' the new fronts.The statement continues: "Afternearly two years Qf CQntacts with topofficials of our State and Nation,which included many conferenceswith people in all walks of life, wehave come to the conclusion that:The truth being taught by our educators, the truth being preached by ourclergymen, and sufficient laws enactedto' control those who will not he educated or have no faith in their GQd,will be the most sucessful way to' combat this organized conspiracy and 'redmenace' in our midst.Or no tax exemption"We, therefore, recommend to' theSixty-sixth (the next biennial) General Assembly, that any school or university that continues to employprofessors or teachers who have beenand continue to' be affiliated withsubversive, Communist, or Communistfront organizations; or any school oruniversity that recognizes a studentorganization, those organizations listedby the Justice Department as subversive, Communist, or Communist frontorganizations, shall be denied taxexemptions. Regarding tax-supportedschools and universities, it shall bethe duty of the Board of Trustees, thegoverning officials, and the employingboard to' comply with these recommendations, If the Board Qf Trustees,the governing officials, or the employing body refuse to comply, it is recommended that such Board ofTrustees, governing officials, or employing body be, by law, removedfrom office. If the present statutes donot cover this situation, it is recommended that the necessary laws beenacted."Barry issues statementAt the same time that the Broylesstatement was released, Sen. NormanBarry issued one of his own, muchmore succinct. "This Commission wasdirected to' investigate 'subversiveactivities.' It found none. NO' facultymember was even charged with teaching or saying anything subversive.When at least three professors asked whether they were charged with beingsubversive, Chairman Broyles statedin open hearing they were not socharged. The professors who testifiedstated their opposition to CQmmunism."The statement of ChairmanBroyles and others rests in part onthe discredited notion that membership in an organization makes a manguilty of all the thoughts and actsQf other members. But at no time didany witness or any commission memberdare assert that any faculty memberhad engaged in subversive activitiesor even harbored principles otherthan those wholly American. As to thestudent Communist Club, there ishonest and sincere difference ofQPInIOn about permitting students ofany political belief to exercise ourfreedom to assemble peaceably. NO'law forbids it now. It has yet to beprQven that suppression will reallyhelp in the battle against CQmmunism.The whip is not always the bestteacher. . . ."Sen. Barry concluded by PQintingout that the University of Chicagois run by its trustees, who "haveintelligence, ability, and resPQnsibility.They know the University and itswork. They know its problems. They,know all these things better than themembers of the Commission. I Wantno part in dictating to' these men howto' do their job. TO' do so is both unwiseand uri-American."Jenkins issues statementTwo days later, Rep. Jenkins, whohad been ill, released another minorityreport. Pointing out the serious threatof Communist infiltration, Rep. J enkins said, "We do not agree, however,with the findings of the majority intheir press statement on, the investi ..gation ... We were in continualattendance, at the hearings, we havestudied the exhibits and affidavits:submitted, and we hold that the findings of the majority in their pressrelease are not in accord with theknown facts and are not supported byevidence."I t is impossible to' cite any word,written or voiced, by any professorQf any officer Qf either institutiQnwhich indicates that any one of themever made a statement which couldbe regarded in any way as subversive. . . J. B. Matthews, designated bythe Commission to be chief interrogator of witnesses, introduced through-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEout his examination a number of accusations against the two institutionsand members of the faculty. He wasnot under oath, and sought by cleverinsinuation and innuendo to accomplish by indirection what he failedto prove ..."If Communistic indoctrinationexists on either campus, it would reveal itself frequently in documentedform and the investigators would havesomething more to show than a fewparagraphs written by a Columbiaprofessor and used as optional reading. Among the many students, pastand present, there are certainly thousands of loyal Americans who, if theyhad detected any subversive teachingswould eagerly have taken the opportunity to testify ... "Rep. Jenkins made a four-pointsummary: "1) No member of theadministration, faculty or staff ofeither institution has been shown tobe a Communist. 2) There is noproof of any attempt by the facultymembers of the two institutions toindoctrinate students with Communism. 3) There is a Communist Clubamong students of each institution,one having eleven members and theother 'about ten ... ' We think theseclubs should be disbanded and notagain reformed under any othername. It is our belief, however, thatMarxism should better be studied inclassrooms in relation to other formsof government where it can be criti- cized and appraised . . . It seems tous that the way to expose Communism is to expose Communists.The widespread smears of personswho are not Communists or evenCommunist sympathizers simply divert attention from the real dangers.We can even be lulled into the mistaken idea that attacks on loyalAmericans are of some help in preserving democracy. 4) One of thegreatest safeguards for perpetuationof American -, ideals lies in scholasticfreedom in our universities and colleges. The University of Chicago is anoutstanding example of the wisdomof this principle .... Free interchangeof ideas, free research, and the rightof faculty members to engage withoutrestraint in activities dictated by theirjudgment and conscience have enabled the University to performpriceless services to mankind in manyfields .... The University is one ofthe great institutions of the world andit should have the unstinted supportof the citizens of its home state. . "Horsley issues a statementThere was still one more burst ofaccusation left to come. The Broylesbills were languishing unheeded inthe House, the appropriation for apermanent Commission had beenoverwhelmingly beaten in the Senate,and the innuendos of Matthews andRushmore had been thoroughly attacked in the press. The investiga- 15tion had been a fiasco. Pattering toits succor came Rep. G. WilliamHorsley, author of the resolution forthe investigation, with a booklet giving his analysis of the testimony,"together with comments and additional material collected."Since G. William was not a memberof the Commission, and had not evenattended all its meetings, this was asomewhat extraordinary procedure.The analysis and comments addednothing; the booklet was largely acollection of partial quotations fromthe works of one Robert M. Hutchins, and a compilation of newspaperclippings to prove "crime and immorality" (the old Dilling theme offree love and communism) at theUniversity by citing Heirens, a girlkilled in an automobile accident, astudent slugged, three Quakers whowere conscientious objectors, andother caS66 of like tenor. Mr. Horsleycarefully took steps to see that hisopus was privileged,. filing it with theClerks of the House as an officialdocument so that he would not beheld personally responsible. The booklet was ineffective III attractingattention.And there the great probe ended,without Mat t he w s eve r gettingaround to filing, as he had shoutedhe would, the "Communist records"of the five clergymen of various faithsat the University who had come toits defense.During reunion week alumni visited the penthouse home of the Bernard Berelsons (Dean, GraduateLibrary School) at the new faculty apartments: stepped from the living room to the terrace for aMidway view of the quadrangles.16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERobert M. StrozierWe said to 'Bob Strozier: "After the staffhas gone home, the outside door has beenclosed, and the te'lephone stops ringing, whydon't you sit back and tell us some of yourexperiences and reactions as dean of students?" So 'he does and will each month.To make our first deadline, Bob wrote thiscolumn from behind the porch screens atLong take, Wisconsin, where he was takinga late summer vacation with his. wife andthree youngsters.I CAN look through the screen andsee Bob and Chuck fishing for bluegills. There is a light fog this morning, and everything is so peaceful andcalm it hardly seems possible that in initiative of the students in the development of new programs; keeptheir records, give them examinations,and even, at times, discipline them!Their energy and initiative areboundless. You have doubtless seenRadio Midway and the Arts andCrafts studio. The students have developed Radio Midway entirely bythemselves. U sing telephone wiresfor transmission, they have devisedthe mechanical apparatus for reaching all the College Houses; using theirfertile imaginations they have organized musical and intellectual programswhich might well be examined withcare by many commercial stations.The Arts and Crafts studio was developed so intelligently that the College authorities have since used it inthe Humanities courses'. It still remains a student-centered project, however, where those who are interestedmay work independently at painting,sculpture, and the crafts. They willbe having another exhibit in IdaNoyes this fall, and you must see it.I hope you will see the junior varsity teams and the house and fraternity intramural as well as the intercollegiate teams. You probably sawREFLECTIONS AFTER FIVEa month my charges will number several thousand. in addition to my constant three. This peace is delightfulfor a brief period, but the excitementof October with the opening of theUniversity is for me the high pointof the entire year.Everything is now set for the autumn. John Davey has mailed thematerial to new students about theplacement tests; John Bergstresser hassent the handbook; Jane Simmons,Student Union President, has sent abooklet about social activities; andlast but Jar from least, the Chancellorhas sent each new student a personalletter of welcome.Much of our work must be donein advance, for the entire office of theDean of Students is a service organization. We process for admission jchoose the resident heads for theHouses; safeguard the health of allthe students; attempt to provide themwith wise personal and academiccounsel; construct and direct wholesome activities, social, athletic, andgeneral, yet allow for the individual ROBERT M� STROZIERDean of Studentsthe recent articles in the metropolitanpress where Paul Derr was quoted assaying that participation in athleticsat the University is greater now thanit ever has been before.There are too many activities at theUniversity to discuss in one letter.Later I do want to tell you about theothers.Our jobs would be infinitely easierif we made a program and 'directedit. We encourage and referee studentinterests, but we are inclined to a bitof modesty when our ingenuity andresourcefulness are pitted against thestudents.Those who don't know the studentsenjoy viewing them as young intellectuals with a brittle, hard exterior ofphony sophistication. Several tangibleproofs to the contrary may interestyou. The most recent comes spontaneously from the men in Snell Hall.As soon as they realized the plight of the Chinese students, cut off fromfunds from their families in China,they voted to supply a room free fora Chinese student this year. They arehoping the other houses will followtheir lead, and they doubtless will.Last year the students sent almostone thousand books and innumerableboxes of clothing to Frankfurt wherethe University has an official project.None of these projects was initiatedby our office, although we have helpedwork out the details with the students.Many of the students give their time,energy, and money to the SettlementHouse, and each year the Phi Gamsbring the children from the Settlement to their house for a Christmasparty .. I enjoy this one particularlyas the Phi Gams have let me be SantaClaus.Most of the foreign students at theU ni versi ty (there are three hundred)have had a rough time financially asofficial exchanges are against them,but the Chinese are in almost desperate straits. The University has beenmore than generous but obviously itcannot do the job alone. The government has yet to meet the situationsquarely and realistically, althoughthere are some indications that helpwill be provided. I know the studentswill do their part.You would probably be surprisedto know the extent of religious activity on the campus. The Protestantgroups' activities are centered in theChapel and Chapel House next door;the Jewish in their lovely Hillel Houseon Woodlawn, and the Catholic inthe De Sales House near your offices.Most of the students are interested inreligion as well as in Proust andKafka.Last week I led a discussion onReligion and Higher Education forthe Inter-Church Council. It was avery hot evening but there was a large,alert group present. How would youanswer the question, "Can the studentaccept all that modern educationtea c he s without losing Christianfaith?" I would be the first to admitthat I was more instructed than in--structive in the hour which followedmy remarks. I felt that these studentswere sincerely attempting to answerfor themselves questions which have'challenged men for hundreds of years.SUMMER ON THE MIDWAYFermi collects a cornerstone, Schweitzer a degree, Hutchins a medal,Potter an aquamarine, and Redfield plauditsLowreyDESPITE the 9,200 students whoare back on campus and at thedowntown college to remind us thata new quarter has begun, summerhappenings-once .national headlines-will take precedence in News of theQuadrangles.This was the summer when Dr.Albert Schweitzer,' famed Goethescholar, philosopher, humanitarianand organist, was granted a doctor oflaws degree by the University ofChicago. Two thousand personscrowded Rockefeller M e m 0 ria IChapel to hear his address in French,and another thousand hugged thesidewalks to catch a glimpse of himas he walked in academic procession.But only a few heard him say toPresident Colwell : "You'll have totell me what to do at the convocation.Remember, I'm only a boy from theAfrican bush."From arctic to tropicA climate room, varying in temperature from the cool crisp 50's tothe dripping heat of the tropics, hasbeen built for eclampsia research atChicago Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary.A weatherman's "dream room," theclimate room, with controlled temperature and humidity, was built toaid patients whose convulsions and by Jeanette Lowreycoma may result because of a changein the weather.Chicago Lying-in hospital's eclampsia program, one of the most extensive studies ever undertaken of eclampsia and the symptoms foreshadowingit, is being conducted by Dr. WilliamJ. Dieckmann, chief-of-staff and MaryCampau, professor of obstetrics andgynecology.The study, accelerated by a $381,-000 fiftieth aniversary gift to Lyingin by Chicagoans in 1945, is leavingno stone unturned to determine thecause and treatment of the diseasewhich exacts the life of 13 out ofevery 100 eclamptic pregnant womenin the United States.Chicago Lying-in research, in addition to the studies to be made in theclimate room, has included dietary carecentered on proteins, retention of saltand water, and geographical and climate surveys. The studies show thateclampsia can be prevented almostcompletely by proper intake of foods,restriction of gain in weight and earlytreatment of the patient by a rigiddiet containing practically no salt butadequate in all other respects.The climate room will be used todetermine whether by controlling the weather, eclamptic convulsions andcoma can be warded off. It will alsobe used to determine the type ofweather which therapeutically benefits the patient.Temperature will range from 50 to110 degrees and the humidity from 40per cent to saturation.The onset of convulsion and comain pregnant women, Dr. Dieckmannfound in a statistical study, was definitely related to hot, humid climate.More than one half of the maternaldeaths occurring in southern states iscaused by toxemia of pregnancy.Eclampsia has occurred repeatedlywhen an abrupt change in the weathertook place."The changes in the weather arecertainly not the cause of the eclampsia," Dr. Dieckmann states, "but insusceptible patients sudden alterationsmay cause disturbance in water balance, acid base equilibrium, and vascular system which result in intensifying the hypertension, edema, oliguria, until convulsions and coma occur."The preeclamptic patient and theoccasional eclamptic patient will beplaced in the climate room at Chicago Lying-in for treatment. Effects ofThe climate room, Chicago Lying-in's latest means ofstudying effects of weather changes on eclampsia patients.1718 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe prescribed temperatures and humidities on the patient's condition willbe studied.The climate room will also beavailable to University of ChicagoClinics for studies on the proper temperatures and humidities for postoperative patients, cardiac and otheracute conditions and for the study ofdiseases, such as arthritis, which areintensified by certain climatic changes.True internationalismAnthropologist Rob e r t Redfieldmay well lay claim to presenting theUniversity's most "worldly" lectures,for a series of his recent addresseswere conceived in one country, written in another, translated in a third,and delivered in yet a fourth.I t all came about as a result of a25,000 mile trip which Redfield, hiswife and their 12-year old son Jimmymade.Redfield took his family to Peiping,China, for what he thought would bea year of teaching and research butthe Chinese communists had designson that city and the Redfields lefthastily after only six weeks of theirstay, and four days before the Redsmarched in.In due course, the "refugee" Redfields arrived at the island of Sicily,where they paused to rest, and whereRedfield put some of his impressionsof China on paper, in the form oflecture notes.While there, he received word fromcentral administration that he wouldbe welcome at the U of C ExchangeProject at the University of Frankfort. He was invited to give a seriesof lectures in German. He repliedhe would be pleased to deliver thelectures, but that he couldn't do thetranslation himself."Don't worry about that," his Midway colleagues wrote back. "Just leaveit to us."So, while Redfield was journeyingto Frankfort, his lectures, conceivedin China and written in Sicily, wereairmailed to America to be translatedfor presentation in Germany.They were, the Frankfort group re-'ports, an international success. (Youcan see why in his article "Visit toChina" on page 9.)New chairman of medicine.Dr. Wright R. Adams, professor ofmedicine and associate dean of the division of biological sciences, hasbeen appointed chairman of the department of medicine. He will succeed Dr. Lowell T. Coggeshall, whoresigned July 1 to devote full timeto his post as dean of the division ofbiological sciences and to his researchwork in internal medicine and tropicaldiseases.HonorsTwo more honorary degrees weregiven. In June's convocation, Chancellor Hutchins conferred a doctor ofscience degree on Dr. Ross G. Harrison, internationally famous biologist, and a doctor of laws degree onHarold H. Swift, former chairman ofthe board of trustees.TaliaferroWilliam H. Taliaferro, chairmanbacteriology and parasitology, was theeighth American scientist elected anhonorary fellow of the Royal Societyof Tropical Medicine andHygieneofLondon. His election, last summer,was .. the second honor the British suciety has paid the Eliakim HastingsMoore distinguished service professor.He was granted the society's Chalmersmedal in 1935 for his work in malaria.New library centerTo the newly incorporated MidwestInter-Library Center, the Universitygave a site of 41,680 square feet at5721 Cottage Grove Ave. for the, million-dollar library project. The Center, established by ten middlewesternuniversities with a $750,000 grantfrom Carnegie Corporation and$250,000 .from the Rockefeller Foundation, will be directed by RalphEsterquest, former assistant director of the University of Denver Library. Itwill house the tremendous number ofpublications, important for research,which can't be housed in, or paid for,by individual libraries.CornerstonesI t was a summer of cornerstonelayings. One for the $12,000,000nuclear, biological and metal institutes was laid across the street fromthe football stand where Enrico Fermibuilt the first atomic "fire." Fermihimself laid the first trowel of cementfor the institutes, and at a luncheonfollowing the ceremony, Robert E.Wilson, chairman of the board ofStandard Oil (Indiana) and trusteeof the University, and Kenneth S.Pitzer, of the Atomic Energy Commission's research division, headed upthe speaker's list.A ceremony attended the laying ofthe $2,075,000 Nathan Goldblatt Memorial Hospital, and the . speakerswere: Dr. Leonard Scheele, U. S.Surgeon General; Mayor Martin H.Kennelly; President Ernest C. Colwell; Dr. Lowell T. Coggeshall; Dr.Charles B. Huggins, and Morris Goldblatt.Truman also got oneChancellor Robert M. Hutchinsand seven world-famous Europeanswere awarded Goethe medals, to climax Western Germany's celebrationof the 200th anniversary of the poet'sbirth.It's an old South American custom,or so Dr. Edith L. Potter, associateprofessor of pathology, was told whenthe Brazilian Society of Pediatricsgave her an aquamarine ring.Dr. Potter, famed at Chicago Lyingin Hospital and Dispensary for herresearch in the causes of infant mortality and the Rh factor, received thejewel when she was made an honorarymember of the society during herfour-month lectureship at the Hematological Society of Sao Paulo andat the University of Montevideo.Delighted with its beauty and theglamour of its presentation, Dr. Potter thanked the society profusely forthe ring. Enthusiastically, she showedit to a South American acquaintance.. "That's fine," the friend said. "Allimportant people who come to Rioare given aquamarine rings. PresidentTruman and Madame Chiang Kaishek also got them."•Fifty alumni relive the gay 90' s atTHE inaugural luncheon of theEmeritus Club during ReunionWeek brought press photographers tothe Quadrangle Club.The Tribune, naturally, was interested in its dean of Washington correspondents, recently retired ArthurSears Henning who, with his attractive wife, came from the nation's capitol for the occasion and his first visitto the quadrangles in years.The Sun-Times published a shot ofPresident Colwell presenting medallions to the earliest degree holder(from Old University) ElizabethFaulkner, '85; Stella Stagg, '96, popular wife of Amos Alonzo; and TrevorArnett, '98, former vice president andbusiness manager and now Trusteeof the University.It was a coincidence that exactly. 50 alumni, eligible to be honored as50-year alumni, attended the luncheon. Actually, according to the alumni files, some 250 who received bachelor degrees before the turn of thecentury, are still living.Many sent letters of regret fromas distant points as California, Floriida, and even South America. Thesefifty, guests of the University andAssociation, were youngsters again,reliving the days when a swamp separated Walker from Cobb; whenPresident Harper's office was first in 50YEARLUNCHEONCobb and Iater+in Haskel, and whenLexington and Ellis Halls were builtto accomodate the program of segregation which never materialized.Annually hereafter, members of theEmeritus Club will gather to celebrate the induction of other fifty-yearcollege classes-the Class' of 1900next year. Those present for the firstluncheon:1885 Elizabeth Faulkner, Chicago1894 Michael F. Guyer, Madison, Wisconsin1895 Charlotte Henderson Foye, ChicagoCornelius J. Hoebeke, Kalamazoo,Mich.Mary C. Lewis, ChicagoSusan W. Lewis, Chicago1896 Agnes Cook Gale, ChicagoRalph H. Hobart, ChicagoBowman C. Lingle; ChicagoHarry A. Lipsky, ChicagoSamuel MacClintockStella Robertson Stagg, Stockton, Cal.1897 William Scott Bond, ChicagoWaldo P. Breeden, Pittsburgh, Pa.Leila Fish Mallory, Coral Gables, Fla.Stacy C. Mosser, ChicagoNellie Tefft Spitzer, Oak Park, Ill.Brent Vaughan, Chicago1898 Trevor Arnett, Grand Beach, Mich. The Emeritus Club medallion, designed by notedsculptor Egon Weiner· of the Chicago Art Institute,has the seal of the University on one side, MitchellTower 011 the other, with space at the bottom toengrave the name and class year of the member. Itis bronze; three inches in diameter.Allen T. Burns, East Lansing, Mich.Zelma E. Clark, ChicagoBlanche Gatzert, ChicagoMargaret Piper Gibson, Madison, Wis.John P. Mentzer, ChicagoCecil Page, Sarasota, Fla.Arthur T. Pienkowsky, Washington,D. C.M. M. Portis, Beverly Hills, Cal.David M. Robinson, Oxford, Miss.Laura M. Wright, Chicago1899 Josephine T. Allin, ChicagoNorman K. Anderson, ChicagoFrance Anderson, Lake Forest, Ill.Ainsworth W. Clark, ChicagoWard A. Cutler, Waterloo, IowaFanny Burling Davies, ChicagoLouis T. Foreman, Maywood, Ill.Errett Gates, ChicagoCarl D. Greenleaf, Elkhart, Ind.Ralph C. Hamill, ChicagoArthur Sears Henning, Washington,D. C.Grace Eberhart Herschberger, Chi-cago _William H. Jackson, ChicagoRuth 1. Johnson, ChicagoCarrie F. Katzenstein, Chicago .Paul Mandeville, Champaign, Ill.Mary Pardee, Evanston, Ill.George H. Sawyer, Bloomington, Ind.Roger T. Vaughan, ChicagoMichael B. Wells, Milwaukee, Wisc-._ Henry L. Wolcott, ChicagoVISIT TO CHINA(Continued from page 13)mented in an album they showed us,full of photographs, clippings, and interviews recording the arrests, shootings and disappearances w hie hmarked the long conflict betweenthem. and the secret police of theNanking government.The students, with few exceptions,had changed sides; they looked forward with hope and enthusiasm to thecoming of the Communists. Scoreshad already gone to join the Communists a few miles away, and theirvoices were heard daily on the radio,reassuring their friends still withinNationalist lines, promising them freedom and opportunity to serve Chinawhen the city should fall.Members of the university faculty were also in communication with theCommunists. Sometimes they metthem secretly on campus. A few professors were planning to leave beforethe surrender, but most planned tostay, and these. men were talking,planning, negotiating with the Communists, about academic work afterthe conquest. They were hopeful ofthe conditions that would then prevail. Some thought they could become"the loyal opposition", accepting theends of the Communist program butcritical of the means. I hear fromthese men only indirectly now, butwhat I do hear makes me feel surethat after eight months of the newregime, they are disappointed in thesehopes.The Communists edged nearer thecity, while the social scientists of thetwo universities continued their re-19 search. Professor Lin Yueh-Hua of. Yenching, and his group of youngermen, were studying a village yet underNationalist control. The obstacles hefaced were raised by the Nationalistgovernment. When students went intothe villages to make studies, the military police would often stop .them, oreven arrest them. The government.feared that the-students -would "cometoo close" to the people." They mightstir up the peasants against ChiangKai Shek.An important change was takingplace, indeed. The educated youngpeople of China, long privileged andremoved from the peasants, were coming to feel that to make their education useful they would have to getclose to the people. They had no e�perience in doing this. Yet theywanted to learn how to work with.the20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpeasants, and to understand theirproblems. The Nationalists preventedtheir efforts to do so, while the Communists, over the radio, promisedthem opportunity to work with thepeasants toward a better life.As the fall of the city drew near,our friends ceased urging us to stay.A few Americans at the universitiesdid remain, wishing to witness thetransition and confident of their ability to maintain themselves. We wouldgo. And it became clear to us that itwas well we did, for after the Communists took over we would be something of an embarrassment to ourfriends. For one thing, my lectures on"Social Science and Society" expressed views uncongenial to a regimeseeking to establish a doctrine andcontrol a university.The boats from Tientsin were nolonger running; of course all rail connection with the South had ceasedlong ago; and now the plane flights,still connecting Peiping with the outside, became uncertain. On the daybefore we were to leave, the Presidentof one of the universities said he hadword that the surrender of the cityhad been arranged; he doubted if ourplane would be able to land at theremaining airport. But it did, andtook us away from Peiping. With uswent the partly completed manuscriptof the essays Fei was re-writing withmy wife's help. Our closest friendssaw us off at the airport which fellinto Communist hands two or threedays after. So did the universities.Through the kindness of Chinesefriends we had received an invitationfrom Lingnan University to visitthere. This university lies on an islandin the Pearl River, near the City ofCanton. I t also has connections withthe University of Chicago. Amongthose who have taught there are Charlotte Gower, MA '26, PhD '28, andBernard Hormann, PhD '49. TheYang, an associate of Fei Hsiao-Tung.The university was still at work re-SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 95 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stock23 N. Wabash AvenueChieago.' Illinois storing its resources and reconstituting its teaching and research afteryears of occupation by the Japanese.Yang had, come there only recently,and made me feel useful in giving hima little help in rebuilding his Department. With Yang (or with an excellent young Cantonese, Sze Yu-Sui )my wife, James, and I visited some ofthe hundreds of villages on the island.This sort of expedition into ruralChina could hardly be made in theNorth, where the war kept everyoneclose to the campus or city. In oneof them, Yang planned to establishheadquarters for local studies to bemade for himself. And we saw something of the life of the river people,who spend most of their lives on sam-pans or junks. 'Yang had his obstacles to overcome,too, for here at Canton the studentsare even more remote from the peasantry. Many are the sons or daughters of wealthy city people, some fromHong Kong, and some from Chinesefamilies established in Malaysia or inthe United States. And unlike theuniversities of Peiping, Lingnan hasnot yet produced advanced studentscompetent to make field studies. Yangis patiently working to develop his research in, spite of these difficulties.Before we left Lingnan, Yang hadestablished his village center for ruralstudies, Sze Yu-Sui had decided tocome to the University of Chicago forwork in economics, and I had writtena report on the university for President Chen. President Chen is steady'and sensible, with excellent understanding of higher education. I hopethat he will be able to carry his university through the' time of transitionthat now comes on Canton, as eightmonths ago it came upon Peiping.Chine wants a changeThe current changes in China aredeeper than the transfer of power toa Communist regime. Communism iscoming to dominate China becausethe, old regime is morally bankrupt aswell as economically unjust. PeopleAjax Waste Paper Co.2600-2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Waste Paper500 pounds or moreScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, ROckwell 2-6252 do not so much want Communism asthey want a change. Perhaps whatthey would like most is to shut outthe West, except for its techniques ..The Communists are well disciplinedand vigorous. But those who haveunderstood the Communist promiseand doctrine are not many in comparison with the hundreds of millionswhom no centralized authority has rever been able to dominate.The West has made the fundamental changes in China, and Chinahas received the impact of the Westfrom both directions, in two forms.From across the Pacific, she receivedmachinery and education. As a result,the medieval system of productionand social classes is disappearing. Theold classical learning is given up, following the example of the West, as abasis for the selection of its bureaucracy, and for the formal moralguidance of the people. The socialstructure must be re-made, the coming industry must be adjusted to'China's needs and ideals, new leadership, political and moral, developed.From the other side, from Russia,comes a Western doctrine, Marxism,that offers a leadership, a discipline,a fresh interpretation of the ends andmeans of living.I t seems that China cannot go backto the old learning, and shut out theWest entirely. It will have to go forward to make terms with the West,to manage the material power thatwill come, to interpret for itself theteachings of Marxian or free enterpriser. But the reserves of, customarymorality, of tough strength in a viewof life that is neither Marxian nOfcapitalist, that is, though intenselypractical, not materialistic at all, arevery great in China. One has the feeling that at least insofar as Communism is inhuman, the Chinesewhose ideal of life has always beengood human relationships, will tendto modify it.Thinking of these things, in February in Hong Kong we boarded aplane bound for Europe.ASHJIAN BROS., Inc.•• TABLIIHED 1121Orien tal and DomesticRUGSCLEANED anel REPAIRED8066 Soulh Chicago Phone REgenl 4·6000 ' L:i,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENew Fields ofResearch and Achievement• • FROM THE AIR•* * *Rate Gases Now Available in Quantity OfferChallenging Subject for StudyAmong the least known of the elements have been the rare gases-Krypton andXenon. Occurring in the atmosphere in concentration of one part per million forKrypton, and one part per twelve million for Xenon, their very scarcity gave themthe status of "scientific curiosities" for a long time.But now, these gases are available in quantity in refined, compressed form.As these gases assume the different role of "new" materials, their individual physical and electrical properties are finding interesting uses.The increased efficiency of hot cathode (fluorescent) lights is a direct resultof using Krypton as the gas filler. The brightest light ever made by man is produced by an electrical discharge through a column of Krypton ... these lights areused to penetrate fog at airports.Xenon is replacing mercury vapor in industrial (thyratron) tubes, to avoidlow temperature condensation troubles. It is Xenon that makes practical the"repeater" (gas discharge) photographic flash lamp-the low resistance and goodspectral range of the gas both being important. In the fast-growing field of atomicenergy, the rare gases become i:pcreasingly important. The use of such gases inGeiger Mueller counter tubes is well familiar.Chemists and physicists on many types of projects will want to study thepossible value of these gases in their fic1ds. Others may desire to work with therare gases as such, contributing to further information in this expanding subject.Graduate students especially may find rare gases a fascinating, challenging, andwide open field for doctoral thesis.In whatever connection, scientists who may want more information on Kl'YPton, Xenon, Argon, etc., are invited to write us fully. Please write Dept. LAP,Room 1502, 30 East 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y.UNION CARBIDE..A./V1) CA,Je.D O"V" C O.RP 0 .R .. ll rro.s:30 EAST 42ND STREET [!]!] NEW YORK 17, N. Y.-------------Trade-nwrked Products of Divisions and Units include------------LINDE Oxygen • PREST-O-LITE Acetylene • PYROFAX Gas • SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICALSELECTROMET Alloys and Metals • HAYNES STELLITE Alloys • BAKELITE, KRENE, VINYON, and VI NY LITE PlasticsNATIONAL Carbons • EVEREADY Flashlights and Batteries • ACHESON Electrodes • PRESTONE and TREK Anti-Freezes 21CALENDARSunday, October 2UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel (59th &Woodlawn). II A.M., The Reverend Wallace W. Robbins, Associate Deanof the Chapel.Tuesday, October 4PUBLIC LECTURE-Jay Finley Christ, associate professor of business law,member, Baker Street Irregulars, "The Genesis of Sherlock Holmes: Scope ofthe Series" 6:15 P.M., room B09, 19 South La Salle Street. 75c.PUBLIC LECTURE-George Cooley, assistant secretary, council on medicalservice, American Medical Association "Voluntary Health Insurance Plans,"University College series, Current Problems in Community Health, 7:30 P.M.,Woodrow Wilson Room, 116 South Michigan Ave. 75c.UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"The World of Maps," conducted byClarence B. Odell, cartographic department, Encyclopedia Britannica, TenTuesdays, 6:30 P.M., 11th floor, 20 North Wacker Drive. $IB.OO.Wednesday, October 5UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Social Aspects of the Theater," conducted by Joseph H. Bunzel. Ten Wednesdays, 7:30 P.M., 19 South La SalleStreet. (Open only to persons attending lecture series, The Theater andSociety.) $12.00.UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Short-Story Writing," conducted byGeorge Steinbrecher. Twelve Wednesdays, 7 P.M., 19 South La Salle Street.$IB,OO.UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Economics in the Modern World," conducted by Mrs. Elmo Hohman. Twelve Wednesdays, 7 P.M., 19 South LaSalle Street. $15.00.UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Community Planning," conducted byRichard Babcock, member Illinois Bar and associate member, AmericanInstitute of Planners. Ten Wednesdays, 7 P.M., 19 South La Salle Street$IB.OO.UNIV;.ERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Demonstration Methods in ElementaryScience Teaching," conducted by Abraham Raskin, assistant professor ofbio.logical sciences and examiner, The University of Chicago. Ten Wednesdays, 4:30 P.M., 19 South La Salle St. $15.00.PU BLiC LECTU RE-Osca r Broneer, visiting professor of classic a rcheoloqv,"The Rock-From Earliest Settlement to Kodros, 1070 B.C.," HumanitiesDivision public course "Athens: The Biography of a City," 8 P.M. room122, Social Science Building. 1126 East 59th Street. 82c.PUBLIC LECTURE-Joseph H. Bunzel, lecturer in University College, "TheTheater's Origin: Religion and .Magic," The Theater and Society series.6:30 P.M., room B09, 19 South La Salle Street. 75c.Thursday, October 6UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-,-"Great American Novels," conducted byGeorge Steinbrecher. Twelve Thursdays, 7 P.M., 19 South La Salle Street.$IB.OO.Friday, October 7UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"How to Teach Adults." conducted byMalcolm S. Knowles, director of adult education, central department, YMCAof Chicago, assisted by Cyrus O. Houle, dean of University College andassociate professor of education, University of Chicago. Ten Fridays, 12M., 19 South La Salle Street, $IB.OO.PUBLIC LECTURE-Milburn P. Akers, columnist, Chicago Sun Times, "Politicsin Chicago," Know Your Chicago series, sponsored by Women's CollegeBoard in cooperation with University College. II A.M., Kimball Hall, 306South Wa bash Avenue. $1.20.Sunday, October 9UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel (59th &Woodlawn). II A.M., Dr. T. Z. Koo, Secretary of the World Student Christian Federation, New York City.Monday, October 10PUBLIC LECTURE-University College illustrated lecture. Conference on art,"Dynamics in Art." conducted by Lucy Driscoll. Section 2 meets ten Mondays, 2 P.M., Art Institute. $6.00.UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Leadership in Conference Discussion:How to be a Good Group Member," conducted by Thomas Fansler, director of research, National Safety Council. Ten Mondays, section I, 3:30P.M., section 2, 7 P.M., 19 South La Salle Street. $25.00.FOREIGN AND DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES-(International House Auditorium, 1414 E. 59th Street), B P.M., "Children of Paradise" (French) and"The Great Train Robbery." Admission 55c.Tuesday, October IIPUBLIC LECTURE-Jay Finley Christ, associate professor of business law,member, Baker Street Irregulars, Hounds of the Baskerville, "The Disappearance and Return of Holmes," Sherlock Holmes of Baker Streetseries, 6:15 P.M., room 809, 19 South La Salle Street. 75c.PUBLIC LECTURE-Universi+y College illustrated lecture, "Dynamics i'n Art,"conducted by Lucy Driscoll. Section meets ten Tuesdays, II A.M., ArtInstitute. $6.00.UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Management's Role in Public Relations,"conducted by Oscar M. Beveridge, public- relations director, Booz, Allenand Hamilton. Ten Tuesdays, 7 P.M., 19 South La Salle Street. $IB.OO.UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Religion, Society and the Individual,"conducted by John Shlien. Ten Tuesdays, 7:30 P.M., 19 South La SalleStreet. $12.00,UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Understanding Great Poetry," conductedTheater's Origin: Religion and Magic," The Theater and Society series,$12.00.Wednesday, October 12UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"The World's' Great Plays," conducted byMelvin Seiden. Ten Wednesdays, 7 P.M., 19 South La Salle Street. $12.00.PUBLIC LECTURE-Joseph H. Bunzel, lecturer in University College, "Artist,Artwork, and Audience," The Theater and Society series, 6:30 P.M., roomB09, 19 South La Salle Street. 75c. .PUBLIC LECTURE-Oscar Broneer, visitinq professor of classical archeology,University of Chicago, "City of the Dead-Geometric Times: Kodros toSolon, 1070-594 B.C.," Hunmanities Division public course, "Athens: TheBiography of a City," 8 P.M., room 122, Social Science Building, 1126 East59th Street. 82c.UNIVJ:RSITY COLLEGE. SEMINAR-"Elements of Art," conducted by FrederickA. Sweet, associate curator of painting and sculpture, Art Institute. TenWednesdays, 6:30 P.M., gallery 2, 1st floor, Art Institute. $IB.OO. UN IVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"British Socialism· in Action," conductedby Leonard S. Stein, assistant director, home study department, Universityof Chicago. Ten Wednesdays, 7:30 P.M., 19 South La Salle Street. $12.00.UN IVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Personality, Occupation, and Organiza_tion," conducted by Burleiqh B. Gardner and Mrs. Harriet Bruce Moore,Social Research Incorporated. Ten Wednesdays, 7 P.M., 19 South La SalleStreet. $25.00.PUBLIC LECTURE-University College illustrated lecture, "Old Master Printsand Modern Art," conducted by Lucy Driscoll. Ten Wednesdays, 2 P.M.,Art Institute. $6.00.PUBLIC LECTURE-University College illustrated lecture, "The Abstract Artof China," conducted by Lucy Driscoll. Ten Wednesdays, II A.M., ArtI hstitute. $6.00.Friday, October 14UN IVERSITY COLLEGE SEMINAR-"Current Issues in Collective Bargaining IIconducted by Joel Seidman, assistant professor of social sciences in theCollege, University of Chicago. Six Fridays, 7:30 P.M., 19 South La SalleStreet. $7.50.PUBLIC LECTURE-Mortimer J. Adler, professor of philosophy of law, authorof How to Read a Book, lecturing on "Language and Meaning: The Theoryof Signs." The Great Ideas series. 7:30 P.M., 32 West Randolph S�reet. $1.50.PUBLIC LECTURE-Fred Hoehler, director, department of public welfareState of Illinois, "Chicago's Welfare Program," Know Your Chicago series'sponsored by The Women's College Board in cooperation with UniverSityCollege, II A.M., Kimbe!l Hall, 306 South Wabash Avenue. $1.20.Sunday, October 16UN IVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel (59th &Woodlawn), II A.M., The Reverend John B. Thompson, Dean of the Chapel.Monday, October 17PUBLIC LECTURE-Leo Strauss, professor of political philosophy, UniverSityof Chicaqo, "Ne+ure l Right and the Historical Approach;" Natural Right. and History series, sponsored by the Walgreen Foundation, 4:30 P.M., rOom122, Social Science Building, 1126 East 59th Street. Free.FOREIGN AND DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES-(International House Auditorium, 1414 E. 59th Street), B P.M. "Great Expectations" (British) and "ABook Goes to Market." Admission 46c.Tuesday, October 18PUBLIC LECTURE-Dr. Ernest Irons, president, American Medical Association. "General Principles Underlying Welfare Efforts," University College serie�on current problems in community health, 7:30 P.M., Woodrow Wilson rOom13th floor, 116 South Michigan Avenue. 75c. 'PUBLIC LECTURE-Frances E. Henne, assistant professor of library scienceand associate dean, graduate library school, University of Chicago, "TheYoung Reader," Children's Book series, 7 P.M., 2nd floor, Joel HunterBuilding, 123 West Madison Street. 75c.PUBLIC LECTURE-Jay Finley Christ, associate professor of business lawUniversity of Chicago, member, Baker Street Irregulars, Hounds of th�Baskerville "Chronological Problems in the Saga," Sherlock Holmes ofBaker Stre�t series, 6:15 P.M., room B09, 19 South La Salle Street. 75c.Wednesday, October 19PUBLIC LECTURE-Oscar Broneer, visiting professor of classical archeologyUniversity of Chicago, "Foundations of Democracy-Solon to Kleisthenes'594-50B B.C.," Humanities Division public course, "Athens: The Biographyof a city," 8 P.M., room 122, Social Science Building, 1126 East 59th Street.B2c.UN IVERSITY COLLEGE LECTURE-discussion series, "Investing PerSonalFunds," conducted by McPherson Holt, vice president, Gregory, De Longand Holt, investment counsellors. Five Wednesdays, 4:30 P.M., room 809'19 South La Salle Street. $8.00. 'PUBLIC LECTURE-Josep.h H. Bunzel, lecturer in the tlniyersity .College,"The Theater and SOCial Control," The Theater and' Society series, 6:30P.M., room B09, 19 South La Salle Street. 75c.PUBLIC LECTURE-Leo Strauss, professor of political philosophy, University ofChicago, Natural Right and History series sponsored by the WalgreenFoundation, 4:30 P.M., room 122, Social Science Building, 1126 East 59thStreet. Free.Friday; October 21UNIVERSITY CON CERT-Maggie Teyte, soprano with George Reeves, pia nosongs of Faure and Debussy, B:30 P.M., Leon Mandel Hall, 5714 UniverSityHall. $1.50.PUBLIC LECTURE-Elizabeth Wood, executive secretary, Chicago HousingAuthority, "Chicago's Housing Problem," Know Your Chicago series, SPon_sored by The Women's College Board in cooperation with University Col_lege, II A.M., Kimball Hall, 306 South Wabash Avenue. $1.20.PUBLIC LECTURE-,Leo Strauss, professor of political philosophy, University ofChicago, "The Origin of the Idea of Natural Riqht," Natural Right andHistory series, sponsored by the Walgreen Foundation, 4:30 P.M., room 122Social Science Building, 1126 East 59th Street. Free. 'Sunday, October 23UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, (59th &Woodlawn), II A.M. Associate Dean Wallace W. Robbins.Monday, October 24PUBLIC .LECTU�,E-Le? Strauss, pr,?fessor of poll+ice l philosophy, UniverSityof Chicago, ClaSSIC Natural Right," Natural Right and History seriessponsored by the Walgreen Foundation, 4:30 P.M., room 122, Social Scienc�Building, 1126 East 59th Street. Free.FOREIGN AND DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES-(International House Audito_rium, 1414 E. 59th Street), B P.M., "Lysistrata" (German) and "People's.Holiday" (Danish). Admission 46c.Tuesday, October 25PUBLIC LECTURE-Alton A. Linford, associate professor of social serviceadministration, University of Chicago, "Compulsory Health Insurance Plans"Current Problems in Cornmuni+v Health series, 7:30 P.M., Club room, A'rtInstitute, Michiqan at Adams. 75c.PUBLIC LECTURE-Frances E. Henne, assistant professor of library scienceand associate dean, graduate library school, University of Chicago, " 'GreatBooks' for Children," Children's Book series, 7 P.M., 2nd floor, Joel HunterBuilding, 123 W. Madison Str-eet. 75c.PUBLIC LECTURE-Jay Finley Christ, associate professor of business lawUniversity of Chicago, member, Baker Street Irregulars, Hounds of th�22THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23sored by the 'Women's College Board in cooperation with University College,II A.M., Kimball Hall, 306 South Wabash Avenue, $1.20.PUBLIC LECTURE-Leo Strauss, professor of political philosophy, University ofChicago, "The Crisis of Modern Natural Right and the Turn toward History," Natural Right and History series, sponsored by the Walgreen Foundation, 4:30 P.M., room 122, Social Science Building, 1126 East 59th Street.Free.UNIVERSITY THEATER-HToo Many Thumbs" by R. H. Hivnor, 8:30 P.M.,Leon Mandel Hall, 5714 University Avenue. 70c. No reserved seats.Saturday, October 29UNIVERSITY THEATER-HToo. Ma�y Thumbs" by R. H. Hivnor, 8:30 P.M.,Leon Mandel Hall, 5714 University Avenue, 70c; matinee at 3:30 P.M., 35c.No reserved seats.Sunday, October 30UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, (59th &Woodlawn), II A.M., The Reverend Wilhelm Pauck, professor of historicaltheology, Federated Theological faculty.·UNIVERSITY THEATER-�'Too. Many Thumbs," by R. H. Hivnor, 8:30 P.M. atMandel Hall, 5714 University Avenue, 70c; matinee at 3:30 P.M., 35c, Noreserved seats.Monday, October 31PUBLIC LECTURE-Sunder Joshi, assistant professor in the division of adulteducation, Indiana University, "The Challenge of the Sciences: Can DogmaAdjust Itself to Change?," University College series, Religion Faces UrgentChe llenqes, 7 P.M., suite 631, Civic Opera Building, 20 North WackerDrive. 75c.FOREIGN AND DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES-(International House Auditorium, 1414 E. 59th Street), 8 P.M., "Beauty and the Beast" (French) and"Unfinished Rainbows." Admission 55c.Baskerville, "The History of Baker Street; Mycroft, Moriarty," SherlockHolmes series, 6:15 P.M., room 809, 19 South La Salle Street. 75c.PUBLIC LECTURE-James Luther Adams, professor of religious ethics, Federated Theological faculty, University of Chicago, "Social Ethics" Essenceof Religion series, 4:30 P.M., Breasted lecture hall, 1155 East 58th Street.Free.Wednesday, October 26PUBL_lC �ECTURE-:-Oscar ..Broneer, �isiting professor of classical archeology,U!lly�rslty of .Chlcago, ,Test by Flre-K!elsthenes, 594-500 B.C.," HumanitiesDIVIsion public course, Athens: The Biography of a City," 8 P.M. room122, Social Science Building, 1126 East 59th Street. 82c. 'PUBLIC LECTURE-Joseph H. Bunzel, lecturer in University College "TheExperience of the Audience," The Theater �nd Society series 6'30' P.M.,room 809, 19 South La Salle Street. 75c. ' 'PUBLIC. LECTURE-Leo Strauss, professor of political philosophy, Universityof Chicago, "Modern Natural Right," Natural Right and History series,sp?ns.ored by the Walgreen Foundation, 4:30 P.M., room 122, Social ScienceBuilding, 1126 East 59th Street. Free. _Thursday, October 27PU BLI C LECTU RE-J. Coert Rylaa rsda rn, associate professor. Old Testamenttheology, Federated Theological faculty, University of Chicago "Religionas Prophecy," The Essence of Religion series, 4:30 P.M., Breasted lectureha II, 1155 East 58th Street. Free. -,Friday, October 28PUBL.lC LECTURE:-Saul Alinsky, chairman, Industrial Areas Foundation, lOANeighbor-Solution to the City Problems," Know Your Chicago series, spon-NEWS OF THE CLASSES1895Edward Schribner Ames, PhD, and hiswife celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary at their summer home in Pentwater, Michigan on July 6-which is alsothe birthday of their son, Van Meter.1896Estelle Lutrell, head librarian at theUniversity of Arizona from 1904-1932, continues in a half-time capacity while shewrites the history of the University ofArizona. There were thirty students whenshe took up her duties in 1904. Todaythere are 4,000.1890Harriett Shirk, (Mrs. Rodney C. Wells,of Marshalltown, Iowa) made several tripsthe past year to Colorado to see her newgranddaughter, daughter of her youngestson, Dr. Benjamin Shirk Wells. He islocated at the Veterans Administration inFort Lyons, where he is a psychiatrist. Hereldest son, Rodney Clark Wells, Jr., M.D.'19, is practicing in Marshalltown. Herdaughter Shirley, who for many years wasa research dietician at the MassachusettsGeneral Hospital in Boston, has been illbut is reported recuperating.1892Elizabeth Wallace, member of the University Romance Languages department for34 years, recently received a doctor ofhumane letters degree from Carleton college. Miss Wallace is a member of theCarleton college associates.David M. Robinson, PhD '04, professoremeritus of art and archaeology at JohnsHopkins University after 43 years of service, is active as full-time professor of classicsand archaeology at the University of Mississippi. A recent issue of Athene carriedan article entitled "A Great Philhellene"which was a tribute to and story of thisscholarly alumnus.Daniel M. Schoemaker, MD Rush '04,has a grand time in his St. Louis gardensince his retirement in 1946 from thedirectorship of the department of Anatomyat St. Louis University. He is 81 years old.St. Louis University has presented himwith its highest honor, the Fleur de LisMedal, and a recent senior class has hadhis portrait painted and hung in theMedical School. Dr. Schoemaker1899Mary Louise Fossler who has retiredfrom teaching at the University of Nebraska, writes: "I am working with mysister Mabel Fossler -trying to put our ownFassler's Colloidal Theory of the universeinto common understandable Americanlanguage, excerpts of which reached London and Boston scientific conferences. Bothof us think in terms of the sciences andmedicine, all related, as it were, a colloidalgroup of subjects separated by scientistsinto technical phases for the sake of specialization. We still have faith in the atomsand molecules. They have never lied to usand we are intensely interested in theirrelation to so-called life."1901Fred L. Adair, MD, of Chesterton, Indiana, was general chairman of the International and Fourth American Congressof Obstetrics and Gynecology held in NewYork last May. He was recently electedgeneral secretary of the National Federation of Obstetrical and Gynecological Societies.Joseph L. Baer, ,SM '03, MD Rush '03,of Beverly Hills, California, was recentlyelected president of the American Gynecological Society.Donald R. Richberg, lawyer and author,has been appointed to the faculty of theUniversity of Virginia law school as lee- turer in constitutional law and appellatepractice.Dr. Ernest L. Talbert, PhD '09, professorof sociology at the University of Cincinnati, will be- retired next month. Dr. Talbert joined the staff of the university in1914.1902John E. Calvin, DB, and Mrs. Calvinattended the fiftieth class reunion at Bucknell University.David Thomson of Seattle writes he is"rather out of commission these days" witha rebellious heart. But he does try tokeep up with the doings on his old stomping ground.1903Narcissa Cox Vanderlip was awarded thePeter Stuyvesant citation and statuette formeritorious philanthropic work for 1949,having just completed _ 20 years as president of the Board of Trustee.s of the NewYork Infirmary, a hospital entirely staffedby women. Her home is in Scarborough-onHudson, New York.1905Clyde A. Blair, who was president ofhis class when he was a student on theMidway, is now living in Hatton Grange,Hatton, Va.William J. Bradley, MA, has retired asa history teacher_ at Mercer University."Just about finished the log cabin in whichI have been living for about two years.It is in a rural section of my native JonesCounty, Georgia," his newsnote to us reads.George F. Reynolds, PhD, chairman ofthe department of English, University ofColorado, and a Shakespeare authority, wentto England in June where he lecturedthrough July at Stratford-on-Avon for theUniversity of Birmingham.1906Cora E. Gray, MS '09, is retired from theteaching staff of Catawha College in Salisbury, North Carolina. "I'm supposed tobe a lady of leisure," she writes, "only Ihaven't found any great amount of it."Mabel P. Lightbody writes to tell abouta grandson, Emerson Ralph Parker, son ofFrancis W. Parker, who attended the University Law School, and Katherine JaneLightbody Parker, Mabel's daughter. Thebaby's grandfathers are both U. of C.alumni-Francis W. Parker, Jr., '07, andJames D. Lightbody '07.Cecil C. North, DB, PhD '08, achieved'emeritus status at Ohio State UniversityTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE243 HOUR SERVICEEXCLUSIVE CLEANERSAND DYERSSince I9Z01442 and 1331 E. 57th St.•EVENING GOWNSAND FORMALSA SPECIALTYMidway ������ • We call/orand deliver3 HOUR SERVICELOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING•60 YEARS OF DEPENDABLESERVICE TO THE SOUTHSIDE•ASK FOR FREE ESTIMATE•55th and ELLIS AVENUECHICAGO 15, ILLINOISBUtterfield 8-01' IDAVID L. SUTTON. Pres.Swift t5 Ice CreamSundaes and sodas are special treatsmade with Swift's Ice Cream. So delicious, so creamy-smooth, so refreshingly yours ....A product ofSWIFT & COMPANY7409 S. State StreetPhone RAdcliff 3-7400 a year ago September. He is acting chairman of the Sociology Department of theCollege of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio.1907Arthur G. Bovee who, on retirement fromthe Chicago faculty, received an appointment as associate professor of French atthe University of Georgia, has now beenmade Professor of the Teaching of Frenchin the Department of Romance Languagesat that School. Earlier this year he wasa warded the French Legion of Honor. �Arleigh L. Darby, for 39 years, was amember of the Romance Language department of West Virginia University.Upon his retirement this summer, he became vice president of Alderson-BroaddusCollege at Philippi, West Virginia.Paul O'Donnell, JD '09 is no longer wi thMetropolitan Trust. He is practicing aloneat 11 South La Salle Street in Chicago.May Warren (Mrs. George Lockhart) hasmoved from Wheeling to Charleston, WestVirginia to be close to her daughters andtheir families.1908Rose H. Altschuler writes from Tempe,Arizona, to say that she taught a coursein nursery education at San Francisco StateCollege last summer. "Painting and Personality,". a book which she co-authored isin its second printing. It was first published by the University of Chicago Pressin 1947.The Reverend Kenneth O. Crosby is stillliving in northern Wisconsin where he isvicar of St. Katherine's Church. He writesthat he is taking full advantage of hunting, fishing, resorting and other seasonsas well as enjoying reunions with EleanorHall Wilson, Bill Zorn and other alumni"at pleasant intervals."1909FORTIETH REUNION"The jolliest gathering we have had inmany years," reported Katherine Slaughtfor the 1909 fortieth reunion. Beside theold guard, some members came who neverpreviously attended: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rubovitz, Harriet Harding Jones withthe "Duke," Dr. Fisher and Harry Harriman from Madison.Others appeared, including Bill MacCracken and Ed. McBride who hadn't attended in a long time; also Ned Merriam.All sang "Happy Birthday" when individual birthday cakes, each with its owncandle, appeared.President John Schommer had to leaveearly for an Illinois Institute of Technologycommencement address while Bill MacCracken took over for songs and yells andpersonal reports.Forty-five were present, including President of the Alumni Foundation, John Dille,who went from the party to the MandelHall assembly to present the Alumni Giftto President Colwell.1910The Chicago Association of Commerceand Industry, of which Leverett Lyon MA'18, PhD '21, is Chief Executive Officer, forthe fourth consecutive year has won firstplace among cities of 500,000 in the InterChamber Fire-Waste Contest conducted bythe National Fire-Waste Council. Lyonwas on hand to receive the plaque May 4at the annual meeting of the U. S. ·Chamber in Washington.Edison E. Oberholtzer, MA '16, is president of the University of Houston. Francesco Ventresca, PhM '11, retiredfrom the Public School system of Chicago,is now living in Western Springs, Illinois.Recently he took a trip east to visit relatives and friends, many of whom have appeared in his book, "Personal Reminiscences of a Naturalized American."1911Clyde R. Brooks, PhD, MD '13, is a physician at the University Clinic in CoralGables, Florida.Conrado Benitez, Manila business manand civic leader, flew to Geneva, Switzerland in June to attend the InternationalLabor Organization. He returned to thePhilippines via the United States. Beforeleaving Manila he entertained the alumniof his city at his home honoring the visitof Dr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Reeves. Mr.Reeves, acting chairman of the Department of Education on the Midway, wasrepresenting UNESCO on the Islands.Vera L. Meyer is librarian at Pennsylvania State College.1912Paul H. Apel, MA '33, recently lecturedon the development of the sonata andplayed the sonata for violin and piano byP: Locatelli. At another session of theAmerican Society for Esthics he lecturedon recent modern music and played J. A.Carpenter's Sonata for violin and piano.Nell Nesbitt, AM, of the department ofhome economics at the University of WestVirginia, Morgantown, has moved to Tucson, Arizona where she will make her homein the future.1913Winifred Clark (Mrs. John MauriceClark of Westport, Conn.) writes to us of areunion she had last spring with Helen E.Hendricks '07 at the latter's residence inBeekman Tower in New York. "We rerninisced from the roof looking out over thelights of Manhattan and gazing just belowat the one lone mast proclaiming wherethe U.N. buildings will be erected soon."Dr. Harry Lee Huber, SM '16, PhD '17,MD (Rush) '18, and Dr. Lewis HanfordTiffany, SB '19 recently received the honorary professional degree of doctor of pedagogy from Eastern Illinois State college.Lawrence H. Whiting, president of theAmerican Furniture Mart, who saw topflight service in both wars and ended thelast one as a colonel, was commissioned abrigadier general in the Officers ReserveCorps at Chicago during the summer.1914"Handbook of Business Administration,"written by W. J. Donald, PhD, and published by McGraw-Hill in 1931, has beenre-published in Spanish in Buenos Aires.Rabbi Abraham Horvitz, MA '15, PhD'28, has been appointed spiritual leader ofthe Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, Tompkinsville, oldest Hebrew congregation onStaten Island. He was a major in theChaplains' Corps of the Army in WorldWar II. Prior to accepting this new post,Rabbi Horvitz served at the Jewish Centerof Highbridge in the Bronx.Erling H. Lunde and brother, Bjarne,'12, flew to Iceland and on to Stockholmand Oslo in August for a visit. Bothbrothers live in the Chicago area.Mabel Scacheri is writing a daily columnon photography for the New York WorldTelegram.Edna D. Winch, MA '41, tells us her son,Bill, "earned himself a nice scholarshipat Carleton College."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1915John W. Breathed, vice president and adirector of Cudahy Packing Company, wasone of four men proposed for membershipon the board of directors of Thor Corporation in Chicago. Another alumnus, RobertA. Carr, '26, president of the DearbornChemical Company, was also a nomineefor membership on the board.John William Chapman, JD '17, is now amember of the Board of Pardons andParoles in the State of Illinois.Horace S. Davis, JD '16, according toCharley Hyde, JD '16, who said we couldquote him on this, is "top Anti-New Dealattorney in Montana, located in Billingsand has a reputation for making whitemen out of more OPA administrators thanany other attorney in the N.W."1916Mildred Allen is chairman of the physicsdepartment at Mount Holyoke College andchairman of the North East Section of theAmerican Physical Society for the year1948-1949.Dorothy F. Barber (Mrs. Luther H.)writes that she and her husband are nowresidents of La Jolla, California, where theyhave built a house. "We are back in Michigan for the summer and expect a housefulof grandchildren," is the postscript.Margaret Bowers wrote that she is "stillDirector of Dining Halls at Yale University."On April I Helen Dawley completedthirty years of service in the UniversityLibrary, three and a half at Rosenwald andthe rest at Harper as a cataloger. She says:"I always enjoy reading news in the Magazine about the folks who were studyinggeography and geology back in 1919-22.Many of them have gone far professionally."Fowler B. McConnell, president of SearsRoebuck & Co., was awarded an honorarydoctor of laws by the University of Denverin June.Mary C. Moses writes from Minneapolisthat she is teaching the social sciences inthe 12th grade.Mrs. Charles A. Messner (Ethelyn FayeMullarky) is 1949 chairman of the WesternNew York Committee for the Alumni Foundation. She is an instructor in Spanish atNew York State College for Teachers, Buffalo, New York.Mrs. Walter F. Channel nee (EdithThorin) recently retired as chairman of thedepartment of home economics at Wilmington College, Wilmington, Ohio. Mrs.Channel plans to visit her son, William,who is recreational director of Palama Settlement House in Honolulu.After 32 years in China, Stanley D. Wilson, PhD, has retired as professor of organic chemistry and dean of the College ofNatural Sciences at Yenching University.With his wife he has returned to theStates and is living in Claremont, California.1917Edith Anne Craeft, MS '24, (Mrs. Laurence Gardner) is coordinator of science service teacher training at Manual Arts HighSchool and University of Southern California. Her husband expects to join hersoon in Los Angeles. He is now in Northern Rhodesia.Mrs. James M. Evans, (Miriam B. Libby)formerly of Chicago, has been appointedthe new secretary of the Department ofthe World Mission of the Church of the United Council of Church Women. Mrs.Evans' department of the Council, whichhas headquarters at 156 Fifth Avenue, NewYork, is active in planning the World Dayof Prayer, held yearly on the first Fridayin Lent. The proceeds from this day aredivided among missions both here andabroad.Julius Kahn, MD '20, of Beverly Hills,California, is practicing internal medicineand serving on the faculty of the University of California Medical School as associate clinical professor of medicine.Ezra Kraus, PhD '17, former chairman ofthe Department of Botany at Chicago,returned from his home in Corvallis, Oregon in June for commencement at hisundergraduate college, Michigan State,where he was honored with a Doctor ofScience degree. The citation read, in part:". . . Your fundamental discoveries ofthe effect of growth-regulating substancesand nutrition on plants of economic importance have earned for you the respectand admiration of the whole scientificworld .... "RumlBeardsley Ruml, PhD, former professorof education and dean of the Social ScienceDivision at the University, resigned. July30, 1949, as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of R. H. Macy & Company, Incorporated. Ruml originated the "pay-as-you-go"income tax payment plan.Albert F. Styles is chairman for thealumni and old students of the Universityof Hutchinson, Kansas.Joseph L. Samuels is treasurer of theDouglas Lumber Company in Chicago.His-son, William, is in the class of '50 atthe University.John C. Weigel, a former member ofthe German faculty, has been appointedto the Illinois State Civil Service Commission by Governor Stevenson.Waldemar E. Williams, MA, is minister'of the Westdale United Church, Hamilton,Ontario, Canada.1918Mildred Smith Dodd was unable to attend reunion last June because of a severehip injury. Her son, Allen Jr., is Connecticut manager for International News Service.Ruth Falkenau, who is with the ChicagoHousing Authority, has been transferredfrom Veterans' Temporary Housing to apermanent project, Cabrini Homes. Shewrites: "I miss the excitement of an emergency job such as is done at Vets', but this,a long-term, slow-moving, improving ofpeoples is far more rewarding."Dr. A. Eustace Haydon, the leader of theChicago Ethical Society, lectures every Sunday morning at 84 E. Randolph Street inChicago. 25EASTMAN COAL CO.Edabli.hed 1902YARDS AllOVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone SEeley 3-4488The Best Place to Eat on the South SideCOLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone HYde Park 3-6324w. B. CONKEY CO.HAMMOND, -INDIANASALES OFFICES: CHICAGO AND NEW YORKBIReK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: WEntworth 6-5380SUPERFLUOUS HAIRREMOVED FOREVERMultiple 20 platinum needles can be used.Permanent removal of hair from face, eyebrows, bac:k of neck, or any part of body;also facial veins, moles, and warts.LOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERT20 years' experienceGraduate NurseSuite 1705. Stevens Building17 N. State StreetTelephone FRanklin 2-4885FREE CONSULTATIONWasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chico go Ave.Phone: BUtterfield 8-21' 6-7-8-9Wallon'. Coal Make. Good-orWallon Doe.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE26Golden Dirilyte(formerly m,igold)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID - NOT PLATEDComplete sets and open stockFINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Royel Crown Derby, Spode andOther Famous Makes of Fine China. AlsoCrystal, Table linen and Gifts.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDirigo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4, I'll.Platers, SilversmithsSpecial is.. • • •GOLD. SILVER. RHODANIZESILVERWAREI.paired, Reflni.hed, RelacqueredSWARTZ & COMPANY10 S. Wabash, Ave. CEntral 6-6089-90 ChIcagoLA TOURAINECoffee and TeaLa Touraine Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave., ChicagoO.her P'an',Boston - N.Y. - Phil. - Syracuse - Cleveland"You Migh. As Well Have The 8e •• "CONCRETEFLOORSSIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATIONSNOrmal 7·0434'T. A. REHNQUIST CO.6639 So. Vernon Ave. Abba Lipman, with his three daughtersand a grandson, dropped in at AlumniHouse in June. All three daughters areU. of Chicagoans. Two were graduatedwithin the year (December and June) andtook out memberships in the Association.The third was married in her sophomoreyear. Grandson Rickey was wearing aChicago, 1966 T shirt, which grandfatherhad made for him when he was 1 year anda half old-now three. At three weeksgrandfather had pinned his Phi BetaKappa key on the lad. Abba Lipman ispresident of a chain of Chicago retailmillinery stores.Ethel Meyers, assistant chief of the passport division, State Department, and hersister, Janet Meyers, '23, home economicsprofessor at Michigan State Normal, Ypsilanti, visited at Alumni House in midsummer, on their return vacation trip tothe Canadian Rockies.Orville Addison Teamey is a professorat Louisiana State University at BatonRouge.Walter H. Wente, MA, PhD '32, who hasbeen professor of Greek at St. John's College, Winfield, Kansas, since 1922, wasrecently appointed academic dean.1919Van Meter Ames, PhD '24, a member ofthe philosophy faculty at the University ofCincinnati, has just returned from a twoyear leave during which time he taughtone year at the University of Hawaii. Heand the family (3 children) moved on toParis to live while he. fulfilled a teachingcommitment for the French government.Agnes Jacques (Mrs. Marcus Chadwick)is assistant professor· of modern languagesat Roosevelt College.C. E. McKittrick, assistant advertisingmanager of the Chicago Tribune since1945, was recently made advertising manager. McKittrick joined the Tribune asclassified department salesman in 1921.Frederick W. Mulson, PhD, MD '20(Rush), of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was recentlyelected president of the Association ofIowa Clinical Pathologists.The Rev. Matthew Spinka, MA, PhD '23,was awarded the honorary degree of doctorof divinity at the annual commencementof Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, onJune 4. Dr. Spinka received his BA degreefrom Coe College in 1918 after taking hisBD degree from the Chicago TheologicalSeminary. In 1946 Dr. Spinka received thedegree of doctor of theology from the HusProtestant Theological Faculty, Prague,Czechoslovakia. He is the author andtranslator of several books on churchhistory. . -1920Marion E. Cobb (Mrs. Harold H. Sheldon) is a science teacher at St. Mary's Hallin Faribault, Minnesota.Leo J. Connelly, formerly assistant creditmanager of the Chicago Tribune, has beenmade manager of the Tribune's adjustingand complaint department.Marian F. Johnson (Mrs. Edward C.Castle) has just had her new book, "TheGolden Fury", published. In 1946, Mrs.Castle's book, "Deborah", was a best seller,translated into six foreign languages, serialized in the U.S.A. and Great Britain, anda book club selection. She is a member ofthe Colorado Authors' League and theDenver Woman's Press Club, and was amember of the staff of the University of THE CLEVELAND PICNICFor fifteen springs University ofChicago Trustee Cyrus S. Eaton hasentertained the alumni of NorthernOhio at an all-day picnic on his 850-acre estate near Cleveland.The first Sunday in June this yearwas a beautiful day. The caterers,with their big trucks of food and beverages, moved in early. Dean of Students Robert M. Strozier and AlumniSecretary Mort arrived from Chicago.And while the Shorthorn herd staredcuriously, six hundred alumni, including families, took over the woodedpaths, tennis courts, swimming pool,soft ball diamond, and deep shadedlawns.After the estate settled back tonormal, Cyrus Eaton, followed byBrutus (Great Dane) and Pompey(St. Bernard) in the Buick Stationwagon headed for Deep Cove Farmsin native Nova Scotia, his summerhome. Here he was host to seventeena five-day conferen�e to promote thefree exchange of ideas in the NewZealand to Canada Empire.The Cleveland Chicago Club officers are: O. Crandall Rogers, '20president; Helen M. Gowdy, '27 v.p.;Sue Smith, '25 treas.; Mrs. Edna H.Jurey, '23 secretary.Colorado's 15th annual Wr iters' Conference.Gleonard H. Jones, JD, is with the Adjudication Division of the Veterans Administration in Indianapolis, Indiana.John E. Joseph writes from Santa Monica, Calif., that after 11 years as nationaldirector of advertising and publicity forUniversal Pictures Co., Inc., he has joinedMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures as assistantto Howard Dietz in charge of advertisingand publicity. His headquarters will bethe MGM Studios in Los Angeles, but hewill travel "much more" and will spendconsiderable time in New York City.Hans Kurath, PhD, is professor of English at the University of Michigan.Oenieve. A. Lamson, SM '22, is associateprofessor of geography at Vassar Collegeand head resident of Lathrop House. "Iam now receiving photographs of the children of former students and in two orthree years I may be teaching some of thechildren!" writes Miss Lamson.Jay Ferry Stemple, MA, writes that hebuilt a new home at 223 Lewis Avenue,Salem, Va. He retired five years ago ashead of the science department and professor of chemistry at State Teachers College, Lock Haven, Penna. His two sons,9 and 16 years old, "might possibly" bein the graduate school on the Midway inthe 1960's.27THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMrs. Robert M. Eisendrath (Helen Sulzberger) writes that her son Robert is anundergraduate at Harvard and her sonFrank is a student at Black Mountain College. The family has reunions summerson their dairy farm in Crystal Lake, Illinois.Henry Clay Niblack, MD (Rush), is aphysician with the United States PublicHealth Service in Washington, D.C.1921Esther M. Hennicke is "still trying toshow 'would-be teachers of young children'how very important their positions willbe, since the battle for democracy will bewon in their own class-rooms." SouthwestMissouri State College in Springfield, Mis-, souri, is the scene of the attempt.Lewis P. Holt, Commander, USNR, JD'23,· formerly stationed in San Pedro, California, has been transferred to Washington, D.C.Louise Bennett (Mrs. Charles R.) writesthat she greatly enjoyed being chairman ofthe alumni foundation fund in Westerville,Ohio, this past year.Homer E. Blough, AM, DB '23, and hiswife, Carol Miller Blough, AM '20, arenow living in Omaha, Nebraska, where Mr.Blough is pastor of the CongregationalChurch.The appointment of James W. Buchanan, PhD, chairman of the department ofzoology at Northwestern University since1940, as Director of Research for the AllanHancock Foundation of the University ofSouthern California was r e c en t I Y announced. Listed in Starred Men of Science,Dr. Buchanan has served on the facultiesof the University of Chicago, New YorkUniversity, University of Mississippi, andYale University. He joined the faculty ofNorthwestern in 1930.Carlton H. Casjens, JD, with his clarinet,was in Chicago for the national Shrineconvention last summer. He is a memberof the Los Angeles Shrine band. He andhis three brothers-from Iowa, Illinois, andCalifornia-were together for the first timein 20 years and all visited our alumnilounge during the reunion. Carlton, aBell, California attorney, is the AlumniFoundation chairman for Los Angeles.Demaris Ames and her husband, Bernadotte Schmitt-formerly of our history faculty but nOW of Washington, D.C.-stoppedoff this summer to visit with her father,Edward C. Ames, PhD '95, and mother attheir summer home in Pentwater, Michigan, On their way to Jasper Park for avacation.George A. Collett, MD (Rush), who didreferred surgery as attending surgeon atCulver Hospital in Crawfordsville, Indiana,from 1926 to 1946, has finally taken theGreeley good word. In January 1947 hewent to Elko, Nevada, and with threeother doctors formed the Elko Clinic.Irma M. Costello is head of Social StudiesDepartment of Central High School inOmaha, Nebraska.Walter B. Herrick of Park Ridge, Illinois; is dean of boys and attendancecounselor at Steinmetz High School in Chicago. He nOW has 26 years of service inand is "eligible for a pension which I maytake some day not too distant."Guy B. Johnson, AM, formerly executivedirector of the Southern Regional Council,Inc., Atlanta, Georgia, is now in the Department of Sociology and Anthropologyat the University of North Carolina.Samuel E. Itkin is presiding officer of the Cooper Carlton Drug Company, Chicago.Jean Kimber has retired from the faculty of Harris Teachers College in St.Louis, Missouri, and is now living in LosAngeles.Merle P. Lyon, JD, is a lawyer for theUnited States Government in the Philippine Alien Property Administration.Norman C. Meier, MA '22, is "still teaching psychology at Iowa University andmountain climbing during vacations."Alfred W. Simon, PhD, '25, is assistantprofessor of mechanics in the departmentof physics at Tulsa (Oklahoma) University.1922Frederika Blankner, AM, '23, chairman ofthe classical languages and Italian litera-'tures department at Adelphi College, inGarden City, New York, received fourhonors last year for lectures and paperson classical subjects. Dr. Blankner is toaddress the N. Y. Browning Society onApril 13, at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.John L. Bracken, MA, superintendent ofClayton public schools since 1923, hasbeen awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws by the College of Emporia,Kansas.Mattie M. Dykes, MA, of Maryville,Ohio, recently completed a piece of research entitled "Trying to Spell God: AStudy of Edwin Arlington Robinson," soonto be published in Northwest MissouriState Teachers College Studies. Last yearshe was treasurer of the National Federation of Press Women. She is still teachingEnglish at Missouri State Teachers College, with the rank of professor.Paul M. Elwood, MD '25 writes that hisson finished his first year of medical schoolat Leland Stanford University, where hereceived his A.B. degree with distinction.John J. George, MA, has been a memberof the Rutgers University faculty for twentyyears. He teaches political science. Thesummer of 1948 he taught at West Virginia University. He has his doctoratefrom the University of Michigan.Alger D. Goldfarb is president of MetalCraft Constructors, Incorporated, Chicago.Harold F. Gosnell, PhD, is research consultant with the Division of HistoricalPolicy Research of the Department of State.L. Dell Henry, MD '36, writes the kindof newsnote we like to receive. "I don'tknow what you folks think is news. Fora vocation I practice medicine, specializingin allergy, in my private office. For anavocation I teach part-time in the University of Michigan as a lecturer in speechpathology. For a hobby I run my farmon which I raise Duroc Jersey Hogs andHerferd cattle. For my civic du ty I haveserved on various social agency boards,on the Board of Health, as secretary andtreasurer of the County Medical Society,and this year as President of the MichiganAllergy Society. I am active in the AnnArbor Club of Zonta International, a service club of executive and professionalwomen.Ford H. Kaufman is still manager ofE. H. Rollins and Sons in Indianapolis.His son is now at Wabash College wherehe is a chemistry major.The only son of Lewis Kay ton, of San Antonio, was killed in an automobile accidentlate last spring.S. L. Perzik, MD '25, has opened anoffice at 300 South Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills, California, for practice of tumorsurgery. BLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women·s HotelIn theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering; Graceful living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748Blackstone Ave. TelephonePlaza 2-3313Verna P. Werner, DirectorTELEVISIONDrop in and see a programRADIOSFrom consoles to portablesRadio- TV ServiceAt home or shopELECTRICAL APPLIANCESRefrigerators RangesWashers BlanketsSPORTING GOODSFor all seasonsRECORDSPopular-SymphoniesFine collection for childrenH EN�J1IAI!\V�5935 E. 55th StreetAt Ingleside AvenueTelephone Midway 3-6700Robert Gaertner, '34 Julian Tishler, '33TREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Direct Factory DealerforCHRYSLER and PLYMOUTHNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMidway 3-4200AI.oGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete Automobile Repair.Body. Paint. Simonize. Washand Gr�asing DepartmentsHOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone DOrchester 3-157928 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEq;g��fUC1'R'CA' SUPPlY CO.DistrIbutors, Manufacturers and Jobbers .fELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St. - ENglewood 4-7500A. 1. STEWART LUMBER COMPANYEVERYTHING InLUMBER AND MILLWORK7855 Greenwood Ave.410 West Ilith St. VI 6-9000PU 5-0034RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMOnroe 6-3192RESULTS ...depend on getting the details RIGHTPRINTINGImprinting-Processed Letters - TypewritingAddressing - Folding - MailingA Complete Service for Direct AdvertisersChicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn St., Chicago 5, Ill.'VA bash 2-4561CLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3-3935"Good Printin& 01 All Description,"BOYDSTON BROS.. INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.OAkland 4-0492E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.OFFSET-LITH OG RAPHYFine Color Work A Specialty731 Plymouth CourtWAbash 2-8182 1923Joseph F. Bohrer, JD '24, was recentlyappointed by Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson to serve on the State Teacher'sCollege Board.Herman J. Schick is a retired pastor,living in Chicago. He is president of theIllinois Vigilance Association.DeWitt T. Weaver is with the U. S.Internal Revenue Bureau, Alcohol TaxDivision, in Atlanta, Georgia.J. Chandler Burton, JD, is with theSoliciter's Office of the Veterans Administration in Washington, D.C. The Burtons(Margaret L. Woodruff, '24) are living inAlexandria, Va.Fanny W. Fairfield (Mrs. James W.) ofPasadena, California, writes that she visitedEllis Edwards, MD '24, and his wife, Lida"Scotty" McCarty, '23, at their home inScarsdale, New York, last summer. Mrs.Fairfield, who went on to the N. Y. Schoolof Social Work for a degree, was a visitingteacher in the Chicago Public Schools formany years.Orville D. (Dent) Hassinger has beenmade western manager of the Bureau ofAdvertising, American Newspaper Publishers Association, with headquarters inthe Bureau's Chicago office. Joining theBureau in 1939, Dent has been with the. Chicago office continuously except for athree-year absence when on active dutywith the U. S. Navy as a public relationsofficer. Prior to this he was, for 14 years,an advertising representative for PopularScience Monthly, Macfadden Publicationsand Collier's.Mrs. Daisy H. Kilgore writes that shehad to retire last June from the Lincoln,Nebraska, Schools because of age. Shethen went to Ainsworth, Nebraska, as ahomemaker teacher. It was a happy year"not because of the easy' work, but because of the remarkable appreciation whichmy students show to me. I have neverexperienced anything like it before."Carl H. Lake, AM, is superintendent ofschools out in Braddyville, Iowa.Margaret Eulass Macklin is "still stewardessing on Pacific runs of army transports."She says she has run into a couple ofpeople from the Midway on these voyages.Her older son, James B. Macklin III, wasgraduated from West Point last year andsailed for Germany this past July. Heryounger son, Robert E., is in the class of'51 at the Point.Amos Alonzo Stagg, Jr., MA '35, startshis fiftheenth year this fall as professorand coach at Susquehanna University inSelinsgrove, Pa, It will be a special eventfor the Stagg family because A. A. Stagg,Sr., will join his son there as co-coach.This will be the father's 60th season infootball.William A. Starin, PhD, retired last yearafter teaching bacteriology at Ohio StateUniversity for 38 years. A "William A.Starin Lectureship" fund, with contributions totaling well over $] ,000 has beenset up to provide an annual lecture in thefield of bacteriology at Ohio State.PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sumps-Pumps1545 E. 63RD STREEl6620 COTIAGE GROVE AVENUEFAirfax 4·0550PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICE1545 EAST 63RD STREET 1924Agnes L. Adams has returned from sixmonths with the Educational Mission toKorea in which 20 civilians were selectedby the U. S. Government to help reorienteducation in Korea from the authoritarianism practiced under forty years ofJapanese domination. A Teacher Training Center was set up for a highly selectedgroup of Korean educators to help establish something of the democracy they areseeking.Winifred Bain's influence has certainlybeen felt in the eight years of her presidency of Wheelock College in Boston. Shehas shifted the curriculum from a threeto a four year basis, enrollment has increased, and the college is now accreditedby the American Association of Collegesfor Teacher Education. After leaving theMidway, Winifred took her master's anddoctor's degrees at Columbia and enteredthe field of child education. She is nowpresident of the Association for Childhood Education, International, and chairman of the editorial board of ChildhoodEducation. Best known of her many publications is her book, "Parents Look atModern Education," which received theParents Magazine medal award.Mary R. Ely, PhD, (Mrs. E. W. Lyman),Dean of Sweet Briar College, Virginia, hasaccepted an appointment at Union Theological Seminary to be the Jesup Professor of English Bible beginning with the1950 academic year. She will be the firstwoman appointed to the faculty of Union.Gladys L. Finn, Secretary to the Secretary of the Faculties, spent six weeks during the summer at the University of London doing' research on the British novelsince 1900. She crossed the Atlantic on theQueen Elizabeth; returned on the Mary.Mona Fletcher, AM; professor of politicalscience at Kent State Normal College, received the degree of Doctor of Philosophyat the Winter Convocation of Ohio StateUniversity.Dorothy Greenleaf (Mrs. C. T. Boynton)of Elkhart, Indiana, spent the third weekin July on the quadrangles as a delegateto the National Congress of Parents andTeachers workshop. She is state chairmanfor the home and family division. EthelKawin, '11, AM '25, Midwest national consultant, was on the workshop staff.Rabbi Simon G. Kramer, MA '26, of theHebrew Institute of University Heights,The Bronx, is president of the New YorkBoard of Rabbis. Rabbi Kramer recentlyreturned from Germany where he servedas liaison representative between theAmerican Military Government and theJewish communities.Dr. Ernest O. Lawrence, University ofCalifornia cyclotron expert, was awardeda plaque for outstanding scientific work byPhi Delta Epsilon, national medical fraternity, at the 45th National Conventionheld in San Francisco last December.At the mid-winter commencement, theUniversity of Maine conferred the degreeof Doctor of Laws upon John S. Millis, SM'27, PhD '31. Beginning his career inhigher education in 1927, Dr. Millis servedat Lawrence College with distinction asteacher, scholar, and administrator until1941 when he became President of theUniversity of Vermont.. William McLean Stewart, Jr., is an insurance agent in Syracuse, New York.Leroy Albert Stureman is PhiladelphiaArea manager of Standard Brands, Incorporated.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEArthur E. Trax!er, MA, PhD '32, of NewYork City, is president elect for 1950-51for the American Educational ResearchAssociation.Mrs. Fumi Jo Uji, of Yokohama, Japan,is working for the U. S. Army as interpreterand translator in the "sd, Transp. Mil.Railway Service."1925George E. Downing has been appointedprofessor of art at Brown University inProvidence, R. I. Brown, an associate professor and specialist in mediaeval art, cameto Brown in 1932 after teaching at hisalma mater for six years. He took hismaster's and doctorate degrees from Harvard University. As trustee -and memberof the museum committee of the RhodeIsland School of Design, he has made several trips to Europe to conduct specialart studies.Major Joseph S. Hicks, SM, PhD '27,lecturer in chemistry at the University ofToledo, was on 90 days temporary leaveduring late summer for military duty atArmy Chemical Center, Maryland. He 'isa member of the staff of the ChemicalCorps School, assigned to the writingbranch.Margaret Lindsay, MA, of St. Charles,Mo., attended last summer's session atCorvallis Oregon State College.John C. Neff, executive secretary of theAmerican Kennel Club, is living in NewYork City.Watt Stewart, MA, PhD '28, has beenappointed editor of a section-"History:South America, National Period"-of theHandbook of Latin American Studies atState College in Albany, New York.1926Sybel A. Beach was married to RalphWiltshire April 23, 1949.Mary A. Bennett, MA, PhD '40, head ofthe department of biology at Western Illinois ,State Teachers College in Macomb,has been promoted to the status of a fullprofessorship.Eldie R. Gobel (Mrs. Frank T. Flynn,Jr.), is now a faculty wife. Her husband,who received his doctorate at the University this past March, is teaching in theSchool of Social Service Administration. Afifth child was expected in July.Webster B. Kay, PhD, is professor ofchemical engineering at Ohio State University in Columbus.Harold H. Titus, PhD, is professor ofphilosophy at Denison University, Ohio.He attended the East and West Philosophers' Conference at the University ofHawaii held last June 20 through July 29.1927Dorothea K. Adolph is "still teachingfirst graders at Malvern School in ShakerHeights, Ohio."William M. Coy is sales manager of Manufacturers' Products, United States RubberCompany, promoting the sale of chemicallyblown sponge rubber. He is a commanderin the Naval Reserve, serving as administrative officer for the Battle Carrier AirGroup 51, a unit of the organized reservein training at Floyd Bennett Field NavalAir Station.The retirement of George Dillon, thePulitzer Prize-winning poet who has editedPoetry Magazine since 1937, was announced in the May issue of the magazine. He will be replaced by Hayden Carruth, MA '47. William J. Gillesby is on the medicalstaff of O'Reilly Veterans AdministrationHospital in Springfield, Missouri.Helen Audrey Hutton, MA, is a place.ment counselor in Roosevelt High School,Chicago.Ernest L. Mackie, PhD, is professor ofmathematics at the University of NorthCarolina at Chapel HilLCasper W. Ooms, LL.B., has been appointed chairman of the Atomic EnergyCommission's patent compensation board.James Thomas Russell, MA, PhD '31, isassociate personnel technician for the NewYork State Department of Civil Service.Everett John Schneider, MS, is a chemistfor the Sylvania Electric Products Incorporated in Emporium, Pennsylvania.Mabel Whitmore (Mrs. Harry F.), afterreturning from a two-month stay in England,' says she'd like to put our Americansenators who are fussing about the Britishdeal with Argentina on English rationsfor one year. "The U.S.A. does not knowwhat sacrifice is-or really being rationedis like. It is the people who are rationednot the expensive hotels where the U.S.A.visitors stay."1928Polly Scribner Ames, youngest daughterof Edward Scribner Ames, PhD '95, spentthe past year in France doing portraitpaintings. In June she had a show in St.Louis. This fall she . will have shows inParis' and London. Her home is in NewYork.Victor J. Andrew, MS, PhD '32, receivedthe honorary degree of Doctor of ScienceJune 13 at the commencement exercises ofWooster College in Wooster, Ohio. Dr.Andrew, who is president of the AndrewCompany in Chicago and an alumnus ofthe College of Wooster, was cited for his"researches and inventions in the field ofradio and X-ray spectroscopy."Ivan Gerould Grimshaw, MA, is stillserving as director of libraries and professor of bibliography at Youngstown Collegein Youngstown, Ohio. Last spring he attended meetings of the Cooperative Committee of Library Building Plans whichmet at the new Firestone Library in Princeton. He then visited and studied the newLamont Library at Harvard, the newAmerican International College library inSpringfield, Massachusetts, and the new�lIT .library, all with a view to gaininginformation for the planning of a newlibrary building at Youngstown College.Esther E. Kimmel, since 1946 Mrs. Harold King Stickle, is a home economics consultant in Warwick, N. Y. She has herown business, "Food and Home Sciences."Beulah Mitchell, MA, is an instructorat Macomb Normal College in Illinois.Reuben Ratner, MD, is on the regularstaff of the outpatient department of theCedars of Lebanon Hospital in Los Angeles.He writes that he was in San Franciscolast December to see Fred Firestone, '18,MD '20, who has been installed as nationalgrand consul of Phi Delta Epsilon MedicalFraternity.BIENENFELDChicago's Most Complete Stock ofGLASSGLASS CORP. OF ILLINOIS1525W. 35th St, PhoneLAfayette 3-8400 29ANIMAL CAGESofAdvanced Scientific DesignACME SHEET METAL WORKS1121 East 55th St.Chicago 15, III.Phone: HYde Park 3-9500POND LETTER SERVICEEverythin& in Letter,Hoove. Type.rltl ••MultlgraphlngAddrellograph Senl ..Highest Quality Servl ..All PhonesHArrison 7-8118 M Imeogr1lphl ••Addre .. I ••Mallin.Minimum Prl ...418 So. Market St.ChicagoSTENOTYPYLearn ne.... Ipeedy machine shortband. Leseeffort. no cramped fingers or nervoWl fatiiue.Alao other co.nel: Typinll. Bookkeeping,Comptometry, etc. Day or evenini. Vi,i,.wrs', Of' ,1a0tt, for .ala.Bryant� SnattonCO�EGE18 S. MICHIGA.N AVE. Tel. RAndolph 8-1575AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement wblcb limIts Itswork to the university lind college leld.It Is affiliated with the Fls1c Teacher,Agency of Chlcago, whose work covers linthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.Our service Is nation-wide.Since J885ALBERTTeachers· AgencyThe best in placement service for Universltv.College, Secondary and Elementarv. Nation·wide patronage. Call or write us at25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, IllinoisCLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency68th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices-One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis-Kansas City. Mo.Spokane-New York30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICEIJCENSED ,. BONDEDINSUREDQUAIJFIED WELDERSHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave •• ChicagoTuckerDecorating Service1360 East 70th StreetPhone Midway 3·4404GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting-Decorating-Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186Since 1878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholstersFurniture Repairing_1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Uncoln 9-7180HAWTINPHOTOENGRAVERSPhoto Engraver.Artists - ElectrotypersMaker. of Prlntlne;! Plates538 TelephoneSo. Wells St. WAbash 2-6480 Leon P. Smith, AM, PhD '30, was installed this summer at the University- ofMaryland where he is Dean of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Professorof Romance Languages. He was formerlyin a similar position at the University ofGeorgia.1929Armand R. Bollaert writes that after 18years as a chemist he has "laid the testtubes and beakers aside, not without remorse." On January I he was electedvice president of Great Lakes Carbon Corporation. At present he is serving as general manager of the Dicalite Division withoffices in Los Angeles.Faith Johnston, MS, of Rosebush, Michigan, is completing her twentieth year atCentral Michigan College of Education inMt. Pleasant, Michigan. She is an associateprofessor of biology.Sterling North, formerly wi th the NewYork Post, is now literary editor of theNew York World-Telegram.1930Frances G. Carr, (Mrs. William McKee)has been elected president of the EvanstonY.W.C.A. Just 20. years ago she was president of the student association on campus.Renald P. Ching, MD '34 (Rush), ispracticing in Hongkong, China. His address is: Asia Life Building, 14 QueensRd.C., Hongkong. He is a specialist inoph thalmology.Carter Davidson, PhD� of Schenectady,New York, is president of the New YorkState Citizens Council.Ruth Davis (Mrs. Lawrence C.) is amember of the Women's Board of theUniversity of Chicago Cancer ResearchFoundation.Edward L. Haenisch, PhD '35, after 13years of teaching at Villanova College, hasjoined the faculty of Wabash College,Crawfordsville, Indiana, as professor ofchemistry and department chairman. "Itwill be interesting, at last, to return to theMidwest. With Chicago only 150 milesaway from Crawfordsville, I hope to renew my friendship with the 'secretaryeditor.' "Charles E. Herzog, JD '32, is a memberof the law firm of Bell, Boyd, Marshall &Lloyd in Chicago.George F. James, PhB, JD '32, has beenappointed treasurer of·' Standard-VacuumOil Company. He has been a member ofthe company's legal department since 1944.Before that he was associate professor oflaw and assistant dean at the University.George K. Neumann, MA '36, an assistant professor of anthropology at IndianaUniversity, led an expedition to the Canadian Arctic last summer. Anthropologicaland psychological research was done amongthe Baffinl and Labrador Eskimos. Howdo we know all this? His wife, Doris M.Emherson Neumann '30 gave us the word.Florence G. Pigatti is a referee in theUnemployment Insurance Appeals Boardin Sacramento, California.Franklin Evans Roach, MS, PhD '34, isa research physicist in Pasadena.Harry Shapiro, MD (Rush) is practicingmedicine in Santa Barbara, California.Mary E. Herzog Statham, MA '46, is asocial worker in Los Angeles.William R. Sype, geologist with theStanolind Oil and Gas Company in Oklahoma City, was recently transferred fromTulsa.1931Leland H. Carlson, SM '36, of the depart- ment of history at Northwestern Univej-,sity, spent last summer on a research tripto California and Alaska, His wife (LaVerne Larson '29) and two children, Timand Kay, accompanied him. In Decemberthe family will be leaving for Londonwhere Dr. Carlson will spend his ninemonths sabbatical at the British Museumand Public Record Office.Burton Duffie, MA '34, is director ofeducation extension, Chicago Board ofEducation.Rose Giblichman (Mrs. Al Angco) israising rabbits and finds it "quite intej-,esting."Hannah Halperin (Mrs. William L. Goldberg) reports that she has moved "into anew home at 1336 E. McKinley Avenue,South Bend, Indiana."Ralph B. Long, MA, writes that his"best address" is not Habana, Cuba, butUniversity Tower 2204, Austin 12, Texas.Ralph John Signer is a. plastics groupleader in the laboratory of Visking Corporation in Chicago.Clarence E. Swingley, MA, is starting hisseven th year as principal of the EdisonSchool in Cary. As a result of a recentbuilding survey by the University of Chicago, his school is getting a sixteen roomaddition, which was ready to move intolast month. His school is a combined elementary and high school unit on the Westside of Gary.Abraham H. Taub is research profeSsorof applied mathematics at the Universityof Illinois at Urbana.EDUCATION MODELERLast June Harold L. Richards '31, MA'33, stepped up to the platform of thePennsylvania Military College auditoriumto receive the honorary degree of doctor ofscience. Among all the dignitaries frompublic and private life being similarlyhonored, this alumnus, who is superinten.j',ent of the Blue Island Community High·School, was the only representative of secondary education to receive the award.But, as people in education circles will tellyou, the distinction is in line with an OUtstanding record of administrative eXcel_lence.RichardsDr. Richards took over the superinten.j,. ency of the Blue Island school in 1935,when the student population was less than1000. He has since seen his school growto almost double that number. He andhis board are now taking steps to secure'the kind of educational plant needed byTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31the community, as recommended by astudy made of conditions there by Dr. William C_ Reaves of the School of Education.The first two units, the central three storysection of the main building and a gymnasium will be ready for occupancy bySeptember 1951. The entire plant isplanned to accommodate 2500 to 5000 students e , When Dr. Richards' hopes are realized Blue Island will be able to boast ofone of the best educational plants and programs in the nation. By then the presentmain building will have been converted toa junior college, and this growing Illinoiscommunity will be the education model ofthe next decade.1932Edna V. Ballard, MA '47 taught lastsummer at the Western Michigan Collegeof Education, Kalamazoo, Michigan, in theDepartment of Librarianship.WolvertonChaplain (Colonel) Wallace I. Wolverton, AM, PhD '34, associated with TheAir University, Maxwell AFB, Alabama,gave the Memorial Day address at St.Margaret's, Westminster, London. In thepast it had been customary for a prominent British clergyman to make the address.Corinne M. Fitzpatrick writes she would"love to know what alumni friends are inSan Francisco." We hope this will be oneway of helping her find out.Edward F.. Lewison is now practicingsurgery in Baltimore, Maryland.1933Richard E. Clark, MA '34, is teachingFrench at the University of Michigan.John '33 and Josephine Mirabella Elliott,'32, MA '35, write from New Harmony,Indiana: "A word to restate, as if it werenecessary, our continued faith and interest in Chicago. After all they were rakingup the old Commie boogie back in ourcampus days. Those who know Chicagoknow better."M. Caroline Emich, MA, has returnedfrom a 'wonderful year studying at theUniversity of New Mexico." She was ona sabbatical leave from teaching at theClara Barton Elementary School in Chicago.Gertrude Elizabeth Fautz is a teacher ofLatin and English at Westfield Senior HighSchool in Westfield, N. J.James Lawrence Goodnow dropped in atAlumni House the last of July on leavefrom Fort Bliss. Larry is a major in theregular army and will be transferred toartillery school at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, thisfall. His son, William, 8, was with him on the Chicago trip. Catherine, 6, and John,4, remained with their mother in Texas.George Lamas is employment officer forthe Treasury Department in Chicago.Michael J. Lampos, MA,. is still in theIntelligence Service in Washington, D. C.He took his last vacation in 1947 in MexicoCity and plans his 1950 one for Spain.He bought a house in the District area"where Chicago alumni are well represented."Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Robert L. Schock,Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Arthur Carl Piepkom,PhD '32 and Dr. Massey Hamilton Shepherd Jr., PhD '37, were instructors duringa two-week summer course dealing withtheories of worship at The Chaplain Schoolin Carlisle Barracks, Pa.William H. Sutherland has the life. "Weare now completing the modernization ofGreenwood Lake Lodge-that famous oldlodge on the historic Gunflint Trail, GrandMarais, Minnesota. Fishing has been excellent this year-lake trout and northernswith almost every cast." The other partner to the "we"-Myrtle P. Gale, Bill'sbride of August 1948.1934Andrew R. Anderson, MD '34, (Rush),is a psychiatrist and analyst practising inBaltimore, Maryland.Frances E. Baker, PhD, is chairman ofthe mathematics department at Vassar ColJege.Martin E. Carlson, now a commander inthe United States Navy, is back in Washington after finishing a tour of duty atGuam as commanding officer naval communications personnel, and as defensecounsel at the Japanese war crimes trials.He is now assigned to the Judge AdvocateGeneral's Office.Effie M. Ecklund, MD Rush '37, fromOak Park, dropped in at Alumni Houseto take a membership in the association. She is an eye, ear, nose, and throatspecialist with offices in Oak Park and at122 S. Michigan Avenue in Chicago. Herhusband is a radiologist at the West Suburban Hospital.Ethel C. Franzen (Mrs. Kenneth Holm)and her husband are operating "HolmFoods" grocery store in Chicago. A son,Douglas, soon to be seven, is a secondgrade pupil at Thorp Grammar School.Lilah Ruth Gant, MA, is teaching at EastCarolina Teachers College in Greenville,N. C.Robert Emanuel Herzog '34 and RuthSchorsch were married May 11 in theGraham Taylor Chapel at the University.A son, Daniel, arrived at the San Mateo,California home of Mr. and Mrs. John G.Neukom on June 2, 1949. Dad is an executive with McKinsey Kearney Co. with hisheadquarters in San Francisco. Mother wasRuth Horlick, '36.Carleton B. Joeckel, PhD, professor atthe University of California's School ofLibrarianship, was awarded the first Her- -bert Putnam Honor Award last April bythe American Library Association, Theaward is granted "to an American librarianof outstanding ability, for improving hisservice to the library profession or to society." Dr. Joeckel, who served as deanof the Graduate Library' School of theUniversity of Chicago, will use the awardto assist in his research on libraries in theAmerican federal system.Mrs. Dudley Moore (Ruth A. Camp '34,MS '35) and her husband, who was agraduate student in 1933-1934, are livingin Oakland, California. Since18955UR'GEON5'INSTRUMENTSof ALL TYPESEQUIPMENT and FURNITUREfor OFFICE and HOSPITALAll Phones: SEeley 3-2180V. MUELLER & CO.320-408 S. HONORE STREETCHICAGO 12, ILLINOISTelephone KEnwood 6-1352J. E. KIDWELL Florist826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago IS. IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELLPhones OAkland 4-0690-4-0691-4-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awning. and Canopie. for All Purpo •••4508 Cottage Grove Avenue•Auto Livery,•Qui.', unob,,,,.;ve .ervlc.When you wan. it, a. you wan' i,CALL AN EMERY FIRSTEmery Drexel Livery, Inc.5516 Harper AvenueFAirfax 4-640032 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1935Margaret Ellen Clifford, MA, is dramaticsupervisor for the City of Peoria Recreation Department during the winter, andsummers is director of the Portland, Maine,Children's Trailer Theater..Fred E. Fortess is a research chemist withthe Celanese Corporation in Summit, NewJersey. The present status of the family isthe subject of his news to us: Ethel, thewife, June Sybil, the four year old, andJanet. Sara, the nine month old.Samuel C. Hair '35, Vice President ofthe Deadwyler Advertising Company ofCharlotte, North Carolina, was marriedJune 18, 1949 to Elisabeth Gree Chute inSt. Louis, Mo. The couple is living inCharlotte.1936Hilmar F. Luckhardt, MA '36, associateprofessor of music at the University ofWisconsin at Madison, says his "secondlithoprinted edition of text on harmoniccounterpoint is forthcoming (subject tosatisfactory financing!) A 'cello concertoand a second symphony completed."Charles E. Black, MD Rush, with hisfamily (3 children), visited at AlumniHouse in late July on their way to theRailroad Fair on the lake front. Dr. Black,a pathologist in Lansing, Michigan, hasbeen the effective local fund chairman forthe past three years.Hazel Gottstein Buntman was marriedMay 23, 1�48 to Leonard Spindel. She isnow teaching at the Nettelhorst School inChicago.Victor Jones and his wife, Beatrice Beale,'37, have an attractive home at the edgeof Lancaster, Pennsylvania. With threelittle girls, two cars, and a television set,there is never a dull moment. Vic is withthe Armstrong Cork Co.Iluminado B. Manzana, MA, is writing adoctoral dissertation in the School of Education at the University of Southern California on the subject, "The relation ofpersonality maladjustments of 325 veterans to their occupational interests."A second son, William Hugh, was bornFebruary 15, 1949, to James T. McBroom,MA '39, and Mrs. McBroom in Boise,Idaho. Thomas Cullen McBroom, the firstchild, is two.John Melby, MA, PhD '41 is now 'in histwelfth year of service with the State Department. His longest assignments havebeen in Russia and China; but since March1 of this year he has been in the Divisionof Philippine Affairs in Washington.Helen L. Morgan, MA '36, was marriedJune II to M. Douglas Brown of St. Paul,Minnesota. Helen is assistant professor ofmathematics at Macalester College in St.Paul.Frances Powell of Chicago a ttended themeeting of the International Council ofNurses in Stockholm in June. More thanthirty in Chicago were among the four ,thousand in attendance.LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Par� 3-9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVER Cordelia Trimble is now in Cairo, Egypt,working for the United Nations with theFriends' organization.David B. Truman, MA, PhD '39, is aprofessor in the Department of PoliticalScience of Williams College, Williamstown,Mass.Richard D. White moved June I fromLexington, Kentucky, to Denver, Colorado.1937Walter J. Brooking, MA, is engaged in"administrative coordination of the Design Division in the Special Projects Department of the M. W. Kellogg Company,Jersey City, N. J."A new member of the family at thehome of Philip J. Clark, MD '40, andMargaret Conger, is David Windsor-onApril 15, 1949. The Clarks have movedfrom Kansas City to Hays, Kansas wherePhil is a member of the Eddy Clinics.Theodore Cohn is working for his PhDin . bacteriology with the famous Dr. Krueger at the University of California. Heholds a Lt. Commander's commission inthe Navy and was due to go on extendedduty at Hunter's Point during the summer.Helen M. Curl, MA '38 (Mrs. WilliamIsherwood), joined the American Association of University Women, Flushing, LongIsland Chapter this past year. In additionto being kept active as a member of thisassociation, Helen is working as assistantteacher in a nursery school operated bythe AAUW.Elizabeth Purdie Dame was recently installed as president of the First PresbyterianChurch Women's Missionary associationin Rockford, Illinois.Theodore A. Fox, MD '37, after goingon inactive duty with the Navy, attendedthe University of Illinois Medical School,where he specialized in orthopaedics. Aftergraduation in July 1947 he was appointedto the University of Illinois faculty as aninstructor in orthopaedic surgery and tothe attending staff of the Illinois Researchand Educational Hospital of the UniversityMedical School. He was recently certifiedby the Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. Heand his wife, the former Marcella Schaeffer,who attended the University in 1946, areparents of a five-year old daughter, Susan.Raymond L. Gibbs, MA, is Dean of Boysof Ohio State Industrial School at Lancaster, Ohio.Thomas Yale Hurt is administrativeanalyst at the Hall of Records in LosAngeles.Oswald R. Jensen, MD (Rush) isvinresidency in dermatology at LettermanGeneral Hospital, San Francisco. He is alieutenant colonel in the medical corps ofthe regular Army.Ralph R. Landes, MS, MD (Rush) '39 isin private practice, in Danville, Virginia,specializing in urology. A son, John Lightner Landes, was born March 3, 1949.Elizabeth A. McCasky (Mrs. Aubrey O.Cookman) has a new 'daughter who shouldbe about nine months old now. She has another little girl who is four. Betty'S hus-TELEPHONE TAylor 9-54550' CALLAGHAN BROS.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST. band, Aubrey, is associate editor of PopularMechanics Magazine.Emily J. Peterson, now wife of Donald 1-Hughes '36, PhD '40, writes that her husband is leaving Argonne National Labora·tory to join the staff at Brookhaven Na·tional Laboratory in New York .E. Grant Youmans, MA '38, is teachingsocial science at Michigan State COllege.LastJune he wrote, "At the moment I ampreparing for the Ph.D. preliminary exami··nation in sociology."G. Maxwell VIe, MBA, recently movedto New York as vice president, director ofresearch and member of the basic plansboard, Kenyon Eckhardt Incorporated.1938R. 1- Adley and his wife, the formerCelia J. Bielecky, announce the birth oftheir second daughter, Sharon Kay, onMarch 19.To the Alumni House in July came theannouncement that Peter L. Beal, '38,MD '42, has opened offices for the practiceof dermatology at Redwood City, Cali.fornia.Ben. B. Blwaiss, MS '40, PhD '46, Writesto tell us of son David Harvey, born May4, 1949.Wahnateah Brummett, MBA, is registrarof the Katherine Gibbs School in NewYork.Sara F. Cohen is now in her eighth yearas Public Relations Assistant for the Chi.cago Public Library. �James Isaac Copeland is documents Ii.brarian at the University of North Carolina.Everett Melby, MA, PhD '39 is Secretaryof the American embassy at Athens, Greece.He has been with the State Department forsix years.Too late for the June MAGAZINE welearned from D. S. Pankratz, MD, that the'Alumni group in University, Mississippi,had luncheon together on May 5 withDavid M. Robinson, '98, PhD '04, as guest.Dr. Robinson told about the early days onthe Midway. Dr. Pankratz is dean of theUniversity of Mississippi Medical SChoo)and local chairman for the Chicago AlumniFoundation.Ithiel de Sola Pool, MA '39, and hiswife, the former Judith E. Graham '39,PhD '46, are taking a year's leave of absence from Hobart College to begin participating in a research program at the HooverLibrary of Stanford University.Blair Kinsman is still teaching at St.John's of Annapolis. He's also coaching thefirst St. John's intercollegiate team in tellyears.Naomi Lipkowitz (Mrs. Harry L. Ladish)writes, "We are expecting our fifth childthis fall."Richard N. Lyon has been made Chief 01the. division on engineering research of thetechnical division of the National Labora'tories at Oak Ridge, Tenn. He had previously served on the staff of Chicago'SMetallurgical Institute. Dick did graduatework at Chicago, but got his master's anddoctorate at Michigan. He's well connected.Chicagowise. His wife is Barbara Kennedy, '39, whose father is Walter Kennedy,'00, and mother is Agnes Chambers, '02Dick's father is Leverett S. Lyon, '10, AN'18, PhD '21.The John Mattinglys (Phyllis Greene)are located in Fort Collins, Colorado WhereJohn is with the Heath Enginering Com]pany.Anna D. McCracken, who with Charle!A. Hesse, MA '24, co-chairmaned the LaW'1THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 33renee, Kansas, Alumni Gift Committee,writes: "We enjoyed an hour's chat withpresident Colwell when he came to theUniversity of Kansas campus April 26 togive the closing lecture in the 1948-1949Humanities Series."Joseph Shapiro, JD '40, was marriedMarch 20, 1949, to Jeanne Kushner. Shapiro is a lawyer practicing in Chicago.Muriel M. Levin Siegle '38, and Peter E.Siegle '38 are paren ts of a second son,Jonathan Lieb Siegle, born May 19, 1949.Edith M. Stansberry is teaching in Maywood, Illinois.Carl D. Strouse, MD, of Beverly Hills,California, reports that the major news ofthe Strouse family is the children "whowill soon number three." He also addsthat his "beat up old xylophone which Iused to hammer on at band rehearsals, hasnow been donated to my daughter's nurseryschool. End of an era." Mrs. Strouse wasLouise Friedberg, SM '43.Fredric R. Veeder, MA, MBA '47, isassociate director of the Washington University Clinics in St. Louis, Mo.1939Mildred Marguerite Arnold, MS, ofTrivoli, Illinois, is on an educational tourof Europe.Robert M. Borg, MS '40, writes fromSpringfield, Massachusetts, that he is nowoperating his own business handling pesticides and equipment for soil and industrial fumigation.Winifred D. Broderick, who writes thatshe went on for her master's degree at theUniversity of Kentucky in 1939, has beenchairman of the Social Studies Departmentof the Theodore Ahrens Trade High Schoolin Louisville for the last two years. Another activity has been serving with theRadio Planning Committee which thisyear developed a weekly student roundtable over station WLOU.C. F. Chizek, MBA, has been elected adirector of the St. Joseph Bank & TrustCompany of South Bend, Indiana.Dorothy L. Crow, MA,_ School of SocialService Administration, is now senIor - psy- .ch iatric social worker with the Fort WorthTarrant County Mental Hygiene Clinic inFort Worth, Texas.Mae Dona Deames, MA, is an Englishteacher at New Trier High School in Winnetka.Zelman Z. Dworkin, MS '40, is generalmanager of Sommers Incorporated in St.louis, Missouri.Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hauch (formerlyauthadel!e B. La Tourrette, MA .'39), areparents of a new daughter, Valerie Catherine, born May 20, 1949. Valerie joins herSisters Priscilla, age seven and Charlotte,four.Byron E. Kabot, 39, JD '41, and MissEthel Phyllis Bang of Flushing, L. I., weremarried in St. Bartholomew's Church, NewYork City, May 6.1940Erminnie G. Bartelmez, MA, is teachingat Western Reserve University in Cleveland. His title is assistant professor ofGerman.Irwin J. Biederman, MBA '42, writes thathe has been employed with the firm oflIorwich, Kaplan and Biederman, CertifiedPublic Accountants, since his release fromthe army in 1946. In January 1949 he wasadmitted to partnership in the firm.Herbert Domke, MD '42, formerly medical director of the Chicago Health Departtnent, has been appointed St. Louis CountylIealth Commissioner and assumed his duties July 1. Prior to accepting this assignment, Dr. Domke was at Harvard University doing research work on the epidemiology of whooping cough. In additionto his degrees from the University of Chicago, he also holds a degree of master ofhealth from Harvard.Born to Betty Hawk '40 (Mrs. John M.Hartwell, Jr. of New York City) and husband a second son, John M. Hartwell III.Jean B. Hoodwin, MA '42, is working inthe" Washington State Department ofHealth, crippled Children's Services, asmedical social consultant in the cerebralpalsy program.Mrs. William E. McBride (Lois E. Horlick) is an army wife. Her husband, MajorMcBride, is stationed at Fort McPherson,Ga., and the couple is living in officersquarters on the base.Jerome E. Moberg has liquidated hismanufacturing business in Ellicottville,N. Y.� and is building up commercial artaccounts in southern New York and northwestern Pennsylvania. The Mobergs owna home overlooking the town with a panorama view of the country. They arehaving extracurricular fun stirring thetown into community projects that havethe ladies aid deserting their quiltingframes out of pure curiosity.Alfred Pfanstiehl, who taught sciencefar three years at the Putney School, Putney, Vermont, is now an electronics. engineer.Arthur .T. Snyder, MA, is now ExecutiveDirector of the Community Chest in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.Samuel M. Strong, PhD, is professor ofsociology and chairman of the departmentat Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota. His son David, born February 1948,is "already a cheerful playmate of his bigsister, Judith, who is almost five."After resigning as instructor of ophthalmology at the University of CincinnatiMedical School, Richard C. Vanderhoef,MD, is now in private practice in Colorado Springs.. William Wagner, SM, has been teachingchemistry at the University of Kentucky,Lexington, Ky., since June.Frank George Zrobrowski, MD, is a physician in the University of Michigan HealthService.1.941Robert Baum is supervising oil exploration operations in the Arkansas, Louisiana,East Texas area for the Seismograph Service Corporation of Texas.Arthur Connor, MD '43 is working as aresearch associate in the Department of Research Surgery at Ohio State University.Elias L. Epstein, PhD, is assistant professor of Hebrew and medieval biblicalcommentaries at the Hebrew Union College at Cincinnati, Ohio.Margaret M. Herdman, PhD, is back atBaton Rouge, from a four months' tripthrough South and Central America. Shewas on sabbatical leave.P hone: SAginaw 1-3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeak. RepairedFree Edimate.FRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.7711 Luella Ave. Joseph Hoffman '41, writes from Cleveland Heights, Ohio, that he and his wife"wish to announce the birth of a son,Naphtal Hoffman, born September 24,1948." Tlhis is their first child.Marion L. Holston is now Mrs. Alvin J.LaVine. The marriage took place April 9,1949. Her husband, who has his master'sdegree from the University of Michigan.teaches chemistry in Austin Junior College.Helen Jayne Hunt, MS, now Mrs. Emmett C. Bethel, is teaching in Chicago.Victor G. Lands, MD, is taking leavefrom private practice of surgery for resident duties in chest surgery at the· City ofChicago Municipal Tuberculosis Hospital.He is planning to complete requirementsfor the American Board of Surgery andthe Board of Thoracic Surgery.Charles E. Lowe, S.B., has joined theDu Pont Company's Rayon department asa research chemist at the Buffalo, NewYork plant.Margaret Mary Koch Mead, SM, is making her home in Takoma Park, Maryland.John W. Nicholson and lise M. Stettner'46, were married July 16, 1949 in Wheaton,Illinois.Maurice K. Strantz '41, writes to tell usof the birth of a daughter, Carol Lyn, onFebruary 25. He is an economic analystliving in Richmond, California.1942Joel Berstein, MA '48, trade and financeadviser to the Economic Cooperation Mission, had quite a problem when he andhis wife, the former Merle Sloan '45, werepresented to the Court of St. James lastspring. Merle's choice of costume wascomparatively easy-a flowered garden dressand a large white hat. Joel's was not sosimple. His head is so large that he hasto have all his hats custom made. Thehigh silk topper, de rigeur for such royalgatherings, would require both time andmaterial to have made. (Joel was shorton the former and London seemed to havenone of the latter.) His mother suggestedthat he borrow one from Winston Churchill, but a tour of the British capitol finallyproduced one that could be rented.Thomas F. Dwyer, MD, is assistant inpsychiatry at Boston Beth Israel Hospitaland Harvard Medical School. He is also afellow in psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital and attending specialist atthe Veterans Administration's Mental Hygiene Clinic in the Hub.David L. Fisher is kept busy with hisvolunteer activities. He is an officer of theLake Success Radio' Club and leader of alocal Boy Scout Troop in Williston Park,Long Island, New York.Mr. and Mrs. Spofford G. English (MurielK. Frodin) announce the birth of twins,Helen and Elizabeth, on February 4, 1949in Washington, D. C. Susan, their oldestdaughter, was four February 5.Helen Jane Hare, MD (Rush), has openedoffices at 603Y2 Main Street, Rapid City,Telephone HAymarket 1-3120E. A. AARON & BROS. 'Inc.Fresh Fruits and Vegeta"'esDi.tributor. ofCEDERGREEN fROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water Market34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESouth Dakota, for the practice of dermatology and syphilology.Robert H. Harlan, JD '42, writes fromFrankfurt Main, Germany, where he isvice consul, that he and his wife (Lois E.Whiting '41, MA '42) have been in Europesince a year ago June. They went thereto help with the reopening of immigrationto the United States from Germany. "Wehave had a look-in on the DP Program.While I have been busy at the Consulate,Lois has been conducting English orientation classes at the Lithuanian DP Camp inHanau. As yet we have not been too successful in finding fellow alumni, but havebeen delighted with the chances to meetthe heartening stream of faculty memberscoming to the University of Frankfurt, theLittle Midway. The salutary effect of thisprogram cannot be too much praised."William T. Nelson is doing research oncarbon black for the Phillip Oil Companyin Oklahoma and Texas.Ramona W. Neves is a weather observerfor the weather bureau in. Goodland,Kansas.Gerald M. Porter, MA, formerly executive secretary of the Denver Public HealthCouncil, has recently accepted the positionof Health Secretary of the Council ofSocial Agencies of Dallas, Texas.Joseph Savit and his wife, the formerEsther Estelle Rosenberg, are living inMartinez, Calif., where Joseph is managingthe Travelers Hotel. They have twodaughters, age three and one.Martha. Minna Scarlett, MA, is a socialworker with the Travelers Aid Society inOakland, California.Granville K. Thompson, MBA, and hiswife, the former Marion L. Seidler, sentus this news note which reached our officesix days following the birth of their youngerchild, Marcia Lynn, on June 2. DavidKeith is a toddling two-year old. Granville is business manager of GracelandCollege. The family is living at Lamoni,Iowa.Lyle Harper, his wife and two childrenare living in Los Angeles where Harperis employed by the Pacific Palisades Company of California.Maurine Kornfeld, MA '48 is a caseworker at Family' and Children's Servicein Minneapolis and spends her spare moments "lobbying for world government."Hyman B. Krieberg, MBA, and MissShirley Merinbaum were married June 26,1949.Alexander Lichtor, MD (Rush) is a resident in orthopedic surgery at MichaelReese Hospital, Chicago.Robert J. McKinsey, JD '47, has movedto Washington to assume duties with thelegal staff of the Federal Reserve Board.Marjorie Miller and husband, Thomas E.Gause, live in Gary with their two children, George, 2, and Barbara 1. Tom tookwork at the Law School and is now districtsales manager with the R. H. DonnelleyCorp., publishers of the telephone directory. The young couple met in the AlumniFoundation office during the Fiftieth Anniversary when Marjorie was a secretaryand Tom a field man for the campaign.1943Robert F. Anderson, who has been brokerage manager for the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company in Chicagofor some time, is now district agent forthe Union Central Life Insurance Companyin Austin, Minnesota.Stanley E. Asplund writes: "The sevenyears in the USAF which began with themeteorological cadet training at the U. of C. ended as of May 19 with retirement forphysical disability, interrupting after ayear and a half a two :year period of graduate training in meteorology at UCLA.Elected to Sigma Xi May 1948 and received my M.A. July 1948. Also have hadthe empty honor of being selected for theregular military establishment a. week before my disability discharge. Expect toreadjust drastically and major in mathematics toward a Ph.D. - object, collegeteaching."Margaret E. Best, MA, is field directorof the American Red Cross at the U. S.Naval Hospital at Portsmouth, Virginia;Allen B. Kellogg, PhD.� attended thethird annual Shakespeare Summer Schoolof the University of Birmingham held thispast summer at Stratford-on-Avon. Hespent two weeks in France before going toStratford.Carl H. Laestor, MS, has completed aninternship in the United States PublicHealth Service. He is now assistant medicalexaminer at the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company at Portsmouth, Ohio.Benjamin Lease, l\fA, PhD '48, is assistant professor of English at the Universityof Illinois, Undergraduate Division, inChicago.Robert W. Moore, foreign service officerwith the Department of State, has beentransferred from Asuncion to Santiago asSecond Secretary and Vice-Consul. He wascommissioned in the Foreign Service inJuly 1946, and after a few months' dutyin Washington was assigned to Asuncion.Moore served in the army in World WarII. His home address is Chicago.Merton D. Oyler, PhD, is on leave ofabsence from Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, to do research at the Bureau ofPopulation and Economic Research at theUniversity of Virginia. "Economic and Sociological Aspects of Highway Planningand Use" is the title of the research projectwhich is sponsored by the Public RoadsAdministration of the Federal WorksAgency. The Virginia State Highway Department is a participating research agency.Jane Spragg, MD '48, is nearing completion of her internship at Woodlawn Hospital. She plans to join her family soon inPuerto Rico, where she will be on the staffof the Ryder Memorial Hospital.Manuel Vargas, MA '44, has given up anopportunity to work in industry for hishope to finish his work toward a doctorateand go to Mexico to teach and practicepsychotherapv.Robert L. Wrigley, PhD, writes that hehad his own class reunion with Robert :c.Klove '32, MS '37, PhD '42, last May whenthey both attended the annual spring tripof the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the American Association of Geographers. SouthernNew Jersey, was the setting for the meeting.Helen R. Winter Zimet '43 and MarvinJ. Zimet '44 are the parents of daughterJuli, born May 26. The family is livingin El Paso, Texas.Betty Carlsten, AM '46, with her husband, Robert Pex, dropped in at alumnilounge for a visit during the summer.Betty has been teaching English at theUniversity of Hawaii. Bob, an aircraftmechanic, has been transferred by PanAmerican to San Francisco and the Pexswill live at 971 S. B. Street, San Mateo.They were in Chicago visiting Betty'S folksand drove back in a new Pontiac. Lastwinter Betty took a between semester vacation on Fiji island where she caught herfirst fish, a five-pound Walu. Martha J. Ebert, (Mrs. Romuald Anthony)is living in China Lake, California, whereshe is busy as housewife, mother to twoyoungsters, and technical editor at theNaval Ordnance Test Station where herhusband, Romuald '44, is a physicist.Richard F. Ericson, MBA '48, is an in.structor in finance at Indiana University.Alexander Harmon, former manager ofthe Reynolds Club, stopped at AlulllniHouse in mid-summer, while on a bUSinesstrip to the Midwest from California Wherehe was doing his internship as a hOSpitaladministrator, at Stanford University Hospital. He hadn't decided on a permanentlocation at the time he was in Chicago.Meanwhile, his young son, Douglas, 3, hasa new sister, Carol Jean, born May 26, 1949.1944Alicerose S. Barman MA, of Chicago isa staff member of the Association of F�m.ily Living.Edith Maude Boldebuck, PhD, is engaged in laboratory research for the Gen.eral Electric Company in Schenectady,N. Y.Charles A. Brauthauer, MD '44, enteredprivate practice last July in SacramentoCalifornia, as a member of the grou'clinic-Sacramento Medical Clinic. He fsspecializing in pediatrics.Nancy Mae Elliott '44 and Milton J.Surkin '39 were married June 28 and arenow living in Dubuque, Iowa.Robert S. Fiffer, JD '47 is practicing lawin association with Archie H. Cohen andNathan M. Cohen in Chicago.Charles M.. Horton writes that he isstill using his meteorological traininglearned as an army cadet in 1943-1944 a�a civilian employee' of the Air WeatherService" Departme�t. of the Air Force, inNew Orleans, LOUISIana. He has a daughter, Nancy Hayes Horton, just one thisOctober.Robert Clawson James is budget analystat the State Capitol, Sacramento, Cali.fornia.Dorothy C. Knapp, MA, is a social Work.er for the State Public Welfare COlllmis'sion in Portland, Oregon.Emily Rashevsky '44 was married to KajStrand, professor of astronomy at North.western University, on June 10, 1949.David H. Sherman is teaching at theYonge School at the University of Florida.He was recently initiated as a chartermember of the Beta Xi chapter of PhiDelta Kappa at the university. In additionto his teaching duties, he is serving asdirector of student teachers in the labora.tory school.1945Susanne Artingstall, MA, is a kinder.garten instructor in the primary department of Chicago Teachers College.Henry Franklyn Brooks, MD is an assist.ant professor of anatomy at the MedicalCollege of South Carolina in Charlestown,Roxane Cryst was married to GeorgeWesley De Vault in Los Angeles this sum'mer.. The couple is living in San LuisObispo, California.Jack P. Katz, MBA '46, is a credit analystat the American National Bank and 'TrustCompany in Chicago. He is married andhas one child, Robert.Walter J. Levy, MA, is supervisor withthe Jewish Employment and VocationalGuidance Office in Minneapolis. LastMarch he was married to Hilma B. Cohn,MA '47.Howard Thornton Savage, Jr., arrivedat the home of Howard T. Savage, jl), OIlTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJuly 31, 1949. Dad is a member of thelaw firm of Braden, Hall, Barnes & Moss,Chicago.About the middle of this month, MelvinH. Daskal, MBA '47 and his wife (RonnaE. Soble) will be putting the lone candleon the birthday cake of 'daughter, DennaAnn.Frances H. DeLisle, MA, is on the counseling staff at Michigan State College inEast Lansing. After graduation in 1947she worked as a counselor for the Boardof Vocational Guidance and Placement fortwo years.Christian N. Hostetter, MA, is completing fifteen years as president of MessiahCollege in Grantham, Pa. Houghton College in Houghton, New York, conferredthe degrees of D.D. on him in 1945 andGreenville College, Greenville, Illinois,honored him with an L.L.D. last May.1946B. Everard Blanchard, MA, is teachingsubjects in the field of education at ErskineCollege in Due West, South Carolina.Ernst Borinski, MA, writes from Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Mississippi, thathe is an active member in the MississippiAssociation on Crime and Delinquency,in the Mississippi Conference of SocialWorkers, and is cooperating with the ruralNegro Church congregation in the workof developing programs for community improvement. He is also assisting the Mississippi Department of Education, in settingup qualifications, criteria for certification,and salary scales for Negro teachers.Marjorie E. Bullock, MA, has returnedfrom Istambul, Turkey, where she wasworking for the American Mission Board.Before reaching New York, she spent amonth traveling in Europe. Her home isin Oshkosh, Wisconsin.John Y. Cooper, MBA '48, is undergoinga five months sales training program withthe Aluminum Company of America.James 'D. Gallagher, MD '49, was recently married to Louise Cahill of NewJersey. Jim is now interning at Billings.Israel Irving Shapiro, MA, is a socialservice worker in Sacramento, California.Daniel Strassburger, BS '48, is a studen tat U.C.L.A.E. Graham Waring, DB, was in Englandlast summer to attend Oxford University.He is pastor of the West Chicago FirstCongregational Church.1947Bruce Grenfell Bixler, now a student atthe University of Texas, expects to receive his BBA degree in accounting thisJanuary.Robert T. Blackburn, MS '48, has resigned as assistant professor of physicalscience at Chico State College in California to return to school for his doctorate.c. Yvonne Boudreux is the private secretary of the president of Lake Erie College in Painesville, Ohio.Chester Bowles, Jr. is employed with anengineering and contracting company inNew Haven, Conn.Flora Bramson, MA, is teaching composition literature at the University ofPittsburgh.John Emmett Burke is now chief librarian of the George Peabody College forTeachers in Nashville, Tennessee, andassistant professor of library science in thePeabody Library School.Lenore Callahan, Joan Lindberg '46,Helen Ward '49, Virginia Graves of SocialService Administration and Carol Gavron,Chemistry Department, formed their owngroup of American tourists in Europe lastsummer. 35"PROTECTING THE HOME"AMERICANTo young men of the mid-19th century desirous of a fruitful career, thegreat editor, Horace Greeley, gave the now-famous advice: "Go West!"Where do you go from here?MAYBE you're stuck in an uncongenial job. Maybe you see a low ceiling on your prospects for the future. Or maybe you have no realidea as to just where your best business talents lie.To young men in doubt as to their professional qualifications, we arehappy to offer aptitude-preference and vocational-interest tests. There isno charge of any kind for this helpful service. Our reward comes in uncovering men of character and ability to whom we can offer a pleasantand profitable career in providing family security. Those who reveal nospecial talent for underwriting are guided into fields offering greater scopefor their particular gifts.These tests are available to you through our 55 general agents acrossthe country. If you would care to take them, write to us for the name ofour general agent nearest you. Remember, too, whatever your life insurance needs, you can look with confidence to National Life - famed fora century for thrift, stability, and friendly service."See your National Life underwriter at least once a year"FOUNDED 1850 • A.. MUTUAL COMPANY· OWNED BY ITS POLICYHOLDERSCOPYRIGHT 1949 BY NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN,Y36 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1948Heather Axelrod, according to her friendMarcia Rike '47 who sees her very frequently, is "contemplating further education at Columbia Law School."Mary Bacall, MA is working as homefinder at the Church Home Society inBoston.William D. Baker, Jr., MA, is at Northwestern University working for his PhDin the English Department. .Lillian Barbour, MA, is on the administrative staff of Roosevelt College in Chicago, as director of information servicesworking with the Dean of Student Services.Janet Benson writes from La Junta,Colorado: "I have just finished my firstyear of teaching-third grade, 40 children!It's been lots of fun, but I'm looking fora new job to pay my way to an M.A."John S. Bensen whose Berlin address isAG Cables, OMGUS, APO 742, c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y., writes that heis leading a discussion group of Ge��anstudents who would appreciate recervmgany "extra books clut�ering up th� libraryor attic." Before gomg to Berlm, Johnspent several months in Paris where hesaw several Midway alumni: Edward Turk'47, Bob Heslen '48, and Irving Scott '47.1949John B. Bridgewater, MBA, has movedto Columbia University where he is serving as an assistant in industrial engineering.J. Carson McGuire, PhD, who completedhis work on his doctorate while a memberof the faculty on Human Development,stopped at Alumni .House to pay his duesbefore leaving. for Austin, Texas, wherehe is heading up a new program in humandevelopment at the University of Texas.He did his undergraduate work at theUniversity of British Columbia.Seymour Weiss, AM, was married to analumna of Temple University on April 24.They are now living in Washington, D. C.where Seymour has a position in the �nternational activities branch, the ExecutiveOffice of the President, Bureau of theBudget.Frank S. Wiley, MD '83, died April 16,1949 at his home in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin.DEATHSFrank J. Walsh died April 20 at the ageof 89.From Bloomington, Illinois, comes wordof the death of John W. Fulwiler, MD '96.O. J. Arnold, '97, a leading citizen ofMinneapolis, died of a heart ailment atthe age of 75, June 14, 1949. After 22 yearsas president of the Northw�stern NatlOn�1Life Insurance Co., he retired from thisposi tion and became chairman of theboard. "O.J." always carried his share ofresponsibility in the civic and benevolentlife of Minneapolis. In 1941 he wasReal Estate and Insurance1500 East 57th Street Hyde Park 3·2525 awarded the Alumni Association's citationfor good citizenship.Mrs. Robert J. Bonner, widow of thelate Robert J. Bonner, chairman of thedepartment of Greek at Chicago, died inHavre de Grace, Maryland, June 18, 1949,at the age of 78.Mary Reddy '98, (Mrs. Paul Doty) dieda year ago last August in Winnetka, Illinois.Louis A. Mueller, MD '99, passed awayJune 4, 1949.Ernest Whitney· .Martin '00, professoremeritus of classics at Stamford University,died January 3, 1949, in Palo Alto, California.Judson A. Tolman '01, MA '04, PhD '11,of Georgetown, Kentucky, died Jan. 30,1949.Margaret Strahan '03 of Grand Rapids,Michigan, died March 8, 1949.Dr. Edward Marsh Williams, S.B. '03,died at his home in Oskaloosa, Iowa, May17.Milton S. Yondorf, '03, died June 26 inChicago. He was the retired president ofS. Yondorf & Co., real estate and mortgage bankers.Luthera Egbert '04 died December 3,1948 at her home in Seaside, California.William A. Klingberg, MD '01, of Hope,Kansas, died May 10, 1949.Homer Guck, '04, former president andpublisher. Of. the old Ch!cago Herald .an�Examiner, died June 17 m Norway, MIChIgan. He was a resident of Chicago.George D. Nordenholt '07 died May 23.The well known mining engineer, geologistand former football star, was presidentof the Pacific Petroleum Company. andwas associated with many major miningand petroleum developments in the westfrom Alaska to Central America.Marguerite E. Marks '08, (Mrs. ArchibaldM. Allison) died last April 21 in Highland Park, Illinois. She is survived by herhusband.Ethel Witkowsky, '08, wife. of Hugo Pick,died July 17, 1949 after nea:ly a _year'sillness. There are three married childrenand three grandchildren. Ethel was talented in writing, having done poetry, prose,songs, and two lig�t �peras for child.ren,during her very active Iife. She was a SIsterof Alan D. Whitney, '13.Leonard Bloomfield, PhD '09, Sterlingprofessor of linguistics at Yale University,died April 18 at his home in New Haven.His book, "Language," is considered oneof the best summaries of the conclusionsgained by the science of linguistics writtenin this century. In World War II heworked with the armed forces and the OSSin training personnel for overseas service.Employing his theory that students shouldlearn to speak a foreign language beforeattempting to write it, he introduced amethod of teaching large groups to speakOriental languages under drillmasters.Other experts then taught them the structure of the language. The method was sosuccessful that it was later used in thecollege courses at Yale.Robert G. Davis '09, Rear Admiral inthe medical corps. of the United StatesNavy died November 8, 1948, "a result ofhis three and one half years as a Japaneseprisoner of war."Grover C. Klein, MD '12, of Galesburg"Illinois, died January 31, 1949. He was aneye, ear, nose and throat specialist.Howard W. Moody, PhD '12, of Valparaiso, Indiana, died last March. Edwina Abbott Cowan, PhD '13, diedJune 13, 1949. Her home was in Wichita,Kansas.Harold Kramer '13, general manager ofthe Loup River Public Power District inNebraska, died of a heart ailment April 28,1949.E. Feild Pope, MA '13, PhD '20, diedMay 4, 1949 in Staunton, Virginia.Lilian R. Gray, '14, died on May 24 ofthis year.Etta L. Brand Brown '15 died· April 8,1948 in Arkansas.Dr. James C. Twinen, '15, AM '18, diedin Beaver Falls, Pa., June 17. Dr. Twinenhad been professor of education and direc.tor of the extension and summer schoo}divisions at Geneva College.Walter W. Davis, MS '17, died OctOber1947 in Peiping, China.Thomas L. Smart, LLB '17, died JUne18, 1949 of a chronic heart ailment.Seymour Jerome Frank '19 died lastMarch in Chicago.Louise H. John '21 who served for 65years as teacher and administrator in thepublic schools of Ohio, died March 25 inGalion.John M. Campbell JD '22, died FebruaryI, 1949 in Mexico, Missouri.Mrs. Edgar J. GoodspeedElfleda Bond Goodspeed, 69, died at thefamily home in Bel-Air, California in lateAugust.Every alumnus knows of Edgar J. GOOdspeed, internationally famous New Testa.ment scholar and translator, but few Willknow how important Elfleda was to hissu ccess. Through the years she has beenhis constant companion and invaluable assistant.With pen and file cards she helped withthe research. Across oceans and deserts shejoined in the search for source materials.At home she was the gracious hostess; atlectures the attentive sympathetic critic; atreceptions, the companion of a notedscholar. Everything was a partnership.It was in memory of Elfteda's father thather mother gave Joseph Bond Chapel Onthe quadrangles. There have been othergifts quietly made by the Goodspeeds.Last October the University set apart aweek in celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Goodspeed New Testament translation. Honored and popularguests were the Goodspeeds.Midway in the celebration a clOuddimmed the glow of the celebration - Elfleda Goodspeed was taken to PresbyterianHospital with a serious heart condition.The cloud lingered and the return to California was delayed into the holiday season.Improvement was slow but encouraging.Then came the August news. We cansurely speak for the entire alumni body inexpressing sincere sympathy to Edgar J.Goodspeed. H.W.M.BOYDSTON BROS .• INC.operatingAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of ChicagoOAkia nd 4·0492Trained and licensed attendantsHow Row 5, Seat 21, Scored aHENRY ROGERS uncrumpled his hatand sat down again in Seat 21,Row 5. His wife put her hand on his arm,as if to keep him from leaping up againlike a jack-in-the-box."Goodness, Henry," she said, "he can'thear you. You'll ruin your throat. You'dthink that was our son down there."Henry didn't answer. He had alwaysfelt like a second father to the boy. Hefelt partly responsible-in a humble way-for the fact that young Joe Bailey wasin today's game. ,Of course, it was really his job. Henrymade his living as a New York Life agent.Young Bailey's father had been whatHenry Rogers called a tough prospectone who knew he should have more lifeinsurance, one who could afford it- butone who always said, "See me nextmonth, Henry."Yet it was the policy he finally tookout which actually made it possible foryoung Joe Bailey to be in college.Henry Rogers focused his eyes on thefield again, saw Joe Bailey sweep around Naturally, names used in this story are fictitious.end. Henry was up on his feet again,yelling. The man nextto him nudged him."You can't score a touchdown from uphere, Mister.""Don't be so sure about that," Henrysaid. "Don't be so sure, my friend."NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY51 Madison Avenue, New York 10, N. Y.FEW OCCUPATIONS offer a man so much inthe way of personal reward as life underwriting. Many New York Life agents arebuilding very substantial futures for themselves by helping others plan ahead fortheirs. If you would like to know moreabout a life insurance career, talk it overwith the New York Life manager in yourcommunity-or write to the Home Officeat the address above.fJHd/cm�·LONG DISTANCE CALLSI T WOULD BE NICE if we could keep alot of ready-made Long Distance callswaiting in neat rows for you to take yourpick. But it won't work that way.You need too many sizes. Today, it'sa IOO-mile or IOOO-mile call. Tomorrow,it may be our special 2947 -mile size (thelongest possible call in continental U. s. ).Whenever YOll call, wherever vou call,we make it to your measure and deliverit in less than two minutes on the average!It takes lots of planning to do suchcareful tailoring. It takes a lot of equipment. And it takes the skill and experience of many, many people.Long Distance service grows steadilyfaster and better. And it's friendly serviceall the way.BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM