MEM,O PADReunion Plans Are JellingFirst: mark your calendar pad with thereunion dates. They are June 7 thru 11.N ow let us tell you how the plans are de­veloping.There will be a program in Mandel Hallevery night beginning Tuesday when JudgeFlorence E. Allen, of the Sixth U. S. Cir­cuit Court of Appeals will fly in fromCleveland to speak under the sponsorshipof the Gertrude Dudley Lectureship Com­mittee.The committee has some excellent plansfor the other evenings but they aren't quiteready to announce them.Special reunionsOwl & Serpent, Senior honor society, willhave its biggest and most elaborate con­vention in decades at the Quadrangle ClubWednesday evening. It will start with afive o'clock cocktail hour with dinner inthe main dining rooom. Burt Young, '35,JD '36, is running the show so things willeither happen or snap, if we know Burt.The C Banquet will be Thursday night.The committee has big plans and speakerswhich will be announced in the officialprogram. The championship football teamof '99 will be honored guests in celebrationof their fiftieth. anniversary.The Alumnae Breakfast will have as. speaker, Mrs. Clifton Utley, AM '30. Mrs.Utley, one of our most civically activealumnae, currently a .member of the Chi­cago School Board, will tell some of herrecent experiences. If they are as dramaticand/or humorous as the ones she told us,the alumnae at the breakfast will be sittingon their chairs' edges.Class reunionsFor the Class of 1899 and all previousclasses, a big dinner is planned at whicheach 50·year alumnus will be presentedwith a token of this anniversary-a bronzemedal with name and class year inscribedthereon. This will inaugurate the found­ing of our Emeritus Club.The Class of 1909 will celebrate its for­tieth anniversary with a dinner in the pr i­vate dining room of Hutchinson Commons.John Schommer is the key man in. this re­nnion.The Class of 1914 will be back for its35th. Merle Coulter and Al Cotton areworking on the details.Classes '16 and '17 will be together againon Saturday for dinner in the Coffee Shop.This is an annual affair and always a goodone.The Class of 1918 is also an annual andthe reunion will be held in the Quad­rangles Club again this year.The Class of 1939 has plans under wayfor a tenth reunion. It's a little early toannounce details but count on it.The big affair, as it is shaping up atpresent, will be the twenty-fifth reunionof the Class of 1924.The big dinner will be at the Winder­mere Hotel Friday evening. There willbe food, fun and skits. Saturday, while thewomen attend the Alumnae Breakfast themen will have brunch together. Saturdayafternoon the men will split into the Brainsand the Brawns and knock each other outin a soft-ball game to end all soft-ballgames, and maybe members of the Classof '24!The committee is headed by Louis J.Stirling, and includes ,Nellye Newton Archambeault, Martha Bennett King. How­ard M. Landau, Arthur C. Cody. Allin K.Ingals, and Robert P. Pollak.Chairman Stirling, '24.Saturday from three on. President and Mrs. Ernest C. Colwell areinviting all alumni to a lawn party re­union at their home on Woodlawn Ave­nue. Alumni guests will' include HaroldH. Swift, past chairman of the Board ofTrustees, and Laird Bell, Chairman of theBoard.The Interfraternity Sing will be held as'usual in Hutchinson Court in the evening.This will be followed by an all alumnidance, to give the alumni an opportunity tomeet old friends and enjoy a: social hourtogether.Tower Tepics will reach you about the20th of May with the entire official pro­gram of events. This is simply a high.lighted preyiew to stir the back-to-the-Mid­way longing and give you an opportunityto begin making plans.Elsie Schobinger MemorialWe wish we had known Elsie Schobinger('08, AM '17) personally. Anyone who hadso many loyal and appreciative friendsmust have been worth knowing. And, ashead of the Harvard School for Boys(founded by her father), she had more thanthe normal opportunities to influenceleadership for today and tomorrow.Her passing had only been announced inthese pages when our telephone rang. Itwas one of a group of Elsie's friends whohad spontaneously determined on a me­morial at Elsie's Alma Mater: library booksfor the college students in the humanities.Working with Library Director Fussler, amemorial book plate was designed whichwill appear in each volume purchased fromthis fund-which is already moving toward$200.You may wish to enlarge the circle offriends enlarging the fund. We will bepleased to handle the details if you sendyour check (payable to The University ofChicago), marked "Elsie Schobinger Me­morial" to the Alumni Association, 5733University Avenue, Chicago 37.GOLD MEDAL ALUMNIIn the lush lobby of the twelve-story Gen­eral Mills Building in Minneapolis, wethumbed through breakfast food literaturewhile we waited for the' receptionist to calla miniature reunion of U. of Ci-Cold MedalAlumni.We discovered that Gold Medal flourwas so named from an 1880 Cincinnatiworld's fair medal but "Eventually, WhyNot Now" was not coined until 1907.1 Mythical Betty Crocker was born in 1921and joined the radio networks in 1926.Wheaties first curled off the rollers in 1924hut did not become the . "Breakfast ofChampions" until 1933 ..Cake flour turned "Softasilk" in 1925and Bisquick hit the markets in 1931. CornKix was a late arrival in 1937 as wasCheerioats in 1941.But the most important event in G. M.'shistory was when they began adding Chi­cago alumni to their staff. At headquartersthere are four.William A. Van Santen, 33, is a veteranof fifteen years. He is personnel researchmanager. Edward K. Smith, 37, has beenwith the company since graduation as hasEdward R. Hoffman, '39. Smith is compotroller for the chemical division and Hoff­man is staff assistant to the chief ac­countant.The junior member is Kenneth . G;Scheid, MBA '47, in the job evaluation de­partment. And out at the edge of 'town,at the company's research laboratory,George Long, who. took work at Chicagoin the early thirties, is a member of theresearch staff. He is also serving againthis year as the Minneapolis chairman forour Alumni Foundation fund campaign.LETTERSAbnormal alumniIn apprehensive sympathy we quote fromthe Letters column of Columbia (Univer­sity) Alumni News:"It is distressing to read in the obitu­aries that so many of our alumni leave ab­normal relatives. For instance,' I have readof one leaving a son and daughter, anothera brother and sister, and still anotherleaving a stepdaughter and sister.'This serves only to contribute to oureditorial uneasiness wondering, as we puteach issue to bed, how many English majorswill find how many errors. We can onlyassume that benevolence and the complica­tions of living retard the flow of fan mailin this area.Our last such was from James P. Mark­ham, JD'22, Houston, who underscored ourword "citationists," substituted -"citees," andadded "Oh-oh, Mr. Editor."EdifiedMy wife (Florence Lyon, '98., PhD '01)and I both look forward with keen plea­sure to each new number of the Alumni. MAGAZINE, for it keeps us in touch withwhat's going on at the University. For in­stance, we were thrilled by Hutchins' reoply to the gentlemen of the press (January,1949; and no less edified by his discussionof the University'S budget (TOWER TOP­ICS, December, 1948).Detroit S. V. Norton, '06Our Maga.zineJust a line to let you know how muchI enjoy reading our Magazine here illVienna, Austria.Am in the Counsel Branch of the LegalDivision of U. S. Allied Command forAustria .... We hope the forthcomingpeace negotiations will be fruitful thistime so that all of us can come back home.Vienna is'a most interesting city and hastwo opera houses going seven days aweek; Chicago can't even seem to sup­port one.Hope to get away for a trip to Germanyto see Puttkammer, and some of my otherformer professors.With best regards,Vienna Milton Gordon, '23, JD '25.Didn't miss muchI think you may enjoy an anecdotecharacteristic of Miss Talbot. I called onher soon after her retirement when . herdeafness had . increased. We sat face toface and she said:"I enjoy talking with one person who ar­ticulates clearly. I do not hear generalconversation in a group of people. Butyou know, Genieve, I don't think I missmuch."I knew Miss Talbot first as she is pic­tured in the photograph taken in 1915(December 1948 Magazine), the year Ientered the University. I saw her last inApril, 1947 when she was frail and illbut her memory clear and her mind stillkeen.Genieve Lamson, '20 SM'22Vassar CollegeExams with ice creamW'ith her membership renewal Ada Hue1-ster, '15, of Elkhart, Indiana, remembers:"Freddy Starr began a class one day inearly June by asking 'What is so rare as aday in June?" and demanding . an answerfrom every member of the class. 'Ve allfailed."His answer: 'A day in April ... Thirtydays hath September, April, June -.' Heserved us ice cream during the final exam.-a rare thing, too."BOOKSTHE ATMOSPHERE OF THE EARTHAND PLANETS, edited by Gerard P.Kuiper. Dlrecfor, Yerkes and McDonaldObservatories. and professor of astron­omy. University of Chicago. Universityof Chicago Press. $7.50.This book contains the contributionspresented at a Symposium on the Atmos­pheres of Earth and Planets, sponsored byThe University of Chicago on the occasionof the 50th anniversary of the Yerkes Ob­servatory, in September 1947. Meteorolo­gists, astronomers, physicists, and geolo­gists will recognize these studies as funda­mental to many specialized fields, and theeducated layman who is scientifically in­clined will find much of the book intelli­gible and interesting.Dr. Kuiper's own paper, Survey of Plane­tary Atmospheres, which has recently re­ceived considerable notice from the press,is here presented iri its entirety, and con­tains all the most recent data on the com­position of the atmospheres of the variousplanets. The possibility of the existenceof lichens or mosses on Mars is discussed,as well as the interesting discovery thatthe polar caps of Mars are composed ofH20 frost.The contribution of Harrison Brown,associate professor of chemistry and mem­ber of the Institute of Nuclear Studies,University of Chicago, is his paper show­ing the atmosphere of the earth to be ofsecondary origin. It deserves 'special men­tion because of ,its significance in thelight of recent .geological theories, someof which are discussed in the paper by thelate R. T. Chamberlain, '03, PhD '07, ofthe University of Chicago Department ofGeology. The rocket .research programsof the Army and Navy are another inter­esting topic, and the description, discussion,and pictures of recent rocket work make fascinating reading. Precise data on thecirculation of the lower atmosphere is pre­sented, and the terrestrial atmosphere above300 km. is discussed.Much of the book will be beyond thecapacity of the ordinary reader, as the em­phasis is on spectroscopic analysis methodsand upper atmosphere research, and thediscussions of atmospheric scattering, den­sity variations, and absorption spectrapresuppose a rather intimate acquaintancewith the quantum. However, many readerswill find the more general discussions ofrecent research of great interest. To thescientist, the book presents a critical 'surveyof atmospheric research, a survey which inevery respect responds to the long-felt needfor such a volume.FETAL AND NEONATAL DEATH. ASurvey of the Incidence. Etiology, andAnatomic Manifestations of the Con­ditions Producing Deafh of the Fetusin Utero and the Infant in the EarlyDays of Life, by Edith L. Potter. Asso­ciate Professor Patho'iogy, DepartmentObstetrics and Gynecology, and FredL. Adair, MD Rush '0 I. ProfessorEmeritus. Obstetrics and Gynecology.Originally published in 1940, this is thesecond. edition, revised and brought upto date, with new sections on the Rh factorand the effect of maternal German measleson the fetus. There are 57 charts, illustra­tions, and tables.LETTERS OF DR. JOHN McLOUGH­LIN, edited by Burt Brown Barker, '97.Binfords & Mort. $6.00.It was two years ago next June thatBurt Brown Barker, Vice President Emeri­tus of the University of Oregon, with hiswife, attended the fiftieth reunion of hisclass. From Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Barkercontinued east to London for a final checkon original materials to be used in thisvolume.There are 280 letters dated between 1829and 1832, many of which are originals ofwhich the London archives of the Hudson'sBay Company have no copies. The lettersfurnish many dramatic details of the Co­lumbia River trade which funneled throughFort Vancouver under the administrationof Dr. McLoughlin.A past president of the Oregon Histori­cal Society, Burt Brown Barker is chairmanof a legislative committee to place statuesof two Oregon citizens in Statuary Hall,Washington, D. C. In January of this yearhe went to New York to pass on the modelsfor these statues.SACRED FORTRESS by Otton G. vonSimson. University of Chicago Press.$10.00. .Sacred Fortress deals with the politicaland theological programs of which thefifth and sixth century churches of S. Vitale,S. Apollinare in Classe, and S. ApollinareNuovo in Ravenna are the visible ex­ponents. The first two of these Mr. Sim­son sees as a living expression in architec­ture and mosaic of the fanatic ambitionof the Byzantine Emperor Justinian, im­plemented through his appointee Max­imian, Archbishop of Ravenna, to drawthis capital of the Roman West securelywithin the orbit of Byzantium. S. Vitale,indeed, is a typically eastern type of church,central in plan and arranged as a stage for2 the dramatic performances of the mysticalrites in which only the Emperior and Em"press with their retinues and the clergy whoare pictured in the magnificent sanctuarymosaics) may participate. In S. ApollinareNuovo, however, built and largely adornedunder the Gothic Emperor Theodoric, thebasilican form and the character of theiconography in the nave mosaics clearly re­flect, according to Mr. Simson, liturgicalfeatures of the Roman Church. The factthat Archbishop Maxim ian's successor,Agnellus, while J ustinian was still alive,completed this church and modified onlycertain details of the mosaic representa­tions, Mr. Simson interprets as indicatingan attitude of compromise between Eastand West both on political and on con­troversial theological questions, which fore­sees the inevitable separation of East andWest after justinian's death.Ample historical and liturgical evidencefor these interpretations-is supplied by Mr.Simson in voluminous footnotes, and manyexcellent plates illustrate in detail the"monuments discussed. This is not � bookfor the general reader; but for the student,whether. of art or of political or liturgicalhistory, there is much valuable and sug­gestive material.Margaret Rickert, MA '33, PhD '38.Plato Comes To R.F.D. AmericaA home-study course in th.e Great Booksis now being offered by the UniverSity.Patterned after the Great Books discus­sion groups, which are now being held inhundreds of communities throughout theUnited States, the course takes up the studyof the ideas presented in such works asthe Declaration of Independence, Plato'sApology, Aristotle's Ethics, Thucydide'sHistory, and the Communist Manifesto.The experiment was planned with the aidof the Great Books Foundation as a meansof providing the people living in districtswhere there are no discussion groups withan opportunity to participate in the GreatBooks program. There are already 50,000participants enrolled in the programthroughout the country.The new home-study phase. of this planwill make it possible for any adult tostudy the books in his home in approxi­mately the same manner followed by mem­bers of community discussion groups.There are no educational prerequisites fortaking the course at home. But the stu­dent may, if he chooses, receive collegecredit for it. Books and lessons are sentto him by the University. .Cyril 0.· Houle, Dean of the UniversityCollege, said, in announcing the course,"Adult education to be more effective,must be conceived and planned for grownpeople. The day is past when collegecourses were simply shifted to adult groups.This home-study course in the Great Booksrepresents a significant move in this direc­tion."The home-study course consists of 20lessons and is based on the same list ofprescribed readings covered in the regu-'lar Great Books seminars. Anyone inter­ested in obtaining more information aboutthe home-study, course, or in enrolling init, is advised to. write to the Home-StudyDepartment, University of Chicago.MORE READING LISTSAlumni Reading Lists are again beingexpanded. These lists make it possible foralumni across the nation to give directionto their educational interests by being pro­vided with lists of current books that sup­ply information on the subjects of theirinterests-The lists are prepared by members of thefaculty. If you are a member of the As­sociation, a part of the expense of de-.veloping, mimeographing, and mailingthese - lists is being underwritten .by yourmembership dues. Therefore, for mem­bers of the Alumni Association, lists willbe mailed free upon request. A modestcharge of $.15 for the first and $.10 for theremainder in the same order is leviedfor non-members of the Association.Subject Prepared byAdolescence-R. J. Havighurst and R. r.Peck.American Diplomacy-Hans J. Mongenthau.Biographies of Notable American States­men-Walter Blair.Books and Stories for Preschool Children-Mary E. Keister.Child Care-Florence G. Blake.Child Psychiatry-Mandel Sherman.Civil Service-Leonard D. White.Commercial Law-Malcolm Sharp.Contemporary Europe-ex. William Hal-perin.Contemporary World Problems-Q. Wrightand H. J. Morgenthau.Democracy-Jerome G. Kerwin.Design-Elizabeth Hibbard.Diet for Preschool Children-Margaret H.Brookes.Drawing- W. G. Whitford.Editorial and Manuscript Procedure-MaryAlexander.Fundamentals of Nutritlou=-Margaret H.Brookes.History of Writing-Ignace J. Gelb.Human Nutrition-Thelma Porter.Industrial Relations=Frederick H. Harbi­. son.Interior Decoration-Marion Clark.Introduction to Political Science-DavidEaston.Introduction to the .Study of Turkish-Ig-nace J. Gelb.Life and Teachings of Jesus-E. C. Colwell.Logical Positivism-A. C. Benjamin.�rode:rn Logic-Rudolf Carnap.�Iodern Music--Scott Goldthwaite.Music Appreciation-V. Howard Talley.Neuroses and Maladjustments - MandelSherman.Personality Problems=Mandel Sherman.Philosophy-Alan Cewirth. Volume 41 May, 1949 Number 8-P U B LIS H E 0 B Y THE A L U M N I ASS 0 C I A T I :0 NHOWARD W. MORTEditor VIVIAN A. ROGERSARTHUR R. DAYAssociate Editors VALERIE CRAIGClass News EditorWILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN JEANNETTE LOWREYContributing EditorsIN THIS ISSUEEDITOR'S MEMO PAD -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1LETTERS . . . . . . . . .. 1BOOKS 2READING LISTS -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3ART FOR THE AD BUILDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4'A NEW RELIGION, A. Eustace Haydon 5ONE MAN'S OPINION, William V. Morgenstern '20, JD �22. . .. 7THE BREASTED VISION, .fohn A. Wilson. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8PIN-UP PUSS -. . . . . . . . .. toCONSTITUTION FOR THE WORLD-PART IlI� Elisabeth MannBorgese 11NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES, Jeannette Lowrey _. . . . . . .. 13A BOUNTIFUL YIELD _ 15SUNDAY� MARCH 20-Mm-WINTER REUNION ' .- 16MERRIAM OF THE FIFTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18NEWS OF THE CLASSES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 21CALENDAR 22COVER: John Marshal1, Assistant Professor of Physics and a memberof the Institute of Nuclear Studies who has been supervising in­stallations, stands on and explains the new cyclotron to -doubletiers of alumni surrounding him in the Accelerator Building_Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago mOt'lthly, from Octoberthru June. Office of Publication, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscrip­tion _price $3.00. Single copies 35 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, atthe Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The American AlumniCouncil, B. A. Ross, advertising director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y., is theofficial advertising agency of the Magazine.Philosophy of International Relations - Teaching of Drawing-W. G. Whitford.Hans J. Morgenthau. - .Teaching of Elementary and IntermediatePhysical Education for Adults-Edith Ball- French-Otto Bond.webber.Premarital Education-L. Foster Wood.Recent Political Theory-Jerome C. Kerwin.Rise of Industrial Civilization in Europe-John U. Nef.Russo-American R\elations-Quincy Wrightand Hans J. Morgenthau.Social SettlementS-Wayne McMillen.Spain Since 189B-Carlos Castillo.Spanish Literature of the 19th Century­Carlos Castillo. Teaching of the Social Sciences - RobertKeohane.Teaching of the Social Studies-Robert Keo­hane.Teaching and Supervision of Art-W. C.Whi,tford.Training of Teachers in Nursery Education-Mary E. Keister.U. S. Historical Novels-Walter Blair.Voice and Phonetics-Davis Edwards.:rrt for thead building "Still Life with Buddha Head·· (left) byS. MacDonald Wright and "Street People"(below) by Millard Sheets are recent giftsto +he University from Willia"m Benton. Uni­versity trustee. and publisher and chairmanof the board of directors of the Encyclo­pedia Britannnica. The works of the con­temporary American artists are being ex­hibited in the Administration Buildinq-e- theWright painting in the central receptionroom and the Sheets work in the Board ofTrustees room.The great f�iths of today are outworn forms­relics' of an era ol human frustrationFor a new age-A NEW RELIGIONBy A. Eustace HaydonIF YOU survey the history of cultures you will becomesadly aware that the efforts of religion to establishpeace on earth have repeatedly ended in futility. Fortnore than 2,000 years, the great religions have been pro­claiming the social values of the good society; that is,preaching justice and love,' and brotherhood and peace,but no religion has ever learned how to span that gulfbetween the ideal and the actual. None of them haslearned how to translate these abstract values into prac­tical patterns of human behavior.Age after age they have held up the long-learnedideal-an ideal that had been worked out through athousand. years of trial-and-error experience in primarygroup relationships; but every time that they built abeautiful civilization, they saw it come down in ruinsthrough the conflict of class with class; group withgroup; nation with nation. So that peace always was theideal, war ever the unhappy actuality. .Religions really got accustomed to warfare. Theconscience of the world only recently has been stunginto awareness of the tragedy of war. Only yesterdaydid the great religious groups of the world come· torealize that war must be ended. Hinduism, in its earlyhistory, was quite willing to accept war as a part ofculture, but after the 6th Century, B.C., there was inHinduism, and in Buddhism, the doctrine of non-injurywhich did put a brake upon strife. But it didn't endWars. Those who praise Buddhism most highly sayBuddhism kept the peace of Asia for a thousand years;but there was war all around the periphery, and in thehigh centers of dynastic change.Islam-s-latest of the great religions-really enshrinedWar in religion by its doctrine of the Jehad. That is adoctrine that you must always have war as a permanentthing until the whole world is won to Islam. Outside ofthis area of peace which makes up the body of the be­lievers are the unbelievers, and until the whole world hasbeen brought under the control of Islam-so that culture of the world is synonymous with Moslemculture-there must be this permanent state of war. Younotice that Islam has neither the power to make war,nor the power to make peace any more, so that Jehad is perhaps an innocuous doctrine. The religion of Israelhas had, in its great God, a power always, in the ancientdays, willing to give approval to warfare, and manydivinely-directed wars.Zoroastrianism makes the whole episode of this worldculture a field of battle and struggle; the Creator W3,Sinterrupted in his job of creation so that during the9,000 years of this era of the world, you just have to havewar. After the final great battle, the Creator will starthis work again and bring into existence the world ofpeace and justice and righteousness and beauty.Early Christianity started as a religion that tended tobe peaceful. You can't get very much of an argumentout of the teaching of Jesus, although the great religiousgroups now do say that war is contrary to the teachingand example of Jesus. Jesus didn't have much to sayabout economics or politics. By the middle of the 2ndCentury, in the 'teaching of the great fathers of theChurch, Christianity became pacifist. They all bragabout Christianity having transformed the sword intothe plowshare, the spear into the pruning hook. Laterno Christian was allowed to be in the army. So thatChristianity' was working for the era of peace.That was wonderful for a while, but you will remem­ber that in the 4th Century, Christianity made an alli­ance with the State under Constantine, and it wasn'tlong until the Christian theologians were rationalizingwar. Athanasius and Ambrose and Augustine made verywonderful arguments to justify a just war; and, of course,under that term, "just war," you can almost always putany war that you really want to fight. That set the pat­tern of the teaching of Christianity through all the cen­turies. Aquinas developed it; Luther followed it; andright down until modern times, it was perfectly properfor Christianity to put its power behind a "just" the winter, The University of Chicago, in co­operation with the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations,sponsored a series of nine lectures on Approaches to Peace.A New Religion. by A. Eustace Haydon, Professor Emeri­tus of Comparative Religion. was one of these lectures.Because of space limitations. we are presenting it in twoparts. Part two will appear in the June issue.56 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe trouble for Christianity and the "modern worldcame. when the horror, the terrible destructiveness, thedeep anguish of humanity, the devastation of civilization,the waste of resources-material and human-in thefirst World War shocked the consciences of all thinkingmen.Then the Church began to talk about peace. Therecame brave statements from one after another of thegreat denominations. Practically every single denomina­tion, reaching into the hundreds (counting the littlegroups) made the pronouncement that war is contraryto the will of God, a violation of the 'teaching of Jesus;a contradiction of His spirit; and that no Christian evercan give countenance to war.Not only did the main bodies and commissions of thechurches make these statements, but women's organiza­tions and youth organizations, so that the tidal wave ofpeace statements piled· up: You would almost think itwould be impossible for war ever to break that barricade.More than 10,000 Christian ministers in America saidthey would never give their support to another war. Sothe statements came, and the crest of peace talk grew.The Church protested against armaments, but arma­ments grew. The Church protested against the aggres­sor in small frays over the world, but arms and ammuni­tions went out from America and other areas to feed thefires of these wars. The Church was very happy about theBriand-Kellogg Pact, but that didn't stop the aggressor.And at last, you will remember, all the talking, all theresolving, all this supposedly powerful- pressure from theChristian group was overwhelmed and smothered in thecataclysm of the world's worst war.And while the storm was on, the churches and the re­ligious folks still talked-only they talked with a greaterseriousness now. They talked with heavy heart; and theytalked much more realistically; but they kept talking.It was, after all, more preaching. And when they talked,it was from the same old premises-the premises of thetraditional religion, and using the same traditional au­thority, and unhappily with divided forces as usual.This is the great tragedy of religion over the world.It never does speak with a united voice.And today if you made your survey of the religionsof the world, what would you hear? And I wonder howmany of these voices you would listen to or think sig­nificant.We have had conferences; we have had internationalconferences; we have had inter-religion congresses-andthey've all made their pronouncements. But religion hasnever really come down to earth to come to grips withthe actualities of. the problems which are at the basis ofmodern war. It has been largely a matter; of preaching.I wonder, now, would you think it verysignificant tohear the spokesman of the high philosophy of Hinduismsay to you, "War is meaningless because this world itselfis meaningless. Don't try to reform the world; go beyondit. All men are brothers, of course, because all men are one with the Absolute Spirit, but don't expect that youcan find a world of hapiness and peace here on the earth.The only way you can achieve that is to plunge into theeternal heart of the ever-blessed, Absolute Spirit."Or, if Buddhism said to you, "Man's quest is not forhappiness here. Man's life will not reach fulfillment onthe earth. What he must learn is the wisdom that liftshim into union with the eternal spiritual reality beyondtime, changeless and blissful."Or, would it be helpful to listen to those who speak inthe name of Allah, the great, all-powerful, absolute Godof Islam, who has ordered all events from the beginning,so that everything that happens in time happens accord­ing to his definite plan. Nothing can come to you, noth­ing can occur in human history except that which is al­ready decreed in the eternal will of the absolute God.Would that help? Or would it justify all wars?Or would it be helpful to you to hear that Amaterasu­O-Mikami, the great Sun Goddess of Japan, has decreedthat the world will be under one roof, and that all menwill be gathered together into the great peace when theyaccept this control of the Japanese culture? I'm sure youwouldn't accept that particular piece of advice at themoment.But does it help, I wonder, to hear that the ChristianGod has also said things like this-and that if we ac­cept the will and guidance of the Christian God, thenwe shall find peace and the fulfillment of the humandream of righteousness and justice on the earth? Thatwould he, I think, accepted in Christian circles becauseit has been stated over and over again, monotonously,for a thousand and more years. But Christianity is aminority group, not only in America but certainly on theworld scene. And �ill you expect that three-quarters ofthe world is going to accept the decrees and advice andwisdom coming from the revelation of a Christian God,or would they perhaps prefer their own God, and theirown tradition, and their own inherited wisdom?I t would be wonderful if we could have for the wholeworld a statement that would be made in terms of man'swisdom in the light of this particular age and this par­ticular moment in this particular situation. We had aright to expect Christian wisdom from this great worldcouncil in Amsterdam. And do you remember that outof it came very little of wisdom? Nothing came from thatcouncil that had not been better said, more vigorouslysaid, more realistically said by conferences and commis­sions that met before it; and by liberal Christian thinkerswho were excluded from Amsterdam.Amsterdam was hamstrung because it was a minorityChristian group, trying to tie together in unity 135 de­nominations. Christian groups find it very difficult toagree if you pick out two" or three, let alone 135. AndAmsterdam gives you the impression of defeatism, almostof despair.(Continued on Page 19)ONE MAN'S OPINIONCampus Communismcontinued-MORE than a month has passed since state repre­sensative Horsley, ostensibly motivated by the lackof "the clean-cut, American look" students whoprotested the Broyles series of bills to outlaw Communism,introduced a resolution to investigate "indoctrination" atthe University and at Roosevelt College. In the intervalthe kgislators who are to conduct the investigation havebeen conducting themselves in a mysterious cloak-and­dagger fashion, with two forays into Chicago for closedsessions to which were summoned some very interestingcharacters, including among others a repentant Com­munist and a confessed fellow traveler, .now makingtheir living investigating, lecturing, and writing aboutthe red network.Secrecy is being maintained as to when the hearings,if any, will be held, the procedure to be followed, andall other aspects of the investigation. To make the mattereven more curious, evidence has developed that Mr.Horsley's indignation was less spontaneous than inspiredfrom without the legislative chambers.The legislative committee has revealed that it hasr�tained as an investigator, Ben Gitlow, who once serveda term in Sing Sing after conviction under the NewYork Criminal Syndicalism law, and has written a book,"I Confess," about his past. He was once general secre­tary of the Communist Party in this country and anhonorary member of the Moscow Soviet. His first ac-t tivity as a state employee, according to newspaper re­ports, was to harangue the le�islature for an hour andone half on the aims and menace of Communism andthe necessity for outlawing the party.At the second of the closed meetings in Chicago, J. B.Matthews was closeted with Senators Broyles and Libo­nati. Unlike Gitlow, Matthews says he was not a card­holding member of the party, but held "a strategic non­membership" in it. He is quoted by Milburn P. Akers,columnist of the Sun-Times as saying "for a period of•year I was probably more closely associated with theCommunist party's united front movements than anyother individual in this country." In "I Confess," Mr.Gitlow describes Mr. Matthews: "he seemed to me es-.sentially a weak character."Sen. Broyles, chairman of the investigation committee,,refuses to say if Matthews is on the payroll, too, or ismerely a volunteer. Matthews turned up in Massachus­etts ubsequent to his Chicago appearance to testify be- BY WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN 120. JD 122fore a legislative hearing on a bill to bar members ofsubversive organizations from voting or holding electiveoffices in that state. According to the Chicago Tribune,he testified that "3,000 professors in 600 colleges anduniversities have 24,000 affiliations with officially desig­nated Communist front groups." Among 27 professors inuniversities he named were two from the University ofChicago, Edith Abbott, dean emeritus of the School ofSocial Service Administration, and Robert Morse Lo­vett, professor emeritus of English. Alumni can judgeMr. Matthew's credibility on the basis of these two cita­tations.As it was pointed out last month, the investigation bythe Illinois legislature is only part Of a post-war nationalpattern that is emerging, just as a similar wave of excite­ment and fear developed after the last war. A survey bythe Sun-Times found 13 state legislatures currently wereconsidering legislation similar to the Broyles bills.Governor Dewey has just signed a bill which permitsthe New York Board of Regents to fire teachers who be­long to "subversive" organizations, including alleged"fronts." Mr. Broyles wants $75,000 to set up a "stateFBI" to put Mr. Gitlow permanently on the payrolland to hire student informers in the colleges and uni­versities. A representative of the National Patent Counciltold a Congressional committee that the proposed Na­tional Research Council was a device of "foreign re­gimes" to "lead us to abandon our time honored prin­ciples."The spirit which prompts this kind of remedy forCommunism and attacks teachers and education as theprimary source of Marxism undoubtedly will gain invehemence, and there will be a rash of legislation thatwill keep the courts busy for years on constitutionalquestions.While Sen. Broyles is playing his melodrama, anotherlegislative committee is busy with the University of Illi­nois Medical School, in a pursuit even more sinister inits implications for the integrity of education. The in­vestigation is attacking the administration of the Med­ical School, for the deplorable action of the dean in hir­ing "foreigners" from other states for minor office posi­tions. But it appears also that some of the legislatorsare mad because constitutents they have sponsored werenot admitted as students. So they want the dean firedand presumably replaced by some one who can recog­nize ·influence when he encounters it. The University ofIllinois has its biennial budget before the legislature atpresent, and understandably is saying nothing. But this(Concluded on Page 20)7Three Decades ofQalat .Iermo: a missing link in man's history.I· N May 1919,' the Oriental Institute ,of the Universityof Chicago came into being. Mr. John D. Rockefeller,,Jr. agreed to give $10,000 a year for five years, andthe University Trustees, matching his generosity, broughtthe Institute into legal existence. On such a pair of shoe­strings the University's first research institute started anextraordinary career. To express that career in merefinancial terms, there was a year in the early 1930's whenthe Institute's annual budget approximated two-thirdsof a million dollars; the Report of the Comptroller for1947-48 shows a budget of $273,183.96, still a respectableSUIll.Dollars and cents alone do not give the measure of aninstitution. The Oriental Institute was kindled by a flamein the heart of James Henry Breasted, Professor of Egyp­tology. For twenty years prior to 1919 Breasted had keptalight the vision of research into the origins of man'shistory. In Chicago, that very modem and very westerncity, Breasted wanted a group of scholars studying thebeginnings of our civilization as they are revealed in theancient orient. Indifference and disappointments servedonly to fan the flame of vision until success came thirtyyears ago this month.The 1920's and early 1930's saw the Institute movefrom one major enterprise to another. There was a timewhen the Institute had more than a score of researchprojects, with nine archeological expeditions in the fieldat the same time: in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Turkey,Iraq, and Iran. Before World War II the scholarly pub- THE BREASTEIlications had passed the hundred mark. This was big,but it was also good: the complimentary reviews of Insti­tute publications by outside scholars made very gratifyingreading.In the harassments of any present day, there is atendency to look nostalgically back to the palmy days andto feel that "there were giants in the earth in those days."Is the Oriental Institute after thirty years up to its bril­liant initial promise? Has the initial flame of vision beendamped down by cautious technicians who are not inter­ested in a vast sweep of. human history but only in theprecise measurement of crumbled brick walls, the narrowdeterminations of ancient dates, and the literal trans­lation of old texts? No more giants today?Breasted, the scholarly visionary, is, alas, no longerpresent. We cannot warm our spirits at that flame, andthus research could perhaps settle down into a repetitiveroutine of mere collecting. The budget is not half whatit was in the early 1930',s, and today's money does notstretch as far as money stretched then. Thus there couldperhaps be a tendency to salvage pieces of the old.projects, rather than to maintain the coordinated ap-••The organizer and first director of the Instituteat Karnak. on one of his first field trips to Egypt.8Are we mumbling In our beards?"flSIONIy JOHN A. WILSONociate Director. Oriental Instituteproach to early human history. Should we sit down bythe rivers of Babylon and weep?Well, we hope that no one is as conscious of our short­comings as we are. We have not finished a number ofprojects which were originally conceived as being ofrelatively short term-certainly less than thirty years. Wehave not" published the Assyrian Dictionary; the EgyptianCoffin texts project has issued three volumes, but is farfrom complete. We have had twenty-five years to copythe temple of Medinet Habu in Egypt and to excavatethe mound of Megiddo in Palestine, and these enterprisesare still not finished. On a dozen other activities we hadoptimistically promised early publication but either arestill engaged in basic. study or else have allowed ourselvesto be distracted to other tasks. A critic once described theOriental Institute as a "squirrel cage," and' even thoughhe was wrong we must ask ourselves how he could cometo be so mistaken!A more serious problem is whether an institute dedi­cated to the study of that exciting portion of humanhistory when man emerged into civilized life has be­'come a cabala) an exclusive and esoteric society of narrowDesert Arabs entertained Director Breasted .on theInstitute's first expedition. Iranianhas the out­standing col­lection of Per­sian culture inthe Americas.The goldopenwork fig­ure of a wing­ed lion datesfrom the ageof Darius.specialists, housed-at University expense-in an ivorytower. Where, after thirty years, are the results thatBreasted dreamed of, a coordinated and understandablestory that the layman may read? Out of the hundred-oddpublications of the Institute, how many of them carryBreasted's vision, for the interest and profit of the generalreader? To lay down a yardstick, how many of them soldmore than two thousand copies? Are the staff membersof the Oriental Institute merely mumbling into their ownbeards?I am prejudiced, and my answer would be a ferventdefense of the Oriental Institute as being a going concernof, major importance to the University of Chicago and toscholarship in general. Am I so prejudiced that I "resistthe truth? What can be said which would carry con­viction?First, the War did not by-pass the Institute as a bunchof useless dreamers of the past. At least forty percent ofthe scholarly staff was drawn into war-work based onscientific competence: knowledge of foreign lands, knowl­edge of foreign languages, intelligence work, cryptog­raphy, etc. If this was an ivory tower, it was not farfrom the ground and the doors were not locked. And noone could return from war-work to the same ivory towerwith any sense of remoteness from the world.Second, exciting things are still happening in theInstitute. A year ago Professor Braidwood went out to­Iraq and discovered one of the missing links in our studyof man's earliest history: Qalat Jarmo, a stratified mound .of sedentary and agricultural man, having pottery in itslatest levels but none in its earlier levels. Thus we are alittle nearer an understanding of what happened to man(Concluded on Page 20)9THUNDERP. USS and Cuddles enjoyed a lazy.' lifearound the Mead household. They had thingspretty much their own Siamese' way until that daywhen mistress Mildred had an idea in which they seemedto get directly involved.They didn't mind sitting against the dining room wall,watching her squint into a black box that might containliver. But that huge sheet of cardboard with the clumsy­footed, big-eared kitten scrawled on it .... Mildred keptconfusing them by shifting it from one side to the other,behind and in front of them. This was beyond theircurious comprehension.It was all getting just a little boring when somethingnew was added: master Sidney. He held the sheet on thewall back of Thunderpuss and Cuddles. So who cared?Mildred's box was still more interesting. Then Sidneypulled a dirty trick: he scratched the wall like a mouse.In the quick instant when both cats jerked their ear­pointed heads toward the noise there was a muffled click.Immediately Mildred and Sidney lost all interest inThunderpuss and Cuddles. Still bewildered, they wan­dered in to the living room.That was five years ago. Mildred Mead, wife of SidneyE. Mead, AM'38, PhD'40, of the Federated Theologicalfaculty, has taken hundreds of pictures since that afternoonin the dining room. A year ago she began to take herhobby more seriously. She joined the Jackson .ParkCamera Club where many camera adicts (including Eliz­abeth Aneshaensel Rockwood, '35, a trustee and director,and Walter Parker, Supervisor of the Field House) meetweekly to judge and criticise each other's work.One day Mildred, digging through her barrel of nega­tives, came up with the Thunderpuss-Cuddles picture.Titling it "Pin-Up Puss" she submitted it for criticismat the Club. The enthusiasm was such that she waspersuaded to enter it in the national contest conductedby Popular Photography, a monthly magazine edited byFrank Fenner, Jr�, '22.Over 50,000 pictures were entered in the contest whichoffered, in prizes, $60,000 in U.S. bonds. And guess what:Mildred's cats walked off with fifth prize ($250) in theblack-and-white division.Meanwhile, the Meads have purchased a home onBlackstone Avenue. So Mildred is now going to have adark room in her own basement.And the cats? Thunderpuss has the run of the house,of course. But Cuddl�s has . long since taken up residencewith friends in Beverly Hills, a sort of vicarious favoragreed to by Mildred, who would like to join him in herfavorite suburb if it weren't so far from the quadrangles.H. W. M. COURTESY POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHYPIN-UP PUSSCemmemorating Phetography W,eek in Chicago (February9-.16), Mayor Kennelly presents Certificates of Meri+ to two.Chice qo top prize winners in the Popular Photography $60,000Picture Contest: Ber+ C. Cushway, DePaul University lawstudent (and' wife); and Mrs. Mildred Mead. Editor FrankFenner, '22, one of the judges, who personally holds manynational and interriational honors in photography, leeks onwith full appreciatien of the thrill of winning.10Constitution for the WorldPart III: The Chicago Draftin the pohtical arenaBy Elisabeth Mann BorgeseDURING the last decade an incredibly large numberof world constitutions has seen the light of the day.Our Committee has started to collect them syste­matically. We have put together over fifty, to date. Theyrange from a large margin of crack-pottery to a substan­tial nucleus of serious scholarly endeavor. What is fre­quently lacking from these constitutions is the world.Americans are inclined to, carbon copy the Americanconstitution, forgetting how different the world is fromthe United States. Britishers have emphasized repeatedly. that a kind of loose statute, like the one Of Westminster,would do the trick. More specifically, an uninventivepainter usually portrays himself in no matter whatsubject. It is astonishing how far this subjectivity of theartist is carried into so objective a terrain as internationaland constitutionallaw. The conscientious objector centershis world constitution on the abolition of all armamentswhatsoever. To arrange that half of the delegates of theworld parliament be women is the only worry of a mili­tant feminist's world constitution. The man who hastrouble at home pivots his constitution on a: sound inter­national divorce law; and for the broke financier who iscalming his nerves on the hobby of constitution drafting,it all boils down to a set of international currency provi­sions. In many such cases the world constitution gives abetter picture of the person who framed it than of theworld.On the serious side, one should single out Hans Kel­sen's draft (in Peace through Law, 1944) with an un­usually interesting proposal for the organization of a trulyindependent international supreme court ; or HowardEaton's (University of Oklahoma), or Professor Bord­well's (Iowa Law Review), with a new approach to theproblem, of representation; or Grenville Clark's wellfounded suggestions for a revision of the United NationsCharter. We have world constitutions; more or lessinteresting, more or less original, from H�lland, Denmark,Sweden, France, Italy, Canada, Great Britai�, Germany,India. The collection is growing steadily.What is it that distinguishes the destiny of the ChicagoPlan from the fate of those other constitutions? Theywander, after some routine reviews, into the stacks oflaw school libraries whence, sometimes, they are hard torecover even for study purposes;' 'The Chicago Plan, on the contrary, was received by a barrage of nation-wide publicity. It was saluted as"a milestone on the road to a democratic federation ofthe people of the world" (Bulletin of the Atomic Scien­tists) ; as a document that "brings the concept of worldgovernment out of the realm of theory into the purviewof practicality" (Nation), one that "is likely to mark thebeginning of a new era of humanity, and providing thebasis of world law and order" (Humanity, Glasgow).The issue of Common Gause containing the text of theDraft had to be reprinted three times; fifteen thousandcopies were sold, without any promotion or advertisingon our part. The text was reprinted by a number ofother "magazines, here and abroad, and translated intoFrench, German, Italian, Hindustani, Chinese, japanese,Swedish and Finnish. Last fall, a standard edition, withsome basic comment and an introduction by Hutchinsand Borgese was published by the University of ChicagoPress. The same book is scheduled for publication inseveral other countries. Between magazine reprints andbook editions, the circulation of the constitution' exceedsone hundred fifty thousand copies. Together with Sir Johnlloyd Orr and Lee Humber, the Committee received lastyeaI' the annual award of the International Associationof World Government News. The Constitution is beingadopted as basis of discussion at the first "Model WorldConstituent Assembly," called, this Easter, at the Univer­sity of Copenhagen (Denmark).The explanation for this reception is complex.One reason may he sought in the fact that the constitu­tion is a collective work. No one individual, no matterhow gifted and famed could give to an endeavor of thiskind the impact a committee of eleven can give, withexperiences, contrasts, and reputations pooled. A com­mittee may assume, in the public eye, the character of apre-constituent assembly. Its work, though admittedly ex­ploratory and preliminary, yet has something more finaland official than the work of an individual.The second reason is connected with the first. It is thefact that more labor most probably has gone into. thisdraft world constitution than into any other proposedso far. All this work is recorded; the 4,000 page collectionof our research documents (microfilmed by the AmericanCouncil on Public Relations in Washington) has re­mained, at least quantitatively, unique, and perhaps notonly quantitatively.1112 UNIVERSITY OFTHEBut the main source of strength for the Chicago Planlies, perhaps, in the fact that it was never considered asa self-sufficient intellectual exercise, but that it wasinserted, from the beginning, into the political process ofthe formation of world government.Political action for world government takes two forms,mutually implementary and complementary. On theone hand it calls for precision on concrete political issues.What is the World Federalist's attitude toward the vari­ous shades of European federalism, colonialism, towarddevelopments in Indonesia, in Burma, the North AtlanticPact, toward the problem of Eastern Europe, towardRussia? If he wants to sell the idea of world governmentto the Europeans, the Asiatics, the Russians, the Africans;it is not sufficient for him, though it is essential, to havethe answers to those problems embodied in a constitu­tional text; he must descend from the clouds, professthose answers, fight for them, make them effective in thepolitical struggle of the day. In order to contribute tothe clarification of all these problems of world com­munity, the Committee to Frame a World Constitutionhas published, since July 1947, a monthly "journal ofone world," Common Cause.Readers who would like to continue their acquaint­ance with. the world government movement may doso through COMMON CAUSE, the monthly journalpublished by the Committee to Frame a World Consti­tution. Subscriptions are $4.00 a year (domestic) and$5.00 a year (foreign). Single copies 35 a_nd 45 centsrespectively. Address Business Manager, COMMONCAUSE 975 E. 60th Street, Chicago 37.Political action for world government calls, on theother hand, for participation on the organizational level.The Committee to Frame a World Constitution joined,last ye1ar, the World Movement for World Federal Gov­ernment, the over-all international organization whichco-ordinates local and national world federalist move­ments in twenty-nine countries, counting a total member­ship of 300,000. The author, as delegate of the Commit­tee, was elected into the executive council of this Move­ment last fall.Founded only two years ago, the Movement is stillyoung and elastic, groping for a more definite structure.I ts plan of action has' been fourfold: to work for aUnited Nations reform; to gain support from nationalparliaments for world government; to further action forthe calling of an unofficial peoples' convention to adopta world constitution; and to co-ordinate studies of worldconstitutional problems.This program may seem too spread out and inorganic;it �ay be condensed, however, into the following:The Preparation of a World Constituent Assembly.This task includes' political and propaganda action atthe popular or educational level, at the parliamentarylevel, and at the governmental level (United Nations);it includes organization-the solution of preliminaryproblems in a statute for the Constituent Assembly; and CHICAGO MAGAZINEit includes, last though not least, a juridico-theoreticalpreparation. Draft constitutions have to be readied. asfocal points for the various political or ideological ap­proaches to world government, and as a working basisfor the Assembly.Within this frame, the function of the Chicago Com­mittee to Frame a World Constitution has become that ofan Institute for World Government. It is engaged in thestudy of institutional or statutory questions, regardingboth the convocation of a constituent assembly and theconstitutional structure of the Movement itself, promoting,its expansion in width and in depth, geographically andsocially, and its development into a strong and representa­tive organization that must be counted as a force inworld poli tics.The Chicago Committee is the nucleus of a large inter­national Commission for the study of world constitutionalquestions, which was set up under the sponsorship of theWorld Movement last f.all. This Commission countsabout 40 members to date, including the world's mostoutstanding experts in international and constitutionallaw, e.g. William Rappard, Hans Kelsen, Quincy Wright,Charles Merriam, Georges Scelle, Max Habicht. I t isthe task of this Commission to assemble and co-ordinateall theoretical projects of world or regional federal con­stitutions; to examine particular constitutional questionsin the context of world conditions; to give summaries ofthe solutions on hand; to organize symposiums promot­ing new solutions; in brief terms: to prepare the materialfor the world constituent assembly. The results of thework of this Commission are being published in CommonCause.What are the chances of success, and when may theymature?There is a pessimistic view according to which nothingcan stop fate, and fate is World War III. World govern­ment, nevertheless, is due, whether by conquest or by con­sent, and the effort spent now in giving a shape to thebetter expectations of mankind would not remain withouteffect on the course and outcome of the struggle; for aWorld Charter bindingly promised. to the overwhelmingmajority of mankind which is neither Russian nor Ameri­can would be a much more determining factor in thealignments and fortunes of the battle than were e. g.Wilson's Fourteen Points or Roosevelt's Atlantic Charter.There is an optimistic view. The powers that be andthe United Nations may face the deadlocks before it istoo la te-e-and break them: the way of breaking thembeing the convocation through. the General Assembly ofthe United Nations of a World Constituent Assemblywhose creative action or "glorious revolution" would havebeen prepared and to some extent conditioned by anumber of concomitant efforts among which the ChicagoDraft has its place.Saber minds do not engage in hard and fast prophecies.It is enough to state once more that everybody is ex­pected to do his duty and that the place of duty for thescholar of our time can be no longer the ivory tower.NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESI n the Serviceof MankindTHE Argonne Cancer Research Hospital, a $3,500,,-000 hospital to alleviate human suffering with theproducts of atomic energy, will be constructed onthe University of Chicago campus, the United StatesAtomic Energy Commission has announced.The first hospital to be constructed for the researchtreatment of cancer patients with radioactive isotopes,the hospital will be connected with Albert Merritt Bill­ings Hospital and the Nathan Goldblatt Memorial Hos-pital for neoplastic diseases. 'Decision to locate the hospital on the Midway uni­versity campus was made at the request of the manage­ment of the Argonne National Laboratory, the Commis­sion's midwestern establishment for basic and develop­mental work in the physical and biological sciences.Operation of the hospital will be directed by the Uni­versity of Chicago under the department of medicineof the 'division of biological sciences.Arrangements have also been made whereby membersof the staff of the biology and medical divisions of theArgonne National Laboratory will participate in thework of the hospital. The participation of interested re­searchers in the midwestern area and .of the thirty researchinstitutions associated with the Argonne National Labor­atory will be achieved through the laboratory's Board ofGovernors in the same way that participation in thephysical and biological science programs of the labora­tory is obtained."It is appropriate that the' hospital be located nearthe spot where the release of atomic energy on a prac­tical scale 'was first accomplished by operation of the .chain reacting pile in 1942 and where cancer patientswill be guaranteed thorough attention in the event ofillness due to causes other than cancer."It is the hope .of the Atomic Energy Commission,the Argonne 'National Laboratory, and the University ofChicago that the Argonne Cancer Research Hospital willcontribute in a significant way to the progress beingmade toward a solution of the cancer problem.""The construction of the cancer research hospital isevidence of the confidence that medical scientists placein research," Walter H. Zinn, director of the Argonneand university professor of physics, said at the announce­ment. of. the new hospital in Chicago.. A 50-bed hospital, the Argonne Cancer Research Hos­pital will be a six-story structure covering 103,000 square By JEANNETTE LOWREYArchitect's sketch of the first hospital to be built fQr tre'at­ment of cancer' by atomic energy.feet. 'The first two floors will be used for laboratories, of­fices and electronic and radiology shops; the third andfourth floors will be reserved for hospital bed space.Specialized laboratories for processing radioisotopeswill be located on the top two floors.Dr. Lowell T. Coggeshall, dean of the division of bi­ological sciences, in commenting upon the approval ofthe plans said that the attack on cancer with radioactivematerials can be successfully carried forward only in aproperly designed and operated facility. Generally speak­ing, hospital facilities which have not been designed forsuch special services are found to be inadequate. Theassociation with the Argonne National Laboratory willmake available to the staff of the hospital the highlyqualified, health physics experts of the laboratory. Theprotection of personnel and patients and the generalhandling of the radioactive materials will be done withthe high standards which have so successfully permittedthe laboratories of the Atomic Energy Commission tocarry out their work.Dean Coggeshall emphasized that the Argonne Can­cer Research Hospital is to be a research hospital andthat it will not be available for the routine treating ofpatients .' Patients will be carefully selected so that new. types of treatment can be given a thorough test underthe very best of conditions. He- pointed out that the hos­pital, therefore, will not only carry out treatment ofpatients but will do much auxiliary research.In addition to providing the services of its healthphysics division, the Argonne National Laboratory will1314 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcontribute to the operations of the new hospital in threeother ways. First, the laboratory's chain-reacting pileor nuclear reactor will :be used to produce the radio­isotopes used at the hospital. Second, the chemists ofthe laboratory, working in their specialized radiochem­ical laboratories, will lend assistance in synthesizing into'medically useful compounds radioactive chemicals anddrugs. Third, the techniques and ideas developed in thedesign and construction of the laboratory's new DuPageCounty facilities are being incorporated into the designof the Argonne Cancer Research Hospital.The Argonne Cancer Research Hospital, for whichconstruction will begin this fall, will be completed in1951.Midwinter Ccnvoce+icnAmerican medical science is paying generously andwith interest for what generations of young Americansonce took home from the European centers of learning,Dr. Freidrich Wassermann, professor of anatomy at theUniversity of Chicago, declared to the 365 graduatesin the Midway university's largest winter convocation."The main achievement throughout the history ofAmerican medical schools was their affiliation with theuniversities. Medical education was thereby restoredto its rightful place, and the universities attained com­pleteness."This process is still going on in the country at large ..Teachers are now sent over to Europe, and professors andstudents from over there are invited to visit in Americanschools, hospitals; and laboratories."Turning to the University of Chicago's division· ofbiological sciences, the former director of the AnatomicalInstitute at the University of Munich said: "The in­corporation of medicine into the university 21 years ago,with only full-time members of the staff, has been carriedout to a perfection never attained anywhere in the oldworld."Honored at the convocation for outstanding researchin medicine was 24-year-old Dr. Albert Sjoerdsma, Lan­sing, Illinois, who received the $500 Borden researchaward in medicine for his study of the action of digitoxinto histomine metabolism.Dr. Sjoerdsma received his fourth degree in the Uni­versity's 236th convocation when he was granted adoctor of medicine degree. He received his bachelor'sdegree in the College in 1944, a traditional bachelor'sdegree in 1946, and a doctor of philosophy degree inpharmacology in 1948.Miss Marcia R. White, daughter of Leonard D. White,professor of political science, was the first girl at theUniversity of Chicago, it is believed, to follow in herfather's footsteps in receiving her doctor of philosophydegree from the Midway university. Miss White, now anassociate biologist at the Argonne, National Laboratory,received her advanced degree in zoology. Her fatherearned his Ph.D. degree in '2.1. Highest scholastic record in the Law School over aneight-year period was set by Milton 1. Shadur, 103South Parkside, who received his doctor of law degree.An all-A student, Shadur served as editor-in-chief ofthe University of Chicago Law Review.Two husband-wife combinations and a university in­structor received advanced degrees in the winter convoca­tion. Mr. and Mrs. Victor S. Peters, Jr., 5732 Blackstone'avenue, graduated together with doctor of law degrees,and Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Johnson, Gary, Indiana,received master's degrees in the School of Social ServiceAdministration. Nils W. Olsson received his doctor ofphilosophy degree in Germanic languages and literature.Forty-one students received doctor of philosophy de­grees. Other degrees granted include: 36 doctor ofmedicine degrees, 40 doctor of law degrees, 33 master ofbusiness administration degrees, 144 master's degrees inthe divisions and professional schools, and 71 traditionalbachelor's degrees.Pot PourriFour professors and a graduate fellow who will beamong the eight faculty members to teach at the Univer­sity ,of Frankfurt during the spring semester have re­ceived their "sailing orders." The five to leave directlyfrom the Midway campus are: Richard B. O'R. Hocking,assistant professor of philosophy in the College; James H.Nichols, associate professor of church history; Otto G.von Simson, associate professor of art; Paul A. Weiss,professor of zoology; and Edward A. Maser, graduatefellow in art. They will be greeted at Frankfurt byRobert M. Redfield, professor of anthropology, John U.Nef, chairman of the committee on social thought, andMiss Helen L. Koch, professor of child psychology.Six Navajo crippled children from Arizona and NewMexico in need of specialized medical care and hospitali­zation will be treated this year at the Home for DestituteCrippled Children, which is affiliated with the university.A mercy project to alleviate the. suffering of the mostdiffi-cult cases among the 500 crippled Navajo children,the service is an extension of the Home's work with 251Chicago children and 24 Alaskan children.Royalties of the new book, Joseph Bolivar DeLee:Crusading Obstetrician, by Drs. Morris Fishbein and SolT. DeLee will be a tribute to "Dr. Joe," for the authorsdesignated their proceeds of the book for the Joseph B.DeLee Memorial Trust for research fellows at ChicagoLying-in, and the Mothers' Aid. Announcement of the'gift was made at an autographing party, held by thehospital made famous by the late Dr. DeLee.Discovery of a fifth moon or satellite of the planetUranus by Gerard P. Kuiper, director of Yerkes andMcDonald observatories, has been rated one of the tenleading scientific achievements for 1948 by Science Serv­ice. The discovery was .made at McDonald Observatoryin March. Two of Uranus' satellites were discovered in1787 and the other two of the four previously knownones were discovered in 1851.From forty Indiana acresA BOUNTIFUL YIELDForty acres of good Indiana farm land can grow morethan a crop of corn. With the addition of a swimmingpool and camp buildings it can yield bountifully in healthand happiness for some of America's underprivileged kids.On a summer morning down near Chesterton, Indiana,it could be seen happening. Youngsters from Chicago'sback-of-the-yards district, of many races and nationalitiesbut all with the commoncircumstance of poverty,were guided through theirday's activities by coun­selors from the U niver­sity of Chicago Settle­men t. Around them, withits woods and fields, layCamp Farr, the Settle­ment's summer camp.To the casual eye, moe- .casins and boats werebeing built and swimminglessons learned, but a lookat the future of these kids would show that it was charac­ter that was being made, and the lessons learned werecooperation and responsibility.For 40 years the Settlement has been struggling to getits back-of-the-yards charges into the country during theSummer. Up to the purchase of the present site in 1930the history of Settlement camping was one of short tripsand rented.quarters, of flight from ever-encroaching civil­ization, and of makeshift and inadequate facilities.In 1925, Shirley Farr, an humanitarian alumna (1904)of the University, donated the money to buy a ten acresite on a small lake at Donaldson, Indiana. For five yearsthis original Camp Farr sufficed, but by 1930 the difficultand expensive transportation, swimming hazards discov­ered in the lake, and the inadequacy of ten acres for well-rounded camp life all combined to indicate thatanother change was called for.The Chesterton tract was found and purchased inthat year. It was a worthy end to a long journey. Twelveof its 40 acres were covered with woodland, throughwhich a little stream idled its way. A brick farmhouseand outbuildings housed the campers until more appro­priate facilities could be provided. The loss of the lakewas soon compensated for by the addition of a swimmingpool, without hazards. 'These, then, were the fields, ready for sowing. But asno corn crop ever grew without skilled and careful·cultivation, so the building of young characters takes atrained and sympathetic staff, During the succeedingyears the project grew beyond the limits of Settlementactivities; and the 'temporary staff that was. hired in thesummer months could not provide the kind of care thatwas needed. Everybody had a good time and ate well,but there was barely time in the usual two-week summercamp routine to get acquainted, much less to establishthat close relationship between ca�per and counselor sonecessary to bridge the gaps in social or racial backgroundsand to smooth out personality maladjustments .. Two years ago, therefore, a new program was put intopractice at Camp Farr. Instead of the rigid routine, aflexible schedule, decided in part :by the kids themselves,was set up. The emphasis was put upon the individualyoungster, whose desires and capacities were allowed tofind their own expression within the limits of a communityexistenc�. Trained psychologists, who knew the childrenand their backgrounds, sought for hidden keys to shy andmaladjusted personalities.Today, with the camp open a good part of the, year,this new approach is yielding results well beyond expecta­tions, results which are exceeded only by possibilities forthe future. A. R. D.IN THE JUNE ISSUE: See the explosive' Far Eastern situation from twovantage points-read Political Scientist Phillips Talbot's long-range study.end ·get the on-the-spot picture from Emerson Lynn. former Magazinewriter now in Austra.lia.1 r;SUNDA Y, MARCH 20It was Friday before.. and Chancellor Hutchins, with threatened pneumonia, had been taken to thehospital: Dean Stro;::ier and family (except Chuck) were home in bed with the flu.Sunday the alumni would be back on the quadrangles for their Mid-Winter Reunion.Hutchins and Strozier were announced for the Round Table part of the program.Radio director George Probst paced .his office floor waiting for a call from St.Louis. Round Table programs had blown up in his face before but never with a once­in-a-lifetime studio audience, and that audience alumni, back for reunion. He washoping that popular Arthur Compton, Chancellor of Washington University, couldfly in from St. Louis as one of the 'pinch hitters.Two days later the new Round Table lineup met with the enthusiastic approval oftbe alumni. Sunday was warm, the quadrangles flooded with sunshine, the crowd agenial family back on home ground. It was probably the most enjoyable reunion inyears. 1 The NBC I:Bell, Chaneversity, and Dcussing "W�dl3 So large was the crowd that the CoffeeShop was also pressed into service.Alumni sat at long, friendly ,tables with[orrrier Midway friends and classmates andremembered yesteryear. The food was asgood as they had remembered it yearspast.4 There was no program in HutchinsonCommons. The speakers were guestsat the center table. Harold Gordon, �18,had left the table to rush Arthur Comptonto a plane by the time this picture wastaken from the Commons platform.Round Table panel: Trustee Chairman Lairdcellor Arthur Compton of Washington Uni­lean of the Social Sciences Ralph Tyler dis­t Should Society Expect of a University." 2 The Mendell Hall crowd asked many questions fol­lowing the broad�ast. There were questions. aboutthe current Communist charges. When a University ceasesto draw criticism, said Tyler, it should take stock of itseffectiveness.5 After dinner the crowd split into. groups. One section crossed the quad­rangles to view the new AdministrationBuilding while ...•6 Another se'ction cut down Ellis Avenuepast the West Stands (with air ductsfrom war laboratories) to see the newcyclotron.Photos by Lewenvn, '49Merriam of the FiFthThe hereditywas auspiciousBEHIND. t�e silver lettering and the f�inged drapes,the waitmg room' of the offices of FIfth �ard AI­derman Robert E. ,Merriam, AM '40, is a compos­ite of much that goes into making good local gov­ernment. A touch of the comfortable and homey-in thescattering of easy chairs, potted plants and newspaperclippings of children; and more than a touch of the newand efficient-in the dummy voting machine, the modelof a housing development and the wall chart of theUnited Nations. 'And the office itself lives up 'to that precursor. It hasthat air of non-partisan efficiency that the average Am­erican has come to expect from his business organiza­tions and not from his government. But it also hasthe warm handclasp and genial smile ,that is one of thegood things about American local government at its best.It's about the only ward office of its kind in the city, 'The great majority of Chicago's Aldermen carry ontheir government business in stores, law offices or cam­paign headquarters; the more diligent may dedicate totheir constituents two' nights a week.Not so with Merriam. When he turned lawyer andreal estate man Bertram Moss out of office in 1947, hesettled down to continue a, tradition of business-like wardgovernment on a forty-hours-a-week basis which hadbeen started by Paul Douglas in 1939.In September of that yea; he moved out of the oldLake Park campaign headquarters and installed him­self and his secretary, Bob Stierer (who, as a student atthe University, had organized close to a hundred stu­dents behind Merriam's campaign) in dark panelledrooms in the rear of the present 55th street offices andput Mrs. Linnea Anderson, also a veteran of the cam­paign, in charge of the phones, typewriters and filingcabinets of the outer office. ',Merriam himself is at home to his constituents on Wed­nesday nights. The rest of the week the troubles andneeds of the Fifth Ward citizenry are listened to andcarefully noted by Mrs. Anderson and Stierer, referred'by them to the appropriate agency (Merriam likes tothink of his office as a referal center) and then filed, allof which entails about 320 letters and 1200 outgoingphone calls a month.It entails some expense, too. The city doesn't pay itsaldermen to support such elaborate offices, the expenseof which comes to more than an alderman's salary. (Thecity provides $900 per year for office expenses, while thecost of running the Fifth Ward office came to betterthan $5000 in 1948). So far, Merriam has been carryingthe load. To continue providing the service to the ward FROM THE DAYS OF OLD NEW ENGLAND, the TownMeeting has been traditional on the American localgovernment scene. Here Alderman Merriam, in one offour such meetings he has held, discusses with Fifth Wardresidents the projected cul-de-sac traffic arrangementat Ingleside Avenue and 62nd Street, The Town Meet­ing practice was begun in the Fifth Ward by SenatorPaul Douglas when he was alderman in 1939-42and to keep it free of political strings, a Fifth WardCitizen's Committee, headed by newsman-alumnus Clif­ton Utley, has been set up to gather the necessary funds.The little filing cabinet which together with a sizeableletter file, is the center of the referal service contains anever-varied tale of the little human woes which besetthe citizen and his alderman:Maybe it's street lights that are out, or perhaps thestreet itself has collapsed;One man wants a small loan until Tuesday, anotherwants the bees estopped from flying through his porch;A woman insists she is being followed, another gota ticket for parking and wants the police spoken to aboutit (Merriam is solidly behind the Chicago traffic pro­gram, tells his constituents they have two choices-paythe fine or go to court) ;A lady saw a police car go through .a stop sign andlodges a firm complaint, a man saw an apartment housebeing built and wants to know where he can apply fora room in "it.Then there are the inevitable and continuing prob­lems of driveways, building permits, parking areas andzoning changes-daily grist in the aldermanic mill.The Fifth Ward isn't the easiest ward in the city torun, either. It's a ward of marked contrasts-from theshabbiness of the Cottage Grove area to the ritziness(slightly tarnished) of Hyde Park, and from the tough­ness of the Lake Park bars to the erudition of the Uni­versity's cloistered halls; it numbers among its estimated70,000 souls upwards of 5,000 European Jews, 3000 Jap-18THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEanese and Japanese-Americans, and an increasing num­ber of Negroes, especially now that restrictive covenantsare not legally supportable. It's the answer to a sociolo­gist's prayer (the University sends some of its studentsto Merriam's office), the torment of an alderman's sleep­less night.However, reports Merriam, the race situation is prettyquiet these days, despite the numbers of Negroes movingin along the western borders. For the most part, he letsthe City Commission on Human Relations deal with theproblem, 'puts in a word or two for peaceful assimila­tion when it seems appropriate.But what of "Young Robert" Merriam himself, busi­ness-like potentate of this heterogenous little realm? (The"Young Robert" was Moss' campaign appellation forhim. He is, as a matter of fact, Chicago's youngest alder­man). The env!ronment and hereditary people wouldhave a real scrap over him; it's difficult to say whichfactor landed him where he is.The heredity was auspicious-father Charles E. Mer­riam, famed political scientist and professor emeritus ofthe University, was a Fifth Ward alderman himself backin the old days.The environment was no less so-Merriam is a productof the University's Political Science program (AM inpublic administration); he did political battle for PaulDouglas, Franklin Roosevelt and others during his stu- 19dent days; and he has studied the vital housing problemintensively on various government assignments.Knowing these things,. one would imagine that hewould be "in politics," as the phrase goes, or moreproperly, in government. One would also imagine thathe would be good at it, which he is. Besides being theyoungest member of the City Council, he is one of themost active. He is vice-chairman of the housing commit­tee, which isn't very surprising either, and he led theCouncil campaign for improved public health service andfought a determined, though losing action against theCommonwealth Edison franchise. His report on the Chi­cago Housing Authority, which his investigating subcom­mittee cleared of charges brought against it, is considereda model of its kind.Merriam also practices at the gentler arts of lectureand literature. He is billed by Ford Hicks' National Lec­ture. Bureau as a "Nationally famous expert on munic­ipal government. Soldier and author of 'Dark Decem­ber' . . ." and he gives four lectures on politics, housing,the battle of the bulge, and Democracy in America.As combat historian for the Ninth Army and later ashead of a team assigned to write the history of thatgreat December battle, Merriam gathered the materialfor his popular and officially-smiled-upon account­"Dark December."NEW RELIGION A. R. D�(Continued from Page 6)They say, "all men must obey God and not any earthlysovereign." Now, what in the world does that mean?God doesn't talk to you. If you obey God, whom wouldyou obey? Those who interpret him. You wouldobey a little group of men who tell you what the will ofGod is, and who at best could only give you the bestwisdom they have; and at worst could tell you the thingswhich are in the interest of their own vested interests,their own hierarchical claims, their own doctrinal orienta­tion.So that Amsterdam, in saying to us, "You must obeyGod," isn't helping very much in the solution of peaceproblems,And they say, too, "You must realize the depth ofevil in human nature." That doesn't help either. And youmust realize that God, while he may be thwarted andmay be hindered in His work cannot be frustrated, andthat in spite of you He's going to bring in this Kingdom.Well, that's wonderful, but it doesn't help us in our work­ing for the solution of the problem of peace.And I don't think it helps at all to have a man highin the councils of the conference, a man who exerted adominant influence on important executives of Amster­dam, saying, as Karl Barth said, "We ate not the onesto change' this evil world into a good one. God has notresigned his lordship over it into our hands," or advis­ing that we must get over the "dreadful Godless, ridic- ulous opinion that the care of the world is in our hands."And it doesn't help very much to have a brilliantscholar like Reinhold Niebuhr, a master of dialectic anda prince of paradox, saying that you must work for peace.You must do the things that are the desirable and idealthings; but remember that while you're doing it, you'rea sinner; that you're a sinner when you're doing the verythings that you ought to do. That the Kingdom of Godcan never be realized in history. It can only be realizedbeyond history. "Every effort and pretension to completelife, whether in collective or individual terms, every de­sire to stand beyond the contradictions of history, or toeliminate the final corruptions of history must be disa­vowed."Now, you take the heart out of us like that, and thensay, "You have to work for peace, you sinners. Do thebest you can because that's what you have to do, but re­member that you can't get it done here; that only Godcan do it,"-it sounds very much like a defeatist cheer­leader. It certainly doesn't sound like the stimulating callof a prophetic leader rallying faltering hosts to scalenew and difficult heights, .And it doesn't help either, I think, to have the Popesaying, "If only all the peoples of the world will acceptthe leadership of Christ; if all men will obey the teach­ing of Ghrist, then the Church, having control of allmen, will be able to exercise its God-given teaching capa­city, inherent in its divine authority, and impose therights of God upon men." .Well, you know, you just can't hope that 2,000 million20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhuman beings are going to bow to Papal authority. Youcouldn't even get this Protestant crowd to do that. We'vebeen asked to come back so long, through so many cen­turies, but we just stick where we .are.And it doesn't help, either, to remember how oftenthese ecclesiastical groups have spoken not in terms ofhumanity but in terms of their own vested interests; interms of their own ecclesiastical desires. I think it wasshocking when Pope Benedict said, about the last WorldWar, when we were in it, "God allows the people topunish each other by inter-necine slaughter, because oftheir contempt and carelessness in their attitude towardHim." That certainly wasn't appealing to our best selves.It sounded very much as though the Church was theimportant thing and not humanity.And you could go on with these things. What I'm try­ing to say, illustrating it in this way, is that the churchesand the great religions of the world belong to a periodof history that is no longer an actuality; and what wemust do, I am sure, is re-examine the function of re­ligion in human history. Then we shall realize thatall these forms of religion as we know them today belongto" the era of human frustration and are not adequate torepresent the religious idealism and religious program ofthe modern age. They were created as religious forms,as the embodiments of the religious quest age after age­out of particular situations and problems and needs.They're not eternal. All of the ideas of God are man­made. All of the institutions of religions are human crea­tions. All the programs and ideals as to future salvationgrew out of the human heart. And this drive of religionthrough the centuries has taken a thousand differentforms. It just happened that these forms which you knownow were the creation of a particular period in humanhistory when man felt his helplessness, his futility, andturned the job of carrying through his ideal over to _ thesupernatural power.BREASTED VISION(Continued from Page 9)when he came out of hunting savagery and settled downin agricultural villages. Last summer the Institute boughta stunning Set of gold ornaments of the days of Dariusand Xerxes, the Persian emperors. This treasure, addedto the proud sculptures from Persepolis, gives Chicagothe outstanding Iranian collection in the western hemi- .sphere, the best examples of that last oriental empirebefore Greece and Rome took over cultural leadership.This year Professor Abbott labored over some tatteredfragments of papyrus and paper from Egypt and dis­covered a page of the Arabian Nights centuries earlierthan anything known in any other collection, one of thosedramatic products of hard and patient research whichmake scholarship a real adventure. Furthermore, despitefinancial restrictions and international tensions we arecontinuing the field work which provides our laboratorymaterial: this year we have a responsibility for two projects in Egypt, one in .Iraq, and one in Iran. Thereis also a determination not to let activities drag on in­terminably: the staff of the Assyrian Dictionary has setitself a planned schedule and a deadline for publicationand is grimly determined not to be distracted from thattimetable.Third, there is an awareness of the obligation to put allthe pieces together and to achieve some kind of unifiedpicture of the most ancient civilized world, the kind of apicture which belongs more to a great university than toa segmented part of that university. Professor Frankfortfor several years has held a seminar of graduate studentsand mature young scholars, engaged in sorting and com­paring the archeological results from Egypt, Palestine,Syria, Anatolia, Greece, Mesopotamia, and Persia, inorder to get a coordinated and correlated story out of thegreat mass of material. This is- a necessary prerequisiteto seeing man's ancient oriental history' in its unity andvariety, and the group is now making its plans to publishthe results. Other publications already issued speak instraightforward terms about the ancient scene as alengthy chapter of our own intellectual and social history.Who has written more simply and sympathetically aboutthe Babylonians and Assyrians than Chiera and Cameronin their They Wrote on Clay? Who has so clearlybrought out the interplay of cultural forces as von Grunr-,baum in his Medieval Islam? Where can one find suchbroad understanding of the primitive religious back­ground in Egypt as in Frankfort's Kingship and theGods? there so penetrating an understanding ofthe role of myth in an ancient culture as in Jacobsen'schapters in H. Frankfort and others, The IntellectualAdventure of Ancient Man? That same book is theInstitute's collaborative effort to see the common spiritusjfactors of the ancient world and the different ways ofexpressing those factors. Certainly that is highly specu­lative. Only a going concern which was seeking after thetruth in terms of free enquiry would dare to speculate,accept corrections and make adjustments, and thenspecula te again..ONE MAN'S OPINION(Continued from Page 7)sideline activity of the legislature points up once again thecritical importance of strong privately supported uni�versities. They can stand up and fight, not only for them_selves but for the state universities.There is reason to think that the furtive action of thelegislative committee which is to investigate the U ni­versity of Chicago may not all be for the tactical ad�vantages of mobilization and surprise attack. The osten,tatious secrecy may be necessary largely because the boyshave" started something they may not be able to COn­clude with as much flourish. They have charged thereis Communist 'indoctrination; now they have to proveit. When such an "expert" as J. B. Matthews is reducedto viewing Edith Abbott with alarm, even the old dodgeof "guilt by association" is exposed for the deceit it is.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21NEWS OF THE CLASSES1897o. J. Arnold, chairman of the board ofNorthwestern National Life of Minneapolis,spent the winter in Florida.1899Lee Byrne, AM, AM '17, is a lecturer inmathematics and logic at Arizona StateCollege in Tempe, Arizona.1905Agnes L. Fay (Mrs. Arthur 1. Morgan),SM '06, PhD '14, received the Carvanmedal of the American Chemical Societyawarded annually to the most distinguished Iwoman chemist of the year. Dr. Morgan,64, is professor and chairman of the depart­ment of home economics at the Universityof California, Berkeley.Eleanora A. Binna, retired teacher andprincipal of the Darwin School in Chicago,has moved to Phoenix, Arizona.The Bronxville Public Library recentlyheld an exhibition of prints from thepain tings by Hovsep Pushman from thecollection of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Quan­trell.1907George B. Cohen, JD '09, and his daugh­ter, Helen Irene Cohen, '43, AB '45, JD '46,comprise a Three Oaks, Michigan, father­daughter law firm.John F. Moulds, retired secretary of theBoard of Trustees now living in Clare­mont, California, was deputy chairman ofthe local Red Cross drive.Anna Louise Strong, AM, PhD '08, in thenews because of her expulsion from Russia,did no thesis for her Master's but wroteon, "A Consideration of Prayer from theStandpoint of Social Psychology," for herDoctor's thesis.1908Sarah D. Hendricks (Mrs. Thurlow Es­sington) writes, "-did you know that AliceTisdale Hobart, a successful and popularnovelist (Oil for the Lamps of China,Yang and Yin, and most recently, TheCleft Rock) is Alice Nourse (Mrs. EarleTisdale Hobart), '08. She and her sister,Mary A. Nourse, '05, who has writtenhistories of China and Japan, lived inFoster Hall while attending the University."Robert J. Kerner, AM '09, Sather Pro­fessor of History, University of California,is one of the distinguished contributorsto "New Compass of the World: A Sym­posium on Political Geography," recentlypublished by MacMillan Company. Dr.Kerner discusses the Soviet Union as a seapower. He is also General Editor of theUnited Nations Series of the University. ofCalifornia Press, and was presiden t of thePacific Coast branch of the AmericanHistorical Association for 1947-48.Charles W. Gilkey was the ReligiousEmbassy speaker at the University ofGeorgia in February. During his visit hewas the guest at the Arthur Bovee homealong with Professor (PhD '38) and Mrs.Jules Alciatore, AM '28, and Dean LeonP. Smith, AM '28, PhD '30. r», Gilkeyretired as dean of the Chapel the sameyear the Artie retired. They had beentogether on the Midway for 37 years.1909Mary E. Courtenay, AM '37, is districtsuperintendent of Chicago high schools. 1910William Cabler Moore, PhD, retired onMarch 1, 1949, after nearly 29 years as amember of the research staff of U. S. In­dustrial Chemicals, Inc., and its predecessor,U. S. Industrial Alcohol Co. He is nowengaged in practice as a research consultantat his home in Stamford, Connecticut.Gretta M. Brown, AM '34, is a districtsuperintendent of elementary schools inChicago.Francesco Ventresca, PhM '11, of WesternSprings, Illinois, received a "diploma ofrank" from the Universal Order of Spiritof the Universal Biosophical Association,issued at the headquarters in Udine, Italy,dated December IS, 1948. It conferred uponhim the title of the rank "The ServiceCross of the Second Class" for participa­tion and services rendered in the cause ofthe spirit and of humanity.1911Ralph Kuhns, MD Rush '13, who waswith the Veterans Administration in South­ern California, has returned to Chicagoto become a consulting psychiatrist for theState of Illinois. He is now living at theHotel Windermere.Albert E. Mahon, LLB, is a special agen tin Minneapolis with the NorthwesternMutual. He has been with the companyfor 25 years. He thinks he may retire nextyear and move to Colorado where his son,Nathan is practicing medicine in GrandLake. His other son, George is a certifiedpublic accountant in Minneapolis.Frances M. Berry has returned to Balti­more, Maryland from Arizona, where shewent after her retirement from the facultyof Johns Hopkins University TeachersCollege.1912Hargrave A. Long of Evanston, Illinois,is with the U. S. Air Force, Air MaterielCommand in Chicago.Thecla Doniat, of Chicago, writes "Stillinterested in crippled children!" She hada delightful time. in Mexico City last July,attending the first Inter-American Congressof the International Society for the Welfareof Cripples. Flew there and back with hersister, Joh'anna, and Anna Henry, andMargaret Hayes, '16.WalteJ" L. Pope, ]D, of Missoula Mon­tana, has been nominated by the Presidentas Circuit Judge in the Ninth Circuit. Heis the third member of the class of '12 tobe named to such an office, Florence Allenand Jerome Frank having long held thatoffice.1913Lawrence H. Whiting, president of theAmerican Furniture Mart Building Co.and of Whiting and Company, has receivedthe National Military Establishment certif­icate of appreciation for his service on theadvisory commission on service pay. De­fense Secretary Forrestal presented theaward.191'4Letitia Fyffe, wife of Robert V. Merrill,PhD '23, writes that her former room-matein Greenwood Han at the U of C, SusanneFisher, also '14, has' come to live in SantaMonica, very near the Merrills, and is aboutto buy a house there-"which proves thestatement that all good people finally cometo California-" . Stephan Osuky; JD, '15, former Czecho­slovakian delegate to the League of Nationsfrom the beginning to the end, former Am­bassador to France, and head of the Czechgovernment in exile (London) during thewar, is on the faculty of Colgate Univer­city, at Hamilton, New York.1915Henry S. Simmons, AM '16, has beenmanager of the Clark-Brewer Agency inMinneapolis since 1920.Philip J. Carlin is principal of HarperHigh School, Chicago.Alice Adams is assistant professor ofeducation and supervisor in TeachersTraining Division of Central MichiganCollege of Education. '1916Charles T. Holman of Guatemala City,C. A., traveled to the United States recent­ly to perform the marriage ceremony forhis son, Robert (who will receive his PhBfrom Chicago soon), and Miss Peggy Pokar­ney, DeKalb, Ill., on January 15, in HiltonChapel. Mrs. Holman accompanied herhusband.Cletus V. Wolfe, JD '21, in addition topracticing law, is president of GrammTrailer Corporation, First Toledo Corp.,and Lima Lumber Company, in Lima,Ohio. 1917Lloyd E. Blauch, AM, PhD '23, is associ­ate chief for education in the health pro­fessions in the Office of Education, FederalSecurity Agency, in Washington, D. C.Newton H. Carman, AM, DB '18, former­ly of. Seattle, Washington, is now at theFirst Baptist Church of Astoria, Oregon.Dorothy H. Higgins (Mrs. Wyllys H.Brown) is associate principal of the Fos­ter School in Evanston, Illinois.Harold ,Po Huls, JD '20, has been reap­pointed for a six-year term, as one of thefive Commissioners of the California Pub­lic Utilities Commission. My. Huls is round­ing out his two-year term as Worthy GrandMaster of Kappa Sigma fraternity.Edwin E. Shauer is with National Auto­motive Service in San Francisco, California.1918Arthur A. Baer and h is wife, Alice Hoggespent March and April in Italy on theirannual winter vacation. Arthur is presi­dent of the Alumni Association and theBeverly State Bank.Mildred Wyman Cramblit is the ownerof a wholesale sandwich shop ("Mom's Su­per Sandwiches") in Boulder, Colorado.Marie Dolese, AM �33, Chicago highschool teacher, is on sabbatical leave thisyear and is spending her time travelingthrrough the republics of South America.1919Alberta ,Brackney, AM, who retired fromteaching at Fremont High School in LosAngeles in 1948, is now a real estatebroker.Leland B. Morgan is a collector for anOakland, California, insurance agency.1920Thomas D. Brooks, AM, PhD '21, is deanemeritus and professor of, Education atA and M College of Texas.Eugene Given is president of the AlbertGiven Mfg. Company of East Chicago,Indiana.(Continued on Page 24)CALENDARSunday, May 1UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVIOE-Rockefeller MemorialChapel (59th & Woodlawn Avenue) 11:00 A.M. The . ReverendWallace W. Robbins, Associate Dean of the Chapel.BASEBALL GAME-Varsity vs. Illinois Institute of Technology.Stagg Field, 57th and University Avenue, 3:30 P.M. No admis­sion charge.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center)Opera Building, 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 631, 6:30 P.M."Idea Weapons in Today's Cold Wars: Has Great BritainChanged Ideological Horses?" Sunder Joshi, assistant professorin the Division of Adult Education, Indiana University. Singleadmission $0.75.FOREIGN AND DOCUMENT AR Y FILM SERIES-InternationalHouse Auditorium, 1414 East 59th Street. 8:00 P.M., promptly."Beauty and the Beast," Jean Cocteau, producer. (French)Admission: $0.55.Tuesday, May 3TENNIS MATCH-Varsity vs. Illinois Institute of Technology.Varsity Courts, 58th and University Avenue. 2:00 P.M. Noadmission charge.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College-Downtown Center)19 South LaSalle Street, Room 809. 8:00 P.M. "The PragmaticMovement: Valuing and Valuation,". Charles Morris, lecturerin philosophy, University of Chicago. Admission: $0.75.Wednesday, May 4PUBLIC LECTURE-University of Chicago and National LawyersGuild Lecture. North lecture room, University of ChicagoLaw School (on the circle at 58th street and Ellis), 2:00 P.M.The Legal Ethics Series, "Problems of Building Up a Practice,"Irwin T. Gilruth, member Gregory, Gilruth and Hunter. Noadmission charge.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center)Room 809, 19 South LaSalle Street, 6:30 P.M. "The VisualRevolution in Art: Modern Art Applied-Dadaism and Sur­realism," Sibyl Moholy-Nagy. Admission: $0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College and Chicago Councilon Foreign Relations) Woodrow Wilson Room, 13th Floor,116 South Michigan Avenue, 6:30 P.M. "Nations in Crisis: NewNations in the Near East," John A. Wilson, professor of Egypt­ology and associate director, Oriental Institute, University ofChicago. Admission: $1.00.PUBLIC LECTURE-Division of the Humanities. Social ScienceResearch Building, Room 122, 1126 East 59th Street, 7:30 P.M."Religion in Greek Civilization-The Golden Age: Aeschylus,"Francis R. Walton, assistant professor of Greek, University ofChicago. Admission: $0.82.Friday, May 6UNIVERSITY CONCERT-Mandel Hall, 5714 University Ave­nue. 8:30 P.M. Chicago Singers and Instrumentalists, SiegmundLevarie; conductor. Handel's Opera. "Julius Caesar" (concertperformance). Admission: $1.50.Saturday, May 7TENNIS MATCH-Varsity vs. University of Iowa. Varsity Courts,58th & University Avenue. 2:00 P.M. No admission charge.BASEBALL GAME-Varsity vs. Notre Dame. Stagg Field, 57th& University Avenue. 2:30 P.M. No admission charge.GOLF MATCH-Varsity vs. Illinois Institute of Technology. CogHill Course, Lemont, Illinois.Sunday, May 8UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller MemorialChapel, 59th & Woodlawn Avenue. 11:00 P.M. The ReverendJack McMichael, executive secretary, Methodist Commissionon Social Action, New York City.UNIVERSITY CHOIR-Spring Concert, Rockefeller MemorialChapel, 59th Street and Woodlawn Avenue. 8:00 P.M. Noadmission charge.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center)Opera Building, 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 631, 6:30 P.M."Idea Weapons in Today's Cold Wars: Europe's Socialist PlotThickens-A Gallery of Isms." Sunder Joshi, assistant professor in the Division of Adult Education, Indiana University. Admis­sion: $0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-University of Chicago New TestamentClub. Common Room, Swift Hall (on the circle at 58th streetand Ellis Avenue), 7:30 P.M. "Corinth in the Time of St. Paul,"Oscar T. Broneer, American School of Classical Studies, Athens.No admission charge. .UNIVERSITY CHOIR-Spriqg Concert, Rockefeller MemorialChapel, 59th Street and Woodlawn Avenue, 8:00 P.M. No admis­sion charge.FOREIGN AND DOCUMENT AR Y FILM SERIES-InternationalHouse Auditorium, 1414 East 59th Street. 8:00 P.M., promptly."Los Miliones de Chaflan" (Spanish). Admission: $0.35.. Tuesday, May 10TENNIS MATCH-Varsity vs. Lake Forest College. Varsity Courts,58th & University Avenue. 2:00 P.M. No admission charge.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center),Room 809, 19 South LaSalle Street, 8:00 P.M. "The PragmaticMovement: The Moral Life," Charles Morris, lecturer inphilosophy, University of Chicago. Admission: $0.75.Wednesday, May 11PUBLIC LECTURE-University of Chicago and National LawyersGuild "Legal Ethics" series. North lecture room, University ofChicago law school (on the circle at 58th Street and Universityavenue), 2:00 P.M. "Future . Developments in Legal Practice,"Alex Elson, member Elson and Cotton. No admission charge.PUBLIC LECTURE-Culture and World Community SeriesRoom 2, Rosenwald Hall (on the circle at 58th street andUniversity Avenue), 4:30 P.M. "Moral Ends and Political In­stitutions," Richard P. McKeon, distinguished service profes­sor of Greek and philosophy, University of Chicago. Free.PUBLIC LECTURE-University of Chicago Walgreen Founda­tion lecture series, "By the People: Six Challenges for the'Fifties." "Politics and Government By the People," WilsonW. Wyatt, lawyer and former administrator, National HousingAgency. Social Science Building (1126 East 59th Street), Room122, 4:30 P.M. No' admission charge.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center)Room 809, 19 South LaSalle Street, 6:30 P.M. "The VisualRevolution in Art: Modern Art Applied-Motion Picture,"Sibyl Moholy-Nagy. Admission: $0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College and Chicago Councilon Foreign Relations) Woodrow Wilson Room, 13th Floor, 116South Michigan Avenue, 6:30 P. M. "Nations in, Crisis: The• Council of Europe-A New Political Pattern?" Hans J. Mor­genthau, associate professor of Political Science, University ofChicago. Admission, $1.00.PUBLIC LECTURE-Division of the Humanities. Social ScienceResearch Building, Room 122, 1126 East 59th Street, 7:30 P. M."Religion in Greek Civilization-The Golden Age: Athens andIts Festivals (illustrated)." Francis R. Walton, assistant profes­sor of Greek. Admission: $0.82. 'Thursday, May 12PUBLIC LECTURE-University of Chicago Walgreen Founda­tion lecture series, "By the People: Six Challenges for the'Fifties." Room 122, Social Science Building (1126 East 59thStreet), 4:30 P.M. "World Peace Through Governmental Proc­ess," Wilson W. Wyatt, lawyer and former administrator, Na­tional Housing Agency. No admission charge.Friday, May 13TENNIS MATCH-Varsity vs. DePauw' University. Varsity courts,58th & University Avenue. 2:00 P.M. No admission charge.PUBLIC LECTURE-University of Chicago Walgreen Founda­tion lecture series, "By the People: Six Challenges for the'Fifties." Room 122, Social Science Building (1126 East 59thStreet), 4:30 P.M. "Conservation of Our Natural Resources,':Wilson W. Wyatt, lawyer and former administrator, NationalHousing Agency. No admission charge.UNIVERSITY THEATRE-Leon Mandel Hall, 5714 UniverSityAvenue, 8:30 P.M. "The J;rial," by Kafka. Admission: $0.80.22THE UNIVERSITY OF GHICAGO MAGAZINE 23PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College-Downtown Center)14th Floor, 32 West Randolph Street, 7:30 P.M. Concludinglecture in series, "The Great Ideas." Mortimer J. Adler, profes­sor of philosophy of Law, University of Chicago. Single admis­sion: $1.50.Saturday, May 14UNIVERSITY THEATRE-Leon Mandel Hall, 5714 UniversityAvenue. 8:30 P.M. "The Trial," by Kafka. Admission: $0.80.Sunday, May 15UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller MemorialChapel, 59th & Woodlawn Avenue. 11:00 P.M. The ReverendJohn B. Thompson, Dean of the Chapel.UNIVERSITY THEATRE-Leon Mandel Hall, 5714 UniversityAvenue, 3:30 P.M. and 8:30 P.M. "The Trial," by Kafka. Admis­sion: $0.80.Monday, May 16PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center)Opera Building, 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 631, 6:30 P.M."Idea Weapons in Today's Cold Wars: American Democracy­Rights of Man or Power Philosophy," Sunder Joshi, assistantprofessor in the Division of Adult Education, Indiana Uni­versity. Admission: $0.75.FOREIGN AND DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES-InternationalHouse Auditorium, 1414 East 59th Street. 8:00 P.M., promptly."Spring," first prize winner at the 1947 Venice Film Festivalfor the most original story. (Russian). Admission: $0.35.Tuesday, May 17BASEBALL GAME-Varsity vs. Great Lakes Naval TrainingStation. Stagg Field, 57th & University Avenue 3:30 P.M. Noadmission charge.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center),19 South LaSalle Street, Room 809, 8:00 P.M. "The PragmaticMovement: Interpretation of Art," Charles Morris, lecturer inphilosophy, University of Chicago. Admission: $0.75.Wednesday, May 18PUBLIC LECTURE-Division of the Humanities. Social ScienceResearch Building, Room 122, 1126 East 59th Street, 7:30 P.M."Religion in Greek Civilization-The Golden Age: Euripides."Francis R. Walton, assistant professor of Greek. Admission:$0.82.PUBLIC LECTURE-University of Chicago Walgreen Founda­tion lecture series, "By the People-Six Challenges for the'Fifties." "Economic Democracy, Part 1," Wilson W. Wyatt,lawyer and former admininstrator, National Housing Agency.Social Science Building (1126 E. 59th St.), room 122, 4:30 P.M.No admission charge.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center)Room 809, 19 South LaSalle Street, 6:30 P.M. "The VisualRevolution in Art: Modern Art Applied-Photography," SibylMoholy-Nagy. Admission: $0.75.Thursday, May 19PUBLIC LECTURE-University of Chicago Walgreen Founda­tion lecture series, "By the People: Six Challenges for the'Fifties." Room 122, Social jicience Building (1126 E. 59th St.),'Fifties." "Economic Democracy, Part I," Wilson W. Wyatt,lawyer and former administrator, National Housing Agency.No admission charge.,Friday, May ·20PUBLIC LECTURE-University of Chicago and National LawyersGuild "Legal Ethics" series. North lecture room, Universityof Chicago law school (on the circle at 58th Street and EllisAvenue), 3:00 P.M. "The Relationship Between the Bench andthe Bar," Wendell E. Green judge of the municipal court,Chicago. No admission charge.SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 95 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stock23 N. Wabash AvenueChicago. Illinois Ajax Waste Paper Co.2600·2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Waste Paper '500 pounds or moreScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, ROekwell 2·6252PUBLIC LECTURE-University of Chicago Walgreen Founda­tion lecture series, "By the People: Six Challenges for the'Fifties." Room 122, Social Science Building (1126 E. 59th St.),4:30 P·.M. "Beliefs Worth Living For." Wilson W. Wyatt, lawyerand former administrator, National Housing Agency. Noadmission charge.CHICAGO INTERCOLLEGIATE GOLF MATCH-Location andtime as yet not announced.Saturday, May 21BASEBALL GAME-Varsity vs. Western Michigan College. StaggField, 57th & University Avenue. [:00 P.M. No admissioncharge.TRACK MEET-Varsity vs. Marquette University. Stagg Field,57th & University Avenue. 3:30 P.M. No admission charge.Sunday, May 22UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rockefeller MemorialChapel, 59th and Woodlawn Avenue. 11:00 A.M. The ReverendW. Barnett Blakemore, Jr., Federated Theological Faculty,University of Chicago.UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA-Spring Concert. LeonMandel Hall, 5714 University Avenue. 8:30 P.M. No admissioncharge.Monday, May 23PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center),Opera Building, 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 631, 6:30 P.M."Idea Weapons in Today's Cold Wars: Asia and Europe-NewNationalisms versus Vanishing Empire," Sunder Joshi, assistantprofessor in the Division of Adult Education, Indiana Uni­versity. Admission: $0.75.FOREIGN AND DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES-InternationalHouse Auditorium, 1414 East 59th Street, 8:00 P.M., promptly."Children of Paradise" (French), Admission: $0.55..Tuesday, May 24PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center),19 South LaSalle Street, 8:00 P.M. "The Pragmatic Movement:The Religious Quest," Charles Morris, lecturer in philosophy,University of Chicago. Admission: $0.75.Wednesday, May 25PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center)Room 809·, 19 South LaSalle Street, 6:30 P.M. "The VisualRevolution in Art: Modern Art Applied-Advertising andTypography," Sibyl Moholy-Nagy. Admission: $0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-Division of the Humanities. Social ScienceResearch Building, Room 122, 1126 East 59th Street, 7:30 P.M."Religion in Greek Civilization-The Old lind the New in theHellenistic Period," Francis R. Walton, assistant professor ofGreek. Admission: $0.82.Saturday, May 28BASEBALL GAME-Varsity vs. Illinois Institute of Technology.Stagg Field, 57th & University Avenue. 2:30 P.M. No admissioncharge.Sunday, May 29UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS. SERVICE-Rockefeller MemorialChapel, 59th & Woodlawn Avenue. 11:00 A.M. The ReverendFrederic Hoow, Principal of, Pusey House, Oxford University.Monday, May 30FOREIGN AN.D DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES-InternationalHouse Auditorium, 1414 East 59th Street, 8:00 P.M., promptly."Die Fledermaus," based on Johann Strauss' operetta (German).Admission: $0.55.Tuesday, May 31PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center),Room 809, 19 South LaSalle Street, 8:00 P.M. "The PragmaticMovement: Pragmatism and American Culture," Charles Morris,lecturer in philosoph y, U niversi ty of Chicago. Admission charge$0.75.,ASHJIAN BROS., Inc..aTABLlIHED IltlOrien tal and DomesticRUGSCLEANED aDd REPAIRED8066 Seutb Chicalo Phone REgent 4·600024 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEANIMAL CAGESofAdva�c:ed Sc:ientific: DesignACME SHEET METAL WORKS1121 East 55th St.Chicago 15, III.Phone: HYde Par� 3·9500POND LETTER SERVICEEverythiR� in Letter.Hoove. Typewrltl ••MultlgraphlngAddre.,ograph Servl ..Highest Quality Servl ••All PhonesHArrison 7-8118 MlmeograpIU ••Addre .. IDIMallin.Minimum Prl •••418 So. Market St.ChicagoSTENOTYPYLearn new, apeedy machine shorthand. Le ..effort. no cramped fingers or nervous fatiaue.Alia other coareea : TypiDa, Bookkeeping.Comptometry, etc. Day or evening. Visll.Wf'il, or ,_on, for _GIG.Bryant�StrattonCOt-rYEGE18 S. MrCHrGA'N AVE. Tel. RAndolph 8·1575AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement wbleb Itmlts itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Ff!;lk Tellcher,Agency of Chicago. whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist In the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.Our service Is nation-wide.Since 1885ALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best In placement service for University,College, Secondary and Elementarv. Nation­wide patronage. Call or writ. us at25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, tllinoisCLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency67th YearNationwide ServiceFive 0 Dices-One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis-Kansas City, Mo., Spokane-New York ( Continued from page 21)Bernard C. MacDonald has for yearsheaded his own company in St. Louis withoffices in the Arcade Building. It is amanufacturers' agency with the emphasison railroads, industrial materials andbrewery equipment.the department of anthropology here, andAccording to word received, Robert Red­field, JD '21, PhD '28, chairman of thedepartment of anthropology here, and hiswife, Marguerite L. Parks, also '20, havebeen forced to abandon their stay in Chinadue to disorganized conditions, particularlyregarding currency. Dr. Redfield, who wasto have been a visiting professor at theNational University in Peiping, and Mrs.Redfield are at present vacationing inSicily and plan to return to the Universityin the Summer Quarter.Carl J. Lind, JD, who did his under­graduate work at the University of Min­nesota in his home town: has been in gen­eral law practice in Minneapolis sincereceiving his law degree; on the Midway.1921Mortimer B. Harris, vice president ofthe College Division of the Alumni Asso­ciation, spent part of March in Palestine onofficial business in connection with develop­ments in that new nation.James Manuel has been in the outdooradvertising business since leaving the Mid­way. He is with Brede, Inc., in Minneap­olis as an account executive. His companyalso handles convention advertising ac­counts all over America. Jim's daughter,Suzanne, spent two years at Chicago (aQuadrangler, lived at Foster Hall). Shethen returned home and is now finishingher work at the University of Minnesota.Watkins Overton, JD, is serving anotherterm as Mayor of Memphis, Tennessee.1921Robert Z. Alexander is vice president ofthe American Automobile Insurance Co.of St. Louis. He has been with Americansince 1925. His son is majoring in geologyat Princeton; daughter Jean is in Bowyer, AM '23, is director ofAmericanization and Adult Education forChicago Public Schools.Charles H. Butler, AM '22, is professorof mathematics at Western Michigan Col­lege of Education, Kalamazoo, Mich.Margaret E. Seymour (Mrs. Emmet Bay),SM '25, is an 'adjustment teacher at theRaymond School in Chicago.James P. Wood is a stock broker in LosAngeles, California.1922Richard W. Bardwell, AM, is directorof the Madison (Wisconsin) Vocational­Adult Education program.1923Emil F. Bohne is the resident partner ofHaskins and Sells, public accountants, inMinneapolis. He's been with the companyfor 25 years. He 'has two daughters: Eliz­abeth, a freshman at the University of Min­nesota, and Jean, a high school freshman.Helen C. Hayden, MD (Rush) '28, hasreturned to Chicago to resume the prac­tice of allergy.For a Western position join an old reliable Western AgencyWESTMORE TEACHERS AGENCY36 Years Member NATA Mrs. B. F. Westmore, Mgr.Old National Bank Bldg., Spokane, WashingtonLloyd P. Johnson, JD '25 has practicedlaw in Minneapolis for a quarter of a cen­tury. He specializes in corporation work.His son, Lloyd, Jr., is a freshman at Carle­ton College and will probably come toChicago for work in the School of Business.There are two girls in the Johnson family:Audrey, a senior at the University of Min­nesota and Margaret, a senior in juniorhigh.Logan M. Anderson, AM, of Homewood,Illinois, is educational salesman for R. R.Donnelley & Sons Co., of Chicago.Olin O. Stansbury left his position asadvertising manager at Marshall Fieldsfour years ago to become publicity direc­tor Stix, Baer, and Fuller, Second largestdepartment store in St. Louis. The familylikes St. Louis and Olin is happy directing80 people in public relations, display, ad­vertising, and special events. Son Craig isa sophomore in Princeton; Bruce is asophomore in high school.1924Fumi Jo, (Mrs. Uji) lives with her familyof three boys and one girl in Yokohama.During the war the bombing came withintwo bocks of their home where they werehousing four other families. She is nowworking for the army of occupation as aninterpreter and translator. Her oldest boyis in medical school and hopes to cometo America for advanced work.Prudence Cutright is assistant superintend.ent of schools at Minneapolis.1925Reuben G. Gustavson, PhD, chancellor ofthe University of Nebraska, has just re­turned from Sweden. A member of theU. S. National Commission on UNESCO,he was a guest of the Swedish Governmentexamining educational and scientific researchsituations in that country. Dr. Gustavson,who was vice president of the U. of C ..1945-46, delivered an address recently beforethe Chicago Sunday Evening Club on thetopic, "Do We Live in a World of Chance."Gertrude Koenhorst, principal of WesternJunior High School, Louisville, was anAlumni House visitor in March.Pieter K. Roest, PhD, is foreign affairsspecialist for the State Department in Wash.ington, D. C.Dorothy Willis (Mrs. Felix Caruso), Hins­dale, Illinois, conducts a column called "Vil­lage Vagaries" in the Hinsdale Doings. Mr.Caruso, also '25, is in business in Chicago'sSouth Water Market.Katherine Barrett (Mrs. Clarence Allen)of Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, is directorof the lower school of the Rivers CountryDay School for boys.James V. Huffman has his own adver­tising agency in St. Louis and doing a finebusiness. Jim played his way through col­lege on the Harper Theatre pipe organ.From Chicago he went to Lowe's Palacein Washington, D. C., then to Roanoke,Virginia before returning to Chicago andthe pipe organ at WLS. Later he joinedthe staff of KMOX in St. Louis and in1943 opened his present agency. His daugh­ter, Helen, is now a year old.Since his return from the Navy threeyears ago, Robert J. Mason, MD (Rush)25THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE'29, has been activel y engaged in the prac­tice of pediatrics, but also finds enjoymentin civic affairs, which include director ofthe Birmingham (Michigan) Rotary Club,President of the Board of Directors of theChamber of Commerce, member of the CityPlanning Commission and director of Oak­land County Medical Society.1926Mary A. Bennett, AM; PhD '40, headsthe department of biology at :WesternIllinois State College in Macomb.John L. Blair, AM, PhD '31, is dean ofPalomar College; Vista, California.Tecla L. Hansen (Mrs. Roland T. Wooel)is now living in Avon Lake, Ohio.1927M. Ruth Barney, AM, is chairman ofthe mathematics department at CraneTechnical High School in Chicago.Mayer Goldberg, JD '29, is a partner inthe Chicago law firm of Goldberg & Levin.Donnal V. Smith, AM, PhD '29, presidentof the State Teachers College at Cortland,N. Y., was chosen as Bowling Green StateUniversity Alumnus of the Year on March3. Dr. Smith, who took his undergraduatedegree there in 1924, has authored sevenbooks.1928Howard R. Anderson, AM, is chief ofthe Instructional Problems Section, Divi­sion of Secondary Education of the Officeof Education in Washington, D. C. Hisposition includes supervision of specialists,rendering consultative service, and research.Richard A. Barnes, AM, PhD '39, headof the department of education at Augus­tana College, is also director of the college'sSummer School.Leewell H. Carpenter, AM, is superin­tendent of Wabash (Indiana) City Schools.Edna Eisen, SM '29, PhD '48, ninthwoman ever to receive a PhD in geographyfrom Chicago, has resumed her teachingat Kent State University in Ohio, afteran absence of 10 months in which sheprepared .her dissertation.February 14 brought valentine greetingsfrom television station BBn, St. Louiswith pictures of three youngsters and adog on TV screens. They represented thefamily of Elizabeth Roe (Mrs. W. S.Milius): Betty, Billy, Johnny, and Judy(the bull pup).Miss Heloisa Marinho, from Rio de Janei­ro, dropped in at Alumni House to takeout a life membership before leaving forBrazil on March 17, She has spent the pastyear on the quadrangles taking advancework in Education. She is on the facultyof two schools in Rio: Instituto de Edu­cacao \ and Colegio Bennett, a MethodistMission School. She teaches educationalpsychology. This was her first trip backto the Midway since she left Beecher Hallin 1928.Carl A. Nylund, AM '32, is pastor of thePatterson (California) Mission CovenantChurch.Leon P. Smith, AM, PhD '30, spent afew days on the quadrangles in late Marchvisiting with friends. He was on his wayfrom Athens, Georgia, to Minneapolis forsome sort of education meeting where hewas to represent the University of Mary­land. Leon leaves the University of Geor­gia for the University of Maryland in Julyto become dean of the arts, literature andsciences.Ruth D. White (Mrs. Hugh F. Engler)is traveling supervisor for the StoufferCorp.. with headquarters . in Cleveland,Ohio. 1929Joseph. L. Eisendrath, Jr., is with theChicago Architectural Bronze Company. Helives in Highland Park..Hazel Foster, AM, DB '32, PhD '33, hasrecently been appointed professor of com­parative Religion at Morehouse CollegeSchool of Religion in Atlanta, Georgia.Milton R. Joseph, JD '30, formerly as­sociated with Jacobson, Nierman & Silbert,announces the opening of a new office inChicago where he will continue in generalpractice of law.Bertha Vermilya is teaching Americanhistory and civics at Woodward HighSchool in Toledo, Ohio. Miss Vermilya isalso working with the Toledo Quota' Club.Howard K. Bauernfeind, AM, of Wynne­wood, Pennsylvania, became president ofJ. P. Lippincott Publishing Company inJanuary, 1949.Pedro A. Cebollero, AM, is dean of thecollege of education of the University ofPuerto Rico.Rudolph J. Frlicka, JD '31, is with themain office of the Veterans Administrationin Chicago.Forrest (Woody) Turner, former physicaldirector of the Milwaukee (Wisconsin)YMCA, has headed south-he's now direc­tor of the Key West YMCA, and spendsmost of his time hosting the Navy inas­much as the building is only a block downfrom the Navy gate!1930John D. Aikenhead, AM, is superintend­ent of schools in Stettler, Alberta, Canada.Sidney J. Hess, Jr., JD '32, is a partnerin the firm of Aaron, Aaron, Schimbergand Hess of Chicago.Thales N. Lenington, JD '33, of LongValley, New Jersey, is with the PrudentialInsurance Company in Newark, N. J.Thelma Vogt Taylor, AM, is assistantdean and head librarian of. Los AngelesCity College. Mrs. Taylor, formerly a Chi­cago school teacher, is living in Compton.,California.Saul C. Weislow, JD '31, is a partner inHollywood Loomscraft, Inc., in Los Angeles.Rang Chan Wu, AM '31, is in charge ofthe Acme Super Market in Manila, P. I.1931Harry L. Severson, AM, is a researchmanfor Dun & Bradstreet and lives in PelhamManor, New York.Howard B. Weaver, MD (Rush), was re­cently installed as president of the Canton(Ohio) Academy of Medicine. Dr. Weaver,a specialist in obstretrics and pediatrics,was on the staffs of Billings and Lying-InHospitals here.Edward C. Bolmeier, AM, PhD· '36, isassociate professor of education in thegraduate division of school administrationat Duke University.Florence B. Caird (Mrs. John B.), AM '38,-business education teacher at Parker highschool in Ch icago, has been serving aschairman of the Chicago Teachers of Busi­ness Education working through the Chi­cago Teachers Union. The group is con­cerned with resolving problems which theyhope will result in improvement in work­ing conditions, methods of teaching, andhuman relations. Mrs. Caird also reportsthat she was a successful candidate in theprincipal's examination.Wilson E. Sweeney, SM '33, is an econo­mist with the U. S. Department of Com­merce in W'ashington, D. C. Dlstrlbuters, MlnillCtUhfS Ind Jobban 01ELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES580l Halsted St. - ENglewood 4-7500TELEVISIONDrop in and see a programRADIOSFrom consoles to portablesRadio- TV ServiceAt home or shopELECTRICAL APPLIANCESRefrigerators RangesWashers BlanketsSPORTING GOODSFor all seasonsRECORDSPopular-SymphoniesFine collection for childrenHER 1IJ1IAI/\VS935 E. 55th StreetAt Ingleside AvenueTelephone Midway 3-6700Robert Gaertner, '34 Julian Tishler, '33A. 1. STEWART LUMBER COMPANYEVERYTHING inlUMBER AND MII.I.WORK7855 Greenwood Ave.410 West Ilith St. VI 6-9000PU 5 .. 0034TREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Direct Factory DealerforCH RYSLER and PLYMOUTHNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMidway 3-4200AlsoGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete Automobile Repair.,Body. Paint.. Simonize, Washand Greasing DepartmenfsRICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMOnroe 6-319226 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOP hone: SAginaw 1-3202FRANK CURRANRoofing' & InsulationLeak. RepairedFree Eatimate.FRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.8019 Bennett St.TELEPHONE TA,olor 9-54660' CALLAGHAN BROS.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sumps-Pumps1545 E. 63RD STREEl6620 conAGE GROVi AVENUEF Alrfer 4-0lIl1PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICE1545 EAST 63RD STREETBIENENFELDChicago's Most Complete Stock ofGLASSGLASS CORP. OF ILLINOIS1525W. 35th St. PhoneLAfayette 3-8400CONCRETEFLOORSSIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATIONSNOrmal 7-0434T. A. REHNQUIST CO.6639 ,So. Vernon Ave.HOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING. BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A £PECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephcne DOrchester 3-1579 Arthur E. Arnesen, AM, director of re­search for the Salt Lake City Board ofEducation, was recently appointed super­visor of mathematics in grades 4 thru 12.Willis G. Cisne, AM, has retired as di­rector of placements at Southern IllinoisUniversity and is living in Carbondale,Illinois.Gerald W. Spencer is assistant managerof the Social Security Administration inMilwaukee, Wisconsin.ZeU S. W�lter, AM, is head of the depart­ment of Education, Morehead State Col­lege, Morehead, Kentucky. Dr. Walter'sduties include visits to schools in thisarea, coordinating work of the college withthe training school, and teaching of classesin education.Wallace I. Wolverton, AM, PhD '34,Chaplain (Lt. Col.), USAF, is special ad­visor in the Human Resources Research andDevelopment Division of the Air Universityat Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Hisduties are to design, monitor, and conductresearch which will lead to the develop­ment of Air Force professional codes, CoLWolverton writes that a pleasant extracurricular activity is the Air War Col­lege's Great Books Discussion Group, ofwhich he is one of the leaders.1933Edward T. Torwick, MD, is a physicianand surgeon in Jackson, Michigan.Arthur C. Boyce, PhD, is visiting asso­ciate professor of missions at the Presby­terian College of Christian Education atMcCormick Theological Seminary in Chi­cago.Olive H. Bradfield (Mrs. George F.) is ahome and hospital teacher in the Evanstonpublic schools. Her duties involve theteaching of exception children, those who,because of physical disabilities, are con­fined to their homes or are hospital pa­tients.Dorothy A. Schye (Mrs, Theon Betts) hasretired from teaching at Chicago'S Spauld­ing School, and is now devoting her time• to being a housewife and mother.Layle Silbert, AM '38, wife of Abe Aiden­off, '34, is now on the editorial staff of"Who's Who in America." In 1946-47 theAidenoffs split their time between Chicagoand the Orient where Abe was chief statis­tician with the UNRRA mission in China.Huson T. Jackson lives in Ridgefield,Conn., and commutes to New York City,where he is an architect.Eleanore E. Kuhlow (Mrs. Robert Weber)is a nurse in Leonia, New Jersey.Lewis G. Groebe, JD '35, is with the lawfirm of Ungaro & Sherwood in Chicago.1935Robert M. Adams, AM, of Neosho, Mis­souri, is vocational rehabilitation counselorin Springfield, Mo.Jordan T. Cavan, PhD, professor of edu­cation at Rockford (Illinois) College, hastaken on the additional duties of registraf,acting director of Adult Education and theSummer School, etc. Dr. Cavan's wife, theformer Ruth Shanle, '21, AM '23, PhD ' also on the faculty as a lecturer in soci­ology.Ivan Lee Holt, Jr., JD '37, is now withthe legal firm of Jones, Hocker, Gladney,and Grand of St. Louis. Last year he hu­mored one of his long standing ambitionsto teach by serving on the law facul ty ofWashington University. MAGAZINE1936Floyd B. Bolton, AM, is director of re­search in East Chicago (Indiana) publicschools.Carl L. Byerly, AM, PhD '45, is directorof special services for Clayton (St. Louis)public schools.Joan Fleming, MD, has been appointedassistant professor of psychiatry at the U ni­versity of Illinois College of Medicine. Sheis a member of the Chicago PsychoanalyticSociety, American Psychoanalytic Associa.lion, Illinois Psychoanalytic Association,and the American Medical Association, andhas authored several articles on psychiatry,Harold H. Grothaus, MBA, Minneapolisdivision advisor for Westmoreland SterlingSilver Company (also Wearever), has justbeen made area manager for New YorkCity. His wife (Doris Dace, when she wason campus) will remain in Minneapoliswith the two children-Mary, 10, and Phyl­lis, 8-until school is out.1937James H. Levy received his LLB. fromthe University of Minnesota in 1939 andpracticed law until he went into service,Out of service he joined the legal staffof the Veterans Administration. He is nowwith the Minneapolis regional office. Hisdaughter, Martha Ann, celebrated her firstbirthday on March 21.Clarence A. Meter, JD, has been with theNational Labor Relations Board in Min­neapolis for the past six years. Previ­ously he had been with the Board in Mil­waukee. The Meters have two sons, Donald,17, and David, nearly 2.Marion Moody (Mrs. Winston Sheehan)is living in Montgomery, Alabama.Marvin L. Carper, AM, of Martinsville,Virginia, is superintendent of City Schoolsthere.Thomas L. Karsten, JD '39, lives in NewYork City and is in the law firm ofSchwartzreich & Mathias.Marian B. Lippitt (Mrs. Fred Cameron),AM, is a research assistant in the studentcounseling service at Miami Universjrv,Oxford, Ohio.Harmon Meigs is assistant division man­ager for E. J. Brach & Sons of Chicago.1938H. Virgil Bower,· AM, is vice presidentof the National Bank in North Kansas City,Missouri.Dorothy M. Clark (Mrs. Arthur Bohnen),AM, is a part-time lecturer in home plan­ning and interior furnishings in the homeeconomics department of NorthwesternUniversity.Dorothy Jane Dodd, teacher in Glencoe,Illinois, elementary schools, is now travel­ing in South America. Miss Dodd expectsto return in September.Helmut M. Engelmann, PhD, is a re­search chemist with the Hercules PowderCompany experiment station in Wilming­ton, Delaware.Esther B. Soutter is in the control officeof the Minneapolis branch of Sears Roe­buck. Her father, Charles Soutter, '16, washead of the purchasing department untilhis recent retirement. Her mother wasEsther Sill, '16.Robert A. Wagoner, AM, has been ap­pointed head of the modern languagesdepartment of the Associated Colleges ofUpper New York for 1949-50, He will belocated at Champlain College.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 271939Robert B. Haas, AM, is an educationalconsultant in Los Angeles, California.George Bartlett, AM, is . teaching mathe­matics at Roosevelt Junior High School inPeoria, Illinois.Robert L. Brackenbury, AM '39, PhD '48,is a lecturer in education at the Universityof Michigan Extension Service. Dr. Brack­enbury, who lives in Grand Rapids, teachesthe history of education and educationalphilosophy.James W. Brown, AM, PhD '47, issuper­visor of the instructional materials centerof the University of Washington in Seattle.Elizabeth J. Chloupek (Mrs. John Alliott)is living in Chapel Hill, .North Carolina,where her husband heads the art depart­ment of the University of North Carolina.The Alliotts have a daughter, Elizabeth, 5,and a son, Johnny, almost 4. Mr. Amottwas on the Chicago faculty in 1940.Virginia M. Mook (Mrs. S. M. Berezin),AM, is psychometrist with the Pasadena(Calif.) Board of Education. Mrs. Berezinadministers individual intelligence tests toproblem cases, vocational guidance, andresearch.1940Thomas H. Allen, Jr., AM, is now direc­tor of instruction for the Oklahoma Cityschools and associate professor of educationat Oklahoma A & M College.Leander W. Binna, AM, counselor ofboys and social studies teacher at Hinsdale(Illinois) Township High School, has takenon the additional duties of director oftests there.N. Harry Camp, Jr., AM '41, is an in­structor in the department of education atBrooklyn College.Flora G. MacGuire is Mrs. Arthur D.Dukes and is living in Cincinnati, Ohio.Elizabeth W. Beach (Mrs. Geoffrey Keller)is engaged in research work at the PerkinsObservatory in Delaware, Ohio.Robert M. Boyer, JD '48, is now em­ployed by the Federal Trade Commission,Chicago, as an attorney.John H. Palmer and his wife, CarolynWheeler, have returned to their home inGlencoe after having lived in Marion, Il­linois, for some time. John is with theFranklin County Coal Corp. with minesjust out of Marion but has now returnedto the Chicago office. The Palmers havethree children: John, Jr., 5; Christopher,2; and Harold Mason, 1. John dropped inat Alumni House for a brief visit in mid­March.1941Robert H. Muller, AM, PhD, '42, hasbeen appointed director of University li­braries at the Southern Illinois Universityin Carbondale. He came to' Southern fromBradley University where he helped planBradley's new library. Prior to that hewas section chief in the library of theOffice of Technical Service, U. S. Depart-ment of Commerce. •Alan D. Cameron, JD '47, is with the In­land Empire Insurance Company in Boise,Idaho.Leo J. Cieminski, AM, is clinical psycholo­gist for the Veterans Administration inChicago.Evelyn J. Geiger (Mrs. Clair W. Jones)is personal secretary to Raymond J. Wieseof the R. J. Wi�se Agency, Provident Mu­tual Life Insurance Company, of Chicago.Grover C. Kenyan, PhD, is now profes­sor of Greek and director of the Divisionof Humanities at the University of CorpusChristi, Texas. 1942. Ina Hollis Allen (Mrs. J. H.), AM, is abookkeeper for the Metropolitan ChurchFederation of St. Louis, Missouri.. Robert M. Harrison, AM, is chief socialworker at the U. S. Veterans Hospital inPalo Alto, California.Joseph Portnoy is office manager for thePortnoy Garment Co. in St. Louis. He isliving at 1166 Watts Street, University City,Missouri.Walter J. Angrist worked for the UnitedPress while he was on the Midway, joinedMarshall Field's news staff when the SUNwas born, took time out to help UncleSam in the Pacific, and joined the Minne­apolis Star at the copy desk, out of serv­ice. Since February, 1948, he has been onthe editorial staff of the MinneapolisTribune, in charge of make up for theeditorial page and writing editorials. Hehas one daughter, Jill, one year old.Rollins Lambert was ordained at St.Mary of the Lake Seminary in Mundelein;Illinois.Paul L. Munson, PhD, is research as­sistant professor in the department of phar­macology at the Yale University MedicalSchool. Mrs. Munson is the former MaryEllen Jones, '44.Josephine L. Stanley is bacteriologist atthe Camp Detrick Station Hospital inFrederick, Maryland.1943Ernest Mond is a physician on the staffof Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago. Mrs.Mond is the former Julia H. Friedman,AM '46.Robert Summers divides his time be­tween graduate work and teaching in theEconomics Department of Stanford Uni­versity.1945Ernest R. Jaffe, MD '48, SF '49, writesthat since November of 1948 he has beenworking as an interne on the Medical Serv­ice of the Presbyterian Hospital, New YorkCity. "I frequently see Delbert M. Bergen­staI, MD '47, who is a medical residenthere and his wife, Alice Shriner, who wasa nurse at Billings. When time and ener­gy permit, I get together with Richard J.Stanwood, '45, MD '48, a surgical interneat New York Hospital on the oppositeedge of Manhattan. On occasion I havealso seen Eileen Eriksen, AM '46, and haveheard indirectly about Jesse Shelmire, '47,MD, '47, and Howard S. Ellis, MD, '48,who are now serving interneships at Roose­velt and Lincoln Hospitals, respectively."Sounds like quite a Chicago colony!Marjorie West, AM, (Mrs. Frederick R.Ford) is children's caseworker with theChicago Orphan Asylum.1946Ruth Arline Calladine, SB '48, is a first­year student in the Harvard UniversityMedical School.Hugh D. Habberstad is with the Chi­cago brokerage house of Hornblower andWeeks. .Marilyn Porter Ruben (Mrs. Herbert E.)is living in Boston, Massachusetts.Helen Sumiko Sumida is a student atthe University of California at Berkeley.Jack C. Webb, MBA, is assistant profes­sor of accounting at Mount Union Collegein Alliance, Ohio.Ermin J. Windschill, MBA, is a publicaccountant in Tracy, Minnesota. Golden Dirilyte(formnly Diril1old) .The Lifetime TablewareSOLID - NOT PLATEDCom plete sets and open stockFINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Royal Crown Derby, Spode andOther Famous MakeS' of Fine China. AlsoCrystal, Table Linen and Gifts.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDlrigo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4, 111.Platers, SilversmithsSpecialist. • • •GOLD., SILVER. RHODANIZESILVERWAREI.palred, 1.lfni .... cI, lelacqueredSWARTZ & COMPANY10 S. Wabash Ave. OEntral 6·6089·90 ChicagoLA TOURAliNECoffee and TeaLa Touraine Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave., ChicagoOt".r Plant.Boston - N.Y. - Phil. - Syracus. -"You Mig"t A. Well Hav. r ... B •• t"LEIGHISGROCERY and MARKET1327 'East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3·9100·1·2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERTelephone HAymarket 1·3120E. A. AARON & BROS. Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributor. 01CEDERGREEN FROZEN FRESH FIUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water Market28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE3 HOUR SERVICEEXCLUSIVE CLEANERSAND DYERSSincl192014:42 and 1331 E. 57th St.•EVENING GOWNSAND FORMALSA SPECIALTYMidway ������ • w. caUJorand deliver3 HOUR SERVICELOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING•60 YEARS OF DEPENDABLESERVICE TO THE SOUTHSIDE•ASK FOR fREE ESTIMATE•55th and ELLIS AVENUECHICAGO 15, ILLINOISBUH.rfl.ld 8-6711DAVID L. SUTTON. Pres.Swift ts Ice CreamSundaes and sodas are special treatsmade with Swift's Ice Cream. So de­licious, so creamy-smooth, so refresh­ingly you,rs ....A product ofSWIFT & COMPANYJ 409 S. State StreetPhone RAdcliff 3-7400 THE FEELING SHOWSThe remarkable thing about the Rev­erend Merrill Hutchins, DB '46, PhD '48,is not that he looks the part, but that h�has looked such diverse parts in his 29years.Not long ago a woman came up to himat a meeting and asked if he were by anychance a minister. He said he was andwanted to know what made her ask."You look like a minister," she replied.At this Reverend Hutchins was promptedto recall a similar incident which took placesome years ago at a professional boxingmatch in San Diego. A bookie suspendedoperations at Hutchins' approach, ex­plained "I was all set to take some betsbut I suspected you were the law. Youlook just like a flatfoot."As we say, the remarkable thing abouthim wasn't that he looked like a flatfoot butthat he was a flatfoot. He was an FBIagent for four years and at that particularrime was detailed to watch for a fugitiveat the match in question.He began his religious career during thewar, when he enlisted in the Navy's V-12program to study for the chaplaincy. Fol­lowing his graduation from the Universityof Chicago last September, he became pas­tor of the First Baptist Church of Mt.Carmel, Ill.Of his versatile appearance, he has thisto say. "I guess I must look the way I feelinside."1947Anita Arrow, AM, is an economic analystfor Standard Oil Company of New Jerseyand is, also, a teaching assistant in eco­nomics. at Columbia University.Douglas W. Barr attended Harvard on ascholarship his first college year, enteredthe air corps, was trained in' meteorology­taking a part of this training at Chicago-and then served in the Pacific. Return­ing to civilian life, he finished at Chicagoand is now a hydraulic engineer in Min­neapolis. Mrs. Barr is the niece of thelate J. M. P. Smith, famous member ofthe Chicago faculty and translator of the.-\merican Old Testament.Jane E. Billyeald, MBA, is dietician ofthe Indiana University Halls of Residence.Jean E. Cranston entered the Univer­sity of Minnesota after receiving her from Chicago, did two more yearswork for an A.B. from that university, andexpects to continue for a master's in po­litical science. Minneapolis is her hometown.Herbert M. Dalton, MBA, Is construc­tion accountant and building estimator forTelander Brothers of Chicago. 'Albert Gore, JD '48, is with the NationalLabor Relations Board in Washington, D. C.Frances Bethel Heniot, AM, teaches thesecond-grade at Central-Stolp School inWilmette, Illinois.'World cruise dreams that began at theroulette tables in Nevada became realityfor Albert Hibbs, SM, and Roy' 'V oolford.With winnings from "scientific system,"headlined in the newspapers in 1948, theNavy vets purchased a $12,000 boat andbegan a cruise from Miami. Woolford plansto research on tropical diseases while Alprepares for bio-chemistry work.Bigelow Watts, Jr., is a student at Har­vard Law School.Dorothy Williams, PhD, is in Paris asAdult Education Specialist with United Na- tions Educational, Scientific, and CulturalOrganization. Acting director of the NewYork Public Library's Schomburg Collec­tion of Negro History and Literature, Dr.'Williams has been granted a 6 month leaveof absence to accept the overseas assign­ment to the Fundamental Education Sec­tion of the Headquarters Secretariat. Shewill do research and studies for areas thatare not served by libraries, probably in theSudan and Lebanon .John H. F. Hoving is a reporter on TheCapitol Times in Madison, Wisconsin.Rosemary Heiser Hunsinger, AM, di­vides her time between being a house­wife, and a social service worker out inSioux City, Iowa.Andrew J. Kennard, AM, is an instruc­tor in the graduate school of education atTexas State University for Negroes in Hous­ton, Texas. He is also a sponsor of thejunior class.Jerry Knoll, MBA '47, is with the Officeof Military Government in Germany. Heis on the staff of the U. S. Element' ofthe CMilitary Security Board, the first tri­partite agency in occupied Germany.Ellis H. Newsome, AM '48, is advertisingmanager of the Daily Journal, Wheaton,Illinois. The Newsomes are making theirhome in Oak Park.Elena I. Padilla, AM, is a social anthro­pologist on the staff of Social Science Re­search Center at the University of PuertoRico.Laurel J. Sacks is at the East Branch ofthe Akron, Ohio, Public Library. She as­sists children with selection of books andaids parents and teachers in the guidanceof their young readers. Laurel also re­views children's books for the library sys­tem.Joseph J. Schnadig, MBA, '48, was re­cently appointed personnel director of theEco Manufacturing Company, Chicago.Jonas Siegel stopped in the office earlyin the year while en route from Guatemalato visit his folks in Okmulgee, Oklahoma.He told of a reunion he'd had in Washing­ton with Anthony J. Brunse, MD '42, resi­dent psychiatrist at St. Elizabeth's Hospital;Gordon Tiger, '38, with the State Dept.;and his brother, Harold B. Siegel, '37, JD'39, who is with the office of the GeneralCounsel of the Federal Securities Commis­sion. Jonas is now an accountant withCreole Petroleum Corp. in Venezuela.Chester J. Toren, MBA, is a statisticianwith the Zurich Insurance Company inChicago.Gordon C. Tullock, JD, foreign serviceofficer, has been transferred from Tientsinto Taipei as Vice Cons�ll. Foll.owi!1g hisappointment to the Foreign Service 111 Sep­tember, 1947, he served in the Departmentof State until sent to his first foreign postat Tientsin.1948James R. Ahrens, JD, is an instructor inthe Washburn University Law School, To­"peka, Kansas.Heather Akselrod is an aisle superin­tendent for the Mandel Brothers Store onChicago'S State Street.Milton P. Webster, Jr., JD; is associatedwith the Chicago Land Clearance Com­mission.Henry A. Bachofer, MBA, is on thefaculty, of the College of Commerce &Finance of the University of Detroit.James W. Carty, Jr., is now a reporterfor the Daily Oklahoman of OklahomaCity. His wife, 'the former Marjorie W.Tufts, '44, is a program director for theOklahoma City YWCA.29THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEdwin D. Chase, Jr., MBA, is businessmanagement representative for the Stude­baker Corporation in New York City.John E. Devereaux,. MBA, is a marketanalyst with Armour & Company of Chi­cago.Thomas M. Floyd, SM, lieutenant com­mander in the U. S. Navy, is currently sta­tioned at the Naval Medical School inBethesda, Maryland.Ladislaus F. Grapski, MBA, is a mem­ber of the American College Hospital Ad­ministrators organization. The Grapskisalso announce the arr ival of their third boy.Martha P. Hays, AM, is a ceramist inChicago.Carlos Kakouris, AM, professor of Span­ish at Florida's University of Miami," wasrecently appointed by the Mexican govern­ment as official representative of the .. Mex­ican Government National Tourist Com­mission. In this capacity he conducts aweekly radio program dealing with SouthAmerican affairs, sponsored by the Uni­versity of Miami.Edward H. Lombard, AM, is teachingin the department of government at Po-mona College, Claremont, California. .Mattin K. Nurmi, AM, is teaching Eng­lish at the Florence State Teachers College,Florence, Alabama.Clair B. Owen, Jr., JD, is in the trustdepartment of the Continental Illinois Bankand Trust Company, Chicago. ,Martin Paltzer is a student at UCLA,working on his A.B. degree which he ex­pects to receive in 1950. "... probably beback with you for my M.A.," writes Martin.David H. Pollock, MBA, is with the In­ternational Bank for Reconstruction andDevelopment in W'ashington, D. C.Ronald M. Reifler, MBA, is instructor ofeconomics at Claremont Men's College,Claremont, California. Ronald plans to re­turn to Chicago this summer to work onhis doctoral thesis.Leo Samelson is a student in HarvardUniversity Medical School.John E. Saveson, AM, is an instructor inEnglish at Valparaiso University, Indiana.Lorene N. Scott, AM, is a medical socialwnsultant in the Crippled Childrens Divi­sion of the Vermont Department of Healthin Burlington, Vermont. •William K. Severin, MBA, is currently'employed as a sales analyst for the Amer­ican Steel & Wire Company in Cleveland,Ohio.Albert H. Silverman, AM, is an instruc­tor in English at the University of Arkan-sas in Fayetteville. .Robert C. Stepto, PhD, of the U.S.P.H.S.,is a fellow in the Institute of Endocrine andMetabolic Research at Michael Reese Hos­pital, Chicago.Barbara Ann Stout (Mrs. Ross L. Bad­key) is a stenographer with the GrolierSociety, Inc., of Chicago.Procter Thomson, Jr., AM, is a researchassociate in the department of ecohomicsof the University of Chicago.Eva Wanaev, AJ\f, is a social worker inthe University, of Chicago Clinics" SocialService Departmen t.ENGAGEMENTSMr- and Mrs. C_ T. Ripley of Chicagoand South Laguna, Calif., announce theengagement of their daughter, BarbaraAnn Ripley, AM '47, to Warren ToddFurniss of New York.Arthur Greeman, MBA '48, sends wordof his engagement to Miss Gloria Shul- hafer of Chicago. The marriage is to takeplace July 2, 1949.My. and Mrs. J. V. Cahill of Ridgefield.Conn., announce the engagement of theirdaughter, Louise, to James D. Gallagher,'46. The wedding will take 'place after Jimgraduates from the U of C Medical Schoolin June.Dr. and Mrs. Will Cook Spain of NewYork announce the engagement of theirdaughter, Joann, to Arthur E. Rasmussen,Jr., AM '43, of Hartsdale, New York.Col. and Mrs. Sol ]>. Fink of Scarsdale,New York, announce the engagemen t oftheir daughter, Nancy Fink, '47, to HerbertBaer, '46. Mr. Baer is now attending Har­vard Law School.Ruth Schorsch; daughter of the late Mr.and Mrs. George Schorsch of Prague, grad­uate of the University of Illinois, is engagedto Robert E. Herzog, '34, of Chicago.Marjorie F. Leventhal, MBA '48, is en­gaged to Ira J. Stone, MBA '48. Both areChicagoans.MARRIAGESLois J. Swan, '47, SB '48, became thebride of Robert T. Jones, '47, at her homein Dallas, Texas, last December. Lois, thedaughter of Hugo Swan, '15, JD '17, andher husband are continuing their studiesat Chicago.Sally R. Cowles, '47, is now Mrs. JohnMarshall Bullitt and lives at 4 Scott Street,Cambridge, Massachusetts.Anna Frost became the bride of WilliamE. Forbis, '48, on February 18, 1949. TheForbis' are Iiving in Chicago where Billhas a position with Procter '& Gamble.Worcester, Massachusetts, was the sceneof the wedding of Holly Taylor, '48, andChester Bowles, Jr., '47, on December 4.1948.November 23, 1948, was the date of thewedding of Ruth Schomherst, SM '29, and-W. H. Breen. Mrs, Breen is continuingteaching at the Florida State Universityas associate professor of botany and chair­man of the biological sciences in the Gen­eral Education Program. Mr. Breen is inthe contracting business in Tallahassee.Fred J. Jackson, AM '41 was married toMiss Helen Banting of Alliston, Ontario,on December 6, 1948. Miss Banting is aniece of the late Sir' Frederick Banting,discoverer of insulin. The Jacksons arenow living at Horning's Mills, Ontario,where Fred is a minister of the UnitedChuroh of Canada.Zdenka Pojeta, '44, is now Mrs. R. E.Tillotson, and is living in Chicago.William N. Simonds, Jr., '34, was mar­ried to Miss Jane Webb on Novemher 19.1948. The Simonds are living in Boston.Massachusetts, where Bill is an engineerwith the firm of Jackson & Moreland.Edith Ann Bach, AM' '33, became thehride of Harry E. Norman on December23, 1948. The Normans are living in Seattle,Washington, where Edith is a teacher.Hilma B. Cohn, AM '47, and Walter J.Levy, AM '45, were married March 6, 1949,in St. Louis, Missouri. The Levys are nowliving in Minneapolis where Walter issupervisor with the Jewish Employment &Vocational Guidance Office.Robert O. Bailey, AM '48, was marriedin October, 1948" to Miss Marjor:ie Roden­heber of Chicago at the Thorndyke HiltonChapel on campus. The Baileys arenow in Stigler, Oklahoma, where Bob hasbeen appointed City Manager. Prior tothis appointment he was with the Mil­waukee Planning Commission. CLAIRKE-MeE'LROYPU,BLISHIN<G CO.61,40 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3·3935"Good Printin, 0/ A.U Oacriptioru"Real Estate and Insurance1500 East 57th Street Hyde Park 3··2525AMERICANPHOTO ENGRAVING CO."'0'0 Engrav."ArtIsts - ElectrotypersMakers of PrlntlnQ Plat ••429 TelephoneS. Ashland Blvd. MOnroe 6·7515BOYDSTON BROS •• INC.operating'Authorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospItalOfficial Ambul·ance Service forThe University of ChicagoOAkland 4·0492Trained and license'd attendantsBEST BOILER R:EPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICEIJCENSED .. BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAymarket 1.79171404-:08 S. We.tem Ave., Chic:agoE. J. Chalifoux '22PH:OTOPRESS, INC.Planograph-OfFset-Printing731 Plymouth CourtWAbash 2.8182RESULTS ••• ,depend on getting the details RIGHTPRINTINGImprint'inc-Proce •• ed Letter. - TypewritincAddre •• inc - Folding - MailingA Complete Seroice lor Direct Adoertiller.Chicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn St., Chicago 5, Ill.WAbash 2-456130 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEEASTMAN COAL CO.Established 1902YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone SEeley 3-4488Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phone: WEntworth 6-8620-1-2-3-4WOllon'l Cool Mokel Good-or­WOlion 0081The Best Place to Eat on the South Side��COLONIAL RESTAURANT6324' Woodlawn Ave.Phone HYde Park 3-6324w. B. CONKEY CO.HAMMOND, INDIANASALES OFFICES: CHICAGO AND NEW YORKBIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners ($ Dyers200 E. Marquette ReedPhone: WEntworth 6-5380SUPERFLUOUS HAIRREMOVED FOREVERMultiple 20 platinum needles can be usedPermanent removal of hair from face, eye·brows, bad of neck, or any part. of body:also facial veins. moles, and warts.LOTTIE A. METCALFEelECTROLYSIS EXPERT20 years' experienceGraduate NurseSuite 1705, Stevens Building17 N. State StreetTelephone FRanklin 2-4885FREE CONSULTATIONI· Dorothy E. Fox, '31, daughter of Mrs.Ralph E. Fox, Lake Forest, Illinois wasmarried to Maj. Arthur H. Vollertsen onFebruary 14, 1949, at Trinity EpiscopalChurch, Seattle, Wash. The Vollertsens areliving at Fort Benning, Georgia.Mrs. Charles P. Megan announces themarriage of her daughter, Frances " P.Megan, '41, to Linual D. Smithey in Wash­ington, D. C., December 23, 1948.Jean M. Knauss, '42, SM '43, of Chicago,was recently married to F. T. Ruthenbeck.They are now living in Park Ridge, Illinois.Barbara Ann Shean was married October2, 1948, to Stephen Saunders Barat, '37, atThorndike Hilton Chapel on the Chicagocampus. Mr .. Barat's best man was .hiscousin, Stuart Abel, '36. The couple residesin Chicago.Ann Todd, AM '48, became the brideof Professor Harry Rubey, chairman of thedepartment of civil engineering, Universit.yof Missouri, last August. Mrs. Rubey IScontinuing as head of the reference depart­ment of the University of Missouri Library.Suzanne Harnstrom, '45, was married toJohn E. Schmidt at the Fourth PresbyterianChurch, Chicago, on February 26,. 1949.Sue, an assistant buyer in Marshall FIeld &Co. Budget Shops, and her husband spen�their honeymoon at the New Orleans MardiGras and in Hot Springs. .James W. Herrick, AM '40, was marriedto Barbara Hanson on January 22, 1949.The Herricks are living in Arlington,Massachusetts. James is assistant creditmanager for Kennedy's, Inc., in Boston.Adelaide M. Loving, '46, was married toJames M. B�rsb�ch, February 5: 1�49. Theyare now Iiving In Evanston, IllInOIS.Milton T. Edelman, '46, was married toMiss Esther L. Asner, August 29, 1948. TheEdelmans live in Urbana, Illinois, whereMilton is teaching.Sam S. Fawley, '43, was married to DorisP. Stone, September 11, 1948. The Fawle�slive in Evanston, Illinois while Sam IS'working as an expediter for U. S. GypsumCompany, Chicago.Elizabeth Welles St. John, SM '45, becamethe bride of Dr. Howard White on July 5,1948. The Whites live in New Brunswick,New Jersey. Mrs. White is in bacteriologyresearch with Squibb & Company.Janet B. Dav�n, '45, SB '46, MD '4� ye­search assistant In the U. of C. tOXICItylaboratory, was married to Donald A ', Row­ley on December 18, 1948. Janet IS thedaughter of Hurford H. Davison, '21, andthe former Ethel Ballantyne, '24.Babette M. Mantynband, '45, SB '47, be­came the wife of Irvin F. Richman April15, 1948. Mrs. Richman is the daughter ofLouis M. Mantynband, '18, JD '20, ofChicago.Barbara Hanson of Arlington, Mass., be­came the bride of James W. Herrick, AM'40, January 22, 1949, in Arlington.Edith M. Rosen, '48, and Joseph H. Skom,'47, were married last .Tune 27. They areliving near the University as Joe is a stu­dent in the U of C Medical School.Miss Cynthia Happ of Kenilworth, Illi­nois, became the bride of Chester W. Laing,'32, of Chicago, on February 12, 1�49.After a wedding trip to Nassau, the Laingsreturned to Chet's home on Chicago'S Bel­levue Place.Mrs. Theodore Portis (Marion L. Ringer,'20) announces the marriage of her daugh­ter Nancy Ann Portis, AM '48, on June19,' 1948, to Leonard Liebshutz of Winnetka,Illinois. BIRTHSBorn to Mr. and Mrs. S. G. English(Muriel Frodin, '42) of Washington, D. C.,twin daughters, Elizabeth and Helen, onFebruary 4, 1949.Born to Dorothy Frech, '46, and her ,hus­band, Gregg Geiger, '38, MBA '46, a girl,their first ohild, on August 17, 1948, atLying-In. Janet Ellen is named after herpaternal aunt, Janet Geiger Pfeffer, '40, AM'49.C. Edward Holtsberg, '35, announces thebirth of a daughter, Ellen on November 3,1948.The Eugene Lynns (Amy Jacobs, '33) ofNew York City announce the birth of theirfirst daughter, Robin, at Doctors Hospitalon December 29, 1948. Robin joins MasterBruce at the Lynn household.February 14, 1949, was the date thatSara Louise made her first appearance atthe home of Jay P. Bartlett, '42, MD '43,and his wife, Alice, in Ogden, Utah. SaraLouise is the granddaughter of Frank K.Bartlett, '10, SM '13, MD (Rush) '13, also.of Ogden.Peter Hecht joined sister Sue at the homeof Amy and Bernard Moss, '38, in Chicagoon November 27, 1948.New Year's Eve, 1948, was the datechosen by William Michael to make hisfirst appearance in the world. He is theson of William O. Mally, '46, MBA '47, ofChicago. Bill, the elder, is with the Con­tainer Corporation of America.Henry R. Barber, '30,. announces thebirth of a son, Henry RIgel, on' January13, 1949. The Barber home is in Spring­field, Illinois.Stanley H. Moulton, '43, MD '45, and theformer Patricia A. Lyding, '42, announcethe birth of their second child and daugh­ter, Carol Louise, on March 2, 1949. Caroljoins Leslie, 3, at the Moulton's Chicagohome.We recently received announcement ofthe birth of Anne Elizabeth to Cecilia andAllan L. Dreyfuss, '41, on February 2, 1949,in the 97th General Hospital, FrankfurtAm Main, Germany. Allan is with theU. S. Press Center there.John Chester Mattingly was' born March7, 1949, .. in Denver, Colorado, to Phyllis R.Greene, '38, and John W. Mattingly. TheMattinglys recently moved to Denver fromPender, Nebraska, and are now lookingfor a home.Hart Perry, '40, and his wife, the formerBeatrice Gaidzik, '41, are the parents ofa son, Scott, born March 27, 1949. ThePerrys are living in Chicago where Hartis with the American Community Builders,Inc.Richard E. Petersen, '47, MBA '48, andDorothy Jane Granquist, '45, MBA '47, an­nounce the arrival of Priscilla Jane onFebruary 21, 1949. The Petersens live inChicago.Janet and Randolph T. Snively, '40, ofPark Forest, Chicago Heights, Illinois, an­nounce the birth of Edward Randolph onFebruary 20, 1949.Norman I. Graff, '47, MD '48, is theproud father of Marc David, who arrivedNovember 5, 1948, at the Graff home inChicago.Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Harris (Sarah H.Richman, '41) announce the birth of AnitaMarie on November 23, 1948, in Chicago.Dr. Harris has just completed a year incardiovascular research at Michael ReeseHospital, Chicago.Eugene Clyde Weafer, '31, announcesthe birth of a son, Ernest George. onTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDece.mber 4, 1948, at Farmington, NewM�XICO. The Weafers have four otherchIldren: Clyde, Lynn, Sarah, and Blanche.Na�an F. Diament, MBA '48, announcesthe birth of a son, Marc Hershel, on Feb­rl!a!y 5, 1949, in Huntington, West· Vir­gIOIa. Proud father is an instructor inbusiness administration at Marshall College.DEATHS. Fr� G. Anibal, AM '24, SM '32, chem­Istry In�tructor at Abraham Lincoln HighSchool In San Jose, California, died lastsummer of a heart attack, suffered whilehiking at Yosemite National Park with hiswife and two children.Anne Payne Wells, 4f>5, widow of Lee W.Maxwe�, '05, died January 2, 1949, at herhome In New York City. Mr. Maxwellformer vice-president of Parade Publica�tions, Inc., died last October. .John W. Taylor, PhD '30, who headedthe history department at Carroll Collegefor 27 y�ars, died January 14, 1949, shortlyafter b�mg take� to Waukesha (Wisconsin)Memonal Hospital. He had retired fromthe Carroll faculty last fall.Louis Bothman, '15, MD (Rush) '17, pro­fessor of opthalmology at the University ofIllinois, died January 19, 1949, of a heartattack suffered while walking in the Chi­cago Loop. Dr. Bothman was editor of theEye, Ear, Nose and Throat Year Book.:E�ward o. Sisson, '93, died in Monterey,Cahf.,.at the age of 79, January 24,1949.Dr. SISS�)ll �aught at Bradley University,the l!lllverslty of Illinois, University ofWashmgton, and Reed College. He re­ceived an alumni citation from Chicago in1941.':Vilmo� �eSaussure Boone, '22, Presby­tenan mISSIOnary serving as executive sec­retary of the East China Mission, diedJanuary 27, 1949, in Shanghai. For morethan 38 years Rev. Boone was active in edu­cational, �dminist�a�ive, and youth workof the China Christian Council.sylvester Jones, DB '07, minister and mis­sionary in the Society of Friends, died ofcoronary thrombosis in Chicago, January21, 1949, at the age of 74. Rev. Jones, whowas also connected with the ProvidentMutual Life Insurance Company of Phila­delphia, was the author of "Not ByMight."Step,?-en Reid Capps, '03, PhD '07, U. S.GeologIcal Survey geologist, noted for hisAlaskan exploratory work, was striken witha heart attack in front of the White Houseinaug�Iral stands January 20, 1949, anddied III Emergency Hospital shortly after­ward. Dr., Capps, Starred Man of Sciencerecipient of an Alumni Citation, membe;o� the A�e:ican �cademy of Sciences andSIgma Xi, IS survived by his wife, JuliaWebster Capps, '11.George H. Daugherty, Jr., '21 PhD '25died in Chicago on May 13, 1948. Dr.Daugherty was professor of English at Chi­cago Teachers College. He is survived byhis wife, Nona J. Walker, '20.Ed�th M. St�in (Mrs.. Melville Keirn),AM 22, of HIghland Park, Illinois, diedFebruary 6, 1949, after a three months' ill­ne�s. Actively interested in problems ofchl!d labor and the under privileged, Mrs.keim was .most recen�ly devoting her timeto the Chicago Hearing Society, of whichshe was Secretary and a member of theBoard. . She is survived by her husband, .two sons, mother, and her brother SydneyStein, Jr. '23. 'M. Luella Carter, AM '16, PhD '28, re­tired professor and head of the departmentof modern languages at Doane College, Crete, Nebraska, died at her home in Mans­field, Ohio, December 30, 1948.Louise P. Beck, '32, Chicago public schoolteacher, died July 26, 1948.William E. Gamble, MD (Rush) '86, ofSanta Monica, California, passed awayApril, 1948.Mary Elizabeth Murphy, '05, director ofthe Elizabeth McCormick Memorial FundChicago, died December 25, 1948. Funeraiservices were held at Bond Chapel, on theChicago campus.Arnold G. Lockerby, '12, president andgeneral manager of. the Lockerby-BarkwellCompany, automobile dealers died, at hishome in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Janu­ary 24, 1949.James H. Hewlett, PhD '31, professorand head of the department of English atCentre College, Danville, Kentucky, died onDecember 28, 1948. Dr. Hewlett was alsoassociate dean and had been acting presi-dent for a tdme. .Arthur J. Hall, PhD '11, chairman ofthe philosophy and psychology departmentsat Baylor University, died at ProvidenceHospital, Waco, Texas, on' November 1,1948. Dr. Hall's illness began with a seriesof colds which developed into influenza.William Thomas McLean, MD (Rush)'81, passed away December 18, 1948, at theage of 90, in Maroa, Illinois. Dr. McLeanwas the father of Franklin C. McLean �08SM '13, PhD '15, MD (Rush) '10, professo:of pathology at Chicago. .· Robert O. Brown, '�2, MD (Rush) '14,died February 1, 1949, In his home at Santa�e,. Ne� Mexico. Dr. Brown began pra£­tIC.Ing In Santa Fe after serving his intern­ShIP. at C�ok County Hospital, Chicago.He IS survived by hIS wife and children,two sis�ers, hi.s brother, Edward EagleBrown, 04, chairman of the board of Chi­cago's First National Bank, and anotherbrother.Charles W. Elkin, '34, recently deputy .personnel officer of the Naval ResearchLaboratory in Washington, D. C., died ofa heart attack in his sleep last November.· May Wood (Mrs. Algie M. Simons), '05,died at New Martinsville, West Virginia,December 4, 1948. Well known as anauthor and lecturer, Mrs. Simons was amember of the faculty of the economicsdepartment at Northwestern Universityuntil her retirement in 1942. She is sur­vived by her husband and her daughter,Mrs. Gerald J. Leuck (Miriam E. Simons'21). 'Effie A. Gardner, '97, of Chicago, passedaway last October after a long illness.Arthur Carr Baird, '04, retired highschool teacher and principal, of HamiltonOhio, died October 13, 1948. '· Edward V. Kohout, '21, Chicago florist,died February 4, 1948.Fr��erick E. Braucht, MD (Rush) '94,P�yslclan and surgeon of Elkader, Iowa,died December 4, 1948.Jacob Cohn, '30, died in Jerusalem, Pal­estine, sometime last January.Charles O. Hardy, PhD '16, staff directorof the joint Congressional Committee on theB9YDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227·29·31 Cottage Grove Ave.OAkland 4·0492 31TuckerDecorating Service1360 East 70th StreetPhone Midway 3·4404GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Pei.nting-Oec:oreting-Wood Finishing3123Lake Street PhoneKEdzie 3-3186BLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women's Hote·1In theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful living to Uni­versity and Business Women eiModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748Blackstone Ave. Telephone ,PLaza 2-3313Verna P. Werner, DirectorSIne·. 1878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholstersFurniture Repairing1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 9-718032 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINErelephone KEnwood 6-1352J. E. KIDWE'LL Florist826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago I' 5, lUinoisJAMES E. K! Decorating�etbictPhon� PUllman 5-9170•10422 _bobe. �be., C:btt41l0, 3U1 .rSince 1895Surgeons' Fine InstrumentsSurgical EquipmentHospit!91 and Office FurnitureSundries. Supplies. Dressingsv. MUELLER & Phones: SEeley 3·2180408 SOUTH HONORE STREETCHICAGO 12, .ILlINOIS•Auto Livery•Quie', unob,,"';"e .. rvlceW�.n you wan' if, a. you wall' "CALL AN EMERY PIRSTEmery Drexel Livery, Inc.5516 Harper AvenueFAirfax 4-6400 Economic Report, died November 30, 1948,at George Washington University Hospital,Washington, D. C., after an illness of twomonths. DF. Hardy taught at Ottawa(Kansas) University, Chicago, and IowaState. Author of several books and frequent­ly a contributor to professional journals.·Dr. Hardy is survived by his widow, MyraM. Moore, '07, -a son and a daughter.Edward S. Fitzmaurice, MD (Rush) '02,passed away in Fort Lauderdale, Florida,June 16, 1948, after a four months' illness.Dr. Fitzmaurice practiced in Mohall, NorthDakota, for 46 years before retiring toFlorida.James A. Wharton, MBA '48, died ofleukemia January 31, 1949,· in St. Luke'sHospital, Chicago. Jim took his under­graduate work at Northwestern and servedas an ensign in the U. S. Navy.Eva Colby, '21, emeritus member of theWestern Illinois State College faculty, diedNovember 6, 1948. Miss Colby was theformer head of the home economics de­partment at the, college, which is locatedin Macomb, Illinois.John R. Corcoran, '40, a SCIENCE IL­LUSTRATED staff photographer for overtwo years, died, from injuries sustainedwhen his car overturned on a highway out­side of New York City, January 19, 1949.He was returning alone from the city tohis home at Piermont, New York, whenthe accident occurred. He. is survived byhis wife, the former Ruth Brody, '40, hisson David, and his parents.Benjamin Wilk, '11, who made such astartling record as advertising manager ofthis MAGAZINE in his student days thathe was snapped up by the Fairchild Pub­lication upon his graduation, died at hisRiverside Drive home in New York on Feb­ruary 9, 1949, of a cerebral hemorrhage atthe age of 63. He had become a leadingexpert on trade newspaper advertisingwhen he was forced to retire in 1941 be­cause of poor health. His son, Myron,attended Chicago and is now with theNew York advertising firm of Henry BachAssociates, Inc.'William H. Emmons, PhD '04, who madea hobby of geology and then won nationalrecognition in the field, died of a heartattack November 5, 1948, in his Minneap­olis home. Dr. Emmons was professoremeritus of geology and mineralogy andhead of the department of geology at theUniversity of Minnesota and also directorof the Minnesota geological survey.Mrs. Rose Conner Strutz, '36, of Sou thBend, Indiana, died September, 1948.Albert K. Epstein, '12, consulting and re­search chemist and president of theAmerican Palestine Trading Corporation(Ampal), New York, died December 22,1948, in a Tel Aviv hotel. His home wasin Chicago.Lowell C. Beers, SM '30, one of our morealert young scientists who did importantwork on radar research during the war,died March 25, 1949, in California. It wasall very sudden. A few months ago Lowelland his wife visited at Alumni House. InFebruary we learned that cancer had beendiscovered. In March we received thestartling news of his death.Charles E. Clark, '17, retired from hislaw practice several years ago, passed awayin Lakeland, Florida, December 8, 1948.Ruth Eaton, '09, died in Kalamazoo,Michigan, on November 16, 1948.Elma E. Kohnhorst, '20, PhB '25, diedOctober II, 1948, at Louisville, Kentucky.Miss Kohnhorst was principal of both Hey­wood and Nannie Lee Frayser Schools. Aplaque has been erected in her memory in Frayser School, reading, "She set thefeet of children on the Paths of Truthand Good."Albert Eli Merrill, '02, of Maywood,Illinois, passed away due to a sudden heartattack July II, 1948.C. Henry Smith, AM '03, PhD '07, 'dis­tinguished Mennonite educator and histo­rian, died at Bluffton, Ohio, on October lR1948. At different times Dr. Smith servedon the faculties of Goshen, Bethel, andBluffton colleges, and was' an associateeditor of "Mennonite Life."Dewey A. Stabler, AM '29, superintendentof schools of Otsego, Michigan, died onFebruary 25, 1949, after a long illness.Edward C. Swartz, '30, died February27, 1949, in Chicago Memorial hospital.An employee of the display departmentof Marshall Field & Co., Mr.· Swartz wasan army veteran of World War II.Emily _. C. Thompson (Mrs. FrederickSheets), �97, AM '00, died of cerebral throm­bosis on October 7, 1948, a t the age of 73.after a short illness. Mrs. Sheets devotedover twenty-five years of her life to thearduous duties as national secretary of theWomen's Foreign Missionary Society ofthe Methodist Church. A resident ofEvanston, she is 'survived by four nieces.Chester G. Vernier, '04, JD '07, professoremeritus of law at Stanford University anda noted authority in the field, of divorcelaw, died March 5, 1949, in Palo Alto (Cali­fornia) Hospital, at the age of 68. Retiredfrom the Stanford faculty in 1946, Dr.Vernier since taught at UC's HastingsCollege of Law in San Francisco. He issurvived by his wife, the former HazelAnderson, SM '07, and three children.John Williamson, PhD '27, professor atQueens College, Flushing, New York, diedFebruary 9, 1949.Vera M. Doneeker, '19, wife of Karl A.Hauser, AM '19, of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin,died November 25, 1948. Mrs. Hauser suf­fered a heart attack in October and thecomplications that followed led to herdeath. Besides her husband she leaves amarried daughter and baby grandson.Laird T. Hites, AM '16, DB '17, PhD '25,associate professor of psychology at Witten­berg College and formerly general secretaryof the Religious Education Association, diedDecember 13, 1948. Dr. Hites was alsobusiness manager of "Religious Education,"after having served as editor for manyyears .. Author and educator, he also servedas an appraiser for the U. S. VeteransService from 1945 until September, 1948,when he joined the Wittenberg faculty.Mary O'Brien, '05, an English teacherfor 45 years at Hyde Park High School,died February 19, 1949, in her home inChicago. Miss O'Brien, who retired about15 years ago, for many years taught the de­bating team at Hyde Park .Elizabeth Shelley Bogan, '07, widow ofWilliam J - Bogan, former superintendentof Chicago public schools and an educatorin her own right, died December 4, 1948,in Grant Hospital (Chicago) after a shortillness, at the age of 72. Mrs. Bogan issurvived by two daughters and a son, Mrs.Marcella Bogan Bishop, '28, Miss KatherineBogan, and William Bogan.Fannie C. Frisbie, PhD '04, wife of FrankB. Jewett, PhD '02, retired chairman of theboard of directors of the Bell Telephone.. Laboratories and former president of theNational Academy of Sciences, died Decem­ber 18, 1948, at her home in Short Hills,New Jersey, at the age of 70. Mrs. Jewettwas a member of the board of trustees ofRockford (Illinois) College where she tookher undergraduate degree in 1899.Dear Soviet Teachers ••We note that you have been discreetlysilent on some aspects of the Communistsystem. And that you have been urgedby Pravda to fill your students with"profound contempt" for the admira­tion given to ours.May we respectfully suggest a fewmore things that you'd better keep quietabout if you want the young Russiansto grow up convinced Communists.Don't tell them that in America theopportunity for advancement is unlim­ited-that here a man can work wherehe pleases and change his job when hepleases, and that he has the right to or­ganize and bargain collectively.Don't say anything about the com­petitive system, with rewards for initia­tive and enterprise in free markets-thesame system which has produced a standard of living about ten timeshigher than yours.Don't mention that here people canown things and manage their own busi­nesses . . . and invest money in new, undertakings.Don't breathe a word about the Amer­ican urge to invent better machines­and more productive ways to use them.Don't refer to a dynamic way of lifethat keeps on turning out more and bet­ter goods-keeps on lowering costs andraising wages, with shorter workinghours.In other words, don't give them anyof the facts about what happens whenfree people, governing themselves andspurred by ambition, go all-out to builda new kind of country-different fromany the world has ever seen. We don't say our way is perfect­far from it. Westill have our ups anddowns of prices and jobs. But weknow what's wrong and we're free todo something about it. Change is ourmiddle name. And in the long run, oursystem always changes for the better.P.S. About that "priority of inven­tions," the point isn't whether the Rus­sian scientist Lodygin invented electriclight before Edison, but what happenedafter it was invented. Which system­yours or ours-has mass-produced formore people the daily benefits of suchinventions as the automobile, telephone,radio, refrigeration, central heating,modern plumbing and better farm ma­chinery? The world knows that it is oursystem!Approved for the PUBLIC POLICY COMMITTEEoj the Advertising Council by representa­tives oj Management, Labor and the Public:EVANS CLARK PAUL G. HOFFMANExecutive Director Formerly PresidentTwentieth Century Fund Studebaker CorporationBORIS SHISHKINEconomistAmerican Federation of LaborPublished in the public interest by_ The B.F. Goodrich Co. rF���!;�dJ:;�is���:M�b�kk;�d��--�In words and pictures, it tells you -How we have been able to raise ;� A Tf-IF �-How our U. S. Economic System wages and shorten working hours 'Jv/lPI1C'[started -Why more Americans have jobs V-l L,£--:- Why Americans en?o?, the world's than ever before OFh ig hes t standard of Iivirig -Why the mainspring cf our svs- �ERrC-Why we take progress for tern is productivity 11 J\granted -How a still better living can be ...... _ ....-How mass production began had for.allMAIL THE COUPON to Public Policy Committee, The Advertising Council, Inc.,25 West 45th St., New York 19, N. Y.NA�E___ADDRESS � __OCCUPATION__MISSOURIKansas City Charles A. Elliott, Bryant Bldg.St. Louis The Rench Agency, Boatmen's Bank Bldg.NEBRASKAOmaha Harold F. True, Keeline Bldg.NEW HAMPSHIRE'Manchester Wellman.Burroughs Agency, 886 Elm StreetNEW JERSEYNewarkNEW YORKAlbany R. Roy Casey, State Bank Bldg.Binsbamtoll R, Clinton Meadows, Press Bldg.BUJlalo Arthur L. Beck, Genesee Bldg.New York City Edgar T. Wells, 55 Liberty StreetWilliam H. Bender, Jr., 17 E. 42nd St.Plattsburg Harry J. Terwilliger, 5 Court StreetRochester Bruce S. Johnson, Reynolds Arcade Bldg.NORTH CAROLINAGreensboro Andrew M. McGlamery, Southeastern Bldg.NORTH DAKOTA .Fargo Fargo Investment Company, Riley Bldg.OHIOCincinnatiClevelandOKLAHOMAOklahoma City C. Edgar Van Cleef, Colcord Bldg.OREGONPortland William J. Smith, Pacific Bldg.PENNSYLVANIAHarrisburg John 1. Tivney, Penn. Ch. of Com. Bldg.Philadelphia Clifford H. Orr, 1616 Walnut StreetPtttsburgb Reginald S. Koehler, Jr., Oliver Bldg.RHODE ISLAN DProvidence Ralph C. Bevan, Turk's Head Bldg.SOUTH DAKOTASioux Falls Homer D. Hildebrand, Boyce-Greeley Bldg.TENNESSEEChattanooga James B. Irvine, Jr., Chattanooga Bank Bldg.MemPhiJ Clyde R. Weiman, First National Bank Bldg., VERMONTMontpelier, VIRGINIARoanokeWASHINGTON_ Seattle Renaldo A. Baggott, Henry Bldg.WEST VIRGINIACharleston Herbert W. Cardwell, Kanawha Bk. &. Tr. Didg.WISCONSIN'Milwallkee R. Wayne Allison, The 110 E. Wisconsin Bldg.,NATIONAL LIFE GENERAL AGENTSALABAMABirmingham H. Lacy Daniel, Empire Bldg.CALIFORNIALos Angeles Walter]. Stoessel. Edwards &. Wildey Bldg.San Diego ). William K"ibbs III, 161'6 Fourrh AvenueSan Francisco S. Carlisle Marrin, Crocker 1st Nar'l Bank Bldg,,COLORADODenver Standart &. Main, Patterson Bldg.CONNECTICUT ,Hartford Harold Smyth, 36 Pearl StreetNew Canaan John). Keilam, Brushy Ridge RoadDELAWARE (See Philaddphi;a, Pa.)DIST. OF COLUMBIA .Washington Edward H. Von Deck, Edmonds Bldg.GEORGIAAtlanta i-J'arold T. Dillon, Haas-Howell Bldg.ILLINOISBloomington Bruce 1. Crosthwait, Unity Bldg.IN�:�� Merrill W. .Mac Namee, 208 So. LaSal,le Street Bldg.Lndianapolis 'Victor E. Pinkus, Illinois Bldg.ilOWACedar Rapids C. Vance Shepherd, Dows Bldg.Sioux City William R. Grady, Badgerow Bldg.KANSAS Charles A. Elliorr, Bryant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.KENTUCKYLouisville Wilton, R. Long, Starks Bldg.M���l�or Howard MiGoodwin, 23 Hammond StreetPortland Richard 1. Small, Bldg.MARYLAN 0') .Baltimore, Leonard V. Godine, Maryland Trust Bldg:MASSACHUSETTSBoston T. Temple Pond, 79 MiI� StreetSpringfield Howard C. Shaw, 44 Vernon StreetMI��::;/�ee'k Floyd C. White, Central Tower Bldg.Detroit George M. Robinson &. Son, United Artists Bldg.Flint McKinnon & Mooney, Paterson Bldg.MINNESOTAMilllieapolis Lloyd O. Swanson, Baker Bldg.St. Paul . Floyd G. Bean, Pioneer Bldg. " Fred S. Fern, National Newark Bldg.Ray F. Hodges, Atlas Bank Bldg.Truman H. Cummings, N, B. C. Bldg.Fred S. Brynn, 97 State StreetWilliam B. Richardson, Liberty Trust Bldg.Without k . Manyh nOWlng t a man hfi e�t suited. M Or which fi ld as gradUated ft In h' any a r e of b' rom c 11IS first h' eCent grad USlness d 0 egeT c OICe of Uate h f en eavo lio Youn career as oUnd tii r e isLife ff g men in db' Imself a th'o ers· ou t a ·�J]S-A aptItud s to th .s a reSult ,x> h e preferenc elr qUalificat'a ' yye av b e and IOns N -gO�d Start in e een able t . VOcational in' atlona1seCUrIty Th the reWard' 0 gIVe man terest testshave b' who de Ing bUSiness Y prornisin '. een gUId d . monstrat d of prov'd' g menpartIcular gift e Into fields ofte. no ability for lIng familyIf s. enng underw W greater s rItIngents li ould like t k cOPe for th .G Ie, We invit 0 nOW wh elreneral A e You to get' .. ere YOUr bf gent ri in to h est bu .or You. Th . earest You H �c with' the .SIness tn]:ere IS no ch . e WIll be gl d NatIonal L'farge or ob]' . a to err I eIgation of a�ge a testany kInd..f��C'Jee YOUr i\. T •.J. vattonal L .at least 012 ife underUJriterce a.year"· .. and oxygen unns another fight for life!OXYGEN has saved many a fine baby like this. Born aheadof time, with lungs and heart slow to function, the dreadedblue color was appearing. But oxygen in an incubator wonthe fight!From childbirth on through life, the use of oxygen inmedical treatment is now becoming routine ... far differentfrom the emergency uses of earlier years.An oxygen-enriched atmosphere makes breathing easier- reduces the strain on the overloaded heart and congestedlungs. The result is less fatigue and exhaustion, and greatercomfort and quicker recovery for the patient.And in other situations, where heart action is impairedby shock or obstruction of a blood vessel, oxygen oftenbrings vital relief. All modern hospitals have adequateequipment for oxygen therapy, often with oxygen piped to beds from a central supply.The people oj Union Carbide produce oxygen and manyother materials that help all of us stay healthier, live longer.They also produce hundreds oj other materials for the useoj science and industry, to help maintain American leader­ship in meeting the needs of mankind.FREE: An informative "Oxygen Therapy Handbook" is available freeof charge to doctors, nurses, and persons interested in hospital ad­ministration. I] you would also like information on other products ofUnion Carbide ask for the free booklet "Products and Processes."UNION CARBIDEA.lVP CARBO�V CO_ePORATIO.lV30 EAST 42ND STREET � NEW YORK 17. N. Y.--------------- Trade-marked Products of Divisions and Units include ---------------­LINDE Oxygen • PREST-O-LITE Acetylene • PYROFAX Gas • SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICALSELECTROMET Alloys and Metals • HAYNES STELLIT<.£ Alloys • BAKELITE, KRENE, VINYON, and VINYLITE PlasticsNATIONAL Carbons • EVEREADY Flashlights and Batteries • ACHESON Electrodes • PRESTONE and TREK Anti-Freezes