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From todav's underwriters willbe chosen many of tomorrow's executives.These are but a few reasons why, if you can make the grade, you'llfind a career with the Mutual Benefit a highly satisfactory life's work.Send for a copy of our Aptitude Index-a test designed to indicateyour possibilities as a Mutual Benefit underwriter. If you score highand are interested in learning more about the opportunities offered,we shall be glad to discuss them further with you.THE MUTUAL BENEFITLIFE INSURANCE COMPANrORGANIZED IN 1845 NEWARK, NEW JERSEYL--'_--C1·----------D�����;�-l�-�i-F��id-·P;������i-----·-·-----------------------------------------The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company300 Broadway, Newark 4, New JerseyI am interested in learning my possibilities as a successful Mutual BenefitUnderwriter. Please send me the Aptitude Index. I understand there is no obligation.ACTNOW! Name, . � _Address _City State ____________________________ - - - - - -- -- - -- ---- - - - - -- -- - - - --------- -- - - - -_ - S�) _.,Age BOOKSLINCOLN RUNS FOR CONGRESS by DonaldW. Riddle, PhB'20, PhD'23. Rutgers UniversityPress. $3.00.In the flood of books written aboutAbraham Lincoln it is refreshing to finda careful, scholarly study undertaken toget at truth and not to glorify a hero.Such is Donald Riddle's volume describ­ing Lincoln's efforts to become a congress­man. It neither "debunks" nor goes outof its way to glorify. It, therefore, doesmore to serve both history and Lincolnthan most works in this field.Back in the early 1840's there were fewdistricts in Illinois where a Whig had achance of election. One of these was theseventh. Here in the winter of 1842-1843Lincoln, with all the zeal of a modernoffice seeker, determined to win the prize.By what today would be termed a politicalbargain and by clever use of all the tricksof the trade, Lincoln crowded his rivaland friend, John J. Hardin, aside andsecured the nomination. Then in a bittercampaign against Peter Cartwright, hefought for a chance to go to Washington.Issues counted for little, but personalitiesfor much. A whispering campaign, involv­ing Lincoln's religious views, developed andhe was forced to make one of the mostimportant statements of his career on thissubject. He "unhesitatingly supported"the Mexican War in his speeches andshowed considerably more enthusiasm thanhe would later show in Congress. He wonby a plurality of 1,511, a margin greaterthan that secured by any of his predeces­sors. He was already gaining a firm holdon his people.Riddle's book is valuable because it helpsto give a sound understanding of the manLincoln and of his times. It proves thatLincoln was both ambitious, and skillfulin politics. It gives us a glimpse of west­ern political ways and the part which per­sonalities played in winning an election.Avery CravenTHE POLITICAL COMMUNITY, by Sebastiande Grazia, '44, PhD'48, Assistant Professor ofSocial Science. University of Chicago Press.$4.00.Here is a book about politics that hassomething to say about people.The remarkable thing about books onpolitical doctrine is that most of them seemto be about cadavers and not about hu­man beings who grow up in families, gangaround at adolescence, achieve some sortof maturity, and experience the commonburdens and joys of suffering and some­times triumphant humanity.De Grazia has attempted to bring to­gether all that modern clinical and childpsychology has to contribute to our under­standing of how people become happily orunhappily related to one another in com­munity life. He is deeply concerned withthe failure to achieve an active sense ofbelonging.There is no doubt that this book willgive renewed vitality to the conception of"anomie" and to the study of man insociety.Harold D. Lasswell, '22, PhD '26Yale UniversityPRELIMINARY DRAFT OF A WORLD CON­STITUTION, by the Committee to Frame aWorld Constitution, Robert M. Hutchins,President. University of Chicago Press. $2.00.This is the first edition in book formof the proposed world constitution. Thevolume contains also a brief explanationof the Committee's attitude toward theUnited Nations and Russia.ELIEL SAARINEN, by Albert Christ-Jener,University of Chicago Press. $15.00.The artistic creed of the Finnish archi­tect Eliel Saarinen, so clearly expressed inhis writings on the city and on form, . isequally implicit. in his brilliant plans forcities and in his many buildings in Eu­rope and America, both abundantly illus­trated in the 210 plates of this handsomefolio. In an age of over-specialization andindividualism, Saarinen stands for integra­tion and collaboration: integrating build­ings with their environment, and correlat­ing the various arts (murals, sculpture, tex­tiles, rugs and furniture) with the designof the whole through the' collaboration ofartists, craftsmen, and architect. Theseideas have found their fullest realizationat Cranbrook near Detroit, both in Saar­inen's buildings and in his far-reachingeducational program. All this AlbertChrist-Janer observed at first hand, asdirector of the Cranbrook Museum of Art.He is now Director of Development inthe Humanities at the University of Chi­cago. Bertha H. WilesLETTERSAnd the New YorkerThe MAGAZINE continues to stir anddelight. I look forward with increasingeagerness to its arrival. On home-mailday have a struggle to see which wins forthe first reading-The New Yorker, Satur­day Evening Post or the MAGAZINE.I'm glad the MAGAZINE won this time,for the May issue has just arrived (Sept.15; this letter received Nov. 15) ... It wasRobert M. Hutchins "The Problem ofWorld Government" that lifted my eyesfrom India's trying problems and set memore widely thinking. Russia is onlyminutes away from us and we in India areincreasingly aware of that vast power justQver the Himalayas. . . .Donald F .. Ebright, PhD '44Superintendent" ' 'Methodist Church in South Asia,Moradabad, India.Our errorThe November (MAGAZINE) has' thiserror under 1910-It reports my classifica­tion properly (head of department ofpsychology) but I am at Win<?n� StateTeachers College. My son, WIlham A.Owens, Jr., has been appointed head ofthe department of psychology at IowaState. He has studied at Chicago buthas no degree from there.William A. Owens, AM '11Winona, MinnesotaMore Then LoreBefore December was two weeks' old, aUthe volumes of Marion Talbot's MORETHAN LORE had been mailed to mem­bers who requested copies (see DecemberMemo Pad). Here are brief cross-sections,of the requests:MORE THAN LORE sounds like some­thing I would treasure always, since MissTalbot was in Kelly Hall, and Miss Dadleyin "make-shift" Lexington when I fre­quented these buildings. Familiar, too,were the persons Mrs. Flint and MissWallace ... Ye olde timer,Mrs. Edith Watters Brown, 'ISOak Park 1'iVolume_..A.f",' . NumberAHOWARD W. MORTEditor VIVIAN A. ROGERSARTHUR R. DAYAssociate Editors VALERIE CRAIGCless News EditorWILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN JEANNETTE LOWREYContributing EditorsIN T HIS ISS U ECOVER ITRADITION AND PROGRESSli�E DESIGN, ],ean M aunouryTHE UINI'VERSITY Of CHlCAGOMAGAZINEBOOKSLETTERS -REPLY TO THE EDITORS, Robert M. HutchinsWHAT ARE WE DOING ABOUT IT?, Bernard R. BerelsonONE MAN'S OPINION, William V. Morgenstern - 11A LIFE FOR A LADY?, Elisabeth Nichols - 12- 14STUDENT ACTIVITIES, Arthur R. DayNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES, Jeannette Lowrey- IS'NEWS OF THE CLASSESCALENDARPUBLI.SHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIAT'ION- 19- 22COVER: Some of the University's Gothic as it looks from. Cobb Hall.Co,bib itself rises In the right foreground; .. Bond Chepe] iinthe center, with Haske" Hall showing above 'its r�of on theleft. Harper tower lords it over the whole scene. 369Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago monthly, from Octoberthru June. Office of Publication, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscrip­tion price $3.:00,. Single copies 35 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1; 1934, atthe Post Office at, Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The American AlumniCouncil, B. A. Ross, advertising director, 22 Washington' Square, New York, N. Y., is theofficial advertising agency of the Magazme.I know I'm one of the. "hundred mem­bers" who would appreciate more than100 per cent Miss Talbot's MORE THANLOREI Since I eatered the University onits first day of 1892, graduated in '96,and continued work at intervals until after1900, you can understand why ..Mary Dean Spalding, '96St. Louis. . . I should be' very happy to have acopy as a former Green Han member­Glass of 1:916,.Minneapolis Mary C. Moses, '16 · . . The article on Miss Talbot wasa fitting tribute to a great woman.Elizabeth Noble, '25Valparaiso· . . Having been on the . . . campus1907-13 (students and teacher) Dean Tal­bot's .book will mean a great deal to us.Mr. and Mrs. George J. Miner, '08, SM '09Bloomington, Indiana· .. I lived in Dean Talbot's dormitory,Green Hall.Lillian Watkins, '24St. Joseph, MissouriCHARTRES CATHEDRAL. Each age had its own expression Frence's magnificent old Cathedral -holds a vital lesson for architectsof today-and for those whodeplore the intrusion of modern designupon the old-world atmosphere ofthe Quadrangles .THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ADMIN1STRATION BUILDINGWeilcome proof of a trend to free reseerch2TRADITION ANDPROGRESSIVE DESIGNT· HE Cathedral of Chartres is a vast and beautifullyproportioned synthesis of centuries of design' andconstruction. Its dimensions are startling even in ourtime, when an advanced technique provides the wayfor great boldness of execution. 425 feet long and 260.wide, it rises 375 feet from the ground to' the tip of thetallest spire. Inside, the keystones are 115 feet above thepavement, and the outside walls stretch 165 feet fromthe ground to the roof ridge. Ten thousand people cangather beneath its vaults and an even greater numberabout the parvis. 'Its size is matched by its beautiful proportions. Thearchitect of the thirteenth century knew. the secret ofthe Numbers. Mysterious relationships between givendimensions were taught, once the apprenticeship was com­pleted, to' workmen worthy ()If initiation. The "Laws ofBeauty" were lost after the Middle Ages, but little bylittle through patient research they are now being broughtto light. It would seem that not only the architects, butthe painters, the sculptors, tbe silver and goldsmiths ofthe classic period knew and applied them. It is 'also inter­esting to note that the curve of a shell, the design of thepine cone, the proportions of the human skeleton allrespect the same laws. A guarantee offered by Nature to'the achievement of Man.With the Cathedral of Chartres and its evolution, wetouch upon the most ancient origin of the Christian civil­ization. It was in the thirteenth century that it took itsactual form, hardly modified during the following cen­turies. But the thirteenth century building was attachedto' the facade of the twelfth century and built upon thefoundations of the eleventh century, In the heart of theeleventh century crypt were found the ruins of the ninthcentury church and, although there are no remnants ofearlier churches, we know -!they existed: the first Bishopof Chartres was consecrated about the year 350 A.' D.When at the end of the fifteenth century the architectJ ehan de Beauce undertook the tremendous task of CDm­pleting the North tower, at that time no higher thanthe roof drip, was he contented with just copying the.Southem spire achieved in a single stroke during thetwelfth century? He had at his disposal other means,other tools, another experience, and he chose to' expresshis prayer of stone in his own particular manner. Heharmonized it with its brother, built three hundred yearsbefore, but without in any way borroWling or servilelycopying.SO -WORKED the men who followed him, so hadworked the men who had preceded him, and theCathedral itself is an example of the wondrous independ- ence 'Of its successive authors. Each one made an originalcomposition, adapted to' the proposed problem. Althoughrespectful of former solutions, he considered that theirdata were no longer his own, that his problems called fornew solutions. The architect of the thirteenth centurydisposed of the ribbed vault, the pointed arch and theflying-buttress. He widened his constructions; he openedlarge bays. in the walls; he abandoned the barrel vault,the thickset forms and the narrow openings. The archi­tect of the fifteenth century knew how to transform thestone into lace and his virtuosity had no limits.The man Df the middle ages himself emphasizes thatimitation of the past is, an error, but at the same time heis never lacking in respect towards earlier achievements.And should we, artists of the twentieth century, entrustedwith the contribution of our epoch to the architecture ofan times, go on repeating ceaselessly the same forms, thuscertain to' benefit by a confirmed security? No.Should we then depend upon ourselves alone for a newdesign, searching in isolation for a perfection of ourown? No.It is by the analysis. of the works Df the past that wecan <evolve the basic idea, distinguish the problem just asit was posed and understand how and why it was solved.,Thus will 'our 'study inspire our imagination to creativepurpose. But we must not slavisly copy. Tradition' is an\indispensable source of information, a guiding spirit, butit must net become a catalogue of stencils.Seven hundred years have gone by; we are in the mid­dle of the twentieth century. Monarchies have disap­peared or have changed in essence. We can go in one dayfrom one point of the globe to its antipode. By the meansof science we can save hundreds of thousands of humanlives, and destroy as many in an instant.' We architectshave at our disposal steel, concrete, insulating materials,electricity, air conditioning, etc. One day we .are calledupon to fulfill our vocation, a new work is to' be con-.ceived land )pl'anned. Whatever it is-house, school,church,' or gymnasium-are we going to borrow fromexamples' of the past, copy the thirteenth century vaultor fifteenth century moulding?Are we, in fact, going to ask the man of the Middle�ges to' do our wDrk' for us?' But he would laugh at us,as would laugh the architect of the Parthenon could hesee us plagiarizing his columns and pediments to applythem to the facade: of our laboratory or of our library.Jean Maunoury, outstanding authority on Gothicarchitecture, is Chief of the French Department of His­toric Monuments and Keeper of Chartres Cathedral. Hevisited the UniversityIast spring.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE ,FIELDHOUSEA little Gothic is too muchIN THE United States, the love of Gothic architecture,(which I share), should not 'be carried so far as a repe­tition of its decorative elements, frequently seen irrele­vantly stuck on skyscrapers- and seemingly almost unavoid­able in the University l:miifding. Among the expressions Ihave remarked over there is one I detest: "COJ­legiate Gothic." This is, not even a faithful repeti.ion ofthe ornamentation invented by the craftsmen of theMiddle Ages, which would have at least a documentaryvalue. It is an interpretation, or I shoulr] rather say, adeformation of the Gothic decorative elements. A regret­table example has been set in England during the lastcentury, and is still carried on I believe. Now nothingever resembled an English University more than anAmerican University, so much so that I heard the foillow-'ing remark made by an American architect 'conscious ofJONES'LABORATORYUneasy the error: "In the matter of college architecture, the Warof Independence ds not yet won!"Let us take a stroll' across the University of Chicagocampus, and have a friendly discussion about the buildings.. The Field House has beautiful proportions. Its im­pressive pediment, expression of one long wide roof, tellsus of the huge hall within. There is little Gothic orna­mentation on the front, but even this is too much-andcould easily have been avoided.Stagg Field also displays good proportions. But why isit adorned with battlements? It is no longer commonusage to pour boiling oil or molten lead on unwelcomevisitors, and even if these have not paid for their entrancefee to - a ball game, I doubt they would now be keptaway in that manner. So, battlements have no longer anyreason to exist there.The George Herbert Jones Chemistry Laboratory hasan "uneasy" angular entrance and an even more uneasyroofline. It seems a general rule that every time a plandesign is objectionable, this leads to an uneasy roofline.Battlements and Gothic mouldings again on the GeorgeHerbert J'Ones huilding ; but worst of all the windows aretoo narrow and have too many mullions to light the lab-RYERSON HALLoratories effectively, The same observation may be madeabout Harper Library where I saw fluorescent lightingbeing used on a sunny May morning!I must say that the entrance tower of Ryerson Hall is,in my opinion, the most typical example of CollegiateGothic. This will dispense with the necessity of my devel­oping the matter further. The Charles H. Judd Hallwould be very good, hut for the mullions and pinnacles.- The new Administration Building, springing up in themiddle of older constructions, might seem untimely. But,the- new building is a welcome proof that a trend towardfree research is developing, although the monotony of, five horizontal lines of similar windows, however correctmay he its expression of similar offices to be found in-side, could and should have been avoided. 'Does tlh.e Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, as being achurch, necessarily involve Gothic elements? I do notTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHI.CAGO MAGAZINEthink SQ. A ohurch can be "ehurchy" (I have heard thisexpression too) without anything Gothic, or Roman­esque or Byzantine, in its- features. Just try: You willfind it much more difficult to achieve, while � "Gothic"church seems to flow as if by itself from your charcoalpencil on the tracing paper. But the uneven rQad leadsto success.I HOPE you do not think I SCQrn or even misjudge. everything in yeur country. My friends in Americaknow on the contrary that I sincerely admire suchachievements as the Rockefeller Center and the UNbuilding project in New York, Massachusetts Instituteof Technology in Cambridge, and SQ many other excel­lent examples.Back in France, while the main buildings of the Uni­versity of Chicago were under construction, they weredoing muclh the same sort of work, Later en, the terribleCercle Militaire (Army and Navy Club) was built inParis in 1925! And we have in Chartres a certain Cen­tral Post Office, pretentiously competing with the Cathe­dral en the town skyline. . . . Let us call it "PostalGothic."SQ, no mere Gothic, no more Greek, or Roman, .orRomanesque, or Colonial. These times have completedtheir evolution, our times have ether needs, other hopesand rights. DQ we dress as did the Romans or the menHARPER LIBRARY 5JUDO HALLBut for the muUio:ns, go'odof the Middle Ages? Then why should we dress ourbuildings the way they did?I am fully aware that the work to accomplish is diffi­cult and it is far easier to follow the beaten: -traek. Butour work will outlive us for some time and it i,s our dutyto contribute something new, which slowly, as time passes,being no longer Modern Design, joins Tradition.Flucrescen+ lighf on a May MiomingA REPLY TO THE EDITORSSome could neitherread nor writeMy words today were written to the music of thatmoving American folk-song, "I'm Bringing Y DUa Big Bouquet of Roses, One for Each Time YouBroke My Heart." .Since some of you said that yon could not grasp thepiece we wrote about the press because my style was darkand dense, I shall try to' tell you what I think of YOll inwords both few and short.I shan begin by paying y<?u the greatest compliment inmy power. I think YDU are teachers. I did not say youwere good teachers. Look at what you did to' the Reportof the Commission on the Freedom of the Press. Bythis test the New York Herald-Tribune, the WashingtonPost, the WashingtDn Star) the Christian Science Monitor,and the St. Louis Star-Times are good teachers. But agood teacher has. to know how to .read. Not all of youknow how. The Report said, "The Commission does notbelieve that it (the press) should be regulated by govern­ment like other businesses affected with a public interest,such asrailrDads and telephone companies." The ColumbusState Journal said of the Report, "The most fallaciouspremise of all is that the press, to protect itself from itsown shortcomings, should submit to the type of govern­mental regulation meted out to public utilities."The Commission said it saw no hope in self-regulation.The St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the Los Angeles Timessaid they could not be for the Commission because itwas for self-regulation.The straw manA 'good teacher has to try to be. fair, .He cannot usethe stra� man Dr the r�d herring: 'J'Ihe New York Times,.in the midst of a most kind editorial" sought to' 'answerthe Report hy saying that there was no sign of a generalconspiracy to suppress or distort facts 'On the part of the'owners and managers 'Of the press. This. is the straw man.The -Commision did not even, hint at conspiracy. Whatit said was that "The owners and managers of the pressdetermine which persons, which facts, which versionsof facts and which ideas shall reach the public." If thisis 'true, it is important; a conspiracy is not required tomake it either true Dr important. •And what am I to say of my. DId and dear friend NatHoward, whom I love like a brother, and whe, with theaid of the Louisville Times) says that the Commissionspent $215,000, "the detailed disbursement 'Of 'which hasnot been made public"? I am not much consoled by theremark of the Louisville Times, "There was not a shadowof suspicion of misdoing." BY ROBERT M. HUTCHINSBy putting the headline, "Professors and Freedom" onilts editorial the Wall Street Journal could prove, as didthe Shreveport Times, that the Commission was Red,though the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank ofNew York and the General Counsel of the PennsylvaniaRailroad were on it. The Wall Street Journal quotes theCommission: "We recommend the repeal of legislationprohibiting expressions. in favor of revolutionary changesin our institutions where there is no clear and- presentdanger that violence will result f rom the expression."A good teacher 'Dught to know what he is talkingabout. The Wall Street Journal ought to know that suchlaws have been held unconstitutional and that the aim ofthe Commision was to wipe the rest of them off the books,so that a man would not have to take his case to theSupreme Court to prove that he was imprisoned uncon­stitutionally. One reason why the Wall Street Journalought to' know this is that the Commission says so � SO'many words. .And hDW would YDU like to' have YDur child taught byThe Knickerbocker News? The headline of its editorial is:"Professors Blindly Try to Curb Press by Regulations toEnd All Our Liberties." The editorial says that the Com­mision advocated the correction of the alleged defects ofthe press by government regulation. This is a lie. It saysthat I 'am young. This is a lie. It says that ten of thethirteen membersare professors, This does not prDve theyare liars. It says that the Report was a criticism 'Of othermedia by one publishing group, that of Mr. Luce, andthat it was made. for Mr. Luce's profit. This is a laugh .. But I will let The Knickerbocker News do its own name­caning, and leave it with you. It says, "Finally the chargethat the press generally excludes worthy news in favorof sensationalism is a downright lie that would disgracethe Iips of an idiot." -Cherqe un:iusHfiedThe big red herring, Dr bloater, was of course, thefact that many members of the Commission were pro ..fessors and that none was at the date of writing a memberof the press. The Shreveport ] ournal, The San AntonioExpress, The Columbus Dispatch, The TrDY MorningRecord, and Mr. John H. Crider in the Boston Heraldthought that by tossing their readers this fish for break­fast. or for tea, as the case might be, they would divertthem from the Commission's criticisms. But was the factthat many commissioners were professors really important?I should have thought not. A teacher who was trying to befair would have told his pupils that Chafee was the lead­ing authority on freedom of expression in the UnitedStates, that Clark was the leading economist, that HockingTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MA"GAZINE 7was the dean of philosophers, that Lasswell was one ofthe leading students of communication, that Merriam'...was the dean of political scientists, that Niebuhr was theleading theologian, that Redfield was one of the leadingstudents of culture, that Schlesinger was the leadingAmerican historian, and that Dickinson, in addition to'being General Counsel for the Pennsylvania Railroad,'was one of the leading political scientists and constitu­tional lawyers. of our time.Do you suppDse that, if a commission to' study aca­demic freedom were composed largely of such moo asCharles Merz, and Geoffrey Parsons, and Savellon Brown,and Ernest Kirschten, and John Crider, and Nat Howard,and Barry - Bingham, and Erwin Canham, any teacherwho pretended to' be good would have the nerve to tellthe public that their report could be disregarded becausethey were a bunch of newspapermen who didn't knowanYJthing about education?Twice guiltyDo you think that your business is so esoteric that in­telligent laymen who have consumed your product alltheir lives can have nothing to' tell YDU that is worthlistening to? I think the recent President's Commissionon Higher Education failed because so many of its mem­bers were educators; all we learned from them was thatthey wanted twice the money they were getting. This, orsomething like this, is what you are likely .to hear whenthe vested interests tell the public about themselves. TheCommission on the Freedom of the Press was set up to'tell the truth .about the press. Where, we needed infer­maeion, we asked the members of the press to' give it to'us. I would like 'ItD have a lay commission tell the truthabout higher education in the United States, and I wouldlike to have it go about it in the same way.Then. there is that one about hDW the Commission pro-­duced no newfacts. Many of the papers I have referredto mentioned this damaging point, and the Dallas. Morn­ing News made it the theme of its editorial. The menwho wrote the editorial for the Examiner Df Independ­ence, Missouri, a man who can neither read nor write,said: "We Jail to find .anything in this report we did notknow and appreciate and criticize ourselves" and werefuse to accept the idea that the whole newspaperpress is venal and controlled because there are such papersand we know there are. such papers." I take it that thereal question about the Report is whether it is true. If itis true, then the fact, if it is a fact, that it is not newmakes it all the worse for you. If YDU have known allthese things for years and have not done much aboutthem, YDU are' twice guilty. In words both few and shortyDu are guilty of inveteracy and recidivism.The goal was not new dirtThis Report, moreover, did not come from professionalagitatDrs against the press. If the names and training ofthe members of the Commission are important at all, they are important in this: charges many of which had beenshrugged off as the muckraking of professional agitatorswere nDW confirmed by the serious study of sober men.The Commission stated, and ilt was obvious from its com­position anyway, that its object was to' think about thepress and its freedom, with a view to' improving theone and saving the other. It was not trying to dig upnew dirt. The Commission was appointed to explorethe realm of principles and ideas, not the realm df facts ..An explorer in the realm of principles and ideas has 10'have his facts straight; but to' condemn him for failingto' discover new facts is like condemning Einstein becausehe is not Admiral Byrd.And the Chicago Times, the S pringfield Union, andthe New York Daily News certainly must have been jokingwhen they told their readers that you are not in need ofcriticism because the great American public criticizes YDUevery day by simply failing to buy the paper if it doesn'tlike it. The inference is that YDU must be doing right byyour readers DX: YDU wouldn't have so many.What a thought that must be for the citizens of KansasOity, Minneapolis, Springfield, Worcester, Rochester,Trenton, Toledo, Omaha, Des Moines, Richmond, Louis­ville, and Galveston" to' name only a few, Where peoplehave to' buy the papers of one owner or go without!The reader has no real choiceWhat a consolation the privilege not to' buy must be to'the people of Arizona, Delaware, Minnesota, Montana,New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Carolina, Virginia,and Wyoming, where, according to Senator Murray'sreport to a Senate Committee, there are no locally CDm­peting daily newspapers whatever.And suppose there are competing local papers, butthey are essentially' alike. The reader still has no realchoice, The argument that you must be good or youwouldn't have readers is under these circumstances liketelling the disgusted radio listener that he �an turn tothree other stations and hear commercials and programsjust as bad as the ones he is listening to.'The fact that more people are in SChDDls, colleges,and universities today than ever before does not provethat the people like the schools, colleges and universities.It proves :ilialt more people want education today thanever before, and that in order to' get some they willtake what the schools, colleges, and universities have tooffer. - If all SChDDls., colleges, and universities are sub-When the Report of the Commission on the Freedomof the Press appeared, the reaction of the newspapers ofthe country was immediate and violent. Some weeksago, the chairman of that commission was given the. opportunity of replying to' the editors who had so bit­terly attacked it. Chancellor Hutchins made the mostof the opportunity. Here is his reply, made before theNational ,Conference of Editorial Writers, meeting inLouisville.8 THE UNIVERSITY OF' CHICAHO MAGAZINEstantially alike, the people h:ave no choice. And if thereis one school, or college, or university in a region, itwould hardly do to sa¥ that large attendance from theregion showed that it was good.In any event, I would not say that the university withthe largest attendance was necessarily the' best, any morethan you would say that the newspaper with the largestcirculation was necessarily the best. A university and anewspaper must both command popular support in orderto survive.13t1Jt a university and a newspaper, or any other organ­ization or corporation, must be judged in terms of itspurpose. If the purpose of a university is to' have a 'lotof students, then the university that has the' most is thebest. If the purpose of a newspaper is to make a lot ofmoney, then the newspaper that makes the most is thebest. But I suggest tlnat the . purpose of universities andnewspapers should be to this extent the same: they shouldboth aim at public enlightenment.For this purpose a university Or a newspaper may haveto offer its constituency' instruction that is unpalatable. to the members of that constituency. I take it that youagree with this; for during the last sixteen years most ofyoU! have been urging your readers to vote for candidateswhom they did not want. Yet a great deal of the timeyou blame the tone of the press on the people and sayyou have to give the public what it wants. I concludethat you are disingenuous in saying that you have to givethe public. what it wants, You use this argument as col­lege presidents use it to justify intercollegiate football, tojustify practices that you are too wicked or tO'O Iaz:y toabandon. But you do not really mean itt. If you meant it,you would have been the most ardent supporters of.Roosevelt and Truman.You may, of course, attack my major premise. You maydeny that you are teachers. But, if you are not teachers,what are you? You are either entertainers:' 0'1' the miredhands and voices of men who happen to have enoughmoney to own newspapers. III neither' case would youhave any serious claim on the public attention.I hasten' to say that I have great respect for men whohave money; I wish I knew more of them more incimately.But as we have passed the time when a single man couldby virtue of his money make a university the reflectionof his whims and fancies, So I wonder whether we maynot some day come to the point When a single man can­not by virtue of his ownership make a farge metropolitandaily the reflection of his whims and fancies, limited onlyby the willingness of the public to continue to pay himto learn what his current whims and fancies are.The Commission on the Freedom of the Press took thepositiori that the newspaper business was and should.remain a private business, and to that position I adhere.But there are -some interesting experiments that mightbe tried within the realm of private business. For exam­ple, the London Times and the London Economist nowhave trustees" who are well-known public figures, who.. must approve the transfer of any shares of. stock; and inthe case �f the Economist the trustees must appoint, orif necessary, dismiss the editor and must be unanimous :in doing so.Under arrangements like this or perhaps under betterarrangements that could be worked out, editorials wouldnot necessarily reflect the political, economic, and socialviews of the owner. They would represent his interest inpublic enlightenment. He would offer them not because. they were his, or even because he agreed with them, butbecause they were worth listening to. The device of thesigned editorial could be used to make clear that thewriter did not represent the owner in any other sensethan this.The sole test of the success of a sit eel business or acracker business may be, for all I care, its ability tomake money; but the public concern with the large ele­ments in the newspaper business suggests that, thougha newspaper must make money to stay in business, itshould meet a further test: it is proper to ask whetherit is discharging it� responsibility for public enlightenmenj,The balance sheet of a newspaper does not help inanswering this question mach more than a university'sdoes. The fact that a newspaper has made its owner richdoes not automatically lead to the conclusion that hemust be a good educator, or even a good newspaper man.'Hence I agree with the Washington Post that probablythe most important recommendation of the Commissionon the Freedom of the Press is that which proposes thecreation of a new, independent continuing agency toappraise the performance of the press in discharging itsresponsibility for public enlightenment. Cherished amongmy souvenirs is the remark of the Lynchburg News thatmen who were willing to accept membership in such anagency would show by that fact alone that they werenot qualified for the work. I can only assume that theLynchburg News thinks that if a man is willing to per­form a public service he must be disqualified for it, atheory on which Washington, Lincoln, and Senator Glasswould all have been excluded from public life.If the newsp'aper business, is to continue to be aprivate business, a newspaper must continue to be underthe control of its owner. If the owner is irresponsible,the paper must be so. How can the owner be maderesponsible? Those who hold the legal title to universitieshave been made as responsible as they are through acampaign that began a thousand years ago and thatcontinues to this day. This campaign has been conductedto instruct those within and those without the. profes­sion as to the purposes of educational institutions and thestatus that teachers must have in order to discharge theirresponsibilities. This campaign has laid the foundationsof the legal rights that professors enjoy, and, what isfar more important, it has developed the tradition withinwhich they operate. The fact that the tradition is moreimportant than the regal arrangements is evidenced by(Continued on page 17)WHAT ARE WE DOING. ABOUT IT?A model center for advance study, resserch, and publicationis Chicago's enswer to the ,F,reedom of the Press Report.By Bernaird R. Berelson, PhD' 1411Chairman, Committee on CommunicationTHE Committee on Communication of the Univer­sity, established last summer, is helping to' realize amajor recommendation of the Commission on theFreedom of the Press: "The creation of academic-profes­sional centers of advanced study, research, and publicationin the field of communication. These are so important thatwithout them it is unlikely that the professional practicesand attitudes which we recommend in the press canever become characteristic of the communications indus­try." In fact, the Committee. may also contribute to therealization of another Commission recommendation-the'one which Chancellor Hutchins called the most important:"the establishment of. a new and independent agencyto appraise and report annually upon the performanceof the press."In estahlishing the Committee on Communication,the University recognized that the media of communica­tion exert a' crucial effect upon public and private infor­mation and insight, upon the capacity for rationaldecision and action, upon public taste and aestheticstandards, upon moral judgment, upon group' loyaltyand group disintegration, upon personality development,upon initiation of and adaptation· to . social change.Through its teaching .. and. research program, the -Com­mitteehopes to contribute to ,the development ofa bodyof scientific knowledge about the communication .process.You cen'rescepe it ..."Today more people spend more time in reading, see­ing, and listening to' more formal, communications­print, radio, film-than ever before in human _ history.As much as one-fou�th of the wDrking day of the averageAmerican adult is filled by attention to the public' ormass media of communication. There is hardly an areaof human life in which the media of. communicationdo not represent an important influence .. '"This quotation is taken. from the general introductionto the report.. �m the basis of which the Committee onCommunicatiorr was established within the formal struc­ture of the _Vfniversity.What is meant by ·communication? For the purposesof the Committee the field of communication deals mainlywith the public or mass media, i.e.,. communications di­rected simultaneously to large audiences=-radio, news­paper, film, magazines, books. It also includes communi­cations directed to smaller audiences=-Iectures, discussiongroups, sermons, exhibits-as wen as the private medium'Dt personal conversation. ..- ' The major factors in terms of which the field of com­munication studies has developed are summarized in theformulation: who says what to whom, houi, and withwhat effect. This sentence identifies the major categories:Control (who): economic structure of the industry,characteristics of personnel, influence of pressuregroups, role of government.Content (what): nature of what appears in the media.Audience (whom): identification of who reads, sees,or listens to what, as well as preferences, and motiva­tion.Channels (how): relative uses and influence of dif­ferent means or instruments of communication.Effect (what effect): political, psychological, economic,social and cultural influences of the media upon at­titudes, behavior, and social institutions ..These factors, applied to the major media, suggest thearea within which the Committee intends to operate.. At the University of Chicago the "Committee" is thedevice for interdisciplinary collaboration in instructionaland research programs. To such committees within theSocial Science Division as Human Development,' In­dustrial Relations, International Relations, ahd: Plan­ning, has' I'lo� been added the Ccmmittee 'on Communi­cation,A long Chicago tradiHonRecognition of the importance of this field is not anew thing in �he University. Considerable work incommunication has been done at Chicago by such menas Mead, Lasswell, Waples, Morris" and Leites, TheCommission on the Freedom of the Press was staffed short-wave prop­aganda analyst for FCC. -. '41-'44,& research 'd!irectorof Columbia's. Bureau ofA;pplied Scienoe Resea·rch'44-146, and co-author o·f"The People's Choice,"it was with fitting assur­ance that the Dean 'of theGraduate Library Schoolassumed his added duties.Pre-Chleaqe degrees: lA,W hit man, BLS, MA,Wash:ington .UniY:�l"!ity. '.�Bernarcl.Berelson,910 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEonly by Chancellor Hutchins as chairman, but by Pro­fessors Redfield. and Merriam (as well as former Profes­sor Lasswell). A few years ago, in outlining its long rangeprogram of development, the Social Science Division as­signed a high priority to' work in communication. Theseevidences of interest in the field culminated in the fall of] 946 when several faculty members in the Division andrelated professional schools began to' meet regularly toexplore the field and to prepare concrete proposals forappropriate University action. This grO'UP began itsdeliberations with about fifteen members from Sociology,Political Science, Anthropology, Education, Human De­velopment, the Social Science sectionof the College, andthe Business, Library, and Theology Schools. In Febru­ary, 1948, this informal group approved a final reportrecommending the formal establishment of a Committeeon Communication which now exists with the followingmembers:Bernard Berelson, Associate Professor of LibraryScience and Social Science, and Dean, GraduateLibrary School, Chairman.George H. Brown, Professor of Marketing, School ofBusiness.Sebastian De Grazia, Assistant Professor of SocialScience.Herbert Goldhamer, Associate Professor of Sociology.Edward Shils, Associate Professor of Social Science.Ralph Tyler, Professor of Education and Dean, SocialScience Division.Douglas Waples, Professor of Researches in Reading,Graduate Library School,In addition, the Committee has an advisory group includ­ing faculty members from various departments and pro�.fessional schools. Morris Janowitz, instructor in SocialSciences - in the college, is research associate for theCommittee.The program In actionThe Committee is developing both a teaching and aresearch program (and it hopes to develop a publicationprogram as well). Unlike some ether Committees in theUniversity, it does not certify candidates for degrees.Instead, students in several departments within the Di­vision may, select communication as one of their. fields ofemphasis. For example, a student in Political Science DrSociology who offers communication as a field will re­ceive instruction from the Committee on its own pro­gram, will be examined by the Committee on this field,and will perhaps be partially supervised on his thesis ordissertation by the Committee. But he will receive hisdegree from Political Science or Sociology.The Committee's teaching program as presently de­veloped is 'based upon a core sequence of three courses­the theory and principles of communication, organizationand social control of the media of mass communication,and research methods in communication. In addition,the Cbnunittee offers a .staff seminar 9n re-search prob­lems' under 'investigation as well as advanced seminars on such topics (this year)' as international' communication,communication and public opinion, and authoritative andtherapeutic communication.Although the Committee is developing its teachingprO'gram, it considers the research program as its majorresponsibility. It is developing this program with refer­ence to the criterion of relevance for the constructionof social science theory. In addition, it believes that itswork will contribute to both private and public policydecisions in the field. The research prO'gram is orientedupon the conditions under which the communicationmedia can make their most effective contribution to'the efficient operation of a democratic society. "It seemsdear," the Committee wrote, "that over the next yearsdemocratic values and processes will he seriously chal­lenged at the same time that they become increasinglysignificant for critical political decisions. For this reason,it seems desirable at this time to organize a communica­tion research program in ternis of the contributions whichsuch a study can make to our understanding of the meansof developing arid improving the democratic social order."Cause and effectWithin this context, the Committee organized -its re-:search program in terms of five important ways in whichthe media of communication affect the function of ademocratic society:·1. The communication media affect the amount ofattention given to public affairs by a demO'craticcitizenry.2. The media affect people's level of information onpublic affairs.3. The media affect the degree of rationality which'. people exercise in arriving at political. decisions.4. The media affect the selection of political leaders.5. The media affect people's political decisions, andthus the achievement of consensus upon democratictralues and procedures.Under each of these headings the Committee has outlinedseveral research projects, Example: Under the firstis the problem of the effect of the media on 'PO'liticalapathy. Under the second is the problem of "balance"and "objectivity" in the communication media. Underthe third is the problem of the distortion. of communica­tion material by an audience with unfavorable predisposi­tions toward. the content. Under the fourth is the effectof the media in constructing the criteria by which demo­cratic leaders are selected. Under the fifth-perhaps thecrucial 'area of research-is the problem of the effectof the· media upDn public opinion. These examplesperhaps illustrate that' part of a long-range research-. program of the Committee which is designed to inquireinto the role of the media in promoting attention topublic affairs, in stimulating public information and com­prehension, in encouraging rational participation inpublic affairs, in maximizing consensus, andin imptovingdemocratic leadership.ONE MAN'S OPINIONThe Gothic era endson the Ouadrangl1es.The new Administration Building, which stirred somereaction when the Magazine, published an architect'ssketch in October 1946, is now 'in full use, providing agenerally satisfactory center for the University's offices.I t is strictly a functional building and it definitely isnot "collegiate Gothic" as the style of the older buildingshas been termed. The lobby, of gray and somewhat coldmarble, could pass as the first floor of any loop officebuilding, and throughout there is not much differencefrom any downtown skyscraper.The most noticeable aspect from the out-slide is thattheIines of the building are horizontal, rather than ver­tical, as in' the academic buildings, The horizontal effectis emphasized by the recessed bands of identical alumi­num windows which fill most of the wall space, on eachfloor. The exterior walls are of limestone, as (elsewhereon the quadrangles, but are cut in large rectangles ratherthan blocks, and there are no buttresses or ornamentation.Though this long-awaited structure does not matchup with the older buildings in the most superficial way,it is far from being unpleasing. It is, perhaps, somewhatunnecessarily "modernistic," even to the outside doors,which are sheets of plate glass on metal frames, But thebuilding doesn't startle, conspicuous ,though it is. WhenChicago's grime takes effect, the building will give moreof an effect of merging into Cobb on the south and'Jones on the north than it does now.When a university gets to the point that it needs, sixfloors and a basement to house administrative offices, andcan barely get them in at that, the kind of a' universitythat made Gothic plausible is gone. That time actuallycame long since, but the Administration Building is thefirst complete admission of the' change.The medieval universities, for instance, did not buildfield houses, wbJi� are nothing but big barns with a dayfloor, S'O there was no authentic model to copy. An oldmonastery did provide cover for the sick, but the mostefficient hospitals these days are tall, rather than hori­zontal, buildings and the attempt to make them conformto Gothic architecture, as in the University Clinics,spreads them over too -wide an area.What really spikes the Gothic era is the developmentof the nuclear sciences, which are quite different fromthe alchemy of four hundred years ago., A building tohouse a cyclotron simply can't be given the Gothic look, By W'ltUAM V. MORGENSTERN. "20. JD 122and the new Accelerator Building, 'now almost completeas to its shell, is another recognition of the realities. Therequirement for housing this particular cyclotron arebasically a 35�f()ot deep pit and a crane shed for the100-ton travelling crane which will move heavy shieldingof the machine. So the Accelerator Building is much likesome of the structures in a steel min, except that it hasa limestone exterior.The Accelerator Building and the offices and labora­tories for the three new Institutes, nuclear science, radio­biology and bio-chemistry, and metals, are going upbetween 56th and 57th streets, and Ellis and Inglesideavenues. Any future buildings for the physical sciencesprobably will be to the north and west of the presentmain quadrangles. Even' if they are as severe as theAccelerator Building, however, this scientific unit wouldnot clash with the' central quadrangles, from which itis separated.Another area of expansion will be in the University­Clinics, to which the new cance� research hospital alreadyis being. added, and several others were contemplateduntil costs went wild. The Clinics sector is from Ellisto Maryland avenue, with an additional block to CottageGrove avenue open, and from 59th to 58th streets. Invarying degrees, of buttresses, towers, �nd other decora-'tions, the present buildings genuflect perfunctorily towardthe Gothic tradition and presumably additions will makesimilar concessions.The real problem does not seem to be that of style ofarchitecture. It is in the paradox that no matter whatbuildings are added, space in' the University gets tighter.and tighter. The vacuum created in Cobb and Harperwhen many offices were moved into the AdministrationBuilding was fined immediately. The social scientistswere hopefully contemplating the day when their build­ing would be solely for their use. They came to the dis­tressing realization in October that space was less availablethan ever.It is not the number of students that creates the great­est pressure, 'for: the amazingly small total of 90 classrooms has been stretched to fit all teaching. It is the rapidincrease in research projects which causes the need formore room. Each project has a staff, small or large,which must have a place to work. According to the socialscientists, no new research projects can be taken on be­cause of their present limitations of space.Those whose sentiments turn tenderly toward thosetwo examples of classic Gothic, Ellis and Lexington halls"can be reassured. There is no immediate possibility thatthey will be removed for something more modern.11A LIFE FOR A LADY?THE PLACE is a quaint farming town in EasternN ew York. All names on the register commenced, with Mac or Me, The zest of me lay .in a perennialwarfare between the wealthy and impressive United Pres­byterian (Scotch) church and a small congregation ofPresbyterians who were non-Scotch and who lived like thegayer social sets in the world outside this valley.As in most small schools, the teacher must be encyclo­paedic. Besides my major, Latin, I taught art, arithmetic,physical geography and ge­ology. I had then had onlyone year of German, but Ihad brought all the confi­dence of youth and inter­linear translations of mytwo classics, Schnier's Wil­liam T ell and Goethe's Ii er­mann and Dorothea ,- twoexquisite pieces which de­served a far better inter­preter.Shortly there called at my hoarding place the Scotchminister to ask me to be responsible for several ChristianEndeavor meetings, but after my assigning the usually­skipped section in the geology text on evolution: and mydating one of the "ordinary Presbyterians," who dancedand played "cards, the Dominie saw his mistake and askedme to resign from the society.Since the pastoral interdict appeared' not to affect mystanding in town, and since I was enjoying my Fridayevenings at the Community Dancing School, attended byyoung and 'Old, including the pillars of the Scotch kirk, Istayed in this position for two years. Salary, 350 dollars;board and room four dollars and fifty cents per week,out of which salary I extracted such luxuries as excursionson Lake George and tickets to see Southern andMarlowein Shakespearean drama at Glens Falls; an unabridgeddictionary; Palgrave's Golden Treasury of Lyrics; a largevolume of German lyrics; a watch and chain; and a largeSaratoga trunk.The "Huns" and the Irish'The place is in the foothills of the Alleghenies, rathernear Pittsburgh. The smoky glow of coke ovens burns up the sky ofearly evening. TheHungarians in na­tional peasant cos­tume wail throughday-long funerals inthe Greek-Catholiccemetery on a hillbelow the school;they get lost in theintricacies of a Greek church wedding; they whispertheir mythology or demonology while cleaning one's room,and thoughts of it keeps one awake of nights.For the cheerful daytime, the teachers had Saturdayautumn-leaf excursions into the mountains for chickenand waffles at' St. Elmo's Inn. On school days I was sup­posed to teach a group of Irish from a railroad town toread Greek and Latin classics in the original tongues,but Gaius Julius Caesar and the oratorical Greek gen­eral'S did not stir the romantic Celtic soul. Finally, myprincipal gave. me an English class, and here the Irish. and I, their Welsh teacher, at last found common ground.The Latin AmericansFollowing an interval at the University of Michigan asa candidate for the M.A. in English, I spent a year in theexcellent high school at Winona, Minnesota. Next SpringI was a candidate at the Normal School of New Mexicoat Silver City and at the Washington State Normal at'Bellingham. I had offers from both but went to' NewMexico and found a world quite unlike my nativeVermont.New Mexico was then a territory. There was the chal­lenge of frontier conditions, the thrill of very high altitudeand of a civilization combining Latin superstition andemotionalism, saddle-horses and barbeques, high trailsand mining camp dances, and the crowded village skat­ing rink.Something new to me was the fairly frequent intoxi­cation at formal dances given by the fraternal orders. TheSpanish. Superintendent of Education was no sensationwhatever when he knocked down the Normal's professorof history over a question as to the dance program of thelatter's lady. In fact, the village mores called for some12BY ELISABETH NICHOLSmanner of duel, should any older man's well-meant tip­off to a girl involve anything uncomplimentary to hersuitor. But all this everyone has seen in the techni­color Westerns.The drab realism of daily life at the few higher edu­cational institutions is not dramatized: tarantulas; thetwenty-odd stoves and long rubs of pipes which we threeEastern teachers were ordered to set up in the new dormi ..tory;' the lath and plaster we, cleaned out; the floors wescrubbed; the oheap mail-order furniture we pufled, unaided; the outfit of curtains we made during aThanksgiving vacation because there were more studentsand sheets could not be spared for drapes; the sizeable.woodpile I worked up and wheeled ,in to keep every­body warm during the Chr.iistmas holidays, when somegrade pupils stayed over-all this was comedy to me butit remains heroics unsung.Living it oneself must give one the thrill of a briskcanter over mountain roads with their vistas of ridge andvalley clearly visible down into Mexico. And no. Westernscan duplicate the majesty of night O!tl the desert, thebrilliant starry firmament with its wheeling constellations.Life was full of the mostvivid sense impressions.But I found time forKant's Critiques, a mustfor the philosophicalbackground of one whohad chosen Carlyle forgraduate specialization.The ScendineviensAnother violent change, back to the North, to CarletonCollege. Two other y'0ung teachers with me tried to gar­rison some two' hundred freshmen, mainly of amply vig­orous Scandinavian stock. Friday evenings in warmweather I ohaperoned to St. O[aJ to hear, in the bowl,the world-famous· Norwegian band. This connection be­tween the Sdl001s introduced us to Ole Evarts Rolvaag,author of Giants' in the Earth. Thus early in his Americancareer he spoke little' English.As a teacher I was not wholly a success at Carleton;the change from the f�on1Jie:r· had been too �bitious andon too inadequate preparation, but it was a useful two- A teacher finds adventure andcontentment in thevaried settings of American lifeyears' apprenticeship to college teaching, and I enjoyedmy weekend trips to Minneapolis to hear the orchestra.The American Corn :BeltExpecting to stay only a short time and then to re-enterthe graduate school, I went to a better salary and greaterindependence at one of Iowa's small colleges, and thisturned eat to be my work for the next fifteen years. Iloved the Grant Wood landscapes spread all around me,rolling waves of rich black corn land. One liked the sturdyand res.pohsive· stu­dents, mostly of oldAmerican stock butwith a sprinkling ofStavs-sBohemian andRussians. I commenced. reading in translationthe beautiful Russianli terature S'0 as to useit to lure my Slavs overinto English literature.My stay was a happy one in this country of poplar­fringed brooks, meadow larks, flaming oaks and maples inautumn, deep" white snows in winter, the Northern Lights,and the sleep which is ,t1he gift of a cold country, sleep allthe more profound as frost snaps in wall and tree.Residenflel Ill:i,noisA far better life then began for me in one of America'schoice residential cities, jacksorwitle, Illinois, The 20years- of teaching girls at MacMurray College have beenso busy and interesting that time could not register itselfwith me. The college is a standard, four-year, fully .ac­credited school, founded over a century ago and havingabout 8:00 students.(Continued on page 19)Concerned over the shortage of teachers in this coun­try, and over the apparent Jack � interest on the part. of college women in the profession, Elisabeth Nicholssent us this article with a prefixed appeal addressed to.the college girls and their parents. We think the storyof her own life speaks for itself, and have printed it asit stands.13NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESPresiident Emest C. ColweU (left) and Professor ThorkildJacobse·n, Director of the Oriental Institute, (right) ex­amine with Miss Nab.ia Abbott the 1,150-year-old frarg­ment that held the answer, to a three-century-Iong dispute.:Lost-one nightThe original name of the Arabian Nights-a questionthat has baffled scholars since the French scholar AntoineGalland introduced the fabulous tales to western civiliza­tion 250 years ago-has been settled at the OrientalInstitute of the University of Chicago.A 1,150-year-old fragment of a "Nights" hook, some650 years older than the One Thousand and One Nightsoldest-known manuscript, has been discovered in a re­cently purchased collection of Egyptian papers andpapyri.The sheets are from what may be the oldest-knownpaper book in existence; the manuscript apparently was(copied around 800 A. D. by an Arab scribe.The tide sheet, 'bearing the name A Thousand Nights,proves that the alliterative Arabic Alf Lailah wa Lailahor One Thousand and One Nights title, now so lovedby the East and West, was not the original name of thebook. The change in .name, scholars believe, resulted inthe superstition of the Arabs for round numbers.The fragment of four pages-tattered and brown withage-was discovered by Miss Nabia Abbott, foremost'woman scholar of Arabic writings and associate professorat the University .of Chicago, in 'an Egyptian, collectionof papyri documents dating from the early eighth to thetenthcentury of the Christian era.One of -a half-dozen paper manuscripts in the recentpurchase, the "priceless" pages from' the Arabian Nightswere onlyrecently uncovered' when Miss Abbott turnedfrom a study of the papyri to the paper. BY JEANNETTE LOWREYThe pages consist of a fly sheet, a title sheet and twopages of manuscript in a fine bold Arabic script-similar,Miss Abbott believes, to the script used around the turnof the ninth century.Under the title, A Thousand Nights, praise is givento Allah with the words, "There is no power, no strengthexcept in Allah, the Most High."Four entries, on the, original. text, suggest to MissAbbott that the book must have been copied about'800 A. D. She pre-dates it to 800 on. the basis of thelast entry on the manuscript, which is dated Arabic 266or October, 879: A. D. The dated entry consists 'ofmore than 15 marginal notes, written in and aroundthe text,Other entries, in addition to the original text andthe marginal notes, include: 1. A letter written on thedear fly-sheet; 2. Pious phrases in script similar to thatused by the original scribe' and additional phrases, ex­tolling the virtue of patience, which are written in ascript of a later period; and 3. A crude drawing of afigure of a man.The oldest-known manuscript of the Arabian Nights,until the discovery of the University of Chicago manu­script, was dated pre 1536, Miss Abbott said.Sections of the Arabic manuscript used by Gallandin his translations are now in a collection of the FrenchNational Library.Complete translation of the text, now underway byMiss Abbott, will, she hopes, settle a number of thecontroversial questions that have come down throughthe ages.Among the points of controversy, whichmay be clearedby the discovery of the new text are: the original nameof the maiden who tells the stories, the identity of theother girl who comes to visit at the palace,. and theoriginal introductory formula. 'Translation of the letter, which is written upside downon the original' manuscript; the pious phrases, and themarginal notes will also be included in Miss Abbott'sresearch.,Intenig,ence vs. intoteranceA Center for the Study of Intergroup Relations todevelop school programs fostering understanding amongvarious ethnic groups has been established at the U ni­versity of Chicago.An outgrowth of a three-year experimental project inintergroup relations sponsored by the American Councilon Education with grants from the National Conferenceof Christians and Jews, the Center has been set-up in thedepartment of education.Established in part by a three-year $45,000 grant bythe National Conference of Christians and Jews, theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGenter is under the direction of Miss Hilda Taba,curriculum construction specialist and director of theAmerican Council project. Robert J. Havighurst, pro­fessor of education, is chairman of the nine-member edu­cation departmental advisory committee of the Center.The Center is organized to help through it continuingprogram in the establishment of sound educational pro­grams of mtergroup relations and effective strategies forcommunity action. It win offer consultant service on afee basis on various program building projects such ascurriculum development, studies of group relations amongyoung people in schools and outside, . and explorationinto culture factors affecting community life and experi­mentation with strategies of community action.The field work is designed to aid in the "immediatesituation and to create hypotheses, facts, techniques andmaterials necessary for the sound development of humanrelations programs. .The Center will conduct summer workshops, specialleadership training institutions and clinics, and cooperatewith the staff of the university in offering courses andseminars for students seeking graduate credit.Members of the education committee of the Center, inaddition to Havighurst and Miss Taba, include: Joh.n L.Bergstresser, Norman Burns, Dan Cooper, Allison Davis,William Shanner, and Herbert Thelen.New Choir DirectorWarren B. Martin, Los Angeles choir director, hasbeen appointed director of music at Rockefeller MemorialChapel to succeed Gerhard Schroth, who resigned lastmonth to become conductor of the St. Louis Philhar­monic Orchestra.Warren B. MartinA graduate of Westminster Choir College, Princeton,N. J., Martin holds a bachelor's and master's degree inmusic. After serving as organist at the First PresbyterianChurch in Trenton, N. J., from 1934 to 1938, he went tothe First Congregational Church of Los. Angeles as organ­iSt and assistant choir director. 15He was in the army from 1941 to 1946, and thenreturned to the First Congregational Church of LosAngeles as minister of muskTwo alumni electedAlbert C. Pick, president of the Albert Pick HotelsCompany, Incorporated, and John F. White, dean incharge of development at Illinois Institute of Technology,have been elected to the board of governors fOT Inter­national House.Pick, ' 17, is active in civic work both in HighlandPark, where he lives, and in Chicago. He is secretaryof the board of directors of the American Hotel Associa­,tion, and a director of the La Rabida Sanitarium inJackson Park and the Northmoor Country Club.White, MA '44, was admissions counsellor from 1941to 1944 at. Lawrence College. He went to Illinois Techin 1944 as director ot admissions, and has since beenassistant dean and dean of students, taking the develop­ment post in June, 1948.Banner year for the exchequerBusiness firms and industrial organizations contributed$934;000 in cash, payments to the University of Chi­cago's total gift, grant, and bequest receipts of $4,003,000for the 1947-48 fiscal year, Vice-President Lynn A. Wil­liams, Jr., has announced.The four-million dollar total was the largest amountof con tribu tions paid in since the fiftieth anniversaryyear period, 1939-40, and represented a 71 per cent in­crease over the 1946-47 fiscal year amount of $2,340,000.Last year's support from business was more than doublethat of the' previous year, and reflects the adjustment topeace-time conditions and activities by business, Mr.Williams said.In addition to the nearly one million dollars actuallyreceived from business last year, there are outstandingindustrial pledges of $1,951,000, in support of the Uni­versity's work.Included in these outstanding pledges is $1,690,000to be paid in annual installments in the next few yearsby corporations participating in the vast program ofatomic and metallurgical research of the Institute forNuclear Studies, Institute for the Study of Metals, andInstitute of Radiobiology and Biophysics.Practically the whole range of the University's workand needs received business support, with the programof the three nuclear institutes and the biological sciencesdivision receiving the largest amounts. Gifts paid infor the three nuclear institutes amounted to $335,000.Biology and medicine received $121,000.In addition to these general gifts for biology and medi­cine, business corporations gave $319,000 for facilitiesfor the University's cancer research expansion. Prac­tically all of this business support of cancer researchcame from approximately 125 Chicago firms.Other business contdbutitina were fhr-$2:1f315; social.16 THE UNIVERSITY OF !CH]CAGO MAGAZINEsciences, $65,500.; industrial relations, $20,200; scholar­ships and fellowships, $31,750;. and physical. sciences,as apart from nuclear research, $16,000.Since the incorporation of the University of Chicagoin 1�91, contributions from ali sou-rces have aggregated$162,583,390, of which slightly more than half, $.81,745,,-639, has been received during the past nineteen. yearsunder the administration of Chancellor Robert M.Hutchins.The businesses contributing or pledging .$'W,OOO ormore to the University during the past fiscal year 'Were:Aluminum Company of America ; Beech-Nut PackingCompany; Bethlehem Steel Company; E., J. Brach &Sons; Celanese Corporation of America; Chrysler Cor­poration; Commonwealth Edison C0II1:pany on behalfof the UtHities Research Commission, and also a directcontribution; Federation for Railway Progress; In:inoisRockford Corporation; Inland Steel Company.International Harvester Company; Eli Lilly & Com­pany; MarshaU Fie'ld & Company; Montgomery WaJld& Company; McGraw Electric Company; PittsburghPlate Glass Company; Public Service C:ompany of North­ern Illinois; Ralston Purina Company; Mauriee L.. Roths­child & Company; Schenley Distillers, Incorporated;Sears, Roebuck & Company; Shel,l Development Com­pany; Sun Oil Company; Sherwin-Williams Company.Standard Oil Company (Indiana) ; Standard Oil De-o velopment Company; Swift & Company; Tennessee East­man Corporation; Thor Corporation; Union Carbide &Carbon Corporation; Uniitt:d Packers, Incorporated; U. S.Steel Corporation; Visking Corporation; and Westing­house Electric Manufacturing Company,Motheir Nature Is cydo;tron'Nature's own stratospheric atom smasher was . observedin actiON f�rth� fir�t tim� with � photograph of averyhigh energy cosmic ray particle producing a meson, twoUniversity of Chicago scientists reported at the AmericanPhysical Society's meeting at the University.The first photograph 0of a 20-billion electron voltparticle, or heavy. atom, disrupting a nucleus and ere ..ating' a meson (the binding force of atomic nuclei) wasobtained in balloon-flight research by Marcel Schein,professor of physics and member of the Institute forNuclear Studies, and J. J. Lord, graduate student. Thephotograph was. made ail: '70,000 feet by apparatus car­ried aloft by clu-s:ters of free balloons. . .The Hight originated .in Stagg Feld just outside thewest 'stands. where six years ago Enrico' Fermi achievedthe first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction in a. man­made pile, thereby making. the atomic bomb possible.The photographic plate, opening new fields in thestudy of meson production by very high energy nuclearparticles; is also unusual; Schein said in announcing thediscovery" for it shows I?-J() nuclear explosion at the pointwhere the-meson is' �r��;,e� .. �re.:V�9�s .photographie 'plate• �. �. �"'_'.II' .....:' �'.:'. _ ... .: � studies, Schein said, have shown a nuclear explosion or"star" in the production of mesons..The scientists have plates showing more than a hundredof' the heavy particles in the upper atmosphere,. but theplate showing the particle as lit produces a secondaryreaction is, they believe, the only known photograph ofits kind.A heavy track in the plate, denoting the path of theparticle, shows the high energy particle continuing in astraight line 'at practically the same high energy) 20 billionelectron volts, even after producng a meson.The meson, the photographic plate indicates, had a massenergy of 143 million electron volts. This energy is com- .parable to that which nuclear scientists have achieved inthe largest synchrocyclotrons, But scientists at present donot envision any device which can produce energy of theorder of the 20-biUion electron volts; of nature's heavyparticles.The meson, after slowing down, is absorbed by anatomic nucleus, thereby causing a nuclear explosion, or"star," The heavy particle, in penetrating the atmosphereto 70,000 leet above the earth, must have, originally hadan energy of 150 billion volts, Schein said. From thewidth of the track in the photograph, he estimates thecharge of the heavy particle to have been 15 times ashigh as the charge of an electron.Award's for pathologistDr. Paul R. Cannon, chairman of the department ofpathology, was awarded the William Wood Gerhard GoldMedal of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia foroutstanding work in medical research.The second honor which has been recently awarded the"starred man of science," the gold medal is the highesttribute of the oldest pathological society in America.Dr. Cannon was also presented the Ward Burdick Award­Medal of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists,largest society of pathologists in the U nited States.A pathologtst with extensive training in bacteriology,Dr. Cannon is particularly interested in the pathologicalaspects -of immunity as the background to infectiousdiseases .. He has demonstrated the fundamental import­ance of proteins in the establishment of anti-body mechan­isms and in the recovery of malnourished persons byadequate feeding procedure.liN THE NEXT ISSUE:What happened to the polls?-Glyde W. Hart, Directorof the National Opinion Research Genter on campus,reports the findings of the Social Science Research Coun ..cil's study of polling techniques used to predict the recentelection results,Curriculi-Currieuium-« Joseph B. Harrison, of 1!he Uni­versity o� Washi:qgton faculty, pokes fun at the i�fluenceof the machine-age on the curriculum .tHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHUTCHINS(Continued from page 8),the academic freedom that in some places has been guar­anteed to professors even when they were on annualrather than life appointments. The tradition seems tobe the cause of the contractual arrangements, ratherthan the other way round. ]t seems likely that goodteaching would be Impossible without this tradition,which is designed to protect the teacher against dom­ination by any boss inside his institution or by arty pres­sure group outside it. This tradition enables him to usesuch intelligence as he has for the enlightenment of thepublic. I am very far from saying that we have muchgood teaching in this oountry; I do say we should nethave as much as we have without this tradition and thatperhaps the chief reason why we have not more �s that·this tradition .is even yet imperfectly understood andestablished.If, then, you are teachers, and if good teaching requiressome such tradition, and perhaps. contractual auange­ments reflecting it, how can we take some few stepstoward it in our lifetime? I have only one more rose tocast. One thing that would be helpful would be to haveyou stop exhibiting neurotic symptoms every time any­body criticizes you. After all, your right to criticize isprotected by a constitutional provision. But I never under­stood that the First Amendment said that the right of thepress to be free from criticism is forever guaranteed;. orthat anybody who criticizes the press should be regardedas seeking to repeal this amendment. The press is theonly un criticized power in. the country; for you criticizeeverybody else, but if anybody criticizes you, you respondin the way you responded '00' �be Report 'Of the Commis­sion on the Freedom· of the Press. .Stich response .sup�presses criticism. The result of such response can onlybe that intelligent people who have something useful todo will no longer waste their time trying to help youout. Why should they, when their reward is) indifference,. misrepresentation, and intimidation?The tradition of freedom and independence that. goodteaching requires can not be built without criticism of theexisting practices of the press .. The editorial writers oughtto. be plugging ,every day for the independent, recommended by the Commission 'on the Free­dom of t}:l:e Press, You olIght" to demand that it be ere­ated;··.y(f11- ·otighf t6·-iil�i:st that the money 'be raised for it.You ought to build it up as one 'Of the most importantand .. pressing projects- in American Iife.. so that no manof public spirit could decline to serve on it ..You. ought to point out that through such an agencythe principles by which the press can remain a privatebusiness and perform a public service 'without govern­mental regulation may be worked out' and made effective.You 'Ought to emphasize that through such an agencythe relations between you and the 'Owners of your papers'I?,�,pe put.on such a, basis that you ean.havethe.freedom. 17and independence you need to perform your teachingtask. You ought to keep repeating that through such anagency the standards of public service, which must sup­plement, if they do not replace, the balance-sheet stand­ard, might eventually be developed. You ought to makeclear that you now perform your teaching function sub­ject to the hazards of the balance sheet and the muchmore serious hazards of the personal tastes and preju­dices of those who own, and own in a very literal sense,the educational institutions to which you belong; thehazards of the balance sheet exist, more or less, for anyteacher; the additional hazards to which you are sub­jected are too much. If the present owner 'Of any paperis a good newspaperman and a good educator, whatassurance is there that' his successor will be? The Com­mission on the Freedom of the Pres'S sought to show thepublic the kind of freedom and. independence: you re­quire. The continuing, critical agency recommended bythe Commission might help you get it.The people do nof believe youI should ·like to dose with a few solemn words aboutthe situation in which we find ourselves, No one will denythat the world is in a terrible state. No one will denythat the American press' is potentially a tremendous: instru­ment of public enlightenment. No one will deny that theAmerican people need all the light they can get.In this crisis the people should be eagerly looking tothe press for guidance. I do not need to tell you that theyare not doing so. They may be buying the papers; but theyare paying no attention to the advice they give. This isunfortunate; for their advice may be right. It is unfortu­naee, also, because it means that at a>tiIhe when we needall the Iight we can get; a -tremendous 'instrument of publicenlightenment is-not shedding much effective illumination .:What causes this? The reason the-people who buy yournewspapers do not 'take your advice is that 'they do notbelieve what you say. They do not believe what you saybecause they do not believe you are disinterested. Theydo not believe that you are responsible. They will notaccept you a's teachers because. they know that editorialwriters do not operate within the tradition that is neces-.sary for good teaching. They may buy the papers . forcountless reasons; to find out what has happened to Dag­wood, or who won the fifth race at Santa Anita, or whatis on sale at Gimbel's. They do not buy them for �e_editorials .. They .read the editorials, if. at all, for amus¢­men t; they do not read them for. instruction. Yet I thinkyou are. teachers.Tf you are to have pupils, public confi­d·ence in you :·must :IJ.e established. The. major recoin�·mendations of the C�,�misS[on ori· the Freedom of the'Press aimed at this result. If you do not like these recom-:.mendations thlnk of something else that will .give -thisresult. The Commission on the Freedom of the. Pressshowed that freedom requires responsibility .. You do notneed a- commission to tell you that influence requires �responsibility, .:t9O-:. :: � < --' ., .'>-; .,.. .',- ..:. � •.STUDENT ACTIVITIESThe harvestwas goodIt was the spring of 1947 and fraternity prospects werenone too bright. For many years in the background ofthe Chi,cago Plan, the fraternity system was now facedwith a han on the pledging of College men, and nobodyknew how it would take it. Pledging that fall was ragged,the i3 chapters scrambling for the relatively small groupof interested divisional men. True, membership was up,but the peak of the returning veterans had passed and'early arrivals were already leaving. It looked to some asthough the Greeks were a vanishing. race.I t didn't look 'that way to the fraternity men them­selves, however, in particular to one Nicholas J.. Melas,varsity wrestler and man of affairs in the Universitycommunity. Melas, a Phi Gamma Delta; took over theleadership of Interfraternity Council the following springand set about putting the system on its feet., He was convinced that two factors were largely respon­sible for the unhappy State of affairs. First, I-F Councilleadership was weak, contenting itself mainly with thesponsoring of social affairs. Two, the Office of the Deanof Students, which at other Universities took a firm handin the management of fraternities, exercised a more lim­ited control under the 'social philosophy of the ChicagoPlan ..G,reeks adriftAs a result, the individual chapters drifted each on itsindividual' tack, intent on getting its share of the fall .pledge class and not concerning itself greatly with sellingthe fraternity system as' a whole.As Melas points out, the freshmen at the average Uni­versity are presented with the question of which fraternityto join, and inter-chapter competition is the natural andnot unhealthy result. Here, on the other hand, the arriv­ing divisional student has another and. more generalchoice, whether or not to join a house at all. Thus thecompetition might be said to be between the Greek sys­tem as a whole and the other al ternatives presented tothe eligible student.Recognizing this situation, Melas went to AssistantDean of Students John L. Bergstresser with hissolution,Give [-1 Council the job of convincing the men that fra­ternities . were a good bet, and then let the. chapters 'woothe resulting prospects. The Dean said fine, and Melasbegan to get his: program underway ..No open seasonHis first move was to develop a general esprit de corps'among the fraternities as a group, to make them awareof their common fraternityness, $0 to speak, rather thantheir separate chapterness, A beer bust at the Phi Psih.o'tl�e Miat sprhfg was a step /H'l this '�dir�C'tl�; aria he- By ARJHUR R. DAYfollowed it with the publication of a song book designedto unite various fraternity and University melodies underone cover.Rushing in the Fall of 1948 was not the haphazardopen season of other years. It was a planned and coordi­nated action, carried out under the firm hand of I-FCouncil. The ground was carefully prepared at registra­tion, where every eligible young man was presented witha booklet, put together by two ex-Maroon editors, ex­plaining "The Fraternity System at the University of·Chicago." .At "'he pre-'B.all reception: Me'las: Julie Wilson, sin·ger and actress'disc-jockey Dave Garroway; Queen Susan Lauritz: Sun-Times eolumnistOscar Katov; .and I-F social chairman and president-elect Oscar Whit­more.The cover opened to a letter from Deans Strozier andBergstresser addressed to "Dear Nick" and envisioningfor Chicago Chapters a pioneer role in the redirection ofthe national fraternity movement. After referring tothe ban on College pledging with the statement that "Iffraternities are the kind of organization which has oftenbeen described by the National Interfraternity Councilrepresenting the fraternities and by the frater�ities them­selves independently, the pleasant association and thecommon ideals of the fraternities should and do appealto the maturer student as well as to the less mature," theletter passed on to the discussion of the new orientation as"unique in the fraternity world in th� ,t�'pited, States,"Results were evidentA statement from the Board of Trustees spoke well ofthe fraternity system on page 5, and there followed, forthe rest of the book, short sketches of the individualchapters, which, in passing, shed light on some interest­ing facets of the fraternity movement and its develop­ment.In addition, the Council contacted entering divisionalstudents i�dividually, ,hammering home the same ap­proach to fraterrlitY life. An all-campus, dance sponsor�'d18THE UNIVERSITY OF ClIICAGO 19MAGAZINEfallen to me, at some time Dr other, to teach every coursebut one of my department's very generous catalogue of­ferings. With Freshman English at eight, Anglo-Saxon atnine, Contemporary Novel at two; with survey and ad­vanced literature courses on the off-days, one could surelyside-step any Slough of Despond! Again, summers broughtvariety; summer school teaching, Chicago U niversity, 'avisit at Toronto, University of Colorado, and again, mybeloved Ann Arbor several times. F or the pleasantest ofthese summers, I added to my research, cooking and iron­ing shirts for a favorite nephew who was getting his, physics from the University. ,jointly with Interclub Council drew an encouragingthrong to Ida Noyes at the very outset of the FallQuarter. 'Whenrushing got underway, the results of careful sow­ing and cultivation were evident. The harvest was good.Eleven of the 13 houses garnered 111 new members,the, other two for one reason or another not pledging atthat time. 'Sigma Chi drew almost half as many newmembers as it had actives.Return to the padNot one to sit counting his pledges, Melas kept up thecampaign. The Interfraternity Ban drew city-wide pub­licity (see this column, the December issue) and a crowdof over a thousand. Following his established formula,Melas held a pre-Ball reception, to elect the Queen(see picture), and invited the Presidents and I-F repre­sentatives of all the houses.Melas 'holds that the storm which the system hasweathered with apparent success has been a most bene­ficial one. Forced to take stock of themselves in the faceof student and administration disinterest, and faced withthe necessity of appealing to an older, more mature group,the fraternities have shed much of the juvenile by-playwhich has earned them a dubious reputation since theheyday of the twenties. Far from being a new orienta­tion, claims Melas, the change represents a return tothe spirit of the original fraternities. DixieBefore I realized at all that youth and preparation forlife were over, unbelievably I was 68 and at retirementage. The break-up of one's last commencement is one ofTime's most stunning blows. Weeks later one comes backto consciousness and to' plans for the future.During the winter quarter I taught in a college forwhites in the Piedmont of Alabama. I now knew some­thing - authentic of the IODk, feel, and history of Dixie;the large autumn moon of Kentucky over red oaks andscattered yellow-brown farm-houses, with old-time wensin front ;,' the regal long-needled pines of Alabama; andthe March springtime moon, when one sits outside toenjoy the fragrant daffodils by almost thousands; andorchards of peach bloom.In friendships and in the more universalized type ofexperience teaching gives abundantly. It also asks buoy-,ancy; love of youth; love of the truth at all costs; loveof that baffling, ever-changing thing-life. "It takes'life to' -love life" -and of life even the most willingteacher never has enough.LIFE FOR, A LADY?(Continued from page 13)Since the 20 years of my service covered a period ofrapid expansion and repeated shifts in personnel, it hasNEWS OF THE CLASSESchives. He recently edited the' essays andletters of Mr. Charles Browne White ina book Just published: Philosopher ofMount Parnassus ..119 Ii IDaniel Buchanan, PhD, recently retiredfrom the faculty of the University ofBritish Columbia, Vancouver, after 28years during' which time he served innumerous capacities in addition to pro­fessor: head of the department of mathe­matics, dean of the faculties of arts andsciences, and acting president.Mitchell Dawson, JD '13, has. his ownlaw office at 38 S. Dearborn Street, Chi­cago. His home is in Winnetka.1912Arthur Dale O'Neill is with the Pon­tiac Engraving and Electrotype Companyin Chicago.William Bachrach, for the past threeyears, 'has been educational director ofthe 'Chicago Technical College. Mrs. Bach­rach was ValentiP..� Denton, '09,1901Albert E. Patch, DB '04, is a Baptistminister at Broderick, California. 1913Albert L. Green, JD '15, who has, been.with the Standard 'Oil Company since 1'920;is now associate general counsel for Stand­ami of Indiana.19'081, John C. Granbery, AM;, PhD '09, andhis wife have just completed ten yearsof continuous publication 'of a free-lancejournal, "The Emancipator." With theSeptember issue of the magazine, tbeyentered their second. decade as edkorsand publishers. Mr. Granbery writes that.. -Our years in the University wereamong the happiest of our lives."1910George Rossman, JD, Chief justice ofthe Oregon Supreme Court, was in Chi­cago recently to address the Institute onState Administrative Law, sponsored byour Law School.Willis A. Chamberlin, PhD, professoremeritus of modern language at DenisonUniversity, is historian of the collegeand is' collecting documents for 'the ar- 1915,DeWitte' Stacey Dobson is the PacificCoast advertising manager for the CurtisPublishing Company at San Francisco.1916Robert P. Vanderpoel is financial editorof the Chicago Herald-American. writingan editorial column seven days a week.He does considerable speaking on the plat­form and radio.Guy T. Buswell, AM, PhD '20; professorof educational psychology at Chicago, wasawarded an honorary LLD. from the Un-i:.versity of Nebraska in June, 1948.Conrad Lund Kjerstad, AM, PhD '17,writes that he has served as president- ofthe University of North Dakota Chapterof Sigma Xi for the past year, and also.20 THE UNIVERSITY OF ICHICAGOwas. appointed a Director of the UnitedNations Center fOJ;. North Dakota. Dr.Kjerstad's work in philosophy has grownto the extent that he has turned coursesin psychology and education, except thoseof graduate rank, to others'. "Last summerI offered a new course in FundamentalEducation with emphasis on United Na­tions and UNESCO."1917Guy R. Charlesworth is an accountantwith the Michigan Public Service Commis­. sion in Lansing.Marion G. Miller was awarded a PhDfrom .ohio State University at the end ofthe summer quarter.191.9Lewis Hanford Tiffany is chairman ofthe Department of Botany at NorthwesternUniversity. He is co-authoring a manu­script on Algae in Illinois.1,920Cecelia L. J�hnson, AM, is engaged inteaching and general missionary work atthe A.B.M. High School in Tharrawaddy,Burma, as Spiritual Advisor. for Karens QfTharrawaddy-Rome Districts.Mary E. Owen, AM, of Dansville, NewYork, is editor of "The Instructor."1921Frank L. Mechem, LLB '24, is a partnerin the Seattle law firm of Bogle, Bogle .&Gates. With 22' lawyers in the organiza­tion, his time is divided between tax prob­lems and the Alaskan salmon shipping in­dustries. Frank Mechem was formerly withthe Firestone Rubber Company' in Abo>11l!,Ohio. For a part of the period between1928 and 19M he was on the faculty ofthe University of Washington.Hugh C. Gregg, AM '23, is business man­age! at Syracuse University.. 1.922Robert C. Matlock started his Owensboro. (Kentucky) Plating Company a year ago­the first contract and job electroplating es­tablishment in that city of 40,000. Hehas been having a marvelous time platingantiques, bumpers, bicycles.: and' sash hard­ware. Recently he plated a beer mug withan Iron Gross dated 1813 and a brass tea­kettle belonging, to one of the Eads family.Dora Frances Sonnenday is now a physi-,cian in Cincinnati, Ohio. .Fred Rosser, JD '34, is practicing lawin San Francisco.1923. M�. Daisy. Howe Kilgore has retired asSupervisor of Adult Homemaking Educa­tion of. Lincoln, Nebraska, City Schools.We have an idea this retirement is any­thing but perm arrent as Mrs. Kilgore writesthat she expects to. secure a teaching po-sition in home economics. .Therese Kirby, AM' '30, is assistant su­perintendent of the . Hamilton County,Kentucky, seheols- in charge of kinder­garten . primary grades.Frances M. Christenson, Los. Angeles li­brarfan, has been taking the training coursefor leadership in the Great Books, forwhich she has much enthusiasm.1924John P. Long is a real estate broker onLaSalle Street, Chicago.LiHiao. Watkins teaches mathematics inSt. Joseph (Missouri) Junior College.Earl Edmon Speicher, Phn, is now Deanof Northland College, Ashland, Wisconsin.Helen Gertrud� Robbins is now living in SURPRlSiE 'PARTYA scientist who usually shies away fromparties and who has spent his life studyingthe brains of men and animals was theguest of honor Saturday, October 9, 1948,at a: "surprise party" on his eightieth birth­day at Kent Country Club, Grand Rapids,Michigan, and attended, by some of thenation's leading neurologists, He is Dr. C.judson Herrick, professor emeritus of neu­rology at the University" and founder andfor 54 years an editor or chairman of theboard of the Journal of Comparative Neu­rology. Dr. Herrick writes, "_ The partywas a complete surprise to me. The .secretwas well kept by hundreds of people."Since his retirement, he and his wife;Mary Talbot Herrick, have lived III GrandRapids with their daughter, Dr. Ruth Her­riek,' SB '1,8, MD '�8. Now writing hissixth book on evolution of the brain, theelder Dr. Herrick believes there will begreat improvement in the field of humanrelations, A former professor at. DenisonUrniversity, Ottawa University, the Univer­sity of Michigan, chairman of the depart­ment of anatomy at the University of Chi­cago, ana a member of the National Acad­emy of Sciences, Dr. Herrick is also amember of scientific: societies of TheNetherlands, Norway, Sweden, Mexico and13elgium. -.Dr. Herrick estimated, after the party,that the guests traveled a total of 5500miles' to' reach the celebratien.. More thana score of letters was read from otherscientists, and friends who were unable toattend but who paid tribute to him.Among the guests and friends of Dr.Herrick from Chicago were D�. ,GeO:rgeBartelmez, Ph:D. '10, professor of anatomy;Dr. BasH C. H. Harvey, profess01i' emeritusof anatomy and former dean of studentsill Biological Sciences; Dr. Richard Watkins,M.D. '25, Billings Hospital; Dr. NormandHoerr, Ph.D. '29, MD '31, professor ofneurology at Western Reserve: Dr. Eli;zabethCrosby, SM '12, Ph.D. '15, professor ofanatomy at the University of Michigan.Other distinguished guests were Dr.Ruben M. Strong, emeritus professor ofanatomy at Loyola Universtty MedicalSchool; Dr. Gerhardt Von Bonin, professorof anatomy at the University of IllinoiS';Dr. Paul G. Bucy, professor of neuralsm;gery at the University of Illinois; Dr.Davenport Hooker, professor of anatomyat. t�e Uni�ersity of Pittsburgh; and Drs.Wllham VIS and Harold ·G. Robinson ofGra�� Rapids, both doctors of internalmedicine.The "sarprlse" party was given hy Mr.and Mrs. Thomas G. Kindel. The party .was made a cOJ?lple�ely successful onethrough the efforts of Mrs. Kindel (who isthe former.l\fary Holt Hanrey, '30, daughterof Dr. Bast! Haney) and of Dr. Ruth Her­rick,. a' tremendously loyal and. activealumna.Columbus, Ohio, where she is account ex­ecutive for Radio Station WBNS.1925. Lourania Miller, AM, has retired fromhigh school teaching and lives in her homeat Da�la's, Tex�s .. She. .is doing importantwork m Americanizatjon among' memberso� . the . foreign -element in that city. SheVISIts the homes of these newcomers andhelps them through their language diffi­culties.Anna W. Kenny, AM '29, PhD '45l creditsher Midway. training for the fun she'shaving teaching English at the Navy Pier MAGAZINE(Chicago) division of the University ofIllinois.Hazel Floyd, AM, former associate pro­fessor of education at Stephen if. AustinState Teachers College, Nacogdoches, Texas,has accepted the position of professor ofeducation at Southwestern Institute ofTechnology, Wetherford, Oklahoma.Jean Hess (Mrs. Robert T. Livers), Di­rector of the Evanston-Northwestern U ni­versity Junior Kindergarten, is now at theNichols School in Evanston, working withfour 'year old children. For the last twoyears, writes Mrs. Livers, she has beendirecting a junior kindergarten in Vienna,Austria, for the children of the Americanmilitary and civilian personnel on duty.there.1926Sara L. Boom (Mrs. E. F. Moore) hasmoved to' Dinuba, California, where sheis teaching a fifth grade.A note from Robert E. Landon, PhD '29,notifies us that he has moved to 1289East Stratford Avenue, Salt Lake City,Utah.Louis E. Steinman is a member of thefirm of Altschuler, Melvoin and Glasser,Certified Public. Accountants.Dorothy C. Jackson is teaching Spanishat DuSable High School, Chicago.1927Lillian Mae Haas (Mrs. Ralph B. Al­spaugh) of Cincinnati, is president of theOhio division of the American Associationof University Women. She is active Iaorganization work and has been speakingon contemporary literature since 1940.Stanton H. Prentiss, JD '30, is a member'of the law firm of Graham & Prentiss inAledo, Illinois.Ella S. Hathaway, AM, has retired fromteaching and is living at 1111 Jervis Street,Vancouver, B. C. .Melvin Brodshaug, AM, is Vice Presi­dent in Charge of Research for Encyclo­paedia Britannica Films, Inc. Mr. Brod,shaug's work entails the production ofclassroom films.1928Louis B. Howard, SM, PhD '31, has re­signed as chief of the Bureau of Agricul­ture and Industrial Chemistry of the De­partment of Agriculture to head the re­cently formed department of food tech­nology in the College of Agriculture atthe University of Illinois.Ralph H. Rehbock, AM, has been on thefaculty of Roosevelt High School, Seattle,for the past twenty years. His presentposition is counseling with students, teach­ers, and parents. Mrs. Rehbock is a North­western girl but qualified for a Chicagoman by taking work in our art depart­ment. They have three youngsters and awonderful time in the great out-of-doors inthe Pacific Northwest.C1�e Westenfield, AM, is a member ofthe political science staff of YoungstownCollege.Freida R. Wordelman teaches art atGrand Rapids Junior- College, Michigan.Kenneth N. Campbell, PhD '32, professorof chemistry at the University of NotreDame, has been. chosen chairman-elect ofthe Medicinal Chemistry Division ' of theAmerican Chemical Society.' During thewar Dr. Campbell cooperated with thegovernmen t in a search for more effectiveansi-malarial drugs. He currently is con­ducting an extensive. research' program on(Continued on Page 24)ORDER OF THE SUNThe University now numbers among itsalumni a grand master of the Order of theSun. It has, in fact, ever since last April,when George Maurice Morris, JU '15, wasawarded the Order by the Peruvian govern­ment for his work with the Inter-AmericanBat: Association meeting in Lima lastwinter.In the words of a Washington Postcolumnist, the medal was placed about his"starched white collar at a reception yes­terday at the Peruvian Embassy."Morris is chairman of the executive <com­nrittee of the Inter-American Bar ASsocia­tion and speaker of the House of Deputiesof the same organization. He is a formerpresident of the American Bar Association.TVA DYNAMOGordon Rufus Clapp, MA '33, was addingthe last footnote to his master's thesiswhen Congress finally passed the TennesseeValley Authority Bill 15 years ag�. Hebad no idea then of seeking a job in TVA,or that today he would be chairman ofthe world's biggest power-producing system.His professor, Floyd Reeves, who, becamefirst director of personnel for the new or­ganization, invited Clapp to join him ashis assistant. Clapp's keen interest in theau tcome of the experiment clinched it.As Reeves' right-hand man" Clapp' wascatapulted into the hustle of TVA's Wash­ington days and the scramble that sum­mer for people to staff the new agency.In the fall, Clapp drew the assignmentas assistant director of personnel at Knox­ville.Since that time Clapp has been workingquietly and anonymously within theTVA's administrative community, learningmore and more about the valley's problemsand seeing some of the answers, makingdecisions of importance to the valley andto the nation, and rising steadily aU thewhile. Reeves left the TVA' in December,1936, and Clapp succeeded 'him as directorof personnel. In October, 1939, when thefirst general manager left, Clapp was movedup to that job. In that post he came intocloser relationship with Chairman DavidEli Lilienthal, whom he succeeded inNovember, 1946.If you ask TVA people who have workedwith Clapp what is the most, distinguishingmark of his administration, they win tellyou it is Clapp's warmth as a person. Theimpression is a reflection of the man'sphilosophy. In a commencement addresswhich he gave at Lawrence College shortlyafter his appointment was confirmed, heu� ,"The problem of our day is to find work­able ways to discover the key to a faithin ourselves and in more and more of ourfellow men. The word, 'faith,' the idea, isabstract; but the opportunities to expressthe idea by our daily actions and decisionsare unmistakably real. Each of us bydeliberate or' innocent choice elects hourby hour and day by day to support by thepreponderance of our own acts one .or theother of these contending forces=faith in,or fear of, men. The division is seldomclearly marked. No one of us can achievemore than' a good average on the side offaith. But it is basic' in our consciouschoice that we be aware of which side wefavor:" 'HEADLtNERSTREVOR ARNETT HONOREDAt the annual meeting of the Trusteesof Atlanta University on April 9, 1948,it was enthusiastically and unanimouslyagreed that the University Library in thefuture be known as the Trevor ArnettLibrary in honor of the board's chairman,Trevor Arnett, '98, of New York City. Aformer president 'of the General Educa­tion Board, Mr. Arnett is also a memberof the ,:Board of Trustees of the Universityof Chicago, president of the Spelman Col­lege Board of Trustees, and a member ofthe Board of Morehouse College.Bronze bust of Trevor Arnett,by Richmond Barthe of New York,in the, Trevor Arnett memorial li­brary, Atlanta. University.The high tribute and signal honor paidto Mr. Arnett is one consequerice of hisinvaluable assistance over a long periodof years to Negro education, and particu­larly his cooperation and helpfulness in,the development of the Atlanta UniversitySystem, involving the affiliation of AtlantaUniversity, Morehouse, College, and', Spel­man College, It was due to Mr. Arnett'sactive leadership in promoting the affilia­tioa of these colleges that the grant forthe library was made in 1930.Mr. Arnett was awarded the AlumniMedal of the University of Chicago in 1941and is, the husband of the former BerthaMay Stetson, '99. An authority on, Mr. Arnett is distinguished ineducational circles. At various times hehas served on the Boards of the Rocke­feller Institute for Medical Research, theRockefeller Foundation, the General Edu- 'cation Board, and the International Edu­cation Board.From the turn of the century until 1922he was the University auditor after whichhe became vice president and businessmanager un tit 1926,.NEW HONORS FOR ARTIEOnly those' who have lived all theiradult lives ill the city, as did ArthurBovee, '08, can folly appreciate' the en­thusiasm with which Artie recently wrotefrom Athens, Georgia:"We have bought a 7-room house, lot90x140, II trees, and grass all around ona high elevation with a beautiful view."Upon retirement from the University, Arthur Gibbon Bovee joined the faculty ofthe University of Georgia as associate pro­fessor of French. He and the family havebeen extremely happy in their new loca­tion and his letters have always bubbledwith enthusiasm. _Now comes news of a, new honor, forArtie. France has awarded him her highesthonor: Chevalier de Ia Legion d' Honneur."This distinction," read the notification,"is a reward for. your. long career, devotedto the teaching of French as well as forthe interest you, have had in spreadingknowledge of the civilization and literatureof France .... "This is Arthur Bovee's second citationfrom the french government. In 1934 hewas appointed an officer of' the FrenchAcademy with the award of AcademicPalms.MAN IN THE MIDDLEArthur Stark '39, MA '41, talks and theair begins to clear. Nerves calm down.For the first time since their interestsclashed, management and labor beginreconciling their views. Men who hadentered the room with shaking fists leaveon the friendliest of terms.It's all in a day's work to Stark, who isassistant executive secretary of the NewYork State Board of Mediation. Even inthis atmosphere of acrimony, the 29-year-oldmediator finds much: to be happy about."When you've been successful in prevent­ing a strike by gettiRg both sides to sitdown and quietly adjust their differences,you' gain new confidence in the abilityand fundamental common sense of men ingeneral. Strikes are bad for all concerned,labor, management and the, public, If onlynations could mediate their differences asefficiently!" .Stark's exposure to labor relations cameearly in talks with his father, Louis St�rk,the veteran labor reporter and analyst forthe New York Times. As a kid, Stark sayshis father was dragging him along to' laborconventions and meetings. Vacations': heworked as a member of an 'engineeringparty on the Union Pacific Railroad inWyoming. One summer he volunteeredfor the job of junior economist with .theWages and Hours Division of the Depart-ment of Labor in Washington. ',His first job after graduation was' aswriter and educational director tor 'theAmalgamated OJothing Workers Union.One year later he left to become an NLRBfield examiner in New Orleans. His nextjump was to Cleveland, where. ·f.ot;r. �vffyears he was regional director; .for, J:N'l,�RB­In May, 1947, he left to take his ,pT�sentposition.His first year on the job he set a recordof successfully disposing of the 1,181 dis.putes. submitted for mediation. Of the1,290 disagreements, brought before theboard for arbitration, 1,203 were 'settledamicably.Stark's high batting average as peace­maker is not limited to the office. He isstill happily married to the girl he met inone of his economics courses, Ruth R.Graham; '41 •. , No believers in: long engage­ments, they were married shortly after theirgraduation. Their, two children, Laura, 5,and Jeffrey, 31 are a little too young forindoctrination. ,B1.l( itmay not be�o'lilg be­fore Stark begins t� talk, to .them �:9�:ut .anold family tr.adi:ti'?�. ':� -'rF.� .;':;:'�(' �. �. �CALENDARMonday, January 3PUBLIC LECTURE-(J]niversity College, Downtown Center),Art Institute of Chicago. Mondays, '2:00-3:30 P.M., first of aseries of ten sessions. "Illustrated Lecture-Conferences on Art:Old Masters of the Moderns." Lucy Driscoll, assistant professorof -Art, University College. Series. tickets only, ,$6.00., Tuesday, January 4PUBLIC LiECTURE-(University College, Downtow.n Center), A!tInstitute of Chicago. 11:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M. First lecture IIIseries of 10 sessions. "Illustrated Lecture-Conferences on Art:Old Masters of the Moderns." Lucy Driscoll, assistant professorof Art, University College. Series tickets only, $6.00'. All Lec­tures on Tuesdays.PUBLIC LECTURE-(Uni.versity College, Downtown Center),Room 809, 19 South LaSalle Street, 8:00 :p.M. "The Opera: TheNature of Opera." SCoU Goldthwaite, acting chairman of theDepartment of Music, University of Chicago. Series ticket (10lectures), $6.00; single admission, $0.75.Wednesday, January 5PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center),ArtInstitute of Chicago. Wednesdays, 11:00 A. M.-12:30 P'.M. Firstin series of 10 lectures. "Illustrated, Lecture=Conferences onArt: The Chinese 'Independents'." Lacy Driscoll, assistant prD­fessor in Art, University College .. Series tickets only, $6,.00.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center), ArtInstitute of Chicago. Wednesdays, 2:00-3:30 P.M. First in serjesof ten lectures. "Illustrated Lecture-Conferences on Art: Nine­teenth Century Prints and Drawings," Lucy Driscoll, assistantprofessor of Art in University College. Series tickets only, $6:00.Thursday, January 6ANNUAL EPIPHANY CANDLELIGHTING SERVICE-Univer­sity Choir assisted by the Acolytes of the Church of the Re­deemer. 7:30 P.M., Rockefeller Memorial Chapel.PUBLIC LECTURE-'(University College, Downtown Center),"Problems of Adjustment in Later Maturity and Old Age,"Thursdays, '7:30-9:30 P.M., eleven sessions. Admission: series,locket, $12.00. Seminar wi1l be led by Miss Ethel Shanas, Re­search Associate in Sociology, University of Chicago, in coop­eration with guest experts.Friday, January 7PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College� Downtown Center),"Grievance Principles and Problems-Grievance Chnic," Fridays,7:30-9:3;0 P.M., six sessions. Admission, series ticket, $7.50.Seminar led fuy Mr. Sidney Lens, Organizaeional Director fortile Building Service Employees Union, Local 329, A. F. of L.Saturday, ,January 8PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center),"Workshop in Audio-Visual Aids in Education," Saturdays,10:00-12:00 A.M., ten sessions. Admission: series ticket, $1'2.00.Discussion leader win be Sherwin Lanfield, director of the audio­visua� department of Roosevelt College.BASKETBALL GAME-Varsity vs. Illinois Institute of Tech­nology. '8,3'0 P.M., Field House, 56th and University. Admis­sion: $1.00; students, free.Sunday, January 9UNJVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rocke£eUer MemorialChapel, 11:30 A.M., Ernest Cadman Colwell, President of theUniversity.Monday, January 10PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center),Woodrow Wilson Room, 13th Floor, H6 South Michigan Ave­nue, 4:30 P.M. "Approaches to Peace: The Diplomat," WilliamE -. Benton, Former Assistant Secretary of State for NationalAffairs. Admission: Series, ticket (9 lectures), $6.00; single admis­sion tickets, $1.00 for each lecture, will be sold only at thedoor if seats are available. 'PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center),"Technique in Conference Discussion," Mondays, 7:00-9:00 P.M.,ten sessions. Series ticket, $12.100. Directed by Thomas Fansler,Director of Research, National Safety Council.Tuesday, January IIPUBLIC LECTURE-(UniveiFsity College, Downtown Center),"The World's Great Plays," Tuesdays, 7:00-9:30 P. M., Group !,10 sessions starting January 11. Admission: series ticket, $12.00.Students in this group will read aloud .and discuss Sophocles, "Oedipus Rex"; Aristophanes, "The Frogs"; Shakespeare,"Twelfth Night"; Marlowe, "Dr. Faustus"; Moliere, "Les Pre­cieuses Ridicules"; Sheridan, "School for Scandal"; Ibsen, "Doll'sHouse"; Chekhov, "Cherry Orchard"; Shaw, "Pygmalion"; andO'Neill, "Mourning Becomes Electra." Wade Thompson, dis­cussion leader.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center),Room 809, 19 S. LaSalle St., 8:00 P.M. "The Opera: The Prob­lems of the Composer in the Field of Opera." Ernest Levy,professorial lecturer in Humanities, University of Chicago. Seriesticket, $6.00; single admission, $0.75.Wednesday, January 12PUBLIC LECTURE�(University College, Downtown Center),Room 809, 19 S. LaSalle Street, 6:30 P.M. "Speech in HumanRelations: Perspective." Bess Sondel, instructor in speech, Uni­versity College. Series ticket (5 lectures); $3.00; single adrn is. 'sion, $'0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE - (University College, Downtown Center),"Toynbee," Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 P. M., ten sessions. Admission:series ticket, $12.00., Students will read and discuss Arnold J.Toynbee's famous "Study of History (Somervell abridgment)"• according to a schedule. Leader, Charles A. Nelson, Director ofthe Basic Program of Liberal Eudcation for Adults, andDiree.tor, Seminars in World Politics, at University College.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center),"The World's Great Plays," Wednesdays, 7:00-9:30 P.M., GroupII, 10 sessions. Admission: series ticket, $12.00. Students toread and discuss: Euripedes, "Medea"; Shakespeare, "Macbeth";Jonson, "The Alchemist"; Goldsmith, "She Stoops To Conquer;Rostand, 'Cyrano de Bergerac"; G. Hauptmann, "The Weavers";Strindberg, "The Fa-ther"; Pinero, "The Second Mrs. Tan­queray"; Racine, "Phedre"; T. Williams, "The Glass Menagerie."Harold Marienthal, discussion leader.PUBLIC LECTURE-The Pythagoran Tradition: Introduction."Ernst Lavey, Professorial lecturer in Humanities. 7:30 P.M.,Room 122, Social Sciences, 1126 East 59th Street, Series Ticket,$6.00; Single Admission, $0.82.BASKETBALL GAME-Varsity vs, Northern Illinois College ofOptometry. 8:30 P.M., Field House, 56th and University. Ad­mission: $1.00; <students, free.Thursday, January 13PUBLIC LECTUR.E-(University College, Downtown Center),"Music: Language and Literature," Thursdays, 6:15-8:45 P.M.,10 sessions. Admission: $12.00 series ticket. Ernst Levy, viSitinglecturer from Bennington College.PUiBU:G LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center),"Great American Plays," Thursdays, 7:00-9:30 P.M., 10 sessions.Admission; series ticket, $12.00. Group will read and discuss:Howard, "They Knew What They Wanted"; Barry, "You andI"; Connelly, "Green Pastures"; Behrman, "Biography"; Odets,"Waiting for Lefty"; Wilder, "Our Town"; O'Neil, "The HairyApe"; Kaufmann, "You Can't Take It With You"; Anderson,"Winterset"; Green, "The Field God." Seminar to be led byMr. Harold Marienthal.Friday, January 14PUBLIC LECTURE - (University College, Downtown Center),"How to Teach Adults," Fridays, 12:0'0 M·2:00 P.M." ten sessions.Series Ticket, $12.00. Seminar will be led by Malcolm S.Knowles, Director of Adult Education, YMCA of Chicago, andCyril O. Houle, Dean of University College and Associate Pro­fessor .of Education, University of Chicago. A box lunch andcoffee will be made available to all participants for fifty centsa luncheon.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center), 32West Randolph Street, 7:30 P.M. "The Great Ideas: The Proh.lem of Punishment." Mortimer J. Adler, Professor of Philosophyof Law. $1.50'. .Sunday, January 16UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE - Rockefeller MemorialChapel, 11:30 A.M., Mrs. Waitestill H. Sharp, Executive Sec­retary of the Children for Palestine Committee, Boston, Massa­chusetts.22THE UNIVERSITYMonday, January 17PUBLIC LECTURE - (University College, Downtown Center),. Woodrow Wilson Room, 13th Floor, 116 S. Michigan, 4:30 P.M.,'�Approaches to Peace: The Educator." George D. Stoddard,president, University of Illinois; Member, U. S. Commission forUNESCO. Admission: Series ticket, $6.00; single admission, $1.00.Tuesday, January 18PUBLIC LECTURE- (University College, Downtown. Center),Room 809, 19 S. LaSalle St., 8:00 P.M. "The Opera: ChangingAspects of the Orchestra in the Historical Perspective of Opera."Leonard Meyer, Instructor in Music, University of Chicago.Series ticket, $6.00; single admission, $0.75.. . Wednesday, January 19PUBLIC LECTURE - (University College, Downtown Center),Room 809, 19 S. Lasalle Street, 6.:30 P.M. "Speech in HumanRelations: Individuality through Collaboration." Bess Sondel,instructor in speech, . University College. Series ticket (5 lec­tures), $3.00; single admission, $0.75.PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College-Downtown Center andWomen's National Book Association), Woodrow WHson Room,13th Floor, 116 South Michigan, 6:30 P.M. "Merchandising;Print: Writing the Manuscript." Series ticket (10 lectures), $7.50;single admission, $1.00.Bf\,SKETBALL GAME-Varsity vs, Wheaton College. 7:00 P.M.,Field House, 56th and University Avenue. Admission: '$1.00;students, free.PUBLIC LECTURE-"The Pythagoran Tradition: PhythagoranTable." Ernst Lavey, Professorial Lecturer in Humanities. 7:30P.M., Room 122,. Social Sciences, H2o East 59th Street. Series. ticket, $6.00; Single admission, $0.82.Fri�y, January 21SWIMMING MEET-Vanity vs. George Williams College. 3:15P.M., Bartlett Gymnasium, 57th & University. No admissioncharge.WRESTLING MATCH-Varsity vs. Bradley University. 7:30 P.M.,Bartlett Gymnasium, 57th & Urti'versity. No admission charge.UNIVERSITY CONGER T - Andres Segovia, guitar. Works hy"Dowland, Couperin, Scarlatti, Haydn, and Bach; and a group of. .modern compositions. Mandel Hall, 5714 University Avenue.8:30 P.M. Admission, $1.50.Saturday, January 22TRACK MEET-Varsity vs. Loyola University. Field House, 56thand University. Time to be announced. No admission charge... Sunday, January 23UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE, - Rockefeller . MemorialChapel, 11:30 A.M. Reinhold Niebuhr,' Professor; Union Theo-16gical Seminary., .. Monday, January 24.,pUBLIC LECTURE - {University College, Downtown Center),Woodrow Wilson Room, 13th Floor, 116 S. Michigan, 4:3"0 P.M."Approaches to Peace: The Atomic Scientists." Harold C. Urey,Distinguished Service Professor of Chemistry, University of Chi-HELEN' BRAD'FORD THOMPSONWOOLLEYA uniquely distinguished member ofthe Alumni, the first anniversary ofwhose death is on December 24, de­serves a few words of appreciation inthese columns, in memory of "her out­standing scholarship and her important.studies of the problems of cbildren, par­ticularlv of working children: and those'whd fail in school.Iri. her senior year in college, HelenThompson '97, .PhD '(i)0, was recom­mended for scholarships by three de­partments: Mathematics, English, andPhilosophy. Needless to say, she was amember of Phi Beta Kappa. After grad­uation, she was three years a fellow inphilosophy and won her Ph.D. summacum laude in the department, probablythe only time that has occurred in thehistory of the University. In 1900, shewas a fellow of the Association of Col­legiate Alumnae, in the Universities ofBerlin and Paris.From 19'02 to 19.05 Helen was. Profes­sdr of P1tilofophj' in Mt. Hblyoke 'Col- OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23cago, and Member, Institute for Nuclear Studies; Nobel PrizeWinner, 1934. Admission: Series ticket, $6 . .00; single admission,$1.00 .FOREIGN AND DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES-(InternatiomilHouse, 1414 East 59th Street), Auditorium, .8::00 P.M., promptly.Charlie Chaplin Film Festival and "The River." Admission: Tobe announced.Tuesday, January 25PUBLIC LECTURE - (University College, Downtwon Center),Room 809, 19 S. LaSalle St., 8:00 P.M. "The Opera: FormalProblems in Opera." Grosvenor Cooper, assistant professor ofHumanities in the College, University of Chicago. Series ticket$6.00; single admission, ,$.0:75.Wednesday, January 26PUBLIC LECTURE-(University College, Downtown Center and.Women's' National Book Ass'n), Woodrow Wilson Room, 13thFloor, 116 S. Michigan, 6:30 P ,M. "Merchandising Print: The.Literary Agent." Series ticket, $7.50; single admission" $1.00.. PtJBLIC LECTURE - (University College, Downtown Genter),Room 809. 19 S. Lasalle _Stree.t, 6:'30 P.M. "Speech in HumanRelations: From Thesis to Hypothesis." Bess Sondel, instructorin speech, University College. Series ticket, $3.0@; single ad-mission, $0;75. •PUBLIC LECTURE - "The Pythagoran Tradition: PythagoranPhilosophy." Ernst Lavey, Professorial Lecturer in Humanities.7:30 P.M., Room 122, Social Sciences, 1126 East 59th Street.Series ticket, $6.00; Single admission, $0.82.Thursday, January 27PUBLIC LECTURB--"ExistentiaHst Literature in France Today."Henri Peyre, Chairman, Department of French, Yale University.8:30 P.M., Mandel Hall, 5714 University Avenue. No admissioncharge. .Saturday, ]ia:Duary 29TRACK MEET:""Varsity vs. DePaul University. FieJdHouse,56th& Uni.versity. Time to be announced. No admission charge.BASKETBALL GAME-Varsity vs, North Central College. 8:00P.M., Held House, 56th and. University Avenue. Admission:$1.00; students, free ... Sunday, Jan� 36UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE - Rockefeller MemorialChapel, H:;3:0 A.M., Wallace W. Robbins, Associate Dean ofthe Chapel; President, Meadville House; and Ellery ChanningButler Professor of Preaching and Ministry.. . � . Monday, January 31PUBLIC, LECTURE- (University' College, _.Pow.ntowq-:C�nter),Woo!irow Wilso� Roollj., 13th l:"l�or, 116�. Michigan; 4:30: p.M."Approaches to Peate: The. Pt;>hUcal . Scu:ntists.'�· Frederick' G.Schuman.. prQ£essor;-of .political s,cience, Williams Col1ege. :Ad-'mission: Series ticket, $6;00; single adnrission,- $1:0.0. .,, .FOREIGN AND DOCUMENT AR Y F1LM SERIES-(Intern;lHonalHouse, 1414 East 59th Street), Auditorium, 8:00 P.M. "TheWave" (in Spanish). Admission: To be announced.lege. Soon alter this she married PaulG. Woolley, '96; M.D. John Hopkins1920. They had two daughters, Charlotteand Eleanor (now Mrs. C. W. Fowler).Almost immediately after their marriage,P:aul and Helen went to Siam. wherePaul was pathologist and maker ofserums and vaccines for the government ..They reported that it was very .difficultto make the natives accept Paul's vac­cine, since it did not make their arms. swell up and suppurate.During 1905 and '06, the Woolleyswere in the Philippines, where Helenwas experimental psychologfst for theBureau of Education. From 1909 to 1921,she was successively instructor in philoso­phy in the University of Cincinnati, di�rector of the Bureau for Investigation ofthe Condition of Working Children, anddirector of the Vocational Bureau ofthe public schools of Cincinnati.Paul and Helen moved to Detroit in1922, where Helen became assistant di­rector of the Merrill-Palmer School. In1930 she was called to Teacher's Col­lege, Columbia University, as director ofthe Child-Development It\�ti�ute,. andprofessor of e-ducilddn. 'I'W-<J yeart Jat�r her husband died, and Helen had anillness from which she never fully re­covered. Professor Angell sends word:"Helen Thompson Wooney was one ofthe most brilliant students I ever had.After a very promising start in her pro­fessional career, it was tragic that herhealth should have given way 'So seri­ously as to reduce the uuitfulnessi ofher. later career. I deeply regret. the!news of her death."As a girl in COllege, HelerfTho�psontwas Unusually beautiful and attractive.despite the fact that her tremendousan1bition and lo:vie of work impelled her� to keep late hours continuOUSly.· She.used to say that her best time for work­ing was between midnight and fouro'clock in the morning. In addition totall this, she was fond of fun and foundtime to enjoy the Mortar Board, of.:which she was a charter member, as wellas Nu Pi Sigma, and other social groups.!All those who knew her well keep het;in warm remembrance, as a charming,'de,ar .. c9m'p��iolil, . and an intensely loyaland de'Vo�d fri�n'd. . '.. .Apei C· GaIe;-lm;THE UNIVERSITY CHICAGOASunclaeTreat forAny.Day,!John W. Tayler, :PhD, retired last springas professor of history and chairman ofthe history department of Cartoll College,Waukesha, Wisconsin, at the age- of 64.Helen Parkes, with her husband,Van W. Hunt, MD '44, moved to MasonCity, Iowa, last fall where Dr. Hunt is onthe staff of the Park Hospital Clinic. Theywere formerly living in Rochester, Minne­sota, while Dr. Hunt was completing hisfellowship with the Mayo Foundation.Louis E. Jaffe received a master of artsdegree from Ohio State University at theend of the summer quarter.Tracy E. Strevey, PhD, has left theNorthwestern University faculty to becomeDean. of the College of Letters, Arts andSciences at the University of Southern 1934California. Dr. Strevey was with the Uni- Leonard G. Nierman, JD '36, who hasversity of Chicago History Department been associated with the Government-Ijjj],in 1930-31, chairman of the history depart- versity Argonne National Laboratory,· has, . , ". '-. , , �':.' meiit::-)t the·.:. University' 0'£ '.:Wis�o�siri 'ex;': _()p�.ri.¢4: his' .private practice in Chicago. �; S <;" -i <:»: '·,·t.'. : '.: .. '. , ',",". "tensio:n"'Ceilte�i and, for -the past" thirteen' 'specializing in patents." ., "'.,'.,.:,;.;.,�.;..o• ..i-. , ",-,_..,;. ;.. ;;,.:� :,,- ..;..�.__ _. + ---"....,.--_I .. years.' 'on: ,the::f�culty of Northwestern as:. Mex<ln4�r. Annes, JD '37, is' with the., .,-' ,,-�'7:�����·�.·'-SiIl."':I'!87*": . ",�;;,\ .: cha:il'r,nari--:o·f'·t��.history der�rtme,nt.. Annes-' Department Store' r on Milwaukee>;.HANNiij���,tt(C. - >ml'·· A��!n��i:!;t,r,�, pastor+ of ther ,. . :Uphofsler.. .... ' -: i:rti�st' ·H. 'MiBer is an . attorney: 'at 711 Hamlin Methodist Church of St. Paul,I F·f R·· • Fifth Avenue, New York City. He re- was awarded a doctor of divinity degreeurnl ure ,epalrlng ceived his law degree from Georgetown by Baker University, Baldwin City, Kansas .. 1919 N. Sheffield Avenue University. He was president of Union Theological.. . .... . . Paul M.· Cadra, )D. '32, formerly of Bir- Seminar), -in the Philippines when war.,. Phone:' Lincoln 9-7180 mingham, Alabama, has moved to Wash- broke and he was imprisoned. At themgton, _D. C., where he is in the Depart- end of the. war he was released . and re-ment of Labor, Office of the Solicitor, turned to this country to accept his pres-Robert W.· Tucker was recently gradu- ent pastorate.. ,ated from the Foreign Service Institute in Elizabeth Lily Phenicie (Mrs. James G.Washing,ton, D. C. His first assignment is Nellis), is head of the Pupil AdjustmentTELEVJISI'ON with the Department of State in Antwerp, Service of Public Schools at Green Bay,. Drop in and see a program Mr. Tucker, whose home is in Alexandria, Wisconsin. She has a charming daughter,RADIOS Virginia, served with the Army as a lieu- Susan, riow seven years old.From conscles t� portables tenant colonel.'. , Williani Oren Philbrook has been pro-, '--':'I(I:dio-T'V ServIce Ruth, Earnshaw J.o and her husband, moted to Associate Professor in Metal-. • A+ home or shop Ch'uanfang Lo, PhD.' '35, returned to lurgical Engineering at' Carnegie Institute.! I. • �I�EC!RJCAL A�'LIANCES . China, August 19,47,' with their two' chil- of Technology. .�.jJ�efrigerator.s Ranges." dren, rage six and three .. Both are teaching Frances Pizzo is now Mrs. John J. Han-.:· "; . Blank.ets; in Huadmng University .. Ruth , who is a lon, wife 'of a professor in the School of'-'. ' :S·PORTING 600DS, former Associate' Editor of. the MACA- Public Health at the University of Michi.·''For al� seasons ZINE, has established. a baby clinic andRECORDS primary. school. All friends who wish toPopular-Symphonies loin the project should address Mrs. C. F.F.ine collection for children Lo, Huachung University, Wuchang �,. .'C China. We are certain that any help ISl'lElC.. l�.J1IAI/\lI�)· richly deserved, much needed, and wellITlI spent. .. '935 E. 55th Street William H" SpurJijn, .. AM, as Djrector ofAt Ingl.esi;de Avenue, 1... B d f th C'__' B d of Edu. '-: Telephone' Mld.waYt3:6];QO, tHe u get, or e ulcago oar. . ' -:Robe.rt. C?ae.l'f!ler, , '34' ',� Jufian . Tishler, '3� cation. is. engaged In preparation of budget,,_, ,(', '-, arldcon:trot·��,AxpeI.l4i"���«ts,:� "�,.>""SWIFT'S ICE '(REAMSundaes and sodas, are extra goodmade with Swift's Ice Cream. Sodelicious, .so creamy-smooth, soHOWARD F. NOLANALASTERING. BRICKandCEM:ENT WORKREPAIR!ING, A SPECIALlY53'4il S. Lake P,ark Ave.Te' 'DQrc'hester 3-1579;,' ' OF(Continued from Page 20)the development of drugs useful in thetreatment of cancer. Mrs. Campbell is theformer Barbara fl. Knapp, SB '29, SM '31.1929Leon R. Ross, JD '30, is manager of theOffice of Alien Property, Department ofJustice, Yokohoma Specie Bank Building,Honolulu.Gordon Moffett, JD '30, is practicinglaw at Whea.ton, Illinois. 'Katherine A. Boylan fiiJnished graduatework at Ohio State at the end of the sum­mer quarter and received a master's de-gree. ., Frederick Roger Dunn, AM, PhD '40,represented the University of Chicago atthe inauguration. of President Jess H. Davisof Clarkson College on October 8. Dr.Dunn is now head of the department ofSocial Studies at Potsdam State TeachersCollege, Potsdam, New York.1930 MAGAZINE1932Robert n, K. Foster, PhD, MD Rush '35,has been appointed professor and directorof . the department of pharmacology at theSt. Louis School of Medicine.Helen Hunscher, PhD, since 1937 headof the home economics department ofWestern Reserve University, Cleveland, isalso serving as adviser on dietetics forveteran hospitals throughout the country.J. William Anderson, MA '35, sends wordthat he is now in the Philippine Islandsas Director of Education in the Stotsen­berg Area Command, U. S. Army.1933Bernard G. Sarnat, MD '37,. has beenappointed head of the department of oraland maxillofacial surgery at the Universityof Illinois College. of Dentistry in Chicago.Edith A. Bach, AM, moved from Clinton,Iowa, to Seattle over a year ago where shenow teaches in junior high school. Herpast few summers have been spent inMexico where Miss Bach is working ona master's in Spanish.Kenneth Sloan, who attended HarvardLaw School and received his law degreefrom George Washington University LawSchool, was admitted to the New Yorkbar June 23, 1948. This entitles him topractice in all courts of New York. lielives in Charleston, Illinois.Marie' Elizabeth Lein, AM '35, PhD '48,who has also' studied at the Sorbonne inFrance, has accepted a faculty position withthe University of Illinois, Navy Pier(Chicago) branch.David A. Livingston, JD '35, is with theTygart Steel Products Company in Pitts­burgh, Pennsylvania.gan.1935Bruce Albert King, JD '37, is with theVeterans' Administration at Dallas, Texas.David H. Kutner is in the advertisingbusiness with Campbell-Ewald Company,Detroit"Ellinore Clark Patterson, Jr., was re-'cently elected. assistant vice-president ofJ. P-f ¥orga.�· &: Co." Int.,. -.: .. '.r ' -:}'., \:4 � �:.' • •.. •� , .�THE UNIVERSITY OF 'CH1CAGORichard Schlegel has left Princeton,where he had been for the past threeyears, and is now assistant professor ofphysics at Michigan State College.1936Robert King Hall, AM, professor of com­parative education at Teachers College,Columbia University, spent last summertouring South America in an official ca-pacity. ', Cordelia Trimble is in Paris with' theGovernment for Displaced Persons.Jean Louis Smith, AM, has been ap­pointed assistant to the director of publicinformation at Wilson College, Chambers­burg, Pa. During the past ten years shehas been vice president of the Smith Heat­ing System, Minneapolis, with a year offto be assistant in public information atGreen Mountain Junior College in Ver­mont. She will now write news releases,college publications, radio broadcasts andsupervise student publications.George J. Schwaegerman, Jr., JD '37, 'isowner of the Culligan Soft Water Servicein Coldwater, Michigan.' .George T. R. Fahliuul, MD '38, receiveda master of science in. surgery at the Uni­versity of Minnesota in August, tMS.Mrs. Esther Katin Sehoul', wilfe of IsaacSchoor, '21, PhD '31, was recently namedvisiting assistant professor in the Uni­versity of HEnnis Division of Social Wel­fare Administration. An administrative as­sistant for the Jewish Family and Com­munity Service, Mrs. Schour has. lecturedextensively before state and local welfareorganizations and has contributed' a num­ber of major articles to professional pub­lications. Mrs. Schour is also a graduateof the Kent College of Law and receivedan MS from Smith College School forSocial Work.Helen Larson Stevens,. MA, had twosweet June graduates' in the fami'ly thisyear, daughters Dagmar Stevens Lantzyand Kristine Stevens. Dagmar took herdegree from Monmouth College and Kris­tine was graduated from Mount Holyoke.Mary M. F. Whalen, M.A., is teaching atIncarnate Word College, San Antonio,Texas.John Hammond Schadit,. MA, who tookhis doctorate in, English at the Universityof Illinois in October, 1947, is teachingin the Department of English at the Uni­versity of Illinois.1937John O. Baugher, MD '41, is a physicianat North Richland (Washington) Hospital.Katherine Koch of Mishawaka, Indiana,has recently had a book published: "KatieMeets Buffalo Bill" (Grosset & Dunlap),one of the Story Parade Picture Books. Sheis collaborating with Hanna Lindahl, '31,on a series of text books.John E. Newby, Jr., JD '39, is with theF.B.I., Department of Justice, in Washing­ton, D. C.Ralph Roy Larides, SM, MD '39, is urol­ogist and chief of surgery at the NewtonD. Baker Veterans Administration Hospital.Herman Weinberg, MD, spent last sum­mer on the Indian Reservation at Rose Bud,South Dakota, doing research on trauoomaof the eye.Donald V. Wilson, AM, and his wife,Marie Reese, '34, AM· '36, have changedtheir address from PHW, GHQ, SCAP,APO San Francisco, to the School of Ap"plied Social Sciences, Western Reserve Uni-.versity, Cleveland, where' Donald is nowdean. 1938Leona F. Becker, MA, is now Senior In­vestigator of the Wage and Hour Division,'New. Jersey State Department of Labor.She lives in Paterson, N. J.Julia Bohil (Mrs. Theodore Albrecht),has "gone back to teaching as a study hallteacher in the Mount Clemens High School"in Mount Clemens, Michigan. .Winston Harper Bostrik, PhD '44, ofTyngsboro, Massachusetts, advises us heis still doing work in electronics at M.LT.Margaret V. Davis, PhD '45, advises usthat her address is now Mrs. W. V. Doyle,6[ E. Goethe, Chicago. We presume thatimplies something in the way of marriage.She Is stiH in the Home Economics De­partment of the University.Emma Genevieve Dum, MS (Mrs. MilesC. Stanton), is teaching part-time at Maryl­hurst College and at Vanport College.Otherwise, she is trying to keep up withThomas Michael who was a year old lastApdl. "He's walking all over the' placeand is full of mischief," .la mere reports.Erwin E. Goehring, MA, has, since Sep­tember of 1946, been head of the Depart­ment of Business and Economics at Val­paraiso University.Phyllis It. Green (Mrs. John W. Mat­tingly) and her husband get around! Nowthey are in Fender, Nebraska fthe heartof the com and pig country") where hus­band John is' sales and service engineerfor:an implement company. She promises<lin announcement for our "Births" columnin March.1939Francis M. Ohita, AM, assistant countyadministrator for public assistance in theDepartment of Public Welfare, Honolulu,returned 1:9 .the Midway in the fall 'of 1947to enzer the' Law School but was' forcedto return to Honolulu due to family rea­sons and lack of housing for his family inChicago,R0bert A. Simon, JD '41, is with theWes�ern Burlap Bag Company, Minne­apolis.Paul Luckhardt, SM '40,. a geologist, is'an engineer with the Sohio Petroleum Centralia, Illkrois.John H.'Smith, MBA, PhD '41, has lefthis position as acting chief statistician ofthe Bureau of Labor Statistics to becomechairman of she department of statistics atthe American University, Washington, D. C.M;lJthilde J. Kland, who received. herPhD from Northwestern University in 1948,is now on the chemistry staff of GoucherCollege, Baltimore, Maryland.1940Alan' B. Bond, MD '43, has a senior in­ternship in Chicago. Lying-In Hospital.He and his wife, Charlotte Roe, graduatestudent in zoology, are living at the homeof his parents, with their young, son, Alan,Jr. .-Lee J. Cronbach, PhD, joined the' staffof the Bureau of Research and Service inthe University of Illinois Colleg� of Edu­cation in Urbana in September! He iswidely experienced in the field of tests andmeasuremen ts.Robert B. Davis, AM '47, who had beena!'l ent:an�e counselor at the UniversitySInce hIS discharge from the army in 1945,has joined the English faculty of Wash­ington and Jefferson College at Washing­ton, Pa. MAGAZINESince 1895Surgeons' Fine InstrumentsSurgical Equipment .Hospital and Office FurnitureSundries. Supplies. Dressingsv. MUEliLER & CO.All Phones: SEeley 3·2180408 SOUTH HONORE STREETCHICAGO 1'2, 1tL1NOIS•Auto Live;:ry•0.,;... .,,.oblt.,,.. ..tVlceWhen you wan' It, a. you wan' "CALL AN EMERY' FIRSTEmery Drexel Livery, Inc.5516, Harper AvenueFAirfax 4-6400 ..:.1'PiENDER,Cetch, Belsin ,aneil 'Sewer S.erviceB,,�k Weler Vejl"el. Sumps.Pumps1$4'5 Ei. 63RD STREEl:6620 conAGE GROV"� AVENUEFAI.rfax 4-0550IPENOER CAtlCH I.SIN SERVICE1 $45 EAST 63RD STREETTREM'ONT'AUTO SALES· C,ORP.Dired 'Factory Dea'e:rforCHRYSLER CInd P,LYMOUTHNEW CARS6040. Cottage G,roveMidway 3-4200·AlsoGua:ra:n.feed Used Cars .andCo:mp'ete AutomohUe Repai,r,Body, Pa;inf, Simonize, 'Washaind 6rea'sing Deparfmen;fs 2526 THE UNIVERSITYLE,IGH'SGROC:ERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: HYde Park 3·9100·1·21 : DAWN FR'ESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VESEl ABLESWE DELIVER[ A. AARON & B,ROS. :Inc.F'resh: Fr.'its and ., egetablesOistribu.tor. ofC'EDERGREEN ;F�O,lEN' FRESH FRUlfS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water MarketGolden Dirilyle '(formnly Dirl,old)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID - NOT PL.A.TBDComplete sets and open stock: FINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Royal Crown Derby, Spode andOther 'Famous Makes of Fine China. AlsoCrystal, Table linen and Gifts.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDirigo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4, I'll.Platers, SilversmithsSpedalis,s '. . .GOLD, SILVER, ,RHO;OA,NIZESILVERWARER"paired, Refinish.d" Relacq'u.,edSW.A,RTZ & C'OlMP,A1N,YI 110 S. Wabash, Ave. CEntral 6-6089-90 ChicagoP hone: SAginaw 1-32,02F:R'AN'K 'CURRAN: Roofing '& Insula:tlo,nLeak. RepairedFree ,E.tlmate"FRANK CURRAN ,ROOFIIN'G CO.8019 Bennett St. OF CHICAGOSCHOOL OF BUSINESS ALUMNIThe next meeting of the Schoolof Business Alumni will be held inthe Common Room of Haskel Hallon Wednesday, January 19, at 7:30P. M. The program will feature afilm of American industry, the RedWagon, the story of Gustavus Swiftand the meat packing industry. Itwill be introduced by George C.Reitinger, '28, director of Swift 8cCompany public relations.Robert C., Jones, chief of the division oflabor and social information, Pan AmericanUnion, had an article in the October, 1948,issue of The Bulletin of the Pan AmericanUnion on "Schools of Social Work in LatinAmerica:'M. o. Paulsen, JD '42, is assistant profes­SDr of law, University of Indiana, Bloom­ington.Mrs. Janet Louise Geiger Pfeiffer, wifeof the late Lt. Charles W. Pfeiffer, SB '40,MD. '42, recently received a special fifty­dollar award in social service administra­tion. The Elizabeth S. Dixon award is forou tstanding record' in case work and fieldwork by University of Chicago School ofSocial Service Administration students inthe first year of professional education.-William C. Rogers, AM "41, PhD '43,'moved with his wife, Mary Jane Anderson,'41, AM '48, and daughter to Clevelandwhere he is associate professor of politicalscience at Western Reserve University. Heleft our Public Administration ClearingHouse in September, 1947, to become aresearch associate in the Bureau of PublicAdministration and assistant professor ofpolitical science at the University ofVirginia.Heber C. Snell, PhD, has just publisheda 300-page brief history of ancient" Israel;"Ancient Israek Its Story and Meaning."It is primarily a' text for €alleges andseminaries,, Florence Tabakin is now Mrs. H. Meyersliving at Coldsboro, North Carolina.1941Bernard A.. ,Gourwitz "Was an AlumniHouse visitor recently. In €amp any withother members .Of his family, Bernard hasa Detroit chain of super markets. At thetime of his Chicago visit the chain con­sisted of six markets, By the time youread this there win be seven more. Twofuture partners in Bernard's family areLeslie Allen, 4, and Howard James, whowon't celebrate his first birthday for an­other six months.Nathan Schlimovitz, MD, is a surgeonat the Veterans Administration Hospital·in Vancouver, WaShington.Edward R. Fisch1, JD '47, is with theChicago law firm of Ascherman &: Fischl.Warren E. Henry, PhD" is professor ofphysics at Texas State University for Ne­groes at Houston.,Donald S. Howard, PhD, is director ofthe department of social work administra­tion of the Russell Sage Foundation inNew York. He also teaches in the NewYork School of Social Work at ColumbiaUniversity.Morley Mays has moved from Bridge­water, Vh:ginia, to Huntington, Pennsyl­vania, to become dean of the college atJuniata College. MAGAZINEJoseph R� Schwartz, SM '48, was awardedthe Elizabeth R. N orton Prize in was recently announced. Winner of thesame prize last year, Schwartz is doing re­search at the University in the field oforganic chemistry while completing workfor his PhD degree.Robert E. Peach is general manager ofthe Robinson Airlines at Ithaca, New York.Albert Ehrenzweig, jD, is professor oflaw at the School of Jurisprudence, Uni-,versity of California, Berkeley.Ruth Lorraine Steel (Mrs. James S. Wil­son HI) is leading the Great BODks. discus­sion for the "prefabber" grDUp. on campus.Her husband graduated from the collegelast June and entered the School of BUsi­ness in the summer quarter. Their daugh­ter, Tracy, 20 months old, was there to see·her daddy receive his sheepskin. .Frederick L. Swanson and his wife wereco-leaders last year of a Great Books dis­cussion group held in the Chicago PublicLibrary, where Harriett works. Fred isdoing personnel work for a Chicago indus­trial concern. They are busy getting set­tled in their newly-purchased home at 7530South Constance Avenue, Chicago,Clark George Kuebler, PhD, is presidentof Ripon (Wisconsin) College, He waspreviously on the faculty of NorthwesternUniversity ..George W. Hand, Jr., is continuing hiseducation leading to a law degree at theUniversity of Indiana Law School in Indi­anapolis.Mary E. Coleman, AM, PhD '45, is edi­tor of The Educational Outlook, publica­tion of the SChODI of Education at Uni­versity of Pennsylvania. She served: asconsultant in the workshop of the Philadel�phia 'public SChDOls last summer.Robert W. Mathews is a salesman inSpringfield, Illinois.'1942Richard Kuch has resigned as directorof American Unitarian Youth to becomeorzanizing minister of a new UnitarianChurch in Fort Worth, Texas. With hiswife, Jeanne Tobin, '39, and children,Cameron and Gregory, Richard spent thesummer in New England. A year ago hewas elected president of the InternationalReligious Fellowship at a conference inSwitzerland, which he attended when hewas organizing a Unitarian Youth in Czechoslovakia. 'Robert L. Meyer is with the NationalSafety Council in Chicago as an associateeditor. Mrs. Meyer was Catherine Leinen,'47. They were married in September, 1947.S. Dell Scott, JD '47, has his own legalpractice in. Hollywood, California.Olin R. Houston is a meteorologist forthe U. S. Weather Bureau with the U. S.Embassy in Manila.Evelyn Bartels, SM (Mrs. C. F. Wallraff),is a research associate in nutrition at theUniversity of Arizona.Donald L. Foley, AM, received a PhDin sociology and political ,science at Wash­ington University, St. Louis, in June, 1948.George Hathaway Parkinson, PhD, ofChicago is on . the editorial staff of TheChristian Advocate.Mrs. Helen Howard Link, of Chicago,has been appointed to the teaching �taffof the University of Illinois branch at NavyPier as instructor in French. For the lasttwo years she has been teaching under­graduate courses in French on the maincampus of the University of Illinois inUrbana-Champaign. Previously, from Oc­tober, 1943, to November, 1944, Mrs.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOLink was a social service worker for theAmerican Red Cross in Chicago.Calvin P. Sawyier, AB and AM, and Faynorton Sawyier, AB '44, have returned toChicago with their children, Terry andMichael. Mr. Sawyier is now on the fac­ulty of the Law School. Mrs. Sawyier isthe daughter of Horace B. Horton, SB '10,and Phyllis Fay, AB '15. And the thirdgeneration is starting out at the University,too .. Daughter, Terry, is enrolled at theUniversity Nursery School.Hollie C. Darlington, PhD, is professorof biology at Marshall College, Huntington,West Virginia.Edgar L. Crum is assistant to the pub­lisher, Bartley Crum, of the New YorkSTAR (formerly PM).Frances Marie Barker is an analyst in thedepartment - of economic controls of theMid-Continent Airlines at Kansas City,Kansas.Victor Henry Mattfeld is attending YaleUniversity.Edwin E. Hayes, PhD, has succeeded thelate Fred Conrad Koch as director of bio­chemical research at Armour and Company.He was a former student of Dr. Koch atthe University.Esther Ann Heller is secretary of financeat the Anshe Emet Synagogue in Chicagoand "loves it."1943Sherrick T. Kemoll, MBA '47, and hiswife, Janet Peacock, '43, with their daugh­ter, Katherine (born June 16, 1948), areliving in Seattle where Sherrick is an in­dustrial engineer with the- Boeing Com­pany.Werner A. Baum, SM, 44, and his wife,Shirley Bowman, '44, AM '41� live in Hy­attsville, Maryland, where Werner is as­sistant professor of meteorology and clima­tology at the University of Maryland.The women will all envy Leis B. Comewhen we tell them that she _ has orchidsevery day (maybe except Saturdays andSundays). She is a research chemist forFlower Foods, Inc., of Maywood, Illinois,assigned to orchids. She is working in thefield of hydroponics-where cut flowers arekept alive through the use of various chem­icals, vitamins, and hormones. Lois is alsomembership chairman of the B'na n"rithNational Hillel Alumni Association, Chi­cago chapter.Adele Koskosky's latest address is Frank­furt Military Post, Hochst 'Sub-Post SpecialServices, APO 757, Postmaster, New YorkCity.Jessie V. Knapp, AM, now Mrs. L H.Steele, is teaching in Madison, Wisconsin.A note from Robert L. Wegner advisesthat "my wife and I are happily settledat 2503 Lowell Road, Harvardevens Vil­lage, Fort Devens, Mass., while I attendthe Graduate School of Design at Harvard.Very pleased with planning studies hereand have met many former U. of C. men."David O. Kelley has left the Universityof Nebraska to become head of the depart­ment of library science at the Universityof Ken tucky in Lexington,David Talmadge Petty reports. that hehas seven months to go in the Navy tocomplete his present duty as Medical Offi­cer, U. S. Naval Ammunition Depot, Ban­gor, Washington. Dr. Petty and hls wife,the former Mary Kathryu. Taft, SB '1f2,SM '44, find Washington a very welcome,change from their last year, which wasspent in .the Aleutians. John Bradley, AM, is assistant professorin the Department of Social Work at theUniversity of Kansas.Dr. Robert M. Becker, MD, is a memberof the resident staff of the Pratt DiagnosticHospital in Boston. His wife, Jane KesnerMorris, '40, author of Women, Inc. (1946),has taken a position with the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology as Assistant to theHead of -the Alumni Placement Bureau.The Beckers are living in Brookline.Claire E. Censky, AM, after five yearsas Supervisor of Epidemiology, ChicagoIntensive Treatment Center, is now ClinicsDirector of the Planned Parenthood Asso­ciation for the Chicago area.Edward E. Glik received all A.M. in psy­chology 'at Washington University, St. Louis,in June, 1948.1944Rachel B'. Marks, AM, special assistantto the director of case work at the IllinoisChildren'S Home and Aid Society, Chicago,has been appointed assistant professor inthe division of socia] welfare administra­tion at the University of Illinois.Albert G. D. Levy, PhD, has joined thefaculty of Hiram (Ohio) College as assist­ant professor of history. He was an assist­ant at the Nuremberg crime trials in 1946and 1947.George L. Wiberg earned a master ofbusiness administration at the University- of Minnesota in August, 1948.Gladys B. SheUene has finished her pro­longed assignment in Aruba, N.W.!., andhas returned to her home in Chicago.Ray Koppelman is teaching biologicalchemistry in the School of Medicine, WestVirginia University, this year on loan fromthe University of Chicago. Mr. Koppel­man, formerly a medical school instructorhere, will fill temporarily the vacancycaused - by' the death of Dr. Percival L.MacLachlan.Jack R. Farber, MD, is practicing pedi­atrics in Ontario, Oregon.William C. Ziegert is a salesman withthe Standard Oil Company at South Bend,Indiana.Laurel Childe, SB '45, of Jamestown,N. Y., has many extra curricular activitiesincluding: President, Jamestown CivicLeague; chairman, District VI of the NewYork State Community Service Council;and assistant in organizing a 'Great Booksdiscussion group.Lewel1 Jack Knudsen is a teaching fellowin th.e Department of Madt.emadcs at theUniversity of Washington, Seattle.1945Lois Ruth Wells,. after two. years inHawaii teaching kindergarten and nurseryschool, has returned to the Midway whereshe is now head teacher in our nurseryschool.Ellen Marie Myrberg, SB '47, is a studentand assistant in the Department of Botanyat the University.Clarence H. Fredell, MD "47, is on thestaff of Baylor University Hospital inDallas, Texas. On June 12, 1948, he wasmarried to Eleanor L. Shafer.Dorothy R. Marzahn, BBS, is the libra­rian at Woodruff Senior High School,Peoria.Harold E. Bernhard, PhD, is on thefaculty of Carthage (Illinois) College. .Mary Edith Runyan, AM" an ordainedminister in the Congregational Church,was admitted as a prospective candidatefor a PhD in philosophy and religion toUnion 'and Columbia University OR an MAGAZINE 27Telephone KEnwood 6-1352J. E. KIDWELL Florist -826 Ea,st Forty-seventh StreetChicago ,15, IllinoisJAM ES E. KIDWELL.Aj'ax Waste Paper C,o.2600-2634 w. Taylor St.Buyer& 01 Any QutmtityW 8slte Paper __ . r- Scrap Metal 'and Iron'or Promp' Sert1ice CallMr .. B. Shedroff, VAn Buren 6'()230SARGc'EN,T'S ,DRUG ST'O'REAn Ethical 'Drug Store for 95 YearsCfI;·cago·s most complete,'rescrlptloll sloe'"23 N. Wabash AvenueChicago. IllinoisP-hones OAkland 4-0690--4-0691--4-0692The Old Reliabl.''H.yd,e Park .Aw:n'ing Co.INC.Awn;'ng. and Canop;e •. for All Purpo •••4508 Cottag;e Grov. Avenue28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO"PROTECTING THE AMERICAN HOME"Pioneers fought for it. ' .. You can bu» it!SECURl'fY - for our homes, our families, ourselves - that is what men, have always wanted most.To the pioneer, security meant actual physical safety - protection fromhostile Jndians, resentful of the white man who dared to homestead onitheir hunting grouflds.Today, there, are ocher threats to' the peace and security of the family. . . but most of them can be thwarted by Life insurance. In case of yourdeath, life insurance can:Keep your home in: the family with mortgage retirement insura.nce •••Feed 4nd do/he an.d educate your ohildren ...Keep your wido·w's declining years rea$:onablly from 'llU)iney 'Worries.On the other hand, if all goes wel] with you, the same life insurancecan bring comfort and happiness to your own retirement years.Have you heard about ''YOUR PLAN FOR SECURITY"? This is a newservice offered by your local National Life represeneacive. It will give youa dear and accurate picture of your farni�y's finaociai needs over the yearsto come. A post card win bring you the details on how you can get thishelpful new famHy service. No obligation, of course."See your National Life underwriter at least once a year"F,OUNDED 1850 � A MUTUAL COMPANY' OWNED BY IT'S POLICYHOLDERSCOPYRIGHT H�4e BY.N:t.TIONAL LIFE INSUR,ANCE COMPANY MAGAZINEAmerican Association of University Women,Lansing-East Lansing branch.Thomas G. Harward, MD, is practicingmedicine at Red Lodge, Montana.Charlotte F. Green, AM '47, is a memberof the sociology faculty of Wayne Univer­sity, Detroit.Roberta Hernbein (Mrs. William Lan­dau) received a Master of Science degree inphysics and mathematics at WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis, last June.1946Nels M. Strandjord, MD, is with theLenont Peterson Clinic at Virginia, Minne-sota. 'Mrs. Ruth C. Cohig, a medical socialworker at the University of Chicago Clinics,has returned to Colorado (where she didher undergraduate and master's work) tojoin the Colorado State Department ofPublic Health as medical social consultantfor the premature infant program of thematernal and child health section.HamId J. Spelman, JD '48, is practicinglaw in West Chicago, Illinois.Edward John Miller, of Milwaukee, Wis­consin, was recently graduated .from Har­vard University with the degree of MBA.Mr. Miller is now in the executive train­ing squad of Macy's, New York City.Alden E. Matthews, DB '46, is a· mis­sionary of the Congregational ChristianChurch in China.George E. Schindler, Jr., has joined theEnglish Department of Carnegie Instituteof Technology. He served as part-timeinstructor in English at Tech, during thepast year.Eulalia Kirkpatrick, AM, is supervisorof medical social work at Los AngelesGeneral Hospital.Reason A. 'Goodwin, AM, formerly pro-'fessor in the College of Liberal Arts at theUniversity of Louisville, has returned toChicago as a member of the University ofChicago faculty. Mr. Reason is an instruc­tor o.f Russian in the College and in theDepartment of Linguistics.B. Everard Blanchard, AM, is in the de­partment of education' at Erskine College •Due West, South Carolina.William C. Matousek, formerly of Cicero,Illinois, is now residing in Washington,D. C., where he is interning at WalterReed! General Hospital, the Army MedicalCenter.. 1947Emma Arline Heath is director of nurs­ing service at 'Western State Psychiatric In­stitute and. Clinic in Pittsburgh. She isalso �akinggraduate work at the University-.of PIttsburgh.'Gale W. McGee, PhD, is assistant pro­fessor' of American History at the Univer­sity of Wyoming. In the past year he hasdelivered over fifty major addresses in thestate. He has just completed a manuscriptfor publication: "The Founding Fathers andEntangling Alliances."John R. Cox is a geologist with theTexas Oil Company at Wichita, Kansas.Russell M. Stephens, AM, is a socialworker with the American Red Cross atRoseburg, Oregon.Carl J. Odenkirchen, AM, is an instruc­tor in French and Spanish at the Universityof .North Carolina; Chapel Hill.Reselle Hermann is teaching at St. An­drews Priory, Honolulu.Miss Jessica House, SB '48, has movedto San Jose, California, to join the staff ofH. M. Gousha Co., road map specialists.THE, UNIVERS,lTY OF CHICAGOBUSINESSCAR,EE:RSEnter the business world w-ell prep'llIred.Quality for the pleasant, beUer-paying po­sitions that are held only by trained per­sonnet. Since 1904, young men and wornen­ot Chicago have Increased their earn-Ingcapacity through MacCormac training.Register, now tor any of the to,l'lowingcourses:• TyPing - Accounting• Shorthand • Business Administration• Stenograph • Advertising• Comptometry - EiXecutlve SecretarialDay or evening classes. G. I. Approved.Visit us.Phone or write for catalogMac CORMAC SCHOOLSLOOP57 W. Monroe St.RAndolph 6-8595 SOUTH SIDE1170 E. 63rd St.BUtterfield 8-6363BIENENFELDChicago'. Most Complete Stock ofGLASSGLASS CORP. OF ILLINOIS1525W. 35th St. PhoneLAfayeHe 3:-8400CONCR,ETE'FLOORSSID:EWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATION'SWEntworth 6·4421T. A. REHNQUISl CO.6639 So. Vernon Ave.3 HOUR SERVICEIEXCLUSIVE CLEANERS IAND DYERSSinel19201442 and 1331 E. 57th,EVENIN:G GOW1NSAND FORMALS ::A SPEC'IAL TYMidway i����� • We canfor,and'delitJfJr-_3 HOUR SERVIICE " joaD M. Frye is with Lord and Taylor inNew York, working on their promotionaltraining program with the eventual goalmerchandise buying. She writes that NancyGault and Yvonne Lawen frequently j-oinher ill a '47 reunion. Joan also has beentaking the Great Books course, whichbrings the U. of C. a bit closer.From the land of "The Egg and 1" comesthis message: "My .wife and I are pioneer­ing ten acres on Guemes Island, one' ofthe San Juans, in Puget Sound. Hard workbut our location is beautiful and we havea future that is attractive to us. Walter A.Vonnegut." And you can write a book andmake a million, Walter!Robert E. King, MBA, is an instructorin marketing at DePaul University, Chi­cago.Mary Louise Ver Koulen, AM, is a mem­ber of the psychology faculty at the Col­lege of Emporia, Kansas.Margaretta Tangerman, AM, is a psychi­atric social worker with the Lake CountyHygiene Clinic in Gary, Indiana.Sidney Zimbalist, AM, has accepted aposition on the faculty of the GeorgeWarren Brown School of Social Work,Washington University, St. Louis.Ferris S. Randall, BLS '48, with his wife,Dorothy, moved from our pre-fab city inAugust to accept a position as head of theacquisition department at StaRford! Uni­versity.Peter Krehel received a doctor's degreein sociology from the University of CharlesV at Prague, Czechoslovakia last spring. Itwas the first such to be granted to anAmerican since 1939.John F. Umbs, an insurance broker atOne North LaSalle, has been appointeddirector of public relations for the Instituteof Industrial Engineers and Executives forthe year 1948-49.1948·Albert Gore is with the policies andstandards division of the National LaborRelations Board in Washington, D. C.Marilyn Dunsing, MBA,. has joined thefaculty of Bowling Green State University(Ohio) to teach principles of economics,accounting, and introduction to business.Thomas E. Hansen has joined the staffof the First Wisconsin National Bank inMilwaukee.Frances L. Estes, SM, is now a chemistryinstructor at New Jersey College forWomen, of Rutgers University. Miss Estes,who received her bachelor'S degree fromKalamazoo College, has 'been a researchchemist.Ralph R. Sundquist, Jr., AM, is nowstudying at Union Theological Seminary,in New York City. With him are his wife,the former Bernita Woodruff, AM '47, andfive-month-old son, Eric.Arthur Paul Kruse, PhD, writes that heis now assistant professor in the Depart­ment of Political Science of the Universityof Vermont. Dr. Kruse is teaching coursesin International Relations.Genevieve M. Dilts, AM, is a WesleyFoundation Counselor at the First Metho­dist Church of Tulsa.Woodson W. Fishback, PhD, is assistantprofessor of education at Southern IllinoisUniversity, Carbondale. .Catherine M. Cemadi, AM, has movedfrom Chicago to Moorhead, Minnesota, tobecome principal of the elementary labora­tory 'School and instructor in education atMinnesota State Teachers College. MAGAZINE 29R'ESULTS .' ••depend on getting the details RJG,II;TPRINTIN,GImpr,inting-Processed Letters - TypewritingAddressing - Folding - MaifingA Complete Service for Direct AdvertisersChicago Addressing Company722 So. Dearborn se., Chi.cago 5, Ill.WAbfUJh 2-4561POND LETTER SERVICEE.verything in Letter,HooveD Typewrltl_.MultlgrlphlngAddressograph BerYl ..H I,hest Quality Beryl ..All Phones Mlmeographl_.Addre .. ID,MalliA,Minimum Prl ...418 So. Market St.HArrison 7·8118 ChicagoCLARKE,·McELROYPUBLiISHI,NG COl.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3-3935"Good Pf'intin, 01 All Description.�E. J. Chalifoux, '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph-Offset�Printin,g .73:1 Plymouth CourtWAbash '2-8182..GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, lne ..Painting-Decorati ng-Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-318630 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOr AMERICAN COLLEGE iBUREAU'28 ,E. JACKSON BOtlUEVARDCHICAGO ',Ii Bureau of Placement whlcb lIml,is Its!:work to the unhrersity and cenese :Held. i'It is a·mUarted with the Fisk Teachers!Agency of Chicago, whose work covers all :the educatlonal fields. BoUI' organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.Our service is nation-wide.Since 1885ALBERTTeachers' AgencyThe best In placement service for University.College. Secondary and Elementary. Nation­. wide patronage. Call or write us at25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, lIIinoi.CLARK:-BREWE,RTeachers Agency67th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices_:___One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChioagoMinneapolis-Kansas City. Mo.Spokane-New YorkAMERICANPHOTO ENGRA V'ING CO.Photo Engrave,.Ar·tlsts - Electrotyper.Malters of PrlntlnQ Plates429 TelephoneS. Ashland Blvd. MOnroe 6-7515,i W. - B. CONKEY CO.HAMMOND" INDIANA'B�ad�"'� ,ad 'BU«tt:'e4SAL.ES OFFICES,: 'CHICAGO AND NEW YORK :'ST,E,NOTYP'Y, Learn new, II.peed.y machine shorthand, LeII'effort, no cramped fingers or nervous fatigue,Allo other courses ; Typing, Bookkeeping,Com,ptometr1., etc. Day or 6vening. Visit.WI"'. ,Of' 1'1c01l' for lal".Bry:!:t��::tton18 8. MI!CH,I GAN, A'VE. 'el. RAndolph 84575 BIRTHSRalph Roger Sundquist, Jr., AM '48,and his wife, Bernita Woodruff, AM '47, ac­cording to an announcement received earlylast year, completed graduate work in theInstitute of Family R.elations and won thedegrees of P.A. and M.A. respectively onMarch 13, 1948, when Eric Thorsten ar-'rived at Chicago Lying-In Hospital. Theminiature announcement got misplaced inour alumni files which delayed this an­nouncement. The Sundquists, in the mean­time, have moved to 99 Claremont Street,New York City.It's about time we announced the ar­rival of Stephen Talmage at the home ofRobert B. Murray, MBA '47, and MiriamPetty, '44, last April 26th. Stephen has abrother, Robert, Jr., who is three. Dadis an accountant with the Eastman KodakCompany in Rochester, New York. Motherwrites that Rochester is a wonderful placeto make a home.From Osaka, Honshu, Japan, comes newsof the birth of Wayne Philip on July 28,1948, to Capt. and Mrs. Milton H. Weiss.The father, Class of '41, is with the mili­tary government in Japan.Libby MCKey, '43 (Mrs. J. W. Leonard),sent in her membership renewal with thenews that Robert McKey, her first child,arrived at the Leonard home in KlamathFalls, Oregon, December 11, 1947.Libby Alperstein, AM '43 (Mrs. IrwinP. Sharpe), announces that her son, Kenny,3, has a new sister, Bonnie Lee, who. ar­rived at the Sharpe home on April 21,1948, in Jamaica, New York.Note from our mail: "On May 17, 1948-a cute :little job named Paul StephenKane was born to Stephen S. Jane, PhD '41,and Thelma Blum, "46.On February 26, 1948., Judith NaomiStrong, 4, welcomed a new brother, DavidWilliam to ,the S,tFOIlg home at Northfield,Minnesota. Daddy is Samuel M. Strong,PhD '40, chairman of the department ofsociology at Carleton, College.Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Wallaceof DesPlaines on July 13th, Robert Paul.Mother was Caroline E. Soutter, '40. Hehas a brother, William, 6, and a sister,Cynthia, 2.John Harold joined the Richard F. Wile,'42,. family at Nashville, Tenn., on Feb­ruary 22, .1948. The happy grandmotheris Mrs. H. D., Wile (Adelle Frankel, '16)of Chicago.Warren Jeffery Smith, born December12, 1947. Father is Marshall W. Smith, '39,MBA '41, of Chicago.Deborah A. Preskill is the second daugh­ter born to Leonard S. and Mrs. Preskill.Father received his bachelor's in 1940, hismasters' in 1942.Mitchell Charles Wasserman, born janu­ary :8, 1948. Father is Albert E. Wasser­, man, MBA '41, Chicago.BEST .BOILER REPAIR & WnDiIN'G� CO.24-HOUR SERVICEUCENSED .. BONDEDINSUREDQUAUFIED WEtDEBS'HAymarket 1·79'17i404-08 S. Western Ave •• ChicagoI'i1 MAGAZINEENGAGEM.ENTSMr. and Mrs. Edward E. Gordon, Detroit,Michigan, announce the engagement oftheir daughter, Lois Elizabeth, to TheodoreE. Ridley, '43, MBA '46, son of ,Professorand Mrs. Clarence E. Ridley of the politicalscience department of "" University.MARRIAGESMiss Toby Sampson, '46, SB '48, wasmarried to Harold D. Bornstein, Jr., '47,SB '48, at Chicago'S Temple Mizpah inJune, 1948. Marilyn Winograd, '45, aclassmate of Miss Sampson, was honormaid. The Bornsteins are living at 1248W. Arthur Street, Chicago.Claribel Albright, SM '36, serving as ourAlumni Foundation chairman for 51. J�seph, Missouri, last spring, carried on inspite of the fact that she was preparingfor her wedding, May 29. Both were ac­complished on schedule and now she. isMrs. Minis McClain of Leavenworth, Kan­sas, where her husband is in the army.Irwin J. Askow, '36; JD '38, was marriedto Esther Kuh, daughter of Edwin J. K.uh,Jr., '10, June 2, 1948. A member of thelaw firm of Askow and Stevens, Mr. Askowand his bride are now living in Chicago.Ernest M. Straus, '41, was married toMiss Kathleen Nagler last May in NewYork City. Mrs. Straus is a graduate ofHunter College. Mr. Straus has a master'sdegree from Columbia.Since July 3, 1948, Mary L. Walzer, AM"has been Mrs. L. W. Willhide of Peorfa,Illinois:On June 17, 1948, Donald R. Petterson,'42, was married to Janet Horn, daughterof a New York University professor.Godfrey Lehman, 37, of San Francisco,was married April 24, 1948, to Edith Wein.berg of that city. They were married bythe presiding justice of the District Courtof Appeals-"his fifth wedding ceremony.our first."Liston D. Lands, AM '45, of Dallas, wasmarried 'in June to Lyndall Armistead.They .are making their home in Dallas.Since May of 1947, Vera T. Schroeder, '40,has been Mrs. Morris L. Fullmer. TheFullmers live at 527 Melrose St., Chicago.Wesson S. Hertrais, '31, of Drovers Bankin Chicago, was married to Roslyn D.Smith on July 7, 1948. 'Hugo Jaeckel, '43, was married to. Missjennifer Gregg Coward at Bedford Vil.lage, N. Y., on June 4, 1948. They spentthe summer in Europe.Ethel M. Woolliiser, '23, was married toFrank W. Scholl of Dixon, Illinois, onJune 22, 1948.George Pitney Rhoads, '46, was marriedto Miram Friedman on June 13, 1948.They are living at 2404 Lincoln Street.Evanston.quteUiHd�;ucra,c.u SU,.,.LY CO.Distributors, Manufacturers aDd Jabbers ofELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St •• ENglewood 4-7S0UTHE UNIVERSITY curc so oDavid L. Moonie, MBA '39, was marriedto Alice Anninos on May 29, 1948. Theyare living in San· Francisco where Davidis a certified public accountant.Carol Edith Kohout, '47, was marriedto R. J. Macpherson in June, 1948. Theyare living at 5017 Drexel Boulevard, Chi­�go. IRobert G. Reynolds, '40, was married toMiss Loys DeLona Kever, of Chicago inMatch; 1948. Mr. Reynolds is assistantdistrict traffic superintendent for IllinoisBell, in Chicago;Dorothy Freeman, AM '47, was mar­ried to Clifford G: Tanner on March 19,1948. They are living at Rancho Santa.Fe, California.Thomas E. Connolly, AM '47, was mar­ried! on June 19, 1948, to Mary Jane Gouid�'46. They are living at 2914 Otis Avenue,New York.Ellis M. Studebaker, AM '21, an ad­ministrator at Bethany Hospital in Chi­�go, was married to Ida E. Shockley, AM'37, on June 6, 1948.Ruth Wolkow, SM '37, is now' Mrs. JackC. Shnider of Washington, D. C.DEATHSRoy M. Green, '30, president of ColoradoA & M College, Fort Collins, died on Janu­ary 22, 1948, following a second correct a high blood pressure condition.Frank O. Horton, '03, of the H. F. BarRanch in Saddlestring, Wyoming and for­mer Wyoming congressman, died in Sheri­dan, Wyoming in August) 1948.Hugh Schoor Irving, ''14, JD '15, of Chi­cago, died December 18, 1947. Mr. Irving,was associated for many years with . theChicago Title and Trust Company.State Senator George D. Mills, '26J JD '22,of Chicago, August 21, 1948.Helen Elizabeth Richardson, '27, AM '33,a teacher in the University's laboratoryschool, died on November 18, 1948.Elsie Schohinger, '08, AM '17, died at.her home in Chicago November 22, 1948.She was head of the Harvard School forBoys (Chicago), founded by her father,until . she retired' a few years ago. Sincethen she had been caring for her mother.who is 90, and following her major inter­est, crafts and art work. She was presidentof the Beverly Art Club.Oharles A. Yount, PhD '38, professorof . English at Lake Forest Coll-ege, diedAugust 24, 1948, while swimming in LakeMichigan off Lake Forest beach. Dr. Yountapparently suffered a heart attack. At­tending DePauw College for undergradu­ate work, Dr. Yount received his Mastersdegree at Harvard, He was a past officerof the American Association of UniversityProfessors, Lake Forest Chapter, and hadbeen veterans counselor at the college sincethe war.S/imlwaq.,Chicago's Outstandin.gDRUG STOR'ES Odd-Yo Opheim, MD Rush '14, died inSioux' Falls, South Dakota, on April 29,1948.Lucile Bates, '15, AM '34 (Mrs. GliddenHinman), died at Lake Forest, Illinois, onMarch 8, 1948.Frederick W. GriHiths, '15, of New YorkCity, died suddenly at his home on May24, 1948.Samuel P e . Gurman, '18, who had retiredfrom the practioe of law in Chicago he causeof ill health, died in Los Angeles on June] 1, 1948. He was a former alderman ofthe 40tll ward in Chicago.Jobn B. Derieux, PhD '19, a member ofthe physics department at the Universityof North Carolina since-1916, died March18, 1948 ..Noel Keys, AM '21, of Oakland, Cali­fornia, died in Cedar City, Utah on April9, 1948, following a heart attack. Hewas in Utah for a series of lectures onfamily relations.Oscar E. Meinzer, PhD '22:, a starredgeologist, long in charge of the groundwater investigations for the U. S, GeologicalSurvey, died in June at the age of 72. Hehad been president of Social EconomicGeologists and of the American Geo­physical Union.Yard L. Tanner, PhD '22, of Salt LakeCity, who was forced to retire seven. yearsago because of a heart ailment which af­fected his speech, died on May H, 1948.James Edmond Shrader, PhD '22, -dledin June, 1947, of heart disease. He hadbeen head of the physics department ofDrexel Institute of Technology, Phila­delphia.Mae Ruth Andersan, AM, '23, PhD '36,professor of mathematics at Concordia Col­lege, Moorhead, Minnesota, since 1928, diedin March, 194:8'.Gordon N. Rebert, AM '25, PhD '29,Professor of, Education at Hood College.Frederick, Maryland,. at the age of 58, ofa heart disease.Carl Nathan Herman, JD '29, of Chi­cago, died November 22, 1947.Dorothy E. Stephenson, '29, died at Ber­rien Springs, Michigan, in March, 1948..Emma Elizabeth Newman, '36, died inJacksonville, Illinois, on June 18, 1945.Willard Cargile, AM '37,· died on March25, 1948, at Texarkana, Arkansas.Qur records department, in tracing theaddress of Bernice Elizabeth Lippman, �'40,learned of her death on October 28, 1946,at Washington, D. C.Elizabeth Bosworth Wheeler, AM '40,died on June 9, 1'948. Miss Wheeler hadbeen an instructor in field work in theSchool of Social Work at the Universitysince 1'944.From a vice president of a bank inLauderdale, Florida, our records depart-.ment finally learned of the death of Martha'Foote, '01, in that city in October, 1945.Our records department, checking ori theaddress of Elvira D. Cabell, '02, AM '17,learned from her niece that she had diedin 1947 .. Edna V. Schmidt, 07, died in CaliforniaOIl June 8, 19,48. Following· services inPasadena. burial was at LaPorte, Indiana.Douglas C. Macintosh, PhD '09, Pro­fessor Emeritns of Theology and Phil-_ osophy of Religion at Yale, died in hisConnecticut home' july 6, 1948, at theage of 71. He had been chairman ofthe Department of Religion of the YaleGraduate School from 1920 to 1938.Elva Nichols, '12 (Mrs. W. J. Class),passed' away in Oakland, California, onNovember 22, 1947. 31LA TOURAINECoffee and TeaLa Touraine Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave., ChicagoO,her PIan'"Boston - N.Y. - Phil. - Syracuse - Cleveland:"You Migh' A. Well Ha·ve The Be.'"BOYDSTON BROS.. INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Gr�ve Ave.OAkland 4-0492.Albert K., "12B. R. Han,is, '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrlsConsulting Chemists and Engin�erl5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTelephone sr ate 2-8951The Best Place to :Eat on the South SideCOLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone HYde Park 3-6324•TuckerDecor-atmq Service1360 East 70th StreetPhone . MI:d'way 3-4404LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING•60 YEA'RS OF DEPENDABLESERVICE 10 THE SOUfHSIDE•ASK FOR FREE ESTIMATE•55th and ELLIS AVENUECHICAGO 15, ILLINOISBUtterfield 8-6711'DAVI:D L. SUT:rON. Pres.32 TH,E UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBOYDSTON BROS., !fNC�ope'rating .Authorixed Ambulance ServiceFor iBillings HospitalOffici·al Ambulance Service forThe University of, ChicagoOAkland 4-0492Tralned and license·d attendantsS·U:PER,FLUOUS HA,IR,R:EMOV,ED FO:REVER''Multiple' 20, ,platinum needles, can be u,sed:., Perlmananif' :r,emoval of :hair from face, ,eye- I[: brows., bacik of necik, '(U a:n,y .part of 1bodiy;, .: .150 fa,cta:1 veins, moles" alnd warh.L,O:TTIIE A. 'M:ETCAL,FEELECl.RO,l YS'IS EXPERT20 'I'eiars' experience6raduate NurseSuite 170'5, Steve,n,s 'Building17 N. State Sf,reet. Telephone FRanklin' 2-4885FREE CONSULTATIONEASTMAN COAL CO,.Est"bli.hed ,1902YARI)S ALL O:V'ER TOWNG'ENE,RAL. OFFICES342. N. Oekliey Blvd.lefephone SEeley 3-4488Rea.l Estate and Insurance1:500' East 57th ,Street Hyde P,arck 3·:2525I ASHJIAN BROS .. , Ionic .•.ITABU.IIED 'Ill I'Or·ten tal and DomesticRUGSCLEANED: and REPAIRED8066 South Chicll,o Phone REgent 4·6000ANIMAL CAGES:ofAdvanced Scientific Design; ,A'C'M�E SHE:ET METAL WORKS1121 ECist 55th St.ChicCigo 15, III.Phone: HVde Park 3':9500 Nathaniel Rubinkam, Jr., '10,. JD '12,ef Chicago, died on March 24, HH8.Liva Charles McLain, MD Rush '15" ofBakersfield, California, died April 18,' 1948.Clara Scholz, '1:8, retired from schoolteaching, died in Chicago on April 15,1948.Robert H. Palmer, JD '12, paleontolo­gist, died in Bay Pines, Florida, last May.He had been working for oil companies in.Havana for the past twenty years. Hehad previously taken his PhD. degree inpaleontology at Stanford, where he laterwas a member of the faculty.Persis Smallwood '09 (Mrs. WilliamCrocker) died at Yonkers, New York, July2, 1948. Besides her husband, she leavestwo sons, Lieutenant Colonel David R.and Major John St. Crocker, both of theArmy.Clinton B. Whitmayet:, '03, died Febru­ary 17, 1948, of coronary occlusion.. Hehad retired from teaching chemistry inChico State College, Cbioo, California, inJ une H)3·�'.Alexander A. Whamond, MD Rush '96,died. March 7, 1948, .in Chicago, Illinois.Olive Inez Orton (Mrs. Elwood Ander­son) died at her home in Gillette, Wyom­ing, on September 26, 1948.. Carl M;ilton Ferner, of Grand Rapids,Michigan, died in April, 1946 .Frank B. Dains, PhD, professor emeritusof chemistry at the University of Kansas,died in Lawrence, Kansas, in January, 1948.Henry C. Morris, an alumnus of the oldUniversity, passed away July 25; 1948, inOgunquit, Maine .. Mr. Merris, a retiredlawyer" had resided in Chica,g,0, Illinois.Willard D. Burdick, "93, of Milton, Wis­consar, died June 28, 1948. Rev. Burdickretired. from the ministry in 1940.Mary Loise Maret, �94,. founder of MaroaIunior College, Thompson" Connecticut,died July 27, 1948, at the age of 77.Louellen MacCafferty, '94, AM '22, oliMilwaukee, Wisconsin, passed away Febru­ary 20, 1948. Miss MacCafferty was a re-tired teacher. .John Nuveen, art alumnus of the OldUniversity of Chicago and father of JohnNuveen, Jr., Trustee of the University,died November 14, 1948. Head of hisfifty-year-old investment banking firm, morerecently with his son, John, Jr., Mr. Nu­veen was a devout Baptist. He was amember of the Old Immanuel BaptistChurch at 23rd and Michigan where hewas superintendant of the Sunday schoolfor over twenty years. He was also a pastpresident of the Chicago Sunday EveningClub.F.r.mklin JOMson" "96, of Cambridge,Massachusetts, died August 9) 1948. .Alice Downing, 'Srott, '97:, died at herhome in Evanston, IWoois., September 29;]!.943 " Mrs. Scoat, active in Evanston andChkago dubs for many years, had justpassed her 74th birthday.Philip Rand, '9�, of Salmon, Idaho, re­tired head of the High School Latin de­partment, died September 3, 1948, in IdahoFalls, Idaho.A. T. STEW/ART lUMBER COMPANYIV�lrrH'N·G inUlM:B;!'1 A:ND &fIU.WORK7855 Greenwood .Ave •.410 West Il"Iith St. VI :6-9000;PU 5 .. 0034 TELEPHONE TAylor 9-64610' CALLAGHAN, BRO'S.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GRE'EN ST.Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chiceqo Ave.Phone: WEntworth 6-8620-1-2-3-4Wanon', Coal Makes Good-'-Or­Wallon DoesBLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chlceqo Di�trictOffer'ing Graceful Living to Uni­versity and Business Women atModerate T "riffBLACKSTONE HALL5748Blackstone Av. •• TelephonePLaza 2-3313'Verna P. Werner, DirectorBIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dvers200 E. Mar.quette RoadPhone: WEntworth 6-5380JS(adt�tont J)ttOrating3&>trbittPhone PUllman 5-9170•RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMOnroe &·3192•How to tune a piano IThe piano's out of tune. So we'll chopit up. Then we'll get a tin horn instead.Sure, these men are crazy.But they're using the same kindof thinking a lot of people have beenusing on the American economicsystem lately.Our American way isn't perfect.'Ve still have our ups and downs ofprices and jobs. We'll have to changethat. But even so, our system worksa lot better than the second-ratesubstitutes being peddled by somecountries we could mention.It works better because of a fewsimple things, We are more inventive,and we know how to use machinepower to produce more goods atlower cost. We have more skilledworkers than any other country. Webelieve in collective bargaining andenjoy its benefits. And we Americanssave-and our savings go into newtools, new plants, new and bettermachines.Because of this, we produce moreevery working hour ... and can buymore goods with an hour's work than any other people in the world.We can make the system workeven better, too: by all of us workingtogether to turn out more for everyhour we work-through better ma­chines and methods, more power,greater skills, and by sharing thebenefits through higher wages, lowerprices, shorter hours.It's a good system. It can be madebetter. And even now it beats any­thing that any other country in theworld has to offer.So-let's tune it up, not chop itdown.Want to help? Mail this!I want to help.I know that higher wages, lower prices,shorter hours and larger earnings canall result from producing more goodsfor every hour all of us work.Therefore, I will ask myself how I canwork more effectively every hour I amon the job, whether I am an employee,an employer, a professional man or afarmer.I will encourage those things whichhelp us produce more and add to every­one's prosperity-things like greater Approved for the:PUBLIC POLICY COMMITTEEof the Advertising Councilby: EVANS CLARK, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, TWEN·TIETH CENTURY FUND· PAUL G. HOFFMAN, FOR­MERLY PRESIDENT STUDEBAKER CORPORATIONBORIS SHISHKIN, ECONOMIST, AMERICAN FEDERA­TION OF LABOR.Published in the Public Interest by:The B.E Goodrich Co. Iuse of mechanical power, better ma­chines, better distribution and bettercollective bargaining.I wi(l_. boost the good things in ourset-up, and help to get rid of the bad,I will try to learn all I can about whyit is that Americans have more of thegood things of life,Please send me your free booklet, "The -Miracle of America," which explainsclearly and simply, how a still betterliving can be had for all, if we all worktogether.r-- IPublic Policy CommitteeI The Ad vertising Council, Inc. I11 West 42nd StreetI New York 18, New York II Name II A�re� ILoccupation _ I--------'•Why greater strength weighs less and less '. . .....CAN YOU MAKE three pounds. of steel do the work of four ...and stay on the job longer? The. answer is YES, with alloysteels-steels that are combined with small amounts of othermetals, such as chromium, vanadium, and zirconium, todevelop or increase' desired qualities. For example, it's theele�·ent,:chr.omium, that g�ves the stainless nature to steel.Sq great is the improvement in 'steel, when aUoy agentsare u�ed, that a freight car of alloy steel can weigh 25% less,haul heavier loads, yet stay in service much longer thansimilar cars of ordinary steel. Alloy agents not only increasethe strength of steel, they also extend its life through reduc­tion of destructive factors's�ch as rust, corrosion, and wear.The use of better materials to make steel go farther andserve longer is especially vital to all of us ... with steelmills unable to catch up, and ore supplies dwindling.Industrial gases have a big role .in steel's better per­formance, too. Compressed oxygen aids in cleansing themolten steel ... the oxy-acetylene torch cuts steel sections to size- and welds them together if desired. Finished steelarticles are given a harder, longer-wearing surface through"flame-hardening." And carbon, in the formof electrodes,makes modern electric furnaces possible ... with their out­put of high quality steels.The people of Union Carbide produce these and relatedmaterials for improving steel. They produce hundreds ofother materials for the use of science and industry-to thebenefit of man kind.FREE: fetus Sf>lIdYOIl the 11 PI.1l illustrated booklet,s » Products and Processes," uhicli shouis howscience and industry lise [TeC's Alloys, Chem­icals, Carbons, Gases and Plastics. Just u;rite-.ARb CARBON CORPORATION30 EAST 42ND �TREET � NEW YORK 17. N. Y.--:----___,.----------. Trade-marked Products oj Divisions and Units include -----------,---'----­ELECTROMET Alloys and Metals • HAYNES. STELLITE Alloys • PREST-O-LIl'-E Acetylene • LINDE OxygenBAKELITE, KRENE, VI�Yi)N, and VINYLITE Plastics • 'Sy'KTHETIC ORG.�Nic CHEMICALS • PYROFA� .GasACHESON Electrodes • NATIONAL Carbons • PRESTONE and TREK Anti-Freezes •. EVEREADY. Flashlights and Batteries