APRIL • • •••• 1948T� � .. N IV�RS lTV O�(�I(AGO MAGAZI N t.What's back of that name ••• for YOU?Back of the name Western Electric are 130,000men and women who help . make your BellTelephone service the world's best_;_at the lowestpossible cost.Where are they? What do they do?They're in factories in 18 cities, making vastamounts of telephone equipment designed bytheit teammates at Bell Telephone Laboratories.They"re all over the map, buying all kinds ofBell System supplies from other manufacturers. They're at 29 distributing houses, fillingorders from Den Telephone companies forapparatus and supplies.More than 31,000 of them are in mobilecrews installing intricate central office switch­boards and equipment.In doing this huge job-one of the mostcomplex in industry-Western Electric peopleare contributing daily to the efficiency andeconomy of your Bell Telephone service.of 43,000 varieties of supplies of alli :' "'.'"0",. kind. S for telephone�"o,o"'. t�iPO";." of telephoneapparatus andsupplies.MANUFACTURER... PURCHASER... DISTRIBUTOR... INSTALLER •••A UNIT OF THE BELl@SYSTEM SINCE 1882Alumni on the Newss+ends"Big Noise in Indiana," a two-partstory which appeared in the February7 and 14 issues of the P ost � was thehistory of the C. G .. Conn, Ltd. in­strument company of Elkhart, In­diana. This means, of course, it wasalso the story of Carl D. Greenleaf,'99, who left his flour mill in Wauseon,Ohio, to take over the near-bankruptcompany in 1915,. It includes theConn subsidiaries: Haddorff PianoCo.; the Leedy and the Ludwig &Ludwig drum factories; Pan-Ameri­can Band Instrument and Case Co.;the Federal Recording Co.; and Con­tinental Music Co.Time's February 9 cover featuredastronomer ' Edwin Powell Hubble,'10, PhD '17, and the story about thelargest telescope in the worldmounted on Palomar Mountain inCalifornia.Freedom from dirtPoor old freedom gets dragged intoso many arguments involving theUniversity . .Now it's the HutchinsonCommons' windows (inspired by thepicture in the J an III ary issue): "Is auniversity free that clings to tradi­tional dirt? ... Let there be light."No commentIn his annual report for 1946-,1 947,President Franklyn B. Snyder ofNorthwestern U niversity said: ".1"In the College, the School of Law, theSchool of Medicine, the School ofSpeech, the Technological- Institute,Phones Oa�land 0690-0691-0692lhe OM Re:liableHyde Park Awn�i.n'9 Co.INC�Awning. and Canopies for All Purpo.e.450S Cottag;e Grove Av,enue and the School of Dentistry carefullythought-out curricular revisions havegiven us new and better educationaltools. . . There is" of course, littleof the spectacular in such accomplish­ments. We .have announced no newformulas for either destroying or sav­ing civilization, and have. proposedno radical .inncvations in our estab-lished practices: "AddendumAvery Craven, after giving his .re­actions to Australia (Page 10), toldabout his and Mrs. Craven's boat triphorne via England and the Con­tinent:In England we were impressed bythe ruins which still showed what apounding England took. We weremore impressed by the plainness andmonotony of the, food. I lost someseven pounds in- seven days. I hadnever expected to pick up the piecesof bread left from breakfast to eatduring the day. The people of Eng­land are tired and hungry. Don'tdamn them if they don't work asmuch as we think they should.In France' I went to the AmericanExpress office to cash an AmericanExpress Cheque. The man looked atme in utter astonishment: "I cangive you only one hundred andseventeen!" Outside, a man said,'�Why do you do that?''' "Because,"I replied, "'I'm not willing to go intothe res-taurant toilet rooms to makemy exchange." "You don't have to;go to your own hotel clerk." We didand got two hundred and fifty.Real Estate and Insurance1500 East 571h Street Hyde Park 25251 PADBreakfasts are from four to. fivedollars; dinners, seven to eight.Hungry for something sweet, Ibought one small chocolate bon bonfor thirty-five cents in lieu of a SIX­cent Hershey bar at eighty cents.Re: Movies in the CalendarA number of alumni have written insuggesting that we include the movieprograms at International House andelsewhere on the quadrangles, whenpublishing the calendar for themonth.We have tried to meet this regyestwith resulting frustration. None ofthe movie programs are made up farenough in advance. For example, thecalendar for this issue had to be atthe printers not later than March 5if the MAGAZINE was to be in themails March 25 (our regular sched­ule). The movie, program directorskeep telling us that they seldom canmake up their programs from four toeight weeks in advance. Sorry.Of aU thingsWe've just been glancing over the903 registration cards of alumni tak­ing the alumni courses on the quad­rangles this winter. Can you imaginealumni coming to the quadranglesevery other week for twelve meetingsfrom Libertyville, Mundelein" Strea-tor, Waukegan, Highland Park,South Bend, and Allegan, Michigan?Practically every 'suburb north, westand south is represented in one ormore of the four courses,Arthur MichaudelDe.lgner and Maker ofDistinctive Stained Glass Windows542 North Paulina Street, ChicagoTelephone Monroe 2423The QuadrangLe Club Revels an­nually mark the peak of the facultyclub's social life. The show is amusical revue with skits' built clev­erly, albeit cynically, around campus·even ts, gossip, and (in recent years)the various controversial innovations- of our educational 'progr�ms.Nothing in Central Administrationis sacred' at the irreverent QuadrangleClub. On the assumption that edu­cational institutions in Illinois maybe investigated for communistic teach­ings, the Club went all out on a bur­lesque called, "The Little Red Schoolon the Midway."Of course there was a blus teringSenator Whiffletree (Dean of Stu­dents Strozier) and a suspicious Rus­sian (Sanskrit professor Bobrinskoy).President Colwell was Professor Ibidand news analyst Clifton Utley wasProfessor Factotum.The show was hillbilly throughout,written by history professor JamesL. Cate, who brought his Texas. brogue with him when 'he joined thefaculty and who is an authority onhoe-down dramar.The skit you would have enjoyedmost was on The Great Books. This<vduit education movement has beenso popular that not always the bestleaders from all walks of life havehad to be trained quickly. Each ses­simi is conducted by two (not one)leaders. With this quick briefing weintroduce you' to two B. & G. jani­tors, sweeping and stabbing cigaretbutts as they come on stage. Theyare law professor Puttkammer andChicago milk distributor StanleyWanzer.After 'some business about the fac­ulty getting less than janitors, thedialogue continues:Stan-What you doin' these days,.Put? Still sweepin' out Wieb01dtLibrary?Putt-No (makes with broom). I'mjust brushin' up on the classics, Allof us janitors on .the day shift hasto teach the Great Books at nightto adult education classes.Stan-c-How come you can do that ?Looks like the professors' unionwould get on you.Putt-Ain't no professors can horn inon this racket. You gotta 'be ajanitor, or a switchboard operator,or in the Central Administrationbefore you can teach the GreatBooks.Stan-Ain't it a lot of work?Putt-c-'Tain't too bad. Janitors' unionmade 'em do a little featherbed­ding. We got two teachers in eachclass. I used to try to get me a THE LITTLE RED SCHOOL.vice president for my stand-in, butit's hard to keep a vice presidentlong at Chicago so I got me a cam­pus po-lice. . . But there's draw-I backs to every job. To tell thetruth, I've quit the Great Booksracket. . . I'll tell you about myopera tions:THE GREAT GREAT BOOKSTune: THE FOGGY FOGGY DEWWhen I was a janitor, I made enoughdough "To satisfy every need.And the only thing that I did that waswrongWas when I learned how to read.I read in Classics library, and other se­eluded nooksAnd the onty only thing that I <did thatwas wrongWas to read the great great books.I read Freud and Paine, Gibbon and BurkeAquinas and. Plato and Hume;I read Descartes and Plutach's LivesWhile leaning on my broom.I swept, I read, but mostly read,In spite of hostile looksFrom professors who thought it presqmptu-ous.of meJust to read the ,great great books .I got a job in. an adult classTeaching alumni to readThe works of AristophanesBoccaccio, Marx and Bede:I read, I taught, but all in vainMy students were dirty crooks;They wanted culture but, they one and allrefusedJust t9 open the great great books.Again I am a janitor, I teach no, moreI keep my floors all dean, But often I dream of the nights when ItaughtRenan, Rousseau and Racine.But now they stand upon my shelfWith dust on their bindings de luxeFor I have learned it's a very trying thing. To teach or read the great great books.Of course, in the end, the little redschool was given a clean bill of healthand the curtain dropped on the en­semble singing:WE'RE UNIQUE AT CHICAGO.Tune: ON TOP OF OLD SMOKYWe're unique at ChicagoWe're maroon but not redw- keep all our commiesHidden under the bed.Our profs are all simple. Our deans are much worseVice presidents are guardedBy a practical nurse.We can't make much moneyWith our contracts 4-E'sBut we still are permittedTo say what we please.This American privilegewe pass on to youIf you feel like complainingWe urge you, please do.Our gags were all cornyOur songs second handOur costumes were borrowedBut we paid for the band.You paid your good moneyTo The Quadrangle ClubIf you don't like our RevelsJust remember the grub. ,The senator has told usWe're free from all crimeLet's go ou t tomorrowHave a whale of a time.Barefoot denHst AI Daihlberg: touigh, tobacco (twist) chew,ing first year student CarlMoore,. PhD 'I b �Chairman, De�partme,nt of Zoo.logy} NBC commentator Clifton Utley, '26:Dlrecter-prcducer Mrs. tiJb1by U'ndsa:y: sunbonnef+ed Mrs. Charles C. Co'iby (wife of Chair­man, IJepa:rtment o'f Geography): Mrs. Jane Permen+ee Wi,lso1n (sister of Chairman Par­menter, Remenee Lan9'uages and Lritera+ure): end barefoot teacher Edward Hilton, JD '37.2THE U,NlVERSITY OF CHI'CAGOS MAGAZINEImpressive arrayAlumni are sometimes prone to thinkthat the good old days when there werestudent activities, on the University ofChicago campus are passed. I have oftenheard them say that there is almost, 1'10program -at the present time except thegrueling academic one. .For your interest and for distribution inthe MAGAZINE, I am listing the activi­ties which took place Saturday, January 31,on our campus with the approximate num­ber of people in attendance at each func­tion, as I think it might be of real interest(0 the alumni.The University Theatre presented, as thesecond of three performances Oft that eve­ning, William Shakespeare's "The Tern­pest." One thousand and sixty-six peoplewere admitted to Mandel Hall and otherswere turned away. At the same time theWorld Federalists sponsored a meeting inRockefeller Chapel at which' MortimerAdler spoke. The 1,750 seats in the Chapelwere filled and people were standing - anapproximate audience of two thousand. Onthe same evening six fraterniries - PhiSigma Delta,· Delta Kappa Epsilon, PhiGamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Alpha DeltaPhi and Phi Delta Theta - held house par­ties for members and guests; the totalattendance at these social functions wasabout 700.The Student Union had 92 in attendanceat a Square Dance; the CongregationalStudent Group, 15, on an outing to DruceLake Camp; the Presbyterian StudentGroup, 2'0, at an ice skating party; theDames Club, 28, at a bridge party; theGreek Symposium had 75 in InternationalHouse; and the Society for General Se­mantles, 12.This is an impressive array both .as tonumber and to types of events.Robert �(. Strozier, PhD '45Dean of StudentsCan they be trusted?Mr. Paul Harper's "Let the Church EOIu­cate" is provocative. If only it could!\Vould a second spasm of denominational.T ism cure the first, which, perhaps, likeinfant diseases, may be necessary to themoral development of thee race? The re­cent Bishops' blast against secularism seemsquite medieval. I'm wondering whether theProtestant clergy, as a group, can be trustedto lead the adult mind into sane thinkingabout the here, and now. Could it betrusted, any more than .the Catholic Bish­ops, to discover and support .a basis ofthinking and living. broad enough to> in­dude Pakistan and Hindustan, for in­stance; Syria and Judea? Such leadership,if we bad it, or could get it, would be in­valuable.\'\That, for instance, would the averageminister think of such a doctrine as thatset forth by the Ethical Culture Society, or,more accurately, the Society for Ethical Volume 40 April. 1948 Number 7PU,BUSHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCI-ATI'ONVIVIAN A. ROGERSAssociate Editor HOWARD W. MORTEditor EMILY D. BROOKE"Associate EditorWILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN JEANNETTE LOWREYContributing EditorsIN T HIS ISS U ELETTERSTHE SPOILED CHILD, Richard M. Weaver 2EDITOR'S MEMO PADQUADRANGLE CLUB REVELSSEEING AUSTRALIA-With A Physiologist, Ralph W. GerardWith An Historian, Avery O. CravenHANS O. HOEPPNERALUMNUS BUCK ROG¥S 8- 1012NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLE, . .I eannett e Lowrey- 18- 16CALENDARINQUEST ON INFLATION, Theodore W. Schultz- 22NEWS OF THE CLASSES -COVER: T wilj,ght over Rockefeller Memor.ial ChapelPublished by .the Alumni Association of the University of Chieago monthly, from Octoberto June. Office of Publication, 5li33 University Avenue, ,Chicago 37" Illinois. Annual subscrip­tion price '$3.00. Single copies 35 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, atthe. Post Office. at Chicage, Illinois, under the act Jf March 3, 187'9. The American AlumniCouncil, B. A. Ross, advertising director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y., Is theofficial advertising agency of the Magazine. 351324Culture? If such a doctrine could be ac­cepted as a harmonizing basis for the vary­ing religious rationizing of the human'race, for the purpose merely of right be­havior before death, the human race mightachieve an illuminating immortality-with­out troubling overmuch about the life be­yond the grave.A student of Ethical Culjure, somewhat,I am wondering where the fire's' comingfrom to give it sufficient warmth to kindleinterest in the mind and heart of the aver­age adult. It seems to me that Mr. Harpershould propose a COUFse of study thatwould fit the international need - justplain sense about living with people andletting them live, too. As I Iisten, occa­sionally, to some of the rautings over theradio I think that any really sensible lay­man with average good-will might be betterfitted to head d'l.,e adult education programthan is the average minister: Also, I re- member how I sampled this and that de­nomination, to see which, if any madesense, in my gl'owing stages. Thanks 10Shailcr Matthews and Charles R. Hender­son, I forgot all about the narrowing creedsbefore I got my Ph.B. But such minds alerat.-e.in this old U. S. A., particularly amongministers.MaIigaret F. Ingram, '11, AM '20Forest Hills, L. I., New York.Contents notedApril, 1945, you published Theodore W.Schultz's: "Will Agriculture Collapse?"In re-reading Mr. Schultz's article it oc­curred to me it would be timely to hearfrom him in a future issue ....A. W. Wheeler, 'tI9Sterling, IllinoisSee: "Lnquest on Inflation" in this issue.The Quiz Kid program and reception in Mandel. and fhe Reynolds Clu,b lounges March 14 wasan overflow success. H was the first reunion to which alumni could bring the entire family with theassurance that everyone would en,joy himself. Three hilimdred requests for tickets arrived too lateto be filled but thousands of alumni: heard the program on the air and enjoyed if-according tocards and leHers.Unde'r Mandel Half stage. surrounded', by wan records of yeste'ryea1r's plays and Blackfriar shows.Chief Quizze;r J.o·e Kelly gave final ins'flructions to the alumni f.eam: Bob Merriam. AM'40 (left), JayBerwanger. '36. Arvid Lunde. '22. and Ave,ry Craven. PhO·'24 •.At +he reception the Qui,z Kids and Joe Kelly had their own reception for the youngsters in thenie Lunde played' their own Quiz ;Kidis composi-north lounge of the R,eynolds Club. Joe 'and Lontions on the piano and ended up with a duet. Some adults had trouble getting near the pianow,ith tke younqsrers crowding in ahead of the'm,.THE SPOILED CHILDThe world oweshim a livingHAVING been taught 'for four centuries, more orless, that his redemption lies through the con­quest of nature, man expects his heaven to bespatial and temporal, and, beholding all things throughthe Great Stereopticon,* he expects redemption to beeasy of attainment. Only hy these facts can we explainthe spoiled-child psychology of the urban masses. Thescientists have given him the .impression that there is noth­ing he cannot know, and false propagandists have toldhim that there is nothing he cannot have. Since theprime object of the latter is to appease, he has receivedconcessions at enough points to think that he may obtainwhat he wishes through complaints and demands. Thisis but another phase of the .rule of desire.The spoiled child has not been made to see the relation­ship between effort and reward. He wants things, but heregards payment as an imposition or as an expression ofmalice by those who withhold for it. His solution, as weshall see, is to abuse those who do not gratify him.He pamp�r.s his appetite ...No one can be excused for moral degradation, but �eare tempted to say of the urban dweller, as of the heathen,that he never had an opportunity for salvation. He hasbeen exposed so unremittingly to this false interpretationof life that, though we may deplore, we can hardly wonderat the unreasonableness of his demands. He: has beengiven the notion that progress is automatic, and hencehe is not prepared to understand impediments; and theright to pursue happiness he has not unnaturally trans­lated into a right to have happiness, like a right to thefranchise. If all this had been couched in terms ofspiritual insight, the case would be different, but whenhe is taught that happiness is obtainable in a world lim­ited to surfaces, he is being prepared for that disillusion­ment and resentment which lay behind the mass psychosisof fascism. He has been told in substance that the worldis conditioned, and when unconditioned forces enter toput an end to his idyl, he naturally suffers frustration.His superiors in the hierarchy of technology have prac­ticed an imposition upon him, and in periodic crises hecalls them to accountLet us consider an ordinary man living in Megalopolis.The Stereopticon has so shielded him from sight of theabysses that he conceives the world to be a fairly simplemachine, which, with a bit of intelligent tinkering, can bemade to go. And going, it turns out comforts and what­ever other satisfactions his demagogic leaders have told*Press, radio, 'and motion pictures. • By RICHARD M. WEAVERhim he is entitled to. But the mysteries are always in­truding, so that even the best designed machine has beenunable to effect a continuous operation. No less thanhis anoestors, he finds himself up against toil and trouble.Since this was not nominated in the bond, he suspectsevildoers and takes the childish course of blaming indi­viduals for things inseparabLe from the human condition.The truth is that he has never been brought to see whatit is to be a man. That man is the product of disciplineand of forging, that he really owes thanks for the pullingarid tugging that enable him to grow-this concept leftthe manuals of education with the advent of Romanti­cism. This citizen is now the child of indulgent parentswho pamper his appetites and inflate his egotism untilhe is unfitted for struggle of any kind.berates the prophets . . .The spoiling of man seems always to begin when urbanliving predominates over rural. After man has left thecountryside to shut himself up in vast piles of stone, afterhe has lost what Sir Thomas Browne called pudor rusticus,after he has come to depend on a complicated system ofhuman exchange for his survival, he becomes forgetfulof the overriding mystery of creation. Such is the nor­mal condition of the deracinta. An artificial environ­ment causes him to lose sight of the great system not sub­ject to man's control. Undoubtedly this circumstance isa chief component of bourgeois mentality, as even the ety-·mology of "bourgeois" may remind us. It is the city­dweller, solaced by man-made comforts, who resents thevery thought that there exist mighty forces beyond hisunderstanding; it is he who wishes insulation and whoberates and persecutes the philosophers, the prophets andmystics, the wild men out of the desert, who keep beforehim the theme of human frailty.The Spoiled Child isChapter VI of a newbook entitled "IdeasHave Consequences"wh lch rolled off theUniversity of Chicagopresses Febr.uary 15 .• Ac­fuailly, the title of thechapter is "The Spoiled­ChHd Psyohology." Theauthor of the book isRichard M. Weav.er,. amember of the Englishfaculty in the Colleqe,Ideas Have Conse­quences by Richard M.Weaver, The Universityof Chicago Press. $2.75.6 THE lJNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MA.GA'ZINEIt is part of his desiccation to substitute for the primalfeeling of relatedness .a false self-sufficiency. . If he couldcontinue to realize the presence of something greater thanself and see the virtue of subordinatingself to communalenterprise-that is, see the virtue and not simply respondto coercion-he right remain unspoiled even in the city.But, when competition to be considered "equal" sets in,there ensues the severance which is individualism. It hasproved as true of the spirit as of the flesh that the cityrenders sterile"This fact has been discerned in many societies, but inour own it takes on an added liability through the ex­pansion of science. If cities encourage man to believethat he is superior to .the limitations of nature, scienceencourages him to believe that he is exempt from labor.In effect, what modern man is being told is that theworld owes him a living. He assents the more readilyfor being told in a roundabout way, which is that scienceowes him a living. The. city will shelter him, and sciencewin support him; what more is requited by the dreamof utilitarianism? And what possible lesson can mandraw .from this but that work is a curse, which he willavoid as far as possible until science arrives with themeans for its total abolishment? When men must nolonger win bread by the sweat of their brow, the primalcurse wil1 have ceased; and we are assured daily by ad­vertisements that the goal is not too far off.Meanwhile he does what he can to anticipate the de­voutly wished consumrnation. In. the interval since thesecond World War we have had an extraordinary revela­tion .of where this mentality leads, Though the 'worldh�s a tremendous deficit of production to he made up,the tendency everywhere has been to shorten the hoursof work, to ignore the urgel1cy of what cries to he done,in favor of added leisure.worshi ps comfort ....How obvious here is the extinction. of the idea of mis­sion. Men no longer feel it laid upon them to translatethe potential into the actual; there are no goals .of laborlike those ef the cathedral-builders. Yet, unless man seeshimself in relation to ordinances such as these, what liesahead is the most egregious self-pampering and self -dis­gust, probably followed by real illness, With religionemasculated, it has remained for medical science in ourage to revive the ancient truth that labor is therapeutic.The polarity of the actual and the potential creates atension in the presence of which complete comfort is im­possible. Here is the secret of the mass man's impatiencewith ideals, Certainly there is no more innocent-seemingform of debauchery than the worship of comfort; and,when it is accompanied by a high degree of technicalresourcefulness, the difficulty of getting people not to re­nounce it but merely to see its consequences is staggering.The task is bound up, of course, with that of getting principles accepted again, for, where everything ministersto desire, there can be no rebuke to comfort.As we endeavor to restore values, we need earnestlyto point out that there is, no correlation between the de­gree of comfort enjoyed and the' achievement of a civil­ization .. On the contrary, absorption in ease is one ofthe most reliable signs of present or impending decay.Greek civilization, to take an outstanding example, wasnotably deficient in creature comforts. The Athenianssat outdoors on stone to behold their tragedies; the mod­ern New Yorker sits in an inclined plush armchair towitness some play properly classified as amusement. Whenthe Greek retired for the night, it was not to a beautyres(mattress; he wrapped himself up in his cloak and la)down on a bench like a third-class railway passenger, asClive BeE bas remarked. N OF had he learned to pityhimself for a spare diet. Privations of the flesh were noobstacle to his marvelous world of imagination.On the other hand, how many Americans have returnedfrom Europe I with terrible tales of the chill and draftinessof' medieval castles and Renaissance palaces, with storiesof deficient plumbing and uncomfortable chairs! MarkTwain was right to make his Connecticut Yankee scorethe lack of conveniences in Camelot. Yet it is just suchpeople who will remain indifferent to the drabness ofGopher Prairie and Zenith and find their mental pabUlumin drugstore fiction.Culture consists, in truth, of many little things; but theyare not armrests and soft beds and extravagant bathingfacilities. These, after all, cater to sensation, and, be­cause culture is of the imagination, the man of cultureis to a degree living out of this world.The worship of comfort, then, is only another aspectof our decision to live wholly in this world. Yet here.man encounters an anomaly: the very policy of livingwholly in this world, of having no traffic with that otherworld which cannot be "proved," turns one's attentionwholly to the temporary and so actually impairs his effec­tiveness. We may feel satisfied to be damned for not pro­ducing great art' or for not observing ceremony, but whatif it is shown that addiction to comfort unfits us for sur­vival?This is not a new story: the fate of the fat and flabbyanimal overtaken by the lean and hungry presents anallegory of familiar experience. N or is it necessary toreview the days of Roman degeneracy, though the casewould be apposite; let us rather 'see the problem in itsessence and ask whether the worship of comfort does notfollow necessarily from loss of belief in ideas and therebYinduce social demoralization. The fact that it originateswith the middle class, with those who would be moderateeven in virtue, as Nietzsche remarked, is significant.After a people have repudiated ideals, they respondto the prick of appetite as an animal to a goad, but this,for reasons already outlined, does not take the place ofsystematic labor toward a suprapersonal goal. In becom­ing pragmatic, they become ineffectual. De Tocqueville,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEalert to discern the effects of different social ideals, notedthis well: "In ages of faith, the final end of life is placedbeyond life. The men of those ages, therefore, naturallyand almost involuntarily accustom themselves to fix theirgaze for many years' on some immovable object towardwhich they are constantly tending; and they learn by in­sensible degrees to repress a multitude of petty passingdesires in order to be the better able to content that greatand lasting desire which possesses them .... This explainswhy religious nations have often 'achieved such lastingresults; for whilst they were thinking only of the otherworld, they had found out the great secret of' success inthis."scoffs at heroism ...Great architectonic ideas are not nourished by' thelove of comfort, yet science is constantly telling the massesthat the future will be better because the conditions oflife are going to be softened. W.ith this softening, themasculine virtue of heroism becomes, like the sentjjnentsof which Burke spoke, "absurd and antiquated."The trend continues, and in a modern document likethe Four Freedoms one sees comfort and security em­bodied in canons. For the philosophic opposition, that isof course proper, because fascism' taught the strenuouslife. But others with spiritual aims in mind have taughtit too. Emerson made the point: "Heroism, like Plotinus,is almost ashamed of its body .. What shall irt say, then,to the sugar plums and eat's cradles, to the toilet, com­pliments, quarrels, cards, and custard, which rack the witof all human society?" Since he who longs to achievedoes not ask whether the seat is soft or the weather at apleasant temperature, it is obvious that hardness is a con­dition of heroism. Exertion, self-denial, endurance, thesemake the hero, but to the spoiled child they connote theevil of nature and the malice of man.The modem temper is losing the feeling fOT heroismeven in war, which used to afford the supreme theme forcelebration of this virtue. It is �ignificant that, whereaswars were formerly spoken of as crusades or, at least, astrials, it was the practice in America to refer to the recentconflict as a "jab." These little changes in speech areas revealing as changes in dress. It was a "job" to bedone so that the boys could get home to their bourgeoisexistences, which had not contemplated such a cataclysm.and which had no nomenclature for it when it arrived.The organs of propaganda were hard put to convincethe public that this was not just an ordinary job, sincethe reward was at best in intangibles and 'since theremight be no reward at all. Thus we saw the constantreference to soldiers' and workers" 'hours and pay,,in aneffort to make the soldier see that he was fighting forsomething more than fifty dollars a month and to persuadethe factory worker that the measure of his performancewas not the wage earned hut what was being turned outfor the front. It was an organized campaign, using allthe resources of the Great Stereopticon to bring horne to 7a people gone materialist the truth that sacrifice meansnot investment but giving up something to the tran­scendental.. is paid to save his country .During the early part of the second W orld War therecame. to light the story of a farmer from the back countryof Oklahoma-one of the yet unspoiled-who, upon hear­ing of the attack of Pearl Harbor, departed with his wifeto the West Coast to work in the shipyards. His wifefound employment as a waitress and supported the two.Unable to read, the new worker did not understand themeaning of the little slip of paper handed him once aweek. It was not until he had accumulated over a thou­sand dollars in checks that he found out that he was be­ing paid to save his country. He had assumed that whenthe country is in danger, everyone helps out, and help­ing out means giving.On the other side, there is meaning in the one popularballad to come out of this war. "Roger Young" has theline, "0 we've got no time for glory in the infantry." The. language of business was increasingly applied to war, aswhen "soldier" and "sailor" were displaced by the neuter"servicemen." To say "Our boy is in service" instead of"Our son is fighting for his native land" pretty wellempties out the heroic strain.The war of unlimited objectives which the democracieswaged at the end may in fact, be explained by the ragethey felt over having their comfort disrupted and thecontingent nature of their world exposed. In this r<:l:gethey made the egregious mistake of supposing that "un­conditional" war is a means of doing away with all war.That may turn out to have been part of their unfitness.So much for physical conflict; now we must pause toask whether the spoiled-child psychology does not unfitus also for that political struggle which now seems toloom inexorable. We have reference, naturally, to thenew balance of power between East and West, betweenbourgeois liberal democracy and Soviet communism. Withtheir ideal of happiness through comfort, the Westernpeople look forward to an era of undisturbed living, inwhich such progress as their metaphysic demands willtake the form of, a conquest of nature. These conquestsare threat enough to the prized equilibrium, if the truthwere understood, but they may be little in comparisonwith the ideology fostered by their great rival to theEast. For, however much the Bolsheviks have bemusedthemselves with other sophistries, they have never lostsight of. the fact that life is a struggle. And, since theysee expansion as the price of survival, they are whollycommitted to dynamism. To the leaders of Easterncommunism there is no such thing as a "good-neighbor. policy" in our sense. That would involve a respect forabstract rights. How they must chuckle. over this fatuityof liberalism. They see the world in a mighty evolution,in which the abstract rights of individuals and of na­tions go down before irresistible processes.(Continued on Page 20)SEEING AUSTRALIAAustralia, which has six universities, is in the process ofbuilding a national university to foster research and glrad­uete work. Their best men invariably go to England or theUnited States for .qradue+e work and too many never re­turn.Nearly a year ago the Australian government begannegotiations with Ralph W. Gerard, '19, PhD, '21, MDRush '25, Professor of Physiology, for him to fly to Aus­tralia. to serve as an adviser, particularly in stimulating re­search in the biological sciences. At about the same time, Avery O. Craven, PhD '24,Professor of American History, was invited by the Univer­sity of Sydney, to become a visiting professor of Americanhistory. Mrs. Craven accompanied him. Both men were inAustralia at the same time.On their return to the Midway they were invited to tellabout their experiences at an informal social hour in theQuadrangle Club. The MAGAZINE had these firesidetalks wire-recorded so they could be shared with you. Thetwo following stories are edited from the original talks.WITH A PHYSIOLOGISTRALPH W. GERARDI LEFT America on Labor Day for the overnight_ trip to Honolulu in a D-34 which hadn't yet been. completely converted to the sleeper .type. It wasquite exciting to come down after this tedious oceanvoyage and see Diamond Head and the green islandsburst through the clouds.A few hours stop and then a ten-hour trip to desolateCanton Island in the middle of the Pacific. An hourbeyond we crossed the' equator and the date-Iine-e-almostsimultaneously, losing a day until the return. Earlymorning found us in Fiji, where those heads of hairreally exist as pictured. Finally, 48 hours and some tenthousand miles from home, we landed in Sydney­nearly half way around the world-s-where you get upwhen you should be going to bed.It is the world's largest island, or smallest continent,as you prefer, a mixture of Britain and America. Theforms, the rituals, the institutions are completely British,but the spirit of the people is entirely American.The tea is good and, of course, the coffee is bad. Atthe Adelaide Club -I was awakened the first morning atseven by a chambermaid with a tray of tea and biscuitsand the morning paper. It was a nice touch for a dayor two. But since my lecturing, meetings, and the partieskept �ne out nights, I soon decided I'd rather sleep,Tactfully I explained that the tea was wonderful but,since I was out late, I would rather dispense with it.-Frorn then on the maid simply woke me at seven withthe morning paper.Make no mistake, Australia is a colony of Britain anddefinitely tied to Mother's apron strings. If a native-bornAustralian, even of a native-born father and mother,says he is going home, he means England.Pio'neer vestigesAustralia was first settled about the time of our Revo­lution, and, in many respects, is coming along the paththat we followed. It still has many pioneer aspects. Atthe great ranches in tne "out hack" [interiorl, where somevery wealthy and cultured people live, even some of the swank ranches have only outdoor toilets. Centralheating is almost non-existent.I think the spirit of democracy is more as it used tobe in America. There is still little stratification of classes.One can go into an extremely humble home and bereceived with dignity and pride, without any feeling ofshame for the poor quality of what there is to offer.I -don't think, however, anything like _our slums can befound in Australia. In several cases I deliberately askedto' see the worst part of the city and it wasn't very -bad.There were curtains at the windows, and paint on thewalls and a self-respect that was maintained.Australia is about the size of the United States andif you tip it up toward the equator it is not too dissimilarin shape. But the population, something under eightmillion, is about the population of New York City. Onlyat the very top 'Of the continent is the climate reallytropical; the rest is sub-tropical or temperate.Separate colonies were formed at sites of large citiesof today and at the beginning of the century thesecolonies became states which federated into a common­wealth with a national government. There remain cer­tain unpleasant vestiges of the long separated careers be­fore the colonies became united. For example, in all butUpside down it looks like the United States.8'rEE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtwo states, the railroads are of different gauge. Thetraveler must change trains at the boundaries, even morethan when he travels across Europe.The lake evaporafedHaving federated, the states wanted a federal capital.Following, as Australia has in its constitution and otherways, the American tradition, they decided to createa Washington of their own. So they planned the cityof Canberra, in the Australian Commonwealth Territorynear the bottom of New South Wales.Following an international competition, won by aChicago architect, Canberra' appeared full-fledged onthe drawing board a little before World War I. It hasbeen interrupted in its development by a couple of wars'and a number of other disasters. Even today it is onlya city of 18,000 people, spread over an area appropriateto several hundred thousand.Canberra is built around' a great lake which, unfor­tunately, evaporated in the meantime. This is not bother­ing the Australians, who intend to recreate ,the, lakeshortly. In fact, the new university buildings, now beingplanned, are designed to fit neatly along the curve ofthe lake. ,When the lake and buildings are complete itshould be very beautiful.When I was in the' city of Adelaide (about 250,000)the newspapers were having a terrible to-do about thetraffic problem. They were recommending that somedown-town stores move to the suburbs. To me it wasrather intriguing. Traffic at noon on the main street,Kings Parade, is about like that on State Street atmidnight.Melbourne and Sydney are, of course, the two greatnerve centers of the country and have a happy-or un- ,happy-rivalry. They are both magnificent cities, al­though Sydneysiders refer to Melbourne's Yarra Riveras "that muddy creek" while Melbournians refer toSydney's magnificent single-span bridge over beautifulSydney harbor as "that coat hanger.""Nutsl"A G.l. once asked a digger [Ausfralian GJJ the costof the bridge. "Twenty million dollars," was the im­pressive reply. "Twenty million dollars! Why, our GoldenGate Bridge at San Francisco cost a hundred million."The digger had a quick comeback: "I slipped a decimalpoint; it cost two hundred million." "Nuts'! For that YDUcould have drained the ruddy ditch."There is another famous exchange between an Amer­ican and Australian soldier. The American, landing inSydney late one night, asked the Australian, "Where'sa good place to sleep?" "Pearl Harbor" was the quickretort, and several people were killed in the ensuingriot.On the whole, however, it is hard to imagine anarmy, quartered on -a people, leaving behind such warmfeelings and real personal' friendships. The Australians 9The University of Sydneyhave a tender feeling for the American forces andAmerica. The Americans, as yDu know, fully reciprocatethis affection.A few miles out from most cities, and one is right in"the bush", as they call their forests. Holding in checkthe population of the continent is lack of water. Aroundthe rim in concentric rings, rainfall varies from somethingover thirty inches to a mere three. The center of thecontinent is' desert.There is only one major river system, the Darling­Murray, which runs westward, then southward with itsmouth near Adelaide in the Australian bight. There aremany rushing rivers along the coast which errode vi­ciously, carrying, much water and soil to the ocean. Evenwith the irrigation projects which are planned, it isestimated that the present Australian population couldnot increase more than three fold.Forty thousand sheep and three menWater scarcity determines not only population limita­tions but the pursuits of the country. The primary in­dustries are agriculture, grazing, lumbering and mining.The main crop is wheat-last year a magnificent quarterof a million bushels. They alsO' cultivate sugar cane, pine­apples, and grapes, from which comes excellent wine.Australia' has plenty of coal, iron, and a number of10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEother metals. There is a negligible amount of uraniumand no oil but an intensive search is being made forboth. The adverse dollar exchange and a need for con­serving the pound keeps automobiles on a strict gasration.The main activity in Australia is grazing. There arenormally about one hundred twenty million sheep and'a third that many cattle, providing wool, mutton, beefand hides.Around the coastline are the forests and farm lands.Within this are grazing lands with either forest or- agri­culture .. This soon fades away to grazing only and finallyinto expanses of desert.The "out back" country was the most exciting andinteresting. The people are a very fine. type and one istreated with extraordinary hospitality. With few amuse­ments, they do a great deal of reading. They are wellinformed and cultured.I spent a week-end at a station with forty thousandacres and eight thousand 'Sheep. The most popular sheepis the. Merino, one of which yields ten to thirty poundsof washed wool. Twenty pounds of such wool maketen good suits. Three men run the entire station exceptat shearing time, when the itinerant shearers come in. The old man wonThe loveliest animal in all Australia is the pouchedbear, the Koala, which, I am certain, is the original ofthe teddy bear. The mother carries her young in apouch' until they are old enough to hang on to the furon her back. They live on eucalyptus (gum) leaves.Even in the wilds they are so tame one can, climb atree and pet them, to their complete indifference.Of course there are the kangaroos, as advertised. Theyare sometimes pests because they compete with the sheepfor forage. I had a chance at kangaroo chasing. Wedrove around the open country in an old Plymouth and"flushed" kangaroos. One family of an "old man" amother, and a joey-as the young are called-startedoff in a kangaroo (bee) line.We overtook them and paced them at forty milesper hour for ten minutes. The joey then began to tireand mother dropped back with it while we continuedto chase the old man. When we slowed down, motherand youngster overtook us just as though they weredetermined to win. It was a good race.Near the end of November I spent a week in NewZealand. Then, in 48 hours, I had left lovely summerweather and was back to a typical winter in the States,planning, my Christmas shopping.W,ITH AN HISTORIANAvery O. GravenTHE first thing that impressed me about Australiawas its beauty. I did not expect to find either,. the. rugged contour of the coastline or the rich,subdued coloring of the trees and earth. It is an oldcontinent that seems worn down to its very foundations.The smooth rounded rocks everywhere come close tothe surface, and push out in great rugged heads againstthe swirl of the ocean. In between are crescent heaches­hundreds of them. AU of Australia's important citiesare practically sea-side resorts. Thee 'harbor OIf Sydneyis known around the world for. its beauty.Back from the coast, the continent' rises sharply intoa great table-land that has been eroded into deep' gorgesgiving the appearance of mountains. South of the cen­tral section, known as the "Blue Mountains," somerugged areas rise to the dignity, and, in winter, thesnows' of real mountains, Australians call th�m "TheAlps." Then the Iands flatten out into plains and desertswith all the strange �eauty that go with such regions.Houses on st'iltsThe vegetation in the central coastal region is gnarledand twisted and often stunted in growth. But in favoredplaces cliff eren t types of gums reach astounding sizeand height. Bush and tree alike have that sage color inleaf, and those richer colors in trunk and limb that rangefr�m dark mahogany reds to pure \.vbite. To the north a tropical touch is added with a bright­tening of greens and real jungle in places. Corn fieldswith blue mountains all around; houses set on stilts andtopped with red or blue roofs; easy-going natives dressedin white; all this makes Queensland quite a differentkind of world from her neighbors to the South.Even more surprising to me than the landscape ofAustralia were the flowers. Everything blooms in thatgenial climate. In the spring the wattle splashed thecountryside with yellow. Then the jocaranda treesturned blue, the coral trees, red, and the African tuliptrees, a brilliant orange. Camillias and azaleas, a dozenkinds of orchids, roses in profusion, filled the gardens'of rich and poor alike. I saw private gardens on Sydney'snorth shore that rivalled the much publicized show­places of South Carolina and Alabama.The sheep-county, where sky and earth are bothessentials in every landscape, and th� Great Barrier Reef,where the glorious colors of the South Seas and ofthe coral growth make fairylands of every pool, were thetwo most exciting things I found in Australia. Wheremen counted their sheep and their acres in thousandsand retained an the traditions of English country gentle­men, I discovered what I think of as the real Australia.It was friendly and dignified, generous and genteel allthe same time, and yet contained the full vigor andindividualism of a frontier.THE UNIVER.SITY OF CHICAGO, MAGAZI'NEThe Reef, on the other hand, was just a thing ofexquisite physical beauty. Fantastic forms in brilli�ntcolors, set in waters that defy description, and teemmgwith fish that had taken on all the weird shapes andbright color' schemes imaginable. I catalogue my clays.on the Reef with those I spent in the Canadian Rockiesor on the lip of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado.The moon Was upside downMy first impressions of Australia were those of differ­ences. The sun was up in the north at noontime, themoon was upside down. I rode in "trams" and wentup in "lifts". I had shillings and pence and pounds inb k li " ' k ,., "ti kl "my pocket 00 . .1 ate my tuc er , got a un e overthe phone, and saw men carrying "Billy Cans" [formaking tea] along the road. I promptly got lost becauseI could not get my directions straight. I ran into peoplewho insisted on passing to the left, and dodged auto­mobiles driving on the left hand side of the road. Anddid you ever try going through a revolving door fromthe left side?There were differences, also, in the way people talked.Australians often pronounced the letter "a" as thoughit were "i". Some clip their words so sharply that it is.hard to understand what they are saying. But therewas pure musk in the way they pronounced the namesof such towns as Cootamundra, Goondablui, Gooniwindi,Umbercollie, Coonabarabrar, Collarenebri, and Woolon­gong.The larger differences, however, I found in the na­tional realm. The Australians are English in blood, ininstitutions and in traditions. They have a "white. Aus­tralian policy" which has kept out people of color. Theylook to England for guidance in national affairs andspeak of it as "home". I talked with a man in New­castle who spoke so lovingly of things "back home" thatI assumed, of course, that he had been born in England.I was astonished to find that he ':Vas a third generationAustralian!The ship 'on which we returned to America" via Eng­land, was filled with young people who were about torealize the ambition of their livesm study, travel or wort.in the land of their fathers. They were romantic aboutit, they were to visit a paradise' about which they hadwoven dreams, not the real England of pinch and pov­erty. Englishmen on board shook their heads in wonder.Even they could not understand the unreality of suchattitudes.Vote, or pay a fineThe government of Australia reflects this pattern. Asa self-governing dominion of the British Commonwealthof nations, Australia enjoys political independence. AGovernor-General represents the Crown and commis­sions the Prime Minister, who) in tum, creates a cabinetfrom the dominant party in the Parliament. A LaborParty, here as in England, is now in eontroM and a d.ef�inite program of democratic socialism is being carriedout. Persons must vote in Australia Of pay a fine. 11The government owns the railroads, an air line and-. \a broadcasting system. An effort is now being made .totake over all banking. Maximum hours and minimumwages for labor are fixed by law. The prices of all basicfoods, etc., are regulated in proportion, so that a highstandard of living is guaranteed to �11. The result isthat there are few great fortunes in Australia and fewreally poor people. More people can have more for "lessin Australia than any place I have ever known.The government also provides free hospital servicein public wards. There are old age pensions for womenat sixty years, and for men at sixty-five. Widows overfifty may also claim a pension, as may invalids at anyage. A bonus is' paid fer every child after the first, withmaternity payments for mothers. Labor disputes mustbe referred to the Courts and every effort is made toprotect public interest in cases, of strikes.Australia has a good public school system with com­pulsory attendance up to the age of fifteen or sixteen.The best elementary schools, however, are private schools,known as "colleges." These are either church schools orprivately endowed institutions. They follow the Englishpattern and each school has its uniform, its hat bands,and, in some cases, its peculiar neckties. Children in theback country, where population is scant, are taught byan elaborate correspondence system ..Higher education is also built on the English model..Each state has one university. A]l except one of theseare privately endowed but receive a rath'Cr small grantfrom the government. West Australia has a genuine stateuniversity. The professors are largely English or Englishtrained. Methods are those employed at Cambridge andOxford, Professors lecture in academic gowns, and anelaborate system of examinations takes care of stand­ards. Student learn of success or failure only throughthe columns of the city newspapers.Just now the universities are over-crowded. SydneyUniversity has between ten and eleven thousand students.Classes are large, the teaching load heavy. That, how­ever, is not the usual thing for Australians go to uni­versities for very specific purposes. They do not havethe idea of everyone being a college graduate. The uni­versity is a place 19 prepare for a definite career, nota place for social or athletic enjoyment. The studentsare serious and capable. The standards compare, in mostcases, favorably with those of American universities.Imported cultureFrom the cultural angle Australia is still young andlacking in confidence. There is some home publishing,but for the most part books come from England andAmerica. Australia, however, has begun to develop areputable school of writers dealing with Australian sub­jects. Lawson and Patterson, whose writings remind youof Brett Hart, now en jQ.y a considerable vogue. Morerecently the novels of Eleanor Dark, Christina Stead,Miles Franklin, Dale Collins, Jack Mcl'.aren and Zovier(Concluded on Page 23)12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHANS O. HOEPPNERAFRIEND of students, alumni, and everyone elseis dead. It was as sudden as that statement.Thursday morning, February 19, we stood atthe Information Desk in the Press Building talking to,H. O. Hoeppner, director of that office since 1934.Suddenly he paused, a strain in his face and his righthand over, his heart. It was only a moment. He con­tinued the conversation after a parenthetical "I musthave the fellows at the Clinics look at my ticker."Week-end reports from the hospital indicated thatHep would have to slow down. Imagine H. O. Hoep­pner slowing down. Then ...It was nearly one o'clock Tuesday (February 24)when our phone rang. '''H. O. Hoeppner died at 12: 30."Business PleasureThe news spread rapidly, But no one could believe it.Everyone, it seems, had seen him within the week andhe was in typically good spirits, busily working out newservices for students and faculty. Many of his closefriends knew he had had a few mild heart 'attackslately. But the didn't seem concerned-e-and he was onlypast fifty .. Of course Hep had planned to retire eventually tohis comfortable modern farm near Dell Rapids, SouthDakota. But no one thought he would. There weren'tenough people on that brm and Hans liked people.How �any fall vacations he had J.?aded his car, or atruck (once an entire freight car), with building mate­rials, bath fixtures, and electric materials to improve thatfarm, his one big hobby. It has everything from cementwalks, driveways, and fence posts, to silos, electricity,running water, and a gate that opens automatically.But then, there was his mother-past ninety; aninvalid being cared for in a convalescent home nearChicago. Sundays were always hers; birthdays werespecial events with flowers, music, and refreshments forall in the home. He was an only child (father died ofheart disease in his fifties), and mother and son were devoted. That" Sunday in the hospital he had calledher to say he'd be out next Sunday. In her mentalconfusion she doesn't realize why his aunt came instead.If you knew Bans Hoeppner, we needn't try to tellyou ",11 he meant to the University family on the Mid­way. If you didn't, we can only say that never was oneso devoted to his Alma Mater and to serving those ofher. No student could be long on the quadrangles with­out being. indebted to H. O. Hoeppner for a multitudeof services.Nothing could have pleased him more than the factthat, before the memorial service in Bond Chapel onFriday, over' a thousand dollars in gifts for a memorialstudent loan fund, had been left at Bursar AlbertCotton's desk. It was so appropriate. Hundreds of stu­dents -will remember the small loans their friend Hoep­pner made them when their checks from home were slowin arriving or when they got to the Bursar's office toolate to draw out necessary funds for the week-end.At the memorial service Dr. Basil C. H. Harvey (Pro­fessor -Emeritus of Anatomy), a friend dating �ack tothe first War when they served together; Robert M.Strozier (Dean of Students); and Charles W. Gilkey(Dean Emeritus of the Chapel) who chanced to 'bevisiting at the University, 'paid tribute to their 'friendand ou�s. Elbert C. Cole (Director of Religious Pro­grams) presided, and Frederick L. Marriott (ChapelOrganist and Carillonneur) played the organ numbershe knew were favorites of Hans'.In the morning of the same day, private services wereconducted at the funeral home by his pastor, The Rev­erend Herman E. Ko.enig of the Salem Evangelical Re­form Church.H.W.M.Bond ChapelALUMNUS BUCK ROGERSChildren would lookunder the bed"WANTED: The brightest young man in Chicago."Now, there's a coincidence, thought John F. Dille,'09, who had just been handed his bachelor's diplomaby President Judson. John was reading the want adsection of a Chicago paper, wondering where a graduategoes from the Convocation tent in Hutchinson Court.The ad continued with something about: "If you canqualify, this opportunity-as Abraham Lincoln once saidabout a rat hole-will bear looking into:" -So John followed instructions and appeared at theCommercial Continental Bank Building along with, whathe estimated to be, a thousand other bright youths spillingdown the corridor from the office of George .MatthewAdams.Today, as John recalls the experience, he can't re­member being surprised at being chosen from the herd.It apparently never occurred to him at the time that heran a chance of someone else in that mob being brightMr. Adams was starting a 'newspaper syndicate andJohn Dille became the other member of the firm. Theybegan with two features: . Uncle Walt Mason's ProsePoems and a want ad promotion series.The firm was only well under way when Adams gotan offer to manage a similar organization for a groupof newspaper editors. He kept his interest in the Chi­cago company but moved to New York to take. this otherjob. John Dille was on his. own and prepared to enjoy it.He was looking for new features to syndicate when,one day, the door opened and in walked a large man,six-feet-three, weighing. 230. pounds, with shocks of whitehair. He wore pince-nez glasses dripping black ribbons,a Prince Albert coat, striped trousers, and a white vest.He introduced himself as Dr .: Frank Crane, a Methodistminister without a church, who wanted to write, havingagreed to disagree with his -board at Bloomington, Ill­inois. His idea was to write a daily column called"Thinking Themes."John Dille was not overly impressed with the ideabut Crane was so sure the world was waiting for hisphilosophy that -he offered to write the series at justwhat it would cost for a stenographer: $7 per week.A contract was signed 011 those terms. Crane, in hissixties, did not live many years but his column attractedenough attention so that, before his death, he was making$60,000 a year with another syndicate.In 1912 John Dille moved to New York to consol­idate the Adams Newspaper Service. After five yearsJohn left the company and returned to Chicago to estab­lish his own company: The National Newspaper Service. With John cameKin Hubbard, an In­dianapolis cartoonistwho had developed apopular daily panelcalled Abe Martin.The feature was sopopular that it wascon tin ued af ter thedeath of Hubbard.Other popularN.N.S. features ofthose early days in­cluded "thirty articleswritten by the lateSecretary of the NavyDaniels following thefirst World War called"The Story of OurABE MARTfN Navy in the WorldWhen a woman ties a handkerchiefaround' a dime it's a sig'n she takes no War," a year and achances. Th'· more a feller amounts h If f S d Ith' worse his clothes fit. . a 0 un ay supp e-. ment article by LadyNancy Astor, and a health column by Dr. William Brady,which is still widely published over the country.In the newspaper syndicate game you must continuallybeat your brains for 1. new ideas and 2. personalities.You get a good idea and then, to get the best sales results,you tie it in with a nationally popular personality. Thepopularity of many features is as short lived as hobbleskirts, plus fours, or the new look. There is always ascramble among syndicates for new features to replacethe fatalities, else your stable soon has many vacant staUs.One day John was sitting at his desk doing some heavythinking. It was the day of famous Ford stories andJohn was trying to discover the right one-two combina­tion for funny stories. He was thumbing through theSaturday Evening Post when he paused at the memoirsof Harry Lauder. Harry had been making more or lessregular farewell tours of America and was at the peakof his popularity.,Click!John wired Lauder a proposition to write funny Scotchstories for the National Newspaper Service. Lauder re­plied that he would see John em his next farewell tourof the States .• He did-back stage at the Grand Theatrein Chicago where, in a pair of shorts, he signed thecontract to write a daily, funny Scotch story .. John cap­tioned it: "Lauder and Funnier." For eighteen monthsSir Harry's stories swept the country. Then one brightmorning a cable }ay on John's desk. It read: "I know1314 T.H E U N I V E R SIT Y 0 F CHI C AGO MAG A ZTN Emany more funny stories hut the newspapers couldn't,print 'em, So this is the end."In the syndicate field where' ideas dick, payoff, andare gone tomorrow, there is always the mad scramble toride the crest of every popular fad or interest. The trickis to jump off as. you slid� toward the trough of thebillow and leap to the next.Thus, if an idea sweeps the field for one syndicate,others try to develop similar features for their customers.If a Dick Tracy becomes popular, other syndicates rushfor detective strips; if the horne life of a Dagwoodcreates a national interest" other young couples with.youngsters: and dogs appear in competitive funnies ,;. aBuck Rogers sweeps the nation and Super Man is born.This brings us to the story of Buck Rogers, firss of allthe miracle heroes. John Dille was his creator.It was early in the depressing thirties. Veterans wereselling apples; Thurber was drawing his down-to­tenement-earth characters; Arno was keeping the wildtwenties alive with his pent-house, sugar-daddy, not-too­subtle, cartoons; Gaar Williams was dipping his pen inclever nostalgia; and John T. Mctlutcheon was depictingthe every day experiences of the average American.John Dille had been trying to analyze the popularityof the Tarzan books. With the phenomenal feats ofTarzan fresh ill his mind; John let his imagination projectinto the ;future�as far! as 500 years. By then we prob­ably would have rocket ships and death rays; the planetswould be neighbors. Fascinating possibilities.'John called in a writer, Phil Nolan, and am artist,Lieutenant Dick Calkins, a pursuit pilot in . the firstWorld War. And. Captain Buck Rogers, a pursuit pilotin the War, was horn. They called him Buck, after therough and ready privates of that War; and Rogers,because it was a good English name that went well withBuck. They made him a Captain, to get him past theblustering sergeant, but not colonel, the butt of tOG manykid jokes.Out of service, Buck got a job surveying an abandonedmine near Pittsburgh. There was a cave-in, sealing Cap­tain Rogers in an . airtight crevice to be preserved in suspended animation byradio-active gases for500 years when anotherearth convulsion openedthe cave to invigoratingair, releasing Buck to astrange world.The first strip' putBuck into heroic actionsaving a beautiful girlwho is being attacked bya hord of Hans (Huns),a barbaric people fromthe Mongolian Desert.Traveling swifsly withtheir flying belts, they John Dillewere overrunning. the earth. Buck turns them back, inmid-air; with a non-recoil atomic energy pistol-sincemade famous in toy shops as the Buck Roger pistol.To follow this uncanny prophecy of our future a stepfarther, John Dille, in the thirties, put these people of2430 A.D. underground. in clusters of caves called orgs(organizations) to protect them from the various rayattacks of the barbarians.Buck, in this new world, needed means of t,ransporta­tion, so N.N.S. gave him flying belts for short hops and" rocket ships for interplanetary travel. He needed weaponsto straighten out the universe so they supplied himliberally with, ray guns.With. Buck flitting from planet to planet it was neces­sary to populate these strange globes. Other conferencesbrought forth little people, for example, of Jupiter. OnJupiter it was decided the valleys are so deep that airliquefies under the atmospheric pressure. The people cantravel with less resistance if they walk sideways instead ofbroadside. To enable them to walk straight ahead, theN.N.S. creators made these people with the broad dimen­sion from front to back.Other planets were given various sized people rangingfrom giants to midgets whom Buck could hold in thepalm of his hand."Buck Rogers, :2429 A.D. The Sleeper .This strip brought Ca,ptain Rog:ers into ,the world of "funnies" in 1929THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHaving created this new universe, the next job wasto sell it to the one world (literally, since Buck is pub­lished in Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, South Americaand many of the larger islands of the seas).Out to the. trade went the N.N.S. salesmen with theharrowing adventures of Captain Buck Rogers packedneatly in strips in their folios. Weeks passed but noorders arrived. Out went President John Dille to seewhy.The editors were frank enough. "John," they said,"X our stuff is too wild. All those fearsome ray guns andthe agony of dying barbarians .... Hell, you'd have allthe kids in the country looking under their beds everynight. The old folks would tear our presses to pieces."So John returned to Chicago and scrapped the wholebatch of strips. In the new strips Captain Buck Rogersconquered with more finesse. He won like a gentlemanbut 'without sacrificing the hair on his chest.The first to take a chance with. this new feature wasthe New York Journal American-under the manage­ment of John's friend, Bill Curley. (Curley's son, Robert,was graduated from Chicago in 1925.):The strip caught on and Buck Rogers was soon break­ing into print from ocean to ocean and 'heyond. BuckRogers clubs sprang up with Chicago headquartersissuing pins, membership cards with secret numbers, andrings (for the highest rank) with precious stones whichemit repeller rays that, when directed at foes, wouldprevent them from advancing. There are even blue­prints which members could write for that gave accurateinstructions for building the rocket fleet from balsa wood.National Newspaper Service has licensed more than100 toy manufacturers to produce BUick Rogers items.Maybe your kids bother you with them. These includethe U-235 Buck Rogers Atomic pistol and the Interplan­etary Telephone. There are radio and motion picturerights; and negotiations are in progress that involve tele­vision.Laugh if you will at this 500-year-hence strip but John'simagination was running dose enough to possible futurescientific developments that the government, during thelate War, assigned a major to read the strip every dayjust in case John stumbled too close t? the secrets of theWar and Navy Departments.National Newspaper Service has many other currentfeatures that some of you will recognize from your local 15papers. Among themare: The Orbits ( afa mil y strip); TheLadies (a daily panel) ;Chlorine (including afour - color half - pageSunday panel); andLet's Explore YourMind (written by Al­bert Edward Wigganbut originally conceivedby J ohn Dille) ; SammySnead on Golf, etc.Vice President of National Newspaper Service is. JohnF. Dine, jr., '35·. His brother, Robert, is an alumnus ofthe Class ·of '44. Both. boys married U. of Chicago girls.Robert is not a member of the firm.John, Senior, a Phi Gamma Delta, is an enthusiasticU. of Chicagoan whom you'll never floor with argumentsagainst giving up football, the new Coll�ge program, orwith the charge that <communists are hiding in everyMidway tower.His pride in Chicago is as everlasting as Buck Rogersand, like Buck, he comes out of every skirmish ready forthe next. His ammunition includes clippings from Time,the Post, Readers Digest, and the daily papers whichrecord the accomplishments of his Alma Mater. Thesehe uses where he thinks they will do the most good.John Dille has been a member of the Alumni Founda­tion Board for the past five years, where he conscientiouslytries to figure out how to sen the U niverity to 50,000alumni on the annual payment plan.This year he was elected President of the FoundationBoard. When John strode in for his first meeting aspresident his' first action was typical-he took off hiscoat and all but rolled up his sleeves. Under his admin­istration the Foundation Board has been working hardpreparing for the Spring Gift campaign of which youwill be hearing more later.So, if you don't want to worry John Dille into acomic strip by Ned Sparks or Zazu Pitts, you'll rush. yourFoundation gift to the Alumni Office the day you receivethe first appeal in April: by Dorothy �nd I..REUNION IN JUNEAlumni D'ay is Saturday, June 12. It will be a' full day with the AlumnaeBreakfast for women. a campus tour taking in the new bui:ldings. an all-alumnirecep.tion in the ,lounges of the Reynolds Club in �he �fte�r�oo�. the a�nualAlumnI Assembly In Mendel a,t fou,r. and th� annuel Unlversl+y Sing m HutchinsonCourt in the evening. Friday evening there will also be an all-elumnl meetingin Mandel. W�'U have other details .le+er.NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESOperation Re-educationA "LITTLE University of Chicago in Germany". will be set up at the University of Frankfurt this.'. spring to help reestablish cooperation betweenhigher education in Germany and the United States.A two-year project in which an exchange of professorsis planned for the future, the University of Chicago unitwill be financed by a $120,000 grant from the Rocke­feller Foundation and an equal amount from the uni­versity."The presence of a group of American scholars atthe University of Frankfurt, and the possible exchangeof similar groups of German professors will help to re­establish the interchange of ideas by reopening channelsof communication ':between German and American uni­versities," Chancellor Robert M. Hutchins stated inannouncing the program.Walter Hallestein, Rector of the University of Frank­furt, wrote in a letter to the University: "We are happyat the prospect of an organized collaboration with Amer­ican scholarship since the interruption of internationalscholarly. relations has been one of the greatest diffi­culties in our attempt at reconstruction.';'Six to ten faculty members from the University ofChicago will be appointed to teach at Frankfurt, be­ginning with the spring quarter .opening this April.Appointees will teach one semester, or approximatelyfour months, and will be replaced by other staff memberseach semester so that a group of professors will be sta­tioned continuously at Frankfurt for the two-year period,Personnel sent to Germany will he regular facultymembers who volunteer for the service. They will beselected primarily from the fields of social sciences andthe humanities. The curriculum of the University ofChicago unit will include: American culture and 'history,English language and literature, sociology, political sci­ence, psychology, American public law, internationallaw, and philosophy.The faculty 'will hold guest lectureships and pro­fessorships, and will carry on instruction in regular lec­ture courses and seminars in the Frankfurt. Universityof 4,800 students.' The primary concern of the facultywill be its work with young German students intendingto . continue in academic careers.Personnel with excellent command of the German lan­guage will present guest lectures. While most teachingwill be carried on with the German .Ianguage, it is ex­pected in courses such as American literature or statisticswhere the student body is advanced, English will be used.Although the program is expected to be cooperativebetween the two universities, the exchange will he pre- • By JEANNETTE LOWREYdominantly, if not exclusively, from the University ofChicago until a later date. Future plans also incorporateprovision for the exchange of 'German and Americanstudents. Enrollment at the University of Frankfurt isnow 50 p�r cent greater than before the War; Newstudents are now being admitted only as old ones leave.Students have a median age of 26, and men outnumberwomen three to one.It is also expected that University of Chicago pro­fessors will initiate research in Germany' and teachpresent research methods.The cost of the project at the University of Frankfurtis approximated :at $120,000 a year. Eighty thousanddoBars' has been appropriated for faculty salaries abro�dand for replacements on the Midway campus. Professorsparticipating in the program will be granted two quar­ter's .Ieave ..Books, estimated to cost approximately $5,00q a year,will be supplied for the project in view of the scarcityin the German libraries. Each faculty member will takefifty to sixty different hooks with five multiple copiesof each to Frankfurt for the project. The books will re ..main in possession of the university there.Personnel will he housed on rental basis by the UnitedStates Military Government. Subsistence will be pro­vided at officers' mess. Postal facilities, as well as travelfacilities operated for the military government, �iIl alsobe available to the faculty.Richard P. McKeon, Professor of Philosophy, has beenappointed to head' a committee to review appointments.He will he assisted by Otto G. von Simson, AssociateProfessor of Art, and Robert J. Havighurst, Professorof Education,The faculty advisory committee includes ChairmanR. W. Harrison, Vice President and Dean of Faculties',Earl Hamilton, Robert J. Havighurst, Philip M. Hauser,R. P. McKeon, Wilhelm Pauck, Max Rheinstein, Rob­ert Strozier, and Otto von Simson.·Two Deans appointedMerle C. Coulter, '14, PhD '19, Professor of Botany,and Dr. Wright Adams, Associate Professor of Medi­cine, have been appointed associate deans in the Divi­sion of Biological Sciences at the University.Working under. Dr. Lowell T. Coggeshall, dean�the division) Coulter will have charge of the non-clinicaldepartments in the biological sciences, and Dr. Adamswill be' responsible for the clinical departments and theSchool of Medicine.Dr. Adams, who has been with the Department ofMedicine for the past 16 years, will also assi�t in the16THE U N I V E R SIT Y 0 F CHI C A .G 0 MAG A Z I N Eplanning of the new hospital buildings at the University-the Nathan Goldblatt Memorial Hospital for Cancer,the Charles Gilman Smith Hospital for infectious dis�eases, and the Gertrude Dunn Hicks wing to AlbertMerritt Billings Hospital.Dean Coulter, who has been associated with theUniversity for 30 years, was one of the original plannersfor the biological sciences course in the College of theUniversity, and served as chairman of the College bio­logical sciences committee until his recent appointment.He served as a professor of botany at the army universityat Shrivenham following the war.He received his doctor's degree from the Universityof Chicago in .1919, and became an assistant professorin 1921. He was appointed a full professor of botanyin 1931. He is the author of The Story of the PlantKingdom, which has been adopted as a standard refer­ence on plant genetics.Dr. Adams, a cardiac specialist, received -his bachelorof science and doctor of medicine degree from. the U ni­versity of Illinois in 1925 and 1929 respectively. Hisfirst appointment at the University was in 1930.Expectant fathersBaby's formula won't be nearly so formidable for 100husbands who attended a series of four classes for ex­pectant fathers at Chicago Lying-in Hospital at the Uni-versity this month. .The classes for expectant fathers were the first to bepresented in the Chicago area, and will be continuedthrough the year, Dr. William J. Dieckmann, Chief ofStaff, has announced.The series is planned, Dr. Dieckmann stated, to ac­quaint the prospective father with the mental and nerv­ous changes which are likely to occur in an expectantmother, and to make it possible for the father to knowfirst hand care and technique in raising his baby. 'Lectures included Physiology of Pregnancy and Labor,Family Life and the New Baby, Bathing the Baby, andBaby's First Year and Making the Formula.Lecturers for the March series were: Dr. M. EdwardDavis, Joseph B. DeLee Professor of Obstetrics and Gyn­.ecology; Miss Catherine Sheckler, Assistant Professor ofNursing Education; Dr. Allen J. Hill, Jr., Assistant Pro­fessor of Pediatrics; and Miss Maxine Green, dieticianat Lying-in.48 States-48 Countries�-eight countries are represented by 551 residentsin International House at the University of Chicago,Wells F. Chamberlin, Assistant Director of the House,announced recently.Nearly half of the residents are from outside the con ..tinental United States, according to the winter registra­tion figures. The largest numbers of foreign studentscome from Canada and China. Almost every South and 17Central American country has students living in theHouse: Among the other nations represented are Nor­way, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, Japan, Syria, Siam,Spain, Italy, Burma, Newfoundland, Switzerland, Unionof South Africa, Russia, Lebanon, Australia, Czechoslo­vakia, Egypt, Denmark, England, France, Greece, Hol­land, India, Iraq, and the Philippine Islands.All of the International House residents are full-timeupperclass or graduate students at various colleges anduniversities in the Chicago area. Eighty-nine percent areenrolled in. the University of Chicago.Exodus from Walker MuseumFebruary spelled moving for 5,000 vertebrate fossils,some of which were roughly 20� million years old.The University of Chicago collection of vertebratefossils, one of the finest collections in the country, waspresented to the Chicago Natural History Museum asa part of a broad plan of cooperation between the twoinstitutions to promote the study of vertebrate fossilsin the Chicago area.The gift also makes available to a larger �ection . ofthe public the valuable exhihits contained in the Uni­versity collection. University of Chicago students whoseclasses in vertebrate paleontology are now held at theMuseum will have, as a result of the moving of thefossils, a greater collection for study.The collection, consisting of several thousand specimensof fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals, will remainas a unit at the Chicago Natural History Museum. Out-·standing in the collections of specimens from the Permianbeds of North Central Texas are a Seymouria, the mostprimitive-known reptile, a Dimetroden with spectacu­larly elongated spines on the vertebrae, and a giantamphibian, Eryops, which measures. nearly ten feet inlength.Largest of the skeletons in the gift is a 200-millionyear Pareiasaurus, weighing over a thousand pounds asmounted.The specimens were obtained from many parts of the· world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, South and North· America. Most of the mammals, comprising about 15mounted skeletons of extinct representatives of horses,camels, dogs and pigs as well as specimens of groupsno longer in existence, were obtained from the badlandsof Nebraska, Wyoming, and South Dakota., Etc.The Rev. Dr. Charles W; Gilkey, Dean Emeritus ofRockefeller Memorial Chapel, returned to the Chapel,February 29 to deliver a sermon on "The Divine Pur­poses Enfolding Life." . . .Scott Goldthwaite, Assistant 'Professor and ActingChairman of the Department of Music, was electedpresident of the Music Library Association ....18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPaul H. Douglas, Professor of Economics, wil] be onleave of absence from the University during the spring'and summer quarters to run for United States Senatoron the Democratic platform. . . .-William Benton, Trustee and former Vice President,was awarded an honorary degree of doctor of laws, bythe University of Louisville at the sesquicentennial cele- bration of the University's founding ....Richard P. McKeon, Professor of Philosophy, was ap­pointed member of the United States National Commis­sion for UNESCO .... Allison Davis, Associate Profes­sor of Education, presented the annual Inglis MemorialLecture under the graduate school of education at Har­vard.INQUEST ON INFLATIONTHE forces of inflation let loose during the 'warare not under control; it is plain wherever youturn that- inflation is winning out. Our policyto get full production with stability has suffered a majordefeat.The illusion of money richness has misled many; thereis, however, a growing realization that prices, wages andprofits are out of nand. We cannot undo the past. Butwe do well to' ask ourselves: Why have .we failed?What lessons can we learn from our mistakes in dealingwith inflation?So let us take a look at the road we have traveledsince the summer of 1945. Let us sec, if we can, whereit was that we took the wrong turn.Obviously farmers participated in and influenced pol­icy, they also were involved in choosing the wrong road;their welfare has been and wild continue to be affected.There certainly is no point, however, in indulging infutile recriminations. Let us instead try to learn from our, mistakes.It is perhaps only human to' place the blame for ourfailure to curb- inflation en someone else-be it the gov­ernment, labor, business or on foreign relief.A short while ago it was popular to single out labor.The successive rou�ds of wage increases. were proclaimedthe main cause forcing prices ever higher. More recentlyagriculture has been the scapegoat; the spotlight hasshifted-to the high cost o>f food. The haste with. which.we got rid of OPA, the swollen profits of business, andthe speculation in commodity markets, have each beenput forward and blamed for our defeat in controllinginflation.None of these takes us to the root of our problem.Each has been mainly evidence of the grave lack of bal­ance between our much larger supply of money relativeto the demand for money .. As a result, the value ofmoney has fallen. 'What has happenedThe aggressive bidding for labor has pushed wages up.The extraordinary demand fer labor has not been sat­isfied although the labor force in non-agricultural em- • By THEODORE W. SCHULTZployment is 30 per cent larger than in 1940. If ourwages were set in essentially free markets, as are theprices of most farm products, they undoubtedly would bea lot higher than they are.The food situation is similar. Here too, we have hadaggressive bidding. This has happened despite produc­tion running about 30 per cent above pre-war. Supportprices have not been the culprit as alleged, albeit theyhave serious shortcomings on other grounds.If the OPA had been supported, we probably couldhave held some prices in check. Then the inflationwould have been less apparent; it would not have beenSo' open and above board as is now the case. We wouldhave had mere sup pressed inflation of the type thatexists in Canada, and in the United Kingdom. But itwould have been inflation just the same. It is not at allclear that a suppressed inflation is necessarily the lessharmful.W ronq turns enrouteWithin the space available I can no more than listthe major mistakes, basically responsible for our failureto control inflation.1. We expected and we prepared for deflation. Ourentire transition policy was cast on the belief that de­flation would rule. The expectations for the transitionwere about as follows: five to eight million unemployed,corporations unable to finance the reconversion, and agri­cultural prices at floor levels. These gloomy expectations, prevailed not only in government but also in labor, busi­ness and agricultural circles.Why this mistake? The main reasons are now fairlyclear for an to see. The mass unemployment of thethirties gave us a terrible shock. It made us depression­minded. It caused us to lose our perspective, Thus ithappened that the inflationary effects of the way inwhich we financed the war were overlooked. As a re­sult this country set out on a whole series of policiesdesigned to avoid an early post-war deflation. And thesehave added much fuel to the inflationary blaze alreadyset during the war.Agriculture escaped by a hair one of the adversepolicy decisions that were so typical of the transition.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIn the April. 1945 issue. Theodore W. Schultz (Chairmanof the Department ·of Economics) asked: nWHI AgricuHureCollapse?" Fonowing the suqqestion ·of Arthur W.Whee,ler. '09 (see Lef+ers], we asked Dr. Schultz i·f he wou.ldbring this up to date. He replied that he had done so inan article writ+en fo'r the FARM POLICY ,FORUM. of IowaState College. With the permission: o·f .the FORUM edaorwe are re-printing it herewith.I t was nip and tuck for weeks III the Department ofAgriculture, during the fall of 1945, whether to keepagriculture in full gear or to have it slow its pace. For­tunately, for us and the world, this shift was not made.2. Doctrine of unlimited production. Developmentssoon forced on us the critical issue: "How check mount­ing prices P" Back carne the very uncritica] answer,"More production."The great gap that had arisen between . the moneysupply and the volume of goods, it was presumed, couldbe closed-although the amount of "money" hard tripled-by simply producing enough goods.The magic slogan was incentives. Give producers thenecessary incentives, and they'll do the Job. How was thisto be done? Quite simply-s-have prices go up (for awhile!) hold costs down, and lower taxes.The mistake, of course, is obvious. Once our resources-the labor force, our farms and factories-were "fuBy'"employed, additional incentives could not increase totaloutput., Plainly the upper limit of production is set byour resources. When they are fully employed, it simplybecomes impossible to produce more goods.Why this mistake? It, too, stems chiefly out of thedepressed thirties with its many unemployed resources.It also goes back to the success that we had during thewar in getting more prcduction-vdrawing as we did onthe big backlog of unemployed and underemployed! re­sources.3. Too much reliance on fiscal policy. When it comesto the role of government in keeping our economy onan even keel, the national budget is now seen as theprimary counterweight. As a result of mistake No.1, the first decision afterhostility was to use this counter weight to avoid the ex­pected deflation. Then as rising prices, wages, andprofits made it clear that we were headed into an in­flation, great stress was put on reversing the position ofthis weight by increasing taxes and by cutting govern­ment expenditures.But freedom of action in fiscal policy had narrowedmeanwhile. The cold war made it "impossible" to cutgovernmen t spending much. And democracy in actiondid not have the self-discipline to vote more taxes. Itwas more pleasant to :believe in the ability of incentivesto do the job.So flexibility was not at hand. In practice our fiscalpolicy became impotent.We did manage to get a sizable budget surplus de­spite lower taxes and heavy govemmenlt spending. Butit was not enough to close the inflationary gap.This over-reliance on fiscal policy involved two basicerrors: ( 1) failure to understand the process of democ­racy, and (2) greatly over-rating the effect of a budgetsurplus as a counterweight under existing post-war con-- ditions.4. Neglect of monetary policy. The point at whichour post-war economic policy has been most vulnerableis in its neglect of monetary policy. The monetary tech­niques have been completely overshadowed by fiscal doc­trines and beliefs. The little that has been done on themonetary side, in view of the huge potential credit ca-'pacity of OUf banking systems, has, been mere dabbling.And why this critical mistake? U nfortunately, mone­tary policy suffered a major setback in the earlythirties.Too much was then claimed for it as a means for fightingdeflation. It was not easy to get people, to use morecredit when all were depressed. Its positive force, how­ever, in curtailing the money. supply is another matter.Learning from our mistakesWhat lesson is there in this experience? Above all, weneed to free ourselves from the spell of the Great De­pression. lit has warped our entire thinking. (It wouldbe ironic, indeed,' if we were not to become so obsessedwith this inflation that we would fail to see a deflationwhen i,! begins.)We need once more to see the strategic role that re­sources play in setting the upper limits to production.Production "unlimited" is a dangerous myth.We need to put fiscal policy in its place. Let's not,however, swing to the opposite extreme and discard'these techniques. But we should recognize the limita­tions set by our democratic traditions and by other ex­ist�ng circumstances.Lastly and positively, for it is not yet too late-weneed a bold overhauling of cur monetary controls. Weneed to use them to stop the inflation now rampant.SPOILED CHILD(Continued from Page 7)th�ows up 9'Iobal barricades of money .It is mainly this: which makes the "blue heaven" of theWestern liberals so precarious. What are the inalienablerights, by which they demonstrate their claim to happi­ness, to that power whose metaphysical dream is dynam­ism? ... Even if we could. assume pacific intentions on bothsides the future would not be safe for W estern Iiberal-,ism. Its fundamental incapacity to think, arising froman inability to see contradictions, deprives it of the powerto propagate. Soviet communism, on the other hand"despite its ostensible commitment to materialism, hasgenerated a body of ideas with a terrifying power tospread. And it is this impending defeat in the struggleto win adhevents· which will upset the balance and driveliberalism into loss of judgment and panic, Ope canalmost say that this has now occurred. We see beforeus the paradox of materialist Russia expanding by theirresistible forte of idea, while the United States, whichsupposedly has the heritage of values and ideals, fran­tically throws up barricades of money around the globe.It will perhaps seem whimsical, but I have thoughtthat the most promising bid for peace would be for thetwo great rivals" to dispatch, each to the other, theirablest philosophers. Then we would see which sidewould convert the other with reference to the nature ofthe world and of man. And the world, having agreedin advance to abide by the decision, would thus be madeone. This is the only hope for unity. The circumstanceof living together in space and time has never yet mademen peaceful. Rather, the contrary is true;. and thereare wise words by Hamilton in the Federalist: "It hasfrom long observation of the progress of society becomea sort' of axiom in politics, that vicinity, or nearness ofsituation, constitutes nations' natural enemies." The. supposition that science is uniting the nations by bring­ing them Closer together physically is but another aspectof a theory previously noted that natural means can takethe place of creed as the binding element.It is unlikely, therefore, that the era of soft living whichour scientists and advertisers have promised will be real­ized on any condition. While these two worlds face eachother there seems to remain only the question of whetherthe West wili allow comfort to soften it to a point atwhich defeat is assured or whether it will accept the ruleof hardness· and. discover means of discipline. If thelatter course is chosen, it seems likely that the Westernpeople are destined not for the nirvana which they havepromised themselves, but for something like Peguy's "so­cialist poverty." In an effort to secure themselves againstthe challenge of dynamism they will divert more of theirsubstance and strength into armies and bureaucracies,the former to afford them protection from attack, the latter to effect internal order. - In this event, personalitywill hardly survive. The individual will be told that thestate is moving to guaran�ee his freedom, as in a senseit will be; but, to do so, it inust prohibit individual in­dulgence and even responsibility. To give strength toits will, the state restricts the wills of its citizens. Thisis. a general formula of political organization.is bribed with candy . . .All such questions lead inevitably to the question ofdiscipline. The Russians with habitual clarity of pur­pose have made their choice; there is to he discipline,and it is to be enforced by the elite controlling the state.Now the significance of this for the West is that onechoice is made for it too; there will be discipline here ifthe West is to survive. Organization always makes im­perative counterorganization. A force in being is athreat to the unorganized, who must answer by becom­ing an organized force themselves. Thus a great deci­sion confronting the West in the future is how to over­come the spoiled-child psychology sufficiently to disci­pline for struggle. (The attempt of the United Statesto make military service attractive by offering high pay,'free college education, and other benefits looks sus­piciously like bribing the child with candy.)In these ways we get our reminders that science hasnot exempted us from struggle in life, though patternschange and deceive the shallow.The failure of discipline in empirical societies can betraced to a warfare between the productive and the Con­sumptive faculties. The spoiled child is simply one whohas been allowed to believe that his consumptive facultycan prescribe the order of society. How an entire socialgroup may fall victim to this may be illustrated by thedevelopment of collective bargaining. Demagogic lead­ers have told the common man that he is entitled to muchmore than he is getting; they have not told him the lesspleasant truth that, unless there is to be expropriationc.,which in any case is only a temporary resource-theincrease must come out of greater productivity.Now all productivity requires discipline and subordins,tion ; the simple endurance of toil requires control of pass­ing desire. Here man is in a peculiar dilemma: the morehe has of liberty, the less he can have of the fruits ofproductive work. The more he is spoiled, the more heresents control', and thus he actually defeats the meas­ures which. would make possible a greater consumption."Undemocratic" productivity is attacked by "democratic"consumption; and, since there is no limit to appetite,there is no limit to the crippling of productive efficiencyby the animal desire to consume, once it is in a positionto make its force felt politically. Was there ever a moreeffective way to sabotage a nation's economy than to20T II E U N I V E R SIT .y 0 F C II I C AGO MAG A Z I N Euse the prestige of government to advocate the with­holding of production.Strikes were originally regarded as conspiracies,and so they will have to be again when the _ free na­tions find collapse staring them in the face.What happens finally is that socialism, whose goal ismaterialism, meets the condition by turning authoritarian;that is to say, it is willing to institute control by dicta­tion in order to- raise living standards and not disappointthe consumptive soul. To the extent that socialismhas done this by means of irrational appeals-and noothers have been found efficacious in the long run-wehave seen the establishment of fascist systems.casfigates economic royalists' ...We need go no farther to see why self-advertised lead­ers of the masses today, whether they owe their office toelection or to coup d'etat, have turned dictator. Theyhave had to perceive that what the masses needed wasa plan for harmony and for work. Now any plan, how­ever arbitrary, will yield something better than chaos­this truth is merely a matter of definition. Accordingly,programs, with fantastic objectives, some of them con­tradictory, have been set up. That they put an endtemporarily to disorder and frustration is historical fact.A study of their motivation,' however, shows that theyall had scapegoats; they were against something. Thepsychology of this should not be 'mystifying; the spoiledchild is aggrieved and wants redress. A course of ac­tion which keeps him occupied while allowing, him toexpress his resentments seems perfect.We should recall the strange melange of persons whomfascism cast in the role of villain: aristocrats, intellectuals,millionaires, members of racial minorities. In the UnitedStates there has been a similar tendency officially to casti­gate "economic royalists," managers of industry, "bour­bons," and all who on any grounds could be consideredprivileged. It looks alarmingly like a dull hatred of everyform of personal superiority. The spoiled children per­ceive correctly that the superior person is certain, sooneror later, to demand superior things of them, and thisinterferes with consumption and, above all, with thought­lessness.I t is rather plain by now that even thrift is regardedas an evidence of such superiority. Regularly in the dayof social disintegration there occur systematic attacks uponcapital. Though capital may, on the one hand, be theresult of unproductive activity-c-or of "theft," as left­wingers might declare-on the other hand, it may be thefruit of industry and foresight, of self-denial, or of somesuperiority of gifts. The attack upon capital is not neces­sarily an attack upon inequity. In the times which wedescribe it is likely to be born of love of ease, detestationof discipline, contempt for the past'; for, after all, an ac­cumulation of capital represents an extension of past ef- 21fort into the present. But self-pampering, present­minded modern man looks neither before nor after; hemarks inequalities of condition and, forbidden by hisdogmas to admit inequalities of merit, moves to obliteratethem. The. outcry comes masked. as an assertion thatproperty rights should not be allowed to stand in theway of human rights, which would be well enough ifhuman rights had not been divorced from duties. Butas it is, the mass simply decides that it can get some­thing without submitting to the discipline of work andproceeds to dispossess. Sir Flinders Petrie has written:"When democracy has attained full power, the majoritywithout capital necessarily eat up the capital of the mi­nority, and the, civilization steadily decays." I wouldsuggest as worth considering in this connection the dif­ficulties of the Third Republic in maintaining the idealof honest toil against the pressure of venality and politicsand, on the other side, the ruthless determination of theBolsheviks to permit no popular direction of affairs.IS men+ally irresponsible ...In the final analysis this society is like the spoiled childin its incapacity to think. Anyone can' observe in thepampered children of the rich a kind of irresponsibilityof the ment�l process. It occurs simply because they donot have to think to survive. They never have to feelthat definition must be clear and deduction correct ifthey are to escape' the sharp penalties of deprivation.. Therefore the typical thinking of such people is frag­mentary, discursive, and expressive of a sort of con­tempt for realities. Their conclusions are not "earned"/in the sense of being logicaUy valid but are seized inthe face of facts. The young scion knows that, if hefalls, there is a net below to catch him. Hardness ofcondition is. wanting. Without work to do, especiallywithout work that is related to our dearest aims, themental sinews atrophy, as do the physical. There is- evidence that the masses, spoiled by like conditions, in­cur a similar flabbiness and in crises will prove unableto think straight enough to save themselves.This is, in' conclusion, a story of weakness resultingfrom a false picture. - The withering-away of religiousbelief, the conviction that all fighting faiths are due to.be supplanted, as Mr. Justice Holmes intimated in a de­cision, turn thoughts toward selfish economic advantage.The very attainment of this produces a softening; thesoftening prompts a search for yet easier ways of at­taining the same advantage, and then follows decline.So long as private enterprise survives, there remain cer­tain pressures not related to mass aspiration, but whenindustrial democracy insistently batters at private con­trol, this means of organization and direction diminishes.Society eventually pauses before a fateful question:Where can .it find a source of discipline?Thursday, April ILJi;CTURE-"Natural iLaw," Alexander iP.d'Entreves (Serena professor, OxfordUniversity, England). Soc i a 1 ScienceBuHdincg, 1126 East 59th Street. 4:30 p.m.fr,ee.Friday, April 2LECTURE-"The Revolution of the Seven­teenth Century," R. H. Tawney, visitingprofessor of economic history. OrientalInstitute, I 155 �ast 58th Street. 4 p.m.Free.TRACK MEET-Chicago vs. Central A.A. U.IField House, 56th Street and UniversityAvenue. 7 p.m. Free.Saturday, April 3. TRACK MEET -Chicago vs. Illinois Tech.Relays. Field House, 56th Street andUniversity Avenue. 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.Fl',ee"Monday; April 5LECTURE -"American Political Ideas,". Walter Johnson (hist(j)ry). UniversityCortege, 19 So. LaSalle Street. 7:30 p.m.75<:.- Tuesday, April 6LECTURE-"Natural Law," Alexander P.d'Entreves (Serena professor, OxfordUniversity, England). Soc i a I ScienceBuilding, 1126 East 59th Street. 4:30 p.m ..Free.LECTURiE -"Man as His Own Maker,""Charles Morris (philosophy], UniversityCollege, 19 South LaSalle Street. 8 p.m.75-cWednesday, April 7LECTURE-"Turgenev's Fathers and Sons,Milton Hindus (humanities). UniversityCollege, 19 South LaSalle Street. 8 p.m.75c ..LECTURE-:-'HA COmprehensive Program ofSocial Security," J. Melville Broughton,former governor of N orth Carolina. Wal-­. green series. Orien-tal Institute, 1155,East 58th Street. 4:30 p.m. Free.Thursday, April 8LECTURE-"N atural Law,". Alexander P.d'Entreves (Serena professor, OxfordUniversity, England). Soc i a I ScienceBuilding, 1126 East 59th Street. 4:30 p.m.Free.Friday, April 9LECrURE - "Toynbee's A Stud),! of His­tory" Sunder Joshi (adult education).University College, 19 South LasalleStreet. 6:30 p.m. 75c.LECTURE-HHappiness," Mortimer J. Ad­ler (philosophy of law). 32 West Ran­dolph Street. 7:30 p.m. $1.50.LECTURE _ "Determination of 'Vag eRates," Joel Seidman (social science); Uni­versity -College, 19 South LaSalle Street.7:'30 p.m. $1.2,0.LECTUiRE-"'Th,e Revolution of the Seven­teenth Century," R. H.. Tawney, visitingprofessor of economic history. OrientalInstitute, 1155 East 58th Street. 4 p.m.Free. CALENDARMomtay, April 12l.ECTURE-"The Rise of the Two-PartySystem," Walter J'ohnson (history). Uni­versity College" 19 South Lasalle Street.7:30 p. m. 75c.Tuesday, April 13LECTURE_;"Biological Sources of Person­ality," Charles Morris (philosophy). Uni­versity College, 19 South LaSalle Street.8 p.m. 75c.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO . CONCERT·-Albe�eri Trio (Alexander Schneider,violin: Benar Heifetz, violoncello; andErich. Itor Kahn, piano) playing Bee tho--ven Trios, B: Bat major, Opus 70, No.2.Mandel Hall, 57th Street and UniversityAvenue, 8:30 p.m. $1.50.LECTURE-"President Wilson and Candi­date Bryan," Charles E. Merriam (pro­fessor emeritus political science). LawSchool, inside Quadrangles at 58th Streetand EHis Avenue. 4.:30 p.m. Free,Wednesday, Apdl 14LECTURE-"Natura:l Law," Alexander P.d'Entreves (Serena professor, OxfordUniversity, England). S e cia 1 ScienceBuilding, 1126 East 59th Street. :.t-:30 p.m.Free.Thursday, April '15LECTURE-I'Natural Law," Alexander P.d'Entreves (Serena professor, OxfordUniversity, Englalld). Soc i a 1 ScienceBuilding" 1126 East 59th Street. 4:30 p.m.Free.Friday, April WUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CONCERT-A[beneti Trio (Alexander Schneider,violin; Benar Heifetz, violoncello; andErich Itor Kahn, piano) playing all·Beethoven program.E flat major, Opus 1,No. I; Ten Variations on Ich bin derSchneider Kakadu, Opus 121a; Trio Dmajor, Opus '7:0" No.1. Mandel Hall, 57thStreet and University Avenue. 8:.30 p.m.$,1.50 .LECTURE-"The Revolution of the Seven­teenth Century," R. H. Tawney, visitingprofessor of economic history. OrientalInstitute, 115>5 East 58th Street. 4 p.m.Fr'ee. .Tuesday, April 20UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CONCERT=-Albenerl Trio' (Alexander Schneider,violin; Benar Heifetz, violoncello: and., Erich Itor Kahn, piano) playing all­Beethoven program: Fourteen Variations,Opus 44; Trios G major, Opus I, No.2;and B fiat major, Opus 97 ("ArchdUke").Mandel Hall; 571th Street and UniversityAvenue. 8:30 p.m. $1.50.LECTURE-"Natural Law," Alexander P.d'Entreves (Serena professor, OxfordUniversity, England). Soc i a 1 ScienceBuilding, 1126 East 59th Street. 4:30 p.m.Free.Thursday, Ap,ril 22LE,CTURl-"Na:tural Law," Alexander P.d'Entreves (Serena professor, OxfordUniversity, England). So cia 1 ScienceBuilding, 1126 East 59th Street. 4:30 p.m.Free.22 Feiday, April 23UNIVERSJlTY OF CHICAGO THEATRE-"The Flies" by Jean-Paul Sartre. Man­del Hall, 57th Street and University Ave­nue. 8:30 p.m. 50c.LECTURE-"The Revolution of the Seven­teenth. Century," R. H. Tawney, visitingprofessor of economic history. OrientalInstitute, 1155 East 58th Street. 4 p.m,Free... Saturday, April 24UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO THEATRE-"The Flies" by Jean-Paul Sartres. Man­del Hall, 57th Street and University Ave­nue, 8: 30 p.m. 50c.Monday, April 26. LECTURE _ "The Emergence of the Re­publican Party," Walter Johnson (his­tory). University College, 19 South La­Salle Street. 7:30 p.m. 75c.Tuesday, April 27LECTURE -"The Presidents Roosevelt,"Charles E. Merriam (professor emerituspolitical science). Walgreen lecture. LawSchool, inside' Quadrangles at 58th Streetand Ellis Avenue. 4:30 p.m. Free.LECTURE-"The Contemporary Scene inEngland," R. H. Tawney, English polit­ical scientist. Mandel Hall, 57th Streetand University Avenue. 8:3@ p.m. Free.LECTURE-"Natlllral Law," Alexander P.d'Entreves (Serena professor, Oxford Uni­versity, England). Social Science Build­ing, 1126 East 59th Street. 4:30 p.m,Free.LECTURE-"Patterns of Value," CharlesMorris (philosophy). University College,19 South LaSalle Street. 8 p.m. 75c.Wednesday, April 28LECTURE-"State and Local Relations,"Leverett Saltonstall, senator from Massa­chusetts. Oriental Institute, 1155 E. 58thStreet. 4:30 p.m. Free.Thursday, April 29LECTURE-"Natural Law,': Alexander P.d'Entreves (Serena professor, Oxford Uni­versity" England). Social Science Build­ing, 1126 East 59th Street. 4:30 p.m.Free.Friday, April 30LECTURE-"The Revolution of the Seven­teenth Century," R. H. Tawney, Visitingprofessor of economic history. SOcialScience Building, 1126 East 59th Street.4 p.m. Free.LECTURE �"Lundberg and �Farnham'sModem Woman," Sunder Joshi (adulteducation). University College, 19 SouthLaSalle Street. 6:30 p.m. 75c.LECTURE-"Wag\e Guarantees," Joel Seid­man (social science). University College,19 South LaSalle Street. 7:30 p.m. $1.20.SEElN,G AUSTRALIA'( Continued from Page 11)Herbert have attracted attention both in Great Britainand in the United States. The fact that most of thesewriters have, sooner or later, migrated to England stressesthe colonial status of Australian cultural life. It is stilltied to En�land's apron strings.Foreign origins and foreign approval are valued abovethe native. Australia has a cultural inferiority complex.European history and European literature form a part ofevery study program. Australian history and Australianliterature are, on the other hand, sadly neglected. The'foreign trained man usually has an ad.vantage. Thenative with high ability goes abroad for training andis often recognized at home only when foreign approvalhas been given. One somehow feels that Australia isnow about where the United States was seventy yearsago.In the plastic arts the standards ate again set by theoutside. The art galteries are fined with very ordinaryEnglish paintings' or with the landscapes of Australianstrained in France and England. Streaton, Gruner, Lam­bert and Hysen still hold the stage but a brilliant younggroup, many European trained, are beginning to makean impression. Artists like Drysdale, Debell, DonaldFriend and Margaret Preston are doing things thatwould be accepted anywhere today as superior in qual­ity. They have cut loose from the past and from OldWorld patterns. They are beginning to give Australiaits first native modern art.My discussion of Australian culture suggests the sec­ond impression which Australian made on me. If thedifferences which stood out at first were largely in' thenational realm, there were likenesses of a personal sortthat soon seemed for me more important. You quicklygot used to the differences and. you began to see theAustralian as a person more like the American thanany other in the world. With the same great backgroundexperience of a young people entering a raw continentand transforming it from simplicity to complexity; witha frontier always on its outer· edges; with the same ideal- ,ism which sees the future rather than the present-theAustralian and the American have developed like values,have come to make the same assumptions, and haveevolved startingty similar personalities. Australians are friendly and neighborly. They have astrong sense of humor. They love the outdoors. Theygamble, and too many of them drink as much as someAmericans. They are the most hospitable people I.haveever known. One evening at a social gathering I ex­pressed my interest in the sheep-country to' a gentlemanto whom I had just been introduced. He gave me theinformation. I was seeking and to. my question as tohotel accommodations in the suggested region he simplysaid: "I would [ike to have you as my guest. I livethere." I hesitated, but the Vice Chancellor of the Uni­versity assured me that I would be more than welcomeand that I must accept. The result was ten days on awonderful sheep-station and friendships. that will last alife-time. That is a fair example of Australian hospi­tality.The Australian's love of sport is as great as that of theAmerican. Thousands attend the races and nearly everycommunity has its race track. Football matches andcricket matches attract great crowds. Tennis courts,bowling greens and golf courses are more abundant tha�in any other country. Australia has a thirty-six hour weekand every week-end is given over to play. The beachesare crowded. Hiking clubs roam the countryside in everydirection .. Amusement places are filled to overflowing and. business is about at a standstill. The streets of Sydneyon a Saturday are nearly deserted. Trains to the countryare crowded to the doors. Some are already talking of� thirty-two hour working week!Australia is thus a strange mixture of the old worldand of the new. It is young, and it is old. It is modemand it is yet a frontier. It has gone far in social experi­menting and yet holds fast to British tradition. Yourealize that when you see the judges in their wigs androbes. You realize it still more when you ride on therailroads with their European cars and services whichwould go into a museum in America. You love the fresh,breezy social attitudes that still retain something of theold world qualities or poise and balance. You somehowfed that you are living with and in the ·times of yourown ancestors- two generations back.ALUMNI REUNIONWe hope you can plan to be with us for Alumni Week-e'nd (June II and 12).Since aU our residence .ha'lrl's ere taxed to ,capacity wHh s<tud1enfs. your hotel res­ervatIons should be made welil i!n advance. We suggest the D,e;1 Prado, '5307South Hyd,e Pa�k Boulevard: 'the Mayfl,ower. 612'5 So:uth Kenwood Avenue: theWindeirmere. 1,642 Eas� 52 Street: and the Hotel Sherry. 1725 East 53 Street,2324 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElOCAL AND lONG DISTANCE HAULING•, 60 YEARS OF DEPENDABLESERVICE TO THE SOUTHSIDE•ASK fOil fREE ESTlMArE•55th and ELLIS AVENUECHICAGO 15, ILLINOISPhone BUTterfleld 6711 .DAVID L. SUTTON, Pres.EASTMAN COAL CO.Estt!lbli,hed 1902YAROS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFF.JCES342 N. Oaikley Blvd.Telephon. Seeley 4488'Wasson-Po·c,ahontasCoel CO.,6876 South Chicago .Ave.,Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4Wt!luon's 'Coal Males Good-or­Wallon Does4gteUJ;;mt�ILECrRlCA' SUPPLY CO.Distributors, Manulacturers and Jobbers 01ELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St. - Englewood 1500iDES' ,B:OllE,R REPAIR & WUDlNG CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED ,", BONDEDINSUREDQUAIJFIED WELDERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave.� Chicago, ,Aj,a:x Waste Paper C'o., 2600-2634, W. Taylor St.Buver« of Any QuantityWaste Paper'Scrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service Call _Mr. B. Shedro., VaD Buren 0230 NEWS OF THE CLASSES1896Two years ag'o Van Rensselaer I..ansinghattended his 50th class reunion here andthis year he will celebrate his 50th atM.LT. But neither fact is proof 'that he isletting down any. He is. still active asvice president of the Molybdenum Corpo­ration of America (headquarters, New YorkCity). Now he has charge of the tungstenproduction of western miners who furnishthe company a considerable percentage ofits tungsten concentrates. For four years'during the war he represented his com-pany in Washington. .1'901Charles G. Farnum, MD Rush, left hispractice with his son to spend the winterin Florida. He left in mid-January and willreturn in April. His son, Charles, Jr., didhis undergraduate work at Dartmouth andreceived his M.D. from Northwestern Med­ical School. He is a specialist in internalmedicine.,19'03Charles . E. Collins, Chicago Tribunecolumnist, has been elected chairman ofthe Chicago Press Association.1905Charles A. Shull, PhD '15, ProfessorEmeritus of. Plant Physiology, is living inWest Asheville, North Carolina, and is con­ducting a very popular nature column inthe Sunday issues of the Asheville Citizen­Times.1908,Clinton Joseph Davisson, '08, 1937 Nobelprize winner in physics, has joined theschool of physics at the University of Vir­ginia. Doctor Davisson will supervise theresearch of graduate students in physics .atthe Rouss Physical Laboratory and willteach both graduate and _undergraduatecourses at the University.James H. Gagnier, DB '15,' and his wife,Cleora Davis Gagn,ier, '06, AM "15, are liv­ing in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Their daugh­ter, Cleora, is a Social Investigator in theChildren's Bureau 'Of the New York CityDepartment of Welfare.Orville J; Taylor has been appointedspecial assistant to Army Secretary Royallfor work involving black market investiga­tion in Germany.Since 1895Surgeons' Fine InstrumentsSurqice] Equipment .HospHal and Offi·ce FurnitureSundries, Supplies, D.ressing,sv. MUEILE,R & CO.All Phones: SEEley 2180408 SOUTH HONORE STREETCHICAGO 12, IlliNOIS The Phi Beta Kappa Alumnaein New York cordially invites allmembers of the Beta of IllinoisChapter of Phi Beta Kappa livingin the New York area to join theNew York Association. Forfurther information contact Mrs.Seymour M. Kwerel, 1845 PhelanPlace, New York City.1910Thora M. Brookings now gives the ad­dress: Mrs. Thora Barefoot, Alum Bank,Pennsylvania.1912The law office of Black, Black & Bordenin Peoria, Illinois, is a family affair. Wal.lace J. Black, JD '12, is the senior partner.The other two members are his son, Ken­neth, JD '37, and his son-in-law. It makesit very pleasant for dad who continues toenjoy his golf in the 80's (score, that' is).1914Charles G. Cisna, JD '16, has occupiedthe office of Probate Judge in the PeoriaCourt House since 1930. Judge Cisna didhis first two years of undergraduate workat Bradley before leaving Peoria· for Chi­cago. After receiving his law degree hereturned to Peoria to practice where hehas lived since. He h�s one daughter,Charlotte, who took music at Oberlin andreturned to Bradley for her degree. LastJune she was married to a veteran who iscompleting his work in engineering atBradley University.1915Hill Blackett has been elected a trusteeof the Chicago Tumor Institute.Delia R. Croonenberghs has retired afterthirty years service at Hull House in Chi­cago, and is living in North HollywoodCalifornia. 'Ward H. Maris, Brigadier General, .Un it­- ed States Army, is serving in the Far EastCommand.1917Ernest H. Shideler, AM, PhD '27 isChairman of the Division of Comm�rceand Business Administration at the Uni­versity of Illinois, Galesburg, Illinois.Telephone KENwood 1152J. E. KIDWELL Florist826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago IS. IllinoisJAM ES E. KI DWELLTHE UNIVERSITY OF C II I C.A GO'HEADLI NERS,CHICAGO CHEMISTS �CCLAIMEDChicago alumni and faculty memberswere up front in the reader poll taken byThe Chemical Bulletin to name the tenablest chemists and' chemical engineers nowworking in the United States in twentyspecialized fields.The Bulletin, which is published by theChicago Section of the American ChemicalSociety, directed each reader to vote inhis own field of chemical activity. As' aresult, the roll call' represents recognitionbased entirely on fellow specialists' ap­praisal of the scientists' work.Alumni receiving this recognition were:William D; Harkins, who did graduatework around 1904, colloid chemistry;George Curme, PhD '13, Carl S. Miner, '03,Roy C.' Newton, PhD '24, industrial andengineering chemistry; Herman I. Schles­inger, '03, PhD '05, inorganic chemistry;Morris S. Kharasch, '17, PhD '19, organicchemistry; john G. Kirkwood, '26, physicalchemistry; and William L. Evans, PhD '05,sugar chemistry.Faculty members cited were: Warren C.johnson, inorganic chemistry; Willard F.Libby and Nathan Sugarman, nucleonics;Linus Pauling and Harold D. Urey, phys­ical chemistry.WE THOUGHT SO TOOChoice of john Gunther, '22, for "LookApplauds" in the February 3rd issue addsanother honor to this alumnus' growingcollection. The editor's note explained thatselections were based' on "the distinguishedcontributions of outstanding Americans toknowledge, culture, and the improvementof human relations." His classmates thoughtso. too when they awarded him an AlumniCitation at reunion last June.LIFE AMONG THE LILLIPUTIANSChristine May Heinig took her bachelor'sdegree in 1932 and headed for Columbiafor graduate study in child guidance. Littledid .she think then that her Lilliputianworld would one day take her beyond herown national borders to the Land DownUnder.Australia asked for her in 1937 to help.modernize their kindergartens. Her reputa­tion for getting things done had alreadybeen established in the years she had' spento.rganizing the National Child ResearchCenter in Washington, doing research andteaching at Columbia, and travellingthrough 11 western states for the WP Aassisting education officials set up 3,000nursery schools.Her modernizing touch in Australia per­haps can best be gauged by the first kinder­garten of the air which Miss Heinig helpeddevelop. The broadcast. of children'S gamesand singing became so popular it wasmade nationwide during the war.Last year 'she came back to the UnitedStates. On a ship supposed to carry only500, there were 500 war brides wi.th 150babies, 3,000 G.l.'s and 18 commercial pas­sengers. Of course, Miss Heinig operatedthe ship's nursery.PromptEfficientReliable TEACHERS NEEDEDWESTMORE TEACHERS AGENCY0111 National BanI.: Bldg., Spokane 8, Was1hblgtonFre·e Regi.stration '35 Years Continuous Servi,ce Member ofNationalAssociationTeachersAgenciesA columnist recently interviewed MissHeinig in Washington where she is child­hood education associate for the AmericanAssociation of University Women. She toldhim she was working for greater neighbor­hood group care of children, especially forthe two-to-eight group making their veryimportant first adjustments. "Children needlog piles and back fences," she said.Incidentally, she added, she was also.looking for the proverbial downtown-one­room-apartment -"with log. pile and backfence." We hope she has found it.TRUSTEE HONOREDCyrus Eaton, Cleveland industrialist andbanker and University Trustee, has beenelected a member-at-large of the AmericanCouncil of Learned Societies, national or­ganization for the advancement of human­istic studies.. "Author of many articles on, philosophicaland literary subjects" was how the A,C.L.S.press release described him. Clevelandalumni will think of another description.They will remember him in the humanterms of genial host and friend at theirannual June reunions at his Acadia Farm.FOU R LEAF CLOVER"Coeds are more superstitious than men,"says Earle E. Emme, PhD '32, who. has donemore research on college superstitions thanany other American.Horseshoes, wish bones, bro.ken mirrors,fortune tellers, four-leaf clovers - all in­trigue the women students more than theirmale classmates, he finds.He adds the consoling fact that personsbecome less superstitious as they growolder and advance in educational attain­ment."Most college students change theirminds about most superstitions once theytry them and no bad luck results."Doctor Emme's research has revealed noevidence to uphold the six most popularforms of quackery - astrology, phrenology,psysiognomy, rod divining, fortune "tellingand the belief that red angers cattle.The most dangerous of his experiments,the flashing of various colored banners be­fore 12 cattle and a bull on an Iowa farm,proved that animals became more angryat the sight of white. The movement andintensity of reflected light were more im­portant than color in arousing the cattle,he decided. We prefer to take his wordfor it.Since leaving the Midway in 1932, DoctorEmme has taught psychology at Morning­side College, Sioux City, Iowa, and is nowAssociate Professor of Psychology at Bowl­ing Green State University.The American public 'can save itself mil­lions of dollars if it listens to DoctorEmme's conclusions. In a city the size ofDes Moines, he estimates that 160,000 peo.­ple spend at least two. million dollars ayear on quackery. .But he would not have us dismiss fromour life all magic and chance."It's all right to have fun with a few mildsuperstitions so long as they don't harmothers." MAGAZINE 25CLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHIN.G CO.M40 Cottage Gr,ove AvenueMid,way 3935"Good Printin« 0/ All Descriptio.ns"RESULTS •..depend on getting the details RIGHTPRINTINGImprinting-Processed Letters - TypewritingAddressing - Folding - MailingA Complete Service lor Direct AdvertisersChicago Addres,sing Company722 SQ. Dearborn St ,; Chicago 5, Ill. '(Wabash 4561)Phone: Saginaw 3202FRANK CURRANRoofing: & Insulation'Leak. RepairedFree Edimate.FRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.8019 Benne,tt St.TELEPHONE HAYMARKET 4568O'CAlLAGHAI BROS.P;LUMBING' CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST..CONCRETEFLOORSSIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDA liONSWentworth 4422T. A •. REHNQU1ST CO.6639 So. Verno'n Ave,.26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOClifford P. Strause, MD Rusa �O, is a'Peoria boy who took his first two yearsin college at Bradley and came on to Chi­cago for his bachelor's degree. After gradu­ation from Rush Medical College he re­; turned to Peoria to practice, His son,; Charles, is a senior at Wisconsin headingfor law. Charles' sister, Mary Margaret,also attended 'Wisconsin and is now work-�==========:::c=======�!( ing in a law office. -1919,I., 1. SJEWARJ iL!UM/BER COMPANIYEVERYTHING InU/'MIE,I AND M.LLWO,II78,55 Greenwood Ave.'4:10 West 1111th St� Vin 9000Puli '0034E. J. Chalifoqx. '22PHOTOPRESS, IN(.P,lanogra:ph ........ Offsel -�riintingn I Plymouth. COqrtW.bash 8182POND LETTER SERVi"CiEEverything in Letter,'H:ooven ·lyp.wr,I'tl.1MumeraphlneAd'drllsograph ,.rvlt.Hlehest'Quallty S.lrvl ••All PhonelHarrison 8 iii 8 M Imlo.graph'I'DIAddr, ... lalMalUaeMinimum Prl ....418 So. Mar�et St. 'ChicagoMOFFETTCAMERA 'PORTRAITS Of QUALITY30 So. IMi:ch.igan Blvd., .Ch.icago Sta, •• 8750OFHCIAt .PHOTOGiRAiPHERU. 0·' C. ALU M Nil.AMEIUCANPHOrO ENG,RAWNG CO.Plaolo ElI,grave,.Arfists - Elec'rot,vperl,Maker. of Prinfint Pia·te.429' TelephoneS. A,shland Blvd. Monroe 75)15w. B •. C'O'NKEY C(O.H:AMMO'ND, I'NDIA,NA'B�ad�'P� 4H4 'Bide1e4SALES OFHCES: CHI,CAGO A'ND NEW YORK il918William Sims Allen has resigned' frompresidency of John B. Stetson University,Def.and, Florida, because of in health. He'is eoavalescing at San Antonio, Texas.1'9,20Lawrence M. Graves, AM, PhD '24, is vis­iting professor at Indiana University. Hewill be back on campus as ,Professor ofMathematics in September.Dean A. Pack, PhD" is a research chem­ist at the Griffith Laboratories ill Chicago,Illinois. He is making' his home in La­Grange, Illinois.1921Floyd E. Farquear, AM, is chairman ofthe Department of Education at TexasCollege of Mines, £1 Paso, Texas.Pearl M. Heffron, Assistant Professor ofSpeech at Loyola University, is co-authorof a recent publication of the Burgess Pub­lishing Company. "TEACHING SPEECHby Heffron and Duffy" was the way 'theannouncement read.1922Jacob Sacks, SM '2'4, is now OIl the 'staffof the Biology Department of BrookhavenNational Laboratory, Upton, L. 1..,. NewYork. .1924George Z. Barnes, LLB, spent Februaryin Florida, recovering from an illness.Phil H.' Hubbard is at present servingas United States C09SU] at Birmingham,England. Mr. Hubbard, whose home isWdls, Vermont, is a veteran of WorldWar I. In 1926 he entered' the ForeignService and has seen duty at Breslau, Stutt­gart, Berlin, Manchester, Liverpool, Lon­don and Milan.Arthur B. CQpeland, JD '25, is a Peoriaattorney with enough civic interests to keep,life from becoming just one legal docu­ment after another. He is president of thelocal U. of Chicago Club" a member of theBoard of Election Commission, on the localShrine Divan (board of directors) and thedirector· of the Shrine Chanters of Mo­hammed Temple.Directing the Chanters, as Copeland hasdone for fifteen years, is a continuaaion ofthe good old college days when Arthurplayed trumpet in the University Bandand sang in a quartet with William Ru­miner, Edgar N. Johnson, Dr. J. M. Whiteand with Glenn Harding doing the ac­companying part of the time.The quartet picked up a fair studentliving- by their public appearances. Theybroadcast on WLS when it was the SearsRoebuck station in two rooms of the Sher­man Hotel: and over WMAQ when itwas the Calumet Baking Powder station inone room of the LaSalle Hotel.Perry Y. Jackson, SM, PhD '27, is Pro­fessor of Chemistry at St. Peter's College,Jersey City, New Jersey., Doctor Jacksonserved' as a Commander in the Navy beforebeing placed on inactive duty Jast August. MAGAZINETWO LETTERSI have a considerable number of rela­tives [in France] .... I am enclosing acopy of a letter written to me by one ofthem, an industrialist oi the middle class.... I am sending it to you in the hopethat you may make some use oi it in bring­ing home to Americans that France, atleast, is not lying down, waiting tor theUnited States to come to the rescue ....Mary Hess Pett, '23.The letter, edited for space reasons only:It is no exaggeration to say that theFrench have begun to aid themselves. Butwhile from 1940-44 other countries wereable to. work actively for their war effort,increasing their efficiency, it must not beforgotten that ours was paralyzed by theGermans and that our duty was to sabotagebefore working. We had to destroy ourindustrial resources in order that they couldnot serve the designs of the enemy.We have, therefore, a great delay in re­habilitation,The political question is also very diffi­cult to understandl. In 1940 many French­men thought the situation was lost defin-.itely. Only deGaulle gave us a ray of hope.With untiring patience, he organized fromLondon the French resistance. Certain onesreproached him for a while for not havingearned, distinction as a "resistance" leaderand for dearly understanding all the greatcommunist movement.He could very well believe that the latterhad ceased to take orders from Moscow andhad decided to return to the bosom of the'nation. If one (ares to recall, he could nothave done otherwise, because a single dan­ger absorbed him at the moment: Germany.But after the Iiberation, the communiststook up again. their old habits and morethan ever were at the command of the So­viets. ,And it is these who now say thatdeGaulle is a Fascist. If he were a' Fascisthe would have been able so easily to keepthe power in 1944-45 .. No one could haverisen against him.You are lucky in the United States tohave only two great parties whose methodsof government are not so different. On theother hand, the President of the UnitedStates has some real power which hindersabuses. With us, the parties commit them-The Best ,Place to Eat on the South Sid.�I COLONIAL RESTAURANT·6324 Woodlawn· Ave.Pho.ne Hyde Park 6324r.lephone Haymarket 3120: IE. A., AARON & B!R:OS,. Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDi.fri&ufo,. ofCEDERGREEN FROZ,EN FRESH FRUIIS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 Sou,th Water MarketTHE U N'I V E R SIT Y 0 F CHI C AGO MAG A Z I N Eselves to a bargain purely demagogic, los­ing sight of the best interests of, the coun­try because they see only the interests ofthe party. They make all kinds of prom­ises to their electors . . . the moon andstars, leisure without end and almost with­out work!With us the word "democratic" has be­come the synonym for "let slide," "lack ordiscipline,;" etc. The word "liberty" hasbecome a synonym for disorder,The French have felt that a change wasnecessary, that the situation could not last,and they turned to deGaulle once more.According to his statements, deGaullewould like a constitution like the UnitedStates'. Do you think that is the idea ofa Fascist? Are they Fascist ideas whichwish to keep our country from falling un­der the yoke of Moscow? I am sure, no!DeGaulle wishes a direct cooperationwith the U.S.A. because he feels that inthe past France has been as far from theRussian conceptions as the United Statesitself.I wish you could read in the Frenchcommunistic papers everything that is saidagainst the U.S.A., where even the shipmentsof American wheat, which are so indis­pensable to us, are criticised, If Americasends us ten boatloads of wheat it is noth­ing but a desire to take over the country,while if Russia sends us a' single sack, it ismagnificent and we all must thank thegreat Stalin! .We are certainly going to assist with theforma tion of several governments herewhich, with different methods, wil1 try toget us out of the ruts where we find our­selves. Partisan spirit will prevent, I be­lieve, all constructive possibifity and theday will come when" in the face 0'£ tnei!rimpotence, our miserable govemments winturn toward deGaulle, to whom they wiUleave a wretched France; This day cannotcome too soon.My letter is long, but I would be happy,dear Mary, if it is able to give you anappreciation of our situation. I thinkFrance deserves that, because I am surethat her mission in the world is not ended.Jaques[M. Jaques Hesse, Mulhouse Ha-Rbin,France]I SA;RGE!NT'S DR'UG, '5T'OR&[ An 'Ethi�al, Drug Store for 95 Ye�lfsChicago's most c.omp.lefeprescr�p.fion $.tod23 N. Wabas·h AvenueChicago. IUinoisS/infmJ0lfChicago's OufsfanidingDRUG StORES The Denver Alumni Olub, oneof the most live-wire of ourgroups meets on the third Mon­day of each month at theDaniels and Fishers dining room.The Unive·rsity of Chicago groupat Fitzsimmons Hospital has evenformed its own study club tofurther its knowledge of SocialService Adminidration. Guestspeakers at both the luncheonand study club meeti1ngs do muchto contribute' to the high level ofinterest. Faculty members andalumni in the city are cordially. invited to attend the Alumnigr�up or the study club sessions.1925. Ralph N. Larson entered the Navy in1942 and finished as Commander in early1947 having spent the last year in thePacific and the Far East; He then becamepresident of the Morais Plan Company ofCalifornia, a small loan business with headoffices in San Francisco.1926WilIiiam Henry Abbitt, PhD, is professorof Physics at the State College of Washing­ton, Pullman, Was:hin,gton. Doctor Abbittwas Associate Professor of Physics at Chi­cago University 1946-1947.Helen I. Clarke, AM, author of Peinci­ples and Practice of Social Work, is atpresent on the staff of the University ofW�sconsir.r. .Augustin Panares, A1\{, is Dean of theCollege of Education and Normal at Cosmo­politan Colleges, Plaza Sta Cruz in Manila.19'27/John }.- DeBoer, AM" PhI> '38, is Pro­fessor of Education at the University ofIlfinois at Urbana, IHinois:. .Alfred Highlan�, JJ) '28, is practicinglaw with Glemil Peters onder the firm nameof Peters: and Highland. He was recentlyelected President of the Hammond (In·diana) Park Board.1928Charles Eugene HUBt, who served asLieutenant Commander in the Navy dur­ing the war, is opening a new business inSaw Francisco, California.John McDonough, who did such a bang­up job with our class reunion in 1946 is atit again. This time he is serving as generalchairman of the 1948 BO'y Scout FinanceCampaign. "A most interesting responsi­bility and a lot of work," he commented.Charles A. Rupp, gives as his occupation-the army, and as his address-c/o Post­master San Francisco, Calif.1929Charles F. Cutter was cited by John Me­Donough '28, chairman of the 1948 BoyScout Finance Campaign, for his good work.as one of the Chicago Loop Division Chair­men.Armand R. Bollaert is general managerof The Dicalite Company in Los Angeles,California. His home is in Arcadia, Cali­fornia. 27"Opportunityknocked•.. and'answered""I n my newly chosen fielcl of lifeinsurance selling , ,have' founcl an iclealoccupatio';, # writes Thomas funk, ofLynchhurg, Virginia."My income has in­creased tremendous­ly, and is limited onlyby my own efforts.Best of all, I have thepersonal satisfactionof filling a real needin my community."Mr. Funk had been a high' school'teacher and coach for 17 veers prior tothe war. Returning from Navy service,he decided to look fer an opportunitythat would enable him to' increase hisearnings, and offer his community avaluable service'. He found that oppor­tunity as. a Mutua! Life Field Under­writer.Are you looking for a career thatmakes fuller use ot your ability andexperience ... one that sets DO' limit onyour earning power? Then this may beyour opportunity toe. Spend just 30minutes in your own heme to take theMutual Life Aptitude Test. If you qual­ify, our nearest manager will explainour excellent on-the-job training course,designed to' help you get started. Afterthat, the Mutual Lifetime Compensa­tion Plan provides liberal commissionsand a comfortable retirement income,This Aptitude Test has been thestarting point of many a success story.Send. fer it new. The coupon below isor your convenience.THE MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY 0·' NEW YORK"34' Nassau StreetNew York 5. N. Y. ai' Alexander E. Patterson� PresidentGENTLEMEN:Please send me your Aptitude Test.N arne .............•..... _._ .. .. __ .•.. _.Home Address . __ •.... _ .• _. _1102._ -.- - .. - .,.- - .. ------- _-.-----� -_.---2-8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOTRE,MONTAUTO.S,ALES CORP.Direct ,Fado,ry Deale.rforCHRYSLER and PLYMO'�THNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMid. 4200A'soGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete' AutomobHe Repair.Body. Paint, Simonize, Wash,and Greasing DepartmentsAlbert K. Epstein, 112B. R. Harris, '21Epstein, Reynolds end HarrisConsul'ing Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. 'ChicagoTelephone State 8951HOWARD F.. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICK.n·dCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SP;ECI.AUY53411 S. lake iPark Ave.r.le,phon. Dorchest.r '1579A!NIMAL CAGESofAdvanced. Scientific DesignACME SHEET METAL WORKS1121 East 55th St.Chicago 15, III.Phone: Hyde Park 9500ECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKSEstablished In 1922Cornices, Skylights, Gutters, Downspouts,Boiler Breachings, Smoke Stacks, Furnacesand RoofingE. C, DeichmanBuckingham 1893 1927 Melrose StreetChicago, IllinoistEIGH'S:GROCERY and MARKET1327 Ea.d 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park '9100-1-2DAWN FRESH fROSTED FOODS,CENTRE'I:.LA.FRUITS AND VEGn ABLESWE DEUVER Herbert Futran is now writing and di­recting "Woman in White" for GeneralMills on NBC, and living in Hollywood.C. Jackson Heiberger, MD Rush, wh?did his undergraduate work at t�e. U�l­versity of Missouri, has b.een pr�ct.I�mg �nPeoria since 1932. He IS specializing mgynecology and obstetrics. The �eibergershave two children, Jack, 10 and JIm, 6.Helen Ruth Huber's answer to our queryabout her work was: "I am very muchalive and working like a fiend, with a setof three art social study manuals to bepublished next fall, painting, lecturing toWomen's Clubs on art, teaching, running adog kennel and writing .a newspaper artcriticism."Stephen E_ McPartlin is living in Evans­ton, Illinois, and is Sales Manager for Re­public Molding Corporation of Chicago.Marvin R. Schafer, PhD, is Professor ofSociology at Sacramento College.1930Emma Beekman is the author of "WhatHigh School Students Think of Religion"in the December issue of RELIGIOUSEDUCATION. The study is based on re­search done for the University of ChicagoCommittee on Human Development dur­ing the year 1945-1946. Miss Beekman ison the teaching staff of 'the TheodoreRoosevelt High School in Los Angeles andthe Evening Division of the Los AngelesCity College.Arthur S. Y. Chen, AM, now a visitingProfessor of Sociology in Southwestern Col­lege, Winfield, Kansas, writes us his Sep­tember copy of our magazine has just b�enforwarded to him' from Foochow, China,This is his third trip to this country. Afterleaving the Midway he returned to Chinato teach. His second trip to the states wasto work toward his doctorate in Sociologywhich he took at the University of South­ern California in 1938. His request to havehis name entered on our mailing . list wasfollowed by the comment: "I shall be mostdelighted to hear what is going on in theUniversity of which I am asways proud."Walter Hendricks, AM, is vice presidentand general editor of Hendricks House, anew corporation which will operate. ,as thecollege division of Farrar, Straus and Com­pany. Mr. Hendricks was one of the edu­cators sent from this country to France toestablish the Army school at Biarritz. Herecently l'esigne� from t.he position_ of. headof non-engineering subjects at IllInOIS In­stitute of Technology to found and becomethe president of Marlboro College in Ver­mont.Premiere performance of "Fantasie," lat�est composition by Montana, X. Faber (Mrs.David F'. Menard) was given by Clara Ceo,American pianist, at Seton Hill College onFebruary J6. Mrs. Menard was guest nar­rator at the concert.Alexander Oppenheim, PhD, is Professorof Mathematics at Raffels College, Singa­pore Straits Settlement.Victor Roterus, SM '31, assumed a newpost on March I as Assistant Chief, AreaDevelopment Division, with the Depart­ment of Commerce in Washington. Hewas formerly Resident Director of the So­cial Science Research Project with theUniversity of Michigan.193'1Charles F. Adler, JD '33, is now llviugat Highland Park, Illinois..Gisella Irma Huber who has been WIththe State Department as economic analyst MAGAZINEat London, has been transferred to Genevaas Attache.Lillian Burwell Lewis, SM, PhD '46, isnow head of the Department of Biology atTeachers College, Winston-Salem, NorthCarolina.1933Louis Cooper, AM '47, is Instr�ctor ofSpanish at Gary College, Gary, Indiana,Floyd E. Masten, formerly Attache withthe State Department in Shanghai hasbeen transferred to Vienna in the samecapacity.Charles Newton passed through Chicagoin mid-February on his way to Pasadena,California, where he was to assume his newposition as Assistant to the President ofCalifornia Institute of Technology. Charleshas been a copywriter for the Duane JonesCo., advertising, in New York, but hecouldn't resist that California urge. Hewas formerly radio director for the Uni­versity and during the War was head ofspecial publications for radar. Mrs. New­ton was Nancy Kennedy, '31, who was in. the promotion department .of the Univer­sity Press and worked WIth Charles inradio, She is the daughter of Walter S.Kennedy, :00, of Albion, Michigan. TheNewtons have one boy, Charles, nearly 4.David A. Livingston, JD. '35, is living inMt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania. He gives asoccupation: Manufacturer, Pit t s bur g h,Pennsylvania.1934Our last news of Martin E. Carlson,Commander, USNR, was from Guam wherehe was serving as defense counsel at thewar crimes trials.Albert H. Carter, AM '34, PhD '40, isProfessor of English and head of the. ACCOUNTING THEIR CHANCESA new testing program to measure thechances of students and junior acCOuntantsjust entering the profession was announcedrecently by the American Institute of Ac­countants, national professional society ofcertified public accountants.The University of Chicago, along with89 other American colleges and uniVersi­ties and 16 public accounting firms, co­operated in giving the 60,000 individualexaminations used to develop and verifythe tests now being' offered.The four tests in the present series covervocational interest, aptitude, achievementfor beginning students, and achievementfor more advanced students or junior ac­countants.Dr. Ben D. Wood, Director of the Bureauof Collegiate Educational Research ofColumbia University, directed the test de­velopments which took more than fouryears and $80,000 to complete. As a resultof the intensive preliminary work, thetests themselves have been improved and"norms" have been established to measurethe ability of any individual student orjunior accountant against a national av�r.age.Schools, colleges, accounting and businessfirms now have these tests available tothem.A student now may have an early indica­tion as to whether or not the years ofspecialized study and hard work as a he­ginner are likely, in his case, to result ina successful career in. the profession. Theachievement tests will help his prospectiveemployer to make more accurate judgmentof his qualifications.THE UNIVERSITY OFEnglish Department at the University ofArkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas.George Edgar Staunton, AM, is a con­sulting psychologist in Chicago.1935Robert N. Baumgartner, AM '47, is In­structor of English Composition and Lit­erature at the University of Minnesota.Ganlett M. Frye, MD, has been practic­ing general surgery in Peoria, Illinois,since he received his Doctor of Medicinedegree in 1935 excepting the forty monthsUncle Sam borrowed him for service- inthe Navy, half of which was spent in theSouth Pacific. Dr. Frye was a lieutenantcommander. The Fryes have one daugh­ter, Mary Ann, 11.Albert Wehling, JD, is Associate Pro­fessor of Government at Valparaiso Uni­versity, Valparaiso, Indiana.1936P. Blair Ellsworth, MD '39, is living inIdaho Falls, Idaho, where he is busy with,.general practice.Ada Espenshade, '36, SM '38, is "safe andunhurt" according to a letter received fromher mother. We are glad to be able to cor­rect the impression created by our state­ment in the March issue that Miss Espen­shade was a passenger on a ship sunk in aPhilippine typhoon in December with -ap­parent loss of all passengers. "Only bychance-a miracle, were those in the firstlife boat saved. by a wave that tossed themfar from the sinking ship," her motherwrote.Miss Espenshade was returning fromJapan where she had been doing work withthe Fisheries Division of the Natural Re­sources Board when the mishap occurred.After her rescue, she left Manila for theUnited States via India and Europe. Shearrived in the United States February 2,and visited briefly in Chicago before return­ing to her residence in Washington, D. C.Albert A. Goldman, '36, assistant rabbiof Temple Israel in Boston during the pasttwo years, has accepted the post of spiritualleader of Temple Emmanuel in Yonkers,New York. In the announcement of thespecial breakfast meeting planned by hisBrotherhood in Boston, Rabbi Goldmanwas described as having "endeared himselfto the entire congregation."Felix D. Lion is a unitarian minister atAdams Memorial Church, Dunkirk, NewYork.Dorothy L. Ulrich (Mrs. Serge Troubetz­kov) has been receiving well-deserved recog­nitiontor her poetry and articles in thenation's newspapers and magazines. Dur­ing the past year, her work has been pub­lished regularly in The Christian ScienceMonitor, New York Herald-Tribune and'The New York Times. Her "Sonnet ofFour Elements" appeared in the Februaryissue of The American Mercury, and "ATith� for Trespassers" will be in NatureMagazine. She writes the two-page BOOKBAZAAR in the magazine, Echo-Tally.Recently she has been guest speaker onseveral radio programs and her last lec­ture, on American mythology, was at theWomen's Faculty Club of Columbia Uni­versity. Current address is West Hartford,Connecticut.Lavinia J. Wilkinson tells us that shehas been teaching in Chicago at PullmanElementary School (her Alma Mater) forthe past 26 years.1937Robert P. Adams, PhD, is Associate Pro­fessor of English at the University of Wash­ington, Seattle, Washington. CHICAGOKenneth W. Black, JD, is associated withhis father, Wallace J. Black, JD '12, and hisbrother-in-law in the practice of law inPeoria, Illinois. The firm: Black, Black &Borden. Kenneth has continued his tennisand has finessed his bridge into the topPeoria championship brackets. The How­ard Blacks have three children, Barbara, 7;Kenneth, Jr., 5; and Bruce, 4.Conrad Joseph Thoren, SM '41, gives hisbusiness address: United States Embassy,London.1938Juan Horns, formerly U. S. Central Re­gional Sales Manager, has been appointedSales Manager-Argentina. for Pan Amer­ican Airways. He started with Pan Amer­ican in 1938 upon graduation as a studenttrainee. During the war he served as Majorin the U. S. Army Air Forces.John S. Carter, PhD '41, is Instructor ofEnglish at Wilson Junior College, Chicago,Illinois.Vincent J. Flynn, PhD, president of St.Thomas College, St. Paul, is the new na­tional chaplain of the National Federationof Catholic College Students. Father Flynnwas a Guggenheim fellow in 1942. His fieldof scholarship is English and medievalliterature. He assumed the presidency atSt. Thomas' in 1944.Will Scott DeLoach, PhD '39, is teachingat East Carolina Teachers College, Green­ville, North Carolina.Herbert C. Kalk, AM '40, is teachingEnglish at Wilson Junior College in Chi"cago.Eleanor V. Paul, SM '40, is Chief of theLaboratory Section of the Army Instituteof- Pathology, Washington, D. C. "Aftereight years as a Government Girl in Wash­ington, I have reached the conclusion thatit's a nice little city though slightly ex­pensive," she wrote us.Leon Ronnel is living in Hollywoodwhere he is training to be an accountexecutive in an advertising agency:1940Clyde E. Aultz, MBA, is Associate Pro­fessor and Acting' Head of the Departmentof Business Administration at RooseveltCollege, Chicago, Hlinois.B. Tarth Bell, AM, is living at Greens­boro, North Carolina, where he is areasecretary Of the American Friends ServiceCommittee.Auto Livel'Y'�tQuiet, unobtru.iv. servlc.When you want It, a. you want 'tCALL AN EMERY FIRSTEmery Drexel Livery, Inc.5516 Harper AvenueFAI RFAX 6400 MAGAZINE 29SUPERFLUOUS HAIRREMOVED FOREVERMultipl@ 20 platinum needles can be used.Permanent removal of hair from face, eye­brows, bad of neck, or any part of bodYialso facial veins. moles, and warts.LOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLIS EXPERT20 years' experienceGraduate NurseSuite 1705. Stevens Buildinq17 N. State StreetTelephone Franklin 4885FREE CONSULTATIONBIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: Went. 53803 HOUR SERVICEEXCLUSIVE CLEANERSAND DYERSSince I9z01442 and-1331 E. 57th St.•EVENING GOWNSAND FORMALSA SPECIALTYMidwayg�� • We call forand deliver3 HOUR SERVICEBOYDSTON BROS .• INC.lJNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.Oak. 0492 Oak. 0493ASHJIAN BROS., Inc.IITABLIIHED 11121Orien tal and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 Soutb Chicago Phone Regent 600030 THE UNIVERSITY OF C'HIOAGO MAGAZINEALUMNI SEARCH PARTYBLA,CKST;ONEHALLAnExdusive Women·s Hotel'in theUniversity of Chleeqo DistrictOfferi"g; Graceful l,.iving to �ni.versity ancJ BU$iness Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HAlt5148'Blackstone Ave., Telephone;PJaIa :3313,Verna P. Werner, D'i,ectorChicago". Most Complete St.ock ,ofGLASSGLASS CORP. OF ILLINOIS1525W� 35th St. 'Phone'Lafa\lette 8400LA TOURAlN!ECoffee oind Teo'La Touraine; Coffee Co.2'�9 Milwa'ukee Ave., Chicag10Ofher Planf,Boston - N.V. - P,hU. - Syracuse - Cleveland"You Mig'hf AI Well Have 'Th. 8 •• t"Golden Dirilyte<formed;, D.irillol.d)1, The Lifetime TablewareSOLID' - MOT PL.4.TEDService for Eight $61.85FINE BONE CHINAAynsley, ROYlIl Crown Derby, Spode andOther Fernous Makes, Also Crvs+el, TableLinen lind Gifts.,COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDirilJ. U, ID'E.. I10 E. JC1ckson Blvd. Chi'Ca-go, 111.,' Genevieve :E. Hatfield is Teacher ofEuropean History, American Governmentand Public Schools at Shelby, Michigan.Frederic Douglas Martitil is a develop­ment engineer for the Virginia Metal Prod­ucts 'Corporation at Orange, Virginia.Emily L. Scherer's marriage to HoraceFrancis Jackson in San Diego on December.30, 1947, has apparently completed herconversion to California."Our house is located on historic PointLorna across the bay from the Naval AirStation at North Island and with a magnifi­cent view of the city. We grow lemons,oranges, avacados, figs, peaches, apricots,kumquots, quince and chickens in the backyard. We are on a hillside at about 200feet altitude. The climate is superb=-it's78� degrees today."Incidentally, she married a native Cali­fornian.Jack W. Snow, AM, is a civilian employeewith the Department of Public Health andWelfare with the Army and is doing SocialWork Administration in Seoul, KOJ:1ea.Peter M. SuUivan, Commander in theNavy during the war, now reports his oc­cupation: Public Wdfare Administration,Pacific area.Hampton H. Traynor, MD '42, recentlyannounced the opening of his office atSuperior, Montana.1941Evelyn J. Geiger (Mrs. Clair V. Jones)is living in Berwyn, Illinois, and is secre­tary to the President of Confections, Inc.,of Chicago.Edelma E. Mooth, SM., is Director ofNurses and Principai of the School ofNurses at the Women's Medkal College ofPennsylvania in. Philadelphia.Harvey N. Smidt, Major, AAF, is on. dutyat Headquarters, 8th Weather' Group,\Vestover Fidd, Massachusetts.1942Reed L. Buffington, AM '47, is Instructorof the Social Sciences at Wright JuniorCollege, Chicago, Illinois. .Erving E. Beauregard is on the faculty ofthe University of Dayton and is aidingin the establishment of Dayton and Mont­gomery County Chapter of the UnitedWorld Federalist, and is a member of itsexecutive committee. He was also instru­mental in the founding of the Universityof Dayton Chapter of United World Fed­eralists and is its Iacul ty adviser.Dennis B. Cowan, AM, is Instructor ofVoice at Kansas State Teachers College.Bertha Hensman, AM, PhD '47, wroteus from a Yangtse River steamer. She wasom her way to Ghengtu, where she wouldresume her duties as Head! of the Depart­ment of Western Languages of West ChinaUnion University. The letter was datedDecember 10th and she had already spenta week of her journey just getting fromShanghai to .lchang. There was anotherfour or five days' journey by boat throughthe Yangtse Gorges to Chungking. andthen a mere three hundred and fifty milesoverland to Chengtu. "At this rate I maybe there by Christmas," she concluded.1944William Edward Chase, MD, is a cap­tain in the medical corps of the Army. Hislast APO address was New York.A. Peter Ruderman, MBA, at age 22 be­came the youngest member of the ColgateUniversity faculty with the recent a 1iI­-Rouncement of his: appointment as in­structor in economics. A new Law School Alumni Directory isbeing prepared. The editor has sent us allS.O.S. asking for help in learning the cur­rent addresses of the graduates listed be­low. Any information you can share withthis MAGAZINE or with the Law School asto the whereabouts of these graduates willbe of great value in making the new guideas complete as possible.Walter P. Bauer 1914Sydney S. Biro 1932Dudley Alexander Campbell 1914Pao Heng Chang 1930Nai-Wen Chien 1937Shu Fen Chien 1916Louis Chiesa 1920Wan Hsuan Chiao 1926John Oliver Degenhardt 1923Donald D. Delany 1917Hlsi Yun Feng 1912Elisa Fernandez 1935Ernst Fraenkel 1941Arthur E. Frankenstein 1925William James Galbraith, Jr. 1909Rupert C. Gibson 1914Roland Haggerty 1925Moses G. C. Harris 1917William C. Healion 1905Elias H. Henderson 1910Phares Gross Hess 1912Emil Lang 1929George David Lederer 1920Pan Hui Lo 1911Cheung Chuen Lei 1922Mrs. Frances Ridgely Linsner 1928Perry J Long 1908John M cGra th 1922Howard B. McLane 1915A. Louis Manasan 1929Ju Ao Mei 1928Carl H. Oldsen 1914Robert H. Palmer 1912Alexander Paterson 1926Allwyn Weldon Pirtle 1922Arthur A. Raimond 1930Thomas W. Reilly 1916John P. Rogge 1927Louis J. Ruffolo 1932Harold B. Smith 1916Martin Solomon 1928Alfred R. Strong 1921Clio Clement Tanner 1921William Bridges Thayer 1911Olga Vondracek 1922Bessie L Weibel 1934Max J. Wester 1924Ulric P. Whitaker 1928Walter W. Woolf 19081945Nicholas M. Azzato, MD '46, is plantauonphysician at Ewa Hospital, Ewa, Oahu.Hawaii.Harold E. Bernhard, PhD, is' now Chair­man of the Department of Religion, Chap­lain and a member of the AdministrativeCo�ncil of Carthage College, Carthage, nunOIS.. Maria J. Cosmas is Teacher of Latin andLibrary at Town School, Chicago, Illinois.Robert G. Frazier, MD '47, is serving asintern in Pediatrics at the New HavenHospital in New Haven, Connecticut, andwill be back on campus as Assistant Resi­dent at Bobs Roberts Hospital startingJuly 1.Gerald Hill, MD '47, who is now col11'pleting his interneship at Grosslands Hospi·tal, West-chester County, New York, haSTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEaccepted a residency in Neuro-psychiatryat the University of Michigan.Thomas T. Tourlentes, MD '47, has fin­ished his internship at Cook County Hospi­tal and has started a Psychiatric Residencywith Dr. Jules Masserman at Downey Vet­erns' Hospital, Great Lakes, Ilfinois,1946George' H. Faust, PhD, is Assistant Pro­fessor of History and Political Science atFenn College, Gleveland, Ohio.R. Elberton Smith, AM, PhD '47, is As­sistant Professor of Economics at North­western University.Robert L. Wegner, Ist Lieueenant, AUS,is an administrative officer, troop informa­tion education. Last word from him indio,cated he would be in civvies about Mayof this year.1947John M. Beck, AM, is Instructor of Eco­nomic Geography at Faulkner School, Chi­cago, Illinois.John Roderick Cameron is doing gradu­ate work at the University of Wisconsin.Wayne R. Collings is Assistant Cata­loguer at the University of Missouri, Co­lumbus, Missouri.Francis Duncan, AM, is Instructor ofModern United States and European His­tory at Wayne University, Detroit, Michi­gan.· , H·elJames M. Erdmann, AM, is Instructorof American, World, and Current Historyat DePauw University, Greencastle, In­diana. iAudrey Barrett Fay became Director ofNurses at Hibbing General Hospital Schoolof Nursing at Hibbing, Minnesota, in De­cember, 1947.Roy Warren Fairchild, AM, must be abusy man. He is an instructor at GeorgePepperdine College and research counselorat Orthopedic Hospital in Los Angeles,California.Abraham M. Halpern, PhD, is with' theDepartment of Army Civilian Employeesin Tokyo.Joseph Kahl is Instructor of Introduc­tory Sociology and Social Psychology, atBeloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin.Christopher G. Katope, AM, Is Inssructorof English at Westminster College; Fulton,Missouri.James D. Laurits, AM, is Teacher ofMathematics at Elgin High School, Elgin,Illinois. 'Robert E. Martin, AM, is Critic Teacher,Grade 5, at the University of Minnesota,Duluth, Minnesota.Milton Henry, AM, is Assistant Professorof Social Sciences at Austin Peay StateCollege, Clarksville, Tennessee.Johanna M. Purtill, AM, is Tcaclle.l' �{Music at Columbus Elementary School,Cicero, Illinois.ENGAGEMENTSMr. and Mrs. Nion R. Tucker of SanFrancisco have announced the engagementof their daughter, Miss Nan Tucker, toDennis Griffin McEvoy, '40. The couplewill go to Tokyo after their marriage. Mr.McEvoy is director of Asiatic operationsfor The Reader's Digest.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Binder of Los An­geles recently announced the engagementof their daughter, Miss Letitia Jane Lesser,to Donald Charles Sachs, SB '43. Mr. Sachsreceived his master's degree from the Uni­versity of Illinois and is now studying fora doctor's degree at the University of Cali­fornia at Los Angeles. MARRIAGESMyron H. Vent, �37, was married June 24,1947, to Henriette Wicht. They are livingat 140 Hofstrasse, Zurich, Switzerland ..Jerome J" Canto, '41, to Miss YvetteHirshfield in Chicago, IUinois, December28, 1947.Dorothy King, '45, married William Mey­ers of Chicago on October 9, 1947. Mr.Meyers is an insurance broker.. .Marion Jane Storck, '45, and John PhilipAmbuel, MD '46, were married last August.Doctor Ambuel is now with the UnitedStates Naval Hospital at Bremerton, Wash­ington.Donald R. Ricketts, AM '46, was marriedMay 2, 1947, to Evelyn Sadler, They areHving in Vancouver, British Columbia,where Mr. Ricketts is employed by theProvincial Government as a PsychiatricSocial Worker.Bigelow Watts, '47, was married February12, 1948, to Cynthia Landon in New YorkCity, New York.BIRTHSVernon K. S. Jim, '42, MD '44, and Mrs.Jim (Yun. Soong Chock, '43, SM '44), havewritten us of the birth of a daughter,Sandra Yat Ngo: Jim, born December 30,1947, in Hawaii. They have another littlegirl, Arlene Kam Ngow, who is two.Richard Irving Kahl, AM '42, and Mrs.Kahl (Joyce Hahn '46) announce the birthof .Linda Joyce on January 30, 1948. Theyare living at Jackson Heights, New York.DEATHSCharles II. Keenitzer, an alumnus of theOld University, died at the home of his,daughter in River Forest February 1.5,19.47..Loyal to both the Old and New Universiay,Mr. Koeniezer supplied much authentic in­formation about the first University of Chi­cago to. present officers. I:Ie �rote a bri�fhistory of that school which IS on file Inthe Rare Book Room. The arrow-he ad­shaped stone at the C Bench and thestone imbedded in the wall of the archwaybetween Classics and Wieboldt are fromthe Old University and presented to theUniversity by Mr. Koenitzer. He was 82and had been in poor health for the pastmonths.Charles Alleh Armstrong, MD Rush '8'7,ef Prairie Du Chien, Wisconsin, on Sep­tember 16, 194'7.Frank Edward Tull, MD Rush '91, inFontana, California, on July 16, 1947.IPlaters, Silversmiths''Sp.ecialis,., • • •G,OLD", S·llIER. RH'O·DA:NIZES)I:LV'ERWAiREI.paired, iR.lfni.lae:d, lelacqueredSWARTZ & COM'PAN:Y10 S. Wabash Av.. CENtra' 8089·90 Chl .••••,PB;lIDERCatch ·B.asin and Sewer ServiceBac·� Wate;r ValveS', Sumps •. P'umps i6620; ConAGE GROVE AVENUE11545 E� 63RD 'SlREETFAIIRFAX 0330-0550-0880PEND'ER CATCH B,ASIIN SERVI:C:E -1545 EAST 63RD STREET 31ASulldaeTrea,' lorAny Dayl-,SWIFT'S liCE CREAMSundaes and sodas are extra goodmade with Swift's Ice Cream. Sodelicious, so creamy - smooth, soSlne,e 1878HANNIBAL, INC.U'pholste,sFurniture R.epairing191'9 N. Shem:eld' AvenQ,ePhone: lincoln 7180TELEVISIONPHILCO R. C. A. CROSLEYG. E. FARNSWORTHRADIO SERVICERECORDS REFRIGERATORSWASHERS RANGESSPORTING GOODSIIIER�J1IAll\lI��935 EAST 55th STREETAt Ingleside AvenueTelephone Hyde Park 6200Robert Gaertner. '34 Julian Tishler, "3332 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESince J885ALBERTTe,achers' AgencyThe best in placement servke for Un.iversity,College, Secondary and Elementary. Ncation­wide patronage. Call or write us at25 E. Jackson Blvd.Chicago 4, Illinois, CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency66th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices-One Fee64 E. Jackson' Blvd., Chica,goMinn,ea,polis_;Kansaa City. Mo.Spokane-New York1 THE HUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY,� t25 East Jackson, Chicago 4, Illinois, isusing this space to remind college andhigh school teachers and administratorsof its dignified, professional, efficientservice. It invites correspondence.I AMERICAN, COLLEGE BUREAUi 28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA, Bureau;' of Placement which Um-its its: work to the university and college field. ,I It is 8lffilit'lted wlth the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allI the educational' fields.' Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.Our servic� -Is nation-wide.-,'S'TE'NO'TYPYLearn new, speedy machine ahorthand. Le ..effort, no cramped fingers or nervous fatigue.'Ailio other courses: Typing,. Bookkeeping,Comptometry, etc. Day or evening. Visit,w�tle or ,pllone for dala.B.' ryantt%.,· .. Str. a.Hon" CO�EGE '18 S •. t-i1c:hlg,an Ave. T.I. Randolph 1575;:'f.{t-.":Enter the business world well prepared.Qualify for the pleasant, better-paying po­sttlons that are held only by trained per­sonnel. Since 1904, young men and womenof Chfcago have Increased their earningcapacity through MacCormac training ..Register now for any of the followingcourses:• Typing • Accounting• Shorthand • Business Administration• Stenograph • Advertising• Comptometry • Executive SecretarialDay or evening classes. G. I. Approved.Visi,t us.Phone or Write for catalogMac CORMAC SCHOOLSLOOP57 W. Monroe St.RANdolph 8595 SOPTH SIDE1170 E. G3rd St.BUTterfield 6363 Frank Burnett Dains, PhD '98, ProfessorEmeritus of Chemistry at Kansas Univer­sity, on January 5, 1948. Dr. Dains hadbeen a member of the Kansas faculty since1911, when he retired in 1942.Daniel Peter MacMillan, PhD '99, onJuly 30, 1947, at Hebron, Nova Scotia,Canada. Dr. MacMillan was Director ofthe Department of Child Study with the. Chicago Board of Education, a founderand director of the Dyslexia Memorial In­stitute, and physical director for the BoosSchool for Backward Children at Plano,Illinois.Samuel Rice Hopkins, MD Rush '00, atDearborn, Michigan, on December 19, 1�47.John R. Tobin, MD Rush '01, chief ofstaff of St. Joseph's Hospital, Elgin, at hishome in that cisy February 23, 1948.Spencer C. Dickerson, '97, MD Rush '01,on February 27, at Billings Hospital. Dr.Dickerson was the recipient of an AlumniCitation on Alumni Day in 1946. He servedas eye, ear, nose and throat specialist atProvident Hospital, and was a Chicago pub.lie school examining physician. DuringWorld War I he served as a major with theSth Infantry Regiment overseas. Dr. Dick­erson was a member of the National Asso­ciation for the Advancement of ColoredPeople, the Urban League, past presidentof the Chicago Assembly Club, and presi­dent 'of the Board of Trustees of the GracePresbyterian Church.Lucius H. Bugbee, �Ol, Methodist minis­ter for fifty years and former editor ofMethodist Church school publications, diedFebruary 22, 1948, as the result of injuriessustained in an accident at Bemus Point,New York.Jessie Evelyn Sherman, '02, (Mrs. FrankTuthill) at her home in Evanston, Illinois;on January 19, 1948.John Emerson Derbyshire, MD Rush '.(13,of Van Buren, Indiana, on June 21, 1947�Frank A. St. Sure, MD Rush '09, at SanDiego, California, on January 24, 1948.Dr. Harry Otten, '10, MD Rush '12, diedat Springfield (Illinois) Memorial Hospitalwhere he had been taken following a fallthat fractured his pelvis. Dr. Otten, whowas 65, had been a practicing physician inSpringfield for 34 years. He was active incancer research and helped to organize thecancer tumor clinic at Memorial Hospital ,where he had also been president of themedical staff. Dr. Otten was always activein local alumni club affairs and for a num­ber of years served as Springfield chairmanfor the Alumni Foundation.Hugh J. Bolinger, MD Rush '13, at Stock­ton, California, on June '28, 1947.Edward Nash Hurley, Jr., '15, Chairmanof the Thor Corporation and a leadingChicago industrialist and civic leader, onFebruary 25 in his sleep on his Wheaton,Illinois, estate.William J. Grace, LL.B. '15, in Chicago,Illinois, on February 8, 1948, after an ac­tive career in political and -veterans' affairs.Attaining the rank of captain in WorldWar I, Mr. Grace later served as state com­mander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.Between the years 1922 to 1926, he wasAssistant State's Atterney in Illinois. Heheaded the Citizens U.S.A. Committee in1942 and in 1946, was candidate for theRepublican nomination for Cook CountyJudge. ' ,Nellie Grace Miller, '24, on October 17,1947, at her birthplace near Avenue City,Missouri. . BOYDSTON BROS., INC.operatingAuthorized Ambulance ServiceFor Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe University of ChicagoOak. 0492 Oak. 0493Trained and licensed attendantsJiI(aclt�tont Dtcorating�trbictPhone Pullman 9170•10422 l\bobe. abe., Cbtcago, su,RICHARD H. WEST co.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMonroe 3192GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS1 Inc.Painting-Decorating-Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLalke Street Kedzie 3186TuckerDecorating ServiceI J60 East 70th Street'Phone MIDway 4404Check them off against the advantages of a careeras a life underwriter of The Equitable Life Assurance Society• The opportunity to become arepresentative of The EquitableLife Assurance Society of theUnited States as a life under­writer is open to a limited numberof college men who can qualify.Training will be provided.To help you determine whetherthis opportunity would meet yourspecifications for your own busi­ness career, here's a checklist ofbasic questions:D Is it PROFITABLE?There is no limit to what you canearn as an Equitable Life Underwriter.You are compensated both for sellingand serving policyholders. To the imme­diate commission for each sale are addedrenewal commissions, service fees. Thusyour income not only reflects expandedsales as your skill and experience grow.It increases cumulatively as well.D Does it provideOPPORTUNITY?Your income, right from the start, re­flects the full.value of your accomplish­ments. No seniorities, no delaying prece­dents hold you back. If you seek a mana­gerial or executive position, you are help­ed by The Equitable's policy of fillingsuch positions from within its own ranks.D Does it give youSECURITY?Life insurance is a lifetime career.Even in time of depression, there is no danger of "losing your job." Renewalcommissions help cushion any decline inincome from new sales. Moreover, everyEquitable representative enjoys theadded security of a Retirement Plan anda complete Group Insurance protectionplan for himself and his family.D Does it give youFREEDOM OF ACTION?As an Equitable Underwriter, youwork where you want, with the type ofpeople you want - in effect, you buildyour own business. Development of yourown techniques is encouraged at alltimes. Expert guidance, however, isalways available to help you make themost of your ideas and ability.D Is it INTERESTING?Because you continually meet newpeople, encounter new situations thatchallenge your ingenuity and judgment,few occupations are as broadening inscope or as enriching to your own per­sonal life. No confinements. No officeroutine. Your actions are determined bythe varying needs, circumstances andpersonalities of your clients.D Does it offer SATISFAC­TION and HAPPINESS?In addition to being remunerative, acareer as an Equitable Life Underwriterproduces the solid satisfaction of seeingpeople enjoy the benefits you helped toarrange a widow and children living insecurity college education for a youth... a home cleared of debt ... comfort­able retirement for an elderly couple.How The Equitable HELPS YOU MAKE SALES •••Though being "on your own" is a welcome feature of a life under­writing career, The Equitable at all times gives you the full backingof its nation-wide organization. "This Is Your FBI," a coast-to-coastradio program reaching millions each week, builds prestige and sup­port for your work. You receive a continuing flow of tested sellingaids and service ideas ... are always kept abreast of the latestdevelopments in life insurance. MORE PEOPLE boughtMORE EQUITABLE POLICIESin 1947 than EVER BEFOREThe growth of The EquitableSociety continued at a recordpace throughout 1947. New poli­cies totaling $1,170,000,000raised the over-all amount of in­surance in force to a new peak of$11,944,000,000. In line with thisincrease in life insurance protec­tion provided for its 3,900,000members, the total assets of TheSociety rose to $4,505,000,000.D Will it give you PRESTIGE?Like a physician or lawyer, atrained life underwriter is an expert inhis own field. You will be respected foryour professional knowledge. As a familycounselor and an advisor to business andprofessional men, you have a standing ofconsequence in the community you serve.D Is the field EXPANDING?.By its very nature, the need forlife insurance expands with every mar­riage, every birth and changes in eco­nomic and social conditions. The amountof insurance in force today is more thantwice the total of 1925, over 12 times thetotal of 1909. And yet few families ownas much insurance protection as they re­quire.D Will it associate you witha LEADING COMPANY?As an Equitable Life Underwriter, youjoin an organization which was foundedin 1859 and operates in every state ofthe Union. The Equitable is one of thenation's strongest and most progressivefinancial institutions. Its long history of"firsts" has won for The Equitable anation-wide reputationof leadership in the lifeinsurance business.r---------------·Send t{)d(/y tor thishelpful FI(EE booktet]THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUIlANCESOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES It will tell you why "There is a real oppor­tunity for you in an Equitable Career." Youwill find it informative, profitable reading.For your copy, simply fill in this coupon andmail it today.Name __Address_Thomas I. Parkinson, President 393 Seventh Avenue, New York 1, N. Y. 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Thesemen are qualified to suggest.the grades and sizes of alloys, best suited for your particularsteel and practice.Laboratory· R'es'earC>#,­You can benefit by the newalloys developed by our con­tinuous laboratory 'research.Developments from thisi· ' .research include the low-carbon ferro-alloys, silicoman­ganese, SILCAZ alloy, calcium metal,'. calcium-silicon, andferrocolumbium, Experience�our store of information about ferro-alloys andtheir use, based on over 40 years' experience in producingthem, is available to the steel industry.Technical Booklets-you will findhelpful information aboutferro-al­loys and metals in ELECTROMET'S freetechnical booklets and reprints.Among these are "ELECTROMETProducts and Service" and"ELECTROMET Ferro-Alloys and'Metals." Write to our Technical Service Department to obtaincopies of these book!ets.Convenient Stocles­You can count on promptdeliveries of ferro-alloysfrom ELECTROMET, sinceour offices.. plants. andwarehouses, are conven­iently located· to insureefficient service."t;( -tIII�.... \..ELECTROMET Ferro-Alloys and" Metalst:I�Information about these and other alloys and metals producedby ELECTROMET is contained in the booklet, "ELECTROMETProducts and Service." Write for a copy. 'CHROMIUM ... Low-Carbon Ferrochrome (in all grades from0.03% maximum to 2.00% maximum Carbon), Nitrogen-BearingLow-Carbon Ferrochrome, High-Carbon- Ferrochrome, SMFerrochrome, Chromium Metal, CMSZ Mix, and otherChromium Alloys.VANADIUM •.. Ferrovanadium in all grades and VanadiumOxide.COLUMBIUM ••. Fe�rocoltlmbium.MANGANESE ... Standard Ferromanganese, Low-Carbon andMedium-Carbon Ferromanganese, Low-Iron Ferromanganese,Manganese Metal, and other Manganese Alloys.SILICOMANGANESE ... Max. 1.50 and 2.00% Carbon Grades.TUNGSTEN ... Ferrotungsten, Tungsten Powder, and CalciumTungstate Nuggets. BORON ... Ferroboron, Maaganese-Boron, Nickel-Boron, andSILCAZ Alloy. -lSILICON ... Ferrosilicon in all grades including both regular andlow-aluminum material, .Silicon Metal, SMZ Alloy, and otherSilicon Alloys.TITANIUM . �'. Ferrctitanium, Silicon-Titanium, and Manganese-Nickel-Titanium. .CALCIUM ... Calcium-Silicon, Calcium-Manganese-Silicon, andCalcium Metal.UEM" BRIQUETS ... Silicon, Silicomanganese, Ferromanganese,and Chromium Briquets. 'ZIRCONIUM .•• 12-15%, and 35-40% Zirconium Alloys, andNickel-Zirconium, ."CMSZ," "Electromet," "EM," "Silcaz," "SM," and "SMZ"are trade-marks.of Electro Metallurgical Company.ELECTROMET Ferro-Alloys and Metals. are sold by ElectroMetallurgical Sales Corporation. Offices: Birmingham-s­Chicago - Cleveland - Detroit _;, New Yark --- Pittsburgh­San Francisco.EleerrcmetFerro ..AUoysar�Rd Metals Electro Metallurgical' CompanyUnit of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation30 East 4'2nd Street [!I!3 New York 17, N. Y.In Canada, Electro Metallurgical Company of Canada, Limited, Welfand, Ontario