T� tUN IVtRS lTV O�(�I (AGO MAGAZI N t.You ask how I made the college-to-career jump--well,here's my story.Early in 1943, Hitler &: Company put an end to my architecturalstudies at Northwestern and I was soon off to the North Atlanticfor long months of patrol. Next came shore duty in and aroundNew England. ·While there I married a girl who, when I went backto sea, worked in the big, white home office building of theNew England Mutual Life Insurance Company across the street fromCoast Guard headquarters in Boston.During my service years I bad decided that I didn't want to bean architect after all, so when I became a civilian again, we movedto Grand Rapids, where my wife used to live. I got a job in radio.Then I tried retail merchandising, but I wasn't satisfiedwi th either.One day a New England Mutual agent called on me. During ourtalks I became a policyholder, but more than that, I saw in thisagent's career the very things I most wanted: independence, noceiling on earning possibilities, a chance to use some initiative,and no waiting around for somebody to retire before getting apromotion. So I took the company's aptitude test, and soon I wasa New England Mutual agent.I've been back to that big home office building in Boston fora training course--and now, after my f1rst six months on my own,I am more certain each day that my choice of a lifetime career wasright for me. I get a lot of satisfaction, too, out of knowingthat I am responsible for the improved financial well-being ofcertain people who now own over a hundred thousand dollars of lifeinsurance that they did not own when I entered the business.Sincerely,If you'd like more facts and figures abouta well-paid career with New EnglandMutual, just write to Mr. H. C. Chaney, Director of Agencies, New England MutualLife Insurance Company, 501 BoylstonStreet, Boston 17, Massachusetts.--------------------------------------------------------Here are some of the Chicago men now with New England Mutual:Harry Benner, 'II, Chicago Mrs. O. B. Anderson, 'IS, MinneapolisWe have opportunities for more Chicago men. Write Dept. O.Charles P. Houseman, '28, Los AnqelesFew but BusyWe received the following anonymous note, typed on the margin ofa news clipping titled, Red FlagWaved by Few but Busy U. of C.Students: "The Alumni should protest that any groups advocating thedestruction of American governmentshould be barred from the campus.That is not freedom-it will destrovfreedom in this country for all bu-tthemselves." The news item:A small but active group of Universityof Chicago campus radicals sponsDr astream of speakers WhD rail against theAmerican way of life and call upDn students to organize and "fight the forces ofreaction and U. S. imperialism."The campus as a whole, however, remains apathetic, if the size of the radicalgrDUpS is an indication. The three mainradical organizations on the campus, arethe Marxists, Communists, and Socialists.These organizations have a total of 31 registered members. Audiences at the' frequent meetings range from 10 ·to a maximum of 80.A university official . . . said, concerningits policy toward such organizations: "Webelieve in freedom of speech. Any groupof any shade of political opinion is allowedto Dp�rate .Dn the campus so, long as itcomphes WIth the rules of the universityand the laws of the state and the' nation."In our opinion, this clipping fromthe Chicago Daily Tribune, is a goodexample of honest and unbiased reporting. With over 9,000 students onthe quadrangles we think ·the figures31, 10, and 80 are not only honest butimpressive. In fact,. the Dean of Students recently indicated that whenthe University attempts to curb political activities which the state and nation permit, these figures quickly multiply.We think freedom of speech is important. Three words in the headlinecomplete the picture: Few but Busy.MemoWho of you have not read of theexploits of our two Chicago students,Albert Hibbs and Roy Wa�ford, whotook $120 to Reno and ran it up to$9;OOO? Time reported it under "Education" titled "Applied Mathemat- ics." It seems the boys developed thesystem in our Department of Mathematics.Across our desk came a brief memo,attached to the story clipped fromthe Washington News, from CodyPfanstiehl: "The things 1 missed atschool! This part of the Great BooksCourse?"SpeedupDorothy Luella Walker, who didgraduate work in Social Science Administration in 1941-43, is now married to Mr. Runner.The TabletWith a skyline masthead of Gothiclimestone towers and buildings representing our medical units from TheHome for Destitute Crippled Childrenon Ellis to Chicago Lying-In on Maryland, The Tablet appears monthly tofurnish the news for the thousands ofemployees in the University of Chicago Clinics. T he Tablet recentlynoted the passing of the Clinic's 20thmilestone. The doors were openedOctober 3, 1927 to admit the, firstpatient. It was purely a coincidencethat we arrived on the Midway exactly three weeks to day ahead ofthe opening.Knots & TotsThe University Clinics Guild publishes a monthly news sheet: InsideInformation. One' section on marriages and births is cleverly titled,"Knots and Tots.' We note they havea subhead for engagements called,"Half Knots." We are curious to seethe first announcement of a divorce.We'll be disappointed if they don'thead it, "Slip Knots."IncidentalsFollowing our announced discoveries of extra copies of Cap & Gownhave come requests for issues we don't PADhave without breaking our file: 1938,'39, '40, 41. A reasonable price willbe paid if you want to part withyours.If you were surprised to receiveyour membership card before the explanation arrived in the DecemberMAGAZINE, here's what happened:We had nearly eight thousand cardsto type, fit in folders, insert in envelopes, seal, stamp, and mail.With only our normal staff, westarted a month in advance of theannouncement, expecting to hold allcards until after your December issuehad arrived. Imagine our consternation when we discovered addresschanges and the daily arrival of renewals would take one girl's full timein making changes of cards and envelopes already completed. In desperation we determined to mail themas fast as they were finished.A surprise ,developed from an unexpected source. Scores of life members, forgetting way back when theypaid in full for life memberships,'returned their cards insisting thatsome mistake had been made. So thegirl we would have used on correctionswas assigned looking up dates andamounts for the proof which we returned with the cards.Fifty-fifth StreetYou would never recognize thestreet of crashing streetcars, seasickcobblestones, and mountain-highcurbs. Busses have replaced the streetcars, the tracks have been ripped up,the curbs leveled to a few inches, andthe street paved with cement-basedasphalt. But you still enter behind thescreen at the Frolic Theatre.The CoverYou will always find the coveridentification at the bottom of thetable of contents ("In This Issue")on Page 3. Apparently some readershave not discovered this.TIME AND CHANCE by Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge, 'II, john Day, $ 7.50.This handsome book, profusely illustrated by the famous and popular artistauthor of the Class of E-O-Leven, will bereviewed next month by his classmate, Nat.Peffer, of Columbia University.Before the book was published on November 26, Harry Hansen, '09, LiteraryCritic for the New York World-Telegram,wrote in his November 16 column:"Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge, the artist, and1 were over ail Beekman Tower [at the NewYork Chicago Alumni Club dinner] sizingup the state of the world, checking on theactivities of our friends, and exchangingfavorable news about ourselves. . . . Wehave been collaborators for a long time,ever since 1 helped write one of the musicalshows [Black friars] at the university and'Roy drew the cover for the score."'One of these days: said Roy, 'you'llget a book of mine. 1 don't know howgood' it is; you'll have to find out. I hadfun doing it. Funny thing, it's about myself. [It's called] Time and Chance .... Bythe way, do you know where I get thetitle?' 1 admitted my ignorance."'It's from Ecclesiastes,' said Roy. 'Youhear the first part of it all the time; "Therace is not to the swift nor the battle tothe strong." The end of the verse reads:"But time and chance happeneth to themali." ,.... I'll bet the book is swel] ... "On November 30, Fanny Butcher, '10,of the Chicago Tribune literary staff said:"Published this week is a book, Time andChange, 'by Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge" whichwill probably be one of the most oftenChristmas-wrapped de luxe book presentsof the season. . . ."Chicagoans especially are interested inTime and Chance because Roy . . . spentfour years at the University of Chicago. andlived here most of the time from his graduation in 1911 until we bade him god speedin 1914 as he jauntily left to. join theAmerican Field Service."I thought 1 knew Roy Baldridge verywell-until I read Time and Chance. I havealways considered him one of m.y most realfriends although our later vears have beenspent far apart and our contacts have beenmostly through Christmas greetings. 1 knewhim first when. we were both students atthe University of Chicago. He was then asort of knight in shining armor (and don'tspefl that -amour) ."Every honor which the university couldbestow upon him was his. He was headmarshal and president of the ReynoldsClub. He was a' nonfratemity man butthere wasn't a fraternity on the campuswhich wouldn't have been proud to havehim as a member. And it wasn't until 1read Time and Chance and learned howdesperately every penny counted in his expenses that I, knew the real reason for hisnot joining a fraternity ...."He was chosen by some magazineas the Typical College Man of 1911. Hewas a hard worker in the Y.M.C.A. Hewas a practicing Christian but there wasnever anything sanctimonious about him. . . . He, was one of the most popular ofmen among men."There are all sorts of other memorieswhich flash into. the present when thosewho knew the author read Time andChance-hut even things about which thereader k !lOWS nothing come so alive inTime and Chance that the whole peripheryof the period is spotlighted even if themain events ,were never a part of the reader's own life."THE CONQUEST OF THE WEST by WalterF. McCaleb, PHD'OO, Prentice-Hall, $3.75.Walter McCaleb takes the southern routein his conquest of the west, going' via theLouisiana Purchase, the Alamo, New Mexico, and California, with a quick side-tripto bring in the Oregon territory.To get the story (from 1800-48) on 336medium - size pages - with not e s, bibliography, and index-it is necessarily written with a straight, factual face.Historian McCaleb has led as restless alife as the Texans he tells about in theborder towns of that half century. Startingfrom Texas, he. paused in Austin for hisbachelor's; came north to the Midway towrite his Ph.D thesis on the "Aaron BurrConspiracy" (later published with an introduction by Charles A. Beard); becamean associate editor of the New International Encyclopedia and assistant to theeditor of the Nation; and finally associateeditor of the Philadelphia Public Ledger.He swung back through Texas to< becomepresident of a bank in San Antonio, andthen one in Dallas; on to Cleveland, Ohio,to head a third bank; and eventually endedup in Virginia with his bees, fishing, andgardening.Dr. McCalebOther books by alumni and faculty:BERRY AND Ll'NCOLN; Frontier Merchantsby Zarel C. Spears and Robert S, Barton,'16, Stratford House, $3.75.THE STUDY OF THE BIIBLE TODAY ANDTOMORROW edited by Harold R. Willo�qhby, PhD'24, The University of ChicagoPress, $6.00.The combined investigations of the Oldand New Testament by twenty-five notedscholars.'_AMERICA'S DESTINY by Herman Finer, Professor, Political Science, Macmillan, $5.00.Mr. Finer recognizes this nation. as therichest and most powerful in the world." Itcan hold this position for years if it canmaintain peace. Suggestions for achievingthis are made in this 407-page volume.2 POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in Letter.M ImeograpblnlAddresalnlMalliA,Minimum Price.Hooven TypewrltlnlMultillraphlngAddressollraph 8..,,1 ..Hillhest Quality Senl ..All PhonesHarrison 8118 418 So. Mar�et St.ChicagoPlaters, SilversmithsSpecialist ••••GOLD. SILV,ER. RHODANIZESILVERWARERepaired, Refinished, RelacqueredSWARTZ & COMPANY10 S. Wabash Ave. CENtral 6089·90 Chi ....Sfin_ruu4IJ-Chicago's OutstandingDRUG STORESSARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 95 YearsChicago's most completeprescription stock23 N. Wabash AvenueChicago. IllinoisTelephone Haymarket 3120E. A. AARON & BROS.. Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributors ofCEDERGREEN FROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water MarketLA TOURAINECoffee and TeaLa Touraine Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave.. Chica,goOther PlantsBoston - N.Y. - Phil. - Syracuse - Cleveland"You Might As Well Have The Bes,1IThe Best Place to Eat on the South Sid.�COLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone 'Hyde 'Park 6324LNever held upAt the Bucknell Homecoming game wiehTemple on October 25, I gave a reminiscent interview over a Philadelphia radiostation between halves and had a fine, visitwith Coach Stagg the next day at Susquehanna University where he is assisting hisson, but will spend the winter in his oldhorne in Stockton.At a recent Quarterback Club luncheonof 1,500 fans at the Morrison Casino inChicago I was. called to the speakers' tableand given a football citation and big handfor my 98 games of intercollegiate footballwith Bucknell and Chicago without missinga minute of play.Have just returned from driving over5,000 miles in my Cadillac as a secondhoneymoon trip through the Eastern statesand back to Chicago where I have lived for55 years and have never been held up oreven seen a hold-up.We are planning a winter vacation inGuatemala where Professor Holman andwife have gone "half-way to Heaven" andwhose son bears the name of Robert Wyant.Andrew Robert E; Wyant, DB '97ChicagoActually, there ain't'Ve don't want to g'et in this argumenthut we'll let you read over our shoulder.Bill Corum, of the New York JournalAmerican's sports staff, recently wrote: "Iasked a cab driver in Chicago this morning, 'Who is Chicago University playingtoday?' The reply . . .: 'There ain't noChicago University, mister.''' You can imagine the moral a sports columnist woulddraw from that remark.But the sports writer also drew fire fromW. A. McDermid, '08, of New York:"Dear Bill Corum: ... Obviously, noone except one of its officers could speakfor the University, . nor anyone of itsalumni, but I was once a student there."It would be, therefore, just one man'sopinion that there is no interest -on thepart of anyone in the University or evenconnected with it as to whether any cabbiein Chicago says 'There ain't no Chicago U.,mister.' There are also a considerablenumber, not to be nasty about it, whowould say that the same thing goes for theExalted Ruler of Sports Scribblers."Most of us old timers regret deeply thatChicago abandoned football. But we alsorecognize that Chicago is an educationalinstitution and that all of us are moreproperly concerned with its Nobel Prizewinners, its leadership in nuclear fissionduring the war and now, and in so verymany other fields.. "I sound like a Ph.D. with a complexabout education. Shucks, BiB, I couldn'tstay in their present freshman class morethan a couple of months. I ain't got nodegree."... And just for fun (since this is allin fun) there were, in the city room of oneof Mr. Hearst's Chicago papers, great signs:s THE [UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOMAGAZ!tNEVolume 40 Number 4PUBUSHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONHOWARD W. MORTEd.itorWILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN J'EANNffiE LOWREYContributing Editors EMILY D. BROOKEAssociate EditorEDITOR'S MEMO PAD -BOOKSLETTERS PAGE123CANCER RESEARCH, Charles B. Huggins, M.D. -SPEAKING As AN ALUMNUS, Clifton Utley -.-DON'T SELL AMERICAN CULTURE SHORT, Daniel CO' Rich -TESTIMONY OF AMERICAN YOUTH, Charles Morris -BASKETBALL-ENTERTAINMENT, Carl GylfeALUMNI EDUCATION DIRECTOR -DISCRIMINATION DEMONSTRATIONHUTCHINSON HALLNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES, Jeannette Lowery -NOSTALG1!ANEWS OF THE ClASSESCALENDAR 8- 10- 12-14- 15- 1517- 18- 22- 23- 325COVER: A' Happy' New Year from the Bells in Rockefeller Memo__ d�l G,hapel carillon tower.Publ:ished by the Alumni ASlocia.tion of the Urr,iversity of Chicaro .monthly, from Octoberto June. Office ·of Publication, '5783 University Avenue, Chicago' 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price' $3.00. Single copies 35 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, atthe Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March S·, l879.· The American AlumniCouncil, B. A. Ross, advertising director, :22 Washington Square, New 'Yurk, N. Y., rs theofficial advertising ag.ency 'of the Ma'gazine. .ACCURACY,. ACCURACY, ACCURACY.That was really funny. For the record,Bill, it is The University of Chicago, W. A.McDermid."So the cabbie was tight in the first place:There ain't no Chicago University!Bghty full yearsThanks very much for the very attractive membership cant for the Alumni As-sociation. IIt's nice ,�o receive assurance now andthen that the old €01111ections still hold.This was a nice present for my 80th hirnhday. Kindest regards.Joseph E. Raycroft, '96, MD Rush '99Princeton, New jersey3 No commentThe Editor's Memo Pad for Decembercarried the follo,wing heads: Our Christmas card to' you; None Of our business;Speechless; Bedford stone and Englishpap�rs; Phenominal. (si�) figure. The folbotoing clever combination resulted:I'm speechless to find in the Englishpaper on the Editor's Memo Pad thephenomenal mispelling [sic] of "phenominal". Perhaps it is none ,0/ my, businessto send this kind of a Christmas card: toyou.You are putting out a splendid University of Chicago Magazine:Chicago . Arthur H. Steinhaus,SB '20, SM '25 PhD '28(tThe Wi!nter Scene of the Summer Sing4CANCER RESEARCHThe horizonsare encouragingOF ALL diseases cancer is the most singular and themost dread-it is a disease where growth becomes,abundant. Elementary concepts of biology arethat the body is composed of billions of cellular units ofmicroscopic size and that all of these cells have a greateror lesser capacity for growth. The growth of the cells ofan infant is very striking, especially when you have to paythe bills for the children's clothes. Growth in an adult isless obvious but clearly there remains a potential forgrowth in all living cells-cut your finger and the woundheals by cell growth. Now this salutary performance towhich we pay no heed in everyday life is remarkable tothe biologist for its frequency and efficiency, but it is evenmore startling that the cells know when the defect hashealed and stop, multiplying. The growth potential drops.Consumed by own fleshCancer is different from these growing cells both indegree and in kind. At a certain moment in some creatures including man, the cells of the body which hithertohave worked in harmony with the myriads of others during .a life which has often been long, begin suddenly tomultiply as, an irresponsible predatory- horde bringingcatastrophe on the organism. The cells have acquired, thecharacteristic of a vigorous and purposeless and unrestrained growth which does not obey the common lawsgoverniI!g normal cell activity, At this somber momentcancer is present. The malignant cells of cancer expressthemselves by infiltration of the body by this utterly useless growth until the organism is overwhelmed. In cancerman is literally consumed by his own flesh.This is the nub of the cancer problem. Is there anything useful we can do about it besides talk and prayer?Of course there are surgery and radiation. Everyoneknows that many patients are cured of cancer by theskillful use of those wonderful agents radium and themodern surgical operation, but it is obvious that theseagents are clearly limited in scope and application sincedespite the many cures there are still 180,000 of ourAmerican citizens who succumb to cancer each- year. Thispoints up the conclusion which I shall eventually make'that the most significant work on cancer today is research.'Medicine has clearly demonstrated by its contributionsthe value of medical research in practical everyday life.The impact of the fruits of medical research on living isenormous. Naturally the philosophy and techniques ofmedical research have been scrutinized very carefully. Theimportant approach �f man to disease has turned out to • By· CHARLES B. HUGGINS. M.D.be through a study of fundamental phenomena and experimentation on a broad basis rather than throughspecialized narrow ad hoc techniques. Newton ratherthan Edison.Medicine has a peculiarly intimate relationship to thethree fundamental sciences, chemistry, physics and mathematics. Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of disease cannot he developed much faster than the underlying fundamental scientific principles. As an example, thepresent day medicines which have been found to havesome effectiveness against a few cancers-they are organic chemicals-could not possibly have been developed100 years, ago even if all the world's resources had been,devoted to this problem because there was no science oforganic chemistry at that time. ThIS dependence of medicine on other fields is the reason that medical research isat its best in the universities ; only there can scientists ofmany disciplines give each other frequent aid and comfort.In medical research as in the creative arts the idea isnine-tenths of the battle, but the difficulty is to developgood ideas. Orten a good idea only comes after a longand painful study of basic natural phenomena frequentlyof normal cell activity. Nature hides her secrets withconsummate modesty and speaks> usually in an unintelligible tongue. By means of a good idea we can forcenature to give a yes or no answer. An unequivocal answerof either yes or no is acceptable to the scientist. If theanswer is "maybe" then the experiment is badly designedor poorly executed. The ability to design a simple experiment is sometimes designated as the genius of research.The general characteristic of cancer being vigorous, unrestrained growth, the first tenet of cancer research isthat this cell growth may be restrainable; without thischeerful assumption, for which there is much evidence,all cancer research is defeatist and in vain.During the present century the .growth of science ingeneral has been so great that the concepts are muchclearer at the present time and practical ways may be seenfor attacking the problem. It seems to me that the cancerproblem can be expressed most simply in two questionsand both of these phases are under concentrated investi-"Cancer Research" is the text of an address given by Dr.Charles B. Huggins, Professor of Surgery and noted University of Chicago cancer investigator who developed oneof the first chemical tests for cancer. This address, and aspeech by Enrico Fermi, Nobel-prize winner and Distinguished Service Professor of Physics at the University, waspresented before over 1000 invited guests at the Universityof Chicago Cancer Research Foundation civic dinner onNovember 10, in the Grand Ballroom of the Stevens Hotelin Chicago, opening the two and a half milHon doller cam-- paign to give Chicago a complete and modern cancercenter.56 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDr. Charles B. Hugginsgation at the present time. 1. What is the nature of thecancer cell? '2. How may it be restrained?Producing cancerGreat progress has been made in both fields although itmay amaze you to appreciate that cancer research is avery recent development; not one experiment on cancerbefore 1900 was any good. Cancer research and the wholegroup of research workers who have made significantcontributions ape growing old together and I hope gracefully.What manner of man is - the research worker in cancer?What passes through his mind? How does he spendhis time?Here are a couple of results from both of the principalfields illustrating these points.It was essential to be able to produce cancer in someof the lower forms in order that an abundance of tumorsof a uniform nature would be present in the lower anirnals for study 'and experimentation, and this was donein th� following way.It was observed in the 18th century that the chimneysweeps in England often developed cancer of the skinand it was certain that some agent in the coal tar of thechimney soot was responsible. Isolation of this agent fromsoot reflects in part the psychology of nations and theuniversality of science.The English painted extracts of tar from coal.on theears of rabbits every day for six months and since theresults were negative, they discontinued the experiments. The German workers painted rabbit ears with coal tarfor 12 months and no tumor resulted; the results beingnegative they ate their rabbits. The Japanese workersYamagiwa and Ichikawa painted rabbit ears for 16months and were rewarded with the experimental production of cancer.After a lag of about 15 years following this demonstration, namely, around 1930, coal tar was systematicallyanalyzed in England by Cook and Kennaway and thefractions which produced cancer were identified and isolated. These new cancer producing chemicals were verypowerful so that a wonderful experimental technique wasplaced in the hands of workers who can now producecancer quickly and at will in certain types of animals.With the cancers of mice and rabbits much can be donein modifying the course of the disease.Twenty thousand miceThe famous research worker, Maud SIye, was interestedin studying whether cancer was inherited and she attacked this problem with great fixity of purpose anddevotion. Her laboratory was in her home at the University of Chicago, a very modest dwelling house on thecampus.Doctor Slye kept in her living room 10,000 mice all ofwhich were derived from families of mice which haddeveloped cancer spontaneously. On the second floor were10,000 descendants of mice whose families did not havecancer and on the third floor lived Miss SIye.When I first visited Miss Slye's laboratory a mouseescaped which she captured by a skillful dive at fulllength on the floor. This adept performance, called forcongratulations. Miss Slye brushed the matter away bysaying that of course she was the greatest rat catcher inthe world. From this -study of heredity by Dr. M-aud Slyethere emerged the fact that there are hereditary aspectsof cancer, but the most curious finding was that iniherance passed through the mother to a far greater extentthan the father, and this finding was in obvious conflictwith the classical Mendelian laws of heredity.The phenomenon of greater, transmission throughmother than father has been confirmed repeatedly, andit now turns out to be due to a transmissible agent whichis transferred to the young through the mother's milk. Thisagent, resembling a virus, was discovered in 1936 by Dr.John Bittner at the Cancer Research Laboratory in BarHarbor, Maine, which recently was destroyed by firea national calamity. The milk factor is of great importanceas a factor is the production of cancer of the breast inmice.Withering the cancerThere are at the present time six chemical agentswhich will came certain, cancers of man or animals towither. All of them have been discovered since 1941.Although the results are frequently spectacular, the COmbined efforts leave much to be desired; merely the surfaceTHE UNI�ERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof the problem has been scratched but deep enough torealize that cures of cancers by medicines are inevitable.All of the results were obtained during W orId War II andit may well turn out that the scientific results obtained inuniversity laboratories during the war will be of greatersignificance to the human race than was the war itself.One of the agents discovered benefits a certain tumorof men called cancer of the prostate, a disease which inthe past has been the cause of death of about 5% ofmen over 50 years of age. The prostatic gland is a structure located at the neck of the bladder of man and itmust often be removed by operation in older men forenlargement, a disease somewhat different from cancer.As a result of experiments on the normal prostaticgland of dogs, it was found that this gland could often beinduced to shrink when a food stuff essential for its nutrition, namely, the male sex hormone, was controlled orinactivated, the inactivating agent being the female sexhormone.During the 1930'·s science had in a very spectacular wayisolated the sex hormone of adult animals in pure formand as result of this cooperative effort, it was foundpossible to produce damage to widespread cancer of theprostate by the very simple expedient of giving some pillsof the female sex hormone. Great improvement could beinduced by as little � a few cents worth of these tablets.In many men the agonizing pain of cancer stopped within24 hours. Patients confined to bed became ambulatoryand returned to work and often the tumor disappeared.One-fifth of the first group of patients treated are aliveafter seven years whereas the normal life expectancy ofuntreated «ases is 1 12 years. The significant thing wasthat this chemical agent was the first substance knownwhich, when taken by mouth, had a damaging effect oncancer and that often widespread cancer could be induced to. regress. The airplane had flown a few feetfrom the ground and the feasibility of heavier than airtransportation was assured.Another chemical agent used in the treatment of canceris the nitrogen mustard compounds which have effectiveness in Hodgkin's disease of lymph glands. The nitrogenmustards are related to mustard gas and they were investigated during the war by the Chemical Warfare Service of the Army because the Intelligence Service hadfound that the enemy planned to use these compoundsin gas warfare. If was first shown by a young studentof pathology, Clarence Lushbaugh, at the University ofChicago that these compounds had a destructive effect.on the white blood cells and hence should be of value in 7cancers of the marrow and lymph gland, and this brilliantobservation and shrewd surmise are true.These are some of the accomplishments of the last 20years, done by many kinds of experimenters, by chemistsand physicists and physiologists and virus experts and byclinicians; it indicates a pattern of modern research andillustrates the enormous breadth of the cancer problem.As science has matured, greater interest £V1d enthusiasmhas developed among the. workers who can now imaginepossible solutions of this great dilemma of cancer by experimental methods. A very great national scientific effortis being made in the U. S. of which work at the University of Chicago is a part. Especially noteworthy arethe programs of the U. S.Public Health Service and theAmerican Cancer Society.It is with dismay that I must say that in this greatmid-western area there has been no organized effort incancer research at a university level; the investigationof cancer has been quite informal and often haphazardand irresponsible. But things are changing. Under liberaland understanding executive officers who are not afraidto gamble, especially on a sure thing, there is an advisoryboard of 20 scientists from many disciplines who givedirection to cancer activities. A great deal of work hasbeen stimulated in recent years with the result that themedical research laboratories are overcrowded with eageryoung people. In the laboratory which I know best theworkers are literally three deep. Students and candidatesfor research positions, many of them of brilliant mind,can only work when we can find a spare chandelier fromwhich they may hang.The philanthropy of Mr. Morris Goldblatt and hisassociates of the Cancer Research Foundation in providing the new 'cancer hospital and institute at the University of Chicago has been inspiring and will remedysome of the hardships under which cancer researchhas been operating in this area. The patrons of medicalresearch survive in memory for centuries as benefactors ofmankind.Medical research has this interesting facet: if a treatment of value to mankind is. discovered, it is not only ofvalue to those hundreds or hundreds of thousands ofsufferers alive today, but it will aid human beings foreveror until it vanishes from the knowledge of the race.The defects in cancer research at the present time arenot insuperable. The techniques are well developed. Themanpower is available and of good quality; if the materialresources can be provided the universities will providethe thinkers and the ideas, and then, I think, we can beassured of a decent run for our money in cancer research.Final ReturnThe campaign for funds for cancer research at the Univ.ersHy, inaugurated wifh thiis speech byDr. Huqqins at the civic dinner No'vember H), ended successfully on December 18, wi'th the raising of over one m,iHi.on dollars in the six week campaign. This g;ives the UliliversHy over ·fhree milliondollars to date, leavin:g a balance of two million dollars which the Cancer Foun,dation hopes to realize' following this intensive campaign •.SPEAKI NG AS AN AL,UMNUS.It was Sunday niqh+. Our Thenksqivinq company hadleft earlier in the evening. The eleven o'clock N. B. C.news had just ended. Suddenly the loud speaker said:"'We present a special broadcast with Clifton UHey ["26)'."Clifton Utley said:·Good evening.I am speaking tonightnot as an NBC commentator, but rather asan alumnus of The U niversity of Chicago, on behalf of the University'scancer research program.Let's begin with a fewimportant facts.Cancer kills 175,000Am.e r ic an s each year.That's 20 each hour.Before the end of thisbroadcast, five personswill have died of can- Mr. Utleycer, somewhere in the United States.Last year in New York City, cancer caused one out ofevery five deaths.Furthermore" the cancer situation is getting worse asmedical science improves generally.This seems to be a paradox, but it isn't. Cancer attacksall ages. Not even new born babes are wholly exempt.But cancer is most common between the ages of 40 and60. So.. as medical science improves, public health generally, more people live on into the ages when cancerstrikes with increasing frequency. More get cancer. Moredie from it.Let's pause for a moment to ask, Just what is cancer?Basically, it's a problem of growth, Certain' cells in thebody which have previously functioned normally beginto multiply rapidly and in an abnormal way. First theyinvade and then destroy the surrounding tissues. Finallythey overwhelm. the body of the victim by widespreadinvasion of one or more of the vital organs.So you see, the study of cancer-and the search for itscure-is a study of the fundamental attributes of livingmatter. It involves the whole problem of the reasonsfor and the methods of both normal and abnormal growth.And right there you run up against the reason why thejob of curing cancer is so enormous, and so different fromcures of various other. things.It involves the cooperation of nearly every branch ofphysical and. biological science, from mathematics tosurgery. Y Oil can't hire a cancer expert and. say, here'sthe job, now go ahead and do it. Because, as we shall,see in Just' a moment, the ultimate solution for the cancerproblem may be found in one of the physical scienceswhich at first glance may seem rather remote from thespecific problem of cancer.So, to hope for' success you need not only hospitals. and the departments that usually go with them. You need agreat number of other departments found in a greatuniversity, and you need all of them working together.Vou need atomic science, too. That is why The University of Chicago, which has all these departments, has accepted the challenge of cancer and has organized theCommittee on Cancer involving the cooperation of 15 ofthe University's regular departments, plus the Instituteof Nuclear Studies and the Institute of Radiobiology andBiophysics-the institutes which grew out of atom bombresearch done at the University during the war.But now, let's look a little further into why you need tomobilize such varied and diverse resources if you are tohope to cure cancer..Let's go back to those cells.All normal cells, -which are part of a larger organism,will continue to divide and multiply only so long asthere is a reason for growth. Thus, you cut yourself andscar tissue will form until the broken surface on the bodyhas been closed. Then growth will stop. A piece of skingrafted on the arm will grow until the graft has becomea part of the surrounding skin. Then it will grow no more.But in cancer cells, the unknown brake which stopsthe development of tissue is absent. Unless the cells arediscovered in time and removed l:w surgery or ki'lled byradiation or a chemical agent, these cells will continue togrow until the patient finally dies. Why is the brakeabsent in these cancerous cells? That's one of the thingsyou have to find out in connection with the search for acancer cure. And that's a biological problem. .It has been discovered that there are 150 chemicalcompounds, including one found in the human body,which, when injected into certain plants, or applied totheir surfaces, will cause abnormal cell growth. Now. ,the chemical prooess involved in plant and humancancers are in many ways similar. So studies of planttumors may yield information vital to the study of humancancer. Well, that's a problem for the botanists.And here's another angle of the problem that involvesthe departments of medicine, . atomic science and numerous other fields of knowledge. 'Of course, science is alwayslooking for a compound that win attack and kill cancer�ous tissue, without killing other tissue' and killing thepatient in the process. The hope for achieving this depends on the process known- as selective localization.Certain chemical compounds, when introduced into thehuman body, immediately localize in one organ. If acompound which was attracted only by cancerous tissuecould be found, highly effective treatment of a spreadingcancer could be accomplished. Into such a compoundit should be possible to introduce radioactive atoms. Thusthe radioactivity would be concentrated exclusively on thecancer cells, killing them without damaging normal tissue.The University of Chicago plans to build a new 170-inch cyclotron. This cyclotron will permit the direction ofradiation=-ef high energy particles from atomic nuclei-8THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEon cancerous growth in a more effective way than is nowpossible. Thus damage to surrounding tissue, a limitingfactor in the effectiveness of present X-ray and radiumtreatment for cancer, should be reduced to a minimum.One could go on with many other approaches to thecancer problem, and when one had finished all the approaches now being considered, one still wouldn't havethem all. Because, as the work goes on, one thing will leadto another, something learned in one field will lead tosome new approach elsewhere.But enough has already been said to show one ortwo things pretty clearly: First, that the problem offinding a cure for cancer is an infinitely complex one,involving many more fields of knowledge than one wouldthink, and second, that. a great university like The U niversity of Chicago is one of the few places where youare likely to find experts in all the many fields normallyavailable in one' place, arid consequently, in the bestpossible position to launch a concentrated attack on cancer with, maximum possibility of success.The University has the men, and as I mentioned a fewminutes ago, members of 15- different departments and- the two atomic institutes are already united in a CancerCommittee to carry forward the common attack on all'phases of the cancer problem.In addition tothe men, the University either has or canprobably get sufficient funds to-carryon cancer research ;the funds coming in the form of grants from government agencies, the American Cancer Society and thelike.But what The University of Chicago is in very greatneed of, is additional facilities-buildings, the new giantcyclotron. And so, to back up the drive on cancer, therehas been organized The University of Chicago CancerResearch Foundation, under the Presidency of MauriceGoldblatt, the Ohicago department store executive, andincluding, on its board of directors a considerable numberof Chicago's leading citizens.The University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundation is seeking funds to finance $5,150,000 in new buildings and equipment. Included will be the Nathan Goldblatt Memorial Hospital, to be located just east of thepresent Billings Hospital on the University campus, andto be devoted entirely to cancer cases and cancer research.A second project is the $1,550,000 cyclotron, which forreasons that I mentioned a moment ago, offers great promise in the fight against cancer. And finally, $2,000,000 issought for an isotope laboratory, which will be of greatvalue in making the fruits of atomic science availablefor cancer research.Incidentally, the isotope laboratory presents some veryinteresting problems in building construction. Since itwill be devoted to work wit.h radioactive substances, itmust be shielded so that the building itself does not in timebecome contaminated with radioactivity. That's one forthe construction engineers to solve. 9Now, of the $5,150,000 sought by the University toprovide facilities for the coordinated attack on cancer,$2,580,000-or slightly more than half, is already in hand:Gifts from the Goldblatt Brothers Foundation haveprovided funds for the cancer 'research hospital, to benamed the Nathan Goldblatt Memorial Hospital. Construction will start in the spring of next year.In addition, an anonymous donor has pledged $980,,000toward the cost of the cyclotron. Thus, at the present time,The University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundationis seeking two million dollars to finance the isotopelaboratory and $570,000 for the balance still requiredto build the cyclotron.At the present moment the Foundation is conductingan active campaign, using the customary methods employed in any such drive.- One may ask" how does a department store ownerbecome so vitally interested in what is essentially a scientific project that he comes to devote the larger part ofhis time to insuring its financing?Here's the answer. Some years ago, the Goldblattbrothers created a foundation to administer their charitable gifts. Because their mother and father had diedof heart disease, their main interest was in that field. Butbecause they didn't know much about medicine, they hada <survey made to get qualified opinion of the most important medical problem. The report said that, amongother things, money was still urgently needed to studycancer. While the brothers were still considering their action, Nathan-one of the brothers, became ill, and died ofcancer. That decided the matter, and Maurice Goldblattdevoted himself to the work that has now grown into TheUniversity of Chicago Cancer Research Foundation.That's the story, or at least, the outline of it.But now, let us assume the campaign is successful, andthe funds are raised. Can you promise a cure for cancer,and if so, when? 'The answer is,· of course, you cannot. Science doesn'twork that way. You ,can't put a nickel in the slot and besure of getting a package of gum out right away.No, there are few sure things in research.But you can say this: The mobilization of outstandingscientists from all related fields, which, The University_ of Chicago is able to bring about, plus the facilities theCancer Research Foundation will provide, offer morepromise, of widening the knowledge of Cancer and eventuaily leading to a cure, than any other type of approach.That is the promise, 'and in a nation where' cancerkills one person every three minutes, it is' also a challenge.As an alumnus of The University of Chicago, I amproud that my Alma Mater is accepting this challenge.Good night.The announcer said: "You have heard Cli-fton Utley,speaking as an alumnus of The University of Chicago, onbehalf of The University's Cancer Research Foundation."DON'T SELL AMERICANCULTURE SHORTTHE Milanese painter suddenly turned to me andasked, "What is Eugene O'Neill's latest play?"There was a crowd of us at Florian's that night allspeaking French as Italian intellectuals love to do. General silence followed the question. "The Iceman Cometh"I replied. I had a little trouble translating "Cometh.""And from what does the title derive?" The little Yugoslav musician was very serious. "From an old Americanjest." I diagrammed the joke. It did not sound funny,especially ill French. But funny or not, discussion waslaunched. A new topic had appeared at that table inVenice. For half an hour I was forced to speak onthe O'Neill drama, answering the most searching questions. Nearly everyone knew several plays by O'Neill.A few had read everything he had written.From plays we went on to novels. My companionswere equally familiar with Hemingway, Faulkner, andErskine Caldwell. "And what do you think of our Moravia?" I was asked. Fortunately I had read one book bythe man many Italians regard as their greatest livingnovelist. But unfortunately, that had been his first novel·published years ago. I had not seen his recent work andhad to admit it.I tell this incident only because it is typical of 1947.Never before has Europe known so much about theUnited States and never before has it been so curiousabout us. Ten years ago, a conversation like this, wouldhave been possible, but rare. But today translations of ourcontemporary writers sell by the hundreds of thousands,our movies blanket the theatres and our popular songsare sung-even in pigeon English-on foreign radios and, in practically every continental night club.War has brought about this change. Before 1939-withsome exceptions-v-the United States had often been dismissed as a materialistic adolescent in the company ofadult nations. Certainly it had produced both tubs andautomobiles=-but had it brought forth any art?The usual non-American opinion was as follows':Europe has the traditions; America has the money. Culture had never emigrated to the New :VVorld and we hadnot had the time nor the desire to generate any of our ownon this side of the Atlantic. 'But the American success in arms and the AmericanArmy on the continent brought about a striking change.Europe now would like to know what makes our wheelsgo round. Remember, it is greatly to Europe's benefitto understand us; its very life, during the next years,may depend on American food and American help inindustrial planning. So more and more Europeans readour novels and sit before Hollywood's version of out" lifeor whistle "Stormy Weather" in the streets. • By DANIEL CATTON RICH, '26Now it is my belief that this sudden receptivity on thepart of the French, the English and the Italians (to judgefrom those countries of post-war Europe I have seen firsthand) is hardly understood at all in Washington. I failto find any indication that the majority of our Congressmen understand the prestige of American cultureabroad or know or care how to further true internationn]understanding through this channel. Instead, wheneverthe State Department, in even a mild and not too effectivemanner, tries to show Europe or Latin-America that weare not to be judged wholly by the music of Spike Jones,or the cartoons in Esquire Magazine, there seems to be aconcerted attack on our culture by ignorant Senators andRepresentatives.Take the case of the ill-fated exhibition of modernAmerican paintings, sent by the State Department toPrague. A number of countries through their governments had asked for a showing of recent American experimental art. Wisely, Assistant Secretary Benton, remembering. the inevitable compromise of taste which hadaccompanied such committee-chosen exhibits as those sentWith all our FriendshipTrains, Marshall Plans, LendLease, and scores of otherprograms to. send food,clothing, and equipment toEurope, we fell to wonderingwh·af ever happened to thatold copy book sentence:"'Ma.n does not live by breadalone."In our own front yard wasa member of our Universityfamily qualified to answerthat question. So we droppedin at tihe Chicago Art Insti- Mr. Richtute and asked the Director,Daniel Ce+ton Rich, '26. "I'm glad yo,u asked that question," was his reply ill substance. "It seems to me it's times?m��ne talked about that phase of European reconstruction.And who is more qualified to talk with some authoritythan Director Rich, a member of I. the United StatesNaH:o!nal Commission for UNESCO, 2. the National Com-mission to advise the State Department on American par+icipe+ion in lJNESCO, 3. the American Commission forfhe Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas, and 4. the American Committee forthe Restoration of Italian Monum'ents? .Director Rich is as stimulating as the convictions expressed in this article.· Mrs. Rich was Bertha Jones, '24,AM '26. They have four children: Michael, at Cornell;Stephen, in New Trier High School; Penelope, 10; andAnthony, 6. The fami'ly lives in Winnetka.10THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto Latin-America in 1934 and to England in 1946, appointed Leroy Davidson of the cultural division to selectthe material. The Department went further. It boughtand paid for the pictures chosen-a wise and commendable decision.Before sailing to Europe there was a showing of theseventy-nine canvases at the Metropolitan Museum ofArt. It was well received by the New York papers whichJudged it correctly in terms of the problem: how to. show"advancing" American art.In Prague, where a section of the exhibition was onview it was, I am told, a notable success. President Benes,who had promised to spend fifteen minutes lingered inthe galleries an hour and was so enthusiastic that he'wished the pictures to travel throughout Czechoslovakia,even offering to put up the sum of several thousand dollars to pay for their circulation. It is related that theRussians, piqued by the American triumph, rushed ashow from Moscow which was, however, a comparativefailure due to the dull, photographic realism which pervades all "official" Soviet art.Just as our exhibition became a tremendous sensation inPrague, the blow fell. At home there had been developing a bitter campaign. The Hearst press, which has longadopted a reactionary attitude toward's modern art, attacked the paintings unmercifully. The matter reachedthe floor of Congress and Mr. Benton, seeking at that timenew appropriations for his cultural and informationalprpgram, saw the whole future of this section threatenedby the remarks of uninformed Congressmen who tried toconnect recent tendencies in art with. Communist propaganda-a most far-fetched attempt since Stalin's regimented artists would be the last in the world to' followany progressive tendencies.To make matters worse President Truman answeredMr. Benton's letter of explanation in the following words,as quoted in the Chicago Tribune of June 4: "I do notpretend to be an artist or a judge of art, but I am of theopinion that so-called modern art is merely the vaporingsof half-baked, lazy people. An artistic production is onethat shows infinite ability for taking pains and if anyof these so-called modern paintings show any such infi�iteability, I am very much mistaken. There are a great manyAmerican artists who still believe that the ability to makethings look as they are is the first requisite of a great artist-they do not belong to the so-called modern school.There is no art at all in connection with modernist, in myopinion."The issue had grown too hot to handle and SecretaryMarshall ordered the exhibition �ome-a decision whichgreatly bewildered the Czechs who were at that very moment praising the freedom under which American artistswork.Such a fiasco came about simply because most Americans have little realization of the part culture plays inmany foreign countries. In the United States we are sospecialized that our business and political leaders are apt 11to be sealed off from our artists and writers and scholarsby almost impossible partitions. Elsewhere the oppositeis true.In Colombia a well-known cabinet minister is as famousfor his creative writings as for his politics; in Ecuador, theone-time Secretary of Foreign Affairs is a leading authority on Colonial architecture. Many industrialists in Italyand France enthusiastically collect art and chat easily ofthe ballet and music. Yet when an American banker ofmy acquaintance visited Mexico City and was taken ona forced tour of modern Mexican murals by his bankerfriends. there, he could barely understand it. "Those fel�lows knew so much about what they were seeing," hemarveled.Of course until the United States comprehends theimportance of its own culture at home it can hardly beexpected to appraise its potential value abroad. As Archibald MacLeish has recently pointed out with eloquence,the future of the world depends on peoples speaking' topeoples, not on diplomats whispering or growling at eachother across conference tables. And he rightly proposesthat the artists and poets of the world should be assignedlarger roles in international relations.Before the war ended I suggested, as a member of the'Advisory Committee on Art to the State Department, thatas soon as possible after the close of hostilities, that theAmerican Government organize a world-wide conferencein Washington of Artists from all nations to discuss theplace of art in the world of the future and to lay plans forfreer circulation of works of art on a global scale. Latersuggestions of this kind were presented to UNESCO, butso far that organization which has set up admirable projects in: science and education has failed to develop culturalprojects of like importance and imaginative drive.There is a tremendous opportunity for the United Statesat this moment to satisfy the curiosity of Europe by stressing our cultural achievements and sending examples ofthem in many forms. I am constantly aware, in thesematters, that there are often books and works of art whichare so indigenous and particular that they have no exportvalue. But other of our paintings, poems and music couldhave a world audience. A selection of our best would domuch to. offset some of the distortions that result frompopular films and music. I would never recommend limiting or censoring popular consumption of such media.Rather I would have our Government study ways and'means of correcting the picture to more .life-Iike proportions and truer detail.The United States, at this stage in its development,might well study the long and, on the whole, successfulhistory of France's cultural campaign. While Englandbluntly proclaimed that "trade follows the flag," theFrench inserted the concept of culture between the"trade" and "flag" with the result that for fifty yearsthere has been no world's fair without an excellent pavilion of French art and hardly any international conferenceof importance without French representation.(Concluded on Page 32)TESTIMONY OF AMERICAN YOUTHAt the sixteenth annual New York Herald Tribune Forumle+e in October, Charles Morris, of our Department ofPhilosophy, was one of the speakers. Through He'l'en Hiett,'34, Director of the Forum, we received permission to printhis speech in this issue.' -.Charles Morris has been making a psychological study ofAmerican character traits including a survey of Americancollege students' sense of values in Ufe. We thinlk this report will be of particular interest to colleqe gra.duates ofyesteryear.A PERSISTENT theme in the American traditionhas been the conviction that among us a new kindof person, a new man and a new woman, is inprocess of birth. Whitman wrote in Democraiie Vistasthat "now there shall be a man cohered out of tumultand chaos," and Melville in Pierre that the new man wasto have "nimble center, circumference elastic." An openand abundant self, delighting in its diversity and maintaining its unity through a complex interplay of its contrasting forces, is the lure held before us.The same tradition has, however, been equally insistentupon each individual's right to be different from everybody else ..No personality type, not even that of the cohered andnimble self, was felt to be suitable for all persons. Emerson, in the essay Nature, counseled his readers: "Build... your own world." And Thoreau in Walden said: "I.desire that there be as many different persons in theworld. as possible; but I would have each one be very'careful !o find out and pursue his own way." .. " We wereto be, in .Whitman's words, "the modern composite nation,formed from all, with room for all."The question immediately arises whether this is justpretty talk or whether it really discloses the Americananswer to man's search. for himself. That the latter is true,that the ideal of the multiple self in a multiple society isstill the strongest force working within us, is borne outby a study which I have been making for some years ofthe men and women in our colleges. I would [ike topresent to you some of the results and say something aboutthem.The procedure was simple enough. Some thousand students in colleges throughout the country were asked howthey would like 1:0 live.This they did by choosing among thirteen alternatives.These thirteen ways to live, though they were notnamed, expressed the main religious and ethical attitudesof the Orient and the Occident, such as found in Buddh ..ism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Stoicism, Hedonism and the rest. Some three hundred of the personswho participated were studied' with more care, for wewished to find out not merely how the various ways to • By CHARLES MORRISlive were liked, but what kind of person liked what kindof life.The results were partly such as any of us would guess,but they also dealt us some surprises. It is not news tohear that the students in our colleges generally turnedthumbs down on admonitions to renounce the world byretiring into themselves.Few first votes went to the cultivation of the inner man.And few to doctrines which call upon the individual tobe receptive, to let things and persons work upon him andthrough him. Passivity and inwardness are not in favor.Our young people wish very decidedly to be in and of theworld.But to be active in the world, and at their own centeras "fountainheads." They do not like to subordinate themselves to other persons or to society. Only five in a'hundred. were willing to accept sympathetic concern forother persons as - the keynote of their lives, and onlyanother five in a hundred wished to merge themselveswith society for the resolute advancement of socials goals.This does not indicate-as we shall see-an anti-socialattitude or callousness to others. But it does mean thatsubordination of the self to other selves and to SOcietyis in the main voted out.Where then do the yeas fall? Three familiar alternatives(with 33 per cent of the votes) stand out at once, oldfriends that almost seem to be all of us. One is, in thebest sense of the word, the conservative attitude; its mottois to live rationally and with moderation; its advice is toparticipate actively in the social life of the community,not to change it primarily, but to understand, appreciate,and preserve the best that man has attained. This programis opposed by those who believe that a continual transformation of individual and social life is necessary; theirstress is upon inventiveness, problem-solving, construc.tion. It is significant that this attitude of the innovatoris stronger in the West than i� the East, ·and the conserving attitude correspondingly weaker.The third 'Of these familiar attitudes find in enjoymentthe keynote of life, the enjoyment of the comfortablehome, savory food, talking with friends, rest and relaxation.Conserving, transforming, comfort-loving Americans,these, you must be saying, surely are ourselves, all ofourselves. But if you say this you are in for a surprise.These are ourselves, and they do express the . kinds ofextraverted active in-the-worldness with which most ofus live our lives. But they. are not all of ourselves. Atleast not if we have kept in step with the younger generation.One of the thirteen ways to live was favored head andshoulders above the others; forty out of every 100 persons12THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgave it first choice, a higher vote than was given to allthree of the next favored alternatives taken together.And this way of life is in essentials the ideal of the newmen proclaimed by Whitman and Melville-a man cohered out of tumult and, chaos, with center nimble andcircumference elastic.To get correctly the sense of this attitude before you,I wish to read six sentences which, taken together, constitute a manifesto of American college youth. Thesesentences occurred in a list of eighty; they are the six'sentences which our subjects preferred to all others asexpressing the kind of person they would like to be.1. A person should have a sense of humor abouthimself, a sense of detachment about his fate, yet beable to live outwardly a life rich in enjoyment andactivity.2. We must cultivate flexibility, many-sidedness,admit diversity in ourselves, and accept the tensionwhich this diversity produces.3. Periods of solitude and periods of Joyous celebration are both necessary to the good life.4. .One should be friendly and considerate. of otherpersons, and yet not sacrifice the development of hisunique self. '5. No scheme for living proposed by the religionsand moralities is entirely suitable for every person� yeteach scheme can offer something to everyone; oneshould use all of them, and no one alone.6. Life should contain enjoyment, action and contemplation in about equal amounts; the satisfying lifeis found in their dynamic integration.Such are the' results of the study which I wanted tobring before you. That they are exciting and challengingI believe you will admit. How we are to interpret andevaluate them is another anda difficult matter. But I willhazard a few comments to begin the interpretation andevaluation which they demand.First of all, I find impressive the stubborn fact of individual differences. There is a great variety in the choices ofhow our young people would like to live, and this diversityis found inevery region of the country, North as well asSouth, East as well as West. All of the thirteen alternatives find their advocates and not merely the Big Four.We have Buddhist and Taoists and Dionysians and Stoics,and the rest, among us, even if they have never calledthemselves by such names. ' , ,Taken singly,_ these less-favored ways may seem unimportant, but taken together they reflect the desires ofmore than a fourth of the persons tested. There is evidence,which I cannot now discuss, that various kinds of persons'differ radically in their fundamental needs, and that a wayof life which satisfies one individual may frustrate another.This suggests that we must add to our list of recognizedtyrannies a new one: The tyranny of imposing one personality pattern on different kinds of persons. And by thesame token we must add new minorities to those deserv- 13ing of our protection; the psychological minorities composed for those for whom the socially dominant ways oflife are a yoke and a frustration.Secondly, I am impressed with the fact that in themidst of differences our material has disclosed an attitudeto life highly favored by a large number of young Americans. The strong desire among them for an open andabundant self, for a flexible and multiple self unified inand through its diversity, suggests that a new personalityideal has formed itself in our midst.If this is so, something really important has happened.for it is around new conceptions' of what men might bethat new religions and new social organizations have_ revolved. Perhaps we are really more interesting, morecomplex, more dramatic than we have seemed to ourselves, or have dared to admit.Before the lure of a self of nimble center and elasticcircumference- the ordinary cliches and stereotypes aboutAmerica and Americans seem faded and out of date.And we begin to wonder why we pass' ourselves off forless than we are, and why we acquiesce in the monotony,and uniformity, and sterility. which settle down upon uslike a dark cloud. Perhaps we are afraid of our riches?Afraid of becoming in fact what we are in promise andideal? Or perhaps we have merely been unable so far tomake clear to ourselves what we want to be, and thatwhen we do this we will shake ourselves free from lethargy and give actuality to aspiration.Finally, I am impressed in our results with the fact thatthose who choose for themselves open and abundant self-.hood champion friendly consideration of other personsand ideals. Embodied in the very core of their ideal isthe repudiation of the tyrannous imposition of even thisideal upon others.There is a seventh sentence in our document which isrepudiated as vigorously as the other six sentences areaffirmed. This sentence reads as follows: "Those whooppose or do not fully participate in the work of the community are not to be dealt with too tenderly; life can'tbe too fastidious." To repudiate this doctrine is to rejectthe totalitarian impulse lock, stock and barrel. And in thesame breath to affirm that we are to remain a compositenation, formed from all, with room for all.The dominant ideal of our young people is the idealof an open self in art open society. They have kept faithwith the democratic heritage. Their task, and ours, is torealize, to actualize, this heritage nationally and internationally. For a. flexible, many-sided and open self canbe maintained only in a society which is itself inventive,multiple and open. The ideal of the abundant self couldappear only in an abundant society. Do we have thenerve, the verve, the elan and the inventiveness to carrythrough what we as a people have begun?NEXT MONTH Trustee Paul V. Harper, son of our.first President, writes: "Let the Church Educate."BASKETBALL-ENTERT AINMENTP LAYING as. an independent schoo.l for .th.e second. year, the Chicago basketball team IS facing compe-tition on a more equal level than in Ithe recentyears of Big Ten competition. The Maroons opened theseason on November 29th with IUinois Institute of Technology. The score: Chicago 59, Tech. 42.Over fifty men reported to Coach Nelson Norgrenwh-en the call was issued last fall. Of this group, eightwere returning lettermen and at least eight 'Others hadplayed Varsity Dr Junior Varsity ball.Ray Freeark, playing his third year of Varsity competition, and Harry Panos, playing his second year, are thestarting guards. Lloyd Fons, younger brother 'Of formerMaroon star, J�ck L. Fons, '42, plays center. GenePodulka and Bill Grey, Varsity and Jee-Vee veteransrespectively, are the forwards. JDhn Sharp, son of facultymember Malcolm Sharp, alternates. with Bin Grey atforward. Kyle Anderson is assisting Norgren with thecoaching.A "B" team has been formed to handle the needs ofthe players who do not participate in the Varsity games.The "H'" team will play intercollegiate games with some'Of the smaller city colleges.Half-time en tertainmen t for all home games will befurnished by the Athletic Promotion Committee, a division 'Of the Student Union'. The main attraction throughthe season will be talent from the student Acrotheatregroup. This organization has become popular and famousfor its "ballet-gymnastics."Most of the acts win be taken from the regular Aerotheatre routines but some are being adapted specificallyfor Field House guests. One of the acts will be theAdagio Chorus. It consists of six couples doing spins, lifts,Carl Gylfe. whose home is inBerwyn. entered the Collegetwo years ago afte'r grad:uation from Morton TownshipHigh -School. His qrendmother, who' influenced himto come to Chica,go. willdoubtless be rememlbered bymany alumni who were onthe quadrangles in the twenties. 'She was one of 'fhesupervisor's at HutchinsonCommons. Mrs. Maude Downey. now livi,r:1g in the Roy,a:lNeig.hbors home at Davenport. Iowa. Carl wiill be grad-uated in June; plans to '90 on for a law degree. and hopes. eve:ntually to join fhe State Department. During the Warhe was a Gu,n,ner's Mate First Class in the Navy. • By CARL GYLFE, '48Half-tim.e enter+alnmenh spins. lifts. throws. ballet. tumhling,. and pretty gild cheerl'eaders.and throws synchronized to music. There also will be theOlympic calisthenics drill featuring twel�e men doing'gymnastics without apparatus, This is frequently donewith the aid of trick lighting. Mixed tumbling by formerBig Ten and National Collegiate Athletic Associationchampions will be included in the sporting acts.On the program for the January home games will bestudent Rita Harmos, formerly with the Ringling Br�thersCircus, and Bill Maloney, Acrotheatre star. They will doexhibition ballet dancing. The effect of ballet combinedwith gymnastic skill makes the act an impressive 'One.This gymnastic work will be highlighted from time totime by the appearance 'Of "Bud" Beyer, '39, head gymnastic coach. Beyer is a Big Ten and N.C.A.A. championand has been referred to by experts as the greatestMaroon gymnast of all time. He will be accDmpaniedby Junior Varsity Coach William Goldie, also an N.C.A.A.champion. These two men produced last year's Aerotheatre show to two crowded Mandel Hall houses ..The combination of new satin uniforms for the tearnand pretty girl cheerleaders, with half-time entertainmentshould provide enjoyable evenings for alumni in theChicago area. The entire evening will be all-student.even to the hot dog stand which is operated by theStu-dent Union.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBasketball ScheduleAll home games are in the Field House at 56th and Universit y. Admission) $1, tax included. Time) 8 P.M.Saturday, Jan. 3 DePauw (no Homeentertainment)Thursday, Jan. 8 North Central HomeSaturday, Jan. 10 Coe Cedar RapidsSaturday, Jan. 17 DePau'w GreencastleWednesday, Jan. 21 Grinnell GrinnellSaturday, Jan. 24 Lawrence HomeWednesday, Jan. 28 Grinnell HomeSaturday, Jan. 31 Knox GalesburgWednesday, Feb. 4 Washington St. LouisWednesday, Feb. 11 Kenyon HomeWednesday, Feb. 18 Illinois Tech Illinois TechSaturday, Feb. 20 Coe H.omeWednesday, Feb. 25 Lawrence AppletonSaturday, Feb. 28 Knox HomeMonday, March 1 Washington HorneALUMNI EDUCATION DliRECTORSomething new hasbeen added at· alumni'headquarters: a Directorof Alumni Education.This was necessary because of the increased interest and participationin our special alumnicourse series and the desire of the Cabinet tohave the Alumni Reading Lists brought up todate and made availableagain to alumni.The new Director . isLeon F. Miller, AM '46.Mr. Miller received his bachelor's degree from 'Southwest Missouri State College, at Springfield, in 1940. InFebruary, 1942, he entered Officers Candidate Schoolfrom which he moved on up to a majority before heleft the Army in December, 1945.Mr. Miller i� now working on his PhD. 'in the Department of Education; His interest is Public School Administration with minor emphasis on Secondary andAdult Education.L.ast year, working as an assistant to 'Cyril O. Houle,Dean of University College, Mr. Miller made an exhaustive study of our alumni educational program. His1l0-page report gave a full history of this program withrecommendations to be considered for the future.So we called his "bluff." As a half-time member ofthe Alumni staff, while he works on his doctorate, he ishaving the opportunity to put in practice some of theimprovements recommended-and he is doing just that.Mr. Miller 15D"I.sCRI,MI'NATIONDEMONSTRATION"Hey, you, don't laugh while the photographers aretaking your pictures; this is serious," admonished JackGeiger, head of the campus American Veterans Committee on Civil Liberties, which is .spearheading a student movement to "wipe out the last vestige of race discrimination" on the Midway.The pictures' were being taken at a noon rally' December 8, on University Avenue. The rally had been preceded by a parade of 302 students and representativesfrom off-campus organizations carrying signs directed atBillings Hospital: A Germ is a Germ in Any Body; We'reColor Blind; B-A-D: Billings And Discrimination; Don'tbe a Schmoe, Fight Jim Crow ....A previous interview with Chancellor Hutchins hadbrought out the facts that the Residence Halls, Laboratory Schools, cafeterias, and academic departments hadsuccessfully crossed the race hurdles. The UniversityClinics and hospital units, forced to deal with the generalpublic, had found the problem more delicate. This area,however, was being tactfully and peaceably liberalized.One group of students, impressed with the progressChancellor Hutchins has made, wrote in the Maroon:"We submit that the student walkout ... is an actionwhich would not only unjustly libel a university and aman who have become synonymous with tolerance anddecency but could not possibly contribute to achievingthe desired results. . . ."The whole idea of forcing the issue upon the administration seems to us extremely naive politically. Chancellor Hutchins is an administrator in a large organization. In his position he cannot make instantaneouschanges in policy and conduct without destroying his effectiveness for further progress ...."Mr. Hutchins has made this institution the most liberal in the country. On the basis of his record we havefaith in his sincerity and his competence in dealing withthe remaining vestiges of discrimination .... "The "walkout" was orderly. Even the walkers seemedto appreciate the progress made by the University administration. It was primarily a. demonstration of dissatisfaction with the gods' grinding mills.Years ago the University removed from its applicationblanks any spa�e for creed or color so that this couldnot influence decisions on admission. The MedicalSchool wrestles with another problem. Only 65 can beaccepted annually with 24 applicants for every opening.The dean's office has consistently insisted that there hasbeen no discrimination in selecting the one out of- each24 in this highly competitive division.There may be those who are impatient with the University's speed in removing the last suspicion of intolerance but most agree that the problems are being solvedintelligently and effectively."How about a picture oJ the interior of Hutchinson Commons?"-Ste�la Wuerffel, '44, St. Louis, Miss<ouriHUTCHINSON HALLThe request for a picture of Hutchinson Commons(see opposite page) set us to wondering if you knowthat Hutchinson Hall was named for the first treasurerof the University, Charles L. Hutchinson, and that thedining hall is a replica of the dining ,hal:L·p,t ChristChurch, Oxford.Charles L. Hutchinson was the son of B. P. Hutchinson' ("Old Hutch") one of the founders of the ComExchange Bank, a dealer in grain and insurance, a meatpacker and one of the wealthiest men in- Chicago;With the business ability of his father, Charles carried on these business interests with his left hand whileinteresting himself in every worthy civic, religious, charitable and educational project from HuH House to theSouth Park Board.For 25 years he was Sunday school superintendent atSt. Paul's (Universalist) on, the Midway, which edificewas dedicated to his .mother. The building, at Dorchester and Sixtieth, is now occupied by the University.Charles Hutchinson was one of the founders of theArt Institute and its president for 40 years. It was amutual interest in art that drew Martin A. Ryerson(President of the University's Board' of Trustees) andHutchinson together in' a life�tirne friendship. The twofamilies made annual trips abroad for pleasure and theArt Institute. It was in England where they became impressed with the beauty and dignity of the Gothic in architecture and these two men were responsible for theGothic on the Midway.Following one of his visits to Oxford, Mr. Hutchinsonreturned to the quadrangles with his idea to build anOxford corner with Mitchell Tower patterned afterMagdalen and Hutchinson Hall after Christ Churchcommons. .He personally gave the $60,000 for the Commons and worked closely with the architect throughoutthe planning.In' Christ Church commons the dons sat on the platform at the far end of the hall. Students sat at the longtables on hardwood benches' instead of Hutchinson Commons, chairs. The pictures on the walls were of royaltywhile the Hutchinson Hall portraits are of men who'helped to make the early University great. These pictures at Hutchinson Hall include all the Presidents toHutchins; Ryerson, Hutchinson, Vincent, Noyes, MarionTalbot, and others. The shields at the top of the woodpanneling are of American universities with alternatingshields having an "HH" design-Hutchinson Hall.The cornerstone was laid in 1901 and the dining hall.opened to students in 1903. Probably best known amongmore alumni through a longer period of years' than anyother bailding on the quadrangles, this picture of Hutchinson Commons will doubtless bring back more memories'among our readers than any other picture we could print.St. Paul's on the Midway'17NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESA BRONZE plaque, marking the site of the historicexperiment-the first self-sustained chain reactingpile-was dedicated at the University of Chicago on the fifth anniversary of the atomic age.The plaque, which was hung on the outside wall ofStagg Field, is a memento to the work of the scientistswho on December 2, 1942, achieved the first 'self-sustainingchain reaction in a squash-racquets court under the weststands.It was unveiled in a dramatic fifteen-minute ceremonybefore many of the scientists who worked secretly onthe atomic bomb and before members of the AtomicEnergy Commission.Speakers at the ceremony and at the noon luncheonsponsored by the Citizens Board included: the designerof the pile, Enrico Fermi, Charles H. Swift Distinguished Service Professor of Physics; Walter H. Zinn,director of the Argonne National Laboratory whoworked with Fermi; Sumner T. Pike, Robert F. Bacher,and William W. Waymack, members of the AtomicEnergy Commission; Chancellor Robert M. .Hutchins ;and Henry F. Tenny, chairman of the' Citizens Boardwho read a message from President Truman.In paying tribute to the scientists. of the MetalurgicalLaboratory, Chancellor Hutchins said: "Atomic energyis the most important discovery since the discovery offire. We may now hope to unlock the ultimate secretsof nature, to fulfil the dreams of the alchemists to cure/. 'incurable' diseases, and to have at our disposal leisureand abundance beyond the wildest ambitions of mankind."We honor with the plaque those whose intelligenceand daring have put these things within our grasp. Butwe must remember that the realization of these thingsdepends not on these men, but upon ourselves."They have made it possible for the human race eitherto achieve a place little lower than the angles or toextinguish itself in one suicidal catastrophe."The prospects of mankind, Mr. Hutchins continued, • By JEANNETTE LOWREYdepend upon the ability to use the knowledge which thescientists have given-not for destruction of life but forits enrichment and elevation."The fundamental problems are intellectual andmoral," the chancellor declared. "The intellectualproblem is the problem of understanding what we aredoing, and particularly the interrelationships of thevarious things we are doing. We must press forward inthe study of the nucleus and on every scientific front.At the same time we must revitalize liberal education,the social sciences, and the humanities. We must establish their interconnections and their connections withscience."The moral problem is the problem of summoning up, the courage to do the right thing when we know whatit is. We may have confidence that every scientificquestion will in time 'be answered. We know that everymaterial deficiency of the race can with good will besupplied. The problem is obtaining the good will."Since we are the richest and most powerful nationon earth, it seems unlikely that the political issues raisedby the atomic bomb can be_resolved without great sacrifices on our part. When we talk about the AmericanWay of Life we often seem to be thinking of All theComforts of Home. I"Now we shall have to think of suffering humanityeverywhere. We ought to do so because all men arebrothers. We shall have to do so, because transportation has made the world one; and the bomb has madethat world explosive."One world can be worse than many," Mr. Hutchinswarned. "We must face the fact that we cannot haveanother war. If we conclude that the competing anarchy of sovereign states is a basic cause of war, thenwe must have the courage to initiate an era of WorldDedication ceremonies18THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElaw and world government which will put an end to warby ending the competing anarchy of sovereign states."The times' call upon all Americans to show as (citizens some of that intelligence and daring which distinguished the scientists ·who achieved the first nuclearchain reaction," Mr. Hutchins concluded.Midway on the_ NileTwo University of Chicago archeological field expeditions set out this month from the Oriental. Institute.The first American "digging" expedition in WesternAsia since the war is headed by Robert J. Braidwood,Assistant Professor of Old World Prehistory and Anthropology. The other expedition is the University's eighteenthepigraphic survey to Luxor, Egypt, and is directed byRichard A. Parker, newly appointed Field Director andAssistant Professor of Egyptology.Temples which the Pharoahs of ancient Egypt builtfor their gods will be the object of study for the Egyptologists who arrived at Chicago House-a little "spot ofthe Midway" on the bank of the Nile-s-in spite of acholera outbreak and a shut-down of rail transportationill Egypt. •The staff, 14 in all, succeeded in leaving Cairo by chartering two private planes and doubling up in space leftover after their equipment had been stored aboard. TheParker children sat on their parents' laps, and the otherpassengers held their own personal luggage.Dean of the epigraphic survey is Harold H. Nelson,who in an "unofficial capacity" this year made his thirtysixth journey in 23 years to Egypt. Professor emeritussince 1944, he has served as Director of the University'sLuxor Epigraphic and Architectural Survey since 1924.He retired in 1944, but returned to Egypt after the war.He retired for the second time-and the last he says-'this summer.The University Egyptologists,' representing the onlyAmerican institution now working in Egypt, are continuing their study of the ancient temples, which werebuilt chiefly from 1500 to 1000 B.C. Amon in the villageof Karnak is the largest of the temples to be studied.The temple walls, which are to be copied, are firstthoroughly cleaned. This, the staff states, requires moreelbow grease than Egyptology. Once the walls arecleaned, the scenes are photographed.A skilled draftsman draws on the 6 by 8 foot photograph everything he sees on the wall. The Egyptologistcorrelates the drawing with what he sees. Another checksthe work. The procedure continues until the staff is satisfied with the accuracy of both drawing and notes.Drawings for a single page of the published books, suchas King Ramses III, may-require two months ,or more toprepare. The folios and published by the University Press.The University staff members on the expedition to Iraqand Iran will seek to discover, remnants dating back tothe first known great economic revolution of mankindthe domestication of plants and animals. 19Braidwood, participating in his seventh Asiatic archaeological excavation, will set up tent camp adjacent to amound at Qara Yitagh in Iraq. His assistant, DonaldE. McCown, Research Associate and Acting Field Director of the Iranian project, 'will work at the head of thePersian Gulf south of Ahwaz.At Qara Yitagh, digging operations for a culture datingback to 4000 B.C. and perhaps even to 6000 B.G. willbegin in January and continue through April. The moundis about 15 feet high and covers an area somewhatsmaller than a football field. The "pot sherds," broken bitsof pottery, at the mound's surface, give clues to the datesof village remnants.The Iraqian mounds, it is believed, have been built upthrough the centuries by successive deterioration andrebuilding of -villages on the same site.By painstaking excavation, Braidwood's group hopesto uncover the lower layer, representing perhaps theearliest village culture of the area. The excavationsshould also offer dues to what happened to mankind inthe throes of the "first" revolution when man domesticated plants and animals.MCGown, traveling by jeep and trailer) will cover anarea in Iran that has not been archaeologically exploredbefore. He will make small test digs at various moundsin an effort to correlates the cultures of Iran and Iraq.Cosmic CatchFortune was smiling broadly on Marcel Schein, cosmicray expert at the University, this month when in the5,DOO square miles of Lake Erite his experimental apparatus landed in a thin net of the Goodison Fisheries ofBlenheim, Ontario.The cosmic-ray apparatus, attached to the cluster of20 balloons, was released from Stagg Field on a scientificflight and located four days later in Canada. Photographic plates and lily seeds to test radiation mutationwere sealed in the metal containers.No apparent water damage was done even though thenet was some 65 feet deep in the w�ter.Honor Sewal'l WrightSewall Wright, Ernest D. Burton Distinguished ServiceProfessor of Zoology and world-renowned mathematicalgeneticist, was awarded the Daniel Giraud Elliot MedalAward by the National Academy of Sciences.The second honor to be received by Wright this month,. the Elliot medal was granted him for his contribution tothe theory of evolution.Wright, whose achievements in the theory of mutation,inbreeding, crossbreeding and selection are world known,was also honored by Oxford University on November 8.He was awarded the Weldon Memorial Prize-a bronzemedal, and cash award of $360-for the most notewort�y contribution to biometric science during the pastsix years.Widely recognized for his contributions to mathematical analysis. of evolutionary factors, Wright 'demon-20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE •strated that evolution is a matter of many factors actingin balance. He, demonstrated that adaptation to environment is not the only operative factor in the evolutionary process,In the "guinea pig house" on the west side of thecampus, Wright has wrought such scientific miracles as aguinea pig with five toes. The modern guina pig has fourdigits on each foot. Although the fifth digit has been lostfor millions of guinea-pig years, Wright proved that theyhad not been lost an these years. They had merely beenmade dormant by an inhibiting factor.A former president of the Genetic Society of Americaand of the American Society of Zoologists, Wright is amember of the National Research Council, the AmericanSociety of Naturalists, the American Statistical Association, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.Frank Rattray LimeFrank Rattray Lillie, the nation's foremost scientific"statesman," died at Albert Merritt Billings HospitalNovember 5 of a cerebral hemorrhage .. The only man ever to hold, the presidency of theNational Academy of Sciences simultaneously with thechairmanship of the National Research Council, Dr.Lillie came to the Midway as a fellow in l892-the yearthe new University was founded.With the late C. O. Whitman,' who established theDepartment of Zoology at the request of PresidentWilliam R. Harper, Dr. Lillie was among the first of along line of eminent zoologists at the University.He succeeded his teacher in 1910 as' head of thedepartment and also as director of the Marine BiologicalLaboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts.The phenomenalgrowth of the foremostmarine biological laboratory in the world - the"mecca for biologis..ts"is credited to Dr. Lillie,who never missed a sum-mer in residence therefrom 1891 until last summer. He served as' its director from 19.10 to 1926when he was made president of the corporation.He became president emeritus in 1942, He wasalso president of WoodsHole Oceanographic Institution from 1930 to 1939'.The Andrew MacLeish Distinguished Service Professor at the University, Dr. Lillie reorganized the Division of Biological Sciences in 1931 and was named itsdean the same year.He combined his own significant research in embryology with leadership ·to hundreds of students who haveDr. lilili:e since made significant contributions to biology. In aquiet way, he gave frequent financial assistance to needystudents and University r-esearch, and when his department needed more laboratory space, he built a two-floorlaboratory at 5700 Ingleside Avenue. He called it Whitman Laboratory for his chief.His doctor's dissertation, which he wrote in 1894, is oneof a group of American classic studies on ceil lineage.His scientific studies include a series of studies on fertilization, an analysis of the so-called free-martin conditionin catde--a pioneer invasion of hormone physiology andof the biology of sex-the analysis of the sexual differences in the common chicken, and the study of the development of feathers.In tribute to his scientific work, he was awarded honorary degrees from the Universities of Toronto, Yale,Harvard, and Johns Hopkins University and membershipsin foreign societies in London, Edinburgh, Paris, andBrussels. 'His own colleagues, in 1945, dedicated a room in HullZoological Laboratory as the Frank R. Lillie Room. Hisportrait, by Charles Hopkinson, and six decorative panelsof scenes from Woods Hole are the center of interest inthe seminar room.Dr. Lillie is survived by his wife, Frances Crane Lillie,and seven children.The Music MasterFor the first time since the war, Mandel. Hall at theUniversity of Chicago was, the setting for a Universityof Chicago opera production when the Music Departmentand the Renaissance Society jointly sponsored a production of Pergolesi's The Music Master.First performed in 1731, The Music Master is amongthe first operas in which the plot involved actual people,rather than god-like heroes and heroines. An opera ofintrigue between two men-the music master and theimpressaio-and the beautiful young music student,Lauretta, The Music Master resolved itself at MandelHan in a Noel Goward manner.Nineteen-year-old Miss Dorothea Brodbeck, coloraturasoprano who won the Chicagoland Music Festival Contest in 1946, sang the role of "Lauretta." Harold Brindell,a veteran who toured Europe. and England for six monthswith Eugene List at the close of the war, sang tenor as themusic master, "Lamberto." The third solo role, as theimpressario, "Collegini" who vied with Lamberto for"Lauretta's affections, was performed by baritone RobertSpiro. Members of the Collegium Musicum, with Siegmund Levarie conducting, made up the chorus andorchestra.Kay Ewing Hocking, wife, of Richard B. Hocking, amember of the University's philosophy staff and of theboard of the Renaissance Society, served as stage director.Before 'coming to Chicago, she was an assistant professorand director of the experimental theater at Vassar College.The Music Master was the seventh opera presented bythe University of Chicago. Soon after the Music Deparr,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEment was organized", Purcell's Dido and Aeneas receiveda first Chicago performance in a Midway production.Gluck's I phigenia in T auris, presented in 1936, was alsointroduced to Chicago's musical public.Chivalry of a MayorAmong those still talking about the University of Chicago Cancer Research Foundation dinner at the StevensHotel November 10 to open the drive to give Chicagothe most modern cancer research center, are threewomen from Albert Merritt Billings Hospital.Dr. Mila Pierce, pediatrician, Mrs. Don Cassels andMrs. Chales Spurr, medical wives, recount the chivalryof Mayor Martin H. Kennelly on the event. As theywaited for Drs. Cassels and Spurr to bring the car around,the mayor walked up to them and said: "Good evening,I don't believe I have had the pleasure of meeting youladies. I'm Mayor Kennelly, and I'm supposed to knoweveryone in Chicago." -.When they introduced themselves, he suggested thatif they didn't have a ride home his car was at their disposal.More HonorsThity-three other faculty members and administrative'officers have also received honors during the year whichhave not been recorded for MAGAZINE readers.. The recipients and their honors are: John C. Bellamy)Assistant Professor of Meteorology, the Thurlow awardfor the development of the technique of air navigationknown as "pressure pattern flying"; George A. Bigelow,Daen Emeritus of the Law School, board .member ofthe United States Court of Last Resort; Miss Mary I.Bogardus) Director of Nurses, President of Illinois StateNurses Association; Roy Blough) Professor of Economicsand Political Science, President of Midwest EconomicAssociation and member of executive committee of theNational Tax Association; Miss A.nn Brewington, Associate Professor of BUSIness Education, member of InstitutesDivision of the Educational-Professionalization Committee of National Office Management Association and tothe Publications Committee of the National Associationof Business Teacher Training Institutions and the U nitedBusiness Education Association of the National Education Association; C. F. Chizek, Ass<ociate Professor ofAccounting, secretary-treasurer of the American Accounting Association; Ernest Cadman Colwell, President ofthe University, honorary D.D. from Harvard University,LL.D. from Colby College; Garfield V. Cox, Dean of theSchool of Business, honorary LL.D. from Beloit College;Paul Douglas, Professor of Economics, president of theAmerican Economic Association; Dr. Lester R. Dr:agstedt,Chairman of the Department of Surgery, honorary member of the Seattle Surgical Society and Los AngelesSurgical Society and honorary lecturer for the _ RoyalCollege of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; Fred 21Eggan, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Vice �esi-. dent of the American Anthropological Association; AlfredE. Emerson, Professor of Zoology, Board of Illinois Natural Resources and Conservation; Earl A. Evans, Jr.,Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry, head ofMission on Science and Technology in the United StatesEmbassy at London; Thorfin R. Hogness, Professor ofChemistry, honorary doctor of science degree from Rockford College and councillor of the American ChemicalSociety; Louis Gottschalk, Professor of Modern History,president of modern history section of American HistoricalAssociation, and Princeton Bicentennial Medal; Dr.Charles B. Huggins, Professor of Surgery, honorary masterof science from Yale University; W alter Johnson, Assistant Professor. of History, member of Truman's board offoreign scholarships; Marshall Ketchum, Associate Professor of Finance, editor of Journal of Finance; 'MorrisH. Kharasch, Carl William Eisendrath Professor ofChemistry, member of the National Academy of Science;Nathaniel Kleitman, Associate Professor of Physiology,Townsend Harris Medal from City College of New Yorkfor outstanding attainment in significant fields of humanendeavor; Frank H. Knight, Morton D. Hull Distinguished Service Profes-sor of Social Sciences and Philosophy, delegate to international conference on freedomand economics in Switzerland, honorary LL.D. fromPrinceton; Jacob Marschak, Professor of Economics,Vice President of American Statistical Society, chairmanof the National Income and Wealth Conference, andcouncil member of the Econometric Society; Joseph E.Mayer, Professor of Chemistry, member of the NationalAcademy of Science; Ulrich Middeldor], Chairman. ofthe Department of Art, director of the College Art Association; Dr. Dallas B. Phemister, Thomas D. JonesProfessor Emeritus of Surgery, President of AmericanCollege of Surgeons, honorary fellowship to the RoyalCollege of Surgeons, the Robert Dennis Prize awardedevery three years by the International Surgical Societyfor' outstanding work on fractures; Mrs. Thelma Porter,Chairman of the Department of Home Economics, honorary D.S. from Michigan State College; Robert Redfield, Professor: of Anthropology, member of AmericanPhilosophical Society, honorary doctor of humane lettersfrom Fisk University; Wallace W. Robbins, President ofMeadville Theological School, honorary D.D. from TuftsCollege; Theodore W. Schultz, Chairman of the Department of Economics, chairman of Famine Mission toIndia; Dr, Keith C. Seele, Associate Professor of Egyptology, honorary LL.D. from the College of Wooster;Harold C. Urey, Distinguished Service Professor ofChemistry, honorary doctor of science degree from Oxford, member of the Royal Irish Academy at Dublin, andforeign member of the Royal Society of London; Dr.Marshall Urist, Research Associate of Physiology, Wellcome Medal and $500 award by the Association of Military Surgeons ; Harold R. Willoughby, Professor of Christian Origins, honorary D.Lit. from Wesleyan University.22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO• BUSINESSCAREERSEnter the business wor ld well prepared.'Qualify for the pleasant, better-paying positions that are held only by t ra in ed personnel. Since 1904, young men and worn enof Ch ica go have increased their earningcapacity t.hro ugh MacCormac tra.inl ng ..RegistN' mow f.;Qr any of the f o lIo w l n g;courses:• Typing • Accounting• Shorthand 0 Business Admlnfsfeatfon• St'enograpn • Advertising• Comptometrv • iEx:ecutive SecretarialDay or evening classes. G. 1. Approved.Visit us.Phone or write for cataloqMac CORMAC SCHOOLSI.OOP57 w. Monroe St.RAN dolph 8595 SOUTH SIDE1170 E. 63rd St.BU'Fterfiel�l 6363CLARK-BREWERT'ea.chers Agency6S,th·YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices-One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd •• Chica,goMinneapo1ia-Kansas City. Mo.S.pokane-New YorkSince .J885ALBE:RTTeachers· AgencyThe' best i·n placement service for Univer�ity,College, Secondary and EI:mentary. Nationwide patronage. Call or write us at25 E. Jackson BI,vd.Chicago 4" Illinoisi AMERICAN OOLLEGE BUREAU'28 �E. JACKSON B.oUUiVARDCHICAGOA Bureau 01 Placement which limits Uswork to the university and college field.It is aflliUated with tbe. Fisk 'Feaclie,rs:Agency of Chicago, whose work covers. all !the educational fields. Both organlsatlonsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as, of teachers. MAGAZINENOSTALGIANon-binding tieIt was toe eight-thirty class in EnglishLiterature. At the. last moment ProfessorAlbert H. Tolman hurried in as a titterspread among the students. The fellowsstarted adjusting their ties. Taking thehint Professor Tolman reached for his. Notie! 'With great dignity he solomnly announced, "This morning we will start ourclass by singing 'Blest Be the Tie ThatBinds.''' IRebecca Day Metcalf,' '02ChicagoHarper's last classIn the November issue we told aboutPresident Harper's "death sentence frommy physicians." Cancer was to end h�s lifewithin the year but Dr Harper continuedto meet his classes. Mrs. Anne W. Bonner,wife of the late Chairman of the Department of Greek, was on the quadrangles atthe time:It was my privilege to be a member ofDr. Harper's last class in "The MajorProphets." He was determined not to giveup his teaching until he had to do so. Afterit was decided he must undergo an operation, he had his classes meet in the libraryof his home.As I crossed the campus on that day ,tohis home, !the flag was at half mast-forwhom I did not know. Dr. Harper enteredthe room looking haggard and said: Gentlemen, [there were only 2 women in theclass], I have juslt received word that myfriend and colleague, Professor GeorgeGoodspeed" is dead. We have been friendsfor m�ny years. When I learned t�at. Icould no longer carryon, I called him 111and arranged for him to take my classes.This, with my own condition, is too much.We shall not meet again."Dr. J. M. P. Smith, then his Secretary,continued the class and also taught Hebrewthe nex t quarter. Dr. Harper always urge�every Bible student to study Hebrew. HISeyes shone as he said to us,' ''I'd ratherteach Hebrew than eat my breakfast.;Anne W. BonnerAberdeen, Md.Victories were always, moralAfter our first great victory over Michigan '[1893J when our team was cartedaround Hyde Park with 60 men at theropes to the home of President Harper. Tothe howling undergraduate demand for aspeech he said:"Gentlemen of the football team, I amproud of you. The battle you ha,:,e foughttoday is eypical of the battle of hfe. Youhave won a glorious battle today. I hopeyou do as well in life . . ."[Captain] A. R. E .. Wyant, DB '97ChicagoA ndy Wyant, who played cent�r) addsthat Coach Stagg had dreams of him playino end-actually, it was just one dream."C"aptain Wyant,J) said the Old Man) "Ihad a dream about you last night. . . . Idreamed that you toere an end man ou aminstrel show J)Best guesserClarence A. McCarthy, '02, vice presidentof an investment firm on LaSalle Street,remem bers a 'remark made by Angel inone of his classes which made' McCarthy abetter student. Professor Angel said, "Youdon't like this class!" McCarthy: "Why,what makes, YOll think that?" "Because, although you are the' best guesser in theclass, you could be the best student if yOlldid a little studying." Which MCCarthYdid thereafter.Counted chickensThe November issue of the MACAZINfpresents likelike portraits of two of themost unforgettable persons whom I haveever met, William Rainey Harper andErnest DeWitt Burton.I first met Dr. Harper in the summer of1892 at Chautauqua, New York, where hewas director of the educational program.teacher, and lecturer. He was engaged inthe task of creating from scratch a greatUniversity on a raw tract of midwesternprairie. Most men under these circumstances would have withdrawn from theChautauqua enterprise, but not he ....Five days a week were spent on the Assembly ground; then he might speed byPullman to Chicago to lead in vital discussions affecting the new University aboutto open; or he might v�campu.s and persuade promment professorsto leave an established institution and jointhe new enterprise ...A speaker on the Assembly platform oncesaid that after Dr. Harper left a collegecampus the president would gather hisfaculty about him, as a hen would herchickens, to see how many were left! Hiswas the most dynamic personality I haveever met. ..Ernest DeWitt Burton ... was eminentas a scholar, teacher, author, and speaker.and no less so as an executive. When hecame to the University as Head of the NewTestament Department he also was responsible. for the organization of th.e University LIbrary. The general matenal wasin a 'building resembling a warehouse. Thespecial reference collections were dis.tributed in rooms adjacent to the relatedclassrooms, notwithstanding the ]a,ck of astandard building, the scheme worked.When Mr. Rockefeller undertook anelaborate plan for education in China, Professor Burton was the one sent abroad toorganize it. Those who attended Wednes.day evening devotional service at the ParkAvenue Church found him a sincere, devout Christian whose contribution enrichedthe spiritual atmosphere of the meetings ....A new thrill of life was felt through theUniversity [when] �e was ina�lgurat�d asPresident. Death 111 connection WIth asurgical operation soon followed.Versatile, therefore, is the term which Iassociate with Ernest DeWitt Burton, asdynamic I connect with the personality ofWilliam Rainey Harper. -Warren Cordis, PhD '04Deland, FloridaWatch your stepHaving just come from the chill, almostbare garden to the -small comforting area ofthe circulating heater, I shall now pen afew historical trivia on the "human side ofour University."The bleakness outside (bleakness to anyChicago alumnus anywhere can best bedescribed as Midway-type winter weatherwithous prospect of steam heat) has notfazed our University of Chicago chrysanthemums. The good Botany Department.two years since, sent us some with theircooperative good wishes. Happily selectedTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOmaroon blooms persist this late and havesurvived last winter, the coldest in fiftyyears in the Colorado high mountain coun-try. .The University of Chicago is affectionately on our heart and mind a good deal,at this altitude (8,417 ft.) and in these remote environs. We had a small class inthe Great Books last winter. Studentsranged from hard rock miners, visiting recovering Law Students, to The RichestLady in Town. Of all the forms of government, Russia kept inserting herself,notwithstanding, we decided we prefer ourown with some substantial broadeningchanges.When we first came to Chicago, in 1936,we heard a good deal to scare us. Clackingalong over the Burlington from Denver toEnglewood Station, a passenger inkily described dangerous, things. Young folks,able and loyal as they might be, were putto quite .a strain, we were told.Our nerves were unsteadied further andmore considerably when even the I. C. conductor, with a firmness springing fromconviction as well as repetition, evenshouted warnings."fifty-ninth Street! University of Chicago! 'Watch your step!'" he called.One autumn, about the time summerstock remainders went back on regularshelves, when oversized men signed upfor gym lockers (and made daily exerciseresolutions), the chimes attested crisper,clearer air, and them steam crept slowlyto the remoticies of even the Rare BookRoom ... One such autumn, returning beloved Robert Morss Lovett greeted an English assistant who had worked all summeron the Dictionary."How are things going with the GreatCompendium?" Professor Lovett asked.'Well, Sir," came the prompt and edifying reply, "we're down to chocolate!"Enough of this happy reminiscing andout to chop some wood. Affectionately inreality and retrospect,Benjamin Drape�, '36-41Georgetown, ColoradoNEWS OF THE CLASSES�-.-----------------------------------------------------------------------1897William H. Allen is the Director of theInstitute of Public Service in New YorkCity. His organization is interested in uncovering facts and telling the truth aboutlocal government and the use of publicfunds.Edgar Van Osdel is living in Pasadena,California, and he is devoting his intereststo the University of Redlands where hetaught from 1921 to 1945.1902Harris F. MaoNelsh, SM '05, PhD '09',who has been Professor of Mathematicsand Chairman of the Department at Brooklyn College since its foundation in 1930has resigned to accept a Visiting Professorship in Mathematics at the University ofMiami, and is living at Hotel Dallas Park,Miami 30, Florida.1903Cornell University has announced theestablishment of an endowed professorship of Metallurgical Engineering namedfor Francis Norwood Bard, owner of theBarco Manufacturing Company of Chicago.Mr. Bard made the formal presentation ofa $250,000 fund to endow the professorship at a dinner in his honor.The retirement of Charles P. Clal'k, MDRush, medical director of The MutualBenefit Life Insurance Company for 31years and an outstanding figure in the medical branch of the insurance field becameeffective in September.1904G. George Fox, AM '05, has been reappointed a member of the State InterracialCommittee. He has just celebrated the25th anniversary of the South ShoreTemple which he founded with six members and which now has a membershipclose Ito seven hundred.1907Herbert F. Evans, PhD '09, is ProfessorEmeritus of Whittier College in Whittier,California. He is now vice-president ofthe Sou thern California Council ofChurches and a consultant to churchbuilding committees. 1908Frank M. Dryzer, AM, is an examinerwith the U. S. Patent Office, and lives inWashington, D. C. He lists as his "extracurricular" interests mathematics andphysics. .Joshua C. Witt, Technical Director ofthe Marquette Cement ManufacturingCompany is the author of "Portland Cement Technology" recently published.1909Helen Jacoby (Mrs. Harry W. Evard,Sr.), whose husband passed away in 1940,found her horne ("a small hotel") too largeafter the three children were grown andsettled' ill their own homes, has moved toa smaller home at 171 W. 44th Street,Indianapolis 8. The children are all remaining in Indianapolis so they remainone happy family.Charles F. Nelson, MD Rush '11, wasknighted by the King of Sweden andawarded the Royal Order of Vasa FirstClass for his achievements in the practiceof medicine and surgery and for his scientific work in the field of medical research. Dr. Nelson was awarded the BronzeMedal by the American Medical Association for his original research in bone metabolism in 19-10, and the Ling Medal forwork {or children, 1938.1910Mary H. S. Hayes, PhD, prominent social worker, has been elected chairman ofthe national executive committee of theGirl Scouts of the United States.Marie G. Merrill left social agency. worka year ago for the precarious occupation offree-lancing" and writes "strangely enough,starvation has not yet begun". She is living in Chicago.19 "Benjamin F. Bills, JD '14, has been appointed Professorial Lecturer in the Department of Marketing at NorthwesternUniversity. In addition, he i,<; a memberof the firm. of Bills Realty and Bills Mortgage Company in Chicago, and Presidentof the Grand Ridge Lumber Company and MAGAZINE 23WA,NT TO-EARN$9000A YEAR ?/A career in life insuranceselling can be both profitableand satisfying . . . with yourincome limited only by yourown efforts. Many of our representatives earn $4,000 to$9,000 a year, and more! Weinvite you to send for ourscientific Aptitude Test, whichmeasures your qualificationsfor this interesting work.If you qualify, you may become eligible for our 3-yearon-the-job training course,with a 2-year compensationplan which will not make youdependent upon commissions.After that, the' Mutual Lifetime Plan offers liberal commissions, and substantial retirement income at 65. Writetoday to Room ll02.THE MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMP'ANY of NEW YORK34 Nassau StreetNew York 5; N. Y. fill! Alexander E. PattersonIlJ PresidentASunclaeTreat forAnY,Day!SWIFT'S ICE CREAMSundaes and sodas are extra goodmade with Swift's Ice Cream. Sodelicious, so creamy - smooth, so24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEE. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS1 INC.Planograph-Offset"'_"Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182w. B .• ,CONKEY CO.HAMMOND, IND'IANAS,ALES OFFICES: CHICAGO AND NEW YORKC;LARKE,,'McELROYP'U'B�L'ISHING. CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good Printing 01 A.ll Descriptions"AMERICANPHOTO ENGRAVING CO.Photo En9rave"Arfists - :ElectrotypersMakers of Printing Pla.te.42.9 'iTelep:honeS. Ashland Blvd. Monroe 75115Since 1895Surgeons.' Fine InstrumentsSurg'ica,1 Equipme·ntHospitail and: Offi·ce· FurnitureSundries. Supplies, Dressi:ngsv. MUELLER & CO.A.ll Phones: SEEley 2180408 SOUTH HONORE STREETCHICAGO 12, ILLINOIS Building Corporation at Grand Ridge, Illinois. His home is in Glencoe, Illinois.Herbert L. Willett, former head of theWashington Comrnunity Chest and theChest Federation, has been named secretarytreasurer of Government Services,' Inc.This is. a non-profit corporation which operates 53 Federal cafeteria and snack barsin Washington. '1912Forbes Magazine, at its thirtieth anniversary dinner in the Waldorf-Astoria,cited "Today's Fifty Foremost BusinessLeaders" selected by national ballot amongthousands of business men. Nominationswere by Chambers of Commerce, trade associations, and corporations. Among thefifty cited was Paul G. Hoffman, Presidentof Studebaker Corporation and Trustee ofthe University.1913Harold Kramer of Columbus, Nebraska,was recently named chairman of the board·of managers of Nebraska's Public PowerSytem. Previously he was general managerof the Loup Public Power District.Charlotte M. Porter is living in a mining town high in the mountains of Colorado, and is interested in genealogy.Louise C. Robb retired in 1944 from herposition as principal and teacher in theGlendale, California, high school afterteaching 45 years. She is Chairman of theAdvisory Committee of the Glendale Educational Fund, and chairman of a churchcommittee which has sent over 100 boxesof food and clothing to Paris and St. Die(Vosges). .Mrs. Zillah Wilson, prominent Seattlealumna, was a member of the party of theSeattle branch of the American Association of University Women who attendedthe regional conference of universitywomen at Victoria, British Columbia inNovember. '1'914"Excavations at Tell En-Nasbeh" is thetitle of a book published recently by Chester C. McCown, PhD. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him by. the Pacific School of Religion, where heis Professor Emeritus of New TestamentInterpretation.Margaret F. Williams, AM '33, is Assistant Professor of English a'le Roosevelt College in Chicago, and is enjoying her workat that school very much.PAUL STAGG SECONDIn his football news letter of November 11 to the alumni of PacificUniversity (Forest Grove, Oregon),Paul Stagg wrote: "This week we playthe College of Puget Sound [Tacoma],which may be the strongest team wewill meet this year .... If we can winthis game we will end up the seasonin second place in the conferencewhile a loss will drop us way downthe ladder." .,In his letter of November 19 'hewrote: "We defeated the College ofPuget Sound 15-6. . . . we finished theseason in second place .... "Paul has been writing a very interesting weekly football letter for thealumni where he is Director of Physical Education and Head Coach. Mrs.Stagg was Virginia Russell, '37.The President of Pacific Universityis Walter C. Giersbach, PhD '33. OUR WASHINGTON CLUBUnder the presidency of Howard P.Hudson, '35, the Washington, D: C.,Club is rolling into action. A men'sdowntown luncheon club has been organized, meeting Wednesday noons ata special round table in the maindining room of the LaFayette Hotel,16th and I Streets, NW. No speeches,just fellowship and food. Visitingalumni are always welcome to dropin. Special guest on November 19thwas Walter Bartky, Dean of the Division of the Physical Sciences.The Club has scheduled a dance atthe Shoreham Hotel for Saturday, December 13th. This is in cooperationwith the Illinois State Society with aspecial room reserved for Chicagoalumni.Headquarters for the Club areSuite 1015-Ring Building, 1200 Eighteenth Street. Telephone, Executive3035. Out of town alumni are encouraged to. make themselves knownwhen they are in town, particularlyif they want to locate a classmate orcheck on alumni activities while thevare in the city. •1915General Donald Armstrong, former chiefof the Chicago ordnance district, waselected executive vice president of theUnited States Pipe and Foundry Companyin November. He also was elected a director and member of the executive committee.1916Colonel John K Gordon, PhD '21, MDRush '24,. was presented the DistinguishedService Medal in October "for exceptionally meritorious service as Chief of thePreventive Medicine Division in the European Theatre of Operations from September, 1942, to May, 1945."Lorna Lavery (Mrs. 'Maurice L. Stafford)is living in Mexico City, where her hUsbandis Consul General. of the American Em-bassy. .Benjamin E. Shackelford, PhD, directorof licensing of the International Divisionof the Radio Corporation of America, hasbeen elected president of the Institute ofRadio Engineers for 1948.Miles D. Sutton, AM '32, retired in 1942as Head of the Business Department ofDenfeld High School in Duluth. He hadbeen there 24 years, and for 12 years hadbeen principal of the evening school. Heis now living in Mobile, Alabama.1917Franklin Farman, MD Rush, has beennamed director of the Fox Foundation. for Urology, established by R. S. Fox,lumberman of Seattle, \\Tashington; forscientific research and educational development in the field of urology.Harold P. Huls, JD '21, President of thePublic Utilities Commission for the Stateof California, has been made WorthyGrand Master of Kappa Sigma for thenext two years.Ezra 1. Kraus, PhD, Chairman of theDepartment of Botany at the University,spent several weeks last fall in Riverside,California, on a' special project for Botany.Howard D. Lightbody is a research chemist with the Quartermaster Corps in Chicago.Thomas L. Smart, LLB, has retired fromthe practice of law for reasons of ill healthand is living i.n Brookdale, California. 'THE UNIVERSITY OF qHICAGO MAGAZINEBUZZELLS' SUMMERFARM CROPThe "Woman of the Week" in a recentissue of the Delavan (Wisconsin) Enterprise was Mrs. Edgar B uzzell (VirginiaHenkins, '13). It seems that since Mrs.Buzzell, with her husband, arrived on theirfarm near Delavan thirty-one years ago.she has been an inspiring influence in allmanner of civic activities from the Community Advisory Council (which she helpedorganize), to the A.A.U.W., rural education, County Recreational Council, theGrange, Parent - Teachers, and youngpeople's work in the CongregationalChurch.Mr. Buzzell, a graduate of Brown withspecial agriculture courses at Purdue, carries his share of the community load. Butof even more interest is what the Buzzellsraise on their large, wooded, lake-frontingfarm in summer. Youngsters-about 45 or50 each summer-ages, from eight to twelve.Like Old Macffonald's, the BuzzeUs farmhas most every kind of animal and thechildren have their varied assignments inslopping, mowing, gathering, setting, planting, weeding, harvesting, churning, canning,and the normal experiences of coun try ladsand lasses. Many city faculty . childrenspend their summers with the Buzzells,learning to raise gardens and not to pullthe eat's tail.Afternoons are set aside for. swimmingunder the supervision of Mrs. Buzzell,who has worked out various coveted "de- Beans must be strung (or is it stringed?)by Mrs. Buzzell and the children, before theyset the table.grees" as the youngsters' advance frompaddle to crawl to dive.It's a happy, wholesome, satisfying lifethe Buzzells (born and raised in congestedChicago) have worked out for themselveson Lake Delavan in wooded Wisconsin,on the land they call Glen Eyrie Farm forChildren.1918Noble W. Cain, AM, will appear forthe second summer at the Music Camp ofWestern State College in Gunnison, Colorado for the 1948 summer school session.Abba Lipman owns and operates threemillinery and apparel accessory shops inChicago. Her three daughters have allgone to Chicago.Ruth R. McCracken has adopted aneight year old girl whom she has fosteredfor the past four years. The little girlis known as Miriam Cass McCracken.1920John O. Eagleson is teaching in the NewHolland High School, and lives in. Circleville, Ohio, where he has been a memberof the City Board of Education for eightyears with the enviable record of neverhaving missed a meeting.Daniel B. MacCallum, PhD '23, MD '25,served as. Professor and acting Head ofthe Department of Anatomy at the University of Southern California School ofMedicine until 1940, when he becameColonel in the Army Medical Corps, serving as Surgeon with the 7th Army. HeCollected the Bronze Star with Oak LeafCluster, the French Croix de Guerre withPalm, the Luxembourg Officer of the GrandDucal Order of the Oaken Wreath andCroix de Guerre. Since May, 1946, he hasbeen working for General Paul Hawley asone of his 13 representatives, with - theVeterans Administration.1921Arthur C. Bevan, PhD, former StateGeOlogist of Virginia, transferred on Sep- tember 15 to an important post on theIllinois .Ceological Survey, Urbana, as Principal Geologist in charge of the GeologicalResources Section. .. Effie M. Carp, AM (Mrs. Daniel E. Lynch)lives in Manhattan, Kansas, - where she isCounty Chairman for the Cancer Control,arid active in things of interest ill hertown and community.Ehlers English, JD, has been electedcounsel of the Bankers Life Company ofDes Moines, Iowa.1922Henry D. Brohm has been appointedvice-president and general operating manager of the Wieboldt Stores in Chicago.In this new position he is responsible. forpersonnel, service and pwperty.Ward :8. Davis, PhD '24, is a chemistin Los Angeles. His wife, Opal H. Davis,SM '24, PhD '25, is teaching there, Theyhave three children: Florence, who graduated in June from Whittier College andexpects to enter medical school; Stanley,graduated in June from -high school andis going to Whittier College on a scholarship; and Ben, a high school sophomore.1923Charles G. Campbell is now associatedwith the industrial sales division of SturmBickel Corporation, Chicago realtors. Mr.Campbell was with the real estate divisionof the City National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago from 1932 to 1939 when hewent on active duty with the Navy.F. Ray Eddy had resigned as vice president of Commercial Credit Corporation inChicago to open his own auto dealership. 25Jljladt£itone metOrating�erbittPhone Pullman 9170•10422 l\bobe� �be .• (:bitago. 31n.TuckerDecorating Service1360 East 70th StreetPhone MIDway 4404RICHARD H.·WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMonroe 3192EASTMAN COAL CO._Elteblished 190.2YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone Seeley 4488VVasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chico go Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-.04-WOllon'1 Cool Moka. Good-orWosson DoesTREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Diirecf Fadory Deal:erfor-CHRYSILE,R a,nd P�L YMOUTHNEW CARS6040 Cottage Grove.Mid. 4200AlsoGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete Automobile Repair"Body, Paint, Simonize, Washand . Greasing Departments26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOLOCAl AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING•60 YEARS OF DEPENDABLESERVICE JO THE - SOUTHSIDE•ASK FOR FREE EsrlMA 1E•55th and ELLIS AVENUECHICAGO 15 I ILLINOISPhone BUTterfield 6711 .DAVID L. SUTTON, Pres.Real Estate and Insumnce1500 East 57th Street Hyde Park 2525. L E I �G H • SGROCERY and MARKET1327 Eod :S7't.h. Stree.tPhones: Hyde Par'k 9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENtRELLA.FRUITS AND VEGETA,B:LESWE D:EUVERA'liee BannerCOLORE!)' HELPFACTORY HEliPSTORESSHO-PSMILLS FOUNDRIESEngl�wood Emp· •. Agey., 5534 S. State St. j 1924Mary H. Bowser is teaching in LairdAvenue School in Warren, 'Ohio. This isher 22nd year, and she reports that thechildren of her children are coming backto her in class.Hugh J. Dobbs, JD '25, is author of theIllinois Airport Authority act, which hasmade the airport at Springfield, Illinois,possible.Phil H. Hubbard is assigned as Consulto the American Consulate General at Zurich, Switzerland, with -the Department ofState.Barnabas Hai-Tsung Lei, PhD '27, isProfessor and Chairman of the Departmentof H�sltory at National Tsing Hua University in Peiping, China.Ralph E. Pettit, formerly associatedwith Aluminum Company -of America, isnow General_ Manager in charge of operations of the Chicago Thrift Company,name plate makers.Harold R. WiHoughiby, PhD, is givingthe Haskell lectures at Oberlin rhis year.. 1925Lucile Evans, SM, is First Vice Presidentand National Membership Chairman of theNational Association of Biology Teachers.She has been teaching in the Biology DepaFtment of the Milwaukee State TeachersCollege since 1929.George C. Hoffman, JD '28, has been appointed Master in Chancery for the SeventhCircuit.Benjamin E ... Mays, AM, PhD '35, President of Morehouse College, received his fifthhonorary degree last lUl'[t.e, when BatesCollege, Lewiston, Maine (his undergraduate Alma Mater) conferred upon him thedegree of Doctor of Divinity.Frederick S. NowJian, PhD, of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver,has been named visiting professor of mathemaries in the Chicago Undergraduate Division of the University of Illinois on NavyPier.1926May -M. Beenken, AM, PhD '28, has resigned her position as mathematics professor and' director of the division of preprofessional education at Oshkosh StateTeachers College in Wisconsin, to accepta new position as 'professor of mathematicsat Immaculate Heart College for Womenin Los Angeles.Berthold 'c. Fried!l, AM, Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Russianat the University of Miami, is president ofdle florida Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and EastEuropean Languages. During the summer session he taught ae the University ofHavana Escuela de Verans.1928Richard A.. Barnes, AM,. PhD '39, isHead of the Department of Education atAugustana College in Rock Island, Illinois.Oliver M. Keve is district superintendentof the Methodist C�urch for the St. Joseph, Missouri, district._Clifton E. Van. Sickle, PhD, AssociateProfessor of History at Ohio WesleyanUniversity, has published the first ,0'£ atwo-volume series, "A Political and Cultural History of the Ancient World." Thesecond volume will appear early in June.1929Hazel E. Foster, AM, DB '32, served twoCongregational churches in Melstone, Montana, last 'summer.Stella Van Petten Henderson, AssociateProfessor of Education at Illinois State MAGAZINENormal University, is the author of a philosophy textbook published in Novemberby the University of Chicago Press. 11is entitled "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education."M. Dorisse Howe, PhD, is instructor inbiology at Urbana Junior College in Urbana, Ohio, which is the smallest collegein Ohio and perhaps the nation. The 97·year old institution, with 49 students anda Iacul ty of ten, prides itself on the individual instruction which the small enrollrnent makes possible.George E. Leonard, JD, of Chicagoformerly chief trial attorney for the Chicago regional office of OP A, has beennamed special attorney in the anti-trustdivision of the Department of Justice.Wilbur W. White, AM, PhD '35, resignedfrom his position as Dean of the GraduateSchool at Western Reserve University tebecome President of Toledo University.1930_ Emma Beekmann, AM, an instructor atTheodore Roosevelt High School in Lo�Angeles, had an article in the October"Education Digest". ·It was a condensation of an article in the May, 1947, issueof "Social Education", and was based onher research as fellow with the Committeeon Human Development at the Universi:ty.J._l.obert B .. �ewy, M� '35, has been appointed Clinical ASSIstant Professor ofOtolaryngology at the University of nunois College of Medicine. Dr. Lewy hasbeen on the staff of the University of Illinois since 1937 except for a period of fiveyears during which he was on leave of absence while on duty with the United StatesArmy .Louis E. Raths, AM, has been appOintedProfessor of Education at the New YorkUniversity School of Education. He wasformerly a member of the faculty of OhioState University.Sam Teite1man, manager of sales research. with Armour and Company in Chicagodiscussed "How Research Can Help Youin Selecting Products and Packages forMarket" at a luncheon of the Chicago As,sociation of Commerce in November.1931Beginning with the summer session, 19ii.Ge�r�e Bartlett, �hD .'42, has accepted apOSItIOn at the University of Florida in theHumanities Division.- Brant Bonner, who received his PhD de'gree from the University of North Carolina in 1942, has joined the Department ofCommerce in the University of 'VesternOntario, London, Ontario, Canada.Brimson Grow, JD '34, together withPaul N. Dale and James P. Haffner, ha�formed the legal firm of Dale, Haffner andGrow in Chicago.Edwin H. Lennette, PhD '35, MD '36.has left the Research and Development Department at Camp Detrick, Maryland, andis living in Berkeley, California, where heis with the Virus Laboratory.Robert L. Purcell was appointed c0111P'1troller of Ekco- Products Company las!November.. He formerly was comptrollerof International Detrola Corporation, andwas with a Chicago accounting firm beforethe war.Eugene Clyde Weafer, his wife and folllchildren are spending the winter in themountains of - northern Arizona, wherfMr. Weafer is doing educational wor�among the Navajo, studying their languageand customs, and completing some fictiollwriting projects.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 271932Charles E. Cannam is District Salesmanager for The Arco Company :in Brook-lyn, New York. .Christine Heinig, a specialist in child'development who has pioneered in establishing preschool training centers in thiscountry and in Australia, has been appointed to the national staff of the American Association of University ''''omen.Richard M. Page, SM, Chicago consultant psychologist, has been appointed visiting lecturer in psychology at the U niversityof 1llinois. From 1945 until March of thisyear he was research director of HaU andLiles, Chicago. At present he is collaborating with the Dartnell Corporation, in developing a new test of selling aptitudes. Atthe University he will teach courses in industrial and child psychology.Samuel Vairanapillai, AM, is the autl10rof a book entitled "Are We Two Nations?Nationalities in Indian Politics" which isattracting wide attention in India. Heis Professor of History at Forman Collegein Lahore, India.1933Ruth Mae Oliver, AM '46, who teachesGeneral Science at Fenger High School inChicago, spent the past summer travelingin England and Scotland.Velma D. Whipple is living with herfather at EI Ranchito Pueblo, 7l1z milesfrom the center of Albuquerque, New Mexico, where they have four acres and awonderful sounding dog-half airdale, halfmountain lion!1934Mildred Biklen Smith has been namedChief of the Public Welfare Branch ofthe Office of Military Government for Cermarry (US) establishing a new precedent inthe American Military Government organization in Germany, all of whose chief positions hitherto had been held by Army officers other men. She was inducted into hernew office with formal impressive ceremonies befitting her new status, and herletters indicate she has taken up her extended duties with high enthusiasm.Clyde Wilbur Blanke, AM, is on thejunior-Senior English faculty of the BlueIsland Community High School. TheBlankes own their home in Midlothian,an adjoining village and have two children,Clyde, 10 and Sybil, 7.Alina M. Kieradlo (Mrs. Charles Drake)is Director of Medical Social Service atIllinois Eye and Ear Infirmary in Chicago.Sol G. Lippman, JD '36, a Chicago attorney formerly with the National LaborRelations Board in Washington, is nowgeneral counsel of the Retail Clerks International Union (A.F.L.).Elsie Machek, who teaches 5th and 6thgrade reading and writing in ElmwoodPark, Illinois, was back on the campuslast summer studying with Dr. Robinsonin the Reading Clinic.Herd Rosenson, AM '39, is employed inthe sales department of a non-ferrous metalrefinery in Chicago. He and Mrs. Rosenson (Lottie Lavin, '36, AM '37) and theirthree little daughters live at 310 SouthHamlin Avenue in Chicago.Elliott W. Schryver is Fiction Editorwith the Woman's Home Companion inNew York City. Mrs. Schryver is theformer Alice Stinnett, '32.Royal M. Vanderberg, SM '40, and. hiswife" (Kirsten Richards, '37, AM '40) have1U0v,ed from Forest Grove, Oregon, toSOuthern California, where he is teaching inSan Bernadino Valley College, and they MAGAZINESTA'FF .ASSISTA.NT TO SUPERINTENDENTUnusual opportunity for mature young man as Administrative Assistant toPlant Superintendent with special emphasis on analysis of overall employ.ment, turnover and related problems of plant workers, including auxiliaryproblems incident to employee relations, timekeeping and rate analysis.College graduate with farm background preferred, Good leadership abilitiesbut willing to adjust to present organization. Must be analytical, able toassume responsibility, and evaluate problems from an independent viewpoint. Chicago location with large national manufacturer. Salary commensurate with ability and experience.Address reply to:Alumni Advertising Box No. 1005,733 Univ'ersit,y AvenueChicGg'o 37. 'IUinoisare both completely sold. on the famousCalifornia dimate.Walter G. Williams, PhD, is Chairmanof the Department of Old Testament Literature and Religion at The Iliff Schoolof Theology in Denver, Colorado.1935Oliver R. Aspegren II has been appointedGeneral Agent for The Ohio National LifeInsurance Company in Chicago. Duringthe war he served with the U. S. NavalAdministration, having charge of Electronics Personnel. At the time of his discharge he held the rank of LieutenantCommander. .John P; Barden III, JD '38, is dean-electof Cleveland College's new school of General Studies, and has assumed bis dutiesin the downtown branch of Western Reserve University. The School of GeneralStudies will start operation in September,1948, and will offer education to "any adultwho works eight hours a day on anotherjob." M1'. Barden was formerly assistantof University College at the University ofChicago and active in the Great Booksprogram.Harriet Elizabeth Cowles, AM" has beenappoinaed' to the faculty of the CbicagoUndergraduate Division of the Universityof Illinois.Melvin Knisely, PhD, of the University'SAnatomy Department took a two week tripto California in the fall where he lecturedat the Catifornia Institute of Technologyin Pasadena.Kenneth W. Mort, brother of the Editor, is a salesman with the Security Envelope Company. His headquarters arein Springfield, Illinois, where he recentlypurchased a new home at 3318 ShermanRoad. M1'. Mort financed his educationas a member of the Reynolds Club staff(b ill iard room) while Mrs. Mort was onthe sales force of the Bookstore. Theyhave one girl, Mary Margaret, 5.Lloyd Trump, PhD '43, formerly superintendent of the Waukegan, Illinois, township high school, has been named associateprofessor in the University of Illinois College of Education and a member ·of theUniversity'S. Council on Teacher Education.1936Shennan E. Johnson, PhD, of the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge,Massachusetts, has been appointed annualprofessor to the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem. Golden Dirilyte(formerly Diriqold)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID - NOT PLATEDService for Eight $61.85: FINE BO!NE CHINAAynsley, Revel Crown Derby, Spode andOther Famous Makes. Also Crystal, TableLinen end Gifts.COMPl.ETE TABLE AP,POINTMENTSIliriqn, Inc.70 �. J,ackson Blvd. Chica�90, 111.FLOORSSIDEWALKSMACHINE 'FOUNDATIONSWentworth 44221:. A. REHNQUIST CO.,6639 So. Vernon Ave.28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPHILCO R.C.A. CROSLEYMOTOROLA G. E. FARNSWORTHRADIO .SERVICERECORDS REFRIGERATORSWASHERS RANGESSPORTING GOODSHERMANS935 EAST 55th STREETAt Ingleside AvenueTelephone Hyde Park 6200Robert Gaertner, '34 Julian Tishler, '33B:lENENFELOChicago's Most Com·plete Stock ofG'LASSGLASS CORP. OF ILLINOIS1525W. 3'5th St. Pho'neLafayette 8400: BIRCK.FELUNGER CORP.Exclu'siveClean,ers & Dy,e:rs200 'E. Marquette RoadPhone: Wenf. 5380EXCLUSIVE CLEANERS. AND DYERSSinei' 19201442 and 1331 E. 57th St.•EV'ENING GOWNSAND FO:RMALSA SP'ECIALT·Yid 0608Ml waY0602 • We call/orand deliver3 HOUR SERVICE Joseph H. Mills is living in OklahomaCity, where he is Assistant Landman withthe Sinclair Prairie Oil Company.Helen M. Moats, PhD, was recently written up as one of the nine women from theUnited States holding "high-powered" jobswith the United Nations.. Her title isChief of the Inland Transportation Section.Orvis A_ Schmidt has resigned his position in the Treasury Department, Washington, and has been appointed Chief ofthe European Loan Division of the International Bank.Martin. B. Smitb:, PhD '42, has resignedhis position with Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation at Daingerfield, Texas.to accept a position as Physical Chemist�it� . Ethyl Corporation, Baton Rouge,LOUIsIana, where he is now living with hiswife and year old daughter" Ingrid Ann.1937Jean Louise Garrigus is living in NewYork" and has had one book and severalstories published under the name JeanGarrigue.Robert S. Hardy, PhD, of Ramsey, NewJersey, was elected associate director of theNear East College Association,' in chargeof administering the American affairs ofthe eight 'COlleges represented in the group.Barbara Moulton" who received her AMand MD degrees from George WashingtonUniversity, has been appointed instructorin Anatomy at that University. 'Cody Pfanstiehl, Director of Press Information at WTOP-,CBS in Washington,has been appointed Promotion Managerin addition to his Press Information duties.Mr. Pfanstiebl went to WTOP-CBS inJuly, after 11 months on the publicitystaff of Warners Brother theatres in Washington.David Gorden Speer, AM '39, is Chairman of the Department of Modern Languages at the SL Helena Extension of theCollege of W itliam . and Mary. He wasmarried in 1945, in Paris, France, to Marilene Basrien.Floyd R. Stauffer is a Lieutenant in theU. S. Navy, and is serving with the Department of Aviation Medicine in Los Angeles.Howard A. Vernon, AM '4'0, is Instructorin History at New York State Teachers College in Buffalo.1938-. Th�e Benedict, Jr." is �iving in WRham:svIlle, New York, a�d IS working foran Insurance ,company In Buffalo.Charlotte L. Ferd, AM (Mrs. Hayman) isemployed by the. New York Board of Education Bureau of Child Guidance.Lillian R. Schoen writes many of thescripts for radio's "Court of Missing Heirs"and "Famous Jury Trials" dramas on ABC,Ire_ne Beasley's "Grand Slam" musical quizdally on CBS, and you have heard herscripts on "Cavalcade of America", "Exploring the Unknown" and other networkseries.Jonah W. D. Skiles, PhD, became Headof the Department of Ancient Languagesat the University of Kentucky in June.Dr. Skiles previously was Associate Professor of Latin and adviser to foreignstudents at Northwestern State College ofLouisiana.Emil McKee Sunley, PhD, head of theDepartment of Social Work at West Virginia University since 1939, has been appointed Director of the University of Denver School of Social Work succeeding MissFlorence Hutsinpillar who is retiring. . Hel�n A. Thatcher, AM, formerly execu-trve director of the Montreal Y.W.C.A. hasbeen appointed associate director of theBrooklyn Y.W.C.A..Bruce A. Young, Jr., AM '40, has beenWIt? Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia inChicago since last spring, with the titleof Staff Editor. Other U-of-C-ites on thestaff include Martin D. Stevers, '14 the�anaging Editor; Ken Alwood, '38: IvyLidman Hoffman, '20, and FrideUe New.berger, '12.1939Laura Bergquist, former editor of theMaroon, is in charge of foreign publtcityfO.r the Mexican railways and government�Ith headquarters in Mexico City. ThisJob, created at her suggestion, has grownin. importan�e. in these years of goodneighbor policies crossing the border inboth directions.Otha L. Clark, PhD, has been appointedad interim teacher of Old Testament Ian.guages �nd literature at, prake University,Des Moines, Iowa. He will fill the pOsitionheld by Dr. John C. Trever, who is on ayear's leave of absence to study in Palestine.. Charles J. Corcoran is managment engIneeI: at the U. S. Nav�l G_un factory inWashIn?tor;t, D. C., WhIC� IS undergoingreorgaruzation and modermzation.Eileen Murphy worked with the American Red Cross in France and German"�rom May, 1945, to January, 1947. SheIS now School and Career Editor of "Seven'teen" Magazine in New York City.J. Oliver-Gonzalez, SM, PhD '41 de·scribed at a meeting of the New' YorkAcademy of Sciences, a new method oftreating filariasis developed at the SchoolOf. Tropical Medicine in San Juan, PuertoRiCO: Tr�atrnent is based on oral use ofa pIperazme compound, hetrazan, whichshows promise of being considered a "din'ical cure" according to recent tests.Fran�lin New!tall and Mrs. Newhall(Corn�ha MacOlmtock, '32) are living inWashmgton, D. C., where Mr. NewhaJiis a climatologist with the Weather Bureau.�ennet�.L. Patton, �M, DB '47, Uni·tartan minister of Madison, Wisconsin [na re�ent sermon proclaimed himself a 'Negro m order to better fight race discrimina·ti�m, and urged other· whites to follow inhIS st�ps as a. means of combatting intoler·ance In America. He stated that he wouldconsider himself a Negro for all times iothe future and that he would so indicatehis race on all questionnaires and officialpapers.Robert P. Saalbach, AM, was diSChargedfrom the United States Maritime Servl«last �July, and has returned to civiliaoteaching at the University. of Idaho, MOS'cow, Idaho, as Instructor In English. IIisw.ife and five year old son recently joinedhim there.John Wagner, '39, AM '40, is back 00campus to complete his work on his Phl!His wife, Marjorie C. Hamilton, '39 A�'40, is teaching in his 'stead in the North'western English Department.1940Clinton B. Basler is a foreign sales (Or'respondent with a firm in Newark Ne\l'Jersey, and lives in nearby East Ora�ge.George B. Carson, Jr., AM, PhD '42,is teaching in the Department of Moder"History at the University of Kentucky withthe rank of Assistant Professor.Janet Cupl.er is at the University of.�1mn.esota domg graduate .work in .journal·Ism. m the fie�d of public opinion, witltspecial emphasis on women's interests.THE UNIVERSITY OFJohn Arthur Hagen is Chief ResearchMetallurgist with the International Har. vester Company in Chicago.Gerald B. Macarthy, MD, is living inSan Francisco, and is practicing with officesat 516 Sutter Street.Roy W. \yilson, AM, JD '46, has movedto Milwaukee, where he is partner in thefirm Brawley, Wilson & Tarney.Donald E. Wray, AM '42, for the pastyear an instructor in the University of Cincinnati, has been named a lecturer in Sociology and research associate in the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations atthe University of Illinois.1941Russell J. Alleman, MD, is living inPortland, Oregon, and practicing medicinewith offices in the Medical Arts Building.Joseph L. Fleming, MD '44, is stationedin Frankfort, Germany, with the ArmyMedical Corps at the 97th General Hospital.David S. Gottlieb and wife, Pearl Rubins,both of the class of '41, are in Europestudying at Vienna. Pearl was with the Chicago Tribune and, if our records are correct, was Cable Editor of the overseas •branch of O.W.1. during the War. David,out of service, is continuing his graduatework in economics.William B. Hankla, Jr., who has been areporter on the City News Bureau staff,is now with the Chicago Sun.Thomas A. Hart, PhD, has been madeDean of the School of Arts and Sciences ofRoosevelt College in Chicago. Dr. Hart. joined the faculty" at Roosevelt last fall'as an Associate Professor of Biology. Priorto this he was Director of Malaria Controlin Bolivia for the Office of Inter-AmericanAffairs. He served with the army as Service Forces Chief of the Malaria ControlBranch in the Surgeon General's Office,and when separated held the rank ofLieutenant Colonel.Ernest Leiser, formerly with the HeraldAmerican, is now with the Overseas NewsAgency. He and his wife are "seeingEurope" from a Jeep.Joan Rockwood, AM, is living in NewYork where she is employed as a researchanalyst with Dun and Bradstreet.Calvin E. Schorer, AM, is teaching parttime in the English Department at Roosevelt College in Chicago.William E. Siri, AM, is a physicist withthe Bonner Laboratory at the Universityof California in Berkeley.1942Walter M. Biernat is a television engineer with the American Television Laboratories in Chicago.Robert Burgess, AM, is back on the jobas librarian at Talladega College in Talladega, Alabama, after a year spent inthe Graduate Library School at the University.Margaret K. Chandler, AM '44, has beennamed an instructor in Sociology in theDivision of General Studies of the Collegeof Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Illinois.After five years as Director of AdultEducation at the Central branch Y.M.C.A.,Montreal, Quebec, Alfred J. Davis has become General Secretary and Director ofAdult Education at the Y.M.G.A., BelleVille, Ontario.George H. Fathauer, AM, has been appointed lecturer in Sociology and Anthropology at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York.Harold A. Hagen, AM, is head of the CHICAGO MAGAZINEState Child Welfare Service in Bismarck,North Dakota.John M. Norris, PhD, is a member of theNew Testament Department in the Facultad Evangelica de Teologia in BuenosAires, which is the seminary for all theSpanish speaking work in South Americaof the Methodists, Disciples of Christ, Wal-densians, and Presbyterians. .Marion L. Seidler (Mrs. Granville K.Thompson) is living at Lamoni, Iowa, whereMr. Thompson has accepted a position atGraeeland College as Business Manager.Wiley Simmons, AM, was appointedlast July to the position of First AssistantCounty Superintendent of Cook County,Illinois, ending a period of 22 years as headof schools in district No. 122, Oak Lawn,Illinois, where he served J 7 years as teaching principal and five years as Superintendent of Schools.1943Herbert L. Berman has been appointedto the teaching staff of the University ofIllinois' Chicago branch at Navy Pier. Hewill instruct in physics.Clinton W. Morgan, MD, is living inMayfield Heights, Ohio, and is associatedwith the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland.Richard B. Philbrick is a police andmaritime reporter on the City News Bureau staff in Chicago.Annie L. Pruitt, AM, until recently intake supervisor of the Bobs Roberts ChildGuidance Clinic at the University, has beennamed assistant professor in the SocialWelfare Administration Division at theUniversity of Illinois .Joanne Gerould Starr, SM '45, is an instructor in the physics department at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago.1944Robert T. Crauder has sailed for Chinafor two years of work with the FriendsService Unit there. He will serve as accountant for the Quaker team in China,and the work of the unit includes medicalservices, village rehabilitation, a medicalmechanics program, and transportation ofmedical supplies in West China.E. Heyse Dummer, AM, head of the Department of Languages at the Universityof Idaho, was invited to read a paper before the Rocky Mountain Regional Conference of the Modern Language Associationmeeting at the University of New Mexicoin November. The topic of the paper was"Goethe's Literary Clubs."Neil B. Kimeter, MD, is a resident inpsychiatry at the Winter Veterans Administration Hospital in Topeka, Kansas.Edward O. Lukasek, MD '46, is a residentin medicine at St. Francis Hospital inEvanston.Arnold Wendt has joined the faculty ofthe Southern Illinois Normal University atCarbondale 'in the Department of Mathematics.1945Ray Brown, MBA, Superintendent of theUniversity Clinics and Mrs. Brown wentto North Carolina in November, wherethey visited with their families and whereMr. Brown was member of the faculty ofthe Institute on Hospital Administrationheld by the American Hospital Associationin Asheville, and he also made his finalreport on a hospital survey he has beenworking on for Cleveland County, NorthCarolina.In September Myron L. Tripp, JD,moved to Billings, Montana, where he isassistant professor of social science at the 29ECON;OM'Y SHEET MET At WORKSEstablished in 1922Cornices, Skylights, Gutters, Downspouts,Boiler Bre echinqs, Smoke Stacks, Furnacesand RoofingE. C. DeichmanBuckingham 1893 1927 Melrose StreetChicago, IllinoisBLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chiceqo DistrictOfferin'9 Graceful living to University and Business· Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748Blackstone Ave. TelephonePlaza 3313Verna P; Werner. 'Director· �,;gteUlHd�fLEcrR'CA.l SUPPLY CO.Distributors. Manufacturers and Jobbers ofELECTRICAL MATERIALSAND FIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 Halsted St. - Englewood 7500BEST BOIlER R'EPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICEUCENSED·,," BONDED'INSUREDQUAUFIED WELDERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave .• ChicaqoAuto Livery__ tQuiel, unobtrusive servlc.When you wanl it, a. you want IICALL AN EM.ERY FliRSTEmery Drexel [iv·ery, Inc.5516 Harper Aven'ueFA. RFAX 640030 THE UNIYERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPhone: Saginaw 32'(J2FRA1N,K, CU-RRA,N:Roofing & Insulation'Leak. RepairedFree Edimafe.FRANK CURRAN ROOF'ING CO.8019 Bennett St�P·hones Oakla,n:d 0690-0691i-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awn,ing Co.INC.Awning. and Canopies for All Purpo.e.4508 Cof\fage Grove AvenuePENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sumps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE1545 E. 63RD STREETFA<IRFAX 0330c0550-0880PENDER CeAICH BAS,IN SERVICE1545 EAST 63RD STREETA. T. STEWART LUMBER 'COMPANY'EVERYTHING inLUMBE,R AND MUlWORK7855 Greenwood Ave.410 West Ilith St. V!in 9000;Pul 0034TELEPHONE HAYMARKET 4568O':C,AllAGHAN B,RUS.PLUMBING CONTR,ACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.HOWARD, F. NOLANPLASTERING, IBRICK.'ndCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. toke Park Ave.T.I.phon., Dorch ... , 1579Since J878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholstersFurniture I,epa,irlng1919 N. S�eflield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 7180 Eastern Montana State Normal School. Healso has just passed the Montana State barexamination.1946John Philip Ambuel, MD, is stationed atthe United States Naval Hospital at Bremerton, Washington. Mrs. Ambuel is, theformer Marion Storck, '45.Doris E. Binkley, SM '47, is AssistantScience Instructor at the University of Virginia Hospital in Charlottesville.Albert Friedlander is :it student at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, wherehe is preparing for rabbinate. He officiatedin Jonesboro, Arkansas, for the JewishHigh Holidays.Geraldine T. Hellman, AM, is the newIllinois Regional Director of girls workin B'nai B'rith, Chicago. Last winter shewas adviser for junior and adult dubsin a community center in Los Angeles.Edward S. Marshall, AM, has been appointed Instructor of Political Science atthe University of Florida in Gainesville.Guido Munch, PhD, has joined the Astronomy Department of the University atYerkes Observatory as Instructor.Elgin J. Wollman, AM, is MathematicsEditor of Filmstrips for the Society for •Visual Education in Chicago.Ralph Yakel, Jr., MBA, has left the Iaculty of Evansville College in Evansville,Indiana, to accept a position with the' University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut.1947John H. Bauman, MBA, is now studentmanager of the Oak Park Illinois BellTelephone exchange.Edward O. Bossert, AM, is Coach andInstructor in Mathematics at LemontTownship High School in Lemont, IIlinois.Jack J. Boyd, who received his Master'sdegree in International Relations at theUniversity last August, is attending theUniversity of Geneva in Switzerland underthe terms of a Rotary Fellowship for Advanced Study.Lewis ,Po Johnson is now with the advertising department of the Chicago Tribune.Edward Kebler, MBA, is now teachingat DePaul University in Chicago.Ray Scherer, AM, is with the NBC newsstaff in Washington, D. C.John E. Yarnelle, SM, is now on thefaculty of Hanover College in Hanover,Indiana.ENGAGEMENTSDr. Warder C. Allee, Professor of Zoology at the University has announced theengagement of his daughter, Barbara, '39,to Stephen L. Angell, Jr., AM '47.The engagement of Dick WaHens, '43,to Barbara Jayne Friedman, both of Chicago, was announced at Miss Friedman'shome Thanksgiving Day. The youngcouple, who attended University HighI School together, celebrated by attendingIn terfraternity Ball.Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stone of Monon,Indiana, have announced the engagementof their daughter, Pauline, to James Lincoln Rowe, PhD '46. The wedding is,planned for sometime in the spring.MARRIAGESAllen R. Levin, '31, was married on Septern ber 7, 1947, to Jean nette D. Hertzman, of St. Louis. He is now employedas Vocational Counselor for the VocationalService of the Scholarship and, GuidanceAssociation in Chicago" and they are living at 20 East Delaware Place.MHdred Lucille Bi�klen, '34, was marriedon September 12, 1947, to Chester A. Smith. She is chief of the Public Welfare Branchof the U. S. Military Government in, Germany.Bessie Aileen Specht, AM '37, was married on July 4, 1947, to William J. Bray,and they are living at Calle Habana 305,Havana, Cuba.Commander Karl V. Kaess, MD '40, Whois serving as Medical Officer with the U. S.Navy, was married on September 23, 19-17,to Mary Carolyn Kling, and they are livingat 360 Hyde Street in San Francisco.Marvin L. Adland, '41, MD '43, Captain,Army Medical Corps, was married on October 21, 1947, to Marilyn Friend of' Lincoln, Nebraska. They are Jiving in SanAntonio, Texas, where Captain Adland isstationed with the Air Force Station Hospital at Lockland Air Base.Major Stephen W. Pournaras, '42, Wasmarried on September 21, 1947, to AntoniaS. Pappae, and they are living in Washington, D. C., where Major Pournaras is stationed.Carl A. Dragstedt, Jr., '43, was married011 May 14, 1947, to Ruby Louise Grahamof Monett, Missouri. They are living inPark Ridge, Illinois.Max Levitan, '44, was married to BethGerman on October 25, 1947, and they arenow keeping house at 213 East 89th Streetin New York City where he is working fora PhD in Genetics and Evolution and hasan assistantship at Columbia UniverSity.Mrs. Levitan teaches in a Nursery Scho.ol.Max adds "she's a Minnesota alumna butturned out O.K. anyhow."Justin A. Aalpoel, MD '45, was marriedin September to Marion Eichel, and theyare living in Lynden, Washington, whereDr. Aalpoel is practicing.Carol Shirley Maier, '45, was married onSeptember 20, 1947, to Henry Lewis Stadler, and they are living at 36 Euston,Brookline, Massachusetts.Margery L. Sickels, '46, daughter of AdaHuelster Sickels, '15, was married September 20, 1947, to John H. Bloom in GrahamTaylor Chapel on the campus.Annette M. Shennan, '46, was married onJune 18, 1947, to Wilson E. McDennut,and they are living at 6926 Bennett Avenuein Chicago.Douglas Warren Barr, '47, was marriedon August 31, 1947, to Sue Marie Schreiber,and they are living in Minneapolis wherehe is attending the University of Minnesota.BIRTHSTo Harry Isenberg, '29, AM '42, andMIS. Isenberg, (Vivian Goodman, '39) theirthird child, Leonard, on March 25, 1947.To Robert B. Lewy, '30, MD '35, and Mrs.Lewy, -3. daughter on March 22, 1947, atLying-In Hospital in Chicago. The baby'sgrandparents are Minnie Bamard Lewy,'01, and Alfred Lewy, MD Rush '98.Mr. and Mrs. Rupert W. Waudel (EllaE. Fietze., '32, AM '33) announce the birthof Richard Rupert on June 2, 1947,A daughter, Karen Holly, was born toAlfred M. Swedik, '37, and Mrs. Swellik(IJil� Carpenter, '38) on July 28, 1947, inChicago. _Mr. and Mrs. William Kendrich Ander.son (Dorothea A. Deffenbaugh, '40) havea son, Kendrich Douglas, born July 21,1947, in Los Angeles.Charles A. PaItzer, '41, and Mrs. Paltzer(Marjory Hibbard, '42) have a second littleson, horn May 1, 1947. His name is MichaelHibbard Paltzer.Gary Allen was horn on July 30 to 1\11'.and Mrs. Frederick T. Brooles (ElizabethJane Waters, '42). He tipped the scalesat 7 pounds 7% ounces.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting-Decorating-Wood Finishing3123lake Street PhoneKedzie 3186i elephone KENwood 1352J. E. KIDWELL Florist826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago 15. IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELLMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago Stat. 8750OFFICIAl PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIArthur MichaudelDe.lgner and Maker ofDistinctive Stained Glass Windows542 North Paulina Street, ChlcaQoTelephone Monroe 2423SUPERFLUOUS HAliRREMOVED FOREVERMultip.le 20 platinum needles can be used.Permanent removal of hair from fac·e, eye.·brows, beck of neck, or any part of body;also facial veins, moles, and warts.LOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLIS EXPERT20 years' experienceGraduate Nu�seSuite 1705. Stevens. Buildi.nCJ17 N. State StreetTelephone Fralnklin 4885FREE CONSULTATION Neil Philip was born October 20, 1947,to Frank W. Johnso:n, Rush MD '42, andMrs. Johnson (Doris Argile, '43).Miriam Elise Petty was born November17, 1947, to Dr. David T. Petty, '43, andMrs, Petty (Mary Kathryn Toft, '42, SM'44).Mary Ann Kozumplik '46, has written usof the birth of her son, Peter William, onSeptember 25, 1947, at Sourh Benel. Mr.Kozump1ik is Assistant Librarian and anAssistant Professor at Notre Dame University.DEATHSMajor Edgar B. Tolman, '80, Chicago'soldest active attorney, on November 20,1947, at his home after a week's illness.Solomon Greenspahn, MD Rush '89,medical director of the American Hospitalin Chicago, on November 17, 1947. Hehad practiced medicine in Cbicago for 56years before going into hospital work.Frank R. Lillie, PhD '94, ProfessorEmeritus of Embryology, and DeanEmeritus of the Division of BiologicalSciences, on November 5, 1947, at BillingsHospital. (See News of the Quadrangles).Harry French Thompson, MD Rush '94,in Forest City, Iowa, at the age of 77. Dr.Thompson served in the Spanish-AmericanWar as assistant surgeon in Cavite andManila.Henry C. Murphy, '95, former VicePresident of the Upper Avenue Bank, Chicago, on February 28, 1947.Edgar Ezekiel DeCou, SM '98, EmeritusProfessor of Mathematics at the Universityof Oregon, on October, 15, 1947, at Eugene,Oregon.Richard Chadwick Miller, '10, of Montana, died September 12, After severalyears as a field inspector for the U. S.Land Office he married and became arancher in southeastern Montana.Erwin O. Freund, '10, member of theIllinois Child Welfare Commission andPresident of the Visking Corporation ofChicago, on November 12, 1947.Glen S. Roberts, '12, pitcher on theUniversity of Chicago baseball team whichtoured Japan in 1910, on November 13,1947, at Chicago. Mr. Roberts had beena salesman for the Remington Rand Company for more than 30 years.Walter Scott Kassulker, '12, star footballplayer under Alonzo Stagg, and attorneyformerly .of Cleveland, on November 5,1947, at Los Angeles.Elsie M. Routh, '14, on September 30,1947, at Chicago.Helen K. Perry, '19, former teacher atDuSable High School in Chicago, on Jan.uary 1, 1947.James McLoone, '20, MD Rush '22, wasslain by an unknown assailant on November 15., while making a cail on a patient onthe outskirts of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, wherehe lived with his wife and five children.He had been practicing in LaCrosse since1924.Ray A. Bixler, AM '25, Principal of theRay School in Chicago, on September 28,1947, at Chicago.Charles W. Lenth, '28, PhD '30, onNovember 10, 1947, at his home in Wil-.metre, Illinois. He was director of research for the Jaques Manufacturing Company in Chicago, and during the war hewas chief of the soap and glycerine division of the War Food Administration ..Chaplain Walter B. Zimmerman, AM '34,on June 1, 1947, at his home in Arlington,Virginia. 31ANIMAL CAGESofAdvanced Scientific DesignA,CME SHEET-' METAL WORKS1121 East 55th St.Chicago 15, III.Phone: Hyde Park 9500ASHJIAN BROS., Inc. .IITABUIIIED 1121Orien tal and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone Regent 6000Ajax Waiste· Paper Co.2600·2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Any QuantityWaste PaperScrap Metal and Iron'or Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedrol, Van Buren 0230,BOYDSTON BROS •• INC.operatingAu+horized Ambulance Service,For Billings HospitalOfficial Ambulance Service forThe U-niversity of ChicagoOa k. 0492 Oa k. 0493Trained and' licensed attendantsBOYDSTON BROS .• INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Coftage Grove Ave.Oak. 0492 Oak. 0493STENOTYPYLearn new, speedy machine shorthand. Lei.effort, no cramped fingers or nervous fatigue.Allo other coursea: Typing, Bookkeeping,- Cornptometry, etc. Day· or evening. Visit,writ. (W plio, .. fo, data.Bryant� Str.... attonCO�EGB18 S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Randolph 1575Albert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Herris, '21,Epste,i'n. Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 5., Wabas·h· Ave. ChicagoTelephone State 895132 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDon't Sell: American Cuhure Short (Continued from Page 11)France has successfully demonstrated to the world herhigh regard for her own cultural achievements and hasconvinced country after country that she has much to contribute to the art and learning of mankind.In seeking to imitate this side of France's strategy Ishould hate to see the United States limited as France,however, has been. For the French far 1:00 often have considered culture as a one-way street. If America in thenext few years is wise enough to send. evidences of ourcreative thought; along with wheat and machines, tocountries in distress, we must be ready to welcome the creative thought of others as part payment. Let therebe no tariff walls on culture.It is encouraging to remark in UNESCO, a new desireon the part of all participants for a more vigorous concept of international relations than merely "understanding." In the past "understanding" of other nationshas been practiced but often _in a distant and ratherbloodless manner. Today we need a new dynamic cultural interplay on a broad and generous scale. The UnitedStates can contribute greatly and receive greatly if we athome are, aware of the place of culture in our own'societyand thus its potential importance to the world.CALENDARSaturday, January 3BASKETBALL GAME-Chicago vs. DePauw. Field House, 56thand University Avenue. 8:00 p.m. $1.00Wednesday, January 7LECTURE-"f'lanning Ahead in, Business", Joseph Wexman,business executive. University College, 19 South Lasalle Street.7 :00 p.m. 75:c:;First of a series of eight lectures' on "Using the Tools of Management in a Small Business", $4.80, series.LECTURE-"The Philosophy of Purposive Speech", Bess Sondel(Speech) University College, 19 South La Salle Street. 6:3(:)p.m. '75cFirst of a series of six lectures "Are You Telling Them?" $3.60,series. .LECTURE-"Cathedral Backgrounds and the Gothic Age", Clarence Ward (Fine Arts, Oberlin College) Oriental Institute, 1155East 59th Street. 7:30 p.m. 82c, Thursday, January 8BASKETBALL GAME-Chicago vs. North Central. Field House,56th and University Avenue. 8:00 p.m. $1.00Friday, January 9LECTURE-"The Existence of God", Mortimer J. Adler (Philosophy of Law). 32 West Randolph Street. 7:30 p.m. $1.50Saturday, January 10SWIMMING MEET -Chicago vs. Loyola. Barlett Gymnasium.57th and University Avenue. 2:30 p.m. FreeWRESTLING MATCHES-Chicago vs.. Illinois Tech. BartlettGymnasiUl,n, _�7th and University Ave.nue. 8:00 p.m. FreeSunday, January 11UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Rev. John B. Thompson,Dean of the Chapel. Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, II :00 a.m.Monday, January 12LECTURE-HThe Development of Industrial Arbitration", Herbert Blumer (Sociology) University College, 19 South LaSalleStreet. 7:30 p.m. $1.80. First of a series of seven lectureson "Arbitration and Industrial Relations", $10.00, series.Tuesday, January 13LECTURE-"William Butler Yeats", Milton Hindus, (Humani-ties) University College, 19 South LaSalle Street. 8:00 p.m. 75c.First of a series of four lectures on "Introduction to Four Modern Poets". $2.40, series.Wednesday, January 14LECTURE-CONCERT -"Haydn and the Eighteenth Century",Edgar Smith Rose, lecturer, with musical illustrations' playedby Dorothy Lane, Harpsichord; Oscar Chausow, violin; JenskaSlebos, violincello. Program of Haydn, C. P. E. Bach, andGalliard. Kimball Hall, 306 South Wabash Avenue, 8:]5 p.m.$1.50 LECTURE-UThe Fundamental Principles of Gothic Architecture",Clarence Ward (Fine Arts, Oberlin) Oriental Institute,1155 East 58th Street. 7:30 p.m. 82cLECTURE-"The Psychology of Purposive Speech", Bess Sondel(Speech) "Are You Telling Them?" series. University Sollege,19 South LaSalle Street. 6:30 p.m. _,75cLECTURE-"Organizing for Expansion", Joseph K. Wexman,finance executive. "Using the Tools of Management in a SmallBusiness" series. University College, 19 South LaSalle Street.7:00 p.m. 75cThursday, January 15SWIMMING MEET-Chicago vs. DePaul. Bartlett GymnaSium,57th and University Avenue. 3:30 p.m. FreeSunday, January 18UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE-=-Rev. William H. Hudnut,Jr., Third Presbyterian Church, Rochester, New York. Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, 11 :00 a.m.Monday, January 19LECTURE-"The Range of Arbitration", Joseph D. Lohman(Sociology) "Administration and Industrial Relations" series.University College, 19 South LaSalle Street. 7:30 p.m. $1.80Tuesday, January 20LECTURE-HRobert Frost", Milton Hindus (Humanities) "Introduction to Four Modern Poets" series. University College. 19South LaSalle Street. 8:00 p.m. 75cWednesday, January 21LECTURE-"Medieval Symbolism in Stone and Glass", ClarenceWard (Fine Arts, Oberlin) Oriental Institute, 1155 East 59thStreet. 7:30 p.m.; 82cLECTURE-'The 'Logic of Purposive Speech", Bess Son del(Speech). "Are You Telling Them?" series. University COllege.19 South LaSalle Street. 6:30 p.m. 75cLECTURE�"Controlling the Inventory", Joseph K. Wexman,finance executive. "Using the Tools -of Management in a SmallBusiness" series. University College, 19 South LaSalle Street.7:00 p.m. 75c .Saturday, January 24SWIMMING MEET =Chicago vs. Oberlin. Bartlett GymnaSium.57th Street and University Avenue. 1:30 p.m. FreeTRACK MEET-Chicago vs. Loyola. Field House, 56th Streetand University Avenue. 2:30 p.m. Free_BASKETBALL GAME-Chicago vs. Lawrence. Field House, 56thStreet and University Avenue. 8:00 p.m. $1.00Sunday, January 25UNIVERSITY RELIGIOUS SERVICE-Reinhold Niebuhr, UnionTheological Seminary, New York. Rockefeller MemorialChapel, 11 :00 a.m.111've always been a part01 your telephone service""Y ou 'II find my name on your Bell telephone- you see it on reels of cable being fed intomanholes or strung on poles- you'll find it, too,on the complex equipment in your telephoneexchange.ee As the supply member of the Bell Telephoneteam, I manufacture equipment, purchase supplies, distribute both to the telephone com.parries, and install central office equipment."Y ear in, year out, I help my Bell Telephoneteammates to give you the world's best telephone service at the lowest possible cost."Remember my name-it's Western Electric."MANUFACTURER... PURCHASER.. • DISTRIBUTOR... INST ALLER ...of 43,000 varieties of supplies of allof telephone kinds for telephone.pp.mt"'·"�i·';H' A UNIT OF THE BELL @SYSTEM SINCE 1882One man - serving all three-saves your timeFor more than twenty years Carbide andCarbon Chemicals Corporation has maintained a staff of technically trained representatives to serve its customers throughoutthe country. Now, more than ever, thispolicy means time and effort saved for you.Every Carbide representative is a graduate chemist or chemical engineer. Thisbasic technical knowledge, plus researchexperience in our laboratories, specialtraining in our home office, and practicalknowledge gained in the field, gives ourrepresentative the background needed tobe of assistance to all three, the men inyour plant, your laboratory, and yourpurchasing department.When you have problems involving theuse, development, or purchase of chemicals,call our nearest office and discuss themwith a Carbide representative. And if youwould like a copy of our catalog, "Synthetic Organic Chemicals," please addressDepartment ��A."Monday, January 26LECTURE-"The. Law of Arbitration", Harry Abrahams, former member, War Labor Board, and distinguished labor attorney. "Arbitration and Industrial Relations" series. University College, 19 South LaSalle Street. 7:30 p.m. $1.80Tuesday, January 27LECTURE-"T. S. Eliot", Milton Hindus (Humanities) "Introduction to Four Modern Poets" series. University College, 19South LaSalle Street. 8:00 p.m. 75cCHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT -Guilet Quartet playing Beethoven, Quartet, E flat major, Opus 74 ("Harp"); Bartok, QuartetNo.4; and Mozart, Quartet, C major, Kochel No. 465 ("Dissonance.") Mandel Hall, 57th Street and University Avenue,8:30 p.m. $1.20Wednesday, January. 28BASKETBALL GAME-Chicago vs. Grinnell. Field House, 56thStreet and University Avenue. 8:00 p.m. $1.00LECTURE-"Chartres: Cathedral of the Universe", ClarenceWard (Fine Arts, Oberlin) Oriental Institute, 1155 East 58thStreet. 7:30 p.m. 82cLECTURE-"The Semantics of Purposive Speech", Bess Sondel(Speech) "Are You Telling Them?" series. University College,19 South LaSalle Street. 6:30 p.m. 75cLECTURE-"Deve}oping a Selling Program", Joseph K. Wexman, finance executive. "Using the Tools of Management in aSmall Business" series. University College, 19 S5>u th LaSalleStreet. 7:00 p.m. 75cLECTURE-CONCERT -"Haydn's String Quartets", Leonard B.Meyer, lecturer, with musical illustrations played by the GuiletQuartet.' Program of Haydn's String Quartets, G major, Opus9, No.3; C major, Opus 33, No.3; and C major, Opus 54, No.2. Kimball Hall, 306 South Wabash Avenue. 8:15 p.m. $1.50Friday, January 30UNIVERSITY THEA TRE-Shakespeare's "The Tempest", Mandel Hall, 57th Street and University Avenue. 8:30 p.m. 50cSaturday, January 31FENCING MEET -Cbicago vs. Northwestern. Bartlett Gymnasium, 57th Street and University Avenue. 2:00 p.m. FreeTRACK MEET -Chicago vs, Western Michigan. Field House,56th Street and University Avenue. 2:30 p.m. FreeSWIMMING MEET-Chicago vs. Loyola. Bartlett Gymnasium,57th Street and University Avenue. 2:30 p.m. FreeUNIVERSITY THEATRE-Shakespeare's "The Tempest". :Mandel Hall, 57th Street and University Avenue. 8:30 p.m. 50cAlso starting in JanuaryLECTURE-CONFERENCES IN ART. Three series by LucyDriscoll, given J.L tne Art Institute. (Each series, $5.00. Fordetails write for special announcements.)HOW TO READ A BOOK. Six seminars devoted to the analysis and application of the principles set forth in the bookof the same title by Mortimer J. Adler. Fridays, 7:30 p.m.,starting January 9. (Fee $10.00 no single admission)ARISTOTLE'S "POLITICS". Ten seminar meetings devotedto the study of this great book. Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., starting January 6. (Fee, $18.00; no single admission)AUDIO-VISUAL TECHNIQUES AND MATERIALS. Aworkshop of ten sessions dealing with the selection, procurement or construction, and effective use of films andcharts for instruction and public relations. Saturdays, 10:00a.m., starting January 10. (Fee $18.00, no single admission)THE ADMINISTRATION OF ADULT EDUCATION. Aseminar of ten sessions for those who administer informaladult educational activities in social agencies, schools, labororganizations, and business and industry. Fridays, 12:00noon, starting January 9. (Fee, $18.00, no single admission)Tickets available at University College office.Ticket prices include federal tax.For complete information regarding lectures, seminars, course,and special adult educational programs, addressUNIVERSITY COLLEGE19 South LaSalle Street Phone: Dearborn 7245/'Why fabrics get better all the time31 'CHEMICALS helped .make that shirt!And those chemicals - plus many others - bring youbrand-new fabrics of finest quality. They create new coloreffects and radiant "combination" tones and patterns inmodern clothing •.. rugs __ . draperies ... blankets. Thesebetter fabrics are made possible by better materials.Chemically made fibers, for example, that challengenature'sbest in wear and appearance. Better chemicals, too,in wetting agents ... shrink-proofing treatments ... solventsfor dyes ... and other "musts" that are a part of moderntextile manufacturing.Also in the picture are stainless steels for dyeing vatsthat are easy to clean and resistant to corrosiv'e acids andalkalies. Plastics for bobbins, pins, levers, control handles and for many another tool part. And even such new andbetter materials as synthetic sapphire for the thousands ofthread guides on huge textile machines.Producing these better materials and .many others-jorthe use oj science and industry and the benejit oj m�nkind-is the work oj the people of UNION CARBIDE.FREE: You are invited to send for the illustrated booklet, "Productsand Processes," which describes the ways in which industry usesVCC's Alloys, Carbons, Chemicals, Gases and Plastics.UNION CARBIDEAK.D CARBON CORPOR.AFIOK30 EAST 42ND STREET I!IB NEW YORK 17, N. Y.-------------------Products o] Divisions and Units include------------------_LINDE OXYGEN • PREST-O-LITE ACETYLENE • PYROFAX GAS • BAKELITE, KRENE, VINYON, AND VINYLITE PLASTICSNATIONAL CARBONS ,. EVEREADY FLASHLIGHTS AND BATTERIES • ACHESON ELECTRODESPRESTONE AND TREK ANTI-FREEZES • ELECTROMET ALLOYS AND METALS • HAYNES STELLITE AL'LOYS • SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICALS