^¦^ ,:'.¦.¦'¦¦¦¦¦'THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEOCTOBER 19 4 6SERVING THREE GREAT GROUPSOF PEOPLEFrom statement by Walter S. Gifford, President, American Telephoneand Telegraph Company, at 1946 Annual Meeting of stockholders"It is not without significance that our Annual Report opens withthe statement that 'The Board of Directors of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company presents herewith the management'saccounting of its stewardship for the information of stockholders,employees, telephone users and the entire American people who haveentrusted to private enterprise the responsibility for carrying on thisessential national service.'"There is every reason for the management of your company to treatequitably each of the three parties concerned, namely, the telephoneusers, the employees and the stockholders. For in the long run, theinterests of these three great groups of people, individually andcollectively, are mutual and interdependent."More and better service at the least cost is as much in the interestsof stockholders and employees as it is of the telephone users."Well-paid employees with steady employment; with opportunitiesopen to all for advancement; and with reasonable protection againstcontingencies of illness, accident, death and old age are as much tothe benefit of telephone users and stockholders as to employees."A stable and fair return on the money invested in the business sufficient to attract the new money needed to develop and expandfacilities is as good for the telephone users and employees as it isfor the stockholders."BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEMWALTER S. GIFFORD"CHICAGO IS POWER"THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 'Volume 39 October,' 1946 Number I.PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONHOWARD W. MORT EMILY D. BROOKEEditor Associate EditorWILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN JEANNETTE LOWREYContributing EditorsIN THIS ISSUE pageThe Crowded Reception Room, Valerie C. Wichhem 3"May I Help You?" - 7The Fraternity Situation, Richard Philbrick ------ 8Twenty Years After, Mary Quayle Innis - - - - .- - - - - 9The Editor's Memo Pad _-.--__. ioCharles Hubbard Judd, Newton Edwards -------- HIn Line for Promotion, Robert C. Woellner ------- 12One Man's Opinion, William V. Morgenstern ------- 14News of the Qv adrangles, Jeannette Lowrey -------- 15News of the Classes -------------- 20October Calendar ------------- Cover 3Cover: A double line of students bulges from Hutchinson Commons andstretches down Mandel Corridor for every meal.Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago monthly, from Octoberto June. Office of Publication, 5788 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, atthe Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The American AlumniCouncil, B. A. Ross, advertising director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y., is theofficial advertising agency of the Magazine.The following letter was forwardedby Dr. Ralph Gerard, '19, PhD '21,MD '25, Professor of Physiology atthe University and a member of themedical mission to Czechoslovakia.When Dr. Gerard arrived in Brnoand met the Rector and Faculty ofthe University, Mr. Prochazka, Professor of Philosophy rushed up tohim."You," he insisted, "are from theU. of C. I have seen your picture.Oh, tell me about my Alma Mater."He later produced a 1940 issue of theALUMNI BULLETIN, which contained Dr. Gerard's picture. Dr-Gerard claims he is as loyal an alumnus as we will ever find, in spite ofthe miles that separate him from theQuadrangles.Dear Mr. Mort:I should have written and thankedyou long before, for sending me "TheAlumni Bulletin33 as I did enjoy verymuch receiving these copies. It hasbeen quite a long time since I leftthe University of Chicago but I feela peculiar pleasure in being able toextend my feelings of loyalty to thisgreat institution through the extraordinary kindness of Professor RalphW. Gerard, the member of the medical mission from the U.S.A. to thiscountry.Whenever the picture of the U. ofC. presents itself to my mind I amreminded of N. D. Baker's sayingabout Oxford: "Oxford is power.33Today, I believe even, more so: "Chicago is power!33 This belief of minehas been satisfactorily substantiatedby countless accomplishments notonly in the field of science, but in thefield of culture in general.The people of Brno, where I amliving at the present time are astonished, hearing about the great workdone by the American professors insurgery, in the research concerningcancer, in the use of vitamins andso many other ways. There has happened so much during the last tenyears to accelerate the progress ofmankind, so that people in Europehope to God this accelerating can beused in the direction of especiallyapplying the newly discovered atomicenergy to the ends of helping hu manity instead of casting it into anabyss of destruction. This is the oneanxiety that holds Europe spellboundbut still the people here believe thatthe scientists and scholars such asBrno had the honour to have for itsguests, with their high moral attitude, shall not allow enlightened reason to be overcome by madness.I myself can appreciate this forhaving spent thirty-nine months inGerman prisons and breathing at lastagain the free air on the May 5th,1945, when the glorious AmericanArmy reached Plzen. I never shallforget meeting Captain Howard N.Brooking from Lexington, Ky., andLieutenant Billy C. Knowles fromFt. Worth, Texas. These gentlemen, with Walter Dudoux, the famousPhilharmonic orchestra conductor,and Benjamin List, the pianist, werebeacons of culture and light toEurope.I am looking forward to coming tothe U.S.A. and I know this will meanfor me to be born second time. Ithank you for sending me the bulletins and I hope this will help greatlyto keep me abreast of the happeningson the campus and it certainly willdeepen my high regard for the University.With my very best regards, I remain,Very truly yours,Blahoslav T. Prochazka, '33Brno, Czechoslovakia1HONORING THE RETURN OF STAGGAmos Alonzo Stagg brings his College of the Pacificfootball team to Dyche Stadium, Evanston, on October26, to play Northwestern. Honoring the return of the"Old Man" of Midway athletics, plans are under wayfor a big reunion week-end.The activities begin with a luncheon at the ShermanHotel on Friday for members of the Executive Club a prominent Chicago service Club at which Stagg willbe the honored guest.Friday evening, October 25, the Order of the C issponsoring a dinner in the Terrace Room of the Morrison Hotel at 6:30 P.M. to which all alumni and familiesare invited. Amos Alonzo Stagg will be the guest ofhonor. Tickets for the dinner are $3.50. Applicationsfor reservations (with checks) must be mailed beforeOctober 20 to Mr. Elliodor Libonati, Suite 10"06, 100North LaSalle Street, Chicago.All members of the Order of the C are invited to bethe guests of Northwestern University at the footballgame on Saturday, October 26. The N men of Northwestern will be hosts to the C men of Chicago at aninformal luncheon before the game under the east standsof Dyche Stadium at 12 noon. C men can secure ticketsfor the game and make reservations for the luncheon(enclose 50c per ticket to cover tax) by writing Mr.Elliodor Libonati, Suite 1006, 130 North LaSalle Street,Reservations must be made by October 7.Seven Intervals in the Life of theGrand Old ManFrom the 1934 Cap and GownStagg plays end as the son of old EliA young divinity student at Yale inone of his lighter momentsOn the Yale diamond in 1888 afterleading the Frosh to victory overthe SophsReturning to the locker room after agame in 1913Smiling for the photographer at Western Normal in 1930Stagg begins early in September towhip his 1930 squad into shapeThe Grand Old Man2THE CROWDED RECEPTION ROOM By VALERIE C. WICKHEMA source of inspirationand despairIN the summer of 1945, with startling abruptness, tneOffices of Entrance Counseling and Admissions weretransformed into workshops whose frenzied activitiesbore only a passing resemblance to the orderly proceduresof the past.Letters of inquiry from servicemen poured into theEntrance Counselor's Office in such numbers that it wasnot always possible to open a day's mail in a day. Following closely on the flood of letters came the servicementhemselves, a most welcome sight as a symbol of the endof the war and a gratifying one when viewed as a groupof men and women seeking further education, but adaunting menace to efficiency as day after day, weekafter week, and month after month they besieged theOffice, a friendly, good-natured, patient crowd whoshowed amazing understanding of the administrativeproblems they were creating. They were a source ofinspiration and despair and won the liking and respectof everyone who dealt with them, but tjiey threw a bombof surplus activity into the daily life of the Office.Peak days yielded from 400 to 500 persons, while formonths the daily calls at the Office averaged approximately 150. All who sought advice had an opportunityto talk over their educational plans with members ofthe Entrance Counseling staff.While it was obvious that a percentage of those inquiring knew nothing about the University and were confused about their own objectives, it was also obvious thata large number of them understood the organization ofthe University and were interested in the type of education the University offered. Those with serious interestin education were encouraged to apply for admission andhundreds of applications from servicemen poured intothe Office of Admissions.Limitations and disappointmentsConcurrently came the usual number of applicationsfrom civilians. A normal number of high-school graduates were looking forward to an education in our College. Colleges and universities had graduated men andwomen who were seeking the opportunity for advancedstudy at Chicago in their field of specialization. Whilepreference was given so far as was possible to ex-servicemen, the needs of these other groups could not be entirely overlooked, especially in view of the dearth oftrained teachers and specialists.The number of applications received in the Office ofAdmissions in the first six months of the current yearexceeded the number received in the twelve months of anormal year by about one thousand. Faced with a problem of this dimension, the University appraised more closely than it had ever done beforethe facilities which it could offer to meet the demandsconfronting it. Every means of expansion was exploredand at the same time the criterion of selection was reviewed and redefined.The faculty of the College was enlarged and the sizeof its student body increased. Divisions and ProfessionalSchools made careful estimates of the number of studentswho might return from Service in an effort to determinethe number of new students who could be accepted. Departments participated with interest and enthusiasm inthe selection of new students and careful considerationwas given to each application.One fact was clear. Not all applicants could be admitted. Regretfully the Director of Admissions has sentletters to many applicants with good records, telling themthat there was not room for them in the College. In theheavy competition for admission to Divisions and Professional Schools created by surplus ^applications, inevitably selection has favored the students with the mostpromising records and with well-formulated plans. Applicants with average or indifferent academic records havefound it difficult to make a good case for admission, although a number of them have secured acceptance onthe basis of high scores in an entrance test and well-defined objectives. The University will have a large enrollment in the coming year and its student body willbe one that possesses strength and promise.Entrance bewildermentFor the offices concerned with the admission of newstudents, this has been a year without precedent, onefilled with problems that appeared to have no solution.With staggering overloads, but, finally, with deep satisfaction when, in spite of minor misadventures, these problems were solved, the first year following the close of thewar drew to a successful close.While problems connected with admission have beenmagnified this year to a news value dimension, the process by which admission is secured has always been asource of bewilderment to the American public. Confusion is created by the varying standards of admissionthat prevail throughout the country in colleges and universities. Among more than seventeen hundred educational institutions which vary in their requirements andNo university has, or ever had, a more conscientious andpatient director of admissions than Valerie C. Wickhem.Any criticisms, from the more than two thousand qualifiedapplicants for whom there is literally no room this fall, canonly be motivated from frustration certainly not from anabsence of fair play. Miss Wickhem takes us behind thestacks of applications to see her problems as Director ofAdmissions.34 THE UNI VERSITY OFaims, parents and young people weave their confusedand troubled ways in the struggle to attain objectiveswhich have at least one common base, further education.Each year the quest brings hundreds of applicants tothe University. Admission to the University has a widerange, extending from applicants to the College withtwo years of high-school work to mature students whoseek opportunities for advanced graduate study. Theapplications on all academic levels are of the utmostimportance to the University, but the level that challengespublic interest most directly and has the most popularappeal is concerned with the admission of high-schoolstudents. What is the process by which a high-schoolstudent secures admission to the College?Why entrants are limitedThe answer cannot be couched in terms of what theUniversity has always done. An intellectually restless institution, always ready to believe that there is a betteranswer than the one at hand, the University has modifiedits admission procedures from time to time to meet changing conditions.Theoretically the College program in the liberal artsoffers the type of education that every educated personshould have. In theory, therefore, the doors of the College are open to all young people with good minds andwith intellectual curiosity. In practice the restrictions imposed by space, available instruction, and housing preclude this possibility, and from those whose interest leadsthem to apply, an honest effort is made to select thosewho will profit most fully by the College program.Certain factors have, through the years, tended to limitthe number of applicants to the College. As a markof the respect in which the accomplishments of the University are held, weak or poorly motivated students donot apply in large numbers, and secondary-school principals tend to encourage only their stronger students toapply to Chicago.The use of an entrance test as a part of the admission procedure has, for a number of years, prevented theadmission of applicants whose aptitude for college workappears to fall below the possibility of success. The percentage of applicants denied admission to the College hasnot, under normal conditions, been large, in spite of apopular idea that Chicago is a tough place to get into.It must be said, however, that gradually the operationof the factors indicated has resulted in a strong studentbody in the College. All of its students are potentiallycapable of satisfactory work; some are capable of outstanding achievement.First, the entrance counselorThe applicant's first contact in the admission procdure is the Office of the Entrance Counselor. Becausethe program of the College has been, until the last fewyears, unique among colleges and universities, the University has recognized the need of an interpretation of its CHICAGO MAGAZINE". . . day after day, week after week, month after month,they besieged the Office . . ."objectives. To serve this need, the Office of EntranceCounseling was established. Its function is to deal withschools whose students are interested in Chicago and tofurnish an initial point of contact for all applicants.Under the direction of the Assistant Dean of Students,a staff of seven entrance counselors serves the public dailyby letter and personal interview, interpreting the University to parents and applicants. It works in close cooperation with the Office of Admissions.So far as the limitations of time and geography permit,an effort is made to see each College applicant. Periodically throughout the academic year members of theEntrance Counseling staff go to centers from which alarge number of inquiries have been received and areavailable there for personal interviews.Through the functioning of this office hundreds of parents and applicants have an opportunity to talk aboutthe University and its objectives and to determinewhether these objectives are what they seek. It is hopedthat when a student files his College application, he doesso with an understanding of the nature of the Collegeprogram. His action should represent a decision on hispart, not merely that he wants to go to college, but thathe is seeking the type of education offered by the University.Second, the application blankThe application blank for the College requires fivepages of detailed information from the applicant, including a statement of his reasons and purposes in attending.When the applicant has filled in his section, he sendsthe blank to his secondary school principal, who providesthree more pages of information, including the completehigh school credit record, scores of any scholastic aptitude and standardized achievement tests, the applicant'srank in his class, and a series of confidential judgments,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 5concluding with a recommendation as to admission. Theimportance of the material provided by the school isapparent, because the information and the judgmentsarise out of the school's intimate knowledge of the applicant.Third, the admissions' officerWhen the student's application is received, his nextcontact is with the "Office of Admissions. In this Officethe application is reviewed carefully, first by the membersof the staff in charge of College applications and thenby the Director of Admissions. Factors in the applicationwhich call for special consideration are checked and investigated, such as financial need, a health problem, apoor personality rating by the high-schol principal, or abadly- written statement of objectives.Aptitude testEach applicant to the College is required to take anentrance examination which tests aptitude for collegework, reading comprehension, and writing skill. Thisexamination is given at the Quadrangles on the secondSaturday morning of every month. Out-of-town applicants take the test under the direction of special proctors.The responsibility for the administration of the test is inthe hands of the Office of Test Administration. Thisoffice makes all the arrangements for the administrationof the test, scores the papers, and reports the results tothe Office of Admissions. When the processing of the application is completeand the test scores are available, a decision is reachedwith regard to admission. The important factors inreaching the decision are ( 1 ) the ability of the applicantto do good college work as predicted by his scores inthe entrance test, (2) his interest in study as indicatedby his previous academic record, and (3) his character,so far as it can be judged frgm the personality rating onthe principal's report and the impression created in apersonal interview, if there has been an opportunity forone.Placement testsThe applicant, if selected, presumably has the abilityto complete the requirements of the College successfully.He will receive a certificate of admission from the Officeof Admissions and a program of Orientation Week fromthe dean of students in the College. During OrientationWeek, which immediately precedes the opening of thequarter, he will be given a battery of placement tests todetermine his place in the four-year College program.An able medical staff will examine him to be sure thathe is physically able to carry the academic load of theCollege. When their approval is received, he is launchedon his adventure in general education.From other institutionsIn the admission of students from other institutionswith two or more years of college work, the pattern ofselectivity has not in the past been as clear as it hasbeen in the College. A general tendency to give thestudent who has survived two years of college work withfair results a chance to see what he could do at Chicagooperated in favor of the applicant. To some extent hewas taken on faith, with the hope that what he mightlack the University could supply.Loath to throw obstacles in the way of the mature student, the University did not, until 1938, require thepresentation of transcripts of record from students whoheld degrees from accredited institutions. Graduate students were admitted on certification of degrees by theinstitutions that conferred them.This attitude of the University was touched with missionary zeal. While much good resulted from it, theprocedure made it necessary for departments to discoverby trial and not by foreknowledge the strength and weakness of their students, and students enrolled who couldnot survive the academic competition. Vigorous in theirdemands, the faculties set their sights beyond the rangeof weak students. It has been commonly said that it waseasier to get into the University than it was to get outof it with a degree.The upper divisionsThis spring the Council of the University Senatechanged the procedure by which students with two ormore years of work beyond high school graduation maysecure admission to an upper division. The criteria toTHE FOUR UNIVERSITY DIVISIONSThe Biological SciencesAnatomy Obstetrics and GynecologyBacteriology and Parasitology PathologyBiochemistry PediatricsBotany ] PharmacologyHome Economics (Also in Physiologythe Social Sciences) SurgeryMedicine ZoologyNursing EducationThe HumanitiesArt History (Also in the SocialThe Classics Sciences)Greek Language and Lit Linguisticserature MusicLatin Language and New Testament and EarlyLiterature Christian LiteratureComparative Religion Oriental Languages andEnglish Language and LiteraturesLiterature PhilosophyGermanic Languages and Romance Languages andLiteratures LiteraturesGroup Studies in theHumanitiesThe Physical SciencesAstronomy and Astrophysics Geology and PaleontologyChemistry MathematicsGeography (Also in the MeteorologySocial Sciences) PhysicsThe Social SciencesAnthropology International RelationsEconomics Political ScienceEducation Psychology (Also in theGeography (Also in the Biological Sciences)Physical Sciences) Sociology7 NHistory (Also in theHumanities)6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbe taken into consideration in determining eligibility are,in the case of the applicant who does not hold the traditional Bachelor's degree: (1) the scores on a generaleducation test designed to determine the breadth of hiseducation in the field of liberal arts, (2) his scores on ascholastic aptitude test, and (3) his previous academicrecord. The admission of graduate students is to bedetermined on the basis of ijie academic record and suchother supporting testimony as may be needed. Applications of candidates who have the equivalent of a Master'sdegree must have the approval of a departmental committee in the proposed field of specialization.Testing centersThrough the Office of Test Administration, over sixtycenters have been established in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico, at which these tests will be administered [See list] Effective in the Autumn Quarter, 1946,the tests will be given once a quarter and the necessity ofmeeting the scheduled dates will place on the applicantthe responsibility of applying for admission well in advance of the quarter in which he hopes to enter.The use of these tests on the divisional level is notnew. By faculty action the Division of the Social Sciencesand the Divinity School have, for several years, requiredthe entrance test of all undergraduate applicants fromother institutions, and, in the first quarter of residence,have given the test in general education to new transferstudents for diagnostic purposes. The action . of theCouncil this spring extends the procedure to all divisions of the University. By this action the University has reaffirmed its underlying philosophy that specialization mustbe based on a broad general education. Those who comeinto the University from other institutions as well asthose who have secured their education in our Collegewill enter their fields of specialization with demonstratedknowledge in the fields of the liberal arts.The 6 1 Examination CentersBirmingham, AlabamaLittle Rock, ArkansasPhoenix, ArizonaBerkeley, CaliforniaFresno, CaliforniaLos Angeles, CaliforniaDenver, ColoradoWashington, D. C.Coral Gables, FloridaTampa, FloridaAtlanta, GeorgiaIndianapolis, IndianaSouth Bend, IndianaDavenport, IowaDes Moines, IowaSioux City, IowaWichita, KansasLouisville, KentuckyNew Orleans, LouisianaBoston, MassachusettsSpringfield, MassachusettsDetroit, MichiganGrand Rapids, MichiganDuluth, MinnesotaMinneapolis, MinnesotaJackson, MississippiKansas City, MissouriSt. Louis, MissouriMissoula, MontanaOmaha, NebraskaAlbuquerque, New Mexico Buffalo, New YorkNew York City, New YorkSyracuse, New YorkDurham, North CarolinaFargo, North DakotaJacksonville, FloridaCincinnati, OhioCleveland, OhioOklahoma City, OklahomaTulsa, OklahomaEugene, OregonPortland, OregonPhiladelphia, PennsylvaniaPittsburgh, PennsylvaniaColumbia, South CarolinaKnoxville, Tennessee.Memphis, TennesseeNashville, TennesseeAmarillo, TexasAustin, TexasDallas, TexasHouston, TexasSalt Lake City, UtahRichmond, VirginiaSeattle, WashingtonSpokane, WashingtonHuntington, West VirginiaMilwaukee, WisconsinToronto, Ontario, CanadaMontreal, Quebec, CanadaERII CCIFI I ItUK [[ FE III t !¦llll » II III /I \m This picture of George HerbertJones chemistry laboratory wastaken from near Cobb Hall. Thenew Administration Building willfill in the vacant space at the leftfrom Jones to Cobb Hall.MAY I HELP YOU?"HANS O. HOEPPNER, '21, returned to the Midway during Chicago's Century of Progress celebration to help the University entertain its manyguests who were combining educational conferences andconventions with evenings at the Lake-front Fair.This was a natural for Hans, who had served manyyears with Kiwanis International as director of their national and international conventions. With the Fair'send and his job well done, Hans remained with the University to take over and reorganize the Information Officein the Press Building.If there is an alumnus of the generation since 1934who doesn't know Hans O. Hoeppner there can be onlyone reason: that alumnus never had occasion to enterthe first floor of the Press Building, home of the Bursar'sOffice, Faculty Exchange, the Housing Bureau, WesternUnion, the Travel Bureau, and the INFORMATIONOFFICE.Hans is a bundle of eager nerves sincerely anxious to beof efficient service literally day or night. If it weren'tfor that incessant crowd of students and faculty in frontof his long counter waiting for the services for whichHoeppner and his staff have become famous, Hans wouldenjoy nothing better than telling yqn about his farm inSouth Dakota: the barns and sheds he built and painted;the cement drives, walks, and silos poured with his ownhands; the corn and soy beans, that claim his attentionwhen he tires of pacing back and forth in his too-narrowrunway.But there are two phones always and always ringing("May I help you?") while he leans across the counterto serve a restless generation ("Yes, Miss, what can I dofor you?"). He purchases thousands of opera and symphony tickets in the summer so that students and faculty,rushing in the last minute when the houses are sold out,won't be disappointed. It breaks his heart to take anorder for a show he knows is bla but all in all, good andbad, 65,000 tickets cross his counter during the year.More than a hundred summer students prepare to enterthe four special busses at Ida Noyes Hall for a ^Saturdaynight concert at Ravinia Park. On "So This Is Chicago" tour the group pauses for around of beer drawn from the ageing vats of Sieben'sBrewery after a trip through the plant. The girl and boy,extreme left-front, are students from Athens, Greece. Atthe far end of the table are two Belgian RockefellerFoundation fellows, Hans himself smiles from above theheads of the girls on the right, one of whom is from India.There are catalogues to be given out, lost and foundarticles accumulating to an annual value of $15,000 tobe supervised, express packages to be received, baggagechecks to be responsible for, posters to be made, bulletinboards to be supervised, license plates to secure, notarypublic demands, directions to give and answers to innumerable daily questions.Then there are the tours, actually the inspiration forthis story. Through the years notables from nearly everyforeign land, high school students in groups from two totwo hundred, fathers and mothers of registered students,and wandering sight-seers have dropped in on Hoeppnerto be shown the 110-acre campus and its 86 buildings.With typical enthusiasm and always touches of thoughtful favors before they leave, Hans has won thousands offriends for his Alma Mater.With the war over and thousands of students returningfor the Summer Quarter, the University determined toprovide summer tours to the more interesting centers ofa great city. Guess to whom they turned to organizeand conduct these tours. Right. Hans went into actionearly in the spring; laid his program carefully; arrangedfor busses, special features enroute; and important hoststo greet them at the various stops.More than 1,100 summer students were Hoeppner' sguests to all parts of Chicago including the Steel Mills,Brookfield Zoo, Statesville Prison, Back of the Yards,and at the various foreign centers for which Chicago isfamous.Most popular of all trips were the regular Saturdaynight pilgrimages to the Ravinia Park Concerts on theNorth Shore. And to illustrate those thoughtful toucheswe mentioned, each Saturday night as the group prepared to stretch out on the grass for the concert, Hansgave every one a large square of brown paper to protecthis clothes and, to each lady, a long-stemmed rose bud.7THE FRATERNITY SITUATIONEncouraging straws¦in tomorrow's windNO activities on the quadrangles have felt the influence of returning veterans more strongly thanthe fraternities. Consequently, their position inthe University community today is far different than itwas a year ago. Their leadership has changed, they aremuch stronger in numbers, and once again they are centering their activities about their houses.The first tangible result of the return to school of largenumbers of veterans was a series of meetings held duringthe winter quarter by the presidents and other leadersof all the fraternities. At the suggestion of this group,each fraternity replaced its representatives in the Interfraternity Council with its most experienced leaders, menwho are familiar with fraternity problems and who arecapable of solving them. At the same time the first stepswere taken to put fraternities on a sound financial basis.Under their auspices a purchasing cooperative wasfounded which includes the housing cooperatives in theUniversity community. Its board of directors is composed of the stewards of the member organizations, anda salaried manager carries out its objectives. Duringthe spring quarter the agency also employed a dieticianto help the various organizations make up their diningroom menus. As market conditions improve this servicewill extend its activities to include such house management problems as furniture repair, painting, and generalmaintenance work.The Interfraternity Council, markedly changed inmembership, began the task of establishing a coordinatedsocial schedule for the fraternities. Because of this schedule, which has already been published, fraternity openparties will be evenly distributed throughout the nextschool year. And the Council has made regulations designed to control "rushing," and social functions held inthe fraternity houses. While the Council must necessarilyspend most of its time solving current problems, it alsodiscusses its long term policies and attempts to adaptthem to the changing conditions of the University community and the needs of the individual fraternity men.For example, the costs of fraternity life are now basedon the "G. I." income, sixty-five dollars a month. Andall the fraternities offer room and board and a full socialprogram to their members for one hundred and ninety-five dollars a quarter or a little less.To spotlight the scholastic phase of fraternity life moreeffectively, a trophy will be awarded next year and annually thereafter to the fraternity whose members maintain the best scholastic average during the year. This issupplemented by the scholastic programs of the individual RICHARD B. PHILBRICKfraternities, which though they vary somewhat in detailare all designed on the premise that scholastic attainmentshould be rewarded within the chapter as much as extracurricular achievements.The Council recognizes that fraternities are not designed to be social or political action organizations, andit resists, therefore, the constant pressure upon it to advocate specific social and political causes. One of itsmajor functions is to see that fraternity men are an integral part of the student body, participating as individualsin all its activities. It constantly encourages loyalty tothe ideals of the University, for they overshadow in itspolicies all other interests.Many of the fraternities are making a real effort toimprove student-faculty relations by inviting teachers toluncheon or dinner from time to time. Beta Theta Piand Alpha Delta Phi invited faculty members and othermen of distinction to lead discussions of contemporaryproblems at meetings held during the spring quarter.The major impediment in this program seems to be thatfaculty members are so unaccustomed to any gestures offriendliness made by groups of students that they aresomewhat bewildered and hesitant about accepting invitations from the fraternities.Such innovations as these are encouraged by the Interfraternity Council, for it feels that its most important taskis to keep fraternity men constantly aware of the factthat their organizations are flexible and are quite capableof keeping pace with the progress of the University andcan, in fact, contribute to it. This is in keeping with thespirit of fraternity men today which is one of cooperationand mutual assistance.Richard B. Philbrick entered the College in the fall of1939 from Salem. Massachusetts with an ambition to studyfor a career in journalism. In December, 1941, his studentcareer was interrupted when he transferred his hobby ofsailing to service in the Merchant Marine. In this servicehe circled the globe twice, was an officer on the first highoctaine carrying ship to the middle east, the only vesselof eight to arrive with cargo intact. (Six were sunk.) Heended his career with Uncle Sam as Chief Mate and acting Master on a 14,000 ton freighter in the Pacific.Dick returned to the Midway January 6, 1946 to continue his education leading to a bachelor degree nextyear. On September 7 he was married to Ruth Rowe, '44,in Bond Chapel. Ruth, a Nu Pi Sigma, Esoteric, formerpresident of the Y.W.C.A. and otherwise an active undergraduate, will receive her A.M. in the History of "Art nextspring. The Philbricks honeymooned in Bermuda.As an active and enthusiastic fraternity man (AlphaDelta Phi), who is working with his house in developing aneffective and constructive activities program, Dick Philbrick was considered the ideal student to write on "TheFraternity Situation."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO M AG A Z I N E 9It was this that moved the younger men to step asidegraciously and without rancour when the veterans soughtlast winter the positions of leadership in the fraternities.Every thoughtful fraternity man is greatful to them forthe splendid way in which they kept this spirit alive underadverse conditions and is working with them so that whenthey return as leaders in the near future fraternities willbe at least as strong as they were before the war.Since fraternities have been back in their houses onlytwo quarters, they are not yet operating at full efficiency.The newly formed Alumni Interfraternity Council is onlybeginning to hit its stride. The placement bureaus whichseveral fraternities have established to place their graduates have only recently started to aid a significant number of men. With the aid of their alumni, several fraternities are establishing vocational advisory programs toassist their members in selecting their future vocation. Bynext winter one should be able to evaluate the effect ofthese new projects.Among fraternity men individually the problem uppermost in their minds when they speak of the future offraternities is what will happen after March, 1947. Afterthat date they will be allowed to obtain new membersonly from among men in the divisions, or what would bethe last two years of a standard four year course plus athird year necessary to obtain a Master's degree.Months of discussion and observation have producedseveral salient facts. The old dictum that no man overtwenty-two can find anything of interest in a fraternityhas been disproved. Nearly every fraternity on the quadrangles has one or more new members who were pledgedPERHAPS the nearest approach to the long-expected visitor from Mars is the graduate who returns to his Alma Mater after an absence, say,of more than twenty years. Though he is less picturesquethan the Martian, he has memories which make a moreuseful basis for comparison than any the Martian wouldbe likely to have.The fact that buildings are still Gothic and still graybreeds in the visitor's mind an unwarranted glow offamiliarity for these gray and Gothic piles are not thesame. Harper no longer commands the Midway butmerely centers an indivisible gray wall and Hutchinsoncourt has to the first eager look completely disappeared.It has only retreated behind one of these new-old buildings which though it looks as old as those one remembersis nevertheless an intruder. Such new-comers block remembered vistas, cut off familiar walks and so vigorouslyhas their ivy grown that they are hard to distinguish asnew. They are fine but they are many.In the foyer of Ida Noyes Hall one rejoices to find aplace untouched by change yet the Common Room resounds with a broadcast baseball game to which two during the last two or three quarters and who were intheir late twenties or early thirties when initiated.Another factor of interest is that Chicago will not bealone in having deferred pledging. Dartmouth and twoor three other colleges have it already and McGill andothers anticipate it in the near future. And in those colleges which already have this system fraternities stillsurvive.From a material standpoint fraternities have much tooffer to men in the divisions. With the cost of living highand rising, the cooperative, non-profit housing that afraternity offers is particularly attractive. And they provided an organized social life which meets his tastes andis in keeping with his financial resources. The strongestincentive of all, however, is that he himself has a voicein managing the affairs of his home on the quadrangles.The spirit of fraternities is excellent, the conditionsthey must meet if they are to be successful are obvious,and their members are fully aware of them. They areutilizing their best leaders, they are following sound financial policies, and they are working in close cooperationwith their alumni and with University Administrativeofficials. In attacking their problems, fraternities are displaying initiative, ingenuity, and perseverence, and theyare striving to achieve the high ideals of their founders.Despite this reasoning, it would be foolhardy to predictin any detail the future of fraternities at Chicago afterMarch, 1947. But if one were pressed to make a forecast, it would be far more logical to foresee a successfulfuture for them than to say that fraternities will be stifledand eventually extinguished by the new conditions.men sit listening men while another lies on the chesterfield with his shoes placed tidily on the rug besidehim. The player piano on which on Sunday afternoonwe used to run off "Rustle of Spring" is gone and atthe grand piano in the library a girl is playing Mozart.In the cloister stands a juke box grinning red and greenas it moans "Full Moon and Empty Arms".Girls look younger with their dirndl skirts, floating hairor pigtails and bare legs yet with this air of bucolicchildlikeness, they are smoking cigarettes. A symbol ofsocial change might be the urn outside the elevator inHarper, its sand quilled like the back of a porcupinewith half-smoked cigarettes, some white at the tip, somered.Above, stately on the blue sky of full summer andovertopping the well-known square eminences of Harper and Hutchinson stand new and lovely towers whichstrike the old-comer whenever he sees them with renewed strangeness. They are beautiful but to him theydo not yet belong and he remembers Sunday services inMandel Hall, then the only place of sacred assembly on{Concluded on Page '13)TWENTY YEARS AFTERTHE EDITOR'S MEMO PADSOMEONE said to Avery Craven(American History) , . "I - seewhere Harve Fischman will begraduated from the Quiz Kids shownext week. Why don't you send in ahistory question that'll stump him?"Avery, always ready for good fun,wrote: "Three Presidents of theUnited States, after retiring from office, ran again for the Presidency ondifferent tickets from the ones onwhich they were first elected. Nametwo."The Kids remembered TeddyRoosevelt but couldn't rememberVan Buren and Fillmore. Just as theannouncer was saying that AlkaSelzer is sending to Avery O. Cravena family sized radio, Avery's telephone rang. It was a radio poll voice :"Do you have your radio on?" "Icertainly do!" thinking of AlkaSelzer's generous prize. "To whatprogram are you listening?" "TheQuiz Kids, of course." "On whatstation?" "WENR". "What productdoes the program represent?" Atthat critical moment, Mrs. Craven,who also enjoys a practical joke,whispered in her husband's ear,"Bromo Selzer". Automatically Averyechoed into the 'Phone: "Why,Bromo Selzer." In spite of which hereceived the two hundred dollar radio.Sleeps in classVicky, five yearsold, is the onlyregular attendantDr. Eugene M.K. Geiling( Chairman,P h a r m acology)permits, jyea, encourages, to sleepin his laboratory Vickyclasses. Of course, being a spoiledmember of the Geiling household,she can take many liberties not recommended to the general run of students.Alumni on the newsstandsBeginning in the August 10 issue,the Post ran a series of four articlestitled "Star-Spangled Octopus." It'sthe story of Julian Caesar Stein, '15,MD Rush '21, who financed hismedical education by managing and booking orchestras. Returning froma year's study in Vienna, he bypasseda Cook County Hospital internship infavor of a more promising partnership with Billy Goodheart, '22, organizing and booking orchestras fromwhence has grown the Stein empire.Music Corporation of America.Time, in its August 12th issue under "Radio" told about Lou Cowan,'31, and his latest radio production,"Fighting Senator", which is threatening the ^conventional soap operaand is being given a test run by LeverBrothers (soap) . The "Senator" iscleaning up Oak Falls and promisesa clean-up for producer Cowan whomade his first successful break in radio with his Quiz Kids."Portrait of a Dangerous Man" inHarper's for July is the story of Robert Morss Lovett from the Moody-Sankey Boston revival of 1876through his years as a Chicago professor and on to the Congressionalsalary cut-off in the Virgin Islands.The twelve-page "portrait" is cleverlysketched by Milton Mayer, '32.Echo"I am reducing my contribution tothe University Fund Council this yearbecause it is my impression that theUniversity has failed to give fraternities any real cooperation or moralsupport in their endeavor to maintainand improve their status quo. . . ."From "Letters to the Editor" in theRutgers Alumni Monthly.Rattle steaksMineralogist Jerome Fisher, '17,SM '20, PhD '22, and paleontologistMarvin Weller, '23, PhD '27, spent apart of the summer in the Black Hillsdirecting the geological field work ofa dozen students. Jerry returned tothe Quadrangle Club round tablewith the story of their rattlesnakesteak dinner while we dawdled overour gob of light pink corned beef hashwith something less than indifference.It seems the boys captured a dozenor so rattlers above the snake line onthe mountain where tourist-consciousBlack Hillians insist they never go.All but about three of the boys enjoyed the "delicacy, more tender anddelicious than frogs' legs" and therewere a few delicate steaks left for other appreciative diners at the lodge.We've eaten some suspicious concoctions at the Quad. Club during thetrying war years but we like to feelthat the meat situation was never sodesperate that it was necessary to import steaks from the Black Hills.This month yesteryear1890 Gay nineties jive talk test.Italics are ours. From the ChicagoTribune news columns: "A handsomely dressed "masher" glitteringwith diamond studded jewelry met asad fate last night. ... He was oglingthe young women at Cottage Groveand at No. 3027 paused to speak toMrs. Janus Weedon, wife of a butcherand a handsome woman. She was almost stupified by his cheek. Just thenher husband came up . . . and fell onthe "masher" and smote him hip andthigh. The dude had in his possessiona pair of brass knuckles and a packageof perfumed cigarettes."1892 FromThe Hub storead: LADIESCLOTH TOPSHOES. OperaToe patentleather lace piece,also patent leather tips, $2.25.1893 Professor C. E. Hewitt of theUniversity, at the State Baptist Convention in Milwaukee, denied thatthe University was teaching and defending the Darwinian theory of evolution although "it is true that Professor Henry Drummond is lecturingat the University on evolution. . . .Our students should have an opportunity to become informed upon theDarwinian theories. . . ."Corny corncobFormer physiology students of Dr.Anton J. Carlson will remember hisfamous corncob pipe, wound withblack tape to guarantee prolongedlife. It was strong enough to make arecent western trip with him. Thepipe's obvious approaching collapsegot to worrying Oliver M. Nisbet,MD Rush '19, of Portland, Oregon,who purchased a new one, wound itin black tape, and sent it to his former teacher on the Midway.10CHARLES HUBBARD JUDD1873-1946Charles Hubbard Judd, Charles F. Frey DistinguishedService Professor Emeritus of Education, died July 1 8,1 946, at his Santa Barbara, California, home after severalmonths' illness. He was 73 years old.Charles Hubbard Judd was one of the outstandingeducational leaders of his generation. Through his scholarly writings, his capacity for leadership, and his steadfast devotion to what he liked to call the science ofeducation, he influenced the development of Americaneducation as few other men in his day were able to do.Not the least of his contributions was his influence onthe development of the School of Education later theDepartment of Education of the University of Chicago.When Dr. Judd joined the faculty of the University 1909 he was already a distinguished scholar. He hadtaken his Ph.D. degree at the University of Leipzig wherehe studied under the eminent Geheimrat Wundt. Infact, Wundt was so impressed with the young Judd thathe commissioned him to make the English translation ofhis Outlines of Psychology.After a short teaching career at Wesleyan University(his Alma Mater), New York University, and the University of Cincinnati, Dr. Judd was called to -Yale University. Here his work as Professor of Psychology andDirector of the Psychological laboratory attracted national attention. He was editor of the Monograph Supplements to the Psychological Review from 1903 to 1909.In the latter year he was elected President of the American Psychological Association.When the administration at the University of Chicago, in 1909, was looking for some one who would make theSchool of Education at the University a center for thescientific, objective study of the problems of education,it was natural that they should turn to the young Psychologist at Yale who had already begun to give hisattention to the problems of educational psychology.With characteristic vigor, Dr. Judd soon began toassemble at Chicago a faculty that was to work withhim in making Chicago unsurpassed as a center for thescientific study of education. Dr. Judd's own capacityfor work was amazing. He carried his full load of teaching, gave personal attention to the most important matters involved in the administration of the School of Education, edited for years both the Elementary SchoolJournal and the School Review, wrote numerous articlesand books, frequently addressed professional organizations, and served on important committees and commissions.As an illustration of Dr. Judd's varied interests andactivities, it may be pointed out that he served, as President of the National Society of College Teachers ofEducation (1911, 1916), President of the North CentralAssociation of Colleges and Secondary Schools (1923),Chairman of the American Council of Education (1929-30), member of the Science Committee of the NationalResources Planning Board, and member of the SocialScience Research Council. He was chairman of theDepartment of Psychology, the University of Chicago,from 1920 to 1925.It was a fitting recognition of Dr. Judd's service toAmerican education that the General Education Boarddonated to the University the funds required to buildthe Graduate Education Building, together with a million dollars which was later made a part of the generalendowment fund.Future historians, we believe, will accord to Dr. Juddthe distinction of being one of the most outstandingeducational statesman of his day. More important still,perhaps, was his influence on the development of a scienceof education in the United States.Those of us who had the good fortune to study underDr. Judd or to work with him as a colleague will longremember his personal characteristics his force of personality, his genius for leadership, his capacity to inspireothers to give the best that was in them, his utter integrity, his ready wit. To Charles Hubbard Judd, naturewas prodigal with her gifts and he had the wisdom tomake the most of them. Newton EdwardsProfessor of Education11IN LINE FOR PROMOTION ROBERT C. WOELLNER, A.M. '24The Veterans aredistinctly worthyTHIS article deals with veterans. Veterans of WorldWar II. Veterans who are using the facilities ofthe University of Chicago. Veterans interested intheir next step ahead. If this presentation is lucid, thereader should understand that at Chicago, veterans areafforded many services. These veterans are especiallydeserving of assistance because there is clear evidence ofa vital interest on their part in their personal programsof educational, social and vocational development.Let us consider first the veterans who come to the University of Chicago as students. Their numbers haveincreased impressively since V-J Day. During the Summer Quarter, 1946, there were in attendance 2813 veterans. Of these 2730 attended under the provisions ofPublic Law 346 (G.I. Bill), and 83, who because ofservice-connected disabilities, received government aidunder Public Law 16 (Vocational Rehabilitation). Therewill be an estimated 4000 veterans in attendance at theUniversity during the Autumn Quarter 1946.What interests do the veterans have in further schooling? This question is partially answered by the Divisionsor Schools of the University in which they register. Theacademic distriBution of the veterans attending duringthe Summer Quarter 1946 is as follows:TOTAL NUMBER ENROLLED UNDER PUBLIC LAW NO. 346 2730College 479Social Science Division 778Biological Science Division 165Physical Science Division 352Humanities Division 290School of Business 275Divinity School 47Law School 166Graduate Library School 20Medical School 28School of Social Service Administration .... 78Hospital Residents under Contract 52TOTAL NUMBER ENROLLED UNDER PUBLIC LAW NO. 16 83(With objectives in the following areas)Social Sciences 33Biological Sciences 5Physical Sciences 11Humanities 7Business 13Library Science 1Law 10Medicine 2Social Service Administration 1 The University of Chicago is in many ways excellentlysuited to meet the situation presented by the veterans.Admission at all levels is predicated upon the basis ofwhat the individual possesses in abilities rather than uponyears of attendance at school or college. Degrees alsoare awarded upon achievement as measured by comprehensive examinations instead of the length of time spent.Veterans have had educative experiences which aremeaningful, yet which cannot be measured in any justway except by means of comprehensive examinationswhich are administered to all students alike.The genuinely serious student does not wish to havepetty regulations interfere with his larger purpose ofeducational advancement. The typical veteran attending college or university is a mature and serious-mindedstudent, and, at Chicago, is given whatever freedom heneeds to pursue his course of training within the boundsof a cultured environment.Veterans who come to the University as full-time students are not the only ones served by the University.Approximately 300 veterans per month are referred bythe Veterans Administration to the University for Testing and Counseling. We limit this number because wehave to provide for our own students who are not veterans and for individuals who want this service on afee basis.During the day and a half to two days that each ofthese veterans spends on the quadrangles he is interviewed, given a battery of tests, and assisted in thinkingthrough his educational and vocational programs in thelight of his background, feelings, interests, abilities, aptitudes, economic circumstances and aspirations. The rangeof abilities and aptitudes among these veterans is sobroad that a wide variety of tests is used. The rangeof educational preparation extends from illiteracy to college and university graduation.With more pre-fabricatedhouses for veterans springingup on Dudley Field and withnearly 3,000 veterans alreadyhard at work in the Universitywe called Bob Woellner on thetelephone: "After all yourtests and studies on these veterans at the University, what'syour candid prophesy as totheir success in school and, later, in life?" "In Line for Promotion" is his answer.Rober* C. Woellner is Assistant Dean of Students in charge of Test Administrationand Veteran Affairs; and Director of Vocational Guidanceend 7!c> jment. Robert C. Woellner12THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13Until the vocational counseling service of the Universitywas expanded at the request of the Government to include the veterans referred to in the foregoing paragraph,this service was limited to its own students, a more orless homogenous group.With the influx of a heterogeneous group of veteranscame a healthy broadening of the vocational horizonsrequired of counselors, and experience in the use of agreater variety of tests of interest, intelligence, aptitude,achievement and personality. Early in our experiences wecame upon one gentleman whose test results defied allknown interpretations. It finally became evident that hehad very limited reading ability. This ability (or disability) should have been measured first. Since this lesson, weadminister a reading ability measure to all those whohave not had high-school education. Likewise, in thearea of vocation, we have learned to think in terms ofall the world's work rather than only the professionaland upper business pursuits.More recently the University, again at the suggestionof the Government, has made its personal adjustmentcounseling center available to veterans. This center, under the direction of Professor Carl Rogers, is availableto veterans referred to it by the Veterans Administration.The work of this center is explained in the followingstatement from a brochure published by the center:"The Center offers primarily a service best describedas adjustment counseling. Here individuals are giventhe opportunity to work through such problems as:difficulties in social adjustment, failure to adjust toacademic work, inability to adjust to the job, maritalproblems, difficulties caused by uncertainties of aimsand purposes, worry and feelings of inadequacy, problems of parent-child relationships, and other personalproblems. . . .".Veterans attending the University have available tothem, as do all other students, the personnel services provided by the University through the Dean of Students'.In addition, there has been established a special officea campus now bright with stained glass. And compulsory chapel when strips of orange cardboard were signedand dropped into a basket at Mandel door at the end ofthe 10: 15 service. Nothing now makes the returnee feelso remote as the memory of daily chapel.If few open spaces survive on a campus once openand green, there are stairs and doorways and readingrooms which the lapse of so many years had not altered.More tennis is played, one would say, than formerly,there is more freedom and informality, concerts are ascrowded as ever, discussion groups even more earnest.The returnee, to conceal the fact that he is a ghost, triesto look like a mere member of the public as he timidlyapproaches the new chapels, the new museums, the new known as the Adviser to Veterans. Mr. Joseph Borbelyand his staff aid the veterans in the special routines ofregistration, purchase of books and supplies, and in otherwise fulfilling government regulations with which non-veteran students are not concerned.Two rooms (Cobb Hall 300-301) have been set asideby the University as offices of the Adviser to Veterans.In view of the very over-crowded conditions prevailingthroughout the quadrangles in general, and in Cobb Hallin particular, the University administration has thus indicated its cooperative attitude by providing this specialspace for the veterans.Out of all the experiences which the University hashad in its dealing with the veterans, one generalizationseems justified at this time: veterans are distinctly worthyof the services rendered to them by the University. Theyare taking seriously their opportunity to advance theireducation. The only study thus far available indicatesthat the veterans surpass non-veteran students in scholastic achievement. These results are probably to be explained in terms of seriousness of purpose and greatermaturity.There have been comments outside the University tothe effect that the veterans are interested only in specificjob training. But the number who are not only willingbut enthusiastic about completing the requirements ofour college before engaging in graduate work of a specialized nature is proof that, when properly counseled,veterans desire the fullest in liberal education.This liberal arts education and specialized trainingwhich the veteran is receiving at the University, togetherwith experiences acquired in the service, will prepare himexcellently for vocational and civic life. Employers willfind in these veterans exceedingly valuable individualsfor development as future executives. Many of themare, or soon will be, in line for promotions to positionsof leadership in business, industry, the professions andgovernment.features which trouble the settled and inviolable picturewhich he has carried for years in memory. He has beenaway so long that there are places, most disturbing of all,which he is not sure whether he remembers or not. Hehad received alumni literature, seen photographs, but hisfaith in his own solid past wavers, and among so muchthat is familiar he feels more than ever a stranger.Then, unbelievably, he hears what till then he hadforgotten and is carried irresistibly into an illusion ofthe past which darkness fosters. The notes of the "AlmaMater" cluster and fall and beyond the years and thechanges he is at home.MARY QUAYLE INNISTwenty years after{Continued from Page 9)ONE MAN'S OPINIONThe University sthird eraThe University is now confronted with a new era, bringing new problems and demands, and requiring expenditure of vast sums of money.What the University is moving into is actually the thirdbig phase of its existence. The first was the period ofHarper, in which the institution was established and itspurposes implemented. Substantially, that period ranfrom 1891 through the first world war. It was a timein which the University was relatively small; and fromthis distance, has some appearance of being quaint andold-fashioned. But though those were indeed the simpledays, there was nothing quaint or obsolete either in thekind of University Mr. Harper established, or in itsperformance.The second phase of the University ended with therecent war. It was one in which the size of the plantwas more than doubled, to meet the large increase inenrollment and to provide for new areas of investigation.The administration of Mr. Hutchins, beginning in 1929,when the physical expansion was well under way, hasbeen marked by the important series of educational developments as well as constantly increasing support ofresearch activities. Born in war, and ending in war, thiswas a much more difficult and critical period than thatof the relatively serene years up to 1920.The new and third period has every promise of beingmore strenuous and trying than even the years from 1930to 1946. What will happen in it will depend on largemeasure on what the University, and all other agenciesconcerned with reason, are able to accomplish. Thereis no question but what there will be many notableachievements in scientific research, both for the welfareand the destruction of man. The critical question whichthe University and its associates must meet is the controlof the powers that already exist and will be developed.Since that is so, the future of the University demandsmore than a lopsided expansion in the sciences; there iseven more need for creative effort in the social sciencesand the humanities.This third phase of the University has been started bythe war, but the war alone did not move the clock sofast. The war is responsible for such obvious needs as alarger plant just to educate and house students. Withoutveterans, and without a G.I. bill to eliminate part of theeconomic barriers to education, there would not be thehordes now in and seeking to get in the colleges. Withoutthe acceleration which the urgencies of war producedin the development of atomic fission, the world probablywould not have been confronted with the menace of thebomb for another decade or two. But along with these By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, J.D. '22by-products of war, there has come the culmination ofevolutionary progress in many areas. These, as muchas the impact of the war, have created new fields withwhich the University must concern itself if it is to maintain its present position.Some of the obvious needs of the University not onlyfor the future, but for the present, are buildings andresidence halls for students, particularly at the Collegelevel. Even when the effects of the G. I. bill, and itsinevitable extensions are no longer felt, the student population will continue at high levels. A bigger student bodymeans a bigger faculty, and conditions in the Universityarea being what they are, one of the necessities is thatof providing housing for at least part of this increase.A bigger institution means even a bigger and more closelyknit administrative organization, and a building inwhich it can operate. Foreseen and planned for in thelast five years, some of these buildings will be startedsoon.The University has never wanted to be a gigantic institution, and though it must provide for more students,it still will be relatively small in comparison with themushrooming state universities. This autumn thereprobably will be about 8,300 students here, but there willbe close to 25,000 at Michigan and Illinois. Nor has theUniversity sought to add activities merely for the sakeof having them; it has engaged in research and educationonly where it could be most effective because of its uniqueskills. Mr. Hutchins has constantly urged upon American universities the elimination of duplication and theextension of inter-university cooperation, so that the inadequate resources available could be used to the bestpurpose.But the questions which now require investigation alsorequire new facilities. Many of them are costly. A goodillustration is the work that must be done in nuclearphysics. The laboratory of Michelson, who could measurethe speed of light with a few precisely ground mirrors,no longer suffices. There must be such expensive equipment as betatrons and cyclotrons, which start at about$500,000 each.Though the generalization is not accurate, it is roughlytrue that the easy questions in scientific research havebeen answered. The tough ones are ahead. Work onthem requires not one man, but teams of scientists andtechnicians in many specialties working cooperatively.The principle of cooperative research probably has beenmore extensively established at Chicago than any otheruniversity in the world. But the cooperation now mustbe extended into many new areas, and the tools withwhich the scientific teams work must be at hand.In short, what the University faces is an undertakingcomparable to the original effort of Dr. Harper.14NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESBy JEANNETTE LOWREYThe New Administration BuildingCONTRACT for the new $920,000 administrationbuilding, first peg in the University's postwarbuilding plans, has been let to W. J. Lynch Company, and ground was broken for the construction earlythis month.A conservative modern building in limestone whichwill harmonize with the Gothic architecture of thecampus, the administration building is being built onthe main quadrangles at 58th street and Ellis avenue,between Cobb Lecture Hall and George Herbert JonesChemical Laboratory. The main entrance to the building will face the east; the west entrance will be identical.The proposed building six stories and basement will contain 1,001,600 cubic feet and will contain usablefloor area of about 56,500 feet. The building, designedby Holabird and Root, architects, will be 220 feet longand 50 feet wide.The new building will provide facilities for effectiveintercommunication among the principal ^ administrativeoffices and for conducting business with students, facultyand public."The need for a central administration building hasexisted at the University of Chicago for the past 20years," Vice-president Wilbur C. Munnecke stated."Need, however, has been subordinated to demands forinstruction and research."The return of the teaching and research staffs on warleave, the increase in the teaching staff to care for the large registration of veterans, and the continuation at ahigh level of research for the government has createda critical space problem in the University. The construction of the administration building which willcentralize offices and services now housed in 14 buildingson the Midway, will give more relief to the problem ofspace than any other single step," Mr. Munnecke said.The administration building will house the offices ofthe chancellor, president, and vice-presidents, the secretary of the board of trustees, the comptroller, bursar,business manager, and purchasing office, the dean ofstudents, registrar, admissions, student counseling, andthe university examiner.The university's radio office and studio to broadcastthe coast-to-coast University of Chicago Round Tableprogram will also be housed in the new building. Otherservices to be included are: alumni office and foundation,public relations, press relations, and a university post-office and information office.Foundations for the building, according to buildingspecifications, will be pile footings. Frames and slabswill be reenforced concrete. The exterior walls will becutstone and the roof tile.The interior finish will be plastered with the wallspainted. Ceilings will have acoustic tile. Floors willbe terrazzo in public areas and asphalt tile in officeareas. Heating will be direct radiation from the University's central heating plant. Electric service will include power and lighting systems; lights will haverecessed fluorescent fixtures. The elevators will have athree-passenger capacity with push-button control.The New Administration Building1516 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Proposed Administration Building in 1925. Thiswas the building the University planned to construct inthe middle twenties providedfunds could be secured. The1 946 version will have officesas high as the tower in theoriginal plans.University receives Lowden booksPrivate papers of Frank O. Lowden, Republican Congressman from Illinois and later governor of the state,have been presented to the University of Chicago libraryby Mrs. Florence Lowden Miller, daughter of the lateGov. Lowden and wife of Dr. C. Phillip Miller, Professorof Medicine at the University.Governor Lowden was a Trustee of the Universityfrom 1905 to 1912 and was Chairman of the Board ofTrustees of the Public Administration Clearing Housefrom its organization and affiliation with the Universityin 1931 until his death in 1943. In 1921 he received anhonorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the University.The collection occupies about 300 cubic feet of spaceand relates mainly to the period from 1924 to 1943,though there is much material included from the periodof his governorship, and still earlier. According to William T. Hutchinson of the history department "a surprisingly comprehensive economic and political historyof the United States between the two world wars couldbe written from these papers."Manuscript letters and speeches in the Lowden collection are numerous and valuable both for content andthe wide variety of subjects treated. The material shouldprovide an important source for future students ofAmerican history.For war and peaceCrop and weed destructive properties of 1,100 different chemical agents which would have been used tolay waste to the enemies' food supplies had they resortedto biological warfare, but which have great benefits forpeacetime agriculture, were revealed in the BotanicalGazette.While biological warfare wSis not used in militaryoperation in World War II, enough information, themagazine reports, has been discovered on the possibilitiesof plant destruction to show that it is imperative that the nation be alerted on methods of use of such compounds and methods of combatting their ill effects.Carrying the first scientific report on research onherbicides that might have been used by the Allies, theBotanical Gazette describes the work in plant controlcarried on by the Chemical Warfare Service of the U. S.Army in laboratories at the University of Chicago, OhioState University, Camp Detrick (Frederick, Maryland),and United States Plant Industry Station (Beltsville,Maryland).Initial research of plant controls for crop destructionresulted in 1941 at the beginning of the war from a suggestion made to the Secretary of War by Ezra J. Kraus,Chairman of the University of Chicago's Department ofBotany. Dr. Kraus, a pioneer vin the ue of syntheticgrowth-regulation substances, foresaw the possibility ofthe enemy's using compounds for herbicidal purposesagainst the Allies. Experiments carried out at the University under his direction provided unequivocal proofof the herbicidal activity of many growth-regulatingsubstances.Research at the University was conducted in HullBotanical Laboratory directly across the street from theplutonium laboratory, where the basic secrets leadingto the production of the atomic bomb were developed.The rapid ending of the war prevented field trialsin an active theater of the synthetic agents, which wouldhave, without injury to animal or human, affected certain growing crops. The same principles, however, arenow being applied to destroy noxious weeds throughoutthousands of acres of pasture land in the western statesand growing fields of sugar cane, rice, pineapple andother crops.Application of certain of the 1,100, organic compoundstested, according to Botanical Gazette, could have deprived the enemy of numerous crops the discovery ofwhich would sometimes come only after cuMvation.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17A wartime chemical isopropylphenylcarbamate firstused in Great Britain and especially toxic to grasses,was found to kill field-grown winter rye and to seriouslydamage grown oats when the compound was applied tothe soil in sawdust at seeding time.Young cabbage plants, soybeans, tomatoes, sweetpo-tatoes, and sugar beets, sprayed with 2, 4-dichlorophe-noxyacetic acid (first used as a growth-regulating compound by Prof. Kraus) were killed or stunted in growthwith amounts as low as one-tenth of a pound applied toa single acre.It was discovered that tomato fruit could be preventedfrom setting by spraying only one- tenth of a pound peracre to the flowering plants. Sprayed at the fruitingstage, tomatoes showed a reduction of yield and the fruitwas mis-shapen. Young cabbage plants were killed whensprayed with the growth regulator at the rate of onlythree-tenths pound per acre.Sugar beets, it was discovered, can be killed with aslow a concentration of growth regulator as five-tenthspounds per acre even when the plants are 12 to 14 inchesin height and the roots, thumb size in diameter. A littlemore than two-tenths pound per acre will kill sweetpotatoes at the early runner stage, with the same amountinhibiting the root yield when applied to the plants whenthe vines cover the ground.These organic herbicides unlike the inorganic compounds such as sodium arsenite, sodium chlorate, ammonium sulfammate and ammonium thiocyanate areeffective in small quantities. Where one-half pound peracre of the organic compounds would destroy plant life,some of the inorganic compounds require more than 50times as much tQ do the same damage.The .airplane was used for distributing the sprays containing growth regulating compounds. Use of oil as acarrier for the compound proved advantageous in regions of frequent and heavy rainfall. When the growthregulator is applied in oil solution, rainfall causes nodimintation in the response of the herbicide.The ability to render the enemy's soil ineffective duringa growing season or to clear it for immediate plantingwas also revealed in the magazine. Soil infected with2 methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid is useless for as longas 68 days after treatment. Traces of some toxic compounds persist in the soil for almost a year. In contrast,the compounds 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid andisopropylphenylcarbamate, unlike 2 methyl-4-chlorophe-noxyacetic acid, do not retain their toxicity, and soilcleared of weeds by these compounds can be used forplanting useful crops in the same season. Isopropylphenylcarbamate is effectively used in the control ofweedy grasses. The 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acidkills out weeds but allows grasses to grow.The organic chemical, 2, 4, 5 tripheorophenoxyaceticacid, which the scientists learned could destroy the marketable or edible quality of a potato crop at the rate of only one pound of acid per acre, can also be put topeacetime work at harvesting time, will cause them towither without injuring the tuber. The compound 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, with little or no toxiceffect on potato plants, is applicable for killing out weedsduring the growing season.Other peacetime possibilities include the use of growth-regulating substances for fruit ripening, fruit scald, increased size of certain fruit, and for retaining leaves andfruits on trees for longer periods of time. The yield ofapples can be increased two to three tons per acre without loss of quality, blueberries can be produced withoutseeds, tomatoes can be increased in size, and the sprouting of potatoes and fruit trees in spring can be delayed formore favorable weather conditions.Three other University of Chicago men, in addition toDr. Kraus, participated in the project. Captain R. J.Weaver and Major David L. Taylor, both of the BotanyDepartment, were key figures in research at CampDetrick. Dr. Gail M. Dack, Associate Professor of Bacteriology, was in charge of the health division of thecamp.Their dollar's worthVeterans attending college in the Chicago area cannotlive on their government allowance, but must dip intosavings or take outside jobs to meet expenses, WilliamA. Spurr, professor in the School of Business, revealedafter an all-university survey of the G.I.'s attending college by students in statistics. "The single students aremaking out the best," Prof. Spurr said. "However, onlyone-fifth of the single students who receive a government allowance of $65 a month plus books and tuition,can get along on a minimum of $95. The average singleman spends $115 a month."Married men with children spend an average of $165a month. The government allows them $90 a monthfor living expenses. Only a bare fifth of the group canmanage on a minimum of $135. The average marriedfamily attending school spends $165 a month.Monthly expenses of the single men, according to theuniversity survey, is as follows:Average MinimumRent $ 25 $ 22Board 50 45Laundry 7 5Recreation 13 8Incidentals 20 15TOTAL $115 $ 95Deducting the government's 65 dollars, there is $50 amonth (or at least $30) to be raised elsewhere. Seventy-five per cent of the single men draw on savings. About30 per cent take outside jobs averaging 16 hours weekly.Some 25 per cent are helped by their parents; less thantwo per cent borrow money.u THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETypical expenses for the veteran who lives with hiswife in an apartment, has all his meals in, and receives$90 a month, plus tuition and books follows:Average MinimumRent $ 50 $ 40Board 60 50Laundry . 8 7Recreation 10 8Incidentals 37 30TOTAL $165 $135Married men, to meet the $75 a month drain ($45 atthe least) over and above the $90 government allowance,are drawing for the most part on their savings. Sixty-five per cent, the survey shows, are using savings, 22 percent have jobs averaging 20 hours a week, 13 per centget help from their parents, and two per cent borrow.Sixty per cent of the wives, the survey also disclosed,work, and most of them work full-time. Where thereare children, 42 per cent of both men and wives work.A dream comes trueWhen Mile. Lisette Nigot struggled with books andnewspapers for her 52-page master's paper on "TheGrowth of the City of Chicago," she hardly dared dreamthat someday she would be living and studying in theWindy City.The first French girl to hold an International Housefellowship, Miss Nigot, however, arrived at the Universityof Chicago during the summer to gather material for amore comprehensive doctor's thesis on Chicago, andstudy history, literature and sociology on the quadrangles.She doesn't know what first interested her in Chicago,but coming from a large city herself, she decided that"the city" in American civilization should be interesting,and decided on Chicago in particular because "it grew sofast and seems so different from Paris."Coming directly from Paris where the cheapest pair ofleather shoes cost thirty dollars and the least expensivewool suit one hundred dollars when you could find them Miss Nigot was entranced by the big Chicago department stores and the comparatively low prices. Theshores of Lake Michigan are especially lovely, too,Lisette thinks. "And the beach around the 55th streetpromontory is just like a seashore resort," she commented.She still can't understand why factories and industrialplants are located within the city limits. In Paris theyare always built around the edge of the city.Reporting conditions in France during the Germanoccupation, Lisette says that food was very scarce, butthat most of the students at the University of Paris carried on their studies regardless of the Germans. Shefirst met Americans when she served a year as technicalinterpreter for the United States Army in Paris. Herexcellent knowledge of English was acquired at the University of Paris. Summer classes in American history and sociologysignify the beginning of a year's work and research forMiss Nigot. She is determined to write an accurateaccount of the growth of the city of Chicago when shereturns to France next June for her doctorate.After the degree, Miss Nigot will teach at the University of Paris in the "Growth of American Civilization" department, a very young and very small department at the Parisian university. Teachers in the fieldare difficult to find, and Miss Nigot hopes to encouragea thorough study of America by French students.Liberal education for adultsA four-year basic program of liberal education foradults, the first integrated program of its kind for maturemen and women, will be inaugurated at University College of the University of Chicago this fall, Dean CyrilO. Houle has announced.A program designed to meet increased leisure timetechnology now offers, the basic program was inauguratedas the result of the successful presentation of the greatbooks in the community centers throughout the city.Like the bi-weekly classes, the new basic program willalso feature the great books in seminar meetings and willalso employ the Hutchins-Adler method of discussion.Classes will be held two evenings a week over a nine-month period for four years.In addition to the seminar meeting, the basic programwill use four other learning activities a communicationworkshop, a laboratory workshop, a problems workshop,and a lecture.Informality will be the keynote of the workshop procedures. In the communication workshop, the studentswill analyze and practice different ways of putting ideasinto words and of extracting ideas from written or spokenlanguage. In the problems workshop, they will applywhat they have learned in the basic program to thesolutions of problems in daily life.The lecture will cover historical background that timedoes not permit in seminar periods, and establish interrelationships that weave the four-year program together.The laboratory workshop will bring to the student collections of arts and scientific experiments to insure comprehension of ideas under discussion.In the discussion seminars, students will analyze worksby such authors as Plato, Aristotle, Homer, Cicero, Virgil,Tolstoi, Kant, Mill, Darwin, and others, who by theirsimplicity, their excellence, and their penetration throughthe specific problems of specific times bring the ideas ofall time to universal problems.Students completing the four-year program will bepresented certificates, or by qualifying in an additionalexamination, a bachelor's degree from the University.The bachelor's degree, however, is not the central objective of the course.Classes will begin in the first week of October, withthe tuition fee for each quarter $75, or $225 per year.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 19Completion of secondary education is desirable preparation for the program, but adults who have had more orless than this amount of preparation will be consideredwhen they apply.France honors GelbIgnace J. Gelb, associate professor of Assyriology atthe University of Chicago, has been elected to honorarymembership in the famed Societe Asiatique de Paris forhis contributions to Oriental science.One of the few of the world's active scholars in thedecipherment of Hittite, Prof. Gelb is the only Americanhonorary member of the French Asiatic Society.Gelb, who was on leave from the University of Chicagofrom January 1, 1944, to January 1, 1946, was with theintelligence division of the United States army untilJuly, 1945. At that time, he became an advisor to Justice Robert H. Jackson on the German army for theAmerican prosecution at Nuernberg.Author of eight books and numerous articles and reviews, Prof. Gelb was born in Tarnow, Poland, andreceived his doctor of philosophy degree from the University of Rome. He became a fellow at the OrientalInstitute of the University of Chicago in 1929, an assistant professor in 1941, and an associate professor in1946.Among his books are Hittite Hieroglyphs, Inscriptionsfrom Alishar and Vicinity, and Hurrians and Subarians.His special fields of research at the Oriental Institute areon the projects of Assyrian Dictionary, the Grammar ofAkkadian, and Grammars of Oriental Languages.Two Americans have been previously honored by theSociete Asiatique de Paris, which was founded in 1822.They were the late C. R. Lanman from Harvard, whowas elected to membership in 1905, and the late A. V.W. Jackson of Columbia, elected in 1931.Redfield resigns as DeanRobert Redfield, distinguished anthropologist and deanof the division of social sciences at the University ofChicago for the past 12 years, has resigned his administrative post to devote full-time to his academic work at theUniversity, President Ernest Cadman Colwell announcedearly this fall.In announcing Prof. Redfield's resignation as dean,President Colwell also called a faculty meeting of thedivision to elect a committee to confer with central administration on suggestions of faculty members and tomake a list of candidates. Dean Redfield, who is aprofessor of anthropology at the University, will continueas dean of the division until a successor is chosen.A native Chicagoan, Prof. Redfield has won distinctionfor his work in defining and systematizing the scientificstudy of culture and for his research contributions on theculture of the Central American Indians.In 1930, he began a continuing program of researchon the Indians of Guatemala and Yucatan. In connection with this research, he holds the post of research associate of the Carnegie Institution of Washington incharge of ethnology and sociology field work. He is theauthor of three volumes on Mexican Indian culture.Dean Redfield, who holds three degrees from the University of Chicago, joined the staff in 1927 and wasnamed a full professor and dean of the division of socialsciences in 1934. He is a past president of the AmericanAnthropological Association, a member of the Committeeto Frame a World Constitution, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Sociological Research Association, Sigma Xi and Phi Beta Kappa.. . . and real world peace"What happened in the 1930's and 1940's can happenagain in the 1950's or sooner despite the staggeringnew horrors with which atomic energy confronts theworld today," Seymour Berkson, '26, general managerof International News Service, declared in an address atthe 22nd annual Harris Foundation Institute on theMidway."The seeds of discord will continue to sprout as longas truth is forbidden to travel a free road into the mindsand hearts of all peoples. Unless we can prevail uponthe rest of the world as soon as possible to establish freedom of information as an universal principle, we mustcontinue to face the risk of war."The danger will persist even though the atomic bombshould prove once and for all the utter futility of resortto mass murder for the settlement of international disputes."Scientific development of modern communicationsfacilities has made it physically possible today to reachevery nook and corner of the world no matter howremote with a full flow of information."There is no longer any excuse for complete ignoranceof world affairs anywhere unless such ignorance is artificially enforced by government blockade," Berkson declared."With the atomic bomb a stark reality, the free flowof information is the concern not merely of politiciansand statesmen."It is of greatest concern to the peoples of the worldthemselves for they will pay a fantastically higher pricethan ever before, if war comes again."It should be the fervent and unrelenting aim ofAmerican foreign policy to make certain that the twobillion inhabitants of the modern world have the fullestopportunity to know and appreciate each other in a spiritof mutual understanding."To achieve such an ideal result, the first and primaryprerequisite is a free exchange of factual information allover the world."Only if such universal freedom of information becomesan accepted and established fact in our global life, willwe be truly on the road to mutual understanding andreal world peace."20 T H E U N I V ERSITY OF CHIC A G O M A GAZI N ENEWS OF THE CLASSESIn view of the approaching 50thAnniversary of the Class of 1897,the Alumni Association would likevery much to secure the presentaddresses of the following:Hannah Matilda AndersonCarolyn Louise BrownAgnes May BrowneMrs. J. W. Countermine(Anna M. Godley)Samuel S. DornsiferRalph Leland DoughertyRoy Cyrus GarverMerrill P. GriffithCharles Allen HodgesCora Belle JacksonMrs. F. L. Kern (Adda F. Norton)William Ross MorrowMrs. Joseph Reed(Carolyn L. Moss)George Reuben SikesKate WatersAnyone who knows the addressesof any of the above is requestedto send such information to theAlumni Office.1897Waldo P. Breeden, Pittsburgh law-er, dropped in at Alumni House June6, on an extended business and pleasure tour West. He planned to visitold college friends in Minneapolis,Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, LosAngeles, and Kansas City on his "circle" tour.1899Grace Neahr Veeder' has publisheda brochure "Concerning WilliamVaughn Moody" and is publishing avolume of verse and prose "StainedGlass Windows." She is living inWauwatosa, Wisconsin, and when notwriting verse is busy keeping in touchwith her three married children andeight grandchildren.1901Albert E. Patch, DB '04, recentlystarted on an extended vacation fromhis ministerial duties, after thirteenyears as pastor of the Napa (California) First Baptist Church.E. V. DePew, MD '04, writes usfrom San Antonio, Texas: "If youwant to live long and don't want towork too much come to the most picturesque and delightful city in thiscountry."Florence M. Foster is living in St.Cloud, Minnesota, and writes us: "Iam living in happy retirement and enjoy music as a hobby. Every dayI have some Bach or Brahms orSchubert on the piano. And, ofcourse, I cherish many memories ofthe University of Chicago which become more precious as the years goby."1904Henry N. Whitelaw, MD Rush'06, has been practicing medicine inCorvallis, Oregon, for the past eighteen years. His wife, Mary Macklin,05, has been relieving the help shortage by serving as receptionist andnurse in the office. The Whitelawsoriginally lived at Oakesdale, Washington, but moved to the WillametteValley where the winters are milder.Jane Black Okeson has been chairman of the Special War Work Service Committee of the Chicago Chapter, D.A.R. and has also served ascorresponding secretary of the U. S.Daughters of 1812 State of Illinois.1905Alva J. Brasted, former Chief ofChaplains of the U. S. Army (1933-1937) preached the baccaulaureatesermon at Sioux Falls College, andreceived the degree of Doctor ofLaws at the May commencement.1908John Wesley Stockwell, DB '11, isliving in Philadelphia. He is the coauthor of "Johnny Appleseed: AVoice in the Wilderness" and authorof "A Critical Review of the RevisedStandard Version of the New Testament" as well as "Introduction andNotes for Kentucky Americans." Hehas recently received citations fromSecretary of the Treasury Vinson forthe War Loan Speakers Bureau, andfrom President Truman for RedCross Speakers Bureau.1911Paul Gallagher, MD Rush, is backin private practice in El Paso, Texas,after serving as Colonel in the Medical Corps, and writes us "trying tolure back enough patients to buyfrijoles." He is on the Board of Managers of Southwestern Medicine, executive committee city-county hospital, and served as vice-president ofthe Board of Health in 1941.Hanor A. Webb, SM, is Presidentof the Tennessee Academy of Science,He has been head of the Departmentof Chemistry and Science Educationat George Peabody College forTeachers, Nashville, Tennessee, for29 years. 1913Sidney M. Cadwell, PhD '17, hasbeen appointed director of researchand technical development of theUnited States Rubber Company. Hewas formerly assistant general manager of the tire division, and bringsto his new position 27 years of administrative and scientific experiencein rubber and plastics.James A. Donovan of Winnetka,Illinois, is the newly elected presidentof Kappa Sigma.1914Bernice C. Eddy is married, and isnow Mrs. Sultan Bek Shakmanosf.They are living in Chicago.Martin D. Stevers has recently beenappointed Managing Editor ofCompton's Pictured Encyclopedia.The son of Mrs. Homer F. Horton(Minnie R. German, SM) is on thequadrangles, studying for his master'sdegree in Foreign Relations. He wasformerly Lieutenant Commander inthe Navy.Mrs. Edwin W. Eisendrath (LouiseSulzberger) is head of the HomeService Corps of the American RedCross in Chicago.1916Ralph W. Davis, partner of PaulH. Davis and Co., Chicago, was renominated as chairman of the Boardof Governors of the Chicago StockExchange recently. At the same time,three other alumni were nominatedas members of the Board of Governors: Patrick F. Buckley, '10, Francis F. Patton, '11, and Hugh H. Wilson, '27.Icie Macy Hoobler, director of theresearch laboratory of the Children'sFund of Michigan, has been awardedthe Francis P. Gavran Medal of theAmerican Chemical Society for herstudies in nutrition and the chemicalprocesses of human growth.James Hugh Pruett, director ofAstronomy at the University of Oregon, received an honorary degree ofDoctor of Humane Letters at the89th commencement of his undergraduate Alma Mater, Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon, in June.Mrs. Olaf Finstad (Ivah May Lister) writes that she has joined themovement to relieve the housingshortage in South Dakota. They arewrecking one house vacant for 6 yearsto remodel one vacant for 2 years.Their home is in Bison, South Dakota.Oxygen to breathe is the most important thing inthe world to one who is ill and unable to get enough forlife from the air alone.The use of oxygen in medical practice has grownrapidly in recent years. Physicians have found it effectivein the treatment of certain types of heart disease,shock due to wounds or injuries, following major operations, and for numerous other illnesses.The need for extra oxygen is so frequent in hospitalsthat many of them, instead of depending on cylindersof oxygen brought to the bedside, now have convenientoxygen outlets in many rooms and wards. Oxygen isbrought directly to the bedside through an unseen"pipe-line"fromacentrallylocated"bank"of oxygen cylinders.Oxygen is a principal product of Units of UnionCarbide. It is supplied to hospitals and in muchgreater amounts to industry for numerous mass-production operations largely through The LindeAir Products Company. Linde Oxygen is now so readily available that no oneneed ever be without oxygen for any purpose. Oxygen isbut one of the many basic and essential products fromUCC -materials which, all together, require continuing research and engineering work with over a third ofthe earth's known elements.FREE: Physicians, nurses, teachers, and others who would like moreinformation on the availability of oxygen, and on the various typesof oxygen therapy equipment, are invited to write for a copy of the"Oxygen Therapy Handbook." Ask for Booklet P- 10TTnion CarbideV^ AND CARBON CORPORATION . iisa 30 East 42nd Street New York 1 7, N. YProducts of Divisions and Units include ALLOYS AND METALS CHEMICALS PLASTICSELECTRODES, CARBONS, AND BATTERIESINDUSTRIAL GASES AND CARBIDE22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESend for your copy of"Pipes for a World of Pleasure'L& H STERN, Inc., 26 Pearl St., Brooklyn 1, N.Y. Hannah E. Pease is teaching homemaking subjects at Putnam HighSchool in Putnam, Conn.Rollo C. Speer is organizer andfounder of New Community Churchat Clearfield, in the Ogden, Utah,area, under the sponsorship of "Inter-mountain Conferences of EvangelicalChurches."Wilmer Souder, PhD, who has beenserving as acting chief of the Division of Weights and Measures withthe National Bureau of Standards,was recently named chief of the Metrology Division.After teaching ancient and medieval history at the Pennsylvania StateCollege for 21 years, Francis J.Tschan, PhD, retired on July 1 withemeritus rank.1917Harold P. Huls, JD '21, has beenunanimously elected to the positionof President of the Railroad Commission of the State of California.This elevation comes within ninemonths after his appointment to theCommission by Governor Warren.Ruth E. DeGroot has been keepinghouse for her father since her mother's death in 1941. She is active involunteer work for the National Baptist Memorial Church and in RedCross. She is living in Washington,D. C.For the past 24 years Mrs. Ellsworth G. Smith (Ruth H. Kreiling)has been working with her husbandwho is a practicing attorney in Detroit. In between office work andmanaging the household, she hasmanaged to sandwich the presidencyof a woman's club and is now 1stvice-president of the Detroit Branchof the A. A. U. W.1918Robert W. Brooks, AM, DB '19,for 17 years an insructor at the Howard University School of Religion,was recently appointed by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to fill a vacancy on the Board ofPublic Welfare for a term of sixyears.Nicholas L. Tartar, MD Rush '20,returned to his home town of Cor-vallis, Oregon, to establish his practice in 1922. He is one of the prominent and busy physicians at one ofOregon's centers of culture, the homeof Oregon State College.Ruth Herrick, MD Rush '28, ispracticing in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and writes us that she is too busyto '.'make or be news." 1920The Very Rev. Matthew ThomasO'Neill, PhD, nationally known educator and Provincial Superior of theCarmelite Order, recently celebratedthe 25th anniversary of his ordinationto the priesthood, and was honoredat a testimonial dinner preceded by aSolemn High Jubilee Mass at whichhe was celebrant.Paul W. Birmingham is living inDetroit, where he is a manufacturers'agent.James M. Nicely of New York Citywas recently elected to the Board ofTrustees and Finance Committee ofTeachers Insurance and Annuity Association.1921Adele Storck is an attorney, and isliving in Indianapolis, where she isserving her third term as DeputyProsecutor for the 19th Judicial Circuit. Her hobby is gardening, and arose hedge divides a thrifty faminekitchen garden from her old fashioned New England flower garden.1922Edward A. H. Fuchs, PhD '33, isa member of the editorial departmentof G. & C. Merriam Company, publishers of Webster's Dictionary. Heis specifically responsible for the definition of words. Previous to comingwith the Merriam Company in 1943,Dr. Fuchs was head of the Department of Modern Language at CentreCollege, Danville, Kentucky. Whennot defining words he spends hisspare time in the woods and fields defining birds, which explains why heis president of Springfield's Ornithological Society.Charles E. Lee is general secretaryof the Springfield, Massachusetts,Y.M.C.A. When he left the Midwayin 1922, Charles became boys' worksecretary at Peoria, going from thereto Cincinnati in the same capacityfour years later and finally becomingassistant secretary. He moved toSpringfield in 1938. Mr. Lee is alsoa member of the faculty of Springfield College, Alma Mater of AmosAlonzo Stagg. In addition to his responsibility for filling the MunicipalAuditorium ten times a year for aSunday afternoon series of culturalprograms (including the ClevelandOrchestra this year) Charles takes onother civic responsibilities such asserving as chairman of the Emergency Food campaign (raising $12,000)and serving as our local AlumniFoundation chairman from the verybeginning. There are two childrenTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23in the Lee family: Jane, 18, a student at Mount Holyoke; and Bob, asenior in high school.Mattie M. Dykes, AM, Professorof English at the Northwest MissouriState Teachers College at Maryville,is a life member of the National Federation of Press Women. She hasbeen secretary this year of the Maryville Chapter of the American Association of University Professors. Forseveral years she has been conductinga Writers' Club for the American Association of University Women.Elvis L. Hicks is principal of theJackson School in Chicago, and willhave completed twenty years in thatposition next January 31, when hewill be automatically retired becauseof age.Major Arthur J. Murray was released from active duty last year,and is practicing law in Chicago.1923Paul F. Bechtold, AM, has left theWelborn Community Church in Kansas City, Kansas, to become presidentof Southern Union College at Wad-ley, Alabama.1924Maurice H. Friedman, SB, PhD'28, MD '33, completed terminalleave in April, and has opened anoffice for the practice of internalmedicine in Washington, D. C.With four degrees from Chicago,Ernest Wiesle, AM '25, DB '26, PhD'28, has taught psychology and mental hygiene at Springfield College(Massachusetts) for 18 years. He hasnow retired from teaching and ismaking practical use of his trainingin psychology as a salesman for theHome Insulation Company andhaving most successful results. Sundays he preaches in South Hadley.1925Herbert C. DeYoung, JD '28, Chicago lawyer, was recently electedpresident of the Tuberculosis Institute of Chicago and Cook County.Anna W. Kenny, AM '29, PhD'45, has accepted a position as Assistant Professor at Aurora College,Aurora, 111.Mrs. Leo Wolins (Regina A. Haas)has left Chicago, and is living at1852 South Holmby Avenue, LosAngeles 25, California.Mary Elizabeth Hamilton, AM,English teacher and debate coach inOmaha, sponsored the North HighChapter of the National ForensicLeague which won the award for the leading N*F.L. chapter in Nebraska in 1945. One of her teams wonthe Open Tournament of the Missouri Valley Debate League.Bessie P. Knight is keeping housefor two brothers in Whittier, California, and is still interested in genealogy; enjoys raising flowers, particularly rbses; making quilts andrugs.1926After completing nearly sevenyears of war service in the Bureau ofOrdnance, Navy Department, RogerBrooks is now Assistant Director forFleet Maintenance in the Bureau ofOrdinance, where he expects to stay.He finished the war a Navy Captain, with four additional ribbonsand a citation from the Secretary ofthe Navy, having completed over 70additional duty assignments on ordnance matters in many places, andat sea.Abraham Schultz, MD '30, spent4 % years in the army, six months ofwhich he served in the Philippines.Ha has now been released and hasresumed his eye practice in Chicago.Mrs. Schultz is the former Sarah A.Melnick, '32.1927James O. Helm, MD Rush, livesin New Florence, Missouri, where heis engaged in the practice of generalmedicine. He is selective service examiner, president of the local BlueCross, and Montgomery CountyChairman of the Infantile ParalysisDrive, along with numerous othercivic duties.Alfred W. Hurst, AM, DB '30, isliving in Washington, D. C. with hiswife and two sons, aged 14 and 16.He has just celebrated his second anniversary as pastor of the ClevelandPark Congregational Church inWashington.Almira M. D. Martin, AM '3Q, isan instructor at Rowland Hall Schoolfor Girls in charge of the primary department. She is living in Salt LakeCity.1928Clarence L. Clarke, PhD, retiredfrom the Illinois Institute of Technology, and is now living in Kirkland,Washington.Fanny W. Fairfield is living inPasadena, California,, where she is amember of the League of WomenVoters, the Shakespeare Club, andCollege Club and attends all the playsat the Pasadena Playhouse. She isretired from teaching. Karl A. Mygdal is living in Midland, Texas, the nerve center of theoil industry of the Permian Basin andthe town having the highest concentration of geologists per capita of anycity in the world. He is serving asprogram chairman of the MidlandGeological Society.PETERSONFIREPROOFWAREHOUSESTORAGEMOVINGForeign DomesticShipments55th & ELLIS AVENUEPHONEMIDway 9700Telephone KENwood 1352J. E. KIDWEl S° » . 826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago 15, IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELLBLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering; Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, Director24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESTENOTYPYLearn new, speedy machine shorthand. Lesseffort, no cramped fingers or nervous fatigue.Also other courses: Typing, Bookkeeping,Comptometry, etc. Day or evening. Visit,write or phone for data.BryanrX: StrattonC O L^)E G E18 S. Michigan Ave. Tri. Randolph 1575SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 94 Years23 N. Wabash Ave.PHYSICIANS SUPPLIESChicago, IllinoisCATALOGUE ENGRAVING COLEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERBOYDSTON BROS,, INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-3 1 Cottage Grove Ave.All Phones OAKIand 0492HIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATESENGRAVERS M| SINCE 19 O 6 + WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES ?+ ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED ? ,? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE ? ]^rayneht: DALHEIM &CO. J2>S* W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO. Mrs. William S. Milius (ElizabethRoe) reports that she and Mr. Miliusnow have three children: Bill, Jr.,Elizabeth and John Frederick andare living at 5795 Lindell Drive inSt. Louis.1929Winifred D. Broderick, SB, is enjoying her work at the TheodoreAhrens Trade High School in Louisville, Kentucky, and follows the progress of the University "with greatpleasure".Auval H. Brown, SM, is teachingthe summer term in addition to theregular school year at Temple HighSchool and Junior College, Temple,Texas. She is making a specialty ofmicrobiology for student nurses.John M. Jackson, PhD '32, is working as chemist with the research division of the American Can Company,helping to raise his family of six children, and spending a little time onhome movies. This year he is servingas Secretary to the Chicago Sectionof the Institute of Food Technology.Morton L. Wadsworth, MD '35, isSchool Psychiatrist with the Bureauof Child Guidance, New York CityBoard of Education.Erma H. Wainner, AM, will be inChina in the Welfare Division ofUNRRA for a year.1930Dorothy Grace Cahill, AM '40, isteaching French at the North ShoreCountry Day School in Winnetka,Illinois.Mabel Greenwalt, AM, who isteaching English in the North SideHigh School in Fort Wayne, is president of the High School Women'sFaculty Club in Fort Wayne, and amember of the Board of Directors ofthe Fort Wayne Council of Teachersof English.Ward Keener, AM, has been elected Vice President for Employe Relations of the B. F. Goodrich Company, Akron, Ohio. In his newcapacity he will head a new divisionresponsible for all employe relations'activities throughout the company'sworldwide organization.Luther L. Mays, AM, has beenappointed Associate Professor of Psychology at Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.Elizabeth Paxton Lam, AM, PhD'39, Professor of Biblical Literatureat Flore Stone Mather College, Western Reserve University, has been appointed by the War Department toserve as one of the senior specialists of the Education and ReligiousAffairs Branch of the Military Government in Germany.Robert L. Nicholson, AM '31, PhD'38, has recently joined the staff ofIowa State Teachers College as Assistant Professor of History.Saul K. Padover, AM, PhD '32,was a regular contributor to PM'sOpinion Page this summer. Duringthe war Mr. Padover was chief political analyst for the Federal Communications Commission in London,political analyst for the Office ofStrategic Services, and intelligence officer with the 12th Army Groups'Psychological Warfare Branch, holding the rank of assimilated lieutenant-colonel. For his work he received a citation and Bronze Starfrom President Truman last December.Helen McDougall is now the ownerof Berry's Flowers,, ..a shop located onJackson and Michigan in Chicago.and she is also continuing her realestate business as the Astor RealtyCompany.Raymond B. Sawyer, PhD, has leftOak Ridge Laboratories and hasjoined the staff of Lehigh Universityas Associate Professor of Physics.1931James S. P. Beck, MD, who servedthree years as Commander in theNavy Medical Corps, is now pathologist at Memorial Hospital in Worcester, Mass. At the recent annualmeeting of the American Society ofClinical Pathologists held in SanFrancisco, he gave a paper on "SomeObservations on the Effects of theAtomic Bomb Among the Natives ofNagasaki-Kyushu."Robert W. Bates, PhD, is head ofthe endocrine products department ofE. R. Squibb and Company in NewBrunswick, New Jersey.Harry Palmer Gordon was affiliated with Lockheed Aircraft Company from 1942 to 1945 as PurchasingRepresentative and Efficiency Analyst. From May, 1945 until April,1946, he was director of sales, SierraMfg. Co., of Pasadena, California,which he resigned to enter RealEstate Business. He writes us: "Allalumni are welcome to come to California we'll try to find them a placeto live!"George D. Humphrey, AM, is justcompleting his first year as presidentof the University of Wyoming atLaramie. During the war he servedas Public Member of the Fourth Regional War Labor Board.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25Ralph Marten McGrath, SM '36,is a job evaluation engineer, and isliving in Oak Park. During the warhe served as Personnel Consultantwith the Third Service Command,A.S.F., New Cumberland, Pennsylvania in a civilian capacity.Lila M. Leaver is living in Osborne, Kansas, where she is head ofthe Social Science Department in theHigh School.Fred Millett, PhD, former memberof the Chicago faculty, has been appointed Director of the Honors College at Wesleyan University, Middle-town, Conn., where he has been aprofessor since leaving the Midway.John M. V. Stevenson is teacher ofcollege prep English and creativewriting in Lincoln Senior High Schoolin Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and is alsotennis coach. He has been first vice-president of the Wisconsin EducationAssociation since 1944.We have recently been notified ofthe appointment of Plamer A. Sza-manske to a position at ValparaisoUniversity, Valparaiso, as AssistantProfessor of English.1932Dorothy Solomon is now Mrs. Edward E. Seidmon and is living inPlainfield, New Jersey.Ruth Balch is living in Washington,D.C, where she is working as cata-loger in the Bureau of Mines Librarywith the Department of the Interior.Corinne M. Fitzpatrick is a scientific writer and review editor for theWar Department, Office of the Adjutant General in Washington. Sheis living at the Federal Housing Unitof McLean Gardens, but gets lonesome for the campus life at Chicago!1933Dorothy W. Adams, AM, has beenteaching high school English in herhome town of Springfield, Massachusetts, since receiving her Master'sfrom Chicago.Herman H. Goldstine, SM '34,PhD '36, has just been released fromservice and is at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey.Margery Pike, AM, is chairman ofthe Department of Social Science inTulsa Central High School.Hubert G. Schmidt, AM '36, isthe author of "Rural Hunterdon, AnAgricultural History" which was published by Rutgers University Presslast December, and reprinted in May.Mr. Schmidt received his PhD inHistory from Rutgers in June. Edith B. Whitney is Supervisor ofElementary Education in Virginia.Minnesota, where she is serving asChairman of American EducationWeek.1934S. Orville Baker, AM '35, whoserved as Lieutenant Commander inthe Navy, is back in civilian life andhas joined the faculty of SimmonsCollege in Boston as Assistant Professor.Earl A. Dennis, PhD, who servedin the Biology Department of theArmy University Center at Shriven-ham, England, has returned to theStates and to a position as Professorand Chairman of the Department ofBiology at Allegheny College, Mead-ville, Pa.Edwin S. Cieslak, PhD '44, hasjoined the faculty of the Universityof Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, as Assistant Professor of Biology.Mrs. Theodore R. Coggs (PaulineRedmond) a National Urban LeagueFellow, is filling busy assignments aspart-time instructor at the University of Wisconsin where she is a research assistant in the School forWorkers, and a graduate assistant inthe Department of Sociology.Lt. Col. Stanley W. Connelly isAssistant Military Attache at theU. S. Legation in Stockholm, and willbe happy to see any U. of C. visitors.Recently Mrs. Connelly and the threechildren: Cathy, 6; Jeanne, 4; andKevin, 7 months, joined him andthey are looking forward to a pleasant tour of duty in Sweden.Gertrude Fox, MD '37 (Mrs.Louis P. Tuttle), is practicing underher maiden name in Glendale, California.Ethel A. Hedenbergh is the highschool librarian at Central High inSioux City, Iowa, and president ofthe Sioux City Quota Club.1935Miriam G. Buck, PhD, has movedto Decatur, Illinois, where she will beAssociate Professor of Chemistry atJames Millikin University.Robert A. Hall, AM, AssistantProfessor of Italian at Brown University and special consultant on theeditorial staff of the Armed ForcesInstitute, has been appointed Associate Professor of Linguistics in theDivision of Modern Languages atCornell University, Ithaca, NewYork. Telephone Haymaricet 3120E. A. AARON & BROS. Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributors ofCEDERGREEN FROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water MarketENGLEWOODELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.Distributors, Manufacturers and Jobbers o'ELECTRICAL MATERIALS ANDFIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 EnglewoodS. Halsted Street 7500TELEPHONE HAYMARKET 4566O'CALLAGHAN BROS.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.Phone: Saginaw 3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeaks RepairedFree EstimatesFRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.8019 Bennett St.Ashjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1021Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone Regent 6000LATOURAINECoffee end TeaLa Touraine Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave., ChicagoOther PlantsBoston N.Y. Phil. Syracuse Cleveland"You Might As Well Have The Best"26 THE UN IVAlbert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished J885. Placement Bureau tormen and women in all kindi of teachingpositions. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent oi ourbusiness. Critic and Grade Supervisors forNormal Schools placed every year in largenumbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Business Administration, Music, and Art, secure 6nepositions through us every year. PrivateSchools in all parts of the country amongour best patrons; good salaries. Well prepared High School teachers wanted for cityand suburban High Schools. Special manager handles Grade and Critic work. Sendfor folder today.HUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD., Chicago, IllinoisTelephone Harrison 7793Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesGenerally recognized as one of the leading TeachersAgencies of the United States.BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoMacCormacSchool of CommerceEstablished 1904Accounting, BookkeepingShorthand, Stenotypy, TypingMorning, Afternoon and EveningClasses Home Study InstructionBULLETIN FREE ON REQUESTAsk about G. I. TrainingVisit, phone or write1170 E. 63<f St. TelephoneNear Woodlawn Butterfield 6363Since 1865Surgeons' Fine InstrumentsSurgical EquipmentHospital and Office FurnitureSundries, Supplies, DressingsalsoOrthopedic AppliancesInvalid RequirementsEverything for SurgeryV. MUELLER & CO.All Phones: SEEley 2180408 South Honore StreetCHICAGO 12, ILLINOIS ERSITY OF CHICAGOTree-RipenedPINK TEXASGrapefruitBushel (50 lbs.) prepaid to Illinoisand most midwest states $5.95. ToMich., Minn., Ohio, Wise, and asfar as N. Y. State, $6.50. Orangesor mixed bushel same price. Theyare delicious.Also wonderful Christmas boxes forbusiness acquaintances as well asfamily and friends, from $2.50to $57.25. Write for illustratedbooklet.JM^ (Paint (Pony OncKand^^RL^^tf San Benito, TexasCh'uan-fang Lo, PhD, has arrivedin this country from China, where hehas been teaching, and is visitingProfessor of Psychology at Franklinand Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa.Mrs. Lo is the former Ruth C. E.Earnshaw, '31.Hugh Glynn Price, AM, has recently been appointed Dean ofMontgomery Junior College in Beth-esda, Maryland.Meyer M. Resnikoff, SM '37, ismathematics instructor at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago.Charles L. Asher is living in Peoria, and the proud father of LindaLouise, 4, and Charles, 9 months. Herecently completed his tenth year inthe chemical laboratory of the PabstBrewing Company.Jesse B. Blayton was recentlyelected to membership of the Boardof Directors, African Academy ofArts and Research, New York.Mrs. S. A. Lichinsky (Melva R.Kaplan) is living in Washington.D. C. Mr. Lichinsky is doing administrative work in the AgriculturalRehabilitation Division of UNRRA.She reports they have two lovely children Toby Ann, 4*/2, and David,2y2 who will some day be U. of C.students.Douglas S. Ward, AM, is now located in Quito, Ecuador, where heis principal of the Colegio Americano.1936Martin Gardner dropped in atAlumni House late in the summer.He was with the Navy until March8 and is now doing free lance writing. Martin already has had twostories accepted by Esquire. Thefirst, "The House on the Escalator",will appear ir\ the October issue and"No-sided Professor" (from his Midway experiences) in December. M AG AZI NEEverett George who has been theMinneapolis district manager for theWalker Manufacturing Company(automatic lifting equipment) wastransferred this summer to Dallas,Texas, where he will be district manager for the southwest area. Everetthas a son, Gary Everett, who was ayear old June 11. Wayne E. Rapp,'34, who was with the Walker Company before he entered service, willsucceed Everett at Minneapolis.Ernest F. Haden, PhD, is Professorof French at the University of Texas.W. Rollin Hanson, SM '37, wasrecently discharged from service andhas accepted a position as Instructorat San Francisco Junior College.Adolph Hecht, SM '37, is back oncampus as Instructor in Botany inthe College, after completing terminal leave.Una Robinson, PhD, is returningto Indiana University for the fallsemester after twenty months at theSchool of Tropical Medicine, SanJuan, Puerto Rico as Research Associate.Morris S. Friedman, MD Rush '38,is engaged in the practice of Orthopedic Surgery in Chicago.Nicholas C. Metropolis, PhD' 41.has joined the staff of the Instituteof Nuclear Studies at the University,after three years at the atomic bomblaboratories in Los Alamos, NewMexico.Fred A. Replogle, PhD, is the senior partner of a new firm organizedSeptember 15, 1945. The firm nameis Rohrer, Hibler and Replogle, Psychological Consultants to Management. Their staff is comprised of25 PhD's, five of whom are from theUniversity.Charles F. Sutton, MD, is now withthe State Department of PublicHealth in Springfield, Illinois.1937Philip J. Clark, SB, MD '40, isonce again a civilian after servingas Naval lieutenant, and is residentin surgery at the University of Kansas Hospitals in Kansas City. Mrs.Clark is the former Margaret Conger,'37.From "authoritative sources" welearn that John Morris, who was onthe editorial staff of "Life" beforeentering the Army, has resigned hisposition with that company to jointhe staff of "The Ladies Home Journal". Mrs. Morris was Mary AdeleCrosby, '39. They will continue tolive in Bronxville, N. Y.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBelva L. Overton, for 25 years director of nursing at Provident Hospital in Chicago, has gone to Flint-Goodridge Hospital of Dillard University in New Orleans to serve on atemporary basis as director of nursing.Charles H. Rammelkamp, Jr., MD,has been appointed to the medicalschool and hospital staff of WesternReserve University's School of Medicine.Maurine Happ, MBA, is lecturerin secretarial training and businesseducation at the University of Washington.Florence Lerner worked as a translator for the Office of Censorshipduring the war. She is now doingforeign language work for the government at the Railroad RetirementBoard.Calder S. Sherwood, SM, is now achemistry instructor, Norfolk Division of William and Mary. For thepast four years he has been instructor in chemistry, electricity, seamanship and navigation at the U. S.Naval Academy.Jack Witkowsky, MBA '38, is backappraising real estate with the LaSalle Appraisal Company after 40months overseas. His saga includes,Ireland, England, France, Belgiumand Germany.1938Harold Hutson, PhD, AssociateProfessor of Religion at BirminghamSouthern University, was named Associate Professor of Bible at OhioWesleyan University, effective inSeptember.George R. Koons, who served asMajor in the Army, is once again acivilian and is working in the Industrial Relations Department of theKimberly - Clark Corporation,Neenah, Wisconsin. Mrs. Koons isthe former Jean K. Weber, '40.Ethel J. McAuley is now Mrs. H.E. Alford, and is living at 945 Wil-shire Boulevard in Los Angeles.Mary G. O'Connell, AM, is director of Medical Social Service atSt. Clare's Hospital, 415 West 52ndStreet in New York.Ada Blumer is now doing socialwork at the Maryland State Sanatorium, in Sanatorium, Maryland.Henry Mick, AM, has served theleading United Church in Windsor,Ontario, for the past twelve years,and in addition has been busy doingwriting for various journals.Paul H. Nelson, AM, received thedegree of Master of Science at theJune convocation at Ohio State University. 1939Frances Boyer has changed hername to Mrs. Laurel Jackson, and isliving in Scales Mound, Illinois.Alvin E. Johnson, Jr., SB, is livingin New Orleans, where he is practicing medicine.Mrs. John E. Press (Betty S.Grace) writes that their only newsis their growing family Barbara andCarolyn, the twins, age 3; and Kathryn, the baby, born August 27, 1945.Thomas Spencer Harding, AM,has been discharged from the Navyand has accepted a job as Librarianof Missouri Valley College at Marshall, Missouri. He writes us he sawformer Dean Joeckel, PhD '35, on thewest coast.John N. Hazard, JSD, assumed theposition of Professor of Public Lawat Columbia University on July 1,and is assigned to the newly createdRussian Institute.Mrs. A. O. Zoss (Bette J. Hur-wich) writes us that there are nowthree children in the Zoss home:Roger, aged 5; Joel, aged 2, and HopeRosemary, eight months.Ruth M. Moulik was transferredhorn the U. S. Public Health Service Liaison Office, Sixth ServiceCommand at Chicago to U. S. Public Health Service District No. 11,at Juneau, Alaska, where she is nowacting as secretary to the Directorof this Alaskan District.Jerome M. Swarts has completedresidencies at Cook County Hospitaland Michael Reese Hospital in Chi-PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sumps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE1545 E. 63RD STREETFAIRFAX 0330-0550-0880PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICE1545 EAST 63RD STREETBIENENFELDGLASS CORP. OF ILLINOISChicago's Most Complete Stock otGLASS1525W. 35th St. PhoneLafayette 8400BOYDSTON BROS.All phones OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversijy Clinics, etc,CADILLAC EQUIPMENT EXCLUSIVELY Since 7878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholstersFurniture Repairing1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 7180Phones Oakland 069006910692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueAMERICANPHOTO ENGRAVING CO.Photo EngraversArtists ElectrotypersMakers of Printing Plates429 TelephoneS. Ashland Blvd. Monroe 7515EASTMAN COAL CO.Established 1902YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone Seeley 4488ECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKSGalvanized Iron and Copper CornicesSkylights, Gutters, Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbestos Roofing1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893Albert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Harris, '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6A. T. STEWART LUMBER COMPANYEVERYTHING inLUMBER AND MILLWORK7855 Greenwood Ave. Vin 9000410 West I Nth St. Pul 0034THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWILLIAMS, BARKER &SEVERN CO.AUCTIONEERSAuctioneers and AppraisersPublic auctions on owner's premises or at oursalesroomsAccept on consignment the better quality offurniture, works of art, books, rugs, bric-a-brac, etc.We sell on commission or buy outrightOur specialty liquidating estates, libraries, etc.229 S. Wabash Ave. Phone Harrison 3777CLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good Printing of All Descriptions*'SUPER-GOLD CORPORATIONMANUFACTURERS OF COMMERCIALREFRIGERATION2221 South Michigan AvenueCHICAGO 16, ILLINOISBIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: Went. 5380T. A. REHNQUIST CO.V xm J CONCRETEFLOORSSIDEWALKS1ACHINE FOUNDATIONSEMERGENCY WORKALL PHONESWentworth 4422So. Vernon Ave.ur. i*»6639TREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Authorized DealerCHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH6040 Cottage GroveMid. 4200Used Car DepartmentComplete Automobile RepairsBody Shop Paint ShopSimonhing WashingGreasing cago following his graduation fromthe University of Illinois MedicalSchool, and is now a Fellow in theDepartment of Gastroenterology atthe Lahey Clinic in Boston.1940Recently we received word thatEgbert Lubbers, AM, PhD '46, hasbeen appointed Associate Professorin the School of Education at theAmerican University at Cairo, Egypt.Douglas W, Morrill, AM, is seniortrainee with the Citizens NationalBank of Los Angeles.Sarah G. Nichols, AM, who hasbeen British Children's Worker withthe Eastman Kodak Company since1940, recently returned from Englandafter helping with readjustment ontheir own homes of the "Kodakids"who were in Rochester for five years.Norman A. Holmes preached theCouncil Sermon at the General Council of Congregational Christians atGrinnell College last June 23.Herman F. Jaeger, AM, is servingas Principal of the High School inPalouse, Washington.Jasper B. Jeffries, SM, is a juniorphysicist at the Metallurgical Laboratory, University of Chicago AtomicEnergy Project. He lists his hobbiesas refraining from violent exerciseand speaking on behalf of the atomicscientists.Richard D. Kleene, PhD, was released from the Army last year afterfour years' service. He fought inFrance, Luxembourg and Germanywith the 3rd Army, and was twicewounded. He is now living inSomerville, New Jersey, where he isworking as research chemist with theCalco Chemical Company, and inhis spare time flying a small airplane.1941Wilma Bangert, AM, is back oncampus working for her doctorate,after serving over three years as aLieutenant in the Navy.Alexander J. Morin and Mrs.Morin (Emily Shield, '41) have returned to the civilian fold, and areliving in Cambridge, Massachusetts,where Mr. Morin has a LittauerFellowship and is working on hisPhD, in Public Administration. Hewrites that he feels like a hereticand an apostate for deserting us, butassures us that his heart still belongsto daddy.Elmer B. Tolsted, SM '41, received his PhD in Mathematics atthe June convocation at Brown University. He wrote his thesis on thesubject "Limiting Values of Subhar-monic Functions." CORRECTIONThe University may grant PhDdegrees, but the editor of "Newsof the Classes" takes them awayagain. At least, that is the way itlooked to readers of the June issue. Our sincere apologies toHenry E. Allen, AM '29, PhD '30,*and Roberts. Brumbaugh, AM '38,PhD '42, for neglecting to list theirPhD degrees in news items in theJune issue.Leo J. Cieminski, AM, has beenelected to membership in the American Psychological Association, and isto be included in Who's Who inAmerican Education, 1945-46.Fred J. Jackson, AM, is a memberof the Canadian Palestine Committee and has recently become a member of the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies. He is preparing a paper to be read before the society entitled "Jesus and Institutionalized Religion."LaVancha M. Stalmok, AM '42,has been doing substitute teaching inart in the Chicago schools since graduation, and is active in art activitiesin Chicago.1942It's always refreshing to have LouiseGalst, AM '44, drop in at AlumniHouse which she did again in lateAugust. She was just back from asummer in Montreal where she hadbeen brushing up on her French atMcGill University. These summerjaunts are not unusual for Louise.Last year it was Cuba and before,Mexico City. She is on the GaryHigh School staff but is always upand away on new adventures at thedrop of a holiday or vacation.William Nelson Lyons, PhD, whoreceived his AB from Sioux FallsCollege and his DB from Colgate-Rochester Divinity School beforecoming to the Divinity School for hisPhD, served as a Chaplain in theNavy during the war. Since beingdischarged he has accepted a facultyappointment at Frances Shimer College, Mount Carroll, Illinois. Hewill also serve as pastor of theMount Carroll Baptist Church.Howard L. Parsons joined the faculty of the University of SouthernCalifornia in September as VisitingAssistant Professor in the GraduateSchool of Religion.Capt. Millard G. Roberts, armychaplain, was awarded the armyTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29commendation medal by the commanding general of the 5th Air Forcein Tokyo, Japan, for his work withthe men in that command. Mrs.Roberts, '37, AM '38, PhD '46, isthe former Louise E. Acker.David N. Siebert is a research assistant with the Research Division ofR. H. Macy and Company, Inc., ofNew York City. In his spare timehe enjoys painting.Hyman J. Zimmerberg, PhD '45,has been appointed to an instructor-ship at Rutgers University, NewBrunswick, New Jersey.Agnes C. Vukonich is a memberof the faculty of Pecatonica Community High School, Pecatonica,Illinois, where she teaches socialscience and English.Alfred J. Davis, AM, is living inMontreal, where he is Director ofAdult Education and Program Director of the Central YMCA. He is alsoinstructor in Group Work at SirGeorge Williams College, and a member of the faculty of the MontrealSchool of Social Work, McGill University.Wallace ,C. Nau has received hismaster's degree from Ohio State University, and is working on his doctorate.Mary E. Runyan, AM '45, is continuing as Director of Women Students for the Christian Student Foundation at Michigan State College thisnext year. This Foundation comprisesthe united student work of the Baptist, Congregational, Methodist andPresbyterian churches, the YWCAand the YMCA.Edward Sternberg, MBA, receivedhis LL.B. degree in the May commencement exercises at GeorgeWashington University in Washington.1943John Crosby, now out of uniform,has finished training with the Continental Casualty Company and hasmoved to Los Angeles where he willrepresent the company.Lt. Carl A. Dragstedt, Jr., is doingcounterintelligence work in Japan.John B. Johnson, PhD, has recently been appointed Assistant Professor of Political Science at ParkCollege, Parkville, Missouri. Mrs.Johnson is the former Cloyd Stifler,'35.W. S. Reinoehl, AM, has resignedthe pastorate of the Asbury Methodist Church in Los Angeles and expectsto return with his family to Malayawhere he was in missionary serviceprior to the outbreak of the War. 1944Lt. Charles A. Branthaver, MD,is serving in the Medical Corps, andis stationed at Letterman GeneralHospital in San Francisco.Moses C. Holman, AM, is instructor at Hampton Institute, Hampton,Virginia.Edith L. Kelso, AM, has joined thefaculty of Queens College, Charlotte,North Carolina, as Assistant Processor.Otto H. Trippel, MD '46, is interning at Billings Hospital, Universityof Chicago Clinics.1945Charlotte F. Apeland is teachingin the Morton High School in Cicero,Illinois.Stella Esther Goldberg is still astudent working in the Art Department, and is vice-president of theUniversity Art Club.Charlotte F. Green is Instructor inSocial Sciences at Frances ShimerCollege, Mt. Carroll, Illinois.Louis B. Thomas, MD, is assistantsurgeon with the U. S. Public HealthService at Brookhaven Medical Center in Brookhaven, Mississippi.Pauline S. McClay is Director ofPublic Assistance, Maine State Department of Health and Welfare,Augusta, Maine.1946William Shepherd Dix, PhD, hasgone to Houston, Texas, where hehas joined the faculty of Rice Institute as Assistant Professor of Ensr-lish. *George H. Faust, PhD, accepteda position as Assistant Professor ofHistory at James Millikin Universityin Decatur, Illinois.SOCIAL SERVICERobert Beasley, AM '33, has recently been made Director of RegionVI of the Social Security Board andis located in Chicago.Helen Haseltine, AM '34, has recently been appointed Supervisor ofthe Children's Division of the Chicago Welfare Department.Bernice Scroggie, AM '34, has recently left her position with the U. S.Children's Bureau to accept workwith the UNRRA in China.Genevieve Gabower, AM '36, whohas been with UNRRA in Italy, wasseriously injured in an automobileaccident and brought back to WalterReed Hospital in Washington. She AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.Ptacfcstoue decorating^erbtcePhone Pullman 917010422 &ftobea &be., Chicago, MLGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 318630 THE. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETuckerDecorating Service1360 East 70th StreetPhone MIDway 4404Arthur MichaudelDesigner and Maker ofDistinctive Stained Glass Windows542 North Paulina Street, ChicagoTelephone Monroe 2423MOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIHOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone Dorchester 1579Alice Banner Englewood 3181COLORED HELPFACTORY HELPSTORESSHOPSMILLS FOUNDRIESEnglewood Emp. Agcy., 5534 S. State St.Quiet, unobtrusive serviceWhen you want it, as you want itCALL AN EMERY FIRSTEmery Drexel Livery, Inc.5516 Harper AvenueFAIRFAX 6400 The John Simon GuggenheimMemorial Foundation recentlyannounced one hundred and thirty-two fellowship awards totalling $360,000. Fellows receivedtheir awards under the Foundation's plan for post-Service fellowships granted to Americanswho served in the war effort, inthe Army, Navy, and civilian waragencies. Of special interest toChicago alumni are the following appointments:Robert L. Platzman, '37, SM'40, PhD '42 a chemist who didwar work in the MetallurgicalLaboratories at the University,and will work on a monographentitled: "The Interactions ofNuclear Radiations with Matter".Kaj Aage Gunnar Strand, Associate Professor of Astronomyat the University and Astronomer at Yerkes Observatory, whoserved as Captain with the ArmyAir Forces as Chief of the Navigation Department of the AirForces Proving Ground. Dr.Strand will work on a project entitled "A study of the orbital motion in double and multiple starsby photographic observations.Louis A. Landa, PhD '41, Assistant Professor of English at theUniversity, whose project will be"A study of the clerical careerand the religious thought of Jonathan Swift."Charles Hamilton Seevers, PhD'32, Professor of B i o}l o g y atRoosevelt College in Chicago,who will study "Insect guests ofthe termites of the Americantropics, with special reference toproblems of species formationand convergent evolution."The Foundation was established in 1925 by the late UnitedStates Senator Simon Guggenheim and Mrs. Guggenheim as amemorial to a son, John Simon,who died as a young man in 1922.The total endowment of theFoundation is over $28,000,000and Fellowships are awarded toscholars to assist them in carrying on their work of research.is making excellent recovery andhopes to return to her work in Italyin the rather near future.Mabel Naylor, AM '37, has resigned her position with the CookCounty Bureau of Public Welfare,Chicago, to take an important position with UNRRA and expects to goto China in the very near future. Charles Rovin, AM '38, Captain,U. S. Army, visited the Universityvery recently. He will soon be leavingthis country again to return to Bavaria with Military Government. Hewill be in charge of the program forrefugees there.Barbara Brandon, AM '39, who hasrecently been with the Red Crossoverseas has returned to the Schoolof Social Service Administration tosupervise students in field work withthe Home Service Division of theChicago Red Cross Chapter.Elizabeth McKinley, AM '39, hasaccepted the position as Director ofthe Social Service Department of theUniversity of Chicago Clinics, andwill report to the Clinics on January 1, 1947.John A. Seabrook, AM '39, has recently been made Director of Industrial Relations, Airadio Corporation,Stamford, Connecticut.Milton Wittman, AM '39, has accepted a position as Chief SocialWorker in the Veterans Administration in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.Ben S. Meeker, AM '40, recentlywas released from the Navy and hasjoined the faculty of the School ofSocial Work of the University ofIndiana in Indianapolis.Sol Lichter, AM '41, has recentlybeen discharged from the Service andhas accepted a position with the Jewish Social Service Bureau of Chicago.Lando Howard, AM '41, has beendischarged from the Service and hasreturned to his former position withthe Illinois Public Aid Commission.Harold Hagen, AM '42, has recently been discharged from theService and has returned as a full-time student to the School of SocialService Administration.William Turtle, AM '42, has -accepted a position with the Social Security Board and is working in theRegional Office in San Francisco,California.Yvonne Ferguson Vogel, AM '42,has accepted a position with theUnited Charities of Chicago.Robert Harrison, AM '42, has beenmade Chief Social Worker in theSocial Service Department of theVeterans Administration in Portland,Oregon.Anne Winslow, AM '42, has recently accepted the position as Supervisor of Social Service in theCounty Welfare Department ofBellingham, Washington.Howell Williams, PhD '42, hasTHE UNIVEbeen made Curriculum Director ofthe Crime Control Institute of theUniversity of Southern California inLos Angeles, California.Bertram Beck, AM '42, has accepted a position with the Community Service Society of New YorkCity.Mildred Beale, AM '43, has beenmade Principal Research Assistantwith the Legislative Reference Bureau in the State of Alabama.Edna Auchstetter, AM '44, has accepted a position as County ChildWelfare Worker with the Children'sDivision of the Arizona Departmentof Public Welfare and is located inPhoenix, Arizona.Grace Taylor, AM '44, has recently accepted a position with the Children's Division of the State Department of Public Welfare in Oregon.Carol K. Goldstein, AM '44, whohas been an Instructor in Field Workat the School of Social Service Administration, began work with theIllinois Public Aid Commission recently. She is located in the centraloffice in Chicago.Dorothy Russell, AM '43, has accepted a position with the FamilyService Society of Buffalo, New York.Alice Kunz Ray, AM '45, has accepted a position as Social WorkConsultant with the CommunityFund of Chicago, Illinois.Gary Somers, AM '45, has accepted a position as Case Work Supervisor in the Salvation Army ofChicago.Lillian Gordon, AM '45, has accepted a position with the Legal AidDepartment of the Jewish SocialService Bureau in Chicago-Israel Shapiro, AM '46, has accepted a position with the JewishChildren's Bureau of Cleveland,Ohio.Mary L. Dunkel, AM '46, has accepted a position in the MedicalSocial Work Department of the University of Chicago Clinics.Ruth Dana, AM '46, has accepteda position with the Children's Division in the State Department of Public Welfare in Springfield, Illinois.MARRIAGESWilliam P. Lovett, '99, and LouiseBerger Stovall were married June 29,1946, in Detroit. Mr. Lovett is secretary of the Detroit Citizens League,and has directed citizen movementsfor grand juries in Michigan since1930, with revolutionary results.Jack Allan Weiss, '22, MD '24, andEdith Barkow were married July 5, RSITYOF CHICAGO1946, in New York. Dr. Weiss isserving as Commander in the Medical Corps of the U. S. Naval Reserve.Sue Thompson, '24, MD Rush '28,was married in Hudson, New York,on November 3, 1945, to EdwardHenry Gould of New York City, anexecutive of the British Air Commission. On February 15, 1946, shewas appointed Health Commissionerof Columbia County, New York, thefirst woman to become a countyhealth commissioner in New YorkState.George Edward Leonard, JD '29,was married on April 20, 1946, toAgnes Hildebrand Daniel in HiltonChapel. Mrs. Leonard was a graduate student in the School of SocialService Administration. Mr. Leonard is now Regional Litigation Attorney for the Office of Price Administration in Chicago.Mary Kathrine Bemisderfer, '32,was married on April 20, 1946, toWalter Reichert. They are living inChicago, and Mrs. Reichert is teaching in Tilden High School.Major Howard P. Hudson, '35, ofthe Historical Division of the WarDepartment and a former administrative staff member of the University, was married on July 4 to MaryElizabeth Orr of Downpatrick, NorthIreland. The wedding took place inFrankfort, Germany. Major Hudsonreturned to the states the end of Julyand his bride flew from Frankfort toNew York in early August.Captain Edwin Hunt Badger, Jr.,'40, and Mary Todd Heaslett of Birmingham, Alabama, were marriedMay 18, 1946. They met on IwoJima where she was serving with theAmerican Red Cross, and Capt.Badger was Acting Adjutant General, Hq. VII Fighter Command,AAF.Eloise C. Smith, SM '40, and RalphE. Rice were married on June 9, 1946.They are living in Columbus, Ohio,where Mrs. Rice is a home economics teacher.Barbara B. Hall, AM '40, was married on March 9, 1946, to WallaceF. Watt, who represents the Michigan Children's Institute in UpperMichigan. Mrs. Watt has retiredfrom professional life after a numberof years' service as a social workerin Michigan.Carline P. Peterson, '43, and Robert j. Larson were married on January 10, 1946, and have gone toBrazil to live.Sylvia Cohn, AM '44, and AlbertLevy, PhD '44, were married on May28, 1946, in Washington, D. C. MAGAZINE 31Chicago's OutstandingDRUG STORESCLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency63rd YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis Kansas City, Mo.Spokane -New YorkE. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph Offset Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182ACMESHEET METAL WORKSANIMAL CAGESandLaboratory Equipment1121 East 55th StreetPhone Hyde Park 9500RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 3192Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4Wasson's Coal Makes Good or Wasson DoesPOND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven Typewriting MimeographingMulti graphing AddressingAddressograpn Service MailingHighest Quality Serviee Minimum PricesAll Phones 418 So. Market St.Harrison 8118 Chicago32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHAIR REMOVED FOREVERBEFORE20 Years' ExperienceFREE CONSULTATIONLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERTGraduate NurteMultiple 10 platinum needle, can beused. Permanent removal of Hair fromFace, Eyebrow., Back of Neck or anypart of Body; destroy! 100 to 800 HairRoots per hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Holes andWarts.Member American Assn. MedicalHydrology and Physical Therapy.Telephone FHA 488SSuite 1705. Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.Perfect Loveliness It Wealth in BeastlyAjax Waste Paper Co.2600-2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Any QuantityWaste PaperScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, Van Buren 0230FINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Spode and Other FamousMakes. Also Crystal and GiftsGolden Dirilyte(Formerly Dirigold)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID NOT PLATEDService for Eight, $46.65GOLDEN HVED SUGAR SPOONS t»1 .40While they last V*to.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDiriiju, Inc.Chicago, III.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Wanda A. Lisiecki, '45, and HenryM. Marosz were married on February 26, 1946. They are now livingin Los Angeles, where Mrs. Maroszis a student at the University ofSouthern California.Agnes Wierer, '45, and Robert J.Gnaedinger, Jr., '45, were marriedon June 15, and are living near campus where Mr. Gnaedinger is doinggraduate work.Betty Ella Alexander, '45, has beenMrs. E. C. Hanna since June 17,1946. They are living in Urbana,Illinois, where she is teaching in theMathematics Department at the University of Illinois.Anna L. Lowald, '46, and WalterYondorf were married on June 30,1946, and are living in Chicago. Mrs.Yondorf is working as lab technicianat Children's Memorial Hospital.Eunice Mayer, '46, and William J.Addelson were married May 26,1946. Before entering the Army, inwhich he served 2^2 years, Mr. Addelson attended Franklin and MarshallCollege in Lancaster, Pa. They areliving in Brookline, Mass.BIRTHSLars Carlson, '23, and Mrs. Carlson announce the birth of a thirdson, Eric Forsman Carlson, bornMarch 9, 1946. The other two boysare six and four. They are living inSpokane, Washington, where Mr.Carlson is sales manager of the Washington Brick and Lime Company.A brand new columnist arrived atthe home of the George Morgensternson July 12: Marcia Winn Morgenstern. Dad, of the Class of 1930, isan editorial writer for the ChicagoTribune, and mother, Marcia WinnMorgenstern, is a columnist for thesame paper.William H. Hughes, '35, and Mrs.Hughes announce the arrival ofGeorge Ramstad Hughes, born June11, 1946. They are living in Yonkers,New York. A son, Thomas Cullen, was bornon July 7, 1946, to James T. Mc-Broom, '36, AM '39, and Mrs. Mc-Broom at Boise, Idaho. Since his release from the Navy, Mr. McBroomhas returned to the U. S. Bureau ofReclamation.Robert M. Wiener, '39, SM '45,and Mrs. Wiener (Ella Levites Wiener, '40) announce the birth of LoisRoberta on July 8, 1946, at ChicagoLying-in Hospital. Dr. Wiener isInstructor of Dental Surgery at theZoller Memorial Dental Clinic, Billings Hospital. Wayne R. Lowell, SM '39, Phjj'42, and Mildred Hawksworth Low.ell, AM '39, have written us of thebirth of a son, Cym HawksworthLowell, born June 2, 1946.Philip Andre Gezon arrived July15th, 1946, at Pittsburgh, Pa. Proudparents are Dr. Horace M. GezonJMD '40, and Mrs. Gezon (ElizabethT. Brownlee, '38, AM '40).Norton Jay Come, '40, JD '42, andMrs. Come of Washington, D. C.,,announce the birth of a son, StevenEliot, on May 3, 1946.Irwin J. Biederman, '40J MBA '42,and Mrs. Biederman are the proudparents of a baby son their first born July 2, 1946. The new arrivalhas been named Jerry.From Tulsa, Oklahoma, WalterRose, '44, writes to announce the:birth of a son on June 23, 1946.DEATHSLincoln M. Coy, '86, on December25, 1945, at Chicago.Edward Brind Escott, SM '97, onMay 30, 1946.Haydn Evan Jones, PhD '98, oiiJuly 9th, 1946, at Chicago. Mr.Jones attended reunion in June, andwas a member of the 1896 WesternChampionship Baseball Team, whichcelebrated its 50th Anniversary atJune Reunion. He had been associ*ated with the Morgan Park MilitaryAcademy during his lifetime, andwas awarded an Alumni Citation atthe 50th Anniversary Celebration ofthe University.Emily Ray Gregory, PhD '99, onJanuary 18, 1946, at Philadelphia,Pa.Birney S. Hudson, DB '04, on Sunday, May 19, 1946, at the age of 78years. Death came as the result of astroke. He was living in Eagle Rock(Pasadena), California, and had heldpastorates from Maine to SouthernCalifornia.Artemas L. Day, '05, on July 22,1946, at Sacramento, California,after a short illness.Morris Pearlman, 17, on May 30,1946, at Chicago.James M. Jensen, AM '19, onMarch 16, 1946, at Provo, Utah.Harry W. Sherman, '21, in December, 1945, at Chicago. Mr. Shermanwas owner of the Sherman DreslShops in Chicago, and a loyal supporter of the University.OCTOBER CALENDARFor Tickets, where there is a charge [unless Calendar directs otherwise), mailorders with checks to University College, 19 6*. LaSalle Street, Chicago 3.For complete information on any series write to University College, 19 S. LaSalleStreet, Chicago 3.Courses for which single admissions are not permitted (The Great Books, etc.)are not listed.Friday, October 4LECTURE "The Liberal Arts", Mortimer J. Adler(Philosophy of Law). First in a series of eight lectureson The Great Ideas ($9.00). 32 West Randolph St.,7:30 P.M. $1.50.LECTURE "Mobilizing the World's Wisdom: BasicValues of East and West", Sunder Joshi. First of aseries of 10 lectures on Great Contributions to WorldCultures ($4.80). University College, 19 S. La SalleSt., 6:45 P.M. 75c.Monday, October 7LECTURE "The United States Super Power, 1946".Section 1- Walter Johnson (History). First in a series of 1 1 lectures on Our American Heritage and OurFuture ($7.50). Auditorium, 19 S. La Salle St., 7:30P.M. 90c.Tuesday, October 8LECTURE "The United States Super Power, 1946".Section 2. Walter Johnson (History). First in a series of 1 1 lectures on Our American Heritage and OurFuture ($7.50). Auditorium, 19 S. La Salle St., 11:00A.M. 90c.LECTURE "Political Ideals: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", T. V. Smith (Philosophy). First in a series of10 lectures on American Ideals and International Politics ($5.00). 32 West Randolph St., 7:30 P. M. 75c.Wednesday, October 9LECTURE "The Problems in Chinese Sculpture andPainting", Ludwig Bachhofer (Art). First in a seriesof 10 lectures on Two Thousand Years of ChineseSculpture and Art ($6.00). Social Science Building 1126 E. 59th St., 7:30 P.M. 82c.MUSIC Chamber Music "Classicism in Eighteenthand Twentieth Century Music". Scott Goldthwaite,lecturer. Chicago Symphony Quartet. First in a seriesof five ($6-00) Kimball Hall, 306 S. Wabash Ave.,8:15 P.M. $1.50.Thursday, October 10LECTURE "Divided It Stands", C. Herman Pritchett(Political Science). First in a series of 9 lectures onThe Roosevelt Court; Its Politics and Values ($6.00).Eckhart Hall, 5734 University Avenue, 8:00 P. M.$1.00.Friday, October 1 1LECTURE "Egypt: Contributions to Greece, Romeand the Semitic Tradition", Sunder Joshi. UniversityCollege, 19 S. La Salle Street, 6:45 P.M. 75c.Monday, October 14LECTURE "The United States Today", WalterJohnson (History). Section 1. University College, 19S. La Salle St., 7:30 P.M. 90c. Tuesday, October 15LECTURE "The United States Today", WalterJohnson (History). Section 2. University College, 19S. La Salle St., 11:00 A.M. 90c.LECTURE "Equality, the Bridge Ideal Between America and Russia", T. V. Smith (Philosophy). 32 WestRandolph St., 7:30 P.M. 75c.Wednesday, October 16LECTURE "Effects Upon Art of the Introduction ofBuddhism into China: The Rise of Monumental Sculpture", Ludwig Bachhofer (Art). Social Science Building, 1126 E. 59th St., 7:30 P.M. 82cFORUM "The Changing Relations of Government andBusiness", William H. Spencer, Cyril O. Houle, Moderator. First of a series of 8 University Forums to begiven by University and community leaders ($7.50).32 West Randolph St., 7:30 P.M. $1.20.Thursday, October 17LECTURE "The Quest for Uncertainty", C. HermanPritchett, (Political Science). Eckhart Hall, 5734University Avenue, 8:00 P.M. $1-00.Friday, October 18LECTURE "Persia: The Cultural Bridge Between Asiaand the Mediterranean", Sunder Joshi. University College, 19 S. La Salle St., 6:45 P. M. 75c.Monday, October 21LECTURE "How Did We Get That Way? Europe inAmerican Life", Walter Johnson (History). Section 1.University College, 19 S. La Salle St., 7:30 P. M. 90c.Tuesday, October 22LECTURE "How Did We Get That Way? Europe inAmerican Life", Walter Johnson (History). Section 2.University College, 19 S. La Salle St, 11:00 A.M. 90c.LECTURE "Cezanne", Sir Kenneth Clarke, formerlydirector of the National Gallery of Art in London.Mandel Hall, 57th and University Ave., 8:30 P.M.Free.LECTURE "Religious Ideals: God, Freedom (of will),Immortality", T. V. Smith (Philosophy). 32 WestRandoph St., 7:30 P.M. 75c.LECTURE "Recruitment and Training of the NewArmed Forces". Hanson W. Baldwin, Military Editor,New York Times. First of ten Walgreen Lectures, onCivil-Military Relationships in American Life. Room122, Social Science Research Building, 1126 East 59St, 4:30 P.M. Free.Wednesday, October 23LECTURE "The Birth of an Archaic Style in ChineseSculpture and Painting", Ludwig Bachhofer (Art).Social Science Building, 1126 E. 59th St., 7:30 P.M.82c.MUSIC Chamber Music "The Musical Tradition inVienna m the Nineteenth Century", Siegmund Levarie,lecturer Musical illustrations. Works by Brahms andSchubert. Kimball Hall, 306 S. Wabash Ave, 8:15PM. $1.50.Thursday, October 24LECTURE "Three Viewpoints in Counseling: Directive, Psychoanalytic, Client-Centered", Carl R. Rogers(Psychology). First of 5 lectures on the Basic Aspectsof Nondirective Counseling ($3.60). 32 West Randolph St., 7-30 P.M. 90c.LECTURE "Federal Power and States' Rights", C.Herman Pritchett (Political Science). Eckhart Hall,5734 University Avenue, 8:00 P.M $1.00.Thursday, October 24LECTURE "Civilian Control of a Department of National Defense". Paul H. Appleby, Assistant Director,Bureau of the Budget. Room 122, Social Science Research Building, 1126 E. 59 St, 4.30 P.M. Free.Friday, October 25MUSIC University Concert: Schubert Octet, F Major, Opus 166; Stravinsky Octuor. Players from theChicago Symphony Orchestra, Hans Lange, conducting. Mandel Hall, 57th and University Avenue, 8*30P.M. $1.50.Monday, October 28LECTURE "Roots of American Political Ideas", WalterJohnson (History) Section 1. University College, 19S. La Salle St, 7:30 P.M. 90c. Tuesday, October 29LECTURE "The Military and Foreign Policy". QuincyWright, (International Law) Room 122, SocialScience Research Building, 1126 East 59th St, 4:30P.M. FreeTuesday, October 29LECTURE "Roots of American Political Ideas", WalterJohnson (History). Section 2. University College, 19S. La Salle St., 11:00 AM. 90c.LECTURE "Cultural Ideals: Truth, Beauty, Goodness", T. V. Smith (Philosophy). 32 West RandolphSt., 7.30 P.M. 75c.Wednesday, October 30LECTURE "Classic Chinese Sculpture", Ludwig Bachhofer (Art). Social Science Building, 1126 E 59th St.,7:30 P.M. 82c.LECTURE "The Process of Nondirective Therapy",Carl R. Rogers (Psychology). 32 W Randolph St.,7:30 P.M. 90c.Thursday, October 31LECTURE "Liberties: Civil and Uncivil", C HermanPritchett (Political Science). Eckhart Hall, 5734 University Ave., 8:00 P M. $1 00.Thursday, October 31LECTURE "The Military and Scientific Research".Waldemar Kaempffert, Science Editor, New YorkTimes Room 122, Social Science Research Building1126 East 59 St, 4*30 P.M. Free-In the Next IssueScientists in Washington the Inside story about how our scientistsentered the political scene to help save the world from the bombthey invented, told by one of the scientistsThe Great Books five reasons for reading them and a suggestedsequence for the first year's study.Calendar of Events for November lectures, concerts, forums, andprograms open to alumniThe Editor's Memo Pad passing of Jake-the-tailor erdi and otherintimate notes.