iliiillffll¦THE UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO MAGAZINE1 1 9 4 6 1Chemicals ofNew Industrial Importanceketoacelic] !£4P*"?te,^r j. I rharmaceuticals EEStet,S f Stabilizers^. J Sun-ScreensCH,-C=CH-C-0-RfleaThe highly reactive acetoaceticesters, long a favorite of organicchemistry professors have assumeda new importance in modern industry. Two reactions which indicate themany possibilities of these compounds in organic synthesis areshown here.Both methyl and ethyl acetoacctate are available in commercial quantities. Other esters, such as butyl and methylamyl can be supplied in research amounts. pl">nots. 0Carbide and Carbon Chemicals CorporationUnit of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation30 East 12nd Street. New York 17. N. Y.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOMAGAZINEVolume 38 July 1946 Number 9PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMN I ASSOCIATIONHOWARD W. MORT EMILY D. BROOKEEditor Associate EditorWILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN JEANNETTE LOWREYContributing EditorsN THIS ISSUE PAGEA Moral, Intellectual and Spiritual Revolution,Robert M. Hutchins 3One Man's Opinion, William V. Morgenstern - - - - - - - 5Alumni Citations .-'---' 6Now What? - - - ¦-. - - 8In Praise of the Doctorate, Ellsworth Faris - - - - - - - 10News of the Quadrangles, Jeannette Lowrey - - - - - - - 14Documentary Film Group _.._-_ - 17Alumni Reunion . ...... - ;- ..... 18Chicago's Roll of Honor - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20News of the Classes -------- 21COVER : Lawrence A. Kimpton, newly elected Vice-president of theUniversity. {See "News of the Quadrangles")Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago monthly, from Octoberto June. Office of Publication, 57S8 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1834, atthe Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The American AlumniCouncil, B. A. Ross, advertising director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y., is theofficial advertising agency of the Magazine.WITH OUR ALUMNI CLUBSOberlin, OhioTwenty-four alumni attended aluncheon at the Oberlin Inn, Oberlin., Ohio, on June 7, for the organization of the University of ChicagoAlumni Club of Oberlin.Lloyd W. Taylor, Ph.D. '22, wasconvenor. Forrest G. Tucker, Ph.D.'22, was elected president and Herbert D. Rugg, AM '17, secretary-treasurer. The luncheon was complimentary and was sponsored by Dr.Taylor, Mr. Rugg, Paul B. Sears,Ph.D. '22, and Hermann H. Thornton, Ph.D. '22.President Ernest Hatch Wilkins,LL.D. '28, of Oberlin College, disclosed some of the administrative anddisciplinarian problems he faced as aDean at the University of Chicago,"one of the three or four greatest universities in America." Before becoming president of Oberlin College, Dr.Wilkins was Professor of RomanceLanguages and Dean of the Collegeof Arts, Literature and Science at theUniversity of Chicago.Springfield, IllinoisSpringfield alumni joined forceswith the local Bar Association on June4, for a meeting at which AlumniStephan Osusky^ '14, JD '15, wasguest speaker. Mr. Osusky, anAlumni Citation winner in 1944, hasbeen in residence in Galesburg, Illinois, during the past year, where hewas Honnold Lecturer at Knox College. A former Czecho-slovak minister to England, and then minister toFrance from 1921 until the collapseof France in 1940, Mr. Osuskybrought to the group an authoritativetalk on international affairs.Officers for the Springfield alumniclub to serve for the coming year wereelected at this meeting. Thorne Deuel,PhD '35, was elected president, andMrs. Carroll C. Hall (Dorothy Sivia,'26) will serve as secretary.Cleveland-Akron, OhioAt the recent picnic held June 2at the estate of Trustee Cyrus S.Eaton, alumni of Akron and Cleveland elected officers for the comingyear. Akron alumni chose Albert H.Miles, '30, as chairman for the group;Allan Darling, '42, treasurer; andMrs. Theodore W. Swartz (Mary E.Graf, '39) as secretary. The Cleveland group elected GraceDaugherty, '36, as president; Orin C.Rogers, '20, vice-president; Mary C.Welsh, '44, secretary; and Sue Smith,'25, treasurer. In addition, NellHenry, '12, SM '15; Webster Simon,PhD '18; and Villa B. Smith, '09,SM '33, retiring president, werenamed to serve as members of the Board of Directors of the ClevelandClub.Dr. O. P. Kimball, SB '14, Chairman of the Scholarship Committee,announced James Smith of ShakerHeights High School as winner of theCleveland Alumni Scholarship for theyear 1946-47.This is our last issue until October. Our plans for fall include bothimproved service and features. We have worked out a schedule withour printers which will place all MAGAZINES in the mail by the25th of each month preceding the issue date. This makes possible anew feature starting in the October issue: a monthly calendar of lectures, concerts, and events open to alumni on the quadrangles and inthe Loop. This will be particularly useful to our subscribers in theChicago area; we hope it will serve as a news review of events forthose who can't attend except on special visits to Chicago. In themeantime we wish you all a most pleasant and restful summer. THEEDITORSTs»»4 r -t^**-^c»^.JWE II $||^ 'J- V-.*.;.-wW#C ?i'*^'>.This new photographic approach to the Chapel towerfrom the walk back of Ida Noyes is from the camera ofGeorge S. Monk of the Physics faculty. It was one of thescores of prints exhibited at the Quadrangle Club in earlyJune from the hobby dark rooms of the members of thefaculty.2A MORAL, INTELLECTUAL ANDSPIRITUAL REVOLUTION9 By ROBERT M. HUTCHINSTHE sudden change in the international position ofthe United States confronts the rising generationof her citizens with problems unknown to theirpredecessors. This change, added to the dislocations attendant upon the end of a great war, has put an unprecedented strain on the character and intelligence ofour people. The results so far are not encouraging tothose who believe that the prospects of civilization dependon the world leadership of the United States. It sometimes seems as though we had stopped fighting the Germans and the Japanese only to begin fighting one another, and to talk about fighting the Russians.Many people think, and I am one of them, that wecannot have world peace without world government.But, if world government is to last, it must rest upon aworld community. Our agitation for world governmentunfortunately coincides with the demonstration that wehave very little community at home; and our vast military preparations suggest that we place our hope for thefuture in beating other nations rather than in joiningthem.These facts and tendencies reveal once more thatvcivilization is doomed unless the hearts and minds ofmen can be changed unless we can bring about a moral,intellectual, and spiritual reformation, so deep and drasticas to be called a revolution, throughout the world. SinceI believe that this revolution should be led by educatedmen and women, and since I am convinced that this isthe most important task you have before you, I want totake the last few minutes of your formal education totell you exactly what the task is.The moral problem has been dramatized for us in recent weeks by the response to the demands of John L.Lewis and the Railroad Brotherhoods. The outcry againstthese demands was absurd; for they were in the standard tradition of American economic life. The motto ofAmerican economic life is, "Get all you can." When Mr.Lewis and the Brotherhoods saw a chance to get more,they took it; they, would have been unAmerican if theyhad not. Objections to their action came with bad gracefrom those who by precept and example had taught themthe lesson that you should get all you can, that the morepower you have the more you will get, and that justiceis the interest of the stronger.We hear that labor will never be satisfied. Why shouldlabor be satisfied, when nobody else ever has been?As Tawney has said, "The naive complaint that workmen are never satisfied is strictly true. It is true, not onlyof workmen, but of all classes in a society which conducts its affairs on the principle that wealth, instead ofbeing proportioned to function, belongs to those who canget it. They are never satisfied, nor can they be satisfied. For as long as they make that principle the guide of theirindividual lives and their social order, nothing short ofinfinity could bring them satisfaction."The educators of America supported the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps, an obviously undemocratic proposal, because they hoped it would maintain their tuitionincome during the war; and the last reforms that will bemade in American education are the abolition of academic rank and the substitution of faculty living allowances based on need for faculty salaries based on marketvalue.Desires for things in the material order can never besatisfied. If there is no standard of economic life exceptthat each man shall desire more than he has thus farobtained, if economic activity is simply organized competition in greed, then there is little hope of communityat home, and none of community on a world > scale. AsWalter Lippmann has put it, "The social problem of themodern world arises not out of the objective difficultyof providing an adequate material existence, but out ofmen's subjective expectations, which, because they areunlimited and insatiable, cause violence, inequality,hatred, and frustration." Violence, inequality, hatred,and frustration these are the consequences if our watchword is, "Get all you can."Our moral disorder has an intellectual foundation. Theprinciple of order is the intellect. If we do not knowwhat is good or what is the right order of goods, thefailure is an intellectual failure. If it is to order theparts in relation to one another and to the whole, theintellect must see the whole and the parts in relation toit and to one another. But contemporary education hasdenied the value of the comprehension of the whole.Instead of combating the doctrine that you should getall you can, it has supported and abetted it by saying,"We will help you in your struggle to get all you can byteaching you some special technique that will give youa definite advantage over your fellow-men."Other civilizations were destroyed by barbarians fromwithout. We breed our own. The new barbarians have,many of them, very sharp wits. They have marveloustechnical skill. They may even be very learned in specific disciplines. But they are barbarians because they areuncultivated; they lack culture. Culture is not mereaesthetic ornamentation on the one hand or the graspof a narrow field of specialization on the other. Cultureis the mastery of a system of ideas.This speech by Chancellor Hutchins is published particularly for the more than 150 new members of the AlumniAssociation to whom it was addressed at their June Convocation.34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOrtega has pointed out that living is simply doing onething rather than another. Life is a chaos, a jungle. Themind of man revolts against bewilderment and finds waysthrough the jungle in the form of clear ideas and positiveconvictions. These become the effective guide of existence. We cannot live on the human level without ideas.Upon them depends what we do. Culture, in the sense ofthe mastery of a system of ideas, is what saves humanlife from being mere disaster, what makes it somethingabove meaningless tragedy or inward disgrace. The newbarbarians are those who have had no will or no opportunity to develop a system of ideas because they haveconfined themselves or been confined to small fractionsof human interest and experience. They have no conception of the nature of the world or the destiny of man.They are isolated, isolated by their private preoccupations and their limited views. They cannot communicatewith others because they have nothing in common withothers. They cannot be members of a community.It seems altogether likely that any true communitymust have a spiritual basis. Why should we love ourneighbors? Why should we regard all men as brothers?The brotherhood of man must rest on the fatherhood ofGod. If God is denied, or man's spiritual nature is denied, then the basis of community disappears. If menare brutes like any others, then there is no reason whythe law of the jungle should not prevail among them;there is no foundation for our talk of the dignity of manor for our notion that one man should not regard another as an instrument to be used or exploited. If a manhas the power, why shouldn't he get all he can, eventhough he gets it at the expense of the weak? Why isn'tjustice the interest of the stronger?Unless we believe that every man is the child of God,we cannot love our neighbors. Most cats and most dogsare more attractive than most men. Unless we see menas children of God, they appear to us as rivals, or customers, or foreigners, unrelated to us except as means toour ends. Even if all men could in some way come toknow what was good and to see the goods in the rightorder; even if all men had acquired the highest culture,the competition for material goods among them and theintellectual differences between them would still tear themapart. But these struggles and differences can be composed and the human community can arise as men meetin the religious dimension and each man see each otherman as a child of God. "But," you say, "why do I need to see men this way?I am a humanitarian and a liberal. I will help my fellowmen without worrying about whether we have a commonFather. I will work for better housing, shorter hours,higher wages, and greater educational opportunity forall mankind. I will oppose discrimination among men onthe basis of race, creed, or color. I will moderate my desires, seek to get culture, and practice the social virtuestwenty-four hours a day. What more do you want?"I will admit that if the whole world practiced Aristotle'sEthics the whole world would be much better off thanit is today. But I doubt if any single man, to say nothingof the whole world, can practice Aristotle's Ethics without the support and inspiration of religious faith. ThisAristotle himself seemed to recognize; for the ideal manwhom he holds up to our admiration is one who is almost divine. The modern critic is inclined to scoff at theAristotelian phrase that men are rational animals. It isno longer fashionable to refer to the rationality of man.But Aristotle was saying not merely that men were rational, but also that they were animal. Because men areanimal, because the flesh is weak and life is hard, thevirtues cannot be consistently practiced without divineaid.The humanitarian effort, moreover, is vitiated by thesense of superiority which it implies. It becomes anotherform of self-seeking and self-glorification. If you set outto do other people good, it is difficult to avoid the ultimate conclusion that you can do them good because youare better than they are. To found a durable communitywe must have a deep sense of our own unimportance anda deep conviction of the importance of others. That senseand that conviction cannot be sustained by any merelymundane considerations. They require us to meet ourfellow-men upon a spiritual plane.If we want world peace, a world community, and aworld state that will last, we must promote a moral, intellectual, and spiritual revolution throughout the world.To try to get all we can, to breed more barbarians, toregard one another as so many animals, rational or not,will lead us inevitably to the final catastrophe. It is verylate; perhaps nothing can save us. But, if we can take forour motto, "Enough and no more"; if we can gain forourselves a coherent system of ideas concerning the worldand humanity; if we can mean the fatherhood of Godwhen we say the brotherhood of man, then we may haveone more chance.MORE THAN 1,000 EXPOSURES were made by "Life" photographer Fritz W. Goro topresent the epic picture story of the plutonium laboratory at the University of Chicagoin the July 8 issue of the weekly magazine.The story, which was displayed in 34 pictures covering 16 pages of "Life," revealed in pictures for the first time the historic research at the University of Chicago on the man-made element used in the atomic bomb. The research, which led to the first chain reaction by Enrico Fermi,Nobel-prize physicist, in a squash court under the west stands of Stagg Field, took place in !,NewChem" one of the sites of the Manhattan District at the University.It took "Life" reporter Robert Campbell and Mr. Goro almost four months to cover the assignment. Some of the pictures, Mr. Goro reported, took him a week to secure the desired angles.The beauty of his colored photographs of plutonium, neptunium and ultra-microchemical processes is the tribute of his magical eye for scientific detail.ONE MAN'S OPINIONWHEN anyone at the University answered thetelephone or read his mail during the last yearthe odds were about one in three that the communication was a request for help on behalf of a prospective student. Education is one of the commodities ofwhich the supply is far short of the demand, and despiteeffective efforts the University has made to accommodatemore students, it can not find room for all who arequalified. It has had to turn away thousands of applicants; the prospect is that it will continue to do so forseveral years. The worst victims of the rush for highereducation are the high school graduates, for the universalpressure and policy in all colleges is to give the veteranspreference. The surest way a student has of entering theCollege here is to come in at the end of his sophomoreyear in the first year of the College where there is nocompetition from the veterans.The limiting factors on enrolment are teachers, classroom and laboratory facilities, and housing. In general,they have to be increased together. Classroom and laboratory space was the smallest of the University's problems.There are enough classrooms, if they are in use throughout the entire day. There is a shortage of laboratories forstudents and there is scarcely enough space into which to. fit temporarily some of the important new research activities, such as the institutes in nucleonics, until newbuildings can be constructed. But the major difficultiesin expanding are those of housing and staff.In 1940, the University could accommodate 1397 students in its residence halls and in International House.By the device of double occupancy, wherever possible,the capacity this autumn will be 1749. There are 27apartments for married graduate students and 32 formarried students in the Divinity School. In the last yeara building which houses 181 men was acquired in the6200 block of Drexel avenue.The heaviest demand, however, came from marriedveterans. To meet it in part, the University acquired onloan from the government 189 pre-fabricated houseswhich were taken from war plant sites and dotted upand down both sides of the Midway. These are compact,livable units, some with one bedroom and some with two,and to a veteran who has been crowding a wife and childor two into a hotel room, they are more than satisfactory.By autumn, another 200 units will be available, in buildings that have four units each. A dormitory buildinghousing a hundred men also is being added. In addition,a University owned building with 24 apartments will beturned over to married veterans.Altogether, the housing has been increased from 1456to 2502, an impressive accomplishment in a crowded urbanarea. The 400 pre-fabricated units represent a goodsized subdivision, requiring water, sewer, and light installations on a considerable scale. There are no nearbyArmy camps to take over, and usual type of residence By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, J.D. '22buildings can not be acquired easily in a city which isexperiencing a great housing shortage. Construction ofresidence halls is an impossibility under today's prices;the rental required to carry them would be prohibitive.Even the rentals on the fre-fabricated houses is not low,though the government provides the houses, and the University the land. The cost of transporting the houses,repairing and painting them, and installing the services,required, on a cost basis, rentals of $37 and $40 for one-bedroom, and $40 and $42 for the two-bedroom houses.There is a seller's market today in qualified facultymembers. During the war, many institutions cut downthe size of their teaching staffs because there were nostudents. Those institutions are now scrambling to rebuild their staffs, but by and large they are not competing with the University, for good teachers are notinterested in educational organizations which operate ona seasonal demand basis. There is real competition between the upper level of universities for top men; theyall are expanding, and they all need bigger staffs. Somegood men have been taken but the University has acquiredconsiderably more first rank men than it has lost.The University had the courage during the bleak waryears to hold its faculty together, regardless of registration. In some areas, because of the special war training,the faculty was worked overtime; in others, students werefew. Because it kept its faculty the University began thisboom period with a staff that was intact. Some areas,such as the rapidly growing College, kept adding teacherswhenever it could find good ones, and the fact that itwas trying to work out a sound program of general education was an attractive selling point to the instructors itsought. In the entire University, the staff in 1940, frominstructors to full professors, was 516; in the spring quarter it was 643. Soaring registration has increased the sizeof classes beyond what is desirable in parts of the University but in the College it is still possible to hold classesto an average of 30.Spring quarter registration was the highest it has everbeen for that quarter, with 6,501 students on the quadrangles, compared to 5,716, the previous top total. Therealso were 2,513 students in University College downtown. The number of veterans was 539 in the autumnquarter, 1,570 in the winter, and 2,680 in the spring.The estimate for this autumn is 8,300 students on thequadrangles and 2,700 in University College, or 11,000altogether, the highest in the University's existence, andalmost double the average enrolment for the decade1931-41. Of this student body, 4,500 will be veterans.Though it can not take everyone who is competent todo its work, the University will give those students it admits an education that is up to the Chicago standard.There is no dilution and no compromise. By pre-warstandards, the University is engaged in mass education,but its product will be of the same quality.ALUMNI CITATIONSSpencer C. Dickerson, '97,Chicago Physician. RushMedical staff, 1914-20;staff member ProvidentHospital since 1920; Attending physician, Home forAged Colored People ;School Health Officer, Chicago Board of Health:Brigadier General (retired) ;Fellow, American MedicalAssociation ; member national and local medical societies; Former President.John A. Andrews ClinicalSociety and HonoraryChairman, Program Committee, for life; member of Board of Management,Wabash Y.M.C.A., National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Urban League ; President Boardof Trustees of Grace Presbyterian Church; recipient ofthe C.V. Roman Medal in 1946, awarded by TuskegeeUniversity to a distinguished Negro physician and surgeon; for years a member of the Alumni Association.Harold E. Nicely, '21,Rochester, New Y o r k Clergyman. Since 1 938Minister of the Brick Presbyterian Church of Rochester; Special Lecturer, Colgate- Rochester DivinitySchool; Author of "WhatReligion Does to Men"(1936); Director of Rochester Council of Social Agencies, and of RochesterSchool for the Deaf;Trustee of the PrincetonTheological Seminary andof Rochester Chamber ofCommerce ; Past President.Rochester Federation of Churches; President of theRochester City Club; Chicago's Fiftieth AnniversaryAlumni Foundation Chairman for Rochester and a member of the Alumni Association.Wrisley B. Oleson, '18,Chicago. President, the Allen B. ¦ Wrisley Company.Director, Clearing Industrial , Association ; Directorof the Employers Association;' Director of the ToiletGoods Association; renderedinvaluable war service tothe National Government inits fats conservation program; member of the GlenEllyn School Board andchairman of its finance committee; Past President ofthe Chicago Alumni Club;President of the Universityof Chicago Alumni Association 1943-45; life member of the Association; consistentand enthusiastic supporter of all phases of the Alumniprogram through the years. Hilmar R. Baukhage, '11,Washington, D. C. Radionews commentator, analystand writer. Formerly withnational news bureaus, national and foreign service;broadcast World War IIoutbreak from Berlin; firstperson to give news broadcast from White House(Pearl Harbor attack);rated by LIFE Magazine-one of top news men covering the San Francisco Conference ; received NationalHeadliners Club Award forbest domestic news broadcast of 1945 (Hyde Park burial services of the late President Roosevelt) ; Distinguished Achievement Award byRadio Life Magazine as the most "listenable" commentator in 1945-46; member of the University of ChicagoAlumni Association and a supporter of its program.Ethel Kawin, '11, Chicago-Psychologist. GuidanceConsultant, Glencoe PublicSchools and Lecturer inEducation, The Universityof Chicago; Formerly Director Preschool Department, Illinois Institute forJuvenile Research and Psychologist, Behavior ResearchFund; Lecturer and author;Tireless and unselfish in thedevotion of time to the problems of young people ; former Vice-president, ChicagoBranch American Association of University Women;Past president, Chicago Alumnae Club; Life Member ofthe Alumni Association and active on numerous committees of the Alumni Foundation.Agnes A. Sharp, '16, Chicago. Consulting and Clinical Psychologist. Chief Psychologist and Assistant Director, The Psychiatric Institute of the MunicipalCourt, Associate AttendingStaff, Psychiatry, Presbyterian Hospital; also RushMedical College; numerouspositions and activitieswith : National BoardY.W.C.A. Student Department; National Child Welfare Association; Secretary.Board of Directors, IllinoisSociety for Mental Hygiene;President, Chicago Psychology Club; Vice-president, Chicago Academy of Criminology; Member of Driver National Safety Council; Moderator of Rorshach JournalClub Seminar; Life Member of the Alumni Associationand active in the Alumni Foundation,6THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 7Mortimer B. Harris, '21,Chicago Merchant. President, Harris Brothers Company (building materials).Director, District NationalBank of Chicago; Past President, Central Manufacturing District Club of Chicago; Past president andDirector for life, WinfieldTuberculosis Service andSanitorium ; Member, Boardof Directors of Jewish Charities of Chicago; Member ofExecutive Committee:Southwest District, ChicagoCouncil of Boy Scouts ofAmerica; member of the Alumni Association and a consistent supporter of its program of activities.Frank L. Eversull, '21,Fargo, North Dakota President, North DakotaAgricultural College. Chairman, North Dakota Grasshopper Control Committee; the Founder and firstPresident of the ExecutiveClub of Fargo; Director ofthe State and local OpenForum; Director on theCollege and FargoY.M.C.A. Boards; Member,Governor's Committee onInter-race Relationships:Chairman, North DakotaCommittee of the NationalCouncil for Jews and Christians; Active Kiwanisand the Chamber of Commerce; In charge of CivilianMorale on Governor's National Defense Committee;Chairman, American Brotherhood Week, 1936; just appointed by the War Department as Chief of Colleges forKorea.Robert O. Brown, '12,Santa Fe. Physician. Member, Board of Public Welfare, State of New Mexico1921-1935, including chairman for a number of years;Medical . Consultant, Department of Public Welfareof New Mexico 1945-46;Member Santa Fe CityCouncil, 1930-34; Chairman F.E.R.A. for State ofNew Mexico; Member andPast President New MexicoTuberculosis Association.the Santa Fe County Medical Society and similar organizations; variously president, director, trustee andmember of Santa Fe County Welfare Committee; TheRed Cross Selective Service Board; the Fiesta Council ofSanta Fe Kiwanis; War Bond Committees; Board ofSanta Fe Boys Club, Garcia Street Club (a neighborhoodhouse); Santa Fe chairman for two years and currentcommittee member of the Alumni Foundation; also member of the Alumni Association. Frederick Holmes lists as one of his hobbies the racingof small sailboats, and to prove his point we present theabove picture with Citation Winner Holmes at the tiller.Frederick Holmes, '13 Lafayette, Indiana. Presidentof the Duncan Electric Manufacturing Company (electric meters) with seven Army-Navy "E" awards forexcellency in war production; Member and former Director, Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce; pastpresident, Community Fund of Greater Lafayette; Member, Board of Trustees, Central Presbyterian Church;Has served on Board of Directors of Tippecanoe CountyTuberculosis Association; Highly rated by his fellowcitizens for his civic leadership; Fiftieth AnniversaryLafayette chairman for the Alumni Foundation and consistent supporter of the program; Member of the AlumniAssociation and past president of the Lafayette AlumniClub.Irving G. Reynolds, '21, Toledo, Ohio Dairy Products. President and General Manager of the FranklinCreamery Company which, with classmate John Gifford,'21, he organized the year of his graduation. A founderand past president of the National Association of RetailIce Cream Manufacturers; Member of the Mayor's Special Committee of three to study Toledo gas rates whoserecommendations are now in effect; Deacon in AshlandAvenue Baptist Church ; Chairman, Toledo Baptist Association Division of the World Crusade Fund; Past President, Y.M.C.A. Men's Club and a member of the Committee of Management of the Central Department; Member of Rotary and past chairman of its Youth ServiceCommittee ; recently cited by the War Department for hisservice as Director of Rationing of Dairy Products andOils, and as Chief of Procurement of Perishable Foods forthe Office of the Quartermaster General; again on leaveto serve as Deputy Director of Perishable Subsistence.Left to right: Major General T. B. Larkin, Major General Carl A. Hardigg, Mrs. Reynolds, and Citation WinnerIrving C. Reynolds snapped at the time of the presentationof citation to Mr. Reynolds by the War Department.NOW WHAT?In two Convocations, made necessary because of the large numbercandidates, the University conferred degrees on 574 students June 14,Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. The breakdown was:377 Bachelors113 Masters28 Doctorates26 Bachelors of Library Science21 Divinity6 Doctors of Law3 Doctors of MedicineWith 284 of the 377 receiving thenew College bachelor degrees andwith everyone wondering where thesedegrees will now lead, the editorspolled the 377.Of the 116 returning the questionnaires, 74 (63%) plan to continue atChicago for divisional and graduatework. Twenty of the remaining 42will continue their formal educationat other institutions in some casesbecause their fields of specializationare not covered on the Midway.Few consider their bachelor degreesterminal training except in the caseof the women who have or expect tohave their bachelors leading to anM-R-S.The following details will doubtlessbe interesting to the MAGAZINEreaders since most of the 116 havejoined the Association and you willbe hearing more about them in future issues.Evelyn E. Adams, Lenoir City,Tennessee. Continuing for M.D.Mary Ellene Adinamis, Chicago.Continuing for A.M.Edward L. Anderson, Jr., Chicago.Continuing for Ph.D.Marjorie Angel, Clay City, Kentucky. Received her Ph.B. Will continue at the University of Cincinnatifor A.B.Claire E. Bartholomew, Boston.Will continue at another universityfor A.M.Howard S. Becker, Chicago. Continuing for A.M.John A. Bjorkland, Evanston. Continuing for S.M.Liese Borchardt, Milwaukee. Continuing for A.M.Dmitri A. Borgmann, Chicago.Continuing for S.B.; S.M. ; Ph.D. He was born in Berlin; to Chicago at 8years; was graduated from highschool and entered Chicago in February, 1945 on a scholarship.Esther Brasco, Chicago. Continuing for A.M.Fay T. Brill, Chicago. "Will nowtake care of my husband and childrenin a style to which they have not yetbecome accustomed."Mrs. Marjorie Ladd Brown, SanAntonio. Will continue graduatework at the University of Iowa whereher husband is on the Chemistry faculty. Also plans on "potential candidates" for Chicago.Marilyn Buehrer, Oak Park. Continuing for A.M.Mrs. Ruth Arlene Calladine, Woodstock, Illinois. Continuing for S.B.and M.D.Frances Cappon, Kansas City, Missouri. With Chicago. Institute forJuvenile Research.Angela Carroll, Gary, Indiana.Continuing for A.M.Edwin G. Clement, Chicago. Continuing for M.B.A.Richard S. Collins, Detroit. Continuing at Michigan for S.B.8 Bertram Charles Cushway, Chicago.Will continue in graduate work.Florence Dasaky, Chicago. Continuing for A.M.Harry C. Davis, Jr., Chicago. Continuing for graduate work.John E. Douglas, Normal, Illinois.Continuing for S.B.Yadviga Dowmont, Chicago. Continuing for S.B.Judith Downs, Hazen, Arkansas.Continuing for A.M. with specificinterest in race relations.William Anthony Drucker, Chicago. Continuing for S.B.John J. Dwyer, Jr., Chicago. ToHarvard's School of Business or Chicago's.Janet Ekdahl, Boston. "Now thatI have my Ph.B. I'm going to workfor my Mrs."Eleanor Ellis, Long Beach. Continuing for A.M.Lawrence Fisher, Springfield, Illinois. Continuing for J.D.Blossom Frater, Chicago. To workinN "field of Worker's education."Judith Fiedler, Chicago. Continuing at Chicago but eventually "goldfish, cocker spaniel puppies, several,children, and eternal bliss."Hans Freistadt, Chicago. Continuing for S.M. and Ph.D.Lee R. Friedberg, Chicago. Tookall his work in evening division,School of Business. Is a purchasingagent.Charles Earl Gasteyer, BeverlyShores, Indiana. Continuing for doctorate in astronomy.Jerome H. Gilbert, Chicago. Continuing for A.M.Cora Glasner, Chicago. On editorialstaff of Industrial and EngineeringChemistry, monthly journal.Walter Goedecke, Gary, Indiana.Continuing for J.D.Marvin C. Goldman, Toledo. Continuing for M.D.Nicholas Gordon, New York andConnecticut. Continuing for A.M.Sydelle Green, Chicago. Takes adietitian internship.Donald F. Grier, Shannon, Illinois.Continuing for M.B.A.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 9Minerva C. Groeff, Chicago. Continuing for A.M.Janet Halliday, Muncie, Indiana.One of the twelve winners in VoguePrix de Paris Contest. To New Yorkfor job interview.Phyllis Harper, Chicago. Dieteticinternship at Cook County Hospital.Mrs. Arlene Hawkins, Bell wood,Illinois. Marine husband returnsfrom Japan this summer and bothwill attend Oberlin.Charles G. Higgins, Jr., Oak Park.Continuing for S.M.; a Ph.D. in California; doing geology field work thissummer; marrying a Montana girl onhis way to his Ph.D. in California.Edward C. Hobbs, Richmond, Indiana. Will continue for Ph.D.Dorothy A. Hodson, Stratford,Conn. Continuing for M.D.Marjorie Horn, Greencastle, Indiana. A coloratura soprano "lookingforward to a hard road ahead." Mastered French and Italian at Chicago.Patricia Howard, Chicago. Continuing graduate work while employed with the airlines.Joyce E. Jarrett, Princeton, Indiana. Continuing for S.B.Andria Jenkyn, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Continuing for A.M.Lois Sydnie Kanne, Chicago. Entering Cook County Hospital Schoolof laboratory technique next year.Phillip Paul Katz, Los Angeles.Continuing for an A.M. at Stanford.Charles D. Kelso, New Albany, Indiana. Continuing for J.D.Shirley Ann Kenney, MortonGrove, Illinois. Continuing for S.B.Anita Dorothy Koenig, Chicago.Continuing for A.M. in ReligiousEducation.Joan Kohn, Chicago. From copygirl to a by-line journalist seasonedwith the Great Books course.Mary Ann Mottz Kozumplik, SaintAlbans, New York. Concentrate onthe career begun four years ago:housewife. Husband: William A.Kozumplik, Ph.D. '42.Ethel Kremen, Chicago. Will takea husband and graduate work.Dorothy Ladendorf, DesPlaines,Illinois. Will be assistant librarian inhome town and return later for S.B.(maybe) . Mrs. Clarice S. Lanterman, Chicago. Housewife and chemistry courseduring summer; Mexico in November; then possibly back for S.M. ingeology.Howard S. Levin, Chicago. Continuing for S.M.Lenore Lurie, Chicago. Continuinggraduate work; marrying in September.Catherine Macleod, Chicago. ToWestern Reserve for A.M.Marjory E. Mather, Chicago. After17 years in University schools a summer vacation in California and thenpossibly a few courses at Illinois.Rolland Metzger, Chicago. Continuing for S.M.Pat Meyers, Gainsville, Georgia.Plans indefinite.Josephine Migdal, Chicago. Continuing as student-at-large in business,accounting, and personnel.Evangeline Mistaras, Chicago. Continuing for A.M.t William A, Moore, Chicago. Continue for M.D. at Emory School ofMedicine.Phillip J. Nexon, Brookline, Mass.Continuing for A.M. and Ph.D.Eventually hopes to teach or work forgovernment.Virginia -M. Ohlson, Chicago. Public health nursing in Evanston; laterservice overseas.Grace Helen Olsen, Chicago. Continuing for A.M.Eva Polachek, Chicago. "Gettingmarried ,next week." Will also workas biochemist.Robert D. Quinn, Thompson Falls,Montana. Will continue for A.M.Jane F. Ramsey, Louisville. Continuing for Ph.D.Robert W. Rasch, Chicago. Willcontinue at Northwestern for M.D.Clarice M. Ratcliffe, Chicago. Continuing for A.M.Charles W. Rector, Spirit Lake,Iowa. Continuing for S.B.; S.M.;Ph.D.Jacqueline S. Rice, Chicago. Continuing for A.M. either Chicago orNorthwestern.Bertram Earl Rifas, Kansas City,Missouri. Continuing for A.M. andPh.D. Miriam C. Ripley, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Will join the chemical staff ofa Kenosha industrial plant.Lois LaVerne Robert, Chicago.Eventually plans courses at LatinAmerican Institute for French-English secretarial job.Edith Lilyon Rodems, Chicago.Continuing for A.M. at DowntownCollege while using Spanish, Frenchand Portuguese in secretarial job.Naomi Sager, Chicago. Will travel.Toby Sampson, Chicago. Continuing for S.B.Raymond Charles Sangster, Lyons,Kansas. Continuing for S.B. and S.M.Robert M. Seeley, Chicago. Continuing in law.Elizabeth F. Sehmann, Des Moines.Continuing for S.M.Margery L. Sickels, Elkhart, Indiana. Continuing for A.M.Florence Simon, Chicago. Continuing for A.M.James Victor Smith, Amory, Mississippi. Continuing for A.M.Shirley Soderstrom, Chicago. Journalism at University of Missouri.Zinette Solomonique, Chicago.Continuing for S.B.Harold J. Spelman, Chicago. Continuing for J.D.Use M. Stettner, Vienna, Austria.Continuing for A.M.Mary Lina Strauff, Baltimore."Now that I have my bachelor's degree ... I'm going to find a bachelor,of course!"Alan Jay Strauss, St. Louis. Willcontinue for Ph.D. with appointmentas assistant in the natural sciences ofthe College.Helen Sumida, Fresno. Californiafor the summer; Columbia or JuilliardMusic School in New York in fall.Paul Francis Sutton, Washington,D.C. Is with U.S. Weather Bureauforecasting department. Plans to continue here or elsewhere.Evangeline A. Swan, Chicago. Continuing for A.M.Henry A. Thur, Jr., Pensacola. Willcontinue for Ph.D.Eugene Titus, Jr., Chicago. Willcontinue in graduate work.(Continued on inside back cover)IN PRAISE OF THEHow Doctors ofPhilosophy are madeTHE appearance last May of the admirably writtenbook, The Family, by Doctors Burgess and Locke,two of our alumni, moves me to call to the attention of the readers of the Magazine the excellent workof our own doctors of philosophy and to the way by whichresearch scholars are discovered and trained. Recent uninformed criticism of the work of the graduate departments would, indeed, seem to call for some such statement, since most of our alumni are not familiar with allthe facts, and it is well that their opinion of our workshould not rest on unwarranted strictures by men, however eminent, who have neither received the degree ofPh.D. nor had any part in the selection and training ofresearch personnel.Criticism of American education should be encouraged,for there is always room for improvement, and our idealsare high. Our schools could be better and many earnestmen are striving to make them better. But this must notbe held to imply that we have not made vast strides. Myown schooling began in 1879 and my college course wasof the old fashioned kind: Greek, German, seven yearsof Latin (including high school), mathematics, logic,science, literature, etc. Six sons and three stepchildrenhave all gone through school and college, attending,among them, more than a dozen different institutions.It is my firm conviction that their teachers were betterprepared than my own, their courses of study more wiselyplanned, and the end result, in each case, suffers in norespect by comparison. Those who insist that the education our children are now receiving is inferior to thatoffered in former years never give convincing argumentsand often present no proof whatsoever.But great as has been our accomplishment in improving elementary, secondary and collegiate education, byfar the most notable achievement has been the workingout of a method of discovering competent students to betrained in discovery and research in a program leadingto the Ph.D. degree. The brilliant galaxy of scientiststrained in American universities is a source of nationalpride and has won the admiration of scholars the worldover.By 1911 the advice was differentThe relatively short period of time in which to realizethese results is not always recalled, and comes as a surprise to many informed people. Until comparatively recent times our scholars who wished to complete theirscientific training were compelled to do so in Europe.When I was a graduate student in psychology, four out offive of the leading psychologists in America were trainedabroad, In the year 1902, as a graduate student, I was DOCTORATE ELLSWORTH FARIS, Ph.D. '14encouraged by my teachers to seek a degree in a continental university, following my residence here.But by 1911, to my surprise, the advice was different,for by then my professors all agreed that our Americanlaboratories were as good or better than those in Europeand that our method of training graduate students in research was distinctly superior. It was not till the fourthquarter of the nineteenth century that Hopkins initiatedthe project and it was seventeen years later when our ownuniversity launched its program of graduate study aprogram that has made the University of Chicago theacademic capital of the Mississippi valley and a center ofinfluence among the universities of the nation.It was, indeed, high time. Until the doctor's degreewas inaugurated all our schools and colleges were engaged almost exclusively in transmitting to our youth theknowledge, wisdom, and ideals of their fathers. A growing realization that our knowledge was increasingly inadequate and that our problems were multiplying madeour leaders aware of the need to add to our knowledgeand to explore the unknown. They saw that civilizationdemands the systematic training of those who will devotetheir energies to seeking answers to questions that havebeen unanswered from the foundation of the world. Theresponse to this demand was the inauguration of amethod of seeking out and training in a systematic waya limited number of gifted young people in the methodsof specialized scientific research. The result was the institution of the degree of doctor of philosophy.The facts must be verifiedThe fulness of time had come. The scientific methodhad been developed over a span of three and a half centuries, and was unassailable. It is a very simple methodbut its explicit formulation and acceptance had takencenturies. It consists in essence in some such procedureas the following: A clear statement of the question to beinvestigated (the problem) ; a recognition of the dataneeded to resolve the inquiry (the facts) ; the formulation in the mind (imagination) of the possible outcome(hypothesis) ; reformulation when, .after observation orexperiment, the facts make this necessary; skill in limiting conclusions to the facts; and recognition of the newproblems that are practically certain to appear. Theoretical formulations and bold imaginations are encouraged but the final test must be the facts of experience.And by experience is meant something that can be seenor heard or handled and which can be observed by others.No experiment is considered final until it has been confirmed and verified by some one else.In the meantime" the power of the sense organs to perceive had been greatly augmented. Instruments of precisionthe scornful sometimes call them gadgets hadbeen constructed of curved glass and metal tubes revealing a world hitherto invisible, amplifying devices madeaudible the inaudible, and measuring instruments wereTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 11devised with such fine fiducial fingers that a human hairappeared as huge as a saw-log.Men like Copernicus in the sixteenth century, or Newton in the seventeenth, Franklin in the eighteenth, andDarwin in the nineteenth had shown what sound research procedure could accomplish and our debt to theseand other men of genius is truly a vast debt, but our needis so pressing that we cannot afford to wait for the rareevent of the birth of a great genius. The doctor's degreetrains numbers of competent men the great genius isfar too infrequent for our comfort and safety.Ph.D. not union card ...Although graduate training was late in coming toAmerica, it has grown with great rapidity and today thereare many universities of the first rank where the veryhighest standards are maintained. Unfortunately, it mustbe admitted that we have no laws to prevent poorlyequipped institutions from issuing diplomas to doctors,but this is one of the consequences of our freedom, andwe can hope that only the fittest will survive. The University of Chicago has conferred the degree on some fourthousand candidates a larger proportion of the totalalumni than most American schools.Notwithstanding the high quality of our doctors andthe splendid work that they have done and ^are doing,there have appeared in recent times criticisms and attacks with which most of my readers will be familiar. Inthe November-December number of the MAGAZINEthere was published an extremely unsympathetic discussion of this degree, actually advocating its abolishment ordrastic reformation. The Ph.D. diploma is quite inaccurately referred to as a "union card," the inference beingthat academic posts are contingent on its possession. Thisassumption is, of course, not true.. . . nor are candidates hooded automataThe bitter attack goes on to insist that the successfulcandidate, instead of finding himself a man able to think,is more likely to become a "hooded automaton." It ischarged that only in rare instances has the candidate anyindependence while seeking the degree and the very institution of the doctorate is asserted to "lie heavy like ahand of doom." Warming up to his subject the writerasserts that the successful candidate is confused, chargingat the same time that he is snobbish and feels himselfsuperior to the common man. The article in question wasthe text of a convocation address and was delivered onthe occasion of the conferring of advanced degrees andbefore a faculty consisting almost entirely of "hoodedautomata."Having made a hit-and-run attack on our highest degree (the speaker left the University at once for a jobin business) the critic proceeded to drop an atomic bombon the sociologists with accusations that would, indeed,be devastating if true. Sociologists are charged with "adisdain for the people" and one reads in black and whitethe monstrous assertion that sociologists "deliberately created a terminology to confuse the public." Such an attack is so highly inaccurate and so obviouslythe product of an emotional bias that it carries its ownrefutation. But there have been other utterances of thesame general tenor and the reader who is not familiarwith the facts and conditions may easily be led to forman erroneous opinion. Perhaps the best answer would bea simple list of names it would be a long list if complete which are known and honored of men. Milliken, Compton, Schlessinger, Carlson, Thomas, Vincent, Ogburn,Burgess, Bliss, Breasted, Barrows, Dempster, Goodspeed,Luckhart I set the names down at random. Eccehomines! There would be many hundreds of names deserving of a place in our list. The proof of the value ofthe training can be seen in the excellence of the mentrained.But as a holder of the degree and as one who hascounseled graduate students in half a dozen great universities over a period of more than thirty years, I mightventure to clarify the discussion by some account of whatthe degree is like as seen from the inside. I might mention that most fruitful and stimulating period of my lifewhen Profesors Angell, Tufts, Mead and their colleagueswere guiding my efforts to become a competent scholar.I may have become a "hooded automaton" but I certainly had all the freedom and independence that heartcould desire. To an unfriendly critic I may have appearedsnobbish but if my word may be trusted I was morekeenly aware, after I had received the degree, of the limitations of my knowledge.Most students go the roundsLet me speak of the more than a hundred students overwhose course I have had a certain oversight. With abachelor's degree representing eight years of study beyond the elementary school, the young student is admitted as a graduate student if his record has been creditable. If he is seeking a doctorate in sociology he spendsa year getting a broad acquaintance with the specialtyof his choice. In the second year he makes a selection ofsome four of the seven or so "fields" of sociology. (For,confess it I must, the cosmic process has brought it aboutthat within the specialization called sociology there havearisen sub-specialties, just as in every department of research, from anatomy to zoology. ) In this period the student passes a stiff test on his ability to read the foreignlanguages most appropriate to his researcn. Usually thisis in German and French but it might be Spanish orPortuguese or any other.Elsworth Faris, who received his S.B. and A.M. fromTexas Christian University (Dallas) before coming to Chicago for his Ph.D. has had an interesting career. From1897 to 1904 he was a missionary in the African Congo.He returned to Texas to lead a double life as I. associateeditor of "The Christian Courier" and 2. a professor atTexas Christian. Then to Chicago, on to the State University of Iowa staff and back to a faculty position at Chicago where he eventually became Chairman of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, the position heheld when he retired in 1939.12 THE UNIVERSITY O.F CHICAGO MAGAZINEWhen the student feels ready he applies for the qualifying examination, writing some twelve or sixteen hourson successive mornings for a week. This test is on the fourfields chosen. Failure to pass eliminates some, while afeeling of inability to pass deters others from going thatfar. If successful, the student next sets about deciding onhis research problem. All members of the staff are accessible to him and most students go the rounds.Having chosen a problem, the student submits a written statement of what he proposes to do and how heplans to go about it, sends a copy to each member of thesociological faculty who meet and confer. If the statement seems promising, a date is set for an oral sessionwith the whole staff so that the student may show evidence of some knowledge of what has been done alreadyin similar investigations, demonstrate his ability to givea clear-cut statement of his problem, reveal a knowledgeof how the needed facts can be discovered, and also giveevidence of ability to think critically and express himselfintelligably. The thesis problem may be rejected, accepted with reservations, or approved, in which last caseone professor is named as chief adviser and a secondone to act and advise with the other two, although thestudent always feels free to seek counsel from anyone inthe department or out of it.While the dinner gets coldThen begins the work of research. Of all the pleasantand rewarding experiences in academic life, and they aremany, none is to be compared with the close associationbetween a young candidate and his thesis counselor. Manya time has a professor been late for his luncheon or kepthis dinner at home waiting because he was conferringwith a candidate about his problem. Nor was it ever aburden to either. They had meat to eat that you know notof. The suggestion that the freedom of the student isthus limited is so untrue as to approach a slander. Thedelight of the teacher is to witness initiative and originality and the task is to counsel him without teachinghim, to see him solve his problems without unduly influencing him.There comes a day when the successful student hascompleted the writing of his thesis which, submitted intriplicate to the department, is examined by all and readcarefully by most of the staff. At a conference the thesis,if found worthy, is accepted "for purposes of examination," and the final oral examination is arranged for,where further questioning takes place. Some get this farand then fail the final test. If the committee is satisfied,the candidate arranges for the necessary copies to begiven to the university and the degree is conferred at thenext convocation.It will be seen that the program has a highly selectivecharacter. Our normal enrolment is about seventy-fivegraduate students, but the average number of doctor's degrees conferred has been only four for each calendar year,one each quarter. It took us fifty years to reach twohundred. Nor do attacks from outside, however fierce, seem to discourage our students. After the unqualifieddenunciation of our work above referred to, our normalenrolment of seventy-five increased almost one hundredper cent, giving us more than can be well taken care ofwith the present teaching staff. It is to be hoped that noone will abuse us again till we can enlarge the faculty.The accusation of unintelligibility has often been madeagainst the specialist. There is a real need for greatercare in the writing of English on the part of the sociologists, many of whom are so concerned with the matterthat they fail to give due heed to the manner of theirwriting. But the real objection of the critic is directedat the technical terms of any and all science. There isno doubt that these are difficult for the uninstructed tocomprehend, but there is small reason why they shouldneed to understand them. The technical terms are employed within the problem, and the strange words aretools of research and are necessary to thinking. Whatthe bewildered critic of scientific writing fails to realizeis that the end result of the research and any possibleapplication of it can be stated in untechnical languageand is invariably so stated. The intricate mathematicalcomputations which the engineer uses to design the cylinders of an automobile or the wings of an airplane areunintelligible to the non-mathematical, but we can clearlyunderstand that this car uses less gasoline, or that planehas extra speed.Let the publisher be patientTechnical terms obey the laws of language. Their appearance is inevitable. They are created automatically inevery specialized activity on the cattle ranch, in theprint shop, on board ships, in .the astronomical observatory. Some of these sociological words become well-known and common, as "mores," "folkways" and "cultural lag." Most of them remain limited in their use toresearch workers who might wish that all men everywhere knew Greek, higher mathematics, cytology, andnuclear physics but who know that this can never be andare content, since nothing is lost. Let the publisher ofbooks be patient. It is his task to have the book set up intype, printed, bound and advertised. This is a worthywork; let him stick to it. Let him not tell the writer whatto write. If he should presume to dictate what scholarsshould do, we shall be tempted to call him an appropriatename which he might not find intelligible for is not hean ultracrepidarian?Those who find fault with the doctor's degree are notall agreed, but they all appear to oppose the high degreeof specialization which it represents. They look withnostalgic regret back to the good old times when one mancould be an authority on all learning, although close acquaintance with the writings of those worthy men, towhom we owe a great debt, compels the admission thatmuch of what they thought they knew has been provedby modern research to be error. Encyclopedic knowledgemay be the pretense of the dilettante but the modernscientist knows that it is impossible.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13More and more about lessThe saying that the specialist is a man who "knowsmore and more about less and less" was, perhaps, firstspoken as a witticism. Nevertheless, it is profoundly true.Indeed, it is highly desirable. As science progresses itdivides and subdivides and then divides again. Someadministrators are concerned about the large number ofdepartments in a modern university. One wonders whattheir alarm would be if they knew the real state ofaffairs.There are seven departments in the Social Science Division of the University of Chicago. This would seemto imply that there are seven specialties in that one area.Actually the number of specialized activities is morenearly five times that number. No teacher of history inthe graduate school presumes to be an authority in thewhole field of history, and the same is true of every specialty, botany and physiology, chemistry and psychology,and all the rest.The research student must be a specialist. Only bycloser and closer division of the field of the unknown canwe hope to learn what we seek to know. As PresidentColwell said of the late Professor Votaw, the thesis on"The use of the infinitive in Greek" was a valuable contribution. Compton has given years to cosmic rays. Theresearch man recalls the words of Paul who said: Thisone thing I do.Specialization may be disturbing to book publishersand administrators, but specialization will continue andwill increase; it is an inevitable trend. By intense concentration we may hope to find the answers which the worldso profoundly needs. He who opposes it is fighting againstthe stars.A fair beginningThe morale of the sociologists is high. We are veryyoung and our methods of work are yet to be perfected.We can hardly claim that we are doing a great work butin truth we do have a great work to do. Moreover, wehave made a fair beginning. Our doctors from Chicagodid valuable service in the army at home and abroad, notas fighting men but as sociologists. With their attituderesearches they located potential trouble in large armyunits, determined its extent, and devised corrective measures.Sociologists are to be found using their skills in the Department of Agriculture in Washington, in the CensusBureau, in the Department of State and in the Department of Labor. They are to be found in the penal insti tutions, not as convicts but as specialists, working on suchproblems as parole. They are in industrial organizationsusing their expert knowledge in the field of human relations. Most of our graduates are in academic life, forthe need of competent men to give instruction in sociologyhas not been met.Every college teacher ought to have the Ph.D. degree.This will not insure that he is a good teacher and, ofcourse, he ought to be a good teacher. But however gooda teacher he may be, he needs most of all to know thelimits of his knowledge and to have the invaluable understanding of how knowledge is discovered. This he willlearn if he is worthy of the degree.We need a basic science of human nature. Sociologyseeks to create such a science, in cooperation with allthe other social sciences between which adequate liaisonexists. To create such a science we must seek to learn thepreconditions, all of them, that give rise to human conduct. To learn these things we must be scientific.The research must be objective, disinterested, unbiased,and unemotional. When a delinquent is studied theremust be neither praise nor blame, censure nor excuses,but a search for conditions and causes. Some progresshas been made but much more is demanded. War isindeed immoral but war is usually the work of politiciansand diplomats and their blundering into war is due, inno small degree, to their lack of knowledge of humannature. If our program should some day be carried outand if human nature should be as well known as is pitchblende our troubles would not be at an end for therewould be left the spread of the knowledge and the will toapply it in righteous causes. But the needed knowledgewould be at hand. Typhoid fever is now understood butoutbreaks occur where knowledge is lacking or responsiblemen are negligent.The scientist is a devoted person. He gives his life tothe discovery of new knowledge. He concentrates on histask. He dare not become an agitator, a partisan, or areformer. There are preachers and prophets in plenty;there are publicists and politicians enough. For the scientist to desert his work would be to betray a trust.I repeat that the greatest achievement of Americaneducation is the provision that has been made for thetraining of gifted youths to be doctors of philosophy. Wehave produced many but we need many more. No onewill claim that the world will be saved by its Ph.D.'s butit is not too much to assert that it will not be saved without the work which they are set to do, for it is as truetoday as it was in the long ago when a prophet cried out:My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.In the Next Issue"The Fraternity Situation" by student Richard Philbrick, Alpha Delta Phi"In Line for Promotion", Robert C. Woellner, Director, Board of Vocational Guidance and Placement"The Crowded Reception Room" Valerie Wickhem, Director of AdmissionsNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES By JEANNETTE LOWREYOvation to HimselfTradition and the unexpected rubbed shoulders whenthe annual University of Chicago Alumni Citations foroutstand service to nation, community, and humanitywere awarded in Mandel Hall.As president of the national Alumni Association,Wrisley B. Oleson, President of the Allen B. WrisleyCompany, presented the citations after suitable biographical sketches were read before the audience.The eleventh biography sounded a little familiar tohim a citation to the director of the Toilet Goods Association which rendered invaluable war service to theUnited States in its fats conservation program, a memberof the Glen Ellyn school board, director of the ClearingIndustrial Association, and life member of the Universityof Chicago Alumni Association.Just to surprise Mr. Oleson, the Alumni Associationhad "neglected" to inform him when they hurriedlyhanded him the citations a few minutes before the ceremony, that the eleventh citation would be his own.Mr. Oleson was astounded. His prepared speech commending each citation recipient seemed a little odd, hethought, delivered to himself.Benton Becomes TrusteeThe United States Assistant Secretary of State,William Benton, has beenelected to the Board ofTrustees at the Universityof Chicago, Harold H.Swift, Chairman of theBoard, has announced.In becoming a TrusteeMr. Benton is serving in hisfourth capacity at the University. He was Vice-president from 1937 to July,1945, when his title waschanged at his request toAssistant to the Chancellor because of his duties as Chairman of the Board of the University-affiliated Encyclopaedia Britannica and as Vice-chairman of the Committee for Economic Development.When he was appointed Assistant Secretary of Statein the summer of 1945, Mr. Benton resigned from theUniversity and from Encyclopaedia Britannica, as wellas from Associated Music Publisher and Muzak, whichhe controlled.As Vice-president of the university, Mr. Benton wasparticularly interested in the development of radio andmotion pictures for educational purposes. He greatly expanded the University of Chicago Round Table radioprogram and initiated a new educational network show,"The Human Adventure." As chairman of the BritannicaBoard, he acquired Erpi Classroom Films and merged itwith Eastman Kodak's Classroom Films, a gift to theUniversity of Chicago, to form Encyclopaedia BritannicaFilms, Inc.Bach LineA familiar European scene was reenacted in RockefellerMemorial Chapel last month when Chicagoans, as wellas folk from as far away as Minneapolis, came to hearMarcel Dupre, world renowned French organist, play themusic of Johann Sebastian Bach.Albert Goldberg, Chicago Tribune music critic, saidof the 3,000 persons who crowded the chapel its pews,aisles, chancel, lectern, and green lawn that the uninformed observer might have thought nylons were beingdispensed.Monsieur Dupre looked upon the scene, and tears cameinto his eyes. He was reminded of a similar occasionsome years ago when he went to a little French town nearthe Spanish borderline to play the organ. People, carrying chairs, crowded the road. Was it a mass moving day?He couldn't believe that a whole town had come to hearhim play. The little church was packed and the churchyard filled. He was asked to "please play loudly thatall might hear."His first of six concerts to be played at the Universitywas an all-Bach program including the most famous andextended of the major organ works of the old master Prelude and Fugue in A minor, Prelude and Fugue in Dmajor, Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor, Fantasy andFugue in G minor, Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in Cmajor, and Toccata and Fugue in D minor."The performance," Mr. Goldberg said, "was in essentials no less heroic than the undertaking. His aim,apparently, was to constantly preserve the architecturalgrandeur of the music and in spite of the resources ofthe modern organ, to present it in sound as nearly likethat of the baroque instrument for which it was written.One heard the music much as the congregation of St.Thomas' in old Leipzig must have heard it, in all itsmassive, unadorned, imposing splendor."Two other Wednesday evening recitals were also devoted to Bach. Works from the Clavierubung, one ofthe few collections of Bach's music published during thecomposer's lifetime, was featured during the second recital. Monsieur Dupre's concert, with the harpischordselections of the Clavierubung, played in Mandel Hallby Ralph Kirkpatrick, was the first complete Americanpresentation of this great collection of keyboard music.It would have taken seven other recitals for Monsieur14THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 15Dupre, organist of the church of St. Sulpice, to completea full recital of Bach, all of which he has memorized.Monsieur Dupre presented Cesar Franck's music inhis third concert and his own compositions PassionSymphony, Prelude and Fugue, G minor, a Suite and asymphonic poem, "Evocation" in the fifth. -A treat and surprise for music lovers will follow theplanned series. As an added attraction, Monsieur Dupresuggested a sixth recital this time improvised themessuggested by musicians and presented to him in a sealedenvelope the night of the concert. The theme for fivechoral preludes on a hymn will be contributed by Vice-president and Mrs. Emery T. Filbey.In presenting the recitals at the University this summer, Monsieur Dupre was fulfilling his plans of 1940.The war necessitated his postponing his concerts andmaster classes, which were to have been highlights of theUniversity's 50th anniversary.Half of the pupils who registered for the master classesduring the golden anniversary days of the University ofChicago came back this summer to take the lessons theyhad postponed six years ago. Thirty-six of the nation'sfinest organists, including a weekly commuter from Pittsburgh, are now taking lessons from the master and listening to his lectures on registration and interpretation.Framing a World ConstitutionOrganization of a Committee to Frame a World Constitution, whose purpose is to develop a blueprint for aworld government, was announced July 18. The Committee, centered at the University of Chicago, was initiated last September and has been actively working sinceNovember, the announcement said.Although acting on the principle that a world state isnecessary, and therefore is possible, the Committee isnot concerned with creating opinion in favor of a worldgovernment. The Committee believes that the possibilityof achieving a world government can best be determinedby framing a constitution which presents for considerationand discussion the specific principles and mechanism ofa world state.The Committee includes several members of the Uni-veristy of Chicago. Chancellor Robert M. Hutchins ispresident; Richard P. McKeon, Dean of the HumanitiesDivision, is chairman ; and G. A. Borgese, professor in theDivision of Humanities, who also has had special appointments in political science is secretary.Robert Redfield, Dean of the Division of the SocialSciences; Wilber G. Katz, Dean of the Law School; Mortimer Adler, professor of the philosophy of law; R. G.Tugwell, professor of political science, are other University of Chicago members.Charles H. Mcllwain, professor emeritus of the Scienceof Government at Harvard; Albert Guerard, professor inthe humanities, Stanford University Erich Kahler, of theNew School for Social Research, New York; James Mc-Cauley Landis, former dean of the Harvard Law School; Stringfellow Barr, president of St. John's College; HaroldInnis, head of the department of political economy, University of Toronto, are the other members at present. Asmall number of new members are expected to join, according to the announcement.Seven meetings of the Committee have been held inChicago and New York between November and the endof June. Monthly meetings are scheduled hereafter the eighth and ninth in New York, July 19 and 20 andAugust 16 and 17 until the draft of the constitution iscompleted, a task which is expected to require anotheryear.Complete reports of the meetings, and some seventy"world federalist papers" by individual members or associate research workers are on file in the library of theCommittee in its office at 975 E. 60th street, Chicago.The Committee plans to begin publication of a bulletinthis autumn, and also intends to organize an advisorycouncil of approximately 50 members, which will be invited for a first convention in the fall, when the firstyear's work of the Committee has been completed and thebasic issues can be presented for discussion.In his annual speech at the trustees' dinner for thefaculty of the university, January 9, Chancellor Hutchinsgave the first indication of the Committee. "It is notsuggested," he said, "that the constitution drafted mightbe instantly adopted; it would probably be a calamity ifany constitution drafted now were to be adopted. Butsince we must work toward world government or perish,we ought at once to begin trying to find out what kindof world government we ought to work toward."Kimpton New Vice-presidentThe election of Lawrence A. Kimpton, Dean of Students, an Vice-president of the University to succeedReuben G. Gustavson, who resigned to head the University of Nebraska, was announced this month by Chancellor Robert M. Hutchins.Along with the appointment of Vice-president Kimpton, Chancellor Hutchins also announced four other newstaff members. They were: Robert M. Strozier, Associate Director of International House as D'ean of Students;Marshall Harvey Stone, Chairman of the Department ofMathematics at Harvard University, as DistinguishedService Professor of Mathematics; Dr. Lowell T. Cogge-shall, Chairman of the Department of Tropical Diseasesat the University of Michigan as Professor of Medicineand Chairman of the Department of Medicine; andWalter N. Newhouse, Professor of Economics Geology atMassachusetts Institute of Technology, as Professor ofEconomic Geology.All appointments, with the exception of Prof. New-house's, were effective July 1 . Prof. Newhouse will arrive October 1. Dr. Coggeshall succeeds Dr. George F.Dick, whose retirement as Chairman of the University'sDepartment of Medicine, will be effective this fall16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEVice-president Kimpton, who served as Chief Administrative Officer of the Metallurgical Laboratory of theUniversity from 1943 to 1944 and as Dean of Studentsfrom 1944 to the present, will also become Dean of Faculties.Thirty-five years old, he was educated at Stanford andCornell Universities, receiving his bachelor's and master'sdegrees from the former, and his doctor of philosophyfrom the latter.He majored in the field of philosophy and was electedto Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholastic fraternity, duringhis junior year at Stanford. After receiving his doctorof philosophy degree in 1935, he served as teacher anddirector of the Deep Springs College in California until1941, when he resigned to initiate a large cattle ranchoperation in Nevada. In 1942, he returned to academicwork, accepting the post of Professor of Mathematics andPhilosophy and Dean of the Liberal Arts College of Kansas City University.Dean Strozier received his bachelor's degree in 1929and his master's degree in 1930 from Emory Universityin Atlanta and his doctor of philosophy degree from theUniversity of Chicago in 1945. He studied at the Sor-bonne in 1932. Before coming to the University, he wasAssociate Dean of Students, Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Director of the Army SpecializedTraining Program unit at the University of Georgia.Prof. Stone, son of the late Chief Justice Harlan FiskeStone, has served as Chairman of the Mathematics Department at Harvard since 1942 and as a staff member ofthe department since 1927. He holds three degrees fromHarvard and one from Kenyon College. He received hisbachelor of arts in 1922, his master of arts in 1924, andhis doctor of philosophy in 1926. His doctor of sciencedegree was granted by Kenyon College in 1939. In 1943,he served as President of the American MathematicalSociety, the highest academic honor within the gift ofmathematicians. A starred man of science, Prof. Stonewas awarded an honorary doctor's degree from the University of San Marcos in 1943.Dr. Coggeshall, who first served the University of Chicago as an instructor in medicine from 1930 to 1932 andas Assistant Professor from 1932 to 1935, received hisbachelor's, master's, and doctor's degrees from IndianaUniversity. During 1942, he was on leave from the University of Michigan to serve as Senior Medical Officerfor the Pan-American-Africa Airlines in establishing amedical department from the west coast of Africa toChina. On January 29, 1944, he was commissioned inthe United States Naval Reserve to direct a tropical disease study on malaria and filariasis.Prof. Newhouse, who was made a starred man ofscience in 1944, holds a bachelor of science degree fromPennsylvania State College and a master of science anda doctor of philosophy degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. During the war he was workingon titanium deposits in Wyoming in addition to his teaching at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Henry Calvert SimonsThe death of Henry Calvert Simons, Professor ofEconomics at the University, at Albert Merritt BillingsHospital June 19, was a heavy blow to the professionof economics and to the cause of economic freedom.One of the great intellects of this generation in thefield of social sciences, Prof. Simon was profoundly interested in discovering rules of action and structural socialarrangements which would possess political feasibility inthe more far-reaching and fundamental sense of promoting the "good society"- a society in which materialwell-being would be high, but of much greater importance, a liberal society, a society of free and rationalhuman beings.His proposals on economic policy were invariablythought out with great care, and were based upon ameticulously explicit and mature political philosophy.He was a nineteenth-century liberal, but since the word"liberal" has in recent years come to be used in a quitedifferent sense he preferred the word "libertarian."He was concerned lest society resort to a degree ofpersonal, discretionary, arbitrary rule by authorities tosuch an extent as seriously to restrict individual freedom.He believed that a democratic state could be maintainedonly if government were in conformity with known,definite, impersonal rules of law which grew out of theunderstanding approval of the public.The chief elements of his program for public policywere the maintenance of genuinely competitive marketsand adherence to an announced policy of stabilizingmonetary conditions, as reflected in a price-level indexby means of monetary-fiscal measures.His numerous writings, including The Requisites ofFree Competition, Economic Stability and Anti-TrustPolicy, Money, Tariffs and the Peace, are rigorous andcognent in presentation. His published articles completea coherent program, with one exception, despite the factthat he wrote no general treatise on public policy. Fortunately, the one gap left by his published writings is filledby an unpublished manuscript which presents his politicalphilosophy. This may be a book of essays in the not toodistant future.Undergraduate Teachers HonoredThree one-thousand dollar prizes, awarded annuallyat the University for excellence in undergraduate teaching, were presented on June 13 by Chancellor RobertM. Hutchins to Robert E. Keohane, Instructor in SocialSciences; F. Joseph Mullen, Assistant Professor of Physiology; and Eugene P. Northrup, Associate Professor ofMathematics.Both Keohane and Northrop are teachers in the College of the University, which accepts students after theirsophomore year in high school for a four-year programof general education. Mullen is Assistant Dean of Students in the Division of Biological Sciences. The prizes,the only such awards in the country, were inaugurated in1938 by an anonymous New York alumnus.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17Etc.The American Medical Association's top honor- the1946 distinguished service award was presented to Dr.Anton J. Carlson, Frank P. Hixon Distinguished ServiceProfessor Emeritus of Physiology. Dr. Carlson, a formerpresident of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, was honored with the A.M.A. awardfor his leadership in scientific research directed towardobjectives such as the raising of health and living standards. ...Theodore F. Schultz, acting chairman of the Department of Economics, has been appointed to serve on twoeconomic committees. He left for India June 17 for aone-month tour with members of the India FamineEmergency Committee, and he was appointed to makean extensive survey of the foreign economic relations ofthe United States for the Twentieth Century Fund. Alsoserving on the latter committee, which will conduct asurvey of the place of the U. S. in the world economyduring the period during the two world wars, are : PaulG. Hoffman, President of Studebaker Corporation andTrustee of the University, and Kermit Eby, '31, Directorof Education and Research of the Congress of IndustrialOrganizations. ...William N. Zachiarasen, Chairman of the Departmentof Physics, attended the International Conference of Crystallography in London in June. ...Louis Gottschalk, Professor of Modern History, andBernadotte E. Schmitt, Andrew MacLeish Distinguished Service Professor of Modern History on leave for government service, received certificates of appreciation fromSecretary of War Patterson and General H. H. Arnoldfor their work on a report gauging the reich potential.The report, a highly secret and accurate evaluation ofGermany's war potential, greatly contributed to the success of Allied bombing raids on German war industries. . . .Honorary degrees granted University of Chicago professors and trustees during June convocations include:Enrico Fermi, Nobel-prize physicist, and Harold C. Urey,Nobel-prize chemist, doctor of science degrees from Columbia University; Warren C. Johnson, Chairman of theDepartment of Chemistry, doctor of science at KalamazooCollege; Leonard D. White, Professor of Political Science,doctor of letters,' Dartmouth College; Henry Favill Tenney, attorney and Chairman of the Citizens Board, masterof arts at Williams College; Paul Gray Hoffman, Trustee,doctor of laws, Dartmouth College. . . .Peter P. H. DeBruyn, Associate Professor of Anatomy,has succeeded William Bloom, Professor of Anatomy, aschairman of the department. Prof. Bloom has joined thestaff of the Institute of Radiobiology and Biophysics. . . .The Maude O. Post Memorial Endowment has beenestablished at the University in memory of Miss Post, '07,who died in 1937. The $28,840 endowment, set up fromthe residuary estate of her father, Milton G. Post, willbe used for general purposes of the University.DOCUMENTARY FILM GROUPThe Documentary FilmGroup, a student organization,brought to the campus lastyear an unusual series of foreign and American films. Few,if any, of these films can beseen in the regular commercialtheaters. Kimiko, the first Japanese film to be shown in thiscountry was given a returnshowing. Shors and Turksibwere two famous Soviet filmswhich do much to explain thephilosophy underlying the Russian people and their struggletowards freedom and technological equality. Wedding ofPalo was a documentary in the Eskimo language, madeby the famous Norwegian explorer, Knud Rasmussen.French films, as usual, were in demand by students ofthe language as well as others. Bizarre Bizarre, Dr.Knock, both starring Louis Jouvet; The Puritan; andothers were presented.The Little Theater in the Reynolds Club, tried in theFall Quarter, proved too small and interfered with therehearsal of dramatic productions, and the Group thenmoved to Social Science 122 for the balance of the year. Edwards Myers, 38, hasserved the Group during thewar years as an alumni adviserwithout portfolio. For nextfall, James Bush, '47, of Ama-rillo, Texas, is Chairman; Joseph Kostolefsky, Washington,D. C, is Literary Chairman;John Breed; South Charleston,West Virginia, serves as Technical Chairman; H. RussellMorrison, Wilmington, acts asBusiness Manager, and Mr.Du-Fresne as Publicity Chairman. Students, participatingin the activities of the Group, learn true film appreciation and evaluation together with much experience inworking with and for the Documentary Film Group.Activities of the group include discussion groups analyzing the artistic, literary and social qualities of the films,as well as technical discussions on photography, soundrecording, direction and acting.Oldest film shown during the year was included in agroup collectively entitled Evoluation of'the Motion Picture. This was The Great Train Robbery made in 1903by the Edison Company, then producers of films.ALUMNI REUNIONTHE CLASS OF 1896The first full fledged class to have a fiftieth anniversarycelebrated at the Quadrangle Club, gathering around thepiano for a song and picture before adjourning to theprivate dining room for lunch. Pianist for the occasion wasMrs. Agnes Cook Gale. Seated with her on the benchis John F. Voigt (Chicago). Standing (from the eft):Bowman C. Lingle (Chicago); Samuel MacClintock Chicago); Ralph H. Johnson (Richmond, Va.); Elmer Todd (Seattle, Wash.); Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Butler Raycroft andDr. Joseph E. Raycroft (Princeton, N. J.); Dr. A. R. Wyant,present to represent his wife, Louise Hulbert, who passedaway within the year; Mrs. Demia Butler Gorrell, "98 (Hinsdale, IIL), sister of Mrs. Raycroft; Harry A Lipsky, (Chicago); Charles S. Pike (Detroit, Mich.); Ralph H. Hobart(Chicago); Mrs. Frances Williston Burks (Washington,D. C); Van Rensselaer Lansingh (New York, N. Y.).There are certain practical advantages in having theDepartment of Meteorology next door to Alumni House.By working closely with that department the AlumniAssociation was able to provide perfect weather forReunion Week.Alumni-Varsity Ball GameWith an incorruptible umpire permitting no short-cutsfrom second to home via the pitcher's mound and withthe seventh-inning arrival of the Varsity's star pitcher,fresh from a comprehensive examination, the score ofthis annual game was Varsity 9; Alumni 6. The C Dinner which followed at the Ida Noyes Dining Room waswell attended and honored the '96 baseball champions(see picture) .Class ReunionsAll class reunions ran on schedule and hilarity. Chancellor Hutchins was the guest of the Class of '21. President Colwell and other members of the administrationstaff lunched with the 191647ers in the Coffee Shop. The Nickelodian Interlude of old pictures attracted afirst-floor Mandel Hall crowd preceding the AlumniAssembly.Mandel Hall AssembliesThe Friday evening three star (Wright, Urey,Baukhage) Alumni School program brought a recordcrowd which filled Mandel Hall. The Alumni AssemblySaturday afternoon featured a three-part program: presentation of the Alumni Gift; awarding of citations; andChancellor Hutchins' report to the alumni. Nine of theeleven citation winners were present. Dr. Robert O.Brown was unable to attend from Phoenix, and FrankL. Eversull had left his position as president of NorthDakota Agricultural College to accept an appointmentby the War Department as Chief of Colleges for Korea.(See Page 6 for details about citations).The University SingFor the first evening in years Ned Earle, Art Cody andcompany provided an ideal evening for the sing with18THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 19moon, stars, no threatening clouds, a slight breeze andtemperature to the exact degree for summer outfits without fox furs. Many men had returned from the warswho not only knew the words but could sing in harmony giving the judges a real work-out on their quality scorepads.The Alpha Delts were celebrating their fiftieth anniversary with an elaborate homecoming program. Whentheir endless four-abreast column began to fill theHutchinson Court depression (with 220 men) no one wasin doubt as to who would win the quantity cup this year.Judging the eleven fraternities for quality almost calledfor technical training. The three faculty members fromthe Music Department had the training and provided theanswer: Delta Upsilon. Charlton Beck, who was brieflymemorialized in the afternoon Assembly, would have enjoyed being present to witness his fraternity receiving thequality cup.The Alumni GiftHow to report the Alumni Gift has always been a problem which the conscientious Alumni Foundation Boardhas never quite solved to its satisfaction until this year.Many alumni gifts, doubtless influenced by the pro-BASEBALL TEAMFive members of the 1896 Western Champion Baseballteam celebrated their fiftieth anniversary during Reunionweekend. Thursday they were the luncheon guests of ScottBrown at the University Club and at Wrigley Field for theCubs-Giants game. In the evening they were honoredguests at the C Banquet. Saturday they had their officialreunion luncheon at the Quadrangle Club where the picture was taken: Fielder George H. Sawyer (Osage, Iowa);Pitcher Scott Brown (Pasadena); Captain-First BasemanHarry D. Abells (Chicago); Catcher Haydn E. Jones (Chicago); and Catcher Charles Sumner Pike, with the batcago); and Catcher Charles Sumner Pike, (Detroit). gram of the Alumni Foundation, are made direct to theUniversity, among these being a few bequests each year.The Foundation Board agreed that all gifts from alumnito the University should be recorded in the AlumniOffice and reported to the alumni body. In the past,bequests have not been reported in the Foundation'stotal except by an asterisk footnote. This year they areincluded in the grand total which is likely to leave animpression of a larger increase than there actually was.We are giving you, therefore, a comparative report in thefollowing table for 1945 and 1946 which, by all measurements, shows 1946 the best year in the history of theAlumni Foundation.Alumni Day Alumni DayGifts made: June 9, 1945 June S, 1946Gifts Amount Gifts AmountThrough the Foundation 4,699 $ 63,522.06 5,174 $ 72,726.90Direct to University 116 48,024.97 113 135,530.74Through Bequests 4 107,168.62 9 152,388.78TOTAL 4,819 $218,715.65 5,296 $360,646.42In announcing these figures Alumni Foundation Chairman Arthur A. Baer pointed out that because theFoundation does not close its books until June 30, thesefigures would be larger in the final report.ALUMNAE BREAKFASTThe Alumnae moved back into the Ida Noyes diningroom for their annual Breakfast following the war yearswhen units of Uncle Sam's Navy occupied the dining roomwhile the ladies ate their "breakfasts" from their laps inother parts of the Clubhouse. At the speaker's table (inthe picture) are: Dean Emeritus Marion Talbot; Mrs. Harriet Freund Woodward; Mrs. Geraldtne Brown Gilkey(speaker for the occasion); and Mrs. Florence Cook Slayton,Chairman of the Committee on Women's Affairs of theAlumni Association who, with her committee, carried responsibility for the Breakfast.20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERobert W. KempPaul S. Jones PFC Melvin Sheldon, '44, whoserved with Company I, 335th Infantry, 84th Division, was killed atLindern, Germany on November 29,1944. His family have been informedby two soldiers who were with Melvin that they were taken prisoner inaction, and as they were beingmarched to the rear of the Germanlines the column of prisoners cameunder a barrage from American artillery and he was killed instantly.Melvin enlisted December 10, 1942,and was stationed at Camp Carson,Colorado, and Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, prior to going overseas October 1, 1944. He has been posthumously awarded the Purple Heart.Cpl. Harry H. ("Jim") Davis, '43,was killed August 9th, 1945, in aplane crash at Buckingham Air Base,Fort Myers, Florida. He was with aPsychological Unit doing gunneryresearch for the School of AviationMedicine at Randolph Field. He hadbeen in service for thirty one months,and was on loan from Keesler Field,Mississippi, to participate in researchwork, riding with crews under simulated combat conditions, to observereactions.Lt. Lewis E. Myers, Jr., '39, hasbeen declared dead by the Navy Department. His last assignment wasaboard the submarine U. S. S. Trout,unreported since February 16, 1944.Lewis enlisted in October, 1940, andupon completion of training at Annapolis he was commissioned an Ensign and served aboard the U. S. S.Little, which landed Marines atGuadalcanal and Tulagi opening theSolomons Campaign. When the Little was sunk Lt. Myers was rescued after swimming seven hours, and hesubsequently volunteered for submarine duty and was assigned to theU. S. S. Trout, last heard of in theChina Sea on offensive patrol. Lt.Myers was awarded the PurpleHeart, and wore the Asiatic-PacificArea Medal with three bronze stars.T/Sgt. Philip Allen, '32, was killedon his twenty-fourth mission overGermany on April 14, 1945. He entered the service in June, 1942, andwas stationed first at Camp Bland-ing, Florida, later being transferredto Camp Forrest, Tennessee. He wasselected to perform the task of intercepting and decoding German messages in code transmitted during flying operations. He was sent overseasin July, 1944, and joined the 392ndBombardment Group, 579th Squadron. He was awarded the Air Medaland two Oak Leaf Clusters.Lt. Paul S. Jones, '43, was killed onFebruary 4, 1944, on his thirteenthmission over Germany. He enteredthe Air Force in July, 1942, and wastrained at Monroe, Louisiana, receiving his commission in September,1943. He was navigator of a B-17bomber, and seven of the crew, including Paul, were killed when theplane was shot down.Lt. Robert W. Kemp, '44, has beendeclared dead after having been missing in action over Yugoslavia sinceJanuary 2d, 1945. Lt. Kemp, a B-24pilot, was lost while returning froma combat mission over Linz, Austria.He had been overseas four monthsand in service two years when hewas reported missing. He held theAir Medal and a Presidential UnitCitation.Lewis E. Myers, Jr. Melvin Sheldon Philip AllenTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21Maurice J. McEUigottCaptain Maurice J. McEUigott,MD '35, died at Tuscon, Arizona,April 24, 1945, of cardiac asthma.He enlisted in the Army Air Corpsin July, 1942, and was transferred toLowry Field at Denver. Later he wasChief of Surgical Service at FortLogan, Colorado. In August, 1943,he was attached to the 563rd Hospital Ship Platoon and served in Australia and New Guinea. Taken ill inNew Guinea, he was returned to SanFrancisco in December, 1944. James B. StauderCapt. James B. Stauder, '36, waslost November 25, 1944, when hisplane crashed into the English Channel during a severe storm while returning from a mission over Germany. He entered the Army in June,1940. He was graduated as pilotfrom Roswell Field, N. M., flying toEngland in October, 1943, where heserved with the 392nd BomberGroup, and later the 255 FighterGroup. A command pilot, he wasawarded the Distinguished Flying Lincoln ClarkCross with two Oak Leaf Clusters,the Air Medal with four Oak LeafClusters, and the Purple Heart.Lt. Lincoln Clark, '38, died whenthe Japanese prison ship on which hewas being transferred from the Philippines to Japan was sunk by bombers. He entered the service in 1940and left almost immediately for thePhilippines. Captured by the Japanese at the fall of Bataan peninsula, he was a prisoner until March,1942, when he was killed.NEWS OF THE CLASSES1890Charles Wesley Gillin, MD, writesus that at 81 he can still turn handsprings, and tried in vain to get intoWorld War II. He is living in NorthHollywood, California.1899Josephine T. Allin has just returnedto Chicago from a three months' tripto Mexico and California, and reportsa grand time, but thinks it's grand tobe back.1900L. Allen Higley, PhD '07, is Deanat King's College, Newcastle, Delaware.1901Josephine M. Burnham was retiredas Professor of English at the University of Kansas in June, 1945, butwas recalled into service and taughtduring the past academic year.Samuel A. Lynch, AM, is retiringat the close of this academic year atIowa State Teachers College. He sayshe feels certain that the fact that liedid graduate work at the Universitywas a very important factor in hiselection to the position of Head ofthe Department of English thirty-seven years ago. RECENT VISITORS TO ALUMNIHOUSENorris C. Bakke, '19Joseph E. Raycroft, '96Fred R. Nichols, '12George H. Sawyer, '99Elmer E. Todd, '96Louise Harsha Bennett, '21Raymond Witcoff, '42Stiles Lessly, AM '26, DB '29Wayland W. Magee, '05Leo J. Cieminski, AM '41C. S. Pike, '96Scott Brown, '97Arnold J. Hoffman, '20Donald S. Bradford, '17Fred Holmes, '13Florence Catlin Brown, '11Joseph Jacobson, '42Marian P. van de Griendt, '28Herbert Renberg, '41Conrado Benitez, '111902Mrs. E. Dean Ellenwood (FlorenceAshcraft) is wife of the minister ofthe First Universalist Church inWoonsocket, Rhode Island, and servesalso as Supervisor of Religious Education and Youth Adviser and Coun sellor. She is a member of the Boardof Directors of the Woonsocket DayNursery and the Child Placing Association.1903After forty-three years, William S.Mortensen, MD Rush, is retiring fromactive practice.1904Charles F. Leland moved to Chicago in June, where he will be salesmanager with Executive Counsel,Inc., 64 East Jackson Boulevard.Mrs. C. V. Englund (Mary L.Kringel, AM) is registrar and teacherof English at Denver Bible College inDenver. Her daughter, Ruth, servedas. 1st Lieutenant with the 90th General Hospital in France, and she losta son, a pilot in the Marine Corps,in an accident off the coast of California.Marion W. Segner writes: "Afterthirty-two years of service in Pasadena Junior College, I retired in 1941to help fight the war. Have been exceedingly busy ever since."1908Mrs. A. M. Allison (Marguerite E.Marks) has moved from 345 Or-22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDR. CARR RETIRESEmma Perry Carr, '05, PhD TO,distinguished woman chemist, willretire from Mount Holyoke College faculty at the end of the present academic year, it was recentlyannounced.Dr. Carr in 1937 received thefirst Francis Garvan medal awardedbiennially by the American Chemical Society to "an outstandingwoman chemist" for her researchin physical chemistry, particularly in the measurement of absorption spectra, and for the unusualgroup research technique developed under her guidance in theMount Holyoke chemistry department, of which she has been chairman since 1913.Dr. Carr represented the National Research Council three times atinternational chemistry conferences and in 1944 she served asvisiting professor of chemistry atthe University of Mexico underthe auspices of the State Department. Councillor of the AmericanChemical Society for five years,and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement ofScience, she belongs to Phi BetaKappa and Sigma Xi.chard Lane, where she had residedfor twenty-eight years, to 331 Central Avenue, Highland Park, Illinois.From July 2, 1945, until February6, 1946, Charles C. Staehling was assigned by the War Department toserve in the U. S. Army Universityat Biarritz, France. He reports thework was successful beyond expectations.1909Harry W. Harriman, JD '11, ispracticing law at Madison, Wisconsin, where he was counsel for theBanking and Public Service Commissions for 19 years.The retirement of Walter F. Sanders, AM '17, as dean of the facultyof Park College, Parkville, Missouri,became effective June 30. Dean Sanders was retired under the school'spolicy of retirement at the age of65. He will continue at the collegeas professor of languages, it was announced. Dr. Sanders is one of ourmost loyal alumni, having been chairman of the Alumni Foundation inParkville since its very beginning.1911Mrs. Melville S. Brown. (FlorenceMay Catlin) came east from SanDiego in May to bury her mother in Wisconsin. She is spending the summer at Annapolis, where her son, Lt.Comdr. Garrison Brown is takingpost graduate work at the NavalAcademy. She is on leave from herposition as editor of features and -associate editor of the "North Islander,"the newspaper of the Naval Air Station at San Diego, California.Wesley M. Gewehr, AM '12,PhD '22, has been spending the pastyear teaching in the U S. Army Universities at Shrivenham, England,and Biarritz, France. He is now completing his contract by serving on theLecture Bureau of the I & E Division, and, with two colleagues on adiscussion panel, has been travellingover much of Germany. They discuss such international questions as"Russia Partner or Menace" and"What Are the Chances for a Durable Peace?"C. Noel Griffis is publisher of the"Andean Air-Mail and PeruvianTimes" at Lima, Peru. Mrs. Griffisis the former Oline Forman Bickell,also of the Class of Ee-o-leven. Theirtwo sons volunteered in the U. S.Army from Peru, and Lt. David Griffis served in the Air Transport Command, while Capt. Donald Griffis isnow in Germany with the Army ofOccupation.1912A. Boyd Pixley, who has been serving as Food Consultant to the Secretary of War, received the followingcitation in a ceremony on April 24,1946: "The War Department expresses its appreciation for patrioticservice in a position of trust and responsibility to A. Boyd Pixley who,as a consultant during the periodfrom October, 1944, *to the presentdate, contributed his experience andleadership in the food industry to theimprovement of Army mess service.His faithfulness and technical skillwere important factors in the development of the Food Service Programof the Army.1913Mary L. Porter writes: "Since Iwas five years old, I've studied ortaught every year even until now,when, at 75 I'm definitely retiringfrom teaching. My address afterJuly 20 will be Monette, South Carolina."Augusta Anne Swawite writes:"Voted the most athletic woman ofthe Class of 1913, I believe I can stilllay claim to part of that title for Iam just finishing my 25th year ofteaching Physical Education, twenty-three years being in the Chicago Normal College and Woodrow Wilson Junior College with two years asphysiotherapist in the SpaldingSchool. Painted posters for theW.AA. and the Y.W.C.A. while incollege. Now paint well enough tohave a canvas accepted by the ArtInstitute of Chicago for their 48thAnnual Exhibition. . . ."1914Mrs. James W. Pcarce (Lydia M.Lee) has been shuttling betweenPasco and Seattle, Washington for thepast six months. Her husband's office is in Seattle, but he is doing somereclamation work in the Columbiabasin, hence the "shuttling." Shewas "dragooned" into teaching inPasco as the town has mushroomedsince 1941 and the teaching force wasinadequate.1915Mary Koll Heincr is a member ofthe research staff, New York StateCollege of Home Economics, CornellUniversity.Oscar W. Silvey, PhD, has justended his first year of modified service in the A. & M. College of Texas.He was retired as Head of the PhysicsDepartment in September, in whichcapacity he had served for thirtyyears.1916Morris M. Leighton, PhD, Chief,Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, addressed the staffs and graduate students of the Departments ofGeology at Harvard University onApril 22, at Columbia University onApril 25, and at Yale University onApril 26, on the subject "The Operation of a Modern State GeologicalSurvey."Lawrence J. MacGregor, whowrote "A Great Gulf Has BeenFixed" for our March, 1946, issue,has recently been elected a Trusteeand Member of the Finance Committee of the three leading colored institutions in Atlanta, Georgia: AtlantaUniversity, Morehouse College, andSpelman College. Mr. MacGregor isPresident of the Summit Trust Company in Summit, New Jersey; a Director and member of the FinanceCommittee of the Mutual Benefit LifeInsurance Company, and President ofthe Board of Trustees of Kent PlaceSchool, as well as President of . theBoard of Directors of the MorrisCounty Children's Home of New Jerisey. , ¦. , ¦ ,,.;1917Elinor Pancoast, AM '22, PhD '27/is Professor of Economies^ and Chairman of the Department of Economicsand Sociology at Goucher j College;THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGODuring the war she held positionswith the OPA, Office of Civilian Defense, and the Social Security Board.Patricia Parmelee is Activities Director with the International Institute of Boston. She writes that shefound herself in this field with specialinterest in folk arts through a hobbypursued and developed while in NewYork City from 1923 to 1940. Shehas had some interesting jobs andhonors related particularly to the folkdance during the past few years, suchas Director, Rainbow Room, RadioCity for Dance Internationale; Associate Director American Common atthe New York World's Fair and folkeditor of the magazine "EducationalDance." During the war years shehas been active in work in militaryhospitals and USO's around Boston.1918Leo Brandes, MD Rush '21, writesus that he has enlarged his offices recently; the influx to Sunny Californiahas not permitted any post-war letdown.Last July Frank R. Gay, AM,PhD '26, began to serve as head ofthe Area of Languages and Literaturein Chapman College, Los Angeles.For thirty-five years he had been Professor of Classics in Bethany College(West Virginia).Lee Sutherlin has just been separated from service after five years,and is working as research engineerwith Westinghouse Electric at theLamp Division, Bloomfield, New Jersey.1919Elizabeth J. Hart is secretary to theBoard of Temple Israel and to itsRabbi, Lon H. Silberman.1920Lawrence M. Graves, PhD '24,writes us that, his opus: "Theory ofFunctions of Real Variables" is going through birth pangs with McGraw-Hill Book Company and isscheduled to appear in the fall.Emma M. McCredie is leaving soonfor an extended trip through SouthAmerica, Guatemala and Mexico.The family of James K. Mulligan,AM '37, now numbers three, with theaddition of Jean last July. The othersare Kathryn and Martha. They areliving in Boston where Dad is AreaClassification Chief with the NavyDepartment.Mabel R. Naylor (Mabel Rosseter)has joined the UNRRA staff and isgoing to Shanghai as "Relief Administration Specialist" for a year. Herdaughter, Marjorie, received her MDthis June, and son Ted enters Carleton College in the fall. 1922Lt. Col. Gordon E. Davis, SM, hasrecently been awarded the UnitedStates of America Typhus Commission Medal for exceptionally meritorious service with the Commission inAssam and Burma.Harold F. Gosnell, PhD, is Consultant, War History Branch, Department of State, in charge of writingover-all history of activities of theState Department during the war. Heis living in Bethesda, Maryland, andenjoys sketching with pastels, penand ink, and block printing for relaxation.Samuel L. Perzik, MD Rush '25,has been working for the past threeyears at the Memorial Hospital forCancer and Allied Diseases of NewYork City as a fellow of the NationalCancer Institute. He expects to resume his practice in Oncology in LosAngeles in January, 1947.Julian F. Smith, PhD, was in uniform August 7 to December 21, 1945,as a civilian officer and had about6,000 miles of jeep touring Germanyfor the Textiles Subcommittee for theTechnical Industrial IntelligenceBpard. His itinerary included mostof the large German cities, with sidetrips to France, Holland, Denmarkand Sweden.1923Joseph Pratt Harris, PhD, is Deanof the School of Government at theUniversity of California in Berkeley.Mrs. Theresa K. Kirby (TheresaC. Keidel, AM '30) has been assistant superintendent of HamiltonCounty Schools for four years. Herspecial function is supervision of thekindergarten and primary grades. Sheis living in Cincinnati, Ohio.Ruth T. Lehman, AM, PhD '45,is associate professor of Home Economics at Ohio State University, andis engaged in research in Home Economics education.1924Carl J. Rees, AM, is back at theUniversity of Delaware where he isChairman of Graduate Study andProfessor and Head of the Department of Mathematics. During thewar he served as Operation Analyst,Chief of Section, 14th Air Force inChina, with temporary duty in England and India.Zaven M. Seron, MD '31, has beenout of uniform since the first of theyear, and is in private practice inSebring, Fla.1925Harold V. Lucas, AM, served withthe overseas U.S.O. as director inNatal, Belem and Recife from 1943- MAGAZINE 2345. He is now with the USO 1947s Finance Campaign for Southern Cali-j fornia.Robert A. Lundy is director of the"New York Office of the World Mis-a sion Crusade of the Northern BaptistConvention. His denomination is engaged in a campaign to raise $14,000,-000 for its post-war relief and re-^ habilitation program.^ Kathryn A. McHenry has beene chief dietitian at the Veterans Hospi-_j tai in Hines, Illinois, since 1928. Lasta March she was promoted to Chief,Dietitic Division, Veterans Administration Branch Office No. 7. Her} hobbies are color photography, col-^ lecting paintings and symphony rec-ords, and travel "when it can bedone." " '¦ 'PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sumps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE1545 E. 63RD STREETFAIRFAX 0330-0550-0880PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICE1545 EAST 63RD STREETBIENENFELDGLASS CORP. OF ILLINOISChicago's Most Complete Stock ofGLASS1525 PhoneW. 35th St Lafayette 8400BOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.Al! Phones OAKIand 0492BLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering; Graceful Living to University and Business Women a^Moderate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, Director24 THE UN IVTuckerDecorating Service1360 East 70th StreetPhone MIDway 4404Arthur MichaudelDesigner and Maker ofDistinctive Stained Glass Windows542 North Paulina Street, ChicagoTelephone Monroe 2423MOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIHOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone Dorchester 1579Alice Banner Englewood 3181COLORED HELPFACTORY HELPSTORESSHOPSMILLS FOUNDRIESEnglewood Emp. Agcy., 5534 S. State St.Telephone KENwood 1352J. E. KIDWELL FhrM826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago 15, IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELL RSITY OF CHICAGO1926Major Wallace W. Atwood, Jr., isstill in uniform as Chief of the StaffService Model Section, Office, Chiefof Engineers. They are producingsmall scale operational models forthe Chief of Staff and OperationsDivision, U. S. Army. Major Atwoodwas recently awarded the ArmyCommendation Ribbon and the Legion of Merit. He expects to complete his Army assignment in July orAugust and return to his teachingwork at Clark University this comingfall.Commander Theodore H. Gasteyer,MD '31, served as Senior MedicalOfficer on the troop transport U.S.S.General Omar Bundy. He has beenreleased from the Navy and is nowpracticing medicine in Oak Lawn.Illinois.David M. Kingsley, MD Rush '32,was discharged from the Army withthe rank of Major, and will spendnext year as fellow at New YorkOrthopaedic Dispensary and Hospital in New York City.1927Madi Bacon, AM '41, (HelenaMaria Bacon) is Dean of the Schoolof Music at Roosevelt College in Chicago, was a lecturer in the Music Department on the quadrangles thespring quarter, and is teaching choral conducting and literature at theUniversity of California in Berkeleythis summer.Harold E. Davis, AM, has returnedto his position as Dean of Administration at Hiram College, Hiram.Ohio.Kurt F. Leidecker, PhD, is with theU. S. Army Air Forces at WrightField, Dayton, Ohio, and New YorkCity as Chief, Dictionary Unit andEditor in Chief of Aeronautical Dictionary in Air Materiel Command,Air Documents Division, IntelligenceT-2.1928Elvin E. Overton, JD '31, has accepted a position at the Universityof Tennessee as Professor of Law. Heis returning there from Philadelphia,having previously been at Tennesseein 1933/1929Being the president seems to comeeasily to George J. Buchy of Ohio, forhe serves in that capacity with theCharles G. Buchy Packing Company,the Greenville (Ohio) Board of Education, and the Greenville MasonicTemple Company. In addition, heis the immediate past president of theGreenville Kiwanis Club. M AG AZI N EHattie C. Harris, '29, has beenteaching in Holding Institute, Laredo,Texas, for the past two years, helpingout for the "duration" which stillcontinues. She will bq at home inEureka, Illinois, this summer.Paul L. Hollister, SM, is going towork this summer with the Bureau ofEntomology and Plant Quarantine ofthe U. S. Department of Agriculture,and will start in September as Associate Professor of Biology at Tennessee Polytechnical Institute in Cooke-ville, Tennessee. His son, who hasbeen in the Army, is scheduled forseparation by September.Sam Street Hughes, JD, of Lansing,Michigan, has recently received wordthat Military Government Unit C-13,of which he was in command, received the Secretary of Navy's UnitCommendation.Willis H. Johnson, SM, PhD, '32,has resigned his position at Stanfordas Professor of Biology to accept theChairmanship of the Department ofZoology at Wabash College, startingSeptember 1.1930Emma Beekmann, AM, has beenin residence on the campus for thespring quarter writing up the resultsof a research project on civic education, which she carried out for theCommittee on Human Development.John M. Buchanan, MD '35, was aMajor in the Army Medical Corps.and has recently completed terminalleave. He returns to private practiceon August 1, in Huntington Park,California.After serving three years in theNavy, Virginia C. Farinholt, AM,PhD '36, has gone to Mexico to studyat the National University under theG.I. Bill. In addition she was awardeda fellowship for Latin American studyby her fraternity, Kappa KappaGamma.After two and a half years with theMedical Department of the U. S.Army, Harold B. Kenton, PhD '33,has returned to the New EnglandDeaconess Hospital in Boston as Director of the Blood Bank and of theBacteriological Laboratory.At the June convocation, TeachersCollege, Columbia University, the degree of Doctor of Education wasawarded to Mabel M. Riedinger, AM.1931William H. Clay, SM '32, servedfor three years in the U. S. NavalReserve as Engineering Officer atvarious Naval Air Bases. He was released from active duty last November as LieutenantTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGrace M. Henderson, SM, has leftthe Department of Home Economicsat the University of Arkansas to accept a position with the Departmentof Home Economics at Penn StateCollege.Julian D. Weiss, JD '33, and Mrs.Weiss are now confirmed Califor-nians. He is^now President and Managing Director of First InvestmentCorporation in Beverly Hills, actingas investment counsel and consultingeconomist for corporations and individuals.1932Luis W. Alvarez, SM '34, PhD '36,and Mrs. Alvarez (Geraldine Smith-wick, '34) are back in Berkeley California, where he has just been promoted to Professor of Physics, after ayear and a half at Los Alamos, NewMexico. He went to M.I.T. in 1940for three years of radar development,spent three months in England withthe RAF, then nine months in Chicago on the atomic bomb project before going to New Mexico. He flewover the Alamagordo atomic bombtest in a B-29, and three weeks laterwas in another B-29 over Hiroshimawhen the first combat bomb was exploded.George R. Benson, MD, served inthe army as a flight surgeon andspent two years in Africa, Italy andCorsica. He has recently been separated with the rank of LieutenantColonel, and has accepted a positionwith the Veterans Administration inthe Chicago Branch Office.1933Robert L. Cashman is out of theArmy and is working at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.Thomas P. Draine, MBA '39, recently wound up his Navy service andhas started work with Union Carbideand Carbon Company as an accountant in the Foreign Department.Keith I. Parsons, JD '37, formerlyMajor in the Army and Chief of theLegal Division of the Chicago Ordnance District, has returned to thepractice of law in partnership withVictor C. Milliken, '22, JD '24, andEdward L. Vollers, under the firmname of Milliken, Vollers and Parsons, with offices at 231 South LaSalle Street in Chicago.Harold W. Rigney, SB, SM,PhD '37, is now at the Catholic University of Peiping, Peiping, China.Archie Smith, JD, was formerlyAssistant Attorney General of RhodeIsland, and is now counsel to theAttorney General of Rhode Island.He is living in Providence. 1934Clarence L. Cade is personnel officer with the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization inMontreal, Canada.Edgar W. Martin, AM, PhD '42,recently completed terminal leaveand in September will assume dutiesas Professor and Head of the Department of Economics at Illinois College,Jacksonville, Illinois.Alexander Spoehr, PhD '40, completed his active naval career recently and has returned to the Chicago Natural History Museum as curator of Oceanic Ethnology.1935John Auld is now ex-Navy afterfour years, and is living in Honolulu,where he is working for the CaliforniaPacking Corporation.Edward S. Burge, MD, was released from active service in May,and is back in private practice andliving in Evanston.Donald E. Fields, PhD, was released from the Army in 1945, andis at present working in the JohnsHopkins University Library. David F. Matchett, Jr., JD, hasresumed the practice of law in Chicago after 3% years in the Army, thelast year as an officer in the JudgeAdvocate General's Department.After three and a half years in theArmy Air Forces, Lewis L. Robbins,MD '38, is now back at MenningerClinic in Topeka, as head of the Out-Patient Department. He is also aConsultant in Psychiatry at WinterGeneral Hospital.Since June 1, 1945, Harold W.Thatcher, PhD, has been Chief ofthe Historical Section, Office of theQuartermaster General, War Department, Washington, D. C. This section is preparing in narrative form ahistory of the activities of the Quartermaster Corps in World War II.James R. Cornish, MBA '38, is living in Arkansas City, Kansas, wherehe is city editor and sports editor ofthe "Arkansas City Daily Traveler."He was discharged in March, after16 months in the European theater.Hazel Davis, AM, is editing theYearbook of the N.E.A. Departmentof Elementary School Principals on"Learning World Goodwill in the Elementary School." She has also beena member, since December, 1945, ofthe Consumer Advisory Committeeof the OPA, of which Hazel Kyrk,'10, PhD '20 is chairman.Theodore Kolb was dischargedfrom the Navy last December, and isnow back at his former position as ENGLEWOODELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.Distributors, Manufacturers and Jobbers ofELECTRICAL MATERIALS ANDFIXTURE SUPPLIES5801S. Halsted Street Englewood7500BOYDSTON BROS.All phones OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.CADILLAC EQUIPMENT EXCLUSIVELYThe Best Place to Eat on the South SideCOLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone Hyde Park 6324RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMonroe 3192PETERSONFIREPROOFWAREHOUSESTORAGEMOVINGForeign DomesticShipments55th & ELLIS AVENUEPHONEMIDway 970026 THE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO MAGAZINESTENOTYPYLearn new, speedy machine shorthand. Lesseffort, no cramped fingers or nervous fatigue.Also other courses: Typing, Bookkeeping,Comptometry, etc. Day or evening. Visit,write or phone for data.Bryant>0 StrattonCOLLEGE18 S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Randolph 1575SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 94 Years23 N. Wabash Ave.PHYSICIANS SUPPLIESChicago, IllinoisLEI GH ' SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERGEO. D. MILLIGANCOMPANYPAINTING CONTRACTORS2101-9 South Kedzie AvenuePhone: Rockwell 8060 treasurer and general manager ofThe Peerless Company, Incorporated,in Providence, R. I.1937Joseph J. Ceithaml, PhD '41, waspromoted to the rank of AssistantProfessor in Biochemistry at the University in January, and is now doingresearch in that department as wellas teaching Biological Sciences in theCollege of the University.Robert S. Hardy, PhD, formerly amember of the faculty of Robert College, Istanbul, Turkey, has been appointed personnel director of theNear East College Association, andwill be responsible for procuringteaching and administrative personnel for the eight colleges affiliatedwith the association.Jacob Meshken, SB, MD '37,served in the Army four years, 33months of which he spent overseaswith the 12 th Evacuation Hospital,Third Army, as. Hospital Neuropsy-chiatrist. He commenced the practice of neuro-psychiatry in Bridgeport, Conn., in February, 1946.On July 1, Francis J. Phillips, MD,became superintendent and thoracicsurgeon at the Morgan Heights Sanatorium, Marquette, Michigan. He isalso doing consultation practice, andwas recently elected to associatemembership in the American Association for Thoracic Surgery.John C. Ransmeier, MD, was separated from active duty in the medicalcorps of the Army in April, and isnow engaged in the practice of internal medicine in Washington, D. C.On July 1, 1946, John A. Vieg,PhD, assumes his duties as Professorof Government and Chairman of theDepartment of Government at Pomona College.1938Jesse Raymond Adams, AM, is living in Seattle, Washington, where heis Assistant Manager of GovernmentHousing in the Regional Office.Major Donald W. Decker returnedto inactive duty in May, and is establishing a building and real estate business in Denver, under the name ofDecker and Company.Raymond Ellickson, PhD, Assistant Professor of Physics at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, has accepted a position as Associate Professor of Physics at Reed College.Portland, Ore.Gordon P. Freese was loaned as aconsultant on financial administrationby the U. S. Government to the Secretariat of the United Nations, firstin London, and now in the UnitedStates. E. Y. Hartshorne, PhD, is servingas Chief, Higher Education Branch,Office of Military Government,Greater Hesse, Germany. His thirdchild, a daughter, Caroline, was bornSeptember 10, 1945.Myron T. Hopper, PhD, is completing a book of worship services foryouth to be published by the Christian Board of Publication. He is going on sabbatical leave from the College of the Bible in Lexington, Kentucky, in September, 1946, and willbe visiting lecturer in religious education and psychology of religion atUnion Theological Seminary, in addition to carrying on research in psychology of worship.Mrs. Dwight E. Clark (EleanorMelander) is living in Oak Ridge,Tennessee, where Captain Clark issurgeon on the Oak Ridge HospitalStaff. She and Judy and Betty, theirtwo little girls, have been down therefor almost a year.1939After August 1, August P. Baetke,AM, will be connected with the staffof Wartburg College at Waverly,Iowa.Jack K. Balcombe was dischargedfrom the Royal Canadian Air Forcein September, and is now living inVictoria, British Columbia.Leland H. Carlson, PhD, of theDepartment of History at Northwestern University, his wife (La VerneLarsen, '31, SM '36) and the twochildren, Tim and Kay, will be traveling this summer in a newly purchased trailer. He intends to spendthe summer in research work on English seventeenth century history, atthe Huntington Library in San Marino, California, and will also workat the Bancroft Library, Berkeley.California, and the University ofWashington Library in Seattle. Asa final touch,- they plan to go toAlaska where he will utilize a collection of 100,000 letters of the U. S,Customs, deposited at Juneau in theTerritorial Library.Charles E. Crane was dischargedfrom service in March, and plans toreturn to the quadrangles next fallto complete his work in the LawSchool.Donald B. Eicher, SM, who hasbeen in Cairo, Egypt, with the Standard Oil Company, has returned tothe States and is living in Berwyn,Illinois.Margaretta is withUNRRA in China where she is FieldDependent Group Specialist in theChinese Rehabilitation Administration.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27Harold R. Willoughby Charles T. HolmanTwo members of the University faculty and the Alumni Associationwere honored by their undergraduate schools in June. WesleyanUniversity at Middletown, Connecticut, conferred the degree of Doctorof Letters on Harold R. Willoughby, PhD '24, of the New TestamentDepartment. McMaster University at Hamilton, Canada, conferredthe degree of Doctor of Divinity on Charles T. Holman, DB '16, Professor of Pastoral Duties.Rexford A. Horton, AM '40, wasdischarged from the Army Air Forcesin November, 1945, and is now Director, Newspaper and Radio Section of Veterans Administration Hospitals at Hines, Illinois.Jack P. Kornfeld is out of uniformand in business for himself as partnerof the Dor-Lee Products Company,making camping trailers.Ruth K. Moser, SM, assumes thetitle of Director of Nursing at St.Luke's Hospital in New York Cityon August 1.Robert R. Reynolds resigned hisposition as assistant geologist, IllinoisState Geological Survey on May 1, toaccept a position as geologist and engineer with the Inland Lead and ZincCompany of Lewiston, Wisconsin.1940Bernice L. Anderson, SM, is nutritionist with the Indiana StateBoard of Health, a position she hasheld since May 1, 1940.Frederic A. de Peyster, MD, isresident surgeon at Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago.Elizabeth Essington is still in Germany and is a captain in the Club-mobile Service of the American RedCross. She has been overseas fornearly two years, serving in England,France, Austria and Germany. Sheis the daughter of Mrs. Thurlow G.Essington (Davie Hendricks, '08).Pearl C. Salsberry, AM, is now associate professor in the School of So cial Work at the University of SouthCarolina in Columbia, S. C.After over five years in the U. S.Marine Corps (2J4 years overseasand 2 years teaching at Commandand Staff School) Martin Levin isreturning to the campus to do graduate work in the Department of Education.Captain Norman B. SigbandAM '41, and 1st Lt. Joan L. Sigbandbecame civilians and resumed thetitle of Mr. and Mrs. Sigband earlythis year. The former returned fromGermany, the latter from the Philippines and they are now living onChicago's North Side. Mr. Sigbandworked as a combat historical reporter and after V-E day edited atwo volume detailed tactical and logistical history of a phase of theEuropean War. He is now assistantprofessor of English at DePaul University in Chicago. Mrs. Sigbandwas an Army nurse on Leyte.Lewis R. Sprietsma is now Vocational Rehabilitation and EducationOfficer, Veterans Administration, atIllinois Institute of Technology following his discharge from service.Forrest M. Swisher, MD, and hiswife, Lois Hay Swisher, are now residing in Tacoma, Washington, aftera trek across the country AtlanticCity, New Jersey; Palm Springs andVan Nuys, California; and finally Tacoma. Capt. Swisher is stationed atMadigan General Hospital, Fort Telephone Haymarlcot 3120E. A. AARON & BROS. Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributors ofCEDERGREEN FROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water MarketJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in ell its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 09000901Retail Deliveries Daily and SundaysQuality and Serviee Since 1181TELEPHONE HAYMARKET 4566O'CALLAGHAN BROS.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.Phone: Saginaw 3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeake RepairedFree EetimateeFRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.8019 Bennett St.Ash jian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED (MlOriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone Regent 6000Timothy A. BarrettPLASTERERRepairing A Specialty5549 S. Cottage Grove Ave.Phone Hyde Park 0653La Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE.. CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State 1350Bittoa Niw Ysrk Philadelphia SyruuM28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESince 1878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholstersFurniture Repairing1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 7180Phones Oakland 069006910692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueAMERICANPHOTO ENGRAVING CO.Photo EngraversArtists EleetrotypersMakers of Printing Plates429 TelephoneS. Ashland Blvd. Monroe 7515EASTMAN COAL CO.Established 1902YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone Seeley 4488ECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKSGalvanized Iron and Copper CornicesSkylights, Gutters, Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbestos Roofing1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893Albert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Harris, '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6A. T. STEWART LUMBER COMPANYEVERYTHING inLUMBER AND MILLWORK7855 Greenwood Ave. Vin 9000410 West 1 llth St. Pul 0034 MISSION TO CZECHOSLOVAKIAThree University of Chicago alumni were among the ten top-ranking American physicians and surgeons who left New York recently on a mission of Czechoslovakia. Dr. Alexander Brunschwig,'23, SM '24, MD '27, surgeon, and Dr. Ralph W. Gerard, '19, PhD'21, MD '25, physiologist, both of the faculty of the University, andDr. J. E. M. Thomson, MD '15, orthopedic surgeon, of Lincoln, Nebraska, are the Chicago men on this mission.They are going at the request of the Czech government, under theauspices of UNRRA and the Unitarian Service Committee, and willspend three months of concentrated effort in bringing the benefitsof American wartime medical advances to doctors and students inPrague, Brno and Bratislavia. They take with them research andtechnical information embodying advances made in American medicine during the more than eight years when Czechoslovakia's historicmedical schools were closed and cut off from the outside world byGerman aggression.In requesting the mission, the Czech government stressed the importance of sending top ranking representatives only, men of highacademic standing and national reputation with sufficient prestige"to teach the teachers". The Americans will participate in clinics,round table discussions, seminars and will give lectures before medicalsocieties as their part in helping to get Czech medical service backon its feet.Other members of the teaching staff besides Dr. Brunschwig, Dr.Gerard and Dr. Thomson are: Dr. Everett D. Plass, University ofIowa obstetrician and gynecologist; Dr. Paul D. White, MassachusettsGeneral Hospital, Harvard, cardiologist; Dr. Leo M. Davidoff, neurosurgeon, Columbia University; Dr. L. Emmett Holt, Jr., pediatrician,New York University; Dr. Otto Krayer, pharmacologist, HarvardUniversity; Dr. Joseph Volker, dentist, Tufts College, Boston, Mass.The executive director of the mission is Dr. Erwin Kohn, field secretary of the Unitarian service medical projects.Lewis, Washington, and is on the orthopedic service there. They havetwo sons, Charles Lee (born September 2, 1942) and James Hay (bornJanuary 18, 1945).1941John R. Argall was dischargedfrom the Army in February with therank of captain, after 26 monthsoverseas, part of which time he servedas aide-de-camp to General H. S.Aurand.Robert I. Brickman, MD '44, leftSan Francisco in March for servicewith the Army in Japan as Lieutenant in the Medical Corps.Albert Leland Jamison, PhD, wasseparated from the Army as a Majorin the Chaplain Corps, and is returning to the faculty of Princeton University.Gordon Koch, MBA '46, was discharged from the Army in April withthe rank of Lieutenant, and is now inindustrial sales of building materialsand is living in Chicago.Victor G. Lands, MD, is living inBeverly Hills, California, where he isjust getting started in the practice ofgeneral surgery,William P. Long, SM, PhD '43, isa junior at Loyola University Medical School in Chicago. C. C. Oursler, SM, has been released to inactive duty (U.S. NavalReserve) and is now teaching accelerated courses in mathematics atGary, Indiana, for veterans.Maurice K. Strantz has just completed 3 J/2 years as a statistical officer with the U. S. Army Air Forces,and is working as analyst in businesssurvey and research in Honolulu.Donald P. Veith, AM, has accepteda summer position in the Departmentof English, University College, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.1942Mrs. Joseph O. Weisenberg (Margaret M. Amrhein) is living in Pasadena, California, and will completea course in Library Science at theUniversity of Southern California inJune.Paul A. Baumgart recently completed terminal leave and has returned to his previous job aseconomist for the Dairy and PoultryDivision at Armour and Company inChicago.Donald C. Bergus, formerly ViceConsul at Patras, has been transferred to Tehran as Third Secretaryand Vice Consul. Mr. Bergus enteredTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29Foreign Service with the Departmentof State in 1944.Murray Aiken Cowie, PhD, isteaching at the University of Manitoba this summer. In the fall, heand Mrs. Cowie (Marian Lurwig,PhD '46) move to Vancouver wherehe will be Assistant Professor ofGerman at the University of BritishColumbia.Lyndon M. Hill, MD, is out of theArmy and is now resident in Surgeryat Harlem Hospital in New York.Mrs. Hill (Marjorie I. White, '39,MD '42) is Student Physician at CityCollege, New York City.For the past four years, William H.Johnston has worked on the atomicbomb. He started at the MetallurgyLab on campus, and is now at Richland, Washington, working at theHanford Engineer Works. He spendsevery spare day taking advantage ofthe trout, salmon, and steelhead fishing .. . the deer,, bear, and elk biggame hunting, and the pheasant,duck, goose, quail and partridge birdhunting which the State of Washington provides.Shirley Karr married John Mecklinshortly after receiving her degree, andwent to live in New" York City. Shedid newspaper work there and inWashington, D. C, and in January,1946, went to Rome to join her husband who is Rome correspondent forthe Chicago "Sun." She reports theyhave looked in vain for Chicagoalumni in Rome.Marshall P. Katzin is back oncampus, having been discharged inFebruary.G. R. Kuch has left the Unitarian .Church in Rockford, Illinois, to takethe position of Associate Director ofAmerican Unitarian Youth, theYouth Department of the Unitarian.Church in the United States andCanada. He and Mrs. Kuch (JeanneL. Tobin, '39) are living at 25 BeaconStreet, Boston 8, Mass.James J. McClure, Jr., has recentlycompleted terminal leave after serving as Lieutenant in the Navy, andwill return to Law School in the fall.Captain Reon Harold Sanders,MD, is on active duty with the occupation forces in Japan. He has beenoverseas for more than two and a halfyears, and served with a clearingcompany as surgeon in combat onLuzon.William G. Stryker, AM, will be aninstructor in English at the University of Omaha next year. He spent1943-46 as communication officeraboard a Navy transport in the Pacific theater.Leonard W. Weigel, MBA, is stillin the Navy, working with the Price Adjustment Board in Washington,D. C, as an accountant.n Casper G. Wolhowe, AM, is backat his old job as Director of ChildWelfare, State of North Dakota, andwrites that it is a far cry from beinggunnery officer in the Navy, but he isgradually readjusting.1943Donald M. Hawkins is out of theArmy and back in Law School working for his JD. He is living in one ofthe pre-fabs on campus with his wife(Lucille Bilsborough, '43) and theirtwo-year-old daughter.Paul H. Hohm, MD, is serving asLieutenant (j.g.) in the MedicalCorps, and is on duty on the hospitalship U.S.S. Haven.Richard H. Merrifield, MBA, wasdischarged from service in January,and is living in Maywood, Illinois.He writes us that on Mother's Daythe family had its first reunion since1940, with Don and Jacques, both'41, home safely.Merton D. Oyler, PhD, becomesProfessor of Sociology and Chairmanof the Department of Sociology atBerea College next September. Hehas completed four years of researchas rural sociologist with the RegionalLand Tenure Research Project, withheadquarters at Fayetteville, Arkansas. He moved to Berea June 30.1944Helen M. Robinson, PhD, is instructor and Director of the ReadingClinics at the University, and is serving as Vice-president of the ChicagoPsychology Club.Alan J. Strauss is back on thequadrangles, working on a PhD inChemistry. He is also an assistant inthe Natural Sciences in the College.1945 .Janet McAuley is now at the University of Illinois, majoring in physical education. She writes that shemisses the U. of C. and gets a bigkick out of seeing familiar names andfaces in the Magazine.Alfred W. Painter, PhD, is leavinghis present work as Assistant to theDean of Rockefeller Chapel at theUniversity and Director of ChapelHouse and its activities to join thefaculty of Bates College, Lewiston.Maine, as an instructor in the Department of Religion and Adviser tothe Student Christian Association.He and his wife and three-year-olddaughter are moving to Maine sometime in August.Joseph Southern, MBA, and hiswife, the former Eileen S. Jackson,'40, AM '41, have moved from Alcorn, Mississippi, to Orangeburg, AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.Placfcttone Decorating&erbtcePhone Pullman 917010422 adobes She., C&icaso, 311.GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3186A SundaeTreat forSWIFT'S ICE CREAMSundaes and sodas are extra goodmade with Swift's Ice Cream. Sodelicious, so creamy -smooth, sofotfi^-A Product ofSWIFT & COMPANY7409 S. State StreetPhone RADcliffe 7400THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEf?Ajax Waste Paper Co.2600-2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Any QuantityWaste PaperScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, Van Buren 0230FINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Spode and Olher FamousMakes. Also Crystal and GiftsGolden Dirilyte{Formerly Dirigold)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID NOT PLATEDService for Eight, $46.65GOLDEN HUED SUGAR SPOONS ffl .40While they last V*ea.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDingo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, III. South Carolina, where they will beconnected with Claflin University.Hisako Tanaka has accepted aposition as research assistant in theDepartment of Anthropology andSociology at the University of California at Los Angeles, and writes usthat she believes that it is the degreefrom Chicago along with her comprehensive knowledge of the Japaneselanguage that "speaks".Nello P. Torri, MD, is now stationed at the Midwestern MedicalCenter in St. Louis, with the U. S.Public Health Service.SOCIAL SERVICEAbout 200 Alumni of the Schoolof Social Service Administration mettogether at the time of the NationalConference of Social Work in Buffalo. It was wonderfully exciting tohear of the work of former studentswho have been serving with UNRRA,Military Government, Civil Affairs.and the Red Cross all over the world.The Faculty of the School of SocialService Administration held a reception honoring Miss Breckinridge atIda Noyes Hall on Sunday, June 2.Large numbers of former workers, and University faculty attended and many who couldnot come wrote Miss Breckinridgeexpressing their appreciation and respect for her.Louis Evans, AM '28, has recentlyaccepted a position with the American Social Hygiene Association andis now located in New York City.Alice Shaffer, AM '35, Division ofInternational Labor, Social, andHealth Affairs, in the U. S. Department of State, has been serving asAssistant Secretary for the Temporary Social Commission of the UnitedNations.Henry Walz, AM '36, -has beenmade Director of the Youth ServicesDivision of the Welfare Council ofLos Angeles, California.John Mixon, AM '37, has recentlybeen given the appointment of Associate Professor of Church SocialWork at the McCormick TheologicalSeminary in Chicago.David Bouterse, AM '37, has recently been discharged from theService and accepted the position asExecutive Director of the Ohio Welfare Council. He is located in Columbus, Ohio.Florence Stevens, AM '38, is nowwith the Essex County Mental Hygiene Service in Cedar Grove, NewJersey.Kate Meyers, AM '39, has accepteda position as social worker at theDixon State Hospital, at Dixon, Illinois. Francis Okita, AM '39, is now Su>pervisor of Intake in the Department,of Public Welfare in Honolulu.Charles W. Rogers, AM '39, hasrecently been released from theService and has accepted the positionas social worker with the Bureau ofTuberculosis Control in the StateHealth Department of Charlestown,West Virginia.Edward Stanwood, AM '40, has accepted a position with the Department of Public Welfare in Hawaiiand is located at Kanai.Valance Wickens, AM '40, is nowthe Executive Secretary of the Family Agency in Albany, New York.Ann Gurin Levey, AM '40, is socialworker with the Spence-ChapinAdoption Service in New York City.John Anderson, AM '40, is Executive Secretary of the Family WelfareOrganization in Allentown, Pennsylvania.Morris Fox, AM '41, is Chief ofthe Division of Child Welfare in theDepartment of Public Welfare and islocated in Honolulu, Hawaii.Donald Howard, PhD '41, has recently returned to the Russell SageFoundation from his work with theUNRRA in Cnina. Mr. Howardspoke at the general session of theNational Conference of Social Workon May 22, on the subject of "Welfare Problems and Programs inChina."Rosebud Savage, AM '41, is nowwith the Veterans Administration,working with the regional office ihSt. Louis.Bert Beck, AM '42, has accepted aposition with the Jefferson Districtof the Community Service Society inNew York City.Julianne Muus, AM '43, is Associate Consultant for the Family andChildren's Council in the Social Plan-'ning Department of the CommunityChest in San Francisco, -California.Dorothy Taylor, AM '43, is Medical Social Consultant in the Vocational Rehabilitation Service for theBlind in Oregon. She is located inSalem.Winifred Walsh, AM. '43, is nowExecutive Secretary of the MaryBartelme Club in Chicago.Mary Jane Peck Miller, AM '44, ischild welfare worker in the CountyDepartment of Public Welfare, located in Eugene, Oregon.Martha Carleton, AM '44, is withthe Essex County Mental HygieneClinic in New York.Phyllis Peltz, AM '44, has accepteda position with the Winfield Tuberculosis Service in Chicago.HAIR REMOVED FOREVERBEFORE AFTER20 Years' ExperienceFREE CONSULTATIONLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERTGraduate NurieMultiple tO platinum needles can beused. Permanent removal of Hair fromFace. Eyebrows, Back of Neck or anjpart of Body; destroys SOU to 600 HairRoots per hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Moles andWarts.Member American Assn. MedicalHydrology and Physical Therapy.Telephone FHA 4885Suite 1705. Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.Perfect Loveliness Is Wealth m BeautyTHE U N I VJohn Reed, AM '44, has recentlybeen released from the Service andhas accepted a position with theCatholic Charities in Fort Wayne,Indiana.Dorothy L'eong, AM '45, is now asocial worker with the Child WelfareDivision of the Department of PublicWelfare in Hawaii.Virginia Richardson, AM '45, ischild welfare worker- in Hopkinsville,Kentucky.Of the students who took the Master's degree at the Spring, 1946,Convocation, Anita Ginsburg Gilberthas taken a position with the UnitedCharities of Chicago; Dudley Iriger-son expects to return with theMethodist Mission Board to Singapore; Anne Neustaetter has accepteda position as medical social worker atMichael Reese Hospital; Ruby Nutting has returned to the State Department of Public Welfare in Oregon;Arlene Rodbell has accepted a position with the Sheltering Arms in NewYork City; Esther Ryan is a medicalsocial worker in the Children's Hospital in Honolulu; Marjorie AnnWagner has accepted a position withthe Family Welfare Agency in Akron,Ohio; Genevieve Weeks is with theCouncil of Social Agencies in Boston.ENGAGEMENTSThe engagement of Joseph Hoffman, '41, and Thelma Shapiro ofCleveland was recently announced.The wedding will take place August11.MARRIAGESMrs. Ellsworth E. Lonabaugh(Marie D. Jensen, '22) was recentlyremarried and is now Mrs. BurdetteLogan, and is living in Sheridan,Wyoming.Virginia C. Reilly, '29, was marriedto Lt. Comdr. William Emmet Gloreon February 23, 1946, at Springfield,111. They will live in Missoula, Montana, where Mr. Glore is resuminghis practice of law after three and ahalf years in the U. S. Navy.Wilson P. Graham, '35, and NancyCapwell were married May 4th inthe chapel of Riverside Church inNew York. Mr. Graham was releasedfrom active Navy duty in February,and is now sales manager for theMuzak Company. They are living inArlington, Virginia.Shirley R. Barish, '38, was recentlymarried to Barney E. Miller when hereturned to the States after 38months overseas. They are living inBeverly Hills, California.We have recently received word of ERSITY OF CHICAGOthe marriage of Elizabeth S. Cassels,'38, to Elmer Allen Schmidt lastOctober 6. They are living in Berkeley, California.Barbara Nadine Winters, of Williamsport, Maryland, became thebride of Richard R. Ranney, '39, onJune 12, 1946, in Washington, D. C.Richard is employed as Chief of theApplication and Progress Branch ofthe Management Engineering Division in the Office of the Surgeon General, U. S. Army. He was releasedfrom active duty in April, after threeyears Army service.Thelma F. Hicks, AM '40, wasmarried on April 27, 1946, to WarrenThomas Welles, Jr.Melinda E. Johnson, '42, was married January 19, 1946, to Walter G.Gutt, and they are living in Red-lands, California. She is the daughterof Mrs. Bernard L. Johnson (RuthWheaton, '07).Lt. (j.g.) Charles Frederick Dahl,'42, was married on April 6, 1946, toPatricia Griffiths in England. Theyare living at 46 Nightengale Road,Pett's Wood, Kent, England, whileLt. Dahl is on duty in London.Margaret Elaine Snapt, '44, wasmarried April 23, 1946, to W. ClarkLeavitt, Jr., and they are now livingin Oakland, California, where she isattending the University of California.BIRTHSA paper match folder, bearing thewords: "It's a boy Tommy Mulroy"arrived at Alumni House on June 27.Which we think is a "striking" wayof announcing a future alumnus. Theproud parents are Thomas R. Mulroy, '27, JD '28, and Mrs. Mulroy(Dorothy Reiner, '31).A daughter, Blanche Gertrude, wasborn to Eugene Clyde Weafer, '31,and Mrs. Weafer at Bryan, Texas, onMay 27th. This is their fourth child,the others being Gene, Lynn, andSarah. Mr. Weafer is beginning hisfifth year as instructor and field representative at the Allen MilitaryAcademy in Bryan.Linda Ann arrived April 14 atDrexel Hill, Pennsylvania the sevenpound daughter of Michael S. Paulson, '35. At home to greet their newbaby sister were Jean, 4, and Michael, Jr., 2.A son, the first child of Duncan E.McBride, '37, AM '43, was bornOctober 26, 1945. Mr. McBride isinstructor in history and social scienceat Frances Shimer College.Mrs. Leonard Byman (Eleanor S.Lesser, '37), has notified us of thebirth of a second son, David, on May2, 1946. MAGAZINE 31WILLIAMS, BARKER &SEVERN CO.AUCTIONEERSAuctioneers and AppraisersPublic auctions on owner's premises or at oursalesroomsAccept on consignment the better quality offurniture, works of art, books, rugs, bric-a-brac, etc.We sell on commission or buy outrightOur specialty liquidating estates, libraries, etc.22J S. Wabash Ave. Phone Harrison 3777CLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good Printing of All Descriptions"SUPER-GOLD CORPORATIONMANUFACTURERS OF COMMERCIALREFRIGERATION2221 South Michigan AvenueCHICAGO 16, ILLINOISBIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: Went. 5380T. ^ REHNQUIST CO. CONCRETEVj/ FLOORS* SIDEWALKSVVy MACHINE FOUNDATIONS\\ EMERGENCY WORKV ALL PHONESEST. IW Wentworth 44226639 So. Vernon Ave.TREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Authorized DealerCHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH6040 Cottage GroveMid. 4200Used Car DepartmentComplete Automobile RepairsBody Shop Paint ShopSimonizing WashingGreasing32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlbert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau formen and women in all kindi of teachingpositions. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent of ourbusiness. Critic and Grade Supervisors forNormal Schools placed every year in largenumbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Business Administration, Music, and Art, secure finepositions through «i every year. PrivateSchools in all parts of the country amongour best patrons; good salaries. Well prepared High School teachers wanted for cityand suburban High Schools. Special manager handles Grade and Critic work. Sendfor folder today.HUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD., Chicago, IllinoisTelephone Harrison 7793Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesGenerally recognized as one of the leading TeachersAgencies of the United States.BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoMacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness AdministrationShorthand and TypingSPECIAL SUMMER CLASSESStarting July 8thDAY AND EVENING CLASSESRegister Now1170 East 63rd StreetTelephone: Butterfield 6363Serving the Medical ProfessionSince 1895V. MUELLER & CO.SURGEONS' INSTRUMENTSHOSPITAL AND OFFICEFURNITUREORTHOPEDICAPPLIANCESPhone Seeley 2180, all departmentsOgden Ave., Van Buren andHonore StreetsChicago 12 John Frederick Kent was bornMay 19, 1946, to William P. Kent,'38, AM '41 and Mrs. Kent (HelenS. Hirsch, '43).Mrs. Julius Abler (E. ElizabethEngelman, '38), sends us word of thebirth of a baby daughter, KatherineElizabeth, born May 17, 1946.A son, Gilbert Van, was born toRev. Thatcher M. Jordan, AM '39,and Mrs. Jordan on November 5,1945. Mr. Jordan, in addition to hiswork as minister of the RobertsonCommunity Methodist Church in LosAngeles,, is now a part-time instructorin the School of Religion at the University of Southern California.Heinz A. Lowenstam, PhD '39, andMrs. Lowenstam have written us ofthe birth of a son, Steven Daniel, onDecember 14, 1945. Mr. Lowenstamis with the State Geological Survey atUrbana, Illinois.A son, Stuart Jay, was born December 9, 1945, to Blair S. Ruben,'39> and Mrs. Ruben. They are livingin Dalton, Georgia, where Mr. Rubenis sales representative for Swank,Inc., for Tennessee, and Alabama.Morris L. Silverman, '40, has sentus word of the birth of a daughter,Barbara Joan, who arrived April 19,1946.A daughter, Bette Kay, was bornon April 25, 1946, to Raymond KingMyerson, '40 and Mrs. Myerson atChicago. Mr. Myerson is now connected with Sales Promotion ofHelene Curtis Products in Chicago,after four years as an officer in theNavy, serving in the European andPacific theaters.George E. Garvey, '40, and Mrs.Garvey (Ruth C. Scott, '42), are theproud parents of a daughter, Margaret, born February, 1946, at Chicago.Julian R. Goldsmith, '40, and Mrs.Goldsmith (Ethel Frank, '40) announce the birth of Susan Jean, bornJanuary 30, 1946.A son, Richard Grant Barry, wasborn May 24 to Capt George R.Barry, '40, MD '42 and Mrs. Barry(Kathryn MacLennan, '39). Theyhave one other child, a girl, JanetLynne, who is nearly two. Capt.Barry has been serving in the ArmyMedical Corps for two years.Charles F. Sainsbury, '41 and Mrs.Sainsbury (Mary H. Mackey, '41)have recently sent us word of thebirth of a daughter, Mary Mahala,on June 19, 1945.Born to Lt. Alan Brandon Bond,SM '41, MD '43, and Mrs. Bond(Charlotte Antoinette Roe, '40) atthe Chicago Lying-in Hospital.February 11, 1946, a son, Alan Brandon Bond, Jr. Mrs. Bond has been a graduate student and fellow in theDepartment of Zoology and is a candidate for the doctorate in that department. They are at present livingin Asheville, N. C, where Lt. Bond isstationed at the Moore General Hospital in near-by Swannanoa.The first child of Howard A. Kamin,'42, and Mrs. Kamin (Virginia Both,'44) was born December 29, 1945, inChicago. The new arrival's name isNancy- Jane. Mr. Kamin was releasedfrom active duty in the U. S. Navywith the rank of Lieutenant, and isnow working in the circulation department of Time, Inc.Dr. Stanley H. Moulton, '43, MD'45, and Mrs. Moulton (Patricia A.Lyding, '42) announce the birth of adaughter, Leslie Ann^ born March16, 1946, at Chicago.Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Sherer,Jr., (Carroll D. Russell, '43) are theproud parents of a son, Peter Russell Sherer, born May 23, 1946. Thebaby's paternal grandfather is University Trustee Albert W. Sherer, '05;his maternal grandparents are University Trustee Paul S. Russell, '16and Mrs. Russell (Carroll A. Mason,'19).Francis W. McKenzie, AM '45, andMrs. McKenzie announce the arrivalof Kendra Jean on June 8, 1946, atHartford, Conn.DEATHSHenry Love Clarke, '96, in January, 1944, at Baltimore, Maryland.Dr. Lolabell Hall, AM '98, on April27, 1946, at Brooklyn, N. Y.Roy Miller, '04, on April 28, 1946,at Baltimore, Maryland. Serviceswere held in Corpus Christi May 3rd.Vivian B. Small, AM '05, PresidentEmeritus of Lake Erie College, onMay 15, 1946. Miss Small retiredfrom the presidency of the college in1941, after 32 years as head of theinstitution. She was a member of PhiBeta Kappa, A.A.U.W. and manyother educational organizations. Shewas a past president of the Ohio College Association, and received honorary degrees from Mount Holyoke(1912) and Western Reserve University (1913).Karl Hale Dixon, '08, on April 16.1946, at Evanston, Illinois.Samuel A. Brown, '11, on April 24,1945, at Woodland, Illinois.Mary Alice Ryan, '18, on May 14,1946, at Chicago.Mary C. Pavey, PhD '30, on April27, 1946, at Muncie, Indiana.John S. Wells, Jr., MD Rush '31,on February 1, 1946, at Clearwater;.Florida.Jessie E. Jones, AM '32, on May 6,1946, at Minneapolis, Minnesota.CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency63rd YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis Kansas City, Me.Spokane New York NOW WHAT?E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Ponograph Offset Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182 (ContinuedLucy Brent Tolbert, Tyler, Texas.Returning to Texas Department ofPublic Welfare as Child Welfare Consultant. Plans to return in 1948 forA.M.Mrs. Eleanore Tumin, Chicago.Will continue studying for interpretative dancing at Wayne University.Roberta Unger, New York. Moveson to Yale for drama and eventuallyBroadway.Nancy Vogelsang, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Plans to be fashion coordinator of department store window displays.Lillian Walsh, Chicago. Continuingfor Ll.B. at Loyola University. from Page 9)Arthur W. Wiesender, Berlin, Wisconsin. Continuing with graduatework.Peter M. Wolkonsky, Chicago. Willreturn for more work after service inthe Army.Anne Louise Lowald Yondorf (Mrs.Walter F. ) , Berlin. Has become housewife but hopes to continue in field ofbacteriology.Carol Yeomans, Winnetka. Continuing for A.M.Joan Zilbach, Brooklyn. Will continue for S.B. or S.M.Dona Zweigoron, Chicago. Goinginto advertising.ACMESHEET METAL WORKSANIMAL CAGESandLaboratory Equipment1121 East 55th StreetPhone Hyde Park 9500 Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4Wesson's Coal Makes Good orWesson Does POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven TypswrltlMMultlgrsphlns Addressograpfi ShvIu MailingMimeographingAddressingHighest Quality SsrvlesAll PhonesHarrison 8118 Minimum Priest418 So. Market St.ChicagoBest by vote . . . mild, mellowSwift's P *remiumam!i^TJtL HAM ~tkcCfo T>/UrtOVl Suacut L/lA/l&C Year after year, in nation-wide pollsof public opinion, the huge preferencefor Swift's Premium Ham shows amarked increase. Despite shortages,the superb quality of this ham hasnever been compromised.INDEX FOR VOLUME 38 (1945-46)ARTICLESMonth PageAlumni Reunion July 18Beck, Charlton Tisdel Feb. 3Blimp Pilot Nov.-Dec 1 1Bonner, Robert J., Gertrude Smith . .April 18Brief Return of the Native. . .Nov.-Dec. 13Bush Report and the Social Sciences,Robert F. Winch .Nov.-Dec. 7Business of Citizens, Robert M. Hutchins Jan. 11Chicago's Big Ten Record April 10Chicago's Roll of Honor Oct. 16Nov.-Dec. 19Jan. 19July 20Class of '21 News Letter .May 19Colonel Galbraith, P.O.W Nov.-Dec. 6Current College Controversy, Stephen M. Corey. . .June 14Dedication of West Stands May 10Disciplined Scholar in An Undisciplined World,Joseph A. Brandt Nov.-Dec. 9Documentary Film Group July 17Duty to Live Nov.-Dec. 1 1Great Gulf Has Been Fixed,Lawrence J. MacGregor March 15Free University, Ernest C. Colwell Jan. 3From Drum Major to Broadway May 12Gretrude Dudley Lectureship June 6"I Was There" April 5In Praise of the Doctorate, Ellsworth Faris July 10June Reunion April 14Lafayette, We Are Here Jan. 17Laing, Gordon JenningsThe Scholar, R. J. Bonner Oct. 10The Teacher, Clyde Murley Oct. 10The Friend, Arthur P. Scott ,.. Oct. 11Letter from Japan May 7Moral, Intellectual and Spiritual Revolution,Robert M. Hutchins July 3More Useful Social Science,William F. Ogburn Nov.-Dec. 3More Woodnotes Wild, Frederick S. Breed April 9New Secretary Feb. 14News of the Classes Each issueNews of the Quadrangles, Chet Opal Oct. 12Nov.-Dec. 16News of the Quadrangles, Jeannette Lowrey. Jan. 13Feb. 12March 10April 1 1May 13June 10July 14New New Testament, W. E. Garrison April 5Nine Letter "C" Man, Harry Bird Feb. 20Now What ? July 8Nuernberg Trial, Quincy Wright March 5One Man's Opinion, William V. Morgenstern ..... Each issueOriginal Aborigine Feb. 19Policy Over Berlin, Laird Bell Jan. 5Pre-Fab City June 8Prelude to Vast Violence, Don Ebright . .April 3Problem of Palestine, A. Eustace Haydon June 3Prisoners Are Ingenious, Lyman B. Burbank Feb. 7Quotes June 13Rebuilding Metropolitan Chicago May 5Reunion in '21 April 1 7Reunion Program May 1 7Science Cannot Be Secret, Thorfin R. Hogness. .... .Oct. 3 Second Executive Group Graduates June 19Senator Huffman of Ohio , Nov.-Dec. 15Three Faculty Sketches Jan. 21University Organization and Administration,Leonard D. White Feb. 15Votaw, Clyde W., Ernest C. Colwell May 11We Want You To Know March 14Window on Washington, Emily Taft Douglas Feb. 10Winners of Alumni Citations . July 6With Malice Toward None, Ellsworth Faris Oct. 8Woodnotes Wild and Tame, Frederick S. Breed. .Nov.-Dec. 12BOOK REVIEWSKerr, Laura: "Doctor Elizabeth" Mar. 18Morgenthau, Hans: "Peace, Security and theUnited Nations" Mar. 18Dedmon, Emmett: "Duty to Live" Mar. 18Marshall, Dr. Victor F.: "Doctor! Do Tell!" Mar. 19AUTHORSBell, Laird, Policy Over Berlin Jan. 5Bird, Harry, Nine Letter "C" Man Feb. 20Bonner, R. J., Gordon Jennings Laing The Scholar Oct. 10Brandt, Joseph A., Disciplined Scholar in anUndisciplined World Nov.-Dec. 9Breed, Frederick S., Woodnotes Wild and Tame. Nov. -Dec. 12, More Woodnotes Wild April 9Burbank, Lyman B., Prisoners are Ingenious Feb. 7Colwell, Ernest C, Free University .Jan. 3, Clyde W. Votaw May 1 1Corey, Stephen M., Current College Controversey. June 14Douglas, Emily Taft, Window in Washington Feb. 10Ebright, Don, Prelude to Vast Violence April 3Faris, Ellsworth, In Praise of the Doctorate July 10, With Malice Toward None Oct. 8Garrison, W. E., New New Testament April 15Haydon, A. Eustace, Problem of Palestine June 3Hogness, Thorfin R., Science Cannot Be Secret Oct. 3Hutchins, Robert M., Business of Citizens. Jan. 11, Moral, Intellectual and SpiritualRevolution July 3Lowrey, Jeannette, News of the Quadrangles Jan. 13Feb. 12Mar. 10April 11May 13June 10July 14MacGregor, Lawrence J., A Great Gulf Has BeenFixed Mar. 1 5Morgenstern, William V., One Man's Opinion Each issueMurley, Clyde, Gordon Jennings Laing The Teacher Oct. 10Ogburn, William F., A More Useful SocialScience \ Nov.-Dec 3Opal, Chet, News of the Quadrangles Oct. 12Nov.-Dec. 16Scott, Arthur P., Gordon Jennings Laing The Friend Oct. 10Smith, Gertrude, Robert J. Bonner April 18White, Leonard D., University Organization andAdministration Feb. 15Winch, Robert F., The Bush Report and the SocialSciences Nov.-Dec. 7Wright, Quincy, The Nuernberg Trial Mar. 5