THE UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO MAGAZINEFEBRUARYOUR BIG IOB FOR THE BELL SYSTEMFrom for off placet must com* many materials needed to make your telephone-including flax, mica, asphalt, tungsten,antimony, cobalt, tin, platinum. Farms of this country must supplyessentia! products and by-products—such as cotton, wool and leatherIMPORTING FARMINGTfitn the mints must yield copper,iron, lead, aluminum, chromium, zinc,nickel, coal, gold, silver— all requiredin telephone apparatus. Twenty five domestic varieties ofwood enter into the nation's telephone) service Their uses range fromswitchboards to poles and booths.MINING FORESTRYRaw materials must be brought together in Western Electric plants, where skilled workers and marvelous machinesturn them into vast quantities of complex apparatus. Wiring an intricate switchboard— through which your voice willgo—calls for skilled hands. Remember that switchboards and cableare just two of thousands of items you use when you telephone.MANUFACTURINGIn addition to making the apparatus, West-em Electric also installs the maze of equipment that is your telephone central office. Telephones, wire, cable and countless other products go outto 29 Western Electric distributing houses— one or more ofwhich supplies the needs of your Bell Telephone Company.INSTALLING DISTRIBUTINGAS supply unit of the Bell Telephone System, Western Electric-IA. has one of industry's most complex jobs.Today we are working full speed ahead on equipment not onlyto meet immediate telephone needs, but also to carry out theBell System's $2,000,000,000 post-war construction program.This vast program promises a record in peacetime productionat Western Electric— with a level of employment higher than inthe years just before the war— and better-than-ever telephoneservice for you. Western ElectricMANUFACTURERPURCHASERDISTRIBUTORINSTALLER of Central Office Equipment Buy Victor* BondsFOR THE BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM -and keep , hem!THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOMAGAZINEVolume 38 February, 1946 Number 4PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONHOWARD W. MORT EMILY D. BROOKEEditor Associate EditorIN THIS ISSUE paseCharlton Tisdel Beck, In Appreciation - - - - - - - - 3Prisoners are Ingenious, Lyman B. Burbank ------ 7Window on Washington, Emily Taft Douglas - - - - - - 10One Man's Opinion, William V. Morgenstern - - 11News of the Quadrangles, Jeannette Lowrey - - - - - - 12New Secretary - - - ------ 14University Organization and Administration, Leonard D. White 15The Original Aborigine ----- '--¦-- 19Nine Letter "C" Man, Harry Bird 20News of the Glasses --------- - - - - - 22COVER: Charlton Tisdel BeckPublished by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago monthly, from Octoberto June. Office of Publication, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, atthe Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The American AlumniCouncil, B. A. Ross, advertising director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y., is theofficial advertising agency of the Magazine.I have no desire to extend the debate over Mr. Hutchins' VE-Day address but I think a brief comment onMr. Faris' article in the October, 1945,Magazine is in order. The article wasentitled "With Malice Toward None",but in all my experience in publiccontroversies I have never been theobject of such a malicious personalattack. He referred to me as "anaging alumnus whose only scars arethose of a non-combatant"; and suggested that "tragic personal misfortunes must lie behind the formulationof such a monstrous and unchristiananthropology" — because I assertedthat men are "beasts biologically andpsychologically."To this underhanded abuse I wouldreply :1. The scars of a non-combatantwho has fought bigotry, greed, ignorance and flabby good intentions allhis life are, to my mind, as honorable,and sometimes the wounds are as painful, as those received in physical warfare.2. There are no "tragic personalmisfortunes" behind my scientificstatement that civilized man is theproduct of "the gradual eliminationof beastly qualities through self imposed and enforced restraints." Onthe contrary, I have been exceptionally fortunate in obtaining a reasonable amount of material comfort whilepursuing what seemed to me to bespiritual aims. I have had the satisfaction of feeling that I helped alittle bit in the advance of my generation and have had none of the senseof frustration which afflicts many ofthose who spend their lives in talkingabout what ought to be done withoutactually putting their shoulders to thewheel.It is regrettable that Mr. Hutchins'defender chose the role of the criminal lawyer with a bad case — a personal attack on the prosecuting attorney — instead of making a reasoneddefense on the merits of the case. Mr.Hutchins, who has the courage andsincerity of his convictions, deservesa better defender.Donald R. Richberg, '01Washington, D. C. Just finishing a three months periodof study in London. Spent the timebetween BBC Symphony rehearsalsand concerts, Columbia recording sessions, and the Royal Academy of Music. It was under the program of theTraining Within Civilian Agenciessection of the Army's I & E scheme.All of us who have benefitted from itagree that it is the best thing the Armycould have done.T/Sgt. Emerson Kailey, '44APO New YorkWas glad to find mention of oneother CPS man, after beginning towonder if ye editors had ever heardof the alternative service provisionsof the Selective Service Act. I've metand known of a good many U. of who are in Civilian Public Service. This is my third assignment, after doing some work in soil conservationand a long stretch in nurse's aid workin the hospital of a state institutionfor feeble minded children. Have anuneasy suspicion the University is stillnot down to fundamentals.Robert C. Boyer, '41National Park ServiceGatlingburg, Tenn.Assigned to the staff of the NavalWar College as Educational Advisorto help train senior officers in the artof command. Also have been studying Russian for the past two years —you can tell the boys in the EnglishDepartment that Anglo-Saxon is asnap compared to the complexities ofthis Russky lingo!Lt. Paul A. Wagner, '38Naval War CollegeNewport, R. I.1CHARLTON TISDEL BECK1878-1946Charlton T. Beck, Chicago's popular and loved Alumni Secretary for nearly 18 years, passed away at Billings Memorial Hospital on January 23, 1946, as the result of a prolonged heart ailment. Simple memorialservices were conducted by his friend of many years, Charles T. Holman of the Divinity School faculty,who had served on Charlton's first Cabinet. The remains now rest beside those of Charlton Beck's wife in thecrypt of the Unitarian Church near the quadrangles.When Charlton Beck announced his retirement on January 1, 1946, the January issue oj the Magazine had goneto press, lt was decided immediately that the Februaryissue should honor our retiring Secretary and Editor.The bouquets which are usually presented too late wereto be for Carl while he could appreciate them in his retirement. The following representative notes of appreciation were secured at once and the printer began settingthem in type.By the tenth of January we became concerned for fearthe flowers might arrive too late after all. So we tookthe original letters with us to Carl's hospital room. We told him of our plans for the February issue. We askedhim if he would like to hear the letters before he readthem in print a few weeks later. Carl expressed a deepinterest and listened quietly until we had finished. Thetone of his brief "Thank Tou" expressed sincere appreciation. In the days that followed he modestly mentionedthem a number of times. It was obvious that he hadgained much comfort from them. We give these lettersto you now just as they were read to Carl on Januarytenth. We were sure you would not want them changedin this memorial edition. — The Editor.IN APPRECIATIONFor nearly eighteen years Charlton (Carl) T. Beck andThe Alumni Association have been synonymous in theminds of most alumni. It was his cordial personality, hislove of people, and his devotion to service which breathedwarmth into all alumni activities.Everyone knew that some day Carl would retire butsome day was not tomorrow and certainly not today.Therefore, when Wrisley B. Oleson, '18, President of theAssociation, announced early in January that CharltonT. Beck, Alumni Secretary-Treasurer since 1928, had retired on January 1, 1946, it came as a shock and causedfeelings of deep regret. Carl asked for retirement on theadvice of his physician and good friend, Emmet B. Bay,'20, Rush MD '22. The Executive Committee, in grantingemeritus status to Secretary Beck, took a second actionelecting him Advisor on Alumni Affairs.Late last September Carl visited the University Clinicsfor a thorough physical checkup. Dr. Bay advised a strictdiet and a severe curtailment of activities. Carl left thehospital only to return a few weeks later. With the exception of three days over Christmas he has not left thehospital since. With his heavy responsibilities removed,Chicago's fifty thousand alumni hope that his recoverywill come quickly and that he will be joining them atmany future Spring reunions.H. W. M. For these many years theAlumni of the University haveknown a warm and loyal friendin Carl Beck. To many of usthe campus and the facultymay have changed but Carlhas remained — a familiar andkindly warden of our ties. Hehas been at once a link to thepast that we knew and interpreter of the University ofthe present that we havewished to understand. He hasremembered each of us andcalled us by name, and wishedus well. He has done more thanany one individual to keep ourthoughts of the University aliveand cordial.He has ever put his wholeheart in the fostering of ourinterest and he will ever have a warm place in our heartsin return.WRISLEY B. OLESON, '18President, Alumni AssociationPresident Olesonand SecretaryBeck34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIn my University experience, occasions have arisenwhen it seemed difficult to imagine certain situationswithout the individuals who had poured their lives intoindividual responsibilities. This happened to me WhenPresident Harper, and later when President Burton, died;when President Judson retired; when Mr. Stagg retired.And now, because of his retirement, I am called upon tothink of the Alumni Office without Carl Beck.Circumstances permitted Carl to train Howard Mort,and we are fortunate in that regard. But Howard Mortwill be the first to join with me in saying that for a whileat least the Alumni Office, without Carl Beck, will be agood deal like the play of Hamlet without the Dane.There is one bright side to the picture. We have knownthat Carl has overworked for the last few years. Now wecan hope that he will adapt life to his stride and thatwe may have his warm, genial, fine personality and influence for many years to come.We who have been active in alumni affairs will everlastingly thank fortune for sending us Carl Beck.HAROLD H. SWIFT, '07Chairman, The Board of Trustees,The University of ChicagoFor eighteen years Charlton Beck was the focus wherethe sentiments of the alumni met the needs of the University. He taught the University to respect the alumni.He gave the alumni a greater appreciation of their University. He created and maintained an unparalleled program of alumni activities. In the process of doing thesethings, he endeared himself to everyone. His retirementis occasion for deep regret; it is also occasion for acknowledgement of our gratitude for the excellence andpermanence of his contribution to the life of the University.ROBERT M. HUTCHINS, Chancellor,The University of ChicagoAs Chairman of the Alumni Council in 1928, it was myduty to see to it that the position of Alumni Secretary,which had just become vacant, be satisfactorily filled. Iobtained a list of candidates and it so happened that thefirst man I interviewed was Carl Beck. We spent anevening together in Detroit and I soon realized that Ihad to hunt no further. We all know what he has done soI need not sing his praises but I've always been proud ofthe share I had in getting him to take the job.HERBERT P. ZIMMERMANN, '01Trustee, The University of ChicagoFormer Chairman, Alumni Council It is a pleasure to have an opportunity to say "Thankyou" to Carl Beck. His industry and fidelity to the University in the important area of alumni relations morethan deserve the thanks that we are able to give him.But the pleasure in saying it is a response to the warmthof his personality, the geniality of his nature, and theability he has to create friendship not only for himselfbut for the University of Chicago. For all these thingswe are indebted to him and we wish him Godspeed.ERNEST C. COLWELL, PhD '30President, The University of ChicagoWith all other graduates and "exes" of the University,I regret that Charlton Beck's health necessitates his retirement. I am so glad the next issue of the Magazineis being devoted to him, for such untiring devotion ashe has shown to the Alumni should be recognized andpublicized.The Council was fortunate to find a secretary whosetraining and background so well fitted every requirementof the job. We have been fortunate, too, in having suchcontinuity of service. His long acquaintance, his keensense of humor in the face of oft time troublesome problems, changing times and conditions, made for harmonyand growth that few associations attain in similar circumstances.I hope the general Alumni body has some idea of themany quiet acts he performed in their name for fellowalumni. His courtesy in answering questions or requestswas unfailing and often, he would go to great lengths toget and give information. He served unselfishly and Iknow he has the good wishes of us all for the best ofeverything.HELEN NORRIS, '07Vice-president, Alumni AssociationSince it will not be possible for me, and I am sure formany others, ever to disassociate Carl Beck from theAlumni Association, I would like to nominate him forAlumni Secretary Emeritus. For through years during theFiftieth Anniversary campaign and the reorganization ofthe alumni organizations, I had the pleasure of workingwith him almost daily. I say "pleasure" advisedly forCarl has that uncommon gift of taking his job seriouslybut executing it with a sense of humor which made itoutright fun to be associated with him.While I'm nominating, I think I shall also proposehim for a place along side of Stephen Leacock and Gordon Jennings Laing, Stephen Leacock's close friend andour former Alumni Dean, for contributing to the lighterside of life. It's too bad Carl's perdiodic jocose reportsas Secretary and Treasurer could not have been preserved — they have been priceless.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 5Withal I should cite Carl for his patience with andconsideration for the inexperienced ideas of us amateuralumni officers. He always made us feel that we weredoing something, while at the same time he has made acontribution to the University in various ways beyondanyone's knowledge. He may not have gotten rich inmoney, but he should be rich in satisfaction of a jobwell done.JOHN NUVEEN, JR., '19Trustee, The University of ChicagoFormer President, Alumni AssociationAll too often it is our wont to send flowers too latefor the full enjoyment of the recipient. Inexplicable inhibitions deter many of us from lauding one of our fellows when a bit of praise still may be music to a receptiveear.Here are some flowers for Charlton Beck. These blossoms are plain and uncultured and were not orderedfrom the boulevard florist. Humble but sturdy and sweetscented, the blooms we present to you are home grownand of the ordinary garden variety.Charlton Beck, you're just tops with us and we loveyou — love you for what you are and for all the many,many good things you so graciously have done for us andour Alma Mater. If there are any "super duper" UsefulCitizen Awards or deluxe meritorious citations, you,Charlton Beck, are the unanimous choice of the alumniof the University of Chicago for that recognition.Rumor has it that because of a temporary indisposition,you are planning on leaving us. How very, very wrongyou are for this once, Mr. Beck. It is you who have madeor re-made us loyal sons and daughters of Chicago.Through your persuasive teachings and efficient self, faithin our University has been rekindled or fired with greaterzeal. You cannot leave us now because we are a part ofyou — we are yours.If perchance only for today you would choose to assertyour prerogatives and for the once leave the processionand stand in review, then, good sir, 50,000 devoted handsand hearts of Chicago alumni hail and salute— "our trulybeloved Charlton Beck".VALLEE APPEL, '11, JD '14Former President, Alumni AssociationIt is a pleasure to express my regards for CharltonBeck; a sorrow, that he must resign.I consider the Alumni of the University of Chicagohave been extremely fortunate in having him their AlumniSecretary for so many years. His efforts in their behalfhave been greatly to their advantage and equally of valueto the University.Those who have had contact in one way or anotherwith him, have sensed his great interest in his work, hisconstant loyalty to the University and the Alumni body, and his exceptional ability to make all feel welcome atAlumni affairs.The year that I worked under Mr. Beck in the AlumniOffice was an unusually happy one because of his friendlyhelpfulness. I learned to know his priceless sense of humor, his ability to help with stimulating ideas and alsohis efficient way of carrying out the suggestions of others.He is a real friend, whose influence will be felt for yearsto come.FLORENCE COOK SLAYTON, '25Second Vice-president,College Division, Alumni AssociationIt is hard to write about Carl Beck in an impersonalway. He just isn't that kind. Somehow I think of him asone of the human elements that bind this University together — elements that have nothing to do with educational pioneering, great endowments and disinterested research. Not that he does not represent the University asa great seat of learning but rather that he values peoplefor their human qualities and knows that a University ismore than buildings and teachers and students.I like to sit and talk with him about people who werehere in the early days — the professor who used to spiton President Judson's walk every time he passed thehouse; the man from somewhere in the Dakotas who wasasked to appear on a Harris Foundation program in themistaken belief that he was a noted English expert of thesame name; the time when a South Carolina state officialoffered to include the University in a list of schools toreceive that state's documents with the side remark thatnothing would come of it anyway!Carl has a keen sense of humor and a real gift forfriendship. He can talk with professors at the Quadrangle"round table", with students on the campus, and withAlumni who have long been a part of the so-called "coldworld". And what is most important, he has the abilityto interpret each of these to the others. In this way hehas long served as a link between the past and present ofa changing institution.These things may sound a bit trivial in trying to measure the worth of a man. But not so. Carl Beck has longhad the job of keeping alive the loyalty of the most unsentimental group of Alumni in the United States to themost indifferent University in these same United States.And Carl has learned that loyalty is more than respectand pride. Something personal is required to keep itwarm and active and Carl Beck has supplied that something in a way that few others have done. He has represented the whole University and not just one departmentor one school. He has stressed the human side that linksthe past, blackened as it was with football and fraternities, to the glowing, progressive present. That, I submit,has been a real service.AVERY CRAVEN, PhD '24Professor of American HistoryThe University of Chicago6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECharlton Beck is widely known, highly regarded, anddeeply appreciated among the alumni secretaries ofalumni associations throughout the United States andCanada. In the American Alumni Council, representinggraduate groups of 331 universities and colleges, CarlBeck has contributed greatly in the development and advancement of alumni work generally. We are indebtedto him and to the University of Chicago for his richcareer and service and inspiration to all of us. We canproudly point to his long career as Alumni Secretary atChicago, realizing thereby how an alumni secretary asan educational officer of a university can help muster andmobilize the loyalty and intelligent understanding ofalumni in support of education and good citizenship.For Carl Beck, as he assumes inactive duty, we wishhappy days.J. MARYON SAUNDERSPresident, American Alumni CouncilI missed Charlton Beck at the Alumni Course in theBiological Sciences. I missed him, lunch time, at theQuadrangle Club Round Table. Telephone Local 236said: "Call Billings Hospital". I did — in person. Charlton Beck's heart is still with our Alumni and our University, but the physical organ can no longer sustain hisefforts. His work has certainly earned him the title:Alumni Secretary and Editor Emeritus. Do I hear thismotion seconded?I do not know what young Charlton brought alonginside his skull when he entered the even younger U. of the nineties, but his subsequent work is evidence thatour University at least did not ruin either his mind or hischaracter. To me, for decades, Charlton Beck's integrity,rational tolerance, industry, and perennial good humorhave been distinctly on the credit side of our so-calledhuman race.DR. ANTON J. CARLSON,Frank P. Hixon Distinguished ServiceProfessor Emeritus PhysiologyCharlton Tisdel Beck has, I believe, more friends thananyone of my acquaintance. In his travels here and theremeeting alumni whom he had never met before, I haveseen frequent evidence that new acquaintances rapidlybecame close friends because of his irresistable personality. This is one of the many fine traits which have madehim so successful in his work as Alumni Secretary andAmbassador Extraordinary. For forty-two years I havehad the privilege of being one of his friends, one of thechoicest and most cherished experiences of my life. A half hour with Carl listening to his incomparable accountof interesting experiences is a sure cure for low spirits.JOHN F. MOULDS, '07Secretary Emeritus, Board of Trusteesof The University of ChicagoI'm deeply shocked to know that our Carl has had tolay aside his duties as Alumni Secretary — I trust onlytemporarily.I've known him for nearly forty years — as a brotherDelta U. in undergraduate days — one to whom we alwaysappealed for good sound advice in those deeply seriousproblems of youth's social, political and business affairs;as an alumnus who was the animating spirit in any partyhe attended and never to be matched by any one as araconteur; as a neighbor who was always considerate,kindly and cooperative; as a colleague who in planningand executing speech-making and lecture enterprises always pulled more than his weight and invariably metthe inevitable frustrations due to lacks in others with thatmarvelous fund of humor and the perfectly pat storythat at once put everyone back into a serene and joyousmood again.I've often marvelled at Carl's amazing memory fornames, faces, their background and setting which hasseldom been equalled among my associates during longyears of acquaintance with this community.With such hosts of friends so devoted to him and hisown inner resources of courage and cheerfulness bothplugging for him, we cannot but feel that our friend andcolleague will soon begin to improve and resume hisunique place in the University and in the fellowship of hisdevoted friends throughout it.HARVEY B. LEMON, '06, SM '11, PhD '12Professor of PhysicsThe University of ChicagoA Sense of Humor ... AGift for FriendshipPRISONERS ARE INGENIOUS• By LYMAN B. BURBANKLcrLyman B. BurbankVVe read a prison diarythe other day. It had somany human, everydaytouches that we asked theauthor to edit it down forthese pages.The author is Lyman B.Burbank, Harvard '38, whotaught history three yearsat Springfield (Mass.) College and studied summersfor his A.M. at Chicago.In the summer of forty-one he left the Midway tobecome an Air Force navigator.His first assignment overthe Continent was a "milk run" bombing of Lille, France,August 12, 1943. On his second run — the first shuttleservice from England to Africa — his bomber, with 16others, was shot down near Mannheim.After the usual trying experiences of the "snake pits,"grillings, and traveling shoeless (to discourage escape) incrowded box cars, Lt. Burbank arrived at Stalag Luft IIInear Sagan, Germany. This camp eventually housed tenthousand prisoners. Here he was confined from August,1943 through January, 1945. Lyman Burbank returned tothe Midway last fall where he expects to get his A.M. inMarch and will continue on his Ph.D.Although the following diary was written in an officers'camp, which had some privileges not permitted in enlistedmen's camps, Burbank can tell gruesome atrocity storiesalong with the best. He foregoes this to furnish a moreintimate day by day picture of life behind barbed wire. The following excerpts from a carefully kept diary willaid in picturing this community life.27 Sep. '43. The new men are fast learning the art oftunneling. A "blitz" tunnel, short with no shoring, hasbeen discovered by the ferrets [German "snoopers"]. Anelaborate tunnel has been discovered in British NorthCompound: 25 feet underground; 300 feet long; midwaystation; railroad with wooden rails; sand carts; air hoseand pump made from tin cans running entire length. Ageneral came from Berlin to inspect it. Our nationalpride is at stake. We must prove ourselves as ingeniousas the British!"Ferrets" was American slang for Germanswho wandered regularly through the camp withan eye to anything unusual. Other Germanswho entered, usually for searching or disciplinarypurposes, would hear the security call ahead"Goon in the block." The German Kommand-ant complained that he could not find the word"goon" in the dictionary. The obliging Americans changed the phrase to "Tallyho" and theGermans took up the custom by shouting itthemselves as they entered.UPON arrival at Sagan the men were marched intoa barbed wire enclosure; searched and photographed; while prisoners in Center Compound,with hands slouched in pockets, stared through the wires.Soon they were shouting questions and answers, e.g.:"How long you been in?" "Orville Wright was my copilot."As the new men were assigned there was a period ofadjustment during which the seasoned prisoners wereirritated, the new frustrated. Always in such camps therewere nerve's-edge arguments which took the followingform, as defined by Col. Jenkins: "a positive statement offact, a categorical denial, a personal insult, completesilence."By the summer of 1944, prison life had become so channeled, hope of delivery so distant, camp life so well organized, that the older men looked upon the new men asnuisances. They didn't meet them at the gate; they resented the stories of "there I was at 20,000 feet"; theypreferred to settle down to enjoy the community life andactivities they had worked so hard to organize. // Nov. '43. Memorial Day services held in theatre.Relatively few men attended. Morale waning. Food situation bad. Col. Spivey negotiating with professionalgardener in Sagan for information about truck gardeningin sandy soil within barbed wire.13 Nov. '43. Promotion schemes among prisoners areprevalent. An officer from the Bronx just introduced anumbers racket. According to camp statisticians thiswould corner all media of exchange (cigarettes and choc1olate) in a month. Banned by the Colonel.28 Nov. '43. Supporting the rumor that many homefolks think a soldier who permits himself to be capturedalive is a coward, comes a letter today from a prisoner'swife: "I still love you, darling, although you are a coward."30 Nov. '43. Foodacco (food swap shop) originatedby the British, has been set up where men, wanting toexchange food or tobacco on a point system, could do so,Aromatic pipe tobacco and little-known cigarette brandsare active trade items./ Dec. '43. German authorities lodge charges that atail light was stolen from a "honey" wagon passingthrough the compound. Much searching but no lamp. A"tunnel engineer" borrowed it.78 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE4 Dec. '43. More trouble with wagons. An overzeal-ous Kriegie [prisoner] stole the driver's coat. It was returned. Fabulous gambling debts are developing. Oneofficer now owes five million cigarettes.8 Dec. '43. A terse memorandum from the Kommand-ant warning against throwing glass and razor blades ingarbage. Hard on pigs, which sabotages German wareffort. It's an idea!10 Dec. '43. The men have been insisting on pin-uppictures. The German propaganda ministry saw an opportunity for morale building and today met the request :scenic views of the Alps and picturesque German villagesin Bavaria.Memo from German Kommandant12 December 1943Letters originating in US written on "V for Victory" forms will be confiscated. One can not expect the detaining power to help propagandaof a country with which it is at war by allowingthese forms. . . .9 Jan. '44. After a month of digging with good security a tunnel in the south end collapsed and main support beams of the barrack gave way. Much official confusion.25 Mar. '44. Great excitement ... a rumor that invasion has begun . . . goons are everywhere. Later: rumorfalse. Excitement was due to the discovery of a tunnelin the British compound started in June, 1943. More than80 escaped. [The Gestapo massacred over 50 who wererecaptured.]31 Mar. '44. Spading was started for a garden. RedCross will provide seeds.Easter Sunday. Men despondent over failure of invasion to materialize. An alert at noon. A guard on thefence leveled his gun at a corporal in the kitchen door andshot him through the head. Everyone else hit the floor."Luftgangster" record rescued from German files duringliberation confusion // April, '44. Four groups of American forts flewover at noon. Flack and fighters filled the air . . . twofighters went down. Old time prisoners who have neverwitnessed a fortress formation nearly hysterical with joy.Target must have been near and hit. Much smoke anddebris in the air, including bits of wallpaper, burnt bitsof silk, music scores, parts of text-books. Camp moralehits ceiling.27 April, '44. Entire camp on edge . . . anticipating,"something big" . . . maybe the invasion. Alerts — therefore allied bombings — are becoming longer and more frequent. A POW received a card today from a library inthe states. A book he borrowed is overdue.30 April, '44. The garden looks undernourished.Sandy soil needs fertilizer. Horses that enter the campare being followed around by men with empty Red Crossboxes.17 May, '44. An exhaustive search at dawn by 21Germans. Tore beds apart; pulled out partitions andyanked up floors. Found files, pliers, home made hammers but not the one thousand compasses. Men in Alpinecostumes began to yodel outside. Guards screamed ateach other on the fence asking what it meant. The POW'shad found six Alpine outfits in some old theatre props.It was fun until nervous guards fingered their triggers.For a change of pace and cheery diversion ababy contest was run. Fathers with baby pictures were contestants. In the finals the best tenwere selected for a "B-l 7 crew" and were postedon the bulletin board. Good natured arguments,of course, but a lift for all.29 May, '44. The "no invasion" reports are makingthe men extremely morbid and morose. The dreadedchange to complete submission is noticeable. Col. Spiveyhas ordered censorship of all outgoing letters to checkany hints of the pressure on POW's. He adds: those backhome are carrying enough burdens without worryingabout us.6 June, '44. Heavy, overcast, drizzly afternoon.Gloomy men lay on clammy beds. The German loudspeaker blared military marches. Some slouched acrossthe soggy compound. Months of waiting, little news,thousands of false alarms. At 1330 the music stopped;the radio went dead and then . . . the gongs sounded theGerman newscast.The well camouflaged sentences sounded dull as usualuntil their meaning dawned on the handful of listeners."The long promised and long expected, for the Germans,attack from the West began last night. The enemy madeattempts to land at the mouth of the Seine, LeHavre.Other landings were made. Paratroopers and airbornetroops were beaten off. ..." A wild yell drowned outTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 9the speaker. INVASION! INVASION! British, leaning from their windows in East Camp, tumbled out tospread the news they had awaited for five years. Nearhysteria mounted. Lt. Burbank, giving a history exam,had asked: "What was the biggest point in Wilson's 14?"when a voice outside yelled "Invasion" and the classbroke up. Boxes of cigars appeared. Col. Spivey rushedto the center of the crowd to warn caution and calm.There were handshakes and grins; prophesies of beinghome in a month.7 June, '44. The morning German broadcast saysthe Normandy beach head was wiped out. The 11 was cut off the air. Speculation runs high. Pessimists are prophesying another year and a half. A thunderstorm drove everyone under leaking roofs.14 June, '44. Col. Spivey addressed his men: "Thetime has come to behave like soldiers; within the laws ofwar it will pay dividends to obey the Germans; no massbreak; preserve German property, neat dress . . •. wemust have internal discipline to save ourselves if the German military breaks down."21 June, '44. Bombers with escorts and no oppositionare daily routine over the Camp. Morale climbs witheach flight.28 June, '44. The German Kommandant orderedPOW's to smash tin cans. Col. Spivey refused unless proofis furnished that cans are not used for German war effort.Arguments carried through the camp. Minor disputesassume intense proportions behind barbed wire. No cansare being smashed.10 July, '44. Another member of "Dear John" clubposted. To be eligible, prisoner must have received newsfrom his girl that she is engaged or married to another.Prisoner consenting, letter is posted and "club" ralliesaround to offset brooding. Invariably kidding by fellowvictims saves the day.Tin cans (in background) were not smashed 20 July, '44. Attempt on Hitler's life. Pale, tired faceshover around the speaker. No more news. Apparently attempt failed.10 Aug. '44. A slump in the news. If the war doesn'tend soon the men will suffer terribly from depression.Another winter . . . it's almost too much.13 Aug. '44. Russian prisoners set up their "band"(converted tin cans and battered horns from America)near our barbed wire for a folk concert. They were bewildered by our prolonged applause for encores but whenthey got the idea, everyone had a fine time.An elaborate program of athletics from touch-ball, soft ball, and soccer in summer to skatingand hockey in winter was quickly set up in theearly days of the camp. Equipment was providedby the Y.M.C.A. The hockey rink was laboriously built by the men. The dull, rusty clamp-onskates were also gifts from the Y.22 Aug. '44. Program revised for interviewing newPOW's, designed to discover Germans masquerading asAmericans.4 Sept. '44. Morale shattered. Report from Genevathat henceforth Red Cross rations would be halved. German food decreasing seriously.13 Sept. '44. Four barracks wrecked by Germansearching party. Walls, floors, and ceilings ripped apart;stove foundations destroyed; personal effects scattered.They worked with obvious vengeance and vindictivenessbut discovered: radio, hand-made press; POW-madetools and nails. Also confiscated three boxes of unpunchedRed Cross food.15 Sept. '44. Winter . . . war's end in doubt . . .half rations . . . belts tighter . . . gloom again. LimitedRed Cross food that arrives has all cans punctured soit can not be saved for escape purposes.25 Sept. '44. Col. Kennedy addressed the camp: "Inview of the wave of pessimism ... I invite your attention to the following facts: The operation which bringsthe war to a close will be the one which destroys a sufficient quantity of German men and material to makefurther resistance impossible. This operation can takeplace on a fixed line of battle as well as in a fast movingaction. Moral — don't allow your spirits to vary with thedistance the line moves on the map."25 Sept. '44. Fuel short. Stump digging detail workedall day in the rain between the warning wire and barbedwire — by German permission, of course.15 Oct. '44. News bad . . . morale ebbing . . . another Christmas in prison! Only morale saver, an influxof 2,000 letters daily for a week.7 Nov. '44. Much interest in the elections. Many thinkDewey will win but German guards, who want the warto end and are resigned to defeat, are for Roosevelt.{Concluded on Page 18)WINDOW ON WASHINGTON• By EMILY TAFT DOUGLAS, '19IN THE Christmas recess I visited Oak Ridge. Herein a rural area, a city of 75,000 recently and secretlymushroomed into existence. Here also, among several great plants, stands the largest factory in the world,more than a mile long and like the whole project, dedicated to destruction.The atomic bomb launched at Hiroshima was equalto some twenty thousand tons of TNT with a hurricanevelocity for spreading fire. This bomb was a piker, however, compared to what is now planned, bombs equalto one to two million tons of TNT. These could be sentby rocket in an anonymous, push-button war, in whichgreat urban centers could be knocked out at once withno telltale traces as to who was the enemy.While some day the development of atomic energymay be counted as man's greatest achievement in conquering poverty, disease and the worst drudgery of life,today its uses are wholly destructive. Its advent has sharpened the fears and mutual suspicions of all nations. Already four months after V-J Day, we are launched onthe most colossal armament race the world has everknown. Today the United States alone possesses a stockpile of atom bombs, the largest navy in the world andwith past commitments for shipbuilding, we have beenspending 6}4 billions a month on armaments!Meanwhile, Russia maintains a vast army, based onconscription and will build a powerful fleet. Perhaps already she is making atomic bombs and certainly she willbe able to do so in the near future. Similarly, Britain forthe first time in history will keep a system of conscription.The great powers are embarked then on an armamentrace, which is the most dangerous and explosive of games.Just from the economic side, this race will drain awayour resources and limit our whole destiny. Certainly wecan never hope for permanent tax reduction if thesestaggering sums continue for defense. While the administration plans a drastic cut in this field, an unstableworld situation and rumors of new advances in armaments by other countries will always skyrocket our ownexpenditures.With the swift and absolute destruction of modern warit would be folly for one nation to disarm alone. It becomes imperative instead that we effect internationalreduction in armaments through the plan specifically provided by the charter. Fortunately UNO is launched nowand is a going concern. But so many immediate problemsare contending for the attention of the delegates to theAssembly, that the primary purpose may for the momentbe slighted and there is no time for fumbling. The primary purpose is "to maintain peace and internationalsecurity". It must be carried out at once and with vigor.To this end, just before Christmas, Representative JerryVoorhis of California and I introduced concurrent reso lutions. These resolutions direct the attention of both theAssembly and the Security Council of UNO to their charter responsibilities. The keynote repeats the words of thecharter :"In order to promote the establishment andmaintenance of international peace and security with the least diversion for armaments of theworld's human and economic resources, the Security Council shall be responsible for formulating, with the assistance of the Military StaffCommittee, referred to in article 47, plans to besubmitted to the members of the United Nationsfor the establishment of a system for the regulation of armaments."As the most powerful nation in the world, it is properthat our Congress should pass such a resolution to bringthis issue into the spotlight. We do not propose to repeatthe error which followed the Washington DisarmamentConference when we, as a nation which believed inpeace, fulfilled our part of the agreement, while thosenations bent on aggression, armed to the teeth. If wewant neither conscription nor vast expenditures for defense, we must develop an international system of regulation with inspection and controls. You may doubt thatall nations would accept such a system, even though theyhave adhered to the UNO charter. However, if somepower rejects the plan, at worst we know where we are.At best, there is hope that we can find means of controlling the race, and can do away with the incalculabledanger of atomic war. We might then have a chanceto make as much progress in the science of human relations as we have made in the physical sciences.CongresswomanEmily Taft Douglas,' 1 9, spoke recentlyon "Problems of1946" at the Student Forum organization. She is onethe nine women inCongress, and amember of theHouse Committeeon Foreign Affairs. •-Her grandfather wason the first facultyof the University,and her husband,Major Paul Douglas,is now on leave fromthe University's Department of economics.10ONE MANS OPINIONCarl Beck was one of those rare individuals who longwill be recalled with affection because he meant muchto many people. He seemed, too, as familiar and imperishable a part of the University as Cobb Hall, and eventhe knowledge in the last few weeks that he was gradually losing a long fight did not really change that feeling.He wasn't at the end of a telephone to give advice, and hewas missing from his usual place at the Quadrangle Club,but even so there was no conviction in the thought thatCarl would not quietly reappear again. There is a deepsense of loss and sorrow at his death, but as the realization grows on his many friends how much they leanedon him for understanding, warmth and his fundamentallight-hearted enjoyment of life, he will be missed evenmore.The eighteen years in which he was Alumni Secretaryhave made us of the alumni think of him as particularlyour own, and each of us regarded him as our specialfriend. There was nothing remote or superficial in hismission among us; we were not a mass of thousands, buta series of individuals. Carl understood and liked people,and so he made friends wherever he went, and becausehe was sincerely interested in people, he never forgotanyone. He must have known thousands of us, and notjust by name, for he could sit in a meeting and suggestalumni in any place, big or small, who could be relied onto help the University. He never made a mean or disparaging remark about anyone, because he never thoughtmeanly or unkindly. He had too much understandingand sympathy to be intolerant. When the University be4came excited over issues, and the fight became violentlypartisan, Carl was never one of the aroused participants.He was not indifferent, and he did not lack understandingof what it was all about, but he was wise enough to knowthat violence never produced clarity. Too, he could seethe ridiculous aspect of a situation in which men of learning abandoned reasoned consideration of principle foremotional reaction. Eating lunch at the QuadrangleClub, or sitting in a bridge game, Carl could and didgently laugh at both sides, and before long he had someof those involved laughing at themselves.The understanding and charity he had for everyonecame through in the stories he used to tell. He had noequal in spinning tales; not the flip kind of stories, butanecdotes that grew out of his own experience. He nevercame back from a tour around the country or from hisannual fishing trips without some new yarns. They werenothing but little stories about people he had met andsmall things that had happened to him. but told as hecould tell them, they were delightful.There was the summer before the war when he wasmoving leisurely from town to town in Minnesota, callingon alumni who were on the route to his fishing spot. Forpresentation to these more remote alumni, he carried inhis car several hundred copies of Goodspeed's Abridged • By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, J.D. '22History of the University of Chicago. Returning from hislunch in Albert Lea, he found the town constable waitingto take him to the lockup on a charge of peddling bookswithout a license. Carl's verbatim report of the discussion, which ended with the constable departing with anautographed copy of the History under his arm, determined to talk his grandson into enrolling at the University, was a work of art.Another year, his long anticipated fishing trip wasruined by bad weather, but at the resort Carl soon becamethe crony of two retired gentlemen who had spent nimblelives in such opportunistic enterprises as the merchandising of electric belts and the operation of a mail-orderuniversity. What delighted Carl about this sister institution of learning was its motto: "Not the oldest university,but the largest diploma." Carl came home without anyfish, but with a collection of tales that pleased him andhis audiences much more. The only disappointment inthe matter was the failure of the proprietors of this institution to locate among their relics a diploma with whichto confer an honorary degree on him.With equal facility and effect, when there were nominor adventures to report, Carl could draw on his reminiscences. Many an alumnus has been entertained byhis discussion of the technological effects of the neonlight on the electric sign business, an activity with whichhe was associated before Herbert Zimmermann persuadedhim to return to the University, or his story of being tooprogressive even for John Dewey himself in the early daysof the experiment that educator began at Chicago.In many ways, life was not as good to him as it mighthave been, but that was a fact which had to be discovered from other sources tjhan Carl himself. He alwaysgave and never asked,, and he made no complaints. Hiswife was an invalid for many years, but few knew that,and even fewer caught a glimpse of the superb devotionwith which he kept her life interesting and happy throughthe reflection of his own response to living. In recentyears his failing health caused him considerable difficultybut when he emerged from Billings he picked up wherehe had left off, with no reference to his illness.There was always an air of leisure and unlimited timeabout Carl, but he worked hard on his job. He used hisgifts and talents effectively in bringing as many alumnias possible into contact with the University. The alumniprogram which he developed is intelligent and self-respecting; it is a relationship in which a Chicago man orwoman can participate without loss of dignity. Thecharacter and level of such activities as the ReunionSchool, the Magazine, the Bulletin, result from the depthof Carl's. conception of what a university is and what itsproducts should be. They are so solidly established nowthat they will continue despite his death. But nothing isgoing to replace the vital element that Carl has meantto us as alumni.11NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES• By JEANNETTE LOWREY(( A SK Mr. Beck," I was told as I sought informa-/-\ tion for my first story for the Office of PressRelations two and one-half years ago. Mr. Beckwas also the source for the next two stories on the assignment sheet.A bit dubious that one man could figure in all three,I crossed the hall to the Alumni Office. No welcome matwas needed there — Mr. Beck's infectious smile and warmgreeting to a new colleague was the open sesame. I secured my stories and went away convinced that for newsof the quadrangles, I should ask Mr. Beck.In the month's that followed our first meeting, I learnedthat everyone "asked" Mr. Beck. His morning mail washeavy, his telephone constantly rang, and his office alwayshad a visitor. But no inquiry went unanswered. Fromthe recesses of his memory or from his alumni records,one could learn the why's and wherefore's of Midwayactivities. The faculty and central administration willmiss him, the University's 50,000 alumni will miss him,and I will miss him. Truly, he was "News of the Quadrangles" personified.First the Bomb; Now Poison GasOne of the top secrets of both the University and theArmy during the war, along with the atomic bomb, hasbeen the operation of a secret laboratory for testing poisonwarfare gases. The unveiling of the Toxicity Laboratory,as it is called by the Chemical Warfare Service, tookplace on the Midway this month.Its director, Dr. William F. Doyle, associate professorof anatomy, revealed that 1,500 chemical compounds,many of them far more lethal than those used in WorldWar I, were tested in the laboratory to insure the U. S.defense protection had the enemy used poison gas warfare. Every potential new war gas and most of the gasesrumored to have been developed by the enemy wereexamined and evaluated. Th work was done first underthe auspices of the Office of Scientific Research and Development and later under the Chemical Warfare Service.Of the 1,500 proposed chemical warfare compoundstested and standardized in the laboratory, one-fifth weredeveloped by Dr. Morris S. Kharasch, '17, Ph.D. '19,professor of chemistry, in another branch of the warresearch network. And no less than 70,000 men (and afew women) volunteered to act as subjects for the blistergas studies conducted by the laboratory under Dr. William Bloom, chairman of the department of anatomy.As the result of its operations, the Toxicity Laboratoryachieved for the army insurance against enemy use ofgas. In addition the new methods designed to test wargases will be invaluable in assessing peacetime industrialhazards, Director Doyle states. The medicinally valuablecompounds developed in the research will save manylives, possibly more than gases might have destroyed. Six of the laboratories on the Midway are ventilatedto make possible work with the most hazardous toxicmaterials, and the equipment — much of which cannotbe duplicated on this continent — is suited to the studiesof industrial hazards involving volatile materials, toxicdusts, and skin irritants.Planned six months in advance of Pearl Harbor by asmall group of leading American chemists, the laboratorywas initiated at University expense. Dr. Franklin C. McLean, professor of pathological physiology, was appointedfirst director, and Dr. E. M. K. Geiling, chairman ofthe department of pharmacology, especially designed thebuildings.Brigadier General Roger M. Wicks of the Sixth ServiceCommand inspects Dr. McLean's Legion of Merit award.Citation for Legion of MeritAnd with the announcement of the secret Toxicity Laboratory also came news that the first director, Dr. McLean, '08, SM '13, Ph.D. '15, had been awarded theLegion of Merit citation. Lieutenant Colonel McLeanwas cited by the United States Army for his demonstration of remarkable talents and scientific versatility inthe laboratory and field testing and in improving theeffectiveness of persistent blister gases while he was director of toxicology for the Chemical Warfare Service.Dr. McLean served as director of toxicology at Edge-wood Arsenal from October, 1943, to March, 1944. Hisarmy work in the medical corps then took him to thearmy project at San Jose, Panama, where he was responsible for establishing biological testing methods. Thecitation also acclaimed him for his work as a representative of the British-American coordination staff on gaswarfare. In World War I, Dr. McLean held the rank ofmajor.12THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13Veterans Invade the MidwayNot only Gil. Joe and G.I. Jane, but Mr. and Mrs.G.I., have invaded the campus to swell the number ofreturned veterans at the University to 1300 during thewinter quarter. And registration still continues.The first G.I. couple to register, Mr. and Mrs. RicardoMeana, are both pre-war University of Chicago studentsin the College.Eighty per cent of the 150 students registering in theCollege this quarter are veterans. But veterans and highschool students alike clamored to be among the 150admitted. More than 900 high-ranking applicants hadindicated by last November 20, closing deadline for application, their desire to enroll in the College. Registration was limited because of housing.Total University enrollment, based on paid registration after the second week of the quarter, was 6,196, anincrease of 22.8 over the same period last year. Men forthe first time since the war were in the majority, 3,268having registered in comparison with 2,928 women.Percentage gains in the professional schools and divisions skyrocketed. The School of Business was up 175per cent, the School of Medicine, 162 per cent, and theLaw School, 134 per cent. The percentage gains in thedivisions were: physical sciences, 88.2 per cent; socialsciences, 77.2; biological sciences, 53.1 and humanities,35.8. Numerical totals for the University were: College,2,073; divisions, 2,248; professional schools, 1,043; andUniversity College, 832.Seedless Melons ComingAmericans may soon be smacking their lips over seedless watermelons according to Dr. J. E. Kraus, Ph.D. '17,chairman of the department of botany. He predicted thedelicacy at the North Central States Weed Control Conference, and explained that the phenomena would comeabout through development of growth-regulating substances which can completely stop the forming of seedsin certain plants.Dr. J. E. Kraus World ResolutionsInstead of resolutions of self-denial and self-reform,men this year are outlining the steps which must betaken toward a peaceful world order by all mankind.Chancellor Robert M. Hutchins, Dean Robert Redfield,'20, J.D. '21, Ph.D. '28, of the Division of Social Sciences,and Thorfin Hogness, director of the chemistry divisionof the atomic bomb project, proposed their views beforeuniversity and world-wide audiences."Now is the time when things must be done beforetheir time," Dean Redfield stated in a recent RoundTable broadcast on The State of the Nation. "If thesecurity and happiness of the world depend upon thedevelopment of moral power, we must identify and claimthose elements of principle which are shared by manymen in many nations. It is stupid to act as if we hadall the virtue. It is not helpful to speak of ourselves aswell worthy of custodianship of overwhelming militarymight. There is no people wise enough or good enoughto hold atomic weapons as a sacred trust."We must find and proclaim the common principlesof right action which govern the policies of men," DeanRedfield continued. "The development of moral powerrequires that individual men and women take actionswhich express the goal of world community. ... It isnot unrealistic to begin now to consider the constitutional problems of a federal union of the world."On the same broadcast, Professor Hogness, liaison officer between the United States and Great Britain onthe atomic project, said: "The atomic bomb makes itimperative that we forget international prejudices, thatwe sacrifice some national sovereignty and that we bewilling to give ourselves — to give time and energy enoughto arouse a burning conviction for the sake of attainingthe right to remain alive."Peace cannot endure by fear alone. If we are to besuccessful in a world political structure, the hearts andthe minds of men must be changed. Our task is notcompleted when we have built the machinery for peace.We must extend the will for peace toward better understanding among all peoples of the earth that we mayknow them better and know why they react as they do."Addressing the faculty and trustees at the annual trustees' dinner, Chancellor Hutchins declared that if theatomic bomb gives civilization only five more years tolive, universities must set about to promote the application to current problems of such knowledge — or even suchgood opinions — as we have about human relationships.He suggested the establishment of a committee at theUniversity which would attempt to draft a constitutionfor a world state — a proposal which originated in thehumanities division."It is not suggested that the constitution drafted mightbe instantly adopted," Chancellor Hutchins said. "Itwould probably be a calamity if any constitution draftednow were to be adopted. But since we must work towardworld government or perish, we ought at once to begin14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtrying to find out what kind of world government weought to work toward."If we have to wait till we have a world communitybefore we have a world state, we shall not need a worldstate. If we go into a world state without a world community, the world state may fall apart. Formulating anddiscussing a constitution for a world government mustbe looked upon as part of the work of forming a worldcommunity. Although there is a tinge of megalomaniaabout it, this is one kind of work which the Americanscholar must perform today. He must bring his knowledge and his objectivity to bear upon the critical conditions of civilization. . . . Now is the time for the intellectuals to show whether they have intellects equalto the task."Your Money's WorthThe vast war activities, including the MetallurgicalLaboratory work on the atomic bomb, brought the financial operations of the University to a new high of some$32,600,000 of operating income during the fiscal year1944-45, Harvey C. Daines, A.M. '26, comptroller, reports. The consolidated income for the year, ending June30, 1945, was more than three times that of a normalpre-war year, but about two-thirds, or $20,894,000, camefrom government sources under non-profit contracts undertaken by the University for war purposes.Income of the regular budget, representing usualUniversity activities, was $9,002,784, and expenditures$8,466,083.Total funds held by the University were $136,626,037,of which $45,458,156 represented cost of investment inthe plant and equipment, $1,800,869 was annuity andliving trust funds, subject to obligations to pay income;$298,426 was loan funds and $13,127,582 was currentfunds. The total amount of gifts, grants and bequests paidin during the year was $2,361,944. Since incorporationof the University in 1890, contributions from all sourceshave aggregated $153,442,382, of which $72,603,631 hasbeen received during the last 16 years. Student fee incomewas $2,210,701. Scholarship and fellowship aid amountedto $566,975, and loans to students were $49,693.Comings and GoingsOne came and one went. Quincy Wright, authorityon international law who has been on leave to assist Attorney General Francis Biddle in the war trials at Nuernberg, Germany, has returned for the winter quarter. Hiscolleague, Simeon Leland, Ph.D. '26, expert in the fieldof public finance and taxation, has gone to Panama Cityat the invitation of the Offices of the Inter-AmericanDevelopment Commission to study and report on economic and commercial conditions and the tax system ofthe Republic. . . .Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, co-discoverer of plutonium whois on loan to the Metallurgical Project, was acclaimed theoutstanding young man of Chicago for 1945 by the JuniorAssociation of Commerce. . . . Leona Woods Marshall, '38, Ph.D. '43, University physicist working with EnricoFermi on the atomic bomb, was voted one of the tenwomen of the year by Mademoiselle magazine. . . . William Benton, assistant secretary of state and former assistant to the Chancellor, was acclaimed the No. 1, No.2 man by Life magazine in a recent article.Marcel Dupre, world-famous organist of the Churchof Saint Sulpice, Paris, France, will be in residence atthe University next summer from June 24 to July 27 toteach a master course in organ, conduct a weekly seminar on interpretation and repertory, and present fiveweekly public recitals. In conjunction with Dupre's master class, the department of music plans a variety ofconcerts and lectures upon Bach and music of the baroqueperiod. . . . Adam Skapski, Polish metallurgist and experton steel, who spent 26 months in a labor camp in Russiaduring the war, arrived in the United States last monthto assume his duties on the staff of the Institute for theStudies of Metals. Skapski, immediately after his release,was secretary general and deputy minister of educationfor Poland in London.NEW SECRETARYWhen Charlton T. Beck retired as secretary-treasurerof the Alumni Association on January 1, 1946, HowardW. Mort was appointed to succeed him. Mort came tothe Midway from Oregon in the fall of 1927. He secureda student job in the Reynolds Club and the followingyear was appointed student manager of the Club. Laterhe became director of the Clubhouse which position heheld until 1941. At intervals during that period he devoted part time to other activities. For six months he edited the University of Chicago Magazine during the absence of Charlton Beck, who was doing special field workfor the University. For three years in the early thirties hedirected the University Band and from 1933 to 1941,he edited a weekly campus news sheet called TowerTopics.When the Alumni Foundation, a division of the A&Sp-ciation, was organized inthe fall of 1941, Mort resigned from the Reynolds Club to becomethe executive secretaryof the Foundation, andan associate editor of theMagazine.On accepting the newappointment, Mort said:"Every alumnus knowsthat no one can takeCarl's place but I amhonored to. have the opportunity to carry on forHoward W. Mort him."UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATIONAND ADMINISTRATION""" ~ " "" ~~ "• By LEONARD D. WHITE, Ph.D. '21TWO LEVELS ARE The p,anBOGGING DOWNTHERE is only one subject about which I can speakon this occasion. It is university organization andadministration. I propose to speak about the organization and administration of the University of Chicago as it is today, to make some observations on theplan that went into effect less than a year ago, and tosuggest some steps that remain to be taken.The subject is an important one. We know that theUniversity does not exist to be administered, or to provide opportunity for the officers of administration to perform their respective functions. We know also, however,that the highest fulfillment of the true objects of theUniversity may be greatly facilitated, or hampered, bythe quality and effectiveness of its administration. Thelarger a university and the more diverse its interests,the more essential is its good administration — to balance,to coordinate, and to lend confidence to all its parts.In December, 1942, the President of the University advised the Trustees that the condition of the Universitygovernment was unsatisfactory and proposed either thathe be given more authority and more responsibility orless. It could be read between the lines that he favoredmore authority and responsibility rather than less. Athis suggestion the Board of Trustees requested the thenUniversity Senate to elect a committee of seven to servejointly with the Trustee Committee on Instruction andResearch in a study of the organization of the University.The Joint Committee began its deliberations early in1943 and concluded them in the spring of 1945. Not muchhas been said publicly of these meetings, although thevarious exchanges of memoranda have all been published.In a way, not much can be said. The Trustees playeda close hand. They asked the Senate members many questions. They gave us full opportunity to express our opinions. They made various observations on plans that wethrew out for consideration. But as to their own views,they remained inscrutable. The Chairman of the Committee, who speaks tonight for the Trustees, was inscrutable — but he is a lawyer. The Trustee members of theCommittee, whether lawyers or laymen, were equally inscrutable. The proceedings were a masterpiece of inscrutability. The Senate members of the Committee cameto the end of the joint discussions without the faintestnotion as to the outcome.You may wonder how we could continue our conversations for two years under such circumstances. At timeswe wondered^ too. In December, 1944, the Trustees announced their planfor the future form of University government. The President announced his satisfaction with it, although asserting that his plan was a better one. With proper deference,Mr. Hutchins was wrong. The Trustees' plan was a betterone than his. It also was a better one than that proposedby the Senate Committee. It skillfully combined ideasfrom various sources to produce a form of universityorganization that is unique— one that, in my judgment,is destined to form the pattern for effective universityorganization throughout the United States. Every memberof the University is deeply indebted to the Board of Trustees for their statesmanlike solution of a difficult problem.We owe them our gratitude.I should like to specify the reasons why the Trustees'plan of organization has in it the marks of statesmanship.The plan combines three essentials: (1) opportunity forexecutive leadership; (2) opportunity for faculty participation; and (3) joint responsibility of faculty, administration, and Board of Trustees for the educational policyof the University.It is agreed on all sides that the University, like anyother human organization, needs leadership. It is alsoclear that over-all leadership is not likely to developspontaneously within a body of scholars, properly intentupon their own research, writing, and teaching, and organized in an ever-increasing number of departments,committees, divisions, professional schools, offices, centers,and institutes. Leadership must come in large measurefrom the Office of the Central Administration.Genuine leadership, however, can be achieved onlyif accompanied by a sense of participation by all concerned. Leadership implies followers, and this faculty canfollow only if it participates in deciding the general direction in which the University will move. We know that,at any point, some members of the faculty will sincerelybelieve that the direction agreed upon is wrong. Thiswe can endure; but the morale and integrity of no facultycan be sustained if its members are excluded, or believethey are excluded, from participation in great decisions,least of all a faculty such as this.The Trustees' plan permits vigorous executive leadership and effective faculty participation. It also placesresponsibility on both executive arid faculty for decisionson matters of educational policy. The plan sets up anorganization well designed to ensure this double responsibility: the Chancellor and his associates, on the onehand; the University Senate, Council, and Committeeon the other. It provides an incentive for agreement byreserving to the Trustees the power to decide matters of1516 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEeducational policy if agreement is not forthcoming elsewhere. I am sure I speak for the faculty when I saythat we hope the Trustees will never be called upon todecide any such issues. Again with due deference, it willbe better to allow time for us to convince each otherthan to seek a decision from them.It is too soon to speak confidently about the practicalsuccess of the Trustees' plan. May I report, however,that as I have watched its operation for two quarters, Ibelieve it is producing the results that every friend ofthe University hoped for. The Chancellor and the President have been unremitting in attendance at the meetingsof the Committee of the Council. They have brought asteady stream of important matters to our attention, somefor information and some for recommendation to theCouncil. They have answered readily all the questionswe have put to them. Our discussions of University affairshave been frank— and friendly. The Chancellor and -thePresident have made abundantly clear their intention todo their full share in making the new plan of organizationa success. To date, every recommendation of the Committee of the Council to the Council has been unanimous;and after open discussion in the Council, the recommendations of the Committee have been unanimouslyapproved. This is a record that obviously cannot be continued indefinitely, but it does demonstrate the valuesof acquaintance, conference, and participation.The First TestThe election of the Council by the Senate in May,1945, provided the first test of the system of proportional representation. There was lively interest amongthe members of the Senate and the expected attentionto the organization of quotas of voters promptly appeared. The basic interest of the Senators as electorsapparently was to ensure representation of the professional schools and other units of organization; cuttingacross this primary motivation was the division of thefaculty on the general educational policy of the University; and cutting through these lines were the specialinterests of a few groups that were able to secure representation by virtue of the small electoral quota of seven.These groups will tend to disappear in subsequent elections when the quota will rise (with election of onlyseventeen members of the Council) to the normal figureof about 25.The Council meets once a month with the Chancellorand the officers of the Central Administration. Attendance has been good, regularly about forty out of fifty-onemembers. The Council has demonstrated a desirable independence with reference to matters brought to itsattention, and a desirable initiative in suggesting improvements in the work of the University. It is a body smallenough to work effectively, and large enough to bereasonably representative. Like the Committee, the Council is becoming better acquainted with the Chancellorand with a wide variety of University problems. The requirement that seventeen members must retire annually — at least for one year — will have the beneficial result ofextending acquaintanceship and responsibility for takingdecisions in ever- widening circles. In a few years a largenumber of members of the faculty will thus be introducedto University problems and will take part in their solution.Whether the Senate, now enlarged to number about450, will develop a life and vitality of its own remainsin doubt. It performs a necessary function as an electoralagent, but I judge that it will not become an otherwiseimportant part of the University organization.I repeat that it is too soon to form a mature judgmentabout the success of the new plan of University organization. For myself, I am optimistic. All our problems arenot yet solved, and never will be; but great opportunitiesfor effective leadership, genuine cooperation, and properresponsibility have been put in our hands. May we havethe wisdom and tolerance and courage to make the mostof them.Mr. Chairman: I cannot leave the subject of university organization and administration with these commentson what has been our major problem. The growth of theUniversity and the intensification of its work have givenrise to some problems more specifically administrativein nature that also deserve attention. The managementof the educational business of the University has forsome time outgrown the capacity of those responsible forit, with the service they now possess. At some points weare in imminent danger of a breakdown.BottlenecksFor a long time the President's office was an administrative bottleneck. This situation was due not to lackof good intentions or to the absence of administrativeskill, but to the sheer lack of manpower. The job of thePresident had outgrown the working capacity of any man.The reorganization that took place last summer recognized this difficulty and went far toward correcting it.The appointment of an administrative assistant to theChancellor is a further step in the right direction. Othersteps may be needed.University educational administration rests on threelevels: first, the office of Central Administration; second,the deans of divisions and heads of professional schools;and third, the chairmen of departments and committees.The second and third levels are bogging down; some ofthe larger schools, divisions, and departments are duplicating the administrative bottleneck that is just beingbroken at the top. The pressure of educational and research business which focuses on the offices of deansand chairmen increases year by year. Deans and chairmen, if they are to retain a shred of scholarly interest,need help.The proper organization of the offices of deans andchairmen of departments is not an easy achievement.The faculty would regret — and resist — solving the problem at these two levels by providing for "professional"administrators — men and women not engaged in teach-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17ing, writing, or research who would give all their time tothe business of their offices. One element of the strengthof this University has been that, at all levels of its administration, educational management has been in the handsof persons themselves engaging in the essential functionsof the University.At the Dean's LevelAt the dean's level, I incline to the opinion that thesolution may be found in the kind of a team that isnow at work in the Office of Central Administration:a team comprising two or three members of the facultywho have administrative talent and the confidence bothof the dean and of his faculty, each of whom wouldgive up a substantial part of his teaching load. Theywould be able to relieve the dean of much of the preliminary spadework that must go into group decisions,of much of the committee work that he cannot nowescape, and of much of the routine paper work thatgrows incredibly year by year. The dean would continueto make decisions appropriate to his office. In this orin some other way, deans need help, if they are to remain, as they should remain, active members of a community of scholars.At the Departmental LevelAt the departmental level, the situation is j like thaton the dean's level, but in lesser degree. Here I speakfrom experience, which I am sure is shared by chairmenof many departments. We are fighting a losing battleagainst the advancing enemy. The forms that we haveto fill out grow each year in volume and complexity. Thenumber of hours we are directed to be on duty for counselling students steadily increases, although it never hascaught up to the hours that students require. The number of committees of which we are members multiplies,and we are saved only by the inability of committee chairmen to arrange meetings because members are attendingother meetings. We can devote ourselves to our researchand writing only by leaving the city.The remedy at the departmental level is relativelysimple. First, the paper work imposed upon us is excessive and should be simplified without delay. Second, weneed to ask our departmental colleagues to share moreof the work. We have done little of this, wishing to protect them as far as possible in their enjoyment of thegood life. Third, in the large departments, we need thekind of superior secretarial aid with which a few departments have been blessed for many years: an intelligent,responsible, and responsive person who can do — muchbetter than we can — the necessary routine work that mustbe done. Such people can be found, and can be persuaded to help us over a long span of years. They areliterally invaluable. We cannot expect to get this kindof help, however, on the basis of present provisions forsalaries and for security. I hope that we can experimentboldly at this essential level of administration. It shouldnot be necessary to sacrifice the precious time of men So much publicity wasgiven the birth pains ofChicago's new form of"faculty - administration"government a year agothat when Leonard D.White, at the annualTrustee - Faculty Dinner,gave a report of progresswe thought it should bepassed on to you. Dr.White, who has the confidence of his colleaguesand a reputation for fair-miindedness, served aschairman of the FacultyCommittee in working outthese changes in organization. Beginning with our subtitle "Bottlenecks" Dr. White deals with another phase ofadministration which will be of specific interest to the vastnumber of our readers who are charged with educationaladministration as a part of their faculty appointments.Leonard D. White, Professor of Public Administration, isalso Chairman of the Administrative Committee of theDepartment of Political Science — which explains why hespeaks with emphasis and feeling on details which cause"bogging down."and women who want to be productive scholars. Theircontribution is too great to throw away.Another administrative reform is needed: a revisionof the personnel system of the whole University. Thisis a large undertaking which if entered upon will requirecareful study. I do not recall that the personnel systemof the University has ever been systematically and critically examined as such. Two large groups are involved—the faculty and the employees. The situation may soonbecome urgent if, as seems likely, we are moving intoan era of generally higher price and wage levels.CompensationThe salary level of the faculty is important both absolutely and in relation to that maintained by other greatuniversities. It is my impression that we are not holdingour own. Also important are such matters as reasonableuniformity of salary levels among men of the same rank,promotion without undue delay, and recognition of scholarly achievement. Furthermore, the time will soon comefor a review of experience with the new four-quartercontract.With respect to the employees of the University someform of security program is greatly needed. The presentplan of small allowances upon retirement, made as anact of grace, and only where absolutely necessary, carefully fashioned to the financial situation of each employee, is out of step with the times. The Universityshould pioneer in its dealings with its employees, not lagfar behind progressive standards found elsewhere.In closing may I make the observation that a university is neither a business nor a government. Its properorganization is not to be modeled on that of a businessor a government. The great tasks of a university are dis-18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcovery, the development of minds., ^and the transmissionof culture The organization of a university must beadapted to these ends of discovery, the development ofminds, and the transmission of culture The administration of the university exists to facilitate these ends Itis essentially a cooperative enterprise, needing leadershipand also needing the sense of participation among itsmembers We now have an organization of the University which as such admirably meets these needs. We nowhave again, I believe, that mutual confidence which,Memo from Col Spivey to German Kommandant27 December, 1944In view of the shortage of plates and bowls,it is requested that we be permitted to retainthe empty plum pudding cans which came inthe special Christmas parcelsNote Disapproved15 Jan '45 Many remained in bed all day to keepwarm little coal food running days late Men arepeaked, drawn, pale, apathetic, empty-eyed, waiting forsomething to happen The news is still bad16 Jan '45 Loud speaker flash, "The entire eastfront is on the move '" Near hysteria German guards growing year by year, sets the firm foundation on whichour University can continue to pioneer With leadershipand participation and mutual confidence we can indeedecho those long-echoing words of Mr Paul Harper, uttered a year ago m this room " if you, my friends,will only seek out, and having found, grasp firmly, thatspirit, that freshness and clarity of purpose which comesto all men when they begin great things, which cameto those who built this University in the beginning, whatgodly achievement will come forth1"Editor's conclusion: From January 27 until dramatic liberation day, April 29, the ColoneFs prophesy was true.It's the tragic story of suffering and hardship which hasbeen described to America in as many versions as thereare periodicals. The marvel is that a young man could gothrough all this and eight months later sit calmly andmodestly in our office telling the story as if it had been asimple thirty-minute nightmare. Because he spoke and readGerman easily, Lt. Lyman Burbank was attached as interpreter to the American administration offices in prison;because he was a normal American youth he retained hissense of humor through all the horror — as indicated in theabove diary excerpts; because he looked upon the War asonly a temporary interlude to his ambitions, he is now hardat work preparing himself for what he earnestly hopes willbe a peaceful world.Prisoners Arejngenic24 Nov 344 Cold ram all day Food situation gettingdarker Mail situation bad Too many 'absentee ballotsand Christmas cards are taking mail space Col Spiveywas fit to be tied His mail was a ballot from MayorHague's Jersey City, where he has never voted m his life8 Dec '44 Bitter cold An officer m West Compoundis being held for court-martial for destruction of Reichproperty — cutting up a mattress cover to make underwear The order on no mass escapes limits all projectsto five men (six are a mass) A severe handicap12 Dec '44 News is indicative of something big asAmericans start fourth offensive against Aachen Themen are pessimistic Something has gone wrong "Somebody snafu'ed — but good "18 Dec '44 Ten degrees above The German newscast at 1300 collapsed our hopes "At 0530 on December16 the German army started an offensive and brokethrough the West Wall between Aachen and Luxembourg The allies were taken by surprise " This was theonly news of the day Men joke about their sons beingtaken prisoners before they are released20 Dec '44 The men are confused by the confidenceof the Germans in the apparent success of the breakthroughChristmas Day Someone walked into the camp infirmary with a miniature U S flag m his hat The Germans paled with rage The flag was removed, the storygot around, and soon hundreds of miniature flags werein evidence No action S (Continued from Page 9)solemn and stern There is great tragedy in this defeatfor the Germans, "Never to rise again," remarked one19 Jan '45 Camp morale on the ceiling Much speculation, rumor, planning and preparation to move Russians 150 miles away20 Jan '45 Snappy cooperation and obedience toorders Russians 120 miles away In the news room themen stood before the map and cheered like football fanswhen advances were marked up22 Jan '45 High spirits Russians 110 miles awayA complete organization set up for expected marchmedics, engineers, supply and operations Bitter coldwhich is dreaded for a march All night men preparebed rolls and sew knapsacks23 Jan '45 More preparations for evacuation Situation bad outside the wire Temperature zero Roadscongested with pathetic evacuees Flat top cars, 50 women (most with babies, many dead) on each open carLivestock, dead from starvation and exposure, litter road24 Jan '45 Men huddle under loud speaker for clueof Russian delivery or German evacuation Col Spiveystresses importance of traveling light and orders camphistorians to pack files and records25 Jan '45 Camp electrified at 1600 when speakerannounced Russian spearhead 48 miles east of campSnowing27 Jan '45 This is it1 Hit the road at three AMColonel remarks We are in a hell of a mess no matterwhat happensTHE ORIGINAL ABORIGINEMrs. Elizabeth Messick HoukEditor's Note: We are indebted to Eldon Roark, whosecolumn "Strolling With Eldon Roark" is a daily featureof the Memphis Press-Scimitar, for permission to reprintthe following excerpt from his column of December 14.I knew that Mrs.Elizabeth MessickHouk was a distinguished woman — thatshe was a former superintendent of countyschools, and that Messick High was namedfor her. But I didn'tknow till the other daythat her distinction inthe field of educationextended way back to1892.In that year, as asomewhat frightenedgirl of 16, Mrs. Houkbecame the first student to enter the thennew University ofChicago.This bit of biography came to my attention when areader sent me a bulletin of the Kentucky Wesleyan College. It contained an address made by William AylettBuckner, of the Class of '95."At the beginning of the 20th century, I left Kentuckyto reside for the next 10 years at Memphis," Mr. Bucknersaid in opening his speech. "There I became acquaintedwith many interesting people . . . among these was thesuperintendent of Shelby County. From her I receiveda first hand story of the birth of Chicago University."Elizabeth Messick was brought up on a" farm nearMemphis," he continued, "and when she was aboutthrough with high school she determined to have a career.In those days higher education for women meant attendance at Wellesley or Vassar, or some other women'scollege."About that time it was announced that John D. Rockefeller had given some millions for the creation of auniversity at Chicago which was to have all the modernrefinements, including co-education. Elizabeth Messickdecided that was the school for her. So one day in thefall of 1892 she arrived at Chicago, hailed a horse-drawncab and asked to be driven to Chicago University."But the driver didn't know where the University ofChicago was. Had never heard of it. A policeman onthe corner didn't know either.Miss Messick knew it was supposed to be somewherenear the grounds of the Columbian Exposition, then under construction. So they turned the horse in that direction.They drove on and on. After about an hour they beganto leave the city behind entirely. Fears, all kinds of fears,began to flash through the mind of the young girl. Sheexpressed some of them to the driver. He assured herthey were going in the direction of the exposition grounds.Finally they came to the big project, but they couldn'tsee anything that looked like a school. So they inquiredat a drug store. The druggist had never heard of theUniversity of Chicago. His clerk, however, spoke up."There's a fellow named Harper in that house acrossthe street," he said. "He's starting some kind of school."Miss Messick went over to the house and rang the bell."And at that moment, the University of Chicago wasborn!" Mr. Buckner continued. "For just as a theatermay have a stage and scenery, an acting company anda play, it cannot function without an audience. So aUniversity requires not only buildings and libraries andlaboratory and faculty, but also must have students."When 'the fellow named Harper' opened the door toElizabeth Messick, the President of the University wasfor the first time in the presence of his student body.Elizabeth Messick was the first person to demand admission to the University as a student!"Needless to say, Dr. Harper was delighted to see thenew arrival. He had had dinner and was in conferencewith some of his faculty to whom Elizabeth Messick wasintroduced. They made much over her."The first class to graduate at the University of Chicago were called 'the Aborigines', and the faculty groupthat Miss Messick encountered that evening dubbed her'the Original Aborigine'."Mrs. Elizabeth Messick Houk, a widow, lives at theNineteenth Century Club in Memphis. So when I readMr. Buckner's speech I called the club and asked for her.She said, yes, Mr. Buckner had a remarkable memory.It had been a long long time since she had told himthe story, but it was correct. And she added a little moreabout that day she made history at Chicago.Most of the faculty members of the new Universitywere staying temporarily at the Vendome Hotel. Dr.Harper took her there. A cot was put in the room ofMiss Marian Talbot, dean of women, and she roomedwith her.Miss Messick also took her meals at the hotel, a lonelittle girl sitting at a big table with a group of distinguished professors.She saw buildings for the new University and the Columbian Exposition erected, and then she saw the Exposition itself while enjoying the distinction of being aco-ed! Those were thrilling days!19NINE LETTER "C" MAN-Editor's Note: The following article by Harry L. Bird,'22, appeared originally in the December, 1945, issue ofthe uPalm of Alpha Tau Omega".Paul Hinkle, '21, was a great athlete at the Universityof Chicago. He became a great coach. True, his abilities did not receive the national recognition of his sidekick, "Fritz" Crisler, '22. But he came into his own ina big way when he was given charge of the Great Lakesteams early in the war, and none who saw his Bluejackets whip Notre. Dame in 1943 with a terrific lastminute touch down will dispute his greatness.This merely proved what his former employers hadknown all along— that, given the right material, he couldproduce results right along with the "name" coaches.He hasn't always had stellar players to work with, buthe's never failed to get the best out of what he had.A Hoosier Hot-ShotThis fall Tony was released after 44 months in theNavy, to start his seventeenth year as athletic directorand head coach at Butler University, Indianapolis. Theythink a lot of him in the Hoosier capital. That state isa hot-bed of basketball fanatics. It has produced somegreat cage mentors, but Hinkle's record stacks up withthe best.In 311 starts the big ex-Maroon, whose swarthy skinearned him his college nickname of "Tony" and "TheGreek", led his Butler fives to 208 victories, for a percentage of .668. And they played some of the top teamsin the land. In 1929 they won the national title. Theycaptured Indiana Collegiate Conferences in 1927, 1928,1929, 1930 and 1939, and the Missouri Valley Championship in 1933 and 1934.Under the Grand Old Man at Chicago, Tony wonthree letters each in football, basketball and baseball. Hewas a starting end on the powerful 1919 and 1920 elevens,and a better than average pitcher in baseball. He madethe historic trip to Japan with the 1920 Maroon diamondsquad. He could have sparkled in track if he'd beenable to fit it in with baseball.The hoop game, however, was really his dish. Heproved it by captaining the Maroon quintet for two successive years and making All-Conference guard three yearsrunning. He led Chicago into a national championshipseries with Penn, and fed Ted Curtiss what they boththought was the winning basket just as the gun wentoff , only to have the timekeeper announce that he shouldhave fired his gun three seconds sooner.Winning His "I"Out on the Midway they still tell of the time the Greekwon his "I" in football. It was in the closing momentsof a hard-fought game with Iowa, who had the great Devine brothers, Duke Slater and Gordon Locke ontheir side. The Maroons were ahead 9-6, but Iowa wasthreatening, when Stagg sent Hinkle in. At that timeit was illegal for a new player to talk until one play hadbeen run. Full of fight, he dashed onto the field andshouted, "C'mon fellers! Let's go!" An alert officialheard him and promptly marched the ball almost tothe Maroon goal line. Only a miracle kept the Hawkeyesfrom scoring. When a somewhat subdued Tony reachedthe clubhouse, Fritz Crisler and the other boys wereready for him with a large letter "I" (for Iowa).While an undergraduate, he took an active part incampus life. He was treasurer of the Reynold's Club,men's social organization, and member of the varioushonor societies. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omegafraternity, and an officer in the chapter. He also waselected to Owl and Serpent, Skull and Crescent, andIron Mask.When Pat Page, Stagg's assistant, went to Butler asAthletic Director in 1921, Tony went along. Five yearslater he moved into the top slot after Page resigned,remaining there until March, 1942. Then he was commissioned a Lieutenant in the Navy and assigned to GreatLakes.They kept him busy. Besides coaching football andbasketball, he assisted Micky Cochrane in baseball andhelped develop the physical hardness and recreation program for all personnel. In March, 1944, when hispredecessor left, Tony became Athletic Officer, corresponding to the Director of Athletics job at a University.From Great Lakes to GuamThat September, Tony was shipped out, going toGuam. There he established a Fleet Recreation Center,two centers for enlisted men and one for officers. Hespent about a year on the island before heading home inOctober.A stickler for fundamentals in every sport he coaches,Tony follows the Stagg pattern of shaping his attack tofit his material. Some of his teams feature a high-scoring offensive, others are long on defense. But hehas one basic rule for all — confidence. His players catchhis own self-assurance of victory, and fight right downto the last second. They win a lot of close ones andlose some close ones too, but the big guy on the benchnever gives up hope as long as there's a chance. It paysoff. Just ask Notre Dame about that Hinkle-coachedGreat Lakes team in '43 !—Harry Bird, '2220THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OF THE CLASSESRECENT VISITORS TO ALUMNIHOUSECody Pfanstiehl, '38Lt. (j.g.) Leonard K. Olsen, '36Lt. Elbert C. Cole, '42Lt- (j-g-) Joseph J. Molkup, '41Lt. Ira Glick, '42Lt. Comdr. Elvin E. Overton, '28,JD'31Lt. J. W. Harney, AM '36Major Alexis T. Miller, '42Capt. Richard E. Petersen, '43Sgt. Webb S. Fiser, '42T/Sgt. Richard L. Wallens, '42Sgt. Jacob B. Swanson, '421905James Edgar Bell, formerly on thefaculty of the Chemistry Departmentat California Institute of Technology,has retired.1906Dr. H. B. Benninghoff, AM '07, isat present serving as interim ministerof the First Baptist Church, McKeesport, Pennsylvania, which is knownby the interesting appellation of "TheFriendly Singing Church."1909Katherine Slaught is on sabbaticalleave from Hyde Park High School,and is studying Spanish, English, andteaching French 101 at the UniversityCollege.INDEPENDENT BLIND TUNING SERVICESOUTH SIDE - 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE -SERVICE ON SPINETS, UPRIGHTS ANDGRANDSMember American Society of Piano TunerTech.I 164 E. 6 1st Street Hyde Park 5527 Col. Robert Harris is at the Schoolof Military Government, Charlottesville, Virginia. One daughter is ateacher in Harrison High School, inChicago; and the other is in Northwestern University.Sophia Camenisch has been veryactive in educational and literaryclubs, especially the English Club ofGreater Chicago. She retired fromher teaching duties last year, aftermany years of service in Teachers'College.Mary Courtenay, AM '37, is stilldoing a 'first class job as principal ofthe Gompers School for CrippledIChildren; her community raised$4,000 for the South Side Camp forCrippled Children; Mary's promotion, you may be sure!Rev. Walter S. Pond is busy writing to many parishioners in militaryservice and is civilian chaplain atMilitary Post 1602, in Chicago.Anita Sturges Dole is living in Bath,Maine, where her husband is minister and they are busy with manycivic and religious duties.1911It is appropriate that Lau Shaw'sbook "Rickshaw Boy" should be illustrated by Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge. Noother American illustrator has experienced so intimate and varied an association with the Far East. Art andbook lovers are already familiar withBaldridge illustrations in "Hajji Babaof Ispahan" and "Translations fromCLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency63rd YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices- — One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis — Kansas City, Mo.Spokane — New YorkU Nl VERSITYNational BankCHECKPLAN PAY-AS-YOU-GOoffers a low cost checking plan, which is easilyunderstood. Its only cost to depositors is fivecents for each check written and five cents foreach deposit. For your convenience deposits canbe made by mail. Stop in or write our Pay-As- You-Go Department and open your account^^^^" now.UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1345 EAST 55TH STREETA Clearing House Bank — Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation the Chinese." After two years of service in World War I — during the finalyear of which he drew for "Stars andStripes" — Baldridge traveled directlyto China. For a year he lived inPeking sketching the life of its colorful streets, the life described in "Rickshaw Boy." In 1924-25 he made asecond sketching tour of Japan andChina, a third in 1931. For his consistent, sympathetic interpretation ofChina in his pictures and his manycontributions of posters to Chinesecauses, he was presented in 1944 withan "Award of Recognition" by theChina Relief Legion.Ralph H. Kuhns, MD Rush '13,has been appointed consulting psychiatrist for the newly created California Department of Mental Hygiene. This is in addition to his present position as Psychiatrist-in-Chieffor the Army-Navy Examining Boardof Southern California. In spite ofhis many duties, he writes us he expects to visit the University in Junefor the 35th reunion of the Class of"Ee-o-leven".1912Charles W. Saunders, SM, PhD'25, is teaching chemistry at BethelWomen's College, Hopkinsville, Kentucky.Platers, SilversmithsSpecialists . . .GOLD, SILVER, RHODANIZESILVERWARERepaired, Re finished, RelacqueredSWARTZ & COMPANY!0 S. Wabash Ave. CENtral 6089-90 ChieaooTuckerDecorating Service5559 S. Cottage Grove Ave.Phone MIDway 4404Chicago's OutstandingDRUG STORES22THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 231913William V Bowers is a salesmanwith Parade, Inc , in New York CityH L Kenmcott has recently beenelected president of the Illinois Association of Mutual Insurance Companies1914In the November-December issueof the Magazine, we stated that JohnA Greene had been elected vice president in charge of operation of theWisconsin Telephone Company Wewere in error Mr Greene is vice president in charge of operations of OhioBell Telephone m Cleveland, Ohio1915Albert S Cummins is president ofthe California-Oregon Power Company, and is living in Medford, OregonMargaret Grobben is an economicanalyst with the Bankers Trust Company, Wall Street, New York CityCaptam James E Lebensohn (MC)USNR, SM '16, MD (Rush), 17, hasretired from active service and is living m Chicago He participated inthe invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, was m the Solomons, NewHebrides, Marianas, Philippines, andin the occupation of JapanHarold A Moore, vice presidentand treasurer of Chicago Title andTrust, recently was elected a directorDirectors reelected included Percy BEckhart, '99Large Limousines5 Passenger SedansSpecial rates for out of townEMERY-DREXEL LIVERY INC5516 S HARPER AVEFAirfax 6400Ask for Dept BTELEPHONE HAYMARKET 4566O'CALUGHAN BROS., Inc.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST AWARD FOR BEST STUDENT RESEARCHThe Alumni Association of the University of Chicago School ofMedicine announces an award, consisting of a life membership m theAssociation, to be given annually to the graduating senior medicalstudent who has carried out the best research during the course ofhis regular work Abstracts of not more than 1,000 words m length,resembling those appearing in Science or the Proceedings of theSociety for Experimental Biology and Medicine must be submittedto the Secretary of the Association, Dr H P Jenkins, by May 15 Inmaking their decision, the judges will confer with the attending menunder whom candidates have performed their research, and will takeinto account, m addition to the usual criteria of excellence, theoriginality of the investigation and the degree of independence withwhich it was conducted The name of the recipient will be announcedat the Alumni Reunion in June1916Carl B Anderson is Zone Geologistwith the Gulf Oil Corporation, and isliving m Mattoon, IllinoisDelos James is Local Church Counselor on Christian Education for theMethodist Churches of NorthernIowa, with headquarters m DesMoinesRegis B Lavery has returned tothe States after three years m England and North Ireland m charge ofa Red Cross Unit m various U SMilitary HospitalsAt the last meeting of the Boardof Trustees of Tuft College, John MRatchff, AM '19, was elected professor of religion and dean of theCrane Theological School, the TuftsCATALOGUE eNGMVING COjHalftones<?olor <PlatesJtnDood "Posters$en (Day "PlatesHVoodeutsOlriltior^HUMES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E JACKSON BLVD. Chicago, IllinoisTelephone Harrison 7793Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesGenerally recognized as one of the leading TeachersAgencies of the United StatesGEO. D. MILLIGANCOMPANYPAINTING CONTRACTORS2101-9 South Kedzie AvenuePhone Rockwell 8060 College School of Religion The appointment became effective on January 1, 1946Mrs Charles H Spauldmg (Kathleen Stembauer) is living m Alexandria, Virginia, where her husband isacting chief of Division of WaterPurification and Equipment, Engineer Board, Fort Belvoir, VirginiaHer two sons, both married, are living in the Middle West, and her fifteen year old daughter is attendingSt Agnes School for Girls m Alexandria1917Harold P Huls, JD '21, was recently appointed to the RailroadCommission of the State of California by Governor Warren, and is nowm San FranciscoNEILER, RICH & CO.(NOT INC )ENGINEERSMechanical and ElectricalConsulting and Designing431 So Dearborn StreetChicago 5, IIITelephone Harrison 7691Phone Saginaw 3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeaks RepairedFree EstimatesFRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO8019 Bennett StMURPHY BUTTER and EGG GO.WHOLESALE2016 CALUMET AVECHURNER8 OF FANCY CREAMERY BUTTERFINEST WISCONSIN EGGSPhone CALumet 573124 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAjax Waste Paper Co.2600-2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Any QuantityWaste PaperScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, Van Bnren 0230Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4Wasson's Coal Makes Good — or —Wesson DoesBOYDSTON BROS.All phones OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.CADILLAC EQUIPMENT EXCLUSIVELYPETERSONFIREPROOFWAREHOUSE•STORAGEMOVING•Foreign — DomesticShipments55th & ELLIS AVENUEPHONEMIDway 9700WILLIAMS, BARKER &SEVERN CO.AUCTIONEERSAuctioneers and AppraisersPublic auctions on owner's premises or at oursalesroomsAccept on consignment the better quality offurniture, works of art, books, rugs, bric-a-brac, etc.We tell on commission or buy outrightOur specialty liquidating estates, libraries, etc.22? S. Wabash Ave. Phono Harrison 3777 Paul S. Russell Frank McNairTwo University of Chicago alumni, both of whom left the Midwayto become messenger boys for the Harris Trust Company in Chicago,have recently been elected to high executive positions with that bank.Paul S. Russell, '16, was elected president, and Frank McNair, '03,was promoted to vice chairman of the executive committee. Both areTrustees of the University. Mr. McNair received an Alumni Citation in 1942, and Mr. Russell received one in 1945.In the University, as well as in their business careers, their liveshave run parallel courses. Both were brothers in Delta Kappa Epsilon, both were elected to Owl and Serpent, and both were studentMarshalls while at the University.Paul Russell, who was known to sports fans as "Pete", captainedthe 1916 football team, and was also a member of Blackfriars. Mrs.Russell is the former Carroll A. Mason, '19. Their son, Paul S. Russell, Jr., was graduated from the University in 1944, following hissister Carroll (Mrs. Albert W. Sherer, Jr.) by one year — Carrollreceived her degree in 1943.Frank McNair was associate editor of the Daily Maroon, and alsoassociate editor of Cap and Gown while on the quadrangles, and inthe 1903 edition of Cap and Gown is honored by being listed onthe page entitled "Strongest Men in the University", with the cryptic notation "3,141 pounds" following his name.1918Charles H. Behre, PhD '25, andS. H. Dolbear have formed Behre,Dolbear and Co., consultants in themineral industries, mining, metallurgyand geology, with offices in New Yorkand Los Angeles. The firm specializesin foreign assignments.Thomas Cassaday was recentlyelected a director of the Liberty National Bank in Chicago.1920Scott S. Jones, MD '22, has beenreleased from active duty, and writesus from Tacoma, Washington, "backin the practice of medicine at thesame old stand, and glad of it."Frank A. Priebe was recentlyelected president of the UniversityClub of Chicago.After teaching for 38 years, in 10different schools in 6 states, Jay FerrySemple, SM, has retired and is living in Salem, Virginia, with his wife andtwo sons, 6 and 10 years old.1921Arthur Bevan, PhD, State Geologist of Virginia, was named "Man ofthe Year in Science" in Virginia for1944 in an Associated Press poll ofthe editors of the state.William C. S. Pellowe, AM, recently published a book entitled"Mark Twain: Pilgrim from Hannibal." Mr. Pellowe has occupied prominent churches in the Detroit area,has served a six-year term as a district superintendent of the Methodistchurch, and is at present the pastorof the First Methodist Church, PortHuron, Michigan.1922Charles Bacon, Jr., SM '23, isteaching in San Bernardino ValleyJunior College and is also starting aconsulting office. He was with theU. S. Geological Survey in the Stra-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25tegic Minerals Program for the pastyear and a half. He has two boysand a baby girl. Present address is3399 D Street, San Bernardino, Cal.William F. Edgerton has been retired from active duty as Major inthe Signal Corps, and has returnedto the Oriental Institute as Professorof Egyptology.William V. Houston, SM, wasrecently elected president of RiceInstitute, Houston, Texas, and willassume his duties at Rice aboutMarch 1.Harold Dwight Lasswell, PhD '26,has been appointed to the faculfy ofthe Yale Law School. He is consultant to the State Department, and hasbeen a visiting lecturer at Yale since1938.1923Commander Eustace L. Benjamin,MD '27, has been released from active duty and is returning to his former position as director of laboratories at Evanston Hospital and assistant professor of pathology atNorthwestern University.Lt. Col. Adelbert R. Callander,MD '26, has been released from active duty after five years of activeservice, including two overseasstretches, and has returned to thegeneral practice of medicine in Delaware, Ohio.T. Louise Viehoff, AM '35, hasrecently arrived in Alaska to servethe armed forces as an American RedCross Hospital worker. Until herRed Cross appointment, she taughtdramatics and Latin in SteinmetzHigh School, Chicago.1924Claire S. Brereton is unemploymentinsurance examiner with the State ofCalifornia Department of Employment.Roy W. Johns, JD '25, appeared in"Who's Who in America" in the 1944-45 edition. He has been general counsel of The Atlantic Refining Company for the past six years, and during the past year has been chairmanof the Committee on Oil of the Mineral Section, and a member of theStanding Committee on Commerceof the American Bar Association.Gainer B. Jones who served as aColonel in the Army from 1943 to1945, is now vice president and trustofficer of the National Bank of Commerce in Houston, Tex.Zaven M. Seron, MD '32, is backin civilian life and has returned tothe practice of internal medicine inSebring, Florida.1925Herbert A. Ball has taken a posi tion with the Western CartridgeCompany of East Alton, and writes"I hope to have my family with menot later than March 1." Mrs. Ballis the former Glenna F. Mode, '24.Glenn G. Bartle, was released fromthe Navy in September, having spenttwo years as Commanding Officer,V-12 Unit, Swarthmore College. Heis now a geologist with E. Holley Poe& Associates in New York City.Lucile Evans, SM, is second vice-president of the National Associationof Biology Teachers, and is servingher third year as chairman of theirWisconsin membership committee.Solomon P. Perry, MD, is on terminal leave as Commander in theMedical Corps of the Naval Reserve,and writes us "if the peace is achievedas easily as the war was won — allwill be well."Lt. John F. Putman, AM, is writing the history of the occupation ofJapan and Korea, from the vantagepoint of a ringside seat, as his latestmilitary assignment.1926Jackson B. Adkins has been released from active Navy duty, wherehe served as Lieutenant in charge ofmathematics and navigation in pre-midshipman school, and is now onthe faculty of Phillips Exeter Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire.Frederick J. Byington, Jr., is assistant business manager of the "Chicago Tribune'.Lt. Comdr. Franklin K. Gowdy,MD (Rush) '36, is "heading back tothe frightening uncertainties and theglorious independence of private practice" after three years in the Navy,including two D-day landings at NewBritain and Pelelieu.Victor Johnson, PhD, '30, MD '39,secretary of the Council of MedicalEducation and Hospitals of the American Medical Association, has beenappointed to make a survey of medical care on the island of Puerto Rico.The survey is made by the Councilat the request of the insular government and the University of PuertoRico, to determine the advisability ofestablishing a medical school at theUniversity.Dimitris T. Tselos, AM '29, is assistant professor of fine arts at NewYork University, and is living inBrooklyn.1927Frank Byrne, PhD '40, now released from army service, is back asAssociate Professor of Geology atKansas State College, Manhattan,Kansas. . . but then not even a kingLHS Purex Superfine ' D°^ic 1.50at good dealers everywhere.FREE. Writi for "Pipes -for a World ofPleasun"Address. L & H STERN, INC. • STERN BUILDING56 Poarl Street, Brooklyn 1, New York26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMack Philip Carmichael, AM '31,is on leave from Kentucky State College, working on a doctorate in sociology.Mrs. Laurence M. Clark (Margaret E. Davis) is busy lecturing onart, and keeping house. She has twodaughters: Judith, ten, and LauraLouise, one and a half. They are living in Los Angeles.Lt. Col. Julian Newlander, chemical officer of the 41st division, is directing the work of Sixth Army troopswho are destroying more than 3,500tons of poison gas---enough to drenchNew York City — found on the smallisland of Okuna, 35 miles from theJapanese Kure island base.Grace D. Wills, AM '28, is manager of the glass decorating plant ofthe Newton Glass Company at Bowling Green, Ohio.1928Maurice H. Friedman, PhD, MD'33, is serving as Captain in the Medical Corps and is chief of gastroenterology at the Regional Station Hospital, Hunter Field, Alabama.Edward N. McAllister, SM, is living in Cranford, New Jersey, andworking in manufacturing coordination with the Standard Oil Companyof New Jersey in New York City.Donald L. Simon, AM, PhD '35,has been released from active service, and has returned to his positionas principal of the junior and seniorhigh schools in Bloomingtpn, Indiana,and lecturer and consultant in teachertraining at Indiana University.Alma J. Wylie, AM '35, is die newdirector of the Anoakia School, atArcadia, California. Formerly shewas director of the women's andgirls' department of the Hyde ParkY.M.C.A. in Chicago.1929Mrs. Uno Hill (Sophia Malenski)is a new member of the Gary, Indiana, school board.PENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sumps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE154S E. 63RD STREETFAIRFAX 0330-0550-0880PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICE1545 EAST 63RD STREETSARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 94 Years23 N. Wabash Ave.PHYSICIANS SUPPLIESChicago, Illinois Elbert L. Little, Jr., SM, PhD '29,has just returned to Washington, D.C, where he is a dendrologist withthe United States Department of Agriculture, after several years of foreign work. He is the father of twins,Elbert Little, III, and Ruby Ricede,born in Mexico City, October 22.Kermit E. Miller, AM, is teachingEnglish in the Sabin High School inPortland, Oregon. He writes us "Icame out to Portland in April forinterview and got the job. Havebeautiful country home, teach in thecity, and love it."George E. Ziegler, SM '30, PhD '32,has moved to Kansas City, Missouri,to help establish the Midwest Research Institute, serving the institutein the capacity of executive scientist.1930Esther K. Crawford, AM, has beenappointed Professor of Geographyand Director of Student Teaching atthe Oakland City College, OaklandCity, Indiana.Lt. Virginia C. Farinholt, AM,PhD '36, was released from activeNavy duty in November, and sailedfor Vera Cruz for a vacation, and onto the University of Mexico to brushup on her Spanish. She expects toreturn to the faculty of the Universityof North Carolina this year.Lt. Comdr. Charles P. Gould is onterminal leave, and will resume thepractice of law in Los Angeles.Montana Menard's composition"Variations on Three FamiliarChristmas Carols" was recently performed by Clara Ceo with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Niagara Falls.SWIFT'S ICE CREAMAt home, or at your favorite sodafountain, creamy-smooth, delicious Swift's Ice Cream is truly 1931Alfred L. Anderson, PhD, is associate professor at Cornell University,and is living at 200 E. Upland Road,Ithaca, N. Y.Frances S. Cushman is supervisorof Indian education with the U. S.Department of the Interior, Office ofIndian Affairs in Chicago.Ruth Davies, AM, is assistant professor of English at Ohio WesleyanUniversity in Delaware, Ohio.Gertrude Helff, AM '32, is teaching German in the high school atLyndhurst, New Jersey.Last year the Board of LincolnCollege authorized the developmentof a two-year program in basic studies and community education initiated last September. Milton D. McLean, AM, was appointed presidentMarch 15, 1945, and charged withresponsibility for developing the newprogram.1933Isadore A. Aarons has been discharged from the Navy, and has returned to his previous position withthe Treasury Department, Procurement Division, and is living in Arlington, Virginia.Gertrude B. Fennema, AM '45, isdirector of junior kindergarten at theNational College of Education inEvanston, Illinois.Gershon B. Person is a buyer forsuper-market merchandise, and is living in Washington, D. C.William H. Hoster is president ofthe Star Manufacturing Company inOklahoma City, Oklahoma.Major John J. Keith, MD, is returning to civilian practice in Marion,Iowa. He reports the birth of a sonin Palo Alto, California, on June 8,1945, their fourth child.Louis B. Matthews, PhD, has recently accepted the position of professor of religion at Franklin College,Franklin, Indiana.BOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.All Phones OAKIand 0492A Product ofSWIFT & COMPANY7409 S. State StreetPhone RADcliffe 7400 SPRAGUEIRON WORKS4410 WEST ADDISON ST.TELEPHONEPALISADE • • 2210THE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOClarence W. Monroe, MD, is acivilian again after four years in service, and is resuming the practice ofsurgery at Presbyterian Hospital inChicago.Benjamin O. Rossow has been retired from active status with the rankof Lieutenant Colonel, and is teaching in the high school at Sioux Falls,South Dakota.Ralph R. Shrader, AM, recentlybecame secretary of the AmericanBoard, 14 Beacon Street, Boston,Massachusetts.1934Lt. Col. Goodlett J. Glaser has beenappointed Chief of Personnel andTraining on the staff of Major General T. J. Hanley, Jr., at AAF Headquarters, in Calcutta, India.Major Thomas E. Keys, AM, whois in charge of the Army MedicalLibrary, Cleveland, Ohio, has justhad a new book "The History of Surgical Anesthesia" published.Priscilla Parker, SM '41, is superintendent of nurses in the hospital atEaton, Ohio.Elizabeth M. Weedfall is with theAmerican Embassy in London.1935Lt. Comdr. Meyer Brown, MD, hasbeen ordered to duty at Great Lakesand is enjoying Chicago again. He iseagerly awaiting his return to privatepractice in neurology and psychiatry.After serving with the Union ofSouth African Forces for four yearsin East Africa, Abyssinia and in Madagascar, Robert Morris, MD Rush'35, was discharged in 1944 for postmalarial disabilities, and is back inJohannesburg, re-establishing hispractice.Edna J. Schwartz spent five monthsin Honolulu as head recreationworker with the American Red Cross,went through two typhoons, oneBIENENFELDGLASS CORP. OF ILLINOISChicago's Most Complete Stock ofGLASS1525 PhoneW. 35th St. Lafayette 8400ACMESHEET METAL WORKSANIMAL CASESandLaboratory Equipment1121 East 55th StreetPhone Hyde Park 9500 while on land and one at sea, andis now in Korea, which she reportsis colorful and fascinating.Burt Young, JD '36, has been discharged from the Army, and he andhis wife and two year old daughterare living in Highland Park, Illinois.1936Phineas Indritz, JD '38, has beenreleased from active duty and is working with the Office of the Solicitor,Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C.James S. Martin, JD '38, formerspecial assistant U. S. attorney general, recently assumed control of theUnited States share of the I. G. Far-benindustrie, kingpin of German warindustries. He arrived in Berlin fromWashington, where he had been serving as chief of the economic warfaresection of the U. S. Department ofJustice. In addition to his job ascontrol officer of Farben, Martin isalso chief of the decartelizationbranch of the Office of Military Government.Mrs. William H. Stubbins (MaryMcCall) recently acquired a Masterof Music degree in Organ at theUniversity of Michigan. She is organist of the First Methodist Churchat Ann Arbor, Michigan.Lt. A. A. Suppan, AM, is now onterminal leave, and will soon resumehis former job of teaching as Professor of English at State TeachersCollege, Milwaukee. Mrs. Suppan isthe former Jeannette E. Ross, AM '39. MAGAZINE 27I Luther C. Thompson, MD Rush; '36, has returned to private practiceafter serving as Lieutenant Commander in the Navy, and has openedI offices for the practice of pediatrics: in Twin Falls, Idaho.Alfred Novak, SM '42, has beenappointed to the faculty of MichiganState College, East Lansing, Michi-i gan, as an instructor.Richard J. Stevens, JD '38, was, discharged on December 8, and hasopened a law office with his fatherErnest J. Stevens, '04, at 209 S. La-c Salle Street in Chicago.; . 1937Major Richard Ebert, MD, re-r ceived the Bronze Star Medal in June,i 1945, for his work on shock whichwas conducted in a field hospital of* the First Army during the invasionf of France.5 Horace S. Gilbert, AM, has been5 appointed to the position of educa-x tional consultant with the Civil Aeronautics Administration, Aviation Education Division, Washington, D. C.^ Daniel A. Heindel, Jr., was dis-r charged from the Navy last Novem-* ber, after spending eleven months inEngland as Naval Communicationsx Officer, and is back in the automobiledealer business. He now has two chil-x dren, Barbara, and Dan, III.t Herman J. Koenig, AM '40, hasbeen discharged from the Army ands is back at his former job of economists with the Office of Price Administration, in Washington, D. C.Gerald F. Molloy has been released1 from active duty as Major in theArmy, and is back at his former jobwith the Chevrolet Motor Division,in Chicago.Lt. (j.g.) Ruth Shapiro is stationed at the Naval Air Station inMinneapolis and reports she is busydischarging WAVES who haveenough points.Ashjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1921Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone Regent 6000AMERICANPHOTO ENGRAVING CO.Photo EngraversArtists — ElectrotypersMakers of Printing Plates429 TelephoneS. Ashland Blvd. Monroe 751528 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFor Extraordinary Achievement during a raid on a heavily defended Nazitown, Ist. Lt. Edwin H. Armstrong, '43,pilot of the 391st "Black Death"Marauder group, is presented with theDistinguished Flying Cross by MajorGeneral Samuel E. Anderson, commanding general of the Ninth Bombardment Division. Lt. Armstrong hassince been retired from active duty,and is living in Chicago.Richard J. Smith, JD '39, has beenreleased from active duty with theNavy after 44 months overseas. Lastspring he was married to Patricia R.Hall of Kalamazoo, Michigan.Edward S. Stern, JD '40, has beenretired to inactive status, and is busygetting back to civilian ways of lifeand to the practice of law.Clyde Sumsion, MBA, is businessinstructor at the Michigan College ofMining and Technology at Houghton,Michigan.Florence Wissig, MBA '39, was recently admitted to the Illinois bar.She obtained her law degree fromDePaul University law school.1938Major Fred C. Ash, JD '40, hasbeen released from duty with General Courtney Hodges' First ArmyHeadquarters. At the time of his release he was chief of the personnelsection, officers division, of First ArmyHeadquarters.John L. Davidson, Jr., was discharged from the Navy in Januarywith the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and has started back to theSUPER-COLD CORPORATIONMANUFACTURERS OF COMMERCIALREFRIGERATION2221 South Michigan AvenueCHICAGO 16, ILLINOIS practice of law as an associate of thefirm of Sonnenschein, Berkson, Laut-mann, Levinson and Morse in Chicago.Ernest DuBois, PhD '42, is in Ecuador working for the InternationalEcuadorian Petroleum Company.J. Winfield Fretz, AM, is now thedirector of the Mennonite Aid Section in Akron, Pennsylvania. He recently published two pamphlets:"Mennonite Colonization" and "Mennonite Colonization in Mexico."Captain Frank S. Gray, MD '41,writes he had met several U. of C.doctors in Paris recently. With theArmy he has journeyed across thecontinent from France to Czechoslovakia and back.Three orchestras have performedworks of Ellis B. Kohs, AM, this year:the Columbus, Ohio, PhilharmonicOrchestra played his "Life withUncle Sam" at its opening concert;the New England Conservatory ofMusic Orchestra" gave his "Concertofor Orchestra" its east coast premierein December, and Joseph Barone'sNew York Little Symphony playedhis "Night Watch" in CarnegieChamber Music Hall, also in December. WOJG Kohs expects to be discharged shortly, and will teach atKansas City Conservatory of Musicnext summer.Ann Putcamp, AM, is giving acourse in "Bible History and Culture"at Funk Hall, Denver, Colorado.Anatol Rapoport, SM '40, PhD '41,has been discharged from service andhas accepted a position as instructorin mathematics at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago.Lt. Col. Lyle M. Spencer recentlywas presented with the Legion ofMerit for his services as Chief of theAnalysis and Planning Branch of theInformation and Education Division,A. T. STEWART LUMBER COMPANYEVERYTHING inLUMBER AND MILLWORK7855 Greenwood Ave. Vin 9000410 West I Nth St. Pul 0034GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3186 Office of Chief of Staff. Based onstudies made by the Research Branchon the attitudes of troops towardsdischarge methods, he conceived andhelped to guide the point systemthrough the War Department.Ruth Becker Wischmeyer is teaching in the LaFayette School in OakPark, Illinois.Bruce A. Young, AM '40, is an instructor in the English department atNorthwestern University.1939James W. Brown, AM, has been appointed Supervisor in Bureau ofTeaching Materials with the StateDepartment of Education, Richmond,Va.Captain George A. Fogg is now inKorea serving with the 69th MilitaryGovernment Headquarters.Since 1878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholstersFurnifnre Repairing1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 7180The Best Place to Eat on the South Sid*COLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone Hyde Park 6324E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph — Offset — Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182TREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Authorized DealerCHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH6040 Cottage GroveMid. 4200Used Car DepartmentComplete Automobile RepairsBody Shop — Paint ShopSimonizing — WashingGreasingTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29Melvin Greenstein, MBA '40, writesus: "I've achieved the status of a civilian after 25 months in the service,18 of them away from the states. Forover a year of that time I was assigned to a Signal Detachment whichoperated on a flagship of the amphibious forces in the Pacific. I saw thewhole show at Iwo Jima and waspresent during part of the Okinawacampaign. The worst is over nowand I'd like to have some share inmaking a better world emerge fromthe present mess."Clyde E. Hewitt, AM, is dischargedfrom the Army, and is back teachingat Aurora College, Aurora, Illinois.Lt. William K. Kuhlman, MD, ison duty in Research Division, Aviation Branch, Bureau of Medicine andT. A. REHNQUIST CO.^ 77 CONCRETE\w/ FLOORSXrW SIDEWALKS\\ V MACHINE FOUNDATIONSw EMERGENCY WORKV ALL PHONESor. ins Wentworth 44226639 So. Vernon Ave.ECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKS•Galvanized Iron and Copper CornicesSkylights, Gutters, Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbestos Roofing1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 3192Serving the Medical ProfessionSince 1895V. MUELLER & CO.SURGEONS' INSTRUMENTSHOSPITAL AND OFFICEFURNITUREORTHOPEDIC APPLIANCES•Phone Sceley 2180, all departmentsOgden Ave., Van Buren andHonore StreetsChicago 12 Surgery, Washington, D. C. He hasbeen travelling a lot on the job, andrecently saw Lt. Ralph Kirsch, MD'39, and his new son in Pensacola,Florida.Elias E. Long, MD, announces theopening of his office for the generalpractice of medicine and surgery at85 West Front Street, Red Bank, N. J.John E. McCaw has accepted a callto become national director of student work for the Disciples of Christof the Christian Church. These duties will call him to all parts ofNorth America on behalf of studentson college and university campuses.He also will be responsible for developing an adequate student work program on individual college campusesand reading material in the area ofchurch-student relationships.Martin D. Miller, who served asMajor with Patton's 11th ArmoredDivision, and later with the 9th Armored, has been released from activeduty and is home with his wife andtwo sons: Tom, two, and MartinPeter, born March 1, 1945.Lois Jane Snodgras spent 13 monthsin Iceland and 14 months in Englandas club director of the American RedCross, and spent 5 months as supervisor of Red Cross clubs in Nancy,France and in Munich, Germany. Shehelped establish a Red Cross club inthe famous Hitler beer parlor inBergerbrau, the birthplace of Nazidom. On May 3, 1944, she was married to Captain Lawrence Woutersof the 634 Anti-Air Craft Battalion,First Army, at Bournemouth, England.Lt. Morris Tish, AM '40, is attending Oxford University, and studyingShakespeare.Major Paul A. Van Pernis, MD,writes us that he is homeward boundafter Okinawa typhoons and toomuch of Japan.HOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone Dorchester 1579POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven Typewriting MimeographingMtiltigraphing AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighest Quality Service Minimum Prices_A.I1 Phones 418 So. Market St.Harrison 8118 Chicago For Meritorious Achievement in direct support of combat operations,Major Anthony R. D'Addario, MD '36,regimental surgeon of the 399th Infantry Regiment is awarded the BronzeStar Medal by John B. Murphy, actingcommander of the !00th Infantry Division in Blaubeuren, Germany.1940Roger W. Ach spent 18 monthsoverseas as a "G.I. Joe". He was incombat on the Cassino front, Anzio,Rome, and went into southern Franceon D-Day. Two weeks later he wastaken prisoner after being wounded.He spent 8 months as a prisoner ofwar, and was returned to the Statesin October, 1945, and discharged. Hewrites us "civilian life is wonderful".After two years with the Red Cross,Evelyn R. Dansky is returning to thequadrangles to complete her work forher master's degree.Mary Russel, AM, has been appointed executive director of theFamily Service Society, Pasadena,California.Arthur A. Salzman is working as anengineer with the Lago Oil andTransport Company, Aruba, N.W.I.Harold F. Schuknecht, MD Rush'40, has been discharged and is resident in otolaryngology at the U. of C.Clinics.Saul Weisman is on terminal leave,and has enrolled in the School of Business at the University.1941Isabelle Dabrin has been in Manilasince May, 1945, serving with the RedCross in the 311th General Hospital.She writes that Manila was interesting when it was new, but that she isgetting awfully tired of its heat, filth,and sordidness.STENOTYPYLearn new, speedy machine shorthand. Lesseffort, no cramped fingers or nervous fatigue.Also other courses: Typing, Bookkeeping,Comptometry, etc. Day or evening. Visit,write or plum* for data.Bryant^ StrattonC O tVJ^E G E18 S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Randolph 157530 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe War Department recently announced the award of the Legion ofM|rit to Lt. Col. Leland C. DeVin-ney, PhD, for service in the Information and Education Division, ArmyService Forces, as Officer-in-Chargeof research activities in the North African and Mediterranean Theatres.Jane DeVoy Gilday, AM, is working with the National Catholic Community Sejvice^(ff.S.Q^) in Washington, D. Cil ** ;:, .K- ,.George W. Johnson, AM, is editorof the "Watseka Republican'' at Wat-seka, Illinois.Ruth L. Packard, AM, is an executive with the Young Women's Christian Association in Brooklyn, NewYork.Charles A. Paltzer was dischargedfrom the Army in August, 1945, andhe and his wife (Marjory HibbardPaltzer, '42) and baby are living inRiverside. He is back on campus thiswinter, taking additional work.Patrobas C. Robinson, AM, is living in St. Louis, Missouri, where heis teaching school and is also engaged in real estate business.Richard Salzman is minister of theChurch of the Cross, Cincinnati.Ohio.Samuel F. Salzmann, AM, is teaching Homiletics and Christian Education at Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, and is alsoregistrar and secretary of the faculty.Frances R. Sherman, MD, is a resident in eye, ear, nose and throat atthe University Hospital, OklahomaCity, Oklahoma.Frederick Sperling, SM, was discharged from service in November,and has joined the faculty of theSchool of Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C, in the Department of Pharmacology. Grace Elizabeth Storms, AM, hasbeen appointed a Children's WorkSecretary in the Division of ChristianEducation of the CongregationalChristian Churches in Boston, Mass.Karry D. Tillery has been discharged from service, and is startinggraduate work in psychology at theUniversity of California. He hopesto be back on the quadrangles for thesummer quarter.Charoen Vijaya, AM, is presidentof Bangkok Christian College, atBangkok, Thailand.Frederick Robert Volger, AM, isan examiner with the National LaborRelations Board, and is living in Alexandria, Virginia.1942T/3 Martin S. Bloom has been appointed to head the electronics department of Rainbow University, theschool for American occupationtroops at Zell am See, Austria. Heorganized the entire course in electronics, and planned the laboratoryand building design. He is doing research in the effects of radio frequencies on the human nervous system. Heplans to return to the Universitywhere he will further his studies innuclear physics.Walter Monroe Booker, PhD, isMacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and Secretarial TrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESAccredited by the National Association otAccredited Gommercial SchoolsPhones Oakland 0690— -069 1 —0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueTelephone Haymarket 3120E. A. AARON & BROS. Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributors ofCEDERGREEN FROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water Market 1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130BLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering; Graceful Living to University and Business Women alModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, Director professor of Pharmacology at Howard University in Washington, D. C.Donald A. K. Brown, who had beenfor many months in England with the8th Air Force, was flown home following the death of his brother inSeptember. He has now been discharged, and he and Mrs. Brown(Mary M. Ryerson, '43) and theirbaby are living in Lake Forest, Illinois.Webb S. Fiser is stationed at CampPlauche, New Orleans, with thetransportation corps, and is expectingto be discharged soon, and return tocampus for his master's degree.Mrs. Marguerite L. Ingram, AM,is field secretary for the Health Committee, Northern Great Plains Council.John E. Karlin, PhD, has recentlyaccepted a position with the Bell Telephone Laboratories at Murray Hill,New Jersey, and is living in Summit,New Jersey.Arthur C. Mayer has been discharged from the Marine Corp, andis back at the University, attendingLaw School.Lillie Cutlas Walker, MD, is chiefresident at the Children's Hospital ofPhiladelphia, and is assistant instructor of pediatrics at the University ofPennsylvania,Leah Weisman is activity directorat the Max Straus Community Center in Chicago.1943Wilhelmina Abeles, AM, has recently joined the faculty of the University of New Brunswick at Freder-icton, New Brunswick, as assistant inthe department of modern languages.Edith Abraham, AM, is case worksupervisor of the county welfareboard, and is living in Minneapolis,Minnesota.William P. Albrecht, PhD, has ac-CLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good printing of All Descriptions"EASTMAN COAL CO.Established 1902YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone Seeley 4488THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31cepted a position as assistant professor of English at Carnegie Institute,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Ralph L. Dannley, PhD, is an instructor in chemistry at the MorleyChemical Laboratory, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.Betsey Jane Davison landed in Europe as a Red Cross worker shortlybefore V-J day. She is now at LeHavre, working in Red Cross clubsand helping the boys who are sweating out the trip home.Edmund J. Kubik has been discharged from the Navy and is backat his former job at Hyde Park HighSchool in Chicago.Lt. (j.g.) Wm. T. Murray, MD,has been awarded the Silver StarMedal for conspicuous gallantry andintrepedity in action while servingwith a marine infantry battalion onIwo Jima. His wife is the formerMary Martha Gray, '37.Mary Jane Reid, AM, is supervisorof kindergarten at the State Teachers College, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.1944Mary P. Miller, AM, is a child welfare worker with the Lane CountyPublic Welfare Commission in Eugene, Oregon.T/4 George Ottman writes: ''Always meeting a classmate from theU. of C. In Italy it was Sgt. WilliamFello, '44, and in Manila I met Cpl.Bill Hull, '44. We had some swelltimes talking over those days at Chicago."Lt. James L. Sexton is stationed inBerlin with the military governmentin the Secretariat of Public Healthand Welfare. En route to Berlin hemet up with Lt. Charlie Davis, AM'42, and Lt. Tom Donovan, '39 inParis, and Lt. Jack Knuepffer, '42 inFrankfurt.Timothy A. BarrettPLASTERERRepairing A Specialty5549 S. Cottage Grove Ave.Phone Hyde Park 0653BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave., Chicago Harold C. Stalker is recreationaldirector of the Uhlich Home in Chicago.1945Ray E. Brown, MBA, is assistantsuperintendent of the University ofChicago Clinics.Lt. Howard F. Corbus flew threehours over Tokyo in a B-29 formationwhile General MacArthur was beinginaugurated as ruler of Japan.In the January issue of the "Journal of the American Association ofCollegiate Registrars" there appearsan article "Higher Education in theU.S.S.R." written by Grace Greger-son, AM.Marvin Fred Miller is a medicalstudent at Iowa University, under theArmy Specialized Training Program.Mrs. Miller is the former ShifraBraida, '45.Felix J. Schrag, PhD, has joinedthe faculty of the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, as assistant professor of sociology.SOCIAL SERVICEMiss Edith Abbott was one of theAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.FINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Spode and Other FamousMakes. Also Crystal and GiftsGolden Dirilyte{Formerly Dirigold)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID— NOT PLATEDService for Eight, $41.75GOLDEN HUED BABY SPOONS fljlWhile they last «PA ea.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSllii ii|ii. Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, III. four people to be honored by the Illinois State Conference of Welfarewhen she was given a citation for her,distinguished contribution to welfarein Illinois over the last ten years.Since Miss Abbott was not able toattend the State Conference Dinner,the citation was presented to her at aluncheon meeting in Chicago on December 12.A. Wayne McMillan, PhD '31, isthe author of "Community Organization for Social Welfare" which hasjust been published by the Universityof Chicago Press.Word has been received that Miriam Rappe, AM '38, has recently arrived in Hawaii to serve as an American Red Cross hospital social worker.Alice S. Peterson, AM '40, who wasfor sometime with the Red Cross inEngland has now been transferred tothe Pacific and is now located in ahospital in the Philippines.Gerald Soroker, AM '40, has recently been discharged from the service and has accepted a position withthe Jewish Welfare Federation inChicago.John Gandy, AM '42, has been discharged from the service and has returned to his position with the CookCounty Bureau of Public Welfare ofChicago.Mary Porter, AM '43, is now aMedical Social Worker in the BordenGeneral Hospital, Chickasha, Oklahoma.Claire Reitzer, AM '43, has accepted a position at the Institute forJuvenile Research in Chicago.Alma Atherton Octavec, AM '43,is now a Psychiatric Social Workerin the New York Psychiatric Institute, New York City.Eleanor Griger, AM '43, has recently accepted a position as MedicalSocial Consultant with the Tuberculosis Control Division of the FederalJOSEPH H. BIGGS.Fine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900 —0901Retail Deliver!. Daily and SundaysQuality and Service Since 1S82BIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: Went. 538032 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIptacf&tone DecoratingberimePhone Pullman 9170• -10422 m**t* iabe., Chicago, 311.La Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State 1350Boston — N ew York— Ph i lade I ph i a-— SyracuseOBERG'SFLOWER SHOPFlowers wired the world over1461 E. 57th StreetPhones: Fairfax 3670, 3671Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau formen and women in all kinds of teachingposition!. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College department! forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent of ourbusiness. Critic and Grade Supervisors forNormal Schools placed every year in largenumbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Business Administration, Music, and Art, secure finepositions through us every year. PrivateSchools in all parts of the country amongour best patrons; good salaries. Well prepared High School teachers wanted for cityand suburban High Schools. Special manager handles Grade and Critic work. Sendfor folder today.HIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATESENGRAVERS SINCE 1906 + WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES ++ ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED ?? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE ?RAYNERi• DALHEIM .SCO20S* W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO. Security Agency, U. S. Public HealthService, Washington, D. C.Mary Lewis, AM '43, has recentlyaccepted a position as Consultant forChildren's Institutions in the Children's Division of the State Department of Public Welfare in Georgia.Wilber Hollwacks, AM '43, has recently been discharged from serviceand has accepted a position with theUnited Charities of Chicago.Edith Abraham, AM '43, has beenmade Case Work Supervisor in theChild Service Division of the PublicWelfare of Hennepin County, Minneapolis.Annie Levy Romanyshyn, AM '44,has recently accepted a position withthe State Charities Aid Associationof New York City.Anne Robison, AM '44, is the Executive Secretary of the Home ServiceDivision of the Red Cross in Everett,Washington.Dorothy McElvain, AM '45, hasaccepted a position as Supervisor inthe Illinois Children's Home and AidSociety and is located in East St.Louis, Illinois.MARRIAGESMarcia Winn became the bride ofGeorge E. Morgenstern, '30, on September 15, 1945. Col. McCormick,editor and publisher of the Chicago"Tribune" gave the bride in marriage.She conducts the "Tribune" column"Front Views and Profiles". Mr.Morgenstern is an editorial writer onthe "Tribune" staff.Mrs. Ernestine Dunaway Bingham,'34, and Hilgard Pannes, '41 weremarried December 23, at Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Mr. Pannesserved with the Army in the SecondRanger Battalion, and wears fourdecorations for service.Richard F. Wile, '42, and Miss Carole Wiener of Nashville, Tennessee,were married on September 21, 1945.Josephine Schoetz, AM '42, andCapt. Edwin G. Bovill, Jr., were married on August 1, 1945. Mrs. Bovillserved with the 166th General Hospital as Assistant Field Director of theAmerican Red Cross in France fromSeptember, 1944, through December,1945.John A. McGeachy, PhD '42, andMiss Margaret Cathey of Loray,North Carolina, were married October 18, 1945. Mr. McGeachyserved as sergeant in the Army Signal Corps and has recently been released and has returned to his former position on the faculty of Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina, where he is associate professorof History. Mary Jane Herzog, '43, and ArthurV. Appel were married on November21, 1945, and are living at 8104 SouthEssex Avenue in Chicago.Lt. (j.g.) Richardi D. Simon, MD'44, and Miss Perla Hill of Forsyth,Georgia, were married January 25,1945, in Forsyth. Lt. Simon is stationed at the U. S. Naval Armory inToledo, Ohio.BIRTHSA son, William G. Granert, Jr., wasborn May 14, 1945, to Lt. William G.Granert, '36, and Mrs. Granert (Eleanor Henrickson, '37). Lt. Granertis with the Materials Branch, Ordnance Research and DevelopmentCenter, Aberdeen Proving Ground,Maryland.Leland Horberg, PhD '38, reportsthe birth of Anders Lee Horberg, onSeptember 1, 1945.A second daughter, Brenda Rae,was born to Ralph J. Burton, PhD'39, and Mrs. Burton (Edith ElaineBecker, '36, JD '37) at Washington,D. C. on December 15, 1945. Ralphis still with the Bureau of the Budget.Harry F. Topping, MBA '40, became the proud father of a seconddaughter, Joan, on August 4, 1945.William E. Frye, PhD '41, and Mrs.Frye (Elizabeth K. Sayler, '35) announce the arrival of James Sayler,born December 4. Mrs. Frye servedas Alumni Foundation Chairman forWashington, D. C. in 1945.Joseph S. Levinger, '41, SM '44,and Mrs. Levinger announce the birthof a son, Samuel Louis, on December21, 1945. The baby is a grandson ofLee J. Levinger, '09, and Mrs. Levinger, (Elma C. Ehrlich, '11).Harry T. Getty, '41, and Mrs. Gettyannounce the birth of a daughter,Janice, on December 9, 1945. Mr.Getty is with the Department of Anthropology at the University of Arizona.Lt. Robert O. Wright, '42, and Mrs.Wright (Marilyn Elizabeth Leonard,'42) announce the birth of Alan Leonard Wright, on January 5, 1946, atLying-in Hospital, Chicago.Lt. John B. Angelo, '42, and hiswife, the former Shirlee Smith, '43,are the happy parents of a daughter,Percy Lee, born September 11, 1945,in Hammond, Indiana. Mrs. Angelois the sister of Richard J. Smith, '38.Herbert P. Armstrong, PhD '42,and Mrs. Armstrong send word fromHamilton, Ontario, of the arrival ofa daughter, Catherine Frances, BornDecember 28, 1944. Dad is with thedepartment of geology at McMasterUniversity.Lt. Vernon Kang Sung Jim, '42,MD '44, and Mrs. Jim (Yun SoongChock, '43, SM '44) announce thebirth of Arlene Kam Ngow Jim onJanuary 1, 1946, at Hilo, Hawaii. Lt.Jim is at present stationed at the AAFSchool of Aviation Medicine at Randolph Field, Texas.Lt. (j.g.) Walter R. Hepner, Jr.,'43, MD '44, and Mrs. Hepner (JeanHarvey, '44) are the proud parentsof a daughter, who arrived on September 18, at San Diego, California.Born to Ensign James C. Mathe-son, '43 and Mrs. Matheson on September 10, 1945, a daughter, AnnPreston, at Washington, D. C. Jimsaw combat duty on the submarineU.S.S. Dace.DEATHSHenry Rand Hatfield, PhD '97,dean of the college of commerce andadministration at the University from1902 to 1904, on December 25, 1945,at Berkeley, California.Thomas B. Glass, '00, on July 4,1945, at San Fernando, California.Leon Maurice Bower, MD Rush'03, on December 24, 1945, at Chicago. From 1907 to 1913 he servedon the faculty of Rush Medical College.Fred C. W. Parker, '04, secretaryof Kiwanis International for 20 yearsuntil his retirement in 1941, on December 28, in Gulfport, Florida. Priorto moving to Florida, he lived formany years in Oak Park, Illinois.Robert J. Bonner, PhD '04, Professor Emeritus and former chairmanof the Department of Greek, on January 23, 1946, at Aberdeen, Maryland. He was the author of severalimportant works in his field, and wasranked as the greatest living authority on the Greek legal system.Mrs. Paul H. Willis (Ivy H. Dodge,'08) on December 26, 1945, at Chicago.Siegel A. Buckborough, SM TO, onJanuary 9, 1946, at Evanston, Illinois.He was a loyal supporter of the University, and a member of the Evanston Alumni Foundation Committee.Garfield A. Bowden, '13, researchchemist for American Home ProductsCorporation, on December 8, 1945,at East Orange, New Jersey.Zelda M. Rice, AM '15, on October8, 1945, at Phoenix, Arizona.John Marcellus Steadman, Jr.,PhD, professor emeritus of English atEmory University, on December 21,at Atlanta, Georgia.Mrs. T. P. Scanlan (Mary L. Smith'16) on October 17, 1945, in Chicago.Mrs. Helen Perry Kelly, '16, atChapel Hill, North Carolina, on December 25, 1945. She was a sister of Mrs. William H. Keats (GertrudePerry, '11 ).Charles Henry Scheick, DB '17,pastor of Lynhurst Baptist Church,Indianapolis, on January 14, 1946.Cleo Wilson, '18, in June, 1945, atOak Park, Illinois.Mrs. Thomas J. Hughes (Ruth McCoy, T9) on September 11, 1945, atSan Mateo, California.James W. Moody, '26, on December 12, 1945.Roland Yoder, '26, on July 1, 1945,at Altadena, California.Celia B. Fredrickson, AM '29, onJanuary 20, 1946, at St. Paul, Minn.Esther Hornor, '30, on September27, 1945, at Hyattsville, Maryland.Mrs. Virginia B. Craver, '32, onDecember 5, 1945, at Harvey, Illinois.Estella M. Kennedy, AM '40, onAugust 14, 1945, at Harrods Creek,Kentucky.ON CHICAGO'S ROLL OF HONORCorporal William T. Hollis, whoattended the University in 1941-43,was killed on a combat mission overHolland, September 18, 1944. Hissquadron was attempting to droptroops behind Arnheim, and his planewas the only one lost of a squadronof 81 planes. He joined the EnlistedReserve Corps while at the University, and was called up April 28, 1943.He received his training as radio manat Keesler Field, Biloxi, Mississippi,and then went to radio school in Se-dalia, Missouri. In May, 1944, heflew to England with his squadron.The mission on which he was lost washis first combat mission. He has beenposthumously awarded the Air Medal,Purple Heart, and a Unit Citation.His family wrote "I am sure Bill wasvery proud of his connection with theUniversity and very proud to be astudent there. When we moved toMiami, we wanted very much tobring him along and let him continuehis work at the University of Miamibut we just couldn't pry him loosefrom the U. of C. He planned whenhe returned to come right back." ESTABLISHED 1908ROOFING and INSULATINGAlice Banner Englewood 3181COLORED HELPFACTORY HELPSTORESSHOPSMILLS FOUNDRIESEnglewood Emp. Agcy ., 5534 S. State St.ENGLEWOODELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.Distributors, Manufacturers and Jobbers ofELECTRICAL MATERIALS ANDFIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 EnglewoodS. Halsted Street 7500Arthur MichaudelDesigner and Maker ofDistinctive Stained Glass Windows542 North Paulina Street, ChicagoTelephone Monroe 2423Albert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Harris, '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Parle 9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERHelping yousleep betterIt may seem a bit unusual . . .. . . that an electricalmanufacturing company servingso many needs of a wide-awake,workaday world should be interested in helping you sleep. Butwith General Electric it's a fact.Air conditioning units thatmake every night in the year "agood night to sleep"— automatichome heating systems — silentfans— quieter street cars and buses— heating pads— and featherweight electric blankets for zeronights...These are only a few of themany aids to better sleep developed by General Electric engineers and research scientists.General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y.She likes to sleep "snug as a bug in a rug" on zero nights. Ker husband is a ruggeder,warmer-blooded sort. But a feather-weight G-E automatic blanket for each is perfect —for these blankets can be adjusted to keep beds at any degree of warmth evenly all nightlong, despite temperature changes. G-E automatic blankets are made according to the sameprinciple that keeps high-altitude flying suits "electrically warm" even at 60° F. below zero.Taking the clatter out of the trolleys. Luckyindeed are folks sleeping along the routes ofmodern street cars and G-E powered electrictrolley coaches. For these hush-hush vehiclesbarely whisper when they pass — even at fullspeed. The electric trolley coach is quieter byactual noise-meter test. Taking the buzz out of fans means takingthe buzz out of the blades. For a lot of fannoise, like airplane noise, comes from thewhirring blades. The result of G. E.'s designing and testing innumerable fan bladesis the unique "Vortalex" type. You canhardly hear it even if you listen carefully! Taking street light out of bedrooms. Thisnew street light is the greatest advance in residential street lighting in 40 years. Designedby G-E lighting engineers, it projects lightaway from the houses and to the street. Itprovides more light on the street where itbelongs and less on your house front.More Goods for More People at Less CostGENERAL ® ELECTRIC932-644C-211