THE UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO MAGAZINENOVEMBER- DECEMBER 1945So You'llsee betterNature designed youreyes for seeing by daylight. But the averageperson spends most of his wakinghours under artificial light.To develop better artificial light for all living and working conditions has been a continuousproject of G-E engineers and research scientists. They have evendeveloped a whole new Scienceof Seeing.The pictures on this page illustrate a few ways in which G. E. ishelping you see the day-by-dayand night-to-night things moreeasily. General Electric Company,Schenectady, N. Y.Powdered Light. This luminous powder that you see is a phosphor. Coating the inside ofevery G-E fluorescent lamp, it transforms invisible rays into soft, cool light. RecentlyGeneral Electric developed a remarkable new phosphor which will be used in a newfluorescent sun lamp to provide healthful summer sunshine all year round, economicallyand efficiently. And speaking of economy, G-E lamp research has reduced the cost of a60-watt G-E bulb by 75% since 1923. Another way in which General Electric helps tobring More Goods to More People at Less Cost.The tiny 7-watt G-E bulb in this night lightmakes darkened halls safely navigable for sleepypeople. It's especially useful in homes with smallchildren. And the cost of electric current hasbeen brought so low that, at average residentialrates, this little lamp will burn for four 8-hournights for only a penny or so! What's the best light for reading?Above is one of many testing devicesin the G-E Lighting Research Laboratories. The amount of light on thepage and the amount of general illumination inside the sphere are variedto determine best seeing conditions. You'll soon see important events as they happen by improved television with a bigger screenand clearer reception. Back in 1928 a G-E engineer, Dr. E. F. W. Alexanderson, gave the firstpublic television demonstration. And for morethan five years now, G. E. has been telecastingregular programs from its own station, WRGB.Tlie best investment in the world is in your country's futureKEEP ALL THE BONDS YOU BUYGENERAL $H ELECTRIC852-637-211WE GAVE UP!Copy for our first fall Magazine(October) was at the printers inmid-September. We were running oncomfortable schedule.Before galley proofs could bepulled, the Chicago printers' strikestopped the presses on printers' row.Weeks later when the men returned,80(3 weekly and monthly magazinesand house organs published in Chicago had become "Rush," "Emergency, and "Critical" orders. Somewhere in that pile were our manuscripts, news notes and ad copy.To a dazed foreman we put thequestion: "When?" It was academicand we knew the answer would be afrustrated throwing up of arms. Weretired quietly and waited. The October issue was finally mailed November 27, after a session with thePostmaster, whose boss usually insists that magazines be in the mailthe months of their datelines.In late October all copy for theNovember issue was sent to the printers. "What's this?" cried the fore-man, biting his fingernails. "Wehaven't got your October stuff out yetand look at those stacks of copy fora hundred other magazines with October datelines. You'll be lucky toget your November issue by Christmas." Handing the foreman a cigar,we asked him when he would estimate we could catch up with ourissues. March or April, maybe.We have decided to be realistic,again with the consent of Uncle Sam.This issue, you note, is dated November-December. It will permit usto be back on schedule with the January number, but will throw us shortone issue through June, usually ourlast until October. In 1946, however,we will publish a July Magazine,which will give you a full nine issuesfor which you have subscribed. Wehope you will agree this was the bestsolution.We appreciate your patience, apologize for the delays, and are only gladthat we aren't publishing a weekly.The Editors. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOMAGAZINEVolume 38 November-December, 1945 Number 2PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONHOWARD W. MORTAssociate Editor CHARLTON T. BECKEditor EMILY D. BROOKEAssociate EditorIN THIS ISSUE pageA More Useful Social Science^ William F. OgburnColonel Galbraith, P. O. W. 6The Bush Report and the Social Sciences,, Robert F. Winch - 7The Disciplined Scholar in an Undisciplined World, Joseph A.Brandt - - -- - - - -( - - - - -. - 9Blimp Pilot --------- -------- -11"Duty to Live" --------- ---11Woodnotes Wild and Tame, Frederick S. Breed - - - - - - 12Brief Return of the Native 13One Man's Opinion, William V. Morgenstern - - 14Senator Huffman of Ohio ------------- 15News of the Quadrangles, Chet Opal --------- 16Chicago's Roll of Honor -------------- 19News of the Classes -------- 20COVER: William Fielding Ogburn, Sewell L. Avery DistinguishedService Professor and Chairman of the Department of SociologyPublished by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago monthly, from Octoberto June. Office of Publication, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, atthe Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The American AlumniCouncil, B. A. Ross, advertising director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y.. is theofficial advertising agency of the Magazine. >1QUEEN OFINTERFRATERNITY BALLLeft: Frances Baltzell, junior in theCollege and Sigma club pledge waschosen from among a field of ninecandidates to reign as queen of theInterfraternity Ball on November 21.Selection was made by vote of nineveterans of World War II who arestudents at the University, representing each of the fraternities on campus.Her home is in Chicago.MISS UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGORight: Patricia Murphy, another Chicago girl, and a senior in the Collegewas chosen by student vote as "MissUniversity of Chicago" from a fieldof seven candidates, each representingone of the men's residence halls oncampus. Voting took place at theStudent Activity "C" Dance, November 10. She is a member of the Sigmaclub.A MORE USEFUL SOCIAL SCIENCE By WILLIAM F. OGBURNFor every inventionA new social problemI appreciate the honor of speaking before the Subcommittee on War Mobilization of the Senate Committee onMilitary Affairs on the place of social science in a program of nationally sponsored scientific research.Now that the war is won, our efforts are turned towinning the peace. From the field of natural sciencewhich deals with mechanical relationships we want thenew contributions from aviation, from plastics, fromelectronics, and from atomic energy, to the end that weshall raise our material welfare. From the field of socialscience which deals with human relationships we wantnew labor-management relations, better race relations,and improved international relations, to the end that weshall raise our standards of human welfare. Just asnatural science deals with chemical elements, astronomical bodies, light, heat, electricity; so social science dealswith social, economic, and political organizations . of allkinds such as government, industry, transportation, agriculture, the press, church, family, rural communities,cities, nations, and international bodies. The social scientists want to discover reliable and trustworthy knowledgeabout these social institutions. Through their contributions the peaceful years ahead may be richer than anywe have yet known in our own country and throughoutthe world. This conception of social science is generallyknown.There are, however, two less well known aspects ofsocial science which I should like to present as of especialimportance in the present era of history. The first ofthese is the fact that for every important mechanicalinvention that physical scientists make there is created anew social problem on which social scientists should work.Thus, the atomic bomb, a product of natural science,presents the problem of international organization, onwhich social scientists should advise. The second aspectof social science which I should like to present is thatsocial science aid in national defense. Every war nowis a total war and must be fought not only with munitions but also with institutions. Let me discuss brieflythese two phases of social science so important for ourtime.I. The first point, namely, that inventions create socialproblems, means that if the United States Governmentsupports research in physical science, then, in my judgment, it is logically and morally obligated to supportresearch in social science. For the discovery in physicalscience creates a problem in social science. The steamengine, a product of physical science, increased divorces,a problem for social science. Likewise, the automobilemultiplied crime; the atomic bomb destroys cities. Hence, social scientists must do research on divorce, on crime,and on the protection of our cities.For the social scientists to do the desired research,there is required money, time, our research ability. Oftenit takes more hard work and a longer time to solve asocial problem caused by an invention than it did tomake the invention. Yet the public does not realize this.They seem to expect quick answers. And they get them,such as they are, from lectures, radio commentators,preachers, editorial writers. But what do these readyanswers say? Regarding divorce that husbands andwives should love each other, be more tolerant and notgo to the divorce court, regarding crime that we mustinflict stern punishment on criminals or treat them assick persons, and regarding nuclear energy that we mustnot use the atomic bomb. But such answers do not meanmuch. We need implementation to such good advice,which comes from research.We need to know how to lessen divorce, how to combat crime, and how to keep from using the bomb. Thereis a difference between saying what ought to be doneand in knowing how to do it.Let us consider the problems caused by the discoveryof atomic energy and its release. The bomb causes atleast two major problems. One problem is that of producing a lasting agreement among nations not to use thebomb. The other is to break our cities up into smallerplaces less vulnerable. What is needed in regard to boththese problems is the creation of two institutes of socialresearch, or their equivalents, one on international organization and the other on cities and their defense. Theseinstitutes should be supported generously, and the mostcapable social scientists should begin research on theseproblems.There is no social scientist who can give the answersto these problems, off the cuff, so to speak. As a socialscientist, I am often asked what to do about the bomb.A quick answer that is worth much is not possible. Letme illustrate by a similar question in the field of physicalscience. Suppose, in 1920, the physicist, Arthur Compton, had been asked to construct an atomic bomb nextweek. An absurd request. It was necessary for 20 yearsWilliam F. Ogburn, Chairman of the Department ofSociology and nationally famous in his field, has been inthe headlines since our explosion into the Atomic Age.The Press has emphasized his- suggestion for dispersal ofthe urban population, which he thinks will be needed if anagreement not to use the atomic bomb in war should bebroken, an eventuality quite possible in view of the Pactof Paris, of the League of Nations, and of past treatiesthat have been scrapped. For his recommendations to aSenate subcommittee on Military Affairs in regard to thegovernmental support of scientific research in UniversitieSjwe herewith permit you to sit in on the Committee meetingwhere Dr. Ogburn made his report.34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof progress in nuclear physics to occur. Now, with$2,000,000,000, 75,000 workers, nearly all the nuclearphysicists, and many chemists and engineers, within 3years' time the famous bomb was produced. The naturalscientist could not give quick answers; neither can thesocial scientists. If the social scientists have even a smallportion of the $2,000,000,000 and a few years' time, theycould give better answers.As to how the research by social scientists on the influence of the bomb on international organization shouldbe set up, it looks as though an international agreementnot to use the bomb might not be too difficult to obtain.The much greater task is to make such an agreementendure. In view of the failures of the Pact of Paris andof the League of Nations, the difficulties in making anagreement that will stick will be great indeed.The danger is that after getting such an agreement,if we do, we may then rest in a false security.If an agreement not to use the bomb fails, then thereis another way out, namely, to scatter the urban population. To do this hurriedly just before the battle starts,or after it starts, is not adequate. Would it not be betterto decentralize our cities in peacetime as a defense measure? That of course is a stupendous undertaking. But ifwe do not scatter them, they may be destroyed with a fewbombs. It would not be a bad idea to have social scientistswork in finding out all about how our urban populationfrom very large cities might be dispersed, slowly or rapidly,to greater or lesser degree, whether further into the interior or not. Probably the research on the defense of ourcities would require as many as 50 or 100 different research projects. With the knowledge from such researches we should know much better what to do aboutour urban population in an atomic age, whether we actor not according to the conclusions of the research.Then there is the problem of what changes in societyand its institutions the peacetime industrial uses of atomicenergy will produce. We have not yet learned how touse atomic energy to run machines; but who shall saythat we will not learn to so use it soon? The changesbrought out by peacetime uses of atomic energy may beas great as those that followed the use of steam 150 yearsago. The "industrial revolution," caused by steam, created cities, changed agriculture from subsistence to commercial farming, built a new economic system with manynew economic organizations, detroyed social classes andcreated new ones, redistributed wealth, revolutionizedwarfare, realigned the great powers, abolished the household economy, and reduced greatly the social functionsof the family. The "scientific revolution" following nuclear fission of the atom may change our society and itsinstitutions even more.For what these changes will be, the last person to lookto for the answers is the physicist and the natural scientist. They do not know and cannot know. It is not theirfield of work. Suppose I, as a social scientist, were askedto outline the next procedure in nuclear fission; I, of course, could not answer. It would be a foolish question.Yet the physicist is asked by the public, "What will bethe social effects of nuclear fission," as if he knew orcould say. It is the function of the physicist to split theatom's nucleus, but the function of saying what the socialconsequences will be is the social scientists.This concludes my first point, which is that scientificdiscovery causes social changes and social problems; andthat if Government sponsors research in natural science,it ought also to support the study of the social changesand social problems which the natural science researchescreate.II. My second point is that social science researchis just as necessary for national" defense as is research inradar or jet propulsion; the reason is that modern warsare total wars. Hence we need the mobilization of oursocial resources as well as our mechanical ones. Planes,ships, submarines, bombs and guns are not enough. Ourwhole democracy and our whole capitalistic economymust be mobilized, too. Mass production wins wars astruly as do men in uniform.We all hope, of course, that we shall have a lastingpeace. But I venture the opinion that if we have alasting peace it will not just happen, without our workingfor it. Any talk about peace that is not in terms ofpower is highly unrealistic. It is the powers that makewars, and it is the powers that will make the peace.The United States cannot play its proper role in helpingto keep the peace of the world without being strong.Hence we must be a strong nation. We must be prepared.But to be a strong nation means more than guns. Itmeans institutions that can be transformed quickly incase the peace is broken quickly. Military science doesnot give us all the strength we need. Military sciencemust be articulated with social science, just as the Department, the Army, and Navy must be articulated with theState Department.The problem may be posed this way. Let us supposethat the United States as a great power is carrying itsresponsibility in keeping the world peace with or withoutan international organization; and let us suppose thatdanger to the peace arises quickly and that we must act;then, in order to be able to act quickly, how much timemust have been spent in preparation. In Germany, I wastold that at least 6 or 7 years were required to preparefor war. They were speaking of wars of aggression. Butthe time of preparation is probably little different forwar of defense. The strictly military preparation is saidto require even less time than to prepare our social, economic, and political institutions.Social science research could do much in saying whatwe should do to prepare our institutions for such a national or international emergency. If an institute ofresearch were supported by the Government in this field,its first task might well be a careful study of the experience of the past two World Wars, on the part of theTHE UNIVERSITYOFvarious nations engaged; ourselves, Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Japan. The research would try to ascertain what transformations were necessary to put the socialinstitutions on a war basis, which were done adequatelyand which not, and how long was required in the variousnations, and what difficulties were. We needed mucheffort in the last two world wars and years of preparationbefore we were ready to do much fighting. We werefortunate to have allies and oceans to hold the enemywhile we prepared. We may not be so fortunate anothertime.How to prepare our institutions for such an emergencyis certainly not the task of military science. Nor is it theobligation of the natural scientist. Their task is to workon the weapons. The groups to whom the nation shouldlook are the social scientists whose function is to studysocial institutions. But this they cannot do much withoutresearch, which takes money, time, and research ability.III. May I say a word about the qualification of research in social science, since it is a somewhat morerecent development than research in the natural sciences?Research is more difficult in social science because of thelarger number of variables than are found in problemsof the physical sciences.Then, too, prediction in social science must be in termsof probabilities, since human will power and effort maymodify a prediction, a condition which could not arise,for instance, in astronomy. Nevertheless, research insocial science has many very creditable achievementswhich have proved reliable and trustworthy. To cite verymany of these would be too time consuming, but I shallmention a few as illustrations.There is the sampling technique in statistics that hastaken many years to develop. By its use, for instance,the fertility of the people in the United States can bedetermined with a high degree of accuracy from a smallsample of the population. Furthermore, the extent ofthe accuracy can be known. In work done on populations, the error is often less than 1 per cent. Thissampling technique on populations saves millions of dollars. Its use in marketing studies, in agriculture, and invarious fields of business proves reliable and saves largesums.Another illustration is called "quality control" in industrial production. Thus in making rayon there occurredfrom time to time imperfections in the product, makinga loss to the industry. By statistical methods of measurement developed in social science it is possible to findreadily these defects, eliminate them and to improve thequality of the product. During the war methods ofquality control, applied to naval armaments and munitions, are said to have^yielded much more reliability andto have saved the nation many millions of dollars.In the field of prediction, social science sometimes doesvery well indeed. Thus we are able to predict the population in the future, which is of value to industry and for CHICAGO MAGAZINE 5military considerations. These methods of prediction forfuture populations have been known since before 1920,and sometimes the population of the United States hasbeen predicted within a few hundred thousand of thenext census. We have predictions of this nature for thefuture populations of Russia, of western Europe, of Germany, Italy, and Japan. The reliability is greater theshorter the period for which the prediction is made.Information on the predictions of age groups in thepopulation and of death rates from the older techniquesof the life table and the newer techniques of the netreproduction rates have been of great use for the operation of our social-security programs.We have even been able to set up tables for the prediction of violations of parole, according to informationcollected on the life histories of prisoners whose namesare proposed for parole.There are, of course, areas in social science wherereliable results, trustworthy for both radical and conservative, are not so surely determined, but the achievements of the younger social sciences are sufficiently greatto assure the usefulness of research in social science. Astime goes on, results will become more exact.IV. I should also like to speak with reference tothe possible provisions for social science research in thelegislation on a National Research Foundation. If socialscience is listed as one of the fields for financial supportfrom the foundation, I would hope that the details ofthe support might be spelled out. Any general provisionneeds, I think, to be implemented. For instance, in viewof the great importance of social science for nationaldefense, for the adjustment of society to the productsof physical science research, and for the general welfare,it seems to me desirable to set up a special unit of thefoundation to be concerned with social science alone.There are such units or divisions in the proposed legislation. Thus there is a committee for health and medicalsciences or a division of medical research, and theremight also be a division on social science research. Ifsocial science be assumed to fall within the category ofbasic sciences, without special mention, along with adozen natural sciences, I fear it may not receive theattention and support it needs. There are, of course,many social sciences history, economics, political science,sociology, anthropology, psychology, statistics, and others,with many thousands of researchers. But they have not associated very much with natural scientists ; and, in general,the natural scientists are not familiar with the research orthe personnel of the social sciences. So that if the director be a physical scientist, or if the board be made uplargely of natural scientists, and the legislation does notset up a special unit or units in social science, then thereis great danger that the mere inclusion of the term "socialscience" in the legislation will not mean much and thatsocial science will not get the sponsorship that its importance and possibilities of achievement merit.COLONEL GALBRAITH, P. O. W.We knew "Nick" Galbraith,'33, when he was a lieutenanton our military science staffIn the early thirties. When weheard he was taken prisonerwith our boys on Bataan wekept in touch with his wife,Leila Whitney, '29, for newswhich never seemed to arrive.While she waited in ColoradoSprings, Mrs. Galbraith servedas our local Foundation chairman.-Finally, early this fall, wehad news that he had beenliberated. From letters finallyreaching Mrs. Galbraith welearned that he was thirty pounds underweight, "weak andtired. We have had no animal proteins, fats or sugar inthree and a half years. They refused to give us Red Crossfood. . . . I've eaten snails from the trash pile, bran fromthe pig-sty, waste rice from the Nip kitchen while thehorses were fed our Red Cross rolled oats. . . ."After writing the story for the Magazine we rushed arequest to Mrs. Galbraith for a picture and any later developments. Imagine our pleasant surprise to receive theletter which follows. "Private Maroon," to which ColonelGalbraith refers, is the twelve-page news sheet we sendregularly to our alumni in service.Colorado Springs8 November 1945My "press agents" insist I reply to your letter myself,even though I am in the process of going through thehospital clinics which is keeping me mighty busy. Youappear to be interested in the "release" angle. Accordingly I'll jot down a few highlights along that line whichyou can rewrite as you see fit.The parachute crowd which dropped in before thewar was actually terminated had some rough treatmentby the Nips until the latter were prevailed upon to escortthe group to headquarters.Shortly after arrival there the news of capitulationreached that Nip headquarters, and the status of those"dastardly Americans who dared to put foot on the sacredsoil of Nippon" hastily altered. They were bowed to andhad their weapons and equipment returned. Then theywere escorted to our camp, the location of which wasknown to our people only as ten miles north of Mukden.An interesting sidelight here is that, as we learned later,our compound, which was located in the center of the"smoke-stack" district, had been publicized by the Nipsas an "airplane parts assembly plant."The Nip commander and his staff received the para-crowd with as much secrecy as he could, but some bright-eyed P.O.W. witnessed the arrival. Later by trespassingon forbidden soil, a few of the more hardy "convicts" wereable to peek through a window where they saw honest-to-God white men, "probably Americans," who werepointing their fingers at the Nip colonel (a thing which just isn't done in a P.W. camp) and wearing side-arms',Later tea was served, with Nip soldiers bowing to theunknown Occidentals.That was' sufficient news to the P.O.W. 's to arrive atthe conclusion that the war was over. There was nomilitary force available to take over the camp from theNips the latter had no instructions from their own higherheadquarters, so a compromise had to be agreed upon.P.O.W.'s would remain under Nip custody and confinedto the compound, the "eso" {guardhouse) was emptied,Nip harassment terminated, Nips were resericted to theirpart of the compound.The real climax occurred a few days later when theRussian vanguard reached Mukden, after one of the reallygreat maneuvers of the war, and whose material accomplishment toward termination of the war has not yet beenfully appreciated, in my opinion. Three Russian captains,who arrived in Mukden in one of the first vehicles (anAmerican jeep), immediately and without escort soughtout our camp, crashed the gate, ordered all Nips to lineup in one corner of the compound, all P.O.W.'s to rallyalongside.The leader of the Russians mounted the steps of abarracks as a dais, held up his hand for silence. Silence,hell! This was our moment! No comparable group evergave anyone, anywhere such an ovation. These were ourdeliverers after three and a half years of horror! Whencalm finally prevailed the Russian removed his cap, heldup his hand, and spoke a few words that to us wereamong the most dramatic in recorded history: "By orderof the Russian Red commander, I from this moment declare you FREE!" O'Neill in his finest moments couldn'tequal such drama.But the end is not yet. Such words were not to be leftsuspended in mid-air without appropriate action. Whenthe Russian again obtained control of the situation, hedirected the Nips to assemble on the parade with theirarms and ammunition. They moved fast; for here wasthe one and only situation in life they understood: force.The ground was soon piled high with samurai swords andmachine guns. The Russian called out a score of Americans, presented each with a Nip rifle and bayonet and aword of congratulation. Formal military courtesies wereexchanged between the newly formed guard and the Russians.The next order was from the guard commander. TheNips lined up and were marched away into confinement.The world had indeed turned upside down.During this ceremony all the remaining P.O.W.'s, 1700strong, were lined up along the sidelines. What wouldbe the reaction after the "turnover"? Would these muchabused and starved human animals fulfill their often expressed threats, to cut the throat ol every Nip they wouldencounter? Emotions were at a high pitch. There wasnot sufficient power available to halt mob action. Thiswas a long awaited and long dwelled upon moment.(Concluded on Page 8)6Washington Star, August 8, 1945"Since the use of the atomic bomb, men have been pleading and praying for a narrowing of the gap between thesocial and the physical sciences.11With, no doubt, the best of intentions Dr. VannevarBush and his eminent colleagues in the Office of Scientific Research and Development implicitly threaten to doa great disservice to our country and to mankind. InJuly they published a recommendation for the establishing of a national research and scientific foundation.(Vannevar Bush, Science: The Endless Frontier. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1945. Pp. ix184.) The serious flaw consists of the fact that the proposal contained no reference to any need for stimulatingresearch and training in the social sciences.Dr. Bush writes: "It is clear from President Roosevelt'sletter that in speaking of science he had in mind thenatural sciences, including biology and medicine, and Ihave so interpreted his questions. Progress in other fields,such as the social sciences and the humanities, is likewiseimportant; but the program for science presented in myreport warrants immediate attention." Ibid., P. v. Thiswriter's judgment is that President Roosevelt's letter didnot provide as clear a mandate as Dr. Bush indicates, butthat granting the presidential mandate, Dr. Bush shouldhave felt obligated to include among" his recommendations a proposal for a co-ordinate report on#the field ofthe social sciences.A century ago August Comte wrote at length on thegreat gap between the social and so-called naturalsciences. By now this is a household idea. Yet our eminent scientists present a brief to the effect that it is in AND THE By ROBERT F. WINCH, A.M. '39, Ph.D. '42the national interest to widen this gap. While the occasionally proposed "moratorium on science" is an impracticable counter-measure, it does seem only reasonableto give to the social sciences equality of opportunity atthis crucial time.Should this omission have occurred even in the twenties, it would have been somewhat more comprehensible.Then the social sciences were relatively less developed,their literature was less known, and social problems werecommonly thought to be the imaginative creations ofalarmists and Bohemians. In the interim the socialsciences have made progress. Moreover a depression anda war, both of unprecedented magnitude and violence,have sharpened public acuity to social problems. Without pausing to consider the fruitless question of whether or not the social sciences are yet "Scientific," we mayassert that their literature does enhance the perspectiveand understanding of the great issues of today and assist in anticipating those of tomorrow. Today the plethoraof social problems should place such training and research at the top of the priority list.It is coincidentally ironical that this omission shouldhave occurred at a time when we were being criticizedfor meeting our first colossal set of social problems inGermany with cautious bankruptcy. And at that timeit took no wizard to foresee more problems of greaternumber and magnitude in the rest of Europe, in thepopulous regions of Asia, and within our own borders.Yet it is we who regard ourselves as destined to furnishguidance, leadership, and example to defeated, disillusioned, and discouraged millions.Within our country and throughout the world weare confronted with the impact of intense, painful experiences on attitudes, values, -and mores. The veteran,the bereft, the impoverished, the hungry, and the minoritygroups, the broken families, broken bodies, broken mindswill be foci of social problems affecting our happiness,welfare, and future just as much as neurologic or cardiac diseases, and more than developments in electronicsand jet propulsion. Since the use of the atomic bombmen have been pleading and praying for a narrowingof the gap between the social and physical sciences.Never before has the cliche "mixed emotions" beenso pertirtfent as to the reaction to the news of the atomicRobert F. Winch, who wrote ,sCan We Afford Peace?"for our December, 1943, issue and "G.I. Rights vs. theRights of Man" for our November issue last year; wasformerly stationed in Washington with the Bureau ofShips, Navy Department, with the rank of Lieutenant.Retired from duty November 13, he has just returned tothe campus and to the University's Sociology Department.78 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbomb. Relief that it was we rather than the enemywho successfully developed it, shame or indignation thatwe were so immoral as to use it, joy over the short-runprospect of a hasty end of the war, and from practicallyall quarters fear, a vague but earnest fear of the consequences of its invention so ran the publicly and privately expressed reaction. This disquietude which mitigated our joy over final victory followed from our knowledge of the multitude of historical cases of independentdiscoveries of important scientific findings. We may succeed in erecting an impermable wall about our discovery, but we cannot prevent scientists of other nationalitiesfrom laboring until the secret becomes common knowledge. And then, it is clear that our main hope lies inour ability to avert war a social problem.It is true, as Dr. Bush and his colleagues aver, that weneed basic and applied research in the biological andphysical sciences. But if we wish to have a society withinwhich to enjoy the benefits of such research, a great impetus must be given to social research.As the clouds of war closed about us from the thirtiesthrough Pearl Harbor day, social scientists came progressively to realize that their opportunity to contributeto the American conception of the good life would beterminated in the event of an enemy victory. When warwas upon us, there was much soul-searching in the socialsciences and some feeling of inadequacy in trying toanswer the question, "What have we to contribute to thewar effort?" For many the war meant the abandonment of long range research, the handling of administrative and short range research tasks, and the necessityof answering questions and making decisions, sometimesCOLONEL GALBRAITH (Continued from Page 6)But in the souls of those men there was somethinggreater than hatred and revenge. Not a sound was uttered, not a "cat-call" was sounded, every foot remainedmotionless. America may well be proud of her soldiersin that moment of great temptation.I better drop it at that point. There is so much morethat could and should be told. To be a little more intimate for the interest of my many good friends there,including that new chancellor, I might add that I amresponding in excellent style to proper diet, relief frommental harassment, and to the happiness and luxury thatis Americana. Expect to be on a leave status for severalmonths during which time I hope to drop in on the University.An added note of interest: among the dozen pieces ofmail I received in three and a half years was one copyof the Private Maroon. It had gotten by somehow without censorship, and what a great source of information itwas to the entire camp in those days of virtual incommunicado.I would be remiss if I didn't make one further state- on the basis of little or no research. And yet it is possible that if such a history should ever be written, weshould find that the social scientists performed not un-creditably.Now that the storm has abated, social scientists mayonce again search their souls in freedom^. To thiswriter it appears that such introspection should impelthem to conclude that not only is our future coursefraught with peril, but that by training and professionthey are the ones who should solemnly assume responsibility to ascertain and disseminate information as to howman can get along with man, nation with nation. Wedo have some knowledge; the record demonstrates thatwe need much more.It is clear that we are in need of more powerful research techniques and more incisive constructs. We mustbear in mind that most of the difficult intellectual workis done when we have learned how to state problems.To express urgent social problems in researchable termsis our immediate task. It is a task we must set aboutearnestly, even feverishly, for we may have but one moreinterbellum period to get the answers. To develop morepowerful research techniques and more incisive constructswe need more men, good men, new men; we need freshperspectives. We need the inspiration, encouragement,and assistance of the proposed foundation.To this writer it seems like the most perverse inversionof priority to place on a secure national footing researchand training in only the biological and physical scienceswhen the threatening problems are social. For militarypurposes we must have physical research, for humanitarian reasons we must have biological research, but forthe future of civilized man we must have social research.ment, and it comes from the heart. During those manydark months when I had time for contemplation and introspection, many of my sustaining values could be attributed directly to the influence on me of my great University and the many men and women I knew there whocontributed so much to that greatness.This picture was taken in the happy days at Fort Stot-senburg, Luzon, before families were evacuated and before international entanglements reached a crisis. At thattime I was in command of the 1st Battalion, 24th FieldArtillery, Philippine Scouts, whose war record later was sooutstanding and will make the headlines when the Bataancampaign finds its way into print. I was summarily pulledout of that command to join Gen. MacArthur's staff uponthe organization of his headquarters, where I was later tobecome Assistant Chief of Staff G-4, and after that,"ignominy"! But it's all over now even though the processof reorienting a Rip Van Winkle mind is requiring muchmore intensive study than I had contemplated.Most sincerely,Nick Galbraith,Col. G.S.C.THE DISCIPLINED SCHOLAR IN ANUNDISCIPLINED WORLD By JOSEPH A. BRANDTThe reprint goesin the wastebasketAGAIN, we are at peace. The most calamitous ofall wars is over. Unafraid «as we were to face thetest of battle, we turn once more with fear andmisgiving to the task of so governing ourselves that weand our neighbors may live in harmony. We have saidso often war is inevitable, that we now believe this to bethe truth. Rarely does even the most ingenuous everproclaim that peace, too, may be inevitable. So we create the framework of our new peace now out of the toolsof war. And so low is national and international morality today, so fearful are we of ourselves as a peoplecapable of disciplining ourselves, that we resurrect theformula of the ill-starred Holy Alliance of the last century as the one sure guaranty of peace. in our time.There have always been wars but I do not believe therealways will have to be wars. The number of wars andthe increasing number of them, since the beginning ofthe Industrial Revolution is cause for alarm. But aneven greater cause for alarm is the knowledge that massmurder began to increase only when we began mass education, which coincided with the Industrial Revolution.Thus it is inescapable that either the masses should notbe educated, if the meager learning we give them cantruly be called education, or there is something wrong,tragically wrong and betraying, in our educational leadership of the people.In war times, we rely for our leadership on the admiralsand the generals. In peace times, we depend upon thepolitician and the statesman for guidance. The generalsand the admirals can win victory only if they have thetools of war at "hand and a people trained to carry out thestrategy needed to win. And it is equally true in peacetimes, that the leadership of a people can win and keeppeace only if the people they represent have wisdom,charity, tolerance. And this is the task of the scholar.Instead of wisdom, charity, and tolerance which thescholar should have implanted in the people, the morning after victory finds among us growing tensions, increasing and dangerous mounting hatreds. We destroyedthe beast of anti-semitism in Germany only to find it rising fourfold in our own midst. We fought in the Pacificto free the brown peoples from the tyranny of the Japanese master while at home a tenth of our populationwrithes restlessly under the lash of racial bigotry. We area nation dedicated to the principles of Christ but we remain pharisaical despite the countless sermons preachedfrom our pulpits. Where, then, as a last resort, may we turn to rescueour people from the grip of ignorance, stop them in theirrace toward self destruction? We can turn only to theAmerican scholar; and if the peace of the future fails, itwill be because the scholar was not equal to the task.The American scholar assumed this burden when heplaced the priceless secret of energy and matter at thedisposal of the government and in the greatest triumphof scholarship in modern times, joined forces with government and industry to produce the atomic bomb.While the atomic bomb has proved there is no suchthing as the absent minded professor, it has projected theprofessor into the forefront of government. When thescholar decided to turn over to the government his knowledge of the atom, he at once assumed responsibility forthe kind of government which would use the atomicbomb. And since the government is the people, hedestroyed once and for all his right to ignore the people.Consciously or unconsciously, the American scholarhas lived aloof from the people. When he writes, heresents nothing so much as to have what he has writtencalled "popular." Now, popular of course, has referenceto the people, the masses; the people whose total moralityconstitutes national and world morality; the people whoif led by the scholars and the thinkers might create a newworld of peace and of plenty; the people, who neglectedand scorned by the scholar, will turn in ever increasingnumbers to listen to the demagogue and be the willingtool of the dictators.This lack of interest in the past in the welfare of thepeople as people is so universally true, as to constitute ineffect a national tragedy. The fact that the scholarusually disdains to write a popular book is but one evidence. Most small college towns, for instance, are poorlygoverned, badly administered, because in the main thefaculties of the colleges and universities live in communities but are rarely a part of them. There is no snobberymore calculated than academic snobbery!The time has come when the American scholar mustreexamine himself in the light of his new obligations, newonly in the sense that it is never too late to acknowledgea duty not done. American scholarship, as it is atpresent constituted, is hopelessly inadequate to give thepeople intellectual and spiritual leadership; and unlessour people have such leadership, all the battleships, allthe planes, armies, and atomic bombs and all the wordsin the treaties of peace soon to be written, will not availus against a future war.I write only of American scholarship, because we mustrescue ourselves from the evil inheritance of Germanscholarship, which we in turn now are about to reform.910 T H E U N I V E k S IT Y OF C H I C A G O M A G A Z I N EJoseph A. Brandtrecently left his postas Director of theUniversity Press tobecome presidentof Henry Holt &Sons. One of hislast acts before leaving campus was thedelivery of "The Disciplined Scholar inan UndisciplinedWorld" as the September convocationaddress.Ine scholar speaks an international language, he is theoniy true cosmopolite; and vigorous decisiveness maygain years for the future in this country and in England,where German influence had less effect and where as aconsequence democracy has been less injured than in mostother nations.Now, let us see how the American scholar is created,for in the strait jacket of academic life lies the key to hisescape from present ineffectiveness in the world and theway to a life of newer richness and glory.The scholar comes up through an almost unvaryingroutine. He completes an undergraduate education insumc college which consists of a mosaic of subjects to beforgotten as soon as the examination is over. I speak ofthe generality of colleges, not of the brilliant exceptions.Either by inclination or at the suggestion of some interested professor, the student is sent on to some university to work cither in a subject of his real choice or onechosen for him by a professor who sees in him a satellite.As a graduate student, he completes a master's degreewhich in many of our universities has become a kind ofsuper bachelor's degree. Then comes the great adventure, the pursuit of the doctor of philosophy degree. Toobtain this coveted union card, he undergoes certaintests, completes certain prescribed subjects, and sets outto write a dissertation. The object of this regimen, ofcourse, is to enable the scholar-to-be to discern the chafffrom the wheat, to know what is true and what is false.He is supposed to learn independence of judgment.No one could quarrel with such a worthy purpose. Butthe purpose and the reality of the doctor of philosophydegree in most of our universities today, are as removedas Tojo is from the White House. Instead of ending hisformal education as a man able to think, he is more likelyto become a hooded automaton. The key to the failureof the institution of the doctoral degree in this nationlies in the fact that in only rare instances does the candidate, seeking intellectual independence, have any independence while seeking it.The institution of the doctor of philosophy degree, asat present constituted in the majority of our universities lies heavy like a hand of doom. If I write feelingly aboutthe institution, I write with knowledge. In sixteen yearsof serving three of our great universities as publisher oftheir scholarship, I have read countless Ph.D. dissertations from virtually every institution offering the degree.With some exceptions, most of the dissertations represented a tragic waste. The student had been cheatedwhen he thought he had reached the highest attainmentin American intellectual life. He had been taughtto be cautious when he should have had thecourage of youth. He had become confused throughveneration of false academic gods when he shouldhave been clear. He had spent his time on minutiae whileRome burned. He had been conditioned to become anobserver when he should have begun to understand thatthought may be translated into action. Most tragic ofall, because he possessed something rare, not shared bythe common man, he felt superior and aloof from them.He had joined a world of his own, divorced from the people, the academic world.For the good of the people of America, for the good ofthe people of the world, the institution of the doctorateshould either be abolished by our universities or it shouldbe reformed so that it will reunite the people and thescholars, to the end that the true product of scholarshipcan be shared by all the people, not by the learned alone.I am not a lonely, misguided heretic when I make thisplea. I have talked with far too many far-seeing scholarswho share my alarm, who want something done, but whoarc defeated by the inertia of academic life. They remain silent when they might speak, for they must livewith their colleagues. They may annoy trustees and beaccused of keeping students away. But they should notbe silent. They should speak up. Only by so doing canthey dissipate the growing poison of fear which is socharacteristic of academic life. If the scholar fears, howcan he demand courage of his students who in turn become the people?The world of the past, that world preceding the Industrial Revolution, was a world dominated by the scholarsin the humanities and the social sciences. The world in- .augurated by the Industrial Revolution has been governedby the inventor and the pure scientist. One often hearsthe remark that the modern humanistic scholar or thestudent of society has not kept pace with the natural orphysical scientist. The charge is untrue. The humanistic student is keeping pace with events but he is enamoredwith the belief that learning is the possession of the aristocracy, the aristocracy of fellow scholars. The scholarin the problems of society is well aware of his obligations,but again, he is listening for the praise of the colleague,rather than communicating his findings, usually disturbing, to the people. The social scientist's newest creation,sociology, deliberately created a terminology to confusethe people.The wants of people are simple, elemental. They wantfood, shelter, love, and security. Even if they had theTHE UNIVERSITY OFtime to read the works ot our modern sociologists, theycould not understand what they read. Nor could anyother person, however literate he might be, unless he hadlearned the magic new incantations which make sociologymysterious and therefore, learned. Sociology illustratesperfectly the disdain of the scholar for the people, thevery people the sociologist should serve.Now, the masses are the voters who cast the ballot onelection day. They determine the kind of leaders wehave the Rankins and Bilbos on the one hand, the Mon-roneys and the Roosevelts on the other. The people arethe voters who think things through. They want thefacts. They want the truth. Once they have learnedwhat they think is the truth, they in turn influence themasses. It is this kind of people for whom the scholarmust wme, must work.All learning is not dead in our country. We have comefar along the road of cultural progress, even though theaccumulation of today's scholarship may seem meagerwith the great learning of the past. We have secured forourselves a standard of living which even John Lawwould have thought preposterous. We have moved toward an appreciation of the dignity of the individualwhich would have startled Queen Elizabeth. We havecomforts in our homes which the advanced Romanswould have thought improbable. We have the materialthings which make life worth living. It is on the spiritualside that we are lagging. But a few hardy souls areaware that unless the people are carried forward withBLIMP PILOTWe learned about blimps from Jack Bernhardt, '40,who dropped in at Alumni House late in October, wearing civies. Ensign Bernhardt was assigned to the U. S. S.McKean in March, 1941. He left the destroyer for flighttraining two months before it was sunk but not before hewas awarded the Silver Star for "heroism and gallantryin action in trie Pacific" by Admiral Nimitz.In July, 1943, Lieutenant Bernhardt became a blimppilot assigned to anti-sub patrol duty on the east coast,which included escorting convoys the first 200 milesout of Boston. Jack made blimp history and won a commendation for participating in the longest trans -oceanicblimp flight ferrying a blimp from Bermuda to the Azores.Blimp piloting during the eighteen hour stretches overthe ocean can be monotonous except in high winds. Thatis why they carry three eo -pilots in addition to a crewof six men. There are forty men in the ground handlingparty, not to mention a tractor or so all used in landing the critter. Most of the danger in blimp pilotingis in the landing. Blimps get viciously temperamentalin squally weather and fight back at hangar doors.Jack returned to civilian life September 24, and withhis wife whom he met in Boston and married on January12, 1945, will remain in Chicago. CHICAGO MAGAZINE 11the tide of history, civilization is doomed. These aresymbols, far too few it is true, of an awakening socialconscience on the part of the scholar. These are thescholars who seek to reach the people, the thinkers amongthe masses. They have learned to write clearly, to takea courageous stand on issues concerning the public, tooffer the people for what it may be worth, the results ofhonest research, stated so lucidly that even a Philadelphialawyer could understand it.The American scholar must ask himself today, has hebeen honest with the people? Has he not been moreconcerned with the ephemeral glory of a reprint, paid forby him, sent to the president and a hundred other waste-paper baskets, than with a world slowly going toward alingering, agonizing death? Savanarola knew that deathalone could atone for his heresies ; but he pursued his pathundaunted, because he loved the people. Galileo recanted, because he loved life and perhaps was dubiousabout the ultimate glory of research as an end in itself.Martin Luther stood before the door of Wittenberg, conscious that he could do only right. There can no longerbe delay on the part of our scholars. A world is aflamewith doubt, terror, hatred; that flame can only bequenched by the scholar, writing in the loneliness of hisstudy, but writing with a passion for the right, for thewelfare of the people, of whom he is at present one ofthe most ignored, but among whom he may ultimatelyrank without a peer."DUTY TO LIVE"Just about everything has happened to Emmett Dead-man, '39, since he left his position as assistant to theforeign editor of The Chicago Daily Times in November,1940, to join the Air Corps.In a Flying Fortress over Germany on July 26, 1943,he was shot down over Germany and held prisoner untilApril 29, 1945. After his deliverance and his return tothe States he was married on June 19, 1945, to ClaireLyons, a Northwestern graduate (and Phi Beta Kappa,Emmett adds, with an exclamation point.) The ceremony was performed in Bond Chapel by Emmett's father, the Reverend Roy E. Deadman, an alumnus.While in prison, Emmett wrote a novel which he iscalling Duty to Live. It is to be published early nextyear by Houghton-Mifflin Company and is dedicated toCharles E. Merriam, Professor Emeritus of Political Science and a personal friend. When you read the novel,don't blame the H-M Company proof readers for misspelling the author's name which will appear as Dedmon. Emmett confesses he is a little weary of the jokesthrough the years inspired by the correct spelling!Retiring from service as a captain September 1, withan Air Medal among his collection of awards, EmmettDeadman has returned to The Chicago Daily Times.WOODNOTES WILD AND TAME By FREDERICK S. BREEDJungle LifeOut of the night emerged two desperate men. Underthe light that floods the northwest corner of KimbarkAvenue and Fifty-seventh Street, they hurriedly huddledto divide the spoil. They had just committed a robbery. A squad car approached with the victim on therunning board. Swiftly the outlaws streaked for ColonelMather's alley, the police in hot pursuit. Guns barkedand a robber slumped to the pavement. We watchedhim lifted from a pool of. blood. Shortly thereafter hebreathed his last.Out of the woods that sheltered him stepped an uncommon visitor. He strode across the lawn ahead of us asleisurely and self-composed as a big contented cat. Hisample fur was iron gray, his tail was long and hairless,his nose was like the cherry on the face of old St. Nicholas.Unhurried still, he slowly ambled up the trunk of a leaning oak, surveyed the contemporary scene with no morecatastrophic emotion than a well-known chief executivefrom Missouri, then stepped down the tree headfirst andfaded away into the woodland and the valley below.Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a nice big fat opossum.Exit Texas Ah, the once great state of Texas. Geographically, it'sstill immense. Drive for half a day from the border townof Texarkana, and you arrive at Dallas. Drive all thenext day and you roll into Big Spring. Then anotherhalf-day stretch and you pull up in the shining city ofEl Paso.* What an empire! Turn it around on Texarkana as a pivot and it overlaps the great midwestmetropolis.When Texas declared war on the Axis, it was the beginning of the end. When peace was arranged betweenTokyo and Austin, it took Nimitz, a native son, to bringthe fighting Texans to a stop. Now these intrepid cowhands, ranchers, and rangers are returning from the wars,but returning to a different world. The days of Texasare sadly numbered; the days of Missouri are brightwith new hope and glory. The cowhand on a pony isbeing bartered for the hillman on a mule. Long ears aremore than coronets and simple faith than Texas bloodin Washington today. In his book entitled A Texan inEngland, Frank Dobie from Texas, suh has fascinatingly described one of the latest lone-star exploits, the conquest of England. His next book should carry the title,Texas: An Obituary.Rescue the PerishingGolden voices on the radio, unctious, oleaginous, aretaking over as moral arbiters of the nation. Paragons ofelocutionary virtue, they pour their honeyed phrases into the ears of millions daily, hourly. Reading from scriptsdesigned by others, who know precisely what they want.they pipe the filtered news to us, obligingly interpret itreveal the secret of making biscuits that melt in hubby'smouth, confide the ideal gastronomic approach to hisaffections. Without a qualm they slide from commercialsinto morals and indicate our bounden duties. What if theguy with the tired sigh and the crooning moan and themoral tone ditches his wives one after another? Silly boy!Can't he save his brother?Snake in the GrassWe went for a stroll on a woodland road, under thearching trees. While I kept in the clear of the roadway,now carpeted with green from long disuse, Smoky, noseto the ground, tail in the air, was weaving back and forththrough the tangled undergrowth. Suddenly a sharpwoof, then another. The cocker had come to a haltin a plot of near-by grass. I proceeded to investigate. A large snake was facing him, coiled for action.At the first tap of a stick the savage-looking reptile rolledover on his back, an easy prey. Flushed with a trophy ofthe hunt, we hastened home and deposited the awesomeserpent outside the kitchen door. Obviously, the animalwasn't dead. When we accommodatingly rolled him overon his stomach, he forthwith writhed and landed on hisback, and then lay there still as death. Thus we left him,made our way into the living room where the ladies wereengaged in mortal confab. As soon as the patter and thechatter had clattered to a temporary lull, we invited saidladies to have a look. But the snake, the snake it wasn'tthere atall!Something of a mystery? Well, not completely. Thepuff adder, for that he was, is a harmless and notoriousbluff. He coils like a rattler, puffs out his cheeks andlooks like a rattler, ready to strike. He slides his forkedtongue in and out and hisses terror at his enemy. Then,if the battle goes against him, he resorts, as the old naturalists say, to "playing 'possum" "feigning death." Evidently he knows quite well when to take to his heels, or,rather, ribs, for his legs, all but the vestiges, have longago been lost in the course of evolution.You doubtless remember columnist Breed's "Witches'Broth With Animal Crackers" in the May issue. This month,when he mailed in his "Woodnotes" he wrote: "The response to my 'Witches' Broth' was mixed indeed. I thoughtof if as a jingle. A professor in the East read it to his family after dinner and spoke of it noncommittally as 'yourverses'. I was elated when another referred to it as apoem. He was not a distinguished professor of Englishliterature. But the crowning blow came from the University of Michigan, where a member of the faculty completely devoid of literary discrimination called it doggerel.Certainly the world is in a state of confusion."12THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13YokelsAffecting the duneland style of the University Treasurer, in flannel shirt and corduroy pants, I seem to passas a native son in the village where the groceries are dispensed. Happy disguise, happy disguise. Happier, atleast, than the threadbare suit of a college prof screamingits social lag. One needs more than a flock of degreesto get away with those bagging knees, those elbows torn,those patches worn on an ancient seat of learning. Thevillagers are politely restrained as they give the newcomerthe curious up-and-down, then walk on as if to echoinwardly the suggestive title that stares us in the facefrom the November pages of the Reader's Digest: "NewThings Coming in Textiles."Get the setting. Broadway (for that's the name of thestreet) , is teeming with farmer folk come to market. TheTwentieth Century Limited of the N. Y. C. whizzesthrough at 75 miles an hour. I stand and gawk inadmiration at its streamlined elegance until its last palatialcar is swallowed up in the distance. I come back to localreality as if wrenched from a pleasant dream. I'm athing apart, the original isolationist. The finest train inthe world goes by, but the natives never bat an eye."Who's a yokel?" I muse in silent quandary. . . Quiet,chatterbox. I'll answer the question myself.BRIEF RETURNAfter receiving his master's degree, Donald Pierson,AM '33, PhD '39, with his wife, Helen,, left for Braziland two years of field work for the Social Science Research Committee.At the historic and ancient seaport city of Bahia (thesize of Indianapolis) Pierson set out conscientiously onhis study of Brazilian race relations. A foreigner makingnotes at public functions, celebrations, and parades soonaroused the suspicions of the local "F. B. I." which quickly caused an official nocturnal disturbance at the Piersonhousehold. But when the chief of police, checking thecontents of Don's correspondence, discovered a letter froma high Brazilian official expressing the hope that the Pier-sons were enjoying the famous Bahian hospitality, therewere handshakes around and Bahian guest Pierson wentback to bed.The results of this study were published in 1942 bythe University of Chicago Press under the title Negroesin Brazil and Donald Pierson was awarded the 1943 JohnAnisfield prize of $1,000 for the best book of the year onrace relations. A translation in Portuguese has just beenpublished in Brazil where it is meeting with highly complimentary reviews and a cordial reception in Bahia,where they now refer to him as an honorary Bahian.In 1937 the Piersons returned to the States where, forthe next two years, Don was associated with Robert E.Park, of our department of sociology, who was carryingon research at Fisk University in Nashville.At the end of this period, Pierson received his doctor- California, Here We Come, From a Victory Garden, a lowly carrot grown Gargantuan. Length, 9 inches; circumference, 4% inches;weight, 1 pound, 3 ounces. Too bad it comes from OgdenDunes, a mediocre settlement to which Frank, Filbey,Morgenstern, and other University worthies have tried tolend distinction, but in vain.October(Echoes of John T. McCutcheon)Bordered the roads in gold aglow,And flash of flaming red,Flash of the crimson tupelo,Of scarlet sumac bed.Blest are the paths of peace.Bordered the roads in blackened blight,And scarlet of flaming war,Then, crimson stained, the fields stand white,With crosses evermore,After the cannon cease.OF THE NATIVEate from Chicago and accepted an invitation from theEscola Livre de Sociologia e Politica of Sao Paulo toteach and train research personnel. He and his wife returned to Brazil where they have lived since.The inspiration for this story came when, late in October, Donald Pierson walked into Alumni House duringa brief stopover on a hurried business trip from Washington to San Francisco. He had flown up from Brazil toaccept an appointment to the Institute of Social Anthropology of the Smithsonian Institution. He is to directits research and research training program in Brazil incollaboration with the Escola Livre.Between interviews with a score or so of men, arranging for two day laundry service, trying to find size 15*4shirts to supplement his limited traveling supply, purchasing a bag to put them in, having his glasses adjusted,interspersed with frequent sessions with various rail officials who were trying valiantly to arrange at least an upper on the San Francisco Challenger, Don had only fractions of minutes for visiting. But he took it all in healthy,optimistic typically Piersonian stride. It is little different in Brazil where his program includes teaching, advising, organizing, administering, researching while supervising the translation of 17 texts to date in the socialsciences from English to Portuguese.Don is enthusiastic and happy about his work, Brazil'sfuture with its many-to-be-developed resources, and icecream, which has begun to win popularity in Sao Paulo.14 THE UNIVERSITY O E C EI I C A G O MAGAZINEONE MANS OPINIONBy William V. Morgenstern, '20, J.D. '22Robert M. Hutchins is now started on his sixteenthyear as chief administrative officer of the University, firstunder the title of president, and since July 1, of chancellor. The only special aspect of this particular year is thatwhen it is completed, Mr. Hutchins will have been headof the University longer than any of his predecessors, afact that may well come as a surprise to alumni.Harry Pratt Judson was president for 15 years and 11months, from March 19, 1907, to February 20, 1923. Hewas, in addition, acting president from Mr. Harper'sdeath, January 10, 1906, until his own inauguration. ButMr. Hutchins was elected president April 25, 1929, andfor this period of seven months prior to his inauguration,he was active in the University. Mr. Harper was president from July 1, 1891, for 14 years and seven months.The other two presidents, Ernest DeWitt Burton andMax Mason were in office only a few years each.The two administrations that most closely parallel eachother, in vitality, experiment, progress, and even excitement, are those of Harper and Hutchins. Mr. Judsonwas installed with implicit if not express instructions tobe a conservator, and to give the University a chanceto catch its breath. Neither Mr. Burton nor Mr. Masonwas in office long enough to have a marked influence onthe University, although Mr. Burton began, and Mr.Mason continued, the expansion of the University following the period of reflection and consolidation underMr. Judson. These two started out to gtt money for theUniversity, Mr. Burton vitalizing the so-called "Development Campaign" of 1924-26, and Mr. Mason using hiswinning personality without the cumbersome devices ofcampaigns to charm the money out of those who had it.Mr. Harper had his own decided ideas as to what auniversity should be and how to attain those ends. As hasbeen so often quoted, he insisted that the new institutionmust be a university rather than a mere college. He andMr. Rockefeller formed their partnership at a time whenAmerican education was still coasting along on the kindsof reform typified by Mr. Eliot at Harvard, and whenAmerican higher education consisted, with two exceptions, of colleges rather than universities. He was inalmost complete disagreement with his contemporaryeducators, who viewed him as a wild man, but he had astrong appeal for those who were not in his profession.Before he was through, Mr. Harper had established theuniversity idea of graduate study and research firmly inthe American scene. He did it because he was able,through the soundness of his ideas and his missionaryzeal, to win the unparalleled generosity of Mr. Rockefeller, and so was able to proceed on a vast and influential scale of demonstration. Mr. Harper was an iconoclast, and he made the University in his own image.In all this, Mr. Harper had one great advantage. He was starting a new institution, and he could pick itsmembers from among those who agreed with his ideas.So from the start he had control of the University, andcould decide where it was going, for by and large he hada group of converts all zealously dedicated to the propositions he had established.Mr. Hutchins came into the University when it hadoutgrown, at the sedate age of 38 years, its exuberanceand its formative years, and when a second generation,who knew not Harper, had followed the pioneers. LikeMr. Harper, he came at a time when American educationagain was coasting along on its own inertia, and when theneed for change was admitted but not attempted. Andlike the first president, he wanted to achieve, rather thanmeditate upon, the reform of education. So he movedfast, and sometimes he moved so fast that he did not waitto allow the succession of shocks to be absorbed. At least,to those who were uncertain or in disagreement, heseemed to be moving with reckless speed, although tohis own mind, progress was tortuous.Mr. Harper had actually moved even faster, because hehad his entire program outlined before there was a building or faculty; but the impact of anything Mr. Hutchinsdid was much more severe, at least internally, because hewas changing an established institution. The world ofthe educators resounded with cries of scorn and howlsof anguish at this upstart, who was even younger thanthat first radical had been, and had in addition a razor-sharp skill m rhetoric.Mr. Hutchins has fought for many things, some of themprimary, such as the rebirth of true liberal education,and some of them, such as clarity of organization andmethod, secondary to these fundamental ends. He hashad as turbulent a time as Mr. Harper, on educationaland collateral problems. Where Mr. Harper had hisextra-mural battle on his "atheistic" Divinity School, Mr.Hutchins had his with the lunatic fringe who thoughtthey saw communists corrupting the young. Both menstood up and fought, and each established for his owngeneration the principle of academic freedom.So far the great triumph of Mr. Hutchins has beenwhat he has done for liberal education. He has established the College as an independent unit solely devotedto general education, with a curriculum that is uncluttered with specialization of any kind and free from eventhe influence of the specialists.The loudest criticism Mr. Hutchins has received fromthe educators, reaching even the stage of formal resolutions, was evoked by that program. But just as theexample of Harper and his new University of Chicagochanged higher education from the college to the university level, so the College which Mr. Hutchins conceivedis steadily shaping the purposes of the American colleges.It is of no importance that the educators prefer to confuse or ignore the source of the change; the change isbeing made. The University remains as influential undeiHutchins as it was under Harper and it is still as original and courageous as it was then.SENATOR HUFFMAN OF OHIOJames W. HuffmanOn October 7 t h,1945, Governor FrankJ. Lausche of Ohio appointed James W.Huffman to succeedHarold H. Burton inthe United States Senate. At the age of fifty-one another Universityof Chicago alumnusenters the nationalscene at Washingtonto serve his country.Jim is a country boy,born in a log cabin inMuskingum County, Ohio. He attended his native country school, high school at Ashland, Ohio, then OhioWesleyan and Ohio State Universities and studied Lawat the University of Chicago, receiving his LL.B. in 1922.He had taken time out for service abroad in World WarI, participating in four major offensives and serving sixmonths beyond the Rhine in the Army of Occupation.He taught high school and superintended chautauquas toearn money to finish his education.Jim's good friend and classmate, Governor of IllinoisDwight H. Green, '20, JD '22, describes him at Chicagoas being a good student, about whom they often remarkedthat he was going places. Huffman was always interestedand active in politics, school campaigns and outsidepolitics as well. About two hours before the election ofsenior class president in their last year, Jim, a member ofPhi Delta Phi, decided to put over one of theirmen for class president. With his genius for eleventhhour organization and promotion for an opposition candidate, Jim all but beat the Phi Alpha Delta in Dwight'scamp. On his office wall in the Statehouse at Springfield,Dwight has a picture of the group admitted to the Barby the State Supreme Court. Dwight says Jim, standingnext to him, is the most prosperous looking man in thegroup.Jim specializes in corporation law. He ably represented the City of Columbus in its fight on gas rates asspecial counsel and extended this practice to other Ohiocities. For two years he served on the Public UtilitiesCommission of Ohio. Last year he ran for Governor ofOhio and was beaten in the primary by Frank J. Lauschewho, upon his election, appointed Jim to be Director ofCommerce, and has now advanced him to the U. S.Senate.Jim demands full cooperation by the United States in world affairs and the maintenance of peac*. His friendspredict, however, that he will riot expect our side to doall the cooperating. He describes himself as a liberalDemocrat and he wants full emphasis placed on theword, liberal. He stands squarely for economy in government and a balanced budget.Jim inherited as father-in-law that stalwart Democrat,Vic Donahey. Three times Governor of Ohio, with oneterm in the U. S. Senate and refusal to seek a secondterm, Vic Donahey has left a deep imprint on the politicallife of Ohio. He voted against the Roosevelt supportedSt. Lawrence Waterways Treaty with one of his famousone-sentence speeches: "We went across; they didn'tcome across." Vic is inaccurately called an Isolationisttoday. Jim Huffman very definitely and outspokenly isnot an Isolationist. He will approach foreign issues withan open mind, guided by intelligent self-interest.It is reported that Cal Coolidge's dad broke a long,persistent and absolute silence, when confronted withrepeated praise of his son by a small group of Chicagobankers, touring New England and standing on the oldman's door«step waiting for an invitation to come in,(which they did not get) with: "Well, Cal will never doanything rash." Jim Huffman will never do anythingrash. Sanity and caution are inborn. But you will neverlack an invitation to come in at Jim's house. They donot even lock the front door. His whole nature is essentially friendly.When Jim's appointive term is over he WILL "chooseto run", seeking an elective term in the Senate. Thatchoice has already been made and announced. He isgoing up against a battle royal, one that will tax everyresource at his command. In this Jim is just givinganother exhibition of that true mettle which has carriedhim so far on his journey. The job of serving in theUnited States Senate 'today is a man-sized job; the American public, a hard taskmaster. The American peoplenever expected more from their representatives nor knewless about what they really wanted.Starting his career as Assistant Attorney General ofIllinois, serving as Executive Secretary to Governor VicDonahey of Ohio, then two years on the Ohio PublicUtilities Commission, Jim, besides being well groundedin law, has a background of practical experience in government. Steady, reliable, persevering, efficient, a devoted family man with a deep knowledge of human needsand public questions, Jim Huffman will serve his country well and reflect credit upon the University of Chicago and its training.WILLIAM S. HARMAN, '0015NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES By CHET OPALChancellor Robert M. Hutchins receives a War Department Scroll honoring the University for its major role inthe development of the atomic bomb from Major GeneralLeslie R. Groves, head of the atom research project. Leftto right: President Ernest C. Colwell, Chancellor Hutchins,Dr. Arthur C. Compton, Gen. Groves, Col. J. D. Nichols.(Acme Photo)Scrollwork on the AtomOn October 10, in ceremonies as lacking in fanfareas the leakage of a military secret, the University washonored by the War Department for its contributionto the invention of the war-ending atomic bomb. Ascroll, signed by the former and present secretaries ofwar, Stimson and Patterson; was placed in ChancellorHutchins' hands by Maj. Gen. Leslie R. Groves, whoheaded the army atomic bomb project.Mandel Hall, scene of the presentation ceremonies,was filled with hundreds of persons who worked on theatomic weapon officials of the University who handledand channeled the multitudinous operations, workers inthe Metallurgical Laboratory, and representatives of themore than one hundred educational institutions and industrial firms which sent employees to the project oncampus. It was on behalf of these that Mr. Hutchins accepted the scroll. He took the occasion to point a moral:"At a time when disclosure of scientific information innucleonics is being debated, it is worthwhile to remindourselves that we never would have had the atomic bombif the ideas and experiments of scientists of every country, including those which were our enemies in this war,had not been available to us."Earlier, on Sept. 29, the Army-Navy E pennant hadbeen placed atop a mast at the Clinton Laboratories,which the University of Chicago operated until lastJuly 1. The Great DebateThe debate on disclosing the so-called secret of theatomic bomb, to which Mr. Hutchins referred at MandelHall, has placed the University in the position of interpreter and pleader before the world bar.Notable for his efforts in this regard has been Vice-President Reuben G. Gustavson, who, since his coming,has been the spokesman for science. A series of addresses on the platform and before the microphone hastaken much of his time since the first bomb was droppedon Hiroshima. He has appeared on the Town Meetingof the Air, has given a half-hour talk on the Mutual Network, has appeared twice on the Round Table with Mr.Hutchins, and has gone before a score of groups to tellabout nuclear physics and discuss secrecy.A towering figure, his voice firm and resonant withconviction and confidence, talking without notes andwith a spontaneous wit and coloration in his language, hehas not only given the best exposition of the history ofthe atom but also, possibly, the strongest arguments fora free exchange of scientific information. Attempts bythis country to keep the secret of the atomic bomb, Mr.Gustavson has insisted, will sterilize research in nuclearphysics and unquestionably stand in the way of the useof atomic power for the benefit of mankind.The line between military and non-military researchis too nebulous for safety, he has said, and hence nodemarcation and restriction should be attempted. Unrestricted research would permit attack once more on suchproblems as cancer, heredity, the aging process, and bacterial biochemistry, this time with tools developed in nuclear research. Such studies have perforce gone underground with military secrecy; but the time has come fortheir revival. The University's own new institutes ofnuclear studies, metals, and radiobiology and biophysics,wait upon a decision on this crucial issue; but the echoesand reinforcements from obviously objective scientistselsewhere emphasize the acuteness of the problem for allscience everywhere.Harold C. Urey, Nobel Prize chemist recently appointed a member of the Institute of Nuclear Studiesstaff, has gone a-lobbying with others from the campus,including Leo Szilard. They have planted enough doubtin Washington about certain hurry-up policies being promoted in Congress that a brake has been put on the lawmakers and the entire issue thrown open for fuller consideration. International control of the atomic bombmanufacturing formula has been the principal charge tothe jury. Yield a bit of American sovereignty? they ask.Of course, they answer: we do it every time we make atreaty. They recommend that in addition to internationalcontrol of the atomic bomb, a system of inspections, applied to all nations without discrimination, be institutedto guarantee that none is attempting to make the bomb.16THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17Prof. Urey has disclosed, for example, that five nations have the knowledge necessary for bomb manufacture: Denmark and France, as well as the United States,Great Britain, and Canada; Niels Bohr of Denmark andPierre Auger of France, who worked on the bomb here,have the knowledge under their hats. It seems, however, to be a question of how much you can keep upyour sleeve.Lending his logic and cold eloquence to the great debate has been Chancellor Hutchins, who made his mostpointed plea in a sermon in Rockefeller Memorial Chapel October 14, when he called for the immediate framingand adoption of the constitution of a world state and thedisclosure of the bomb "secret.""The United States, by producing the atomic bomb,"he said, "has surrendered its impregnable position andmade itself vulnerable from every quarter of the globe.The United States has the greatest stake in a world stateand a world community. Since the great aim is a worldcommunity, the great task is education. A world community can exist only with world communication, .whichmeans more than extensive shortwave facilities scattered about the world. It means common understanding,a common tradition, common ideas, and common ideals.We do not know what education could do for us, because we have never tried it. We must try it now. Thetask is overwhelming, and the chance of success is slight.We must take the chance or die."On the other hand, William F. Ogburn, distinguishedservice professor of sociology, suggested turning Manhattan Island "back to the Indians" and breaking upChicago into 100 towns of 40,000 population each toavoid obliteration by atomic bombs in the next war.(See PP 3-5) Two major problems confront the world,he said: the breaking up of big cities into towns andvillages in order to escape the bomb and the constructing of a world government to banish the use of the bombin war. The second problem actually decides the firstproblem, although Prof. Ogburn expressed high scepticism over the possibility of outlawing use of the bomb,or of preventing war itself. He did suggest, however,that stifling research and the, free flow of scientific information "may kill in the United States the goose thatlays the golden eggs."Merriam and Lillie: Creative EvolutionNel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita. . . . Dante, inthe midpoint of his life, in the year 1300 and the year35 of his own life, sets down the first line of his divinecomedy, achieves the synthesis: thought and emotion fusein the person of one, and history has established for it amathematical point by which to mark its movements.And yet, accepting age 35 as the middle of his life, Danteperhaps recalled a line from the Psalms: "The days ofour years are threescore years and ten."All this is by way of prelude. Two eminent men ofthe University, both aged threescore and ten, havereached their syntheses : Charles E. Merriam in Syste matic Politics and Ralph S. Lillie in General Biologyand Philosophy of Organism. The volumes, both published by the U. of C. Press, are deserving of notice forseveral reasons. The most important of these, probably,is the fact that both men believe in creative evolution,the political scientist as well as the biologist. Also striking is the fact that it is the political scientist who usesthe phrase, not the biologist. And both, having arrivedat a high plateau from which to contemplate the worldand lose their own identities, view the mass and seegood things in it: life goes on, but, more than this, itgoes on to better things. There is a great faith in boththese venerable preachers, and reading them, one has theconviction that not even the atomic bomb which wasdropped into history after their works were penned could have shaken their hopes.The eyes are twinkling still in Merriam, who viewscalmly the madness of more than forty years of publicservice and forty years of global lunacy. (Where better to witness political madness than in the sloping cellsof the Chicago city council chamber, where Merriamspent six years as alderman? Where better to see one'swisdom buried than in the powwow rooms of Congress,whereto much of Merriam's written cogitations havegone; for has he not been adviser to every Presidentsince Taft?) Five years an emeritus professor, he hasremained as active as ever. One finds him writing: "Itmay well be, as Machiavelli suggested, that the prophetswho are armed survive those who are not armed, butthe instrument of their continuance is co-operation rather than continued force. The advance of the humanspirit since the dawning recognition of the dignity ofman, his possibilities, and high destiny may be setagainst the prophets of pessimism and disaster, and thefuture of human ideals and idealisms portrayed in colorsas vivid as they are true. For the first time in historyUtopias need not be woven from fancy and hope butmay be constructed from a wealth of science and reasonto show indisputable opportunities lying before mankindat this very hour. We know that we enter an era ofcreative evolution, and we look forward to adventurousparticipation in the constructive betterment and transformation of life-conditions."It is a long and eloquent testament of faith he haswritten, and he has shirked no phase of his problem. Hecan raise and answer such problems as: Is democracyan obstacle to international order? Is socialism an obstacle to world order? Believing in democracy, he canpostulate among its bases "confidence in the perfectibility of man."Whereas Merriam arrived at his vision after consideration of the institutions man has created or can create, Prof. Lillie, a thorough Whiteheadian, .arrives athis after a consideration of certain biological phenomena."Life is creation." This, he insists, is the fact. In theliving organism factors of stability and factors of activityare combined in a special kind of synthesis, which hasan aspect of novelty, both on the individual and spe-lb' THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcies levels. The laws of probability, in which physical ordinations are framed, cannot account for the purposive-ness, the novelty the creativeness of living things. The"mind," the psychical element, is invoked to explain it;and where consciousness itself is not evident, Whitehead's "subjective aim" is imputed to the organism.Someone has said that if a pack of monkeys were setto pounding on typewriters they would someday succeed in writing again all the plays of Shakespeare. Prof.Lillie would have it that this could not be so unlessthere were a simian Shakespeare among them. Nothing isas random as that. Novelty, order, harmony result fromthe operation of a psychical factor: purpose and aimare actors in the drama. "Underlying any synthetic process there must be a foundation of order." Chance activities would cancel themselves out; they cannot lead toprogressive differentiation, evolution, or complex organization."Applying such a term as 'field,' 'psyche,' Vital principle,' 'anima,' or 'entelechy' is merely giving a generalname to a natural condition which apparently existsin every living organism," Prof. Lillie says. "Much of theoutcome (of natural creativity) has a value which justifies optimism for the future. Here science may takeencouragement from a position well known in philosophy;a property of the good (in the universal or Platonic sense)is that conscious effort tends to be directed toward itscontinuance, since it is the object of desire; while evil,the immediately or ultimately painful, is a feature ofreality which conscious effort tends to remove or overcome. The former has thus within itself a property orcharacter which favors its continuance and increase;the latter is inherently unstable.And the biologist joins .hands with Prof. Merriam:"What we call 'beauty' harmony of parts, harmoniousinterplay of processes, as seen in living organisms or inarts like music is widespread in nature, although itfails to be realized, or is destroyed, when the individualinterests come into irreconcilable conflict. This is by nowsufficiently evident; but what should be better knownand more widely acted upon is that integration betweendifferent individuals, as seen in the mutually helpful relations of the various units in many human and animalcommunities is as much a factor in biological survivaland evolution as is conflict. The avoidance of uselessconflict, and the subordination of individual intereststo the interest of the whole reality which includes theindividuals, would thus seem to be rational aims for allconscious beings; and these aims have the further sanction of religion when the whole is conceived in its character as ultimate value or diety."Aftermath: the VeteransNo less than 514 men and women war veterans arestudying at the University under the G, I. Bill of Rights.There are in addition thirty-eight veterans with serviceconnected disabilities enrolled under the rehabilitationprogram. Many are in college for the first time. Sixty percent are in the divisions and professional schools, 101veterans studying in the social sciences alone. Thirty-six have entered the division of physical sciences, 69 inthe School of Business, 48 in the division of humanities.Significantly enough, 204 veterans have entered the College for a general education. Most of the 500-oddveterans have demonstrated a maturity and interest whichhas made adjustment no problem at all for them. Oneveteran even says it is those who have predicted thatveterans would have a hard time adjusting who needthe adjusting themselves. For his part, he's having thetime of his life.Retiring: Cross and Dr. ReedTom Peete Cross, an academe whose life has beengraced by none of that gentle bloodshed which runs likeShannon through the lives of Erin's sons, has retiredwith emeritus rank. In tribute to his scholarly attainments in the study of medieval Irish culture and thelegends of King Arthur and the Round Table, the editors of the Journal of Modern Philology dedicated theentire October issue to Prof. Cross. Born at Farmer'sDelight Plantation, Virginia, Mr. Cross attended Harvard University, where he received his Ph.D. in 1909.He was appointed to the Chicago faculty in 1913, becoming a full professor of English and comparative literature in 1920. Retiring at the same time was Dr. Dudley Billings Reed, director of the University health service and professor of hygiene, after a 34-year associationwith the University.Radio Goes to HeavenA radio station in the clouds has been licensed by theFederal Communications Commission. The FCC hasauthorized the University to install a new experimentalportable radio station aboard a free balloon within a350 mile radius of Chicago. The balloon is nothing otherthan the cosmic ray laboratory which is sent aloft at intervals of several weeks to obtain data regarding thenature of penetrating radiations in the stratosphere. Asmall, light-weight transmitter to be frequency modulated will be used by the physics department.Berwanger Is BackJay Berwanger, grid star of a decade ago, is back oncampus, this time as a part-time coach of the LinnHouse intramural football team. He is participating ina new program to make football a campus-wide activity.Each of the men's dorms has a team, made up of residents and "associate members," as commuters associatedwith the houses for campus activities are called. Theprogram is in full swing, and Stagg Field, now famous asthe birthplace of the Atomic Age, is again ringing withgrunts and cheers. Rivalry is intense, and split personalities are likely to result also: Dean Clarence Faust of theCollege was out the other day cheering for both of theopposing teams his sons were rivals. Or is this neutrality?THE UNI V E R S I T Y O F CHIC A G O M AGAZINE 19Captain John Walter Wallace, Jr.,of the class of 1940, was killed in aplane crash near Tucson, Arizona, onSeptember 26, 1945. He had just returned to this country after elevenand a half months overseas with theArmy Air Corps. He had beenawarded the Air Medal and the Distinguished Flying Cross. He was oneof the flyers who helped drive Rommel from Egypt into Tunisia, and hadalso taken part in bombing of Naples,Tunis, Greece, Crete, and airfields inItaly and Sicily. He was serving asan instructor with the Army AirForces when killed. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi.Lieutenant Richard A. Koolishj ofthe class of 1943, reported missingAugust 22, 1944, has now been officially declared dead. He was a crewmember aboard a B-24 bomber whichhad Vienna as a target. In the vicinity of Gyor, Hungary, the plane washit by enemy gunfire, and crashed..Only one crew member bailed out,and he reports that while being heldby civil authorities in Hungary hewas shown dog tags which had beenremoved from the bodies of the restof the crew found in the wreckage ofthe plane.PFC. Jack A. Solomon, who attended the University in 1942-43, diedJune 21, 1945, in a field hospital onOkinawa. While acting as a radiooperator for his platoon on June 20,he was wounded, and died the following day. He had trained at Fort Ben-ning and Camp White, and had beenoverseas for nearly a year with the 383rd Infantry. He has been posthumously awarded the Purple Heart.Captain Raymond R. Polk, JD '36,was killed in action early in October,1944, while serving with the Army inFrance. He enlisted in March, 1942,as a private in the 32nd ArmoredRegiment, was later commissioned afirst lieutenant, and promoted to captain. He became commander ofCompany D, a medium tank companyattached to the 68th Armored Regiment, Sixth Armored Division. Hewas awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in action, and the BronzeMedal for meritorious achievement.Corporal Kenneth Monson, of theclass of 1943, was killed in action January 1, 1945, during the Battle of theBulge. He was inducted into thearmy in November, 1943, and receivedbasic training at Fort Knox. He wentoverseas in August, 1944. He servedin the 19th Tank Battalion of Patton'sarmy. He was a member of Psi Upsilon.Captain Mark T. Goldstine, Jr.,'31, AM '37, died when the ship onwhich he was being transported froma prison camp in the Philippines toJapan was sunk by the action ofAmerican bombers about December15, 1944. He went to the Philippinesin April of 1941 as a first lieutenant,and was promoted to captain on December 1. 1941. He served on Bataan,and was among those taken prisonerand forced through the "deathmarch". He was the brother of DoraGoldstine, '26, AM '31, assistant professor of medical social work at theUniversity. Kenneth MonsonRaymond R. PolkJohn W. Wallace, Jr.Jack A. Solomon Mark T. Goldstine, Jr. Richard A. Koolish20 T II E UNI V E R S I T Y OF C II I C A G O MAGAZINENEWS OF THE CLASSES1891James Norris Plumb, MD Rush, hasretired from his medical practice, andis living in Overton, Nebraska.1896Albert Davis Mead, PhD, retired in1936, from the vice-presidency ofBrown^ University after eleven yearsservicer Prior to this, Dr. Mead hadbeen thirty years in the Departmentof Biology, and for twenty-five yearshead of the department.1899Dr. William O. Schmidt, MD Rush,has retired from active practice, dueto illness.1901Joseph C. Ewing, JD '03, continueson the front lines, operating two lawoffices, one in San Diego, California,and one in Greeley, Colorado.1902Frank B. Jewett, PhD, has retired ,from his duties as Vice President ofAT&T and head of Bell TelephoneLaboratories, and reports he is morethan fully occupied in Washington asPresident of the National Academyof Sciences and as a member of theNational Defense Research Committee.1903Each of the sons of Frank G. Cressey, PhD '03, has received his doctor-ate from Chicago. George, SM '21,received his PhD in Geology in 1923,and Paul took his PhD in Sociologyin 1930. Mrs. Cressey (Minnie Frances Babcock, '93) received the firstA. B. degree awarded to a womanfrom the University.1905Claude R. Smith is working withthe U. S. Department of Agricultureas chemist in the Regional ResearchLaboratory at Wyndmoor, Pennsyl- 1907Herbert F. Evans, PhD '09, hascompleted eleven years as chairmanof the Department of Religion ofWhittier College, Whittier, California.He has been chairman of the Department of Christian Education of Southern California Council of Churchesfor five years.Samuel E. Rasor, SM, writes "retired, but "Life Begins at Seventy"as attested by the challenge of teaching A.S.T. service men in sections of40 to 60 in mathematics."William F. Rothenburger has resigned from his regular pastorate after46 years of preaching and has beenholding preaching missions of twoweeks each in Iowa, Ohio, and Illi-1908Orrin R. Jenks is teaching a classin Old Testament Literature, preaching every Sunday in First AdventChristian Church, Chicago, and is re-surveying the field of Old TestamentProphecy.John W. Green, MD Rush, is chiefof staff of Vallejo Community Hospital, Vallejo, California, secretary ofSolano County Medical Society, councillor of the 9th District CaliforniaMedical Association, and alternatedelegate to the American MedicalAssociation.1909Mrs. Harry W. Evard (Helen E.Jacoby) writes from her home in In:dianapolis. "My oldest son, John Edward, a First Lieutenant in the army,is stationed at Newark at the Officeof Dependency Benefits, indefinitely;has been married two years. Thesecond, Ensign Harry, was commissioned at Tower Hall last May and isnow at Fort Lauderdale, with his recent bride, both so happy that theyUniversityNational BankCHECK PLAN PAY-AS-YOU-GOoffers a low cost checking plan, which is easilyunderstood. Its only cost to depositors is fivecents. for each check written and five cents foreach deposit. For your convenience deposits canbe made by mail. Stop in or write our Pay-As-You-Go Department and open your accountUNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1345 EAST 55TH STREETA Clearing House Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation only half-way noticed the hurricane.My daughter Betty is hurryingthrough college, but is my good companion. I have been well aware as awidowed parent of these three howenormously valuable my college education was to me. I can meet theirproblems so much more ably, all theway from "how do you spell this" toabstruse philosophical discussions.They are unusually worth-while folks.Life is a bit strenuous at times, butcertainly never dull."1910Frank O. Erb, AM, DB 12, PhD'13, has retired from his duties asProfessor of Religious Education at:Colgate-Roberts Divinity School, andfor nearly a year has been interimminister of the Calvary BaptistChurch of Providence, R. I.John Edwin Rhodes, Jr., is a BoyScout executive with the Blair-Bed»ford Council at Altoona, Pa.1911Vallee O. AppelLate in the summer Vallee O.Appel left his office at the FultonMarket Cold Storage Company,where he is president, to join a committee of ten food experts commissioned by the Secretary of War tosurvey the messing and feeding andfood storage of the American soldierand make any recommendations forimprovement. In a special plane provided by the Army they traveled earlySiiiLdwai^Chicago's OutstandingDRUG STORESTHE UNIVERSITY OF, CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21and late on visits to camps across thenation, visiting kitchens and messhalls, sampling and making notes.The first of November Vallee finallysank back in his office chair to takea long breath and review the accumulated mail before going to Washington on November 5 to receive the Civilian Meritorious Award and on toNew York to sit with the committeein summarizing their recommendations.Clarence W. Kemper, AM, DB '12,is minister of the University BaptistChurch at Boulder, Colorado. Priorto this, he was minister of the FirstBaptist Church in Denver for 11years. He served as member of thefaculty of the Greater Kansas CityMinisters' Intitute in May, 1945.Mrs. Wyatt W. Barlow (Helen A.Ingham) is state chairman for theIndiana Council of Church Women ofthe Cancer Control Cause. She hasalso been influential in assisting in establishing a diagnostic cancer clinic,opened in 1944, the first such clinicin Indiana established with the aid ofthe Field Army of the American Cancer Society.Mrs. Alvin J. King, (Gertrude E.Nelson) is helping at child care centers in Jackson, Mississippi, teachinghandicapped children and "sittingup" with her two small granddaughters.1912Sallie E. King is living at Rey VistaFarm, Oak Grove, Jackson County,Missouri.1913Emery W. Baldruf, AM, PhD '26,is Veterans Coordinator at RooseveltCollege in Chicago.Katherine Putnam, AM '28, hasbeen working with the Chicago CityMissions of the Episcopal Church thisyear while waiting to go back to herwork as missionary in China.Frank E. Brown, PhD '18 is teaching physical chemistry and thermodynamics at Iowa State College, Ames,Iowa.Since her retirement from SimmonsCollege in 1942 as Associate ProfessorEmeritus, Bertha R. Coffman, PhD,has been offering courses in GermanTELEPHONE HAYMARKET 4566O'CALLAGHAN BROS,, Inc.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST. for the University Extension of Massachusetts.Pearl M. Baker has retired from herteaching position with the YakimaBusiness College at Yakima, Washington, but continues to be an enthusiastic booster for the university.1914John A. Greene has been electedvice president in charge of operationof the Wisconsin Telephone Company.George T. Colman, PhD, has beenduring the war and is at present Senior Economic Analyst at the American Consulate General, Sao Paulo,Brazil.Lillian R. Gray has retired fromteaching at Harrison High School inChicago, and is now teaching in theMabelle Scott Rancho School atAzusa, California.Adella Helmershausen is preparingher poems for publication.Werne F. Swain, PhD, is doing research in Ballistics for the Army atAberdeen Proving Ground. He hasbeen there since 1942.Carl Gaenssle, PhD, is teaching atMarquette University, Milwaukee,Wisconsin.Mabel L. Roe, SM, PhD '15, hascompelted her eighteenth year withthe Long Beach City College, at LongBeach, Caifornia. She is teachingBacteriology, Physiology and Zoology.Mrs. James W. Pearce (Lydia M.Lee, '14) has returned to Seattle, andis living at 2227 Thirteenth Ave.,North.Margaret F. Williams, AM '33, isworking for the Treasury Departmentin Chicago, and hoping that the fieldof adult education will open up againso that she can return to it.1915Albert Barnett, SM '16, PhD '18,has been promoted to a full professorship at the University of Cincinnati.Ewald C. Pietsch, SM '34, has recently accepted a position as associateprofessor at the State Teachers College, Valley City, North Dakota.Samuel Webster Wells is managerof exploration with the Ashland Oiland Refining Company, and is livingin Evansville, Indiana.GEO. D. MILLIGANCOMPANYPAINTING CONTRACTORS2101-9 South Kedzie AvenuePhone: Rockwell 8060 1916Minnie Louella Carter, PhD '28,retired from teaching in Doane College, Crete, Nebraska, and is living inMansfield, Ohio.Donald L. Colwell has resigned asCoordinator of Conservation for theNavy Department to go to Tokyo withthe U. S. Strategic Bombing Survey.Mr. Colwell served two years withthe War Production Board and twoyears with the Navy before being assigned to this Survey. He expects toreturn before the first of the year.Mrs. Henry T. Hall (Harriet Parsons, SM, PhD '21) is a full time sub-situte teacher of Astronomy andPhysics at Hunter College, where sheis replacing a man who is teachingNavigation and Physics to the Armyand Navy at Princeton.Leland Wilbur Parr, PhD '23, isprofessor and head of the Departmentof Bacteriology, Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at George Washington University. Dr. Parr is also Secretary-Treasurer of the Society ofAmerican Bacteriologists, and a pastPresident of the Washington Academyof Sciences.1917Donald P. Bean, manager of theUniversity of Chicago Press from1927-1942, has been named directorof the Stanford University Press.A mystery story, "You'll Be Sorry!"by SamueJ, Rogers, AM, has recentlybeen published by Harper and Brothers.Kate Lewis, AM, is personnel assistant to the general manager of theNamm Store, in Brooklyn, N. Y.Mrs. J. William Hofmann (Lili M.Lieber) is working with the HomeService Corps of the American RedCross. Her two daughters areWAVES, and Mr. Hofmann is working overtime as a civilian surgeon.Phone: Saginaw 3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeaks RepairedFree EstimatesFRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.8019 Bennett St.MURPHY BUTTER and EGG GO.WHOLESALE2016 CALUMET AVE.CHURNERS OF FANCY CREAMERY BUTTERFINEST WISCONSIN EGGSPhone CALumet 573122 T II E U N T V E R S I T Y OF C H T C A G O M A G A Z I N K1918Grace Darling Phillips, AM, DB'23, has accepted a new position as library assistant at the Public Libraryin Denver, Colorado.. 1919Pearl Henderson Asher, AM '44,is psychologist at the Norfolk CountySchools, Norfolk, Virginia.Charles H. McReynolds, JD '21,is teaching English Government in theBethesda-Chcvy Chase High Schoolin Bethesda, Maryland.Grace Givin, AM, is teaching history and social sciences in Iberia Junior College at Iberia, Missouri.Esther M. Greisheimer, PhD, is aprofessor of Physiology at TempleUniversity School of Medicine, whereshe reports that three of them are doing the work formerly done by five,and are carrying on research alongwith the teaching.Sylvia May Griswold, PhD '32, isBOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.All Phones OAKIand 0492SPRAGUEIRON WORKS44 10 WEST ADDISON ST.TELEPHONEPALISADE - - 2210SWIFT'S ICE CREAMAt home, or at your favorite sodafountain, creamy-smooth, delicious Swift's Ice Cream is truly teaching in the public schools atGreenville, Michigan.Kemp Malone, PhD, has beenelected a fellow of the MediaevalAcademy of America, and elected amember of the American Philosophical Society.Rae Blanchard, AM, PhD '27, professor of English at Goucher College,has been awarded the annual RoseMary Cranshaw prize by the BritishAcademy for her book "The Correspondence of Richard Steele".Wyman R. Green, PhD, is head ofthe Biology Department at DrewUniversity, Madison, New Jersey, aposition he has had for 14 years.Lulu C. Daniel, AM '22, has accepted a position as social directorfor 200 student nurses at the Harris-burg Hospital, Harrisburg, Pa.1920Sara E. Branham, PhD '23, MD'34, is Senior Bacteriologist at National Institute of Health, Bethesda,Maryland.The University of Illinois has started a graduate curriculm in SocialWelfare Administration with Professor Marietta Stevenson, AM, PhD'26, as Director. This will eventuallybe a two-year curriculum leading tothe master's degree.Milbourne O. Wilson, AM, PhD'25, is chairman of the Departmentof Psychology at the University ofOklahoma.Agnes Jacques is the author of anew Russian primer, which is beingwidely welcomed. In private life, sheis the wife of Marcus Chadwick, AM'30, and the mother of five year oldVera.H. W. Helmershausen has retiredfrom teaching at Monroe School, Chicago.1921Howard R. Moore, SM '22, PhD'24, is Senior Materials Engineer atthe Philadelphia Navy Yard. For thepast seven years he has engaged inpaint research and corrosion prevention methods for Naval vessels.The International Relations Club(Carnegie Foundation) of Pittsburgh,Kansas, is under the sponsorship ofMary E. Cochran, AM, PhD '30, whowrites us she is kept busy makingspeeches on current topics beforevarious civic groups.George B. Cressey, SM, PhD '23, isspending the year as visiting professorin the School of Humanities at Stanford University, and will return to theDepartment of Geography at Syracuse University in the summer of1946.Edwin E. Aubrey, AM, DB '22, PhD '26, has just completed his firstyear as president of Crozer Theological Seminary at Chester, Pa. Recently he has been appointed Chairman of Federal Council of ChurchesCommittee on International Justiceand Goodwill.1922Bessie B. Bell, AM, has been reelected for a third term as Secretaryof the Association of Higher Education of West Virginia. She is teaching at Glenville State College, Glenville, West Virginia.Henry H. Walker, AM, PhD '30, ismaking a study of the short biblesstill in print, for the Chicago Societyof Biblical Research.Albert J. Salathe, PhD, is Chairmanof the Los Angeles Chapter of theAmerican Institute of Chemists, ofwhich he is a Fellow.After ten months as "senior chemical specialist" in the Chicago officeof the Alien Property Custodian,Julian F. Smith, PhD, is now servingas technical librarian and editor ofpublications for the Institute of Textile" Technology in Charlottesville,Virginia. The institute, now a yearold, is chartered by the state to grantadvanced degrees and to conduct research. As a graduate school it willeducate research men for the textileindustry and allied fields in a curriculum requiring four years for thedoctorate after the B.S. degree whichis a prerequisite for entrance. As aresearch institute it will carry onfundamental and applied research forthe textile industry,Helen B. Burton, SM, PhD '29, hasbeen elected president of the Oklahoma Home Economics Association.Charles A. Messner, AM '22, ishead of the Language Department ofNew York State College for Teachersat Buffalo. Mrs. Messner (EthelynFaye Mullarky, '16) teaches Spanishin the same institution. Their son,Charles A. Messner, received his PhBfrom Chicago this June.Paul B. Sears, PhD, is president ofthe Ohio Forestry Association, and isalso a member of the Governor'sCommittee for Conservation Legislation in Ohio.Considering it just as important tobe prepared adequately for marraigeas it is for a vocation, Rev. Warren D.Bowman, AM, PhD '30, of the Washington City Church of the Brethrenat Washington, D. C, has worked outwhat he terms a training course formarriage, a series of talks given tocouples whom he marries.Since 1942, Elsie Wolcott Hayden,AM, has been director of the Protes-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23We, too, have our hands full this time of year.For us, December 24 and 25 are always busy days at Long Distanceswitchboards and they will be busier than ever this Christmas.There will be unavoidably long delays on Long Distance and somecalls may not get through at all.You will get quicker service a few days before or after the holidays.BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNI ON STAFF OF GI UNIVERSITYMerle C. Coulter, '14, PhD 19, Professor of Botany at the University, is on leave to teach at the Army University Center whichopened this summer at Shrivenham, England, as part of the ArmyEducation Program for troops in the European theatre of operations.In addition to Dr. Coulter, several other alumni are on the staffof the center. Earl A. Dennis, PhD '34, on leave from AmericanUniversity, is teaching Biology. Wesley M. Gewehr, AM '11, PhD'22, has a leave of absence from the University of Maryland to teachHistory. David R. Davis, PhD '27, of New Jersey State TeachersCollege faculty, is teaching Mathematics. Also in the MathematicsDepartment is another alumnus, Claiborne G. Latimer, '20, SM '21,PhD '24, on leave from the faculty of the University of Kentucky. Inthe Physics Department, Chicago is represented by Thomas M. Hahn,PhD '34, also on leave from the University of Kentucky faculty.Total faculty of the army university is 320. Of this number, 230are picked civilian educators from 133 American colleges and universities and 90 are from the military. More than 3,500 soldier studentsput aside rifles to take up reference books for an eight weeks coursewhich is offered free by the army. The school, headed by BrigadierGeneral Claude M. Thiele of Washington, D. C, offers 283 coursesin eight departments with all courses on the University level.TEACHERSREGISTRY&EXCHANGE32 W. Randolph Street, Chicago ISuite 1508-10 Randolph 0739Administrators Teachers in all fieldsMember of N.A.T.A.tant Woman's Protectorate, a socialagency providing service to unattached women.Oscar E. Meinzer, PhD, is the president of the Society of EconomicGeologists.Ruth Lindquist, AM, has resignedas Head of the Dept. of HouseholdEconomics at Kansas State College,Mannhattan, Kansas, to do researchand writing.Jack Rose has started a new business this year, a partnership under thename of Manta and Rose, for the purpose of operating theaters in Indianaand Illinois.1923Gertrude E. Wade, AM, arrived atPacific University, Forest Grove,Oregon, on August 1, and is busy setting up new courses she will be offering in homemaking.Jackson F. Moore recently waselected vice-president of Sears, Roebuck and Company. He is also serving on the publicity board of theCommunity and War Fund Drive inChicago, and was chairman of theretailers division of the War Finance Committee, and put that group"over the top" in the recent 7th WarLoan. GLASS BIENENFELDCORP. OF ILLINOISChicago's Most Complete Stock ofGLASS1525W. 35th St. PhoneLafayette 840QMargaret E. Mauch, SM, PhD /38,has left Michigan State College to accept a position at the University ofAkron.Mrs. J. W. Hawkins (Alice M.Hawkins) has moved to Reed City,Michigan. |924John G. W. Lewis, PhD, is Directorof Reasearch for the "Local Committee of 1000, Inc.", a bureau ofgovernmental research for Lincoln,Nebraska, and vicinity.In May Ellen M. Olson, AM '38,was elected Vice President representing Kindergarten for the International Association for ChildhoodEducation, with headquarters inWashington, D. C.1925William Holt-Smith, PhD, is headof the Department of Religion andChairman of the Division of Psychology, Education, Religion and Philosophy at the University of Redlands,Redlands, California.Daniel Warren Stanger, PhD '35,is on the faculty of NorthwesternUniversity, in the Department ofChemistry.Irene Fagin, Assistant State HomeDemonstration Leader for California, CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency63rd YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis Kansas City, Mo.Spokane New YorkNEILER, RICH &(NOT INC.) CO.ENGINEERSMechanical and E!ectricaSConsulting and Designing431 So. Dearborn StreetChicago 5, III.Telephone Harrison 7691TuckerDecorating Service5559 S. Cottage Grove Ave.Phone MIDway 4404Platers, SilversmithsSpecialists . . .GOLD, SILVER, RHODANIZESILVERWARERepaired, Refinished, RelacqveredSWARTZ & COMPANY10 S. Wabash Ave. CENtraf 6089-90 Chicagohas been on loan to the Farm LaborProgram in charge of the Women'sLand Army for the state.Homer H. Dubs, PhD '25, is nowwith the Hartford Seminary Foundation, School of Missions, at Hartford,Connecticut, where he is professor ofMissions in China.Laird T. Hites, PhD, has accepteda new position as associate professor atSouthern Illinois Normal University,Carbondale, Illinois.Marjorie M. Billow, SM, is managing her farm in Southern Michigan,and is solidly behind a group of 4-Hchildren taking twelve projects.Frances J. Carter is president of theChicago Library Club, the professional organization of librariansthroughout the Chicago metropolitanarea. She is working in the AdultEducation Department of the ChicagoPublic Library.1926May M. Beenken, AM, PhD '28,has been head of the MathematicsDepartment since 1928, and Directorof the Division of Preprofessional Education since 1944, at the StateTeachers College at Oskosh, Wisconsin.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25Alice M. Baldwin, PhD, dean in theWomen's College at Durham, NorthCarolina, has served for several yearson the Durham USO Council, andhas been a member of the NationalEducational Advisory Council to theOfUce of Naval Personnel.William C. Stone, AM, is assistantto the Superintendent and BusinessManager of the Morton High Schooland Junior College, Cicero, Illinois.Edmund H. Bremer, AM '35, formerly superintendent of schools inFennville, Michigan, has acceptedthe position of Superintendent ofPublic Schools in Swartz Creek, Michigan.A new edition of Burke's Speech onConciliation With America and Bir-rell's Essay on Edmund Burke hasbeen published recently. It is editedby Charles R. Morris. Mr. Morrisis now teaching at Milton Academy,Milton, Mass.Walter P. Cottam, PhD, has beenprofessor of Botany at the Universityof Utah since 1931. During summervacations in 1943-44-45 he has workedwith the U. S. Forest Service onPhoto Plot-Range Survey Studies,Region 4.Mrs. Lawrence Bieker (Helen Kaska, '26, AM '39) is teaching atthe Chicago Teachers College.Edna Barnes Elspass is head of thespeech department in the Southwestern Institute of Technology atWeatherford, Oklahoma.Elsa E. Schilling, AM, is assistantprofessor of Romance Languages atLuther College, Decorah, Iowa.1927James Thomas Russell, AM, PhD'31, is Chief Statistician with the NewYork Department of Commerce atAlbany.John J. DeBoer, AM, PhD '38, ischairman of the Department of Education in the newly formed Roosevelt College in Chicago.Ralph B. Kennard, PhD, is employed at the National Bureau ofStandards as physicist in the Aeronautics Institute Section. He has alsobeen teaching college physics for theGraduate School, Department ofAgriculture.Siegfried R. Weng, AM '29, is Director of the Dayton Art Institute andof the School of the Dayton Art Institute. In addition, he teaches one classeach year at the University of Daytonon various subjects pertaining to art. 1928Fred H. Mandel, '28, JD '29, is incharge of criminal prosecution ofOPA cases, particularly black marketcases, in his capacity as AssistantUnited States District Attorney atCleveland.Margaret Chiles, AM, is teachingEnglish in the High School at Lad-donia, Missoifri.Helen C. Williamson, AM '32, isliving in Philadelphia, and writes thatshe likes it better and better, althoughChicago is still her favorite city.Hanna E. Krueger, AM '43, is headof the catalog division of the WayneCounty Library System at Detroit,Michigan.Victor J. Andrew, SM, PhD '32,and Mrs. Andrew (Aileen SharkeyAndrew, '31) are owners of an engineering and manufacturing businessin Chicago. During the war theirproducts were military radio and radar equipment, and during peacetimes their work is manufacture ofbroadcast station equipment, and consulting engineering service to broadcast stations.Mrs. Albert P. Ball (Rachel Stutsman, PhD '28) has accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Psychol-Best by vote . . . mild, mellowp remium *am!iiht ham ~thdtb "T>/vovcm Sstqa/i L/iaA&oL Year after year, in nation-wide pollsof public opinion, the huge preferencefor Swift's Premium Ham shows amarked increase. Despite shortages,the superb quality of this ham hasnever been compromised.26 T H E U N I VPETERSONFIREPROOFWAREHOUSESTORAGEMOVINGForeign DomesticShipments55th & ELLIS AVENUEPHONEMIDway 9700WILLIAMS, BARKER &SEVERN CO.AUCTIONEERSAuctioneers and AppraisersPublic auctions on owner's premises or at oursalesroomsAccept on consignment the better quality offurniture, works of art, books, rugs, bnc-a-brac, etc.We sell on commission or buy outrightOur specialty liquidating estates, libraries, etc.229 S. Wabash Ave. Phone Harrison 3777ogy at Goucher College, Baltimore,Maryland.Paul J. Hartsuch, PhD '35, is working with Armour Research Foundation as associate physical chemist.Janet D. Scott, MS, of the Polytechnic Intitute of Brooklyn hasstarted work on the first Encyclopediaof Chemical Technology ever undertaken. Volume 1 is scheduled forpublication in April, 1946. The encyclopedia is to cover the material,methods and equipment of the chemical industry. Miss Scott has specialized in the literature of science andchemistry and worked for ten yearson science definitions for Webster'sDictionary.Gerhardt E. Rast, AM '33, has accepted a position as Superintendentof Schools wfth the Board of Education, Westport, Conn.SUPER-GOLD CORPORATIONMANUFACTURERS OF COMMERCIALREFRIGERATION2221 South Michigan AvenueCHICAGO 16, ILLINOIS £ RSITY OF C H I C A G O i1929Eva Iona Nelson is living in CastleRock, Minnesota, where she is supervisor of Religious Education while onenforced leave from foreign missionary work in Singapore.Marguerite M. Ducker, researchassistant in hospital administration atNorthwestern University, has beenawarded the S. S. Goldwater fellowship in hospital administration atMount Sinai hospital in New YorkCity.Ortha L. Wilner, PhD, is presidentof the Milwaukee Local of the Association of Wisconsin Teachers CollegeTeachers, and a member of the statewide Latin committee which is toserve as a policy group to direct thepreparation of a curriculum guide inLatin.Mrs. Alice W. Wolff (Alice Wol-bach, AM '38) is Regional ChildWelfare Supervisor, Division of ChildWelfare, Illinois Department of Public Welfare in Chicago.Marian Williamson, AM, is director of the city school cafeteria inRoanoke, Virginia.Grace Cutzler has accepted a posi- tion as instructor in Education atMichigan State College, East Lansing. During the summer she taughtin the demonstration schools at Northwestern University.1930Minnie Rob Phaup, AM, has accepted a position as assistant professor of psychology at Converse College,Spartanburg, South Carolina.Mary S. Allen is teaching first gradein the Wisconsin School for the Deafat Delavan, Wisconsin.Martha S. Pittman, PhD, is headof the Department of Food Economics and Nutrition at Kansas StateCollege, Manhattan, Kansas.A. T. STEWART LUMBER COMPANYEVERYTHING inLUMBER AND M/LLWORK7855 Greenwood Ave. Vin 9000410 West I llth St. Pul 0034GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3186 I AGAZINEBlanche McAvoy, PhD, has anassociate professorship at Illinois StateNormal University.Edward L. Haenish, PhD '30, isProfessor of Chemistry at VillanovaCollege and for the past two years hiswork has been mostly with the V-12unit on the campus.Marjorie Tolman, AM '31, is promotion Assistant and Acting BusinessManager of "The InternationalJournal of Religious Education".'John T. Sites, AM, has moved toLittleton, Colorado, where he is employed in the Engineering Department of the Heckethorn Manufacturing and Supply Company.Ruth D. Schroth, AM '32, is teaching English and Latin in the Roosevelt Junior High School in Appleton,Wisconsin.Since 1878HANNIBAL, INC.UpholstersFurniture Repairing1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 7180The Best Place to Eat on the South SideCOLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone Hyde Park 6324E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph Offset Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182TREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Authorized DealerCHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH6040 Cottage GroveMid. 4200Used Car DepartmentComplete Automobile RepairsBody Shop Paint ShopSimonizing WashingGreasingTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 271931Irene Jenner is teaching mentallyretarded children in the IndianapolisPublic Schools.Mario Pavia, AM '33, is teachingSpanish in the Oak Park and RiverForest High School in Oak Park, Illinois.Bessie Alford, SM '31, is workingas Home Advisor with the MasonCounty Home Bureau in Mason City,Illinois.Mrs. William P. Graves (HelenStoll, '31) is employed in the Bank ofThree Oaks, at Three Oaks, Michigan.Harold E. Bowers, PhD, is locatedat Mellon Institute on an industrialfellowship devoted to study of methods for utilizing wood waste.1932 ,Pauline M. Shockey, AM, is teach-T. A. REHNQUIST CO.m 77 CONCRETEFLOORS\\-//\r\? SIDEWALKS\\ V MACHINE FOUNDATIONSw EMERGENCY WORKv ALL PHONESEST. ltt» Wentworth 44226639 So. Vernon Ave.ECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKSeGalvanized Iron and Copper CornicesSkylights, Gutters, Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbestos Roofing1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 3192Serving the Medical ProfessionSince 1805V. MUELLER & CO.SURGEONS' INSTRUMENTSHOSPITAL AND OFFICEFURNITUREORTHOPEDIC APPLIANCESPhone Seeley 2180, all departmentsOgden- Ave., Van Buren andHonore StreetsChicago 12 ing in the school system in Wellington,Kansas.Ruth M. Griswold, SM, PhD '44,is assistant professor of Home Economics at the University.Isabel Peterson, '32, is teachingfifth grade in the University of Chicago Laboratory School.Robert S. Jason, PhD, is teachingPathology at Howard University,Washington, D. C.1933Harvey Wish, AM, is associate professor of history at Western ReserveUniversity at Cleveland, Ohio.Viola DuFrain, AM, PhD '44, isacting head of the commerce department at Northwest Missouri StateTeachers College.Herman E. Ries, Jr., PhD '36, isengaged in research on catalyticcracking (aviation gasoline) and synthetic rubber in the Research andDevelopment Department of the Sinclair Refinings Co., at East Chicago,Indiana.Catharine Lantz is director ofchildren's work with the New JerseyConference of the Methodist Churchin Camden, New Jersey.Anna D. McCracken is teachingand organizing correspondencecourses in philosophy and economicsat the University of Kansas.1934Mrs. John F. Kuhn (Agnes Adair)is living with her two children inOklahoma City while Major Kuhn isserving in the Southwest Pacific as asurgeon in an evacuation hospital. Heis now stationed in the Philippines.Dr. Kuhn was resident in surgery atBillings Hospital during 1932-34.Armin A. Manske, AM '35, PhD'42, has joined the firm of Fry-Law-son and Company, Chicago, as management engineer.Madison A. Kuhn, AM, PhD '40,HOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone Dorchester 1579POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven Typewriting MimeographingMultigraphing AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll PTiones 418 So. Market St.Harrison 8118 Chicago Ajax Waste Paper Co.2600-2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Any QuantityWaste PaperScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, Van Buren 0230Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4Wesson's Coal Makes Good or Wesson DoesBOYDSTON BROS.All phones OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.CADILLAC EQUIPMENT EXCLUSIVELYHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD., Chicago, IllinoisTelephone Harrison 7793Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesGenerally recognized as one of the leading TeaehersAgencies off the United States.has been promoted to the rank ofAssociate Professor of History atMichigan State College, East Lansing,Michigan.Arna M. McFarland is working asa correspondent with the Division ofLoans and Currency with the Treasury Department in Chicago.Floyd I. Mulkey, AM, has accepteda position as Government Editor withthe Consolidated Book Publishers inChicago.Lyle K. Klitzke, AM '34? has recently been appointed superintendentof City Schools in Napponee, Indiana.Ulys R. Gore, PhD, is AssociateAgronomist* with the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station, developing cereal crops resistant to diseaseand with a high yield.STENOTYPYLearn new, speedy machine shorthand. Lesseffort, no cramped fingers or nervous fatigue.Also other courses: Typing, Bookkeeping,Comptometry, etc. Day or evening. Visit,write or phone for data.Bryant^> StrattonCO ll)egeIS S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Randolph 1575,28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIplacfesstone BecoratmgberimePhone Pullman 917010422 3Rftobe* Sbe., Chicago, 311,La Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State 1350Boston New York Philadelphia SyracuseOBERG'SFLOWER SHOPFlowers wired the world over1461 E. 57th StreetPhones: Fairfax 3670, 3671Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished J 885. Placement Bureau formen and women in all kinds of teachingpositions. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent oi ourbusiness. Critic and Grade Supervisors forNormal Schools placed every year in largenumbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Business Administration, Music, and Art, secure finepositions through us every year. PrivateSchools in all parts of the country amongour best patrons; good salaries. Well prepared High School teachers wanted for cityand suburban High Schools. Special manager handles Grade and Critic work. Sendfor folder today.HIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATESENGRAVERS SINCE 1906 + WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES ?+ ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED ?? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE ?RAYNEIT DALHFIM &CO.20S* W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO. Paul G. Roofe, PhD, has accepteda position as head of the Departmentof Anatomy at the University ofKansas.1935Fred Fortess is with the CelaneseCorporation of America in the capacity of Chemical Research GroupLeader.Catherine Leamy, SM '35, is Assistant Club Director at the AmericanRed Cross National Headquartersin Washington, D. C.Loyd W. Rowland, PhD, is Director of the Louisiana Society forMental Health in New Orleans.Romayne Miller is employed as afamily case worker by the AltadenaWelfare Board of Altadena, California. It is a family welfare agencyand is a member agency of the Pasa-dena-Altadena War Chest.Hugh G. Price, AM, is teachingChemistry at Bethesda-Chevy ChaseSenior High School at Bethesda,Maryland.Veronica Camutz is teaching firstand second grades at the Davis Schoolin Chicago, and has given more than700 hours of volunteer service as aNurse's Aide at Evangelical Hospital.John H. Clements, PhD, is instructor of physics at South Dakota StateCollege in Brookings, South Dakota.Frederick Richard Lee is GeneralSecretary of the Y.M.C.A. at Fonddu Lac, Wisconsin.Hermann Bowersox, AM '36, PhD'43, is teaching English in RooseveltCollege, Chicago.Katherine Maclntyre has startedher third year as Director of Cafeterias of the Hammond Schools, atHammond, Indiana.1936Marshall Smoler, MS '39, hasjoined the faculty of Buena Vista College, Storm Lake, Iowa, as professorof Chemistry.Bert Lindsey, AM, is supervisor ofeducation at the United States Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana.Evelyn Garbe, SM '37, is teachingmathematics at Washington Universitv, St. Louis, Missouri.W. Edgar Gregory has been retiredfrom his duties as Navy Chaplain,and accepted a position as Director ofthe Department of Ministry to ServicePersonnel and Veterans at CorteMadera, California.Una Robinson, PhD, is living inBloomington, Indiana, and doing research in the School of TropicalMedicine.Selma Edith Cooper is a medicalsocial worker for the Los Angeles County Health Department.Kendall B. Taft, PhD, has joinedthe faculty of Roosevelt College inChicago as Professor of AmericanLiterature.Floyd J. Wiercinski, SM '38, is headof the Biology Department at LewisSchool, Lockport, Illinois.Earl J. McGrath, PhD, has recentlyfbeen appointed Dean of the Collegeof Liberal Arts at the University ofIowa.William Hammer, AM, PriD '37,is associate professor of German atEvansville College, Evansville, Indiana.Dr. Charles E. Black, MD Rush '36,is located in Lansing, Michigan,where he does the work in pathologyfor four counties in central Michigan,including the supervision of clinicallaboratories, examination of surgicalcases and autopsies, and teaching. Hiswife is a practicing physician.Lucy Hutchins, PhD, is teachingLatin and Greek in Blue MountainCollege, and reports that enrollmenthas more than doubled.1937Frances L. Jewett, PhD, is in theeditorial department of Scott-Fores-man and Company, working onscience texts.DeWitt Worcester, MBA '40, isassociated with the firm of Alexander Grant and Company, certifiedpublic accountants, in Chicago.Dorothy Putz, AM '38, is teachinggym in the Loring School in Chicago.Mrs. Ervin B. Henning (RoslynBrogue) has a fellowship at Radcliffe College and is working on herdissertation for the PhD.Warren C. Leslie, PhD, has left theUniversity to accept a position . asassistant professor at the IJniversityof Illinois.Marshall Ketchum, PhD, is backon campus as visiting associate professor of Finance at the University.Donald M. Mackenzie, AM, is registrar at Frances Shimer College, Mt.Carroll, Illinois.Ora Etta Duke, AM '42, is teaching in the primary grades in the publicschools in Rock Island, Illinois.Wendell P. Metzner, PhD '37, hasbeen transferred to Monsanto Chemical Company's central research laboratories at Dayton, Ohio. Dr. Metzner started in Monsanto' s St. Louislaboratories in 1936. In Dayton, hewill head the flexible type high polymer group.Joseph Axelrod, AM '38, PhD '45,has accepted a position as instructorin Humanities at the University ofChicago.THE U N I V1938Margaret Davis, SM, has accepteda position as intructor in Home Economics at the University of Chicago.Martha Best, AM '41, is a full timegraduate assistant in the French Department of the University of Wisconsin at Madison.Laurence L. Howe, AM '38, PhD'41, has been appointed assistant professor at the University of Louisville,Louisville, Kentucky.Helen Knight, AM, is teachingAlgebra in El Reno Senior HighSchool in El Reno, Oklahoma.Winston H. Bostick, PhD '41, isworking for the Radiation Laboratoryat Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge.Margaret Elizabeth Kerr, '38, AM'40, is Assistant Editor of the WebsterPublishing Company in St. Louis.Howard Church, '38, is newlyappointed Head of the Art Department at Michigan State College, EastLansing, Mich.Robert Ricketts, AM, has recentlybeen appointed superintendent ofEvergreen Park Public School, inEvergreen Park, Illinois.Paul G. Wassenich, AM, DB '39,is working on his doctorate at theUniversity this year, and will becomeprofessor and student director ofTexas Bible Chair, Disciples of ChristFoundation at the University ofTexas in the summer of 1946.Theophil J. Voeks, AM '38, hasbeen appointed assistant professor ofmusic at Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin, and will teach all the pianoand voice work there.Mary M. Murphy, AM '38, isworking as a psychologist at MantenoState Hospital, Manteno, Illinois.1939Donald K. Marshall, PhD, left theChicago Teachers College, where hewas instructor in Philosophy, to accept a position as tutor at St. John'sCollege in Annapolis.Mrs. James P. Sheehan (GladysAnn Rossiter) is living in Pensacola,Florida, while her husband is onNavy duty.Mary E. Giffin, PhD, is visitingassociate professor of English at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.Margaret A. Hobson, AM, is teaching Latin and English in the FultonCommunity High School at Fulton,Illinois.Myron R. Kirsch, SM '41, has accepted a position as associate BiologyEditor with the Consolidated BookPublishers in Chicago. lRSITY OF CHICAGOBernard Adinoff, PhD '43, is employed as a chemist by the DaytonRubber Manufacturing Company,Dayton, Ohio.1940Merle M. Kauffman, AM, is principal of the Andrew Cooke School inWaukegan, Illinois.Harold B. Jaffee, AM '40, PhD '44,has accepted a position as instructorat Vanderbilt University, Nashville,Tennessee.Eugene A. Luening is minister ofof the Unitarian Church in Northampton, Mass.Cecil R. Fetters, SM, is head of thescience department of the RossfordHigh School, Rossford, Ohio.Seymour K. Coburn is working inthe laboratories of the Pepsodent Division of Lever Brothers in Chicago.William Waite, PhD, is head of theDepartment of Education at the University of Omaha.Esther A. Oehring, AM, is instructor in the third grade laboratoryschool at the State Teachers College,Terre Haute, Indiana.Dolores F. Moore, SM, chief dietitian at Meharry Medical College andits Hubbard Hospital, recently organized and trained the first and onlyRed Cross Dietitians' Aide Corps inNashville, Tenn.Helen M. Meier, MBA, is personneldirector of the Boreal ManufacturingCompany in Marinette, Wisconsin.Marion C. Katzmann, AM '41, isteaching music in the high school atMc Arthur, California.Mrs. Richard E. Cragg (Dorothy .Shawhan, AM '41 ) is living in Washington, D. 'C. and recently appearedas soloist with the Washington CivicOrchestra. Both she and her husbandare active in musical circles in Washington. She informs us that they havean addition to their "family orchestra", Laura Jean, born May 28.1941Lillian Rasmussen is an instructorat The Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, Rhode Island.Jocelyn Ruth Gill, SM, is an instructor at Smith College, Northampton, Mass.Hester E. Hoffman, AM, has accepted a position as librarian in thehigh school at Piedmont, California.James E. Moulton, PhD '41, isworking as research assistant at Michigan State College, East Lansing,Michigan.Alice I. Meyer, AM '41, is employedas a writer with the Army SubsistenceResearch Laboratory at the Quartermaster Depot in Chicago. MAGAZINE . 29ESTABLISHED 1908ROOFING and INSULATINGAlice Banner Englewood 3181COLORED HELPFACTORY HELPSTORESSHOPSMILLS FOUNDRIESEnglewood Emp. Agcy ., 5534 S. State St.ENGLEWOODELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.Distributors, Manufacturers and Jobbers ofELECTRICAL MATERIALS ANDFIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 EnglewoodS. Halsted Street 7500Arthur MichaudelDesigner and Maker ofDistinctive Stained Glass Windows542 North Paulina Street, ChicagoTelephone Monroe 2423Albert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Harris, '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemifts and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVER30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMrs. Harold R. Long (Marjorie E.Berg) was appointed faculty memberof the American Conservatory ofMusic this year, and is completing herwork toward the degree of Master ofMusic.Mary Elizabeth Coleman, AM,PhD '45, is professor with the Schoolof Education at the University ofPennsylvania.Helen Huus, AM, PhD '44, hasjoined the faculty of Wayne University in Detroit as professor of education. She was formerly an Ensign inthe WAVES.Marion L. Holston is working atA. B. Dick Company in the Credit andAccounting Department.Maria Elizabeth Keen is teachingin the American College for Womenat Istanbul, Turkey.Major Joshua Z. Holland, who prepared the final weather forecast forthe first atomic bomb flight overJapan made history again when a letter he wrote home was delivered afterthe fastest air mail trip from Japanyet recorded.The letter was mailed on Sept. 18,from Mizutani Airfield, and was carried by a Super-Fort on the non stoprun from Hokkaido to Washington flying time 28 hours and 42 minutes.1942Everett Sayles, PhD, is teaching atThiel College, Greenville, Pennsylvania.Minna M. Hansen, PhD, has accepted a position at traveling secretary with the National Board of theY.W.C.A. of Los Angeles.Thaddeus Adam Staskiewicz, MD'44, is resident at Oakland CountyTuberculosis Sanatorium in Pontiac,Michigan, and has a fellowship ininternal medicine at Mayo Clinic beginning July, 1946.Phones Oakland 069006910692The Old ReliableHyde Park ^Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueTelephone Haymarket 3120E. A. AARON & BROS. Inc.Fresh Fruits and VegetablesDistributors ofCEDERGREEN FROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water Market Joan Mary Roberts is a senior inthe Women's Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa.Cosette Laffargo is teaching in thepublic schools of Rock Island, Illinois.Mrs. Mary Quisenberry Lewis, AM,accepted a position as Dean of Women at the State Teachers College,New Paltz, New York.Agnes C. Vukonich is teaching inthe High School at Pecatonica, Illinois.Mrs. Ruth Babcock, '42, AM '43,is student counselor at Michael ReeseSchool of Nursing in Chicago.Clara L. Mohr, AM, is teaching inthe laboratory school at the Universityof Chicago.William Felch, PhD, is an instructor at the University of Maine atOrono.Gwendolyn L. Roddy, AM '44, isan instructor of English at HamptonInstitute, Hampton, Virginia.Jessie A. Brumitt, AM, has recently started a new job teaching social studies in the South Bend, Indiana, schools.Richard Kuch is minister of theUnitarian Church in Rockford, Illinois. Mrs. Kuch (Jeanne L. Tobin,'39) is teaching social sciences in thehigh school, and working with theYWCA on inter-racial activities.MacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and Secretarial Training.DAY AND EVENING CLASSESAccredited by the National Association ofAccredited Commercial Schools1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130BLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering; Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748Blackstone Ave. TelephonePlaza 3313Verna P. Werner, Director 1943Hester H. Feller, AM, is criticteacher in the State Teachers Collegeat Stevens Point, Wisconsin.Purdue University recently published an essential portion of thethesis of Raymond R. Ryder, PhD. Itapears as a bulletin of 155 pagesunder the series of Studies in HigherEducation, Bulletin 51. The title ofthe study is Effect of Student Teaching on Secondary School Pupils inAchievement and Aptitude.Ruth M. Schuetz is teaching art inthe Riverside, Illinois, public schools.Nolabelle Welch is head of thecommercial department at Lee JuniorCollege in Goose Creek, Texas.Frances D. Acomb, PhD, is assistantprofessor of History at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.Catherine L. Swanson, AM, has accepted a position as assistant professor at Talladega College, in Talladega, Ala.Sidney M. Bernstein, MBA, hasaccepted a position with the JewishConsumptive Relief Society of Spi-vak, Colorado, and is living in Denver.Maurita Willett, AM, has joinedthe faculty of Gary Junior College,Gary, Indiana.Michael V. Hitrovo, AM, is working with the Pennsylvania Society toProtect Children from Cruelty, and isengaged in writing the agency's Manual of Personnel Standards and Practices and of the Agency Practices andProcedures.Raymond E. Troyer, AM, is director of guidance and research at LakeForest High School, Lake Forest, Illinois.The Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station has published recentlyBui. 469 Fertility Rates, and Migration of Kentucky Population, 1920 to1940, as Related to Communication,Incoine and Education, by MertonD. Oyler, PhD.CLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good Printing of All Descriptions*'EASTMAN COAL CO.Established 1902YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone Seeley 4488THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOCarole Anne Reichman, '43, is aneditorial assistant with the ChicagoDaily News.Sylvester Petro, JD '45, is now associated with the law firm of Adolph,Allan and Rubinson in Chicago."Pete" will be remembered as assistant editor of the Magazine, and editor of "Private Maroon".David Otis Kelley is working asLibrarian and Instructor in PersonnelAdministration at the University ofNebraska.David Keith Andrews, PhD, is professor at Knox College, Toronto, Ontario.Florence Parks Rucker is workingas a geologist with the Shell Oil Company in Houston, Texas.A. Margaret Larsen, SM, is associate professor of Nursing Education atthe University of Buffalo.1944Alice Selby, AM, is an instructor inEuropean History at Mercer University, Macon, Georgia.Romnald Anthony, and his wife(Martha Ebert, '43) are now at theU. S. Naval Ordnance Test Stationin Inyokern, California. Mr. Anthonyis employed as physicist with the Research and Development Department.Margaret A. Emerson, AM, isteaching in the elementary grades inthe public school in Dodge County,Minnesota.Jean Autret is professor of Spanishat Mary Baldwin College, Staunton,Virginia.Lorraine B. Simmons is teaching inTaft High School in Chicago.Alicerose S. Barman, AM, '44, isemployed as research assistant withthe Julius Rosenwald Fund in Chicago.Bertha M. Newton, AM '44, hasrecently been appointed instructor ofprimary methods at the University ofAlberta, Edmonton, Alberta.Timothy A. BarrettPLASTERERRepairing A Specialty5549 S. Cottage Grove Ave.Phone Hyde Park 0653BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave.. Chicago Joseph Bonsignore, AM '44, is employed as production clerk with Time,Inc., in Chicago.Berthold Altman, AM, '44, is nowworking as cataloger with the WarDepartment Library in Washington,D. C.Elizabeth A. Hilts, AM '44, has accepted a position as Educational Consultant with Houghton, Mifflin Company, Chicago.Harold C. Stalker is a remedialteacher at the Glenwood ManualTraining School, at Glenwood, Illinois.Earl G. Achenbach, AM '44, issuperintendent of Timnath Consolidated Schools, Timnath, Colorado.Carmela V. Covelli, AM '45, isteaching Spanish and English in theTown School, Chicago, Illinois.Edna G. Rice, AM, is instructor andcritic teacher at Eastern Illinois StateTeachers College in Charleston.Emilie Rashevsky is working inNew York City as research assistantto the Commission on the Freedom ofthe Press.Eva Maria Lowenfeld, AM, isAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits It*work to the university aid college leld.It Ii affllated with the. Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational lelds. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.FINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Spode and Other FamousMakes. Also Crystal and GiftsGolden Dirilyte(.Formerly Diriffold)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID NOT PLATEDService for Eight, $41.75GOLDEN HVED BABY SPOONS «1While they last "P1 «o.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDingo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, III. MAGAZINE 31i- working as a research analyst with;, the Office of Strategic Services inWashington, D. C.iv Monna Troub is working for ther Commission on the Freedom of thel, Press in New York City.Mrs. Helen C. Thomas (Helen L.:- Cephas, AM) has moved to Peters-i- burg, Virginia.l- Robert E. Ledbetter, Jr., is associateminister of the First Methodistil Church, Austin, Georgia Tauber has been appointedi- an instructor at the Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Marie Silveri is doing substitutei- teaching in the Chicago High Schools.Kwang Tsing Wu, PhD, is em-is ployed in the Library of Congress ate Washington, D. C.1945°- Louis Liswood, MBA, is superin-:e tendent of the National Jewish Hospital at Denver, Colorado.n Betty Orr, AM, is Director of Guid-'t ance and Instructor of Psychology at>f William Woods College, Fulton, Missouri.1S Victor Harris, PhD, has accepted a_ position as assistant professor at theUniversity of Iowa.Herbert K. Tjossem, AM, has accepted a position as instructor at Missouri Military Academy, Mexico,Missouri.Julius H. Hughes, AM, is Dean ofMen and instructor of Education atLangston University, Langston, Okla- homa.Betty Alexander, SM '45, is an instructor at St Xavier's College in Chicago.Harriet Talmage is teaching socialscience in the Bridgman Public.Schools at Bridgman, Michigan.Henry C. McBay, PhD, has accepted a position as instructor atMorehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia.Rose M. Curtin, AM, is teachingJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900-«090lRetail Deliveries Dally and SundaysQuality and Service Since 1882BIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: Went. 538032 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO M AGAZINEEnglish in Leyden Community HighSchool at Franklin Park, Illinois.Verna White, PhD, has accepted aposition at Syracuse University,Syracuse, New York, as Assistant tothe Dean of Education.Vernon B. Olson, AM, '45, is socialcounselor at the Veteran's ServiceCenter at Peoria, Illinois.SOCIAL SERVICELewella Jones, AM '33, is Directorof Home Service of the AmericanRed Cross in Jacksonville, Florida.Helen Waters, AM, '39, is now District Worker in the Department ofSocial Service of the Alaska Department of Social Work and is located inJuno.Elizabeth Hardy, AM '40, has accepted a position as Child WelfareWorker with the Arlington CountyDepartment of Public Welfare, Arlington, Virginia.Donald S. Howard, PhD '41, is nowChief Welfare Officer of the ChinaOffice of the United Nations Reliefand Rehabilitation Administrationand is located in Chunking, China.Annie Bird Pritchett, AM '43, hasrecently accepted a position as Medical Social Worker in Billings Hospital, University of Chicago Clinics.Florence McGetrick, AM '44, hasaccepted a position as Medical SocialWorker with the Evanston Hospital,Evanston, Illinois.Grace Taylor, AM '44, has recentlyarrived in Germany to work with theDisplaced Persons Operations of theUnited Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.Patricia Conaway Griffin, AM '45,has recently returned to Chicago andhas taken a position with the Scholarship and Guidance Association, formerly Children's Scholarship Association.Rose Ann Baron, AM '45, has accepted a position with the Scholar-TINY TOTSTERILIZEDDIAPER SERVICE1742-44 -. A *.,'*e. 75th st. PLAza 8464ACMESHEET METAL WORKSANIMAL CASESandLaboratory Equipment1121 East 55th StreetPhone Hyde Park 9500 ship and Guidance Association.Geraldine Johnston, AM '45, hasaccepted a position as Case Workerwith the Illinois Children's Home andAid Society.MARRIAGESShirley A. Mayer, MD '43, wasmarried in July to Dr. William Alexander Barnes, assistant Professor ofSurgery at Cornell University MedicalSchool. Shirley is instructing inPediatrics at Cornell Medical School,and is assistant pediatrician at theNew York Hospital.Ruth Lyon, '25, and Luio GamboaD' Albert were married on April 20,1945, in Mexico.Damon C. Fuller, '33, and BarbaraPierson were married October 6,1945, at the Little Church Around theCorner in New York. They will beat home in Chicago after the middleof November, where Mr. Fuller is returning to the employ of the ParkerPen Company after over four years inservice, including 39 months overseas.He is the son of George D. Fuller,SM '12, PhD '13, Professor Emeritusof Plant Ecology.BIRTHSA pink fringed announcement arrived at Alumni House telling of thebirth of Julie Beth on October 19, toGerald H. Lovins, SM '34, and Miriam Block Lovins, '34, AM '35, atSilver Spring, Maryland. For the pasttwo years Mr. Lovins has been thelocal chairman for the Alumni Foundation. Deborah Lee joined the Luckhardtfamily in Madison on September 22,Hilmar Luckhardt, '35 AM '36, is amember of the University of Wiscon*sin music faculty. We were temptedto refer to Deborah as a grace-notebecause of its petite size but the defi*nition might give rise to misinterpre*tation: "An ornamental note ... notactually essential to the harmony!".Marcia Morris, 4, now has a littlebrother, Donald James, who arrivedat the Morris home on October 13,Dad is Donald Morris, '36, formerlywith Press Relations, now with theChicago office of Life. Mother wasCathleen Lautner, '36.Wendy Hollister Wheeler arrivedat the home of Robert Wheeler, '39,and Star Hollister Wheeler on May29. Dad, who was on the ReynoldsClub staff during his undergraduateyears, has just been discharged fromthe Army Signal Corps and has accepted a faculty appointment in thedepartment of Zoology at the University of Georgia. Mother will beremembered as the Hutchins Commons cashier during Bob's studentdays.DEATHSRev. George Dilling Kuns, '07, onJune 11, 1945, at Philadelphia.Thomas A. Knott, PhD '12, onAugust 16 at Ann Arbor, Michigan.He was a former faculty member ofthe University, editor of an Englishdictionary, and at the time of hisdeath was Professor of English at theUniversity of Michigan.Mrs. R. B. Niemeyer (Marjorie AVan Arsdale, '23 ) , on September 8, atEvanston, Illinois.Paul C. Miller, '25, curator of theWalker Museum at the University,on October 8, 1945, in Chicago.Claude Clark Hanna, AM '29, onSeptember 22, 1945, at Alton, Illinois.Mr. Hanna was the principal of theHigh School at Alton.Ashjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1921Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone Regent 6000AMERICANPHOTO ENGRAVING CO.Photo EngraversArtists ElectrotypersMakers of Printing Plates429 TelephoneS. Ashland Blvd. Monroe 7515*HKhere's whatwe want to know !The big day when you^finally get this beautifulbutton from Uncle Samwill come sooner or later, and whenit does, you want to know the answersto many questions.You want the "ungarbled word"in easy-to-read form, on the G. I. Billof Rights, your National Service LifeInsurance, how the job situation stacksup, and a lot more.That is, you want all this dopeif you're like the several hundredthousand other servicemen who'vealready been sent our little booklet, "Information for Veterans," duringthe past year. They have asked forit from all over the world, from everyfighting front.Now that the job is done, they readit all the more eagerly while they are"sweating out" the wait for their returnhome. If you are a parent, wife or relative of a soon-to-be veteran, we shallbe happy to provide a booklet for youto forward. If you are an officer whowould like a supply for his unit, justname the quantity.Address us at 501 Boylston St.,Boston 17, Mass. We'll do the rest.New England Mutual\jfi \nsurance Company mm of BostmGeorge Willard Smith, President Agencies In Principal Cities Coosf fo CodrfThe first Mutual Life Insurance Company Chartered in America 1835 Highlights of the "G. I. Bill of Rights"-How to continue your education, guidance on loans, benefits, etc.Your National Service Life Insurance-How to keep it in force, how to reinstate,and convert, with rates.The word on Mustering-out fay, pensionprivileges, hospitalization, vocational training, Federal income tax, etc.What kind of a post-war Job? Earning aliving in America and where you fit inthe picture.These and hundreds of other college men, represent New England Mutual:Harry Benner, '11, Chicago David E. Loebe, '16, Chicago Charles P. Houseman, '28, Los AngelesWe hav," opportunities for more Chicago men. Why not write Dept. O-T In Boston?Ml 1 the Navy'sbig guns oredirected byRADAR made byWestern ElectricUS AAF Photo-AcmeRADAR made many contributions to Victoryboth in Europe and in the Pacific. It directedthe fire of naval guns the dropping of bombsthrough clouds and darkness detected the approach of enemy planes and ships spottedsubmarines guided night fighter pilots totheir unseen targets.Radar takes scores of weird shapes, eachespecially developed to do a specific job.A land-based radar may tip the scales at70,000 pounds. A compact airborne unit mayweigh only 168 pounds.A simple radar may have 80 vacuum tubesanother as many as 374. One unit may require 40,000 labor hours tocomplete another type only 4600 hours.Up to the end of the war, Western Electrichad furnished more than 56,000 radars of 64different types, valued at almost $900,000,000.The basic principles of radar transmissionand reception of high frequency radio waves-have long been familiar to Western Electricthrough its wide experience in making telephone, radio and other electronic apparatus.So it was natural that this Company was chosento play a leading role in radar for use on land,aboard ships and in planes.Buy Victory Bonds and hold them!Western ElectricNATION'S LARGEST SOURCE OF RADAR