THE UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO MAGAZINEMAY 19 4 4¦ I- B- ¦LETT ERSONE MAN'S OPINIONYour April number of the U. of C.Magazine is a pippin. I can'tremember when I ever spent so muchtime reading the whole document asin this case, so I am sending my congratulations.You perhaps have guessed that themost interesting article for me is theone on citizenship by Chester W.Wright. Then comes the interchangebetween President Hutchins and Marion Talbot something helpful mightemerge from this clash of opinions.But the juicy, interesting paragraphswritten by Morgenstern should be reprinted for general circulation ha,ha, ha!Mr. Wright's treatment of citizenship proves his capacity and ability.He must have spent many years ofstudy in that field. But I questionhis comments at two points. Government of American cities is not todaythe failure which he seems to imply.There are amazing exceptions to theold rule, and his article lacks balancewhen he fails even to mention them.On another point his statementsare incomplete or inadequate whenhe so definitely accepts party government as the decisive factor in citizenvoting. Again the cities should becredited with the new movement fornon-partisan, independent action.This item in the agenda might bedeveloped at considerable length.Senator Arthur Vandenberg in 1940allowed his name to be proposed forthe presidency on a "coalition" platform, meaning both Democrats andRepublicans agreed with his views.At the same time Stanley High in hisbook, After Roosevelt What?, several years ago had a chapter explaining that Franklin D. Rooseveltsimply uses the Democratic Party asa convenient tool to accomplish hisobjectives. Dozens of other interesting events may be used not only toillustrate but prove that this country,while retaining the partisan distinction in its political life, long agocame to believe that the parties themselves are more a convenience thanan expression of governmental principles, and we may be on the eve of agreat upheaval in this field. WilliamBennett Munro, Harvard professor,many years ago gave us the slogan:"The difference between the twomajor parties is the difference between two empty bottles with different labels." Partisanship of both kinds no doubtaccounts for the continued grip ofTammany machine methods, including graft, jobs, etc., on many of ourmajor cities, such as Chicago. Butthere are nearly a thousand cities,small and large, which have provedtheir total and complete freedom frompartisanship in local affairs, and theyare leading the way in this countryfor a new acceptance of citizen responsibility in the place where itbelongs local government.W. P. Lovett, '99.Detroit Citizens League.NO CHANGE IThe Committee on Women's Affairs of the Alumni Association wishesto add its protest to those alreadymade against the changing of theUniversity motto. In the first place,the grounds for change impress us asmistaken. The University was not a"raw" institution ever. The qualityof its faculty is what determines thequality of a university, and literallyfrom its start Chicago had a distinguished faculty, a true community ofscholars. Nor does the fact that themotto is in Latin constitute to ourminds an objection to it. The compactness of Latin, its sonority, itsage-old standing as a scholar's language make it eminently suitable. Buteven if these things were not so weshould protest changing. For longyears of the University's life thesewords have served students and faculty as a focus of loyalty and devotion,and the abolition of them would tearup a deep root. It would be as shocking as to change the very name of theUniversity. Finally, we like the motto,in and of itself. It expresses some-EXTRA CAREMAKES THEEXTRA GOODNESSA Product ofSWIFT & CO.7409 S. State StreetPhone Radcliffe 7400 thing we believe in, the aim and endof the University: the fostering of amore abundant life through everdeepening knowledge.Agnes Prentice Smith, '19,Chairman for the Committee on Women's Affairs.ChicagoANZIO BEACHHEADI hope the members of the class of'35 will pass the hat around to institute a Sidney Hyman MemorialChair in the Coffee Shop or in Han-ley's Tavern. I expect to be the firstappointee to that chair and no one except the Cook County coroner isgoing to move me from it. I havebeen overseas now for two years withan armored division. Unfortunately,we never seem to have motor trouble.Nor are we bothered by matters likegasoline rationing and the rubbershortage. So anytime an adjutantsomewhere has an extra blue pin anda naked spot on a map jab! goes theblue colored pin, and off we go intoanother fight. A considerable amountof jabbing can be done in two yearsand as a consequence I am a bitwinded. I shall need a MemorialChair in which I can support myshattered youth. And I can thinkof no more pleasant place than theCoffee Shop or Hanley's in which toretire.There is one advantage arising fromall the movement of the past twoyears. I can report to you that Ihave seen Bill (Will, professionally)Lang ['36] at regular intervals. Thereseems to be a gentleman's agreementbetween the German and Americangenerals never to start a fight untilBill is on the spot to record it. He isa very good man to steer clear ofwhen trouble is breaking, for invariably he will be in the middle of itwith his mad photographer friendBob Capa, not of the University ofChicago. I encountered Bill for thefirst time in Tunisia, when during theaction at Sened we appeared to berunning for the same slit trench. Isaw him again in an olive grove onthe outskirts of Mateur. The minuteI left him, the Luftwaffe and theGerman artillery batteries, who stillrefuse to read our OWI reports concerning their death, churned up thearea where we had been standing. Isaw him again on the main FifthArmy front in Italy a day afterChristmas when he pulled me out ofthe mud. There wasn't much doingin the way of refined slaughtering atthat time, but there was a typhus(Concluded on inside back cover)THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONCHARLTON T. BECKEditor HOWARD W. MORT and BEATRICE J. WULFAssociate Editors SYLVESTER PETROAssistant EditorTHE COVER: Speaking of mottoes, there is a famous quotationcarved in stone and framed in ivy onthe west wall of Bond Chapel. ( Photoby Louis C. Williams)PREDICAMENTS of a universitypresident and Oklahoma werediscussed by Joseph A. Brandt at theannual spring dinner of the Quad-ratigle Club. A recent president ofthe University of Oklahoma and almost a native of that state, he spokefrom first-hand knowledge. Mr.Brandt is director of the UniversityPress.AFTER twenty-five years as amember of the faculty of Yench-ing University, Howard S. Gait wasrepatriated from an internment campand returned to the United States onthe Gripsholm last December. He isnow in California continuing his researches on education in China andhas recently been at the University ofColorado assisting Navy men who arestudying Chinese.THE letter on page 7 speaks foritself. The editor welcomes theopportunity of publishing it. Andnow a word of introduction to suchof our readers as are not fortunateenough to know Cyrus Leroy Baldridge, '11, and Lawrence John MacGregor, '16. Two of Chicago's mostactive and interested alumni, bothRoy and Lawrence were Head Mar- THIS MONTHMAY, 1944PageAmerican Frontiers: New and OldJoseph A. Brandt 3Letter to the EditorCyrus Leroy Baldridge, andLawrence J. MacGregor 7What Happened to the Universitiesat PeipingHoward. S. Gait 8Postwar Readj ustmentLeverett S. Lyon 10One Man's OpinionWilliam V. Morgenstern 13Sulfa Drugs and PenicillinE. M. K. Geiling 14News of the QuadranglesChet Opal 161944 Reunion Program 19News of the Classes 21HAROLD J. GORDON, '17The Chairman of the Alumni Foundation hopes it will be possible foryou to attend the Saturday afternoonAlumni Assembly, June 10, where hewill present the 1944 Alumni Gift tothe President. From present indications, it is expected this Gift will belarger than the one given last year. shals of the University in undergraduate days, both served with the A.E.F.during World War I, both have beenhonored with the presidency of theUniversity of Chicago Club of NewYork. Baldridge is known internationally as an artist and author. MacGregor is the president of one of NewJersey's outstanding banks. Both menhave long and impressive records ofservice to their communities and tothe nation.CONCEDED to be one of the bestpostwar planning volumes forbusiness men, Your Business and Postwar Readjustment, published by theUniversity of Chicago Press, wasedited by three men in the businessworld: Leverett S. Lyon, chief executive officer of the Chicago Associationof Commerce; James M. Barker,chairman of the board of the AllstateInsurance Company; and GuentherBaumgart, manager of war problemsservice, Chicago Association of Commerce. The opening chapter of thisbook was written by Mr. Lyon andis summarized by him in this issue.BECAUSE of the promise they offer to suffering men, the sulfadrugs and penicillin have attractedwar-front and world-wide attention.Dr. E. M. K. Geiling, Frank P. Hixondistinguished service professor ofpharmacology and chairman of thedepartment, recently discussed thesedrugs before the Citizens Board ofthe University.Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago monthly, from October to June. Office of Publication, 5733 University Avenue,Chicago. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 26 cents. Enter ed as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the Post Office at Chicago,Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., SO Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the official advertising agency of theUniversity of Chicago Magazine.Nine University of Chicago jockeyettes were slated to start at the post at high noon on May 10,when the Student Activities Committee sponsored the race to determine what girl would reign asqueen of the Derby Day Dance. Marillyn Fletcher from Western Springs, on the extreme right, wonfirst place and was queen of the dance. Left to right the runners up were: Marian Golden, LaGrange, Illinois; Gwendolen Schmidt, Whiting, Indiana; Marjory Mather, daughter of William J.Mather, bursar; Florence Baumruk and Doris Arnett, Chicago; Margaret Fogarty, St. Petersburg,Florida; and Lois Merriam, daughter of Ned Merriam of the faculty. Marty Bay, daughter of Dr.Emmet B. Bay, professor of medicine, arrived on Dark Horse too late to be included in the picture.VOLUME XXXVI THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBER 8MAY, 1944AMERICAN FRONTIERS: NEW AND OLDOn being a universitypresident anda SoonerWHEN your distinguished president asked mfe tospeak at the annual dinner of the QuadrangleClub, he was most persuasive and rather blitheas to topics. After all, since I had been a universitypresident, I should be able to speak on any subject atany given time with convincing authority. Finally, however, Mr. Craven consented to suggest topics, saying thatI might speak upon publishing, upon university president-ing, the state of the world, and for that matter, if Ichose, upon Oklahoma.I had already addressed one University of Chicagoaudience on this, my favorite topic, and since I haveresolutely adhered to a rule of not giving any speechmore than once, I dismissed it. Furthermore, at a pressconference I had ventured to remark that if scholars leftthe question of informing the people about public affairsto the charlatans, we might expect eventually that thecharlatans, and not the professors, would be the respectedgentry of this country. Some faculty members interpretedthis statement to mean that I advocated the abandonmentof all scholarly publishing, even though sixteen years ofmy life have already been dedicated to the service ofscholarship.The topic of university presidenting was equally unprepossessing. I have worked both sides of the streetand am now back on the side I like. Probably no manever accepted a university presidency in this country morereluctantly, more unwillingly, than I did/ and only aftera year's persuasion. I accepted with the public pronouncement that I would stay in the job a maximumof five years. I returned to a campus from which I hadbeen graduated twenty years earlier and on which Ihad shared hardships with hundreds of other facultyfriends.When I was director of the University of OklahomaPress my office became a sort of Boston Commons. Foryears faculty colleagues had come there to complain, to # By JOSEPH A. BRANDTexpress their hopes for the university. I knew the facultyand the faculty knew me. The argument that finallybroke my resistance to the presidency was that perhapsI could help the faculty. It was in that spirit I began,four months before Pearl Harbor, the tight-rope walkingof university presidenting.I have thought often of the peculiar chemistry thatprecipitates almost instantaneously any good will thatany faculty entertains for its president. No one has everexplained it, and it is as puzzling to many of my goodfriends who are still presidents as it is to me, one of theyoungest ex's. I came to a campus on which there waslittle or no democratic faculty government. The powerwas in the hands of deans and department heads, andfrequently the first you would know of a new colleaguewas when you saw his desk being crowded in beside yours.Various groups of the faculty passed various resolutionsasking for democratic government, such things as substitution of departmental chairmen for departmental headships. I knew all these things I had talked with toomany faculty members when neither of us dreamed we'dever have a chance to carry out our dreams.I created a senate, elected by all the faculty, alreadyasked for by the faculty. One by one we carried outthe wishes of the faculty. Chairmanships would be rotated, faculty consulted on the appointment of new colleagues, on promotions. As fast as these dreams wererealized, the very faculty members who had been mostardent in their, advocacy became cool and fearful. Iwas puzzled by this change of heart and finally askedone member who had been loudest in demanding thereform he now denounced, what was the reason. Hereplied quite frankly that the faculty was not ready fordemocracy; in fact, that you couldn't trust them to makedecisions. I struggled with the new faculty senate, seeking its advice and urging it to carry out its mandate.But the mountain would not come to Mahomet; andsince Mahomet had already gone to the mountain, therewas only one thing to do, and that was turn back theclock and pretend that faculties are only happy whenthey are unhappy. This I refused to do.Our most intimate friends left us in a regal solitude in34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe presidential mansion as though we were social lepers.We were a kind of American version of the Prince ofWales at public functions. Nothing had happened inmy own thinking or my own attitude or that of my wife,to cause this apparent ostracism. I like people. So Ikept on calling George "George," and John "John," eventhough the once familiar "Joe" came with difficulty whenmy friends spoke to me. Then, when the state decidedto starve further the educational system of the state, already dying of malnutrition, my wife arid I decided thatso far as we were concerned we'd turn the job back tothe Indians. And when that decision was announced,we had friends again. It was "Joe" and it was "Sallye"and our old friends came over to say good-bye, and gosh,how they hated to see us go, and they meant it all. Butthat did nothing for the lonely, the solitary hours, whenyou wondered what your little boy or your little girlwas thinking, because the Lions club of Podunk had tohear you speak, or you acted as public relations for theNavy. «Of all the dead-end streets in the United States todayamong the professions, the greatest cul-de-sac of all isthat of a university president. If he thinks, he is suspected; if he doesn't think, he is considered a moron. Ionce ventured to a scientist friend of mine the observation that the post of university president seemed tailor-made for stuffed shirts. He replied by asking me whetherthe presidents were stuffed shirts when they were namedor whether they became stuffed shirts to survive. I dowant to say, however, that the lot of university presidentsI know; and they are many are a good group. Theydeserve more of a break than they are getting from theirfaculties.Of Mr. Craven's other two topics, one I thought itwell to leave alone also. I was one of those who triedto save the world in the last war, then talked about thepost-war world afterwards; but somehow no one listenedto me or to any of my friends who were talking as vigorously as I. That left for a speech only Oklahoma.I seem to have given two speeches already, so perhapsI had better make this the third act. My theme aboutOklahoma is a simple premise. It has to do with theway America was organized. When most of us thinkof imperialism, we think of it in terms of acquiring distant islands, exploiting the people and resources for thebenefit of rentiers who live in the West End of London.We rarely think of the development of our own semi-autonomous republics which we call States as being partof a similar imperial development. Yet such has beenthe case, with the wealth of the country clinging to theborders, while in the vast interior increasing poverty andever-mounting bleakness of the towns were repeating thetheme of Goldsmith's "The Deserted Village," except inAmerica, we call it the ghost town.Professor Webb of the University of Texas and a number of other partisans of this point of view have shoutedthemselves blue in the face without much more resultthan to arouse their individual blood pressures. Yet I think the proposition is true, is dangerously true, and itholds for the future of this country a moral gloomy inprospect, dismal for the hopes of the secretaries of chambers of commerce. The advocates of the American regions, and they are growing in number from year toyear, have sensed this unconscious imperialism, eventhough they may not have expressed it, and have soughtstrength against the coming storm in a cultural front,while the economic framework continues to crumble.Oklahoma is a classic example of what America's unconscious imperialism has done to one of the potentiallygreatest of our commonwealths.I have known the state most of my life. My wife wasborn there, before statehood. Her father rode a racehorse at the opening of the Cherokee Strip from theKansas border to near the present town of Perry, whichhe later laid out as a park-studded community. Thenhe went on to Guthrie, the tent-town capital of the Oklahoma Territory, and in a tent published the first newspaper in Oklahoma Territory. That was not so longago. Nor was it so long ago that he bought trees fromhis own income and gave them to the people of Perryso that Nature's curious omission of all trees in that areamight be remedied.My- own parents brought my sister and me to LoneWolf in the new Kiowa-Comanche country, in the Oklahoma Territory, soon after the turn of the century. Itwas wild, rough country, in the shadow of the bleakWichita Mountains, near the high plains of the Panhandle. A wild, Chicago-like wind swept the dust inevery direction; blanketed Indians watched with stoicapathy the excited rantings of the white men, here toplow land that nature had never meant for anything butgrass and buffalo. The prairie dogs, dotting mile aftermile of the terrain, became psychiatric victims of thatnew disease, man-made civilization. Wolves fought withdogs under your houses at night, and when twilightcame, you anxiously awaited the return of the father,so that the sinister world of the outside could be lockedout. It was a life my mother could not stand, so weleft the infant town of Lone Wolf for the more sedatebut equally vibrant village of Tulsa.I have thought often of those days in Lone Wolf, ofthe fear all of us had of the Indians, only a few yearsremoved from the stimulus of Geronimo, from the joy ofthe hunt of the buffalo or the white invader. Yearslater when I stood in the solemn ceremony of being madean honorary member of the Comanche Indians, Ithought in amusement of the fears I had entertained asa youth of five toward these now tame Indians, of howremoved is the fear that leads one to kill when the mutualrespect for the dignity of man is established.Lone Wolf has remained a village; I have never seenit since those distant days of 1905. Tulsa was a differentstory. Oil had been discovered at near-by Red Forkand the sleepy Creek Indian town on the Arkansas Riverbegan to grow like an adolescent boy shooting to manhood, first into an ugly frontier town, then into one ofTHE UNIVERSITY OFJOSEPH A. BRANDTthe most beautiful of all American cities. I saw itgrow. I went to its schools. I felt the thrill of exultation in seeing history made, the wedding of the IndianTerritory with the Oklahoma Territory. I heard myfather tell of the pessimists who said that Tulsa wasjust a boom town, and would collapse like a cheesesouffle when the guests are late. But people were proudof Tulsa, of its Rome-like hills, and it became what itis today, a sophisticated star among the few cities ofthis country we can call beautiful.The Indian, once the proud master of this continent,had already been crowded by the world's most ruthlessimperialism since the days of Genghis Khan, into thiscrowded center of America which became Oklahoma,named for the Red Man. Land-hungry Americans,money-thirsty Americans, crowded into this last lotusland, Americans from the barren land of New England,from the economic barrens of the South, from the pampasof Texas, from all over they came. They elbowed outthe Indian from land guaranteed him by solemn treaty,and then, in possession, began the thoughtless exploitationof the soil, both surface and sub-surface. Carter Oilsupplied Standard with one of its richest income producers from Oklahoma, and from the redlands of Oklahoma, where today saltwater and waste oil have scarredthe land, came much of ' the money which built RadioCity on Fifth Avenue; from Oklahoma came much ofthe money which built the Mellon Art Gallery in Washington. Detroit flourished on much of the gasoline whichOklahoma furnished. With a few exceptions, Oklahomacould have been in the middle of the Pacific Ocean sofar as the exploiters of the state having any obligationto repay the state in some measure for priceless, irreplaceable wealth is concerned. Josh Cosden, one ofthe earliest of the oil millionaires, soon left Tulsa for themore fashionable society of Long Island, where he couldentertain the Prince of Wales. A few men, like E. W. CHICAGO MAGAZINE 5Marland and Frank, and his brother Waite, Phillips, menof a later generation, remained in the state and contributed to its rebuilding; but they came on the scene almost too late.Just as the oil was being pumped out of the statewith reckless abandon, so was the soil being mined,and frequently by the tramp farmers who had alreadyworn out farms in many other states. Oklahoma, withthe richest pattern of flora and fauna of any state in theunion, and for many years fifth in agricultural wealth inthe nation, was losing her soil to1 shiftless farming. Onlythe Osages, wise in the way of nature, were able to keeptheir soil from being wasted.Reckless politicians had a Roman holiday with thestate's capital resources, since the people were too busymaking money to be concerned with government. Corporation after corporation, once it had sucked dry thepriceless wealth nature had stored in the land, movedon to more lucrative sites; and only the daring of theold Tulsans kept that oil capital from being submergedby the rise of the city of Houston, Texas. By the timeof the 1930 depression, much of the potentialities of Oklahoma had already been destroyed by an alien capital,which had already stolen away, seeking new fields toconquer. The restless seekers after free land and opportunity left on the great trek which John Steinbeck,with much misstatement of fact, but great clarity of vision, described in his The Grapes of Wrath. Even today,you can see on U. S. 66 the same trek of disconsolatepilgrims in their Model T's en route to California, asoiled mattress on the car roof, a half-dozen dirty children with hungry faces glued to the car windows, watching with unobservant eyes the depressing scenery of thewind-swept Panhandle.Today, the future of the state is frankly a grave question mark. Wise Oklahomans are aware of the fact;they are facing it, they are asking questions, they are seeking solutions. And they are also becoming angry, as theyrealize how they, the present generation, have been thevictims of a colonial economy quite as vicious as the mostconscious imperial policy of any nation. New York,Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, directed the exploitation of Oklahoma, collected the money, and left thebereft Oklahomans to solace themselves in their ownmisery and 3.2 per cent beer and bootleg whiskey. Almost everything under the sun is taxed in Oklahoma it has to be taxed. The total cost of state government ofa commonwealth of two and a half million people wouldagitate the board of directors of any average major corporation only a few seconds. The founders of Oklahomarespected education and made it absolutely free to thecitizens of the commonwealth, but today no state in theUnion flagellates education as brutally as does Oklahoma.It is the bellwether cow of all surrounding states whenit comes to cutting the salaries of teachers. Only AlfLandon has a worse record than the governors of Okla-home in this regard.The young people, the hope of the future, are all too6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEoften leaving the state. They see no future for themselves. Their home towns have sunk into somnolentdecay, and the lone movie showing only westerns and thesolitary drug store pall as they gain in sophistication.The young of America's villages are moving to the bigcities. And the village of America decries the term,calling itself a city, thinking that this ostrich-like deviceis going to save it, when actually only major surgery willdo so. Just last week the president of a midwestern stateuniversity was lamenting to me that the young peopleof his state were leaving in droves. Industrial development on which the border areas of our nation havethrived, has been slow to salvage the young. The wholemiddle West is an area of colonial economy. Below Chicago, spreading from the Alleghenies to the Rockies, isan area which has been exploited by coupon clippers.But, I must ask you, where is the money in this vastarea of our continental domain to come from to buythe automobiles, the refrigerators, the electric current, thethousand and one things which we have come to associate with American prosperity, unless American industryawakens to the fact that it is destroying itself if it doesnot provide for continuous buying possibilities of theAmerican people?In a little over fifty years Oklahoma has run the gamutfrom virgin land, through fabulous prosperity, to thesomber outlook of the morning after the night before.While industry is struggling to get established, the internal high tariff wall known as freight rates destroys incentive. Indiana limestone, for instance, can be shippedhundreds of miles to Oklahoma City for less than it takesto ship Oklahoma's own limestone seventy miles to thecapital.But the moral of Oklahoma lies not only in her beingthe victim of our unconscious imperialism. She marksthe end of the physical frontier within our forty-eightstates. She marks the beginning of a mental imperialism which perhaps only education can halt. The youthof today is frequently imbued with the restlessness of the grandparents but not as frequently endowed with thevision or the courage to undergo hardship in recreatinga society that somehow did not reach the ideals of thefounders. So the young are in increasing numbers notonly in Oklahoma but in much of the vast inland regionof our republic, moving to the cities, leaving the unreconstructed small towns to their elders and to decay.Many fine young people remain in their home states andtheir home communities, seeing a task to be done andwilling to do it. But far too many have a false sense ofvalues, a lack of spiritual hardihood, a dependence onexternal and transitory things, to be the remakers ofAmerica. The lure of the advertising copywriter, thefalse world of the cinema, added to the all too frequentlyinadequate education they receive, are tending to complete for the interior of our country the destructive forceswhich our early imperialism set in motion.Excepting the inevitable migration induced by war industry, the emigration of the young and the Joads hashalted for the duration. The war itself has been a greatmental prophylactic to our citizens. It has freed us ofmore bigotry in a far briefer period of time than everbefore. Parents with sons in the armed forces are receptive to new ideas that may have in them the germsof a civilized world. Young people thinking about thewar which their elders failed to prevent, inevitably turntheir thoughts to their own children as yet unborn, andthey long desperately for a new wisdom to anchor hopeand charity to a planet in which hate is raging. Thisopenness of mind gives us, the educators, an opportunitywe have had but rarely before. People who want tothink, who are thinking, are ripe for the influence of theteacher. And there are encouraging signs that the educators are sensing this new feeling abroad in the land.The leadership which has been given at the Universityof Chicago in training students to think independently,to read widely, to inquire wisely, to be socially aware,is taking root elsewhere, and may the spread of thatleadership be rapid while the time is ripe.The educator cannot hope to achieve the remakingof America alone. There still remains the remedial workof industry, in repatriating and making more liveablevast portions of our country now neglected except by afew spirited local patriots. The rivers that flood andwash away millions of acres of soil are a problem forChicago and Kansas City, as well as for Cairo, Illinois,and New Orleans. The mile upon mile of one and two-room plantation houses in the middle southern states area problem of New York just as much as of Memphisand Mobile; the labor conditions of the Imperial Valley are not only a problem of the Pacific Coast but ofthe Atlantic Coast as well.Forty-eight states are we, the United States of America, forty-eight states with great areas of individual independence; but we are one and indivisible in the rightof every citizen under our flag, wherever born, to havea common heritage not only of freedom but the opportunity to live as free men should live.DEMOCRACY in action with a little name callingthrown in occupied the household of JosephBrandt a few weeks ago. Mrs. Brandt, the former SallyeLittle, daughter of a prominent pioneer family in Oklahoma, was expecting a child. Her son, Ted, 13, wasoffered the privilege of naming the baby if it was a boy;his sister, Brenda, 14, if it was a girl. Ted decided onthe name Eric Brian and polled his classmates at University High School for their opinion. Brenda couldn't makeup her mind between a choice of Deborah or Daphne.A quick election had to be held in the Brandt homethe day Mrs. Brandt gave birth to a 6 pounds 10 ouncesboy in Lying-in Hospital. Ted and Brenda squabbledover the privilege of naming the boy, despite the agreement. The trouble was, Ted wasn't so sure of his choiceeither. Mr. Brandt decided to act as arbiter.The result: the boy is named Derek Whitney. Mrs.Brandt added her vote for that name the followingmorning.LAWRENCE J. MACGREGORSUMMIT, NEW. JERSEYHay 11, 19UDear Carl:- Having read and re-read Lt. Col. T. V. Smith'sV-Mail page in the current Magasine, we turn to you as twoignorant men b -dightenment. Is the author reallythat Round Table philosopher of other days? If he is, maywe assume that his message was garbled through some faultin the transmission by microfilm?V.'e are ignorant about the "great tragedy of theUniversity" Involving a certain Hilton Mayer. Is this theMayer who notified his draft board thst he has conscientiousobjections to military service? Was not his action removedfrom the field of controversy or "tragedy" if you will, Col.Smith by rights granted in the Selective Service Act passedby the Congresr of which the Lieutenant-Colonel war: a member?Has Col. Smith seen the full page article in last week'sYank- praising the constructive work of C. O's?The Lieutenant-Colonel quotes verses from Kiplingwhich are indeed moving. 7/e had not expected to hear thepoetic high priest of Imperialism quoted so appreciatively byT. V. We tremble lest"Oh, East is Last, and West is West and never the twain shall meet."lest like strains from a past century may even now be rising tothe Lieutenant-Colonel's lips as he keeps his Italian vigil 1We are confused, we ignorant ones, by the furtherarrertior. that an article about Jews in the Saturday EveningPost is also a "University tragedy." The conclusion, as weunderstand it, of this V-ilail message from Italy is this:"Action, bared on the dictates of individual conscience in American Democracy is tragic, reprehensible, and arrogant." Tell us,Carl, is this true? Wire, urgent, collect.Mr. Charlton BeckAlumni OfficeUniversity of ChicagoChicago, Illinois Yours sincerely,1\7WHAT HAPPENED TO THEUNIVERSITIES AT PEIPING# By HOWARD S. GAIT, 896The Japanesemoved inthe universities; westTHE Japanese military party in 1931 gave a preview of plans under their "continental policy"(Ta Lu Cheng T'se) when they invaded Manchuria. During the two following years when they extendedthe attacks to Shanghai and in 1933 marched their forcesto within a few miles of Peiping's city walls, the highereducational institutions in and near the city becameanxious concerning the more valuable books in theirlibraries and the scientific apparatus in their laboratories.By the year 1935 Tsinghua University, founded andsupported by funds returned by America from the indemnity charged against the Boxer damage of 1900, andthe National University in Peiping (Pei Ching Ta Hsueh,popularly known as Pei-ta) had packed many cases ofvaluable books and apparatus and shipped them southor west in China to safer regions. During the same periodthe authorities of these institutions were looking forpossible sites elsewhere in case migration proved necessary.In the early summer of 1937 the Generalissimo ChiangKai-shek (Chiang Chieh-shih in Mandarin pronunciation) summoned to a conference at Ku Ling in centralChina a considerable number of the intelligentsia of thecountry, including the presidents of government universities at Peiping. Thus it happened that when the stormbroke on July 7, 1937, the heads of these importantinstitutions were caught both unawares and away fromhome. They have not, during these seven succeedingyears, been able to return to the stations of their earlierauthority.Fu Jen University (Catholic) in Peiping and YenchingUniversity (Protestant and inter-denominational) fivemiles northwest of Peiping were the only two importantinstitutions of that region whose official heads had notbeen summoned away from the city. They were likewisethe only two universities whose premises were not quicklyinvaded and appropriated by the Japanese armies.Pei-ta, the oldest, most firmly established, and mostinfluential of government universities, had no way ofopposing the invasion. In the absence of the president,and with no appointee to act for him, there was no oneto undertake the protection of valuable property, or toassemble faculty and administrators either for resistanceor for proposing plans for a modus operandi. TheJapanese military without resistance occupied the severalcompounds which the university's site comprised and converted them to their own uses. One of the largestand best buildings became the headquarters of the military police.After the Chinese forces, rather than see the "AncientCapital," and still the cultural capital, subjected tobombardment, had surrendered the city, the battle linegradually moved westward. Then the Japanese militaryauthorities sought out Chinese of more or less pro-Japanese propensities chiefly older men who had earlier soughthigher education in Japan and a puppet governmentwas organized. In this government there was a ministryof education, and under the higher education division ofthis ministry the government universities of Peiping. werein a measure restored, faculties were appointed, studentswere matriculated, and higher education was again inoperation. Under this regime the National Peiping University recovered its compounds and buildings andresumed its work, although its prestige and efficiencywere much impaired.Two other important institutions in Peiping, bothformerly under the Central Government in Nanking^ wentthrough processes of closure, suspension of work, and subsequent restoration under the puppet government, similarto those of the National University. These institutionswere the Normal University and Peiping University thelatter a somewhat composite and decentralized institutionmade up of several colleges for general or specializededucation.Tsinghua University was located some six miles northwest from Peiping in the region of the old and newSummer Palaces. Its campus and buildings were extensive and costly almost magnificent and quite superiorto those of the institutions mentioned above. As theJapanese invasion occurred during the summer vacationthe grounds and buildings were largely unoccupied.Members of the faculty living in the residence compounds, in the absence of the president or any one elseto organize them for independent action, quickly vacatedthe campus, which was shortly after occupied by theJapanese military. After some weeks, as the Japaneseoccupation forces developed further needs, the Tsinghuacampus was used in part as barracks and in part as amilitary hospital. Subsequently it was in the spring of1938, as I remember I was one of a party from theneighboring Yenching University invited by Japaneseauthorities at Tsinghua to attend "field day" exercises atthe latter institution. This gave an opportunity to observethe use by the Japanese of the premises. The site of thefield sports was the Tsinghua athletic field, directly infront of Roosevelt Gymnasium (named in honor of8THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 9Theodore Roosevelt under whose administration the firstinstallment of Boxer Indemnity funds was returned toChina) . As guests from Yenching we were invited toseats near the front steps of the gymnasium. At thattime this building was evidently serving as a hospital,for wounded or convalescent soldiers were constantlygoing and coming through the gymnasium doors, or wereseated on the steps or looking from the windows to viewthe exercises.The sports included many of the track and field eventsusually found on the campus of American universities.But further interest was added by equine sports contributed by a small squad of cavalry. Many of the horseswere quite well trained jumpers and competition over thehigh hurdles was keen.Although residing for the five years from 1937 to 1942on the campus of Yenching University, scarcely a miledistant from Tsinghua, the occasion mentioned was theonly opportunity I had to enter the main part of thelatter campus and observe the conditions there at closerange. Subsequently it became known that the Japanesehad removed a large part perhaps all of the movableproperty, including the large and valuable collection ofbooks in the library. The library building, a magnificentfire-proof structure, contained much steel in its walls andfloors. Much of this was torn out, removed, and transported elsewhere by the Japanese. There was no important change in the condition or use of this Tsinghuacampus, as far as we could learn, up to the time we leftPeiping in March, 1943.Yenching University, in which my own teaching hasbeen carried on since its organization twenty-five yearsago, was able to continue its work without a break duringthe troubled years referred to above. A Christian institution, uniting in its operation four mission boards andtheir corresponding missions, it occupied a campus andbuildings representing an investment of $2,000,000 ormore, and possessed endowments of about the sameamount held by its trustees in New York. Its studentbody and the scope of its work were temporarily reducedby the Japanese invasion of 1937, when Japanese warplanes flew over the campus at a height of a few hundred yards to bomb Chinese military barracks a mile or soto the west, when desultory fighting took place on foursides of the community, and the firing of artillery couldbe heard in the near-by mountain passes for many weeks.But in the autumn of 1938 an increased number ofstudents, due to the closing of other institutions, urgentlysought admission and about 900 (over against 800, whichformerly had been our self imposed quota) were admitted. During the following years the insistent demandfor admission was repeated and in December 1941 we hada student body of 1150 about 350 women and 800 men.The faculty at that time numbered about 150, of whomapproximately 110 were Chinese and the remainder occidentals, chiefly American and British.On the morning of the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 8 in the Orient, the University's president, Dr.J. Leighton Stuart, was absent, having gone to Tientsintwo days earlier. About nine o'clock the Japanese militaryappeared at the doors, and the chief officer was usheredinto the reception room. As usual in the absence of Dr.Stuart I had been asked to act for him. I met theJapanese officer in the reception room and received hisorders that the institution must be closed at once, thatthe students be immediately assembled in one place,Chinese faculty members in another place, and foreignmembers of the faculty in a third place, to receive furtherorders.Thus the work of closing the institution was peremptorily begun. The students were dismissed the followingday, after examination of their luggage by the Japanesegendarmes. Faculty members were at first told to prepareto leave at once, but when it was found that few of theirresidences were actually on the campus they were allowedto remain for a time. By May nearly all Chinese facultymembers were required to vacate. British and Americanmembers experienced a period of semi-internment in one{Concluded on page 20)Yenching University campusscenes and the author nearthe pagoda water towerPOSTWAR READJUSTMENT By LEVERETT S. LYON, '10, A.M. '18, Ph.D. '2|Business problemsandgovernment policyPOSTWAR readjustment means all things to allpeople and usually something different to each ofthem. To some it signifies a world political superstructure; to others it has to do with the so-called "FourFreedoms"; to others, with the problem of readjustmentto changed markets; and, to still others, the term relatesto public improvements or city planning. Each of theseconcepts, and others as well, is important in thinkingabout the postwar world.A discussion of business problems and governmentpolicy in postwar readjustment may well be divided intothree parts. First, what are the problems which will confront each individual business those problems concerning which businessmen will make the principal decisions?Second, what are the problems of transition from war topeace? These are for the most part problems in whichgovernment policy is a dominant factor in determiningbusiness action. Third, what are the broad social, andeconomic postwar objectives, calling for governmentalaction but of great concern to business?The problems which will confront each individualbusiness arise from a series of wartime changes. Perhapsmost obvious will be the necessity for market readjustments. During the last three years thousands of manufacturers, at first somewhat reluctantly but later eagerly,have accepted the federal government as their principalcustomer. They have relinquished old buyers, neglectednormal development of trade outlets, and lost touch withthe details which constituted a continuous marketanalysis. Many other manufacturers not dealing directlywith the government have, as subcontractors, been engaged on government work almost exclusively. Amongthe business "musts" in every company, therefore, is therediscovery of, and readjustment to, the civilian market.This market will by no means be precisely what it wasbefore the war. Each manufacturer will want to knowwhether new markets for his product have been madepossible or old ones lost by shifts in population from onesection of the country to another. Each manufacturerwill want to know whether new reservoirs of purchasingpower, and thus new markets, have been created bychanges in the distribution of national income resultingfrom the war. These examples are only illustrative andthey must be made much more specific, in such terms ashow many new refrigerators, how many trucks, whatforms of transportation, what locations for outlets, and so on, according to the types of products manufacturedby individual companies.Each manufacturer faces similar problems as toproducts, capacity, personnel, and finance. The war hasbrought many new materials and new techniques whichwill affect the nature of his output; the capacity of manycompanies has been enormously expanded under the warprogram, presenting a challenge to find new markets ormore intensely exploit old ones. Every company has aproblem in the return of its servicemen; practically everyone has a far larger proportion of old, young, and womenworkers than before the war. Personnel readjustment willhave novel features. Reconversion of plant, developmentof new products, and the struggle for market outlet willinvolve questions of finance for which every company willneed to make the most careful plans. The subjects demanding consideration by individual companies are indeed as varied as the phases of business management, andthey apply to every type of business as well as to manufacturing.It is encouraging to realize, however, that postwarplanning is essentially the same old problem of businessanalysis and research addressed to the same old questionsof business operation. It is the matter of magnitude andtiming and the degree of governmental influence whichmake it different and difficult. While there is probablynot a business in the United States which is not givingsome thought to these problems, the approach varieswidely both in character and in intensity. Ultimatelyprobably the persons whose analytical and administrativeabilities have successfully guided the business before andduring the emergency will be those who will contributemost to bringing it through the period of postwar readjustment.One is the more impressed with this when he realizeshow highly individual is the answer which must be givento every postwar problem by each particular business.Situations vary not only from industry to industry, but indetail as between one company and another. There areno general answers.What businessmen can and will do in regard to any ofthese and related matters will be most profoundly affectedby whether the war is followed by a depression or by aboom. Although it has been common to assume that thiswar will be followed by a depression with extensive unemployment, the history of other postwar periods does notindicate that situation. It shows that wars usually havebeen followed by a few months of business hesitancy, ayear or more of very active business, a short period ofreadjustment, and a succeeding period of prosperity extending over several years. Public demand, based on the10THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 11scarcity of civilian goods in wartime and the accumulating-ash balances, redeemable government bonds, and otherforms of savings, lead some economists to conclude thatthe war will be followed by a period of great expansion indeed, that the real danger is an inflationary boom.Whatever the ability of individual businessmen to meetthese problems of postwar adjustment, the conditionswhich they will face, including boom or depression, willdepend in large part on national policies policies onmatters which are outside of any one businessman's control. This brings us to the problems of transition.Of the conditions which will affect business prosperityafter the war, none is more important than taxes. Whiletaxes cannot be avoided, they can be so designed as tovary in the stimulating or depressing effect they haveupon the prospects of profits. If, after the war, depressive taxes are removed and taxes are so levied as tomaximize the prospect of profit, the effect on businessexpansion will be highly beneficial.A second awesome problem of postwar transition, inwhich government policy is predominant, is the questionof what will be done with the plants which the government has financed or built for war production. The government now owns or has under construction industrialplants valued at substantially more than fourteen billiondollars. Nearly all this vast equipment is operated undervarious types of leases and contracts. Much of it ismodern to the last degree and can be turned promptlyto peacetime production.A few examples will show the possible competitiveimpact of this government-owned plant. The DefensePlant Corporation has spent about a billion dollars in expanding the nation's steel production. Nine plants witha total capacity greater than that of all privately ownedplants have been built for the production of aluminum.In addition, forty-five plants have been constructed forfabricating aluminum. In the magnesium field, privateindustry will own only about 8 per cent of the country'sproduction capacity at the close of the war. In rubberthe government will have an investment in plant facilitiessufficient to manufacture synthetically a third more rubber annually than we have ever used in peacetime.The biggest investment in manufacturing facilities,however, has b5en made in the aviation field, in whichthe R.F.C. has built and now owns 521 plants for theproduction of aircraft, aircraft engines, parts, and accessories, the total^cost of the plants being $2,700,000,000.This is ten times the value of privately owned investments. The total commitments of the D.P.C. for allmilitary purposes amount to one seventh of the combinedtotal assets of all the ninety-thousand-odd manufacturingand mining companies in the United States in 1939.A related problem in which government policy is all-important to ' business is the question of what shall bedone with the vast amount of government orders whichwill be canceled before the war is over and which willbe on business books when the war closes. The cancellation problem is not waiting until the close of the war. Over 13 billions of contracts an amount about twice aslarge as the total canceled at the end of World War I have already been terminated during this war. Congress,urgently advised in various ways by the procurementoffices of the armed services, the general accounting department of the federal government, numerous businessgroups, and such reports as that of Baruch and theSenator George Committee, is formulating legislation onthis matter.Government policy on the disposition of stocks of warsupplies is another matter which will greatly affect business. These stocks will include not only such consumergoods as food, clothing, shoes, and medical supplies butmany types of equipment, such as planes, radios, automobiles, trucks, tractors, and jeeps. Proposals range fromselling surpluses promptly and competitively, throughdumping them abroad, to dropping them in the ocean.As a result of changes in models, and for other reasons,there are already some surplus goods being offered forsale. Various methods of determining price are employed.In few problems of transition will business be moreaffected by governmental policy than in the reconversionof manpower. It is estimated that, counting the men inthe services, we will have more than 66,300,000 personsemployed at the end of the war, whereas in 1940 we hadabout 46,000,000 employed. Part of this problem is military demobilization ; part is the reconversion of manpowerfrom war production to peacetime work. Proposals thatmen be retained in the armed services until jobs are available are current, as are others dealing with education,continuing pay, unemployment insurance, and for bonusesand dismissal allowances.The timing of demobilization is all-important in itseffects on the opportunities given returning servicemen tofind a place in the economy. There is an appealingrationality in the proposal to keep men in the servicesuntil jobs are available, but some fear that this will keepmany longer than they wish to stay and would sacrificethe advantage to be found in the initiative of men seek-LEVERETT S. LYON12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEing the kind of employment they wish and in starting newenterprises. Moreover, it is argued, it will be impossibleto tell what wage level is appropriate if the supply ofmanpower remains at the disposition of a governmentaldecision.Many men and women in war work will have the sameproblem of finding a job as will a returning soldier orsailor. Many thousands of war workers are now livingfar from the places which they called home before thewar and working in industries which may have no reasonfor existence when the war is over.Impossible to disassociate from some of the mattersalready discussed, but important to be mentioned separately, is the releasing of the economic system from wartime regulations. The immediate reaction of many persons is that all regulations should be abolished, and thequicker the better. But the risks of an inflationary pricerise, if such action is taken, are great. Competitive interests are also involved. Consider, for example, an industrywhere several large producers normally supply the market.Suppose two or three companies are compelled to fillgovernment orders for a year after their competitors arefree to sell in civilian markets. Will not those still supplying the government desire controls which will assurethem of "their share" when they re-enter competition?Yet there is always a presumption in favor of the earlyremoval of war controls. Controls effect rigidities in aneconomy which, though they may be opposed at the outset, will presently be found to give protection to someoneand hence soon become regarded as rights and privileges.In no single problem of transition will governmentpolicy be more important than in dealing with questionswhich may be lumped under the term "public works."Most of those who are certain that a large public worksprogram will be needed are convinced that the war willbe followed by a depression, with widespread unemployment, and that large public employment will be necessary. Postwar public works are often proposed in termsof "urban development," "slum clearance," or "betterhousing."Regarding each proposal for postwar public works,governmental agencies should honestly ask the question,"Will the project, in terms of needed service, be worthwhat it costs?" If it cannot be justified on this basis,either as a new or replacement undertaking, it must beregarded as "make-work," justifiable only as a means ofdepression employment. So-called "shelves" of publicworks should be prepared with a view to use, if necessary,rather than with the idea that they are "musts."Local community enthusiasm for public works aided byfederal grants, accompanied by the illusion of somethingfor nothing, should be tempered by the risks of localdebt and eventual higher taxation involved and, perhapsmore, by the fact that the federal grants for local publicworks during the thirties exercised an unfortunate political influence on practically every local community whichwas a supposed beneficiary.In. considering the problems of public works after the war, it is important to realize also that blighted areasslums, and the financial problems of cities are not theresults of war and that they cannot be cured by an appli.cation of so simple a dosage as public building carriedon in a fervor of postwar enthusiasm. The economicproblems of American cities, all of which contribute tothe physical shoddiness of certain areas and to which thisshoddiness in turn contributes, are the result of forceswhich have been in operation for many years, andalthough some of these forces have been accentuated bythe war and some diminished, most of them have littlerelationship to war conditions.Another matter on which governmental policy willaffect every business following the war is the reconstruction of international arrangements. Whatever one's attitude toward world leagues and such proposals as Congresswoman Luce called "globaloney," none will denythe importance of international trade. This does notnecessarily call for political union. National sovereigntyand international law, however faulty, sustained the worldtrade of the past.Foreign countries will be literally starving for ourproducts after the war. We will be superlatively circumstanced, if we can keep prices down, to sell them not onlyfood but machine tools, railroad equipment, agriculturalmachinery, road machinery, airplanes, and many othertypes of -goods. But every sale will raise questions ofpayment through imports, foreign credits, or other means.Tariffs will be up for new scrutiny and protection fornew products, such as synthetic rubber, will demand attention.. Added will be the questions which will comefrom the expansion of international air travel and transport.The third and final phase of this statement broadsocial and economic postwar objectives may be onlybriefly touched. However, the war has put an emphasisupon certain matters of long run policy in which governmental decision will be paramount and which affectsbusiness in numerous important ways. One set of suchconsiderations may be lumped together under the generalterm social security. In England the most comprehensiveproposal is, of course, the Beveridge Plan, proposing,among other things, compulsory state insurance, benefitpayments during unemployment or disability, provisionfor retirement, for medical treatment, for widowhoodand funeral expenses, and for maternity grants. Noequally comprehensive program has been outlined here,although it appeared at one time that the National Resources Planning Board might undertake to do so.Businessmen have a great stake in social security legislation, not only because it has an important bearing onlabor relations, on markets, and taxes, but because of itsrelationship to private charity in all forms of which theyare the principal sponsors and supporters.The war has also brought to many businessmen, whobefore had hardly thought of it excepting in terms oftheir own affairs, an awareness of employment as it(Concluded on page 20)ONE MAN'S OPINION ; By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, "20, J.D. '22SOME of the current educational journals are reflecting disquiet of the professors over the low statusof their profession. The professor has become avery negative sort of symbol, and he apparently is in needof a public relations counsel. In fact, one of the membersof this respectable profession was quoted in the publicprints a few days ago as warning the professors, if theyvalued their reputation and their status, not to getentangled in the New Deal's plans for a fourth term.The New Deal certainly is partly responsible for the lowesteem in which the professor finds himself at the moment.Instead of the old representation of the professor as anabsent-minded individual who winds up the cat and putsout the clock, he is now represented in a more sinisterrole. No harmless eccentric, he is today a dangerousindividual, often depicted as a cap and gown clad maniacwith wild eyes and streaming hair. Sometimes to makethe implication more clearly, the learned doctor is labeled"Red" but generally this isn't required, for all crackpotsare Reds by definition. The fuzzy and even lovableabsent-minded ojd professor disappeared, and the dangerous character replaced him, back in the days whenthe New Deal had its brain trust, in which there was afairly large representation of professors, mostly of theeastern variety. The professors generally have droppedout of the picture these days; "G. M." Wilson, "G. E."Wilson, Donald Nelson, or Chester K. Bowles, all whoare representative of the kind of bureaucrat now makingdecisions affecting all of us rather profoundly, are notprofessors. But to the cartoonists, the columnists, andtheir more stodgy collaborators, the editorial writers, thesymbol of the wild eyed theorist in government still remains the professor. This isn't of course, the first timethat the professors have gotten in trouble because theypresumed to mix in the practical affairs of life; one ofthe academic commentators on the status of the professor has pointed out that Theodore Roosevelt's favoritesmear word for Woodrow Wilson in the 1912 campaignwas "professor."Hardly anyone raises a voice in defense of the academicboys, except the chirp which the professors themselvesemit occasionally. About ten years ago, when the roarwas at its height against the professors mixing in mattersthat ought to be left entirely to those who knew how tomeet a payroll, Mr. Hutchins stormed the entrenchedBond Club to insist that the professors had merits thateven those who knew how to meet a payroll did notpossess. But there is no insistent and continuous propaganda campaign for the professor; he is fair game foreveryone from the Dies Committee to the Daily Worker.It must be admitted that the professors have their vulnerable points. Some of them are such extreme specialistsas to be entirely lost when they get outside their ownfield. And there are some so charmed by the sound and poesy of their own voices, and so in love with the platform,that they cannot resist making speeches and statementson everything that comes along. The public used to thinkthat a professor was a professor of everything in theuniverse; that he spoke with the voice of the oracle. Nowa good part of the public thinks a professor knows nothingat all, including the time of day, and ought to keep still,a judgment which the loose talkers have helped establish.Professors usually can maintain the objective viewpointwhen they work in their own fields, but when they getexcited about collateral matters they usually cease to beobjective. They conduct their arguments with as muchemotion and illogic as you or I. This sort of thing likewise is disillusioning to the public, who have heard theprofessors say that their unique characteristic is theirobjective attitude.By and large, however, the professors or rather theacademic community from instructor up through thehierarchy put their effort and energy into their mainbusiness, trying to teach well or attempting to do validresearch. Most of those who are in research are not concerned with practical matters; they are, in that hackneyedphrase, looking for fundamental truth. They supply theideas which the practical men of affairs put into massproduction. They also are very useful people to havearound when an emergency such as a war develops;then a willing government lavishes money on their equipment and sets them to doing the important jobs thatmean the difference between victory and defeat, and thedifference of a million or two casualties. Likewise, someof the professors in obscure and unpractical fields suddenly have very valuable and rare talents when war isbeing fought around the world. Although it would betough to fight a war without the professors, no one hasyet put one of them on a War Bond poster.The reason the professor is not in high repute generally,and can be misrepresented with impunity as a crackpot,is found iii the general attitude toward education andlearning. "Know how" is a highly respectable word,because it is practical; it is the means by which anautomobile plant is converted into an arsenal. But"knowledge" is not a respectable word in this country;it is not practical at all. There is no more understandingof what knowledge is than there is real understandingof what education is, what a college is, or what a university is. Most parents have sent their sons and daughtersto college for reasons other than education, and mostcolleges have catered to these reasons. Research to thepublic is the man in the white coat who produces supersuds. The melancholy conclusion is that unless therehabilitation starts from the ground up, and the educational system of which the professor is a part can bemade respectable, the status of the professor will not beimproved.13SULFA DRUGS AND PENICILLIN By E. M. K. GEILINGIn war, disease hascaused more deathsthan munitionsTHE world-wide interest in the sulfonamides, or thesulfa drugs as they are popularly called, is aptlyillustrated, in lighter vein, by the accompanyingcartoon which recently appeared in Collier's. Another,in one of the local dailies, depicted a young boy whohad struck his knee asking his mother if there was anysulfonamide or penicillin in the house in order to treatthe injured knee.Before the days of the sulfonamides there were no safeand satisfactory drugs which were effective in the treatment of such bacterial diseases as pneumonia, meningitis,gonorrhea, and bacillary dysentery. Some infectious diseases were treated with specific sera, and the results werein many cases very gratifying. However, in spite of theadvances in the serum therapy of infectious diseases, therewere limitations to the use of these agents. These serawere difficult to obtain in isolated communities, werecostly, and were liable to deterioration. In additionconsiderable care, equipment, and technique are requiredfor their proper introduction into a patient. It is a verygreat advantage to have a drug which is stable, relativelyinexpensive, and capable, of being taken by mouth.A new epoch in medicine began in 1935 when thesulfa drugs were introduced for treating a number ofthese serious diseases. This group of drugs has a relatively simple chemical structure and to date over twothousand compounds of the group have been preparedin synthetic organic chemical laboratories in all parts ofthe world. Out of this large number less than tenmembers have found their way into practical medical usein this country. The following are employed at thepresent time by doctors: sulfanilamide, sulfapyridine,sulfadiazine, sulfathiazole, sulfaguanadine, sulfasuxidine,sulfamerazine, and sulfapyrazine.Among the diseases against which these drugs haveproved so valuable are pneumonia, meningitis, seriousblood infections, bacillary dysentery, and gonorrhea. Theyare also very widely used in minor and major woundtreatment so as to prevent the development of serious orfatal complications. Many thousands of lives, especiallyamong our fighting men on the battlef ronts, have beensaved by the use of these drugs.In all past wars disease has been responsible for manymore deaths than have munitions. During the Spanish-American war seven men died from disease for every onekilled in battle. In the Civil War 50 per cent of the wounded succumbed. Since then there has been rapidprogress in the treatment of disease, especially in thehandling of wounds, so that in World War I only 6 percent of the U. S. Army, 7 per cent of the Navy, and12 per cent of the Marines who were wounded died. Itis gratifying indeed that in the present war only slightlyover 3 per cent of wounded men in our armed forceshas succumbed. Medical progress is even more strikingthan is revealed in these low figures, because many ofthe wounds are so serious that before the advent of thesulfonamides they would have proved fatal. This is thetestimony of physicians who served in World War I andare again in service during this conflict. Of course, thisremarkable progress in the treatment of our wounded isnot all due to the new drugs. The relief of pain immediately after injury, the giving of blood substitutes, andthe rapid evacuation, as well as good surgical and nursingskill, have all been contributory factors to the enormoussaving of life on the battlefronts in the present conflict.Before the sulfonamides were available the death ratefrom pneumonia was about 30 per cent; nowadays, withthe proper use of either the sulfonamides or penicillin,the death rate is reduced to about 8 per cent. Anequally striking reduction in the death rate has occurredin the case of meningitis. Meningitis occurs whereverlarge numbers of troops have been brought together.During and after World War I there were in the UnitedStates Army a little less than six thousand cases in thecourse of thirty-three months. The over-all mortality forthis series of cases was 39 per cent. This high mortalityrate has been cut down by the use of the sulfa drugs toa little less than 3.5 per cent in the present war. Thesulfa drugs, when properly employed, bring about remarkable and prompt cures in this dangerous disease. In addition, the sulfa drugs, especially sulfadiazine, are quiteuseful in destroying the organisms in healthy individualswho harbor the bacteria. These individuals are called"carriers" and may be one of the causes for disseminationof the disease. Whenever a carrier is located thesuccessful destruction of the organisms can be broughtabout by the use of sulfonamides.Gonorrhea, a disease of great social and economicimportance, can in most cases be effectively treated withthe sulfa drugs. Consequently, we find that the venerealdisease rate has also markedly decreased among our troopsin the present conflict. Venereal disease is of tremendousimportance in the armed forces, not so much because ofhigh mortality, but chiefly because of the disability ornon-effective rate, a term used by the military.I have stressed the great value of the sulfonamides indiseases affecting our troops, but the saving of lives in14THE UNIVERSITY OF"I'm too tired to go into my dance.Here's a prescription for sulfanilamide" runm musCourtesy of Collier'sour civilian population has been equally striking since theintroduction of the sulfa drugs into medical practice.Further illustrations could be given, but these few willsuffice to indicate the remarkable advance which hasbeen made in the treatment of these diseases. Usefulas they are, there are still infectious diseases againstwhich the sulfonamide drugs have to date provedineffective. Among the chief of these are a bacterialinfection of the heart valves, known as bacterial endocarditis, tuberculosis, and typhoid fever.The layman has been acquainted chiefly with the greatvalue of the sulfonamides, but there is another side tothe story which I feel obliged to stress. One cannotemphasize too strongly, particularly to the layman, thatthese very useful drugs are also dangerous if improperlyused. Among the chief toxic reactions resulting fromthese drugs are the following. Minor: nausea, vomiting,dizziness, abdominal pains; moderate: painful joints,mental disturbances, skin rashes; moderate and severe:destruction of the blood-forming elements, jaundice.Kidney gravel may also be formed and may prove fatal.There are, of course, other reactions, but these are amongthe common ones. Unless there is careful supervisionwhen the drugs are administered they may actually provefatal. The very extensive and ill-advised local use of.these sulfa drugs, especially by the laity, is to be deprecated. Recently the sulfonamides have been put up asnose drops, ointments, lotions, and in various other waysfor local applications. The sale of these drugs over thecounter should be prohibited, and there is considerableagitation to have such a law in all states.One of the great advantages to the use of the sulfonamide drugs is that they may be taken by mouth. Thereare also methods for the determination of the amountof this drug in the blood, the urine, and the tissues sothat the physician is able to follow the course of thedrug in the body quite closely. This is another way ofstating that the layman should not take these drugs unlessthere is some careful supervision over the condition for CHICAGO MAGAZINE 15which the drug is being taken and also to guard againstthe dangerous toxic reactions. There are certain individuals in whom a relatively small amount of the drugswill cause severe reactions; consequently the sulfa drugscannot be given to such individuals. It also occasionallyhappens that certain organisms become resistant to thesedrugs. Then again they are of little value. Othermedicinal agents must be employed and it is here wherethe next group of important new agents comes into play.Penicillin is one of a considerable number of productswhich result from the growth of molds. Pencillin wasdiscovered in 1929 by a physician named Fleming in St.Mary's Hospital in London. Fleming found that when amold grew on one of his dishes, bacteria did not growwherever the mold was present. In other words, itseemed that a product was formed by the growth of themold which killed off the bacteria.This discovery remained a laboratory curiosity fromabout 1929 until a few years ago, when the product ofthis mold was first used in the treatment of human disease.A group of workers at Oxford University in England firsttried it out in human patients in 1941. The enormouspossibilities in the treatment of disease not easily controlledby the sulfonamide drugs were immediately recognized andwithin the last few years the advances with this substancehave been truly phenomenal. Its value as a therapeuticagent for the armed forces was also immediately recognized. Consequently the production of the material wasfostered and controlled by the government and, untilquite recently, practically all of it was set aside for theuse of the armed forces. Fortunately, however, production has been enormously speeded up and the indicationsare that large amounts of penicillin will become availablefor civilian use. There have been a number of problemsconnected with its production and it is estimated that inthe very near future there will be sufficient amountsavailable for both the armed forces and civilian use. In1943 the amount of material produced was abqut fifteenpounds, enough to treat 21,000 cases. This indicatesthat the material is very powerful. In , March of thisyear thirty-one pounds, twice the total for 1943, wasproduced and production is still being accelerated. Fortunately the cost of production has also been markedlyreduced. It is estimated that the average productioncost has dropped in one year from $7,000 per half ounceto about $7,000 per pound. These are figures suppliedby Mr. Elder, former head chemical adviser to the WPBand coordinator of the penicillin program.Penicillin is remarkably effective against such diseasesas pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis (infections of thebone), carbuncles, and gonorrhea, and promises to be ofgreat value in syphilis. This material unfortunatelycannot be taken by mouth and has to be injected. Ithas the marked advantage over the sulfonamides in thatthe toxic reactions are few and relatively mild and forthe most part negligible. Among reactions that may(Concluded on page 20)NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES By CHET OPALAY DAY on the campus presented many signsof labor unrest. Nature's labor battalions paraded the grounds. The invisible artificerswere at first exceedingly subtle in their indirection, bringing forth brazen grass and a few venturesome leaves,but by dusk that day their intentions were clear. Springhad come to the Quadrangles.Spring was in the snappy tread of the soldiers andsailors. They strode down the streets and pathways withjaunty step, whistling and singing. The whistling andsinging had more variation in it now. Intrepid choristersbecame prominent with solo confidence. There wasmusical timber in the sharp voice of the sergeants, andthe "hun-hoo-hee-hor !" that rang out sounded likemetronome beats played on the basso prof undo cousin ofa glockenspiel.Here on the Quadrangles there is much khaki, muchnavy blue, against the resurgent green. Spring here ismore than the annual homecoming of flowers, grass, andleaves.War Contract Conference HeldWartime industry and prospects of the war's end occupied the attention of more than 250 war plant executives, lawyers, and accountants from throughout the nation who gathered on the campus for a three-day conference last month. Led by heads of Army, Navy, andgovernment offices, as well as by faculty members, theconferees discussed the renegotiation and termination ofwar contracts and the postwar outlook for industry.Analyzed were the major factors in determining excessprofits, price analysis, and termination settlements, aswell as a score of related topics.The conference, first of its kind in the country, wasconducteH by the University's Schools of Law and Business in International House. Some of the men participating as speakers and leaders of question-and-answerdiscussions were:Hugh B. Cox, assistant solicitor general of the UnitedStates; Wilber G. Katz, dean of the Law School; W.James Macintosh, general counsel, Contract Price Adjustment Board; George F. James, chief of the price adjustment section of the Chicago Ordnance District; LairdBell, chairman, Navy Department Price AdjustmentBoard ; Garfield V. Cox, acting dean, School of Business ;Glen A. Lloyd, assistant director of the price and purchases division, headquarters, Army Service Forces;Lieut. Col. Paul F. Hannah, operations officer, Monmouth Signal Corps Procurement District; Edmond M.Cook, general attorney for Deere and Company; WilburC. Munnecke, a vice-president of the University andadviser on war contracts; Lieut. Col. Harold Shepherd,chief of the termination section, Office of the Chief ofOrdnance; Henry P. Isham, of the Chicago Ordnance District; J. D. Greensward, of Allis Chalmers Manufacturing Company; and Simeon E. Leland, chairman of theUniversity's economics department and chairman of theboard of directors, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.Following up the highly successful conference, theeditors of the University of Chicago Law Review saw fitto devote the entire April number of the periodical torenegotiation problems. The Review thus supplementsthe conference, discussions with articles by Senator DavidI. Walsh of Massachusetts, George F. James, Edward B.Burling, Lieut. Richard F. Watt, Dean Katz, and Malcolm P. Sharp.University Receives Eastman FilmsThe University has taken a leading position in thefield of visual education with the receipt of a gift of theEastman Classroom Films, representing an investment ofmore than a million dollars, announced by PresidentHutchins on April 13.The new acquisition comprises some 300 reels of silentfilm for exclusive classroom use and will be placed besidethe recently acquired Erpi Classroom Films, a 200-reelsound film library. Like the Erpi films, the Eastmancollection will be distributed by Encyclopaedia Films, Inc.,subsidiary of the University's affiliate, ' EncyclopaediaBritannica, Inc. Commented President Hutchins:"Britannica Films is now in such a commanding position in the field as to have a clear responsibility for thecontinued development and expansion of this importanteducational tool. It will have the experience and knowledge of the University available in meeting the responsibility."William B. Benton, chairman of the board of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., and a vice-president of* theUniversity, disclosed plans are being made for expanding facilities and that Stephen M. Corey, professor ofeducational psychology at the University, is on leave forfull time work on production plans.Scandinavian Tradition MaintainedThe forty-year tradition of Scandinavian teaching atthe University, threatened with interruption by the war,will continue, thanks to the financial aid and cooperationof the Swedish American Association in Stockholm andother semi-official Swedish groups.Gosta Franzen, who taught here briefly in 1942, hasbeen appointed associate professor of Scandinavianlanguage and literature, with emphasis on Swedish, andwill teach on the University campus and in the UniversityCollege downtown. Franzen, now director of the SwedishInformation Bureau in San Francisco, has been namedfor a three-year period, effective July 1. He is a graduateof the University of Uppsala, Sweden, where he latertaught, and is an authority on Swedish dialect and folklore. He has been in this country since 1940.16THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17Negotiations with the Swedish organizations and government were made in March by Consul General G.Oldenburg of the Royal Swedish Consulate in Chicago.Present arrangements guarantee the academic chair forfive years, with Swedish sources contributing $2,500 annually toward the professor's salary.The new appointment makes possible a continuationof the policy of the American Daughters of Sweden, who,since 1931, have been granting each year a full tuitionscholarship at the University to a graduate of Chicagohigh schools, at least one of whose parents was Swedish.First Scandinavian courses in the University were givenin 1904 by Torild Arnoldson, but it was during the following thirty-three years that Professor Chester N. Gouldbroadened the teaching and made it unique in this country. After his retirement in 1937, his work was continuedby Professor Dag Stromback, who was followed in 1939by Nils W. Olsson, now on leave as a Navy lieutenantattached to the American legation in Stockholm.Frost Is on the BumpkinThe shaggy white head of Robert Frost, poet of NewEngland (born in San Francisco and named after theSouth's Robert E. Lee), dipped sagely over the lectern.The amplifying system picked up his whispers and carried them to the farthest balcony retreats of Mandel Hall."Horse sense is the sense a horse has that keeps himfrom betting on humans." (Laughter.)His William Vaughn Moody Foundation lecture wasliberally spiced with asides, more, apparently, than thepoet had anticipated, for he paused once to remark : "I'llgive the second half of this lecture in Cincinnati." Whenthe word "education" fell 'from his lips, he clasped ahand over his mouth and whispered through the meshof fingers: "But we can't talk about that here, can we?"He hastily added: "I mean, that would be hours andhours of talk, wouldn't it?"He spoke of ideals ("things we seek that we will neverfind, but which we cannot keep ourselves from seeking") ;he proclaimed the pagan worship of little things; heaccented the separateness, the severalty, of things, asagainst the absorption of the individual in the mass; hedeplored the single pride that conditioned the treason ofEzra Pound, and the variable nature of the people whotoo easily condemn their fallen heroes.Verbally, he swung again from the birches, he mendedwall with his neighbor ("good fences make good neighbors") ; he stopped in the winter woods on a quiet evening to hear his horse "give the bells a shake" (but therewere "miles to go before we sleep, and miles to go beforewe sleep" ) . He recited the familiar verses in a rich voice.He was insouciant; he was petulant; he was querulous.No, he was not the kind to sit in at a peace conference.(One was reminded of the remark of Sherwood Anderson: "Even if I knew I could change the whole worldby a lift of my finger, I would not do it.") Frost madeit clear that he had lived a good life in windy spaces,with much sunlight flooding his world; and he could tear CHET OPALhis own creation to pieces to make a mockery of hissoberest thoughts.He was over seventy, old enough to impale himself ona jest with utter impunity. All in all, he sounded likea cocky American, still swinging in the birches, stillmending wall.International RelationsInternational House commonly called "the mostbeautiful G. I. barracks in the world" has been thrownopen to women again. On April 25 a woman studentpaused to stare challengingly at a sign which read "Restricted, Military Property"; and sauntered into IntHouse, first of 200 women from the campus and cityschools to move into the women's wing of the structure.They had been warned most solemnly by Director CharlesA. Rovetta that only "pointless" breakfast would beserved butterless rolls, baconless eggs, sugarless coffee:Reopening of the east wing was made possible by thegraduation of 300 meteorology cadets. The men's wingis expected to be opened to students in June.On May 6 more than 100 students, representing 35different nations, took part in the tenth annual presentation of International Night. A Chinese fashion pageant,folk dances of many lands performed by the Int House¦ folk dance group, the hula danced in a cellophane skirtby a Hawaiian, a Latin American revue -these wereamong the offerings. Visitors posed for pictures in borrowed Chinese garb, drank Arabian and Brazilian coffeeand Hawaiian fruit drinks, and danced to the music ofTommy Low's orchestra.Proceeds went into the coffers of the Student Scholarship Fund.Retired, Maud Slye to Continue WorkThe retirement of Miss Maud Slye, associate professorof pathology famed for work on cancer heredity, will. bring no interruption to her work, University officialsdisclosed when the retirement date of July 1 was announced. Miss Slye, who bred 108 generations of mice,or 150,000 of the murine creatures, in her thirty-eightyears of work at the University, will collect her data and18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEformulate her conclusions. She will be enabled to do sothrough provisions made by the University for a retirement allotment, continued maintenance of spaciousquarters in the building at 5825 Drexel Avenue, whereuntil a few years ago the mice were bred, and throughpayments toward the salary of Miss Slye's technicalassistant, Miss Edith Farrar.Enrolment UpOurs is the fastest-growing College in the nation. Enrolment figures in mid-April showed the number ofstudents in the first two years of the College had jumped64.98 per cent. The newest innovation on the Midway college freshman at high school junior age, A.B. at 18 has caught on, but securely. Clarence Faust, dean of theCollege, predicts saturation enrolment of 400 in theCollege next fall.The Library School has had a 96 per cent increase, andthe Federated Theological Schools, 67.61 per cent. Decreases were reflected in figures for the Law and BusinesssSchools and in the science divisions.Total spring enrolment, including civilian and servicestudents, is 5047, an increase of 3.70 per cent over lastyear's. Service students, numbering 1196, comprise aquarter of the total.The appeal of the College to American youth wasgiven revealing measure April 22, when simultaneouslyon the campus and in 120 cities scholarship examinationswere given to approximately 800 high school students.They ranged in age from 13 to 17, and included in theirnumber a page in the House of Representatives and a 17-year-old "industrialist" from Wisconsin, as well as a girlwhose parents, grandparents, and brother and sister arealumni of the University.The More the MerriamAmong the many lecture series presented on thecampus, probably none proved more pertinent to our timethan that of Charles E. Merriam, professor emeritus ofpolitical science. Speaking under the auspices of theCharles R. Walgreen Foundation, Professor Merriam discussed the old and the new in the American Bills ofRights, the theory of the American party system, the oldand the new in the American balance of powers, Wood-row Wilson and the new freedom, the old and the newin the New Deal, and the old and the new in the "NextDeal, postwar.""Bills of rights are fighting words hurled at bills ofwrongs," he asserted. "Today men ask for a fair sharein the growing pains of civilization as well as the rightto work, to health, education, decent living, and workingconditions, and to protection against insecurity."Professor Merriam lauded the American party system,but called for a consideration of national welfare abovenarrow factionalism. The people make politicos thescapegoats of their own indolence and irresolution, hedeclared. "Patronage, spoils and rackets are not the lifeof political parties; they are not vitamins but virus."In his assessment of the New Deal, Professor Merriam found in it much that is old, springing from the effortsof former presidents much from the theories and practices of Theodore Roosevelt, Wilson, Jefferson, Hoover.The New Deal, he said, has attempted to "put a floorunder employment, health, education, housing, and cultural opportunities."The analyses were objective. In none of them did Professor Merriam sound like a man meditating aloud in avoting booth, about to cast for his candidate.The Lost ChordThere is a lonely newspaper music critic in Chicagowho has visited the campus frequently in recent months.Every time rumor informs him a student will toot a horn,a great composer play his own composition, or the windstrum one of the countless aeolian harps of the Quadrangles, he hies him to these premises. He is engaged ina profound search, migrant on a sacred pilgrimage.He is looking for a tonic chord.He has found all sorts of things. The Music Department, with its revamped program, presented a numberof musical events of a high order this season. Milhaudwas here. He played some of his own works followinga lecture. The newspaper critic listened and wrote: "Somuch discord. How pleasant it would have been had onenumber ended on a tonic chord."Paul Hindemith made an appearance on the campus.A New York pianist played Hindemith's "Ludus Tonalis,"strange contrapuntal music having its world premiere.Then Hindemith joined the other pianist to play a four-hand sonata. The critic loitered into a dark corner andbegged the ambient spirits for one, just one, pleasanttonic chord. The critic was in Bach's plight. Bach,legend has it, heard a neighbor play a diminished seventhone evening and was bothered much thereby. He couldnot sleep. He rose from his bed in the dead of the night,toddled down past the beds of his twenty sleeping children to his ancient organ. There, solemnly and celestially,the master resolved the chord.Our critic was no less miserable when Aaron Coplandcame to town and graced Mandel Hall with a sonatarendered under his own fingers. Notes somewhat toointimate for pleasant harmony Sounded from the hammered strings. Later, music by Virgil Thomson wasplayed on an eerie assortment of instruments emitting allmanner of strange sound under the direction of HansLange. The program was capped with a performanceby the well-tuned student orchestra of the strident huskymovie music (from Of Mice and Men, The City, andOur Town) of Mr. Copland.Our hero, the benighted movie critic, wandered backto his office, gripped his typewriter with his knees, andindited a prayer to the muses. The whole world, itseemed, was in discord. There was no evidence anywhere of the divine harmony. Where, he asked, was the.TONIC CHORD?When last seen, the critic was taking tonic at a localpub.1944 REUNION PROGRAMNelson Fuqua, '25, Reunion ChairmanWEDNESDAY, JUNE 78 : 30 P. M. Claudia A comedy presented by the student drama group.Mandel Hall. Admission by ticket.THURSDAY, JUNE 86:00 P. M. Women's Athletic Association Garden Party. Ida Noyes Cloisters. Reservations should be made with Barbara Weiner atFoster Hall.7:30 P.M. The Human Adventure Nationwide broadcast over theMutual network, with Chicago alumni as WGN studio guests.Admission by ticket.FRIDAY, JUNE 96:00 P.M. Thirty-fifth Reunion of the Class of 1909 Dinner. HotelWindermere West. $3.00. Send reservations to Miss Katharine Slaught, 6100 Stony Island Avenue, or telephone theAlumni Office.8 : 00 P. M. New College Life Typical features introduced by students,with Professor Joseph Schwab as moderator.Round Table Discussion -The Time for Peace. ProfessorsMortimer J. Adler, Francis E. McMahon, and John T.McNeill. Mandel Hall.SATURDAY, JUNE 1012:30 P.M. Annual Alumnae Breakfast (simple buffet). Ida NoyesLounge. 75 cents. Reservations should be made by June 7at the Alumni Office. Speakers: John R. Davey, AssistantDean of Students in the College, and Beverly Glenn, '44, forthe Senior Class.1:00 P.M. 1918 Class Luncheon. Quadrangle Club.3 : 00 P. M. Annual Meeting of the College Senate. Oriental Institute.4:00P.M. Alumni Assembly. Mandel Hall. Presiding: Nelson Fuqua.Award of Alumni Citations, Vallee O. Appel, '11, Presidentof the Alumni AssociationPresentation of the Alumni Gift, Harold J. ' Gordon, '17,Chairman of the Alumni FoundationAcceptance Address, President Robert M. Hutchins.6:00 P. M. Fiftieth Reunion of the Class of 1894 Dinner. QuadrangleClub.Reunion Dinner of the Class of 1924. Announcements willbe mailed to class members. For further information telephone to Arthur C. Cody, Dearborn 2868.8:30 P.M. Thirty-fourth Annual University Sing. Hutchinson Court.TUESDAY, JUNE 13enth Anniversary Celebration, Nursing Education Alumnae Association.)-12 P. M. Individual Conferences. Alumni House.!:00 P. M. Annual Meeting of the Nursing Education Alumnae Association. East Lounge of Ida Noyes.i : 00 P. M. Conference Nursing Education in the Postwar Period. Presiding: Nellie X. Hawkinson.5:30 P.M. Dinner. Hotel Windermere East. $2.75. Reservations may bemade by sending check to Miss Frances Thielbar, 5733 University Avenue. Speakers: The Outlook for Nursing in Medical and Health Services, Dr. Arthur C. Bachmeyer, Directorof the University Clinics ; The Outlook for Nursing Educationin Universities, Professor Ralph W. Tyler, Chairman of theDepartment of Education.THURSDAY, JUNE 151-:00P. M. Forty-fifth Annual Meeting, Beta of Illinois Chapter of PhiBeta Kappa Tea and Initiation. Library of Ida Noyes. Makereservations at Midway 0800, local 244, no later than Wednesday, June 14.1920 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESULFA DRUGS AND PENICILLIN(Continued from page 15)occur are chills, fever, blood clots at the site of injectionand tenderness, hives, headache, and some tingling. Itis thought that some of these reactions may be due toimpurities in the preparation and as the material becomespurer these reactions will become less. There have beenannouncements that penicillin has been obtained as acherhically pure substance. The drug formed by themold contains only a very small amount of the activeprinciple and a large amount of impurities.Penicillin finds its chief use in those cases where thesulfonamide drugs cannot be employed, either for thereason 1 that the patients are sensitive to these drugs orthat the particular bacteria are resistant to the sulfonamide drugs. The combination, however, of the sulfonamides and penicillin has placed within the hands of thephysician an enormously powerful weapon for combatinga number of our serious infections.Where both sulfa drugs and penicillin "have been foundeffective, penicillin has been found more powerful thanthe other type in treatment of the following: staphylococcus, hemolytic streptococci, pneiimococcus (pneumonia), gonococcus (gonorrhea), and the gas gangrenegroup. Penicillin is effective in the primary stage ofsyphilis, while sulfonamides have no effect at all.PEIPING UNIVERSITIES(Continued from page 9)of the residence compounds until July of 1942, when theywere required to withdraw.When the university was so abruptly closed in December, thirteen of the leading Chinese members of thefaculty, comprising deans and prominent professors, werearrested by the gendarmes, taken to Peiping, and imprisoned for nearly six months. They were accused ofanti- Japanese activities, and charged with being favorableto America and Great Britain and of being members ofan "American spy institution." They suffered some personal violence, and the severe hardship of prison life, butwere not really tortured, so far as is known. They weresentenced to imprisonment and then released under suspended sentence.President Stuart was arrested at Tientsin and was unable to return to his place on the campus. He wastransferred to Peiping and there closely interned (or imprisoned). With him were two other Americans, thepresident and the comptroller of the Peiping UnionMedical College. They were all accused of anti-Japanesesympathies and activities. They are detained in Peipingdown to the present time, so far as is known, theirnames having been cancelled last August from the lists ofthose to be repatriated.My last visit to the Yenching campus was at the end of October of 1942, having been taken there by Japanesegendarmes to help them understand the records of theuniversity in the treasurer's office. At that time the buildings were all intact, several of them having been occupiedby the Japanese for a number of enterprises. Nearly allmovable property, except the library, had been removedand shipped elsewhere.Fu Jen, the Catholic university in Peiping, was able tocontinue its work through all these troubled years. Itsreputation for anti- Japanese activities was not like thatof the other universities and its faculty compared withthat of Yenching was less American and more international. For these reasons it was not closed. Its Americanfaculty members were interned at Wei Hsien Shantungwith the rest of us from March to September 1943, butwhen we who were repatriated left the camp in September the Catholic university had not suspended itswork. So far as is known it has been able to carry ondown to the present time.It should be added that officers, faculties, and studentsof all the closed institutions at Peiping have at differenttimes assembled at West China centers and are therecontinuing, under extremely adverse circumstances, theirwork in higher education.POSTWAR READJUSTMENT(Continued from page 12)affects the economy as a whole. Some have even madepronouncements concerning the responsibilities of business for full employment.Full employment is a most desirable social objectiveand businessmen cannot be too much encouraged to findprofitable ways of expanding job opportunities and insensing the social contribution thus made. But the ability of business to give full employment will depend inlarge part upon the adoption of national labor policieswhich will make it possible for those who want work tobe employed, which will make it impossible for monopolies whether of business or labor to prevent the benefits of technical advance from being passed on to consumers, and which will make it advantageous and profitable for the business system as a whole to expand itsoperations so as to utilize our growing population andto absorb in improved equipment the savings of theAmerican people.The conditions which will make these things possiblecannot be created in directors' meetings. They must beestablished primarily in national legislation. War hasmade it necessary for the national government to takeover the management of the country's economy. But itpresently becomes important not only that swords shallbe beaten into plowshares, but that wartime taxation andregulation shall be replaced by laws which implementinitiative and stimulate a progressive production for theneeds of peace.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21NEWS OF THE CLASSES? IN THE SERVICE *Lt. Comdr. Paul (Tony) Hinkle,'22, has been named athletic officerat the Great Lakes Naval TrainingStation. He has already made a record as basketball and football coachat Great Lakes during the last twoyears and is expected to continue incharge of the two sports.Major Clarence Clark, AM '24,has spent two years in Trinidad,helping in the development andoperations of communication facilities of various air bases in that sector.Now that the threat of any meetingwith the enemy in that area exceptpossibly his submarines is small, life,he says, has become somewhat pleasant and even comfortable in thetropical islands. He adds, however,that they are getting anxious to goto an 'active theater of operations.Commander Spencer Johnson, '25,MD Rush '29, has been on activeduty since 1941. He is in charge ofthe genito-urinary surgery divisionat the Naval construction center atCamp Endicott, Davisville, R. I.Lieut. Col. Dean R. Dickey, JD'26, is in command of a battalion ofAntiaircraft Artillery (automaticweapons) at Camp Haan, California.Capt. Robert D. Barnard, '27, hasassumed duties as a ward officer inthe surgical service of the new Armygeneral hospital at Parma Heights,Cleveland. Prior to this assignmentto Crile he served as a blood researchofficer at the Army Medical Schoolin Washington and at the ColumbusRed Cross blood donor center.Capt. Ruth M. Downey, '28, hasbeen transferred to the WesternTechnical Training Command, AAF,at Denver.Capt. Anna M. Danovsky, '29, whoreturned to her native country to receive her doctorate at Prague in1931, has been with the WACS fromthe very first. She was one of thoseselected for the first officer candidatecourse at Fort Des Moines, later wasselected as one of the first eightWACS to attend the Adjutant General's Officers School, and again wasone of the first sixteen to attend theArmy's highest school the Command and General Staff School atFort Leavenworth. That, she says,was the most wonderful experienceshe has had. "It was a terrific seven-days-a-week grind but worth it. Itwas tops in instruction, visual aids,instructors, etc. There were 1,200 men officers and sixteen WACS!Need I say more!" About a year agoshe was assigned to WAC headquarters in Washington and became theassistant director of the well-being division, dealing in welfare, medicalproblems, morale, etc., and every twomonths returned to Fort Leavenworth and Fort Des Moines to teachthe next group of WACS to attendCommand and General Staff School.In September of 1943 she was assigned to her present job. She writes:"I work at Headquarters, Army AirForces. I work for a general sohelp me! He is the AAF representative on the Joint and CombinedChiefs of Staff committee. Thework is fascinating."The Red Cross has announced thatDorothy G. Cahill, '30, AM '40, hospital recreation worker, has arrivedin North Africa. Until her RedCross appointment, Miss Cahilltaught French at Roycemore GirlsSchool in Evanston, and for the pastfive years she has also taught dancing for the Social Center Bureau ofChicago's Board of Education. Sheworked on the Quadrangles as a part- time secretary to Frank O'Harawhen he was director of dramatics.Bob Harman, '30, stationed in theSouth Pacific area wrote us recently:"Alan Ewing Kolb, '31, was turneddown by the Army because of something very minor, but it has not kepthim out of the forward areas of NewGuinea or any other place in theSWPA and working as hard as anyGI over here. He is an executive inthe American Red Cross and I think(don't misquote me) is just about thetop dog in this entire theater. I knowfor sure that he is in charge of setting up all recreational facilities inthe forward areas just as fast as thetroops move into them. Assigningpersonnel, securing equipment, arranging transportation for same, preparing budgets, coordinating planswith the wishes of the commandinggenerals all these matters make uphis routine. And from personal observations I can assure you he doesnot do it from an office in Australia.He goes where the boys go and it ismy guess that before he gets through,he will have as much 'slit trench time'in as most of the rest of us. I won'tlengthen this out with an eulogy ofthe Red Cross, but take it from 'me,they are doing a bang-up job hereand under great difficulties."ON THE SOLDIERS' VOTE IN DEMOCRACYCongratulations to T/5 Arthur Sus, '42, stationed in the CanalZone, whose winning letter in the first Soldiers' Open Forumcontest appears below. The prize a free telephone call home.THE question of whether ornot men in the armed servicesbe permitted to vote isvastly important in thatit strikes at the very coreof why we Americans areparticipating in the present conflict.First of all, it must benoted that we are notfighting merely to avengethe attack on Pearl Harbor. That is only partof it; the whole of it isthat we are fighting to A-preserve our way of life thedemocratic, American way of life.We are in truth fighting for ourvery lives.Now, one of the characteristicsor functions of the democraticway of life is the right to vote;but more than that, the right ofeach citizen to vote as he or shesees fit, unlike the procedure indictator countries where one mustvote for the man and the party in power or else! Our own constitution, in addition to safeguardingthe freedoms of speech,religion, and press, alsospecifically states in Article XV that "the rightof the citizens of theUnited States to voteshall not be denied orabridged by the UnitedStates or by any State..." In short, the citizens may choose by ballot the men who are toE. SUS represent them in public office. ,It follows then the millions ofmen and women in uniformwho are engaged in the struggleto keep our country and the worldfree from slavery must not be deprived of their right to vote, or anyother right which is theirs underour democracy and the land of ourbirth. The citizens vote, and letit not be forgotten that soldiers tooare the citizens.22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMajor James B. McBean, 30, MD'35, has completed three years of active service in the Army MedicalCorps. He is at the station hospitalat Fort Sill, Oklahoma.Major John N. Hughes, Jr., '31,JD '33, general attorney for the DesMoines Union Railway and a member of the law firm of Hughes,O'Brien and Hughes, is stationed inHawaii with the Judge Advocate'sOffice.Major Edward F. Lewison, '32,writes that as chief of the surgicalservice at the station hospital of theChemical Warfare Center at Edge-wood Arsenal he has had the opportunity of participating in a smallmeasure in the exciting developmentsof that branch of the service. "Science will be greatly enriched in thepostwar world by the progress of gaswarfare research in the pursuit ofnew weapons and their antidotes."Michael J. Lampos, AM '33, resigned his position as curator of therare book and manuscript room earlyin 1943 to join the Signal IntelligenceService. In January 1944 he enteredthe Army and is with the SecondSignal Service Battalion. Mrs. Lampos (Ida V. Matlocha, '33), employed in the War Department, andPvt. Lampos maintain an apartmentin Arlington, Virginia.Capt. Noah B. Levin, '33, MDRush '37, has been temporarily detached to the Army Medical Schoolin Washington to study tropicalmedicine.Lieut, (j.g.) Sam Hair, '35, son ofThomas Hair '03, is a Navy patrolpilot serving in the Atlantic area.Joseph W. Harney, AM '36, joinedthe Army as a private in December.Van Akin Burd, '36, a lieutenant(j.g.) in the Navy, is stationed atCharleston, South Carolina.Capt. J. M. Kacena, '36, is attending the officers advanced course ofthe Field Artillery School in FortSill. He expects to finish there thismonth and his station thereafter is aquestion.Pfc. Bert Ganzer, '36, JD '38, is atCamp Pinedale, California.Lieut. Hugh M. Matchett, JD '37,is assistant director of harbor facilities and assistant legal officer at theNaval Operating Base at Newport,Rhode Island. He served aboard theU.S.S. Florence Nightingale with theamphibious forces in the fall of 1942and was transferred to his presentstation in February 1943.Fred Hubbard, '38, is a lieutenantin the Army with the engineeringcorps in Britain, and brother Ben Ajax Waste Paper Co.2600-2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Any QuantityWaste PaperScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, Van Buren 0230POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven TypewritingMultigraphingAddressofraph Service MimeographingAddressingMailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAH Phones 418 So. Market St.Harrison 8118 ChicagoPhone: Saginaw 3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeaks RepairedFree EstimatesFRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.8019 Bennett St.Hubbard, '39, is an ensign in theNavy somewhere in the South Atlantic.Capt. Carl D. Strouse, MD '38, isenjoying the practice of medicine ina station hospital in Australia as achange from eighteen months' fieldservice with different units in forward areas. He writes that theplace seems "heavenly" to him now.Milton F. Leeds, '39, MD '41, is inthe Army with the rank of captain.After "too long a spell as instructor in ordnance and gunnery at Abbott Hall," Lieut. Fred E. Hewitt,Jr., '39, MBA '41, has been assignedto sea duty on one of Uncle Sam'sescort aircraft carriers.Lieut. Burton B. Moyer, Jr., '39, isat the Marietta Army Air Field,Georgia, as special services officerand postal officer. He spends histime building up the post library, inspecting mail distribution, promotingwar bond sales, chaperoning USOcamp shows, and keeping red tapeuntangled. It's not very exciting, hewrites, but he expects to leave Marietta soon and may be sent overseasone of these days.Rob Roy Macgregor, '39, field director of the Red Cross, has goneinto Italy and writes that they are"waiting for the sunny Italian climate to clear up sufficiently so thatwe can pound the Krauts again,though they've had plenty of time toconsolidate their positions." In referring to President Hutchins' articleon One Good World, Macgregor comments: "Amid varying viewspertinent and otherwise, in such abull session appeared unmistakablythe feeling that President Hutchins' is a master of lucid prose and irrefutable logic. In fact, on the readingof one paragraph, our chaplain, aCatholic, interrupted with the (toothers, non- Chicagoans, recondite,but to me, nostalgic) statement*'Good old Aristotle!' "Lieut. John H. Palmer, '40, whowas reported missing in action lastOctober, is a prisoner of war in Germany. He was shot down in anenemy shipping attack off the coastof Norway. His plane, of which hewas the pilot, was hit by antiaircraftand burst into flames. He parachuted into the ocean and waspicked up by the Germans. Hismother reports that the family hearsfrom him quite frequently and thathe is well and his spirits good, considering the conditions under whichhe is living.Sgt. David L. Harris's ('40, AM'41) latest V-mail letter reads as follows: "Your last issue reached mehere in northern Ireland and Ithought it best to drop you a line andreport my activities. You won't bea bit surprised, I know, that sinceyou last heard from me at Camp LeeI have accepted the hospitality offour subsequent camps and also hadan opportunity to become quite wellacquainted with a troop transportship. My first night on board wasslightly less than comfortable, sinceI shared my strip of canvas (euphemistically called a bunk) with aduffel bag, a full field pack, a steelhelmet, gas mask, life preserver, andall my clothes. We were so crowdedthat we had to do our coughing bynumbers. Our arrival in the UnitedKingdom was a real event, as hadbeen our secret sailing from the U.S.(as we stealthily marched onto thepier we were met by a brass band,the USO, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and a few other civilians). Great Britain, being the host,outdid herself and had two bands togreet us one on the pier and theother in the railroad station wherewe entrained for a destination secretonly to the captain who carried thesecret orders. We were all somewhat confused and wondered why allthe towns, as judged by signs in thestations, seemed to be named 'Bovril'until we found it to be the name ofa soup or something."After a brief sojourn in England(we witnessed our first air raid andleft the next day) we finally headedfor northern Ireland. If that soundsTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23vague, it only echoes the vaguenessthat existed in our minds as we setout on the journey, because most ofus couldn't even understand the natives when they gave us directions,let alone know anything about theirmonetary system of pounds, shillings,and pence. We are finally gettingsettled down and looking forward togetting to work in our various specialities. I expect to be continuingmy work as a personnel psychologistand anticipate a pleasant time. Weare billetted right in the midst of theprettiest little town I have ever seen,and there are literally hundreds ofpictures I hope to be able to recordon film the thousands of barefootedchildren, the ruined castles, the narrow streets with the thatch-roofedhuts, and the magnificent churcheswith their old graveyards nestlingabout them."Donald Hartzell, AM '40, has beeninducted into the Navy and is at thetraining station at Farragut, Idaho.S/Sgt. L. R. Sprietsma, '40, writesthat the University means much tohim and he, for one, is not throughwith it. He hopes University publications will keep going to him because "they rather give direction toall this confusion and I then realizewhat is waiting for me when this waris over." Mary Elizabeth Grenander, '40,AM '41, has been promoted from ensign to lieutenant (j.g.) and is in theinstruction department at the U.S.Naval Training School (WR) in NewYork City. There are several otheralumnae at the station, all helping toput fledgling W-R apprentice seamenthrough their first paces.Lieut. Nathan Cooper, AM '40, isa personnel consultant and classification officer in the Adjutant General'sDepartment at the headquarters ofthe Second Army in Memphis.Capt. Robert McLaughlin, MD'41, left the States last September andhas done some traveling since. Helanded at Noumea, New Caledonia,spent several weeks at Espiritu Santoin the New Hebrides, and his presentduties as squadron surgeon havetaken him to the Russell Islands,Munda, Treasury Islands, and Bougainville.Lieut. John E. A. Schroder, '41,writes: "Back home again, or nearlyso. Now located in Manitowocawaiting the completion and commissioning of my new submarine.After serving aboard several of ourolder type submarines it's nice to beaboard the very latest. Can't tell youmuch about the new ones, but sevenmillion dollars should buy you agood 'boat.' " Lieut. Mary Hammel, '41, in Aprilreported to the Naval Auxiliary AirFacility at Shawnee, Oklahoma, fortemporary duty under instruction inair navigation involving flying. Thatis what she's been wanting since shecompleted the CPT course in flyingat U. of C. during the winter of1940-41. She left the Port Director'soffice in Baton Rouge after overfourteen months of duty.WOJG George T. Covell, AM '41,graduated from the Army MusicSchool in July, 1943, and is assistantspecial services officer at the Carlsbad Army Air Field, New Mexico.Lieut. Raymond Wittcoff, '42, forthe past several months has beenserving as educational officer on theanti-submarine warfare staff, SCTC,at Miami. He writes that it has beenhis pleasure to run across fellowalumni regularly.After graduation from Boston College AST program in German, Pfc.Lionel K. Hvolboll, '42, finds himselfback in the same job he left a yearago. He is stationed at Camp Pickett, Virginia, and says that a goodlynumber of the foreign area and language students from Boston Collegeare there. "Sometimes the ways ofthe Army are very difficult for aPfc. to figure out," he writes.Horace A. Young, JD '42, has beenALUMNAE SPARS Right: Since Lt. (j.g.)Therese J. Paquin, '38, began deliveringconfidential messages with a pistol on herhip, she's listened to a lot of pun's aboutpistol packin'. Nothing daunted, she keepson with her duties at a Coast Guard airstation. Below from left to right: EnsignCatherine M. Broderick, '38, AM '42, is acommunications officer at headquarters inWashington; Ensign Mildred ZahrobskyBlakey, '39, has been assigned to the reserveoffice in Miami; Lt. (j.g.) Marjorie Putnam,'35, handles highly confidential informationas a communications officer in Seattle. V DM ITT V\Ci;24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpromoted from captain to major. Hesays that he is pretty close to beingthe most perfectly classified soldierin the whole Army. His work is onehundred per cent in the field of lawand he considers himself most fortunate to be asked to do a job that heknows how to do and at the sametime keep his hand in the law. He isin the Office of Dependency Benefitsof the War Department, stationed inNewark, New Jersey.Lieut. John D. Lyding, '45, received his commission and wings atPampa, Texas, on April 15, and hasbeen assigned to Fort Worth to fly aLiberator."These little 'puddle jumpers' haveno comforts, no glamour, and the dubious honor of being the first ones inand the last ones out in a landingoperation," writes Ensign Jordan O.Simon, '43. "But being relativelysmall ships, they do have the advantages of informality and esprit decorps." He is in the Southwest Pacific and says in his estimation that"garden spot" is not what one hearsabout it.STANDARDBOILER and TANK CO.524 WEST 42nd STREETTelephone BOUIevard 5886LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERBLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to Uni- «versity and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, Director Here is PhM3/c Murray Newman's description of his present location: "Our island, although not beautiful, is striking. Green, humid jungles flow over the land upwardtoward violet peaks ever obscured inmisty clouds. Palms, banyans, papayas, century plants, and magnificentfern-like trees abound in the lowlands, their branches echoing withthe whistle and cries of flamboyantbirds. Sparkling lizards scurrythrough the grass in their persistentsearch for insects. Around the periphery of the island lies a gray stripof sand honeycombed with the burrows of crabs, and beyond the sandis the shimmering blue Pacific brokenby occasional islets capped by a cocoa-nut palm or two. It lacks only Rousseau's tigers and upside-down bananas."THE CLASSES1894The Class of Rush 1894 is meetingthis month to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. A few of those in Chicagoare E. H. Ochsner, Frederick Tice,E. M. Hill, George Mueller, and Joseph Prendergast.1895Daniel E. Willard is author of afascinating book on California, Adventures in Scenery. The book tells thestory of the geological history of California the meaning of the variousland formations, the remarkablecoastline, the mountains, fertile valleys, and deserts, and, of course, theclimate. It is written for the laymanand beautifully illustrated with manyphotographs and drawings.1896Edgar B. Van Osdel is retiring thisyear as professor of astronomy andgeology at the University of Red-lands, California, where he has beenteaching since 1921.1899Alma deL. LeDuc of the FrenchDepartment at Barnard College washonored at a tea in March given byDean. Virginia Gildersleeve. MissLeDuc will retire at the end of theacademic year, after twenty-eightyears of service.Mrs. Frederick W. Schacht (LucieHammond) has retired from teachingafter thirtv-eight years in the publicschools. She taught for twenty yearsin the Chicago Teachers College, towhich she was called by WilliamBishop Owen.1901John Mills' book, Electronics, To-, day and Tomorow, will soon be oft the Van Nostrand press. The bookis intended for the general reader, togive him an idea of what electronicscan do and how. Mills is researchengineer and publicist with the BellTelephone Labs and is a U. of C.alumni citation winner.1903Hayward Warner, coming from along line of Baptist forebears, takesa sincere interest in the unity andprogress of that denomination. Hewent to Denver from Ohio in 1904and straightway became identifiedwith Baptist work there. ¦ He was oneof the founders of the Eleventh Avenue Mission, which later merged intothe City Park Baptist Church. In1914 he went to the Pacific Northwest, but returned to Denver in 1938,when he again became identified withCity Park Church, where he nowserves on the board of deacons. In1939 he became secretary of the stateMen's Council and is now vice-president of the Council.1904Owing to ill health, Annie Rosshas retired as head of the modernlanguage department at the Flushing high school, New York.1906Harvey B. Lemon, SM '11, PhD'12, in August, 1942, responded to acall for his services at the BallisticResearch Laboratory at AberdeenProving Grounds, which he helped toestablish as an officer in 1918. Hewas given leave of absence from theUniversity in October, 1942, whichwas extended from time to time untillast January, when he returned toresidence in the University. Duringthe winter quarter he was on full-time assignment by the University tothe Museum of Science and Industryfor the purpose of exploring mutualproblems of both institutions and opportunities within each for mass education in the natural sciences andpossibilities of making objective contributions to methods and measurements of results. Professor Lemon'sdaughter, Harriett Moir, '29, AM '41,is living in Kenwood with her husband and three children. Dr. HenryLemon, '38, formerly research associ-'ate in the University's Department ofMedicine, is a first lieutenant in theMedical Corps, with the Commissionon Cross Infections. His wife andlittle daughter are with him at hismilitary post in Colorado.1907Arno B. Luckhardt, SM '09, PhD'11, MD '12, professor of physiologyat the University, has been reap-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25pointed to the advisory board of theDr. William Beaumont MemorialFoundation, Inc., of Prairie du Chien,Wisconsin. Dr. Luckhardt severalyears ago obtained for the Universitythe first collection of Beaumontianafrom the grandson of Dr. WilliamBeaumont. Part of the collection ison exhibit in Billings Library and theremainder for want of space is in avault in Harper Library.It has been announced that a newtuberculin test, by which a diagnosiscan be made within twelve to twenty-four hours, has been developed at theNational Jewish hospital in Denver.The discovery was worked out byH. J. Corper, PhD '12, head of thehospital's research department. Ithas been successfully used at the hospital, known for its treatment of thetuberculous, at Denver's FitzsimonsGeneral Hospital, and at the Colorado University School of Medicine.Charles Newberger, MD Rush '09,has retired from active practice andis consultant in the division of maternal and child hygiene of the Illinois State Department of PublicHealth. He recently became a grandfather, when a daughter, Lynn Ellen,was born on January 10 to ShirleyNewberger Teton, '40, and Dr. Teton.Dr. Newberger's daughter Dawn C.Newberger, '37, is with the AmericanRed Cross as a medical social workerat Percy Jones General Hospital inBattle Creek.Jose Ward Hoover, JD '09, announces the marriage of his daughter,Betty, to Lieut. Oscar R. Daum, Purdue and Harvard graduate. Theyare living at Worcester, Massachus-sets, temporarily.1908Orrin R. Jenks, DB, presidentemeritus, is doing his bit to raise tenthousand dollars to build a home forthe president of Aurora College.Geneva Swinford English is an active participant in church, civic, andclub affairs of Springfield, Missouri.She has two sons and a son-in-lawin service.1909Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau has appointed Renslow P.Sherer to succeed Harold H. Swift,07, as chairman of the Illinois WarFinance Committee. For the pastyear Sherer was executive secretaryof the committee, bringing to thetask a wide experience which included ten years as an investmentexpert with the Harris Trust andSavings Bank, three years as president of the Northwestern Trust Com pany, St. Paul, several years as district manager of the Curtis Publishing Company in Philadelphia, andeighteen years as chairman of theboard of the Sherer- Gillette Company, manufacturers of refrigerationequipment. Sherer was an alumnicitation winner last year.Harry W. Harriman, JD '11, is stillpracticing law at Madison, Wisconsin, and is justice, of the town.One of his sons is a pilot in the airservice and another son and a daughter attend the University of Wisconsin.1910For twenty - one years Frank O.Erb, AM, DB '12, PhD '13, has occupied the chair of religious education in the Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, and now having reachedthe age of retirement will finish uphis work there this month.H. Adelbert White is engaged intrying to make a subject index ofbooks printed in English before 1940,founding this on the Short TitleCatalogue by Pollard and Redgrave.In the last four years he has compiled over 30,000 of the slips, eachnoting a title and assignment to onesubject or some other in a multipleindex.1911Richard Y. Rowe, secretary of theIllinois Budgetary Commission, hassucceeded Ben L. Berve as state Republican chairman. Rowe is a veteran of the regular Republican organization and has worked in closeharmony with Governor Green's administration.Mrs. Frederick C. Loweth (AliceLee) writes: "We have two servicemen now in our family. Charles, 18,is a petty officer in the MerchantMarine, joyfully sailing the high seasand taking a great interest in working towards the office of engineer.Our son-in-law, Albert Fonda, hasbeen appointed to the Navy languageschool at Boulder, Colorado, wherehe'll study Russian. That will be hissixth language, following his masteryof French, Italian, Spanish, German,and Portuguese. Jean, his wife andour daughter, will come home to uswith 20-months-old granddaughter,Margaret Lee a real silver lining!"Zoe Ella Fish, AM '14, has beenappointed head of the English department at the Sara Dix HamlinSchool in San Francisco.1912George C. Staley, AM, is teachingmathematics at Florida SouthernCollege in Lakeland. 1913W. E. Gordon is busy helping totrain some 600 Navy boys at More-head State Teachers College, Kentucky. He holds a U. S. Army AirTech diploma for instructor in mechanics and engineering.1914Herman G. Kopald writes: "Stillbusily practicing law with the sameold partners Moses and Singer inNew York while the hectic yearsroll by. Mrs. Kopald and I are justnow particularly happy that our son,Edward K. Williams, who soon hopesto earn his commission as an ensign,is stationed here in New York atmidshipman's school at Columbia.He -graduated from Williams Collegein October, 1943."E. H. Lunde reports that at a recent banquet of the Alpha TauOmega alumni association he sawW. A. Schneider, '13, who has beenmade president and general man-Tuck PointingMaintenanceCleaning PHONEGRAceland 0800CENTRAL BUILDING CLEANING CO.CalkingStainingMasonryAeid WashingSand BlastingSteam CleaningWater Proofing 3347 N. Halsted StreetAlbert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoKstablished 1885. Placement Bureau formen and women in all kinds of teachingpositions. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent of ourbusiness. Critic and Grade Supervisors forNormal Schools placed every year in largenumbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Business Administration, Music, and Art, secure finepositions through us every year. PrivateSchools in all parts of the country amongour best patrons; good salaries. Well prepared High School teachers wanted for cityand suburban High Schools. Special manager handles Grade and Critic work. Sendfor folder today.HIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATESENGRAVERS SINCE 1906 , WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES' +I + ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED ?? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE +iRAYNEm DALHEIM &CO.20 5* W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO.26 THE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO MAGAZINEager of the Kankakee Federal Savings and Home Loan Association;Lucius Hilton, '16, and his son; andBjarne Lunde, '12.Abraham R. Miller, JD '15, is inWashington as principal attorney forthe Federal Public Housing Authority.Edna Winch Simmons, AM '41,was transferred in March from theEbinger school to the principalship ofthe Burbank school, Chicago.Paul F. Shupp is in Pittsburgh andhas just finished his third year asfield examiner with the National Labor Relations Board.Sarah Reinwald Levinson's twindaughters, Ruth and Judith, are respectively a draftsman in the ArmyAir Forces at U. of C. and a personalshopper with Marshall Field's. Mrs.Levinson herself is an interviewer inthe rent division of the OPA.Dorothy Grey, MD Rush '22, issticking close to medical practice,"notable for the unusual number ofnew babies and pneumonias." She isstill in Belfast, New York.1915Katherine J. Densford, AM, holdsthree important positions in the fieldof nursing. She is director of theUniversity of Minnesota's School ofNursing; first vice-president of theAmerican Nurses Association; andchairman of the Minnesota Nursing .Council for War Service.Emily S. Harrison is teaching atFranklin, North Carolina.Harlan T. Stetson, PhD, addressedthe geology section of the New YorkAcademy of Sciences at the AmericanMuseum of Natural History on April3. His subject was "Modern Evidences for Differential Movement ofCertain Points on the Earth's Surface."1916Thomas A. Goodwin, AM '22, ispastor of the First Church of Christ(familiarly known as the Old NorthCongregational) at Marblehead,Massachusetts. With over 200 of hisparishioners in the service he is keptbusy with correspondence, andcherishes many very interesting letters from near and far.It is with regret that we report thatthe son of Sterling Lewis, PhD, Sgt.Glen E. Lewis, member of the RoyalCanadian Air Force, lost his life inaction in Kent, England, on July 4,1943, when his Wellington bomberfailed to make a safe landing on itsreturn from a mission over Cologne,Germany. He is buried in the Ameri can section of Brookwood Cemetery,near London.Mrs. Amos Richardson (MaryPrince) is living temporarily inEvanston while her husband, who isa lieutenant colonel in the Reserves,is stationed at Fort Sheridan.The War Production Board has appointed Frank S. Whiting as chief ofthe furniture section of the consumers' durable goods division. Whitingis vice-president and director of theAmerican Furniture Mart BuildingCompany in Chicago and will servethe government on a dollar-a-yearbasis.Charles O. Hardy, PhD, is vice-president of the Federal ReserveBank%in Kansas City, Missouri.The Office of Education in Washington has Roy W. Bixler, AM '25, asan educational statistician.1917Julian Isaacs, son of Harry Isaacs,MD Rush '19, is a "second generation" sophomore in the MedicalSchool at U. of C."I am teaching Spanish to an enthusiastic group of 115 young womenat Adelphi College," writes Catherine L. Haymaker. "This is mytwenty-sixth year in this location andI still enjoy and thrive on my work.Many of my students are teachingSpanish in and around New YorkCity and elsewhere, and we are alldoing what we can do best a job forwinning the peace on this continentin particular. There is little glamorto this job but there are manythrills."Leo P. Sherman, SM, PhD '23, hasbeen elected chairman of the sciencedivision of Grinnell College.Sidney M. Weisman writes fromHollywood, California, that he andhis wife (Elsie F. Linick, '18) plan tocelebrate their twenty-fifth weddinganniversary on June 2 at the Sherman Hotel in Chicago, where theywere married, and will remain foralumni week.With her two sons, Louis and Alan,in the Army, Rose Nath Desser hasbeen devoting her energy to RedCross canteen work, war bond selling,and some emergency high schoolteaching in Los Angeles.1919John C. Parsons' daughter, PatriciaHardin, was married on February 20in Rockhampton, Australia, to Lieut.John W. Anderson of Corsicana,Texas. Mrs. Anderson graduatedfrom William and Mary College in1937 and is employed by the FieldService of the Red Cross. She ex pects to remain in Australia for theduration. Mr. Parsons teaches history in the Kearny high school atKearny, New Jersey.Charles C. Greene, JD '21, has beennamed vice-president of Doremusand Company, national advertisingagency, and will have charge of theChicago office. Greene was formerlyvice-president of Buchanan and Company.1920Leota Gregory Thomas, AM '33, isediting the science section of theWorld Book Encyclopedia. She livesin Chicago.Helen G. Thompson is an associateeditor of Look magazine and is living in New York.Henry C. Witherington, AM '25,PhD '31, associate professor of education, served this past winter aschairman of the curriculum committee on Post- War Planning for theCollege of Education of BowlingGreen State University.1921Edgar Wertheim, PhD, professor oforganic chemistry at the UniversityCLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935**Good Printing of All Descriptions**HUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.Telephone Harrison 7798Chicago, III.Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesGenerally recognized as one of the leading TeachersAgencies tf the United States.T. A. REHNQUIST CO.V 7 CONCRETEFLOORSSIDEWALKS1ACHINE FOUNDATIONSEMERGENCY WORKALL PHONESWentworth 4422So. Vernon Ave.EST. I9»6639HARRY EENIGCNBURG, Jr.STANDARDREADY ROOFING CO.Complete Service10436S.Wabash Ave. TelephonePullman 8500THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27of Arkansas, is in his twenty- thirdyear of service with the university.Ramona Hayes Healy, AM '32,manager of a Chicago tourist bureau,is planning see-America-first toursthis year, which include trips toFlorida, California, New York, NewOrleans, New England, and the duderanches. She says Mexico is also aheadline attraction with the new volcano in active eruption.1922Edward A. M. Fuchs PhD '33, ishelping to edit the Merriam- WebsterDictionaries in Springfield, Massachusetts.Helen Mills Nielsen is working forthe Servel company as laboratorytechnician in Evansville, Indiana.Running the Model Dairy on amodel scale is T. Leland Shreeve'sjob in Ogden, Utah.1923James L. Hall, MD Rush '25, whohas served as professor of internalmedicine at Howard UniversityMedical School since July 1940, hasbeen appointed superintendent ofFreedmen's Hospital in Washington,STENOTYPYLearn new, speedy machine shorthand. Lesseffort, no cramped fingers or nervous fatigue.Also other courses: Typing, Bookkeeping,Comptometry, etc. Day or evening. Visit,write or phone for data.Bryant^ Strattonc o ll)e g eIS S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Randolph 1575ECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKSGalvanized Iron and Copper CornicesSkylights, Gutters, Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbestos Roofing1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 3192MEDICAL BOOKSof All PublishersThe Largest and Most Complete Stock andall New Books Received as soon as published. Come in and browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago Medical Book Co.)Congress and Honore StreetsOne Block from Rush Medical College D. C. He will continue at HowardUniversity on a part-time basis.1924Alfred E. Nord, chief juvenile probation officer of Racine County, Wisconsin, has been chairman of thestate crime and delinquency committee. The committee is working outan institute and program in connection with the Wisconsin WelfareCouncil's biannual conference to beheld at Milwaukee next October.Besides his University duties as assistant professor of education, director of student teaching, and marshalof the University, Harold A. Anderson, AM '26, is first vice-president ofthe National Council of Teachers ofEnglish and director of public relations for the Council.Iowa State College has as its headof the home economics departmentCora Belle Miller, AM.1925Anna M. Jones sends us this note:"In my guidance work in two NewYork junior high schools in East Harlem much applied sociology is necessary in dealing with these boys ofvarious races and backgrounds. Aneffort is made to interest the boys inthe many community activities, and aprogram of leisure time education hasbeen developed. Our present need isnot for more community opportunitiesfor recreation, but for specializedservices within the school to give clinical aid and classroom work to asmall group of potential juvenile delinquents, to educate the parents inmethods of control, andv to stay thehand of the court. The cost of sucha plan, which would mean the building of right attitudes, would be smallin comparison to the cost the statemust meet in dealing with adult delinquents and criminals."Ruth Marie Thomas has receiveda leave of absence from WilberforceUniversity in order to study for thedoctor's degree at New York University.Mrs. Paul E. Tombaugh, (VestaGoodwin) is in the institutional management field at the University of Indiana.Col. J. K. Morley of Louisville hasbeen in the hospital for severalmonths after a serious accident lastDecember.1926Elsa Ernestine Schilling, AM, isteaching high school Spanish atBloomington, Illinois.Sarah Boom Moore is doing thesixth and seventh grade teaching and is assistant director of a boys schoolin Albion, Michigan.Mrs. F. A. Brink (Elinor Nims,PhD), has assumed the chairmanship of the surgical dressings programof the Jefferson County, Florida,chapter of the Red Cross. It presentsan interesting problem, she says, sincethe county is rural and two-thirds ofthe population are colored.1927Dorothea K. Adolph spends hersummers on a farm in central Illinoisafter the busy school year of teachingfirst grade at Malvern School inShaker Heights, Ohio.Mrs. J. C. Thomas Rogers (FannyArmstrong, '27) and her three children are keeping the home fires burning at The Meadows, at Urbana,while Lieut. Comdr. Rogers, MDRush '27, is stationed at a Naval hospital in the South Pacific.Beatrice Balayan, AM, is doingsubstitute teaching at the CarboriCounty high school, Red Lodge,Montana.Agnes Dunaway, AM '34, is a substitute teacher in the Milwaukee highschools.1928Fred H. Mandel, JD '29, has beenappointed assistant United Statesdistrict attorney in Cleveland; he willcontinue his private practice in hispresent law offices.Carl H, Henrikson, Jr., of the Department of Commerce has resignedhis post as business consultant for theNew York region to become associatedirector of research of J. M. Mathes,Inc. Henrikson will be rememberedas assistant dean of the University'sSchool of Business for several years.1929Elizabeth Cowen Davis is chairmanof the arts and programs departmentof the Chicago Woman's Aid. Herson, Joe, is 14 and finishing his firstyear at Howard Prep and her daughter, Mirrel, is 9 and in fourth grade.Mrs. Richard T. Hallock (ErnaSchroeder) is writing press releaseson consumers' durable goods for theWPB in Washington. Before joiningthe board late in 1942 she was withthe OWI for about half a year.At the beginning of the year PaulL. Hollister became professor of biology and instructor in the Army AirCorps training program at MiddleGeorgia College, Cochran.Henry K. Willcox is treasurer ofthe Pettibone Mulliken Corporationin Chicago.Arthur E. Siehrs is research director of the Krim-Ko-Company in Chicago.28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEE. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph Offset Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4Wasson's Coal Makes Good or Wasson DoesTELEPHONE HAYMARKET 4566Q'CALLAGHAN BROS., Inc.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.MacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and SecretarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESAccredited by the National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools.1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 21.301930Ruth Ward's husband, Capt. Robert Ward, is overseas serving withthe A. M.G. In the meantime she isteaching in the English department atAmarillo College, Texas.Following seven months in the U.of C. Metallurgical Lab, H. W. Van-dersall, SM, has gone to Ventnor,New Jersey, for a little rest beforegetting ready to return to his workin Cairo, Egypt. Conditions are apparently improving and he has hopesof returning there this summer. Oneregret is that he can't get four or fiveteachers to join him, for there isplenty of work to be done in the NearEast and after the war the opportunity will be unlimited. The American University at Cairo hopes to beable to take full advantage of thechallenge and the opportunity, andthat's where he will be working.Edwin Levin lives in Floral Park,Long Island, and has his business address with PM in Brooklyn. He ispromotion and syndicate manager forthe paper.Mrs. Harold Haynes (EuphemiaLafton, AM) is chairman of the mathematics department and assistant professor at Miner TeachersCollege in Washington, D. C.Carter Davidson, PhD, president ofKnox College, is serving on theAmerican Council on Education'sCommittee on Relations of FederalGovernment to Colleges and Universities, and on' the Committee onPlan of General Education for theArmed Forces. He is also on theAssociation of American Colleges'Commission on the Arts, and is onthe Commission on Christian HigherEducation.1931After dabbling in various forms ofwelfare work, teaching, and politics,Eugene Clyde Weafer has gone intothe private school field and is civilianinstructor at the Allen MilitaryAcademy at Bryan, Texas. He'smarried to a Texas girl and they havetwo children Eugene Clyde, Jr., andVirginia Lynn. He writes that hewould be happy to hear from someof his old buddies, who are probablyscattered to the corners of the world.Gladys Chambers Robinson, SM,stopped teaching after her marriage,but the present teacher shortage hasprompted her to return to "service"as her war effort. She is teachinganatomy to the nurse-training students sent to the University of Akronfrom four local hospitals and she hasthe rank of instructor at the university there.George H. Otto, PhD '42, hasspent the year teaching physics to AirCorps cadets and mineralogy andeconomic geology to civilian studentsat the University of Missouri.Lin Francis Shoblaske, AM '38, isan engineer for the Western ElectricCompany in Cicero.Erna Risch, PhD, is an associatehistorian in the office of the Quartermaster General, in Washington.Dee Maier, AM, is connected withthe extension service of Iowa StateCollege as district home economicssupervisor.Herbert Ying-Paung Moy has thewar t time appointment of Chinesetranslator and examiner in the Officeof Censorship in Washington.1932Janice C. Simpson, PhD '35, is doing personnel work with the FederalSecurity Agency in Washington.John W. Lawlah, MD Rush, deanof Howard University MedicalSchool and who since June, 1942, hadalso served as superintendent ofFreedman's Hospital in Washington,D. C, relinquished his duties as su perintendent of the hospital last January in order to devote his entiretime to- his position as dean and professor of radiology.Robert Tschaegle, AM '37, spentthe fiv^ years from 1937 to 1942 asassistant curator of the Herron ArtMuseum in Indianapolis. Since thenhe has been a master in the ParkSchool for Boys, a preparatory schoolin Indianapolis.Wesleyan University at Mitchell,South Dakota, announces the appointment of Earle E. Emme, PhD,as dean.Frank E. Egler has resigned fromNew York State College of Forestryto become associate professor ofphysics at Knox College, Galesburg,Illinois.1933Ruth I. Barnard, PhD '37, MD '39,has left Los Angeles and is in Topeka,Kansas, getting training in psychiatryand psycho-analysis.Estella C. Daresh received her AMfrom Northwestern in 1942. She isteaching at the Chicago JewishAcademy.Harvey Wish, AM, has been studying this year at Harvard.Jessie Arnold Holm is teaching inthe Pullman Free School of ManualTraining in Chicago.David C. Spaulding, PhD '38, isdoing chemical work for the B. F.Goodrich Company in Akron andlives at Cuyahoga Falls.1934Nathaniel O. Kimbler, AM, is continuing to serve as executive secretary of the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, which he was appointed to set up in 1940. He is atFrankfort.Roland C. Matthias, JD, has beenserving as business manager of the54th college training detachment atW'ittenberg College for the past yearand also instructing in Spanish inthe Army school. Wittenberg has aunit of 700 Air Corps aviation students.Winifred A. Gleason teaches in thehigh school at Bevier, Missouri.George J. Steiner, AM, is associated with the Lincoln National LifeInsurance Company in Chicago.Isabel M. Devine is living in Portland, Oregon, where she is teachingin the School of Social Work atMarylhurst College.Linton J. Keith is manager of thepublishing division of Wilcox andFollett Company in Chicago. Hewrites: "Tell your readers we invitemanuscripts for publication in theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29field of juvenile fiction at standardroyalty rates."1935Lewis A. Dexter has received apart-time appointment at Illinois Institute of Technology.Sophia Heend is at Chicago's Mt.Sinai Hospital as clinic nutritionist.Clarence J. Attig, AM, is with theU. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey,making his home in Naperville, Illinois.1936Helen L. Springer, AM, is a teacherat the St. Joseph high school, Michigan.The Babson Institute reports thatHarold H. Shively, JD, has left thereto become a marketing economistwith the Food Distribution Administration in Washington.Margaret Hoffman is an instructorin the social work department ofWest Virginia University at Morgan-town.1937Elizabeth Thompson Naibert, although not in service is the next bestthing an Army wife. Her husbandis a major in the Dental Corps atFort Warren, Wyoming. Their second daughter, Anne Louise, was bornat the station hospital on January 24.Big sister Margaret is just over two.Since last June John A. Vieg, PhD,has been a member of the staff of theinternational section of the divisionof administrative management of theBureau of the Budget in Washington.Doris M. Hunter is working as achemist in the chemistry departmentof the Sixth Service Commandlaboratory at Fort Sheridan.Alumni stationed at Lowry Fieldin Denver will be glad to know thatthe director of the service club thereis a sister Chicagoan Florence Martin, AM.Clara Sprague Edmunds is an engineering aide with the Beach ErosionBoard in Washington, D. C.Reese P. Maughan is researchingtor the Cincinnati board of education.1938Mary Frances Hedges, AM, tookup duties as educational secretary ofte International Institute in SanFrancisco last September.William W. Cooper, Jr., has theWe of senior economist in the Bu-reau of the Budget in Washington.Helen Knight, AM, is teachingjjathematics in the Arkansas StateAllege at Jonesboro.Moddie D. Taylor, SM, is on theQuadrangles instructing in chemistry. Joan Fleming, MD, gave up herconnection with Billings Hospital lastsummer but continues to practice inChicago.Eda Houwink expects to lecture atthe School of Social Welfare atLouisiana State University at thecoming summer session, temporarilyleaving her duties as student supervisor in the St. Louis chapter of theRed Cross.1939Gladys Baker, PhD, is working onthe war-time administrative historyof the U. S. Department of Agriculture, a project which has been underthe general supervision of ProfessorJohn M. Gaus of Wisconsin.Margaret E. Martin, AM, is teaching math in the Oberlin high school,Ohio.Margaret Brown Vartanoff is atranslator and engineering aide withthe Army Map Service in Washington.Ruth Schuler, AM, says there isnothing new to report about her. Sheis still in the adoptions division ofthe California State Department ofSocial Welfare at Los Angeles.Robert H. Lochner, AM '41, continues to write and announce propaganda in the German language overNBC shortwave stations.1940Tamaara Danish Hilkevitch, SM'41, is educational director of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union in Chicago.Ruth Neuendorffer is living at afederal dormitory project for defenseworkers and working as tenant aidewith the FPHA at Norwayne, Michigan, a family permanent housingproject. Her job includes recreationwith all ages in a community building. She says that this Willow Runarea is a most interesting place inwhich to be living.Katherine A. Frederic, PhD, forthe past two years has been at theU.S. Civil Service Commission, administrative and management placement section, first as head of recruitment planning and later engaged inthe placement of higher administrative personnel in the various federalagencies.Arthur F. Holtorff, SM, for theduration is located at Fort Worthworking at the serum albumin plantof the Armour laboratories, manufacturing human serum albumin, ablood substitute, for the Navy. Theplant is operating seven days a week,twenty-four hours a day, and as shiftsupervisor Hoi torff 's is a real job. He JOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900- 0901Retail Deliveries , Daily and SundaysQuality and Service Since 1882BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED ~ BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave.. ChicagoBOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-3 T Cottage Grove Ave.All Phones OAKIand 0492La Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State 1350Boston New York Philadelphia Syracusehas two small children a girl, 3,and a boy, V/2.Lulu O. Kellogg, AM, has beenacting principal of the WausharaCounty Normal School at Wautoma,Wisconsin, for the past severalmonths. She became a member ofDelta Kappa Gammsl last November.John A. Halgren has been with theInternational Harvester Companysince graduation. He is located atthe Springfield, Ohio, works..Elizabeth Conard, AM, resignedher teaching position at Belviderehigh school, Illinois, to become instructor in mathematics at GustavusAdolphus College in St. Peter,Minnesota.Leo Spurrier, PhD, is a member ofthe faculty of Missouri Valley College at Marshall. He is professor ofeconomics, and business administration.Pearl C. Salsberry, AM, is working with the Travelers Aid in Norfolk, Virginia.Receptionist Carol A. Wilson helpsto smooth the way for customers atUnited Air Lines in Chicago.Nicholas Helburn is in the C.P.S.Camp at Gatlinburg, Tennessee.Mrs. Helburn (Tess Loth, '38) is30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgirls work director at a settlementhouse in East Boston, Massachusetts.1941Helen Zeleznik, AM, is assistant tothe manager of the buying office ofthe Firestone Company in Chicago.Ella Pettit Levett, PhD, receivedan appointment as assistant professor last fall at Hardin-Simmons University at Abilene, Texas.Directing the Army food service atWestern Kentucky State TeachersCollege is June Rosetta Mclntire,MBA.Out in Cody, Wyoming, NataliePerry, AM, is head teacher at theHeart Mountain Relocation Center.As chemical engineer Walter J.Skraba is employed by the Clintonlaboratories of Knoxville, Tennessee.Lois Ebinger, as a registered nurse,is instructing at St. Luke's Hospitalin Chicago.As instructor in sciences MargaretW. Bain is at the Northrop Collegiate School in Langdon, N. D.1942Frank A. Smola has gone to Alaskaas superintendent of the publicschools at Nome.Donald Smith, AM, is assistant toMr. Ralph Beals, director of theU. of C. libraries.William F. Read, PhD, and hiswife (Helen Woodrich, '38) havebeen enjoying a relatively quiet lifein Appleton, Wisconsin, while he isteaching geology, geography, andphysics to V-12 men and other students at Laurence College. Helen iskept pretty busy raising their year-old son, Edward Cameron. Billplans to make application for a commission in the Naval Reserve, as hiscontribution to the education of theV-12 men at Laurence has beengrowing steadily smaller, he writes.Betsy, Abraham is an administrative analyst at the National HousingAgency, at work on programs for thetraining of NHA employees. She entered government service shortlyafter graduation by appointmentfrom the junior professional assistanteligible list. Her first job was in theoffice of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs.Elizabeth Armour Curtiss, PhD, isleaving Wellesley College at the endof this year to accept an appointmentas associate professor of economicsat the Iowa State College in Ames.Gladys W. Goettling, AM, is teaching at Indiana University in Indianapolis.Regional child welfare consultantBess R. Williams, AM, is carrying onsocial work in Minneapolis. ACMESHEET METAL WORKSGeneral Sheet Metal WorkSkylights - Gutters - SmokestacksFurnace and Ventilating Systems1 1 1 1 East 55th StreetPhone Hyde Park 9500ENGLEWOODELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.Distributors, Manufacturers and Jobbers ofELECTRICAL MATERIALS ANDFIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 EnglewoodS. Halsted Street 7500Ashjian Bros., w.ESTABLISHED 1021Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIREDSouth Chicago Phone Regent 6000Rainer Mengelberg is teaching atthe Windsor Mountain School atManchester, Vermont.1943Josephine F. Fennell, AM, has justbeen made assistant historian at theChicago Quartermaster Depot, U.S.Army.R. R. Ryder, PhD, is continuing asassociate professor of education atPurdue University and is now completing his eighteenth year as director of student teachers. He has threechildren, a girl and two boys, all inhigh school.Anne Haight is interning as a dietitian at Duke University.Catherine L. Swanson, AM, is secretary to the dean at Talladega College, Alabama.Anastasia Majarakis, AM, is teaching at the Mercy high school in Chicago.Helen Cohen, daughter of GeorgeB. Cohen, 07, JD '09, is previewinglaw practice in her father's officewhile attending the U. of C. LawSchool.Ellen Erbe, SM, has changed heraddress from Boone, Iowa, to Har-borview Hall, Seattle 4, Washington. SOCIAL SERVICEThe alumni of the School of SocialService Administration will havebreakfast together during the National Conference of Social Work inCleveland on Tuesday morning, May23, at 8:00 A.M. at the Hotel Cleveland. Tickets will be on sale in advance. Aileen Maccracken, A.M.'33, is making the local arrangements.Miss Breckinridge was honored ata tea in March given by the socialservice department of Chicago's Municipal Court. The occasion was alsoin commemoration of the election ofJoseph Gill as clerk of the court thirteen years ago, when he declared hisdetermination to keep social servicework out of politics and designatedMiss Breckinridge to pass on job applicants. Six hundred people attended the tea.Alumni will be sorry to learn of thedeath on March 26 of Pierce At-water, lecturer in the School andexecutive director of the ChicagoCommunity Fund and the Community and War Fund of MetropolitanChicago.Charlotte Towle, associate professor of psychiatric social work andJames Brown, associate professor andassistant dean for preprofessionalstudents, are both out of residenceduring the spring quarter. MissTowle is working with the technicaltraining service of the Bureau ofPublic Assistance of the Social Security Board in Washington and Mr.Brown is also in Washington workingwith the welfare section of UNRRA.Mr. McMillen is out of residencepart-time for the spring quarter,working with the Community andWar Fund of Chicago.Mrs. Katherine Kendall, a formerstudent at the School has returned totake further work for the PhD degreeand during the spring quarter isteaching the course in "The Childand the State."Helen H. Wright, AM '39, has accepted a position with the AmericanRed Cross, Army Medical Center,Walter Reed General Hospital,Washington, D. C.Anita Johnson Mackey, AM '41,has accepted a position with theState Division of Child Welfare inAustin, Texas.Miriam Damick Weller, AM '42,is working with the Jewish Board ofGuardians in New York City.Elizabeth J. Coyle, AM '44, has accepted an appointment as a plantand community services consultant;with the War Manpower Comrnis-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31sion working in northern Californiaout of the San Francisco office.Mary Lou Daman, AM '44, has accepted a position as case worker withthe Children's Service Bureau inCleveland, Ohio.Evelyn M. Smith, AM '44, has received an appointment as hospitalsocial worker with the American RedCross and is to be sent to the Pacific area. She has not as yet received her definite assignment.Eveline Blumenthal Jacobs, AM'44, has returned to her position withthe Illinois Commission for Handicapped Children in Chicago.Mildred Murstein, AM '44, hasaccepted a position with the JewishSocial Service Bureau in Chicago andbegan her duties May 1.MARRIAGESEmphia M. Fisher, '31, was married to Norman R. Goldsmith ofPittsburgh, on March 24. The brideis employed in the photo-revisionsection of the Army Map Service.Dr. Goldsmith is a graduate of Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania Medical School and is now asurgeon with the U.S. Public HealthService in Bethesda, Maryland.Patricia O'Hara, '33, to Albert G.Nuss on March 4. She^is dietitian atCedars of Lebanon Hospital in LosAngeles. Their home address is1114 North Berendo Street, LosAngeles 27.Clara Angiolina Papini to Carl S.Jefferson, Jr., '33, of the Navy, onMarch 4 in St. Barnabas Church,Cicero. The bridegroom is stationedat Glenview and he and his bridewill live near the post.Carol Crowe to Robert N. Boyd,'36, on March 19, in Yellow Springs,Ohio, where the newlyweds are athome.Janet James, '38, AM '40, to Dr.Abner Golden on September 5, 1943.They are at home at 1430 NorthHighland Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia.Mrs. Golden is carrying on her medical social work at Grady Hospital inAtlanta.Jeannette B. Heffron, '40, to Capt.John C. Carney, on March 23. Capt.Carney is stationed at BuckleyField, Colorado.Agnes Mason to Samuel D. Mercer, '42, on February 14, 1943. Heis with the Mercer Realty Companyof Omaha and they are living at914 Mercer Boulevard.Dorothy Einbecker, '42, AM '43,Jo Sgt. Fredrik G. Feltham, '40, AM40, on Christmas Day, 1943, inThorndike Hilton Chapel by Dr. Eustace Haydon. The sergeant isstationed in Ireland.Muriel G. Markman '42 to Lieut.Emil M. Cohen on February 19. TheCohens are at Southern Pines, NorthCarolina, where he is stationed withthe Troop Carrier Command of theArmy Air Forces at Camp Mackall.Elizabeth Shimmin, '42, to RobertP. Straltz, '42. They are living at5210 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago.Lieut. Frank J. Psota, '43, son ofthe late Dr. Frank J. Psota, '18, MDRush '19, to Elsie Knop, in AvonPark, Florida, on January 29. Lieut.Psota is overseas flying a B-l 7 Liberator while Mrs. Psota is a studentand employee on campus.Lois Regnell, '44, to Pfc. Paul Jordan, '41, on April 6 at Graham Taylor Chapel. Paul is in the ASTP andexpects to graduate from U. of C.Medical School in September, afterwhich his interneship will begin atSt. Luke's Hospital in Chicago. Loisis a member of the Sigma Club andNu Pi Sigma, and Paul an AlphaDelta Phi and was formerly a member of the swimming team. The Jor-HOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone Dorchester 1579BOYDSTON BROS.All phones OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.CADILLAC EQUIPMENT EXCLUSIVELYAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college Held.It is affliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating -Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3 1 86 dans are at home at 5750 StonyIsland Avenue.Margaret Williams, '44, was married to Ensign Lawrence Jean (Bud)Bates, '43, on ' March 11 at BondChapel. The bride has returned tothe Quadrangles for the spring quarter and will receive her degree inJune. Ensign Bates is stationed onthe Pacific coast.Betty Lou Leviton, '44, to EdwardI. Elisberg, on March 26. At home:5242 South Hyde Park Boulevard,Chicago.Frances C. Cuttle, '44, to DavidLivingstone on March 30. At home:1706 Jonquil Terrace, Chicago 26.BIRTHSA son, George Lawrence, on January 9 to George H. Hubert, '25, andMrs. Hubert (Marjorie Fitch Baker,'41), who are living in ChevyChase, Maryland.To Lieut. Frederick Sass, '30, JD'32, and Mrs. Sass, a son, FrederickIII, on December 13, 1943. Thebaby's dad completed his indoctrination course and reported to Harvardin April for study in the Naval Communication School, while Mrs. Sassand the two children are remainingin Chicago. Paternal grandparentsare Frederick Sass, '01, and EdithShaffer Sass, '03, of Denver.On February 17 a first child,Carolyn, to Mr. and Mrs. C. BurtonBruse (Jeslyn Raventos, '31) ofHouston, Texas.To Samuel J. Horwitz, '32, JD '34,and Mrs. Horwitz their second child,Jill, on October 25, 1943.To David J. Harris, '35, and Mrs.Harris (Evelyn Carr, '35), a son,Glenn Carr, on February 6 in Chicago.A son, Charles Allen, on March 22to Herbert C. Brown, '36, PhD '38,and Mrs. Brown (Sarah Baylen, '37).The new dad is assistant professor ofchemistry at Wayne University inDetroit.To Charles R. Reid and Mrs. Reid(Natalie Clyne, '40) a daughter,Robin Elizabeth, on February 8. TheReids are living near Joliet, Illinois.To Elias L. Epstein, PhD '41, andMrs. Epstein, a daughter, Charlotte,on March 11. The Epsteins are living in Cincinnati.DEATHSDon S. Harvey, MD Rush '91, retired Chicago physician, on May 2,1943.Joseph George, MD Rush '95, physician of Dows, Iowa, on February28.Otto E. Wieland, '96, was killed by32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEa truck while crossing the street inDuluth, Minnesota, on September26, 1943. At the time of his deathhe was president and executive secretary of the St. * Louis County(Minnesota) Historical Society, towhich he devoted his full time.. Eugene Ryan, '00, on March 15.He was associated with the Farleyand Loetscher Company of Dubuque,Iowa.Richard W. Paltridge, '00, of thePaltridge Metal Equipment Company of Chicago, on November 23,1943.Alia Webb, '01, in Claremont, California, on March 15. After graduating at the University she took a librarian's course in Riverside, California, and became the first librarianat Webb School, Bell Buckle, Tennessee. She next became chief librarian of the Flagler Memorial Library at Miami, Florida, and laterwas assistant librarian at ScrippsCollege in Claremont. Her brother,William R. Webb, is principal of theWebb School.Lewis A. Pringle, '02, former superintendent of schools in Harvey,Illinois, on January 22.William Hunt Bates, AM '02, retired professor of mathematics atPurdue, on March 19 in West Lafayette after a long illness.Anne S. Duncan, '03, for thirtyyears head of the library of IowaState Teachers College in CedarFalls, on March 28 at her home inCedar Falls. She retired from public service last September and wasstricken with a fatal illness in November.Stephen B. Leacock, PhD '03, well-known author and humorist, onMarch 28 in Toronto after an illnessof several weeks. Mr. Leacock wasborn in England and taken to Canada at the age of six. He attendedUpper Canada College and wasgraduated by the University of To--ronto in 1891. He taught there forseveral years before coming to U. ofC. to obtain his PhD. His first book,on elements of political science, waspublished in 1906 arid from that timeuntil his death he wrote more thanforty books as well as many articlesand essays.CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency61st YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis Kansas City, Mo.Spokane New York Ora T. Fell, '04, on October 30,1943, after an illness of two days. Hewas associated with the patent lawfirm of Oberlin, Limbach and Day inCleveland. He is survived by hiswife, two daughters, and two sonswho are in service.Mrs. William W. Thornton (IreneBlackledge, '04), on October 29, 1943in Indianapolis. She had been anactive clubwoman.Hannibal H. Chandler, '08, ofEvanston, Illinois, on January 29.Mr. Hannibal was in the general insurance business.Jean Travis Krueger, '08, '12, onMarch 6 in New York. On receiving her bachelor's degree, Miss Krueger accepted at once a position asteacher of economics in an elementary school for negro children inIndianapolis. Her progress afterthree years of elementary teachingwas rapid. She was associate professor of home economics at the University of Wisconsin from 1917 until1922; dean of home economics atMichigan State College, 1923-29; director of institutional management atthe Merrill Palmer School, Detroit,1929-31; director of home economics,Santa Barbara State College, 1935-41. After her retirement in 1941 shemade her home in New York Citywith Catherine M. Dunn, formerly ofthe SSA staff of U. of C. Her personal qualities won her high esteemand affection in every communitywhich she served.James L. Macomber, '10, of DesMoines, Iowa, suddenly of a heartattack on March 3. He was in thereal estate business.John van de Erve, '10, MD Rush'11, on February 15 in Charleston,South Carolina. He had been professor and chairman of the physiology department at the Medical College of the State of South Carolinasince 1919.Leona E. Koehne, '12, teacher atthe Parker high school in Chicago,on December 8, 1943.Louis F. Aff hauser, '12, on May10, 1943, after an illness of a year.He was a retired senior high schoolteacher of Chicago.Donald R. Ramsdell, '12, of Jackson, Michigan, on June 27, 1943.Alice Banner Englewood 3181COLORED HELPFACTORY HELPSTORESSHOPSMILLS FOUNDRIESEnglewood Emp. Agcy., 5534 S. State St. Two sons are in the Air Corps inItaly, one son-in-law is an instructoras a bomber pilot and another is aski-trooper.William C. Laube, AM '13, PhD'35, professor of church history atthe University of Dubuque, Iowa, inFebruary.Steven S. Stockwell, AM '13, formerly manager of a teacher's agencyin Marquette, Michigan, on July 144943.Verne C. Hunt, MD Rush '13,physician of Los Angeles, on December 13, 1943.Suddenly on January 18, CharlesF. Geeting, '13, of Dayton, Ohiowhere he was teaching mathematics.Charles Merrill Shoup, '14, highschool principal at Ligonier, Pennsylvania, on September 7, 1942.Katherine A. Riordan, '14, on November 15, 1943. Miss Riordan wasan elementary school principal inChicago.Franz Puterbaugh, '17, formerly ofPeoria, Illinois, on July 25, 1943.Nellie Sanborn Towle, '18, suddenly of a heart attack on March 20,at East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.She had devoted almost half a century to educational work and hadtaught in Wisconsin, Michigan,Puerto Rico, California, and Pennsylvania. At the time of her deathshe was a member of the faculty ofthe Pennsylvania State TeachersCollege.Mabel Speer Becker, '19, principalof the King elementary school, inChicago on April 5. Mrs. Beckerfounded the Chicago TeachersLeague and was principal of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company's continuation school until it was discontinued. She was descended from apioneer family which settled in Chicago in 1838.Jean Pickett Cochran, '20, writerand lecturer and for many years active in welfare work among youngpeople, on April 4 in Oak Park. Shewas the first president of the girls'conference of the Oak Park-RiverForest high school and a great advocate of hobbies for girls and boys.She is survived by her husband, a sonand a daughter.'' 'H#**" 4 k Upstair¦: *nmi 2 : 'bpste in. fi eynolds and Harris¦'"j lifting Chemim and En gineersA/ flbasb Ave ChicagoTel . Cent. 4285-6(Continued from inside front cover)plague on to our rear and it wasnatural for Bill to want to stimulatehis jaded nerves by exposing himselfto it. So I spent a few hours withhim, long enough to have a ten-storyapartment building shake like jellywhen some gasoline or ammunitiondumps blew up near by. And I sawhim still again on this beachhead afew days after it was established. Hetold me that things were neither asgood nor as bad as they seemed. Meanwhile, shells and flack were rippingbranches off the trees overhead andthey fell on us in huge garlands for aBacchus festival. Bill seemed not inthe slightest degree concerned bythese or any of the hundred otherpleasantries to which he has been aparty, which is, I think, apart fromthe accuracy of his reporting, one ofthe reasons he is so highly regardedby all the combat soldiers here.The movement of my division enabled me to spend a day with another University of Chicago alumnuswho has earned the affection of thedivision for her kindness to them. Irefer to Marjorie Bomberger [AM'36], who was at one time associatedwith a Red Cross unit somewhere inNorth Africa and is now in Italy. Atthe end of the Tunisia campaign mydivision was pulled back from Bizerteand Ferry ville for a rest. The menhad been fighting for six months inthe waste lands and when they passedthrough the district in which Marjorie was stationed, she hurriedlyarranged a "victory dance" for them.jfranfe &? jWanarifeIndividual TailorTPersonal attention given toDesigning, Fitting and Selectionof Materials.Smporteb anti domesticWoolen*MANY UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ANDFACULTY USE MY SERVICESTSuite 1005-6-719 So. La Salle StreetPhone Central 6198Chicago, 111. Phones Oakland 069006910692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awnins Co.#INC.Awnings ana Canopies tor Alt Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueESTABLISHED 1908ROOFING and INSULATINGTo those who were unable to attend,she sent out mobile Red Cross units tothe over-night bivouac area. To bothgroups of men this was the first entertainment and the first refreshmentsthe men had known in a half year.But the best entertainment and themost refreshing part of the experiencewas Marjorie herself. We had allbecome a little grimey and hardbitten by the events of the precedingsix months. But the reception Marjorie accorded to the division helpedtremendously in easing the transitionback to at least a pale imitation ofnormal life. It was at once verymoving and very comical to see theinitial efforts of tank drivers, halftrack gunners, etc., converse with herin what they thought was elegantFrench. Most of the men had rushedinto battle long before the base sections were built up. While at thefront for six months things had happened in the rear of which they werenot aware. Every Red Cross womanworker was assumed to be French.Few of the men knew that Americanwomen had arrived to staff Red Crossunits. Marjorie, however, at onceexplained the whole matter in a goodHoosier twang. Her audience ofadmirers circled round her twentydeep. She could have talked to themfor a solid month and they wouldhave remained rooted where theystood around her, open-mouthed andworshipful. When it became knownthat I had gone to school with 'her,1 assumed an importance in somepeople's eyes which my militaryactions could never have earned forme in a thousand years of battle.The men still talk about her withreverence and gratitude. I don'tknow how many former Universityof Chicago women are now in RedCross work overseas. One of them per station, gifted with compassion,intelligence, and dignity, can meanthe difference between a unit that canplay a significant role in the life ofthe men it is designed to serve, or aunit that will be roundly damned bythe very people it is supposed tohelp. Our Marjorie is magnificent.There are a number of other University of Chicago people I have seenor established contact with, but Iwould expose myself to the charge ofneglecting my military duties if Iwrote about them in detail. I think,however, you will be interested inknowing that Ruth Buffington [AM'33], whom I saw first in Moroccoand next in Italy, is doing importantwork with soldiers suffering fromexhaustion. Lyle Spencer is in aNorth African base valiantly attempting to put square pegs into squareholes and round pegs into round holes,in the matter of soldier classification.Richard W. B. Lewis [AM '41], whocame to Chicago for his graduatestudies after surviving four years atHarvard has turned up alive and well.Apparently he was tried by fire whileat Harvard and was well prepared forthe ordeal he has just experienced.He had been reported as missing inaction for some six weeks and justhearing what he went through (I sawhim a few days before leaving for thisbeachhead) my own life was shortened by ten years. Dick has beenengaged in activity which makesE. Philips Oppenhiem, in contrast,read as dull as a master's thesis in theDepartment of Home Economics.Lieut. Sidney Hyman, '35, AM '37.Italy.PETERSONFIREPROOFWAREHOUSESTORAGEMOVINGForeign DomesticShipments55th & ELLIS AVENUEPHONEMIDway 9700HAIR REMOVED FOREVERBEFORE AFTER20 Years' ExperienceFREE CONSULTATIONLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERTGraduate NurseMultiple SO platinum needles can beused. Permanent removal of Hair fromFace, Eyebrows, Back of Neck or anypart of Body; destroys 200 to 600 HairRoots per hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Moles andWarts.Member American Attn. Medical Hydrology andPhysical Therapy, Also Elcctrologhts Anoclationof I III noli$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705. Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.Perfect Loveliness Is Wealth in Beauty EASTMAN COAL CO.Established 1902YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone Seeley 4488MOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITYM So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIThe Best Place to Eat on the South SideM»Mj\?.*vvmi.'}-M. I In Jiii;im*MCOLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone Hyde Part 6324 FINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Spode and Other FamousMakes. Also Crystal and GiftsGolden Dirilyte{Formerly Dirigold)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID NOT PLATEDService for Eight, $41.75GOLDEN HUED BABY SPOONS (|>1While they last VL ea.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSNil h|ii, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, III.A merica's most popular* baconis the brand"with the sweetsmoke taste*Votes proved Swift's Premium Baconmore than twice as popular as its nearest competitor! And remember it costs no ration points. Your first duty toyour country:BUY WAR BONDS1