M UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MANZINEJ A N U A R Y 19 4 4Ab-an intimate luncheon on December 11, J943the cabinet of the Alumni Association presentedAlumni Dean Emeritus Gordon J. Laing with abeautifully illuminateci testimonial expressingthe Association's deep appreciation for his serv-ice to the alumni. In a note to President ValleeO. Appel following the luncheon Dean Laingwrole: "This is just a line to teli you again howdeeply I appreciate the presentation which youmade to me at the meeting of the Alumni Cabinet. And never have I read or heard a testi-monium so admirably expressed and so beautifully engrossed. I have thousands of books inmy library but there is not one that I prizemore highly than this libellus illuminatus."lumrnGordon Jennings LaingCyou have retired after serving for tkree years as the first JKLJJean of the University of Chicago. your pioneer efforts in this field ofservice nave been unique among institutions of higher leaming and youdischarged the duties of your office with unusual aptitude and withprofouna unaerstandmg of the relations of alumni to the Universityand of the responsibility of the University to the alumni.cJhrough your extensive travels in field service and wide personal contactswith alumni you have tnterpreted the University to the alumni withnoted success, and your vigorous promotion of the idea that studiesoegun during student days mark only the heginning of a life-longeducation has aeveloped a new and challenging field of adult educationunder the jotnt auspices of the University and the ^/tlumni ^Association.LJou aisplayed exceptional courage and generous sacrifice in undertakingthese arduous responsihilities following your rettrement as UJean of theJuivision of the (jtumanities and suhsequently as ibditor of the University[Press.cJhe y^ahinet of the J/tlumni ^rtssociation of the University of Chicagorecords its expresston of sincere gratitude to you for your unstintingdevotion and effecttve service to the alumni in their relations to theUniversity.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPUBLIC LECTURESWINTER QUARTER, 1944CHARLES R. WALGREEN FOUNDATIONTHE PROBLEM OF PEACEWednesdays, 4:30 P. M.January 12— Introduction: The Problem of Peace, George B. de Huszar, formerly ResearchAssistant in AnthropologyJanuary 19— Peace as a Problem of Geography, Charles C. Colby, Professor and Chairmanof the Department of GeographyJanuary 26— Peace as a Problem of History, Avery Craven, Professor of American HistoryFebruary 2— Peace as a Problem of Ethnology, Robert Redfield, Professor of Anthropology;Dean of the Division of the Social SciencesFebruary 9— Peace as a Problem of Economics, Jacob Viner, Morton D. Hull DistinguishedService Professor of EconomicsFebruary 26— Peace as a Problem of Sociology, William F. Ogburn, Chairman of the Department of Sociology; Sewell L. Avery Distinguished Service Professor ofSociologyFebruary 23— Peace as a Problem of Law, Quincy Wright, Professor of International LawMarch 1— Peace as a Problem of Education, Robert J. Havighurst, Professor of EducationMarch 8— Peace as a Problem of Psychology, Dr. David Slight, Professor of PsychiatryMarch 1 5— Peace as a Problem of Philosophy, Richard McKeon, Professor of Greek andPhilosophy; Dean of the Division of the HumanitiesMarch 22— Peace as a Problem of Religion, James L. Adams, Caleb Brewster Hackley Professor of Theology, Federated Theological FacultyThese lectures will be given in the James Henry Breasted LectureHall, Orientai Institute, 1155 East 58th Street. Admission free.PREACHERS AT ROCKEFELLER MEMORIAL CHAPELJanuary 16— Mildred H. McAfee, President of Wellesley College23— The Reverend Reinhold Niebuhr, Union Theological Seminary, New York30— The Reverend Douglas Horton, Minister of the General Council of Congre-gational and Christian Churches of AmericaFebruary 6— The Reverend Howard Thurman, Dean of the Chapel, Howard UniversityWashington, D.C.13— Dean Gilkey20— The Reverend Bernard I. Bell, Providence, Rhode Island27— The Reverend E. M. Poteat, Euclid Avenue Baptist Church, Cleveland, OhioMarch 5— The Reverend James Gordon Gilkey, South Congregational Church, Springfield, Massachusetts12— Dean Gilkey19— Charles Seymour, President of Yale UniversityTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONCHARLTON T. BECKEditor HOWARD W. MORT and BEATRICE J. WULFAssociate Editore SYLVESTER PETROAssista nt EditorTHIS MONTHCOVER OF THE YEAR: AmosAlonzo Stagg: To you, all-tìme, all-American coach, with an unparal-leled record of fifty years of activecoaching and of building characterthrough the stimulation of courageand the development of cooperation,we send this message of gratitude andgood will. We thank you for the bestyou have taught us on the footballfield and off, by what you have saidand by what you are: devoted to prin-ciple, active in accomplishment, keenand wise in the ways of your professione outstanding in sportsmanship andcharacter.These greetings sent to Coach Staggin December, 1939, by the Order ofthe C are four years more appropriate today. The sentiments have nowbeen endorsed by Americans the na-tion over who have proclaimed him"the coach of the year" and "the manof the year." The Old Man was inChicago the first week in Januarywheri he was the honored guest at anOrder of the C banquet; at a luncheon given by University officials at theQuadrangle Club; and at two Chicago basketball games. At the Quadrangle Club Coach Stagg was photo-graphed for our cover with PresidentHutchins and Lt. Comdr. T. NelsonMetcalf, director of athletics now onleave.IN THESE pages we have broughtyou President Hutchins on education, war, peace, and the post-warprogram. Now we bring you Presi- TABLE OF CONTENTSJANUARY, 1944PageThe Place of Theological Education in a UniversityRobert M. Hutchins 3A Philosopher in ItalyT. V. Smith 5The University' s New MusicalProgramCecil M. Smith 7Investigating Lake MichiganPhil E. Church 9One Man's OpinionWilliam V. Morgenstern 12News of the Quadrangle sHarry Barnard 14With Our Alumni in New YorkCity 17News of the Glasses 25dent Hutchins on theology, "queen ofthe sciences," an address delivered atthe inauguration of the FederatedTheological Faculty in October.ONE of the early Chicago radioprograms from Mitchell Towerwas titled, "A Philosopher in Hades,"written by and featuring T. V. Smith,Ph.D. '22, professor of philosophy.Little did T. V. suspect at that timethat in 1943, as a member of the staffof the Allied Control Commission inan advance command post, Hadeswould meet him on earth. In thetragic midst of war torn cities andhumanity, Chicago's philosopher inItaly took time to review the scenefor the editor and Chicago's family.Son Gayle, with the American FieldService, also in Italy, was recentlycited for bravery (see page 26).ABOUT a month ago our attentionwas attracted to a commotion inthe general direction of the musicdepartment. Something was happen ing that needed investigation. CecilSmith, member of the music facultyand executive secretary of the department, carne to the rescue and we feelsure you will share our enthusiasm forbis report. Until recently Cecil Smithwas also a music critic for the ChicagoTribune, which may partially explainthe engaging ease with which he tellsthe story.SOME Magazine readers won'tcare a hoot what temperaturesLake Michigan runs. But out of ob-scure research has frequently comenew benefits to mankind. Initialsteps laying the foundation for moreelaborate studies of one of the GreatLakes are reported by Phil Church,research associate in oceanographyand a member of the staff of the Uni-versity's Institute of Meteorology.THE New Year sees the birth of anew column in the Magazine :One Man's Opinion. The title is accurate to the last word. Any opinionsexpressed in this column similar tostatements Mr. Morgenstern mightmake as director of public relationsare purely coincidental.ACTING director of press relations, Harry Barnard, takes timeto review and editorialize on two recent addresses of President Hutchinsand his annual report on the state ofthe University (the full text of whichwas mailed to ali alumni) precedingthe news flashes.Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago mon thly, from October to June. Office of Publication, 5733 Universitv Avenue.Chicago. Annual ¦ubscription price 82.00. Single copiei 25 cents. Ente red as second class matter December 1, 1934. at the Post Office at Chicago,Ilhnoi«,# under the act of March 3, 1878. The Graduate Group, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the officiai advertising agency of theuniversity of Chicago Magazine.VOLUME XXXV! THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBER 4JANUARY, 1944THE PLACE OF THEOLOGICALEDUCATION IN A UNIVERSITYAt the apexof theUniversityWE MARK tonight the beginning of a great move-ment in education, the significance of which fartranscends our own time. Without sacrificingthe special interests of the denominations, the TheologicalFederation has broken down the last barriers that haveseparated the Schools. It sets the Schools free to worktogether on the common problems of Protestant theology.Our thanks are due to the officers, faculties, and trusteeswho have given us this example of disinterested devotionto the fundamental purposes of their institutions.Every university has the framework of a community.It has a common heating plant and president. It suffersin common at a common lunch in a common facultyclub. At Chicago the University Senate stands for theproposition that the University is one, at least to theextent that every member of the faculty of mature yearsfrom any part of the University can rise to complainabout any other part. Our architectural pian promotesthat cooperation for which we are famous. The divisionai organization and the interdivisional committeesare ali efforts in the same direction. The College, whichlays a common foundation for advanced study, is per-haps the most important of the University's attempts toachieve community, for it is concerned not so much withadministrative unification as with teaching a commonlanguage and a common stock of ideas.A community must have a common aim; and the aimof the academic community is the truth. Truth in thenaturai order is arrived at by reflection upon experience,that is, by thought. A university, therefore, is a placewhere people think. It follows that the criterion ofuniversity activity is intellectual. Instruction and researchare judged by their intellectual content and the intellectual effort they demand. • By ROBERT M. HUTCHINSThese standards and no others apply to professionaleducation. To the extent to which professional education is concerned with the truth, with thinking aboutimportant matters, to that extent it has a place in auniversity. To the extent that it is designed to teach thetricks of a trade, it is eccentric to the academic community. The anecdotal type of professional teachingwhich aims to give helpful hints to the practitioner seems,at first glance at least, to have nothing to do with thepurposes for which a university exists.If you ask how a professional school can serve theprofession if it disdains helpful hints, my answers are two.First, I should insist upon the paradox that the bestpractical education is the most theoretical one. Thetricks of a trade can be learned only in the trade. Neitherthe atmosphere nor the instructors in a school of anykind are suited to the task of teaching tricks. Thetricks can be learned, and usually with great rapidity,in the trade. The theory of the discipline, the under-standing of those principles which enable the studentto think for himself and to face new situations, can belearned only in school.Second, I should insist that any learned professionrequires for the maintenance of its professional aims andstandard centers of independent thought. Without suchcenters the professixm is bound to degenerate into a trade.The school that renounces its intellectual obligation andindulges in helpful hints on the theory that it is servingthe profession is not serving the profesion; it is betray-ing it.The result of the professionalization of professionalschools is therefore isolation from the rest of the university and disservice to the professions. And the narrowerthe object of the professional school, the more completethe isolation and the disservice. A law school that sets outto train young men to practice law anywhere in theUnited States would be constrained by the fact that thereare forty-nine jurisdictions in this country to communi-cate some general legai principles valid in them ali.A law school that proposed, as many of them have, to34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtrain men to practice in a single state could limit itselfto teaching the rules of that state and the methods ofmanipulating them at a profit. The object of the Federated Theological Faculty is to prepare men for theChristian ministry. By minimizing sectarian differencesand seeking those principles valid for ali Protestants, thefederation at one leap surmounts one of the greatestdangers of professionalism.The requirements of a learned profession are two. Itmust have an intellectual subject matter in its own right.The members must practice the profession for the common good and not for private gain. The ministry isthe learned profession par excellence. It has an intellectual subject matter of the most challenging impor-tance and complexity. Nobody has recently claimed thatministers become ministers to get rich. The task ofthe theological schools is to concentrate upon its intellectual subject matter.The special intellectual subject matter of the theological school is theology. And it is sacred, as distinguished from naturai, theology. The rules of theologicalstudy were laid down by St. Augustine. The first, he said,is to hold to the truth of Scripture without wavering.The second is that, since Scripture can be explained ina multiplicity of senses, a particular explanation shouldbe adhered to only conditionally, that is, it should beabandoned if it is with certainty proved to be false, lestScripture be exposed to the ridicule of unbelievers andobstacles be placed in the way of their believing.We learn from these rules that theological knowledgehas its roots in revelation, and we see that, without revela-tion, theology would not be distinguishable from othersciences and disciplines. But we learn, too, that theological knowledge grows and changes as much as ali therest of human knowledge. The Word of God is true.But, since it is the word of God, it is the most difficultof ali things for us to understand. Although it initself is always true, our interpretations of it are notnecessarily true. St. Augustine is warning us not toconfuse the truth of Scripture with the truth of our interpretations. He is telling us, moreover, that there mustbe some extrinsic measure of the truth of our interpretations.What is that measure? It is ali the rest of our knowledge. An interpretation of Scripture cannot be true ifit is inconsistent with anything which we kriow to betrue. As the substance and scope of human knowledgechanges and grows, the substance and scope of the theological knowledge changes and grows. The object of thefaith remains always the same. It is the revealed God.But the content of the faith takes on new and differentmeanings as our knowledge of the world, of man, and ofrevelation increases.It follows that the methods of ascertaining and test-ing the truth in theology are as rigorous as in ali theother disciplines. How can it be otherwise Theologyuses ali the other disciplines as the measures of its owntruths. But theology goes beyond ali the other disciplines. Revelation is not, as Averroes thought, a means which Godemployed to get in touch with men too ignorant andweak of mind to find Him out for themselves. Theologyexceeds ali other disciplines because God reveals what thewisest man does not know and can never learn — or atbest can see but dimly and remotely— God's being andman's destiny. If this were nót so, theology would addnothing to the rest of knowledge in the university. Naturai theology, which is a part of philosophy, wouldrepresent the ultimate boundary of our attempt to understand God and his works.The theologian pursues his studies, then, in the con-text of ali naturai knowledge. Everything which anyother part of the university knows is valuable to him.Without a university he is under the obligation to masterali the sciences himself. Since he cannot do this, he islikely to relapse into indifference to them and teach hissubject as though it were a complete and finished museumpiece. In this view, the closer the connection betweenthe theological school and the university, the better itwill be for the theological school.And the better it will be for the university. The theological school is not merely a symbol recalling the originai and half-forgotten purposes of the university. Theology is not merely the queen of the sciences because itinduces a certain humility in ali the other s by remindingthem of what they cannot know, and attempting, oftenvainly, to redeem them from the sin of pride. Theologyand the theological school are at the apex of the university and its studies because they seek to supply theanswers to the ultimate questions about the most funda-mental matters with which the university is concerned.Metaphysics and naturai theology deal with these questions, too. But intellectual history reveals nothing soclearly as their inadequacy for the task. The existenceand nature of God, the character and destiny of the human soul, and the salvation of man are problems whichremain obscure in the light of naturai reason. Theology,which adds faith to reason, illuminates them.Or consider human life without religion and historywithout providence. Though pagan ethics can be un-derstood, it cannot be practiced without external aid.We can see what Aristotle thought virtue was. It is difficult to believe that he thought many men could becomevirtuous. He insisted that man was an animai and atthe same time laid down a course of conduct for himwhich no animai, however rational, could pursue. AsReinhold Niebuhr pointed out in his Gifford Lectures,ali anthropocentric ethical doctrines fail at this point:they overlook the fallen nature of man and assume thatwithout grace he can reach a terrestrial end to which,almost by definition, no being with such a nature canever attain.So a perfect theory of democracy as the best formof government can be made out of the metaphysical andethical writings of Aristotle. But as he himself did not{Conclude d on page 11)A PHILOSOPHER IN ITALYDear Charhon Beck:Your friendly and touching letter of September 3leaves me aghast, that any editor would say to anychronic author: "The sky is the limit, so far as Iam concerned. Anything from, your pen will be pub-Hshed in tato." Discretion to the winds, caution cur-tailed, recklessness unloosed! Why, even I, liberal asI am to ali Perry' s and my authorsEthics," have never gone soniT. V.far as that. Yet perhaps youcounted on the counteracting effectof generosity itself — perhaps evenmore upon the moral effect thecensor would have on me? Inthese surmises you are not withoutground; and, ali in ali, invitationallicense and occupational therapymay conspire to a disciplined re-sultant. At any rate, if you wishto publish any or ali of the ob-servations hereinunder, you are atliberty to do so.The view one has of war (or forthat matter of Allied Militar y Government with which to almost nowl have been identified), like theview of ali things else, depends inlarge measure upon the point of view. Since a philosopher, by profession, is a sort of collector and cus-todian of points of view, he may be allowed more am-plitude than most in his views.The austerities of army life have always appealedlo me, even at my advanced age. To sleep eight menin a First World War freight cor that in its primeslept eight horses, and to sleep them, feed them (self-help), bathe them, and exercise them therein withonly blankets and the floor for three days and nightswhile travelling the enormous distance of 500 miles —this was an experience which I completely relished asone of the eight. Comforts you may have elsewhere,conveniences elsewhere; but such roughing of it oneseldom has save in war. And that goes, too, for thehardships which the young undergo where the realwar rages in advance of our work of mopping up thehuman and naturai derelicts of battle. Luxuries generate luxuries, softening up stamina the while, untilat last men for get that life has to do chiefly, and hap-piness altogether, with what men live BY, not whatthey live ON. We fathers of this war and our sonswho do the fighting are experiencing agàin what, alas,men strenuously refuse to learn save through task-masters inexorable. Perhaps I only fancy it, but Ithink I observe it, that when I run info University ofChicago men, which constantly I do, I fìnd it easier 19 November 1943to undercut griping and to outflank mere gossip andsit down to talk of things worth while even in wartime. It's a great compliment to the University,whether of fact or fancy.An American remarked to me yesterday, or did Ithink it up for myself, that happiness arises fromabolishing the social distancebetween desire and objects ofdesire. This abolishment maycome through multiplying goodsuntil they are enough to satisfy desire, or it may come through re-ducing desire to where only simpleobjects and few are required to satisfy it. The first method is frus-trated both by the desire of menfor more than objects and by thetrick that desire for objects playsupon the objects by growing fasterthan they can multiply. So themajor path to happiness is alongthe second, the Stoic route. It isonly through the learning of thislesson that men can bear up underconditions that are today ali butSMITH worldwide. War itself is badenough, to win it is fearful; but to add to the intrinsicdisvalue of war the penalties of losing a war, adds athing so fearful that apart from observation, reasonwonders how it can be borne. But one observes that,among even those who suffer defeat, life finds meaningin the humblest processes of eating (almost nothing),drinking (polluted water or wine stili worse), talking(about their own woes and hopelessness), speculating(on how far away the bomb dropped and wherethe next one will land), loving (someone equallyivretched), or /and procr eating (where quantity of lifehas foredoomed quality of life to the continuing dis-advantage which I am illustrating), and finally wor-shipping (a being which sees these beings desperateor an order which is interrupted by this disbrder dissolute). If this be not food for the philosophic mind,then let it starve in its plethora.But spoiled food for only the flatulent of pessimismi Not necessarily. For observe the children ofthese same lost souls, who find in the crawling antthe same intensely curious object it would be in apalace, and much more accessible to touch than inan endowed zoo. Unacquisitive childhood finds moreexciting acquisitions in rummaging through a bombedbuilding than the owner of the building found in itscomforts; for imagination is the most acquisitive ofali things but manufactures its objects as it searches56 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfor satisf action. An educator responsible for the redirection of education for a f alien foe cannot ignoresuch things.Nor can he fail to have fecund politicai thoughtswhere one system of education is put, militarily speak-ing, in control of another system. An Englishmanremarked to me yesterday in a certain province, ordid I think it up for myself while on tour, that heseldom had doubts as to whether he was doing thejust thing. He knew what justice is, he said; but hecould not but remark that his "subjects" had a dif-ferent conception of justice from his own. Gadfly asany subject of Socrates must be, I helped him throughquestioning to this final formulation: Anglo-Saxonsmean by justice chiefly impersonality, objectivity, dis-interestedness. But his "subjects" meant interested-ness, etc. It is not just to refuse a job to a friend, espe-cially if he be friend-wife, or friend-son, etc. A phi-losopher-soldier may moke easy simplicity of lives nothis own, indeed he must; but he need not, and indeedcannot, do it without observing and with some wist-fulness celebrating what he is doing. It is the un-examined life alone which is wholly unworthy of man.In North Africa, where I finished work preparatoryto present exciting responsibilities, I filled a leisuremoment (they are now few and far between) with aclumsy illustration of what I mean.Hear you not, O Man, through noisy ragsThe Arab heart beat humanly?Earthy with patience, suspect of hope,He tills the stones to reap but tares of poverty.On mountain road with shuffling feet unshod,Braves he the edge to let our cars whirl by, Seasoning sad thought the while with pungentpetrol.She too bows her back to upload jug or child,Tattooed of face and silent at the core.Who dares declare what these may think or feel?How know the patient who ourselves no patienceknow? —We who thump the earth with knowing thumb,find her ripe,Bid Science rip her heart, to float our joys onjuicelHow teli the Everlasting Yea to meagre men,Or touch their Ageless Nay with hope affirmative?Two lines converge but never run to meeting,Two vital streams lost each to each in alien guess.In passing, once, I marked a rift within the haze,And through the barest chink of smile,An Arab raised his hand, perchance to brush afly—While I, surprised, saluted!If any of my colleagues or friends ask of you whatI am doing, please assure them that I am happy thoughnot comfortable — doing what I have always been doing in Texas, at Chicago, at Springfield, in Washington: I am observing with sustained curiosity and deepwistfulness but not without steady and steadying hopethe high comedy and deep tragedy which human liferepresents in ali its forms collective. If I seem to beamused at the mixture, as I am, it is because I willto laugh rather than to weep. As the Russians have it,"Only he who amuses himself may laugh as he likes."Somewhere in Italy T. V. SmithLate in November thestaff of the Orientai Insti-tute held a departmental"convocation" ali its own,bestowing the ancientEgyptian title of "Life,Prosperity, and Health"on Harold H. Nelson, '01,Ph.D. '13, professor andfield director of the Insti-tute's Egyptian expedi-tion. This sincere convocation parody honoredHarold Nelson's sixty-fìfthbirthday. With the "de-gree" went a completesketching set providingthe tools for his hobbyupon retirement. In thispresentation picture are(from left to right): Richard A. Parker, Dr. Nelson,Henri Frankfort, A. T.Olmstead, and John A.Wilson.THE UNIVERSITY^ NEW MUSICALPROGRAM• By QECIL M. SMITH, '27|S|o comprehensivesin fugues oroverturesFOR several years the Department of Music at theUniversity of Chicago has taken rather too seri-ously the moral lesson embodied in the saga ofJenny, in Moss Hart's "Lady in the Dark." Jenny, youremember, slid into one pitfall after another because ofher dangerous habit of making up her mind. Amongother rash ventures, Jenny determined to set down hermemoirs, "So she wrote 'em and she published ali herloves and hates and had libel suits in f orty of the f orty-eight states." /By scrupulous avoidance of Jenny's decisive forms ofbehavior, it is possible to avoid getting into trouble. Butthat is about ali it is possible to accomplish without takinga few risks. In the Department of Music we have gottentired of cautious inaction, and have made up our collec-tive mind, we hope for better rather than for worse, totry to give the art of music the importance and promi-nence it deserves in a great University.A new development in music, far-reaching in its impli-cations, was initiated at the University in October. It isbased upon a simple principle: Every branch of music —academic and practical, curricular and extra-curricular —must be dealt with on the highest piane of excellence.In its scholastic work, both in the Division and in theCollege, the Department of Music must discover andmaintain methods of instruction wprthy of comparisonwith those employed in more traditional and more ex-perienced fields of learning. In its program of extra-curricular music for students, the best possible trainingmust be provided, and the broadest possible range ofopportunities for participation by players and singers ofali degrees of competence. And in order to acquaintstudents, faculty, and residents of the University neigh-borhood more fully with the living musical art, fine con-certs of new and old music must be presented regularlyand frequently.In overhauling our musical program, we began at theweakest spot — the student orchestra. In former years theUniversity Symphony Orchestra had been a catch-ali foreveryone who could scrape a bow or purse his lips atthe mouthpiece of a wind instrument. Considering thelack of exclusiveness in its personnel, the Orchestra wasremarkably successful; it gave rather acceptable publicconcerts from time to time, although its repertory was usually nothing to set the world on fire. But the funda-mental notion of including ali players, good and bad, ina single ensemble was a stupid one. The good playerswere held back from their best achievements, and the badones floundered around in a sea of technical difficulties.It does not matter how many Piatigorskys you have inthe 'cello section of an orchestra, if that section alsoincludes two or three tyros who play conspicuously outof tune.We therefore gave up the grandiose idea of maintain-ing a full sized symphony orchestra, and instead we setup three different orchestrai ensembles, on three gradatedlevels of skill and experience. At the top of the hierarchystands the University Chamber Orchestra, a select groupof about eighteen invited players capable of giving per-formances with something closely approximating professional authority. Next in order is the Campus Orchestra,with about thirty-five members now enrolled; its ranksare filled with fairly seasoned players who can find theirway about nicely in a Haydn symphony or a Gluck over-ture, but whose limitations of technique and numbersfortunately preclude any attempt to revive our formerhabit of competing with the Chicago Symphony in per-formances of pretentious works by Tschaikowsky and Si-belius. The rest of the student instrumentalists belongto the Preparatory Orchestra, which does not pretend toplay in public, and which devotes its rehearsals to thekind of basic training necessary to equip its young musi-cians for ultimate membership in the Campus Orchestra.Frequent auditions are held, so that any player can moveup into a more advanced group whenever he is actuallyready.Such an organization as this, which envisages the for-mation of fourth and fifth orchestras whenever circum-stances may warrant, obviously requires the most com-petent leadership if it is to succeed permanently. To giveauthenticity to the ^project, the University invited HansLange, conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra,to become director of instrumentai music. Since Mr.Lange now shares conducting duties at Orchestra Hallwith Désiré Defauw, he has ampie time to conduct rehearsals of the Chamber and Campus Orchestras and tooversee the proper functioning of the entire instrumentaiprogram. It is amazing to observe the increase in expert-ness and the general quickening of musical pulse whichhave resulted from the appointment of one of the world' sfirst-line conductors to this position. In a unique degreeMr. Lange possesses the outlook and the enthusiasm ofan educator. His scrupulous taste and his immense78 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEknowledge of musical literature and technique, combinedwith the entire absence of the prima-donna complex fromhis pyschological makeup, constitute qualifications whichenable us proudly to assert that no other college or university in America has ventured to place its extra-curricular music on so firm a footing.Mr. Lange has not been left to do his job alone. JohnWeicher, concertmaster of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and the finest violinist in the middle westernarea, has been appointed coach of the string section.Clarke Kessler, bassoonist of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, coaches the wind instruments, and brings to histask of conducting the Preparatory Orchestra the wealthof experience with the inexperienced which he has gainedin many summers at the; National Music Camp at Inter-lochen, Michigan, where he has done a good deal of thework attributed to the famous guest musicians who flitin and out of the camp. Désiré Defauw, newly appointedconductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, hasjoined the faculty as adviser in music; while he has noassigned duties at the University, his advice and associa-tion lend stature to the whole undertaking.With the hierarchy of instrumentai groups put inshape, the Department of Music was able to turn its at-tention to its promise of providing significant concertson the campus. Already national attention has been at-tracted by a series of four Composers Concerts, arrangedunder the direction of Remi Gassmann, who is both amember of the University music faculty and music criticof the Chicago Daily Times. These concerts bring themost notable composers of our day to the campus, toparticipate in programs devoted to their own works.Darius Milhaud, the leading French composer, was thefirst guest. The ingratiating qualities of his music didmuch to break down any preconceived antagonism theaudience may have had toward contemporary music, and to initiate the series of Composers Concerts in termswhich guarantee the success of the project. The threeremaining concerts are turned over to works of IgorStravinsky (January 21), Paul Hindemith (February15), and young American composers (Aprii 7). BothMr. Stravinsky and Mr. Hindemith are scheduled to givepublic lectures, so that the musical audience of the University will have opportunities to know them by bothwords and music.It might have been dangerous to let students and thegeneral public forni the impression that the Departmentof Music was preoccupied solely with contemporarymusic. A second concert series was therefore started onJanuary 14, devoted to classics of chamber music by suchunarguable composers as Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, and Brahms. Both the Composers Concerts andthe Chamber Concerts are offered at fabulously smallprices; if you buy a season ticket each concert costs onlya little more than fifty cents. We hoped that we couldsuccessfully compete with the movies in this way, andhappily we have found that we were right.In ali of these concerts the emphasis is upon the qual-ity of the performance, and not upon the magnitude ofthe resources employed. The University Chamber Orchestra appears in two of the programs and the CampusOrchestra in one; otherwise ali the performers are professional musicians of the highest standing. Above alielse, we keep insisting that music must be well played if itis to make its proper effect. When we found, for example,that the Stravinsky music would be too difficult for theChamber Orchestra, we engaged members of the ChicagoSymphony Orchestra rather than expose both the studentorchestra and the music to unfavorable criticism.These activities have not deflected the Department ofMusic from its basic task of academic education. Whenthe 1944-45 announcements appear, they will reveal acompletely revised curriculum, which is new in two significant respects. First, it is an entirely prescribed course,without electives, designed to transform the Master ofArts degree into a symbol of a basic musical educationwhich we believe to be necessary to ali professional musicians, whether they ultimately become performers, writ-ers, teachers, or composers. Thus the academic work ofthe department is in no sense vocational training, but itprovides the substantial groundwork upon which latervocational endeavors may securely rest. In the secondplace, the Department has determined that ali its studentsmust also be practical musicians, in the sense that theymust either have or gain the ability to make music insome form. We feel that musical study is wholly mean-ingful only when there is a healthy mutuai relationshipbetween the experience of music through performanceand the understanding of music through scholastic discipline.The greatest importance in this revision of the curriculum, perhaps, lies in the fact that the Department ofMusic is no longer afraid that it may become unacademic(Concluded on page 13)INVESTIGATING LAKE MICHIGANAn oceanographicstudy of animportant lakeTHE Great Lakes have been gratefully accepted,loudly praised, but little investigated. Notwith-standing their large responsibility for the drinkingwater of millions of human beings, for the strength oftheir industriai cities, and for their effect on the weather,no systematic investigation of the Lakes was undertakenuntil Professor C. G. Rossby, director of the Universityof Chicago's Institute of Meteorology, instituted a program of intensive work on Lake Michigan.Lake temperatures and the quantity of dissolved gases,because of their probable hearing on the work of theWeather Bureau, navigation authorities, municipal waterdepartments, and farmers, have been the primary concernof the Institute's researches. While everyone realizes thatthe Lakes "modify" the weather, that a correlation be-tween Lake temperature and the important fruit yieldsof western Michigan may exist, and that fish populationdensity may depend to an important degree upon thegaseous and thermal character of their habitat, stili theonly long and continuous observations hitherto have beenconcerned with Lake levels. Until the Institute of Meteorology had taken its quantitative analyses, therefore,the "correlations" could only be suspicions.Doubtlessly the heat content of the Lakes has a pro-found effect upon the amount of ice that forms and ac-cumulates during the late winter months. Again, heatcontent influences such weather elements as fog, condensa-tion and evaporation, rain and snow, cloudiness, windvelocities, and temperature differences on opposing shores.Fruit was scarce in 1943 in western Michigan, perhapsbecause, owing to the severe winter, Lake Michigan hadlittle heat carry-over from the preceding summer to re-lease to the air during the .winter «Jf 1942-43. Fishermensadly announced that smelt by the millions were dead inLittle Bay de Noe in March, 1943, and it was found thatthe temperature of Lake Michigan was 33° F. from topto bottom, colder by 4° than the previous year.Rough correlations are thus established, but the quantitative relationships, especially between heat content andthe weather elements, are stili largely unknown. Thework of the Institute in adapting the oceanographer'shighly developed techniques to the analysis of "shallow"waters is therefore stili largely before it, but a strong starthas been made.Oceanographers have worked out to a high degree of • By PHIL E. CHURCH, '23accuracy methods for computing the direction and velocityof horizontal currents resulting from density differences indeep water (at least 1,500 feet deep) ; further, they haveworked out the adjustment of horizontal motion to windvelocity and direction. Corresponding work for "shallow"water has not been seriously attacked as yet, and thethermal pattern, which is indicative of currents of theLake, suggests that the results of research on deep watercurrents cannot be applied unqualifiedly to the "shallow"water of the Lakes. Current patterns and adjustments tothe wind, therefore, need to be studied; results could thenbe applied as an aid toward solving the knotty problemof pollution.The Institute's first studies were concerned with laketemperatures, the first readings being taken from the deckof a railroad-car ferry in November, 1941. Temperaturewas the first element chosen for analysis because of itsimportance and the easy availability of an instrumentwhich could be used from a moving commercial vessel.Lake Michigan's features, course, and the magnitudeof the annual thermal cycle, from top to bottom, weredetermined on trips taken at about ten-day intervals, winter and summer, on the ferries. Most of the trips, whichstili continue, have been between Milwaukee and Muske-gon, but numerous others have been completed fromFrankfort, Michigan, to the west side of the lake. In thetwo years this program has been in operation more than120 crossings have been made, each crossing yielding in-The S. S. City of Milwaukee, the railroad car ferry churn-ing between Milwaukee and Muskegon, from whose deckshave been taken lake temperatures on more than eightycross-lake trips.910 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEf ormation on the horizontal as well as the vertical ( surf aceto bottom) temperature distribution.Temperature being only one of many physical charac-teristics of deep water lakes, however, a satisfactory trac-ing of both horizontal and vertical motion of the watercannot be accomplished by temperature analysis alone.It was necessary, therefore, to study some other propertyof the water along with temperature. Accordingly, it wasdecided to study the concentration of dissolved oxygen,for while ali atmospheric gases are slightly soluble in water, the concentration of dissolved oxygen can more easilybe determined than that of other gascs.Instruments for collecting samples of water at desireddepths from a stationary vessel have been standard ocean-ographic equipment for years, but none have been de-veloped which will operate satisfactorily from a movingvessel. Hence it was necessary to have a boat which couldbe stopped at will. In July, 1943, the Institute chartered a45-foot cruiser, the Dude Fisherman, which had previous-ly been used for "deep sea" trolling. A small chemicallaboratory was rigged up so that samples of water couldbe analyzed quickly on board. Up until mid-Oetober,when wind and seas became too much for the safe opera-tion of the Dude, ten crossings of the lake were completedand nearly two hundred samples of water were taken andanalyzed. During ali the cruises the vessel was greatlydignified by a sign which she bore on the panel outsidethe pilot house, "The University of Chicago, Instituteof Meteorology."While the greatest depth of Lake Michigan is only 924feet most "stations" where sampling occurred were notdeeper than 800 feet. Strictly speaking, this is "shallow"water; nevertheless, adherence to standard oceanographicprocedure was rigidly maintained. At each station* thevessel was hove-to and a bathythermograph lowered tothe bottom. This instrument produced on a smoked glassslide a continuous record in graph form of temperatureagainst depth. An immediate cxamination of this allowedone to determine from the vertical changes of temperature at what depths samples of water should be taken.Thcn water bottles were clamped on the cable at theproper intervals as it was lowered. When ali bottles wereat the desired levels, they were closed by a messenger — acylindrical weight which slides down the cable — and theretained samples of water were then hauled aboard. Im-mediately afterward the water was drawn off into sampling bottles and later titrated to determine the amountof dissolved oxygen. Samples from as many as nine dif-ferent levels have been taken at one station near the"deep hole," some 25 miles southwest of Frankfort.Autumn storms and the fragility of the Dude com-bined, however, to interrupt the continuity of the water-sampling program. The Dude was not to be trusted anylater in the season and was therefore retumed to its owner.' Two years of temperature data between Milwaukeeand Muskegon have brought to light a number of illumi-nating facts. Fortunately, observations were carriedthrough the winters of 1941-42 and 1942-43, for the lat- ter was bitterly cold, whereas the former was quite normal,There is now on record the response of the lake to thosetwo opposing winter seasons.Temperature data for Lake Michigan show that theannual cycle is split up into a number of phases, some ofwhich overlap. Strictly speaking, there are two mainperiods — one of cooling and one of warming. The lattercommences usually in the third or fourth week of Marchand continues until mid-August when the surface is warm-est. The cooling period then sets in and remains in forceuntil late March. Cooling occupies a full seven months,whereas warming consumes a bare five months.There are three phases to the warming period, one a"hangover" from the cooling period and another con-tinuing on into the cooling period late in summer. Thefirst phase, lasting until May or June, is the one duringwhich the lake has the same temperature from top tobottom. For the six to seven months that the lake isvertically isothermal, vertical currents and stirring cause"turning over" of the various layers with a consequent re-plenishment of dissolved gases in the bottom layers. Thisturning over of the lake allows no areas to stagnate atthe bottom of the lake proper. Warming begins in lateMarch when the temperature of the lake may be any-where between 32° and 37°.Two to three months of sunshine and air, warmer thanthe lake are required to increase the temperature of thelake from its coldest in late March to about 40°. Thesecond phase, spring warming, starts when the wholethickness of the lake has reached a temperature slightlyhigher than 39.2° which is the temperature at whichwater is densest or occupies the least space. After thewhole lake is about 40°, absorption of heat makes thesurface water warm and light enough to resist downwardstirring, and a rapid increase of temperature occurs. Almost ali of the absorbed heat remains in the upper thirtyfeet. By mid-July the surface is between 68° and 72°"Snowballs" floating only a few inches above the surfaceof the lake are frequently four feet through and actuallypart snow and ice.THE UNIVERSITY OFwhich brings to a dose the second phase. Though the lakecontinues to gain slowly in heat content until about mid-August, the surface does not get mudi warmer than themid-July temperature because the warm surface layerincreases in depth; hence we may consider that the springwarming period ends and a summer stationary phasebegins.The summer stationary period, from mid-July to mid-September, is the third phase. When its thermal pattern iswell developed, the summer phase reveals slightly warmerwater in a narrow belt on the east side of the lake, and thelayer of warm surface water is deepest there, also. Thedensity distribution is such that there must be a slowcurrent toward the north on the east side and a compen-sating return current southbound on the west side.Cooling starts slowly in August, and for the firstthree weeks in September continues with but small lossof heat to the air. In late September, autumnal stormswith strong winds and cold air accelerate the heat lossfrom the lake. The heat from the water is transmitted tothe air, lost by radiation to the sky, and consumed byevaporating moisture into the air. The surface temperature drops rapidly ali through the months of Octoberand November. Wind stirring penetrates more deeplywith each storm, until finally about the first week ofDecember the lake becomes stirred to the bottom, andagain there is a Constant temperature vertically. Whenthis condition is attained the lake is in neutral equilib-rium and the "turning over" by stirring and verticalcurrents of the lake begins. This phase started on PearlHarbor Day in 1941, was in full progress by December9 in 1942, but in 1943 occurred prior to November 20.Winter conditions of the lake were thus reached threeweeks earlier this year than on the two previous seasons.It is quite possible that this early winter condition willhave some impressive repercussions on winter weather,dose to and down-wind from the lake, on amount of ice CHICAGO MAGAZINE 11this winter, and therefore on opening date of navigationand the amount of fog next spring, which in turn mayreact on the amount of heat absorbed by the lake nextsummer. The early winter condition of the lake this yearcan be defìnitely linked to the extreme amount of coolinga year ago, for the lake has not recovered as yet from thesevere winter of 1942-43.By far the greatest activity occurs in the autumn, winter,and spring, especially in the replenishment and refresh-ment of dissolved gasses at ali depths. The winds arestrongest at these times, moreover, and the response ofcurrents is greatest and most clean-cut. Also, it is theperiod of ice formation and movement, of winter steamfog and fogs in spring, of minimum plant and animai life.It is a time when oceanographers long to be doing "fieldwork," but is a dangerous time to be on the lake in asmall boat like the Dude. So, except for that temperaturedata which can be collected from the moving car ferries,over which a University scientist has no control as tocourse or speed, only speculative inferences can be ad-vanced as to other effects. At least for the present therecords of these various important elements must remainblank for the most exciting period of the year.THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION(Continued from page 4)have the fortitude to follow his premises to his conclu-sions and admit ali men to participation in their owngovernment, so it is improbable that the practice of de-mocracy now or in the future can be achieved merely bythe demonstration of its reasonableness. Men, simply because they are men, are unlikely to find within themselvesthe power that can bring the good life and the good stateto pass.The good life and the good state — we have today thetwo things which were to give them to us, productionand education. We have incredible production and educational opportunities of which our ancestors neverdreamed; but the good life and the good state seemfarther off than ever. Production has increased poverty,and education has increased ignorance. One reason forthis may be that the education upon which we have reliedfor salvation is off-center. It is not merely anthropocen-tric; it centers upon those aspects of human life leastlikely to elevate and ennoble the human spirit. Theologyhas been displaced as the queen of the sciences. Evenin the theological schools it has been crowded out byimitation disciplines designed to make the minister "suc-cessful" in accordance with the standards of a material-istic society.The changes in administration and organizationwhich we celebrate tonight are in one sense negative.They remove barriers and obstacles to co-operative effort.But he who taketh weights from the motions is the sameas he who addeth wings. The Theological Federationadds wings to the theological faculties at a time when theinspiration of their labors is the most urgent need of theircolleagues, their fellow-citizens, and the world.ONE MAN'S OPINIONBy WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, J.D. '22NOTHING the University has done since the earlydays of William Rainey Harper has generated theinternai velocity and enthusiasm of the Collegewhich the eminent metaphysician, Robert M. Hutchins,dreamed up and painfully persuaded the Senate to per-mit. The paradox of the College, which ought to sufferfrom the fact that it straddles the traditional high schooland the college, is that it has created the most activespirit of unity and the closest relationship between facultyand students that has ever existed in the University' s experience with undergraduate education. The studentsand the teachers alike believe in what they are doing,they are interested in doing it well, and they are out toconvince the rest of the world that theirs is the exampleto follow. Many of the parents of these students like-wise are crusaders for the College, for their observationof their off spring and their contact with the advisers andinstructors has convinced them they have chosen wisely.This attitude in and toward the College is impressive andcontagious; it is the biggest asset this new institution has.The College as it now exists is a year old. It had beentried out experimentally since 1937 with the junior andsenior classes of University High School as the subjects,plus a few venturesome outsiders brought in from Chicagopublic secondary schools on a scholarship basis. But untilearly 1942 the College was not committed to a four-yearpian of liberal education beginning with the junior highschool year, and with the bachelor's degree given inrecognition of such education. Naturally enough, therest of the educational system did not shift with thereorganization of the College; instead, it was startledinto a series of anguished screams and angry denuncia-tions. To get students for the first two years the Collegehad to buck tradition, inertia, and just plain ignoranceof the fact that it even existed. It had to combat, andstili does, the attitude of some high school principals thatthey were not going to stand idly by and watch theirmost enterprising students take off two years earlier thanconvention said they should.The College, however, now has about 300 students inits first two years, and a fifth of these are from seventeenstates outside Illinois. Of the thousand students in thethird and fourth years of the College, 150 have come upthrough the entire program and 850 are high school grad-uates, who come in for the last two years of the College.This group is the largest now, and will be until that time—which may not be as far away as it first seemed — whenthe existence of the College and the merits of its education make a bigger breach in the present organization ofthe educational system.A parent who sends his child into the beginning years of such an institution as the College, which is so corri-pletely different from the accepted order, must have amore open mind than the ordinary. But he also mustbe convinced that there is merit in what the College isdoing, and just as important, that his boy or girl will bewell protected in a big city far from home. And by andlarge, the son or daughter must be the type of youngsterwho is adaptable enough to want to make a change twoyears earlier than he planned, and to leave behind himthe comfortable security of the home high school in whichhis reputation is already made and his activities honorsare beginning to accumulate. The result is that the College has a self-selected group from intelligent familiesthat have a realistic sense of values. Many of the 300students of the first two years are sons of doctors andlawyers, whose families recognize the importance of asound education and the need to save time in the longprocess of preparing for a profession. The naturai processof self-selection means a student body with consideraleinitiative, confidence, and intelligence. They are the kindof students who make things buzz, in and out of a class^room.On its side the College is now organized to do, withoutinterference from the rest of the University, the job it hasset up for itself. It has its own faculty, and it has complete control over its own curriculum. Its faculty ischosen for its ability in teaching, for teaching — not research — is its job. Recognition in the College comessolely for contributions toward the improvement of thecurriculum and for ability to teach. And because theCollege is concerned only with its segment of the studentbody of the University, it can direct itself to the welfareof that one group, which has special and unique needs,particularly in the first two years.From the standpoint of giving a real education, theCollege is operating in a way no other institution isequipped to do. The present program of educationbegan in 1930, when the Chicago Pian was formulated,and there have been twelve years of improvement sincebecause of exhaustive and unremitting study and effort.The aim of the College is to develop in students the ability to think for themselves. It is a difficult objective,which cannot be achieved by perfunctory effort. TheCollege has developed the technique to do this difficultprocess. The problem of getting the right faculty hasbeen complicated by the shortages caused by the war,and the faculty is not ali that it will be when teachersnow at war return to education. But as a whole it isa remarkably good group, which believes in the Collegeand the purpose to which it is committed. It is a facultywhich works far longer than the 48-hour week the War12THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13CLARENCE H. FAUST, A.M. '29, Ph.D. "35Dean of the CollegeManpower Commission has ordered for Chicago. Someof it has been educa ted in the University; some of ithas reeducated itself, and some has been selected fromother institutions because of ability and belief that theCollege is the answer to undergraduate education. Be-hind the faculty are the technicians of the Board otExaminations, who have furnished remarkably precisemeans of measuring the capabilities of the students andtheir accomplishment in terms of what the College istrying to do.What is also of great importance is the fact that theCollege has set up a personnel organization that is likenothing the University, especially in the good old days,has ever known. The advisers really advise, and theyget the dose cooperation of the instructors and the headsof the residence halls in this vital activity. The advisersstart out with the results of twelve hours of aptitude andplacement tests, plus the revealing history contained inthe application for admission, and before they even seea student to register him for his first courses, they knowmore about his intellectual equipment than the mostdevoted and intelligent parent does from fifteen years orso of family association. From then on, the adviserknows what the student is doing and why, particularlyif he should start doing badly. The adviser has a lotof special services at his command; for example, if astudent can't read, he sends him to the Reading Clinic.For those whose training is deficient in one way oranother, special instruction is available on the adviser'srecommendation. The College, in this and many otherways, provides for highly individualized education.The residence halls are another big part of the educational organization, again in the first two years particularly. The halls, for the war period when new ones cannot be built, are renovated and refurnished fraternity houses, in which twenty to twenty-five students live witha faculty head who has a light enough teaching load topermit spending plenty of time with his charges. Therules for the houses are made by the students and en-forced by them; they are more stringent than the College would have imposed if it had kept ali authority toitself. The students in the first two years have to bein at 10 o'clock every week night; at the Psi U house,in which the women live, a maid is at the door to checkthem in. At the Alpha Delta Phi and Beta houses, nowknown as College House and University House, the headand his assistants are aware who is violating the curfewhour. These houses are centers of ali kinds of activity,including informai music appreciation groups, intramuralteams, and social service. They have a fund, taken fromtheir fees, enabling them to go in groups to the opera,the orchestra, and the theater, as well as to provide housedances and parties. They take a lively and mature interest in the affairs of the world. Some of the boys in University and College houses, concerned about what thepost-war world in which they will live is to be, recentlytook charge of a meeting featuring Orson Welles on "TheFree World." They had a keener eye for a good attrac-tion than is often the case in University lectures, but theytook no chances. The word got around, far beyond theconfines of the Quadrangles, that Mr. Welles was to beaccompanied by Miss Rita Hayworth, his wife. Fore-warned by a flood of telephone requests for tickets, theUniversity mobilized a squad of Hyde Park police andthe Navy's University Shore Patrol to handle an overflowof several thousand disappointed latecomers. The pro-moters were forehanded; they were inside early. Youget the notion, listening to and watching these Collegeboys and girls, that they usually will be there first.UNIVERSITY'S MUSICAL PROGRAM(Continued from page 8)if it espouses musical practice as well as musical theory,history, and criticism. One unyielding distinction willalways be made, however: no form of academic credit,or whatever equivalent term you care to use, will beawarded for the development of individuai talents inplaying, singing, or composition. There will be no com-prehensive examinations in clarinet playing and no mas-ters' theses consisting of fugues or overtures for fullorchestra.But playing and singing and composition are exceed-ingly meritorious fields of endeavor, and we are eager togrant them full stature. As long as we distinguish clearlybetween the academic and the practical, it cannot beotherwise than fruitful to provide at the University alithe first-class training we possibly can in the practicalfields. For we hope to make the University a placewhere ali that is good and valuable in music is taughtand encouraged to an extent we have never dreamed ofbefore.NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES• By HARRY BARNARD, '28IT IS no secret that there stili goes on, in and aroundthe Quadrangles, the discussion (and sometimes contro versy) about what is or should be a basic educationfor a citizen of a demoeratic state. This is, of course, inline with the Chicago tradition.That this has been the Chicago tradition is due to thefact that the University carne into being because itsfounders, including Mr. Harper, conceived, not just another educational institution, nor even just a broader-based Baptist educational institution, but rather a centerof learning (or what Mr. Hutchins has called "a community of scholars") that could be quite evangelical inits devotion to educational effectiveness and to the en-thronement of scholarship above everything else.Obviously, if an educational institution is establishedunashamedly and forthrightly upon such ideals, with theadditional vital fact that there is deliberate intent to ef-fectuate those ideals, such an institution is bound to be acenter of controversy as to the purposes and content ofeducation. Here, more than elsewhere, is to be found theChicago tradition. Indeed, one is inclined to the view thatwhile it may not follow that Chicago will cease to beChicago if its basketball team should suddenly throw offan apparently habitual disposition toward valiantly losinggames, or even if football should be restored in a Big Ténway, it may follow that Chicago would cease to be Chicago if it lost this tradition of healthy and provocativecontroversy over the purpose of a center of higher learning.# # # #This reporter begs leave to report that no discernibledanger of such a loss appears on the horizon. The University of Chicago is stili the University of Chicago, boldbut not reckless, progressive but not unrooted nor up-rooted, possessed with the future but not unpossessed ofthe past, respectf ul but unsubservient, spiritual but notunreal nor without ballast. In large part, Chicago remainsChicago because Mr. Hutchins, with energy that wouldseem to belie his often-claimed indisposition to physicalactivity, remains indefatigable (perhaps also it should besaid unchastened) in his zeal for standing by his guns, alsofor firing them, with regard to his views on education. Agood many people and agencies, friends as well as foes,would like Mr. Hutchins to be silent, or at least moresilent. But Mr. Hutchins is not silent, which is also inline with the Chicago tradition of its presidents. Assuredlynone who remembers Mr. Harper ever recalled that hishandsome, full countenance was ever marred by any in-vention of his contemporary, Mr. Maxim, to producesilence.Within the span of eight recent weeks (as of this writ-ing) Mr. Hutchins has authored at least three separatedeclarati@ns which are more than newsworthy, not only for this report on the Quadrangles, but for the educationalworld at large. At least two of these compositions, thesermon preached in Rockefeller Memorial Chapel on Sun-day, December 12, to the candidates for degrees conferredat the 215th Convocation, and his annual report, TheState of the University, have been transported, clipperwise,by the British Press Service to London, England, for thepurposes of the British press. It is worth noting in thisconnection that in England, despite or perhaps because ofbombings, serious discussion about education after themanner of Mr. Hutchins, is front page news, subordinateonly to speculation about the Second Front. Doubtlessthis is because the English, before and to an even greaterextent after the reformation achieved by Dr. Arnold, trulybelieve that there is more than mere diverting occupationto discussion of the relationship between a scheme of education and the furtherance of a civilization. Englishmenmay be beginning to have doubts about the validity of theOld Tie, but they show little signs of losing faith in education being at least as important as mutton chops forboth cementing and leavening a decent society, an ideathat is also Mr. Hutchins'.* * * * 'In Mr. Hutchins' sermon, in his State of the University(which most readers of the Magazine ought to have re-ceived by now), and in his third declaration, an addresson the place of theological education in a university (car-ried in full in this issue), this reporter finds a rather complete presentation of Mr. Hutchins' educational views,when the three documents are considered in combination.In his address on the place of theological education ina university, he discussed anew his belief of what a university should be and he also restated his highly contro-versial concept of the proper role of a professional schoolin a university, which is to say that he argued that a university, which is to say that he argued that a university is a place where people think and that a professional school, in a university, should be concerned withteaching not tricks of a trade but fundamental principlesconcerned with truth.In his Chapel sermon to the candidates for degrees,Mr. Hutchins defined what, in his view, liberal education is. He prefaced his remarks with the statement:"The task of freeing men from the chains that bind eventhose who are politically free is the task of education. Theeducation designed to free them is liberal education."Significantly, too, he entered upon his definition of aliberal education by quoting a distinguished scientist, Mr.Julian Huxley, who obviously is not a votary of what Mr.Hutchins has called "scientism." Mr. Huxley said: "Truehuman progress consists in increase of aesthetic, intellectual, and spiritual experience and satisfaction."Mr. Hutchins went on :14THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 15Liberal education . . . is education appropriate toman [as distinguished from other animals]. It is education which holds before the rising generation thehabitual vision of greatness. It is education concernednot with relative ends and immediate adaptation ofthe individuai to existing surroundings, but withvalues independent of time or particular environment,though realizable under changing forms in both.The liberal curriculum, therefore, will emphasizespeech, conceptual thought, the capacity for tradition,and aqsthetic, intellectual, and spiritual experienceand satisfaction. It will train the students in the artsof communication and give them a common stock ofideas and ideals. It will offer them models of greatness. It will attempt to help them learn to think, andto think about the most important questions, theaims and possibilities of human life and of organizedsociety.# # # *In his State of the University, Mr. Hutchins relates hisviews to the future of education in America as that futuremay be shaped by the effect of the war, in particular withregard to the kind of education the colleges and ùniver-sities will have the opportunity to give and also with theregard to the effect of the war on such academic customsas credits and degrees.He is not at ali melancholic. He points out that enor-mous numbers of persons are likely to flock to the univer-sities at the war's end, including many who in ali probabil-ity will come at government expense. This, he holds, maybe a windfall of opportunity for universities to achievereform without the fancied or real danger of pecuniaryloss that is thought to accompany reform. He writes :A university should insist, or at least this universityshould insist, that its job is not quick, short coursesto turn machine-gunners into ribbon clerks, but education and research. The numbers of students immedia tely after the war will be so great that the collegesand universities should for a time be able to determine their programs without regard to their superfi-cial attractiveness to the prospective buyer. Thepurpose of colleges and universities is not to trainpeople for specific jobs but to act as beacons to thecommunity, illuminating the lives of our people. Iftraining for specific jobs must be carried on in insti-tutions, then separate institutions should be createdfor the purpose. The attempt to do this work incolleges and universities, which are not prepared todo it well, means that the work is badly done and thecolleges and universities are more confused than ever.On the matter of credits in the academic system, Mr.Hutchins wrote:After the war the sense of obligation to returningveterans should help the colleges and universities tobreak down and throw away the elaborate apparatusof academic bookkeeping in which they and theirstudents have for many years been entangled . . . The number of months or years that a man has been aninmate of an educational institution sheds very littlelight on his education. The system of academic bookkeeping has tended to sink ali the important questions, which are qualitative, in the quantitativeinformation that the student has had a certain number of courses over a certain period of time. Admis-sion to and progress through the educational systemhas been almost entirely determined by such consid-erations. Under these circumstances many men andwomen have been deprived of educational opportuni-ties, for they did not have the time and money toinvest in this process. Or if they had the chance togo to college they did not get an education becausethey did not know how to put the courses togetherso that they would add up to an education . . .The veteran who [through the A. S. T. P., etc]already has received some academic training will haveto be admitted on the basis of general tests. Therewill be no other way of admitting him. It remains tobe seen whether the colleges will then have the cour-age to see to it that his progress through and gradu-ation from the institution are determined in the sameway.* * * *The State of the University contains discussion of agood many other subjects, such as the University's newpolicy with regard to patents, the status of the pursuitof scientific knowledge as affected by the war, the likeli-hood of the University's gaining proper financial supportin view of what is happening to concentrations of capital,but in this observer's view the items in the report whichare of transcendental importance for the world ahead arethose which concern educational philosophy.A university can get along without buildings and even,as universities have been doing in China for years, withoutmuch money, but it cannot get along without ideas, norwithout ideals. If one accepts this thesis, one then under-stands why the discussion and controversy at Chicago (alsoelsewhere) over Mr. Hutchins' views on education,whether or not they are personal to him or part of thepolicy of the University, are a healthy sign of the essentialvitality of the University.Quadrangle Round Table. — The.week that markedthe forty-first straight loss by the varsity basketball teamwas also marked by the announcement that Mr. FrancisElmer McMahon, lately associate professor of philosophyat the University of Notre Dame, has been appointed associate professor of philosophy in the College of the University . . . Erpi Classroom Films, Inc., producers ofeducational films most widely used in educational centers,is now associated with the University, through its acquisi-tion, as announced by Vice- President William Benton, byEncyclopedia Britannica, Inc., which in turn is affiliatedwith the University . . . Mrs. Aaron J. Brumbaugh, wifeof the dean of students, was among those who receivedthe master's degree at the 215th Convocation . . . The16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Harriet Monroe poetry corner — 2350 volumes, mostof which are first editions — now part of the RareBoolc Room in the west tower of Harper Memorial Libraryfourteenth course of the Institute of Military Studies,established at the University before Pearl Harbor for pro-viding military instruction for civilians, is now in beingunder the acting directorship of Mr. Maclean, dean ofstudents in the College . . . The annual report of theChicago Lying-in Hospital, which is one of the University clinics, revealed that 3,813 babies were born on thecampus of the University in the year 1942-43. Said Dr.Bachmeyer, director of the Clinics: "The year was anextraordinary one." . . . Among interesting items in theremodelled Rare Book Room in the west tower of HarperMemorial Library are the following: Boccacio's Genealogia Deorum, the red Armenian Gospels, Roger of Wal-tham's Compendium Morale, and an illuminated manu-script of The Canterbury Tales . . . Rollin D. Hemens,heretofore manager of the University of Chicago Press,remains with the Press under the reorganization but withthe new title of assistant director. Along with the title ofmanager, that of editor is abolished. The changes wentinto effect January 1, when Mr. Brandt became director.Music-lovers fìlled Mandel Hall for the concert byDarius Milhaud of works by Darius Milhaud. MissClaudia Cassidy's observations about Milhaud, the man,are worth reproducing as a souvenir of what most musicallovers called a delightful evening: "If Buddha had beenborn a Frenchman with a thatch of black hair, he mighthave resembled Darius Milhaud. At least he shares withthe plump composer the qualities of globular architecture,contemplative mien, and the general effect of being hap-pier when not in motion." In the playing of his famousScaramouche, Mr. Milhaud had as his partner on the other piano Mr. Remi Gassmann, instructor in the Department of Music . . .Quote from Mr. Leon Henderson on the University ofChicago Round Table : "Planning for unemployment cannot be long postponed, for one day war production willbe over and we will then face getting new jobs for millionsof workers." . . .More Tablets. — The Ida Noyes Council was respon-sible for the stuffing of 1,000 stockings with gifts for servicemen in the Chicago hospitals for the Christmas celebra-tion . . . The Christmas pageant in Rockefeller Memo-rial Chapel was witnessed this year by a record-breakingthrong, Dean Charles W. Gilkey has reported . . .Quote from Clarence H. Faust, dean of the College:"Our efficiency in education for war may reveal to usour inadequacies of peacetime education." Quote fromAvery O. Craven, professor of American history: "TheSouth is getting tired of being treated as a colonial de-pendency of the North. The South is getting tired ofbeing poor." . . .A vocal choir of the University of Chicago, directedby Professor Davis Edwards, was selected by the NationalBroadcasting System to participate in a special, nation-wide broadcast on New Year's Day in observance ofPresident Roosevelt's cali for a day of prayer . . . OnDecember 27 it was announced that the National Restaurant Association had selected the University of Chicagoto carry out a cooperative project in research and education of pertinence to the restaurant industry, whichnow feeds 30,000,000 persons daily in America. Theproject entails an initial gift to the University that mayapproximate $100,000 and is to be administered by Professor George H. Brown of the School of Business anddirector of the Business Problems Bureau. Said Mr. Hutchins: "It is gratifying to note that in the negotiation ofthis program the representatives of the National Restaurant Association clearly indicated their belief in the im-portance of general education and thorough preparationin the basic principles underlying professional businesseducation as a background for specialization. It is alsogratifying to note that they are fully aware of the im-portance of fundamental research in foods as a prerequisite for effective and long term improvement in theirbusiness." . . .The degrees at Convocation were conferred by Mr.Filbey, the Vice-President . . . Quote from Dr. TrumanSquire Potter, reporting on experiments with a new vaccine against tuberculosis : "Parasitic asphyxia is a flexibleand virtually untried principle for use in immunology.It appears promising for study in human-type as wellas in avian-type tuberculosis." . . . Dr. Harlow Shapleyof Harvard delivered the presidential address of the forty-fourth annual convention of Sigma Xi in Mandel Hall onDecember 3.To Watch For. — The final volume of the Dictionaryof American English, edited by Sir William Craigie andProfessor Hulbert. Also an article in a globularly dis-tributed magazine on the College of the University.With Our Alumni in New York CityNow that cab and truck drivers are unhindered by civilian cars, New Yorkers are dividedinto just two categories: the quick and the dead. In this city we have 1200 quick alumni,nearly one hundred of whom were interviewed for the following news notes.Henry J. Bruere, '01, is presidentof the Bowery Savings Bank. Mrs.Bruere was formerly Jane Munroe,'03. The four other members of thefamily are scattered down and acrossthe globe. Richard, on leave fromthe University's Latin department, isa lieutenant, j.g., in the Mediter-ranean area; Honora, wife of a Gana-dian army captain, is on the Londonstaff of OWI; Alison is the wife of thevice consul at Barranquilla, Colombia;and Geoffrey is a first lieutenant inthe Air Corps. Mr. Bruere's warcontributions have included member-ship on the state war bond committeeand the budget committee of the National War Fund, and white oakNtim-bers for the Navy from his wooded107-acre farm in northern Westches-ter County.On the fìftieth floor of the CityBank Farmers Trust Building, over-looking New York's fascinating har-bor, are the offices of Eugene H. B.Watson, '02. In addition to hisvaried business interests, he is alsoan executor and trustee of the estateof Edgar Palmer. The late EdgarPalmer, who was Mr. Watson' s broth-er-in-law, was a graduate of Princeton University and donor of the Palmer Memorial Stadium there. PalmerSquare, across from the Princetoncampus, was named by the boroughcouncil in Mr. Palmer's honor. In1940, Eugene Watson compiled andpublished a guide book to the townof Princeton and the University en-titled "Historic Princeton." In ap-preciation the Princeton Class of '02elected Mr. Watson an honorarymember. Mr. Watson lives in Rye,New York, where he was recentlyelected a member of the city council.Mrs. Frank A. Vanderlip (NarcissaCox, '03) has been president of theNew York Infirmary for Women andGhildren since 1928. Mr. Vanderlipwas a reporter on the Chicago Tribune when the University opened in1892 and was one of the first studentsto register for special courses. Later,as Assistant Secretary of the Treas-ury, he organized and conducted thefirst popular distribution of war bonds^during the Spanish American War.Again during the first world war he was chairman of the war savingscommittee. Mr. Vanderlip died in1937. In recognition of these servicesthe "father of war bond loans" washonored on November 13 when theLiberty ship, the SS Frank A. Vanderlip, was launched at Baltimorewith Mrs. Vanderlip as sponsor.There are six Vanderlip children:Narcissa is Mrs. Julian Street, Jr.,who manages the blood bank at Scar-borough while her husband works onthe bond campaigns for the TreasuryDepartment; Charlotte is now Mrs.Vanderlip Conway and is finishing atBarnard the work she started at Chicago for a degree; Frank, Jr., is amajor in the African area; Virginia ismarried to Dudley Shoales, a lieutenant in the Navy; Calvin is director of national housing for SouthernCalifornia and Arizona; and John,who also attended Chicago, is oper-ating his own defense factory inScarborough.The news in the Hatfield family(William H. Hatfield, Jr., '04) is that-- "^rlfc1^- onry son5 Hurd, has^^r^l f'arrived" in Holly-til/TAgUi J the title role in¦SkJBr^ M.G.M.'s productionNT» of Oscar Wilde's "The** ^™ Picture of Dori anGray." Dad, who took one year oflaw at Chicago before finishing atHarvard, has conducted a generalpractice in New York since 1910, in-terrupted by a term as deputy assistant district attorney of New YorkCounty and as deputy attorney general.Merle Marine, '04, taught in theLaGrange high school and in Milwaukee before moving to New Yorkin 1916 to become a member of theEnglish staff of DeWitt Clinton highschool. Miss Marine retired fiveyears ago. Included in her presentnumerous activities is membership inthe League of Women Voters.Frances Taussig, '04, has been theexecutive director of the Jewish Social Service Association of New Yorksince 1919. She is a former president of the American Association ofSocial Workers and vice-president ofthe Family Welfare Association ofAmerica.Paper manufacturing has been the business of Charles R. McMillen,'04, since 1907. Formerly vice-president of the St. Regis Paper Company,Mr. McMillen is now president ofthe Chesapeake-Camp Corporation.His golf game was good enough lastsummer to win the senior amateurchampionship of New Jersey. Hisdaughter, Janet, is married and hisson, James, is a captain in the Army.Waldo C. Walker, '04, has beeneverything on the New York Timesstaff from reporter to promoter during the twenty years he has been withAmerica's number one daily. He isat present manager of the New YorkTimes Hall — civic center for concerts,recitals, and lectures owned and op-erated by the Times.Ernest E. Quantrell, '05, who hasan office on Broad Street, has ar-ranged for the collection of Currierand Ives prints which he lent to theReynolds Club before the war to behung in the fraternity houses nowused as University residence hallsuntil the Army meteorology depart-ment turns back the Reynolds Clubto the University. In addition tobeing a member of the University'sBoard of Trustees, Mr. Quantrell isalso on the boards of Atlanta University, Morehouse College, SpelmanCollege, the Choate School, Bronx-ville Public Library (president), andGrand Central Art Galleries ( secretary- treasurer) . Until recently hewas also a member of the War Production Board. Last September Mr.and Mrs. Quantrell celebrated theirthirty-fifth wedding anniversary. Shewas Lulu Morton, '06.William C. Cuppy, '07, AM '14,who was so busy during his under-graduate days reporting campus activities to the Loop dailies, remainedon the Quadrangles after receivinghis PhB "to get an education." Sincethen he has gone his merry, singleway acquiring a reputation as awriter and humorist. In addition tofrequent contributions to nationalmagazines, Will does the weekly re-views of mystery stories for the NewYork Herald Tribune. At odd mo-ments he is writing a humorous collection of biographies beginning withpyramid builder, Cheops, which heexpects to cali "The Decline and Fallof Everything."1718 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETwo members of the World Telegrafi! staff were writing their columns¦^gMgapm from sick beds whenm ^^C^sX ~~we were in New York7 T^^a early in November:( (£' ^ vk hterary editor Harry? /l%V Thè ^' ^ansen' 9®9> w^tn\/\ 'wyJdr laryngitis and dramat-V i (\\^1 -c crjtic Burton Ras-eoe, '15, with a serious cold.After leaving the Midway SusanSexton, '10, entered newspaper work,wrote syndicated features for Para-mount and Pathe news, was on Herbert Hoover's publicity staff whenhe was American food administra-tor, and has since contributed tomany national magazines. She isthe wife of C. P. Donahue who isin the jewelry business. Mrs. Dona-hue's war activities include volun-teer work for the Navy League andblock captaincy for the National WarFund.With his brother, Elvin, Lester A.Stern, '10, organized the Chicago firmof Elvin-Lester Woolen Company in1912. Elvin has since died. In 1936Lester moved to New York where hecontinued in the wholesale woolenbusiness under his own name. Mr.Stern is also vice-president of theWoolen Wholesalers National Association. Although he was on thetennis and baseball teams during hisHitchcock Hall days, his recreationnow is swimming and golf.Walter D. Freyburger, JD '10, whoreceived his bachelor degree fromMichigan before attending the Law.School is now in the legai departmentof the New York Life Insurance Company* at its home office. He is thecompany' s tax specialist having trans-ferred from the Bureau of InternaiRevenue at Washington on October 1wThere he had been asfcistant head ofthe Legislative and Regulations Division in the Chief Counsel's office.W. Phillips Comstock, '11, is astatistician with the London Guar-antee and Accident Company. Hisdaughter, Betty, is married and hastwo sons: John, 4, and Bruce nearlysix months. Son Bill, a captain inthe Army Air Forces, is an instructorat West Point. Mrs. Comstock (BessCooley, '12), died in March, 1943.Mrs. F. B. Ingram (Margaret JaneFoglesong, '11, AM '20), who trans-ferred her teaching responsibilitiesfrom South Dakota to the JohnAdams high school in New York —with a larger student body than thepopulation of most South Dakotacities — is writing a novel for her own"amusement." Between chapters andteaching she is studying Spanish with a leisurely eye on Mexico and SouthAmerica when she retires in 1948.She is convinced that peace would bea greater adventure than war if wecould ever get around to seriouslyworking at it.The best news about Cyrus LeRoyBaldridge, '11, famed artist and au-thor, is that he is well along on hisautobiography, which will be pub-lished sometime this year by JohnDay & Co. The volume will be aboutfour hundred pages in length and willcarry a thirty-two-page section ofbrand-new drawings depicting scenesfrom the countries visited by Roy andhis wife, Caroline Singer, in the dayswhen she wrote the text and he drewthe illustrations for the travel volumesthey published. Uncle Sam recentlym ..x used their talents fortwo of the pocketmanuals issued to sol-diers for the purposeof presenting foreignpeoples in a sympa-thetic light. Chicagoalumni will remember Roy's popularFiftieth Anniversary booklet mailedto ali alumni, — or What's a CollegeFor!For the past seventeen years Gwen-dolen Haste, '12, has been a memberof the advertising department in theconsumers' service of General Foods.In spare moments she composes verse,much of which has been published inmagazines. In 1932 she published acollection of poems under the title:Young Land. When American Mer-cury recently compiled a volume ofnoteworthy articles and stories (TheAmerican Mercury Reader) to celebrate its twentieth anniversary, MissHaste was one of the few contributingpoets to he represented.In his fourteenth-floor office look-ing out across Grand Central Terminal Earle B. McKnight, '12, direetsthe New York destinies of the Connecticut General Life Insurance Company. In spite of a depleted staff, hisdivision set a 1943 record that dou-bled any previous annual volume.When he can slip away from the office, Mr. McKnight likes.to drop inquietly on some unsuspecting smalltown, mingle with the natives, andabsorb locai history.Maynard E. Simond, '12* is one ofthe many Chicago men who got hisearly investment training with Hal-sey Stuart and Company. For thepast ten years he has been a partnerin the investment banking firm of F.Eberstadt and Company. Bothdaughters, Barbara and Suzanne,married Princeton men, both of whom are lieutenants j.g. and both instruc-tion officers.Mrs. Fayette Cook (Marjorie Wil.son, '13) devotes her spare hours tothe production division of the RedCross. Her two daughters are married to men in the service — Elsie to alieutenant in the Army, stationed atFort Lewis, and Muriel to an ensignon a submarine chaser.Mrs. Léonard S. Gans (Helen Poi-lak, '14) is the mother of two daughters. Barbara is a senior at Cornell.Nancy, who attended Chicago, ismarried to William B. Gates, Jr., whowas working on his PhD at the University when he joined the Navy in1941 and is now a lieutenant j.g. inAfrica. During his absence Nancy iswith the research division of the NewYork State Department of Labor.Mr. Gans, a Columbia graduate, isin the real estate business.After graduation, Lillian A. Wells,'14, became a teacher of French. Thelast seven years before her retirementin 1926 were spent at Harrison Techhigh school in Chicago. Miss Wellshas made several trips abroad, inEurope and in the Far and NearEast. She moved to New York in1935 and is at present a member ofthe board of the American Association of University Women, New Yorkbranch, and chairman of the housecommittee. As opportunity presented.Miss Wells has collected books inFrench, Italian, etc, chiefly editiomof the sixteenth century and relatecto Montaigne.David H. Stevens, PhD '14, wasa member of Chicago's English faculty from 1914 to 1930. During apart of this time he also served asdean in the College of Arts, Litera-ture and Science; assistant to thePresident; and associate dean of thefaculties. In 1930 he left Chicagcto become vice-president of the General Education Board. He is now director for the division of the fiumani-ties. He served as captain in militar)intelligence during the first worlcwar. Last November his son, Johnjoined the Navy.After Claude W. Munger, '14Rush '16, received his medicai degreehe became superintendent of Columbia Hospital in Milwaukee. In 1921he began moving eastward, pausinethree years in Grand Rapids as director of Blodgett Memorial Hospitabefore becoming director of hospital:in Westchester County, New YorkSince 1937 he has been the directo:of St. Lukes Hospital, New York CityAt present Dr. Munger is abouequally distributed between New YorlTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 19and Washington where he is serving0n important war committees.Mrs. Walter Hoefner (Patty New-bold, '14) lives at Hempstead onLong Island, substituting in variousj^ew York City high schools as achernistry and physics laboratory as-sistant. She has three daughters.Tennis, swimming, bowling, and hik-ing occupy any spare time.After receiving his law degree fromHarvard and following a term in theArmy, George S. Leisure, '14, beganhis law practice in the offices of theHonorable Charles E. Hughes, wholater became chief justice of theUnited States. After serving as as-sistant U. S. attorney for the southern district of New York and chiefof the criminal division, Mr. Leisureorganized the law firm of Donovan,Leisure, Newton and Lumbard in1929 with branch offices in Washington, D. C. This firm included sixty-four attorneys beforeUncle Sam began bor-rowing them for warservice. George Leisurewas a pilot in the airHV*v^~ service of the A.E.F. inWr » the first world war. Today he has two sons in the Navy;George, Jr., in the V-12 program atYale and David, 17, who enlisted inthe submarine service. They havetwo younger brothers — Peter, 14, atGhoate Preparatory School, andMichael, 8, at Buckley School. Sinceleaving the Midway, George has car-ried his share of alumni responsibility.From 1927 to 1937 he was an officerof our New York club, serving fouryears as president. In 1941 and againin 1942 he was a member of the NewYork committee of the Alumni Foundation.Rosamond Root, '15, moved fromthe Quadrangles to Columbia University for her master's and doctoratein the Department of Education under Professor William C. Bagley. Forfive years after leaving Columbia MissRoot was in the real estate develop-ment field. She is now doing educational research and is active in theLeague of Women Voters. She isalso one of the founders of the American Woman's Association.Frederick W. Griffiths, '15, joinedhis brother in 1921 in the businesshe started in 1916. The K. F. Griffiths and Company manufacturesPolishing materials used in finishingmetal, glass, granite, plastics, etc.Until recently Frederick Griffithsspent his spare time sailing on LongIsland Sound.LeRoy Campbell, '15, JD '18, national amateur track champion in 1915 and holder of records neverbeaten until the late twenties, stiliofficiates as timekeep-er for many nationalindoor meets. As lateas 1937 LeRoy madeheadlines in Japan bybeating the jinrikishaboys in a foot race.He was chief council for the Volun-teer Defenders Committee of the LegaiAid Societjylrom 1927 to 1933, whichbrought. him a reputation as "publicdefender." He specializes in courtwork. LeRoy's brother Tom, who took a year's work at Chicago beforefinishing his legai training at Yale,shares the office. Tom was also acollege track record holder.Francis T. Ward, '15, former in-tercollegiate track champion, and nowa dignified partner in the investmentbanking firm of Morgan Stanley andCompany has four sons: FrancisJr., a Navy lieutenant in the Pacific;Peter, studying under the Navy V-12pian at Princeton; Lawrence, 17, atSt. Pauls School in Concord; andPhilip, 11.SANDRA MICHAEL'S MIKESidetracking her newspaper am-bitions, Anna Marie Mikelsen, '30,became a continuity writer for aMilwaukee radio station compos-ing irresistible essays on the virtuesof women's ready-to-wear. This ledto ghost writing and to New Yorkwhere, in 1939 under the nom depiume, Sandra Michael, she intro-duced her own fifteen-minute dailyserial, "Against the Storm," over anational network. Alumni who lis-tened regularly insisted that thelives and philosophies of two ofthe characters strangely paralleledthose of Teddy Linn and PhilAlien.Sandra was born in Denmark.It wasn't surprising, therefore, thata Danish minister eventually ap-peared in the script. Nor was itsurprising that Sandra should thinkof her former Humboldt ParkDanish Lutheran pastor, Alfred T.Dorf, as the logicai one to play thepart. Dr. Dorf had also been chiefbibliographer at Harper Librarywhen Sandra was on the Quadrangles. He had since transferredto a Brooklyn church and was thedirector of the Danish Seamen'sInstitute. Dr. Dorf consented totry the part. So spontaneous wasthe public's acceptance of the minister that Sandra continued towrite him into the Story. *Sandra Michael has always hadhigher ideals for this form of radiodrama than she has been able tosell to the "trade." This philosophy was apparent to the Universityof Georgia, who awarded her thePeabody Prize in 1942, the firstand only radio program in itsclassification ever to receive suchrecognition.Finally Sandra calmed the stormin favor of a new serial called"The Open Door." The storywinds across the campus of myth- ical Thomas Jefferson Universityand is built around a dean who isnone other than her good pastor-friend, Dr. Dorf. Five morningseach week the dean has his fifteen-minute problems over N.B.C. Sandra has hers keeping ten scriptsahead. But with the help of mera-bers of her family she manages tokeep the dean in the necessary pre-dicaments.With ambitions that go beyondthe morning radio serial, SandraMichael is pushing ahead againstthe storm through the open doorto more serious dramatic writing.For the National War Fund drivelast fall she wrote, "Who isCharlie?" in which C.B.S. usedOrson Welles as narrator. Criticswere impressed and V ari e t y(amusement trade weekly) waspleased with its "warmth andstraightforward appeals packedwith Welles' punchy sales talk."It approached the type of radiodrama she hopes to \vrite in the1 future. In the meantime, there is! no more loyal Chicago alumna' than Sandra, who modestly insistedthat no one would be interested1 in this story.20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMarion Davidson, '16, recently re-turned from Trinidad and BritishGuiana where he supervised the workof ten thousand men in the construc-tion of Naval bases. He has agreedto write about some of his experi-ences for a subsequent issue of theMagazine.Rowland H. George, '16, settledin New York following the first worldwar. Since 1929 he has been a partner in the banking firm of WoodStruthers and Company. He has oneson, Mihail, who is five years old.During the first world war EdwinL. Weisl, '17, JD '19, was companycommander of the Hitchcock Hallnaval unit. In 1935 he became apartner in one of New York's oldestlaw firms, Simpson, Thatcher andBartlett, with some sixty attorneys onthe staff. In 1942 Mr. Weisl servedas assistant to the head of the division of contract distribution of theWar Production Board. He is a director of a number of companies, in-cluding Paramount Pictures and theMadison Square Garden. Edwin, Jr.,is a freshman in high school. Dadhopes to show him around the Chicago Quadrangles before young Edwin chooses his university home.Never one to shirk responsibility,Mrs. Edwin F. Chinlund (HelenBrown, '17) is a member of the RedCross nurses aid and vice-presidentof the Women's City Club while rais-ing a family of three children: Thomas, 12; Stephen, 10; and Edith, 8.She has an unbroken record as amember of the New York AlumniFoundation committee. Mr. Chinlund is vice-president of R. H. Macyand Company.Helen R. Olson, '17, is generalmanager of the New York office ofDeBoth Homemakers Schools, a news-paper advertising syndicate sponsoring cooking schools and food showsfor U. S. and Canadian papers. Inoff hours her interests are the American Free World Association, Persianminiatures of the fifteenth and six-teenth centuries, photography, andmodem art.Buell A. Patterson, '17, was pub-licity director of the centrai division(Chicago) of American Airlines when,a year ago, he was transferred to NewYork to become director of ali pub-liei ty for the company. Mrs. Patter-son was Ruth Sheehy, '17, when shewas on the Quadrangles. Theirdaughter, Ann, finished at Chicagolast year. Son Averell is a senior atLake Forest College.In 1940 Sallie S. Rust, '18, AM '19,resigned her position as Latin instruc- tor in the Fieldston School of the Ethical Culture Schools in New YorkCity to become registrar of the threeEthical Culture schools, which position she has held since. Springs andsummers she practices garden "culture."Harry B. Smith would have finished at Chicago in 1919 but a warinterrupted and Harry went to Europe as assistant to the late JamesAlfred Field, who was on leave fromthe University as a member of theAmerican Shipping Mission. In themeantime, Harry Smith had marriedCorinne E. Allin, '19, daughter ofDr. F. W. Allin, Rush '05. In thesame government party crossing toEurope Harry discovered anotherHarry B. Smith withthe AgriculturalTrade Commission.Two identical namesin the same department threatened end-less confusion. Har-ry's solution was to combine the twofamily names, Allin and Smith. Thusit carne about that the alumnus whoreceived his delayed Chicago degreein 1926 was Harry B. Allinsmith, '19.Mr. Allinsmith has been with Western Electric Export Corporation since1929, when he went to Japan, China,and the Philippines to open offices forthe company. Because of the warmost of his attention as assistantforeign manager is now turned to Central and South America. Harry Allinsmith has been the Alumni Foundation chairman for his home townof Maplewood, New Jersey, since theFoundation was organized. The Al-linsmiths have one son, Wesley, 20,who joined the Air Force when hewas a junior at Princeton.On his way to establishing labora-tories in New York Ralph L. Evans,'19, picked up a PhD at Columbia.The Ralph L. Evans Associates (aBLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's Hotelìn theUniversity of Chicago DistriciOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, Director hundred staff members) now operatelaboratories for general chemical research. There are three children inthe Evans family: Ralph, Jr., innaval aviation training; Nancy, asenior in high school, and Lawrence, 7.Robert K. Helmle, '20, completedhis twentieth year in November asan engineer in the rate section of theoperating and engineering departmentof the American Telephone and Tele-graph Company. His brother, William, who took graduate work in theeconomics department after graduat-ing from Wisconsin, is in the statis-tical section of the long lines department.When James P. Markham, Jr., JD'22, takes a vacation it is usually toreturn to the Quadrangles for reunion week and alumni school. He waspeacefully and successfully practic-ing law in his native Houston whenthe Brown Shipbuilding Company ofthat city was suddenly smotheredwith war contraets. So, for the dura-tion, Mr. Markham closed his lawoffices, moved to New York andopened a branch office for the BrownCompany where he operates as assistant purchasing agent. Mrs. Markham, a portrait painter, is happilymaking the most of this shift to oneof America's art centers.Cari J. Warden, PhD '22, is associate professor of psychology at Columbia University. Golf in the summer and bowling in winter providethe necessary relief from instruction,research, and scientific articles andbooks.Alvin I. Handmacher, '23, is theowner of Tailored Trend, Incorpo-rated, manufacturing suits and coatsfor women and juniors. He has threejuniors of his own: Lois, 18; Mina,6; and Etta, 5.After five years as assistant libarianfor Swift and Company, Anne Pro-theroe, '23, joined the Chicago staffof Universal Atlas Cement Company.Four years ago she was transferredto the New York offices where shehas charge of their research library.Anne's father will be remembered asa composer of religious music and director of the Central Church (Orchestra Hall) choir from 1903 to1933. Anne is the secretary of ourNew York alumni club.Joseph B. Duggan, '24, JD '26,practiced law in Chicago until 1940,when he joined the New York firmof Townley, Updike and Carter.Their clients include the New YorkNews and the Associated Press. Thereare two sons in the Duggan family-^Joseph, 10, and Thomas, 9.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOWhile he was on the QuadranglesSeymour Berkson, '26, was campuscorrespondent for the Herald andExaminer. After receiving his degreeSeymour continued with the Hearstorganization and in 1930 was sentabroad as a foreign correspondent forInternational News Service. In 1935he was brought backand made managing c<-0Sj«-~-«_editor of I.N.S. Seat- SltSgjpZS}tered a r o u n d New s^*\. ^York are four genera- ^9m^\tions of French poo- <%9*ì$s^dles born in the Berkson kennels before Seymour gave uphis hobby and moved the family backto Manhattan to be nearer his war-accele^rated office. The family in-cludes Barbara, 9, and Billy, 4.After serving as comptroller of theJulius Rosenwald fund and assistantto the administrator of the estateafter Mr. Rosenwald's death, NathanW. Levin, '26, opened his own officesin New York as investment counselorand manager. He is an officer ofthe Rosenwald Fund, a trustee of theChicago Museum of Science and In-dustry, and a trustee and chairmanof the finance committee of the NewSchool for Social Research. He hastwo daughters — Joan, 14, and Marion, 12. Marjorie Anderson, PhD '26, whodid her undergraduate work at Smith,has been assistant professor of Eng-lish at Hunter College since receivingher doctorate. In collaboration withDr. Bianche Colton Williams, former head of Hunter's English department, she published a text in AngloSaxon in 1935 called, Old EnglishHandbook. Miss Anderson is cur-rently president of the Phi BetaKappa alumnae in New York City.If you have wondered who decideswhat maps, charts, and illustrationsby what artists will appear in thethousands of high school and collegetexts published by Harcourt Braceand Company, it's Eleanor F. Fish,'26, assistant to the textbook editor.Two years out of the UniversityEleanor joined the Chicago sales office of this company and was transferred to New York in 1934. In addition to Red Cross and other warwork, Miss Fish is learning to speakthe French she took in college.James Parker Hall, Jr., '27, son ofthe late dean of the Law School, hasbeen with the investment bankingfirm of Clark Dodge and Companysince 1937. He is also a member ofthe National Council of Alpha DeltaPhi. Since the beginning of theAlumni Foundation in 1941, Parker MAGAZINE 213 has been the New York member of, the Foundation's board of directors.He has three sons — Parker, III, 10;; Ferris, 7; and Bronson, 3.1 After securing her degree at Chicago, Hannah G. Johnson, '27, took aBachelor of Library Science at Co-5 lumbia and joined the staff of the1 Frick Art Reference Library, whereshe is now assistant librarian. The1 Frick library is the largest art reference library in the world. It has over5 290,000 photographs complete with5 histories and bibliographies in addi-; tion to a reference and research li-; brary of 70,000 volumes. Ali this and' more Miss Johnson will teli you with' the enthusiasm that explains her important position on the staff. Atpresent the library is closed to thepublic while a large staff cataloguesand maps for Uncle Sam's armies thelocation of ali art />«.treasures in target /¦&zones. These maps ( ^hf\are used by our at- /^JJÈktacking forces to help L—£?^^Bavoid destroying valu- ^MK.able works of art and « aito aid in restoring stolen items to therightful owners. For many years MissJohnson was president of our NewYork Alumnae Club before it wasConsolidated with the men's organization.Leaving Teaneck, New Jersey,where the deer use his back yard asa short cut to Pennsylvania, CariHenrikson, '28, can be in his FifthAvenue offices within the hour. Cari,who is a next-to-nature man, likes thiscombination of woods and work. Heis regional business consultant for theDepartment of Commerce. From1930 to 1937 he was associate professor of finance and assistant dean ofthe University's School of Business.He left to become director of education and research for the NationalAssociation of Credit Men until heaccepted his present position in 1941.Cari, III (actually the seven th) is12 and Ann is 13.Jacob Roy Boettler, SM '28, taughtphysics at Arkansas State TeachersCollege for one year after receivinghis master's, then he joined the BellTelephone laboratories where he isnow in the department of apparatusdevelopment. He has three children:Lois, 11; Esther, 10; and James, 7.Frank H. Detweiler, '29, JD '31,has been a member of the law firmof Caravath, de Gersdorff, Swaineand Wood since his graduation fromLaw School. This company, whichhas some seventy-five attorneys onits staff, specializes in corporation law.The Detweilers have two daughters —KATHERINE DUNHAM DANCESFrom Joliet high school, whereshe had created a school sensationas a ballet dancer in the TerpsiKorean Club shows, KatherineDunham, '36, carne to the Midwayto major in anthropology whilestudying classical ballet in herspare time. The encouraging record made in the anthropology department combined with her interest in the dance led to a RosenwaldFund fellowship which permittedher to spend a year and a half inHaiti, Martinique, Trinidad, andJava, making an intimate study ofnative dances.Back at Chicago to complete hermaster's work, Miss Dunhamneeded funds to carry on. So sheorganized a group of her people,painstakingly and conscientiouslytaught them the native dance rou-tines she had learned during herresearch, and presented programsto W.P.A. audiences around Chicago. This led to an invitation toappear at the Art Institute's Goodman Theater where she did threeshows.The popularity of her programechoed across Broadway and Katherine, with her dancing troop, be came a starring feature of "Cabinin the Sky."Last September Katherine Dunham opened on Broadway with herown company in "Tropical Re-vue," again featuring the nativeHaitian dances. New Yorkwouldn't let her leave at the endof two weeks — according to pian —so she remained into early December before starting her tour.22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBrooke, 8, and Susan, 5. At presentthey live in New Rochelle, but nextspring pian to move to twenty wildacres in the "forests" of New Jersey— near Millington."The small white mouse has eatenour boa constrictor," announced Mrs.William L. Garrison,III (Jane Wilson, '29)to the startled boardof directors of theBrooklyn Children' s/ZZ-r^^U N Museum in her first{*v report as curator-in-chief six years ago. It seems that thehuge snake had not been feeling upto par and the perky little mousewas quick to take advantage of thesituation by enjoying a hearty mealwhich literally finished off the boa.Jane later remedied the loss by sharing her Pullman berth with a babyboa she picked up on a Californiatrip. She is on cordial and intimateterms with ali her animals at themuseum, as she is with the thousandsof children who are daily fascinatedwith the practical education they ab-sorb in the halls and laboratories ofher two buildings. Then there isalso J o h n n i e, the seven-year oldyoungster the Garrison's adopted lastyear. Johnnie has flashing black eyes,a quick wit, and is the life of thefamily. Jane is an enthusiastic U-of-Chicagoan and president of our NewYork Club.Adolph J. Toigo, '29, is vice-president and research director for William Esty & Company (advertising).Toigo has a mania for f acts compiledin workable tables and charts showingwhere business has been and where itis likely to go. His most recent studyon trends in national economy proj-ected into the future is proving accurate and valuable to the trade. In1942 he was called to Washington tohelp set up the college training program for the Army Air Forces. Mrs.Toigo was Lucy C. Burscio, '29, whenshe was on the Quadrangles. Theyhave two children: Oliver, 11, andAlfred, 9.One month before U. of C. TrusteeMarshall Field's New York daily,PM, was born, Edwin Levin, '30,joined the staff as publicity director.In 1942 he was made promotion manager and in July, 1943, he was giventhe added responsibility of syndicatemanager. The Levin's have onedaughter, Susan, who is 7.Mrs. Bruce Robertson (MargaretMullenback, '30) is acting first assistant of the academic division of theMachine and Metal Trades highschool, where she also teaches Eng lish. She will be remembered bymany as the daughter of the lateProfessor James Mullenback, lecturerin social ethics at Chicago. Her hus-band, Bruce Robertson, is the manager of the New York office of Broadcast, a trade journal for radio.Irwin S. Block, '30, is assistant sec-retary of the Manufacturers TrustCompany. He is also a member ofthe board of deacons of the BrickPresbyterian Church on Park Ave-nue. In July, 1942, Mr. Block wasmarried to Mrs. Frank W. Griffin ofSan Francisco. The third member ofthe family is Miss Mario Griffin, 13,who is a student at Havergal College,Toronto.WOV is an independent New Yorkradio station unique in that it broad-casts entirely in Italianfrom 8 A. M. to 6P. M. for the benefitof some two millionItalian people in theNew York area. Theevening hours are inEnglish. Program director ofstation is Arnold B. Hartley,Arnold Hartley stumbled into radiothe day after his convocation, whenhe met a friend who had a brother-in-law in radio advertising who knewa station that wanted a script writerfor a thirty minute women's show.For two years Arnold was an ardentconsumer of the nation's magazinesfor women! He carne to his presentposition via two former radio posi-tions, one with WCAU, where he wascontinuity director, and the otherwith KYW, where he was director ofprograms. Both stations are in Phila-delphia. He has one son, Robert,who is 3.Two Chicago boys who haveclimbed the ladder together are LouisH. Engel, Jr., '30, and Edgar A.Grunwald, '31. Both remained at theUniversity Press after graduation.this'30. Both left the Press in 1932 and wentto New York. Louis became themanaging editor of Advertising andSelling, while Ed was first associateeditor of Tide (advertising and marketing) and later assistant radio editorof Variety. In 1934 Louis Engeljoined the staff of Business Week,where he is now managing editor.Edgar Grunwald followed in 1941 tobecome marketing editor of the samemagazine, until he recently enteredthe Service in a medicai training bat-talion.In June 1943, Willard R. Sprowls,'31, SM '35, PhD '38, left his positionwith the DuPont Company to jointhe research laboratory staff of theBaker Castor Oil Company (not medicinali). Mr. Sprowls is also in theCivilian Coast Guard Reserve. Heis prepared to do patent law work inchemistry when the war is over. Mrs.Sprowls (Mary Voehl, '34) majoredin anthropology at Chicago and isnow working on her PhD at Columbia. She plans to do field work aftershe receives her doctorate.Leaving his "Quiz Kids" to carryon while he went to the aid of UncleSam, Louis G. Cowan, '31, joined theOffice of War Information two yearsago. As chief of the radio programbureau for Atlantic operations, Lou isresponsible for 2,600 short - waveshows a week (6,000 transmissions) inmore than a score of languages re-quiring a staff of 500, crowding threefloors of his Fifth Avenue offices. Inspite of ali this, the most importantevent in the Cowan family last monthwas the arrivai of little Miss Holly(named for Christmas and an uncle)on December 1. She has two broth-ers, Paul Smith, 3, and Louis Goef-rey, nearly 2.After doing some vagabonding inthe West Indies and across to Europe,John N. Schmucker, '32, returned toChicago and became a lecturer at theAluminum Company of America'sexhibit at the Century of Progress.When the Fair closed John continuedwith the company and moved to theNew York offices in 1935 where he isnow an engineering consultant. Heis also aluminum consultant with theAmerican Society for Metals. Inspite of heavy war responsibilities inhis business, John had time to do acracking good job as New York chairman for the Alumni Foundation in1943 and set a new record for thatcity with an active committee offorty-four alumni. John will continue as chairman for 1944 withmost of thè same committee memberswho helped make last year's record.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23There is one junior member of theSchmucker family, Sanford, who is 3years old.Mrs. Diane Greeter Mulloy, '32,who was assistant to Dean Redfield(Social Sciences) from 1930 to 1942while she was taking work at Chicago, is with the Rockefeller Founda-tion's American Film Center (educational films). Her husband is assistantdirector of publicity for the nationalUSO organization with headquartersin New York.Not even ' Peysodent with iriumcould remove the film from the systemof John Mills, Jr., '32. Graduatingfrom Gap and Gown and Maroonpictures he went withthe Century of Progress publicity department, later became astaff member of theWashington Post, andin 1937 opened hisown picture studios in New Yorkspecializing in advertising photogra-phy. In January, 1943, he joinedWillard Pictures, a company specializing in educational motion pictures.The company recently moved to en-larged quarters in order to handlewar training and morale films for thegovernment. Mrs. Mills, who wasBetty Parker, '32, has a responsibleposition as associate executive secre-tary of the American Association ofSocial Workers. There are two futurephotographers in the Mills' family:John, III, who is 4 and Peter, 8months.Because the names on Time's mast-head are arranged alphabetically,Eleanor Welch, '33, is last in the con-tributing editors section but if shewere to use her married name shecould just as well be second becauseEleanor is Mrs. Joseph Bailey. JosephBailey, '32, JD '34, who practiced lawuntil he went with Louis Cowan's,'31, Quiz Kids radio organization, isnow a lieutenant in the Navy oper-ating in the Pacific area. Mrs. Baileyarrived on the news bureau staff ofTime by way of the John Nuveen, Jr.,'18, office and Esquire.Cora Carter, AM '33, did herundergraduate work at Vassar beforecoming to the Quadrangles for a master's in English. She is now in theeditorial department of BusinessWeek.For fifteen years Martin J. Free-nian, PhD '34, was a member of Chicago's English faculty, the last five ofwhich he also served as entranceselor. In 1941 he joined the staff'unter College where he is asso-professor of English in charge°f the writing courses and chairman HISHEST RATED IN UNITED STATES* EN^RAVERS **- SINCE 1906 . WORK DONE BYALL PROCESSES' ?+ ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED ?? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE ?mAYNER^• DALHEIM &CO.20?4 W. LAKE ST., CHICACO.of the pre-journalism department. In1942 Dr. Freeman published BitterHoney. The scene was laid in hisown Ohio. The novel won the annualOhioan award for the best piece offiction by a native of the state. Thestaff of the Nursery School will re-member his daughter, Aldisa, who isnow 8.After receiving her bachelor's degree from Chicago, Madelaine F.Strong, '34, attended Columbia' sTeachers College where she secureda master's degree in guidance andpersonnel. In the meantime she joinedthe staff of City College, New York,and helped set up its placement office.She is now placement director in thiscollege of more than 13,000 students.Lois Holzworth, '34, AM '35,wanted to be a music critic. Afterreceiving her master's in music shesecured a position on Music News.In 1938 Lois transferred to Time andbecame assistant to the music editor.In 1941 she changed her name toMrs. T. E. Flanagan. Her husbandwas in the publicity department ofC.B.S. until he joined the Navy. Heis a lieutenant in the public relationsdepartment, stationed in New York.Seven-year-old Catherine Flanaganmakes the third member of a happyfamily and is why Lois spends onlyone day a week at the Time office.Although Margaret Moore, '35,majored in art, upon leaving theQuadrangles she discovered that thefigures which paid off were in businessoffices. This explains why she wasrunning a comptometer in the NewYork payroll department of N.B.C.when some of the girls fell to wonder-ing what the newscasting voice ofRadcliffe Hall looked like. Peggywas commissioned to check up andreport back. This, in turn, explainswhy her name became Mrs. RadcliffeW. Hall. Little Miss Hall, nearly2 years old, is called Penny — forPenelope. In addition to being anN.B.C, newscaster and announcer,Radcliffe Hall is one of the narratorsfor the Pathe news reels and many Army and Navy training films. Mrs.Hall is one of our most active Chicago alumnae and is one of the vice-presidents of the New York ChicagoClub.Three years out of school BrownleeW. Haydon, '35, returned to the Mid-way to become a member of the PressRelations department. An accurateand careful workman, he was as-signed the job of editing the weeklytranscripts of Chicago's popular radioRound Table. The clever little figures that animated the tables andgraphs of these transcripts were theIndia ink creations from Brownlee'shobby. In October, 1942, he movedto Forty-second Street where he isassistant foreign editor of BusinessWeek. The Haydons have one daughter, Julie, who is 2 years old. Brownlee's father is the popular professor ofcomparative religion on our DivinitySchool faculty.After leaving Chicago, William B.Hebenstreit, '36, attended the California Institute of Technology. He isnow an electronics research engineerwith the Bell Telephone Laboratories.David B. Eisendrath, Jr., '36,started his college career as a clowndrum major for the University Band.Later he became fascinated with filmand was one of the officiai photographers for Gap and Gown, Pulse, andthe Maroon. After graduation Davejoined the Chicago Daily Times pho-tographic staff. He became a photog-rapher for New York's PM, whenthat paper was young. At presentDave is on leave of absence from PMwhile he works with the Office ofWar Information.The fellow who played the lead inBlackfriars' 1936 Gyped in Egypt issecretary of the Universal Atlas Ce-ment Company. Charles B. Baker,'36, JD '38, passed the Illinois Barand became a member of the law firmwhich handled the legai work for theUniversal Atlas Cement Company.This led to his joining the companyin 1942 and becoming its secretaryin Aprii, 1943. He has two children:William, 2, and Susannah, 6 months.Giving a final twist to the neck ofthe moulting Phoenix, campus humormonthly, John G.Morris, '37, intro-duced a new "slick" tothe Quadrangles, anews -fea ture magazineappropriately calledPulse. It was pat-terned so closely after Time and metwith such popularity that everyonepredicted editor Morris would landin Time and Life Building, NewYork, after graduation. Land he did,24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand, following numerous responsiblepositions on the Life staff, includingthe directing of the Los Angeles office,he was recently sent to join the London office where, in addition to hisregular duties, he is an officiai warcorrespondent with the Eighth AirForce. His first assignment was astory on London night life. His wife,Mary Crosby, '39, who will not joinJohn until after the war, can't under-stand why this assignment couldn'thave been delayed until she couldsupervise it! In the mean time, she isbusy in New York caring for Holly,I5/2 years old.Since leaving the Midway John M.Beai, Jr., '37, MD '41, has beenassistant resident in surgery at NewYork Hospital. Mrs. Beai (MaryPhemister, '39) is teaching physicaleducation at the Hartidge School inNew Jersey.Rockefeller Center and the big citydid something to Genevìeve M. Fish,'37, the year she visited her sisterEleanor, '26, in New York. So sheremained to accept a position withTime. Later she transferred to Fortune where she is now in the subscrip-tion promotion department. Onceevery three weeks Genevieve organizesa Time-Life-Fortune party for servicemen sponsored and financed by theemployees of these publications.Captain Robert H. Bethke, '38,who entered the Army from the houseof Morgan in May, 1942, and wasoriginally stationed in Washington, isa control officer at the New York Cityport of embarkation. Mrs. Bethke(Patricia Davis, '38) is with the British Insurance Communications officeon Wall Street. This company isthe clearing house for Communications and insurance matters betweenBritain and the U. S.Helen E. Strong, '38, has been withSears Roebuck since she left the Midway, first as a copywriter and nowin the fashions editorial department,which is located in New York.Josephine Bangs attended the University for two years ('37-'39) beforetaking drama at Northwestern. Shethen moved on to New York and became secretary for the company pro-ducing the Sandra Michael, '30, programs. Late last October on a SandraMichael thirty-minute radio dramabroadcast for the National War Funddrive Josephine made her radio debutas the hero's girl friend. If our layjudgment counts, another member ofour Chicago family is destined to facemicrophones of the future.They met at a book exhibit in Chicago. Jane Chitwood, '39, was hav- ing trouble with her thumbtacks atthe University of Chicago Press booth.William C. Simms, in charge of theYale press exhibit, volunteered hisservices. And in October, 1940, Janebecame Mrs. Simms. Until he enteredthe Service last November, WilliamSimms was assistant editor of True Detective and Master Detective magazines.After Elizabeth Hawk, '40, finishedat the University the family movedto New York to join her brother, Bob— CamePs "Thanks to the Yanks"popular radio quiz master. Purchas-ing a season ticket to the Philhar-monic, Betty discovered a gang ofChicago alumni — and one Harvardalumnus — attending the same night.This led to a bi-weekly dinner confabbefore each concert, which led to aromance between Betty and the Harvard man, which led to Mrs. JohnM. Hartwell, Jr. At that time Mr.Hartwell was a member of the Rut-gers faculty, but seventeen days afterthe wedding he joined the Navy andis now a lieutenant, j.g., with head-quarters in Pearl Harbor. During hisabsence, Betty is taking voice lessonswith an eye on Broadway.When Mary Jane Metcalf, '40, re-turned to the East after receiving herdegree she entered the service of theNational City Bank of New York,where she is a foreign correspondent.Mary Jane has three major interestsapart from Wall Street — the Women'sUniversity Club of which she is juniorchairman and a member of the board;politics, expressed through the YoungWomen's Republican Club as treas-urer; and the University of Chicago,for which her enthusiasm and loyaltynever wane.MEMORIAL STUDENT AID FUNDFRIENDS and former students ofthe late Adeline DeSale Link,Ph.D. '17, are establishing a studentaid fund in her memory and honor.Nothing would have pleased hermore than so practical a memorial.For eighteen of her twenty-one yearsat the University, Mrs. Link was anadviser to thousands of students inthe College. None was more sym-pathetic to the problems of theseyoung people.At the time of her death Mrs.Link was chairman of the FellowshìpAwards Committee of the AmericanAssociation of University Women.Miss Helen White, national president of the A.A.U.W., stated atthe time of Mrs. Link's death: "Asa member of the committee . . .she met the problems of the warperiod with remarkable breadth andsympathy of view. She early sawthat during the present months thenumber of scientists free for privateresearch would be limited. Shetherefore turned her attentionwholeheartedly to the problem of X \s .+Kfinding competent candidates in thehumanities and in social studies tocarry on the search for truth in thosefields not so immediately preemptedby the war effort."This memorial then, will carry onfor Adeline DeSale Link, one of theimportant t a s k s she acceptedthrough life. Gifts for the fund maybe sent to Hermann I. Schlesinger,Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25NEWS OF THE CLASSESIN THE SERVICEColonel W. Lane Rehm, '14, sta-tioned in Washington, went on anoverseas mission this past fall.Major Raymond E. Davies, MDRush '17, is commanding officer ofthe station hospital at Thermal AirField, California, where, he writes, itwas "107° in the shade and 127° inthe sun, and date groves across theroad." His four children are scat-tered around the country — the twooldest girls at the University of Illinois; William, a senior in high schoolat Colorado Springs; and Dorothy inthe eighth grade at Albuquerque,N. M.Capt. J. Alton Lauren, '20, is assistant general mess officer at JeffersonBarracks, Missouri.Nicholas B. Clinch, '22, is now alieutenant colonel in the Army AirForces at Hobbs, New Mexico, flyingB-17's (Flying Fortresses) and otherplanes. He has two children — Virginia and Nicholas III.A commission as second lieutenantwas the reward of Dale Alien Letts,'31, JD '35, for a hot summer atQuantico Marine Base. In additionhe was assigned to Field Artillerytraining, which was what he wanted.That course takes him to this monthand after that, he writes, "We shallsee what we shall see."Ensign Frank Mayer-Oakes, '33, isat the Naval Training School at theUniversity of Colorado, but says theNavy strictly forbids mention of theduty he is engaged in. However, headds, he is continually fìnding thathis work at the University was a mostvaluable background for the special-ist duties he is assigned to perform.Frank's brother, Bill, '45, is an avia-tion cadet at Sequoia Field, California.Orval W. Funkhouser, AM '35,holds the rank of captain and is nowserving overseas.Major Clinton L. Compere, '36,MD '37, head of surgery in an evacu-ation hospital in New Guinea, hon-ored Alumni House with a visit.While on leave in Chicago, MajorCompere addressed the faculty andstudent body of the Medicai Schoolat a smoker. He spoke most inti-mately of his experiences, professionaland non-professional, since his hospital unit sailed for the South Pacificmore than a year and a half ago. Lieut. Robert D. Beaird, II, '37, iswith the medicai depot company atFort Jackson, South Carolina. Beforeentering the service in 1941 he wastechnical engineer in the x-ray division of the General Electric Company, teaching operation, installation,and maintenance of electro-medicalequipment and also doing research.Lieut. Stanley P. Dodd, '39, Chemical Laboratory Company at FortOrd, California, writes: "Though Ihave been some time away from thecampus and the Midway atmosphere,I have not forgotten the emphasison truth and tolerance that I encoun-tered there. To me the Universityis the consummation of everythingthat this war is being waged over."In the Navy, Lieut. Richard E.Guilford, AM '39, is stationed atArmed Guard Center, TreasureIsland, San Francisco, California.Lieut. Frederick C. Bock, '39, calledat Alumni House whiie passingthrough Chicago on his way froman undisclosed location in India tothe School of Applied Tactics inOrlando. Fred has been in the FarEast for more than a year pilotinga bomber. He is discretion itselfwhen it comes to telling of his adven-tures and did not wear the medalsthat, according to newspaper ac-counts, were forced upon him by anappreciative government.Robert Davis, '40, is with the Medicai Administrative Corps, stationedat South Hadley Falls, Massachusetts, and word reaches us that onOctober 27 he received a promotionto the grade of captain.Gerald Soroker, AM '40, is at Harvard University, Cambridge, at theNaval Training Station.Priv. Martin A. Cohen, AM '41, isstationed at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, training in the Army AirForces. His wife is the former Rebecca Slutsky, '40.Lieut. Robert Leiph James, '41, ison duty with the Navy at New Bern,North Carolina, following his returnfrom two years of foreign service. Hewas joined there by his wife, the former Genevieve Caponch, known toChicago theatergoers under her professional name of Jenny Stevens.Corp. Richard Gerisch, '41, is onactive service in Sicily, according toword received this fall. He was doinggraduate work in politicai sciencewhen he entered the Service. The Soldier's Medal has beenawarded to Capt. John P. Long, '24,of the Marine Corps for heroism inthe South Pacific area. This medal,awarded very infrequently, is the high-est non-combatant decoration. Alumniwill undoubtedly remember Jack, aDeke, as end on Coach Stagg's lastBig Ten champion football team.The stirring expression of gratitudeto the captain which follows here wassigned by Major Harold McLean,commanding officer of the battalion:It is desired to express to you, Captain Long, the heartfelt gratitude andthe greatest admiration of the officersand enlisted men of this entire battalion for your most courageous rescueof Corporal Elton C. Herrick fromdrowning in the ocean on the eveningof 1 October 1943 at a point on thisbase above the mouth of the River where the shore, reef, and waterconditions are most treacherous.With no hesitation and against ad-vice you were willing to lay down yourlife by entering the water under conditions that would have made manybrave men turn away and where oneman was known to have already justdrowned.After a prolonged struggle with thepowerful undertow you reached Herrick and, after finding you could notmake it together, you gave the lastfull measure of devotion to a stranger,gave him your life belt, and only bythe grace of God were you rescued,too, after probably a half hourstruggle to stay afloat.Ali witnesses agree you could nothave saved yourself but for the opportune arrivai of a rubber boat mannedby two of your own officers.You have certainly exemplified thehighest ideals and traditions of theMarine Corps and we salute you. Butfor you it is quite certain that Corporal Herrick would not be alivetoday. I visited the point of the rockthe next day at the same hour andhave some appreciation of the conditions under which you made yourheroic rescue.26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELieut. (j.g.) Evon Z. Vogt, Jr., '41,is serving overseas with the Navy AirForce. His sister Patty is attendingthe U. of C.After several years in Alaska, Captain Howell V. Williams, PhD '42, isat the School of Military Government, University of Virginia.Ensign W. A. Caudill, '42, is onactive duty with the fleet. He wasin Chicago last summer on a briefleave.Out in North Africa, Mary Jepp iscalled the "one-woman replacementpool." Mary will be remembered asMary Jepp Williams while at theUniversity in 1915-1916. The Williams was dropped during her theatri-cal career on the New York stage.Though hired by the Red Cross as aclub director, when she first landedin Africa the immediate and urgentneed was for hospital visitors, andthat was where she first filled in.Then carne a cali for hospital helpat Constantine in northeast Algeria.Mary was requisitioned again andwhile waiting for the hospital assignment, was pressed into service aschauffeur for the American Red Cross director of hospital workers,then starting on a survéy and supplytrip over a big area. Before thattrip was over an S.O.S. carne in fromTelergma for a girl to fili in on theclubmobile there. The small convoy,with Mary at its head, including two2/2 ton trucks driven by Negro sol-diers and packed with doughnut andcoffee supplies, plus a clubmobile,next went to Souk-el-Arba and set upa veritable doughnut factory. Maryeven changed the menu to dough-nuts and lemonade for the hot andthirsty flyers — turning metal - linedboxes in which fragmentation bombsare shipped from the States intomake-shift ice-makers. When lastseen, Miss" Jepp was at AmericanRed Cross North African headquar-ters on a quick supply trip, flownthere in a bomber by the specialorders of the commanding general.Mentioned in recent newspaperdispatches is Lieut. ChristopherMagee, '42, Marine Corsair pilot stationed in the northern Solomons. Thedispatch tells of his exploits whiledoing escorting jobs over Bougain-ville, among them an encounter with formations of Jap planes. After put-ting two Jap planes out of commis-sion and playing a winning game oftag with several others, Lieut. Mageereturned to base with a cannon holein one wing and a fiat tire. . . . Withfifty-seven flying missions to bomband strafe the enemy behind him,Lieut. Laurence Klass, '39, packed hiskit and carne to his home in Chicagoon a well-earned rest. A veteran ofthe Sicilian and Italian campaigns, inwhich he flew a dive bomber, he willrest up before taking up whatevernew assignments the Army tosses hisway. . . .Dick Holmes, '40, is some-where in the South Pacific and tellsus of some non-combatant adven-tures. "This happened while I wasin Melbourne. We had just pulledinto the dock on our trip from NewYork and we were practically starved.Well, the first night we couldn't getoff the boat and there were somemen on the wharf selling chocolatebars, which were bars of gold to usthen. I was up on the poop-deckand had a lonely dollar to my name.I and another boy pooled our re-sources, two dollars, and puttingTWO ALUMNI RECEIVE CROIX DE GUERREAlumni will certainly share ourpride in the recent conferring ofthe Croix de Guerre upon twoChicago men. The one is HilgardPannes, who left the University in1941, the other Gayle S. Smith,who left in March 1942, both tojoin the American Field Service.Gayle is the son of Professor andMrs. T. V. Smith.Hilgard Pannes was awardedhis honor on May 7, 1943, for hisduties as an ambulance driver withthe Free French force from LakeChad, under General LeClerc. Heand two of his companions wereon loan from the New ZealandDivision. Gayle Smith won hismore recently for his service as anAmerican Field Service ambulancedriver attached to the British EighthArmy in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia. The citations, issued in bothcases by General LeClerc, werefor duty as "an ambulance driverof great aptitude and high senseof duty who carried out his assignments under dangerous circum-stances with outstanding courageand devotion. This citation givesthe right to wear the Croix deGuerre."Gayle is now serving with theforces in Italy. Pannes, having HILGARD PANNESvolunteered for early induction assoon as he got back in this country, is training at Camp Blanding.The following excerpt from a let-ter of Hilgard's to a friend oncampus gives us an insight as tohow a Croix de Guerre is won:"Our job was to protect the flankand to send out patrols to subdueenemy pockets. We moved up onenoon and carne almost immediatelyunder heavy and concentratedshell lire (88 mm. stuff — Jerry'snicest bit of artillery — he let ushave a lovely packet). Casualtiesto men and vehicles began and throughout the afternoon I had todrive up and down the track pick-ing up the men through this shellfire. There were several nearmisses, the car being punctured invarious places, but no serious dam-age being done to either the car ormyself. A pile of blankets fortu-nately stopped some of the stufffrom going in my back. ... I hadcome back from my first evacua-tion when a cali carne from up for-ward. So I had to drive throughali that muck; none of it carne toodose until I had stopped by a truckin which a wounded man was.Then three landed right beside thebloody car. I got the car dooropen and the blast did the rest andlanded me neatly in the trench.Afterwards it was rather stickydriving out, but it was the end ofthe concentrated shelling. Laterin the afternoon some bombingcaused a few further casualties.Then the Yanks carne over andstrafed the position (by mistake)but this was harmless. The nextday I was shelled again, but thiswas harmless too. There — that'sali. I drove through a lot of 88mm. shelling to pick up wounded,got scared as hell, and got theCroix de Guerre for nothing."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27them in a bucket, lowered it awayat the end of a rope down to themen on the dock. They put six barsin the bucket and we started heavingit up, but a couple of decks belowus someone leaned out and swipedthe chocolate bars out of the bucket.I am just now (after twenty-onemonths) beginning to see the humorof it."The safe arrivals of Stellan S.(Jack) Windrow, '17, American RedCross club director, in North Africa,and of his daughter, Marjorie Windrow Kaiser, staff assistant, in England, both former residents of NewYork City, were announced early inNovember by the national headquar-ters of the American Red Cross. Mrs.Kaiser and Windrow were photo-graphed together while undergoingorientation training under Red Crossauspices at American University inWashington, D. C, before embarkingfor their overseas posts. Mrs. Windrow, who was a Red Cross staffmember during the last war, residesat their home in New York.Jack Windrow's career reads likean adventure movie — and as a matter of fact he was one of the firsttwo originai Tarzans of the movies,for he and another actor doubled inthe part through the first picture evermade of Edgar Rice Burroughs'famous fiction character.Jack was a famous athlete at theU. of C, as well as a talented actor,appearing with Blackfriars in a number of productions and taking partsin movies during summers. In 1917he was A.A.U. national discus champion and held championships intrack, swimming, and the shot put.He played football under AlonzoStagg. During the last war he servedas seaman, second class, but emergedan ensign.RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMonroe 3192Phone: Saginaw 3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeaks RepairedFree Estimate*FRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.8019 Bennett St. JACK WINDROW AND DAUGHTERWindrow was with the old S and AFilm Company in Chicago for sometime, playing in pictures with Wallace Beery, Gloria Swanson, andtook part in a number of CharlieChaplin comedies of the earlier days.Following his service in the Navy, hebecame European publicity man forRemington Typewriters and in 1922was with the Eversharp Pen Company as foreign sales director. Sixyears later he represented ParamountFilms as supervisor of Swedish productions in Paris. Upon his returnto the States he went into radio butstili kept in touch with Europe — thistime as cruise director for the Swed-ish-American Line. He was in cen-sorship for nine months, and beforejoining the Red Cross was chief ofthe U. S. Signal Corps Photographiccenter, L.I.C., Brazilian Section.Windrow speaks a number of lan-guages, including German, French,Spanish, Danish, Italian, Portuguese,and Norwegian. A fitting culmina-tion of his experience and a contribu-tion to the war is his present post inTunis where he operates the service-men's club for the American RedCross.Tutk PelntlaiMalnteaaanCloaalai PHONEGRAceland 0800CENTRAL BUILDING CLEANING CO.CalklmSttlnlniMunirAtld WaehlniBand BlutlniStani CleanlniWater Pralina 3347 N. Hal.ted StreetThe Best Place to Eat on the South SideMMKK \ _ MI?I4M>X4«COLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone Hyde Park 6324 THE CLASSES1896Howard S. Brode, PhD, and Mrs.Brode celebrated their fiftieth year ofmarriage on August 30, at which timeali their four sons joined them inSanta Monica, California, for theoccasion. Many old friends senttheir remembrances to Mr. and Mrs.Brode, who were married in 1893 inChatsworth, Illinois. Shortly afterthe happy celebration word carne ofthe death of one of their sons, Mal-colm D. Brode, PhD '27, who wasburned to death in Berkeley on November 1.Elmer E. Todd retired from lawpractice just a year ago, but continues as publisher of the SeattleTimes.1899From William Kelley Wright, PhD'06, of the Department of Philosophyat Dartmouth, comes the sad news ofthe loss of his only son, Stanley Proc-tor, Dartmouth '42, officially reportedas killed in action on November 13.He was a first lieutenant in the Ma-rines and was somewhere in the SouthPacific theater.1900Myrta Richardson Harman writesfrow Fort Dodge, Iowa: "In 1935 Iretired from the teaching profession,which was a passion with me, that Imight pursue other lines also appeal-ing to me. My hobby is collectingstamps, letterheads and envelopes onextended travel, flags (small clothones numbering 58), and yes, evendolls and cartoons and copies of Cur-rier and Ives prints."1908Rev. Kenneth O. Crosby is clergy-for the Episcopal City Missions. Heis chaplain to nine hospitals and otherPOND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettenHoovtn TypewrltlngMultigraphingAddressogranh ServiciHlc-hist Quallty SerriciAH PhoneiHarriion 8118 MimengraphingAddressingMailingMinimum Prlces418 So. Market St.ChicagoGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Paintinq — Oecoratinq — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3 1 8628 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcity, county, and state insti tu tions inand around Chicago. He leads avery busy life, with daily calls on thepatients and Sunday and week-dayservices in these institutions. Hereports his hobby as collecting post-age stamps, old glass and brass, andsymphonic records. He lives nearenough the Quadrangles so that hecan take in the alumni course in thehumanities. His wife (Mary Staley,'11) died last summer. His son, John,'43, entered the Army right aftergraduation.1910Francesco Ventresca, PhM '11, isteaching Italian conversation to Armyofficers at Michigan State College,East Lansing. His son, Dante, is inthe Medicai Corps at Fort BenjaminHarrison and was recently assignedto a comprehensive course in biologyat Butler University. Ventresca'sdaughter, Laura, has a seven months'old baby, David Alan. Her husband,Capt. George B. Brown, former libra-rian at the University of Illinois, hasbeen assigned to Camp Davis, NorthCarolina.William Cabler Moore, PhD, ischairman of the Chemical AdvisoryCommittee of Stamford, Connecticut.This group and its technical staff ofabout twenty highly trained chemistsand engineers is responsible for everyphase of the defense of Stamfordagainst chemical warfare. Dr. Mooreis also spending part of his time inWashington as a consultant in industriai chemistry to the Office of Production Research and Developmentof the War Production Board.Hazel Kyrk, PhD '20, our own professor of home economics and economics, was named recently by Chester Bowles, price administrator, tohead a new OPA consumer advisorycommittee. The committee will con-fer regularly with OPA officials onthe effects of price and rationingregulations on the consumer, andadvise how the regulations may bemade more effective. The group willinclude about twenty-five persons,selected for their knowledge of consumer problems.1915Chi Che Wang, SM, PhD '18, afterdoing biochemical research at theMedicai College, University of Cincinnati, returned to Chicago in 1940and engaged in vitamin work atNorthwestern Yeast Co. She hasreceived an appointment as assistantprofessor in the physiology department at Northwestern MedicaiSchool, but her research is on nephro- sis in children and her laboratorylocated at the Children's MemorialHospital.Frank J. Sherwin, executive vice-president and director of sales of theChicago Hardware Foundry Company and president of the ConcordFoundry Company, Elkhart, Indiana,has been reappointed to the publicitycommittee of the Gray Iron Foun-ders' Society, Cleveland, nationalassociation of producers of gray ironcastings.1916John H. Roser was injured in anauto accident about ten years ago,which has permanently crippled him.Fle writes: "I am very much inter-ested in dogs, music, and handicappedchildren. Have originated a systempf alphabet writing for handicappedchildren. I am looking forward totaking a degree in music and haveplayed in the Chicago Bar Association orchestra." Roser is living inChicago.1917With the January, 1944, issue,Current Religious Thought, editedand published by Herbert D. Rugg,AM, at Oberlin, Ohio, began itsfourth year. Starting with a fewhundred charter subscribers, this re-CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency61st YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices — One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis — Kansas City, Mo.Spokane — New YorkPETERSONFIREPROOFWAREHOUSE•STORAGEMOVING•Foreign — DomesticShipments55th & ELLIS AVENUEPHONEMIDway 9700 ligious monthly has averaged morethan 150 new subscribers per monthto a current circulation of over 6,000.Editor Rugg was student assistant atthe Hyde Park Baptist Church whilehe was on the Quadrangles. Afterleaving Chicago he was religious editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Fortwelve years before becoming editorof his own religious journal Mr. Ruggwas engaged in editorial work for theGeneral Council of the Congrega-tional and Christian Churches.1917E. Regina Franken writes that shehas been "enjoying" her own privatedepression in Chicago for some time,but things look a little brighter now.1918Reese H. Jones was a Caller atAlumni House in early Decemberwhile in Chicago attending a nationalconference of the Outdoor Amuse-ment Association. Mr. Jones majoredin the classics at Chicago and took ayear of graduate work at the University of Grenoble, France, to prepare himself as a leader in amuse-ment park development. When apark becomes ili or anemie the own-ers cali on Dr. Jones who diagnosesthe complaints and then treats thepatient until it is in better health.At the present time Mr. Jones ispracticing in Butler, Pa.1919John Nuveen, Jr., investmentbanker and University trustee, whohas held an administrative position inthe War Production Board in theChicago area since June, 1942, hasbeen appointed director of the Chicago district, it was announced inWashington recently.Executive editor of the Jersey Journal, J. Albert Dear, Jr., wants a freestate university in New Jersey.1920Mrs. Wilmer W. Houston (FrancesS. Hundley) has a new winter homein Norfolk, Virginia, and a summercottage at Virginia Beach. She recently wrote that, although life isalways overflowin"- with interest forher, when she tries to put down inblack and white anvthing concerningherself she feels it will hold little interest for other s. But we think heractivities will be of interest to herfriends, such as working on the Ran-dolph-Macon Woman's College col-lection of writings of Virginia womenand her connection with the NorfoftSociety of Arts, the Infant Sani-tarium, the Association for the P*"eS'ervation of Virginia Antiquities, anothe Poetry Society of Virginia.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 291922Nettie B. Stewart, AM, writes thatshe is interested in raising big crops0n her farm at Lebanon, Indiana.She's also interested in politics, "butanti-New E)eal."1923Thomas Edmund Guerin is pur-chasing agent for the Penn-JerseyShipbuilding Corporation in Camden,New Jersey.Amos Alonzo Stagg, Jr., AM '35, iscivilian physical training director forthe Army Air Corps Student TrainingDetachment at Susquehanna University.1924Bertha Ruth Leaman, AM, PhD'35, has become professor of historyat Frances Shimer College, MountCarroll, Illinois.At their annual meeting in NewYork recently, the National Councilof Teachers of English elected HaroldA. Anderson, AM '26, of our Education faculty, as first vice-president. Hewill also serve as director of publicrelations for the Council, a capacityhe has filled for the past three years.Clara H. Stroud is director of ruralstudent teaching at State TeachersCollege, Mayville, North Dakota.1925Sister M. Ellen O'Hanlon, PhD, onthe faculty of Rosary College in RiverForest, has authored the first of aseries of articles on the evolution ofthe leaf, entitled "Leaf Form andVariation" published in the Marchisssue of the Science Counselor. Anaddress, "Genetics and HumanTraits," delivered before the Chicagosection of the Association of IllinoisWomen in Public Health, was printedin the December issue of Thought.Bernice B. Shannon is librarian ofthe public library in Girard, Ohio.Robert S. Campbell, SM '29, PhD'32, moved recently from Washington, D. C, to New Orleans, Louisiana, where he is working with theSouthern Forest Experiment Station.Grace G. Taylor, AM, is secretaryat the Y.W.C A. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.1926Vernon L. Beggs, AM '31, is super-Wendent of Indian education, with?ffices at the Bureau of Indian Serv-lce, Merchandise Mart, Chicago.1927Robert L. Wolff resides in Milwaukee and is engaged in the profession°\ engineering. He married D. Catherine Howard on September lì.Yue Kei Wong, SM '29, PhD '31, who has recently been technicaladvisor to the editor of the Encyclo-pedia Britannica, has joined the staffof the University of North Carolinamathematics department. He is amember of Acadenia Sinica of China,Phi Beta Kappa, and Sigma Xi.1928Babette Schoenberg has left Chicago to go with the School of PublicHealth at the University of NorthCarolina, Chapel Hill.Andrew J. Johnson is general ac-countant for the Amertorp Corpora-HUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.Telephone Harriion 7798Chicago, III.Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesGenerally reeognlzed aa «ne et the lflftd.no TraehersAgende» #f the United Stata.QUICK TRAININGIntensive Courses to meet the needs ofindustry and government— Stenographic,Bookkeeping, Typing, Comptometry. etc.Day and Evening — Catalogne FreeBryant^> StrattonC O LL)E G E18 S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Randolph IS75HARRY EENIGiNBURG, Jr.STANDARDREADY ROOFING CO.Complete Service10436 TelephoneS. Wabash Ave. Pullman 8500EXTRA CAREMAKES THEEXTRA GOODNESSA Produci ofSWIFT & CO.7409 S. State StreetPhone Radcliffe 7400 tion, Forest Park, Illinois, and livesin the same suburb.1930Louis E. Raths, AM, holds a pro-fessorship at Ohio State Universityin Columbus.Moving from Chicago to the westcoast, Myrtle M. Pihlman is teachingat the Lynwood high school in Lyn-wood, California.With the Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Manufacturing Company inRochester, New York, Stanley G.Dulski, SM '31, PhD '34, is assistantto the director of job training.Anton Napoli is director of Italianin the Army Specialized TrainingProgram at Michigan State College,East Lansing.Lillian Shaleen is teaching Englishand Latin at the school in Prophets-town, Illinois.Frances R. Brown is editorial assistant with the national American RedCross in Washington, D. C.William R. Sype is doing geophysi-cal work and his present quarters arein Mineola, Texas. His work takeshim over considerable territory — hisaddress having been changed fromColorado to Arkansas to Texas in thelast eight months or so.1931Donald C. McMillan, who won hisMaroon letter in water polo andsince 1940 has been pastor of theUnitarian Church of the Oranges(New Jersey), is back in the tankagain — part time. Between sermonshe is the aquatic director at the Summit, New Jersey, Y.M.C.A. Don hasswimming qlasses, teaches life savingto Summit boys and girls, and con-duets a pre-induction program offunctional water safety for the RedCross.Ida M. Didier, SM, is assistant professor of home economics at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chi-cago.Helen Marie Cavanagh, AM, PhD'38, is associate research analyst withthe War Department at MiamiBeach, Florida.1932Esquire magazine recently publisheda short story by Fritz Leiber called"To Make a Roman Holiday."Harris M. Benedict, PhD, is associate physiologist of the guayule research project, and lives at 20 Mid-way Street, Salinas, California.Louise E. Killie, who took her degree in botany, teaches general sci-enee at Downers Grove high school,Downers Grove, Illinois.30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEENGLEWOODELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.Distributors, Manufacturers and Jobbers ofELECTRICAL MATERIALS ANDFIXTURE SUPRIES5801 EnglewoodS. Halsted Street 7500HOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRIN© A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephony Doreheiter 1579Ajax Waste Paper Co.2600-2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Any QuantityWaste PaperScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CaliMr. B. Shedroff, Van Buren 02301934Robert Woodman Wadsworth, AM; '43, is reference assistant at thè Library of Còngr^ess in Washington.Iva Cox Gardner, PhD, has becomeassociate professor artì acting dean ofthe psyc"hdlogy;^eparthToeTTt at HollinsColle^'ih Virginia." •.,1935Mildred Levinson is dietitian forthe Jewish Social Service Bureau inChicago.After finishing his doctor's thesis,Hermann C. Bowersox, AM '36, PhD'43, left for Cambridge in July to takeup a teaching post at MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, where he isteaching English to both civilian andNavy V-12 students.William Guy Wing, AM, has beenassistant to the registrar at CentralCollege, Pella, lowa, for the pastyear.Lawrence E. Skinner, MD, lives inTacoma, Washington, and his familybesides Mrs. Skinner, now consists ofJimmy, aged 6; Sally, 5; and David,almost 3. Dr. Skinner was in Vancouver, B. C, attending summerschòól this past summer.Louise H. Marshall, PhD, is livingin Silver Spring, Maryland, and is aphysiologist at the National Instituteof Health at Bethesda, Maryland.Katharine Maclntyre watchés overthe lunches of students as manager ofthe school cafeterias in the Ham-mond, Indiana, high schools. *William Lingel Wasley is a chemistfor Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin. After leavingthe Quadrangles he acquired somevaluable assets — an MS at LouisianaState in 1936; a PhD at Stanford in1938; a wife in 1940, and a son,David, who will be one year old onJanuary 28.1937Philleo Nash, PhD, and his wife(Edith Rosenfels, '34) live in thecrowded capital, where he is head ofthe groups and organizations sectionof the Office of War Information.F. William Paul, AM, is research-ing ... for the . McCann-Erickson .Company of Chicago.Norman M. Pearson, PhD '43, livesin Arlington, Virginia, while workingfor the United States Department ofAgriculture.The apppintment of Edward G.Plowman, PhD, as vice-president incharge of traffic for the United StatesSteel Corporation of Delaware „wasrecently announced. Mr. Plowmanhas been traffic manager of ColoradoFuel and Iron Company since 1937.Prior to that he taught economics atMassachusetts Institute of Technology and Boston University. He became industriai secretary of Associated Industries of Massachusettsand was concurrently on the staff ofBabson Institute. Subsequently, hebecame professor of business management at the University of Denver andoccupied various industriai positionsin Denver.1938Luella Smith, AM, is registrar inBethel College, North Newton, Kansas.1939M. John Wagner, AM '40, is navi-gation instructor at the British FlyingTraining School, Spartan School ofAeronautics, Miami, Oklahoma.Frank LeRoy Klingberg, PhD, hasan associate professorship at KnoxCollege, Galesburg, Illinois.Marion Hetley Wolf is a chemistwith the Lanteen Medicai Laboratories in Chicago.E. Nelson Thomas is sales managerfor the Curtiss Candy Company inChicago.Eloise Clarke, AM, is a caseworkers for the Family Service Society in New Orleans, besides doingher share of volunteer work in thecommunity.1940Albert; Neuhaus, PhD, instructs inmathematics at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. 1941Alma Hakansson, SM, is superin.tendent of nurses at St. Luke's Hospi.tal in St. Louis, Missouri.Rosabel Sable Velde, AM '42, hastaken a teaching position at the Gard-ner School in New York City.Edmund Villela de Chasca, PhD,is instructing in Spanish at OberlinCollege.Joan Lyding Bell is director ofthe Bethlehem Creche Nursery Schoolin Chicago. Her husband is JamesGlenn Bell, '40.Hattie L. Pierce, who took a de-layed degree, is teaching home economics in the high school at SanPierre, Indiana, besides working in adefense plant in Valparaiso. She hasthree children: a son in Gary, thefather of three lively girls; a daughterin California, mother of two children;and another daughter, 13. Mrs.Pierce reports the family had a happytime last summer when the folks fromCalifornia were home after an ab-sence of ten years. "The best time,"she writes, "was boat riding on LakeMichigan."1942Lillie Cornelia Porterfield, AM, isteaching at the Radford School forGirls in El Paso, Texas.George A. Beebe interprets history!io the high school students at Bre-vard, North Carolina.Charles Boss, AM, heads the Training School social studies departmentat State Teachers' College, Minot,BOYDSTON BROS.Ali phone» OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics. etc.CADILLAC EQUIPMENT EXCLUSIVELYACMESHEET METAL WORKSGeneral Sheet Metal WorkSkylights - Gutters - SmokestaclcsFurnace and Ventilating Systems1 1 1 1 East 55th StreetPhone Hyde Park 9500CLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good Printing of Ali DetcriptionfTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31jjorth Dakota. He found the fallweather very refreshing, but is evi-dently harboring doubts about thewinter weather, for he writes that hewill appreciate hearing from classfriends regarding "warm overcoats,overshoes, and long underwear."Martha Johnson is taking part inthe current campaign for the recruit-ment of student nurses as a member0f the College Field Staff of the National Nursing Council for War Service and the United States CadetNurse Corps. She is assistant director at Johns Hopkins Hospital andhead of the Johns Hopkins out-pa-tient nursing department.MARTHA JOHNSONMiss Johnson is one of thirty-threenurses, experienced in teaching, ad-Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4Wosson's Coal Malces Good — or —Wasson DoesECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKS•Salvanized Iron and Copper CorniciSkyiights, Guttars, Down SpoutsTile, Slata and Asbestos Roofing1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893ESTABLISHED 1908GROVEROOFINGFAIrfac3206Ululano _|*M4COTlAoE6«OWAv7ROOFIN© and INSULATING ministrative or executive work, whoare being released from their presentduties on short-term leaves, to conferwith deans of women, faculty mera-bers and students of college andjunior colleges throughout the country, in an effort to recruit 65,000student nurses needed this year forwartime replacements, and to interest college women in preparation forpost-war careers.Miss Johnson took her professionaltraining at the Wesley MemorialHospital school of nursing in Chicago, and specialized in nursing education at the U. of C. She served asstaff nurse of the University of Chicago clinics, supervisor of the out-patient department at NorthwesternUniversity clinics, and as head nurseof the out-patient department of NewYork Hospital before her appoint-ment to her present position.1943Paul J. Scheips has left his postas teacher of social studies at Centralhigh school in Evansville, Indiana, tobecome instructor in history and gov-ernment at Denison College, Gran-ville, Ohio.Joseph P. Turzicky remains oncampus, working for the Metallurgi-cal Laboratory at the University.SOCIAL SERVICECharlotte Towle, associate professor of psychiatric social work, conducted an institute on supervision insocial case work at the Indianapolisstate conference of social work heldNovember 1-2.Miss Abbott attended a meeting ofthe advisory committee to the Chil-dren's Bureau and to the Bureau ofPublic Assistance on Training andPersonnel in Washington, D. C, onNovember 19.Many students will learn with greatsadness of the death of Estelle Geis-mar, '25, AM '41, in Chicago on November 6. Miss Geismar has super-vised students in field work for theSchool for a number of years at theJewish Children's Bureau.Catherine Dunn, AM '30, has recently accepted a position on thefaculty of the New York School ofSocial Work.Elizabeth McBroom, AM '34, hasleft the University of West Virginiato work with the Department ofSocial Security in Olympia, Washington.Mary Pazdera, AM '37, has joinedthe staff of the midwestern area officeof the American Red Cross locatedin St. Louis. Phones Oakland 0690—0691—0692Ths Old ReliableHyde Park Awnins Co.,INC.Awnìngs and Canopiet for Ali Purposet4508 Cottage Grave AvenueAlbert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1886. Placement Bureau formen and women in ali kindi of teachingpositions. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent of ourbusiness. Critic and Grade Supervisori forNormal Schools placed every year in largenumbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Business Ad-ministration, Music, and Art, secure finepositions through us every year. PrivateSchools in ali parta of the country amongour best patrona; good salaries. Well pre-pared High School teachers wanted for cityand suburban High Schools. Special manager handles Grade and Critic work. Sendfor folder today",,"'Lucilie Ha-Stings, AM '38, has beenmade supervisor of social work in theOffice of Indian Affairs at Denver,Colorado.Barbara Lentz, AM '39, is a caseworker in the Family ConsultationBureau of Cincinnati, Ohio.Winifred Walsh, AM '43, has accepted a position with the home service division of the American RedCross in Chicago.Adele Lassers Fry, AM '43, hastaken a position with the IllinoisChildren's Home and Aid Society andis located in the office at Champaign,Illinois.Mireya Lara-Carrasco, AM '43,has returned to her home country ofBolivia where she will be engaged insocial work.Margaret Paterson, AM -'43, hastaken a position with the CommunityService Society in New York" City.Claire Reitzer, AM '43, is with theJewish Social Service Bureau in Chicago.Roderick Stebbins, AM '43, hastaken a position with the Family Wel-fare Society in Omaha, Nebraska.A number of students who com-pleted the work for the master's degree at the School at the summerconvocation and who have recentlytaken positions as medicai socialworkers are: Evelyn Kasden, socialservice department of the CornellMedicai Center in New York; PaulaWilkow Teppen, Cook County Hospital in Chicago; Alice Pierson, Pres-byterian Hospital, New York; AnitaWeis, Children's Memorial Hospital,Chicago; Frances Weiss, Los AngelesCounty General Hospital.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETELEPHONE HAYMARKET 4566O'CALLAGHAN BROS., Inc.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.MOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAI. PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIT. A. REHNQUIST CO. CONCRETEW FLOORS\r\r SIDEWALKS\\V MACHINE FOUNDATIONSw EMERGENCY WORKv ALL PHONESEST. ISO Wentworth 44226639 So. Vernon Ave.L E I G H ' SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIYER BIRTHSTo Harry S. Tressel, JD '16, andMrs. Tressel, a son, Harry King, onNovember 8. His sister, Mary Ellen,is three years old. The family residesal Winnetka, Illinois.To James F. Hewitt and Mrs.Hewitt (Lucia Downing, '31) adaughter, Nancy Jeanne, on October3. There are two other daughters inthe Hewitt household, Elizabeth andAnn, aged 6 and 4 years. Grandpar-ents are Elliot R. Downing, PhD '01,and Mrs. Downing (Grace Man-ning, '01).To Eileen Humiston Staunton, '33,and John J. Staunton on November9 a son, Harold Francis, brother toSusan Mary and John Jameson, Jr.The Stauntons are living in May-wood, Illinois.To C. Taylor Whittier, '36, AM'38, and Mrs. Whittier a son, Timo-thy Leckrone, on November 9. TheWhittiers live in Davenport, Iowa,where he is principal of MonroeSchool.To Capt. Robert George Sass, '39,and Mrs. Sass, a daughter, MaryBarbara, on August 10. Capt. Sasshas been in Australia since the spring.On December 21, in Cambridge,Massachusetts, their first off spring,Barbara, to Harriet Nelson Johnson,'39, and John Johnson, JD '40. Harriet spent about two years in thealumni office, first as secretary toAlumni Dean Laing and then as director of regional adviser activities,where she did much to extol Chicagofar and wide among prospective students. She and her new family liveat 215A Holden Green, Cambridge,while her husband attends the NavySupply School at Harvard University.Before entering the Navy he practicedlaw in Chicago.To Randall L. Thompson, MD '40,and Mrs. Thompson, a son, RandallGregory, on November 15. Dr.Thompson is associate professor ofbacteriology at the School of Medicine, Western Reserve University,Cleveland.MARRIAGESKatharine A. Tyler, '27, AM '31,to Louis F. Burchwood on November24 at St. Mark's Church, Evanston.The couple will make their home inEvanston.Capt. Bellfield Atcheson, MD Rush'28, on November 18, to GenevieveLa Bree, lieutenant in the ArmyNurse Corps. The wedding tookplace in the Post Chapel at CampPerry, Ohio. In Lourenco Marques, PortugueseEast Africa, on October 9, Huntington Harris, '35, to Mary Hutchinson.The wedding took place in the Epis.copal church, with a reception following in the home of the Britishconsul. Mr. Harris has been withthe United States shipping service inAfrica since November, 1942. He isa grandson of the late Norman WaitHarris of the Chicago banking family and of the late Dr. Albion W.Small, for many vears professor ofromance languages at the University.Katinka Loeser, '36, to Peter DeVries, on October 16 . She is thedaughter of Major and Mrs. LouisLoeser and he the son of Mr. andMrs. Joseph De Vries. Mr. De Vries,author of Who Wakes the Bugler? andThe Handsome Heart, is an editor ofPoetry magazine, of which the brideis an associate editor.At Thorndike Hilton Chapel onNovember 24, Marchia Lois Meekefand Professor Arthur Friedman, PhD'38. The bride is the daughter ofLawrence A. Meeker and of Mrs.Lois A. Field of Santa Fé, and is agraduate of the Shipley School andBarnard College. She is now working for her master's degree in theanthropology department of the U.of C, while her husband is assistantprofessor of English on campus. Areception at the Hotel Sherry follo wed the small, informai wedding.Mrs. Harry Bingham, secretary in theanthropology department, was ma-tron of honor and Louis Landa,assistant professor in the same department as Dr. Friedman, served asbest man. The ushers were LloydWarner and Gerald Bentley, both ofour faculty, and Mr. Bingham. Aftera short wedding trip Professor Friedman and his bride are at home onWoodlawn Avenue.Marvin W. Weldon, '39, to SueVan Elgort, on July 11. The Wel-don's are living in Los Angeles andhis business address is ParamountPictures, Inc., Hollywood, where heis a script clerk.Ruth E. Douglass, AM '39, to Dr.John Defouw, on November 25. Thewedding took place at ThorndikeHilton Chapel, with Dean CharlesGilkey officiating. The bride wasgiven away by her brother, Corp.Richard W. Douglass. The new Mrs.Defouw has been supervisor of medicai assistance to the blind for theCook County Bureau of Public Wd-fare for two years. Her husband, &graduate of the University of IllinoisCollege of Dentistry, is serving^ *dentai internship at the U. S. MarineHAIR REMOVED FOREVERBEFORE AFTER20 Years' ExperienceFREE CONSULTATIONLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERTGraduate NurseMultiple 30 platinum needles can beused. Permanent removal of Hair fromFace. Eyebrows, Back of Neck or anypart of Body; destroys 200 to 600 HairRoots per hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Mole* andWarts.Memha American Ann. Meditai Hydrohgy aniPhysical Therapy, AUo EledrchgisU As$ociattonc/IUtnols$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705, Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.Per feet Loveliness Is Wealth in BeautyHospital in Buffalo, where the coupleV/ill make their home at 36 Beau-maris Place.Jean Gore, '40, to Staff Sgt. CharlesBarton, MBA '43, of Muncie, Indiana, on September 4. She is thedaughter of Mr. and Mrs. JosephGore, formerly of Chicago, now ofLa Salle, Illinois. Sgt. Barton is stationed in the finance detachment atFort Knox and the couple are livingnow in Goldville, Fort Knox, Kentucky.From Hammond, Indiana, comesthe recent report of the marriage ofWarren A. Reeder, Jr., '42 to JuneMaxine Hershberger.DEATHSJohn Franklin Hagey, '98, passedaway at his home in Chicago on December 11, at the age of 67. Mr.Hagey, one of the senior vice-presi-dents of the First National Bank ofChicago and former chairman of theboard of the Boulevard NationalBank, had been associated with theFirst National since 1901, when heentered its law department shortlyafter his graduation. He becameassistant attorney in 1906 and fouryears later was made assistant cashier.In 1915 he became a vice-presidentand later placed in charme of thebank and bankers' division of the institution. By virtue of his positionhe became widely known among thenation's bankers. He was a formerpresident of the Chicago BankersClub. Mr. Hagey was one of thefirst of the alumni honored by a cita-tion, awarded him upon the occasionof the Fiftieth Anniversary celebra-tion of the University. He is sur-vived by his widow, Mrs. Bess Comstock Hagey, and two sons, EdwardH. and Captain Robert H. Hagey ofthe Army.Frank E. Lutz, AM '02, PhD '07,on November 27. Dr. Lutz, a notedscientist, was chairman and curatorof the Department of Insects andSpiders at the American Museum ofNaturai History in New York City.Charles B. Mathews, '03, on July 7,1941. Up to the time of his deathMr. Mathews was superintendentof the public schools of Newnan,Georgia, and a leader of that community.On September 30, Alfred R.Schultz, PhD '05, after a two months'illness, in Hudson, Wisconsin. Dr.Schultz was a geologist of note andfor the past twenty years a publicUtilities executive.Aleck G. Whitfield, '11, on October15 in New York City, where he and his family had been living for several years. He is survived by hiswife and two sons: Gordon, in theA. S. T. P. at Illinois Tech, andDavis, a high school student; twosisters, Ruth Whitfield, '14, and Mrs.Dorothy Proudfoot, both of Wilmette.He was an S.A.E.On December 4, in Kalamazoo,Harold Stanard Adams, PhD '15. Asa research chemist, Dr. Adams wasuntil the time of his death directorand plant superintendent of the Upjohn Pharmaceutical Company.Nellie L. Walker '18, on July 6 inHarrisonburg, Virginia. Miss Walkertaught school and was supervisor ofkindergarten work.On November 1, in Berkeley, California, Malcolm D. Brode, PhD '27,was accidentally burned to death.Mr. Brode took his degree at the University in the Department of Zoologyand until his untimely death hadtaught biology and zoology at severalcolleges.James C. M. Hanson, professoremeritus of library science of theUniversity, on November 9 in GreenBay, Wisconsin, where he had madehis home in recent years. He was 79years old and leaves behind him adistinguished record as a noted libra-rian.Born in Norway, he carne toAmerica as a boy and embarked onhis career in library science in 1890with the famed Newberry Library.Three years later he was delegated tocatalogue the library at the University of Wisconsin and in 1897 wasappointed chief catalogue director ofthe Congressional Library. After thir-teen years in Washington, Dr. Hanson was appointed associate directorof our own libraries and super-vised the complicated task of reor-ganization. In 1927 he became act-ing director of the University librariesand shortly thereafter took a leave ofabsence to accept a commission undera grant of the Carnegie Corporationto reorganize the Vatican Library.In 1928 he was made professor oflibrary science on the Midway.Mr. Hanson was credited withhelping to shape the American Library Association system of cata-loguing. In 1931 he was consultantto the Library of Congress and whenhe retired in 1934 he held manyhonors, including knighthood in theNorwegian Order of St. Olaf. He issurvived by two sons and two daughters.Suddenly, while conferring withother faculty members in his office on October 26, George West Graves,'07, PhD '31, at the age of 57, inFresno, California. A native of Iowa,he studied agricultural science andbotany and taught these subjects atWashington State College, the University of California, and the SanFrancisco State College before goingto Fresno State College in 1920 tobecome the head of its agriculturaldepartment. He played an importantrole in the college' s activities duringthe past twenty-three years. He wasinterested in the campaign to relievelabor scarcity in the county by usingcollege students as volunteer pickersduring the past two years. He issurvived by his widow, Mrs. EllaGraves, and his parents, Mr. andMrs. Walter Graves, residents ofLong Beach.E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph — Offset — Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICEUCENSED ~ BONDEDINSUREDQUAUFIED WEL0ERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoWM. FECHT ELECTRIC CO.CONTRACTORS - ENGINEERSLIGHT & POWER CONSTRUCTIONTelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 2208Alìce Banner Englewood 3181COLORED HELPFACTORY HELPSTORESSHOPSMILLS FOUNDRIESEnglewood Emp. Agcy ., 5534 S. State St.MEDICAI. BOOKSof Ali Publisher!The Largest and Most Complete Stock andali New Books Received as soon as published. Come in and browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago Medicai Book Co.)Congress and H onore StreetsOne Block from Rush Medicai CollegeAshjian Bros., ine.ESTABLI8HED 1921Orientai and DomesticRUGSCLEANED .nd REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone Regenl 6000JOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in ali its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900—0901Retail Deliveries Daily and SundayiQuality and Service Since 1882BOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ava.Ali Phones OAKIand 0492 MacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and Secr.tarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESAccreditati by the National A«Boclatlon of Àe-credlted Commercial Schools.1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 21.30AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limita Itswork to the university and college field.It is affiiated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, wliose work corers alithe educational fields. Both organizatlonsassist in the appointment of adminlstratoraas well as of teachers. La Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State 1350Boston — New York — Philadelphia — SyracuseAlbert K. Epstein, "11*B. R. Harris. "21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsultinq Chemists and Engineen5 S. Wabash Ava. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6EASTMAN COAL CO.Estoblished 1902YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oaltley Blvd.Telephone Seeley 4488A merica's most popular* baconis the branduoith the sweetsmoke taste:Votes proved Swift's Premium Baconmore than twice as popular as its nearest competitori And remember — it costs no extra ration points. Your first duty toyour country:BUY WAR BONDSI