&/rovU **<*¦/<THE UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO MAGAZINEDECEMBER 19 4 3LETTERSONE GOOD WORLDHave just read Dr. Hutchins' article on "One Good World." It reminds me of how far I have travelledfrom the campus since Dr. Tufts usedto discuss the summum bonum withhis class of which I was a member.In fact, I have been trying to makeout just what Dr. Hutchins is gettingat anyway. But if he wants to knowwhat we are fighting for, I would suggest to him that we are fighting forEngland and the maintenance of theBritish Empire first and foremost; andthis will be the biggest achievementat the peace table. His dream of onegood world is intriguing. My sonBob, now with the Fifth Air Forcein New Guinea, might visit Marssome day. But we will have to remind the good Doctor that we havenot yet mastered travel through thestratosphere.We have one long road to travel toattain his ideals. And the way thegreat German nation fumbled the balltrying to be democratic from 1918 onought to sober the dreams therein expressed. And the way the "collegeprofessor" has fallen down in Washington the past ten years makes onestop, look, and listen while he is talking about the service of education much as I believe in it. Education,tempered by actual contact and realwork with men, is one thing; education in your classic halls, shielding andprotecting the professor, accustominghim to student admiration and dependence upon words, with little experience meeting the real battles oflife and no knowledge of having tomeet a payroll or sell a bill of goods, well, that gentleman is a babe in thewoods when he really gets up againstit.William Harman, '00Columbus, OhioI want to congratulate Mr.Hutchins as the author and the alumniMagazine as the publisher of thesplendidly thoughtful, foresighted, andkeenly analytical article, "One GoodWorld" in the November issue. Everyeffort should be made to give this article a wider public than the University of Chicago Magazine can give it.I should think the Reader's Digestwould snap it up.As you know I think Mr. Hutchinswas lamentably mistaken before PearlHarbor. It would have been fatal if the President of the United States andenough more congressmen and citizenshad agreed with him, and fatal (thePresident, congressmen, and citizensnotwithstanding) if Russia and England had given up when we all, including all the generals of all the armystaffs except the Russian and English,expected them to in 1940-41.Jasper King, '20ChicagoI have been so much impressed withPresident Hutchins' article in yourNovember issue that I cannot helpwondering whether there is not someway of getting it into wider circulation.Could this possibly be reproducedby the Reader's Digest? It is certainly worthy of it.William Ayer McKinneyChicagoHOPEYour letter came at a time whenI needed a cheering word, for of latethe dirty, the sordid, the grim aspectsof war have really been catching upwith me in this ruined town whereI am struggling almost by sheer willpower alone to bring back some orderand hope into the lives of thesewretched and desolate civilians. Once,when things were really not bad atall, I used to be stern. I prided myself on how systematically I disposedof cases, how I could place every onein practically one of five categories.Now each man who comes before me,hat in hand and hoping against hopeI will not refuse to listen to his story,falls into but one category sufferinghumanity. I cannot be the stern, efficient, machine-like administrator Iused to think was the ideal. Thecivilian in this war is the one whofeels most the ravages of war. Forthe last few days I have been working straight through without eating atnoon, trying as it were, to stem theflood with a sieve. But the refugees,the escaped prisoners, the homelesschildren who roam the countryside,the sick, the hungry, and the relatives of the dead never end. The lineoutside my door is endless. No onewill help them but they have heardthe military government may care forthem. Maybe back in the Statespeople joke about AMGOT and say,"How odd; it is like a German oath,though they say it really has an unspeakable meaning in Turkish." Here,it is a word that usually means"hope." You can little realize thefrustration I feel each day that goesby. People prowl like wretched dogs through the streets of this ghost city5trying to salvage a piece of furnitureor a piece of cloth, or perhaps looking for the body of a son or a daughter underneath the rubble. A friendwrites me from home, "Italy can beso beautiful, especially in the littletowns." I smile a little, but not much.Have you ever smelled the stench ofdecaying bodies? In this country, atany rate, Fascism and Naziism arewords that will always be mentionedwith horror. There are no academicdiscussions of the war here.Lieut. William A. Lessa, AM '41OverseasPIGEONEERThe first practical use of pigeons asmessage carriers was established byReuters News Agency and Lloyds ofLondon in flying market reports andimportant events of continental Europe across the channel to Englandin the nineteenth century.Pigeons were extensively used by allnations engaged in World War I.They are particularly effective insignal communication and espionage.They provide swift and secret communication under circumstances wherethe use of radio might defeat an assigned mission, i.e. a surprise attackupon the enemy, where radio communication would instantly reveal thepresence of the attacking force.World War I produced such feathered heroes as Cher Ami, PresidentWilson, Spike, Mocker, and LadyAmherst, whose names have becomean heroic legend to the Signal Corps.Typical of such epic feats is the brilliant performance of Cher Ami whoflew through heavy shell fire, althoughshot through the breast and with aleg dangling by a tendon, to its loftwith a vital message that saved thefamous Lost Battalion of World WarI from certain disaster. Greater devotion to duty could be asked of nosoldier!In World War II the use of pigeonshas extended until now the Air Corpshas also adopted pigeons to completemissions where other means of communication are inadequate. Whenthis war terminates and the cloak ofmilitary secrecy can be lifted, it willbe found that the pigeons of WorldWar II have once again maintainedthe tradition of Cher Ami. Today thenames of Yank and Lady Astor havebeen added to the scroll of pigeonheroes in their achievement of bringing the message through in the recentAfrican campaign.Without violating any restrictions(Continued on inside back cover)THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONCHARLTON T. BECKEditor HOWARD W. MORT and BEATRICE J. WULFAssociate Editors SYLVESTER PETROAssistant EditorTHIS MONTHTHE COVER: Lawrence BealSmith, 531, took night classes at theChicago Art Institute while he wasworking for his degree at Chicago.Since then his brush and pallet havecarried him to fame and a position asart instructor in the Boston cityschools. Recently commissioned bythe Abbott Laboratories of Chicagoas one of the artists to record in animated colored paintings the meaningof naval aviation, Smith visited navalair stations, talked to students and instructors, studied their training programs and realistically splashed themon canvas. Through the courtesy ofthe Abbott Laboratories we are privileged to present reproductions ofthree of these paintings in this issue.Our regret is that we cannot bringthem to you in color. The entire setof over a hundred paintings by sevenAmerican artists has been presented tothe Navy Department and will be exhibited throughout the United States.The cover picture is entitled TheCut. An incoming Douglas "Dauntless" dive bomber makes a satisfactoryapproach to the flight deck of an aircraft carrier and the pilot gets thesignal to cut his engine from thelanding signal officer. The weaving"paddles" of the landing signal officer are the guides of incoming pilots,and their semaphored signals are finalauthority in all landings.Two more pictures will be found onpage 11.THE organization of the largestProtestant theological faculty inAmerica and one of the strongest inthe world became effective last July TABLE OF CONTENTSDECEMBER, 1943PageFederated Theological FacultyErnest C. Colwell 3Can We Afford Peace?Robert F. Winch . . 6Journey in the Dark (Book Review)Sterling North 8Nova CygniOtto Struve 9News of the QuadranglesHarry Barnard 12Around the Globe 14With Our Alumni in Milwaukee. .. 16News of the Classes 21by the federation of the full-timeteaching staffs of the four theologicalschools associated with the University.The four institutions have agreed topool their faculties in order to createcloser cooperation in teaching and tostrengthen their effectiveness in training ministers of all denominations.The Federated Theological Facultywill include more than thirty outstanding scholars and religious leaders. Dean Colwell, Ph.D. '30, of theDivinity School, who was one of theprime movers in accomplishing themerger, tells the story of this venturein ecclesiastical cooperation. We areindebted to Life magazine for permission to print the photographs onpages 2 and 5.ACCOMPANYING his manuscript"Can We Afford Peace?" was aletter from Robert F. Winch, A.M. '39,Ph.D. '42, the first paragraph ofwhich explains the purpose of the article: "The plethora of outpourings onthe post-war order is numbing thesenses of our public to this topic. Aftervictory, however, our alumni, as anenlightened segment of the general public, must be intelligently consciousof the hosts of problems if we are tokeep the twentieth century from being one long war." Lieut. Winch, onleave from the sociology department,is now on the staff of the Fleet SoundSchool at Key West.LONG before he came to theUnited States in 1921 to join thestaff of Yerkes Observatory, OttoStruve, Ph.D. '23, was looking up atthe stars. "Nova Cygni" permits anintimate glance into the thoughts ofa Russian army officer at a time whenthe stars were all that remained brightin his suffering world. ProfessorStruve, one of the world's leadingastronomers, has been director ofYerkes and McDonald Observatoriessince 1932.THE new acting director of pressrelations, Harry Barnard, '28, haswritten this month's News of theQuadrangles. In addition to his fifteen-year background of newspaperand press relations experience, Mr.Barnard is the author of Eagle Forgotten, The Life of John Peter Alt-geld. He is now writing the biographyof James Couzens, the late senatorfrom Michigan.FROM the Midway to Midway,from ice-crusted Greenland to themalaria swamps of New Guinea, morethan 6500 Chicago alumni serve theirnation and their University. And inthe Alumni House files are forty goldstars. On this second Pearl Harboranniversary we have circled the worldto pick up brief messages from thefighting fronts.Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago monthly, from October to June. Office of Publication, 5733 University Avenue.Chicago. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Ente red as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the Post Office at Chicago.Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., 80 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the official advertising agency of theUniversity of Chicago Magazine.Copyright Time, Inc., 1WHeads of the four federated schools. From left to right: Albert W. Palmer, president of the ChicagoTheological Seminary; Ernest C. Colwell, dean of the University Divinity School; Sydney B. Snow,president of Meadville Theological School; and Edward S. Ames, dean of Disciples Divinity House.VOLUME XXXVI THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBER 3DECEMBER, 1943THE FEDERATED THEOLOGICALFACULTY By ERNEST C. COLWELL, Ph.D. '30Cooperation where profitable,independence whereessentialA NOVEL form of educational cooperation cameinto existence on the campus of the University ofChicago on July 1, 1943 the Federated Theological Faculty. This federation of four independentinstitutions all carrying on the same program is remarkable in that it eliminates all wasteful competition andcreates extensive patterns of cooperation without establishing a new school. It promises improvement for theeducation of the Protestant ministry in that while thefour seminaries serve separate denominations, they havesucceeded in finding a formula for working together thatleaves their individual life unhampered as they strengthenone another with their several resources.Many alumni of the vintage of the last fifteen yearswent through the University without being aware of theexistence on and near the campus of four separate theological seminaries. Only a few co-eds knew that each ofthese institutions provides a beautiful chapel in whichstudent and alumni weddings are performed: the Thorndike Hilton Memorial Chapel of the Chicago Theological Seminary, the Chapel of the Holy Grail of the Disciples Divinity House, the Chapel of the First UnitarianChurch, used by the Meadville Theological School, andthe Joseph Bond Chapel of the Divinity School of theUniversity. It was more serious that many students andeven some professors on the faculties of these very institutions were unaware of the vast extent of the totalresources in theological education at the University. Yetthese four schools were the raw material out of whichthe Federated Faculty was produced."In divers times and in divers fashions" these schoolscame into intimate relationship with the University ofChicago. When the University was founded, it incorporated the Baptist Theological Union Seminary (already twenty-five years old) into its own structure as the Divinity School of the new University. This school becamegradually interdenominational in character; by 1908, itstrustees no longer required that members of the facultybe Baptists. It also became more and more engaged ingraduate study of religion, and thus an important training center for teachers of religion as well as for ministers.Three years after the founding of the University, theDisciples Divinity House was established to promote theeducation of ministers for the churches of the Disciplesof Christ. It is the only one of the four schools whichdoes not antedate the University. Without formal incorporation in the University, it contributed generously tothe support of ministerial students whom it sent into theDivinity School for instruction and degrees. Its ownfaculty has seldom exceeded two in number, and its resources have been spent directly in the service of students :as, for example, in supplying them with a dormitory anda living center.In December, 1913, the Congregational Chicago Theological Seminary entered into an affiliation agreementwith the University of Chicago, and two years latermoved to its present location at University and 58th.By the agreement, this seminary (founded in 1855) wasgranted the temporary use of library and classrooms inthe University, and students in either institution wereallowed to take one third of their work for the professional degree in the other. Since the late twenties, theinter-relationship has been extended by the "exchange"of three professors from each faculty. In other aspectsof its work, the Seminary has developed as an independent institution, with separate faculty, degrees,buildings, etc.Last but oldest, the Meadville Theological Schoolmoved from Pennsylvania to Woodlawn and 57th in1926. It hoped to enrich its already well-establishedservice to the ministry of the Unitarian Churches by entering the University neighborhood. The MeadvilleTheological School itself worked out no formal relation-34 THE UNIVERSITY OFship with the University, but in 1928 it formed a unionwith the Ryder Divinity House (Universalist), which hadformed an affiliation with the University in 1917. Meadville continued entirely independent of the Universityalthough students and faculties of the various schoolsjoined it in mutually-profitable cooperative undertakings.Although there was wide variety in the relationship ofthe various seminaries to the University, no single pattern was entirely satisfactory. Competition for students,duplication of faculty, unnecessary duplication of somelibrary resources, together with failure to use physicalplant resources to the maximum, developed within thesevarious affiliations. The seedbed of these unhappy andwasteful elements was that same over-emphasis on sovereignty which cripples international cooperation. Theminutes of the Divinity School faculty meetings reportfrequent attempts at an improved relationship. At thebeginning of each report, the consulting committeessaid: "The first principle must be the maintenance ofthe complete independence of each institution." Thisemphasis prevented progress.That progress finally was made was due to the happyexperiences of these institutions in recent years in increasing the amount of friendly and informal cooperation.The decrease in suspicion and apprehension and the increase in mutual confidence and appreciation removedthe major obstacles.In the summer of 1942 it was suggested to the schoolsthat they explore the possibilities of making a new pattern of interrelationship with these goals: the elimination of wasteful competition, the use of the resources ofone institution to supplement the resources of the others,and the combination of the advantages of Universityeducation with those of the denominational school.In the autumn each institution appointed three representatives a trustee, a professor, and an administrator to form a committee of twelve. The members ofthe committee were the following: from the ChicagoTheological Seminary President Albert W. Palmer,Professor Fred Eastman, and Mr. F. W. Chamberlain,chairman of the Board of Directors; from the DisciplesDivinity House Dean E. S. Ames, Professor W. BarnettBlakemore, and Dr. W. C. Bower, chairman of the Boardof Directors ; from the Divinity School of the University Dean E. C. Colwell, Professor J. T. McNeill, and Mr.Howard Goodman, president of the Board of Trustees ofthe Baptist Theological Union and a member of theBoard of Trustees of the University; from the MeadvilleTheological School President Sydney B. Snow, ProfessorC. H. Lyttle, and Mr. C. W. Reese, trustee.This committee held its first meeting in October, 1942;by the end of March, 1943, it had agreed upon a newplan of cooperation. This early success was in part dueto the industry of the committee. The week which sawno full committee meeting saw at least one sub-committeemeeting. In part it was due to the frank and open-minded discussion of all issues. The first principle agreed CHICAGO MAGAZINEupon was2 "Cooperation where it is mutually profitable;independence where it is essential."The -new articles of agreement were then submitted tothe five boards of trustees involved the fifth board isthat of the University which is a second ruling board ofthe Divinity School Under the pressure of the hope thatthe proposed federation might be established at the beginning of the fiscal year on July 1, these boards met inspecial sessions and before the middle of May the lastone had unanimously approved the proposed agreement.The machinery created to attain the goals -outlinedearlier in this article is simple in the extreme. In thefirst place the structure is federal rather than organic,yet important functions of the separate schools will becarried out jointly on the basis of the voluntary agreement to cooperate in these areas.There is to be but one faculty, the Federated Theological Faculty of the University of Chicago, a facultywithout invidious levels. This faculty will have generalcontrol of the curriculum leading to the professional degree of Bachelor of Divinity, and will establish a "common core" within that curriculum amounting to twothirds of the total program. There will be but one degree and one diploma, awarded by the University in cooperation with the individual institution. The studentswill all have status within the University as Universitystudents, with all the rights and privileges thereunto appertaining.Yet each institution will have a separate student body,upon which it will expend the major share of its annualsupply of money and energy. The financial structure ofeach school remains entirely independent. Each schoolcontrols its own budget; there is no budget for the Federation. Economies are effected by the allocation ofmajor expenses; e.g., the University assumes the majorshare of the costs of instruction, while the other threeschools increase their contribution to student aid andscholarships. Similar allocation of areas in book purchasing will make possible greater library coverage for lessmoney. But the trustees and administration of each institution will maintain complete control of the financialresources of that institution.Moreover, each school will maintain and develop itsrelation to the particular denomination it was foundedto serve. To further this aim, the Divinity School lastyear organized a "Baptist Divinity House," which is already functioning effectively. Thus, also, the ChicagoTheological Seminary will strive to increase its service tothe Congregational Churches, and the others to increasetheir contacts with their own. By these activities, thework of the Federated Faculty will acquire a vitality andsignificance of social reference all too often lacking inUniversity schools of religion.In the maintenance of its institutional existence, theseparate school within the Federation will be aided byits control of one third of the professional curriculum.This distinctive element will make possible instruction inTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdenominational subjects and the exercise of the educational interests of the separate schools. Here, and in theconsistent development of student life within its ownhalls, each school will find an adequate foundation forthat sense of communion which is indispensable to effective institutional activity.On September 28, 1943, the Federation of TheologicalSchools at the University of Chicago, which was legallyestablished as of July 1, set its machinery into operation.A total of 285 students from nineteen denominations began their registration in the separate schools and completed it in the University. A Federated Faculty ofthirty-six full-time professors and nineteen part-time lecturers entered its respective classrooms and began toprofess or to lecture. A committee on the D.B. degreewent to work on the final formulation of the "commoncore" of the curriculum. A committee on Library Policybegan the arduous task of planning library cooperation.A committee on Admissions and Pre-Theological Studiesstruggled to establish common routines and standards.The new faculty has already met twice, and in an impressive service in Rockefeller Memorial Chapel on Oc tober 25 dedicated itself to this novel venture in educational cooperation before a congregation of more thana thousand people, who listened to addresses by PresidentRobert M. Hutchins, President Albert W. Palmer, andthe Reverend Douglas Horton.This auspicious beginning fills the Federation and itsfriends with hope for an even more significant future.The strength of the Federation in staff, plant, and money,will in the post-war years bring more than five hundredstudents to this center of Protestant ministerial training.The libraries of the Federation will rapidly become thefinest library in the field of religion in the world. Herethe student will find work of university quality in professional training with the vitality and practical referencewhich the denominational seminary supplies. Here wehope to explore the frontiers in all areas and aspects ofreligious education, with the support of the vast resourcesof our great University. Not least hopefully we lookforward to the enriching experience of living togetheras students and teachers within a framework establishedby Protestant church bodies for their mutual benefit.¦f$*$*The New Federated Theological FacultyCAN WE AFFORD PEACE? By Lieut, (j. g.) ROBERT F. WINCH, U.S.N.R., A.M. "39, Ph.D. '42Or will we create the conditionsfor another bloody anddestructive war?WHY are discussions and programs for the postwar era phrased in vague and nebulous generalities? Is it because there is not yet sufficientwisdom and experience to determine what shall be donewith this sick world after its wounds are patched? Is itbecause our genius can be mobilized only for destructiveends; that our best efforts can be put to a task only whenwe are looking into the wrong end of a gun? Or do westumble and falter over post-war thinking intentionally because certain persons or certain groups in this andother countries have decided that peace is something wecannot afford?Can we afford peace? Colossal as are the costs ofdestruction and the instruments of destruction, it seemsabsurd to talk of the costs of peace. Daily the cost ofwar is dinned into our ears by the leveling of Britishcities three years ago, by the disaster at Pearl Harbor,by the extermination of German cities today, by thetremendous plants producing exclusively for war, by themillions of men in uniform, by the daily casualty lists.This war is costing billions of dollars in goods and services; its price in human lives is beyond our ability toevaluate. Yet peace, too, has its price. This propositionis ignored by most of our post-war planners and prophets.The usual conception of "afford" where used in thissense is the ability to purchase without serious detrimentto one's financial condition. It is evident that we cannot"afford" war because it is seriously impairing the financial conditions of the warring nations. Obviously weare little concerned with whether or not we can affordwar. The alternative to the defeat of totalitarianism ismore undesirable than an unbalanced budget. Wherewar is concerned, we are convinced that victory is all-important, that there is no question of our "affording"war.But why should one speak of "affording" peace? Doesit not mean the end of destruction? Yes. Does it notmean the end of production of the instruments of destruction? Partially. It does mean a reduction of thecosts of war. But peace has its own price over and abovethis.*The opinions and assertions contained in this article; are theprivate ones of the writer and are not to be construed as officialor reflecting the view of the Navy Department or the navalservice at large. Why then do we not hear something about the costsof peace? Simply because many of us have not observedthat peace has its price tag, and others have been fearfulthat discussion of the point would so divide our society asto reduce our fighting efficiency. No doubt still othershave grasped the idea that peace has its costs but areunwilling that we should pay the price. It is these considerations that make pronouncements so beautifullyvague that men of all faiths and persuasions can agree ontheir goodness. It is because of this assumed necessity forvagueness that both United Nations and Axis programsfor the post-war era are practically undistinguishable intheir Utopian terms. We must devote some sober thoughtto the costs of peace before the conclusion of the war andthe inevitable rush to "return to normalcy."To understand the price of peace requires some minimalcomprehension of the causes of war. The causes of warare manifold; they may be thought of as economic,political, and social psychological. Marked differentialsin standards of living within and between countries, groupfears of not being able to attain or maintain standards ofliving to which they feel they have a legitimate claim,group stigma and feelings of persecution these are afew of the conditions out of which wars are engendered.These ideas seem commonplace to most intelligent readers,but they are also pitifully undigested by most.The wisdom of hindsight permits a few observationson the recent interbellum period. The conditions thatwere to bring on the second World War were visible inthe twenties. At that time we failed to act effectivelybecause as a nation we lacked interest, earnestness ofpurpose, and vision. As the symptoms of approachingwar became more manifest in the early thirties, we werefar too preoccupied with our domestic difficulties to givemuch thought to world problems. Too, we were partiallyparalyzed by a sense of despair at the spectacle of therichest country in the world helplessly suffering its severestdepression.By the time we had regained sufficient ease of mindagain to look at the world situation, the problem hadgrown acute. The jingoists were firmly in the saddle,riding pell-mell over decency and liberty, and drivingtheir subjects and the world to war. Then only strongaction supported by the ability and willingness to useforce might have averted disaster.By this time we were beginning as a nation to comprehend the peril but also to apprehend it. Like theother more peaceful nations we were psychologicallyunprepared to take the only course which might haveaverted the present holocaust. A sense of fear of the6THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 7inevitability of fascism crept into our thinking and indeedsuch views began issuing from some of our writers.If there is a political axiom, it is that contented massesdo not fight aggressive wars. The technique to bringmasses to a warlike state of mind is first to make themdiscontented. Whether the grievance is legitimate orimaginary is immaterial. Belligerency will follow.We were fatally tardy in sensing the discontent amongthe masses of the world. Not until all believed or atleast feared that war was inevitable were our leaders ableto make gestures to alleviate this discontent. By the timethese gestures were made, the discontent was out of handand the gestures appeared to be only signs of weakness.These gestures we learned to call "appeasement." It wasin this politico-economic realm that "too little and toolate" first became a policy of the democratic nations. Ofthis, appeasement is a sterling example. Not until "toolittle and too late" was applied to military affairs andbrought disaster did it receive its name. In militaryaffairs we have learned its cost. But war itself, its wasteand destruction, is the cost of "too litttle and too late" inpolitical and economic warfare.If we are to speak seriously of affording peace, we musthave some conception of the nature of its costs. Anydiscussion of this subject must be based upon the premisethat the citizens of the so-called "backward" countrieswill no longer tolerate a status of peonage. If we fail toproceed upon this premise, we shall be creating the conditions for another bloody and destructive war. Acorollary of this proposition is that we must abandonthe illusion of white supremacy. This will become abundantly evident as Asia with half the world's populationbecomes more unified politically and economically. Asecond premise, equally inescapable, is that the standardsof living all over the world must be elevated and madeless vulnerable to economic cycles.To the United States and to the other major industrialand financial powers such a view has important implications. It implies the abandonment of economic as well aspolitical imperialism. It means that the "backward"countries should be allowed and encouraged to exploittheir own resources rather than that the profits of suchenterprises should accumulate in the world's financialcapitals. It implies that free access must be allowed tomarkets and sources of raw materials. To this countrythe obvious implication is the demise of uneconomic enterprise long perpetuated by a policy of high tariffs. Itimplies further that this country, as the most importanteconomic unit in the world, must find means of minimizing or eliminating depressions, which is another way ofsaying that the economic cycle must be flattened out. Onthis latter point it appears that the major defect in oureconomic structure lies in its distributive aspect. In depression years we often remarked the obvious paradox ofhungry men and idle productive resources.The foregoing argument drives us inevitably to thequestion: In order to sustain peace, who must give uphow much? Before answering this question we should ROBERT F. WINCHexamine briefly the modifications in our economic structure which are implied in the argument. With regardto foreign development it appears that the backwardcountries must borrow capital while being allowed to retain control over their enterprises. In terms of domesticeconomics it appears that a strong centralized economicplanning agency must be established and that its strengthmust be sufficient to enable distribution to go on in periods of what would otherwise be depression.From this we may infer that that small minority whichexercises economic control and reaps the benefits mustbe shorn of some of its power and profit. It would befolly to assume that this deprivation of a part of thepower and profits of those in economic control wouldresult in a lowering of the general standards of living,for it is common economic doctrine that the standard ofliving would rise with the permanent maximum utilization of resources and free flow of goods. Moreover theentire economy must develop greater resilience and adaptability to changing conditions.While considering who must give up how much withparticular reference to this country, it should be observedthat labor too has a contribution to make. While operating in an economy in which management may restrictproduction to meet present and anticipated market conditions, it is defensible for labor to engage in such uneconomic policies as "featherbedism." But if we are to envisage a program of the maximum utilization of resources,labor must do its share and agree to the abandonmentof policies which obviously restrict production.Returning to the question who must give up howmuch, it appears that the "who" refers to those actuallyexercising economic control and reaping the profits. Itincludes management, stockholders, and labor unions.The "how much" cannot be stated in quantitative termsbut again must be stated in terms of control and profit.In connection with the question of whether or not wecould afford war it was noted that we do not currentlyask the price of war. It is sufficient to know that, no8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmatter what the price, we have agreed that the cost isless than an Axis victory. If we are serious in our desirefor peace, we should be willing to make the corresponding statement, that no matter what the cost, it is moredesirable than future wars. The bright spot in the wholepicture is that if we set about intelligently to lay the basisfor lasting peace, we must eventually raise the generalstandard of living, and hence what might appear to becost in the short run must be benefit in the long run.After this war the leaders of the victorious nations willbe confronted by many of the problems which confrontedthe world in 1914 and in 1918. The United States, Britain, and France earned the chance to solve them then.While Wilson saw that there were challenging tasks tobe undertaken and sought to bring the United States toparticipate in the peace, most Americans apparentlythought the show was over, repudiated Wilson's leadership, and retired intellectually behind their ocean barriers. Rather than showing any concern over the tremendous volume of unfinished business left from thevarious post-1918 treaties, we limited our participation togrousing about war debt payments. For their part, Britain and France had neither the vision nor the generosityto effect solutions of these problems.Solution does require generosity of a sort. In one sensewe might say that all of these problems can be statedin terms of who must give up how much in order toeffect solution. This, however, is not generosity in theconventional sense. There is a simple economic truismthat if an enterpriser takes all of his profits out of hisbusiness, it is not possible for him to expand it. If hisbusiness is reasonably successful, and if there is greaterdemand for his products than he can supply, it is to hisobvious advantage not to extract all the profits but toturn them back into the business in the form of capitalexpansion. It is by such saving in the present that he isable to increase his future profits. This is a part of whatAdam Smith was talking about when he used the phrase"enlightened self-interest."Since war wastes our resources, if we can avoid war,we can reduce our losses. If allowing all nations accessto raw materials, which means abandonment of thepresent empire system, and allowing them access to markets, which means elimination of the tariff system, is astep in the direction of preventing future wars, then itwould seem a matter of enlightened self-interest, as wellas of generosity, to make these concessions. After all,many of our world's problems could be greatly alleviated if the various peoples could be brought to see theirlong range self-interests.Military victory will not solve the world's problems.It will only determine who will get a chance to try hishand at solving. Those in power twenty years ago failedto see these issues, or if they saw them, they at leastfailed to give them effective treatment. We cannotagain assume that all's right with the world until thecontrary is expensively, painfully, and dramaticallyproved by revolution or war. BOOK REVIEWJOURNEY IN THE DARK, by Martin Flavin, '05.The $10,000 Harper Prize Novel for 1943. (Reprintedfrom the Chicago Sun Book Week, October 24, 1943.)Reality is as far from "realism" as romance is from"romanticism." One is the actuality, the other the cult.One is the miracle, the Ding an sich, the other the pretense, the formula and the excuse for failure. Journeyin the Dark is so realthat after reading the laslpage your own life seemsto be the dream, thisbook the actuality. Vicarious experience can gono further.Sam Braden's life storywould have been banalin the hands of most novelists. Poverty - strickenchildhood in an Iowatown on the Mississippi,a determination to liftMartin Flavin himself by his bootstraps,the slow climb to fortune via a salesman's job with apaper company in Chicago, partnership in a wallpaperfactory, ownership of the firm and sale of the propertyfor five million just before the crash.But as Irita Van Doren has pointed out (she andBernard De Voto and Clifton Fadiman were the Harperprize judges), this is no Alger story. Neither is it therevelation we have come to expect concerning the greedand dishonesty of a robber baron. It is rather a distillation of sixty years of American history personified in aman as American as Roger Martin Dugard's Thiebaultis French or John Galsworthy's Forsytes are English.Martin Flavin has pictured small town Iowa with greaterhonesty than Ruth Suckow; Chicago with as much honesty as Dreiser. But his devices are never obvious, andhis values are never so strained as they appear to be inthe works of the "realists."For one thing, Flavin is the master of time. As hisstory progresses chronologically he can skip forward orbackward with the ease of a Marquand. Without making his novel a tragi-comedy of manners, a social chronicle, or a mere biography, he manages to combine all threewith extreme artistry. Sam Braden's relationship to hisbig, crude father; his little, courageous mother; hisbrother, his sisters, his first and second wives, and finallyhis son proves the author's knowledge of humanity. Thereis never a false note. And no exigencies of plot are allowed to distort these characters.Journey in the Dark is a novel in the great traditioncoming in a season notably devoid of first-rate novels.Sterling North, '28NOVA CYGNIBy OTTO STRUVE, Ph.D. '23And then Ilooked up atthe starsMILLIONS of homeless people are wandering Europe today, the victims of war and all of itsterrors starvation, disease, and, worst of all,hopelessness. I know that the hopelessness is the worstof all, because I was one of those people myself onlytwenty years ago.It was the winter of 1920-21, the last days of thedefeated Army of Russia. I was a lieutenant of artillery.The enemy had routed us in a bloody battle on the icenear the mouth of the River Don. We had retreated intothe Crimean Peninsula, leaving our supplies behind us.My battery consisted of officers and men, but no guns.My own condition was no worse than that of my comrades. I was recovering from an attack of typhus aggravated by malnutrition, but so were thousands of others.My brother had died of the effects of starvation, one ofmy sisters had been drowned in the waters of the BlackSea; my father, my mother, and my remaining sisterwere homeless and hungry.I had intended to be an astronomer, like my father atthe University of Kharkov, in the Ukraine, and my grandfather and great-grandfather at the Poulkovo Observatory near St. Petersburg. I had barely managed tofinish my college course, in time to fight in the WorldWar and then in the Revolution. I had been wounded,and my home and country were lost.The years of the War and Revolution had driven frommy mind even the elements of astronomy. I had no celestial maps to show me my way about the skies. But onenight I remembered that there is a bright star in thesummer sky called Beta Lyrae, which has the peculiarproperty of losing and regaining its luminosity every thirteen days, like some infinitely distant moon. It is quiteclose to Vega, or Alpha Lyrae, the brightest summer star.You may see Vega, and also Beta Lyrae, as I saw themthat night in Russia, almost directly overhead, in thesummer.I started watching Beta Lyrae, observing, with my armybinoculars and even with the naked eye, its serene andregular cycles of luminosity. On the third night I saw,close to it, a star I had never seen before.Was I mistaken? Had it been there the two precedingnights, or hadn't it? Had I found a new star?I had. I had discovered a nova the Nova Cygni of1920. Without maps or books I could not identify it, andit wasn't until I saw its light waning, like Beta Lyrae's,that I knew I had seen something new in the Universe.The notion of announcing it never occurred to me, ofYerkes Observatory910 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcourse; and where, in mad and bleeding Russia, couldI have announced it?I became completely absorbed in the contemplation ofthe immensity of the cosmic phenomenon which I hadwitnessed. A star had exploded and had hurled vastquantities of matter millions of miles into space. If therehad been a planet, like the earth, near the Nova duringthe outburst, it would have been destroyed in the courseof a few hours, together with any living organisms thatmight have been on its surface.In the midst of despair, when everything seemed lost,the outburst of Nova Cygni gave me new courage and anew outlook upon life. The hopelessness of our situationtook on a different aspect and seemed to become less important. I felt a new desire to fight my way through life.I thought of other people who must have seen the outburst, and an invisible bond seemed to join those of uswho, whether they were friends or enemies, had witnessed the outburst of a new star.Throughout the remainder of the campaign I continued my observations: in the trenches on night duty,or near the camp fires between battles. I was again artastronomer and I determined that I should not be submerged by the waves of despair. I was not to become apart of the flotsam of Europe's wars and revolutions.When the Poles and the Reds made peace in the West,our army in the South was lost. We retreated, fightingall the way. We embarked from Sebastopol. Morethan one hundred ships got away. At Constantinople theAllied armies of occupation interned us near Gallipoli.We were men without a country. Nova Cygni had become too faint for my binoculars, but Beta Lyrae shoneon, waning and waxing over the "death valley" of Gallipoli.Several months had passed, and I was working as alaborer in the forests near Constantinople, earning fiftypiastres (about twenty-five cents) a day. I was a refugee,one of tens of thousands in Constantinople. I had no citizenship, no friends. But I went on with my observationsand made my notes. I did not know what would happento me, but I still had something to live for.And then a letter arrived from Professor Frost, thedirector of the Yerkes Observatory of the University ofChicago. He had met my father at scientific congressesbefore the war, and he now asked me to come to America to be his assistant. A few months later I arrived atthe Yerkes Observatory and my first night in the newplace was spent photographing the stars with the greatforty-inch telescope. Nova Cygni was now too faint to beseen even through the great lens. But the American astronomers had photographed it with their powerful instruments ever since it had first appeared. The Englishastronomer Denning had discovered it a few days beforeI had and had cabled his observation to the larger observatories in America.We are still studying the photographs of Nova Cygniobtained at the Yerkes Observatory in 1920. We hope they will tell us its cosmic secret, the secret of the originof stars. We think now that it was present in the heavensmillions of years before we saw it first, and that itsluminosity, which makes it visible from the earth, wasthe result of the sudden release of energy through amysterious process in the nuclei of the atoms.Last winter a brilliant nova appeared in the constellation of Puppis, and the soldiers of the fighting armies inEurope must have seen it, as I saw Nova Cygni in theCrimea in 1920. Astronomy cannot cure our social ills, butit can help us to find a purpose in life. Under the pressure of relentless aggression we are tempted to abandonthe pursuit of spiritual objectives. Many people now feelthat pure science has no place in a world locked indeathly combat. These people are likely to be very unhappy when they come to realize as they must thatin their haste to meet aggression they have lost theirown guide posts to an intelligent existence. We mustcontinue to encourage and develop science for its ownsake. We must try to encourage it among the misguided peoples of Europe and strengthen the bondswhich join them with us. Somewhere on the battle fieldsof Europe there are men today who have come to realize perhaps through the contemplation of the stars overhead -that the mad fury of the aggressors is but a ripplein the Universe. The contemplation of the majestic unfolding of the laws of nature among the heavenlybodies draws men together and reduces their differences.It creates objectives that make the lives of men and ofnations worth living.THE PICTURES ON THE NEXT PAGEThese pictures are from the naval aviation set paintedby Lawrence Beall Smith, '31, for the Abbott Laboratories and presented to the Navy. (See Page 1.)A Language All Their Own (top). Hand signals arethe language of the flight deck aboard an aircraft carrier.Little else would be distinguishable above the roar of engines and the rush of wind. Here taxi signalmen imparttheir terse messages to pilots and checkmen as they spotlanded planes at appointed parking places. The signalman in the foreground signifies by clenched fist that hewishes the pilot to lock his brakes, while with his righthand he tells the checkmen to pull clear the wheel checks.In the Briney (bottom) . Oceans are large and missionsoften are long, so a dunking is the lot of the aircraft carrier pilot unlucky enough to have his fuel supply run outbefore he can reach the flight deck. This Grumann torpedo bomber has run out of gas just short of its carrierhome, but the crew scrambles to safety in their "MaeWests" as the pilot signals a cheery all's-well. They willbe picked up by an escorting destroyer while the carriersteams on at unreduced speed to take aboard other planesstill in the air.NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES By HARRY BARNARD, "28AS SEEN by this observer, recently returned to theQuadrangles after years of wandering, the BigNews about the University is not headline stuff atall. The Big News is to be found in certain intangiblereflections, in an atmosphere of strength and of vitalitythat is to be felt rather than perceived, and in a spiritof preparation for new directions in a new world that issensed to be throbbing quietly but firmly throughout theUniversity. In short, the University is alive, intellectuallyand spiritually. It is not paralyzed, disorganized, or demoralized by the war.There is keen awareness at the University, of course,that a war is going on, and of the signal responsibilitiesof the University for the war effort. Soldiers marchingout of Cobb Hall, marching from the very classroomswhere the late James Weber Linn and also Mrs. EdithFoster Flint taught of English and of life; soldiers marching across the Midway; sailors bivouaced in Bartlett Gymnasium; soldiers taking over the Coffee Shop; soldiersjamming International House; sailors drilling on the fieldin back of Ida Noyes these sights would compel awareness of the war even if no other reminders existed.But there is also an awareness just as keen at the University that this war, like all wars, one day will cease.That is Big News. It is also good news to be able toreport that the University will be ready for the endingof the war and the coming of the peace, ready to playits accustomed role in a world that will need what theUniversity stands for more than ever.""It should not be forgotten that, for all the confusion,for all the reshaping, and for all the financial and administrative activity made necessary by war, the demandsmade upon a university by peace are by far the greater.Peace is much less dramatic than war. And for that reason the more difficult to operate in. As with individualsit is really a comparatively easy thing, albeit distressing,for a university to go off to war. The job of war is definite. The objectives are clear. The ultimate problem inwar is not so much the job, but to survive it.One is reminded in this connection of the Frenchcardinal who was asked what he had done during theFrench Revolution and replied : "I survived." The cardinal was satisfied over such an agreeable achievement. Itwould be enough Big News and enough good news tobe able to report only that the University of Chicago, likethe cardinal, also will survive. But what one agreeablysenses in the spirit on and around the Quadrangles isthat the University will do even better than that. If theworld survives, it seems certain from recent events andannouncements that the University will be an even betterUniversity. In practically all departments one catches ahealthy, stimulating, and contagious fermenting of intel lectual excitement in most cases restrained, of course,for the coming of peace. It is an excitement that couldnot have been equalled except during the days of WilliamRainey Harper.What are some of the manifestations of this excitement?Well, here are a few: Leading businessmen of Chicago,great industrialists, are enrolled in a course in the GreatBooks, unashamedly coming to the University for thesame kind of teaching that some of their sons and daughters are getting. The Department of Music embarks upona program of expanded scope, adding a chamber orchestrato a re-shaped symphony orchestra, both to be conductedby Hans Lange of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. TheDepartment of Music is also sponsoring a series of "composers' concerts." To be given in Mandel Hall startingDecember 10, these seem destined to make musical history in the Middle West assuredly, if not in America. TheUniversity acquires a great instrument of mass education,the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the results of which mostcertainly will be of a challengingly constructive nature.The director of the Oriental Institute, Professor Wilson,heretofore exclusively interested in the world's past, announces the formation of a Committee for World Affairs,by which men who have been looking at Asia's past willnow cooperate with economists, political scientists, physical scientists, and others for studying what will be Asia'sand perhaps also our future.The four heretofore separate theological facultiesgrouped around the University, representing four distinctProtestant denominations, are coordinated into a Federated Theological Faculty, with implications of Christianunity that suggest that something akin to a revolutionaryreligious movement has been born on the Quadrangles.This reporter is only the third son of a third son, buthe ventures nonetheless to forecast that one day this theological federation will be likened, in the Protestantworld, to the Oxford movement in England. In thisconnection, we quote from President Hutchins' addressat the dedication of the federation on Rockefeller Memorial Chapel: "We mark tonight the beginning of a greatmovement in education, the significance of which fartranscends our own time." The meaning of these wordsof Mr. Hutchins becomes clear when it is realized that,by this Chicago movement, Baptists, Unitarians, Disciples,and Congregationalists will now sup together, communewith each other, and otherwise experience a brotherhoodrarely known before, the while maintaining their basicidentities.Incidentally, it may be predicted that to Dean ErnestCadman Colwell, now dean of the faculties as well as ofthe Divinity School, the theological world will one dayaccord more than a nod for this achievement.12THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13Of perhaps lesser world significance, but of commanding import nonetheless, are implications of only two ofseveral new appointments announced by the President.Appointment of Theodore W. Schultz as professor ofagricultural economics means, in the words of ChairmanSimeon E. Leland of the Department of Economics, thatat long last the University of Chicago is giving properrecognition to the fact that agriculture is of major importance in the economics of the Middle West. Everybody has known that agriculture is important to Chicago,but not until now has the University embarked on a realprogram based on such recognition.Mr. Schultz is a great figure in the higher understanding of agriculture and his work will bear watching byall who see the signal connection between the problemsof food and the coming peace. We do not know if whatpeople eat explains what people are, as some insist, butwe can be sure that how and whether people eat undoubtedly has bearing on who fights whom and where andwhen.Appointment of Joseph A. Brandt as director of theUniversity of Chicago Press conveys equally dramaticovertones. Mr. Brandt is now president of the Universityof Oklahoma. Undoubtedly things of vitality will soonbe happening to and in and from the Press, for we maybe sure that a man of Mr. Brandt's energy and attainments would not give up the presidency of a great university without the confidence and the assurance that hewill be able to perform work of surpassingly constructivenature in his new post. The University of Chicago Pressalready has become of world importance. We do notknow what Mr. Brandt's plans for it are, but we havemore than a suspicion that the Press part of the Quadrangles will soon be a big source of news in the literaryand publishing world.A third appointment is also significant that of Mr.Morgenstern as director of public relations for the University. For seventeen years, William V. Morgensternhas served with high distinction as director of press relations. His elevation to this new post, wherein press relations is but one phase of the larger concept of publicrelations, is indicative that the University is conscious ofthe great value of greater understanding of the Universityby the public as a whole, whether the public is touchedby the press, by magazines, by radio, by University publications, or any other medium. We are living in a worldin which propaganda has assumed a higher force thanever. The creation of the new post of public relations bythe University, with Mr. Morgenstern in charge, is ahopeful sign, for the University and for the world asit may be influenced by the Quadrangles.In view of such straws in the wind space does notpermit even suggesting others is it any wonder that wehave the conviction that the University will do even better than did the French cardinal? This is certain in the midst of a world aflame from war, the University,as during the days of Harper, is living up to the symbolism of its Phoenix.Quadrangle Round Table. Mr. Hutchins, on Friday,November 19, began his fifteenth year as president of theUniversity. He is the University's fifth president and nowhas served only two years less than did Mr. Harper. . . .On Saturday, November 20, death came to a distinguishedwoman scientist, Adeline DeSale Link, assistant professorof chemistry, wife and research comrade of ProfessorGeorge K. K. Link, professor of plant pathology, also ofthe University. . . . Mr. Don Morris, formerly of pressrelations, is now with Life magazine. . . . The UniversityRound Table, most famous of all discussion radio programs, is now on a new time schedule, being broadcastover NBC at 12:30, Chicago time, instead of 1 P. M. asheretofore. ...The Human Adventure, a dramatization of the development of scholarship and research, is now a Thursday night radio program over the Mutual system, 7:30Chicago time. . . . Mr. Defauw, the new conductor of theChicago Symphony Orchestra, has been appointed musicadviser to the University. Mr. Lange, also of the ChicagoSymphony Orchestra, has been appointed director of instrumental music. . . .More Tablets. A visiting professor at the Universityis the former minister of foreign affairs of Norway, Professor Halvdan Koht. . . . Student players presentedClaudia on November 19 and 20. ... A competitivescholarship examination for high school students who willenter the College was held December 4. . . .Quote from Charles E. Merriam, in a WalgreenFoundation lecture: "We must not force our veterans ofWorld War II to sell apples on Michigan avenue." . . .Quote from Dr. Morris Fishbein on the University RoundTable: "One of the outstanding achievements of this warhas been the mobilization of 60,000 doctors and 30,000dentists for the war." . . . Quote from Louis Wirth, ina Walgreen Foundation lecture: "Rights are not privileges. Our democracy does not recognize that any classor group of individuals among us has special privileges." ...Each Sunday afternoon at four o'clock a free organand carillon recital is given in Rockefeller MemorialChapel. . . . Quote from Professor Jacob Marschak,economist who saw inflation in Europe first hand: "Inflation makes people poor and bitter, but it is not inevitableif both the leadership and the public are properly informed." . . . Preacher in the Chapel Sunday, November 14, was Dr. Leslie Pinckney Hill, Negro president ofCheyney State Teacher's College. ... On November 10,International House celebrated its eleventh anniversary.To Watch For. Mr. Hutchins' annual report, "TheState of the University."14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOAROUND THE GLOBETWO YEARS AFTER PEARL HARBORSOUTHWEST PACIFICBest regards from a little islandway down in the Southwest Pacific.Have had some thrilling (the gray-hair kind) experiences in the last fewmonths, believe me. While harderto beat than Michigan used to be,we're whipping the little so-and-so's,and that's the main thing.Lieut. Howard F. Jersild, '30I'm still in SWPA chasing the Anopheles females hither and yon. SinceI am working in the field of malariacontrol I believe it is of interest tonote that my wife, Jeanette Hart, isat present working in the malariatherapy project in the Department ofBacteriology and Parasitology at U. ofC. Even though we are separated wecontinue working in the same field just as we have done all our marriedlife.Major Thomas A. Hart, PhD '41INDIAHave met no U. of C. men herein India as yet, but have hopes. Chicago training much appreciated. Iam sanitation officer of my unit inaddition to being acting executiveofficer and adjutant.Lieut. Salvi S. Grupposo, '39From recent observations I havelearned that the Indians in Indiawear clothes just like some of theIndian students at Int House did.Lieut Kenneth D. Osborn, Jr., '39 CANADABuried in the Canadian wilderness!Capt. Stanley G. Law, MD '30NORTH AFRICAI'm serving as mess officer for alarge company of WACS in NorthAfrica. This "chow" business is no jokeover here. Appetites are even greater,while food is more scarce and harderto prepare with field ranges. Muchdehydrated food, plus canned stuffsshow up and thanks to you fellowsufferers at home, occasionally frozenbeef. But we love it and wouldn'thave missed this experience for anything. You can bet your bottomdollar that we are happy to be in thecenter of activities of this theater,knowing that each has relieved oneor more men for combat duty.Lieut. Ellen C. Ruthman, '42HAWAIII still receive my copy of "PrivateMaroon" even out here in the Hawaiian Islands, so keep it coming.Lieut. David G. Speer, '37, AM '39AUSTRALIAWorked Australia's "Burma Road"for nearly a year (known as "kangaroo trail"), as company commanderof a motor transport.Capt. Bruce E. Stewart, '35Been knocking around Australiaand New Guinea for some time. Theformer is the best you could find outside of the United States.Capt. Charles H. Lawrence,'34, MD '37 M A G A Z I N EALASKAOur little unit is still doing business as usual out here in what is commonly known as the cold country, orso I was led to believe, but which Ihave found to be an untruth in mytime of service.S/Sgt. Bernard M. Krichiver, '39From somewhere in England MajorNels Norgren, '14, of the Air Corps ishelping to put out winning teams overthe Continent.PERSIAPersia is much too tired and enervated to have anything except a greatfeeling of lassitude happen to you.This is the fourth (and last, I hope)change in address within a month'stime.T/5 Gavin T. Walker, '34, JD '34FILIPINO REGIMENTHere I wish to take the opportunityto tell you something about my regiment. With the exception of but afew, the personnel of this unit are natives of the Philippines. The commanding officer, Colonel R. H. OfHey,was born in the Islands, where hisfather was the governor of the islandsof Mindoro. He speaks three Philippine dialects with the fluency of a native. Most of the officers are American; some are Filipinos. A few areveterans of the Battle of the Philippines, who reached the United Statesby way of Australia.The men of this regiment have theirfamilies in the Islands. They feel thatthey have a score to settle with theJap. They also have the record oftheir countrymen at Bataan beforethem. So the men of this regimentare primarily motivated by two objectives : ( 1 ) to help redeem their country, and (2) to live up to the magnificent record of their compatriots atBataan and Corregidor.Sgt. Paterno A. Ortiz, '42After signing in from Chicago, Red Cross worker Marjorie Bom-berger, AM '36 (left) and Chicago Times correspondent James Wel-lard, PhD '35 (right), with Blanche Novak hunt for friends in the IllinoisState Book at the Red Cross Service Club lounge in Algiers.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 15WITH THE FLEETWe are keyed for the attack. Ourfinal pre-invasion training is beingcompleted. In amphibious warfareone works with Army, Marines, CoastGuard, and aviation personnel.Heavy blows are going to be strucksoon with us on the transmitting end.I deeply regret having missed theItalian campaign, but there aregreener fields.Ensign Dale P. Johnson, '42Assigned to this destroyer escortseveral months ago. Saw her builtand commissioned and am at presenton her shakedown cruise. Probablybe doing convoy and anti-submarinework in the Atlantic in the nearfuture.Lieut. Arthur L. Funk,AM '37, PhD '40The Marines have a lot of everything. I am in their tank corps. Mymen and I are more than anxious tomeet the Japs.Lieut. Marvin E. Mitchel, '42Most of my time in the Navy hasbeen spent seeing the waters of theworld from the decks of armedfreighters. To hop from Brazil toEgypt and back again via Cape Townis no longer such a formidable prospect.Lieut. Gordon Tiger, '38On foreign duty mainly. The CoastGuard is doing a lot of that, not allof it on the coast.Ensign Arthur H. Baum, '35SICILYThe only fighting I have participated in has been the battle for keeping the Sicilian civilians supplied withthe necessities of life; the few air raidsare tame in comparison. I keep encountering busy U. of C. men; thelatest is Lt. Col. T. V. Smith. Myaddress also serves for Capt. FaustoCiulini and for Lieut. DominicTesauro. As you know, this hasbeen an Allied undertaking from thestart and British and Americans havebeen rubbing elbows, and what is moreimportant, working together magnificently.Lieut. Harold M. Barnes, Jr., '35THE ALEUTIANSHave been able to study the Aleutian Islands the Infantry way walking!Pfc. Henry J. Tomasek, '42 Lieut. Col. Robert R. Presnell, '16,with General MacArthur's SouthwestPacific Command, sees that cameramen with their hand-lugged equipmentare in the right spot at the right time.First as Chicago Tribune reporter, thenas "leg man" for war correspondentFloyd Gibbons, foreign correspondentfollowing World War I, and finally asHollywood writer-producer, the colonelaccumulated a wealth of backgroundfor his present assignments.GREENLANDGreenland is a heck of a place tosend a Southern Californian, but Chicago prepares one for anything! Eskimos, walruses, icebergs, and fjords arefine fun extracurricular, though areal part of the picture.Richard E. Worthington, '39 MIDDLE EASTI've been out in the Middle Eastsince October, 1942. My travels havetaken me far afield since then. Iran,Iraq, Transjordania, Syria, the Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt have all comemore or less under my field of operations. Recently I made a somewhat hazardous trip by car fromBasra on the Persian Gulf to the Levant coast over the Syrian desert. Istood on Ur of the Chaldes, slept onenight in the ruins of ancient Babylon, visited Ninevah and the ruins ofPetra. Our car broke down in themiddle of the desert and we were fivedays in the midst of nothing, withonly Arabs and desert to console us.Rob Roy Macgregor, '39ENGLANDI am serving with the Army NurseCorps in England. We have beenover here almost one and a half years.How I do miss America!Lieut. Madeline A. Young, '31My training has taken me to someplace in England, where I am discovering lovely countryside, learninghow to brew a cup of tea, hearing abroad a outside of Harvard, and realizing that the women are the mostpatriotic people here.Corp. Harrison Alexander, '43CHINAMy last report was from centralIndia. I've now been in China fourmonths, and am fed up with it. Iwas in a large bombing raid my firstweek in China but none since, despitemany alarms or jing baos, as they including the Chinese clerks. I wasglad to read about the Midway USO.I'd forgotten there was a USO. I'menclosing a small contribution to helpthe morale of the poor boys so gallantly enduring the rigors of life inChicago. Would that they couldThe Contribution to theU. S. O.are called here. Have been overseaseighteen months, and wonder if thereis danger of losing my citizenship."Private Maroon" comes occasionally and I have just received threeU. of C. Magazines, which have beenlooked at by everyone in my office, share the ease and sybaritic life in theOrient!Some of us wonder how the fourth(or is it fifth?) term campaign is progressing. I'm only kidding; we aremore up to date on the news thanyou might think.Lieut. Arthur H. Leonard, '36With Our Alumni in MilwaukeeIn Milwaukee there are nearly four hundred Chicago and Rush alumni. Milwaukee alumniwon't want to miss the list of Rush doctors published on page 20. You may be surprised todiscover your family physician is "related" to you.When the Evans family moved fromIreland to Milwaukee in 1891 Edwardwent directly to Rush. In the fall of'94 the brand new sign on the officedoor in South Milwaukee read: Edward P. Evans, M.D. In 1917 Dr.Evans became a captain in the Medical Corps. After the war he established his office in downtown Milwaukee where he has since specializedin pediatrics. His son, Sidley, is onthe electrical engineering staff of OhioState. His three daughters are married and living in (1) Los Angeles,(2) New York, and (3) on a farm inWisconsin.With the same twinkle in his eyes,the same mustache and Vandyke hehad immediately following his internship in Presbyterian Hospital, Dr.Wilhelm C. F. Witte, Rush '96, continues to do his own surgery andconduct a "healthy" practice from histwenty-two-year-old office in the Majestic Building. Dr. Witte moved toMilwaukee at the turn of the centuryto practice surgery and serve on thefaculty of the old Milwaukee MedicalSchool (now Marquette MedicalSchool). Ducks in the fall and travelat frequent intervals interspersed withcolor photography provide perspective. The doctor's daughter, Frances,is the wife of Lieutenant WilliamHitz, who is on a Coast Guard subchaser in the Pacific.In 1899 Dr. George H. Fellman,Rush '97, opened an office in Milwaukee and became an instructor inthe Milwaukee Medical College. In1904 he was appointed professor ofchildren's diseases, which position heheld until 1923 while continuing hisprivate practice. Through the yearshe has held many other positions ofhonor and service, but it took a second World War to draft him back onthe Milwaukee Hospital Clinics. Whenhis conscience permits, fishing andgolf break through the routine.Michael B. Wells, '99, is a vice-president of the Marine National Exchange Bank. His daughter, Barbara,is the wife of the Boston general agentfor the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.Pictures of a 110-pound tarpon, acar with running boards sagging withdeer, a golf threesomeon a southern course,and an upstandingyoung man of thirty-nine greet the visitorto the inner office ofDr. Chester M. Echols, Rush '01. The doctor, in his seventieth year, still shoots golf in theeighties, brings home his own deerevery fall, fishes and hunts along theGulf during the holidays, and takesjustifiable pride in his family, two boysand a girl. Dean, the oldest (39), isthe famous brain surgeon, head ofneurosurgery at Tulane; Helen is thewife of a Milwaukee banker; andEmmet is a captain in the Artillery.The doctor specializes in surgery andcontinues to spend his mornings in theoperating rooms.Dr. William B. Ford, Rush '03, hasbeen practicing internal medicine inMilwaukee since 1912. Two yearsago he retired * as assistant chief ofthe tuberculosis division of the Milwaukee Health Department and fromthe faculty of Marquette MedicalSchool, positions he had held for aquarter of a century. Dr. Ford hasthree sons: Richard, recently discharged from the Army because of aninjury; Erwin, with the MilwaukeeClever-Brooks Company (filter manufacturers); and Justin, inspector inthe anti-aircraft division of a Michigan manufacturing company.In 1936 Caroline M. Murphy, '04,retired as head of the English department of Washington high school afterhaving served in this capacity fortwenty-two years. Since then she hasenjoyed her winters in California, Arizona, Florida, and Texas.At the oldest institution of its kindin the middle west Dr. William T.Kradwell, Rush '04, has served on themedical staff of the Milwaukee Sanitarium (founded in 1884) since 1905 with time out to be a captain in thefirst World War Medical Corps. Dr.Kradwell recently retired as associatemedical director and is now vice-president of the board of directors.Before becoming director of research for the Schlitz Brewing Company in 1941 James W. Lawrie, '04PhD'06, held the same position withthe A. O. Smith Corporation (steelfabricators), where he directed theresearch of 175 chemists. But thereal fun in Lawrie's life comes whenhe can retire to his private laboratoryto attack knotty scientific problemsnot necessarily related to the brewingindustry. At 63 and figuring fourhours sleep per night, his extra-curricular program is outlined ahead fortwenty-five years and the doctor isenjoying the health that promises topermit its completion. James, Jr.,left his engineering work to join the Army and Donald heads a divisionof Consolidated Aircraft.During the past twenty-two yearsErnest W. Miller, '05, Rush '07, hasbeen chief surgeon for four Wisconsinpublic service companies with headquarters in Milwaukee, providing healthand insurance forseven thousand employees and theirfamilies with a staffof twenty-six doctorsand nine nurses. In addition to theseresponsibilities the doctor holds numerous civic and professional officesincluding the presidency of the StateGolf Association. And he alwaysbrings home a moose or deer fromCanada each fall at least theirheads, as the walls of his office testify.One of Milwaukee's most colorfuland popular citizens is Milton C. Potter, PhM'05, who, when he retiredthis spring, had set a thirty-year record as city superintendent of schools.And this record was made by astaunch, conservative Republican (for70 years) who had lunch with theassociate editor at the RepublicanHouse in the city that for years hadboasted a Progressive administrationand which had referred good na-turedly to Mr. Potter as a "blackreactionary." So unanimous was hispopularity that thirty-five civic organizations combined to honor himon April 20. Mr. Potter has twosons: John, president of Hobart College, and Jo, an officer in the Ling-Seely Company (aircraft instruments)at Ann Arbor, Michigan.For eight years following graduation Arthur W. Richter, '06,' JD'12,was dean of the Marquette LawSchool.. Since then he has carriedon a general law practice, althoughhe is specifically interested in laborand is the C.I.O. attorney for theMilwaukee district. When businesspermits he likes to slip into the Wisconsin woods, from whence he usuallyreturns with a deer and a shoulderload of ducks.All those romantic stories and cartoons about Harper and Rockefellerorganizing a brand new universityhad started Charles Fidler a-figurin'.Down by the barn on his dad's Illinoisfarm he sat discussing his ambitionswith older brother, Joe. "So youwant to go to Chicago and be a doctor? O.K. Kid, I'll finance you," saidJoe. At Chicago Charles was dis-16THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17couraged and a little embarrassed.f£s clothes didn't look like hero-quar-terback Eckersall's. Debating theadvisability of returning to the farmCharles was on Ellis Avenue halfheartedly looking for a room when aman's hat blew past. Retrieving thederby, Charles met Claude Russell,ajso room hunting. They pooledinterests, became roommates, andlifelong friends. Dr.Claude Russell, Rush'06, is now at Lansing,Michigan, while Dr.Charles Fidler, Rush'06, is in Milwaukeeserving on the medicalfaculty of Marquette University andon the staff of the Milwaukee Children's Hospital, besides conducting abusy surgical practice. "Tired?" Hechuckles at the question. "Man, I'vealways been tired from my kid dayswhen I pushed a two-horse corncultivator twenty-four miles fromsunup until time to do the choresby lantern light."One of Chicago's most loyal Milwaukee alumni is Albert B. Houghton,'07, JD'09, who has been an attorneyin that city from the day he receivedhis law degree. War has added tohis responsibilities which now includemembership on the gasoline rationboard and acting as special assistantto the United States Attorney General to hear all cases of conscientiousobjectors in his district. Son, AlbertF., is in the A.S.T.P. at Ann Arbor.Dr. Victor S. Falk, Rush '13, movedto Milwaukee in 1932 where he hassince practiced internal medicine. Atpresent he is also serving in the medical department of the inductionboard. For relaxation and pleasure,the doctor raises flowers. This year,V-for- Vegetables monopolized a partof the plot. Victor, Jr., a lieutenantin the Medical Corps of the Navy,recently returned from Guadalcanalwearing a Navy silver star. His sister, Jean, is married to a civilianflight instructor at Rochester, Minnesota.For eighteen years Carl B. Gaenssle,PhD' 14, taught Latin, German, andancient history at Washington highschool. Two years ago he retired.One guess what he does for recreation. Reads Hebrew and Greek!Marry a mining engineer and seethe world, would be the suggestion ofMrs. I. H. Wynne (Mary Dorrance,T4) who has lived in Chile, Arizona,London, Johannesburg, northernRhodesia, California, Texas, Peru,and finally Milwaukee, where sheand her husband arrived six daysbefore the Pearl Harbor attack. Mr. Wynne is now in the plant designingdepartment of Allis-Chalmers (heavyelectrical and farm machinery) .Their daughter, Doris, is chief examining clerk for the U. S. CivilService Commission in Honolulu,while son Gordon, a metallurgicalengineer, is training to be an Armypilot.With a bachelor's degree fromMarquette University, John M.Flynn, '14, JD'15, came to Chicagoto pick up a Ph.B. and secure his lawtraining. Since then he has been aMilwaukee attorney. He has threechildren: Betty Anne and Margaret,both students at Marquette, andJohn, Jr., 6. Mr. Flynn also runs theold 370-acre homestead farm (settledby his grandfather in 1847) fiftymiles from Milwaukee, where he haseighty head of fine Wisconsin milchcows.Ernest J. Morris, '15, is the fatherof Don, who wrote his last News ofthe Quadrangles in the October issueof the Magazine and accepted a position with Life. For years ErnestMorris was a Boy Scout executive,first in Covington, Kentucky, then atOak Park, and finally from 1928 to1937 in Milwaukee, at which timehe resigned to accept a position withthe New York Life Insurance Company. His daughter, Margaret, is akindergarten teacher at Rhineland,Wisconsin.Mrs. Grace O. Coons, AM '15, hasbeen in Milwaukee twenty-four years.She teaches mathematics and is onthe advisory staff of Riverside highschool. She did her undergraduatework at the University of Kentucky.The congregation at the RoundyMemorial Baptist Church insists thatthe sermons of Hal E. Norton, '16,have definitely taken a more practical turn since he's been working agraveyard shift at a defense plant.In spite of his night life Pastor Norton neglects neither his ministerialduties nor his victory garden. Histwo daughters are married Elaineto a professor of physics at the University of Oklahoma and Ruth to theassistant chief engineer of the BeloitIron Works.Percy D. Ashford, '16, has been onthe Riverside high school facultysince 1923, and is now head of thehistory department. He has onedaughter, Mary, who is six years old.Alexander F. North, '17, has beenwith the Allen-Bradley Company(electrical control devices) for fifteenyears first as comptroller and forthe past two years as treasurer of thecompany. With 1800 employees, war contracts, and government reports,he finds little time these* days for hisnative Wisconsin woods. There aretwo children in the North family:Margaret, a senior in high school,and Fred, 11.Dr. Benjamin H. Schlomovitz,Rush '17, paid for his M.D. at Rushby teaching in the University of Illinois Medical School, and later joinedthe staff of the University of Wisconsin Medical School. Then camethe first World War and he servedin the Chemical Warfare Division.Returning to Wisconsin he taughtphysiology and pharmacology untilhe was asked to head this same department at Marquette University in1920. In 1923 Dr. Schlomovitz resigned this position to become director of laboratories at the UnitedStates Hospital in Wood, Wisconsin,while carrying on a private practiceat his Milwaukee office in the afternoons. His daughter, Jane Alice, ismarried and lives in Washington,D. C.After leaving the Midway, HenryShellow, '18, secured his A.M. fromColumbia University and taught economics two years at Marquette University. For the past eighteen yearshe has had his own certified publicaccountant office. Both his boys,Jim, 17, and Bob, 14, want to beengineers.Two years after graduation Dr.Bernard Schlossman, Rush '18, spenta vacation on the Wisconsin farm ofhis wife's mother at Washburn. Heliked the country and people so wellthat he stayed seven years beforemoving on to Milwaukee, where hehas since practiced obstetrics andgynecology. His son, Eugene, is witha medical unit in England. Bob isin junior high school.The day after receiving his degreefrom the School of Business BenjaminK. Engel, '19, sat <^down at a typewriterand began writing advertising copy for aChicago agency. Twoyears later he joinedhis dad in wholesalemen's furnishings. Then via a Wisconsin underwear manufacturingfirm and a national cheese company,ten years ago he joined the Fried,Ostermann Company (leather andwoolen sports wear), where he hascharge of advertising, industrial andlabor relations, and production 60per cent of which is for the government. He took time to be the AlumniFoundation chairman for Milwaukeethis year. His daughter, Barbara, is18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEa freshman at MacMurray College,Jacksonville, r Illinois. If her ambition continues to be kindergartenteaching she may enter Chicago laterfor advanced work.Harold C. Walker, '20, is with theinvestment firm of Loewi and Company on East Mason Street. Mrs.Walker was Phylis Palmer when shereceived her degree from Chicago in1920. The other two members of thefamily are: David, 19, who had oneyear at Wisconsin before entering theA.S.T.P., and Jane, 15, who is asophomore in high school. WhenHarold gets fed up with MasonStreet the family heads for the canoecountry of Canada, from whencethey return with their fill of fish andnew reels of colored motion picturefilms for their growing collection.On the strength of his havingwaited on table at the Alpha SigmaPhi house, Andrew W.Brunhart, '20, JD '22, \^\\\finished off his education by working hisway to South Americaas a steward and toEurope as head steward, third class. In 1923 he returnedto Milwaukee, passed the Wisconsinbar, and set up offices. Since then hehas been assistant city attorney andassistant district attorney. In May ofthis year he returned to private practice. There are four children in theBrunhart family: Roy, 17, who recently joined the A.S.T.P. and isstudying at Michigan State; Andy,Jr., 16; Johnnie, 13; and BarbaraAnn, 6.Myron E. Jolidon, '20, has earnedhis twenty-year service pin with theStandard Oil Company of Indiana.For the past six years he has been personnel director for the Milwaukeedivision, embracing a third of thestate and a big chunk of manpowerproblems. He finds time, however, toserve on Milwaukee's safety divisionand fire prevention boards of the Association of Commerce which havekept that city at the top of the listin minimum fire losses and accidents.His hobby shelves are cluttered withsmall metal bells, an album ofstamps, and a small collection ofwatches, one of which will strike thehours, halves, quarters, and minutes an ideal gadget when caught in ablackout without a flashlight. Hisdaughter, Joan, is a junior in highschool.Dr. Herman H. Huber, Rush '22,did his undergraduate work at Wisconsin before securing his M.D. from&ush. Since 1922 he has been prac ticing surgery in Milwaukee. He hastwo daughters: Alice, 15, and Elizabeth, 10.After completing his work in bacteriology, Allan F. Reith, SM '23,PhD '25, moved to Milwaukee wherehe is now in charge of the yeast department of the Schlitz BrewingCompany. Mrs. Reith was LauraMcDougal until Allan interruptedher education to make her his wife.Their two oldest sons each took ayear at Chicago before entering theservice, Allan in the Signal Corps andRoger in the Merchant Marine CadetCorps. Rolf David, the third son, isin the eighth grade.Mr. and Mrs. Flugh S. Brown(Sara Daniels, '23) moved from Harvey, Illinois, to Milwaukee two yearsago. Mr. Brown is vice-president incharge of engineering at the Briggsand Straton Company. The twoboys are: Hugh, Jr., 15, and David, 9.Dr. Frances Johnson, Rush '23,spent two years with the IndianaState Board of Health before movingto Milwaukee, where she now hasher own private practice confined entirely to women and children. Sheis also on the staff of the MilwaukeeHealth Department specifically responsible for the child welfare division.Proving that women can releasemen for war service even in the Milwaukee school system, Alma H.Prucha, '23, has moved from Frenchinto physics at the Bay View highschool to take over the work of physicsinstructor Arthur Hickman, '14, SM'31, who is now a captain in theArmy. Miss Prucha hobnobs withthe birds every summer at her Michigan summer home.Dr. Eben J. Carey, Rush '24, hasbeen on the medical staff of Marquette University since 1920. Hetook a leave of absence from his worklong enough to secure his M.D. atRush in 1924 and he has since beenappointed dean of the MedicalSchool. He is also head of the department of anatomy. His daughter,Mary Anne, is a graduate of Marquette and is at the University ofMinnesota preparing to be a laboratory technician.After securing his Ph.B. at Chicago, Charles L. Goldberg, '24, tookhis J.D. at Marquette University in1928 and remained in Milwaukee topractice law, specializing in realestate taxation. He is also attorneyfor the Milwaukee Real Estate Board.His two brothers, Sam and Lawrence,took their law at Chicago. Lawrenceis now a captain with the Army en gineers. Charles has two daughters:Jaclyn (Jackie), 9, and Marion, 5,For recreation he sails at his summerhome on Big Cedar Lake and playsbadminton regularly at the Mil.waukee Athletic Club.Leonard B. Johnson, '24, is chairman of the science department ofRufus King high school. He is teaching physics and aeronautics. In 1936he received his master's degree fromNorthwestern. Photography and sonRodney, 1 3, occupy his spare time.Hugh F. Field, PhD '25, did hiswork for the doctorate while he wasa member of the faculty of LoyolaUniversity in Chicago. In 1929 hejoined the faculty of Marquette University and is now in charge ofFrench in the romance language department.Simon Benson, '25, SM '29, PhD'31, was head trainer for Coach Staggduring the days Simon was accumulating his three Chicago degrees. Hewas later research associate in thedepartment of physiology. In 1937Benson became dean of pharmacy atFerris Institute, Big Rapids, Michigan, until he went to Milwaukeeearly in 1942. He is now director ofresearch at the Lee Foundation forNutritional Research. There arethree children: Gerda Linnea, 12,Robert Jack, 11, and Mary Elizabeth, 4.Six years ago, Howard E. Kaufman, '25, left Sears Roebuck in Chicago to became a divisional merchandise manager for Milwaukee's popular Gimbel department store. Previous to this he had interruptedEmma Loeb's Chicago education tomake her his wife. Early this yearlittle Chuck (now ten months old)joined the family.Elmer W. Voigt, '25, JD '28, is incharge of the claim department ofthe Fidelity and Casualty Company. Hejoined this company in \1933 and arrived iniMilwaukee nearly five'years ago via Louisville and Indianapolis.Last year he was president of theCasualty Adjustment Association inMilwaukee. He has two children:Harry, 12, and Virginia, 6.Dr. Walter P. Blount, Rush 26, andhis wife, Frances B. Hoben, AM '25,have lived in Milwaukee since 1927,where he is an orthopedic surgeon.They have two children, Ralph 10,and Jane, 7.Norman D. Johnson, '27, is assistant secretary of Allis-Chalmers Company. In these days of governmentTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 19contracts it is no easy matter for himto find time for badminton and someWisconsin fishing. His two sons are:pat, 15, and Bob, 8.Charles C. Erasmus, '28, JD '29,has been a Milwaukee attorney sincethe year he left the Quadrangles.Uncle Sam has borrowed the othertwo members of his law firm. OrinS. Thiel, '35, JD '37, is with the Department of Justice and Hubert L.Will, '35, JD '37, is with the F. B. I.]yfr. Erasmus has one daughter,"Diane, who is eight years old.Before moving to Milwaukee fobecome head of the department of,Ck foreign languages at\ j* State Teachers Col-/2>ky^ A %. lege, Miss Ortha L.l»\ *& Wilner, PhD '29, waslW\\^ on the faculty of theH^Sk University of Chicago ;,^^^^ and later, the University of Buffalo. One of her mostinteresting projects recently is aGreek Club where students who don'tknow an alpha from an omega startreading Aesop's Fables the first night.By the second week they have passedthe stage of identifying college fraternities.Caroline Gardner, AM '30, didher undergraduate work at Milwaukee-Downer College and has beenteaching English at Lincoln highschool since she received her master'sat Chicago. Before the war cluttered up transportation she enjoyedher summers on a horse at a Montana cattle ranch.Keeping a figure eye on 1272 members of the Milwaukee Police Department and the results of theiractivities, Herbert L. Hinstorff, '30,has been assitant secretary of policesince he left the Quadrangles. Hisstatistical department makes organized sense out of the thousands ofdaily reports that funnel into his offices in the Public Safety Building.Herbert's spare time is taken up withhis two youngsters: Dolores, 9, andRobert, 6, not to mention coloredmovies.Dr. Saul K. Pollack, Rush '30, inaddition to his private practice, is amember of the Marquette Universitymedical staff. He has two children:Rose Mary, 8, and John, 5.To finance his law course, E. Harold Hallows, JD '30, waited on tablesat the old Graduate Clubhouse onUniversity Avenue. Since graduationhe has practiced law in Milwaukeeand has been a member of the Marquette University law faculty. Joe,5, and Mary, 3, make the familya foursome. Rabbi Joseph L. Baron, PhD '32,of Temple Emanu-el, commuted viahis black Buick sedan / 'm*between Milwaukee -^^u3ft\and Chicago while he ~yfcjMmwas working on his ^W^^||doctorate. A brave '0 jk/burley Chicago police- . j ^^j^man finally suspected '¦¦ ./'v^the regularity of these daily trips ofthe Wisconsin sedan and stopped theRabbi as a liquor runner. Imaginethe officer's embarrassment! Sincegetting his PhD, Rabbi Baron hastaught philosophy in the State Teachers College and the University ofWisconsin Extension Division, in addition to publishing three books Stars and Sand; Candles in the Night;and In Quest of Integrity. He hastwo children: Rachel, 10, and John, 7.Otto A. Schmit, '33, became interested in American history afterleaving the Quadrangles, so he registered at the University of Wisconsinfor a master's degree in history whichhe received in 1935. He is at present living with his parents in Milwaukee.Just east of the river and northof the financial district is the UnitedAuto Service, carrying the most complete line of official automobile partsin the state, both wholesale and retail. Treasurer of this company since1940 is Edward J. Novak, '34, whoearned his C on the varsity pitchingmound while he was learning accounting in the School of Business.Beverly Jean, who is nearly four, isthe third member of the Novakfamily.Elice Weber, '34, moved to Milwaukee in 1936 and joined the staffof the Boston store asa copy writer in theadvertising depart-ment. Six years agorshe was married toRobert J. Baer, salessupervisor of the Ale-mite Company of Wisconsin. Theyhave two children Theodore (TeddyBaer), 3, and Ronald Weber, whojoined the family on June 28 of thisyear.He didn't know whether bananasgrew up or down, but the UnitedFruit Company wanted him as an interpreter and later an overseer in.Honduras. So, before he ever considered attending Chicago, FredJenkins, '36, cleared $6,000 in Central America. At Chicago, a brokerpersuaded Fred that his savingscould be doubling while he was at theUniversity. The six thousand disappeared down the windy LaSalle Street canyon. Trying to figure outjust what happened, Fred turned tothe serious study of the investmentfield, and 1937 found him on Milwaukee's North Water (investmentrow) Street. Fred owns his home inWauwatosa suburb, has two livelydaughters: Sandra, 5, and Suzanne,3, and is one of Milwaukee's most enthusiastic hard - working Chicagoalumni. The missing six thousand?Fred's best investment. It dared himinto the business where he is bothhappy and successful.Dr. Robert W. Mann, Rush '37,joined the Army Medical Corps inNovember, 1943. He is a lieutenantstationed at Halloran General Hospital, Staten Island, New York.William C. Capper, '43, is with theMilwaukee branch of Arthur Andersen and Company, accountants.On the county side of the PublicSafety Building in the MilwaukeeCounty Guidance Clinics are sevenmembers of the Chicago family: Dr.Sara G. Geiger, Rush '23; Marion L.Williams, AM '28; Dr. Gilbert J.Rich, MD '29; Mrs. Rebecca L. Bott,AM '37; Mary Lawrence '37; ClaraB. Weimer, AM '40; and Vida D.Lehman, AM '43.AT THEVOCATIONAL SCHOOLIn the center of the city in a six-story, block-long building with greenhouses on the roof, the MilwaukeeVocational School extends the education of some thirty-five thousandyoung people annually. Here theyouth of Milwaukee can register foranything from show card writing orBrides' Course No. 1, to aviation mechanics, social science, or bacteriology. Director and principal of thisschool is Dr. William F. Rasche, AM'27, PhD '36. Vice-principal and director of the night school is Frank A.Maas, '25, who has his master's fromWisconsin and has been on the stafftwenty years.While in Milwaukee, the associateeditor was the spur-of-the-momentluncheon guest of a group of Chicagoalumni who did not have previousengagements. Those present were:Frank A. Maas, '25; Charles T. Leavitt, AM '29, PhD '31 (historyandsocial science); Marian E. Madigan,PhD '36 (who recently completed thestatistical work on 47,000 cases inthe Milwaukee Youth Survey);Maurine Miller, '28 (in the SocialScience Department); William J.Shorrock, '36 (Social Science andEnglish); Calvin O. Evans, AM '4020 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE(Social Science) ; and John T. Moore,who teaches mathematics and has attended five summer sessions on theMidway beginning in 1938.MILWAUKEE RUSH ALUMNIIt will probably come as a surpriseto our Milwaukee alumni to learnthat seventy-eight of Milwaukee'sthousand physicians are Rush graduates:Charles E. Albright, '89Russell J. Alleman, '41Thomas J. Aylward, '20Hulbert E. Bardenwerper, '19Louis M. Berger, '35Samuel S. Blankstein, '34Herman F. Boerner, Jr., '42Walter P. Blount, '26Eben J. Carey, '24Walter G. Darling, '08Melvin C. Dishmaker, '27John R. Dundon, '19Chester M. Echols, '01George R. Ernst, '01Edward P. Evans, '94Clarence C. Fabric, '41Victor S. Falk, '13George H. Fellman, '97Charles Fidler, '06 William B. Ford, '03Frederick F. Fowle, '00George W. Fox, '31Sara G. Geiger, '23Ralph T. Gilchrist, TOBearl L. Ginsburg, '39Arne C. Gorder, '23Edwin B. Gute, '25Bertha T. Haessler, '16Albion H. Heidner, '13Frederick C. Heidner, '24Herman A. Heise, '17Leon H. Hirsh, '31Kurt E. Hohman, '34Arthur T. Holbrook, '95Herman H. Huber, '22Sidney P. Hurwitz, '41William G. Hyde, '13Thomas Jesperson, '88Frances Johnson, '23William E. Kiley, '19William T. Kradwell, '04H. T. Kristjanson, '07Arno R. Langjahr, '20Marian S. Lewis, '18Robert W. Mann, '37William D. McNary, '96Jerome A. Megna, '35Ernest W. Miller, '07Clement F. Neacy, '30 Isaac O. Newell, '92Bernard H. Oberembt, '03Michael P. Ohlsen, '30Harry S. Piggins, '85John J. Pink, '20Walter S. Polacheck, '36Saul K. Pollack, '30Edward W. Quick, '02Gilbert J. Rich, '29John N. Rock, '91Ezra H. Rogers, '21Malcolm F. Rogers, '18Louis F. Ruschaupt, '02Benjamin H. Schlomovitz, '17Bernard Schlossman, '18Joseph F. Shimpa, '21Carl F. Siefert, '03Robert H. Smuckler, '22William Stein, '33Eugene J. Usow, '42Joseph E. Weber, '36Richard R. Weigler, '42Louis A. Weisfeldt, '35Julius F. Wenn, '02Sidney H. Wetzler, '05Wilhelm C. Witte, '96Albert F. Young, '94John J. Zaun, '01David J. Zubatsky, '34A voted /i mericasyamfavorite... this paeonwi th tmsweet smoke taste*ln a new, nation-wide pollSwift's Premium Bacon wonoverwhelmingly, led the runner-up more than two to one.'Your first duty to your country BUY WAR BONOS<THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21NEWS OF THE CLASSES[We are pleased and honored topresent our alumnae serving thenation. Ed,]WACSPvt. Eva Snyder, AM '20, DaytonaBeach, Fla.Capt. Ruth M. Downey, '28, Ft.Leavenworth, Kan.Capt. Anna M. Danovsky, '29,Washington, D. C.Pvt. Louise I. Schultz, '29, FortDes Moines, Iowa.Pvt. Cecilia F. Hauser, '32, Chicago.Lieut. Stella M. Salveson, '35,Daytona Beach, Fla.Pvt. Lillian M. Scher, '36, DaytonaBeach, Fla.Lieut. Eleanor Tregoning, '39,Camp Detrick, Md.Lieut. Evelyn M. Bradbury, '39, Ft.Oglethorpe, Ga.Capt. Mary J. Snyder, '39, Ft. Mason, Calif.Corp. Ruth Tupes, '39, Camp Detrick, Md.Aux. Virginia S. McEachern, '40,Ft. Devens, Mass.Aux. Emily C. Wood, '40, TurnerField, Ga.3rd Officer Eloise A. Husman, '41,Ft. Myers, Fla.Pvt. Betty J. Salk, '41, AM '42,Santa Ana, Calif.Pvt. Helen F. Griffith, AM '42,Daytona Beach, Fla.3rd Officer Laura M. St. Clair, '42,Harrisburg, Pa.2nd Officer Ellen C. Ruthman, '42,overseas.3rd Officer Treva W. Thomas, '42,Ft. Des Moines, Iowa.WAVESLieut. Cecilia C. Quigley, '17,Cambridge, Mass.Lieut. Bina Wood, '18, GreatLakes, 111.Lieut. Alexina Haring, '20, Arlington, Va.Lieut. Mary W. Hylan, '22, Northampton, Mass. vLieut. Helen R. Clifford, '24, Ana-cos tia, D. C.A/S Ruth A. McKinney, '23, PhD'33, San Diego, Cal.Ensign Frances L. Beckwith, '26,New York City.Lieut. Florence Wunderlich, '26,Miami Beach, Fla.Ensign Mary S. Kleutgen, '27,Washington, D. C.Lieut. Cornelia W. Mattert, '28,Charleston, S. C. Lieut. Comdr. Mildred H. McAfee,AM '28, director of the WAVES,Washington, D. C.Sk3/c Mary B. Hamilton, '29, Norfolk, Va.Ensign M. Dorisse Howe, PhD '29,Norfolk, Va.Ensign Constance Gavares, '30,Philadelphia, Pa.Ensign Miriam L. Hardy, AM '30,Washington, D. C.Ensign Margaret J. Newman, '30,Olathe, Kan.Ensign Mary Sue Bledsoe, '31,Atkins, Ark.Ensign Angeline M. Gorka, '31,Washington, D. C.Ensign Lillian M. Johnson, '31,Elkton, Ky.A/S Henrietta Hertz, '32, Northampton, Mass.Lieut. Rebecca W. Smith, '32,Boulder, Colo.Lieut Leila Stevens, AM '32,Washington, D. C.Ensign Helen M. Berlin, '33, CedarFalls, Iowa,Ensign Jean Wentworth, '34, Seattle, Wash.Ensign Sarah S. Bissell, AM '35,Boston, Mass.Ensign Marjorie K. Bremner, '35,Arlington, Va.Ensign Alma C. Nespital, '35, AM'40, Glenview, 111.Ensign Marion L. Smith, '35,Washington, D. C.Ensign Rita I. Epstein, '36, Washington, D. C.Ensign Elizabeth Hill, '36, Boston,Mass.Ensign Mildred M. Rantz, '36,Willow Grove, Pa.A/S Julia N. Burke, '37, Northampton, Mass.Ensign Barbara A. Chandler, AM'37, Milledegeville, Ga.Ensign Shirley W. Bryan, '37,Gary, Ind.A/S Sophie J. Eisenstein, '37, NewYork City.Lieut. Mary V. Harris, 'AM '37,New York City.Ensign Gregory Pennebaker, '37,Washington, D. C.A/S Rachel Rosen, '37, South Hadley, Mass.Ensign Eleanor H. Cupler, '38, Seattle W^ash.A/S Ella M. Olmstead, '38, SouthHadley, Mass.A/S Susan D. Hoyne, '39, Seattle,Wash.Lieut. Betty L. Mackey, AM '39,New York City Ensign Esther J. Nierman, '39Baton Rouge, La.Ensign Frances J. Partridge, AM'39, Washington, D. C.Ensign Merle A. Quait, '39, CedarFalls,Iowa.Ensign Billie Bender, '40, Brooklyn, N. Y.Ensign E. Elizabeth Best, SM '40,Seattle, Wash.Ensign Erminnie H. Bartlemez, AM'40, Arlington, Va.Ensign Ellen J. Beckman, AM '40,Washington, D. C.A/S Merry Coffey, '40, Northampton, Mass.Y3/c Clare C. Flanagan, '40, Chicago, 111.Ensign Mary E. Grenander, '40,AM, '41 New York, City.Ensign Betty A. Glixon, '40, SanFrancisco, Calif.Ensign Lois E. Horlick, '40, GreatLakes, 111.Ensign Josephine F. Kelley, '40,Madison, Wis.Lieut. Margaret E. Nicholsen, AM'40, Alexandria, Va.Ensign Wilma Bangert, AM '41,Washington, D. C.Ensign Mary Hammel, '41, BatonRouge, La.Ensign J. Ann Hughes, '41, Jacksonville, Fla.Lieut. A. Helen Kennedy, PhD '41,New York City.A/S Enid B. Leeds, '41, Northampton, Mass.A/S Frances J. Lyman, '41, Northampton, Mass.Ensign Mary McLendon, '41,Great Lakes, 111.Ensign Mary Virginia Truttman,'41, Arcadia, Calif.Ensign Elizabeth Ewing, '42 Miami Beach, Fla.Ensign Grace T. Farjeon, '42,Washington, D. C.Ensign Polly Hunt, '42, Portsmouth, N. H.AM3/c June C. Kaveney, '42,Lakehhurst, N. J.A/S Anne L. Schwinn, '42, Northampton, Mass.A/S Lois Sheperd, '42, Cedar Falls,Iowa.S 1/c Jean Thomas, '42, New YorkCity.Ensign Blossom Willens, '42,Trenton, N. J.Ensign Marguerite Graves, '43,Washington, D. C.Ensign Lou Pate, '43, South Hadley, Mass.Ensign Doris E. Smith, '43, SanDiego, Calif.Ensign Joan E. Sill, '43, SouthHadley, Mass.22 THE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO MAGAZINELieut. Irenne M. Teets, '43, Chicago, 111.Ensign Dorothy A. Williams, '43,St. Louis, Mo.Sk3/c Georgia L. Hinchcliff, '44,New York City.A/S Jeanne A. Hoffheimer, '44,Northampton, Mass.A/S Lois A. Merker, '44, New YorkCity.A/S Zenia Sachs, '44, Northampton, Mass.A/S Martha E. Siefkin, '44, Northampton, Mass.NURSES CORPSLieut. Mary F. Lewis, SM '31, Ft.Mason, Calif.Lieut. Madeline A. Young, '31,overseas.Lieut. Olive H. McDonald, '34,Station Hospital, Camp Robinson,Ark.Lieut. Alice Greenleaf, '37, overseas.Lieut. Dorothy E. Fisher, SM '37,Station Hospital, Brigham, Utah.Capt. Leona G. Piekarski, '37,Brentwood, N. Y.Lieut. Evelyn Garrad, '38, overseas.Lieut. Ruth E. Baldwin, '39, Washington, D. C.Lieut. Gladys Comstock, '41, CampBlanding, Fla.Lieut. M. Madeline Frank, '41,Camp Blanding, Fla.Lieut. Helen F. Lyon, '41, Alaska.Ensign Catherine E. Meredith, SM,'41, U. S. Naval Hospital, Bethesda,Md.Lieut. Margaret Perry, '41, CampCampbell, Ky.Lieut. Laurette Wilkinson, AM,'41, overseas.SutifkJce CreamrfflW/SffW/TTTmtWffM,EXTRA CAREMAKES THEEXTRA GOODNESSA Product ojSWIFT & CO.7409 S. State StreetPhone Radcliffe 7400 Lieut. Ann M. Budy, '42, AmarilloArmy Air Field, Amarillo, Texas.Lieut. Margery J. Mack, '42, CampSwift, Texas.Lieut. Esther Novick, '42, CampBlanding, Fla.Ensign Grace V. Moore, '43, U. S.Naval Hospital, Great Lakes, 111.SPARSLieut. Comdr. Dorothy C. Stratton,AM '24, director of the SPARS,Washington, D. C.Ensign Marjorie M. Putnam, '35,Fort Wayne, Ind.Ensign Therese J. Paquin, '38, Elizabeth City, N. C.A/S Alberta Coghlan, '42, NewLondon, Conn.MARINESCapt. Charlotte D. Gower, AM '26,PhD '28, head of the Women'sTraining Program, Washington, D. C.Pvt. Helen U. Fitch, '35, SouthHadley, Mass.Lieut. Dorothy C. McGinnis, '36,Camp Lejeune, N. C.Lieut. Annesta F. Reedy, AM '39,Memphis, Tenn.Corp. Virginia E. Coward, '45,Cherry Point, N. C.ARMY MEDICAL CORPSLieut. Julie E. Olentine, MD '40,Station Hospital, Drew Field, Fla.RED CROSS(Outside of Continental U. S.)Katherine W. Curtis, '25.Eva Hagan, '38.Ruth S. Buffington, AM '33.Marjorie J. Bomberger, AM '36.Barbara Brandon, AM '38.Marion T. Magee, '40.Lexie L. Cotton, '41.Charlotte Westbrook, AM '41.Mildred M. Mench, AM '42.THE CLASSES1873Elbert H. Sawyer, DB writes thathe has been a soldier, preacher, educator, and author all these manyyears and his ambition has been "toserve God and fellowmen to the fullest extent of my ability." In military service he rose from corporal tocolonel and has been in the ministrysince 1873. He has written books,press articles, and many an address the latest delivered at the baccalaureate services of the high school inMinco, Oklahoma. He writes: "Wehave the finest saddle horse in thiscountry. The Governor says I am afine horseman, but I can't ride ahobby." PETERSONFIREPROOFWAREHOUSESTORAGEMOVINGForeign DomesticShipments55th & ELLIS AVENUEPHONEMIDway 97001885Elbridge R. Anderson writes that hehas been trying cases for the past tenyears and for forty-seven years before that! He has been chairman ofthe board of health and chairman ofthe finance committee of the town ofWenham, Massachusetts. Hunting,fishing, golf, and keeping track of PhiKappa Psi Fraternity fill up his sparetime.1886Edward D. Howland, MD Rush, isa specialty surgeon in Chicago andhas held the chair of orthopedics atIllinois Medical College and the medical department of Loyola University.Metal art work is his special hobby.His wife passed away in 1941. Daughter Rosamond does medical art workat Northwestern University, whereshe won the Bonbright scholarship ongraduation.1895Mary C. Lewis, AM '96, retiredafter 41 years of teaching at theBowen high school in Chicago, wherefor fifteen years she was also dean ofgirls. She is secretary of the education and philosophy department ofthe Chicago Women's Club and atone time was secretary of the IllinoisState Association of Deans of Women.She has sent us the following interesting story about John Curtis, '95,AM '96, retired supervisor of the blindin Chicago schools, and we arepleased to print this tribute abouthim:"Totally blinded by accident at theage of three, John Curtis was sent toTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23FINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Spode and Other FamousMakes. Also Crystal and GiftsGolden Dirilyte(.Formerly Dirigold)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID NOT PLATEDService for Eight, $41.75GOLDEN HUED BABY SPOONS fflWhile they last «PA ea.COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDirigo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, III.the State School for the Blind in Jacksonville and returned to complete hiswork at Hyde Park high. Later sixof us from that class of '91 graduatedfrom the U. of C. They were AlicePeirce Sylvester, '98, John, MayJosephine Rogers, '95, Jennie Boomer,'95, my sister and I. John was presentat the opening day of the U. of C.Much of his graduate work in political science was done under HarryPratt Judson. He then returned toJacksonville (1897) to teach mathematics and history in the high schoolsthere. Later he was appointed thefirst superintendent of the blind in theChicago schools under SuperintendentCooley."Under his guidance work wasstarted in several schools, a printingpress was established, and books andmaps were printed in Braille in quantity. From the beginning it was hispolicy to have the blind children associate with those of normal sight intheir classes, preparing their work,however, under special teachers. Heworked out a number slate with littlecubes on which complicated computations could be carried out, but tohis regret he found a Frenchman hadalready developed and patented thesame idea."Since his retirement in 1936, Mr.Curtis has assisted a number of children and teachers to master theBraille writer. At present he is busyand happy reading Braille proof forthe government printing office inLouisville, Kentucky." 1897Edith Foster Flint, professor emeritus of English, writes: "As an alumnawho has been a professor emeritus forfive years I have nothing to contributeabout myself that could interest mostreaders of the Magazine. This isnot to say my present life does not interest me; I find it delightful and consider retirement a blessed state."Her son, Richard Foster Flint, '22,PhD '25, is on leave from Yale, wherehe is associate professor of geology,and is a major in the Army AirForces. He is attached to the ArcticSection, which is much to his liking,since his research has been in the fieldof glacial geology. Mrs. Flint is recuperating from a serious illness thatconfined her to Billings Hospital forseveral weeks.1901Katherine Paltzer, assistant librarian at Lane Tech last winter, is nowworking for the War Bond Divisionof the War Department here in Chicago. The Paltzer family is doing itsbit, for Charles A. Paltzer, '41, is inthe Air Corps and his wife, the formerMarjory Hibbard, '42, is doing navalcost inspection work with the ChicagoBridge and Iron Company.1902George G. Davis, MD Rush '04, ischief of staff of the Alaska RailroadHospital at Anchorage, Alaska.Former Chicagoans Judge RobertL. Henry, JD '08, and his wife livein Bulkeley, Egypt, a suburb of Alexandria, which about a year ago wastwenty minutes by plane and twohours by car from the forces of Rommel. In those days most Americansaccepted the State Department's invitation to come home, but theHenrys chose to stay on and neveronce have left their home on theMediterranean. Now their house hasbeen turned into a hospital forwounded. In addition, Judge andMrs. Henry are in charge of distributing books to hospitalized soldiers throughout Alexandria. TheJudge has also continued his work onthe bench of the Mixed Courts ofAppeal in Alexandria. It will be remembered that he was one of thealumni medalists in June 1942.1903News of the Classes usually coversalumni scattered all over the globe.Here's one from an alum right on ourdoorstep. Herman I. Schlesinger,PhD '05, executive secretary of theDepartment of Chemistry, is busyteaching, researching (largely on warproblems), and writing textbooks,which leaves mighty little time for his chief avocation, his cottage on ElkLake in Michigan. He is the grandfather of a son born to H. AlanSchlesinger, '36, and Mrs. Schlesinger(Margaret Graver, '37).1904Chester G. Vernier, JD '07, hasbeen professor of law at Stanford University since 1916. Recent evidenceof his activity in the field of familylaw includes a six-volume work finished in 1938. He has been a memberof the council, National Conferenceon Family Relations, 1939 to date;member of the Committee on Research in Family Laws, 1938 to date;since 1942, a member of the Committee of the Association of AmericanLaw Schools on the publication ofselect essays on domestic relations;and is author of several articles inlaw magazines.Since publishing the notice of JaneB. Walker's death in the Novemberissue of the Magazine we have beentold that her collection of books andtextbooks relating to the hard of hearing has been donated to the VoltaBureau in Washington, D. C. Thisbureau is the headquarters of theAmerican Association to Promote theTeaching of Speech to the Deaf. Eachvolume given in her name will bemarked with a special book-plate designed to honor her memory. Sheleft a large collection of unpublishedmanuscripts, and it is hoped thatopportunity may be provided forpublication of some of her lecturesand her invaluable lip reading prac-CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency61st YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis Kansas City, Mo.Spokane New YorkBLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, Director24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtice material A "Jane B. WalkerMemorial Fund" has been started toassist the Volta Bureau in publication of Miss Walker's material andthus make it available to teachers andstudents a living memorial to her.Opportunity is given her many University friends to contribute to thisfund. Checks may be sent to Mrs. J.E. Raycroft (Bettie Butler, '98), ofPrinceton., New Jersey, or directly tothe Volta Bureau. The major part .of Miss Walker's work was done inNew York Gity5 not in Baltimore,as previously stated.Cc FB Leland, living in Cincinnati,reports that "as a patriotic contribution" for the duration he is regionalmanager of the fourth Federal Reserve District for the Committee forEconomic Development.1907Florence R. Scott is associate professor of English at the University ofSouthern California. She finished herPhD work at New York Universitylast June and is now busy helpingwith California's Navy program inaddition to giving a graduate coursein Chaucer next term. Automobiletrips to the mountains and desert usedto be her leisure-time pursuits, butnow it is chiefly trips to the Huntington Library where there are manyrare editions of seventeenth centuryplays and pamphlets her period ofspecialization. She has held office onthe board of the Los Angeles alumnaeof Pi Lambda Theta and this year issecretary of Phi Kappa Phi. Whenin New York she was granted membership in the Medieval Academy.Friends of Russell M. Wilder, PhD?125 MD '12 (Rush), as well as otheralumni, will be interested in his wartime contributions and activities. Hewrites: "Early in January of thisyear I obtained a leave of absencefrom the Mayo Clinic in order to accept an appointment with the FoodDistribution Administration, then ofthe United States Department of Agriculture. I served there until theexpiration of my leave in Septemberas chief of the civilian food requirements branch of the Food Distribution Administration, which later wasincorporated in the newly formedWar Food Administration. My statusnow has been changed to that ofmedical adviser, which relieves me ofthe administrative responsibilities thathave been accumulating, and will enable me to resume clinical duties withthe Mayo Clinic, giving part timeonly in an advisory capacity to theWar Food Administration.32 Ijai Waste Paper Co.2600-2634 W* Taylor St.Buyers of Any QuantityWaste PaperScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr, B Shedroff* Van Buren 0230HOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone Dorch©sf©r 15791908Alice Temple, associate professoremeritus of kindergarten primary education, retired from the Universityin 1932 and lives in the east, spending summers in the heart of the Connecticut hills and winters in Pelham,New York with visits to her nativeChicago as often as possible. Shewrites that she has kept in touch withher field through annual conventionsof the Association for ChildhoodEducation, participating occasionallyin its program, serving on committeesand as book review editor of itsmagazine, Childhood Education, until1941. A University of Chicago luncheon or dinner has been a regular feature of the annual meetings of theassociation since 1936.For the past eleven years C. MaxBauer, geologist, has been park naturalist at Yellowstone National Park.He has three sons of whom he isrightly proud Bruce is a projectengineer in Bangalore, India, workingon Army contracts; Dean holds theposition of material coordinator, acivil service position in the Army AirCorps, located at the Solar AircraftENGLEWOODELECTRICAL SUPPLY C00Distributors, Manufacturers and Jobbers ofELECTRICAL MATERIALS ANDFIXTURE SUPPLIES5801S. Halsted Street Englewood7500QUICK fEAlM!N6Intensive Co&atrses to meet the needs ofindustry and government Stenographies,Bookkeeping, Typing,, Comptometry, etc*Day and Evening Catalogue FreeBf yant>0 SteattomCO lEJecsbIS S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Randolph IS75 plant in California; and Neil is a cap.tain in the Army Air Corps. "Sometime ago,35 he writes, "we had a visitfrom Robert R. Williams ['07, SM'08, SD '41], my room-mate at theUniversity for three years. He andhis family visited me here in Yellowstone Park and we had a very enjoy.able reunion.35 Dr. .Williams is theman who in 1936 isolated Vitamin Bl5and in 1943 he received an alumnicitation.John D. Scott has moved fromBronxville, New York, to Great Neck,Long Island, to be nearer the officeof the new Nassau plant of the SperryGyroscope Company.1909Renslow P. Sherer tells us thatmostly he is executive manager of theWar Finance Committee of Illinoisand in the balance of his time chairman of the Sherer-Gillett Company,refrigerator manufacturers. Extracurricular activities include presidencyof the Chicago Society for the Hardof Hearing and of the CommunityCenter of Highland Park. He wasamong the 1943 alumni citation winners. He became a grand-dad in 1942.Mrs. Frank E. Wilson (EleanorHall) lives in Eau Claire, Wisconsin,and as wife of the Bishop of theEpiscopal Diocese, she plays an activepart in community organizations. Afew of them, among a formidable list,include being president of the EauClaire League of Women Voters,president of the Woman's Club, president of St. Cecilia's Guild of theCathedral, besides Red Cross andchurch work.One of the busy physicians in Beverly Hills, California, is Charles F.Nelson, MD Rush '11. In addition tobeing director of the Nelson Clinic inBeverly Hills and researching on thephysico-chemical approach to thepractice of medicine, he has been chiefsurgeon at Beverly Hills EmergencyHospital and chairman of the Boardof Health of that city. War activities include the medical directorshipof civilian defense for Beverly Hillsand member of the California Statecivilian defense staff. Music andsocial welfare activities count amonghis avocations.1910Alvin Fo Kramer has become resident partner with the firm of Eastman, Dillon, and Company withoffices in Chicago.1911From Pocahontas, Iowa, CharlieWatts writes: "There have been agood many years torn off the calendarsince I left Chicago. Business andTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25what-not have kept me tied prettyclose to Iowa most of the time whereI have been keeping a bank rightside up for about thirty years or so.Some good years and some poor, butin general pretty good."1912Emada Avery Griswold reports:"Resigned last June from HighlandPark high school where I was teacherand head of the department of modern languages and for the past sevenyears dean of girls. Had servedtwenty-seven years in the school."Miss Griswold has held many anoffice in Highland Park during thattime. Some of them are: presidentof the Chicago regional chapter ofthe American Association of Teachers of French; chairman of the Committee on Legislation of the IllinoisAssociation of Deans of Women andof the Philanthropy Committee of theHighland Park Woman's Club, etc.Her new address is Boulder, Colorado, where she has just bought ahome.1913Mrs. Waldo E. Sexton (ElsebethMartens) lives at Vero Beach,Florida, and writes that she has fourchildren: Jacqueline is a graduate ofSweet Briar and now the wife of anEpiscopalian preacher; Barbara recently graduated from the Universityof Arizona; Ralph is at McDonogh;and the fourth is Randy, now 14. "Ialso have a red-headed grandson,Michael Daly, and don't get mestarted on him unless you have twohours to spend. My hobby is a dailyvisit to 'Driftwood,' a hotel on thebeach, built by my husband withoutbenefit of blueprints and whose charmand appeal are indescribable. It isfashioned from driftwood mostly butalso from other rare and beautifulwood from all over the world."After fifteen years in the presidencyof Pacific Lutheran College Oscar A.Tingelstad, AM, PhD '25, finds himself for the duration in the traineeschool of the Puget Sound Navy Yardas indoctrination instructor of newemployees.Alan D. Whitney of Winnetka dealsin securities. Since his hobbies include photography, the copying andenlarging of old pictures, and especially making family Christmas cards,he is particularly busy at this time ofyear.Anna E. Moffet, missionary of thePresbyterian Church, during the year\she was at home was engaged in missionary promotion and young people'swork in the churches of Iowa andNebraska. Early in the fall she wrote Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau formen and women in all kinds of teachingpositions. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent of ourbusiness. Critic and Grade Supervisors forNormal Schools placed every year in largenumbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Business Administration, Music, and Art, secure finepositions through us every year. PrivateSchools in all parts of the country amongour best patrons; good salaries. Well prepared High School teachers wanted for cityand suburban High Schools. Special manager handles Grade and Critic work. Sendfor folder today.that she expected to return soon tothe Orient, and will be stationed inHengyang, Hunan Province, WestChina.The new headmaster at Elgin Academy, Elgin, Illinois, is Sandford Sellers, Jr., AM '34. He will be remembered by many alumni as a BigMan on Campus, having been electedto all four class honor societies, andserving as one of ten University marshals, among other activities. Beforeentering the University, he won theStagg inter-scholastic tennis championship and for two years he playedtackle on the Chicago football team,which lost only two games in twoyears and took second place in theBig Ten championship.For the past year he has been associated with the house and farmdivision of the National Safety Council, working with state and nationalorganizations to inaugurate safetyeducational programs. He has hadbroad experience as an educator andin civic affairs and public relations.Mr. Sellers' family will live with himat Elgin's "headmaster house."1914Harvey Harris is out in Holyoke,Colorado. From 1938 to 1942 he wasBOYDSTON BROS.All phones OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.CADILLAC EQUIPMENT EXCLUSIVELYCLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good Printing of All Descriptions99 in charge of construction of the King-sley dam in western Nebraska, andis now busy with cattle ranching andwheat farming. "Learning the cattlebusiness, roping, bulldogging, etc., atan age when I should know better,"he writes. "My hobby is to devisesome way to keep miles of barbwirefence in repair without too mucheffort.""After some twenty-five odd years,"writes Dorothy Williston Shor, "Ihave an item in which I thinkyou might be interested. The Richmond Shipyards in San Francisco arelaunching a liberty ship named theSamuel W. Williston in honor of Professor S. W. Williston, paleontologistof the University of Kansas. Possiblythe University of Chicago, too, canclaim him, for he taught paleontologythere for some eighteen years. It wasnamed the Williston on September 10by the Maritime Commission andlaunched in October. I might addthat a granddaughter of Dr. Williston,Ensign Dorothy Shor, will be at theUniversity all this year studyingaerology on behest of the UnitedStates Navy." Mrs. Shor's husbandis a major stationed in Washingtonand they have two sons in the Navy,making it an "all-out" Navy family.In rare spirit A. W. Cooke, AM '14,PhD '15, writes from Troy, Ohio:"Just to show my interest and to playthe game it is nearly thirty yearssince I was in residence and that's along time! Add the fact that I wasnearly forty- two when I finally gotthat PhD and there are not likely tobe many who remember me or wouldbe interested. But, I retired fromretirement and came back to parochialwork to release a young clergymanwho is now a chaplain with the Armyand serving in England."1915Edith Bell Dickson, AM '16, untilher marriage nearly five years agowas dean of the American Instituteof Applied Psychology. Her teachingis now "applied" to many women'sclubs and similar organizations in andaround Arlington, California. Shewrites that her hobby is "politics andpeeping into my husband's fingerprint work."From New York comes the itemthat Francis T. Ward, who has beena partner in Clark, Dodge and Company since 1935, will become a partner in Morgan Stanley and Company.After his graduation from the University he joined the Harris Trustand Savings Bank in Chicago andsubsequently was associated with J. P.Morgan and Company from 1920 to1935.26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1916James Oliver Murdock has been inprivate practice as a lawyer since1937. He is a former assistant legaladviser of the Department of Stateand counsel for the U. S. beforeinternational tribunals. He has alsoheld the membership on the executivecommittee of the Inter-American BarAssociation and was Secretary of theAmerican Society of InternationalLaw.On July 15 Donald L. Colwellassumed his new duties as coordinatorof conservation with the Office of Procurement and Material of the NavyDepartment, Washington.1917Harold ("Kitty") Gordon, salesexecutive in Chicago, and nationaldirector of our Alumni Foundation, islooking for a sea-going houseboat forpost-war housing. "Son Hal is anensign and two sons-in-law are a Navytwo-striper and a lieutenant (j.g.).My paternal authority is being questioned because I was only a lieutenant(j.g.) in the Navy during World WarI." A daughter, Ethel Ann GordonJontry, married Lieut. George HowellShields, III, USNR on September 27.Son Hal's marriage on October 28 islisted in the marriage columns of thisissue.Hedwig Stieglitz Kuhn, MD Rush'19, is practicing ophthalmology inHammond, Indiana, and has donesome special research in industrial eyeproblems. She is a member of theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology and of the Joint Committee ofIndustrial Ophthalmology of theAMA. Married to Hugh A. Kuhn,MD, she has two sons one in officercandidate school at Fort Riley andthe other in premedic at Oberlin. Herdiversions are horseback riding andphotography.1918Howard Wakefield, MD Rush '24,of Chicago is attending physician atSt. Luke's Hospital and associate inmedicine at Northwestern University.Other medical activities include: thevice-presidency of the Chicago Societyof Internal Medicine for 1943-44;Diplomate of the American Board ofInternal Medicine; and fellow of theESTABLISHED 1908ROOFING and INSULATING American College of Physicians. Hispet hobby is yacht racing and to proveit he has not only raced in fifteenannual Mackinac races but was amember of the winning crew in 1939-40.1920Professor of machematics at theUniversity of Wisconsin, Cyrus Mac-Duffee, SM, PhD '21, is also actingpresident of the American Mathematical Society and a member ofSigma Xi. Written accomplishmentsinclude three books and over a scoreof scientific articles.Erma Cushing Wright switchedfrom high school teaching when herdaughter was three years old and hasbeen doing nursery school, kindergarten, and primary work since. Shelives in Muskegon, Michigan.Robert D. Gardner is instructor inEnglish at the Blue Ridge School forBoys in Hendersonville, North Carolina.Evelyn Stern Munger left her postas secretary to the dean at SweetBriar College last summer to becomeassistant to the president of BriarcliffJunior College at Briarcliff, NewYork. Her daughter, Virginia, graduated from Wellesley last June.1921A note of interest sent by Frank G.Cressey, DB '98, PhD '03, tells that hisson, George B. Cressey, SM '21, PhD'23, professor of geography at Syracuse University since 1931, has beenECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKSGalvanized Iron and Copper CornicesSkylights, Gutters, Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbestos Roofing1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893Alice Banner Englewood 3181COLORED HELPFACTORY HELPSTORESSHOPSMILLS FOUNDRIESEnglewood Emp. Agc> ., 5534 S. State St.E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph Offset Printing ^731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182 commissioned by the State Depart.ment to spend a year in Free Chinalecturing to the colleges for the pro,motion of international good will. Hetaught six years at the University 0fShanghai. He expects to return during the summer of 1944. Anotheritem about the Cressey family appearsunder the class of 1930.The editor recently had the pleasure of an invitation from RomonaHayes Healy, AM '32, to attend theVanderbilt Tour reunion and luncheon celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of theHayes-Healy Travel Bureau of Chicago.Adah H. Hess tells us she retiredfrom teaching in 1940. From 1921 to1937 she was state supervisor of homeeconomics for Illinois and from 1937to 1940 head of the Home EconomicsDepartment at Northern College ofEducation at Marquette, Michigan.She is now living in Mishawaka, Indiana, with her sister and writes: "Weremodeled our grandfather's old homeand our mother's birthplace. Themain part of the house is 85 yearsold but we have a very comfortablefunctioning home from the old placenow."1922Edward Griffey, MD '25, Houstonphysician, limits his practice toophthalmology. He is president ofthe Houston Eye, Ear, Nose andThroat Society; vice-president of theTexas Ophthalmological Society; andclinical professor of ophthalmology atBaylor University Medical School.His son is attending pre-medicalschool at Rice Institute. Dr. Griffeydropped in at Alumni House recentlywhen he was in Chicago to attend amedical convention.Mary May Wyman, AM '31, issupervisor of health and safety education of the Louisville public schools.She has held the post of chairman ofthe child education section of the National Safety Council, and takes togardening in her spare time.Richard W. Canman is in the insurance business in Chicago. His hobbiesinclude photography and philately,and he has assembled a specializedcollection of stamps from China.Frances Crozier Gates has been ap-Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4Wasson's Coal Makes Good or Wasson DoesTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27Phones Oakland 069006910692Ths Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.,INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove Avenuepointed to the staff of the Montclair,New Jersey, public library to takecharge of one of its branches. Duringthe past year she has worked in conjunction with the training programof the War Manpower Commissionand has given some thirty manpowerdemonstrations throughout Jersey andin neighboring states. Her civic contributions are many, including servicein the League of Women Voters,Montclair Maternal Health Center,the Junior League, and other organizations. She is a member of Phi BetaKappa. She and her husband, Percival T. Gates, '22, have three sonsand are prominent in Montclair'scommunity activities.Joseph Earl Wooding is with theA.B.C. Coach Lines in Fort Wayne,Indiana.An announcement from ColgateUniversity tells of the promotion ofEarl Daniels, AM, to the position offull professor. He has been a memberof their English staff since 1930.Other advancements at the sameschool are: Paul S. Jacobsen, 520, tofull professor in political science, andJohn G. Woodruff, '23, to associateprofessor in geology. Dr. Jacobsenhas been a member of Colgate's staffsince 1927 and for the last eight yearshas directed its Washington StudyProgram.Tradition has been broken at historic Hull House with the appointment of Russell W. Ballard as the newhead resident director. Since it wasfounded by Jane Addams, Hull Housealways had a women director. Ballard was chosen from among fifty candidates. He assumed his duties onSeptember 15, leaving his position assuperintendent of the Illinois StateTraining School for Boys near St.Charles.Ballard has had more than twentyyears of experience in education andwelfare administration. He was foreleven years principal of the Rileyschool in East Chicago, county director of public welfare of Lake county,.Indiana, for six years, and chairmanof the board of the Katherine Settlement House for six years. In 1941,upon the recommendation of a citizens' committee he was chosen superintendent of the Illinois State La Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State 1350Boston New York Philadelphia SyracuseAshjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1921Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone Regent 6000MacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and SecretarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESAccredited by the National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools.1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130Training School. One son, John, is aprivate in the Army, and another,Bill, a student at the U. of C. Hiswife, Ethel, is employed at the Howard Aircraft Corporation.1923In July Olin O. Stansbury wasmade advertising manager of Marshall Field and Company.Theodore J. Feiveson has recentlypublished a factoring table for exactcomputation of payroll deductions tohelp us along on the pay-as-you-gotax plan. He is the father of twosons about whom he writes: "One ofthem reflects the serious side of mynature and the other just likes to havea darn good time!" A brother, PhilipFeiveson, '32, SM '41, teaches at Wellshigh school.1924Recipient of an honorary degreefrom Brown University at its commencement exercises this fall wasJohn Schoff Millis, MS '27, PhD '31,president of the University of Vermont. In 1927 he went to LawrenceCollege, where he rose from the position of instructor to full professor in1934. He also served as dean atLawrence, and later as dean of administration. He has been presidentof the University of Vermont since1941. He received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from Middle-bury College in 1942. Member ofthe American Physical Society, PhiKappa Sigma, and the Rotary Club,he has authored Laboratory Outline ACMESHEET METAL WORKSGeneral Sheet Metal WorkSkylights - Gutters - SmokestacksFurnace and Ventilating Systemsllll East 55th StreetPhone Hyde Park 9500of Physics and several articles onatomic molecular spectra.Agnes Adams, member of the faculty of the National College of Education, Evanston, was released lastyear to serve in Washington as seniorspecialist in extended school servicesfor the children of working mothersin war areas. She is responsible forthe teacher-education of the organization.U. of C. priorities in the field ofeduction boast Olga Adams, AM '32as president of the Association forChildhood Education from 1939 to1941, and Marjorie Hardy, '21, aspresident from 1941 to 1943. MissAdams teaches in the University Elementary School; Miss Hardy, a former member of the Elementary Schoolstaff, is now principal of the elementary division of the GermantownFriends School in Philadelphia.1925R. G. Gustavson, PhD, dean of thegraduate school at the University ofColorado and head of the chemistrydepartment since 1937, was namedacting president of the Universitywhen President Stearns left on a leaveof absence. Dr. Gustavson is internationally known for his research inbiochemistry and has been the recipient of many awards, including theMelzer award in 1917 and an honorary fellowship with the Chicago Gynecological Society in 1930.Gertrude E. Slocum is a kindergarten teacher at the Milwaukee-Downer Seminary in Milwaukee.Edmund C. Peters, AM, is president of Paine College at Augusta,and a member of the Augusta HousingAuthority. The balmy Georgia climate permits his hobby of dahliagrowing.Irene Fagin, assistant state farmlabor supervisor of the Women's LandArmy writes: "More than a year agoI was transferred from Santa Barbarato Berkeley to work out from the University supervising home demonstrations in the northern part of the state.I had been doing this work only ashort time when Congress placed thefarm labor program in the hands ofagricultural extension. At that timeI was loaned to the farm labor pro-28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgram and have been extremely busyorganizing the women's part of thisprogram for the entire state of California. Many thousands of womenare working in agriculture today andhelping in all phases of general farmwork fruit harvest, dairying, poultry,vegetable harvest, packing houses, andmany other similar pursuits. This hasbeen a new program and one that Ihave found very stimulating. I havenot done any work which I havefound as interesting for some time."1926Joe F. Snodgrass, AM, is at ScottField, Illinois, in the capacity of assistant field director for the AmericanRed Cross.Guy R. Vowles, PhD, of Davidson,North Carolina, has become presidentof the South Atlantic Modern Language Association.1927Dorothy Gafford Hart and her family (husband Milton and childrenAnn, Bobby, and Sally) have gone toTexas for the winter, where they willfinish the construction of a ranchhouse built of stone quarried from theland on which their winter homestands. They live in Montreal for alittle more than half the year.Henry R. Sackett, JD '29, wellknown Gary, Indiana, attorney andpast president of the Gary AlumniClub, has been nominated AssistantUnited States Attorney for the Northern Indiana District. He has practiced law in Gary since his graduationfrom the University. During hisundergraduate days Sackett was captain of the basketball team and headmarshal.Ensconced in the labyrinth of thePentagon Building, Washington, RuthM. Kellogg, AM, is doing personnelwork in the employee relations sectionof civilian personnel, Army ServiceForces. Gardening and restoring anold house are her extra-office hobbies.Two honors were recently bestowedupon Donnal V. Smith, AM, PhD '29.He was given an honorary degree lastsummer by Bowling Green State University at its summer commencement,and in September became presidentof Cortland, New York, State Teachers College. Dr. Smith has taught inhis field of history and social studiesat various schools, including the University of Texas and Albany StateCollege for Teachers. He has writtenseven books, one of them in collaboration with Charles A. Beard and JamesHarvey Robinson. His graduate workwas done at U. of C. where he won a$1500 competitive scholarship. EASTMAN COAL CO.Established 1902YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone Seeley 4488AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits Itswork to the university and college field.It Is afltiated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.WM. FECHT ELECTRIC CO.CONTRACTORS - ENGINEERSLIGHT & POWER CONSTRUCTION600W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMonroe 22081928For the second year Walter S.Ryder, PhD, is a member of the Central Michigan College of Educationfaculty, Mount Pleasant, with thedesignation of associate professor ofeconomics and political science."Buck" Jones has been advanced toadvertising manager of the CreameryPackage Manufacturing Company inChicago. He is a director and vice-president of the Chicago IndustrialAdvertisers' Association and is on theboard of governors of the ChicagoFederated Advertising Club.Alumni in the east will be interestedto know that David Dressier is executive director of the New York StateDivision of Parole.Mrs. H. R. Liedke (Kathe M.Beyer, SM) has been a part time instructor in the Department of Anatomy at the New York MedicalCollege since 1937 and last year received her PhD in zoology at Columbia University. She has a daughter almost seven years old.Charles B. Brown, PhD, has beenpromoted to professor of Spanish atVanderbilt University. 1930George F. James, Jr., JD '32, hajrecently been appointed chief of theprice adjustment section of the Chi.cago Ordnance District.Paul F. Cressey, PhD '30, professorof sociology in Wheaton College, Mas.sachusetts, is spending a year at Stanford University, California, lecturingto U. S. trainees on modern Chinesecivilization. He taught three years atSwatow Academy. His brother isGeorge B. Cressey, SM '21, PhD '23,and his father, Frank G. Cressey, DB'98, PhD '03.1931Dorothy L. Benson, SM '38, isteaching at Michigan State College inthe division of home economics, forthe seventh year. During the summerof 1942 she taught at Oregon StateCollege at Corvallis.1932Margaret Egan is assistant advertising manager with the Marshall FieldCompany.1933Edith B. Whitney is supervisor ofkindergartens and grades one throughsix in Virginia, Minnesota. She w^schairman of the elementary section ofthe Northeastern Minnesota Education Association two years ago.1934Helen L. Bell received her master'sdegree in English at the Universityof California in August, 1942. Sheteaches the subject at Lanphier highin Springfield, Illinois.Mrs. Edward Feiman (Blanche P.Kleiman, AM '35) worked as directorof activities at the Omaha JewishCommunity Center from 1938 until1942, when she married Dr. Feimanof Canton, Ohio. She hopes herdaughter, Ruth Jacqi, now eightHenry J. Antholz, '34, newlyelected president of the WisconsinEducation Association.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29months old, will want to come to theU of C. too.1936Elsie Margaret Johnson, AM '41,writes that she enjoys her work asteacher of American problems at theRoosevelt high school in Des Moines,Iowa.1937James B. Looper, MD, has been appointed dean of the School of Medicine at the University of Mississippi.1938For the past four years David S.pankratz, MD, has been professor ofanatomy at the University of Mississippi. He was president of theSigma Xi group at the University ofMississippi, and although the accelerated program at the University keepshim pretty busy, he still manages toget in some gardening, hunting, andfishing.1940Frances Lloyd Naylor, PhD, is research assistant in the Department ofPediatrics at the University.During the summer Wesley C. Bal-laine, PhD, was acting assistant professor of economics at the Universityof Washington, where his studentswere Navy and Marine boys in the V-12 program. His regular appointmentis assistant professor in the School ofBusiness Administration at the University of Oregon. He also serves aspublic panel member of the twelfthregional War Labor Board.1941Gene Ruth Rickey of the AthleticDepartment, who used to give yourtennis reservations special attention, iswith the Red Cross, holding the position of office manager for the ArmyAir Forces unit at the General Hospital at Palm Beach. Major JosephH. Shaffer, '27, MD '32, she reports,is on the same staff. Gene recentlymade a visit to Alumni House whileon leave in Chicago.Jane Armstrong is art instructor atthe elementary school in Auburn,Washington.Carl A. Roebuck, PhD, is assistantprofessor of classics at Dalhousie University at Halifax, Nova Scotia.1942Erich Rosenthal, AM, is teachingthe ASTP groups at the University.Muriel Holzhauer Lawson teachesEnglish in the Westmont Schools, Illinois.From the University's Departmentof Pharmacology, Earl H. Dearborn,PhD, has gone to Johns Hopkins University, Department of Pharmacologyand Experimental Therapeutics. Norma Lee Search literallysearches for the Encyclopaedia Britannica as library investigator for theiroffices in Chicago.Ruth Vance Babcock, AM '43 is acase aide for the American Red Crossin Chicago.1943After graduation Marilyn Robbwent to New York to receive honorable mention for her writing inVogue's Prix de Paris contest for college seniors. "New York seemedpretty glamorous for a while," shewrites, "but I finally decided Chicagowas the best place to get started ona career. I am now contest editor ofthe Chicago Daily News and involvedin judging hundreds of contest lettersand writing an occasional beauty andfashion feature."Murray Ellis is a graduate assistantat the Case School of Applied Sciencesin Cleveland."Way out west" in New Mexico,Phyllis Kathryn Crawford is teachingschool in the little Spanish-Americanmountain village of Truchas.RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 3192POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven TypewritingMultirjraphinrjAddressograph Service MimeographingAddressingMailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones 418 So. Market St.Harrison 8118 Chicago SOCIAL SERVICEMiss Abbott, members of the staff,and many S.S.A. alumni took part inthe program of the annual conferenceof the Illinois Welfare Association,held in Chicago, November 10-12.Mrs. Moore gave one of the studycourses "Skills in Working withPeople."Laurin Hyde, AM '35, has beentransferred from Denver to the SocialSecurity Board office in Washington,D. C.Helen Renald, AM '36, has takenthe position of executive secretary ofthe Kenosha Service League.Audrey Sayman, AM '36, is casesupervisor and psychiatric consultant,American Red Cross, Gardiner General Hospital, U. S. Army. She alsohas charge of the supervision of S.S.A.students holding national Red Crossscholarships and doing their fieldwork in this hospital.Elizabeth Jones Meyers, AM '37,has accepted a teaching position atAlabama College for Women, Montevallo.Helen Thatcher, AM '38, has accepted a position with the Y. M. C. A.in New York City.Clarence H. Hille, AM '39, is supervisor of the Department of ChildWelfare, Lutheran Charities, Detroit.Mary Houk, AM '39, formerly amember of the faculty of this School,has now accepted a position as Regional Supervisor with the Travelers'Aid Society.Ruth V. Schuler, AM '39, is working for the California State Department of Social Welfare, adoptions division, Los Angeles.Susan Dukes Bryan, AM '40, hasaccepted a position as psychiatricsocial worker, American Red Cross,Valley Forge General Hospital, Phoe-nixville, Pennsylvania.David Prichard, AM '40, has beenappointed assistant superintendent ofthe Bonny Oakes School, Chattanooga, Tennessee.Janet Elizabeth Smith, AM '40, hasaccepted a position in the placementoffice at Wellesley College.Alfred G. Wardley, AM '40, is assistant manager of the San Franciscochapter of the American Red Cross.Lillian Wurzel, AM '40, is field director of American Red Cross atBushnell General Hospital, Brigham,Utah. She is on leave of absencefrom crippled children services of theCalifornia State Department of Public Health.Robert Salisbury Wymer, AM '40,is working with the Social SecurityBoard, Atlanta, Georgia.30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELucille Day, AM '41, is the groupworker in Neighborhood House atSanta Barbara, California.James Lloyd Webb, AM '41, isworking at the Jerome RelocationCenter, Denson, Arkansas.Dena McMackin, AM '42, has beenappointed case work supervisor of thechildren's center of the New HavenOrphan Asylum.Josephine Schoetz, AM '42, is psychiatric social worker for the RedCross at Percy Jones General Hospital, Battle Creek, Michigan.Of the students who took the master's degree at the summer convocation, the following have gone 'intomedical social work: Juliane Muus,Red Cross Unit, Bruns General Hospital, Santa Fe, New Mexico; EvelynHarriet Stone, Kennedy General Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee; and LoisSentman, supervisor, American RedCross, Chicago.Those in child welfare work areMildred Allen, case worker at the Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society, Chicago; Helen Potts Armstrong,director of the Children's Bureau,Memphis, Tennessee; Jennie M.Bosco, Jewish Children's Bureau, Chicago; Annabelle Ford Gates, Children's and Minors' Service, Chicago;Margaret E. McClain, child welfareworker, Idaho Department of PublicAssistance; Margery C. Osberg, childwelfare worker, New Hampshire Department of Public Welfare; MaryElizabeth Porter, county child welfareworker, Blytheville, Arkansas; EleanorKerr Skeen, county child welfareworker, Richfield, Utah; Winifred A.Walsh, child welfare services, NevadaState Department of Welfare.Other summer quarter graduatesand their positions are: Frances Carter Bush, case worker, Travelers AidSociety, Chicago; Verna Trenner Es-ser, executive secretary, County Boardof Social Security and Welfare, Pres-Tuck PointingMaintenanceCleaning PHONEGRAceland 0800CENTRAL BUILDING CLEANING CO.CalkingStainingMasonryAeid WashingSand BlastingSteam CleaningWater Proofing 3347 N. Halsted StreetPhone: Saginaw 3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeaks RepairedFree EstimatesFRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.8019 Bennett St. cott, Arizona; Annette Rose Levin,case worker for United Jewish SocialAgencies, family welfare division,Cincinnati, Ohio; Norma Belle Low-enberg, State Social Security Commission, Montgomery, Missouri; EllaOzeran, psychiatric social worker, Institute for Juvenile Research, Chicago; Pearl Paul Scherr, case worker,Jewish Social Service Bureau, Chicago; Kathleen Wilson, child welfaresupervisor, Department of Public Assistance, Boise, Idaho.BIRTHSOn October 5 a daughter, Bonnie,to Mrs. Bovee, the former Julia Lyons,and Professor Bovee. The proudfather is Arty Bovee, '07, member ofthe faculty for more than 35 years,and leader of the Alpha Delts at allof the thirty-three University Sings.To Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Inge-manson (Edith Louise Brown, '32) ason, James William, on September 30in Chicago.To Lieut, and Mrs. John M. Smyth,Jr. (Judith Fox '37) a daughter,Judith India, on September 18 inWinnetka, Illinois.To Lieut. John T. McWhorter, '39,and Mrs. McWhorter on September26, a daughter, Anne Karen. The Mc-Whorter's live in Bakersfield.To Julian Royce Goldsmith, '40,and Mrs. Goldsmith (Ethel Frank'40) their first offspring, Richard Norman, on October 29. They are livingin Corning, New York.A son, Bryan Huntington, on September 29 to Jesse B. Coon, '40, andMrs. Coon. He is on the staff of Indiana University. Mrs. Coon will beremembered as the efficient secretaryin the Regional Advisers' office twoyears ago.To Bernice Williamson Ellis, AM'41, and Dr. John M. Ellis a daughter,Susan Beth, on June 3 at Berkeley,California. Dr. Ellis attended theUniversity of Chicago before gettinghis medical degree at Louisville andhas recently been accepted in theNavy Medical Corps.The son born to Pvt. George W.Overton, Jr., '42, and Mrs. Overtonon September 12 in Chicago is namedin honor of his uncle, the late SamuelHarper, '02, distinguished member ofthe faculty and son of the first president.A daughter, Margaret Elizabeth, toAlfred J. Davis, AM '42, and Mrs.Davis on October 28 in Montreal.Davis is director of adult education atthe Central Y.M.C.A. in Montrealand lectures in group work at SirGeorge Williams College and theMontreal School of Social Work. Mrs, Davis was in the social service department of the University Clinics from1938-42.ENGAGEMENTSLieut Edmond Uhry, Jr., MD 537}to Elinor Deutsch of Chicago, an.nounced on August 4. Lieut. Uhrybegan active duty with the MedicalCorps at Carlisle Barracks on July 12,The betrothal is announced of Mar-garet Elizabeth Deffenbaugh to Le«Roy T. Carlson, '38, both of Chicago,She is a graduate of Wellesley and isstudying for a master's degree in Eng-lish at the University where she hasreceived a scholarship. He is a graduate of Harvard School of BusinessAdministration and is serving over-seas with Lend Lease.Dr. Frederick S. Breed, associate,professor emeritus of education, andMrs. Breed announce the engagementof their daughter, Margaret Ann, toEnsign Alfred L. Gentzler, '43, of theCoast Guard, son of Mr. and Mrs.Edwin Gentzler of Aurora, Illinois.She is a graduate of NorthwesternUniversity and is now with the CivilAeronautics Administration in Indianapolis. Ensign Gentzler is stationedin Texas. An early spring weddingis planned. Dr. and Mrs. Breed movedT. A. REHNQUIST CO. CONCRETEFLOORSSIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATIONSEMERGENCY WORKALL PHONESest.ihi Wentworth 44226639 So. Vernon Ave.LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERHIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATESENGRAVERS¦ ... ¦ SINCE 1906 + WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES ?+ ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED *? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE +IRAYNEIUfDALHEIM &CO '2054 W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31from the campus to Dune Acres,Chesterton, Indiana, whence come his"reflections in the dunes," to the delight of readers of the Magazine.It will be a real Navy weddingwhen Ensign Joan Sill, '43, of theWAVES and Midshipman RobertCummins, '43, are married. Theirengagement was announced in October. Ensign Sill was at that timestationed at Great Lakes and herfiance trained in New York. She isthe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. VincentD. Sill and he the son of Clyde Man-son Cummins, AM '17, and Mrs.Cummins.MARRIAGESMarjorie Marie Ryser, '39, to Lieut.Marshall C. Foreen, '33, in HiltonChapel on April 17. He is stationedat Norfolk, Virginia. His sister isBetty Foreen, '26, of the Board of Examinations at the University.Faraday Benedict, '39, to Lieut.Robert Sanders Davies on October 1 1at St. Paul's Church in Chicago.Lieut. Davies and his bride left for ashort honeymoon in New York. He isgunnery officer on a destroyer out onAtlantic duty. For her attendant theBOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.All Phones OAKIand 0492HARRY EENIGCNBURG, Jr.STANDARDREADY ROOFING CO.Complete Service10436 TelephoneS.Wabash Ave. Pullman 8500JOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 09000901Retail Deliveries Daily and SundaysQuality and Service Since 1882Albert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Harris, '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and. Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 428S-6 bride chose Mrs. John Davenport, theformer Louise Huffaker, who was aclassmate at both University High andthe University. Lieut. Gregory Huffaker, '41, ushered. Mrs. Davies' address will continue to be 6720 BennettAvenue, Chicago, for the duration.Jean Bayer of New York City toLieut. A. J. Kauvar, MD '39, on August 22. The bride is a graduate ofHunter College and prior to enteringthe Army Lieut. Kauvar was associated with the Mayo Clinic. Thecouple are living in Salina, Kansas,where he is stationed" at present.Edward J. Winans, '40, to MaxineVance of Farmer City, Illinois, in Hilton Chapel on June 4. He was commissioned last month as gunnery ordnance officer of an aircraft squadron.Frances Marguerite Engelmann, '40to Theodore E. Knock, AM '41, onOctober 23 in Chicago. The newly-weds are at home at 850 WashingtonBoulevard, Oak Park, Illinois.Maxine Mason of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to Leroy K. Lubenow, '42, inAppleton on August 19. The bride isa graduate of Oshkosh State TeachersCollege and did graduate work at theUniversity of Wisconsin. He is athletic director at the Algoma Wisconsinhigh school.Harry R. De Young, '42, to Elea-nore La Noble on June 19. He is astudent at the Princeton Seminary atpresent.Adele J. Lassers, '42, AM '43, toHarold Fry in September. They areat home at 404 East 5th Street, Champaign, Illinois.Anna Huling, '42, to Captain Francis J. Klapp at Marion, Ohio, on May29. She is the daughter of ColonelJohn Huling, Jr. '17, and Mrs. Huling (Helen Moffet '20).Shirley Block, AM '43 to Lieut.Carrol Jacob on June 27 at Clarks-dale, Mississippi. Their address isnow 2346 Maryl Avenue, Alexandria,Louisiana.Martha Ebert, '43, to Romuald Anthony, '44, on November 6 at Thorndike Hilton Chapel, Dean Gilkey officiating. She is an assistant in thebotany department as well as a graduate student, while he is an opticaltechnician in the physics departmentof the University.Adele Whitaker, '44, to EnsignHarold R. Gordon, '43, at St. Paul'sChurch, Chicago, on October 28, thesame day he received his commission.He is the son of "Kitty" Gordon, '17.The wedding cake was cut by thesword Kitty wore as a lieutenant inthe first World War.Doris Goldstein, to Benjamin A.Levinson on September 19 in New York City. She was studying at U. ofC. for a master's degree. The coupleare at home at 23 Flint Street,Groton, Connecticut.DEATHSIn San Francisco on August 27,1942, Charles W. Brinstad, DB '93.Born in La Crosse, Wisconsin, he heldthree pastorates until 1906, when hewent to California to serve as secretary of the Baptist Convention ofNorthern California a post he heldfor twenty-six years. He is survivedby his wife, Lillie May Bower, and ason, Paul.Frank E. Hering, '96, after an illness of two months, on July 11, atSouth Bend, Indiana. Among themany tributes paid him, the ensuingone perhaps represents best his manycontributions. It is signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and reads:"It is a privilege to pay tribute to thelate Frank E. Hering, veteran head ofThe Eagle Magazine, as editor, publicist, and valiant crusader in behalfof social security reform and therights of the oppressed."His editorial support of the original social security law was undaunted, as was the support of theFraternal Order of Eagles. In recognition of this support at a time whenpowerful forces were in opposition, Igave the Eagles a pen with which Isigned the Social Security Act in 1935."Frank Hering lived a full life, richin achievements in behalf of his fellow men. His name will be held ingrateful remembrance by all who lovefair play and equal justice to all."During his student days Mr. Heringplayed football at Bucknell and at theUniversity. He called Alonzo Stagghis "first and only coach."While a professor at the Universityof Notre Dame, Mr. Hering was alsothe school's head football coach andlater its first director of athletics. AtTELEPHONE HAYMARKET 4566OGALLAGHAN BROS., Inc.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.The Best Place to Eat on the South SideCOLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone Hyde Park 632432 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe time of his death, he was serving his fifteenth year as a member ofthe Board of Lay Trustees of thatschool.He is widely known, too, in connection with Mothers' Day. During hislifetime he received much acclaim forhis support of this ideal and theAmerican War Mothers bestowedtheir Victory Medal upon him as the"Father of Mothers' Day" and thefirst sponsor of a nation-wide observance of Mothers' Day.Frank Waldo Merritt, MD '05, onAugust 18, at the age of 61. Chiefsurgeon for the Carnegie-Illinois SteelCorporation in Gary for twenty-twoyears, he had been with the medicaldivision of the U. S. Steel Corporationsince his graduation. He was anauthority on industrial surgery andserved as a major in the Army of Occupation in Germany in the firstWorld War. He is survived by hiswidow and a daughter.Maude Blanche Linkenhoker, '11,AM '12, on October 20 at her homein St. Petersburg, Florida. She hadbeen a member of the staff of the advertising department of the St. Petersburg Times for fourteen years, andowned and operated an apartmenthouse in the city. She was buried inSullivan, Indiana.Peter Hagboldt, retired professor ofteaching of German at the Universityon August 2. Mr. Hagboldt studiedat Duisburg, Germany, and the University of Cologne and received twoHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.Telephone Harrison 7798Chicago, III.Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesGenerally recognized at one t>f the leading TeachersAgencies *f the United States.GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3 1 86STANDARDBOILER and TANK CO.524 WEST 42nd STREETTelephone BOUIevard 5886 degrees from the University of Chicago, his bachelor's in 1916 and hisPhD in 1924. A distinguished teacherand author of many widely used textbooks and teachers' guides in the fieldof languages, he was on the University's teaching staff for twenty years.He is survived by his widow, Lillian.The husband-wife professorial teamof Adeline DeSale Link, PhD '17,and George K. K. Link, '10, PhD '16,of the University was ended onNovember 20 with the death of Mrs.Link, assistant professor of chemistry.In tribute to her, hundreds of friends,students, and colleagues crowded BondChapel on November 23 for memorialservices. Dean Gilkey of RockefellerChapel read the services and Professor Herman I. Schlesinger, executivesecretary of the Department of Chemistry, expressed the regrets of thescientific world over the loss of thedistinguished woman chemist. Mrs.Harvey Lemon read a memorialwritten by Mrs. Edith Foster Flint,long-time friend of Mrs. Link. MissGertrude E. Smith expressed the deepappreciation of the American Association of University Women for Mrs.Link's loyalty and service.Mrs. Link suffered a cerebral hemorrhage last September while on atrain en route to Washington to attend a meeting of the American Association of University Women. Shewas the chairman of that organization's national committee on fellowship awards. In spite of her illness,she attended the conference and presided over her section. After her re-BEFORE AFTER20 Years' ExperienceFREE CONSULTATIONLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERTG ra duate N u rseMultiple 20 platinum needles can beused. Permanent removal of Hair fromFace, Eyebrows, Back of Neck or anypart of Body; destroys 200 to 600 HairKoots per hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Moles andWarts.Member American Asm. Medical Hydrology andPhysical Therapy. Also Elect rotogists Associationof Illinois$1.75 per Treatment lor HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705. Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.Perfect Loveliness Is Wealth in Beauty I turn to Chicago, Mrs. Link seeminglymoved toward recovery but wasstricken again and died at BillingsHospital.A specialist in research on chern-ical reactions, Mrs. Link was co-author with Professor Schlesinger ofa laboratory manual and was a student adviser in the College.Kenneth R. King, '22, on August 28in Glencoe, Illinois. He was formerassistant treasurer of the RepublicanNational Committee and a partner inthe accounting firm of George Rosset-ter and Company. His death occurredat the age of 44 and he is survived byhis widow, his parents, and twodaughters.Dr. James M. White, '22, on August5 in Gary, Indiana, at the age of 45.He was a former member of the GaryBoard of Health and a practicingphysician and surgeon since 1926. Heserved as chief examining physicianfor a Gary Selective Service boardand was a member of the Lake CountyMedical Society in 1936.At St. Petersburg, Florida, on June19, John Anthony Strausbaugh, PhD'33. As associate professor of romancelanguages at Emory University, hewas widely known for his scholarshipin Spanish language and literature.In 1932 he was elected to the officeof secretary-treasurer of the SouthAtlantic Modern Language Association and continued to give his conscientious efforts to it until the end.He is survived by his wife and daughter.BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave.. ChicagoMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER> U. of C. ALUMNIMEDICAL BOOKSof All PublishersThe Largest and Most Complete Stock andall New Books Received as soon as published. Come in and browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago Medical Book Co.)Congress and Honore StreetsOne Block from Rush Medical College(Concluded from inside front cover)of military censorship, it can be statedthat the ability of a pigeon to fly fromthe point of release to its loft is adeeply imbedded natural trait whichhas been developed through trainingand the mating instinct. A pigeon ingood health, that is properly trained,is capable of flying distances up to500 miles. Its respiratory channelsare highly developed, enabling thepigeon to fly continually from twelveto fifteen hours. The air circulatesthrough the bronchial tubes and lungsand also through nine air sacs. Othersmall irregular cavities from these airsacs extend under the skin betweenthe muscles, and even into the insideof the bones. These small air sacscontain a reserve of warm air whichfeeds the lungs during flight when themuscle apparatus consumes a largeamount of oxygen. They inflate andcollapse alternately, acting as a liftand force pump, which renews the airin the lungs.Pigeoneers in the Signal Corps arecomprised of men who devoted theirtime in civilian life to the training andracing of homing pigeons ; consequently they do not require a great deal oftraining to learn to fly the "G.I." way.The establishment of the Pigeon Service has attracted soldiers from allbranches of service to contribute theirknowledge of a peacetime hobby to awartime necessity. This is one Armyoutfit where it can be truthfully saidthat business is combined with pleasure. The subject of pigeons is never-exhausted and the discussion of therelative merit of various strains ofpigeons goes on far into the night.Sgt. Byron M. Getzoff, '34, JD '35Camp Claiborne, La.JiNG BAOWe're living, A.V.G. style, inhostels. They have no counterpart inthe United States. A hostel is composed of a group of buildings. Thebuilding in which I'm quartered hasfrom ten to twelve rooms, each ofwhich houses anywhere from three tosix "G.I.'s." Each building has aboutthree or four house boys, whose dutiesconsist in getting us water, shiningour shoes, and making our beds.These houses are a good deal like"frats." We have our bull sessions;our walls are decorated with drawingsof airplanes; our dressers have theusual junk in them; and our gals' pictures are the most prominent thingin the whole set-up.We eat in a spacious dining hall,served by white-coated Chinese, ontables covered with white tablecloths. As the Chinese pull our K.P. andother dirty details, we are free as abird in our off-duty hours.The one other alumnus I've runacross out here is R.S. Yu, our hostelmanager. Mr. Yu and I have bothattended Northwestern University aswell as the U. of C, and I heartilyconcurred in his statement that"Chicago is by far the better school."Mr. Yu was at the U. of C. in 1930and lived at International House.Chicago can be proud of this alumnus -he's doing a splendid job for theAmerican soldiers.& * *Just received a very welcome letterfrom Mr. Beck and with it a copy ofthe latest "Private Maroon." Thecombination raised my morale atleast 50 per cent, as I haven't had anymail for a month.As you probably noticed by myaddress, I've changed organizationsout here in China. I don't knowwhether going from a heavy bombardment outfit to a fighter squadron issimilar to going from the ridiculousto the sublime or vice versa. At anyrate, I'm still with my first love ofthe Army Air Forces, to wit, radio.I'll probably be listening to Morsecode till my dying day.Mr. Yu, whom I mentioned in mylast letter, is by no means the onlyChinese civilian out in these partswho has attended the U. of C. Thereis a university located near by andthe president, Mr. Mei, is also analumnus, as are several other membersof the faculty. The man whom I wasmost interested in was Mr. Chen,chairman of the sociology departmentand director of the Institute for Census Research in China. He was acontemporary of Prof. Ogburn atColumbia, and knows a good manyof the sociologists on the Universityfaculty: Park, Burgess, Stouffer, Faris,etc. He and I talked sociology ad infinitum one evening. Apropos of yealumni publications, the last issue ofthe U. of C. Magazine received byyour correspondent is now in thefiles of the Institute for Census Research. It was the one carrying thearticle on the late George EdgarVincent by L. L. Bernard. Dr. Chenknew them both, the former intimately. Needless to say both he and Iwere very much interested in thatparticular issue, and it proved an excellent starting point for a lot of interesting reminiscences on his part, ofwhich I was a very ardent listener. Itwas "ting hao."Now for a little bit of the moreordinary contacts of the G.I.'s withthe Chinese. The particular type which we meet are the ones who runour hostel. Most of them speak fairlygood English (not the pidgin that onehears so much about, either ! ) . Theyare somewhat used to us by now, albeit they are startled by our actionsevery now and then. Those soldierswho were here before we came outtold us that the houseboys wereamazed at the prodigious quantitiesof food we consume. They wouldstand and stare in astonishment whena G.I. ordered seven eggs for breakfast and then followed up with aplate of hotcakes or French toast.AW in all, though, our relation withthese boys is one of comrade ratherthan of master-servant. We playbasketball with the Chinese boys inthe hostel and so far they've beatenus roundly.We have heard faint rumors ofthere being beer in India, but so farwe haven't even seen any empty cansup here. Those G.I.'s who are braveand intrepid and don't give a darnabout their stomachs drink a rice winewhich is called jing bao juice (jingbao = bomb raid). After one ortwo drinks of that stuff, they usuallyswear off. It's really potent.A little pup that belongs to a staffsergeant has been named "Jing Bao."One day the sergeant went to the doorand called loudly for his pooch. Hewas a little startled to see an extremely-increased activity; then, people, G.I.'s,and Chinese started streaming out ofdoors and took off for the rice paddies. They all thought it was the realthing.The coolies in this part of Chinaall stare at us when we walk or ridethrough one of their towns. We runinto town in a jeep and park. Immediately a crowd of silent men, women,and children gather around and stare.One has the feeling that if we parkedthat jeep at the same spot every dayfor the next fifty years the Chinesewould still gather around and stare.The Chinese have a real interest inwinning this war. Most of them haverelatives in occupied China Canton,Shanghai, Tientsin, etc. Stories comein from all over China about howmen, women, and kids stand and claptheir hands and cheer when our shipstake off. They all seem to think thatthe American soldiers, and not theJaps, are the "Sons of Heaven."So we have a lot of fun. Combatconditions aren't bad and living conditions are very good. But, boys,how we miss those hamburgers, cokes,and especially the beer!Sgt. Frederick L. Swanson, '41China^S^lEeres a QinsGnas rushon telephone wires, tooHelp keep war-crowdedcircuits clear on December 24,25 and 26.Please use Long Distanceonly if it is vital.YV ar needs tne wires evenon holidays.BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM