1V.THE UNIVERSITY OO C T O E R 19 4 3THEUNIVERSITYOF CHICAGOLIBRARYLETT ERSYESTERYEARHave I missed it? Or is it true thatthe 1943 Reunion and all other annual observances of the year fled awaywithout a single mention of the firstgraduating class of the University,whose fiftieth anniversary it was?Have I been wrong for fifty yearsin congratulating myself on havinghad intelligence enough to choose thebrand-new University over all thefirm-founded and tradition-clad institutions whose doors stood open?Far different was the visible form ofthe University in the fall of 1892. Avery small group of us made up thefirst undergraduate senior class. Howmany thousand times have I braggedthat I belonged to the very first classof the institution, then so small andnow so great!A score and one if my memory iscorrect. How many still left of thatsmall prescient group?Edward O. Sisson, '93Car mei, California[We are regretful that the 1943 Reunion passed without special mentionof the first graduating class. The reunion was largely a gesture a hollow shell as compared with other years and no attempt was made to schedule special functions. According toour records, the following membersof that band of pioneers, besides Mr.Sisson, are still living: William S.Gaud, Charleston, S. C; Louis B.Joralmon, Los Angeles ; HerbertManchester, New York City; Mrs.Frederick W. Shipley (AntoinetteCary), Clayton, Mo.; Mrs. R. M. G.Smith (Rizpah Gilbert), Joliet, 111.;Edward L. Tupper; and Hermann V.VonHolst, Boca Raton, Fla. Editor]My mother has recently sent methis old letter written by me when Iwas a freshman at the University ofChicago in 1900-1901. Although it israther long-winded, there are allusions in it which might make it interesting to others.I did not graduate until long afterI should have done so in the 1920's,when my husband was getting hisPh.D. This throws me out of gearin the alumni set-up. I am one ofthe constant readers of the Magazineand often am stirred to reminiscence,but this is the first time it has everreached the point of letter writing.Alice Thompson Paine, '21Chapel Hill, N. C. Dear Mamma and All:I haven't written for so long thatI have quite an accumulation ofthings to tell you about. You willthink I have been frivolous. Let mesee, perhaps I had better begin withyesterday and go backwards. Yesterday morning Miss Chase and I wentshopping. Miss Chase had a long listof things to get for her brother, andwe started out for "The Fair" alarge apartment [sic] store, something like the "Golden Rule" in St.Paul or the "Glass Block" in Minneapolis. We started early, but it takesforty-five minutes to get down townon the cable and when we got there,there was some kind of a processionforming a great Republican celebration and we got into a grand oldcrowd. When we finally got to "TheFair," we stayed there all the morningand I gazed around with all myeyes while Miss Chase shopped. Ihave discovered that it is great funto watch someone else shop, for youfeel as if you have been shoppingyourself and your pocketbook feelsjust as fat as it did before. At twelve,I left Miss Chase and started forhome (she didn't intend to be homefor luncheon and I did), but theprocession had stopped all the cars,and after waiting for about ten minutes I went over two blocks and tookthe Illinois Central home, and waslate for luncheon after all. I feelquite grand chasing around alone, although I never venture off from theroute I know best. I happen to knowthat pretty well because for the lasttwo Fridays I have gone down to theArt Institute to hear lectures on sculpture by a certain Mr. Taft. Thewhole series of lectures costs ten dollars, but University students get in ontheir matriculation cards, and as weare required later to write severalthemes on some art subject, it is veryconvenient to acquire a certainamount of information in that way.I haven't yet been up-stairs to see thepaintings, but the sculpture downstairs is beautiful. Mr. Taft escorteda party of students around the sculpture rooms, and explained the various casts and statues, but the crowdwas so large and I so small that Ididn't see or hear much.The day before yesterday I wasover to Mr. MacClintock's to dinner,and had a very pleasant time. Mr.and Mrs. MacClintock are just aslovely as they can be, and their fourchildren are ideal children. I enjoyedmyself so much that I stayed too late,till quarter to ten, and I have been(Concluded on inside back cover) WAGE RATES AND LIVINGCOSTS IN A WAR ECONOMY,by Maurice S. Brody, '23, MBA '43;School of Business, U. of C, July1943, $1.00 Mr. Brody is a securities and market analyst of Denver,who has been successful through practicing what he preaches. He believesthat: "The President's official policyof stabilizing the cost of living as ofApril 8, 1943, is sound both in principle and practice." He also feelsthat: "An informed public opinionaroused to the vital need for a stablecost of living can neutralize the pressure of certain groups of farmers andof labor for higher farm prices andhigher wage rates." Thus this 38-pagestudy.BROWN LEAVES BURNING, byIdaruth Scofield Fargo, '99; MathisVan Nort and Co., Dallas, Texas,$1.50 postpaid. For years Mrs.Fargo, who holds a life certificate forteaching in Oregon, has done freelance writing as a hobby. As scrapbooks began to bulge she promisedherself that someday she would collect her favorite poems in a boundvolume. Brown Leaves Burning wanders along the mountain streams andocean beaches of Oregon and into theintimate experiences of a full life, although she warns:A little nonsense, here and there,Is scattered through these pages;But ever such, so we are told,May be enjoyed by sages.THE GOODSPEED PARALLELNEW TESTAMENT, by Edgar J.Goodspeed, DB '97, PhD '98; U. ofC. Press, $2.00. The ink had barelyset on Edgar Goodspeed's latest volume when the edition was completelysold out. Published in August, September found unfillable orders stacking up and the University of Chicagopresses roaring into a second editionof double the first. Seldom, if ever,has there been so authentic a volumecombining features which make theNew Testament fascinating reading.In a clear, concise one-page accountpreceding each Book, Dr. Goodspeedsets the stage by telling where, why,and when the Book was written. Inunobtrusively indicated notes he explains any puzzling changes or omissions in his American translation. Thebook is an accurate, modern American version paralleling the Elizabethan English of the King Jamesversion.THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONCHARLTON T. BECKEditor HOWARD W. MORT and BEATRICE J. WULFAssociate Editors SYLVESTER PETROAssistant EditorTHIS MONTHTHE COVER: For the fifth timesince Pearl Harbor the doors ofRockefeller Chapel swung open to admit not young men to receive University degrees but commissions young men who go from the Quadrangles qualified to be Army and^Navy meteorologists.ON LABOR DAY, in neatlypressed summer uniforms, half aChapel full of alert cadets receivedcommissions and certificates as rewards for their nine concentratedmonths of work in the University'sInstitute of Meteorology. Before thewar less than seventy-five students inthe United States annually qualifiedas specialists in the field; this yearour country trained a number of meteorologists exceeding the total number in the Western Hemisphere in1940. "Horizons Unlimited" is thegraduation address given by WilliamA. M. Burden, special aviation assistant to the Secretary of Commerce.BECAUSE Althea Warren, '08, ashead of the San Diego Public Library was instrumental in starting thefirst books-for-soldiers drive whichspread through the nation in WorldWar I, and because she was asked toplay a return engagement in headingup the Victory Book drive for oursoldiers fighting the current war, weasked her to tell us some of the factsgleaned from the driver's seat of this TABLE OF CONTENTSOCTOBER, 1943PageHorizons UnlimitedWilliam A. M. Burden 3Break Out the Books!Althea Warren 6New Frontiers for the UniversityJohn A. Wilson 8News of the QuadranglesDon Morris 11A Second Shot at Liberal Education 14With Our Alumni in the Rockies 18News of the Classes. 24load of ten million books. "BreakOut the Books!" is the story. MissWarren is the city librarian of LqsAngeles. In June she was awardedour own alumni citation and in Julywas honored with the presidency ofthe American Library Association.AFTER eighteen months' leave ofabsence for government servicein Washington, John A. Wilson, Ph.D.'26, director of the Oriental Institute,has resumed his University duties.Mr. Wilson served with the Office ofStrategic Services and with the Division of Cultural Relations of the Department of State. "New Frontiersfor the University" was delivered atthe summer quarter Convocation. TN THE spring of 1937 Don Mor--L ris put the cover on his editorialtypewriter in the Phoenix (studentfun magazine) office; went aroundthe corner to the Chapel to pick uphis A.B.; and then set out to see theworld. On the New York docks hedetermined that Europe would be thefirst stop. The captain of a freighterneeded some extra hands and Donwas assured a working passage across.It was only after the hatches were battened down and the gang plankdropped that he learned the real destination San Francisco via the Panama Canal. It was two years beforeDon became conipletely disillusionedabout a depressed America and returned to the Midway to carve animportant niche in the press relationsoffice and contribute his talents tothe Magazine. This month is Don'slast News of the Quadrangles. OnOctober first he joined the Chicagooffice of Life, where his feature instincts of Phoenix days will again bereleased well, at least partially released (as we remember the .1937Phoenix) !THREE hundred and fifty Chicagoalumni live in Denver, Salt LakeCity, and Ogden. In his brief visitsto these three cities this summer it wasimpossible for Associate Editor Mortto drop in on all them. "With OurAlumni in the Rockies," however,takes you into the offices and homesof nearly a fourth of them.Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago monthly, from October to June. Office of Publication, 5733 University Avenue,Chicago. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the Post Office at Chicago,Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the official advertising agency of theUniversity of Chicago Magazine.In her snappy United Air Lines uniform, Jane Moran, '43, has begun a new careeras a passenger agent, helping to speed essential war-time traffic at Chicago's Municipal Airport. With two brothers in the naval air service, Jane is definitely air-minded.Her off-duty hours are spent in the clouds flying toward a pilot's license.VOLUME XXXVi THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBEROCTOBER, 1943HORIZONS UNLIMITEDBy WILLIAM A. M. BURDENA reconnaissanceinto themeteorological futureALTHOUGH it is not quite correct to say that theprofession of meteorology has its greatest application in the field of aeronautics, it is true that aviation is directly or indirectly responsible for the quickeningrenaissance which meteorology has experienced duringthe last twenty years. Aviation has furnished the necessitywhich has "mothered" the invention of new techniquesand has given to meteorology the most phenomenalgrowth in its history. Further, it is quite likely that thegreatest opportunities for meteorologists in the near future will be found in rapidly expanding fields of airtransport and related aeronautical industries. No doubtit behooves me to be somewhat cautious in venturing ameteorological prediction among experts who have specialized for several months in the latest methods ofweather forecasting, but there are aspects of aeronauticalmeteorology about whose future I can be confident andit is a pleasure, as well as a privilege, to suggest some ofthe opportunities which I foresee for the meteorologist.Aeronautical authorities throughout the world agreethat we are at the threshold of an Air Age in which airtransport will become a principal form of transportation probably the principal form as far as long distancepassenger and mail transportation are concerned. Thewar has accelerated the development of transport aviation to an extraordinary degree, not so much by technical advance in design or construction, though thesehave been remarkable, as by the expansion of actual airtransport operation to undreamed of proportions. Thebest domestic transport techniques are being applied ona world-wide scale, and men and goods are moving byair on an unprecedented scale. The leaders of every formof human activity from ordnance experts to cardinalsare traveling by air to an extent which it would havetaken years of sales effort to achieve under normal con ditions. The potential leaders of the next generation aredoing more than traveling by air many of them are tobe found among the pilots of our transport and militaryaircraft. From their ranks will come the first great statesmen who are also airmen.The world-circling air routes established during thisemergency will continue to serve in the post-war periodas civil airways for use of commercial air transport. Theextent to which they are shrinking the size of the globehas been dramatized in a hundred ways by our press, ourradio, and even our art museums. Distance in terms ofmiles has been almost meaningless. No two importantpoints on the globe are further apart by air than NewYork and San Francisco are by train. Substantially anynation on earth is less than fifty hours from any othernation. The mere proximity created by the airplane willnot in itself solve the world's problems in fact it maywell continue to produce at least as many problems asit solves. Without question, however, it will create a greatand fascinating business where men of character and intelligence can find satisfactory and constructive careers.And on the ability and character of the men who run ourairlines depends to a large degree the part which airtransport will play in world affairs.The expansion in air transportation in the great industrial nations of the world will be tremendous, althoughthey have highly developed surface transport systems.The Civil Aeronautics Administration expects a five-foldincrease in domestic air traffic in 1946 as compared with1942. In the field of international air transport, theAdministration expects a six-fold increase in passengertraffic in the 1946 figures over those for 1942, and aneight-fold increase in mail traffic. It is not too much toexpect that within a few years after the war 70 per centof our passenger traffic and all of our long distance mailtraffic will go by air. The amount of merchandise whichwill be carried by air will depend mainly on the ingenuityof our designers and air transport operators in reducingcosts, but it is not too much to assert that it will not belong before at least half our present express and parcelpost traffic is air-borne.34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIn the field of private flying the opportunities are moredifficult to estimate accurately but the potentialities areso great as to challenge the imagination. There were only25,000 private airplanes in the United States before thewar compared to 350,000 motor boats and 27,000,000automobiles. Obviously the private airplane can ne*. rreplace the automobile, but at least part of the giganticgap between the use of the two types of vehicles will bereduced. The rate at which it will be closed will dependfirst upon the degree to which the first cost of aircraftcan be reduced and here the war with its application ofmass production techniques has taught us much andsecond the utility of the private aircraft of the future tothe average man. And here both meteorologist and aircraft designer will have an important part to play.The opportunities for air transport in undevelopedcountries which have not developed elaborate surfacetransport systems arc relatively speaking even greater thanin the United States, though of course the total volumeof air traffic may well be less at first than in the moremature nations. In undeveloped countries air transportcan actually perform miracles and change the distributionof cities and the population pattern. It is easy to forgetwhat a hodgepodge the transport systems of the industrialcountries really are. They are archaeological dumpheapsconsisting of remnants of the canal and post road systemsof the eighteenth century, the railroad networks of thenineteenth, and the highly developed motor roads of theearly twentieth. A continent which is just developing itstransport system like South America, Africa, or Asia has unusual opportunities to make the best of air transportSuch continents will never build surface transport sy8terns on anything like the scale that they would have itheir transport systems had reached their peak at th<jbeginning of the twentieth century. Think what thi|means. Hundreds of villages along the routes of projectedtranscontinental railways will be doomed to slumber for.ever, deprived of the chance of becoming large and flour.ishing towns whose names would have been known toevery world traveler. At the same time the tiny hamletsnot on the routes of the proposed railroads will grow toworld importance because they are to be stopping pointson the trunk airlines of the future. New industries andnew settlements will be established in remote areas of theworld as a result of air transport which is almost completely free of barriers imposed by surface obstacles.In all this vast development the meteorologists of theworld will play a vitally important part. There is no needhere to establish proof that meteorological service is essential to efficient and safe air transportation. It is obviousthat the great expansion in air transportation just referred to will bring a corresponding increase in demandfor the service of the meteorologist. If the record of thepast is any indication, this demand will call not only formore meteorologists but also for more exacting servicefrom all meteorologists. Exact knowledge of weather conditions was an urgent need in many fields of business andindustry long before the invention of the airplane, but ithas taken the accelerated tempo of the Air Age and theaviator's vital interest in atmospheric conditions to crys-The National Anthem opens the fifth graduation exercises of meteorologists.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 5tallize what was formerly an urgent need into an immediate necessity. Step by step under the pressure of aeronautical requirements, the meteorologist has found waysand means to give more exact information of weatherconditions. Further progress in this direction is inevitableand as the potentialities of the science increase, the opportunities for the professional meteorologist will grow.No one knows just what the pattern of post-war organization will be. We can be quite sure that whereverAmerican influence is felt, there will be considerable latitude for private enterprise and we may expect that legitimate competition will continue as a primary stimulus toprogress and efficiency. Development of commercial aviation in the United States has been the admiration of allnations of the world. Many reasons have been advancedfor the success of our development. One of these is, inmy opinion, so fundamental as to be almost overriding.We must never forget that the United States is the onlylarge country in the world where air transport has beenoperated primarily as a business. Industrial enterpriseand business management have developed commercialaviation in the United States and this, the principal reason for our success, is, I believe, the touchstone for development of international air transportation along lineswhich will serve the world and not increase internationalfriction.To some extent at least this same philosophy applies tothe development of the profession of meteorology. Thereare good reasons why meteorological science has evolvedin the past largely as a government function. Modernadvisory services dealing specifically with current weatherconditions are based almost entirely on synoptic meteorology. This requires an extensive network of observing stations covering oceans as well as continents, and callingfor continuous vigilance on the part of thousands ofobservers, day and night. It takes an organization toolarge and too costly for private enterprise to maintain;like the postal service, it had to be financed and developedby government as a service for the common welfare. Moreover, weather and climate, like our soil, our minerals, andother natural resources, are of vital national interest.General warnings to the public advising of dangerousstorms, cold waves, and other severe weather conditions isinherently one of the functions of government in the interest of public security, something like police powers.Synoptic meteorology requires prompt and widespreadcommunication channels and international exchange ofreports which can best be arranged and maintained by government. It has been the history ofsynoptic meteorology throughout the world that public need for weather information service has beenbrought to recognition through the efforts of scientificinstitutions or commercial agencies which brought pressure upon government to amalgamate disorganized localmeteorological facilities into a unified organization andextend them to cover the regions over which the respective government has jurisdiction. This integration of basicsynoptic services was the only way in which standard and unitorm observations could be collected regularly eachday.In this respect meteorology differs from most professions. The astronomer, the geologist, the lawyer, and thephysician can establish their offices and operate for themost part independently of others in their respectivefields, and certainly without dependence upon daily dispatch collection of information from remote places, suchas the meteorologist requires. This dependence upon thenational synoptic network maintained by government explains why most meteorologists have been identified withthe official government weather service. With the advent of aviation, the latent possibilities of the professionhave been released and in recent years there hasbeen an accelerated trend towards the private practice ofmeteorology.A rather imperceptible but nevertheless fundamentalchange in the scope of the profession has opened the wayfor further growth of private practice in this field. Solong as the capabilities of the meteorologist were limitedto broad advices and forecasts of the type commonly usedby the general public, the demand could be pretty welltaken care of by relatively few government meteorologists.As the capacity of the profession is developed to givespecialized information designed to serve individual needsand profitable to individual interests, the demands uponthe meteorologist will increase a thousand-fold and thegovernment meteorologist can no longer find time to serveall of these needs. The businessman and the corporationthat can increase efficiency and reduce losses through useof more specialized weather information than that contained in forecasts for the general public will need to employ a company meteorologist for the purpose. He willwant his individual interests kept constantly in mind sohe can be advised whenever changes in weather willaffect his operations. The possibilities in this field up tothe present time have been utilized to some extent by thecommercial air transport companies. Many of them haveemployed company meteorologists to look after theirweather interests. When we remember that weather directly or indirectly affects almost everything we do ourfood supply, our health, our occupations, and our modesof living we can believe that the potential opportunitiesfor the meteorologist in business and industry are limitedonly by the capacity of the profession to furnish the information desired. The developments in weather sciencefostered by aeronautics have increased the professionalcapabilities of the meteorologist and accelerated the trendtowards private practice in this field.There are two general stages involved in the application of synoptic meteorology and these necessarily shapeits professional practices. The first stage is the basicsynoptic network and the weather maps and advices forcommon use of business, industry, and the general public,a service conducted by the official national weather service. The second stage is the specialized interpretation ofweather maps for use of the air transport operator, the(Continued on page 15)rian or the president of the Chamber ot Commerce or apublic library trustee) would call for universal responseon a given day. In a middlewestern college town for example, at eight o'clock on a Saturday morning, fifty automobiles started from the college campus, each with adriver and half a dozen Boy or Girl Scouts, Camp FireGirls, etc. Routes had been planned for each of them.Before night a call had been made at every house in town.The newspapers had heralded the need a week in advanceso that a pile of books was waiting in every front hall.Over eight thousand books were brought to be sorted atthe college library, and they were the kind of books thatthe boys in the services are clamorous for.The actors and musicians playing in New York whenthe campaign began, under the chairmanship of the author of Boy Meets Girl, gave a week's series of noon hourshows on the steps of the New York Public Library.Maurice Evans read the "Gutenberg Address," whichChristopher Morley had written especially to open thedrive. While all the green buses on Fifth Avenue stoppedto look at her, Gypsey Rose Lee in a mink coat and bewitching hat asked Clifton Fadiman: "How would youlike to be up here before all these people with all yourclothes on?"Publishers and booksellers followed the authors in offering help. The American Mercury gave a hundred thousand of the slick-covered small mysteries which go easilyIN 54 B. C. books were part of the impedimenta ofwar, for Caesar's "line-a-day" diary certainly got overto Britain. Cromwell's men carried "the shouldier'sBible" and Napoleon had a traveling library box on hiscampaigns from which he threw away the volumes hehad read. In 1917 the American Library Association, asone of the six welfare agencies admitted to the trainingcamps, manned library buildings in all of the large cantonments provided by funds of the Carnegie Corporation.Their uniformed librarians even got across to the European trenches. Their wares proved so effective in keepingup courage and dispelling boredom that Congress hasvoted money ever since for up-to-date library service forthe Army and Navy. Even before Pearl Harbor, theAmerican Red Cross and the USO had decided to combine in financing a campaign to collect gifts of books ifthe American Library Association would sort and distribute them. A national office was opened in New Yorkand state directors appointed to organize local collection centers in every town in the country.The Victory Book Campaign opened in January 1942.Every community handled the appeal in its own way,but not one refused to do its utmost. The largest contribution in cash from any school in the United Stateswas given by a small Negro parish in Louisiana. Largestper capita gifts were received from towns under 50,000in population where a good organizer (the college libra-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 7into a pea-jacket pocket and are comfortable to hold in ahospital bed. For the second year of the campaign apublicity committee headed by Franklin P. Adams, Norman Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review of Literature,and Edward Bernays, head of one of the greatest of NewYork's advertising firms, made the plans for a nationalappeal to radio sponsors, newspapers, businesses, and organizations.Over fifteen million books have been received as gifts.Of course not all of them are suited to the armed services. The ABC Bunny and The Rosary have been sentto migratory labor camps where women and children areeager for reading. Rare out-of-print and autographedvolumes have been sold at auction for enough to buysome of the current, expensive technical books on aviation and diesel engines so ravenously swallowed in camps.In warehouses at several locations the books for theNavy and Marines are collected arid given out to ships,naval bases, and Navy hospitals on request to the directorof libraries, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington,D. C. Each new battleship, cruiser, and destroyer is likewise equipped with a library approximating a book to aman.The Army has an efficient library organization in eachof its nine corps areas. The eight western states, for example, are covered by the librarian of the Ninth ServiceCommand at Fort Douglas, Utah. He collects the giftbooks in four branch processing centers at Seattle, SanFrancisco, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City. Books aresent out from these centers to over a hundred libraries incamps, bases, and hospitals. In addition, more than 2,000traveling library boxes, each containing forty books forassorted tastes, go to isolated posts and detachments.The boxes pass from one group to another every month.Women have replaced men as camp librarians in thiswar. They must meet strict civil service requirements forcollege education, professional training, and experience.With characteristic thoroughness and system, the Armyis now boxing books at the embarkation points to go tothe scenes of foreign fighting. Towns on both coasts aregetting an increasing number of requests for these booksto be read in jungles of the South Seas, bleak outposts inAlaska, or for the men left to watch in the charredregions of Europe and Africa, after the fighting has rolledahead.A letter received by V-mail from a boy in charge of aship that supplies our soldiers with food somewhere in thePacific has recently been sent me by Lora Rich, '07, wifeof Carl B. Roden of the Chicago Public Library.I did have to laugh at your asking "Do youhave time to read?" In the last ten days I havefinished War and Peace; read The Tempest andMerry Wives oj Windsor; torn through Cimarron and Show Boat; demolished a thirty-year-oldOppenheim and reread Captain Blood. The lastfour were in the box of books we took aboard from the Victory Book Campaign. Then lastnight I took down my book of poetry and withfirm resolve set myself to an evening of it.Strangely enough I enjoyed it, even though Iwas interrupted in the midst of Keats by an airraid alarm. Due to the plethora of coral reefsand other hindrances, night navigation on thisparticular station is not advisable, so we drop thehook at night, and upon the order, "Darkenship," I retire to my cabin, batten down theports, turn on the fan, and break out the book.From a brigadier general in a Coast Artillery fort,from a captain at an Air Corps training camp, from a station hospital at a flying field, from chaplains and specialservices officers all over the world, thanks are coming forthe books they have received and appeals for more andmore and more.Libraries all over the country are going to continue tocollect books as long as the war goes on. They shouldbe exactly the books you don't like to part with, the booksyou have enjoyed yourself and might want to readagain. Mysteries, recent war narratives, readable biographies, travel, adventure, and, above all fun. Chicagoleads all the large cities of the country in the generositywith which it has responded. Keep them coming! Southern California alone gets requests for fifteen thousanda month!Books bridge the breach between battles.Mysteries, biographies, adventure, travel, fun.NEW FRONTIERS FOR THE UNIVERSITY By JOHN A. WILSON, Ph.D. "26Still small voices callfor understanding of anew and intimate worldA UNIVERSITY convocation pays formal recognition to the fact that certain individuals have maderecognizable progress in their formal education.Under the difficulties of the times these individuals deserve full credit for such an achievement. However, alleducation is not housed within university walls in thesedays. Many of us are learning by being plunged into newactivities and new settings. Even the educators are beingeducated. Many of them have been drawn off into government service and, under the demands of non-academictasks, have learned strange and wonderful things. It willbe interesting to hear their experiences when they returnto the university. They will be grateful to be homeagain, but they will inevitably be somewhat different.We might anticipate the recital of their homecomingattitudes by considering the parable of a prodigal son ofthis University. When he heard the guns of Pearl Harbor, he asked the University for the portion which fellto him and took his journey into a far country, that is tosay, government service in Washington. There, for a yearand a half, he applied his portion to what is by university standards the riotous living of war research. Nowthis prodigal son has returned soberly to these halls. Heis afflicted with a nostalgia for his intellectual home anda hunger for subject matter of more permanent value.The prodigal returns to his University home with agrateful new appreciation of the solidity of its foundations and the enduring strength of its timbers. The structure is sound and the organization of its rooms is wellplanned. But he looks at the University home with eyesthat have been trained on other perspectives for severalmonths. He states his first reaction on return: "I didn'tremember that it was cut up into so many small rooms;and I didn't remember that there were so few windows.The framework of the building is excellent, but wouldn'tthere be more light and air if the rooms were larger andhad windows looking out onto the world?"Before this prodigal journeyed into a far country, heoccupied one of those little rooms. It had certain advantages. It was possible to concentrate on a subjectmatter with profitable intensity. There was no distraction of sharing space with other individuals or of windows opening out onto vistas of interesting and changing nature. The result of such concentration was a refined distillate of scholarship. Advocates of such seclusionwould call the distillate pure; opponents might askwhether it is also sterile.In Washington no one is troubled by too much privacy. In Washington there are windows opening ontoevery part of the world. Through these windows one isaware of the closeness of the rest of the world. In thatcrowded and feverish atmosphere war research of verycreditable standards is being carried on. This may notbe the testimony of the newspapers, but it is true, nevertheless. Scholars recruited from every part of the countryand animated by devotion to a common purpose stimulateeach other to unsparing endeavor and sound production.It is a heart-warming experience to recall how the specialists on such diverse fields as the Chinese classics, Germanpolitical history, the social organization of African tribes,Babylonian cuneiform, the geography of South America,and Japanese art work closely together in a commoncause. The mutual sense of participation is a stimulantthat results in work of real quality.None of these war research workers was trained forthe tasks which Washington has thrown at him. It isa proof of the essential domestic peacefulness of thiscountry that we had no civilian specialists on global warfare. We had no scholars who knew foreign cultures inall their several manifestations. We had first-rate men onthis or that aspect of a foreign civilization, and they havecarried their talents over to such diverse problems as thelocation of industrial plants, the carrying capacities ofrailroads, the alliances of political organizations, the production and consumption of foodstuffs, and the ownership of foreign newspapers. Just as we were militarily unprepared for war, so we were intellectually, unprepared.And similarly we have done extremely well.However, although it is possible to feel a satisfactionin the accomplishments of these previously untrained research workers, just as we are proud of the achievementsof our previously untrained armed forces, the essentialpoint is that we were caught unready in both spheres.And the intellectual unpreparedness is a far greater deficitthan the military unpreparedness. Certainly we can fight,but just what sort of a world are we fighting for? Andwhat sort of a world are we fighting in? It should be afirst principle that this country, whether for the emergency needs of war or for the more orderly relations ofpeace, should have a broader understanding of a newworld. The activities of war demand a series of specificfacts which lead to the accomplishment of definite actions.Such facts should be set upon the foundation of a broadunderstanding of world cultures and movements, in order8THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 9that they may have real meaning. Understanding of suchfundamental nature must come out of the universities. Itis basically intellectual, the concept of situations andprocesses divorced from political prejudice or economicpressure. Only in the atmosphere which respects truth forits own sake can we achieve a proper understanding ofcontemporary world cultures. Only a university cherishesthat devotion to the truth.I just used the term "new world." That usage wasdeliberate. All over this globe there are cultures makingvigorous attempts to break with the past. These arecivilizations to which we have given only a passing andcondescending nod. We have not attempted to knowthem, because we have assumed that they were perennially backward. Now we must take them into account, because we cannot escape working contacts with them.Please do not misunderstand the words "working contacts." I am not here discussing diplomatic alliances, orpolitical or military responsibility, or foreign trade, or relief and physical reconstruction. I am discussing thosecontacts which are lumped together under the heading"cultural relations." The United States has already received an embarrassing number of requests to assist struggling nations in technological, scientific, and intellectualadvances. These are appeals which we find it difficult toreject, the Macedonian call: "Come over and help us!"It seems to us appropriate that these countries should turnto us, and we feel a responsibility to carry to them themodern elements of culture which they are requesting.It is a stirring experience to see these cultures tryingto lift themselves into the modern world after centuriesin which they have followed the age-old traditions andmethods. Now they are no longer willing to follow away of life which makes them dependent; they wish tobe strong in their own right. From a preoccupation witha primitive type of agriculture, they strain toward manufacturing. From decentralized feudalism they moveswiftly into centralized nationalism. From rigid religiousconservatism they move somewhat uncertainly towardreligious modernism. Above all, they want science, technology, and modern education immediately. Such nationsas China, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Abyssinia, Mexico,Colombia are astir with ambition, with a patriotic nationalism that accepts a highly centralized government as themost efficient instrument toward modernization and industrialization. They demand political and economic independence. They are in a fractic hurry to catapultthemselves into modernity, good or bad, all in one generation.Few of them can make that leap out of their ownintellectual resources alone; they must have help. Butthey are aware of dangers in seeking help from many ofthe western powers: technical advisers are so often thefirst agents of imperialism. So they turn to the UnitedStates as the most distant and least suspected of thepowers and ask that we help them so that they mayultimately stand on their own feet without help. Ournational temperament cannot resist an appeal of that kind. The missionary impulse is deeply rooted in ourhearts. A memory of our own struggle for independencepredisposes us to sympathize with similar aspirations.There is a flattering urgency in a plea which says, ineffect, "What the United States did for herself, we wishto do for ourselves; we want to become like Americans."It carries an implication sometimes explicitly stated that these cultures will become democratic. We feel thatparticipation in their plans is in our own interests.Their requests are specific. I may not name names, butI may give some indication of the nature of these requests.A desert country asks for an agricultural mission, to increase the productivity of its oases. A mountain countryasks for irrigation engineers and teachers of mathematics.An Asiatic land asks for teachers of medicine and economics. A Near Eastern land asks for all our scientificand scholarly journals of the past two years. An Orientalnation wants Boy Scout leaders and a mission to reorganize rural education. A Latin American nation wants documentary films showing normal American life in thetowns and in the country not propaganda, simply documentation. Everywhere they want scientific and technological books, but they also want books on Americanhistory and biography, statements on the normal American life. They have taken this country as a model anda mentor. Both now in war and also in the post-warperiod the United States has a brilliant opportunity anda terrifying responsibility in the field of cultural relations.It is a terrifying responsibility because Americans arenot yet intellectually prepared to help these people attheir point of greatest need: an adjustment from the oldto the new without doing violence to the values which areinherent in each of these cultures. Certainly we can teachmedicine and engineering and agriculture. We can overhaul their law codes and reorganize their police systemsand train Boy Scout leaders and put their finances on asounder basis. But we cannot and should not try to Americanize them all in one generation or one century. Thereare elements in these cultures which are of enduring valuewhich should therefore be preserved with all rever-FROM BACHELORS TO BATTLEWar struck at the September Convocation andlopped off another 25 per cent from the numberreceiving degrees a year ago. This year 115 menand 195 women made up the graduating class.. . Ninety-eight per cent of the men moved directlyinto the war effort. Sixty-nine were in uniform before receiving their degrees. Most of the womenwill enter war activities; four had already enlisted inArmy and Navy services. But despite the war, everycontinent and the Pacific islands were representedin the student processional. From Missouri came aminor Spitz blitz. Lewis Spitz, a professor at St.Paul's College in Concordia, received his Ph.D. inreligion; his daughter, Pauline, a master's in English;while Lewis, Jr., twenty, observed the proceedings.All three were in residence during the summer. Theelder Spitz spent eight of the last eleven summers onthe Quadrangles and Pauline the last three.10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEence. We do not yet know enough to recognize thesevalues. If we go to the.se countries in our eager innocence, our aid may be used for distinctly nationalisticpurposes, the industrialization of a highly centralized andnon-democratic state. Nevertheless, it seems inevitablethat we shall receive and meet these appeals throughoutour generation. How can we organize the intelligence tohandle the task with a proper understanding?In part that must come from a resurgence of the democratic spirit in this country, so that Americans treat individuals, groups, races, and nations with a sympatheticrespect for individual differences. It is urgent that weask ourselves what democracy really means and whetherwc want to abandon the concept or make it a workingreality. It is difficult to see how we can have successfulcultural relations with other peoples except in the democratic spirit, and it is difficult to see how we can achievethe democratic spirit unless we achieve it at home.The other part of the problem is the organization of ourknowledge of world cultures on rational bases. What arethe fundamental elements of Chinese culture, for example? Will it do violence to an agricultural people,with a society based on strong family ties, with a religious-philosophical system of a. contemplative nature, withnatural resources of certain specific commodities, and withalready conflicting political ideologies will it do violenceto this system to attempt industrial modernization? Theexample is fairly typical of all the cultures discussed.We must know them and understand them in their ownterms before we can give them help which meets theirneeds permanently.Fundamental understanding of that kind will not beundertaken by our government. The government isgeared to act in situations on the basis of experience, butnot to organize research leading to a broader comprehension. The task is one of an intellectual nature, and thatis clearly the responsibility of the universities and of theuniversities alone. However, it can only be undertakenin those universities which already possess the resourcesnecessary for the additional step of attempting to understand modern world cultures in themselves and in theirinterrelations.To undertake such a task a university must have strongand well-balanced schools and departments, with adequate library resources. It must have a tradition forindependent research of a basic nature. It must not bea vocational school or an institution which pursues thelatest fads of American educational life. Yet it must besufficiently independent of fixed educational tradition sothat it can pioneer new frontiers. The conditions of lifechange, and we must be flexible enough to explore thenew intellectual frontiers which open up before our minds.A university should further have an international standing, with scholars who are known abroad and with acurrent interest in the problems of other cultures. Aboveall, a university must have a fundamental reverence forthe truth, for basic concepts as distinct from workingpractices. These are the elements which should be al- JOHN A. WILSONready present as the necessary foundation stones uponwhich to build world understanding.And so we return to the prodigal son who has comeback to his University home and murmurs a plea forwindows opening out onto the world. He sees individualdepartments and schools which are strong and able. TheUniversity of Chicago is organized to teach languages, 'those necessary tools for the understanding of another culture. The University knows that a literature is the voice ofa people, and not a series of grammatical and syntacticalexercises. The University is strong in history, the indispensable background for the comprehension of the present. The geographers and anthropologists of the University stand high in their field. The University hasdepartments in the social sciences adept in the applicationof principles to situations. This faculty has been assembled from the four quarters of the world and brings anintercultural spirit to its research. Isn't it time to cutwindows onto the world?There is also that other feature of the University structure: those little separated rooms. You cannot decimatea culture and study its various elements in isolation. Ifyou want to understand the political forces you muststudy the current literature. In all these new culturesliterature is strongly affected by religion whether positively or negatively. Religious manifestations appear asan aspect of the social organization of a people. But ifyou are studying society you must study it in its economicoperation, and economics inevitably brings us around thecircle to politics again. All of these elements are interlocked and interdependent. Any real comprehension of aculture will be a rounded and integrated understanding.It is most unfortunate that our universities treat religion,for example, as a subject to be handled at arm's length,either studied historically or consigned to the professionalcustody of a theological faculty. How can we understand(Concluded on page 14)NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESTHE COLLEGE last month began its second fullacademic year of operation under the new plan,with four of the entering students just fourteenyears old; the class average fifteen years, nine months. Tomeet the needs of the College and the constantly enlarging needs of the military contingents on the campus, theUniversity's expansion into the surrounding areas has continued. The expansion eastward toward the Lake wasnoted by this department when the electronics classes tookover the east wing of the Museum of Science and Industry in Jackson Park. Now the boundaries have movedwest to include the 124th Field Artillery Armory in Washington Park, where a portion of the enrolment of theArmy Specialized Training Program will be quartered.This shift opens up two fraternity houses Delta KappaEpsilon and Phi Delta Theta- which will house malehigh school graduates entering the third year of the College. Boys entering the first two years of the College havesufficiently increased in number so that they will occupythe Alpha Delta Phi and Beta Theta Pi houses, and College House on Woodlawn avenue also will be availablefor dormitory use. The Reynolds Club, which has beenin the Alpha Delta house, is now located in Ida NoyesHall.In addition, girls in the first two years of the Collegewill be housed in the Psi Upsilon house, and the DeltaUpsilon house also will be used for women's quarters.One other house, Sigma Chi, will be used for WAVESworking on the campus, whiles WAVES enrolled as students in the Institute of Meteorology will live in Blackstone Hall. The eighth fraternity house in service of theUniversity or the armed forces has long been the PhiKappa Psi residence, quarters for the A.S.T.P. soldiers.This leaves fraternity row with four houses still in thehands of their respective organizations: Phi Sigma Deltaand Zeta Beta Tau, on Woodlawn Avenue, and PhiGamma Delta and Pi Lambda Phi on University Avenue.The Kappa Sigma brothers are renting their establishment. Thus far, however, no tents have been pitched onStagg Field. No room too many soldiers are taking theirworkouts there.On Land, in the Air, on the LakeThe Institute of Meteorology, whose recent graduationexercises are dealt with elsewhere in these pages, has continued to expand its activities. To its traveling laboratory, set up in a truck (construction described in "AMobile Weather Unit," No. 6 in the Institute's Miscellaneous Reports) have been added a ship and an airplane.The plane is used in refining single-station forecasts, the By DON MORRIS, '36principal thing being taught to the Air Forces TechnicalTraining Command cadets. If, say, the data drawn fromthe air indicates a cold front approaching from the northwest, a flight is made in that direction to see if it is reallycoming and if so how fast. The ship, a 45-foot cruiserunmilitarily called the "Dude Fisherman," is used bothfor training the enlarged number of Navy personnel inthe Institute and for basic research, the latter in chargeof Mr. Phil Church, research associate in oceanography.The increase in naval ensigns in the Institute's registration includes the first group of WAVES students oncampus. No brash young things, the WAVES are a pickedgroup because of the rigorous requirements for weathertraining.Schultz AppointedTheodore W. Schultz, one of the nation's leading students of agricultural economics, was appointed a memberof the University's economics faculty last month. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, where he received hisPh.D. in 1930, Mr. Schultz has been professor of agricultural economics at Iowa State College and head ofthe Department of Economics and Sociology at Ames.He also served as chairman of the institution's SocialScience Center and as head of the rural social scienceresearch section of the Agricultural Experimental Station.The appointment had been the subject of discussionsbetween Mr. Schultz and the University administrationAboard the Institute's "Dude Fisherman"1112 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfor three years. (He had been visiting professor at Chicago in the summer of 1939.) He became involved thissummer in the Iowa dispute arising from publication byone of his associates and under his editorship of a reportindicating the advisability of concentrating farm productive capacity on margarine rather than on butter as awartime measure of conservation. Mr. Schultz's appointment by the University's trustees, however, took placewhile he was absent from Ames, making a survey of theresearch of Federal Reserve Banks for Governor Mar-riner S. Eccles of the Federal Reserve Board.Mr. Schultz, in addition to his work for the Federal Reserve System, also is a member of the nine-man economicpanel, representing twenty-three nations, appointed toadvise on United Nations food programs and policies.He was assistant to Chester Davis when Mr. Davis wasnational food administrator. He has also been consultanton food problems to the lend-lease administration, to theCommittee for Economic Development, and to agenciesof the State Department and Department of Agriculturedealing with problems of agricultural economics.Tailored TrainingBefore Pearl Harbor the University began the trainingof experts for service in the nation's war industries andarmed forces in line with two policies: the one establishedby the University to the effect that the University shouldgive training in subjects in which it was by its very nature equipped to give training; the other was the government's arrangement to subsidize training in educationalinstitutions in those subjects which from time to timewere found to be in demand in the war effort. The government's decision was implemented by the creation ofthe Engineering, Science, and Management War (orig-Map drafting class in Walker Museum attic. NORMAN L. BOWENinally Defense) Training program, administered throughthe U. S. Office of Education.In the last two years, an end-of-summer summing upshowed, the University has trained 5,200 men and womenunder this program. Approximately one fourth of thetotal have been women. In that time the Universityorganized twenty-five different courses in order to meetshortages of expert personnel. Some of these courses fulfilled their purpose in a single quarter; others, in whichthe need was found to be a continuing thing, have beengiven eight times every quarter for two years.Most successful among the courses have been thosetraining electronics experts for radar work with the ArmySignal Corps; training map makers for the Army MapService, the Geological Survey, the Coast and GeodeticSurvey, and commercial map firms; training men andwomen office workers in production and office supervision ;and training optical workers, the last two groups for warindustry.Royal Society AwardTo Norman L. Bowen, holder of the Charles L. Hutchinson Distinguished Service Professorship in Geology, thissummer went the Willet G. Miller research medal of theRoyal Society of Canada for his work in geology. Anative of Kingston, Ontario, Professor Bowen spent sixyears in investigations in Ontario and British Columbiabefore joining the staff of the Carnegie Institution inWashington in 1912. Except for two brief leaves in whichhe served in the War Industries Board in World War Iand as professor of mineralogy at Queens University inCanada, Professor Bowen remained at the Carnegie geophysical laboratory until 1937, when he joined the facultyat Chicago.Jordan New Radcliffe PresidentWilbur K. Jordan, associate professor of history andgeneral editor of the University of Chicago Press, whoTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13Human AdventureThe Human Adventure, the University's series of dram-tizations of university research, is back on the air again.t is being broadcast byfcc Mutual Broadcastingy,tem each Thursdayipht at 7:30 P.M. Cen-fal War Time. Walterfl]St, editor of the En-do paedia Britannica, ispst on each week's pro-ram. The program isrcpared and presentedy the University and isjpervised by Sherman[arvard Dryer, directorc, radio productions. The1 u s i c a 1 setting is fur-ished by Henry Weber!id the WGN Symphony.The program was firstroadcast from July torptember, 1939, on, ascy say, "another network." It returned to the air Feb-lary 3, 1940, and was heard for thirty-four weeks. Returns to the AirDesigned to compete on equal terms with the best commercial dramatic shows on the air, the Human Adventurealso has a definite amountof educational content.Its scope is world-wide;it is expected to followthe pattern of the earlierpresentation in whichabout one fourth of theresearch dramatized wasthat of University men.In addition to the opening program, "The Origin of the Earth," broadcast on September 23,dramatizationsannounced for inclusionin the series have been:"The Great Plains," "Penicillin the WonderDrug," "American Humor," "War Dropsy aMedical Detective Story," "The Bible Story of Exodus,"and "How to Raise a Child."_|d been absent from the campus since last spring onGuggenheim fellowship, has accepted the presidencyRadcliffe College. Inaugurated October 1, he returnsthe Cambridge where, as a graduate student at Har-rd, he received the master's degree in 1928 and thel.D. degree in 1931, and where he taught for six yearsfreafter in both Harvard and Radcliffe. In additionhis presidential duties at Radcliffe, Professor JordanJl teach classes at Harvard, which, according to aJrganization effected by the two institutions, has as-tned responsibility for the educational policies of Rad-ffe.The move will be a return to familiar haunts not onlyr Professor Jordan but also for Mrs. Jordan, the formerances Ruml, who from 1934 to 1939 was dean ofdcliffe, after receiving her master's there in 1928.ie Jordans were married while both were at Radcliffe.r. Jordan had been a member of the history depart-mt at Chicago since 1940.Hervey F. Mallory¦fervey Foster Mallory, associate professor emeritus andmerly head of the Home Study Department, died Julyat his home in Clearwater, Florida. He was seventy-years of age. One of the first students to matriculatethe University in 1892, he later served as secretary tosident Harper. He was appointed to head the Homedy Department in 1898, retaining the position untilretirement in 1932. He had a remarkably wide circleWends and was a valued adviser to hundreds of young people. Mrs. Mallory (Leila Gladys Fish, '97) is now living with her daughter, Mrs. Reveley H. B. Smith, '20,in Winchester, Massachusetts.Georgia L. ChamberlinGeorgia L. Chamberlin, for more than half a centurya leader in the field of religious education, died September6 at her home in Winter Park, Florida, following a longillness. Associated with the Chautauqua Institution from1882 to 1933, Miss Chamberlin was a member of the(Concluded on page 17)PREACHERS AT ROCKEFELLER MEMORIALCHAPELOct. 3 Charles W. Gilkey, Dean of the ChapelOct. 10 Edwin H. Espy, Student Christian MovementOct. 17 Robert R. Wicks, Dean of Princeton University ChapelOct. 24 Robert M. Hutchins, President of the UniversityOct. 31 Dean GilkeyNov. 7 Rufus M. Jones, Haverford CollegeNov. 14 Leslie P. Hill, President of PennsylvaniaState Teachers College, CheyneyNov. 21 Harold Bosley, Mt. Vernon Place Methodist Church, BaltimoreNov. 28 W. A. Smart, Chandler School of Religion,Emory UniversityDec. 5 Richard C. Raines, Hennepin AvenueMethodist Church, MinneapolisDec. 1 2 Dean Gilkey14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEW FRONTIERS(Continued from page 10)religion as an effective force in the daily life of the worldunless we respect it as a subject appropriate for the studyof the lay student? The culture of a people should bestudied in its unity, and not in separate compartments.Furthermore, what is now happening in China or Indiaor Russia or Turkey or Mexico or the Argentine is essentially the same process, a struggle for domestic strengthand independence. The students of different cultures canlearn from each other in a world of common movementand common feeling. If we continue to work in our ownlittle rooms there is a danger that we may end by mumbling in our own beards instead of speaking out clearly toothers. It would seem reasonable to ask whether some ofthe small rooms in the University might be regrouped intolarger rooms, so that common studies may profit frommutual exchange and stimulation.These principles of the understanding of a new worldapply not only to a university, but also to each one ofus as individuals. Every American finds himself in achanging world and has this same call to understandhis new setting. Understanding with the right balancing of ends and means is the one control that the layman can apply to the forces of other civilizations. Weare members of a democracy, and democracy lays uponus the obligation to respect the other man's way of life.A COUPLE of years ago Cyrus LeRoy Baldridge,noted illustrator and winner of the country'sleading prize in etching, wondered if he reallyknew "what was happening on the Quadrangles." Athirty-year absence, uneasiness provoked by loose criticismof the new plan, and an abiding love for Alma Materall stimulated a trip from New York to the Quadrangles.For a week, Baldridge, '11 author of / Was Thereand illustrator of a host of classic prose works becameBaldridge, '44; and he, together with his new classmates,attended lectures which were and are strictly optional."Another young professor," Baldridge narrates, "is talking of wars, colonies, empires. I feel more at home here.Yes, I learned about some of these things ten years afterI graduated."Recognizing that what was true for Baldridge is trueof most alumni, the University of Chicago is pioneeringin another educational field. Because its job is to makea man, to President Hutchins "education is a lifelongprocess." And on the theory that two strands of liberaleducation must be stronger than one, especially when thesecond is threaded with the wise beads of experience, theUniversity and the Alumni Association are offering a second try at the tough problems posed by the vast materials of the history of human culture.For the past two years courses in several major fields In that spirit we may move into a changing future armewith honesty and intelligence.You recall how the prophet Elijah fled before tlvengeance of Jezebel and sought refuge in a cave in tlwilderness on Horeb, the mountain of God. He knenot which way to turn. He cried out to his God: 'have been very jealous for the Lord, the God of hostfor the Children of Israel have forsaken thy covenarthrown down thine altars, and, slain thy prophets wiithe sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they setmy life, to take it away."We of the scholarly world, like the prophet Elijah, finourselves in a time of turmoil and transition, and \feel "very jealous" for our calling against the forces th;assail it. Like Elijah, we listen for the voice of the Lo*iWe hear the great and strong wind of political strug§and debate. That is not for our activity in the Univ^sity; that is for our government. We feel the shatter^earthquake of war. That is not the voice of the Lqjfor us; that is for the armed services. We see the fire {famine and pestilence throughout the world. That is ^concern of the agencies of relief and reconstruction. Th^finally, we hear the still small voice calling for und^standing of a new and intimate world. That is our mThere we can serve ourselves, our nation, and our wo*|(In the spirit of honest understanding this nation will \great and enduring.LIBERAL EDUCATIONhave been available to alumni, their families, and ti^friends. Patterned after the College surveys, these cou^are not social gatherings of jaded people or of diletta^interested in the latest thing in lecturers. In every kportant sense, those who enrol will go to college ag^This year three courses are being offered. There \Jbe a course in the history of the Americas, in which ^tention will be focused on the extent to which the ktory of the Americas has a larger unity. The seedcourse will concern itself with the central problem ^jsociety in which individuality and the person are pify the problem of freedom and control. The t^course, one in the humanities, will involve a rigo^analysis of philosophy, literature, art, and music. ^tures by the University's teachers go with each co^jResponding to questionnaires, alumni who have t^ijthe "second shot" aver that they would enthusiasticrecommend it to their friends; that there should be ^jlectures and more discussion groups; and that, in<Lthere should be comprehensive examinations in the wterials covered.The amazing tiling about these courses is not that Jare unique, that they are well organized, or tha(jfaculty participates enthusiastically, but that 795 al^Jhave enrolled in them in the past two years. Anchalumni seem to have gone away enriched and satisfyA SECOND SHOT ATTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 15HORIZONS UNLIMITED(Continued from page 5)agriculturist, the engineer, and scores of other enterprises. Since this stage is related for the most part toprivate enterprise, it soon goes beyond the authorizedfunctions of government and therefore rests with the private meteorologist.The primary synoptic network included in the firststage must be a stable and permanent organization designed to furnish basic weather data to all interests, civiland military, and for all purposes, current, past, and future including climatological uses. It is the foundationupon which all specialized meteorological services rest andit furnishes the standard data for all manner of weathermaps and interpretations. In the United States this service is the function of the Weather Bureau. The meteorological organizations of the Army and Navy are specialized services designed to serve particular military needs.In war, they expand enormously and in many areas, particularly in remote theaters, they not only furnish theinterpretative forecasts for the armed forces, but also supplement the observations of the permanent network whenthey are sparse. They expand or contract in scope, ortransfer their stations as required to meet military exigency, using the regular synoptic network of the permanent civil meteorological service whenever possible.There will always be opportunity for meteorologists inthe government service- the first stage referred to above.The number of meteorologists employed by the UnitedStates Weather Bureau has increased rapidly during recent years, especially in its aeronautics branch, and thecontinued development of aeronautics promises furtherincreases in the Weather Bureau. Moreover, the meteorological facilities now beingextended on internationalroutes as part of militaryoperation will undoubtedlybecome part of the civil airways system after the warand more meteorologistswill be needed to staff important offices in that system. It is to the best interestof meteorological scienceand professional meteorologists in general to maintainan adequate and well-staffed national meteorological organization since itssynoptic network is the basisfor all current forecastingand advisory services. Awell coordinated and uniform basic meteorologicalservice under the WeatherBureau, with standards inprofessional qualifica tions and techniques second to none, is the cornerstoneof meteorological progress in this country.As for personal opportunities in the private practiceof meteorology after the war, no one can state the prospects with certainty. In the United States, the officialattitude towards the development of this field has beenmore liberal and progressive than in any other country.Some of the leading nations hold to the view that it iscontrary to public interest to encourage the private practice of meteorology. This view parallels the ideas commonly held in these countries with respect to governmentversus private ownership of the major public utilities, including air transport. In the United States we believethere are great opportunities for the private meteorologist.There will doubtless also be opportunities for the meteorologist in Latin American countries where meteorologyis not yet as well organized and where air transportationoffers advantages relatively greater even than in theUnited States. It has been stated on good authority thatair freight is cheaper in Mexico than mule packs for cargoes such as coffee, chicle, and concentrates of ore whenthey must be shipped from inaccessible regions.Every pilot training school- and there will be many ofthem needed to produce the flow of pilots required for expanding air transport and for private flying as well asfor a military reserve will need a competent instructorin the principles of aeronautical meteorology. The timemay come when every important college and universitywill offer cultural, if not professional, courses in this subject. An example of the growing interest in meteorological education is given in the course now in progress inMedellin, Colombia, under direction of the Weather Bureau and with the sponsorship of the State Department.The first enlisted man to salute the new officer gets thedollar.16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETwo hundred meteorological observers from the twentyLatin American Republics are enrolled in this six months'training course. Forty of these have been brought to theUnited States for enrolment in the classes in meteorologyat five universities, one of which is the University ofChicago.I have not mentioned that branch of meteorologyknown as climatology. The climate of any region is anatural resource open to intelligent exploitation much thesame as our mineral, forest, and water power resources.The science of climatology has made little progress in thelast few decades and it awaits the attention of competentexperts with the inspiration to develop new techniquesthat will bring it in line with developments in synopticmeteorology. There should be a place for an agriculturalclimatologist on the staff of each of our forty-eight agricultural colleges and experiment stations. There theycould work with the agronomist, the horticulturalist, andthe soil scientist to discover the kinds of crops and theirappropriate varieties for best results under various clima-tological conditions. There will also be opportunities forthe climatologist in the several fields of engineering, particularly in civil engineering and hydrology. Aero-electricinstallations as a source of power have been the subjectof considerable research and may possibly offer new openings from the meteorologist.As for the future possibilities of aeronautical meteorology as a science, I should leave that to the experts whoknow its possibilities and its limitations. I am familiarwith the fact that meteorology deals with some of themost complex natural phenomena and that precision inthe practice of applied meteorology is extremely difficult.But science has a way of solving difficult problems. Timeafter time complex phenomena have given up theirsecrets under concerted and intensive scientific researchand I would advise meteorologists not to be too conservative in outlook.In the post-war field of aeronautical meteorology, therewill be many new facilities. Instead of weather mapsdrawn independently in hundreds of different offices,many without adequate facilities, it will doubtless becomethe practice to disseminate synoptic and prognostic chartsfrom principal forecasting centers by facsimile or otherelectronic method of reproduction. A start has been madein this direction by the master analysis transmitted fromthe Weather Bureau in Washington. There will be inflight reports and regular flight weather observers analogous to the vessel weather observer of the past to furnishupper air observations supplementing the network ofradiosonde stations. There will be special reconnaissanceflights to obtain more definite information of severe atmospheric disturbances, such as hurricanes. New electronic devices will be developed to scan or sound atmospheric conditions from a distance. Possibly a system ofautomatic weather stations along the lines of experimentalwork before the war will be established in the Arctic andon the oceans to remove the blind spots that have alwaysexisted in weather maps of the hemisphere. There may be improved methods for measuring extra-terrestrial elements, such as solar radiation, whose influence upon ourweather is still undetermined. With such aids parts of thepuzzle of atmospheric circulation and weather behaviornow missing may be discovered and the entire picture mayturn out to be simpler than we expect.The United States already has one of the most advanced meteorological organizations in the world. Itsfacilities surpass those of any other nation except SovietRussia. They include more than 350 first-order stations incontinental United States and territories, more than 500airway weather stations, and almost 7,000 climatologicaland other special stations. Even before the war the upperair observational network of the United States was faradvanced, with more than 100 pilot balloon stations andmore than 30 radiosonde stations. This organization isan excellent foundation upon which to build further advances in aeronautical meteorology.Weather is one of the major determining factors in human affairs and weather science should rank with themost important physical sciences. It differs from thosesciences which deal with the manufacture of things ormaterials desired by man in that we do not expect tomake weather to order, at least on a large scale; but foreknowledge of weather conditions and particularly morecomplete information of future weather will be of inestimable value in the modern world and the Air Agewhich will dominate it. Meteorology has been slow todevelop because its secrets have been hidden in the upperair, or in remote regions of the globe, and perhaps inextra-terrestrial effects where they have been beyond thereach of the scientist. The Air Age furnishes the meansand the stimulus which will enable the meteorologist toget at many of these secrets. With improvements in techniques, the opportunities of the meteorologist to play aleading role in aeronautics, agriculture, business and commerce, engineering, industry, and transportation will begreatly multiplied.COLLEGE GRADUATES WITH SCIENTIFIC ANDTECHNICAL TRAINING NEEDED FOR WARRESEARCH AND TEACHINGHeavy demands for research workers and teachersare being made upon the Office of Scientific Personnel of the National Research Council. The greatestshortage exists in the field of physics, for which instructors and research workers are being recruitedfrom many related fields. The office also has callsfrom the armed services, governmental agencies, warindustry, and educational institutions for mathematicians, geologists, and biologists trained in bacteriology, nutrition, plant pathology, and animal physiology-AH persons who have sufficient training and experience to work in any of these highly critical fieldsare urged to communicate at once with Homer L.Dodge, Director, Office of Scientific Personnel, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue,Washington, 25, D. C.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES(Continued from page 13)University's faculty from 1920 until 1929 and was executive secretary of the American Institute of Sacred Literature from 1890 until 1935.Born in Great Bend, Pennsylvania, in 1862, MissChamberlin studied in the University's Divinity School.Previously she had been examiner for the ChautauquaInstitution, and with the founding of the University cameto Chicago to carry on the religious extension work inwhich Dr. Harper had a lifelong interest. In her workon the Midway she was closely associated with DeanShailer Mathews. She was also the author of severalbooks, the most recent, Making the Bible Live, publishedin 1939.Dawn in RussiaIt is interesting to find that, although Russia in theconduct of her war effort has hit the heaviest blowsagainst Germany of any of the United Nations, and although presumably her scientists are as involved in theSoviet fight as are our own in our war program, purescience is not dead in Russia. In a note in the currentAstrophysical journal, Otto Struve comments on an article in the Russian Astronomical Journal by its editor,Vassili Grigorievich Fessenkoff, in which Dr. Fessenkoffcharges the asteroids with being the leading dust makersof the solar system.The dust-producing asteroids were indicted in connection with the search for an explanation of "zodiacallight," the glow which appears on the eastern horizonjust before dawn and on the western skyline just aftersunset. It was agreed that the glow was produced bydust particles, but the sun, like a vast vacuum cleaner,is constantly absorbing the dust. A source more productive than the collisions of comets had to be found toaccount for the dust supply.Dr. Fessenkoff calculated that the asteroids wouldbe capable of producing enough dust to account for theglow, for although they are small a mile or two indiameter they are many. Their chances of collisions aretherefore high, because of the relatively high ratio ofsurface to volume, and they are small enough so thattheir own gravitation would be insufficient to hold ontothe dust as does this pull in larger bodies. The moon,for example, is covered with a thick layer of dust.Vale Atque AveJust ten years ago this month the writer of these columns arrived on the campus fresh from a Milwaukee highschool. The World's Fair was on. Harry Gideonse in thesocial sciences general course and John Putnam Barden,editor of the Maroon, were the heroes of the class. Thismonth, the decade completed, with ninety-six of 120months spent on the Midway, the writer departs. All ofthe World's Fair except Fort Dearborn has been torndown. Barden is in the Army. Gideonse is in Brooklyn. DON MORRISThe decade has been anything but dull. The New Planwas beginning to be old in 1933-34, but it was in thatyear that Georg Mann, the first student to graduate underit, received his bachelor's. The next year was the year ofthe Walgreen investigation, to be followed two years laterwith a quarter million dollar gift from the drug storeoperator. In the same year T. V. Smith ran for and waselected to the state Senate through the machinations ofJerry Kerwin and the students in the political science department. The next year was Jay Berwanger's last andin some ways greatest year on the football team, and atthe end of the same year Phoenix, now dead, and Comment, also now dead, merged but rejected the proposedname of Phoenament. The merged product folded afterone year to be superseded by Pulse, now a war casualty.Sic transeunt student publications.So down the years. In the next year A. A. Stagg cameback to the Midway and beat Chicago. Eduard Benesjoined the faculty. In 1939 Chicago withdrew from intercollegiate football. In 1940 the war training program began in January with the training of pilots for the CivilAeronautics Authority. The fiftieth anniversary year was1941. Exhausted after a spree of honorary degrees inwhich thirty-five were awarded in one day at the Anniversary Convocation, the University has awarded no moreto this day. In 1942 the faculty voted to establish thenew College Plan. The University was turning out military and civilian personnel for the war program at therate of some fifteen thousand a year.And this brings us almost up to the present. Last spring,eight years after the first graduation under the New Plan,the first students under the Newer Plan received the bachelor's in the College. This fall Mr. Hutchins begins hisfifteenth year as president of the University; from now onmost students entering the College will have been bornsince his inauguration. .Thus the years. Help yourself. Take some.Beat the drum and blow the fife,As this mortal leaves to make somem Footprints on the sands of Life.18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWith Our Alumni in the RockiesYou are herewith invited to join the associate editor in the Rockies for a visit with nearly onehundred members of our Chicago family in Denver, Salt Lake City, and Ogden. Many haveexpressed a desire to meet the children so meet them you will whereVer possible. Nextmonth we will slide down the west slope into the Golden Gate and Los Angeles communities.DENVERWilliam E. Glass, '21, returned tohis home town in 1921 to managethe family retail store in Sterling,Colorado. In 1928 he became associated with one of Denver's leadingstores, the Cottrell Clothing Company, of which he is now vice-president and treasurer. His son, William,Jr., is in the Naval Reserve at Colorado College.Gerald E. Welsh, '19, JD '25, is thedivision attorney for the long line de-partment of the Amer-^Mt&JF^y *can Telephone and^PSsL^kS Telegraph Company.?L*T l\ With his efficient left/^t^iui hand he directed theDenver campaign forthis year's Alumni Foundation Gift.Three or four times weekly Jerry enjoys nothing better than swinging onto the back of "Gold Dust" and, inany one of his fourteen silk shirts thatcan be heard before it is seen, galloping over mountain trails and acrossirrigation ditches near Denver.Anna G. Trimble, '14, chose theDenver climate in 1917. In 1928 shebecame a "readers' adviser" at thecentral library in Civic Center whereshe continues to advise readers.In normal times Willis W. Ritter,LLB '24, would appear in the newsfrom Salt Lake City where he hasbeen a member of the University ofUtah law faculty for sixteen years.But OPA borrowed him to serve asregional rent executive for six mountain states with headquarters in Denver and 165 employees under hisdirection. The family has remainedin Salt Lake. Junior is now 13;Nancy, 9; Mary Lynn, 5; and John,3/a.William B. Kramer, III, '21, SM'24, PhD '35, has been with the U.S.Geological Survey for the past sixyears. He has three children:Lawrence, 16; Joanne, 14; and Martin, 10.If proof of the invigorating Colorado climate is needed, take the caseof Dr. Maurice H. Rees, PhD '17.He joined the physiology faculty ofthe University of Colorado in 1922.Within the next four years he hadbecome the assistant dean of the School of Medicine; then the dean;and finally superintendent of hospitals and dean of the School ofMedicine with offices in the brandnew hospital group at Denver.Maurice, Jr., was following dad'strail when the Army commissionedhim as second lieutenant on the administrative staff of a hospital unit.Lambert (Bert) J. Case, '25, AM'27, was transferred from the St. Louisto the Denver Red Cross offices in1924. In 1942 he became the program secretary for the DenverY.M.C.A. where he now runs a four-ring service-civilian show. His wife(Helen Line, '24) is an ordainedCongregational minister. They havetwo children: Raymond, 13, andDorothy Jean, 11.Gladys I. Lyon, '19, presides overthe sand tables of the Montclairkindergarten with a record of sixteenyears in the Denver school system.She has had all the ground schoolwork for aviation and is prepared totake to the air any time her countryneeds her.John G. Reid, '14, has been practicing law in Denver since 1915. Hisdaughter, Alice, is an instructor inphotography at Lowry Field at theedge of Denver and his son, George,has a responsible position on an eastern Colorado stock ranch where theIn this delightful garden of their homeMr. and Mrs. Edward W. Milligan entertained the Denver alumni at a latetea on August 1 1 with your associateeditor as a guest. Mrs. Milligan (EllaMetsker, "06) received an alumni citation at the June Reunion this year. expansive acreage stretches into fivefigures.After a year spent in a Wyomingmining camp, Dr. John R. Evans, '24,MD '28, moved to Denver in 1930 tobecome one of Colorado's leadingphysicians. His son, John, is in juniorhigh.Milton V. Stenseth, '19, is so busyas agency director of Kansas CityLife for the mountain states that hehas trouble keeping office hours. Thetwo children are: Margaret, engagedto John Davis, III, at present in theAir Corps, and Milton, Jr., who is13.Maple T. Harl, who did graduatework at the Law School in 1917, resigned the presidency of the DenverSafe Deposit Company in 1939 to become state bank commissioner forColorado. He is also treasurer ofColorado Women's College. In thefirst World War he was Major Harl.Daughter Suzanne is deep in journalism at the University of Coloradowith an eye on the Latin Americaswhen she is ready for foreign corresponding.Starting literally at the bottom,George H. Garrey, '01, SM '02, began his geological career in the Leadville IfiJ^-vmines. As a consult- CK? 1_\ing geologist and rnin- ^^jj^Hfcing engineer ho has ¦T®mYdug into many apromising rock in all parts of thecountry and also Mexico fromwhence he returned to the Stateswhen chronic revolutions got to keeping him awake nights. For twenty-five years his headquarters were inPhiladelphia but for the past five hehas lived with his wife in Denver,from where he supervises his numerous mining interests in the state. Forinspiration and relaxation he joins hisfellow members at the Cactus Clubwhere the suspended dictionary isfrequently pulled down from theceiling to settle arguments and theold original barn door carries theautographs of many famous visitors.Howard M. Daniels, MBA '42,went from the School of Business tothe Gates Rubber Company in Denver as an accountant. His two sonsare: Lawrence, 4, and James, 1.THE UNIVMrs. Archie A. Weissburg (TerryWise, '18), with her husband, figureration points and try to keep theirforty employees intact at their Famous Cafe on Wei ton Street. Theyhave built a Denver reputation forcontinental dishes. Mrs. Weissburgtaught French at Sioux City highschool, Oak Park, and the HarvardSchool for Boys (Chicago) before sheand her husband opened their 240-chair cafe at Denver in 1936.In the first World War Dr. JohnG. Ryan, '08, SM '09, Rush '10, wasa captain in the Medical Corps. Hislast ten months in the Army werespent at Fitzsimons United StatesGeneral Hospital near Denver, whichwas long enough for the doctor tobecome attached to the mile-highcity with the mountain backdrop.Since 1919 Dr. Ryan has practicedinternal medicine in Denver andsince 1921 he has been on the medical staff of the University of Colorado. Today he is working his hardest, conscientiously doing his utmostfor the health of his city while nowand then mumbling something aboutall doctors being dead before thewar's end if they don't get some help.William R. Michell, '32, movedfrom Chicago to Denver in 1940 tobecome executive secretary of thecommunity branches of the Y.M.C.A.Cecil E. Shoenfelt, '31, holds somesort of a record as a loyal alumnus:he never was in residence at Chicago;all his work was through HomeStudy. With headquarters in Denver for some thirty years, he has beenan independent geologist. The doctor has recently ordered him to quitclimbing over peaks and crags insearch of new oil. His heart refusesto cooperate.Dr. Theodore E. Beyer, Rush '15,did his undergraduate work at Wisconsin. He moved to Denver morethan twenty-five years ago for hishealth and incidentally the health ofthousands of Denverites through theyears. His daughter, Ann, is a graduate of Stanford.Jack T. Higginbotham, '38, is aSalt Lake City boy but his headquarters are now in Denver where he isa special agent in the intelligenceunit of the Treasury Department(warning to careless bookkeepers) investigating income tax irregularities.He calls his 18-months-old boy Val.Harold H. Schlabach, '08, slippedout of the silk hosiery business inTexas well ahead of the return-to-rayon days and joined the Denveroffices of the Indiana LumbermensMutual in 1936. Uncle Sam has ERSITY OF CHICAGOborrowed his three boys: Edgar, forthe Army; William, on a destroyer;and Charles, with the ground forcesin the Air Corps.Robert H. McWilliams, AM '13,was a Salina high school principaland a member of the Kansas Wesleyan faculty before becoming headof the Department of Sociology atDenver University sixteen years ago.His three sons are in the service:Robert, Naval Intelligence; Edward,a lieutenant in the South Pacific; andDavid, a sergeant in the Army StarTraining Unit at the University ofMissouri.For twenty-one years Dr. ChesmoreEastlake, '16, has practiced internalmedicine in Denver. Son, Chesmore,is a one-hundred-per-cent junior,having been born on dad's birthday.'The doctor took a leave of absencefrom the staff of the University ofColorado School of Medicine whenhis son entered for his medical training so there could be no questionabout the boy making it on his own.Dad will rejoin the staff when thecoast is clear. Harriet, the daughter, is married to an Army captain.Tucking his two degrees in hispocket, Samuel Chutkow, '18, JD '20,headed back to east-^ifjg^Ay ern Colorado wheres&J$J<%j<2 ne served in such pub-/^ iru ^c on^ces as assistant^^M P""j attorney g e n e r a 1 ;county attorney; anddistrict attorney. In 1933 Mrs. Chutkow persuaded him it was her turnto select the location which, strangely enough, proved to be her hometown, Denver, where they have sinceraised the family: Lee, 19; Arnold,14; and Jerry, 10.When Julian P. Nordlund, LLB'23, finished Law School, Dean Hallrecommended him to friends in theCapitol Life Insurance Company whosent Julian to join the home officelegal staff in Denver. This was ahappy coincidence since Julian hadbecome attached to the Coloradomountains where he had previouslyworked in the forest service. NancyAnn, 11, makes the family a threesome.Ann Besemer, AM '42, has madeapplication to the Red Cross formedical social work in a foreign basehospital. In the meantime she is continuing her medical social work withthe University of Colorado School ofMedicine and Hospitals.Morris Hoffman, SM '29, heads theDepartment of Physics at East highschool. He has two sons: Irwin, 11,and Nathan, 9. MAGAZINE 19After a ten-year friendly competition with a veterinarian and a medically-minded minister in a smallNebraska town, Dr. James F. Morning, Rush '91, moved to Denver in1901 where he has been a practicingphysician until his retirement twoyears ago at the age of seventy- three!His two daughters are married andthe doctor is enjoying his retirementwith his wife and his never-waningsense of humor.Mrs. Paul V. Hill (Delia Stanforth,AM '32) is a native of Colorado. Herhusband is a member of the Englishfaculty at North high school. Thethird member of the family is Catherine, who is nine years old.Turning the Cobb Hall informationdesk over to John Moulds, HaywardD. Warner, '03, entered the mininggame in Colorado in 1903. Ten yearslater he moved to Chehalis, Washington, and spent ten of the nexttwenty-four with the Carnation MilkCompany. When his father wantedto retire from his insurance businessin Denver, Howard moved in andtook over the roll-top desk. Thereare two daughters and a son in thefamily: Virginia is in Los Angeles;Kendall (mother's maiden name)and Robert are in Philadelphia.Dr. S. S. Kauvar, MD '34, returnedto his native Denver eight years ago.Today, in addition to a heavy privatepractice, he is a member of the University of Colorado medical staff. Hehas two children: Gerald, 6, andCarol, 3. While we were in DenverDr. Kauvar left for New York to bein attendance on August 22 at thewedding of his brother, Abraham,MD '39, who is a lieutenant in theMedical Corps.Clarence W. Kemper, AM '11, DB'12, has been pastor of the First Baptist Church since 1934. During hisnine-year ministry the membershiphas grown to 1600 and a new $300,-000 edifice across from the capitolbuilding was built. His two daughters are married Martha to a Denver heart specialist and Elizabeth toa New York attorney. Clarence, Jr.is a fellow in the Mayo clinics.Dr. Harry Gauss, '14, Rush '15,SM '16, is an internal medicine specialist and a member of the University of Colorado medical staff. Hetakes time for numerous extra-curricular activities in his field includingmembership in the State NutritionCouncil and serving as examiningphysician for the British government and for the local draft board.He has two children: Harriet, 13, andEdward, 10.20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOne Happy Chicago FamilyOn the third floor of the DenverEquitable Building are the regional(five states) offices of the Social Security Board and six Chicago alumni.Heading the staff is Harold G. Wilson, '36, who has efficiently filled thisposition four of his seven years withthe board in Denver. Harold hasthree children: Willa Marie, 8; BobbyLou, 5; Douglas C, 1; and a phe-nominal victory garden, of whom andwhich he is very proud.Assistant to Mr. Wilson has beenVictor D. Carlson, AM '40, who cameto Denver two years ago from theOregon State Department of PublicWelfare. We say "has been" becausea note from Victor since we returnedannounces (1) his appointment toAtlanta as public assistance representative for six southern states; and(2) the arrival of Thomas Martin onAugust 21. Young Thomas will soondiscover he has two brothers: Charles,7, and Victor Ivan, 5.Laurin Hyde, AM '35, is assistantregional representative of the Bureauof Public Assistance.His wife was MarianWard, AM '37, andthey have one son,Phillip, who is twoyears old. Arthur P.Miles, AM '36, PhD '40, is regionalresearch consultant and his wife isalso an alumna (Julia Beatty, AM'39). They have two girls: Nancy,4, and Sally, 1. Arthur was formerlyon the Tulane University faculty. Hehas a weakness for Dagwood sandwiches which incorporate slices ofgreen cucumbers from Harold Wilson's aforementioned garden.Erma H. Wainner, AM '29, is apublic assistance analyst specificallyresponsible for the Utah state program and Eleanor V. Swenson, AM'39, holds the same position for Montana. They are one happy Chicagofamily, particularly at noon whenthey gather in the Carlson-Miles office for coffee, sandwiches, and homemade cake, not to mention Harold'sindigestible cucumbers.Dr. Luman E. Daniels, '19, Rush'20, is a neurologist and an associateprofessor of neurology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. His son Bob, 17, entered Chicago under the new College plan inJune. Bob's enthusiastic letters bringa satisfied, far-away (1919) expression to dad's eyes.Dr. Philip W. Whiteley, '17, MD'19, is a lieutenant colonel with theSelective Service System. He is sta tioned at Denver so he still keeps intouch with his office in the Metropolitan Building. Son Kirk came toChicago last spring with Bob Daniels(see preceding paragraph). Both arein the College and roommates. Kirkhas a sister, Kay 12, who is still athome.Norris C. Bakke, LLB '19, has beena Colorado Supreme Court judgesince 1936. During thepast summer he spenttwo months in Chicago as a referee forthe National RailroadAdjustment Board.His qualifications stem from Hutchinson Commons where, as head waiter,he settled many a dispute. JudgeBakke is also a member of the Permanent Judicial Commission (supreme court) of the PresbyterianChurch. Norris, Jr. is at ColoradoCollege studying for Marine officerschool and Nancy, 11, is at home.Deciding in 1932 that a securitiesand market analyst might just as welllive in a city of his choice, MauriceS. Brody, '23, MBA '43, moved toDenver after first doing some"brushing-up" at the School of Business. The University Press has justpublished his study of "Wage Ratesand Living Costs in a War Economy"(see Books, inside cover) . Son Robertis attending the New Mexico MilitaryInstitute. Mr. Brody slipped backinto his Chicago cap and gown toattend our September Convocationand receive his master's in businessadministration.Mrs. Charles E. Lowe (MaryCompton, '07) has lived in DenverPETERSONFIREPROOFWAREHOUSESTORAGEMOVINGForeign DomesticShipments55th & ELLIS AVENUEPHONEMIDway 9700 since 1913. She is a member of theEnglish faculty of East high school.In the background of numerous Denver students who have come to theQuadrangles will be found the influence of alumna Lowe. In February,1942, Mrs. Lowe was injured in afall from which she is still recovering although she returned to herclassroom after a semester's absence.Dr. Cotter Hirschberg, MD '40, isa psychiatrist at the eighty-bed Colorado Psychopathic Hospital. He alsoteaches psychiatry in the Universityof Colorado Medical School of whicithe Psychopathic Hospital is a part,His wife is a Colorado girl soon toreceive her S.B. and nursing degreesfrom the University of Colorado.Carl M. Perricone, '28, arrived inDenver in 1926 as a special correspondent for the New York American after serving as a foreign correspondent. From 1927 to 1933 hetaught history and language at theUniversity of Denver. Since then hehas been practicing law. Too lightfor varsity football, Carl took his disappointment out on a clarinet inBeach Cragun's University Band.Carl's son, Gaspar, 15, is huskierthan was dad and expects to playcollege football. His sister, Bita, 16,solved the secretary shortage for herfather during the summer.Dr. Henry D. Lederer, '34, MD'37, his wife, Roberta Guttman,'36; and small son, Dan, lJ/2, are living in Denver while the doctor, acaptain in the Medical Corps, is stationed at Fitzsimons United StatesGeneral Hospital.Since 1936, Allie Boyd, AM '28,has been stationed in Denver withDoubleday Doran and Company.His work takes him to schools andlibraries in Colorado, Utah, westernKansas, and western Nebraska. Warhas scattered the Boyd family. Johnis a Marine in the Pacific area; Billis an aviation cadet; and Vivian is inTracy, California.Paul M. Stebbins, '28, moved toDenver two years ago as branchmanager for the HiresRoot Beer Company.He has the currentlydifficult job of keepingthe Hires' barrels fullin New Mexico,Wyoming, and Colorado. His daughter, Pauline, is 12.Capt. Charles B. Mahin, JD '35,is in charge of all field training in theArmy Air Corps at Fort Logan. Helives in Denver with his wife andsmall son, Douglas. Capt. Mahin, aproduct of the University's InstituteTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21f Military Studies, still praises theraining he received in the FieldTouse before he entered the service.Eleanor Hearon, who did advanced/ork in the School of Social Serviceadministration in 1931-32, is director,f medical social service at the Colo-ado General Hospital, where she hasleen since 1*937.Any way you figure it the Sassamily is one hundred per cent Chi-w0. They are all alumni and they|ave proved their loyalty in manyirays through the years. Frederickass '01, has given up his law prac-ice and moved to Capitol Hill wheree is referee for the Colorado Indus-rial Commission with offices in theew State House building. Mrs.ass was Edith Shaffer, '03. Fredrick, Jr., '30, JD '32, is an attorneyKth the Northern Trust CompanyChicago), while his brother, Louis,$2, is a geologist in Venezuela. Twot dad's brothers and two sisters alsofttended Chicago as have a nephewfnd a niece in more recent years.'M. Mayhall Smith, '27, JD '29, isi the legal division of the Bureau ofReclamation. Whenwe were in Denverlast August he was outof the city "reclaiming" some of the fishplanted in the near-bytreams of the Colorado Rockies.OGDENDr. George M. Fister, '16, MD '18,as never outlived his enthusiasm forChicago where, for the first time inis educational career, he was madeb realize that education was to hispersonal advantage so it was up todm and nobody else as to how much>r how little he got. So he workedtard and liked it.' For sixteen yearspgden has had the benefit of his hard'rork. His specialty is urology. Thevo children are married. Mary'susband is a West Point graduateow stationed in New Mexico. Frankin the personnel department ofColumbia Steel at Provo.One of Ogden's most prominent at-brneys is Roy D. Thatcher, LLB '10.le is also serving his second term:s chairman of the Board of Regentsf the University of Utah. Son Paul* a member of dad's law firm whileus brother, Emerson, also an attorney with offices on the northwestPast, is at present a lieutenant in thepvy. The two sisters are married.pUve lives in Nashville and MiriamR Palo Alto where her husband, isresearch chemist.LeRoy B. Young, LLB '13, movedr°m Brigham City in 1928 to join Roy Thatcher in the practice of law.He has an enviable record of courtsuccesses. There are three girls inthe Young family: Betty is teachingin California; Ruth is with the International Business Machine Company; and Patricia, 14, is living athome.Frank J. Collings, '11, who playedcenter field on the first Chicago baseball team to visitJapan and captainedthe team in 1911, hasbeen an Ogden citizenfor nine years. He ismanager of the Ogdenbranch of Merrion and Wilkins, livestock commissioners. Frank handlesso many sheep through his branchthat he has no trouble going to sleepin his apartment atop the Ben Lomanhotel.Dr. Frank K. Bartlett, '10, SM '13,Rush '13, would feel lonesome if hediscovered an empty chair in the reception room of his office. He taughta year at the University and was onthe first faculty of the University ofIllinois Medical School before movingto Ogden twenty-nine years ago. Henow heads the surgery department atthe Ogden Thomas Dee Hospital. Hewas commissioned lieutenant colonelrecently, to head the U.S. PublicHealth Service now being organizedin Ogden. And in his spare time! he served effectively as the AlumniFoundation chairman for Ogden thisyear. Dr. Bartlett is, loaning his twosons to the U.S.A. Jay, a student inour Medical School this year, is inthe Naval Reserve. Frank is in Navyofficer training.Mrs. Ruth Davidson Korb, '24,moved to Ogden in 1933 to becomeoffice manager for Becker ProductsCompany (beer products). , Herdaughter, Joan, is a nurse at HolyLa Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS ¦AND^ ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State 1350Boston New York Philadelphia SyracuseWasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentwcrth 8620-1-2-3-4Wasson's Coal Makes Good or Wesson Does Cross Hospital, Salt Lake City.After earning his law degree atChicago Joseph E. Evans, LLB '13,returned to his home town, Ogden,to practice law and some politics(county attorney and district attorney). In 1938 the Mormon Churchsent him with his family to head itsParis (France) Mission and supervisethe seventy boys working out of thatcenter. The war terminated thiswork in 1939 and, after safelyevacuating the boys, he returned onone of the last passenger ships. Hehas now re-opened his Ogden law offices. His two daughters are married,Shirley to a major and Francine tothe son of former Utah senator William H. King."In three months you can cleanthe super tire sales promotortold Joseph W. Brewer, '24, who was homefrom Chicago for thesummer to recoup hisreserves for anotheryear on the Quadrangles. Joe was convinced^ so hetook the Ogden territory and by theend of the summer he had sold tiresto the tune of $6,000! It was toogood to dessert so Joe never got backto the Midway. Today the BrewerTire Company is one of Ogden's mostsuccessful business houses with abranch in Salt Lake City. Threebrothers help Joe handle the business.In Joseph's immediate family are fourfuture salesmen and, two daughtersfor proof of which simply glance atthe pictures on the south wall of hisoffice. They are: Sharlene, 15;Joseph, Jr., 13; Edward, 11; Alexander, 9* Rodney, 5; and Mary, 2,Dr; Wallace H. Budge, '17, Rush'19, began his medical career atLogan. In 1924 he moved to Ogdenwhere he is today one of its leadingphysicians. Marian, an only daughter, is 13.John M. Mills, '03, purchased afarm near Ogden as an investment inthe years when he wassuperintendent of theOgden city schools(1908-1916). Aftertwo years in the Garyschool system, he re^turned, to Ogden in 1918 to personally direct the destinies of his 300-acre Mount Ogden Stock Farm. Hisfifty cows help to provide milk forthe city, while his turkeys- annuallyprovide from 1,500 to .6,000 Thanksgiving and Christmas tables with themain course. He has two sons: John,Jr;, and Kenneth;j and ,pwo marrieddaughters: one; livingf in Salt Lake;City and the other iruj^^vaola. r22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwasToyse T. Kato, '39, is an assistantproject engineer in the Ogden district for the Federal Public HousingAuthority. He met his wife on theQuadrangles when she was takingpost-graduate work in nursing at Chicago Lying-in. She is a registerednurse at the Thomas Dee Hospital inOgden. They enjoy country life withToyse's folks on the home ranch justoutside the city.SALT LAKE CITYAbove the Wasatch Range the sunkindling another August daywhen we telephonedChicago greetingsfrom Hotel Utah toPresident LeRoy Eugene Cowles, '10, AM'14, of the Universityof Utah. But one doesn't just telephone such greetings when one is inSalt Lake. In spite of an importantboard of regents meeting at 11o'clock (according to Chairman RoyThatcher, LLB '16, whom we hadvisited in Ogden), 9:30 found us inthe president's office, coatless because in Rome you do as . . . talkingabout Chicago and Utah. From aclay floor Utah cabin PresidentCowles reached his top rung the hardway: by tireless work and much sacrifice. His second son, Harper, wasborn on the Quadrangles and namedfor our first president. He is now alieutenant colonel in the Field Artil-lary. Leon, the oldest, is a vice-consul in charge of the consulate atVigo, Spain. There are three otherchildren: Willis, heading a transportation company in Salt Lake; EttaLugene (contracted from LeRoy-Eugene) is studying for her AM indad's university while her husbandis an officer on the battleship Idaho;and Calvin is a technician with ourEuropean air forces. The Universityof Utah, under President Cowles, istraining its share of uniformed men.But perhaps his most forward recentaccomplishment has been the establishment of a four-year medical school the first and only for the state.William E. Myrick, '29, returnedto Salt Lake from his graduate workat Chicago to join the staff of theFirst Security Trust Company, wherehe is now assistant cashier and assistant secretary. He has two children: William (Wally) who is 10,and Robert, 2.Dean William H. Leary, JD '08, isknown and affectionately remembered by every lawyer who attendedthe University of Utah since 1916,when attorney Leary tapered off hisSalt Lake practice to become dean of Utah's law school. Chicago has nomore loyal alumnus than the dean,who heartily approves of our lawprogram. Dean Leary is at presentsmothered with state and nationalresponsibilities which he carries onwith enthusiasm. The six Learychildren are: Mary Ellen, a memberof the San Francisco News staff andauthor of a recent Saturday EveningPost story; William H., a Connecticutbusiness man; John and Peter, in theservice; and Patricia and Virginia,students at the University of Utah.H. L. Mulliner, LLB '13, is backin full legal harness now that thetwo young men who joined the firmso that H. L. could go fishing aretemporarily employed by Uncle Sam.Two of Mr. Mulliner's own sons arein the service: Dick as a lieutenantj.g. and Donald as a combat engineer.Ted has just finished high school andthe two girls, Miriam and Frances,are married Miriam to a secondlieutenant and Frances to a directorof the housing program in the LosAngeles area.David A. Skeen, LLB '10, is president of our Salt Lake Chicago Club.He is also nationalvice-president of theLions Club, the finalstep toward the presidency. His daughter,Elinor, recently cameto Chicago on a fellowship from theState Department of Public Welfare.She returns to Utah as a psychiatricsocial worker. The other four children are: Priscilla, wife of an ensignin the Navy; Margaret, married to afirst lieutenant in the Coast Artillery;Nancy; and LaRay.When Martha Kralicek, '25, wastraveling in Europe on a sabbaticalfrom Roosevelt high school (Chicago) she met Arthur Gaeth inPrague. Later, they were marriedin Salt Lake City and then returnedto Prague where the two children,Grant Ivins, 11, and Maria Glee, 7,were born. In 1936 the family movedto Utah where Mr. Gaeth dailyanalyzes the news on the Mutual network and writes a Sunday war summery column for the Salt Lake CityTribune.BOYDSTON BROS.All phones OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.CADILLAC EQUIPMENT EXCLUSIVELY Florence M. Pierce, SM '16, was aY.W.C.A. student worker in Chinauntil war drove her back to the Statesin 1937. She is now general secretary of the Salt Lake City Y.W.C.AIn addition to his heavy law practice, Robert L. Judd, LLB '10, is anactive and busy member of the Mormon Church. He devotes most ofhis spare time, including week-ends,to the business of the Churchthroughout Utah. There are six children in the Judd family. ThomasG. is a first lieutenant with the Caribbean air force; Augusta, a social service worker, is the wife of a captainin the anti aircraft division; Marian'shusband is an Ordnance captain inDenver; Kathryn is married to anexecutive of Weber Central DairyCompany in Ogden; Robert is withColumbia Steel at Pittsburgh, California; and Pauline is a senior inhigh school.Hulme Nebeker, JD '23, is associated with Robert Judd, whose lawfirm he joined when he returned fromChicago. He has three boys: Richard,in the service; Stephen, in highschool; and Howard, in the grades.Dr. Henry Raile, '18, Rush '20,solved the vacation relief problem inhis office last summer by having hisattractive daughter, Ramona, serveas office nurse. Ramona is a juniorat the University of Utah.E. E. Ericksen, PhD '18, is professor of philosophy and dean of theSchool of Arts, Literature, and Sciences at the University of Utah. Heretains his enthusiasm for Chicagoand its position in the educationalworld.Although Dr. Howard P. Kirtley,'00, Rush '04, took medicine, not law,at the University, heis forced to adjudicatemany an argument between the Army andthe Navy. DaughterJean's husband is acaptain in the Engineers Corps whileAnne's fiance is a lieutenant in theNavy. It is all good fun, of course,as it naturally would be if you knowDr. Kirtley. The doctor was on theoriginal board that built the ten-storyMedical Arts Building and is proudof the fact that the building, practically one hundred per cent occupied,has always paid the interest on theinvestment.Dr. Fuller B. Bailey, Rush '19, haspracticed internal medicine in SaltLake City for twenty years. He wasrecently asked to assist in organizingthe University of Utah's four-yearmedical school and is at present act-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEjng head of the Department of Internal Medicine. Mrs. Bailey wasIVlabelle Zimmer, '19, a twin sisterof Rose Marie who received herbachelor's degree the same year. Infact the two girls did everything together and were never separated untilmatrimony reared its threateninghead. But there is a happy ending:Rose Marie Zimmer, '19, marriedHenry J. Riggert and remained inChicago while hertwin sister, Mabelle,moved to Salt LakeCity. About threeyears ago Mr. Riggertwas transferred by hiscompany, the Denver and Rio GrandeRailway, to Salt Lake City. Mrs.Riggert refuses to state just what, ifany, part she played in this transaction. But the fact remains that thetwins are again riding, skating, andworking together on community projects just like old times.Joseph S. Jones, JD '30, is on leavefrom his law practice while he servesas a naval lieutenant with headquarters in Seattle where his family hasjoined him. They live at 4900 E.39th Street.Lester A. Wade, LLB '17, hasmoved from Ogden to Salt Lake Citywhere he is now a justice of the statesupreme court. His two sons, wholive at home, are Glen, studying engineering at the University of Utah,and Norman, a senior in high school.Arthur L. Beeley, AM '18, PhD'25, is dean of the School of SocialWork at the University of Utah. Heis educational consultant for theNinth Service Command and is keptbusy helping to establish special training units at educational institutionsin this area. As dean of the Schoolof Social Work he was responsible forhaving Dr. William Healy and hiswife, Dr. Augusta F. Bronner fromthe Judge Baker Guidance Center inBoston as guest lecturers last summer.Sydney N. Cornwall, JD '26, is nowwith the law firm of Farnsworth andVanColt. There are two girls in theCornwall family: Jane Anne, 9, andBarbara, 5.Hartland Halliday, LLB '25, wasassistant manager of the Dorchesterapartment hotel during the threeyears he was in Law School. Hart-land now specializes in probate, corporation, and real estate law. Hisoldest son, Herbert, now in the AirCorps, was born while Hartland wasat the University. The four othersare natives of Salt Lake City: PaulM., 15; Dean, 13; Thomas, 12; andAnn, 9. Hugo B. Anderson, JD '14, is executive director of the Salt Lake countywar chest and the city communitychest. He was the first secretary ofthe State Welfare Commission andis chairman of the board of trusteesof the State Industrial School. Mrs.Anderson died about a year ago.Hugo's son, David, is a junior at theUniversity of Utah. His daughter,Venice, is the wife of a flight commander in a glider unit.Arthur E. Arnesen, AM '32, issupervisor of curriculum and researchof the Board, of Education, havingbeen on the supervisory staff sincereceiving his master's degree. He hasthree children: Bryce, 10; Ar telle, 5;and Lloyd, 1.Stephen L. Richards, LLB '04, is amember of the Quorum of Twelveof the Mormon Church. When wewere in the city he was up at Mack'sInn on the Snake River, landing afive-pound salmon trout (accordingto reports). He is the proud fatherof seven children and the grandfatherof twenty.Lorin F. Wheelwright, AM '31,former bass player in the U. of C.Band, is supervisor ofmusic in the Salt LakeCity schools. At present he is having fun asstate director of community "singing for theTreasury Department (bond rallies,etc.). Discovering the dearth of arrangements for boys with changingvoices, he is editing a song book forthe voices of boys from twelve toeighteen. Actually the book won'tbe needed in his own family wherethere is no such problem: The children are: Mona, 9; Sylvia, 5; andDonna, 1, all treble cleffers!A GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONTO MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICEOne year ago the Alumni Association decided to share the cost ofsending the Magazine to those in thearmed services. It reduced the priceto $1.00 per year and invited ourcivilian readers to make a gift toalumni in the fighting forces.As a result nearly 500 men andwomen in nine different countries havereceived the Magazine each month.They have been appreciative andgrateful.This year the same opportunity isoffered. Send your remittance for asmany subscriptions as you desire at$1.00 each. Specify those to whomthe Magazine is to be sent, or leaveselection to the editorial staff. Albert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Harris, '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 09000901Retail Deliveries Daily and SundaysQuality and Service Since 1882CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency61st YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis Kansas City, Mo.Spokane New York24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OF THE CLASSES? IN THE SERVICE ?Erwin A. Salk, '39, AM '41, wasrecently commissioned second lieutenant at the Adjutant General's Schoolat Fort Washington, Md.Lieut. Richard B. Mead, MBA'39, is an assistant finance officer atthe Oklahoma City air depot, TinkerField.Col. Lawrence H. Whiting, '13,is an expert consultant to the Secretary of War, with the military per-sonel division of the Army ServiceForces.Capt. Paul M. Kaufman, '21, MD'23,. is at one of the station hospitalsoverseas.Lieut. Lawrence R. Stickler,' 37,SM '38, writes from overseas: "Perhaps you'd be interested in our version of the U. of C. round table thatwe are conducting here in camp. Anopen discussion in which post-warproblems are thrashed out is participated in by the men in camp. Wehave no actual references so we allhave to rely on our previous education to supply us with facts. Joiningus are members of the British Army,so these forums take on a true international note."Needless to say we are all working hard and doing good work onour enemies."Winfield Lowe, '31, is a corporalin the Air Corps and stationed atBenjamin Field in Tampa, Fla.Lieut. Sam Street Hughes, JD'29, on leave as mayor of Lansing,Michigan, writes from Madison, Wisconsin, that several hundred engineering and medical students by LakeMendota keep him busy. He is doingALUMNI READING LISTSDuring the past two years theAlumni Association has providedreading lists on scores of subjectsfor the inquiring alumnus. Wenow have 428 bibliographies asthe result of requests from morethan 4300 former students. Theyhave been prepared by expertsfrom the University's faculty.They cover a multiplicity offields. They are available to allformer students. Just drop anote to Charlton T. Beck, AlumniHouse, University of Chicago,stating the subjects in which youare interested and reading listswill be sent you, even thoughthey must be specially prepared. administrative work with additionalduty of teaching naval organizationto wide-awake apprentice seamen,some with one to six years of collegetraining. He adds: "My six busyweeks in May and June at ColumbiaUniversity's midshipmen school reminded me of my U. of C. days wheneach professor assigned work asthough he was my only teacher (no40 hour weeks)."Hunt Badger, Jr., '40, is attendingofficer candidate school in Miami andsays his "time is not his own."Major Richard C. Boyer, '39, onleave of absence as instructor at theUniversity, is in the Medical Corps"on a Pacific isle."A note from Capt. Nathan Morris, MD '38, received in July indicated that he had participated in theNorth African campaign.Harry B. Burr, MD '30, is servingoverseas with the Navy.Corp. Morris Cohen, '39, returned to the United States in thespring after extended duty in theSolomon Islands, in order to attendofficers candidate school at Fort Monmouth, N. J.Carl Q. Christol, Jr., PhD '41,has been promoted to major. He hasbeen stationed in Newfoundland.Capt. Donald W. Riddle, '20,PhD '23, formerly associate professorof New Testament at U. of C, hasbeen assigned as A-2 of the 55th bombardment training and operationalwing at MacDill Field, Tampa,Florida. His job is to inspect andsupervise intelligence work at Mac-Dill as* well as at other camps inFlorida, South Carolina, and Louisiana.Pfc. Irvin D. Shostak, '42, hasbeen training at Herington, Kansas.He wrote us recently: "I do wishone thing, a thing that is not tooeasy. Too many times now I haveheard some of my buddies lament thata college eduction for one reason oranother was beyond their worlds.Could the University push a plan thatwould bring this education, closer tothose that sincerely hunger for it? AtSalt Lake City I met a staff sergeantwho had grammar school educationstudying Socrates. He had borrowedit from a college man and had written a paper on some of the worksthat would have amazed the humanities faculty. Wouldn't it be worththe effort if men like, him were giventhe chance to get the education theyso sincerely desire? And could the University present some of its booksto the camp libraries where the menask for good books? I know that theywould be appreciated by the soldiers.I know that I would appreciate getting some of the books that I wantand cannot afford or get."[The University has already made agenerous contribution to camp libraries. Ed.]John N. Hughes, Jr., '31, JD '33,has been promoted to major. He isoverseas in the office of the JudgeAdvocate.Stuart Kenney, '27, wrote us fromsomewhere in Africa in the summerthat he had been promoted to staffsergeant still in intelligence workwhich he considers "the most interesting and important work in the Army,bar none." He has also been appointed Summary Court and JudgeAdvocate's clerk because of the lawhe had at the University.Alfred H. Norling, '42, is on antisubmarine duty in the South Atlantic.A/C John D. Smith, '43, says thathe doesn't like Pecos, Texas, wherehe has been training but that "flyingis wonderful and Army life isn't bad."Lieut. Paul B. Stratte, MD '41,writes: "At present I am stationedat the garrison which was the sceneof the novel Beau Geste. Would gladlyexchange its romance for the noise ofthe Chicago loop."Capt. Everett L. Sundquist, MD'39, sends in the following: "It isgratifying to see that the Universityof Chicago, like the so-called 'decadent democracies,' is capable of gearingits facilities to wartime demands. Itadds prestige to the University andmakes us all proud to call it 'ourschool.' North Africa is full of graduates from the University of Chicagoand discovering the other fellow hailsfrom the same place you do alwayscreates a friendly atmosphere. Sayhello to the Class of '39 from Rush."The other fellows always add aword or two about the glamour orlack of glamour among the girls fromtheir part of the world,' so I might addthat I believe that the veils worn overthe faces of these Arab women certainly enhances their beauty. Fromwhat I have seen of those that don'twear the veils, any covering is a helpindeed. Give me the American girlanytime, and especially one in Eugene,Oregon. The latter is for home consumption, just in case my wife readsthis."Ralph Lewis, '32, "made thegrade" at Fort Benning and is nowLieutenant Lewis, though it cost himfifteen pounds, he says. He is at theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25School for Special Service at Washington and Lee University.Pvt. Richard D. Dubois, '45,writes that he is having the time ofhis life "working, playing hard, lotsof physical training, and studies easyfor one with a U. of C. background."He is training at John City, Tenn.Ensign Russell M. Baird, '38, isin command of a sub-chaser in Pacificwaters.Stanley H. Weaver, '29, is a major in the Army Air Forces.THE CLASSES1898Ida R. S. Fargo tells us that shehas been living in the same home inSalem, Oregon, for thirty-three years.She was badly injured by a truck sometime ago but is beginning to walkagain. Her husband passed awaythree years ago.1900Alden H. Hadley is special jointeducational representative of the Indiana Department of Conservationand the National Audubon Society.He is living at Mooresville, Ind.1903Elizbeth J. Richards is living inEncinitas, California, and writes: "Ilook back to 1901-1903 at the University of Chicago with gratitude formany reasons. After twenty years as avery busy teacher in the public schoolsin Iowa, Washington, and Colorado,I had a great longing to sit under theinspiring instruction of Col. FrancisWayland Parker, whom I had knownthrough my School journal for years.At the then School of Education inthe small building on the outskirts ofthe campus I had the privilege of becoming well acquainted with thatwonderful educator and lover of children and youth for four months before his death."1904In June Charles F. Leland became regional manager for the Committee for Economic Development tocarry on a post-war planning programof the committee.John W. Scott, PhD, of Laramie,Wyoming, retired in September of1941. '1906Lillian Porges Canmann sends innews of her three sons: Mark, whoreceived his MD from Cincinnati, wasJt'sident doctor at Bobs Roberts andis now at Children's Memorial, Chi-^lgo. David, a lawyer, graduated fromMichigan, is now foreman at a defenseP«.nt; the third son is taking pre-^edical work at Illinois. Mrs. Canmann savs: "Spent two of my hap piest years at the School of Education under Bertha Payne, Dean Jack-man, Miss Allen, and others."1907Herbert E. Gaston, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, has beennamed by President Roosevelt aschairman of the InterdepartmentalCommittee on Employee Activities.The function of the committee ispurely advisory; it contributes suggestions and advice to various employing agencies of the government withrespect to the disposition of cases involving charges of subversive activities. Gaston was a recipient of thealumni citation last June.1909Helen Jacoby Evard wrote in thesummer that "her gang" was all right.John, 23, is a second lieutenant in theAdjutant General's Department, stationed at the office of dependencybenefits at Newark, New Jersey, andhopes to be married this fall. Harryrecently passed his V-5 examinationsand expected to be called for navalaviation training. Betty's contribution is that "we have to hurry up and stop the war, for it is getting altogether too personal."1911Alice Lee Loweth writes fromCleveland Heights: "Along with almost every other woman I know I amdoing my own work and not mindingit too much. Only two of my threechildren are at home. My daughterJean is living with her husband andbaby girl in Miami, Florida. It's hardto be a long-distance grandmother.My war activities consist of two daysa week of Red Cross work and thepreparation and duties connected withbeing an acting senior air raid warden."1913After teaching nine years ,in thegeography department of the StateTeachers College at Whitewater, Wisconsin, Olive J. Thomas has resignedto teach military geography to theArmy Air Corps at the State Teachers College in Milwaukee, a permanent position in the geography department there.Jacob A. Walker, JD, presidentof the Alabama State Bar As-. . i I ....mHJ t.itur' ' * ^ 'DersityofdtiicagoUNIVERSITY COLLEGE IN THE LOOPEVENINGSLATE AFTERNOONS, SATURDAYSCollege, Professional, Business,Public Service and Statistics CoursesOne or two sessions a week.Autumn Quarter Sept. 28 to Dec. 18Winter Quarter Jan. 3 to March 25Spring Quarter March 27 to June 17DOWNTOWN PUBLIC LECTURES AND LECTURE CONFERENCESFAMOUS UTOPIAS 5 lectures by members of the Humanities Division (Tuesdays. October 12to November 9, 6:45-7:45 P. M.) (Course, $1.65, tax included.)AMERICAN TRADITIONS AND A WORLD AT WAR 4 lectures by Avery O. Craven.(Tuesdays, November 16 to December 7, 6:45-7:45 I*. M.) (Course, $1.65, tax included.)(TWENTIETH-CENTURY PAINTING 10 lecture-conferences by Lucy Driscoll, (Tuesdays.October 12 to December 14, 11 A. M.-12:30 P. M.) (Credit or noncredit.) (Course. $5.60.)A PHILOSOPHYY OF SOCIAL RELATIONS 10 lectures' by Charles Hartshorne. (Wednesdays,October 13 to December 15, 6:45-8 P. M.) (Course, $3.30, tax included.) (Credit or noncredit.)tA CHINESE WAY OF LIFE AND ART 10 lecture-conferences by Lucy Driscoll, (Thursdays,October 14 to December 16, 11 A. M.-12:30 P. IL) (Credit or noncredit.) (Course, $5.00.)tCHINESE AND WESTERN DRAWING 10 lecture-conferences by Lucy Driscoll, (Thursdays,October 14 to December 16. 2-3:30 P. M.) (Credit or noncredit.) (Course. $5.00.)TODAY IS NOT TOO SOON: ASIA'S FUTURE 10 lectures by Sunder Joshi, (Fridays, October15 to December 17, 6:45-7:45 P. M.) (Course, $3.30, fc.x included.)Single admission, $0.55 (federal tax included). tNo single admission.For detailed Announcement of Lectures and Lecture-Conferences, addressUniversity College, The University of ChicagoTelephones: Dearborn 3673 and S67426 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsociation, sent xls a program of theannual meeting of the association heldin July- Participating in the sessions,besides Walker5 were George M.Morris, JD '15, president of theAmerican Bar Association, and Wil-ber G. Katz, dean of U. of G. LawSchool, now on leave of absence forgovernment service.Winifred Miller Clark writesfrom Westport, Connecticut; "Withmy husband in the OPA in Washington, one son in the Army Air Forces,the other an apprentice seaman, I remain at home, and, with the able assistance of two cocker spaniels, Christopher and Ferdinand, and the cat,Tiglath-Pileser, coordinate the familyforces, as one of the boys puts it. Noalumni seen, due partly to gas orrather the lack of it and partly tobeing where there are none that Iknow of."The following are excerpts from anaccount which Anna E. Moffet,missionary, wrote of her return fromChina about a year ago:"About the end of March, officialword came to us that negotiations hadbeen completed, and that the Japanese government had arranged for twoihips to leave the Orient in April die Japanese steamship Asama Maruirom Yokohama, and the Italiansteamship Conte Verde from Shanghai to take American diplomats andas many other civilians as could beaccommodated to Portuguese EastAfrica, where they would be exchanged for Japanese diplomats andcivilians, whom the American government would send to that port ofrepatriation."At first it appeared that we wereto be given a choice as to whetheror not we desired to take advantageof this opportunity. But as we discussed the matter with the Japaneseconsul in Nanking, it became clear toENGLEWOODELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.Distributors, Manufacturers and Jobbers ofELECTRICAL MATERIALS ANDFIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 EnglewoodS. Halsted Street 7500MEDICAL BOOKSof All PublishersThe Largest and Most Complete Stock andall New Books Received as soon as published. Come in and browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago Medical Book Co.)Congress and Honore StreetsOne Block from Rush Medical College us that there was no real option allowed to most of us. The armywanted to eliminate Americans andBritishers, and all western influencefrom the parts of East Asia undertheir control, and although they didnot wish it to appear on the surfacethat they were forcing us to leaveChina, various forms of pressure, restrictions, and threats made it perfectly clear that both for our ownsakes and for the best interests ofChinese friends and the work ofchurches, schools, and hospitals, wehad better return to our own countryfor the duration of the war."When the Conte Verde finallysailed from Shanghai on June 29 shecarried some 635 passengers, about350 of whom were missionaries. TheAsama Maru, which carried Americans from Japan, Manchukuo, andKorea and stopped at Hongkong andSaigon to pick up Americans fromthose ports and from Thailand andIndo-China, carried a somewhatlarger number. The two ships leftJapan and China at about the sametime and proceeded separately toSingapore, where they met and sailedtogether for the rest of the trip to EastAfrica. The ships were not convoyedand of course were not armed; theywere protected only by the good faithof the belligerent nations and by thespiritual forces which surrounded uson our long voyage."From Singapore we went souththrough the Sunda Straits separatingJava and Sumatra, then on across theIndian Ocean to Lourenco Marques,the capital city of Portuguese EastAfrica and one of the largest portsin Africa. As our two ships came upto the wharf we saw the Gripsholmalready alongside waiting for us. Shewas a Swedish ship, most artisticallymarked with the yellow and blue ofthe Swedish flag on her hull anddecks, and with her name and theword "Diplomats" in large black letters on either side and across herfore and aft bridges. She had broughtabout 1600 Japanese diplomats andother repatriates from the United.States. The following morning theexchange was effected by the Spanishconsul in charge of the Japanese andthe Swiss consul in charge of theAmericans."Leaving Lourenco Marques onJune 28 we rounded the Cape ofGood Hope and then headed northwest across the South Atlantic forRio de Janeiro, where we were scheduled to stop to let off a group ofSouth American diplomats and theirfamilies. On August 10 we came intoone of the world's most beautiful har- ACMESHEET METAL WORKSGeneral Sheet Metal WorkSkylights - Gutters - SmokestacksFurnace and Ventilating Systems1 1 1 1 East 55th StreetPhone Hyde Park 9500MacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and SecretarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESAccredited by the National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools.1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 21,30EASTMAN COAL CO.Established 1902YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone Seeley 4488HOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING. BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone Dorchester 1579RICHARD H. WEST CO. !COMMERCIAL jPAINTING & DECORATING j1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 3192POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven TypewritingMultigraphingAddressograph Service MimeographingAddressingMailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones 418 So. Market St.Harrison 8118 ChicagoAjax Waste Paper Co.2600-2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Any QuantityWaste PaperScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, Van Buren 0230THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27Alice Banner Englewood 3181COLORED HELPFACTORY HELPSTORESSHOPSMILLS FOUNDRIESEnglewood Emp. Agcy., 5534 S. State St.BOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage ©rove Ave.All Phones OAKIand 0492Ashjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1921Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone Regent 6000ECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKSeGalvanized Iron and Copper CornicesSkylights, Gutters, Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbestos Roofing1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893HAIR REMOVED FOREVERBEFORE AFTER20 Years' ExperienceFREE CONSULTATIONLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERTGraduate NurseMultiple 20 platinum needles can beused. Permanent removal of Hair fromFace, Eyebrows, Back of Neck or anypart of Body; destroys 200 to 600 HairHoots per hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Moles andWarts.Mtmber American Assn. Medical Hydrology andPhysical Therapy, Also Eleclrologists Associationof Illinois$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705, Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.Perfect Loveliness Is Wealth in Beauty bors, just as Saturn, Jupiter, andVenus faded out before the sun rising from behind the mountains thatsurround the bay. Just thirty-sixhours in this fascinating modern city,but time enough to see some of itstropic beauty, its magnificent cathedrals, public buildings, and homes,and to feel the solemn thrill of itsimpressive statute of Christ the Redeemer towering on the highest peakoverlooking the harbor and the city."Fifteen days more and we arosebefore dawn to see the lights of NewYork harbor rise out of the ocean infront of our prow. A trip of almostthree months and a voyage of 20,020long sea miles was ended, and I wasback in my cain countrie.' Glad to beat home yes; but sorry to have hadto come. What did it all mean forthe cause of the Kingdom of God thatover 750 missionaries had been drivenout of East Asia by war? And morestill to come. Newspapers were saying foreign missions were ended. Certainly one era in the foreign missionary enterprise of the church has cometo a close. But as we look back at theChristian church in the lands we haveleft behind for a time, we know thatthe missionary enterprise of the Christian Church is not ended. That enterprise began when God said, 'Let therebe light.' It will not end until £theKingdoms of this world have becomethe Kingdoms of Our Lord and of HisChrist.' "1915Lucile Powell, AM, retired fromteaching on September 1 and saysshe'll "keep house, do church workand war work, and thus try to keepbusy" at Cedar Rapids, Iowa.Since the death of her husband in1939 Lydia Quinlan Dobbins hasbeen operating the electrical businesshe established in Springfield, Illinois the United States Electric Company,a wholesale electrical supply house.She writes: "The war has changedthe picture for us greatly. We are endeavoring to lend a hand to the wareffort by being a source of supply tothe war industries in our vicinity thus to have a kind of excuse for existing. In my leisure moments I su-p e r v i s e the growing-up of myfourteen-year-old boy, Richard, anddo my bit for Jeffersonian democracyby working in the Sangamon Countychapter of the League of Women Voters, of which I am now president. Aflame of interest in the fight to achievesocial justice, kindled in me by RobertMorss Lovett and Edward ScribnerAmes, has never entirely died hencemy continued interest in good govern ment and in the University of Chicago."1919Albert F. Hardman, SM, is connected with the Goodyear Tire andRubber Company, working in thecompany's recently completed researchbuilding in Akron. He is specializingat present in organic chemistry, accelerators, and anti-oxidants in relationto rubber.1920Charles M. Reinoehl, PhD,writes that his work in the College ofEducation at the University of Arkansas has been increased by the additionof an Army flight course, which nowenrols six flights of 150 students each,four classes in each flight.Herman R. Thies, SM, is assistant manager of research and newproduct development and manager ofPliolite sales with the Goodyear Com-pang in Akron. Harold J. Stockman is with the same company as adevelopment expert.1921Rose E. Richardson of Gary, Indiana, has completed her twentiethyear as instructor in high schoolmathematics. She says that she feelsthat her efforts with seniors soon tobe inducted into the services is a vitalcontribution to the war effort.1922Cecil M. P. Cross, PhD, is stationed at the American consulate inSao Paulo, Brazil.Francis Parker Shepard, PhD, isa marine geologist carrying on warresearch at the Navy radio and soundlaboratory, Point Loma, California.1923William A. Dow, MS, has recentlybecome director of the control laboratory of the Woburn Degreasing Company at Harrison, New Jersey.1 924George Williams College, Chicago,has appointed Lacey L. Leftwich,AM, DB '25, PhD '42, instructor andHIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATESENGRAVERS SINCE 1906 .+ work done by all processes ?+ estimates gladly furnished +? any publisher our reference +RAYNER^ DALHEIM &CO.20S4 W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO.28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFINE BONE CHINAAynsley, Spode and Other FamousMakes. Also Crystal and GiftsGolden Dirilyte{Formerly Dirigold)The Lifetime TablewareSOLID NOT PLATEDService for Eight, $41.75GOLDEN HUED BABY SPOONS fi»1While they last f1 «COMPLETE TABLE APPOINTMENTSDingo, Inc.70 E. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IIdirector of the college's religious program.1925Simon Benson, SM '29, PhD '31,has been with the Lee Engineeringand Manufacturing Company andLee Foundation for Nutritional Research at Milwaukee for over a year.Cloy St. Clair Hobson, AM, PhD'36, has been appointed director ofguidance and curriculum of the Plane-view public schools at Wichita, Kansas.William B. Dominick, AM, is aspecialist in training and occupationalanalysis of the Victor Division ofR.C.A. He is living in Jenkintown,Pennsylvania.Marjory M. Billow, SM, wrotein the summer: "Am right smack inthe production line managing myfather's 326-acre farm in southernMichigan. With Michigan State College and the county agent giving goodadvice, we seem to be making a profitable business with hogs and butterfat, in spite of difficulties with theWPB. With the farmers have organized a 4-H club with a membership oftwenty-eight. The surprising thing isthat these youngsters crave creativework and we are trying to give themtheir first introduction to good music,dramatics, and art work. It all seemsvery worth while."1926Charles R. Morris of MiltonAcademy, Massachusetts, is an editorof the Independent School Bulletin,published by the Secondary EducationBoard. He has recently published aLEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLES paper on "The Teaching of Oral andWritten Communication as a UnifiedProgram of Language Instruction" inthe Quarterly Journal of Speech.Eldon R. Burke, AM, PhD '36,has recently become research adviserin relief and reconstruction for theCivilian Public Service Unit 101,Philadelphia.1927Jessie M. Bierman, MD, has leftthe Children's Bureau in Washingtonand is with the California State Department of Public Health in SanFrancisco.Irene A. Erp has become substitute English teacher at Crane highschool, Chicago.1928Theodore O. Zimmerman, AM'37, has become superintendent ofschools at Earlville, 111.Doing physics research Paul J.Ovrebo, PhD, is at the aircraft radiolaboratory at Wright Field, Dayton,Ohio.1929Irene Rudnick Winn has startedteaching English at the York Community high school at Elmhurst, 111.As director of the Army-NavvY.M.C.A., Lloyd V. Moore, PhD, isnow at Santa Maria, Calif.1930Mary Gwen Shaw, AM, is visitinginstructor at Northern Michigan College of Education, Marquette.For the school year 1942-43 AnnieLaurie Walker, AM, was assistantlibrarian at Paschal high school inFort Worth, Texas, where she previously taught Latin.Edward J. Barrett, JD, after nearly five years with the Illinois State Department of Registration and Education in Springfield, went to Washington, D. C, the latter part of 1941. Fora short period he was with the WarDepartment, then with the investigations division of the Civil ServiceCommission. Since the latter part of1942 he has been with the FederalPublic Housing Authority and is headof the contract examination unit ofthe finance and accounts division ofthat agency.1931Morris F. Stubbs, PhD, is teaching chemistry in the A.S.T.P. programat U. of C.Ethel E. Smith, AM, has gone tothe University of Hawaii to be assistant professor of education and supervisor of practice teaching.Ruth Pearson Koshur, PhD, iswith the State Department of PublicWelfare in Santa Fe, New Mexico, asa research analyst. 1932J. William Anderson, AM '35,teaching history at the Township hijschool, Park Ridge, 111.MacMurray College has appoint?Joseph D. Novak, SM, assistant pmfessor of mathematics and physics an|head of the department.Wendell R. Godwin, AM, has bicome superintendent of schools 1Hutchinson, Kansas.Edward H. Levi, JD '35, is wilthe Department of Justic in Waslington as a special assistant to the Atorney General.After an intensive training coursat the national headquarters of tiRed Cross, Eleanor Loeb has bedassigned to Letterman General Ho|pital, San Francisco, as a psychiatrisocial worker.1933Adelia Smith, AM, is assistant fiddirector of the American Red Crdstation hospital at Atlantic City, N. JLyman S. Johnson has beeelected dean of Southwestern CollegfWinfield, Kansas, and commenced hiduties September 1. In addition tacting as dean he will serve as asscciate professor of philosophy.1934Sarah Lowen stein is teachinmathematics and general science >the Pleasant Ridge school, CincinnatElvira J. Gellenthien, AM, Phi'41, is a junior instructor, Air CorfMaintenance System, at ChantitField, 111.WE DELIVERAlbert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau formen and women in all kinds of teachingpositions. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent of ourbusiness. Critic and Grade Supervisors forNormal Schools placed every year in largenumbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Business Administration, Music, and Art, secure finepositions through us every year. PrivateSchools in all parts of the country amongour best patrons; good salaries. Well prepared High School teachers wanted for cityand suburban High Schools. Special manager handles Grade and Critic work. Sendfor folder today.THE UNIVEXTRA CAREMAKES THEEXTRA GOODNESSA Product ofSWIFT & CO.7409 S. State StreetPhone Radcliffe 7400Laura F. Ulery, AM, has becomedirector of the elementary grades inthe schools of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.Hasseltine Byrd Taylor, PhD,JD '39, has been teaching full timein the Department of Social Welfareat the University of California. Shesays that her daughter, Mary Constance, aged sixteen months, is already climbing the Berkeley hills.Victoria C. Roland is teachingin the child care center of the Cleveland school at Pasadena, California.V. Brown Scott, PhD, MD '35,is internest at the Inlow Clinic, Shel-byville, Indiana.1935Alan V. Lo wen stein, AM, is withthe law firm of Hood, LafTerty andEmerson of Newark, New Jersey.Herman C. Bowersox, AM '36,PhD '43, has been appointed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology^ toteach freshman composition to civilianand military students.Orville T. Bright, AM '39, hasbeen appointed superintendent ofschools at Lake Bluff, 111.Lynn A. Stiles taught economicsat the Central Y.M.C.A. College inChicago during the summer.1936Mabel C. Waltz, AM, joined theA. B. Dick Company in Chicago lastspring as secretary.Marjorie J. Bomberger, AM,writes: "Am assistant club director ofa large metropolitan service club forenlisted men 'somewhere in NorthAfrica.' Having a busy time feedingthousands of soldiers per day, providing shower, lounge, game, valet services, etc. I recently had a great experience welcoming soldiers from the ERSITY OF CHICAGOfront. Real American ice cream(made locally with Army rations)brought the remark, 'Don't touch it,fellas, it's a booby trap it can't beice cream!' Have met several people-from International House and U. ofC, among them Sid Hyman ['35, AM'38] and Jim Wellard [PhD '35] andBill Lang '36. Ruth S. Buffing-ton, AM '33, is also in the Red Grossrecreation program and although onthe same continent, we have not met."Lulu G. McClure, AM, is atMontreat College, North Carolina,teaching English.Donald D. Parker, DB, PhD, hasbecome assistant field director of theAmerican Red Cross at Kansas City,Missouri.Robert W. Crist, AM, has joinedthe staff of Montgomery Ward andCompany at Kansas City, Missouri, asassistant training director.Elsie M. Johnson, AM '41, isteaching at the Roosevelt high schoolin Des Moines.Ruth Bishop, SM, PhD '39, jisserving as a personnel technician inthe Adjutant General's office, WarDepartment, in New York City.1937Lewis C. Copeland, AM, has beenappointed associate professor of sociology at the University of Tennessee,Knoxville.Dorothy M. Johnson is teachingthe elementary grades in the publicschools of Hammond, Indiana.Catherine M. Connor is workingas a municipal analyst with Dun andBradstreet in New York City.Herbert S. Pomerance is workingin the metallurgical laboratory at theU. of C.1938Walter B. Harvey, PhD, is asenior analyst in the research divisionof the OWI in Washington.Annette Young was recently appointed nutrition specialist at the University of Illinois.Winston H. Bostick, PhD '41, isdoing physics research for the government in Cambridge, Massachusetts.He was married to Virginia Lord ofWest Medford, Massachusetts, onJune 16, 1942.1939Charles Farace, PhD, is teachingat the high school in Morton, Wash.Alexander P. Georgiady, AM, hasstarted teaching at Whitefish Bay,Wisconsin.Mae Dona Deames, AM, is instructor in English and Latin at theChillicothe township high school, 111.Walter Heiby is author of a thousand-word poem, "The Tall Jew." It MAGAZINE 29was originally published in Poet Lore,has since undergone two reprintings,and has become endeared to millionsthroughout the Western Hemispherewho heard it broadcast from manypowerful radio stations in the UnitedStates and Canada to England, Africa,and Australia.1940Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa,announces the appointment of Elois:C. Smith, MS, as instructor in homeeconomics.Jack Levin is working at the U. S.naval powder factory at Indian Head-Maryland, as a chemist.Leonard F. Swec, SM '43, is carrying on research in chemistry at thegeneral laboratories of the U. S. Rubber Company in Passaic, N. J.Marion Magee, daughter of Way-land Magee, '05, is in Alaska withthe Red Cross working as staff- assistant there in the military and navalservice. She assists members of thearmed forces in preparing governmental claims, Selective Service referrals, and referrals for vocational rehabilitation.Ardella Starke s has a very fullprogram, she writes, as superintendent of all Sunday school work of theA.M.E. Church for the Kansas City-Springfield district.After completing sixteen months ofresidency in orthopedics at the Carrie Tingley Hospital for CrippledChildren at Hot Springs, New Mexico,Forrest M. Swisher, MD, startedresidency at the McBride Clinic inOklahoma City on May 1. A largeT. A. REHNQU1ST CO. CONCRETE\\ // FLOORSAr-n^/ SIDEWALKS\\ V MACHINE FOUNDATIONS\\ EMERGENCY WORKy ALL PHONESest. is* Wentworth 44226639 So. Vernon Ave.BLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, Director30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpart of his work in the new residencyis caring for injured workers from theOklahoma City air depot and otherwar industries.1941Walter G. Smith, AM, began inSeptember his duties as principal andteacher of physics and economics inthe Community high school at Victoria, 111.Bernard D. Ross, PhD, MD '42,is assistant resident in medicine at theDetroit Receiving Hospital. He isalso instructing in medicine at WayneUniversity.Natalie Perry, AM, is with theTule Lake Relocation Project at Newell, California, as vocational teacherand special students' adviser.Arthur Stark, AM, is for theduration with the National LaborRelations Board at Cleveland as fieldexaminer.Harold R. Heywood, AM, wasworking with Italian prison labor during the summer. He is still teachinggeneral science at Salina, Kansas, highschool, but says that he is "getting alittle like the old maid wishing something would happen."Warren E. Henry, PhD, has beena member of the chemistry department of Tuskegee Institute, Alabama,since graduation.Letitia F. Ayers, AM, is at theState College at Pullman, Washington, teaching in the Department ofInstitution Economics and directingone of the college dining halls.1942Rosamond L. Rathbone, MBA,has been teaching shorthand for thepast year in the Van Sant School ofBusiness in Omaha. During the winter she taught an experimental classin Thomas shorthand to meet a demand of the civilian war workers fora short, intensive course in stenography.Kathleen Leach, AM, startedteaching Latin at the high school inKaukauna, Wisconsin, in September.Raoul M. Perez, PhD, is stillteaching romance languages at XavierUniversity, New Orleans. He hasthree brothers in the Puerto Ricanarmy and expects to be called too.Bradley H. Patterson, Jr., has recently started to teach social scienceand German at Cranbrook School,Bloomfield Hills, Mich.Amy M. Henschel is teaching artin the public schools of East Chicago, Ind.Elisabeth H. D. Rest, MBA, isteaching at Bendle high school, Flint,Michigan.Minna M. Hansen, PhD, has beenappointed dean of women at Western Phones Oakland 069006910692The Old ReliableHyde Park AwningINC. Co.,Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueCLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good Printing of All Descriptions*'TELEPHONE HAYMARKET 4566O'CALLAGHAN BROS., Inc.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3 1 86HUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.Telephone Harrison 7793Chicago, III.Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesGenerally recognized as one of the leading TeachersAgencies of the United States.WM.FECHT ELECTRIC CO.CONTRACTORS - ENGINEERSLIGHT & POWER CONSTRUCTIONo0° TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 2208 Illinois State Teachers College, Macomb.Paul D'Arco is an instructor inthe A.S.T.P. program at DePaul University.The University of Arizona has appointed Evelyn P. Bartels, MS, instructor of bacteriology.Alan G. Darling, Jr., writes fromthe University Club of Akron, Ohio,as follows: "Tried for over a yearto get into the Army, but no luck.Guess you have to see pretty well tomeet their darned eye standards. Onthe Goodyear training squadron for ayear and now I'm in our inter-plantrelations department. It's a grandcompany and I really enjoy the workI'm in. Have lost track of some ofmy pals. Let me know where youare, Army or otherwise, and I'll dropyou a line."From William F. Read, PhD, andhis wife (Helen Woodrich, '38),comes this message: "A Navy V-12program started here at LawrenceCollege in July. The geology department will henceforth devote a goodshare of its time to meteorology,'world geography,' and physics. Ourson, Ned, is now nearly a year old andfull of the old Nick!"Beverly Lorraine Smithes assistant geologist with the Richfield OilCorporation at Bakersfield, California.1943Mercedes Velez-Herrera, AM,has returned to Puerto Rico and isdirector of the child welfare sectionof the division of public welfare ofthe Department of Health at San-turce.Esther Holcomb, AM, is teachingseveral subjects in the Old Trailschool at Akron, Ohio.Lawrence A. Hoffman, AM, hasgone to Washington to be a juniorgeographer at the State Department.SOCIAL SERVICEGrace Browning, PhD'41, whohas been a member of the faculty ofthe School since 1938 is joining thefaculty of the School of Applied Social Sciences, University of Pittsburgh,as an associate professor of publicwelfare, beginning with the fall term.Helen Jeter, PhD'24, has accepted the position of chief of theeconomic division, Bureau of HumanNutrition and Home Economics, Department of Agriculture.Mary Young, AM'26, is leavingher work with the United Charitiesof Chicago to join the Chicago Council of Social Agencies. She will behead of the family division of theCouncil.Annie Laurie Baker, AM'31, andTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31Tailored Uniforms Made to MeasureWomen Doctors and Nurses, Stock sizeInterne SuitsANEDA McSWEENY1910 So. Ogden AvenueSEEley 3734 Evenings by AppointmentTuck PointingMaintenanceCleaning PHONEGRAceland 0800CENTRAL BUILDING CLEANING CO.CalkingStainingMasonryAcid WashingSand BlastingSteam CleaningWater Proofing 3347 N. Halsted StreetHARRY EENIGCNBURG, Jr.STANDARDREADY ROOFING CO.Complete Service10436S. Wabash Ave. TelephonePullman 8500Lexie Cotton, AM'41, have both accepted appointments for foreign service with the American Red Cross.Ruth Endicott Read, AM'35, hasrecently accepted a position as caseworker with the Children's Aid Society of Toronto, Canada.Richard Eddy, AM'34, has beenmade the managing officer of theState Training School for Boys at St.Charles, Illinois.Cecilia Carey Heichemer, AM'35,has taken a position as psychiatricsocial worker with the Will CountyDepartment of Health, Joliet, Illinois.Fae Logan, AM'36, has left thechildren's division of the State Department of Public Welfare in Indiana to accept a position as childwelfare consultant in the children'sdivision of the Department of PublicWelfare in New Mexico.Kenneth Foresman, AM'37, hasbeen made director of the Los AngelesChildren's Bureau.Lorraine Ade, AM'37, has returned to Chicago to accept a positionwith the University of ChicagoClinics.Helen Orvis, AM'37, has returnedto Chicago and has joined the staffof the Chicago Orphan Asylum.Cleta Davis, AM'37, is now a fieldrepresentative with the United WarChest of Texas and is located atSweetwater.Rachel Greene, AM'38, assistantprofessor of social welfare, University°f California, Berkeley, was in residence at the School of Social ServiceAdministration during the summerquarter. Marjorie Jean Smith, AM'38, isleaving her position as executive secretary with the Associated Charitiesof Worcester, Massachusetts, to become director of the School of SocialWork at the University of British Co-Kate Meyer, AM'39, is a caseworker with the USO Traveler's AidSociety in Highland Park, Illinois.Katherine Fullerton, AM'41, is acase worker with the same organization] in Madison, Wisconsin.Arthur Miles, PhD'40, has leftthe School of Social Work at TulaneUniversity to join the staff of thepublic assistance division of the SocialSecurity Board. He is located in theDenver office.Florence Hosch, AM'40, who hasbeen on leave for several months, hasreturned to her position as executivesecretary of the Board of Public Welfare Commissioners of Illinois.Barbara Hall, AM'40, is child welfare consutant with the Bureau ofChild Welfare in the State of Mich-gan and is located in Lansing.Alison Hayden, AM'41, is working with the Bureau of Child Guidance in the Board of Education, NewYork City.Henry Coe Lanp her, PhD'41, hasleft his position as director of theRichmond School of Social Work,Virginia, to become research andstatistical assistant to the director ofthe Bureau of Prisons in the Department of Justice, Washington, D. C.Helen Kindelsperger, AM'41,has accepted a position as home visitor, Department of Child Welfare,Gary public schools, Indiana.Elizabeth Sessoms, AM'41, ismedical social worker with the Jefferson County Health Department ofBirmingham, Alabama.Lois Chalfant, AM'42, is a psychiatric social worker in the Red CrossUnit at the Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco.Dorothy Emerick, AM'42, is casework supervisor in the Social WelfareSociety, Omaha, Nebraska.Mable Fend, AM'42, has recentlyjoined the staff of the United Charities, Chicago.Eleanor Feeney, AM'42, has become a supervisor with the AmericanRed Cross in Chicago.Beth Muller, AM'42, who isworking with the U. S. Children'sBureau, has recently been moved toChicago and will work out from thisoffice.Of the students who took the master's degree at the spring convocation,the following have gone into medicalsocial work: Virginia Bayless, medical social consultant with the War Relocation Authority in Arkansas;Claire Censky, medical socialworker, Chicago Intensive TreatmentClinic; Eleanor Criger, executivesecretary of the El Paso TuberculosisAssociation, El Paso, Texas; Ger-aldine Cronin, medical social worker,Mercy Hospital, Chicago; and EmilyWolff, case worker with the CookCounty Hospital, Chicago.Those going into child welfare workare Grace Conn, Children's ServiceAssociation, Milwaukee; Gus Garri-gus, assistant director of the childwelfare division, Department of Public Welfare in Little Rock, Arkansas;Brother Lawrence Miller, fielddirector, St. Charles Boys Home,Wauwatosa, Wisconsin; Virginia Sat-terlee, child welfare division of theDepartment of Social Welfare inMichigan.Other spring quarter graduatesand their positions are: Edith Abraham, case worker, Jewish FamilyWelfare Association, Minneapolis ;Mary Lou Ryan Austin, Girl Scoutsof America, New York City; SylviaBehrmann, psychiatric social worker,Jewish Child Guidance Clinic, Newark, New Jersey; Annie Bendien andJanet Carter, United Charities ofChicago; Violet Fischer, field representative, Department of PublicWelfare, Indianapolis; Mary Lewis,overseas service with the AmericanRed Cross; Alice Pickard, psychiatric social worker, Chicago State Hospital; and M. Evelyn Smith, socialworker, Illinois Society for MentalHygiene in Chicago. .The Best Place to Eat on the South Side, lll»*X*I*MCOLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone Hyde Park 6324lfilKHiM<*»AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits Itswork to the university and college field.It is affliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.QUICK TRAININGIntensive Courses to meet the needs offindustry and government Stenographic,Bookkeeping, Typing, Comptometry, etc.Day and Evening Catalogue FreeBryant^ Stratumc o ll)e ge18 S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Randolph 157532 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBIRTHSTo William B. Elson, Jr., '33, JD'35, and Mrs. Elson, a son, WilliamM., on February 23. The Elsons areliving in Chicago.To Gifford M. Mast, '35, andMrs. Mast their first child, GiffordMorrison, Jr., on July 7. The Mastsare living in Detroit and he has beendeferred because of engineering activities in the war program.To John Cogley and Mrs. Cogley(Theodora Schmidt, '38) a son,Terence, on March 11.To Robert H. Pearson, MBA, '41,and Mrs. Pearson, a daughter, KarenJoan, on June 15 at New Haven,Connecticut, where they are living.MARRIAGESJanet Metzenberg Lowe, '25, toJoseph Wolfson on March 6 at Boston.Florence E. Court, '30, to William J. Montgomery on April 23 atTampa, Florida. At home, 226 Brookline Avenue, Daytona Beach, Florida.Hilda Buttenweiser, PhD '30, toRaymond Crist, formerly on the faculty of the University of Illinois, onDecember 23, 1942. They are spending a prolonged honeymoon in Brazil,Dr. Crist having been sent there bythe Rubber Reserve Company of theRFC to investigate the rubber supply.Bette Berne of Cleveland, Ohio, toLieut. Horace B. Fay, Jr., '37, onApril 30. He is an instrument flightinstructor at the Pensacola Naval AirStation.Helen C. Peterson, '38, to EnsignRobert N. Johnson on April 4. Athome, 1015 Draper Avenue, loliet,111. JRuth Wehlan to Lieut. John P.Netherton, '38, AM '39, on May 12in Hilton Chapel by Dean Gilkey, twodays after Netherton was commissioned at Fort Monmouth. When lastheard from the Nethertons were at501 East Chestnut Street, Carthage,Missouri, where he is stationed atCamp Crowder.May E. Greenwood, '39, to BruceVardon, AM '42, on April 10, 1941.He is a private with an overseas hospital and she is working with the Vol-land Company in Joliet, though mak-W.B.C0NKEY COMPANYHAMMOND, INDIANAilisiiii' BOOKS and CATALOGSiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Mll minimi mi,Sales Offices; Chicago and new York ing her home at 1326 East 57th Street,Chicago.Marilyn E. Leonard, '42, to Pvt.Robert O. Wright, '42, on December 12, 1942. They are living in Pomona, California.Margaret M. Amrhein, '42, toEnsign Joseph O. Weisenberg of theNaval Air Corps on April 13 inSpringfield, Illinois.Pauline E. Burk, '42, to Philip E.Cary. At home: Broad Street, Perry-ville, Md.Virginia Drew, AM '43, to JamesB. Watson, '41, on March 18. Theyhave been in Brazil for some time.Cicely V. Woods, '43, to Lieut.Victor M. Blanco, '42, of PuertoRico on June 5 in Miami, Florida.He has been stationed as a weatherofficer in Florida. Cicely playedMitchell Tower chimes at the University for several months. Her sister, Leona Harriet, '38, was marriedto John Marshall, Jr., on July 3, atthe Graham Taylor Chapel. She isin the metallurgical laboratory at theUniversity.DEATHSCharles H. Waldschmidt, MD'86 on February 28.George E. Hatfield, MD '92, onJuly 7, 1941, from the effects of anautomobile accident. He had practiced in Lacona, Iowa, for abouttwenty-five years, later retiring to California.Rev. George R. Wood, DB '92, onOctober 3, 1942.Henrietta Goodrich Rothwell,SM '98, on February 8.Henry W. Belfield, '02, of Cleveland, on May 13.Helen Hitchcock, '03, of Osage,Iowa, on May 28.William R. Manning, PhD '04, onOctober 28, 1942.Walter Elmo Cluff, '06, on April26.Louis Agassiz Test, PhD '07, onE. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph Offset Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182Phone: Saginaw 3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeaks RepairedFree EstimatesFRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.8019 Bennett St. April 22 at the home of his son inAnn Arbor, Michigan.Passie Fenton Ottley, '10, of Atlanta, Georgia, on August 16, 1940.Ben a K. Hanson, '12, of Ames,Iowa, on February 2.Frank C. Jacoby, AM '14, on May25 at his home in Los Angeles. Histeaching experience covered almostfifty years, eighteen of which were inthe Carter Harrison and Englewoodhigh schools.Elizabeth A. Bergner, '15, SM'16, MD '30, on October 26, 1942, atBillings Hospital.Helen Dawson Ellis, '26, onSeptember 28, 1942.Sara E. Chase, AM '27, of Springfield, Massachusetts, and Keene, NewHampshire, on April 21 in Keene.Miss Chase was the principal of threeschools in Springfield at the time ofher death. She was president of thestate organization of the Delta KappaGamma Society.Mary Dulkin Lieberman, '28, ofDetroit, Michigan, in September 1942.Virginia Van Dyne Fleming, SM'35, of Arlington, Virginia, on May 5,of a pulmonary embolism. A daughter, Nancy Van Dyne, was born toMr. and Mrs. Fleming on April 4.P. M. Titus, AM '35, PhD '39, ofthe Sir Dorabji Tata Graduate Schoolof Social Work, India, on November24, 1942. The Indian Journal of Social Work writes that "while receivinghis training for social work at theUniversity of Chicago, he had comein intimate contact with the late Dr.Holt, who, seeing the excellent qualities of his character and scholarship,specially trained him for work in theTata School, with which Dr. Holthimself was connected. Hence, whenTitus returned to India in 1939, hewas fully equipped to fill the post oflecturer at the Tata School, wherewithin a short time through his industry, genuine interest in social welfare,sincerity of purpose, and infectiouszeal in attacking socio-economic problems, he won the admiration of students and faculty alike, and createdan abiding place for himself in theschool. . . . Always a friend of theneedy and a selfless champion of thedown-trodden, he died at a premature age, leaving behind him a vastcircle of relatives and friends."STANDARDBOILER and TANK CO.524 WEST 42nd STREETTelephone BOUIevard 5886LETTERS(Continued from inside front cover)repenting in sack-cloth and ashes eversince, but I didn't have my watchwith me, and had no idea of how thetime was going. Last Sunday I wasover at Green Hall to dinner withMiss Breckinridge, whom Papa willremember. I met lots of girls and hadlots of fun. Thursday night I attended the grand freshman event ofthe season, the reception given to thefreshmen by Dean Vincent, Dean ofthe Junior College, at his home onLexington about two blocks downfrom here. ["Here" was the home ofMr. and Mrs. Effinger, 5551 Lexington Avenue.] I didn't want, to go abit at first, but I'm glad I did, for Imet a great many people from myvarious classes, so that I have at leasta speaking acquaintance with them. Ialso met my Latin teacher, Mr. Laing,and I have quite a "crush" (but don'tbe alarmed). Mr. Vincent has alovely home, large rooms which werecompletely packed with nothing butfreshmen. Hung up in a very conspicuous place was a cap and gown ofbrilliant emerald green, labeled"Freshman Cap and Gown."Wouldn't that hurt your feelings? Ikept my back toward it all the evening.Did I tell you about going over toFoster Hall to a little afternoon teasome time ago? Well, I went and metsome more very nice girls, among thema friend of Edith Banning' s whomEdith had told about me, and tried toarrange for me to meet, but we hadmissed each other until we met thatafternoon. I told you, didn't I, aboutmy writing a note1 to Edith Banning?I hardly expected that she was intown, but she was, and came rightover to see me. She is living just fiveblocks over on Washington Avenue.Isn't that scrumptious? Several girlshave called on me, especially MissHobbs and Miss Donnan, both Fostergirls, and I am getting quite wellacquainted generally.Now I must tell you about Mr. Mc-Intire's church, down on the corner,which Papa and I hunted up andwhich the janitor showed us over. Itis a dear little church, the singingis good, and the hymns, psalter, collects, epistles, and gospels, the samefamiliar things. But the reverend rector!!! Words fail me. He preachesthe worst sermons I ever heard in mylife, and that is saying a good deal.They are not merely poor sermons,but he preaches them in the most affected, third-rate elocutionist mannerI ever heard. I don't see how people can listen to him, but they do, in raptattention. The first Sunday I heardhim, I was too thunder-struck tolaugh, but the next Sunday evening Ilonged to be able to get under theseat. This is an example of his sermon. I can't begin to imitate histragic gestures and deep breathings(as if he were in mortal agony). Histext was "The Beginning and theEnd." He repeated this three times,working up to a grand climax on thethird repitition [sic]. Then he wenton to say, "We all wonder, when welook upon the mighty ocean, what itis, where it comes from." Then hepranced across the chancel, cameback, and repeated in thrilling accents, with eyes upraised to Heavenand hands clasped on his bosom,"What it is, where it comes from. Weall know that it comes from the greatSouth Sea." (I didn't, but of courseit must, if he said so.) ''The GreatSouth Sea. It is caused . by thegentle moon." Then he turned cleararound to the altar, and coming backto the lectern repeated as above, "Thegentle moon!" Now that is t|onestlywhat the whole sermon was like.Nothing but repitition [sic] and elocution, seraphic smiles thrown in. Doyou wonder that I wanted to laugh?I never thought that anything, couldspoil the service for me, but he did.This morning I went to hear Mr.Dewhurst, at the Congregationalchurch, and he preached a sermonthat was a sermon. It is very clearthat when I want to hear a sermon Ishall have to go to a "MeetingHouse." I was surprised, though, inthe Congregational church, at thesimilarity to our service, in a greatmany particulars. I haven't writtena thing about my studies but they areall there, only on Sunday I don't liketo think of them, you see, especiallyas my theme for Monday isn't writtenyet. Well I must stop for this.[The last page is lacking.]AliceI am not at all sure that anythingregarding me would be of interest,although I was a member of the University for about two years, fromJanuary 1901 to October 1902, aslisted in the Register for those twoyears.On account of coming to Chicagofrom the same school, Albion, as Newman Miller, the director of the University Press, and having been editorfor a year of the Albion Recorder andassistant editor of the Sigma ChiQuarterly, I was given a chance atsoliciting advertising and some editorial work on the second catalog of the Press; and as superintendent ofpublications supervised also the starting of the official documents by thegroup of girls who were sometimes alittle too noisy to suit John Coulterand Chamberlain in the Botany Building. Oskar Bolza, however, wasamong those who seemed to preferimpressive obscurities to simple andclear expressions in the announcements, but 'twas a lot of fun also tolive as I did in North Hall wherethere was plenty of sand with fleetcockroaches, seeming to give the simplicity of Oxford and Cambridge University life in modern times.Answering President Harper'sdoubts, due to my youthful appearance, Miller had assured Dr. Harperthat I had won the Western Intercollegiate tennis championship forAlbion (as William Scott Bond wouldremember) and so convincing advertisers of the merits of advertisingspace in the ten journals ought notto be beyond me.As a young national officer ofSigma Chi, I had dinner regularly atthe Sig House on Washington andKimbark, and had a right good time.But I went to Harvard for a degree,"Oec Pol Excellentem" in 1904, leaving many happy memories of Chicago.(Your Dr. Rollo Lyman was a roommate of mine at Cambridge.)Our greatest wish and prayer, however, at present would be to locatemy missing son, who has been missingsince the Battle of Java.Fred A. PerineDetroit, Mich.AIR MASS THEORYIn your "News of the Quadrangles"by Don Morris the phrase is used,"Whelm F. K. Bjerknes, originator ofthe air mass theory." In this connection may I invite your attention to"The Planetary System of Convection," Monthly Weather Review forApril, 1916, and to Report No. 13,National Advisory Committee forAeronautics, 1917, which togetherwith earlier publications of mine areby many regarded as the origin of theTheory of the Characteristic AirMass. Of the former of these papersour own Professor T. C. Chamberlin,at the time engaged in the study ofgeologic climates, recognized the newtrend when he wrote me on July 31,1916: "In its field it is much the mostsatisfactory and illuminating article Ihave seen and I propose to substituteit for all that has gone before in thisline."William R. Blair, '04, PhD '06Colonel, U. S. Army, retiredWashington, D. C.^E-4*9She Slill Has "The Voice With A Smile"War traffic keeps her busier than ever but she manages tokeep calm ami pleasant.She still has "The Voice With A Smile" even when the lightsare thick on the Long Distance switchboard and the circuits arecrowded. Even when she has to ask you to ''Please limit your call to 5 minutes. Others are tcaiting.,,That's to help everybody get better service ami you couldn'task for a better reason than that.Ill I I I I I I rilO>K SYSTEM