THE UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO MAGAZINEJUNE 19 4 31943 RECIPIENTS OF CITATIONS FROM THE COLLEGE DIVISIONMartin E. Anderson, Denver, Colo. —Pastor of the Central PresbyterianChurch, Denver. A leader in community and denominational fields.Charles F. Axelson, Chicago. — Chartered Life Underwriter ; former presidentof the Illinois Association of Life Underwriters. President of the Institute ofCurrent World Affairs. Former trusteeof Rush Medical College. Trustee ofthe University of Chicago. Formerchairman of the Alumni Council.Norman Barker, Long Beach, Calif. —A member of the faculty of the LongBeach Polytechnic High School. A consistent and effective leader in alumniand University activities through manyyears. Chairman in Development Campaign. Former president, SouthernCalifornia Alumni Club. Californiastate chairman in Fiftieth AnniversaryCampaign.C. Arthur Bruce, Memphis, Tenn. — Vice-president of the E. L. Bruce Company,lumber. He has served his communityas chairman of the Community Chest,president of the Chamber of Commerce,president of the trustees of LeMoyneCollege, chairman of the Boy Scoutsof America Committee on Negro Scouting. His party's candidate for governorof Tennessee. President and past-president of many trade organizations.President of the Memphis Alumni Club.Margaret E. Burton, New York City. —Writer, author of widely read workson the education and vocations of womenof the Orient and an authoritative volume on the Assembly of the League ofNations. For many years on the National Board of the Young Women'sChristian Association and executive ofits division of education and research.Charles C. Colby, Chicago. — A memberof the University faculty since 1916.Nov/ professor and chairman of theDepartment of Geography. Formerlyexpert to the U. S. Shipping Board;member of the National Research Council. Land planning consultant to theT.V.A. and to the National ResourcesPlanning Board. Past president of theAmerican Association of Geographers.Mary E. Courtenay, Chicago.— Principalof the Samuel Gompers School. Longtime dean of girls at Lindblom HighSchool, a member of the faculty of theChicago Teachers College. Developerand supervisor of the social laboratoryin Lindblom High School dedicated tothe teaching of human relations or thegracious art of living well with others.John F. Dille, Chicago. — President ofthe National Newspaper Service. Creator and syndicator of many newspaperfeatures by contributors of internationalfame. Chairman for the City of Evanston in the Fiftieth Anniversary Campaign and the two campaigns of theAlumni Foundation. Member of theFoundation's board of directors.George O. Fairweather, Barrington, 111.— Lawyer, farmer, and regional executive assistant in the Office of PriceAdministration. Formerly executiveofficer of the Chicago Ordnance Department. For many years assistant treasurer and assistant business manager ofthe University. A militant leader in thereorganization of real and personal property assessment classification and collection programs in Cook County.Morris Fishbein, Chicago. — Editor of theJournal of the American Medical Association, of Hygeia, The Health Magazine, of War Medicine; professorial lecturer, University of Chicago School ofMedicine; assistant professor of medicine at the University of Illinois School ofMedicine. A member of a score of professional councils, boards, and committees. Author of a score of books.Jerome N. Frank, New York City. —Judge. After twenty years of privatepractice he became a national figurewith the Roosevelt administration asgeneral counsel, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, and later as commissioner and chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission. He wasappointed Judge of the United StatesCircuit Court of Appeals in 1941. Author and contributor to legal journals.Hugo M. Friend, Chicago. — Justice ofthe Appellate Court of Illinois. Formerpresident of the Young Men's JewishCharities and founder of its camp forboys. Vice-president and trustee ofRush Medical College; director of theJewish Welfare Fund of Chicago. Vice-president of the Jewish Children's Bureau.Herbert E. Gaston, Washington, D. C.— Assistant Secretary of the Treasurysince 1939. Formerly assistant to theSecretary of the Treasury, deputy governor of the U. S. Farm Credit Administration, and secretary of the FederalFarm Board. For many years an editor.Charles F. Glore, Chicago. — Investmentbanker; partner, Glore, Forgan andCompany. Identified with banking inChicago since 1910. Chairman of executive committee and director of theChicago Corporation. Trustee of theArt Institute and St. Luke's Hospital.Director of the United Charities ofChicago.Alice Greenacre, Chicago. — Lawyer, engaged in general practice in Chicagosince winning her law degree in 1911.Active in the solution of many problemsconnected with the vocations of women.Treasurer of the Chicago Collegiate Bureau of Occupations. Former presidentof the Women's Bar Association of Illinois. Associate chairman of the AlumniExecutive Committee in the Development Fund Campaign.Helen C. Gunsaulus, South Yarmouth,Mass. — Honorary Keeper of JapanesePrints, Art Institute of Chicago. Formerly assistant curator of Japaneseethnology at the Field Museum andassistant curator of oriental art at theArt Institute. Author of books onJapanese sword mounts and textiles.Lecturer on oriental art.Harry Hansen, New York City. — Literary editor of the New York World-Telegram since 1931. Formerly literary editor of the New York World andthe Chicago Daily News. Foreign correspondent during World War I and atParis Peace Conference. Reviewer forHarper's Magazine. Lecturer, ColumbiaUniversity. Author of half a dozenbooks and countless magazine articles.Paul V. Harper, Chicago. — Lawyer. Atrustee of the University of Chicago.President of the Friends of the Libraryat the University. A former dean ofthe Alumni School, whose interest inalumni education has led him to acceptthe chairmanship of the Alumni Committee on Education, where he has fostered the supplementary alumni courses.Inghram D. Hook, Kansas City, Mo. —Attorney. Has served with distinctionas president of the Kansas City BarAssociation and of the Missouri StateBar Association. Former police commissioner of Kansas City. President ofthe Kansas City Alumni Club and localchairman of the Alumni Foundation. Albert L. Hopkins, Chicago. — Lawyer.Formerly Assistant United States Attorney for Northern District of Illinois.Assistant counsel to the United StatesInterstate Commerce Commission. Special attorney to the Internal RevenueBureau.Horace B. Horton, Chicago. — Industrialist, treasurer of the Chicago Bridge andIron Company. Member of the National War Labor Board. Active in theWestern Society of Engineers. Generousin his support of community charities.Earl D. Hostetter, Chicago. — Lawyer ingeneral practice in Chicago since 1909.Formerly trustee and secretary-treasurer of Rush Medical College. Editor of fraternal publications. Formerpresident of the Chicago Alumni Club.Former chairman of the Alumni Council. Generous contributor of his timeand talents to the Selective ServiceBoard.Edwin P. Hubble, Pasadena, Calif. — Astronomer, Mount Wilson Observatory.Serving for the duration as chief of exterior ballistics, Ballistic Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Grounds,Md. Recipient of honorary degreesfrom Princeton, Oxford, Brussels, andOccidental. Honored with the Barnard,Franklin, Bruce, and Royal Astronomical Society gold medals.Helen Sard Hughes, Wellesley, Mass. —Professor and chairman of the Department of English Literature at WellesleyCollege and dean of graduate students.Formerly on the faculties of WesternCollege, Grinnell, Chicago, Montana,and Iowa. Visiting lecturer at BrynMawr College. Co-author of two notablehistories of the English novel and author of The Gentle Hertford.Fred Hall Kay, New York City. — Vice-president of the Standard Vacuum OilCompany. Long one of the country'sbest known petroleum geologists. Nowchairman of the Producing Committee,Foreign Operations Committee of thePetroleum Administration for War.Charles F. Kennedy, Van Wert, Ohio —Industrialist; president of the KennedyCompany of Van Wert. Leader incountless community activities. Memberof the National Board and NationalCouncil of the Y.M.C.A., and chairmanof the Ohio Area Board. For seventeenyears trustee or chairman of the MarshFoundation School for orphans andunderprivileged children. Ohio chairman of the War Finance Committee.Robert J. Kerner, Berkeley, Calif. —Sather professor of history at the University of California. Formerly professorof modern European history at California and at the University of Missouri.Served on the staff of the AmericanPeace Commission, Paris, 1918-19. Outstanding authority on Slavic Europe;author; member of many learned societies. Commander, Order of the WhiteLion (Czechoslovakia) and officer, Order of the Star (Rumania).Harvey B. Lemon, Chicago. — Chiefphysicist in the Ballistic Research Laboratory of the Ordnance Department ofthe U. S. Army. On leave as professorof physics at the University of Chicagoand curator of physical sciences at theMuseum of Science and Industry. Pastpresident of the American Associationof Physics Teachers. Originator andco-author - of the University's talkingpictures for classroom. Author of note.Arno B. Luckhardt, Chicago. — A member of the faculty of the University(Continued on inside back cover)THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONCHARLTON T. BECKEditor HOWARD W. MORT and BEATRICE J. WULFAssociate EditorsDON MORRIS, CODY PFANSTIEHL Contributing Editors HARRY SHOLLAssistant EditorTHE COVER: The University isproud of the fact that three alumnaeare serving our country in positionsof high importance with the women'sreserves. At the top (left) is Lieutenant Commander Dorothy C. Strat-ton, A.M.'24, director of the SPARS;(right) Lieutenant Commander Mildred H. McAfee, A.M.'28, director ofthe WAVES; (bottom) CaptainCharlotte D. Gower, A.M.'26, Ph.D.'28, head of the training program ofthe Women's Reserve of the MarineCorps. {Official photos.)Commander Stratton was a guest atthe annual Alumnae Breakfast at reunion and has furnished us with "ASix Months Report on the SPARS."F^OR distinguished achievement intheir business or professions or foroutstanding accomplishment in civicor community activities two University of Chicago men were honoredwith alumni medals at the AlumniAssembly on June 12. The frontispiece carries the story. At the sameassembly fifty-four alumni wereawarded the citation of "Useful Citizen." Their names and citations arelisted on the two inside covers.The recipients of the medals areselected by the Alumni Associationthrough a committee on awards. Citations are recommended by the Gbl-lege Alumni Division and are limitedtq alumni of the College. They aregiven for unselfish and effective serv^ice to the community, the nation, andhumanity. Beginning in 1941 withthe early graduates, this year's citations have been made from the classesprior to 1911. THIS MONTHTABLE OF CONTENTSJUNE, 1943PageRecipients of Citations. .Inside coversAlumni Medalists 2Oil for the Squeaking AxisCarey Croneis 3A Six Months Report on theSparsDorothy C. Stratton 8The Dean's Easy ChairGordon J. Laing 10News of the QuadranglesDon Morris 13The 1943 Reunion 16Sonnet, Erwin Hornung 16News of the Classes 19Index for Volume 35...... Back coverIF WE couldEast Indies oilmany's Rumanian cut Japan's Dutchline and seal Ger-wells, the Axis warmachine would probably grind to asqueaking stop. Meanwhile, theUnited States, furnishing the Allies'major oil supply, is draining 1,400,-000,000 barrels annually from its reserves. Carey Croneis, professor ofgeology at the University and a specialist in petroleum geology, has goneunder ground to indicate possible future trends of the war in his articleon "Oil for the Squeaking Axis." Thiswas an Alumni School address and issimilar in content to one he gave before the Chicago Bar Association inthe spring. It was published from astenographic transcript in the ChicagoBar Record, from which we reprint.OUR Alumni Dean has resignedand Alumni House will neveragain be quite the same place — saveon those days that he returns to visitus. For three years Gordon Laing hasendeared himself to thousands ofalumni who had never had the privi lege of knowing him before hisappointment. He has contributedmuch to a mutual understanding between alumni and their University.His loss will be felt keenly by theentire alumni body, but most of aliby us of the staff who have beenfortunate to have a close and continuing contact. And why is he retiring?We quote from his letter of resignation: "For this apparently rash act, Ihave many reasons: seventy-three inall, and if I live till October 16 next,there will be seventy-four."IN THE News of the QuadranglesDon Morris records the first graduation of candidates for the newbachelor's degree. Because this degreeis granted two years earlier than previously, it has been suggested that thedegree should be an A.B. (j.g.).WAR modified the reunion program this year: A brief reviewof the week's activities, and a sonnetby P. F. C. Erwin Hornung, '41,which arrived the morning of Reunion Day from an Army post officethirty mail days overseas, will befound on page 16.TWENTY-TWO pages of classnotes sets a new record for theMagazine. We are pleased thatalumni acted on the request of theFoundation to include news notes withtheir gifts to the Alumni Fund, sincewe are dependent on alumni themselves for news.We wish you a pleasant summerand will be back next October.Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago monthly, from October to June. Office of Publication, 5733 University Avenue,Chicago. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the Post Office at Chicago,Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the official advertising agency of theUniversity of Chicago Magazine.1943 ALUMNI MEDALISTSHAROLD GLENN MOULTON.— A triplexalumnus of the University of Chicago, having takenhis Ph.B. in 1 907, his Ph.D. in I9I4, and LL.D. in1 937, Harold Moulton has grown steadily in powerand influence in the economic world. Appointed asinstructor in the University he passed with praiseworthy dispatch through all the grades and was aprofessor by 1 922. Shortly afterwards he went toWashington, and has been president of the Brookings Institution there since its foundation in 1 928.He is a member of the American Academy of Artsand Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, andof numerous Greek letter societies with the scientificsignificance of which I am not familiar. He has beenawarded so many LLD's that he carries off a new hoodfrom a commencement platform with all the nonchalance and grace of a Marshall Field model. He isone of the notable lecturers of the country and is inconstant demand by organizations that range fromRotary Clubs to the Harris Foundation. He has therare faculty of instructing without boring, and this,together with the fact that he is both sound and intelligible, has always made him my favorite economist.But his greatest dictinction is as an author, andwhen I was editor of the University Press I alwaysthought that I had had a successful year if I got anew book from him, or even a new edition of an oldone. His volumes entitled "Principles of Money"and "Banking and Financial Organization of Society" are still among the glories of the Press list,'and these constitute only a tiny part of the books hehas published with us or elsewhere, for even hewould sometimes stray from the fold. His most recent publication is "The New Philosophy of PublicDebt."— G. J. L. LAIRD BELL. — A graduate of our Law School,J.D. 1 907, and a practicing lawyer for many years inChicago, Laird Bell has combined with his professional activities a widely extended interest in civic,commercial, philanthropic, and educational affairs.He is a member of more law clubs and associationsthan he can ever possibly attend. A director of halfa dozen corporations, among which are the ChicagoDaily News, the Chicago Title and Trust, the Industrial National Bank, and the Weyerhaeuser LumberCompany, he has recently been elected president ofthe Chicago Commercial Club. He is a director ofthe Foreign Bond Holders' Protective Council and aformer president of the Chicago Council on ForeignRelations. His interest in Chinese war relief andRussian war relief has shown how quickly he respondsto humanitarian appeals. And with all this he hasfound time for educational matters. He is a trusteeof the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Associationof America, a trustee of Carleton College, and vice-chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Universityof Chicago.In chairmanships, indeed, in directorships, trusteeships and presidencies he is multiplex to an extraordinary degree. Is the presidency or the chairmanshipof some society vacant? Immediately the words thatrise to all men's lips are, "Get Laird Bell." And theyelect him forthwith unless it is discovered that he hasalready held the office and the members, of the society do not approve of second terms. In a word, ifI may drop into my vernacular he has long since wona place in the front rank of those citizens honored byall as "cives Chicaginienses optimi, egregii et prae-stantissimi." — G. J. L.VOLUME XXXV THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBER 9JUNE, 1943OIL FOR THE SQUEAKING AXIS• By CAREY CRONEISFor the United States,only fifteen years'supply aheadMY THESIS is that lack of oil is the Achilles' heelof the Axis powers, but that the fatal arrow hasbeen slow in hitting the mark for a number ofreasons.Less than eighty-five years ago today, not a single dropof oil was "produced" anywhere in the world. Then in1859, "Colonel Drake's Folly" was started. Perhaps athousand dollars were spent in the drilling of this wellnear Titusville, Pennsylvania; in it a depth of less thanseventy feet was reached, and about twenty-five barrels ofoil a day flowed out of the pipe inserted in the hole whichhad been laboriously dug by hand.Today some wells have cost as much as $350,000.00;a few of them have produced a hundred thousand barrelsa day apiece; one in the Yates field in Texas gushed overtwo hundred thousand barrels of oil a day; and instead ofdrilling to depths of ? few feet, it is now possible to getproduction from below twelve thousand feet; one well,indeed, has been drilled, incredible as it may seem, to adepth of fifteen thousand four feet, or almost three miles.Out of all this effort there has developed one of the largestindustries in the world, and one of the most vital in thewaging of this war.The American production average now stands at3,875,000 barrels a day. Prior to the war such a figurewould have meant about 64 per cent of the worldtotal; today it is possibly closer to 70 per cent of theworld production. Some fifteen months ago the American production ran to over 4,250,000 barrels a day, andthere has been a rather large decline through this year,though production has settled down now rather gratify-ingly at the still stupendous figure previously cited.In 1937, our boom year, 32,560 wells were completed,and a good many of these were carried to depths of twomiles. In 1941, 32,140 wells were drilled, and of that number some 22,000 actually produced oil. The failurewould have been very much more apparent had there notbeen so many millions of dollars spent in a scientific approach to the problem before the wells were put down.Last year permits were issued for only 18,150 new wells,yet approximately the same amount of oil was produced,was, in fact, demanded. That meant that many wellshad to be pulled a little more than they had been before,so some proration laws were modified or relaxed slightly.Of the eighteen thousand-odd wells completed in 1942,three thousand and forty-five were classified as rank"wildcats" drilled expressly in the hopes of increasingour oil reserves. This is a very large number so far asnormal "wildcatting" is concerned, but on March 1 itwas recommended that this year four thousand five hundred "wildcat" wells be drilled so that we may, ifpossible, improve our oil reserve situation.Today we have in the United States an estimatedtwenty billion barrels of reserve oil. We need all ofthat vast total because we are annually draining offfrom our reserve tank some 1,400,000,000 of those barrels.Thus, even with our stupendous quantity in reserve, wehave less than fifteen years' supply ahead of us at thepresent moment. Each year, of course, we find, or hopeto find, new reserves, but last year, despite the threethousand-odd wildcats drilled, we only increased our reserves by 322,000,000 barrels of oil. Thus, we took outover one billion barrels more than we found in new fields,though extensions to old areas helped the reserve situationby about 500,000,000 barrels.In 1937, the last year in which large reserves werediscovered, new reserves totaled about 2,100,000,000barrels. Therefore, we gained, in 1937, about a sixmonths' supply. But last year we found only 23 percent of the total yearly production. Thus it follows thatalthough we in this country have been notably blessedgeologically speaking, and have been unusually astutefrom the engineering point of view, we don't have aguarantee of large oil production continuing indefinitelyinto the future.34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAmerican ProductionThe United States produced 1,391,000,000 barrels in1941, and only 3,800,000 barrels less in 1942. Theimportant oil production of the Netherlands East Indies,which many consider as practically a flood of oil, isalmost insignificant as compared to our own. Prior toinvasion there was a potential of 167,000 barrels a dayfrom the Indies. Vast as this amount is, and importantas it is to the Japanese war effort, Illinois alone hasproduced an equivalent amount in 10 hours, and Texasyields this flood of oil in about three hours. One gets,perhaps, from these comparisons some idea of the difference between American oil production and the production from other areas. Japan produced, prior to herconquest of the Indies, 3,800,000 barrels a year. This isthe equivalent of approximately ten thousand barrels aday. Many individual American wells have producedthat amount!On the other hand, Germany alone produces less thanten million barrels a year, or some twenty-seven thousandbarrels a day. Rumania, Germany's chief source of oil,has yielded an estimated thirty-eight million barrels in1942, or at the rate of something over a hundred thousand barrels a day. Now, these figures are not accuratefor the moment, but I doubt whether any of them will beoff more than, say 5 to 8 per cent, and some of themare practically exact.Future OilWhat is going to happen to oil production in thefuture? In 1920, the U. S. Geological Survey tried tomake a prognostication. Twenty-three years ago the consensus was that the Mexican reserves were perhaps of thefirst magnitude. They are considered relatively inconsequential now. On the other hand, in West Texas indications are that a district which in 1920 was merelyknown as favorable for the production of petroleum contains today the greatest reserves in North America. Moreover that region can produce, at the present rate of production, which is high, for about thirty-two more years.The point is therefore clear that there are probably otherareas not yet fully understood, or thoroughly explored,which may be developed into rich petroleum areas. Perhaps some of them are in Axis hands.One other idea I want to make plain is that the greatoil fields are likely to be regularly disposed with referenceto certain earth features of major importance. If wemake a map of the earth to show diagrammatically theposition of the oldest rocks, the disposition of the chiefranges, and the lower-lying flank regions adjacent tothem, we will have a background for showing the areasin which oil is likely to be found and those in whichthere is little or no chance for oil. This is true for reasonswhich I will try to explain briefly.First, recall that continents are not stable at all, exceptfrom the point of view of man. Even during shortperiods, geologically speaking, the continents bob up anddown like a cork on the sea. Actually, the North Ameri can continent is larger than it appears on an ordinarymap for the seas have today lapped up over the continental shoulders to a depth of some 600 feet.Since this is true, think of the converse. Suppose Icould somehow push the continent down by six hundredfeet; then the sea would so engulf the Mississippi Valleyarea that one could sail a liner from the expanded Gulfof Mexico right up into Lake Michigan. Some two hundred feet more of depression would make it possible tosail a large boat from the expanded Hudson-James Baysouth across the middle part of the country to the presentsite of New Orleans. The point is that such inundationshave occurred many, many times in the past, and duringthese periods of flooding the foundations were laid for theformation of oil across those parts of the country whichwere beneath the sea.Origins of OilMarine organisms swarmed in the seas which have beenover the continent and in, such troughs so many timesin the past, just as they swarm in the oceans and itsextensions today. As they died their bodies were incorporated in the sediments accumulating at the bottom ofthe sea. Many fossils are shells of marine animals whosesoft parts contributed to the formation of oil.Picture the Valley of California, and remember howthe Sierra Nevadas rise to the east and the Coast Rangeto the west. Even as these words are written everystream flowing out of the Sierra Nevada district is carrying sediment down and dumping it into this hopper.Thus continually, though imperceptibly, the SierraNevadas are being lowered and the valley is being filledin. But, as the sediments are deposited, the area keepssinking. We know that this is so because no matter howdeep we drill, even down to a depth of nearly three miles,shallow water or continental deposits continue to be foundas the bit goes through the rock.When such deposition goes on for a long time, thecrust of the area is weakened. Then, during one of thetimes of periodic shrinking of the earth's surface, a viselike effect results. Then the material dumped into thesinking hopper is crumpled and folded up. It thusbecomes a mountain arc itself. Every linear mountainrange, like the Urals or the Appalachians, or the Andes,that you have seen in nature or in any atlas, was builtout of a low-lying region which was once a basin ofdeposition like the Valley of California. This fundamental geological fact has a great deal to do with petroleum, because petroleum is commonly found in up-bowedor anticlinal structures. But along the axis of the areasof strong folding one does not ordinarily find the oilbecause the rocks have been broken, and the potentialoil reservoirs have been breached. Thus it is on themountain flanks, in the areas of gentler folds, that oilcommonly is sought by the Allies as well as the Axispowers.In the simplest cases then, the petroleum geologistseeks gentle folds of the blister-like type, for in the porousTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 5CAREY CRONEISrock layers of such structures the oil and gas moveupward and accumulate as gas would accumulate underthe roof of a barn. But there are many other less simplekinds of geological structure in which the oil also is found.One is a typical Gulf Coast structure, commonly knownas a salt dome. Such great plugs of salt, which may behundreds of feet across, have been pushed up from belowthrough the overlying rocks, somewhat as one might pokea stick through a snowbank. The enclosing rock layersare thus bowed up on the side, and oil rises in theupturned layers around the salt plug. Much of the greatTexas oil production comes from wells drilled aroundthese salt domes, which are commonly located by whatwe call geophysical methods, because there may be littleor nothing to indicate the presence of the dome on thesurface. This is an important point in any discussion ofAxis oil possibilities, because the Germans also havebegun to locate some of these potential oil producingstructures in western Europe.From these and various other theoretical considerations— and I have gone into only a very few of them — it ispossible to make, for all of the world, what we call mapsof petroliferous provinces, giving the probabilities of oildiscovery.New FrontsThe best belt for prospecting in Canada ¦ today is inthe slightly warped sediments on the east flank of theRockies, and in part along the route of the Alaskan highway. There is a great deal of exploration going on inthis district now and some of it has already resulted successfully. There are now reported to be over twentyrather good producing wells in the Fort Norman area, nottoo far from Alaska. The object, of course, is to get theoil as near to the active fronts as possible.Next we should consider Mexico and Central America.The best prospecting areas extend through the activelyproducing Tampico district and include the entire GulfCoast of Mexico and Yucatan. There are also prospectsin eastern Nicaragua and Costa Rica. South American OilLet us now examine the South American oil situation.The Venezuelan area has produced as much as six hundred and eighty thousand barrels of oil a day. Thelargest development in the past has been around LakeMaracaibo, but the greatest potentialities for the futureare farther east in what is known as the Oficina region,where there are fabulously rich deposits of oil discoveredin recent years. The oil is taken from these Venezuelandistricts and refined on the small Caribbean Islands ofAruba and Curacao under the aegis of a friendly Dutchgovernment.In the Lake Maracaibo district some wells are actuallydrilled in the lake itself and it is, therefore, possible toload small tankers directly from producing wells. Thetankers tie up to loading racks and take the oil to therefinery center at Curacao, where German submarineswere active some months ago. This is a very easy regionto shell from the sea.The Argentine area has worried many of the Americanstrategists, and our State Department as well. Argentinais potentially a very rich oil district. One of the bestfields is a relatively new one known as the CommodoroRivadavia area, but there are at least two other districtson the eastern flanks of the Andes, which are productiveand will be more so. At the Commodoro Rivadaviaarea there are wells along the seacoast, and there aremany who fear that the German submarines get some oftheir oil from this field, which is extremely handy forrefueling.The range of the Andes is an area unfavorable for oilproduction but along much of its eastern flank there arefavorable prospects. Good prospects have been turnedinto actual development in western Peru and at variousplaces in Colombia. It is apparent, therefore, that thereare large areas in South America which have good possibilities for petroleum production. There will be everlarger groups going there for exploratory work.Old World Oil SituationNext let us examine the European-Mediterranean wartheatre and notice where the oil resources are located.There is light production in Germany, to which I willlater allude, a little production on the old French-Germanborder, very small production in the Piedmont of Italy,so slight we would hardly count it in this country, anda little Albanian oil is produced. There is relativelystrong Rumanian production and some Polish, Hungarianand Austrian production, not consequential by Americanstandards but of the utmost importance to the Nazis.There is a fair production in the Gulf of Suez area innortheastern Egypt, from which district enough oil isobtained to take care of local Egyptian needs.The general African oil possibilities can be discussedin a few words. There is some chance for oil in northernMorocco and Algeria, and I have strongly urged on anumber of occasions, that our engineering corps and ourgeologists attempt to develop even slight production6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthere. Even small production would be enough to releaseseveral tankers, and, therefore, might help hasten the endof the war. Although the chances for oil are poor orslight in most of Africa south of the region just mentioned, there is a little chance in coastal Mozambique,and in Madagascar.The Persian Gulf area of southwestern Asia is rich inoil production and in possibilities for future development.Not only is oil plentiful near Kuwait, at the head of thePersian Gulf (where some wells have been sealed withconcrete) but farther south there is Bahrein Island whichis literally running with oil. This island illustrates thedome principle referred to before. By drilling throughthe rocks of its gently up-bowed structure, several different rich oil producing horizons have been encounteredand large refineries have been set up. Therefore, BahreinIsland is an important source of oil for the Allies, andit is reasonably accessible to the active southwest Pacificfront.In the European sector, there is some chance for oil,interestingly enough, in the British Isles, hitherto completely without oil production. Moreover, a few monthsago a relatively large well was obtained in England. Thisfact is a more or less open military secret, but the actualproduction figures have not been revealed.German OilNorthwestern Germany is the region which really scaresAmerican experts because, although the Germans had,-up to the time of the war, not been able to develop itactively, the area is ideally situated for the production ofoil. I am positive that American geologists long sincewould have discovered oil there; in fact, such productionas has been obtained has been through the activity ofAmerican specialists working in that region. The Russians, on the other hand, not only have large productionbut enormous potentialities for the development of oilon both sides of the Urals, and both sides of the Caspian.In the Rumanian area the fields which we should beinterested in bombing lie on the southeast side of the oldmountain arc. Recent pictures show that they are stillusing pretty antiquated production equipment; nevertheless, this region is now producing, we are confident, ahundred thousand barrels of oil a day. If this area alonecould be knocked out of production, Germany probablywouldn't be able to continue the war for long.Germany won in the Polish area a set of small fieldsextending from Krakow district on the north and west,eastward toward the Lwow area in what formerly wasthe U. S. S. R., and shortly should be again. Thesefields are producing inconsequential amounts of oil fromthe American point of view, but all of them togetherperhaps produce as much as three million barrels duringa year, and of course, they are being exploited as much as possible. The German Nienhagen area is probablysomewhat larger than we have been led to suppose. Ithas been the chief local source of oil for Germany, andit probably produces about four million barrels of oil ayear.Now, let's consider a totally different picture, but nonethe less one which has a bearing on our subject. Sometime after coal was formed in Illinois, and during partof the time that the Appalachian Mountains were beingfolded some two hundred million years ago, there was asalt sea in western Texas. It is considered by many thatthe salt from that sea pushed upward in those Texassalt domes previously referred to, the material havingmoved like toothpaste in a tube for long distances underground, later to come up through crevices in the rock,and arching up the strata as it did so. Unluckily for usat about the same time that there was a salt sea in themodern West Texas area, in Germany there was a similarinundation out of which the same kind of saline depositswere laid down. These precipitates formed the basis forthe early German chemical supremacy. But more pertinent to the present story, there are also salt domes of theTexas type in the north German plain. In 1938 theGerman government subsidized about a hundred-fiftyexploratory drill holes, and about one hundred salt domeswere discovered. Furthermore word comes, through thegrapevine, that they have also made some discoveries inHolland but just how much actual production, if any,they have been able to obtain is not certainly known.They did, however, in late 1937, find a field just southand east of Hamburg, at a place known as Reitbrock.In 1938, the Germans drilling at about two thousand feet,obtained two wells which initially flowed some two thousand barrels a day. There is now a record of sometwenty-five additional wells having been drilled in theReitbrock area. This is another worrisome aspect of theAxis oil situation, because it is just probable that theGermans are getting larger supplies of oil at home thanwe have suspected hitherto. Nevertheless, during 1938the Germans are known to have imported thirty-onemillion barrels of oil. They seemed at that time to bedesperate for petroleum, and little wonder, for in 1938,if we can believe German figures, within the confines oftheir own country they only produced seventeen one-hun-dredths of the world's total, a quantity vastly too littleto support their great industrial economy.Russian OilLet us now review the oil situation in Russia briefly.The ultimate basis for the German-Russian campaignprobably was the German need for oil. The Romny andPoltava fields to the north and west of Rostov are somethe Germans were after. Only small fields from theAmerican viewpoint, the Germans have had the advan-— Huntington Beach, CaliforniaA forest of oil towers by the seaTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 7tage of them for a long time, although at the presentmoment they lie practically in the battle zone. In theKerch area there are also several oil districts of someimportance. The Maikop field, of rather considerableconsequence, was destroyed pretty completely by theRussians before the Germans took it. Then the Germansattempted to take the large Grozny field. Although theGerman advance was not halted until they reached thevery edge of the field, the Russians did not cease producing oil from it. Even had the Germans won this regionat Grozny, they would not have actually improved theiroil situation materially. But had they been able to pushthrough to the Baku area along the west coast of theCaspian, their petroleum famine would have ended, forthis district has long produced about seventy per centof the Russian oil.But even had the Russians lost the Baku area, thereis new Russian development on the east side of theCaspian, and a great stretch of new Russian fields andrefineries on the west flank of the Ural Mountains andextending northward almost to the Arctic.What about the oil resources of Russia in Asia? In1933, Dr. Mushketov, then the head of the Russian Geological Survey, visiting in Chicago, stated that the Russians had had literally thousands of scientific partiesexploring their Asiatic lands for oil. To make a verylong story short, they found many good oil prospects andactual production in several regions, such as the KuznetskBasin, the Lake Baikal area, the Lena River headwaters,the Amur River district, and two Kamchatkan areas.Japanese OilThe Japanese have had a little oil production along thenorthwest coast of their main island, probably a total ofsix to eight thousand barrels a day, and they have workedthis area feverishly for a number of years. They alsoget a few thousand barrels a day from the Island ofFormosa and their northern major island, Hokkaido,has a small belt of oil production. Sakhalin Island,jointly owned by the Japanese and the Russians, also hassome oil. Nevertheless, the total Japanese oil productionwas not much more than ten thousand barrels a day forthe entire Japanese Archipelago and adjacent regions.Thus it is not surprising that the Japs imported altogethersomething like forty million barrels of oil during 1938,the last year for which one can find reliable records.The Oil-Rich IndiesIt was also natural that the Japs would turn theirattention to the oil-rich Indies. Scientists, for years, hadbeen telling the various governments, without effect, thatthe Japanese would surely move southward, and that theywould strike first at the oil fields of Borneo, Java, andSumatra. Anyone with reasonable foresight could havetold, long before the actual conquest, that if the warcame, the first strike would be at Brunei, Sarawak, andTarakan, Borneo. Moreover, it was a matter of recordthat the Japs, during the ten years prior to Pearl Harbor, converted their coal burning fighting ships over to oilburners, although as yet they had no important sourceof oil. Putting the story together with hind sight, ofcourse, one sees that they would naturally come toTarakan first because the oil produced there is of suchquality that it does not need to be refined, but can beburned directly as naval fuel. Sure enough, they cameto Tarakan first, but being garrisoned by only about twohundred thirty men, it was taken in a few days. Ofcourse, part of the Tarakan field was destroyed, part ofthe Balik Papan field and refineries to the south also weredemolished, and a part of the Javanese fields and refineries were destroyed. The richest oil area in the Indies,however, was the Palembang, Sumatra, region into thedevelopment of which the Dutch have poured a billionguilders. The area was mined for demolition, but onFebruary 12, 1942, the Jap paratroopists came in sosuccessfully that it is reported that the Dutch never gotto the switches to blow up the refineries. Thus, thoughthey damaged the fields, the refineries, which were farmore valuable to the Japanese, were not badly wrecked.The field installations, although partly demolished, havedoubtless been repaired and new wells drilled.Inasmuch as the Palembang area was the only sourceof high octane aviation gas in the southwest Pacific, itis the one area we should have attempted to hold if wcheld nothing else. Unfortunately, we were not able todo so. We now have no source of high octane aviationgas anywhere in that battle area. This means we have toship by the slow and painful transport method all of theoil supplies which must flow into the Pacific theatre ofwar.The Japs also have their transportation troublesbecause they have to take some of the oil from the Indiesnorth to their refineries in Japan. Of course, they areusing the Palembang and Balik Papan refineries in sofar as they have been able to put them into working order.Our southwest Pacific oil problem will also be a difficultone until we can recapture the Sumatran sources of oil.Ex-congressman William Cole of Maryland getting Armyand Navy sources of information which cannot at thismoment be revealed, has indicated in a report to thePresident, that two-thirds of all the tonnage involved inour transportation is somehow intimately linked with oil.Consequently one of our greatest bottlenecks is the movement of this oil.Australian OilI therefore have suggested, though the suggestionhasn't yet found any fruit, that we try to develop twoAustralian areas in which a little oil has been obtained,one at Kimberley, and another in Victoria, where twowells have produced a little oil. If we could developeven a small source of oil in Australia, it also would bethe equivalent of winning a major engagement. Inasmuch as New Guinea is a much richer potential area foroil, especially on either flank of its major mountain{Concluded on page 18)A SIX MONTHS REPORT ON THE SPARSServing for the durationand another sixmonthsIT IS apparent from a review of the first six months ofthe SPARS that women can effectively replace menin a wide variety of billets in the United States CoastGuard, the nation's maritime police force which automatically becomes a part of the Navy in time of war.Women are assuming greater and greater responsibilitiesin the Coast Guard as they gain confidence from experience. It is possible that a new vocational field for womenhas been opened up.When the Women's Reserve of the Coast Guard wasorganized late in 1942, requests on file at headquarters inWashington, D. C, indicated a need for approximately5,000 enlisted SPARS and 250 officers, in addition tothose required for the organization and administration ofthe Women's Reserve. Had this figure remained constantthere would have been at the end of the first half yearenough SPARS to fill all the officer requests and morethan half of the requests for enlisted personnel. But estimates of women needed for the Coast Guard have beensteadily revised upward. At the conclusion of their firsthalf year in May, the Coast Guard SPARS had 2,646enlisted women assigned or in training and 348 officers.The present estimate of women needed is approximately10 per cent of the complement on Coast Guard shore stations, which means that eventually the Women's Reservemay number 15,000 enlisted SPARS and 1,000 officers.In the face of such a record it is not difficult to foreseethat women may become a permanent part of the U. S.Coast Guard. They are proving that they can performmuch of the traditional work of Coast Guardsmen atshore stations.It still offends some people to see women in uniform.They object to the similarity and the masculinity of military garb for women. Americans have always dislikedregimentation. But less than three years ago many ofus were depressed and troubled by the sight of Americanmen in uniform. Now we are heartened by the numbersand the excellence of our fighting men. The same thingwill happen as the necessity of war puts more and morewomen into the uniformed services of their country.Thousands of women qualified for military service areresisting it at present because it means giving up some oftheir highly prized individuality. Many women ask me:"Don't you think that I can serve my country just as wellwithout going into uniform?" This is a question of coursethat only the individual can answer. American women • By DOROTHY C. STRATTON, A.M. '24have always enjoyed a greater measure of freedom thanis accorded the women of any other nation. We shouldrender service to our country in proportion to the freedom it has afforded us. Nothing less than the best serviceis worthy of us. The question is not why should I servein the armed forces of my country but is there a goodreason why I should not?Nobody knows exactly how to recruit women for thearmed forces. Men are appealed to by the opportunityfor combat and adventure. Jobs in the armed forceswhich are filled by women are strictly noncombatant.Women Reservists of the Navy, Marines, and the CoastGuard are at present limited by Congressional action toservice within the continental limits of the United States.An honest effort has been made and will continue to bemade not to mislead women as to the character of thework which they will perform if they don the uniformof their country. Perhaps too much emphasis has beenplaced on the routine unglamorous nature of the work.But as a matter of fact women in uniform are findingtheir war work interesting. Many of them find it moreinteresting than the jobs which they left. Many womenhave told me that they will reluctantly return to the jobsin offices and schools from which they entered theservice.High morale and alertness are characteristic of thewomen in uniform. No one service boasts of better moraleand performance than another, but each service does havea personality of its own and is building a reputation forspecialties.With the Coast Guard it is preparedness. The SPARSlike to think that they live up to the Coast Guard mottoSemper Paratus. The first letters of the motto and itsA workout under the palmsTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 9translation, "Always Ready," gave the Coast GuardWomen's Reserve its name — SPAR. This name selectedwith some hesitation has proved significant. SPARS areready and able to do the jobs vacated by Coast Guardmen assigned to active sea duty. There have alreadybeen several hundred such assignments. Also it has beenpointed out that the initials SPAR represent four of thefreedoms for which the United Nations are fighting:speech, press, assembly, and religion.As the SPARS' program has progressed some changeshave been necessitated by the rapid expansion of all theWomen's Reserves. Policies and methods of six monthsago are no longer practicable or desirable. The guidingfactor in every change has been the replacement of menon shore stations with all possible speed. The SPARS'slogan is "More SPARS on the Job Mean More Menon Ships."Especially there have been modifications of the initialpolicies under which SPARS were to be recruited andtrained. The original agreement approved by the Secretary of the Navy was that personnel of the Women's Reserve of the Coast Guard would be procured through theOffices of Naval Officer Procurement and trained in theschools established for the WAVES.The Coast Guard assumes responsibility for its own recruiting after July 1 when three Coast Guard recruitingoffices will be opened in each of the Naval districts withinthe continental limits of the United States.The SPAR training program has also been taken overcompletely by the Coast Guard. Prior to June 24 officercandidates received basic indoctrination at the Naval Reserve Midshipmen's School at Northampton, Massachusetts, and three weeks' additional training at the CoastGuard Academy at New London, Connecticut. Beginning June 24 and each six weeks thereafter seventy-fiveSPAR officer candidates will be admitted to the CoastGuard Academy to receive all of their indoctrination there.Since the middle of June the basic and specialty training of enlisted SPARS has been conducted at the CoastGuard Training Station at Palm Beach, Florida. Formerly it was divided among various Navy training schools.At Palm Beach the Coast Guard saves time and moneyby concentrating basic training and special schools in asingle station where enlisted SPARS remain from fourto sixteen weeks.At Palm Beach the Coast Guard took over the PalmBeach Biltmore Hotel and quickly converted it withnear-by sun and surf club and part of a golf course intoa training station of unusual compactness and comfort.Trainees, women instructors, and women members of theship's company are housed in the hotel. Male instructors and Coast Guardsmen on duty at the station arequartered in temporary barracks on the station. ThePalm Beach station, one of the most excellent in thecountry, has facilities for the maximum number ofSPARS that the Coast Guard expects to train.Training programs of the Coast Guard SPARS are designed to develop native abilities and to utilize previous Luncheon at the Biltmorework experience to the best interests of the service.SPARS are of value to the service only in so far as theyperform their duties effectively. Therefore careful placement of personnel is considered vital from the standpoint of both the service and the individual. Nothingmore quickly undermines the individual's morale thanbeing used on work which does not utilize abilities to theutmost. The needs of the service necessarily come first.But every effort is made to place the individual on workfrom which she can derive satisfaction as well as contribute to the immediate needs of the Coast Guard.Assignment of enlisted personnel to duty stations ismade at headquarters by the enlisted assignments division of the Coast Guard with the assistance of recordsforwarded from the training school.The majority of enlisted SPARS are doing the typingand stenographic work of yeomen or the work of storekeepers, who are concerned with pay and supply. Anequally important but relatively smaller group is composed of radiomen. SPARS will eventually take over inthe communications field all of the operations which canbe handled by women ashore.But the scope of SPARS' activity is by no means restricted to the assignments as storekeepers, yeomen, andradiomen. There are also many special assignments asteletype operators, telephone operators, drivers, file clerks,International Business Machine operators, receptionists,dental assistants, laboratory technicians, pharmacists,draftsmen, photographers, and coxswains.The aptitudes and work records of each officer candidate are carefully scanned during her indoctrination period. Her educational background, experience, personality, traits, and ability to make adjustments are takeninto consideration in selecting her first duty station. InMay SPAR officers were assigned to duty as follows : general duty, 43; communications, 28; procurement offices,41; training schools, 53; personnel, 10; miscellaneous, 6.Assignments of officers now in training will be in similarratio, with more emphasis placed on assignments to CoastGuard procurement offices.THE DEANVS EASY CHAIRAn alumna, S.B. '05, S.M. '13, writes: "I would liketo ask for some advice. We need a new high school textin botany in our high school. We are still using Gager'sFundamentals of Botany, but feel the need of somethingmore appropriate for these times— but there just doesn'tseem to be anything. I realize that botany is out of style,and that it is still considered by many a 'girl's subject,'a relic of the old finishing school days of French, botany,and embroidery. Nevertheless, I know that there is aneed for the fundamentals, and I think this need willincrease very much in the post-war days. We don't wanta book with a great many different sizes of print, becausestudents always skip the fine parts!! Can you send usa list of the newest texts if any, and mention some of thebest University texts? We use Dr. Coulter's Plant Kingdom for reference but it hasn't enough in it for a year'scourse. We have an extra course in economic botany andare using Hill's text but we need a new general botany. Iwould be glad of any advice that you can give me."Professor Paul D. Voth of the Department of Botanyreplies: "The complaint of our alumna concerning theteaching of botany in high school is voiced by manyothers and was expressed more than twenty years agoby F. T. Hughes of Brooklyn, New York {Torreya 19:57-65, 1919). In my opinion the solution lies only partially in the selection of different or new textbooks. Ihope that the succeeding remarks will not be considereda reflection on any text, school, or individual — it is myopinion of the present situation in the teaching of botany."I have discussed this matter with Mr. John D. May-field who teaches biology in our own four-year College,and we are in agreement that no text exists to our knowledge which really fulfills the need of a high school. Ifthe late Professor C. J. Chamberlain's Elements of PlantScience, (McGraw-Hill, 1930) contained more about function in addition to the excellent presentation of structuraldetails, that text could be recommended. Professor M. C.Coulter's The Story of the Plant Kingdom is excellentfor a survey course in biology, but does not fill the needmentioned by our correspondent. I know no suitabletext for high school botany courses."Since I am unacquainted with suitable texts writtenprecisely for high schools, my suggestion would be touse a college text but to teach only limited portions ofit. The text would then serve as a reference work atthe same time. Such an arrangement would make a goodlaboratory manual obligatory, one which is written bythe teacher himself for the local conditions. Texts thatcome to my mind and which I have actually used inrecent years are: A Textbook of General Botany byG. M. Smith, Edward M. Gilbert, Richard I. Evans, Benjamin J. Duggar, George S. Bryan, and Charles E. Allen. (Macmillan, fourth ed., 1942); Botany, A Textbook forCollege and University Students by W. J. Robbins andH. W. Rickett. (Van Nostrand, 1939); Textbook ofBotany by E. N. Transeau, H. C. Sampson and L. H.Tiffany. (Harper, 1940) ; and Plant Biology by PaulWeatherwax. (Saunders, 1942)."Of these the first two have a fairly good balancebetween structure and function. The third stressesecology and physiology rather than morphology. Thelast is abbreviated. For the fundamentals of botany, Iprefer Smith, et al. In our twelve- week course we coveronly some of the text material. The presence of additional and difficult material in the text usually stimulatesthe student to do more work."Several other possibilities come to my mind. A goodcourse in high school botany need not follow the patternof the college botany course. Personally I prefer to teachsophomore botany (the level at which students in theUniversity of Chicago usually enroll for our course) tostudents who have learned to know the plants aboutthem rather than those who already know minutest detailsand can give life-histories by rote."A high school course which includes the identificationof plants along the street, in forest preserves, greenhouses,and window boxes, without stressing Latin names unduly,in addition to the fundamentals about plants, should besuccessful. Field trips and laboratory work of a dynamictype are prerequisite for maintaining interest and formaking the course worth while."Owing to the lack of suitable high school texts, theenclosed list made expressly for elementary college botanycould possibly be adapted for the rather varied demandsof high school. A bibliography of ferns of our regionis also enclosed."Both the lists referred to by Professor Voth are includedin the alumni reading list series, and will be mailed toanyone who sends a request to the Alumni Dean's office.Their titles are: "Elementary College Botany" and "Identifying Native and Cultivated Ferns in the ChicagoRegion."Alumna B.H., Ph.B. '26, writes: "Is there a pamphletpublished on the subject How to Study? It seems to methat I remember in my college days that we were givena pamphlet on this subject. If there is any publicationof this kind issued by the University of Chicago, pleaselet me know so that I may order it; or if there is anyother source of information, I would appreciate hearingabout it from you. I am interested in getting informationof this type into the hands of a few high school studentswho have requested it."Reply: Yes. There is A. W. Kornhauser's book, How toStudy. Its subtitle is Suggestions for High School and10THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 11College Students. It was published in 1924 by the University of Chicago Press and a second edition was issuedin 1937. It has had a very large sale. The bibliographical data are: Pp. Viii &55; paper bound — price 25c.If you wish to buy a quantity of these pamphlets youcan get a special price by writing to the University ofChicago Press, Ellis Avenue and 58th Street, Chicago.A former student, A.S.H. (College '34-37), writes: "Iam interested in getting some knowledge of Spanish, andI wonder if you could tell me of the texts now used inSpanish 101, 102, 103 and if you think them satisfactoryfor study by oneself."Professor James C. Babcock, of the Romance LanguageDepartment answers: "The following is a list of the textsnow being used in Spanish 101, 102 and 103:Babcock and Trevino, Basic Course in Spanish. Distributed by the University of Chicago Bookstore, (lithoprinted, $1.50) ; Crow, John A., Spanish American Life(Holt, 1941, Pp. 288, $1.60); Byess and Stiefel (Eds.),Dona Perfecta, (Heath, 1940, Pp. 136, $1.20) ; and Canoand Cameron (Eds.), Cinco Novelitas y un Cuento,(Heath, 1941)."The above texts, studied in the order in which theyare listed, should be satisfactory material for study byoneself. A study of these books alone would not, however, cover the entire work of the sequence. One houra week throughout the three quarters is devoted to oral-aural practice based on scattered materials not availableunder one cover and on the use of phonograph recordsin a sort of "laboratory" period. Moreover, the studentsin 101, 102, 103 complete approximately eight hundredpages of extensive reading selected from our departmentalreading collection; I should suggest, therefore, that thetexts listed above be supplemented by at least one ortwo items from the regular alumni list (Beginning andIntermediate Spanish) such as Kany, C. E.: ElementarySpanish Conversation, to be used preceding or in conjunction with item two above, and Torres-Rioseco andMorby: Cartilla Mejicana, to be used between items threeand four above. One might also suggest that your correspondent consider the valuable aid which might beobtained from the use of phonograph records availablefrom a number of sources such as: The LinguaphoneInstitute of America, 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New YorkCity; The Cortina System, 105 West 40th St., New YorkCity; Funk and Wagnalls, 354-360 Fourth Ave.,. NewYork City; Aural Educators, Lakewood, New Jersey. Ibelieve that these companies would be glad to furnishlists of records, prices, etc. on request."* * * * *ARE DOCTORS HUMAN?[Resumption and conclusion of the investigation]BUT it is surgeons about whom the question, "Aredoctors human?" is most frequently asked. Withthem, I must confess, I have had only scant contacts. And yet on one occasion I came very near givingsome surgeon an opportunity of practicing his art and improving his technique. I was on a lecture tour andtook a night train from St. Louis to Detroit, where Iplanned to catch a Canadian Pacific express to Montreal.My berth was a lower in the last sleeping car. I wasfast asleep when I was awakened by the most tremendousjar that I had ever experienced. I was banging about inmy berth, and so far as I could form any opinion aboutanything, the car was turning over and over, as it rolleddown a steep embankment, doubtless to plunge into someriver. I remembered that my route lay through Indianaand the impression in my mind was that I was headedfor the Wabash River. Now I have often heard that oneconfronted with the danger of sudden death sees all thesins of his past life displayed before him with a disconcerting sharpness of focus. But this was not so with me;perhaps the time was too short. I remember well thatalthough I never doubted my life was in peril, I had justone thought and that was that when that car plungedinto the Wabash (for I had quite made up my mind thatit was the Wabash), if it fell with the window uppermostI could easily kick my way out and I certainly couldswim the Wabash River. And then., when I was gettingready for my great effort, the car after a final prodigiousroll, stopped, not in any river but on land and rightside up.It happened about 4:00 A.M. and the cai was in totaldarkness. Pandemonium broke loose. To my surpriseI found that I was not in my own berth, but had beenthrown into that of a young lady on the other side of theaisle. She, however, was not there to receive me, as shehad taken the air route into the berth of a stout gentleman a little way down the aisle, who in turn had notbeen there to receive her, because he had been catapultedinto an upper berth. And in all that uproar the firstpanic-free words I heard were those of the stout gentleman, who, leaning out of the upper, said: "I'll get therailroad company for this. I paid for a lower berth andnow it is trying to make me ride in an upper." His armhad been broken but his spirit was still intact. A goodmany persons were hurt. Among them were three members of a small theatrical troup — artists of the Varietylevel, who got on in the middle of the night and wokeevery one up as they always do.Presently a brakeman brought a couple of lanterns andafter collecting my scattered belongings, I dressed andstepped out to see what had happened. I found thatthe car had been thrown off the tracks by a broken railand had rolled down a 40 foot embankment. It was theonly car of the train that was derailed. It had, however,according to the conductor, turned over only once, whichwas a distinctly disappointing repudiation of my ownestimate. It certainly made a beautiful landing. Noteven the doors were jammed. It had left its trucks halfway down the embankment. I got into another Pullmanand waited for the doctors from the nearest town.After some time two doctors arrived. They took ournames and looked us over. "Are you hurt?" one of themsaid to me. "I don't think so," I answered, "I am a12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNIDEANGORDON J. LAINGIn conclusion-inconclusivelittle bruised and sore from knocking around in myberth, but that is all." "Good," he said, "but let mesee you walk down that aisle." I did so, he made somenotes and my examination was over. He proved to be athoroughly competent medical officer, for months afterwards when the railroad company settled with me, theirrepresentative in Chicago asked me whether I would liketo hear their medical examiner's report on me at the timeof the accident. I said I would, and he read it to me.It was only a brief memorandum, to the following effect :"This passenger says that he isn't hurt, but he walks likea man with broken ribs." And he was right. Afterreaching Detroit, I took a train for Montreal and gavemy lectures there; three of them in all. But I noticedan increasing soreness of body (accompanied, I regret tosay, by a corresponding stiffness of rhetorical style), anddecided to get home to Chicago as soon as possible. ButI got no further than Toronto, where I was obliged to goto a hospital. I was given an x-ray examination, andthe doctor, coming in a few hours later, told me thatthe pictures showed a broken rib. "I thought," he said,'"you would like to see a print and here it is. It is agreen-stick fracture, and a beauty; a really perfect example of the type." While he was saying this, he was gloatingover the photograph. "What in the world is a green-stick fracture," I asked, "and what do you mean by calling it a beauty? You are as enthusiastic about it as ifit were some magnificent work of art. You seem to getpleasure out of it. I assure you that I am not gettingany." "Well," he replied, "perhaps I was a little tooexpansive. I can, however, easily answer your questionabout the green-stick fracture. It is a term we use whenthe bone is only partly broken, and yours is such an excellent example that I was for a moment carried away.It really is without exception the best . . ." But therehe stopped and there was an end of his technical ecstasy.I asked him what he was going to do about it and heanswered that there really wasn't much that he could do;he would merely strap me up and let time do the rest.He wound an adhesive band about my ribs and aftera few days I took a train to Chicago. I must say that I didn't like the coolness and indifference with which thisdoctor treated me. I am not sure that some such question as "Are doctors human?" did not occur to me. Herewas I with a green-stick fracture, apparently one of thefinest ever seen in Canada, and practically nothing wasdone about it.On reaching Chicago, I went to my own doctor who,however, being a general practitioner, said that he couldn'tdo anything for me; I must see a surgeon. He recommended Dr. Blank on the floor below. I went to himand told him of the x-ray taken in Toronto. "Where isthe picture"? he asked. I told him I had no copy but itwouldn't be needed because the Toronto man had diagnosed my case as one of green-stick fracture of a rib."That does not help me," said Dr. Blank. "I have tosee the picture myself. Go down to our x-ray room andhave one taken." I did so and a day or two later I wentin to see it. "It's a green-stick fracture all right," thedoctor said, "and it is a beauty just as that Toronto mansaid." Whereupon he scrutinized the picture again andon his face came that expression of intense artistic appreciation with which I was now so familiar. "But that isn'tall," he said, "you have two other ribs cracked. Youwent in for that accident in quite a big way, didn't you?"And he grinned, though whether he did this in enjoyment of his own humor (which is hardly possible) or atthe seriousness of my accident I don't know. "Take thepicture up to your doctor; he will want to see it and hewill know what to do." On reporting back to Dr. Blank,he said, "That band the Toronto man put on won't dofor three broken ribs. I shall have to put on a wider one.But first I must take the old one off. If you will getready, I'll be back in a moment." When he came backhe said, "Just hold that bed-post, will you, and I'll havethis off in a- minute." He seized one end of the bandand peeled it off, together with a large part of my epidermis. "Is that the only way," I asked, "that medicalresearch has discovered for removing an adhesive band?""No," he said calmly, "it isn't the only way, but it is thequickest way, and I generally do it that way, especiallyif I have other patients waiting." He then put on anotherband. "What now," I asked, and with my qualificationof three fractured ribs I really didn't expect a repetitionof my dialogue with the Toronto doctor. But that was>all I got: "Take it easy, and you will be all right in acouple of months." Precisely the same attitude as theother doctor had shown! I no longer wondered that somany people spoke of the inhumanity of doctors.Only once have I had an operation and that I am .afraid is classified among the minors. I had my tonsilsremoved after a long series of annual attacks of tonsilitis.I went to a hospital a few days before the operation, andwas consigned to the care of a nurse who I wish to sayshowed no sign of that dehumanizing process of which Ihave spoken so often. It is wonderful how well onecomes to know a nurse in the course of a few days. She(Continued on page 17)NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES• By DON MORRIS, '36THE first class to be awarded the University's newbachelor's degree for general education — a groupforty-one • strong, whose youngest member wasseventeen and whose median age was nineteen years andnine months — was the feature attraction at the 213thConvocation in Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. As JuneConvocations go, it was the smallest one since the yearsimmediately following the last war, with a total of 442degrees conferred (cf. 460 in 1923, when the numbershad begun to climb out of the war slump which hit bottom in 1918 with 195 degrees granted in June) . But,although the June figure was 40 per cent. below that oflast year, the total for the four Convocations of the academic year was 5 per cent higher than in 1941-2. Thisapparent paradox is attributable to the early graduationsof men expecting a service call; fall and winter Convocations were above normal.Brigadier General Joe N. Dalton, General Staff Corps,director of personnel for the Army Service Forces, delivered the Convocation address, as forty-one received thenew bachelor's, 267 the conventional bachelor's degree,seventy-two the master's degree, twenty-six the Ph.D. degree, twenty the M.D., ten the M.B.A., four the D.B., andtwo the J.D. degree.A questionnaire, circulated among the recipients of thebachelor's for liberal education, in the main indicatedthat the youthful group approves the College plan, is notdissimilar to students in general.Answers to one question, however, are illuminating sofar as the College plan as an educational innovation isconcerned. All but two of the thirty- two (76 per cent)returning questionnaires said they plan to continue theirstudies for advanced or professional degrees. Since thethree years of study after receiving the College degreerequired to earn a master's represent no net gain in timewhatever, but simply provide a chance for more effectiveorganization of study, the high proportion planning totake graduate work contradicts flatly the charges that thedegree is "cheap" or "inflated." The students' answersas to why they chose to work for this degree include suchphrases as "it would be simpler to work for the master'sdirectly," "wanted acquaintance with fields outside myspecialty," "felt my course toward a higher degree wouldbe improved and integrated," and "couldn't go four yearsand preferred general education to a dip into a majorfield."Meanwhile, at the annual initiation of newly electedmembers of Phi Beta Kappa, Midway chapter, PresidentAlbert T. Olmstead, professor of oriental history, told theinitiates that election to the honorary society used to stamp students as the hard workers of the campus, butno longer so signifies. Army and Navy students, he said,work just as hard but win no keys.Busiest Summer QuarterWhat bade fair to be the busiest summer quarter inthe history of a University where summer quarters always have been busy began this month, with all levels ofstudents in attendance — teachers re-training themselves toinstruct in war courses, students under the old undergraduate plan hastening to complete their education beforebeing called into service, a new entering class in the College, in addition to the continuing "regular" classes ofthousands of Army, Army Air Forces, and Navy students.Split into four three-week periods to provide the maximum flexibility for hard-pressed students, the quarter willinclude a series of workshops and the largest number ofspecial institutes and conferences in any summer quarter.Federated Theological FacultyThe merging of the faculties of the four theologicalschools associated with the University produced lastmonth the largest Protestant theological faculty in America. Designated now as the Federated Theological Faculty of the University of Chicago, the pooled facultiesinclude those of the original (Baptist) Divinity School ofthe University, the (Congregational) Chicago TheologicalSeminary, the (Unitarian and Universalist) MeadvilleTheological School, and the Disciples Divinity House..The thirty-two scholars whose abilities are thus joinedwill constitute one of the outstanding Protestant theological faculties of the world.The federated group, whose members will be membersof the University's faculty, will constitute the faculty ofthe several individual institutions and will have controlof the common elements of the curriculum leading towardthe degree of Bachelor of Divinity. This common corewill be approximately two-thirds of the curriculum, withone-third remaining as the area for instruction in theinterests of the denominations of the respective individualinstitutions. Students of all four schools will be registered as graduate students in the University, with minimum entrance requirements fulfilled by the equivalentof graduation from the University's College.The federated faculty will be administered by an executive council consisting of the heads of the four participating institutions: Dean Ernest C. Colwell of the Divinity School, President Albert W. Palmer of the ChicagoTheological Seminary, President Sydney B. Snow of theMeadville Theological School, and Dean Edward Scribner Ames of the Disciples Divinity House.1314 THE UNIVERSITY OFOldest of the four institutions is the Meadville school,founded in 1844 at Meadville, Pennsylvania. In 1928 theschool was moved to Chicago and united with the RyderDivinity School, of the Universalist denomination, whichhad been affiliated with the University since its removalfrom Galesburg, Illinois, in 1917. The Chicago Theological Seminary was founded in 1855; its first classeswere held on Chicago's west side in 1858. In 1913 theschool became affiliated with the University and twoyears later moved to its present site on campus. The University's Divinity School grew out of the Baptist UnionTheological Seminary, founded in 1865 and opened inthe next year in Morgan Park, then a Chicago suburb.It moved to the University at the time of the foundingof the latter, retaining its connection with the BaptistTheological Union. Disciples Divinity House, founded in1894, was always closely associated with the University.Teaching AwardsThree more of the $1,000 prizes for excellence in teaching, provided for by the gift of an anonymous easternalumnus, were awarded this month to a trio of facultymembers including one instructor, twenty-seven, theyoungest yet to receive the prize. The awards brought toeighteen the number of teachers honored for the too-often unrewarded talent of instructing, since the gift wasput on its present basis in 1938. This year's prizes wentto Arthur Friedman, assistant professor of English, whohas been active in the making of the new College program; Michael Ference, assistant professor of meteorology, active in the direction and teaching of the physicalsciences general course and in the instruction of the AirForces weather cadets, as well as the author of a new andwidely acclaimed physics text in collaboration with Harvey B. Lemon, professor of physics; and T. Walter Johnson, instructor in history, whose range of teaching includesCollege, divisional, and graduate levels. He is in chargeof the history instruction of the soldiers of the Army Specialized Training Program detachment.Chicago Daily NewsFerence, Friedman, Johnson, HutchinsThree thousand dollars for meritorious teaching CHICAGO MAGAZINEElectronics MoveAs the war program of the University last month continued to expand beyond the usual boundaries of theQuadrangles, the classes in electronics and ultra-high frequency radio given for the Signal Corps moved eastwardinto a wing of the Rosenwald Museum of Science and Industry on the Lake front. Through the co-operation ofthe Museum, itself embarked on an extensive war program, the 275 men enrolled in the training now are utilizing more than seventeen thousand square feet of spacein the Museum for libraries, classrooms, laboratories, machine and transmitter shops, and offices. Other expansion notes: the Army Specialized Training Program occupies the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house as well as threedormitories; half of the second floor of Harper libraryis being converted into stack space; cosmic ray research isnow being carried on in the old press box atop the northstand at Stagg Field; taking over of the Coffee Shop forthe messing of the A.S.T.P. soldiers has brought the opening of the Commons between meals.Cancer, Chlorophyll, and CatsWar research remains, despite recent flurries in thepress about radar, on the "restricted" if not on the"secret" list, but notable scientific developments havebeen made in non-war fields this year. Two prizes aggregating $3,000 were awarded in the space of six months toCharles B. Huggins, professor of surgery, for pioneer workwhich has been remarkably effective against one type ofcancer and which points a new direction for work againstall forms of this disease. Working in the field of cancerof the prostate gland, linked to the male reproductive system, Dr. Huggins devised tests for the detection of thedisease — principally the presence in significant quantitiesof the enzyme "acid phosphatase" — and development oftreatment methods including surgical removal of thetestes or administration of the female sex hormone. Prostate cancer attacks 9 to 17 per cent of all men over fiftyyears of age and is the cause of death of one man in everytwenty above that age. The disease often is very painful."One of the directions cancer research is now taking,"Dr. Huggins said at the dinner meeting of the NationalAcademy of Sciences at which he was last month awardedthe first Dr. Charles L. Mayer prize of $2,000, "is thefunctional or physiological approach to the problem oftumors."The functional approach contrasts sharply with thedescriptive approach — with the methods of classical pathology. It is concerned with the entire living organismrather than with sections or segments of the dead organism. In the functional approach the measure is of firstimportance: How much cancer activity is present? Howcan the activity be increased or decreased? Assay of adisease in a laboratory obviously removes much of the uncertainty inevitably associated with bedside observation,particularly in cancer.Surgery or female hormone administration results inimmediate beneficial effects in 95 per cent of cases, Dr.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 15Huggins reported. In about half of these cases the regression of the disease is pronounced and relatively permanent, the benefit often including disappearance of thetumor, return of appetite, cessation of pain, and the arrestof tendency toward anemia. In the other half of casesbenefitted, the relief is pronounced, but after a year anda half or less the disease returns, stimulated apparentlyby the production of male sex hormones elsewhere thanin the testes. All in all, Dr. Huggins said, the improvement far outweighs the undesirable effects.Meanwhile, James Franck, winner of the Nobel prizein 1925, reported results of his work on photosynthesis tothe S. S. Fels Fund, which supported the research, before leaving academic investigation to enter war research.Dealing with the extremely delicate and complicated wayin which green plants furnish themselves, men, and animals with all the food they use and oxygen they breatheby converting carbon dioxide and water into sugars bythe aid of chlorophyll, the green dyestuff through whichthe sun's energy is utilized, the theory assumes the actionof at least three enzymes which have not been isolatedand whose nature still is not known.According to the comprehensive theory advanced byProfessor Franck and his co-worker Hans Gaffron, alternating daylight and dark furnish the requisite backgroundfor the process whose existence has been known for a hundred years but whose workings are still mainly unverified.A carbon dioxide molecule is joined with a large organicmolecule through the agency of the first enzyme in aninitial step which prepares the molecule for the series ofstages by which it becomes a sugar. In the light, hydrogen is added to the carbon dioxide by the aid of chlorophyll; in the dark this product is stabilized by the agencyof the second enzyme. After a series of these steps —probably twelve, as found by Foster Rieke, working withProfessor Franck at Chicago, and by others — the sugaris formed. The third enzyme plays its role of peeling offthe organic molecule combined in the initial step, andrestoring it to its original condition so the process canstart over again.Among the books published by scientists this springwas Behavior and Neurosis by Jules H. Masserman, assistant professor of psychiatry, detailing the results and gathering up the conclusions of a long series of experimentsusing cats. Results confirmed the findings of psychiatrists in clinical experience with human beings: that thesurest methods of overcoming neurosis are those in whichthe patient is not passive but participates in his own recovery. A combination of treatments works best, butamong single techniques the most successful were those inwhich the patient was forced to break through his ownmental conflict, or in which he was taught that the conflict could be solved by his own efforts. Dr. Massermanproduced the neurotic symptoms in the cats by trainingthem to eat at a bell-and-light signal, then thwarting thebehavior by* using an electric fan to blow a blast of airin their faces as the eating signal was given. In one ofthe more successful recovery methods, the cats were forced by a movable partition in the cage closer and closer tothe food box; their signs of excitement and fear increasedthe closer they were pushed, but when practically next tothe food some of them could not resist snatching a bite.From then on their improvement continued until theycould stand the air blast with equanimity. The othermost successful method was to train the cats to givethemselves the eating signal by pushing an electric switchto set off the bell and light. Given this degree of controlover the conflict-provoking situation, the cats became lessneurotic in the first place and also had an easier time returning to normal. Other methods — a "rest cure," pettingand hand-feeding, and the example of a normal cat —were less effective in overcoming the neuroses, Masserman found.Munnecke AppointedThe Board of Trustees last month confirmed the appointment of Wilbur C. Munnecke as adviser on warprojects to the University. Since 1942, Mr. Munneckehas been on military leave of . absence from MarshallField and Company, of which he is vice-president andgeneral operating manager of the Chicago retail andsuburban stores. The University appointment is in addition to work he now is doing with the War Department,and he will divide his time between the Midway andWashington. Mr. Munnecke' s most recent assignment inthe War Department has been as deputy to BrigadierGeneral Dalton in the organization of the Army Specialized Training Program; his work on the campus will beconcerned not only with the A.S.T.P. unit, commandedby Colonel E. V. Smith, but also with other training andresearch programs. A native of St. Louis, Mr. Munnecke,thirty-seven, was graduated at Dartmouth College in1927.The Maroon ScoreboardBaseballChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicago 8-13-1-7-7-0-2-2-2- - 3 Morton J. G.- 7 Illinois Tech-21 Notre Dame-19 Navy Pier-11 Navy Pier-11 Camp Grant-23 Gamp Grant-18 Iowa-18 Iowa ChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicago 1-1-10-2-6-5-1-0- —12 Camp Grant—12 Northwestern—11 Illinois Tech-16 Ohio State-16 Ohio State- 6 87th St. NavySchool—10 Minnesota—12 MinnesotaGolfChicago V*- — 1 1 J/2 Illinois Tech Chicago 4- —14 NorthwesternTennisChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicago 1-7-7-4-6-8- — 2 Lawrence- 0 Illinois Tech- 0 Wheaton- 5 Wisconsin- 3 Northwestern— ¦' 1 Minnesota Chicago 5-Chicago 4-Chicago 3-Chicago 1-Gonference i — 4 Michigan— 5 Ohio State— 6 Wisconsin— 8 Illinoisstanding— -7 thTrackChicago 65, North Central55J/a, Navy Pier 43J/2.Chicago 60, North Central 48,Illinois Tech 35, Navy Pier21.Chicago 70, Loyola 38, NavyPier 31, Illinois Tech 26. Indiana 43 J/3, Minnesota 37 J/3,Wisconsin 32, Chicago 18,Northwestern 15 5/6, Purdue7>A.Indiana 45, Northwestern 39 J/2,Purdue 35, Chicago 34/2.Conference standing — 6th.THE 1943 REUNIONWAR-STRUCK Reunion Week went on the roadthis year. Like a New York production whichopens in Philadelphia and arrives on Broadwayvia Atlantic City and Boston, Reunion Week began inthe Loop on Monday and arrived on the Midway Fridayvia Oak Park and Winnetka.With Hutchinson Commons the only dining room onthe Quadrangles not drafted for war service, the alumnigroups that annually hold large reunion dinners on theQuadrangles found themselves looking first for meat andsecond for a place to eat it. The Law School dinner,therefore, was held Monday evening at the Bar Association on La Salle Street. Wednesday evening the first session of the Alumni School opened at the 19th CenturyWoman's Club in Oak Park. Charles D. Heile, '25, waschairman of the reception committee and Nena WilsonBadenoch, '11, was in charge of refreshments served atthe close of the evening. Thursday night the Schoolmoved to the Winnetka Community House, where J.Milton Coulter, '18, general reunion chairman, headedthe committee who acted as host in his home town. Bothin Oak Park and in Winnetka the fellowship followingthe formal program was a pleasant part of the occasion.The Alumni School arrived at Mandel Hall Fridayevening for a one-night stand. Arthur A. Baer, '18, deanof the school, shuttled across University Avenue from theClass of '18 dinner at the Quadrangle Club to preside atthe school and back to the club to complete the eveningat the twenty-fifth reunion of his class.Saturday's program began with a late breakfast forthe alumnae in the theatre of Ida Noyes Hall, where acateress served a sumptuous meal without benefit of theIda Noyes main kitchens or dining room — both of whichhave joined the Navy. At the afternoon Alumni Assembly in Mandel Hall the awarding of alumni medals andcitations opened the program. (The recipients are listedelsewhere.) Harold J. Gordon, '17, chairman of theAlumni Foundation Board of Directors, presented the1943 Alumni Gift to President Hutchins: $113,132.72from 4,983 alumni, as compared with $88,813.00 from4,904 alumni presented the same day last year. In 1942,800 alumni in 235 cities helped to collect the gift; thisyear 1,100 alumni in 294 cities served as chairmen andcommittee members. Mr. Gordon stated that the Foundation's fiscal year ends June 30 (as does the University's)by which time the gift should have increased by three orfour thousand dollars. (Last year the total gift on June30 was $94,240.92.)President Hutchins, in accepting the gift, expressedsincere gratitude for the increased generosity of thealumni at a critical time for the University. Before mak ing his annual report, he announced the retirement of theAlumni Dean, Gordon J. Laing. The President paidtribute to the long years of service Dean Laing has giventhe University — as professor, chairman of his department,divisional dean, general editor of the University Press,and finally as dean of the alumni. The audience joinedspontaneously and heartily in this tribute.In the absence of the University Band, most of whosemembers have gone to war, a Navy band composed ofmusicians from the Navy Signal School on the Quadrangles played a concert in Hutchinson Court precedingthe Thirty-third Annual University Sing, which this yearwas dedicated to the men and one woman of Chicagowho have made the supreme sacrifice in the service oftheir country. For the thirty-third time, Ned Earle, '11,directed the activities, and sharing with him in an unbroken record of attendance were Artie Bovee, '07, whohas always led the Alpha Delta Phi's, and Chester Bell,'13, J.D. '15, who has always waved the star-tipped batonover the Phi Gamma Delta's. The fraternities representedat the Sing did not march as in former years and no cupswere awarded. The men sat in groups on the grass ofthe sunken court and gathered around the fountain tosing their songs. Esoteric, winner of the Inter-Club Sing,was also on the program, and there were novelty musicalnumbers by representatives of the various military unitson the Quadrangles.The night was warm, moonlit, and nearly cloudless;six thousand students of yesteryear and today renewedfriendships under the ribbons of maroon and white lights,while a liberal sprinkling of white and khaki uniforms inthe Court served as a reminder that this was a briefinterlude to a job not yet completed.SONNETWhen I do see those glorious cities razed,And hideous death his harvest reaping there;When I do see the lands that once were fair,Charred by incendiary flames that blazed;When all around the light has left the eyesOf wandering multitudes, who once aloftDid set their gaze, too charitably soft,And saw amidst the stars grim death arise;When then comparing this to former ways,I dream of cities vast and proud, their yieldOf wealth, the reddening sunset in the field,The love of God and Man abounding in those days,I can no more that burning hate contain,Which killing death, may give us life again.— -Erwin Hornung, '41.16THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17THE DEAN'S EASY CHAIR{Continued from page 12)even asked my advice as to which of the two men whowere clamoring for her hand she ought to marry. Notknowing either of them I was able to give her advicewholly without prejudice or bias, based solely on what Iknew of her and what she told me of them. She saidthat my choice coincided with her own, and she wrote mea year or so afterwards that she had married the otherone. That was human enough! But she was humanityherself, that girl. Just before I was taken up to the operating room she shot some dope into my arm that inducedin me a greater contentment than I had ever knownbefore. I really did not care what the doctor did to me.I was, however, much surprised and keenly disappointedwhen on reaching the operating room I wasn't laid on atable — my only idea of an operation up to that time — butmade to sit on a chair. Moreover, I was given only alocal anaesthetic. The whole thing was below scale. Itwas like a bad half -hour in a dentist's chair; it was reallya sort of a deep-sea dentistry. To me the doctor wasentirely humane, but when at one stage of the performance the nurse handed him the wrong instrument hesnapped at her as if he would have liked to bite herhead off. Kept at her too, growling and growling. Isaw her the next day and I said to her, "What a bearthat doctor must be to ride you as he did about thatinstrument. I am sure the one you handed him wouldn'thave hurt me any more than the one he used." "Oh,you heard him, did you?" she said. "Heard him!" Isaid, "of course I heard him. He hadn't cut my ears out;he stopped short of that." "Well," she said, "he is reallykind as kind can be, but they are all different in theoperating room. Something happens to them as soon asthey begin to operate. I suppose politeness is only aveneer after all and it doesn't survive the atmosphere ofthe operating room; it is blistered off." "Dehumanizesthem perhaps," I ventured. "I don't know whether itdehumanizes them," she answered, "or whether it makesthem really human. I haven't yet found out what'human' means." That nurse, too, had visualized ourproblem about the meaning of "human."But I must add that my doctor showed me he washuman in the ordinary sense of the term a little later.For in the first night after I had gone home I had afrightful hemorrhage where my late lamented tonsils hadbeen and of course it had to happen at three o'clock inthe morning. But he came over and worked with me forthree hours till he found the break and closed it up. Hecame in a few days later. "Any more hemorrhages?" heasked. "None at all," I said, "but I have been verycareful. I wouldn't, for example, dare to cough." "Youwouldn't," he said, glaring at me. "You go right intothe bathroom and cough your head off. If there are to beany more hemorrhages, I want to be here at the time."I did as he said and coughed and coughed and put everystrain on my throat that I could devise, and then went back to him. "All right?" he asked. "All right," I said."I should think so," he replied and stalked out. A slightdehumanization there, I think. He seemed to regard thesituation as a contest between a recalcitrant throat andhimself. It wasn't my throat. It was just a throat; asurgical area that was his much more than mine.But if I never had a real operation myself, I saw oneonce. I was visiting a friend of mine in Baltimore, thelate Dr. Dean Lewis, head of the Department of Surgeryin the Johns Hopkins University, and he took me throughthe hospital. After we had made the rounds Dean saidto me, "Dandy, the brain surgeon, is operating this morning and he told me that we could see the operation fromhis office, if we liked." Then taking me into a room nextto the operating room, he looked through a pane of glassin the door. He was there for some time. "Wonderful,"he said at last, "simply wonderful. Look into that roomand you will see something." I looked through the glassand I certainly saw something. For there on an operatingtable with nurses hovering about him was a man whosehead had been opened and there was the white-cladsurgeon "going-in" as Dean Lewis described it, to thebrain. I didn't look very long. "What do you think ofthat?" said Lewis, "isn't he a wonder? Such manipulation, such technique ! There is no one who can do thatoperation like Dandy." "Will the patient recover?" Iasked, thinking of Mr. Pickwick. "Oh, I don't knowabout that," he answered, "but certainly Dandy is in aclass by himself."Such is the end of my investigation of this puzzlingand important problem. Starting it, as I have alreadyinformed you, at a doctor's suggestion — though I havenever known whether he tossed off the question in amoment of professional levity or whether he had a moreserious purpose — I have approached it in the spirit ofpure research. I have studied it from different angles^I have collected evidence from every available source, Ihave subjected that evidence to the severest tests, and Ihave thrown out ruthlessly everything to which clung eventhe faintest suspicion of falsity. I have accepted onlythat testimony which has passed every test, which hasstood up under the severest criticism; and then as thefinal step in my procedure I have submitted this carefullysifted material to the scrutiny of my thousands of alumnireaders.I have proceeded with the utmost objectivity. I havehad no thesis to establish; my one purpose has been todiscover the truth, and so I have followed the evidencewherever it has led. Sometimes it has seemed to methat the answer to this question "Are doctors human?"must be a vigorous "No," but at other times the evidencehas seemed to tend the other way. It has certainly beenan interesting, even exciting piece of work for the author.The very uncertainty of the outcome has been one elementin the excitement. I remember well the day I had the flash{Concluded on page 18)18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOIL FOR THE AXIS{Continued from page 7)range, we should also try to stabilize the New Guineafront, even before winning back the Sumatran region,and see if we can't, within a few months, develop a largesource of New Guinean oil.It is true that I am dealing in grand strategy; and Irealize that the military have a saying that, "If you couldlay all amateur strategists end to end — wouldn't that benice?" Nevertheless, one cannot study a subject such asthis without being impressed with the importance ofutilizing our really great scientific talent for finding oil— a talent which is an American characteristic, as surelydefined as southern speech or New England twang. Noother men have even remotely approached the Americanscientists and engineers in getting this sinew of war. Isuggest, therefore, that we really try to get new oilsupplies near the battle fronts as previously indicated,especially in those areas which are known petroliferousprovinces.Furthermore, we should bend every effort to cut theline which the Japs have established from the Indies toJapan by using the many high-speed tankers which weknow they developed shortly before the war, apparentlyfor the express purpose of carrying the captured oil of theIndies. Similarly we must, at as early a date as possible,destroy or capture the Rumanian oil fields. If we do boththe Axis war machine will really squeak for lack of oil.THE DEAN'S EASY CHAIR{Continued from page 17)that the attack on doctors implied in the question mayhave been nothing more than an inheritance from theill-repute of the witch-doctors and charlatans of prehistoric ages. I was tempted to close my investigation atthat point — so plausible did the theory seem to me — butI resisted the temptation. I felt that the alumni wouldobject; they would want this theory tested and provedlike all the others; they would insist on the same standardof totalitarian research as that used in other parts of thestudy. And so I continued my probing and testing.And yet in spite of all this, a careful weighing of theevidence on either side does not justify a categorical "yes"or "no" to the question before us. To the unthinking this will be a disappointment, and I shudder to think ofthe language that many of those alumni will use whohave communicated with me in the last few months andwho have urged me to "show the docs up." To them Ican only say that I have never had any desire to "showthe docs up." For it is the very essence of the pure research spirit that it rigidly excludes all personal feelingson one side or the other. It slams the door on individualpredilections; the research man is influenced only by thetrend of the evidence. The slightest deviation from thiscourse means the vitiation of the whole process. Forexample, if the evidence in this case had conclusivelydemonstrated the inhumanity of doctors, I should nothave hesitated to announce the decision; and on theother hand if the investigation had resulted in a triumphant acquittal of the medical profession, I should havebeen equally prompt in saying so.But the evidence does neither of these things, and wemust recognize that fact. This does not mean that theinvestigation has been made in vain. Far from it. Inits variety of approach, in its thoroughness in collectingdata, in the closeness of its scrutiny of all alleged facts,in the unbiased quality of its judgments, in its catholicfairness, it is still submitted as a pattern of research. Anyfurther investigation of the problem must be based onthis one. Nor should the question we have discussed berelegated to the class of insoluble problems. It may easilyhappen that new evidence will be found at some latertime and a verdict for the doctors or against the doctorswill be returned with such weight of testimony, with suchimposing authority, that all men will accept it withoutdoubt, even without demur. The question will be answered once and for all. But so far as this investigationof mine is concerned, its verdict cannot be other thanthat of certain Scottish courts of law, in which besidesthe usual "guilty" and "not guilty," a third verdict maybe rendered, namely "not proven," expressed both in thelanguage of the Scottish jurists and in my own vernacular by the words non liquet.Honoring Two Former Faculty MembersTWO ships built by the California Shipbuilding Corporation have been namedfor former members of the University faculty. The "S. S. George E. Hale"is named for the organizer of the Yerkes Observatory and the founder of theAstrophysical Journal, who later organized and directed the Mount Wilson Observatory. The "S. S. Alice F. Palmer" honors the first dean of women at theUniversity. Mrs. Palmer, to whom Mitchell Tower chimes are dedicated, waspresident of Wellesley College before coming to the University of Chicago toserve as dean of women and professor of history from 1892 to 1894.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGONEWS OF THE CLASSESIN THE SERVICERobert C. Robertson, AM '39, isa private in the 379th military policeescort guard company, completingtraining at Florence InternmentCamp, Coolidge, Arizona.Lieut. Leonard W. Zedler, '39,is assistant finance officer of the ThirdArmy, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.Lieut. Ned Rosenheim, Jr., '39,is currently training recruits at FortBenjamin Harrison, Indiana, and sayshe is glad to be in the midwest againafter a "goodish spell' at Fort Ben-ning. He hopes to find time beforeleaving the country to have a firsthand look at our wartime University.Capt. Arnold T. Phillips, '40,writes that he is CO. of an Americandetachment at a British flying trainingschool. "Quite an experience workingwith these British fellows, you know.Ponca, Oklahoma, is a good town,and I've got the best little partner inthe world, but how I'd love to getoverseas flying those big babies!"Pvt. Jacob L. Fox, Jr., '42, is training at Princeton University.Major Vernon P. Jaeger, '33,division chaplain at Camp White,Oregon, has sent this note: "Thecoming of the Army to this part ofOregon has brought new interest inreligious matters as well as otheritems. In January the chaplains of thecamp brought in some outstandingspeakers for a preaching missionwhich attracted the support of nearby civilian communities as well. ForEaster the division chaplain developeda thousand voice soldier choir torender special music for an Eastersunrise service. That, too, was the firstservice of its kind ever held in thispart of Oregon."Pvt. Kenneth H. Otten, '40, issituated in the operations of the NorthAtlantic wing, Army Transport Command, at Presque Isle, Maine.Corpl. Franklyn A. Hershleder,'41, is stationed at Las Vegas, Nevada.Major B. O. Woods, MD '23, isat Letterman Hospital, San Francisco.Ensign David Skeen, JD '39, is atthe Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration taking Navalsupply corps training.Douglas Sutherland, Jr., '35, formerly executive secretary of the CivicCommittee of Will County, Joliet,Illinois, was commissioned second lieutenant in March. He is training atCamp Shelby, Miss. His wife [AliceCockburn, '35] is a weather observer stationed in the U.S. Weather Bu-real, Williston, N. D.Lieut. Marshall T. Newman,'33, AM '35, is stationed at Balboa,Canal Zone.Ensign Barbara A. Chandler,AM '37, sends this note: "For a number of years I taught in Girls HighSchool, Atlanta, Georgia. Last October I received a commission as ensignin the WAVES and was granted amilitary leave. I was in the indoctrination course at Mount HolyokeCollege from November 10 until December 15. I was assigned to theschool- here in Milledgeville, whereyeomen are trained. Now we have400 WAVES and the newspapersstate that in July we will have 800. Iserve as the commander of a companyof a hundred 'seamen' and as aide tothe officer in charge of seamen. Thereis much work to do but this is ajob that is most satisfying because ourWAVES replace men who go to sea."My situation is rather unusual inthat Milledgeville is my home town.I have lived here all my life (exceptfor my years of teaching in Atlanta),received my AB from Georgia StateCollege for Women — a part of whosecampus and buildings we are nowusing — and taught one year in thehigh school here. One of my professors while at G.S.C.W. was AmandaJohnson, [PhD '25]. She is still onthe faculty here."John N. Crawford, SM '25, hashad two years of service as instructorin celestial navigation and lecturerin aerial aerology. He is now at theU. S. Naval Air Training Center,Corpus Christi, Texas.Col. Harry R. MacKellar, '06,writes from Vancouver Barracks,Washington: "The MacKellar clan isbehind the war effort in that I am onactive duty as a retired officer, mywife is helping Mr. Kaiser build ships,my daughter is helping in the personnel office at Benicia Arsenal, and myson is fitting himself to become anArmy officer at New Mexico MilitaryInstitute, Roswell."Lieut. Frank G. Todd, '35, is atthe Presidio in San Francisco. Hewrites: "Every communication fromthe Midway seems to carry a fewmore familiar names and pictures ofalumni who have given their lives inthis struggle; and of those who arenow so resting, we who are more fortunate are deeply and sincerely proud.It is the sincere hope of many alumni,I feel sure, that additional scholarshipfunds will be available in the future MAGAZINE 19to provide for the education of thosewhose fathers paid the supreme priceof war. There are many alumni outhere on the coast and many morepassing through each day, so we keeppretty well posted on happenings backhome."Sgt. Louis E. Shaeffer, '38, hasbeen transferred from officer candidate school at Fargo, N. D., to SanAntonio. He says: "It seems that acritical letter in one of my weakerargumentative moments to FrankKnox at Washington was just enoughto reduce me to that grand andglorious position of an enlisted man.Now residing in a neat little garageapartment for the time being up on ahill with my wife."Lieut. Alan P. Graves, '42, afterspending "a blizzardy three months atFargo, North Dakota," received hiscommission in March and expected tobe assigned to one of the Army specialized training units on the westcoast.Robert E. Merriam, AM '40, isnow taking officer candidate trainingat Fort Benning, Georgia.Capt. David D. Pollock, '25, iswith the Army Service Forces inWashington, D. C.Robert L. Purcell, Jr., '31, hasbeen promoted to captain. He is overseas with a motor transport supplycompany.Pvt. Joseph Portnoy, '42, is training in California and says the Infantrymust be the toughest branch of theArmy! He adds: "I appreciate theUniversity of Chicago more now thanever before. The realization of thegreat need for many more universitieslike it in other parts of our country isone of the reasons why."Leonard B. Loeb, '12, PhD '19, onleave from the physics department ofthe University of California, has beenpromoted to rank of captain in theU. S. N. R. He is in the Navy's Officeof Assistant Industrial Manager inSan Francisco.Capt. James L. Browning, '25,MD '28, was wounded in action onJanuary 13 at Guadalcanal and is nowrecuperating at Nichols General Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky. He hasbeen awarded the Purple Heart andSilver Star.Lieut. Cecil L. Bothwell, Jr.,'38, is doing Army Air Force statistical work. He says that it is "tailormade for School of Business graduates with large-scale business experience. I feel that I am perfectly placedand recommend the field to all mennot yet so situated. It's a vital, dynamic, and fascinating job." He is stationed at Gray Field, Wash.20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELieut. Alan H. Tully, '39, reports that he got to Guadalcanal intime to miss much of the hard fighting but in time to be there at thefinish.Capt. Harold V. VanSchaik, '31,remarks that the jungles about himnow are a long call from the Midway.Lt. Col. Holland Williamson,MD, '29, is with an evacuation hospital in New Guinea.Volunteer Frank B. Cliffe, Jr.,'42, sends us this: "A fine organization, the American Field Service. Weare shipped from the States with notraining, attached out here to British and French forces. I'm stationedat the moment on an inactive frontsomewhere in the Middle East forwhat amounts to a training period.We carry the assorted patients whichArmy life produces, and spend severalhours a day doing maintenance workon the ambulances. A pleasantly leisurely life, with little discipline — a finesequel to the free life of U. of C."Ensign Herbert E. Ruben, '41,is at sea.Capt. Clarence L. Lyon, '24, MD'28, is "somewhere in England waiting for something to happen."Lieut. Willis R. Barber, '27, hasrecently returned from sea duty. Lieut. James L. Carlton, Jr., SM'40, has been in the south Pacific areasince last July.Lieutenant James H. McDevitt,'35, at present officer in charge of theU. S. Naval Flight Preparatory Schoolat the University of Southern California.Capt. Jules B. Comroe, '33, MD'37, has been in service with the Armysince January, 1941. He is chief ofthe genito-urinary service and venereal disease control officer at CampSan Luis Obispo, California. His twinbrother, Leon, is at Camp McCain,Mississippi.Ensign R. E. Kronemyer, '39, istraining for sea duty in South Boston.He says he is glad to see the University doing some planning for education in the post-war world. He reports that Jack R. Kronemeyer, '40,is an ensign on duty in the South Pacific. "Guess this makes us a Navypair," he writes.Capt. Myron F. Sesit, MD '35, isoverseas.Lieut. Richard S. Cook, '37, MD'41, is at Camp Haan, Calif. His twinbrother, Lieut. Rorert B. Cook, '38,was at Pearl Harbor during the Japattack in 1941 and since then has beenon naval duty in the South Pacific. Russell E. Pottinger, SM '39, isan aviation cadet in metereology atU. of CCharles E. Bierly, AM '41, hasjoined the Army and is currently atFort McDowell, California.Louis Sevin, '27, JD '29, joinedthe armed forces in May.Lieut. Richard B. Cochran, '37,is stationed at Camp Cooke, California. Sgt. Thomas A. Cochran, '32,is with an armored division in LosAngeles.Lieut. Milton Olin, '34, andLieut. Charles Tyroler, '35, haveboth finished training in the ArmedGuard.Seymour H. Miller, '40, is withthe Quartermaster Corps at CampPickett, Virginia.Lieut. Louis Yesinick, '36, is stationed with the Army Medical Corpsin the South Pacific.Raymond W. Ickes, AM '36, JD'39, has joined the Marine Corps asa private.Lieut. Alvin R. Grove, PhD '40,is in the sanitary corps of the MedicalDepartment, and has been stationedat the Army Medical School, ArmyMedical Center, Washington, D. C.John C. Ransmeier, MD '37, is acaptain in the medical service.Variety Supper, jigfo-Aaady,!iA NO-COOKING IDEA FROMSwift & Company's Home Economist• In a matter of minutes, you can prepare agala meal around Swift's Premium Table-ReadyMeats! And with many, many different kindsto choose from, you'll have variety to pleaseevery member of the family. Whichever kindyou select you can be sure that it's made of finemeats, subtly blended with choice spices by experienced Swift chefs. Each has a deliciousflavor all its own, each has real home-cookedgoodness ! Get a variety today — wonderful forlunch and sandwiches, too !Win your husband's praise with this jiffy-quick Swift's supper.Bring out "point" economy. Features Braunschweiger, Leona, PotRoast of Beef— all Swift's Premium. Serve with onion rings. Swift's Premium HamDelicatessen Style Swift s PremiumBraunschweiger Swifts PremiumMeat LoafSwift's Premium 7^^-^kaa^ AfsataTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21Lieut. Leila Stevens, AM, '32, issenior officer in charge of the Office ofNaval Officer Procurement, WAVEand SPAR section, Washington,D. C.Rosalie T. Wolak, '39, has begunher basic training in the WAVES atthe University of Wisconsin RadioSchool.Campbell Dickson, '24, JD '28,dean of Hamilton College, has accepted a captaincy commission in theArmy's School of Military Government at the University of Virginia.He is the son of Leonard E. Dickson,PhD '96, professor emeritus of mathematics, at U. of C.Lieut. Campbell P. M. Wilson,'36, has been wounded in action inthe South Pacific area. He is in theArmy Air Corps.Lieut. Richard D. Englehart,'37, a tank officer in North Africa,has been taken a prisoner by the Germans, it is reported.Sam Street Hughes, JD '29,mayor of Lansing, Michigan, has beengranted leave of absence to start training at the midshipman's school atColumbia University. He has received a commission as lieutenantsenior grade.Corpl. Bob Harman, '30, is withthe Army Air Forces in Australia.From his father, Bill Harman ['00],we get this news: "We are surprisedthat Bob has been able to write us asmuch as he has; he still leaves plentyto the imagination. Being in the intelligence department, he has probablyabsorbed the art of giving essentialswithout slopping over on items thatare objectionable. The Australianstreat them fine. Rather a hard tripover on the boat. Ran out of freshwater. Had plenty of instruction onwhat to do if bombed while landing.But instead, an Australian band wasplaying the Beer Barrel Polka, andthen rendered many American airs forthem. Australians say they have nobeer because the Yanks drink it all.Steaks plentiful; get a good steak dinner served for a shilling."T. V. Smith, PhD '22, popularprofessor of philosophy, has been madea lieutenant colonel in the Army andhas reported to the School for Military Administrators at Charlottesville,Virginia. He served as a member ofthe Illinois state senate for three yearsand as a congressman-at-large fromIllinois for two years, and was in theArmy during World War I.Lieut. Alexander C. Pendleton,'26, JD '27, is at sea as a deck officerin the Navy. He writes: "Don't letup until the last battle is won!" Capt. Laurence C. Austin, '21,has left Menorah Hospital at KansasCity, Missouri, to join the ArmyMedical Corps. He is stationed atFort Lewis, Washington.George G. Stroebe, '01, is with theArmy engineers in Southern California. During the last war he wasa colonel in the Philippine Guard.Lieut. John W. Chapman, '31, isat the fighter director school at Norfolk, Virginia.Edward Beeks, '37, has been in theArmy Signal Corps for several monthstaking radio engineering instruction inChicago. He is expecting to leave foractive service shortly. He sends "bestregards to all friends in the University."William A. Kimball, '41, is in theArmy Air Corps.Sarkis A. Telfeyan, '40, MD '42,writes that he has just completed avery satisfactory year of internship atNew York City Hospital on WelfareIsland and has been ordered to activeduty with the Army Medical Corps asa first lieutenant. He reports first toCarlisle Barracks, Penna., for a sixweeks' course, after which he will goto Camp Grant, Illinois, to await further orders. "So I'll see the dear oldMidway again real soon," he writes.L. E. Smith, '28, is now an ensignin the Navy.Joseph Pessin, MD '36, is in thearmed service.Orval Wendell, AM '35, has beencommissioned a captain in the Specialist Corps, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia.J. C. Thomas Rogers, MD '26, isa lieutenant commander in the Navy,and is now stationed at a base hospitalin the South Pacific. Mrs. Rogers,(Fanny Armstrong '27) is at homein Urbana with their three children.George W. Crapple, '41, writesfrom Presque Isle, Maine: "It is wellover a year and a half now since Ienlisted in the Air Corps. With afairly good background of Army experience and knowledge of militaryadministration I am now about to goto OCS."Each time I return to Chicago Ivisit the University and re-estimatethe value of my life and studies thereand how it has helped me since. Ihave come to the conclusion that it isnot what I have learned that will continue to serve me in the Army andlater so much as the capacity andability to learn and adjust.. If theaim of U. of C. is to teach one ctothink' and to organize one's thoughtsand life as well as to provide an appreciative background for living, I am sure it has been a success — at least asfar as I am concerned. Carry on!"Clyde E. Aultz, MBA '40, hasbeen sworn in a lieutenant (jg) andwill report for active duty at Indoctrination School, Quonset Point, thelatter part of June. Lieut. MauriceC. Zollar, '32, has recently completed his indoctrination at Quonsetand is now in the Fighter DirectorSchool, Naval Air Center at Norfolk,Va.Samuel E. Stewart, '31, formermanager of the Chicago Beach Hoteland more recently assistant managerof the Palmer House in Chicago, isan instructor in the quartermasterschool at Camp Lee, Virginia.Sander W. Wirpel, '42, has beencalled to active duty from the SignalCorps reserve after eight months oftraining in radio and mathematics.He reported to Camp Crowder. Donald A. Petrie, '42, and Robert D.Mayo, AM '34, went with him.Fred Law, '25, has been promotedfrom major to a lieutenant colonel.Robert Leslie King, '41, is in theSignal Corps at Camp Murphy,Florida.John E. Fagg, PhD '42, formerlyan instructor at Maxwell Field, Alabama, has been assigned to the FlyingTraining Command.James B. Westwood, MD '37, ofProvo, Utah, is in the Army somewhere in Alaska.Seymour Riklin, AM '41, is in theArmy.These columns have already reported the award of the Navy's Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieut.George Formanek, Jr., '42. We nowlearn that he has been awarded theGold Star in lieu of a second D.F.C.He is a Naval aviator in the Pacificarea.Ensign Karl F. Schuessler, '39,is in active service in the South Pacificafter taking part in the African invasion.Clayton Traeger, '42, has completed his Naval pre-flight training atIowa City and has moved to Minneapolis for further training.Lieut. Harris B. Jones, '42, hasbeen assigned as adjutant of the station hospital at Fort Meade, Md.Conrad B. Howard, '38, is back oncampus as an enlisted reserve studentwith the Army Signal Corps. He wasmarried on February 27, and says he's"engaged in setting up a home beforeleaving for active service."Walter E. Clark, Jr., '35, is inthe Signal Corps at Camp Crowder.He won the Albert Ralph KornAward of $50.00 and publication of22. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhis poem "To a Young Man" in thespring quarterly of Poetry Chap-Book.The poem was judged the best submitted by a member of the armedforces. He is a T/5, which is something like a corporal, he says.Charles W. Andrews, '24, isserving overseas.Henry W. Marsh, Jr., '40, is inthe Navy, serving in the South Pacific.Victor R. Griffin, AM '36, is achaplain in the Army.Erling N. Larsen, MD '26, isserving in the Navy as a lieutenantcommander.Lieut. Sidney Feinberg, JD '29, iswith the Armed Guard Center in NewOrleans.Major Edward F. Lewison, '32,writes: "I am stationed at the Chemical Warfare Center, Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, where I have had themagnificent luck of being chief of thesurgical service. Gas warfare is notparticularly pleasant, but I doubtwhether by objecting to it we arelikely to avoid it in the future."Corpl. Richard P. Matthews,'42, is at Camp Murphy, Florida. Hespent thirteen weeks at the DodgeTelegraph and Radio Institute at Valparaiso, Indiana, where he says, hereceived a diploma.Ensign Jerome Sachs, PhD '40,and his wife and daughter are livingat 550 Fort Washington Ave., NewYork City.Lieut. Leonard Tornheim, PhD'38, is stationed at Camp Gordon,Georgia.Lieut. Joseph H. Levin, PhD '39,is now stationed at Santa Anita, Calif.Lozane H. Kramer, LLB '32, is anensign in the Coast Guard, stationedout of Boston on active duty.Leland S. Powers, '23, has been inthe Army for two years.William H. Stubbins, '36, wascommissioned lieutenant in the U. S.N. R. and reported for active duty atFort Schuyler, N. Y., in April.Lieut. Hyman Heller, MD '35,was commissioned in March and isnow at the Boston Navy Yard.Herman H. Breslich, '26, is atpresent training at Camp Barkeley,Texas.Lieut. Le Roy D. Leppard, '28,has just begun an eight weeks' courseAshjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1921Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone Regent 6000 at the school for chaplains at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.Lieut. Edward H. Rakow, '24, iswith the Navy in the Pacific area.#Lieut. R. B. Mac Farlane, '25, iswith a bomber group at WendoverField, Utah.Edward M. Aleshire, '27, has lefthis position with Lord and Thomas,advertising agency, to serve with theRed Cross in occupied Europe.Capt. Nelson Norgren, '14, isnow overseas with a bomber group.Frank G. Brunner, '42, is training with a signal battalion at CampCrowder, Missouri.Harold V. Meima, '33, is a member of the chaplain's corps at CampGrant, Illinois. He writes that he enjoys his work very much.Lieut. Peter Zimmer, '34, is inAlaska.Gordon C. Peterson, '36, completed his training with the MarineCorps and has been in California waiting further instructions.Lieut. Ed Hagen has recently returned from the Solomon Island area.He is a Naval gunnery officer.Lieut. James B. Charlton, '40, ispilot of a B-26 overseas.The adjutant general's school atFort Washington, Maryland, announces that Elden R. Schalliol,'39, was commissioned second lieutenant early in April.Lieut. Robert M. Moore, '21, isattached to the Coast Artillery atMartinez, California.Capt. William M. Shirley, '16, isat Camp Ritchie, Maryland for ninetydays' special duty.Lieut. Alan J. Teague, '41, is stationed at the Army Air Forces advanced flying school at Pampa, Texas,serving as a flying instructor.Lieut. P. Bruce Benson, '34, is atFort Eustis, Virginia.Donald D. Laun, '24, SM '35, isin the armed services.Major Robert A. Allen, '29, isserving in the Army Medical Corps.He is a regimental surgeon.Loren C. Marsh, '42, writes:"They finally gave me sergeant'sstripes in a weak moment. Somebodymust have been asleep. I am nowteaching in the Coast Artillery schoolin sea coast special equipment. That'sabout all I can say about it, since it'svery secret."Lieut. Michael Kowan, AM '37,is stationed at Camp Gruber, Oklahoma.Sgt. Frank G. Pickel, '42, says heis experiencing the usual hardships ofa supply sergeant but enjoys his work Alice Banner Englewood 3181COLORED HELPFACTORY HELPSTORESSHOPSMILLS FOUNDRIESEnglewood Emp. Agcy ., 5534 S. State St.very much. He hopes to return to theUniversity some day to continue graduate work.Fred Zimmerman, AM '41, is atthe Naval Training School at Dartmouth.Maj. Herbert F. Fenwick, '22,MD '25, is flight surgeon at the MiamiBeach Air Base.Dudley A. Zinke, JD '42, is a navigator for the Air Transport Commandin the Pacific area. He was marriedon December 25, 1942, to Georgia B.Anderson of Geneva, Illinois.Lieut. Victor Gang, MD '37, isflight surgeon with a Marine fightingsquadron. He writes: "Not long agoI ran into Dr. Herman Harms ['34],who is also one of the Billings boys.Under these swaying palms we hadquite a bull session about the goodold University and our many friendsat the clinics. He looks quite fit andin spite of it all appears to be thrivingin his surgery at the field hospital."J. Ruskin Hawkins, MD '28, isserving in the Army and stationed atCamp Callan, California.THE CLASSES1879William P. Verity, MD, is pastninety years old, and says he does butlittle work now.1880Charles Stewart of Springfield,Ohio, sends in remembrances to hisclass. He is eighty-seven years old.1882Frederick G. Stueber, MD, ofLima, Ohio, send greetings to his classand reports that he is no longer inactive practice.1885Elizabeth Faulkner writes: "Stillserving as principal of the FaulknerSchool for Girls, still teaching Latin,and still 'gladly teach'."1888Thomas H. Shastid, MD, reportsfrom Duluth: "I am writing a bookof reminiscences dealing chiefly withold-time medicine, doctors, patients.Counting from the time I became myfather's 'medical apprentice' at theage of ten until now, I have a medical retrospect of sixty-seven years —probably as long as that of any otherMD in the United States."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 231894Harper and Brothers has recentlypublished Speaking of Man byMichael F. Geyer, PhD '00, professor of zoology and chairman of thedepartment at the University of Wisconsin. To quote from the Wisconsin Medical journal review of thebook: "The author's own scientificresearches in various fields intimatelyrelated to common diseases and themany contributions from the department of zoology go to make up a richbackground of scientific medicinewhich characterizes the volumethroughout. He does not stop withman as an individual but recognizesand treats as a biologic phenomenonthe social order in which man exists.This wider view with the various problems found only in the human groupis the ultimate goal toward which hedirects his philosophic opinions."Samuel D. Barnes of Los Angeleswrites that he is retired but hopes toattend the fiftieth anniversary of hisclass next year.1896Anna Brown Peckham has retiredfrom teaching at Denison University,where for many years she was associate professor of mathematics. Sheis living at Kingston, R. I.Van Renssalaer Lansingh isvice-president of the MolybdenumCorporation of America, in charge ofmining interests of the company andof relations with the U. S. Government in Washington.Herbert L. Willett, PhD, spentthe winter in Winter Park, Florida,where he gave a course of biblical lectures in the Congregational Churchand spoke before several clubs. For aweek in May he expects to give lectures in Des Moines.1897Bernard H. Schmidt, MD, ofDavenport, Iowa, has been retiredfrom active practice for some time.Edgar E. DeCou, SM, has becomeprofessor emeritus of mathematics atthe University of Oregon after thirty-seven years as head of the department. He recently organized theOregon Council of Teachers ofMathematics.Charles King Bliss writes as follows : "Having established threeschools in different parts of the world,having survived two operations at acost sufficient to liquidate entirely myincome tax for 1942, having beentwice happily married, still married atthe age of seventy, I retired to Bliss-haven, East Sound, Orcas Island,..Washington, to join the 'Hot Stove League,' of septua-, octo-, and nonagenarians, who, in daily sessions inthe evening at Templin's Village Emporium, are engaged in the solutionof the problem of how best to lurethe wiley salmon from the waters ofPuget Sound."William H. Maley, MD, served asa major in the Medical Corps inFrance in the first World War. Histwo sons are now both captains serving overseas.1898J. A. Little, MD, of Evanston, hastwo sons and two sons-in-law in theArmy, and is kept busy helping totake care of his eight grandchildren.Eva Graves Price writes that shebelieves "profoundly that the humanities, religion, and philosophy mustbe kept alive in a world so unbalancedin its study of science, good as that is.I wish to uphold the hands of President Hutchins."Richard M. Vaughan, who became emeritus professor of theologyat Andover Newton TheologicalSchool in 1940, has accepted a callto a fourth year as pastor of the Community Church at Babson Park,Florida.Sarah Capps Tingle is being keptbusy with war work at her home inEugene, Oregon. Her daughter is apracticing physician there.Muriel Massey Dowd, is an invalid in a hospital at Kalamazoo,Michigan.1899Mary Louise Fossler writes fromPasadena, California: "Greetings tomy retired colleagues and congratulations to those who have chosen re-Glen Eyrie FarmFOR CHILDRENDELAVAN LAKE, WISCONSINBOYS and GIRLS 7—12Farm experience besides camp activities including swimming and boating.June 25 to September 3Send {or story of tke Farm.VIRGINIA HINKINS BUZZELL, '13Glen Eyrie Farm, Delavan Lake, Wis. search and teaching as their contribution to this age. I am now one ofthose retired professors emerita, supposedly to have yet a brief span oflife for reflective thinking. It is welland I am thankful to have an opportunity to direct my own programwithout having to meet scheduledtime. If conditions were different youmight find me back at my 'old stamping ground' — the University of Chicago, where I spent so many reallyprofitable, happy days, even as farback as during President Harper'sadministration . ' '1900Mary Synon was awarded thehonorary degree of doctor of laws byRosary College of Chicago. Theaward was based on Miss Synon'sefforts in the cause of Catholic education. She is editorial consultant tothe commission of American citizenship of the Catholic University ofAmerica and is author of a number ofnovels.Frances L. Walshe reports thatthe Chicago Public School Art Society, of which she has been the executive secretary for twenty-three years,is now affiliated with the EducationDepartment of the Art Institute ofChicago.1901Marion Fairman has been in Florida for some weeks and writes: "Enjoyed seeing my old classmate, Roy B.Nelson. I should say, 'former,' as hecertainly is not 'old.' He was thegenial host a year ago in St. Petersburg to Dean Laing and a Chicagogroup of over eighty. He regrettedthere was no chance of such a gathering this year."Donald Richberg's latest book,Government and Business Tomorrow,is soon to be published by Harperand Brothers.Esther Day Shover is a teacher ofEnglish at the Arsenal TechnicalSchools, Indianapolis. She writes:"One of our buildings is to be re-dedicated on May 21 in honor of thefirst commanding officer, Lt. Col.Treadwell, of the Indianapolis Government Arsenal, 1862-1902. Thesegrounds are now held by deed of trustby the Indianapolis schools whichhave a high school and vocationalschool on the former arsenal grounds.I have done the historical researchnecessary for this re-dedication." MissShover has charge of the World PenFriendship Correspondence.Francis Baldwin of Park Ridge,Illinois, writes that he has been illand confined to his home since Apriland is retired, from active business,24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1903The class of 1903 celebrated itsfortieth reunion this year with a dinner at the Quadrangle Club preceding the Sing. Reminiscences weresomewhat crowded out by tales ofsons and daughters in service and ofgrandchildren under foot. Perhapsthis is indicative of old age, but classmembers prefer to lay it to the factthat there is little left at the University save the buildings to remind themof their days as "pioneers."Scores of letters from out of townmembers of the class were read tothose present who were: EdwinBoehmer, Alice Borgmeier, Ella Dan-nehy Bunting, Rollin T. Chamberlin,Frank DeWolf, Lorena King Fair-bank, Carl Grabo, Thomas J. Hairand Mrs. Hair, Agness J. Kaufman,Raymond T. Kelly, Ralph Kerr andMrs. Kerr, Hedwig Loeb, William J.McDowell and Mrs. McDowell, FrankMcNair, Ralph Merriam and Mrs.Merriam, Roy Merrifield, Amory R.Mitchell, Herman I. Schlesinger,Charles H. Swift, Berthold J. UUman, Oscar Wahlgren and his son(a Ph.D. from the University).W. J. Bardsley, MD, writes: "Asfar as I know I am the only alumnusin Park City, Utah — a city with apopulation of 2,500. Am nearing myseventy-fourth birthday and am stillactive and keep my boyish figure.Perhaps to have lived well and longis an accomplishment. Active in defense work; adjutant for the local postof the American Legion for the lasttwelve years. Am interested in theactivities of the University in defenseprojects."Hayward D. Warner is an insurance broker in Denver, Colorado.Henry T. Upson, PhD, writesthat he has been in Buffalo, N. Y.since 1903 in the oil and real estatebusiness. He would be glad to haveold friends in Kent Laboratory write,he says, and he promises to answer.1904Grace Adgate Dean has movedfrom Buffalo to Kansas City, Missouri,"presumably for the duration."Frank F. Stephens, PhM '05, isdean of students of the College of Artsand Sciences, University of Missouri,and is also armed services representative of the faculty.1905James Sheldon Riley was appointed in February to the Board ofPension Commissioners (police andfiremen) of the City of Los Angelesby Mayor Fletcher Bowron. He saysthat his associate commissioners aremen of the highest calibre and hefinds the work most interesting. Dudley K. French, consultingchemist and engineer, writes that industrial water is his specialty. He isactive in the American Chemical Society and American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and is treasurerof the Winnetka Community Chest.He keeps open house one night a weekfor near-by servicemen^ who like recorded symphonic and operatic music.Dean Rockwell Wickes, PhD'12, reports having published a paperon "China and America against SoilErosion," written in collaboration withW. C. Lowdermilk, appearing in theMay and June numbers of the Scientific Monthly. He also reports a firstgrandchild — Ellen Wickes Carney,born a year ago in Washington, D. C.Mary Ella Thurston of Oakland,California, voices the same plea as another alumna recently: "Isn't it abouttime to run a column telling whatthe children of graduates are doing?Some of us 'old grads' might be muchinterested."[We're just waiting to receive suchnews. If alumni will send it to us,we'll be glad to publish it. — Ed.]1906Orlando Franke Scott, MD '08,is director of the National Detectionof Deception Laboratories, Chicago.He is inventor of the brain wave liedetector, and he reports that thetechnique used is the only one ever tobe accepted as evidence by any court.1907J. Anderson Fitzgerald, AM,PhD '25, has been elected a directorof Group Hospital Service, Inc., anda trustee of the American Institutefor Property and Liability Underwriters, Inc. He is dean of the Schoolof Business Administration of the University of Texas.Marion W. Segner of Pasadena,California, writes that after forty-fiveyears of teaching, thirty-two of whichwere in Pasadena, she retired in 1941.HIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATESENGRAVERS SINCE 1906 | -f WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES ?I + ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED +-? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE +^RAYNEIT• DALHEIM &CO.2054 W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO. She adds: "I love the University asmuch as ever!"Evelyn Newman, PhM '08 hasbeen chairman of the Division of Literature and Languages at ColoradoCollege, Greeley, for four years. Sheholds a professorship of English,teaching several classes. Previouslyshe taught at Rollins College fornearly nine years, and during thattime was exchange professor at theUniversity of Exeter, England, for theyear 1935-36.Florence R. Scott of Los Angelesreports that she has just recently beengranted her PhD from the graduateschool of New York University.Herbert Francis Evans, BD, PhD'09 is entering his tenth year as chairman of the Department of Religion,Whittier College. He has for fiveyears been chairman of the Department of Christian Education, Southern California Council of Churches.1908Geneva Swinford English hastwo sons in the service. She is activein church and civic organizations ofSpringfield, Missouri.Helen Gunsaulus, who for seventeen years has been on the staffof the Art Institute of Chicago asassistant curator of oriental art andkeeper of the Japanese prints, has resigned and has gone to live on CapeCod at South Yarmouth. She will stillbe on the Institute staff as honorarykeeper of the Japanese prints and willreturn each year for one month.Esther H. Woodward has beenteaching in the Atlanta high schoolsfor twenty years. She reports that herhusband, Lieut. Col. Paul S. Woodward (a former student but not agraduate of Chicago) is in the Chemical Warfare Service.From M. Eleanor Moore comesthis note: "For several years ten '07and '08 women graduates have had aregular appointment for luncheontogether the first Saturday of eachmonth at a Loop tea room. Thenumber that arrives varies, but thosepresent enjoy a good visit. The groupincludes Marguerite Marks Allison, Hildur Westlund Lundquist,Adelaide Spohn, Ida Schrader, Gertrude Dickerman Vanfleet, MetaMannhardt, Anna MontgomeryBarnard, Frieda Schmid Simson,Jessie Solomon, and myself."Rev. Walter S. Pond is beginninghis thirty-second year as a minister inthe city of Chicago and his twenty-second as rector of St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church. He says that he is"having a great deal of inspirationTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPhones Oakland 0690—0691—0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.,INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueCLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935**Good Printing of All Detiriptions*'from corresponding with the 146 parishioners who are in military duty,five of whom are women."Helen Sunny McKibbin, the wifeof the recent Republican candidatefor mayor of Chicago, George B.McKibbin, JD '13, made an admirable effort in the campaign of her husband. Her Red Cross labors, blooddonations, family cares, and politicalacumen, were the means of attractingmany votes, friends report.O. R. Jenks, DB, teaches in AuroraCollege, and preaches in Chicago onSunday forenoons. He says he is "trying to help keep Aurora alive."1909Harry W. Harriman, JD '11, hasbeen in Madison, Wisconsin, since1920. After practicing law in Milwaukee nine years, he went there toact as counsel for the Wisconsin Public Service and Banking Commission.He is now in private practice, and sayshe is always proud to say he is fromthe U. of C.Walter Frederick Sanders, AM'17, dean of Park College in Missouri,reports that his son, Captain W. I.Sanders, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the AirMedal for "courageous and extraordinary achievement in the work ofthe Himalayan ferry."Nova June Beal of Sacramento,California, sends this note: "For thosewho may be interested, my status isstill quo, i. e. still a spinster. Am stillworking hard at my job of principalpersonnel examiner for the CaliforniaState Personnel Board. Next JanuaryI shall have completed thirty years ofservice in that same department. Ithas been hard work but always interesting and often exciting. Throughout these years I have been unceasingly grateful for and appreciative ofthe splendid basic training I receivedduring my undergraduate work at Chicago. I am always proud to beable to say that I have an A.B. fromthe University of Chicago."Villa Smith, SM '33, is teachingthe summer term at Kent State College, Ohio.Charlotte T. Sulcer says thather youngest son, Frederick, expectsto enter U. of C. next autumn — thefifth of the Sulcer family to attendthe University, not counting a maternal grandfather who attended the"old" University.1910Abigail C. Lazelle, AM '31, hasbeen on the staff of the Berkeley Preparatory School in Boston as a teacherof languages. She has completed herresidence requirements for her doctorate at Boston University.August Odebrecht retired inJune, 1941, as professor of modernlanguages at Denison University.Beulah Armacost Hess writes:"Since communicating with you thelast time I have become quite interested in the League of Women Votersand have just been elected presidentof the Baltimore league — quite alarge order, I assure you. Our olderson graduated from Princeton in1941, is an engineer with Sperry; theyounger left Princeton and enlisted ayear ago and is now overseas in antiaircraft. I do feel proud that myAlma Mater, like other mothers, ismaking such a magnificent contribution to the war effort and in such goodspirit. Greetings to 1910!"Alfred I. Roehm, PhD, of Peabody College, Nashville, is workingon an audio-visual presentation ofEnglish language and grammar(grades 6 to 12) .Julius F. McDonald, AM, ofTexas Technological College, Lubbock, tells us that his son, Jack McDonald, is taking cadet officer's training in meteorology at U. of C.Irma A. Baumann is employed inin the office of the finance officer,Kirtland Field, Albuquerque, N. M.Kate Knowles writes from SanAntonio, Texas: "One noteworthyevent in the past year — the visit onNovember 28 of Dean Gordon J.Laing, who entertained us with hisaccount of Chicago — old and new. Itwas a great pleasure for me to hearagain the brilliant speaker whoseclasses I enjoyed so many years ago."Willis A. Chamberlin, PhD, isprofessor emeritus and college historian at Denison University. In hisleisure time he is collecting letters,memoirs, pictures, and all personalitems bearing on Denison history. MAGAZINE 251911S. Edwin Earle is now located withFry-Lawson and Company, management engineers, at 135 South LaSalle,Chicago.Nathaniel Peffer's recent book,Basis for Peace in the Far East(Harper), was recently reviewed byLin Yutang in the New York Herald-Tribune.Laura M. Truscott has movedfrom Cisne to Chebanse, Illinois.Charles L. Sullivan, Jr., is president and general manager of theThresher Varnish Company of Dayton, Ohio, which was awarded theArmy-Navy E in April.Emir F. Am merman says she iswriting a great deal of verse and selling some. She is living in KansasCity, Missouri.Lt. Col. Esmond Long, PhD '19,MD '26, spoke at a meeting of theLos Angeles Trudeau Society in Aprilwhile on an inspection trip for theSurgeon General of the Army. Dr.Long is head of the tuberculosis section for the Army Medical Corps. Justanother activity of the 1911 Class,comments our correspondent, RalphH. Kuhns, MD '13, of the Army-Navy examining board, Los Angeles.Margaret J. F. Ingram, AM '20,is teaching in a New York City highschool, which, she says, the war hasreduced half way to normal size. Sheis studying Spanish, and hoping to goto South America when she retires in1948.Elizabeth Farwell reports thatshe has two sons in the service. Lt.Loring C. Farwell is in England andPvt. Robert L. Farwell is in trainingat Brown University.Gertrude Perry Keats has threesons serving in the armed forces. Sheis living at Plandome, Long Island.AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits Hmwork to the university and college field.It Is affliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.ECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKS•Galvanized Iron and Copper CornicesSkylights, Gutters, Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbestos Roofing1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 189326 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEVera L. Moyer is still catalogingin the library at the PennsylvaniaState College. She writes that sheis in "a pleasant town, isolated by hillsfrom trains and factories, slow to feelthe direct impact of the war, but ithas reached us at last."1912Alice Schelling Hurst has justwelcomed another Chicago alumnainto her family, her daughter, whoreceived her BS at the June convocation.Joseph G. Masters, AM '16, andMrs. Masters (Helen G. Smith, '06)are moving from Omaha, Nebraska,where he has been secretary of theOmaha Round Table of the NationalConference of Christians and Jews.He writes : "We are pulling up stakesand going to the grandest place onecan imagine — to Bush Hill Farm,Smethport, Pennsylvania (Mrs. Masters' old home) , a farm of five hundred acres of grass and forests, withdeer and grouse to hunt, with six natural gas wells for light, heat, and fuel,and spring water flowing through thehouse, and wild berries over the farm,etc. We are going back there to loaf.We shall grow big gardens and fruitbut no farming."1913Esther Jencks Gailey is doingfood research on soy beans for theI. F. Laucks Company of Seattle,Washington. She writes that they are"giving the world better, cheaper protein food from soy beans."BOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.All Phones OAKIond 0492 Louise C. Robb of Glendale,Ohio, is keeping busy with Red Crosswork, first aid courses, knitting, warprojects for schools, and, incidentally,teaching.1914Jennie Williams has been in theeducation department at Kansas StateTeachers College, Emporia, serving invarious capacities. She is associateprofessor of education and is teachingsubjects in the elementary field.June Adams Horner and her husband, Dr. Earl Horner, have movedto Florida, where they are living intheir new home at 2235 Brevard Road,St. Petersburg.Dorothy Grey, MD '22, is practicing medicine in Belfast, N. Y, in acounty where there are about 2,000people to each physician. She says itmakes for a steady job.Rudy Matthews writes from Winter Park, Florfda: "I owe a greatdeal to the U. of C. — both mybrother, Richard '16, and I receivedour degrees there, plus many, manyhappy memories. And now our olderson, Richard P. Matthews, II, hashis degree as of last September."Loyal G. Tillotson, dean of theeconomics and business department atBradley Polytechnic Institute, hasbeen appointed by Illinois GovernorDwight H. Green, '20, JD '22, amember of the economics and businesssection of the Advisory Committee onTechnical Advice.Mildred D. Peabody writes thatshe has been teaching at the Greenwich, Connecticut, Academy since1922. "Besides teaching mensendieck(which by the way is truly a marvelous system of exercises)," she adds,"I have been writing music and playsfor the school, painting pictures, andsinging."Margaret F. Williams, AM '33,reports that she has been working forthe United States Government for thepast year in an interesting but confidential capacity.Jeannette Thielens Phillipswrites: "My youngest daughter (andthird child to attend the University),Rosalie, graduates in June. Theserecent years of close association withthe campus — courses and activities —have enriched my life as well as mychildren's."1915Brent D. Allinson is an instructor of geography and world politics atSpring Hill College, Alabama.Edgar H. Allen, JD, is a government appeal agent on the SelectiveService Local Board No. 2 in Decatur,Illinois. His daughter, Mary Allen House, '40, is a civilian instructor inradio at Truax Field, Madison, Wisconsin. Her husband, John M. House,interrupted his studies at the University, and is now a warrant officer witha motor transport corps in Iran. JohnAllen is a private at Fort Benning,Georgia.Ruth Allen Dickinson says thather "faith in the University of Chicago was never greater." Her son ison the Quadrangles and her daughteris transferring from Smith next year.Ruth M. Gartland is professor ofsocial work at the School of AppliedSocial Sciences, University of Pittsburgh.Zena Kroger is teaching in theforeign language department at SennHigh School, Chicago.Helen L. Drew Richardson, AM,has been president of the BeloitBranch of the American Associationof University Women this past winter.Mary Koll Heiner is conductingresearch on time and motion appliedto food production at Cornell University this summer. She is awaitingorders for overseas duty with the RedCross this fall.Alma M. Merrick is teachingLatin in the Senior High School inKenosha, Wis.Bertha E. Davis, AM, has retiredbut is still doing some lecturing onChina, India, Russia, and Burma,"hoping to help a better internationalunderstanding."Harlan True Stetson, PhD, ofthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology gave the principal address atthe University of Maine on April 15in a celebration program commemorating the quadricentennial of thedeath of Copernicus. The occasionwas under the auspices of Sigma Xiand the subject of the lecture was"The Earth and Sun: from Copernicus until Tomorrow." On March 26Dr. Stetson addressed the Boston section of the American Institute ofRadio Engineers on "The Electronicsof the Atmosphere."1916Margaret Hess Callahan ofWilmington, Delaware, reports thatshe has one daughter married, onedaughter a sophomore at Bryn Mawr,and a son in prep school; and thatshe herself has a war job as a mechanic's helper on air plane enginesat New Castle Army Air Base. Sheadds: "College education not necessary."Mary L. DeLand is working inthe office of the post engineer at theArmy Air Forces Technical TrainingCommand at Willow Run, Ypsilanti,Michigan.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27Mary Roberts Crowley says thather husband, William A. Crowley,PhD '17, is busy teaching ethics at theUniversity of Cincinnati. She is inher twelfth year as assistant superin-tendant of schools, Cincinnati. Theirdaughter, Mary Eleanor, is now fifteen and in high school. She sends"best wishes to old friends and thenew University."Earle Eubank, PhD, is associateeditor of the Dictionary of Sociology.Claude W. Mitchell, MD, andMrs. Mitchell announce the marriageof their daughter, Margaret, to William Mollinkopf of New York Teachers College, Albany.Dorothy Farwell Barber, of Barrington, Illinois, writes : "Our two boysare in the service: the older, Lieut.L. H. Barber, is with the Army in Hawaii and his wife and baby are living with us. The baby was born twodays after Bud left for overseas; ouryounger son, Bill, is an Army aircadet, at present having his basictraining at Boca Raton, Florida, untilhe begins the A course in meteorology — somewhere."Rev. William H. Matthewswrites that he is "a lawyer who turnedpreacher in the Presbyterian church."He is seventy-four years old and issoon to retire.1917Esther Crane, PhD, of GoucherCollege, has been made chairman ofthe Baltimore County Child CareCommittee, which will establish nursery schools in Baltimore County,Maryland, for children whose mothersare employed in war work.Cora Alice Anthony is managingeditor of Woman's Day Magazine,with offices in New York City.Elinor Pancoast, AM '22, PhD'27, is on leave of absence fromGoucher College, where she is professor of economics, to serve as seniorcivilian mobilization adviser for thethird region of the OCD.Jacob Horak, PhD '20, is withthe Board of Economic Warfare inWashington.Stanley Rice, Long Beach, California, in sending his appreciation ofthe reading lists sponsored by AlumniDean Laing, remarks: "While I wasobliged to stop teaching, I am vitallyinterested in the activities of the University. There is no place like Chicago."Lois Donaldson Kohler continues writing for children. A set ofeight picture geographies of Centraland South American countries are announced for publication this month. Ruth E. DeGroot is doing volunteer work in church and Red Crossin Washington, D. C. She was general secretary of the Y. W. C. A. fora number of years in Bluefield, WestVirginia, and Coshocton, Ohio. Hermother died recently and she is nowkeeping house for her father.Barbara Sells Burke has beenchairman of the victory book campaign for Ft. Worth, Texas, for thepast two years, "among other things,"she writes. She is now giving psychological tests to juvenile court cases,and was on the speakers bureau forthe recent War Savings Bond campaign. "But who isn't doing all thesethings nowadays?" she adds.Lester A. Wade, LLB, is Justiceof the Supreme Court of the State ofUtah, Salt Lake City.Charles A. Robins, MD, hasserved his third term in the IdahoState Senate, and was chosen presi-dent-pro-tem of that body. He alsosays that he is one of the two physicians left in his county, and is tryingto do his part.Anna Barbara Grey, MD '20, isin charge of a mission hospital atHanumakonda, India. The hospitalwhere she had worked for twentyyears in Moulmein, Burma, was destroyed by the Japanese a year ago.Charles E. Oates, SM, sends hisregards, "to my teachers Drs. Carlson,Luckhardt, Becht and others, duringsummer quarters 1908, '10, '13, '14,'15, '16, and '17. Since leaving theUniversity of Arkansas MedicalSchool as a teacher in 1930, I havebeen with the United States PublicHealth Service doing venereal diseasework. Short courses for doctors doingwar work is an added factor. Willsoon be through with our fourth termof four weeks each. Only wish Icould do my bit at the front and feelmore comfortable when peace comes."Rose Nath Desser, as bond chairman of one of the philanthropic clubs,has sold $250,000 worth of war bonds.She reports that her son, Louis NathDesser, is in the Army at CampCallan.Bernice Klausner Newmanwrites that she has raised a family offour children, the oldest of which isnow serving with the Coast Artillery,and the second is anxious to enroll atU. of C. in 1944.Ethlyn Merrick Mowder is living in Oklahoma City. Her only sonis in the Army Signal Corps.Buell A. Patterson is director ofpublicity for American Airlines inNew York. 1918The famed war class of the University, the Class of '18, held itstwenty-fifth anniversary celebrationon campus on Friday night, June 11,again in wartime. Eighteeners metat dinner in the Quadrangle Cluband stayed on until curfew, arguingabout disposition of the class funds,a matter of $55.76 now in a savingsaccount under the guardianship ofArthur A. Baer, temporary treasurerfor twenty-five years.The argument divided those present into two distinct groups : the Conservatives, headed by William Boaland Helena Stevens Seaberg, whowanted to donate the money to someworthy cause, such as the AlumniFoundation, the Red Cross, or refreshments for the 50th anniversary of theclass; and the Radicals, stirred up byJohn Nuveen, Jr. and J. Milton Coulter, who recommended speculation inwildcat oil stock in the hope of pyramiding. Eloise Smith Watson finallysettled the matter by asking that acommission be appointed to investigate and report following the duration.Eighty Eighteeners, their wives,husbands, and children, were in attendance. Harry R. Swanson camein person to present greetings fromhis class, the pre-war class of 1917.Toastmasters were John Nuveen, Jr.and Arthur Baer, and William Boal,representing those who came in late.A congratulatory telegram was readand applauded, signed by ValleeBLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, Director28 THE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAppel, '11, president of the AlumniAssociation, and Carl Beck, alumnisecretary. The guest speaker of theevening was Dr. Ralph W. Gerard,professor of physiology, who gave abrilliant and stimulating address on"Science and Society."Parental honors for the eveningwent to Eva Richolson Chapman,wife of John William Chapman ofGovernor Green's staff. The Chap-mans have six children. Grandpar-ental honors went to J. Milton Coulter, whose first grandchild was^ borntwo months ago. No one present contested. Wrisley P. Oleson and wife,Harriet Curry Oleson, both Eighteeners, were given the victory gardenaward.Among those present were NorrisBakke, judge of the State of ColoradoSupreme Court. Elizabeth RubinkamBeatty represented the only pair of'18 twins, Dizzy and Hank. DonaldSkinner, Garret Larkin, and CyrusCollins, none of whom had attendeda class reunion in twenty-five years,were present. Mathilda BertramsHoner came in from Michigan.Sherman O. Cooper was chairmanof the anniversary committee. He wasably assisted by Madeline McManusCraig, Barbara Miller Simpson, Dorothy Winefield Pink, Dorothy Fay Barclay, Julia Ricketts King, FlorenceLamb Gentleman, Ruth Falkenauand Florence Woods, as well as Coulter, Nuveen, and Baer. In the suburbs great assistance was given byAdelheid Steiner Gieske, Edith Wat-ters Brown, and Helena Stevens Sea-berg.Excerpts from letters received, follow:Walter A. Bowers: "Have the jobof senior chief fiscal officer in theBudget Office for the War Department for the duration. Have helpedsince before Pearl Harbor to increaseWar Department budgets from onebillion to seventy billion dollars ayear. If big budgets will do it, thewar is already won!"George H. McDonald: "This yearI've given up golf for gardening.Some three years ago we built ourhome Braewaild on a wooded acre ofland. The birds and flowers are ajoy to us all. In addition I have ahalf-acre for vegetables — my potatoesare well up, and we have been eatingfresh garden vegetables for weeks."Clifford Manshardt: "For the pastseventeen years I have been in Bombay, India, as the director of theNagpada Neighborhood House; thedirector of the Sir Dorabji TataTrust; and the director of the Sir Dorabji Tata Graduate School of Social Work. For about a year now Ihave been in Chicago as the directorof the Bethlehem Community Centerand have been lecturing in the Chicago Theological Seminary on thecampus."Lael R. Abbott: "The Navy, Army,and Marine Corps all turned downmy application for a commission immediately following Pearl Harbor. Myofficial title is Seaman First ClassTemporary, U. S. Coast Guard Reserve. We go to class at the University of Minnesota every Mondaynight from 19:30 to 22:00 Navy time.Our uniforms are what the regularCoast Guards affectionately call zootsuits, and I might add that my baldhead looks funny in a white sailorhat."Ruth Herrick, M.D. : "For recreation I am reforesting twenty aridacres, within legal gas rationing distance from my home. I am now oneof the world's best digger-uppers.Beautiful callouses on both handsbear witness to my words."Frederick C. Leonard: "MarriedRhoda Walton, of Victoria, B. O,Canada, on July 4, 1942. Electedpresident of the Eta of California(U.C.L.A.) chapter of Phi BetaKappa for the year 1943-44."Olive Turner Mac Arthur: "Not achance of getting back to Chicagountil after the war is over, but I'll bewith you in spirit. My husband isstill professor of genetics at the University of Toronto. Our daughter,Helen, graduated from Oberlin in1942. John Jr. is in math and physics at the University of Toronto;Jean a freshman in the conservatoryof music at Oberlin. Robert entershigh school in the fall."1919Clarence R. White is salesmanand methods superintendent of theAddressograph Sales Agency, Chicago.Corinne S. Eddy is county healthofficer, Liberty, Mississippi.Elmer Kennedy has been teachingin the Chicago schools for a goodmany years. Since 1934 he has beeninstructor of social and politicalscience at Woodrow Wilson City College.~ Mercedes Jones Lyding writes:"Upon learning that our present movethis month was taking us within ablock of the University campus, afacetious alumna of my day remarkedthat having let two daughters graduateand a son attend from distances offive blocks to three miles, we must begoing to make it convenient for grandchildren. This is indeed in the dim future, for although Joan ['41] isnow Mrs. James G. Bell, James ['40]is training with the Army Air Corpsin Texas, and Patricia ['42] is still'bidin' time,' and at present ourmain excuse for the move as sheis working in the registrar's office.Let's keep our service column newsy,for the boys certainly enjoy it."Wyman R. Green, PhD, has beenteaching biology for the last twelveyears at Drew University, Madison,N. J. He reports he has found a littletime for research on Drosophila andon fossil fishes. His son, Francis, matriculated at U. of C. in Septemberand is now in the electronics divisionof the Signal Corps. Two youngersons are at home.Martha Simond has been awayfrom her job in Buffalo for some time,recuperating in Florida from a longillness.Eva Bernstein Kind reports thather son, Morton B. Stark, is at FortBragg.Margaret Brown O'Connor,PhD, LLB '31, has been teaching ata branch college of St. Louis University for the past three years and eachsummer has taught at Mount MercyCollege in Pittsburgh. She now hasaccepted for the duration a positionwith the Emerson Electric Companyat the turret plant. It is entirely government work, under constant military supervision. The factory is thelargest of the six turret plants in theUnited States, she writes.E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph — Offset — Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182HUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.Telephone Harrison 7798Chicago, III.Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesGenerally recognized as one of the leading TeachersAgencies of the United States.HARRY EENIGCNBURG, Jr.STANDARDREADY ROOFING CO.Complete Service10436 TelephoneS. Wabash Ave. Pullman 8500THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29E. Marie Plapp, SM'20, writes:"I have been on sabbatical leavefrom my position as teacher ofmathematics in the Marshall HighSchool, Chicago, since last September.I studied Spanish at the Universityof Arizona in Tucson through January, then travelled in Mexico andGuatemala, returning in April tospend Easter in southern California."1920Edna Clark Wentworth, AM'22, took her PhD from WashingtonUniversity in 1941. She is a socialscience analyst and recently made forthe Institute of Pacific Relations ananalysis of income and expendituresof over a hundred Filipino families onan Hawaiian sugar plantation. Sheis now with the Social Security Boardin Baltimore.Henry J. Shapin is personnel manager for the L. Fish Furniture Company in Chicago.Robert E. Mathews, JD, has justreturned from a study of labor conditions in Bolivia, as a member of theUnited States labor mission to thatcountry. He is on leave from theCollege of Law, Ohio State University, and is a member of the general counsel's staff, Board of EconomicWarfare, Washington.O. C. Rogers of Lakewood, Ohio,says: "I left my own business in thespring of 1942 to go with the WPBand have been thoroughly enjoyingmy work as regional chief in chargeof industrial salvage in the fifth region.Tuck PointingMaintenanceCleaning PHONEGRAceland 0800CENTRAL BUILDING CLEANING CO.CalkingStainingMasonryAeid WashingSand BlastingSteam CleaningWater Proofing 3347 N. Halsted StreetMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIBEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave., Chicago Theresa Wilson Rothermel andWilliam H. Rothermel, '11, reportthat their son Stephen is stationed inHawaii.Arthur H. Steinhaus, SM '25,PhD '28, is senior author of the recently published booklet, How toKeep Fit and Like It. It presents apopularly written program for civilianphysical fitness combined with streamlined physiology of exercise.1921Rev. William C. S. Pellowe, AM,reports that he gave the baccalaureatesermon at Albion College, Michiganon May 23, and received the honorarydegree of Doctor of Divinity at thecommencement exercises.Harriet Gulledge has been appointed office assistant and substituteteacher at St. George's School forGirls, Chicago.Enid Townley is assistant to thechief of the Illinois State GeologicalSurvey. The survey is actively engaged in field and laboratory researchon minerals and mineral materialsconnected with the war effort. Sheadds : "Me, I just work there — alongwith a lot of other Chicago alumnitoo numerous to mention."Ivan C. Hall, PhD, is director ofthe Central Laboratory of the Contaminated Wound Project under thesub-committee on surgical infectionsof the National Research Council.The laboratory is at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, NewYork City.Harry H. Herron is registrar atNew Trier Township High School inWinnetka. His wife (Gladys Bow-lin '20) is principal of Laurel Schoolin Wilmette.Chalmer C. McWilliams is president of the Hollywood, California,Rotary Club this year.1922Essie Hill is head of the Department of Latin at the senior highschool in Little Rock, Arkansas.Bessie Boyd Bell, AM, has beenteaching history in Glenville StateCollege, West Virginia, since 1918.Aurelie Zichy, AM, continues toteach English in Des Moines, Iowa.She writes that she is "proud of theUniversity."Edward W. Griffey, MD'25, sayshis practice is limited to ophthalmology in Houston, Texas. He isinstructor in that subject at the University of Texas college of medicine.James H. Turner and his wife(Louise Hulley), have moved intoa large home on Kimbark Avenue inChicago. Their eldest son, James, leftU. of C. last February for Texas, where he is training as a studentflyer. Their eldest daughter, Gloria,will probably enter the Universitynext fall.Miriam Ormsby Mark reportsthat her son, Ormsby Annan, who wasa freshman last fall at U. of O, isnow in the Signal Corps radio schoolat Fort Monmouth, New Jersey.Truman S. Potter, MD '27, research associate and Seymour ComanFellow in Preventive Medicine atthe University, writes: "I haverecently produced a comparatively effective vaccine by a novel principle —that of bacterial asphyxia. The bacillus of tuberculosis dies when forced tometabolize in the absence of a supplyof oxygen, one of its most. importantconstituent elements. Disease parasites have several lines of defenseagainst asphyxia, the dormancy ofcold and desiccation, anaerobiasis, andsporulation. We have pierced the firstline of defense."Thomas L. Shreeve has left Ogden, Utah, to become cost accountantof the food accounting section of theOPA in Washington.Charles Fowler Van Cleve,AM, is associate professor of Englishat Ball State Teachers College, Mun-cie, Ind.Oscar E. Meinzer, PhD, of theU. S. Geological Survey, was awardedthe fifth William Bowie medal forcooperative service in geophysical research, at the annual meeting of theAmerican Geophysical Union, April24.Florence Eckfeldt, SM '28, ishead of the foreign language department at Amundsen High School, Chicago, where she has been teachingSpanish for several years. She writesthat she attended the language schoolsat Middlebury College, Vermont, during the past four summers and received an AM in Spanish there a yearago.Nellie Gorgas, AM '37, says she isstill enjoying her work as administrator of St. Barnabas Hospital in Minneapolis, "in spite of labor shortages andrationing programs, which make themeeting of greatly increased patientloads a bit difficult."John L. Bracken, AM, superintendent of the Clayton, Missouri,board of education, has been electedpresident of the Reliable Life Insurance Company of St. Louis.Helen Papenbrook is an Englishteacher at Steinmetz High School inChicago.Carl W. Gamer, after assisting inthe teaching of political science at theUniversity of Illinois for two years,has accepted the position of director30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof religious education at the IllinoisSoldiers' and Sailors' Children'sSchool, Normal. The job involvesteaching in junior high school, preaching on Sundays, and supervising allreligious activities.1923Ingeborg Storvick is teachinghistory at the Kelvyn Park HighSchool in Chicago.Laura A. Miller, SM, is still atthe University of Oklahoma as associate professor of home economics.Our sympathies go out to RobertV. Merrill, PhD, and Mrs. Merrill(Mary Fyffe, '14), who lost theirson, Colin, 8 years old, on April 30.He was struck and killed by an automobile.Irvin N. Cross is principal of theAlexander Hamilton school in SanDiego. He has also been principalof the La Jolla elementary school forthe past seventeen years.Alice M. Hawkins of TraverseCity, Michigan, says she enjoys allnews from the University.Mae Siefkin Short reports thather husband has been elected president of the Society of Automotive Engineers for 1943. They have threechildren, Sarah, Dick, and Mary.Vera Adam son has been with thedivision of public charities in Akron,Ohio, since 1931 as a senior case investigator. She recently assisted in theRed Cross disaster relief near Akronwhen a tornado swept through damaging about 1200 homes.'Carl A. Swanson, AM, PhD '30,writes: "The constantly repeatedwarnings that one hears these daysagainst the dangers of bringing oninflation by lavish spending soundrather ironical to those whose fixed —and none-too-fat — salaries are unaffected by anything except the highercost of living!"Ruby A. Streman is a laboratorytechonolgist at Good Hope Clinic, LosAngeles.Ola Pauline Srygley is co-editorof two literature textbooks now in usein the Fort Worth, Texas, highschools.Katherine Healey Stidham, AM'29, is with the Department of theInterior, Office of Indian Affairs, inChicago.1924David McKeith, Jr., is serving thisyear as vice-president of the Hartford,Connecticut, Community Chest andchairman of the Chest budget committee.Arthur C. Cody has joined General Mortgage Investments, Inc., Chicago, as public relations officer. Frank E. Wetzel is still fund-raising with the John Price JonesCorporation for the Salvation Army,USO, and Red Cross.Carroll L. Christenson, PhD'31, on leave from Indiana University as professor of economics, is regional price executive in the Chicagooffice of the OPA.Ruth V. Hunter, AM, formerlyprofessor of romance languages atWestern College in Ohio, has gone toNew York City where she has a position as a translator.Muriel B. Carr, PhD, has justretired from the English departmentof the University of Minnesota. Herpermanent address will be "OldLaunchways," Clifton, Royal, NewBrunswick, Canada.Marguerite Higgins Davis hasrecently received her AM from thebusiness education department atNew York University.Agnes L. Adams has been grantedleave from the National College ofEducation, Evanston, to become asenior specialist in extended schoolservices for the Office of Education inWashington.Richard J. Demeree is counsel forthe Department of Industrial Relations for the State of Alabama atMontgomery.Mabel Staudinger, AM '25, isteaching Spanish at the U. of C. College, and is studying for the doctorate in romance languages.Mona Fletcher, AM, in additionto her political science classes, she writes, is happy to be teaching twohistory sections for aviation cadetswho are stationed at Kent State University, Ohio.1925Katherine W. Curtis is in chargeof a rest camp for the American RedCross in North Africa.Eugene E. Potstock is districtmanager for the Northern PaperMills, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Hishome is in Charlotte, North Carolina.Daniel A. Podoll, AM, is teaching four or five subjects at the highschool and junior college in Tracy,Minnesota.Ruth Larson Zimmerman isworking on a fellowship in theSpanish department at the Universityof Colorado.Theodore Fruehling, AM '34,has been appointed chairman of theDepartment of Business Education inthe Hammond public schools. He iscomptroller of Hammond HighSchool, Hammond, Indiana.Raymond E. Morgan, DB '32,PhD '35, is professor of philosophy atthe College of the Ozarks, Clarksville,Arkansas.Amy Irene Moore, AM, has justfinished her eleventh year as a mathematics teacher in the Morehead StateTeachers College, Kentucky. Shewrites that she took a course in pre-flight aeronautics and a little flyinginstruction last summer as her part ofthe war effort. This year she hastaught aeronautics, and in additionfour classes in first aid.Hedley S. Dimock, AM, DB '26,PhD '26, is on leave of absence fromthe George Williams College, Chicago,to serve as coordinator of training ofthe United Service Organizations inNew York City.Olive Hutchinson Kries, SM,has been teaching biology at CentralMichigan College the past sevenyears.Bert T. Hodges, AM, is bursar andassistant treasurer of Denison University, Granville, Ohio.Harry B. Ebersole, AM, has beenprofessor of European history at theNorthern Michigan College of Education at Marquette since 1926.George F. Johnson, AM, left the"ublic schools in Grand Rapids lastfall and now is personnel manager atthe Wolverine Brass Works in GrandRapids.Lucile Evans, SM, is serving asWisconsin chairman of the membership committee of the National Association of Biology Teachers.She says that Josephine M. Lane,AM, has translated from the DanishTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOinto English a poem entitled Dawn inDenmark, written by Emanuel Nielsenof Chicago. The poem was publishedby the Olsen Publishing Co., Milwaukee. Miss Evans says it is a beautifulpoem, beautifully retold.John Day Larkin, AM, is professor of political science at IllinoisInstitute of Technology, and is a public member of the regional war laborboard, to which he has been devotinga good part of his time since February 1.Henry N. Harkins, MS '26, PhD'28, MD '31 (son of William D.Harkins, '01, Andrew MacLeishDistinguished Service ProfessorEmeritus of Chemistry) , who hasbeen associate surgeon of the HenryFord Hospital for the past four years,has just been appointed associate professor of surgery at Johns HopkinsUniversity on a full-time basis.Bessie P. Knight has been spending much time with the victory garden committee in Whittier, California— assigning vacant lots, indexing desirable lots, getting permission fortheir use. She has attended an extension class in gardening and is working a garden. "Just now irrigationtakes more than all the time availableleft after spraying and dusting forthe innumerable varieties of bugs, etc.Hardly time left to see if things arereally growing!"1926Robert B. Weaver, AM, for thepast seventeen years connected withthe Laboratory Schools, U. of O, hasrecently become superintendent ofschools at Goshen, Indiana.Frank L. Huntley, AM, PhD '42,has accepted an associate professorship of English at Carleton College,Northfield, Minnesota. He will beginhis new duties in September.Mayme V. Smith is assistant professor in reading and speech at Central Michigan College of Education atMt. Pleasant.Harold H. Titus, PhD, had abook published this spring by theMacmillan Company entitled WhatIs a Mature Morality? Professor ofphilosophy at Denison University hehas written the book for the generalreader.Elinor Nims Brink, PhD, of Mon-ticello, Florida, says she is "playingthe role of wife of a county health officer — one day each week assistingwith rural venereal clinics"; she ispresident of the federated gardenclub, does Red Cross work of variouskinds, is gardening and canning, besides giving frequent speeches onSouth America. Evelyn Turner has left her teaching in Princeton, Illinois, to assist herfather in his business interests atCasey.1927We understand that Archibald R.McIntyre, PhD '30, MD '31, Mrs.Mclntyre (Margaret Day, PhD '33)and their three small sons (Ross, 11,David, 9, and Donald, 6,) may be seenany evening carrying rakes, hoes, etc.,toward their victory garden whichcontains everything, including bothNebraska and Illinois hybrid bantamcorn.Nancy Farley Wood, AM, hasbeen appointed an instructor inmathematics, radio, and electricity atthe Illinois Institute of Technology inChicago.Thomas R. Mulroy, JD '28, waselected president of the ExecutivesClub of Chicago at the thirty-secondannual meeting of that organization.He is a partner in the law firm ofJones Mulroy and Staub.Elva W. Seideman continues asmathematics adviser in the elementary schools of Sheboygan, Wisconsin.Manuel L. Lopex is assistant professor of Spanish at the University ofArizona, Tucson.Donnal V. Smith, AM, PhD '29,professor and head of the socialstudies department of New York StateCollege for Teachers, Albany, hasbeen elected president of the StateTeachers College at Cortland, N. Y.,effective next September. WattTailored Uniforms Made to MeasureWomen Doctors and Nurses, Stock sizeInterne SuitsANEDA McSWEENY1910 So. Ogden AvenueSEEley 3734 Evenings by AppointmentWM. FECHT ELECTRIC CO.CONTRACTORS - ENGINEERSLIGHT & POWER CONSTRUCTION600 TIL»*# • i m . TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 2208GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Pointing — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3 1 86 MAGAZINE 31.- Stewart, AM '25, PhD '28, professorr of history, succeeds Smith as head of.t the department at Albany.Harold J. Green, JD '28, is chairman of the board of directors of theEast Side Trust and Savings Bank ofChicago.*• Ingram C. Taylor received his) MD from the State University of¦> Iowa in 1932, and entered the Vet-Q erans Administration in 1940 at Min-•' neapolis. Now he is devoting mostP- of his time to internal medicine andcardiology at the Veterans Adminis-n tration Facility in Washington, D. C.Vera Lighthall, AM, is an asso-s date professor in the language andn literature division, Northern StateTeachers College, Aberdeen, Southa Dakota. \ \Allis E. Graham, after finishing a's three months course at St. Louis Uni-'S • • • i*'* versity, is an instructor in radio mechanics at Scott Field, 111.l* Dorthea K. Adolph is still teaching first grade at Malvern School,Shaker Heights, Ohio.lS Arthur N. Bjork is a financial" auditor for the Pure Oil Company inlm Chicago.'" Grace E. Chaffee, AM, is con-'* nected with the State University ofIowa.*> Edith Fisher, AM, is secretary inL* the Glendale, California, Christiane Church.s Grace Eads Dolton, AM, at-e tended the Mexico University sum-¦' mer school last summer.r1928Carol Hess Saphir, SM '31, andher two children, Beth and John, havejoined her husband, Captain WilliamSaphir, at Fitzsimons General Hospital, Denver, where he is now stationed.Seymour R. Ziv is a claims reviewer for the Social Security Board~ in Chicago.Charles D. Flory, AM, PhD '33,is consulting psychologist for Stevenson, Jordon, and Harrison, Inc., Chicago.John H. Mueller, PhD, andKate Hevner Mueller, PhD, arethe authors of a recently published research monograph, Trends in MusicalTaste, which is a study of the trends~ in symphonic repertoires of the leading orchestras in the United Statesand of the London Philharmonic Orchestra from the time of their foundings to the present day.Helen Dumond Herren, AM, isan instructor in foods and nutrition atKansas State College, Manhattan.Clarence Harvey Mills, PhD, ischairman of the Division of the32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHumanities at Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio.Caroline Shrodes, AM '34, isteaching English and psychology atStockton Junior College in California.She is co-editor of PsychologyThrough Literature, which the Oxford Press has just published. Another publication of which she is co-editor is Patterns for Living, ananthology of literature which is usedthroughout the country.C. V. Anderson is a tax expertwith the Union Oil Company.Wilma Anderson Kerby-Miller,AM, PhD, '38, is dean of freshmenand chairman of the admissions boardat Wellesley College.Katherine Crewdson is teachingcommercial work at Mackenzie highschool in Detroit.Lucia A. Mysch reports that Belland Howell have purchased a filmwhich she and her brother made inthe southern mountains showingcraftsmen at work at carving, pottery,weaving and glass blowing. The filmis now ready for market sale andrental; it is titled, "American Handicrafts."Paul J. Ovrebo, PhD, professor ofphysics at Susquehanna University,has assumed a position as physicist atthe aircraft radio laboratory, WrightField, Dayton, Ohio.Junia E. McAlister, MS, is teaching biologv this summer at TexasWesleyan College, Ft. Worth.1929Sterling North, for many yearsliterary editor of the Chicago DailyNews, has resigned to become literaryeditor of the New York Post, effectiveJuly 1.According to the Houston Post,Evelyn Oppenheimer of Dallas,Texas, is "without contest the dean ofbook-reviewers in the Southwest."Virginia Conn White, AM, isdietitian-manager of Holton Hall,Milwaukee-Downer College. Thecampus being near the lake, she says,affords added enjoyment to livingthere.1930Julius Towster, JD '32, is assistant organizations and propagandaanalyst for the Department of Justicein Washington.Mary R. Martin will be with theNorthern Michigan College of Education this summer as a second gradeteacher and assistant in the work shopin elementary education.Robert Ardrey, playwright andmovie scenarist, has joined the overseas division of the OWL LEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 Post 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERBoris Duskin reports that he isteaching chemistry at the Farraguthigh school in Chicago. He adds : "Itmay interest you to know that ourdaughter, Ruth, who is eight yearsold, is a Quiz Kid and has appearedon the program almost forty times."Charlotte C. Donnell, AM, issupervisor of the division of publicassistance, State Department of PublicWelfare, in Oklahoma City.Robert E. Chaffee, JD, is onleave of absence from Time to undertake a confidential mission for theBoard of Economic Warfare in London. His address is American Embassy, London. His wife, the formerMabel Throckmorton of Winnetka,and his young son will continue to reside in New York during his absence.Bernard D. Urist, AM '31, is anattorney for the Federal PublicHousing Authority in Chicago.W. M. Weiner, MD, says he is"still practicing obstetrics and gynecology, but will be glad to stop assoon as I can get one of the servicesto accept me."Rev. B. J. Holcomb is now pastorof the First Methodist Church in Harbor Beach, Michigan.Marjorie Tolman, AM '31, tellsus about her new job as secretary tothe editor of the International Journalof Religious Education, a publicationof the International Council of Religious Education — an interdenominational organization representing 90per cent of the Protestant denominations in the U. S. and Canada, "whichAlbert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoRstablished 1885. Placement Bureau formen and women in all kinds of teachingpositions. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent of ourbusiness. Critic and Grade Supervisors forNormal Schools placed every year in largenumbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Rusiness Administration, Music, and Art, secure finepositions through us every year. PrivateSchools in all parts of the country amongour best patrons; good salaries. Well prepared High School teachers wanted for cityand suburban High Schools. Special manager handles Grade and Critic work. Sendfor folder today. is doing an excellent job of improvingmethods and materials of religious education all over these two countries."Margaret H. Waters is an adjustment teacher in the Oak Park, Illinois,schools.Ruth E. Perkins, AM, since September 1942 has been a social serviceconsultant with the Division of Public Assistance of the Illinois State Department of Public Welfare.Anton Burg, PhD, is head of thechemistry department at the University of Southern California.Edward W. Wallace, PhD '32,MD '35, is research physician for themedical department of Merck andCompany, Rahway, N. J.Lillian Egerton tells us that sheand Edward M. Martin, PhD '38,have been associated since January inconducting the affairs of the Citizens'Association of Chicago. The association has a tradition of sixty-eightyears continuous public service towardthe objective of good local government. They make studies and collectinformation for the citizenry in regardto municipal affairs.P. E. Burkholder, AM, is a personnel counselor in one of the plantsof Curtis-Wright Airplane Corporation, Kenmore, N. Y.Esther Fisher Buchanan writesthat she, her husband, Capt. John M.Buchanan, '30, MD '35, and"Wuzzy" are now settled on StatenIsland "— a long stretch away fromour beloved California — for the duration. Capt. Buchanan is assistant plansand training officer of Halloran Hospital, one of the largest Army hospitals in the U. S. In addition he ischief of the tuberculosis service andin charge of setting up the post medical library. It is a very interesting lifefor all of us, but we'll be glad whenpeace comes and we can all go backhome."Donald Macguineas, '29, JD '31,came to New York on a business tripfor the Department of Justice a monthor so ago and we went to one of NewYork's quieter bright spots and talkedinto the wee hours. The talk pickedup where it left off in 1933 as thoughonly a month, not ten years, had goneby. He and Frances [Hallinan,'31] have three-year-old Biard nowand live in Washington."1931Hannah Lindahl has been appointed a member of the Indiana statestaff on extended school services forchildren. Indiana is attempting to setup a program of care, guidance, andworth-while activities for the childrenTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOof mothers engaged in essential occupations.James H. Hewlett, PhD, is deanof Centre College, Danville, Kentucky, and for the second time is serving as acting president.Hannah Halperin Goldenberg,PhD, of South Bend, Indiana, hasbeen kept busy doing her share in theRed Cross canteen and giving talksunder civilian defense. Her little girl,Nancy, is almost six years old and isvery much interested in vitamins anddiets, she writes.Gerald May spent six months inthe Army at Camp Campbell, Kentucky, and was discharged with thoseover the age limit. He is now withthe WPB in Chicago.James A. Quinn, PhD, is editor ofthe Alpha Kappa Delta Quarterly,periodical of the National SociologicalSociety.Gordon D. Merrick has been forseveral years associate forest ecologistin the United States Department ofAgriculture, at Missoula, Montana.He is now in the Army at Fort Douglas, Utah.Fred R. Bush, AM, has left hisposition as assistant professor of English at Central State Teachers College, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, tojoin the Red Cross overseas.Cecilia M. Rudin, AM '33, hasrecently been appointed instructor ofEnglish and Spanish at Central College in Missouri.Harry P. Gordon is with the purchasing department of the LockheedAircraft Corp. He expects to be inthe Army within a short time.Irvin E. Rosa, AM, has beenappointed superintendent of schools,Davenport, Iowa.Claire E. Healey, MD, continueson the medical staff of the universityhealth service at the University ofMichigan.H. Parr Armstrong, DB, has resigned as minister of Central ChristianChurch, Kansas City, Missouri, aftera ten-year-and-five-month pastorate,to become minister of the OklahomaCity Council of Churches. There hewill help to coordinate Protestantism,minister to the service men andwomen in special training, and helpinaugurate a week-day system ofACMESHEET METAL WORKSGeneral Sheet Metal WorkSkylights - Gutters - SmokestacksFurnace and Ventilating Systems1 1 1 1 East 55th StreetPhone Hyde Park 9500 Christian education, besides the regular duties of a city secretary.Henrietta Zobel Kelso, PhD, isteaching at Denver.Maud Yeoman, AM, is at the Cathedral School of St. Mary, GardenCity, New York, teaching 9th and10th grade English.Marvalene Day is principal andsupervising teacher with BowlingGreen State University for the winterand summer terms this year.Clara Sohn, AM, is in her fourthyear as elementary principal in Jackson, Michigan.Chester V. Lewis is working atthe Kaiser shipyards in Portland, Oregon, helping to build liberty ships.Marjorie Eiger Cole tells us thatshe is living in San Francisco, whereshe is bringing up her three children,Barbara B. (9*4 years), Suzanne D.(7 years), and Christopher A. E. (4years) . But she claims she still willhave time to show any alumni visitingon war work the beauties of SanFrancisco.Margaret Stoll Graves is teaching mathematics at the township highschool, Three Oaks, Michigan.1932GUILLELMINE CUMMINS, AM, issupervisor of elementary education inJackson County, Tennessee.Charles A. Hoffman, PhD, ishead of the science department atMinot State Teachers College, NorthDakota, at present teaching biology toprospective teachers, bacteriology toprospective nurses, and meteorology toprospective Naval fliers, taking theirsecondary training at Minot.Eugene V. Prostoo, AM, is withthe Office of Strategic Services inWashington, D. C.Mary S. Waller writes: "Sincereturning from Switzerland in 1940I've had several interesting experiences. I started the Chicago chapterof France Forever, and worked sixAlbert K. Epstein, "12B. R. Harris, '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6MEDICAL BOOKSof All PublishersThe Largest and Most Complete Stock andall New Books Received as soon as published. Come in and browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago Medical Book Co.)Congress and Honore StreetsOne Block from Rush Medical College MAGAZINE 33months as its chairman. Then myaunt, for whom I care, moved to Jack-s sonville and I with her, of course.Since coming here I have been con-- nected with MacMurray College fori Women, first as a field representative1 and now as secretary of the conservatory of music. I also do some coach-1 ing in French repertoire, in which I| specialized in Paris. My greetings tor my classmates."Robert H. Wilson, PhD, will takei up his duties as associate professor ofEnglish at Southwestern University,Georgetown, Texas, the first of July.t Solomon J. Klapman, PhD '40, isemployed at Utah Radio ProductsCo. as a physicist, and he is on thet evening faculty of the physics depart-e ment of Illinois Institute of Tech-, nology.• Waldo Crippen, AM, has left To-^ peka, Kansas, and is now pastor of the1 Community Congregational Church? at Carbondale, Kansas.1 E. Wilson Lyon, PhD, presidentof Pomona College, has been electedpresident of the Western College1 Association for 1943-44. He has alsobeen named a member of the boardof editors of the Journal of Moderns History, published at U. of C.1 Mary F. Gates, SM, is now on thecollege staff of Rackham School ofs Special Education, Michigan Statet Normal College, Ypsilanti. She re-1 ceived her PhD a year ago from thery University of Wisconsin.o Pauline S hockey, AM, writes thato she and Christine Whinery Carter,r AM '39, represent U. of C. on the faculty of Wellington, Kansas, highi school, where Miss Shockey has beeni teaching English for seventeen years.Imanuel E. Haebich, SM, hase been reelected superintendent-prin-D cipal of the Riverside-BrookfieldTownship High School for the comingr year.s Joseph T. Baron,, PhD, of Milwaukee writes as follows: "Stars andSand, the second volume of an anthology of pro-Jewish expression bythe most distinguished non- Jews inhistory and literature, will be published by the Jewish Publication Society of America in May. The firstvolume, Candles in the Night, appeared in July 1940. These volumesMacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and SecretarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESAccredited by the National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools.1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 21.3034 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEhave been acclaimed by the NationalConference of Christians and Jews aspermanent contributions to the literature of good-will in the Englishlanguage. I am editor of the anthology and believe that spreading the'good word' spoken by one groupabout the other may help to counteract in a measure the evil of anti-Semitism and race prejudice. Thebook is carefully annotated and willbe helpful to all who wish to quoteeloquent passages on a rich varietyof Jewish topics."Edwill H. Pritchard, AM, continues as sales-engineer for non-metallic minerals and refractories, Western Materials Company, Chicago:1933Is adore A. Aaron s has left Savannah for Washington to become seniortechnical assistant in the procurementdivision of the Treasury Department.Willis W. Fisher, DB, PhD '36,is teaching at the School of Religion,University of Southern California.Ralph M. Perry, AM '37, is a special agent for the F. B. I. in Washington.William E. Heaton is a memberof the comptroller's office of MarshallField and Co.Martin J. Herrmann is connectedwith the daily Herald-Press of St. Joseph, Michigan, as accountant andoffice manager.Frederick C. Kuether, Jr., isProtestant chaplain at the Illinois statetraining school for boys at St. Charles.Melvin Avrami, SM '35, PhD '38,is engaged in research for the wareffort.Raymond D. Finkle, PhD '37, isdoing biochemical research at theMetallurgical Laboratory at U. of C.Charles F. Nesbitt, AM, PhD '39,writes that he will be teaching geography at Wofford College for thefortieth College Training Detachment. He is thankful that his researchin the Divinity School had much todo with his new subject, for he says,"the Army does not want religion"¦— his normal subject.Jane M. Allison is personnelmanager of the personnel researchsection, Adjutant • General's Office,War Department, in New York City.1934Charles C. Hauch, AM '36, PhD'42, is coordinator of Inter-AmericanAffairs, Washington, D. C. He is onleave as instructor of history at Indiana University.Roland C. Matthies is the newbusiness manager of the Army training school at Wittenberg College,Springfield, Ohio. There are seven hundred air cadets in training there.Wilma V. Reed, SM, has beenhead of the homemaking departmentin the Thornton Township HighSchool at Harvey, Illinois, for the pastfour years.Margaret C. Mayer-Oakes isliving at Fonda, Iowa. She has organized an adult Bible class for menand women and says that some havebought the Smith and Goodspeedtranslation. She finds the work shedid at the U. of C. Divinity Schoolquite a help, she reports.Ramon B. Perez is working for theUnited States Government as aSpanish and French translator.Ewald C. Pietsch, AM, has beenappointed instructor of general andeconomic geography and meteorologyat Arizona State Teachers College,Tempe.Albert H. Carter, AM, PhD '40,has been in Washington working forthe War Department for over a year.He says that he sees such alumni asEsther Power [PhD '42], BobBrumbaugh ['38, PhD '42], and BobEvans ['41] and also a great deal ofAlbert Howard Carter HI, born onMarch 14.Ruth Beck, AM, is counselor tosophomore girls at Proviso TownshipGREGGCOLLEGEA Schoolof Bu sines sPreferred by College Menand WomenStudent body represents 30 states,80 colleges.Stenographic, Secretarial,and Accounting CoursesSend for free booklet: "The Doorwayto Opportunity."Court Reporting CourseWrite for special free booklet aboutschool of Court Reporting: "Shoi't-hand Reporting us a Profession."Methods courses for business teachers.Only high school graduates accepted.THE GREGG COLLEGEPresident. JOHN ROBERT GREGG. S.C.D.Director. PAUL M. PAIR. M. A.Dept. C. A., 6 N. Michigan Ave.Chicago, III. High School, Maywood, as well as vocational counselor of the college ofNorthwestern University.Sherman M. Booth, Jr., JD '37,is an attorney with the OPA in Washington.Ruby M. Schuyler, AM '37, iscurriculum coordinator at CentralSchool in Glencoe, 111.Evelyn Audrey Goodman is a personnel analyst for the Treasury Department in the Merchandise Mart,Chicago.1935Leoro Calkins Quinn, AM, willteach several subjects at the highschool in Waupun, Wisconsin, beginning in September.Byron S. Miller, JD '37, has beenwith the OPA for about a year and ahalf, spending six months as a priceattorney in machinery, eight monthsas special counsel to the Deputy Administration for Price and since February as assistant to the director ofthe Enforcement Division, all inWashington.Lawrence Brokate has been appointed secretary of the Delaware permanent budget commission, withoffices at Wilmington.Faybert Martin and Mrs. Martin(Mary E. Carper, AM) with theirthree children, have left Colorado andare making their home in Morris, Illinois, where Martin will be associatedwith the First National Bank.Donald M. Sharpe, AM, has become assistant superintendent of theTownship High School and JuniorCollege, Joliet, Illinois.Clara G. Brown writes that theart department of Cabell Countyschools, West Virginia, of which sheis director, joins her in greeting thealumni of the University of Chicago."Every member of the staff is workingzealously to aid the war effort," sheadds.W. J. Wyatt, Jr., PhD, AssociateProfessor of Chemistry at Wake Forest College, has been made head ofthe department for the duration ofthe war.Hal James has been named associate director of radio in charge ofthe New York office of H. W. Kastorand Sons.Robert M. Grogan, of the IllinoisState Geological Survey, reports thathe is "engaged in intensive study ofresources of the strategic mineral,fluorspar, of which Illinois producesa large share of the nation's supply."Eleanor L. Kempner is a RedCross staff recreation worker at Kennedy General Hospital, a very largeTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 35Army hospital located in her homecity of Memphis, Tenn. She says thather preliminary Red Cross training atthe national headquarters in Washington was very interesting and the workitself fascinating and challenging.Robert A. Hall, Jr., AM, is stillat Brown University as assistant professor of Italian. He has recentlybeen occupied as a special consultantfor language materials with the U. S.Armed Forces Institute in Washington. His son, Philip, is almost twoyears old now.1936Wyman L. Williams, PhD, wasmade head of the mathematics department at the University of SouthCarolina last December.George S. Speer, SM, has recentlybeen appointed dean of students atCentral YMCA College in Chicago.The Speer's second child, a son,George S., Jr., is now over a year old.Myrtle Cohen is in Washington,D. O, working for the American RedCross, eastern area, as a consultanton volunteer services in hospital service.Margaret Stone is in Washington,D. O, employed as statistician at theBoard of Economic Warfare. She isworking on population statistics.Kendall B. Taft, PhD, professorof American literature at CentralY.M.C.A. College, Chicago, has beenmade chairman of the English andspeech department in that school.Other U. of C. graduates who aremembers of the department are : Raymond N. Crawford, AM '14; HenryC. Johnson, AM '27; and D. CraneTaylor, '18, AM '21.Donald D. Parker, PhD, is serving in the military and naval welfaredivision of the American Red Crossin Kansas City, Missouri. He livesin Parkville.Elizabeth Faddis Gentry, MD,has become a member of the statehealth department in Texas, servingas pediatrician in a demonstrationchild development program.Evelyn R. Garbe, MS '37, hasbeen appointed an instructor of mathematics at the University.Olive P. Bee man has moved fromHarvey, Illinois, to Bloomsbury, Pennsylvania.Katherine Bergsland writes thatU. of C. is to her "the essence of whata university should be," and she isproud to be connected with it.Fawn McKay Brodie, AM, haswon an Alfred A. Knopf Literary fellowship carrying a grant of $1,250, tocontinue work on a life of JosephSmith, "prophet" and founder of the BOYDSTON BROS.All phones OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.PACKARD AND LASALLE EQUIPMENTCLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency61st YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices — One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis — Kansas City, Mo.Spokane — New YorkTELEPHONE HAYMARKET 4566O'CALLAGHAN BROS., Inc.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.Mormon Church. Mrs. Brodie was alibrarian at the University for threeyears and has taught at Weber College and at Crane Technical School.Married to Bernard Brodie, '32, PhD'40, who has been appointed officialwar historian for the Navy, she is themother of a six months' old son.Barriss Mills, AM, is instructingin English at Michigan State College,East Lansing.Ruth M. McClelland, AM, is aninformation specialist with the BritishSupply Council in Washington, D. C.Althea M. Christenson, AM, isan assistant accountant and auditor inthe special disbursing agent's office,Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C.Joseph Perlson, MD, is certifiedin psychiatry by the American Boardof Neurology and Psychiatry, and ischief of neuropsychiatry at San Bernardino County Hospital in California. He is also physician and surgeonat Patton State Hospital, California.Charles B. Baker, JD '38, hasbeen elected secretary of the UniversalAtlas Cement Company, a subsidiaryof the U. S. Steel Corporation, withheadquarters in New York City.Lewis V. Thomas, AM '37, is inIstanbul, Turkey. He is with the U. S.Office of War Information, workingas a censor.Meyer Goldman is a researchphysicist for the Visking Corporationin Chicago.John G. Tanner, SM, is a re search metallurgist for Central Metals,Inc., of Los Angeles. His daughter,Nina Winifred, is over a year old now.Helen L. Springer, AM, is teaching history at Freeport, Illinois, highschool.Avin J. Gilbert is head of the Gilbert Iron and Metal Company ofMount Pleasant, Michigan. He has afour-months' old daughter, SusanRae.Ulysses G. Mason, MD, reportsa new address in Cleveland, Ohio, aswell as a son, Ulysses G., Ill, age twoyears.Cairns King Smith, PhD, hasbeen appointed instructor of modernEuropean history at the Army Aviation School, Wittenberg College,Springfield, Ohio.Raymond M. Lahr is a correspondent with the United Press in Washington, D. C.1937Florence Lerner is a translatorof Yiddish, French, and Spanish forthe U. S. Government and is locatedin Chicago.William M. Longnecker, PhD,has been raised in rank to full professor in biology at Southern Methodist University, Dallas.Phyllis Goldstein Nexon isassistant placement officer with theODT in Washington.Horace S. Gilbert, AM, is districtsuperintendent, war training service,C.A.A., Prescott, Arizona.Charles F. Axelson, Jr., MBA,was recently appointed assistant to thecomptroller at the United States Gypsum Company, Chicago."It may interest the School ofSocial Service Administration," CarolB. Moore, AM, writes "to know thatout of the class of five beginning medical social field work in October,1936, four are now hospital socialworkers in military hospitals with theAmerican Red Cross." Mrs. Moore isat the 65th General Hospital, FortBragg, N. C.Hubert L. Minton, PhD, collaborated last year with the State Planning Board and the University ofArkansas in producing a source bookon the "Resources of Arkansas andtheir Conservation."John G. Morris is back in NewYork working for Life magazine, aftera year in Los Angeles and Hollywoodas a correspondent for that magazine.Leslie H. Stauber, PhD, has recently joined the Squibb Institute forMedical Research, working on antimalarial drugs, at Stelton, N. J.Yale J. Katz, PhD '41, has beenappointed instructor in experimental36 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpathology, Western Reserve University School of Medicine.Sidney Merlin, AM '39, is withthe Bureau of the Budget, division ofstatistical standards, in Washington.Helen McCormick Johnston,AM, is living in Ithaca and teachingat Cornell. We were sorry to learnthat she had recently lost her husband.Marjorie Bartholf, SM, is director of nurses at the John Sealy Collegeof Nursing, Galveston, Texas.Howard B. Emerson, MD '38,writes from the Canal Zone where heis stationed: 'T haven't seen anyclassmates here yet or any U. of C.alumni, but am doing my best to uphold the honor of the Alma Mater byseeing 80-100 patients a day at thedispensary — consisting of Latin-American and Jamaican government workers. Regards to the Class of '38 ofRush Medical College."James C. Plagge, PhD, '40, thissummer is joining the staff of theanatomy department of the Universityof Illinois College of Medicine inChicago. For the past three years hehas been assistant professor of grossanatomy at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore.His wife is the former Dorothy M.Wells, '38.1938David S. Pankratz, MD, is verybusy teaching anatomy in the Medical School at the University of Mississippi. Because of the acceleratedprogram he is teaching all the yearround. He reports the student bodyhas been increased 10 per cent.Richard G. Lambert, MD '40, isorthopedic surgeon at the Universityof California Hospital, San Francisco.Donald E. Ralston, MD '39, hasbeen with the 147th General Hospitalin Honolulu since June, 1942.Ruth M. Philbrook is a junior industrial engineer for the Johnson andJohnson Company, gas mask division.Hazel Davis, AM, has been assistant director of research of the National Education Association, Washington, since 1938.Mary F. Dickey is secretary at theA. O. Smith Corporation, Milwaukee.On May 6 she presented a piano program at the Wisconsin College ofMusic, where she is a pupil of ErvingJ. Mantey.Mary M. Feldman, AM, is a socialworker with the American Red Crossat Billings General Hospital, Ft. Harrison, Indiana.H. G. Lahr has been chairman oflocal Selective Service Board No. 6of Lake County, Indiana, for the pasttwo and a half years.M. Henry Pitts, AM, has been appointed instructor of psychologyand sociology at Clark College,Atlanta, Georgia.Arnold M. Rose, AM '40, hasbeen a statistician with the War Department in Washington since lastJanuary.Francis S. Nipp, AM, will teachfreshman rhetoric this summer at theUniversity.Henry M. Lemon has been working for some time for the Commissionon Air-Borne Infection, U. of O, onmeans of prevention of respiratorydiseases in the U. S. Army. He saysthe "biggest news" is Elizabeth Ann,born on September 4, 1942.B. Le Roy Burkhart, PhD, willrepresent the College of the Ozarksat the workshop at the University ofMinnesota this summer. ElizabethZ. Burkhart, PhD '40, has beenawarded the Southwest Central Fellowship bv the A.A.U.W. for 1943-44.She is continuing her research inendocrinology at the U. of C.Theron D. Sutton, AM, has beenappointed principal of the Townshiphigh school, Amboy, Illinois.1939Albert W. Recht, PhD, is associate professor of mathematics andastronomy and chairman of the department, University of Denver, anddirector of the Chamberlin Observatory. He writes that he has beensupervising mathematics instructionfor five hundred aircrew students ofthe Army Air Corps. His prediction on the return of the periodiccomet d' Arrest for this year has beenpublished in a bulletin of HarvardCollege. The comet was not seen onthe last two returns and therefore hasnot been seen since 1928.Waldo Kliever, PhD, is chiefphysicist with the aero division ofMinneapolis-Honeywell, Minneapolis,working on aeronautical instruments.His two children are ten and eightyears old.Ruth V. Schuler, AM, is workingin the adoptions division of the California State Department of SocialWelfare.Eleanor V. Paul, MS '40, is anassistant medical technician with theArmy Medical Museum in Washington.Josephine Frerichs, AM, isteaching English at Township highschool, Carlinville, Illinois.Gladys L. Baker, PhD, is aneconomist with the Department ofAgriculture in Washington.Clarence Ted Johnson, AM, is aleasing and occupancy adviser for theFederal Public Housing Authority inKansas City, Mo. Toyse T. Kato writes: "I wasmarried in October, 1940, to MaxineSakimoto, a registered nurse andgraduate of Los Angeles County General Hospital and Chicago Lying-in.During 1941 I was in the employ ofthe Social Security Board at Baltimore, and in 1942 I worked for BetterBuilt Homes and Associates, in theconstruction of 2,000 demountablevictory homes for civilian defenseworkers in Ogden, Utah. At thepresent time I am connected with theFederal Public Housing Authority inOgden."Ruth M. Marsh, MS '42, is working for the Sherwin-Williams PaintCo. in Cleveland, Ohio.William A. King is now workingon Army training films for GeorgePal Puppetoons in Hollywood. Hispart in these shorts is to make themodels and the figures used, carvingthem from wood for the most part.Elizabeth Romine is instructor ofobstetrical nursing at Harper HospitalSchool of Nursing, Detroit.Bertha J. Catt is a case workinterviewer with the Chicago chapterof the American Red Cross, homeservice department.George Blanksten, AM '40,writes that he and Leonard Weissare analysts with the Coordinator ofInter- American Affairs in Washington.Louis Jacover joined the office abouttwo months ago.Grace A. Steininger, PhD, hasbeen appointed assistant professor ofnutrition at Cornell University.HAIR REMOVED FOREVER20 Years' ExperienceFREE CONSULTATIONLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERTGraduate NurseMultiple 20 platinum needles can beused. Permanent removal of Hair fromFace, Eyebrows, Back of Neck or anypart of Body; destroys 200 to 600 HairRoots per hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Moles andWarts.Member American Assn. Medical Hydrology andPhysical Therapy. Also Electrologists Associationoj Illinois$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705, Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.Perfect Loveliness Is Wealth in BeautyTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 371940Herman F. Jaeger, AM, has beenelected to the principalship of thePalouse, Washington, high school.His first son, Miles Bradley, was bornon May 17. He also has three daughters.June L. Hanson, AM, is employedas a rating examiner for the FederalCivil Service Commission in Los Angeles.Heber C. Snell, PhD, is in hisseventh year as director of the Institute of Religion in Pocatello, Idaho.Sarah G. Nichols, AM, is stillemployed by Eastman Kodak Company in the British children's program— a most fascinating job, she says.Sevea F. Gustafsan writes thatshe is executive secretary of the Jacksonville, Illinois, Girl Scout Counciland enjoys the work very much.Louise Barton Freeman, PhD,Lexington, Kentucky, reports that sheis still assistant state geologist. She hasmoved to Wilmore as her husband isserving in the Army.Robert R. Reynolds is in the employ of the Illinois State GeologicalSurvey and at present is engaged in astudy of the lead and zinc resources ofthe northwestern part of the state.He expects to be located in Galena fora year or more.J. Ernest Wilkins, SM '41, PhD'42, is studying at the Institute forAdvanced Study in Princeton.Susan D. Bryan, AM, is doingsocial work at Valley Forge GeneralHospital, Phoenixville, Penna.John O. Levinson, JD, is assistantdirector of disputes for the War LaborBoard in Chicago. Esther A. Oehring, AM, expectsto teach in the public schools of Spokane, Washington, beginning nextSeptember.Melvin Greenstein, MBA, hasbeen a civilian instructor in radio atthe Army's school at the Stevens Hotel, Chicago.W. H. Martin, AM, is chief radiologist with the Kelsey-Hayes WheelCompany, Detroit, Michigan.La Verne A. Riess is art editor forthe Webster Publishing Company inSt. Louis. She says she is "having awonderful time."Lulu O. Kellog, AM, has beenacting principal of Waushara CountyNormal School at Wautoma, Wisconsin, since February, replacing the regular principal who is in the service.Elizabeth F. Abel, AM, has beenteaching English in the Oak Park andRiver Forest High School since receiving her master's degree.Susan Elliott, AM '41, is a personnel assistant with the Navy Department in Washington.1941Frank V. Norall, AM, is at theAmerican Embassy in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.Genevieve Verbarg Toothaker isdoing work for the Travelers' Aid inChicago.John F. Thomson, SM, '42, is research assistant in anatomy at U.of C.Charles E. Vandeveer, AM, hasbeen appointed prinicipal and teacherof mathematics and physics at theTownship high school, Bellflower, Illinois.Majorie L. Case, AM, is field secretary, Yale Faculty Committee forReceiving Oxford and CambridgeUniversity Children Inc.Eugene F. Klug, AM, has beenteaching at Concordia College, Milwaukee, since September, 1942.Hans L. Leonhardt, PhD, hasbeen promoted to assistant professorof history and political science atMichigan State College in East Lansing.Leland C. De Vinney, PhD, is onleave from the University of Wisconsin for the duration.Clark G. Kuebler, PhD, associateprofessor of classical languages atNorthwestern University, has beenelected seventh president of RiponCollege, Wis.Lieut. Edward F. Skinner is nowin the office of the U. S. NavalAttache, American Legation, Cairo,Egypt.Caroline V. Ewan, AM, is headof the English department at River side - Brookfield Township HighSchool, Riverside, 111.Leonard G. Ginger, SM, receivedhis PhD in chemistry at Yale lastFebruary. He is remaining there as aNational Tuberculosis Association Research Fellow to study the chemistryof the tubercle bacillus.1942Joanne Kuper is writing advertising for Carson's in Chicago and tellsus she is engaged to Howard Zimmerman.Lillian Bou slough has accepteda teaching position at Kendall highschool, Peterborough, New Hampshire. She will take up her duties inSeptember.Gwendolyn Roddy is assistantproperty and supply clerk with theAir Service Command at Dayton,Ohio.Wilma M. Martens is employedas a case worker at the LutheranChild Welfare Association, Addison,Illinois.Mary Jane Tompkins is secretaryto the president of the Committee ofFifteen, a well known civic organization in Chicago.Andrew J. Robbins, AM, is teaching ancient history at WashingtonMissionary College, Takoma Park,Washington, D. C.Marian L. Hayes, AM, is a socialworker for the American Red Crossat Syracuse, N. Y.Ewing E. Beauregard is employedas a stock chaser at the LudlowManufacturing Company, Bondsville,Mass.1943Rudolph Goldberg has recentlyjoined the student training group ofthe Calco Chemical Division, American Cyanamid Company, BoundBrook, New serviceNews of the death of Elizabeth S.Dixon, associate professor emeritus,on May 23 has been received withgreat sadness, but with expressions ofsincere affection and appreciation forMiss Dixon. She was a graduate ofthe "Old School" and later the registrar of the School. She, with MissBreckinridge and Miss Abbott,moved with the School of Civics andPhilanthropy to the University of Chicago when the School of Social Service Administration was established in1920. She developed the field workprogram and taught the case workcourses. She was a gifted teacher andthousands of social workers throughout the country will remember herwith gratitude.Miss Abbott attended a meeting of38 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe Advisory Committee on Trainingand Personnel of the United StatesChildren's Bureau and the Public Assistance Division of the Social SecurityBoard, held on May 7 in Washington.Hannah Hoff, AM '36, has takena position with the home service division of the Chicago Red Cross.Audrey Sayman, AM '36, who hasbeen head psychiatric social worker inthe University Clinics, has recently accepted the position of head psychiatricsocial worker with the American RedCross, stationed at the American AirForce Training Command, in Chicago. Miss Sayman will supervise students of the school who have medicaland psychiatric scholarships with theAmerican Red Cross.Ruth Ott, AM '37, has left themedical social work department ofMichael Reese Hospital, Chicago, tobecome a medical social worker at theBrooke General Hospital, Fort SamHouston, Texas.Genevieve Miner, AM '38, has returned to Chicago as a case workerwith the United Charities.Janet Reed Lindstrom, AM '38,has accepted a position as case workerwith the Children's Scholarship Association of Chicago.David Prichard, AM '40, has become the assistant superintendent ofBonny Oaks School in Chattanooga,Tennessee.Franklyn Hochreiter, AM '40,has left the faculty of the St. LouisSchool of Social Service to become thedirector of the Social Planning Council of Patterson, New Jersey.Margaret Lumpkin, AM '40, is amedical social worker with the municipal venereal disease clinic of theSt. Louis Health Division.Harlan Wright, AM '40, is working with the Federal Housing Authority in Walkerton, Indiana.Ada Childers, AM '41, is a socialworker with the overseas service ofthe American Red Cross.Zdenka Buben, AM '41, has beenmade director of social service of theLos Angeles County Health Department.Josephine Schoetz, AM '42, is apsychiatric social worker with theAmerican Red Cross in Percy JonesStation Hospital, Battle Creek, Michigan. She is working with woundedmen who have been returned from active service in Guadalcanal.Katherine Fullerton, AM '41, isa case worker with the NationalTravelers Aid Association, USO organization. ENGAGEMENTSFaraday Benedict, '39, to Lieut.Robert S. Davies, U.S.N.R.Barbara Beardsley of Wheaton, Illinois, to Pvt. William Reed. She isthe daughter of Harry M. Beard s-ley, '17, and Mrs. Beardsley (Josephine Brandenburg, '17) and he isthe son of Helen Bassett Reed, '05.The engagement was announced at atea marking the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Beardsley,whose marriage in 1918 was theculmination of a campus romance.The wedding will take place probablyin Bond Chapel.MARRIAGESMildred L. Conner, '23, to RayO. Chapman, '15, on February 27 inChicago. At home, 1522 East 59thStreet, Chicago.Leonore R. Goodman of Chicago toLieut. Paul C. Smith, '34, on April17 in New York City. Ensign Smithhas recently returned from Africa.Rhoda Weakly, '39, to EnsignPhillip Johnson, MBA '40, on April23 in Chicago. She is the daughterof Frank E. Weakly, '14, and Mrs.Weakly.Margaret Schuknecht, graduate ofSimmons College, '39, to Lieut.Peter F. Mancina, MBA '39, onMarch 26 in Reading, Pa.Cody Pfanstiehl, '38, to MargaretA. Vogel of Greenville, S. O, on June2 in Greenville. At home: 1323East North Street, Greenville. CodyENGLEWOODELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.Distributors, Manufacturers and Jobbers ofELECTRICAL MATERIALS ANDFIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 EnglewoodS. Halsted Street 7500EASTMAN COAL CO.Established 1902YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone Seeley 4488Ajax Waste Paper Co.2600-2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Any QuantityWaste PaperScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, Van Buren 0230 appends to the announcement: "Noteto Rockefeller: Please establish amemorial to this town for producingthe Most Wonderful Woman in theWorld."Betsy Piatt to Robert GordonWeiner, '41, MD' '43, on December21 at Danville, Illinois. She is ajunior at U. of C. and is the daughterof Casper Platt, JD '16, and Mrs.Piatt. (Jeannette Regent, '17).Weiner expects to intern at MichaelReese Hospital in Chicago.Judith E. Ebenhack to Lieut.Walter H. Brandenburg, Jr., '37,on May 22 at Chillicothe, Ohio.Helen C. Peterson, '38, to EnsignRobert N. Johnson, on April 4 atCrystal Lake, Illinois.Ruth R. Graham, '41, to ArthurStark, '39, AM '41. At home: 11863Edgewater Drive, Cleveland, Ohio.Betty Booth, '38, to Lieut. HaroldRosenwald in Boston on May 1. Shehas been serving as a lawyer with theBoard of Economic Warfare in Washington and he was connected with thesame board before enlisting in theNavy. At home: 2633 SixteenthStreet, N. W., Washington, D. C.Elizabeth J. Brown, '39, to DavidO. Harris of Peoria, Illinois, on February 20. He is in the Army and atpresent stationed in Durham, N. C.Mary B. Rice, '41, to EnsignAlan M. Robertson, '41, on May 8in Bond Chapel. At home, 5844Stony Island Avenue, Chicago. He isworking at Billings Hospital and is theson of Oswald H. Robertson, professor of medicine at U. of C.Virginia L. Allen, '42, to Andrew F. Stehney, '42, on April 3.She is doing office work in the Graduate Education Building, U. of C.Annette May Cuneo to James W.Reilly, '41, of San Antonio on April15.Bebe Quarton of Anaheim, California, to Ensign Howard C. Minder,'37, on March 31. He is at the NavalAir Station at Brooklyn, N. Y.Pauleen D. Kivlan, '40, to JeromeO'Grady on February 27. At home,218 New Street, Staunton, Virginia.Anna A. Stafford, SM '31, PhD'33, to Douglas E. Henriques, December 9, 1942. At home in Salt LakeCity, Utah.Carolyn Klutey, '31, to James B.Powell on May 6 in New York City.She is a home economist with theAmerican Can Company and is secretary and treasurer of the NutritionCommittee of Greater New York.Elizabeth Win ship, '41, to EllistH. Drisko, on October 17, 1942. Athome, 551 Memorial Parkway, Ni-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 39agara Falls, N. Y. She is with theFamily Welfare Society and her husband, formerly with the Niagara FallsChildren's Aid Society, is in the Army.Katherine Barrett '25, to Clarence E. Allen, on August 20, 1942.He is headmaster of the RiversCountry Day School, Chestnut Hill,Massachusetts, and director of CampChewonki for boys at \Viscasset,Maine. She has been a member ofboth staffs for several years.Etelka Holt, MS '30, assistantprofessor of geography at KansasState Teachers College, to John M,Vincent of Girard, Kansas, on January 28.Virginia Both to Ensign HowardA. Kamin, '42, in April. They areliving at Miami, Flordia, where he isstationed at the sub chaser trainingcenter.Alene Norcross Williams, '04,on September 15, 1942, to NicolasKaissaroff, well-known Russian muralartist of Chicago and vicinity. Their*permanent address is Laguna Beach.Calif.Christine W. Holmes, '40, AM'42, to William M. Crockett of Windsor, Ontario, on June 19. Mr. Crockett is a graduate student in Englishat U. of C. At home: 5301 KimbarkAvenue, Chicago.Belle Kempes, '19, to Benjamin F.Jacobs, on March 17. At home, 190E. Chestnut Street, Chicago.Katherine Trees, '34, to BennettM. Livezey on June 19. At home,7100 South Shore Drive, Chicago.Natalie W. Richter to Walter J.Blum, '39, JD '41, on January 23.At home: 1031 East 48th Street, Chicago.Thelma E. Iselman, '40, recentlyto Thomas Hayes. He is an Armyofficer stationed at the University ofIllinois, Urbana.HOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park AveTelephone Dorchester 1579POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven TypewritinoMultlgraphingAddressograph Service MimeographingAddressingMailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAH Phones 418 So. Market St.Harrison 8118 Chicago BIRTHSTo Clayton G. Loosli, PhD '34,MD '37, and Mrs. Loosli, twin boyson November 30, 1942. Dr. Loosli isassistant professor of medicine at U.of C.To Lieut. Preston S. Cutler, '36,and Mrs. Cutler, a daughter, MalindaTigay, on May 15 at Madison, Wisconsin.To Doane K. Hollins and Mrs. Hol-lins (Delcome D. Brodt, '40, JD '41)a son, Doane K., Jr., on December 20,1942. They are living at 7356 NorthHoyne Avenue, Chicago.To I. Jerome Fiance and Mrs.Fiance (Rosemary Weisels, '36) ason, Stephen Richard, on April 25.The Weisels are living at 7507 Wellington Way, Clayton, Missouri, andthey report that the baby is "alreadya prospect for the University of Chicago, Class of '64."To Howard P. Clarke, '31, JD '32,and Mrs. Clarke, a son, Robert Sherman, their second child, on March 29at Duluth, Minn. Clarke was recentlyadvanced to assistant vice-presidentand assistant trust officer of the Firstand American National Bank at Duluth.To Ensign John H. Schacht,AM '36, and Mrs. Schacht of Chicagoa son, John, on February 24. Thepaternal grandparents are FrederickW. Schacht '12 and Mrs. Schacht(Lucy Hammond, '99) .To Herbert A. Ball, '25, and Mrs.Ball (Glenna Mode, '24) of Baltimore, Maryland, their third child,Beverly Ann, on December 2, 1941.Ball is with the Revere Brass andCopper Company.To David N. Howell, '30 and Mrs.Howell their first child — a boy. Howell has been substituting as instructorin sociology at Knoxville College,Tennessee.To Lieut. Errett Van Nice, '31,and Mrs. Van Nice (Ruth Swift,'35) a son, Peter, born while hisfather was off Africa with the big con-vov of last October.To James V. Jones, '36, and Mrs.Jones (Beatrice C. Beale, '37) adaughter, Carol Ann, on May 6 atLancaster, Penna.To Edward L. Haenisch, '30, PhD'35, and Mrs. Haenisch, a son, Edward Lee, on November 13, 1942.Haenisch is associate professor ofchemistry at Villanova College, Pennsylvania.To Capt. George V. Kempf, '35,JD '37, and Mrs. Kempf (SarahEleanor Wright '38) a daughter,Claudia Gaynor, on April 27 atMuskogee, Oklahoma. To Wilbur W. White, AM '29,PhD '35, and Mrs. White (EdwardaWilliams '29, AM '35) a daughter,Marsha Curran on May 26 at Washington, D. C. White, dean of theGraduate School of Western ReserveUniversity, has been "loaned" to theState Department as a research adviser on Turkey.To Virginia Krugman Wegner,'30, and Mr. Wegner a daughter,Leslie Elizabeth, on April 20. Another daughter, Lynn, was four yearsold in January.To Gordon Roper, AM '38, andMrs. Roper a daughter, Susan Elizabeth, on May 14 at Chicago Lying-in.Roper is teaching English in the ArmySpecialization Program on the Quadrangles.To Lieut. Jerome M. Sivesindand Mrs. Sivesind a son, Jerome Martin, Jr., on March 19 at Muskogee,Oklahoma. Sivesind is with the313th Engineer Battalion.To French Peterson, '41, andMrs. Peterson (Miriam Parkinson,'38) a second daughter in March.Peterson joined the executive staff ofKelly O'Leary steel works, Chicago,in March as comptroller. He left theposition of head of the statistical andfederal reports section of the UnitedLight and Power Company systemwith which he had been associated forover eleven years.To Richard D. Waite, '36, andMrs. Waite (Sara Baumgardner,'36), a son, Peter I., on March 14,1942. ITo Robert M. Borg, '39, SM '40,and Mrs. Borg, a daughter, Sally Ann,on April 9 at Gardner. They are living at Petersham, Mass.To Capt. Martin D. Miller, '39,and Mrs. Miller, a son, Thomas Louis,on January 14 in Lawton, Oklahoma.The captain is son of Thomas S.T. A. REHNQUIST CO. CONCRETE\_J/ FLOORSSIDEWALKS\\V MACHINE FOUNDATIONS\\ EMERGENCY WORK\) ALL PHONESEST. 1929 Wentworth 44226639 So. Vernon Ave.RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 319240 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMiller, '09, and Mrs. Miller (Elizabeth Thielens, '09).To Edward W. S. Nicholson, '34,and Mrs. Nicholson (ElizabethCason, '34) a second son, WilliamRalph Steele, on March 30. TheNicholsons are living in Baton Rouge,La.To J. Oren Young, PhD '41, andMrs. Young a daughter, MarthaLouise on February 5. Young is employed in the agricultural researchdivision of Libby, McNeill, and Libby.To Richard N. Lyon, '38, andMrs. Lyon (Barbara Kennedy, '39)a son, Anthony Blake, on March 10.Anthony's paternal grandfather isLeverett S. Lyon, '10, AM '18, PhD'21, and his maternal grandmother isAgnes Chambers Kennedy, '02.To C. L. Hikade and Mrs. Hikade(Georgiana Murphy, '36) twindaughters, Helen Margaret andMarian Louise, on February 12 atLying-in Hospital, Chicago.DEATHSThe death of James R. Grim s haw,'33, was erroneously reported in thiscolumn last month. We are only tooglad to let his friends know that Mr.Grimshaw is living in South Bend,Indiana, and is purchasing agent forthe Electro Voice ManufacturingCompany.Lovell Bay, '20, in September,1942.Thomas H. Culhane, MD '90, onApril 4, 1942.Carolyn N. MacDonald, '22, MD'24, on February 20, 1942.Fred T. Ullrich, '13, SM '14, inMay, 1941.John H. Carstens, '16, of KansasCity, Missouri, on April 16.Carroll Stewart, AM '18, ofClyde, Ohio, on April 20.Charles R. Sargent, '84, DB '86,of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on May 3.Clyde Coleman, PhD '16, ofThe Best Place to Eat on the South SideCOLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone Hyde Park 6324STANDARDBOILER and TANK CO.524 WEST 42nd STREETTelephone BOUIevard 5886 Hohokus, New Jersey, on November6, 1942.Eugene A. Bergholz, MD '34, ofMilwaukee on September 5, 1942.Archie F. Toigo, '32, SM '40, onNovember 19, 1942, at his home inBeuld, Illinois. He had been teachingin the high school there for eightyears.John C. Hubenthal, MD '96,of Belmont, Wisconsin, on January18, 1942.Giles E. Ripley, '08, physicist ofthe University of Arkansas, Fayette -ville, on January 24.John J. Laird, MD '04, of BlackCreek, Wisconsin, on October 16,1942.Charles E. Witter, PhD '12, ofSt. Louis on March 16.M. Aline Bright, '24, head of theEnglish department of Murphy highschool in Mobile, Alabama, on April15. Miss Bright was recognizedthroughout the country as an outstanding leader in literary educationand was always interested in helpingyoung people to obtain an education.She had served as vice-president ofthe National Council of Teachers ofEnglish and was an Alabama representative to the council.William A. Vincent, MD '81, ofBelle Plaine, Iowa, on April 20. Hewas almost 97 years old and was aCivil War veteran.Madison L. Perkins, AM '22, ofPhillips University, Enid, Oklahoma,on January 13.Ann C. Lorenzen, '22, of Evanston, on April 27.Harley F. Carmichael, '20, onFebruary 28.Romanzo C. Adams, PhD '04, professor emeritus in the department ofsociology of the University of Hawaii,in Honolulu, September 10, 1942.Henry W. Lackey, LLB, '06, onMarch 23.Eula W. May, '20, MA '23, inColorado Springs on September 4,1942.Milnor Freeland, '24, PhD '31,of Chicago on May 4.Jesse D. Burks, '93, of Palo Alto,California, on November 16, 1942.Frederick W. Eastman, '98, at hishome in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on January 30. He had just celebrated hisseventieth birthday.Guy I. Hoover, DB '07, AM '08,of Indianapolis on February 10.J. Victor Anderson, MD '86, onJuly 19, 1942. He had practicedmedicine for fifty-four years at RedWing, Minnesota.Edith L. Woodmansee, '03, late ofWashington, D. O, on January 10, in Salt Lake City, Utah, after a briefillness.Jacob Quiring, '12, AM '13, ofNew York City several months agoafter a prolonged illness.Walter H. Weidling, '11, MD '13,on January 16.Clarence P. Gammon, MD '99, ofTacoma, Washington, on April 24.Lillian May Hackney, '25, onFebruary 3.Jesse J. Kolmos, AM '18, on July25, 1942, at his home in Wheaton,Illinois.Mary Staly Crosby, '11, wife ofRev. Kenneth O. Crosby, '08, onJune 7 in Chicago. She left a daughter, Mary Adele Morris, '39, now inNew York, and a son, John Albert,'43.Christian H. Beyer, MD '95, ofMilwaukee, on Seotember 4, 1942.George M. Reed, '29, JD '32, atBillings Hospital in Chicago, March23.Annie Reynolds, '03, in San Antonio, Texas, February 21.Arthur Dean Bevan, MD '83, onJune 10, at his home in Lake Forest111. He had been one of this country's most distinguished surgeons forfifty years.Frederick C. Fenton, AM '32, olBensenville, Illinois, in May.Warren W. Way, AM '24, rectorof St. James Church in Atlantic City,on June 12.Hayward J. Pearce, AM '01, president of Brenau College for fifty years,on May 1 in Gainesville, Georgia.W. Lee Lewis, PhD '09, on January 21.James F. Chamberlain, '04, author of many geography textbooks,on March 31 at Pasadena, California.William Mc Andrew, '11, of Car-bondale, Illinois, in February.Orlo J. Price, BD '98, at WinterPark, Florida, on February 12.JOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900—0901Retail Deliveries > Daily and SundaysQuality and Service Since 1882STENOTYPYLearn new, speedy machine shorthand. Lesseffort, no cramped fingers or nervous fatigue.Also other courses: Typing, Bookkeeping,Comptometry, etc. Day or evening. Visit,write or phone for data.Bryant^ StrattonCO LL)ECE18 S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Randolph IS75CITATIONS(Continued from inside front cover}since graduation. Now professor ofphysiology and chairman of the department's administrative committee. Pastpresident of the American PhysiologicalSociety; former president of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. Member of manylearned societies. Go-discoverer of ethylene gas as an anaesthetic agent.Leverett S. Lyon, Chicago. — Economist.Chief executive officer of the ChicagoAssociation of Commerce. Formermember of the University of Chicagofaculty; then dean of the School ofBusiness at Washington University. Foryears executive vice-president of theBrookings Institution. Past president ofthe American Marketing Association.Currently a trustee of Beloit College.U. S. delegate to the International Congress on Business Education. Author.Sister Antonia MgHugh, St. Paul, Minn.— Long-time teacher and dean of theCollege of St. Catherine in St. Paul andpresident of the College from 1917-1938.Now president emeritus. Member of theWhite House Children's Conferenceunder President Hoover. Active member of the American History Associationand the American Chemical Society.President of the Gamma Chapter of PhiBeta Kappa since 1936. Recipient of apapal citation by Pius XI.Franklin C. McLean, Chicago. — Professor of pathological physiology at theUniversity of Chicago. Former directorof Peking Union Medical College,Peking, China. Then professor of medicine at the University and for threeyears director of the University Clinics.Trustee of the Julius Rosenwald Fundand of Provident Hospital of Chicago.Merrill C. Meigs, Chicago. — Publisher,vice-president of the Hearst organization.For twenty years a pioneer and leaderin the field of aeronautics. A directorof the National Aeronautic Association.Awarded honorary membership in theInstitute of Aeronautical Sciences.Served without salary for two years ashead of the aircraft division of theNational Defense Advisory Board andstill on call as senior consultant.Ella Metsker Milligan, Denver, Colo.— -For many years a member of thefaculty of the University of Denver,dean of women, professor of Latin, andfrom 1922 to 1938 chairman of theDepartment of the History of Art.Former president of the Denver branchof the American Association of University Women. One of the American delegates to the International Federation ofUniversity Women. Author of a historyof American architecture. Active inalumni work.John F. Moulds, Chicago. — Secretary ofthe board of trustees of the Universityof Chicago. A University administrativeofficer for thirty-five years. Long-timemember and former secretary of theAlumni Council ; executive secretary during the Development Fund Campaign.Active in church and community organizations. Vice-president of the trusteesof Frances Shimer Junior College.Elizabeth Munger, Niantic, Conn. — Forseventeen years superintendent and warden of the Connecticut State Farm andPrison for Women at Niantic. Formerlyin a similar position in New Jersey andlater executive secretary of the NationalPrison Committee. An authority ondiscipline and general administrationof penal and correctional institutions.Bertha Payne Newell ("Mrs. WilliamA.), Washington, D. C. — Housewife;formerly instructor in the University of Chicago. Superintendent, Bureau ofChristian Social Relations, M. E.Church South, 1920-38. Trustee Scar-ritt College for Christian Workers,Nashville. Secretary of the Associationof Southern Women for the Preventionof Lynching; vice-president of theGeneral Commission on Inter-racial Cooperation. Member of President Roosevelt's Tenancy Committee.Helen Norris, C h i c a g o. — Dean ofwomen, Commonwealth Edison Company. Former chairman of theWomen's Committee of the NationalElectric Light Association. Delegate tothe Conference of the Electrical Association for Women, Newcastle-on-Tyne,England. An active leader in the American Association of University Women.A leader in alumni activities and nowvice-president of the Alumni Assocation.Ralph H. Norton, Chicago. — Chairmanof the board of the Acme Steel Company. Chairman of the board of trusteesof the Chautauqua Institution. Patronof the arts. Founder and honorarypresident of the Norton Gallery andSchool of Art, West Palm Beach. Member of the executive committee of theChicago Orchestral Association.Elsie Schobinger, Chicago. — Principalof the Harvard School for Boys, theoldest boys' school in Chicago. Theonly woman principal of a boys' secondary school, she carries on the workand traditions of her father in the thorough preparation of hundreds of studentsfor the University of Chicago and otherleading universities. A leader amongthe teachers of languages, she is theauthor of two outstanding texts.John J. Schommer, Chicago. — Professorof industrial chemistry; athletic directorand director of placement, the IllinoisInstitute of Technology; former president of the Armour Institute of Technology Alumni Association and recipientcf its award of merit. Former president of Chicago Alumni Club of theUniversity of Chicago. Member of CookCounty Highway Authority and assistant state advisor on Selective Service.Charles P. ScHWARTZ,Chicago. — Lawyer,former member of the Chicago Plan Commission; chairman of the Illinois Immigrant's Commission. One-time vice-president of the Hull House Association.Conceived and organized in Chicago andthen in the State of Illinois the programfor assisting the education and naturalization of foreign born adults in classesestablished for that purpose in the public schools, enlisting the teaching cooperation of public and private agencies.Odell Shepard, Hartford, Conn. — Goodwin professor of English at Trinity College since 1917. Formerly on the faculties of Southern California and Harvard universities. Elected lieutenantgovernor of Connecticut in 1940. Anauthor of distinction. Winner of Pulitzerprize for biography in 1937.Albert W. Sherer, New York City. —Director of advertising for the NationalBiscuit Company, New York. Long active in the national advertising field.A valued trustee of the University. Aleader in organizing the DevelopmentFund Campaign.Renslow P. Sherer, Chicago. — Manufacturer. Chairman of the board ofdirectors of Sherer-Gillett Company.Former president of the Highland ParkCommunity Center. Director of theHighland Park Hospital; vice-presidentof the Ravinia Festival Association andnow executive manager of the WarFinance Committee of Illinois. Herman A. Spoehr, Stanford University,Calif. — Chairman of the Division ofPlant Biology of the Carnegie Institution. Formerly director of naturalsciences for the Rockefeller Foundation.A former member of the Chicago faculty, he is a leading authority on photosynthesis. He is a member of a scoreof learned societies but found time toact as chairman in connection with theFiftieth Anniversary Campaign.Marguerite K. Sylla, Chicago. — Socialworker and administrator. Formerlyactivities director for the central branchof the Young Women's Christian Association, New York City. For years amember of the national staff of theY.W.C.A. Since 1936 head resident ofthe University of Chicago Settlement.Arthur C. Trowbridge, Iowa City, Ia. —Professor and head of the Department ofGeology of the State University of Iowa,and director of the Iowa Geological Survey. With the Army Y.M.C.A. duringWorld War I, his activities in that organization have continued in succeedingyears. A leader in his chosen field, heis now a vice-president of the Geological Society of America.Stephen S. Visher, Bloomington, Ind. —Professor of geography at the IndianaUniversity and geographer on the Indiana Geological Survey since 1919.Member of the Yale-Indiana expeditionto the South Seas. Formerly geographerfor the U. S. Department of State, vice-president of the Association of AmericanGeographers and of the Indiana Academy of Sciences. Prolific writer.Althea H. Warren, Los Angeles, Calif. —City librarian; formerly with the publiclibrary of Chicago, then city librarianat San Diego. She has served as president of the California Library Association, as a council member of the A. L. A.,and as vice-president of the AmericanAssociation for Adult Education. Shedirected the national campaign to securebooks for men in service.Daniel Clary Webb, Knoxville, Tenn. — ¦Lawyer. Formerly judge of the JuvenileCourt. President of the AssociatedCharities, of the Boy Scout Council;trustee of the Knoxville Y.M.C.A. President of Knox County Bar Association.Member of the State Board of Charities.Vice-chairman of the Tennessee StatePlanning Board and chairman of theTennessee Valley Commission.Robert R. Williams, New York City. —Chemical director of the Bell TelephoneLaboratories. His independent researchhas resulted in the isolation and synthesis of vitamin Bi and other valuablecontributions to chemistry and physiology. Designated "Modern Pioneer" bythe National Association of Manufacturers in 1940. Recipient of the WillardGibbs medal in 1938, Elliott Cressonmedal, 1940, and Charles FrederickChandler medal, 1942.Rollin T. Woodyatt, Chicago. — Physician. Long-time chairman of the Department of Medicine of Rush MedicalCollege. Past president of the Association of American Physicians and of theAmerican Society for Clinical Investigation. An international authority onmetabolism and nutrition.Jaroslav J. Zmrhal, Chicago. — Districtsuperintendent of schools in the City ofChicago. Former president of theUnited Nations Organization and of theCzechoslovak National Council of America. Member of an advisory educationalcommission of the Czechoslovakian government. Recipient of the revolutionarymedal from the Czechoslovak RepublicINDEX FOR VOLUME 35 (1942-43)ARTICLESMonth — PageAlumni Foundation Is Organizing March 13Alumni Foundation News Dec. 1 1American Traditions and the Present Crisis,Avery O. Craven Oct. 3Australian Perspective, Robert B. Lewy Jan. 6From Cairo to Chicago, H. W. Vandersall Dec. 6Carillon and Carillonneur -Dec. 9Chicago's Next Mayor? March 19Chicago's Roll of Honor Feb. 16Chicago — Today and Tomorrow. April 13Count Sforza and Free Italy, George T. Peck. .... .Nov. 6Dean's Easy Chair, The, Gordon J. Laing Each issueDemocracy, Yesterday and Today,Avery O. Craven March 3Education for Freedom, Robert M. Hutchins May 7Fifteen Years in the Library, M. Llewellyn Raney. .Nov. 10Gale, Henry Gordon Dec. 2Harper, Samuel N., Charles E. Merriam Feb. 14Home Port, Chicago ! Oct. 1 3I Become a Rationalist, Roderick Peattie Oct. 8I Helped Choose an Army, Agnes A. Sharp Oct.. 6Introducing Vallee O. Appel and Helen Norris. . . .Oct. 10Job for Alumnae, Margaret W. Gerard Dec. 11Let's Go to the USO Feb. 5Let's Make Some More Changes, John Nuveen, Jr. .March 7Letters. . .Dec. 1; Feb. 26; March 25; May inside front cover.News of the Classes Each issueNews of the Quadrangles, Don Morris Each issueOil for the Squeaking Axis, Carey Croneis June 3One Man's Army, Cody Pfanstiehl Nov. 17; Jan. 16Picture — Action! (Personalities in the AlumniFoundation) Nov. 8Physical Fitness for Military Service,T. Nelson Metcalf Feb. 20Post-War Reconstruction, Jerome G. Kerwin Dec. 3Radio News and Commentators, Sherman H. Dryer. .April 10Reflections in Retirement, Frederick Stephen Breed. May 10Reunion Program May 16Reunion, The 1943 June 16Six Months Report on the Spars,Dorothy C. Stratton June 8Sonnet, Erwin Hornung June 16Struggle for the Control of Inflation, The,Simeon E. Leland April 3University in War and Peace, The,Robert M. Hutchins Feb. 3University's New College Program, The,The Curriculum, Clarence H. Faust Jan. 8Student Interests and Activities,Aaron J. Brumbaugh Jan. 10University, The State of the, Robert M. Hutchins. .Nov. 3Vincent, George Edgar, L. L. Bernard April 6Wartime Cooperation Between Schools and Parents,Ralph W. Tyler .March 10What About Manpower?, William H. Spencer. .. .March 14 When the United States Faces Peace,Neil H. Jacoby May. .3Will Food Win the War and Write the Peace?Paul R. Cannon Jan. 3Worship of the Egyptian Gods, Harold H. Nelson. . .Feb. 8AUTHORSBernard, L. I., George Edgar Vincent April 6Breed, Frederick Stephen, Reflections in Retirement. May 10Brumbaugh, Aaron J., The University's New CollegeProgram — Student Interests and Activities Jan. 10Cannon, Paul R., Will Food Win the War andWrite the Peace ? Jan. 3Craven, Avery O., American Traditions and thePresent Crisis Oct. 3, Democracy, Yesterday and Today March 3Croneis, Carey, Oil for the Squeaking Axis June 3Dryer, Sherman H., Radio News and Commentators .April 10Faust, Clarence, The University's New CollegeProgram — The Curriculum Jan. 8Gerard, Margaret W., A Job for Alumnae Dec. 11Hornung, Erwin, Sonnet June 16Hutchins, Robert M., The State of the University. .Nov. 3, The University in War and Peace Feb. 3, Education for Freedom May 7Jacoby, Neil H., When the United States FacesPeace May 3Kerwin, Jerome G., Post-War Reconstruction Dec. 13Laing, Gordon J., The Dean's Easy Chair Each issueLeland, Simeon E., The Struggle for the Controlof Inflation April 3Lewy, Robert B., Australian Perspective Jan. 6Merriam, Charles E., Samuel N. Harper Feb. 14Metcalf, T. Nelson, Physical Fitness for MilitaryService Feb. 20Morris, Don, News of the Quadrangles Each issueNelson, Harold H., Worship of the Egyptian Gods. .Feb. 8Nuveen, John, Jr., Let's Make Some MoreChanges March 7Peattie, Roderick, I Become a Rationalist Oct. 8Peck, George T., Count Sforza and Free Italy Nov. 6Pfanstiehl, Cody, One Man's Army Nov. 17; Jan. 16Raney, M. Llewellyn, Fifteen Years in the Library. .Nov. 10Sharp, Agnes A., I Helped Choose an Army Oct. 6Spencer, William H., What About Manpower?. .. .March 14Stratton, Dorothy C, Six Months Report on theSpars June 8Tyler, Ralph W., Wartime Cooperation BetweenSchools and Parents March 10Vandersall, H. W., From Cairo to Chicago Dec. 6BOOK REVIEWSLewis, Janet: Against a Darkening Sky(Jessica Nelson North) May 21Piatt, Robert S.: Latin America (Charles C. Colby) . . .Jan. 11Turnbull, Agnes Sligh: The Day Must Dawn(C. T. B.) Dec. 16Wright, Quincy: A Study of War (Paul H. Douglas) . .Dec. 15