THE UNIVERSITYOFTelephone lines are life lines. They carrythe communications so vital to our expandingdefense program.The photograph shows wires being made intoa telephone cable. Such cable containing billions of feet of this wire is being rushed byWestern Electric to meet the urgent telephoneneeds of the armed forces and of industry. So too, in vastly increased quantities, are beingsped telephones and switchboards and radioapparatus for the air forces and the SignalCorps.The efficiency of Bell Telephone service ismore than ever essential to government andbusiness, and now as always Western Electriccan be counted on to supply the life lines.Western Electric ... is back of yourBell Telephone serviceTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILCHARLTON T. BECKEditor HOWARD W. MORTAssociate Editor CODY PFANSTIEHLAssistant Editor ALICE ZUCKERAssistant EditorTHIS MONTHThe cover: Two years of preparation went into this finale scene. Thecamera's eye looks down from theRockefeller Memorial Chapel gallery.At the far end sit thirty-four* scientists and scholars, including threewomen. They are outstanding, manyof them unheralded, contributors ofbasic knowledge in education and research. A moment earlier maroon-lined University doctorate hoods weredraped on their shoulders. On theirlaps are honorary degree parchments(see page 10). Behind them sit University deans and trustees. In thehushed audience are representativesfrom three continents of more thanfour hundred learned societies andeducational institutions, including ahundred and twenty-five college anduniversity presidents. This is theclimatic moment of the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration, for which VicePresident Emeritus Frederic Woodward and his staff had been workingfor two years and to which theUniversity had been pointing for fifty.CHECKS FOR THE ALUMNI GlFTcame from forty-eight states,Hawaii, the Philippines, Puerto Rico,Alaska, and fifteen foreign countries.In all, 14,484 alumni (29.7%) gave$510,072.Do you like statistics? Eighty-fiveper cent of alumni in the Universitygave 690 gifts; 29.7% of ChicagoAlumni gave 4,266 gifts; 37.4% ofsuburban Alumni gave 1,302 gifts;31.1% in "organized" cities gave6,957 gifts; 7.9% in "unorganized"areas gave 624 gifts; 14 trustees, or100%, contributed; and 631 alumnicontinued former pledges. This is allon a strictly cash-on-hand basis.Hence it does not agree with the report on page 5, which includespledges.*One recipient, Edward C. Armstrong, wastaken ill before the Convocation. FREDERIC WOODWARD, Anniversary Director, and Dr. Hu Shih, ChineseAmbassador.TABLE OF CONTENTSNOVEMBER, 1941Cover: Herald American PhotoPAGENew Frontiers, John, D. Rockefeller,Jr 3Chicago's Dollars 4The University's Citizens BoardAnniversary Dollars 5The Comptroller's ReportLife Begins, Howard Hudson 6A Bird's Eye View of the CelebrationIt Was News 8Behind Your Front PageThe Next Fifty Years, Robert M.Hutchins 9New Frontiersmen 10The Honorary Degree RecipientsScience at the Celebration, RalphGerard 12It Was A Great Day, David Daiches 15Alumni Medals and Citations 16The Governor of Illinois, Dwight H.Green 18The Eyes of Texas, Homer P. Rainey 19Three Voices on Education 21Shailer Mathews 23Owls to Athens, Robert M. Hutchins 25Ambassadors and Artists, The AlumniSchool ! 28Alumni Day in the Gardens.. 30Reunion Reports Begin on Page 31Highlights in Pictures 33Return of the Midway 50Alumni Authors 50Alumni in Action 52News of the Classes 55 Frederic Woodward becameemeritus two years ago, but themove was only a formality. Herose from the Vice President's chair inHarper Library, walked a hundredyards to Goodspeed Hall, and satdown in room 206 to begin work onthe Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration.For a brief period he directed Anniversary preparations from the sameroll-top desk on which President Harper built his dreams into realities halfa century ago. Around those realitiesFrederic Woodward built an AcademicFestival and Celebration which willlong be remembered, remarkable forits scope, eminence, and inspiration.Squeezing the celebration intoeighty pages is like reducing agreat mural to a cameo. Orputting a circus in a telephone booth.We can only bring you some of theactors and some of the scenes, a fewat a time.David Daiches, Instructor in English and familiar to Magazine readers, gives you an impressionistic survey starting on page 15. AssistantDirector Howard Hudson brieflysummarizes on page 6. Ralph Gerard,University physiologist, whose book"Unresting Cells" drew high praisefrom critics last year, draws a moralfrom Science at the Celebration onpage 12. There is a sixteen-page picture section, as well as two pages offamily album photos of alumni andreports of alumni reunions.The bulk of the pictures in theMagazine are the work of JamesQuinn, a former newspaper man, nowa free-lance photographer. He wasactive every minute of the week ofSeptember 22-29. "One other timeI was busier," Mr. Quinn recalled."Once Al Capone gave me five minutes to shoot a page layout of him.I had a half-day's work to do in thosefive minutes. I was pretty busy then,too."Published by the Alumni Council of the University of Chicago monthly, from October to June. Office of Publication, 403 Cobb Hall, 58th St. atEllis Avenue, Chicago. Annual subscription*price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the PostOffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the official advertising agency of the University of Chicago Magazine.The Rockefellers, John D., Jr. (left) and John D. III. Inthe background, the great Rockefeller Memorial Chapel,symbol of the Founder's last gift to the University.VOLUME XXXIV THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBER 2NOVEMBER, 1941NEW FRONTIERSAs Seen by JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR."The cryingneed of a broken and sufferingworld today . . . the developmentof the spiritual power to interpretand use these new frontiers, andthe moral force to consolidatethe positions already taken."Mr. Rockefeller Throws a PassThe illusion that the University sits at the receiving end of a pipeline of golden oil wasdispelled during the climactic Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration.The University was weaned during the Anniversary. The process started 3 1 years ago whenJohn D. Rockefeller gave his ten million dollarlast gift, part of which built the two milliondollar chapel towering behind his sons in thepicture opposite. At that time the Founder said:"This great institution, being the property ofthe people, should be controlled, conducted andsupported by the people, in whose generousefforts in its upbuilding I have been permittedto cooperate."His son, last month, said:"it is not to be expected that further giftsfrom the same source (the Rockefeller Foundation and the Founder's son) will be forthcoming."Nqw, he said, the support of the Universityrests squarely on the shoulders of the people. Itssuccess redounds to their credit only."Even a University of Chicago audience willunderstand me," added Citizens Board memberErnest S. Ballard, "when I say that Mr. Rockefeller has made a forward pass. He and hisfather have carried the ball for half a century.It is now in the air . . ."The explanation of the rest of the "play," asoutlined by the players, is on the next page. ON BEHALF OF MY SONS, John and David, aswell as on my own behalf, I want to thank ourhost for the delightful hospitality he has shownus in arranging this luncheon. I would like also to thankyou gentlemen for taking the time in your busy lives tojoin Mr. Swift in welcoming us to Chicago. We aredeeply appreciative of your courtesy and friendliness.At the time of my father's death it was so obvious thatthere could never be but one John D. Rockefeller thatI retained the junior in my name and my son John, thethird, in his name. We are here, therefore, not as thesuccessors of the Founder of the University of Chicago,but as his representatives.Because it was my good fortune to be a member ofthe Board of Trustees of the University as one of myfather's representatives during the early years; becausemy son John has long had such pleasant association withour host, Mr. Swift, as a member of the Board of Trusteesof the Rockefeller Foundation and with PresidentHutchins in other relations; because David took the lastyear of his post graduate course in the University and(Continued on page 69)AFTER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS John D. Rockefeller, Jr., delivers that thirteenth speech, shown here on the table.Standing, David and John D. Ill; seated: John D. Rockefeller, Jr., President Hutchins, and Frederic Woodward.CHICAGO'S DOLLARSTHE NEJVCitizens Board of The Universityof Chicago proves that PresidentHarper was right.CHICAGO! CHICAGO! You couldn't do it anywhere else!"So said President Harper forty-five years ago,beaming, when a student, at the dedication of HaskellHall asked him, "How do you do it?"Last month, in the Grand Ball Room of the PalmerHouse, Chicagoans did it again. But instead of a limestone building there was presented to the University asignificant Honor Roll of 8,067 names names of Chicagoans who, in Citizens Board Chairman George A.Ranney's words, "evidenced not only their appreciationand interest in the University's accomplishments of thepast fifty years, but their faith in its future."It was a $5,097,147 Roll, compiled by a committee ofmore than three hundred of Chicago's most eminentbusiness, civic and industrial leaders, the Citizens Boardof Sponsors of the Fiftieth Anniversary, alumni andtrustees, and by members of the faculty. Mr. Ranney,Chairman of the Board of the People's Gas, Light andCoke Company, lead the group through a series of congenial, businesslike meetings throughout the year.Mr. Ranney brought the Citizens Board to maturitySaid Mr. SwiftTo Mr. Ranney:In behalf of the University I accept this HonorRoll of 8,067 Citizens of Chicago who have givenfunds to the University. Since the beginning of thecampaign $9,268,323 has been received by the University,of which $5,097,147 is accredited to Citizens of Chicago.EXAMINING THE HONOR ROLL, left to right, areHarold Swift, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, John D.Rockefeller, Jr., and George A. Ranney, Citizens Board. when he handed the Citizens Honor Roll to Harold Swift,Chairman of the University Board of Trustees.As Citizens Board member Ernest S. Ballard explained it:"Even a University of Chicago audience will understand me when I say that Mr. Rockefeller has made aforward pass. He has carried the ball, he and his fatherbefore him for half a century. But it is in the air, andthe question is who will catch it and carry it on."The search is not for a guardian angel. This greatinstitution is calling to the people of its own communityto acknowledge it as theirs, to acknowledge their debtand obligation to it, and to come forward and dischargethat debt and obligation. The appeal is to the rank andfile to the great body of citizens."To back up the appeal, Mr. Ballard listed a score ofscholars whose participation in Chicago business, industry and civic life make the University a "vital, indispensable force" in the community. He told of EdithAbbott and the School of Social Service Administration'spioneering in the creation of the Juvenile Court, firstof its kind in the country ; of Edwin Oakes Jordan's classictestimony before the Supreme Court that Chicago sewage did not pollute the Mississippi, which saved Chicago's thirty-three million dollar drainage canal; of thework of Charles Merriam, dean of the country's politicalscientists and T. V. Smith, former state senator andcongressman in Washington; of Ernst W. Puttkammer's(Continued on page 72)While a fair amount of money was raised from Chicagocitizens before your committee was appointed, your committee's work has had a fine cumulative effect; and weare very grateful."Of the total of $9,268,323, some is not applicable tothe campaign objectives, which were for free money; butthe whole sum is, of course, greatly appreciated and willbe made to show a good account of itself."This book will go into the archives of the Universityas one of its valuable possessions, not only because of thefinancial implications involved, but even more, I believe,as the symbol of the beginning of the closer relationshipbetween the University and the Citizens of the City."So to you I express gratitude, appreciation, and admiration; and I hope you, the members of your committee, the members of this assembly, and the Citizens ofChicago, will understand how much we value and howmuch we hope continually to merit their constant loyaltyand friendship."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 5ANNIVERSARY DOLLARSOutcome of Fiftieth Anniversary Fund Raising EffortsDuring the period of the Fiftieth Anniversary Campaign, from July 1, 1939 to September 30, 1941,the University received pledges aggregating $9,268,323.51 of which $6,092,987.90 represented newgifts for the Fiftieth Anniversary Fund and the balance of $3,175,335.61 was the sum of contingentpledges arranged for or bequests matured prior to the beginning of the campaign in July, 1939.Of the total of $9,268,323.51, the Alumni pledged $579,118.82 of which $510,072 has been collected.This difference between the amount pledged by the Alumni and the amount paid is due in part to deferredpayments of some Alumni, and in part to pledges which were made payable in the future.The source and purpose of these gifts are shown in the following tabulation:New pledges and Arranged forbequests credited prior toto 50th Anniv. inception of Total Per centFund3, Campaign13Source :Foundations, charitable institutions,etc $2,058,984.76 $2,119,228.10 $4,178,212.86 45.1Business corporations and groups.... 146,711.07 340.00 147,051.07 1.6Clubs and organized groups 92,383.70 10,602.36 102,986.06 1.1Individuals 2,570,538.52 391,107.42 2,961,645.94 31.9Bequests 1,224,369.85 654,057.73 1,878,427.58 20.3Total $6,092,987.90 $3,175,335.61 $9,268,323.51 100.0Purpose :Unrestricted $1,766,154.82 $ 585,364.43 $2,351,519.25 25.4Undetermined . . . 504,159.92 504,159.92 5.4Current restricted 1,492,692.98 414,427.92 1,907,120.90 20.6Loan funds 18,635.48 293.77 18,929.25 .2Subject to annuity . . . . 13,886.50 694.86 14,581.36 .1Endowment ........... 2,297,458.20 2,176,801.44 4,474,259.64 48.3Plant additions . 2,246.81 2,246.81 Total $6,092,987.90 $3,175,335,61 $9,268,323.51 100.0Summary:From alumni $ 554,431.49c 24,687.33 579,118.82 6.2From non-alumni 5,538,556.41 3,150,648.28 8,689,204.69 93.8Total $6,092,987.90 $3,175,335.61 $9,268,323.51 100.0a In accordance with Board action, this includes all new pledges and bequests received after July 1 ,1939, up to the close of the Fiftieth Anniversary Campaign.b Matured contingent pledges and other pledges and bequests outstanding on July 1, 1939 which wereindefinite as to amount.c Amount collected $510,072.Office of the ComptrollerNovember 10, 1941.A Bird's Eye View of the Celebration"LIFE BEGINSBy HOWARD P. HUDSON, '35Assistant Director of the Fiftieth Anniversary CelebrationIT'S ALL OVER including the shouting. After twoyears of planning and anticipation the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration is now relegated to the historians.For their information let it be said that Chicago'sCelebration was significant in that, in a world at war, itattracted national and even world wide attention and itcould not be confused with other Celebrations living ordead. It is not for us to make comparisons with theTercentenary of Harvard or the Bicentennial of Pennsylvania. They were both magnificent manifestations of theprogress and importance of education from the colonial //University of Chicago is to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of its founding comes to us as a surprise. Notbecause Chicago is so old, but rather because it is soyoung. Our own Alma Mater is almost ten times as oldand can look back on a proud record of research andscholarship down to the first dawn of modern mentalityin the Middle Ages. . . . But Chicago has come to theforefront of modern institutions of learning and researchin a single bound, in one sustained and concentratedeffort covering less than two generations. It is today somuch a part of the scientific life of the world that researchers everywhere not only cannot imagine the worldwithout Chicago, but even have forgotten that there wasever a world without her. . . ."W90VW ASWN&*0> ««tcZ&&&¦»*' Harvard.hard one. m Invoices W-ftjEiU **"Our J°y*"\L A\ma ^a*erdinner s«n°. tne ^A^«!.a!^e Coffee SV^op.dine mdays on. Chicago celebrated the achievement of a fullgrown institution in a span less than the average life ofone man, and the promise for the future.This was phrased best by the Rector of the Universityof Basel in Switzerland who wrote: "The news that the The Celebration recalled the youth of Chicago andpointed to the future. William Rainey Harper wouldhave liked that. He held a celebration upon the FifthAnniversary, covering this precocious act with the impressive name: Quinquennial. Observances were madeof the tenth, fifteenth and twenty-fifth birthdays, as well.By those standards the University was long past due fora celebration.Elsewhere in the Magazine will be found accounts of6THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 7the various events, but some of the highlights might bementioned here. The Celebration divided itself intothree parts: the scholarly and scientific symposia, theAcademic Festival and the alumni reunion.The alumni operated on the general policy of "something for everyone." They exceeded expectations. Therewas an alumni school, which included everything fromthe Chinese ambassador to a demonstration of portraitpainting. There were innumerable class gatherings. TheDaily Maroon, Blackfriars, the Dramatic Association,O & S, the Aides, and the Alumnae held luncheons anddinners. (See pages 46 to 63). Six graduates of theold University returned to lend appropriate sentiment.And the Field House was converted into a great carnivaldrawing twelve thousand people to an impressive show quarters for the Fiftieth) to the Chapel. Hundreds ofdelegates representing institutions from many parts of theworld and the thirty-five candidates for honorary degreesaugmented the impressive faculty turn-out.The thirty-five men and women who received degreeswere outstanding scholars and scientists. There were nostatesmen, diplomats, university presidents or artists onthe list. Of the thirty-five, three were Europeans, twowere Latin-American, and one was a Canadian. Andwhereas at Harvard not one woman was honored,Chicago honored three.One further fact about the honorary degree recipients.AND utn.6 EGVPf***** F°W 1ffW e * V/ood^n ^rarv degreesV coined ^^J^^ebased on the Midway of '93. As might have been predicted, the most popular event of the Carnival was "LittleEgypt," a streamlined edition of the dancer who forty-eight years ago once performed a few feet from FosterHall. On Saturday night it was nearly impossible tomove in the Field House, so great was the crowd. But byTuesday an overworked Buildings and Grounds department had ripped out all signs of the Carnival. Studentsplayed tennis as usual that afternoon.The Academic Festival on Sunday and Monday featured the longest academic processions in the history ofthe University. The scholars marched from Ida NoyesHall (dedicated at the Quarter-Centennial and head- rdea- , .o3 \s rein"carnaied torThe candidates were selected on the basis of their scholarship and scientific achievement only. But when the listwas finally decided upon, it was revealed that nine ofthe thirty-five were alumni of the University.With the American Association for the Advancementof Science participating, the symposia attracted thousandsof scholars. All subjects were slanted toward the generaltheme "New Frontiers in Education and Research." Onpage 12 Ralph Gerard reviews the implications of thishistory-making assembly of scientists and scholars.The weatherman, too, was kind to Chicago. WhenFrederic Woodward began his duties as Director of theCelebration two years ago he checked the weather probabilities for the week of September 22-29. Three daysof rain were promised. Actually only one wet day wasdelivered. There was suspense on Sunday during theacademic procession, but the University's stand-in with8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe weatherman, cultivated through thirty years of theSing, held fast. There was no rain.We on the quadrangles think the Fiftieth AnniversaryCelebration was a good show. We are a wee bit biased,of course. But in addition to the show itself, the Fiftiethhad further meaning. This institution, founded by thelegendary "young men in a hurry" was rushing forwardwithout thought of its past. The Fiftieth provided anoccasion to re-examine the past and to focus on theBehind the ScenesLeading science news writers of the country worked fromthis room during the Anniversary week. Reading fromthe left, the writers are James C. Leary, science editor,Chicago Daily News; Dr. Sidney S. Negus, Director ofPublicity for the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which collaborated on the symposia;David Dietz, science editor, the Scripps-Howard papers;Gobind Behari Lai (hand to eyes), science editor, theHearst papers; student representative Shirley Latham;The busiest spot on the quadrangles throughoutthe Anniversary week was the special press roomset up in the second floor lounge of the ReynoldsClub. There thirteen typewriters, six telephones, sixtelegraph instruments, a score of reporters, and the University's Press Relations staff worked at top speed everyday and late into the nights. In addition to the NewYork Herald Tribune, the New York Times, and theWashington Star, who had special reporters covering theevents, all the national news services and the local dailieskept men on the job through the week.From this press room went ten thousand words per future. The University was dramatized to the alumni,the city and the nation. A continuing program of closeralumni relations was launched, and it is the resolve ofall concerned that this program will be carried forward.The University is gradually returning to its normalroutine. The Fiftieth Anniversary Office is closing.The post office will have less mail to deliver. The partyis over. If you missed it, be sure to come back for theCentennial in 1991.William V. Morgenstern, University Press Relations Director, talking to Marcia Winn, Chicago Tribune; RosemaryKleutgen, secretary; Stephen J. McDonough, ScienceDirector of the Washington, D. C. bureau of the Associated Press; Dr. Frank Thone, Science Service; John J.O'Niell (seated, background), New York Herald Tribunescience editor; telegraph operator; Herman Kogan, Chicago Tribune, and two additional telegraph operators whofiled directly from the via Western Union and four thousand via PostalTelegraph. In one day the New York Times writer, William Laurence, wired 4,200 words to his paper. ThePress Relations department sent out 150 releases. Twohundred thousand sheets of mimeograph paper were used.Three of these releases were translated into Spanish andsent to one hundred South American papers. While thesequarter of a million words were flowing into the pressrooms of the nation's papers and periodicals the nationalradio chains were saluting the University with eight special programs. For pictures of some of the radio programs, turn to pages 38 and 39.IT WAS NEWSA QUARTER OF A MILLION WORDS FLOWED FROM THIS SPECIAL PRESS ROOMAt the Fiftieth Anniversary ConvocationTHE NEXTFIFTY YEARSBy ROBERT M. HUTCHINS"Thoughknowledge has grown frommore to more, virtue and happiness have not. We see that abarbarian conqueror equippedwith knowledge is more barbarous, as well as more dangerous,than any of his unlettered predecessors >>THE TASK WHICH MR. HARPER and his associates set themselves fifty years ago was that oforganizing a university. To them a universitywas, like the German university of that time, an institution dominated by the spirit of inquiry. The characteristic activity of its professors was research.The task involved selecting men qualified for research,giving them facilities for it, assembling students whocould take part in it, and erecting that protection ofacademic freedom about it which, in the bad old imperialdays, guaranteed the independence of the teaching andinvestigations of the German professor.The University of Chicago was a university the dayit opened. We are now so used to universities that weare apt to think that this achievement, though doubtless unusual, was not very remarkable. We are apt tothink that all it required was money and that anybodycould have done it if he had had the money that wasavailable to the organizers of the University of Chicago.But the money was not available. Mr. Rockefeller'soriginal pledge was for $600,000, and it was conditionalon the raising of four hundred thousand more. Welater became so used to great gifts for universities thatwe now suppose that all the participants, including Mr.Rockefeller, must have expected him to give the enormous sum of $35,000,000 which he did give by 1910. But in 1891 all the funds of Harvard amounted to notmuch more than seven millions. All the University hadfifty years ago was a contingent pledge of $600,000.The courage of Mr. Harper and his colleagues must bemeasured by what they had.Within the memory of living men there was no suchthing as a university in this country. Graduate instruction had begun at Yale in the '70s. Harvard was getting under way. But neither was a university, as Chicago understood it, in 1891. Clark, which was havingdifficulties which Mr. Harper did nothing to alleviate,and Johns Hopkins, which had started fifteen years before, were the only American universities in the Chicagosense. Mr. Harper had originality as well as courage.The founders succeeded in what they set out to do.They won the battle they fought, and we are the beneficiaries of their victory. We take universities as a matter of course. Even the taxpayers are now willing tosupport institutions which Mr. Harper would have recognized as great universities. The American universityis established.To the question, "When you get your organization,what are you going to do with it?" the founders of theUniversity of Chicago replied, "We are going to conductresearch with it." To say that this answer is unsatisfactory is not to depreciate the accomplishment of thosewho give it. It was satisfactory then. American education had begun to suffer from premature senescence.(Continued on page 78)NEW FRONTIERSMEN||he [University of ChicagoAMADO ALONSOr/rr'.//fr ,a,j//ff/ a£ /As <<<//// rr f>J //// ¦ yforu/rr/Jfettj narr/a,;«/DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERSnr i/mt" 'f /»nr ~Jr>n/ , ?fmt4anr/rirnr '/uirtaneri ' an^Jr>rr%-/>>r/!':i\,6KofUitKYnA/Lj "********>THE PARCHMENT above was awarded to Dr. AmadoAlonso in a ceremony like that pictured below. HereDean Leon P. Smith drapes the University's maroon-linedhood on the shoulders of Dr. Karl Lashley Waiting areDrs. Thomas Rivers and Carlos Monge. Unique in many respects is the group whichappears on the opposite page. Out of the quiet,unheralded work of these thirty-five men andwomen has come vital and far-reaching knowledge oftheir respective fields. These are the frontiersmen ofresearch and scholarship men and women regarded asembodying the Fiftieth Anniversary theme "New Frontiers in Education and Research." To each of them theUniversity awarded its honorary degree, among the mostcoveted academic honors in the country: Doctor ofScience to twelve biological scientists, seven physical scientists, and one social scientist; Doctor of Laws to threesocial scientists and one physical scientist; Doctor of Humane Letters to eight scholars in the field of humanities,one social scientist and one economist ; Doctor of Divinityto one theologian. Most are pioneers of United Statesorigin; two are from South America, one from Canada,one from England, and one from Czechoslovakia.The University of Chicago bestows honorary degreessparingly. In the University's history, only 86 had previously been awarded a distinguished academic company, including two United States Presidents (McKinley and T. Roosevelt), five Nobel Prize winners, twosupreme court justices, six foreign ambassadors, the Kingof Sweden, and Cardinal Mercier.Daily Times PhotoAmado Alonso (H.L.D.), University ofBuenos Aires, world's leading student ofSpanish and South American languages.Charles E. Allen (Sc.D.), Professor ofBotany at the University of Wisconsin, discoverer of sex chromosomes in plants.Edward C. Armstrong (H.L.D.), Professorof French at Princeton University, authorityon French language and literature.Charles H. Best (Sc.D.), Physiology Department at the University of Toronto, co-discoverer of insulin.George D. Birkhoff (Sc.D.), Dean, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard, leadingcontributor to the fundamentals of dynamics.Robert L. Calhoun (D.D.), Professor ofHistorical Theology at Yale, leading American theologian and historian of philosophy.Lily B. Campbell (H.L.D.), Professor ofEnglish at the University of California at LosAngeles, expert -on Elizabethan literature.John M. Clark (LL.D.), Professor of Economics at Columbia University, brilliant investigator of business cycles.Reginald A. Daly (Sc.D.), Professor ofGeology at Harvard- University, authority onthe origin of rocks and glaciers.Edward A. Doisy (Sc.D.), St. Louis University, noted for his identification of pure female hormone and two types of vitamin K.Ernest W. Goodpasture (Sc.D.), Vanderbilt University, inventor of new methods ofstudying disease viruses.Evarts A. Graham (Sc.D.), WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis, nationally recognizedin technique of modern surgery.Libbie Hyman (Sc.D.), American Museumof Natural History in New York, international authority on invertebrate zoology.Herbert S. Jennings (Sc.D.), Johns Hopkins University, authority on the behavior ofsimple forms of animal and plant life.Hans Kelsen (LL.D.), formerly Professorof Political Science at Prague University,authority on jurisprudence.Halvdan Koht (H.L.D.), former Norwegian minister of foreign affairs, scholar ofGermanic and Scandinavian languages.Karl S. Lashley (Sc.D.), Professor of Neuropsychology at Harvard, famous for hisinvestigations of brain mechanisms.Ernest O. Lawrence (Sc.D.), Universityof California, Nobel Prize-winning inventorof cyclotron, making possible sub-atomicchemistry. Clarence I. Lewis (H.L.D.), Harvard,authority on symbolic logic and the philosophy of science.Robert H. Lowie (Sc.D.), Professor ofAnthropology at the University of California,authority on the American Indian.Charles H. McIlwain (LL.D.), Professorof the Science of Government at Harvard,historian of ideas and institutions.Robert A. Millikan (LL.D.), CaliforniaInstitute of Technology, Nobel Prize-winningelectron measurer, cosmic rays authority.Carlos A. Monge (Sc.D.), Dean of Medicine, University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru,discoverer of "Monge's Disease."Charles R. Morey (H.L.D.), PrincetonUniversity, leading historian of early Christian art and iconography.Linus C. Paulng (S3.D.), Chairman ofthe Department of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, authority on forcesbetween atoms in molecules and crystals.Thomas M. Rivers ( Sc.D. )^ Director of theHospital of the Rockefeller Institute, authority on viruses of human and animal diseases.Michael I. Rostovtzeff {H.L.D.), Professor of Ancient History -'and Archeology atYale University, outstanding classical historian.Henry N. Russell (Sc.D.), Director of thePrinceton Astronomical Observatory, discoverer of giant and dwarf stars, pioneer in thestudy of the evolution of the universe.Florence B. Seibert (Sc.D.), Henry PhippsInstitute, Philadelphia, authority on thechemistry of tuberculin.Edgar H. Sturtevant (H.L.D.), Professorof Greek and Latin at Yale, linguistic scholarand authority on the Hittite languages.Donald D. Van Slyke (Sc.D.), memberRockefeller Institute, inventor of new methods of chemical analysis in treating disease.Richard H. Tawney (H.L.D.), LondonSchool of Economics, did much to free political science from limitations of Marxian dia-letics.Oswald Verblen (Sc.D.), Professor ofMathematics at Princeton, universallyknown for his contributions to geometry.William L. Westermann (H.L.D.), Professor of History at Columbia, authority on ancient economic history and papyrus writings.Robert R. Williams (Sc.D.), Director ofChemistry at the Bell Telephone Laboratories,first to synthesize vitamin Bx.SCIENCE AT THE CELEBRATIONBy RALPH W. GERARD, PhD '21Mankind,like a huge animal, is on themarch somewhere, not vegetating into decadence. Science, thesensitive front end of the animal,is enhancing, not destroying,civilization.WHEN CHARLTON BECK (remember, the boywho drove President Harper to the station andhas been driving the Alumni much of the timesince) assigned me the task of surveying for this magazinethe science portion of the University's celebration, "in apage or two of well chosen words," I suddenly recalledChristopher Morley's aspostrophy to a post office ink wellwhich". . . watched young lovers, breathing hard,Put Heaven on a postal card."There is some similarity. If no longer a young andardent lover I recall returning to the campus in September after my Freshman year (one celebration ago) andembracing a corner of Harper library in the joy of beingagain on holy ground science remains my faith and hopeand the University a great agent for its works. But howshall I tell you in a few words of the vistas opened by thescientific symposia; of what the men and work and resultsthere in evidence mean to our lives and those of ourchildren?The ProgramYou have seen in the program the names of many distinguished participants. Men and women gathered fromall geographic regions, as the war permitted, for thedomain of learning cannot know national boundaries;and from all holes and crevices of special skills and erudition, for learning must overflow the boundaries of individual knowledge set by personal capacity. You haveseen in the program the titles of symposia, chapterheadings to the entire book of knowledge. Although inattendance, I can add but little.All of us were torn by multiple concurrent temptationsto learn: how to listen to music; of the importance ofthe flatness of molecules in determining their chemicalproperties; about the machinery in eye and brain whichtranslates light waves into conscious sensation; what impartial social scientists consider to be the future of ourgovernment; whether man has purified his foods to the A FOUR-STAR PICTURE: Four Nobel prizewinners meet on the steps of Eckhart hall. Left toright: Ernest O. Lawrence, Robert A. Millikan,James Franck, Arthur H. Compton.danger point of nutritional disease from vitamin deficiency; when the prestellar universe underwent itsupheaval to produce the stars and atoms of our acquainttance; if currents of electricity or diffusion of substancesis the more important agent in making a single animalfrom its many cells to mention at random some of thechoice programs I wished to but could not attend. Abrimming plate and gorged stomach limit the numberof delicacies one can sample from a smorgasbord.And you would not care for a summary of those I didget to, however inspiring itt was to me to find a chemistunraveling the wound up protein molecules and rewinding them at his pleasure so that they acquired thoseamazing properties of specific reaction which have beenhitherto unique to the antibodies built only by livingcells; or to hear specialists (on diverse subjects rangingfrom the growth of bacteria to the structure of modernsociety) reach almost startling unanimity on the urgentquestions of individual and social integration, each fromthe technical evidence in his own field of expertness.These are the fragments of Heaven not its genre. Let meattempt, rather, to place the scientific symposia as a12THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13"whole in the larger currents of science and education."New Frontiers" was the motif of our celebration. Notgeographic ones, surely; these have pushed out fromcenters of contemporary civilization until the boundariesare met everywhere and the thin film of modern mancovers our planet. Nor a simple temporal one, in thesense that the present is an ever marching line betweenthe past and future. The frontiers are those of the mind,not those of the body, and mark the twilight zone betweenclear understanding and shadowy ignorance. Further,and this is important, they are not the limits of anyindividual's wisdom but of that of collective mankind.True, each person has his private intellectual volume inwhich he moves comfortably. True, a major duty ofeducation is to enlarge this volume. True, also, that ourUniversity of Chicago has rendered signal service in imparting such education to her own offspring and in leadingother institutions to do likewise. But this has little todo with the symposia in question, devoted to scientificachievement and scholarship. Another meeting, earlierin September, spent three earnest days on the problems ofbiology in special and general education. No, the limitsor limitation of individuals, to the extent that they remainindividual, are of private concern; the University andthe contributors were emphasizing in these exercisesmatters of the utmost public importance.Cumulative AchievementPut it this way. The loves and hates, pleasure andsorrows, of any or all of our predecessors Babylonians,Athenians, Romans, Normans, Pilgrims, Plainsmen haveno influence on our present way of life. We may findthese stories interesting, as any fiction, to the extent thatthey are preserved; but only those words and acts whichreverberated among men, only those numerous but minutehappenings which shared a direction and so summed toa cumulative force, pushed us to our present position andconstitute our significant heritage from the past. Anoccasional giant among men has seemed, single handed,to push humanity on a step, a Prometheus bringing thecelestial fire from one excursion to the gods' abode.I doubt that these human peaks stood as free of foothillsas history sometimes pictures them, but this is merely amattter of degree, of whether mankind received now andthen a larger single push than usual.Now what are the creative acts on which we build andwhich of these are cumulative? Art and literatureillumine our lives, we treasure the great books and paintings and poems bequeathed us by the centuries. But,although these accrete or accumulate, they are not cumulative. Does any present author write better plays thandid Shakespeare, or better plays than the same authorwould write had Shakespeare never lived? Perhaps afeeble "yes" can be given to the second half of the query,more probably a round "no". Have Leonardo's creationsbeen surpassed in the centuries that followed him? DidDescartes' philosophy establish a base on which all hissuccessors built? His coordinate system in mathematics "MATING AND REPRODUCTION systems inone celled animal groups resemble mass marriages," Dr. Herbert S. Jennings, honorary degree recipient and nationally known authorityon behavior of lower organisms told a symposium audience. He is zoologist at Johns Hopkinsand the University of California at Los Angeles.did you use it every time you plot a graph!Shakespeare was at least as great a genius in literature as was his near contemporary, Newton, a genius inphysics or his contemporary, Harvey, a genius in biology in one sense a greater one, for had Shakespeare notlived his unique contribution would simply not exist,while had the other men failed of their achievementit is quite certain that the same advances would havebeen made by others, just later and more slowly. YetShakespeare has but little influence today and on thefew, while the scientists founded engineering and medicalpractices on which our very lives depend. No writertoday matches Shakespeare's literature; the veriest collegetyro far surpasses the science of Newton and Harvey.He understands and can control more phenomena, hecan perform experiments or build machines beyond theirpowers and predict how they will behave with anaccuracy unknown to these intellectual giants. Science,alone among all man's creative achievements, is trulycollective, is truly universal, and most of all is trulycumulative.Science, more than all other creative activity, is acommunity enterprise. Workers in each discipline laystones of new fact upon those layed by their predecessors;14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEuse to guide their architecture, intellectual blueprintswhich were prepared, often, by men in other specialties;and work with tools built for their use by still otherswho have applied previous science in technology. Ofcourse false starts are made and walls must be torn downand rebuilt, but the myriad cooperating laborers slowlyraise the cathedral of learning.A physiologist studying vision knows the anatomicalarrangements of eye and nerve and brain in huge detail,he knows the optical properties of lens and cornea, heknows hundreds of more or less special substances in thelight-sensitive retina and of their chemical reactions these are the gold beads reclaimed from the tons of crudeore thrown up by earlier diggers. In his thinking andplanning he uses laws of optics and electricity, even ofquantum mechanics, contributed by physicists and lawsgoverning molecular change and colloidal behavior developed by chemists. His apparatus may include spectrophotometers, amplifiers, oscilloscopes, chromatographiccolumns, and a host of other simple or complex instruments built by supply houses or assembled from partsobtained from them. Obviously he can perform experiments and discover phenomena beyond those possible toone generation earlier, which lacked much of his mentaland material equipment.The Evolution of SensitivityLet us take a new tack. In the evolution of livingorganisms certain overall trends are evident. Over andover again the records show a steady directional changefrom an older form which is more generalized to a newerone with greater differentiation and specialization of itsparts and a reintegration into a more efficient whole. Aprimitive photo-sensitivity of protoplasm, which vaguelydirects an amoeba away from bright light, becomes apigmented spot, a cupped retina, a box camera, our ownmagnificent visual instrument, in successively moreevolved animals. Our eye is far more sensitive to lightenergy than any man-made photometer, it responds tocolor shades more delicately than the best colored film,it forms an image which is "grainless" to better than oneten-thousandth of an inch. Obviously such a sense organbrings to the organism which possesses it a greater rangeand variety of experiences and in greater number thanare available to the more primitive organism. The same istrue for all receptors ear, nose, skin, etc. as well as forthe eye. Evolution steadily enlarges the volume and richness of the effective environment in which animals livetheir span.More, the environment in turn helps to direct theevolution of animals and their sense -organs. Greatbiologists of this University, especially Dr. Child and hislieutenant Dr. Hyman (one of the women honored atthe Celebration) have contributed largely to our understanding of how this works. Briefly and dogmaticallystated: the front end of an animal gets the bumps,receives more stimuli as it leads into a new region ofthe environment; this increases the metabolic and other activity of the head region and makes it still more thephysiological leader of the body. This is almost bootstrap conjuring the environment stimulates the animalto become more responsive to more stimuli which makeit still more responsive to still more stimuli. And thelead is taken by the head and its sense organs whichexercise ever more control of the remainder of the body.Is it surprising that, in the course of evolution, the wholenervous system has migrated headwards and enlarged itsfront end, or that all the distance receptors the senseorgans which inform us of conditions at a distance fromour body are located in the head? The animal'senvironment, its physical frontier, stimulates its protoplasm and cells to create sense organs and nervous systemand so enlarge its environment and enrich these generative stimuli.The New FrontiersThe point of all this? A human society is in manyrespects comparable to an organism, it is an epiorganismcomposed of men as these are composed of cells. Thisis not the place to argue the validity of such a view;I am convinced that our society is in all fundamentalproperties such a great biological unit, but take it as amere analogy if you prefer. It is evolving, its units arebecoming more differentiated and, slowly, are beingreintegrated into a more complex whole. This evolutionis stimulated and guided by its environment, by whatthe group learns of the world. The scientists and theirlaboratories are the specialized receptors, with telescopes,microscopes, spectroscopes, and all manner of other scopes and graphs which penetrate the physical environment far beyond the capacity of the single eye or othersense organ, which these supplement. Through thecumulative advance of science the human environmentstill expands. The new experiences of the social organismevoke responses from it, help develop a leading portionwith a better brain (the creative scholars, commonly inuniversities) and sense organs, which lead it into newexperiences and new achievement.These are the New Frontiers of mankind, in the illimitable domain of the mind, which science penetrates andscholarship consolidates. Change is often uncomfortablebut it is exhilarating. Societies, like animals, must evolveor retrogress. Science, created by the social organismto sensitize itself to a fuller environment, is stirring andshaking the body politic with the birth pangs of the new.Men may suffer on the way probably a caterpillar doesnot metamorphose painlessly into a butterfly and thedirection of travel is still obscure. But mankind is onthe march somewhere, not vegetating into decadence.Science has brought and will bring men both weal andwoe, mostly weal; and it is not destroying and will notdestroy, rather it is enhancing those values of humansociety which we call civilization. The University hasknown this all along (however bitterly an occasionalfaculty member may scold at science and innovation) forfrom the start she has proudly led the advance, holdinghigher her pennon, "Crescat Scientia Vita Excolatur".Impressions of the AnniversaryIT WAS A GREAT DAYA THOUSAND STRONG, FACULTY AND DELEGATES FILE FROM IDA NOYES HALL INTO THE CHAPELLightly interpreted by DAVID DAICHES"IT WAS a greatday, and the Midway will notsee its like again for another fiftyyears, which is all to the good, forcelebrations, like children,should be carefully spaced."IT IS A PLEASANT THING to be able to identifyyourself with an institution and celebrate its fiftiethanniversary, for you have all the advantages of oldage and none of its drawbacks. For an individual tocelebrate such an anniversary a golden wedding or ajubilee of one sort or another he must be sufficientlyadvanced in years for the celebration to be at least asmelancholy as it is encouraging; but a celebrating university can give us a vicarious old age; we have the oldestinhabitant's pride without his infirmity. Of course, thisis a young country, and we cannot expect in our time,to enjoy the thrill of a sexcentenary, which, by the way,is an experience well worth undergoing. To outwit theallotted human span and march with flags flying andcolors glittering in celebration of an institution that hassurvived continuously for several hundred years gives one a feeling of dignified antiquity which is only occasionallyaccompanied by an acute sense of decay. Celebrations,indeed, encourage men to take the long view. If wewere more prone to encourage observance of the date ofthe expulsion from the Garden of Eden or Noah's completion of the ark we might all develop more philosophicminds and leave behind us petty quarrels and ambitions.Indeed, "civilization through celebration" is no meanmotto. The civilized mind is a mind attuned to longperspectives.And yet, what is the anniversary of an institution, acorporate body? "Corporate bodies," Hazlitt remarkedin a cogent essay, "are more corrupt and profligate thanindividuals, because they have more power to do mischief, and are less amenable to disgrace and punishment.They feel neither shame, remorse, gratitude, nor goodwill.Each member reaps the benefit, and lays the blame, ifthere is any, upon the rest." Isn't there something immoral in surrendering our individuality to an institutionfor whom no individual will take entire responsibility?A fiftieth anniversary celebration, it might be urged, isa cowardly thing. We praise what the founders didbefore us and what our successors we insist must betaught to do after us. For ourselves, we specify no duties.We simply read the lesson of the past and apply it to thefuture; we tell our children to do what our father did,while all we do is alternately reminisce and predict. Weare the bridge between the past and the future, taking aWilliam Jamesian or pragmatic view of the "speciouspresent" as that unreal moment of time which marks the(Continued on page 74)15I Present for theAlumni Medal .DEAN GORDON J. LAING. . . Nineteen distinguish^alumni who have put theieducations to good account.JOHN NUVEEN, JR. AWARDS ALUMNI MEDAL TOWALLACE ATWOOD, CLARK UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT"in a low voice, so thatthe University authoritiesdon't hear me," saidAlumni Dean GordonLaing at the Alumni Assembly, "I am going totell the freshmen that asalumni we are not muchinterested in what degree orwhat marks they get . . .but we are interested in what they do with their education after they get out of college. The measure of theUniversity's distinction and influence depends chieflyupon the achievements of its alumni and the positionthey win for themselves in their respective communities.Starting our recognition thus tardily after fifty years, wehave quite a task. The College Division of the AlumniAssociation therefore restricted citations at this occasionto graduates of the college between 1892 and 1900. Sofar as medals are concerned, the Alumni Association istaking care today only of those whose merits are sooutstanding that no further delay could be tolerated.These awards are made for distinction in one's fieldof specialization or for service to society, or both. Manywere saved for a later occasion, for there was not enoughmetal or parchment in the country to make all theawards we would have liked to make. The assemblytoday is only a beginning. . . ." FIFTY THREEOTHER ALUMNI . . .HARRY D. ABELLS, '97,Chicago. Educator.WILLIAM HARVEY ALLEN, '97,New York. Administrator, Institute for PublicService.JOSEPHINE T. ALLIN, '99,Chicago. Educator.Principal, Seward School.W. FRANCE ANDERSON, '99,Chicago. Broker, Lawyer,Harris Trust & Savings Bank.OSWALD J. ARNOLD, '97,Minneapolis. President, Northwestern National LifeInsurance Company.BURT BROWN BARKER, '97,Portland, Lawyer, Administrator.Vice President, University of Oregon.HARRISON B. BARNARD, '95,Chicago. Contractor.Trustee, The University of Chicago.16THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17The Nineteen WhoCouldn't Be DelayedTrevor Arnett: A member of theClass of 1898, for twenty-seven yearsassociated withthe financial administration ofthe University ofChicago, as accountant, auditor,business managerand Vice President; also trusteeof the RockefellerInstitute of Medicine, member ofthe Rockefeller Foundation, President of the General Education Board ;and a member of the Board; andmember of the Board of Trustees ofthe University of Chicago. Of national reputation in his specialty ofcollege finance, both through hiswritings and through his work as theconsultant of many colleges, whenthrough an uncanny clairvoyance infigures he was able to point out theway to balanced budgets, or if thecase were hopeless, could demonstratethe inevitability of ruin with suchclearness, such tact, such charm thatTREVOR ARNETT the officers of the institution sawbankruptcy as a blessing. Famous inthe annals of this University as theman who in the innumerable disputeswith members of the faculty aboutfourth-quarter remuneration not onlyinvariably convinced the professorthat he was wrong, but even madehim like it.Wallace Walter Atwood: Bachelor of 1897 and Doctor of 1903. Forten years a member of the facultyof geology in theUniversity of Chicago ; for sevenyears a professorof physiography atHarvard ; since1920 President ofClark University.He accepted thatposition at a critical time for the institution, but thedifficulties disappeared under his diplomatic hand. He has written manybooks and articles, and his writingsrange from Waukegan to Alaska andfrom Evanston to Colorado. Of special importance is his work on thePhysiography and Quaternary Geology of the San Juan Mountains inColorado. He is the founder and ed itor of the periodicalGeography." "EconomicWALLACE ATWOOD PERCIVAL BAILEYPercival Bailey: Bachelor of 1914and Doctor of 1918, with wide experience as resident physician orsurgeon in hospitals in Boston,Chicago andParis; with a brilliant record asneurologist andneurosurgeon onthe faculty ofNorthwesternUniversity, Harvard, the University of Chicago, andthe University of Illinois. Regardedas the leading authority on certainphases of the pathology of the brain;author of a work on brain surgery,with Harvey Cushing; and of a bookon Intracranial Tumors of Infancyand Childhood, with members of theBillings staff. Our regret that he hasleft our faculty to join that of theUniversity of Illinois is tempered onlyby the exaltation of altruistic emotionwhich we experience in making to theUniversity of Illinois so great a contribution to its surgical proficiency.Clifford Webster Barnes: Mr.(Continued on page 64)WARREN P. BEHAN, '94,Sioux Falls. Educator.President Emeritus, Sioux Falls Colleges.GILBERT A. BLISS, '97,Chicago. Mathematician.Professor Emeritus, University ofChicago.WILLIAM SCOTT BOND, '97,Chicago. Attorney.Trustee, The University of Chicago.*CAROLINE M. BREYFOGLE,'96,Columbus. Dean Emeritus, OhioState University.SCOTT BROWN, '97,Pasadena. Attorney, Indstrialist,Civic Leader.ALLEN T. BURNS, '97,New York. Administrator,Community Chests & Councils.RUSSELL BURTON-OPITZ, '98,New York. Physician.Former Department Head, Columbia University. itation for public ServiceGLENROSE BELL CARAWAY, '98,Carmel, N. Y. Lecturer.Director, National School of Politics.HARRY V. CHURCH, '94,Chicago. Administrator.Leader in Secondary Education.HENRY T. CLARKE, '96,Omaha, Attorney.Former Chairman Railroad Com-ithc /lliimni Association of tDw University of Chicagohold, mar a university education should be the bromine and inspiration for future unselfish and crcectivt.scrvicc ta tne community, the nation and humanity ; andThat men and -women tn acccprine. the privileges of-* ccuniversity education assume also the aMiaarian to soeioryto exercise leadership in those civic, social and religion*activities that arc essential to a democracy.Ilxnry Gordon Gale '%on lihimnun of Tho University of Oilco^o. having, in tkc_.judgment of the Alumni Awoviarion, de mon* irated ""a pnKMdfacceptance of thei-e oMigiirion* and rc-tfponwbiliti** by puMicspirited cuisensrvip, i* hereby declared a worthy cilumnnt*and awmded the Alumni Citation ofUseful (?UT3CnIn mnkine this citation the Alumni Association n.-Vnotvledecswith pride the service which has rcftccntd credit* on tneUniversity and its alumni.Awarded by the Alumni Association of Tbe University of"Chicoeo on recommendation of its Collate Division.S.VMI>it»rY".IMI*Deceased October 14, 1941. mission.GRACE A. COULTER, '99,Chicago, Administrator.President, The Eleanor Association.CARL B. DAVIS, '00,Chicago. Surgeon.Professor Rush MedicalCollege.PERCY B. ECKHART, '99,Chicago. Attorney, Industrialist,Civic Leader.EDITH FOSTER FLINT, '97,Chicago, Educator.Professor Emeritus, University ofChicago.(Continued on page 54)WIN CITATIONSAt the Alumni AssemblyTHE GOVERNOR OF ILLINOISByDWIGHT H. GREEN'20, J.D. '22IT WAS INDEED A PLEASURE for me to comeback on this great occasion and, as an alumnus, toaffirm my loyalty to the University of Chicago, andas Chief Executive of the great State in which it is located, to express to its friends the high regard in whichit is held by the people of Illinois.In fifty years rough prairie land transformed into abeautiful campus dotted everywhere with magnificentGothic architecture, has indeed brought into being thewriter's dream of a "city gray which ne'er shall die."But it is not the campus which has made this suchan outstanding institution. The foundation upon whichthe University of Chicago was built was laid before ashovel had been put into the ground. It was laid whenWilliam Rainey Harper, a young eastern professor withideas on education years ahead of his time, accepted thepresidency of the new university which was to be erectedin the middle west from plans not yet drawn and to beinstructed by educators not yet hired.A man of remarkable vision, he began to charter thecourse of the ship he had agreed to navigate. Not forhim was the moss-covered tradition that professors mustbe paid too poorly to wear other than shiny clothes hired at the cheapest salary at which it was possible toretain them. Not for him were those professors whowere not wanted elsewhere because they had outlivedtheir usefulness.Fifty years ago, in 1891, William Rainey Harper,President of the University of Chicago, startled the worldby announcing that he proposed to get the best educatorspossible for his new University and if need be he proposed to pay them unheard of salaries for college professors. Presidents of great universities severed ties and joined his faculty. Young men and women with ideasbut with reputations not yet earned and elder ones withreputations well established were interviewed by PresidentHarper and when they measured up to the high standards which he had set, they were hired.The go ahead signal was given on the building program also often before all of the financial details werefully worked out. A veritable dynamo had entered theeducational field in the Middle West. Nothing was toogood for the University of this man's dreams no mantoo big for his faculty. His eyes seemed almost on thestars and his indefatigable energy and ambition sooncaused his friends to believe he would surely reach them.Cut off in mid-life, his untimely death caused many toworry about the future of this institution he had builtso well and yet so fast.We can see now how little there was to worry about.His plans had been so well laid out, his enthusiasm wasso catching and his purposes so appealing that successfulbusiness men were attracted to his Board of Trustees andstrong men and women to his faculty. Professors HarryPratt Judson, Max Mason, Ernest DeWitt Burton, andRobert M. Hutchins, as presidents, have ably carried onwhere President Harper left off. Nor can we overlookthe valuable work done by Fritz Woodward during themany months he was acting President of the University.Under their skilled guidance the University has keptup the strenuous pace set by its founders. Its faculty hasincreased in strength as well as in number and the number of its beautiful buildings continues to grow, eachsymbolizing the generosity of someone who had caughtthe spark and seen the vision which caused PresidentHarper to come west fifty years ago.Not only as a former student am I indebted to ourgreat University but as Governor of the State of Illinois,I am indebted to it for several of my closest advisors inthe management of State affairs. George B. McKibben, Director of the Department of Finance; Livingston Osborne, Director of the Department of Conservation; Jerome Finkle, Secretary of the LegislativeReference Bureau, and John William Chapman, myexecutive secretary, are all former students of the University of Chicago, and hold key positions in my administration.For your immortal dead your great faculty yoursplendid buildings and equipment, your high standardsof scholarship and independence of purpose for yourgreat student bodies of past and present, I congratulateyou on behalf of the people of the State of Illinois. Forfifty years you have been a great University. May that"city gray ne'er die."18At the Alumni AssemblyTHE EYES OF TEXASI WANT TO EMPHASIZE the significance of theUniversity of Chicago to the South.I should like to speak first of its influence uponreligion. To the average lay mind and to practicallyall the clerical minds in Texas at the time of my graduation from college the University of Chicago was anheretical and dangerous institution. When I made mydecision to come here for graduate study many of myfriends and relatives warned me against the unorthodoxyand downright godlessness of the place, and expressedfervent hopes that I would return with my faith intact.Thus to many minds throughout the South this University is the symbol of the religious revolution whichwas sweeping the country a quarter of a century ago. Thesearch for truth which is the basic and most characteristicfeature of the University the search for truth even inthe field of religion has split the South wide openreligiously. I have heard Baptists, even Northern Baptists,say that because this University did not hold faithfullyto its denominational affiliations it had taken money fromthe pockets of Baptists across the country under falsepretenses. That religious revolution is still in progress inthe South, and has yet far to go before the mind of theSouth is freed from much of the superstition which hasgripped it for so long.The influence of the University of Chicago in thisreligious revolution is far-reaching in the extreme. Moreand more the thinking and writings emanating from herehave penetrated the mind of the South. Each year moreeager and daring young minds from the Southern stateshave come here for research and graduate study. Greatlyto the loss of the South, many of its finest young peopleafter having studied here and elsewhere in the Northhave not returned to their native states for their professional work. On the other hand, many of them havereturned, and wherever they are located they havebecome a leavening influence for the spread of the scien-1 tific spirit of this institution.Twenty-two years ago the small college from which Icame, and scores of others like it throughout the South,had great difficulty in securing teachers who had hadadequate graduate training. The inevitable result of thiswas that these Southern colleges ranked low in theiracademic standing. Students from all over the Southlike myself were having their credits discounted whenthey applied for graduate standing here and elsewhere.One of my friends told me that she had had her creditsdiscounted so many times by the Northern universitiesthat when she went to a Chicago bank to have a checkcashed on her home town bank she had a feeling thatsomething was wrong when the cashier did not subtracta substantial part of it. This university has had much to ByHOMER P. RAINEYPh.D. '24President, theUniversity of Texasdo in improving that situation. I dare say that thereis not an institution of higher learning, white or colored,anywhere in the South that does not have one or moremembers of the faculty who have studied here. Thereare about sixty such persons on my own faculty at theUniversity of Texas. This has been a contribution of thefirst magnitude. It would be impossible to estimate theimprovement in teaching, research and educationalstandards generally that has come to the South as aresult of the leadership in teacher training that has comefrom the University of Chicago.In this connection I must refer also to the contributionwhich the School of Education has made to the development of public elementary and secondary education inthe South. Its emphasis upon the science of educationand the experimental approach to the solution of educational problems at all levels has revolutionized the publicschool program throughout the South. The opportunitiesthat it has offered for the training of better teachers andadministrators for the public schools; its spirit of investigation and research; its adherence to high standardsof work, have been contributions of inestimable valuethroughout the South. For this, I and every otherperson who loves the South and desires to see her prosper,are truly and deeply grateful.The University of Chicago has been of inestimablevalue to the growth and development of the great stateuniversities of the Midwest and the South. It has setfor us the ideals and standards of a real university.Without this example and its influence I am sure thatour state universities could never have had such a remarkable development.I am one who believes that our dual system of highereducation has been mutually helpful and stimulating.The University of Chicago and the state universities serve1920 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdifferent but complementary functions. The Universityof Chicago is in a position to stand for absolute values,and is not subject to temporary swings in public sentiment and emotion. State universities, on the other hand,are of the people. They are of the earth earthy. Theymust stay close to the people and serve their needs.State universities have the peculiar function of improving the well-being of their people. The scientific,pragmatic philosophy of the University of Chicago hasdone much to influence the trend of higher education inthe South toward this concept. Higher education in theold South was classical and romantic. It was basedlargely upon class and privilege. Vocational and technological education were anathemas. For more than ahundred years the educators of the South have resistedstrenuously the development of vocational and technological education. The results of this from an economicviewpoint have been nothing short of disastrous. TheSouth is rich in natural resources, but it has not hadsufficient scientists and technologists to make these resources available to the people.Something phenomenal is going to happen in the Southwhen the people fully appreciate the power of highereducation to improve their well-being; when we reallycouple science and technology with our vast storehouseof natural resources; when we begin to apply creativeintelligence to our plethora of cultural resource materials;when we begin to inspire and train our creative mindsfor artistic production and raise our history, traditionand folklore to the level of fine art which will producea culture that is indigenous and thus genuine and notborrowed; when we really begin to conserve and developour human resources; when we successfully apply thescience and principles of public health and preventivemedicine, and when we fully appreciate the values ofmental hygiene; and when higher education through itsteachings of morality, character and integrity return tothe state good and useful citizens. These are the peculiar functions of a state university. Great private universities can set the patterns for others to follow. Theseare the things that higher education must do for us.I am going to say only two things about our needsfor the future. Since the University of Chicago hasgiven us such excellent leadership in the past in certainfields notably the scientific, I am going to express thehope that in the future it will help us as well in ourattack upon these needs.The first of these is the need for moral and spiritualguidance. The chief characteristic of our times is ourspiritual bankruptcy. The chief weakness of our nationtoday is our spiritual disunity. After all a nation is aspiritual thing, but we have no common spiritual idealor purpose that binds us together. We speak all toovaguely about "The American Dream" or "The American Way of Life." But what do these phrases mean interms of spiritual values? Mr. Einstein said recently that"more than ever before the fate of civilized mankindhangs on the moral forces which it is able to call forth." In my judgment it is pre-eminently the function of uni-versites to develop the moral and spiritual forces of mankind. If they fail in this, all of our science, technologyand invention will lead us only into a dark hole andturn out the light.My final point is that we must find ways to link scholarship and integrity with political action. Between themnow there is a wide chasm. Too few intelligent and responsible leaders enter the field of politics. The lack ofsuch leadership is, in my judgment, a socially disruptiveforce of far greater significance than we realize or arewilling to admit. There are many things that can bedone to help this condition, but I am going to suggestfour generalizations that seem to be required:IThe social science divisions of the universities could go beyond their present program of socialanalysis and could formulate "programs of action" and help devise the social procedures required to translate them in action. Our socialscientists now are acting like a group of peoplestanding on a balcony watching the stream oflife go by. They will study it, and indicate thetrend of" the currents, but they are unwilling totake the responsibility of saying which waythose currents should go, and of re-directingthem. This, they say, is politics, and must beleft to the politicians.2 We must put a new emphasis upon politics, and develop a new status for politics and politicians in the social fabric. We should acceptPlato's concept of politics that it is the highest social art. It is the method by which democracy achieves its goals. It is, therefore,worthy of our supreme care and study. Instead we give it a low status and discourageour best minds from entering it.3 Once a better status has been achieved forpolitics and politicians we can give our political leaders a new type of education a realunion of science and social sciences includingethics and morality.4 We must also develop a better Social education for the masses of our people one that willmake them intelligent about the affairs of contemporary life, and one that will developwithin them the ability to discern facts frompropaganda and thus free them from the slavery of demogoguery.These things, too, education must do for us. To theUniversity of Chicago, our alma mater, we say as wehave done in the past: "You lead the way and youshall not want for followers."California Wellesley Chicago H arvar d YalAN EMINENT SPAN OF THE NATION IN EDUCATIONChatting in Hutchinson Court after the assembly of dele- McAfee, Wellesley College; Robert M. Hutchins, Uni-gates in Mandel hall are these presidents: left to right versity of Chicago; James Bryant Conant, Harvard Uni-Robert G. Sproul, University of California; Mildred versity; and Charles Seymour, Yale University.At the Assembly of DelegatesTHREE [VOICES ON EDUCATIONGUNS,Tanks, ships, men and machineryare not all that is needed in ourmost critical hour. ,What the heads of a great state university, a leadingwoman's college, and an eminent eastern privately endowed university say from the same rostrum in thesame afternoon in this "most critical hour in the historyof our country" is significant. For these, like all voicesof free education, would be the first to be gagged undera dictatorship.Said President James B. Conant of Harvard University :"We have a positive duty to proclaim at every crossroad our concern with the individual man. In strengthening our academic citadels as outposts of individualismwe shall also be fortifying the fundamental faith of thisfree and democratic land." Robert G. Sproul, President of the University of California, warned of a "drift toward totalitarianism in highereducation (and) the desire to regiment the individual.""It is a curious thing about women," said MildredMcAfee, President of Wellesley College. "They rarelyregister vast appreciation for being treated as potentiallyintelligent people."But before they spoke of world affairs, the presidentspraised the University. They praised it sincerely, for ithas done some things which none of their own institutions could do. With its potent weapons of youth,strength, and freedom, the University, like a brash youngknight, has challenged old beliefs. Others it has strengthened. And what it has learned, it has transmitted to thecountry and to the world.Miss McAfee spoke part of the time from the vantagepoint of fifty years hence in 1991."In the early '40s," she recalled, "there was a real opportunity to take the values of the academic communityinto the market place and the councils of government.How wisely the men and women of 1941 used that opportunity the men of 1991 well know. Suffice it to say2122 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPraise, IndeedTHE LATE GEORGE VINCENT, one-time Dean ofihe Faculty of the University of Chicago, President of the University of Minnesota, and Presidentof the Rockefeller Foundation, enjoyed telling of anexperience he had while at the University. It wasthe morning after he had entertained a group offaculty friends in his new home at 5737 UniversityAvenue (now the Beta Theta Pi House). He was remembering the enthusiasm with which the group hadadmired the new rug in the large living room whenthe doorbell rang. It was the young son of one ofDean Vincent's faculty friends who asked, politely, ifhe might see the rug his dad and mother had beendiscussing at the breakfast table. The young manwas ushered into the living room. He surveyed therug critically and then remarked, "Huh, it doesn'tmake me sick!"that in 1941, as in 1891 and 1991, we find the University of Chicago a leader in the art of invigorating education by challenging its traditions. We find it a leaderin the art of keeping people alert to the continuous revaluation of the values by which they live. We findit a leader in the art of linking learning to life."Dr. Sproul's praise had a personal flavor. "The University of Chicago and I have something m common,"he told the four hundred delegates in Mandel hall. "Inthe same year that Chicago began to offer instruction to aselect group of students on the Midway, where hithertothe only educational enterprise had been a trained flea circus, I began my existence in the city of San Francisco.I know exactly how it feels to be fifty years old this year.I know how lucky Chicago is that she was roofed withslate instead of hair. . ."The University of Chicago, twenty-three yearsyounger than my own very young Gargantua, in its brieflife has achieved mightily. There are important andenduring testimonials. Chief among these has been theextraordinary influence of the University of Chicago uponthe character of higher education in the United States,and not least upon the development of the state universities."First and foremost, the University of Chicago hasstood for true University standards, and has held fastagainst the assaults of those false democrats who wouldbring all things, even higher education, down to the levelof the least capable."A particular contribution is the idea stressed by President Harper, in his annual report for 1898-99, that therefore many students stay in college because it isn't respectable to leave, and that some way must be found to givegreater meaning and dignity to a stopping place at theend of the Sophomore year, the end, that is, of the periodof general education. From that idea sprang the juniorcolleges of California, which now enroll 83,372 boys andgirls, and the bestowal of the degree of Associate in Arts,not only by those colleges, but by most of our four-yearcolleges and universities as well."All of us are grateful for what this University hasdone to stimulate us, whether to agreement or difference,and for the relief it has always afforded us from thedrug of orthodoxy, the pressure of standardization, andthe compression of one and all into a single rigid andmonotonous type."The President of Harvard University rose and told thePresident of the University of Chicago:"I express the sentiment of this historic gathering whenI say to you, President Hutchins, that we, the representatives of other colleges and universities, acknowledgewith pride and gratitude the great service to educationand to American scholarship which the University ofChicago has performed during the last half century. . ."So ran the praises. Again and again the speakers applied the pioneering, tradition-breaking, innovator andguide theme to the University. The Anniversary theme, "New Frontiers in Education and Research," becamemore significant.From her temporary place in 1991, Miss McAfee wenton to touch affairs of 1941."Dogmatism in the late '30s has been debunked," shereported. "There had been an era in which no so-calledintellectual dared express convictions lest he be calleddogmatic. By 1941, American society, still fearingdogma, craved assurances. Young people were steadyinginto an earnestness and a zeal to have a part in nationallife which made many of them seek self -discipline. . ."About 1938 it was suddenly realized that young people had not learned the assumptions which their adultfriends considered axiomatic. At the eleventh hour people discovered that peace education had worked to theextent of quelling youth's enthusiasm for war. Bitterindictments were brought up in some quarters againstthose teachers who allowed children to grow up fearingwar worse than they feared any other evil. Youth wandered vaguely without any enduring frame of reference.But by 1941 it was becoming increasingly familiar withthe values which give life meaning now and always."So the talk turned to the war.The Californian said: "The continuing threat to theUnited States of America, over and beyond the threatof force which it now faces in the international scene,lies not in the pitifully small group of the highly educated,but in the vast number of its citizens who are ignorant.National defense in this most critical hour of the historyof our country is not just a matter of tanks and guns andplanes, or of ships and sailors and soldiers; it is not justa matter of sinking submarines, of smashing an invasion.The very heart of it is the constant building and nurturingof the faith of a people in an ideal, and the unceasingrekindling of their willingness to work and sacrifice forthat idea in peace as well as to fight for it in war. Democracy entrusts this responsibility peculiarly to education, and not the least to state universities.{Continued on page 72)Shailer Mathews1863-1941One day a score of vears ago Dean ShailerMathews' secretary hurried into his office in theDivinity School to remind him: "Have you forgotten? You are giving the Bond Chapel sermon today.""I am?" said the Dean. "And what is my subject?""Immortality," replied the secretary as she helped himquickly into his gown. "And they are waiting for you."A few minutes later Dean Mathews addressed hisaudience on Immortality: "What worries me is not if Ishall have immortality, but if I have it, what I'll do withit. Shall we pray."On October 23 in Billings hospital Shailer Mathews,the layman whose theological ideas penetrated and excited the religious world, died at the age of seventy-eight.Not all his many speeches were as short as his "Immortality" talk. But they were as pithy. His definitions,scattered through more than twenty books, were as succinct. Conservatives became "our contemporary ancestors"; "an epigram a half truth which makes uncomfortable the person who believes the other half."Like President Harper, Dean Mathews' energy wasboundless. Both men recognized the danger of over-diversifying their energy. Harper, in fact, once "preacheda sermon" to the Dean."I have not forgotten [Harper wrote in 1905] that youhave allowed me to guide you in your career to someextent. I sincerely hope that up to this time we have made no mistake, and I trust that from this time forward you will go on as strongly and as certainly as up tothe present time. If I could be persuaded that youwould not undertake to do too many things and thusrun the risk of impairing your health, or what is evenworse, of impairing your reputation of doing solid work,I should feel satisfied with reference to the character ofyour future. This is possibly a poor kind of sermon forme to preach to you, but you will remember that I ampreaching from experience, and that after all, experienceis a very good teacher. . ."Dean Mathews' ties with President Judson were ofanother nature. "Please give my kindest regards to Mrs.Judson," he wrote from Chautauqua, New York, in 1912."And accept my solemn vow that I will never catch afish with a worm when I can catch him with a fly butI have got to catch that fish."Now that I am talking about ich-thyology instead oftheology, might I ask your opinion as to the legitimacyof catching a black bass with a crab. I saw one yesterday that weighed four pounds that was caught in thatfashion."To which Judson replied: ". . . . I don't see that youhave to catch the fish. Are you starving? Do you needit to feed your wife and babes? If so, catch him witha worm or with a net or with your hands, or whateverway you please, even dynamite, but no self-respecting2324 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEangler will ever try to catch a trout excepting with anartificial fly."So far as black bass are concerned, I am not interested in that animal. You may catch him with a crabif you like. ..."Perhaps Dean Mathews' great industry sprang fromthe rocky soil of Maine, where he was born in Portlandin 1863. He was graduated from Colby College in 1884and Newton Theological Seminary. After graduate studyhere and abroad he joined the Colby faculty, leaving in1894 to become Associate Professor of New TestamentHistory and Interpretation at the University. In 1908 hewas appointed Dean. In 1933 he became emeritus.Under his administration, which he carried in additionto a full teaching schedule, the Divinity School movedfrom Haskell Museum to Swift Hall, and added JosephBond Chapel to its equipment. The school became acenter of scholarly research, in addition to holding itspace-setting standards of ministerial training.Dean Mathews' concern with the social meaning of theChristian religion time and again roused the wrath offundamentalists. "I'd rather be damned than ignored,"he said. He was never ignored. Always he resisted efforts to give an obscurantist definition to religion. Heinsisted that it be intelligible. If his own religion wasunorthodox, he felt it was at least practical, for he hadcome into it by way of history and economics, a course he recommended to his students if they valued an objective approach. He remained a layman to protect thisview.As a layman, his activities outside the field of religionwere varied. He was known throughout the world forhis interest in organized religion and his efforts to implement religion as a force for peace. Lectures and conferences carried him to Europe and to Asia. He headed theWestern Economics Society from 1911-1919. He wasChairman of the Chicago Church Federation; a delegatein 1925 to the Stockholm Conference, from which hassprung the World Council of Churches; Chairman of theWorld Conference on International Peace through Religion, held in Stockholm in 1928 by the World Alliancefor International Friendship through the Churches, whichhe organized; trustee of the Church Peace Union since1914; Chairman of the Voters' Clearing House, in Chicago; Director of religious work and Chairman of theExecutive Board of Trustees of the Chatauqua Institution, 1912 until 1934; and President of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, 1912 until 1916.He continued his research and lectures after his retirement. In 1933, when he became emeritus, he delivered the University's Barrows lectures in India. At home,he continued his active interest in the University Settlement and the Church Peace Union. His last book waspublished in 1940. Its name: "Is God Emeritus?"w oman HaterEVEN BEFORE THE UNIVERSITY opened its doors in 1892 women were attractingunusual attention at Chicago. The educational world was shocked when Presi-.dent Harper, on his first faculty, appointed women to full professorships and declaredtheir rights would be equal to men's. As late as 1904 a lad registered for a classunder "Reynolds" discovered to his consternation that the professor was Myra Reynolds, and withdrew saying, "I haven't never learned anything from women and I ain'tgoin' to begin now!"H eavens!WHEN MISS TALBOT'S SIX-YEAR-OLD niece announced to passengers on thetrain bound for the Chicago Fair of '93 that she was going to Chicago to visither aunt who was Dean of the World's Fair her mother took exception to the statement. The young Miss revised her boast: "Oh, no, Auntie isn't Dean of the World'sFair she is Dean of the Universe.' 'At the Alumni AssemblyOWLSTO ATHENSBy ROBERT M. HUTCHINS"YOU AREthe kind of alumni body whichUniversity presidents dream of,but which they never expect tosee.I MUST FIRST OF ALL return you the deep andheartfelt thanks of your Alma Mater for this expression of your loyalty and generosity. The number of workers and the number of givers are as gratifying as the size of the gift. And I need not tell you thatthe size of the gift, especially in these times, is so impressive as to be nothing less than awe-inspiring. Youhave given the University another moving example ofyour lively and enduring interest in its welfare.Let me dispose at once of the more sordid aspects ofthis occasion by saying that the University must look forsupport in increasing measure to annual contributions.Uncertainty surrounds endowments. I have read in TheSaturday Evening Post that they are highly speculative.Doubts may be justly felt about the likelihood of largefuture gifts for capital purposes. The University mustnow appeal, not merely to a few great donors or foundations, but to the generosity of a multitude of citizens whohave never thought of themselves as philanthropists before. It must hope that the volume of wide popularsupport, based on wide popular knowledge and enthusiasm, will equal that supplied by the liberality of thefew in its first fifty years.In this situation the gifts of the alumni are doubly effective. They are valuable in themselves, and they arethe most cogent argument for the gifts of others. Asthe lives of its graduates are a witness to a university'seducational excellence, so the gifts of its graduates arean indication of the esteem in which it should be held.At least we can say negatively that if the alumni of auniversity do not support it there is no reason why anybody else should. If those who know most about it andhave been most directly affected by its work do not feel FROM 15,000 ALUMNI TO THEIR UNIVERSITYPresident Hutchins accepts the honor roll, listing fifteenthousand alumni contributors to the Fiftieth Anniversaryfund from Clifton Utley, Vice Chairman of the AlumniFoundation, at the Alumni Assembly in Rockefeller Memorial Chapel. Because of the last miunte rush of contributions, the roll was presented in galley-proof form.that it should be maintained, it will be hard to persuadestrangers that it is vital to the community and the nation.Now I believe that this university is vital to the community and the nation. I believe that one of the greattasks before us is to convince the community and thenation of this fact, to convince them that in spite oftaxes, national defense, the state universities, and international disorder, your Alma Mater is needed, neededfor the conduct of war, the making of peace, and theinspiration and guidance of life after peace is made.Upon this quality of inspiration and leadership theUniversity rests its claim to your devotion. This claimis not based on your attachment to beautiful surroundings, though the quadrangles have for us a charm thatis felt even by the uninitiated. It is not based on thedifference between what your education cost and whatyou paid for it; the University is not a commercial undertaking. It is not based on the fact that you control theUniversity; for you do not. It is not based on the theorythat since the University is doing something for you asalumni, you should do something for it. The Universitythrough the Alumni Dean and the Alumni School is doinga good deal for its graduates, and it will do more. Butit does it as part of its educational program and notbecause it hopes in this way to awaken the interest andsecure the support of the alumni.Nor does the University base its claim to your loyalty2526 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEupon your nostalgia for the friends you made here andthe good times you had. You made the friends; youhad the good times. We do not concede that educationalexcellence or intellectual interest is incompatible with funand fellowship. We insist, indeed, that the most enduring comradeship is that which grows out of participationin the kind of exciting common enterprise which is aChicago education. We do not admit that the Universityis deficient in those conventional extra-curriculum activities which go by the name of college life. We assertthat Chicago has all these and something more, something which no other university has in equal degree: anatmosphere of intense, strenuous, and constant intellectual activity. Other institutions offer college life; Chicago offers college life, and an education, too.The alumni of some other institutions seem bound tothem by ties that have little to do with the institutionsor their work. They are ties with the place or the persons they knew there, with the old elms, the old fence,or the old fraternity. The college figures only as a sortof backdrop before which the graduate and his playmatesspent the glorious spring-time of their youth. So whenthey meet again at periodic reunions they vainly struggle, through frolic and firewater, to bring the springtime back again. But all this has little connection withtheir Alma Mater or its purposes. The annual costumeparty of a fraternal order or a luncheon club offers thesame delights and has the same relation to education.During or after the last war the Yale Class of 1899offered a prize for a new tune for the University's anthem,Bright College Years. The old tune was the tune of DieWacht am Rhein. During the discussion which followed,an enlightened graduate wrote to the Alumni Weeklyto say that his objection was not to the tune but to thewords: bright college years with pleasure rife, the shortest, gladdest years of life; time and change can naughtavail to break the friendships formed at Yale and onin the same vein without the faintest direct or indirectreference to that activity for which Yale College wasfounded and for which, presumably, it exists.The University of Chicago proposes that the attachment of its graduates should be not merely to the friendsthey made here or the fun they had, but also to the University itself and to the aims which have actuated it forfifty years. It regards its alumni as adults. It would findit difficult to defend any other attitude; for its studentsare treated as adults, and it could hardly assume that lifeand education rendered its graduates less mature thanthe Freshmen under the New Plan. I must admit thatregarding alumni as adults is in the nature of a bold experiment, in keeping with that courageous tradition ofpioneering which has distinguished your Alma Mater;for I know of few other universities which have beenwilling to run the risks which this attitude may involve.We are always told that the appeal to alumni must be an"emotional" appeal, and we sometimes hear that theappeal of Chicago is too "intellectual." ELIZABETH WALLACE, former University Dean, discusses a point or two with philosopher Jacques Mari-tain after a symposium.In the first place, this is an insult to the alumni. Itassumes that though they came here for an education,and though they got the best the country had to offer,their interest in education and intellectual activity wasa passing fancy, or a disease like measles, whooping-cough,or mumps, which afflicted them in youth. Now that theyare happily recovered, they cannot have it again. TheUniversity's attitude is based on a deeper and, I hope,a truer faith.In the second place, the allegation that the Universityis too intellectual for its alumni is an insult to the University: for it assumes that it did not succeed in supplying that intellectual stimulation which it boasts of givingto the merest passenger through the campus. It assumesthat there is nothing here that could not be found atany country-club and that its appeal should be that whichany country-club might make fun, friends, and frolic.Finally, this doctrine that a university's appeal to itsalumni must be emotional rather than intellectual rests'on a confusion of ideas, or at least a confusion of words.Pride is an emotion. Gratitude is an emotion. I do notsee how any graduate of the University of Chicago canescape the deepest feelings of pride and gratitude whenhe thinks of his Alma Mater. That blind and unreasoning emotion which is nothing but sentimentality theUniversity neither encourages nor solicits. The truly human emotions of pride and gratitude which rest on anunderstanding of its work and an adherence to its aims- upon these the University grounds its claim to the loyaltyof its alumni.Everything that is going on in the world today, andeverything that has gone on since the great collapse of1929 confirms the essential Tightness of the University'sTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27attitude. How frivolous in the present crisis seem allthe reasons for going to college and for the existence ofcolleges on which my generation was brought up. Enjoying yourself, making "contacts," getting ahead, climbing the social ladder these slogans may have sufficedjn the care-free twenties. An institution dedicated tothem would hardly be justified in asking the world topause in the midst of the present conflagration to noticethat it was fifty years old. The graduates of the University of Chicago may be proud and grateful that thestandard of freedom, truth, and reason which it erectedhalf a century ago is the standard which must lead us,if anything can, through the darkness and chaos of ourtime.The crisis of our time is moral, intellectual, and spiritual. The powers we must use to surmount it are moral,intellectual, and spiritual. The university is the greatdrill-ground for the training and exercise of these powers.It is the great symbol of these powers. Now, when weneed sound character and disciplined intelligence as neverbefore; now, when humanity seems to question whetherit has any other powers than those of brutes, your AlmaMater's course up to this point is justified, and her policyis confirmed.Whatever else the University may do and it may domany other useful things it must be the home of freedom; it must seek and proclaim the truth without regardto consequences; it must insist upon the worth and dignityof human reason; it must strive to elevate the character, train the intelligence, and uplift the spirit of those whopass through its halls. Through doubt and disorder itmust remain a symbol of the highest powers of man.These are the obligations of your Alma Mater. Aboutthe methods employed to fulfil them there may andshould be controversy, and in it you are invited to share.The choice of means to an end is best arrived at throughargument and deliberation. The University is glad thatits graduates have never declined to give it their criticismand advice. It hopes that they will always feel that theyare a part of the high enterprise in which it is engaged.But about its ultimate ends and purposes the Universitycan admit no argument; for if it were deflected fromthem, it might as well disappear. For these purposesyour Alma Mater was founded; to these purposes itsfuture is dedicated.In all this you will detect the tone of one who bringscoals to Newcastle and owls to Athens. You are thekind of alumni body which university presidents sometimes dream of, but which they never expect to see. Forfifty years the University has pursued the policies onwhich it was established. The changes have been changesin methods, not in ends. Through all the changes youhave penetrated to the abiding and the permanent, theideals of your Alma Mater. Your loyalty and devotionattest your adherence to these ideals. Those chargedwith the management of the University cannot think ofthe alumni without emotion. Their emotions are prideand gratitude.NutsONE OF THE REPORTERS who interviewed President Hutchins during the Anniversary went home to the New York Times singing the President's praises. "I'veinterviewed a lot of university presidents in my time," said the writer. "But fromnow on Mr. Hutchins tops my list. I knew he was brilliant. Now I know he's human.He's the only university president I ever met who said 'nuts1 and really meant it."c F<amera ranONE THOUSAND SEDATE FIGURES, in somber cap and gown, were marchingimpressively out of the Chapel following the anniversary service. A batteryof news photographers greeted them as the line turned down 59th Street.Serenely, one of the marchers lifted a miniature camera from the folds of his blackrobe, snapped the startled snappers, and returned the camera beneath his robes.All without losing a step.At the Alumni SchoolAMBASSADORS AND ARTISTSDR. HU SHIH, Chinese ambassador to the United States.His excellency, hu shih, Chinese Ambassador to the UnitedStates, and one of the few pre-anni-versary honorary degree holders,opened the first session of the FiftiethAnniversary Alumni School on Wednesday evening, September 24. Hespoke on "The Exchange of Ideas between the Orient and the Occident."To a packed audience in Mandel Hallhe said:"While Japan's first successes inwesternization were achieved underthe leadership and control of herfeudal-militaristic class, China hashad to spend decades in the effort toremove the monarchy and bringabout a political revolution as thepre-condition for her modernization.. . . No government, no ruling class,no leadership, is wise enough or far-sighted enough to do the choosingfor the people and to artificially protect any part of its indigenous culturefrom the wholesome contact and evenfriction with new ideas and institutions of a larger world. . . . Such cultural protectionism . . . only results inshort-sighted reactionism and authoritarian suppression."The School this year under thedeanship of Donald R. Richberg, '01,offered the greatest variety in its sixyear history; events ranged from aviolin piano recital to authoritativediscussions of today's world problems.Dapper, wiry, young SterlingNorth, '29, Chicago Daily News BookEditor, gave an insight of a reviewer'sthoughts in, "The Confessions of aLiterary Critic" on Thursday after noon, and V. Howard Talley of theMusic Department and his wife,Helen Dvorak Talley presented an interpretive piano and violin recitalhighlighted by his own Homage to theUniversity of Chicago, 1891-1941.After dinner the capacity crowddining in Hutchinson Commons listened to Robert R. Williams, '07, SM'08, discoverer of Vitamin B1} Director of Chemical Research in the BellTelephone Laboratories and this yearthe recipient of an honorary Doctorate of Science from the University,discuss, "Vitamins Plus or Minus."The dinner meeting adjourned justin time for the evening session inMandel: a symposium entitled, "TheNext Fifty Years in Education." Par-DANIEL CATTON RICH, '26,Director of Fine Arts, Art Institute,Chicago.ticipants were the nine deans of theUniversity.Jiuji G. Kasai, '13, member of theHouse of Representatives of the Imperial Diet of Japan and former winner of the University's Rosenwaldmedal for oratory, then spoke on,"The Basis of Japan's Foreign Policy.""Japan does not wish to fightagainst the United States," he said,"and the Japanese Ambassador inWashington is striving mightily toreach an accord. ... I am confidentthat Japan will subscribe to the principles of the eight points of the Atlantic charter. If a war should beginin the Pacific it will not only bringdisaster to our two nations, but it willbe a catastrophe to humanity. . . . Japan and America have no cause forwar. There are no questions betweenthe two countries that can not be settled peacefully."Friday morning the alumni hearda Fiftieth Anniversary symposium onThe Place of Ethics in Social Sciencewhich included Charles H. Mcllwain,Eton Professor of the Science of Government at Harvard University,Jacques Maritain, Professor of Philosophy at the Catholic Institute ofParis and visiting Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University, President Robert M. Hutchins, and Richard R. Tawney, Professor of EconomicHistory of the London School ofEconomics and one of the Anniversary honorary degree recipients.Mr. Mcllwain took as a title forhis paper a quotation from St. Augustine's City of God: "Remove justiceand what are kingdoms but greatbands of robbers?"". . . In the view of the greatestof the ancients," he said, "in the viewof the whole Christian world to theend of the Middle Ages, and in mostof it ever since then, justice or ethics,and not the law of the jungle hasbeen the political principle in whichmen professed belief, even if theirpractice often fell far short of it. Theyrecognized, even if they often failedto act upon, the justice which St.Augustine declares, is the distinguishing mark of a true commonwealth ascompared with a band of robbers. . . .""In the past, force has often overcome these traditional principles ofmorality for the times, but lip-service at least has always been paid tothem. It seems to have been reservedfor our own day to hear the leaderJIUJI KASAI, '13, member of theJapanese Imperial Diet.28THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29of a great country declare that Facism js utterly incompatible with compas->>sion. . Considering the problem in itsphilosophical aspect, M. Maritainsaid: "If some day absolute Machiavellianism triumphs over mankind,this will only be because all kinds ofaccepted iniquity, moral weaknessand consent to evil, operating withina degenerating civilization, will previously have corrupted it, and prepared ready-made slaves for the Jaw-less man. But if for the time beingabsolute Machiavellianism is to becrushed, and I hope so, it will onlybe because what remains of Christiancivilization will have been able to oppose it with the principle of politicaljustice integrally recognized, and toproclaim to the world the very endof Machiavellianism. . . . There isonly one determining principle before which the principle of Machiavellianism finds itself spiritually reduced to impotence: that is theprinciple of real and absolutely unwavering political justice, as St. Louisunderstood it. . . ."The justice of which I speak isnot an unarmed justice. It uses forcewhen force is necessary. I believe inthe effectiveness of the methods ofGandhi, but I think that they aresuitable only in certain limited fieldsof political activity. Especially in thecase of war, other means must beused. . . ."But the more forceful and evenhorrible the means required by justice, the more perfect should be themen who use them. The world requires, for the affirmation to the end,and the application without fear, ofthe terrible powers of justice, men WITH HIS OWN BOOK "The Rainbow" in his hand, the Dean of theAlumni School, Donald R. Richberg, '01, pauses at the exhibit in theReynolds Club of two hundred non-technical books by seventy-five alumni.truly resolved to suffer everything forjustice, truly understanding the partto be played by the State as judge,the part which, according to thegreat theologian Francisco de Vitoria,belligerent States assume in the absence of any international entityendowed with universal jurisdiction;men truly certain of preserving within themselves, in the midst of thescourges of the Apocalypse, a flameof love stronger than death."Mr. Hutchins took as his textMcllwain's words in Constitutionalism and the Changing World:"Such freedom can be secured inEXTRA CHAIRS had to be placedAlumni School. Here th on the stage of Mandel Hall for thee alumni hear Jiuji Kasai. no other way than the old one laiddown once and for all by Plato andAristotle, in the education of the citizens of a state in the ideals andmethods and duties of ruling and being ruled in turn like free men forthe good life of the whole."The President told the alumni that. . . "We have not ourselves beeneducated for freedom. We do notourselves understand and the government and management of American universities supports this theideals and methods and duties of ruling and being ruled in turn like freemen for the good life of the whole.It is true that if education for freedom is to be central in our programwe shall have to re-educate ourselves.It is true that subjects and departments that enjoy great prominencemay sink to subordinate positions.But I cannot believe that the American professor, who has dedicated hislife to the search for truth and whohas taken at least one of the threevows of the priesthood, could permithis indolence or selfishness to blindhim to the needs of humanity."If the freedom we are seeking canbe secured only as Mr. Mcllwain saysit can, the modern world must lookto education and at the moment toAmerican education to rescue it fromits bewilderment and distress."On a lighter theme, the afternoonsession featured Daniel Catton Rich,'26, Director of Fine Arts at Chicago'sArt Institute, speaking on "Some Ad-30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEventures in Collecting at the Art Institute of Chicago." Edmund Giesbertof the Art Department and Art Institute staff then picked from the audience a subject "to go with his mood" dark, striking,, Marguerite McNall,'31, of whom he painted a remarkablelikeness while lecturing on "ThePainting of a Portrait."Professor of Economics, Paul H.Douglas, relating "Experiences of anAlderman," climaxed the final dinnersession at Hutchinson Commons.Douglas, who has been alderman ofthe 5th Ward for several years, described most feelingly the thousandand one demands for money thatcome from his ward to an alderman.He pointed out how honest folk oftenunknowingly force the alderman,who can not meet their requests onhis salary, to become a grafter.The last session of the School washeld on Friday evening when anoverflow crowd assembled in MandelHall to hear G. A. Borgese, Professorof Italian Literature, discuss, "America and Leadership," and NathanielPeffer, '11, Professor of InternationalRelations at Columbia University andan authority on foreign affairs, present, "Two Years of World War: ABalance Sheet."Said Peffer: ". . . The balancing ofaccounts after two years reveals bothpluses and minuses. ... A year agono one thought China would hold out,nor was it suspected that Russiawould be fighting Germany. . . . Thesetwo factors alone give rise to hope." OVER THERE is the swimmingpool . . . Albert D. Lasker, formerChairman of the Board of Lordand Thomas, shows Governor ofIllinois Dwight Green (center) the beauties of the 350 acre Mill RoadGardens which he gave to the University two years ago. Mrs. Laskersmiles and so does PresidentHutchins. Behind them are alumni.ALUMNI DAY IN THE GARDENS;GOLF, FLOWERS, FRIENDSOn Sunday afternoon (September21) some three thousand alumni andtheir families took full advantage ofa perfect day. They gathered at MillRoad Gardens, Lake Forest, Illinois,Mr. A. D. Lasker's gift to the University, to greet one another and, moreespecially, to leisurely inspect and absorb the breath-taking beauty of hundreds of gorgeous floral exhibits. Theyalso did some close range peeking atthe French Provincial manor houseand the intricate accessories surrounding it.Alumni spread over the ninety-twoacres. They found little need to inspect the additional three hundred orso which are the farm. They wandered through the formal gardens,hot houses and fascinating topiarygarden, taking pictures at every turn.At one vantage point, a line of photoenthusiasts waited their turn to ascend a tall ladder placed for camerafans. Many others strolled downstately tree lined avenues or wanderedalong resilient tan bark paths throughwooded acres. Others relaxed about the beautiful swimming pool or in thepavilion, or sought out the recreationbuilding for welcome refreshments.All, however, marveled at the acresof massed chysanthemums in profusevariety of form and color, and thebanks of beautiful flowers in thehouse borders and the main gardens.During the afternoon the alumnicaught a glimpse of Governor andMrs. Green, who were guests of Mr.Lasker at luncheon, and who latertoured the gardens.Not so relaxed were some hundredand forty alumni who braved the nationally-known challenge of the famous Mill Road Golf Course. Theaccomplishments of many of thisgroup may be tenderly and quietlypassed over. However, some took fulladvantage of the beautiful course andturned in some excellent scores. TheReunion Committee supplied severalattractive prizes, which were awardedas follows:Engraved silver ice bucket to"Fritz" Clements, a guest, for the firstlow gross score; engraved SheffieldTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31tray to Cammeron Eddy, for secondlow gross score.Engraved silver water pitcher toEdward Gustafson, JD '41, for thefirst low net; engraved silver compoteto Earl G. Kuntz, JD '37, for secondlow net. A selection of golf merchandise went to John McDonough, '28,winner of the Longest Drive contest.In connection with the arrangements, special thanks should go toMr. Cyril A. Tregillis, resident manager of the estate, for his advice andcooperation prior to the party andcontribution of time during the afternoon; also Mr. David Annan, '19,who handled all the arrangements inconnection with the golf tournament,and did a splendid job. Arthur Cody.ALUMNAE CLUBThe Alumnae Breakfast given bythe Chicago Alumnae Club for itsmembers and guests September 27 that International House drew an exceptionally large and representativegroup of women anxious to hear thethree distinguished women who wereto receive honorary degrees on Monday. These three Dr. Lily BessCampbell, Professor of English at theUniversity of California at Los Angeles, Dr. Libby H. Hyman, ResearchAssociate of the American Museum ofNatural History, and Dr. Florence B.Seibert, Associate Professor of Physiological Chemistry at the HenryPhipps Institute of Philadelphia were guests of honor. Many womenwho had participated in the academicsymposia during the previous weekwere also honored guests:Dr. Rae Blanchard of Goucher College, Miss Ruth O'Brien of the U. S.Bureau of Home Economics, MissKatherine Blunt, President of Con- STROLLING IN THE PARK is much less beautiful than strolling in thegardens of Mr. Lasker's gift estate. In the background, the main garage.Look closely and you'll see an alumnus' baby peeking at the flowers.necticut College for Women, Mrs.Mayme I. Logsdon of the University'sMathematics Department, Miss Margaret Rickert of the Art Department,and Miss Lydia Roberts of the HomeEconomics Department. Other guestsof honor were Mrs. Geraldine Gilkey,and the honorary members of theChicago Alumnae Club, Miss MarianTalbot, Miss Gertrude Dudley, Mrs.Edith Foster Flint and Miss ElizabethWallace.Julia Ricketts King, the President,before introducing the speakers, presented to the audience the numerousnotable guests, and in addition tothose at the speakers' table called attention to many others who hadcome from all points of the compassPHI BETA KAPPAS hear Louis Gottschalk, Professor and Chairman of theDepartment of History, at the organization dinner. to be present at the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration. Among the familiar faces were Mrs. George S.Goodspeed and Mrs. Robert Millikanfrom California, Miss EuphrasineLangley from Connecticut, Mrs. Lo-rado Taft, Miss Elizabeth Faulkner,Miss Shirley Farr, Mrs. Paul Shorey,Mrs. Wallace Heckman, Mrs. JessieHeckman Hirschl, Mrs. Betsy ShererMurray, Miss Nina Badenoch, MissMary Murphy, Dr. Marie Ortmayer,the Swawite sisters, Miss Augusta andMrs. Marguerite Swawite Schwartz,Miss Alice Greenacre, Mrs. Hazel K.Manville, Miss Grace Coulter, MissJosephine Allin, Mrs. Ruth AllenDickinson, Miss Helen Norris, MissMarjorie Cooper of Cleveland, MissAdah Peirce of Hiram College, Ohio,Mrs. J. B. Beardsley of Minneapolisand Mrs. H. C. Burke, Jr., of FortWorth, Texas.The three speakers, in informaltalks, delighted the alumnae withtheir human and witty footnotes totheir outstanding research achievements and made them proud to berepresented by such able and charming women at the Convocation.PHI BETA KAPPAFive candidates, among them ahome economist, a poet and a journalist were initiated as alumni (honorary) members of the Beta Chapterof Phi Beta Kappa at a special dinnermeeting September 27, in connectionwith the Anniversary. Thirty-ninepersons were present at the dinner.James R. Hulbert, '07, PhD '12,President of the Chapter, read the32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOUT OF THE PAST came these alumni of the Old University, shown hereas they dined at the home of Major Edgar H. Tolman. Seated, left toright: Charles R. Leland, '84, Professor Emeritus of Greek, Williams College; Miss Elizabeth Faulkner, '85, Principal, Faulkner School for Girls;Major Tolman, '80, attorney; Miss Julia Tolman, '88; Chase Stuart, '80,Springfield, Ohio, attorney; Finley McN. Johnson, McConnelsburg, Pa.,attorney. Standing: Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stubbs, and Nels Fuqua, groupreunion chairmen.ritual initiating these candidates,chosen in recognition of their contributions and distinguished service tosociety and to the University:Charles W. Collins, '03, author andjournalist on the Chicago Tribune,presented by Cecil M. Smith;George Dillon, '27, poet, editor ofPoetry Magazine, presented for initiation in absentia by Judith StrohmBond;Nathaniel Peffer, '11, author, Associate Professor of International Relations, Columbia University, presentedby Louis Gottschalk;Louise Stanley, '06, home economist, Chief of the Bureau of HomeEconomics, United States Department of Agriculture, presented byLydia J. Roberts;Francis Swain, '12 AM '14, Director of Household Arts in the City ofChicago, presented by Sophonisba P.Breckinridge.After the formal ceremony of initiation Mr. George A. Works, theChapter Secretary, made a statementconcerning the meaning of membership in the Society, and asked thecandidates to sign the official rollbook of the Chapter.Professor Louis Gottschalk, Chairman of the Department of History,then gave an address, "Young Lafayette; the Making of a Liberal." George A. Works.SIGMA XIThe national Society of Sigma Xi,in cooperation with the Chicago Chapter, held a special fall luncheonmeeting at International House, September 24, in connection with themeetings of the American Associationfor the Advancement of Science, andin commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the University. ProfessorH. S. Jennings of Johns Hopkins University presented an address on "Aging: Inside and Outside Views."Professor Edward Ellery, Presidentof the National Society of Sigma Xi,outlined the progress of the Societyin the past years and surveyed the possible future trends. Professor Fay-Cooper Cole, President of the Chicago chapter, presided at the meeting.Alumni memberships were presented to six former students at theUniversity: Dr. Robert BarnardLewy; Dr. Alf Haerem; Dr. RobertEngberg; Mr. Carl Miner; Dr. AaronPaul Horst, and Mr. William Wrather,for outstanding contributions in theirfields of scientific specialization.MEDICALThe South Side Medical Alumnigroup of the University held their annual meeting this year during theFiftieth Anniversary Celebration. Twosessions were held: a program of papers comprising original work doneby members of the Alumni Association, and a dinner. Dr. Dallas B.Phemister, Chairman of the Department of Surgery, was the speaker ofthe evening.The Alumni Group during the pastyear has ben enlarged by the inclusion in its mmebership of graduates of theresident staff of Billings Hospital.Officers for the year were elected.These are Doctors John Van Prohaska,President; Graham Kernwein, VicePresident; Bernard Sarnat, Vice President; Gale Dack, Secretary; OrmandJulian, as retiring President, becameAlumni Council representative.AIDES ¦The Aides of the University assembled at International House fordinner to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the University on September 26. Twenty-seven were present, including members from theClass of 1913 to the Class of 1942.Our usual honored guest, Miss Marion Talbot, was unable to be presentsince she was attending anotherFiftieth Anniversary function.The program was a short one. Thechairman, Catherine Pittman Watkins, presented five questions concerning the orgin of the Aides, their duties,and their relationship to Universityfunctions in the past. To the personsanswering correctly these questions,Mrs. Watkins gave as prizes tickets tothe Fiftieth Anniversary Carnival.The remainder of the program consisted of each Aide present telling thegroup of her recent activities, interests,and achievements.Kathryn MacLennan was unanimously elected chairman of the Aidesdinner to be held in June, 1942, andHarriet Nelson Johnson was chosenas her secretary. Marie Wolfe Vernon.OWL AND SERPENTEvery class in the forty-five yearhistory of the Society except two wasrepresented when a hundred and sixteen friendly alumni of the Universitygathered for the Anniversary dinnerof the Society of Owl and Serpent.Representatives came from as faraway as Long Beach, California, andWorcester, Massachusetts. Telegramsrolled in from all parts of the country.A small group of very earnest andidealistic seniors, some of whom worewhiskers, organized the Society in1896. The get-together at the Quadrangle Club was pleasantly planned togreet and honor those foundingfathers.Four founders were present to acknowledge the esteem of the forty-four classes which have followed them.Joseph E. Raycroft, '96, first Presidentof Owl and Serpent, came back fromPrinceton Universitv. The other threewere William Scott Bond, trustee ofthe University; Henry Gordon Gale,(Continued on Page 49)HIGHLIGHTS IN PICTURESRARE MOMENT OF RELAXATION: Richard H. Tawney, London Economist, and Robert R. Williams, synthesizor of Vitamin Bj.TT?rrrr' ifhl. T^XAbov"THE PLACE OF ETHICS in Social Science" wasdiscussed in Mandel Hall by Professor John U. Nef,chairman; Charles H. Mcllwain, Harvard historian;Jacques Maritain, philosopher; President Hutchins;and Dr. Richard H. Tawney.Left:AT ANOTHER SYMPOSIUM Charles E. Merriam,dean of political scientists; Robert H. Lowie, University of California anthropologist; Hans Kelsen,Harvard law professor, and Dr. Mcllwain. They compared views on "The Place of Law in Society."slow:AUDIENCE OF VISITING scholars and delegateschats before Dr. Robert Williams' talk on "TheSocial Implications of Vitamins." There were morethan fifty symposia during the week."JUST ONE MORE, PLEASE." Photographers pose Michael I.Rostovtzeff of Yale, outstanding classical historian and honorarydegree winner, at the Graduate Education Building. AbeTUBERCULOSIS INVESTIGATORS FlorenceB. Seibert of the Henry Phipps Institute, Philadelphia, degree recipient, and Dr. Dennis W.Watson, her associate.Left:DISCUSSIONS CONTINUED outside the symposia. Here is Harvey Lemon, Universityphysicist; Mrs. Robert A. Millikan, wife offormer University physicist; Oswald Veblen,Princeton authority on geometry; George D.Birkhoff, Harvard mathematician, and Professor Arthur H. Compton.Left:ANTON J. CARLSON, University's famedphysiologist, left, discusses effects of high altitudes with Dr. Donald D. Van Slyke, Rockefeller Institute, and Carlos Monge, Peruvianphysiologist, degree recipients.FROM THE U. S. Department of Agriculturecame Ruth O'Brien to lecture on, "TextileResearch in the Consumer's Interest." ON THEIR WAY to a meeting, Ralph Lillie, ProfessorEmeritus of Physiology, and Harvard's Clarence I. Lewis,authority on symbolic logic and philosophy of science.FORMER MINISTER of Foreign Affairs for Norway,Halvdan Koht, flanked by University Professors LouisGottschalk and Gerald E. Bently. ATOM-SMASHING PIONEER and inventorof the cyclotron, Ernest O. Lawrence, takestea with Mrs. Wilbur Katz, wife of the Deanof the University's Law School.TWO TRUSTEES converse on a couch be-the formality: Harrison B. Barnard andJohn Stuart.TWO PRESIDENTS, Edward E. Rail, ofNorth Central College, and Edward C.Elliott, of Purdue, pause to chat.FORMER DEAN of the Yale Law School, Robert M.Hutchins, (right) and Yale President, Charles Seymour,meet in the Ida Noyes Hall lounge before the processional to the Fiftieth Anniversary Convocation.WIFE OF Vice President William B. Benton, Helen Henning, delegate of Connecticut College, and Dr. John S. Mcintosh ofSouthern Methodist University. BIRTH OF THE PROCESSION to the Chapel was in IdaNoyes Hall across the street where delegates, trustees,faculty, and degree winners donned robes. Two amongthe more than four hundred delegates from learnedsocieties and educational institutions were A. W. New-combe, President of the Andover Newton TheologicalSchool, and Bertha Wiles, Librarian and Instructor, MaxEpstein Art Reference Library.REPRESENTING THE UNIVERSITY of Dublin wasProfessor J. W. Eaton. With him is PresidentJames Conant Bryant, Harvard University and President John Stewart Bryan, College of Williamand Mary. They were among the thousand whomarched in the academic procession.ON THEIR WAY to the Chapel forthe awarding of the honorary degreesare Harold Swift, President of theBoard of Trustees, President Hutchins,and, in front, The Rev. Charles W.Gilkey, Dean of the Chapel, andJohn D. Rockefeller, Jr.WHILE THOSE in the front of theprocession were seating themselves inthe Chapel, the last were rising fromtheir chairs in Ida Noyes Hall. Herethe faculty approach the Chapel.INSIDE THE GREAT Chapel twothousand Anniversary visitors sawhonorary degrees conferred on thirty-four candidates (one candidate wastaken ill before the Convocation) andheard President Hutchins discuss,"The Next Fifty Years" (see page 9).Right: The President awards the Doctor of Science degree to Dr. CharlesH. Best, co-discoverer of insulin, and,below, to John M. Clark, ColumbiaUniversity economist.ENTREPRENEUR CHARLES GREENLEAF, CO-CHAIRMAN WITH WILLIAM WATSON OF THE MIDWAYCARNIVAL, STARTS THE BALL ROLLING.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 43Daily Times PhotoHUNDREDS OF ALUMNI spent their evenings makingover the great Field house into the Midway of theWorld's Columbian Exposition of 1893 for the "Midwayof '93 Carnival." Above: Shirley Latham dips into the paint while, right, Beverly Blanksten, Betty Marks, ShirleyKarr, and head designer Lillian Garrett apply theirbrushes. Below: Co-chairmen Watson and Greenleaf atwork before the "Believe it or Not" show.-Daily Times Photo*G«%<j s¦""¦m 1SEVEN "BELLES OF THE BALL": Dorothy Anderson,Phoebe Hopkins, Mildred Chiclar, Shirley Greenwalt,Roberta Sheppard, Carol Peek, and Margaret Robbin.They formed a court for the Belle opposite.-Daily Times PhotoSTUDENTS JOINED THE FUN. John Stevens, undergraduate publicity director, Ronald Crane, Richard Him-mel, assistant to professional producer Harry Mintern(not shown), designer Lillian Garrett, and Herbert Natten.MARTHA SMALLEY, crowned "Belle of the Ball" in thefloor show. She was chosen by high school students torepresent Hyde Park at the Carnival.Above:THE ROSENBERGER MEDAL for Civic Service, wasawarded by President Hutchins to Dr. Frederick Stock,Chicago Symphony Orchestra conductor, at a Symphonyconcert in the Chapel. For the occasion Dr. Stock wrotean overture dedicated to the University. The concert andpresentation were broadcast.DR. STOCK: "I THANK YOU!"Left:THE FAMED SYMPHONY CONDUCTOR receives congratulations after the concert from Cecil M. Smith,Executive Secretary of the Music Department. Dr. Stockis also Advisor in Music tq» the University.Left:*\ * "GOOD HEAVENS" was the title of the radio dramawritten in honor of the Fiftieth Anniversary by NormanCorwin, Columbia Broadcasting System dramatist. Itdescribed University astronomical research. Corwin didhis own research for the show.Below:A SPECIAL UNIVERSITY ROUND TABLE went on the airin honor of the Anniversary. These men discussed theAnniversary Theme of "New Frontiers in Education andResearch": Robert A. Millikan, Chairman of the Executive Council, California Institute of Technology, andformer University professor; Homer P. Rainey, '23, Ph.D.'24, President, University of Texas; and Richard P.McKeon, Dean of the Humanities Division.NOT LEAST IMPORTANT were the many banquets. Mrs.Charles W. Gilkey, wife of the Dean of the Chapel, andCitizens Board Chairman George A. Ranney, at a Citizens Board dinner.ORDER OF THE "C" members get together in Hutchinson Commons. Donald R. Richberg, '01, Alumni SchooDean; Harry N. Gottlieb, '00, Chicago lawyer; and Pa"1S. Russell, '16, University trustee.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 491 H » 9 .f I'Vf f , Jr*L \ ^^T^o*> *;¦¦¦--,JOEflT |UV ^¦* ~ " at . iBIH. ^H ¦ - ¦ ¦ , i^^^^^^m-wmmmbmmmWtIBMBI > ' i -ARM IN ARM THE "C" MEN leave Hutchinson Commons after their reunion banquet. Not shown here arethe women who, for the first time in the history of theorder, were allowed to attend. Left to right: H. O.(Pat) Page, "10; John J. Schommer, '08; T. Nelson Met calf, Director of Athletics; Henry Gordon Gale, '96;PhD "99, Dean Emeritus of the Division of the PhysicalSciences; Dr. Ralph C. Hamill, '99, MD '02; Donald R.Richberg, '01, Dean of the Alumni School; John Nuveen, Jr., ' 1 8; Bill Haarlow, "36; John McDonough, '28.(Continued from page 32)Dean Emeritus; and Wallace W. Atwood, President of Clark university.Lyndon H. Lesch, '16 was toastmaster. Howell W. Murray, '14 graciouslypresented the words of greeting to thefounding fathers, who respondedthrough Joseph Raycroft.Judge Hugo M. Friend, '05, toldof amusing incidents which brightenedthe early life of the Society. The rollcall was read by the Secretary, Howard Hudson, '35. The group alsoheard a communication from CyrusLeRoy Baldridge, '11, emphasizing theimportance of the University's rolein the world crisis.The evening closed with a tributeto the class of '42, the youngest classof the Society, and the singing of theAlma Mater.ORDER OF THE "C"For the first time in the history ofthe Order of the "C" women wereinvited to a "C" dinner. A capacitycrowd filled Hutchinson Commons onSeptember 24, for the occasion.Among those present were: JohnSchommer, '09, John McDonough,'28, Paul Russell, '16, Donald Richberg, '01, Charles Higgins, '20, Hugo M. Friend, '06, JD '08, Nels Norgren,'14, Andrew Wyant, '97, Harry Gottlieb, '00, Henry Gale, '96, PhD '99,John F. Hagey, '98, Daniel Trude,'01, William Haarlow, '36, John Nuveen, Jr., '18, Harold Moulton, '07,PhD '14, and Joseph Raycroft, '96,MD Rush, '99. The speaker of the evening, AlumniSchool Dean Donald R. Richberg,told the story of how he won his "G"and President John Schommer read aletter from Amos Alonzo Stagg inwhich he expressed his regrets at notbeing able to be present.Elliodore M. Libonati.ALUMNI CLUB MEETINGS AND SPEAKERSAUTUMN QUARTEROctober 5 Donald R. Richberg, '01 WashingtonDean of the 50th Anniversary Alumni SchoolOctober 13 Gordon Jennings LaingDean of Alumni OmahaNovember 1 Dean Laing DenverNovember 3 Dean Laing Salt Lake CityNovember 5 Dean Laing SeattleNovember 7 - Andrew W. Cordier, Ph.D. '26 Fort WayneHead of History Dept., Manchester CollegeNovember 7 Dean Leon P. Smith Secretary Beck MilwaukeeNovember 8 Dean Laing PortlandNovember 10 Dean Laing San FranciscoNovember 12 Dean Laing San DiegoNovember 15 Dean Laing TucsonNovember 18 Dean Laing Kansas CityNovember 27 Dean William E. Scott LansingNovember 30 A. W. (Stuffy) Place, D.B. '02Ruth B. Bozell, '13 IndianapolisDecember 4 Dr. Waldo Dubberstein Oak Park50 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Lighter Side, orThe Midway ReturnsMore pictures of the Carnivalare in the Picture Section"Give it a lighter side." This wasthe assignment handed to the Committee for Alumni Participation in theCelebration. These instructions cameto life as the giant "Midway of '93Carnival," filling the huge fieldhouse.It would take many pages of small,closely packed type to list the hundreds of fun-loving alumni whopushed paint brushes, drove nails, andsold chances on a Studebaker sedanto make this spectacle a possibility.These hundreds felt amply repaid,however, when on the nights of September 28 and 29, alumni, professors,visiting educators, and friends of theUniversity streamed into the fieldhousetwelve thousand strong to enjoy thelighter side of the University's bigbirthday party.Crowds swirled through the greatreconstructed arch of the MidwayPlaisance, anxious to catch a glimpseof the principal 1893 personality, Little Egypt, recreated in all her undulantsplendor. Capacity audiences jammedeach performance of Ripley's BelieveIt or Not Professortorium, whichpoked good natured fun at the University's fifty years of "achievement."Kappa Sigma's Nickelodeon did aland office business, bringing backmemories of the first days of theflickers before Balaban and Katz andthe double features.In front of the High Strike a longline of muscular alumni waited achance to pound the block and winnot the -customary cigar, but an "honorary" degree from the University."Knowledge Through Strength" wasthe sign that lured customers.Dice cages worked overtime in theHooligan ' booth, where the payoffwas in Mortimer Adler's "100 bestbooks." Hundreds of would-be greatmen and women paid their quartersto have their tin-type taken as theyhappily laid a prop cornerstone. TheNew Plan Fun House, for a matriculation fee of only ten cents, "the tenthpart of a dollah," offered a basic education in the four divisions in fourand a half minutes flat. There wasstanding room only in Joe Hanley's"Heine Kaboobley's" soft drink saloonof the Gay Nineties vintage, completewith brass rail, swinging door, sawdust floor, and singing bartenders.The ferris wheel revolved as a sym- PRETTY PAINTERSBeverly BlankstenBetty MarksShirley KarrLillian Garrettbol of the 1893 Fair and again provedits ability to attract young and old,while next door the thrill ride of today, the Rocket, whirled the braverguests dizzily 'round and 'round.There was a queen, of course, anda court, but to fit the spirit of theaffair, she was called the "Belle ofthe Ball." Martha Smalley and hercourt were elected by the alumni-to-be in Hyde Park high school to represent all of Hyde Park. High schoolstudents and neighborhood peopleturned out en masse to see their queencrowned at the floor show Fridayevening.Add to this the big time floor show,dancing, bingo, throwing games andfortune tellers, and you have a generalidea of the glory that was the Midwayof 1893 a la 1941. ALUMNI BOOK EXHIBITMore than seventy-five alumni authors contributed two hundred booksto a colorful Fiftieth Anniversarydisplay of alumni works in the literary field. Gathered over a period oftwo months of letter-writing and li-brary prowling by Martin Gardner,'36, the collection was shown in theReynolds club.Books with footnotes were ruledout. If all the non fiction books byUniversity alumni were gathered together in the Reynolds club loungethe exhibit would, in Martin Gardner's words, "become unwieldy."As it was, the exhibit containedpoetry, fiction, drama, and popularnon-fiction. There was a history ofthe art of tatooing, and a rare out-of-print booklet entitled Christmas inChicago. There was a discussion ofscientific research at the University,and a murder mystery by an alumnuswho is now a faculty member.Among prominent alumni represented were John Gunther, '22, Donald Richberg, '01, Vincent Sheean,'21, James Farrell, '29, Burton Rascoe, '15, Susan Glaspell, '02, DonaldCulross Peattie, '20, Leo C. Rosten(Leonard Q. Ross), '30, VardisFisher, '22, Stephen Leacock, Ph.D.'02, Meyer Levin, '24, Louis Zara,'30, and Carl Van Vechten, '03.Albert Parry, '35, author of a recent Magazine article on his experience in returning to college at 34,was represented by his treatise on theart of tatooing written from the historical aspect. Bernard Sobol, '10,contributed a well illustrated book onthe history of burlesque in America.Rare and out-of-print items included a booklet by Fanny Butcher,'10, literary critic of the ChicagoTribune, entitled Christmas in Chicago. John Howe, '27, and MiltonMayer, '29, co-authored a small volume named Steps in the Dark, a review in popular style, of scientificresearch at the University. JohnHowe is now assistant to Vice President Benton at the University. Milton Mayer's most recent public appearance was in the Saturday EveningPost of November 22 where he disclosed what goes on at the Universityat night. Another rare volume was a"Little Blue Book" containing a debate between T. V. Smith, Ph.D. '22,former Congressman-at-Large, andClarence Darrow.Part of the display was given overto fiction which had the UniversityQuadrangles as the setting. Thesebooks included This Was Life andWinds over the Campus by the lateJames Weber Linn, '97; Death of aTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 51THE REUNION STAFFBack row: Howard Hudson, Ronald Crane, Niell Sammons, William Watson, Milton Kreines, Charles Greenleaf, NelsFuqua, William Norby, and Robert Balsley. Front row: Colonel Harry D. Abells, Elizabeth Sayler, John McDonough,Mrs. E. L. Ramsey (Sara Gwinn) and Vallee Appel.Young Man by W. Leslie River, '25;Seven against the Years, by SterlingNorth, '29, literary editor of the Chicago Daily News, in which he tracesthe post-University life of membersof his class; The Short Stories ofJames Farrell, '29; Candidate forMurder, a mystery novel by WalterBlair, Ph.D. '31.Two more books were included inthis section: Will Cuppy's MaroonTales, and Grey Towers, publishedanonymously.Will Cuppy, '07, wrote MaroonTales as a student at the University.When the galleys came back from theprinter he read them with distate.There weren't enough big words. Hewent to a bench in the park and substituted big ones for little ones, allthe way through the manuscript. Theexpense of re-setting type was terrific,he reports.Grey Towers was written in 1923by Miss Zo Flannigan, '11, then aninstructor in the English department.The book is a curious combination ofinvective and constructive criticism.Many of its suggestions for reformwere incorporated into the ChicagoPlan.The books in the display, generously donated by the authors andpublishers, will form a basis for apermanent University collection ofworks by alumni authors. The Reunion ChairmanGives The Nod In order that our Alumni may knowwho actually did the work in connection with the Alumni participation inthe fiftieth Anniversary Celebration, Iwant to list the names of those whoserved on our Committees.When we first undertook to providea program for the Alumni it was decided to name an Executive Committee, and I want to say that this groupright from the start put a vast amountof thought and hard work into theprogram.Heading this Executive Committeein a great deal more than an advisorycapacity were Vallee O. Appel, andColonel Harry D. Abells, HonoraryChairman. In charge of publicitywas Milton Kreines. Neil Sammonstook charge of campus arrangementsand the Alumni School, and NelsFuqua headed the Committee inCharge of Reunions. Robert Balsleytook charge of the finances. ArthurCody was Chairman of the Mill RoadFarm party and William Watson andCharles Greenleaf were Co-chairmenof the "Midway of '93" Carnival.Among those who . gave very valuable asistance to Milton Kreines inconnection with publicity were BobPollak, Bill Harshe, Ken Ward, Gertrude Bromberg, Burr Robbins, andJohn Stevens. Neil Sammons' committee consistedof Barbara Cook Dunbar, Thomas R.Mulroy, John Bodfish, and MartinGardner, and they did a good job.When Bob Basley was called uponto handle the finances and accounting,he called upon William C. Norby,John M. Clark, Harry Watkins, Theodore H. Harley, who cooperatedsplendidly.The success of the Mill Road Farmparty can be attributed to the outstanding work of Chairman ArthurCody and David H. Annan, who tookcharge of the golf tournament.Results of the "Midway of '93"Carnival assure us of its financial success. At this point full acknowledgement is given to the magnificent efforts of William Watson and CharlesGreenleaf and their Carnival Committee in conceiving and executing agreat many clever ideas. In all, over13,000 tickets were sold, and it wouldbe interesting to the Alumni to knowthat the winner of the handsomeStudebaker automobile which wasgiven away on Saturday night wasa resident of the University community whose daughter and son-in-law both attended the University.In closing, I wish again to acknowledge the wonderful cooperation whichwe received from the University, andin this connection I wish to expressin particular our appreciation to CarlBeck, Howard Hudson, Bill Morgenstern, Bill Harrell, and Mr. Flook. John J. McDonough.52 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEALUMNI IN ACTIONTHE GOOD OLD DAYS when theyrode across the Quadrangles on bicycles were brought back to Paul V.Harper, '13, son of William RaineyHarper, and trustee, and Lena Small(Mrs. Hayden) Harris.LITERARY WORKS of alumni drewcrowds at exhibit of more than twohundred books in the Reynolds Club.THESE CELEBRANTS met old friendsat the "Gay Nineties" luncheon inthe Coffee Shop, but the photographer didn't get all the names.Ww *^B ^jAbove:CHIEF of the Bureau of Home Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Louise Stanley, '06, stands toreceive the Alumni medal. (The fulllist starts on page 1 6).HAPPY TRUSTEES Albert W. Sherer,'06, and Ernest E. Quantrell, '05,Mandel Hall corridor after lunch.54 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECITATIONS-(Continued from page 17)HOWARD S. GALT, '96,Pieping, China. MisslonaryoActing President, Yenching University,HENRY G. GALE, 596,Chicago. Educator.Professor Emeritus, University ofChicago.JULIUS H. R GAUSS, 399,Indianapolis. Physician.Leader in Field of Medicine,EDGAR J. GOODSPEED, 397,Los Angeles. Teacher.New Testament Scholar.KATE GORDON, '00,Los Angeles. Psychologist.Professor, University of California.CARL D. GREENLEAF, 599,Elkhart. Manufacturer.President, C. G. Conn, Ltd.JOHN F. HAGEY, 398,Chicago. Banker.Vice President,, 1st National Bank.RALPH G. HAMILL, ?99,Chicago. Physician.Neuropsychiatrist of note.JOHN C. HESSLER, '96,Decatur. Educator.President, James Millikin Univer-sityeERNEST E. IRONS, J005Chicago. Physician.Leader in Field of Medicine. HAYDEN EVAN JONES, J95,Chicago. Teacher.Administrator, Morgan Park Acad-emy.WALTER SCOTT KENNEDY, 500,Alhian, Michigan. Publisher.Leader in Newspaper Field.HOWARD P. KIRTLEY, '00,Salt Lake City.Respected physician for forty years.VAN RENSSALEAR LANSINGH,'96,New York. Manufacturer.Vice President, Molybdenum Corporation.BOWMAN C.LINGLE, 397,Chicago. Banker.Vice President, Harris Trust & Savings Bank.EDWIN F. MANDEL, 397,Chicago. Merchant.President, Mandel Brothers.EMILY FOGG MEAD, J97,Philadelphia. Civic Leader, Labor,Suffrage, Peace.JOHN P. MENTZER, '98,Chicago. Book Publisher.President, Mentzer, Bush & Co.WESLEY C. MITCHELL, 398,New York. Economist.Professor, Columbia University.HERBERT MULFORD, 599,Chicago. Investment Banker.School Administration Leader.JOSEPH E. RAYCROFT, 596,Princeton, New Jersey. MedicalAdministrator.Professor Emeritus, Princeton University. KATHERINE LIVINGSTONRICE, s96,Grand Rapids. Lecturer on Gar*dening. Executive .DAVID M. ROBINSON, ?98,Baltimore. ArcheologistProfessor, Johns Hopkins Univer-sity.ISAAC S. ROTHSCHILD, 397,Chicago. Attorney.Respected Member Chicago Bar.EDWARD O. SISSON, 393,Bremerton, Washington. Educator.Administrator, Reed College.STELLA ROBERTSON STAGG,396,Stockton? California. Homemaker."Mother" to a thousand men.HENRY B. THOMAS, 399,Chicago. Orthopedic Surgeon.Professor, University of Illinois.DONALD S. TRUMBULL, 597,Highland Park, Illinois. Attorney.Long a Member Chicago Bar.L. BRENT VAUGHAN, ?97,Chicago. Executive.Manager, University Club.JOHN F. VOIGHT, s96,Chicago. Attorney.Former President Illinois Bar Association.HELEN THOMPSON WOOLEY3'97,Kent? Connecticut. Psychologist.Professor, Teachers College.WILLIAM K, WRIGHT, 399,Hanover, New Hampshire. Educator.Professor, Dartmouth College.Before VitaminsAN EARLY BLACKFRIAR PRODUCTION was a,The Student Superior.18 Early Inthe production season of that year1 Athletic Director Stagg posted a notice onthe gymnasium bulletin board to the effect that no student who was concerned in theBlackfriar performance might be a candidate for the track team. When pressed forhis reasons Mr. Stagg replied, BB* . . it is manifestly plain that it is not good for the-discipline of the athletic team to allow a division of interest ... 1 have a theory . . .that living in an atmosphere distinctly effeminate does not put iron in the blood andis not conducive to good athletics*03Mundane MathematicsFAMOUS MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY met on the Quadrangles during summeras part of the Anniversary. The mathematicians were locked for a week in discussion of higher formulas and abstruse figures. On the last day the treasurer wentto work on the books. When he announced the financial standing the mathematiciansfound that the books didn't balance by 17 cents.NEWSOF THECLASSESALUMNI LEAVE HUTCHINSON COMMONSGAY NINETIES LUNCHEON REUNIONThe Gay Nineties came back for theCelebration, when nearly one hundredand fifty members of classes, up to andincluding the year 1900, lunched together in the Coffee Shop. Manyothers sent greetings by letter andtelegraph.Limiting the luncheon to the earlyclasses gave a distinct character andtone to the meeting, and undoubtedlyhad a great deal to do with the mostsatisfactory attendance. Not that wewished to be exclusive, but the olderalumni receiving the notices felt thatthey could go and feel perfectly athome with old friends and not be lostamong younger alumni they did notknow. This idea worked so well thatthe group included many alumniseldom or never seen, of late years, atalumni gatherings.Colonel Harry Abells '97, was theable executive head who organizedJhe meeting. He was assisted by will-lng and helpful lieutenants. OurAlumni Secretary, good Carl Beck,was, as usual, a powerhouse of ability,experience and driving energy in mak ing the wheels go round. And Joseph Raycroft presided!There were so many of the old classmates and near-classmates there, somany old friendships renewed, somuch interested observation ofchanges in faces, figure and color ofold companions of the "Gay Nineties,"and so much incredulity as to self-asserted identities that if some apparent stranger said to you, "I am JohnLamay," you could put your armsaround him and say, "If you say so,you are, but it is hard to believe."Out of towners included C. T.Burns, '97, of New York; BurtBrown Barker, '97, of Portland, Oregon; Wallace W. Atwood, '97, PhD'03, of Worcester, Mass.; Joseph E.Raycroft, '96, of Princeton, NewJersey; Agnes Cook Gale, '96, ofChicago; Leila F. and Hervey F.Malory, '92, of Clearwater, Florida;Mrs. H. B. Douglas, '32, SM, '35, ofNew York City; Maud and John C.Hessler, '96, PhD, '99, of Decatur,Illinois; O. J. Arnold, '97, of Minneapolis.55 John LeMay, '95, of Aurora, Illinois; Harvey A. Peterson, '97, ofNormal, Illinois; David M. Robinson, 98, of Baltimore, Maryland;Evangeline Pollard- Williams, '98,of Oskaloosa, Iowa; George H. Sawyer, '99, of Osage, Iowa; Laura M.Wright, '98, of BlOomingdale, Illinois; T. G. Soares, '94, of Pasadena,California; Horace G. Lozier, '94,of Glen Ellyn, Illinois; A. R. Whit-son, '94, of Madison, Wisconsin, andHarry V. Church, '94, of Galien,Michigan.Among those sending messageswere: Harold L. Axtell; WaldoBreedon; Scott Brown; Marilla WaiteFreeman; Mrs. Merle Francis Esh-baugh (Theodosia Kane) ; H. H.Griswold; W. P. Lovett; Mrs. AlbertB. Lewis; Van Rensselaer Lansingh;Anna James MacClintock; Sue Miller;Harriet Stone; Lonnie Stagg (verysenior now) ; Chaplain Joel F. Wood,and Mrs. Harper's family who sentsome flowers. Mrs. Harper herself,we regret, is quite ill. We sent someflowers to Mrs. Harper and received56 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEON THE BOTANY POND BRIDGE a group of alumni from the "GayNineties" reunion take a rest from the celebration.a message that she was very muchpleased, and had enjoyed the flowersand the thoughts of oldtimers whichthey suggested.A paragraph in Theodosia Kane'sletter to Colonel Abells expresses sowell some of the feelings and emotions to which the meeting gave rise,I am going to quote it as it was readat the luncheon:"I am not a weepy woman (don'tapprove of 'em) but I am notashamed to say that tears came tomy eyes when I read your letter ofSeptember 22. It is just as you say,and you have said it much better thanI would have known how to put it, 'In some ways those old friendships,in which nothing of a social nature,or business relations, or professionalinterests were involved simply theirliking one another endure permanently. We think of each other as inour youth.' "Joe Raycroft read the story (written many years ago in Bible language)of our choosing the color "maroon,"and it brought back the old days veryclose to us again.It was indeed a memorable occasion and unique in that there wassuch a good representation of the oldclasses, and there was so much pleasant and easy comradeship, just as ifthe years had rolled away and wewere again young together. Donald S. Trumbull, J97.1891Byron McBride Caples, MDRush, former President of the Wisconsin State Medical Society, is Medi cal Director and President of theWaukesha Springs Sanitarium inWaukesha, Wisconsin.1895Thomas Z. Ball, MD Rush, besides serving as Coroner for Montgomery County, Indiana, and Selective Service examiner, is a major inthe Medical Reserve.1896Mrs. Walter F. Heineman (Corade Graff) has been reappointed amember of the Chicago Board of Education for a five year term.1897Gilbert A. Bliss, SM '98, PhD'00, long time leader in the field ofmathematical analysis, Chairman ofthe University's Department ofMathematics and recent citation winner, was retired as Professor Emerituson October 1.Edgar J. Goodspeed, PhD '98, wasrecently awarded honorary degreesby the University of Redlands inCalifornia and Dennison Universityin Ohio.William J. Maley, MD Rush, hasbeen Alderman in Galesburg, Illinois,since 1901.1900Members of the Class who attended the Gay Nineties Luncheonduring Reunion Week included Elinor Byrns of New York City, LydiaBrauns of Hollywood, California,and A. J. G. Dowie, of Waukegan. Lina Small Harris of Leesburg,Virginia and Edith M. Kohlsaat ofFontanna, Wisconsin were amongthose who returned to the quadrangles for Reunion Week in Sep.tember.1901Members of the Class who attended the Gay Nineties Luncheonduring Reunion Week included JohnMills of Maplewood, New Jerseyand Grace Manning Downing ofWilliams Bay, Wisconsin.Lillian F. Abbott is teaching inPhillips University at Enid, Oklahoma.C. W. Britton of Sioux City,Iowa, President of C. W. Brittonand Company, is a trustee of Morn-ingside College in that city.May L. Graves of Elkin, Illinoiswas on campus for Reunion Week inSeptember.Laura A. Thompson of Washington, D. O, is a librarian in the U. S.Department of Labor.J. A. Tolman of Georgetown,Kentucky attended the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration.Alla Webb, for many years a librarian, is now retired and lives inClaremont, California.The Decennial Class of the University, otherwise known as the "Naughty-ones," held its fortieth reunionSeptember 27, at a dinner in theQuadrangle Club. Due, no doubt,partly to the magnetic character of theUniversity's own celebration, andpartly to the prodding of John Millslast spring, we more than doubled thenumber who attended the thirty-fifth.The twenty-nine present were Mrs.Grace Manning Downing; SarahElder and her nephew, E. R. Elliott;Marian Fairman; Helen Gardner;Clara German; Mrs. Alma YondorfHirschberg; Dr. and Mrs. AlfredLewy (Minnie Barnard) ; Mr. andMrs. C. A. McCarthy; Isabel McKinney; Donald S. McWilliams; JohnMills; Mabel L. Parker; Harold H.Nelson; Donald R. Richberg; Dr.Ruth Vail Snow; Dr. and Mrs. Kel-log Speed; Mrs. Helen CarmodySmith; Mrs. Marietta Norton Stanley;Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Strong (EthelFreeman) ; Mr. and Mrs. Judson A.Tolman; Russell Wiles, and HerbertP. Zimmermann. Fred Sass was expected from Denver but was not ableto make it.Letters were read from our President; Arthur E. Bestor; Lillian F;Abbott; Herman Bulkley; Ray B. Nelson; Guy W. C. Ross, and greetingsTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 57from G. W. Britton; Josephine Burn-ham; Leila D. Hill; Lucy OsgoodMendenhall; Ralph H. Rice; R. H.Ritchie; Esther Fay Shover; Laura A.Thompson; Alia Webb, and Herberty[. Weston. A few more had sentbiographical notes e a r 1 i e r EliotBlackwelder; Francis G. Guittard;Walter W. Hart, and Russell Lowry,making a total of forty-nine heardfrom, or more than a third of theclass now alive.Our class poet, Donald Richberg,presided in his genial fashion and ledthe singing of our class songs. Healso brought to the dinner a belated"Class Poem," entitled "1901." Thelast verse expressed beautifully ourlove for our Alma Mater."Late we bring to you our tribute,Gathered from a scattered host;But we bear that which has lastedLonger than a senior's boast;Longer than a moment's outburst;Longer than a wine-sprung toast.O Chicago, this we bring you:That your sons shall be men free,They shall rule, and shall not be ruledBy the storms that sweep the sea."The question of a biographicalbooklet was discussed. Only aboutthirty biographies are now on hand,but if a fair proportion of the classwill respond, Mr. Zimmermann offered to take care of the printing of abooklet to be sent out to the members.Let us hope that, on reading this,those who have not done so will dashoff a brief personal history and sendit to the Secretary.Herbert Zimmermann also reportedon the Class Gift to the Alumni Foundation, Fiftieth Anniversary. Forty-two members of the Class of 1901have made contributions (in mostcases, plus gifts), making a total of$327.Then followed the high point of theevening, as each member present gavea short personal talk about his or herwork and family, or recollections ofcollege days. It was inspiring to hearthe almost universal note of an interesting, happy life in many differentfields of endeavor, and made us eagerto know what the rest of the classhad been doing.As our numbers grow smaller, interest grows deeper, so that, ten yearshence at our fiftieth, we shall lookfor still larger attendance.With the singing of the AlmaMater, our most successful reunionwas brought to a close. Marian Fairman. 1902Among those distinguished members of the University's faculty retired as emeritus on October 1, wasFrederick S. Breed, for many yearsAssociate Professor of Education.A. Watson Brown, who is in histwelfth year as pastor of the FirstBaptist Church in National City,California, is Chairman of a local selective service board.Besides her many other civic activities Mrs. Frank A. Vanderlip (Narcissa Cox) heads New York City'sInfirmary for Women and Children,one of the five hospitals on this continent staffed entirely by women.Frank W. DeWolf of Urbana,Illinois attended the Celebration inSeptember.1903Anniversary Week was brightenedby a Reunion of '03ers those hardyperennials who have never lost theiroriginal class organization, and whoso disregard the flight of years thatthey will forgather on almost any topflight occasion and claim it for theirown.As guest of honor, they managed toensnare Wallace W. Atwood, Ph D'03, President of Clark University,whose friendliness and graciousnessare still as much a part of his personality as they were in the days whenhe led exploring parties into the wilderness around Starved Rock. LorenaKing Fairbank of Sioux Falls camewith her son John, who is a Rhodesscholar, a student of economic problems in China, Harvard faculty, andnow loaned to Washington for theduration. Another most satisfactoryaddition to a reunion!E. W. Williams of Oskaloosa andGrace Murray of Dubuque, Iowa,were there. Frank DeWolf came upfrom Urbana, and the localites were:Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lipman;Charles H. Swift; Helen S. Levy;Raymond Kelly; Amory Mitchell;Frank McNair; Grace DarlingtonHowell; Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Lurie;Royal W. Bell; Mr. and Mrs. T. J.Hair; Ralph W. Kerr; Rollin T.Chamberlin; Mr. and Mrs. RalphMerriam; Oscar E. Norman; SigredLagergren; Roy Merrifield; Dr. andMrs. E. V. L. Brown. Agness J. Kaufman.Helen M. Benny, regional adviser of Valparaiso, Indiana attendedthe Celebration.Also on the quadrangles for the occasion was E. W. Williams of Oskaloosa, Iowa. 1909Ivan Lee Holt, PhD, well-knownMethodist Bishop of Dallas, Texas,was one of the speakers on the Christian program held in Blue Ridge,North Carolina, this June.1910Harry Otten, MD '12, and Mrs.Otten of Springfield, Illinois, attended the Mill Road Farm FlowerShow on Sunday of AnniversaryWeek. Dr. Otten served as Foundation Chairman in Springfield duringthe past two years.1911Mason Houghland is President ofthe Speer Distributing Company inNashville, Tennessee.Cccvy fsJLdsyZAy** _1912Mrs. Gerald D. Rahill (ClaraAllen) of Caldwell, New Jersey,has a daughter and a son enrolledin the University this year and athird son who is an ensign on theU.S.S. Long Island.Nell C. Henry, '12, SM '15, co-chairman of the Alumni Foundationfor Cleveland, Ohio and a member ofthe Foundation's Board of Directors,was back in Chicago for the last daysof the Anniversary Celebration.International authority on hormones, Fred C. Koch, PhD, whoserved for many years as Professorand Chairman of the University'sDepartment of Biochemistry, was retired as emeritus on October 1.1913Members of the class who attendedthe luncheon given for regional advisers during the Celebration wasEsther L. Devin, AM '15, of SouthBend, Indiana, Mrs. Edgar G. Buz-58 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEzell (Virginia Hinkins) of Delavan,Wisconsin, and Elsie G. Perce of Anderson, Indiana.Florence D. Diment is an instructor in Social Science at PasadenaJunior College in Pasadena, California.1914George T. Colman, PhD, formerly of Racine, Wisconsin, has beenappointed Consulate General of theUnited States at Sao Paulo, Brazil.Arthur M. Harding, AM, PhD'16, was recently appointed Presidentof the University of Arkansas.Hazel Hawkins, newly electedPresident of the Fort Wayne AlumniClub was present at the Regional Advisers' Luncheon held during theCelebration.Mrs. Oswald M. Gruhzit (El-friede Nerica) of Gross Pointe,Michigan, who attended the regionalAdvisers Luncheon during Anniversary Week, has a son who entered theUniversity this fall.Henry C. Shull, JD '16, practicing attorney of Sioux City, Iowa, anda member of the Board of Regentsof the State of Iowa, was back forthe Anniversary Celebration.M. Ann Thomas, regional adviserfrom Youngstown, Ohio was on thequadrangles for the Celebration.1915Mrs. Carl Pfanstiehl (CarylCody) of Highland Park, Illinois, acounselor to women at NorthwesternUniversity, writes that she has to takemusic lessons to keep up with herdaughter who is a sophomore in theSchool of Music at Northwestern.Henry R. Kraybill, PhD '17, directs the Department of Scientific Research in the American Meat Institute.1916This year Hugh L. Blomquist,PhD '21, is an exchange professor atthe University of Puerto Rico at RioPiedras.L. E. Hoffman, Dean of theDrake University College of Commerce was an exchange professor inthe Law Department of the Collegeof the City of New York this summer.Leona E. Ruppel, regional adviserfrom Webster City, Iowa returned tothe campus for Celebration Week inSeptember.V. F. Schwalm, PhD '26, formany years President of McPhersonCollege in McPherson, Kansas be came President of Manchester College in North Manchester, Indiana onSeptember 1 of this year.1917Mrs. Casper Platt (Jeanette Regent), Foundation chairman forDanville, Illinois, was a regular attendant at the Alumni School program during Anniversary Week. Shewas joined by her husband who aspresiding judge adjourned the Circuit Court in time to attend the Friday night dinner.Mrs. H. C. Burke (BarbaraSells) of Fort Worth, Texas, whoserved so effectively as local Chairman of the Alumni Foundation, returned to the quadrangles for theFiftieth Anniversary Week.Harry R. Swanson, a formerPresident of the Chicago AlumniClub and for many years a familiarfigure among the bankers and brokersof LaSalle Street, has been appointedVice President of the Lake BuildingMaterial Company and is in activecharge of their plant at 2144 West47th Street, Chicago.1918Sebastian G. Miller, AM, of Elgin, Illinois was on the quadranglesfor Anniversary Week and attended,among other meetings, the RegionalAdvisers' Luncheon at the Quadrangle Club.1919Mrs. Hans D. Gaibler (HelenBeebe) of Watertown, Wisconsinwas among the regional advisers whoattended the luncheon given at theQuadrangle Club in their honor during Anniversary Week.On September 1, Otto WeltonSnarr, AM, assumed his new post asPresident of State Teachers Collegein Moorhead, Minnesota.1920Frank J. Madden, JD '22, hasbeen appointed general attorney forthe Cudahy Packing Company inChicago.1921Sidney J. French, Professor ofChemistry at Colgate University hasjust published Torch and Crucible,the first book-length biography ofAntoine Lavoisier to be written by anAmerican.Lucile Gafford, AM '25, PhD'30, is an instructor in Humanities inthe Chicago Municipal Colleges. While spending last summer inOregon Psychology Professor C. Meier, AM '22, of the Uni-versity of Iowa, scaled the heights ofMt. Hood.1922On October 15, Russell W. Ballard of Indiana Harbor, Indiana,was appointed Director of the Illino sState Training School for Boys, St.Charles, Illinois, by Governor DwightH. Green. For the past five yearsMr. Ballard has been Director of theLake County, Indiana Department ofPublic Welfare with headquarters inGary. Previous to that he served foreleven years as Principal of the RileySchool in East Chicago. Ballard,who was selected for his present position from a field of forty-seven applicants from all sections of the country,has already entered upon his new-duties. We might announce, in passing, that Mr. Ballard was a most effective Foundation chairman in theEast Chicago district.Mrs. Charles Doman (MaryKingsland, '22) has been electedPresident of the Wisconsin Divisionof the American Association of University Women.Among those present at the Regional Advisers' Luncheon held at theQuadrangle Club on Saturday of Anniversary Week was Frances E.Emerson of Plymouth, Indiana andHarold Mackenzie, AM, of Savanna, Illinois.L. Dell Henry, MD '36, formerlyInstructor in Pediatrics and Allergyat the University of Michigan, hasgone into private practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with offices at 815South State Street.Goldie C. James is Professor ofBiology in the State Teachers College, Glenville, West Virginia.1923Joseph P. Harris, PhD, formerlyon the faculty of Northwestern University, is now a member of the Department of Political Science of theUniversity of California at Berkeley.After practicing law for manyyears in Chicago, Harvey L. Horwich, JD '25, is doing graduate workat the University of California's Department of Political Science inBerkeley.Samuel D. McFadden heads theS. D. McFadden News Bureau in SanFrancisco.1924Clifford G. Manshardt, PhD,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 59edits the Indian Journal of Socialyfork, a quarterly published by theTata Graduate School of Social Workin Bombay, India.On November 1, John S. Millis,SM '27, PhD '31, for the past twoyears Dean of Administration atLawrence College in Appleton, Wisconsin, was elected President of theUniversity of Vermont. Presidentelect Millis is the son of Chicago'sprofessor Emeritus of Economics,Harry A. Millis who heads the National Labor Relations Board.Celesta Wine, AM, PhD '34, hasrecently joined the faculty of Win-throp College in Rock Hill, SouthCarolina, as an assistant professor ofEnglish.1925Mrs. Paul A. Risk (ElizabethBarrett) of West Lafayette, Indianawas among those present at the Anniversary Week Regional Advisers'Luncheon. Another member of theClass who attended the luncheon wasClaude O. Pauley of Valparaiso,Indiana.An interesting summer we'd say,was had by Watt Stewart, AM,PhD '28, Professor of History at NewYork State College for Teacherswho attended classes at the University of San Marcos Summer Schoolwhile in Lima, Peru, finishing a pieceof research he had begun in 1936.1926Martha McLendon, JD '27, whoserves as a regional adviser in Kansas City, Missouri, attended the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration.1927Dorothea K. Adolph teaches theprimary grades at Malvern School inShaker Heights, Ohio.John C. Benette of Golf, Illinoisis Chairman of the Public RelationsCommittee of the Illinois EducationAssociation's Lake Shore Division.Mrs. Harry N. Wyatt (Ruth Fox)received her Doctorate in Psychologyat Northwestern University last summer and is now teaching GeneralPsychology of Music there.Francis M. Pagan, SM '28, PhD31, is an exchange professor ofBotany at Duke University this year.Annetta Specter who teachesGeography at Roosevelt High Schoolm East Chicago, Indiana is President°f the local League of WomenVoters. 1928David K. Cherry, AM '31, hassince 1932 been Professor of Education at Knoxville College in Knoxville, Tennessee.On leave from Mercer Universityin Macon, Georgia, Elvin E. Overton, JD '31, is a visiting professor atthe University of Oregon's School ofLaw in Eugene, Oregon.Jacob A. Rinker, SM, who is a regional adviser in Eureka, Illinois returned to the University for Anniversary Week.Theodore O. Zimmerman, AM'37, who is one of the University's regional advisers in Earlville, Illinois,returned to the quadrangles to helpcelebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary.1929Winifred D. Broderick teaches inAhrens Trade High School in Louisville, Kentucky, and is Secretary ofthe local Educational Association.Robert Todd McKinley, JD '32,and Mrs. McKinley, (Helen Eaton,'31) with their two children havemoved from Chicago to join the largegroup of alumni in Washingtonwhere Mr. McKinley has been appointed Senior Briefing Attorney forthe National Labor Relations Board.The family is living at 610 MonroeTerrace, Alexandria, Virginia. Bobhas been most active in alumni workat Chicago, serving on the Council,the College Senate, as ReunionChairman and as Director of theFoundation.Eugene J. Rosenbaum, PhD '33,is now located in the ExperimentalDivision of the Sun Oil Company inNorwood, Pennsylvania.1930Lucile R. Jones, of ColoradoSprings, Colorado, was present at theRegional Advisers' Luncheon held atthe Quadrangle Club on Saturday ofAnniversary Week.Edward J. Lawler, Jr., formerlyan attorney in the Reorganization Division of the Securities and ExchangeCommission, is now associated withArmstrong, McCadden, Allen, Bradenand Goodman in Memphis.Victor Roterus, SM '31, is nowaffiliated with the National ResourcesPlanning Board in Washington, D. C.Robert S. Shane, PhD '33, is nowwith the Gelatine Products Companyin Detroit, Michigan. 1931Wesson S. Hertrais recently became Regional Business Consultantfor the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce with headquartersin the Chicago office of the UnitedStates Department of Commerce.Alice V. Neil, formerly assistantlibrarian at Armour Institute in Chicago, has been appointed librarian ofthe General Electric Research Laboratory in Schenectady, New York.Russell L. Palm, AM '38, of LaPorte, Indiana, was among the regional advisers to attend the luncheon given in their honor on Saturdayof Anniversary Week.1932Dorothy R. Mohr, AM '33, whotaught in LaSalle, Illinois, last yearis now a physical education instructor at Tusculum College in Greene-ville, Tennessee.Samuel C. Plummer, Jr., who isassociated with the insurance department of Deere and Company in Moline, Illinois, serves as Alderman ofthe local Fifth Ward.1933Aurelia Pergande, AM, of Earlville, Illinois attended the luncheongiven for regional advisers duringAnniversary Week.1934Charles C. Hauch, AM '36, anauthority on Latin American History,recently joined the staff of the History Department of Indiana University in Bloomington.Alfred Severs on, AM, who hasspecialized in inter-group relationsand heads Drake University's Sociology Department, was lately appointedDirector of the Des Moines roundtable of the National Conference ofChristians and Jews.1935Mildred E. Tabbert of Hobart,Indiana, attended the luncheon givenin honor of regional advisers on Saturday of Anniversary Week.Horace McGee, MD '38, is atpresent a resident in obstetrics andgynecology at Anker Hospital in St.Paul.1936Ellis Kirby Fields, PhD '38, hasjoined the staff of the Feldman Petroleum Company in Chicago.William Hered, PhD '39, has ac-60 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcepted a new position with the Indiana Extension University at EastChicago, Indiana.1937John J. Ballenger is now a resident physician at the MassachusettsGeneral Hospital in Boston.Bernard H. Block, SM '39, candidate for a doctorate in Chemistryat the University, is now research assistant to Dr. E. S. G. Barron of theDepartment of Medicine and theUniversity Clinics.Julian A. Kiser of Indianapoliswas present at the Regional Advisers'Luncheon held on Saturday of Anniversary Week.1938Fritz Frauchiger, PhD, AssistantProfessor of Modern Languages atthe University of Oklahoma and oneof the nation's leading linguists recently opened that University's seriesof public lectures with an address on,"Descriptive Linguistics."Peter P. Lejins, PhD, formerly onthe faculty of the University ofLatvia, has returned to this countryand is teaching in the Sociology Department at the University of Maryland.Fred G. W. Peterson of North-brook, Illinois, one of the University'sregional advisers, returned to campusto participate in the Celebration inSeptember.1939Besides being in the insurance business Robert E. Meyer of Chicago isthe varsity basketball coach at IllinoisInstitute of Technology.Kathryn I. MacLennan is nowlocated at the University of IllinoisResearch and Educational Hospitalsin Chicago where she doubles asClinic Dietician and Instructor in theMedical School.Ruth Moulik is secretary to Gunnar Myrdal, Professor of Economicsof the University of Stockholm, whois at present conducting a special research project at Princeton University.Last month the Murphy Twins,William and Chester, twice BigTen Conference doubles tennis champions, were sworn into the Navy aschief petty officers.1940Clyde E. Aultz, MBA, is Employ ment Manager for the Whiting Corporation in Harvey, Illinois.Wesley C. Ballaine, PhD, is nowAssistant Professor of Business Administration at the University ofOregon.Robert V. Brown, PhD, has become Associate Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology in the University of North Dakota's College ofMedicine.Tucker Dean, JD, '40, has joinedthe staff of OPACS in Washington,D. C.James Engel, was recently appointed a vice counsel for the StateDepartment and has departed on aSouth American mission.Lulu O. Kellogg, AM, is the Assistant Principal of Waushara CountyNormal School in Wautoma, Wisconsin.Elizabeth Ann Montgomery hasfor the past two years taught Frenchand Latin at Eureka Township HighSchool in Eureka, Illinois.David Rockefeller, PhD, formerly secretary to Mayor LaGuardiaof New York City, has entered uponnew duties as assistant to the FederalDefense Co-ordinator for New YorkState.1941Elmer Heinecke has accepted ateaching position with the Starr Commonwealth for Boys at Albion, Michigan.James R. Lawson, formerly assistant carillonneur at RockefellerMemorial Chapel on the quadrangleshas been appointed carillonneur ofthe Hoover Library Carillon at Stanford University where he is taking hismaster's in English.W. A. Lessa, AM, is a member ofthe Department of Anthropology,Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NewYork.Paul E. Moeller, JD, has becomeaffiliated with Commerce ClearingHouse in Chicago.Jack Woolams is the youngest testpilot in the service of the Bell Company of Buffalo and Niagara Fallsnow engaged in the mass productionof a single model fighter plane calledthe Airacobra or P-39.SOCIAL SERVICEDuring the Fiftieth Anniversaryand Festival in September the alumniof the School of Social Service withthe assistance of the Dean and faculty and the co-operation of Mr. Fred Hoehler, Director of the AmericanPublic Welfare Association and actingDirector of the Joint Army and Nav!Committee on Welfare and Recrea.tion, held a series of conferences onHolding the Home Front by Main.taining our Social Gains: In SocialSecurity, In Labor Standards, In Pub.lie and Child Welfare, and In Hous*ing.Alumni participating in the con.ferences included: Mildred Arnold'24, who directs the Children's Divi'sion of Indiana's Department ofPublic Welfare; Robert W. BeasleyAM '33, Director of the Social Se'curity program in Honolulu; HelenDart, '30, of the Chicago Social Security Board; Anne Davis, '07, of theIllinois Department of Labor; ErwinW. Johnston, AM '31, Supervisor ofthe Illinois Children's Home and AidSociety; Mrs. Edward J. Lewis, (Ed-wina Meaney '25, AM '37), authorityon child welfare of the ChicagoCouncil of Social Agencies; and Det-lef E. Mackelmann, '33, AM '36, whois an assistant regional coordinator inthe Division of Defense Housing Coordination in Washington, D. C.Members of the faculty who participated were: Fred K. Hoehler andCarter Goodrich, Professor of Economics at Columbia University andChairman of the United States Governing Body of the InternationalLabor Office.The three days of conferencesclosed with the annual Alumni Dinner at International House. Afterdinner Dean Abbott told of some ofher early and interesting experiencesat the University and Miss Breckinridge discussed the possibilities ofLatin American schools of socialwork.Officers for the coming year wereelected at the business meeting whichfollowed. They are: Clorinn Brandenburg, AM '32, President: JamesK. Mulligan, AM '37, Second VicePresident; Josephine Taylor, AM '35,and Lois Utterback, AM '39, Counselors.Mary Elizabeth Doonan, AM'40, has been made Supervisor of theOmaha Catholic Charities' Divisionof Families.Donald Egr, AM '41, has becomeaffiliated with the Farm Security Administration of Portland, Oregon.Anne Gussack, AM '41, has beenappointed Chief of Social Services atthe Illinois State Training School forBoys in St. Charles.On November 1, Leona Mas-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 61soth, AM '34, assumed her new postaS Executive Secretary of the American Association of Schools of SocialWork.Alice Shaffer, AM '35, member0f the School of Service Administration's advisory staff, will leave in thenear future for Paraguay to serve theUnited States Children's Bureauthere.Linda Smith, AM '39, has recentlyjoined the staff of the Travelers AidSociety in Chicago.Addle Thomas, AM '39, has beenappointed Acting Field Director ofthe American Red Cross at theUnited States Naval Dispensary inLos Angeles.Harleigh Trecker, AM '38, hasbeen appointed Associate Professor inthe Graduate School of Social Workat the University of Southern California at Los Angeles.Lena D. Weinberg, AM '39, directs the Social Service Departmentof Baltimore's Mount Sinai Hospital.IN THE SERVICEJames T. Allen, '29, is at CampStewart, Georgia.Daniel H. Autry, '30, is a captainin the Medical Corps assigned to theStation Hospital at Camp Robinson,Little Rock, Arkansas.Joseph Winslow Baer, 28, JD'40, has been assigned to the U. S. S.Louisville, in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.Edward B. Bates, '40, is serving atCamp Grant, Illinois.Recently graduated from the NavalReserve Officers' School of Indoctrination at Fort Schuyler in NewYork were Harris G. Beck, Jr., '39and Harmon Meigs, '38.William I. Boudro, '33, is a second lieutenant in the Quartermaster'sRegiment at Camp Lee, Virginia.Robert E. Bowen, MD '39, is afirst lieutenant in the Medical Corpsand is stationed at U. S. Army General Dispensary in the new ChicagoPost Office.Thomas S. Checkley, '39, JD '41,is at Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis.Irwin Clawson, JD '16, is stationed with the 145th Field Artilleryat Camp San Luis Obispo in California.Frank D. Engeler, JD '40, is nowlocated at the 3rd Battalion Building,U. S. N. A. Station, Pensacola,Florida.Benjamin B. Freud, '04, PhD '27,was granted a leave of absence fromthe Illinois Institute of Technology for this coming year to go on activeduty as Colonel in the Sixth Corpsarea Regional Office of Civilian Defense.Paul Gallagher, MD Rush '11,who holds the rank of LieutenantColonel in the Medical Corps, servesat Station Hospital in Fort Bliss,Texas.Ralph M. Goldstein, '41, JD '41,is now claimed by the 87th InfantryTraining Battalion at Camp Roberts,California.George E. Hale, JD '40, is a second lieutenant in the 106th Cavalryat Camp Livingston, Louisiana.George L. Hays, '39, is a lieutenant in the Marine Corps, stationed atQuantico, Virginia.Arthur H. Leonard, '36, is a lieutenant at Moffet Field, California.Forrest L. Martz, '22, is a lieutenant on duty at Fort Sam Houston,Texas.Martin D. Miller, '39, serves asa first sergeant in the Field Artilleryat Camp Forrest, Tennessee.Gerald F. Molloy, '37, is in the2nd Armored Division at Fort Benning, Georgia.Howard J. Morton, '39, is nowserving the Coast Artillery at FortBliss, Texas.Irwin Panter, '35, JD '37, is withCompany B of the 12th InfantryTraining Battalion at Camp Wheeler,Georgia.Richard R. Ranney, '39, is Personnel Clerk in the QuartermasterCorps at Chanute Field, Illinois.Julian L. Schermer, '39, JD 41,has as his new address, First Regiment Quartermaster's ReplacementTraining Center, Fort Warren, Wyoming. -Morris A. Schonholz, '32, JD'33, is located at the Field ArtilleryReplacement Center, Fort Sill, Oklahoma.Richard T. Smith, '37, JD '39, iswith the U. S. Naval Reserve OfficersTraining, Abbott Hall, NorthwesternUniversity.Daniel D. Stok, '36, is now afirst lieutenant in the 13th Field Artillery Battalion in Scholfield Barracks, Hawaii.Alex Taylor, '37, is in the Quartermaster's Department in Tulla-homa, Tennessee.Ray D. R. Vane, '32, is now a lieutenant with the 40th Regiment, FieldArtillery at Campi Roberts, California. He and Mrs. Vane (Marjorie Cahill, '31) are living at 132 North Mildred Street, King City,California.C. Nelson Wetherell, '38, is atFort Sill, Oklahoma.William M. Wilkersen, '40, ofWest Virginia, writes that he hasjoined the active forces of the Canadian Armoured Corps and expects tobe over seas within five months. Hisaddress is "D" Coy., 14th PL, No. 12B. T. C. (A. F.), Chatham, Ontario.Kenneth Worland, '37, is servingthe 79th Field Artillery at FortBragg, North Carolina.Peter Zimmer, '34, is in the Quartermasters Corp at Camp Croft, Spar-tansburg, South Carolina.BORNTo J. Faner Anderson, ?22, andMrs. Anderson, a daughter, GloriaJean, on July 19, in Cedar Falls,Iowa.To Henry Lee Bateman, '34, andMrs. Bateman a son, Lewis Lee, lastMay.To Thomas Fetzer and Mrs. Fetzer. (Jean Bennett Fetzer, AM '41) ason, Randolph Bennett Fetzer.To Carl Frick, '37, and Mrs.Frick of Little Rock, Arkansas, adaughter, Gay, last April.To Lewis Groebe, '34, JD '35, andMrs. Groebe a daughter, Nancy Jane,last January.To E. G. Hartshorne, PhD '38,and Mrs. Hartshorne, a daughter,Marian, on March 6, in Washington,D. C, where Mr. Hartshorne servesin the Office of the Coordinator ofInformation.To William Charles Korf-macher, PhD '34, and Mrs. Korf-macher, a daughter, Mary LouiseWise, on June 13, in St. LouisTo Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Irvine.(Marjorie Marcy, '31, SM '32), ason, Kenneth Marcy, on September18, in New Orleans.To Leon H. Lewis, '28, and Mrs.Lewis (Elinor H. Weiss, '39) ofHighland Park, Illinois, a son,Michael Edward, on September 1.To Frank A. Mancina of theSchool of Business faculty and Mrs.Mancina, a daughter, Winifred, onOctober 6.To Don Morris, '36, contributingeditor of the Magazine and memberof the University's Press Relationsstaff, and Mrs. Morris (CathleenLautner, '36), a daughter, Marcia,on November 2, in Chicago.To Henry W. Newson, PhD '34,62 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand Mrs. Newson, a daughter, Maida,on August 26, in Chicago.To John Schmucker, '32, andMrs. Schmucker of New York City,a son, Sanford D., last March 19.To George W. Wheland of the Department of Chemistry and Mrs.Wheland, a daughter, MargaretElizabeth, on August 27.To Alan D. Whitney, '13, andMrs. Whitney, a second son, RichardAlan, on September 26, in Chicago.ENGAGEDJoan H. Lichten of Chicago toJoseph M. Andalman, '38, a juniorengineer in research and design at theGoodyear Aircraft Corporation, Akron, Ohio. The wedding is plannedfor December 25.Helen Louise Bickert, '41, ofChicago to John La Rue Argall,'41, of Rochelle, Illinois.Marjorie Edelstein, '38, of Chicago to Michael G. Berkman, '37,PhD '41, of the same city.Margaret Strawe to John G. Epp,'37, of Midland, Michigan.Joan Goodman, '38, to Homer E.Rosenberg, '36, JD '38.Thais M. Kassel to LeonardGraff, '38, of Chicago.Lorraine E. Hanke, '40, to William O. Milles, '39, who teachesMathematics and Chemistry at theStaunton, Illinois Community HighSchool.Marjorie Kuh, '40, teacher ofEnglish in the Sheboygan WisconsinHigh School, to Wade Mosley, a Wisconsin graduate on the staff of theSheboygan paper.Elaine Marks to Stanley RoyKorshak, '31.Evelyn Sugerman of Chicago toJerome Marks, '33, of the same city.Phyllis Jean Martin, of SanMateo, California, to Charles Warren Merrifield, AM '35, of NewYork. The wedding is planned forearly winter.Harriet Jaffe of Chicago to Seymour B. Odens, '39.Muriel Ruekberg, '40, to JulesH. Last, '38, PhD, '41.MARRIEDDoris Daniels, '41, to RobertPoague Kaiser of Glen Ellyn, Illinois,in Bond Chapel on the quadrangles inSeptember.Edith Schilling to John F. Gall, PhD '39, on June 7. At home,Stonehurst Court Apartments, UpperDarby, Pennsylvania.Ann Berman of Alma, Michigan toAlvin J. Goldberg on October 19.At home, 3410 Chicago Boulevard,Detroit.Blanche Graver, '41, to EnsignEdward Middleton of Kansas City,Missouri, on June 21. At home, 2940Claremont Avenue, Berkeley, California.Clare Gruzolski, '30, to FranklinVessey on August 9, in Chicago wherethey are living at 641 Aldine Avenue.Eleanor Hay, '41, to E. Roy Wil-derman of Chicago, on August 25, inBloomfield, New Jersey.Nelle Mae McAfee to ClarenceVernard FIodges, MD '40, on October 4, in Chicago.Jane Elizabeth Hoffer, '39, toEarl William Seaborg on October 26,in Thorndike Hilton Chapel on thequadrangles. At home after December 1, at 5419 University Avenue,Chicago.Ruby Howell, MBA '38, to Edward R. Williams, '37, on June 21.Dorothy Miller to Howard G.Isaacson, '40, on July 28. At home,3808 North Tripp Avenue, Chicago.Neva Smith to Francis Itzin, AM'40, on September 6.Ruth Golden, now a Senior at theUniversity, to Herman A. Jaffe, '38,on September 20, in Chicago. Athome, 5654 Kenwood Avenue, Chicago.Ruth Dobler McCulloch to CraigRussell Johnson, JD '26, on October 16, in Evanston, Illinois.Charlotte Belle Troxel to AlbertJohn Lindauer, '17, on September 11.Miriam Schafmayer, '40, of Chicago to Albert Sherwood Baker ofHIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATES* ENGRAVERS 'N SINCE 1906 + WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES + I+ ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED ?-r ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE +^rayneit DALHEIM &CO.2 OS* W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO. Mount Morris, Illinois, on September27. At home, 4500 Drexel BoulevardChicago.Anita Maxine Barken of St. Louisto Jerome J. Sokolik, '37, on June29. At home, 7236 Dartmouth Ave.nue, St. Louis.Lucille Boyd to Fred J. SolomonJr., '37, on June 21. At home, South'moor Hotel, Hammond, Indiana.Elizabeth Boyd of Caldwell, Texasto Eugene Weafer, '31, on Septern.ber 10. At home, Jefferson, Texas.BUSINESS DIRECTORYAMBULANCE SERVICEBOYDSTON BROS.All phones OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.PACKARD AND LASALLE EQUIPMENTAUTO LIVERYAuto LiveryLarge Limousines5 Passenger Sedans $3 Per Hour$2 Per HourSpecial rates for out of townEMERY -DREXEL LIVERY INC.5547 S. HARPER AVE.FAirfax 6400AUTOMOBILESFRED W. REMBOLD, INC.6130 Cottage Grove Ave.DODGE and PLYMOUTHDirect Factory DealersSales and ServiceDependable Used CarsPhone Midway 0506AWNINGSPhones Oakland 06900691-The Old Reliable -0692Hyde Park AwningINC. Co*/Awnings < jncf Canopies for All Purposes4506 Cottage Grove AvenueTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 63T ;t4 COST FOX TM/f take *FILMO MOVIES NOW!CHILDREN grow up so fast! You'reapt not to realize that their childhood days are slipping away . ; ¦. thatsoon it will be too late to make themovies you want of them at the "let'spretend" stage. So avoid future regrets.Start taking movies now.'And to get fine pictures right from thefirst, start with a Filmo, built by themakers of Holly wood's preferred studioequipment to give professional resultswith amateur ease. Just press a button,and what you see, you get, even in fullnatural color if you wish.See Filmos at your camera dealer's,or mail coupon. Bell & Howell Company, Chicago; New York; Hollywood;Washington, D. C; London. Established 1907.Only a FILMO 8offers all thesefeatures: A lifetime guaranteel "Drop-in" loading . . no sprockets to^ thread. Built-in mechanism^ for slow-motion and- m ,. yr animated-cartoon/ # . ..a Automatic, scaled-lnONLY ?499° lubrication ... noMafcei movies for a few ' "cenfj a scene A basic -camera, withUl, , . versatility to keepWith three-Ions turret pace with your prog-head, from $109.50 ress.Prefer 16mm. film? See Filmo AutoLoad, ace of magazine-loading motionpicture cameras, priced from $123.MAU COUPON FOR FREE MOVIE BOOKLETbell & howell company1839 Larchmont Ave., Chicago, 111.Please send free ( ) 16-page booklet about Filmo8mm. movie equipment; ( ) Information on16mm. movie cameras*Name ..««».«-».¦.»_ Address. »---- ............ .......... City State DIEDCaroline M. Breyfogle, '96, longtime Dean of Women at Ohio StateUniversity, recently presented with acitation in absentia at the FiftiethAnniversary Alumni Assembly, in Columbus, Ohio, on October 14.David S. Eisendrath, '08, JD '09,on August 19 of this year.George W. Hall, MD Rush, '93,noted psychiatrist and Professor ofNeurology at Rush Medical College,on October 25, in Detroit.William LeRoy Holtz, '30, onJune 2, in Emporia, Kansas.Dean Dewitt Lewis, MD Rush,'99, former President of the AmericanMedical Association, long time Headof the Department of Surgery atJohns Hopkins University and Sur-geon-in-Chief of the Johns HopkinsHospital, on October 9, in Baltimoreat the age of sixty-seven.Mrs. Wesley Hill (Elva R. Millard, '34) on April 6 of this year.Hans William Norgren, '18,President of the Reynolds Club Council and Lieutenant in the UnitedStates Army, on September 20, in theVeterans Hospital at Wood, Wisconsin. Burial was with a militaryfuneral.Mary R. Parkman, '11, on September 7, in Washington, D. C.Abraham E. Weaver on January26, in Hamilton County, Indiana.Edythe J. Brown, '12, last February while attending a National Education Association Convention in Atlantic City. BOILER REPAIRINGAPPOINT CHAPLAINThe Right Reverend Samuel A.Strich, Catholic Archbishop of Chicago, has recently appointed the Reverend Joseph D. Connerton of Glen-view, Illinois, as Chaplain to the fivehundred Catholic students at theUniversity.Father Connerton comes to theUniversity after seven years of servicein various' Catholic parishes of theChicago Archdiocese. His first assignment was to St. Thomas theApostle Parish in Hyde Park wherehe came into contact with many ofthe University students and workedamong them. In his post at Glenviewhe was engaged in parochial workand in broadcasting over station CFLon the Mindfulness of Others program.Father Connerton attended Quigley Preparatory Seminary, LoyolaUniversity and St. Mary of the LakeSeminary in Mundelein, Illinois. Hewas ordained there in 1932 and obtained the degree of Licentiate inSacred Theology in 1933. BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave.. ChicagoBOOKSMEDICAL BOOKSof All PublishersThe Largest and Most Complete Stock andall New Books Received as soon as published. Come in and browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago Medical Book Co.)Congress and Honore StreetsOne Block from Rush Medical CollegeBUTTER & EGGSMURPHY BUTTER and EGG GO.2016 CALUMET AVE.CHURNERS OF FANCY CREAMERY BUTTERFINEST WISCONSIN EGGSAlways UniformChurned Fresh DailyPhone CALumet 5731CATERERJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 09000901Retail Deliveries Daily and SundaysQuality and Service Since 1882CEMENT CONTRACTORST. A. REHNQUIST CO.\. 7 CONCRETEFLOORS\w/\rW SIDEWALKS\\V MACHINE FOUNDATIONSw MASTIC FLOORSv ALL PHONESBt. !» Wentworth 44226639 So. Vernon Ave.CHEMICAL ENGINEERSAlbert K. Epstein. '12B. R. Harris. '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-664 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECLIFFORD BARNESMEDALS-(Continued from page 17)Barnes all his life has had a way ofand consistentlystarting things,enough he startedthe University ofChicago on itscareer of awarding A.M. degrees,by receiving thefirst one in 1893.Instructor in sociology in 1899-1900, he resignedto become President and Professor ofSociology in Illinois College, Jacksonville. But Mr. Barnes' interests weretoo wide to be held by any one office.Resigning his college presidency at theend of five years, he became activein manifold movements for the moraland religious advancement of society.He is the founder of the Committeeof Fifteen; he is or has been Chairman of the Chicago CommunityTrust; President of the ChicagoChurch Federation; President of theLegislative Voters League and ofother local or national or internationalorganizations. Of these I shall mention only one, namely, the ChicagoSunday Evening Club one of thegreat civic religious institutions of thetimes. Mr. Barnes founded it andis its president.These are a few of the activities ofan extraordinarily busy life. If I donot say more in detailed praise ofsuch a career as his, it is only becauseI know that great as is his pleasurein doing good works, equally great ishis suffering in hearing them publicized.Katharine Blunt: Doctor of Philosophy of 1907. I first knew MissBlunt when shewas the editor ofthe University ofChicago HomeEconomics Series,published at theUniversity Press,with which I wasthen connected.She was an idealeditor, with per-katharine blunt fectly definiteideas in regard to the objectives ofher series; suggestive in the matter ofnew books; prompt in the delivery ofmanuscripts on the date they weredue; expeditious in the return ofproofs, and highly appreciative of thesplendid cooperation furnished by theofficers of the Press.She first came to the Universityfrom Vassar, where she took her A.B. Entering our graduate school sheemerged a few years later with aPh. D. in chemistry. She is indeeda practiced research worker. Norshall I ever forget that it was fromher I first learned about Vitamin D.A few years after graduation she returned to us as a member of theHome Economics Department, ofwhich she subsequently became Chairman. She resigned to become President of Connecticut College in New-London. Courageous, with abundanceof initiative, clear-headed, full of thatpioneering spirit in education of whichshe may possibly have heard something during her residence here, shehas in a relatively brief period madeConnecticut College one of the outstanding colleges in New England.Henry P. Chandler: A distinguishedlawyer who has supplemented his professional work byoutstanding civicservice. Mr. Chandler's quality as alawyer and as acitizen were recently recognizedby his appointment to the important post of Director of the Ad-HENRY CHANDLER . . . .. ^.a-ministrative Officeof the United States Courts. Hewrites now from the Supreme CourtBuilding in Washington, where he sitsif not on, at least among the seats ofthe mighty.Henry J. Bruere: Of the Class of1901, President of the Bowery Savings Bank; formerly Vice-President of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company ;Director of theNew York LifeInsurance Company and of theUnion PacificRailroad Company.But Mr. Bruere's financial interests, great as they are, are only asubordinate part of a career thatfrom its beginning has shown thehighest ideals of educational and social welfare. A year or two aftergraduation he was a director of boys'clubs; he was the Founder and Director of the McCormick Works Men'sClub. He organized the Citizen'sBetterment Bureau and the Bureau ofMunicipal Research in New York. Hemade a study of the government andpolice administration of Berlin, London and Paris. He is a trustee ofMt. Holyoke College and of the New COALHENRY J. BRUERE EASTMAN COAL CO.Established 1902YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone Seeley 4488Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4Wesson's Coal Mates Good or Wesson DoesCOFFEE-TEALa Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE.. CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State 1350Boston Now York Philadelphia SyracuseELECTRICAL CONTRACTORSWM. FECHT ELECTRIC CO.CONTRACTORS - ENGINEERSLIGHT & POWER CONSTRUCTION600W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneSeeley 2788EMPLOYMENTCOLOREDDOMESTIC HELPFurnishedDay or NightReferences investigated.Englewood Employment Agency5530 S. State Phone- Englewood 3 1 8 1 -3 1 82Street Night-Englewood 3181Established 20 yearsENGRAVERSHALF TONETHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 65CHARLES CHmYork Public Library and of the Astor,Lenox and Tilden Foundations.Charles W. Chase: Member of thelass of 1899. One cannot review the^^^^^^^^^ career of thisalumnus withoutfeeling at oncethat if the Chicago tractionquestion is ever tobe settled, here isthe man to do it.W^L He is a highlyspecialized expertin traction problems. I heard ofhim first as the Counsel for the Calumet Railways; in 1917 he was President of the Gary Street Railway Company. In 1937 he accepted the presidency of the Indianapolis Street Railway Company, which had been in receivership for seven years. In a briefperiod he completely rehabilitated thesystem. Where formerly there hadbeen the merest apology for service,there are now clean, fast cars orbusses, polite conductors, satisfied patrons and contented stockholders. Soattractive indeed are the new kindsof cars and busses that he introducedthat riding in them has become oneof the diversions of Indianapolis fashion. He is now President of the Chicago Surface- Lines.His traction interests have not,however, prevented Mr. Chase fromtaking part in other activities. Likeso many of our alumni he has responded to civic appeals and last yearwas the campaign chairman of theIndianapolis Community Fund.Clinton J. Davisson: B.S. of 1908.After six years as Instructor in Physicsin the CarnegieInstitute of Technology, Dr. Davis-son became amember of thetechnical staff ofthe Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1917,where he now is. Abrilliant researchphysicist, he hasproceeded from honor to honor, frommedal to medal, from prize to prize.A member of the most distinguishedscientific societies in America, he wasawarded the Comstock prize, 1928,for "the most important research inelectricity, magnetism and radiant energy made in North America during'he past five years"; the Elliot Cres-son medal, 1931; the Hughes Medal,Royal Society, London, 1935; andthe Nobel Prize for physics, 1937.Purdue in 1937 and Princeton inCLINTON DAVISSON marilla freeman1938 honored him with the degreeof Doctor of Science. Notable amonghis achievements was his discovery(in collaboration with Dr. L. H.Germer) of diffraction of electrons bycrystals in 1927.Marilla W. Freeman: Ph.B. of 1897.An alumna who through her accomplishments as li-brarian of theCleveland MainLibrary has madean outstandingcontribution to theadvancement of library science. Hercollege course, hersubsequent training in a libraryschool, her practical experience in various public libraries, as well as in Harvard LawLibrary, furnished her with admirableequipment for the Cleveland positionand doubtless contributed to the effectiveness of her work, but it is toother qualifications that her great success is due, namely her fine appreciation of literature (especially poetry),her love of books, her skill in guidanceof readers, her resourcefulness andcreative ability in administration, andher clear-cut and definite idea in regard to the service that a public library can render in a large urbancommunity. To her from the beginning a library was not merely a storehouse for books neatly shelved andexpertly classified. The books wereto be used, and so there were soonestablished several new library services: the business information bureau, the reader's advisory service,and means of co-operation with community organizations and adult education movements.Miss Freeman has resigned fromCleveland Main Library now, but asshe did so in order to have more timefor writing and lecturing, her influence is a continuing one.Harry N. Gottlieb: A Bachelor of1900, and a former member of theAlumni Council.He is the brilliantChicago lawyerwhose knowledgeof law and all itsintricacies, whosepowers of ineluctable argument andsound logicalthinking continually cause surpriseon the part ofthose who remember that our ownLaw School had not opened in 1900,and so Mr. Gottlieb must have hadhis legal course elsewhere. He is notHARRY GOTTLIEB GRAPHIC ARTSTHE SCRIPTORIUMScribes ' Illuminators BindersC L RICKETTS JASPER S KINGIf it it said to last a lifetime or longer, sayit sincerely with well-chosen words in beautiful, imperishable designMESSAGES OF APPRECIATION. RESOLUTIONS, ILLUMINATED INSCRIPTIONS,MEMORIALS; BIRTHDAY, CHRISTMASAND GUEST BOOKS; CRESTS, COATSOF ARMS, TITLE PAGESeDIPLOMAS, CITATIONS,HONORARY DEGREES, CHARTERSValued papers and letters restoredand bound38 SOUTH DEARBORN STREETDEARBORN 0001 CHICAGOGROCERIESLEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERLAUNDRIESSUNSHINE LAUNDRYCOMPANYAll ServicesDry Cleaning2915 Cottage Grove Ave.Telephone Victory 5110LETTER SERVICEPOND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven TypewritingMultigraphingAddressograph Service MimeographingAddressingMailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones 418 So. Market St.Harrison 8118 ChieagoLITHOGRAPHERL. C. Mead '21. E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph Offset Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182OFFICE FURNITURE5i/s/ne5s Equip* MlPILING CABINETSDESKS LOCKERSCUPBOARDS SHELVINGMetal Of fiee Furniture Co. Grand Rapid*, Michigan 66 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEOPTICIANSNELSON OPTICAL CO.1138 East63rd StreetHyde Park5352Dr. Nels R. Nelson, OptometristPAINTERSGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting Decorating Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3 1 86E. STEWART FEIGHINC.PAINTING DECORATING5559 TelephoneCottage Grove Ave. Midway 4404RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMonroe 3192PHOTOGRAPHERMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIPLASTERINGHOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone Dorchester 1579PRINTERSclarke Mcelroypublishing co.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good Printing of All Descriptions" KIRTLEY MATHERonly a good lawyer; he is also a goodcitizen, with his chief social welfareinterest centering in Michael ReeseHospital, of whose board he is President.Kirtley F. Mather: Ph.D. of 1915.After a few years of service in theUniversity of Arkansas, Queen'sUniversity (Kingston, Canada) , andDenison University, Dr. Matherwent to Harvardin 1924 as Associate Professor ofPhysiography, andsince 1927 hasbeen Professor ofGeology there.His career as scientist, lecturer andadministrator is an active and variedone. For besides his university teaching and research he has been connected with the United States Geological Survey (1919-37); has conducted geological explorations inEastern Bolivia; has shown a keen interest in Adult Education organizations in Boston and Greater Boston;is a frequent speaker at educationalconventions ; contributes to both scientific and popular periodicals, andwrites books for the lay public as wellas for his scientific colleagues. Since1934 he has been the Director of theHarvard Summer School.Esmond R. Long: A.B., 1911, Ph.D.,1919, M.D., 1926 (Rush MedicalCollege). A triplealumnus, whopassed rapidlyfrom an assistant-ship in pathologyin the Universityto a professorshipin 1928. In 1932he left Chicago tobecome a professor of pathologyin the Universityof Pennsylvania and Director of Laboratories in the Henry Phipps Institute for the Study, Treatment andPrevention of Tuberculosis. But hiscareer had only begun. Honorscrowded upon him, and in 1935 hewas appointed to his present post asDirector of the Phipps Institute.What has been said above represents only the main stem of his career.His influence has extended far beyond. He has affiliations with innumerable scientific societies and publichealth services. He is or has beenspecial consultant on tuberculosis,United States Office of Indian Affairs,President of the Board of Managerof the Wistart Institute, Chairman ofthe Division of Medical Sciences of>%.-ESMOND R. LONG RESIDENTIAL HOTELSBLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's Hotel' in theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, DirectorRESTAURANTSThe Best Place to Eat on the South SideAH I°V>AetUHSBMIWIM^ I in |MKI4H<>X<MCOLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone Hyde Park 6324ROOFERSESTABLISHED 1908GROVEROOFINGFAirfax3206Gilliland6644 COTTAGE SHOW AiT1ROOFING and INSULATINGRUGSAshjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1921Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone Regent 6000COMMERCIAL SCHOOLSINTENSIVE¦ STENOGRAPHIC COURSEfor College People OnlySuperior training for practical, personal use or profitable employment. Course gives you dictation speed of100 words a minute in 100 days. Classes beginJanuary, April, July and October. Enroll Now.Write or phone for bulletin.BRYANT & STRATTON College18 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago Tel: RAN. 1575MacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and SecretarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESAccredited by the National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools.1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 67SCHOOL SHORTHANDYour whole life throughShorthand will be useful to you.For more particulars call, unite,or telephone.THE GREGG COLLEGE6 North Michigan Avenue, ChicagoState 1881SHEET METAL WORKSECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKSeGalvanized Iron and Copper CornicesSkylights, Gutters, Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbestos Roofing1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893STOCKS BONDS COMMODITIESP. H. Davis, 'II. H.I. Markham, 'Ex. '06R. W Davis, '16. F. B. Evans, 'IIPaul H. Davis & Co ¦Member.New York Stock ExchangeChicago Stock ExchangeChicago Board of Trade10 So. La Salle St. Franklin 8622TEACHERS' AGENCIESAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college Held.It Is affliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist In the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau formen and women in all kinds of teachingpositions. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent of ourbusiness. Critic and Grade Supervisors forNormal Schools placed every year in largenumbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Business Administration, Music, and Art, secure finepositions through us every year. PrivateSchools in all parts of the country amongour best patrons; good salaries. Well prepared High School teachers wanted for cityand suburban High Schools. Special manager handles Grade and Critic work. Sendfor folder today.CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency57th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices One FeeCHICAGO, MINNEAPOLISKANSAS CITY, MO. SPOKANENEW YORK LOUISE STANLEYthe National Research Council, president of the National TuberculosisAssociation, Vice President and Chairman of the Section on the MedicalSciences of the American Associationfor the Advancement of Science.These are only some of his presidencies and chairmanships, but theyare sufficient to show the range of hisinterest in both the scientific and thesocial aspects of his subject. Hiswritings include Tuberculosis ¦ ItsCause and Prevention (1925) ; A History of Pathology (1928); and TheChemistry of Tuberculosis, secondedition 1932.Louise Stanley: Class of 1905.After sixteen years in the Universityof Missouri, whereshe rose to beChairman of theDepartment ofHome Economics,she resigned in19 2 3 to go toWashington asChief of the Bureau of HomeEconomics,United States Department of Agriculture, where shenow is. Incidentally, she is the firstwoman member of the Council ofAmerican Standards Association.Frank L. Sulzberger: Of the Classof 1907. President of the EnterprisePaint Manufacturing Company,Director of theMercantile National Bank ofChicago. Activein social work, heis the Vice President and Directorof the Council ofSocial Agencies ofChicago; Directorof the Community Fund; Director ofJewish Welfare Fund; Director ofRefugee Service Incorporated. He isalso Chairman of the Alumni Committee on Information and Development.George B. McKibbin: J.D. of 1913,whose career has combined the practice of law, keenparticipation inmovements for social and religiousadvancement andinterest in politics.Former Presidentand now trusteeof the Civic Federation and Bureau of PublicEfficiency; formerpresident of the Chicago Y.M.C.A.,and member of the National CouncilFRANK SULZBERGERGEORGE McKIBBIN TEACHERS' AGENCIESHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.Telephone Harrison 7793Chicago, III.Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesGenerally recognized as one of tho leading TeachersAgencies of the United States.UNDERTAKERSBOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.All Phones OAKIand 0492VENETIAN BLINDSQUEENS VENETIAN BLINDPHONE CENTRAL 4516Flexible steel slats orseasoned basswoodtwo-tone tapes or solidcolors. Any size blinds.Per square foot After 5 P. M. Plaza 369828'VENTILATINGThe Haines CompanyVentilating and Air ConditioningContractors1929-1937 West Lake St.Phones Seeley 2765-2766-2767HAIR REMOVED FOREVERBEFORE20 Years' ExperienceFREE CONSULTATIONLOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLYSIS EXPERTGraduate NurseMultiple 20 platinum needles can beused. Permanent removal of Hair fromFace, Eyebrows, Back of Neck or anypart of Body; destroys 200 to 600 HairRoots per hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Moles andWarts.Member American Assn. Medical Hydrology andPhysical Therapy, Also Electrologists Associationof Illinois$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705, Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.Perfect Loveliness Is Wealth in Beauty68 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand National Board of Y.M.C.A.;trustee of the Sunday Evening Club,and of Iowa Wesleyan College. NowDirector of Finance, State of Illinois.Harold H. Swift: A memberof the Class of 1907. Passingover his activities as Vice-President of the Boardof Swift and Company, Director ofthe Harris Trustand Savings Bank,member of theGeneral Education Board, theRockefeller Foundation, the Chi- HAROLD SWIFTcago Community Trust, I come tothat part of his career that is of special significance to those in this Chapeltoday, namely the fact that for manyyears he has been Chairman of theBoard of Trustees of the Universityof Chicago. It is impossible to describe in any detail the range andvolume of his contribution to the University: his sympathy with its idealsof pure research, his realization of thegreat work its college is doing forhigher standards of national intelligence, his minute knowledge of everyphase of its operation, his devotionto its interests, his vigilance, his tire- lessness, his wisdom in counsel. Hecannot be adequately described inEnglish. I must fall back on Latinand speak of him as vir sapiens; duxconstans, prudens, stutus; in omnibusrebus ad Universitatem Chicaginien-sem pertinentibus perspicax et emi-nentissimus.William Embry Wrather: Of theClass of 1907; former President of theDallas AlumniClub and Chairman of the Alumni Foundation forDallas. A geologistwith special interest in petroleum,and since 1916 aconsulting petroleum geologist. Amember of innumerable geologicalsocieties, and in his case membershipinevitably means the presidency within a few years. Fond of foreign travel,he is a frequent delegate to the meetings of the International GeologicCongress, as at Madrid in 1926, Pretoria, South Africa, in 1929, Moscowin 1937. From time to time tiring ofpractical operative work, he rests hismind by giving special courses of lectures at this or that university, as atthe University of Chicago, UniversityWILLIAM WRATHER of Texas, Yale, Northwestern, South-em Methodist. Moreover, with thatbroad culture that is the inevitable re.suit of education at the University ofChicago, he knows that man cannotlive by petroleum alone, and he isactive in the Texas Folk-Lore Societythe Philosophic Society of Texas, andthe Texas State Historical Society, ofwhich I need hardly add he was President for seven years.Russell Wilder: B.S. of 1907,Ph.D. of 1912. For many years connected with theMayo Clinic andMayo Foundationof the Universityof Minnesota, andby 1923 Professorof Medicine there,he came in 1929to the Universityof Chicago as Professor and Chairman of the Department of Medicine. In 1931 he returned to Minnesota as Professor ofMedicine and Head of the Department of Medicine in the Mayo Foundation and member of the MayoClinic in Rochester. His writings include books, articles and reports ondiabetes, mellitus, hyperinsulinism,and diseases of metabolism in general.RUSSELL WILDERSpicy Corn in Peppersand Honey "GlazedSWIFT'SPREMIUMHAMAs Featured at theLOWELL INNStillwater, Minn.No other ham gives youthe captivating flavor youenjoy in Swift's Premium.Only Swift's exclusiveBrown Sugar Cure andspecial Smoking in Ovenscan make ham so mildand mellow yet so richin flavor.Say SWIFTS PREMIUM for the Finest Meats/THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 69ROCKEFELLER-(Continued from page 3)made so many delightful and helpful contacts both withinits doors and throughout the city, you will understandhow happy we are to be here at this time to join in thecelebration of its Fiftieth Anniversary.The past decade has been a difficult one for all privately supported educational institutions, in fact, for allphilanthropic and eleemosynary organizations. At thesame time, as a result of the searching self-analysis thathas thus become necessary, followed by the sloughing offof such departments or undertakings as were not foundto be vital, and a concentrated devotion to the essentials,I believe that in the majority of cases these lean yearswill prove not to have been detrimental on the whole,but rather of real value. What the future of educationin this country will be, time only will tell. It seems clear,however, that there will always be need for at least afew outstanding privately supported universities to blazethe way, to set standards and to maintain that freedomin the search for truth that is so essential to the progressof education in its highest sense. That the Universityof Chicago will be one of this group, however small, therecan be no question. But only as it receives the wholehearted and generous support of its alumni, of this city,and of the country at large can it render the servicewhich it is equipped to render and which the educationalworld is looking to it to render.Upon the occasion of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary,which I had the pleasure of attending, I was invited to adinner for the faculty and educators generally whogathered in large numbers in Ida Noyes Hall. Thedinner was very late in starting. When I took my placeat the guest table and looked at the program, I foundthat there were to be thirteen speeches of which minewas the thirteenth.Being at that time the young father of six children,for whom my wife and I were earnestly seeking thebest possible in education, and with a temerity whichHow to Win CreditIN THE EARLY DAYS of the development of the¦ oil business, when he was less than twenty-fiveyears old, Father (John D. Rockefeller) had borrowedconsiderable sums from a Cleveland bank. Onemorning the President met him on the street, expressed the concern felt by the directors as to thesafety of the loans and said they wanted Father toappear before them to carefully review the situation."I shall be delighted to come, Mr. Handy," wasFather's reply, "for I shall shortly need to borrowmuch larger sums from you." No further word wassaid about his appearing before the directors andthe larger sums were made available without question, "i Jj John D. Rockefeller, jr. BEFORE A SYMPOSIUM Dr. Eugene M. K. Geiling,Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology, chats with Dr. Charles H. Best, Toronto, co-discoverer with Sir Frederick Banting of insulin. Dr. Bestwas awarded an honorary degree by the University.makes me blush as I reflect upon it, I came to that dinnerwith an address in my pocket which I felt was calculatedto solve all of the existing problems of education.Whether it was through the adroit and skillful planningof those in charge of the program or whether by merechance, I never discovered. The fact remains, however,that long before the thirteenth speaker was reached, themidnight hour had struck; large sections of the audiencehad quietly drifted away.To have inflicted any address on the brave survivors ofthat memorable evening would have been an act ofcruelty for which I could never have forgiven myself. I,therefore, kept the address in my pocket, thanked thefaithful corporal's guard for standing by so valiantlyalthough the regiment had been well nigh wiped out,and permitted the meeting to be dismissed.This explanation will make clear why the Universityof Chicago, as well as other educational institutionsthroughout the length and breadth of the land are stillstruggling to solve the problems of education which, hadI been allowed to present my address, would, a quarterof a century ago, have been successfully dealt with. Inthe twenty-five years that have since elapsed, our sixchildren have grown to maturity. However, our familyhas been augmented by fourteen grandchildren so thatmy interest in education is as keen as ever and my realization of how far its many problems still are fromadequate solution, is even keener. Therefore, with yourselves, I am profoundly interested in the theme of thisFiftieth Anniversary namely, "New Frontiers in Education and Research."With a modesty wholly in contrast with the confidenceof the thirteenth speaker at the banquet twenty-five yearsago, may I venture to say a word on that theme. No one70 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPunctureALTHOUGH SERIOUS AND DIGNIFIED from.boyhood, no one enjoyed a funny story morethan Father or had a keener sense of humor. Thisfaculty often relieved the situation when things became tense, as was the case when in his young man-hood a blustering contractor came into his office oneday and started to abuse him in violent language.Father continued writing at his desk and never oncelooked up or spoke until the man, exhausted by histirade so profusely interspersed with profanity,paused for breath. Whereupon, turning around inhis swivel chair, Father said: "Would you mindrepeating that?" John D. Rockefeller, Jr.can question the importance of establishing new frontiersin education and research. Thus are the boundaries ofhuman knowledge extended and widened; thus are discoveries made which directly or indirectly, sooner or later,add to human happiness and well-being; thus are thesecrets of nature unlocked, her laws revealed and herpurposes understood.Education and research have gone a long way in penetrating the mysteries of the natural world but, alas, theirdiscoveries are capable not only of blessing man, butquite as much of cursing him, and are today being usedfor his destruction in almost every quarter of the globe.Clearly, man's ability to control the forces around himhas far out-stripped his ability to control the forces withinhim. His knowledge of the world in which he lives andhis capacity for applying that knowledge to the betterment of his physical environment is out of all proportionto his apprehension of the spiritual world and his abilityto make its laws and truths effective in his inner life.Have not world events of the past months demonstratedbeyond any doubt that only ruin awaits a civilization,however advanced its scientific and material frontiers,that is not guided and motivated by moral and spiritualpower? Are we not trying to build a world with twodimensions only, length and breadth, forgetting that thethird dimension, depth, the dimension of the spirit, canalone give balance and proportion, can alone makeeffective and permanent the efforts and progress of mankind? If this be true, then must not the new frontiersin education and research be sought in the old and toooften neglected realm of the spirit, in the building ofcharacter, and in the establishment of fundamentalmorality and the old-fashioned virtues? Must not thesefields be explored and developed as assiduously, aspatiently, as persistently, as the fields of nature and sciencehave been? Must not education deal with the secrets ofwisdom as well as the storehouses of knowledge?To establish new frontiers of knowledge, to breakthrough old lines of thought and outmoded customs is asessential to human progress as the adopting of new inventions in industry, new methods in business, and thedevelopment of new avenues of commerce. It is comparable to the taking of an advanced military position.But no such position means gain to an army unless thelines of communication are kept open; unless the attacking forces are well reinforced and the life blood of thearmy men, supplies and munitions are constantly supporting and making effective the penetration of theadvance guard. However brilliant and spectacular thatpenetration may be, its value depends on the use madeof it by the supporting army and hence on the leadership,resources and vision of that army. So the spiritual lifeof man must dominate and direct his intellectual andmaterial achievements, lest he suffer the fate of a Frankenstein or be buried under the ruins of a house builtwithout foundation.As I watched barren winter give way to the suddenonrush of spring in a Virginia garden a few months ago, I marveled as never before at the miracle of nature'srebirth. Where the garden borders were one day alifeless expanse of dull earth, almost overnight they hadbecome a riot of color, form and design. There werecountless pansies, no two of whose friendly faces werealike. Tulips of endless variety and hue, gay little prim.roses, daffodils that looked like molten gold in the sunlight, not to mention the many other flowers that went tomake up the magic carpet spread out in the garden.When I looked at the trees and saw millions of tinybuds one day, on twigs that seemed only dead wood theday before, while almost overnight I found myself sittingunder the grateful shade of their green leaves; when Isaw the grass put on the refreshing green of its newgrowth almost as suddenly as the setting sun suffuses witha delicate pink the fleecy white clouds that have hurrielinto the sky to bid it good night; when I realized whatinfinite organization and planning were involved in thecoming of spring in just one garden and tried to fancywhat the multiplication of that event in nature's worldwide realm meant, I said to myself: "How can anyonewho has witnessed the miracle of the spring doubt theexistence of an eternal creative force in the world, callit nature, or God, or what you will?"A return to the simple, courageous faith of the PilgrimFathers; the cultivation of their rugged spiritual qualities,their stern sense of duty and willingness to sacrifice; therebirth in man of the uncompromising sense of honorand of loyalty to the right that characterized the foundersand builders of this nation; and a rekindling of the deep,impelling belief in God which they had, is the cryingneed of a broken and suffering world today.New frontiers in education and research, yes. Newknowledge, new truths, yes. May that ever be the aimof this great University! But let there be developed,hand in hand with the establishment of these new frontiers, the spiritual power to interpret and use them andthe moral force to consolidate the positions already taken.So may a new and mighty spiritual force permeateour institutions of learning; so may those who passthrough their doors be equipped to use for the well-beingof the race, the fruits of education and research!THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 71****** -GWe s\ttJ**- \V\eV *h\n9*sW ***«*. *****^ *«**»* .to flV a*ev*wo CO Jot ,\oo9 |J\vW*c0^^..,j^ono::etc^ ,.>f|V\o^tftWWW cVA^5 fco chvoO°9 ,i ">NW' joti*1" ^ota*lo^^5 $3.0°A. 50yi*0avts.72 THE UNIVERSITY OFCITIZENS-(Continued jrom page 4)part in the reorganization of the Chicago Police Department; of the University's free clinics, its loan of scholarsand scientists as government and business advisers.President Hutchins continued the explanation of themutual dependence of city and University:"If the function of an institution is to pioneer, to opennew frontiers, it must be a center of the arts and sciences,in a city that commands a large territory, and a community eager to learn, to experiment, to press forward,"he said."The University is distinguished because of two things,the attitude of the Founder, and the spirit of the city,"President Hutchins said. "Mr. Rockefeller must have in-invented the doctrine I know of no precedent that adonor who wishes to advance education and scholarshipshould leave them to educators and scholars. The University could have had as much money and done amediocre job. The reason it did a good one was that itwas free to do it. The spirit of the city is the spirit ofindependence and courage. It is the spirit of pioneers."A newly forged link between the University and thecommunity is the Citizens Board, whose loyalty andgenerosity have been displayed here this evening. Theirinterest in the University, their labors in its behalf, andtheir knowledge of its work will make these three hundredmen and their successors a band of interpreters betweenthe University and the community which it seeks toserve."Of the University's "very remarkable" Board of Trustees, President Hutchins said:"They have conserved the University's assets so wellthat some years ago Hobart Williams, after surveying theeducational field, said, T believe that the University ofChicago has managed its finances more wisely than anycomparable institution.' He proved that he meant it byinstantly making a gift to the University of two milliondollars. I trust that all of you who share his views willimitate his conduct."But even more important, President Hutchins said, theBoard of Trustees has "seen to it that the members ofthe faculty breathe the freest air on this continent. Nogroup has done more to establish the great principle ofacademic freedom than the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago. No man of that group or anywhereelse has a clearer notion of the value of that principlethan Mr. Swift, and no man had fought for it harderthan he. . . . The whole structure of education in theMiddle West is built on the University of Chicago. ..."After throwing his pass, John D. Rockefeller set thestage for the next play. He said:"If adequately supported by the people and the nationwhom it serves and leads . . . and by the people of thisgreat and generous city . . . the University has before ita future whose possibilities for good it would be difficult CHICAGO MAGAZINETHREE VOICES-(Continued from page 22)"In higher education, as in many walks of life todavthere is a drift toward totalitarianism. Legislation habeen passed which denied parents the right to send theichildren to schools other than those supported directly \the community. . . Even in a democratic state there jdanger that demos may proclaim the naive theory thatruth, like an election, can be decided by a count of nosesFreedom cannot survive in such a milieu. State domination of education is a social calamity."Vigor and sanity come from neither privately endowed nor state controlled education alone, but from thcontinuous interaction of the two. Democracy, if it woulmaintain itself, must first guarantee the integrity of thindividual. It probably will require all the agencies 0education, working wholeheartedly together, to mahgood that guarantee."Dr. Conant went to history to trace the two relative}recent events which made their mark on the universittradition when it was brought to this country by the settiers the worldly imprint of the Renaissance and the spiritual mark of the Reformation. The Renaissance impririhad the upper hand at the end of the 19th century, hpointed out, but the long term development continuesThe phenomenal rise of colleges and universities in ouiown time is but a rapid flowering of a vine three centuries old. If the growth in a few directions has ruiwild of late, rather than uproot the whole plant W((Continued on page 74)to overestimate. That such support may be obtained imy earnest hope. That it will be obtained is my confidenbelief."The three hundred men of the Citizens Board kntfthe story. Their job had begun. They left the meetingcarrying the ball to the citizens of Chicago.The echo came of President Harper's boast "Yocouldn't do it anywhere else!"Lost and FoundPROFESSOR MICHELSON WAS AN INTENSEbridge player. One noon he left the bridge tablein the Quadrangle Club to go home. In the cloakroom he absent-mindedly donned another's coat andhat. The coat nearly touched the floor. The hat settled down over his ears. But to his colleagues1 amazement, he walked out the door, oblivious to the oversize coat. "He's fooling," they said. "He'll be back."Sure enough, Professor Michelson shortly reappeared.He marched up to the desk. Pulling back the voluminous sleeves so he could get his hand in the coatpocket, he reached down and yanked out a pair ofgloves. "Someone else put their gloves in my coat,"he said, slapping them on the desk. And turning onhis heel, he marched out again.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 73CONGRATULATIONSThis fifty year old organization welcomesthe opportunity to extend to the Uni"versity of Chicago and its Alumni sincerecongratulations on the completion of ahalf 'century of unparalleled growth andaccomplishment.It has been our privilege during many ofthese years ? to have had contact with theUniversity and its staff* Hence, wewelcome this opportunity to express ouresteem, and extend best wishes for anotherfifty years of paralleled achievement*We print The University of Chicago MagazineOne of the largest and mostcompletely equipped printingplants in the United States PRINTING PRODUCTS CORPORATION(ROGERS AND HALL CO.)POLK & LA SALLE STREETS CHICAGO, ILLINOISPhone WABash 338074 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEVARI-TONGUED Meeting before a symposium are Dr.Clarence H. Faust, Assistant Professor of English at the University; Dr. Amado Alonso, Director of the Institute of Philologyof the University of Buenos Aires, expert on the developmentof the Spanish language in the new world; Dr. Charles W.Morris, Associate Professor of Philosophy, and Clarence E. Par-menter, Professor of Romance Phonetics, both of the University. NUMBERS ON THEIR MINDS Dr. D.R. Curtis, Northwestern University, andOswald Veblin, PhD '03, Professor ofMathematics at the Institute for Advanced study at Princeton and one ofthe thirty-five Fiftieth Anniversary honorary degree recipients.THREE VOICES- '(Continued from page 72)should, like a skilled gardener, nourish the vigorousgrowth and prune it. But prune with care, Dr. Conantwarned."The way to acknowledge the significance of the individual," he concluded, "is to make decisions about menin terms of a careful appraisal of their respective talentsand capacities."The ideal university may be regarded as an institution set up for a variety of specific ends and staffed bycompetent persons who together accomplish those ends.Or it may be regarded as an assemblage of highly diversified men of character and talent whose chief contributions will be individual and often in unpredictable directions. In practice the alternatives fuse together. But Ishould like to submit to the distinguished audience gathered this afternoon in tribute to a great American universitythat the latter concept with its emphasis on the separate roleof the individual professor is the one most likely to insurevitality in the future of American education. I shouldlike further to submit to this group of scholars that inthese days when the fundamental basis of our democraticsociety is being challenged, we have a positive duty toproclaim at every crossroad our concern with the individual man. We in the universities can dedicate ourselvesto this our proper task and still push forward boldly.For we may feel confident that in strengthening ouracademic citadels as outposts of individualism we shallbe also fortifying the fundamental faith of this free anddemocratic land." DAICHES-(Continued from page 15)flowing of the "already" into the "not yet." Foundersare heroes, but celebrators are cowards.We cannot, however, allow that conclusion to remain.Though it is true that the celebrators in an anniversarycelebration are in the position of the middle generationin the family photograph (grandparent seated, parentstanding behind, grandchild seated at grandparent's feet)they have some further dignity. No one is, of course,interested in the middle generation of the family photograph; it is the venerable grandparent and the cuteyoungster that attract attention. But after all the middlegeneration is the only one that is father and son at thesame time; and if the ability to play a dual role whileall about you are playing single ones is a sign of greatness(as why shouldn't it be?) one can conclude that thecelebrating generation is greater than both the foundingfathers and the unborn successors.And this is particularly true of a fiftieth anniversarycelebration. A sexcentenary or a millenium though impressive, is more in the nature of a grand finale than anentr'acte; thoughts are turned wholly to the past and notat all to the future. Speakers pay tributes but make noresolutions. A fiftieth anniversary, on the other hand,is clearly an occasion when one looks to the future atleast as often as to the past. What is fifty years in thelife of a university? It is not out of its swaddling clothes.And thus our fiftieth anniversary celebrators look uponthemselves, and with reason, as torch bearers rather thanTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 75On its Fiftieth AnniversaryThe University of Chicago Press presentsNEW BOOKSOF GENERAL INTERESTMAN AND THE VERTEBRATESRevised editionBy Alfred S. RomerThe story of the evolution of man's body through 400 million years. Now extensively revised with more than 100pages of new material and rewritten chapters on "HumanOrigins" and "Human Races." Completely reset in strikingmodern format. Hundreds of illustrations. A New PlanText. Trade edition $4.75. Text edition $3.50.THE FOLK CULTURE OF YUCATANBy Robert Redfield"Exceedingly readable. . . . The material is so vital andimpressive that it grips one at the start and carries him onto the end with an immense increase of knowledge." NewYork Times. $3.50DEEP SOUTHBy Allison Davis, Burleigh B, Gardnerand Mary R. GardnerThe first detailed study of social class and color caste amongboth whites and Negroes in a southern city. Illustrated withdramatic interview-material. ". . . will doubtless occupy aplace in the library of sociologists and students of Americanculture similar to that long held by Middletown" Scientific Book Club Review. Research directed by W. LloydWarner. $4.50UNUSED RESOURCES AND ECONOMICWASTEBy David RockefellerApproaching the problem of unused resources and wastefrom an analytical rather than from a statistical point ofview, Mr. Rockefeller takes into account the social andeconomic forces which condition resource use. $2.00THE ASSEMBLY OF THE LEAGUE OFNATIONSBy Margaret E. BurtonCarl J. Hambro, President of the Twentieth Assembly of theLeague of Nations, says: ". . . an able piece of scholarlywork . . . will help to establish in American minds the correct idea of what international cooperation means and howit has functioned in that great Assembly." $4.50 AN IMPORTANTNEW SERIESWalgreen Foundation Lecturesfor the Study of American InstitutionsDEMOCRACY IN AMERICAN LIFEBy Avery O. CravenA clear, vigorous exposition of forgotten history whichsheds important light on the kind of democracy we mustdemand from our leaders today. "The reader will find manyinteresting and provocative asides in this little book." Louis Hacker, New York Herald Tribune. $1.00WHAT IS DEMOCRACY?By Charles E. MerriamAn interpretation of democracy as it functions today and aconvincing defense of democratic ideals. "A reasoned andpersuasive study . . ." New York Times. $1.00EDUCATION IN A DEMOCRACYEdited by Newton EdwardsA group of distinguished educators reappraise the functionsof education in promoting democratic ideals and in adjusting the individual to his culture. Contributors: NewtonEdwards, R. J. Havighurst, Guy T. Buswell, Mandel Sherman, Ralph W. Tyler, William C. Reavis, John D. Russell,and George A. Works. $1.25DEMOCRACY AND NATIONAL UNITYEdited by William T. HutchinsonAuthorities on the six most important forces in Americansociety Constitutional Law, Political Leadership, Business,the Press, Organized Labor, Agriculture present their problems. Contributors: Thomas Reed Powell, Harold G. Moulton, Matthew Woll, Herbert Agar, Henry F. Pringle,Oliver E. Baker. $1.00THE UNITED STATES AND CIVILIZATIONBy John U. NefThe author discusses the possible changes in education,government, and economic conditions that seem to beneeded if the United States is to set an example for futuregenerations of mankind by groping toward the ideal state.Ready January. $2.00*'_\ ^ ^ r,t YEARS OF^'PUBLISHING7 50th Anniversary PublicationsTHE TEXT OF THE CANTERBURY TALES. By John M. Manly and EdithRickert. 8 vols. Set $40.00THE CURRICULUM OF THE COMMON SCHOOL. By Henry C. Morrison 4.00THE ELIZABETH DAY Mc.CORMICK APOCALYPSE. 2 vols 25.00Vol. I. A GREEK CORPUS OF REVELATION ICONOGRAPHY.By Harold R. Willoughby.Vol. II. HISTORY AND TEXT. By Ernest C. Colwell.THE RETINA. By Stephen Polyak, M. D 10.00SOME HISTORIANS OF MODERN EUROPE. Edited by Bernadotte E. Schmitt.(Ready in December.) 5.00THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS76 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA DOCTOR'S JOKE may have tickled these men.From left to right: Dr. Thomas M. Rivers of the Rockefeller Institute, authority on virus research and degreerecipient; Dr. William Taliaferro, Dean of the Divisionof the Biological Sciences; and Dr. George F. Dick,Chairman, the University's Department of Medicine.funeral orators. We may celebrate Noah's completion ofthe ark, but where is that distinguished vessel today? Thecelebration is bound to be funerary in nature; but whocan think of funerals when contemplating the Universityof Chicago? We think, rather, of the follies of youth andthe hot imagined vices of adolescence.There is, however, a danger here. A fiftieth anniversary can only preserve its superiority to a sexcentenaryif it is employed in correcting the present and lookingto the future. But it is the nature of celebrators toextol both their own earily work and that of their predecessors. So a fiftieth anniversary tends to degenerate intothe same kind of backward looking eulogy that we findin the observance of saints' days and the recollection ofdead and harmless heroes. The tendency is to assumethat when you celebrate, the work has been accomplished,the institution is out of danger, the ideas it stands forhave been vindicated and its vitality has departed. Menare perfectly willing to celebrate the ninetieth birthdayof some one who, in his youth and ardor, was a dangerousand execrated radical. People today are crooning overBernard Shaw's beard who fifty years ago spat upon hisimage. You celebrate something when it has ceased tobe dangerous. That is a melancholy thought, and oneto be banished from all men and women of the University.It would be sad to think that the University had ceased tobe dangerous. Fortunately, I can here record that amongthe distinguished recipients of honorary degrees I observeda certain amount of suspicion and even a sheepish sortof hostility to our great University that testifies to itscontinuance as a real danger. Let us give thanks for that.They were a fine collection, those recipients of honorarydegrees, as they shuffled into the Chapel like sheep to theslaughter. The organ boomed, the gowns flashed, photographers' bulbs exploded, President Hutchins scanned thefaces of his faculty and mentally checked their names,Professor Bentley of the English Department did hisunsuccessful best not to look like a cross between Cardinal Ph.D. regalia from London, an orange clad scholar wj.Wolsey and the Whore of Babylon in his magnificent *a distinct citrous flavor threw a Californian odor in j.wake oh, it was a great day, and the Midway will nsee its like again for another fifty years, which is all (the good, for celebrations, like children, should be canfully spaced.It is well to take stock after even a petty fifty years -imake speeches, deliver sermons, present financial statlments, appeal for funds, entertain delegates, give teas andinners, ring bells, and write articles. Men like to tell eajother at suitable intervals that what they are doingworth while, for human nature is not so altruistic or tou«as to be able to continue such endeavor for too loiwithout the pause that refreshes. In the ideal statpeopled by ideal men, celebrations would be superfluoubut even the American Way has not yet produced eitheof these.Those of us who survive to the University's hundredfanniversary will have a pretty dilemma on our handWe will have to show an equal advance from year fi(tto year a hundred as there was between year one aijyear fifty and that will be impossible, for the foundetstarted from scratch in year one, and any advance froscatch is impressive. As I shall be in my eightieth yaon that auspicious occasion, I have given some thought Iit indeed, I have already made some tentative plans, ftI hope to be invited by the President (watch out for hinhe's only a Quiz Kid now) to make a speech. But I cafind no satisfactory way out of the dilemma a dilemn(indicated very neatly by Dr. Johnson in his letter to D|Brocklesby about the balloon. Let me quote it :"The fate of the balloon I do not much lament: tmake new balloons, is to repeat the jest again. \inow know a method of mounting into the air, and,think, are not likely to know more. The vehicles caserve no use till we can guide them; and they cagratify no curiosity till we mount with them to greateheights than we can reach without; till we rise abovthe tops of the highest mountains, which we have y4not done. We know the state of the air in all its regionto the top of Teneriffe, and therefore, learn nothinfrom those who navigate a balloon below the cloudThe first experiment, however, was bold, and deserve"applause and reward. But since it has been performedand its event is known, I had rather now find a medlcine that can ease an asthma."I was disappointed that President Hutchins, in fo,speech in the Chapel, did not take his text from thletter, and discourse about the next fifty years. Will *by that time have learned to guide the vehicle? Ortrise above the tops of the highest mountains? Or *the hundredth anniversary be simply to repeat the jejagain? jBut even President Hutchins is not Janus faced, adcould hardly have been expected to look backwards asforwards simultaneously. That's the trouble about aWTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 77In the petit yew,IF YOU HAD BOUGHT THESEBOOK-OF-THE-MONTH CLUBSELECTIONSYOU WOULD HAVE RECEIVED A LIST OF BOOK-DIVIDENDSSHOWN AT THE LEFTBARRETT'S FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS(special thin paper edition)$6.00READERS DIGEST READER (the bestarticles and features of the past18 years in The Readers DigestMagazine) $3.00OXFORD BOOK OF ENGLISH VERSE(new revised edition) $3-00A TREASURY OF THE WORLD'S GREATLETTERS $3.75leaves OF grass (new illustratededition) by Walt Whitman$5.00SHORT STORIES FROM THE NEWyorker (a collection of sixty-eight stories from The NewYorker Magazine) $3.00Joseph in EGYPT (2 volumes,boxed) by Thomas Mann $5.00THE LIFE OF GREECEby Will Durant $3.95DON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA byCervantes (specially illustratedwith woodcuts) $5.00anna karenina (2 volumes, illustrated) by Leo Tolstoy $5.00 A LIST OFBOOK-OF-THE-MONTH CLUBSELECTIONS SHOWN ABOVEBerlin diary, William L. ShirerTHE KEYS OF THE KINGDOMA. J. Croninout of the night, Jan ValtinFOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLSErnest HemingwayH. M. PULHAM, ESQUIREJohn P. MarquandBLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARSWinston ChurchillDARKNESS AT NOONArthur KoestlerJUNIOR MISS, Sally Bensonkabloona, Gontran de PoncinsSAPPHIRA AND THE SLAVE GIRLWilla CatherMY NAME IS ARAMWilliam Saroyanembezzled heaven, Franz WerfelNEW ENGLAND: INDIAN SUMMERVan Wyck BrooksTHE AMERICAN PRESIDENCYHarold J. LaskiMRS. miniver, Jan StrutherOVER ONE MILLION BOOK-READERS USE THIS SENSIBLE SERVICEOVER 400,000 families thus at thevery least, over a million discriminating book-readers now belongto the Book-of-the-Month Club. They doso, in order to keep themselves from missingthe new books they are really interested in.Time and again you buy the "book-of-the-month" not knowing it has previouslybeen chosen by our judges merely becausesome discerning friend has said warmly:"There's a book you must not miss." Howsensible to get these books from the Club,since you pay no more for the books youbuy, and save enormously in other ways.You are not obliged, as a subscriber ofthe Club, to take the book-of-the-month itsjudges choose. Nor are you obliged to buyone book every month from the Club. Youreceive a carefully written report aboutthe book-of-the-month chosen by our fourjudges, in advance of its publication. If it is a book you really want, you let it cometo you. If not, you merely sign and mail aslip, saying, "Don't want it."Scores of other careful recommendationsare made to help you choose among all newbooks with discrimination. If you want tobuy one of these, you merely ask for it.In addition, there is a great money-saving. More often than not as the bookslisted above demonstrate our judges'choices are books you find yourself buyinganyway. 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(Canada) Ltd78 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEversary speeches: one can only talk about one thing ata time, so the position of the celebrators as a bridgebetween past and future can never be taken full advantage of, for even the best built bridge will not enablethose who stand on it to look in two directions at once.We recall the past or predict the future, forgetting,perhaps, which ever alternative we choose, that theeffectiveness of the past is judged by what it leads us todo in the present, where lie, too, the seeds of the future.For all that I have said, the celebrator is in a dilemma,particularly the celebrator of a living and growing institution, for celebration is no vital part of growth, and if wewho constitute the University, take time off to celebrate,it is as though a tree stopped growing in order to stepback from itself and observe the speed of its growth. Anyarboriculturalist will tell you that such a procedure is badfor the tree, apart from the obvious fact that the onlyperson who can adequately gauge a tree's growth is anoutside observer. The moral is that anniversaries of livingand growing institutions should be observed, certainly, butobserved only by outside observers, while the Universityitself continues to function normally. This, presumably,was the idea behind the week of symposia and discussions :outsiders were invited to see the University functioning but I should hesitate to say that these discussions werepart of the normal life of the University. But that is notimportant, because the University of Chicago, to its credit,has never functioned normally.Well, the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration, like theUniversity's foundation, has reached into the past, toprovide yet more data for those who hold that the function of an institution is determined by its history. Yes,the University of Chicago is beginning to have a history.There are successes and failures to record, issues that havebeen decided, decisions that have been taken, and evenresults to be noted. There is scope now for the "I toldyou so's" of criticism, the felicitations of benevolence, andthe self -gratification of complacency. For those who donot wish to spin out the theory of a University by meansof pure reason, there are now not only buildings to pointto but a history to learn from. And, as Montaigne saysin his essay on experience: "There is no desire morenatural than that of knowledge. We attempt all meansthat may bring us unto it. When reason fails, we employexperience."The gray towers of the Midway remain to teach uswhen reason fails.UPSTARTFIFTY years ago the late John D. Rockefeller andthe late Dr. William R. Harper, then a young professor at Yale, heaved a rock into the educationalpond. The splash has subsided but the waves will always wash up on distant shores. . . . The Chicagoupstart has become a torch-bearer. New York Times. HUTCHINS-(Continued from page 9)It was rejuvenated by the spirit of inquiry. That spir;too, has produced the brilliant achievements of Arne»ican scholarship, which alone justify the toil and treasu<that have been lavished upon the American universitythe popular devotion they have commanded, and t(faith of the founders of the University of Chicago.The time of the founders was one of conscious or yconscious agreement upon the ultimate foundations fsociety and the ultimate purposes of the individujThough men differed sharply, they differed not so mucabout their destination as about the methods of arrping at it. They would have been shocked to hear frojany responsible person that morality was a matter (opinion, the state an end in itself, or God the produjof wishful thinking. They did not need to heed ttwarning of Socrates that the unexamined life was nlife for man, because the examination had been conductslong before, and its results were imbedded in the tradtion which guided the daily action of men. The Ameican university did not need to reformulate the ideawhich should animate mankind, and still less to sungest that ideals were important. All that was needemen thought, was more knowledge to enable themreach the goals which they more or less clearly had besfore them. The University of Chicago was f oundeto provide that knowledge. It was to supply the meatto improve a civilization the main lines of which weilaid down and the aims of which were taken for grantsby those who enjoyed its blessings.In those areas in which the last half century h;brought no change in the fixity and clarity of beliefs tilAmerican university has surpassed the highest hopes (its founders. People still want material goods; anthrough the natural sciences we can now produce a rangand luxuriance of such goods that would embarrassRoman emperor. People still want health; and throngthe American university we may sometime achievelongevity comparable to that of the heroes who flourish*before the Flood. Wherever we know what we waiiwherever we want it badly enough, the knowledge alquired by research can help us get it.But no matter how we may struggle to deceive onselves, we vaguely feel that bodily goods and extern!goods are not the ends of life. They are means to othfgoods beyond them. Now we no longer join in coiscious or unconscious agreement on the nature and exisence of the other goods beyond. The last half centuihas substituted confusion and bewilderment for the sinpie faith in which Mr. Harper, Mr. Rockefeller attheir collaborators embarked upon their enterpriseChicago. That civilization which we thought so ^established seems on the verge of dissolution. The Isligious belief which led the Baptists to found this U1versity does not sustain its constituency today. Inst$of feeling that we were born with a common inheritaflTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 79"There are No Islands any more"There once was a time when a man couldwithdraw after college to a life of pureresearch, to a snug little business hisfather had built up for him, or even toa tropical island.There are no islands any more. Priorities get into laboratories taxes andthe SPAB have their way with businessessubmarines and bombers use tropicalislands for bases and selective servicefinds its men no matter where they go.Like it or not, the news is happeningto all of us today in college and aftercollege. And it is only common sense tounderstand what is happening and what is on the way to happen so we can adjustour lives and all the ways of our livingto the strange new world the news ismaking.And that is why Time can be so continuously useful to you in the monthsahead. For Time's only purpose is to keepintelligent people well informed aboutthe racing torrent of today's newswhich is a bigger and more important jobnow than it has ever been before.TIME r»fie Weekly Newsmagazine$5 for one year 15< a copy $8 lor two years330 EAST 23 STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS80 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETWO PIONEERS Robert H. Lowie, Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, and MichaelI. RostovtzefF, Director of Archaeological Research atYale University. Both are honorary degree recipients.of ideas about the purpose of the state and the destiny ofman, we listen to competing affirmations of contradictorypositions on these issues without being able either toaccept or deny them in a manner satisfactory to ourselves.Confronted by the great question of peace or war, wecannot make up our minds what we want to defend,why, or how. Though the death rate is declining, wedo not know what to do with our lives.Since we are confused about ends, we do not knowhow to employ means. Though our means of improvingthe material conditions of existence exceed those of anyprevious generation, we could not use them, in the greatdepression, to save our fellow-citizens from starvation anddespair. The means of improving the material conditions of existence are now diverted to the exterminationof mankind on a grander scale than ever before.Gibbon, in his celebrated chapter summarizing the reasons for the fall of the Western Empire, relieves the fearsof Europe by saying that there will never be another barbarian conqueror. His reason is simple. War now requires the knowledge of a large number of arts and sciences. Hence to excel in war the barbarian must ceaseto be barbarous. Since man first discovered how to master the forces of nature all history has been tending toward this goal. Gibbon's final remark is, "We may therefore acquiesce in the pleasing conclusion that every ageof the world has increased and still increases the realwealth, the happiness, the knowledge, and perhaps thevirtue of the human race."The conclusion is pleasing; the premise is false. Professor Nef's researches show that the rate of increase ofreal wealth is rapidly declining. Though knowledge has grown from more to more, happiness and virtue have nAnd we see that a barbarian conqueror equipped vknowledge is more barbarous, as well as more dangerothan any of his unlettered predecessors.The centrifugal forces released through the dissoluteof ultimate beliefs have split the universities into a thosand fragments. When men begin to doubt whetbthere is such a thing as truth or whether it can everdiscovered, the search for truth must lose that precisi,which it had in the minds of the founders of the Ur,versity of Chicago. If we doubt whether man is rationswe cannot lightly put our trust in the exercise of reascAnd if the traditional notion of freedom, when dragcup out of our subsconscious, looks less impressive tl<we had always supposed it would; if we think on ttone hand that freedom is doing as one likes, and on t'other that man is a mere automaton, free inquiry be that infallible guide to terrestrial salvation whiMr. Harper thought it was. After fifty years we mconfess that the beacons established to illuminate tpathway of our people give a light that is flickering aidim. The universities, instead of leading us throu;the chaos of the modern world, mirror its confusion.If we are to do for our own day what the foundeiof the University of Chicago did for theirs, we shall havfto continue what they did, and we shall have to do something more. We shall have to recapture, revitalize, am!reformulate for our time the truths which gave purpos*and significance to their work. We are in the midst oja great moral, intellectual, and spiritual crisis. To pasit successfully or to rebuild the world after it is ove)we shall have to get clear about those ends and ideal,which are the first principles of human life and of orgaized society. Our people should be able to look to tluniversities for the moral courage, the intellectual claity, and the spiritual elevation needed to guide them anuphold them in this critical hour. The universities mucontinue to pioneer on the new frontiers of researdBut today research is not enough either to hold the unversity together or to give direction to bewildered hmanity. We must now seek not knowledge alone, buwisdom.This is what the University Grants Committee of En;land meant when it said, "Here arises the responsibiliof the universities. They are the inheritors of the Greettradition of candid and intrepid thinking about the fundamental issues involved in the life of the individualand of the community, and of the Greek principle tha'the unexamined life is no life for man."Candid and intrepid thinking about fundamental issues in the crisis of our time this is the central oblig*tion of the universities. This is the standard by whichthey must be judged. This is the aim which will giv'unity, intelligibility, and meaning to their work. This the road to wisdom. Upon that road the Amcricai)university will regain its own soul and bring hope amcomfort to a distracted world.