T�� UNIVtRSITY O�(�I(AGO MAGAZINtTHE ALUMNI COUNCILOFTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOChairman, JOHN NUVEEN, JR., '18Secretary and Editor, CHARLTON T. BECK, '04The Council for 1939-40 is composed of the fol lo wing delegates:FROM THE COLLEGE ASSOCIATION: Josephine T. Allin, '99; Arthur C. Cody, '24; Charles C.Greene, '19, JD'21; Olive Greensfelder, '16; Huntington Henry, '06; Frances HendersonHiggins_, '20; J. Kenneth Laird, '25; Frank J. Madden, '20, JD'22; Herbert 1. Markham,'05; Robert T. Mc Kinlay, '29, JD'32; Frank McNair, !03; Helen Norris, '07; John Nuveen,.r-., '18; Keith 1. Parsons, '33; JD'37; Elizabeth Sayler) '3.5; Katharine Slaught, '09; Clif­ton Utley, '26; Helen Wells, '24.FUOM 'I'I-IE DOCTORS OF PHILIOSOPHY ASSOCIATION: Charles H. Behre, '18, PhD'25; Rollin T.Chamberlin, '03, PhD'07; Leon P. Smith, AM'28, PhD'30.FROM THE DIVINITY ASSOCIATION: Charles L. Calkins, AM'22; Laird T. Hites, AM'16, DB'17,PhD'25; Sylvester Jones, DB'07.FnoM THE LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATION: Charles F. McElroy, Al\f'06, JD'15; Charles P. Schwartz,'08, JD'09; Horace A. Young, JD'24.Fuoxr 'l'HE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: Harold A. Anderson, '2·1�, AM'26; Paul 1\1. Cook, AM'27;Robert C. Woellner, AM'24.FROM THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATION: George \V. Benjamin, '35; Louise Forsyth, '30;Neil F. Sammons, '17.FROM THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATION ASSOCIATION: Anna Sexton Mitchell,AM' 30; Marie YV- alker Reese, '34, AM'36; Marion Schaffner, ' 11.Fuoxr TIlE RUSH :M EDICAL COLLEGE ASSOCIATION: C. J. Lundy, '24, MD'27; 'Villiam A. Thomas,'12, MD'16; R. W. Watkins, MD'25.FROM THE ASSOCIATION OF THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE IN THE DIVISION OF THE BIOLOGICALSCIENCES: W. Carter Goodpasture, MD'37; J olm Van Prohaska, '28, MD'34; B. G. Sarnat,'33, MD'37.FUOlVI THE ClIICAGO ALUMNAE CLUB: Mrs. Jasper S. King, '18; Catharine Rawson, '25; Mrs,George Simpson, ' 18.FROM TIlE CHICAGO ALUMNI CLUB: John J. Schommer, '09; Wrisley B. Oleson, '18; John wn.Iiam Chapman, '15, JD'17.FROM TIlE UNIVERSITY: John F. Moulds, '07.Alumni Associations Repreenfed in the Alumni CouncilTHE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: President, John Nuveen, Jr., '18; Secreiar u, Charlton T.Beck, '01�, University of Chicago.DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY ASSOCIATION: President, Charles H. Behre, '18, PhD'25; Secretary, LeonP. Smith, AM'28, PhD'30, University of Chicago.DIVINITY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION: President, Willi am F. Rothenberger, DB'07; Secretaru, CharlesT. Holman, DB'16, University of Chicago.LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIO�: President. HW'ftce A. Young, JD'24; Secretary, Charles F. 1\Ic­Elroy, Al\1'06, JD'15, 29 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago.SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ASSOCIATION: President, Aaron J. Brumbaugh, PhD'29; Secretary, Le-nore John, AM'27, 6009 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago.SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATION: President, John Cornyn, AM'36; Secretary, Sarah Hicks, '36,6656 Stewart Ave., Chicago.RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE ASSOCIATION: President, Frederick B. Moorehead, MD'06; Secretary, CarlO. Rinder, '11, MD'13, 122 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago.SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SERVICE ADlVIINISTRATION ASSOCIATION: President, Roger Cumming, AM'26;Secr etaru , Alice Voiland, AM'36, �654 Kenwood Avenue, Chicago.ASSOCIATION OF THE :MEDICAL SCHOOL OF THE DIVISION OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: President, AlfT. Haerem, MD'37; Secretary, Ansgar K. Rodholm, MD'38, University of Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to the Alumni Council,Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago. The dues for membership in anyone of the Associations namedabove, Including subscription to THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE, are $2.00 per year. A holderof more than one Degree from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association;in such instances the dues are divided and shared equally by the Association involved.THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNICHARLTON T. BECK, '04Editor and Business Manager COUNCILREUBEN FRODIN, '33Associate EditorBERN LUNDY, '37; WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, JD '22; DON MORRIS, '36; RALPH W. NICHOLSON, '36Contributing EditorsTHE COVER: Carl Sandburg,historian and poet, photo­graphed in the UniversityLibrary's Lincoln Room by DeWittKelley. By accident, the day selectedfor the taking of the picture was theday after Mr. Sandburg had beenawarded the Pulitzer Prize for hismonumental Abraham Lincoln: TheWar Years. Mr. Sandburg's visits tothe University have been frequnt dur­ing the years, but none has been morehighly appreciated than his stay thisspring under the auspices of the Wal­green Foundation (see page 5).•Like Sandburg, William E. Doddwas an eminent historian. He wasalso a great teacher and a statesmanwho represented the United States inGermany during one of the mostcritical perods in modern times. Heserved- the University well, and hisdeath is a real loss.· Three of his col­leagues spoke at a memorial servicein his honor last month and these arereproduced, starting on page 11.The likeness of Professor Dodd isreproduced from a painting by Sid­ney Dickinson, to be hung at theUniversity.•Ernest C. Colwell, appointed tothe Deanship of the Divinity Schoola year and a half ago, received hisPhD degree from the University in1930. His ideas on theological edu­cation were expressed at the FacultyDinner last fall, and put in writing IN THIS ISSUEfor the Journal of Religion. It isfrom the columns of the current issueof the Journal that we reprint BetterTheoloqical Education.•William P. Schenk, who contrib­utes the article on Sandburg to thismonth's MAGAZINE, has been doingeditorial work for the Fiftieth Anni­versary Office.•Two more of the prize-winningessays in this year's manuscript con­test are printed in this issue of theMAGAZINE. Coincidentally, both ofthe authors were graduated in theclass of 1920, which this year cele­brates its twentieth anniversary (withTABLE OF CONTENTSMAY. 1940PageLETTERS 2Books ..........•................... 3CARL SANDBERG, YES, William P.Schenk 5WILLIAM E. DODD, Addresses by AveryO. Craven, Charles E. Merriam,Marcus W. J ernegan. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7BETTER THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION, Er­nest . C. Colwell.................... 11A VIEW 40 YEARS IN MAKING, Ger-trude C. Stutz iaITS MEANING TO ITs ALUMNI, MerleE. Irwin 151940 REUNION PROGRAM .........•..•• 17NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES, BernLundy 20PROGRESS REPORT, Ralph W. Nicholson 22ATHLETICS, Don Morris 23NEWS OF THE CLASSES 29 a dinner at the Quadrangle Club onJune 7). Mrs. Stutz, who lives inLawrence Kan., received honorablemention for her entry last year,Training Soldiers for Democracy,which was printed in the OctoberMAGAZINE. Miss Irwin lives in Chi­cago.•Speaking of anniversaries leads usto remind each reader to turn topages 17, 18 and 19, where the com­plete program for the 1940 AlumniReunion is set out. There are goingto be so many things go on that it isdifficult to call attention to anythingspecially. The Alumni School, whichwill celebrate its fifth birthday thisyear, has enjoyed increasing attend­ance every year. The attendancedemonstrates the continuing interestof the alumni in the persons who areteaching at the University and whatthey have to say. The participating'speakers are enthusiastic about theSchool, which makes it a pleasure toplan the program.•Our regular contributors thismonth: Bern Lundy (News of theQuadrangles); Don Morris (Ath­letics); and Ralph W. Nicholson(Alumni Foundation}, Mr. Lundy'sillness unfortunately prevented himfrom finishing a story on the impres­sive alumni gathering held in con­nection with the 25th Anniversarymeeting of the American Associationof Petroleum Geologists. .� Published by the Alumni Council of the University of Chicago monthly, from October to June. Office of Publication, 403 Cobb Hall, 58th St. atellis Avenue, Chicago. Annual subscription price $2.00. Sing,le copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the PostQffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza. New York City, is the official adver­hsing agency of the University of Chicago Magazine.2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESAILING ON 33,OOO·TON UNITED STATES FLAGeL�L�S. S. BRAZIL S. S. URUGUAYS. S. ARGENTINASailing other Friday from NewYork. Cruise rates $360tourist, $480 first class($550 certain seasons).Also 'Round South Amer­ica Tours and Cruises.Consult your Travel Agent orMOO�08MACK5 BROADWAY NEW YORK LETTERS IDEFINING TERMSTo the Editor:"What we need to learn is to detectall the many tricks of the propagandist,to resist their influence and to thinkfor ourselves."Profiting from that advice, I wouldlike to examine the paragraph whichprecedes it in Professor Ogburn'sarticle, "Four Issues Ahead," in theApril MAGAZINE."Good propagandists, given an ade­quate budget, can make us either loveor hate Russia within six months."Apart from disagreeing with thisstatement, I take exception to theselection of the subject for propagation.Should we not, in fairness, choose sucha concept as "white paper" or "greenink" rather than much maligned Russiafor use in such a statement?"Youth are the particular animalsthat the propagandists love to hunt.The Nazis and the Communists wantthe youth more than any other groupin society. The Pope and Mussolinifought long and bitterly for controlover them in Italy."As a teacher, Dr. Ogburn knows thathis first sentence is unassailable: thisprinciple is fundamental to education.Not only the nazis and communists, butdemocrats and Catholics want the youthmore than any other group in society. Iwould suggest an elaboration of theaims of each in relation to the "want.""In the pure air of the university"we have learned to examine loose think­ing and careless language both critic­ally and with a view toward adjustingour understanding and acceptance to itsmerit. First let us define our terms!Sincerely,BROWNLEE HAYDON, '35FROM SUNNY CALIFORNIATo the Editor:Please do send me fifty copies currentApril magazine because I want to spreadaround the Hutchins article therein.Address Bank of America Bldg., Bev­erly Hills where of course I expect youto send me the bill. May I say what adamn good magazine you're accom­plishing.BARTLETT CORMACK, '22.Beverly Hills, Calif.SERIOUS QUESTIONTo the Editor:Anyone knowing where to find outhow much a camel cost 2000 years ago,please write. This is our currentstumbling block.FRANCES CHRISTESON, '23.Reference Librarian.University of So. California,Los Angeles. • Bet he'd be as cute as those Hollywoodkids! Why don't you get a Filmo Cameranow and start baby's personal movierecord? Think how you'll prize it in yearsto come!It's Easy! Just press a button, and what Y01lsee, you get •.• in color or black-and-white,indoors and out, even in slow motion;It's Inexpensive! Palm-size Filmo uses filmcosting but $2, including development,for enough to make about 2 5 newsreel.length scenes.It's Certain! Filmos assure professionalresults right from the start, for they areprecision-made by the makers, since 1907,of Hollywood's professional movie equip­ment. Filmos are basic cameras with extraspeeds, device for animating cartoons,provision for using special lenses, andother features you'll soon be using. From$49.50. Buy now on easy terms. Bell &Howell Company, Chicago; New York;Hollywood; London. Est. 1907. r-.-.. __� ...FREE MOVIE BOOKLET .:=:�.;'::::;·i;r.'i.-&-;;�;;r.'i.""c��;��; __ 'I)f��;£,1839 Larchmont Ave., Chicago, Ill. I,{§.j'�'U!Please send free, 16.page book- --._-.let telling how to make fine homemovies.Name ... __ - _ - __ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - --Address --- --- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -----City State GO 5-40PRECISION-MADE BYBEll & HOWELLTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZIKE 3[ BOOKSCITIZENS. By Meyer Levin, '24. NewYork: Viking Press, 1940. $2.75.Citizens is a book about the shootingbefore the plant of the Republic SteelCompany in South Chicago, on May 30,1937. The author graduated fr0111 theUniversity of Chicago in 1924, and hassince been a newspaper man and nov­elist. He was deeply impressed by theevents about which he has written.Moreover, as the reviewer remembersMr. Levin played an active, useful andcourageous part in helping to correctfalse impressions created bv hystericalChicago newspapers, and to get someof the truth promptly before the public.Since the event, he has plainly spentmuch time studying the situation, andreflecting on it. His book is a novel.It is not, indeed, concerned primarilywith character and action. There arenine short stories told as the lives ofworkers killed in the disorder. A tenthvictim appears at various points in thebook. (Ten men were actually killed;and it was Memorial Day, not theFourth of July, as the story says. Thus,we are reminded that it is fiction.) Be­tween each story of a. worker, comes asection about "intellectuals." Thesesections develop two main themes. Oneis the effort of a thoughtful doctor, thecentral figure in the book, to understandnot only the patients which the shootinzbrought him but the clash itself. Th�other theme is the efforts of variousgroups in the community to understandand clarify the event, and to contributesomehow to the prevention of its re­currence.The lives of the wage earners arevivid and well constructed stories.There is the Polish crane operator,proud of his little "farm," on three lots,and of his skill with the crane; am­bitious for a real farm and a bettercrane; a good mixer, trying to get hishusky daughters well married. Thereis a wandering Mexican, a steadySwede, a slightly comic-if pathetic­German communist, a wild Irishman,an ailing Greek, a southern farm boy,an Italian, a Negro. Each story istold with imagination, vigor and econ­omy. The operations of an industrynot yet given over wholly to the ma­chine are. the background. The styleis terse and successful. The charactersare complicated and unidealized, yetproperly heroic. Each story ends ina shooting entirely irrelevant to thecharacter of the life destroyed, and sobrutally ironical.The theme of the intellectuals ishandled differently. The central char­acter, Dr. Wilner, tries to understandthe event. He is the practitioner of a MEYER LEVIN, '24humane science, and he is. both puzzledand troubled. As a person, he changeslittle; but his understanding grows tosome extent. He does his job in aworkmanlike way. He admires some ofhis middle class fellow citizens, is scorn­ful of a few, and is puzzled by others.He is disappointed, but not altogetherin despair, that so little comes of theexperience.Around him revolve various groupsof middle class folk. Among these mustbe included some, at least, of the rad­ical and bickering minor union officials.There are groups of liberals. Thereare the members and staff of the La­Follette Committee, who for a time givethe events their true significance. In­teracting with workers, strike leaders,policemen, slightly lunatic "fascists,"officials of the Chicago Federation ofLabor, lumping all steel executives to­gether with the notorious Mr. Girdler,the liberals. conduct a mass meeting, goto Washington, participate in a La­Follette hearing, attend and take partin a coroner's inquest in Chicago.The book is not only a novel, but anattempt to work out some conclusionswith respect to the forces which ap­pear in this single clash. The deathof ten men may seem a small mattertoday, with the daily reports of largescale battles on other continents. Yetone may examine such a clash for in­dications of the nature of the tensionsin our community, which are not unre­lated to the more serious troublesabroad.The wage earners who appear hereare more concerned with their dignityand independence than with their secur­ity. They are proud of their varyingdegrees of skill, of their physicalstrength, and of their part in an im­pressive industrial process. Their wives and children, and their associationswith their fellows, occupy a large partof their thoughts. They are lusty andbelligerent, occasionally afraid. It isonly insofar as their positive satisfac­tions are threatened, that they are con­cerned with their security. True, theyare affected by insecurity. Lack ofpromotion, layoff of imported workers,plain firing, increasing mechanization.the great depression, all the little de­pressions, sickness, old age, and acci­dent, appear. But the men are too fullof life and vigor to be preoccupied withinsecurity, to regard it as anythingwhich might conceivably destroy theirindependence. They are uncowed,though continually threatened.The middle class group, including theradical strike leaders, are in variousways different. If the "radicals" arethemselves free from doubt, they arenot free from suspicion and conflictamong themselves. It seems indeedthat the radicals are somewhat out ofperspective in the story; and one wouldlike to hear more of the conservativeunion leaders who were really in chargein Chicago.Mr. Levin's philosophy leads him todeal not unsympathetically with his lib­erals, recognizing the character of ayoung raw industrial metropolis likeChicago. The reviewer, must however,enter a vigorous protest at what he re­gards as the unfair treatment of a char­acter represented as the professoralderman. In life, the model for thischaracter has annoyed some of his as­sociates by actually going to work,under conditions as they actually exist,in the rather unsatisfactory governmentof this great city. Among other things,he contributed to the satisfactory polic­ing of Packingtown during the nextgreat contest following the Little Steelstrike, a contest which might easilyhave developed into even more uglystrife than that before Republic.The heroic figures outside the wageearner group, are, quite properly, Dr.Wilner and Senator LaFollette.Dr. Wilner is the man of science,brought up in the middle class, andpuzzling over a new and disturbingexperience. "In medical ethics, ofcourse, life stood as the one virtue;there was no comparable value. Allscience, all knowledge, all effort, wasat the service of a single moment ofhuman li fe. . . . And then they standthem up and shoot them down." At alater stage, repelled by "radical" naiveteand reactionary cruelty alike, he comesto a familiar but sound faith in demo­cratic regard for human personality.The leading influence in this process isthat of Senator LaFollette, and thecareful and vigorous work of his com­mittee in clarifying the incidents of theclash before the Republic plant.MALCOLM P. SHARPThe Law School4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESILVER ANNIVERSARYCLASS OF 1915DINNER JUNE 7FIELD DAY JUNE 9 YOU ARE INVITEDNOT ONLY TOTHE ALUMNISCHOOLBUTTO CLASSREUNIONS ANDSCHOOL DINNERSAS USUALCLASSES OF 1910.-17SWIMMING-BARBECUE JUNE 7LUNCHEON-BASEBALL JUNE 8CLASS OF 1920DINNER JUNE 7FIELD DAY JUNE 9CLASS OF 1930DINNER JUNE 7 CLASS OF 1935RURAL FANDANGO JUNE 15CLASS OF 1938DINNER JUNE 7BRAINS V. BRAWNORDER OF "C"W.A.A.PHI BETA KAPPA JUNE bJUNE 6JUNE 10SEE PAGES 17-19 FOR COMPLETE PROGRAMASSOCIATION DINNERSBUSINESS MAY 28SOCIAL SERVICE JUNE 5RUSH JUNE 6LAW JUNE 6SOUTH SIDE MEDICAL JUNE 7DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY JUNE 8THE UNIVERSITYCHICAGOVOLUME XXXII OFMAGAZINE NUMBER 8MAY, 1940CARL SANDBURG, YESCARL SANDBURG knows what the people liveby. He knows that the wheat fields and the five­and-tens are American institutions as authenticas hot dogs and straw hats at the baseball game. Heknows that American institutions like picketing and freespeech are as valid. as the ballot and free schools. It isgood that in a time of anxious asking of grave questions'about our institutions that Carl Sandburg should cometo the University of Chicago this month to deliver sixlectures under the auspices of the Charles R. WalgreenFoundation for the Study of American Institutions.Carl Sandburg has spent most of his sixty-two yearsstudying American institutions. In doing so, and in thecourse of passing on his findings, he has himself becomesomething of an American institution.ICarl Sandburg attended Lombard College from 1898until 1902; and he has received honorary degrees fromthat school, from Knox College and Northwestern Uni­versity. He 'wasthe Phi Beta Kappa poet at Harvardin 1928. But it is not because of his academic belong­ings that he knows how the American institutions of free-.clom of inquiry and speech are intimately related to thepast and future of the universities of America. Sand­burg has been cool as an historian, as the universities .have to be, in his treatment-for example, of the causesand conduct of the Civil War. For more than half acentury he has done what he could to conserve the wis­dom of the people; and he hasmade his own contribu­tions to that wisdom. He has kept his-ears open to thesayings of the people, and has permanently recordedthose sayings-and not only in his book, The People)Yes. He has listened to the people's songs at their owntimes and places and gathered them into his AmericanSonqbaq. He has worked over crumbling newspapersand .long-forgotten letters and documents in the Northand South-gathering material for his monumental workon Lincoln. He has ransacked more than a hundredlibraries for the thoughts and doings of the people withthe object of saving them for the people here now andon their way.Carl Sandburg has been making books since 1913.The shelf of his writings sags now under some twodozen big and little volumes. The character of AbrahamLincoln, the workings of the big city and the little town,the lights and shadows of the American landscape, the .• By WILLIAM P. SCHENKcharacter of the American lingo-he has put new pack­ages on shelves of our knowledge of these. He has givenit to us straight, told it to us as he saw-it, handed it tous as he got it. It is not strange that he is greatly loved.IIThere are many Carl Sandburgs. There is a Sand­burg who last December gave the world a life of Lin­coln written on the large scale of a symphony. Thereis a Sandburg who writes stories for children-stories.about Rootabaga people like the Potato Face Blind Man,and Johnny the Wham Who Sleeps in Money All theTime, and Joe the Wimp Who Shines and Sees Things.There is a Sandburg who back in 1916 put a contempo­rary bunkshooter on the spot so that he never got overit. There is a white-haired Sandburg who a dozentimes has traveled from the Atlantic to the Pacific witha guitar, singing songs and telling stories he has pickedup along the way. There are Sandburgs who coveredthe Chicago Race Riots of 1919-who soap-boxed inSocialist .Milwaukee-c-who wrote editorials for the oldDaybook and the Chicago Daily News. There are manySandburgs, yes.There is a Sandburg who lives and works in a houseon a high hill in Michigan. He shakes off sleep somemornings listening to recordings of Bach's BrandenburgConcerti. He drinks milk which comes from his ownherd of Toggenberg goats. He walks through big­windowed rooms walled with books; he leans back ina wearing old Morris chair alongside the radio and lis­tens to the latest news. He reads letters from schoolchildren, from youngsters who want to be poets, fromhoboes and potentates and from cronies nearby and faraway. He eats a workingman's dinner with Mrs. Sand­burg and three daughters in the sunset glow off LakeMichigan.There is a Sandburg who with his long stogie andlong thoughts, goes into his workroom with its orange­crate bookshelves and soap box files. Yes, there aremany Sandburgs. Some of those Sandburgs are 111these lines he wrote about himself:"I am credulous about the destiny of man,and I believe more than I can ever proveof the future of the human raceand the importance of illusions,the value of great expectations.I would like to be in the same momentan earthworm (which I am) anda rider to the moon (which 1 am)."56 THE U N I V E R SIT Y 0 F CHI C AGO MAG A Z I· N EIIIYes, Carl Sandburg's say-so on the subjects of hislectures at the University-American institutions all ofthem-is worth listening to. Romanticism and realismare two of the American ways of looking at life and tell­ing about it that have wooed Sandburg's attention sincehe was a little Swedish farm-boy on the Illinois prairienear Galesburg. Those ways of looking at life startedto make themselves a little clearer to him when hewatched his father come home from work with a railroadconstruction crew, and when he went to work himselfas a milk wagon driver, as a porter in a barber shop, asa sceneshifter, hotel dishwasher, truckman in a brick­yard, hired-hand in the wheat fields of Kansas. Ro­manticism and realism kept making themselves clearerto him during the months he served in the Sixth Illi­nois Infantry in Puerto Rico; they defined themselvesmore and more for him in Stockholm when he reportedWorld War news for the N.E.A. He is saying thingsworth taking home for keeps.Who better than Carl Sandburg can re-createAmerican humor? No one has more patientlythumbed the unpublished joke-books of the Americanpeople. Sandburg's telling of a story is more than amatter of the combination of his mobile face, his friendlyeyes, his gifts of voice and subtlety and knowing exactlywhere to stop. It has wrapped up in it an essential rever­ence for the comic, a knowledge of where stories camefrom and how, an understanding of the littleness of thejump between the laughing and the crying out loud. Hehas intuitive feeling for the stories passed between thetwo dollar a day street-sprinkler driver who took his jobso seriously he went on driving while the rain poureddown-and the hobo who grinned, "Give me somethingto eat; I'm so thirsty I don't know where I'm going tosleep tonight." Yes, Carl Sandburg knows the recipesfrom which the people-"the bookless people"-maketheir Paul Bunyans and their Mike Finks. He knowshow and why out of fogs and smokes the nonsensestories, the tall tales, and the folk myths keep coming­and always will.Taking them out of his own notebooks, Carl Sand­burg on the stage of Mandel Hall sang some of thesongs he has nicknamed Pioneer Memories, HayrackFollies, Darn Fool Ditties, Tarnished Love Tales, Ban­dit Biographies. He shared his cache of Kentuckyballads, railroad, work-gang and shanty-boy songs, andNegro spirituals. Carl Sandburg's creamy baritone andthe home-made chords he gets out of his guitar havealready visited-he said, thirteen years ago-"abouttwo-thirds of the state universities of the country, audi­ences ranging from 3,000 people at the University ofCalifornia to thirty at the Garret Club in Buffalo, NewYork, and organizations as diverse as the Poetry So­ciety of South Carolina and the Knife and Fork Club ofSouth Bend, Indiana." His singing out of their ownsongbag is one of Carl Sandburg's ways of talking aboutinstitutions of the American people. He reminds us that "The response of wild birdsto a home on the way,a stopping place of rest.this and the wish of a childto eat the moonas a golden ginger cookie-this is in the songs of the people."IVMandel Hall audiences, later this month will hear threelectures on Abraham Lincoln. Playwright Robert E.Sherwood, whose Abe Lincoln in Illinois made Lincolnlive vitally on stage and screen, has written: H Any re­view of The War Years at this time can be no morethan a smattering report of quickly rendered fragments.I t is so great a work that it will require great readingand great reflection before any true appreciation of itspermanent value can be formed. It will beget manyother books. But, in the meantime, the people of this na­tion and this human race may well salute and thank CarlSandburg for the magnitude of his contribution to ourcommon heritage."Knowing as a poet knows the interractive forces be­tween men and their myths-(and asking in The People,YesJ "When has creative man not toiled deep in myth ?")-Carl Sandburg knows how the Lincoln myths are anAmerican institution. Aware of the mysterious spectrumof personality and the bewildering exchanges betweenhuman motives and historical circumstances, Carl Sand­burg is ready to talk about "The Unfathomed Lincoln."Knowing how a funny story sometimes can dam theflood of tears, how men's major decisions can be keptsafely in the wrappings of a joke, how wit is an instru­ment for living, Carl Sandburg is one of few who cando justice to the subject "The Laughter of Lincoln."Yes, Carl Sandburg is talking about American insti­tutions. He knows their beginnings, their mutations,their power. He knows that some of them were herealways-the Rockies and the Mississippi Valley. Heknows that some of them came over on the Mayflowerand that others came along with bandana bundles in thesteerages of ships. He knows that the makers of theinstitutions are the people themselves-the people work­ing, having a good time, kidding each other. Carl Sand­burg knows that things happen to institutions, that thepeople do things to their institutions. He knows thatslavery was an institution, and that there are new insti­tutions ahead. He has learned something from Lincolnwho said, "This country, with its institutions, belongsto the people who inhabit it."What is most important about Carl Sandburg andabout the Walgreen Lectures he has been giving thisMay, is his passing on the faith of the people of Americain their institutions. This is a faith we need in thesehammer and anvil days. It is a faith that, like CarlSandburg's, must be deep-rooted in the understandingthat-"The people say and unsayput up and tear downand put. together againa 'builder, wrecker, and builder again­this is the people."THE ALUMNI AND THE 50THHERE'S the University's Fiftieth Anniversarycorning along, and what are we as alumnigoing to do about it?" That's what JohnNuveen, Jr., '18, Chairman of the Alumni Council, hasbeen asking himself and others since late last winterwhen the realization began to get around that the Uni­versity was approaching a very important birthday.Evidently he has the answer; he is getting ready toannounce-before October is through-the formationof a new and important alumni organization that willbegin work at once. Just how the answer was arrivedat is quite a story.After all (we can see John Nuveen saying to himselfback there last winter) the alumni are the only livingthings that most people ever know about the University.In general we can say that the public thinks about theUniversity much as the alumni think about it, so whatthe alumnus thinks and does about his University hasan important bearing on what the public thinks and doesabout the University. Ergo, whatever the alumni doabout the Fiftieth Anniversary is highly important. Butwhat to do about it, what to do?Then the meetings set it. Before Convocation lastJune various informal groups of alumni were consulted.There was talk, lots of good talk, about what the alumnishould do, about what the University should do. Be­fore three years were out they'd be standing quite dis­tinctly in the spotlight of public attention. That thelight would be bright went without question. Whatother university has done as much in a hundred years­or three hundred-as this university has packed into itsastonishing fifty? Everyone agreed that the alumnimust have an important role-perhaps the major role­in the celebration.Some thirty alumni, covering the years back to theClass of '97, became a committee of a sort. The AlumniCouncil immediately proceeded to make the committeeofficial with the title of Fiftieth Anniversary AlumniCommittee. Thus armed, and with the whole summerbefore them, the members set to work.Meanwhile Charlton Beck made a nation-wide sam­pling of alumni opinion which brought to light a num­ber of interesting ideas. For instance, the alumni bodywas seen as having reached full growth. By the timethe University gives off its fiftieth annual crop of gradu­ates its alumni will cover the span of life from twentyto "three score and ten." From then on the livingalumni body will be mature and constant and, Chair­man N uveen says, an increasingly vital force in the lifeof the University.Through talks with such alumni members of the Boardof Trustees as Harold Swift, Paul S. Russell, and Her­bert Zimmermann, the committee learned a lot about thecurrent problems and needs of the University. For whatbetter way to be a vital force in the life of the Uni­versity than by sweeping away a problem or' caring for • By RALPH W. NICHOLSON. 136a need? They learned lots about educational finance­about the amazing race to add new endowment fastenough to offset the declining rate of return and conse­quent shrinkage of income. They heard how the Uni­versity is using up its reserve funds.They learned that, after breathing easily for a whilein what President Hutchins in his recent annual reportto the alumni calls the "false dawn of 1936-37," the Uni­versity has again returned to belt tightening. Theyheard enough to wonder whether, in view of the eco­nomic uncertainty everywhere, the University could ex­pect gifts and bequests to continue at the recent gener­ous rate. They were exposed to. studies of enrollmenttrends and saw that our enrollment, like those of manycolleges and universities, had not yet recovered from thedepression. At the same time, they learned about someof the important current projects on the Midway andabout the function of, endowed schools in the changingeducational scene. Most of these things are discussedin the recent President's report sent to 45,000 alumni.By this time the committee was convinced that thealumni participation in the Fiftieth Anniversary-in oneof its major manifestations-should take the form of of­fering tangible help to the University. But how?They looked around to see what other alumni were,doing, and discovered that three years before LittleEgypt set up her own air currents to vie with the lakebreezes at the Columbian Exposition, Yale m�n had setup the Yale Alumni Fund. After the turn of the cen­tury, about the time when Chicago's fourth and fifthfreshman classes were graduating, other universities andcolleges with "mature" alumni bodies began followingYale's lead-Dartmouth, Cornell, and Amherst by 1908;Brown, Wesleyan, Harvard, New York University,Stanford, Colgate, Syracuse, Northwestern, the Uni­versity of Southern California, and eighty others nottoo long afterward.The benefits of an alumni fund to a university werewell stated a few years ago by Dr. James Rowland An­gell, then president of Yale. The officials of the YaleFund, he wrote, "have not only succeeded in bringingto the University year after year financial support of anindispensable character, but they have also done whatI regard as far more significant, in that they have keptour alumni body intelligently and sympathetically in­formed of the plans and the ideals of Yale. The re­sult has been a widespread and uninterrupted moralsupport for our undertaking which has always been ofthe greatest inspiration and which has undoubtedly re­sulted in an intelligent loyalty to the University thatcould have been secured in no other way."N ow, the committee said to itself, we're getting someplace. We know that we want to do something worthwhile by 1941, we know what the University needs, andwe know what other alumni groups have done success-(C ontinued on Page 26)7JAMES WEBER LINN;An Appreciation By an "Old Grad"• By FRANK P. BRECKINRIDGE, 119JAMES WEBER LINN exerted more influence onmy life than my own father. I had been headedfor Harvard Law School since high school; in 1919a generous University gave me a so-called war degreebased on two years of real work and (due to the war)one and one-quarter years of pretty sketchy effort. Mr.Linn then suggested a year of graduate economics inNew York City at Columbia University. Father, whowas anxious that I should get into the business world,was appalled at the addition of another postgraduateyear to three more of law, and termed the whole ideaan educational frill. But I followed Mr. Linn's advice,went to Columbia, and it changed the whole course ofmy life. He was continually giving young men suchadvice which had great significance in their lives..At the risk of yielding to "the pressure of autobig ...raphy" I set down these facts because they were alsotrue in the lives of many other students. Mr. Linnsensed the immaturity in my makeup and knew exactlywhat was needed. We liked each other a good deal andthat emotional reaction caused him to ponder my situa­tion and give it the time necessary for the true solution.This. intuitive quality based on affection was the kernel,I think, of that pervading something that set him apart.Many of his. young friends used to correspond withhim during the summer so as to continue the close asso­ciation of the academic year. I have a letter before me,written during a period which was one of Mr. Linn'sbusiest-twelve pages of his own handwriting, discuss­ing whether eventually I should direct my effortstowards the public service (in a state's attorney's officeor some other political job) or whether, as he sug­gested, I should try to become a "legal executive." Itis ironical, in view of his own later efforts in the statelegislature, that, in arguing for the legal executive, hewrote "Politics will only cause you many hateful days."Now most people will not give advice to a young manabout his life when he asks for it. Even though theythink they know, they really don't care enough to makethe effort. But Mr. Linn did care and was willing tomake the effort.In one of those letters he told, of the death of a stu­dent who had broken his leg accidentally in an inter­fraternity baseball game. I hadn't realized that Mr.Linn had known him very well, but the description ofhow a relatively unimportant fracture had eventuallyresulted in his death was followed by the simple sen­tence, "I loved that boy."One's first experience with Mr. Linn was usuallyalarming. He really put the fear of God into us. Inmy first of his English courses the class divided itselfinto two groups; one group did careful, well-rounded,accurate but somewhat dull work; the other (of whichhe termed me a ring leader) turned out helter-skelter, sloppy, hit-or-miss copy which was somehow interest­ing. 11r. Linn, having described this division, thenpicked up my paper and remarked, "Now here's a rottenpiece of work by Mr. Breckinridge." On another hewrote simply, "Based on no knowledge and thereforefeeble."Another student had turned in a sophomoric, melo­dramatic story in which a young man got himself intowhat he imagined a terrible predicament. Mr. Linn'commented as follows: "I love chocolate creams. Thereis a box of chocolate creams in my grandmother's room.Shall I get a chocolate cream even if I have to kill mygrandmother? No, not even for a chocolate cream."His criticism and his sarcasm, couched in forcefullanguage, were so just that the sufferer always remem­bered them gratefully as putting a finger on what heneeded most at that time. But it took time and manymeetings before you got through his rough exterior tothe sensitive interior. That gruff exterior was perhapscaused by the hurts to the sensitive interior during hisyounger days. Many of us have heard him tell how, asa green freshman at the University of Chicago, he wasinvited to a fraternity house for luncheon and said to asenior, "I'll join you." The senior replied, "You'll goto hell until you're asked." That kind of experiencemay have caused him to present to newcomers the growl­ing, big-stick, Theodore Roosevelt exterior which sug­gested the nickname of "Teddy."N one of his best friends that I know called him"Teddy." Mostly out of affection and partly out ofearnest admiration, we called him, respectfully, MisterLinn. But that sensitive interior was there, and oncein the inner circle you were given the full force of what­ever power he could direct to your benefit. A youngman of whom he had grown fond went to see him onurgent business outside of his office hours. Mr. Linnwas exceedingly busy, and with a considerable amountof emphasis told him that he ,would not see him outsideof office hours. Ten days later, the same young manbecame somewhat involved with University disciplinebecause of absentmindedly tossing beer bottles out ofhis dormitory window. There seemed. to the discipli­narians little to do in turn but to toss him out of theUniversity. In desperation he called on Mr. Linn atmidnight. Mr. Linn got out of bed fulminating aboutbottle tossing in words which still glow in the youngman's memory, dressed, went to the president of the uni­versity, got the president out of bed and pleaded thecase of the young man. That young man stayed in col­lege. This ability to see the exact situation more clearlythan anyone else and the willingness to help which wentwith it grew on his students so that he was most ap­preciated in the years after they were out of school.Mr. Linn set young men's -feet in the proper paths8THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE[While casting about for suitablematerial with which to rememberour teacher and friend, JamesWeber Linn, the editors came onthe "verse" of his printed below,sent to the MAGAZINE two years ago by C. J. Pike, '96("Teddy would probably agree that thisis not an epic.")]with a clearer understanding oftheir futures than they had them­selves. He got me my first job,writing editorials on economicsand politics on the Chicago Eve­ning Post (a job which I nevercould have held if it hadn't beenfor the year at Columbia) andthen as a law clerk with West andEckhart, Al Widdifield, an edi­tor of the Maroon, "wanted towrite" and thought newspaper re­porting should be the first step.Mr. Linn invited him over to siton the' front steps and talk aboutit; then wrote a letter to HenryJustin Smith on the Chicago DailyNews which secured the place, re­marking to Widdifield that hewould never stay in the writingbusiness, but would be in an ad­vertising agency within two years.He was.It is fitting that a friend andcolleague of the department shouldwrite the full evaluation of his lifeas a writer and teacher. But Mr.Linn had many sides to his char­acter which his colleagues on thefaculty perhaps did not know sointimately as his younger friends.Many of us could write at lengthabout how he created the charac­ters and lines of the "NaughtyNineties" and other Blackfriar. shows, of his friendships and ca­maraderie at the Tavern Club.But it is impossible to set down ina few pages all the sides of him. 9JAMES WEBER LINN 1876-1939Ne'er a student now, is gayEvery woman is passeAnd it's hell to have to study out beside the Old Midway!THE OLD GRAD'S LAMENTDEAR Old Grad:Cork up your tear-ducts, put your handkerchiefto dry,Lament for us no more laments, never sigh another sigh,For there's no wind in the oak-trees, there are no maidsleft to say;"Leave off sending stamps for answer" and return tothe Midway;To the torrid Old MidwayWhere the grass with dust is grayAnd the heat is something frightful with every singledying day; There are maidens here by hundreds, but their hair isflecked with gray,Noses long and glasses on 'em, in the good old schoolma'm way,And they come from Indiana, where the yellow hay-fieldsblow,And there's nothing under heaven that they do notthink they know;You're in luck to be in town,Though you ought to see their gowns,Hear their voices squeak a chorus as they call theteacher down!(Continued on Page 26)MR. LINN AND MR. ALDIS' SHIRT·MYoId teacher and friend, Professor JamesWeber Linn, was buried a few days ago in thelittle town of Cedarville. In no case could thefutility of words be more complete than now, for he, ofall people, was most alive. To living he brought a pas­sion and an interest that did not seem derived from anyimpersonal life-flood or force, but were rather his ownindependent contributions to the chemistry of interac­tive human relationships.No ivory tower scholar, he reached into the vast reser­voir of English literature, every line of which he loved,and made the voices of men long dead his eloquent own.To all of us who sat in his classrooms at the Universityof Chicago, he will remain the spokesman for all thatis vital and wise and gentle in thought and in feeling.In class after class, endlessly through the years, thou­sands of youngsters came under his spell. He taughtthem to be articulate in words, to feel something of hisown tremendous delight for beauty in language, to ap­preciate the great books which were their heritage.When I came to Hearst Square as a reporter, Mr.Linn already was a veteran of the staff. His "RoundAbout Chicago" column--so incomparably better a col­umn than this I-was a delight, and to a young colleaguebeset by all the doubts and misgivings of youth, he wasgenerous as always in his advice and encouragement.I should like to give you some feeling for Mr. Linn'sspecial quality, and I know no better way than to reprintone of his daily columns. It is one of many that I toreout of our paper in those' years that now are retreatingso rapidly into the past. It is called "Mr. Aldis' Shirt.""There is a story going about which I should like tocorrect, because I do not think it will do my reputationany good. Briefly, it is to the effect that I broke intothe apartment of Mr. Arthur Aldis, stole one of hisdress shirts, wore it so that the initials showed, and usedit to crash a party to which Mr. Aldis had been invited.This story is greatly exaggerated, and I believe the pub­lic is entitled to know the real facts."What happened was this: I was having a dinnerwith some people who live in the same apartment housethat Mr. Aldis lives in, and I had on my own dressshirt, because I was going on later to a dance. (I donot dance, but my wife does.) There was some sort ofred liquid in a glass on the table in front of me, and Ipicked it up to see what it was. It was a trick glass,I suppose, with a little hole in the side; anyway, thered liquid spilled out on the bosom of my shirt, andmade a streaky place. A very nice young woman whowas sitting next to me powdered it for me, and I thoughtmade it look quite neat; but my wife insisted that Icould not go to the dance in that shirt. Very well, Isaid; that suits me. But then she said I must go home,seven or eight miles, and change the shirt. So I saidthat was the only one I had, and I would have thoughtno more of the matter, but some one remembered that • By GEORGE MORGENSTERN. 129Mr. Arthur Aldis lived 011 the top floor, and suggestedthat I might borrow one of his shirts."So I borrowed a key from Mr. Graham Aldis, whois the son of Mr. Arthur Aldis, and I went up, andM r. Arthur Aldis was in bed, and said something aboutwhat was I doing; but after a little argument I got theshirt. Mr. Aldis used to be a cowboy, like TheodoreRoosevelt, but he is older now and hates to get out ofbed even to defend his shirts. So I took it downstairs,and changed the studs and everything, and it fitted quitewell, except at the neck. My neck is rougher than Mr.Aldis', and made it stick out a bit; but around the waistit fitted almost exactly."I started to the dance I was going to, and on theway I passed the place Mr. Aldis had been invited to,and I could feel that shirt pulling as if it were a lasso,and Mr. Aldis were still a cowboy and had hold of theother end. I couldn't have stopped that shirt if I hadtried; so I did not try. I followed the shirt into theplace that Mr. Aldis had been invited to, and somebodyasked me if I had a card, and I said, very quickly:"'If you were to look at my shirt, you would seethat it has Mr. Arthur Aldis' initials on it.'"And whoever it was said:"'Are you Mr. Arthur Aldis?' And I said:" 'If I were not, would I be wearing this shirt?'"So whoever it was stood aside, and that was allright, and I went in."And somebody else said in a loud voice:" 'Mr. Arthur Aldis l'"And I started to shake hands, and somebody who Ithink .was Mr. Spalding, or Gardner, or some such name,came up and said:" 'I know Mr. Aldis, and this is not he.'"So I started to show him the initials and the whiteflower in his buttonhole started to fall out, and two orthree others came up, also with white flowers in theirbuttonholes, and one of them said:" 'That is Mr. Aldis' shirt, I recognize it.'"So I showed them the initials, and after a little whileI went home."That is the whole story, and the only part of it thatpuzzles me is why that shirt was so insistent on goinginto that place. But I suppose it had been there sooften that it just naturally knew the way. At any rate,it was not my fault that the glass was a trick glass,and I still wonder what the red liquid could have beenthat was in it."And now that this story, and all of Mr. Linn's otherstories are told, there is still so much that we who werefond of him, and respected him, and were grateful toprefer to think that next Fall, when the sun spills. overthe quadrangles and reaches with long fingers, into theshadowy archways, we might walk into Cobb Hall, andonce more hear a remembered voice.10BETTER THEOLOGICAL EDUCATIONTHAT something is wrong with theological educa­tion is generally agreed. Objections run all theway from the complaint of the alumnus that theseminary ought to have given him a Doctor's degree forthree years' hard work, rather than just anotherBachelor's degree, to the charge of the average seculareducator that divinity education is flabby and soft, con­cerned more with piety than learn­ing, and therefore deserving nodegree at all. But much the mostserious and significant cntrcismcomes from the theological educa­tors themselves. Stimulated by thepublication of a study of divinityeducation by Robert L. Kelly, theConference of Theological Semi­naries, in co-operation with theInstitute of Social and ReligiousResearch, made a thorough inves­tigation of the way theological edu­cation is actually carried on. Verylittle is overlooked in this descrip­tion; items' of weakness and ofstrength are ide n t i fie d; and,although the work is concernedmore with diagnosis than prescrip­tion, some suggestions are madefor improvement. In the hope ofstimulating further discussion thispaper calls attention to the principalelement of weakness in the work oftheological schools today and makes,with due tentativeness, a proposal for reform. • By ERNEST CADMAN COLWELL, PhD' 30same confusion shows itself in an effort to make theirwork conform to graduate-school standards as thoughthe graduate school had a prestige which the professionalschool lacks. This effort in the same way impairs sucha seminary's ability to do well its own important task.In the following discussion the case of the independentseminary is considered first, but the reader should bearin mind that most of what is saidapplies equally to the university­related seminary when consideredas a professional school.Most of our seminaries regardthemselves as graduate schools.Out of 176 seminaries, only a fewof which are in connection with re­search institutions, 40 admit onlycollege graduates; 98 admit bothgraduates and undergraduates; 38do not require college graduation.This requirement has been some­what laxly administered; for ex­ample, only half the student bodyin these 176 seminaries have theirBachelor's degree. Again, whenthe American Association of The­ological Schools and Seminariespublished its first list of accreditedinstitutions, 16 of the 46 seminariesaccredited were reported with un­der 25 per cent undergraduatestudents; another 9 had from 25 to49 per cent undergraduate, and 3had from 50 to 74 per cent undergraduate.Yet the trend is toward complete graduate status­in so far as that is secured by insisting on the Bachelorof Arts degree for admission. This can be seen in thepronouncements of the various churches in the past fewdecades. Among the churches that urge their candidatesto complete a seven-year college-plus-seminary programare the Episcopal, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist,Congregational (N ational Council), and the Baptist(Northern Baptist Convention). Within the past decadethe Missouri synod of the Lutheran church has increasedthe seminary program to five years-one year being aninternship. Thus, even though its prerequisite is twoyears of college, the total time spent equals that urgedby other groups. The Commission on Accrediting of theAmerican Association of Theological Schools set up asone of the principal conditions for accrediting a schoolthe limitation of the student body to graduate students.Although this was not rigidly required, the stand of theCommission put pressure upon schools to bring theirstudent body to this requirement in the near future.The ideal seminary, in the thought of those who workin these institutions today, is a graduate seminary. Asurvey of the advertising printed by the seminaries willDEAN COLWELLIThe chief weakness of divinity education is also thechief weakness of all education-confused thinking asto the nature of the work the educational institution isto do. This confusion in the casscof the seminary con­sists in a failure to distinguish between professional andgraduate training and to recognize the fundament�lcharacter of the differences which separate them. ThISindictment can be brought both against the independentseminary and against the seminary which is an integralpart of a university. Among the seminaries which, be­cause of connection with a university or because of un­usual resources, are prepared to carryon graduateresearch work, there is a general failure to distinguishsharply between this function and the function of pro­viding professional training. The success with whichsuch schools discharge both functions is thus seriouslyqualified: the attempt to make professional training con­form to the graduate ideal impairs the usefulness of thistraining; the effort to make graduate training profes­sionally valuable impairs the thoroughness of the grad­uate work. Among the independent seminaries, this1112 '1" H E U N I V E R SIT Y 0 F . CHI C AGO MAG A Z I N Edemonstrate this fact. The word "graduate" occurs fre­quently, not only in the advertisements, but also in thebulletins sent to prospective students by the schools. Itis, therefore, legitimate to ask the seminaries what theymean by the word "graduate." The answer actuallyfound in their literature in the discussion of their grad­uate nature rests on two items: they require the Bachelorof Arts degree for admission (at least for the B.D.­degree . course ), and they give "graduate" degrees. Thesedegrees vary in nomenclature; some of the more commonones are A.M., Th.M., S.T.M., Th.D., D.D., and Ph.D.These schools also speak enthusiastically about their re­sponsibility for research in many areas of knowledgeIf an independent seminary today is given the oppor­tunity for development-that is, is given large gifts­one can confidently predict that it will develop its grad­uate work and will begin to award either. the. tradi tionalor novel graduate degrees. 'As a matter of fact, our seminaries today are graduateschools in several aspects which they seldom identifyunder that label. The fragmentation of the curriculum inthe seminaries is not a development of professional edu­cation; it has been borrowed from the graduate school.How many departments are there in a seminary? Howmany teachers are there? The two answers are usuallyquite close together; nearly every seminary teacher isthe head of a department. Moreover, the conception ofthe department as a distinct unit in the school is carriedinto the seminary from the graduate school.In the same way the flood of courses offered by ·theaverage seminary is to be explained. This extravagantgenerosity in the number of courses listed in many ofour seminaries is often due to. the indirect influence ofthe university graduate schools. A graduate of one ofthese schools is employed as a teacher in a theologicalseminary. He will almost inevitably conceive a coursein terms with which he became acquainted in the univer­sity, terms that were valid in the research discipline ofthe university. In the seminary he proceeds to set up"good" courses in New Testament, Old Testament, earlychurch history, or Reformation theology-courses thatwere good for graduate students in the university andare quietly assumed to be equally good in the seminary.The content �,of the seminary courses is likewiselamentably indebted to graduate influences. Look, fora moment, at the courses in New Testament. Largenumbers of our seminaries give as the basic course inNew Testament a thorough drill in the critical studyof the questions of authorship, date, place, audience, andthe like, of each book. After six months or a year inthis course the student has learned that scholars do notknow when John was written, when II Peter was writ­ten, in what order Paul's letters were written; that wedo not know who wrote Matthew, John, Acts, I John,II John, III John, I Peter, II Peter, James, Jude,Hebrews, I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, and Revela­tion. Such a course is valuable for prospective scholarsbut worse than useless for the prospective minister. Thevalues of critical study could be carried by a course onthe history of the Bible's canonization and transmissionwhich would, at the same time, teach the ministerialstudent something of positive value. The other areas of the seminary curriculum c�rry numbers of COursesthat are a liability not only in their disjointedness butalso in the technical, graduate, and nonprofessionalnature of their content.The graduate influences on the seminary help to main­tain the requirement of a thesis for the B.D. degree, andexplain the devotion of a fair, proportion of the. student'stime to specialization in a limited part of the subjectmatter of the curriculum. Anyone who reads a dozenB.D. theses will be appalled at the waste involved in theirbinding, cataloguing, and shelving in the seminarylibrary. The educational values in the preparation of acareful, written report of study do not demand its waste­ful petrifaction in the library. But thesis and speciali­zation are essential elements in university work at thegraduate level; and as long as the seminary worships atthe "graduate" shrine, these features will mark its pro­gram.It is clear that the seminaries are, in certain aspectsof their work, trying to function as graduate schools.The church leadership assures them that they should begraduate schools, and the leadership within the semi­naries urges them along the same path. But is this thewise course for the seminaries to follow? I do notthink so. The seminary should not try to be a graduateschool. There are two reasons for this. In the firstplace, the' large majority of the seminaries cannot dograduate work of university standard. In the secondplace, "ifth��' try to be graduate schools, they cannot beseminaries. As Gertrude Stein might say: "A seminaryis a seminary is a seminary." And it should be!IIGraduate work has as its basic task the training ofstudents for independent study, designed to increase thesum of knowledge. It requires the mastery of tools andtechnical skills, specialization in a relatively narrow area,personalized instruction, small classes, training by afaculty actively engaged in pushing back the frontiersof knowledge, a lavish equipment in library and labora­tory. This is not a description of the present program ora . possible program in the majority of American semi­naries. The report of one study of these seminariesstresses the deplorable weakness of the library in manyof these schools. Even in the small number of schoolsaccredited by the American Association, the acceptedminimum in library resources is far below the require­ments of a research library in the area of religion. Theminimum seminary staff required by the Associationwas four full-time professors.The seminary with limited resources in staff andequipment which adds the so-called "graduate-degreeprogram" to its professional course weakens either theprofessional or the "graduate" work, and usuallyweakens both. To the extent that the seminary offersdistinctive work for the Master's or the Doctor's degree,it diminishes the quality of the work offered for theB.D. degree. On the other hand, if the staff concen­trates on the B.D. program, it is likely to turn the pro­gram for the graduate degrees into a farce. It does thisin two ways. In many seminaries the A.M. or Th.M.degree can be taken "on the way to" the B.D. degree.(Continued on Page 25)A VIEW 40 YEARS IN MAKINGThird Prize in the Manuscript Contest• By GERTRUDE G. STUTZ, '20MRS. JOHN G. STUTZWHEN I was a small child, my home was lo­cated in a fair-sized prairie town in northernIllinois. Chicago was our shopping center, ourcultural metropolis, and the infrequent visits were redletter occasions. We would leave home early in themorning on the Illinois Central Railroad and travel aroute which I can still remember well. In the course ofa few years there were special landmarks to be notedon each successive trip. There was the point far out inthe country where the railroad tracks were elevated,closely followed by the first open air suburban waitingroom. The city people began to board the trains, clearlymarked for me by an air which en­abled them to sink into the car seats,unfold their newspapers and actuallydisregard the roar and confusion.There was the blue lake very closeto the tracks where one might tracea steamer on the horizon by the trailof dull gray smoke. My particularfavorite was a long, grassy sunkengarden area-the Midway. On thefar side of this Midway was a rowof gray stone buildings, splendid andisolated in cloister like fashion. Theyseemed to live a life apart from thebusy city there in the midst of smoothgreen lawns. As a child I watchedthem from the railroad cars, lovingtheir cool beauty, their gray dignityand their kindly aloofness. I felt sure,however, that they must have somespecial meaning for the people of Chicago since theystood so near the heart of the city.I learned a little more about universities during myearly school days at home. Many people attended thembecause they wanted more education than they couldget in their own towns. Tales of good times and hardwork, college friendships and professional opportunitieswere jumbled together in my mind to make a fantasticpicture of higher education. Certainly more and moreof the older crowd in our town were going and I thoughtfrequently of the only university I knew, those splendidgray buildings on the Midway. Before long I realizedthat I wanted a college education more than anythingelse I could imagine. It seemed as though an academicdegree would furnish the key to a world without limi­tations. This ambition, still vague and formless, was dueto color my life and give it direction until the day itmaterialized.I never ventured out to the campus on the Midwayuntil one day late in high school years. Certain membersof our senior class were invited to visit the Universityfor the purpose of competing in -scholarship examina­tions. The gray buildings stood up well under close inspection and it was soon apparent that early .impres­sions were glorious realities. There was nothing for­bidding, though the buildings were even more impres­sive than I had imagined. Now it seemed very clearthat they had been set in the midst of a busy city becausethey were meant to be used and enjoyed in daily life.They would fail in their mission if they did not reachthe people and help them in the solution of their prob­lems.We novices spent long sessions up in Cobb Hall fill­ing those same neat quiz books which were soon to be­come only too familiar. We walked across the campus,along the Botany Pond and ate lunchin Hutchinson Commons. I still re­member that we tried to act as thoughwe belonged there, with a carefullydeveloped air of careless assurance.Two, years later I knew that. wehad failed to look and act the part,when I stood outside the businessoffice of the University holding mymatriculation card carefully in onehand for inspection. I suppose I cannever explain why that was one ofthe biggest moments of my life, muchbigger than the day I wore my capand gown in Mandell Hall. Probablyit marked the fruition of childhooddreams and ambitions which I hadcarried since the days when I firsttraveled past the Midway on thetrain. It had required some effortand sacrifice to manage college attendance and this wasthe one school which had a personal meaning for me.The white card issued by the business office stated, plainlyenough for anyone to read, that I was enrolled as astudent and that I was a full-fledged member of theUniversity of Chicago. If there was a special meaningto this campus, a spirit which permeated these walls, Iwas now free to find it and take from it what I neededto enlarge my personal horizons. I was eager to acceptany stimulants which might be offered to encourage myown possibilities of growth.I was obliged to live at home and travel by suburbantrain to the city each morning, transfer to the 63rdStreet surface line and walk on across the Midway. Atpresent I am sure that those must have been the daysof the .old fashioned winters which we discuss frequentlyand exaggerate amply. My children are really quitebored· with the tales of these mild hardships which stillloom very large in my mind. Certainly the snow didfall frequently and drifted high during each winter quar­ter that I can remember. The trains were always . lateand the commuters wore a nervous, almost haggard ex­pression as they checked watches against classes and1314 'THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEboth against snow drifts and fire boxes. One Januaryday we couldn't make it in spite of train crew efforts andpassenger desires, but were obliged to climb down fromone coach and walk cautiously across a trestle bridge toanother waiting on the far side. During this period theEnglewood car tracks were walled in by high-piled snowbanks, and the trolleys bare1 y crept along clanking attrucks and motor cars which chose track surface justahead because it was smoothest and best kept. TheMidway was a solid sheet of glassy white, bare and wind­swept and bleak. . I will back that area against northernFinland almost any January day when the Michigangales are in real form and the textbooks are particularlycumbersome.Even though it is great fun to relate these wintrytales of the good old days before the war, I will haveto admit that spring came each year just as it does now;the tulips bloomed in Washington Park and the studentsstrolled to the lake shore for firelit beach suppers. Myearly morning trips through the country were a realjoy, and I loitered on my walks to the campus. I fre­quently chose the route down Cottage Grove so that Imight watch progress on Lorado Taft's Fountain ofTime, just then being placed in position. The Edel­weiss Gardens across the road looked dull enough in themorning with the scrubbing under way and the chairspiled high on the threshold; but when I left for homein the evening the lights were beginning to glow andmake it a beauty spot. The air was soft and warm andthe city was a happy place; the very bustle and humseemed smoother and gentler because in the spring airone could remember the rigors of January.It might be argued that no student could participatein the real feel of university life under such conditions,but I believe that is an individual matter. Each morn­ing when I returned to the gray buildings from a dis­tance I had a distinct sense of reunion. I was a partof two worlds whose .contrasts defined more sharplythe high points of each. Life on the campus had anapplication to the routine of city existence and certainlythe experiences of the outside world dramatized the the­ories of academic instruction. Because I had less timethan the average student for the usual social contacts,the buildings and their way of life must make up thelack. I had two hours each day when I was alone onmy travels to mull it over and rebuild my ideas in thelight of my new instruction.There comes to my mind a great moment when Ireached a conclusion which was a milestone for me inmy mental organization. Unconsciously I had piecedtogether the fads I was accumulating day by day. Sud­denly they all began to offer a complete pattern as his­tory and languages, sociology and philosophy fell intoplace to make parts of a great whole. The physicalsciences took their positions alongside and I seemed toknow as an eternal truth that 110 branch of knowledgein our world is independent, but fits together with allthe others to' prove the ultimate unity of mankind. Therewas an electric second when I knew that I was a partof the plan and that I was struggling toward the goalmore consciously than before because my university hadbrought me the vision of its time purpose. After these years I can look back and see that thisknowledge came, just as it was due to be lost and for­gotten for a long and critical period. The war was uponus which we believed would destroy most of the evil inthe world and bring everlasting triumph to self govern­ment and individualism. We learned to hate an enemymade up of people who were different from the rest ofmankind. We were urged to hate them both emotionallyand intelligently because they had nothing in commonwith all the fine people on our side of the contest. Wedrew this line of distinction very carefully because wewere preparing to make the world safe for democracy.Of course we filled the campus with our spirit. We car­ried knitting bags to all the classes and made socks andquaint helmets for the soldiers. \Ve attended meetingsand rallies where we welcomed heroes to our halls andcheered their warlike utterances.Private Peat, a Canadian war invalid, came one dayto tell us about conditions on the French and Belgianfronts and the students swarmed to Mandel Hall. Amulti tude stood to listen after all the seats were filled,so quiet that the voice of the slight inexperienced speakerreached every corner. Breathless and hypnotized, theseyoung people drank in the horrors of the western front,following the gallant Allies in their struggle with thebestial Hun. Nearly all of them forgot that they wereattending a great University which taught cool consid­eration and careful weighing of evidence before embark-ing on any crusade.,',I t is true that some voices were raised in a plea fortolerant understanding. I was studying German at thetime with Hans Gronow, a brilliant disciple of the oldGerman culture. He was a fine figure of a man and hepled his cause well. In his careful German-accentedEnglish he told us that he asked for suspended judg­ment. He had known the German people all his life,had lived with them and found them to be much thesame kind of human beings that we were; people withnormal instincts and desires and inhibitions. He insist­ed that they did not chop limbs from Belgian babies norrevert to complete savagery in their warfare. Today Ican remember Herr Gronow in his classroom in CobbHall as clearly as though he sat before me, because Iunderstand now what he meant. But during those ab­normal months he was a shadowy figure at best whomust make way for Private Peat from the trenches.University youth was intolerant because it had forgot­ten the basic unity of life, and even the great schoolscould not force their teachings upon those who wouldnot listen.The Quadrangles looked much the same on ArmisticeDay as they had on other occasions during the years Ihad known them. It was beautiful Indian summerweather and the gray buildings appeared warm and softthrough the hazy light, that November morning. Thecampus was deserted, for the students and faculty werecelebrating the news of peace with extra curricular activ­ities of all kinds. Sudden release from the strain of warled to extreme reactions; there was frenzied hysteriaand mass intoxication because democracy had conqueredthe world and most of the big problems were solved. An(Continued on Page 28)ITS MEANING TO ITS ALUMNIFourth Prize in the Manuscript Contest• By MERLE E. IRWIN. 1201 AM 129TWENTY years ago I entered the University themost uncouth of freshmen. I brought with me nofamily cultural traditions, no parental aspirationsthat were articulate, no specific personal ambitions. Ex­cept for the fact that I had always liked school and hadbeen an honor graduate, I might as well have startedto business college-or got a job in a dime store. In­deed, the latter would have been more logical inasmuchas the only material prospect visible when I came to thecity was the sum of one hundred dollars saved out ofa year of country school teaching. What could theUniversity mean to me?Perhaps I had one asset not possessed by all fresh­men. I had an extraordinary faith in the goodness oflife, which faith was abundantly justified in the courseof my first few weeks at the University and thereafter.In the first place, I found that on account of the merestaccident of having matriculated the year before (whenit had been suggested to me 'that I do sonie correspon­dence work while teaching rural school), I had to payout only $40 for a quarter's tuition. My next "break"came when I visited the Housing Bureau, then underMiss Thyrza Barton, who invited me to become a char­ter member of the new co-operative housekeepingdormitory called Drexel House, where one paid for aroom at the rate of $30 per quarter-and shared theexpense of two meals a day at the end of the quarter atabout the same rate. My third stroke of good luckcame when having applied for a job at the library andhaving been told that no student was accepted for thefirst term, I was promptly recalled because I had a ver­tical handwriting. Both placements lasted for threeyears when further good fortune made them superfluous.Throughout my course never once did illness or acci­dent make a doctor bill necessary, and I was fortunateenough to have a remunerative position every summer.I wish that I could say that in Spite of much outsidework I achieved outstanding scholastic success. I didnot, although only rarely did I fall below average, andmy record shows a rise toward 'the end of my coursewhen living conditions were less distracting. My study­ing was sporadic and superficial, done for the purpose ofpassing an examination. It would not have workedunder the New Plan. Like some other students whocould "cram" effectively, I forgot material as easily asI had acquired it.An orderly and thorough pursuit of knowledge for itsown sake was not then one of the enjoyments I realizedat the University. I never felt the impetus to carrythrough on a job as I had in taking four years of Latinin high school, for instance. My choice of courses wasaimless and whimsical. I had no particular goal excepta degree.But if I slighted the library-alas, I liked the Harper Reading Room, and still do-I was not negligent as toclasses. No Woman's Club delegate to the state cori­vention attended lectures more avidly. I was an effec­tive note-taker, and I found both pleasure and profitin the contributions of students better informed and lesstimid than myself. Even now as I catch a glimpse ofMiss Albright hurrying down 57th Street, I am trans­ported back to English Three in old Ellis Hall. WhenI visit Dr. Ames' church, I am back in Philosophy Sixin Harper. In reading of the passing of James WeberLinn I remember wistfully the classroom in the geo­graphy building where the reading of English poetrywas punctuated with epithets hurled out the windowupon the workman who ran the lawn mower too noisily.Who could ever forget that corner up in WalkerMuseum where "Freddie' Starr gave to countless num­bers of us the original "survey" course ? For some ofus too who have the occasional privilege of dining atthe Commons under the oil portraits there is the thrillof remembering many lyric hours in the field of Greekdrama with Richard Greene Moulton.In my mind's eye I pass from Zoology Five on thescience side of the Quadrangles to Sociology with Dr.Burgess, from public speaking in Kent to mediaeval artin Classics, from American Literature in Cobb to In­ternational Law with Dr. Freund, from ethics to Span­ish to Old Testament Literature under the gentletutelage of Dr. Willett in Haskell. As I look back now,such rushing around takes on the aspect of a trip aroundthe world in three months, and I am grateful for whathas remained in my mind from such a kaleidoscopicexperience.There was only one department where my contactswere not pleasant, and that was physical training.Although I had always enjoyed outdoor games, I hadnever been introduced to organized sports. The hugegymnasium with its hordes of students terrified me.Moreover, I found at once that captain ball and swim­ming did not fit in well with routine activities of myday. Living at Drexel House I was expected to con­tribute two hours of service daily, and this often meantscrubbing the kitchen floor or even washing windows.When we were breakfast cooks we got up at 5 :30 inthe morning. As I earned my tuition in the library, Ialso spent two hours a day there, often lifting andcarrying books. I approached the gymnasium thereforephysically depleted, and as I lost the vigor which I hadbrought from country life, I remember the cold showersas actual torture. My budget provided for no lunches,and as I was at that time a vegetarian, the evening mealwas not always a very sustaining one. In time it wasdiscovered that I should not take swimming because ofa heart condition, and some time later I was given theblessed privilege of sleeping through each gym period.1516 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMeanwhile I was told that I was anaemic and that Ishould eat so many eggs a week. I remember the sug­gestion seemed at the time comparable to someone'sasking me to unearth so many hundred dollars a week!The women's physical education department was wellorganized, I am certain, and I believe that it functionedwell for the general run of students living in dormitories;for those of us who worked hard physically, who wereof necessity short of sleep and poorly nourished, thegymnasium was a handicap rather than an aid to health­ful living, and the personnel work was slow and inade­quate.It strikes me as ironic that in all the years since Ihave struggled hard to be able to enjoy in city life thosevery things which were such a bugbear at the Univer­sity. There was. swimming. Of course, a part of' thedifficulty lay in the mere matter of dress. We worehigh schoes and long hair. My hair came down to myknees and harbored twenty hair pins. There was nevertime to dry it thoroughly, and it was often necessary torush out into a cold winter day with a damp head thathad I known any worries about it would surely havesent me to the hospital. For years now I have goneswimming, played tennis, hiked, belonged to a basket­hall team, roller-skated, and ridden horseback. Yet I'found no joy in the gymnasium, and I did not as longas I was in the University, develop proper respect forhealth habits or physical fitness.Outside the gymnasimi1 I enjoyed many physical ac­tivities even then. In spring and fall dressed in whitemiddies and black bloomers we pla yeel tennis on theMidway; in winter we ice skated there. We made oc­casional excursions to the White City roller skatingrink. We went rowing in Washington Park, especiallywhen we discovered that by going before breakfast, wecould take out boats without a fee as there was no onein charge. \Ve had beach parties at Jackson Park. Wetook long walks on Sunday.But diversions were not only sports. We loved todance at Drexel House, and Reynolds Club dances werefrequent. As it was war time there were many gayparties at Ida Noyes Hall. One of the most memorabledays at the University was that day when the first newsof the Armistice came to us and classes were dismissedthat we might dance all afternoon at Bartlett gymnasium.Drexel House afforded a varied social life. Foundedas a war-time experiment it took on the glamor of otherpatriotic activities of the day and was therefore relievedof the atmosphere of drudgery with which it might other­wise have been associated. To many of us it was therealization of school girl dreams-this dormitory createdout of an old three-story flat building and the imagina­tion of good faculty wives, among whom Mrs. RobertMillikan who with her distinguished husband was alwaysa welcome guest. Miss Helen Hendricks, organist atSt. Paul's Church and an enthusiastic alumna, wassocial head (until that exciting day when she was calledinto Y.W.CA. work in France), and under her graciousleadership we entertained, faculty members at Thursdayevening .dinners and began the tradition of Sunday after­noon teas and quarterly dancing parties. Here in theintimacy of a group numbering only seventeen we learned not only the practical aspects of housekeepingbut the' little niceties of social life. Three years atDrexel House were so en j oyable and the experiencethere gained has since proved so useful that it is withkeen regret I hear it will soon be done away with forlack of space on campus. If I ever have a fortune tobequeath, I shall endow such a dormitory for womenat the University. I am convinced that the best partof a college education is obtained not out of books butin human contacts, and I should deplore the value ofany degree earned entirely under the protection of theparen tal roof.Living on campus was a privilege which I neverfailed to appreciate, even then. When I met some onewho did not like the University, I could be sure it wasthe student who left the Quadrangles every afternoononly to face the routine of home work as in high school,who had never heard the chimes ring at 10 :06, whohad never had the opportunity of feeling himself a part ofa vast whole. On Sunday I was never too busy, toattend Chapel services. In no quarter was I too poorto manage a season ticket to the afternoon concerts ofthe Chicago Symphony Orchestra. I usually got to foot­ball and basketball games and Blackfriar productions.Altogether the University thrilled me. It still does, notonly every June when we sing the Alma Mater aroundthe fountain, but every day when I look out my sixthstory window and see the grey towers rising up againstthe "hope-filled western skies."That is the way it should be, and I am immeriselygrateful for a multitude of happy memories. But aUniversity education must mean more than the remem­brance of youthful days gaily spent. I have said thatit did not mean for me sound scholarship nor did it meana foundation of good' health concepts. If the Universityof Chicago failed to give me proper development men­tally as well as physically, what has it meant to methrough the years that I am proud to be an alumna?Specifically and materially, it has meant a remunera­tive position in work that is entirely congenial. For ourgeneration at least, 'college preparation has paid divi­dends. Not a single friend of my college days has beenamong the unemployed. More important than that, weare on the whole, I believe, an active useful group.Personally, I know that I learned, as I had not learnedpreviously, how to budget time. I got the habit ofmaking the most of every day, of getting work done thatI might squeeze in something else. The habit has per­sisted through the years, and as I look about me, Ibelieve that it characterizes my University friends, whofound, as I did, the world so full and running over withgood things, that we could not afford to miss them.This active attitude toward life is one 'of the greatcontributions that a University has made to thousandsof its students. Today high school education embodiesthis idea. The adjustment program in the Chicagoschools, for instance, the emphasis upon extra-curricularactivities beyond sports, the socialization of the. class­room, the recognition of character traits on the reportcard are aspects of a wholesale attempt to make indi­viduals broad participants instead of bored spectators( Continued on Page 24)1940 REUNION PROGRAMLAWRENCE H. WHITING, '13General Reunen Chairman PAUL V. HARPER, 108, JD 113Dean, The Alumni SchoolTUESDAY, MAY 286 :30 P.M. School of Business Dinner-Cloister Club, Ida Noyes HallAn Informal Quiz Program after DinnerMONDAY, JUNE 32 :30 P.M. The Alumni School-Mandel HallThe Field of Social Work: A Symposium for Laymen DEAN EDITH ABBOTT, presidingParticipants will be chosen from well known alumni and faculty members, active in the variousphases of social service6 :00 P.M. Alumni School Dinner-e-Hutchinson Commons (7Sc)Speaker: ALBERT LEPAWSKY, Director, Federation of Tax AdministratorsSubject: The Business of Government8:15 P.M. The Alumni School-Mandel HallThe Minister-1940 Model CHARLES T. HOLMANSo They're Revising the Bible Again ERNEST C. COLWELLReligion and the Underdog ARTHUR E. HOLTTUESDAY, JUNE 410 :30 A.M. Backstage at the University': The Tour starts from Reynolds ClubIncludes visits to the Rockefeller Memorial Chapel and the Chicago Theological Seminary2 :30 P. M. The Alumni SchoolSection One-Breasted Hall, The Oriental InstituteA Comprehensive Discussion for Laymen upon Cancer: I ts Nature and Treatment under thedirection' of DR. ALEXANDER BRUNSCHWIGSection Two-Mandel HallBringing Old Music Back to LifeExplanatory Discussion by CECIL SMITH with demonstrations, the music to be provided bySIEGMUND LEVARIE and members of the Collegium Musicum6:00 P.M. Alumni School Dinner-Hutchinson Commons (7Sc) .Speaker: MORTIMER J. ADLERSubject: Adult Education8:15 P.M. The' Alumni SchoolSection One-Breasted Hall, The Oriental InstituteA Symposium on Administrative Law for LaymenThe National Labor Relations Board CHARLES O. GREGORYThe Walter-Logan Bill: What's Wrong With It? MALCOLM P. SHARPThe Walter-LQ_,pan Bill: What's Right With It? KENNETH C. SEARSProcedural Advantages of Boards Over Courts GEORGE F. JAMESSection Two-Mandel Hall 'The Modern English Novel DAVID DAICHESToday in the American Theatre FRANK H. O'HARAWEDNESDAY, JUNE 510 :30 A.M. Backstage at the University: The Tour starts from Reynolds ClubA Visit to the University Radio Studio, home of the University of Chicago Round Table2:30 P.M. The Alumni SchoolSection One: Eckhart Lecture Hall (Room 133)Brain Waves DR .: RALPH W. GERARDBrain and Behavior in Man WARD C. HALSTEADSection Two: Mandel HallWorld Shipping and the Effect of the Present Conflict on British Commercial Policy.................................................................. CHARLE,S ,C. COLBYReconnaissance in Latin America: The Amazon ROBERT S. PLATT3 :30 P.M. Law School Conference-s-Breasted Hall, The Oriental InstituteSubject: Problems of Policy in, Federal Taxation.1718 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDiscussion Leaders:HENRY C. SIMONS, Assistant Professor of EconomicsJAMES H. DOUGLAS, JR., Attorney and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; Trustee ofthe University6:00 P.M. Alumni' School Dinner-Hutchinson Commons (7Sc)Speaker: ANTON J. CARLSONSubject: Studies on the Nature of Hunqer, Appetites and Thirst (Illustrated)6 :45 P.M. School of Social Service Administration Dinner-Cloister Club, Ida Noyes Hall8 :15 P.M. The Alumni SchoolSection One-Breasted Hall, The Oriental InstituteNew Numbers: Their Role in Modern Mathematics A. ADRIAN ALBERTExploring the Universe (Illustrated) WALTER BARTKYFollowing the lecture alumni may visit the Hipse Astronomical Laboratory and the telescope onthe Roof of Ryerson Laboratory.Section Two-Mandel HallThe Study of the Persons Whom the Schools ServeThe Growth and Development of the Child DANIEL A. PRESCOTTThe Problems of American You.th and Their Educational Implications FLOYD W. REEVESThe Service That the Laboratory School Renders in the Intellectual Deuelopmnt of the Child..... · · · · · · · · · · . · ·" STEPHEN' M. COREYTHURSDA YI JUNE 69:00 A.M. Rush Medical College Faculty Symposium-Rush Medical College10 :30 A.M. Backstage at the University: International House from the InsideThe Tour starts from the Lounge on the first floor of International .House and alumni will be"personally conducted" by members of the House.2:00 P.M. Rush Medical College Clinical Demonstrations-Rush Medical College and Presbyterian Hos­pital2 :30 P.M. The Alumni SchoolSection One-Auditorium, International HouseThree European students, members of the House, and representatives of participating nationswill lead a discussion on What Are They Fighting About?Section Two-Mandel HallThe Collapse of an Ancient Civilization JOHN A. WILSONThe Alphabet, Its Origin, Development and Trauels MARTIN SPRENGLING3:00 P.M. Alumni-Varsity Baseball Game-Greenwood Field3 :30 P.M. Law School Conference-Breasted Hall, The Oriental InstituteSubject: Corporate Capital StructuresJEROME N. FRANK, Chairman, Securities and Exchange CommissionFLOYD B. ODLUM, President, The Atlas Corporation5 :30 P.M. Rush Medical Association Business Meeting-Stevens Hotel6:00 P.M. The Alumni School Dinner-Auditorium, International House (8Sc)Speaker: ERNEST B. PRICESubject: What Do We Mean by International Fellowship?6:30 P.M. Order of the "C" Annual Dinner-Hutchinson CommonsRush Medical College Banquet-Stevens HotelSpeaker: DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN, 10 MD Rush '12Women's Athletic Association Annual Dinner-Cloister ClubSpeaker: LEON P. SMITHLaw School Association Dinner-Chicago Bar AssociationGuest Speakers: DWIGHT H. GREEN, '20, JD'22, Republican Candidate for Governor of IllinoisHARRY B. HERSHEY, JD'11, Democratic Candidate for Governor of IllinoisOther Guests: JEROME N. FRANK, JD'12; FLOYD B. ODLUM8:15 P.M. The Alumni SchoolSection One-Auditorium, International HouseThe International Express-A Trip 'Round the W orIdA horizon-broadening expedition presented by members of International HouseSection Two-Mandel HallN opoleon and Hitler: An Ana,logy? LOUIS GOTTSCHALKNationalism in the I9th Century and After BERNADOTTE SCHMITTFRIDA YI JUNE 79:00 A.M. South Side Medical Alumni Clinics-Pathology 11710 :30 A.M. Backstage at the University-The Tour starts from the Reynolds Club and includes visits toBob Roberts Memorial Hospital for Children and Home for Destitute Crippled ChildrenTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 1912 :30 P.M. Complimentary Luncheon for Regional Advisers-Solarium, The Quadrangle Club1 :30 P.M. South Side Medical Alumni Clinics-Pathology ·1172:00 P.M. Classes of 1916-1917 Swimming Party and Barbecue-v-Mill Road FarmMotor Cavalcade forms at 2 P. M. east of Goodman Theatre2 :30 P.M. The Alumni SchoolSection One-Breasted Hall, The Oriental InstituteBenjamin Franklin, Diplomat and Statesman JAMES M. STIFLERBenjamin Franklin, Man of Letters CLARENCE H. FAUSTSection Two-Mandel HallGreek Literature " . DAVID GRENEGreek Philosophy RICHARD P. McKEON4:00 P.M. Y. W. C. A. Tea for Alumnae and Friends-Association Room, Ida Noyes Hall5:00 P.M. Reception and Tea for Alum.nae Regional Advisers-Ida Noyes Hall5 :45 P.M. University Aides Dinner-Ida Noyes HallOur Alma Mater: The Aides Talk It Over6 :00 P.M. Alumni School Dinner-Hutchinson CommonsSpeaker: PERCY H. BOYNTONSubject: Best Books and Best Sellers6 :30 P.M. South Side Medical Alumni Banquet- Judson Court Dining RoomClass of 1915 Dinner-At the home of Franklin B. EvansClass of 1920 Dinner-Solarium, The Quadrangle ClubClass of 1930 Dinner-International HouseClass of 1938 Dinner-Private Dining Room, Hutchinson Commons8:00 P.M. Band Concert (The' University Band)-Hutchinson Court9:00 P.M. The Alumni School-Mandel HallSpeaker: CHARLES E. MERRIAMSubject: DemocracySATURDAY. JUNE 88 :00-9 :30 A.M. Breakfast for Regional Advisers- Judson Court Dining Room9 :30 A.M. Conference for Regional Advisers-a- Judson Court Lounge12:00 M. Alumnae Reunion-Ida Noyes Hall12 :30 P.M. The Alumnae Breakfast-The Cloister Club, Ida Noyes HallSpeaker: Dr. MAUD SLYELuncheon for Regional Advisers-s-judson Court Dining RoomClasses of 1916-17 Luncheon-The Coffee Shop2:30 P.M. Annual Baseball Game, 1916 vs. 1917-The Circle3 :30 P.M. The' Annual Alumni Assembly-Mandel HallLAWRENCE H. WHITING, '13, General Reunion Chairman, presidingAnnual Address of the President of. the University ROBERT MA YN ARD HUTCHINS6:00 P.M. Sunset Supper-Hutchinson Commons (Buffet and Cafeteria Service)Fraternity and Club Reunions6 :30 P.M. Doctors of Philosophy Association Dinner-The Quadrangle Club7 :30 P.M. Band Concert (The University Band)---.Hutchinson Court8 :45 P.M. Thirtieth Annual University Sing-Hutchinson Court10:00 P.M. Induction of Aides and MarshalsAward of Cups and C BlanketsAlma MaterSUNDAY. JUNE 9Field Day for the Class of 1915-At the home of Phyllis Fay Horton, Flossmoor, Illinois1 :00- Garden Party for Regional Advisers-M ill Road Farm5:00 P.M. Outdoor Fete for the Class of 1920�Mil1 Road FarmMONDAY. JUNE 106:30 P.M. Phi Beta Kappa Dinner-Judson CourtTUESDAY. JUNE II11:00 A.M. Convocation (Conferring of Higher Degrees)-Rockefeller Memorial Chapel3:00 P.M. Convocation (Conf.erring of Bachelor Degrees)-Rockefeller Memorial ChapelNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESTHE appointment of Professor David F. Cavers ofDuke University as Visiting Professor on theJohn P. Wilson Foundation in the Law Schoolemphasizes the development of the law school's presentcurriculum. The curriculum was adopted three yearsago, it will be remembered, with the belief that manyof "the more important problems confronting lawyers,judges, and legislators are basicallyeconomic and social, and that broadtraining is essential to equip law­school graduates to cope with them."The law school program was accord­ingly broadened to give training ineconomics, accounting, psychology,legal history and philosophy. Nextfall will be the first time the fourthyear program will be given, and theLaw School will have a full comple­ment of classes under the new curri­culum.Professor Cavers is outstandingamong legal scholars of the countrywho have worked particularly on theintegration of law and the socialsciences. He is best known as thefounder and editor of Law and Con­temporary Problems, a unique quar­terly periodical which analyzes thelegal and social aspects of some oneimportant problem each issue. Pro­fessor Cavers, who is 38 -years oldand a graduate of the WhartonSchool of Finance and the Harvard Law School, prac­ticed law for three years in New York City, and hastaught at both Harvard and Yale Law Schools, as wellas at Duke. Cavers' main contribution to the law schoolwill be in the study of the interrelation of pricing fac­tors and the business cycle wth legal doctrines.Collaborating with Professor Cavers in the course on"Law and Economic Organization" next year will beDean Wilber G. Katz, and Professors Charles O.Gregory, Friedrich Kessler, Edward H. Levi, MalcolmP. Sharp, and Henry C. Simons, of the Law Schoolfaculty.The Wilson Foundation, under whose auspices Pro­fessor Cavers will teach, was established in 1929 by JohnP. Wilson, Jr., and Anna Wilson Dickinson as amernoral to their father, John P. Wilson, for many yearsa distinguished member of the Chicago bar. • By BERN LUNDY, '·37lation of the stones in the Journal of Semitic Languagesand Literatures.The stones were discovered by archaeologists of theIranian expedition, sponsored jointly by the OrientalInstitute, the University of Pennsylvania Museum, andthe Boston Museum of Fine Arts, just as work wasbeing wound up on the dig on the site of ancient Per­sepolis late in 1939.Large photos of the inscriptionswere sent to the Oriental Institutefrom the site, and the Pahlavi ("Mid­dle Persian") text was decipheredby Dr. Sprengling. Pahlavi containsParthian and "masked" Persianwords.The discovery encompasses in­scriptions on the buried walls of theso-called Kaaban (cube) of Zoroast­er, in front of the Persian royaltombs at Nakshi-i-Rustam. Two ofthe sides, uncovered in 1936, containan inscription of King Sapor I inPersian and Middle Persian versions,dating to about 270 A. D. Furtherdigging late in 1939 disclosed an ad­ditional version of Sapor's inscription,in Greek, and under this another in­scription in Pahlavi, or Middle Per­sian. This inscription is linked byDr. Sprengling's study to Kartir, aZoroastrian high priest and king­maker, whose career interlaces thoseof four ancient Persian rulers.The stones have a twofold importance, according toDr. Sprengling; the Greek and Persian versions ofKing Sapor's inscription help because Pahlavi containsParthian words, and both Pahlavi and Parthian contain"masks" of Semitic words. Kartir's inscription, foundbeneath that of King Sapor, is well preserved, while theSapor inscription is considerably worn.One fact brought to light by the translation of theinscription is that Zoroastrianism, chief religion of thePersian empire at the time, had no sacred book thensuch as the Bible or the Koran, although there was aset of ritual forms and songs. It was not until the reignof Sapor II, great-grandson of Sapor I, that the Zo-_ roastrian "Avesta" was put together as the religion'ssacred book. This was compiled, according to Dr.Spreng ling, after a complicated alphabet had been de­vised to write it.DAVID F. CAVERSIMPORTANT ORIENTAL INSTITUTE DISCOVERIESThe discovery of Pahlavi stones, similar to the famedRosetta stone in their importance in clarifying the his­tory of the period from 500 B. C. to 500 A. D., wasrevealed last month when Martin Sprengling, professorof Semitic languages and literatures, published his trans- SUMMER QUARTER PLANSThirteen special institutes and conferences will fea­ture the Summer Quarter, according to plans announcedlast month by Cad F. Huth, professor of history anddirector of the summer quarter. A broad range of topics20THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICA�O MAGAZINEwill be covered by the special meetings, according toDean Huth's announcement.At the same time, six workshops will be held, in ad­dition to the more than 700 regular courses to be givenby a Summer Quarter faculty numbering almost 500and studded with names of leading educators from allover the nation, visiting faculty members for the quarter.Among the institutes and conferences scheduled arethe Institute for the Study of Renaissance Culture, June26-August 14; Third Annual Conference on ReadingProblems for Administrative Officers and Teachers,Tune 26-29; Seventh Conference on Business Education,june 27-28; Conference on Housing Improvement, June28-29; and the Sixteenth AnnualHarris Foundation Institute, June25-July 3.The 33 visiting faculty memberswill include H. C. P. Debys, directorof the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for •Physics; Edward Killoran Brown,professor of English of the U niver­sity of Toronto, who will be Freder­ick I ves Carpenter visiting professorof English; Derwent StainthorpeWhittlesey, associate professor ofgeography, Harvard University;John Merriman Gaus, professor andchairman of the department of poli­tical science, University of Wiscon­sin; 1. Keith Tyler, assistant profes­sor of education, bureau of education-al research, Ohio State University;George D. Stoddard, dean of thegraduate school and director of theIowa child welfare research station,and research professor of child psy­chology, University of Iowa, andEthel Kawin, director of guidance,Glencoe, Ill.Greatest concentration of courses in the forthcomingsummer quarter is found in the offerings of the depart­ment of education, with its faculty of 43 professors con­ducting a total of 67 courses. The department of edu­cation, with a faculty of 43 conducting a total of 67courses, will present five workshops covering all levelsof education. The workshops will include elementary,secondary, and general education along with a work­shop on teacher training. Complementing these, a work­shop in the field of home economics will bring the num­ber of workshops during the quarter to six. The homeeconomics workshop, and one education workshop willbe conducted in Allegan County, Michigan, under jointauspices of the University and the W. K. Kellogg Foun­dation. The department will also present demonstrationschools, with pupils and students being taught in classesfrom the elementary to the junior college level. A fea­ture of the program will be the co-operative formulationof a basic high school course by teachers and pupils anddiscussion of methods of evaluating teaching."League College," a special institute, will be presentedin co-operation with the National League of TeacherAssociations July 8-19, following the organization's con- 21vention. The League College will include lectures on awide range of subjects by University faculty members,with special attention on recent findings in child devel­opment, and problems of taxation and school support.Central theme of the College will be "Implications forEducation in Recent Social Changes."The Third Annual Conference on Reading Problemsfor Administrative Officers and Teachers, June 26-29,will again be under the direction of Professor WilliamS. Gray. It will follow the general theme, "Reading andHuman Development." The conference will includelectures by specialists in reading and child developmentfrom the University and other institutions.TO SUCCEED LAINGAppointment of Dr. W. K. Jordan,historian and author, as generaleditor of the University of ChicagoPress and associate professor of Eng­lish history, effective October 1, wasannounced by President Hutchins.Dr. Jordan, 38 years old, a nativeof Lynnville, Ind., will succeed Dr.Gordon J. Laing, dean emeritus ofthe Division of the Humanities.Dr. Jordan received his AM andPhD degrees from Harvard in1926 and 1930. He has taught atHarvard and at Scripps and Clare­mont Colleges (California).Dr. Laing has served as editor ofthe Press since 1908, except for oneyear when he was at McGill Univer­sity. He has also been managingeditor of the Classical Journal, vice­president of the Archeological Insti­tute of America, president of theAmerican Philological Association,and president of the Classical Asso-ciation of the Middle West andW. K. JORDANSouth. The University of Toronto, where he was afellow-student and close friend of Stephen Leacock,famous humorist, the University of Western Ontario,and the University of Pittsburgh have awarded himhonorary degrees.D::ATH OF MRS. BURTONMrs. Ernest DeWitt Burton, wife of the University'ssecond president, died Saturday, April 20, after a briefillness. Services were held the following Monday after­noon in Bond Chapel, with Dean Gilkey speaking. Char­acterizing Mrs. Burton as "a University mother in moresenses than one," Dean Gilkey said, "Mrs. Burton's per­sonal devotion overflowed her home, where her patienceand solicitude made possible to a large extent theachievements of her husband .... We look back to thebrief, bright months of Dr. Burton's presidency as oneof the great periods of the University-made great notonly by the leadership of the President, but also by thedevotion, care and fellowship of Mrs. Burton."STUDENT BRIEFSFraternity rushing will take place during the sixth( Continued on Page 28)PROGRESS REPORTThe Alumni Foundation's Recent�Activities• By RALPH W. NICHOLSON, '36GIVE more than a thought to the second fiftyyears." With this phrase, suggested by WalterWilliamson, '27, one-time editor of the DailyMaroon, as the motto, the Alumni Foundation's activityswings into its final phase. Its objectives have beenannounced, its nation-wide organization has been formed,and its plans for closer U niversity- Alumni relations inthe future have been formulated. The solicitation ofpledges for the Fiftieth Anniversary gift is now reachingits peak. There remains but the passage of time, thecollection of pledges, and. the presentation at the Cele­bration in September, 1941.Much as the MAGAZINE would like to present news ofthe amount of the Fund itself, these columns will remainbare of such information. The first announcement ofboth the size of the gift and the number of donors willbe made at the time of the presentation. This is in ac­cordance with the original plans of the Alumni Founda­tion, announced last autumn. However, a list of com­munities that report gifts from one hundred per cent oftheir Chicago alumni does not violate this plan. Such alist, as of May 1, follows at the end -of this article.Even though the Alumni Foundation's current activityhas been directed toward assembling a special FiftiethAnniversary gift somewhat more spectacular than annualalumni gifts in the future, perhaps a review of annualalumni giving at other institutions will suggest the mag­nitude of our own activity. According to reports avail­able, some 85 to 90 universities are now conductingannual alumni giving. Yale, whose alumni fund wasestablished in 1890, seems to be both the oldest and mostsuccessful hand at the game, reporting a total of $184,000for last year. Harvard's alumni fund-dating back onlyto 1925-leads all others in the number of participantswith 10,631 alumni making gifts last year. Dartmouth,the object of alumni gifts since 1906, apparently has thehighest ratio of participation-seventy-six per cent ofits living alumni participating in the last fund, whichtotaled $108,000. Available figures show that Cornellalumni, contributing to the Cornell alumni fund, givethe largest average gift. In 1938 5,748 alumni con­tributed a total of $IS2,60O-a gift substantially largerthan Harvard's of $104,600 given by nearly twice asmany contributors. The Northwestern alumni fund,now in its fourth year, reported 6,610 donors in 1937-38.FROM THE NATIONAL COMMITTEESProbably most important of the University of Chicagoalumni meetings held during April or those planned forMay is that at Los Angeles organized by Norman Bar­ker, '08, vice-chairman for the California area. There,Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stagg on May 1 once again offi­cially met with University of Chicago alumni. Includedamong the 52 meetings during April are: Eureka, Kansas) April 2. Chairman jacob Rinker,SM'28, presented Dean-Emeritus Gordon J. Laing to64 assembled alumni. The Hutchins-Utley-Randallrecord was played and the movie, "Midway Memories,"was shown to complete the program.Jacksonville) Illinois) April S. Fay-Cooper Cole ad­dressed 44 Jacksonville alumni at a meeting organizedby C. Y. Rowe, '10. "Midway Memories" was shown.Muncie) Indiana, April 9. Thirty alumni, all teachers,met in the new Ball residence hall of the Ball StateTeachers' College to hear Leon P. Smith, AM'28,PhD'30, the university's Dean of Students in the College.At the meeting Ernest L. Sabine, PhD'27, was electedpresident of the local Alumni Club.Milwaukee) Wisconsin) April 13. Chairman Albert B.Houghton, '07, ]D'09, arranged the meeting at which70 were present. Walter H. C. Laves, '23, PhD'27,Associate Professor of Political Science, and William M.Randall, Assistant Dean of Students, were the facultyspeakers. F. D. Jenkins, '36, presided,Wau,kegan} Illinois) April 12. Anton ]. Carlson, oneof the hardest-working Alumni Foundation speakers,first addressed some 450 high school students and thenmet 52 alumni who had assembled at the invitation ofLocal Chairman George B. Callahan, SM'23, MD'2S.Rockford) Illinois) April 15. Chairman Robert MooreGibboney, ,'05, JD'07, and 80 alumni from Rockford andoutlying cities greeted Dr. Carlson at a dinner meeting.Dayton) Ohio) April 20. Co-Chairmen Siegfried R.Weng, '27, AM'29, and Mrs. Edith Patterson, '22, and50 alumni were addressed by Harvey B. Lemon, '06,SM'11, PhD'12, Professor of Physics.Mount Pleasant) Michigan) April 16. When ChairmanD. M. Trout, AM'22, PhD'24, was taken ill, Fred Buck,AM'31, introduced Dean Leon P. Smith to the localalumni.Elgin" Illinois) April 19. Shailer Mathews, Dean­Emeritus of the Divinity School, was presented to morethan 40 alumni by Regional Director A. J. Rehage,AM'35.Oxford) Ohio) April 17. Alumni gathered for a tea atthe house of Local Chairman Arthur C. Wickenden,AM'20, PhD31, and were addressed by Harvey B.Lemon.Richmond) Indiana) April 18. The itinerant ProfessorLemon first addressed students at a morning chapelassembly before going on to a dinner meeting withalumni arranged by Local Chairman Ruth ThomasSpurgin, '16.Newton) Kansas) April 23. Regional Chairman V. F.Schwalm, AM'16, PhD'26, presented Waldo Dubber­( Continued on Page 24)22ATHLETICSTHE MAROON SCOREBOARDBASEBALLChicago 4- 2 Geo. Williams Chicago 1� 4 Notre, DameChicago 10- 8 DePauw Chicago 9-12 NorthwesternChicago 3- 2 DePauw Chicago 3- 9 NorthwesternChicago 8- 1 DePauw Chicago 4-!) Notre DameChicago 7- 4 Wheaton Chicago 2- 4 PurdueChicago 2- 1 Armour Chicago 2- 1 PurdueChicago 1-13 Wisconsin Chicago 3-14 IowaChicago 0- 8 Wisconsin Chicago 2-12 IowaGOLFChicago 20-240 NorthwesternTENNISChicago 7- 2 Western State Chicago 3- 6 NorthwesternChicago 7- 2 Augustana Chicago 4- 5 ,MichiganChicago 8- 1 Iowa Chicago 6- 3 IllinoisTRACKChicago 69--57 Northern III [; Chicago 65-66 Western Statenois Teachers Chicago 44-87 PurdueChicago 61>7:3-64% No. CentralAs THE Maroon baseball team pounded along inthe back stretch t�is month, half way throu�h theBig Ten season, It sported a .166 average 111 theConference because of one home run with a man onbase. Art Lopatka, the only left-handed. player on theteam and alternately its best outfielder and pitcher, wasresponsible for the homer which defeated Purdue, 2 to 1.Chicago had previously taken it on the nose twice fromWisconsin, twice from Northwestern and once from theboys from West Lafayette. Lopatka, who last year alter­nately shone and glistened as the team's sophomorestrikeout and wild pitch artist, has become one of thestand-by performers this year, although Coach KyleAnderson is a long way from coaching a one-man team.Sparky Calogeratos, co-captain, second baseman, and amember of the Greek All-American team chosen byGeorge Bacalles last year, tied for the lead in Big Tenbatting in the first brace or games in the season with asmooth '.500. The same �erage, it might be pointedout, is also Chicago's for the first half-season-five lostand one won in the Big Ten; six won and two lostout of it.MONOPOLY ON THE MIDWAY?Northwestern, bugaboo in Chicago's water polo down­fall last winter, opened its campaign to snitch the Maroontennis title as well, by hitting Coach Hebert's team forits first dual-meet loss in more than three years. Thus,as this department calculated last month, the Purplegroup fulfilled the first of its three engagements thisyear with honor and not without production of satisfac­tion on the Midway. The prediction was that N orth­Western could beat the Maroon team twice in threechances and that it would best suit followers of tennison the University avenue courts if the Maroon quota ofone victory came in the third event. This would meanretention of the Big Ten championship.The aging Yancey T. Blade, inveterate athletic addingl11achine addict looked over the two teams as they foughtit out on the field house courts, narrowed his eyes and • By DON MORRIS, '36shrewdly analyzed the situation. Art' Jorgensen beatHarrison O'Neil, perpetual Purple also-ran, he said, andChar lie Shostrom and Jorgensen won the feature. doublescontest. Benum Fox and Bob Lifton won the thirddoubles match. In the Conference meet, Blade continued,after shagging a ball out of the vaulting pit, Cal Sawyierwill additionally win the No.3 title while Jorgensen istaking the No.2; he wasn't at par in this first North­western 'encounter. Chicago also is good for the No.2doubles event, and will thus sweep the co-operativedivision of the meet. As obiter dictum, Blade added avictory over Wildcat Seymour Greenberg in the No. 1singles by Shostrom, but this of course is sheerly forshow, since even without it, and with the other choices,which are cinched, he feels Chicago will retain the BigTen title, 5 to 4.Always a. bear for familial traces, Blade bases his pre­diction on Shostrom as much on the fact that he is thebrother of that same Johnnie Shostrom who won thetitle against the odds of a sprained ankle as well asNorthwestern's Marvin Wachman two years ago; as onthe fact that he gave Greenberg his best battle of theseason, last month ..It might be well in these columns to recapitulate the-all-time record of the University's tennis representatives,lest the rather remarkable tendency toward monopolyon the Midway be forgot. Big Ten competition, inci­dentally, was limited to singles and doubles champion­ships until 1933, when a team title was instituted.RECORD OF CHAMPIONSHIPSSingles1894 Neel1895 Nee!1896 Bond1897 Bond1898 McQuiston1899 McQuiston1900 Gottlieb1905 Garnett19061907 Gray1908 Ross1910 Gardner1913 Green1914 Squair1915 ,1916 Lindaur1918 Pike19201921192219231924 Wilson19'2,9 Lott19'30 Rexinger1931 Rexinger19331934 Davidson]9351936 Bickel19371938 Shostrom- 1939 Murphy*Tied with Minnesota.23 DoublesRanad-BondNeel�ondNeel-BondRand-BondMcQuiston-McQuistonGottlieJ:i.-HalseyGray-GarnettGray-GarnettGray-CarrRoss-HartGreen-SquairSquair-McN ealGross-McNealLindaur-s-ClarkSegal-> V oriesSegal- VoriesStagg-FrankensteinWilson-FrankensteinLott-CalahanRexinger=-CalahanRexinger-HeymanWeiss-Davidson: Team*­.Weiss-Davidson: Team_TeamBickel=BurgessBickel=-Burgess : TeamMurphy-Murphy: TeamMurphy-Murphy: Team(Turn Page)24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFORE-AND-AFTER: FORE"A yacht in every puddle and a yachtsman in everyclassroom" was the motto propounded by the newestathletic group on the quadrangles, the Yacht club, whichlaunched its first seagoing craft recently in what wasonce called the Century of Progress lagoon, located be­tween Soldier Field and Lake Michigan. For the Yachtclub, the launching marked no century of progress, how­ever, since the University's seamen were chartered lastFebruary, and spent the ice-bound months on suchroutine matters as accumulating members and seaworthygear.The burgeoning Yacht club, whose members christenedtheir boat "Alpha," with the implication that "Beta,""Gamma," and "Delta," if not "Epsilon" and "Zeta"would quickly follow in the Midway flotilla, is somethingof a pioneer in midwestern collegiate yachting. Wis­consin and Michigan (since Ami Arbor is not entirelyland-locked) have tackled seamanship, and it is under­stood that marine experiments are being considered atNorthwestern and Minnesota, but by and large the sportis new in this neck of the woods. Eastern institutions,of course, are old hands at the game, and that meansdeck hands.The one craft, over whose trim bows the Chicagoyachtsmen solemnly broke a bottle of beer, is a ClassHB," Columbia Yacht Club-type dinghy. After a perioddevoted to scraping barnacles, applying paint, and stitch­ing the Club monogram on the canvas, the little fore-and­aft vessel was exhibited in Mandel corridor, the onlyappropriate indoor location on the campus capable ofaccommodating the mast. Then it was launched.Law student John T. Emerson is commodore of theyachting group, was assisted in its founding by CharlesDarragh, a seagoing sophomore from Wollaston, Mass.,Dick Philbrick, another Bay State seaman; and PaulLevy, of Chicago. Incidentally, Dr. Arthur H. Compton,newly appointed dean of the Division of PhysicalSciences, is adviser to the Yacht club. Its Meaning to Its Alumni( Continued from Page 16).in this business of living. I shudder to think that exceptfor a teacher or two who invaded my high school worlda generation ago, from the outside, I might still be spend­ing my days in the lethargy and boredom of many lessfortunate than myself. I do not believe that the prover­bial doors of opportunity could have been opened so wenin a small college, and I do believe that a great universityin a great city has the best chance to instil in youthproper attitudes toward life.This, which I have called an active attitude towardlife, is I believe the basis of good citizenship in a. democracy. It is not the attitude of the scholar with­drawn from society nor of the defeatist in society. It isnot the attitude of the unthinking follower under dicta­torship. It is rather the way of youth trained to seeand appreciate the richness and wholeness of life asrevealed in a great university. Here there is no placefor indifference, smug complacency, snobbishness, big­otry, intolerance; all are challenged in the library andlaboratory, in classroom and dormitory, where past andpresent come together. The great university is a re­pository for the best out of the ages of human thought.It is also the gathering place for all classes, all races andcreeds and nationalities, all religious groups. It is onlygreat to the extent that it embraces differences as broadas life itself.I like to think that those of us who have had the goodfortune to graduate from the University of Chicago havefelt its greatness in the development of appreciation ofthe best in life wherever it may be found. I like tothink that we have been touched by the vision of thefounders of the University, to see beyond the barrierswhich have separated us from the highest values. 1like to think that personally and individually our livesare less dull and shoddy than they might have been;and that socially we are more understanding, moredynamic, more helpful because the University does meansomething to its alumni. 'Progress Report (Continued from Page 22)stein, AM'31, PhD'34, instructor in the Oriental Insti­tute, to the 30 alumni present. The program was closedby "Midway Memories."Racine, Wisconsin, April 25. Clifton Utley, '26, Vice­Chairman of the Alumni Foundation, addressed the as­sembled Racine. alumni on current affairs. The meet­ing was arranged by George T. Colman, PhD'14.Des Moines, Iowa, April 25. Frederic Woodward, Di­rector of the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration, was pre­sented to 40 alumni attending a meeting presided overby Chairman Daniel J. Glomset, '10, MD'II.Cedar Rapids, Iowa, April 26. John S. Vavra, '27,presented Dr. Woodward to the alumni in his commu­nity assembled for a dinner meeting.COMMUNITIES WITH 100'10 PARTICIPATIONThorbsy, Ala. Warehouse Point, COl1n. Mission Beach, Cal.Manchester, Conn.Wilmington, Del.Edwardsville, Ill.Stockwell, Ind.Le Mars, IowaMonticello, IowaStanford, Ky.Kennebunk, Me.Babson Park, Mass.Scituate, Mass.Milton, Mass.Grand Beach, Mich.Carrollton, Miss.Ferguson, Mo.Hancock, N. H.Lincoln, N. H. Windsor Locks, Conn.Winsted, Conn.Scaneateles, N. Y.Westfield, N. J.Greenville, OhioIvorydale, OhioWindsor, OhioMcMinnville, Ore.Shamokin, Pa.Greystone, R. 1.Delavan, TexasLockhart, TexasBurke, Va.Seabold, Wash.Vancouver Brks., Wash.Yellowstone Park, Wyo.Galt, Ont., CanadaTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 2SBetter Theological Education (Continued from Page 12)This means that most-often all-of the work accreditedtoward the Master's degree counts again for the B.D.degree-two degrees for the cost of one.: The seminary'smistaken emphasis upon its graduate nature has so weak­ened the professional elements of its program that itsB.D. curriculum becomes a loose jumble of many coursesso isolated in character that it becomes possible for thestudent to pick up a basketful of the fragments and callit a master's degree. ' The American Association of The­ological Schools has vigorously attacked this practice.If the seminary avoids the two-for-one corruption ofthe Master's degree, it usually awards the degree for ayear of seminary study after the completion of the B.D.program. In some schools, two additional years ofstudy lead to the Doctor's degree. For the reasons re­ferred to above, this is not graduate training in the senseill which the term is used in the universities. In realityit consists of an extension of the training given for theB.D. degree. The degrees are, therefore, professionaldegrees-weakened by a superficial loyalty to the grad­uate-school deal. If most of the seminaries were honestin this matter, they would avoid all use of university­degree labels (A.M., Ph.D.); they would stop talkingabout training in research and would explicitly planpost-B.D. programs as extensions of professionaltraining.The seminaries are thus estopped from doing graduatework of the research type by the limitation of their staffand library equipment, and even more by the disastrouseffects of expansion in this area upon their professionalprogram. A clarification of their thinking 'on the essen­tial nature of their task would make possible a significantincrease in the quality of their work.The seminaries in integral or intimate relationship tolarge universities do not suffer the handicaps of limitedstaff or library, but they are under the same necessityof careful definition. They are usually worse offendersthan the independent seminaries in the extent to whichgraduate interests distort the professional program. Ifthey carryon work leading to the professional degree,they should see to it that it is professional work, not afeeble approximation to the graduate program, that istheir distinctive function. In more than one institutiona composite degree is offered, the student moving fromB.D. to' Ph.D. and being shortchanged in both areas.The differentiation of function is as important here asit is elsewhere; a frank recognition of this fact on thepart of the university schools of religion will improveboth their professional training and their graduate workIIIWhat is urged here as to the distinction betweenseminary and graduate school is not meant to deny thepossession of any common quality or function to thesetwo institutions. They have one basic goal in common:each hopes to produce men capable of independentthought. If the graduate school hopes to producescholars who will do frontier thinking and increase thesum of human knowledge, the seminary no less fervently hopes to produce ministers' capable of vigorous and inde­pendent thought. It is ironic that this one aim legit­imately held in common by the two types of school istoday efficiently served by neither.Not that either institution can create free minds. Butmuch could and should be done by both in the selectionof students, in the stimulation of their own powers, andin the sharpening of their skills. If the basic aim is tobe met, the third of these services must be recalled fromits encroachments upon the second. More effort mustbe expended by the faculties in the production of thinkersthan in the production of technicians. This will un­doubtedly mean in both institutions more intimatecontact between faculty and student, more informal work,and a never failing interest in the development of thestudent's ideas.Yet with this unity of interest granted, the distinctionin function remains. The most ardent, proponent ofidentity of interest will grant that the skills to be mas­tered are distinct. I t is equally true that in general theprogram of the one must be a broad one, with emphasisupon expansion, and that the other must be relativelynarrow, with emphasis upon specialization.But if the seminaries are persuaded to turn aside fr0111their idolatrous pursuit of graduate character, to whatshall they turn? I realize that this is a large "if," thatthe decision of the majority of the seminaries may wellbe to devote their energies to the conservative task of"maintaining standards." This could involve a furtherwasteful effort· to maintain and perhaps enhance thegraduate status of 'seminaries. But the condition of theministry, the churches, and their schools of ministerialtraining is not such as to encourage a conservative pro­gram ... We need some drastic measures.There are many temporizing solutions in the air today.For example, it is suggested that the seminary curric­ulum is not adequate to its task and that it should bestrengthened by making it a year longer. The propo­nents of this change feel that a four-year curriculumwill achieve what the three-year course cannot. But thissimple prescription of "more of the same" will haveIi ttle beneficial effect upon the course of seminary train­ing. If three doses of arsenic make the patient sick, afourth will not cure him. This plan wins numerousadherents because of the prevalence of a conception ofeducation which identifies standards with elapsed time.I t seems to promise to introduce rigor into theologicaleducation because the addition of another year raises itseducational standards.A second reform attacks the lack of unity in manyof our seminary programs. It recognizes their piecemealcharacter and the fragmentary nature of the educationthey promote. It, therefore, suggests that the seminariesturn from free selection to rigid prescription. This is amove in the right direction, but integration is notachieved by the prescription of unrelated fragments. Yetthis is often done; for example.ia seminary will prescribethat a student must take two courses in each of ninedepartments. But something much more fundamentalthan either of these proposals represents needs to beTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE26done.IVThe first step to be taken in turning from the "�Tad­uate" conception of the curriculum to a truly professionalpattern is to begin the seminary program at the end ofthe junior college course. . The graduates of. a first-ra�ejunior college have as good a general education as theirfathers received from the older four-year college. In theorganization of higher education in America today, thethird year of the college course is the natural point forthe beginning of specialized programs-either for thevarious professions or for graduate study. If the pro­gram of the seminary began at this point, all �he valuesof the present curriculum could be conserved m a four­year course of study.This would have two valuable by-products. In thefirst place, it would tend to increase the. reli�iou� vitalitywith which the new B.D. graduate begins hIS ltfe-work.The seminaries are often indicted as destroyers ofreligious faith. The charge is partly justified in thatthe seven-year program of study keeps the student outof responsible participation in the activities that wouldkeep his devotion deep and steady. In the s�cortd place,the saving of the year's work would appreciably reducethe cost to the individual student in ·time and money.If more men-many more men-are to be trained, thisis a significant item. The current trend in college educa­tion in this country indicates that seminaries resting theirprograms upon that of the junior colleges would have amuch larger number of interested students available. Thelower charges of these schools attract more and moreof the classes from which the ministry is recruited.The first two units in the program facing our juniorcollege graduates in this mythical seminary of tomorrowwould be survey courses, each one taking all the student'stime for one year.! As has been said above, the frag­mentation of the theological curriculum cannot be suc­cessfully combated by prescription alone. At the presenttime many seminaries that have wallowed in complete,or almost complete, freedom of election are now turningto the previous pattern of large prescription. But theprescription of a large number of isolated and insulatedcourse-units will not achieve the integration of currie­ulum that is desired.P The curriculum itself must con­tain large integrated elements.U nit I would take all the student's time in the firstyear in the seminary. Its subject would be "TheChristian Tradition." It would study this tradition asit has been embodied in thought, word, and deed. Thehistory of the thought, of the literature, of the institu­tions, would be studied together in chronological devel­opment from the origins of the Hebrew religion to thepresent, day. An arrangement of this type would takemost of the padding and ,senseless duplication out of the-�suggestion of one-year units is � tentative one.. It would be. con­trary to the spirit of this paper to. claim that there IS. any virtue In aparticular size of the curricular units. N or 1S it �ertall� that these twounits should be equal in size. The discussions of this subject by the .D.B.curriculum. committee in the Divinity School of the Umvers1ty. of Chicagolook toward the granting of more space to Unit I than to Unit II.�A committee of the Conference of Theological Seminar!es. recommendedthe division of the curriculum into three fields: the Christian religion mits historic aspects, the interpretation of Christianity in the present, andthe work 0'£ Christianity in the present. seminary curriculum. It would give the student aknowledge of the Christian tradition as a whole; itwould make apparent the relevance of literature andinstitution and thought to the total process. Seminarygraduates of the present generation seldom know thistradition; this course would make it available to them.Unit II of this curriculum would take all the student'stime in the second year in the seminary. Its subjectwould be "The World Confronts the Church," .with theemphasis on the world. It would draw together intothe program for the year the best thought in those areasof. secular study which are of most value for the religiousworker and would present a brief description of thesituation of the church in this world. I shall not attemptan exhaustive list, but I suggest that in this year thestudent build upon his general information received injunior college an advance in his acquaintance with thehumanities and social sciences; especially with phil­osophy, psychology, and sociology. It is not to be ex­pected-nor, in my judgment, is it desirable-that theinstruction in all these areas should be given by the'seminary staff; those seminaries adj acent to colleges oruniversities would call upon the resources of the neigh­boring institution to make this program possible. Theclimax of the year's work would be a course describingthe relationship of the church today to these secularfactors.Unit III would be a year's internship in which thestudent would have no course work in the seminary.There would be no week-end supply work to defraudboth student and parish. Nothing but the financialadvantage to the student has kept this system alive. Ifthe student has had enough experience already to be acompetent pastor on part of his time, he does not needthe experience as part of his seminary training. If hesadly needs the experience, the church he supplies doesnot receive an adequate ministry. Add to this the factthat these supply churches are usually weak or dyingcongregations, far from normal in personnel or problems,and the specious nature of the claim for the great educa­tional value of this type of practical training is evident.The time given to the course work interferes with thechurch work, and the time given to the church handicapsthe student.On the other hand, each student in this mythical sem­inary would be assigned to some normal, established,religious institution-in most cases a local church, wherean experienced minister (approved by the school) wouldsupervise his work. The school would present to thelocal pastor a list of the activities in which the internwas to be given experience during the year. Periodicreports from. both the intern and his superior would berequired and would be supplemented, where possible, byvisits from a member of the seminary staff. Some of theLutherans have used this program with success, financ­ing it between the local church and the school or be­tween the synod and the local church. In most casesthe intern receives from $30 to $40 a month and boardand lodging. The discussions I have held with variousgroups on. this subject indicate that such a program is apossibility for churches with a congregational govern­ment. Capable pastor's would welcome the intern, andTHE UNIVE'RSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe financial support could be managed. Laymen willrespond to an appeal to support this program. If theseminaries agreed to reduce their competitive subsidiza­tion of all the theological student body, they could affordthis. In view of the educational and religious values ofthe internship, the seminaries cannot afford not todo this.Unit IV of the curriculum would be an individualizedprogram, much less formal than Units I and II. Itshould not be regarded as specialization in a subject�atter. It would be shaped to each student's needs andInterests as they were revealed in the student's progressthrough Units I-III. It would be planned against thebackground of the entire three years' work. It wouldmake large use of discussion and interview, and its limitswould be set by the limits of the resources available.That is to say, if the counselor's judgment was that thestudent needed work outside the narrowly professionalsubjects, it could be worked in here. This also is theplace for whatever instruction in skills may be needed.. This curriculum would work only if there was anIncrease of extra-classroom contact between instructorand student. It would mean decreased time in classroomfor both. Units I and II would be predominantly formal,with a minor use of discussion, quiz session, and inter­view. Unit III would be entirely extra-classroom; andUnit IV largely informal, depending on the individualcase.The informal part of the work (informal in the senseof different from the usual classroom course) might wellbegin when the student entered school, with a diagnosisof his personality, educational status, and the like. Thisshould lead to the appointment of a counselor, and'. bythe end of the second year to some sharpening of thestudent's conception of his task. Throughout the last�wo years the role of the counselor would be increasinglyImportant. It is conceivable that the "practical courses"might be predominantly informal and personalized, withresulting gains in the development of the student'sPowers.After the completion of Unit IV, the student wouldbe given his professional degree, the Bachelor ofbivinity. But it is to be hoped that the seminary and�he church or institution to which he goes will co-operateIn a program of further study. I venture to suggestthat this should consist, first of all, of a reading programleading to examination, both to be conducted by theseminary. In the second place, there should be an ex­amination, more or less formal, upon the quality of hisPerformance in the task, this examination to be theresponsibility of the institution. I believe there wouldbe value in setting up at leasj two such examinations:the first examination for one year after graduation, andthe second for three years after graduation. These ex­anlinations would develop habits of continuing study andwould acquaint the student with ways of keeping abreastof thought in his field while actually at work. Theywould also give to the young B.D.'s first three years'work the qualities of an apprenticeship. It is obviousthat this could be done only with the co-operation of thechurches. 27William E. Dodd: Historian(Continued from PagelO)Army of the Republic. His passion for change, when'inhis judgment it was needed, made him martyr on numer­ous occasions. Though very sensitve, yet he courage­ously bore criticism and accusations against hispatriotism.In his notable address at the one hundred and thirty­second Convocation of the Unit ersity of Chicago inMarch, 1924, entitled "The University and NationalLeadership" he attacked two of the fundamental prin­ciples of our constitution-the balance of power, orcheck and balance system; and the congressional repre­sentative system by districts; the one, he said, defeatedtrue democracy and national well-being and the otherproduced the political "Boss." In that memorable ad­dress he also stated that each generation must slough off"the burdens of a dead past bound fast upon its back";also that the one subject of higher education, after afew fundamentals, was to develop the student's capacityto think closely and accurately. He declared that thebusiness of multiplying answers and the enumerating offacts was "a false trial." In an address before theAmerican Historical Association in 1930 he attacked"The Historians of Nationalistic Bent" because he be­lieved that they overemphasized nationalism and so, incertain respects, retarded civilization. He believed thatthe United States should have joined the League of Na­tions. On another occasion he bitterly criticized thedoctrine of American Isolation and called attention towhat he called the "price of Isolation." This break withthe past, in opposition to the views of Washington andJ efferson, is a good illustration of his doctrine of"sloughing off the burdens of a dead past." His beliefin the necessity of change led him to label the more con­servative minded as "hyper-cautious Americans."Though Professor Dodd suffered from ill-health andpain for much of his life, he fought on to the end. Heliterally gave his life for his country, as much as anysoldier who falls in battle. A note on a sheet of paperin the departmental records states his inability to attenda doctoral examination because, he said, "I am off fora week or two because of over-work and I am tired."He was nearly always tired because he gave so muchof himself for the benefit of others. He is not reallydead for his spirit lives on-the spirit of self-sacrifice,of unselfishness, of high idealism, of the democratic wayof life, of indomitable courage and of independent think­ing. He has left us a heritage; a challenge to fight forwhat we think is right and good. To give great honorto a deceased university colleague he must have lovedgoodness and learning. He must have had that unsel­fish quality of friendship that inspires and helps others.He must have used his learning and talent for the pub­lic good and, as a man of affairs, he must have achievedsomething worthwhile. Finally he must have influencedhis generation to make the world a better place to live in.I am sure that those of us who knew and loved Profes­sor Dodd will agree that his life was an inspiring ex­ample of these high ideals.28 THE UNIVERS'ITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEA View 40 Years In Making(Continued from Page 1"4)all pervasive optimism for the future existed because theAmerican way would convert even the conquered nationsto its philosophy. It was well that the University didlook the same in these new days of strong feeling andquick prejudice, for it had a great opportunity to im­press upon the young people the value of sane judgmentand tolerance. Its task at the end of the war was togather strength for the coming crisis when people beganto doubt that eternal wisdom and justice had triumphedin our generation.Many of us know from our own experience how wellit succeeded. I think particularly of a teacher who con­tinued after the war to explain human nature just as hehad before, in such terms that we might not be undulydisillusioned- when our belief in postwar idealism faded.James Westfall Thompson taught us that human beingsreacted in the dark ages just as they do now. He of­fered us the example of nationalism in the Middle Agesemerging out of chaos to conquer the world of that day.His word pictures of fourteenth century gangsters andheroes were vivid enough that we could draw analogiesin the world around us. But Mr. Thompson saw morethan the stark realism of each period he discussed andgave his students a vision of the ideals for which menhave always struggled and always will. We were con­vinced that human meteors might still blaze across oursky because he made us see Jeanne d'Arc of Domremyas she brought a vision to France and shook that leth­argic country from her stupor to become a vital unifiednation once more. He showed us the medieval mindchained down with the barbarism of the dark ages, theintolerance and smugness, the complaisance of ignor­ance. And to such a Europe came the thirst for knowl­edge, the desire for improvement. These earlier peoplelearned to respect the dignity of the individual and toallow the search for truth to proceed. We took theselessons of the Renaissance out into the world with usbecause Dr. Thompson had made them applicable to thetwentieth century. We can refer to them now when thefear becomes too strong that the dark ages are creepingin on us again. And we are able to look into the futurewith some degree of confidence because we believe thattolerance and individualism will assert themselves againas they did in the past.Those of us who . attended school in earlier days ofthe twentieth century occupy a unique position in thehistory of the Christian era. We are a link between twoworlds which offer greater sudden contrast than anysimilar period within my observation. When I was asmall child I watched the installation of the first tele­phone in our neighborhood, I remember clearly theoriginal motor car in our town and the occasion of myfirst ride. I stood on the corner one day with a largecrowd who had gathered to inspect the breakdown ofthe car which was attempting a daring overland trip tothe World's Fair in St. Louis. Electricity did not comeinto general use until I had been well trained in fillingkerosene lamps and polishing those ever present glass chimnies. From that time we have continued to watchindividual initiative produce for us every physical com­fort we can conceive, amazing comforts whish reachfamilies in the lowest wage scale.But our generation has seen the human being himselfbreak down in the face of the mechanical forces he cre­ated and initiative become the slave of the tools it hasmade. World estrangements could be avoided if thenations used the communication facilities at their dis­posal to make greater understanding possible betweenracial groups rather than to build up distrust and hatred.Restlessness and bewilderment in the face of scientificachievement have helped produce the world of 1940, agroping world which we are unable to fathom.We who attended a great liberal university in the wardays received valuable guidance for living in such aperiod. Chicago had emphasized the social sciences early.in its history and had strong departments. They weregathering facts about human nature in a new kind oflaboratory and trying to fathom the natural rules ofhuman behavior so that people might learn to adjustthemselves normally to the great mechanical progress ofthe day. There still has not been time for the scientificknowledge about the human being to catch up with theachievements in the material world. There is no largebody of accurate information which will explain humanconduct and prophesy its future with any accuracy.We are confident that our University is moving aheadin this field, feeling its way slowly lest its findings beinaccurate; advancing the social sciences until they may'finally stand on a par with the mechanical. Until thattime arrives we alumni are relying on the constant prin­ciples we were taught in our undergraduate days: hu­manity is of one breed wherever and whenever it isfound; all our sciences are parts of a great unity. Wehave accepted our mandate to learn the facts, interpretthem tolerantly and uphold the prestige of the individ­ual man wherever we find him.News of the Quadrangles(Continued from Page 21)week of the Autumn Quarter hereafter, the Board onCo-ordination of Student Activities decided last monthwhen the Interfraternity Council requested the change.The I-F council's request included the stipulation thatan average grade of C be required for initiation. TheBoard considered this average somewhat high, and rec:ommended that fraternities make the same requirementnow being made by women's clubs-that the candidatemake a plus score for the first two quarters on a ratingscheme based on numerical terms.The second-year class of the Four-Year College, withtwenty-one points, led the list of winners for the firsttime in the history of the annual competitive examina­tions, it was announced last month. The plaque usuaJl�awarded to the leader in the number of points earnein the competition was given to Ottawa High School,Ottawa, Ill., which was second in the standings with nin�points. Nineteen full scholarships and twenty-two halscholarships were awarded.NEWS OF THE CLASSES1894WARREN R.' SMITH, PhD, has movedto. Sutton's Bay, Michigan.1897\VILLIAM GEO. ORAM) DB, is theassistant minister in the Ninth StreetChristian Church in Washington, D. C.1898\VII.LIAM L. BRAY, PhD, for manyyears Professor of Botany and Dean ofthe Graduate School of Syracuse Uni­versity will celebrate his 75th birthdayanniversary during 1940. He was thesecond man to. receive the PhD degreefrom the Department of Botany.1899ROBERT WILSON SMITH, PhD, Pro­fessor Emeritus of Biology, McMast­ers University, who lives at 485 Arma­dale Avenue, Toronto, Canada, we be­lieve bears the distinction of being theoldest living alumnus of the Departmentof Botany, although he is seventh onthe list o.f doctors. On October 30,1939, Professor Smith was eightyyears old.1900FRANK G. FRANKLIN) PhD, Li­brarian Emeritus of Willamette ·Univer­sity, writes that he is 78 years old andhas been Secretary of the Salem ArtCenter Association until recently. Hiswi fe has just published "A Tribute toHazel Hall."1901BURTON E. LIVINGSTON, PhD, whobecame Professor of Plant Physiologyat the Johns Hopkins University in1909, has given 3.0 years of distin­guished service to' that institution. Dr.Livingston is a member of the Execu­tive Committee of the A. A. A. s.1902THEODORE c. FRYE, PhD and Mrs.Frye spent the spring quarter of 1939on botanical work in unfrequented por­tions of Mexico. They collected Mex­ican plants for the herbarium of theUniversity of Washington while onleave. Dr. Frye has given long andvaluable service to the University ofWashington and to the Puget SoundLaboratory, of which he was directorfor 16 years. Having reached the F est­schrift age, a period when relief fromactive duties is welcome, Dr. Frye willretire on August 31, 1940. His a.ctiveinterest in botany, however, continues.1904\iVILLIAM R. BLAIR) PhD '06, whoretired from the Army in November of1938, has taken up consulting work andis, at present, connected with the Auto­matic Electric Co. of Chicago. Mr.Blair lives in Washington, D. C.IRA D. CARDIFF is president of theWashington Dehydrated Food Co., y akima, Washington. He has neverlost interest in the Chicago group, andsends greetings.CLIFTON D. HOWE,. PhD, who hasbeen Professor and Dean of the Facultyof Forestry at the University of To­ronto since 1920, has suffered from im­paired health during the last two years,but is improving at the present time.\VILLIAM J. G. LAND, PhD, Profes­sor Emeritus of Botany at Chicago,and Mrs. Land are living in Browns­ville, Texas.LAETITIA M. SNOW, PhD, who wasfor many years the Susan M. HallowellPro fessor of Botany at Wellesley Col­lege, retired from a.ctive service in June,1939, with the title Professor Emeritus.Dr. Snow has gone to Pacific Grove,California, where she is continuing herinvestigations at the Hopkins MarineStation of Stanford University.GEORGE H. SHULL, PhD, is complet­ing a quarter of a century as Professorof Botany and Genetics at PrincetonUniversity.ROBERT B. WYLIE, PhD, who hasbeen connected with the Department ofBotany of the State University of Iowasince 1906, and Head of the Departmentfor·21 years, is in his last semester ofactive service. He, too, has reachedthe age when there should he a Fest­schrift in his honor. He retires at theclose of the current year.1906\VILLIAM CROCKER, PhD, wa.s 'guest,of honor at a surprise party given by the staff of the Boyce Thompson Insti­tute for Plant Research on his 64thbirthday anniversary, on January 27,1940. Dr. Crocker will soon begin. histwentieth year as Director of the Insti­tute. The recently issued index for thefirst ten volumes of Contributions re­veals the extensive and valuable re­search program carried on at the Insti­tute during this period. It is also anindex of the importance of the BoyceThompson Institute in the field of PlantResearch. .For nineteen years MAY WOODSIMONS has been teaching at N orth­western University. Although she fillsher extra time with microscopic studiesof plant pa.rasites, Miss Simons is inthe field of economics officially.FRANCES GRACE SMITH, PhD, Pro­fessor Emeritus of Botany at SmithCollege spent this last winter in Hono­lulu.1907SHIGEO Y AMANOUCHI, PhD, con­tinues his work on the Thallophytes 'atthe University of Chicago, He sharesProfessor Chamberlain's office, and' wasa very efficient aid during ProfessorChamberlain's illness early in 1939.1908LEONAS L. BURLINGAME, PhD, Pr'o�fessor of Biology at Stanford Uni­versity, has written a book on Heredityand Social Problems, which has justbeen published by the McGraw-HillBook Co.AnnouncingThe Publication of"THE BLACKBUTTERFLY"A book of Lyric VersebyCARL H. GRABO, '03Mail Order Postpcdd $1.75PACKARD and COMPANY, Publishers727 S. Dearborn 'Street, Chicago2930 THE UNIVERSITY .OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEREGINALD RUGGLES GATES, PhD,Professor of Botany in Kings College,the University of London, took part inthe. celebration in honor of Spallanzaniat Pavia, Italy, April, 1939. He wasa delegate from the Royal Institution,and gave an address on The Nature ofGenic Differences.1909ETTA L. MONTGOMERY is collabo­rating just now on a book about pres­ent-day Turkey, which is to be pub­lished soon. Miss Montgomery is ateacher in the Senior High School inLos Angeles.JAMES P. POPE is the Director of theTennessee Valley Authority in Knox­ville, Tenn. For six years previous tohis appointment as Director, Mr. Popewas United States Senator from Idaho.Mr. Pope is also. a member of the Inter­national Commission between theUnited States and Portugal for theadvancement of peace.1910CHARLES O. ApPLE.MAN, PhD, hasbeen connected with the University ofMaryland for 30 years, and Dean ofthe Graduate School since 1919. Dr.Appleman was unanimously electedChairman of the Botany Alumni lunch­eon meeting for Philadelphia in 1940.1911WILLIAM S. COOPER, PhD, sufferedan illness during the winter and springof 1939, and was compelled to. leave hiswork temporarily. He spent the earlierpart of the year in Arizona and NewMexico, and the summer in Colorado,at his summer home. He returned to'his work at the .University of Minne­sota at the beginning of the autumnquarter, 1939.1912ST�LLA M. HAGUE, PhD, is complet­ing 25 years of service in the Depart­ment of Botany at the University ofIllinois.1914FRANCIS R. ANGUS, formerly ateacher in the French department at theUniversity high school, is the author ofthe book, As We Are, recently pub­lished by the Bruce Humphries in Bos­ton. Miss Angus spends half of theyear in Chicago and the remaining sixmonths in Canada. Her poems arepublished in the English Journal, S crib­ncr's, Atlantic and other periodicalsfrom time to time.JOSEPH S. CALDWELL, PhD, SeniorPhysiologist in the Division of Fruitand Vegetable Crops and Diseases,Bureau of Plant Industry, is one of sev­eral authors of Circular 499 of the U.S. D. A., a comprehensive study of 40varieties 0 f sweet potatoes as to theirsuitability for drying purposes.LYDIA LEE PEARCE, teacher at TildenTechnical High School, has a son atthe University of Chicago and a" daugh­ter coming in" the fall and considerstrying to keep pace with them a chal­lenge.1915RACHEL E. HOFFSTADT, PhD, has been Associate Professor of Bacteri­ology at the University of Washingtonsince 1932, and is now promoted to aProfessorship in the Department ofBacteriology. She has won recognitionfor her work, and has received a grantin aid of her work on the nature ofviruses from the National ResearchCommittee of Sigma. Xi.RALPH D. LUCAS, JD, has been amember of the Board of Education ofGalesburg, IlL, since 1939 and for thepast year has served as President, protempore, of the Board.ROLLA M. TRYON, PhD, Professor ofthe teaching of Social Sciences at theUniversity of Chicago, is moving toFreelandville, Indiana, in the near fu­ture.ETHEL RUSSELL WICKENDEN of Ox­ford, Ohio, wife of a University pro­fessor, in addition to being a home­keeper, wife and mother of two boys,takes a good deal of interest in AAUW,KKT, Cincinnati Women's Art Cluband several other such organizations.When she finds time, she paints-land­scape and portrait.1916EARLE EUBANK, PhD, heads the de­partment of sociology at the Universityof Cincinnati, which department is con­ducting a study of the trends in popu­lation in Cincinnati since 1900.WALTER W. HAMMOND, JD, ofKenosha, prominent in. Wisconsin BarAssociation affairs, and Walter Fisher,a former student in the Law School, anda member of Bell, Boyd and Marshall,participated in the meetings held onMay 4 and 5 in connection with thededication of the new Law Library atthe University of Wisconsin. Both Mr.Hammond and Mr. Fisher spoke at. aRound Table attended by more than 100members of the Wisconsin Bar on the"Economic Condition of the Bar andPossible Ways of Expanded LegalServices, Particularly in the LowerIncome Group."JOHN M. RATCLIFF, AM '19, Pro­fessor of religious education in TuftsCollege School 0 f Religion in Massa­chusetts, was elected chairman of thenewly established undergraduate depart­ment of religion.STANLEY D. WILSON, PhD, who isconnected with the Yenching U niver­sity of Peking, China, visited at theAlumni office during his stay in Chi­cago. Mr. Wilson, who. is on a fur­lough now, has been instrumental ingetting the alumni together on severaloccasions in Peking.1918HELEN E. LOTH, AM '20, PhD '36,is teaching Latin and Spanish inSuperior State Teachers College inSuperior, Wis.Mrs. FRANK P. MCWHORTER of Cor­vallis, Oregon, has been seeing a goodbit of these United States in the lastfew years. She has been from theMexican border to the Canadian borderand southeast to Florida. Mrs. Me­Whorter lifts an eyebrow. and remarks,"I'm interested in trying to write- together with three-quarters of thepopulation in the U. S." And herhobby is ga.rdening, which is a seriousbusiness in Oregon as vegetables reallygrow there.1919JOHN J. WILLIAMSON, PhD, who hasbeen Biochemist with the Rohm andHaas Co., Philadelphia, since 1930, hasbeen appointed' Chief of the Biochem­ical Division of the Eastern RegionalLaboratory of the U. S. D. A. at Wynd­moore, Pennsylvania.1·920HELEN A. CHOATE, PhD, Prafessorof Botany at Smith College, is enj oy­ing a sabbatical leave for 1939-40. Thefirst semester she spent at Cornell Uni­versity as visiting guest of the Depart­ment of Botany. The second semestershe spent on a trip to California via thePanama Canal.HOWARD DE FOREST, PhD, Professorof Botany at the University of SouthernCali fornia, expects to attend the sum­mer meeting of the A. A. A. S. andBotanical Society of America at Seattle,Washington, in June 1940.DBAN A. PAcK, PhD, is now livingat 1114 West 41st St., LaGrange, Illi­nois.For the past seven years FRED J.\VENK has been half owner of theB & B Steak stations. Mr. Wenk builtthis business, beginning with only oneB & B Steak station in. CuyahogaFalls, O.1921FRED W. EMERSON, PhD, Professorand Head of the Department of Biologyat the New Mexico Normal University,Las Vegas, New Mexico, is presidentof the New Mexico Academy of Sci­ence during the current year.ALBERT BURTON MOORE, PhD, isHead of the History Department andDean of the Graduate School at theUniversity of Alabama.Since 1934 ELIZABETH L. MANN,PhD '36, has been assistant professorof English literature in Western Col­lege in Oxford, Ohio. Her hobby isthat of writing book reviews for theCincinnati Times-Star.RUBY KATHRYN WORNER, SM '22,PhD '25, is a textile technologist forthe Southern Regional Research Labo­ratory in New Orleans, La.1923LARS CARLSON, who is secretary andtreasurer of the Montana ConsolidatedMines Corporation in Helena, Montana;does not collect stamps for himself, buthis hobby is assisting stamp collectors.Mr. Carlson is President of the HelenaChamber of Commerce for 1940.JAMES L. PALMER, AM, has beenappointed Vice President of MarshallField and Company and will act asgeneral operating manager of the Chi­cago and suburban stores.1924Dr. EDWARD L. COMPERE, SM, MD'27, whose offices were in the Universityof Chica.go Clinics, now has. an officeat 116 South Michigan Boulevard, SuiteTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1000-1-2. Dr. Compere specializes inthe practice of Orthopaedic Surgery.FREDDA D. REED, PhD, Professor ofBotany at Mount Holyoke College,South Hadley, Massachusetts, continuesher interest in paleo-botany, and is afrequent visitor to the Department.EARLE A. SPESSARD, PhD, Head ofthe Department of Botany at HendrixCollege, Conway, Arkansas, has beenstudying hermetically sealed cultures ofplants and animals, to, determinewhether or not there is any observablegain in weight from the light reactionin photosynthesis, The first of hispapers will appear in 1940. He believesthat his data show light-mass absorp­rion, and his values exceed those calcu­lated from Einstein's equation.1925CLARA DE MILT, PhD, heads thechemistry department in Newcomb Col­lege, Tulane University, in New Or­leans. Miss de Milt is one of thosewho, believes in "see America first"and particularly from an automobile,ANNE NORRINGTON, PhD, attendedthe Triennial Conference of the Inter­national Federation for Women held atStockholm, Sweden, August 6-15, 1939.The main subject of the group discus­sions was vocational guidance and itsrelation to employment. After the con­ference, she expected to visit Norwayand Denmark, and to, spend a long holi­day in England. Her home address isNelson, British Columbia.HOWARD K. SMITH was appointedmanager of distribution services andsecretary of the distribution committeeof the General Electric appliance andmerchandise department, Bridgeport,Conn. Mr. Smith has been associatedwith the G-E accounting department atSchenectady for the past 15 years. Inaddition to his new duties, he will con­tinue as manager of the commercialresearch division to which post he wasappointed last January.1926ALICE M. BALDWIN, PhD, Dean ofthe Woman's College and AssociateProfessor of History at Duke Univer­sity in Durham, North Carolina, hasbeen promoted to Professor of History.">In 1938 she was co-editor of "NorthCarolina Occupations," published bythe North Carolina Vocational Guid­ance Association of which she waspresident. For two, years she has beena member of the American Council ofGuidance and Personnel Associationsand has given various addresses atsouthern colleges and before clubs.EDNA L. JOHNSo,N, PhD, has beenpromoted to a Professorship in the De­partment of Biology at the Universityof Colorado. Dr. J phnson is continu­ing her X-ray studies, and has recentlypublished an interesting paper on floraldevelopment as influenced by X-rays.The paper is illustrated with a beautifulcolored plate. She has also, publisheda paper on dry and soaked irradiatedwheat.From Marshalltown, Iowa, comesword of GEORGE LENNOX who callshimself "a plain dirt farmer." His 31DISTANCE gained ina relay race meansnothing unless it is held. Andmaterial gains made in the gameof life ... home, furnishings, auto­mobile, business . . . should beheld, too. But they can be takenfrom you at any moment of any day••. by fire, windstorm, explosion;accident, theft, etc. Fortunately, property insurance is so flexible thatyou can protect what you haveagainst practically every conceiv­able hazard. The North AmericaAgent in your section will be gladto analyze your insurance require­ments and tell you just whichpolicies you should have. Consulthim as you would your doctoror lawyer.Insurance Company ofNorth AmericaPHILADELPHIAP'OUNDED 17g2tmtl ill IIjJiJidteJ companies wrif6 practically every form of insUf'anc, ,xc,p' li/'avocation and his hobby consist ofDoberman Pinscher dogs and Berkshirehogs. Moreover, Mr. Lennox is presi­dent, vice president, secretary andtreasurer and chief spreader on 480acres of Iowa farm.V. F. SCHWALM, PhD, is serving o,nthe Kansas State Textbook Commission,State Board of Education, and StateAdvisory Committee of the N. Y. A.in Kansas, as well as the Committee ofthe North Central Association of Col­leges to Evaluate Accrediting Proceed­ings of the Association.LOUISE F. VERRET, SM, scienceteacher in Wright high school in NewOrleans, collects Louisiana Iris as apastime.1927JOSEPH C. IRELAND, PhD, has takenmuch interest in crop improvement inOklahoma, especially corn and sorghumimprovement, in which he has the co­operation of state officials, particularlythe State Department of Agricultureand the State Fair. During the year1939 he published several papers,one on Seasonal Sugar Variations inAlfalfa.B. H. PERSHING, PhD, has beenchanged from Dean of Men to Dean ofStudents and from Professor of ChurchHistory to Professor of History atWittenberg College in Springfield,Ohio.1928CARL TABB BAHNER, SM, is locatedin Jefferson City, Tennessee, where he WANTED:YOUNG MENfor a NEW kind of JobIN current issues of LIFE magazine*America is reading of a new kind ofoccupation which is making over thelives of thousands of men and womenevery year in a unique comhination ofscientific and personal counsel service.The Sonotone Corporation, today,after the comJ?letion of a .remarkableera of growth, IS now looking for youngcollege graduates to help carry forwarda further program of expansion in thefast-developing field of hearing correc­tion for the 18,000,000 hard of hearingin this country.At present, more than 300 men areemployed as Sonotone consultants, anoutgrowth of 8 years of amazing prog­ress in research and organization build­ing. The nature of their work calls forabove-average ahility, intelligence andeducation. The opportunity for service,good income and a life-long career inwork essentially professional in char­acter is a challenge to men with im­agination and resourcefulness.If you are interested in creative saleswork in a highly specialized and ethicalfield; if you are looking for a job withevery opportunity for personal growthand development, write to King Cooper,Vice President, Sonotone Corporation,Elmsford, New York.OSee May 6th and May 20th i •• uee of LIFE32 rl" H E U N I V E R SIT Y 0 F CHI C AGO MAG A Z I N E•BUSINESSDIRECTORY•GLEN EYRIE FARMFOR CHILDRENDELAVAN LAKE. WISCONSINBOYS and GIRLS 1-12Farm experience besides camp activi­ties including swimming and boating.JUNE 23 to SEPTEMBER 1Send for story of the Farm.VIRGINIA HINKINS BUZZELL. I 13Glen Eyrie Farm. DeJavan Lake. W1s.AMBULANCE SERVICEBOYDSTON BROS.All phones OAK. 0492opere+inqAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.PACKARD AND LASALLE EQUIPMENTAWNINGSPhones Oakland 0690-0691-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning c-,INC.Awnings and Canopies lor All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueBOILER REPAIRINGBEST BOILER1REPAIRand WELDING CORP.DAY AND NIGHT PHONE CAN. 6071�0324 HOUR SERVICEQUALIFIED LICENSED CONTRACTOR1404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoBOOK BINDERSw. B. CONKEY COMPANYHAMMOND. INDIANAPRINTERS and BINDERSOF __BOOKS and CATAlOGS111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111SAL..ES OFFICES: CHICAGO AND NEW YORKBOOKSMEDICAL BOOKSof All Pu bl isherlThe Lerqes+ end Most Complete Stock end�II New Books Received es soon 01 pub­lished. Come in end browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago lledical Book Co.)Conqress end Honore StreetsOne Block from RU8h Medical' College has a Chemistry professorship at Car­son-Newman College.CONSTANCE E. HARTT, PhD, reportsa very busy year in her work on sugarcane at the H. S. P. A. ExperimentStation, Honolulu. She and her friendMarie Neal are developing their yardand garden, which grows pink 'and yel­low cosmos 7 to 9 feet tall, and manyother kinds of flowers. The names soundlike mainland gardens. But they alsohave lychee, mango, breadfruit, avo­cado, allspice, shower trees, and caram­bola.ROBERT W. KINGDON) AM, lives inHonolulu, Hawaii, 2625 Ferdinand Ave.He has been minister of the PilgrimChurch of Honolulu since 1936 and isthe former chairman of the HonoluluInter-Church Federation's Committeeon Community Religious Services.From 1928 to 1936 Mr. Kingdon was amissionary on the Island of Mani.ISABEL H. SELDON) who has beenchairman of the art department in ShawJunior High School in Washington,D. C. for ten years, ha.s received anE S (eminently superior) for her workin the last five years. Miss Seldondoesn't buy her jewelry as her hobby' isj ewelry making. She also collects artobjects wherever she goes and writesplays on the subject of art.MARY M. STEAGALL, PhD, who tooka trip around the world last year, re­ports that the cruise was great, fromevery angle. Fortunately her trip wascompleted before ocean travel becamedangerous.1929HARRY F. CLEMENTS, PhD, who isPlant Physiologist in the HawaiianAgricultural E.xperiment Station, en­joyed a vacation to the island of Hawaiiduring the late summer of 1939. Dr.Clements has been promoted to a Pro­fessorship, and heads a Plant Physi­ology Division in the Station. Com­parisons are being made between astation at Waipio, and one at Kailua.With soil and temperature controlled,the sunnier climate at Waipio producesyields more than double the tonnage ofcane obtained at Kailua. The regionis well adapted to such studies becauseof the climatic contrasts between areasthat lie close together.JUNETTA C. HEINONEN, PhD, taughtin the Ball State Teachers College, atMuncie, Indiana, during the summersession. Miss Heinonen is now As­sociate Professor at Iowa State Teach­ers College at Cedar Falls, Iowa..RUTH O. SCHORNHERST, SM, a mem­ber of the staff at the Florida State,Teachers College, Tallahassee, Florida,is continuing her work for the doctorateat Michigan. She says she hopes tofinish her work by next winter.WILLIAM THOMAS UTTER PhDChairman of the Depa.rtment of)Histor�and Government at Denison University,is engaged as co-editor of a six volumeHistory of Ohio, and is writing thesecond volume, The Pioneer State) onthe period 1803-1825.GEORGE E. ZIEGLEJ SM '30, PhD '32,has been Director of X-ray and Spec- troscopy Laboratory Research Founda.tion of Armour Institute of Technologyin Chicago for several years. .,1930ROBERT ARDREY is the first winner ofthe Sidney Howard Memorial Prize of$1 ,500. Mr. Ardrey wrote this season's"Thunder Rock," which had a briefrun. Earlier works to his credit inclUde"Casey Jones," "Star Spangled" and"How to Get Tough About It."1931BOYD BURNSIDE, who teaches Ameri­can history at Stoughton City Schoolsin Stoughton, Wis., and who directsthe orchestra, conducted the orchestraand string ensemble in a spring concerton April 22, 1940.CHARLES E. CAYLEYJ PhD, has beenProfessor of English history at J ack­sonville State Teachers College since1934. He has given a series of radiotalks and has. participated in a numberof round-table discussions on the topicof long-term leases, in addition toassisted purchase, as a solution to thetenant farmer problem in the south.DEE MAIER, AM, has been filling theposition of Home. Agent at Large forthe University of Missouri since April1, 1940.MARJORIE CAHILL VANE and her hus­band, RAY VANE, '32, have a new ad­dress, 2312 Lorna Vista, Pasadena, Cali­fornia. Mr. Vane is now district salesmanager in the Los Angeles area forthe Studebaker corporation.1932HARRIS M. BENEDICT, PhD, is enjoy­ing leave of absence from his work atthe Cheyenne Horticultural Station ofthe U. S. D. A. He is at the Univers.,.ity, renewing his contacts with the De­partment of Botany, and engaging inresearch connected with the work ofthe Station. He reports that Jack Rab­bits provide plenty of diversion, whenthere is need of recreation in the Chey­enne environment.HAROLD B. TUKEY, PhD, has plentyto keep him busy. He says there isnothing new to report; but he is stillholding down the job of being fatherto three sons and two daughters, Chiefin Horticultural Research at the NewYork Agricultural Experiment Station,Secretary- Treasurer of the AmericanSociety for Horticultural Science, andEditor of their Proceedings. I t mustbe a, sort of Grand Hotel proposition,nothing ever happens; hut we are surethings get done by design, just the same.1933HERBERT W. CONNER, PhD, is nowchief chemist of the William WrigleyJr. Co., Chicago. The Conners live at2032 West llOth Place, Chicago, Illi­nois.GEORGE KINGSTON, MD '36, is nowserving a.s Chelan County Health Offi­cer and resides in Wenatchee, Wash­ington. Mrs. Kingston was formerlyMILDRED E. JONES, PhD.WILLIAM A. Russ) JR., PhD, Pro­fessor of History and Political Scienceat Susquehanna University, Selins­grove, Pa., has published several arti-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEdes. La.st summer he went to Hono­lulu to do research on the Hawaiianannexation to the United States. Hehas been elected to the Council of thePennsylvania Historical Association.JOHN Voss, PhD, head nf/the De­partment of Science, Manual TrainincHigh School, Peoria, Illinnis, wa�elected treasurer of the Illinois Acad­emy of Science at the 32nd annualmeeting of the Academy at SpringfieldIllinois, May, 1939. '1934DAVID P. COSTELLO, PhD, who is inthe U. S. Forest Service at Fort Col-'lins, Colorado, is writing up the resultsof four years of field work for publica­tion. Dr. and Mrs. Costello send wordthat t!1eir latchstring is out for anyalumm that get within visiting distanceof Fort Collins.LOIS' COOPER HOLZWORTH AM '35 isworking with Tim.e' Magazi�e in Rocke­feller Center in New York City as edi­torial assistant.MAJOR DONALD B. SANGER) PhD, hasrecently been transferred to. Fort Mon- GLADYS A. BAKER_, R. N., teachesroe, Va. He has' completed a Life of science in the Hackensack HospitalLongstreet which is now with Macmil- School of Nursing in Hackensack Newlans. In Honolulu, where he had been Jersey. Miss Baker professes a�ateurstationed, he was chairman' of a COl11- photography as her avocation.mittee of the Institute of Pacific Rela- DUNCAN BRITE) PhD, Associate Pro-tions. He hopes to. be able to' start work fessor of History at Utah State Agri-soon on a life of Seddon, and to retire cultural College, gave an addressfrom active military service in 1940 and "Fathers of the Constitution" over sta-pu.t in full time on a Reference Military tion KSL, Salt Lake City last year.HIstory of the Civil War in America. He has recently been honored by, theThe Bright family holds six degrees announcement of the Pacific Coastfrom the University of Chicago ' Branch of the American HistoricalORVILLE T. BRIGHT (father) received Association that his thesis has receivedhis PhB in Ed. in 1935 and his AM in the 1939 award for the best work sub-1939. Son FRANK got his AB in 1935 mitted in the field of European history.and his AM in 1939. Daughter ALICE MARION DARGAN) PhD, Professor ofwas awarded her AB in 1939 and ex- History, University of New Mexico atpects to. receive her JD this coming Albuquerque, has published two articlesyear. Furthermore, son FREDERIC at- during the past year. They are "Newtained his AB in 1937 and will get his Mexico's Fight for Statehood 1895-AM this next summer. In addition to 1912" and "The Attitude of th� Terri-the immediate family, ALICE BRIGHT torial Pr�ss! 1895-1901" in the Januarysister to Orville, received her PhB in and Apnl Issue of New Mexico His-1909. Incidentally, this family lives but torical Review. He adds the interestinza short distance from the University. information that he has spent the sum-LELAND BURKHART, PhD has been me� . in California d?,ing some ghostappointed associate agronomist at the wntmg on a book which will appear inNorth Carolina Agricultural Experi- � 1940.ment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina. ". RICHARD .V'!. HAMMING will beginHe is working on mineral nutrition of hIS new position as Teaching Assistantsouthern crop plants, particularly pea- at the University of Illinois in Septem-nuts, strawberries, and cotton. Dr. and ber, 1940.Mrs. Burkhart live at 303 Hillcrest HILMER H. LAUDE, PhD, was chair-Road, Raleigh.' man of the Crops- Weather RelationsRUTH C. PIERJ AM, is living in La Secti�n at the .Annual meeting of theGrange, Ill., and teaching English. American Society of Agronomy atROBERT SHERWOOD SHANKLAND New Orleans, November, 1939. Dr.PhD, associate professor of' physics at Laude is Professor of Crop ProductionCase School of Applied Science has at the Kansas State College, and hasbeen appointed permanent head of the been engaged in investigations dealinzphysics department of Case. Dr. Shank- with the high temperature resistance ofland has been acting head of the physics plants. His son, Horton Laude, whodepartment since last October and as so- held a Rhodes scholarship at Oxford,date professor in that department since returned to. the United States when theApril, 1937. war started. He is now at the Uni-ARVILLE WHE.ELER_, AM, has accepted versity of Chicago, taking graduatet?e position of Superintendent of Pub- work in Botany,he .Sc�.ools in Ashland, Kentucky, to Since 1938. ROBERT D. MORGAN) JD,begm In July of this year. has be.en United States Commissioner1936 for t.he Southern District of Illinois byappomtment of the Federal DistrictRANDOLPH BEAN now directs the Court. Mr. Morgan is engaged inPrograms for Station WV\T AE in Ham­mond, Ind.From 1935 to date EMMETT E.BRAT�HER) PhD, has held the positionof. I?lr�ct?r of Tea.�her, Training atMISSISSIPPI College In Clinton, Miss.Mr. Bratcher is a member of the Missis­si�pi, High School Accrediting Com­mittee.MARGARETA A. FAISSLER, PhD, is ateacher of history in Roland ParxCountry School in Baltimore, Md. Shestates that the Slavonic Reviewa,cceptedher article, "Austria and the Disruptionof the Balkan League," for publicationin its Christmas numbe.r, but suspectsthat the war, would keep that issue frombeing published.HAROI�D j, ST.OEN_, MD, of Lafayette,Ind., resigned hIS work with the PublicHealth Service in Cleveland on Febru­ary 1st. Dr. Stoen is now conductinahis private practice in La fa vette Indi�-' ,ana.1937 33CATERERJOSEPH H. '-BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 Eost Huron StreetT et. Sup. 0900-090 IRetoil Deliveries Doily end SundaysQuality and Service Since 1882CEMENT CONTRACTORSCONCRETEFLOORSSIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATIONSREPAIRSA.LL, PHONE'SEST. 1929 BEVerly 0890Yard: 6639 So. VernonCHEMICAL ENGINEERSA�bert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Herris, '21Epstein. Reynolds and HarrisConsultin<g Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6Co.�LEASTMAN COAL CO.Esta blished 19027 YARDSALL OVER TOWNMAIN OFFICE252 West 69th StreetTelephone Wentworth 3215Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4-Wasson's Coal Makes Good-or­Wasson DoesCOFFEE-TEALa Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sh.Phone State 1350BOlton-New York-Phlla.d'''thi_S�r •• u ••ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORSWM. FECHT ELECTRIC CO.CONTRACTORS - ENGINEERSLIGHT & POWER WIRING600W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneSeeley 278834FLOWERSTHE U N I V E R SIT y 0 F CHI C AGO MAG A Z1 N ELITHOGRAPHER• CHICAGOEstablished 1865FLOWERSPhones: Plaza 6444, 64451645 E. 55th StreetGRAPHIC ARTSTHE SCRIPTORIUMScribes • Illuminators • BindersC L RICKETTS JASPER S KINGTITLE PAGES; ANNIVERSARY. CHRIST­MAS, WEDDING and GUEST BOOKS;COATS OF ARMSGENEALOGIES, MEMORIALS.RESOLUTIONS, BOOK PLATES•DIPLOMAS, AWARDS, HON­ORARY DEGREES, CHARTERSr'alued paper J and letter J restoredand bound38 SOUTH DEARBORN STREETDEARBORN 0001 CHICAGOGHOt;t.RIESLEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2QUALITY FOODSTUFFSMODERATE PRICESWE DELIVERLAUNDRIESSUNSHINE LAUNDRYCOMPANYAll ServicesDry Cleaning2915 Cottage Grove Ave.r elephone Victory 5110THEBEST LAUNDRY andCLEANING COMPANYALL LAUNDRY SERVICESAlsoZoric System of Cleaning- : - Odorless Quality Cleaning .:.Phone Oakland 1383LETTER SERVICEPOND LETTER SERVICEEverythinB in Lener.Hooven TypewrltlnlM ultlara1lhinaAddressoaraph Servlc.Hiahest Quality ServiceAll PhonesHarrison 8118 M ImlOlraphinaAddressinlMalliniMIRlmum Prices418 So. Market St.Chicago practice with his father, HENRY DALEMORGAN, '06, and brother, DONALD A.MORGAN_, JD '38, in the law firm ofMorgan and Morgan.LEO C. ROSTEN, PhD, who is betterknown as Leonard Q. Ross, the authorof the Education of Hyman Kaplan, isnow Director of the Motion PictureResearch Project in Hollywood, Cali­fornia. The Project's advisory boardconsists of the Associate ProfessorHERBERT BLUMER, '28, HAROLD D.LASSWELL, PhD '26, Robert S. Lynd ofColumbia University, Professor LOUISWIRTH, PhD '26.Dr. Rosten, who is also the author ofa provocative book on W ashinqton C or­respondence) describes his HollywoodProject as a survey of "everything."His outline includes: How Movies AreMade; Who. Are the People Who MakeThem ; Hollywood's Way of Life;Status and Prestige in Hollywood,Hollywood's Attitudes; The PressureGroups; Foreign Markets; EconomicProblems; and The Function of theMovies in a Democratic Society.1938ALBERT PARRY) PhD, has been editorsince March, 1939, of The Hour)weekly bulletin of the American CouncilAgainst Nazi Propaganda.. He haspublished articles recently in Asia)Travel) and other magazines, and abook, Whistler) s F ather) telling thestory of the Whistlers in Russia in the184O"s.ELLIS B. KOHS) AM, has been study­ing at Harvard University and willteach this summer at the School ofMusic of the University of Wisconsin.BERNARD M. HOLLANDER MBA isconnected with the Columbia� Broadc�st­ing System as Research Assistant inSale Promotion, New York City.B U.5 I N E 5 S S C H 0 0 L1926EARL W. ENGLISH is a managingpartner of Fenner and Brane brokersin New Orleans. "1929LESTER c. SHEPHARD is researchtechnician in the Bureau of Administra­tive Research of Los Angeles CountyCali fornia, making studies of organiza�tion, procedures, work flow, use ofmechanical equipment, etc. He is alsoteaching accounting in the EveningCollege of the University of SouthernCali fornia.GARFIELD V. Cox) PhD, Robert LawProfessor of Finance, has returned toteaching after two years' absence be­cause of illness.1930H. J. REHN) PhD, is associate pro­fessor of business administration atTemple University, Philadelphia.1931DON M. COOPERIDER is clerk to. thegeneral manager at the May Depart­ment Store in Los Angeles. He re­ports that he is glad to be working fulltime again after two years' absence L. C. Mead '21. E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.PIc! nogr�ph_.;,.Offset-Pri nti ng73 I Plymouth CourtWabesh 8182OFFICE FURNITUREFILING CABINETSDESKS - LOCKERSCUPBOARDS - SHELVINGMetal Office Furniture Co.Grand Rapid., Mloll18anPAINTERSGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.P�intinq-Decorating-Wood Finishing3123Leke Street PhoneKedzie 3186E. STEWART FEIGHINC.PAINTING DECORATING5559 TelephoneCottage Grove Ave. Midwey +«)4RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. Tele,honeMonroe 3192PHOTOGRAPHERMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd .• Chicago •• Ste+e 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIPLASTERINGHOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING. BRICKendCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone Dorchester 1579PRINTERSTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECOMMERCIAL SCHOOLSCLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good PrintinB of All Descritnions"RESTAURANTSThe Best Place to Eat on the South Sid.COLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 WoodJ8wn Ave.Phone Hyde Perk 6324RUGSASHJIAN BROS., Inc.ESTABUSHE,D 1121Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone Regent 6000 while recuperating from a serious ill­ness.RICHARD S. MELVIN is a lawyer, andassistant secretary with the AndersonCo., auto accessory manufacturers inGary, Indiana.EARL D. OSTRANDER, AM, supervisesthe rates and research section of theIllinois Commerce Commission,1933RICHARD S. SPANGLER, AM, IS anassistant buyer for the United StatesGypsum Company.19341-1"'. STROTHER CARY is associated withthe Leo Burnett Co., an advertisingagency in Chicago as an account execu­tive.RUTH MOULIK is a statistician atBarcus, Kindred and Company, Chi­cago.HARRY SHAPIRO is in the loan de­partment of the Halsted Exchange Na­tional Bank in Chicago.RICHARD RASHMAN is a representa­tive of the Equitable Li fe AssuranceSociety in Chicago.WILLIAM L. WILSON, JR. is the sup­erintendent of Geisinger Memorial Hos­pital in Danville, Pennsylvania, wherehe is also teaching courses in sociologyto student nurses.PHILIP A. BROOKS is assisting MR.JOEL P. DEAN, PhD '36, in a researchproject being conducted by him for theCelotex Corporation in Chicago.KENNETH L. SKILLIN is engaged inmarketing and copy-writing for Ar­mour and Company.ROBERT M. JONES is a service repre­sentative for the commercial departmentof the Michigan Bell Telephone Com­pany.BEN HUBBARD is with the GeneralBox Company in Cincinnati.LEWIS E. HASKINS_, MBA, who mar­ried MARION PEARSON last summer, isa stock operator with the duPont Ny­lon Corporation.OLIVER R. LUERSSEN, MBA, is headof the department of business and eco­nomics at Quincy College.� ARTHUR J. CLAUTER, JR. is in the ac-counting department of Wm. WrigleyJr. Company.ROBERT O. ANDERSON is with theAmerican Mineral Spirits Inc.1935JOHN H. ABRAHAMS is a mortgageexaminer for the Security Benefit Asso­ciation in Topeka, Kansas.L. H. FRITZEMEIER_, AM, is the place­ment director and teacher of socialproblems and economics in the OakPark High School.VERNON D. KEELER, PhD, is an as­sistant professor of management andindustry at the University of California,Los Angeles.RAY W. MACDONALD is a specialsales representative in Detroit, Michi­gan, for the Burroughs Adding Ma­chine Co.1936WILLIAM H. PALMER does marketresearch for the Chicago Daily News. 35II!!O!R�H! !O�R!for College People OnlySuperior training for practical, personal use or profit­able employment. Course gives you dictation speed ' or100 words a minute in 100 days. Classes begin January,April. July and October. Enroll Now. Write or phonefor 'bulletin.BRYANT & STRATTON College18 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago Tel: RAN. 1575MacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administre+ion end SecretarialTrelninqDAY AND EVENING CLASSESACI!"edited by the National Alloelatioa of AI­eredited COmmer.lal School I.1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130RA' BINOVITCH is the teacher of DmitriKessel, The Grand Duch-ess Marie, Esther Born,Ernest Born, Curtis Reider, Robert Bouret-Scallan,Saxon & Viles, Ben Schnall, erc., in recent and veryrecent years.The RABINOVITCH PHOTOGRAPHYStudio- � orkshop-School ofIS an inrentionallv smallschool and a very personal one for those who seedifferently and wish to make individual pictures.Professional and non-professional. Day and evening.20th year. Now enrolling Sept. class. Write forCatalog G, 40 West 56th St •• New YerkeSCHOOL-SHORTHANDYour whole life throughShorthand will be useful to you.F or more particulars call, write,or telephone.THE GREGG COLLEGE6 North Michigan Avenue. ChicagoState 1881ROOFERSESTABLISHED 1908ROOFING and INSULATINGSHEET METAL WORKSECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKS•Galvanized Iron and Copper Cornic ••Skylights. Gutter.. Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbesto. Roofing•1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893STOCKS-BONDS-COMMODITIESP. H. Davis. til. H .. I .. Markham. 'Ex. '06R. W. Davis. '16 F. B. Evan •• IIIPaul H. Davis & Co.Member.New York Stock ExchanglChicago Stock ExchangeChicago Board of Trade10 Sa. La Salle St. Franklin 1822TEACHERS' AGENCIESTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE36AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. Jackson BoulevardChicagoA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It 18 affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers,Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEmbIi.hed 188&. Placement Bureau formen and women in all kinds of teachinlpOliti ona. Large and alert Collele andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Malters; fort, per cent of ourbueiness. Critic and Grade Supervilors forNormal Schools placed ever, ,ear in largenumbers; excellent opportunitiel. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Busiaese Ad·ministration, Ku.ie. and Art, secure finepOlitions through us every year. PrinteSchools in all part. of the country amongour best patrona; lood lalariel. Well pre­pared High School teachers wanted for cityand suburban Higb Schools, Special man­ager bandies Grade and Critic work. Sendfor folder today,CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency57th VearNationwide ServiceFive Offices-One FeeCHICAGO. MINNEAPOLISKANSAS CITY. MO. SPOKANENEWVORKHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 I:. JACKSON BLVD.Te1epboae Harri_ 7793Chicago, Ill.Member National ","oclationof T ellche,. Agencle.Wo EnJoy. V.ry Fino HI.h Sck •• I •. Normal S.h •• I.Collo ••• nd Unl .... lty Patr .....UNDERTAKERS-BOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.All Phones OAKlllnd 0492VENTILATINGThe Haines CompanyVentileting end Air ConditioningContree+ors1929-1937 West l.eke St.Phones Seeley 2765-2766-2767 HARRISON DOBBS spoke at the KansasState Conference of Social Work heldin Wichita on April seventeenth on thesubject "Community Planning for Neg­lected Children." GRACE BROWNING,AM, '34, conducted an institute at theKansas Conference and also at theGeorgia Conference held in Augustaduring April.CHARLOTTE TOWLE conducted an in­stitute on "Supervision" at the RegionalConference of the Child Welfare Leagueof America held in Milwaukee late inMarch. Miss Towle also spoke in NewOrleans on April fifteenth under theauspices of the Council of Social Agen­cies and the Child Guidance Clinic. Shespoke on the subject, "The Handlingof a Problem Child in an Institution."A new Social Service Monographpublished by the University of ChicagoPress is "The Illinois Emergency Re­lief Commission" by FRANK GLICK,PhD, '39.HERMAN GOLDBERG, AM, '38, hasbeen appointed to a position in theProbation office of the Juvenile Courtin the District of Columbia.MARJORIE RICE, AM, '38, has re­cently accepted the position of SchoolCounselor with the San Joaquin CountySchools at Stockton, California.ANN KAUFMAN, AM, '38, has leftthe Department of Public Welfare inIndiana to take a position as Supervisorwith the Jewish Family Welfare As­sociation in Minneapolis.EUNICE GILBERT, '39-40, has recentlyjoined the staff of the Children's Di­vision in the State Department of Pub­lic Welfare in Missouri.ALICE PETERSON, AM, '40, has beenappointed Social Worker in the Emer­gency Relief Society in Menasha, Wis­consin.JANET SMITH, '40, has joined thestaff of the Child Welfare Service inIdaho.MR. JOHN BRADLEY has been ap­pointed Supervisor of students in theProbation Project at the Cook County1938CLYDE R. CROFT, JR., MBA, is anauditor for the public accounting firmof James A. Matthews & Co., in Mem­phis, Tennessee.C. E. DOUGHERTY is vice president ofthe Dougherty Feed Co., Inc. in Can­ton, Ohio.DAVID B. GORDON is a publisher'srepresentative for the Laidlaw BrothersPublishing Co. in LaGrange, Ill.1939ARTHUR H. COHEN is a bookkeeperfor the wholesale poultry and egg com­pany, Charles Keeshin, Inc., .in Chicago.ROBERT E. MEYER is learning the in­vestment business at the Illinois Co. ofChicago.NORMAN F. SWANSON is cost ac­countant, and training for sales at theMcGill Mfg. Co., bearing and electricmanufacturing company, in Valparaiso,Indiana.SOCIAL SERVICE Verne P. Werner, DirectorBLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to Uni­versity lind Business Women litModerllte TllriffBLACKSTONE HALL5748Blac:btone Ave. TelephonePlalll 3313PETERSONFireproof WarehouseSTORAGE - MOVINGForei,n - DomesticShipments55th & EIU. Phone. MID 9700HAIR REMOVED FOREVER�� S"'\i' .;BEFORE AFTER19 Years' ExperiencaFREE CONSULTATIONtoms A. METCALFEGrlldullte NurseALSOELECTROLYSIS EXPERTMultiple 20 platinum needles can be used.Permanent removal of Hair from Face,Eyebrows, Back of Neck or any partof Body; destroy. 200 to ClOO Hair Rootlper hour.Removal of Facial Vein •• Mole. andWart •.M.m"r Amtrl"'n Ann. ·M.dl",r HgJr.lo" ondPAII"",r ntr.pg$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705, Stevens Bldg.17 No. Stllte St.Pmu' Love""" .. , II Weal,,, "' B ... "THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJuvenile Court.vised studentsAdministrationQuarter.LAYLE SILBERT, AM '38, has beenappointed Interviewer with the IllinoisState Employment Service.At the meeting of the CaliforniaConference of Social Work in Fresno,a "Chicago School Breakfast" wasarranged which was attended by morethan thirty former students now en­gaged in some form of social welfarework in California. Among those whoplanned the meeting were DR. H. E.CHAMBERLAIN, formerly Professor ofPsychiatry, DR. ARLIEN JOHNSON, Di­rector of the University of SouthernCalifornia School of Social Work, andMISS MARY JOHNSON, Director of theLos Angeles Council of Social Agen­cies. Mr. Bradley has super­in the Chicag:o Reliefduring the' WinterBORNTo VAN METER AMES, '19, PhD '24,and Betty Breneman Ames, a daughter,Christine, on March 15, 1940, in Cin­cinnati.To DAVID B. SHAPIRO, '27, JD '29,and Mrs. Shapiro on January 25, 1940,it son, Robert Fogel Shapiro, in Chi­cago.To Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Stramrn(ELIZABETH ROGERS, '32) on April 12,1940, a girl, Sylvia Richey.To DAVID J. HARRIS, '35, and Mrs.Harris (EVELYN CARR, '35) a daughter,Carol Ann Harris, on April II, 1940 inChicago, Ill.ENGAGEDEvelyn Beatrice Rosen of Chicago toHERBERT HENRY COBB, '31, JD '33, ofChicago.CATHERINE CELENE GRIFFITH, '33 toWALTER MAKEPEACE LILLIE, MBA '39,of Chicago. The wedding is to takeplace late in May.BERNARD Moss, '38, to Amy Hecht,formerly of Berlin, Germany. The wed­ding will be on July 28, 1940. Mr. Mossdoes general court reporting here inChicago.KATHRYN JANE CHETHAM, '40 toROBERT FINLEY DRURY, '39, of Wash­ington, D. C. The wedding will takeplace in Chicago early this summer.Helen Gillette to CHARLES A.CHAPIN, '40, of Chicago. The weddingis planned for July at Lake Beulah,Wisconsin.MARRIEDSAMUEL L. ZOBLEN, '28, to FlorenceE. Askow on March 10, 1940. Theyare living at 5125 Kenwood Avenue,Chicago, Ill.Elizabeth Toumy to THOMAS M.DECK, PhD '32, on March 30, Chicago.Dr. Beck is employed by the VictorChemical Company in Chicago Heights.ELISABETH WALKER, '35, to RICHARDFRJEDEMAN, '33; on March 15, 1940 inChicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fr iedemanmotored to New Orleans on their wed­ding trip and are now at home at 7533Kingston Ave., Chicago.LAVINIA M. HOWELLS, AM '39 to Dr.Everett Lee Strohl on April 20, 1940.ROBERT A. IRWIN, '39 to Ethel M.Miller on March 16, 1940 in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin are living at 6428Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill.PHYLLIS ZOE SILVERTRUST, '39, toLouis Franklin Sandock of SouthBend on November 23, 1939. Mr. andMrs. Sandock are living in Indian­apolis, Ind. at 1129 N. Alabama ..JANE WESTON, '39 to DONALD W.SHAFER, '40, on March 30 in Winnetka,Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Shafer are at homeat 1805 West Lake Street, Minneapolis,Minn.MARGARET C. ARGALL, who willgraddate this June, to CHARLES S. \i\TIL­SON, JR., '39, in the Graham TavlorChapel at the University of Chicago onAprilS. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are liv­ing at the Plaisance Hotel.DIEDDR. PHILIP SCHULER DOANE, MD'95, a physician and surgeon in Chicagofor many years, on April 27, 1940 inPasadena, Cali fornia. Dr. Doane movedto Pasadena in 1920 and there he 01'­agnized the Pasadena Central Healthservice, was president for 11 years ofthe Pasadena Humane society and fortwo years of the Pasadena FlowerShow Association.HORACE BUTTERWORTH, '98, on De­cember 8, 1939 in Dunellen, NewJersey.U. S. HANNA, '98, in March, 1940.Mr. Hanna was a member of the In­diana University Mathematics facultyfor 37 years.CHARLES GOETSCH, '01, PhD '06, As­sociate Professor of Germanics on theUniversity of Chicago faculty, on April30, 1940 in Chicago.MILDRED CHADSEY, '03, on April 3,1940 in Cleveland, Ohio.GERTRUDE SEYMOUR. '07, AM '09,writer, on April 14, 1940 in New YorkCity.ROBERT E. HATCHER, JR.. '16, ofSpringfield, Ill., on April 7, 1940.FRED H. STANGL, '16, MD '18, mem­ber of the Lewis Stangl Clinic at St.Cloud, Minn. for the past 18 years, onMarch 19, 1940 in St. Cloud.BEULAH RUSSELL, AM '19, teacherat Williams and Mary College, on Feb­ruary 22, 1940 in Williamsburg, Va.FRANK JAMES DESMOND, AM '21,teacher on January 29, 1940 in Dunkirk,New York.LAURA PAULINE KIRK, AM '21,teacher, on January 29, 1940 in Dunkirk,ville, Mo.MARGARET JUDITI-I REYNICK, '21, onFebruary 6, 1940, Chicago, Ill.Mrs. Drexel Winkler (EVELYN FIND­LEY, '21), teacher, on April 1, 1940 inSac City, Iowa.MARY WARFIELD RUFFNER, '25, for­mer probation officer of the Denverjuvenile court and a leader in manycivic and social organizations on April12, 1940, Denver, Colo.CLARA M. FORCK, '27, teacher, onJanuary 15, 1940 in Chicago.ROBERT D. HOLT, AM '33, of Ko­komo, Ind. on April 24, 1940.DR. OSCAR WEISS, MD '36, on Jan­uary 3, 1940 in Santa Monica, Calif. 36A• Here's your best vacationopportunity for 1940-visit the SanFrancisco World's Fair and see the scenicwonderlands of the West on one trip.Chicago and N orth Western offers you theluxurious comfort of its famous trains­the Streamliners for speed, the Challengersfor economy, the Pacific Limited for a thrill­ingly scenic ride. You have a wide choice ofroutes, including the short direct OverlandRoute (C.&N.W.-U. P.-S. P.). Stopoversanywhere. Rail fares are low. Read thislist of bargain trips.SAN FRANCISCO and NEW YORKWorld's Fairs on one glorious circle trip,from any point in the United States, by anyroute you choose-round triprail fare in coaches, only • . . $90.00In Pullmans (berth extra) • • • . $135.00For routing in one direction via the CanadianRockies, additional charge of $ 5.00 will apply.PACIFIC COAST-San Fran<;isco, LosAngeles, Pacific North­west. All the high spots of the West Coast0t?- 0Ile grand circle tour: Round $65 00trrp 1Q coaches, from ChIcago. •BOULDER DAM -Lake Mea? En. route toor from California. ToursI from Las Vegas, Nevada, at a nominal charge.COLORADO-Sublime mountain vacation­land overnight fromChicago, as low as. • • . . . $31.10YELLOWSTONE-Magic land of geysers,waterfalls, canyons.Round trip in .Pullmans (berth $49 30extra), from Chicago ; • • •• •ZION, BRYCE, GRAND CANYON NAT'LPARKS-See all three awe-inspiring wonder­lands on one tour. Round trrp toCedar City in Pullmans (berth $50 60extra), from Chicago. . . .. •BLACK HILLS, SO. DAK.-r!���ai�!east of the Rockies. Picturesque. Romantic.Site of �t. Rushmore Memorial, $26 45from Chicago, as low as • •• •SUN VALLEY IDAHO Famous moun-, t a i n resort 0 nthe edge of America's "Last Wilderness."Ro!-,nd trip in coaches, from $5490Chicago • • . • • • • '. •CANADIAN ROCKIES-Banff, Lake Louise,Vancouver. Enroute to or from the Pacific Coast.Ro.und trip in coaches, from $65 00I Chicago • • . • • • • •. •ALASKA - Midnight Sun Land.Round trip from Seattle $95.00I NORTH WOODS of, W�sconsi�, UpperMichigan, Minnesota- Forest playground of the Middle $9 35West, from Chicago, as low as .. •r- - - -MAIL THIS COUPON- - - ,I R. THOMSON, Passenger Traffic ManagerI Chicago & North Western Ry. IDept. 102-400 W. Madison St., Chicago,III.I Please send information about a trip to II -------------------------------------- II Name 1I Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - Io Also all-expense toursI If student. state grade ..NEW Design NEW Convenience FeaturesNEW LOW PRICESThey said it couldn't be done!They said it wasn't possible to build a true-qualityFrigidaire and still bring the prices down within reachof thousands more people who have always wanted one.But we've done te ... and the new 1940 Frigidaire isProof!This year we offer you the finest, most beatttiful Frigidairewe've ever built at the lowest prices in Frigidaire history![ust imagine! You can OWl2 a genuine 6 cu. ft. 1940Frigidaire for little more than $100!From its popular choice asAmerica's No.1 Refriger­ator, from making over 5,000,000 Frigidaires, we'velearned not only to build well, but to build efficiently,to give you more value for less money. So now you getthe biggest dollar-for-dollar value we've ever created!Your new Frigidaire is a better, more beautifully designed,better-looking refrigerator than ever. It freezes ice faster,and keeps food safer at lowest current cost in Frigidairehistory. It has more great fearures, more downright con­veniences ... yet with all these great new advantagesyou'll pay much less-for a Frigidaire this year!That's why we're so proud 'of them proud of theirbeauty, proud of their 5 ry Ie, theirfearures and especiallyproud of their sensationally low prices. See your nearbyFrigidaire Dealer' 5 Proof-of- Value Demonstration, Lookover the luxury of this great refrigerator. Then peek atthe price! You'll make up your mind in a hurry aboutrefrigerators. You'll say "It's Frigidaire for me!"FRIGIDAIRE DIVISIONGeneral Motors Sales Corporation, Day ton, Ohio • Toronto, Can.A BIG, BEAUTIFUL BARGAIN!Let your.{rjgidaire Dealer show you why FRIGIDAIREis..the Better Buy IMeter-Miser, . simplest cold­making mechanism everbuilt. Self-oiling, self­cooling. Silent, efficient­uses less current than ever.Exclusive F-114 refriger­ant. In all models. Glass·Topped Food Hydr .. torguards freshness of fruits,vegerables.amazingly.Youacruallysee dewy moistureon the glass cover. Pre­serve color,lIavor, for dayslonger. In 14 models.Double -Easy Qulckube Trayscome loose and cubes popoutinstanrlv. No meltingunder faucet. No "gad­gets" to lose or misplace.Greatest ice convenienceever offered. In 16 models. [lIra-Large Meal Tender slidesout like a drawer. Savesfood dollars by properlyprotecting a ll kinds ofmeat and fowL Also storesup to 100% extra supplyof ice cubes. In 9 models. Complete New Series of FRIGIDAIRECOLD-WALl MODELS at New law Prices IThe greatest refrigeration advance in 25 years-Frigidaire's Cold­Wall· Principle, already proven by the experience of thousands ofenthusiastic users-is now available at lower prices than ever before.Only Frigidaire has this famous new principle, which cools throughthe walls, saves precious vitamins in toods-preserves the freshqes.s,lIavor and color, days longer. And you don't even have to cover lood/Ask your Frigidaire Dealer for a Cold-Wall demonstration,__ iIfItNew Stainless Chromium Shelvesdramatize the beauty of theFrigidaire interiors withmirror-smooth luster.Rustless and sanitary. Staynew for years. Cleaned ina jiffy. In 16 models. * IMPORTANT! All prices quoted are Dayton, Ohio, delivered Prices,and include installation, Federal Taxes and j-Year Protection Planagainst service expense on the sealed-in mechanism. Transportation, stateand local taxes (if any) extra. All prices subject to change ,vithoul no­tice. See your Frigidaire dealer lor local prices.A WORD OF CAUTIONFRIGIDAIRE is the trade-mark of the refrigerator manufactured by tbeFrigidaire Division of General Morora+-world-wide leaders in therefrigerator, range and motor car industries. Be- s�re the srore :go to sells FRIGIDAIRE, made only by General Motors.One-Piece Steel Cablnel builtto last a generation, sealsin the insulation and pre­venrs'warer-logging' thatdestroys cbld-keeping effi­ciency.Easiestofallcabinetsmkeepclean.Inallmodels,