THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOFIFTIETH ANNIVERSARYANNOUNCEMENTXVEJOICING IN YOUTH AND FREEDOM,GRATEFUL TO ITS BENEFACTORS, AND IN THE SPIRIT OF REDEDICATION TO THESEARCH FOR TRUTH AND THE ENRICHMENT OF LIFE, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO WILL CELEBRATE IN 1941 THE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF ITS FOUNDATION.J- HE FOUNDER OF THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO WAS A PIONEER OF AMERICAN INDUSTRY AND PHILANTHROPY. THEFIRST PRESIDENT WAS A PIONEER OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION IN AMERICA.THE SPIRIT WHICH ANIMATED THEM STILL PERVADES THE QUADRANGLES. ITIS FITTING, THEREFORE, THAT THE THEME OF THE CELEBRATION SHOULD BENEW FRONTIERS IN EDUCA TION AND RESEARCH.T„.HIS THEME WILL BEEMPHASIZED IN EXHIBITIONS DURING THE ANNIVERSARY YEAR 1940-41, IN CONFERENCES OFSCHOLARS AND SCIENTISTS TO BE HELD IN SEPTEMBER, 1941, AND IN A SPECIAL SESSION OFTHE ALUMNI SCHOOL. THE CELEBRATION WILLCULMINATE IN AN ACADEMIC FESTIVAL EXTEND ING FROM SEPTEMBER 26 TO SEPTEMBER 29,1941, THE PROGRAM OF WHICH WILL INCLUDE,AMONG OTHER EVENTS, AN ALUMNI REUNIONAND ASSEMBLY, A FESTIVAL CONCERT, A SERVICE OF THANKSGIVING AND COMMEMORATION,AND A CONVOCATION WITH THE AWARD OFHONORARY DEGREES.LLT IS HOPED THAT THE ACADEMICFESTIVAL WILL BE FAVORED WITH THE PRESENCE NOT ONLY OF THOSE WHOARE BOUND TO THE UNIVERSITY BY TIES OF PERSONAL INTEREST AND SENTIMENT BUT OF THE OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVES OF UNIVERSITIES, COLLEGES,LEARNED SOCIETIES, AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE.INVITATIONS WILL BE ISSUED IN DUE SEASON AND A CORDIAL WELCOME ISASSURED TO ALL WHO HONOR THE UNIVERSITY WITH THEIR COMPANY.¦y hwoY/',«4 - '^<f."i\fj\ iIoiaaT IakPresidentDirector oj the Celebration"Silk Stockings in the Morning? Imagine!'7SILK stockings a luxury? Not today, but theywere 25 years ago. So was an automobile,and a telephone. An incandescent lamp — not halfso good as the one you now get for 15 cents — thencost more than twice as much. And you couldn'tbuy a radio or an electric refrigerator for love ormoney.These are only a few of the things wc accepttoday as commonplace. We expect wide, smooth,well-lighted streets. We want automatic heatin our homes; we clean our rugs with vacuumcleaners. When we go to the dentist we expecthim to use an electric drill; we accept withoutcomment an X-ray examination as part of amedical check-up. Luxuries? Not at all; they'repart of the American standard of living. How did they become common in so short atime? Not by some sudden change in our wealthand habits. It was through years of steady workby American industry — scientists, engineers,and skilled workmen developing new products,improving them, learning to make them lessexpensive so that more millions of people couldenjoy them. And so, imperceptibly, luxurieshave changed to necessities.More than any other one thing, the increasinguse of electricity in industry has helped in thisprogress. For more than 60 vears, General Electric men and women have pioneered in makingelectricity more useful to the American people —have led in creating More Goods for MorePeople at Less Cost.G-E research and engineering have saved the public from ten to one hundred dollarsfor every dollar they have earned for General ElectricGENERAL <¦) ELECTRICTHE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILREUBEN FRODIN, '33Associate EditorCHARLTON T. BECK, "04Editor and Business ManagerWILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, JD '22; DON MORRIS, '36; RALPH W. NICHOLSON, '36Contributing EditorsN THIS ISSUETHE COVER : The official an- books of pictures among many people, a big city and not in Freshwater, isnouncement of the Fiftieth but to those interested in alumni different from other schools. That isAnniversary of the University affairs of the University, he is best not unusual; it is in fact an enviableof Chicago. This formal announce- known for his loyalty and continued attribute. It is a big place, but noment, reproduced on the cover in its inquisitive interest in University life, bigger than the sum of all its parts.original size and color, was produced We have seen the first draft of his A child can be born at Lying-in Hos-by the University of Chicago Press, forthcoming pamphlet about Univer- pital; be enrolled in the NurseryIt will be sent to universities, learned sity life, and we warn you it is good. School a few years later ; then go intosocieties and persons the world over. It will be sent to all alumni. the Elementary School; then the• • High School ; then the. College ; thenThe leading article this month Speaking of undergraduate life, we one of the Divisions or Professionaltakes our alumni readers into the im- can commend to you the remarks of Schools. And, if one likes it wellpressive building on the south side "A Former Student" on how alive the enough, one can settle down in theof the Midway which houses the University is for the unwary. From neighborhood and attend Universitysixteen organizations interested in experience, we know how active the functions the rest of one's life. Thisgovernment. These organizations, undergraduate life at the University is indeed a versatile institution.which have been coming to the Mid- is and always has been. We have £way for a number of years, are inter- been listening for many years to the -^ ^, uJ, . , J, ^ . 1,1, i<A • • •, Football continues to require someested in many phases of government, carping remark that Chicago is lust T v T ^i j. -r 11 • ^ ^ J i r j ^ „ rp^ J, comment. In our expanding Lettersbut specifically in better government, a place for graduates. Ihe remark .n l. J. ,j x1 ^ .v, , *, ,, column we are running as manyConsequently, it would seem that will be repeated for many years to ^ .t1 .-[, . x. . . , . , . , . , vi_ ^ -^ -"ii 1 comments as space will permit.their activities should be of especial come, we suppose, but it will be no Aim ., r r,* , r...^ ^ - . , „. ^ .* . *\. '. ^ While we realize that someone willinterest to the intelligent citizenrv nearer the truth than it was twenty , ^ ^ •, ^, ,ii • £5 tt • -a." -ri • 1 U4. 4.1 \ charge that we are just running thewho are the alumni of the University, vears ago. There is no doubt that T- • -*. -i s. ±\ • *. i^ J 'TT . b. . ~. . i.i- university side of the picture, we beg• the university of Chicago, located in • , 4.1,4.1A , . . . ^. .^ . ¦ J & ' to announce in advance that the pres-As explained in the introductory ^ x. ^ .r r, , iV ,. t a 11 > j. • ¦" " entation is as a true cross-section ofnote to Mortimer . Adler s contn- .^ ^ . .. , ™ £bution to this month's Magazine, the TABLE OF CONTENTS the total ma.l received. The favor-^. . . ~ j. -r> 1 \ r ^ able response was even heavier thanarticle on the Great Books is part of FEBRUARY, I940, t 1a chapter in Professor Adler's forth- T Pase ^r FTTFRS ^ t^t\coming How To Read A Book. Much Books ....... ...... ...... ........... 4has been said about the curriculum Thirteen-Thirteen, Albert Lepawsky 7 A new batch of manuscripts, in ad-of the course which has been taught TlF Great Books : I, Mortimer J. Ad- dition t0 those which reached theter 10by President Hutchins and Professor Baldridge' '11,' William V. Morgenstern 12 office before January 15, have begunAdler for the last half dozen years. I Had a Wonderful Time, But— to come in. The new deadline as youEach year there are two or three _ A P°^ner Student — . ... u wj]i remember is March 1. The judges,. J1 , Table Talk on Atoms, Cody Pfanstiehl 16 J ,fetimes as many students who want to Bye Bye Football ! William Allen for the contest will be Frank Huburttake the course as can be accommo- White 17 O'Hara, T5, Associate Professor ofdated, and by all odds it is the most W™ ™^A.L™NI^ 18 English; William V. Morgenstern,discussed course for undergraduates All Things Considered, Howard Viii- '20, JD '22, Director of Press Rela-on the Quadrangles. cent O'Brien : 19 tions, now coordinator of publicity of• News oe the Quadrangles, D.n Mor-^ the Fiftie^ Anniversary . and How_The Magazine is pleased to pre- Traditions at the University, Philip ard P. Hudson, '35, Assistant Direc-sent W. V. Morgenstern's "profile" A Schuyler Allen 22 tor of the Fiftieth Anniversary Cele-of Roy Baldridge. '11. Baldridge is national Committee Members'. '. '. '. '. '. '. 30 bration and formerly Associate Editor^Tell known for his illustrations and News of the Classes 31 of the Magazine.# Published by the Alumni Council of the University of Chicago monthly, from October to June. Office of Publication, 403 Cobb Hall, 58th St. atEllis Avenue, Chicago. * Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the PostOffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the official advertising agency of the University of Chicago Magazine.2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELETTERSDISCOVERYTo the Editor :Lately my friends have been discussing Aristotle and the Federalist Papersalmost as much as they do the war. So.I decided to visit [the Hutchins-Adlerhonors] class to see what it was allabout.It was really inspiring to discoverwhat kind of teaching is going on atthe University now; and I only wishI had the time to go back there andwork. . . .If every alumnus actually understoodthe President's educational platform,there would be no trouble about endowments. Certainly a few of us are doingall we can to keep the University'spolicies from being misrepresented andthe most powerful advocates of thesepolicies from being maligned.Robert Pollak, '24.Chicago.[Turn to page 10 for a discussion ofthe content of the Hutchins-Adlercourse. — Ed.]NEWS FROM ENGLANDTo the Editor:As you probably know — we are notnow allowed to send money out of England so I cannot pay the annual alumnidues — I have tried to do this by callingit a pre-war bill, but it was refused.My husband, who had a Commonwealth Fellowship (parasitology) at theUniversity from 1931 to 1934, gave uphis practice in Kent and is at presentat sea as a surgeon.I am down as a bacteriologist on theNational Register but have not yet beencalled up. This is sketchy but censorwould not pass more details.Jean Duffield, '33.Berkshire, England.[Foreign subscriptions will be continued until further notice where exchange restrictions prevent the sendingmoney out of a belligerent nation. Letters from those in Europe are welcomed.—Ed.']PROUD NEW ALUMNUSTo the Editor:I am proud to be an alumnus of auniversity which does not find it necessary to support a football team in orderto justify its existence, and which hasthe courage to act in accordance withits convictions.Intercollegiate competition, in othersports as well as in football, has becomeso over-emphasized that only athleticspecialists are equipped to compete.The intramural athletic program reaches many more of the student body thandoes the intercollegiate program. . . .Athletic tradition plays only a minorpart in unifying a student body and increating loyalty to an educational institution, and is not the major factor thatsome sincere but misguided individualswould like to have us think it is.Burton B. Moyer, Jr. '39.Chicago,FOND RECOLLECTIONSTo the Editor :Ever since the Board of Trustees determined to abolish football at the University, I, in common with thousand ofother Alumni, have naturally given thematter a great deal of thought. Amsure that I am voicing the sentiments ofthe majority when I say that I deplorethe decision made..... It is perfectly natural that students who enjoy the color and glamourof high school football as interestedspectators would not care to attend aUniversity where football has beenabolished, and when we consider thatwhen students are thinking aboutchoosing a college, they are between theages of 15 and 18, it is natural that theymay think unfavorably of a schoolwhose avowed attitude has been to de-emphasize the importance of football.Unquestionably it is unimportant toPresident Hutchins, to some of theTrustees and the faculty and also tothose among the current student bodywhose primary interest is research andhigher education. However, I questionvery much that this is a point of viewrepresentative of the majority..... In looking back upon my undergraduate life of fond recollections, Ifind numbered among them the following: Several interesting courses, primarily those under Teddy Linn, FreddieStarr, Harold Moulton and S. H.Clark; Blackfriars, Reynold Club andthe football team. For many years aftermy graduation I attended footballgames at the University, and whilethere naturally met many former friendsand my interest was thereby kept alive.Abolishing football will have certaindefinite results. It will take away fromthe undergraduate body a lot of thespirit and enthusiasm of former days ;it will take from the Alumni a sourceof continuous contact with the University; it will remove from the Universitya large drawing power of worthwhilestudents ; it will take from the University a substantial source of revenuethat can be devoted to the needs of theschool. Abolishing football because theteams have not been winning sets abad example of solving a difficult problem by giving up rather than by striving to find an adequate solution. . . .Albert Pick, Jr., T7.Chicago, Illinois. IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLSTo the Editor :I have just finished reading the reprint from the American Mercury andam very glad that you have thus givenme an opportunity to find crystallizedsome of my own thoughts on the subject. My own experience as a playerof football in high school and still lateras a high school coach of the sport wasextremely pleasant. Now as superintendent of a small school where footballis the chief sport I find that my interest has not grown less. In an agethat apparently is "growing soft," football offers a boy the chance to developsome of the aggressiveness that we allso sadly need.But there are certain signs apparentto me that I believe other high schoolteachers have recognized; namely, thatidea that coaching has become aracket, that coaches, in both high schooland college, care far more about winning games than they do about developing physical physiques. In other words,some of the problems of the collegequadrangle have filtered down to secondary school. This has always beenthe case. The university sets the example: the high school follows the lead.Nearly all small schools have developedcompetitive athletics ; few have doneanything in the field of physical education.Far more serious, however, is thebelief on the part of our high schoolstudents that a sound academic training is not what they should look forward to in college but social and athletic success. This shopping aroundfor athletes has hit even the smallestschools, and the result has been that itcondones what amounts to dishonestyon the part of college authorities, whoshould set the highest example.To me, then, the action of PresidentHutchins has been timely. and well advised. I want my University to keepthe business of educating people first.If, however, the time comes when allof our colleges and universities canagree to keep football in the amateurclassification, then I hope that we shallagain see football games in Stagg field.Perhaps Chicago's courageous examplemav make it possible.E. H. Bremer, '26, AM '35,Superintendent.Public Schools,Constantine, Michigan.IN THE HIGH SCHOOLSTo the Editor:The question of interscholastic football among the St. Louis Public HighSchools has become a matter of considerable concern. In order to have asmuch light as possible shed upon thissubject may I ask that you mail directlyTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 3Westminster — In black or tan Russian calfskin, S12.7SWe "should sign our name, Frank Brothers, M.S. Master of Shoe-making, of course. And we've earned the degree throughthree-quarters of a century of the study and practice of creatingand sponsoring the finest shoes in America. Now we're ready forthe degree of Doctor of Economics, for we have succeeded inproducing a collection of six Frank Brothers models at $12.75,one of which we illustrate here. Ask your Frank Brothers representative to show you these remarkable shoes.FIFTH AVENUE • 47th-48th Streets • NEW YORK225 OLIVER AVENUE-PITTSBURGH, PA. • 112 WEST ADAMS STREET. FIELD BUILDING-CHICAGO. ILL.f0 each of our twelve board membersa copy of "Concerning Football"with the enclosed excerpt of Footballand College Life by President Hutchins. . •R. F. Holden, '10.Asst. Principal.Blewett High School,St. Louis, Mo.IN THE COLLEGESTo the Editor:I have been greatly interested in yourpamphlet, "Concerning Football." Iwish you might send me two or threecopies, also President Hutchins' speechto the undergraduates. I am interestedboth as an alumnus of the Universityof Chicago and as a college administrator.John C. Hessler,AB '96, PhD '99.President.James Millikin University,Decatur, 111.EXTRA COPIESTo the Editor:Will you kindly send me a copy ofyour recent bulletin, "Concerning Football," with a copy of President Hutchins' address "Football and CollegeLife?"Joseph H. Edge,President.Dakota Wesleyan University,Mitchell, S. D.EXTRA COPIESTo the Editor :I have just seen a copy of your bulletin "Concerning Football." Also, I havea copy of Dr. Hutchins' address entitled"Football in College Life." I shouldbe very glad to have six copies of thebulletin and the address if you havethem available.G. W. Diemer,President.Central Mo. State Teachers College,Warrensburg, Mo.CONVINCEDTo the Editor:I just received copy of PresidentHutchins' speech to the undergraduates,as well as your pamphlet regardingthe football situation at Chicago andelsewhere.Although I have felt rather disgustedwith football at Chicago during the lastfew years, I was really impressed bywhat I am convinced is the properanalysis of the situation in PresidentHutchins' speech, and I am writing toask if a dozen copies of it, along withthe "Concerning Football" pamphletcan be mailed to me.C. C. McWilliams, '21.Los Angeles, Calif. REAL LOUSEY (SIC)!To the Editor :Please cease mailing me your bulletins and announcements as I wish tohear nothing more from or of the University of Chicago. All the evidenceindicates that the appointment ofHutchins and the shaping of Universitypolicy is a function of the Swift family.There is nothing to show that the smartyoung Yale kid had a single qualification for the post. For the last tenyears the University has slipped farmore intellectually than on the gridironand the man who wants to read anythingREAL LOUSEY [sic] can do nothingbetter than get out the Doctoral Dissertation of Bill Johnson, Chicago's greateducator. Any department that wouldaccept a thing like that STINKS. . . .Carl Smith, '21.Riverside, 111.FROM ST. CLOUDTo the Editor:You have done a fine service toAmerican youth and education in sending us all a copy of Mercury's articleon football. Congratulations to you andthe University for its stand.B. E. Atkins, '33.St. Cloud, Minnesota. THE DOCTOR'S ANGLETo the Editor:I note the uproar concerning football. I endorse the action of PresidentHutchins and his associates. ... I have"patched up" many football injured.Some still have more or less permanentdisability and a few have died as a result of such injuries.Other sports and collegiate activitiesgive ample vent for student energy andcooperation, better qualify him for life'sproblems and useful citizenship andtrain a far greater percent. . . .J. A. Little, MD Rush '98.Evanston, 111.EVANSTON, HOME OF—To the Editor :The pamphlet, "Concerning Football," and President Hutchins' address,Football and College Life, which youhave recently sent to alumni, have interested me and some of my friends verymuch. Would it be possible to get anextra supply — say about twenty copies ?Arthur H. Nethercot, PhD '22.Northwestern University,Evanston, 111.{Continued on Page 29)4 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBOOKSPrologue to Politics. By Charles E.Merriam, Professor of Political Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1939. $1.50.With war hysteria gripping the worldand with ostrich philosophy on theascendancy in America, it is indeed refreshing and encouraging to find asound, dispassionate and concise analysis of the state, what it is and whatit should be. We are effectively, ifmomentarily, withdrawn from the battleground to obtain perspective.Society has been made and now is,Professor Merriam finds, organizedthrough either violence or consent. Toeach he devotes a section of his book.The true relationship of violence to themodern state is a problem over whichmen and political ideologies differ. Theanarchist maintains that violence is theessential characteristic of the state andtherefore the state should be liquidated;others, such as Ghandi and the Oxfordgroup, strenuously oppose specific typesof violence. On the other hand thereare those who maintain that violence isan exalting characteristic of the state;thus we find the totalitarian rulers proclaiming it. To a third course, a viamedia between these oposing doctrines,we find Professor Merriam subscribing.The middle way appeals to the authornot through even partial affection forviolence, though he confesses to beinga Son of the American Revolution. Hefeels we must concern ourselves withforce in order that we may be able toreason. Violence is an inferior formof organization, and it is therefore ourtask to examine this organization, tounderstand it, and to invent forms ofreorganization which are superior. Inother words, "before the storm breaks,we may consider what the storm willHIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATESENGRAVERS SINCE 1906 + WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES ++ ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED ++ ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE ?J RAYNEIT• DAI HUM i, CO2054 W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO. To Charles E. Merriam for adviceturn heads of municipal and national governments. Morton D.Hull, DistinguishedService Professor,he is chairman ofthe Political Science like, what it will do, and how weshall meet these new situations. Thisis the way that ships are sailed and theway that ships of state may be navigated by their commanders and theircrew."The doctrine of consent, which ourDeclaration of Independence eloquentlystates when it asserts that governmentsderive their just powers from the consent of the governed, is the greatestproblem of today, for it is currentlyunder consistent challenge. The authoritarians deny the right of self-determination to the masses and insist thatinterpretation of public interest by leaders is adequate protection to thecommonweal.Modern democracies, says the author,have been hard-pressed in every crisis —and he no doubt has in mind war andeconomic upheaval — because they failedto consider the degree of consent inwartime simply because they did not believe in war, and because they wereunwilling to accord government sufficient power to adequately act duringswift social change, for government isgenerally considered — particularly bybusiness interests — to be negative. (Hemight have mentioned in this connection business inconsistency whenevergovernment subsidy is desired.)We must ever be aware of the factthat essential to continuous control overgovernment by the governed is provision for change in fundamental organization of the commonwealth. "Anunchangeable government would be anun-American government," for "nothing could be more undemocratic or un-American in particular than a systemwhich would deny a community theright to determine its own form of government. This would mean control bythe minority over the majority."For a chapter, Professor Merriamtakes a fling at offering a number ofguiding considerations in the creationof an ideal state, a problem in which weface separation of church and state, theantagonism of nation and nation, and agulf between government and industry.The problem, briefly stated, is to provide for universal and progressive participation in the gains of civilization onan accepted basis of intervaluation of services in a framework of securityjustice and order, in which initiative'creation and adventure have their areaof operation.The author offers eight guiding considerations : A general Utopian spirit-recognition of authority and trusteeshiprather than ownership; recognition ofthe institutionalizing of trusteeship(e.g., in industrial relationships, wherethe principle of collective bargaining isaccepted but the practical applicationresisted) ; recognition of the new valueof expert management (despite accusations against bureaucracy) ; recognition of the role of science, education andplanning in the development of any government system ; pluralism of values(for revolutions that change too muchretreat and take up what they abandoned too hastily) ; emphasize cooperation rather than coercion; recognisethe creative as well as the control rulesof association."Free men— in free states — in a freeworld — these the ideal state may bring."I would change the word "may" to"must," if it is a truly ideal state.Professor Merriam is still an optimist in these nightmarish days whenhatred and bigotry are apparentlyspreading unchecked, while bullets replace butter, while baiting of politicaland racial minorities prevails throughout the world. He sees the inexorabletriumph of intelligence, a rising scale ofhuman values, and he envisages thestately structure of a new commonwealth, a temple of our common justice. Even if we meet in a concentration camp in the interim, he says he willbut caution for patience.I am perfectly willing to go alongwith Merriam, to see the same inevitable triumph of reason. Because Ipray for it. Because it is so necessaryfor the preservation of civilization.Morey S. Mosk, '33Secretary to the GovernorSacremento, Calif.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 5m"YOU'RETELLINGME! n lhat's a funny one. You're tellingme what a great thing the telephoneis. As if I didn't know!"Why, I'm one of the main reasons there's a telephone in our house.For you can bet your life I keep thefolks pretty busy around here."Just think ! If we didn't have atelephone, we couldn't order thingsin a hurry from the stores. AndGrandma couldn't call up to ask ifI had a tooth. And Daddy couldn't talk to us when he's out of town.And Mother would be tied downjust something awful."And suppose one of us suddenlytook sick? Or there was a fire? Ora robber, maybe? Well, I don'tworry about those things when Isee the telephone."'Doesn't cost much either,' myDaddy says. And Mother says, 'Idon't know what I'd do withoutit.' "BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEMTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAT a formal dinner at the Drake Hotel on January 17,more than 200 alumni of the University of Chicagolaunched the Fiftieth Anniversary Gift Fund with pledges of more than $135,000 (see Ralph Nicholson's story onPage 18). Here's part of the crowd at the Drake. Partof the program of speeches was broadcast in Chicago.LAUNCHING THE ANNIVERSARY GIFTPRESIDENT HUTCHINS and former Dean George Vincent were the principal speakers at the Drake dinner.At the speaker's table were: (left to right) Trustee Ernest E.Quantrell, '05; George Bates, "27; Julia R. King, '18; Trustee Paul Hoffman, '12; George E. Vincent, PhD'96,LLD'II; Host Harold H. Swift, '07; President Hutchins;Trustee Frank McNair, '03; Grace Coulter, '99; TrusteeJohn Nuveen, '18; Harold J. Gordon, '17.VOLUME XXXII THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBER 5FEBRUARY, 1940THIRTEEN-THIRTEENON THE far side of the Midway at 1313 East Sixtieth stands the newest building in the majesticGothic style of the University of Chicago. Although Thirteen-Thirteen is on campus, it is not of it.Nor is it merely a building on the Midway; it is theembodiment of an idea. On campus, but off, a physicalstructure, yet an idea — this is not a very auspicious wayfor an alumnus who functions atThirteen-Thirteen to start describingit to his fellow alumni.Thirteen-Thirteen as a single entity is difficult to describe because itis itself a collection of sixteen autonomous organizations held together bynothing stronger than their ownproximity — unless it be the centralidea they hold in common. Thisidea is that the good life impliesjust government which in turn re-quires purposeful administrationmade possible by effective techniques and by skilled administrativemethods ; and that these can be arrived at empirically by collecting andcomparing administrative experiences, by evaluating administrativepractices, by developing accuratemeasures of administrative performance, and by striving- for more satisfactory administrative standards,.Before I proceed to describe the work carried on atThirteen-Thirteen in pursuance to this idea, let me warnmy readers that my fellow directors at the building maynot agree with this analysis without injecting some qualifications of their own, similar in a mild sort of way tothe doctrinal divergences of those who explore the higherlevels of truth at the University.The entire Thirteen-Thirteen group represents butone-tenth of some one hundred and fifty national organizations of public officials most of which maintain theirheadquarters in New York or Washington. However,Chicago, the metropolis of Middle America and the nation's mailway, railway and airway center, appeared tobe a more logical location for the Thirteen-Thirteenorganizations interested to a greater extent in constantcommunication with and in providing services for thestates and the local governments scattered over the entirecountry. Recognizing also the possibilities of collabora-ADMINISTRATOR LEPAWSKY• By ALBERT LEPAWSKY, '27, PhD '3 1tion with the University in the field of public administration, the first of the organizations brought their headquarters to Chicago in 1929. These were the International City Managers' Association and the Civil ServiceAssembly, which moved into one of the University'sbuildings on the south side of the Midway at 923 EastSixtieth Street. When other groups arrived, 850 EastFifty-Eighth Street, one block fromthe campus, became the commonheadquarters, and in April, 1938, the¦ organizations moved in to the splendidly-designed, air-conditioned building at Thirteen-Thirteen.Under the terms of the gift madeby the Spelman Fund for the erectionof the building, the University of Chicago has agreed to provide the land,hold the title and maintain the property for the use and occupancy of thenational governmental organizations.Public Administration Clearing Housemanages the building, and in additionto providing offices for the several organizations, the Clearing House operates a joint reference library, conference room, board room, service department and various facilities for theconvenience of the several associations.These associations are not mere recent creations emerging from the sweeping governmental developments of the last decade, nor are they parvenuto the realm of science. Some of them go as far backas the '90's, long before the universities began to recognize the possibilities of public administration as a separate discipline in the poltical and social sciences. Theoldest organization at Thirteen-Thirteen, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, was founded in1893. Through its members and staff the Associationhas been instrumental in fostering the scientific techniques of ballistics and dactylography. The highly publicized finger-print files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation originated with and for twenty years weremaintained by the Association, before being taken overby the federal government as the nation's official dacty-lographic system. The American Public Works Association, formerly the American Society of Municipal Engineers, dates from 1894, and has continually fostered78 THE UNIVERSITY OFscientific advances in public works engineering of alltypes. Its field of inquiry includes sanitary engineering,which, together with the science of epidemiology, hashelped to preserve the modern city from the plague ofearlier civilizations.Like other institutions, including the universities, responsible for discovering what goes on in the world anddisseminating their findings, the associations at Thirteen-Thirteen1 compile and distribute scientific facts and research reports concerning the fields of interest coveredby their members. Research men are constantly at workin their individual offices or in the Joint Reference Library; or they may be in conference, freshly returnedfrom a field trip during which they have heard and seenat first hand the practices and problems of some particular governmental institution. It is interesting to notethat these research techniques have the sanctions of theancients as well as the support of practical administratorstoday. Aristotle, father of political science, practiced research on a similar scale. The greatest of Aristotelianscholars, Werner Jaeger, tells us in his chapter on "TheOrganization of Research," that for the collection of the158 constitutions which Aristotle used in his comparativeanalysis of governmental structures, the ancient philosopher "must have employed a very large number of researchers . . . when he was head of a great school withinwhich he could train fellow workers suited to his purpose."But the associations do more than merely collect anddistribute information. They evaluate governmentalpractices and they criticize those that are deemed contrary to the best conception of effective and purposefuladministration. The effective campaign against interstate trade barriers recently launched in this country wasinspired chiefly by the Council of State Governments'researches and its official conferences on the economiceffects of these barriers. Scientific procedures from otherfields are adapted and advocated, as in the case of theprogram of the National Association of Assessing officersin standardizing the most effective techniques of appraisal engineering and adapting them to the field ofproperty tax assessment.The organizations are also interested in perfecting objective and scientific measurements and standards ofadministrative activities, and in terms of these standardsthey strive for higher levels of administrative performance. Some of them devote their research facilities tothe development of measures of performance and unitcosts of administration, and progress is being madeas rapidly as statistical technique permits. Meanwhile uniform classifications for the collection of dataare laying the basis for further progress in the administrative sciences. The uniform accounting classificationof the Municipal Finance Officers' Association is theIThe sixteen organizations and their directors are as follows: PublicAdministration Clearing House, Louis Brownlow; American MunicipalAssociation, Earl D. Mallery; American Public Welfare Association, FredK. Hoehler; American Public Works Association, Frank W. Herring;American Society of Planning Officials, Walter H. Blucher; Civil ServiceAssembly of the United States and Canada, G. Lyle Belsley; Federationof Tax Administrators, Albert Lepawsky; Council of State Governments,Frank Bane; Governors' Conference, Frank Bane; International Association of Chiefs of Police, William P. Rutledge; International CityManagers' Association, Clarence Ridley; Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, Carl H. Chatters; National Association of Assessing Officers, Albert W. Noonan; National Associationof Housing Officials, Coleman Woodbury; National Association of StateAuditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, Carl H. Chatters; Public Administration Service, David L. Robinson, Jr. CHICAGO MAGAZINEbible of the accountants and auditors dealing with g0v.ernmental expenditures, and the standard classification ofoffenses worked out by the International Association ofChiefs of Police is the basis for the uniform crime reports now being collected in the United States.AID IN TIME OF CRISISThirteen-Thirteen is sometimes called upon to provideinformation under dramatic circumstances. While thedisastrous flood waters of the Ohio were still at theirheight in January of 1937, Clarence Dykstra, then citymanager of Cincinnati and now President of the University of Wisconsin, wired the American MunicipalAssociation to compile for him, in collaboration with theother associations, complete comparative informationconcerning the type of administrative machinery thatwould have to be set up to enable the city to exercise adequate control over the reconstruction of the inundatedsections.The staffs of the various organizations are constantlymaking their accumulated experience available for usein the field. In the newer and rapidly developingbranches of public service such as welfare, planning, andhousing, field consultants make their rounds in order toguide officials who are members of such organizations asthe American Public Welfare Association, the AmericanSociety of Planning Officials and the National Association of Housing Officials. Public Administration Serviceunder a Board of Trustees consisting of the directors ofall the associations has carried on extensive administrative surveys, has installed systems of administrative procedure for 92 local authorities, 21 states and 11 federalagencies and is now engaged in 13 additional installationprojects of a major character. Public AdministrationClearing House maintains in cooperation with the otherassociations a personnel exchange service to help publicofficials locate specially qualified candidates for researchand administrative positions.The contribution of the Thirteen-Thirteen organizations thus springs not only from their researches, butfrom the role they play in practical governmental affairs.With thousands of members in all sizeable cities and inhundreds of middle-sized and smaller towns, these organizations are deeply rooted in the various localities ofthe country. They are the machinery by which governmental officials from the far-flung regions of the nationmay communicate in order to transmit and refine andperfect their technical practices. They offer a voluntarymeans for governmental cooperation to a political society that is attached to the principles of local independence and states' rights.The wide scope of governmental responsibilities imposed upon 3y2 millions of public servants employed bythe federal government, the states and some 175,000 localgovernments in this country calls for such an exchangeof experience and for united administrative action withinthe range of agreement worked out by the members ofthese associations. Their good offices are available forthe conciliation of interstate administrative conflicts,whether it is an interstate embargo on beer or a conflicting set of tax regulations. The organizations maintain a joint Washington office, at which they are avail-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 9able for consultation with federal officials on administrative matters affecting the nation as a whole as well asthe states and cities. At a period of time like thepresent, when democracy is charged with being too cumbersome and when assaults are made against our existing forms of popular government, it is of the utmostimportance that such a system of collaboration be available to assist and to serve whenever called upon by existing authorities.The Thirteen-Thirteen groups of public administratorsalso have established international ties, some of themmore binding than those developed by the diplomats ofour day. Louis Brownlow, director of Public Administration Clearing House, has been instrumental in organizing the Brussels secretariat of the International Unionof Cities and the International Institute of Administrative Sciences, and also the Pan-American Commissionon Intermunicipal Cooperation. In official circles ofLatin America, Thirteen-Thirteen has already becomeaffectionately known as Trece-Trece. Several of theassociations have members in foreign countries who mayindeed help to preserve some of the bonds of officialbrotherhood long after reason has fled and war has become the order of the day.AN INDEPENDENT ORGANIZATIONAlthough housed on the Midway, the associations areentirely independent of the University of Chicago. TheUniversity is not responsible for them. President Hutchins pointed out in announcing the gift for the newbuilding: "The University does not intend to shift itsemphasis from theoretical work to specific training inpublic administration." With a mission of their own inthe realm of government, with independent functions intheir respective fields of public administration, with theirown scientific contributions to research, the Thirteen-Thirteen organizations are nevertheless not divorcedfrom the stream of intellectual activity that goes on atan academic center like the University. -Of primary importance is the meeting of minds andpersonalities. It was through the good offices of ProfessorCharles E. Merriam, Chairman of the Department ofPolitical Science and godfather of the movement tobridge the gap between political theory and governmentalpractice, that the first of the organizations, the International City Managers' Association, was persuaded tobring its headquarters to Chicago. Professor LeonardIX White of the Department of Political Science, untilrecently United States Civil Service Commissioner, wasa leading member of the Civil Service Assembly, thesecond organization to move to Chicago. ProfessorSimeon E. Leland, now Acting Head of the Departmentof Economics, played a large part in establishing theyoungest group at Thirteen-Thirteen, the Federation ofTax Administrators ; and a member of its Board of Trustees, W. C. Clark, now Deputy Minister of Financeof Canada, was at one time a Lecturer at the Universityof Chicago. President Hutchins has for several yearsbeen a member of the Board of Trustees of the PublicAdministration Clearing House.Courses are given at the University by Thirteen-Thir-teeners : Clarence Ridley in Municipal Administrationand Municipal Measurement, Carl Chatters in Munici- "BETTER GOVERNMENT HOUSE"pal Accounting and in Debt Administration, G. LyleBelsley in Public Personnel Administration, Lucile Keckin Special Library Administration, and Albert Lepawsky in Public Administration. Fred Hoehler is a Lecturer in Social Work, Frank Bane a Lecturer in PublicWelfare Administration, Louis Brownlow, HerbertEmmerich and Carl Chatters are Lecturers in the Department of Political Science, Clarence Ridley is Associate Professor and Albert Lepawsky is Research Associate in Political Science. Consultation also goes on between staff members at Thirteen-Thirteen and the Department of Sociology, Department of Education, Department of Economics, the Law School, the School ofBusiness, and the School of Social Service Administration.In the scientific measurement of personality traits carried on by Professor L. L. Thurstone of the PsychologyDepartment, techniques and tests have been discussedwith directors of the organizations, who are daily concerned with the evaluation of personnel qualifications intheir respective fields. The Joint Reference Librarywith its special collections of current materials supplements the University Libraries, which are in turn usedby the researchers at Thirteen-Thirteen. J. R. L., as itis popularly termed, is open to graduate students andfaculty in the Division of the Social Sciences and it hasmaintained reserve shelves for courses in Political Science.Several of the workers at Thirteen-Thirteen, totallingalmost 200, are registered for University courses. TheUniversity Home Study Department offers courses incooperation with the Institute of Municipal Administration sponsored by the International City Managers' Association.Try to get in on the special campus wire connectingthe University with the Thirteen-Thirteen building, andyou will appreciate the extent of communication, whichis perhaps no less than that going on between variousdepartments within the University's Social Science Division itself. The strength of these bonds is perhaps theweakness of the formal tie — the complete independenceof the group from the University. Under such circumstances relationships can grow or shrink, depending uponthe needs of the occasion, upon mutual interests in de-(Continued on Page 25)THE GREAT BOOKS: I• By MORTIMER J. ADLERr / 1 HE following article is the first half of Chapter Six-J~ teen of Professor Adler s forthcoming book on theart of reading entitled How To Read A Book, to bepublished by Simon and Schuster this month. This bookis a development of the points which Mr. Adler madein an address before the Alumni School on May ji, 1938,a stenographic transcript of which was published in theMagazine in June. The book is divided into three parts.The first part, entitled The Activity of Reading, discusses reading in relation to learning and thinking, andexposes the failures of contemporary education zvith respect to the basic disciplines. The second part consistsof eight chapters devoted to a careful exposition of therules for reading a whole book through, analytically,inter pretatively, and critically. Here Mr. Adler describesin detail the various rules he presented in his address tothe alumni, and explains how the reader can help himselfto develop habits of reading according to these rules.The third part, called The Rest of the Reader's Life,deals with the basic reasons for literacy and the obligations of citizens in a democracy. The present chapter,from the third part, not only defines the criteria for selecting the great books to be read, but also shows howthey can be and must be read in relation to one another.The appendix mentioned in the article will be printedwith the concluding half of this chapter in March.THERE is no end to the making of books. Nordoes there seem to be any end to the making ofbook lists. The one is the cause of the other.There have always been more books than anyone couldread. And as they have multiplied at an ever increasing rate through the centuries, more and more blue-ribbon lists have had to be made.It is just as important to know what to read as howto read. When you have learned to read, you will stillhave, I hope, a long life to spend in reading. But, atbest, you will be able to read only a few books of allthat have been written. Certainly the few you do readshould include the best. Exclusive society can be whittled down to the four hundred but there seem to befewer best books than first families. The phrase "onehundred best books" has become a slogan which, thoughit should not be taken too seriously, is suggestive. Youcan rejoice in the fact that there are not too many greatbooks to read. The number is relatively small.Even though that number is small, I want to repeatonce more what I have already said about quantity ofreading. Otherwise you might misinterpret the enumeration of titles which will occur in this chapter andthe listing of great books in the Appendix. You mightsuppose that the recommendation of these books impliesthe desirability of reading all of them. In a sense, ofcourse, it does. Ideally one should read many or evenall of the great books, but the ideal is always at infinityand can only be approached. And the most importantthing to know is that you approach it more genuinely by reading a few books well than many poorly. Thepoint is to read well before you read widely. It is better by far to read a cornerstone group of the great bookseffectively than all of them ineffectively, for there islittle or no profit in a vast amount of perfunctory reading.If you keep this in mind I am sure you will not befrightened by the number of books that are mentioned orby titles that indicate fields with which you are unacquainted. In the course of this chapter, I shall try togroup the books according to their subject matters andtheir leading points of interest, so that you will be ableto begin reading wherever it suits your inclinations best.One book will lead to another and so, beginning withthose which are at the moment nearest home, you mayeventually find your way to larger and more remotecircles. You may encompass the whole list in the end,but the most important thing about any list of books isthat it should provide a good beginning.LISTING THE 100 BEST BOOKSThe listing of the best books is as old as reading andwriting. The teachers and librarians of ancient Alexandria did it. Their book lists were the backbone of aneducational curriculum. Quintilian did it for Romaneducation, selecting, as he said, both ancient and modernclassics. It was done again and again in the MiddleAges by Mohammedans, Jews, and Christians, and fora similar purpose. In the Renaissance, such leaders ofthe revival of learning as Montaigne and Erasmus madelists of the books they read. They offered themselvesas models of gentlemanly literacy. Humanistic education was built on a foundation of "humane letters," asthe phrase went. The reading prescribed was in thegreat works of Roman literature primarily, its poetry,biography, and history, and its moralistic essays.In the nineteenth century, there were still other booklists. If you want to know the books which went intothe making of a leading liberal of his day, look at JohnStuart Mill's Autobiography. Perhaps the most famousbook list made in the last century was Auguste Comte's.Comte was a French thinker who epitomized the nineteenth-century devotion to science and to progressthrough science.It is to be expected, of course, that the selection of"best books" will change with the times. Yet there isa surprising uniformity in the lists which represent thebest choices of any period. In every age, both B.C. anda.d., the list makers include both ancient and modernbooks in their selections, and they always wonderwhether the moderns are up to the great books of thepast. The changes which each later age makes aremainly additions rather than substitutions. Naturally,the list of great books grows in the course of time, butits roots, and outlines appear to remain the same. Thetree adds new branches.The reason for this is that the famous lists are gen-10THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 11^k Mortimer J. Adler, Associate Professor ofthe Philosophy of Law, received hisbachelor's and Ph.D. degree from Columbia. His books include: Diagrammatics(with Maude Phelps Hutchins), Art andPrudence. The Nature of Judicial Proof,What Man Has Made of Man. WithPresident Hutchins, he teaches the undergraduate class in the "History Culture."^B^ In the Law School he gives courses inlogic and psychology.uinely many-sided. They try to include all that is greatin the human tradition. A bad selection would be onemotivated by a sectarian bias, directed by some kind ofspecial pleading. There have been lists of this sort,which picked only the books which would prove a certain point. Such lists omit many great books. TheEuropean tradition cannot be boxed that way. It includes much that must necessarily appear false or misguided when judged from any particular point of view.Wherever one finds the truth, there will always be greaterrors in its company. To list the great books adequately, one must include all that have made a difference, not simply those one agrees with or approves.Until fairly recently, a college course was built arounda set of required readings. Under the impact of theelective system and other educational changes, the requirements in this country were gradually relaxed to apoint where the bachelor's degree no longer meant general literacy. The great books still appeared here andthere, in this course and that, but they were seldom readin relation to one another. Frequently they were madesupplementary to the textbooks which dominated thecurriculum.Things were at their worst when I entered collegeat the start of the twenties. As I have already reported,I also saw the upward turn begin. John Erskine hadpersuaded the Columbia faculty to institute an Honorscourse, devoted to the reading of great books. The list,which he was largely instrumental in composing, included between sixty and seventy authors, representingall fields of learning and all kinds of poetry. It differedfrom other current selections by having a higher standard of choice, and also by trying to include every greatbook, not only those of a certain period or a certain kind.It was a more comprehensive list than those used in thereading courses at Oxford, for instance, where a studentspecialized in "ancient greats" or "modern greats."The Erskine list has been modified and revised manytimes since its inception. Mr. Hutchins and I haveused it with some alterations at the University of Chicago. The four-year program of reading at St. John'sCollege is substantially the same list, though it has beenenriched by additions from the fields of mathematics andnatural science. A similar list, though somewhat shorter,is being used at Columbia now in a course required forall freshmen. I think the Erskine list, with some additions and changes, is a fairly accurate expression ofwhat anyone today would name as the great works ofWestern culture.I had one experience which gave me insight into thisbusiness of listing the great books. I acted as secretaryfor the faculty which taught the Honors course at Co lumbia during the years when the original list was beingrevised. Various members of the faculty had expresseddissatisfaction. They wanted to drop some authors andinclude others. To settle matters, we constructed amaster list of about three hundred books, many morethan anyone would wish included, but long enough tocontain any author that anyone might name.We then proceeded to vote, gradually excluding thebooks or authors which the voting indicated as not generally agreed on. After many ballots, we obtained a listwhich satisfied everyone. It had eighty items on it, onlyabout fifteen more than Erskine's enumeration. It contained almost all the titles on the original list. Fromthose two years of revision, I learned the extent to whichthere is unanimity of judgment about the great books.It became clear that it would be difficult to make a listmuch longer than a hundred authors about whom suchuniversal agreement could be obtained. When you gotbeyond that, you would be catering to the interests ofspecialists in this period or that subject matter.I am not going to, try to make up a new list of greatbooks for you. I think the lists now available are quitesatisfactory. As I have indicated, the revised Columbialist has been published by the American Library Association, under the title Classics of the Western World, andcan be purchased for less than a dollar. The slightlylonger list now in use at St. John's College at Annapoliscan be obtained readily from that college.But I am going to save you the trouble of gettingthose lists. In the Appendix, you will find a fairly adequate enumeration. It is a selection of authors and titlesfrom all the lists I have mentioned. I have used twocriteria in making this selection : first, that the book bereadily available in English; second, that it be readableby anyone without the aid of special instruction. I know,of course, that the second criterion is least applicable tothe mathematical classics, and less applicable to greatscientific books than to the others. Let it holds evenfor them on one condition, namely, that these books beread in their historical order. An earlier work thushelps to prepare for and explain a later one. I shallreturn to this point presently.Strictly speaking, a catalogue is not something to read.It is for reference purposes. That is why I have put thelong chronological inventory of the books in the Appendix. In this chapter, I am going to try to make thatlist come to life by talking about the books.I shall try here, therefore, to collect the great booksinto smaller groups, each group participating in a conversation about some particular problem in which youmay be already interested. In some cases, the conversations will overlap, as the problems do. In other cases,conversation about one problem will lead to another.Thus, instead of lying side by side in a graveyard now,the books may appear to you as they should — the livelyactors in a living tradition. I probably will not name allthe books in this chapter, but I shall be able to bringenough into conversation with one another, so that youcan imagine the job completed. If you are induced tojoin in the conversation by reading some of these booksthey will take care of the rest.{Continued on Page 26)BALDRIDGE '11An Alumnus ProfileTHE inquiring alumnus, embodied in Cyrus LeRoyBaldridge, '11, roamed the quadrangles last monthfrom Chapel to Coffee Shop and from Humanities(introductory general course) to Hanley's. A keenand all-seeing reporter, the inquiring alumnus wasstudying Life on the quadrangles; Life, in and out ofthe classroom. More accurately, he was investigatingthe rumor that there is no Life; hadn't been, in fact,since the good old days, 'way back when. His surveyrepresented a real sacrifice, for Baldridge, '11, came tothe quadrangles on his own time to make his own investigation and to write his own report for all alumni. Inthe form of a booklet, written and illustrated by him, thereport will be issued about March 1, under the title of"Or What's a College For?" The time for observation,the time needed to write the report, and the longer timeneeded to illustrate it with his drawings, represent thecontribution of Baldridge, '11, to the Anniversary GiftFund.Anyone who knows Roy Baldridge knows that he notonly has the interest to do a job like this, but even moreimportant, the ability, both as writer and artist. Heought to know student Life when he sees it ; no memberof his generation was more actively involved in it. Heworked his way through the University by lettering signsfor the Information Office, firing a furnace, tutoring,and whatever else turned up, or could be turned up. Hegraduated with an activities list a yard long, including,among others: Head Marshal, co-editor of the Capand Gozvn, Owl and Serpent, Washington Promleader (though he couldn't dance), captain of the firstfencing team, cheerleader (with Bill McCracken) andtwo years as president of the Reynolds Club.Out of college, he got a job with a Chicago engravingfirm. He wanted to see the old West before it disappeared ; with the help of Harold Swift, '07, he got a cow-punching job in the Texas Panhandle, and rode the rangefor a year. Back in Chicago, he started a commercialart studio in the Tower Building, his associate beingclassmate Nat Peffer '11, then a newspaper man. Hedrew the "Wool Soap Babies" (Swift & Co.) at thistime. In 1914 came the war; he thought it might turnout to be a large and interesting one, and so he went toEngland with $500 and a hazy syndicate commitment.Life in England being dull, he sat down one day andcomposed an imposing letter of credential, attested by anEnglish postage stamp. So authenticated, he went toHolland and thence into Belgium, where his self-manufactured scroll persuaded the German army to give hima pass good anywhere. He had the idea it would beinteresting to walk through a war from Antwerp toParis, and he spent the next two month in the middle ofthe conquering German armies, looking for a hole in thelines to France. He was in a rush, for everyone thoughtthe war would be over by Christmas, but Herr Lieuten- • By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, JD '22ants were always intercepting him just as he was prepared to scramble across the lines. His pass was nogood for the German occupied part of France; the endcame when he was arrested and put in jail in Roulier.He had a lot of sketches ; some of them looked suspicious, and when pressed, Baldridge, '11, couldn't remember just what some of them were. The Germans conducted him to Brussels.Early in 1915 he was back in Chicago, on funds cabledby a friend. He drew a series of sketches of the warand sold them to the syndicate. In 1916 he went to theMexican border with the First Illinois Cavalry (whichhe had joined in order to learn how to ride before hiscowpunching) and was editor of the First IllinoisCavalryman. The managing editor was the legendaryCharles MacArthur. In civilian life by autumn, hethought New York was the place for a rising commercial artist. There he existed marginally for some monthson $300 he was paid by Scribner's for two jobs.WAR GOES ONThe war that was to have been over by Christmas of1914 was still on; he was taking more and more seriously its idealistic aspect. So he went to France, onmoney borrowed from Samuel Insull, whose son he hadtutored, and enlisted as a truck driver. He kept onsketching, sending back his work to Hilmar Baukhage,his classmate, then on Leslie's Weekly. His was the onlywar illustration from the front line trenches; it waswidely reprinted. In time, copies got to the Frenchheadquarters, and the generals decided that this was valuable propaganda. So Private Baldridge was relievedof his truck, put on the staff of a major as driver. Hewas given a chauffeur, a car, and a unique pass, permitting him to go anywhere he wanted and to draw anything he wished. Throughout, the French censored butone drawing. Wherever the action was, Baldridge, '11,and his private chauffeur went, the last stages beingmade usually by bicycle. His drawings came to Washington and thence to Leslie's in the diplomatic pouches.When the United States entered the war, Baldridge,'11, eventually was transferred to the A. E. F., the lastAmerican private mustered out of the French army. Hewas immediately assigned to the A. E. F. paper, theStars and Stripes. One of his associates was Steve Early,now a secretary to President Roosevelt. With another,Alexander Woollcott, he covered much of the war. Baldridge was in five major battles, Belleau Wood, ChateauThierry, The Argonne, San Mihiel and in Belgiumarmed only with sketching pad. He covered the peaceconference, the only private at that august assembly.Back in New York, he refused at the dock an offerfrom a magazine to "draw more soldiers," and looked upBaukhage. His classmate produced a bankbook withentries of $3,000, representing payment for the Bald-12THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13ridge war sketches. With that windfall, Baldridge, '11,started immediately for China. There he met Nat Pefferagain, lived through an insurrection of the Koreans, andmade hundreds of drawings. The $3,000 about gone, hecame back to New York a year later. Here he metCaroline Singer, San Francisco newspaper woman whohad worked for the Creel Bureau, and then gone toFrance to handle the Red Cross publicity and to writeits official history in the war. They had met first in Paris.By this time Baldridge, '11, was enjoying success asan illustrator, for his war drawings were famous. Afterhe accumulated a little money, he and CarolineSinger were married, starting off for China in 1924.They were in China for a year; the result was a book,Turn to the East, written by his wife and illustrated byBaldridge. In 1927-28 they were off again, to WestAfrica for a year. They crossed the continent fromwest to east, spent three months in Abyssinia, most ofthe time as guests of the Negus — he who lost the war toMussolini later. Again the Baldridges collaborated on abook, White Africans and Black.In 1930-31, they were on the way again; a trip aroundthe world which included China once more, India, a yearin Persia. That trip brought another collaboration, Halfthe World Is Isfahan. The Baldridges have done twojuvenile books together, Boomba Lives in Africa, andAli Lives in Iran. More recently, Baldridge, '11, hasturned to book designing; Hajji Baba and Translationsjrom the Chinese represent his work in this field.This Baldridge, '11, has not been a footloose artist,it anyone insists on being practical. He has been president of the National Association of Commercial Artists, several times president of the Artists Guild of New York,the most important non-profit protective association offree lance artists in the country ; and he was the man whoengineered the NRA code for all the graphic arts in 1932.His fame as an artist has been increasing steadily. Heturned to etching in 1937, and the next year won the$500 prize of the Chicago Society of Etchers, the largestaward made for etchings. He has had several shows ofhis etchings, including one at the National Gallery.Six times, Baldridge, '11, has been commander of theWillard Straight Post of the American Legion, a distinguished and unusual group of legionnaires. The postand the national headquarters at Indianapolis did notsee eye-to-eye at one time, and the Straight Post wastossed out of the Legion. Numbering half a dozen ofthe best lawyers in New York among its members, itwent to court and was reinstated by order of the highestcourt of New York State. In 1936, Baldridge, '11„ (withthe collaboration of Thomas Jefferson, he says!) wroteand illustrated a little pamphlet, now a collector's item,entitled Americanism: What Is It? That piece createdquite a stir ; some reactionaries did not like it. They succeeded only in getting it reprinted by the hundreds ofthousands. More recently Caroline Singer Baldridge haswritten a pamphlet, Race?, which has been republishedby the National Conference of Jews and Christians, andin its own field is creating as much interest as did thepiece of Baldridge, '11. Last year Baldridge was president of the New York Alumni Club.That's the alumnus-reporter who has been investigating Life on the Midway. He ought to turn in a competent report.R OY BALDRIDGE visits the quadrangleswith his sketch-pad, works despite thesnow. Each day was a full one for Roy. TALKING to students. Baldridge explains the old grad'sreaction to George Probst, of the Debate Union, JohnCulp, fraternity leader, and Janet Geiger, Inter-club head.HAD A WONDERFUL TIME, BUT-"• By a FORMER STUDENTA FEW people are still shouting and cussing aboutthat football business. Perhaps I shouldn't say"business." It was partly fear of "business"which drove the trustees to take the football class out ofthe commercial circuit. And you and I know that ourMaroons were not a business team. I do not, please,mean to be ironic.But all this shouting and cussing has raised anotherancient ghost. You've heard his name before: HowMuch Undergraduate Activity Is There at the University, If Any? The last two words are usually askedwith a sneer. It is this ghost and that sneer which Ihere wish to scuttle.There are enough official extra-curricular activities atthe University to flunk a man out, if he lets himself bedistracted by them. I know. I was distracted. And Iflunked out.Your son and daughter can do it too, if he or she wantsto, and is willing to work at it. For their dubious benefit I'd like to record my system. It's foolproof. Or,you may say, proof of a fool.Beginning with high school, here is my formula :Be thrilled on that memorable day you stand beforethe waiting class to translate your first real Latin sentence, probably from Caesar's Gallic Wars. Bang athree foot Chinese gong as a publicity stunt in thecrowded lunchroom, and feel the horror in your napewhen a weak-nerved waitress faints with a full trayof crockery. Feel pride in a geometry exam returned with a big red A at the top. Sit back for a moment and look satisfied at your typewriter when you havecreated, all by yourself, a neat metaphore for your column from a fact you learned from Old Lady Lauder inthat dry English History class. Get that final echoeyfeeling in your empty chest and stomach when after fouryears you stand alone in the center of the darkened auditorium stage at midnight long after the babbling audience has left the season's last play. Work all night onthat English theme because you are entranced by thestory of Noyes' "Highwayman." Idly scribble your firstformula, ttt square, on a scrap of paper placed so yoursister can see it. When she asks you, carelessly explainthat it's just something you're doing in algebra. Graduatein your old blue coat and new white flannels and theupper quarter of your class. In short, be genuinely interested in studies, active in activities, and get good grades.Choose the University of Chicago as follows :Hear of it through relatives or friends, preferablythrough an alumnus. This last shouldn't be hard. Thereare 37,000 alumni scattered over the world today. Hearof other schools, too. Northwestern, for instance, whichhas, in addition to good looking girls, a real School ofJournalism. Everybody says you were such a good columnist that you simply must- go into journalism. Become interested in the New Plan at Chicago. (Researchfor my formula was carried on around 1934 when theplan was still "new.") Be informed that under it you maytravel at your own educational speed. Be eager to orient yourself via the survey courses. Tell yourself that thisplan will better prepare you for life. After college, outthere in life, you will be on your own, and your own bossas far as living goes. So why not go to a school whichputs you really on your own ? Gad, you'd be a man, myson Decide, a last, to go to the University of Chicagobecause a journalist today needs a good general background. More than that, he needs to know how to think.Spend three years at the University in this fashion :Pass the required English course just like that. Buya new notebook, with red and green marginal tabs andclose-ruled paper, and attend Physical Science and Humanities lectures regularly the first quarter. Look withreal wonder at syllabi, and read like the dickens in therequired lists. Stick to that little time schedule so neatlytyped and thumbtacked onto the wall above your desk.Try out for the Daily Maroon. Make it. Join thefreshman water polo squad. Be mostly drowned andsecretly proud when the captain of the varsity nearlyknocks you out trying to get the ball. Eat lunch at thefraternity house. Be proud that the school is grown upenough not to call them "frats." Miss that one Humanities lecture that you can get in the reading anyway to dothat feature on the C bench for the Maroon. Try out fora Blackfriars job. Get it. Pass Physical Sciences andHumanities with C's.THE SPEED-UPFix everything up with Gypsy Rose Lee's press agentto have the lady register for one course on the quadrangles, enter a campus beauty contest under darkglasses, get chosen queen, and be unveiled to the surprised world at the Sophomore dance. Then call it offbecause you felt the stunt didn't fit the University. Stayup nights on a presidential straw poll. Decide to takea week off at the end of the quarter to catch up in studies.Promote a Film Society, with two cohorts, to show at aprofit "The Great Train Robbery," "The Vamp," etc.Spend three days and nights catching up. Pass the SocialScience survey course partly on what you learned inhigh school, and Biological Sciences because you wentto all the lectures because Swenson hynotized peopleand Carlson, whom you worshipped from your frontrow seat in Kent 106, explained in his rich prose theprocesses of life which he demonstrated in living fleshbefore your fascinated eyes. Keep your activities assignments and not much else in your red and green tabbednotebook. Join the Political Union. Publicize Blackfriars. Chant ritual at fraternity meetings and relax inthe banter of after dinner jokes in the newspaper-strewnliving room. Get a spurt of interest in the Land Usesof the Southwest (but there's a nine o'clock deadline foryour Maroon column and the next chapter can wait).Make an enviable activities record and wake up onemorning with a letter from the dean's office staring youin the face. You have not done the required scholasticwork in the required time.In short, tie yourself in such a knot of whirling ac-14THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 15tivity that you can only give time to those actions whichwill bring results today or tomorrow. Forget for onlythis moment, and the next moment, and the next andnext that study must be your basic habit, not the copydesk or locker room.That is my formula. I followed it to the letter — theDean's letter. I know it will work. Money back guarantee — but you don't get the tuition back.Again, I say your son or daughter can do the samething, but only if he or she is willing to work hard at it.Being a victim of my weakness for them, I can tellyou there are plenty and varied extra-curricular activities for every sort of man or women, boy or girl whocomes to Chicago. You can debate, not in the old fashioned solemn way, but over the radio and in panel discussions before audiences which, curiously enough, listento you. You can interview visitors like Alec Temple-ton or Carl Sandburg, learning from the musician whatit is to be blind but not sightless, and from the poetwhat it is to love the American People. You can discusswomen and Hanley's bar all evening in fraternities orsit all afternoon in a quiet room in the Reynolds clubpondering a chess game. There are 134 official activities at present, and no one knows how many little peripheral groups, each with their own important world, amongthe 3,000 graduates and the 3,200 undergraduates.THE FRATERNITY PICTUREWhile the percentage of freshmen pledges has risena little in the past few years, the number of fraternitiesin the last ten years has diminished. There are manyreasons : land values, building costs, and city taxes arehigh. Many students did not have the cash during thedepression. And with the increasing ease of transportation coupled with a large percentage of students livingin their own homes, the old social clubhouse functiondwindles. The boys do not feel the need of too manydances in the house when they can take her downtownto the Walnut Room. Even such an undergraduate paradise as the University of Southern California feels thesame trend and they are talking about "dividing up" thefreshmen among the fraternities. Today at Chicagothere are fifteen houses, not counting Sigma Alpha Epsilon in the dormitories which may bring in a new style.In 1929 there were 29. Clubs have changed little, sincethey have not had their own houses. An even dozenin 1929, thirteen today.But on the other side of the ledger is the rapid riseof the Chapel Union. Here is an organization with theaudacity to ask professors to spend a weekend with students in a camp fifty miles from the city where youngmen and women sit before a fire and ask questions. Itis agreeable to report that professors at the Universityare audacious enough to accept. Professors, it may thusbe discovered, are quite human! The Chapel Unionalso runs barn dances, big ones.Use of Ida Noyes Hall is booming as never before.La Verne Noyes, the windmill maker, dedicated it to the"Life of the women." In recent years Man has beenadmitted to Ida Noyes Hall to bowl, swim, dance, reador eat with Woman. Reynolds Club figures are also up. It all boils down to this: the University has $71,000,-000 of endowment. Even though it has been cut fortyper cent by falling interest rates, the dollars which annually exude are rightly used for one purpose : to teachmen and women to think, and having taught them, toprovide facilities for the use of that power in researchto extend understanding. If you think you can learnto think by spending all your time on the Daily Maroonthat's a sure sign you need the classroom. If you canOUR AUTHOR AS STUDENTlearn to think in the classroom you will have gottenwhat you should have come for.Somewhere along the way I succumbed to the Lorelei.I learned a lot of little things I'm not sorry to havelearned. I also missed the higher mountains behind forthe pretty pebbles on the shore. I had a wonderful timethough I know it was nobody's buggy ride but my own.But please don't tell me there aren't any extra-curricular doings at the University. I can't duel you withdielectics — I missed that class — but I'll mix you metaphors and cite experiences.TABLE TALK ON ATOMSOr, Science for the LaymanAMONG his other duties at the University SamuelAllison has two jobs which are unusual. One isto weigh atoms more accurately than man hasever done before.1 The other is to put tags on atoms.During the hors d'oeuvre at your next dinner partyyou can bring the conversation nicely around to the University by mentioning the atomic weight of berylium :within 0.00009 of 7.01814. When a guest exclaimsthat that is the most accurate measurement of berylium'satomic weight he's ever heard, it is your opportunity tobring in Professor Allison, of the University of Chicago.Samuel King Allison, '21, PhD'23, associate professorof physics, likes to work in his shirtsleeves. He is builtlike a first string tackle. His eyes smile hello only a fewseconds before his full, friendly face does.His atom-cracking laboratory in Eckhart looks likethe work bench corner of the basement after you havebeen fussing with the vacuum cleaner. Add yards ofrubber and copper tubing hanging from racks, and pipesleading out of one wall; add a tangle of wires, tubes,valves, transformers and meters at the end of these pipeson a small bench; add the slightly oily smell of anyphysics lab and you have the picture.The pipes and tubing lead to the atom cracker itself(one of two on carnpus) on the other side of the wall ina two-story roomf Metal discharge spheres and water-cooled coils around transformers make it resemble aHollywood conception of Frankenstein's machine.At the moment Professor Allison and his assistant,Dr. Lester Skaggs, are leading a group of students inmeasuring atomic weights of lighter atoms. They arecontinuing a program started four years ago. But let'sstart our table talk at the beginning.As the soup comes on the table the conversation mightbe led to protons. When a stream of protons shootinto a metal, berylium, for instance, some protons hitsome nuclei of some of the berylium atoms. The collision knocks the unlucky nuclei apart. The energy released when a nucleus breaks up corresponds to the disappearance in mass. If you can measure the energy youcan figure out the rest, if you know what you are doing.Mr. Allison can measure the energy, and he knows whathe is doing. "The rest" leads to a highly accurate listof atomic weights — up to and including berylium.One more thing and the maid can take the soup plates.Nuclei of elements heavier than hydrogen are complicated and can exist in different modifications. With thisatom cracking method the weights of these modificationscan be measured very accurately. These measurements,with other data, may eventually lead to a satisfactorytheory of nuclear structure.Your guests, perhaps, are now properly impressed.Let's give them a little smile. Does this mighty machinewhich stands two stories high make a tremendous racket • By CODY PFANSTIEHLwhen it is cracking atoms? No, says Professor Allison."If it makes noise we know there's something wrong.Then we make the noise." Here he smiles. "When theatom cracker is busy and businesslike it's, well, quiet asa doormouse."Now let's take the conversation across campus to thealley back of the Press Building. We open a red woodendoor marked "Steamfitter's Shop," step across a roomfull of spare pipes and miscellaneous plumbing and intothe next room. At first you might think you were in anEdison company's sub-station. Near the door stands alarge green motor-converter as high as a man. Acrossthe room, higher than two men and surrounded by metalwater tanks five feet thick to protect operators from itsrays stands the University's other and largest atomsmasher, the cyclotron.Professor Allison has come over with the conversation.He has taken off his coat and stretched out in a littleswivel chair in a small new partitioned office ; equipmentone desk, one filing cabinet, one chair. "As proprietornow of the cyclotron, what can I do for you ?" he grins.CYCLOTRON?— YES, GO ONThe University of California at Berkeley has thelargest cyclotron, perhaps because professors there werethe people to develop it. Nobel Prizeman ErnestOrlando Lawrence, a former student at Chicago, presidesover the cyclotron there in his Radiation Laboratory.The Chicago cyclotron is big too, and it would be a lotbetter if some one bought about $5,000 worth of equipment for it — but more about this in a minute.As the fish course is served you can talk about thecyclotron. The business section is what appears to bea huge red cylinder ten feet across standing on end. Itis nicked sharply at the waist to a three foot diameterabout a foot thick. The huge top and bottom sectionsare powerful electro magnets. The smaller waistline isthe chamber, or "can."Into the middle of this evacuated can Samuel Allison,or one of his cyclotron assistants, Dr. Arthur Snell,Henry Newson, PhD'34, or Robert Moon, PhD'36,introduces a bit of "heavy" hydrogen. A current ionizesthe gas. Then, with an electrical force furnishing thedrive and alternate magnetic pulls, first from one sideof the can, then the other, to give it direction, thisIThe method he uses has been applied to only a few atoms, but inthese cases it is of unrivalled accuracy. Professor Dempster, by anothermethod, has "weighed" many of the heavier atoms. Instead of bombarding cities, SamuelKing Allison aims his projectiles at thecenters, or nuclei, of atoms. His aim,in more ways than one, is to answerscientific questions. His studies havetaken him from the Midway (PhD '23]to Harvard, the University of California,the Carnegie Foundation, and back tothe Midway, as Associate Professor ofPhysics. His favorite talk to alumnigroups is on "Modern Alchemy."16THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17stream of deuterons starts moving in circles. Aroundand around the deuterons go, pulled faster and faster,and where they come out Professor Allison knows. verywell. As their speed increases they move to the outerrim. After something like 80 revolutions, or about 283feet of travel, a stream of deuterons are "peeled" off bya finger of metal with an irresistible attraction of 50,000volts. At a pressure of eight million volts they crashinto a bit of white powder which has been pressed into asheet of metal and placed in the stream. The powder,we'll say, is lithium chloride. The deuterons smash intothe lithium and chloride atoms. When a deuteron makesa direct hit on a chloride nucleus that nucleus becomestemporarily radioactive. Like radium it gives off rays.The difference is that radium has a "half life" of 1,960years (in that time half its effectiveness has gone — inanother 1,960 years half of that has gone, etc.) whileradio active chlorine has* a half life of 40 minutes. Andradium costs like the devil. Almost any element exceptcarbon can be made radio active for varying amounts oftime.Did the guest at the far end of the table mumble "Sowhat does it mean to me?" through her parkerhouse?Then lead the conversation in these channels:WHY don't you want to go to Pink Universityinstead of Blue College?""Because it is a better school.""Why?""Because they have better men on their faculty.""Well that may be, but I notice Blue college boys always beat them in football."And this is the whole trouble in a paragraph. Something was in the air last season which may be the beginning of the end for college football. Never has thegame attracted bigger crowds. Never has it receivedmore columns of newspaper space. Never have coachesbeen paid higher salaries than they have this season.And never have the football heroes* been more discussed.It is the crest of the wave, and from now on college football probably will hit the down-grade. It will take 10years, possibly 15, for it to get back to its proper placein the sphere of college activities, but slowly and surelyit is going.A football team which hitherto has been regarded asthe best advertisement of a small college, has grown tosuch proportions that it overshadows the college, cuttingit off from the public interest. The colleges are attracting, not scholars, but athletes. And college men andwomen are beginning to realize this.College football got about as much space in the paperslast fall as the world's series did. There is every reasonwhy people should be interested in football. It is a fine,clean, healthy sport. But suppose now, that the world's^Reprinted from the "Celebrity Number" of the Daily Maroon of June,199.7 WHAT IT ALL MEANSThese chlorine atoms are the little tagged fellows mentioned at the beginning of the meal. Lithium chloridelooks and tastes like table salt. If a doctor feeds a littleof Professor Allison's salt to you the atoms dispersethemselves about your body as they always do. Butthese atoms are radio active. Like a billion little sending stations they advertise their whereabouts by emittingpenetrating rays. Interested doctors may trace theirtravels with an electroscope sensitive to these rays. InProfessor Allison's words, "you can chase them aroundthe body."The advantages are obvious. Medical scientists overin Billings can inject a few billion tagged atoms intothe blood stream and follow their course. After an amazingly short time, 60 seconds, some of them turn up inthe gastric juice of the stomach to help digest your halibut. Radio-active phosphorus, half life fifteen days, canbe injected into the system and its gradual movement tothe teeth studied. Whatever results the Billings doctorsare getting with this work must wait till another article— and another dinner.Professor Allison is enthusiastic about the cooperation{Continued on Page 23)• By WILLIAM ALLEN WHITEseries games were tied onto the colleges in the same waythat football is saddled onto them. Suppose that thehigh-priced baseball managers were hired by colleges,that Yale owned the Cardinals and Princeton owned theGiants. Few people who would deny that this situationwould be harmful to the colleges, would burden themunnecessarily and would detract public interest from thereal things these schools are doing to the activities oftheir teams.There is a certain parallel between the University ofKansas and the Kansas legislature, in that brain-work isassumed to go on in each. Supposing now, that duringeach session of the legislature, the members organized afootball team, built a stadium on the capitol grounds,scheduled games with the legislatures of Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. These games undoubtedly wouldovershadow the legislative work. The "coach" of eachlegislature would be going round to the different countiesurging that strong men be elected to the legislature, andof course, a ferocious howl would go up from the taxpayers. The reason that supporters of schools do notgive vent to an equally outraged yell is that college football has grown slowly and imperceptibly.There is no reason why both legislators and collegemen should not take exercise, but there is every reasonwhy neither should not engage in public gladiatorial combats before packed arenas. This year the colleges arebeginning to realize this. The tail has begun to wag thedog furiously this season, and this humiliating fact has atlast come home to the dog.BYE BYE FOOTBALL!WITH THE ALUMNI• By RALPH W. NICHOLSON, '36PRESIDENT Robert Maynard Hutchins lastmonth took top billing and a lion's share of theattention in the Alumni Foundation programwith a six-day gallop through the Southwest — agallop that carried him to six different Oklahoma andTexas cities. He shook hands with close to 2,000 alumni,made 17 public appearances, visited schools and universities everywhere, met with more than 25 presidents ofstate-supported Oklahoma and Texas colleges and universities, and was introduced in Houston to the outstanding boy and girl from each of seven high schools.Before leaving Chicago, however, President Hutchinsparticipated in a dinner given by Harold H. Swift, '07,Chairman of the Board of Trustees, to launch officiallythe Fiftieth Anniversary Gift Fund. At the conclusionof the dinner, at which George Vincent, PhD '96, LLDTl, and President Hutchins were the principal speakers,the amount contributed by alumni was announced ashaving already reached the total of $135,512. Meanwhile University speakers were called upon to attend 40different meetings of alumni during the 31 days ofJanuary, and, in doing so, visited such distantly removedcities as Buffalo and Los Angeles — Duluth and NewOrleans.Tulsa was the first stop for the President. There heand Alumni Secretary Charlton Beck, '04, (who cameracing from Los Angeles where he had concluded hishighly-rewarding tour with Professor Arthur H. Compton, reported in last month's Magazine) were met byGerald H. Westby, '20, local chairman of the AlumniFoundation, and George Martin, ex T9, president ofthe Chicago Alumni Club of Tulsa. After an afternoondevoted to discussion with business and professionalleaders and to newspaper interviews, the President addressed 120 alumni at a dinner meeting arranged byMessrs. Westby and Martin. The next day in Oklahoma City, the President found that local chairmanWalter A. Lybrand, '02, JD '06, had arranged a full dayof activity. At noon he addressed 650 people at theJunior Chamber of Commerce ; at 2 :30 he attended aspecial meeting of the Coordinating Committee on Education, appointed by the governor, where he spoke; at6:30 he talked at the Chamber of Commerce to a groupcomposed largely of alumni, and at 8 he addressed anaudience of 700 on "Higher Education in a Democracy."Also present at the Oklahoma City meetings were Roy-den J. Dangerfield, PhD '31, chairman for Norman,Oklahoma, and Miriam G. Buck, PhD '35, chairman forChickasha, Oklahoma.Arriving at Fort Worth at 6:40 the next morning,President Hutchins and Secretary Beck were met at thetrain by Clarence Burke, ex '12, husband of local chairman Barbara Sells Burke, '17; Superintendent of SchoolsBruce Shulkey, and the Rev. Harry Gresham. Afterluncheon with a group of Texas educators and aninspection tour of the public library and schools, thePresident addressed 216 alumni at the Women's Club. In Dallas on January 25 the President met the alumniat a buffet luncheon and addressed them in the eveningat a meeting arranged for by local chairman W. E.Wrather, '07, Hugo Swan, '15, JD '17, and RalphLeach, '38. The President was introduced by ChairmanWrather in the absence of Mr. Swan, who was ill. Inthe afternoon an audience of more than 3,000! high schoolseniors and teachers heard him talk on "Education forCitizenship."Activity in Houston began at the airport where thetouring pair was met by local chairman James P. Markham, Jr., JD '22, John Ivy, '22, and Charleton Speed,ex '31, associate chairman for Houston, to say nothingof newspaper reporters and photographers. An informalluncheon of 17 wras held at the Ramada Club, a reception for 30 at the home of John Z. Gaston, '19, MD '23,and the evening meeting took place at the Hotel Warwick where 190 alumni heard the president and shookhis hand. The outstanding boy and girl from each ofseven Houston high schools were the guests of the Chicago Alumni Club of Houston and were presented to thePresident at the reception.More than 250 alumni in Austin heard the Presidentafter he was introduced by Homer P. Rainey, AM '23,PhD '24, President of the University of Texas. Localchairman Lester F. Lay, AM '23, PhD '31, presided atthe meeting. The 19 presidents of state-supported colleges and universities were among those present at areception for President Hutchins.OTHER MEN ON THE CIRCUITOther speakers for the Alumni Foundation, in additionto President Hutchins and Professor Compton, duringthe month of January include Clifton M. Utley, '26, Vice-chairman of the Alumni Foundation; A. J. Carlson,Professor and Chairman of the department of Physiology; William Benton, Vice-president of the University;L. P. Smith, PhD '30, Dean of Students in the College;Herman I. Schlesinger, '03, PhD '06, Professor ofChemistry; Fay-Cooper Cole, Professor and Chairmanof the department of Anthropology; T. V. Smith, PhD'22, Professor of Philosophy and Congressman fromIllinois; Harold F. Gosnell, PhD '22, Associate Professor of Political Science; William M. Randall, AssistantDean of Students ; Gordon J. Laing, Editor of the Pressand Professor Emeritus of Latin; Carl R. Moore,PhD '16, Professor and Chairman of the department ofZoology; Frederic Woodward, Director of the FiftiethAnniversary Celebration; Ralph Gerard, '19, PhD '21,MD '25, Associate Professor of Physiology; ShailerMathews, Dean Emeritus of the Divinity School;Richard P. McKeon, Dean of the Division of Humanities; and Charles W. Gilkey, dean of the Chapel andAssociate Dean of the Divinity School.Of the more than $135,000 announced at the dinnerat the Drake hotel as having already been contributedto the Fiftieth Anniversary Fund, $22,461 was announced18THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 19as having been given by alumni who are members of theacademic and non-academic staffs of the University. Thisgift represents the first results of the Alumni-in-the-Uni versity committee, under the direction of Carl R.Moore, PhD '16, which is seeking to have the alumniclosest to the University contribute first. Pledges totaling more than $38,000 were made at the dinner itself.Trustee Paul G. Hoffman introduced PresidentHutchins at the Drake dinner. The President reviewedthe pioneering that has characterized the University'sexistence and indicated that it would continue. TheFiftieth Anniversary is dedicated to that spirit with thetheme "New Frontiers in Education and Research."WHAT THE UNIVERSITY MEANS"The mission of an endowed university," the Presidentsaid, "is to pioneer, which amounts to having the courageAFTfeR reading what various college presidentshave had to say about the abolition of football atthe University of Chicago, the thought comes tome that what needs abolishing are various college presidents.From their published utterances, one must concludethat they are (a) liars, (b) fools, (c) unhappy wretches,seeking an impossible compromise between principle andpractice.When a college president says that his institution doesnothing to attract capable football players I think he lies.I don't believe there is such an institution. When heprates about football being a developer of character, withall the usual tripe about the beauties of sportsmanship,I know he is a fool.Neither sort of man should be at the head of any institution of learning.These are bitter words. I can't help writing bitterlyabout what has been done to football because, in myyouth, I played the game and loved it above all others.Even in those far-off days, however, the dirty thumbof commerce was being rubbed across the face of a noblesport. I remember well the pain I felt when, in thebiggest game of our season, we found a player "on ourteam who had not been there before. He was whatwe called a "ringer." I don't know .how he got there,but he was a big strong boy and he helped mightily inachieving what we were given to understand was a"glorious" victory.In those days a quarterback ran his team, and suchcoaching as there was came from the manual trainingteacher. But business was business, then as now; andone Saturday morning we found ourselves in the handsof a real coach. I suppose he produced better teams andhelped gain renown for our school; but for most of us,much of the joy in playing football was removed.I said that any university president who denied that*Reprinted, with permission, from the Chicago Daily News of Jan,.13, 1940. to do what most intelligent people have long thoughtought to be done but have not had the courage to try."All pioneering ventures do not succeed, he added."1 repeat that all these [new] ventures do not have tosucceed in order to make them valuable. They may beuseful as horrible examples, if not as models, nor doesthe value of these ventures depend upon their popularityat the time they are undertaken. Quite the contrary. Ifthey were popular, everybody would be undertakingthem, and there would be no reason why the Universityof Chicago should open the way for others to do them.In the nature of the case a university which is trying toperform the service to the nation that is the destiny ofthe University of Chicago must take positions and engagein enterprises that do not command immediate publicsupport and may even arouse public antagonism. . . .(Continued on Page 28)• By HOWARD VINCENT O'BRIENhis institution offered inducements to football stars wasa hypocrite. Well, technically, this may sometimes betrue. There are colleges that don't. But I doubt thatthere is any body of alumni that doesn't.I said, too, that to prate of football's physical andmoral advantages was to spout absurdity. Well, whatdo some thousands of students get, morally or physically,out of the gladiatorial displays put on by a handful ofspecialists ?Football does only two things for a university. Itproduces money and it generates glory. To my way ofthinking, it's a miserable way of raising money; and the"prestige" is thoroughly false.Nothing, it seems to me, could be more ridiculousthan to rate a college unfavorably because it had losingfootball teams. There is something altogether comic inthe spectacle of an entire student body, plus a legion ofgraduates, all hanging their heads because eleven boyslost a game.The trouble with football is that it has created an intricate set of standards, all of which are false. And Iwas greatly interested, listening to the "Bull Session"[regular undergraduate broadcast from the Universityof Chicago] on the radio, last Saturday, to learn howclear is undergraduate thinking in this matter.To many of these boys and girls, the football businessis a disgusting parasite on the body of education. Theywant football as a game, or not at all. They are wearyof the cheap ballyhoo that has grown up around it. Asone lad put it, the University of Chicago is properly tobe lauded for the number of Nobel Prize winners on itsfaculty — not for the number of points its football teamsroll up.This, it seems to me, is a mature attitude, and in pitiful contrast with the adolescent attitude of the squawkers.The worst thing about college football is the influence ithas given to promoters and the kind of college boy whonever grows up. It is to be hoped that a good gamewill be given back to its rightful owners.ALL THINGS CONSIDEREDNEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESTHE University's efforts in radio, recently characterized with other projects in which it is now conducting experimental work as a "modern counterpart of Mr. Harper's pioneering ventures in universityextension," passed another milestone February 3 whenthe series of broadcasts entitled The Human Adventurewas resumed. Planned to familiarize the public with thenature and importance of the research work of universities, The Human Adventure was first broadcast oneight Tuesday evenings in July, August and Septemberover seventy-six Columbia Broadcasting System stations.Cut from an hour to thirty minutes to increase itsdramatic strength, The Human Adventure was switchedfrom Tuesday evenings (at which time half of it conflicted with Clifton Fadiman's Information Please program) to Saturday afternoons.1Incidentally, the abridged version of The Human Adventure requires the services of more actors than did thelonger broadcast because of necessary elimination of thecast duplications which are common procedure in longprograms. The same actor may impersonate, say, AlbertEinstein and, three quarters of an hour later, SamuelClemens ; but listeners to radio programs are sufficientlyalert to notice vocal similarity if the interval is only fifteen minutes.Embodiment of another shift in production of TheHuman Adventure was the devotion of the second seriesdebut to a single argument. The program was a dramatization of the article in Harpers Magazine of October,1939, by Dr. Abraham Flexner, concerning "The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge." The program began :CUE: (Columbia Broadcasting System) (30seconds).ORCH.: DOWN BEHIND.EDITOR: Ladies and gentlemen— this is the Editor speaking. Tonight we re-open thisseries of broadcasts — called The HumanAdventure. Last summer's gala presentation had a" flattering reception fromthe public — and we hope to live up tothe expectations then aroused. Of course,the first question is — where shall thesecond series in The Human Adventurebegin? We choose to begin where weleft off. I have before me a fan — orpan — letter about the program thattrickled in after the last broadcast of thesummer's series. It is from a lady inColorado. And although the lady inquestion rather liked the program as awhole, nevertheless, she writes — "WhileI appreciate the work that the profes-- sors do, it does seem that much of it isreally useless." To the lady's view IIThe program is on the air from 5 to 5:30 P. M., Eastern StandardTime; 4 to 4:30 P. M., Central Time; 3 to 3:30 P. M., Mountain Time;2 to 2:30 P. M., Pacific Time. The Magazine was incorrectly informedas to the times announced last month.- • By DON MORRIS, '36must now reply— Madame, it may seemso. Yet the most useless of uselessknowledge has often been most useful tohumanity, and tonight we shall prove it !MUSIC:NARRATOR : Several years ago, Dr. Abraham Flexner, Director of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, and Mr.George Eastman, wealthy business man,met for a friendly discussion. Mr. Eastman was interested in advancing education in useful subjects —FLEXNER: Just what would you consider a usefulsubject, Mr. Eastman?EASTMAN : Science, I should say.FLEXNER: And whom do you regard as the mostuseful worker in science in the world?EASTMAN : Why, Marconi, I should think. The manwho invented the wireless, the radio.FLEXNER: Ah, Marconi! Yes, of course, he didinvent the wireless. Yet, Mr. Eastman,whatever benefit we derive from theradio, or however the radio may haveadded to the enjoyment of human life,I am afraid Marconi's share must becalled— well, negligible.EASTMAN: Negligible? I don't understand . . . JFLEXNER: Marconi was inevitable, Mr. Eastman.Most of the credit for what Marconi didin the field of wireless and radio belongs — as far as credit can be assigned —fundamentally — to a handful of men.Oersted, Faraday, Maxwell, and Hertz.Have you ever heard of those names,Mr. Eastman?MUSIC : FADE OUT AND BACK.Educational broadcasting, before the introduction ofThe Human Adventure to the wavelengths assigned tostations of the Columbia Broadcasting System, was atan impasse. Apparently "educational" and "broadcasting" were mutually contradictory terms. The "educational" efforts which were successfully staged by theradio industry reached a high point, for example, in theProfessor Quiz series, which may have added to theinformation but probably not to the knowledge of itsaudience. Conversely, the broadcast activities of educational institution have been with few exceptions —notably the Round Table —, programs attracting verysmall audiences.Working on the assumptions that the dramatic formis the most effective yet developed in radio, that radiomen knowT less about education than professors, and thatprofessors are not by nature actors, the University originated the notion of a program in which content developedin the best of university work was to be presented bymen in radio best qualified to do so. In The HumanAdventure outstanding examples of university research20THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21are written onsionals, enactedby professionalprogram :SOUND :HERTZ:WALTER:HERTZ : the Midway but are directed by profes-by professional actors and glissandoedBut, back to the February 3musicians.SPARK JUMP.Look at that orphan spark, Walter.Orphan spark, Professor Hertz ?That spark that doesn't seem to belong.See, it's jumping around there betweenthe two ends of that loop of wire.WALTER: I don't see what you mean. The loophanging loose and not connected to theapparatus ?HERTZ: Yes. Watch closely and I will try toreproduce the effect.SOUND : SPARK JUMP . . . NORMAL ANDRHYTHMIC . . . THEN AN INTERRUPTION AS OF AN INTERVENING SPARK.HERTZ : There. That's it.WALTER: I saw it. But what can it be?HERTZ : I have an idea that these occasionalsparks are manifestations of the electromagnetic waves predicted by Maxwell. . . the waves I've been searching for.MUSIC: FADES TO BACKGROUND.POPULAR DRAMATIZATIONThere is no question that The Human Adventure isas stimulating and as interesting as any commercial program on the air today. That it possesses clear-cut intellectual content as well as widespread popular appealis indicated in the script sections quoted above. Thequestions raised by the dramatization of the position ofDr. Flexner and others are important.For instance, as the editors of Harpers pointed out intheir note on Dr. Flexner Particle, the question of theusefulness of useless/knowledge has more than two sides.They indicated as one viewpoint, expressed by LancelotHogben, that "the growth of the sciences has been inresponse to human needs." Another citation by Harperswas Paul Sears' opinion that "the landscape and thepeople in it are all interdependent." Dr. Flexner himself, with a great deal of fanfare about "freeing the human spirit," "tolerance throughout the range of humandissimilarities," and "striking the shackles off the human mind," sets forth the view that the advantages ofresesarch "could never have accrued if the idea of possible use had permeated their (the curious scientists*)minds.Two other items might be added in discussion of Dr.Flexner's case for accidental discoveries and the freesoul. One is that although much of the progress in scienceof the past has been the product of accident, irresponsibility, curiosity, and trial-and-error, this must not necessarily be the case now or in the future. As in generalterms, understanding and predictability are the aim ofscience, it certainly is not required that a scientist bebusily engaged investigating chromosomes in order todiscover something important in the field of electromagnetic radiation. Dr. Flexner's case is far from absolute.A second point which might be called to Dr. Flexner's attention is that in a general way scientists know andprobably have known what they were doing even whenengaged in the most abstruse calculation and thinking.Although there is now no evident practical value to bederived from the current investigations of cosmic rays,for example, it is still probably true that those workingin the field hope that their work may, among other things,some day reveal at least a partial answer to the tremendously important material problem of utilizing the forceswithin the atom. The fact that the possibility of fulfillment is not immediately at hand in no way destroys thevalidity of the argument. But, practical or not, thesearch is for something. It is for the truth, and accidentmay produce facts, but rarely knowledge. It is disheartening to find the man in whose bailiwick Einstein, tomention one of many, is working, busily asserting thatno principles should guide a scientist's work, that hemust have no notion that the work may ever have anypractical significance, and that what the scientist mayproduce will have nothing to do with what he thinks heis doing.EDUCATION AND RADIOIn the light of the demonstrated value and popularityof The Human Adventure, President Hutchins' code ofrequirements set forth almost six years ago may proveto have been met, at least in part. Speaking before theNational Advisory Committee on Radio in Education, hesaid :"If I may take educational broadcasting as an illustration (of the lack of public responsibility shown byradio stations), the charges that can be substantiated arethese : the claims of minorities have been disregarded, thebest hours have been given to advertising programs, thehours assigned to education have been shifted withoutnotice, censorship has been imposed, experimentationhas been almost non-existent, and the financial supportof educational broadcasting has been limited and er^ratic."Mr. Hutchins suggested that "if the [radio] industrywill recognize unequivocally its responsibility to education, if educators will work out a national plan that meetsthe needs of our people, I believe that the industry willprosper still, that education will be able to use at lastthe new tool that technology has given it, and that together we may take a significant step toward the civilization of the United States."The Human Adventure represents recognition by theColumbia Broadcasting System, as the Round Table represents it by the National Broadcasting Company. Thelist of stations broadcasting the Round Table has grownin the last two years from thirty-seven to eighty-five.Last summer CBS transmitted The Human Adventureon seventy-six. Although the radio industry has notyet got around to offering education its best hours, it iscertain that the late Saturday afternoon location of TheHuman Adventure and the Sunday afternoon position ofthe Round Table can be accepted as clear-cut advances.Censorship, on both the University's major programs,has offered no problem. Financial support of the RoundTable, which celebrated its tenth anniversary on February 11, has been provided by the Alfred P. SloanFoundation.(Continued on Page 25)TRADITIONS AT THE UNIVERSITYFourth in a Series of YarnsIN her book, More Than Lore, Marian Talbot speaksof a student who was registering a social affair inher office.She said to him, "You don't seem enthusiastic aboutthe party.""No," he said, "I don't see much sense in having one.""Why do you have it then?" Miss Talbot asked."It's the tradition," he said.The first time that party had been given was the second year before the student came to Chicago, which wasquite an ancient tradition in the older days.One time Ferdie Schevill had been East and lecturingperhaps had visited several of the Eastern universities.On his return he met President Harper who askedhim, "Well, Schevill, what do they say of us downEast?""Oh," said Ferdie, "they say we're a great crowd ofpeople and getting along just fine.""Schevill," said Harper, a note of earnestness creeping into his voice, "what do they say of us down East?""They say," answered Ferdie off-hand, "that we'redoing some pretty good work out here."Again Harper demanded, "Schevill, will you tell mewhat they say about us down East?""Well, if I must," said Ferdie, "They say that wehaven't any traditions out here."The president glared at him through his magnifyingspectacles and said, "Well, we've got to have some andright away."It was only a few nights after this conversation tookplace that I was asked to be without fail on the stepsof Haskell to join a group of students there. I couldn'timagine for the life of me what twenty or thirty of uswere going to do, standing on the steps of the still unoccupied Haskell Hall. So I went to discover whatwas up.Scott Brown had been requested by the president towrite a crooning song called "Old Haskell Door." Nowlate that afternoon so that it might harden during thewatches of the night some painter had applied a coatof varnish to the door of Haskell against which we wereunconsciously leaning.So as we memorized the verses of the song and triedit out together, old Haskell door was getting in its wTorkunbeknownst on our clothes and when we started to risewe found that half a dozen of us were stuck to the freshvarnish. This was getting traditions with a vengeance.THE BEGGING BEARI HAD written two short stories for the WhitmanPublishing Company of Racine, Wisconsin, furnishing texts for the five color illustrations which theyhad pirated from the Swedish artist Moe.The first of these stories was the title of the book,The Begging Bear. But for good measure we threw in By the Late PHILIP SCHUYLER ALLEN, PhD '97a second story of three pigs called "Squeaky, Squeal, andWee-wee."One day during September I had left my office inWieboldt to go home to lunch and was taking along twoor three of these books which had come to me thatmorning as author's copies.Mr. Hutchins was engaged in mailing a letter in frontof Harper and catching sight of me, said, "What bookis that?"I answered, "The most recent of my scholarly endeavors."Lie said, "Can a fellow see a copy?"And I said, "Most gladly," and handed him one.At just this juncture a young lady made her appearance and was introduced to me by her father as MissHutchins.I said to him, "Do you think that she would like acopy of this book?"And he said, "I feel very sure she would."Whereupon I presented her with a copy with mycompliments.A week later I was waiting in the outer office of thepresident when Mr. Hutchins came through and seeingme stopped to congratulate me on my book."But," he said, "don't write another.""Well," I said, "why not?"He said, "I've read the thing through out loud seventimes and I'm getting a little tired of it."MY MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROGRAMIT IS hard for a young American to learn social easewhen speaking a foreign tongue :I had studied French for many years in school.I felt there was one boy in the United States who knewhis way about in the Gallic language, and I was that boy.I went to France.My first day in Paris I was invited to tea and placedat a table between two vivacious French girls. Hardlywas I seated, when the girls attacked me, both speakingat once.Said one: "Tell me, do all American women wearscads of diamonds and lounging pajamas when they driveto market mornings in their limousines?"Said the other : "Tell me, my dear, what is there aboutyou stern American men that fascinates us little Frenchgirls so inevitably?"Now I had been getting ready some French conversation of my own. It ran like this: "Yesterday Itraveled on the train. It was a long train, full of people,both men and women. Children were also present."So when I was struck by lightning, I lost my mindand could think of no reply. Then it came. It was frompage six ("Hotels") of Perfect French for Tourists.To my horror I heard myself say in a loud voice:"I demand fresh sheets for my bed."22THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23.... "O my dear chap, what did your hostess do?Send for an ambulance ?""No," said I with a grin. "She had hysterics. "Thegirls howled with glee. They thought me the funniestAmerican in captivity. They swore my odd gift of saying the wrong thing at the right time was genius, nothingless. They boasted of me to their friends. I was askedto tea every day during my month in Paris.THE BOUNCER AT "THE FROLICS"ONE night Harry Williams, former football coachat the University of Minnesota, Doctors RalphHamill and Ralph Webster and I had stoppedoff for an hour or so at "The Frolics" on 22nd Street.It was a cold night and the four of us were all wearinglong ulsters. Williams it seems had left his galoshes atour last place of sojourn and went back after them. Wehad already paid our slight fee of admittance, but Williams took it for granted that the man at the box-officewould recall the fact when he returned.The man at the box-office, however, refused to admitWilliams in his rubbers and Williams naturally refusedto pay a second time. The ticket seller touched a bellwith his foot which rang a gong not far from where thefour of us were standing and out of a suddenly-openeddoor there came a well-built prize-fighter.There were four of us and because of the way we weredressed particularly, each one of the four was as largeas a mountain. The young bouncer looked at us andthen turned to the office. "Not tonight, thank you." Table Talk on Atoms{Continued from Page 17)between his machine (which was developed under Professor Emeritus William D. Harkins, and only this yearhas been in Professor Allison's charge) and his crewand the Clinics. The cyclotron can turn out radio activesalts with dispatch. Opportunities for research withthem in an establishment as large and active as the University's Medical School are unequalled.Which brings us to that $5,000. The Universitycyclotron has large enough magnets to take a "can" 45to 50 inches across. This would generate a deuteronbeam of 20,000,000 volts, two and one-half times thepresent capacity. It would take advantage of the fullpower of those gigantic magnets.While the maid is bringing in the dessert we'll tell youof the cartoon on the bulletin board next to the cyclotron.It's from the University of California Pelican. A giganticbox-like cyclotron is shown burst completely asunder.Wires and parts dangle here and there. A small man,the frustrated operator, is observing to a friend,"Toughest damn atom I ever saw !"One more thing. The cyclotron at work is anotherdoormouse. But the huge converter at the other sideof the room which turns alternating into direct currentisn't. It makes a terrible noise. It needs covering.In telephone interviews and on BusinessReply Cards, many hundreds of Chicagowomen voted on "What's the best bacon ?"Swift's Premium won overwhelmingly!Chicago families go strong for Swift'sPremium Bacon. In a recent city-widepoll it actually got more votes than thenext five brands combined!Chicago votes Swift's Premium Bacon "best"!Over twice as many votes as nearestcompetitor in city-wide poll.In a recent poll here in Chicago, many hundreds ofwomen were asked to vote on their preference inbacon. Independent research workers conducted thepoll ; the question asked was simply — "What brandof bacon do you think is the best?"Swift's Premium — the bacon with the "sweetsmoke taste" — polled over twice as many votes as itsnearest competitor. It led the next brand mentionedeight to one!Sugar -cured Swift's secret way and specially smokedin ovens, Swift's Premium has a goodness you get inno other bacon, as this poll showed.Enjoy that special goodness whenever you servebacon — for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Ask forSwift's Premium, the kind with the "sweetsmoke taste" !Remember, the meatmakes the meal,ATHLETICSTHE SCOREBOARDBasketballChicago 33 — 34 IllinoisChicago 28 — 44 NorthwesternChicago 27 — 41 IowaChicago 22 — 32 DePaulChicago 33 — 28 LoyolaFencingChicago 15 — 11 NorthwesternChicago IA — 13 Ohio StateGymnasticsChicago 521%—418 Milwaukee A. C.Chicago 407J4— 540 MinnesotaSwimmingChicago 56 — 10 George WilliamsChicago 45 — 30 North CentralChicago 3(3 — 48 MinnesotaChicago 52 — 32 IndianaTrackChicago 54-y2—39y2 WayneChicago 32 — 55 Ohio StateWater PoloChicago 8 — 2 RidgeChicago 9 — 4 AlumniChicago 2 — 5 GriffithChicago 6 — 1 MinnesotaWrestlingChicago 24 — 8 WheatonChicago 26 — 8 BradleyChicago 16 — 16 Illinois NormalChicago 6 — 24 Franklin and MarshallChicago 0 — 26 Penn StateChicago 18—14 BradleyChicago 26 — 10 NorthwesternPROBABLY the biggest athletics news in January,as far as the progress of the participating Maroonteams was concerned, was the loss by the waterpolo squad to Griffith Natatorium. The fencing team isundefeated, as this script is prepared, and the water poloplayers have not lost — and show no signs of being aboutto lose — a Big Ten match.Of twenty-five meetings in January Chicago won thirteen, lost eleven, and tied one. In the ten January contests with Big Ten teams Chicago batted .400. A cropof sophomores, including Leo Luckhardt and Art Bethke,swimmers; Walcott Beatty, of the track team; PaulZimmermann and Chuck Wagenberg, basketball players ;Earl and Courtney Shanken, gymnasts; and CarrollPyle, wrestler, seems to have somewhat compensatedfor the loss of a lot of last year's best men — Bob Cassels,Ed Gustafson, John Van De Water, Ed Valorz, and,as they say in radio, a host of others.Of importance as a consequence of Chicago's decisionto withdraw from Big Ten football competition was theannouncement that Clark Shaughnessy, coach of Maroonfootball since 1933, had accepted the position of headcoach at Stanford vacated by "Tiny" Thornhill after lastyear's disastrous Avocado League season of six losses,one victory, and one tie. Chosen to end the deadlock between Stanford alumni groups backing, respectively,"Dud" De Groot, San Jose State coach, and LawrenceShaw, of Santa Clara, Coach Shaughnessy leaves theMidway with the good wishes of Maroon sports followers, echoing the words of Thornhill who said, when toldof the Shaughnessy acceptance, that he hoped Shaughnessy would have the co-operation "which I have nothad for several years."The second football coach in the history of the University of Chicago, Clark Shaughnessy succeeded AmosAlonzo Stagg in the fall of 1933. Shaughnessy, born inSt. Cloud, Minnesota, in 1892, was a three-year star atMinnesota under Dr. Henry L. Williams at the University of Minnesota, in 1911, 1912, and 1913. He waschosen coach and director of athletics at Tulane, where,between 1915 and 1927 his teams won fifty-eight games,losing twenty-seven, and tying six. Among the ninevictories Tulane achieved in 1925, probably CoachShaughnessy 's banner year, was an 18 to 7 defeat ofNorthwestern, which won the Big Ten title in that year.In 1927 Coach Shaughnessy moved "across the street"to become coach at Loyola of the South, where his teamscompiled a record of thirty-eight victories, sixteen defeats, and five ties. His 1928 team will be rememberedas a surprise to football followers because of the 6 to 6tie it held against Notre Dame until the last two minutesof play, when Notre Dame succeeded in pushing acrossa second touchdown to win 12 to 6.Coach Shaughnessy came to the Midway when A. A.Stagg became emeritus and fared forth to the College ofthe Pacific. In the seven years in which he was coachat Chicago Maroon teams won seventeen games, lostthirty-four, and tied four. In Conference games Chicagowon five games, losing twenty-five and tying two. Bothties and all but one of the victories, a 7 to 6 triumph overWisconsin in 1936, were achieved in the three years JayBerwanger built his brilliant record.After a cheering start, in which three minor leagueopponents fell easily and a brilliant battle against Utah'sable team was unsuccessful by a single point only aftertwo overtime periods, Chicago's basketball team apparently hit a slump. A victory over Loyola, the most recent game as this is written, indicates that the slumpmay be over and the team may be starting to approachthe potentialities it has and has shown sporadically. Besides Utah, two other games, of the six which went bythe board between the walkaway with Armour and theLoyola victory, were close. The closeness of the Illinoiscontest was due to the inspired play of Captain DickLounsbury, who sank the last four of his seven fieldgoals in the dying moments of the game to lead andalmost beat the Illini. Chicago looked better than Wisconsin in the season opener and lost, as a Chicago sportswriter put it, because of the unwillingness of the Badgersto get in there and mix it.No snaps are the games of the next few weeks — OhioState, Purdue, Michigan, and Minnesota — but, if Chicago has begun to live up to the name destiny wrote onits knee pads, the trend will be upward.24THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25News of the Quadrangles Thirteen-Thirteen(Continued from Page 21) (Continued from Page 9)AN ANNIVERSARY DATEThe impending Fiftieth Anniversary Celebrationnecessarily was set at an arbitrarily determined date,selected as the most important of several important episodes in the development of the University which tookplace approximately fifty years ago. Several otherfiftieth anniversaries will be reached before 1941, preliminaries to the anniversary of the date on whichWilliam Rainey Harper became president. One of theseanniversaries was the day on which, half a century ago,Marshall Field presented the yet unhatched Universityof Chicago with a plot of ground. The moment has beenlikened roughly to that hour when Archimedes said,"Give me a lever and a place to stand and I'll lift theearth."On January 22, 1890, Marshall Field announced hisdecision to give a block and a half of land lying near theMidway to the incipient University. Later he sold anadjoining block and a half to the University.The impetus which the Field gift gave to the drive forfunds to establish the University was described by Dr.T. W. Goodspeed, later secretary to the University'sBoard :"The impulse the secretaries had assured Mr. Fieldwould result from his gift became immediately apparent.After three months' work among the city's business men,they had names of twenty-three men who had promisedhelp. But they had not one definite subscription. In theweek following the gift of the site, five subscriptionstotaling thirteen thousand dollars were received. Thework went on from this time with increasing success."A member of the younger generation of the University's scientists was honored when the American Mathematical Society awarded the Frank N. Cole prize to A.Adrian Albert, associate professor of mathematics lastmonth. Dr. Albert received the award, which had beenconferred on only one previous occasion, for his solutionof the famous algebraic problem concerning "Riemannmatrices." The award was conferred on Dr. LeonardE. Dickson in 1928.The fifth Rhodes scholar, among those disenfranchisedin their privilege of study in England, was enrolled inthe University's Department of Botany at the beginningof the Winter quarter. The offer of full tuition scholarships to all Rhodes scholars from the United States whowere unable to continue their work at Oxford becauseof the outbreak of war was made by the University lastfall. Rhodes scholar No. 5 on the quadrangles is HortonM. Laude, who, after completing his undergraduatestudy at Kansas State college, had already spent twoyears at Oxford. Laude is the son of Dr. H. H. Laude,head of the botany department at Kansas State college,who received his own PhD degree in botany at the University in 1936. The other four Rhodes-to-Chicagotransfers are Norman Davidson, of Chicago ; Maurice B.Abram, of Fitzgerald, Georgia; William C. Carter, ofWaterville, Maine; and Stanley E. Sprague, of Liberty,New York. veloping research, and upon the meeting of minds shouldthey happen to be jointly interested in creative scholarship and scientific principles.However, it is not with the University of Chicagoalone that the associations collaborate. Many of themhave associate members specializing in their respectivefields at universities throughout the country. These universities frequently provide personnel and facilities forregional conferences and for training schools of publicofficials sponsored by the associations. Public Administration Service maintains its west coast office adjacent tothe Berkeley campus of the University of California.Apart from the collaboration between Thirteen-Thirteen and the University of Chicago or other universitiesis the related question of the proper place of publicadministration in the university curriculum. PresidentHutchins has stated that "The University's present planof teaching and research in government, should, in cooperation with Public Administration Clearing House, continue to result in the production of a considerable numberof educated public officials." The practitioner in everyprofessional field possesses a body of specific knowledgethat can be valuable in research if accurately summarized', and in philosophy if thoughtfully generalized, andpublic administration is no exception. It is the recognition of these possibilities that has led to the introductionof public administration courses in at least 70 collegesand universities in the United States.Public administration is not crashing the academicgates any more than did the faculties of medicine or lawin the Middle Ages. For the field of specialized knowledge and identifiable technique now comprehended bythe network of our public services, plays a comparablerole in our own social order today. Public administration, moreover, furnishes an objective atmosphere to acommunity of scholarship that tempers theory with reality^ It can also be used to develop new frontiers of education as well as research. Students cannot be expectedto proceed coldly from the principles of philosophy gathered at the university to the rawest details of the worldthey meet outside, without learning something of theorganized technical experience of society and governmentin trying to apply the moral values of a simpler worldto the actual problems of the day; and this refers withthe greatest strength to those who are to govern.To what extent Thirteen-Thirteen can contribute toscholarship and research in public administration dependsupon the flexibility of the minds at work in both theuniversities and the public service. The organizations ofpublic officials at Thirteen-Thirteen, like the Universityof Chicago and its sister institutions of higher learning inAmerica, pursue their tasks by searching out facts, disseminating truths and applying knowledge— for a smallersegment of society perhaps, but with the same scrutinizing tests for scientific accuracy, logical coherence andphilosophic consistency. Here we find that unity ofspirit common to all constructive institutions of a societylike ours which has so deep a need for the application ofintelligence to the problems of a troubled world.26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe Great Book: I (Continued from Page 11)WHAT A GREAT BOOK ISBefore I begin, however, it may be wise to say a littlemore about what a great book is. I have used the phraseagain and again, hoping that what I said in Chapter IVabout great books as original communications would suffice for the time. In Chapter VIII, I suggested thatamong poetical works there was a parallel distinction.Just as great expository books are those which, morethan others, can increase our understanding, so the greatworks of imaginative literature elevate our spirit anddeepen our humanity.In the course of other chapters, I may have mentionedother qualities which the great books possess. But nowI want to bring together in one place all the signs bywhich the great books can be recognized — repeatingsome, adding new ones. These are the signs whicheveryone uses in making lists or selections. The six Iam going to mention may not be all there are, but theyare the ones some of us — Dean Buchanan and PresidentBarr at St. John's, and Mr. Hutchins and I at Chicago —have found most useful in explaining the award of thelibrary blue ribbon.(1)1 used to say jocularly that the great books werethose everybody recommends and nobody reads, or thoseeveryone says he intends to read and never does. Thejoke (it is Mark Twain's, really) may have its point forsome of our contemporaries, but the remark is false forthe most part. In fact, the great books are probablythe most widely read. They are not best sellers for ayear or two. They are enduring best sellers. Gonewith the Wind has had relatively few readers comparedto the plays of Shakespeare or Don Quixote. It wouldbe reasonable to estimate, as a recent writer did, thatHomer's Iliad has been read by at least 25,000,000 people in the last 3,000 years. When you realize the number of languages into which these books have been translated, and the number of years during which they havebeen read, you will not think that a number of reader^running high into the millions is exaggerated.It does not follow, of course, that every book whichreaches a tremendous audience ranks as a classic byreason of that fact alone. Three Weeks, Quo Vadis, andBen-Hur, to mention only fiction, are cases in point.Nor do I mean that a great book need be a be^st sellerin its own day. It may take time for it to accumulateits ultimate audience. The astronomer Kepler, whosework on the planetary motions is now a classic, is reported to have said of his book that "it may wait a century for a reader, as God has waited 6000 years for anobserver."(2) The great books are popular, not pedantic. Theyare not written by specialists about specialties for specialists. Whether they be philosophy or science, or history or poetry, they treat of human, not academic, problems. They are written for men, not professors. WhenI say they are popular, I do not mean they are popularizations in the sense of simplifying what can be found inother books. I mean they were initially written for apopular audience. They were intended for beginners. This, as I pointed out earlier, is a consequence of theirbeing original communications. With respect to whatthese books have to say, most men are beginners.To read a textbook for advanced students, you haveto read an elementary textbook first. But the greatbooks are all elementary. They treat the elements ofany subject matter. They are not related to one another as a series of textbooks graded in difficulty or inthe technicality of the problems with which they deal.That is what I meant by saying that they are all forbeginners, even though they do not all begin at the sameplace in the tradition of thought.There is one kind of prior reading, however, whichdoes help you to read a great book, and that is the othergreat books the author himself read. If you begin wherehe began, you are better prepared for the new departurehe is going to make. This is the point I suggested beforewhen I said that even the mathematical and scientificbooks can be read without special instruction.Let me illustrate this point by taking Euclid's Elements of Geometry and Newton's Philosophiae NaturalisPrincipia MathemMica. Euclid requires no prior studyof mathematics. His book is genuinely an introductionto geometry, and to basic arithmetic as well. The samecannot be said for Newton, because Newton uses mathematics in the solution of physical problems. The readermust be able to follow his mathematical reasoning inorder to understand how it interprets his observations.Newton had mastered Euclid. His mathematical styleshows how deeply he was influenced by Euclid's treatment of ratio and proportions. His book is, therefore,not readily intelligible, even to competent scientists, unless Euclid has been read before. But with Euclid as aguide, the effort to read Newton, or Galileo, ceases tobe fruitless.I am not saying that these great scientific books canbe read without effort. I am saying that if they areread in an historical order, the effort is rewarded. Justas Euclid illuminates Newton and Galileo, so they inturn help to make Maxwell and Einstein intelligible.The point is not limited to mathematical and scientificworks. It applies to philosophical books as well. Theirauthors tell you what you should have read before youcome to them: Dewey wants you to have read Mill andHume ; Whitehead wants you to have read Descartesand Plato.(3) The great books are always contemporary. Incontrast, the books we call "contemporary," because theyare currently popular, last only for a year or two, orten at the most. They soon become antiquated. Youprobably cannot recall the names of the best sellers ofthe twenties. If they were recalled for you, you probably would not be interested in reading them. Especiallyin the field of nonfiction books, you want the latest "contemporary" product. But the great books are neveroutmoded by the movement of thought or the shiftingwTinds of doctrine and opinion. On the contrary, onegreat book tends to intensify the significance of othersabout the same subject. Thus, Marx's Das Kapital andTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations illuminate each other,and so do works as far apart as Claude Bernard's Introduction to Experimental Medicine and the medical writings of Hippocrates and Galen.Schopenhauer said this clearly. "Looking over ahuge catalogue of new books," he said, "one might weepat thinking that, when ten years have passed, not oneof them will be heard of." His further explanation isworth following :"There are at all times two literatures in progress, running side by side, but little known to each other; the onereal, the other only apparent. The former grows into permanent literature; it is pursued by those who live forscience or poetry; its course is sober and quiet, but extremely slow; and it produces in Europe scarcely a dozenworks in a century; these, however, are permanent. Theother kind is pursued by persons who live on science andpoetry. It goes at a gallop, with much noise and shouting of partisans. Every twelve-month it puts a thousandworks on the market. But after a few years one asks,Where are they? Where is the glory which came sosoon and made so much clamour? This kind may be calledfleeting, and the other, permanent literature.""Permanent" and "fleeting" are good words to name thepersistently contemporary great books and the soonantiquated current ones.Because they are contemporary, and should be read assuch, the word "classic" must be avoided. Mark Twain,you will recall, defined a classic as "something that everybody wrants to have read, and nobody wants to read." Iam afraid not even that is true for most people anylonger. "Classic" has come to mean an ancient and antiquated book. People regard the classics as the greathas-beens, the great books of their times. "But ourtimes are different," they say. From this point of view,the only motive for reading the classics is an historicalor philological interest. It is like poking about amongthe somewhat moldy monuments of a past culture. Theclassics, thus viewed, cannot offer instruction to a modern man, except, of course, about the peculiarities of hisancestors.But the great books are not faded glories. They arenot dusty remains for scholars to investigate. They arenot a record of dead civilizations. They are rather themost potent civilizing forces in the world today.Of course, there is progress in some things. No onewants to drive an old-fashioned model after the new carsare on the market. No one suggests that we give up theelectric lights, plumbing, and vacuum cleaners of a modern apartment for the spacious inconveniences of an old-fashioned palace. There is progress in all the utilitieswhich man can invent to make the motions of life moreefficient and easier. There is progress in social institutions — such as the modern development of democracy,with its condemnation of all forms of slavery, both economic and political. And there is progress in knowledgeand the clarification of problems and ideas.But there is not progress in everything. The fundamental human problems remain the same in all ages.Anyone who reads the speeches of Demosthenes and theletters of Cicero, or if you prefer, the essays of Baconand Montaigne, will find how constant is the preoccupation of men with happiness and justice, with virtue andtruth, and even with stability and change itself. We may succeed in accelerating the motions of life, but we cannot seem to change the routes that are available to itsends.It is not only in moral or political matters that progress is relative to certain abiding constants. Even intheoretic knowledge, even in science and philosophy,where knowledge increases and understanding may bedeepened, the advances made by every epoch are laidupon a traditional foundation. Civilization grows like anonion, layer upon layer. To understand Einstein, youmust, as he tells you himself, understand Galileo andNewton. To understand Whitehead, you must, as healso tells you, knowr Descartes and Plato. If any contemporary books are great because they deal with fundamental matters, then all the great books are contemporarybecause they are involved in the same discussion.(4) The great books are the most readable. I havesaid this before. It means several things. If the rules ofskilled reading are somehow related to the rules of skillfulwriting, then these are the best- written books. If a goodreader is proficient in the liberal arts, how much more sois a great writer a master of them. These books aremasterpieces of liberal art. In saying this, I refer primarily to expository works. The greatest works of poetryor fiction are masterpieces of fine art. In both cases,language is mastered by the writer for the sake of thereader, whether the end be instruction or delight.To say that the great books are most readable is to saythat they will not let you down if you try to read themwell. You can follow the rules of reading to your utmostability and they, unlike poorer works, will not stop paying dividends. But it is equally true to say that there isactually more in them to read. It is not merely how theyare written, but what they have to say. They have moreideas per page than most books have in their entirety.That is why you can read a great book over and overagain and never exhaust its contents, and probably neverread skillfully enough to master it completely. The mostreadable books are indefinitely readable.They are rereadable for another reason. They can beread at many different levels of understanding, as well aswith a great diversity of interpretations. The most obvious examples of many levels of reading are found in suchbooks as Gulliver's Travels, Robinson Crusoe, and theOdyssey. Children can read them with enjoyment, butfail to find therein all the beauty and significance whichdelight an adult mind.(5) I have also said before that the great books arethe most instructive, the most enlightening. This follows, in a sense, from the fact that they are original communications, that they contain what cannot be found inother books. Whether you ultimately agree or disagreewith their doctrines, these are the primary teachers ofmankind, because they have made the basic contributionsto human learning and thought. In so far as they havesolved important problems, wholly or partially, the principles to be found in them are the leading principles ofhuman knowledge. And the conclusions their authorsreached are the major achievements of human thought.It is almost unnecessary to add that the great booksare the most influential books. In the tradition of learning, they have been most discussed by readers who have28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEalso been writers. These are the books about which thereare many other books. Countless and, for the most part,forgotten are the books which have been written aboutthem— the commentaries, digests, or popularizations.(6) Finally, the great books deal with the persistentlyunsolved problems of human life. It is not enough to sayof them that they have solved important problems, inwhole or part. That is only one aspect of their achievement. There are genuine mysteries in the world thatmark the limits of human knowing and thinking. Inquirynot only begins with wonder, but usually ends with italso.Great minds do not, like shallower ones, despise mysteries or run away from them. They acknowledge themhonestly and try to define them by the clearest statementof ultimately imponderable alternatives. Wisdom is fortified, not destroyed, by understanding its limitations.Ignorance does not make a fool as surely as self-deception.BOOKS ABOUT THE GREAT BOOKSifou can see now how these six criteria hang together,how they follow from and support one another. You cansee why, if these are the qualifications, the exclusivesociety of great authors has many fewer than four hundred members. The shortness of the Erskine or St.John's list is inescapable when these criteria set thestandard.Perhaps you can also see why you should read thegreat books rather than books about them or books whichtry to distill them for you. "Some books," says LordBacon, "may be read by deputy and extracts made ofthem by others. But that would be only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books." Withrespect to the others, "distilled books are like commondistilled waters, flashy things." The same reason whichsends men to the concert hall and the art gallery shouldsend them to the great books rather than to imperfectreproductions. The firsthand witness is always preferred to garbled hearsay. A good story can be spoiledby a bad raconteur.The only excuse which men have ever given for reading books about these books does not hold here any morethan it would in the case of canned music or cheapreplicas of painting and sculpture. They know that it iseasier, as well as better, to meet the fine artist in his ownwork rather than in its imitations. But they wronglybelieve that the great teachers cannot be met in their ownworks. They think they are too difficult, too far abovethem, and hence console themselves with substitutes.This, as I have tried to show, is not the case. I repeat:the great books are the most readable for anyone whoknows how to read. Skill in reading is the only condition for entry into this good company.Do not look upon the list of great books as you wouldupon the list of ten which men make up for the lonelyisland on which they are going to be shipwrecked. Youdo not need the idyllic solitude, which modern men candream of only as the benefit of disaster, in order to readthe great books. If you have any leisure at all, you canuse it to read in. But do not make the mistake of thebusinessman who devotes every energy to making his pilefirst, and supposes that he will know how to use his spare time when he retires. Leisure and work should becomponents of every week, not divisions of the spanof life.The pursuit of learning and enlightenment through thegreat books can relieve the tedium of toil and the monotony of business as much as music and the other finearts. But the leisure must be genuinely leisure. It mustbe time free from the children and from the radio, as wellas unoccupied by moneygrubbing. Not only is the widelyadvertised fifteen minutes a day ridiculously insufficient(would anyone interested in golf or bridge think thatfifteen minutes are long enough even to warm up and getstarted?) but the time spent in reading must not beshared with bouncing Teddy on your knee, answeringMary's questions, or listening to Jack Benny and CharleyMcCarthy.There is one point, however, in the selection of booksmen make for a possible shipwreck. When they are facedwith having to choose a very small number, they tend topick the best. We forget that the total amount of leisurewe can rescue from our busy lives is probably no longerthan a few years on a desert island. If we realized that,we might make up a list of reading for the rest of ourlives as carefully. Since we do not have to pack the booksin a waterproof case, we can plan on more than ten.Yet we cannot count on eternity. The bell will ring soonenough. School will be out, and unless we have laid ourplans well and followed them, we are likely to find, whenreading time is over, that we might just as well haveplayed golf or bridge, for all the good it did our minds.[To be concluded in March.]With the Alumni(Continued from Page 19) _The impartial observer must find that precisely here inChicago's willingness to run the risks which pioneeringinvolves, lies its peculiar claim upon the support, theloyalty, and even the devotion of the people of the UnitedStates."George Vincent, nearing 75 years of age, but as activeas when he was a Dean at Chicago, said : "I am proudof having been associated with the University of Chicago ... for the University has through the years . . .preserved the essentials of this spirit: devotion to thediscovery of truth ; the seeking of able people and givingthem an opportunity to develop ; putting at their disposalall of the best resources ; undertaking all kinds of experiments ; exploring all sorts of possibilities in matters ofeducation scholarship ; doing all these things with anearnest desire to produce an institution of distinctionwith its own character, with its own purposes, whichwould set it apart from others; but doing these things—not in a spirit of arrogance and condescension — but in aspirit of determination to do something that should beworthwhile, something intrinsically valuable and representing a contribution to the great onward sweep ofeducation and the intellectual life."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29Letters(Continued from Page 3)HOW IT'S DONETo the Editor:I want you to know that here is oneperson who approves of the banning offootball as at present conducted by theBig Ten. . . .I am also a graduate of the University of and suffered humiliation when got too zealous inpaying members of the team. A whileago we were asked, sub rosa, to contribute to worthy students. Then wewere given a list of students and theirathletic achievements. A few werelisted without this recommendation tokeep the list safe. I throw these appeals into the wastebasket.Universities are supposed to be forlearning. I enjoy a good football gamebut I have taught long enough to knowwhat coaches will use pressure to getstudents by.Ina McCurdy, AM '33.Oak Park, 111.[All this, of course, is in addition tolegitimate scholarships and jobs reported to the Conference. — Ed. ,]POISON FROM ABOVETo the Editor:As a former student at the University, may I thank you for the "Concerning Football" pamphlet. It gives us ajustly proud feeling to know that ourUniversity has taken such a stand inmaintaining its integrity and in placing the emphasis where it belongs, onthe thinking processes in education.Any sport should be the means ofamplifying and balancing the life of astudent, whose goal should be intelligent living, rather than an end in itself, as it has become.Perhaps our alumni are unduly irritated by their offspring, judging frommy own, who love to rub it in aboutthe scores of Chicago games. I had todig up my 1916 "Cap and Gown" toactually show my sons evidence thatwe once had a winning team ! Yousee, my sons are attending a HighSchool where the team is always a winning team. Truly the poison has seepeddown from above. I actually breatheda thankful prayer when my oldest madejust the "junior varsity" and not the"varsity'' this year, because I knewthen that he would not be subjected tobribes and seducements from variouscolleges.Along with many others, I'm sure, Ia*n 100% behind the courageous steptaken by the University.Margery Rohan Parks, '16.Oak Park, 111. QUESTIONNAIRE?To the Editor :.... Inasmuch as editorial and columnists' opinion of the recent decisionof the Trustees has been widely disseminated, one hardly sees the need forsuch a publication "Concerning Football." . . . Considerable comment hasarisen over the failure of the AlumniCouncil to conduct a questionnaire onthe football question with letters distributed solely to football men. Probablythe recent Trustee's action obviates thepractical value of such a study butnevertheless I feel I would rather seethe results of this than receive theabove mentioned excerpts.William F. Hewitt, MD '12.Chicago.CIRCULATION UPTo the Editor:Could you allow me to purchase 20copies of your leaflet "Football andCollege Life" speech by PresidentHutchins January 20, 1940? It is sucha superior statement of the case that Iwould like to circulate it.Henry S. Conard,Chairman of the Faculty.Grinnell College,Grinnell, Iowa.DISCORDTo the Editor:As an alumnus I wish to add anotherdiscord to the mounting criticism of thefootball situation.As one who has played football atNorth Central College I feel greatlyconcerned in regard to Chicago U. indropping of football.They might as well cancel all athletics. Just an example is quite explanatory: Here in Racine we have a highschool football player and basketballplayer who just missed an E plus as thegraduating grade and thus won ascholarship for Chicago U., but is notconsidering Chicago any more.I believe it a great mistake for theUniversity.E. J. Schneller, MD '24.Racine, Wisconsin.FROM KANSASTo the Editor :If you can spare six additional copiesof "Concerning Football" I will bepleased indeed to receive them. Ourhigh school has not had football forseveral years and the members of ourBoard of Education display more thanthe normal interest in policies regardingfootball.Evan E. Evans, AM '28,Superintendent.Winfield Public Schools,Winfield, Kas. JUMPS INTo the Editor:My copy of the Alumni Bulletin received today. I had intended to writemy congratulations as soon as I heardin December of the withdrawal of theUniversity from intercollegiate football.I have known for some years thatrepresentatives not only of Eastern universities but of midwest universities,colleges, and even normal schools havecome into my town and picked ourlikeliest high school football heroes upoff the streets in the summer after graduation and made star "football students"of them. Hardly "students" becausethey were low in scholarship but had"brawn and good constitutions." Theirfamilies "cannot contribute one cent totheir education." I know, because theyare my neighbors. But these wonderful sons "have jobs, are earning theirway through school."I am like Stephen Decatur, my sonsays. "My country right or wrong."But I say "My Alma Mater. She ismore often right than any other institution, organization, group, or individual that I have ever known."The Chicago Daily News recommends that the U. of C. take the leadin a move to reform its evils and placefootball on a sane basis. I ask whatmore efficacious means can Alma Materuse than publicity against an evil, andwhat more public than withdrawal, andall the sons and daughters, like me,jumping in and saying something aboutit."My Alma Mater, right again."Maud Sperry Wise, '09.Watseka, Illinois.FROM OHIOTo the Editor :I have read with great interest thematerial which you have just sent me.I am in hearty accord with the actionof President Hutchins and the Board ofTrustees. The University of Chicagois to be congratulated on its courageand insight in handling the problem offootball.Edgar Dale, PhD '29.Ohio State University,Columbus, Ohio.FROM ACROSS TWO SEASTo the Editor:This is to inform you that, as I amengaged in geological work here withStandard Oil of Egypt, I should appreciate having my Alumni Magazine sentto the above address [c/o Standard OilCompany of Egypt, S.A., 22 ShariaKasr el Nil], so that I might keep intouch with the Alma Mater.Donald B. Eicher, SM'39.Cairo, Egypt.30 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's HotelIn th*University of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, DirectorPETERSONFireproof WarehouseSTORAGE — MOVINGForeign — DomesticShipments55th & Ellis Phone, MID 9700HAIR REMOVED FOREVERBEFORE AFTER19 Years' ExperienceFREE CONSULTATIONLOTTIE A. METCALFEGraduate NurseALSOELECTROLYSIS EXPERTMultiple 20 platinum needles can be used.Permanent removal of Hair from Face,Eyebrows, Back of Neck or any partof Body; destroys 200 to 600 Hair Rootsper hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Moles andWarts.Member American Assn. Medical Hydrology andPhysical Therapy$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705, Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.Perfect Loveliness Is Wealth in Beauty NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS""P HE following alumni of the Univer-*¦ sity have been added to the NationalCommittee of the Alumni Foundationsince the original list was published inthe December Magazine.ALABAMAAuburnDr. Earle L. Rauber126 Cedarcrest DriveMobileMary Aline Bright164 Houston StreetCALIFORNIABerkeleyChauncey S. Burr702 Neilson St.PomonaFloyd Beckwith394 Columbia AvenueSan FranciscoHerschel- G. Shaw436 Hayes StreetRedlandsClarence Hendershot625 AlvaradoCONNECTICUTWest HartfordWilliam K. McDavid71 Wardwell RoadDELAWAREWilmingtonDr. Carl Henry DavisMedical Arts Bldg.FLORIDAJacksonvilleMrs. George M. Cooke2926 Post StreetMiamiDouglas P. Ball408 Seybold Bldg.TallahasseeDr. Jennie TiltFlorida State College for WomenTampaSeth S. Walker1145 East Cass StreetGEORGIAAtlantaRobert P. McLarty1009 Healy Bldg.INDIANASvansvilleWarren F. KleinHighland DriveRensselaerJohn HopkinsOdd Fellows HallKANSASPittsburgJacob UhrichDept. of Biological SciencesKansas State Teachers CollegeKENTUCKYDanvilleDr. Edward A. H. FuchsCentre CollegeFrankfortWillard R. Jillson301 W. Third LexingtonMrs. M. M. White173 Cherokee ParkMICHIGANJacksonMrs. William A. Honer323 W. Mason StreetMt. PleasantDavid M. TroutCentral State Teachers CollegeMuskegonJ. Harold CaesarVanderlaan Jr. High SchoolNilesH. Cornelia Crowley114 S. Fifth St.South HavenLawrence E. Tenhopen359 Pearl StreetMINNESOTANorthfieldA. M. HolmquistSt. Olaf CollegeNEBRASKAWayneK. N. ParkeNebraska State Teachers CollegeNEW YORKIthacaDwight Sanderson212 Overlook RoadYonkersJohn M. ArthurBoyce Thompson Institute for PlantResearchNORTH CAROLINARaleighMary Louise PorterMeredith CollegeOHIOCantonHuber J. Snyder918 Renkart Bldg.DelawareRuth G. Davies24 University AvenueOberlinLester Ries221 Woodland AvenueSpringfieldDr. Daniel T. Krauss619 East MadisonWoosterMary Z. Johnson350 Bloomington AvenuePENNSYLVANIASwarthmoreEthel StilzSwarthmore CollegeWASHINGTONSeattleMorris Chertkov5607 15th Avenue N. E.CANADAVancouver, B. C.Andrew H. HutchinsonUniversity of British ColumbiaNEWS OF THE CLASSES1887T. Vassar Caulkins, DB, (BaptistUnion Theological Seminary), has retired from the active ministry in theBaptist denomination and now residesat 133 Brixton Road, S., Garden City,L. L, New York.1891Merritt Lorraine Hoblit, AM '21,of Los Angeles, California, has been inretirement for ten years. Previous tohis retirement, he taught modern languages at Drake, Kalamazoo, and TexasChristian University.1893Edward O. Sisson, retired collegeprofessor, lives in Bremerton, Washington. In 1910 his book, Essentials ofCharacter, was published; in 1925, hisbook, Educating for Freedom.John K. Allen of Boston, Massachusetts has been in retirement for several years; previous to this time, hewas in charge of financial advertisingfor The Christian Science Monitor. Mr.Allen has headed several campaignssuch as : First Campaign for War Service for Y.M.C.A.; First Federal Reserve District; originator and directorof First National Campaign for the furnishing of books to libraries; campaignto raise funds for the Naval ReliefSociety of the First Naval District.1896On December 8, 1939 in Peiping,China a testimonial dinner was given inhonor of Dr. Howard S. Galt andMrs. Gait by the faculty and administrative staff of Yenching University. Dr.Gait was celebrating his fortieth year inChina. It was through his efforts thatthe North China College was combinedwith the Peking University (Hui Wen)to form Yenching University in Peking.This was accomplished in 1918 nineteenyears after his arrival in China. He isthe author of a number of books suchas: The Development of Chinese Educational Theory.1897Dr. A. R. E. Wyant, DB, althoughretired from the active practice of medicine, is a very busy man. Dr. Wyanthas spent two summers in Mexico andseveral summers in Europe; in fact, helectures on the American and EuropeanWays of Life. His home is in BeverlyHills, 111.1898David M. Robinson, PhD'04, Professor of Archeology, Epigraphy andGreek, is Director of Excavations atOlynthus. A few of Mr. Robinson'shonorary positions are : Trustee, Baltimore Art Museum, Director, JohnsHopkins Museum, Honorary presidentof the Baltimore School Arts League, Honorary president, Baltimore Archaeology. He has written some 300 philological and archaeological articles inaddition to numerous books.1899On Pilgrimage is the title of ThomasTemple Hoyne's latest book. It is arunning verse-commentary on the various stages in being an American citizen. Time magazine reviewed the bookin the January 1 issue. Mr. Hoyne'sgrandfather, Thomas Hoyne, was amember of the first Board of Trusteesof the old University of Chicago, appointed by the incorporators of the University at their first meeting on May21, 1847.1901Arthur Bestor is Chairman, of theBoard of Town Hall of New York City,a program of social significance. OnDecember 29 Memphis became the Nation's Town, Hall for the radio forumdebate on Crop Control Policy.Dr. Elijah A. Hanley is serving asinterim pastor at the Delaware AvenueBaptist Church, Buffalo, N. Y. EarlF. Adams, '30, formerly held this position but resigned to become director ofpromotion, the most important executiveoffice in the denomination, for theNorthern Baptist Convention.Henry Clay Miller, DB, resignedhis pulpit, Marion Avenue BaptistChurch, Aurora, 111., this fall. Reverend Miller had been pastor of thischurch for twenty-six years.1903At the annual meeting of Elam Mills,Inc., millers of whole grain flours andcereals, held on Friday, January 12, thefollowing officers were elected : J. FrankElam, president ; Thomas J. Hair, '0'3,vice-president and treasurer; SamuelC. Hair, '35, secretary.Seymour E. Moon, DB, who was amissionary in the Congo from 1904 until1931, is pastor of the Julian BaptistCommunity Church, Julian, San DiegoCounty, Calif.1904Robert Brinton Harper, who is vicepresident of The Peoples Gas Light andCoke Company in Chicago, was formerly chief testing engineer and chiefchemist and chemical engineer for thesame firm. Mr. Harper received theBeal Medal (gold) of the American GasAssociation in 1931, the Walton ClarkGold Medal of the Franklin Institute in1938 and the distinguished serviceaward of the Armour Institute AlumniAssociation in 1939.1908Dr. Guy Israel Hoover, AM, DB'07, presented his resignation to theboard of directors of the Indiana Chris- tion Missionary Association at the July,1939, meeting; asking for retirement asits executive secretary, as soon as congenial arrangements can be made. Heis now serving in his fourteenth year asthe general secretary of the State Association.G. P. Lagergren, who is the architect who designed the new 4-H ClubBuilding for the Minneapolis State Fair,still spends his leisure time golfing andbowling.Mrs Ethel Miriam Pick (Ethel M.Witkowsky) is a contributor to theWoman's Page of the New York Sunand other periodicals. Mrs. Pick wasone of the poets contributing to theHarrison anthologies published lastsummer in New York.1909Rosemary Quinn, AM '39, teachesFrench in Englewood high school, Chicago. Miss Quinn received her Master's degree in Romance languages atthe University this last August.Since 1924 Everett Beech Spraker,SM, has been teaching agriculture,science and mathematics at BelvidereJunior high school in Los Angeles, California. He is a member of the Schoolmasters' Club of Los Angeles.1910Edna M. Feltges of Chicago is aninstructor of mathematics at WoodrowWilson Junior College in Chicago^ MissFeltges' hobby, she says, is traveling.1911Guy C. Crippen, AM, DB, waselected chairman of the Department ofChristian Social Education and Actionof the Illinois Baptist State Conventionat its meeting this fall. Reverend Crippen is pastor of the First BaptistChurch of Monmouth, 111.Ralph H. Kuhns, MD '13, of Chicago, has been appointed chairman ofthe Library committee of the StandardClub, Chicago; director of the UnitedStates Chess Federation. Dr. Kuhns isa member of the staff of the IllinoisState Psychiatric Institute and the University of Illinois College of Medicine.1912Arthur G. Beyer, MD '14, who is aspecialist in Ear, Nose and Throatwork, attends regularly each Mondayevening The Literary Club which is theoldest literary club in the United States,being 90 years old. Four Presidents ofthe United States have been membersof this club. Dr. Beyer practices inCincinnati, Ohio.1913Albert Lawrence Green, JD '15, isgeneral attorney for the Standard OilCompany in Chicago at the present3132 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAMBULANCE SERVICEBOYDSTON BROS.All phones OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.PACKARD AND LASALLE EQUIPMENTAWNINGSPhones Oakland 0690—0691—0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.,INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueBOILER REPAIRINGBEST BOILER REPAIR &WELDING CO.BOILER REPAIRING AND WELDING24 HOUR SERVICE1408 S. Western Ave/ Tel. Canal 6071BOOK BINDERSBOOKSMEDICAL BOOKSof Al! PublishersThe Largest and Most Complete Stock andall New Books Received as soon as published. Come in and browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago Medical. Book Co.)Congress and Honore StreetsOne Block from Rush Medical CollegeCATERERJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900—0901Retail Deliveries Daily and SundaysQuality and Service Since 1882CEMENT CONTRACTORST. A. REHNQUIST CO. CONCRETEFLOORSSIDEWALKSVAULT WALKSREPAIRSAllphones BEVerly 0890Yard: 6639 So. Vernon time. Mr. Green was formerly attorneyon the Board of Local Improvements inChicago.From Jiuji G. Kasai, Member of theHouse of Representatives, Parliamentary Councilor for the Ministry of Overseas Affairs, of Ko j imachiku, Tokyo,Japan, we received a Christmas cardaddressed to the American people. "Onmy visit to your country in 1938, youwere so kind as to accord me your hospitalities, which I have always remembered with gratitude. But, since my return home, my official duties have takenme to various parts in the Far Eastand have prevented me from writing toyou. I wish to take this opportunity tothank you for your kindness, and I amlooking forward to the day when youwill visit Japan to enable me to reciprocate your kindness and courtesies." Inaddition to this card, Mr. Kasai senta message to the American people onDecember 18, 1939 via the JOAK radiostation in Tokyo.Mrs. R. A. Sawyer has been lecturing in business reports at the School ofBusiness Administration, University ofMichigan, since 1937. Previous to thattime she wras recorder and assistant tothe Dean in the School of Business.Mrs. Sawyer is A A U W State chairman of social studies for the currentyear. Her husband, R. A. Sawyer,PhD '19, is teaching physics at Michigan University.1914Philip Greenberg, MD '16, Beaumont physician, has been awarded agold key and parchment scroll by PhiDelta Epsilon as a token of his longassociation with the national medicalfraternity. The award was made during the fraternity's thirty-sixth annualconvention in New York the last Saturday in December. Because of his workas health director of the AmericanLegion post, Doctor Greenberg was unable to attend the convention.John A. F. Maynard, AM, PhD '16,has been elected executive chairman ofthe French and American Associationfor the Relief of War Sufferers in cooperation with the French Red Cross,New York City.1915James H. Smith, AM '16, who isDirector of Training at the StateTeachers College in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, has completed recently a secondgrade number book (Berenice Maloney-co-author) which was published byMentzer, Bush and Co., last month. Mr.Smith is past president of the OshkoshRotary Club.1916Mary Root Kern writes songs for aliving. For 27 years (1900-1927), Mrs.Kern taught school and she now lives inCarmel, Calif.1917Mrs. Elizabeth Haseltine Hib-bard, Instructor in the Art departmentat the University of Chicago, designedthe fawn for the David Wallach Me morial fountain located at the entranceof 55th street promontory. Mr. Hibbarddesigned the fountain. David Wallachleft $5,000 for this fountain 45 yearsago.From Palestine we have a letter fromMoses B. Levin, who is planning tosend his daughter, Bernice, to the University of Chicago next year. He comments, "I am very happy to think thatshe will be going to the old school— oris it the old school For I hear thatPresident Hutchins has completely revamped the Junior College. He deserves the support and encouragementof all the alumni."1919Lucretia Jane Belking has beenteaching in the Phillippine Islands since1930. She has been a special investigator for the United States governmentthere.1920For seventeen years Louis E. Kahnhas been vice-president of the ParisianNovelty Company of Chicago.1922Edward H. Koster, AM '23, DB '24,recently became pastor of the PlymouthCongregational Church, Fond du Lac,Wis.Edward Bates Logan is associateprofessor of political science at WhartonSchool, University of Pennsylvania. Heis also Budget Director of GovernorJames' Cabinet, Harrisburg, Pa.Samuel L. Perzik, MD '25, visitedthe medical clinics and hospitals in theBritish Isles, Scandinavian Countries,Finland, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Holland, Belgium andFrance during May, June and July oflast year.1923George William Bloemendal contributes articles of a religious scientificnature to denominational periodicals andis the author of a half dozen hymnverses for which he has composed music.J. F. Findlay, AM, has been electedpresident of the National Association ofDeans and Advisers of Men for 1939-40. Dr. Findlay has been dean of menat the University of Oklahoma for thelast ten years.James L. Homire, JD '26, who is anattorney at law and railroad trustee inMinneapolis, Minn., was appointed Cotrustee of the Duluth South Shore andAtlantic Railway Company by theUnited States District Court for Minnesota in 1937.1924Roy Williams Johns, JD '25, isGeneral Counsel for the Atlantic Refining Company, Philadelphia, Pa.Walter MacPeek of Ann Arbor,Michigan is an executive on the Washtenaw-Livingston Council of Boy Scoutsof America. Mr. MacPeek spends hisleisure time either writing or traveling-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 331925Simon Benson, AM '29, PhD '31,who has been Dean of Pharmacy atFerris Institute in Big Rapids, Michigan, states that he ^positively enjoysknocking the Editor of this Magazine.Samuel M. Levin, AM, professor ofeconomics at Wayne University in Detroit, Mich., ist the author of Malthus'Conception of Checks to Population andseveral other volumes.Elsie Josephine Nelson is chiefdietitian at the Santa Monica Hospitalin Santa Monica, Calif.During the last seven years MaxSwiren, JD '27, has been associatedwith the law firm of Levinson BeckerPeebles & Swiren. Mr. Swiren was anassociate member in predecessor firmsfor five years before he became apartner in this firm.For twelve years Mrs. Virginia RiceSmith has been Assistant Curator ofthe Junior Museum in the Los AngelesMuseum, Exposition Park, Los Angeles.Mrs. Smith lives in Manhattan Beach,Calif.1926Professor A. A. Albert, SM '27,PhD '31, of the University of Chicagofaculty was awarded the Cole prize onDecember 28 by the American Mathematical Society for the most outstanding contributions on algebra to mathematical periodicals. Professor Albertwon the prize, which is given every fiveyears, for his solution to a famousmathematical problem dealing with"Riemann" matrices, that is rectangulararrays of numbers connected with surfaces defined by algebraic equations.William A. Richards, AM, hastaught mathematics at Morton highschool and Junior College for the pastfifteen years. Last August Mr. Richards was elected head of the department of mathematics in the Junior College. He is a member of the Mathematics Exhibit Committee of AdlerPlanetarium. Music (he's a tenor) andmodel building are his two favor ftehobbies.Frederick Drake Neilson is associated with the Minnesota Valley CanningCo., in Le Sueur, Minnesota as DistrictSales Manager.1927Over in Golaghat, Assam, India,Ren a Grace Lewison, AM, is a missionary under the Woman's AmericanBaptist Missionary Society. Althoughshe has been seriously ill during the lasttwo years, Miss Lewison is now backat work.F. H. Sumrall, AM, of Grove City,Pennsylvania has been head of theCommerce department of the Grove Citycollege since 1927.1928Mrs. Melvin Alexander is connected with the Child Welfare Board°f Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, Ohio. Hubert Lloyd Barnett, AM, movedrecently from Peoria, Illinois to Marion,Illinois to become minister for the FirstChristian Church of Marion.Major James L. Guion, PhD, isconnected with the War Department;his address is Ordnance Department,New Federal Building, Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania.George N. Wells, AM '33, has beenSuperintendent of Schools in ElmwoodPark, Illinois during the past ten years.Mr. Wells served as president of theLake Shore Division of the IllinoisEducation Association last year.1929Steward G. Cole, PhD, who spent ayear on a research project at the University of Chicago following his resignation as president of Kalamazoo College, has become executive director ofthe Service Bureau for InterculturalEducation with offices at 300 FourthAvenue, New York City. The purposeof the Bureau is to make all Americansacutely aware of their increasing needfor national and cultural unity. Thepublication of literature in the field ofcultural education, research for radio-education, and service training of public school teachers are some of theactivities of the Bureau.Mrs. Harvey Lester Horwich(Frances Rappaport) is Dean of Education at Pestalozzi Froebel TeachersCollege, Chicago, 111.David Henry Kyes, educator, lecturer, recitalist, author, former clergyman and professor of mathematics, history and politics, has published threebooks. Mr. Kyes has contributed to along list of periodicals and holds membership in several poetry societies. Hewas one of the poets contributing to theHenry Harrison anthologies, publishedlast summer.Edmund J. Thompson, DB, PhDy33, returned early in August from avisit to England. During July hepreached in Liverpool, Bishop's Stort-ford, Basingstoke and Great Yarmouth.A vivid picture of conditions underwhich missionary work is now beingconducted in China was sent in by Mrs.Lois Smith Vaught, AM. She reports that Mr. Vaught and herself, upontheir return to China from their furlough last spring, settled down inChungking, the new capital of China inthe far west. She says: "During thebombing of May 3, our street figured inthe news and a demolition bomb fellabout 50 yards from us. On May 4 anincendiary bomb fell 20 feet from wherewe were sitting in our 'shelter.' Ourhouse was not destroyed but is uninhabitable. With fires approaching fromtwo directions we hastily snatched up afew belongings and joined the throng ofrefugees hurrying to safety. During theraids of those two days about 5,000people were killed, over 2,000 injured,and 2,391 buildings destroyed. We feltvery fortunate not to be numbered ineither of the first two classifications.,,Mr. and Mrs. Vaught serve under the CHEMICAL ENGINEERSAlbert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Harris, '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6COALEASTMAN COAL GO.Established 19027 YARDSALL OVER TOWNMAIN OFFICE252 West 69th StreetTelephone Wentworth 3215Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4Wesson's Coal Makes Good — or —Wesson DoesCOFFEE -TEALa Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State 1350Bostort— New York — Philadelphia— -SyraeuMELECTRICAL CONTRACTORSWM. FECHT ELECTRIC CO.CONTRACTORS - ENGINEERSLIGHT & POWER WIRING600W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneSeeley 2788GRAPHIC ARTSTHE SCRIPTORIUMScribes • Illuminators • BindersC L RICKETTS JASPER S KINGTITLE PAGES; ANNIVERSARY, CHRISTMAS, WEDDING and GUEST BOOKS;COATS OF ARMSGENEALOGIES, MEMORIALS,RESOLUTIONS, BOOK PLATESDIPLOMAS, AWARDS, HONORARY DEGREES, CHARTERSValued papers and letters restoredand bound38 SOUTH DEARBORN STREETDEARBORN 0001 CHICAGO34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEFLOWERS^^^^ miH/i 7 CHICAGOWr Established 186S\Z/jf FLOWERSPhones: Plaza 6444, 64451645 E. 55th StreetGROCERIESLEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2QUALITY FOODSTUFFSMODERATE PRICESWE DELIVERLAUNDRIESSUNSHINE LAUNDRYCOMPANYAll ServicesDry Cleaning2915 Cottage Grove Ave.Telephone Victory 5110THEBEST LAUNDRY andCLEANING COMPANYALL LAUNDRY SERVICESAlsoZoric System of Cleaning-:- Odorless Quality Cleaning -:-Phone Oakland 1383LETTER SERVICEPOND LETTER SERVICEEverything in Letter*Ho oven TypewritingMultigraphingAddressooraph Service MimeographingAddressing.MailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones 418 So. Market St.Harrison 8118 ChicagoLITHOGRAPHERL. C. Mead '21. E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph- — Offset — Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182OFFICE FURNITURE[STEELCASElJEfusiness Equipment \FILING CABINETSDESKS — LOCKERSCUPBOARDS — SHELVINGMetal Office Furniture Co.Grand Rapid*, Michigan Friends Service Council of London,England, and their address is in care ofCanadian Mission Business Agency,Chungking, Szechwan, China.1930Emma C. W. Gray, AM '34, is professor of English and Dean of Womenat Paine College in Augusta, Ga, Sheis interested in dramatics and so makesit her hobby.Benjamin Landis and HarryGraham Baiter have formed a law firmunder the name of Baiter and Landis,in Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Landis, former assistant United States Attorney atChicago, has been vice president of theEddie Cantor Enterprises, executiveassistant to Walter Wanger, motion picture producer.Hugh Riddle, secretary-treasurer ofthe Chicago Mortgage Bankers' association, has gone into partnership withhis father, Lewis W. Riddle. The mortgage banking firm will operate underthe name of Riddle & Riddle, with offices at 176 West Adams street, Chicago. The new firm will act as loancorrespondent for three life insurancecompanies in addition to private investors.1931Gordon Danforth Merrick's business address is Northern Rocky Mountain Experiment Stations, Missoula,Montana; his business is research ingrazing. Since graduation Mr. Merrickhas worked in the United States Forestry — in New Mexico, in Flagstaff,Tucson, Arizona and Washington, D. C.J. Merle Rife, PhD, spent most ofthe past summer in Greece visiting ecclesiastical institutions and archeologicalsites. He also visited Yugoslavia,Egypt, Italy, Switzerland, France, andEngland and sailed for home just before the invasion of Poland.1932Adolph Schock, PhD, is beginninghis second year at Shurtlefr College ashead of the department of philosophyand religion.1933Eunice Adams is working in Manilafor the YWCA, and will return to theUnited States in 1941.Julia Margaret Barber, AM, tookup her duties as girl reserve secretaryin Akron, Ohio* on September 1st lastyear. Previous to that time, she hadbeen in Muskegon, Michigan for fouryears with the YWCA.Jean Ed win a Duffield, whose address is Mar chain Manor, Abingdon-onThames, Berkshire, England, has beenspending her spare money — in the past— on poking around castles and chateaux in France. Mrs. Duffield is downas a bacteriologist of the National Register but has not yet been called up forservice.Rev. Walter Charles Giersbach,PhD., directs the Southern Area ofCongregational and Christian Churchesof Illinois. Jane F. Jordan has accepted a position with the Ethyl Corporation 0fAmerica in Detroit.Leo D. Ovson is vice-president incharge of Production of the Ovson EggCompany, packers of frozen cannedeggs.David C. Spaulding, PhD '38, whosehobby is photography, works for thePatent Service, Rayon department ofE. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company of Buffalo, New York.Stanley A. Walton, Jr., is in thePersonal Loan Department of the LakeShore Trust and Savings Bank of Riverside, 111. Mr. Walton tells us of thearrival of Stanley A. Walton III "onthe old man's birthday," December 101939.1934James Malone of Chicago is chemist at the Sever Brothers Company ofHammond, Ind.Mrs. Margaret C. Mayer-Oakesnames her occupation as that of Pastor's wife. Mrs. Oakes preached assubstitute pastor in a church which wasrestored after almost complete destruction by a tornado. She has a Frenchclass using University of Chicago textbooks and a course on "How We GotOur Bible."Harold G. Murphy, AM '37, hasbeen an instructor in economics atEmory University in Georgia for thepast three years. Previous to that timehe spent two years in San Franciscodoing advertising research for the LanePublishing Company. Mr. Murphy isworking toward his PhD.1935Frank M. Aldridge, JD '37, whohas been attorney for the Percy Wilson Mortgage & Finance Corporationfor the last three years, has been electeda director of that corporation. Mr.Aldridge was associated with the Chicago Title & Trust Company for a shorttime before joining the Wilson firm.Orville T. Bright, Jr., AM '39, isSuperintendent of Schools in Flossmoor,111. Mr. Bright is a member of theBoard of Directors of the Illinois Education Association.John Devine, AM '35 is known asan educational film producer ; he is connected with the American Film Center,45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City.1936Adelaide Andersen, AM, 7204 S.Shore Drive, Chicago, is now writingfood copy for the J. Walter ThompsonCompany in the Wrigley Building.Richard Aberle Florsheim's paintings were on view for two weeks at theQuest galleries in Chicago in January-Critic Eleanor Jewett said of them,"These paintings of his are superbin the sense of desolation, melancholyand fear which they convey."Last Spring Bliss Forbush receiveda travel fellowship from the AmericanFriends Service Committee and spentthree months in Europe. A month wasspent in Germany and then he went onTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 35PAINTERSGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3 1 86E. STEWART FEIGHINC.PAINTING — DECORATING5559 TelephoneCottage Grove Ave. Midway 4404RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMonroe 3192PHOTOGRAPHERMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIPLASTERINGHOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone Dorchester 1579PRINTERSCLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good Printing of All Descriptions9'RESTAURANTSThe Best Place to Eat on the South Side(h <MefaCOLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone Hyde Park 6324 to Switzerland, Holland, and Franceand ended with a month of lecturing inEngland.1937Mrs. Fern T. Silver is an instructorin home economics in Lincoln highschool in Albuquerque, New Mexico.Edmond Uhry, Jr., MD,, began hiswork as Orthopedic resident in the Hospital for Joint Diseases in New YorkCity on the first of last month.1938Herbert Larson now works in theresearch department of Vick ChemicalCompany in New York City. Mr. Larson writes, "It is a fascinating job."Clarence Wr. Schroeder heads thedepartment of sociology and politicalscience at Bradley Institute in Peoria,111. Mr. Schroeder is very interestedin his research work on family problems.1939W'ill Scott DeLoach, PhD, isteaching chemistry at the College ofWilliam and Mary in Norfolk, Va., atthe present time.Although Chalmer Ernest Faw,PhD, was scheduled to sail to LagosNigeria (Africa) on September 8 as amissionary; he is in Elizabethtown,Pennsylvania today because of the war.SOCIAL SERVICEMiss Abbott and Miss Breckinridgeattended the White House Conferenceon Children in a Democracy, called byPresident Roosevelt in Washington,January 18-20.Aleta Brownlee, AM '30, andFlorence Sullivan, AM '32, bothConsultants in the Child Welfare Services of the U. S. Children's Bureau,lectured during the month to the classesin Child Welfare.Lynne Fowler, AM. '38, who hasbeen one of our Family Welfare supervisors, has been transferred to the FieldWork unit in the Mental Hygiene Clinicof the University Clinics.Margaret Jelley Williams; who isabout to complete the work for the Master's degree at this School and whohas worked in St. Louis, is supervisingstudents in one of the Field Work unitsunder the Illinois Children's Home andAid Society.Ada Medcalf Kruse, AM '38, hasleft the Children's and Minors' Serviceof Chicago to take a position with theChild Welfare- Services in the Children's Division of the Illinois State Department of Public Welfare. She islocated at Centralia.Pauline Bakeman, AM '36, whohas been working in the Children's Division of the Illinois State Departmenthas taken a position with the Children'sDivision of the Department of PublicWelfare in Washington, D. C.Elizabeth Hylbert Murphy, AM'37, has left the Family Welfare So- RUGSAshjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1021Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 South Chicago Phone Regent 6000COMMERCIAL SCHOOLSIntensive Stenographic CourseFOR COLLEGE MEN * WOMEN100 Word! a Minute In 100 Days Allured for one Fee. Enroll NOW. Day•lanes only— Begin Jan., Apr., JoJ*<and Oet. Write or Phone Ban. 1571fc*118vs. MICHIGAN AVE.. CHICAGO^adMnwi&wiifL.MacCormac School ofcommerceBusiness Administration and SecretarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESAccredited by the National Aiioelation of Accredited Commercial Schooli.1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130SCHOOL— SHORTHANDYour whole life throughShorthand will be useful to you.For more particulars call, write,or telephone.THE GREGG COLLEGE6 Norfh Michigan Avenue, ChicagoState 1881ROOFERSESTABLISHED 1908ifflli FAirfax3206ROOFINGClLLILANO6644COTTA6E6R0VEAv7ROOFING and INSULATINGSHEET METAL WORKSECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKS•Galvanized Iron and Copper CornicesSkylights, Gutters, Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbestos Roofinge1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893STOCKS— BONDS— COMMODITIESP. H. Davis, 'II. H. I. Markham, 'Ex. '06R. W . Davis, '16 F. B. Evans, 'IIPaul H. Davis & Co. ¦Member aNew York Stock ExchangeChicago Stock ExchangeChicago Board of Trade10 So. La Salle St. Franklin 8622THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETEACHERS' AGENCIESAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. Jackson BoulevardChicagoA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau formen and women in all kinds of teachingpositions. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent of ourbusiness. Critic and Grade Supervisors forNormal Schools placed every year in largenumbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Business Administration, Music, and Art, secure finepositions through us every year. PrivateSchools in all parts of the country amongour best patrons; good salaries. Well prepared High School teachers wanted for cityand suburban High Schools. Special manager handles Grade and Critic work. Sendfor folder today.CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency57th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices — One FeeCHICAGO, MINNEAPOLISKANSAS CITY, MO. SPOKANENEW YORKHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 b. JACKSON BLVD.Telephone Harrison 7793Chicago, III.Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesWe Enjoy a Very Fine High School, Normal School,College and University PatronageUNDERTAKERSBOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.All Phones OAKIand 0492VENTILATINGThe Haines CompanyVentilating and Air ConditioningContractors1929-1937 West Lake St.Phones Seeley 2765-2766-2767 ciety of Indianapolis to accept a position with the Travelers Aid Society ofChicago.Eleanor Stein Rusnak, AM '38,has been supervising a study of thePlacement of Subnormal Children for agroup of Chicago agencies.Ceridwyn Nolph, AM '38, has beenappointed social worker in the State'sAttorney's Office in Chicago.Harold Feldman, AM '38, has accepted a position as case worker in theMigration Division of the NationalRefugee Organization in New YorkCity.Mrs. Lois Gallagher, AM '38, hasaccepted a position as District Supervisor in the Illinois Old Age Assistance.Lucile Bruner, AM '39, has accepted a position with the State Department of Public Welfare in New Orleans, Louisiana.The following students who receivedthe A. M. degree at the School at theend of the Fall Quarter and their positions are: Louis Bonchek, CaseWorker, Cleveland Division of Charities; Eloise Corns, Social Service Department of the University Hospital,Washington University, St. Louis;Mrs. Helen Dorman, Instructor andField Work Supervisor at the GraduateSchool of Social Service at the University of Washington; Ruth Douglass, Case Worker, Division of Aid tothe Blind, Department of Public Welfare in Washington State; Edith Fai-thorn, Case Worker, Child WelfareDivision of the Division of Public Welfare in Louisiana; Richard Guilford,Case Worker with the Receiving Homeof the Illinois Children's Home and AidSociety; Gilbert Hunter, Case Worker with the Social Service Bureau ofNorfolk, Virginia; Helen Jamber,Case Worker with the Family Societyof Seattle ; Paulette Kahn, CaseWorker, Chicago Relief Administration; Charles Moody, Case Workerwith the Children's Division Department of Public Welfare of Illinois;Mary Ruth Owens, Case Worker,Children's Service Association of Milwaukee; Lora Lee Pederson, Instructor in Case Work at Scarritt College,Nashville, Tennessee.ENGAGEDJeannette Havens, '39, to John H.Bodfish, '36, MBA '36, of Chicago. Thewedding will take place early in February.Elizabeth Anne Brainard to DanielA. Heindel, Jr., '37, both of Youngstown, Ohio. The date has been set forsometime during next September.MARRIEDLorraine Goldman, '39, to Carl I.Dernberg on February 3, Chicago.Morton Friedman, AM '39, toRowena Fiddler on January 20, 1940.Sarah Eleanor Wright, '38, toGeorge Vincent Kempf, '35, JD '37,on December 23, 1939, in Chicago. Mr.and Mrs. Kempf are living in Centralia,Illinois, where Mr. Kempf is associated with the law firm of Wham and WhamBetty Marie Hoddlesay, '38 toLeonard Taft on December' 27, 1939Mr. and Mrs. Taft are at home at 7015East End Avenue, Chicago.Mary Jane Bierman to Noel BGerson, '35, on December 21, 1939*Mr. and Mrs. Gerson are living at theSherry hotel, Chicago.Jean Carolyn Rosenbluth, '23SM '32, to Stanley David Levy, onDecember 23, 1939 at the Shorelandhotel, Chicago.Lois Rudolph to Sampson IsenbergPhD '37, on December 3, 1939. Dr!Isenberg is a member of the firm of theGeneral Luminescent Corporation ofChicago.Frederick Stephen Thatcher, MD'14, to Dr. Cassie Belle Rose, MD 'tyon December 16, 1939 in Boulder Colo!Phyllis Griffith Todd, '39, toHenry Byllesby Cummins, '38, onDecember 30, 1939, Minneapolis, Minn.Following a wedding trip to Florida,they will be at home at White BearLake, Minn.Ruth Janet Warsaw, '38, to Trevor Weiss, '37, MBA '38, on December24, 1939 in the Joseph Bond chapel ofthe University of Chicago. Mrs. andMr. Weiss are at home at 6811 PaxtonAvenue, Chicago.BORNTo Earl E. G. Linden, AM '39, andMrs. Linden a son, Marshall Earl, onJanuary 8, 1940 at Reed City, Michigan.To Paul E. Wenaas, PhD '34, andMrs. Wenaas, a son, David Pierson, onNovember 28, 1939, Chicago, 111.To Dominic Bernardi, '34, PhD '38,and Mrs. Bernardi on December 17,1939, a son, Dominic Jr. Mr. Bernardiis employed by the Interchemical Co.,New York City.To Sidney B. Cohen, '22, and Mrs.Cohen, '27, a son, Ronald Maurice, onDecember 23, 1939, Chicago.To Barton Smith, '35, and Mrs.Smith of Long Beach, California, adaughter, Barbara Lee, on January 1,1940.DIEDMack E. Gillis, JD '16, lawyer, ofPhiladelphia, Pa., on December 20, 1939in New York City.Dr. Allen M. Kilgore, '19, on September 25, 1939, Chicago.^ Dr. Burton J. Simpson, '97, MD '00,70 years old, former anatomy professorat the University of Chicago and aphysician in Chicago for 29 years, onJanuary 9, Chicago.Clark H. Slover, PhD '24, on December 24, 1939.Willis C. Sutherland, '27, on September 6, 1939, Chicago.Burt P. Richardson, '95, on October16, 1939, Macon, Georgia. He had beenconnected with Mercer University.Joseph Leiser, '95, on December h1939 in Hamburg, New York.THE ALUMNI COUNCILOFTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOChairman, JOHN NUVEEN, JR., '18Secretary and Editor, CHARLTON T. BECK, '04The Council for 1939-40 is composed of the following delegates:From the College Association: Josephine T. Allin, '99; Arthur C. Cody, '24; Charles C.Greene, '19, JD'21; Olive Greensfelder, '16; Huntington Henry, '06; Frances HendersonHiggins, '20; J. Kenneth Laird, '25; Frank J. Madden, '20, JD'22; Herbert I. Markham,"05; Robert T. McKinlay, '29, JD'32; Frank McNair, '03 ; Helen Norris, '07; John Nuveen,Jr., '19; Keith I. Parsons, '33; JD'37; Elizabeth Sayler, '35 ; Katharine Slaught, '09; Clifton Utley, '26; Helen Wells, '24.From the Doctors of Philiosophy Association : Charles H. Behre, '18, PhD'25; Rollin T.Chamberlin, '03, PhD'07; Leon P. Smith, AM'28, PhD'30.From the Divinity Association: Charles L. Calkins, AM'22; Laird T. Hites, AM'16, DB'17,PhD'25; Sylvester Jones, DB'07.From the Law School Association: Charles F. McElroy, AM'06, JD'15 ; Charles P. Schwartz,'08, JD'09; Horace A. Young, JD'24.From the Education Association: Harold A. Anderson, '24, AM'26; Paul M. Cook, AM'27;Robert C. Woellner, AM'24.From the School of Business Association: George W. Benjamin, '35; Louise Forsyth, '30;Neil F. Sammons, '17.From the School of Social Service Administration Association: Anna Sexton Mitchell,AM'30; Marie Walker Reese, '34, AM'36; Marion SchafTner, '11.From the Rush Medical College Association: C. J. Lundy, '24, MD'27; William A. Thomas,'12, MD'16; R. W. Watkins, MD'25.From the Association of the School of Medicine in the Division of the BiologicalSciences: W. Carter Goodpasture, MD'37; John Van Prohaska, '28, MD'34; B. G. Sarnat,'33, MD'37.From the Chicago Alumnae Club: Mrs. Jasper S. King, '18; Catharine Rawson, '25; Mrs.George Simpson, '18.From the Chicago Alumni Club: John J. Schommer, '09; Wrisley B. Oleson, '18; John William Chapman, '15, JD'17.From the University: John F. Moulds, '07.Alumni Associations Repreented in the Alumni CouncilThe College Alumni Association: President, John Nuveen, Jr., '19; Secretary, Charlton T.Beck, '04, University of Chicago.Doctors of Philosophy Association: President. Charles H. Behre, '18, PhD'25; Secretary, LeonP. Smith, AM'28, PhD'30, University of Chicago.Divinity School Association: President, William F. Rothenberger, DB'07; Secretary, CharlesT. Holman, DB'16, University of Chicago.Law School Association: President, Horace A. Young, JD'24; Secretary, Charles F. McElroy, AM'06, JD'15, 29 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago.School of Education Association: President, Aaron J. Brumbaugh, PhD'29; Secretary, Le-nore John, AM'27, 6009 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago.School of Business Association: President, George Benjamin, '25; Secretary, Shirley Davidson, '35, 8232 South Sangamon Street, Chicago.Rush Medical College Association: President, Frederick B. Moorehead, MD'06; Secretary, CarlO. Rinder, '11, MD'13, 122 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago.School of Social Service Administration Association: President, Roger Cumming, AM'26;Secretary, Alice Voiland, AM'36, 5654 Kenwood Avenue, Chicago.Association of the Medical School of the Division of Biological Sciences: President, AlfT. Haerem, MD'37; Secretary, Ansgar K. Rodholm, MD'38, University of Chicago.All communications should be sent to the Secretary of the proper Association or to the Alumni Council,Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago. The dues for membership in any one of the Associations namedabove, including subscription to The University of Chicago Magazine, are $2.00 per year. A holderof more than one Degree from the University of Chicago may be a member of more than one Association :in such instances the dues are divided and snared equally by the Association involved.kl kOUT- RIDESandOUT-SELLSall other low-pricedcars{t|eil*Tri|il*Biu|il!CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION, General Motors Sales CorporationDETROIT, MICHIGAN In acceleration, in hill-climbing,in driving and riding ease, asin nationwide popularity . . .Chevrolet's FIRSTAgain IIMMMYou're the master of the liveliest andmost luxurious car ever offered at a lowprice when you sit at the wheel of Chevrolet for '40!You can step ahead of all other low-priced cars in traffic, for you have at yourcommand the fastest-accelerating car inthe field.You can zoom over the crest of a steephill in high with greater power and easethan can the driver of any other low-priced car.You can shift gears more swiftly andeffortlessly— travel over any road with agreater degree of gliding luxury— thanksto Chevrolet's Exclusive Vacuum-PowerShift and its exclusive "Ride Royalf."Something's telling you, "better eye it,try it, buy it" and enjoy the thrill of owning the car that out-values and out-sellsall others— a 1940 Chevrolet!85-H.P. VALVE-IN-HEAD SIX 5 659 AND UP, *at flint,Michigan. Transportation based on rail rates,state and local taxes (ifany), optional equipment and accessories —exfra. Price* subject to change without noticeBumper guards — extra on Master 85 Series.i On Special De Luxe andMaster De Luxe Series.,r~1The Special De Luxe Sport Sedan, S802*CHEVROLET for 40