THE UNIVERSITYOF(HI (AGO MAGAZINEWhat Is TELEVISION?JUST another gadget- -another form of entertainment? No. It represents another stepforward in man's mastery of time and space. Itwill enable us, for the first time, to see beyond.the horizon. And, in addition, it will create newjobs for today and tomorrow.New products make new jobs. That's been thehistory of radio, of the automobile, of electricrefrigerators and movie cameras and air conditioning. It's been the history of hundreds ofother devices and services that have come fromthe research laboratories of industry. That's why,in the last 50 years, the number of factory jobsin this country has doubled. And why, in addition, millions of other jobs have been created — selling, servicing, and obtaining raw materialsfor the new products.It often takes years of costly, painstakingresearch to develop a laboratory experiment intoa useful product ready for the public to enjoy.This has been the case with television. As longago as 1930, Dr. E. F. W. Alexanderson and otherGeneral Electric engineers demonstrated television to a theatre audience in Schenectady, N. Y.When, after years of labor, television is ready forthe public, it will bring to the people of America anew product that will add to their comfort andenjoyment, raise their living standards, andcreate new emplovment for today and tomorrow.G-E research and engineering have saved the public jrom ten to one hundred dollarsfor every dollar they have earned for General ElectricGENERAL H| ELECTRICNEW YORK^-VISITTHE "HOUSE OF MAGIC" AT THE FAIRS — SAN FRANCISCOTHE UNIVERSITYCHICAGO MAGAZALUMNI COUNCILHoward P. Hudson, '35Associate EditorPUBLISHED BY THECharlton T. Beck, '04Editor and Business ManagerFred B. Millett, PhD '31 ; William V. Morgenstern, '20, JD '22 ; Don Morris, '36Contributing EditorsArthur C. Cody, '24; Dan H. Brown, '16; Ruth Stagg Lauren, '25Council Committee on Publications OFNEN THIS ISSUETHE Cover : On the left, Homer This year the three speakers did known alumni, whose temperaturePrice Rainey, AM '23, PhD credit to themselves and their Uni- remained at normal, to take pen in'24, on the right, William versity. We are tempted to print all hand and picture a university inHarold Cowley, PhD '30, recent ad- three addresses but the exigencies of which football was once again a com-ditions to our galaxy of college presi- the budget will not allow. So we petitive sport. Earle A. Shilton, thedents. Dr. Rainey will do his ad- compromise and bring you the speech writer, has two Chicago degrees, anministrating at the University of of the President with the hope that alumna wife, and a, daughter. WithTexas to which he goes after some you will be better acquainted with his wife he has been named co-chair-four years as director of the Amer- Robert M. Hutchins after you read man of the 25th reunion of the Classican Council on Education's Youth his words to his co-workers. of 1914.Commission. Previously he served • :• president of Bucknell University Did you read "Gate Receipts and While fuming alumni were, threat-and at Franklin College. Dr. Rainey Glory" when it appeared in the Sat- ening letters on the state of footballhas been for years a proponent of ur&ay Evening Post in early Decern- on the Midway as^ they observed it,the proper recognition of the arts in ber? Twenty-seven alumni read it Director of Athletics T. N. Metcalfthe college curriculum and he looks an(j raged. All twenty-seven tele- nad already sent his statement onwith much favor upon the general phoned or wrote to the Editor, conditions athletic to a Chicagocultural courses recently established Twenty-six of them promised scorch- newspaper. We reprint it here asat Texas. Dr. Cowley, this autumn, {ng alKj devastating article for the an authoritative outline of the Chi-became president of 126 year old Magazine— but no articles arrived, cago sports policy.Hamilton College. He went to Ham- So we persuaded one of our well •ilton from Ohio State where he had This issue brings the last two prod-been professor of psychology, head :"~ —ucts of the first Manuscript Contest:.of the Personnel Division of the Bu- TABLE qf CONTENTS Clara Allen Kahili's The Universityreau of Educational Research' and and a Child of the Gay Nineties andone of the editors of the Journal of FEBRUARY, 1939^^ Charles Sumner Pike's' More or LessHigher Education. Dr. Cowley is Letters 2 Personal. And as we go to press theconvinced that the college has a re- President Hutchins' Address. 5 judges are busily reading the entrantssponsibility to the whole student, not Thouoh ^^So»™ M«g in the sec0nd contest just closed. Theto the mind alone. A letter 0n Athletics, T. N. Metcalf 10 prize-winners and the number one# Alumni Club Meetings 11 article will be printed in the Marchx? u 4.u-p i. r^TT- The Campus Bystander, Emmett •iiach year the Trustees of the Uni- Deadman 12 lssue-versity entertain the faculty at din- More or Less Personal, Charles Sum- •ner. It is a formal occasion and ner Pike 13 To all alumni who have written orevery member of the staff who can THGEAYU^™ fllra STlSftSF? !6 called us regarding the speaking en-produce a dinner jacket or an eve- In My Opinion, Fred B. Millett 18 gagements of Dr. Benes, and to allning gown is in attendance. The News of the Quadrangles, William who wish to hear him, we call attended is always good. . The speeches ' k^^^0Tmo^\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ % tion to. the announcement on thevary in goodness from year to year. News of the Classes 24 frontispiece.Published by the Alumni Council of the University of Chicago monthly, from October to June. Office of Publication, 403 Cobb Hall, 58th St. atEllis Avenue, Chicago. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the Post Officeat Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the official advertising agency°f the University of Chicago Magazine.2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHART, SCHAFFNER "MARXKUPPENHEIMER— G G GFREEMANDONALD MORTONERIECLOTHING CO.837 East 63rd Street LettersREFUGEE SCHOLARSHIPSTo the Editor:It is with the greatest pleasure andadmiration that I noticed in the columns of the Maroon Dean Works'generous announcement concerning refugee scholarships. The Dean has promised that the University will grant exemption from fees to ten students exiledfor political or religious reasons fromthe dictatorial European countries, providing that the students of Chicago, inmass subscription, can raise the sumnecessary to keep the scholarship winners and house them. The amount necessary will be about ten thousand dollars in all. It is a large sum, and yetthe students, regardless of race, denomination, or political affiliation, are working manfully to collect it. There is tobe a student concert to help the fund,and a student subscription drive besides. Nor is this an isolated phenomenon here. In Harvard, in Yale, inMichigan, there has been a more thangenerous response to the terrible predicament in which hundreds of students,indistinguishable from the students ofthis country, find themselves in Germany and Italy.This is perhaps the most encouraging sign vouchsafed us for the futureexistence of our democracy. For itmeans that the instincts of generosity,of decency and comradeship, and ofmercy are not dead within the formof the state in which we live. Democracy will never die so long as thereare people, and particularly young people, who show as much unselfishness asthese students show. But there is moreto their action than the impulse of mercyand gentleness. There is deep wisdomand a sense of the American tradition.It was through religious persecutionthat this country received its first colonists. In the forties thousands of my owncountrymen found a haven here fromstarvation and oppression following theFamine in Ireland. It was political persecution which increased America'spopulation in 1848 and continuouslythrough the latter half of the nineteenthcentury. And these the late comersamong the persecuted may well help tobuild the new America as their predecessors have done. Your country is theonly one left in the world with a reputation, well deserved, and a tradition ofnobility and mercy, and there are manythousands of refugees who recognizethat with profound gratitude.I would like to appeal to the Alumniand faculty of the University to help.If the students can raise money for tenscholarships, we should be able to find BLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's Hotelin th*University of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, DirectorPETERSONFireproof WarehouseSTORAGE — MOVINGForeign — DomesticShipments55th & Ellis Phone, MID 9700HAIR REMOVED FOREVERBEFORE_ AFTER18 Years' ExperienceFREE CONSULTATIONLOTTIE A. METCALFEGraduate NurseALSOELECTROLYSIS EXPERTMultiple 20 platinum needles can be used.Permanent removal of Hair from Face,Eyebrows, Bade of Neck or any partof Body; destroys 200 to 600 Hair Root*per hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Moles andWarts.Member American Aim. Medical Hydtohty andPhysical Therapy$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705, Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.Perfect Loveliness Is Wealth in BetmtyVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 3THE UNImoney for at least six or seven more.This is not humanitarianism. Humani-tarianism is a vital indication in a democracy : it shows that the heart of thestate is still beating. But we in the universities can do something which, whilenot greater, is assuredly not less important than the work of relief committees.The Midway School6216 Kimbark Ave. Tel. Dorchester 3299Elementary Grades — High SchoolPreparation — KindergartenFrench, Music and ArtBUS SERVICEA School with Individual Instruction andCultural AdvantagesELIZABETH HULL SCHOOLForRETARDED CHILDRENBoarding and Day Pupils5046Greenwood Ave TelephoneDrexel 1188Intensive Stenographic CourseEBJJ FOR COLLEGE MEN 4 WOMEN¦ 100 Words • Minute In 100 Dan Al- j_5 ¦'wd for on. Pee. Enroll NOW. Day wfism cImim only—Begin Jan., Apr., JulyH and Oe«. WrIU or Phone Ban. 1B75..«¦ 18 S. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO -fram-lMMIiMIIWI^MacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and SecretarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESAccredited by the National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools.1170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130THE OLDEST CAMP IN THE WESTCAMP HIGHLANDSFOR BOYSSAYNER, WISCONSINThree Camps— 8-12: 13-14: 15-17Woodcraft, Athletic and Water Sports,Music, Photography, Scouting, Long CanoeTrips, Riding, Shooting, Shop, Nature Lore,Camping Trips, Unexcelled Equipment,Experienced Staff, Doctor and Nurse.WRITE THE DIRECTOR FOR CATALOGW. J. MONILAW, M. D.5712 Kenwood Ave., Chicago There are among the exiles many ableyoung men whose careers have been cutshort when they were just beginning.They were too young to make a namefor themselves, though they have givendemonstration of their capacity to do so.But they come now to a foreign countrywith no reputation and no resources. Isuggest that by careful selection we canfind six or seven men whose work atthe University of Chicago will not onlyenhance the reputation for generositywhich the University already possesses,but be a credit later to the new AlmaMater who has trained them.This is not, and must not be made,a matter of race or creed. In Germanytoday there are in concentration campsvery nearly as many Catholics andProtestants as Jews. We are not concerned with supporting unfortunateJews or unfortunate Catholics or unfortunate Protestants. We are concerned with giving a new start to ableand industrious young men and womenwhether they are Jews or Catholics orProtestants ; and the only reason whyJews come first on this list is becausethey still constitute the majority of therefugees. Should we succeed in gettingtogether enough money for scholarshipsfrom faculty and Alumni, I suggest thatin the selection of candidates absolutelynothing should be scrutinized exceptability. A list so compiled will, I believe, contain some candidates of everyfaith and class. To argue otherwisewould be implicitly to grant Hitler's major premise, that it is always the Jewwho beats the Gentile in ability. I forone regard this as absurd nonsense, andI am convinced that any discriminatingselection made on the principle of ability will show some Jews, some Catholicsand some Protestants, some Italians andsome Germans.One last word. It is sometimes objected to such a scheme of refugee assistance as I have sketched, that thereis already a number of young Americanswho go unhelped and unheeded. Whynot get up a drive for them, says theobjector? I think this is to mistake thepsychology of scholarship giving. Under normal routine of life the donor ofscholarships would not contribute thesums which he may be induced to givefor a special contingency. The horrorof this persecution has stirred men'sminds as nothing else could have done.It is special crises only which awakespecial responses, and only in terms ofthese special crises can we lighten someat least of the world's load of crueltyand injustice.May I suggest that those who arewilling to contribute to our plan forrefugee assistance communicate withyou?David Grene,Instructor in Greek.(Contributions for refugee scholarships may be sent in care of the Magazine. — Ed.) SOUTHDFRlin.LNowhere but in South Africa can youmotor through the world's greatest gamesanctuary, shoot your camera at lions andother wild game through your car window,see Victoria Falls, picturesque Bantu tribes,and other thrilling sights.South Africa has much more to offer thatis utterly different from anything anywhereelse — plus the comforts and convenience ofmodern civilization — progressive cities, likeJohannesburg, "City of Gold"; Pretoria,seat of the Government; Capetown, "MotherCity"; Port Elizabeth, industrial center andpopular seaside resort; Bloemfontein, in theFree State, "Judicial Capital" of the Union;up-to-date air routes, de luxe trains, finemotor roads, and excellent hotels.See SOUTH AFRICAThe Most Interesting Travel LandFull information about independ-* ent or conducted tours from any *leading travel or tourist agency.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe NinthANNUALALUMNIASSEMBLYwill be held on Friday, FebruarySeventeenth at half after eighto'clock in the Civic Opera Houseas a welcome toDOCTOR EDUARD BENESVisiting Professor on the Walgreen FoundationThe University of Chicagoon the occasion of his first appearance in Chicago.The supply of tickets is limited. Active members of theAlumni Associations are being notified first and will be givenpreference in the distribution. Requests for tickets will befilled in the order of their receipt so long as any remain. Nomember will be given more than two tickets. Applications,enclosing a self addressed stamped envelope, should beaddressed to The Alumni Council, The University of Chicago,Chicago, Illinois.VOLUME XXXI THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE Number 5FEBRUARY, 1939PRESIDENT HUTCHINS' ADDRESSTo the TrusteesEVERYBODY seems to agree that the world is inbad shape. Everybody seems to think thatthings are getting worse every day. A distinguished British statesman predicts a general war on April2 at 2:30 P. M. Chicago time. Those who differ withhim differ only on the date or perhaps on the hour. Onthe economic level the peoples of the earth have succeeded in using their resources and their technologicalgenius to get themselves involved in difficulties fromwhich they show no signs of being able to extricatethemselves. On the political and moral level we arewitnessing the steady advance of forces that we thoughtwere suppressed hundreds of years ago.All this is a little embarrassing to those concernedwith education. For us the paradox is unpleasant thatthe world should reach its modern nadir when we whowere supposed to save it are better supported and betteradvertised than at any time in history. Education, andlots of it, is now a matter of course everywhere. Inthis country less than 150 years after Jefferson we haveall the material conditions in education for which Jefferson hoped, and a great deal more besides. We have freeeducation for everybody from the grades through theuniversity. The plant and facilities at the disposal ofthe educational system, if not always what Jeffersonwould have preferred from the architectural point ofview, surpass in size and cost anything that he couldhave dreamed of. But where are the benefits to humanity that this program was automatically to procure?Of course Jefferson was too sanguine. He expected toomuch. Still he would be entitled to a certain measure ofdisappointment as learning that the final achievement ofthe education for which he yearned was accompanied bythe efflorescence of everything he hated.On the surface, at least, it looks as though educatorscould not escape some responsibility for the flourishingcondition of all that education is supposed to combat.We see intolerance, injustice, ignorance, and prejudiceall about us. We cannot claim that those upon whomthe blessings of the higher learning have been showeredare much better, even if they are not much worse, thananybody else. Our people are still naive, superficial, anduneducated. They are full of immediate practical problems which they try to solve by one wild stab after another, a process which they sometimes endeavor to ex-*Annual Dinner of the Trustees to the members of the faculties of theUniversity, January 11, 1939. cuse by calling it the experimental method. After centuries of education they are for the most part ignorantof history and still more innocent of ethical and politicalknowledge. Hence they have little trouble in justifyingconduct of any kind. The only test is success, and thatin terms of money, power, and prestige. This may appropriately be called the racket age.Since we are approaching our Fiftieth Anniversary in1941, I think we may well begin to decide what we aregoing to reply to those who on that occasion may demand an accounting of us. As I may have said before,this is one of the best universities in the United States.We are free. We are independent. Though now in somewhat reduced circumstances, we are rich. We have theduties as well as the privileges of leadership. If there isanything that can be said for the universities in 1941, itis incumbent on us to say it. Perhaps we had betterbegin now to figure out what to say.In this situation all the usual statements of what auniversity is and what it is for seem to me inadequate.They are not wrong, but they are incomplete. To say,for example, that a university is a place of educationand research is meaningless for our present purpose, forthe question is what kind of education and what kindof research. We do not favor an education directed tomaking the student an effective member of a politicalparty. We do not favor an education designed to fitthe student into the contemporary world. We don't likethe contemporary world. He will not be able to do muchto change it if all that we have taught him, assumingthat we could, is how to make a living in the contemporary world. We do not favor an education devotedto body building and the social graces. A universitycannot aspire to accomplish what has been claimed foreugenics. We do not favor, in short, either an education that promotes what we abhor or one that turns auniversity into a waiting room in which the studentmust consume his time in harmless triviality until hecan go to work.We do not favor trivial research either. The dignitywhich the name research has justly won cannot be usedto conceal the ponderous irrelevance of investigationscalculated merely to lower the teaching load and raisethe social standing of the professor who prosecutesthem. When we say that a university is a place of education and research, therefore, we have said little that6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEat the present juncture can enlighten our fellow-countrymen.We do not say much more when we say, as I havemany times, that a university is a community of scholars. The phrase is misleading. It seems to suggest tosome scholars that the community is simply a looseassemblage of individuals, united chiefly by the university heating plant, and having as a university no program and no government. In addition the word scholaris ambiguous. Is anybody who in some way or othergets into academic life a scholar? Is he a scholar whenhe writes books of whatever quality or conducts experiments of whatever value? Is he a scholar if he engages in research, and does it make any differencewhether his research is silly or significant? To say thata university is a community of scholars is useful to repelthe attacks of those who think that it is a kindergartenor a football team. It does not help much when we,who have known it all along, are examining ourselvesand preparing for the cross-examination that is to come.I find little assistance at this moment in another phrasethat I have helped to propagate, that a university is aplace for the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake.The word knowledge lends itself to any interpretationthat anybody wants to place upon it, so that even theNazis could (and do) claim that they have universities:they are pursuing knowledge of race, the state, and themanifest destiny of Germany. More serious, perhaps,is it that any weakness or incompetence in a universitycan be excused by the judicious use of the words, thepursuit of knowledge for its own sake. An incoherent,disorganized, wasteful, aimless university can be justified by saying that it is made up of individuals who asindividuals are pursuing knowledge for its own sake.But a mere collection of such people does not make auniversity any more than a collection of instrumentalists,however talented, makes a symphony orchestra. Theadvance of specialism has made the pursuit of knowledgefor its own sake a peculiarly defective statement of auniversity's aims and purposes. As that section ofknowledge pursued by each professor becomes narrowerand narrower the university may edge closer and closertoward disintegration.If then I have learned some things not to say, can Isuggest anything that could be said to characterize theplace of the university in the modern world? I thinkthat the modern world needs a clear and unmistakablesymbol. I think the university can and should be thatsymbol. It can be a symbol around which men canrally, to which they can look with renewed hope. It canbe a symbol of those human powers which are nowscorned and discredited in many parts of the world andwhich must be restored to their supremacy if mankindis to survive. A university in short should symbolizethe highest powers of man. These powers are rationalpowers, the reason and the will, which is a power ofrational choice. If the university can be this sort ofsymbol, then it has a function of crucial importance andone never so important as now.The consequences of saying that a university mustsymbolize the highest powers of mankind are the clarification of education and research and the clarification of university policy. We have at last a standard bywhich education, research, and university policy may bemeasured. A university in this view must carry onevery activity and face every problem with all the ra~tionality that rational animals can command. It mustappraise every course it offers in terms of the intellectualcontent it has, the intellectual effort it requires, and theintellectual discipline it gives. A teaching program thatmakes no intellectual demands and confers no intellectualbenefits has no place in a university. By the same tokena research program that has not been preceded and is notaccompanied by intellectual effort has no place in a university. Whatever may be accomplished by teachingthat is intended to fit the student into the contemporaryworld, whatever may result from research that is merelythe gratification of idle curiosity, neither belongs in auniversity because it cannot assist the university to symbolize the highest powers of mankind.If a university is to be such a symbol, it must be rational as an organization. Today it is hoped that themembers of a faculty will be rational in their own subject matters. It is assumed that from bringing togethera great many people who are rational in their own subject matters a rational university will result. But theremay be a wide difference between being rational in asubject matter and being rational about it. Distinguished experts may exhibit some prejudice when theplace of their subject matter in the general scheme is inquestion. A vested interest is characterized by an irrational tenacity, a desire to hold old positions or oldhabits in the face of any showing that change is necessary for the common good. I am saying nothing thatwill startle you when I remark that the vested interestsin politics and business are ephemeral and transitorycompared to those solid and formidable entrenchmentsthat mar the academic landscape. To the extent to whichwe allow these fortifications to thwart the use of reasonto that extent we become not a symbol of the highestpowers of mankind but simply another manifestation ofthe racket age.I believe then that what a university needs and whatthe world can demand of a university is that it symbolizethe highest powers of mankind. But of course to havea university of this sort those who guide its policy mustagree that man has the powers of which I have beenspeaking, reason and free will. Many respectable people since the beginning of history have held that he hadnot. They have argued for a materialistic, mechanisticuniverse in which man appropriately figured as a bundleof conditioned reflexes. In this view power is the answer to all social and political questions, and as Machiavelli clearly saw, there is nothing rational about power.Power is good if we have it and can get the things wewant ; it is bad if somebody else has it and can preventus from getting them. Since by hypothesis we cannotthink, we must feel. We feel that we should have whatwe want, and we are likely to feel that those who don'twant us to have it should be exterminated. Force is theonly resolution of differences of opinion, and differencesthat are only differences of opinion can seek no otherresolution. One of the most striking contradictions ofmodern times is the position of many liberals. Like Thur-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 7^an Arnold they want the world run, as he says, forand by "kindly, humanitarian, and tolerant people." Atthe same time they hold, like him, a doctrine that mustput an end to kindness, humanitarianism, and tolerance,the doctrine that man is an irrational animal and theworld an irrational place.For if men are irrational animals why should not Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin use them as they are usingthem? We may wish that they held the same viewsthat the accidents of birth and training have given us.But we cannot be sure that our birth and training andour views are any better than theirs. Everything is amatter of opinion. We cannot set a higher value onhuman life than on the life of laboratory animals. Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin have the power, and that isall that counts.Marxist theory and Fascist theory, if there is such athing as Fascist theory, are alike in this : they deny therole of the person ; they deny the role of reason. If wesay, as Marx is celebrated for saying, that the future ofmankind hinges on blind material processes, "then oneprediction can be safely made; that man will be pulverized by these blind and irrational forces." If we saywith the Fascists that man's future hinges on his absorption in the state, then we may predict his ultimateextinction in wars of aggression. And if we have nothing better to offe.r in opposition than an irrational hopefor kindly, humanitarian, and tolerant though irrationalpeople, we should take to the storm cellar now. Sentimental liberalism will be no match for those who knowexactly what they want, who have the power to get it,and who acknowledge no human obligation outside theirclass or nation.If man is an irrational animal, education is either a hoax or a conditioning process designed to manufacturethe kind of citizens whom those in power find most useful. Thus the production of gangsters is indicated in agangster world. If man is not a rational animal, thenhistory is a joke, philosophy a fraud, and science a prelude to suicide. Universities are the agents by whichthe rulers obtain the human tools and the technicalknowledge with which to gain their mastery over manand nature.Democracy assumes that men have reason and freewill and that through disciplining and informing thosepowers the common good may be achieved. Just as educating irrational animals involves a contradiction interms, so a democracy of irrational animals involves thesame kind of contradiction. A democracy rests not onforce, but on reason. We can hope for neither educationnor democracy unless we are prepared to concede thatman has those qualities which both education and democracy presuppose.This university is one of the best in the United States.One reason is that- throughout its history it has been willing to inquire into its aims and its accomplishment. Thequestions I have raised tonight are fundamental questions affecting the aims and accomplishment of the University. You misunderstand me if you think I have answered them. I have simply attempted to examine withyou the consequences of the answers that might be given.The decision on these matters is not for the President.It must be made by the University as a whole. I hopethat by the time of the great celebration in 1941 thesequestions can be answered for the University and thatthe answer will be that the University should symbolizethe highest powers of mankind.BERTRAM G. NELSON1876—1938Bertram G. Nelson, who retired from the Departmentof English a year ago, died in Chicago December 28.At the turn of the century Mr. Nelson was makingstudent history in the field of oratory and public speakingat Chicago and, following his graduation in 1902, hewas appointed to the faculty to teach public speaking.By the time of the World War, Mr. Nelson's reputationas a public speaker and teacher was such that he wascalled to Washington to assist in the training of thenation's "Four Minute Men." He was later appointeda dean of the College and Head of the Reynolds Clubin both of which positions he was very popular with thestudents. A service in his memory was held in BondChapel on the afternoon of December 30th. CLEVELAND ALUMNIDINNERRed Room Hotel ClevelandWednesday. March 1 6:30 P. M.Price $2.00 Per PlateSecure Tickets Before Noon, March 1N. E. A. Registration and Service DeskUniversity of Chicago ExhibitBooth D-33"THOUGH LIFE IS SOMETHINGMore Than Lore• By EARLE A. SHILTON, '14, JD'I6THEY'VE been talking about football at the University of Chicago again, that old subject thatrears its unwelcome head every October andwill not be downed. I suppose it is all because of thestadium that Stagg built, that concrete edifice that soarsemptily skyward like an impacted molar at the northedge of the campus. I well remember when the weststadium was built and the field ran north and south;that pile was a world wonder until the State Universities began to mortgage their futures with fancy bowlsand cantilever spandrels and Dad's Days. Then thenorth stands had to be constructed, the field turned andthe safety man with his back to Bartlett must squint intothe sunset for the ball. It would be interesting to knowwhat effect that directional change had on Chicagofootball ; it might be argued that both teams had to squintbut the statistics imply that Chicago players have suffered from progressive myopia. Certain it is that sincethe last investment in concrete, the Maroons have descended in an accelerating curve. And there stands thetomb of great hopes, the edifice that was to house theexcited thousands and they do say that to alumni andstudents who pass its gaunt frame there issues a coldwind that chills their hearts and sends them scuttlingover to Hanley's for a toddy! One of the alumni whoowns a home almost within its baleful shadow wants thedamned thing torn down before the depression that itbreathes sends him to a sanitarium; another has suggested that it be deeded to the Home for the Incurableson Ellis Avenue for a sun pavilion. Unless it can againswarm with violent partisans of the pigskin (which ismade of cowhide) that stadium will create its recurrentspasms every fall and there will be no peace on theMidway.And the alumni or a lot of them want peace, — theyare getting old and tired. The La Salle Street boyshave had enough trouble with the market for ten years,let alone coaching worries. Apologies and explanationshave soured on their lips; it is easy enough to arguemental superiority from the cloistered retreat of an ivytower but another thing to face down a friend at theclub when he commences to patronize Chicago athletics.Whereupon the alumnus begins to do funny things ; hemeets and resolves and talks about a "fund" andscarcely does he realize that a new thing has happenedat Chicago and therefore to Chicago football. The newthing isn't of itself new, — it started perhaps thirty yearsago but it focused itself upon Chicago in a big way someten years ago and has had its results.About 1908 I participated in a high school debate onthe subject: "Resolved: We should adopt the electivesystem in our schools." The affirmative won and hasbeen winning ever since. It was a new animal ; we had to do considerable research to find out what it was. Itmeant a lot of freedom in education but despite the victory of our team, our high school curriculum stayed putand Caesar's Gallic Wars and Cicero's Orations werestill prescribed pabulum on our diet. That was truewhen three of us enrolled at Chicago and were registeredin English III, German III and Political Science underBramhall. We had to pay for a locker in Bartlett andtake compulsory exercise. Chapel was required twice aweek and there was a ticket-taker at the door who tookour slips in his hat. Regimentation! Enslavement ofthe individual! Discipline!Ugly words those. Somehow we struggled throughand went out into a life that was already ringing withwar talk. Some of us went to war, some objected andsome died for an alleged democracy. After we hadmarried and sired a flock of superinfants, the first cropof brats to inherit spinach and cod-liver oil, and just aswe had bought the bungalow with a small down payment and a large faith in the future, the depression cameand has lived with us ever since. This hectic twenty-five years has given us the conceit that we know something about life and may we be forgiven if, as alumni,we occasionally fly off the handle about our beloved almamater and her problems.That new idea that came to the University of Chicago was a combination of two thoughts ; "the primarypurpose of higher education is the development of themind" and there must be absolute freedom of the student in the application of the principle. To promote thisplan, the University advertised far and wide that it.wanted selected students, those who stood in the higherbrackets of their classes in the secondary schools. Itoffered an attractive bait to these hungry applicants;they might go as fast as they wished and in fact one didcome who secured his Ph.B. in a few months. Beforethese students was spread a feast such as ne'er beforegladdened the appetite of the intellectually hungry, — •the comprehensive courses. There seemed to be no rulesabout consumption, — one might nibble a moderate mealevery day or defer the eating to a comprehensive glutat the end of nine months, a kind of obstetrical climaxwith the addition of free will. As a result, says BillBenton, the University teems with starry-eyed youthwho cannot find enough hours in the clock in which tochock the extra lectures and the book stacks are perpetually empty. The new plan is a wow !Still, that empty stadium irritates my subconsciousand the pain seems none the less though I read theSat eve post and reflect on a ten cent gate. Very definitely to my mind a thing has happened at Chicago thatis not all for the best. It all boils down to a simple analysis of whether the premise of this "mind" business is8THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 9correct or misleading. It wasn't that way in the AlmaMater when we sang it in 1914: "Though life is something more than lore." And twenty-five years in thehard, cold world has led some of us to believe thatProfessor Lewis was close to the truth in that expression, — education must be related to life. When we resided on the Quadrangles, the theory was that the purpose of a University was the training of the mind, souland body and we think it still holds.We have found further that life is jam-pack full ofdisciplines and that there is hardly any job on earththe doing of which may be deferred for nine months.Liberty is heady stuff. How many high school youthsknow anything about its use ? The answer of the President is that those who know not its use, may fall bythe wayside and make way for the boy with Excelsioron his banner. You may recall that that bird wasfrozen to death.My own son is a Junior in high school and at thismoment cannot "see" Chicago, which may be no lossto that worthy institution. He says that he wants togo to a "man's school." I have talked to his friendswho say the same thing. They believe that our University is a place for grinds and Phi Betes; they call itsmug and wonder why it keeps bleating about beingsecond to Harvard as though claiming a second placein anything were a virtue. These boys are pretty worthwhile stuff in my humble opinion (luckily I did notfather all of them) and I pay some respect to their beliefs. They will probably drift to some other institutionand the Midway will get the high I. Qs. In the process,Chicago is going to lose a lot of virility.Last fall I had a talk with Doctor A. J. Carlson, oureminent Physiologist. The Doctor, known and honoredthe world over is not just a "mind". He can still swimunattended to the Jackson Park crib and return, a featthat few can duplicate. I asked him what he thoughtof these athletic youths who come to the Universitywith an eye to pigskin as well as Plato and the goodDoctor said, "Give me more of them. When such ayoungster really gets a glimmering of thought, his kindwill shake the world !" That had been my observation.I have never thought that Gale was less a physicist because he played in the line, nor Speik less a fine doctorbecause he followed a ball or Pete Russell a poor bankerand Trustee because he was a honey of a quarterback.But the new plan and the new advertising is shushingthis type of men away from our institution. From anexamination of the present requirements, I am satisfiedthat few of my colleagues could have measured to thestandards now required; perhaps that is fortunate forour new kind of University but we were surely luckyto have been born so early. In those days we had thediscipline of chapel and we hated it at the time butwhich of us can forget the moral precepts of Dr. CharlesRichmond Henderson who stood like a pillar of cloudon Mandel rostrum and with his bony forefinger fairlydrove the principles of truth and honor into our recalcitrant skulls. We had to go to Gym but the "Old Man"was there and out of the bandy-legged bunch he selecteda few of the likely and the rest of us had to pull theweights and expand the chest walls whether or no and the results have been good backing in these later years.But even then, there were those among us who livedby the "mind" alone. They prowled through the stacksand gobbled their lunches with their eyes glued to areference book and made Phi Beta Kappa or Coif withsix up and eight to play. When the war came theydidn't pass the Draft board because of flat feet or heartleakage but some of them got into the Service by 1933and we may ascribe a part of our national difficulties totheir application of strictly mental processes to the machinery of government. None of these boys ever sweata drop in his life but they know all about the labor problem; it's in a reference book. None ever harvested asack of oats but is ready to save agriculture. To thisilk, the Constitution is a fine literary exercise and notthe charter of one hundred fifty years of agony and experience. They are the proponents of the theory thatthe frontiers are gone, all except the frontier of themind. We need no more men, just minds. But I knowthat there is a frontier in Hyde Park which needs a lotof rassling and another in the City Hall and CountyBuilding, one at Springfield and one at Washington anda couple along our two oceans and when we need mento man those, we had better pick those who are. relatedto life and not just to the book-stacks. Lately theseboys of the "mind" have become liberals. They arenow propagandizing a war with Fascism in which theywill do the editorializing and our sons the blood-shedding.What has all this to do with football? Just this:there is no football problem at Chicago; there never was.The problem is in the spirit of the institution. WhenMr. Hutchins in the Satevepost quoted Mr. Stagg, hereversed his field and was thrown for a loss. AmosAlonzo built the stadium or rather, his men did. Hewasn't professional nor were they. We had no "athleticism." We needed no ten cent gate. But, at thattime the University welcomed men and the reputationhad spread abroad that it was a place for men. Theycame and their record is still a byword in these sorrydays. When we argue about football, we are apt toforget the subject matter, — the men who play it. Whatis the state of mind of these youths? The fact is thatthey all think they came upon this earth too late. Nolonger does Daniel Boone seek volunteers for that darkand bloody ground and Custer's voice is stilled. Privately, they should like to do a little scalping on theirown account but Society is such that it has put a helmeton the curly locks of the right half back and one mayonly scalp around the knees. These boys like disciplinetoo though John Dewey has almost completely robbedthem of that expectancy. One of them spends his summers in a canoe in Canada. Between him and starvationor a quick death is a half inch of Maine cedar and heknows that it is smart to live carefully and observe therules. The same sort of thing is inherent in footballand if one of these lads cannot play the game, he mayat least play it vicariously and exult with his hero. Someof these young ones are but two generations removedfrom pioneer ancestors and it does not do to pen up{Continued on Page 17)A LETTER ON ATHLETICS• By T. N. METCALF, Director of AthleticsMr. Marvin McCarthySports EditorThe Chicago TimesChicago, Illinois.Dear Mr. McCarthy:I find it extremely difficult to give you a picture ofChicago's athletic set-up which will in any way parallelyour story on Northwestern University. This is because the University of Chicago has quite a differentathletic organization and athletic philosophy from Northwestern and most other universities.To a far greater degree than at most schools intercollegiate athletics at Chicago is an integral part of the,educational plan. We have no student athletic association and no athletic board of control or athletic council.The Department of Physical Education conducts theathletic program with the. same autonomy and the samesupervision by a dean as that exercised by any otherdepartment of instruction. Our students register forvarsity and freshman athletic squads as classes in thefield of physical education in just the same way thatthey register for mathematics or chemistry classes in thedivision of physical sciences.The University provides this intercollegiate athleticprogram because it believes the experience worth whilefor those who take part. The entire athletic policy ispointed toward the welfare of the players. The University is not particularly concerned with athletic publicity, athletic prestige, income from gate receipts orwith providing entertainment for alumni and public. Inall matters of athletic policy the welfare of the athleteoutweighs all other considerations and the Universityexpects to pay the cost of this program out of educational funds.We would consider it unfair to our general studentbody, for whom the athletic program is designed, if wefilled our varsity teams with a highly selected group ofathletes brought in because of their athletic ability.FINANCESChicago has a very highly centralized department ofphysical education. The intercollegiate and intramuralsports, the general class work, and the informal play programs for men and women are so closely interlockingthat it is quite impossible to make an analysis of. intercollegiate athletic expenditures such as that in yourNorthwestern story.For example, we make no effort to charge coaches'salaries against the various sports. Our coaches aremembers of the college faculty and most of them haveresponsibilities in connection with all phases of the department's work. In addition to coaching football CoachShaughnessy teaches handball to any students, graduatesor undergraduates, and to any faculty men who wantinstruction. Coach Norgren does the same for squashracquets as well as handling freshman football, freshman baseball and varsity basketball. Coach Hoffer teachesgymnastics, ice hockey, figure skating, plain skating, basketball, soccer, baseball and soft ball. Any salary"break down" would be purely artificial and would havelittle significance.The same situation prevails in connection with expenditures for equipment, for locker room administration,for office administration, and for the maintenance of athletic grounds. We make no effort to determine whatproportion of these expenditures are chargeable to eachof the four phases of our activity program.Income. Income from gate receipts and guaranteesis not credited to the department but goes directly intothe general fund of the University. Athletic expenditure is quite independent of athletic income. This income varies greatly from year to year while the appropriation for expense remains relatively constant.Football receipts have varied, over the last five years,from $44,451.73 to $120,326.06. Basketball incomeaverages about $8,000.00 and income from other varsitysports about $1,600.00. The General Fund of the University has received all the way from $55,000.00 to$130,000.00 annually from physical education department activities.Expenses. The Department of Physical Educationoperates on an appropriation from University funds.The budget for the Men's Division of the Department forthe current year is divided as follows:1. Director, Instructors, and Coaches .$ 49,903.002. Service (office, fields, locker rooms, etc.) 24,733.003. Equipment and expense 46,550.00Total $121,186.00Item 1 includes eight full time and eleven part timeinstructors.Item 2 includes ten full time employees and many parttime student employees.A rough estimate of intercollegiate athletics' share ofItems 2 and 3 would be slightly less than one-half of theappropriation of $71,283.00. The actual charge againstfootball, in my budget analysis, is about $13,000.00 andagainst other sports about $11,000.00. However, anadditional $10,000.00 to $11,500.00 would probably becharged against intercollegiate athletics if we made acomplete break down of the office, fields, equipment,locker rooms and medical accounts. The sum of $35,-000.00 represents about what intercollegiate athleticscosts the University annually exclusive of instruction.It should be explained that the University HealthService provides for the medical care of athletes in sofar as it is equipped to do so and the Department ofBuildings and Grounds cares for the maintenance andservice of buildings, fences, etc. These charges are ordinarily included in an athletic department budget.The University also provides liberally for the10THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 11Women's Division of the Department. The salary budget for women instructors has run as high as $20,225.00.PROGRAMAs indicated above, the program of the Departmentof Physical Education includes intercollegiate athletics,intramural athletics, general classes, and informal use offacilities. The University's policy is to provide thewidest possible range of opportunities for wholesomeplay with a minimum cost to the student. No chargesare made for the use of lockers and play facilities in thevarious buildings nor for the use of tennis courts, norfor athletic equipment. Free towel service is provided.Complete athletic equipment is loaned in almost allsports to those on teams and in classes. Handballs,squash racquets and balls, badminton racquets and birds,are loaned without charge to all who wish to play.About 50% of the University student body takes advantage of the physical education department's offerings.The male enrollment of the University (on campus)varied last year from 3,462 in the Autumn to 3,196in the Spring. Approximately one-half were undergraduates. Of these undergraduates all but about 800 werefreshmen or first year transfer students or scholasticineligibles so that we have only about one-fourth of ourmen students available for varsity teams.Intercollegiate Sports. In 1937-1938 the participation on varsity squads was as follows:Baseball 21 Tennis 13Basketball 18 Indoor Track 35Cross Country 9 Outdoor Track 34Fencing 21 Water Polo 17Football 40 Wrestling 24Golf 6 Rifle Club 10Gymnastics 7 ^Handball 5Swimming 19 *Ice Hockey 12Total ....291Duplications 65Total Different Individuals 226^Informal Team.Almost 30% of our eligible students take part in intercollegiate athletics.ALUMNI CLUB MEETINGSJANUARY 18 — Sioux City Alumni dinner, MartinHotel. Speaker: Leon P. Smith.JANUARY 19 — Des Moines Alumni dinner, Youn-kers Restaurant. Speaker: Leon P. Smith.JANUARY 20— Tri-City Alumni dinner, LeClaireHotel, Moline. Speaker: Leon P. Smith.JANUARY 23— Cleveland Mid-Year meeting, Stopfer's Restaurant.JANUARY 29— Washington Alumni dinner, A.A.U.W. Club. Speaker: Harry D. Gideonse.FEBRUARY 9 — Lexington Alumni dinner, StudentUnion Building University of Kentucky. Speaker : LeonP. Smith.FEBRUARY 11 — New York City Alumni dinner, Conference championships were won in tennis, fencing, and water polo in 1937-38. The informal handballand ice hockey teams were undefeated in intercollegiatematches.Intramural Sports. Intramural competition is conducted in seventeen sports. Five or six hundred different individuals take part each quarter. About half ofthem represent fraternities, one-fourth represent dormitory groups, and one-fourth independent groups. Thegreatest participation last year was in soft ball (458),basketball (454), and touch football (387). The smallest was in squash racquets (15), and fencing (17).General Classes. About 700 men per quarter takeinstruction in sports and dancing. This program involves 8,000 to 12,500 "student clock hours" of instruction per quarter. Instruction is offered in archery, badminton, baseball, basketball, boxing, cross country, fencing, football, general exercise, golf, gymnastics, handball,ice hockey, ice skating (plain and figure), rifle and pistolshooting, self defense, modern, social and tap dancing,squash racquets, swimming, tennis, track and field, waterpolo and wrestling.Informal Participation in Athletic Sports. The University provides facilities, and in most instances, fullequipment without charge for student participation inabout 35 different sports. Informal, unorganized participation in recreative sports, seems to be for many students the most wholesome and valuable form of activity.The facilities receiving the greatest amount of informaluse are the tennis courts, swimming pools, the gymnasium floors (for basketball) and the ice skating rink.We have about 76 tennis courts on the campus and threeswimming pools. The University maintains an ice rinkbeneath the North Stand.Tennis is by all odds the most popular outdoor sport atChicago. In good weather in the spring every availablecourt is in use in the late afternoon. Late May, exclusive of class and team groups, there were 6,478 studenthours of tennis play.Sincerely yours,T. N. Metcalf,DirectorDelmonico's. Speakers : President Hutchins and DoctorEduard Benes.FEBRUARY 14 — Chicago Alumni Club luncheon,12:15 P. M., Mandel Brothers Tearoom. Speaker:Harold A. Swenson.FEBRUARY 19— Washington Alumni dinner, A.A.U.W. Club, 6:15 P. M. Speaker: T. V. Smith.FEBRUARY 24 — Chicago Alumnae Club: Production of play Mr. Pirn Passes By, given by the DramaticAssociation, Reynolds Club Theatre, 8:15 P. M.MARCH 1 — Cleveland Alumni dinner, Red Room,Cleveland Hotel.MARCH 9 — Tucson Alumni meeting. Speaker : Vice-President Frederic Woodward.THE CAMPUS BYSTANDER• By EMMETT DEADMAN, '39UNIVERSITY students have been accused of becoming so absorbed in studying that they fallinto an intellectual stupor from which it is impossible to wake them. Though forces may threatenthe very ideals upon which the University is founded,they remain in their libraries and laboratories, refusingto take cognizance of the world around them.The question of where action by University studentsshould begin and where it should end is a point of constant dissension between the more militant groups suchas the American Student Union and groups such as theChapel Union who believe that University studentsshould observe but not act.The start of this quarter found all these groups unitedin a common movement which appears to this correspondent as the most worthy activity to be initiated bythe student body in the four years he has been in school.It is the Refugee Aid drive, organized and promotedby students to raise funds for the relief of victims ofintolerance and war in China, Germany, and Spain.The administration has co-operated whole-heartedlyand has promised ten scholarships to refugees of provedquality if the students will raise $5,000 for their maintenance while they are here. The representatives of thestudents outdid themselves in their response and pledgednot five but ten thousand dollars. The first five thousand will be devoted to providing maintenance for therefugee scholars and the surplus will be turned over tointernational agencies for distribution. Students havethe option of designating to what use their contributionswill be put.The drive will continue until the end of the winterquarter under the direction of Rita Mayer, a graduatestudent. Almost every campus organization, includingfraternities, clubs, the Chapel Union, the ASU, the student publications and graduate clubs have volunteeredtheir support. Tentative plans call for a benefit swingconcert to be given by Fletcher Henderson and his orchestra and a benefit lecture by Ex-President EduardBenes of Czecho-Slovakia. The Social Service Administration Club started the drive by pledging itself to raise$500. The Daily Maroon followed suit with a pledge of$100 and the Ellis co-operative eating club pledged twoeating scholarships.Other campusites found an opportunity for servicewhen Paul Douglas, popular professor of economics, announced his candidacy for alderman. A student-facultycommittee under the direction of Harold Gosnell, assisted by Claude Hawley, a graduate student in politicalscience and Louis Wirth, associate professor of sociology, has been formed to organize support for ProfessorDouglas.The Refugee Aid Drive and the support of Douglasin his campaign constitute a recognition by students oftheir responsibility to apply the lessons they have learned in the classrooms to protecting their ideals in the worldaround them. How much University students should,or are able to participate in the affairs of their community is an unanswerable question. To the critics whohurl charges of medievalism and ivory-tower learningagainst the University however, this recent interest incommunity affairs comes as a much-needed rebuke.Students took up their duties as citizens and as participants in a world society, neither because they hadbeen indoctrinated by their professors nor because theysought self-glorification. They took up their duties because they had been taught to think intelligently;in thinking about world problems had recognized howthey might apply their energies and knowledge towardthe construction of a better society.CLUBS AND FRATERNITIESIn the midst of this political activity the clubs managed to get their rushing out of the way and as this isbeing written the fraternities and freshmen are girdingthemselves for their intensive rush week. For the firsttime in years the Interclub committee began enforcingrushing rules and the club season ended up in a barrageof accusations and counter-accusations of unfair administration and favoritism. At last report, the front wasquiet once more, however, and the women are now looking forward to a campaign to change the rushing ruleswhich for some reason or another now require them tospend four months rushing when it could be done muchbetter in two.The fraternities are in much the same situation. Halfof the freshmen who will pledge have had their mindsmade up since Thanksgiving and the rest will probablymake up their minds under pressure on the last night.Meanwhile, fraternity men and freshmen alike face aweek in which studying is impossible and the task ofdoing something they could have done just as wellmonths ago. The administration contends that pledgingearlier would result in student mal-adjustment whilethe fraternities contend that pledging now necessitatestwo adjustments rather than a single adjustment on thepart of the freshman who pledges. In spite of the innumerable petitions it appears probable that this regulation will stand.UNIVERSITY NEWSREELThe University Newsreel produced its first all-campus picture this month, featuring a review of fraternities.The survey did not disclose much more than the factthat fraternity men eat, stand around the piano andsing, and have a dog, but it did set a record for the sizeof its audience — the largest since the newsreel started.In spite of this, the promoters found themselves witha deficit and are now contemplating whether or not it ispossible to break even on the venture. It is an activityof value to the University, but so many objections may(Continued on Page 17)12MORE OR LESS PERSONALWith a Bit of Chicago History Injected• By CHARLES SUMNER PIKE, '96Mr. Philip Rand, Chicago '97.Salmon City,Idaho.Dear Phil;Your cordial Christmas greetings of recent date from the highand wide open spaces of the farWest have given the writer's oldheart a joyous thrill, bringing backto me, as they do, our youthfulyears together at the U. of C,when as managing editors of thevery first edition of the Cap andGown we started a tradition and apublication that ¦ I understand isstill alive and going strong as thestudents' year book.Thanks to your initiative andpush, Wallace Atwood's businessacumen, plus, perhaps, yourstruly's little amateur editorial ability in compiling the collegiate littering literachoor, we managed toproduce this rare first issue without losing our shirts and shoes, inspite of the fact that we failed tosell but a mere half-dozen copiesof our priceless publication to Mr.John D. Rockefeller, to whom, ina divinely inspired moment, wehad dedicated the book. We allhad fondly hoped, if you remem- CHARLES SUMNER PIKE, '96The above picture, hanging in the Tower Roomtoday, is that of the first president of the DramaticClub. Mr. Pike continued his dramatic activitieseven though his business tool him into the publishing, manufacturing and financial fields. His dramatization of the Lincoln story, "A Perfect Tribute"is broadcast coast to coast each year. He claimsmembership in the following exclusive culturalorganizations in Detroit: National Geographic Society, American Red Cross, Michigan Central Depotand the Book-Cadillac Cocktail lounge.ber that the very wealthy Founderof the University would purchase the entire edition (at$1.50 per copy) — or at least endow us all with a bigblock of Standard Oil stock ! Why, the cost of the halftone plate of John's picture, that we used as a frontispiece to the volume, must have set us back all of tenbucks. Now was that gratitude, I ask you ? Where wouldMr. Rockefeller's fame be today, were it not for us andthat Cap and Gown dedicatory frontispiece?Well, we had a lot of fun in those old days, organizing, with the other fellows of that pre-war period, thefirst Proms, Dramatic, Glee and other social clubs and societies; playing on the first Chicago championship teams,acting in and writing the first University plays or turning out our so-called verse and prose stuff for the oldUniversity Weekly — to say naught of our various excursions into the field of Romance with our many loveswho dwelt in Kelly, Beecher or Foster Halls. What aliberal education those charming co-eds gave us in thosefar-off, fragrant days! There were no tuition chargesasked of us for their cultural courses, except, mayhap, a few sleepless nights, a high-bloodpressure about the heart and a lossof appetite !Since graduation, away back in'96, I have had the pleasure ofmeeting many well-known actorsand people of the stage and screenand have sat at table with Soth-ern and Marlowe, George Arliss,Claudette Colbert and a host ofothers, but of them all my personalexperience with the great SirHenry Irving is my most vividmemory. And with good reason.Sir Henry was the invited guestof honor and Convocation speakerwhen the writer's class were graduated; he was playing with EllenTerry in Macbeth at that time inChicago and, if my memory servesme correctly, he spoke in thecrowded confines of Kent Hallauditorium upon the play he wasthen enacting.It seems that the good Dr. Harper, our President, had stated thatyour humble servant, as presidentof the graduating group, would introduce the distinguished speakerand the newspaper boys on thecampus had so announced this factin the columns of their severalpapers. Did I introduce SirHenry? I did not. Irving's manager, Bram Stoker,very bluntly told the press and Dr. Harper thatunless the President of the University in personintroduced the great English actor that Sir Henrywould not appear as speaker that afternoon. Thus itwas that I received a lot of free, embarrassing advertising and Dr. Harper did the introductory honors thathistoric day. And so it was that the honor of the Britishstage was upheld and the unknown, unimportant wormof a student given an opportunity to enact the first "sit-down strike" in Chicago's history! Of course, had SirHenry himself only known that the victim of this unhappy situation was a fellow-artist and had starred inthe Dramatic Club's production of Pyramis and Thisbeand had supported such other "star" actors as ScottBrown, Bob Law, Fred Nichols, Sam MacClintock, thelovely Marjorie Cooke, Harriet Rew and others of University fame in that day, he might have demanded mypresence on the platform. We great actors are like that— not an iota of envy or professional jealousy in our1314 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmake-ups ! In remembrance of our early Chicago athletic teams I shall always recall the first ball game Iplayed as catcher in against the team of Michigan, whichwas played on the old D.A.C. field in Detroit and"Teddy" Linn was our sole and only Chicago "rooter."Henry Gale and Harry Abells played in that contest andI believe it was the first and last game that a Chicagoteam ever played in Detroit.The great Clarence Hirschberger, of beloved memory,was our center-fielder and although your fat friend wasfar from being a "Hirschie" on the football field, I wellremember playing in several football battles with localteams that, you may recall, were played indoors and atnight and then on a certain New Year's Day afternoonplaying at right-end all through the contest (men werenot taken out in those days as they are today) in the lastgame that Chicago ever played with Notre Dame, whenStagg himself played at half-back and old "War-Horse"Allen captained the team. This, too, was an indoorgame, which Chicago won 8 to 0. Incidentally I spentthe next week abed, sore in every bone and coveredwith bruises.I will never forget, Phil, (and this is a deep, darksecret) that time when Fred Nichols ("Nick" to youand the rest of us) as pitcher, and the writer, as catcher,did a bit of baseball barnstorming and as the urgentlyinvited guests of the bankers of a certain town down inIllinois, made ourselves heroes-for-the-day in that go-getting community by winning, what to them, was an important "Home-Coming Day" contest by the ridiculousscore of 29 to 0, and tearing the entire town loose fromits moorings. The merry villagers, it developed, were ofa gambling nature and had bet their socks and savingson winning that game, so after our amazing victory thetownsmen not only escorted us to the train in a body buttook complete possession of it, returning to Chicago withus bent upon a spending spree of victory. "Nick," by theway, was in perfect pitching form that day; in additionto striking out every man on the team with a dazzlingdisplay of speed and a quick out-drop shoot, he madetwo home runs. He was a naturally fine ball player and,in my opinion, could have qualified as a player in anyleague. However, I have often wondered just what wouldhave happened to Fred and me and the town itself ifwe had lost that ball game.Many years later, chancing to meet Fred in Minneapolis, where I had gone to address a swarm of motorcar salesmen, we discussed that tragic possibility withchilling shudders, forced laughs — and another round ofheartening high-balls. (Don't let Lonnie Stagg readthis!)Speaking of Stagg, I shall always remember my firstexperience — and it was a sad one — with Stagg as abaseball coach. It happened during one of the earlyspring games of my Freshman year. There was noConference rule barring first-year students from playingon college teams at that time and so, though a Freshman,I was playing center field on the University nine thatyear.We were playing two games, morning and afternoon,with the Elgin team that particular day and during the morning game, with two men on bases, I chancedto connect with a good straight ball to my liking anddrove it out past the Elgin center-fielder for a home run.Then as I rounded third base, where Stagg stood on thecoaching lines, I turned and noting that the ball had notyet been recovered by the Elgin player, I slowed downin my running and sauntered leisurely up to the home-plate, as any young, chesty Freshman who felt he hadjust won a victory, might be inclined to do. As I walkedrather proudly to the bench, well content with myselfand the world at large, the Old Man approached andasked: "Why didn't you run all the way home on thathit of yours ?""Oh," I beamingly replied, "because it wasn't necessary — the fielder had not recovered the ball.""Is that so?" said the Old Man. "Well, during thisafternoon's game you sit on the bench and take chargeof the bats; and remember, Freshman, that anyone whoplays on a Chicago team plays his hardest and best atall times — and runs all the way home."This blunt reprimand from the "Old Man" was asevere blow to my youthful conceit, but was an excellentlesson that I never forgot. It was thoroughly characteristic of Stagg's training methods as a truly great athleticcoach.No doubt all of this baseball lore will prove ratherboring to an old tennis "champ" like yourself, Phil mebye, but, like the lady of Balzac's story who had brokena certain Commandment and had later reformed, T liketo talk about it'.I return to your Christmas greetings and yourcordial invitation to drop in on you and yours at SalmonCity in the near future. Now I'd just love to take aplane and fly out there some day soon but ever sincethat day I got lost in a blizzard far above the high Alpswith the Italian war-ace, Captain Pasquali, in a thrilling,all but fatal November flight from Venice to Vienna,I've had no "appetite" for travel by air and even flightsof fancy are rare with me in these dull, drab days of theRoosevelt recession. But speaking of Vienna and traveling, reminds me of a personal experience that I had recently that might amuse you.It was in those prosperous years of treasured memorywhen all the world and his wife was riding the crest ofa pseudo affluence, that I arrived in Old Wien, fortifiedagainst the high cost of caviar and other such delicacieswith a goodly supply of American Bankers' checks anda sizable letter-of-credit on a New York bank, and witha strong longing for rest and the quiet life — at leastfor awhile. I had just been doing Paris and the Riviera,in a gay manner, for the past few weeks with a verystrenuous group of Chicago friends who sowed notneither did they sleep and among other thrilling experiences I had been hopelessly lost (of all places!) inthe extensive mazes of the Heidsick champagne cellars,that stretch for miles underneath the city of Rheims. Ihad been made the victim of a practical joke, a guidewith a strange sense of humor and a writer friend whohad secretly bet the guide that he could not lose me inthe wine caverns.Well, anyway, I was feeling a bit jittery when Imotored into Vienna and promised myself a nice oldTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 15home-week time of peace and sleep a-plenty, when, onthat late afternoon I strolled into the Hotel Bristol barand quite accidentally met a jovial stranger who in avery short time, with a sufficient amount of liquid "lift,"became a convivial companion for my many hours ofleisure.The stranger was standing at the bar when I first encountered him. He was sipping a Martini cocktail andconversing fluently in German with the fat bar-tender asI edged up alongside of the mahogany counter for a lateafternoon libation. He turned at my approach, appraisedme quickly and said, "You look like an American. Whereyou from?""You're right," I countered and told him the town Icame from."A good place to come from/' he chuckled. "And thisis a gay town to come to. I'm from Chicago myself.Name is Rudolph-Oscar Rudolph (author's license isused on the name)."What'll you have to drink?" Rudolph next queried."These Martinis are exceptionally potent — try one onme." I thanked him, had one and agreed with him.Then we had a few more together and with a warmingfriendliness of spirit proceeded to get well acquainted.It developed that we were both traveling alone throughEurope and as Rudolph spoke German like a native wedecided to join forces and see the sights of fine OldWien as partners in pleasure. We discovered, after afew days of companionship, that we had kindred tastesin art, music, drama, history and all forms of Vienneseentertainment and would have got along splendidly during the days and nights following, had it not been forthe over-generous Chicago man's insistence in paying forall the entertainment expense whenever we went outtogether. Again and again I would protest and receivethe same answer."Now see here, my friend," he would harangue earnestly, "I've more money than I can possibly spendon myself and so it gives me a very great pleasure tospend it on both of us. Vm a bachelor with no kin orincumbrances whatsoever. I've worked hard all my lifeand now that I'm free to do and go as I please about theworld and have ample means to do so, why deny methe little fun I have in paying for these few little charges ?I've sold out my business — retired from all industrialactivity, and from now on I intend to travel and see theworld. Travel, yes sir., travel is what I love to do andthat in good, gay company. I like you, my friend, andyour companionship. Come, what will you have to drink,what show or opera will we see tonight and where dowe go from here?""Going to travel, are you?" I questioned as I orderedanother of the same and with great difficulty seized uponthe waiter's check before Rudolph could pounce uponit. "Where to next?""Oh, everywhere and anywhere about the map. You see I've never been through Europe previous to thistrip and I tell you I'm getting a great kick out of everything I see. I'm keen about meeting all sorts of interesting and artistic people and visiting cities like Paris,London, Rome, Vienna and others. Say, by the way,just where are you planning on going from here? Tellme; I'll pack up for Russia, Egypt or wherever yousay."I avoided giving him a direct answer to this last question of his, for by this time I was becoming greatly boredwith his determination to pay for all of my personalentertainment and, to be brief, I arose the followingmorning and at an early hour secretly checked out of theBristol for Budapest, leaving no forwarding addressbehind me.A year or so later, after the market crash had descended upon all the world with its destructive fury, Iwas greatly surprised one day to receive a telephonecall in Detroit from my old traveling companion, Rudolph of Vienna and Chicago."Hello !" he said, "Remember me — Rudolph — and ourfestive nights in Old Vienna?""Why, of course, I remember you. How are you?And what are you doing in our poor, busted burg? Stilltraveling ?""Traveling? Traveling! You can just bet I'm traveling. Traveling in cloaks and suits! I'm over at Hudson's retail department store right now waiting to meettheir buyers!"This tragic little tale should teach one to refrain fromgambling in any form and buy only those stock offeringsapproved of by the SEC, else in time one may have to goto work for the WPA, PWA or what-have-you, Mr.Ickes ?After all, however, Old Timer, you know "You Can'tTake It With You," so my advice (and the worst viceis not always ad vice, in spite of dear old Dr. Von Hoist,our former history teacher) is to give to the Universitythe share of wealth that the government will probablytry to take in taxes, for fellowships, scholarships, research work, laboratories or endowment funds. Thenthis done, you, and all the other affluent, alumni, can sitdown at the cultural banquet board that will be spreadbefore us in the years to come, and after the manner ofGrandpa Vanderhoff of the aforementioned popular play,recite in unison his simple prayer of grace:"Well, Sir, we've been getting along pretty good forquite a while now and we're certainly obliged. Remember, Sir, all we ask is just to go along and be happyin our own way. Of course, we want to keep our health,but as far as anything else is concerned — we'll leave thatall to You. Thank You."So Cheerio!And Go! Go Chicago!Yours, as ever,Charles Sumner PikeTHE UNIVERSITY AND A CHILDof the Gay Nineties• By CLARA ALLEN RAHILL, '12IN 1896, when 1 was five years old, our family livedon Woodlawn Avenue near 56th Street, and we children used to ride our velocipedes over to the University to gaze with awful fascination at the gargoyles overHull Gate or watch the goldfish in Botany Pond. Wood^lawn Avenue was mostly vacant lots at that time, and Iremember the Rice's cow, Daisy, was pastured on theeast side between 57th and 58th. One of our neighborswas Professor Paul Shorey, who always walked along asstraight as a soldier. Another faculty friend was Professor Slaught, with his red hair, glasses, genial smile,and inevitable bicycle. When laid up for awhile afterrunning into an ice-wagon, he told Father he was working out a mathematical problem and never saw theblamed thing. Our cousins the Clarks, who lived nextdoor to the Harpers on Washington Avenue, never tiredto tell the story of the time when Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Sr., was visiting the Harpers, before the President's House was built. The roof leaked and Mrs. Harper had to ask the carpenter to fix it the next day,because she couldn't have "poor Mr. Rockefeller put upan umbrella over his bed again."Among the pictures that come back to me most vividlyis one of a wild rainy afternoon, with the wind blowingin such gusts that my umbrella was soon inside out, yetunable to drown the strains of the valiant UniversityBand. Father was taking my sister and me to see President McKinley, who was to speak at Kent Theater. Forhours, it seemed, we stood just outside the door of UncleSol's (Professor Clark's) office behind Kent, to be rewarded, however, when the door finally opened and wewere greeted by the President, who shook hands withRuth and me, saying "How d'ye do, how d'ye do. Whoare these nice little girls?" When I got home, wet buthappy, I told Mother that the President had a nicesmile and wore gold-rimmed glasses and a silk hat.Then came just snatches of scenes — standing as oneof the neighborhood children to catch a glimpse ofbeautiful Lina Small, as a bride stepping into her carriage; watching an open-air performance of As YouLike It, with Davida Harper in abright red dress the cynosure of alleyes; or walking out of Mandelafter a Sunday service, seeing President Harper, his silk hat on theback of his head, patting some football player on the back and tellinghim what a good game he hadplayed the day before.During the football season Saturday was an exciting day for usyoungsters, watching the crowdsstream up 57th Street to the game.The late-comers would hire a hack at the LC. stationand, with the drivers standing up to urge on their*Honorable mention in manuscript contest. horses, hardly a week went by without a runaway orsome passenger being pitched out headlong. Hearing thecheering during the game, we would watch eagerly forthe first home-comers to find out who won, and in thosedays of Walter Eckersall it was usually Chicago, so wecould yell "GO-chica-GO" for all we were worth.Then the last picture before I was an undergraduateis the morning we went up to see President Harperlying in state the day before his funeral. I shall neverforget the solemnity of the scene — the tall candles, theblack-gowned marshals, and the constant stream ofstudents, faculty and neighbors who were mourning abeloved friend. To me, these later generations ofstudents, who knew not President Harper, have missedmuch of the real University of Chicago.What a tumble of memories my undergraduate yearsbring forth — Settlement Dances, proms in Bartlett,Esoteric house-parties, football games — and what gamesthose were in the good old days of Conference championships, when Wallie Steffen and Pat Page captained theteam and little Jimmie Twohig used to get up at massmeetings and begin, "Ladies, gentlemen and faculty." Onthe Friday night before the Minnesota game one year Idreamed the score was 0-0 and told my younger brothersabout it the next morning. When I saw them after thegame, which ended in a scoreless tie, you should haveseen their faces.Our generation did not know the grandeur of IdaNoyes or Harper Library, but no university in thecountry could provide better professors than Lillie, Atwood, Schevill, McLaughlin, Merriam and Moulton, tomention a few with whom I had courses. And now,living near New York and years away from college days,I am proud to be able to say I knew Dr. Breasted, Dr.Burton, Dr. Millikan, Dr. Vincent and Dr. Angell.When I saw Dr. Angell at the Mark Hopkins centennialat Williamstown a year ago and told him he hadn'tchanged a bit in twenty-five years, he replied "Well, Iwouldn't give much for your sense of perception."I often look back and laugh and think that fools andfreshmen rush in where angels feari to tread. After Esoteric initiationat the Vincent's house, I felt theyshould be warm personal friends, so,one noon when it started to rain,decided to drop in to borrow anumbrella. As I stood in the hall, themaid went into the living-room toannounce me. From one couchrolled Dean Vincent and from another his wife, thus aroused fromtheir mid-day siesta, and the seventeen-year-old freshman would haveliked to vanish into thin air.Whenever I hear the Marche Militaire I close myeyes and can see handsome James Field, as UniversityTHE AUTHORClara Allen Rahill, '12 was an Aideand a member of Esoteric and Phi BetaKappa when on campus. For eighteenyears she has lived in New Jersey, raising five children, serving as presidentof the Women's Club and on the Boardof Education. One son, a graduate ofWilliams, is with Morgan, Stanley Co.of New York, and a daughter enteredthe University in the fall.16THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17Marshal, leading the Convocation Procession, and liveagain the scenes in Mandel or Hutchinson Court when,in gown and red-tasseled Aide's cap, I felt a part of thepageant.The Fraternity Sing was started when I was in collegeand now, after all these years when that Saturday nightcomes in June, I drop everything and turn on the radio tohear again "A Band of Brothers in D.K.E." and can picture Shailer Mathews marching well up in front, or theAlpha Delts singing "We come, we come, we come with ashout and song," with Teddy Linn in the vanguard. TheSigma Chi songs are most familiar for we lived next doorto them for years on Washington Avenue. At the singing of the Alma Mater, a lump always comes in mythroat and I wish I were not living quite so far away atreunion time.Twenty-five years have passed since my graduation,and I often ask myself, "What did I get out of college?"No career, no outstanding achievement has been mine,but in bringing up my five children and in serving mycommunity as a member of the Board of Education, Ithink my years at the University have given me a senseof the real values of life. It is hard to put into wordsjust what those four years have meant to me in laterlife. Certain courses and certain professors left alasting impression. I believe the study of astronomygave me a sense of space, and geology of time. Evolutionand heredity showed me the slow but steady processesof nature and man's climb upward. The great masterpieces of world literature and the epic stories of the OldTestament gave me a rich background for all subsequentreading. History as interpreted v by Professors Schevill,Shepardson, and McLaughlin gave me a point of viewto carry through the years, and the study of govern-Though Life Is Something(Continued from Page 9)these emotions and put the victim on a diet of Aristotleand Aquinas too rigorously.Today the land is full of isms, most of them imported.At the root of all of them is fear, fear of capital, fear ofthe people, fear of the machine. These fears came fromsick brains, not from well-rounded human beings. Weneed some of the bravery that is inculcated in athleticsand we don't need to pay to get it. All that our belovedUniversity need do is to let it be known to the youthof the country that this is no super-institution; that itwelcomes men who are outstanding in every field andthat here where the body too is respected they may findthat wealth of knowledge that makes the well roundedindividual. We need to be less smug, less satisfied witha secondary position. The curriculum is great but thespirit and the advertising are all directed towards thechildren with thick lenses and an inferiority complex.Read the record of Chicago and you will marvel at thephysical makeup of its great leaders. Need I mentionthe giants Chamberlin and Salisbury, Moulton who gotthrough Albion College by cutting corn in the fields ; thatMichelson served in the Navy ; that Compton is today ahandful, and so on? Let us forget that baleful mausoleum north of the campus and change our basic policy ment under Professor Merriam gave me an ideal of re-sponsibilty in citizenship to be put into everyday living.Knowing and studying under such women as Mrs. Flint,Miss Reynolds, Miss Breckinridge and Miss Wallacemade me realize that intellectual ability and charm couldgo hand in hand. Finally, growing to maturity in theliberal religious atmosphere of the University, countingCharles Gilkey friend as well as preacher, left no narrowcreed to be outgrown in later life but a lasting faith tocarry with me.When at times my job as housewife and mother hasseemed a little irksome, the children have been wont tosay, "If you just do the housework and take care of us,what good did it do you to go to college or be a Phi BetaKappa?" They will learn some day that material thingsor leisure to do as you please do not make for real happiness. I often find it in a Beethoven symphony, a walkat sunset over the snowy hills, or a quiet evening by thefire with the latest Atlantic. My zest for living is un-di mined and I love a romp in the park these sparklingwinter mornings with my four-year-old and his friends.This past year I have had a deep satisfaction in helpingto set up a school dental clinic, used by four neighboringcommunities as well as our own district, and initiating aprogram of educational and vocational guidance in ourhigh school.A year ago last June I saw my oldest son graduatemagna cum laude from Williams, his father's college,and my second son is a sophomore there this year. Myonly daughter entered the University in the fall to liveher college life in her mother's early environment andamong many of her old friends. May she find there nowan education that will give her the rich heritage that theUniversity has given me.on the Midway; soon the cheers again shall ring and thecold wind blow no more !The Campus Bystander(Continued from Page 12)be found to subsidization that it is hard to see how itcan be run on other than a profit and loss basis.The newsreel can be a valuable aid in rushing highschool seniors for the University and in furnishingalumni clubs a pictorial report of life on the Quadrangles.It is to be hoped that some method of keeping it a going venture may be found.STUDENT CO-OPJanuary 1 marked the beginning of another studententerprise when approximately 20 men students foundedand began the operation of a co-operative roominghouse. Located in an old apartment building and abovethe present Ellis eating co-operative, across from StaggField, the members already have a waiting list andappear headed for the high-road of success.Rooms in the co-operative are only $11 per monthand as soon as initial costs are written off, the rentwill be even lower. Located as it is above the eatingco-operative, it makes an ideal home for impecuniousstudents.IN MY OPINION• By FRED B. MILLETT, PhD'3 1 , Visiting Professor of English, Wesleyan UniversityAS I LOOK back over the years during which Ihave been collecting books, I am struck by theabsence of any very persistent purpose in mybook-buying and by the great influence that transientacademic circumstances have had upon the history ofmy acquisitions.As a student, I was unable to domore than purchase the indispensabletextbooks. In consequence, my"library" had its beginnings; in thegifts that came to me from friendsmore or less aware of my changingtastes. The period of personal acquisition began with my first academicappointment. My salary at Queen'swas diminutive, but since the price-level in Canadian bookshops was English rather than American, I beganimmediately to buy freely and irresponsibly the inexpensive reprints' ofnineteenth-century classics. Most ofthese decorous volumes of essays byCarlyle and Macaulay, Hazlitt and DeQuincey, were probably never opened,but the trim green, Hue, or red covers of the pre-warEveryman design made a rather impressive showing onmy modest bookshelves. I also recall garnering theearly stories and novels of H. G. Wells— at the moment,a most exciting "modern" writer — in some garish butlow-priced series. For years these Canadian purchaseshave been no part of my working library, but some daysoon, it will be amusing to re-discover them in the atticof the New England farmhouse where they are stored,to brush the dust of the past from them, and to allotthese enthusiastic but conventional purchases to chronologically appropriate places among my books.The years of graduate study and of teaching more andmore adventurous and exciting courses have left unmistakable traces on certain passages in my book-buyinglife. My devotion in graduate school to the study ofthe Renaissance was the beginning of the Elizabethan"wing" of my library. The opportunity at CarnegieTech to give courses in ancient and modern drama andin the history of the theater explains the free-handedacquisition of American, English, and European plays.As an undergraduate, I had already begun to preservetheater programs. This subsidiary dramatic collectiongrew at a great rate during my association with Carnegie Tech's Department of Drama, and is still increasing in size and value, in part through my own efforts,but more significantly through those of friends in London, New York, Chicago, and California.But it was my personal encounter with English bookshops in the summer of 1928 that marked the beginning of my systematic book-buying. George SherburnFRED B. MILLETThad already introduced me to the endless fascination ofreading booksellers' catalogues, and the experience ofactually seeing the old shops from which catalogueswere beginning to come to me and of doing my own exploring along crowded shelves initiated a passion forordering and receiving packets of books from Englandthat shows no signs of ever abating.The first fantastic result of this romantic adventure was the acquisitionfrom Dobell's of almost a hundredfirst-editions of eighteenth - centuryplays. The motives behind this preposterous purchase were not only thepossibility that I might soon be givinga course in the drama of the periodbut, more particularly, the awarenessof the facts that very little systematiccollecting was being done in this fieldand that, except for a half dozen plays— the only ones of which most stu-,dents of literature have ever heard —almost any first edition could be hadfor five shillings or for seven and six.I still remember my astonishmentwhen a clerk brought up from the depths of the shopgreat bundles of plays dust-stained but carefully alphabetized by author. I suggested that a checklist of thefirsts in the collection be sent me, and when it arrived,I ordered the whole list. As it turned out, I never gavethe course, and I have often toyed with the notion ofpresenting the plays en masse to some academic library.But either the accumulative impulse has proved toostrong or I have deemed it prudent to preserve a smallmonument to the folly of yielding to an irrational desireto make the best of a bibliophile's bargain.Since this initial plunge, my book-buying has gradually focussed on two fields, the Renaissance and contemporary British literature. Buying in the formerfield has been almost solely utilitarian, since first editions of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century works arepriced out of reach. In any case, if one is to feel thejoy of acquisition, buying must be in some sense non-utilitarian, must involve a dash of extravagance, andhave the aura of self-indulgence. In satisfying thesepsychic needs, buying modern English literature is proving the most efficient. Most books in this field, to besure, are easily available in one or another form, inAmerican reprints or ordinary trade editions. But firsteditions of forty or fifty contemporary British authorsare already being collected with some avidity, and thusthe zest of competition and bargain-hunting is added tothe joy of accumulation. I am not, I must confess, avery successful bargain-hunter. My only bargains havebeen made almost inadvertently, — a first of Dreiser'sThe Genius, for which I paid fifty cents, and the ValePress edition of Daphnis and Chloe which I got for a18THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 19dollar and which I was delighted to discover last soldat auction at two pounds ten.Now that I no longer teach contemporary British literature nine months of the year, I am buying less widelyand, I trust, more discriminatingly. I am trying to confine my purchases to four or five authors for whom Ihave a great personal enthusiasm and whom I rate veryhigh as artists — George Moore, D. H. Lawrence, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and T. S. Eliot — as distinguished a roster of modern English writers as, Ibelieve, could be assembled. My single American author is that private enthusiasm of mine, Kay Boyle. Ithink I have firsts of all her works, with the exceptionof the Black Sun edition of Wedding Day. And sometime I shall find it.Every book-collector has his special treasures, andmine, though few, are the more precious. In almostevery instance, these books are association copies, suchas Max Nordau's Degeneration, presented to EllenTerry by Lawrence Irving, a copy of Allan Monkhouse'sSons and Fathers with the Terry bookplate designed byGordon Craig, Osbert Sitwell's orange-covered satiricalpamphlet, The Winstonburg Line, inscribed by the author to Roger Fry, the signed edition of T. S. Eliot'sMarina, the 1919 Eliot Poems from Virginia Woolf'shand-press, and the Servire Press edition of Joyce'sThe Mime of Mick, Nick, and the Maggies, with decorations by his daughter Lucia. But the most preciousof my association books is Not I but the wind inscribedto me by Frieda Lawrence in appreciation of my enthusiasm for Lawrence as reported to her by a studentof mine, Frederic Fisher (A. M. '37). Fisher, whileworking on the iconography of Lawrence at Widener,was so fortunate as to meet and talk with Mrs. Lawrence. The results of this interview were not only thetransmission of the book to me along with a very circumstantial report of the encounter but his determination to present as a thesis a critical bibliography of Lawrence, — a resolve frustrated by his tragic death just before Thanksgiving, 1938.The most precious of my collector's treasures areitems associated with George Moore on whom I havefor years cherished the illusion that I should some daydo intensive work. Of these items, the most importantare five autograph letters presented to me by GeorgeSherburn, the one of my friends who has set me themost shining bibliophilic example. The letters are ofno great historical or literary significance, but they reflect clearly Moore's courtly friendships with variousnoble ladies. In their careful phrasing and their frequent emendations, they offer evidence of that verbalfastidiousness that makes Moore the most exquisitestylist among early twentieth-century writers. The most interesting passages in the letters are those containing evaluations of his own works. Thus, he describes In Single Strictness as "a book written to replace a very feeble work entitled Celibates/' and of Ulickand Soracha, he writes, "I am not sure the story isworth more than a minute of your consideration. I amstill waiting for the verdict — verdicts are not final, itis true, but till I learn that people are interested in a bookI dare not send it out." His comment on The Lake iseven more illuminating. It is, he says, "a book I likealmost as well as any I have written. I hope the storyhas faded from your memory, for I have told it betterin the new edition. It was a difficult story to writeand I did not extract the statue from the stone in thefirst edition." Perhaps the most appealing passage describes a motor trip across France with a noblewomanof his acquaintance, — "the delightful miles through thefair poplar lanes by the great brimming lake. Althoughmy thoughts were with you all the time, I remember theflock of jays that flew across the green plains at ourapproach, and your grim little village of huddled streetsis still vivid in my memory."The other item is a colored pen-and-ink sketch ofMoore made on the pale-green page of a notebook bythe English artist, A. G. Hartrick. A mention of it ina review of a retrospective art-show in the spring of1936 caught my eye and led me to seek out the exhibitin the Public Library at Fulham, I coveted this sketchof Moore immediately and secured the artist's address,but for more than a year I delayed attempting to acquire the sketch. Ultimately it came into my possession, along with two letters from the artist, describingthe circumstances in which it was made."This was done," Hartrick wrote, "immediately aftera visit to him in Ebury St. when I spent an afternoondiscussing the illustrating of Peronnik the Fool, a schemethat fell through as did an earlier one to illustrateEsther Waters. When I told Steer that the scheme wasoff, in his blunt .way he blurted out, 'Just as well. Heprobably would not have liked them when you had donethem.' A friend of mine who had never seen Moorebefore recognized him at the great French exhibitionof paintings at Burlington House some years ago fromthis caricature of mine in his later years with its bottleshoulders and expression of surprise at life as he viewedit."He was very vain and thought himself irresistibleby women ; though I fancy some reflections and querieswhich will be found in that most entertainingly indiscreet book by Gogarty called As I Walked Down Sack-ville Street reveal the other side. The legend on thedrawing I heard him utter."The utterance mentioned reads, "I've had thousandsof women."NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESUSING the University's twelve new starred menof science as the opportunistic peg for its story,the Alumni Committee on Information and Development has recently published a pamphlet gentlyboasting of Chicago's eminence in the academic world.The booklet, New Stars in the Scientific Firmament, tellsan impressive story: of the 46 starred men on the faculty; of the 123 Chicago Ph. D.'s who have attained thisdistinction; of the University's leadership in trainingprofessors for the nation, and of the high total of distinguished departments on the Midway.What the story does not relate is that these achievements don't just happen. Dr. Harper made the University great from the start because he brought greatmen here with him. That generation has departed; thesucceeding generation is thinning out, and yet the University not only has maintained its position, but improvedit in relation to the rest of the academic world. As President Hutchins pointed out in his report of last May, TheState of the University, the services of 81 full professorswere lost through retirement, death, or resignation in theperiod since July 1, 1929. Eight years of depressionmade maintenance of the University's position a difficult one because of reduced income.It takes constant vigilance, maneuvering, and planning— often long range — on the part of department heads,divisional deans, and the administration to maintain theUniversity's position. Even the strongest departmentmay be badly crippled almost overnight. Some otherinstitution may lure away a key man with offers ofbetter salary, better research facilities, or some otherworldly form of inducement to which even the most unworldly professor is not insensitive. 'Untimely death,as was the case of the accidental death of Henry Schultzlast November, may produce a gap that can not bequickly filled. Every business faces this problem, it istrue, but the problem of a university is more intensebecause the special skills are not always available.Running a good university has much in common fromthe importance of personnel with running a successfulbig league baseball team. The managers of both mustbe constantly alert to keep the relative strength of theorganization at the top. True, the usefulness of theacademic big leaguers is longer than it is in baseball.But in the Ivory Tower league, the management doesnot have full control as does the business managementof the Yankees. Nor does the academic managementhave the agreements in restraint of freedom of contractthat prevail in baseball. It can develop a star, but ashas already been implied, it can't make him stay put inthe face of an "offer." Nor can the university, forgood and sufficient reasons, ask waivers on a memberof its staff who loses his speed. It has to make the bestpossible judgment, often a guess far into the future,when it decides to make an appointment in the upper • By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20. JD '22ranks. It can't guess wrong too often, or there may bea heavy proportion of deadweight for the abler men ofthe faculty to carry.All of which is by way of a note to the alumni thatits Committee on Information and Development told agood story, but that there are some behind-the-sceneschapters that ought to be kept in mind by way of background. This book review is in some respects illustrated by the two recent appointments immediately tobe reported.COLWELL HEADS DIVINITYNew dean of the Divinity School is Dr. Ernest C.Colwell, professor and chairman of the department ofNew Testament. Dr. Charles W. Gilkey, dean of theUniversity Chapel, who retains that position, was appointed associate dean of the School. As chairman ofthe Divinity Conference, Dr. Colwell has been acting asdean of the Divinity School since Dr. Shirley JacksonCase retired last July.The Divinity School has two functions. As a professional school of the University it is concerned withscholarly research. As a professional school and becauseof its relationship to the Baptist Theological Union, ithas the obligation of serving the needs of organized religion, particularly in educating students who will beavailable for the ministry. It is because of this latterfunction that Dr. Gilkey has assumed the duties of associate dean. He will represent the Divinity School inits contacts with the religious leadership of the country.A well known figure to the alumni, and noted amongchurchmen everywhere as a preacher and authority onreligious problems of students, Dr. Gilkey is wellequipped for this additional task. He has been activelyassociated for twenty-five years with progressive developments in Baptist and inter-denominational organizations.Dr. Colwell is only 37 years old, but he has alreadyattained scholarly distinction because of his linguisticand manuscript studies of the New Testament. He isone of the many graduate students trained by EmeritusProfessor Edgar J. Goodspeed, the authority on thelanguage and sources, especially the manuscripts, of theNew Testament. Born in Hallstead, SusquehannaCounty, Pennsylvania, the son of a retired Methodistminister who still serves as a supply in the WyomingConference of New York, Dr. Colwell took degrees atEmory University, the Candler School of Theology °*Emory University, and received his Ph.D. at Chicagoin 1930. He taught English literature and Bible atEmory from 1924-28; following his graduate work hebecame assistant professor of New Testament. Marriedin 1925 to Miss Annette Carter of Decatur, Georgia*he has two children.His doctor's thesis, published as The Greek of WFourth Gospel, was concerned with the question whether20THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21the Gospel was Semitic in origin. Another study, Pro-logemena to the Study of the Lectionary Texts of theGospels, was the pioneer investigation of the medievalGreek manuscripts from which the lessons were read inthe churches. It established that all manuscripts of thisclassification had a common type of text. Another studyin this field, Monuments of Byzantine Music: Lection-aries, will be published shortly in collaboration with theDanish scholar, Carsten Hoeg, and Silva Lake, of theUniversity of Pennsylvania. With Associate ProfessorHarold Willoughby of the New Testament Department,Dr. Colwell has collaborated on two manuscripts, TheFour Gospels of Karahissar, and the Elizabeth DayMcCormick Apocalypse, establishing the text and writing the historical study.PRESCOTT APPOINTEDUnder its new, chairman, Ralph W. Tyler, the department of education is becoming more. and more interested in the process of learning, as contrasted with thetechniques of education. Latest step in this program isthe appointment of Daniel A. Prescott, the country'sleading authority on the relation of emotion to education, as professor of education. Dr. Prescott is theauthor of Emotion and the Educative Process, productof his four years as chairman of the Committee on Emotion and the Educative Process, American Council onEducation. At present professor of education at Rutgers University, Dr. Prescott will come to Chicago forthe summer quarter, and will teach two courses, Emotionand the Educative Process, and The Grozvth and Development of Adolescents. He will spend one quartera year in teaching, and the other three quarters on hiswork as head of the Division on Human Growth andDevelopment, the Commission on Teacher Education ofthe Council, which will be conducted from the quadrangles.The psychological approach to education is not new,but Dr. Prescott's attack is radically new and important. Previous study of education from a psychologicalstandpoint has tended to break .the study into separateelements, such as how a child learns to read or to spell.In his book, which created a great stir among educators,Dr. Prescott produced evidence to show how the emotions of the child affect everything he does, and howwhat is done in the schools affects the emotions. Dr.Prescott demonstrated conclusively enough the relationof emotions to learning; he emphasized the necessity ofpaying attention to the role of the emotions in the familyand the school. He believes that the emotions can betrained; that by so doing, education will produce children who are well balanced adults, rather than arrestedadglescents, despite the fact that today's kind of worldis all too conducive to emotional instability and abnormality.For the work of the Division on Human Growth andDevelopment, the American Council on Education hasappropriated $200,000. This division is part of theCouncil's teacher-training project. Dr. Prescott willassemble all the materials which have been made available through research on adolescents with reference totheir emotional, physical, and mental development, andthe relation of each of these elements to each other. No such central collection of materials now exists, althoughseparate studies on various aspects of the subject havebeen made at the University of California, Harvard Psychological Laboratory, by the Progressive Education Association, and at the University of Chicago.During the next three years, groups of from thirty toforty leading psychologists from .teacher-training institutions of the country will come to Chicago to becomeacquainted with this material, work it over into coursesfor their own use in the preparation of teachers, underthe guidance of Dr. Prescott and his staff. The twocourses which will be offered for the first time this summer are part of this program.Forty-one years old next month, Dr. Prescott studiedat Tufts College and Harvard University, receiving theMaster's and Doctor's degree from the latter institution.From 1923 until 1926 he was on the Harvard faculty,going to Europe in 1926 on a research appointment. Hetaught a year at the Rousseau Institute, Geneva, beforebecoming professor of education at Rutgers in 1928. Hiscareer at Rutgers was interrupted for the academic year,1931-32 by leave to act as research investigator for theGeneral Education Board, and again in 1937-38, whenhe was research associate of the Institute of Child Welfare and lecturer in the School of Education, Universityof California. From 1934-38 he was chairman, Committee on Emotion and the Educative Process, of theCouncil. In addition to Emotion and the EducativeProcess, he is the author of The Determination of Anatomical Age in School Children; Le Vocabulaire desEnfants et Les Livres de Lecture; Education and International Relations, and The Training of Teachers.BENES ADDRESSES ALUMNIThe University's most celebrated visiting professor,Dr. Eduard Benes, former president of Czechoslovakia,arrives on the Midway February 15. Under the CharlesR. Walgreen Foundation for the Study of American Institutions, he will give ten weekly lectures for studentsin Mandel Hall; a seminar for advanced students, threepublic lectures under the auspices of UniversityCollege, and will participate in the Norman Wait HarrisMemorial Foundation Institute for the study of international affairs, the week of July 6-14. For alumni andfriends of the University, he speaks February 17 in theCivic Opera House. Details of the three public lecturesfor University College have not been settled; alumniinterested may obtain the information by indicating theirinterest to the College.NEW SEMESTER CLASSA group of forty-seven mid-year high school graduates, selected from somewhat more than a hundredapplicants, constituted the first "semester" class of freshmen, which entered the University — except for a goodlynumber snowed in by the blizzard — on January 30. Bytaking two general courses specially scheduled for them,the freshmen will end in June with half an academicyear's work completed, and ready to fit into the regularschedule in the autumn. If they are very ambitious,they can add spring quarter courses which will putthem at least even with the majority of last autumn'sclass. The decision to institute the "semester" class22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcame late, but the response is regarded as satisfactory,with every prospect that next year will see a muchlarger group of midyear entrants.CHICAGO AND THE TIMESThe New York Times will publish a World's FairSupplement in its edition of Sunday, March 5. Devotedto the Fair's theme of "Building the World of Tomorrow," the supplement "will contain contributions of overa score of famous authorities in the principal fields ofman's activities." To be exact, there are twenty-fivecontributions by persons who ought to know, what theyare writing about. The point of what may strike thealumni as extraneous ballyhoo for an estimable publication will be apparent at once. Three of the twenty-fivecontributors are members of the University. There isonly one other academic author among the twenty-five.President Hutchins, writing on "Education for Life";Professor Arthur H. Compton, "The Promise of Science,"and Professor William F. Ogburn, "Molding a BetterSociety," are the University of Chicago contributors.Dean Virginia C. Gildersleeve, Barnard College, is theother university author, with an article on "The Womanof Tomorrow." (The University of Chicago has no deanof women.) This paragraph is submitted as a footnotefor the next edition of "New Stars in the ScientificFirmament."LEARNED SOCIETIESAt the December meetings of the learned societiesnumerous University of Chicago faculty members were elected to offices. A partial report: Professor JacobViner, president, American Economic Association; Professor Paul H. Douglas, one of the vice-presidents; representative on the Social Science Research Council, Professor Frank H. Knight. Associate professor of mathematics, A. Adrian Albert, an editor of the Bulletin ofthe American Mathematical Society; Dr. E. J. McShane,Chicago Ph.D., now at the University of Virginia, member of the council of the Society. Two Chicago doctorswere elected officers of the American Sociological So-iety; E. H. Sutherland, president, and Jesse Steiner,second vice-president. Professor Ogburn was electeddelegate to the Social Science Research Council.Associate Professor Bessie Pierce was elected to theexecutive council of the American Historical Association,for the third consecutive term. She also has been namedone of the advisory committee to supervise the permanent repository of President Roosevelt's public and private papers. Associate Professor Wilton M. Krogmanwras re-elected secretary of the anthropology section ofthe American Association for the Advancement ofScience, and appointed editor of the section on PhysicalAnthropology for Biological Abstracts. Dean of theSocial Sciences, Robert Redfield, was elected to the executive committee of the American Anthropological Association. Dr. Fay-Cooper Cole was elected representative from the Anthropological Association to the National Research Council; he also was elected to the executive committee of the Laboratory of Anthropology.IT'S DIFFICULT TO DESCRIBE FLAVORand especially of Swift's Premium HamNo matter how complete your vocabulary, you'll find it most difficult to describe the distinctive flavor ofSwift's Premium Ham. Ordinary adjectives seem inadequate. When we tell you that it is delicious,delightful, tantalizing, tasty, etc., we still have not described the famous flavor which has made Swift'sPremium Ham the favorite of the discriminating hostess for years. We suggest that you try it yourself — then you'll see what we mean.And when you do try Swift's Premium Ham, you'll find it"tender as spring chicken." Yet it has a firmness of texture which makes slicing easy.Order a Swift's Premium Ham from your dealer todayand enjoy this taste thrill.SWIFT'SPREMIUM HAMThis ham has a blue ovaldesign and has to becooked. The Quick Serve Stylehas a red oval design."Just reheat or slice itcold."ATHLETICS• By DON MORRIS, '36THE SCORE BOARDBasketballChicago, 28; Loyola, 35Chicago, 41 ; Yale, 32Chicago, 28; Minnesota, 38Chicago, 28; Wisconsin, 18Chicago, 33; Illinois, 43Chicago, 19 ; Iowa, 29SwimmingChicago, 60; Armour, 15Chicago, 56; George Williams, 10Chicago, 34; Northwestern, 50WrestlingChicago, 73; Morton Jr., 0Chicago, 5; Wheaton, 29Chicago, 2\y2 ; 111. Western Teachers, 9]/2Chicago, 21 ; Morton Jr., 15Chicago, 27; Illinois Normal, 13Chicago, 15; Northwestern, 21A REASON ABLY accurate adding machine reveals that Chicago's basketball team is faringmuch better than last year's five, in a hodge-podgy Big Ten campaign in which every school lostat least one of its first four games.BROTHER ACTEven a rather near-sighted person, furthermore, mightdiscern that a generous share of the responsibility forthe improvement rests with two economics students bythe name of Murphy.Besides attending the same classes in Cobb Hall,Haskell Hall, and the Social Science Research Building,and besides eating lunch at the same fraternity house(DKE), the young men are twins.Last spring William and Chester Murphy won theBig Ten tennis doubles championship; this winter theyare both wearing knee-pads on Coach Norgren's basketball team.In Chicago's first four conference games the Murphytwins scored fifteen points each. They use the same styleof play, which along with their similarity of appearanceis confusing even to teammates. One player was astonished after the Minnesota game to learn that Bill, notChet, had started at guard, though he had played alongside him through most of the game.As a matter of fact, Chet Murphy is two inches tallerthan Bill and three or four pounds heavier. Yancey T.Blade, inveterate Maroon,' follower, thinks thatj Chetlooks a year or two younger, too, but Blade occasionallyerrs.UNHAMSTRUNG POTTEROf course frequent basket-potting on the part of Richard Lounsbury has come to be expected in Maroon contests, and the former Whittier grade school (Oak Park,111.) and St. John's Military Academy (Delafield, Wis.)player seldom disappoints, despite the fact that oppo nents plan their defense with an eye to hamstringing him.Lounsbury has accounted for 111 points so far thisseason, 28 of them in the four Big Ten games.Documentary evidence of the improvement of JoeStampf, lofty sophomore forward, lies in the fact thathis season total, again according to the well-nigh infallible adding machine, is 86 points, but in the recent BigTen contests his accumulation is only two points lessthan Lounsbury's.In any case the facts about the improved Chicagoteam, which to date has won six and lost six games, are :after twelve games last season the Maroon tally sheetshowed only four less points scored by Chicago thanthis year's, but opponents had scored 74 more againstChicago.In the Big Ten last year Chicago was 72 pointsbehind the opposition after the first four games; thisyear the margin is 20.AQUATICS CLICKSAfter the Wisconsin basketball game it took Chicagojust twelve days, in which three conference events wereenacted, to win another Big Ten contest.Although, as Augustine wisely pointed out, it is wellto be chary of counting chickens before they are in thepot, the Maroon water polo team probably clinched theBig Ten title when it waded through Northwestern inthe Bartlett tank 9-7.The game went into overtime, and the tankmen had tothrow the wildcats a bone — the accompanying swimmingmeet, in order to win it. However, the latter meet wasonly a preliminary to the Big Ten meet in March, whilethe water polo meeting was the only clash of its kindbetween the two institutions this season.Last year Chicago and Northwestern, after eliminating all other competition, tied for the conference championship by dividing a pair of home-and-home games.This year, with essentially the same personnel, only onewras on the docket.In the swimming meet Ralph McCollum, in the sprint ;Bob Stein, in the back stroke; and Jim Anderson, inthe breast stroke, won firsts. Three sophomores — JerryMarkoff, Louis French, and Dick Bovbjerg — indicatedtheir potentialities by snatching third-place points.BALLAST OUTPOINTEDMeanwhile Coach Spyros Vorres' wrestling team, withonly one major letterman on hand, lost creditably toNorthwestern to open its conference season.The letterman, Ed Valorz, who is also a three-letterman in football ; Willis Littleford, a newcomer to wrestling although he was a sophomore standout on the football team ; and Colin Thomas, a minor letterman, allwon falls. Northwestern also won three falls, againstinexperienced men, and took the other two matches bydecisions.2324 THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINESCHOOLS & CAMPSBOY'S SCHOOLSHEBRON ACADEMYThorough college preparation for boys at moderatecost. 79 Hebron boys freshmen in college thisyear. Write for booklet and circulars. Ralph L.Hunt, Box G, Hebron, Me.WILLISTON ACADEMYUnusual educational opportunities at modest cost.Over 150 graduates in 40 colleges. New recreational center, gym, pool. Separate Junior School.A. V. Galbraith, Box 3, Easthampton, Mass.BOY'S C A IM P~SCAMP CARSON *Hiking, swimming, boxing, rowing in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mts. in a plain, good oldfashioned camp to build outstanding American boys,8-18. Eight happy weeks, $125.00. Forty miles fromHarrisburg. Catalog. Box G, New Bloomfield, Pa.For further information write directly to aboveschools or camps or to the Graduate Group Educational Bureau, 30 Rockefeller Pl., New York, N.Y.LINGUAPHONE:THE MODERN WAYTO LEARN A NEW,LANGUAGEIn your own home ... quickly, easilyand pleasantly First you LISTEN...then you SPEAK French, German,Spanish, Italian or any of 23 Languages.Send for FREE book.LINGUAPHONE INSTITUTE34 R. C. A. Building • Now York NEWS OF THE CLASSESBOTANY LUNCHEONSeventy-one Chicago BotanyAlumni met at lunch for theireighteenth annual reunion at theCommonwealth Club, Richmond,Virginia, on Thursday, December29, 1938. Frank P. Cullinan,Ph D '31, senior pomologist, U.S. Department of Agriculture,Beltsville, Md., presided andgreeted the alumni. ProfessorsBeal and Shull told of the conditions within the Department atChicago, and Professors EmeritusFuller and Chamberlain alsospoke briefly. Doctors Vothand Hamner described some oftheir recent investigations. Theformer spent the past summer atthe biological station on BarroColorado, Canal Zone, studyingthe epiphytic bryophytes of therain forest and the latter has beeninvestigating the photoperiodismof the cocklebur. Some of Dr.Hamner's results appeared in theBotanical Gazette for December,1938.Joseph H. Gourley, Ph D '31,chairman of the Department ofHorticulture, Ohio State University, was elected president of theAlumni for 1939. A social half-hour ended a very enjoyablemeeting. 1894Edward L. Burchard is executivesecretary of Chicago's Recreation Commission.1895An appreciation of the Rev. EdwardScribner Ames, PhD'95, minister of theUniversity Church of Disciples in Chicago and professor emeritus at the University of Chicago, written by his son,(Van Meter Ames, '19, PhD'24,^ appeared in a recent issue of the DisciplesChurch publication, the Christian-Evangelist.1896Horace R. Dougherty practices law;in Seattle, Wash.Carr B. Neel has been living in PaloAlto and acting as consulting engineerin mining on the coast. He was in Russia from 1930-32 as consultant in non-ferrous metallury for the U.S.S.R.1897The latest news in the household ofJoel Franklin Wood, DB, is the arrival of the first grandson, David Martin Smith, on December 4, 1938. Thebaby is the son of Joel's only daughter,Lois J. Smith. Joel is now living inClifton, Arizona.1900E. R. Breslich, PhD'26, of the University faculty, is the author of a newseries of books on high-school mathematics, the special aim of which is toestablish clear understandings of the basic concepts of mathematics. The firstvolume Excursion in Mathematics, dealing largely with geometry, was published in March. The second volume,The Language of Algebra, went to pressin January. These, books are publishedby the Orthovis Company in Chicago.Charles Byron Williams,, R.F.D.No. 1, Ontario, Calif., lists his occupation as rancher.1904Orville Atwood, former secretary ofstate in Michigan, has been appointedhead of the Michigan State Board ofTax Administration.Colonel William R. Blair, 50 WestFront Street, Red Bank, N. J., retiredfrorn active service in the Army thelast of October.Benjamin F. Condray, PhM, ofArkadelphia, Ark., is now retired. Helost his son Benjamin, Jr., AM'23, inDecember, 1937. His other son, William, AM'23, has a daughter Margaret who will be a year old onMarch 5.Edward C. Eicher, Iowa Congressman, was recently appointed to the Securities and Exchange Commission.1908Bookplates and collecting books onMichigan for her summer cottage atMacatawa, Mich., are Mary B. Day's hobbies. She has been librarian at theChicago Museum of Science and Industry for the last nine years.Frank Moses Dryzer, AM, works inthe U. S. Patent Office, WashingtonD. C.Geneva Swinford English (Mrs.William L.) of Springfield, Mo., whorecently won second prize on ProfessorQuiz's program by proving him wrong,reports that her husband has been mademanager of the new truck and bus system which the Frisco R. R. is starting.Her youngest child Gene, who marriedJane C. Holbrook on December 27, is aradio engineer and was recently transferred from New York to Hollywood.Paul V. Harper is a member of thelaw firm of Siley, McPherson, Austinand Burgess, Chicago.Wellington D. Jones' family stillconsists of a wife and three children andhis work continues to be at the University in the Department of Geography.1909Viola A. Steele Hodge (Mrs. FrankM.) lives at 3201 West 78 Place, LosAngeles, Calif., where she teaches in theelementary school.Dean M. Kennedy is still living at717 Foothill Road, Beverly Hills, California, and is with the investment firmof Dean Witter & Company, Los Angeles.James P. Pope, LLB, former senatorfrom Idaho, has been appointed a member of the TVA board by PresidentRoosevelt.William C. Reavis, AM' 12, PhD'25,and his wife went abroad in the falland visited England, Scotland, France,Switzerland and Italy. Professor Reavis is collaborating with Leonard V.Koos, also a member of the University'seducation department, and two others inthe preparation of a textbook in secondary-school administration.1910J. J. Pegues has been with the GoesLithography Company ever since graduation and has continued to live in theshadow of the University, which is literally true, since his home is directlyacross from the field house at 5541 University Avenue.Orville A. Petty has been directorof research of a Movement for WorldChristianity since 1934. He also lectures on homiletics a£ Yale.1911Paul Gardner is with the Pearl Assurance Company in New York City,specializing in wholesale and largerisks.Alfred H. Straube resides in Chicago and engages in business and financial reorganizations for a special groupof clients.1912Raymond J. Daly is with Abbott,Proctor & Paine, Chicago, and residesin Evanston.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25Austin Menaul reports that hisson, Dick, 13, is crazy about everything athletic and spends part of hisspare time blowing a French horn. Hehas a daughter, Margery. Austin continues his association with the OmahaPacking Co., of Chicago, a subsidiaryof Swift and Co.William Arthur Shelton, AM, isan economist in the U. S. Departmentof Agriculture.Caroline I. Townsend, of Visalia,California, is supervisor of education inTulare County.Arthur Vollmer, retired U. S.Army major, is now living in Port Angeles, Washington, but plans to move toBlyn, Washington, later in the year.1913Donald L. Breed still publishes theJournal-Standard in Freeport, Illinois.Young Donald is now four years oldand has a sister fifteen. Summersusually find the Breeds vacationing atRoaring Brook, Michigan.Frank E. Brown, PhD'18, of IowaState, is chairman elect of the local section officers group of the AmericanChemical society to be chairman in1940. His twin boys are both workingfor General Electric, Frank Jr., is inthe treasurer's office of the Bridgeport(Conn.) plant, and Holmes is in theadvertising department at Schenectady,N. Y. Holmes was married in September.Essie Chamberlain, AM'24, 427North Grove Avenue, Oak Park, 111., ispresident of the National Council ofTeachers of English.1914Since his retirement from teachingin the Chicago High Schools, Franklin C. Jacoby and his wife have beenliving at 8924 Rosewood, Los Angeles,Calif.Reno R. Reeve, JD'16, continuespracticing law as a member of the firmof Martin and Reeve in Sioux City,Iowa. Actively interested in Boy Scoutand Parent-Teacher Association work(he has two sons and four daughters),he is serving his second year as chairman of the Cedar Falls Boy ScoutBoard.1915Frederick M. Byerly is in the investment business as a member of thefirm of Talcott Potter and Company,Chicago. He has two daughters, Rox-ana and Ruth Prince, and one son,Frederick Nathan. Their ages are fifteen, eleven and seventeen, respectively.George S. Lyman is art director forthe firm of Roche, Williams & Cun-nyngham, Inc., and lives in HighlandPark. The family includes George Jr.,18, and Louise Mary, 16.After taking the North Cape cruiseof the Holland-American Line this lastsummer and visiting nine countries,Charles H. Maxson, PhD, writes thathe has concluded that our country mightfind helpful guidance in the solution ofits problems by studying the measuressuccessfully adopted in the Scandinavian countries and in Holland. Maxsonis spending the winter at DaytonaBeach, Fla. 1916The second week Eunice SchofieldKelley's book Baby's Health ThroughNatural Laws was out it sold into thesecond hundred and brought many favorable comments from mothers andfathers. Eunice and her husband, E. T.Kelley, who is manager and owner ofthe Kelley Lumber Company, with their9-year old daughter, Karol Lorraine,live at 3008 San Felipe Road, Houston,Texas.In a recent communication, SamuelE. Ragland of Bowling Green, Kentucky, mentions his three children.Charles took an A.B. from WesternKentucky Teachers College in June1936 and entered West Point MilitaryAcademy in June 1937. Lillian graduates from College High in May andWilliam is in fifth grade.Leona E. Ruppel, 821 Boone St.,Webster City, Iowa, lends a helpinghand to the local missionary and philan^thropic organizations. Her hobby iscollecting miniatures.1917Lloyd V. Ballard is head of the department of economics and sociology atBeloit College.Melvin L. Groves is a Chicago postoffice clerk.Harold P. Huls, JD'21, city attorneyof Pasadena, writes that he leads anormally active life, except that insteadof playing golf his wife and he are content to make use of their boat at LakeArrowhead in the San BernardinoMountains.Charles F. Mayer, Dallas attorney,is writing two columns — "Hoodoo, Voodoo, and Bugaboo" and "For Love orMoney" which are now being syndicated to thirty daily newspapers.Harry A. McDonald's business isinvestment banking and he is presidentof the firm of McDonald, Moore &Hayes of Detroit.Angela Moulton Wilkins (Mrs.David W.) writes from 75 WilloughbyRoad, Fanwood, New Jersey.1918Professor A. J. Brumbaugh, AM,PhD'29, acting dean of the College forthe past three years, has recently beenappointed dean. During the autumnquarter he made a trip abroad to studygeneral education in foreign countries,especially in England. Unfortunatelythe disorganized condition of the schoolsresulting from the international crisismade it impracticable for him to continue with the study, and he was forcedto return much earlier than he had anticipated. He hopes, however, to return to England in the near future tocomplete the work begun this year. Appointed secretary of the Commission onInstitutions of Higher Education of theNorth Central Association of Collegesand Secondary Schools last spring,Dean Brumbaugh has also been appointed a member of the Board ofTrustees of Frances Shimer Junior College.Ethel Maloney Locke was recently CHICAGO ft NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYSAN FRANCI5CWORLDS FAI""•SImHVWGo this quickest, most scenicway, via the Historic OverlandRoute (C. &N.W.-U. P.-So. Pac). Ride inluxurious comfort on world famous trains.En route to San Francisco visit the West'smost enthralling wonderlands. Widechoice of routes with option of going oneway, returning another. Low fares. Liberalstopover privileges.PACIFIC COAST?!? 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Rushmore Memorial.Round trip from Chicago in •_- ._Coaches, only ....... *Z0.45SUN VALLEY, IDAHO »«•••-•»;the edge of America's "Last Wilderness."Round trip from Chicago as ._. __low as *54.90CANADIAN R0CKIESrvBnn^eE^e,to or from the Pacific Coast, «.-_ __only '65.00Al flSKA- Land of the Midnight Sun.nbfitfnn Round trip from Seattle to_ AAas low as *8/.00NORTH WOODS &Vscoa$&> upper¦iwn.ii .awwarw Michigan, Minnesota—Forest playground of the Middle West.Round trip in coaches from j^ __Chicago as low as *9.oDAsk About North Western EscortedAll-Expense Toursr— MAIL THIS COUPON——- 1R. THOMSON, Passenger Traffic ManagerChicago & North Western Ry. IDept. 39—400 W. Madison St, Chicago, 111. ¦Please send information about a trip to IIName. . .......... IAddress |? Also all-expense toursN CHICAGO LllftouJU 4tke400.Tlu.Sl RAILWAY:Jt4 u*ij TivtCJha26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEYour whole life throughShorthand will be useful to you.LearnGREGGthe world's fastest shorthand.BUSINESSDIRECTORYAMBULANCE SERVICEBOYDSTON BROS*All phones OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.PACKARD AND LASALLE EQUIPMENTASBESTOSPIONEERING IN THEDEVELOPMENT OF INSULATIONMATERIALS FOR THE CONTROLOF HEAT-LOSS SINCE 1873KEASBEY & MATTISON COMPANY140 So. Dearborn St. Ran. 6951AWNINGSPhones Oakland 0690—0691—0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.,INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueBOILER REPAIRINGBEST BOILER REPAIR &WELDING CO.BOILER REPAIRING AND WELDING24 HOUR SERVICE1408 S. Western Ave. TeL Canal 6071DREXEL 6400 NIGHT PHONEOAKLAND 3929HAVEFEWER BOILER REPAIRSMFG. OF FEWER'S SUBMERGED WATERHEATERS4317 Cottage Grove Ave., ChicageEstablished 1895 appointed dean of girls at the Eufaula(Okla.) High School.Robert Brown McKnight is an executive with General Motors, 1775Broadway, New York City.Servaas H. Rossouw, AM, is minister of the Dutch Reformed Church inSwellendam C. P., Union of SouthAfrica.1919Marian Llewellyn Erley, 1346Madison Park, Chicago, says that herhobby is "a summer home at Lake Geneva where I struggle with a croquetlawn which has successfully defied theefforts of my husband and myself forfour years now to grow grass. We arestill fighting. I also still like swimming/'Mrs. Erley is president of the KenwoodP.T.A.Charles C. Greene is vice presidentof Critchfield and Company, advertising-agency, Chicago.Clara L. Hays, AM, is teachingEnglish at the New Town High School,Elmhurst, Long Island.Mary Ellen Icke is supervisor ofintermediate grades in Cedar Rapids,Ia.Flora Bewersdorf Laug (Mrs. Ing-var) teaches at the Mayfair Branch ofRoosevelt High, Chicago.Sumner G. Veazey, secretary to A.G. Cox, retired, who was Mr, Wrigley'spartner in founding the Wrigley Company, spends his winters in Californiaat Pasadena and summers at LakeGeneva,1920Harold R. Clark of the Allied Barrel Corporation of Oil City, Pennsylvania, reports: "Everything under control."George Bryant Drake, AM, is pastor of the First Congregational Churchin Rapid City, South Dakota.Colville C. Jackson of Wilson andCompany, New York City, says he hasone boy who should be in the Class of'51.Hamer H. Jamieson lives at 15246Friends Street, Pacific Palisades, andcarries on his patent law practice fromhis office at 621 South Spring St., LosAngeles.Herman Kurz, SM'21, PhD'22, amember of the faculty at the FloridaState College for Women, recently married Myrtis Tureman.Formerly with the Railroad Retirement Board, E. B. Mittelman, PhD, isnow in the Wage and Hour Divisionof the U. S. Department of Labor.William A. Phillip's title is areadirector of evangelism for the Montana,Idaho, Utah and Nevada Baptist Conventions.Merritt W. Parkinson is employedby the Hoover Company, North Canton,Ohio.We recently learned of the marriageof F. H. Woick to Anne O'Loughlinof Chicago on April 16, 1938. He is assistant to che president of Riss & Company, Inc., transportation, St. Louis,Mo. SOCIOLOGISTS MEETA breakfast was held Friday,December 30, in the NormandieRoom of the Book-Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, at the time of theannual meeting of the AmericanSociological Society.A partial list of those presentfollows: Edward A. Shils, University of Chicago; Felix E.Moore, Jr., University of Chicago; Paul F. Cressey, Wheaton College; Mary Schauffler,Western Reserve University;James O. Babcock, Farm Security Administration; J. C. Ellickson, Agriculture Adjustment Administration; C. C. Van Vech-ten, Wayne University; H. J.Locke, Indiana University; Rollin D. Hemens, University ofChicago Press; Doris Force,University of Chicago Press;Gladys R. Walker, Universityof Pittsburgh; H. Warren Dunham, University of Chicago; S.C. Kincheloe, Chicago Theological Seminary; Marion R.Schafer, College of PugetSound; Marshall B. Clinard,University of Iowa; Norton Oy-ler, Agricultural ExperimentStation, Lexington, Kentucky ;S. A. Stouffer, University ofChicago; F. F. Stephan, American Statistical Association; R.Clyde White, University of Chicago; M. Wesley Roper, KansasState Teachers College; Theodore K. Noss, Purdue University; P. M. Hauser, CensusBureau; Louis Wirth, University of Chicago; Leland DeVin-ney, University of Chicago ; Ernest Manheim, University ofKansas City; J. D. Ketchum,University of Toronto; HerbertGoldhamer, Stanford University; Forrest LaViolette, University of Washington ; ClarenceSchettler, Western ReserveUniversity ; Donald Pierson,Fisk University; E. FranklinFrazier, Howard University ;Gertrude R. Gardiner, ChicagoPublic Schools ; Albert Blumen-thal, Marietta College; Ellsworth Faris, University of Chicago; H. O. deGraff, Universityof Akron; Everett C. Hughes,University of Chicago; RobertE. L. Faris, McGill University;Hubert Bonner, University ofChicago; A. V. Wood, Universityof Toledo; Linden S. Dodson,University of Maryland; ErnestH. Shideler, Farm Security Administration ; Charles J. Bushnell, University of Toledo;Clark W. Cell, Winnetka Public Schools; and Horace Miner,Wayne University.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 271921Charles H. Butler, AM'22, is aninstructor in math at Western StateTeachers College, Kalamazoo, Mich.Herman D. Carus is secretary ofMatthiessen and Hegeler Zinc Company, LaSalle, 111.Warren Cavins is manager of theDetroit Kresge store at 13933 Woodward Avenue.Katherine Sisson Jensen (Mrs.John P.) Hyde Park High teacher, tookher master's degree in French at theUniversity of Chicago last August.After a year's leave of absence spentin New York, Hannah Logasa is backin the University Laboratory SchoolsLibrary.Harold E. Nicely of the Brick Presbyterian Church of Rochester, NewYork, spoke at the Rockefeller Chapelhere at the University on Sunday, January 22.1922A South Side physician is Dr.Franklin W. Blye, who has his officeat 1459 East 53rd Street, Chicago.Leona Fay Briggs, 1450 East 71stPlace, Chicago, is secretary of theWoman's Concert Ensemble.Charles Calkins, AM'22, is now assistant secretary of the Board of Pensions and Relief of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago.Morgan L. Combs, AM, is presidentof Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Va.Sadie Combs, AM, was married November 15, 1937, to Dr. C. S. Krause,Cedar Rapids surgeon. Their addressis 504 Vernon Drive, Cedar Rapids,Iowa.Cecil R. Dean of Washington, D. C,has been director, of the Buhl LandCompany for the last two years.Mattie M. Dykes, AM, is now backat Northwest Missouri State TeachersCollege after spending last year in studyat the University of Chicago1. Her hobbies are art, music and writing poetry.She is president of the local A.A.U.W.and treasurer of the A.A.U.P.Milton H. Sachsel practices law inChicago. He can be found during business hours at 77 West Washington St.1923W. A. Bennett, AM^ PhD'26, ofDuke University, is president of theAmerican Educational Research Association this year.Elbridge C. Brodie, AM, is professor of English at North Texas StateTeachers College.Milton S. Cushman is professor ofhistory at Concord State Teachers College at Athens, West Virginia, andgovernor of West Virginia Province ofPi Gamma Mu.George H. Hartman is the president°f George H. Hartman Company, aChicago advertising agency. He andMrs. Hartman (Martha Smart, '23)have two children, George J. "Buddy,"ten years old, and Susanne, seven yearsof age. They live at 932 Lincoln Avenue, Highland Park, with the exceptionof the two summer months, when their address is Happy Daze, White Lake,Michigan.Franklin D. Scott, AM'29, has ayoung daughter Mary Karin who celebrated her first birthday last August.Scott is on the history faculty at Northwestern.Gertrude K. Sutton is principal ofthe Hamilton School, Minneapolis.Dott Earl Zook's (PhD'30) son entered the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis last July.1924William A. Askew is minister ofFirst Christian Church of Benton, 111.,in his fifth year with recent call to continue indefinitely. On the Christian Education Commission of the Disciples ofChrist in Illinois, he is also secretaryof the Southern Illinois District Convention of the Illinois Christian Missionary Society and a member of itsboard, and president of the Benton Ministerial Association. Music, fishing, andtraveling in the U. S. round out his activities.John Austin Hall, JD., lawyer, isconnected with the Department of Justice, Chicago.Raymond A. Hemingson is salesmanager of the Davey Tree ExpertCompany of New Haven, Conn.Katherine Howell teaches at Am-bridge School, Gary, Ind.Floyd M. Pfiffner manages the S.S. Kresge store at 9615 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit.Bester P. Price is still in the realestate loan business acting as mortgageloan correspondent for a life insurancecompany and is living in HubbardWoods.Florence E. Richards (Mrs. FrankJ.) is a librarian at the Chicago LawnLibrary.A new Congresswoman is JessieSumner, who has been county judge inIllinois.1925Howard S. Ballantyne is assistantmanager of the claim department of theContinental Casualty Co., New YorkCity.Mrs. Floyd Bombard (Jessie E.Goodsell) is living at 1305 SouthNinth Street, Terre Haute, Ind.Mildred Creek writes from Jefferson City, Missouri, where she teachesin the high school.Mary E. Hamilton, AM, of NorthHigh School, Omaha, is debate coachthere.Donald S. Irwin, JD'27, active headof the firm of Park and Irwin, Los Angeles, is engaged in general civil practice with as little participation as possible in domestic disputes and entanglements with the penal statutes. He hasone son, Donald Stephen, three yearsof age, and one daughter, Sherrill Virginia Irwin, one year old.Ruth Steininger, kindergartenteacher, lives at 600 East Iron, Salina,Kansas.Theodore R. Ray of Atlanta,Georgia, is southern manager of theWorld Book Company. BOOK BINDERSw. B. CONKEY COMPANYHammond, IndianaPrinters and BindersofBooks and CatalogsSales OfficesCHICAGO NEW YORKBOOKSof All PublishersThe Largest and Most Complete Stock andall New Books Received as soon as published. Come in and browse.SPEARMAN'S(Chicago Medical Book Co.)Congress and Honore StreetsOne Block from Rush Medical CollegeCATERERJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900— 090 1Retail Deliveries Daily and SundaysQualify and Service Since 1882CEMENT CONTRACTORST. A. REHNQUIST CO.CEMENT SIDEWALKSCONCRETE FLOORSTelephoneBEVERLY 0890FOR AN ESTIMATE ANYWHERECHEMICAL ENGINEERSAlbert K. Epstein, M2B. R. Harris, '2 1Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6COALEASTMAN COAL CO.Established 1 9027 YARDSALL OVER TOWNMAIN OFFICE252 West 69th StreetTelephone Wentworth 32 1 5Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620- 1 -2-3-4Wesson's Coal Makes Good — or—Wasson Does28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECOFFEE -TEALa Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State 1350Boston— New York — Philadelphia— SyracuseELECTRICAL CONTRACTORSWM. FECHT ELECTRIC CO.CONTRACTORS - ENGINEERSLIGHT & POWER WIRING600W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneSeeley 2788MEADE ELECTRICCOMPANY, INC.ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORSWIRING FOR LIGHT & POWER3252Franklin Blvd. TelephoneKedrie 5070ENGRAVERSFENCESANCHOR POST FENCE CO.Ornamental Iron — Chain Link —Rustic WoodFences for Campus, Tennis Court,Estate, Suburban Home or Industrial Plant.Free Advisory Service and EstimatesFurnished333 N. Michigan Ave.Telephone STAte 5812FLOWERSPhones1364 Q CHICAGOEstablished 186SFLOWERSPlaza 6444, 6445East 53rd Street Ruth E. Wentworth, secretary toDean^ Harvey at the University, isspending six weeks in Hawaii.Helen Sisson Yingling (Mrs. Lawrence) is fashion director of Saks FifthAvenue, Chicago.1 926Genevieve T. Arrington, AM, is asupervisor with the home relief divisionof the Department of Welfare, NewYork City.George A. Bates has been engaged inthe business of investment managementsince 1929. Office location-— the FieldBuilding, Chicago. He married Constance White of Chicago on December27, 1937. As for pastimes, photographyand golf are his primary interests buthe indulges in other indoor and outdoor sports and pastimes from dancingto pistol shooting, soft shoe and 45-calibre Colt automatic preferred.Ralph S. Boggs, PhD'30, who isprofessor of Spanish at the Universityof North Carolina and an authority onSpanish, South American, and Mexicanfolklore, was a prominent participant inthe Institute of "Hispanic- American Students held at the University of Miamiin Florida during January. The purpose of the Institute was to interpretthe historical evolution and contemporary life and problems of HispanicAmerica.Anna G. Butler is head of the department of English at the Jackson(Tenn.) H. S.Marcus G. Gerike, AM, is pastor ofthe Lutheran Church in Casper, Wyoming.1928Taylor R. Alexander, SM, is agraduate assistant at the University ofMaryland and a cooperative agent forthe Soil Conservation Service.Paul C. Matthews, JD, who ispracticing law independently, startedout in general practice and has becomemore or less specialized by his clientsin corporation work, particularly municipal. His office is in the Field Building,135 South LaSalle. Having run throughmost all outdoor hobbies — fishing, outdoor cooking, camping and boating, heis now concentrating on photography.John J. McDonough has beenelected assistant cashier at the HarrisTrust and Savings Bank.Helen Williamson's (AM'32)"year around" school for children from3 to 7 is located at 2409 East 73rdStreet, Chicago, where she also tutorschildren of elementary school age.1929Emor H. Abbott is a salesman forGentry Printing Company of Chicago.Robert Todd McKinlay, JD'32, announces the removal of his law officesto Suite 1376, 38 South Dearborn Street,Chicago.Glen H. Morey, SM'30, PhD'32, reports his occupation as research chemist with the Commercial Solvents Corporation of Terre Haute, Ind.1930W. Edward M. Caldwell, AM, who is head of the department of history atBlackburn College, was formerly atPolytechnic Institute in Puerto Rico.Mike K. Copass, JD, is associatedwith the law firm of Weter, Robertsand Shefelman in Seattle.Mrs. Reginald H. Helfferich of Bath,Pa., was the former Virginia Merritt'Grace A. Klein of Villa Park isplacement director for Albert Teachers'Agency, Chicago.Paul A. Lange, AM'33, is workingwith Professor Nelson B. HenryPhD'23, of the University on a study oftextbooks used in city school systems.Leo Rosten, PhD'37, author of TheEducation of Hyman Kaplan and Washington Correspondents, has undertakena study of the motion picture industryand the community of motion picturemakers. Working with him on this project, which he describes as a "Middle-town of Hollywood," are Philip E. Keller, assistant professor of sociology atStanford, and Ruth A. Inglis, formerfellow at Bryn Mawr College. The advisory board consists of Robert andHelen Lynd, authors of Middle town;Herbert Blumer and Louis Wirth, associate professors of sociology at the University, and Harold Lasswell, formerlyat the University.Lillian H. Schachat, high schoolteacher, resides at 175 West 188thStreet, New York City.1931Keith C. Bowers advises us that hehas been transferred from the St. Louisoffice to open one as resident representative for Revere Copper and Brass Company in Kansas City. His address thereis 325 Ward Parkway.The opening session of the KansasState Legislature in January found EarlC. Moore, JD, reporting as a new member. He was elected from the 67th District in Wichita, which went Republicanfor the first time in years, and is looking forward to a very interesting timein Topeka.M. R. Stephan is principal of theElgin (111.) High School.Errett Van Nice of the HarrisTrust and Savings Bank was recentlyelected assistant cashier.1932Arthur E. Arnesen, AM, of SaltLake City, is supervisor of curriculumand research. He has two children, ason, Bryce, who is almost six yearsold, and a daughter, Artelle, a year old.Arthur O. Borg is boy's work secretary at the Des Moines Y. M. C. A.Marlys Henning Coelln (Mrs-Otto H.) is a supervisor, Chicago ReliefAdministration, Travelers Aid. Herson Robert will be three in March.1933Mary Bloder, who took an MA atColumbia last year, is head of thescience department, Salmon (Idaho)High School.Carl Brablec, principal of Britton(Michigan) High School, is a memberof Michigan Corrections Commissionappointed by Gov. Frank Murphy.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEGROCERIESLEIGH'SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2QUALITY FOODSTUFFSMODERATE PRICESWE DELIVERLAUNDRIESSUNSHINE LAUNDRYCOMPANYAll ServicesDry Cleaning29 1 5 Cottage Grove Ave.Telephone Victory 5110THEBEST LAUNDRY andCLEANING COMPANYALL LAUNDRY SERVICESAlsoZoric System of Cleaning- : . Odorless Quality Cleaning - : -Phone Oakland 1383LETTER SERVICEPOND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooven TypewritingMultigraphingAddressograph Service MimeographingAddressingMailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones 418 So. Market St.Harrison 8118 ChicagoLITHOGRAPHERL C. Mead '21. E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph — Offset — Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182MUSIC PRINTERSHIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATESENGRAVERS ^ SINCE 1906 —+ WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES +* ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED +* ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE +pRAYNERi* DALHEIM &CO.203* W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO. Brablec married Dorothy Kanous onJuly 11, 1937.1934Nelson J. Anderson is an instructorin chemistry at Montana State Collegeat Bozeman.Ernest Gross is a reporter on theLincoln (Nebraska) Star. He took aMaster's degree at the University ofNebraska in 1937.Hobart Gunning, JD'36, practicingattorney from Princeton, Illinois,dropped in at the alumni office recentlyto tell us about an All- State tackle whowill probably go to Michigan and topay his dues in the Alumni Association.Thanks for the two dollars !1935For recreation O. W. Funkhouser,AM, of Amboy, Illinois, likes to playgolf. He is principal of the AmboyTownship High School.Henry Dudley Lytton has just completed an investigation on the new tungoil industry in Florida for the GeneralTung Oil Corporation of New York.He was recommended to this companyby the Bureau of Agricultural Economics.Paul O. McGrew is an assistant inpaleontology at the Field Museum ofNatural History in Chicago;.Nursing is Evelyn L. Missel's occupation. She lives at 2719 East 116thStreet in Cleveland, Ohio.Nathan Morris, of the FederalWriters Project for Illinois, is nowwriting up the University for a guidebook of Illinois which will be out in amonth or so.1936Augusta Jane Bull, AM, is teaching at Eastern High School, Lansing,Michigan.Evelyn R. Garbe, SM'37, is teaching mathematics and physics at St.Xavier College this year.Everett George is a district salesman for the Walker ManufacturingCompany of Racine, Wis.Hazel Groote of Lombard has anoffice job with Illinois Bell TelephoneCo., Chicago.Robert T. Kesner has just been appointed associate advertising director ofthe Maxwell House Division of GeneralFoods Corporation, New York City.Kesner, after graduation, joined VickChemical Company, where he rose fromsalesman to junior account executive.He then became affiliated with TheParent's Magazine as sales promotionmanager, from where he joined GeneralFoods.Fred A. Replogle, PhD, resigned hisposition as dean of Oklahoma City University to become director of guidanceat Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota. This position was a newly createdone in a great expansion program Macalester College has launched. Sidelineswith him are farming, wood working,carpentry and camping.After the last two Christmas holidaysMartin F. Young has shown up at theDiamond T. Motor Car Co., where he MATTRESSESSOHN & COMPANY, Inc.Manufacturers ofMATTRESSES &STUDIO COUCHESTelephoneHaymarket 35231452W. Roosevelt Rd.OFFICE FURNITUREZfti&inessr Equip,rttent IFILING CABINETSDESKS — LOCKERSCUPBOARDS — SHELVINGMetal Office Furniture Co.Grand Rapids, MichiganPAINTERSGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123Lake Street PhoneKedzie 3 1 86E. STEWART FEIGHINC.PAINTING — DECORATING5559 TelephoneCottage Grove Ave. Midway 4404RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331W. Jackson Blvd. TelephoneMonroe 3192PHOTOGRAPHERMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIPLASTERINGHOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Telephone Dorchester 1579ERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE30 THE UNI VPRINTERSCLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good Priming of All Descriptions9'PUBLISHERSBOOK MANUSCRIPTSWanted — All subjects, for immediate publication. Booklet sent free.Meador Publishing Co.324 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. REAL ESTATEBROKERAGE MORTGAGESTHEBILLS CORPORATIONBenjamin F. Bills, '12, ChairmanEVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE134 S. La Salle St. State 0266MANAGEMENT INSURANCERESTAURANTSMISS LINDQUISrS CAFE5540 Hyde Park Blvd.GOOD FOOD— MODERATE PRICESA place to meet in large and small groups.Private card rooms.Telephone Midway 7809in the Broadview HotelThe Best Place to Eat on the South SideCOLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 WoodJawn Ave.Phone Hyde Park 6324RIDING CLUBPhone Dorchester 0941UNIVERSITY RIDING CLUBHORSES BOARDED AND FOR SALEWE GUARANTEE PEOPLE TO BESATISFIED WITH OUR INSTRUCTIONSOR NO CHARGEW. S. Parker, Mgr.6105 University Ave.ROOFERSBECKERAll types of RoofingHome InsulatingAll over Chicago and suburbs.Brunswick 2900 is a buyer, with a black eye and thestory that he got them both skating.1937Albert Bofman is a field adviser forthe Illinois Division of UnemploymentCompensation.Alice Greenleaf, supervisor incharge of men's division at BradfordHospital, Bradford, Pennsylvania, goesin for stamp collecting and knitting.Ralph Heuse, SM, has a job in theJackson Laboratories, E. I. du Pont deNemours and Company, Wilmington,Delaware.Nathan Koenig is down at CentralY. M. C. A. College as laboratory assistant in chemistry.Ruth Patten is doing secretarialwork in New York City and is living at160 Riverside Drive.William J. Vatter, MBA, is an instructor in accounting in the School ofBusiness, University of Chicago.1938Arthur S. Gale, Jr., SM, is withthe Texas Company, Houston, Texas.Richard Lyon is back at the University doing graduate work this year.John R. Myers is with the MagnoliaPetroleum Co., Dallas, Texas.Louis E. Shaeffer is working forShearson, Hammill and Company^ andattending University College evenings.Ethel Goldberg, PhD, has a positionin the Chicago Public School system.W. Grigorieff, PhD cand., has accepted a position with General ElectricCompany and is located in Pittsfield,Massachusetts.Carl L. Horberg, PhD, is an instructor in geology at the University of Illinois.Jerome M. Sivesind has a job as filerwith the Illinois Central.SOCIAL SERVICEGrace Abbott, professor of publicwelfare administration, delivered threelectures early in January in Los Angeles under the sponsorship of the localchapter of the American Association ofSocial Workers. The subjects of thelectures were "The Unemployed andRelief," "Labor and Social Welfare"and "The State and the Dependent andDelinquent Child."Grace Browning, AM 1934, assistant professor in case work, has recentlyconducted an Institute at the MichiganConference of Social Work held inDetroit.Among the students who received theA. M. degree in the School of SocialService Administration at the December Convocation and who have takenpositions in the general field of publicassistance are the following: JesseRaymond Adams who has returned tothe Department of Social Security inthe State of Washington; Morris Ell-man, supervisor in the Cook CountyOld Age" Assistance Division ; AlbertGoldstein, Maryland State Department of Public Welfare ; Dorothy Heg-nauer, County Welfare Department ofClarkston, Washington; Lester Herman, field supervisor, in the Utah De partment of Public Welfare; Hel^Montgomery, California State ReliefAdministration; Ceridyn Nolph, Cen,tral Intake Department, Chicago RelyAdministration; and Katherine RICskey, State Department of Social Se-curity in Washington.The following have been placed inchild welfare: Annie Lee Davis, fl.rector, Service Bureau for Negro Children, Springfield, Illinois; LucilleHastings, county child welfare workerin the Child Welfare Services of Okla-homa; Inez Peterson, child welfareworker, Multonomah County ReliefCommittee, Portland, Oregon; andDorothy Winchester, county childwelfare worker in the Kansas ChildWelfare Service.The following have accepted positions in medical social work : MargaretErwin in the Children's MemorialHospital, Chicago; Evelyn Horton,The Home for Destitute Crippled Children, Chicago; Elma Phillipson,Duke University Hospital, Durham,North Carolina; and Sarah PostScott, St. Vincent's Hospital, NewYork City.Others of the recent graduates andtheir positions are: Edith Grubb whois with the Louisiana State Department of Public Welfare, but recentlyloaned to work on a study for W. P. Washington, D. C. ; CharlotteHammell who has accepted a positionwith the Family Welfare Society inLansdowne, Pennsylvania ; HarryMoore with the Probation Departmentof the Juvenile Court in Washington,D. C. ; Alice Overton with the Missouri State Unemployment Commission; D. Katharine Rogers as socialworker in the States Attorney's Office,Chicago; Helen Thatcher, generalsecretary of the Y. W. C. A. in NewHaven, Connecticut; Harleigh Trecker who is teaching at George Williams College in Chicago; and RachelGreene and Charles Leopold who aresupervising students in field work atthe School.The following alumni have madechanges in their work: ElizabethGardiner, AM '35, recently left theSchool of Social Service at the University of Minnesota to join the staffof the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, New York City.Thomasine Hendricks, AM '%who has supervised students at theSchool has gone to the field staff of thePublic Assistance Division of the Social Security Board, Washington, D. C.George Louden, AM '37, has joinedthe probation staff of the JuvenileCourt in Washington, D. C.Dorothy Puttee, graduate student'29-'31, has accepted the position of director of a new agency in Peoria, 1%nois, which is a combination of the various private agencies in that communityworking with families and children.Mildred Rogers, graduate student'34-'36, has been appointed to the poSI"tion which Miss Puttee is. leaving, thatof director of the Children's ServiceLeague, Springfield, Illinois.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31ROOFERS (Cont.)RE-ROOFING — REPAIRINGRUGSAshjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED 1921Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED2313 E. 71st St. Phone Dor. 0009SHEET METAL WORKSECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKS•Galvanized Iron and Copper CornicesSkylights, Gutters, Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbestos Roofing•1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893STOCKS-BONDS— COMMODITIESP. H. Davis, 'II. H. I. Markham, 'Ex. '06R. W. Davis, '16 W. M. Giblin, '23F. B. Evans, 'IIPaul H. Davis & Co.MembersNew York Stock ExchangeChicago Stock ExchangeChicago Board of Trade10 So. La Salle St. Franklin 8622 SWEATERS 'GENUINE ATHLETIC SWEATERSSweaters and Emblems Made to OrderENGLEWOOD KNITTING MILLS6643 S. Halsted Street Wentworth 5920-21Established over one quarter of a century RUSH1884John W. Harris, dentist, writesfrom Morris, Minn., that his four boyshave all followed in his footsteps andare practicing dentistry.1898John A. Little, physician and surgeon, writes from 1608 Hinman Avenue, Evanston, Illinois, that his son isattending Northwestern University andwill graduate in 1940.1918Norman C. Paine's daughter Barbara recently married Parnell HaskinsMahoney and now lives in Sioux City.1928^ Affiliated with both Mount Zion Hospital and the Canon Kip Dispensary,of San Francisco, Reuben Ratner recently opened a branch office at 2300Polk Street in addition to the main oneat 209 23rd Avenue. His young sonHylen is now three years old.1935Henry S. Dickerman, Jr., carrieson his general practice in Springfield,Illinois, from his office at 107 SouthFifth Street.1936Franklin K. Gowdy, '26, writes:"At last I have reached a postponedgoal. On January third I hung outmy shingle for the general practice ofinternal medicine on the North Shoreand am now sitting in my cozy littleoffice in Hubbard Woods awaiting patients.ENGAGEDEleanor Wilson, }33, to HiramDavid Hilton.Albert Howard Carter, Jr., PhBand AM'34, to Marjorie Dargan.Lorraine Watson, '34, AM'38, toKeith I. Parsons, '33, JD'37.Beatrice C. Beale, '37, to VictorJones, '36.Margaret Tillinghast, '38, to William Stapleton, '36.Betty Stevenson to Edward Bryant, '37, of Chicago.Roy Levine, ex '37, to Jane Teller.Jane Morrison, AM'37, to Frederick R. Dickerson of Oak Park.Josephine L. Rasmussen, GS'37, ofEvanston, to Marshall Barber Beldenof Canton, Ohio. The wedding willtake place in the spring.Elizabeth L. Thompson, '37, to R.L. Naibert, University of Iowa, '36.Sarah Jane Lewis, ex '39, to RobertEugene Deniston.MARRIEDAmy Bradshaw, '28, to ShermanTefft Spitzer, '25, on October 22nd ; athome, 302 South Kenilworth Avenue,Oak Park, Illinois.Marjorie St. Helen Luetscher, ex'32, to S. David Malaiperuman, PhD'37, on August 30, 1938, at St. Matthia'sChurch, Madras, India ; residence, "Rat-nakar," San Thome, Madras.Margaret L. Brusky, '33, to Mortimer L. Cashman, November 26, 1938; TEACHERS9 AGENCIES (Cont.)AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. Jackson BoulevardChicagoA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency57th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices — One FeeCHICAGO, MINNEAPOLISKANSAS CITY, MO. SPOKANENEW YORKHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.Telephone Harrison 7793Chicago, 111.Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesWe Enjoy a Very Fine High School, Normal School,College and University PatronagePaul YatesYates-Fisher Teachers' AgencjTEstablished 1906616 South Michigan Ave., ChicagoUNDERTAKERSBOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage ©rove Ave.All Phones OAKIand 0492UNIFORMSTailored Uniforms Made to MeasureWomen Doctors and Nurses, Stock sizeInterne SuitsANEDA McSWEENY1910 So. Ogden AvenueSEEley 3734 Evenings by AppointmentVENTILATINGThe Haines CompanyVentilating and Air ConditioningContractors1929-1937 West Lake St.Phones Seeley 2765-2766-2767TEACHERS' AGENCIESAlbert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau for°ien and women in all kinds of teachingPositions. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent of ourbusiness. Critic and Grade Supervisors forNormal Schools placed every year in largelumbers; excellent opportunities. Specialteachers of Home Economics, Business Administration, Music, and Art, secure finePositions through us every year. PrivateSchools in all parts of the country among°ur best patrons; good salaries. Well prepared High School teachers wanted for city^d suburban High Schools. Special manner handles Grade and Critic work. SendtQr folder today.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEat home, 1545 Louisville Avenue, St.Louis, Missouri.Ernest Gross, '34, to Helen Sehnert,August 1, 1938, Lincoln; address, 1221H Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.William C. Wakefield, '34, toRosemary ° Stokes, January 11, Englewood M. E. Church; at home, CordovaApartments, Aparment 203, 6617 SouthStewart Avenue, Chicago.Ruth Scotford, '35, to MarionHolmes Hartshorne, January 13, NewYork City. The couple will live in Wilmington, Vermont, where the bridegroom is pastor o£ the CongregationalChurch.Mary N. MacKenzie, [36, AM'37, toD. Lee Hamilton, who is working forhis doctorate in romance languages, onAugust 27, 1938. They are living inBloomington, Indiana, where Lee is assistant professor of French.Donald Baker, '37, to Esther Margaret Fox, July 2, Kansas City, Kan. ;address, 6106 University, Chicago.Carter; E. Boren, AM'37, to Josephine Van Swagger on ChristmasDay in Texas. They are living at 6106University Ave., Chicago.Pearl M. Rosenberg, '38, to IrvingWeinstein, June 23. At home, 4049 N.Bartlett Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.BORNTo R. C. Crumpton,/09, MD'll, andMrs. Crumpton, their second son,Claude Cockran, December 21, WebsterCity, Iowa.To Jay M. Garner, '16, MD'21, andMrs. Garner (Katherine Rogers, SM'29) their third child and first son onJuly 22, Winnetka, Illinois.To Harold R. Goebel, '22, and Mrs.Goebel, a daughter, Marilyn Irene, November 30, in San Antonio, Texas.To Howard S. Ballantyne, ex '25,and Mrs. Ballantyne, a daughter, Susan,October 12, Chicago.Greenville D. Gore, SM'25, PhD'32, and Mrs. Gore (Mary Bryon, SBSouth Dakota State College, '27), a son,Bryan Frank, December 3, Berwyn, Illinois.To Everett Lewy, '25, JD'27, andMrs, Lewy, a son, Gerald David, May22, 1938. The grandparents are AlfredLewy, MD'98, and Minnie BarnardLewy, '0LTo Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Burchill(Clarinda Brower, '26), a son, BrowerRene, December 29, Augusta, Kansas.To Harold E. Thomas, '26, andMrs. Thomas of Cedar City, Utah, twindaughters, Sheila Rae and Sharon Lee,August 17, 1938.To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berkenbilt(Eva Hachtman, '27), their secondchild, Judith L., July 6, Knoxville,Tennessee.To Fred Granville Jones, '28, andMrs. Jones (Virginia Hardt, '28), adaughter, Valerie Hardt, December 18,1938, in Chicago.To Elliott A. Johnson, JD'31, andMrs. Johnson (Katherine Ryckman,Illinois, '33), a daughter, Nancy Lo-raine, January 11, Houston, Texas. To John Johnston Keith, MD'33,and Mrs. Keith (Caroline Masini, ex'26), their second child, a son, ThomasBarland Keith II, September 21,Marion, Iowa.To James F. Simon, '33, and Mrs.Siiiiont a daughter, Linda, January 12,Buffalo, N. Y. Grandfather, MauriceW. Simon, '03, and great-grandfather,the late Eli B. Felsenthal, 78.To Paul M. Johnson, '34, and Mrs.Johnson (Dorothea J. Smith, '34), ason, Donald, January 21, Chicago.To John F. Locke, PhD'34, and Mrs.Locke of State College, Mississippi,a daughter, Barbara Jean.To Mr. and Mrs. John CharlesThoman (Tasula Petrakis, ;34), adaughter, Barbara Irene, October 17,Chicago.To O. W. Funkhouser, AM'35, andMrs. Funkhouser, a daughter, NancyLee, on September 21, Amboy, Illinois.To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Victor(Ruth Tofield, AM'35), a daughter,Judith Carolyn, October 12, Los Angeles.To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Foss Sanborn (Lois A. Peterson, '37), a son?Lloyd Foss, Jr., Boston, Mass.DIEDJohn Wiley Snider, MD70, retiredphysician, on August 6, 1938, in Fair-land, Indiana, at the age of 93.John Henry Cristler, MD'73, apioneer settler in Texas, December 10,in Dallas, at the age of 91. Founder ofthe town of Childress, Texas, he wasone of the three men responsible fororganizing Childress County and persuading the Fort Worth and DallasRailway Company to build a line intothat section. Until he retired and movedto Dallas in 1911, he was surgeon forthe railroad at Childress. Organizer ofthe Farmers & Mechanics State Bankof Childress (now the First NationalBank), he was its president until thetime of his death.J. P. Kaster, MD'81, a resident ofTopeka and chief surgeon for the• Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway for more than forty years, December 13, in Wrichita, at the age of81. In 1884, after several years of private practice in Burlington, Iowa, hebecame connected with the medical staffof the Santa Fe and had continued inthat service until the time of his death.His first assignment was in Albuquerque. He moved to Topeka when appointed chief surgeon in February, 1897,and placed in charge of the operation ofthe Santa Fe hosiptals in the states ofKansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Missouri,Illinois and Iowa. The Kansas StateJournal's fiftieth anniversary edition in1935 referred to Dr. Kaster as the"Dean of American railroad surgery."William Kent Lane, ThB'91,clergyman and editor, September 7 \1938, Marcellus, Michigan.Charles E. Pugh, MD'91, Chicagophysician, January 18, in Berwyn Hospital. For the last twenty-five years hehad practiced on the West Side, main taining an office at 4010 West MadisonStreet.Martin W. Buck, ThB'92, pastoremeritus of the First Baptist Church ofBurlington, N. C, October .7, St.Petersburg, Florida.Victor King Chestnut, GS'94, August 29, in Hyattsville, Marylandwhere he had lived since retiring in1933. Associated with the U. S. Department of Agriculture since 1894, hewas associate chemist with the Food andDrug Administration from 1924 to 1933.He was 71 years of age.Alfred E. Goodman, DB'97, retiredminister, June 6, Wichita, Kansas.Frederick Thomas Kelly, PhD'01,assistant professor emeritus of SemiticLanguages and Hellenistic Greek at theUniversity of Wisconsin, August 22, inMadison.Lloyd Clark Ayres, '04, September4, Wilmette, Illinois.William H. Schwingel, MD'05, atOsceola, Wisconsin, on November 7,1938, from injuries received in an automobile accident while returning froma fishing trip. lie had practiced medicine and surgery in Aurora, Illinois, forthirty-three years and was a fellow ofthe American College of Surgeons andserved on the staffs of the Copley, St.Charles and St. Joseph Hospitals.Alfred Charles Zembrod, ex '07,December 3, in Lexintgon, Ky., ofheart trouble. Until his retirement fouryears ago, he was professor and headof the department of romance languagesat the University of Kentucky.Mitchell T. Daniels, 510, May 29,1938, Danville, Illinois.Herman C. Oliphant, JD'14, general counsel of the U. S. Treasury,January 11, Washington, D. C, 54 yearsold. He was best known in the administration for his reputed authorship ofthe controversial undistributed profitstax.George N. Cade,/17, AM'18, formerprofessor of education and director ofthe Training School at the Universityof Arkansas, July 2, in Bartlesville,Oklahoma.Mrs. James L. McCormick (LoisTyson), '22, on January 11, of a heartattack, in her home at Amarillo, Texas.Author of many stories and poems, shewas active in the Panhandle PenWomen and in the local chapter of theA. A. U W.Mary Houston White (Mrs.W. S.), '25, a teacher in Chicago's elementary schools for 25 years, January7, Chicago.Anton Buedall, AM'22, teacher inthe Jewish Mission of Seattle, Washington, on December 29.Mrs. Marian Flanagan Barr, '23,December 16, Des Moines. She taughtat the Warren Harding High Schoolin Des Moines.Effie King, SM'30, December iLexington, Ky.Bernardine K. Dahms, '35, September 19, in Detroit, Michigan.Frederic A. Fisher, Jr., AM'37, November 22, Lowell, Massachusetts./ Wonc/er WW17me My DaddyWill Telephone?lhe minute he calls up I'm going to speakto him about Bobby. He's my cousin, andhe's just five weeks old. And they haven'tgot a telephone where he lives!"One of these days his mother's goingto run out of his talcum. Or she'll want hisfather to stop at the drug store on the wayhome for oil. Or maybe she'll want to askthe doctor about that rash on his back —Bobby's back, I mean."Then suppose some week he gains sixounces. Don't they expect to tell theirfriends news like that?"Well, how is Bobby's mother going todo all those things besides her marketing?"I'm going to see if my Daddy can't fixit. He's always saying how good telephoneservice is — and how cheap."BELL TELEPHONE* SYSTEMYou are cordially invited lo viii/ the Bell System exhibit at the Golden Cate International Exposition, San FranciscoChesterfields give memore pleasure than anycigarette I ever smokedA HAPPY COMBINATION OF THE WORLD'S BEST TOBACCOSCopyright 1939, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co-