._�:..j_ ... -T�� UNIVtRSITY O�C� ICAGO MAGAZI N tMAY • 1937Vaudeville ProgramandSunset Supper of 19291931 Registration Tent. A varsity-aJumni baseball game on Stagg Field.The Class of '08 captured the prize for its kindergarten float in the AlUJIIIIView Parade of 1923.At the 192°1.....union. S ..day. June .The pic t u.'!s how s tl.-.crowd gatherl4;about th�Shanty at til¥tim e of th.Shanty Ce,..monies.Published by the Alumni Council of the University of Chicago monthly, from November to July. Office of Publication, 403 Cobb Hall, 58th St. atEllis Avenue, Chicago. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the Post Officeat Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the official advertising agencyof the University of Chicago Magazine.I.CHEVROLETStyled to Steal the Slunu! ... You know what happenswhen a beautiful and talented star appe�rs on the stage.She steals the show! And that is what the new Chev­rolet with Diamond Crown Speedline Styling has done onthe motor car stage this year. Outstandingly beautiful,styled to express youth and zest, it has won enthusiasticpreference as the smartest car in its price range.THE ONLY COMPLETE CAR- PRICED SO LOWNEW HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE-NEW ALL-SILENT, ALL-STEEL BODIES-NEW DIAMOND CROWN SPEEDLlNESTYLING - PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES -IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE* - SAFM PLATE GLASS ALL AROUND - GENUINEFISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION-SUPER-SAFE SHOCKPROOF STEERING*. "Kn •• -Actlon and Shockproof St •• rlnll on Malter � mod.l. only.G.n.ral Motor. In.tallm .. nt Plan-monthly paym.nt. to .ult your pu.... CHIV.OLn .MOIOR DIVISION, G.n.ral Motor. Sal •• Corporation, DEI.OII,. MICH.(Please favor our advertisers when checkins coupon facing Pase V. of Rear Advertising Section. Thank you - The Editor.)ll.Alumni who have arrived! We present this hand-sewn shoeof superlative craftsmanship, constructed of the finestleather in accordance with F. B. rigid standards. For theundergraduate-your son, we have fine shoes, of in­herent Frank Brothers quality, designed to meet budgetneeds. From $14 ... with 'the style built in-not added on.Write for Dew Style Book and exhibitioD dates in your city111 rank �rntl1tr!i588 FIFTH AVENUE • bet. 47th & 48th Sts .• NEW YORKLOS ANGELESOviatt BUildingCHICAGO PITTSBURGH GRADUATES' MEMORY CONTlftScore one point for every correct answer::'graduate ten years out of college should ',\.ten answers right. Answers appear on Page'of rear advertising section. Write in Your SCO ..on coupon facing Page V.1. How often is a U. S. National ce ....taken? ._2. What is the derivation of the word '\"-'phebet"?3. Ylhat product is advertised by the slog ...Keep that school-girl complexion"?4. What is the common origin of the wo ..."czar" and "kaiser"?5. Where do Hottentots live?6. What have the words (e) "gauche" anct(b) "sinister" in common?7. How many U. S. senators are there?B. Ylhat product is advertised by the slogan:What a whale of a difference just a fewcents meke!"?9. What famous character in modern fictionlived in Baker Street, London?10. Who was the Greek god of time?11. What nationally known local festival isheld annually in New Orleans?12. What city is built on seven hills?13. What forms the basis of law in LouiSiana?14. What famous ector was brother to an as­sassin?15. What is a pariah?16. What was the distinguishing characteristicof Medusa?17. What are carnivora?1 B. Who was the author of Poor Richard'sAlmanac?19. Who gave aWdY more money than anyother Scotchman who ever lived?20. What is d "statute of lirnltetion"?21. Whose offices are et No. 10 DowningStreet?22. Why is the villdge of OberdmmergauBavaria, internationally known? '23. Are there more red stripes or whitestripes on the American Rdg?24. How many is a baker's dozen?25. What is an iconoclast?112 W. Adam. Street 225 Oliver Avenue23 LANGUAG ESIII SPEAK ANY MODERN LANGUAGEIN 3 MONTHS BY LI NGUAPHONiUNIQUE METHOD BRINGS VOICES 1�OF NATIVE MASTERS INTO YOUR'OWN HOME .. SEND FOR FREE BOOK' .LlNGUAPHONE INSTITUTE12 Rockefeller Center· New X,rkMUSIC LOVERS{ S"","" OUeutl{fUttu,cW �{fulw"ep�You consider all these points in making a money invest­ment. It's even more important to consider them wheninvesting years of effort to build a career.Because of the way life underwriting "checks" on allthree counts, increasing numbers of college graduates areentering this business. Those selected by The Penn MutualLife Insurance Company can start their careers on a fixedcompensation basis, instead of a commission basis, ifthey wish.Send for booklet: "Insurance Careers for CollegeGraduates. "COLLEGIATE PERSONNEL BUREAU 100,00001 the linest records in the world I'on sale at SOc and 7Sc per record (value$1.S0 and $2). The Symphonies, Cham­ber Music, Operas, etc., Bach, Beethoven,Brahms, Mozart, Wagner, etc.Mail Orders - CatdlogueThe Gramophone Shop, Inc.'18 E •• t 48th Street, New YorkTHE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANYIndependence Square Philadelphia AMERICAN ACADEMYOF DRAMATIC ARTS(Plea Ie 'nor our advertisers when checkinl coupon 'acini Pale V. of Rear Advertisinl Section. Thank you - The Editor.)III.ALEXANDER HAMILTON INSTITUTEnnouncesA NEW PLAN OF EXECUTIVE TRAINING\�'FOR sixteen months the Institute Staff has been workingto prepare for this announcement. The results of its workmake this one of the most important, perhaps the most im­portant, announcement ever made by the Institute.Important to whom?Not to the average man, because he probably hasn't anymore thana vague notion of what is going on in the world ofbusiness and doesn't care much about it either.But to that smaller group of men who are the executives,and coming executives, in American business this messagewill be of utmost importance.The next five years, even though they be years of pros­perity, will prove a more severe test of personal and execu­tive competence than any similar period in the past. Menwho want to win financial independence must meet a newset of requirements. There will be none of the indiscriminate, get-rich-quick prosperity of the last boom. A higher order ofbusiness knowledge, executive training, and understanding ofthe new rules of industry will be the price of better-than­average income.The Alexander Hamilton Institute is ready to prepare youfor the test of ability and training which lies ahead. In eachnew business cycle during the past twenty-seven years, theInstitute has developed and remodeled its Course and Serviceto meet the special needs of the day. Thousands of men havetrained for executive responsibility and financial independenceunder the Institute's guidance.Now again, the Institute, keeping abreast of American busi­ness developments, offers a NEW PLAN for executives andfor those who will be executives-sa plan built to meet the newconditions and to fit more exactly your personal requirementsfor growth and progress.For Men Who Set No Limit on Their FuturesThis Free Book Tells a Vital StoryIN this new plan of executive business train­ing, the institute offers you the ideas, experi­ence, and judgment of the most successfulbusiness men in America, formulated and or­ganized to put at your command the provedprinciples and methods of modern business.Among the dozens of American industrialleaders who have helped to build the Institute'sCourse and Service are Alfred P. Sloan, Presi­dent, General Motors Corp.; J. C. Penney,Chairman, J. C. Penney Co.; C. M. Chester,Chairman, General Foods Corp.; M. H. Ayles­worth, Chairman of the Board, Radio-Keith­Orpheum; Clifton Slusser, Vice-President andFactory Manager, Goodyear Tire & RubberCompany; J. S. Tritle, Vice-President, Westinghouse Electricand Manufacturing Company; Hubert T. Parson, Director,F. W. Woolworth ce., Frederick W. Pickard, Vice-President,E. I. du Pont de 'Nemours & Co., Inc.; Putnam D. McMillan,Vice-President and Director, General Mills, Inc.; Paul M.Mazur, General Partner, Lehman Brothers, New York Bank­ers; Thomas J. Watson, President, International Business Machines Corp.; David Sarnoff, President,Radio Corporation of America,If you agree that the methods and judgmentof such men will guide and inspire you, if youcan appreciate the priceless opportunity ofsharing their viewpoints and learning fromtheir experience, .then you will read "ForgingAhead in Business" with eagerness and profit.The new edition of this famous book carries amessage of vital importance to you. The couponwill bring your free copy.THE ALEXANDER HAMILTON INSTITUTE,114 Astor Place, New York, N. Y.Please mail me, without cost or obligation, "ForgingAhead in Business."Name .Business AddressPosition .;,................................................(Please f�vor our advertisers when c;hecking coupon facing Page V. of Rear Advertising Section. Thank you - The Editor.)IV.l:(ELVINATOR, the first electrical1: refrigerator, has always been thearistocrat of the field. Today it offersmore luxury than ever-the hand­somest cabinet, more convenience fea­tures, greater quantities of ice, lowertemperatures assuring more depend­able cold storage.The new plus-powered Kelvinatordoes more. It saves more. Here aretwo facts. that are leading thousandsof owners of automatic refrigerators,hitherto considered satisfactory, toreplace today with the new Kelvinator.FACT ONE: The new 1937 Kelvi- nator is plus-powered. It has as muchas double the cooling capacity of other,well-known refrigerators of equal size.FACT TWO: The new Kelvinatorruns only half as many minutes perday-during the rest of the time itmaintains low temperatures using �current at all.The new Kelvinator costs more tobuild, but it costs no more to buythan a less powerful, less economicalrefrigerator. It can be bought on yourdealer's special time payment plan­or for as little as 90¢ a week on theKelvinator ReDisCo Plan. WHERE A NEW WAY OF LIVING BEGINSequipped with Kelvinator electric refrigeration, com­p'lete air conditioning with year 'round automaticcontrol of heat and humidity, electric or gas range,washing machine, ironer and automatic water heater- can be constructed by your own architect andbuilder for less than $ 7 ,500. The Kelvin Home Book,with exterior views, Hoor plans and description ofequipment, is now available without cost whereverKelvinator products are sold.KELVINATOR, Division of NASH-KELVINATORCORPORATION, Detroit, Michigan. Factories alsoin London, Ontario, and London, England.Listen to PROFESSOR QUIZColumbia Network Sat. 8 P. M. EST"'U6-POWERED THE COST OF III,.'IR LIVING(Please favor our advertisers when checking coupon facing Page V. of Rear Advertising Section. Thank you - The Editor.)THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCILCHARLTON T. BECK, '04Editor and Business Manager HOWARD W. MORTAssociate EditorFRED B. MILLETT, PHD '31; WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, JD '22Contributing EditorsMILTON E. ROBINSON, JR., 11, JD '13; LoUISE NORTON SWAIN, '09, AM '16; JOHN J. McDONOUGH, '28Council Committee on PublicationsTHE COVER: Mitchell Towerwas the first Gothic tower to riseabove the Midway marshes, near theturn of the century. Differing onlyslightly from the tower of MagdalenCollege, Oxford, Mitchell Tower isconsidered, by many, the most bea-t­tiful of the numerous more recentadditions to the University skyline.Flooded in light, graceful MitchellTower quietly presides at each annualUniversity Sing, closing the song fes­tival with the Alma Mater benedic­tion played on its memorial chimes.Credit for this picture should be givengraduate students Harlan M. Smithand Robert A. Walker.•,"Oil for the Lamps" was not thetitle of the radio question-and-answerprogram as it was originally presentedon the air. It 1S, however, a most ap­propriate title in view of the numer­ous times in the early history of theUniversitv that Mr. Rockefeller cameto the fin�ncial rescue of annual defi­cits which threatened the flickerins­light on the Midway. b•With an authority such as Sir Ar­thur Eddington remarking that thecenter of astronomy has shifted toC�icago ( following the recent ap­POIntments of G. P. Kuiper of Ley­den; Bengt Stromgren of Copen­hagen; Dr. S. Chandrasekhar ofMadras, India; and Philip Keenanand Carl Seyfert, Americans, to theYerkes staff) the "report" fromYerkes Director Struve will be ofmore than ordinary interest to ourreaders. IN THIS ISSUEThe University has lost anothergreat personality in the death ofPhilip Schuyler Allen. We couldthink of no one better qualified tocommemorate his passing in thesepages than his intimate friend andcolleague, Robert Morss Lovett.•\\1 e held our breath and crossedour fingers when the announcementwas made that Fred B. Millett wasbeing granted a year's .leave of ab­sence in order to accept a VisitingProfessorship at Wesleyan Univer­sity. It has been almost ten yearssince the Magazine announced-in itsNovember, 1927, issue-that "a newsection has been provided" for itsreaders, and Mr. Millett was intro­duced to Magazine subscribers. Nocolumnist (we use the word in themore cultured sense) has been re­ceived with greater enthusiasm amongthe alumni and none has been morefaithful to his readers. Last yearTABLE OF CONTENTSMAY, 1937PageQUAD RAMBLES...................... 3OIL FOR THE LAMPS, a Radio Interviewby Royal F. Munger................ 6ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, OttoStrur« . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8PHILIP SCHUYLER ALLEN, Robert MorssLovett 11IN My OPINION , 13NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES •....... ,. .. 15ATHLETICS •...•..................... 18REUNION PROGRAM 20COLLEGE ELECTION 22THE CAMPUS DISSENTER, Sa}!1 Hair .. 24NEWS OF T�� CLAS-SES-.-.--.�-: .�- eI •• 27 (you will remember) when Mr. Mil­lett was traveling in England, hiscopy for each issue of the Magazinearrived on schedule. Our readers willbe pleased to learn that Mr. Millett'sabsence from these quadrangles forthe University year, 1937-38, will notcause him to break his .ten-year rec­ord as Contributing Editor, and that"In My Opinion" will continue to bea feature of the Magazine.•This month we are paying an in--stallment on our debt to loyal support­ers of Midway athletics. The varsitytennis team just can't be stopped!We have thrown away our anvil andtaken up a permanent position besidethe victory bell. At this writing itlooks like full stearn ahead with aconference championship at the endof the run. Wells Burnett explainswhy we are winning (instead of los­ing) in this issue.•It will be worth your while toperuse pages 20'and 21 even if it isnot possible to attend the 1937 Re­union. We believe you will agree thatarrangements are being made for oneof the most profitable and interestingReunion Weeks in the history of theUniversity.•Don't overlook your obligation tomark and mail your ballot for theCollege election. The ballot followsthe thumbnail reviews of the candi>dates on page 23.•William Morgenstern, for the Ad-ministration, and Sam Hair, for thestudents, furnish the month's quad­rangle news.THEY LAUGHEDTHEY KNEW of my A.B., my A.M.,and my Ph.D. (cum laude); they· knew of my Phi Bete key; they alsoknew 01 my erstwhile ineptitudes atsmall-talk.What a spectacle I wouldmake (they thought) trying to enter­tain Her Grace!But they did not know I had at­tended the Alumni School! Trip aslightly as she would, from literatureto economics, from politics to inter­national relations, I galloped besideher with the ability of a conversa­tional chamois.IF YOU, TOO, WOULD LIKE TO BE AT EASEwith the Dukes and Duchesses of your community, make up your mind now to attend the 1937Alumni School. There won't be another for an entire year. There may never be anotherlike this one. From pauciloquy to multiloquence in 27 easy lessons.SEND NO MONEY!Just use the coupon. Change your category. Don't be numb! Be nimble!I �f11 attend the following ALUMNI SCHOOL sessions as checked below(See detailed program on pages 20 and 21.)Tuesday Wednes- Thursday Friday SaturdaydayJune 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 June 5Afternoon. 2:30 2:30 2:30 2:30 Alumni 110:00 A. M.Conference-- - -- - -- --- IDinner ... 6:00* 6:00* 6:00* 6:00* Alumni 3:30 P. M .Assembly-- - -- � ---Evening 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:30 Sunset 5:30.. Supper P. M.RESERVE ME A SEAT BY THE DUCHESS.* All dinners are $0.75.NAME ..•••••••........•..•......•...•................••...•.. CLASS . per person.I will be accompanied by myD wife D husband.Although the University resi­dence halls are practically filledwith resident students, we will beglad to make room reservations(special rates) at two nearbyhotels:Please check this section if youwish reservations:D Sherry Hotel (near the Lake)Single room with bath $2.50.D Double with twin beds and bath$4.00.D Mayflower Hotel (nearer theUniversity) Single room withba th $1.25 per person.D Double room with bath $2.00ADDRESS •••••••.•..••••.••.••••••••..••••••••...•••••.••....................CITY AND STATE ••.•.•.........••..•.•.•..........•....••.......•............ Please reserve above room begin-ning June and checking outJune .VOLUME XXIX THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEQUAD RAMBLES NUMBER 7MAY. 1937The Howard Taylor Ricketts Prize for the best research re­sults in pathology and bacteriology during the Universityyear was announced on May 3. (See "News of theQuadrangles" for details). Doctor Ricketts died onMay 3, 1910, in Mexico City after repeatedly risking hislife in a search for the causes and prevention of thedeadly spotted and typhus fevers. After graduating fromthe Northwestern medical school and serving an intern­ship in Cook County Hospital, Dr. Ricketts accepted afellowship in Skin Pathology at Rush from which posi­tion he rapidly advanced to an important place on theRush medical staff.Howard Ricketts was fond of hunting and fishing inthe Rockies. Here he encountered the dreaded fever ofthe Mountains: Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Noonewas sure what was causing this disease and Dr. Rickettslooked upon this as a challenge. Therefore, in the springof 1906 he arrived at Missoula, Montana with monkeysand guinea pigs, prepared to devote the necessary partof his life in discovering the cause and prevention of thisfever.If you have read,or seen in the talkies, "Green Light"you have a vivid picture of the next three years of Dr.Ricketts' isolated life of treacherous investigations.Suspecting that ticks played a part in the spread of thisfever, he would walk with his assistant through the tallspring mountain grass until their clothes were coveredwith these miniature crawling blood-suckers. Theywould then return to their mountain laboratory, shaketheir clothes over a white sheet, and gather their supplyof specimens. They engaged a trapper to secure nativewild animals for their experiments. With the trapperbringing in as many as 300 gophers, water rats, wood­chucks, squirrels and chipmunks at a time, no small partof their tasks involved caring for their "zoo."Although Dr. Ricketts never made the claim it waspretty universally admitted that his three-year study ofthis spotted fever in Montana was the major scientificcontribution which established the cause of this fever.But Howard Ricketts was never to finish the work hestarted in Montana. An epidemic: of typhus fever brokeout in Mexico. Because typhus fever resembled spottedfever and because Dr. Ricketts had become famous forhis work in this field, he was persuaded to go to Mexico.This was in December, 1909. On April 23, 1910, Dr. Ricketts announced the discovery of a micro-organism inthe blood of typhus patients similar to that in the bodylouse which he believed would lead to the discovery ofthe cause of the fever. At this critical stage in the in­vestigation Dr. Ricketts contracted the disease and died011 MayS,On May 15, 1910, a memorial service was held inMandel Hall honoring Dr. Howard T. Ricketts. TheMexican government renamed his laboratory at MexicoCity the "Dr. Howard T. Ricketts Laboratory" and theUniversity dedicated its new pathology, hygiene, andbacteriology laboratories (on Ellis Avenue near 58thStreet) to his memory. But the crowning recognition ofthe work of Howard Ricketts was given by the scientificworld itself in calling the class of organisms which causetyphus and spotted fever "Rickettsia."Henry T. Ricketts, the son of Dr. Howard T. Rick­etts, is an Instructor of Medicine at Billings Hospital.After her husband's death, Mrs. Howard T. Rickettsgave the University $5,000 from the income of which anannual prize was to be awarded the student who, thatyear, presented the best research results in pathologyand bacteriology. Each year the University awards thatprize on the anniversary of Dr. Ricketts' death."If I were President" is the title of an editorial which ap­peared in the Da�ly Maroon on April 29. It has a touchof humor, a touch of philosophy, and its premise might,without too great a stretch of the imagination, be con­sidered as one of the practical solutions to PresidentHutchins' proposal that "bachelor of arts be bachelor ofarts" and ditto doctors of philosophy. For PresidentHutchins said, "In my opinion bachelors of arts are inno sense competent in the arts of reading and writing;they are lacking in aesthetic cultivations; and they arechaotically educated in the sciences and in history. . . .N or should science be used as an excuse for ignorance ofeverything else." (From "Reintegration of the Univers­ity"-April Mdgazm,e.)We reprint the editorial herewith, not for the abovereasons, however, but 'because-with our editorial earto the undergraduate ground-we believe we have heardsome of its reasonings advanced before and will not besurprised to hear them advanced in the future.34 'I'HE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIF I WERE PRESIDENT I would requireevery professor in the University to take and passat least one course outside his own departmentevery year.It sounds simple, but its beneficial resultswould be enormous. Atone stroke, the professorwould be kept humble and wise; it would makehim both a better teacher and a more effective re­search man.Experiencing the poor teaching of most of hiscolleagues, especially in the higher reaches of theUniversity, he might be brought to recognizesome of the weaknesses of his own class roomtechniques. He might even do something to im­prove them.The knowledge that real full fledged professorsnot just as at present future professors, wereamong the recipients of his wisdom might put theinstructor on his mettle; might even induce himto revise his lecture notes. Think of the deva­stating effect if conversations at the Quadrangleclub on faculty merits and demerits resembledthose of Hutchinson Commons:Secondly, the professor would be kept wise. Hemight avoid that 'datedness' which may be goodin coffee, but is assuredly not good in profes­sors.Great research achievement comes as muchfrom cross fertilization of distinct fields of knowl­edge as from intensive cultivation of one of theremoter corners of one of the fields. Many a pro­fessor is so steeped in the accepted techniquesand conclusions of his field that he couldn't makeany really important contribution.A knowledge of what his colleagues in bothnear and distant pastures are thinking aboutmight put important research achievement withinthe grasp of the professor who now floundersabout trying to keep up with the literature of hisfield, which is in vast majority, the application,unimportant in itself, of already established gen­eralizations and techniques.This should effectually scotch the cry whichthe harried professor is sure to raise: "But whatabout my pet research project? "When will I havetime to work on it t' A single course for onequarter in three would be well worth the timetaken from bending over laboratory table or bookpiled desk.The courses would even be fun for the pro­fessors. They, being human, must sometimes feelwearied of their own particular specialty. Andthere are few things more exhilarating than thediscovery of a new idea to which you must ac­commodate your beliefs.The requirement would go far toward makingthe University a cohesive unity, not a mere col­lection of research workers who occasionally comeforth from their study or laboratory to talk todull witted students. This is the great aim ofPresident Hutchins' plan for the reform of higher learning. Until a staff is available which has hadthe benefits of the new curriculum, it might makeeasier the embodiment of the plan if professorsknew just a little about each other's ideas and in­terests.A rigid requirement would be necessary tobudge the professors from their established habitof burrowing into the narrowest hole they canfind, and their horror of any emergence from it.They would be free to choose their own coursesalthough I think it would be a good thing to re�quire the four survey courses or demonstrationof an equivalent amount of information £ro111.every professor. Careful check would be neces­sary to make sure that none sneaked through oncourses whose content they already knew.The move would make better teachers, betterseekers after truth, more satisfied faculty, a bet­ter University. It would increase Universityrevenue from tuition. In fact it's a wonder it hasnot been put into effect long since. W. H. M.The Renaissance Society has an exhibition of paint­ings in its galleries by two graduates of the Uni­versity who have attained recognition in Chicago andelsewhere: Rainey Bennett, '30, and John Pratt, '33.Mr. Bennett was graduated from the University in1930, and since then has been represented in a num­ber of traveling exhibitions and since 1933 in everyInternational Water Color Show at the Chicago ArtInstitute, where he received the Tuthill Prize in 1936.He has had one-man shows at the Delphic Studi6s inPhiladelphia and has a current show at the Down­town Gallery in New York City.Mr. Pratt was graduated from the University in1933 and is represented in the current InternationalWater Color Show at the Chicago Art Institute. Hehad his first one-man show at Increase Robinson'sGallery in 1933, and a number of exhibitions at theRoullier Galleries since. He appeared last year atthe Renaissance Society in an exhibition withCharles Sebree, and had a one-man show at theArden Galleries, New York, last November. He re­cently received the Annual Award of DistinctiveMerit from the Advertising Art Directors Club ofNew York. The show will continue through June 7to give returning alumni an opportunity to visit thegalleries during Reunion Week.Fred B. Millett, Associate Professor of English, hasapplied for a year' s leave of absence in order to accept aVisiting Professorship at Wesleyan University, Middle­town, Connecticut. He will assist in the development ofhonors work for the undergraduates. Mr. Millett cameto the University as an assistant professor of English in1927, received his PhD in 1931 and was made an asso­ciate professor in 1932. Since 1931, he has been SeniorFaculty Head of Burton and Judson Courts. Mr. Millett,who has contributed upwards of ninety critical sketchesin the Mcqaeine, will continue to' write his column (InTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMy Opinion) each month during his year's absence.Since coming to the University, Mr. Millett has pub­lished Contemporurv American Literature, Contempor­ary British Literature (with Professors Manly andRickert), The Art of the Drama, and The Plais theThing (with Assistant Professor G. E. Bentley).The Dolphin Club is a new student organization thatmade its appearance on these quadrangles with the re­cession of the spring flood waters. It may have beenthe excessively wet spring that sprouted this new stu­dent activity into being, but the Dolphin Club-com­posed of those frequenters of Bartlett pool wh? have wonletters in swimming-burst into fun bloom with a watercarnival late last month. The carnival was publicized asa water frolic of foolishness, frivolity, and fun witheveryone invited. We were attracted to the show becauseit was rumored that one of the stunts would be to turnthe swimming team loose in the pool with a live two-and­a-half-pound carp, the understanding being that no onewould leave the pool until the carp had been overtakenand hog-tied.The show began building to a climax with the comicantics of Jay Brown and Floyd Stauffer; took on addedimpetus with the throwing of national-woman-back­stroke-contender, Margie Smith (see "Athletics" -AprilM aqazine ), into the tank with her clothes on (a carefullyplanned "impromptu" stunt); and hit a new high forwater grace and rhythm with the appearance of the cot­ton-underwear ballet which did a revue number thatwould out-Fox any Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer chorus num­ber-in spite of the fact that Stauffer couldn't locatethe submerged hose for the fountain finale scene. Butthe fish act never materialized. It seems there was afish earlier in the afternoon. He had been placed gentlyin a tub into which one of the showers was directed tosupply running water for the carp until evening. In theabsence of the carp's keeper the boiler pressure increasedand backed into the cold water pipe. The carp, not beinga tropical variety, had responded unfavorably to thechange in temperature!NONE OF OUR BUSINESSMilton E. Robinson, Jr. '11, JD '13 (Dean of theAlumni School) entered the University as "Everett M.Robinson." This was the way he was christened, be­cause dad opposed the "Jr." which would automaticallytag Robinson senior as "the old man." Milt liked the Jr.ielea, however, and finally wore "the old man" down sothat before 1911 Milton had the order of his names re­VIsed on the records. Milt is a Blackfriar enthusiast­in the earlier days attending every performance of everyproduction- and has only missed three of the thirty­three annual shows (which is some sort of an off­campus record). His coal ad in this year's "One Footin the Aisle" printed program read: "One foot in theaisle is better than one lump in the bin. In the latterpredicament just call Oakland ten-ten."The Phoenix and the Daily Maroon h ave bee ncarrying on a friendly feud of disparaging wisecracks this year to the benefit of circulation all around. In itsApril issue, the Phoenix "reproduced" a caricaturedfront page of the Maroon using bats for phoenixes, "Vol.2 Ot." and "Numb" on the masthead. The page alsocar�ied this announcement: "Note to Readers-Thisissue of the Da,ily M aroo n is put out by Phoenix as acourtesy to its readers. As a special money and timesaving device ... simply tear out ... and read it daily ...to keep up with campus events as you otherwise wouldby buying the Maroon. It may become dull after a whilebut doesn't it?"The issue brought a letter from the serious-mindedChicago postal authorities. The letter was reproducedin the May Phoenix with appropriate editorial comment.T he parts of the letter which furnished material for thehumorous editorial read, in part, as follows : "Yourattention is invited to pages 15 and 16 of the April, 1937,issue of the Phoenix bearing the title The Daily Maroonand a volume and serial number different from thePhoenix with which it is incorporated ... please be in­formed that is not permissible, under the postal regula­tions, to incorporate another publication in the Phoenixand this practice, therefore, must be discontinued at once."In the 'Note to Readers' referred to above there alsoappears the following statement: 'Simply tear out thepage and read it daily in order to keep up with campusevents, etc.' indicating that the page is intended for de­tachment and subsequent extraneous use, in contraven­tion of the provisions of paragraph ... section . . . (etc.)... that regulation limits the extent of matter intended fordetachment to one half a page ... Please submit astatement in explanation of these irregularities ... "The open letter, by Editor Henry A. Reese, ad­dressed to the Chicago postal authorities, incorporatedsuch explanations as "VoL 2 qt. is sometimes called ahalf gallon"; "Numb is either an adjective or adverb. . . meaning that the subj ect is in a state of suspendednervous reaction ... "Reese regretted that Phoenix) attempting to justify itsreputation as a humorous monthly, had apparently failedmiserably and wondered how magazines like the NewYorker got away with such statements as "tear off thetop of your local grocer etc." And closed with a P. S."This is a fine way to treat the Democratic headquarterson the campus."It sounds like a Chicago Club, but in reality it isthe announcement of the new law firm combinationat the Board of Trade Building in Chicago. Thefirm members include the following: Russell Wiles'02; Marcus Andrew Hir schl '09, JD '10; HoraceDavvson JD '23; Charles J. Merriam '22, JD '25;J ohn Potts Barnes '23, JD '24; and \\lalker B. Davis'25, JD '27.Dean Henry G. Gale ( chairman, Physics) andGordon J. Laing (General Editor, University Press)have a standing billiard feud at the Quadrangle Clubbilliard room. At this writing Mr. Laing leads witha total of two games counting from October 1, 1936.At the first signs of spring they transfer a part of theiractivities to the golf course where they are just as nipand tuckily matched.OIL FOR THE LAMPSRoyal F. Munger, Financial Editor of the ChicagoDaily News, does a radio program each Wednesday eve­ning which is sponsored by the American National Bankand Investment Company. The program, called the"Parade of Industry" is a series of financial resumes ofbusiness firms in the Middleuiesi. Mr. Mungers Mayfifth broadcast was the following interview with N. C.Plimpton, Comptroller of the University, and John F..M ouids, Secretary of the Board of Trustees.* *EVERYONE thinks of our large endowed univer­sities as great educational institutions, which ofcourse they are. Fewer people realize that theyare also great financial institutions, handling the millionsof dollars in endowments which protect, support andsafeguard their educational activities. We have chosenfor an example this evening the University of Chicago,unquestionably the greatest power in education in themiddle-west. Great in science, great in research, greatin medicine, great in the study of business, and sharingwith Columbia University the development of teachingmethods by which the next generation of Americans willbe instructed.On the financial side, the investment assets of theUniversity as of June 30, 1936, had an estimated mar­ket value of about $74,000,000. That means the man­agement of funds and the carrying of responsibility arecomparable with those of big corporations which havebeen touched upon in this series.Suppose we look first at the way a great Universityhas thought it wise to invest the funds it guards. Aboutone-third of the investments, or $26,000,000, is in bonds;about $21,000,000, or somewhat less than one-third,is in stocks; another third or about $25,000,000, is inreal estate or obligations secured by real estate. Well,that seems a sensible proportion. One-third in bonds, athird in stocks, and another third in real estate or realestate loans.Perhaps the details of these investments may also beinteresting. Fortunately I have here at the microphoneMr. N. C. Plimpton, Comptroller of The University ofChicago, whose omniscience might be indicated, sketch­ily, by the idea that he knows everything about thefinances of the University that I don't know. The smallsegment of the latter implies the almost complete circleof the former. Munger: "Mr. Plimpton, of the one­third of the funds of the University of Chicago that arein bonds, what portion is in railroad bonds?"Plimpton: "About seven million out of twenty-sixmillion, Mr. Munger."Munger: "And in public utility bonds?"Plimpton: "Approximately nine and one-half mil­lions."Munger: "And the rest?"Plimpton: "Five million in government and municipal .,• A Radio Interview by ROYAL F. MUNGER IIIbonds, about three millions in industrials, and one andone-half millions in foreign governments."Munger: "Then the bulk of the bond investmel1twas in railroads and utilities. Now let us turn to thepart that is invested in stocks. Is that also in rail�and utilities?" ..Elimpton : "No, Mr. Munger, only about eight pel'cent: the rest is in various financial and industrial stocks;but first let me correct one assumption. The Univs-,sity of Chicago did not invest that much of its fundsin stocks; some of the stocks held have increased enoughto raise the value of its holdings to the proportion pre:':,viously mentioned. Some of these stocks were receivedfrom Mr. John D. Rockefeller, and have appreciatedconsiderably over the years." ,Munger: "Which would seem to show that he hadforesight, as well as benevolence. N ow how about thereal estate? The University owns a considerable amountof business property for investment purposes, does itnot ?"Answer : "Yes, it has funds in One North LaSalleStreet Building, the Underwriters Building, the Wil­liams Building, the Builders Building at LaSalle andWashington, andmany others."Question:"What kind ofinvestment re­turn does it getfrom this realestate ?"Answer: "Inthe last fiscaiyear the incomewas 3.82 percent on the bookval u e of theproperty. "Question: "Isits real estate ex­empt from tax­ation ?"Answer: "Adistinction needsto be made be- Comptroller Nathan C. Plimptontween real estateused to produce income and that used for educationalpurposes. On the former the annual tax bill for 1935was over $750,000, and probably will be higher for1936."Question: "So instead of being tax-exempt theUniversity really does pay more than $750,000 to the;city and state annually? And those funds support theschool system of the state?"Answer: "That's correct."6THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEQuestion: "Including, I suppose, to some extent theVniversity of Illinois?"Answer: "As well as the state normal schools and thepublic school system."Question: "What interests me even more is theamount of business that the University of Chicago bringsto the city. About how much money does the Univer­sity handle in a year?"Answer: "In the expenditures of the institution underits budget, for purchases of bonds and stocks of approxi­mately $lO,OOO,CX)(), for especially financed research, forconstruction of buildings, for the operation of real estateas well as the operations of the dormitories, dining es­tablishments, a book store, a printing shop, and a pub­lication department, the amount disbursed during theJast fiscal year exceeded $21,(X)(),OOO."Question: "But even outside the expenditures of theUniversity, its student body and faculty, and employeesand members of their families must spend very largeSll111S in the city's retail trade, and for r00111 and board?"Answer: "That is correct, since the living expensesof students on the average are probably twice the amountof their fees in the University."Question: "What is the total population of the Uni­versity?"Answer: "Last year over 12,000 different personswere registered in the University, about 1,000 in theHigh School, Elementary School, and Kindergarten, andabout 3,500 in the Home Study Department. The Uni­versity community, including students and pupils, to­gether with more than 3,000 faculty members and em­ployees on the payroll, and their families, might aggre­gate 15,000 to 18,000 people."Question: "Well, if each of those spend $1,000 a year,that would be another $15,000,000 to $18,000,000?"Answer: "Of course, the salaries of the faculty andemployees are already included in the figures first men­tioned."Question: "So that it is a fair estimate that the Uni­versity is bringing expenditures of many millions a yearto Chicago. About what investment does the Universityas a whole represent? How much money is required toset up the plant?"Answer: "Buildings, library, physical apparatus andequipment, etc., approximate $41,000,000 at cost."Question: "That is entirely aside from any endow­ment ?"Answer: "Yes, that's right. Endowments are in theneighborhood of $67,000,000."Question: "And the income from this source, togetherwith student fees, gifts, etc., provides employment forsomething like 3,000 faculty members and employees?"Answer : "Yes."Question: "With the physical plant and endowmentsrepresenting more than one hundred millions, I presumethe University has all the funds it needs?"Answer: "Not in view of the work the University isexpected and hopes to do. An educational institution iswealthy or poor with respect to the possession of re­sources to enable it to carryon an adequate program ofinstruction and research. An institution is poor if itneeds additional funds in order to serve society in a 7manner proportionate to its opportunities. The Univer­sity of Chicago could use to advantage double its pres­ent resources. Particularly are additional funds neededfor aid to ambitious but needy students who, to the num­ber of about two-thirds, are working their way in wholeor in part."Munger : "Thank you, Mr. Plimpton, for such a clearpicture of the investments of a great institution like theUniversity ofChicago. It isworth whileleaving bequeststo a groupguarded by trus­tees who safe­guard them socarefully. But allthis talk of mil­lions sounds asif the studentsw ere gettingeverything free.I suppose theypay theirshare ?"Plimpton:"They do, in­deed, Mr. Mun­ger. Stu den tfees make up 31 Secretary John F. Mouldsper cent of theincome of the University, while its direct endowmentincome is 33 per cent, gifts for current purposes, Clinicsreceipts. etc., making up the balance."Munger: "How much of the income goes for the directsalary cost of teaching and research ?';Plimpton: "It varies somewhat from year to year.Last year it was about 38 per cent."Munger: "Then the students of the University of Chi­cago really pay somewhat less than the cost of their owninstruction and the research, as far as direct salaries areconcerned, while the University endowment and incomefrom other sources supply, without cost to them, the ad­ministrative expenses, libraries, laboratories, and upkeepof the physical plant, buildings, and physical upkeep ofthe campus. That probably seems as it should be."Plimpton: "It does, indeed, Mr. Munger."Munger: "By the way, there is a good deal of talkabout athletics being a large item in college income.What proportion of the income of the University of Chi­cago is derived from athletics, Mr. Plimpton?"Plimpton, "Exactly one and four one-hundredths percent."Munger: "And how much does the University spendon athletics?"Plimpton: "On the item of physical and social welfareof the students, the University spends about 3.4 per centof its income, or more than three times the athletic re­ceipts."Munger: "How much of the income of the University(Continu,ed on Page 26)ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS• By OTTO STRUVE, PhD'23, Director, Yerkes ObservatoryT. HE department of astronomy of the University'. ,.of Chicago was organized by Professor GeorgeEllery Hale more than forty years ago. At the. dedication of the Yerkes Observatory, he described thepurpose of the new institution in the following words:"If I mistake not the signs of thetimes, the Yerkes Observatory canrender no better service to bothastronomy and physics than to con­tribute, in such degree as its resourcesmay allow, toward strengthening thegood will and common interest whichare ever tending to draw astrono­mers and physicists into closer touch.. . . vVe have before us the serioustask of carrying into execution theinvestigations which have been pro­jected. It is the ambition of themembers of the observatory staff thatthe work to be done here shall acquirea reputation for thorough reliabil­ity .... "Many of the original problems out­lined by Hale have been solved.Burnham's brilliant work on doublestars culminated in the publication,by the Carnegie Institution, of a com­plete catalogue of double star meas­ures. Barnard's photographic workon the Milky 'Yay has laid the foun­dations for all modern investigationsf cosmic clouds in the universe.r Schlesinger's determinations of trigonometric parallaxesfrom photographs taken with the 40-inch telescope haveprovided the basis for all later work on the distancesof the stars. Hale's own investigations of the sun,started at the Kenwood Observatory in Chicago andcontinued first at the Yerkes Observatory and later atMount Wilson, have yielded important information con­cerning the nature of the various phenomena observedon the sun. Similarly, the determinations of the motionsof the hottest stars in the line of sight initiated by Frosthave been extensively used by statistical astronomers intheir studies of the dynamics of the stellar system.At the present time the members of the departmentof astronomy are concentrating their efforts on a seriesof problems which, broadly, fall into two major groups.The astronomical universe is built up of two kincls ofmaterial. Each galactic system, like our own MilkyVvay, consists of some ten thousand million stars,embedded in a diffuse plasma of exceedingly tenuousmatter. Our first group of problems deals with thestars, the second with the plasma. It is surprising thatthe building blocks of the universe are stars which, moreor less, resemble the sun. Few stars have masses of lessthan one-tenth or more than one hundred times that ofthe sun. There must exist in nature a law which pre- vents the formation of luminous stars of very small Orof very large mass. But our astronomers are not pri­marily concerned with the interpretation of the massesof the stars. Their ultimate aim is to discover, if pOssi­ble, the source and the properties of the energy-gen_erating process which goes on theinteriors of all stars.Our own sun has a mass of 2xl033grams. Its radiant energy corre­sponds to a total output of 4xl033ergs per second. This equals about50 horse power for every square inchof the sun's surface.For a cool star the energy genera­tion is about 100 - times less; for avery hot star it is 1000 times greater.Now, the average star has almost cer­tainly been emitting a constantamount of energy at a constant ratefor a thousand million years. Thestars can, therefore, be considered asenormous reservoirs of energy, andwhile we have no means to utilize itdirectly, we can investigate the prop­erties of the stars and attempt to finothe physical laws which underlie thecreation of this stupendous output ofpower.Since we have no obvious expla­nation for the origin of stellar ener­gies, we must start by making acareful study of the physical prop­erties of the stars. By doing so we shall be able to find,empirically, in which way the energy generation of thestars depends upon observable characteristics.It is at this point that Professors Van Biesbroeck andKuiper furnish the required information. With the great40-inch telescope at Williams Bay they measure, nightafter night, the slow motions of double star componentsas they revolve around one another, obeying the laws ofNewton, under their mutual force of gravitationalattraction. One purpose of this work is to find the massesof the stars. Once these are known, we can computethe average energy output per gram of the star's mate­rial.But before we can determine the energy output ofthe star as a whole, we must know its distance. Theapparent brightness gives us only a measure of theamount of light which is received from the star at thesurface of the earth. If the star is nearby, its energyoutput will be small; if it is far away, the energy gener­ation will be large. The distances of the stars arebeing determined by several methods at the YerkesObservatory. The 1110st interesting is one used byDr. Morgan and Dr. Keenan. From the appearanceof the spectrum of a star they infer not only its sur­face temperature but also its true luminosity, whichDean Henry G. Gale (center) visits theMcDonald Observatory. Director Struve standsto his left and Associate Professor Elvey tohis right8THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 9is of course, a measure of the total energy output.,There is one serious complication which has, in thepast, interfered to some. extent with theoretical investi­gatior:s of stellar ener�?es. Our eyes,. or. our photo­graphlC plates, are sensitive to a rather limited range ofcolors. Now, when we discuss the energy output, weare interested in the total amount of radiant energy, notin the fraction which falls between the violet and thered colors of the visual spectrum. It is not easy tocorrect our direct observations of stellar luminosities sothat they will include all radiations-even those whichare not visible or which are not transmitted by theatmosphere-but this task has recently been completedby Dr. Kuiper.The third important quantity which determines thephysical characteristics of a star is its radius. Manyyears ago Professor Michelson showed how stellar radiican be measured directly with an interferometer. Butthis method is applicable to only very few close andexceptionally large stars, and we can not use it atWilliams Bay. Instead we determine, from the spectra,the temperatures of the stars, which by a round-aboutmethod leads to a determination of the radius.The three principal quantities of a star, its energy out­put (or luminosity), its mass and its radius are notentirely independent of one another. There are twoprincipal relations betweeen these quantities which formthe foundation of most of our work. The first is theHertzsprung-Russell diagram; the second, Eddington'smass-luminosity curve. Dr. Kuiper has made a study ofboth relationships and has thereby prepared the founda­tion for a theoretical interpretation of stellar energies.The important thing is that certain groups of stars, suchas clusters, give widely different curves in the Hertz­sprung-Russell diagram, which suggests a commonorigin of these groups and a physical nature differentfrom that of other groups. Even more interesting isKuiper's mass-luminosity curve. The great majority ofthe stars fall upon asmooth curve whichindicates that theluminosity increasesroughly as the cubeof the star's mass.The energy generationof a gram of materialin a star, therefore,depends upon the totalmass-and not, as onemight have expected,upon the averagedensity. The moremassive stars generatemore energy than theless massive ones, notonly because of theirgreater bulk, but alsobecause their sub­stance is intrinsicallymore active. A fewstars show marked de­partures fro m the mass-luminosity curve. Some are decidedly under-lumi­nous, and are called "white dwarfs." Dr. Kuiper has dis­covered most of them. They are characterized byenormous densities--one cubic centimeter of their sub­stance contains something like 1,000,000 or more grams.Dr. Kuiper and Dr. Seyfert are now engaged in a sys­tematic search for white dwarfs with the 24-inch reflectorof the Yerkes Observatory.It is at this point that Dr. Chandrasekhar's workbegins. If the physical process of energy generation inthe stars were known so that we could compute theenergy produced by every gram of material, we couldderive a complete picture of the structure of the star.VVe could, for example, specify at each point the pres­sure and the temperature. The calculations would thenmerely serve as a useful test of the gas laws which wehave adopted from the physicists. But, in reality, theenergy generating process is not known. It is, there­fore, necessary to make plausible guesses concerning thegeneration of energy. For example, we may arbitrarilyassume that every gram of stellar material generates afixed amount of energy; or we may assume that allenergy generation takes place at the center. Havingadopted a model, we proceed to apply the gas laws andto compute the resulting relations between stellar mass,luminosity and radius. The purpose of the work is, ofcourse, to conclude from the observations which of theassumed properties of the model are correct. This willthen give us an insight into the real physical process ofenergy generation. The mathematical difficulties of thisproblem are very great, since it resolves itself into thesolution of rather complicated differential equations. Butwith great mathematical skill and clear physical insight,Dr. Chandrasekhar has already derived important resultswhich tend towards the solution of the energy problem.An important question is that of the gas laws: doesstellar matter act as a perfect gas and does it obey the ele­mentary laws derived by the physicists? Dr. Chandrasek-har has answeredthis question and hasshown that in whitedwarfs the gas lawsare no longer thoseordinarily observed inthe laboratory.Having ascertainedthe properties of theenergy producingprocess, an attemptcan be made to learnsomething of thechemical compositionof stellar material inthe interior. Our spec­tographic work givesdirect information con­cerning the chemicalcomposition of only athin outer layer, pos­sibly not more than100 kilometers 111thickness. For theCross • .alon of the U-tnch reflector..10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEinterior we must again rely upon themathematical theory. This work hasbeen done by Dr. Stromgren. Sev­eral years ago he was able to showthat well-known observational prop­erties of the stars are markedly influ­enced by the relative proportion ofhydrogen to other elements. In allstars hydrogen predominates, but itsabundance varies over a considerablerange. Stromgren is now workingon the problem of the abundance ofhelium in stellar interiors, and he isplanning to make extensive use ofKuiper's mass-luminosity results. Thefact that the hydrogen abundance isnot the same in all stars suggeststhat hydrogen is gradually being con­verted into heavier elements and thatthis transmutation is the source ofstellar energies. It is not too muchto say that the combined efforts ofKuiper, Chandrasekhar and Strom­gren have brought within striking dis­tance the solution of the problem ofstellar energies.While these fundamental investi-gations are in progress, another group of University ofChicago astronomers is engaged in the study of theinterstellar plasma-the diffuse clouds of gaseous atomsand dust which pervade the entire Milky Way and areconspicuously seen as irregular condensations in the formof bright and dark nebulae. A few months ago theYerkes Observatory distributed to other observatoriesthe second part of the Atlas of the Milky Way by Pro­fessor Ross. Consisting of 39 photographs, each 13x13inches in size, and covering approximately 400 squareI degrees, it represents the most complete picture of thestructure of our Milky Way system. The work of takingthe plates has lasted for several years; this was precededby the optical design of a 5-inch photographic lens whichgives a picture 20 degrees on each side without distor­tion. This Atlas, and the earlier one by Barnard, formone of the most important contributions to astronomy.From it we derive our initial information concerning thedistribution and form of the nebulae.While a great deal is known concerning the stars,our information on the interstellar plasma is quite frag­mentary. We know that it pervades all space betweenthe stars, that it does not appreciably extend into thevast regions between separate galaxies, and that it sharesthe rotational motion of the entire Milky Way systemaround a distant center. The ultimate problem beforeus is to discover why the matter in our universe issegregated partly into discrete stars and partly into thediffuse plasma. Do stars originate from the plasma, ordo they disintegrate into it? But before we can answerthese questions we must know how much mass is con­centrated in the plasma and how finely it is divided. Thisproblem is now being vigorously attacked by severalmembers of our department.The first question we wish to answer is: how many particles of any given size are th�per cubic inch of interstellar space'Sp�ctrographic observations by t�writer gave, several years ago, a par::tial answer by specifying the numbelof calcium atoms per cubic cettti;meter. yv e can, :hen, infer roughl�the density of the interstellar gas, andthis turns out to be of the order ofone atom per hundred cubic centi�meters of space. In ordinary aiithere are 2.7xlOlD atoms in e�cubic centimeter. There are indiciitions, however, that in addition t�gas atoms there are larger particles iiispace-grains of dust or meteoricstones or even small rocks. In cei;tain regions of space these clouds ii'particles are dense enough to obstruciour vision, and the background starsare cut off from sight. Such regions'are designated as dark nebulae. Occif.._sionally a bright star happens to �'near a dark nebula, which is thenilluminated as a mass of fog is illum­inated by the headlight of a car. Theresult is a bright nebula. The prob­lem is to study the character of the nebular illuminationand to derive from it the size and the space-density ofthe particles. Every particle is illuminated by a knownamount of light from the star. Part of this light isabsorbed by the particle and transformed into heat. Therest is diffusely reflected in all directions. But whilelarge particles reflect most of the incident light back­wards, in the direction opposite to that of the incidentlight, small particles reflect a larger fraction in the samedirection as the incident beam. The smallest particlesreflect equal amounts forward and backward, but onlyone-half as much to the right and to the left. This prop­erty of particles to reflect varying amounts of light indifferent directions is described by a quantity which wecall the phase function. The proportion of the total lightreflected in all directions to that received from the staris referred to as the albedo. A white particle has a largealbedo, a black particle a small one. It is our aim, then,to determine from the observations the albedo and th6phase function of the nebular particles. If we can findthem we shall have a much better idea of the interstellarplasma than we now have. For the past year or more,Dr. Elvey has cooperated with the writer in securingthe necessary observations with a photographic cameraespecially built for us by an enthusiastic Chicago amatew:telescope maker, Mr. C. H. Nicholson. The camera is'mounted on our old 12-inch telescope, on Mount Lockein Texas, where atmospheric conditions are much betterthan in Williams Bay.The theoretical interpretation of the observations hasbeen the work of Dr. Henyey and the writer. The formerhas been engaged, recently, in the study of very denseportions of the plasma which we occasionally observe.One of them is in the constellation Taurus, where a stat( C oniinu ed on Page 25)C. T. Elvey pauses in front of the mounting ofthe 82-inch reflector of the McDonaldObservatoryPHILIP SCHUYLER ALLEN• By ROBERT MORSS LOVETT, Professor Emeritus of English� If Y acquaintance with Phil Allen goes back-to thel VI summer of 1894, when he turned up as a mem­tIV ber of a class in English composition and wrotePI ? Or three daily themes. Then he droppe. d out. He ex­alned I hill W' ater t at he could not stand the Harvard accentill hlch the course was conducted. He was then teach­atgp or. engaged to teach, English at the military academythe DI?ault, and did not begin his long connection witha nlVersity of Chicago until the next year. He wasWh':tember for two seasons of the famous football teamell leh under Captain War Horse Allen won the confer­cJo�: ehamp�or:ship in 18�S. He played centre, as he hadSU' at Williams, and introduced a new technique ina ;ng that position. The centre in those days was usuallySta a: man, whose chief function was to serve as an ob­lege e. Phil, thin and rangy, used his long arms andhe s to reach out and pull them over, and occasionally011 Would chase them down the field, running, as wasa ee remarked, like a crazy ice-wagon. He came withIV�reat reputation from the East. When Captain Allenill � to see President Harper about getting a fellowshiphe erman for Phil, the President asked casually, "CaneYe Play football?" at which the great captain turned hisCa S tOWard heaven and exclaimed: "Can he play? Myfae�d!" Phil took �is fellowship seriously. and :vas inillg rather ,!ed up WIth _football. He d�scn�d 111S f�el­Pe �hus: I always think, perhaps FJmt WIll get hI111.hi� aps Wyant will get him. Oh, hell, I'll have to' getIt myself." .tllr Was after I had been away for two years and re­kll�ed to the Univeisity in 1898 that I really began tobig W Phil, in the summer of 1899. My family lived in aered old house on Cornell. Avenue. with � deep vine .cov­to b P?rch where cool drinks, which Phil never admittedbel' e l11toxicating, could be served discreetly. I remem­h Perfectly the staid and sober appearance of Dr. and<v�rs A.Str ll llen on a pleasant Sunday. afternoon, as theyOll� ed down the opposite side of the street looking forthe lhouse. It was the first time but not by any meanssev ast, Phil was then acting as his father's agent forto �ral apartment houses in Englewood, where he hadcf IVe and suffer the manifold distractions and griefsto ���ndlord; but he joined the Lake Zurich Golf ClubsOlQ leh a number of University men belonged, and for�hil� years occupied a cottage not far from ours. Theligi ren of the two families grew up together. The re­a ;us tradition was strong in both, and I conductedearl U�day School class for the bunch. One afternooni11il Y 111 May my little boy and I started to walk the fivetill es to Lake Zurich from the railroad station at Bar­we g�on. A light snow soon turned into a blizzard, andclark: ad hard work to make it against the wind. It wastag by the time we sighted the lights of the Allen coi­l re and beat our way to the door, coated like snow-men.eUlember that pleasant family as they took us in and made us welcome with all the arts of hospitality whichthey so delighted to exercise.Phil had spent two years abroad, chiefly in Germany,between leaving college and coming to Chicago, andseemed very much of a European in my unsophisticatedeyes. He knew the resources of the city in the way ofentertainment, and enjoyed showing them off. He hada wonderful faculty of divining where a five or tendollar bill might be lurking in someone's inside pocket,and willing it forth. And if the crowd was absolutelybusted he could always float a loan from some reluctantfellow citizen, or inspire trust in a suspicious host. Tome, brought up in New England, where, as Percy Boyn­ton puts it, "they draw the shades to save the sunlight,"he was a real corrective influence in' economic matters.With all his zest for life, Phil was at heart a puritan.He had a deep sense of responsibility toward others,I never knew anyone who was so often and so honestlyunder what I was brought up to call conviction of sin.Of course this secret burden showed little in his inter­course with others. He was always the good companion,genial, jovial. He enjoyed talk, his own as well as thatof others. He was a teller of tall tales which did not pallthrough repetition. His humor was spontaneous, robust,infectious. In that primitive time to which I am referringseveral of us maintained an institution known as theThompson Street Poker Club at which Phil was in hisPhilip Schuyler Allenelement. He made it a pleasure to lose-indeed I havenever enjoyed gambling since, because I have neverfound amusment in losing to anyone else.These years, and in fact most years, were hard onesfor Phil. As an oldest son he had to watch over hisfather and mother in their old age, and administer hisfather's property for their benefit and that of his brothersand sisters. He had his own growing family to providefor. As income from rents in Englewood declined hehad to earn far more than his salary at the University,1112 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand thus to take on innumerable jobs in the way ofediting text books. He wrote a story, "Schmidt, Ber­lin," which ought to have been a best seller, but theWar spoiled it for American publishers. At the time ofhis death he was writing an autobiography which shouldcontain the best of himself-the rich personal qualitywhich his friends knew and loved. Meanwhile he taughtfull time, four quarters a year. And toiling like a wearyTitan he recognized and fulfilled the highest duty of hiscalling. He founded and edited for some years the jour­nal, Modern Philology, and gave immense labor to twobooks in the mediaeval field, The Romanesque Lyric andThe M ediaeoal Latin Lyric. I am grateful to ProfessorManly, of all his colleagues the ablest to speak on thissubject, for the following note on his scholarship:"As a scholar Mr. Allen may be said to have devotedhis life to a single subject, the mediaeval lyric, but in hisconception this was no narrow or shallow theme. Hebelieved that the lyric because of its brevity and its sub­jectivity is the completest epitome of all the forces atwork upon and within those who write it and those forwhom it is written. Thus conceived there was nothingin human history that did not seem germane to it. Thehistoric culture of all the Mediterranean peoples and theprehistoric cultures and temperaments of Celt and Teu­ton demanded that he should learn all that could beknown of them in themselves and in their interactionsin ancient and modern times. Characteristic of his con­ception are such chapters of his book on The Roman­esque Lyric as the first three: The Province of Gaul,The Gallo-Roman World, Merovingian Gaul; or Chap­ter IX on Irish Culture in the Sixth Century. Almostthe last time I saw him he told me he was at work onByzantine culture and history. ."His reading was enormous in wide fields of learning,and he kept abreast of the most recent research and crit­icism. All who came into contact with him felt imme­diately that these far-off men and things were 'his reallife familiar as his intimate friends and his home sur­roundings, And like all men of burning sincerity hekindled in his students and his readers a bit of his ownunquenchable fire."To these qualities of breadth and intensity was duethe other great service he rendered to scholarship, thefoundation of Modern Philology. He and Frederic IvesCarpenter were its creators, but essential as were theacumen and critical poise of Carpenter, Allen was theoriginator, the prime mover. Almost instantly it achieveda high position among the learned journals of the world;and as editors, Allen and Carpenter consolidated itsachievement before they passed it on to other hands."Phil Allen belonged to youth. In the early days ofthe University there was a peculiar solidarity in ourcommunity of faculty and students. We were all ma­rooned amid the bleak sand lots and muddy swamps ofSouth Park-indeed when the University color waschanged to maroon Professor Herrick remarked bitterly:"How appropriate!" President Harper had the idea ofbreaking dowrr the distinction between teachers and pu­pils. He encouraged members of the faculty to join thestudents in the' Class rooms and on the playing fields.Many of our first doctors were already members of the teaching staff, or became such after taking their degrees.Certain of us enjoyed a special intimacy with the stU'dent body which I always envied. Oliver Thatcher spe�t.. . rnthe afternoons cheenng the teams, and the evemngpulling the men up in their lessons. Freddie Starr,Teddy Linn, and Arty Scott, were among these popularfavorites. Phil Allen held a salon in his office whitherstudents resorted to hear him read, and discuss mattersoutside the curriculum. Not that he made too rigid adistinction between the educationally sacred and the pro�fane even in the class room. He was a source of inter;est in intellectual things, of culture and knowledge .�life, to thousands of young people. In our commUJ1I1�he played somewhat the part of Professor Copelar f(Copey) at Harvard, and earned the same reward 0appreciation and affection. '.He was a. strong hater. Toward some persons h:.�attitude was a mixture of scorn and wrath that was sUprising in its bitterness. He disliked the pretentioUS,the complacent, the precisionist. He disliked GerJ11�ns,and the War gave him an opportunity to vent his feel!l1?'. t�nLong before that, however, he used to show a cerhresentment toward his vocation. At a reception to tl eh ., d t 1eGerman Ambassador, Dr. Von Holleben, w 0 visiteUniversity to receive an honorary degree, Dr. Ban:>c:introduced Professor Allen of the German DepartJ11en k.to whom the Ambassador addressed a courteous rel11af. hi 1 "I" h ff for111 lIS own anguage. wasn t gomg to s ow 0him," said Phil afterwards. "I answered him in Eng­lish."To his friends Phil was immensely, almost madly ap­preciative, and beyond measure loyal and affectionate.The colleagues of his own department know this betterbet­than others; but for myself I can say that I had no.tel' friend, one whom I could trust to go to the end Itlrendering any service to me. He was wise in the inter;ests of his friends with a wisdom which he did nO11Yalways show for himself. He was boundless in sy. sonpathy. When the word came of the death of myin France, in July, 1918, Philip and Jess Allen wer�almost the first to come to us, sharing our sorrow f�tthe boy whom they had seen grow up from a baby ..is such memories as these of the better part of a lifetJn1ethat make it impossible for me to write about Phil e){­cept in personal terms, which, however, will find :'e;sponse in the breasts of many readers of this magaZlnwho knew and loved him..A Toast to ZurichPhilip S. AllenLake Zurich, when the shadows lengthen,The afternoon of life is night,The passing. years serve but to strengthenThe precious, ever-sacred tieThat binds us close in loyal union,That holds us helpless in its thrall:Come, drink the cup of our communionThat makes us brothers, one and all.Lake Zurich, when my body faltersAnd sorrow claims me for its own,Then lure me to thy sylvan altarsAnd teach me not to' live alone.Bring wine to' make my spirit mellow,TO' warm the cockles of my heart-Each Zurich-man is my blood-Fellow,From him and THEE I ne'er shall part.IN MY OPINION• By FRED B. MILLETT, PhD'31, Associate Professor of EnglishFred B. MillettI AM not usually an impassioned reader of Britishblue books, but I find myself reading and re-read­ing with the greatest interest a government reportpublished last spring in London, widely reviewed in theBritish press, and so eagerly sought by interested per­sons that the first issue was exhausted within a fewweeks of publication. (I wonder if anyU. S. Government report ever metwith so enthusiastic a reception.) TheReport in question is entitled, Univer­sity Grants Committee, Report for theperiod 1929-30 to 1934-35 ... (Lon­don: His Majesty's Stationery Office,1936). It sounds dull enough, buteven a casual inspection of it is boundto arouse the interest of anyone con­cerned with education. And who isnot, in one or another manner, con-cerned with education?,So far as I know, America has novery close analogy to the UniversityGrants Committee. If the functions ofthe Carnegie or Rockefeller Founda­tion were taken over by a non-partisanCommittee of the Federal Government, and if the moneythe Committee disbursed were Federal money, we shouldhave an approximation to the University Grants Com­mittee. In other words, the Committee is a government­appointed organization, the functions of which are thedistribution of government funds to colleges and uni­versities, the reporting and interpreting of educationalstatistics, and the discussion of the larger issues andproblems rising out of their observations.The University Grants Committee was first appointedby the Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1919; it has sub­mitted reports at intervals of approximately five years;the one in hand is, therefore, the fourth. The Commit­tee allocates over two million pounds a year to specificprojects undertaken by sixteen universities, three uni­versity colleges, and two technical colleges. The factsand opinions set forth in this Report give an extraor­dinarily clear picture of what is happening to highereducation in the British Isles. They also furnish ma­terial for an instructive comparison with the status andproblems 01 higher education in America. For, despitethe vast differences in ideals and procedures in the twocountries, the similarities are sufficiently numerous towarrant a close comparison. For the major problemsconcern the educational plant, the faculty, and the stu­dents, and observations on all these topics come home toOur business and bosoms.The British universities, like our own universities,"have the housing problem always with them." Duringthe period covered by this Report, over five millionpounds were expended by colleges and universities onbuildings and the acquisition of land and properties.Almost three millions of that amount came from private citizens, local government authorities, and corporatebodies. This active building program was made neces­sary by the astonishing increase in student population"since the beginning of the present century, and par­ticularly since the War." The problem has been intensi­fied by the tremendous developments in the naturalsciences and the consequent need oftransforming mediaeval structures de­voted to philosophy into laboratoriesdedicated to science. In some institu­tions, use has been made of "privatehouses or offices, not infrequently ofa peculiarly gloomy and unattractivecharacter." Even army huts have beenconverted to academic purposes.But, despite the huge amountsalready spent, the Committee feels thatno permanent or really tolerable ar­rangement has been reached. Staffand students are still compelled towork "in premises that are noisy, dark,airless, mean and cramped, and whollylacking in any kind of inspiration."The Report suggests that universitieshave been insufficiently cautious in the choice of sitesand of types of architecture. "Nearly every universitytoday possesses some buildings whose chief service it isto act as a warning." Of particular concern to the Com­mittee is the treatment frequently accorded that Cin­derella among the Faculties, the Arts Faculty. Timewas, of course, when the Arts Faculty held the whiphand. "When, for instance, in February, 1707, the Mas­ter and Senior Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge,went so far as to fit up a lumber room as a laboratory forthe first appointed Professor of Chemistry in the Uni­versity, they probably congratulated themselves on astep of almost surprising magnanimity." The situationis now reversed. Chemistry is in the amphitheater. Phil­osophy is in the basement.One does not have to travel far in academic Americato discover astonishing correspondences to British ex­perience. Generation after generation of student editorsof the Maroon has raised an outcry against that media­eval contraption elegantly known as Lexington Hall,where the University bake-shop, the Maroon office, anda classroom or two exist in uneasy juxtaposition. De­spite the munificence of Wieboldt Hall, the architec­tural plight of the Humanities Division is still distress­ing. Through the dark corridors of Ingleside Hall (oncethe Quadrangle Club, and later the School of Business),members of the Departments of Building and Grounds,the Purchasing Office, and-last hut I hope not least­English, scuttle confusedly hither and yon. The sacredatmosphere of Goodspeed Hall yields to the profane al­lurements of the Fine Arts. The vicissitudes throughwhich some of the dwelling houses near the Universityhave passed, would be comic if they were not also pathetic.1314 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe University Grants Committee devotes a veryconsiderable portion of its Report to problems connectedwith the remuneration and responsibilities of the aca­demic staff. It is gratified to be able to point out that,despite the depression, there has been at least a slightadvance in the average salaries of all the academic rankssave one. For persons of professorial rank, the changehas been from £1,068 to £1,094; for assistant professors,from £627 to £661; for lecturers, from £455 to £471.Assistant lecturers are apparently still struggling alongon their 1929 salary,-£31O a year.I am not, of course, in a position to know the parallelfacts for American colleges and universities, but it isalmost certain that they would not show so encouraginga record. The tales that have corne to one's ears of thecutting of staff and salaries by reputable universitiessuggest that the depression hit the American college pro­fessor much harder than it hit his British colleague.Members of the faculty of the University of Chicagohave perhaps been a little tardy in their self-congratula­tions. In contrast to what happened elsewhere in Amer­ica, and in the face of the tremendous problems createdby the depression, the Administration manfully opposedreductions in either staff Dr salaries. The University'srecord in this respect is admirable.But I have never been at all clear as to whether or notthe University had any policy with regard to' advancesin salary. If it has a policy, it would seem to be one ofindividual rather than collective bargaining. Advancesin either salary or rank seem to. depend on a facultymember's skill in holding up the Administration at dis­creet intervals. If this is the case, neither the policy northe practice is ideal, since it encourages the Administra­tion in paying as little as possible as long as possible,and inspires various types of professional skullduggeryin members of the faculty. A little more frankness onboth sides might make for a better morale.Certainly, very few college teachers are "on the make,"economically. If they were, they would not be collegeteachers. In most academic minds, considerations ofagreeable and independent work and reasonable condi­tions of security weigh heavily in the scale with salariesthat in comparison to those offered by the world of busi­ness are negligible. My former colleague, Harald Shields,used to contend that academic Americans expect ratherunreasonably a combination of security of tenure andsalaries comparable to. those of the world outside theuniversity. He went so far as to argue that in exchangefor vows of security made by university administrators,members of the faculty might well be asked to' take viewsof voluntary poverty. (He did not, however, go on toinsist on the contingent vows of obedience and chastity!)Perhaps the ideal lies in the combination of a measure ofsecurity, uniformity, and diversity. The absolutely first­rate academician may very well expect a first-rate re­ward. For the second-rate, of which there are bound tobe a great many, a combination of a modestly qualifiedsecurity and a modest expectation of advancement mightbe closer to the ideal than the present unsatisfactoryblend of insecurity, ignorance, and hopefulness.The Grants Committee has not a little to say of thefaculty services of administration, teaching, and research. I t is curious and significant that it does not concernitself with those services to' the community or the na ...tion which are so conspicuous a part of the activities ofour state and private universities. In this respect, Amer ...ican institutions have a distinguished record. The greatstate universities of the Middle West, in particular, havedisplayed the utmost devotion and ingenuity in devisingand furthering services to the states that support them.Their activities have gone far toward making the MiddleWest the seat of a widely diffused, genuinely democraticculture,A The University of Chicago, in its brief but brilliantcareer, has also a remarkable record of service. Perhaps� its most obvious illustration is the innumerable workerstrained in the School of Social Service Administration.But, during the depression, the Federal Governmentdrew (and it is still drawing) university experts into itsservice, and their extra-curricular activities are influencesthat are not merely national but international. I havesometimes thought that the University's broad view ofits services to the world of scholarship has made it alittle inattentive to its duty to. Chicago and the MiddleWest. Its relations with the city of Chicago have hardlygone beyond the stage of coquettish flirtation. The Uni­versity, I hope, will never sink to the ignominy of beingmerely a municipal university, but it might very wellthrust its roots a little more deeply into the local prairiesoil, might very well conceive and create a vital relation­ship with the magnificent though imperfectly civilizedmetropolis of which it is one of the chief ornaments, Avital human relationship with the world just outside ourcloisters would be worth millions in good will.Our British Committee is chiefly concerned with thediffusion of administrative responsibilities through aslarge as possible a number of members of the faculty,particularly of the lower ranks. American universitieshave little or nothing to. learn on this score. The numberof faculty members who have some administrative re­sponsibility in a great American university is very largeindeed. More important problems for America are thedefensibility of such work and its rewards. Englishmenwho visit America or who have some intimate knowledgeof how hard American college professors work are al­ways amazed by the amount of time that goes intoacademic bookkeeping. Much of that bookkeeping is thedirect result of having to deal with numbers beyond theimagination of our British colleagues. A Freshman classof several thousand demands a much more elaboratesystem of bookkeeping than a Freshman class of a fewhundred. And yet, one suspects that there are Ameri­cans who not only delight but excel in the multiplicationof red tape. Just as there are perverse mentalities thatlike to attend committee meetings, so there are academi­cians of an enfeebled sort who, inflate their egos by mul­tiplying rules and regulations. Certainly a great dealof academic energy is expended in enforcing rules thatshould never have been made. And the reward? Thefaculty man diligent in administrative detail may expectto be made a Dean. At the worst, he may look forwardto carrying a considerable administrative burden in ad­dition to' a full teaching schedule.(TO' be concluded.)NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESHUMAN intelligence is not definitely fixed at birthby genetic factors but may be distinctly influ- �enced by such environmental factors as educa­tion and social position, three University of Chicagoinvestigators have found after a ten-year study of twinswhich constitutes one of the most ambitious attemptsever made to weigh the effects of heredity and environ-ment.Not only can intelligence be influenced by environ-ment, but personality traits such as temperamental andemotional attitudes are affected by environment to aneven more marked degree. But heredity is dominant inall physical characteristics except the obvious one ofbody weight.The three research men who pooled their specializedknowledge in the cooperative investigation are HoratioH. Newman, professor of zoology; Frank N. Freeman,professor of educational psychology, and Karl J. Hol­zinger, professor of education. The results of their inves­tigatiO'n was published this month in Twins-A Studyof Heredity and Environment, by the University ofChicago Press. Their book is a scientific presentation ofthe intricate investigation they have carried on and theresults they have achieved, but it is also an easily read­able and interesting illustration of the scientific method.Further, it is a good example of the fact that specializedabilities can be mobilized at Chicago for the study of acomplex problem in a way that few other universities canmatch. No one man could have done what Newman, theauthority on genetics; Freeman the psychologist andHolzinger, the statistician, have done. It is the mostnotable study of twins that has ever been made, but italso is an outstanding contribution to the heredity-en­vironment question.During the course of their study they measured amitested one hundred pairs of fraternal twins, who developfrom two eggs and therefore have only the same similar­ity of heredity as do siblings; and one hundred pairs ofidentical twins.who develop from a single egg, and havethe same heredity. These sets of twins were reared to­gether, so that for each set the environmental conditionswere very similar.By persistent searching, the three scientific collabo­rators also found nineteen pairs of identical twins whohad been separated in infancy and reared apart. In thisgroup, the genetic factor was a constant, and the variablewas the environment. Any differences between the twinsof such a set could therefore be ascribed to environmentalinfluences.The study is unique among such efforts, not onlybecause of the number of pairs of twins studied, but inthe large representation of separated identical twins.Many misleading clues were tracked down during theeffort to find the separated twins, and considerable per­suasion was required in many of the cases to bring thetwins to the University laboratories. One argument • By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN. 120. JD 122which brought nine of the separated twins to Chicagowas the offer of an all-expense trip to A Century ofProgress. Identical twinship was established in eachcase by detailed and rigorous measurement.Three comparisons were made in the investigation.The group of one hundred sets of identical twins rearedtogether was compared with the fraternal twins rearedtogether, so as to measure the extent of hereditary de­termination of characteristics. The second comparisonwas between the identical twins reared together and thosereared apart, to' measure the variations produced by vary­ing environment. The third was comparison of weighteddifferences in environment, with the measured variablesof the identical twins reared apart, which gave an indexof influence of environment on various characteristics.For identical twins reared together the coefficient torthe Binet 1. Q. test is about .91, whereas in the separatedidentical twins, the coefficient drops to about .67. Inother words, environment produces an increased differ­ence of 24 per cent in intelligence of separated identicaltwins as compared with the average difference betweenidentical twins reared together.Results of three educational tests were correlated withsocial differences in the environment of the separatedtwins, and the statistical average indicated that culturalfeatures in social environment are about one-half as sig­nificant as formal education in determining differencesin 1. Q.The increased difference of 24 per cent in the Binet1. Q. of the separated identical twins over the unsep­arated identicals is ascribed statistically to various fac­tors:50 per cent of the difference is due to educationaldifferences in the environment.10 per cent is attributable to purely social differ­ences in the environment.12 per cent is attributable to joint social and edu­cational cultural differences.9 per cent is attributable to physical health dif­ferences.19 per cent is attributable to unknown causes.Much of the 19 per cent "unknown" cause is S11S­pected to be prenatal environmental influences. It isknown, for example, that identical twins often injureone another in the womb in various ways, such as onetwin getting a larger supply of the blood stream.In general, the three Chicago investigators found thatthe personality traits seem to be much less pre-deter­mined by heredity and more modified by environmentthan is the 1. Q. Roughly, temperamental and emotionaldifferences of identical twins reared together seem to be30 per cent determined by heredity and 70 per cent de­termined by environment.Statistical treatment is reported to be inadequate fortemperamental and emotional analyses. Either the dif­ferences are not measurable by the available tests, or else1516 THE U N T V E R S J T Y 0 F C II I C AGO 1\1 A G A Z I N Ethe factors in the environment which do produce suchdifferences in personality are not those of formal educa­tion, social position or physical advantages.Because of the inadequacy of the statistical data, de­tailed case histories of the identical twins reared apartare reported in the book to provide a more definite incli­cation of temperamental differences. Adopting the ad­mittedly unscientific principle that when differences ina certain trait are found which might be expected fromthe known environmental differences, the investigatorsassume that there is a casual relation.One statistical correlation indicates that the larger theamount of education an individual has the more tendencyhe has to be neurotic. Little importance is attached tothis indication, however, for it is believed that the testswhich are supposed to indicate neuroses are such thatan educated person is more aware of the content of thewords, which are to be crossed out when they have un­pleasant connotation, than is an uneducated individual.Twins, the study shows, are normal in all respects;they are neither superior or inferior to' people in general.I dentical twins and fraternal twins alike were found tobe normal in intelligence and in educational achievement.In most of the traits measured the unseparated iden­tical twins are much more alike than the fraternal twins.This finding held true of physical dimensions, intelli­gence, and educational achievement. The only group oftraits in which identical twins are no. more alike thanare fraternal twins are those commonly classed under thehead of personality.The differences in resemblance of the two classes oftwins is not the same in the different group of traits,however.Lessing Rosenwald Elected TrusteeThe name of a Rosenwald, closely associated with theuniversity for so many years because of the great inter­est of the late Julius Rosenwald, appears again on theBoard of Trustees. Mr. Harold H. Swift, Presidentof the Board, announced last month the election of Mr.Lessing Rosenwald, whose father had served on theBoard from 1912 until his death in 1932. Followingthe family tradition, Lessing Rosenwald is actively in­terested in philanthropic work, He is Chairman of theBoard of the Julius Rosenwald Fund; Treasurer of theRosenwald Family Association; and Director and ex­President of the Federation of Jewish Charities, Phila­delphia. He also is a Trustee of the Museum of Scienceand Industry, Chicago, founded by his father.Mr. Rosenwald studied at Cornell University from1909 through 1911, after graduating from the Universityof Chicago high school. His business career has beencontinuously with Sears, Roebuck and Co. In 1920he became manager of that company's Philadelphia plantat its opening, and in January, i932, succeeded his fatheras Chairman of the Board. He also is Chairman of theBoard of the Hercules Life Insurance Company. Dur­ing the war, Mr. Rosenwald served as a seaman in theNavy. In 1913, he married Edith Goodkind, of Chi­cago. They have five children, Julius II, Helen A., Robert L., Joan E., and Janet. The Rosenwald's hOlUeis in Abington, Pennsylvania, suburb of Philadelphia.Famous Egyptologist Visits UniversityA fellow student in Berlin of Chicago.' s famous JamesHenry Breasted, Dr. Georg Steindorff came to the Mid­way this month to give a series of three lectures at theOriental Institute. Professor-Emeritus of Egyptologyat the University of Leipzig, Dr. Steindorff is one ofthe last of the "old guard" of Egyptologists. He hasexcavated at the Pyramids, in Upper Egypt, in Nubiaand has explored the Lybian Desert; and his publishedworks range from a standard book on Coptic grammar�to a popular work on Egyptian art. Dr. Breasted he re­calls as an eager and enthusiastic student who had greatplans for research, and a lively companion who had agood voice for student drinking songs.The "secret" of the pyramids, he said in one of hislectures, is no secret at all, for the structures were builtas royal tombs and served no other purpose. N umero­logical and mathematical theories evoked to read the pur­ported secret are so much bosh; for one thing, they arebased on the supposition that the Egyptians knew thevalue of pi) a value of which they had no inkling whenCheops built his great tomb. The Egyptians lived joy­ously, but they were preoccupied with the life afterdeath, and from that concern developed such religiouspractices as mummification and monumental tombs.Beaumont Collection EnlargedThe collection of materials relating to Dr. WilliamBeaumont, pioneer surgeon of the early 1800's who laidthe foundation of modern knowledge of the gastro-in­testinal system through his unusual experiments withthe stomach of a wounded trapper, was enlarged re­cently by further gifts. Ethan Allen Beaumont, grand­son of the physician, and his wife, donors of the originalcollection, have sent to Dr. Arno B. Luckhardt thewatch of Dr. Beaumont, his pistol, Masonic emblem, aframed photograph of his birthplace, in Lebanon, andthe pistol of his son.Ricketts Prize Awarded to Dr. GambrellF or her demonstration that the gametocyte stage, or"infectious" period, of malaria is a function of malariaparasites themselves, and not of their host, Dr. WintonElizabeth Gambrell has been awarded the Howard Tay­lor Ricketts prize by the University of Chicago. Dr.Gambrell, who received her Ph.D. degree in the SpringConvocation of the University last March, is now anInstructor in Bacteriology at Emory University. Theprize was established in honor of Dr. Howard TaylorRicketts, U ni versity of Chicago bacteriologist who dis­covered the germ of typhus fever and died a martyr tohis discovery while working in Mexico. Awarded an­nually on May 3, anniversary of Dr. Ricketts' death, theprize is given to a student in the departments of Pathol­ogy or Bacteriology for the most notable research workof the year. Dr. Gambrell's study is entitled "Gameto­cyte Production in Avian Malaria."THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17Bacteriologists have long known that the gametocytestage of the malarial life-cycle is taken up by the mos­quito and is responsible for its infection, which it canthen transmit to humans. Without the gametocyte stagemalaria can not be transmitted. Through her research,Dr. Gambrell has shown that the ability to producegametocytes is entirely a function of the malaria para­sites themselves. Cases are relatively frequent in whichhuman beings are found to have this gametocyte stagein their blood streams, which can infect mosquitos, andit .had been rather generally believed, until Dr. Gam­brell's work showed otherwise, that existence of thisstage was due to some cause in the human host.Much of Dr. Gambrell's study was made possible bythe use of a strain of avian malaria in the Ricketts lab­oratory. Avian malaria lacks completely the gametocytestage and can be propagated only by means of transferof blood from one animal to another. This avian strainwas used for purposes of comparison with the strainvvhich does have the gametocyte stage.Medical and Scientific RevelationsThe spring season of medical and scientific conven­tions was at its height in the last four weeks. Chicagoresearchers gave several of the papers at the Federationof American Societies for Experimental Biology atMemphis late in April. Some samples:Depth of sleep can be measured by the electrical pul­sations of the brain cells, according to the work of HelenBlake, research assistant in physiology. Previous ex­periments of Dr. Ralph Gerard, Associate Professor ofPhysiology, in whose laboratory Miss Blake is a worker,have shown that the nerve cells in the brain pulse elec­trically at a cadence. The old "reflex" theory was thatelectrical activity occurred only when a stimulus acti­vated a nerve fiber, which sent an impulse to excitethe nerve center in the brain. Deep sleep, the recentexperiments have shown, is associated with large, reg­ular portential waves, at periods of from one-half tothree a second. When a person is sleeping lightly, thebrain has feebler, more irregular potentials. Measure­ment of the waves is made by strapping electrodes overthe head, the electrodes being connected with an ampli­fier which steps up the tiny amount of electricity gen­erated by the wave action-from five one-millionth toeighty one-millionth of a volt. The depth of sleep wasmeasured by the duration of a sound of constant in­tensity necessary to awaken the subject.Epinephrine, a secretion of the adrenal glands is notthe cause of high blood pressure, as some medical work­ers have believed, Drs. L. R. Dragstedt, John van Pro­haska, and H. P. Banns reported. The Chicago investi­gators found that by continuous intravenous injectionof epinephrine a sustained high blood pressure could beproduced up to periods of two weeks. But the amountof the secretion necessary to cause such a sustained highblood pressure was sufficient to cause death from othermotility of the gastro-intestinal tract and derangement ofcarbo-hydrate metabolism.A severed nerve "dies" throughout at its whole lengthat the same rate, rather than degenerating progressively from the point of severance, Oscar Sugar, research as­sistant in physiology, reported before the Federation.By measuring the electrical activity of the severed nerve,as well as making histological examinations, Mr. Sugarwas able to determine that the previously accepted evi­dence for the progressive degeneration theory wasfaulty.The cerebellum has the highest rate of respiration andthe highest rate of electrical activity of any part of thehuman nervous system because it has the highest con­centration of potassium, it is shown by experiments ofAssociate Professor of Physiology Ralph W. Gerardand a research assistant, Natalia Tupikova. Dr. Gerardhas previously shown that an increase in potassium re­sults in increased electrical activity of the brain. It alsohas been known that the cerebellum has the highestrespiration rate and the highest electrical activity of anypart of the nervous system. Dr. Gerard and his assist­ant, in an investigation of salt content of this systemhave found that the cerebellum has also the highest potas­sium content of the nervous system.Scholarship AwardsHyde Park high school WOll the scholarship plaquefor the highest number of points scored in the competi­tive scholarship examinations, held in Chicago and six­teen other cities of the country on April 17. The HydePark seniors scored 45 points by taking six full andsix half scholarships and three honorable mentions, itsperennial rival, Oak Park, finishing second with 20points. The highest possible score was 1,407 points;Thomas Brill, from Morgan Park high school, cameclosest to the perfect total with 1,218. In Chicago, 610students from 79 schools of the region were in the com­petition; the out-of-town centers had 486 contestants.Altogether, the equivalent of thirty-four full scholarshipswere awarded, and honor .entrance scholarships will begiven to marty of those who won honorable mention inthis exceedingly difficult intellectual interscholastic.Twenty high school students who complete their sopho­more year this spring have been awarded entrance schol­arships for the new four-year college unit which com­prises the last two years of University high school andthe first two years of college. These awards were madeon the basis of examinations and interviews. In processof decision are the two-year honor and one-year honorentrance scholarships for high school graduates whoenter next autumn as Freshmen.Philip Schuyler AllenPhilip Schuyler Allen-"Phil" to everyone who knewhim since he first came to the Midway in 1894--Pro­fessor of German Literature, died Tuesday, April 27,of heart failure. He had been ill and confined to hishome for several months before his death, which camewhen he seemingly was showing decided improvement.A memorial service is planned next month.Professor Allen was a distinguished scholar in medie­val Latin literature, and was author of two important(Continued on Page 25)ATHLETICSChicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago,Chicago, • By WELLS D. BURNEUEthe gridiron appeal of last fall. In fact, the names QfBurgess, Bickel, and Murphy have taken on a glamourwhich has been surpassed in the past several years on1,by such men as Berwanger (by the way, according tolatest reports, Jay will continue on the football coachintstaff next year) and Haarlow. In all truth, the studeatbody has every reason to feel as it does. Right nowChicago is probably the foremost competitor for the na.­tional intercollegiate crown-and such a statement haaplenty of support. When Northwestern took two sounddefeats from the Maroons in matches this month, themost forboding obstacle was overcome.As has been stated before, the team strength lies inthe work of Norbert Burgess, Norman Bickel cbotiicomprising number nine ranking doubles in the cOUn1,try), and the twins, William and Chester Murph�Bickel, who has been playing since the age of ten, hold.the Big Ten first-flight singles championship and, to­gether with Burgess, the first-flight doubles crown. Hewas also a part of the duo which put Bryant Grant andGilbert Hall out of the National doubles last year. He andBurgess (team-mates since Oak Park high school days)also defeated Crawfot d and Bennett, former Nationalcollegiate champions. When he entered the Universityhe was forced to choose between basketball and tennis.From his exhibitions this year it is entirely possible thatthere may be another Chicago man on the Davis Cupteam in the near future.Captain Norbert Burgess, wearer of horn-rimmedglasses and at first glance, appearing more a "student"than an athlete, won the fourth-flight singles title in hisfirst year of Big Ten competition. Last year he waseliminated from the finals by the Northwestern star,Don Leavens. Heis a persistentplayer and doeshis best work inthe company ofBickel.As for the Mur­phys, they havetwo more yearsto work for theMar 0 0 n s, butright now theyare stiff rivals forthe senior class­men. In the jun­ior D a vis Cupcompetition Billcaptured top hon­ors (againstBic·kel, Burgess,and the w e 11-known Ball broth­ers of Nor t h .Scores of the MonthTennis6; Wisconsin, 09; Notre Dame, 08; Western State, 16; Indiana, 09; Illinois, 08; Northwestern, 19; Michigan, 07; Northwestern, 2Baseball1; Iowa, 87; Iowa, 60; Illinois, 72; Wisconsin, 82; Wisconsin, 311; Northwestern, 241; Purdue, 413; Purdue, 13; Illinois, 4TrackChicago, 43; Michigan State, 88Chicago, 58 ; Western State, 75Chicago, 61; Northwestern, 64Chicago, 58; Western State, 75GolfChicago, 3; Wisconsin, 15Chicago, 20; Purdue, 180ONLY a last-minute stroke of misfortune can keep. the Maroons from regaining the Big Ten tennis• title which they lost to Northwestern last year.Everything points to a clean sweep at the meet whichwill take place atAnn Arbor latethis month. Aftera winter of hardathletic kno-cks,there has been adefinite revival ofsports interest onthe quadrangles.From the amountof enthusiasm andcomment on thepart of both fac­ulty and students,tennis, at l e a s tt his year, willreign as the ma­jor sport on theMidway, and theattention given tothe matches andparticipants is cer­tain} y rivalling Tennis Title Contenders Bickel and Burgess18THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 19western). Chester finished second. Bill is playingnumber two post on the team this year, and his brotherfourth. Between them they have annexed quite a col­lection of local school and neighborhood meet trophies.They are graduates of Tilden high school in Chicago.Of a great deal of interest to the student body duringthe month were the exhibition matches by George Lottand Ellsworth Vines on the campus courts. Bill Mur­phy tied Vines ina special matchand received muchfavorable praisefrom the nationals tar. Bickel re­ceived a set-backin the con t estwith W est ernState Collegewhen Carl F'isher,cap t a i n of thenorthern Michi­gan tea m andvanquisher of thepresent nationalint e r- colleg i atetitle-holder, wona singles match by4-6, 6-4, and 8-6.John Shostromand J ohn Krie­tenstein are num-Lefty Lawson ber five and sixmen on the squadand have contributed their share to the consistent one­sided scores. Shostrom is no mean player, having de­feated Burgess in several extra-college tournaments.Krietenstein, sophomore, has the best improvement per­centage for the year of any man on the squad.Baseball ...What normally is the outstanding spring quarter ac­tivity, baseball has not made even a fair showing, withhopes for anything in the way of big victories now shat­tered. The batting of the team is far below par withits conference average at .220. Adolph Schuessler (Ar­lington, Pa.) and Harvey Lawson are in the .300'swith Robert Meyer, Sophomore from Hinsdale, Illinois,batting .428 and gaining considerable (local) reputationas a third-baseman. The fielding of the Maroons is not asweak as the batting. There have not been a great num­ber of errors and to date some nice double and plateplays have been made. The battery outside of Lawsonand occasionally some work by Paul Amundson and JoeMastrofsky has not been above par this season. Anum·ber of writers, in the Daily Maroon and in the down­town press, have stated that the trouble with the teamis not in too lax playing but in "trying too hard." It istrue that on the field, and particularly in batting, theteam seems tense. Realizing the deficiencies and cogni­zant of the past defeats, each man appears on "edge" during a game. Probably the best fought league gamewas at Champaign against the Illini when the score wastied during a good part of the game. A threat in theninth inning almost tied the score again, but failing, theloss was 4-3.. And Other SportsWith the University definitely not in the limelight asa major athletic institution, a poor track team may beexpected to accompany a poor football team. Highlytouted schools usually are successful in drawing starmen in both these sports without much difficulty. Otherinstitutions, and Chicago is in this class, must rely onthe unexpected. Sometimes a scholar such as Ray Ellin­wood chooses an institution as a place of study and as aside interest gives that institution the benefit of an out­standing athlete. At other times a star is just "discov­ered." Chicago has had neither experience this year,and in addition has lost Sprinter Ellinwood who, inthe throes of the "higher learning," took to the SierraNevada woods to pursue study and meditation undis­turbed by the sounds of starting pistols. Ellinwood keptthe University in the limelight last year, even to theNational intercollegiate competition. Noone this yearcan hope to give Chicago that necessary push.George Halcrow made the 440 against Northwesternin 48 :9, :4 of a point slower than the Big Ten winnerof the indoor 440 this season. Bob Cassels has beenvaulting between twelve and thirteen feet and may beable to chalk up a few points in major competition. Cap­tain John Beal has been handicapped this month becauseof leg injuries. In addition to these events, the Maroonshave only made commendable showings in high and lowhurdles and in the dashes, which usually result in any­where from one to five first places for the team in anyparticular meet.Erwin Beyer, the chap about whom so much was saidduring the winter gymnastics, won the all-around eventof the recent Central A. A. U. gymnastics meet. Repre­senting the University at the National A. A. U. tourneyat Pittsburgh on May 8, he placed sixth in the longhorse event and tenth in the parallel bars. His compe­tition was made up of many who had taken part in theOlympics and were naturally much superior. Remem­ber, he is only a Sophomore.As for medal winners, the fencers won twenty-onemedals in contests this month sponsored by the Ama­teur Fencers League of America, The Midwest Cham­pionship Meet, and the Illinois Fencers Meet. CharlesCorbett, Sophomore, took seven of the total, in saber,foil, and epee matches.Chicago's golf prospects went to the wall when Cap­tain Hiram Lewis broke his ankle in a practice matchat South Bend. Robert Sampson, member of the fourman team, has been scoring around seventy-five.University women swimmers placed third in the Na­tional Interscholastic Telegraphic Meet, the same posi­tion they attained last year. Margie Smith placed firstin the 100 yard back-crawl and a second in the fiftyyard back-crawl.Tuesday, June2 :30 p. m. The Alumni School-Mandel HallWelcominq Address-BENJAMIN FRA'NKLIN BILLS, '12, JD'14, General Reunion ChairmanAmerican vs. British Enqlisk MITFORD M. MATHEWSThe Classics in the M odern World · RICHARD P. McKEONWho) s Who in Contemporary American Literature FRED B. MILLETT6:00p.m. Dinner-Hutchinson Commons ($0.75)Guest Speaker: JAMES WEBER LINN: Brinqinq Up Father and Mother8:00 p.m. The Alumni School-Mandel HallHow Parents Can Best Serve the Schools WILLIAM C. REAVISShould the F ederal Government Finance the Schools? NEWTON Enw ARDSWhat Is a General Education? ··CHARLES H. JUDDWednesday. June 2Conducted Tour of the Quadrangles: The Science Tour, starting from the Reynolds ClubThe Alumni School-Mandel HallMental Health in Modern Life and Future Prospects · · .. DR. DAVID SLIGHTM ental Conflict in Personality Adjustment DR. MANDEL SHERMANThe Popular Misuse of the Sleep Function NATHANIEL KLEITMANDinner-Hutchinson Commons ($0.75)Guest Speaker: WALDO H. DUBBERSTEIN: M odern Business Practice in Ancient BabyloniaThe Alumni School-Mandel HallCurrent Marketing Trends and Their Effect on the Public JAMES L. PALMERIs Infla:tion C0111,ing? GARFIELD V. CoxThe Implications of the Wagner Act " WILLIAM H. SPENCERThursday, June 3Conducted Tour of the Quadrangles: The Library Tour, starting from the Reynolds ClubThe Alumni School-Mandel HallWhat Is Anthropology? ALFRED R. RADCLIFFE-BROWNThe Social Anthropology of Modern Life W. LLOYD WARNERAn Anthropologist) s View of Race FAy-COOPER COLEAlumni-Varsity Baseball Game, Greenwood FieldAlumnae-Undergraduate Soft Ball Game, Dudley FieldAlumni School Buffet Supper-Reynolds Club Lounge ($0.75)Guest Speaker: ANTON J. CARLSON: The Birth-Rate of SuckersAnnual Dinner, the Order of the C, Hutchinson CommonsAnnual Dinner, Women's Athletic Association, Cloister ClubThe Alumni School-Mandel HallSpanish America in World-Affairs � J. FRED RIPPYThe Present Crisis in American Foreiqn Policy PITMAN POTTERThe Spanish Crisis PAUL H. DOUGLASClass of 1912, Obstacle Bridge, Chicago Beach HotelFriday, June 4Conducted Tour of the Quadrangles: General Tour, starting from the Reynolds ClubLuncheon for Delegates in Alumni Conference, Private Dining-Room, The Quadrangle ClubThe Alumni School-Mandel HallThe Dilemma of the Social Scientist FRANK H. KNIGHTThe Supreme Court Issue Reviewed WILLIAM T. HUTCHINSONThe Psychology of Politicians ...........................•.......... HAROLD D. LASSWELLAnnual Dinner, University Aides, Ida Noyes Hall. Speaker: EDITH FOSTER FLINTDinner-c-Hutchinson Commons ($0.75)Guest Speaker: PERCY H. BOYNTON: The Dilemma of the Pr-ofessor of LiteratureClass of 1935, Dinner, The Coffee ShopClass of 1907, Dinner, Solarium, The Quadrangle ClubClass of 1927, Dinner, International HouseClass of 1932, Dinner, Cloister ClubClass of 1912, Silver Jubilee Banquet, Chicago Beach HotelClass of 1917, Men's Dinner, Fraternity Room, Great Northern HotelBand Concert, Hutchinson Court2010:30 a.m.2 :30 p.m.6:00p.m.8:00p.m.10 :30 a.m.2:30p.m.3 :00 p.m,4:30p.m.6:00p.m.6:30p.m.8 :00 p.m.8:30p.m.10 :30 a.m.12:30p.m.2:30p.m.5 :30 p.m.6:00p.m.6:00p.m.6:30p.m.7:00p.m.7:30p.m. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEREUNION PROGRAMTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 218 :30 p.m. The Alumni School-Mandel HallPremiere Showing of Sound Pictures in the Biological SciencesThe N eruous System) with introduction by RALPH W. GERARDBody Defense against Disease) with introduction by PAUL R. CANNONWe Must Shape Our NeW' World ARTHUR H. COMPTONThe Faith of Science EDGAR J. GOODSPEEDSaturday. June 59 :00 a.m. Alumni Conference Breakfast, Judson Court Dining-Room10 :00 a.m. Seventh Annual Alumni Conference and Forum, Judson Court Lounge11 :30 a.m. Alumnae Reunion-Ida Noyes Hall12 :30 p.111. The Alumnae Breakfast, Cloister Club. Speakers: MARGUERITE K. SYLLA and MRS. HARVEY CARR.Alumni Conference Luncheon, Judson CourtLuncheon, Classes 1916-17, The Coffee Shop, followed by annual baseball game.1 :00 p.m. Class of 1902 Luncheon, Private Dining-Room, The Quadrangle Club2 :00-3 :00 p.m. Class of 1897 Reunion, C01111110n Room, Eckhart Hall2 :00-5 :0.0 p.m. The Renaissance Society has an exhibition of paintings in its galleries by Rainey Bennett '30and John Pratt '33, graduates of the University who have attained recognition in Chicago and else­where. Open daily from two until five. 205 Wieboldt Hall3 :30 p.m. The Alumni Assembly-Mandel HallBENJAMIN FRANKLIN BILLS '12, J.D. '14, General Chairman of the I937 ReunionHAROLD H. SWIFT '07-Presiding) President of the Uniuersity's Board of Trustees5 :30 p.111.6:00 p.m.6:30p.m.7:30p.m.8:45 p.m.10 :OOp.l11.10 :00 a.m.10 :30 a.m.11 :00 a.m.12 :00 m.4 :00 p.m.4 :30 p.m. SPEAKERSHAROLD L. ICKES '97-Secretary of the InteriorHAROLD G. MOULTON '07-Preside1-'Lt) The Bookings InstitutionROBERT MAYNARD HUTCHINS, President of the University of ChicagoClass of 1912 Progeny Party, International HouseSunset Supper, Buffet and Cafeteria Service, Hutchinson CommonsClass of 1897 has table reserved at west end of CommonsClass of 1909 Reunion Dinner, Room B, International HouseFraternity and Club SuppersDinner-Association of the Doctors of Philosophy, The Quadrangle ClubBand Concert, Hutchinson CourtTwenty-seventh Annual University Sing, Hutchinson CourtInduction of Aides and Marshals; Awards of Cups to Winnings Fraternities; Awards of C blanketsto graduating athletes; Alma MaterSunday, June 6Convocation Prayer Service, The University ChapelClass of 1912 Reunion Breakfast, Chicago Beach HotelUniversity Religious Service, Uniuersity Preacher) DEAN CHARLES W. GILKEYClass of 1912 Automobile Trip (A Mystery Cruise)Carillon Recital, FREDERICK L. MARRIOTT, CarillonneurOrgan Recital, The University ChapelTuesday, June 86 :45 p.m. Annual Dinner, School of Social Service Administration, Hutchinson Commons, Annual Report ofDEAN EDITH ABBOTTThursday, June 10South Side Medical Alumni-Annual Reunion9 :30-1 :00 p.m. Program of Scientific Papers by Faculty B t1 . t b h Id j P th 1 1172 :00-4 :00 p.m. Program of Scientific Papers by Alumni - 0 1 sessions 0 e e 111 a oogy6 :30 p.m. Faculty-Alumni Dinner, Judson CourtFriday, June I I11 :00 a.m. The Conferring of Higher Degrees3 :0'0 p.m. The Conferring of Bachelors' Degrees4 :30 p.m. The Convocation Reception, Ida Noyes Hall6 :30 p.m. Annual Dinner, Phi Beta Kappa, Judson Court. Speaker: HENRY C. MORRISON.6 :30 p.m. Annual Dinner, The Law School Association, Chicago Bar Association, 29 South La Salle StreetCOLLEGE ELECTIONRALPH W. DAVIS '16, is a memberof the firm of Paul H. Davis and Corn­pany, investment securities (Chicago) ,and is a director in the Burgess-NortonManufacturing Company at Geneva,Jllinois. Previous to his entrance intothe firm of Paul H. Davis and Com­pany, he was associated with the AtlasCement Company. He is a trustee ofthe Geneva Community Hospital, amember of the Appropriation Commit­tee of the Geneva Community Chest,and has been an Alderman of theFirst Ward (Geneva) since 1930. Asan undergraduate he was captainof the gymnastics team, a member ofBlackfriars, winner of the "C," memberof Owl and Serpent, Skull and Crescent,and Iron Mask, president of the Inter­fraternity Council, j oint chairman ofthe Upper Class Counsellor Commissionand a member nf Delta Upsilon. Whenhe is not occupied with securities, hewill be found on a horse, in a swim­ming pool, yelling "fore" from thethird tee, or polishing his fishing i·od.ELWOOD RATCLIFF '22, is associatedwith Edward B. Smith Company, in­vestment securities, and lives in OakPark with his family, which includesthe three children, Robert, Richard andSandra. He is a member of the Chi­cago Athletic Association, the BondClub of Chicago, the Oak Park Coun­try Club and a trustee of the OmegaChapter of Psi Upsilon. As anundergraduate he was a Marshall,member of Owl and Serpent and IronMask, played varsity basketball andfootball and was Associate Editor andlater Managing Editor of Cap andGown. Squash, golf, and motion pic­ture photography frequently break theroutine of a busy week.RUTH ALLEN DICKINSON '15, is clas­sified in the U. S. Census as a "house­wife" but she insists she is everythingfrom a plumber to an animal trainer"as every mother of an active family(two boys and two girls) well knows."Previous to her present "occupation"she was Special Agent for the U. S.Children's Bureau and later Superin­tendent of the Stockyards DistrictUnited Charities. She is now presi­dent of the Junior High School Parent­Teachers Association of Hinsdale anda member of the Hinsdale Board ofEducation. As an undergraduate herrecord reads, in part: Esoteric, presi­dent of the Undergraduate Council, Uni ...versity Aide, Nu Pi Sigma, and she re­ceived honorable mention in Junior Col­leges. In her spare time you will findher in the garden, hiking, or atop ahorse "if the horse is old and tired !"RUTH MANIERRE FREEMAN '16, isfirst in command at the Freeman home in Hinsdale where she supervises thedestinies of H. B. Freeman, an alumnus,and the three boys, not yet old enoughto qualify as alumni. (vV e are led tobelieve the above from her question­naire statement under "Of what busi­ness organizations are you an officer ordirector ?") She is also president ofthe Hinsdale High School Parent­Teacher Association. As an under­graduate she was a � member ofthe Honor Commission and the NuPi Sigma, was a University Aide andan Esoteric. She was also awardeda Romance Scholarship in her Junioryear. At the merest suggestion, sheis always ready to. drop everything andgo camping but for hobbies: "Dear me !I have none!"RAYMOND JAMES DALY '12, JD'14,is associated with the firm of Abbott,Proctor and Paine, stocks and bonds.His range of activity interests duringhis undergraduate days included: As­sociate Editor of the Dail}' Maroon)Associate Editor of the Cnp and Gown)Blackfriars, Secretary-Treasurer of theUndergraduate Council, President ofthe Junior Class, University Marshall,Skull and Crescent, Iron Mask, andOwl and Serpent. During his sparetime in the summer he plays golf. Inthe winter he figure skates until he getscold and then retires to the comfortablelounges of the University Club.HELEN NORRIS '07, is Dean of Womenat the Commonwealth Edison Company.Among her "extracurricular" interestsare: the Chicago Woman's Club, Amer­ican Association of University Women,and she is local chairman of the MarionTalbot Fellowship Fund. As an un­dergraduate she was a member ofthe Sigma Club, the Girl's Glee Club,the Student Organization's Committee,and the Cap and Gown Board. She issecretary of the Class of '0,7.WILLIAM GEMMILL, JR., '21, is a lawpartner in the firm of Murphy, Lillian­der, and Gemmill. He is a member ofthe Chicago, Illinois, and American BarAssociations, the Chicago Law Institute,and the Hyde Park Men's Club. As anundergraduate he won his Fresh­man numerals in track and foot­ball before leaving school to join theFrench Ambulance Corps. He was alsoactive in Blackfriars and the ScoreClub, He is a member of Delta KappaEpsilon of which he is now a directorand alumni advisor. For recreation heswims and fishes.MARIAN MORTIMER BLEND '16, findstime from her home responsibilities (ahusband, two girls and ahoy) to. serveas a member of the' Board of Directorsof the Loring School and the BeverlyCenter of In fant Welfare Society of22 Chicago. She is also a member of theBeverly Country Club and the Vander ..poel Art Association. She classifiesherself as a "housewife and farmer"but we have a suspicion we should print"farmer" in a delicate Gothic or OldEnglish type! As an undergraduateshe was j oint chairman of the SeniorSocial Committee, a member of the Sig­net Club, and an Esoteric.O. PAUL DECKER '24, is an officer inthe American National Bank and TrustCompany of Chicago and a member ofthe faculty of the Northwestern Schoolof Business. He is a member of theChicago Club, the Bnnd Club of Chi­cago, The Attic, the Sunset RidgeC,ountry Club, the Investment AnalystsClub, and the Lambda Chi Alpha Fra­�ernity. His undergraduate r e cor dincludes : Managing Editior of the Capand Gown) Business Manager and laterEditor of the U niver sity ] ournal ofB usine ss, Recording Secretary of theInterfraternity Council, University Mar­shal, and member of Phi Beta Kappa.. CHARLES C. GREENE '19, JD'21, isvice-president of Critchfield and Com­pany, advertising. Previous to' this heheld the same position with the CarrollDean Murphy Advertising Agency andhe was at one time an executivewith the Albert Frank and CompanyAdvertising Agency. As an under­graduate he was Managing Editorof the M aroon, Marshall, AssociateEditor of the Cap and Gown) Presidentof the Undergraduate Council, Scribeof Blackfnars, member of Owl and Ser­pent, Iron Mask, Skull and CrescentPh� Kappa Psi, Phi Beta Kappa, andPhI Delta Phi. He won his "C" intrack. The driver, mashie, and putterare his companions during leisurehours.MIRIAM LIBBY EVANS '17 is an en­thusiastic booster and supporter of theUniversity-including the New Plan.Her oldest daughter plans to enter herein the fall and the twins: (age 11) willdoubtless follow the educational ex­ample of both father and mother. Inthe meantime, Mrs. Evans is a memberof the Committee of Management of theSouth Side Branch of the Y. W. C. A.,a member of the program committee ofthe Thursday Morning Musical Club,and Program Chairman of the Women'sClub of the University Church of theDisciples. In 1931-32 she was also sec­retary of the Alumnae Club. As anundergraduate she was treasurer of theY. w. C. L. and later vice-president, aUniversity Aide, and a Nu Pi Sigma.Music, drama, and tennis provide recre­ation for Mrs. Evans.ELIZABETH K. SAYLER '35, having sorecently left the quadrangles, has notTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23had time to accumulate many extra­University records although at presentshe is studying dress design and fashionillustration at the American Academyof Art, Chicago. Miss Sayler was backon the quadrangles this spring lendingher artistic talents to Blackfriars inmaking the costumes for the currentshow. She is still remembered by thecurrent generation of students for herenviable student-activity record whichreads, in part, as follows: Esoteric, N uPi Sigma, Dramatic Association, Mir­ror Board, Daily Maroon) ChapelCouncil, Board of Women's Organiza­tions, and Chairman of the Federationof University Women.CLIFTON MAXWELL UTLEY '26, is Di­rector of the Chicago Council on For­eign Relations and �editor of ForeignN etas, a bi-weekly. review of foreignaffairs. Each Monday evening he alsogives a fifteen minute radio resume offoreign affairs (WGN, Chicago, 8 :30).He frequently is heard on the Univer­sity Round Table, particularly whensub j ects in his field are being discussed.Among his activities as an undergradu­ate he was Sports Editor of the Dail)1Marro on) and a member of the Black­friars' staff. After receiving his degreehe studied abroad for two years and hehas never broken himself of the habitof returning to Europe at frequent in- tervals. He enjoys mountain climbingalthough he adds "Try and do it in Chi­cago." vVe wonder if he ever tried atrip to the carillons in the Chapeltower!RICHARD KUH '17, who lives in Glen­coe with his wife and three children, iswith the brokerage firm of Stein Bree­man and Company. He was previouslya salesman with the clothing manufac­turing firm of Kuh, Nathan, and Fischer.He is active in Glencoe community.proj ects and has been a member of theZoning Commission since 1927. In an­swer to our question about his under­graduate activities he said "While incollege I was interested in anything andeverything that interfered with mystudies-such as the Reynolds Club,wrestling, Undergraduate Council ('13-'14), Skull and Crescent, etc. Theyeased me out of the collegiate picture in1917 but it took a World 'War and acouple of "B's to do it." Feeling heshould have some "profound platformon which to stand (or to duck under)"Mr. Kuh adopts the following: "Keepthe' LaSalle Street coaching staff offthe Alumni Council, thereby assuringbigger and better criticisms of all the'rah-rah' aspects of Alma Mater!"OLIVE GREENSFELDER '16, has twovery practical hobbies: teaching En­glish to high school young people while directing their vocational interests inGary and cooperating wholeheartedlywith the Chicago Alumni Club of thatcity. She is also a member of the Edu­cational Committee of the Gary Y. W.C. A. She is secretary 0 f the class of'16 and a loyal supporter of everyworthy proj ect associated with theUniversity of Chicago.HELEN \iVELLS '24, is in the Art De­partment of Marshall Fields and Com­pany, Chicago. After leaving the Uni­versity, she took work at the ChicagoArt Institute and is a member of theBoard of Directors of the Art InstituteAlumni Association. As an under­graduate she was chairman of theFederation Council, a College Aide, amember of the Ida Noyes AdvisoryCouncil, Secretary- Treasurer of theVV. A. A., member of the Honor Com­mission, and a Nu Pi Sigma. For re­lief from laying out art designs, she fre­quently plays badminton.ERRETT VAN NICE '31, is associatedwith the Harris Trust and SavingsBank of Chicago. As an under­graduate he was President of theSenior Class, a member of the Under­graduate Council, Skull and Crescent,and Owl and Serpent, a .College Mar­shall, and Captain of the varsity foot­ball squad. Golf and tennis occupy hisleisure hours.ANNUAL ELECTIONCOLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONWho are members of the College Alumni Association?All Bachelors or Masters in Arts, Literature or Science, and any non-degree holders with a minimum of nine majorsof undergraduate credit in Arts, Literature or Science-always provided that they are Life Members of the Associationor hold annual memberships through the payment of annual dues.All members of the College Alumni Association are urged to vote.Candidates are listed in the order of seniority,-where in the same class, they are listed alphabetically.The ballot will be kept secret, but all ballots must be siimed, and must be received at the Alumni Office prior toFriday, June 4.----------------�---------------------------------------OFFICIAL BA�LOTFor First Vice-PresidentTwo Yearso Ralph W. Davis, '16 For Council DelegatesThree Years(Vote for Six)D Helen Norris, '07o Marion Mortimer Blend, '16o Olive Greensfelder, '16'0 Miriam Libby Evans, '17!O Richard M. Kuh, '17'0 Charles C. Greene, '19, JD'21D William B. Gemmill, Jr., '21lD O. Paul Decker, '24o Helen Wells, '24o Clifton Utley, '26'0 Errett Van Nice, '31o Elizabeth Sayler, '35For S ecretary- TreasurerTwo YearsD Charlton T: Beck, �04For Executive CommitteeTwo Years(Vote for Two):0 Raymond J. Daly, '12, JD'14'0 Ruth Allen Dickinson, '15D Ruth Manierre Freeman, '16D Elwood Ratcliff, '22Mail this ballot to the Alumni Office, University of Chicago.Namei • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Class .AddressTHE CAMPUS DISSENTERAFTER the April Fool's edition of the DailyMaroon, subsequent issues of the paper containedno more fooling than could be discerned in theusual Traveling Bazaar, for the spring quarter withmany events of import and gravity looming; lent littleopportunity for light writing. Students impassionedover war were promulgating a "strike for peace" to berun off on April 22; the Senior Class had to cadgesufficient money from its members to make a suitabledonation to the University, that their memory may gofor utility and posterity; a negro fraternity had just beendenied admittance to membership in the Interfraternitycouncil; and other portentous items were occupying theattention of all.PeaceMeetings, before the fatal day when the grandmarch about the campus would occur, arranged therequisite details of the anti-war demonstration. Pam­phlets elaborating on the war-is-hell theme were runoff, organizers, marshals, publicizers, and committeeheads were elected and appointed, and speakers weresigned for the final gathering, which would express lo­cal student opposition to contemplated government meas-Seven hundred students march for peacetires for enhancement of the national defense. The Uni­versity administration refused permission to dismissclasses at eleven o'clock of the twenty-second; the peaceparade, therefore, occurred at high noon of that day.Some 700 marchers made their roundabout way to theCircle, singing appropriate songs en route, after gath­ering about the Hutchinson Court fountain-l,lOO strong-there to listen to Dr. Palmer, of the Theological Sem­inary, Harold Gibbon, of the CIO, and James Wechsler,"Student Advocate" editor. All three speakers gaveemphasis to the necessity for prolonged and consistentendeavor in work for permanent peace. It would seemthat the work on this campus for a peace of an inter­national and permanent character could be of little effect,but, were more colleges and universities to jibe their • By SAM HAIR '35efforts, some efficacious accomplishments might ensue.There are few who question the intrinsic merits of thecase for peace, but there are many who object to themethods used by collegians for attaining the objective.Many care not for any demonstration, for whatever itmay be and peaceful though this "strike" was. Manywould prefer efforts just as concerted, less intermittent,and more persistent. The shouting and the invectiveaccompanying much of the anti-war work to now hassteered away those who otherwise might be more thanpassively concerned with the aim.Senior CarnivalTwo days later was tossed off the great and stupen­dous shin.dig-the Senior Costume Carnival Ball-de­signed and executed by the Class of '37 for purposes olcelebration and money-making. Not as successful asit might have been had the members of the class attendedin toto, the party added substantially to the swelling fundwhich will go for the class gift. Highly touted by leadarticles in the Maroon and by variegated signs' plasteredhither and yon, the festivities included initial tryouts fora dance contest at the College Inn, various other contestsof other skills, and the accompanying carnival trimmingsof baseball throwing, fortune-telling, and ring throwing-all of which were held in Mandel Corridor, Hutchin­son Commons, and the Reynolds Club. A time was hadby all.Kappa Alpha PsiMeanwhile those who were concerned with it wererecovering from the decision on the case of the Negrofraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi, which had been barredfr0111 the Interfraternity Council on grounds flimsyand irrelevant -the decision against these fraternity­men was made because of the location of their housewhich was alleged to be without the realm of Coun­cil and University jurisdiction. Several weeks be­fore, the Negro group had appealed a similar ruling ofthe Council, presenting evidence and reasons in itsfavor. Discussion had followed, and campusites foundthemselves taking sides. Many strong factions todrthe part of Kappa Alpha Psi, thinking that the I·'Council was for fraternity representation and that anJgroup purporting to be a fraternity and satisfying thI!more evident requirements for membership in the Coun­cil should by all means be allowed representation. None­theless, Kappa Alpha Psi was relegated to an uncee­tain status by a vote of the present Council members.who saw fit to bar from their midst one of their oWl!kin. An issue of the Phoenix, the unbelievable hybridof the undergraduate publications, which prints anything fit for a magazine to print, devoted an issue to t.case of Kappa Alpha Psi, bringing out the r.c:e­prejudicial motivations for the decision of the I-F Cc:mrcil, and deploring the one-mindedness of its mem�24THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25News of the Quadrangles(Continued [ron: Page 17)books in that field, The Romanesque Lyric, and M edie­val Latin Lyrics. He also had an exceptionally broadknowledge of general literature. His courses, thoughgiven in the department of German, generally extendedinto the realm of comparative literature although thecourse title might iridicate a limitation to the work ofHeine, Goethe, or some other specialized field of Ger­man literature.With successive generations of Chicago students since1895, he was one of the most popular instructors on thefaculty. His office was a combined circulating library,where his students could borrow his books, and an in­formal classroom. His scholarship was unobtrusive,though none the less effective, enlivened by his abilityas a story teller. From his own varied experience, rang­ing from his student days at Williams College, wherehe played football and sang in student operas, throughhis years at the University, he drew an apparentlyboundless store of amusing reminiscence, neatly tingedwith a philosophic attitude that interested and stimulatedhis students. One of his tales-the borrowing of twohundred dollars from A. A. Stagg-was published lastspring in the Magazine.He was a member of the football team of 1895, firstto bring a championship to Chicago. Known as the"Divinity team," it included such famous old time play­ers as "War Horse' Charles Allen; Henry GordonGale, now Dean of the Division of Physical Sciences;Nott Flint, Fred Nichols and Ikey Clarke. Six feet, fiveinches in height, and loosely but powerfully built, "Phil"Allen played center with devastating effect.In the early 1900's, Mr. Allen was one of the Chicagofaculty group that founded the Lake Zurich CountryClub, and included Ferdinand Schevill, John M. Manly,Robert Morss Lovett, Henry G. Gale, and Gordon Jen­nings Laing.He was born in Lake Forest, Ill., on August 23, 1871,his parents being Ira W. and Lydia (Ford) Allen. Hisfather had come to the Middle West with Horace Mann,and the two had founded Antioch College. Disagreeing as to the educational policy of the college, Ira Allencame to' Lake Forest, where for five years he was head­master of Lake Forest Academy. He then founded AllenAcademy, first private school for boys in the city ofChicago."Phil" Allen received his elementary and secondaryeducation in Chicago, and entered Williams College in1887, taking his A. B. degree in 1891. The next yearhe taught in his father's academy. He then went abroadto study for two years at the University of Berlin, andthe Ecole des Hautes Etudes in Paris. In 1894-95 hetaught at Shattuck Military College, and in 1895 becamea Fellow at the University of Chicago, receiving hisPh.D. in 1897. He was then made an assistant in Ger­man in 1898, progressing through the various academicranks until he became a professor in 1923. Mr. Allenwas one of the founders of Modern Philology, of whichhe was managing editor from 1900 to 1908. He was amember of the Modern Language Association of Amer­ica and a Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America.Mr. Allen was active in editorial work outside theUniversity, being for twenty years an assistant editorof the modern foreign language department of the GinnPublishing Company, from 1902-1922, and then wasdirecting editor of the same department of the Scott­Foresman Publishing Company. He also served aseditor-in-chief of the Thomas S. Rockwell PublishingCompany. Hundreds of books were published underhis editorship and his own books on modern languagesubjects, mostly texts, numbered more than fifty.In December, 1894, he married Jessie Acker, ofBrooklyn, who died in December, 1934. Four childrensurvive, Philip Schuyler, Jr., with the Soil ConservationService, Department of Agriculture, Des Moines, Ia.;Margaret Ford (Allen), of Chicago, on the editorialstaff of Rand-McNally Company; Philippa, a socialworker in New York, and Mary, member of the facultyof Newcomb College, woman's college of Tulane Uni­versity, New Orleans.Astronomy and Astrophysics(Continued from Page 10)embedded inside the nebula is so much dimmed thatit can only be photographed. with powerful instruments.The problem is to find how the star's light filters throughthe nebular substance, being reflected back and forthfrom one particle to the other, until it finally escapes thenebula and makes its way towards the earth. Here thenebula acts as a vast container into which the star poursits energy. The problem is to. find what happens to thisenergy: how much of it is used to. heat the .nebula andhow much reaches the earth after the filtering process?Some time ago we made a rough calculation of theamount of light that should come to us from the inter- stellar plasma, which, of course, is illuminated by gen­eral starlight. Anyone who has been out of doors ona dark clear night has noticed that trees and other objectsare dimly visible. They are illuminated by starlight, andwhat we really see is starlight reflected to our eyes fromthe objects. Similarly, the interstellar plasma must beilluminated by starlight, and the entire sky should, there­fore, be covered by a thin film of luminosity. The prob­lem of the light of the night sky is one for which theatmospheric conditions at the McDonald Observatory inTexas are especially favorable. Dr. Elvey and Dr. Roachhave just completed a series of observations which actu­ally prove the existence of the "galactic light"-a feebleglow between the stars, noticeable mostly in the MilkyWay. This discovery is one of the most instructiveresults of modern astrophysical research. It not only26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEconfirms our expectations, but it provides us with anew means for the study of the interstellar plasma.While the absorbing power of the plasma gradually tendsto reduce the direct rays of light from the stars, render­ing many of the most distant ones completely invisible,the diffuse light of the plasma, originally derived fromthese invisible stars, manages to penetrate through spaceand to bring us an indirect message from them.There are many other investigations in progress atthe Yerkes Observatory, but space does not permit meto describe them in detail. Brief mention may be madeof Professor Van Biesbroeck's work on comets andasteroids, Professor Ross's systematic survey for thediscovery of stars with large proper motions, and Dr.Hetzler's discovery of a number of infra-red stars whichcannot be photographed in ordinary photographic light,even with our best equipment.At present our equipment at Williams Bay consistsof the 40-inch refractor, the 24-inch reflector, the lO-inchBruce photographic telescope and several small instru­ments. The 12-inch refractor and the new Schmidtcamera are at Mount Locke, in Texas. The mountingof the 82-inch reflecting telescope has already been in­stalled in the dome on Mount Locke and the mirrorsare scheduled for delivery this summer. This powerfulinstrument will greatly increase the value of the researchwork of the department.The teaching activities of the department are dividedbetween the university campus in Chicago and theYerkes Observatory. vVe have felt for many years thatthe instruction for practical astronomers has not beenentirely adequate, and we are making an effort to im­prove it by offering a number of advanced courses intheoretical astrophysics, statistical astronomy, etc. Agood theoretical background is now indispensable forsuccessful work in astrophysics. On the campus Pro­fessor Bartky has charge of the instruction in celestialmechanics and in other branches of mathematical astron­omy. Formerly one of Professor Moulton's and Pro­fessor MacMillan's most distinguished pupils, and nowan, accomplished mathematician in his own right, Dr.Bartky has at times cooperated with the astronomers atWilliams Bay in the solution of certain mathematicalproblems.Oil for the Lamps(Continued from Page 7)is spent to give fellowships, scholarships, and free tuitionto needy students?"Plimpton: "Last year it was over $420,000 or about6 per cent of the entire income of the University."Munger: "In other words, the University of Chicago,in this athletic age, is still an educational institution,spending far more on scholarships to encourage needyyouths of brilliant intellect than it does on the entire up­keep of its athletic department, although it maintains afull athletic program for all students. That is somethingto remember. No wonder it has a nation-wide reputa­tion."But the achievements of a great university, even intheir business aspects, ranging all the way from excava- tions in far off Egypt and world-wide Cosmic Ray re ...search to the training of scientists who may hold thdestiny of the world in a test tube in some quiet catnpu�laboratory, should really be recounted by another Voicethan that of Mr. Plimpton, a financial officer, or a Com ...mentator like myself."I want to ask Mr. John Fryer Moulds, Secretary -'-ofthe Board of Trustees of the University, to Cover thataspect. Mr. Moulds, what are some of the things theUniversity has been able to do for the world by virtueof its endowment?" .Moulds: ';1 suppose its most remarkable achievementis that- in forty-five years, with one-sixth of the historyand -half the resources of an institution like Harvard, theUniversity has become one of the four or five great uni­versities of the world. Through its example, and throughthe thousands of men and women it has trained, it hasraised the standards of education throughout the middlewest-126 of its former students are now college presi­dents. The University's innovations in 1892 revolution­ized higher education and this pioneering tradition ismaintained in its New Plan of education inaugurated sixyears ago and now widely copied. A university shouldproduce new knowledge as well as transmit acceptedknowledge, and Chicago's University has produced liter­ally thousands of scholarly volumes and scientific mono­graphs; its own scientists have won more Nobel Prizesin science than those of any other American institution,and its alumni are engaged in research in institutionsthroughout the world. Since it opened in 1892 the Uni­versity has given instruction to more than 175,000 stu­dents; the current edition of 'Who's WhO' in America'includes the names of more than 2,000 who receivedtraining at the University of Chicago."Munger: "Now let us look over the evidence so farpresented. It' shows the University of Chicago a leaderin education, a haven for the boy and girl with brains,spending four times as much money on fellowships,scholarships, and free tuition to encourage worthy stu­dents as it spends on the social and physical welfare ofthe entire student group, liberal in policies, a leader inresearch, a leader in thought, and most of all, a leaderin seeking the truth, let the chips fall where they may."And, as we have shown, the financial support of thisorganization comes from the ownership of property, theprofits of business, the interests on capital invested. Thatmeans that the past labors of some outstanding men,most of them simple-living and hard-working, MartinA. Ryerson, Julius Rosenwald, Charles L. Hutchinson,the Swifts, the Rockefellers, the first Marshall Field,Sidney A. Kent, George C. Walker, William B. Ogden,Joseph Reynolds, Charles J. Hull, George HerbertJones, A. D. Lasker, the Billings family, Colonel JohnRoberts, LaVerne Noyes, and many others, have beenused to' bring a priceless gift to the city and to the wholemiddlewest. The work has been well begun, but it willfall short of the plan unless, with the cooperation of Chi­cago itself, the University is able to carry out the orig­inal dream of President Harper,-of a community ofscholars and scientists of such distinction as to make thename of Chicago respected wherever learning and intelli­gence are revered, as well as to enrich the lives of theresidents, young and old, of this city and this region.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27NEWS OF THE CLASSESCOLLEGE1903LIVONIA HUNTER teaches Latin in theHigh School at Monmouth, Ill.Once again we hear from SOPHIABERGER MOHL (Mrs. E. N.) of Nathan­yah, Palestine, who is carrying on herwork as chairman of the Committee onInternational Relations, Palestine Asso­ciation of University Women. She isalso serving on the Committee on theEconomic Status of University Womenof the International Federation of Uni­versity Women.1904G. GEORGE Fox, now the director ofthe Jewish Student Foundation at theUniversity of Chicago, recently pub­lished two volumes: "Democracy andNazism," and "The Bible as Religionand Literature."1905ALEDA 1. BIGELOW writes from 1821F ederal Avenue, Seattle, Washington,where she is a field representative forthe National Red Cross. Her hobbiesinclude antiques, DId books and furniture,and, after a busy week, she likes to getout in the country, especially the woods. 1906HENRY P. CONKEY is president of theW. B. Conkey Company, printers andbinders. The company has its officesin Chicago and its factory in Hammond.MINNIE M. DUNWELL teaches at SennHigh School, Chicago, and for relaxa­tion chooses music, reading, and travel.1909VIRGINIA ADMIRAL DADY (Mrs. Ar­thur 0.) recently moved to' 110 NorthBroadmoor Boulevard, Springfield,Ohio,The recent travels of RACHEL M.FOOTE) AM'31, include a MediterraneanCruise in 1932, a trip to Canada andCuba in 1935, and a world tour in 1936.A delegate to the International F edera­tion of University Women held inPoland last August, she is an officer ofthe Texas Division of the AmericanAssociation of Women and is presi­dent of the Texas Association of Deansof Women and Girls. Miss FODte isDean of Students at the Forest AvenueHigh School of Dallas.1911HARGRAVE A. LONG and Henry E.Ayers have changed the name of theirlaw firm to Ayers and Long and are nDW located at 29 South La Salle Street,Chicago.HERBERT L. WILLETT, JR., is directorof the Community Chest, Washington,D. C. This past year as president ofthe Washington University of ChicagoAlumni Club, he has been workingnights and Sundays trying to boostmembership.1916MARJORIE FAY, AM'35, of the Uni­versity High SChDOI went to Washing­ton, D. c., for the Cherry BlossomSeason.WILLIAM S. HEDGES is vice presidentof the Crosley Radio Corporation andgeneral manager of WL VV - WSAI, Cin­cinnati, Ohio.HELEN E. LOTH, AM'20, PhD'36, isteaching Latin and German in the Su­perior State Teachers College, Wiscon­sin.Lucy BUCKNER WELLS has been di­rector of the Mary A. Burnham Schoolof N orthampton, Massachusetts, for thelast four years.1917CHARLES F. ALLEN, supervisor ofsecondary education in the publicschools of Little Rock, Arkansas, haswritten two of the N.E.A. sixty starredbooks. His most recent one, entitledHAM"The Meat Makes The Meal"SWIFT'SThe brand Swift's Premium tells you three things about ham.PREMIUM• First, it's- Premium-cured for delicious mildness.• Second, the flavor of the ham has been further enhanced by Ovenizing­Swift's own method of smoking hams in ovens.• Third, it's top quality-selected by experts for this brand of distinction.Be sure you get Swift's Premium when you buy. You'll find the word Swiftin little brown dots right down the side of the ham. Look for it even on thesingle slice.So mild it needs no parboiling28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEExtra-Curricular A ctiuities, was writ­ten in collaboration with Thomas Alex­ander and H. W. Means: and publishedby the Webster Publishing Companyof St. Louis. Recently appointed tothe State Retirement Board, he is alsoactive in the work of the executivecommittee of the Department of Sec­ondary SChDOI Principals and was amember of the National Council of theNational High School Honor Societyat the N ew Or leans meeting in F ebru­ary. He is chairman of the StateTeachers Retirement Bill Committee.Avocationally, he enjoys duck hunting,fishing, checkers, and cards, in additionto any good outdoor or indoor sport.1919\i\TILLIAM SIMS ALLEN, President ofJohn B. Stetson University, was re­cently presented for the second consec­utive vear the Theodore C. Brooks Citi­zenship Cup as the citizen who hasrendered the most outstanding serviceto the City of Deland, Florida.WALTER D. KRUPKE is vice-presidentof the Federal Electric Company andhas been elected di rector of the RotaryClub of Chicago.1922\i\TILLIAM R. RUMINER of 236 EighthAvenue, LaGrange, is an insurancesalesman. Fond of music, he lists thatas his hobby. He is an elder of thePresbyterian Church.KATE DUNCAN SMITH is with theBirmingham News and Age-Herald,Birmingham, Alabama. In addition sheis doing radio work and teaching En­glish at Howard College.1923MARJORIE HOWARD MORGAN (Mrs.William R.) is now in her own studio,620 Fine Arts 'Building, Chicago, whichwas occupied by her late teacher, MaryPeck Thomson, for nearly thirty years.A member of the Cordon Club for pro­fessional women in the arts, law, etc.,Mrs. Morgan is also a member of theAuditions Board of Musicians Club ofWomen and is president of the MusicalGuild, an altruistic organization tosponsor worthy amateur musicians. Shesays that her hobby is acting and stagingchildren's plays. Her own girls writeand present a play each year for thebenefit of the Chase House Settlement.1924REED WARNER BAILEY, SM'27, is di­rector of research for the U. S. ForestService, Ogden, Utah.1925AMELIA E. Lowv (Mrs. Fred) of1359 Thorndale Avenue, Chicago, in­forms us that the articles on scienceand travel .in the University of ChicagoMagazine interest her most.1926EVERETT E. LOWRY, AM'30, who ischairman of the Department of Art atthe University of Wyoming, has alsobeen state supervisor of W.P .A. proj­ects in arts since September, 1936. Un- der this project one major gallery andfour extension galleries have been setup in the state.GERTRUDE SOLENBERGER is at presentworking as a social worker, with theMother's Assistance Fund of Philadel­phia. She is secretary of the Universityof Chicago Club of Philadelphia. Ad­dress her at 704 South WashingtonSquare.1927WILLIS R. BARBER, who is in govern­ment service, was transferred fromWashington, D. c., the first of Augustto Chicago as district-manager for theU. S. Railroad Retirement Board, withseven midwestern states under his j uris­diction. His office is Iocated in theCivic Opera Building.LESLIE L. BRADLEY, AM'33, teacherat the Steinmetz High School of Chi­cago, was elected to Phi Delta Kappa,Upsilon Chapter, Northwestern Uni­versity, in March.JUSTIN O'BRIEN, AM (Harvard) '2'8,PhD (Harvard) '36, is instructor inFrench at Columbia University. Hehas recently been appointed secretaryof The Romanic Reuietc, a quarterlydevoted to research in the Romancelanguages and literatures. His Harvarddissertation will be published this yearby the Columbia University Press un­der the title, The Novel of Adolescencein France: The Euoluiion of a LiteraryTheme.1929ELIZABETH COWEN DAVIS, 10.47 HydePark Boulevard, Chicago, tells us: "Myson, Joseph Davis, age seven, is in hisfirst year at the University ElementarySchool. My daughter, Mirrel, vergingon three, is an exciting little humandynamo. Writing short stories and re­views is an avocation and collectingbooks is my hobby."EUGENE \!\T. MACOY, 111 Lake St.,Englewood, N. J., is with the AmericanCan Company as a research engineer.1930From DOROTHEA J ACKSONJ 1302 Sen­eca, Seattle, Washington, we hear:"This year I have been assisting MissHelen Reynolds, our Director of theKindergarten Primary Department. Shehas been national president of the Asso­ciation for Childhood Education andneeded to have help in the KindergartenPrimary Department so as to have moretime for the extra demands on her time.This will probably not be necessary nextyear. The position is just a temporaryassignment."1931MARIAN GARBE recently wrote usfrom 1230 Amsterdam Avenue, NewYork City, New York.GORDON D. MERRICK of the Forestand Range Experiment Station, Tucson,Arizona, is spending a few months inWashington writing up some of the re­sults of his research. 1931\VILLARD R. SPROWLS, SM'35, has ac­cepted a position with the Standard OilDevelopment Company, Elizabeth, NewJersey.1932SARAH BOGOT is anxiously awaitingthe opening of the golf season as sheadmits that she is keenly interestedright now "in hitting the golf ball." Sheis teaching in the Mary Lyon Elemen_tary School in Chicago.MARY A. HEGHIN, AM'34, is work­ing on a federal education proj ect, pre­paring a textbook for citizenship train­ing under the direction of ProfessorClem O. Thompson, assistant dean ofthe University College.CAROLINE APELAND PELLETT (Mrs.Harold), 7542 Stewart Avenue, Chi­cago, is still a kindergarten assistantin the University Elementary Schoo1.1933MARGARET L. BRUSKY, teacher in theEvanston Public Schools, is very muchinterested in early American houses andtheir furnishings. She is secretary ofthe Teacher's Council, District 76,Evanston.OSCAR L. SCHERR, SM'36, is nowwith Lever Brothers, Hammond, Ind.1934ALBERT G. CHENICEK and ALPHONSEPECHUKAS, PhD, candidates in the De­partment of Chemistry, have acceptedpositions with the Pittsburgh PlateGlass Company, Barberton, Ohio.1935RUTH MARJORIE BECK is now work­ing for the Atlas Educational 'FilmCompany of Oak Park, Ill.1936DONALD HUGHES is now quite wellacquainted with Latin America, havingvisited seven countries with two com­panions, Bela Baricza, and DonaldMayrer. They traveled by motor, onhorseback, on muleback, in an oxcart, byboat, and by foot for much of the dis­tance.ELSIE M. JOHNSON is employed bythe Country Life Insurance Companyof Chicago.GLEN EYRIE FARMFOR CHILDRENDELAV AN LAKE. WISCONSIN• • •BOYS and GIRLS 1-12Family Group-Not a Camp. All farm activitiesbesides swimming and boating. IOpens June 21stSend for story of the Farm,VIRGINIA HINKINS BUZZELL. ' 13Glen Eyrie Farm. Delavan Lake. Wis.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29* SCHOOL AND CAMPDIRECTORY *BOYS' SCHOOLSCRANBROOK SCHOOLDistinctive endowed preparatory. school for b?ys.Also junior department. Exceptionally beautiful,complete, modern. Unusu�.1 opportunities marts crafts. sciences. Hobbles encouraged. Alls o;ts. Single rooms. Strong faculty. Indi­v1dual atten�ion. Graduates mover 40 colleges.Near Detrort.Registrar, 3020 Lone Pine RoadBloomfield Hills, Mich.FRANKLIN & MARSHALLACADEMYA widely recognized, moderately priced prep­aratory school. Excellent records in many col­leges. Personal attention to each boy's needs.Varied athletic program. Modern equipment.Junior department. .E. M. Hartman, Ph. D.Box G, Lancaster, Pa.ROXBURY SCHOOLF or boys 11 years and olderFlexible organization and painstaking supervi­sion of each boy's program offer opportunityfor exceptional scholastic progress and generaldevelopment.A. E. Sheriff, HeadmasterCheshire .. ConnecticutWILLISTON ACADEMYUNUSUAL educational opportunities at modestcost. Endowment over half a million. Over150.graduates in 40 colleges. New recreationalcenter, gymnasium, swimming pool. Experi­enced, understanding masters. Separate JuniorSchool.Address ARCHIBALD V. GALBRAITH,HeadmasterBox 3, Easthampton, Mass.COLLEGESAINT XAVIER COLLEGEFOR WOMEN4900 Cottage Grove AvenueCHICAGO, ILLINOISA Catholic College Conducted bythe SISTERS OF MERCYCourses lead to the B. A. and B. S.degrees. Music-ArtART SCHOOL� 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 [!g55 South Shore Art School ==== Clay Kelly. Director ===..... ==__ A school of individual instruction -55 in drawing, painting, and clay ==== modeling. ==== 1542 East 57th Street. Chicago. III._ === Telephone. Dorchester 4643 =501111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 WE GIRLS' SCHOOLSThe MARY C. WHEELER SCHOOLA school modern in spirit, methods, equipment, rich Intraditions. Excellent college preparatory record. Generalcourse with varied choice of subjects. Post Graduate.Class Music. Dancing, Dramatics, and Art an in­tegral part of curriculum. Leisure for hobbies. Dailysports. 170 acre farm-riding. hunting, hockey. Sep­arate residence and life adapted to younger girls.Catalogue.Mary Helena Dey, M.A., PrincipalProvidence, Rhode IslandGirl's Schools in the Diocese of Virginia (Episcopal)ST. ANNE'S SCHOOLCHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIAMargaret L. Porter-HeadmistressST. CATHERINE'S SCHOOLRICHMOND. VIRGINIALouisa deB. aaeet Braekett-HeadmistressDay and Boarding. Thorough preparation for allleading colleges. Also courses for students not plan­ning to enter college. Music. Art. Riding. Out­door Sports.SECRETARIAL SCHOOLSIntensive Stenographic Course- FOR COLLEGE MEN & WOMEN:::ed���d�n� ��ut���OltO���s -t:; *classes only-Begin Jan •• Apr •• Julyand Oct. Write or Phone Ban. 1515.18 .. 5. MICHIGAN AVE., tHICAGO *MacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and SecretarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESAocredited by the National Association of Ac­credited Commercial Schools.I J 70 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130Your whole life throughShorthand will be useful to 'You.LEARN GREGGThe World's Fastest Shorthand.THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY2500 Prairie Ave. ChicagoLIBRARY SCHOOLLIBRARY SCHOOL209 S. State St., Chicago, III.Preparatory course for public Librarian.Practical book courses for positions inRental Libraries and book stores.Register Mon. to Fri. II a. m. to 4 p. m. CO-EDUCATIONAL SCHOOLSGEORGE SCHOOLQuaker. Established 1893. Fully accredited. Col­lege preparatory and cultural course. Seventy­fonr graduates entered thirty-two colleges in1936. Boys and girls in the, same, school underconditions that meet the approval of the! mostcareful, discriminating parent. Endowment.227-a�re campus. 25 miles from Philadelphia.10 miles from Trenton.G. A. Walton, A. M.t PrincipalBox 267, George School, Pa.The Midway School62 J 6 Kimbark Ave. Tel. Dorchester 3299Elementary Grades-High SchoolPreparation - KindergartenFrench. Music and ArtBUS SERVICEA School with Individual Instruction andCultural AdvantagesBOYS' CAMPTHE OLDEST CAMP IN THE WESTCAMP HIGHLANDSFOR BOYSSAYNER. WISCONSINThree Camps-8-12: 13-14: 15-17Woodcraft, Athletic and Water Sports,Music, Photography, Scouting. Long CanoeTrips, Riding, Shooting, Shop, Nature Lore,Camping Trips, Unexcelled Equipment.Experienced Staff. Doctor-Nurse.WRITE THE DIRECTOR FOR CATALOGW. J. MONILAW, M. D.5712 Kenwood Ave., ChicagoSPECIAL SCHOOLELIZABETH HULL SCHOOLForRETARDED CHILDRENBoarding and Day Pupils5046Greenwood Ave. TelephoneDrexel 118830 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESALES SERVI CEJ. D. Levin 119 Pres.PASSENGER CARS TRUCKSModern Service Station•DREXEL CHEVROLET CO.4733 Cottage GroveDREXEL 3121BLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to Uni­versity and Business Women atModerate TarHfBLACKSTO'NE HALL5748Blackstone Ave. TelephonePlaza 3313Verna P. Werner, DirectorCLOISTER GARAGECHICAGO PETERSENMOTOR LIVERYA PERSONAL SERVICEof Refinement. Catering to theUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO•5650 LAKE PARK AVE.Phone MIDWAY 0949Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau for menand women in all kinds of tsachlng positions.Large and alert College and State Teachers' Col­lege departments fur Doctors and Masters: faTtyper cent of our business. Critic and Grade SUD­ervtsoes tOT' Normal Schools placed every year inlarge numbers: excellent opportunities. Sneclalteachers of Home Economics. Business Administra­tion. Music. and Art. secure fine nostttons throughus every year. Private Schools in all parts of thecountry among our best patrons: �ood salaries. WeUprepared High School teachers wanted for city andsuburban High Schools. Special manager handlesGrade and Critic work. Send for folder today. DIVINITY1881MARION DANIEL SHUTTER, DB, pas­tor of the Universalist Church of Min­neapolis, has been active in the ministryof this church for more than fifty years.He was responsible for founding theUnity Settlement, and has been presi­dent of board since 1897. From 1920-32,he presided over the Minneapolis Char­ter Commission.1899VVARREN P. BEHAN, '94, DB'97,PhD, has accepted the chai rmansl:i J? ofthe department of Bible and religiousphilosophy at Sioux Falls College,Sioux Falls South Dakota, Dr. Behanhas been clean of Ottawa University,Ottawa, Kansas, for nearly fifteen years.and during the past five years has beenacting president.1901RICHARD R. WRIGHT_, JR., DB, AM'04 minister writes from 28 WalmerRo�d, vVood�tock Cape, South Afri�a.He is bishop of the African MethodistEpiscopal Church, located over the fif­teenth episcopal district, comprising theUnion of South Africa, Swaziland,Basuto1and, the Rhodesias, and Bechu­analand. Prior to. his election in 1936to' this post he was president of Wilber­force University (Ohio) from 1932-1936 and editor of the Christian Re­cord�r, 19'09-1936.1910JOHN GODFREY HILL, pr�fess�)1� ofBiblical Literature at the University ofSouthern California, served as actingdean of the School of Religion last year.1918From Eldora, Iowa, comes a letterfrom ARTHUR E. FISH, AM, who isminister of the First CongregationalChurch. His son, Hamilton, who. willcrraduate from W est Point this June,�anks 21 in a class of 32'0 and is eligiblefor Engineers. On the day of his grad­nation, he is! to' be married by his fatherto Miss Mildred Baum of Maplewood,New Jersey. Rev. Fish's daughter,Margaret, who was graduated from theKahler School of Nursing, Rochester,Minnesota, and has been employed inthe Presbyterian and Grant Hospitals ofChicago, as well as in the Nursery ofHollywood Hospital, has recently beenaccepted as Air Stewardess for theAmerican Air Lines.1921Since November 1, 1936, PAYSON rr­MILLER AM has been minister of FirstChurch' in Roxbury, Mass. This wasthe Church of J ohn Eliot, A postle to theIndians and one of the six whose min­isters together with the magistrateswere the original overseers of HarvardUniversity.1933HAZEL E. FOSTER, AM'29, DB'32,PhD, recently published her book,. ANew Guide to Bible Study. In line A University of Chicago lunch_eon was held in San AntonioTexas, on April 1, during the an�nual convention of the Associa_tion for Childhood Education.Among the twenty-five alumnaewho attended the luncheon, pre­sided over by ALICE TEMPLE_, '08Associate Professor Emeritus ofKindergarten-Primary Educationwere ten who at some time hav�been members of the regular Orthe summer faculty. Represent_ing the present staff were HELENKOCH, '18, PhD'21, AssociateProfessor of Educational Psy­chology, and OLGA ADAMS, '24,AM'32, of the University Elemen­tary School and vice president ofthe Association.Former members of the Ele­mentary School staff were OLIVEPAINE, '13, State Teachers Col­lege, Cedar Falls, Iowa; KATH­ERINE McLAUGHLIN, '14, AM'18,PhD'32, University of Californiaat Los Angeles; MAJORIE HARDY,'21, Principal of Primary Depart­ment, Germantown F r i end sSchool; ISAHEL ROBINSON, '20,Division of Parent Education,Fed era 1 Emergency NurserySchool Administration.Former visiting instructors ofthe School of Education wereWINIFRED BAIN '24, New College,Columbia University; FRANCESBERRY '11, Baltimore PublicSchools ; MAY HILL ARBUTHNOT'22, Western Reserve University;DEVEREUX JARRATT WALKER '28,San Antoriio; FRANCES JENKINS;University of Cincinnati.Other alumnae present wereFRANCES RAPPAPORT HORWICH'29, Winnetka Public Schools;ELLEN M. OLSON '24, ChicagoNormal College; MAR T H ATHOMAS, State Department ofEducation, Columbia, S. c.; AL­MIRA M. D. MARTIN '27, AM'30,University of Utah; FRANCESRoss, Principal, Schafer Boule­vard School, Dayton, Ohio.GLADYS GREENMAN '16, Super­visor of Kindergarten-PrimaryGrades, Greenwich, Co.nn.; LIDAM. WILLIAMS '24, AM'25, North­ern State Teachers College, Aber­deen, S. D.; EDITH A. STEVENS,'27, Miss '\Vood's TrainingSchool, Minneapolis; MARIE M.HUGHES, '35, AIVI'35, Experi­mental School, University of NewMexico; and AVIS SMITH, Super­visor of Kindergarten, Milwau­kee, were also in attendance.Ten of our alumnae took ac­tive part in the convention pro­gram and six of them have beenofficers of the Association.The luncheon was entirely in­formal. Each person present wasof her activities since leaving theintroduced and spoke very brieflyUniversity.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwith her interest in social work in thechurch field, this is her second year aspresident of the Association of ChurchSocial Workers. She is recording secre­tary of the Association 0 f WomenPreachers. She is equally interested inthe legal field and is a member of PhiD�lta Delta, � women's legal fraternity.MIss Foster IS professor of Bible andadministrative dean of Presbyterian Col­lege of Christian Education, Chicago.1933WALTER A. MCCLENEGHAN wastransferred from Holly, Colorado, to apastorate at Willcox, Arizona, in theSouthern California Conference of theMethodist Church.JOHN M. MORRIS now lives in SeoulKorea, and is teaching there in theSeminary supported by the SouthernMethodist Church.MR. and MRS. WILBUR PRENTICE re­cently dedicated a new chapel at Allaha­bad Christian Co.llege, Allahabad, U. P.,India.EWELL K. REAGIN was elected mod­erator of the Cumberland PresbyterianAssembly held in June, 1936, at SanAntonio, Texas.1936E. A. KING writes from LandourMussourie, U.P., India, where he i�in charge of the Council of ChristianEducation for the Methodist EpiscopalChurch.IRVIN LUNGER, AM'35, DB, is nowin Paris, pursuing his studies as a trav­elling Fellow of the Disciples DivinityHouse. He expects to return in Juneor July.MASTERS1903GEORGE B. MANGOLD, AM, holds aprofessorshi p in the Department of So­ciology at the University of SouthernCalifornia.1905J. P ROWE was granted an honorarydegree of Sc.D. by the University ofNebraska, lectured at the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, in the summer of1936, and published a book entitledGeoqraph » and Natural Resources oflv! ontana. -1913JULIA D. RANDALL, AM, writes from1919 South Grand, St. Louis, Missouri,where she is teaching and does. debate­coaching. She likes music travel andantiques if they have family' interest.1915. W. Z. MILLER is carrying on consult­mg work in Tulsa, Oklahoma.FREDERICK B. PLUMMER of the Bu­reau of Economic Geology of the Uni­versity of Texas, recently published amonograph of 350 pages entitled "TheCarboniferous Ammonites of Texas."1922MORGAN L. COMBS, AM, is presidentof State Teachers College, Fredericks­burg, Virginia.MAE BELLE SMITH has the positionof district home administrative azentExtension Department at Texas A� andM. College. ' FOR SUMMER RELAXATIONAND COMFORTWE ARE RECOGNIZED AS MAKERSOF CLOTHES, DESIGNED FOR SUMMER"-COMFORT AND RECREATION THATREFLECT THE FREEDOM AND EASEOF OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENT.CAMPBELL, EISELE & POLICH, Ltd.Merchant TailorsEight South :Michigan Avenue, ChicagoFourth Floor Willoughly Tower1923:o. D. FRANK, SM, of the School ofEducation, University of Chicago, waselected president of the Central Asso­ciation of Science and MathematicsTeachers at their annual meeting at St.Louis, Missouri, on November 27, 1936.1924Mrs. L. B. Alford (GLEN STYLES,SM) of Oxnard, California, finds timefrom her bookkeeping in the forenoonsand housekeeping and gardening in theafternoons to be active in Venturabranch of the American Association ofUniversity Women and to attend theirannual conventions as a representativeof her local branch.1926Effective April 1, 1937, EARL F.ZEIGLER, AM, became Associate Editorof the Presbyterian U. S. A. Board O'fChristian Education, 420' WitherspoonBuilding, Philadelphia, Pa. Formerlvhe was Dean of the Presbyterian Col­lege of Christian Education, Chicago. FLORENCE BROWN, SM, has resignedfrom the Department of Botany, Penn­sylvania State College, to become Mrs.Clarence D. Charlton, 1724 CampbellAvenue, LaSalle, Illinois.1927A. M. MCCULLOUGH) AM, was re­cently reappointed superintendent of thepublic schools of Fairfield, Conn.1928CHARLES A. WERNER, AM, is writinga new course of study for the generalsciences which will soon be ready forpublication. General science teacher �tCrane Technical High School of ChI­cago, he is co-chairman of the sciencedepartment.1929MRS. BERTHA H. LEBEAU, SM, Wil­son College, Chambersburg, Pennsyl­vania, spent a portion of the summer of1935 at Dr. Chodat's Alpine Laboratory,University of Geneva, Switzerland, andattended the Botanical Congress at Am­sterdam.Hotel StevensWabash 05325442 Lake Park Ave. HYDE PARK MOTOR SALES, INC.Dorchester 290031Fernand de GueldreService on all modelChrysler DeSoto Dodge PlymouthCarsWe specialize in greasing the above cars for only 4S cents.As low as 3 for $9.50Photographer toMary GardenLynn FontanneChaliapinAmelia EarhartVincent BendixStuart ChaseFrederick StockJane Addams32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHAIR REMOVED FOREVER'?� l � ...� -----'J17 Years' ExperienceFRE·E CONSULTATIONLOTTIE A. METCALFEGraduate NurseALSOELECTROLYSIS EXPERTMultiple 20 platinum needles can heused.Permanent removal of Hair from Face,Eyebrows, Back of Neck or any partof Body; destroys 200 to 600 Hair Rootsper hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Moles and\Varts.Memoer American Assn. Medical Hydrology andPhysical Therapy and Ill. Chamber of Commerce$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705, Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.BUSINESSDIRECTORYAMBULANCE SERVICEBOYDSTON BROS.Emergency 'phones OAK. 0492-0493operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.24 hour service.ARTIFICIAL LIMBSBARDACH-SCHOENE CO.102 South Canal St.Phone Central 9710Artificial Legs and ArmsComfort and ServiceGUARANTEEDASBESTOSA UNIVERSITY FAVORITEK. & M.FEATHERWEIGHT85% MagnesiaUniform and light in. weight. Moredead air cells. Better insulation,KEASBEY & MATTISON CO.205 W. Wacker Drive Ran. 6951 HESSEL W. TENHAVE, SM, is teach­ing botany in the high school, RoyalOak, Michigan. In a campaign to makeRoyal Oak a "city of trees" his Fores­try Club has mapped the location of allthe trees in the city. This Club has aforestry nursery of its own. Duringthe past summer Mr. Tenhave hadc.harge of a nature study class at thesummer camp of the Fort Street Pres­byterian Church near Oxford, Mich­iaan. At the close of the camp he tookab western tour and visited several ofthe N ational Parks.WILLIAM LINDSAY YOUNG is presi­dent-�lect of Park College, Parkville,Missouri. .""1930MORTIMER P. MASURE, SM, who hasbeen with the U. S. D. A. at Wenatchee,Washington, for some years, enjoyed amotor trip through Glacier Park, Banff,and the Lake Louise region in July,1936.WALTER B. WELCH, SM, of Los An­geles, California, is continuing hisstudies in the Department under theJohn M. Coulter Research Fellowship,1931A. L. JOHNSONIUS, AM, who is .con­tinuing his graduate work at Univer­sity College on Saturdays, teaches worldhistory and coaches plays at the Lock­port Township High School, Ill.1932GENEVIEVE A. LENSING, AM, is nowwith the University Hospitals of Cleve­land, 2065 Ade1 bert Road, Cleveland,OhiO'.KENNETH PEARSE, SM, of the RockyMountain Forest and Range Experi­ment Station, Ogden, Utah, and Mrs.Pearse are parents of a son, JohnStuart, born May 28, 1936.1933EDWARD B. COOPER heads the sciencedepartment of the Edward Little HighSchool in Auburn, Maine.PRINCIPAL MILTON L. PLUMB, AM,of the F. J. Reitz High School ofEvansville, Indiana, sends us this note :"Reitz High School is located on a fortyacre campus on the highest ground inthe city of Evansville. During the re­cent flood it was used as a Red CrossBase Dormitory and hospital. I wasin charge, after the sudden death of t�eRed Cross representative. We took in450 refuzees the first night, took care ofover 600 altogether, furnishing food,shelter, heat, light, clothing and enter­tainment for about two and a half weeks.We made full use of our gymnasium,auditorium, cafeteria, printing plant,etc. When it was over, we got thebuilding in shape for school in lessthan a week's time."Mr. Plumb reports that he now hasa O'randson William Gillies (bornMa�ch 7), s�n of Mr. and Mrs. PhilipGi11ies.1934HARRY RUJA, AM, received the �hDin philosophy from Prin�eton Umv.er­sity in June, 1936, and IS a teacJ1lngassistant in philosophy at the Umver­sity of California at Los Angeles. DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHY1918The enrollment in chemistry classeswhich PROFESSOR F. E. BROWN, '13,meets Dr has met at Iowa State Collegehas now passed 40,0'00. His favorite di­version at present is trying to learnhow to play golf.1920How ARD DE FOREST has been electedvice-president of the Ecological Societyof America.1921ARTHUR C. BEVAN, State Geologistof Virginia, was elected president ofthe Association of American StateGeologists for 1937. The secre­tary of the Association is Raymond C.Moore, PhD'16, State Geologist of Kan-sas.1925JOHN B. ApPLETON, SM'24, profes­sor of Geography in Scripps College,Claremont, California, spent last yearas visiting professor, in Peiping, China,on the California College in ChinaFoundation.MARY ELLEN O'HANLON, of RosaryCollege, River Forest, Illinois, is jointauthor of a Biology published by F. S.Crofts, New York.CLIFFORD M. ZIERER, associate pro­fessor of Geography in the Universityof California at Los Angeles, recentlyreturned from Australia where, on sab­batical leave of absence, he made a studyof urban development.1926JEAN 1. BROOKES has received al: c:p-pointment to the faculty of the MISSIS­sippi State _College for Women, at Co­lumbus, effective September 1.C. Y. CHANG, professor and head ofthe Department of Biology, Universityof Peking, was secretary of the ChineseBotanical Society 1933-36, and is nowvice-president of that organization. Heis also an associate editor of the B ulle­tin of the Chinese Botanical Societynow in its third volume, and last yearwas acting dean of the College ofScience. He says that his work goes onrather smoothly in spite of the disturbedcondition of the country.ROLLO O. EARLE has become head ofthe Department of Botany, Queen's Uni­versity, Kingston, Ontario.1927J. MARVIN WELLER, '23, sailed Feb­ruary 23rd for China where he plansto spend a year in doing geologicalreconnaissance work 111 the northwestterritory.1928HARRIET GEORGE BARCLAY and DR.DELZIE DEMAREE, SM'19, were draftedto fill temporary vacancies in the De­partment of Botany, University of Okla­homa, during the second semester oflast year. During his brief stay Dr.Demaree rang up what is probably anall-time record for collecting Oklahomaplants.AWNINGSTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINECEMENT CONTRACTORSPhones Oakland 0690-0691-0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co./INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueBOILER REPAIRSJOSEPH A. RICHBOILER REPAIRINGWelding and CuHing1414 East 63 rd StreetTelephone Hyde Park 9574 )BONDSP. H. Davis, 'II. H. I. Markham, 'Ex. '06R. W. Davis, '16 W. M. Giblin, '23F. B. Evans, 'IIPaul H. Davis & Co.Mem.bersNew York Stock ExchangeChicago Stock Exchange10 So. La Salle St. Franklin 8622BOOKSMEDICAL BOOKSof All PublishersThe Largest and Most Complete Stock andall New Books Received as soon as pub­lished. Come in and browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago Medical Book Co.)Conqress and Honore StreetsOne Block from Rush Medical CollegeCAFESMISS LlNDQUISrS CAFE5540 Hyde Park Blvd.GOOD FOOD-MODERATE PRICESA place to meet in large and small groups.Privaf.e ca rd rooms.Telephone Midway 7809in the Broadview HotelCATERERJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Catering in all its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900-0901Retail Deliveries Daily and SundaysQualify and Service Since 1882 CONSTANCE E. HARTT, of the Ha­waiian Sugar Planters' ExperimentStation, Honolulu, has recovered froman attack of paratyphoid fever. She hasbeen reappointed to the Station staff,and is continuing her work on sugarcane enzymes and related problems.1929ALDEN F. BARSS is professor of hor­ticulture, University of British Colum­bia. He reports a trip to the east duringthe past summer on which he visitedFredericton, N. B., and his father's oldhouse at W o1fville, Nova Scotia.HELEN B. BURTON, SM'22, is at pres­ent corresponding secretary of the localchapter of Delta Kappa Gamma. Shehas been at the University of Oklahomasince 1927 and holds the position ofdirector of the School of Home Eco­nomics there.GEORGE H. CROSS_, recently promotedto an assistant professorship in Botanyat the Universty of Oklahoma, hashad general supervision of the depart­ment during the absence of ProfessorPaul B. Sears. He had charge of in­stalling the department in its new quar­ters in the recently completed zoologywing of the proj ected biology group. Hehas recently taken on two additional re­sponsibilities-a son and namesake, andthe secretaryship of the OklahomaAcademy of Science.JOHN H. DAVIS, Southwestern Col­lege, Memphis, Tennessee, spent thepast summer in the study of the man­grove swamps of Florida, aided by agrant from the National Research Coun­cil.LEON M. PULTZ is assistant profes­sor of Botany at the University of Ari­zona. He was formerly associate plantphysiologist in the U. S. D. A. labora­tories at Salt Lake City, Utah.ELBERT L. LITTLE is assistant forestecologist at Globe, Arizona.1931E. N. FERGUS has been promoted atthe Kentucky Agricultural ExperimentStation to agronomist in charge of pas­ture and forage crop investigations.VERNE O. GRAHAM has been ap­pointed president of the Chicago NormalCollege.JOSEPH J . JASPER, assistant professorof Chemistry at Wayne University, De­troit, Michigan, is teaching physical,electro and general chemistry . For twoyears editor of The Detroit Chemist)published by the Detroit Section of theAmerican Chemical Society, he nowserves as chai rman of the Detroit Sec­tion of the American Chemical Society,and is a member of the Affiliated Coun­cil of the Engineering Society of De­troit.\:VILLIAM MARKOWITZ, '27, SM'29,has been at the U. S. Naval Observa­tory in Washington, D. c., since thefirst of the year.1932R. S. CAMPBELL, of the Division ofRange Research, U. S. Forest Service,is heading up a study of measuringrange forage utilization by livestock and LET US DO YOURCEMENT WORKG. A. GUNGGOLLCOMPANYConcrete Contractors for 35 Years6417 SO. PARK AVE.Telephone Normal 0434CHEMICAL ENGINEERSAlbert K. Epstein. '12B. R. Harris. '21Epstein. Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6COALJAMES COAL CO.ESTABLISHED 1888YARDS58th & Halsted Sts. Phone Normal 280081 st & Wallace Sts. Phone Radcliffe 8000COFFEE-TEALa Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal St5.Phone State 1350Boston-New York-Philadelphia-SyracuseELECTRIC SIGNSFEDERAL NEONSIGNS•FEDERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYCLAUDE NEON FEDERAL CO.8700 South State Street•W. D. Krupke, 119Vice-president in Charge of SalesEMPLOYMENT BROKERSA. J. McCOYAND ASSOCIATES, INC.140 So. Dearborn. Chicago• • •In seeking a position ourservice is specialized; itis restricted 33FENCESTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE34ANCHOR POST FENCE CO.Ornamental Iron-Chain Link-Rustic WoodFences for Campus. Tennis Court.Estate. Suburban Home or l nd ... s­trial Plant.Free Advisory Service and EstimatesFurnish.ed333 N. Michigan Ave.Telephone STAte 5812FLOWERS• CHICAGOEstablished 1865FLOWERSPhones: Plaza 6444. 64451364 East 53rd StreetFUNERAL DIRECTORH. D. LUDLOWFUNERAL DIRECTORFine Chapel with New Pipe Orqe nSEDAN AMBULANCETele Fairfax 28616110 Cottage Grove Ave.GALLERIESO'BRIENGALLERIESPaintings Expertly RestoredNew life brought to treasured can­vases. Our moderate prices will please.Estimates giv'en 'Without obligation.673 North MichiganSuperior 2270GROCERIESLEIGH1SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2QUALITY FOODSTU FFSMODERATE PRICESWE DELIVERHOTELS"Famous for Food"Dancing and EntertainmentNightlyCircular CRYSTAL Barthe BREVOORT hotel120 W. Madison St. ChicagoLAUNDRIESMorgan Laundry Service. lnc,2330 Prairie Ave.Phone Celurne+ 7424Dormitory Service west. His headquarters will be the Cali­fornia Forest and Range ExperimentStation, Berkeley, California.SEVILLE FLOWERS is with the Depart­ment of Botany, University of Utah,Salt Lake City, and is there continuinghis studies of North American Mosses.R. A. STUDHALTER, now at TexasTechnological College, Lubbock, Texas,has organized and for the past threesummers has conducted a field coursein botany in the Santa Fe NationalForest, Las Vegas, New Mexico.H. B. TUKEY writes that he is busyas chief of research at the New YorkAgricultural Experiment Station andprofessor of Pomology at Cornell U ni­versity. He lives out in the country onthe White Springs Road and has threesons and a daughter.CHARLES� J. WHITFIELD is with theSoil Conservation Service at Dalhart,Texas.ROBERT S. SHANE, '30, is connectedwith the research department 0'f theUniversal Oil Products Company, Riv­erside, Ill.JOHN Voss visited the Science Sum­mer Camp of the University of Wyom ..ing in the Medicine Bow Mountainsduring the past summer and presentedsome of the results of his studies of thepeat deposits of Illinois at the summermeeting of the Botanical Society ofAmerica held at this camp. He is nowcontinuing his pollen analyses studies ofthe interglacial peat deposits of Illinois,assisted by a grant of A. A. A. S. fundsmade through the Illinois State Acad­emy of Science.1934DAV1D F. COSTELLO, of the RockyMountain Forest and Range Experi­ment Station, Fort Collins, Colorado,reports that as a result of the work hedirected during the past summer theStation has a forage inventory of 38,000sample plots on the ranges of Coloradoand Wyoming. The analysis of thesedata is expected to give much theoret­ical and practical information regard­ing western grasslands.ALICE C. FERGUSON has accepted ateaching position at Lynchburg College,Lynchburg, Virginia, to begin the firstof September.ERNEST H. RUNYON is acting asso­ciate professor of Botany at AgnesScott College, Decatur, Georgia. Mrs.Runyon presented him with a thirddaughter on April 14, 1936.1935RALPH W. CAIRD is with the SoilConservation Service at Rapid City,South Dakota.KARL C. HAMNER is associate physi­ologist at the U. S. Horticultural FieldStation, Bureau of Plant Industry,Beltsville, Maryland.JOHN K. ROSE is a geographical ex­pert in the Rural Electrification Admin­istration, Washington, D. C.1936ANTON H. BERKMAN is with theSchool of Mines, EI Paso, Texas.WILLIAM S. COOK is now at his homeat Tallulah, Louisiana. ROBERT A. DARROW has acceptedposition as ecologist on the staff of th aDepartment of Botany, Univer.sity o�ArIzona. He expects to receiv- his!?hD from �he Department of Botany111 the Spring. He was married toBERTHA M. SCHvVEITZER, '33, SM'36of Chicago, at the home of Dr. A. A'N ochol, Tucson, on October 23, 1936:Mr. and Mrs. Darrow spent theirhoneymoon at the Grand Canyon.RICHARD O. LANG, '31, AM'32 hasreceived a post-doctoral research train_ing fellowship from the Social ScienceResearch Council for one year. He andMrs. Lang will leave Washngton thelast of June for' Europe.HUGH A. SHADDUCK began work inhis new position with the Owens.Ijj],nois Glass Company, Toledo, Ohio thefirst 0 f A pril. 'C. L. DEEVERS has a position at theMississippi College, Clinton, Missis­sippi.MABLE Fov is associated with theScarlet Fever Commission in ChicaO"oWINSTON W. JONES is with the U�i�versity of Hawaii, Honolulu, H. 1.HILMER H. LAUDE is professor ofagronomy at the Agricultural College,Manhattan, Kansas.R. H. MOORE is at the AgriculturalExperiment Station, Mayaguez, PuertoRico.SOUTH SIDE MEDICALThe South Side Medical Alumni areplanning a reunion for June 10th, sim­ilar to the one held last year which wasconsidered a great success. Scientificpapers will be presented by the Hos­pital Staff in the morning, and by theAl umni in the afternoon. There willbe a banquet at Judson Court in theevening.1930DR. JOSEPH L. TOHNSON is chairmanof the Department of Physiology ofHoward University Medical School atWashington, D. C.1931DR. JAMES L. O'LEARY) assistant pro­fessor of Anatomy at Washington Uni­versity in St. Louis, has been publish­ing a number of papers j n the last fewyears in conjunction with Drs. Bishopand Heinbecker on "The Analysis ofSensation in the Peripheral N erves"­considered by your reporter to beamong the most significant contribu­tions to present-day neurology.DR. ROBERT PORTER ('31) and DR.JOHN D�RST ('34) are both with theGreeley Clinic at Greeley, Colorado­Porter specializing in Gastro- Intestinaldiseases, and Darst in Obstetrics.DR. \VILLIAM M. TUTTLE is special­izing in Chest Surgery in partnershipwith Dr. E. J. O'Brien in DetrO'it.DR. GEORGE CRISLER is leaving theMayo Clinic to enter private practice atCharleston, \V. Va.DR. DONALD YOCHEM is director ofthe Licking County Tuberculosis Sana­torium in Columbus, Ohio.DIL A. R. McINTYRE is chairman ofthe Department of Physiology andTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPhatmacology at the University of "Ne­braska.DR. EGBERT FELL is now a clinicalassociate in Surgery at Rush MedicalCollege.1932The J OSSEL YNS are both busy in medi­cine - LIVINGSTON ('32) in privatepractice at Highwood, Illinois, andIRENE ('33) at the Institute for Psychi­atric Research connected with the Uni­versity of Illinois.1933DR. WINSTON H. TUCKER) epidemi­ologist with the State Department ofPublic Health, will present a paper on"Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever inIllinois" at the Alumni Meeting.DR. WILLIAM H. SHELDON has pub­lished a second book, a sequel to hisfirst, entitled Psychology and the Pro­methean Will.DR. ADELAIDE McFADYEN JOHNSON)who has 'been specializing in Psychiatryunder Adolph Meyer at Johns Hopkinsfor the last three years, is to return toChicago this summer.Among the research which has elici­ted wide-spread interest during the pastyear, we should mention the discoveryof a new pancreatic hormone by DR.DRAGSTEDT and two of our graduates,JOHN PROHASKA and HERMAN HARMS.Dr. Harms has recently gone into. pri­vate practice at Holland, Michigan.'1934DR. MOLLY RADFORD was married inJanuary to HERMAN CHARLES MARTIN)a well known detective in Santa Fe,New Mexico,1935DR. MEYER BODANSKY is head of theDepartment of Pathological Chemistry,School of Medicine, University ofTexas. ·Aviation is the special interest of DR.MURIEL K. FULLER) who. is practicingin Chicago.JAMES B. McBEAN, '30, MD, recentlyreturned from Vienna, Austria, wherehe had been taking postgraduate workin the eye, ear, nose, and throat clinic)f Prof. Heinrich Neumann. The firstof February he opened offices with hisfather, for thirty-six years a leadingeye, ear, nose and throat specialist inChicago, at 25 East Washington Street.VIDA WENTZ, '26, SM'27, MD, hascompleted her two internships, one inobstetrics in the Women's and Chil­dren's Hospital and one in pediatrics inthe Children's Memorial Hospital.LAW1916SOLOMON E. HARRISON, '15, JD, Chi­cago attorney at law, heads an organ­ization which has purchased the beauti­ful Colfrnore Hotel at Grand Beach,Michigan and will open the Hotel forthe summer season on May 28th.1921Another Chicago law alumnus in thebUilding at 134 N O'rth LaSalle Streetis SIDNEY J. WOLF, '19, JD. 1929CLARENCE F. LEWERENZ, '27, JD,carries on his general practice of lawfrom his offices at 139 N orth ClarkStreet, Chicago.1931WILLIAM KLEVS, '29, JD'31, formerlya Senior Attorney in the office of theSolicitor U. S. Department of Agricul­ture, and Max J. Crocker, LLB'31, an­nounce the formation of a partnershipfor the practice of law under the firmname of Crocker and Klevs. TheWashington, D. c., office is! at 629 Mun­sey Building, and the Chicago. head­quarters at 33 N orth LaSalle Street.1935FRANK CROWE, JD, and JQohn A.N aghten announce the removal of theirlaw offices to 10 South LaSalle Street,Chicago.SOCIAL SERVICEThe new series of planographed, pa­per-bound Social Service Monographsincludes various studies of current in­terest including The Licensing ofB oardinq H o 111,es) Maternity Homes and'Child Welfare Agencie_s by GLADYSFRASER) AM'36, and Psychiatric SocialService in a Children) s Hospital) astudy of "Bobs Roberts Child GuidanceClinic," by RUTH GARTLAND) '15, for­mer Field Work Instructor in theSchool. Another inexpensive mono­graph in this series is a study of theIllegitimate Child in Illinois by MARYRUTH COLBY) AM'33 and Dorothy Put­tee, under the general editorship ofProfessor SOPHONISBA P. BRECKIN­RIDGE.A publication recently off the press isSome American Pioneers in SocialWelfare: Select Documents with Edi­torial Notes by Dean EDITH ABBOTT.In April, HARRISON A. DOBBS of thefaculty of the School of Social Servicewas one of the speakers of the AlabamaState Conference of Social W ork, Healso spoke at the Regional Conferencein Illinois. CHARLOTTE To.WLE ad­dressed the Regional Social Work CO'n­ference in Detroit, and WAYNE Me­MILLEN gave some Social Work Insti­tutes during the Spring vacation for theExtension Division of the University ofCalifornia.Some of the students who receivedthe A.M. degree at the March Convoca­tion' and their present positions includethe following:ANNE K. BROWN) Case Worker,Child Wel fare Services State ReliefCommittee, Portland, Oregon; EVELYNBRUMnAUGH� Case Worker FamilyVi./ elfare Service Association, Washing­ton, D. c.; WILLARD CARGILE) CaseWorker United Charities; RUTH GIB­SON) Case Worker, Chicago OrphanAsylum.ELIZABETH H. MILCHRIST) '33, AM'37, is the author of a study just pub­lished dealing with the Illinois Depart­ment of Public Welfare. Miss Milchrist 35SUNSHINE LAUNDRYCOMPANYAll ServicesDry Cleaning2915 Cottage Grove Ave.Telephone Victory 51 10THEBEST LAUNDRY andCLEANING COMPANYALL LAUNDRY SERVICESAlsoZoric System of CleaningOdorless Quality CleaningPhone Oakland 1383 - : -LITHOGRAPHERL. C. Meed '21. E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.PI a nag re ph-Offset-Pri nti ng731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182MARBLEHENRY MARBLE COMPANYCONTRACTORS and FINISHERSofIMPORTED and DOMESTIC MARBLES3208 Shields Ave., Chicago, IllinoisTelephones {V:!:Ctory 1196VICtory 1197MEDICAL EQUIPMENTCOMPLETE EQUIPMENTInstruments, Sundries and FurnitureforPhysicians, Dentists and HospitalsFrank S. Betz CompanyHammond, IndianaChicago Phone: Saginaw 4710MUSICMANUSCRIPT PAPER-SPEED WRITINGDouble sheets-12 lines-Regular size, 200 pages;$1 00, Send today.50 WM. R. BULLOCKMusic Engraver-Printer420 N. La Salle St., ChicagoSuperior 2420'RAYNER�DAI.HEIM &'·(0., MUSICENGRAVERS &' PRINTERS'OF FRATERNITY,SORORITYANOUNIVERSITYoF CHICAGO SONG BOOKSNO OROERTOOlARGEORTOOSMALl - �RIT� FOR PRICES.2054 W. LAKE 51 PHONE SEELEY 4710PAINTERSTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE36GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting-Decorating-Wood Finishing3123Lake Street PhoneKedzie 3186E. STEWART FEIGHINC.PAINTING DECORATING5559 TelephoneCottage Grove Ave. Midway 4404PHOTOGRAPHERMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago .. State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIPLASTERINGHOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTYI I I I East 55th StreetTelephone Dorchester 1579PUBLISHERSBOOK MANUSCRIPTSWanted-All subjects, for imme­diate publication. Booklet sent free.•Meador Publishing Co.324 Newbury St., Boston, Mass.REAL ESTATEBROKERAGE MORTGAGESTHEBILLS CORPORATIONBenjamin F. Bills, 112. ChairmanEVERYTHING IN'REAL ESTATE134 S. La Salle St.MANAGEMENT State 0266INSURANCE is now with the Illinois Children'sHome and Aid Society.About twenty graduate professionalstudents left the School toward theclose of the Winter Quarter for emer­gency Flood Relief Work with theAmerican Red Cross at various pointsin Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennes­see, and Arkansas. Among them wereMRS. CLETA DAVIS) AM'37, ]\iR. DON­ALD WILSON) AM'37.CORDELIA TRIMBLE) graduate studentand Supervisor of Field Work, since1936, has accepted a position as Direc­tor of "In-Service Training" for thenew Social Security pJ"ogram of theVVisconsin Public Welfare Department.HELEN HASELTINE, AM'34, FieldWork Instructor in the School, has ac­cepted a position with the DelinquencyDivision ofthe United States Children'sBureau.MARGARET LEAHY) AM'37, has re­signed her position with the UnitedStates Children's Bureau and has beenappointed Supervisor of Child WelfareTraining for the Public Welfare Boardof North Dakota.GRACE ABBOTT) Professor of PublicV\f elfare Administration in the Schoolof Social Service, left before the closeof the Spring Quarter to attend theInternational Labor Conference in Gen­eva, Switzerland, as one of the officialdelegates from the United States.RUSH1874EZRA T. GOBLE, MD, of Earlville, Illi­nois, is not practicing medicine at pres­ent on account of his advanced age, 86.A member of the A.M.A., Illinois StateMedical Society, American Associationof Railway Surgeons, North CentralMedical Association of Illinois, and La­Salle County Medical Association, hehas been president twice of the countyassociation and president of the NorthCentral Medical Association.1882OLIVER J. ROSKOTEN, MD, has re­tired from active practice in Peoria,Illinois. He still holds membership inthe local state and American medicalsocieties in addition to a number ofclubs and German societies. In his re­cent communication, he called our at­tention to the fact that his father, Dr.Robert Roskoten, is the author of"Charlotta, Empress of Mexico," and"The Fall of Granada," both historicalaccounts published during the last cen­tury. Address: 114 Flora Ave.1884CHARLES H. STARKEL) MD, has servedas president of a number of prominentmedical organizations, including the St.Clair County Medical Society, the As­sociation of Railway Chief Surgeons,and the Southern Railway .Surgeons As­sociation. He has retired and may bereached at 719 South Charles Street,Belleville, Illinois.MORTON S. WARDNER, MD, writesfrom Genoa, Arkansas. In January hepassed his eighty-seventh birthday. Formany ye�.rs he has practiced gynecology and been county doctor in his hometown. In 1920 he married for a sixthtime, to Ruth Scott.1886Into Iowa, Nebraska, and New Mex­ico, CHARLES H. CHURCHILL, MD hascarried his practice. From 1916 to' 1932he was surgeon of the Albuquerque andCerrillos Coal Co. In 1924 he marrieda third time, to Jessie W. Cox. He isa member of the A.M.A. and the IowaNebraska, and New Mexico medical so�cieties. While in Iowa he was presi­dent of the Sioux Valley Medical As-,sociation.1889W. E. OWEN, MD, is a proud grand­father of three, he writes from 1727First Street, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He isat present anxious to put over PaulKeisch's philosophy of chemotherapy.1891Active in Kaukauna, Wisconsin med­ical circles, CHARLES D. BOYD,' MD,has been president of the OutagamieCounty Medical Society and the FoxRiver group. His specialty is diseasesof the chest.1892Retired from active practice, JOHN B.ROBERTSON, MD, is residing at 4849Oakland Avenue in Minneapolis, Min­nesota. He is a member of the Lyon­Lincoln County, state, and AmericanMedical Associations.ALBERT R. MARTIN, MD, is living inChicago where he has an office at 801Milwaukee Avenue. He is a member ofthe Chicago Medical group and theA.M.A.1895Four boys and three girls ,go to makeup the, family of CHARLES FLETT, MD.He has been councilor of the SouthDakota Medical· Society and president ofthe district society. Besides he is chiefof staff of St. Barnabas Hospital in Mil­bank, South Dakota. He has been bothcity and county health officer, and amember of the board 0 f education andlibrary board in that area. His hobbyis raising flowers.1899JOSEPH E. RAYCROFT, '96, MD, whoretired last June from the chairmanshipof the Department of Health and Phys­ical Education at Princeton University,is now busy studying mental hygieneclinics and parole from mental hospitalsof state for Department of Institutionsand Agencies of the State of New J er­sey. He is president of the Board ofManagers of the State Hospital for In­sane at Trenton, vice-president of theAmerican Olympic Association, and amember of the Council of the AmericanStudent Health Association. Address:298 Nassau St., Princeton, N. ].1900L. W. ROWELL, MD, Chicago physi­cian and surgeon, has his offices in theloop at 55 East Washington, Flowersare his hobby.1901In 1938 FRANCIS F. TUCKER, MD,expects to retire from his position asT RE U N I V E R S I l' y 0 F C 1-1 I C AGO MAG A Z I N Esuperintendent of the Chaotung, Yun­nan, China, Hospital. He writes, "Inconnection with my work as physicianI have several times been asked to headrelief work-as an administrator-bothby the government and by relief organ­izations. Also several times served inconnection with pneumonic plaguework." In his letter he mentions thattwice he has been captured by bandits,but in both cases he fared well becauseof his profession. All four of his chil­dren have either finished medical schoolor are prepared to enter it. Williamreceived his MD at the University ofChicago in '34 and is teaching at theUniversity of Minnesota. Margaretalso completed her work in '34 and islocated in Foochow, China. A. S.Tucker is now in Yale Medical Schooland F. C. is preparing to enter medicalschool, place undecided. Dr. Tucker'shobby is hospital construction and ad­ministration, and in his spare time heenj oys a bit of horseback riding.1902"I have not gone high in medicalcircles; I have not made a name formyself, but I believe I have served mycommunity well. I have brought up andeducated three children who are a creditto me and an asset to the state, and Ihave been happy here in this little com­munity. My health has been and stillis excellent. . . ." (What better reflec­tions could a man of 60 make ?-Ed.)These are the words from a recent com­munication by JAMES H. FOWLER, MD,who is residing in Lancaster, Wiscon­sin. For the past ten years he has beenpresident of the Board of Education inthat city. He is a past president of theGrant County Medical Society andholds membership in the other majorones.DANIEL THOMAS QUIGLEY, MD, is aninstructor in surgery at the NebraskaUniversity Medical School. He alsohas the distinction of being a fellow inthe American College of Surgeons andthe American College of Radiology. Heis a member of Omaha's Rotary Cluband Professional Men's Club (which heheaded in '34-'35). Two years ago hewas chief of staff of the Lutheran Hos­pital of that city. Daniel has publishedmany pioneer articles on radium andblood pressure in surgical work. In1929 he published "Conquest of Cancer"which was followed by "Notes on Vita­mins and Diets," in 1933. His son isassistant resident surgeon in PeterBent Brigham Hospital in Boston.ROBERT B. SWEET, MD, is practicingeye, ear, nose, and throat in LongBeach, California. He is an ex-Rotarian,a member of the naval reserves, and theShrine.1903JOSEPH F. DUANE, MD, has a son inHarvard and a daughter in Stanford.He is practicing Ophthalmology, Otol­ogy, and Larngology in Peoria, Illinois,and holds membership in the A.M.A.and the American Academy of Opthal­mology.Still hunting for a hobby-writesGEORGE F. HARDING from Santa Mo- nica, California. He adds that Ed Reed(MD'04) and W. S. Mortensen (MD'03) have joined him in a rather in­formal Rush club-all looking for ahobby, and they have been no more suc­cessful than he. For ten years to 1934,George was president of the schoolboard of Santa Monica. He has threechildren and two grandchildren.Address \VALTER HENRY LIVERMORE,MD, in care of the Chickasha ( Okla­homa) Hospital where he is a surgeon.He is a councillor of the OklahomaMedical Association.1904As medical director of the MutualBenefit Life Insurance Company,CHARLES P. CLARK, MD, writes from123 Beechwood Road, Summit, N. J. Heis president of the Charities Organiza­tions of Summit. Since 1916 he hasbeen engaged in insurance medicine.Dr. Clark has contributed a number ofwritings to medical science, includingseveral on chest and abdominal meas­urements as related to height and weightand metabolic rate.A past president of the ColoradoState Medical Society is NICHOLAS A.MADLER, MD, of Greeley, Colorado. Inhis recent communication he speaks ofhis two grandsons, children of his onlydaughter. He is a surgeon.1911REX R FRIZZELL, MD, is conductinga general practice (with emphasis onproctology) in Pasadena, California.He is a member of the Pasadena branchof the Los Angeles County MedicalSociety and the A.M.A. He marriedHazel Williams in 1921 and they havetwo children, Louise, who is marriednow, and Max.1912RUSSELL MORSE VVILDER, '08, PhD'12,MD, is associate editor of Archives of1 niernal M edicine and associate editorof Internal. Clinics. He is past presi­dent of Central Interurban ClinicalClub, and besides, he is the author ofA Primer for Diabetic Patients. Ascan be gathered from the evidence, heis a specialist in internal medicine andin connection with his work is a mem­ber of the committee on foods of theA.M.A. and a fellow in the AmericanCollege of Physicians. Address him =705 Eighth Avenue, S. W., Rochester,Minn.1913HOMER M. McINTIRE, MD, has builtup a general medical following in Wa­seca' Minnesota, from which point he"Hites. In his family are two children,Kathleen, age 14, and Homer, jr., 12.He holds membership in the local,county (a past president), state, andAmerican medical societies.1915At present LYMAN A. COPPS, '13, MD,is president of the Central WisconsinSociety of Ophthalmology and Oto­laryngology. He is also vice-presidentof the eye, ear, and nose section of theWisconsin Medical Society. He holdsmembership in the national opthalmol­ogy societies and the American Academy 37ROOFINGGrove Roofing Co.(Gilliland)Old Roofs Repaired-New Roofs Put On25 Years at 6644 Cottage Grove Ave.Lowest Prices-Estimates FreeFairfax 3206RUGSASHJIAN BROS., Inc.Oriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED2101 E. l1et St. Phone Dor. 0009TEACHERS' AGENCIESAMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. Jackson BoulevardChicagoA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.Paul YatesY.tes-Fisher Teachers' Agen�Established 1906616 South Michigan Ave., ChicagoTHEHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.Telephone Harrison 7793Chicago, III.Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesWe Enjoy a Very Fine High School, NormalSchool, College and University Pa.tronageVENTILATINGThe Haines CompanyVentilating and Air ConditioningContractors1929-1937 West Lake St.Phones Seeley 2765-2766-2767X-RAY SUPPLIESx - RAY SUPPLIES& Accessories"At Your SerVice"Tel. Seeley 2550-51Geo. w. Brady & Co.809 So. Western Ave.38 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof Ophthalmology and Oto-laryngology,In his family there are three children,John, William, and James. When notengaged in his practice in Marshfield,Wisconsin, he enjoys picking up a vol­ume on American History and perusingit for some new fact or angle.JOHN E. ROBINSON, MD, is asso­ciated with the United States PublicHealth Service. He is living at 331Veranda Avenue, Portland, Maine.1916From Los Angeles comes word ofKENDAL FROST, MD, who is practicingdermatology. Kendal married DorothyCrowley in 1926 and they have twochildren, Mary Rebecca and Kendal,Jr. Kendal maintains membership inthe Los Angeles, California, and Amer­ican medical societies as well as in acorresponding number of dermatolog­ical groups. Address: 611 South Lor­raine Blvd."My hobby is fitting glasses, mysport is fishing and hunting" -sO' writesEDWARD H. BRUNEMEIER, MD, fromPlacentia, California. He married CoraMinch in 1914 and they have four chil­dren, Lois, Beth, Faylon, and Byrd. Heis a member of his county and statemedical societies,1917During the year 1935, DWIGHT C.SIGWORTH, MD, headed the HarborBranch of the Los Angeles CountyMedical Association. Last year he wasCommander of the Karle B. MorganPost of the American Legion, He hastwo children, Janet, age 16, and Har­rison, age 14. Address: 4245 CedarAve., Long Beach.From Bangalore, India, comes wordfrom WINFIELD CAREY SWEET, MD.Winfield is engaged in public healthwork in southern India as a member ofthe staff of the International Health Di­vision of the Rockefeller Foundation.He is also honorary consultant in healthin Mysore and Travencore States. Sincehe ioined the Rockefeller Foundation hehas served in Australia, Ceylon, Pan­ama, and now India. He writes thathe is due for a leave next fall. Hiswife, the former Lilian May van Hook,is with him. Among the medical socie­ties in which he holds membership arethe American Public Health Association,American Society of Tropical Medicine,American Society of Parasitologists, andRoyal Society of Tropical Medicine andHygiene.1918In Bluffton, Indiana, HOWARD D.CAYLOR, MD, has built up a followingin general surgical work. He has twodaughters, ages 11 and 12. In additionto membership in the medical associa­tions he is a member of the AlumniAssociation of Mayo Clinic and SigmaXi.In 1934 NORMAN PAINE, MD, wasinitiated into the American College ofSurgeons. His four children are eitherin or laying plans tor a future in col­lege. Barbara (19) is a junior at Stan­ford University; Lyman (18) is afreshman at the University of Chicago.The other two, Ned and Richard, are still in high school. His practice inGlendale, California, has been very suc­cessful.1919This year ROBERT H. GRAHAM, MD,is president of Kane County MedicalSociety. His specialty in pediatrics ac­counts for his membership in the Amer­ican Academy of Pediatrics and in theChicago society in addition to theA.M.A. In 1922 he married RachelConverse. They have a boy and a girl,James, nine, and Dorothy, four. Ad­dress: Aurora, Ill.JOHN SILAS LUNDY,; MD, writes fromRochester, Minnesota, and speaks of histwo youngsters, Richard, age 10, andJoan Len ore, age 5. His work is con­cerned with Anesthesia. He holds mem­bership in the A.M.A., Minnesota StateSociety, four county groups, MayoAlumni Association, Anesthetists'Travel Club, Associated Anesthetists ofthe United States and Canada, Amer­ican Society for Pharmacological andExperimental Therapeutics, and theCommittee on Asphyxia of the A.M.A.He is also a F ellow in Anesthesiology inthe American Society of Anesthetists.1920Hunting occupies a prominent nichein CINEY RICH'S (,18, MD) schedule ofpreferred activities. Ciney has twoyoungsters, Pauline, age 7, and CineyRobert, age 6. He is a member of theMedical Society and Rotary Club ofDecatur, Illinois.JULIUS KAHN, '17, MD, who is prac­ticing internal medicine in Los Angelesand assistant professor of medicine atthe University of California MedicalSchool, has three children who enj oyclimbing over mountains with theirfather to see what they can see.1921In 1926 ROBERT B. FAUS, MD (2311Ferdinand Street, Honolulu) was ap­pointed emergency hospital physicianand police surgeon. Four years laterhe became head of the city health de­partment and instrumental in puttinginto operation a plan which includedemergency and city-county hospitaliza­tion, food inspection, and care for theindigent sick. He holds membership inthe Hawaiian Medical Society and theHonolulu County Medical Associationof which he is a past president. Hishobbies are psychiatry and football.1924HELGE JANSON, '22, MD, is presidentof the staff of Ingalls Memorial Hos­pital, Harvey, Illinois. He is also clin­ical assistant in medicine at Rush. Heholds membership in the American,state, and county societies, serving assecretary. of the Southern Cook Countybranch of the latter. He married AnnaNewhouse in 1929 and their two sonsare now five and nine years of age.Golfing is the favorite sport. Address:17930 Homewood Ave., Homewood, Ill.1925The author of "A Rational Non-Sur­gical Treatment for Intestinal Fistula,"FRANK R. GUIDO, MD, writes from125 Burrel Ave., Visalia, California. He h�s two c�ildren (wife, the former Do- ..rIS A. Biddle) and has established ageneral practice in that city.HAROLD D. LILLIBRIDGE, MD, is Sec ..retary of the staff of St. Peter's Hos­pital in Olympia, Washington. Lastmonth the youngest addition to the fam­ily, Clinton, celebrated his first birth­day. There are two other childrenMary Jean, eleven, and Ann Elizabeth'eight years of age. Harold has bee�both county and city health officer inOlympia. For a hobby he enjoys a bitof woodwork.1926. A member. of the s!aff �,f the Hop­kins Memorial Hospital in PeipingRENO W. BACKUS, MD, writes fro�the Methodist Mission in that city. Hehas four children, the oldest of whichis twelve, the youngest five. His prac­tice is concerned with internal medicineand he is a member of the Chinese Med­ical Association.CARL J. E. HELGESON, '18, MD, Chi­cago physician and surgeon, was mar­ried January 15th to Ruth .Sundberg"who graduated from the U niversity ofIllinois in 1927.1927Write THORNSTEN EMIL BLOMBERG,'24, MD, at 2322 East State St., Rock­ford, Ill. He is. practicing Eye, Ear,Nose, and Throat.CHARLES B. CONGDON, '23, MD, re­cently delivered two. speeches; the firstwas given at the Barstow School ofKansas City, Missouri, on the "Signifi­cance of Language in the Creative Ad­j ustment of the Individual," and thesecond at the Arthur Dickson 'Father'sClub, Chatfield Bank Building, Chicago,on "A Psychiatrist's Point of View onChild Training." I1930RALPH H. FOUSER, MD (Oak Park,Ill.), recently was awarded the fellow­ship degree by the American Collegeof Surgeons. He is a member of thesurgical staff of the West SuburbanHospital and the Garfield Park Hos­pital. At the same time he holds a posi­tion of clinical associate in Obstetricsand Gynecology at Rush.JAMES HARVEY TEUSINK, MD, writesfrom Cedar Springs, Michigan, wherehe is engaged in a general practice. Hisonly son has just passed his fifth birth­day,1931HERMAN F. BURKWALL, MD, and hiswife, the former Edrie Porter, havecharge of the Mary Henry Hospital, abranch of the American PresbyterianMission in N odoa, Island of Hainan,China. Herman is superintendent andMrs. Burkwall serves as nursing super­visor. The hospital has fifty beds andoperates on limited funds. He also main­tains two outstation dispensaries andoccasionally makes trips into the coun­try areas. The principal disease prob­lems in the area are malaria and ty­phoid. The Burkwall's have a four-year­old girl, Y ola Adele. They expect toreturn to' the United States next sum­mer for a visit.As they rTHINK'Advertisers are funny folks: As youREALLYThey look at people in bunches and draw some amazingly inaccurate :conclusions. They seem to think that a yachtsman goes to his office in blue:coat and white trousers, that a horseman wears spurs to keep his feet fromrolling off his desk. Here's what they think about college graduates:They think all yourdaytime hours arespentyelling at footballgames.Never do you buy anautomobile.We've got to changethat notion.Are you going to buya car this year?If so, please tell us.They think you spendyour evening hours atclass reuni ons.You wouldn't think ofbuying an electricrefrigerator.Or would you?Please tell us.They think you spendyour vacations at Com­mencement get-togeth­ers.You're not one of thepeople who go abroad.Or are you?If so, please tell us. � . .It comes downto this:-This magazine is a good advertising medium but it is hard to convincethe advertiser of it. We are in competition with the big national magazinesthat spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on market investiga­tions and research. The big fellows prove what they've got. We little'fellows must prove it too. The most convincing proof is definite statements ,­from our readers as to their intended purchases this year.We hate to be a nuisance. We realize fully that requests for informationof this sort are distasteful but we are most anxious to get advertising. All'advertising revenue is plowed back to improve the magazine and thus'redound to the prestige of our college.We appeal to your loyalty to fill out the adjoining prepaid question ..naire and send it to us today.t.TO MAIL: lear outcoupon ca refu II valong dotted lines.Open Slit B in topsection with len ifeor sharp pencil, 1931JACK P. COWEN, '27, MD, may befound during office hours at 58 EastWashington, Chicago.Last September JACOB W. SCHOOL­NIC, MD, spent a month at the NewYork Post-Graduate School of Medicine,where he studied Gastro-Enterology.Jacob is vice-president of the Colum­biana County (Ohio) Medical Society.He is, in addition, a member of theOhio state and the American MedicalAssociations. In 1935 he marriedRachel Wasbutsky. Address: 130 WestFifth St., East Liverpool, Ohio.19�2CLYDE A. LAWLAH, MD, writes from1111 W. Second Ave., Pine Bluff, Ar­kansas. He is maintaining an office forgeneral medical and surgical cases. Heis a member of the Pulaski CountyMedical Society and the Arkansas Med­ical and Dental Society.Last September Ross V. PARKS, MD,married Lillian McCune (UCLA grad­uate) and they have set up housekeep­ing at 1518 South Wilton Place, LosAngeles. Ross has opened up an officeon Norton Ave. in that city, and isconducting a general practice.TOM D. PAUL, MD" obstetrician andgynecologist, has just completed eigh­teen months of postgraduate work inhis specialty, including twelve monthsas a resident in Obstetrics at CookCounty Hospital and is now associatedwith Dr. Charles E. Galloway, '18,M D'20, in Evanston, Illinois.1934LOUIS COHEN, MD, has establishedhis practice in Passaic, N ew Jersey,with offices at 211 Main Avenue.HOLLIS F. GARRARD, MD, has takenup Internal Medicine in Miami Beach,Florida. In '31 he married MarthaSimpson. Hollis has entered into thefishing spirit down around the Gulfand has become a member of the localRod and Reel Club.From N auchang, China, comes wordthat CHING HSIEN MI, '30, MD, is headof the medical department of the N au­chang General Hospital.1935ABRAHAM S. FREEDBERG, MD, physi­cian, is now located at 22 Willow A v­enue, Salem, Mass.ROBERT B. LEWY, '30, MD, is a resi­dent physician in the Cook County Hos­pital (department of Otolaryngology).He hopes to' eventually practice eye, ear,and nose. Address: 2051 E. 72nd Street,Chicago.Sandwiching a little gol f in betweentimes, JAMES JOHN O'HALLORAN, MD,is continuing his practice in Moline,Illinois.HOWARD V. VALENTINE, MD, may bereached at 2623 West Maxwell Street,Spokane, Washington.1936ERNEST CHRISTIAN DAY, '31, MD, isresiding at 1931 Wilson Ave., Chicago. ENGAGEDBARBARA SCHARFF to How ARD K.KAHN} ex'27. The wedding is plannedfor June 30.JUDITH SOBOROFF, '34, to Julius R.Miner, Circuit Court master in chan­cery. They are to be married May 23.PHILIP F. TRYON, '34, to ElizabethM. Banker.VIRGINIA EDITH EYSSELL, '35, toFRANK D. CARR, '34. The wedding willtake place this summer.MARRIEDDOROTHEA G. DOUBT, '25, SM'28, toCarl Valentine Meyer, in Los Angeles,on April 13, 1937; address, Route 1Box 397, Escondido, Calif. 'CAROLINA HELEN APELAND, '32, toDr. Harold Pellett, March 20'; they areliving at 7542 Stewart Avenue, Chicago.CHARLOTTE L. MEYER, '32, to. CARLM. SKONBERG} '32,; April 3, ThorndikeHilton Chapel; at home, 525 DemingPlace, Chicago.LID-SHENG TS'Al, PhD'32, to. JuliaTu, April 9, 1937. They reside atYenching University, Peiping, China,where Dr. Ts'ai is Assistant Professorof Chemistry.BORNTo. DONALD TYPER, AM'34, and Mrs.Typer, a daughter, Elaine Carolyn,December 20, 1936.To. V. MARLIN SMITH, GS'34, andMrs. Smith (MERIAM HULL, GS'34) ason, Vance Neal, on November 15,1936.To DON W. HOLTER, PhD'34, andMrs. Holter, a daughter, Phyllis Ann,November 16, 1936.DI EDJAMES E. COLEMAN, MD'84, a physi­cian for over fifty years and an out­standing leader in educational and civicaffairs of Canton Il1., died March 30.JAMES B. OVERTON, PhD'Ol, memberof the Botany Department of the Uni­versity of Wisconsin since 1904 andprominent plant physiologist, diedMarch 18 at his home in Madison, age68.SUSAN ELIZABETH ROBERTS, AM'24,for twelve years a member of the Rad­ford College Faculty, died April 18. Sheserved as regional vice president of theClassical Association of America andwas an active member of the VirginiaClassical Association.IGNATZ LANGE, MD'88, veteran Chi­cago surgeon and former pathologist tothe Cook County coroner, died April26 at the age of 77 in Chicago. Priorto' the War he was surgeon in the Vi­enna, Austria, Garrison Hospital, path­ologist of the Vienna Pathological In­stitute, and president of the AmericanMedical Association of Vienna.JAMES PRIMROSE VVHYTE, '96, AM'03,died suddenly on April 18 from a heartattack.LUTHER G. BASS, '77, MD'80, a physi­cian in the Roseland-Pullman district ofChicago for the last 57 years, diedMarch 20, age 88. He was a memberof the first Kensington School Boardbefore that village was annexed.GRADUA TESt MEMORY CONTEST(Answers to the quiz on Page II. of frontac/vertisi,.g section)1. Every ten yea rs.2. The names of the first two letters of theGreek alphabet (alpha and beta).3. Palmolive Soap.4. Both are derived from the Lati n "caesar".5. In southern Africa.6. Both mean left or left-handed (a) French,(b) Latin.7. Ninety-six.8. F ati rna Ci ga rettes.9. Sherlock Holmes.10. Chronos.11. Mardi Gras.12. Rome.13. The French code as revised by Napoleon.14. Edwin Thomas Booth, brother to JohnWilkes Booth, who shot Lincoln.15_. A person not a member of the four maincastes of lndie, hence an outcast."MWlnl;1 ltill MI'.16. Snakes grew upon her heed in place ofhair.17. Carnivorous animals, animals that feed onflesh.18. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790).19. Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919). Hisbenefactions totaled over three hundredmillion dollars.20. One prescribing the period after which alegal action cannot be brought.21. Those of the British Government, moreespecially those of the Prime Minister.22. Because every tenth year the inhabitantsperform the Passion Play.23. There are seven red stripes and six whitestripes.24. Thirteen.25. A breaker of images, one who assailscherished beliefs. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!� INEWS WEEKGIVESYOUTHEAnswers ••••... and points to the headlines of to­morrow. NEWS- WEEK's news sectionbrings you accurate, unhiased reports ofthe news in simple, clear English ... in90 minutes reading time. More than 70news photographs illustrate the news ineach issue.Working under a separate staff,NEWS-WEEK's new department, "ForYour Information," gives you the con­densed opinions of experts in every fieldas to the effects of today' s events on thefuture . . . news of tomorrow's news. Inthis section you will also find a page ofthought provoking comment on the mostdiscussed issue of the week by RaymondMoley.Take advantage now of the special in­troductory offer listed on coupon facingthis page - 20 weeks for $1- tryoutthis double service at a saving of $1over the single copy price of lOcoMATERIAL success depends not only uponacquiring but also upon holding what you gain. Youreconomic welfare is constantly threatened by fire, wind­storm, explosion, accident, theft and other hazards thatareunpredictable and, toa great extent, beyond your control.Modern property insurance is extremely flexible ....with policies available against practically every hazardknown to man. As you acquire, insure and be sure.Protect what you have with North America Policies.. This oldest American fire and marine insurance com­pany (founded in 1792) enjoys an enviable reputationfor financial stability and prompt and equitable settle­ment of claims.COPYRIGHT 1932 byINS. CO. OF NORTH AMERICAInsuranceNorth CompanyAmerica ofPHILADELPHIA v.Spring•'Inthe air-that'sA irConditioningThink of it in terms of business­or think of it as happier living­it's here and none of us canafford to ignore itTHE orderly revolution which theworld knows as air conditioning isyour affair. It is destined to affect yourdaily life, your health and-whether youwill or not-your pocketbook.Air Conditioning, as General Motorssees it, is a year 'round matter.Automatic Heating is part of it - butonly a beginning. Automatic Cooling ispart of it-but not the endFor true air conditioning-Delco­Frigidaire Conditioning-means heatingin winter, cooling in summer-and fresh,filtered air-containing just the rightamount of moisture - 365 days a year.Get the whole story about year' roundair conditioning in all its aspects.See your local Delco-Frigidaire dealer orwrite to Delco-Frigidaire Conditioning Divi­sion, General Motors Sales Corp., Dayton, O.DELCO-FRIGIDAIREAutomatic Heating, Cooling and Condi-tioning Equipment for every purposeDELCO OIL BURNER. Equipped withThin-Mix Fuel Control.DELCO AUTOMATIC FURNACE (oil orgas). For steam,hotwater orvaporsystems.DELCO CONDITIONAIR (oil or gas). Forforced warm air systems. It air conditionsas it heats.FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC ROOM COOL­ERS. Low in cost, high in efficiency.Can be used to cool a single room or agroup of rooms.FRIGIDAIRE CONTROLLED-COST AIRCONDITIONING. For businesses andhousehold installations.DELCO WATER HEATER (oil or gas) ...practical, economical, automatic.IT PAYS TO TALK TODELCO - FRIGIDAIREThe Air Conditioning Division of General Motorsand its affiliated companies write practically every form of insurance except life AUTOMATIC 'HEATING, COOLINGAND CONDITIONING OF AIRVI.HOTEL-RESORTAND TRAVELDEPARTMENT)Established 1906FEATURED EAOH MONTH IN 68 OR MORE PUBLIOATIONSOUR GROUP OF QUAUTY MAGAZINEScAmerican lJI.{eTcury, Current History, Forum, CZl{ature lJI.{aga:tine,CZl{ews.Week (2 issues) and 'Ihe Graduate GroupCombined circulation approximately 1.000,000. THE WHERE-TO-GO BUREAU, Jcc., 8 Beacon Street. Boston. Mus" U. S. 4.The MAYFLOWER Hotel. atN;;'O��\,i��!lnr���u;P'H�'in��f.'k���Address either hotel for folder & rate card.MONTANA I 7)isOOVCVI I................. ....,. NEWFOUNDLAND!• The new vacallon Mecca fol'mOlodsls. Land of mountains,forests, lakes and streams. Athousand scenic spots easilyaccessible over splendid pavedhighways. Send for the State's28.page illustrated booklet onOregon. Oregon State HighwayCommission, Travel Dept. 20,Salem, Oregon. Wild, untamed forests • . • streamsand lakes full of gamey fish .•• quaintfishing villages . . • discover them,explore them! Fishing, sailing, golf­ing, canoeing, sightseeing in the coolNorth. Low rates at modern campsand hotels. .Write for fret h(Jollet "Come to New­foundland," to Newfoundland Informa­tion Bureau, Dept. F,020 Fifth .Avenue,New Tori, N. Y., or NewfoundlandTourist Development Board, St. John's,Newfou1ldland, or an, tr avel agln". NEW YORK CITYEVERYTHING TO MAKEYOUR VISIT ENJOYABLEWest 45th St. -just West ofSth Ave.A most delightful and comfortableplace to stay. Within a very shortwalk of all theaters, smart shopsand Radio City. Two blocks fromGrand Central Terminal. Quiet, re­fined atmosphere. A II rooms haveprivate baths. Single rooms, $3.50up. Double rooms, $4.50 up. Suites,single, $5 up. Double, $6 up. Excel­lent restaurant and dining room.Bar.u R o p13th Season all-expense conducted tours. Varieditineraries. Small groups. Personal service. Inde­pendent travel also arranged. Cruise and steamshipbookings effected on all lines. Write for 8' klet "W."CARLETON TOURS,522 5IhA.e.,N.Y.Where-To.Go for June closes Apr. 28OLDSMOBILE - Newest cers of them all - a dis­tinctive Six and a distinguished Eight - each with a styledistinctly its own. Bigger and finer and saFer than ever­at prices that set the pace in value.NEW CAR ANNOUNCEMENTSCADILLAC V-S: $1445 and up-the lowest Cadillacprice in 26 years. V -8 engine stepped up to 135 horse­power - the most exhilarating performance on the high­way. Traditional Cadillac luxury, beauty and excellenceadvanced to a new high degree.Send 10cforColorCatalog CORD - In contrast to the commonplace - a totally newinterpretation of the function of a motor car. 125 inchwheelbase. Also new Supercharged Cord with 170 h.p.engine, and 132·inch wheelbase Berline Cord.DODGE - New "Windstream Styling:' Stronger, safer,all-steel body securely mounted on cushions of live rub­ber. Bigger, roomier, and more cornlortebl e - ample roomfor six passengers. And economical - owners reportDodge gives 18 to 24 miles per gallon of gas. Switch toDodge and Save Money. PACKARD WITH FOUR GREAT CARS - the Six,120 Super-Elsht and Twelve - now covers four priceRelds with four complete lines, with each model in everyline a truly fine car of luxurious comfort, brilliant perform­ance and smart appearance. 'Ask The Mdn Who OwnsOne:PONTIAC - For 1937 Amerlce's finest low-crlced carhas Rve inches more wheelbase and is 10% more economi­eel. Features include Unisteel Bodies by Fisher, triple­sealed hydraulic brakes, knee-ectlon, 50% more trunk­spece. Priced near the lowest.NATIONAL ADVERTISING HEADQUARTERSFOR THIS MAGAZINEThe 1937 CHEVROLET - Truly the Complete Car -Completely New, with new 85 horsepower six cylinderengine, All-Silent, All-Steel Bodies, perfected hydraulicbrakes, gliding Knee-Action ride, Super-safe ShockproofSteering and Safety Glass all around at no extra cost.For a fraction of what a summer cot­tage would cost. a Palace Coach provides youwith a summer home at any lake that youmay choose to visit-and. when not using ityourself, you can rent it out. Equipped with electric refrig­eration, toilet. shower, bath tub, and berthsfor as many as eight. Five models. 16 to 23 ft.long, as low as $450. Send 10e for beautifulcolor catalog. Dealers: Exceottcnal propostt ton.PALACE TRAVEL COACH CORP'N.TRA VEL ANNOUNCEMENTSSOUTHERN PACIFIC - Four Scenlc Routes to the Westthrough four widely different scenic regions. Go on one,return on dnother- see twice as much for little or noextra rdil fare. Between Los Angeles and San Francisco,ride the streamlined D�ylight, newest and most beautifultrain in the West. Check coupon facing Page V. forbooklet. LA SALLE V·S: Now only $995 and up - the lowestpriced, yet the finest La Salle of all time. CompletelyCadillac built. Smooth, powerful 125 horsepower par­formance. Hydraulic brakes. Unisteel "Turret Top" FisherBodies. Knee-Action Ride. Ttt E GRADUATE GR30 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA' NEW YORK'CHICAGO.DEliOIT· BOSTON· SAN fRANCISCO·lOS ANGELES302 Hemphill Road Flint, Mich.(Please favor our advertisers when checlcins coupon facins Pase V. Thanlc you - The Editor.)- VD.HI WAS HIADING lOR1IOMI SWIITHOMI"WHIN-lANG!AllOW-OUT!TRAFFIC was heavy that blisteringhot Summer afternoon as Mr. E. P.Keenan of Chicago, returning from abusiness trip, sped along WaukeganRoad. His passenger, a fellow salesman,did most of the talking. Mr. Keenan wastoo busy keeping one eye glued on theoncoming traffic in the other lane."We're making pretty good time,"Keenan's pal said. He couldn't reach"Home Sweet Home" quickly enough.A Close ShaveBang! Like a thunderbolt the staccatocrack of a blow-out rose above the roarof the motor. The fateful screech of tiresskidding over the road froze Keenan tothe wheel. Another car from behindswerved and barely missed him.In desperation Mr. Keenan gave thesteering wheel one final, frenzied tug.The car bolted-swung to the right justin time to miss a moving van by inches­and came to a stop at the brink of a deepditch.They were safe-yes. But after thatclose call no wonder Mr. E. P. Keenanwill tell you that he now "believes inmiracles."The sad part of it, though,is that all motorists are notas lucky as Mr. Keenan.Because I understand thatthousands are killed or in­jured in blow-out accidentsevery year. Read TED HUSING'S "account of the terror VIVId-crOWdedmoments experienced bCh' y theIcago motorist wh"B Ii . 0 nowe leves In MiracJes"It took Goodrich engineers to fightthis driving hazard for American motor_ists and provide them with a real defenseagainst treacherous high-speed blow.outs. They invented the now famous Life.Saver Golden Ply which is found onlyin Goodrich Silvertown Tires. Thisremarkable Golden Ply is a layer ofspecial rubber and full-floarlng cords,scientifically treated to resist internal tireheat. By resisting this heat, I am told, theGolden Ply keeps rubber and fabricfrom separating-keeps blisters fromforming. Thus the dangerous blow.outthat might have been, never gets a Start.Are Your Tires Safe?You can bet your bottom dollar that Mr.E. P. Keenan, of Chicago, is now ridingon Silvertowns. Becauseforsafer motoring he's Can.vinced that there are nosafer tires than GoodrichGolden Ply Silvertowns.My advice to every motoriStwho has his own and hisGoodrich SAfET' Silverton__·W...... ith . Life-Saver Golden Ply BlOW-Out Prote c,�iOA �<](Plelse flvor our advertisers when checkin. coupon ficin. 'Ise V. Thank you - The Editor.)NEW SUP/ODUlY'fRIGIDAIREWITH THE METER"MISERSaves Amazingly on food and Operating Cost!nd. "Cube-Struggle" and "Ice­:amlne! At last, the.refrigerator ti}instantly releases aIl1ce-�ays-:"N:wcube. from eflery trtlREY,UWIAthSf:* AlsoINSTANT CUBE· .freezes more pound. of ice-faster •..1001' more Ice- cubes ready for��O:iMost complete ICE SERVICEever known. N w 9-Way Adjustable Interi�rlGeod bve to old-fashioned crowdingo -,. N ou get max­and dish-jugglIng. ��: front_ And�':¥��d�� 1I�d�.::r Sh�v:;ify���:S ge Tray, new Super- u.toradiust like magic to SUit anyt?rs, AL� a � of food! Most completesize or s apSERVICE ever known.STORAGEONLY FRlelDIUR£ HAS IT!Instantlyreleases ice-cubesfrom tray, two or a dozen.as you need them. Yields201' more ice by endingfaucet meltage wasre, SeePROOF of its quick, easyaction at your Frigidairedealer's.• It's a landslide for the "Super-Duty" Frigid_aire! Because Women have seen PROOF thatit's more than just a new refrigerator _ it's aComplete New Service in Home Refrigeration!For example, take the New 9-Way Adjust­able Interior. It's not just a place to jam fullthe old helter-skelter way, but an amazing in­vention for properly storing all foods-makingroom for odd shapes and sizes as never before.It brings the most complete STORAGE-ABIUTYever known!And so on through ALL S BASIC SERVICES. Inevery one, the "Super-Duty" Frigidaire withthe Meter-Miser brings completeness neverknown before. Don't be satisfied with less. Anddon't buy on mere claims. Demand PROOF.You'll get it at your nearest Frigidaire Dealer'sPROOF. DEMONSTRATION. See this before youbuy any refrigerator _ • • and save money,avoid disappointment. 'FRIGIDAIRE DIVISIONGeneral Motors Sales Corporation Dayton, Ohio. FRIGIDAIRE ••• MADE ONLY BY GENERAL MOJORS Keeps Food Safer,.Fr�shdr,c�:''':::Safety-Zone Cold:� F��d-Safety In­�ent - pr?fled �.!'t �n the Door, alwaysdicator with D�OIST Cold for vege­in sight. Pl�TRA Cold for meats ...tables ... & C ld for ice cream andFREEZIN oMost complete PRO­f ozen desserts.TECTION SERVICE ever known. Five-Year Protection ,",:'!,.�e,dby General Mot�rs, On. ngt . Isealed-in mechanical umt, Thit, to­gether with Frigidaire's Seal��f�Cabinet, Special Seal!d Ins .........and Lifetime Porcelain or DIII1!Dulux exterior, all adds lVImost complete DEPEND­everkoown.at amazing saving, for it's thesimplest refrigerating mechan­ism ever bUilt ••• Only 3 mov­ing puts, including the motor••• permanently oiled, com­pletely sealed against mois­ture and dirt. You see itslOwer operating cost provedby an electric meter be/o"you buy!the year 1926 alumni gathered at the Shanty to hear President.�ason.The Class of 1912 aboardits historic �idnight Spe­cial in the 1927 Paradeof the Classes. One of the most striking features of the Reunion of 1922 was theTallyho of '97.A view of the Picnic onStagg Field on AlumniDay, June l Ith, 1921.The Shanty and otherceremonies had justbeen completed and thecrowd was scatteredabout partaking of thebasket lunch. The Shantystands to the right andto the left are the car­nival and circus tents.At this moment an air­plane dropping souvenirA mer i can flags waspassing over the field.