THEUNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO MANZINEProposed Amendment to the Constitutionof the Alumni Council of the Universityof Chicago as Recommended atthe Fall Meeting of the Council— — o BE IT RESOLVED that Sections 1 and 2 of Artide II of the Constitutionand By-Laws of the Alumni Council of the University of Chicago be amended toread as f ollows :Artide IL MembershipSec. 1. This Council shall be composed ofrepresentatives of each of the following associa-tions: The College Alumni Association of theUniversity of Chicago ; The Law School Association of the University of Chicago; TheDivinity Alumni Association of the Universityof Chicago; The Association of Doctors ofPhilosophy of the University of Chicago; TheChicago Alumni Club of the University of Chicago ; The Chicago Alumnae Club of the University of Chicago; the Alumni Club of theUniversity of Chicago located in any city orregion outside the Chicago area (which isherein defined as the area within the limits ofa radius of 50 miles from the Chicago Loop),having 100 or more members in good standingand holding at least one meeting a year; onerepresentative of the University of Chicago;and a secretary who shall be known as theAlumni Council Secretary; provided, however,that representatives of any other alumni Association of the University of Chicago now organ-ized, or hereafter organized, may be elected tomembership in this Council by at least a two- thirds vote of the members of the Council, suchAssociation having subscribed to the Articlesof Agreement, which were originally enteredinto on the sixth day of October, A. D. 1909,by and between the first four Associations here-inbefore named.Sec. 2. The number of representatives to theAlumni Council shall be apportioned as fol-lows: — namely, one representative to each fivehundred living alumni (or portion thereof), ineach group represented by a participating Association, provided that each participating Association shall be entitled to at least three representatives ; one representative for each AlumniClub of the University of Chicago located inany city or region outside the Chicago area asdefined in Section 1 hereof . The representativesfirst chosen under this arrangement shall beelected for varying terms as follows : one-thirdof the representatives of each Association forone year; one-third for two years; and one-third for three years. Thereafter each Association shall annually elect one-third of its representatives for a term of three years.illlliiiiiiiini iiiiiiiint iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii iiitiiiiiiiiiieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiciliiiiiiiiiiiiillllllliiiiiiiii ¦¦¦¦•¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINEPUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNICharlton T. Beck, '04Editor and Business Manager COUNCILFred B. Millett, PhD '31; John P. Howe, '27; William V. Morgenstern, '20, JD '22Contributing EditorsMilton E. Robinson, Jr., 11, JD '13; Louise Norton Swain, '09, AM '16; John J. McDonough, '28Council Committee on PublicationsAS we peer from our window highup in Cobb, autumn-hued leaveson yellowing grass set off by a grey-stone skyline greet our eye — KentLecture Hall, Ryerson with its last-ing memories of physicists Michelsonand Millikan, new Eckhart Mathe-matical Laboratory, and in the background the home-of the Stagg "10:10curfew" chimes, Mitchell Tower. Onthe cover we give this familiar sceneto you.OClay Kelly again does the frontis-piece, a pendi study of the main door-way to Harper Memorial Library.Professor James Weber Linn callsto mind a young Filipino lad whomhe first met back with the class ofEe-o-lev-en, a then brilliant studentand an out standing fellow in activities,in introducing an article by ConradoBenitez, now dean of the College ofLiberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Manilla and one of theseven framers of the new Commonwealth constitution.It pleases us considerably to beable to bring to our readers the now-in-embyro plans for the future ofPhilippine cultural growth under thenew lease on life granted by Washington last year — especially since itcomes from one of our own members,Conrado, who is playing a vital part inthe remodeling of America's mostwestern frontier.Continuing the series describingcurrent trends and future plans ofRush Medicai College, Dr. Clifford G.Grulee outlines the work done inPediatrics by the West Side school.It is the belief of Dr. Grulee that"it is not so much the facilities, nec- N THIS ISSUEessary as they are, but men who areimportant in the development of anyproject."Helen R. Balph and Dr. JohnManly join in a tribute to the muchbeloved lady of Foster Hall, MyraReynolds, who died during the sum-mer. Those who were a part of MissReynolds' more intimate circle andeven those who only saw her from adistance will appreciate the notes andevents recalled by Miss Balph.•The National Academy of Sciencemeeting last month on the Quadran-gles spread the name of the University in headlines throughout the country. The Midway was well repre-sented and contributed considerale tothe program of papers read. WilliamV. Morgenstern in his News coversthe high points of the meetings fromthe University angle rather com-pletely.TABLE OF CONTENTSDECEMBER, 1936Benitez, James Weber Linn 3EXPERIMENTS IN HUMAN COOPERATION,Conrado Benitez 4Pediatric Department at Rush Medicai, College, Dr. Clifford G. Grulee 8Myra Reynolds, Helen R. Balph 10News of the Quadrangles 12Notes on a Textbook, James WeberLinn 18Kincaid Mounds, Howard W. Morì. . 20In My Opinion 22The Campus Dissenter, Sam Hair. . 24Athletics 25News of the Classes 29 The center pictorial spread thismonth is taken over by the editor ofMitchell Tower's Tower Topics.Howard W. Mort's "picture story" ofthe Kincaid Mounds presented incollaboration with a student photog-rapher, Jack Hevesh, is a behind-the-scenes account of the how this fas-cinating work is carried on, not thewhy. The why and the what are soonto appear in a new volume, Rediscov-ering Illinois (University of ChicagoPress) by Fay-Cooper Cole, chairmanof the department of Anthropologyand Thorne Deuel, research associate.The cultural heritage behind the recent British contro versy is given fromfirst-hand observations by Fred B.Millett, who sizes up the class "types"peculiar to Messrs. Englishmen.Again Mr. Linn appears. Thistime it's "Notes on a Textbook."What a University dyed-in-the-woolrealist thinks of Robert M. Hutchins'newest, The Hìgher Learning inAmerica, is cleverly presented. Linncopies his marginai notes and the correlative sentence from the book in or-der to give the reader his out-and-outinformai reaction. He even dares tosay, "Oh, yeah, Bob!"Sam Hair dissents again and covers the alleged snobbery in club-life,the latest campus library f acility con-troversy, the student politicai hey-dey, and then speaks of Aristotle infriendly terms.John Howe winds up the footballseason and dashes off a bit on basket-ball prospects. Contained therein isalso the name of the new gridironcaptain.> Published by the Alumni Council of the University of Chicago, monthly, from November to July. Office of Publication, 403 Cobb Hall, 58th St. atEllis Avenue, Chicago. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, at the Post Officeat Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The Graduate Group, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City, is the officiai advertising agencyof the University of Chicago Magazine.wm^^k•'¦ V- v «¦;¦¦5i ',"!'"' *. ^7ib \, »"•'!¦¦ r' «>Uii%<%«%Drawing by Clay KellyTHE SOUL OF AUNIVERSITY IS ITS LIBRARYHarper — A Memoria I to the Man WhoSaw the Future and Planned AccordinglyVOLUME XXIX THE UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGO MAGAZINE NUMBER 2DECEMBER, 1936BENITEZ, 1911•By JAMES WEBER LINN, '97, Professor of EngiìshIN the spring of 1909 a young man carne into myclean's cubby-hole in Ellis Hall, inquiring for DeanBoynton, who seemed to be temporarily mislaid.The young man was brunette, with a strong face andthe pleasantest smile I had ever seen, except WalterSteflen's perhaps, and his teeth whiter even thanSteflen's. I had been away the previous year, on asort of earned leave, and had never seen this young manbefore. He told me his name was Conrado Benitez;that he had been sent to Chicago two or three yearsbefore when he was sixteen, as a "special student" ; thathe had graduated from the University High School,was now ending his sophomore year at Chicago, andwas particularly interested in economics, "education,"debating, and swimming."We Filipinos, sir," he said, favoring me with theaforesaid smile, "can ali swim and argue." I made thechange he wanted in his course, signed P.H.B. on thecard, left a duplicate on Dean Boynton's desk, andthought how true the aphorism was that "the brighterthey are the farther they come." Conrado Benitez wasobviously bright; he had come a very long way, fromManila. I wondered how far he would go.He became captain of the water-polo team, treasurerof the Senior Class of Ee-o-lev-en, took a debating schol-arship and honorable mentions for scholarship in boththe Junior and Senior Colleges (never mind what theywere; that was a quarter of a century before the NewPian). In August, 1911, three months after he re-ceived his Ph.B., he was awarded the Master 's degreealso, in education. A week later, we said good-bye(we had become friends by that time, and Conrado wasalways polite as well as aflectionate with his friends)and he went back to Manila, where he had been ap-pointed to the faculty of the Government NormalSchool. His appointment interested the islands, mildly ;for he was the first Filipino to be judged worthy ofthus sharing the "white man's burden" of teachingyoung ideas how to shoot.His progress at first was slow. In fact, it took himfour long years to become dean of the College of Liberal Arts in the University of Manila. He might have'"eached that piane sooner, but for the fact that he hadalso become interested in a movement to establish anewspaper in English, owned and edited by Filipinos. So at 25, when he became dean, he also became editor-in-chief and chief editorial writer of the Manila Herald.Already, by the way, he had been dubbed "the Amer-icanist," because he could not forget how much he haddelighted in the University of Chicago, in Americanideas of education, and in his conviction that Americastood for freedom of thought and action.After the War, in 1919, he re-visited the States forthe first time, as a member of the first officiai Filipino"mission." He carne frankly to lobby for the eventualindependence of the Islands; was put in charge of the"contact bureau" in Washington, and stayed in theUnited States half a year. I renewed my own oldcontact with him that year, for when he carne to theUniversity to look us over he flew like a homing pigeonto the deans' cubby-holes. I knew that even then hewas a distinguished person, but I was not afraid of him."Benny," said I, "do you stili swim and argue?""Not much swimming nowadays," he said, with thesanie old fascinating grin, though his eyes were sadder,"but my job in this country is to argue!"In fact, while remaining an educational administratorand a newspaper editor,, he had also found time to studylaw, and had been admitted to the bar. He found thethree professions, however, too strenuous to practicesimultaneously, so in 1921 he gave up his newspaperwork, (the Herald had become a daily) and in con-junction with a partner who had also been educatedin the United States, and who has since been appointedto the Supreme Court of the Philippines, he practicedsteadily, valiantly in defense of the constitutional inter-ests of the Philippines. By the time he was thirty,Benitez was generally regarded as about the most"promising" fellow in the Islands.But he kept out of politics. He had been made Deanof the new College of Business Administration of theUniversity of the Philippines; he was writing schooltextbooks in Philippine history and in economics, he wasbringing up his wife (who is now Dean of the Collegefor Women of the University) and his three children,and he was as one might say generally "extending hissphere of influence." In 1934 however the beli rang.He was practically forced to become a delegate to thenew, epochmaking Philippine Constitutional convention. He was promptly placed on the Committee of34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEseveri to draft the document — the only "Americanist" ofthe lot. The constitution was drafted. Three of theseven, headed by Benitez, "struck." He wanted amplerprovisions to insure academic freedom, non-sectariancontrol of the public schools, more Government par-ticipation in the furtherance of higher education; inshort, he wanted more education, and more freedom,constitutionally guaranteed, in the Islands. After a hotdebate in the Commitee, a smaller "Committee on Style"was formed — a way of whipping the devil around thestump. Benitez controlied that "Committee on Style."It revised the Constitution, putting in what the"younger generation" demanded. Benitez had swumthrough to distinction, and argued through to a sort ofJeffersonian serviceability to his country.This year, after having been incidentally, as one mightsay, elected Grand Master of the Masonic Order in thèPhilippines, he was made a member of the Philippinedelegation to the Institute of Pacific Relations, meetingin California in August. After that was over he hurriedon to Chicago. He was on his way round the world,for to admire and for to see, but particularly to studygovernments. His old class, the Chicago class of 1911(please do not confuse with the Harvard class of 1911,recently made so famous for faineance) grabbed him,and he stuck around for ten days, eating and drinkingand gabbing. But I was interested in the tone, in whatI may cali the elevation and hard common-sense, of his"afterdinner speeches," of which I heard a couple. Heasked no favors, gave no quarter to ignorance, talkedlike a statesman — which is what he has become. Thesame old smile, the same old deference ("I think of youas Teddy, sir, but I have not the irreverence to use thename") but the maturity of a man who thinks in termsÉXPERIMENTSIn Human CooperationY visit to the International House at Chicagowith Charlton T. Beck and Hargrave A. Longwas the fulfillment of an old wish. Corningfrom the Philippines, the frontier of American influencein the Pacific area and the center of a great and signifi-cant experiment in human cooperation under Americanauspices, I was naturally interested in getting a closerview of the one institution in Chicago especially dedi-cated to the promotion and development of a high ideal— international cooperation based on mutuai under-standing and good will.The physical plant at the International House is un-doubtedly worthy of its great objectives; it is beautiful,it is magnificent, it is complete and comfortable, and itis a costly fìnancial investment, and because it is alithese, one is tempted to inquire whether special attention of national interests, and international understanding.Somehow he made me feel a little as Jane Addams usedto — that I was likable, but, well — young. 1 think themillionaires and the publicists and the practical hard-heads of 1911 felt a bit the same way. But how theydelighted in him, and how he delighted in them! "Ihave felt," he said once, "always that the University ofChicago was solidly, splendidly educational. But I havefelt always too that it was a house of friendship. I don'tLinn Knew HimAs a distinguished person, but was not afraidknow whether I give more sincere thanks for the education or the friendliness of it. But yes — more for thefriendliness."Conrado Benitez has gone far. There are those whothink he will go farther, that indeed he cannot escapegoing much farther stili. Heil, Benny!•By CON RADO BENITEZ, 'Ilis given to the attraction and selection of the foreignstudents through whose lives and careers only may theultimate goal of the institution be attained. A list inpossession of the hospitable Director of the House, Mr.E. Price, reveals that numerically, at least, the University of Chicago is behind many smaller and lessequipped universities in the number of foreign students.And the proportion of foreign students actually in residence is, I ani informed smaller than it should be. Itis apparent that there is need for greater efforts in thedirection of getting more foreign students to take advan-tage of the splendid opportunity offered by Chicago forpromoting understanding and good will among men.In this task of attracting foreign students is whereperhaps advantage should be taken of the service andexperience of our alumni residing in foreign countries.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE dTt is not enough to increase the enrollment; there musthe conscious effort to select the most promisingstudents, the talented individuals whose success is noiono-er a matter of pure chance. And the process ofselection, as far as possible, should begin in the countryof origin, where the ability, and especially the character,of the incoming student is best known. Cooperation ofChicago alumni abroad could be utilized, and I have nodoubt that a timely appeal by our Alma Mater throughthe efficient and congenial Alumni Secretary wouldbring surprising results.In laying special emphasis on the selection of promis-in°' students, I have in mind one educational principleincorporated in our new Philippine Constitution,namely, the duty of the State to "create scholarships inarts, science, and letters for specially gifted citizens," forit is believed that a democracy should have a system ofeducation, not only for the general instruction of theyouth and the training of the adults, but also for the de-velopment of those specially gifted persons who wouldotherwise be deprived of the opportunity to contributeto social progress with their talents. In fact, of the twosteps needed to be taken by the International House —to increase enrollment of foreign students and to selectthe most promising ones — the latter would by far be themost essential in the achievement of its ultimate ob-jectives, for a few Chicago alumni in strategie positionsin their respective countries, imbued with the ideals ofwhich the International House building is but a physicalsymbol, could easily become effective instrumentalitiesin the promotion of human cooperation based on understanding and good will.Perhaps some "hard-boiled" and "practical" man read-ing this would at this juncture allege that I am allow-ing college-day idealism of a quarter of a century agoto run too far away from present-day realism when Ipresume to claim that relations between nations andpeoples may be aflected by attitudes molded during one'scollege life. Such an allegation is best answered by merereference to the investment of millions of dollars by noless an idealistic and yet business-like institution thanthe Rockefeller Foundation in the erection of the International House. It would be absurd to think that sucha magnificent building was constructed merely for thesake of adding one more beautiful unit to the "City Graythat never shall die," of making the campus more attrac-tive, of beautifying the Midway. To me that impressivestructure on the campus is the physical symbol of anabiding faith in the cooperative spirit of man when de-veloped through understanding and good will.If twenty-five years' absence from college may bedeemed justifiable excuse for an alumnus to allude to hisown personal experience, I would frankly confess thatmy personal associations in the University of Chicago,especially the feliowship and friendship in my own classof 1911, have deeply influenced my attitudes, and en-abled me to hold on to a faith upon which depended ina great measure the success of Philippine-Americanrelations. It need not be recalled that at one time the1 hilippines and the United States were at war with each°ther due to misunderstanding ; that following the war? prejudice and misunderstanding stood in the way of fullcooperation; and even after my return there were sit-uations, moments and incidents which shook Philippinefaith in America to its very foundation. But those ofus who were privileged to know America through ourcollege association had abiding faith in what we learnedto be the true American spirito Individuals and incidents could annoy, but they could not undermine thedeep faith, and the mental attitude molded in collegefeliowship and friendship.It is with pride that Americans and Filipinos canpoint to the Philippines today as a concrete example ofwhat cooperation between two different peoples canachieve for mutuai advantage. Both Americans andFilipinos in the Philippines consider themselves veteransin the struggle for human cooperation. And they areproud of their achievement. As one who early cast hislot in the direction of experiments in American-Philip-pine cooperation, may I be permitted to point out thesignificance of these experiments, and to invite attentionto new problems in such cooperation arising from thechange in politicai status brought about by the Inde-pendence LaweFrom the point of view of politicai relationship, theten-year period of the Commonwealth of the Philippines represents a form of direct cooperation, for whilenational autonomy is guaranteed subject to certain lim-itations, American sovereignty subsists. It is definitelyprovided, however, that after ten years the Commonwealth will give way to the Republic of the Philippines.The Commonwealth period is one of transition and prep-aration for the advent of the Republic, which is the ultimate objective of the great American-Philippine jointundertaking. The degree of politicai cooperation between America and the Philippines is best typified bythe National Defense Act, the first law approved by thenew Commonwealth government. Realizing that an in-dependent Philippines will need an adequate system ofdefense, the President of the Philippines, then Presidentof our S enate, requested the President of the UnitedStates for the assignment of the then chief of staff ofthe American army, General Douglas MacArthur, asmilitary adviser of the Commonwealth. This requestwas readily granted by the President, and Congress en-acted the necessary law to authorize it.With the direct aid of the United States and the en-thusiastic and general support of the Philippines, thereis now being established in that country a system of national defense which is regarded as adequate, and represents an ideal system for a democracy. It is basedupon universal military training, and a small professional army for purpose of instruction and maintenanceof law and order; it is inexpensive because it takes advantage of the extensive system of public education ingiving the youths the elements of military instruction,thus requiring only five and a half months of militarylife with the color s for each trainee. At the end of theten-year period there will be a body of about five hun-dred and fifty thousand trained men, including the smallstanding army of about twenty thousand. As the system is purely for defense, there is no need for big6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbattleships, but only for aircraft and small watercraft forcoast defense. What General MacArthur is doìng inthe Philippines under authority of the United Statesand the Philippines represents a perfect form of cooperation between two peoples imbued with the sameideals.In the sphere of economie relationship, cooperationbetween America and the Philippines is not so easy toattain because of the active intervention of private in-terests aflected. The Independence Law fixes certainquotas on sugar, coconut oil and cordage entering theUnited States, assigns a yearly quota of fifty to Filipinoimmigrants, and, beginning with the sixth year imposesa duty of five per cent on Philippine goods exported tothe United States, and this duty is increased yearly byadditional five per cent until the end of the Commonwealth period on the tenth year. It is, however, provided that at least one year prior to independence thereshall be held a conference of representatives of theUnited States and of the Philippines for the purposeof formulating recommendations as to the future traderelations between the two countries.It has however, become apparent to both Washingtonand Manila since the inauguration of the new govern-ment that the trade conference should be held as soonas possible. The second act under the Commonwealthgovernment was one creating a national economie council for the purpose of planning our national economy. Butit is realized now that Philippine-American trade relationis a most vital factor in our economie planning and inmolding the direction of Philippine economie develop-ment. There is, for example, a movement to encouragecotton production in the Philippines where land for suchcrop is excellent and abundant; it is even possible forus to foster textile factories and produce much of thecotton goods locally consumed. But a final decision onsuch an economie policy must necessarily be determinedby the trade conference with America, where the cottonindustry has suffered on account of overproduction.Economie cooperation is a real challenge to the states-manship of American and Filipino leaders, and it isearnestly to be hoped that the representatives of bothpeoples would meet the test and arrive at a mutuallyadvantageous trade relation, and thus insure the success of the economie phase of the American-Philippineexperiment.In the field of cultural relations, it may be said thatin general America' s influence on the Philippines hasbeen accomplished heretofore by means of officiai gov-ernmental cooperation. The establishment of a complete system of public education with English as thelanguage of instruction soon enabled the adoption ofEnglish as an officiai language, together with Spanish —a situation confirmed in the new Constitution drafted bydelegates of the people and approved by the electoratein a plebiscite. During the Commonwealth period theIndependence Law provides that the government shallmaintain an adequate system of public schools, primarilyconducted in the English language — a condition alsoincorporated in the new Constitution. UndoubtedlyEnglish has come to stay in the Philippines, and is thus destined to play an even increasing role in keeping un-obstructed the currents of cultural influences fromAmerica.The bringing of thousands of American educatorsearly acted as a leaven that rapidly diffused wholesomeAmerican social and politicai principles among the people. The employment of American scientists and en-gineers and health officers revealed the advantages to bederived from the material civilization of America. Thesending of hundreds of government students to theUnited States had similar effeets. Upon their returnthey became ardent advocates of the application ofAmerican principles to the Philippine situation, and thuspromoted fuller cooperation between the two peoples onthe basis of mutuai understanding. These and manyother officiai acts and policies spread a better knowledgeof American culture in the Philippines, and created anappreciation of its intrinsic worth.But as the officiai ties between the two nations arebound to weaken in view of the new politicai situation,let us take stock of what unofficial channels there areavailable through which cultural streams could flowbetween America and the Philippines. It is interestingto note in this connection that Spain has for years beensending quite regularly to Manila what are known ascultural ambassadors — poets, journalists, distinguishedprofessionals, who by their presence and their speecheskept alive interest in Spanish cultural legacy to thePhilippines. By extending membership in the variouslearned academies of Spain to deserving Filipinos, ithas also been possible to organize an earnest group thatworks for greater diffusion of Spanish culture. Re-cently efforts in this direction took a more permanentand tangible form — a good many books were donatedfrom Spain and sent to Manila, and there formed thenucleus of the new Iberian section of the library of thestate university — a very timely and much needed stepindeed.Of considerable significance in the unofficial spreadof American culture was the establishment of newChristian churches under denominations theretoforebanned in the Philippines. A great cultural legacy tothe Philippines — perhaps the greatest contribution ofAmerica to the cause of human liberty — is the principleof separation of Church and State, and freedom of re-ligious worship. With the spread of these new churchesthroughout the country unmolested by either government or the older churches, the people were presenteda fine object lesson in the merits of the principles ofseparation of Church and State and freedom of religiousworship — the very principles for whose attainment theyonce risked a bloody revolution against Spain. Hab-ituated for more than a generation to the practice ofreligious freedom and its resulting religious tolerance,even the Mohammedan Filipinos of the south considerthemselves fully protected in their religious profession,and gave full support, through their constitutional delegates, to those principles.The schools and colleges established by American religious workers likewise served as potent factòrs in thespread of American ideas and ideals. The fact that aTHE UNIVERSITY OFleading Catholic college for men, the Ateneo de Manila,which was formerly completely under Spanish Jesuits,• now completely under American Jesuits, indicates thetriumph of the American type of education. The oldestuniversity under the American flag today, the SantoTomas University founded in 1611, had at last to yieldto the pressure of a changing social environment anduse English for its language of instruction. It may besaid that ali sectarian and non-sectarian private schoolsand colleges, in common with ali the state schools andcolleges, now use English for the purpose of instruction.With the withdrawal of American officiai cooperation —such as that which was usually expected of the AmericanVice Governor General, who was Secretary of PublicInstruction — American cooperation in the field of education should be enhanced through the medium of American educational institutions and foundations. American educational leaders in Continental America should beinduced to regard the Philippines not as an independentstate culturally isolated from the United States, but as avital part of America's sphere of cultural influence, inneed of even closer cultural feliowship with the greatinstitutions of learning on the other side of the Pacific.Just how such closer relationship between the educational institutions of America and the Philippines couldbe promoted is a matter of detail. To me the importantthought at this time of our history is that there isgreater need for strengthening the cultural ties betweenthe two countries, in view of the new politicai situation,and educational institutions of America are challengedto meet that new problem.An important center of cultural dissemination is thepublic library. Unfortunately for the Philippines, withthe possible exception of the Egbert collection of books,formerly used by American soldiers and later formingthe nucleus of the Public Library of Manila, Americanunofficial cooperation in the form of Carnegie librarieshas never been extended to that country. And yet,there is no nation in the world today more in urgentneed of reading materials in the English language thanthe Philippines. Outside of the few large cities, andthe high school libraries in the provincial capitals, to-gether with the municipal school libraries containingonly a few elementary books, it may be said that theaverage Philippine community has nothing to offer tothe public in the way of reading matter in the Englishlanguage. This scarcity of reading matter in Englishperhaps explains the interesting phenomenon recentlyrevealed in an investigation that, for every periodicalsubscribed to by one person, there are fifteen personswho take advantage of it as readers. When I see Americans buying voluminous Sunday papers and throwingthem away after scanning the headlines, and when Isee so many magazines unread and wasted, I feel temptedsometimes to lead a campaign for the collection, in theUnited States and their distribution in Philippinemunicipalities, of good and desirable American magazines. I emphasize the need for the desirable variety,for periodicals seem to be under a similar influence asGresham's law of money — the bad drives away the good.The majority of magazines displayed at Philippine news- The Benitez FamilyPoses at their Laguna home. Conrado, Mrs. Benitez, their daugh-ter, Helen, and their two sons, Frederic and Thomasstands is surely not the type that best represents America. Hence, there is need of directing American-Phil-ippine cooperation to the distribution of more desirableAmerican reading matter throughout the archipelago.Other unofficial American institutions and movementsin the Philippines have to their credit splendid recordsof achievement. By the quality of the men and womenrepresenting them and by their achievements in pro-moting social progress they interpreted to the Filipinopeople by actual demonstration the fine traits in American life. Among some of these new institutions men-tion should be made of the American Red Cross, theBoy Scouts of America, the Rockefeller Foundation, theYoung Men's Christian Association and the YoungWomen's Christian Association. The Pioneers of thePhilippines is an adaptation of the boy scout idea im-ported from America; but with the establishment ofcivic and military training in the school by law, it is expected that both the boy scout and the pioneer movements will have to undergo considerable modification.With regards to the other institutions, it is felt that theloosening of politicai ties should result in even increas-ing attention to them in order to strengthen American-Philippine cultural cooperation.Another American institution which may take pridein its quiet but effective contribution to the attainment(Continue d on Page 27)PEDIATRIC DEPARTMENTAt Rush Medicai College• By DR. CLIFFORD G. GRULEE, Head of Department of Pediatrics, RushIT has been interesting to observe the progress ofpediatrics as a branch of medicine during the pastthirty years. Then a dispensary, a clinic or two andan occasionai lecture were ali that the medicai curriculumrequired for the teaching of the diseases of children. Thechild was regarded as a small adult and the teaching ofpediatrics was considered of little importance. Today wesee pediatrics assuming the position of one of the fourmajor branches in most of the first class medicai schoolsof the country.The development of a department of pediatrics has dif-ficulties ali its own. One of the first is that the studentcomes to his clinical years almost without any prepara-tion in the way of fundamental knowledge regardingchildren. As regards the teaching of pediatrics the pre-clinical years are in about the .sanie state as the clinicalyears were thirty years ago, so that when a student comesto his clinical years, it is necessary that we develop in himso far as possible a fundamental knowledge in pediatrics.This is extremely hard. In the first piace, laboratoryfacilities are rarely available; second, teachers who arewilling to devote their time to this are hard to obtain;third, lectures are inadequate; and fourth, the studentis fed up with his first two years of grind and wantsclinical material not fundamental knowledge. However,to start any teaching in pediatrics, it is necessary thatsome sort of a fundamental course be given. We haveattempted to do this with a series of twelve lectures.Perhaps this is as much as the curriculum will standunder the circumstances.The further development of the work has gone throughmany different stages depending very largely upon howmuch time we could get for teaching. There was a timea few years ago when the number of hours devoted topediatrics at Rush Medicai College was among the low-est in the country. That has been remedied and theamount of time given us for teaching now is commensurate with that of the other branches. The developmentof the department has been along the lines of everybranch of science, the continued division of the branchinto small sub-branches for special investigation andteaching. Gradually a few special clinics have beendeveloped and we can look forward to the developmentof others. If such clinics are coordinated with otherwork in the department, they are of distinct advantage.In my opinion, if they are not so coordinated, they area great detriment.The following is an outline of the courses at presentgiven to which is appended a list of special clinics whichwe hope to develop some time in the future.A. NewbornI. DidacticSome in course on growth and development andin clinical lectures. II. Clinicala. At Presbyterian Hospitalb. At Cook County Hospital (elective)e. Out patient maternity service.B. Growth and NutritionI. Didactica. In preliminary courseb. Diets (Miss Boiler)IL Clinicala. Infant Welfare Clinic (Dr. Lewison)b. Pre-School Age Clinic (Dr. Lewison)e. Nutrition of Older Children (Dr. Allin andassistants)C. Diseases of Infants and ChildrenI. Didactica. Lectures by staffb. X-ray (Dr. Squires)e. Pathology (Dr. Apfelbach)IL Clinicala. Dispensary (Dr. Harrison)b. Clerkships in Presbyterian Hospitale. General Clinics at Presbyterian Hospital, CookCounty Hospital, and Central Free Dispensary.d. Special Clinics.1. Cardiac (Dr. Siemsen)2. Dentai Hygiene (Dr. Noyes)3. Syphilis (Dr. Shaw)4. Posture (Dr. Elrick)D. Contagious DiseasesI. Didactica. Lectures (Dr. Sanford)b. Lectures at Municipal Contagious HospitalIL Clinicala. Preventive measures — Central Free Dispensaryb. Ward rounds — Cook County Hospital (Dr.Hoyne and Dr. Shaw)e. Ward rounds at Municipal Contagious HospitalE. Psychology and PsychiatryI. Didactic and Clinical — Central Free Dispensary(Dr. Beverly)Special Courses not yet developed.1. Study of the problems of Adolescence.2. Allergy clinic.3. Tuberculosis clinic.4. Clinic on Endocrinology.5. Clinic in Metabolic diseases.While the department has been developed especiallyalong clinical and teaching lines, we have tried with themeager facilities at our disposai to develop investigativework. This has been rather an uphill job, but much ofthe work published from the department has been quiteTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 9creditable and some of it has received a great deal ofattention. Investigation has not always been of a labora-torv nature; much has been clinical and some statistical.Admittedly, this phase of pediatrics should be developedto a greater degree. I will have more to say of this later.We must recognize in looking over our clinical facilities that our dispensary is crowded and not appointedfor work for children. The same may be said to acertain extent of conditions at the Presbyterian Hospital.It is extremely hard to make medicai authorities realizethat equipment and conditions of work in pediatrics mustbe special to be efficient; that the rooms for dispensarywork in pediatrics have to be equipped differently fromthose for adults. That it is especially necessary to keeppediatrie dispensary patients separate as well as to keepchildren in the hospital separated. There is something,however, to be said, strange as it may seem, on the sideof poor equipment. With the right sort of personnel,poor equipment, if not too poor, stimulates to betterwork. There comes a point, however, where it is im-possible to carry on unless better facilities are available.In recent years, so much has been said about facilitiesand so much money has been spent on plants that oftentimes the personnel quality has been lost sight of. Afterali is said and done, the important thing in the department is the personnel. The personnel must not be toocramped by the lack of facilities, but it is some times amistake to make things too easy. I shall never forget aconversation which I once had with the late ProfessorJordan. I was in his laboratory at the University andnoticed that they were in a small brick building, with thebarest of brick walls and was rather surprised. Hisexplanation was, "We can build this for twenty-fivethousand dollars and build it over again in a few yearswhen things have changed." He had adequate facilitiesfor carrying on his work, but he had no frills. It hasbeen our hope to balance the enthusiasm of our personnel with adequate facilities. Further than that, we donot care to go.It is time that we think of the future because it isnecessary that we have a goal at which to aim. Thereare certain general trends in pediatrics of which wemust take cognizance. With the development of preventive pediatrics, which development has been rapid,and very successful, the number of sick children is de-creasing. That this will continue in the same tempo isvery doubtful, but that it will continue at a slowlydiminishing rate seems likely. In addition we will haveto take into consideration that hospitalization of childrenat the present time is confined almost wholly to poorpeople or to surgical conditions. Some twenty yearsago the same pertained to adults. That situation haschanged, but I rather doubt if the situation will changeto the same degree in pediatrics. Preventive medicinehas changed the entire picture of disease among childrenand has done comparatively little in the present generation for adults. It may be that when the generation ofchildren now growing up reaches adult life, that theywill be less vulnerable to disease than the present generation. That remains to be seen. In building a program for a department, therefore, we must lay stressfirst upon the development of the preventive side of Grulee EmphasizesThe trend toward preventative pediatricspediatrics. It seems likely that hospital beds will not benecessary in much larger numbers for clinical teachingthan they are at present. On the other hand, it will benecessary to develop hospital wards and rooms for theinvestigation of special conditions. Having grown upin the a t m o s -phere of a general hospital, Ican see the ad-vantages anddisadvantages ofthis connection.In a children'shospital whichis separate froma general hospital, the entire interest is centeredabout the child.In a general hospital the interestin the child isvery likely to besecondary, especially in a general hospitalwhich is sup-ported by the patients and where the children's service must of necessitybe a charity service. On the other hand, the advantagesof a connection with a general hospital are many andI believe over-ride the disadvantages. The connectionwith other branches of medicine, the facilities for gettingadvice from men trained in special lines of work, to-gether with the control of the newborn service, seemto me to outweigh any disadvantage as to center ofinterest.In the development of the department, therefore, Ishould like to see a separate building at PresbyterianHospital to house the pediatrie and maternity cases.This building should have facilities for out-patient clinicsin prenatal care, the out-patient obstetrical service andpreventive pediatrie clinics. I should like to see in doseconnection with this (not necessarily physical, but cer-tainly from the standpoint of personnel) the developmentof facilities for investigative work. I picture suchinvestigative work as being carried on under thedirection of men especially fitted, with the cooperation and advice of the clinical pediatricians ; mannedso far as personnel is concerned by younger menwho will at a minimum wage spend the time necessaryfor this work and at the same time be given certainfacilities for developing a practice independently. Sucha scheme it seems to me, will keep up the morale of thepersonnel and at the same time develop a permanencyand a continuation of effort which will be entirelyhealthy. At the same time that this general work isdeveloping there should be developed special clinics withprogress along parallel lines. Such a program shouldattract the best type of men and after ali, it is not somuch the facilities, necessary as they are, but men whoare important in the development of any project.MYRA REYNOLDSAn Appreciation• By HELEN R. BALPH, AM'IJNo academic event since the organization of theUniversity of Chicago in 1892 has caused such a sen-sation in the educational world or aroused as muchpopular interest as the series of bulletins in whichPresident Harper set forth his plans. Among the manynovel features which caused ultra-conservative soulsto regard him as a madman was the provision thatwomen should share equally with men in ali theopportunities of the University. The plans and-proph-ecies of this inspired madman have been more thanjustified in this respect as well as in that wildest ofhis wild declarations that the University would re-quire an endowment of at least fifty million dollars.The realization of President Harper's dream for thehigher education of women and their training formaking contributions to the solution of social andcultural problems which only. women could make hasbeen due in large measure to the character and abil-ity of the women chosen as members of the teachingstaff in the formative years of the University. Oneof the most notable of these women was Myra Reynolds of the Department of English. When I carne tothe Department in 1898 she had already won a highplace for scholarship, for magnetic ability as ateacher, and for her great personal charm and influence, not only upon the residents of Foster Hall, ofwhich she was Head, but also upon ali with whomshe carne in contact, men as well as women.It would be a pleasure to write about her, but Iam sure that the hundreds of her former students willfind their own debt of gratitude and affection moreappropriately expressed by two of their own number— Miss Helen Balph, whose tribute appears in thisissue of the Magazine, and Professor Lily B. Campbell,who will write in the next issue.— John M. Manly.* * * *THE death of Myra Reynolds has brought sorrowlike deep homesickness to countless persons whoduring her long life knew her and loved her well.We have lost a presence — for, at whatever distance, hervivid letters brought her dose to friends—whose warmthand large clarity were felt as a genial native climate in aliour lives. She created always her own atmosphere ofmagic naturalness, utter goodwill, an atmosphere in whichpretensions and defenses were meaningless. Whoevercarne, even briefly, within the circle of her rich vitality —her intellectual and artistic enthusiasms, her winning di-rectness, simplicity of manner, her abundant good talkand flashes of frank, revealing humor, her hospitality toothers' opinions and stubbornly generous belief in others'gifts — was at once happily at ease and quickened to hisbest effort. As a Freshman once said of her, "WhereverMiss Reynolds happens to be, it feels like home." In awider sense, too, we feel the poignancy of homesicknessfor her loss. With her we say farewell again — we who Myra Reynolds "A vital influence for growth and happiness"grew up before 1914 — to the unforgotten period closedby the great divide of the World War. Of that happier,more hopeful period Myra Reynolds' most active yearswere a significant part and a lasting, noble expression.Of old American stock through both her mother, EmilyKnox, and her father, Newell Lent Reynolds, she wa»born in 1853 in Troupsburg, New York. Her fathef,however, soon accepted a church in Wellsburg, and inthat pleasant, tree-shaded town her girlhood was passed.From the wide countryside, familiar through companion-ship in her father's work, grew the love of outdoor nature and of homely people, a happy, vitalizing influencethroughout her life. In her home, her deepest affectionsand interests took strong root. Her father, an intellectualpioneer like the best of the American ministry at the time,was an early believer in the education of women. Withhis encouragement — richly justified by their later success— his three daughters entered one of the first AmericaUwomen's colleges. Vassar of the seventies, stili a dan-gerous experiment to outsiders, was to Myra Reynoldsthe gateway to her full life. Here her rare gift for10THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 11friendship found itself, while her quick idealism kindledwith the hopes — for women's opportunities, achievements—high in that college generation. Here her artistic nature found freer outlet. Long afterwards she used tp teli,she to whom the theatre in ali its history and develop-ments carne to mean so much, of her delight in her firstplay, seen during a New York vacation. At college too,for the first time, she read widely in imaginative litera-ture, finding there the heightened, intensified life she wasto open to many.The following years as Instructor of English at Wells(1880-1882), and Vassar (1885-1892), were continuedrapid growth. In these first classes Miss Reynolds re-vealed her distinctive traits as a teacher, traits whichmade her, long after she had gone, a college legend. Herpersonal popularity and vivid lectures crowded hercourses with students, soon caught by her own enthusi-asm. An almost missionary zeal lighted her eagerness toshare great literature with others and encourage in themany least sign of appreciation, promise. She was, also, apioneer in breaking away from the "ladies' seminary"method of teaching "about literature." Saturated, her-self, with the materials of her chosen period, she acceptednothing less than thorough first-hand knowledge fromher students. It was naturai that they gladly worked forher as for no other teacher. Naturai too that when intime the young University of Chicago recruited its dis-tinguished first Faculty, Dr. Harper should have singledout Myra Reynolds.Few richly gifted natures find an environment so con-genial as Miss Reynolds thus entered in her early prime.Corning to Chicago in 1892 as the first Fellow in English, taking her doctorate in 1895, and serving succes-sively as Assistant (1894-1895), Instructor (1895-1897),Assistant Professor (1897-1902), Associate' Professor(1903-1911), and Professor (1911), she was a vitalpart of the community until her retirement in 1923. During those thirty years she grew with the growing university, finding there the free, fertile field for her power s.Her expansive nature delighted in the great creative project about her. She loved to recali afterwards the excite-ment and amusing makeshift of the early days of actualbuilding — when classes met in yet unfinished Cobb, whenthe library was a section of railed-off storeroom, whenwomen Faculty lived in Snell and had their meals in theDivinity School basement. Her rare feeling for people,at once sympathetic and keenly perceptive, found Joy inthe many contrasted student types and strongly markedFaculty characters of the day. She took a leading partin the University's social pioneering. In Chicago, aschairman of the originai committee, she was a founderof the University Settlement. Further afield, as exten-sion lecturer, she had notable success.Her great happiness and achievement, however, lay inher own work within the University — as scholar, teacher,and Head of Foster Hall. In these, as in ali her charac-teristic expressions, she was a pathfinder, an opener ofnew territory. Of her books, Nature in English Poetrybetween Pope and Wordsworth blazed the way for laterwide study of English romanticism; her edition of thepoems of Lady Winchelsea revealed a significant, longobscured figure; The Lear ned Lady in England uncov-ered valuable cultural material. Her ever 'broadening, deepening study bore originai fruit in her teaching. Toher profound knowledge of eighteenth century writing —its neglected byways as well as its main travelled roads —was added rare appreciation of other contemporary arts,painting, architecture, gardening, household crafts. Thus,in her classes, she wa^s among the first to present the literature of a period as a living part and product of socialhistory.Her creative gift flowered most beautifully, in the lifeat Foster during her thirty years headship there. Else-where, her interest in women students, strong since herown undergraduate days, was also effeetively shown, inher service as trustee of Vassar, and her important partin completing Ida Noyes Hall at Chicago. This interestfound full scope, however, in evolving within Foster alife unique among students' residence halls. Like ali herachievements this had the grace of the seemingly effort-less, easy. To an outsider Miss Reynolds seemed by hermere genial presence to fuse ali the varied personalitiesabout her into a happy whole. Only one living daily be-side her could know the deep center on which this rarecommunity life was built, the basic friendliness whichmade her accessible at any time to anyone, the unfailingsympathy with confided joy or sorrow, the wisdom andcourage which shed light on the countless personal prob-lems laid before her. As "her girls" said on her retirement, "When Miss Reynolds goes, the heart goes outof Foster."Remembered pictures come crowding.Tea at Foster, thronging girls and guests, laughter,many voices. A quick hush, ali faces turned delightedlytoward Miss Reynolds where she sits, the centre of agroup. Her protesting laughter, "Oh, you've heard thatone." "No, no," urgently from ali sides. And shelaunches on one of her inimitable stories of early days atChicago.A summer week end at Miss Reynolds' Lakeside cottage. The little house among whispering birches; thecharacteristic interior, simple, beautiful in unerring colorand design; the wide brick terrace for afternoon talks,overlooking white sand and blue lake. Her pleasure inshòwing, sharing it ali. The feeling of her voice, "I'vebeen wickedly lucky — I've always lived in beautifulplaces."A late seminar in Miss Reynolds' study. The many-windowed room lined with books and old prints. Outside, winter sunset light on grey walls and snowy Mid-way. The class settling itself, fagged, listless at theday's end. Miss Reynolds at the strewn table ; under thelamp, her hands, sensitive, competent, moving swiftlyamong papers ; leaning forward, her face comes into light— the regular, generously molded features, the quick playof expressions, the penetrating, brightening, deepeninggrey eyes. The lecture begins. A current of life stirs,moves through the class. Heads lift — a question fromsomeone — an answering challenge from Miss Reynolds —a ripple of laughter around the room — half a dozen alertwith query or comment — the whole class suddenly caughtup into active interest, enjoyment.So we shall always feel her presence; so she will always live in those minds that knew her — a vital influencefor growth and happiness, a deep source of fresh-spring-ing life.NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLESONE aspect of the University's greatness, the vastextent of its researches in the biological andphysical sciences, was well illustrated when theNational Academy of Sciences held its autumn meetingon the quadrangles November 17 and 18, and the American Physical Society carne to the Midway for its quar-terly meeting. President of the Academy, membership inwhich is one of the highest honors an American scientistcan receive, is Dr. Frank R. Lillie, Emeri tus Distin-guished Service Professor of Embryology and formerdean of the Division of the Biological Sciences at theUniversity. Established by Act of Congress in 1863, itis the duty of the Academy "whenever called upon byany Department of the Government," without compen-sation to investigate, experiment, and report upon anysubject of science or art. At the time of the meeting,the Department of Agriculture called upon the Academyfor advice and guidance on its investigation of fruit poi-soning by sprays. Dr. Anton J". Carlson, Chairman ofthe Department of Physiology, is chairman of the committee named by the Academy, and Dr. Ludvig Hektoen,Professor Emeritus of Pathology, isJ^e Chairman of the National Researchk I ,. i Council, the Academy's agency for theI NaTIOn ai promotions of the interests of science.Academy In his address of welcome, President0f Lillie recalled that the famous among thec_*^n_ earlier Chicago faculty had been mem-bers of the Academy, the list comprisingOonvenes James Henry Breasted, Thomas Chrow-der Chamberlain, John Merle Coulter,Edwin Brant Frost, Joseph P. Iddings, A. A. Michelson,Eliakim Hastings Moore, John Ulric Nef, Charles OtisWhitman, E. J. Wilczynski, Samuel W. Williston,Jacques Loeb, Franklin P. Mail, and Alexander Smith.Eight members of the Academy are transfers from theUniversity to other institutions. Thirteen of the presentChicago faculty are numbered among the 292 membersof the. Academy.The papers presented at the semi-annual meetings ofthe Academy are not intended to be reports of "discov-eries," but merely progress reports of investigative workunder way. Discoveries often are announced at themeetings, but more impressive is the panorama of thecarefully planned and executed inching advance of thesciences. This fundamental work supplies the basis forthe "practical" applications which affect ali phases ofcivilized life. Because papers are not limited to members of the Academy (non-members are introduced byAcademicians) the meetings give a cross section of sig-nificant investigation underway throughout the nation.As Told to the National AcademyPapers of the Chicago scientists before the meetingillustrated both the "discovery" and the basic aspects ofresearch on the quadrangles. Of the first type, for I By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, "20, JD '22instance, is the work of Dr. O. H. Robertson, Professorof Medicine, who has found an explanation of the mech-anism by which the body terminates an attack of lobarpneumonia.This is accomplished through production by the fixed-tissue cells of the lung of a large type of phagocytic, orengulfing, celi that "eats" the pneumococcus micro-organism. The fixed-tissue cells in the normal lung aresmall, but after the incidence of pneumonia, these cellscreate a special one-celled type of large size. Thesespecial cells digest the pneumococci, and do so with muchgreater rapidity than do the ordinary phagocyte cells.When the disease is conquered, the special cells disap-pear,and are replaced by the normal type. Other factorsthan the creation of the mononuclear type of celi mayalso operate in the recovery process, Dr. Robertson said.sProduces Experimental MeningitisStudy not heretofore possible of various aspects ofspinai meningitis has been opened up by the work ofDr. C. Phillip Miller, Associate Professor of Medicine,who reported a method of producing the infection experi-mentally.The meningococci are introduced into the peritonealcavities of mice in a solution of gastric mucin, a secretionof the g 1 a n d s of thestomach. This solutionenables the organisms togrow and invade the host,whereas if introducedwithout the solution, theyare destroyed. The mucinapparently interferes withthe defense mechanism ofthe animai, rather thanenhancing the virulenceof the micro-organisms.With a successful method of producing the infection in animals, the:way is now open to ex-perimenters to study theeffect of serums to combat the meningitis.Theories that hormonesof one sex act antagonistically to those of the oppositesex, or that sex hormones act upon the pituitaries of theopposite sex with inhibiting result, have been disprovedby experiments carried out by Dr. Fred C. Koch, Professor of Physiological Chemistry, and Research Associates David Duncan and T. F. Gallagher. The antag-onistic or inhibiting effect is the result of action of im:purities in .the hormone preparations, their experimentsshow. These impurities are known as "phospholipins."Robertson RelatesHow cells "eat up" pneumonia12THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13Koch DisprovesPopular sex hormone theoriesWith pure preparations of the male sex hormone,«tosterone, no inhibiting effect could be produced in"riments made on female rats. The experiments, Dr.Koch reported, demonstrate the importance of derivingpure preparations beforedrawing physiological con-clusions. From Dr. Koch'slaboratories also comes thesuggestion that anotherform of the male sex hormone may exist.As a machine for producing hydrochloric acidfor digesting food, thestomach is only ten percent efncient, and the pancreas, from the standpointof efhciency in producingpancreatic juice, has thesame rating, according toexperiments reported byDr. Martin E. Hanke, Associate Professor of Physiological Chemistry.Mechanism by which excess parathyroid hormone pro-duces its typical effect on the bone structure was ex-plained by experiments reported by Dr. Franklin C.McLean, Professor of Pathological Physiology, and Dr.William A. Bloom, Associate Professor of Anatomy.Their work has also demonstrated that the osteoblastcells, which were supposed to "build up" bone, canchange back and forth into other types of cells.In man, tumor of the parathyroid glands, for instance,produces an excess of secretion by the gland and resultsin definite changes of bone character. The same resultscan be produced in rats and other animals by adminis-tering large doses of parathyroid extract. The experiments of Drs. McLean and Bloom have shown for thefirst time that excess parathyroid secretion kills the bonecells, which are then removed like any other damagedtissue in the body, being absorbed, and replaced by fibroustissue. Recovery then continues, with formation of newbone, osteoblast cells developing out of the fibroblasts,which are the cells from which connective tissue is built.It had been assumed that the osteoblasts were a def-initely fixed type of celi but the Chicago experimentershave shown that they are not permanently differentiatedcells. Instead, they may change into phagocytes ; osteo-clasts, which destroy bone; and fibroblasts. Fibroblastsare also reversible into osteoblasts.Histolosists Get A "Whale" Of AProblemDr. E. M. K. Geiling, Professor of Pharmacology,whose whaling excursions in search of glands for studyhave been reported in an earlier issue of the Magazine,has found from his investigation that the hormone ofthe pituitary is secreted by the pars nervosa of the pos-terior lobe of the gland. Pituitaries from other mammalscontain, so closely intertwined with the pars nervosa thatit cannot be separated, a pars intermedia, and thephysiologists have been uncertain as to which was thesource of the hormone. Dr. Geiling's findings have given the histologists, whose concern is with the cells of thebody, something of a problem, for they have thought thatsecretions were possible only when cells of secretionexisted. The pars nervosa, which nevertheless seems tobe able to produce the hormone, has no such cells.Fingers„Run Low TemperaturesLast spring, Dr. Charles B. Huggins, Associate Professor of Surgery, received a gold medal from the American Medicai Association for his investigations demon-strating that an increase in body temperature will changeyellow bone marrow into the blood producing red mar-row. To the Academy, Dr. Huggins again explainedhis work.In new born mammals, ali bone marrow is red, but afterbirth, there is a regression from the outside of the boneto the inside, and the adult's bone consists of a centraiaccumulation of red marrow with a surrounding shellof yellow marrow, which is pure fat. In the extremities,such as the arms and legs, and the tails of animals, thereis a regression from the tip of the extremity, the endsof the fingers, for example, turning into yellow marrowfirst, with the bones at the shoulder being the last tomake this change. This change is related to temperatureof the extremities, for the finger tip temperature is 92degrees Fahrenheit; the elbow is 94, and the shouldertissues are 99.6.By two experiments, Dr. Huggins has shown thedirect relationship of temperature to red marrow. In oneset, he grafted the tail of rats into their abdomens, andfound that this grafted tip, kept at a warmer temperatureby the abdominal tissues, developed red marrow in placeof yellow. The exposed portion of the tail did not developred marrow. In the second experiment, the rats werekept in a temperature of 96 degrees for several weeks,their marrow making the shift from yellow to red. Incases of illness, nature produces a fever which raises thetemperature and causes the conversion of marrow, so thatmore blood cells are operating to combat the illness.Salts of citric and tartaric acid, and tartrate, the sodiumsalt of tartaric acid, areas effective in preventingand curing rickets as iscodliver oil, but suchlarge quantities are necessary that their practicaluse for this purpose is im-practical, according to areport of his investigations made by Dr. BengtL. K. Hamilton, Professor of Pediatrics. Insome special types ofrickets, in which cod liveroil is not effective, thenew treatment may proveof value, however.So strongly do thesensory centers of the brain pulse electrically that whenthe brain of a frog is removed from the skull and kepton wet cotton its olfactory center will keep on pulsing, ithas been demonstrated by experiments made by Dr."10 Percent Efficient,"Says Hanke concerning stomach,pancreas14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINERalph W. Gerard, Associate Professor of Physiology,The University of Chicago.With delicate electrical measurements, Dr. Gerard hasbeen able to follow nerve impulses from the point ofstimulus up to the brain. He has traced the nerve impulses, from the point where the leg of the frog istouched, to its touch centers, and can follow the impulsessimilarly from the eye to the optical center when a lightis flashed.Experiments of Dr. Gerard and others have upset theold "reflex" theory that nerve activity resulted only whena stimulus activated the nerve fiber, which sent an impulse to excite the nerve center in the brain, from whichanother impulse was sent back to complete the circuit.Instead, it has been found that nerve cells in the brainare pulsing electrically ali the time, at a regular cadence.When a stimulus affects the nerve fiber, in some casesat least, it disrupts the rhythm of the pulsing cells.It is not known as yet whether the nerve cells dischargea "message" or impulse to the nerve fiber wheneverit is beating, but the partial evidence so far accumulatedindicates that it does not. Nerve impulses resultingfrom stimuli can control the beat, and blood chemistrychanges can also change the rhythmic beat. An increasein potassium, for example, will increase the beat; anincrease in calcium slows down the rhythm.Dr. Gerard measures the change in voltage producedby the pulsing of the nerve centers, or by stimulation ofthe nerve fiber, by means of an electrode placed in thebrain. The electrode is connected with an amplifierwhich steps up the tiny amount of electricity generatedby the nerve action, and with a cathode ray oscillograph,which records the measurement.A new instrument, a crystal ink-writer, consisting ofa fine tubular pen connected with a crystal which vibratesin unison with changes in electrical potential, has beendeveloped in Dr. Gerard's laboratory. The crystalvibrates with changes in potential just as a crystal in theearly radio sets vibrated with incoming radio waves. Thedevice is a particularly sensitive mechanism, recordingthe most rapid of changes.The changes in potentials which Dr. Gerard measuresin his nerve experiments are of the order of from onefive-millionth to one-eighty millionth of a volt. So rapidlydoes the crystal ink-writer record, that it has shownthere is a lapse of one-fifty thousandth of a second between the stimulus received and the change it producesin the nerve celi rhythm.Dragstedt Elaborates on LipocaicVerging more on the "discovery" side, is the work ofDr. Lester R. Dragstedt, Professor of Surgery, who hasisolated from the "Langerhans Islands" of the pancreas(source of insulin) a new hormone which promises to beof supplementary value in the treatment of diabetes.Named lipocaic, which means "fat burning," the hormone aids the body, experimental evidence indicates, inutilizing fat, just as insulin enables the diabetic to utilizesugar. Lipocaic is effective when taken by mouth,'whereas insulin must be used subcutaneously. Dr. Drag-stedt's paper was in the nature of an encore, for he hadpreviously published his findings, and an account of hiswork likewise has been given in a previous issue of the Geiling FindsSecretion possible without secretion cellsMagazine. Clinical experimentation with the hormoneis contemplated within the near future.With the theory of some clinicians that surgical oper.ations on thea d r e n a 1 !glands, or ir-radiation ofthe glandswith X - rays,offer a treatment for dia-betes andether diseases,Dr. Julius M.Rogoff, Visit-ing Professorin Physiology,took exceptionin his paper.The theoryof the treatment advancedby some clinicians is thatthe epineph-rine releasedby the adre-nals raises thesugar contentof the blood,and that re-moval of thesecretion would therefore alleviate diabetes.Dr. Rogoff's animai experiments showed that the development and course of diabetes is not modified byreduction or elimination of epinephrine secretion. Thecriterion used was the insulin requirements of diabeticanimals, and it was found that the range of insulin dosagerequired is the same in animals with and without normalsecretion of epinephrine.Not only is interference with the adrenals of no valueto diabetics, Dr. Rogoff said in his paper, but interference with the adrenals is likely to result in irreparabledamage. X-raying of the gland is also dangerous tosuch organs as the liver and kidneys, which also mustbe irradiated because of the deep-seated site of the adrenals. Human lives are being subjected to unnecessaryrisk by interference with the adrenals in the treatmentof numerous diseases, Dr. Rogoff contended.The method by which they studied the effeets on theuterine muscle of various agents was explained by Dt,Fred L. Adair, Chairman of the Department of ObstetnCSand Gynecology, and Dr. M. Edward Davis, AssociateProfessor. Out of this study has come, through thecooperative efforts of Drs. Adair and Davis, and Morri$S. Kharasch, Professor of Chemistry, the isolation of thehormone of ergot, ergonovine. This pure form of thehormone gives a definite and known response, whereasthe impure forms of ergot were notoriously erratic ineffect.The Intelligence Quotient, heretofore supposed to rep-resent innate abilities only, can be influenced by theamount of education an individuai receives. ThisTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 15influence has been shown by the "identical twin" studiesof Dr. H. H. Newman, Professor of Zoology, on the basisof correlation of factors of differences of the twins withtheir environmental factors.As Constant readers of the Magazine are aware, Dr.Newman and his associates, Frank N. Freeman, professor of educational psychology, and K. J. Holzinger,professor of education, during the past seven years, havebeen studying identical twins reared apart. As identicaltwins, their heredity is the same, but because they havebeen separated in early childhood or infancy, their envir-onment has been different. Twenty such sets of twinshave been found and their physical, mental, and tempera-mental differences measured. Recently, Dr. Newmanundertook to establish correlations between the differences found in the twins of each set with the known differences in their environment, using three factors — educational environment, social environment, and physicalhealth environment.The most significant correlation was in differences ineducation of the two twins of a set and their I. Q. Fiftyper cent of the total difference of the twins of a set onthe Stanford-Binet I. Q. ratings was found to be due todifferences in their education; 10 per cent due to thedifferences in social environment; 12 per cent to jointsocial and educational differences in environment, 9 percent to physical health differences, and 19 per cent touuknown causes, probably prenatal. A positive correlation between social environment and rating of the twinson intelligence tests was found. This correlation, Dr.Newman believes, indicates that cultural elements in thesocial environment have a hearing on the training of theintellect.The correlation between temperament and social environment was negligible, a result which may indicatethat the tests used are not adapted to bringing out theinfluence of some social conditions. In attempting thiscorrelation, the experimenters were trying to obtain aquality not definitely related to any ratable influencein the environment. There was no significant correlation between educationaldifferences and tempera-mental differences.The only correlationfound between differences in physical environment of the two twins ofa set and their physicalqualities was in bodyw e i g h t, environmentshowing a large and positive influence in thisrespect. Some of thenegative findings, Dr.Newman pointed out, aresignificant. Franz Boazfound differences in headsize and stature of chil-Old "Reflex" Theory dren of immigrants, as-Concerning nerve activity upset sumed to be an effect ofy erar environment change, butDr. Newman found no differences between head sizes orstature of twins reared together or apart. Cosmic Rays Show Partiality in theHemispheresAmong the papers presented in the physical sciences,none attracted more attention than that of Nobel Prizewinner Arthur H. Compton, who reported that experi-mental evidence he has obtained indicates that cosmicrays come from a source far remote from the earth'sgalaxy.Astronomers for several years have had reasonablycertain proof that theMilky Way, the galaxyor great clusters of starsof which the earth is apart, is rotatirtg approx-imately 45 degrees to thenorthward at a speed ofabout 186 miles per sec-ond. On the basis oftheoretical considerations,it has been thought thatthe sun is moving withthe rotation of the galaxyin the general direction ofthe Constellation Cygnus.Dr. Compton and Dr.I. A. Getting of Harvardpredicted that if this rotation existed it would produce a variation in inci-dence of the cosmic rayswith sidereal time, i.e., the rotation of the earth relativeto a fixed place in the heavens, such as Cygnus. Thegreatest intensity of the rays, it was predicted, shouldbe when Cygnus was directly overhead.The cosmic ray workers also predicted that therewould be a greater average incidence of the cosmic raysin the northern rather than the southern hemisphere because the northern hemisphere would be the forward-moving face of the earth if the galaxy were rotating, justas an individuai riding a merry-go-round in the rainwould be hit by more drops in the face than on the back.Some tentative but rough confirmation of the predic-tion that there was change in the intensity of the raysin relation to star time carne from the work of V. F.Hess, Austrian physicist, who last week received half ofthe 1936 Nobel prize for his discovery of the rays. During the past six months, however, much more conclusivemeasurements have become available. W. Hling, collab-orator of Hess, has completed measurements made of theincidence of the rays in the northern hemisphere for aperiod of three years, and B. F. J. Schonland of theUniversity of Capetown has made measurements for asimilar period in the southern hemisphere. In addition,a cosmic rays meter installed last January by Dr. Compton on a ship travelling from Vancouver in the northernhemisphere to Australia in the southern, has been in oper-ation long enough to provide readings of significance.Ali of these measurements prove that more cosmicrays are hitting the front of the earth in its motion withthe rotation of the galaxy, the difference of incidenceAn Encore PaperWas Dragstedt's on thehormone16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbetween the two hemispheres corresponding to that whichwas theoretically predicted. The existence of this difference seems to necessitate the interpretation that therays come from outside the galaxy, because if they comefrom within the galaxy, ali parts of which, including theearth, are rotating at the same relative speed and direction, there should be no variation in incidence betweenthe two hemispheres. It follows, Dr. Compton believes,that the origin of the rays is perhaps even more remotethan the most distant stars shown by telescopes.At the meeting of the American Physical Society, Dr.Compton amplified this report with another, to the effectthat most primary cosmic rays have energies in excess offifteen billion electron volts. Basis of this finding werethe readings from the cosmic ray meter on the ship,which has a route through a range of latitude sufficientto enable study of the effect of the earth's magnetic fieldon the rays.The earth's magnetic field blocks off particles of lowenergy, only the very fastest rays reaching the surfaceof the earth at the equator, while slower rays reach theearth at higher latitudes, near the magnetic poles. Athigh latitudes, the cosmic rays travel along the lines ofmagnetic force and are not particularly affected, but atthe equator, they come toward the earth at such an anglethat they cross the lines of magnetic force. The particlesof lower energies are bent by the magnetic lines, and aredeflected from the earth, but those of very high energyare able to overcome the magnetic influence.An "energy spectrum" of primary cosmic rays wasfound by Dr. Compton. At the equator, only rays withenergies as high as fifteen billion electron volts reachedthe surface of the earth because of the effect of the magnetic field, but in northern latitudes, toward the magneticpole, the range ran from a low of two billion electronvolts to the fifteen billion volts.A continuous energy band from about five to fifteenbillion electron volts was found to exist. Below energiesof about five billion electron volts the number of rayspenetrating to the earth is much smaller than is that ofrays of higher energies, because of stoppage by theatmosphere. This atmospheric interference is a factorindependent of the magnetic field.Some evidence has been found that a group of theparticles lose only about two billion electron volts ofenergy in passing through the atmosphere, as comparedwith another definitely distinguishable group which ap-pear to lose about five billion volts. The group losingtwo billion volts probably are protons; the group losinglarger energies probably are electrons and positrons.At the Academy meeting, Dean Henry Gordon Galeof the Division of the Physical Sciences, described thenew ruling machine he has perfected to produce diffrac-tion gratings which can — but are never required so todo — rule as many as 270,000 parallel lines to the inch.The parallel lines on the diffraction gratings break lightirto its spectrum. By employing a new principle whichvirtually eliminates friction, Dean Gale has built a machine which not only can rule parallel lines but canintroduce known arbitrary errors in variation of spacing.In practical operation, the plates are ruled with either15,000 or 30,000 lines to an inch, at the rate of 15,000lines in twenty-four hours. Physicists the world over are engaged these days qbombarding the nucleus of the atom with high speetjelectrically charged particles, and much of the attentionof the American Physical Society was devoted to boththe production of the particles and the results of thjbombardment. Some experimenters use cosmic raysas their projectiles, while others build devices whid*accelerate the normal speed of ions, electrified particles'and of electrons, the negative charges on the atoi|Samuel K. Allison, Associate Professor of Physics, described to the Society the principle of a high volta»circuit which he is building in two rooms of Eckhaj]hall. Undescribed was the cyclotron Professor Harkifc|of the Chemistry Department is building, for there wajno lack of description of such devices from other expersmenters. The cyclotron builds up voltages by spinniMan ion or electron around a vacuum chamber, placed ija powerful magnetic field, by radio f requency changes <%potential.Appoints Kharasch to ChairPresident Hutchins announced early this month thsappointment of Dr. Morris S. Kharasch, organic cheta»istry, as Cari William Eisendrath Professor of Chemistry,Dr. Kharasch is the second chemist to hold the Eisendrath chair, which was established by the late William N.and Rose L. Eisendrath as a memorial to their son, CariWilliam, member of the class of '03, who died in 1910.Dr. Kharasch succeeds Dr. William D. Harkins, whahas been named Andrew McLeish Distinguished ServiceProfessor. As has been noted early in this article, Dr,Kharasch and Drs. Adair and Davis isolated the hormoneof ergot. He also has developed a treatment for smallgrains affected by smut, and an antiseptic called"merthiolate."At the present time heis working on the development of an anti-strep-tococcal drug; of a newm e t h o d of developingVitamine D from choles-terol ; and on methods ofdetecting minute tracesof lead, in order that leadtreatment of canee r maybe checked. Dr. Kharaschis a Chicago-trained sci-entist; a graduate ofCrane high school, he re-ceived the bachelor's anddoctor's degrees from theUniversity. He holds anappointment from theSecretary of War as con- Compton GivesLatest "fìndings" on cosmicrayssultant of the Chemical Warfare Service.* * *Acquisition by the University of personal papers anieffeets of Dr. William Beaumont, pioneer surgeon whflopened the way to modem knowledge of the gastro*intestinal system and its operation, was announced at aTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17Huggins ProducesRed marrow from yellowmeeting of the Friends ofthe Library on November20. Dr. Arno B. Luck-hardt, Professor of Physiology, and the discovererof the anaesthetic proper-ties of ethylene gas, wasinstrumentai in obtainingthe gift from Ethan AllanBeaumont, grandson ofthe physician, and hiswife. In 1822, a youngCanadian trapper, AlexisSt. Martin, had his sideblown out by gunshot.Dr. Beaumont saved hislife, but a hole with a flapremained in the trapper'sstomach, and the surgeonmacie a contract with himthat permitted observations and tests to l>e conductedthrough the opening. As a result, Dr. Beaumont madepioneering studies of gastric secretions, the rates of diges-tion of various types of food, the motility of the stomach,and the effect of the alcohol, which his patient liked inconsiderable quantities. The collection includes three un-published letters from St. Martin to Dr. Beaumont andhis son ; a collection of unpublished letters by Dr. Beaumont; his day-by-day clinical history of a chronic case;Dr. Beaumont's surgical instruments ; his howie knife,and many other items.Divorce and Marriage Go Into the RedBecause of the depression, the United States hasaccumulated a huge "marriage deficit," University ofChicago sociologists have ascertained through an exten-sive survey. Nearly 750,000 fewer weddings took placeduring the six years 1930-35 than would have occurredin normal times, it is estimated.One result of this has been that as many as a millionpotential American children went unborn. The depression has produced also, however, a "divorce deficit."Results of the survey, made by Prof. Samuel Stoufferot" the University's sociology department, and Lyle M.Spencer, fellow in sociology, are published in the currentissue of the Annals of the American Academy of Politicaiand Social Science. The federai Census bureau discon-tinued collecting marriage statistics in 1932, and theUniversity workers gathered their data from state andcounty authorities, wherever figures were available, andestimated the national figures.Provisionai figures show that the marriage rate forthe year 1935 was the highest in ten years, while thedivorce rate was the highest on record. Reports fromscattered sources for the first six months of 1936 indicatethat the marriage rate for the current year may be "ashigh or higher" than that for 1935.Return of better times made 1935, in gross totals, the"marryingest" and the "divorcingest" year in Americanhistory."When business is good, marriage and divorce ratesgo up; when business is bad, they go down," according to Stouffer and Spencer. "This relationship has beendemonstrated time and again for the United States andfoi most of the countries of continental Europe."The marriage rate for 1932 was the lowest in thehistory of the country, since records were first establishedin 1887. In 1932 there were 981,903 marriages in theUnited States, or 7.86 marriages per 1000 of population.This contrasts with the 1929 figure of 1,232,559 marriages, or 10.14 per 1000. This highest recorded per-centage was in the post-war year 1920, when the ratewas 11.96 per 1000.In 1935 the highest total of marriages in Americanhistory — an estimated 1,327,000 — took place; the ratewas 10.41 marriages per 1000 of population. Despite thisrise there is stili a heavy deficit in marriages, in terms ofthe six-year depression period.The marriage rate began to decline several years priorto 1929. No simple explanation can account for this, thesociologists say. They point out that prosperity was notuniform prior to the crash, and that in New England,where the industries were suffering before the depressionhit the rest of the country, the marriage rate was declin-ing faster than elsewhere. Prolongation of schooling, andarrest of the tendency toward early marriage, may alsohave accounted for this pre-depression decline.Using the average marriage rate for the five years 1925-29, 10.16 marriages per 1000 of population per year, as"normal," Stouffer and Spencer estimate that the deficitof marriages for the six years 1930-35 totals between697,000 and 805,000, with 748,000 the "best" figure. Theydefine a "marriage year" as one year of marriage livedby one couple and estimate that 3,012,000 such marriageyears were lost.The tide turned late in 1932 or early in 1933 ; but itij likely that there will continue to be an oversupply ofNewman Points OutDifferences in I. Q.'s of twins . . . and whybachelors and old-maids in the near future.The decrease in births as a result of the decline inmarriages is estimated at from several hundred thousandto above a million. Many of the couples deterred by thedepression will eventually marry, but the sociologists(Continued on Page 28)NOTES ON A TEXTBOOKTHE little volume by Robert M. Hutchins, TheHigher Learning in America, should be read byevery alumnus of the University of Chicago. Because I myself am so completely convinced of the intelligence, devotion, and highmindedness of Hutchins, I wantto set down here in order my own pencilled comments onthe margins in my copy, in the hope, quite frankly, of in-teresting alumni in the comparison of their own reac-tions to the vividly stated theses of the President of theUniversity. I begin however by saying that whateverparts of the book I don't comment on, I agree with andadmire.Ali quotations from Hutchins are printed in italics ; myown comments are in Roman.The idea that maris education should consist of thecultivation of his intellect is, of course, ridiculous. Whatit must consist of is surveys, more or less detailed, of themodem industriai, technological, financial, politicai andsocial situation so that he can fit into it with a minimumof discomfort to himself and his fellow men. (p. 27)Bob's irony runs away, as so often, with the truth.The issue is whether the study of these surveys does notcultivate the man's intellect.The higher learning as education is the singlemindedpursuit of the intellectual vìrtues. (p. 32)No ; not the singleminded pursuit. The reward of theintellectual virtues is reasonable action.Students do graduate work in organic chemistry because industry engages a large number of Ph.D's in thisfield every year. (p. 35)Well, why not ?Vocationalism leads, then, to triviality and isolation;it debases the course of study andthe staff. It deprives the universityof its only excuse for existence,which is to provide a haven wherethe search for truth may go on unrhampered by utility or pressure for"results." (p. 43)Isn't this an issue, presented asan assertion? Like "the nationalbudget must be balanced."My contention is that the tricks ofa trade cannot be learned in a university, and that if they can be theyshould not be. (p. 47)Hurray ! True of short-storywriting, and journalism, and "education" anyway, which are the onlythree trades I know anything about.Hit 'em again, Bob.The result is a course of study[the present vocational or professional courses] which is antì-intel-lectual from beginning to end.(p. 53) James Weber Linn • By JAMES WEBER LINN, '97Exaggeration, unbecoming a philosopher?Subject to a qualification I shall introduce later, theunifying principle of a university is the pursuit of truthfor its own sake. (p. 57)True; but the whole problem is to agree on a definì-tion of truth.The justification of the privileges of universities is noito be found in their capacity to take the sons of the richand render them harmless to society or to take the sonsof the poor and teach them how to make money. It is tobe found in the enduring value of having before our eyesinstitutions that represent an abiding faith in the high-est power s of mankind. (p. 58)I couldn't put that better myself.The notion of educating a man to live in any particilar time or place, to adjust him to any particular environment, is therefore foreign to a true conception of education. (p. 66)The fact that we must live in a particular time or place,must adjust ourselves to some particular environment,is just our misfortune, and shouldn't be allowed to affectour education? This is both imperiai and revolutionary.The chief requirement for intelligent action is correct-ness in thinking. (p. 67)You bet.A modem heresy is that ali education is formai education and that formai education must assume the total re-sponsibility for the full development of the individuai.The Greek notion that the city educates the man has beeiiforgotten. (p. 68)Piffle. Forgotten? This is the only triviality in thebook. Read your Jane Addams; or the University ofChicago announcements.Today as yesterday we may leaveexperìence to other institutions andinfluences and emphasize in [university] education the contributionthat it is supremely fitted to make,the intellectual training of the young.The life they lead when they are outof our hands will give them experìence enough. We cannot try to giveit to them and at the same time per*form the task that is ours and oursalone, (p. 69)I agree wholly; but when youcome to your analysis of what is thecontent of that intellectual training,I shan't agree.Permanent studies . . . cannot beignored because they are difficult, orbecause they are unpleasant, or be'cause they are almost totally missingfrom our curriculum today. (p. 70)The whole issue is, what are permanent studies?18THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 19By insisting on the permanent studies as the heart ofa general education I do not mean to insist that they arethe whole of it. . . . Nor do I overlook the fact that sinceby hypothesis general education may be terminal for moststudents, it must connect them with the present and future as well as with the past. It is as important for themto know that thinking is stili going on as it is for themto know what has been thought before. (p. 74)Well, well ! At this coneession I breathe again.The proponents of current events as the subject matter of education gain little by insisting on the importanceof present thought; for they are not much interested inthought of any kind. (p. 75)So? I might as well say that the proponents of yourtheory of subject-matter are not interested in humanityof any kind.What are the permanent studies? They are in the¦first place those books which have through the centuriesattained to the dimensions of the classics . . . because . . .they are the best books we know. (p. 78)Mere assertion.Textbooks have probably done as much to degrade theAmerican intelligence as any single force, (p. 78)As a generalization this takes its place beside the statement that "women have been more expensive to societythan war."// the student should know about Cicero, Milton, Galileo, or Adam Smith, why should he not read what theywrotef Ordinarily what he knows about them he learnsfrom texts which must be at best second-hand versions oftheir thought. (p. 79)I am acquainted with no textbooks dealing with theseauthors which do not contain selections of their best writ-ing. Surely you don't mean that every student shouldread every thing Cicero, Galileo, Adam Smith, or evenMilton ever wrote? He would be smothered with unin-telligible trash.Modem languages are an extracurriculum accomplish-ment or a tool for advanced work rather than a fundamental portion of general education. (p. 83)Is not this the sort of certainty that can be arrived atonly by divine revelation?English composition, as it is commonly taught, is afeeble and debased imitation of the classica! rules of writ-ing. (p. 83)Oh yeah ?We have then for general education a course of studyconsisting of the greatest books of the western world andthe arts of reading, writing, thinking and speaking, to-gether with mathematics, the best exemplar of the proc-esses of the human reason. . . . Ali the needs of generaleducation in America seem to be satisfied by this curriculum, (p. 85)Except the need of living in a world of men andwomen.What then are the objections to it? They cannot beeducational objections; for this course of study appearsto accomplish the aims of general education. (pp. 85-6)What then are the objections to Christian Science?They cannot be medicai objections; for this Science appears to accomplish the aims of general medicine. What then are the objections to Calvinism? They cannot bereligious objections; for this course of theology appearsto accomplish the aims of general religion. What thenare the objections to the Constitution of the UnitedStates ? AH the amendments to it must be captious ; forwhen it was set up it appeared to accomplish the aims ofgeneral government.Real unity in higher education can be attained only bya hierachy of truths which shows us which are fundamental and which subsidiary, which significant and whichnot. (p. 95)No, no, Mr. President; it can be attained only byagreement on a hierarchy of truths, etc. We have soughtthis agreement long in America, haven't found it yet, andappear to be stili unwilling to accept your assertion thatyou know through revelation which truths are fundamental. I suggest again that the issue of what are fundamental truths is the whole issue, and that agreement onthat issue is the major problem.The aim of higher education is wisdom. Wisdom isknowledge of principles and cause s. Metaphysics dealswith the highest principles and causes. Therefore metaphysics is the highest wisdom. (p. 98)Or would be, if we lived in a vacuum.Metaphysics in higher education is now but a shrunkenshadow of its former self. It makes an attenuated app e arance in a department called philosophy, by the creation ofwhich we apparently mean to indicate that philosophy hasnothing to do with what is studied in the resi of the university, (p. 102)Just as by erecting Billings Hospital we apparentlymeant to indicate that disease and accident had nothingto do with the rest of the University.What would a university be like? (i. e., if the Hutchinstheories should miraculously prevail). The student be-ginning with the junior year would study metaphysics,the science of first principles. He would study the socialsciences, which are practical sciences, dealing with therelations of man and man. He would study naturai sci-enee, which is the science of man and nature. He wouldstudy ali three categories, with emphasis, if you like, onone of them. He would study them in relation to oneanother.Sound commonsense curriculum so far.These categories are exhaustive. (p. 107)But this is the whole issue! You merely assert andre-assert. I know they would certainly have exhaustedme, if I had confined myself to them from my junior yearon. They would have also with their exhaustiveness havedeprived me of the classroom acquaintance I had withfor instance Angeli, Vincent, Lovett, Moody, Tufts, Tar-bell, Starr, Stagg, Schevill — oh, well, throw Jem out.Had I known the truth no doubt the truth would havemade me free of dependence for education on miscellane-ous association with brilliant men who little knew theywere teaching insignificant and subsidiary truths. Theimmense value of The Higher Learning in America isthat it will rouse anybody who reads it to reflection. Thehigh purpose of it is, I think, to rouse opposition; forRobert M. Hutchins5 view is always that which RobertE. Lee had when he said at Fredericksburg, "It is wellthat war is so terrible, else we should love it too much.5''Y'INCAID MOUNDS\ HOWARD W. MORT COLLAB-)RATING WITH JACK HEVESH,HOTOSRAPHER OF THE PARTY More than a century ago the Kincaid family movedonto the Ohio River bottomlands of southern Illinois.Unscientifically-minded farmer Kincaid, with littlecuriosity as to why numerous "warts" dotted hismarsh land but with an eye to the practical, selectedthe largest of these mounds as a house-site. Anthropologists "itched" t<which they suspected contIndian cultures, but the Kit*generations, didn't want"messin' " around.It was only when the ]. and discovers the moundably a pyramid foundationceremonial building con-i by the tedious processying thousands of basket*to the site. r^F*squares so that every discovery can be re-corded as to exact location.carefully loos-ened with a mat-toclt and removed inch by\ inch. Each man+t works only onesquare, six inchejdeep, at a time.dig ir»to these mounds,ined /secrets of earlyiid fatnily, through theinquisitive professorsincaìds lost the farm through a mortgage foreclosure a few years backthat a friend of the University purchased the bottomland and made it available to anthropologist Fay-Cooper Cole and his Indian mound investigators.Three summers have already yielded valuable early-American data.7. The 130 degree sticky heafinspires the useof fcurlap flys . . . » Post boles mark'the $mn2fc&&mt posts of.a doubte-wai^building which bufnéd, to the. ground and was preserved by the naJ»'whefp th«y thwswldirt ©vérghe r'uins+o extingutsh^the fire> *"*IN MY OPINIONBy FRED B. MILLETT, PhD'31, Associate Professor of EnglishTHE English adroitness in compromise is clearlyillustrated in the delicately poised balance betweenliberty and restraint in English politicai life.*The ampie parliamentary reports printed daily in theTimes while the Houses are in session afford frequentinstances of the fine line that is drawn between what mayand what may not be said. To an American accustomedto the dull sonorities and tasteless stupidities of Con-gressional speech-making, it is extremely difncult to seewhat determines the precise limits of decency in theutterances of members of Parliament. Radicai senti-ments that would throw a Republican Senator straightinto apoplexy are voiced freely in the House of Com-mons. Even the royal family — that symbol infinitelymore potent than the British Constitution — can be discusseci with astonishing familiarity. When, for instance,the new King's Civil List was being debated, a four-times-married member rose to inquire whether therewas any guarantee that Edward would marry, eventhough large annual incomes were provided for a hypo-thetical Queen of England and an even more hypotheticalPrince of Wales. Politicai adversaries may describeeach other with fairly insulting epithets, but no reflectionon the personal character of a fellow member passeswithout censure. When for example, the new memberfor Oxford University, Mr. A. P. Herbert, humorist,purist, and impassioned defender of pubs, indicated thathe had spoken in support of larger pensions for men ofletters in the hope that the Chancellor of the Exchequerwould "have the decency" to accede to his demands, hisviolation of good taste was scored in terms appropriateto a child that had done something graceless because itdid not know any better.The tone of English politicai controversy reflects fairlyclearly the intellectual tone of English life, and if thattone seems distinctly superior to that of American life,it is perhaps worth speculating as to the reasons forsuch a condition. The root of the matter would seem tobe the fact that English culture is stili predominantlyaristocratic in nature, whereas American culture isdemocratic. In England, it is assumed that a memberof the professional classes is a gentleman, a man not self-made but carefully bred. A newspaper editor, for example, is expected to be a man of letters and not apoliticai cut-throat. On the other hand, neither thesocial nor the educational system encourages the expec-tation that culture of a very intensive sort will be diffusedthrough the lower middle class, and for the laboringclass, a meager literacy will do. In consequence, thecultivated class in England is relatively small but curious-ly homogeneous. It has a culture profoundly conditioned,not merely by the tradition of good-breeding but by aneducation so expensive as to be beyond the reach of anybut exceptional members of the lower middle class.A clue to the difference between English and Amer-*Earlier observations on contemporary English life appeared in thiscolumn in the November issue of the magazine. "Even The Royal FamilyCan be discusseci with astonishingfamiliarity" ican culturem,ay perhapsb e foundin the per-centages ofstudents ofthe two countries attend-ing colleges oruniversities.In America in1934, one per-son out ofevery 125 wassaid to be inattendance ata college oru niversity."In England,the propor-tion now isone full-timeuniversitystudent in1,013 of population; in Wales, one in 741; in Scotland,one in 473." Thus, not only is a much smaller numberof English men and women undergoing formai educational training, but that smaller number is being submit-ted to a far more rigorous and more highly standardizedtraining than can be given to the immense numbers ofAmerican students in institutions ranging from first-rateto terrible.Furthermore, English university education is far lessutilitarian and vocational in its objectives than Americanuniversity education inevitably is. As the UniversityGrants Committee Report (1936) stated, "The objectiveof the best training for a vocation in life is not easilyreconciled with the objective of the best training for lifeitself Here arises the responsibility of the universities. They are the inheritors of the Greek tradition ofcandid and intrepid thinking about the fundamental is-sues involved in the life of the individuai and of thecommunity, and of the Greek principle that the unex-amined life is no life for man." Toward this goal,Oxford and Cambridge, with their tremendous traditionalprestige, point the way, and after them struggle theprovincial universities, instead of turning, like the universities of our Middle West, to pragmatic and func-tional activities. An Oxford or a Cambridge man may,as I was told, have twice as good a chance at a job asa man from a provincial university, but the latter cansafely be assumed to have undergone a discipline of thesort practiced by the Isis or the Cam. The result isthat in England the educated class has passed through acommon educational experience, and it can be countedon to possess a body of common knowledge and a cultural equipment that it would be impossible to demand¦71THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23of either students or faculty in an American universitywhere divergences in social background and intensespecialization are rules and not exceptions. There areno American equivalents for such British shibboleths asGilbert and Sullivan and Alice in Wonderland.It becomes possible then to distinguisi! two fairlydistinct levels of culture in England: a homogeneousliterate class and a somewhat more diversifìed sub-literateclass. There is a sharp cleavage between high-brow andlow-brow publications. London, for instance, has threeor four excellent morning papers, and as many morningand evening papers that are probably worse than thedregs of American journalism. England has a largenumber of flrst-rate weeklies and monthlies; it has anadequate, but not an inordinate number of pulp magazines. It has its middle-brow books, magazines, andnewspapers, but, in contrast to the American plethora,their numbers are few and their vogue is limited.The homogeneity of English culture is undoubtedlyenhanced by the easy and inexpensive dissemination ofbooks. English books are relati vely cheap on originaipublication, and, if successful, they appear in a seriesof increasingly inexpensive reprints of remarkable at-tractiveness. But the wide distribution of books is due,not merely to the modest price range but to techniquesof distribution superior to those American publishersand booksellers have devised. Three of these devicesbring books dose to the daily experience of millions:the omnipresent book-stall, the subscription and rentallibraries, and the second-hand bookshop. The tiniestbookstall on a station platform offers an array of inexpensive but desirable newspapers, magazines, and booksthat puts to shame the displays of cheap fiction andcheaper magazines in most American drugstores. The^complex and dependable services of the subscriptionlibraries bring books of almost every sort within thereach of per sons of even modest incomes. Almost novillage is too small to boast a second-hand-book dealerwhose well-edited and clearly printed catalogues reachevery hamlet and cross the seven seas in quest of cus-tomers under the darkest or sunniest alien skies. It isdifficult to see how there can be even a modest marginof profit for the antiquarian book-seller whose prices area third of those in American catalogues and whose catalogues, though much less elegant, are far more dependable. But these innumerable and eternally fascinatingshops survive, because they are patronized steadily bylarge numbers of normal citizens, and not merely, asin America, by millionaires, college professors, andother eccentrics.The least attractive aspect of British culture is thatinsularity that gives English life its warmly intimate butslightly dowdy quality, and lends the British Empire theair of an amplified church-bazaar. The dumpy figureof Victoria stili rests its dead hand on contemporary British life. The pictorial and plastic arts stili bearthe scars of nineteenth-century domestic taste. TheRoyal Academy shows, for example, continue to be ofsocial, and not of aesthetic significance. There, Britishprovinciality offers an impenetrable armor to the thrustof any movement in the arts later than 1890. And inthe practical spheres of window-dressing, show-cardadvertising, and display-lettering, English taste lags ageneration or more behind our own. The effect of manya fine avenue or "circus" is almost ruined by advertisingmatter crudely designed or displayed, and Regent Streetshops dress their windows conscientiously in the man-ner of Maxwell Street.But the resistance of English bourgeois culture tochange and to the demands ' of taste accounts in ameasure for the relentless imposition of British habitsover so vast an area of the earth's surface. There isnothing in the world equal to the Englishman's certaintythat his ways are superior to those of ali the lesser breedswithout the law. Against the solid-stolid ways of theBritish bourgeoisie, neither the barking of a Hitler northe yelping of a Mussolini will long avail. It is thisself-assurance that has made London the brain of thegreatest empire in the modem world. One could live inAmerica for decades without any vivid sense of thesignificance of the sea as the highway of empire, butone can hardly mail a letter in London without realizingthe sea's imperiai function. Out from London over thesea, lines of communication cafry tea-drinking, cold-bathing, marrow-eating, shy-rude Englishmen firmlyintent on the Empirei business.* * s$sThe great ship ploughs evenly through the widereaches of Southampton Water, past the moist darkgreenery of the Isle of Wight, past the Bremen at anchor,and the Queen Mary returning gaily from her maidenvoyage. Over the sea a mist begins to fall ; the low darkcoast of England fades on the horizon. Was it a dreamor a waking vision, — of white swans coasting greedilyalong the low banks of the Avon, the quaker quietness ofthe farmhouse at Jordan's, the ancient forestry of thedeer park at Knole, the rhododendrons in the wildernessat Penn's manor, the toll-gate in the tree-hung lane atDulwich, the Lord Mayor's silver-gilt mace and sturdysword of honor, the tiny park-like squares of Blooms-bury, the primroses in the meadows near Winchester, theBaconian motto on the ruins at Gorhamsbury, the Tudor-coated Children of the Chapel Royal, the eighteenth-century elegance of Caen Wood, the Roman miners' play-ing field on a great hill beyond Bath, the immemoriallawns along the Cam, the tower of Magdalen in a pearlytwilight? Ali the soft outlines of the beloved imagewaver and grow dim beyond mile after mile of "salt es-tranging sea."THE CAMPUS DISSENTER• By SAM HAIR, '35OUR own newsreel: (Random headlines from theDaily Maroon).Stage Giant Landon-Knox Rally Tonight.Roosevelt Club Sponsors Giant Rally, Parade. Nation-Wide College Straw Polis Give Landon Electoral Vie-tory. Communist Group Hears Frank Ford Tuesdayin Mandel. Premiere Production of Dramatic Association Wins Praise of Critics. . . . Thinks Election Deathof GOP. Students Participate in Blackhawk FloorShow. Crippled Maroon Squad Meets Buckeyes. HoldHawaiian Night Saturday. Count on Sherman forMaroon Yardage. . . . Offers Survey of Clubs on Èveof Intensive Rush Week. Select Homecoming Queento Reign Over Rally, Dance. Associates Pay Tributeto Jimmy Twohig as Good Friend, Boss. ThirteenWomen's Clubs Pledge 126. . . . Students Work forKnowledge Instead of Credits. . . . Find Students SpurnFancy Viands, Stick to Steak, Potatoes. . . Aristotle aGreat Guy. . .So goes the month. The tumult and the shouting ofthe election died. The politicai rallies proved enlighten-ing, but the campus forecasts went wrong, and thesentiments prevailing proved to be those of the minority.The Landonites staged a huge rally one night; theRooseveltians staged a huger one the next night.Princeton's Daily Princetonian gave Landon two morestates than Roosevelt, but fourteen were left unaccountedfor. November 4th Professor Gosnell and Jim Farleysaid, "I told you so."The politicai thought of the students, as well as couldbe determined by the Maroon poli and a classroom poli,showed them to be for Roosevelt, whereas the facultywent slightly Landon.A monthly newsreel has been added to the printedarray of campus enlightenment. Paul Wagner and fiveothers, equipped with movie-taking paraphernalia, makeit their business to film events and people, the wholebeing put together into a monthly forty-five minute show,presented in Eckhart Hall for the price of a dime, uniquebecause never before done here, and valuable for advertising and for posterity.In the midst of ali this, perhaps keeping in mind thefact that a certain number of jolts in the form of flunknotices will be received during Christmas vacation, mostof us see fit, anyway, to go blithely from party to party,from victory dance to defeat dance. Two hundred oddstudents followed the team to Madison on a MaroonSpecial. A Victory Vanities pre-celebration in MandelHall the day before the Illinois game, started off theHomecoming week end. The night before Thanksgiving,the Interfraternity Ball attracted several hundreds. Theusuai and inevitable jibing occurs when any particularstudent-man is caught paying any particular attentionto any particular student-woman, but that is College.Mean while, two subjects seem to dominate conver-sation and print. These are snobbery and philosophy.Occasionally, both happen at the same time. Non-club girls accused the club-girls of being snobbish. The latterdenied it. The former reafiirmed it. Result: nothing.Then the non-fraternity men, or those being rushed,accused fraternity men, club women, non-club women,and women in general of being snobbish. Now, no oneis longer serious, but we do know that we may expect torun on Scribes and Pharisees in every group. In addi-tion, one day the Phoenix appeared with an article byMr. Schwartz of the Department of Music. Mr. Schwartzaptly said something either grossly blasphemous ordivinely appropriate, so that those who agreed or dis-agreed took the path of least resistance and wrote longletters to the editor of the Maroon. The issue, this time,was neither Aristotle nor God, although the latter wasinvolved, but the dangers of perversions of ultimatebelief.On November 22nd, the thirteen clubs pledged 126freshman women, Sigma taking the quantity honorswith twenty-seven pledges. The average for each clubwas ten. The clubs, unlike the fraternities, are nolonger under the deferred rushing system, which hastended to increase the number of pledges. They battleit out the first quarter; initiations are in the winterquarter. It might follow that the fraternity systemwould be strengthened by the elimination of deferredrushing.The Daily Maroon carried on a campaign against thepoor lighting conditions prevailing in many of the University libraries. The College library, long a centre ofstorm, strife, and not enough books, was shown to bea good place to' stay away from if it should be necessaryto get any work done. Harper, large but clattery, wasa little better because one might move to another deskif disturbed too much. Now, new and bigger bulbs havebeen inserted in certain lamps, and other adjustmentsmade, but the Maroon stili thinks much can be done forimprovement.So it goes. Enough happens in a month's time toturn a gray-haired man's hair grayer, but it is just thirtydays here. What will evolve from it? A synthesis.A synthesis of the four years spent here, which will bemore than a "college education." It should be a never-equalled intellectual experience.Credos and symbolisms go through the mill here.They are given the acid-test of unbiased scrutiny andargumentation. The argumentation is abstract, uncol-ored by the concreteness which might come of experience.Not much chance that ten years hence the same individuals will hold the same ideas and ideals. Then theywill be ripened, if embittered, by experience. There isnot much leanness of statement here, for we are inclinedto verbosity — and why not? We create more loopholes,we create more opportunity for argumentation. And wewant to welcome no student here, saying, "We're alifriends here. What do you think of Aristotle? Don'tyou think knock-knock is a swell game?" We want tolet him find out for himself.24ATHLETICS•By JOHN P. HOWE, '27Scores of the MonthFootballChicago, 7; Purdue, 35Chicago, 7; Wisconsin, 6Chicago, 0; Ohio State, 44Chicago, 7; Indiana, 20Chicago, 7; Illinois, 18THERE it is. One victory against four defeats inthe Conference. Seventh place in the Big Ten,behind Northwestern, Minnesota, Ohio State, Pur- •due, Indiana and Illinois, and ahead of Iowa, Wisconsinand Michigan.Some such record was predictable earlier in the autumn,and therefore not too disturbing. The two games mostMaroon followers will remember are those against Wisconsin and Illinois. The former, a surprise to most ofthe forecasting gentry, was the bright spot of the season,and revealed the Maroons at their best. The latter wasdisappointing because Chicago appeared to have the edgein general strength and was defeated by the superiorsmartness and alertness of the Illini.The Badger contest, although it was played at Madisonin a steady downpour, was about the best of the seasonfrom the spectator's viewpoint. Both teams charged upand down the field repeatedly and the outcome was indoubt until the final minutes. The Maroons scored in thefirst four minutes. Bob Fitzgerald, shortly after thekickoff, intercepted a Wisconsin pass and raced it backto the Badger 45-yard line. The Maroons uncovered aseries of tricky plays from a spread formation which hadthe Madison team thoroughly baffled. Sollie Sherman,sophomore left half, who proved to be the best Maroonball-carrier of the season, was loose at once, behind goodblocking, for 22 yards at left end. Bucks by Duke Skoning, mixed with off -tackle slants by Sherman, gave theMaroons first down on Wisconsin's 10-yard stripe. Sherman, on a reverse off left tackle, reached the 4-yard line.Skoning poked over the touchdown on fourth down. AndBill Gillerlain, who didn't miss a try for extra point aliseason, place-kicked the point, which was eventually tomean victory.The Badgers opened up with passes, marched down thefield, and completed a pass in the Maroon end zone onlyto see the referee recali the play and pace off 15 yardspenalty for holding by a Wisconsin player. After aMaroon punt the Badgers drove again to Chicago 's 20-yard line before losing the ball. The Maroons bouncedback with a spectacular drive which started with runs of11 and 16 yards by Sherman. A center pass then wentover Sherman's shoulder, but he fielded the ball andconverted a potential 10-yard loss into a 46-yard gain bypassing to Skoning, who was downed on Wisconsin's7-yard line. The Maroons could make no headway atthat point, and Wisconsin's efforts were twice foiled be fore half -time when co-captain Sam Whiteside intercepted Wisconsin passes.The Badgers started fast in the second half and ad-vanced once to Chicago's 19-yard line and again to its26-yard stripe before being stopped. The Maroons, chieflythrough a 27-yard run by Sherman and a 1 7-yard passfrom Sherman to Goodstein, reached Wisconsin's 34-yardline before being checked. Wisconsin rebounded, and ona series of line plays, including a 51 yard run by Tom-merson, reached Chicago's 9-yard line, from where Bellinbroke loose for a touchdown. On Wisconsin's try forextra point Clarence Wright, Maroon guard, who hasreceived little enough credit for three seasons of steadyplay, broke through to block the kick; as it turned outthe feat was attributed to another Maroon lineman inthe press reports.Shortly thereafter Wisconsin had a fine chance to win.Lew Hamity, sophomore quarterback for the Maroons,after a 15-yard penalty on Chicago, faded back for a longpass, ancl dropped the ball on his 13-yard line, whereWisconsin recovered. Morton Goodstein, another sophomore back, who with Hamity, Whiteside and Gillerlainplayed a crack defensive game that day, promptly tosseda Wisconsin runner for a loss. Passes failed Wisconsinand Chicago took the ball on its 20-yard line. Theneiisued a 75 -yard Chicago march, chiefly through the middle of Wisconsin's line, which ended on Wisconsin's 5-yard mark shortly before the final gun when Shermanjust failed to make first down. Wisconsin had lost itsbest man, Jankowski, by in jury early in the game. TheMaroons lost Fitzgerald, their punter, soon after, butLawson, Antonie and Hamity averaged 40 yards on kicks.The Badgers finished the game with a slight edge infigures on ground gained and first downs made, butChicago had the higher score.In the season's final game, against Illinois (it was the41st game between Chicago and Illinois) the situationwas reversed: Chicago led in the statistics and Illinoiswon the game. Much of the first quarter was played inIllinois territory. The Maroons got there early on a 54-yard march in which Skoning, Omar Fareed and Hamityripped the Illini line for four successive first downs. Thisdrive was checked at the 21 -yard line by a pair of penal-ties on the Maroons. Illinois stiffened, and after severalpunt exchanges, Fitzgerald got off a short kick andNelson of Illinois booted a long one which put the ballon Chicago's 15-yard line. At this point Sollie Sherman,bottled up on an end sweep, tried a lateral pass (allegedto be impromptu) which went awry, Illinois recoveringon Chicago's 13-yard line. A pair of Illinois sophomores,Wardley and Castelo, who were poison to the Maroonsali afternoon, went into action. Wardley passed to Castelo, who was pushed out on the I-yard line. Two linesmashes failed but Wardley scored on a quarterbacksneak. The try for extra point failed. Before the halfwas out Illinois tried for a field goal and failed, after a2526 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpass interception by Illinois, and a ruling againstof the play in the third% period. Late in the quarter, after a long punt byFitzgerald and a shortone by Illinois, Chicagoagain put four firstdowns together on a 54-yard march, with Fareedand Skoning, slashingJohn Howe through the downstaters'Looks on writes line. This drive failed onthe Illini 3-yard line,early in the fourth period. But when Nelson steppedback into his end zone to punt, Lew Hamity racedthrough, blocked the kick and fell on the ball for a touchdown. The reliable Gillerlain place-kicked the extra pointand Chicago was ahead.But not for long. After an exchange of punts Illinoishad the ball on its 33-yard line. Wardley stepped backand heaved an enormous pass, good for 52 yards, to Cas-telo, who had outrun the Maroon secondary but wastripped on the 15-yard line. On the next play Wardleypassed again to Castelo to place the ball on the 3-yardmark, from where Henry ripped over for the winningscore.Chicago took the kick-off and advanced on a pair ofpasses to the 47-yard line. Spurgeon intercepted thenext toss and Illinois punted to Chicago's 25. Here Illinois staged a brilliant defensive exhibition, and pushedthe Maroons back 24 yards. Lehnhardt's punt from theend zone was partially blocked, going out on the 13-yardline. From that point Illinois scored in two plays, thegame was over and the Maroon spectators went sadlyhome.In the other three contests, against Purdue, Ohio Stateand Indiana, Chicago was clearly outclassed. The gameswith the two Hoosier teams, which have been coming tothe Midway for decades, closed out these long-standingrivalries, for neither Purdue or Indiana appears on theMaroon schedule for the next several years. This year'sChicago-Purdue game was the 42nd in a series thatbegan in 1892 ; the Maroon-Indiana match was the 26th.Against Purdue, the Maroons held the hard-runningBoilermaker backs without a first down in the first quarter, chiefly by virtue of a trick defense which had Goodstein crossing the line of scrimmage on the dead run asthe -ball was snapped, and by virtue of some fine puntingby Fitzgerald. A new Purdue quarterback solved that byrunning plays to the weak side, and by the fourth quarterPurdue had accumulated four touchdowns, two of themon beautifully executed laterals. Chicago scored, follow-ing a blocked Purdue punt, on a pass from sophomoreLew Hamity to sophomore Morton Goodstein, but Purdue countered with another tally.With only a gambler's chance against Ohio State, Chicago gambled heavily on passes and lost heavily. Two fearful and wonderful Buckeye throws in the eaily minutes of the game, from Dye to Antenucci, one for 40yards in the air and another for 48 yards, set up twoOhio scores. Five Maroon passes were intercepted.The story of the Indiana game was chiefly the storyof Vernon Huffman, great Hoosier back, who has beenthe Berwanger of the Big Ten this year. Huffman scoredtwice and did much of the work leading to the thirdIndiana touchdown. The Maroons scored in the finalminute when sophomore Bob Greenebaum recovered anIndiana fumble, and sophomore Lew Hamity tossed tosophomore Bob Meyer in the end-zone. Verily, there wasmore ioy in the Maroon stands over those 7 points thanthere was among the Hoosier over their 20.* * *Bob Fitzgerald, left end, a junior from Yankton, S. D.,was chosen captain of the 1937 team at the ChicagoAlumni Club's annual banquet for the team. Co-captainSam Whiteside was named the team's most valuableplayer. The Alumni Club voted its trophy for the bestblocker to fullback Warren Skoning; its trophy for thebest tackler to Omar Fareed ; and its trophy for the mostvaluable player who received the least recognition to Co-captain Prescott Jordan.Fitzgerald, who won a letter at right halfback lastyear, has been an especially aggressive and effectiveplayer this season, and the team's best punter. His presence on the Midway campus is directly attributable to abroken neck sustained by John McDonough twelve yearsago. McDonough, who is president of the Chicago AlumniClub this year, carne down from Yankton, South Dakota,in 1924, as a high school senior, to play in the Staggnational basketball interscholastic. Early in the tourna-ment he suffered a bad fall and sustained a fracturedneck vertebra. He was so well treated by University people during his long convalescence near the campus thathe decided to enroll ; eventually he became a Rhodesscholar. Fitzgerald became interested in the Universitythrough his contacts with McDonough at Yankton.Alumnus Fritz Crisler, whose Princeton team meetsthe Maroons at Stagg Field next season, was the prin-cipal speaker at the alumni dinner, which was attended by700. Vice-president Woodward conferred the awards on23 players who won major "C's," 9 who received OldEnglish monograms, and 22 freshmen who won "1940"numerals.Six sophomores, ali but one of them backfield men, areamong the 23 winners of major letters. They are MortonGoodstein, Lewis Hamity, Sollie Sherman, EdwardValorz and Robert Johnson, ali of Chicago, and HarveyLawson, of Ft. Madison, Iowa. Juniors honored areFred Lehnhardt of Chicago ; George Antonie of East Chicago, Ind. ; Bob Fitzgerald of Yankton, S. D. ; RendaliPetersen of Long Beach, Cai. ; and Omar Fareed of Glen-dale, Cai.The twelve seniors winning letters are Co-captain SamWhiteside and Harrnon Meigs, both of Evanston; Co-captain Prescott Jordan of LaGrange; Henry Kellogg,William Bosworth and William Gillerlain, ali of Chicago ; Cari Frick of Little Rock, Ark. ; Ned Bartlett ofGlendale, Cai. ; Earl Sappington of Lake City, Fla. ; Warren Skoning of Elgin, 111. ; Clarence Wright of Clinton,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27jowa, and Edward Thompson of Fullerton, Cai.Men getting their first football letters are, in additionto the six sophomores: Antonie, Bosworth, Frick, Kellogg* Petersen and Thompson. The award to Henry Kellogg, senior, was based on three years of faithful anduseful service with the scrubs. He had less than two minutes of Conference play this year. Kellogg has also beena hard-working but little-used member of the Maroonbasketball and tennis squads.Men winning Old English "C's" are James Cassels andRobert Meyer of Hinsdale ; Jack Fetman, Theodore Fink,Robert Greenebaum, Robert Sass and Jerome Sibesind ofChicago ; Henry Cutter of Elgin ; and Frank Wilkes ofGurdon, Ark.Fifteen of the 22 numerai winners are linemen. Onlysix of them are residents of Chicago. The Chicagoansare James Beardsley and Henry Grossman of Hyde ParkPligh ; Morrie Grinbarg of Marshall High ; James Lanninof Parker High; John Polayner of Harrison High; andWalter Schwiderski of Lindblom High. Winners fromthe suburbs are John Anderson and Theodore Howe ofEvanston ; Robert Brown of New Trier ; Richard Holmesof Lake Forest ; Louis Letts of Elmhurst ; Richard Reich-man of Highland Park; and George Kelley of Elgin.Numerai winners from out-of-town are Charles Bartonof Muncie, Ind. ; Russell Parsons and Harold Irwin ofDavenport, Iowa ; John Palmer of Deerfield, Mass. ;Harold Penne of Winner, S. D. ; Earl Pierce of BoxElder, Utah ; Allan Shackleton of Cresco, Iowa ; WilfordSwinney of Pittsburgh, Pa. ; and Richard Wilson ofSouth Bend, Ind.Parsons and Letts are younger brothers of formerMaroon athletes, Keith Parsons and Dale Letts.* * *Prospects for basketball are. not particularly bright.Just as the 1936 football team' had to adjust itself to theloss of Jay Berwanger so must the current basketballteam get along without its great star of the last threeyears, Bill Haarlow. Two other stalwarts from last year,Bill Lang (who was injured early last season) and Gordon Petersen, are gone, and two of the most promisingfreshmen prospects from last season failed to attaineligibility and have left the campus.This year's team apparently will be built around fivejuniors, ali of them lettermen from last year. Muchwill depend upon Paul Amundsen, 6 ft. 5 inch center,who appeared immature last year but seems to havegained poise. Starting guards will be Kendall Petersen,a tali, rugged football end, and Morris Rossin, whosecleverness offsets his lack of height. Forwards are likelyto be Bob Fitzgerald, who won a letter at guard lastyear, and Johnny Eggemeyer. Eggemeyer, an Indianaproduct, is by far the most dangerous shooter on thesquad.To offset reduction of scoring power caused by thegraduation of Haarlow, Coach Nelson Norgren hopesto build up the defensive strength of the team.Players who may be useful are Howard Durbin, another junior, a guard; big Russell Chambers, who willnot be eligible until Jan. 1, also a guard; Dave LeFevre,a reserve guard for the last two years; and severalsophomores, including Bob Cassels, John Mahoney andJack Mullins, forwards ; and Bob Meyer, center. 1936-1937BASKETBALL SCHEDULEAt HomeDee. 2 Wheaton CollegeDee. 12 Carroll CollegeDee. 19 Armour InstituteJan. 2 Notre Dame UniversityJan. 6 Marquette UniversityJan. 9 Indiana UniversityJan. 16 Northwestern UniversityJan. 18 University of MichiganJan. 30 DePaul UniversityFeb. 6 Loyola (Chicago)Feb. 13 University of IllinoisFeb. 20 Ohio State UniversityMar. 6 University of MinnesotaAwayDee. 5 Marquette University at MilwaukeeJan. 11 University of Minnesota at MinneapolisJan. 23 University of Illinois at UrbanaJan. 25 University of Michigan at Ann ArborFeb. 1 Ohio State University at ColumbusFeb. 8 Indiana University at BloomingtonFeb. 27 Northwestern University at EvanstonExperiments in Human Cooperation(Continued from Page 7)of American- Filipino cooperation is American Free-masonry, which, when confronted with the old Spanish-Philippine branch of the same universal order in thesame territory, took the truly masonic and, I may add,American, step in the direction of harmony and unity;so that today, the so-called masonic unification in thePhilippines constitutes a brilliant chapter in the historyof the order anywhere in the world.The story of American-Philippine venture in humancooperation is truly an epic that will some day be givendue recognition. This article does not pretend to do itjustice. The foregoing rambling thoughts written onboard a steamer while crossing the Atlantic, upon theirresistible demand of the Alumni Secretary, were in-spired by my visit to the International House located onthe campus of the University of Chicago. As I lookedat that majestic structure in the midst of Chicago's trulyelevating campus environment, I saw a vision of theunlimited possibilities in the hands of my own AlmaMater to extend her influence to the four corners ofthe world, perhaps by a more conscious effort to attractand select foreign students. I saw her also taking special interest in the great American experiment in thePhilippines, inspiring her sons and daughters in thatfrontier of human relations with counsel and courage.American civilization has too much at stake in the cultural destiny of the Philippines. The University of Chicago, exponent of the highest in that civilization cannot be indifferent to its fate in the Philippines, thefrontier of Americanism in the Pacific area. To her, ourAlma Mater, we continue to look for light and guid-ance!28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENews of the Quadrangles(Continued from Page 17)point out that "as couples become older they have fewchildren, even in the earlier years of married life."From unpublished data supplied by the Census Bureaufrom its 1930 figures, Stouffer and Spencer compute forthe first time the percentage married in the populationby age. This is as follows :Urban Urban Rural RuralAge Males Females Males Females15-19 1.3 10.2 2.2 15.520-24 25.8 47.1 31.2 58.825-29 59.3 70.9 64.5 80.430-34 74.9 78.6 78.0 86.635-39 80.1 79.2 82.5 87.540-44 81.6 77.4 82.9 860 of the subnormal rate during the depression, there is stila "deficit" of 171,000 divorces.Effects of the "marriage deficit" of the depressiciwhich need to be studied include the effect upon emotional life, upon sex mores, upon housing, and the inci*dence of venereal disease, the sociologists point out. Nqfigures are available on desertion, "the poor man'idivorce," or separation. They add: "It would seemreasonable to expect that there was some associationbetween the decline in marriages and the observed increase in illegitimacy."In CI osmgThe number and rate of divorces, which had shown aconsistent upward trend for forty years, reached an all-time high, up to that point, in 1929, when the figurewas 1.64 divorces per thousand of population. The percentage of ali marriages terminated by divorce was estimated at 21.8 by Rubinow for the period 1925-29. Thedivorce rate per thousand of population plummeted to alow of 1.28 in 1932, a figure which had not been touchedsirice the war year, 1918. There were 201,468 divorcesin 1929 and 160,338 in 1932.In 1935, the number of divorces in the United Stateswas 218,000, the sociologists estimate. This figure breaksali records. It is the highest number, the highest rateper 1,000 of population, the highest rate per 1,000 ofthe married population and the highest rate per 1,000marriages performed in the preceding ten years.Basing the figures for a "normal" divorce rate ondivorces granted for 1919-29, they estimate that because Maud Slye, associate professor of pathology, and member of the affiliated Otho S. A. Sprague Memorial Insti-tute, returned from abroad last month, reported that theUnited States is making as rapid progress in the waragainst cancer as is the whole of Europe. It was MissSlye's first prolonged absence from the campus in thirty-years ; she presented papers on her work relating hereditywith the incidence of cancer, and was honored at a,luncheon given her by leading French scientists. . . .Memorial servicesfor Lorado Taft, distinguished Chicagosculptor who died*October 30, were held in the University Chapel Nov. 15. . . . Dr. David J. Lmgle, who wasa member of the University's physiology faculty from1892 until his retirement in 1925, died Nov. 20 at RapidCity, Michigan. . . . President Roosevelt has named FloydW. Reeves, professor of education, chairman of a committee to study the need for an expanded program offederai aid for vocational education. . . . Resources ofthe University have been extended by President Hutchinsto Gov. Henry Horner in aid of the latter's programto make the schools of Illinois the best in the nation. . . .JIMMY TWOHIGJimmy Twohig, colorful old Irishman who tended theathletic fields at the University for more than a third ofa century died November 13at Billings hospital. He wasbelieved to be 86 years old ;this was not certain forJimmy "just couldn't remem-ber exactly."He was a friend of thou-sands of Maroon athletes- —going back tP when C-Menwere not synonomous withLaSalle Street and on downto the day of his death. Hisfame was linked with that ofAlonzo Stagg. He was pen-sioned two years ago, but vol-untarily continued his ministration to the playing fieldsand his counseling to "his byes," the Maroon players.He paid his last visit to the Bartlet locker rooms onlythree days before his passing.Jimmy was the most ardent of Maroon fans, and hisrich brogue has rung in the ears of Chicago players since1900. Because of his devotion, last year's issue of theChicago Alumni Club yearbook was dedicated to him.From County Cork, Ireland, in 1883 he carne toAmerica. The following year he went to work for theold University of Chicago, at 35th Street and CottageGrove avenue. After that institution closed in 1886 heworked as a coachman until hired by Stagg as athleticgrounds keeper for the new University in 1900.With Stagg as assistant, Twohig did most of the workhimself for ten years. Later he had a crew of assistants ;an indefatigable worker himself, he was a stern and some-times irascible taskmaster.Among his contributions to his art as groundsman-deluxe were the development of a special rake for groorn-in* tracks, and an apparatus for marking running lanes.He invented a ball hearing attachment to permit freeswinging of the throwing hammer.Even in death he will be remembered, for he neverforgot the C-sweatered men who walked to and fromBartlet Gymnasium each day. In his small will he lefta sum near three hundred dollars to be administered byDirector of Athletics T. Nelson Metcalf to needyMaroon athletes.NEWS OF THE CLASSESMASTERS1917"During the past year I shifted mywork to provide for a leave of absencefor one of our faculty," reportsCharles C. Root, AM, of State Teach-ers College at Buffalo, New York. "Iwas acting director of training incharge of the program of practiceteaching, and continued as head of theDepartment of Education, but lessenedthe amount of my teaching." The NewYork State Association of NormalSchool and Teachers College Facultieselected him president for the next two University, and supervisor of the socialstudies, Education Department, NewYork.1925Ranger College, Ranger, Texas, addedJohn N. Crawford, SM, to the teaching staff recently.1926A new addition to the George Washington University, Washington, D. C,is John F. Latimer, AM.1927Dorothy Seay, AM, this fall received an appointment from the BobJones College, Cleveland, Tennessee. 1931Ida M. Didier, SM, began her teaching duties at Marygrove College, Detroit, Michigan, with the opening of thefall term.Mary C. Kennedy, AM, joined thefaculty of the Mary C. Wheeler Schoolthe first of September. This school islocated in Providence, Rhode Island.Saunders MacLane, AM, and hiswife, Dorothy Marsh Jones, AM'27,have taken up their residence in Ithaca,New^ York, where Mr. MacLane isteaching at Cornell University.1932Harry M. Capps, SM, recently ac-cepted a position at the University ofLouisiana, Baton Rouge.LAW1905From Bartlett Frazier Company ofChicago comes the announcement thatJames M. Sheldon, '03, JD, who wasformerly in charge of their stock department, has returned to the organiza-tion in the same capacity.1909Charles P. Schwartz, '08, JD, an-nounces the removal of his offices to theField Building, 135 South LaSalleStreet, Chicago, and that he will be as-sociated as counsel for the firm of Bank& Pollard of New York, Washington,Chicago and Los Angeles, specializingin federai tax matters.1927Morton John Barnard, '26, JD,lawyer, is associated with his, brother,George Hugh Barnard, JD, in the practice of law under the firm name ofBarnard and Barnard at 10 South LaSalle Street, Chicago. As a memberof the Committee of Revision of theProbate Act of Illinois of the IllinoisState Bar Association, Morton Barnardredrafted the Wills Sections of the pro-posed Probate Act, which is expectedto be submitted to the next session ofthe Illinois Legislature.Martha McLendon, '26, JD, attor-ney-at-law, continues practicing at 1031Scarritt Building, Kansas City, Mo.Her hobbies include tennis, politics, at-tending Bar Association Conventionsand Democratic Conventions.1928Thomas R. Mulroy, '27, JD, is stiliwith Defrees, Bukingnam, Jones andHoffman, Chicago attorneys, with theiroffices located at 105 South LaSalleStreet. His oldest daughter, Dorothy,Grover C. Hawk, SM, moved toUniversity Park, Iowa, a few monthsago to take up his new duties at JohnFletcher College.1921 %"My principal avocation has beendoing graduate work in education, par-ticularly in the field of curriculum andmethods in elementary and secondarymathematics," writes Orlando E. A.Overn, AM. "This work has been donepartly at the University of Chicago andpartly at Teachers College, Columbia.I have just completed my work for thePhD at Teachers College. Prior to thesummer of 1927 I was professor of Education and Psychology at HuntingtonCollege, Huntington, Ind. Since September 1, 1927, I have taught Mathematics in Chicago high schools. SinceSeptember 1, 1933, I have taught Mathematics and Latin in the HamiltonBranch of the Lake View High Schoolon the North Side."I am now (February, 1936, to Feb-ruary, 1937) on a year's sabbatical leavefrom my position in Chicago; I spentthe spring semester at Columbia University, New York, and am spending thefall semester at the University of Wisconsin, where I pian to carry on someresearch work in my field of special-ization."1922From Maryville, Missouri, where sheis teaching English in Northwest Missouri State Teachers College, MattieM. Dykes, AM, writes that she expectsto be at the University of Chicago nextyear.1923William G. Kimmel, AM, hasjoined the Editorial Department of theJohn C. Winston Company of Phila-delphia, as associate editor. Mr. Kimmel was formerly editor of The SocialStudies magazine, associate in civic education of Teachers College, Columbia 1928Mildred H. McAfee, AM, vigorouslyaffirmed her belief in the permanent val-ues and fundamental ideals of a liberal} arts college when she was formally in-ducted into the office of president ofWellesley College, October 16, in anunpretentious ceremony in AlumnseHall.1929Raymond E. Fildes, AM, presidentof the Springfield Alumni Club, is onleave from his principalship in theSpringfield Schools and is taking graduate work at the University, living atInternational House, if the Student Directory is to be believed.Paul L. Hollister, SM, is workingfor his PhD at Peabody College, wherehe holds a teaching feliowship. Hisoutside interests are gardening, volley-ball, and tennis. He has been elected tomembership in Phi Delta Kappa.1930Since September, George Kernodle,AM, has been teaching at ClevelandCollege, Western Reserve University,Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Kernodle isPortia Baker, PhD'33.Until June 1, 1937, Irma NuquistLaase (Mrs. L. T.), AM, will be at1 Belle Vista Place, Iowa City, Iowa.After that time her address will beHastings College, Hastings, Nebraska.Mr. Laase is on leave this year working on a PhD in Speech.During the second semester of thisschool year Janet McDonald, AM, isgoing to Sweet Briar College to sub-stitute for Mrs. Raymond, who will beoh sabbatical leave. Miss MacDonaldhas taught at the Faulkner School inChicago, and for three years has beenan editorial assistant on the staff of thelournal of Modem History.Luther L. Mays, AM, is now wellestablished in his new position at theUniversity of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.2930 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbut better known as "Dee" is now twoyears old and his youngest, Joan, hasnow reached the age of six months.1929Cecil A. Caplow, JD, and HaroldL. Priess, '30, have moved their lawoffices to 10 North Clark Street, Chicago.1933Sanford B. Schulhofer, JD, hasopened offices for his law practice at1114 Guaranty Building, 6331 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, Calif.1936From Cambridge, Massachusettscomes a note from- Maurice J, Bame,'34, JD, now living at Hotel Coni-mander, 16 Garden Street. "I have recently returned from the InternationalConference on Social Work in Londonand from a visit to the League of RedCross Societies in Paris. I am now atHarvard Law School working on myLL.M., and engaged in legai researchfor the League of Red Cross Societieson legai aspects of the Red Cross in itsnational and international manifesta-tions."COLLEGE1897Burt Brown Barker, president ofthe Portland Alumni Club and vice-president of the University of Oregon,honored the Alumni Office with a visitwhile he and Mrs. Barker were in Chicago en route to Portland after somemonths in Europe.1899George Edward Congdon, retiredBaptist clergyman, is now engaged ingenealogical research for clients, a sub-ject in which he has been interestedsince 1888. Beginning his work on agenealogy of the Congdon family inthat year, he now knows the name ofnearly every American ancestor andcontinues to collect ali facts concern-ing them with photographs of homes,gravestones, and photostats of importantdocuments. He has delivered severallectures on "Surnames," "Climbing theFamily Tree," and "Puzzle Old andNew." His home for the last two yearshas been Orlando, Florida.1904Edith Wiles Bird is doing interiordecorating with the firm of Bird andKeister, located at 240 East 49th Street,New York City.W. W. Martin is professor of psy-chology at the Woman's College of theUniversity of North Carolina. He hasheld this position since September, 1922.1907"North Pacific," written by EdwardWeber Allen and recently publishedby the Professional and Technical Pressof New York, "represents not only fiveyears of night work on the part of theauthor, but also eighteen years of taking notes, fourteen trips to Alaska, eighteenyears' research work relative to fishingconditions in Alaska and the Orient, aswell as a sea voyage in which Mr. Aliencircumnavigated the North PacificRìm."Edward Alien practices law in Seattle, Wash., and has served as deputyprosecuting attorney of Pacific Countyas well as state assistant attorney general.He was president of the WashingtonState Bar Association in 1929 and 1930,is a trustee of the American JudicatureSociety, a member of the American LawInstitute, the American .Society of International Law, and the Seattle ArtMuseum Board. He' is married, andhas a daughter, Jane, at Smith, and ason, Tommy, in high school.Marion "W. Segner is teachingEnglish in Pasadena Junior College.Her home address is 425 North ElMolino Avenue, Pasadena, Calif.1908George F. Cassell, a former districtsuper intendent of schools, was recentlyelected assistant superintendent of theChicago Public School system, in chargeof high schools. After graduating, Mr.Cassel taught at the Lewis Institute andthen entered the public school systemin 1912, serving as principal of severalelementary and high schools. As district superintendent he served as liaisonofficer between the high schools and theassistant superintendent in charge ofhigh schools.1910Harlan O. (Pat) Page is at theCollege of Idaho at Caldwell as football coach and athletic director.1911The husband of Florence CatlinBrown, Commander Melville StuartBrown, who was the executive officerof the aircraft carrier Lexington, waskilled November 3 when his singleseater fighting piane cfashed in themountains near San Pedro, California.Matilda Fenberg, Aragon Hotel,Chicago, recently returned from a SouthPacific cruise, visiting Hawaii, Samoa,Fiji, New Zealand and Australia. Shegave a talk on her trip and experiencesat the Aragon Hotel shortly after herreturn.Charles Lee Sullivan, Jr., of Day-ton, Ohio, has been elected a director ofthe Gem City Building and Loan Association. He is president of the ThresherVarnish Company, past president of theY.M.C.A., and past chairman of theDayton Community Chest campaigns.His eldest daughter, Virginia Lee, entered Denison University this fall.1912Albert K. Epstein of Chicago, Consulting chemist and inventor, is vicepresident of the Emulsol Corporation.Erma M. Kellogg Stromquist(Mrs. Walter G.), housewife and writer, is living at 120 Cherokee DriveKnoxville, Tennessee. Her son "K" ^18 and Ann Elizabeth is 12.Placement coordinator at the Los Angeles Junior College, Victoria McAl-mon is president of the Women's Personnel Club of Los Angeles and chairman of the Legislation Committee ofBusiness and Professional Women'sClub for that district. Her hobbies arereading, politics, and riding.1913Zelma Karmsen now lives at 6954Greenview Avenue and teaches at theSemi High School, Chicago.1914Jay B. Allen is in the general in-surance business in Sioux Falls, SouthDakota, and deals with fire, casualtyand some life insurance. A memberof the City Planning Commission, hisavocation is supervising the BusinessOffice of Sioux Falls College.Sarah Reinwald Levinson reportsthat she is at present trying to stretchaccruments of her 1914 degree to meetthe "raised-eyebrow" look in her 'teenage family.Erling H. Lunde, 6708 OlympiaStreet, Chicago, is selling machines andtools for the Dean Machinery Companyand Central Tools, Inc., affiliated com-panies.In jocose vein, Lydia Lee Pearce(Mrs. James W.) writes that she is"teaching at Tilden Tech, mostly nonroutine subjects, such as public speak-ing, dramatics, and also taking chargeof one of the year books, assemblies,radio broadcasts, oratorical contests,debates, etc, ad lib. Luckily I havework where ideas are needed morethan Information. My memory neverdid retain important facts, dates, etc,and I carne under Dr. Judd's supervi-vision too late for good memory habitsto be formed. But he and Dr. Lymanboth thought I had possibilities of beinga teacher even though I didn't knowanything. My hobbies are my childrenand my house — again no routine as ourdoor is always open and we never knowwhether there will be two or twelve fora meal. Have spent a few weary mo-ments trying to balance a budget, butdon't know how. Please page MissBreckenridge. Will have a son, Lee,ready for the U of C next fall."Ethel Richardson is principal ofthe Bateman School of Chicago.1915Outside of her work as a socialworker in the Court of Domestic Relations, Mrs. Barnett Fogel is busywith her family, consisting of a husbandand two children — one at the U of C andthe other at Hyde Park High| School.She writes that her daughter, Evelyn,who entered the University this fall, isfinding the work extremely interesting.Mrs. Fogel is also taking graduate workat the University in the School ofSocial Service Administration.Alice M. Murray of 2970 SheridanTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31Road, Chicago, teaches botany at SennHigh School.1916Amelia M. Racy, teacher at the Sol-dan High School in St. Louis, Missouri,has been teaching in the St. Louis Public High Schools since she graduatecifrom the University, with the exceptionof one year.From Webster City, Iowa, Leon a E.Ruppel sends us the following detailsof her activities :"On December 18, 1919, I sailed forBombay, India, as a missionary of theWoman's Foreign Missionary Societyof the Methodist Episcopal Church andwas stationed in Bombay from February1, 1920, to February 15, 1925, andagain from February 10, 1928, to Aprii21, 1931. During those eight years Iwas in charge of both educational andevangelistic work. While in Bombaythe first term, I had the privilege ofmeeting and entertaining RaymondEwing, DB'21, AM'29, and Mrs. Ewing(Ruth Grtmes, '15, AM'21) en routeto Assam for missionary work. Whilein Bombay for my second term, I heardDr. Gilkey deliver, the Barrows lectures and had the privilege of entertaining Dr. and Mrs. Gilkey (GeraldineBrown, '11) at the Mission bungalow."I carne home from India in 1931 tocare for my aged mother and, inci-dentally, to profit by the skill of American doctors and hospitals. My motheris just now r ecover ing from a frac-tured hip sustained on Easter Sunday."At the present time I am enjoyingvery good health and when home re-sponsibilities are over, I expect to return to India for further missionarywork."1917Cora A. Anthony, 435 West 119thStreet, New York City, is with theGreat Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company in the general advertising department which has its headquarters inNew York. She is the director of theA. & P. Kitchen.G. R. Charlesworth is an account-ant with the Public Service Commis-sion, Charleston, West Virginia.Dunlap Cameron Clark, presidentof the American National Bank of Kala-mazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, was oneof the principal speakers at the annualconvention of the American BankersAssociation held in San Francisco September 21 to; 25. His subject was"Public Relations Inside and Outside theBank."From Rose Nath Desser (Mrs.A. L.), 222 South Plymouth Boulevard,Los Angeles, California, comes the following note: "Have kept busy raisingtwo sons, now ten and twelve years,whom I hope will attend Chicago. Mostof my leisure goes into club work. Iam serving as president this year of anational philanthropic organization, theUnited Order of True Sisters, withabout forty chapters throughout thecountry. Our chapter, Los Angeles 32, DELEGATE ELEVATOR MAINTENANCERESPONSIBILITY TO WESTINGHOUSEWestinghouse Elevator Maintenance Contracts carry advantages and savingsthat warrant your time for inquiry. While Westinghouse engineers completelyrelieve you of the care of elevators, their Constant watchfulness anticipatesimportant needs of the elevators amounting to large savings over a period ofyears. The equipment is kept in a renewed condition at ali times. Interruptedservice for replacement of parts or repairs is avoided. Accurate elevator maintenance budgets can be established, and the elevators will be operating at highefficiency, giving their best service continually. As a nation-wide organization,Westinghouse is completely set up to offer every type of elevator maintenancecontract and at low cost. Get in touch with any Westinghouse representative.WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC ELEVATOR COMPANYMerchandise Mart — Chicago Telephone Superior ISISDISTINCTION — PERFECTION — SATISFA CTI ONCampbell Eisele & Polichj LtdMerchant TailorsTelephone State 3863Willoughby Tower — 8 South Michigan Avenue — Fourth FloorFernand de Gueldre Hotel StevensWabaqh 0532Photographer toMary GardenLynn FontanneChaliapinAmelia EarhartVincent BendixStuart ChaseFrederick StockAs low as 3 for $9.50 Jane AddamsBLACKSTONEHALLanExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748 TelephoneBlackstone Ave. Plaza 3313Verna P. Werner, Director far EconoiSALES SERVICEJ. D. Levin '19 Pres.PASSENGER CARS - TRUCKSModem Service StationDREXEL CHEVROLET CO.4733 Cottage SroveDREXEL 312132 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESCHOOLSSAINT XAVIER COLLEGEFOR WOMEN4900 Cottage Grove AvenueCHICAGO, ILLINOISA Catholic College Conducted bythe SISTERS OF MERCYCourses lead to the B. A. and B. S.degrees. Music — ArtMacCormac School ofCommerceBusiness Administration and SecretarialTrainingDAY AND EVENING CLASSESAocredited by the National Association of Ac-credited Commercial Schools.1 170 E. 63rd St. H. P. 2130Intensive Stenographic CourseFOR COLLEGE MEN & WOMEN100 Words a Minute in 100 Days As- asured for one Fee. Enroll NOW. Day tCclasse» only— Begin Jan., Apr., July ,and Oct. Write or Phone Ran. 1575._18-S. MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO ^-IELIZABETH HULL SCHOOLForRETARDED CHILDRENBoarding and Day Pupils5046Greenwood Ave. TelephoneDrexel 1188LIBRARY SCHOOL209 S. State St., Chicago, III.Preparatory course for public Librarian.Practical book courses for positions inRental Libraries and book stores.Register Mon. to Fri. Il a. m. to 4 p. m.pilllllllllllllllllKlllllllllllllllllllllllli= South Shore Art School ssSS Clay Kelly, Director ^SSS A school of individuai instruction SSSS in drawìng, painting, and clay 5SSSS modeling. SSSE 1542 East 57th Street, Chicago, III. S=SS5 Telephone, Dorchester 4643 =^iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinriHThe Midway School6216 Kimbark Ave. Tel. Dorchester 3299Elementary Grades — High SchoolPreparation — KindergartenFrench, Music and ArtBUS SERVICEA School with Individuai Instruction andCultural Advantages contributes valuable service to thiscity."Among the faculty promotions announced at the opening of the collegeyear at Iowa State College was that ofBelle Lowe, AM'34, who has been amember of the Iowa State staff since1918 and an associate professor since1921. She was promoted to the rank offull professor in the Department ofFoods and Nutrition.1918Eloise B. Cram, secretary of theUniversity of Chicago Club of Washington, D. C, is engaged in researchin parasitic diseases. , Last spring shewas transfer red from U. S. Departmentof Agriculture to U. S. Public HealthService to take part in investigationsof two parasitic diseases of man —trichinosis and pinworm disease, and isin charge of the studies on the latter.Walter A. Frost, 520 Clark Avenue,Billings, Montana, is a general agentfor the Montana Life Insurance Company. His daughter is now four yearsold and his son celebrated his first birth-day some time ago.1919In June of this year, Corinne S.Eddy graduated from the University ofIllinois College of Medicine and is nowinterning at the Lutheran MemorialHospital, Chicago.1920From New York City comes wordthat Frances Ann Hungerford is educational director of "The Yard," a private school, also educational director ofthe Church School at Park! AvenuePresbyterian Church, and consultant fora public school parent group and a business associate of Educational Play-things, Inc. Home address: 16 East98th Street, New York City.1921Louise John retired from teaching in1933 after fifty-eight years of servicein the profession, thirty-seven of thesebeing spent in the high school at Galion,Ohio. Continuously for the last twentyyears she has served the Galion PublicLibrary Board of Trustees as secretaryand this year was elected to membershipon the Board of Education for a four-year term. Intensely interested instudying social problems, she is president of the Galion Public HealthLeague.John A. Logan announces a changein address from 809 National PressBuilding to 726 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C.1922Alger D. Goldfarb is president ofMetal and Glass Products Company,Chicago.Robert C. Matlock, Route No. 2,Owensboro, Kentucky, is chief chemistof the Ken-Rad Tube and Lamp Company and likes golf, shooting and gardening. Harry N. Omer is connected with theGreat Lakes Steel Corporation of NewYork City as a salesman.1923Ellis E. Beals, president of the LaPorte County Alumni Club, has leftMichigan City to accept a position inthe high school at Perù, Indiana.J. H. George, AM '25, is head of theDepartment of Astronomy and Geologyat Bay City Junior College, Bay City,Michigan. Many of his odd hours aredevoted to reading, study of invest-ments, and nature study.Myrtle G. Nelson is teaching at thejunior high school at Mishawaka, Indiana.1924Carl De F. Benson is manager ofa Ford agency at Apache, Oklahoma.Genevieve Cook, emeritus teacher ofthe Chicago Public Schools, is now living at 647 North Waller Avenue, Chicago.Lois J. Fisher has completed illus-trations for a Psychological Method ofPiano Learning, by Roberta W.Brown, '28. The book is for childrenof about six to seven and contains sim-ple musical scores to nursery rhymetunes with appropriate illustrations oneach page. It is to be sold in the uniquebookstore of Georgia Lingafelt, '22,at 126 E. Delaware, Chicago.1925Florence E. Gabriel is living at7621 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.She is principal of the Malvern Schoolin Shaker Heights.John F. Merriam, newly electedpresident of the Omaha Alumni Club,honored the Alumni Office with a caliwhile back in Chicago in early November to attend the wedding of his sister,Elizabeth Merriam, '32, to Orvis A.Schmidt.William J. Pringle, Jr., executiveof an advertising agency in Altadena,California, became the father of twins,a boy and a girl, September 24, 1936 —and $5,000 richer because of them.Pringle paid Lloyds $200 for an insur-ance policy taken out in March againstsuch an eventuality.John M. Stalnaker, AM'28, formerly with the Examiner's Office at theUniversity of Chicago, is now a researchassociate in Psychology at PrincetonUniversity and also research associatewith the College Examination Board.At Utah State Agricultural College,Logan, Elsie M. Troeger is director ofthe Commons and associate professor ofInstitutional Management.1926"After two years in the' Philippines,which tour included five months inAmoy, China, which is not a foreignizedcity even if there is an InternationalSettlement there," writes Helen Wood-ing Sihler (Mrs. Wm.), AM'27, "weturned home with pleasure. It is verynice to travel, to see new peoples andTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHIC AfG,0 :;M AG AZINE 33mstoms, but for one who is not a lm-o-iiist it is truly pleasant to return to aflace where I can talk to anyone andCervone. Even though Bill was or-Sered to Puget Sound Navy Yard, werame home through the Suez Canal andEurope, stopping at ali ports of cali onthe Dollar Line and spendmg ali tooshort a time in Europe, seeing as muchL we could." The Sihlers are at present living at 2308 Burwell Street, Brem-erton, Washington.A . .The Meridian Teachers Associationrecently reelected Maude Smith aspresident. She is teaching English inthe high school at Meridian, Mississippi.1927Alva Hudson Ellis, AM'31, is di-recting Elementary Education and issupervising the Elementary LaboratorySchool at Tuskegee Institute, Alabama."Molly Hughes Radford, MD'35,is in the Department of Physiology atthe University on an assistantship.For the past year John R. Russellhas been employed as chief of the Division of Cataloging at the NationalArchives in Washington.1928Norman Mackenzie Reid, AM'32,formerly of Montclair Academy, thisfall accepted a position at St. ThomasChoir School in New York City.Caroline Shrodes, AM'34, is nowliving in Mount Carroll, Illinois, whereshe is teaching at Frances ShimerJunior College.1930Gilbert Brighouse, SM'34, is at theUniversity of Illinois.Anne Hood Harken, 137 East 29thStreet, New York City, is associatedwith the Citizen's Charter CampaignCommittee as its research director.Harold L. Priess is practicing lawat 10 North Clark Street, Chicago.1931Frank Koranda, '31, SM'35, is nowwith the pharmaceutical laboratories ofArmour and Company, Chicago.Clarence W. W. Smith is withPeat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company,public accountants, Chicago.1932Paul F. Coe has an article in theOctober issue of School and Societyon "Education of Transients."Barbara M. Cook, 5836 Stony IslandAve., Chicago, was recently changedfrom traveling stylist for the ButterickCompany to stylist of the MerchandiseMart.Pearl K. Crouch is teaching ac-counting and business organization atAmundsen High School, Chicago.T. Leo Dodd expects to receive hismaster' s degree in education at the University of Illinois next year.Lloyd W. Germann is in the insur-ance department of Swift and Company.He and Mrs. Germann have a little girl,Cosette, born June 10, 1935.William Gist is a vocational adviser with the Cook County Bureau of Public Welfare.Ernest W. Moldt is assistant principal at the Roosevelt School, Cicero,111.1933Homer H. Dunlap, Jr., is presidentof the Dunlap Company, engaged inthe creosoting lumber business at Oklahoma City.Albion F. Hargrave> Jr., of 3126Eastwood Avenue, Chicago, is in theoffice of the vice president of the traf-fic department of the Illinois CentralRailroad, Central Station.Margaret E. Jorgenson, 1114 NorthLorel Avenue, Chicago, is teachingBiology and Physical Education.Dana J. Roberts is now associatedwith the Anaconda Steel and CopperCompany, Prospect Park, Illinois.Hubert G. Schmidt was appointedto a position this fall at the Universityof Minnesota.Lyle S. Turner is a salesman forthe W. A. SheafTer Pen Company, FortMadison, Iowa.After two years of teaching at theUniversity of Nebraska, Erik Wahl-gren has returned to the University ofChicago for a PhD in Germanie Philol-ogy and has been appointed to teachSwedish in the University beginningwith the winter quarter.Visitors to the Field Museum of Naturai History may find Velma D. Whip-ple in charge of a group touring theMuseum, as she is now a guide lecturerthere. She is a member of the department that takes care of ali tours, schooland public, through the Museum. Oh,yes, she is just as keenly interested asever in photography and Girl Scouts.Supervisor of elementary grades inVirginia, Minnesota, Edith B. Whit-ney goes in for nature study, getting itat first hand in the North Woods, interior decorating, skating and snow-shoeing, and also conduets Bible classesfor neighborhood groups.1934Laurel E. Carr, who has been a research chemist at Michael Reese Hospital, has accepted the position of headof the Chemistry Department of theIowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines.His home address is 1910 PleasantStreet.James Malone is connected withLever Brothers, Hammond, Ind.Alex H. Widiger, SM'36, is withthe Dow Chemical Company, Midland,Michigan.1935Gilderoy W. Buehrer has gone withHinckley & Schmidt of Chicago.John Danenhower is in the pur-chasing department of the Chicago Surface Lines.Milton D. Goldberg is vice-presi-dent of the Isgo Wall Paper Corporation, Chicago.Keith Hatter is with the department of standards of Swift and Company. "Insurance CareersforCollege GraduatesiTHIS booklet, published byThe Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, explains theadvantages life underwritingoffers to the college graduateat the present time. It coversthese topics:FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIESTHE COMPANY'S FIXEDCOMPENSATION PLANQUALIFICATIONSYou may obtain the bookletwith no obligation from:National CollegiatePersonnel BureauTHE PENN MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANYIndependence Square • PhiladelphiaNEWS-WEEKTUE ÌLLISTRYÌED Ah')\ S-M.-W VMM.KEEPS YOUTHOROUGHLY INFORMEDACCURATE . UNBIASEDTHE PERFECT BALANCEOF WORD & PICTUREYour whole life throughShorthand will be useful to you.LEARN GREGGThe World's Fastest Shorthand.THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY2500 Prairie Ave. Chicago34 THE UNIVERSITY OF' CHICAGO MAGAZINEGREUNE-MUELLERCOALIs of Highest Quality fromRespective Fields and isDUSTLESS TREATEDLet Us Prove This to YouGREUNE-MUELLER GOAL GO.7435 So. Union Ave.Ali Phones Vincennes 4000CLOISTER GARAGECHICAGO PETERSENMOTOR LIVERYA PERSONAL SERVICEof Refinement, Catering to theUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO•5650 LAKE PARK AVE.Phone MIDWAY 0949 Ralph V. Horning is supervisor ofMusic in the schools at Greene, Iowa.Frederick W. Smith of 10814 SouthHoyne Avenue, Chicago, reports thathis hobbies are home moving pictures,phonograph records, and radio.1936Ernest Dix is with the AmericanMaize Company, Chicago.Robert Ebert, one of the thirty-twoAmerican students honored by theRhodes Scholarship Committee with ascholarship to the University of Oxford, England, is studying physiologyat Magdalen College. -Elmore J. Frank is a statisticianwith Armour and Company.Adam T. Krol has accepted an appointment ,with the William J. Stangeand Company of Chicago.A letter from Ralph Nicholson con-veys the news that he is "now living inSchenectady, New York, working inthe publicity department of GeneralElectric — trying to make a living bywriting advertiserments and bulletins anddescriptive sheets for industriai devicesoffered by the company. And there isno dearth of such devices !"Gordon C. Petersen is a salesmanfor A. B. Dick and Company, Chicago.Léonard F. C. Reichle, now a pre-service fellow in public administrationat the University of Minnesota, is oneof the six fellows who will constitutethe first group of this kind tried in theUnited States. According to presentplans the group will spend the comingyear in academic public administrationwork toward the Master's degree. Thenduring the second year they will interne in some branch of the government, depending upon their particularfields of interest. Léonard plans to studythe newly opening field of governmentcorporations, such as T. V. A., the In-land Waterways Corp., and the seriesof so-called "alphabetical corporations."During the period of internship, it isplanned that they carry on a researchproject concerning the work they aredoing.SOCIAL SERVICEDuring the Autumn Quarter, DeanEdith Abbott has addressed the Kentucky, Iowa and Nebraska State Con-ferences of Social Work.The annual meeting of the IllinoisConference on Social Welfare was heldin October in Bloomington, Illinois.Harrison A. Dobbs, Associate Professor in the School of Social Service Administration, was President of the Conference, which was attended by MissAbbott, Miss Breckinridge andWilma Walker. Miss Dixon andMr. McMillen assisted with the studycourses which preceded the regular conference.The faculty of the School has beengreatly strengthened by the addition ofProfessor R. Clyde White, formerlyin charge of the Social Work curricu lum of the University of Indiana. Professor White is giving work in SocialInsurance during the autumn quarterand will give a course in Housing during the winter quarter.Another important course added tothe curriculum is the course in Intro-duction to Accounting given by Dr.Rufus Rorem, lecturer in the Schoolof Business, and Assistant Director ofthe Health Division of the RosenwaldFund. Dr. Rorem's wide experiencewith non-profit corporations is makinghis class a very interesting one.Grace A. Browning, AM'34, formerly of the staff of the Tulane Schoolof Social Work, is now Assistant Director of ithe Department of PublicWelfare in Oklahoma City.Other students who received the AMdegree at the August Convocation andtheir present positions include the fol-lowing: Dorothy Aldag (Mrs. Kenneth Hollister), case worker, EighthAvenue Day Nursery, Newark, N. J.;Walter Hart, Social Service Department, Psychopathic Hospital, Chicago;Hannah Hoff, Lutheran Bible Institute, Minneapolis; Marie W. Reese,case worker, United Charities, Chicago; James Lee Verity, Society forPrevention of Cruelty to Children,Rochester, N. Y.OUR FOREIGNCORRESPONDENTEleanor M. Burgess, '20, took timeout from the last lap of her round-the-world trip to pass on a few notes aboutthe Chicagoans she encountered whilein Czechoslovakia and Sweden.Marie Podzimkova, SM'24, is withthe State Institute of Health in Prague.Her address is Statni zdravotni ustav,Praha XII, Korunni Tr.Miroslava Kresinova, AM'28,teaches in the Commercial Academy,Prague X, Kralovska Tr. 71.Joseph P. Bartok, AM'17, is theMinister of the Methodist Church inPrague and Secretary of the Federa-tion of Protestant Churches in Czechoslovakia with 800,000 members. His address is Prague II, Jecna ul. 17.Jerry Kralicek, ex '25, is connectedwith the Consular Service of the UnitedStates in Prague.Joseph Schneider, a member of thefaculty of Charles University, will beremembered by many alumni of theSchool of Commerce as a professor atthe University of Chicago in 1924-25.Mrs. Arthur Gaeth (Martha Kralicek '25) was leaving Prague to returnto Salt Lake City, where her husbandis connected with the Mormon Church.Walter A. Léonard, a graduate student in politicai science from 1909 to1911, is the American Consul Generalin Stockholm, Sweden.Mrs. John H. Helmiet (Marcia Har-jis Janson, '09) resides at 106 Dram-mensvein, Oslo, Norway. She hastranslated several books from Norwe-gian into English.Albert Teachers' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau for menand women in ali kinda of teaching positlona.Large and alert College and State Teacher»' College departments for Doctora and Masters: fortyDer cent of our businesa. Critic and Grade Sup-ervisors for Normal Schoola placed every year Inlarge numbera; excellent opportunitiea. Specialteachers of Home Economics. Business Administration. Music, and Art. secure fine positions throughus every year. Private Schoola in ali parta of thecountry among our best patrons: good salaries. Wellprepared High School teachers wanted for city andsuburban High Schools. Special manager handleaGrade and Critic work. Send for folder today.HAIRREMOVEDFOREVER16 Years' ExperienceFree ConsultationLOTTIE A. METCALFEGraduate NurseELECTROLYSIS EXPERT .Multiple 20 platinum needles can beused.Permanent removal of Hair from Face,Eyebrows, Back of Neck or any partof Body; destroys 200 to 600 Hair Rootsper hour.Removal of Facial Veins, Moles andWarts.Member American Assn. Medicai Hydrologyand Physical Therapy$1.75 per Treatment for HairTelephone FRA 4885Suite 1705, Stevens Bldg.17 No. State St.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 35DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHY1904Charles H. Gray has accepted theappointment of Scholarship Director forTheta Delta Chi. For fifteen years Dr.Gray was professor of English at Tuft'sCollege. His teaching experience alsoincludes several years as assistant inEnglish at the Universities of Michigan,Chicago, and Kansas. A member of theModem Language Association of America, and the American Association ofUniversity Professors, Dr. Gray is alsothe author of several books, the bestknown being The Life and Works ofLodowick Carliell, Dr amatisi of theEarly Stuart Period.1910William C. Moore, Stamford, Conn.,research chemist with the Uniteci StatesIndustriai Alcohol Company, is the secretary of the newly formed WesternConnecticut Section of the AmericanChemical Society. He is interested ingenealogy, philately, motoring and Gilbert and Sullivan operettas.1923George Babcock Cressey, SM'21,head of the department of Geology andGeography in the University, of Syracuse and formerly teaching Geology inthe University of Shanghai, has a finelyillustrated article in the GeographicalReview of July, 1936, on Fenghsien, adistrict near the mouth of the YangtzeRiver, and an extended review in Science for October 2, 1936, of four newbooks on Geography.1925Floyd W. Reeves, AM'21, who spentthree years working for the TennesseeValley Authority, has returned to theUniversity of! Chicago to give coursesin Adult Education. He has been ab-sent from the campus during the autumnquarter studying adult education in NewYork State as a member of the staffof the Regents Inquiry into the Char-acter and Cost of Education in thatstate. Professor Reeves continues as aconsultami of the Tennessee Valley Authority and has also been employed bythe Presidente Committee on the Re-organization of the Executive Department of the Federai Government as oneof the investigating staff.1926Longtime head of the Greek Department at Bethany College, West Virginia, Frank Roy Gay, AM'18, hasin addition been chairman of the English Department for the last three years.Marguerite J. Mallon, SM'16, formerly at Purdue University, is now amember of the Home Economics Department at the University of California,Los Angeles. 1927Emil H. Koch joined the staff ofthe Shorewood High School, Milwaukee, Wis., this fall as an instructor ofGerman.1928Augustana College and TheologicalSeminary at Rock Island, Illinois, heldthe formai inauguration for its newpresident, Conrad Bergendorf, the firstday of October.Jennings B. Sanders, 94 Bluff ViewRoad, Knoxville, Terni., heads the History Department at the University ofTennessee.1929The Columbia University Press recently published the complete Englishtranslation of the "Institutio principisChristiani" of Erasmus under the titleThe Education of a Christian Prince,with an introduction on Erasmus andon ancient and medieval politicaithought by Lester K. Born.After a sabbatical year's leave of ab-sence spent on a feliowship at JohnsHopkins University, Joseph EldridgeMarkee, '25, has now returned to Stanford University Medicai School, wherehe holds an assistant professorship.1930Paul Frederick Cressey, teachingSociology in Wheaton College, Norton,Massachusetts, and formerly teacher inSwatow Academy, China, and urbansocial investigator in India for the Lay-men's Commission, published an articlein the American Journal of Sociologyon 'The Influence of Moving Pictureson Students in India," and one in SocialForces on "The Anglo-Indians, a Dis-organized Marginai Group."During part of the month of Augustof this year Blanche McAvoy had thegrand experience of camping at LakeLouise and also visiting Yellowstone andGlacier National Parks. Miss McAvoyteaches in the Biology Department ofIllinois State Normal University atNormal.Florence Edler de Roover, '20,AM'23, who is at present working onthe Selfridge Collection of Medici Man-uscripts at the Harvard BusinessSchool, plans to publish a second bookbased on the account- and letter-booksof one of the Medici, a certain Francesco di Giuliano, whose dates are ca.1445-1528. Mr. de Roover, an authority on the history of bookkeeping, isnow at the Harvard Business School.Carl J. Rautzenberg, preacher andwriter, may be addressed at 72 EssexStreet, Holyoke, Massachusetts.1931Wayne University, Detroit, Michigan,has had the services of Max Coral,SM'29, for the past four months.John S. Millis, '24, professor ofPhysics at Lawrence College, Appleton,Wisconsin, has been signally honoredby being appointed Dean of the College, PRINTSOf the Harper Doorway Frontis-pieceA Drawing by Clay KellyMay be obtained in Black andWhite Lithograph# 10x12 inchesat $1.00 or with Gray WaxedFinish Frame, I51/2XI8I/2 inchesat $3.00.•On Sale At TheUniversity of Chicago Book Store— Or-The Studio of the Àrtist,Clay Kelly, 1542 E. 57th St.BUSINESSDIRECTORYASBESTOSA UNIVERSITY FAVORITEK. & M.FEATHERWEIGHT85% MagnesiaUniform and light in weight. Moredead air cells. Better insulation.KEASBEY & MATTISON CO.205 W. Waclcer Drive Ran. 6951AWNINGSPhones Oakland 0690—0691—0692The Old ReliableHyde Park Awning Co.,INC.Awnings and Canopies for AH Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueBONDSP. H. Davis, 'II. H. I. Markham, 'Ex. '06R. W. Davis, '16 W. M. Giblin, '23F. B. Evans, 'IlPaul H. Davis & Co.MembersNew York Stock ExchangeChicago Stock Exchange10 So. La Salle St. Franklin 862236 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEBOOKSMEDICAI. BOOKSof AH PublishersThe Largest and Most Complete Stock andali New Books Received as soon as published. Come in and browse.SPEAKMAN'S(Chicago Medicai Book Co.)Congress and Honore StréetsOne Block from Rush Medicai CollegeCATERERJOSEPH H. BIGGSFine Caterlng in ali its branches50 East Huron StreetTel. Sup. 0900—0901Retail Deliverìes Daily and SundaysQuali fy and Service Since 1882CHEMICAL ENGINEERSAlbert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Harris, '2 1Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engìneers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6COALJAMES COAL CO.ESTABLISHED I888YARDS58th & Halsted Sts. Phone Normal 28008lst & Wallace Sts. Phone Radcliffe 8000COFFEE -TEALa Touraine Coffee Co.IMPORTERS AND ROASTERS OFLA TOURAINECOFFEE AND TEA209-13 MILWAUKEE AVE., CHICAGOat Lake and Canal Sts.Phone State I350Boston»— New York — Phlladelphia— SyracussELECTRIC SIGNSELECTRIC SIGNADVERTISING•FEDERAI. ELECTRIC COMPANYCLAUDE NEON FEDERAL CO.225 North Michigan Avenue•W. D. Krupke, '19Vice-president in Charge of Sales to take effect in January. His prede-cessor as Dean has been elected to thepresidency of the college.A former member of the faculty ofEarlham College, John M. Rife is nowa professor at Muskingum College, NewConcord, Ohio.1932Kenneth N. Campbell, '28, formerly research worker at the Universityof Illinois and instructor at Pennsylvania State College, has joined thechemistry staff at the University ofNotre Dame.1934William H. Gilbert, AM*30, is arecently appointed faculty member ofthe Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Au-burn, Ala.Wade H. Marshall is a NationalResearch Council Fellow in the Physiology Department at Johns Hopkins University for the current school year. During the summer session he was at Harvard. Mrs. Marshall (Louise Hanson),PhD'35, is a member of faculty of thePhysiology Department at Vassar College this year. Both are devotees tothe finer arts and joys of camping.The Iliff School of Theology at Denver, Colorado, recently appointed Martin Rist to its faculty.Ernest H. Runyon, '25, became affli iated with Agnes Scott College, De-catur, Georgia, at the beginning of theschool year. Formerly he had taughtat Wellesley College.G. C. Webber joined the Mathematicsstaff at Armour Institute this fall. From1934 to 1936 Webber was a NationalResearch Fellow at Brown Universityand the University of Pennsylvana, engaged in research work on the numbertheory and in teaching. Stamp collect-ing is his hobby, which he is resumingafter a lapse of several years. He ismarried and has a year-old son.1935Joseph Chenicek, '32, has resignedhis position with the Municipal Tuber-culosis Sanitarium to accept a positionin the Research Laboratories of theUniversal Oil Products Company.1936Edward C. O. Beatty, president ofthe DeKalb County Alumni Club anda member of the faculty of the Northern Illinois State Teachers College, vis-ited the Alumni Office in November tomake final plans for the DteKalb Community Forum, sponsored by the locaiAlumni Club on which five members ofthe University faculty will speak.Wayland D. Hand is a newly appointed instructor in German at the University of Minnesota.University of Chicago graduatesmake up quite a large percentage ofthe women who are in medicai researchin the National Institute of Health,United States Public Health Service inWashington, D. C, including Ida A.Bengtson, SM'13, PhD'19; Sara E. Branham, PhD'23, MD'34; Eloise BCram, '18; Mary E. Maver, '14'PhD'26; Margaret Pittman, SM'26PhD'29; Elizabeth Verder, '23'PhD'28.RUSH1883William Wesley Hall, MD, hasfigured rather prominently in Jeffersonand Hamilton county (Illinois) medicaicircles during the past score of yearsaccording to word from that area. Heis a member of the locai pension boardat McLeansboro, Illinois, and is nowlocai surgeon for the Louisville & Nashville Railroad.1884Carrying on actively in work of apublic health nature, John TullisLooney, MD, is county health superintendent in Tishomingo, Oklahoma,and physician for the Murray StateA & M College. He writes of his twosons who are doing well, one as a law-yer in Oklahoma City and the otheras superintendent of claims for the Continental Oil Company at Ponca City.1888Henry J. Defrees, MD, is the mayorof the town of Nappanee, Indiana, andalso health officer. For recreation hedoes a lot of walking over his farmi orgets out his hook and line and goesfishing.1890Clinton T. Cooke, MD, ophthalmol-ogist, has his offices at 610 S. W. AlderStreet, Portland, Oregon. He has writ-ten sundry papers on ophthalmologicsubjects. He is a member of the OregonAcademy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology, Pacific Coast Oto-Oph-thalmoligic and Western Opthalmo-logical Societies, and an honorary member of the Puget Sound Academy ofOphthalmology and Oto-Laryngology.1897Galesburg, Illinois, physician andsurgeon, William H. Maley, MD,states that his avocation and vocationare one and the same thing, that is"dose application to medicine and sur-gery, with work and then some morework. Have an especially large emer-gency surgery practice." Alderman ofthe City of Galesburg for twenty-fiveyears, he ran for nomination for Con-gressman of the Fifteenth District ofIllinois last Aprii and carne near tobeing nominateci. His son, Dr. WilliamT. Maley, SB and MD from Universityof Illinois, who recently married Marguerite Ingram, is now associated withhim.B. H. Schmidt, MD, has been re-tired from active practice since 1934,when he suffered from a severe caseof coronary thrombosis. He is livingat 2508 Harrison Manor H-l, Daven-port, Iowa. Formerly he has beenpresident of the County Medicai So-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 37ciety and president of the Mercy Hospital Medicai Board.1900Frederick F. Fowle, MD, is seniorphysician at the Hospital for MentalDiseases at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.Junius H. McHenry, MD, 630 FifthAvenue, New York City, is the surgeonfor the Brooklyn-Manhattan TransitCorporation and colonel of the M. O.r. C. and Evac. Hospital 18, A. E. F.John Walter Shafer, MD, in general practice in and around a countryvillage, Morocco, Indiana, for six yearsafter graduation in the horse and buggydays, has been at his present locationin Lafayette, Indiana, since 1906, wherehe continues practicing medicine andsurgery. On the lecturing staff of theHome Hospital Training School forNurses for twenty-five years, he hasbeen president of the County MedicaiSociety, councilman-at-large in Lafayette, is on the surgical staff of HomeHospital, and is a member of the Masonic order and the American Legion.He owns and supervises several farms,and goes in for golf and hunting.G. F. Zerzan, MD'00, of Holyrood,Kansas, has been health officer of Ells-worth County for ten years, has actedas vice-president of the Central KansasMedicai Society, and is ex-president ofKansas State Public Health Association.1901Willard Lathrop Burnap, MD, 224Lakeside, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, hasmade a specialty of Radiology as wellas Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. In-tensely interested in supervised recrea-tion for children, he presides over theRecreational Board, and is secretary ofthe Park Board of his city. At present councilor to the Minnesota StateMedicai Association, he has presidedover the sessions of the Northern Minnesota Medicai Society and MinnesotaState Medicai Association, in additionto being a delegate to A.M.A. Threeof his girls are graduates of the University of Minnesota, the fourth is nearlyready to enter."After graduating in 1901/' saysWilliam Edward Lamerton, MD, of1420 Indiali Drive, Enid, Oklahoma, "Ipracticed medicine in Newcastle,Wyoming, carne back to Chicago in1907 and took a post graduate courseand carne to Enid, Oklahoma, the firstday of its statehood. This is a wonderfulcountry and settled largely by peoplefrom the northern states. Our chiefmdustry at this point is wheat raisingand live stock, but our state is notedfor its oil production." Dr. Lamberton,who is a member of his state and countymedicai societies, specializes in internaimedicine and diagno si s. An activeMason (32°), Knight Templar, andShriner, he likes hunting and fishingand in the blank for his hobbies haswritten white face cattle. He is marriedand has two children ; his son, Park W.Lamerton, is an attorney in Enid andhis daughter, Mrs. Lucy E. Wall, is avoice teacher. George W. Potter, MD, writes fromRedfield, South Dakota. Superintendentof the County Board of Health, he ismarried and has two children.1903Leon Block, j00, MD, is attendingphysician of Michael Reese Hospitaland director of the Jewish People's Institute in Chicago. Leon is practicinginternai medicine and has contributeda number of medicai articles on gastro-enterology.Since 1912, Thomas ChenowethBaldwin, MD, Port Orchard, Washington, has been health officer of KitsapCounty. His favorite hobby and sportgo hand in hand at this time of the year— auto trips and hunting.1906George E. Goodrich, MD, practicessurgery in Phoenix, Arizona. His office is in the Professional Building,Room 910.Retired for disability from the Medicai Corps of the United States Army,Clinton L. Hoy, '00, MD, is making hishome with his three children at 490 38thAve., San Francisco.Ali of his children are now married,writes Alvin B. Snider, '02, MD.,from Blue Island, Illinois. Two of themhave stayed true to the Maroons andchosen their mates from the Midway;Silas Snider, MD'34, married HelenLamborn, '30, and Joyce Louise married William Heaton,, '33. Alvin isspecializing in industriai medicine.1917After a day of teaching, as associateclinical professor of Ophthalmology atthe University of Chicago, Louis Block,'15, MD, finds that a new Barbadoesthree penny stamp offers plenty of interest for a quiet evening at home. Yes,he is a1 philatelist. In addition to hiswork at the University, he is a memberof the staff of St. Luke's Hospital inChicago. He has contributed the eyesection to the Year Book of Eye, Ear,Nose, and Throat.In his spare time Leland L. Bull,'15, MD, practices target shooting asa hobby, and then when it becomesseason for big game hunting his favorite recreation is "off to the woods."Leland is practicing eye surgery inSeattle, at 1215 Fourth Avenue.Travel and golf round out the activ-ities of Berthold Stamps Kennedy,'15, MD, who is a surgeon in PortChester, New York.Hunting, fishing and tennis form therecreational interests of Ralph VerlLandis, MD, surgeon, of Appleton,Wisconsin. When the weather isn'tjust right for outside activities, he en-joys a little exploring into Civil Warand Dakota Indian history, his hobby.1918Joseph K. Calvin, '16, MD, lives at5801 Kimbark Avenue in Chicago. Heis a member of the staff of the Pediatriedivision of the Cook County Hospitaland of Michael Reese Hospital. He is FLOWERS^^.^^.«iA ^ CHICAGOWr Established 186SvJ^^ FLOWERSPhones : Plaza 6444, 64451364 East 53 rd StreetFUNERAL DIRECTORH. D. LUDLOWFUNERAL DIRECTORFine Chapel with New Pipe OrganSEDAN AMBULANCETel. Fairfax 28616110 Cottage Grove Ave.FURNITURE POLISH"Marvelous"NEVERUBPOLISHBrilllant, Lasting, Not OilyDNuf* with «quel waterNO RUBBINGCreai»FurnltureSold by: Fields, Davis Store, The Fair, andRetali Stores everywhere.GALLERIES ~~~O'BRIEN GALLERIESPaintings Expertly RestoredNew life brought to treasured can-vases. Our moderate prices will please.Estimates given without obligation.673 North MichiganSuperior 2270HOTELS"Famous for Food"Dancing and EntertainmentNightlyCircular CRYSTAL Barthe BREVOORT hotel120 W. Madison St. ChicagoLAUNDRIESMorgan Laundry Service, Inc.2330 Prairie Ave.Phone Calumet 7424Dormitory ServiceSUNSHINE LAUNDRYCOMPANYAH ServicesDry Cleaning2915 Cottage Grove Ave.Telephone Victory 51103S THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHEBEST LAUNDRY andCLEANING COMPANYALL LAUNDRY SERVICESAlsoZoric System of Cleaning- : - Odorless Quality Cleaning - : -Phone Oakland 1383LITHOGRAPHERL C. Mead '21. E. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph — Offset — Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182MEDICAI. EQUIPMENTCOMPLETE EQUIPMENTInstruments, Sundrles and FurnitureforPhysìcians, Dentìsts and HospitalsFrank S. Betz CompanyHammond, IndianaChicago Phone: Saginaw 4710MUSICRayner Dalheim &Co/AUSI CEN6RAVERS& PRINTER*of FRATERNITY, SORORITYand UNIVERSITYof CHICAGO SONG BOOKSNO 0RDERT00 LARGE 0RT00 SMALL - WRITE FOR PRI CES2054 W. UKE ST. PHONE SEELEY 4710PAINTSGEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishìng3123 PhoneLake Street Kedzie 3 1 86PHOTOGRAPHERMOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRÀITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chicago . . State 8750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIROOFINGGrove Roofing Co.(Gilliland)Old Roofs Repaired — New Roofs Put On25 Years at 6644 Cottage Grove Ave.Lowest Prices — Estfmates FreeFairfax 3206 also assistant professor of Pediatrics atthe University of Illinois. Joseph isnow vice-chairman of the Pediatricssection of the Illinois Medicai Society."Reading and travel are my favoriterecreations," writes Philip LutherHalenbeck, MD, from St. Cloud, Minnesota, where he is conducting a general practice.A microbe hunter — so Hugh Mac-Donald, '16, MD, 636 Church Street,Evanston, labels himself in a recent let-ter to us. Hugh is doing right well byhimself — four sons, five published con-tributions to medicai science, and agood following in internai medicinealong the North Shoi;e and Evanstonarea.1919Benjamin F. Gumbiner, '18, MD,has three sons — ali future Rush students, at least so he hopes. The young-est is now one and the oldest 13. Benjamin is practicing internai medicineand X-ray in Gary, Indiana.Harry J. Isaacs, '17, MD, is attend-ing physician (Medicine) at the CookCounty Hospital and associate attend-ing physician at Mount Sinai Hospitalin Chicago. He is living at 442 Mei-rose Ave.Golfing, hunting and fishing, plus alittle amateur photography help to filiin the spare moments for WillardDavid White, '15, MD, accordingtoour recent communication from him.He is stili quite active in Minneapolismedicai circles. Those in. the vicinitywill remember that he was secretary ofthe Minneapolis Surgical Society a fewyears back.1920George M. Curtis, MD, is professorof Surgery and chairman of the department of Research Surgery at OhioState University.George F. Hibbert, '18, MD, is anobstetrician and gynecologist in Chicago. His home address is 6224 NorthOakley Ave.Bernard Portis, '18, MD, PhD'23,is stili with us in Chicago and writesof his three youngsters, Jean Carol,Mary Ellen, and Bernard Jr., who aredoing well. Bernard is practicing surgery.1921Carl A. Dragstedt, '16, SM'17,PhD'23, MD, writes that his time ispretty well filled with his position asprofessor of Pharmacology at Northwestern University. CaiTs daughter isnow 15 and his son 11. The familyhome is at 118 South Chester St., ParkRidge, Illinois.Out-of-door sports, golfing and horse-back riding are the principal recreational attractions for Lester E. Gar-rison, '19, MD, who is living at 7346Phillips Avenue in Chicago. Lesterhas three children.Tennis is the favorite sport of Abraham Fae Lash, '19, MD, who is living at 3954 Pine Grove Ave. in Chicago. He is practicing obstetrics.As representative for the Rush Alumni Association to the AlumniCouncil, Edward J. Stieglitz, 'laSM'19, MD, 30 N. Michigan Blvd., Chi'cago, keeps in Constant touch with thework out here on the Midway and withthe West Side school. One of his latestcontributions to medicine is a mono-graph published last year on "AbnormalArterial Tension." His daughter, JeanAnn, is soon to be six years old.1922Dorothy Grey, '14, MD, is nowheading the Allegany County MedicaiSociety of New York. This is her séc-ond year as president of this organization. Her office is in Belfast, NewYork.Carl Gilbert Johnson, '20, MDhas a young daughter, Carlene Eleanor,according to our recent letter from himat his home, 2100 Eucalyptus Ave.,Long Beach, California. Carl wasmarried in 1934 to Rosalia Sodja. Heis practicing general surgery.Another philatelist is, Scott StonerJones, '20, MD, who is practicing obstetrics and gynecology in Tacoma,Washington. He is also a major in themedicai corps of the Washington National Guard.Ernest O. Larson, '20, MD, is amember of the staff of the South ShoreHospital in Chicago. His address is10550 Talman Ave.The open season for deer marks redletter days on the calendar for Kenneth Phillips, '23, MD'25, who ispracticing internai medicine at 168 S.E.First Street, Miami, Florida.1924A rather ardent fan in the big* leagueslast summer was Herbert F. Bins-wanger, '21, MD, 104 S. MichiganAve., Chicago, who finds baseball runsa dose second in interest to his practice in internai medicine.John H. Bowles, MD, who is nowcoroner for Delaware County, Indiana,will be accepted as a Fellow of theAmerican College of Surgeons thisyear. John was married last year toMary Kelsey— and if you would liketo extend best wishes, even at this latedate, they are at home at 621 East MainSt., Muncie, Indiana.Both Charlotte McCarthy, '21,MD, and her husband, Dr. Hugh W.Josephs, are carrying on their work inBaltimore, where Charlotte is practicinginternai medicine at 101 W. ReadStreet.1926Lucia Elizabeth Tower, '20, MD'26, Chicago physician, specializes inpsychoanalysis and psychiatry. Her office is located at 43 East Ohio St.Within ten years after his graduationfrom Rush, Walter H. Milbacher,'23, MD, has climbed to the top of theCopley Hospital staff in Aurora, IH.He is president of the staff for theyears 1935-1936. Two children, onethree and the other six, are helping toround out Walter's daily schedule.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO M1928John A. Larson, MD, is assistantdirector of the psychopathic clinic associated with the Recorder's Court inDetroit. John formerly was assistantstate criminologist of Illinois. He isauthor of Larson Single Finger PrintSystem, published by Appleton in 1932,and Lying and Its Detector, a University of Chicago press publication. Hisspecialty is Forensic Psychiatry.Ernest Starr Watson, MD, is practicing Pediatrics according to wordfrom him at Elmhurst, Illinois. Henow holds membership in the AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics.Maxwell J. Wolff, MD, is practicing dermatology at 727 W. 7th St, LosAngeles, and is stili unwed, accordingto the latest. Maxwell is a Fellow ofthe American Medicai Association.1929John R. Finkle, MD, has a generalpractice in Plainfield, Illinois.Four children now grace the home ofHayward W. Foy, MD, according toword from him at his home in FortWayne. He is engaged in a generalmedicine and surgery practice.Warren B. Matthews, MD, PhD'34, is associate professor of Pathologyat Emory University Medicai Schooland pathologist at the Grady Hospitalin Atlanta, Ga.Lemuel C. McGee, PhD'27, MD,specializes in internai medicine and hasbeen with the Golden Clinic of the DavisMemorial Hospital at Elkins, West Virginia, for the past two years.J. Norman O'Neill, MD, practicessurgery in Los Angeles, California, andis an instructor in surgery at the University of Southern California.J. Allen Wilson, MD, informs usthat his young son, John Alien Jr.,is just two years old. Ann Elizabeth,the other child, is now four. J. Alienis practicing internai medicine (par-ticularly gastro-enterology) at 350 St.Peter St, St Paul, Minn. He is pastpresident of Phi Chi at both Rush andthe University of Wisconsin.1932Reuben A. Benson, MD, has beenserving in the United States Navy as amedicai officer since 1931. He was onthe^U.S.S. Oklahoma for two years asassistant surgeon and then was associated with the naval hospital at Bremer-ton, Washington. He resigned from thehospital this fall to take over a privatepractice in the same city. Reuben hastwo children, one going on four andthe other a little better than six monthsold.Walter E. Gower is practicing general medicine and surgery in Pocahon-tas, Iowa.Bridge and photography are hobbies°f Frank Emmet Greer, MD, who ispracticing surgery in Chicago. He isajso a member of the staff of the LittleCompany of Mary Hospital.Fairfìeld, Washington, is where William Elbert Jones, MD, has establishedhls practice.Victor M. Leffingwell, MD, 357 West State Street, Sharon, Pennsylvania, does considerale pneumothoraxwork. He is the county health director.His favorite sports are archery andsailing.Lionel Sinclair Luton, MD, of St.Louis, Missouri, is a fellow of theAmerican College Physicians. A spe-cialist in internai medicine, he lives atKingshighway Hotel and has his officesat 508 North Grand Boulevard.1933One of Cleveland's physicians isMoses Hartman, MD, a member ofthe Cleveland Academy of Medicine.He lives at 10615 Pasadena Avenue andhas his office at 3216 Payne Avenue.James August Nelson, MD, is located in Howard, South Dakota, wherehe has his own practice. His seventeenyear old daughter, Emma, is a freshmanin college and his thirteen year old sonis in eighth grade. Dr. Nelson is keenlyinterested in mechanics.Donald Herbert Root, MD, writesfrom the home town of Noble SproatHeaney, Mendon, Illinois. He sends arather interesting note concerning theRush gynecologist He has learned froma number of Dr. Heaney's relativeswhom he has for patients that no physician attended the birth of the now fa-mous obstetrician. He also speaks ofthe heir to the Root name, now about ayear and a half old.Another Rush graduate located inSouth Dakota is Frederick John Voll-mer, MD, in the town of Harvard. Hispractice is general medicine and surgery.Married, he has two young children.ENGAGEDVirginia Krugman, '30, to ErnestA. Wegner.Betty Dale Cooke, '36, to WilliamWard Evans.Eleanor Hair, '36, to Willard Jay-cox Van Tassel. They are planning tobe married soon after the New Year.Janet D. Lewy, '36, to WilliamH. Bergman, '35.MARRIEDNinuzza Seymour, '16, to CharlesPollard Oliver, astronomer of theFlower Observatory, University ofPennsylvania, October 22, 1936, Washington, D. C.Florence Edler, '20, AM'23, PhD'30, to Raymond de Roover of Ant-werp, Belgium, May 4, 1936, London,England. Address: Whittier Hall 55,1200 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge,Mass.Lucia Elizabeth Tower, '20, MD'26, to Dr. Edward P. Troy of Chicago,January 26, 1936. Their residence address is 5817 Blackstone Ave., Chicago.Richard Jack Demeree, '24, toWilda Pauline Thurston, November26, 1936, Chicago ; at home, 7448 NorthHoyne Avenue, Chicago.Léonard H. Scane, '24, to MaxineBlount Bashelier, November 25, 1936,Chicago; at home, De Witt Hotel, 244East Pearson, Chicago.Adele Glover Langworthy, '25, toGeorge K. Schaeffer, November 21, AGAZINE 39RUGSAshjian Bros., ine.Orientai and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED2107E.71stSt. Phone Dor. 0009 SPORTI NG GOODSJ. B. Van Boskirlc & SonsSporting Goods"Van" of Bartlett Gym1411 East 60th StreetMidway 7521Complete Tennis EquipmentSquash & BadmintonTEACHER'S AGENCIESAMERICAN COLLESE BUREAU28 E. Jackson BoulevardChicagoA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college fìeld.It is affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers alithe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.THEHUGHES TEACHERS AGENCY25 E. JACKSON BLVD.Telephone Harrison 7793Chicago, III.Member National Associationof Teachers AgenciesWe Enjoy a Very Fine High School, NormalSchool, College and University PatronagePaul YatesjTates-Fisher Teachers' AgencjTEstablished 1906616 South Michigan Ave., ChicagoVENTILATINGThe Haines CompanyVentilating and Air ConditioningContractors1929-1937 West Lake St.Phones Seeley 2765-2766-2767X-RAY SUPPLIESX-RAY SUPPLIES& Accessories"At Your Service"Tel. Seeley 2550-51Geo. W. Brady & Co.809 So. Western Ave.40 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1936, Chicago. They are at present living at the Peer Manor Apartment Hotel, 6146 Kenwood Avenue, Chicago.Dorothy Mae Emsheimer, '29, toDr. James Flexner, '28, November25, 1936. Dr. Flexner is now on thestaff of the Post-Graduate Hospital ofNew York City.Margaret H. Gilbert, '32, to Robert Sutton Whitney, October 3, 1936,Bond Chapel; at home, 6007 Wood-lawn Avenue, Chicago.Elizabeth Merriam, '32, AM'35, toOrvis Adrian Schmidt, November 14,1936, Chicago. Mr. Schmidt and hisbride are at home at 1010 16th Street,N. W., Washington, D. C.Faith FitzGerald, AM'33, to JamesWoods Halley of Indiana Harbor, October 10, 1936, Oak Park; at home,5504 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago.J. Clay Madison, ex '33, to DaisyA.# Martin, August 18, 1936, at HighPoint, North Carolina, where they arenow making their home.Eleanor Betty Spivak, '33, to Morton John Barnard, '26, JD'27, August 16, 1936. At home, 5316 Dorchester Avenue, Chicago.Pearle F. Stone, ex '34, to ErnestRichard Wood, associate professor inthe department of educational psychol-ogy of New York University, fune 13,1936.Barton Hunter, AM'35, to DorothyDavis, June 12, 1936 ; they are now re-siding in Ligonier, Indiana, where Mr.Hunter is pastor of the First ChristianChurch.Wilma Woolf, to Julian R. Saly,'36, November 26, 1936, Chicago.BORNTo Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Miller(Olive Dobbyn, '22), a daughter,Mary Patricia, October 21, 1936, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.To Robert C. Matlock, '22, and Mrs.Matlock, a daughter, Elizabeth, July20, 1936, Owensboro, Kentucky.To Lemuel C. McGee, PhD, '27,MD'29, and Mrs. McGee, a daughter,Lenore,^ September 10, 1936, Elkins,West Virginia.To Eugene Macoy, '29, and Mrs.Macoy (Ruth V. Norman, '29), ason, Norman Hartwell, September 30,1936, Englewood, New Jersey.To Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Herberts(Grace Goslin, AM'31), their secondson, Warren Ray, August 14, 1936.To George T. Oborn, PhD^l, andMrs. Oborn, a son, Parker Thomas,June 26, 1936, Upland, Indiana.To Mr. and Robert H. Eads (Car-lene Rosboro '33), a daughter, RobertaHarriet, October 1, 1936, Milwaukee,Wisconsin.To A. M. Honeyman, PhD'34, andMrs. Honeyman, a son, Alexander Les-lie, May 27, 1936, Inverness, Scotland.DIEDArthur Crawley < Chute, DB'84,died at Wolfville, Nova Scotia, on Sep tember 30, 1936, at the age of 83. Heheld pastorates in Illinois, first at Stili-man Valley and later at Austin, from1884 to 1892, when he was called to theFirst Baptist Church of Halifax, NovaScotia. There he remained until 1901,when a theological department was established at Acadia with Dr. Chute asits dean and professor of Hebrew Language and Biblical Literature. Al-though he retired in 1922, he continuedto interest himself actively in the welfare of the institution.David Judson Lingle, '85, 73 yearsold, retired University of Chicago physi-ologist, died November " 20, at RapidCity, Michigan, where he had residedfrom the time of his retirement in 1925.Dr. Lingle began his teaching careerat Tulane University. After a briefstay there and at Beloit College, hecarne to the University as a member ofthe first faculty in 1892. His researchdealt mainly with the heart and circu-latory system.Thomas D. Cantrell, MD''88,Bloomington, Illinois, August 18. Formany years Dr. Cantrell had practicedin Bloomington, specializing in x-rayand radium.Henry J. Gahagan, MD'93, 68 yearsyears old, one of the nation's leadingpsychiatrists, died November 9 whilebeing taken to St. Joseph's hospital,after he had been injured by an automobile in front of the Mercyville Sani-tarium, near Aurora, 111. He had beensuperintendent of this Sanitarium since1918, a member of the psychopathicstaff of Cook County Hospital fortwenty years, and maintained his Chicago offices at 122 South MichiganAvenue.Ed win M. Griffi n, DB '93, at Eve-land Manor, Eden, New York, on October 26. A thorough scholar and con-structive preacher, he was an activepastor at Hillsdale, Michigan, Brock-port, New York, F't. Scott, Kansas, DesMoines, Iowa, Mayville, Illinois, andWilliams ville, New York, for thirty-three years and a patient, cheerful in-valid for ten years.Allen Ray Hickman, MD'94, September 21, Manhattan Beach, California. Dr. Hickman had practiced medicine in Illinois, Arizona, and California.He was at one time the locai healthofficer of Cochise County, Arizona, anda past master of the Masons.Bruce Kinney, DB'97, October 14,Cleveland, Ohio. Last May marked hisretirement from the work of the American Baptist Home iMissionary Societyat the age of seventy, after thirty-eightyears of continuous service in this Society and for fourteen years the generalsuperintendent of Indian Missions. Hewas a frequent contributor to religiouspublications.Ralph Waixeìr Hobbs, DB'97,clergyman, November 24, Delavan,Wisc. Successively he had served aspastor at the First Baptist Church of Superior, Wisc, Boone, Iowa, RogersPark (Chicago), Mankato, MintiArgo, N. D., Lansing, Mieli., and GraniiIsland, Nebraska. Illness this yearforced him to give up his work, so heand Mrs. Hobbs had settled at Dela-van, Wisc. Dr. Hobbs had served as amember of the Board of Examiners ofKalamazoo College, trustee of SiouxFalls (S.D.) College, chairman of theNebraska State Missions Departmentand the Baptist member of the NebraskaInterchurch Council, to mention only afew of many activities.Theodore Lee Neff, PhD'96, associate professor emeritus of French atthe University of Chicago, died at theBell Memorial Hospital, November 11,After doing his undergraduate work atDePauw, he was an instructor and associate professor of Modem Languagesthere. Later he transferred to thè University of Iowa. In 1896 he was appointed an assistant professor of Romance Languages at the University andcontinued his work here until his retirement in 1925.Hugh J. Polkey, '99, MD'03, 55years old, a Chicago physician fornearly thirty years, died November 14in his home at 6649 Parnell Avenueafter a brief illness. In recent yearshe had been an assistant clinical professor in surgery at Rush.Thomas Leland Baxter, MD'02,died after five days illness of meningitison March 7. He was one of the leadingphysicians and surgeons of Newark,^Ohio, having a general practice with anemphasis on obstetrics, and operated anextensive X-ray laboratory in his ownphysicians' building. He was on thestaff of Newark City Hospital andtaught obstetrics in the nurses trainingschool.Charlotte R. Dutton, '05, retiredteacher, November 19, Chicago. Formany years Miss Dutton had taught atthe Calumet High School in Chicago,and was active in the work ofthe League of Women Voters, theWomen's City Club, and the ChicagoCollege Club.Carl G. Lundquist, MD'18, of Le-ola, S. D., passed away on June 26, dueto an automobile accident which oc-curred June 20, when he was on hisway to see a patient. He was districtsecretary of the state medicai societyof the A. M. A., a Mason, and a member of the locai school board.Austin David Bates, MD'21, whohad specialized in the practice of internai medicine and diagnosis at Den-ton, Texas, since 1927, died July 18,Dallas. He was a fellow of the Ameri-ican Medicai Association, a member ofthe State Medicai Association of Texas,and of the Board of Director s of . Ki-wanis Club, as well as secretary of Den-ton County Medicai Society.Irl H. Dulebohn, AM'25, superintendent of the Bessemer TownshipSchool, Michigan, was drowned October 31.And I wisk youmany of tnem . . .i&^rrej© 1936, Liggett & Tobacco C:o